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1969-12-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
~-------- • • 'l'our Uonietowia DaQy Pa)ier . VO~. 62, NO. 301,: '4 SECTIONS, 61 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, DECEMB.Ell 25, 1-969· TEN .CENTS • . Thousands Ho·no·r -' ··Christ at Bethleheni . . . ... . . . . . . BETHLEHEM (UPI) -An estimated 10,000 pilgrims" and other visitors from all parts· of lhe world, including the United States, converged Thursday on the tiny Judean hilltop town of Bethlehem to 1:elebrate the birth or Jesus Christ about 2,000 years ago: [sraeli security forces k e p t watch throughout the day, on guard against pOssible vlolei;ice by Arab guerrillas who have warned that Christmas visitors are not immune to attack in Isreali-occupied Jordan. Only those ""'ith special permits issued .by the Israeli government were permit· ted to pass through roadblocks to takt. part in the Christmas Eve services in the to'ol.'n where the New Testament says the ------•MMM•MMMMMMMMMM•--MM~-~ I . . ! I Wl1at a Gilt! i I ! I Stork Subs for Santa • I I I mo~~~ :t;~k1:: 1:!~ ~;is~=u~~1:1:!t ~~:~1~~:ga~ ~=:~ta~~~Y N~~ I I p0n Beach for a Santa Ana coop\f!. I I , Mr. and Mrs. ri.1ichael Howell havP 3 I i 1 l Ir girl. born " bit early, but ! I healthy neverlhelw, al 12: 18 a.m. I I I Aides at the hospital said morn and babe. who dldii 't have a name yet, ! were ~oing iine. ~ I ·oa~ couldn't be reached by phone. I I "We sent hin1 h()J]lc lo bed," a nurse said -shortly after 1 a.m. I ;...•W•BlW••••--•••••••w••BlW•wwJ Judge Reluctant Manson Gets Permiss ion I ' To Be His Own Attorney LOS AN~ (UPI} -Hippie tribe leader Charles Manson . whose fonnaJ oducation endod al fililt grade in • ftfmn BCbool, will act as hi! own lawyer :..t his triaJ .for ·tne. sl.ay.iogs. ~ actress' s~ Tate and six other persons. Mamon,' 35, wearing a purple shirt ~.at•the front and hil hair down to his shaukMrs, was.granted his wisl1 to defend hln)ltV by SUperior CourWudg< William :s:xeme at 10e·m;1 or a Jtormy one-hour <'Glut bearillg Tuesday. "It'1 sad and tragic step but 1 find you have a full and comp1ete conception of the consequences of acting as your own 11t.tomey," Judge Keene said after he tried in vain to·persuade Manson to have professional attom<ys. "l have stood before judges and said, ye11, sir, yes sir, all my Hfe," r.1anson ~ii. "And all my life 1 have spent in jaiJ. l like you as a person. But this coort is trying to kill me. It is giving me ::tdvice wtth one hand arM;1 trying to put me in the ps chamber with the other." Keene finally granted Manson's request and gave mn until Jan. 14 to l:!tudy the .ttusati.OlUI' in the grand jury tramcripl . At that ~e he will enter a formal plea to the charges ol rnur.dering ::;even pmons in the Tate and La Bianca '1r:il1- lngs. li;eene ._,~ed. Manson if he h~d · ian· .e<lucatioo pailt hl•·llftl!'gl'llt!e ·=1C\100!ijlg: . ''"Yes, 1' lik1 pe(JP.J~ and I listen," Ma.nSon sakl. ' .. Have yoo had an opportunity lo study the law'!" "I've •lived wiOl k fer .21 years," Manson replied. •· 1 have considered the difference between innocence and 'guilt,'' he added. "And I have no guilt and that will sbO\V. That's all I have now." Until Manson's next court appearance he will be given offke facilities, a phone. typewriter and access to advice from lawyers as he prepares his case. In other developments in the case, one of the women arrested in the roondup or "Tht Manson Family" hippie cult in death valley was cleared of be.in& in· volved in the Tate murder case. Manson Minette, 23, had been held on suspiciofl of murder and also had been 1!harged wi~ .car theft in Independence Cal.if., after authorities raided lhl' Manson commune at· Goier, Wash. . . -. ------------------- Prince of Peace was ,bom ln a manger. It was . cOld but .clepr ,here, like the night the \vise men from the east and .shepherds from the nearby hllls followed ;a brilliant star to the stable to pay homage and present girts to the babe and its mothe r. The Israeli ·tourist office e!timated ·It y.·ould be the biggest Christmas in l~'s -Quiet . ' For Troops l1i Vietnam SAIGON (A P) -U,S. and South Viet· nainese forces resumed c~bat opera· lions across Sauth Vietnam Loriight after ;t 24-h<>ur Christinas cease-fire in which the U.S. Conunand 8aid there wen more lhan 50 enemy-initiated incidents. A three-day Viet Cong cease-fire con- tinued . It. expires at I a.m. Saigan time Saturday. The allies say Uiey are ig· noring it. The U.S. Command said about half of. the incidents were considered significant because they resulted in casualties' either to the allies or to the enemy. During the first 12 hours o( the allied troce. headquarters said, 43 enemy soldiers "'ere killed and 11 Vr"el'e cap· lured. Amerlcan casualties were tw_o wounded. South Vietnamese cuualtlet were six men killed and 15 wounded. ln several cases. it was the allies wt¥> actually f)red first on enemy troops·, although the 'U.S: C.Vromand said it still considered these enemy.µiitia~ ac~ •. A spokesman explainld: "I these c~ they were making the first move toward U! so we CWlsider Ulat a violaUon on their part even tbou&h we lired first" MoS o{ Ule actien took P!ace in tht. Dao Nang area. U.S. Marines clashed With the enemy ·four times Wedneaday night a few hours after the allied cease- fire began. They reported killing :13 enemy and said one Marine was wound· od. 1'o mark the holiday. U.S. helicopler1 wilh loodspea.kers normally used for pro- pagaOOa broedcasts played recorded Christmas carols in some areas. One listener, Spec. 5 stanley Y. Lew of Los Angeles said: "For a few brief moments, if only in my imagination, I felt it was home." Helicopters also took hot turkey dinner!'! lo soldiers in the field whil e others went to mess halls for dtnners chefs have plan· ned for months. Un~le Len's Christmas Card A Laurie Hanson, 9, of Cost.a Mesa , first designed lhb Christmas card for tbe exclusive use of her-••lf and ber brother, Mork, 6, Then she decided to enter it in Uncle Len's Christmas Ca rd Contest and look le&s utan five mlnut~ to write the verse. Though the DAI LY PJLOl' Art Deportment hos modified the design .somewhat for color reproduc- tion , the artwork and words are Laurie's. And ·they were a winning com bination. Laurie and her fami- ly can be seen collecting first prize -• royal visil l.o Disneyland -today on Page 18, .. • Betblebem !I.nee h:rael captured the: west bank Of Jordan 1n the 1167 war. Newsmen who visited B e th 1 e b em before lhat war sa'.ld the turnoul was gfeater -from 20,000 to ..;o,ooo -when Jordan held the wesl Hnk1 Bul the prewar throna:s inclucjed most of the 10,000 tsraeli Arab Christians who were allowed by Jordan to vtait the holy places ' ij..t t~ ~ and ,.1ot1 ..... lbe.-,... bo!ik only dur· ing rellgfuw: holidays, such as Christmas. The tbous:ands tJ Cbrlstiam lrom other Arab lands now are forbidden to come to Bethlehem for Chrli&ma1 by their governments. But the Director of Israeli toutist·se'rvices said about 20,000 visitors from other countrie3 had come for Christmas. Satata Arilvel Via 'Tasi-.:S(ef.fllt ' More •than 1.000 ' Israeli·~troops· and l)oiice ""~ oh guard in and a.round Bel.hlehem and ·Israeli heticopten·whlrled over the town periodically, drownin8 out religious muiic b·t a r f n g , frorb. loudspeakers erected on lam~ts in manger square. outside lhe cliurth of'tlw: nativity o,·er !he traditiona1 . site of tb9 stable. Childre '8CJJ\'ewp0rt:-Mesa Preschool crowd arouilil YeUo\v CeD Company Santa Claus Odis Reviea Tuesday as he passes·-out candy canes at· Ass embly of God Church in Costa Mesa, where classes meet. 'Mila wt Sihta Rell!~·· tlilt YNt dolli# the hon- ors. but company, which outfits one driwr every season, has ~ent one by four years in a row. Clemente A waits Nix.pn Wliite House West Puts Police on By BARBARA KREIBICH Of tllll,DlilY l'lllf lflff The San Clemente Ponce Department is ready to slip into its 119W-fami1iar Presidenli<tl visit 'routine as ·the 1Western \Vhite House is dusted off !or the . first · family's holiday visit. Chief Clifford Murray expects. lhb , Presideritial "worKing vacation" to be a little less coinplex than the lengthy August ·visit wtten it seemed that half of . ' Washlngton,. D.C •. descended ' upon the area. Houses have been rented for two top Nixon advisers wbJ wi ll accompany the President. Dr. Henry A. kissinier and . John D. Elvlichman, and other members of lhe Presidential er1tour1ge, including · doctors,; atcretams, · WhJte . Hoose, pr'eµ st.al£ and Secret Service men will be in- stalled at .the San· Clemente IM, laking oyer about 75. percent oC its rooms. A . First Family .Spends First Christmas in White House In between paoking lot tlieir Fri<lay visit to~ W~tern 'White ·Houae in ·San Clemente Pi~ldent and . M,rS. Richard Nixon and thcir family celebrated 'their fir.it Chiistrnas in the White House to- day. 1'he First Family celebrated their holiday in the private quarters of th e White Hause around a 10.foot. spruce be· decked with seritimental remembrances ol past Christmases. And white it was the Nixons' first Christmas tn the White House, it also was their fint holiday without the full fainily pre1ent. Dau;hter 'Julie and her hu!lband, Dav- id Eisenhower. Wt'l"e in Belgium to visit David'!' parenta, ·Ambwador and Mrs. Jotin D. Eiaenhow«. Preai'deat Nixon sat at the family pi. ano Otriatmu Eve to pla~' a few c.mls ONLY A' GIUNCfl WOULD DO THAT • DENVER (UPI) -Den•tt polke aald '9.'ednesday that OOnner. Blillen, Dasher, Da~. COmet. Vixen, Prancer, Rudolph and 15 other lwer-known reindter were rtolen on the eve of their yur]J vO)'age. Tbt ~r -p~tic variety -were lllloa -· tllo snow ~le Cleln<n. nd j · ''-·-~• and their dau•hler a om .1LW1 .wue ·" _, 'l'rlCia,:in .the siijglng. Tl\e Yulettdi! aong •. fest is a lotig.standing tradition for the N. ' 11005. . ' • Thei r warmly ~at.ed ,tree spark· led 'with time-worn· decorations dating back to tha ti,mc when, the NiX9f1 oaugh- ters were babies. 'there was an orna- ment for each , member o( the family . with each of their.names inscribed. , Girt giving. was kept priv ate. Mrs .. Nixon wanted a diamond necklace and . it wu likely.that she .tot one. The Pl:'e!i-' den~ on the other hand, probably fOUJ>d cuffUnlts and conaerviuJve ties under the --The 'farnil y planned 'dinner for 2 -p.m. ' today 1'ith tradi~al . tt1;key, cranbtr· rin and nlince pie, but ~ only guest . wu unable to m~e it, Mn, Mamie ii- &enhower. w1doW ,of the 1'\0 'p-eslden~ wa.5 asked tq d_i~1 but .~ded Instead '. t.O ply only a bJ1ef visit to1the; White . Houst!. · Silo returne<l lo <;ettyobura:11a .. 1o stay with her uncle. ,,le Nlxons ·will 1.rriv~ on the Orange Coosl al El Toro Marine Corpe Air Sia· tion al 3:30 p.m. Fridll)' . The public is welcome to gree~t h e Finit Family after Alr Force ~ tWch-"down. From the hue they win 111 by htliCO!>' t.er to thclr San Clemente manskM'I for a tll-dly 11ay, which wlll lnclodt>t<l<'Vlliol! viewing al the To11rnam"'t of _,, i nd drafUng of the Preiidellt's State or t h • Union ~fetl611ge . . ~ Busy Schedule presa·room also is being set up al the Inn . and the work 'of inalalling phones· is wen under way. As wual. an appropriate · si(il of v,:elcome will co up on ':he· Inn's marq~. and a delegation from the GhamJ>er -of Commerce wek:oming group,, The Dons, will,11)4lt?~ the .Presidential plaoe. Chief Murray puts his force on A: $• day work week when lhe President ia -in . town. and all leaves.are cancelled for U. di.iration of the visit. .. Usually y,·e schedule v a c a·t,l o,n,21'. between October and March to aVoid the , busy summer tourist.season," 38.YStMut- riy. "but we kqew Utis visit was conilni , so we didn't let anyone, put in for · Ulil .. period.'' • The Secret Service is enlirely responsi· ble·ror the President'~i-personal security •See SECURITY,-hp ·zr or .. ge ·, t ~ Wea titer lf the Ol'ange Coast's kids y.•ant to try out all tbo6e Christmas toys ou t or doors today t.hey·u have ' to race darkening clouds which might dampen' the area with show· ers by late aflenxKJI'!. The weather- man predicts thr. shoWers to last into the nl~ht and throuj:h Friday morning with temperatures in the 60s. 'INSIDE TODA\' "Be at ptaCC with God" aaid I a. mes.mge dated 1692 and found ; in. a. Ballittl(>re church. T I\ t DA ILY· PILOT ahare.r it-with its r reader& •. Sec Page 6. \ r-------··1 l.~!!;!J ChtO.lllJ UJ 1 --" CltnHi.1 .... -~ .. fl , ..... " Mtll iA Stnlol ,. ,.,.._ " _,.. ,. c • ....,. Cototr " hflll l•th1'1 n J Oll•lft '*lktt • Or. &'9llltllron ,, ldllofl ....... • ._., ... " E~f'U11flll'nlnt " T111¥.i~ " " - • ·~------------------~~--~-,~~~---~----~~~·~-----·-• ~~-ro-~-· ~~·-~·•---•-r -------·---------·..-·---~ .•. , :t DAILV PILOT Rock Fete Promoters Plan to Sue .. ;~AN LUIS OBISPO I AJ>) -Promoters of Mid-Wlnttr Pop Festival, Inc., frustra. tM in tlleir plans to hold a mammott. ·~appenl ng'' at the old Indian Cretk lb.nch lb.is weekend, say they will aue &tn LWs Obi:i:po C.OUnty for damagu. ~f. 1JJOkesman for Bill starns, coordiJt.. ator ol tbt three.day festival, said Wed- nisday" evening the Boa.rd of Supervisors ~kl be charged with ''Unwarranted in-- t811rence" for. its enactment of what fr.11Jval sponsors termed "<in imaginary ~nanc~ conceived out of personal faar." ~The Promoters. who had enlicipated as . mllny as 200,000 fans of pop music during tpe event Friday, Saturday and Sunday, ~1ent all the way .to the California Su· pi'eme Court.in their efforts to have the ~ergency county ordinance overturned oh consUtutional grounds. ·But the ·state's high court ruled against tbem Tut.sday and U>e festival was called off. Then in Superior Court here Wednes- day, Judge Richard Harris declined to il'.sUe an injunction a~inst the county, saying the promoters ' did ~ come into coort with clea'n hands." The judge said the festfval planner1 had failed to c6mply with eX1lt1ng COUDty ordinances befd'fe the emergency 1aW Was passed; namely, they lacked a b!J&!ne!S license. a permit to serve refteshrritnft· or approval oC temporary sanitary facil- 1tJes. Tf the concert were allowed, Hanill !aid, it "would be injurious to·the health. 5<1ftt.y and weifare of San Lfiil Obispo." 'T'he courtroom was jammed with pro- J>Onent.s of the fesµvaJ, some of whom carried balloons. At the eencluiion of the hearing, about 35 stood up and said, ''We Wish You a Merry Cbrlstm.as and a Hap. py New Year." Hartis smiled and retired to his cham· hers. Latu, fn rm Angeles; newsmen were Invited to an open hoyse at a Sunset Strip hotel. The invitations listed the hosts as the festival's "lnvl!stor1, organ-- iiers, workers, spirits, guides. groups, dogs and children. • · It was at this sessioo that the plans to seek recovery costs lJ'9ITl San Luia Ob~ po County were announced. The ~p had said ur.lier that it would appeal Jt.s contentJoft that the county's emergmcy ordinance is unconstitutional to the U .s. Supreme Court. St&rnes u id nearly $90,<d was spent b1 preliminary arrangements for th( In- dian Creek Ranch concert and SM.,rof'ex. pt-nded in contracts with entertainers. The emergency ordinance prohibit! gatherings of more than 5,800 per!OTI!! in unincorpcrated areas m the county for a 90-day period. Willie Sutton Out of Prison ATITCA. N.Y. IUPI). -Christmas came 24 hours early for Willie "The Ac· tor" Suton. He awoke in the prison which has been his h<>me for 17 years lo learn be would be free, and Christmas Eve v.•al ked out of jail v.•ilh the words: "It's a V.'Onderful sensation." .• "ft really happened and l couldn"t be- lieve it but there t am. it's a wonderful :;ensatiori." the bank robber and jailbreak artist said upon his release whi ch ended a 27-year jail term, the last 17 in Attlca State Prison. Suton. who reportedly was involved in $2 million worth of robberies a1 a daring rriminal, emergM weilr .and wrinkled - an ailing . 68-ycar-<1ld man. 'First thing 1 have to do is get an o~ f'.rat1on for hardening arteries. I ha,·e completely blocked arteries. I have the ei;surance that a \1ery good surgeon ts going to perform the operation," Sutton :wid. He added he wanted to \\Ti te a book 'rhtn he gets "'ell. DAILY PILOT ,,_,.,. leeclli "'"" ..... ..... &..t••• ..... ,. •• ~. • ... , CMte ..... O•-.NGE U)A,\f PUILISIOH$ COMPANY .. o\i11t N, w ..... Jttt11etr1t ..,. Jl'\lllltlllltr J1c\-l . Curltl' Voe• •rni. ... t ,..., CttM••I MIMljt<' Thorn•• IC1 1•1I Efltor lhtt'lllt• A. M111j1hift1 M''"""' l"flltr ....... C&tlt MMI: J.JO W"I l•V ?.trttl Nt •P8'1 9t•'"· :1111 Wl"ll 9•1tio. 6DultYI,., Lttll'lt IHCl'li J}t f'l>l'MI AYlfllllli l'lll"ll"tttll'I IMdll 111/J lt«ll '""'""'NI °"'LY "ILQl' .... 1"' -Ir.lo I• dMM* "'-NP11·Prtu. It ""b'l\lll:f cU!!y ••t~I SI/fl• ••Y lo\ MIN•tlt •llitm fw ~ •fft:ll, Nt""llOI'! lt •~ll. C•t• Mf'I•, Hurit"'9'fll •totcfl •ncl F-Uiln Vp!lel', ...... wl"' fWol mlfMI atl!'-"•· °"'"'' c .. " ""~11,11.,.. (Mi!Mlll1' orlnlllll IJl•ftb ... •I :nll W1'11 1 .. 11191 11\'d,, H.-i lt«f!, ,,.4 UI wn• •• , :.•·-'· Cfttf MMI. ,,.., •••• f7141 ,.2 ... ll1 Chali!W A41•.W.1 '41·1671 (fllyt""I, Ifft, Ot•• (N\! Jt\l&ti111"" """""'· .,. -tlW!ft, ll~tr1tlfolt. rti""'ltl "'Miff ., U ..... llM_,,,, "-rtM ""' "" ,.,...... •ll1'19Vt tflt< .. , ,.... ... ~ .... ot t°"7!.ltf'.!1 ~- ltotfftd t .. U ... Ifft ,.., II Nt-1 Bt K.11 .,.. ce.11 Mft.11, tallltmS.. MK••tifol 1'W' cfrrltr ,, ... ,,_lllll'I •r WMll $1.1111 'TOlihlll\.l'I l'ft!U!trl' Otttlrlttlot!t. 11.0. -"'''· DAILY P'ILOT lltll """" Food For Needy Via Santa Robert Grey Edgerton II, 2, Costa Mesa, hands can of food fur needy to Santa at Mesa Verde neighborhood home serving as bead~ qu-.µ1ers {or the sixtb·annual food drive in the area. P riscilla Grier· son, 18, Estancia High senior, stands with Robert, the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Edgerton of 3051 Capri Drive. Krishna Society to Seek • \ ~· , I Magazine Sale OK Again Representat.ives or the fnternat.ional Society for Krishna Consciownw will return to Laguna Beach Cily Council chambers Jan. 7 in a further aUempl to persuade councilmen to let them flf ll their magazine, Be.ck to Godhead, on the street& of the Art C.Olony. Their plea has twice been denied by 3 to 2 votes in the cooncil. with Roy Holm and Charlton Boyd in the minority. Tbe method of solicitation, the city rul- ed, "would not be in the best interest! of State's Fina11ce Director Agrees With His Boss SACRM-1ENTO (UP J)-Verne Orr. the new i:tate finance director, supports Gov. Ronald Reagan ''right down the line'' in opposing v.·ithholding or the slate incon1c lax and supporting 1J1ilio n at the state col\egrs and Univcr:;ity of California . "I'm a team me1nber," he said. Orr. 53. stale director of motor vehiclt~ since 1967 and director of general serv· ices for the pasl three v.•ceks. V.'as ap- pointed by Reagan to the tnp fiscal policy po.st in sta te government Christmas Evt. He replaced Caspar W. \Veinberger al the $35,000-a-year job crrecth'e Jan. 1. \\1einberger v.•i\I become chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. The promotion of Orr still left the ad- ministration with two vacancies in its top ranks. No successor has been named for business and transporlation secretary Gordon C. Luce wso resigned earlier. or for Orr. The new finance director told nev.'5· men he discussed lhe position hvice pre- \•iously V.'ith Reagan but hadn't actu ally been offered the job until Wednesday. ··He jusl calltd me up th is morning and asked me to take it," Orr ~aid. Orr. a personable former Pasadena Savings arnf Loan executive, described his personal fiscal philosophy as "mid· die of the roader with a leaning to the right." lie said, "I'm v.·!Ut the governor right down the line:" on opposition to manda· tory payroll withholding of the state In- ~ tu and that be favors formal es· . ta.blishment of tuition at the state col· legts and Ute Unlverslty or Callfornla. He sakl he agreed with what he dt.- scrlbed as a "grov.·ing tendenc,Y" for UC to concentrate on upper division a1~d gr1du1tet courses 11nd community col - leges to educate l°"•tr di\'i!~ion studtnts. A former trusttt of Scrl pp~ Collegt. Orr said. "I ha ve a real concern and th11t 11 with higher educatJon." He also Mild in respon~e IQ queS11cms lhll be btlievts the budget Rtagan wlll pro~ to the legislature next mont h would be only sflgbtly higher than th! current $8J billion budget Reagan has · 'ordered a hold·tbe-llne sptndlna: pro. gram. and V.'OUld be inimical to the safety of the inhabitants of the city." This. according to City Manager James D. \\7heaton, meant chiefly that their unusual appearance -shaved heads and flowing robes -along with chanting ai1d cymbal playing, 'could be regarded as a traffi c hazard. especially if the,Y walked the streets in groups. Now the group, ,_.hich maintains Laguna Beach quarters in an old house on \Voodland Dri\'e, has addressed a let- ter to the council pointing out that "out of 21 cities around the world, il is rather in· lcresling to point out that Laguna is the excepti on in ch~ing the negative stand." They not e I hat their magazine Is sold on the .'itreets around the world and "is as much a part of our religion as 'Y."atchtower' 1s to the Jehovah Wit· ne~:ws." The disc iples o( Krishna, says the let· ter. ar c •·v.·illi11g and eager to con1ply \l'iU1 1111 legal channels concerning 111agaz.lne sales on the business streets of our city ." It goes on to stale that selling rould be dcme silen tly, except for conversations v.·ith per50IU stopping lo inquire and "'ilhout simultaneous chanting or playing ini;trwnents. There now are only three members of the society in Laguna. v.Tites Durlabh Das Adhikary, and "we could not and \\'Ould not disrupt U1e flow of traffic on the sidewalks or streets." He further not.es that the city attorney confirmed at the council meeting that there is oo law agair.st selling religious magazines on the slteet and cites Slate Supr!me Court decisions regarding sales ol religious mailer. City tllanager Wheaton said TUe!day lhe Jetter from the Krishna group has be:en forv.'arded lo city attorney Jack J . JUme:I for • legal opinion on the t>Oints raised and will be on the council agenda J;i.n. 7. I.hough ilia not in the form of a new application. ''They 1Cem to have changed their method of .!OlicllaUon sub«tantlally," uJd \Vhuton. "If there no longer Is a ques- tion of a large group and tr they stand still and are quiet it might be con5idered less of a trafrlc hazard." nlC Krishna dt\"Otets e m ti h a !1 I z: e spiritual rather than mnttrl.!11 things. rnalntaln a strict \'Cgetari'1n diet and op- po.'5e Illicit sex and drui use. They rlaltn io ha ve turn(ld a number cf young Jl'rsons aY.'l.Y from drut;s and tov.'ard a more !Spiritual life since moving into !ht'.! La&una Canyon quarters. Al lhe la$L council session, rumel 1d· vlk'd the council it dkt not hR\'e the right to discriminate again.st a rtUg!oos group see.king !Ollcltlltlon rjgtlta, but could gl)l'clfy the kind, method and tlm• or solici ta tion. ~I POWs Gifts There· • Texqs Billionaire Happy With TrySo.li'aF · ~GROK, Thlallnd <AJ>l -Com. • poler mqj,ate IL Roos. Perot returned from Vientiane last Wednesday and said he WU saUsUed with b1s attempts \o Uy two plane load! of Christ.mas gilts to U.S. prisoners ol war In North Vietnam. Perot. 39, a billionaire froin Dallas, Tex., met with Ncrlh Vietnamese em· basy officialJ in Vientiane after an ad· vance party of. representatives arranged the appointment earlier in the day. Looking haggard after his round-trip fJight to the Laotian Yapital, Perot told newsmen his meeiing with the North Vietnamese was "candid and pro- ductive." "The North Vietnamese wall of suspl· cion about w: hu begun to mel t,·· he said. J{e added that he and members or hi5 organ.izatlon, "United We St.and.'' had established "other valuable contacts elsewhere." He did not elaborate. However, there were indicaUons ad· vilnoe men had been in Pnom Penh , the capital of Cambodia. meeting with North Vietnamese diplomats. Perot said he was wtWilling to disclo..;e the details or his meeting lest he 1e;>pardiu the outcome of h.is mission. A thlrd meeting was set for Christmas Dt1y or earl.Y Friday, he said. One ol two chartered jetliners liladcd Miil Chri5tm8' d1-rt, personal gills and medical supplies v.•as :teheduled to leave for Vlentl1.1le early Tbur&di)', following in 'attempt to ta-e off fQf LaDs \\'ednesday. Perot said lhe µJane was held up at Bang kok airport b~c,au1e or technicalities. He and several\alde4 flew to Vlentiaiie oh a ehartered Ugl)t airl!falt. He said be would fly abollnl the jetliner Thursday along wllh mort "than 30 aides, Red Cro5S nurses, clergymen and newsmen. Perot said it was unsafe to. tly the jetliner into Vientiane after dark because or "sporadic ground fire •long the runway," Patches of Oil Still Spotting Coast Shores N. Viets Refuse to See U.S. Womens' Delegation SANTA BARBARA. (APJ -PaU:hes of oil fmn a slick breaking up off the California coast continued to wash ashore Wednesday as State Atty. Geri. Thomas C. Lynch filed a br:ief with the U.S. Court of Appeals in an attempt to stop new drilling in the Santa Barbara Channel. The brief supports a suit flied by Santa Barbara County last October against Anny Dist. Engineer Robert J. Malley. 'Ille suit, denied by a Los Angeles federal court last Nov. 3. contends the Corps of Engineers violated its own regulations in granting new drilling pennits wrthoot public hearings. The Coast Guard. alter an aerial survey Wednesday, said there was oil in the surf line in areas bet.ween Carpinteria and Pitas PoinlS. A resident at Solimar Beach .said a heavy surf churned the incoming oil into mist and spray coated ocean front homes. The latest oil slick formed Dec. 18 11 f t e r Union Oil Co. stopped pumping operations fu-four day1 on drilling Plat· fonn A to repair a leaking pipeline. It Really Shows As Every Litter Bit Helps Tree PARIS {AP) -The North Vietnamese refused lo see a group of American women and children who had come to Paris on Christmas Day to seek news about their husbands and fathers who are missing or prii<)ners in Vietnam, Six French policemen barred entry to the street where the North Vietnamese office is located. A van filled with other police sat nearby. The police said they bad been told by the North Vietnamese that they would be willing to receive a delegation of three women tomorrow afternoon. But the chartered plane v.·hich brought 58 \vomen and 94 children to Paris this morning was scheduled to start the return trip this afternoon . \\'hen the group arrived in Paris this From Page 1 SECURITY •.. and the ~cwily of the grounds of the Western White House, Murray explained. His force is responsible for what goes on oul3ide the growxls -demonstrations for example. So far, he's had no requests for permill to parade or demonstrate during the cur· rent visit. Any time the Pr~ident is plaMing to leave the compound, the San Clemente police force is alerted, Murray :said. "The Secret Se rvice is in constant touch with us and we have a very close and smooth working relationship wltb Every litter bit helps, especially when them," the:c~~ ;Jtgect ... decorating a unique Christmas tree. ;'lf it has been publicly announced that 'lbe tree all decked out with painted the President ia leaving the compound for beer cans, chaim of metal pull lop can some reason , we can ei:pect spectators rings. empty cigarette packages and top-along his route and prepare accordingly. ped with a wine: bottle is located on But even if he's jU1t taking his wife out to Gilligan's Island in San Juan Capistrano. dinner \l'e usually are notified before he Gilligan 's l:!!land is the nickname given leaves, though in that case we keep it to the George HuM property on El quiet." Camino Real, so named by longtime Similar constant contact is maintained residents far its thlck shrubbery and with law enforcement agencies in other trees which surround an open area where areas, Murray said. two d\\·cllings sland. When the Prtsident and his staff are in On the one end of the property i1 the town. special "beat concentrations'' ar.e ruins of an adobe nearly u old as established for patrol cars to give e1tra Capistrano itself which has a romantic surveillance to the area around the com· legion attached to it about a girl named pound and tht places where important morning they held a news conference at the airport. One woman said that on the: flight from New York there was no singing of carols or gaiety. Mrs. Andrea Rander of Baltimore, Md., wife of S. Sgt. Donald Rander, a con- finned prisoner, responded to a new!' conference question as to why the V.'omen had come to Paris despite Nonh Viet· namese statements that questions could be asked by lelter and there was no need lo make a trip. She replied : "No matter what the channels are, I want to know about him." Mrs. Rander was ac· companied by a daughter, Lysa, 9, Mn. Margaret Fisher of Sebring, Fla .• wife of Air Force Capl. Kenneth Fisher, who \\'ent down over North Vietnam . said: "We are merely here to ask about the status of our husbands and ask about the status of the husbands of 1,400 ladies in the states \l·ho couldn't come." Johnsons ·s pend Yule Together JOHNSON CITY. Tex. IUP() Fonner President Lyndon B. Johnson, his wife. two daughters and sons-in-law will spend Christmas Day at home this year. It is the first time in seven Christmat- es Johnson wiii be away from the White: House. "This is probably going to be our be st Christmas because we are at our real home with our loved ones," Mrs. Johnson said Wednesday. Marine Maj. Charles Robb, husband or Lynda, and Patrick Nugent, husband of Luci, were both in Vietnam lasl Christmas. Mrs. Johnson said the family will spen~ Christmas morning opening presents and reading Christmas cards. "Its a good \vay to catch up with follal: at year end," she said . · No Appeal Due 011 Negro Burial Chola Martina. The tale tells of her love government officials are staying. for a notorioos bandit Juan F{ores in the Murray admi ts that the Preside ntiAl BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -Officials early 1800s for whom she killed a sheriff vi.sits place quite a strain on hi s small of Elmwood cemetery say they will not and for whom she waited unUI she died. department 'l'he city, in fact, is in the appeal a federal court ruling which pro- The adobe is nea rly gone but the area process ol seeking a grant of Federp.1 law hibit.s the facility from barrin1 the burial sum:itmding it ts pretty lively. Frequent enforcement fund s to finance expansion of Negroes there. parties gave the owner and his friends of the police department. with the ad· Elmwoocl President H. W. r-.1iller Jr. the idea for the unique holiday decora-dition of up to 10 office~ and extra com· said \Vednesday that atomeys advised tions. Wby &ive the emptits to the trae:h munlcations equipment to help it carry against an appeal of the ruling set do~'n can whtn they can continue giving the added load. Monday by U.S. Dist. Judge Seybourn pleasure. they reasoned. "Not that we're complaining,"' says Lynne. 1be wile me:n may have had myrrh, In· Murray. "We take great. pride in having The suit was filed by the family of Pvt. cense and gold ·tb honor the birth cf the \\'estc rn \Vhite House here and it \Villia1n Terry Jr., a Negro killed in Viet· Chriit The Gilligan Islanders have only make~ us fer! good to be able to do nam in July. rem'nants Of the trash can ao the trash ,;01ncthing for the President and his faini· Elmwood contended it could not grant \1'81 painted and the rings were strung ly, \Ve"(] just feel better about laking care the family a plot in lhe cemetery because: and GIUigan 's Island has Its O"Nl1 special of all these important people if ·we had a of clauses in cont ra cts with other plot tribute to Ouistmaa. little more help ," owners. r---------------~--~-~~M-~~M~~----~-~~JlllMJCPBM• I .JJ.J. (}arrell ~ I 15th SEMl·AMNUAL I I ! I FURNITURE CLEARANCE STARTS TOMOR·ROW I H~J.GARRETT fURNITU~E ;, I I . I PROFESSIOlllA~ 22 15 HARBOR Bl VO. l • INTER IOR OES IGN ERS COSTA MESA. CALIF. I ~ .,, .. M••· ........... ·-646.0275 I ·~~••••--••--~•••••••~w•••~•••••~~••••••••~~ , ( I I --., -,,..,.. ,,....,---~---,,---~~-----~---....... -----...-------------~- •t' ThutSdaY, O.c.embcr 2.5, 1969 DAILY PILOT $ ·Judge Honored-' Faces·-A:d justmelJf UC l"tvine Colle cts • Gardner Looks With Pride o n 22 Yea rs on C·o1inty Bench' 31 A wards ~ DAILY l"ILOT Sllff f'flo\1 PROUD OF COURT J uGgt Robert Gardner By TOM BARLEY Of tM DellJ ,.Ult Stiff ''My reacUon? I'm honored apd gratified that Gov. Reagan picked me far this key post and I certainly hope lhat I can live up to the confidence that has been placed in me." Thert's more to come, you know that, and you wait for it. And you're rewarded with one of Judge Robert Gardner's fam- ed penetrating look11, a twitch of the humorous mouth and the comment that was never very far away from the in· tcrview. "It's going to mean a painful period of readjustment," he mused. "I'm going to be away from the trial court and the criminal and juvenile processing that I look on-M'"~gutl!l of tht;_ trial court. lt won't be easy but It's got tO be done." Those who know Judge Gardner know full well that his elevaUon to the Fourth District Court of AppeaJs -m San Bernardino bl going to be far from easy. He was 'there on a "fill in" basis for four months lut sµnµner but he'd be the first to concede that One fad made his stay ori thal very sedentary bench at least tolerable -the fast that he·d be coming back to his beloved ' Orange County Superior Court. His fierce pride in the i;ourt he has graced for 22 years burned throughout the interview. He believes. and he has 1aid it to UUs writer several times, that Capo in Closed Session For City Hall Discussion San Juan Capistrano city councilmen were advised by city attorney Jotµi Daw:ion Monday to exclude the public when discussing matters i n v o I v I n g negotiations. The council accepted his advice and reserved a discussion of ways to finance the purchase of a permanent city ball site (er an executive session which they call- ed after the meeting. '"This kind of thing should not be in the press before terms are discussed," said Dawson. "It makes sense that if you want to make a pitch to a party con- cerning a piece of property yoo shouldn't u·u then\ via the press that you'll offer cme. 8UID but that it's not your final of- fer." Damm was referring ta 8.n offer made by the City Council to purchase B~ Athletic Field from the capbti'ano Unified School District for a city hall site if terms coold be agreed upon. The property was appraised at both St7S,cro and $183,000. But the school district decided to ask $300,000 fur the ap- proJirnately seven-acre site whidt they were not overly anxlous to sen. The council, at its last meeting, decided to off~ 10 percent above the average of the two estimates, but made Uie offer contingent upon the city's ability to finan· ce 8UCh 1 project. Paul Lew, city finance director, presented the council with a report on how the proposed money could be raised. Befort conunents could be made, the Pilot Logbook ci>uocil decided to call a secret session. Dawson claims U\at such secret discussion is legal under the Brown Act. He said that the legislation states that personnel matters and matters involving liUgat.ion are exempt from mandatory public airing. Since the city, as a last resort, could in· stigate cmdemnation ~ings against the school district's JrOPfrlY if it so wish· ed any discussion of ways of acquiring the site falls under the Brmvn Act, the at- torney claimed. He further advised the council to con- sider executive 8eBSion for any mattert concemh;lg financial negotiations ·or ae- tion.s that might in the end lead to .litiga~ lion, such as condemnation ~s. . ' Elks Off firing 200 Scholarships All area high school seniors and college students below the senior year may apply for scholarship prizes through the M06t Valuable Student CompetiUon, being sponsored nationally by the Elks Club. The contest offers 200 cash awards, ranging from $2,000 to $800. In addition, the Elks will award 295 college scholarships in the state of $600 each. Deadline for applicaUOns is Feb. 14, 1970. Applications for the scholarships are available at the Newport Harbor Elks L<>dge, 3456 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. Loyal Rooter Fights Bowl Di scomforts for Old SC By JUDY HURST Mo.st anyone would like to be in my shoes -size 61h in soft leather. I am the lucky owner of Rose Bowl tickets. That's what you would say. This is the fourth consecutive New Yeaf"s Day that J will be squeezed in among 100,000 screamin g spectators. "' " ~~ i It means that I sacrifice celebrating on New Year's ?Eve ••• I start yawning be(ore midnight and stop· my re- velry before I can even break my first resolution . Now don't get me wrong-I'm a USC.loyal Trojan. I've attended every hoi;ne game since I enrolled In 1962. It was then Uiat J was introduced to football. I've yelled Wilb the best of them. Nevertheless. with all this seU imposed spirit, t envy the television rooters. Comfortable, relaxed, over-indulged and sipping a cordial. They even have the instant replay. But every year,\(I must like punishment), lam squash· ed in my seat, throat sore, eyes stinlir11 and standing more often than not wa ving my sign-V for victory. Last year I thought I was done in by JOm.e bu£. I ha.d•lingering bron- chitis and didn 't want pneumonia. I desperately sought out a doctor to a3Sure my health would continue f« four hours on Jan. 1. After a Hkninute examination he patted me on the back (I hate lecherous doctors), nniled (sympathetically) and raised hl8 fin- gers for vjctory, He proclQned I waa heal4!'1. tor $10 he aald to -teep wann. Thirty six boors latf( I was stunninlly dreued and warm enough for the Orange Bowl. There I sat complacenUy In loafers, knee socks, a herring- bone skirt and sweater, a Chicago wooltn coat and leather gloves. ll was 85 degrees in the sun. Soon l was hy11terical. By halt time I was sick again. Peanuts' Olarlie Brown could only have known my misery. We loet. Each year friends beg~ plead and entice me for., my ticket. They never 11'1 lt. \ • ' Lltlle old ladies In Pasadena, walch out becall!e t'D. be roaring Ulrou.gh town 11galn. You won't be able to miss me In my cardinaJ and gold-' my "We Are SC" bt.itton on my shoulder, my banner and tr&!n of confetU. I'D be toting JD)' binoculars, transistor, picnic bMket and thennoti. There'• nothing In Ille -Id like being wllm the action 11. The noise ... excitement ••. smiles of the rookn. Ocx:asibllally I even forget that color television was over Invented. the Oranp County SUperiCM' Court bu no eqUll In the Stole oi C.Ulomla. "We'Ve been iucky In geWna healllly judges and we've been lucty In getUng judges who' were Ill hlgbJy quallfiecf. at· tomeya before they took the bench," he uld. "But evwybody on lhi& court bas work· ed .like hell at •a Ume when other areu were falling hopelesaly behind 1n,1en111 of brlnglnf their ._ In trial,'.' lie Mid. '"We have done what we Mve done with a limlled nwnber of· Judges and looking h:ck, especially at a time like.this, I can feel nothing but pride in our record." For that sam~ record, Judge Gardner· has served u its presiding judge for four of the 22 yeart that have ~lapsed since Gov. Earl Warren appointed the Newport Beach jurist. Hia years in the· court's criminal calendar department:andjt.s at- te'!'lant Yilll llalsori With the 'Orange County Grand Jury.exceed that number. At least one of Judge Gardner's fellow membeia ol the county bench lioes alqng with the new associate justice's sum- mation of the achievements of the court .. . over. Z3 . nan with ooe , proViso -thot much ol the c:nodlt 1... Its proweu bdonp to Judge Gardner bfmlell, "Thal guy Is a powerlloole and the great.est single factor in this court'• suc- cea,., story/' the judge commented. "It isn't just a cue of how much we're going . to miss him but who we can find ·who can halfway replace him." Jlldges, attorneys, clerks, a mulUtude df county personnel and -yes, newsmen -huddled over their coffee cups Friday afternoon to arrive at just one stipulaUotl _,the Orange County Superior Court just wor.'t be the same without what an con- cedi; ls lb most popular judge. Wlien Judge Gardner came back from his "busman's holiday" in San Bernardino he felt, by his own account, "like going over to the prlsonen' box in criminal court and shaking each occupant by the hand." 'I'blt was the measure of his rebel as he rtturned to 0 good old Department Five.,,. Thia time It's for good. He'll have his Corona del Mar .home to return to after a day 1n·-t he calls his "aPi>ellate court cubicle" but for Aao!>ciale JU1ti .. Robert GanlneT the thr<e-judge bench IA San Bemanllno II ~ he'll penilapenUy bang-nla robe.' ' · Perhaiii he bell eves In ·•haf. '\11n'lon Cpurcbill once aald: "We can Ollly go forward., Pleasures of the~t c_,,.oo- ly become tlfe past and we an ·must ·tene the ftiture. "·That's hiJ kind of _language. ~Good luck,.JusUce Gardnu. School Bur glar Gets Fire Extinguishers ·Three :IS-pound fire ertinguisherl have been stolen from Laguna'• Top ol the World School. PoW:e said Wedneoday the looa ll,•1>9oit $IN. The tlilef brolte glau door8'to tab the ertiiiguishen whlCb ..... strab!gkal· ly Joc:il<d on the oulllde ol the sd1ool bWidings. · · • Federat and private agencies hav, awarlfed ll .,..II, and COi!!'~ to Ull lrvlne during lhe ~ quarter ol ·fid 19611-70 to advance baaic koowledge and undenlllldln( In medldne, 1tleuce 11¥1 other fleldi;. • · ., The awardo, totaling $1,lll0,092 ~ provide lnstructiooal opportunit;> 10. students who assist in ~arch. -, The lhree 1arg .. t granls during thO period have gone to 1tie College of Med icine for regional medical programi.' Thes ) include $431,09% for 'stroke pr6: grams. 1284,801 for pediatri~ pulmoruttj. programs. , and $271,661 for regional' medical core support. They were award.; ed by the National lnslitute of Health fq!'- basic· medical care in the orange County· Long Beach region. · Also awanled during the period ~- 1130,000 by the Atomic Energy Cooi'. missi.>n to Professor F. S. Row~; .<hairman " the Department .. r Chemistry, for radi<><hemialry rtlal«I fd ' the use of UCl's new nuclear reactor. . . StartS.Tomorrowl All Stores 0Ren untll·9 PM . . .-+_,,,_ • Semi-Annual ' Store Wide The ONLY SALE where you have CHOfCE·OF THE HOUSE with every suit, every sport coat, every pair of slacks reduced.• The ONLY SALE with every famous clothing brand lncludedl PETROCELLI • EAGLE' • .. GGG . . TIMELY CLOTHES • CRICKETEER . DOMINIC D'BRUZZI ·RAMS HEAD . EVERY SUIT . REDUCED! ~lngl_, Breastede, l)ouble B~sted, Y~. ~uH~-N~.jl\YI~ ~ r~ Reg.'100&'115 Reg.'135to'160 $ $ $ $ \ .. SPORT COATS REDUCED! Slngle B-edo, Dollble llreuteda and Blazer Styles !leg. "9 lo $100 *44to•76 Save '38 on this super suit-buy! 2-PANTS SUITS $ Reg.t115 All Wool Worsted Sharkskin ~cept FairTrtde 119mt SAVE ON SLACKS Beft Loop, Tab-WUit and Top Pocket Models lleg'2&111to-.00 '17 .90 to *26.90 2/$34 2/$50 All Stom Open Sunday December 28th Noon to s.-oo pm ~ • OPIM A O~ODINI CHAllGI ·liiii .,.,.8"nkAmol1clrdor-Cflargo. To SUPER SAVINGS ON MEN'S SPORTSWEAR & FURNISHINGS $1 1 to $14CASUALSLACKS. 7 9n._11 89 Famous perma-preaabeHlcopllyle. • ilr"'Uo $8to$12.50SPORTSHIRTS.Long 3.911-• -and lhol1 s1-es. aasortad llyles. U""'"lwUill $8 to $14 KNIT SHIRTS. Popular 3.· 9n._11.a9 11yfes, best knowh flben. ilr"'U $1 2 UGKTWEIGHT JACKE'f'.S. Parma- pr08S poplin.or nylon wlndb-ra. · 7.99 SWEATER.SPECTACULAR Cardigans, pullovers, variety oflcnltl In Wools and Orlon acryllco. t10.90-f1H1• "f2.90 ...._.,_ DRUS llHlllT' IAYIHll Permanent pn1t11, white ond colors, epl98d collar or button down llylea. .. -i-.-'3.99 a '4.99 ...... __ '3.98 J/11.M 1/14.60 SS.$8.!50 BETTER NECKWEAA. Newest colors, pattema·& wldtha $8 PERMA..f>RESS PAJAMAS. a/1t.ll 2.49-3.49 5.98 Dacron po~r &cotton, belloolorL S8 F).ANNEL PAJAMAS. Cotton flannel,-. pe11e1n1, colon. 4.&9 • 1.08 $1.&o BANLONSOCI<& . Popularatretch variety 8/5. 75. $1 Bl STRETCH SOCKS. Orlon acrylic & nylon 6/8.29. UND I RWIAR IAVINGI Brlef1 reg. 3/a.75 TH Shina reg. 314.00 Athletlo Shina reg. a/4AO Youroholoe 3tor'3.111 SOUTH COAST PLAZA, Casta Mesa -AHAHEIM, Broadway-Anaheim Center -LAKEWOOD, l.aklnall l:eatlr I I ! .. " . • " , . . ' J .,, ., ... .,. , .. • . ' • • ·:1 I -~ .. -··~ ~ , ,, • . , . -< .... • , . . . " - ,• • .. , ' ,.· ' • . . ! • • \ • • • • J ' I r P•ul S•nn• and Ralph Jackson, operator5 ol the Bald Knob Slopes since it opened in 1958 said they have taken full-time jobs else- where because of a Jack of snow ln recent years in the southern \Vest Virginia area. The closing announcement of the Bald Knob Ski Slope in Beckley was follo1A·ed by an mch and a half of :;now. • • Harry Stephenson, 74. of Ne\V· port Pagnell. England, grev; tired of waiting for the lo\vn to clean his front walk. He began doing it himst?lf. The council approved and sent him a re~alion brush and trash can. Tfien Harry began lrimming the" grass and '"plantmg flowers. Finally, the counc_il put Harry on the payroll for 30 cents a week. • •• Christmas is a time for Jeast1 and 1.hi.s V1rtnam.esr. child gets into tht: spirit of the season bt,1 devouring a inack by llie si de of a11 arrificial Chris tmas tree iii Saigon. He became wide·tyed ot ll1e taste oJ the food - or was it his }1ngers? • Whal kind of a Christmas gift do you get the boss \\'ho has every- thing? \\·'est Virgi nia state etn· ployes of the executive branch of government bou ght \Vest Virginia Gov. Arch A. Moor• Jr. a tele\·i· &ion set "·ith three 14-inch screens 50 he can \\·atch three channels at one time. • "Sflnta Claus has lost his car,11 the Gary. Ind. Police Department alert said. A department store Santa \\"ho complained of car theft later was relieved to find that po- lice had to\ved it away from where iL was illegally parke<I . • Dolly Bffsley of !\Jarston En~ land. has lived in and operated the Three Horseshoes Bar since 1960 and finally has arranged to get a bath tub instalJed. "I "'ant to launch by bath oITicially, like they regulars to Y.1alch her take a cha1n- do ships." !ihe said. DoUy invited pagne bath -she \\1il1 \vear a bath- ing suit. They "'ill each pour a bot- tle of "bubbly" over her then re-- ceive a fr~ pint of beer \vhile Doll y takes " proper bath with 5oap and \\"aler. Denio Coalition Ope1is County Unit in Netvport The New Democratic Coalition fl()\\' ha.• an Orange County branch. v.·lth ht'ad· quarters in Newport Beach. Tis chairman b Fredrick Ruf of Newport Beach. 11le group Is parl of the. National Nc1' Democratic CoaJiUon, headed by sen. C'.eorge S. P..!cOovem (l).S.0.). and Sen. }!amid Hughes (0-tcm·a). ~1cGnvem al~ heads the national conuniltee for Democratic party reform. Operating excluaiv,\y 111 Or<inge Coun· ly. the Coalition pillls p.1rtlclpaUon In the 1970 primaries and tlttlion.<t, as well as akllng local and sOtJthem C31ifomia citizen groups in fll:htJng air and v.·ater pollutloo. AddiUon11l plans for the ntv.• group in- <'lude ulttblithins 1 downtown Santa Ana o(Oce and en:Jlrtlng citizen su pport In elections. '111< llddttas ol the coalition Is Box 87!, Balboa. C.IU. ---------------- ---~---- ' Vincent Top of Tea~her~s Class Fount.ain Valley Entliusiast Rebuildi11g Famed English Motorcycle By RUDI NIEDZIELSKJ 0. .. o-ltr """ ... ,. • A black tarpautln dt.g\11.sQ a rather strange appearing uaemblqe o f motorcycle. parts in tM crowded garage of George Hays, an industrial aria teacher at F<xmtaln Valley High School. Visible under one corner of the cover are port.ions of a masslvely·flnn~ altnninum engine. A front wheel. bearing &igns of numerous highway mJles, Is lucked under aoothtr corner. And Up on a Shelf.'gathering dust, is a majestic-look- ing gas tank. bearing an ornately·lettered decal spelling "Vincent." ~lost of the mot«cyclista of today who are plugging the street.a with their Hon- das -signs of the current acceptability -0f two.wheeled motor travel-simply v.·ooldn "t know what that meant. But just breathe the w-0n:I ''Vlncent" to a purist, the kind of person who dared io ride a motorcycle during the fifties , despite certain social ostracism, and hls mind will immediately mtjure up a \'isi-0n of a leather-clad limey, chin resting oo the gas tank, maneuvering a roaring bea.st with short. stubby handlebars, throogh a comer at SUCh a steep angle that his boot6ldes are acrap- ing on the pavement. That was the Vlncenl The fptest motorcycle anyone could buy. It was guaranteed. to go 125 ~es per hour ~&ht out of the showroom and became lmhu@d with more tales and legendS than the Broogh Superior which carried the famed T. E. Lawrence to his death. What would prompt a shy, taciturn, 41· year old shopteacher to acquire such a roadbumer as the Vincent, whose speed is almost directl y geared to the courage of the lhrottlehand? Without hesitation. Hays replied "I don't think there has been anything before U or since that would equal it aa a CAIL y r•LOT Steff '~"' • fastest stAndard motoreytle ever sold to the publk," Hay1 upllined, pointing out that its rited ~ hoteepowtt Is real, honest horsepower. Not pooles, but C1yde..5dales. "Even though the motorcycle 11 known for ita great speed, I don't ride it danguously. I'm 1 tow1n& rider, not a racer," he said. Someday, Hayi:' Vincent will be back on the rood 1galn. The......,. the betttr. "'Ibe Vincent is from another tra. I guess I mu~ be too. I just feel idenilfied and attached to it," he Aid, casiting a longing backward glance into his garage. 11teanwhile he does his touring on a Japanese motorcycle. It's reliable, parU are euy to get, and service is accessible. But evuy kid down the block 1eema to have one. • Ifs all right, but nothing like tl,e Vincent • .. Researchers Say Marijuana User 'Co11ventional' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The typical marijuana smoker in San Francisco is "reasonably convtnllonal" and not a Jong.haired rebel, according to two Lang I e y ·Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute researchers. They reported in a scientific jour- nal they belie\'e 13 percent of the city"s adu1ta (18 years old and up} have tried· pot ooe or more times. They estimated 3 peretnt have used UD. ------ Pre-school For Disabled Set in Mesa · A pre-&Chool for childn:n with leamlnc disabilities will be opened }an. U in Costa Mesa. It will be the lint ]ll'Hehool In th& coastal part ol the county ror younpttrs who are hyperactive, withdrawn or havt perceptual difficulty. The pre-school will · be for tho.!e children who will be able to go to re11.1lar kinderg arten, not for the more severely handicapped, Mrs. Roger Hertr.og, direc- tor of the school, said. She sald 20 children will be taught by a 'taff ol four Instructors, htodod by Pr. Raymond },foudy, principal for eiibt years or a school in Santa Ana for children with developmental problems. She said the small groups ol only (Ive children per instruct.or art essential ill helping the youngster>. Studcnl5 f0< the achool 'will be accepted on the basis of an interview with a par!ftt and the chikl. !he said. Perceptual dlf .. ficullies that could hamper learninC to read will be diagnosed by Dr. Moudy. Some common perceptual dlfficu!Ue.! are inability to tell dbtance and croa dominance between the right foot and left eye. The school staff will work on stimulating the bra in through performing exercises to correct these difficulties, J\frs. Hertzog said . The school will be I to 4 p.m. at 277 Monte Vista. Costa h1esa, the location ol \\'est Bay Pre-School mornings. Tuition "''ill be $50 a month for three days per week. road machine." · And Hayes ooght to know. 'Ille vintage Vincent. whose productk>n. WU dbcon- tinued in 1965, has "C,arrled him 5-0me 80,000 miles acro5S the United States, Mei:ico, Canada without a !ingle"failure. CYCLE PURIST HAYS POSES WITH FRIEND'S VI NCENT Industrial Arts Ttachtr is Overhauling Own Machine They said they intervie1'·ed 1,104 men and v.-omen in depth and came up with these coocl uslons: -Heavy drinkers and smokers are more likely to have smoked marijuana. l\fr's. Hertzog also direcla Mesa Verde Pre-School and Is p~sident of lhe Orange County Association for the Education of \' oung Children. It is now disassembltd in the garage, while Hays is waiting for parts from an 1 obscure supplier in England, to be resur· rected again through its first overhaul. Hays, who is well known a1 a motorcy· cle joomalist to readen of a steadily ln· creasing number of enUlusiast publica· lions. has kept his hobby and his Vincent und~r covers so far. '"In the past I've tried lo keep things qulet. htotorcycles have always evoked images or Hells Angels roaring around. Since Honda came along with their "'good guy" image motorcycles became more acceptable. "The other day a high school ad- ministrator came by and congratulated me on my new magazine, and then l 01oughl maybe it V!'dS allright to talk about it," Hays smiled. The devotion to the Vincenl, shared by only a small number of enthusiasts around the nation who own them and who seem t-0 be in constant touch with one Pilot Plays Santa C,l,aus For Orange Coast Soldier One of the things Orange Coast GI Lar- ry Kaa \\.'anted most for Chri strpas was to send greetinp lo his famil y through his hometO'.\'TI newspaper, the DAILY PILOT. 11 isn·t often the DP gets to play Santa Claus so Larry got his wil'h, an 1d prom· inen1ly displayed in the "Personals" :sect.ion of the classified advertising ~ec· Lion. Kaa. currently stationed at l''ort Richardson. Alaska. on active duty \\'ilh the Army. wrote that he had been a resi· dent of Hunting1on Beach since early in 1963, that he attended t-.!arina High School and. later. graduated from llun· ti.ngton Beach High in 1966. Alter having been a reader of the DAT· LY PILOT for almost six years, Kaa v.TOte, "Needle55 to say, I misa; reading (the DAILY PILOT) very much ... " He said he wa~ going to ask his parents to send him the hometown newspaper and that he also had a favor to ask of the DAil.Y PILOT: put his greetings to his ram.ily jn tt.e paper somewhere. "If yoo coold do this for me sometin1e before Christmas you would, to :say the · l..d..ll -J~ 101· appt. . - ia l Merry Christmas .. and a A. ( -Very Happy t ~ c New Year . -f . - to tbt? greatest family Jn the c Ji6 -v.·orld -,.. ~ I love )"OU an. l ~h La1Ty l in Fort ltlchartl!lon, - ~d. 1\laska Tl . . • t rit"llJI'"" 1~ ,,. .......... -..... , DAILY PILOT'S GIFT TO GI Classifi ed 'Christmas Card' least, make my holiday a most happy one ." The greeting appeared. Desig11s of Capo Scl1ools Shown in San Fra1Jcisco _,_ Designs far l.wo new schools Jn t.he Capistrano Unified School District ha\'e been displayed in San Francisco as C"<- arnple.s of the most modern educational facilities ncrw being developed . Dana Hills High School and Del Obi~po Eiementary School both are designed to provide ultimate flexibility in teaching mclhod!!i, from cooperaU\'e teaching to individual in5iruction where ncede<i . Dana Hills, designed by architect William E. Blurock and Partners of Corona del f\1ar. i!i a tl'·o-level. single building, designed to lit the contours of its site on Street ol the Golden Lantern in Dana Point. Del Obispo, designed by archile<:ls Fle"•clling and Moody -0f Los Angele!\. \\•ill be located nex t to ~ferco F, For~l cr .Junior }figh School in San Jui\n Capistrano. The ntw high school, reg11rded a5 the mosL urgently netdtd facility In tlie district, hag been ranked 12th among ISO projects on the sta1e·1 current priority list. It is awaiting s.ale of state bonds for funding and . if voters approve 1n in- crease in the bond interest ceilin&" in Jwlf, It is expected that bids for c<>n· struction will be asked by January, 19?1. Despl!e their lnnovaU\·e dtslgn. I.ht M:hools are estimated to co.en no more than the state average for other ~hools, according to dl11rl cl administrators. Criteria for &p.1ct, coat and quality are cstabl/shtd under the &late school building progran1 . ( One cost-sa\'ing cle\·ice will be elimina· tion of kitchen faci lities in favor or a cen- tral food prtparatioo area from which studenl lunches will be transported to outlying schools. Lag1ma Rejects Damage Oain1 A ch1in1 that ~ tree too close to !ht! curb did $18 damage to the Cadillac fender of a Laguna Hills attornf'y has been denied thi~ \l."ttk "'ithout fanfare by Laguna Beach cooncilmen. Arthur J . \Vissmath, 8-C Via Castilla, was lea\'ing his parking place on Forest Avenue NO\". !% when the motion of his auto caused "four dillerenl abrasions, each above the other" on his right rear fender. \Vissmath pointed out that be had payrd hls nickel to park by the C\Jrb and maintalnf'd, "I made no faulty moves In the handling of my car. no negligence -0n my part.'' He malntain:r; that the: city has permit. led a large trtt to be so close to the curb that It is a haunt to C3dlllac fenden. "l take pride in the appearance of my car, and these abrasions art an eyesore lo me." The council referred the matter to the cily in.~urance carrier. another, never did spread to his wife. "We've been married for eight years now, and my wife has only been -0n a m-0torcycle t\l.ice. She likes horses. l prefer horses as peU, DIX as transporta· lion." "You know the Vincent still holds speed records that have never been broken. The Vincent Black Lightning, which was one of their models, "'as guaranteed to do 162 miles per hour. And that "'as in the fifties!" "Even today the Vincent is sUll the Harris & Frank SPORT COATS Reg. $45 to $55 39.90 Wide selection of styles, fabrics, p.tterns, colors. -While the majority of marijuana users seemed "reasonably conventional," the researchers agreed that there were indicators they were "non-traditional". r'or Instance, those who professed lack of religious affiliati on were much more like· ly to have tried marijuana. Pre-school Program Slated for Newport The Newport Beach Parks and Recrea- lion Department and several local parents are starting a p r e • s ch o o J children·s recreational program. The IQ.. \\1eek session begins Jan. 5, with clasSM n1eeting weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon at 38lh Street Park on the peninsula. -They said they did not find that the proportion of students using marijuana to be any higher than the non-studen~ in the 18-to-%4 barcket. However, this is because male non.students and female students have higher percentages. More information on the program tnay be obLJJined by calling Ted Win8ton, 173- :1180. or lo.1rs. L. B. Murphy Jr .• 67H809. OPEN FRI. TILL 9 P.M. • SAT. 10-6 •, l ! MEN 'S CLOTHIN G Only TWICE YEARLY does Harris & Frank hold a Sale of this magnitude! Famous Brand Suits ••• Sport Coats ••• and Slacks featured at incredible savings! $85 to $95 FASHI ON SUITS 69 .90 All·WOOI Fabrics, Dacron & Wools, etc. Practically every Style, Pattern & Color! $115 to $135 Famous Brand QUALITY SUITS Included are 1 and 2 Trouser styles 99.90 Superbly tailored suits of the finest im· ported and domestic fabrics. A great selec· t lon of styles and colors. FAMOUS BRAND SUITS 119 90 R11. $150 & $155 Use Your Ope1>Eild Credit Accoun~ BankAmerimd or Masler Chari• Famous lr1nd SPORT COATS Reg. 59.95 to $65 49 .90 An opportunity to pick up a Nat ionally Known Brind Sport Coat at a 1re1t Savine! REG. $27 FAMOUS BRAHO CDHTOUR CUSHIOH SHOES 19.90 2 Prs. $38 Cr1dles the foot and cushions each step. In Antrciue Brown or Black Lla ma Calfskin. FAMOUS BRAND SLACKS ALSO GREAT SAVINGS IN FURNISHINGS SPORTSWEAR Ref. 27.50 lo 23 90 Re(. 35.00 to 29 90 29.95 ... HOW.... , $40 ... HOW..... • AND IN OUR WOMEN'S SHOP Harris & Frank BUENA P-,RK S11to,,1 ... C.mt Stnt•• .t Le P•hH COSTA MESA S••tfl Centr1 .. ltl1t .. et S-Dt.,• ,_.,, ' HUNTINGTON BEACH H1lttl"'t.. C"'''' .............. """ SANTA ANA H°"' pt ... 17ffl•Mltwl . I -~ .• -----::::----------------··~--------------------.. ·-----·-----·-· ·---. ...... ____ ....... ,, • .,p .... --.... 1 Tlll•tldJ>'. --''-,"" DAILY PILOT 4'_ ly Phil lnt•llancll - .~:... 11.-2.?. ic-. ,._ ~ ...... ,..,, w..w ..... __._ "2B, this bl 3B. I don't like to compl&!n, bat don't""' thillll: JOll0Vo 09erdolle the -tJlla ;ytar!" ' Russ Curb Dissent But Without Terror By PmL rr..'E\\'SO~I Ul'I "or••t" Ntwf A"l lYll Sixteen years after the death ot Josef Stalin, the fonner Soviet dictator is no longer the non-person that Niki ta Khrushchev tried to make him nor has he returned to the htro·s pedestal upon whicl1 he stood during his lifetime. It is Khrushchev who is today's non-person and the cautious and conservative men who a r e Khrushchev 's suc- ces.sors in the Kremlin are the ones who have placed Stalin in a new light in which he receives both praise and criticism. Praise for his role in the development of S o v i e t IOcialliim and blame for his "unjustified repression" of the Soviet people. Mesan lionored Kathleen SuiaMe Gibson, rlaughter of J\lr, and MJ'l<. -It. Gibson ol 6.12 w. 18th St., Coote Mesa harr been elected secretary of Theta Mu 'MJeta Literary Society at Bob .lones University, Greenville. S.C. A 1965 graduate of Cost.a Mesa H.igh Schoo~ she is a Rnior majoring in home economics. GRAFFITI FAIR Feil. ftir, fe,+u1I. The1e thre• wortlt iu"' up f•clort iit e~er1tie1t "" th• DAILY PILOT •'ito•i•I pe9e •~•ry tl1y. The observance of what would have been Stalin's 90th birthday came at a bad time for the Soviet Union's in- tellectuals and the few other dissenten who have dared to ralle their voices against what they aee a.s a return to Shtlinism. although st 11 1 wiU)Oltt the terror or tile ex- ecutions.'' These are some of the headlines published, not in Russia, but on the outside by correspondents taking their own risk : ''Novelist Alexander Sollhenitsyn Ousted F r o m U.S.S.R. Writers' U n Ion . '' Solzhenitsyn is p e r h a p s Russia's great.est Ii vi n g author. Ammg his works, "One Day in the Lih of Ivan Oenisovich.'1 an account of Ille in a Soviet prison camp. His crin1e, a negative aceount of Soviet life. He called the Soviet Union a ''sick society." "Soviet Journal (Novy lo.fir, a liberal monthly publication) Assailed for Novel on Hard- ships Ut1der Stalin Rule.." ''Two tlJIOfe Rusi!.,. Face - Tria1 ~t AcliviUea.0 "Soviet Said to Punish Signers of Human-righb Plea to U.N." "Soviet loteUectual.s AMai.1· ed in Moscow a 1 Non· canformist.6." "Six Crimean Tatars Ar· rested in Moscow for Public Protest.'' "Soviri Jails Woman Dissi- dent." "Thret Soviet 0 f r i e e r s Reported Seized . . . Said to Have Planned lo Distribute a Plea for Liberalization." "Dissent Among Youth in a Urals City." "Dissident Soviet Ex-gentraJ is Reported Arrtmed." ~ven the Russian dissenters see no retur11 to the bad old da ys of Stalin. However they believe the regime, unused to even the mildest dissent, h1 reacting to its own fean; In· volving both a lag in the Soviet econom y and fears of a pos.tj- ble clash with Red China. Under tightened r u 1e1 against frtedom o f ex- pressions. American newsmen and studying professors have been expelled, and Soviet editors fired . The important thing is that even jail or exile does not halt the criticism. l rltt Tlll1 A4 t... • ~ < z :i " :s FREE CAR WASH WITH flLL·Ufl o• UNION •ASOLINI II ••llH Ml•.J GLENNEYRE U.,Una CarWa.sJa 540 S. COAST RWT. UHMA l!ACH·414-1112 LAGUNA ~0. COAST HIGHWAY HOTEl ~ ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED OPEN D..ULY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Offer 11,lm .1... 1 J. 1911 AFTER CHRISTMAS misses, tops, shirts 2. 99 wore 3.99-4.99 Long $leeve slinky tops in fa sh- ion colors, $.M-L. Long sleeve cesuel shirts, assorted. junior pants 6. 99 wore 8.99°11.99 Acrylics, rayon crepes, bonood to acetate for-shop•retention. Veried colors in group. 5-13. misses' robes 9.99 w•r• 13.99 Acetate saitins , flocked ny lons, more! Greet selection, rM ny <olors. Not ell in ell sizes. crochet knit dresses 8, 99 woro 11.99 Sites I 0-18 end hell sites I 41/r 241fi. Many styles, lebrics, wh He only. Sizes ere broken. / . Item n sea rves 2. 99 rogulorly 3.99-4.99 Pure sill scarves in the now col· o~ afi</1 designs. Many here. -t. 99 IOlh•ttyl• tc0rv•1 ••••. 1 .1 f girls' sweaters 3. 99 regularly 4.9'-5.99 Bulky Orlon* ocrylic pullovo rs in many pretty colors. Sizes 7 lo 14 oveileblo. girls' handbogs 1.29 wore 2.99 Five-l'Oc.ket version. Converts into shoulder-strep model. 2.'9 9irl1' jew•lry boxe1 .... 1.2f boys' flare pants 3.99 woro4.99 Permanent press polyester end cotton bon-bottoms. Smoo!h sol- ids. z;ngy pleids. B-1 8. me.n's sweaters 9.99 wero ll.99 Cordigons & pullover> in groa! stylos, colors. All wools ond ee sy-cero ecrylics . S-XL. textured droperies 4.49 pr, wore 4.99•5.99 Dynamic rose flor4I pattern on e wliito bockground. 3 colors. Size 48"x54'' or -i8 "x8 4". ANoC misses' pants 4. 99 wore 6.99 Handsome pents in pleids end solids. Zip-Iron! style, many col· ors. Misses 8 to 16. jr. wool skirts 5, 99 woro 8,99 Many stylos, pastels, pa!lerns lo choose from. Swing ing little all woo l skirts et e saving. save! panty hose 99C re9ulor!y 1.39 Petite, t5ver age, tell. Nylon mi- c.ro mesh. Fashion tones. 2.99 lou,,oe 1lippers •.••.•. ttc women's shoes 3. 99 wore 7.99 Dress-up and casual shoes in a w;do choice. Not all stylos in en sizes end colors. misses' coat buys 19.00-33.00 24.99-39 .99 Sizes for iu niors end wom en as well as misses. Find a ha ndsome seloct;on. All reduced. girls' print pants 1, 99 r19ul1rly 2.99 Bright printed cotton pants for now and into summer. Find • sm esh of colors. 7-14. girls' stretch sets 2.49 wero 3.99 T wo -piec.e nylon stretch sets. Pent end stripe mock turtle top. Sizes 2-4 evailable. all-weather coats 22, 99 26.99·32.50 voluo Men'5 permenent press polyest- er/cotton. Acrylic pile zip-out Hner. 36-46, reg ., shor!, long. men's casual pants 2/7,00 II p•rl. Ploin fr ont Ivy model. No iron polyes!or ond cotton. Assorted weaves. Sites 29-40. bothroom carpet 8.00 ii porf. 14.•5 s;ro 5x6' for wall lo wo ll. Plush nylon pile, eas;ly cul lo site . Decoro11 tive colors. earances misses' knits 2.59 wore 3.99-4.99 Cotton knit coord inates. Strip· od lops. sol id shirts ond pan ts. Black, brown, navy. 8-1 6. junior dresses 5.00 woro 9.99°11 .99 Asso rted knits, printtd reyo" i•rseys, many colors in the Sl'- loc!ion. S;to. 5-13. knee-high socks 49c woro 1.49 Famous-maker-knee-high socks for misses end women. Meny colo r> end styles. fashion shoes 6. 99 wore 8.99·9.99 Shoes for evert winter outfit you own. Not ell sizes io ell styles. Shop oerly for theso. save! girls' dresses 3.99-6.99' Pretty porty-go;ng dresses. Roy. on velvets, Arnellt triacet_etes, mo re. Sizes 3 to I+. save! girls' robes 3, 99 Wllf'O S;tes 4 to 14. Lush nylon 11u il!s prerttied with tr ims. Also c:olor· ful prin!s, Greet buy. boys' spa rt shirts 1.89 wor• Permanent press polyester & cot- ton sport shirts in many colors, potterns. 8-18 in the group. men's SPQrt shirts 3.50 rogu!orly 4.50-4.99 Permanent press polyester/cot- ton long slHVe sport thirts. Smort pottems . S·XL sire . vinyl tablecloths 79c wor• 1.1 9 Sito 52x70. Chrislmes motif clo!hs. Heavy vinyl. O!her sires red"cod 1.29-1 99 savel scatter rugs 2.00 2 ld6"-•r• 3.49 Nylon/royon pile. Washable, 5 colors. 5.49 27x45", 4.00; 6.99 24x70" 6.00 : 7.99 36x54" 7.00. junior lace shirts 4, 99 wore 8.99 Long slee ve nylo n stretch lace sh irts in bla ck or wh ite. Smd ll, medi um, large sizes. misses' sleepgowns 2, 99 wero 3.5~.99 Lovely nylon tricots with over· lays, well? and long. Also soft warm cotton flennels. polyester dresses 11. 99 regularly 14.99 Versatile polyester knit dresses in veried styles. Misses' size I 0 to 18 aveileble. fashion handbags 2.99 wore 3.99 Vinyl hendbags in m11ny finishes· end colors. Glittery white eve. ning bags with sequins. girls' cord pants 3, 99 re9ulo~y 4,99 Brushed cotton corduroy pan!1 . with swingy flare legs. Current lesh;on colors. 7-14. " boys',.)lelour shirts 2, 99 Wire 4.00 Sites 2-7. Soft lush cotton vol. our shirts with long sleeves. Sol- ids or str ipes in group. boys' knit shirts 1. 99 wore 2.99 Acryl;c knil.. Sol;ds and s!ripos. Crew, mock rurtloned styles. 2 / .5.00 pocket t·1klr11 .... 415.00 men's wool shirts 5. 99 rogulorly 6.99 Long sleeve all wool• ;n good look;ng plaids. S.Xc. 1. 99 eotlo,, velour 1hlrb •••. 5. 99 Calvert throw covers 3.49 rogularly 3.99 Choir s;zo 72"x60" , , ...• 8.99 12b"x72" ....... , , ..... 8.49 7.99 90"x72" .......... 5.49 7.99 108"x72" solo covors 7.49 nylon area rugs 20.00 voluo 19.95-24.95 ·-Lush nylon pile in embossed O•· sign . Siie 4x6' in e wide variety of stylos and colors. may co aouth coa1t pfallO, aon diogo fwy at bristol, cos to ~ ~9321 • ~ ---. 4 MAY CO' ahop friday 9 om 'tU 9:30 p,rn. (' BUDGET STORES ' " ' 1 ' ' ' J I • .• • . .. , :·. ' ' ' " ! ! . • " I ~ ' ' , .. , .. -.:- .. .. ' ·' . ' .. l • " ... . ; .. " ' ·~~ .. ~.· - . " --------------~--~--~-----·------......---.. -~-~----------- - • • DARY PILOT ED~RL\L PAGE 'Be at Peace With God' This message was found in Old St. Paul'• Chureh In Baltimore, dated 1692. The DAILY PILOT passes i~ on !<> ito readers with best wishes for the hoUday season. * Go plaeld1y amid the noise A: haste a: re•emlter ..-hat peaee thfll"fl •ay be la allenee. As far as possible wlihout' IAIJ'l'flader he on good terms ,.·Ith all penons. Speak your trulh quietly A: elearly; and list.ea to others, even their story. Avoid 1 o u d A aggressive pel"80us, they are vexations to the spirit. If yo? l!Ompare yourself with others, yon ma loeeome vala A: hitter; for always t.her wUJ he greater A lesser persons tha y........,u. Enjoy yon aehlevements as well as yon plans. . . Keep lnte~sted la yonr own eareer, however humble; It la a real posses!ilon In the ehanglng fortunes of time. Exer• else eantlon In. your business affairs; for the world Is fall of trlekery. But let thft aot blind yoa to what virtue there Is; maay pel"80ns strlye for high Ideals; and everywhere llf~s foll of heroism • Be y onself. Espeelally, do not felp alleellon. Neither he eynleal ab oat love1 for la the faee of all aridity aad dlseaehaatment' it ts perennial as tbe graM. Take kladly the eoan11el of tbe years, graeefany •Dl"l"flnderlag the things of youth. Nntare •trength of spirit to shield you la anddea mlsfortane. Bat do not di........., yearself with imaglnlags. Mauy fears are born of fatigue A: lone• llness.. Beyoud a wholesome dlsclpllne, be geutle with yoarself, You are a ehlld of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars;-y11a-have a right to be here. And whether or DDt It la elear to yon, no doultt the universe _Is unfolding as It shoald. ' Therefore he at peaee w. l th God, whatever you eoneelve Him io he, and whatever your labors a: aspirations, In the n o Is y eonfasloa of life keep peaee with yon ·soul. With all Its •ham, drudgery·& broken dreams, It ls still a beaatifal world. Be eareful. Strive to be happy. . Nixon's Flrs.t Year Calm Before More Strife? Red Threat No Longer 'Too Spiritual'--· . ' WASIUNGTON -After Chrlstmu President Nixon will go to San Clemente to pooder the future for a couple of weeks. Io advance of . thit period • of meditation variOus officials of his a<J. ministration ·are .summing up, fdr-the benefit of the news med~ ,wRat it is tMy think they have accompli11hed in the first Ntxm yea. f'mn the published attW!ltS of these briefings it Is evident the Nixon officials think they have restored the coo.!Jbl to' tome kind of sa!Uty and balance afletthe lhattering events of 1968. This is o-pen to quatlon. The counU,. is ·more tranquil, to be wre. but the dissidents b3ve al&O become confirmed In their belief'that the Nixon Administratioo is not for them. No reusunmce need be felt on what um will lead to in the tutin. Leaving a.side the · efforts · 1 t governmental reform and the catalogue • of adllevemenb cited by the self· evaluating officials, it is evident the Ni:r· on AdmlnistraUon bas done two things. FIRST, NIXON BAS begun a n American disengagement in the Vietnam War which may be completed by 1972. Second. he bas cooled off the economy -too cool, 11ome think. As for the re£orms in the weUare field, the softening up on racial integration, and the so-<:alled "new federalism" - well, we i;hall see. On the whole. however. the Nixon Adimini5tration .has had a i.. anquilizing effect following lt"e Johmon·Kennedy. years.. just as the Ei -~nhower Admll!J.stration had a ~ Jlmin& and euphoric eff~t after the Roosevelt- Truman years. The problem with which Nixon must beeome increasingly concerned i s whether or not this calm period merely vells a further festering of racial and &OciaJ conflicts. THE IDEA HAS TAKEN hold In the Nixon Administration that if the coun- try's attention can be fixed on some new crusade this may be a release valve for pent-up discontent Environmental improvement has thus been 5eii.ed Oil as l!Omething NiJ:on can be for. "Environment is the new thing among the kids," said one official. The San Clemente interlude will permit Nixon to gather his thoughts on some kind of an imaginary concept to usher in the 70s on the theme of hope and accomplishment keyed to environmental improvement. Just what this will include will have to await the conclusion of the President·s meditations. But in any case it can be forecast in advance that his em· bracement of the environmental concept comes too little and too late for those who have become confirmed in their op- position to Nixon. TB1S OPPOSITION has had to learn. however, that Nixon has a firmer grasp on majority opinion· than they had thought. Thus it ii that majority opinion fs not swayed much anymore by J . William Fulbright, FA Muskie; George McGovern, Gene McCarthy, and other practitione~ or the old and ·new Democratic politics. It is Nixon's good fortune that the Democrats can't pull themselves together because, with the political demise of Teddy Kennedy, there is no leadership. It is a marvel. In a way, that Nixon bas gotten the country to accept a course of action in the Vietnam War which ls much slower than most people wanted, and which is a way to win the major ob· jectives of the war without admitting to a winning strategy. lf the conditions Nixon is striving for are realized, the war aims of Hanoi will have been frustrated and South Vietnam will exist as an in- dependent country, which is ezactly why Lyndon Johnson sent 500,000 men there. ANOTHER MARVEL ls the waY, the President has gotten the country to ac· cept an economJc sJow down perilously near to a recession in the name or fighting Inflation and high prices. Most presidents in the past ha•e been frighten - .ed Qff exercising the government's power to hold back the economy by the evident political dangers of creating unemploy- ment and adversely affecUng lhe in- dividual incomes of voters. These two marvels of the first year of the Nixon Administration are enough wiU1out any further embellishment by hls domestic and foreign advisers. The President will go off to San Clemente feeling pretty good, in spite of Judge Haynsworth, and t b·e country doesn't seem too disaatisifed either. Pi'.l otect 'Quality of Life~ To the FAM': In testimooy before the Public Utilities Cmunlssion on Dec-. ,17, Orange County Supervisor Robert ·Battin suggested that the "quality of life" of his constituents is more important to them·-and to him - than the hitherto unqUfstianed promotion of i.mlimited growth of ".everything.'' Mr. Battin wenl on to say that all con· ltnlction should be suspended, ir that would prt\"tllt fmiher pollution of the air in Orange County by eliminating the need for anottier f085il~tuel bunting steam ...... ting plmt. THE SIJPEllVISOR'S Ideas merit W'lde3prtad consideration and support. 'Ibey provide a dlrect and immediate means of &Uadring the pollution problem m every frorlt. In pai;ticular, if put into effect everywhere,. \he ban on new con· atrudion nUght buy us the time to devi~ ways to resrue marikind from ils ap- parent intent · to make our planet uninhabitable. ROBERT M. GORDO~ --~.-- ntunday, December 25, 1969 TM cditOrfat pag• of the Dafly l"Uot 1t1ka ·to inform· and 1tim- ulatt read.era by prcsenthlg tltl$ newpoptr'.t opinio11.a and coni- mt11ta111 · on topics of tntertst oM ligni~nce. by J>"Ovidi·ng a forum 1or iM ezprtssion of our reodtrt' opinio11s, otid b11 pretentfrtg fbe diverse vlew- pobtb of • infof"tTl.ed obsert'ers mad •pokeSme1i ·on to pics of tl1a <Jav. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I '' ~ .. ·-_ .. .).._., '··".T~ . "''t~ • r·· '·lf ·•" '· . , j · M~ilb~x . -' ,_ Letter! from f'eaders ore welcom.c. Normaliy writers sltould convey tllc1r messages in 300 wor'ds or less. Thf right to co1uiense letters to f1.t space or eliminate libel is reserved. All le t· ters must include signature and' mai.l- ing address. but nam.es may be with· held on request if 1ufficient rewon is ap;r.rent. Poe_try will not be pub· lishe . Agalnst Bag Swap To the Editor : Thank. yoo. for your cootplete coverage by Tom Barley, DAlLV Pfi.OT county reporler. of the Newport Upper Back Bay swap plan as presented to the Orange Coonty Boar<I of' Supervisors b y SUper.,.isor Robert Battin at the \Ved· nesday Board meeting of December 10. ~lost of the news report." on this matter have been so misleading to the public at large. showing big benefits while actually taking an irrecoverable loss in bav waters. Udeland, ecology grounds and. ail tt would mean to our future generatiods if the trade Is not &topped now. GUS C. PITZER Romsonlng To the Editor : The ttally dim.'OUfaging thing about Mllt JlaJh.uJI'• lc!U!r (Malllm, Dec. J9l is he nevtr onct uses the words, '"I think." or "l believe," or "In m.y opi· nlon." ,J\J.1t Ills factJ-pcriod. Althou&:h Sydney Harris conclusiv<'ly shows In hL!! well-reasoned 11nd researth- ed 5Crlts ol articles on crime punWiment that in many cases jail Is the least deflr>blt (ln>m tht public's standpoint) p.mia:hment ol thOM avaJlable, Mr. I Basham (ii he read the articles at all) ~·ould probably say. "put the crooks in jail where they bek>ng." IF' HE CAN somehow twist holy Lai stories into a "Viet Cong conspiracy." thert really isn't much point in telling him that J believe that he and all the rest of·us are the real murderers in My l..ai because we refusl'd to let the cor· respondents tell it like it is. We want only the "good life" and don't want to hear about any homrs. THE REAL never·never land lnferenct. !bough, is that notwiUistancling ex· penditures of 12 blllioo a month, 40,000 Americam; lcillt.d, CCUDtle&'S thousands woonded and missing, more bombs drop. pee! in 8ll<rt ...,.;oo, Ulan all of World War ll combined, practlcally devastating an entire country,. etc., it is st.ill a "No Win War." Reasontng with that kind of thinking Is comparable to trying to stop the ocean \\•ith a ping poog paddle. · BILL BOWER Dear Gloomy Gus: Before ~ deat the firial 5'omp to the Americ11n lndian by letting I.hem st.vve to death on The Rock, why not coosidir giving ih<m the whole 6tate? The rest> or ua woold dian mo\•e to Alcatraz:, thereby get- ting a jump on U'vlng Conditions in the year 2000. -N. 1"111c T. T111• ... tu... "''""' ~ ·~ -ft9(tn•rlf'f ...... •• tht MW\NNt-..... ,_ "' _.... M O...,,,r 0"-OfU.r Plllt. , ls a Real One In Wrong Way I Rtprint.d by lltq .. st) 1 Everyone says that what is wrong "'ith ~ Christmas is that it's "too commercial" -but that is not the trouble. Wha l is wrong with Christmas is that it is "too , . spiritual" -in the wrong way. Many WhG ~ons1der._th.e..m..S-t_l~v e •-The commercial aspect of Christmas st~wart Americans think The Center for can easily be ignored or repudiated by the Study of Democratic Institutions, anyone who wants to take this holiday Santa Barbara, is a socialist think-tank. serioosly. But the false "spiritual'· aspect Yet the Center, which is headed by-Or. is harder to separate from the true Robert Hutchins, produces much ·Jucid message. writing informed with logic. Recently THE mREE WISE MEN, and the star Fred Warner Neal, State Department $f Bethlehem. and the babe in the consu~tant after the war, wrote a paper mang~. and the mystery and the miracle averring American foreign policy is "out _ all these make it .tempting and easx 1 ol control" because based for a quarter· fer". us to. forget what the whole story i• cenp.uy an · a dubious premise I.hat the aboot. Soviet Union baa a long-range plan of And the Whole story _ !be whole foreign conquest. messaged the whole me.!Siahship -can Neal acknowledges Soviet culpability in be summed up in two sentences from the Cold War, saying Soviet leaders have Jesus' own lips: been "difficult. sometimes impossjble to "'If anyone says 11 love God' and bate'S deal with" but he says we have his brother, be is a liar.'' (I John 4:20) miscalculated the realities b e h i n d "lusmucb u you did it &o one of the Russian intransigence. lust ~ Uine, my brethren, you did it un- He believes I.he miscalculation led us to me." (Matthew 25:40) into the "save the world from com-This is ·what Chi-istmas -the mass of munism . -• syndrome ," which hi1i been Christ -must mean. if it is to n1ean the. foundation of American foreign policy anything. If it does not mean this to us, since about 1946. then what we worship is superstition. and AS NEAL SEES IT, each world event -Communist victory in China, the Korean war and finally the Dulles not.ion of southeast Asia -was referred to as int,ervention dogma. which automatically put us in the continuing posture of world policeman. idolatry. You cannot love God without loving (\\'hich is not to say lilting) f!Vf!'!r'Y fellow creature He made ; and an act of con- tempt or reject.ion « injustice or neglect Iowan! lhe lea.st -the low..t, ti>• -the ......... Ille dumbest -is an act agmt Him. IF CHRISTIANITY does not mean lbj!, it means nothing. If this central fact. ii ignored or s!WTed or rationalized away, the whole structure of ;Christianity faJJ.s apart, and we are left with notJiin& but another primitive "magic" religion. And it is not the impious, the pagam and unbelievers, who must be mo9t on Frei against·furgetting this message.· lt is the believers. the "spiritual" people, who are prone · 1o mistake ·"rotm for subst~ prayers for perfocmance, v.·orship for practice. FOR CHIUSTlANITY 1' not a "spiritual" religion. like some c:reedl or the East. It is an intensely "practical" reljgion, having tts moral roots in the practicality of Judaism. It was not designed to change the way men think or believe as much as to change ~ way they act Il is easy to think Christmas. and easy to believe Christmas ; but it is bard - sometimes intolerably hard -to act Christ.mas. It is not our false cotnmer· cialism that prevents it, but our false spirituality. Not the clang of U. cast. register, but the jfngJe al bells. calling us to l§entimentality, ard seductnc us frcrn the year.round ministry ot brother· boOd. President Nixon has Mown signs of re- nouncing this posblre, moved by his pain· tu\ predicament in Vietnam. That Is, the "NG More Vietnams" thesis, Which un- mistakably caught on with the American people. is enlightening, though it throws little ligilt on how tG solve the Vietnam we have, For the Post Faithful Neal says or Vietnam "we don't even know our war alms." Well , Mr. Nixoa's aims position differs little from t11at of his predecessor-we are waging war for a stable. secure South Vietnam state. But as a war aim this is even more chimerical than it was in the Johnson era when Y•e were deluded we could ·win miiltarily. It was a basic premise for Europe In the late 1940s that the Soviet Union was preparing a military thrust westward which would paralyze the Continent. Comparative stati.oqtjcs ol d I v is I o•n 3trength of the SOviet Union and western Europe, showed tip the premise. NOBODY EVEN today dot1bts Josef Sta.Un had the greed, but the flaw in the premise. or theory, was that time was against him. Every year he delayed . .an aggression became more formidable, with western Euro~ reCovering its in- dustrial power. Finally there \\'as no substlnce left in the theory, but that did not end the alert. Jt should be a bt:anch or Parkinson's Law, that once you behold a menace. you remain vigilant even ~hen the menace has vanished. Anyway. we have never ceased to shadow-box with lbe menace around the world. Certainly the su~sson of Stalin have shown no dl.sposttion to aggre!!Sive • •d· v;tnb.al. except in Hungary ~ n d Czechoslovakia, where geography insured thtm against intervention. The preSent Kremlin leaders are unsure if not. mook men who. fish in troubled waters when there ill lltUe risk to them or lhelr ~ted st.fttc. They accompany thi s meddling with,high ethical nhortaUoos contra.sUng the purity of their mot.ives with the In· he.rent rascality ol their bourgeois con-- temporaries. This Is a forlorn commonplace iu history. but it is rarely the way of Ute ag- gre&S<>r Yt'bo is plottini to wreck th• world. In this season or anthologies, I find a ramiUar face-"The Saturday Evening Post 'J'reasury," a new edition of Roger Butterfield 's selection that has gone through 12 printings since it first ap- peared in 1954. This one presun1ably 1s designed for the legion of fa.ithflil v.·ho still mourn the editorial execution of this nallonal shrine in 1969. With its two pictorial portfolios, one or classic" cover paintings, the other (lf memorable advertisement! (from rust· proof corsets to grotesque tooring cars). tt remains a far more IUCCefi!ful book than ''The Liberty Years : 1924--1950.'" Allen Churchill's exhumation from that ieedy weekly wtUth we looked over last week. THE POST RAD TRADITION and oc· casional submanct, from Ring Larrlner's "Alibi Ike," to F. Scott Fitigeralcl's "Babylon Revisited." But nowhere in this Ulristmas pie of a book do we catch the historic editorial tone of the magazine, its taking alter American_ "pinkies," "nut· sundae Socia1ists" or New De.al nonsense. The Post always hankered after a "oo.i· p.artban · bu.sinessman" like Herbert Hoover to lead us, Butterfield noted in his original introduct1on. But he carefully avOided"tNa CW1it botiae attitude in his ''Treasury." NIOlrally, k wu Nonnan Rocmll, Clarelloe'Budinglon K.Uand •nc! Artll~r Train's "Ephraim Tutt'' stories that the customtn remembered 'ot:!t. That's wbat Duttttfield served up, in apple pie order; sociology be damned. ft remained for another book we covered recentlY. Cabell Phillips' "Prom the CTilsh to the Bliti 1929-196$." to 8Uggest the: Post's rock-ribbed poliUca.J con~rvatlsm . Phillips V.'as talking eboul the 1930s, but the tune wU; the san1~ in other decad~it.s sanction of the status quo, tt.1 upho1ding ol tradltlonal valUl"S and conventkcls of tht upper middle-- <IU&. • ----- - - - TN THE RlGHT competitive situation, Phillips tells us, editors were not given to taking chances with the tastes and prtj· udices or its readers, nor, particularly, o( their advertisers. In both articles and stories, editors were careful to skirt the quagmires of social controversy and w..-est. ''Political controversy,'" Philllps wrote., "was something else, a.s long as the writer took a 800.ndlv common-sense view of things that ,..'1J'Uid comport with the view, say, ol GeneraJ Motors. But ·the phenomena ol poverty and tnju~. or any recognition of the class struggle "'•hich might discomfort the generality Of right-thinking lax·paying citizens, were, in most cases out ol the question ." "Tugboat Annie," and the work oC l\fary Roberts Rinehart notwithstanding, a P~ retroe:pective. it seems to me, should suggest .....wng beyond °'' editorial Linsel of il! times. 'lhat. basically, is the trouble with most al these treasuries aod anlliologie.>-lhe parts that are left out (Slrnoo and Scbusttr; ltO)-. r---·•11 Georve---. Dear George: I wookl like. to start ·at tht bot> tom (If the newspaper btlsineu.. Could yo~ give me a suggestion? S.E. Dear S.E.: Not 'in a family MWJp&ptr, bbt I'll tell you one thing, Bu.stef; Le~ve my job alone! (Send your problems to Georp, lovelorn •<perts. At.o hatelcrn, moneyJorn and, worst ol all. ~ bl0111lom.) • CHECKING· •UP• Mechanics Prove Isometrics Best OPl!:N QUESTIONS -I. ilona man to analyu lhe mat-'M!!i. do atlieim · lffm to ter. Will report hll fln<ilngo prefer the Wut Co a rt"'f) shortly, U not too offtmlvt. 1bey're far more numerous THE OLD MUSIC -The thtre than elsewhere na-days of the hummable songs UOnwi~?-·2. Does ,any animal are i{lot. Too l»!d. Even betidtl man a1eep re,warly "Gentle on My Mind," already • Ua bi.~? 3. Are there any out of date~ b too Intricate. blond. b~ Arablaru? Maybe the last of the S,IEDl'I\:-1'Pproslmalely magneUc molodiea " a s ·~~hold credit "Hello, Dolly!" Probably WU. elrds. \o 1 n o n • d e f u·11 c t To moum the puelng of a MMure palace in CbJc110. Ume, noW that's a waste, I 'rillt'a ' rlght, credit cards. know. But who caii help It? I ~ ~-~ ~I-grew up on "My Blue Heaven" ~UI,. ~....., .. ~· J-and "Embraceable You" and ~ lhey have yet to b>ierl~ "Walkln' My Baby Back Wltbt the action ol a Mlaml Home" and "Deep Pufple" iauna, run .hy 1tandular ~ls and "I've Got You Under My from the north country. It Skin" and "Chattanooga Oioo likewise has Issued credit ChQO" and "That Old Black clrds to a most likely li!t of Magic" and "Sunday, Mondaf wealthy fellows, I'm told. or Always" and, nevermind, Whal that place needs is a It's a cuxnber110me list. No, motto. How about "Hot rocks this is not a longing for lost for G<!trocks"? A little too outh '··l·•·t l j ·• crude? AU~ ..... maybe, "Fry Y ' •--Y not. UM • '&'.. mills the melodiu. Why else now, pay later." No, let's giv' would 8 man go llfOUnd hum. up the whimsy and move on. thi but lh t t EXERCISE -When a man ming no ng e on Y wo de«nt tunes to come out hi atrains to loosen a tight bolt recent years _ "Fly the with a wrench, that 's f · • d bometric exercisi ... When 8 Friendly Skies o United' an "Pan Am ?i.1akes the Going man walks half the day, that's Great"? Isotonic exercise. Be Ii eve Isometric exercise must be ·Your question! and com· better to lose weight th an men!s are welcomed and isotonic. Certainly you see fat will be used wherever pos· postmen now .and Ulen, but sible in "Checking Up." never: 4cl you see fat car Address· mail to L. M. Boyd , mecharUcs, never ever. ill care of DAILY PILOT, Oil Firms Must ' Pay • $550,000 NEWARK. N.J. (AP) -A federal judge-fined elght> m•· jor oll companltl a 1otaJ of ~.000 Tu,udt:Y for con- 5J>lrlng to r11ul•te• prlCll and sales to private b r a n d distributors. The companies and their fines were AtlanUc Refining Co., $100,DOO; Gull Oil Corp., SI00,000; Cities Service OU Co., $100,000; Cities Service Co., ISO,DOO; American OU Co., $50.000; Humble Oil and Reflning, $50,000; S l n cl a l r Rdinlng Co., IS(l,DllO, ond Mobile OU Corp., 150,DOO. The fines were lmposed by U.S. Dist. Court Judge Reynler J . Wortendyke after the oU companies entered pleas of no defenae to the charges. The firms were charted ln a 1965 lndictment with Con- spiring to monopollze in- terstate trade of 1aaollne .pro- ducts in the New Jeraey PeMsylvania area. The indictment charged that the conspiracy began in 1955. The. firms flned $100,000 each pleaded no defense to two counts. Cities Service Corp. also pleaded no defense to two counti:·, &nd the others pleaded no defense to one count each. The indictment alleged that the firms, which bring crude oil into the area through the same pipelines, had virtually forced non-name b r 1 n d distributors to sell the oil at a «rtain price. The f e d e r a I government charged that this was done by fixing the price and main· talning stringent control aver lhe amount of oil sold· to 1m1U di.stributor1. NOBODY, NOT EVEN the Bo:t 1875, Newport Beach, fa thers of brides, pays for aa Calif., 92663. mudl champagne as the1~------------------1 airlines ... PROBABLY THE .------------------.. 1 MOST admired American In- dian in hla tribe is that rare br'-v• who can grow a bushy beard ... SUICIDES ARE four times u high after age ftO as before age 20. CUSTOMER SERVICE , Q. ••tf a man gets hi.! hair cut In the dark or the moon, I've heard, he won't need 11 many halrcuU:. ls that true?" A. Now you're the fou r th customer this week who has uk~ that. Where do you sup. pose the notion got started? Am uallJling "1r Old SupenU- ·reacher 'r.hanked . For Canings KINVER, England (UPI I - The stranger at the door held out . a bottle of whiskey to retired. schoolmaster Leonard Fletcher and said "Thanks." Fh~tchtr, 82, tried to place the face. "This boU1e is my ap. precl3Uon for the canings you gave me 50 years ago," the man Jaid. ·Fletcher said today, "The stranger was Walter Clare, a boy at my school 49 years ago. t hadn ·1 seen hlrn for more than 40 years." Clare explained he roamed the world for some years. liv· cd In Canada and then return· td to Britain where he now owns nn auto parta plant. He said he a1wa)'5 thought the whippings did him good. · Clare, 55, Aid, "He was I grand man, rny headmuter. I used to cet caned every day and 11 one went by when I didn't I felt there wlls aomething wrong. "It Is a pity there art not more like him witfl the power to do what he did to us. That's what Is needed." Worker s' Bu~ In Collision CORFU, N.Y. (AP) -A ·tractor-trailtr collided with a bus-load of migrant workers today. St.ate police 1 aid preliminary reports indicated that 1i:r penons were serlOUt- Jy injured llld 1bout 40 otben would require medical at- tention. · Ambulances were dispat- ched to the scene, near Batavia ht ~ County. Police 11ld another bua tool< lhe le" ..,-!oUJly htjur<d to boopltals. WOULD YOU BELIEVE REUBEN'S at tha Orang• County Airport is taking .RESERYA TIONS for New.YH r's Eve Party? DON'T MISS OUT -Cell 140-2475 THESE PEN-NEY STORE,S WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA . •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON •.GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH 'INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA •WESTCHESTER • WE~T COVINA • WHITIWOOD • WHITTIER DOWNS - -· D.lll.Y PllDl' 7 • -. 2 DAYS ONLY ... ® I • WATCH THE BOWL GAMES IN COLOR! , . ._ ;··' . ~-,l . .i .~ Save s40 on Pen TV in three styles! All channel color TV, 23'1 scietn measured diagonally, "Quick• Ph:", built--In automatic color purifier, front mounted controls and speakerl, 25,000 volts of 'jitcture power, power transformer chassis. Maple, walnut and pecan fi nish. NO.W S4 J 7~ Reg. s477 Save 50.95 on Penncrest• console Save $40 on our. Penncrest• table model color TV with a blg -23" picture · screen when measured diagonally, attractive walnut fi nish, "Quick-Pie'' for fast sound.-and picture, fu ll power tranlform er, automatic color pu tffler. color television with u 23" screen m•li· -~---· sured diagonally. You get automatic fin• tuning, "Quick-Pie" built-in automatic color • •• purifier. Walnut, maple or pecan finish.-· Orig. $398 NOW s35 8 Reg. 549.95 NOW s499 . UH PINNIYS TIMI PAYMINT PIAN BUENA PARK BU RBANK CANOGA PARK COMPTON CULVER CITY DOWNEY FULLERTON GRANADA HILLS HUNTJNGTO!i BEACH HUNtlNGTON PARK INGLEWOOD LAKEWOOD j LONG' BEACH LOS ALTOS ¥0NTC!-AIR NEWPORT BEACH NORTH HOLLYWOOD SAN FERNANDO SANTA ANA TORRANCE VANNUYS VENTURA WESTCHESTER WEST COVINA -. ' . •' ~• \ ' ~-~--·~~----------.... -.,--------~-----------------------~~--·~-~~- ' DAh t "1..0T , --1 • 'l'hllr!d.y, 0!C!fl'lbn' f 5, t•bq Vital Statisti~s lor the Orange Co~st •I'll YOUI llCUTAIT A NIU'IN• HAMtl1 AMIWl'lnte IUllAtil TAB Births FLYING FUN! by WAYNE CHASE Did you ~now th•• th• bu11 n1n •irplt111 fl••+ •XC••d1 +h 11umb1r of dom11tic •irl;,.. ••• 1!mo.t +h r•• lo 011•7 Th• 9•0...,lh of tlti1 ph111om1fl•I in· du1lry r11clt1d mor• tli111 17) millio" dol11r1 by 1959. Wh11 i1 doi119 111 thi1 fly· i1191 Tht 1v1r191 11'1'1111 bu1i· 11eu m1n. How1v1r. ihi11do1111't 1H1ct tit• comm1rci1I ltu1in111. Purch111 of 1 comp1ny pl1111 i1 1lmod 1lw1y1 followed by incr1111d u11 of comm1rci1I 1irlin11 by compt..., p1r1011111L R1111rch 1l.ow1 the •v1r1g1 1m1H bu1l11•11m111 obYio11ly h11 cl.01111 flying 11 • 1impl1 10111· +i.,n to lh1 lr1flic probl1m. H1 t ho fli11 in 1 1i11gl1-111gl111 pl111•. Two-third1 of th1 bu1i• nen 1vi1tion fl11t 1r1 1in11l1 -• ' ·\ IX(LUDID ' ' l ' " ' 'f ! .,Alll TltADI iTl£MI •citltllTMAI llCCHAHGlf ·•DIO,ll ClaTlfllC.ATll SAVI $5 1n9 i"1 pl1n11. Anything l1r91r wo11!d D1 i11 111oth1r c1t1gory. P1ri;on1I conl1ct i1 moat 1ff1ctiv1 wh1n d1ci1ion1 in· volve much ll'IOlll Y· Flyi119 c111 m••• th1t p1no111I touch pol· 1ibl1. HAlllOll AVIATION 1"""'9 CM! iflvlles YM l't fly l't ""' Hit cl'* r.tM ill or..,.. Cftlltyl W. eff"' VA fwllY ,,.,..,. c-- tt1r1 Air Tr--' ftll ..... Wt """' m• 11.w c-"W" ......a Mii llutr-9 _....., "'-C:llel'M-. MAlllOR AVIATl(,.I, 11n w.,_ ......... 16'-1111. o,_ ,,_ -r1.. Ill _.. ••lly. .. ,,_ 111 -allltwl ...., ttf .,_ ,,. flltllt ...... ,., ....... WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR FLYING CLUBS Divorces FRIDAY, DEC. 26th ••• 10 A.M • OUR ENTIRE STOCK IN BOTH STORES ARE INCLUDED IN THIS GIGANTIC MONEY SAVING YEAR END SALE* * * SUITS Re«J. to $1 00 $74 YOU SAVE $26 Re«J. to $125 sa9 YOU SAVE $36 Re«J. to $150 $110 YOU SAVE $40 Re«J. hr $220 $170 YOU SAVE $50 ON ALL SWEATERS ON ALL DRESS SLACKS SPORT COATS ·-' I • I '@' ' c ' '"' Re9. to $50 $38 YOU SAVE $12 Re«J. to $65 $42 YOU SAVE $23 Re«J. to $80 $55 YOU SAVE $25 Re«J. to S 150 $110 YOU SAVE $40 ON ALL SPORT SHIRTS ON ALL DRESS SHIRTS OPIN A •lNtlY CHAl•I 01 UJI YOUI IANIAJllllll:ICAl l -MASTllt CHAlll NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF TH ESC PENN EY STORES! f • -------------------------- 835-7777 A THOUGHT FOR TODAY TIM ff'M ,..., tt .. tiff .,,.., ,..... ... }I •• ~ !Ml• ... ..,.__ -Mml. a1 M1!11,._ ,_ltt!,fNTE Ct Jl.S A JOU&LIC SERVICE EVERY DA.Y IY: LM Roofing Co. tt Yta" Ill 1~11..- lW $111,.rlff An. ..nD ·1/2 GAL. SALE ON CHRISTMAS CARDS, Buy your Christmas cords now for next year. You can save on the finest quality cards ... so much that you're spending only a fraction of what you would spend if you bought them during the holiday seaso n. Plan ohe acl, and we'll help you save! LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! C . .i.!\Cj.-. F),"·; CO\\'. EV LA.lf£'.'.10CO 11:i1•J':'C1..) IJll ·~ Montag's Annual Write Sale! Fine quality boxed stationery value 2/'1 Stock up now on this famous maker stati~ne_ry, one! sow on your choice of attroctive pal· terns and colors. Great for gilts and for yourself! F ... L.LEF.iON HCNT!t\::.TON O E~~,; SH OP SUNDAY, TOO l2to5 P.M.! /\:£"'), PCPT s :A.:Y • -... ' --·----~---~-------------------------' ,_o_ur Straight A's Ensign Studenf,S Honored En~gn lntermedlat. School Jq Newport Beach has releu- ed Its first quarter acholarsh.ip list and honor roll. Straight A gradeJ In Ill sub- jects were received by eighth graders V1ctl Call and Bever~ Jy, Groa and aeventh gradera Linda Franklin, Julie· Searlea U.S Tracy Tll'lor. Studfllts on the 1<bolarahlp Hit received at least u many A'1 as B'a, 'Ibey are: ....... ..... -,..,,,. u.n.. IC•r1111 ~II. Slfil I~ MlltltM "AN!" C•f'K. lruc• C1tflc.ltt, Dow OW.. Rutll Ch.us. llK'I' Clct'I!'-Jlillll Dlcittt', koff l"iw, 1wtt GITille.... Rkh.lrd H1mlfl, 1."119 HodPlllo Julie Hotc.omb. J1Plet Jllllon. LKlle '""""" ICl"'htr1¥ K1y, IC1Jfw kMf¥, Pit Lowtlltf", ~IMl'I Lit., NH. Wll!n1n. Ktltlltrt -kNlt. L._ lillcl'IM. Hol~dt'r "·•••••"I· Maritime _A~demy List Open Y"""I mm 10tklng ap. poilllmenl to the c.llfornia Maritime Academy Wl!h the clUO< ontorfng In Auauat 11119 abou)d apply u .,.. al poul- ble and by March 1, Im Ii!! the latest. Motl'f O'C_, 1. .. 1.. ltobf11.1011, P•lrkll ,.LYM" h lllnt, Lewi ltnull, Kim ""111'1. l>elfld I.I-. 11W111t11 .,....,.. -m11...i1 u.me. lfttY Anclr9-Chrl1......... "'""'' P1ltiel1 llk4', M_,., lldt .. , JCtylfl llt.tOM~• L•1.1r1111 lowclll', 1Nbor1h llrlll~llllm, llrlllldt lrvc9. Ml•k llllkld'I. Tltnoltlt' l!Jl't,9. P1t.t' Cltlb. J•n Cohen, S1JM11 Countw, AM Old:1y, o.!llel ~ DIDbl l!:U... T ... rl• Ellktr. llr'bll'il l:ntl••· R°"'9 ''•"••· lutln 0-. Gery Glck. Cllrl-G .... n. Kl ....,.. Or•"'· Heidi Htflf, LOl.llM Hindi,. LN Ho, l&l!ndl ....... I, H1,1111W Hu1cti1i1on. Mlt'I' J, I(~ Clttl\I Lin.on. K•lllY l.'ltlu... Loll Llllll. Ch1r1ott1 .. ,,,..nclt'" i.-n, •- 1.'l'Mfl. MOllkl M~ "-fl HltMt. ltMll1' O'Jtowtt. AM """1, JI,_. ........... Oncl1 RudY, Pt1rlci1 lliiioet, Dtvlur SllllW. K•r1111 lmllw, MlftMw 1Nn9lw, Joll11 T,_,,,.., MI r 1 l 1 w. .. 11. ''r'" w .. r. Mt...., wmi.-. Lllll'll Wood. Jt lcM,.. Vt nlll'J. Honor roll students re- ceived et least a B avera age. They ""'' The Calllornia Maritime' Academy is operated by the State of California to prepwe young men for 1en1ce u of. ficen ol. the Am eri can Merchant Marine. 1be course Is lhree yean In length and COllRU Dimes the graduate receives a federal license u a merchant Robert A. Goodwin of marine offict!'. He also Newport Beach bas been receivu a Bachelor ol. Science named treasurer ot the degret' 1n either NauUcal N e w p o r t Beach 1970 Science or Marine Engineer. Ing .. Those graduates who M'!'"Ch of Dimes cam· quallly receive ~salons palgn agalnst birth de- ., fllS!gns ~ the U.S. Naval fects. He bu served in R-.e (lnacllve). Coets <( the p<OlfllD .,. home by the th,. same po1iticm for the State ... of Califonlla, th• pas} four ye8rs. =~ G<ioanment, llld the --D~_.--,.--N-e_t_lt!e_s_ • An applicant mwit: Be an PETERSON unmarried male dtlzen ol. tht ,~ W r!Mt W, l'I ll:S'J1 ••v It,. United States, be at lea.rt 17 .. n.. DK. M. ...-,,...... w -.... years: af age aJKl not have Jolln w. .....,, ••••1 -•I""'' reached the age fl 21 at time Mrt. .. ,..,.. ""'· MOnnlvll •nd foul" of admission, be a hiah IChool ... ndOl1ktnn. PriMds mlY v1111 et graduate, and meet prelClibed .. 111 c.11 Mal "*""',., "'""'"'· Pt!Wl9 ~ 11111' lr!'9ntfrlenl. menlal and p h y 1 i e a I re-;:;;=========.II qutrements. College Ent rance El· Admission lo the Academx. b witllout regard to ract. ·cbl- or, a-eed or national orlpi. All candidates must take BminiatJon Board teatt not later than the March 7. 1970 administration of tht tests. ~ tests required 1 r e : Scholastic Aptitude Te1t - Vorl>al; Scholastic ApUlude Test -Mathematic•: Achievement Test in Engll.sb ComPoSitlon; and Achieve-- ment Test in Mathematic,,, either Level I (Standard) or Level Il (Intensive). For full lnfonnatlon write to the Dittctor of Admissions, California Maritime Academy, P. O. Bos: 1392, Vallejo, California 94590. Trailers Go On Show The latest In recreaUonal \tehicles will ~ tlll display Jan. S to 11 at ~ Convention Center tlurlng the Soulbom CallfOllllo SpOns, v ocallon and )lecre.Uonll Vehicle Show. r;ew modelJ In molarbomea, tra'tlel trallen, <:am-pen. tent trailers ·and van eonwnkm will be shown. other exhibits at the ahow will Include fishing tackle, boa!!, campf!l& oqulpment Uld vacation booths. AilllUCKLE a llON . WealdUIM-..,. en E. 11t11 St., eo.ta Mesa J ....... . ' .. co!!!' ;;M~RTU~Mlll Coeta M .Ml Mill •• W BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 BrMdwaf, Coltl Miii UMIA ,. DILDAY BBOTllERI 11mt1111p. van.,. M.......,. 11111 Beau Bhd. llmlltllgtao - IC-7l'll • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Modury Chapel S50I Paeifte View Drh'• Newpon Beach, Calllonlo IU-r.tl • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FlJNE1IAL HOME 'lltl Bolof Ave. • Weslullnlteli aum SHEFFER :OllTUARY Lqu•-' a&olUI flaaemalo -• tlM1Tll8' M!)llTll.lllY G11111Dk -.--- lltlltll ,,..._ -ll:Clbl!I ......,.,, ~ Mll'IOll~. l l .. Atl'-'t Toni hd!W!lll, Jutlt 8tftMtl, NlllCY lohlf. JWllll ... twld!. St.viii! lvltlcfl. Nldl; •"""'°"" KIMbwlr lno111I, Ct'llltl'9 CllfKY, WIUllm CUM, Twf Cralt. Jtebeccll O.K1tb, L\lftlldll Dk.fin, J.tf Ow111- dam. Erik EKl>w, KtH'lrYfl F•ler. J-1• f'r1..,., lor1111t ..... .,...,. GormMI. Miry Gullk•I, J• Gw, Tlmolh., H•mlH, C\lnthl1 H1nd, Oltn1 ti-.. A•rt HM!htr. Cl1lt1 Httfl'ldl. Drtw HMdl'tdl-flntl9rlll:I "-• Robt" ~l'fft. V•llfll Jol\lllOflto Alldrtw ,,_ ll:obl11 J- A"1'.flw 1<1w1rrw.r1. l(•""v K*"'-rt• Ter-Klhieer, •V1•ll K ft 1 x, Sl9fllll11i. KDD1nlk1, Clnd'I' L1ubtt'. Linn Lord, Lltl LYl'ICfl. l'dWlnl ''Vel" L'tOl'I,. Dier M..., N..rnr.t Mall. • ...,,. Mtroel, ll#llell Ml"-. o.llor•h McCIOt, K11'911 Mc0ouetl. D-M-. LOii NI~ Erle ~r, PllllU. O'COllNI", Al>iltl1 O'ltoff, R1,....H P1I"*'• P11nel• Ptrbr, Lindi Pllt. Gtr11d1M P-Kll"l'fl PNIW, SU.In 11.....t:ln, JIM • ..,,,_, J•fl • ._.. Autum11 R.intllrt, K11lllMll •Hn , Wllll1m ·-· T-Sltnl. eottore *""I•· DllM """'" .... 11.otierl .. ,.,..., PIM! SC..le. Ill.I.rt Sfllf, J.tf ~L. 01111 DMI,... C-* ~IL L1\lf'le """'*'• e...., 5nt'dll'. a1n !omlrl, P.tw IWltt, Tr•C'f' T1*nll. M•r1t u,IOft. si.v. VIII Dtlffn., K1111t Vortlllk, Clrelt'n Wi iker, LJM Wld- 911'191oft. Linda W-"*-JKt WhH ..... D.itni WUlllMI. """"'"' .,.....,.. -Mltd'llU Ax-. LINll llM'tk1rte. C.IMrlM ll1men1. AlllOn l11nie.. Gt'9'9 9•'1e. D.vk:I ihdcl'!', NtMY MCUfl, K1,... l•ll. Ct'nllll• ''Cl,..,.. BM'llltd, Ole- lloe1, •IM 9orf, l!ll1•lllilll lrldl, o.bor'11't ,,...,, J11lll ,_ Dlllo'9fl C1mpbtll, M.,y Clrllorl, *'"'"" Cr•wford. D1n11t'n D1lbtY, IC1tlll-""'""!Id. Thom11 Dlll•lt•, IC1ltl1te11 Dl~on. 11.lch•rd Do111. Sh•nnon Dwnd1m, 01n11t' Dwv•r, Douvll• l!cclK. Su .. n l!""llfld, J-'11rr .. 1 ... , V111 l'iny-.,, Jton11d l"rHm1n, Terri Gibbs, L'f'nnt Gr1ber, IC1,.., Gr11111, Kt"'bertv H•rnM. LDl'I H1mmeni.., Tlll'\Ofh\I H•rtM1n, ltOllM' Holm11, Andr-. Hemo1n. J1c1utlln1 J~ctaon. S1brln1 JC1~rl•n, Kurt!1 Kte•I, JIU Kell~her. l(lm KNllllrt. D•vk:I Kiimer, C1rolt'n ICl11t1, J•rn.s ICl1r111tnltl'lltll, Grew l111holf. suun lvnn. ""°"'" M1~l'llk, 01bw1h ...... nvn,. Mal'llt'n Ml;Conf, TM'rl McClft11Y, Mldle!le McG-. Jtllllltle Mllltl", l'Mry Miiier, MldlHI Mlltn<•"· e. fl d • Mllcl>ell, Jolln Molw, Cr1l1 ...._,, C hrl1!111h•r ~ L1ur• M1Clk_,i.t, ChrllttM Pert.", Klmbtr-lt' PIFT'!', Ool'lnt ,. .. _. T1rrl Pltffllo, Sui.111 l"othoff, Judy Quinn. ClllCIY Rici , ltona1d Rlclllrdlotl, Pf!#t ~i.. L•11• lhff, Curll• Sl\ltln, 1,_ llllr•. DKenoh s~ K•lhl Sl!l'Wtler, Cvlllh1• """'r1odl. Sl!fld r1 SteveM, l "ll• T!lom•1, H!tllt' TlllMI", V!d!t Tlt!Pf, l .. 111 Ut-. Strn V•ct1re, Davtd W1.-.-, JllllllY Wtnrlck, Sll1nl*! Wundlrllc.h, 111.DRrt V1nl!l'f, Kecr1111 V11ft, Chelan County Picnic Slated Former reaidenta of Olelan County, W uh. will hold their annual picnic at 11 a.m. Jan . 25 at Veteran's Park, 101 E. %8th st., Long Beach. Piolicke:rs should bring 1 picnlc lunch and table ....ice. UNIVERSAL PEACE GOOD HEAL TH TD MAN ' .., TORY OltANT, .-.l'llt M•11 1111 11-n1c.hM eut f1rth1r tli•11 hi1 ew11 e•rth, '•••1 '" 11rffi 11 .... , ... ,. " le1111r 1 1ufflc.l111t ,hr111 fer 11,1r tim••· Unlv1M11I ''1•• i1 ,._ muc.h more •pt. Tlri1 1mphe0 111 th1 •1tro11•uh hive JUt •11 1plritu1! t11itl111c.1 11141 phV1ic1I h1•lt1r1 1liow1 thet 1cl•fl•• "'"' t1c.lin1lo9y 11"111 110t IM-p•til:il1 with J1.r111 ... li1f. At pli1rm1ci1h we ••• thlt •v•ry fiM• • flt W tlr1,19 It Fl• l••t•d for public u1• •!Id we 1tock It i11 our ph•rrr11c.y. It 9iv11 ut 9r•1f p•r1on1I ••Ii•· f1c.tio11 th1t m111 h11 b••fl 9iv•n th• k11owl•d91 to •••k out fl t W medic.in•• which c.1n 1 ve11f1,11lly t i"• good h•1ih to .11 . YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US wh111 vou 1111cl 1 cl•liv•rv. w, will d•liv1r prpl'llpily with.out ••"• ch•rt•· A tr••t M1 ny p•opl1 r1ly 1n 111 f,, t+.•ir h••lth 11••d1. W• w•lcom• r1q1111ti for cl•llv1ry 11rvi11 1~d c.h1r1• ICCOl.lflh. PARK LIDO ,HARMACY 151 H•pltal RtlH •Nloow•po1-r1 l•dl '42·1M ,,... D.n.,..., DUR ENTIRE DRGANIZA TIDN JOINS IN . SENDING BEST WISHES FDR THE HOLIDAY SEASON AND COMING NEW YEAR --~--------~--- GIL SCHOIN HAROLD TIPPlll 808 YOUNG ALLIED ELECTRIC & LIGHTING ,,: ONCE-A-WINTER . COSMETIC SAVIN6S- stock up on these beauties nowl 4 Coty's flacon mist In three fawirii. frogrances ••• (Offte qulcll lt'1 .,.., chonc• to ""' ancl try th. fobulow Coly fragraac.. you•v• elwoys walllleda L'Al.ant, l'o.iean, E.....a.de. 2.50 l.Gnvin 'Arpege' or 'My· Sin' spray mist lpodal l'ls .. --LANVIN Arptp aMI Mt Sf1t --11t IURIANK CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA --· • 1-*9 ........ ~·-.. -. ....,, .. .Mio••· 1uppfrS...I ,. ~ •' -' Special offer! Crown dwtN Mis from Prl-Matdiabeltt ._, ..... ~ .... ... ....et ... 111Wincl So•g, Golda• Autumn, ""phocyand lot-d-t... ,_, .... ,.,0 NOW 13 Get yoiw beauty banus ·ndw from Du Bony at a savinilsl ChMM fto .. D. lorry lkh• fln11Jn9 lotto", Din ,,....,.,._, lotlon or cleeMlng Cf'M"', the ... nt1al .ffauty frHt. ...... , ••• .Wit """'1'19 ....... ... $2 NOW 1.25 NOW '2 . .. ....... .... ..... .50 NOW 1.75 COLLEGI GllOV! DOWNl!Y FULl.£RTON HUNTINGTON IEACH INGLEWOOD LAKEWOOD •• Shulton'1~ deocbcw1l/Dewt FloMr bath oil ... c...... ,,.. ..... , •• _,_......,,_ oiler __ , __ cleoclllftlnt. Two...,...,_. l-.So-c1ry1....., •••••rant ... u NOW '1 Sloulin'1 I l!lo boa"'-·i..tt. oil .•. , ... " NOW'2 n • .....,, 2-.. ~·---. . . ,orroll-.... tl NdN 50c Shullort'1 ' ... '-"" -oil ....2.50 NOW.1.25 LONG BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH 3 fa.-.s Dana spray colognes ... Tobu- 20 Carats-Ambush .,..n, ,.tcod, lf'Odolly "' ~-g9'<~ ~ eJ.goet,,... • .... .,. ...... ,, ..... 2 .. .;..,;.. ~ -1poclall . ,. 1.75 ' ••• • Four famous Fab.91 ~inaoop or cologne ... Tab ,_. pl&l Plrit,"" .W ........... .., ....... .. ..... ~ ....... .. n.-•fla••··· 2 ... '"" ......... '2 -4-•s--, 3.50 Yardley floral SC19111ed aoops, nan conditia-kit ••• Nolt kit Incl.._ Vt u. H . ol o...tle .... ~-lo condltlon•r & 11•1J tr•et• ..... '°' ......... ,. f• .... -· Apotl 'Vlo!n, c--tf-. i., •• ,., " ...... ·~·.' '"""°'-... ., NOW2.25 Nall __ .. .... '·" NOW '3 NORTH HOLLYWOOD T9RRANCE VENTURA I • I • . I . ' --. ""; .. ~. ' • • enne•,•J, ALWAYS FIRST GUAtlTV ... ' ' . ~ . •' /' ' . " -. . ---. --- ' " " \ .. Jacket rvalues ·to ,warm the•hearts#of the whole,family :1-i ·-' .-' ' : I. ley's reflHtor stripe nylon parka, acryl ic pile Ji .. d. Stone gre"-11ovy, 1to1te aeld, 3.7. Otig. 11 .H ...................................... NOW 7.99 · ley's pile linH parka with 1'ellector thipe ... sam• a• a~ ... for bigger ,hoyt,,,ai1• 6·1 1. O ria._. 12.H .-....................... -............... Now9.99 'loy's K-Kor. nyJon parker, pile lin.d in acrylic. Navy, 1tone 11reen, atone 9old, 1°20. Ori,. 16.98 ....................... : ............ .,. ..• -.NOW 1.99 Men's utton cord lacket, acryl ic pile lined •. in coffee, MOuntoin sireen, S·M-l-Xl. Orig. 15.98 ............................... ~ ............ NOW 11.99 Men's nylon ctuihecl to .5 oz. Docro11• po'°Y.,l•r :..&.-r..,.r1ible parker, 1old, blw, pNW, $-M,.l.Xl. · 'Orig.15.91 .......................... .:. .... Nowll.99 Girl's on...-ecryfic pile jocket, .,.Ji~ otlQrNd <0lon, 3-6)(, Orig. $13 ....... ,_, .. _,NOW ]Q.88 7.1.c, Orig.-$16 ....... ,_,,, ......... ".NC>W12.88 Women's wotllpl'OOf ttylon tow coat tit t.wifie fodtioa colort, 1ize1·S·M-l·xt. Orig. $22 ....... _ • .,. . ........................................... HOW17.88 Women's frost tip anylic pile focbt, toffeto lined, adi or block, 6-18. Orig. $23 ................ .. ............................................ Now17.88 • • j• i ·~,~IY. Special Buy! Boy'•pi'•· Handsomeprintpaiamo• now et saViAgs prices. Sonforiztd•·c:otton flonrWls in·notth col- kK or pullowr styles. fult 'cvt, machine washobte, sizM 6-16. Save ••• Boy's Sport Shirts Men's Sport Shirt Buys! 2 terTifoc graups of boy'1 sport shirts to cl-... 1 of lmit< all<! wovens; 1 of better shirti, colors aslOrted. c.,.. lo> early and save on 2 terTific groul" of ple;d er plain shirts, com9rrlioMrl collared, cleoronce priced. '• l " I I I .'• GROUP I ORIG. 2.98 ..... .NOW 1.88 GROUP I ORIG. 5.91 to 6.98 -. ... ~ow3.88 · ' '.,, 1.99 g:~~~~~l to $S .............................. NOW 2,88 ~:~~~to $S .................. , ..... -..... NOW 2.88 AVAILABLE AT -YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ' ' . --- ------.....-...... ·-· ~ ------. -~--.--------...----------------- ft I . ·~ ' ' . .. ' ' . ,@nne· --,. ALWAYS FIRST GUALIT,,. ~~::f..."'"'"--~..;;...~,~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' . '· . ., CLOS:EOUT! , • ' I · W.W.e up~~ savings on sleepwear! All the cozy,comfcrtable sty!•· yCii' 10.. in loaity cotton flannelette with all sotls of. lrilly trimmings. r .. t yout1elf to a few and stash some awtrf forf\!tur• gifting. Gowns and pafamas iO .pretty prinh, misses sins s.M.t. · ' ' . \ \ ~ \ ORIG. $ ....................... \., ....... ,NOW t 2.88 1 i i . I ' ' . ~ • I • • ' _._ .... _. -~~~----'------------~ . ' ..... . .. . ' IM'n's Dress Shirt Special • ' ,_ t Per.,..llftl p,.... 65% polyuter/35% cotton in CllSOl'led past.I• and white. Klngdor collar, sharl 11Hve, 141/2-17, these --iron shirts fusl ·llfOCI f."OChine washing and drying. Soil Relea,. for •xlra eaiyC.W.I Cleardnce! 5 for$'i0 CLOSEOUT! Gigantic savings on infant's and loddltr's colton cord p-ints, Tho specially Hltcled group c.ontains toddltt's ankle panls, siz• 2-4; infanr1 ,buill-up«rowlabouls and~ crawfciboutt, sizos 112-2; infant's zip-front ploysuits, sizes Y...2;toddfet'1, too,Uzes2-4. 2.44 1A4 \ ~\) "· • .. i }; ·-~ 1''.l.L;;;...-ll"~-... " Women's Dress Clearancel i .. Now6.88 GROUP I ORIG. $8 lo $9 ......... . GROUP II ORIG. $10 to $12 ..... , ........ . .. Now8.88 GROUP Ill 1· ·o a·a O,RIG. $13 lo $14--.................. -NOW a • CLEARANCE! Beautifully coordinated group of acrylic tunior •Portsw"r sep!irotes ... unmiltakablo good Joob ... unbeliewlbly low prbo. ni.· pants and A-line skirt, in """Y and cgn!ol 'plaicl, •i-7•1.51' the vest, in ntHf or camel 101ids, sii:i{ S.#41; Status collorWhft.' blouse, 7-15. v .. 13.99 Pants4.99 Blousa2~99 5kitt3.99 ··, Curtain' Clearance! 2 fanlmtic g,.,.,... of curtains priced for cl_,,,,.., .. usorted ·colon and lengllw in both groups. Sow nowl ~:~~~.~I lo 2.29.,... .. . . .......... , ..... NOW 1.66 GROUP.II . 2 44 ORIG. 2.91to3.49 ,. .......................... NOW 4 v.s..--...nnr-.-.. .... 1 .... .a-1, ..... ,_......_- AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • " ---------~--~----~-~-----'--·---~·- • ;. JI. oiiLV PILOT Thursday, Dt<:tmber 25, 1•6• ~J)eqr San_ta: ·· Did I Get All This? ' .• ~ ,, ~ar Sant.a: • :' I like you Sa~ I want, :;snake in u.e .,.,, l'"-~fine, ~d some roller 1kiteS and • : ... Tobe and some 10£0 boots and ::Crisy and some pants and :::aome shirts and some headegg ,~and a guitar. . , . .. 0..Dear Santa : Belh Carel ,. Hi. How are you. Were all Del:I' Santa For .. Chri._ ..! "IOD14 Ok• ~at ... -~ -out tJie wtrfd.'Bilt'hhta U7ou can't bring k this Christmas would you please bring me a civics book · fOr tny brother Sean, so that he can receive a good grad& when he takes Mr. Mangs Civics ~l;iiss at Corona del Mar High School . Love Kevin Collini P .S. Santa I won't forget the cookies and milk wtth 1 , policecar, 1 splitting iml1e ~ cam~o. thank you. George Klmpotich 2Mll Dear Santa t want a suzy homemaker and some gogo boots, Chrisy, 1kates, bags and things, for coat,. Dear ~an~. I Ute you very much. l cleaned up my room far IDY mom . Now I'd Uke to tell you what I want for Christmu. ~!in~~~:~~;· J\:~ w:~!d 1~~~; Dear Santa • Here are the things I want: ."1railer. The one with the but· ton on it. I would also like 1 I want a slttpy baby don cars, fire truck, Jdian suet. please and a barbie with a candy this bis ............... . ::"equiptment. Tom would Uke 1 • JitUe batmobile and push toys. ~~ the way Santa baby named : St.even and he would like some case and clothes I want a hop-(even blger .some gum) a pity hop ball. I want a flatsie. gun to shoot the bad guys. Love Roxy Age 6 (not for real) Thank you Vf!.fY to~· Thank you, Mike, Tom, Steven. P. S. Be careful of the • lrench. ·Dear Santa: ~= Please bring me a don case, ·.swingy doll, a byeycle and ··rings and things. , ,. Thank you. Lo ve Daryl Mooney . ;. Dear Santa Claus: Our third grade class wrote •you a letter. J\1rs. Fisher told •us to, Do you think J've been ·good 1 hope 90. I wanted a :radio, game and a doll. My _list.er has been good and bad. •· t can't really say, will you ·· write back. It must be cold up there in the North Pole. Say hi ,. to Mrs. Claus please, MJ ~:brother has been good. What ·;art you going to get he I <:months old bis birthday ls ~:P.farch 20. l)fy sister is to. Her ;..Jlame is Leslie , and my •!brothers is Russell. my 11ime :"'Js Lauren . 1 like Christmas so •• •":much don't you. ~· Lov.e ~ren ;: r,Dear Santa Claus: ~ Hoppy bop ball and a ant ~:farm. Do you thin I've been ~ .. ood. " · Love Leslie .. Dtar Santa I want a pair of mini boots. Linda Dear Santa I want a Susie Homemaker. ~fy name is Colleen. ~ Santa Claus I want a Bike and. I w.ant sornt clothes and some T~dy Bell's . Dale Smithe Dear Santa Claus, Will you come to my house Christmas Eve? 1'-fy stocking will bee the newest one, and the mane is Paul. Please leave me a Johruiy Lightning 500 set, ·"silly .string, moteriud mons"ters, double dragster, Ford Vicky splitten image, Will you come down the chimney Christmas Eve? This .is the tint' time we have had • a. firfi,plaoe, YOO will Stt your plcture,C\lt. 'out l made of you on the-· wall. by the fireplace-- I will Juve. you some cookies and cocoa-a carrot for Rudolf Love Paul P .S. The dOgs will not bite you Dear Santa From Nancy Coppinger. Can you bring me a Walkie talkie. I want a bed for my doll. I want a cowboy hat. Dear Santa Claw, I 1toiild like a hotwhel 1et, Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 54 V. L'Opez's: 'thtmt song ~ 1 --~.Year 55 Un trust• · 5 Rtt:ords ' worthy iti Stttron of person ~, railroad 59 Cotltge .. tnck: lecturer lo' Unit of area 63 H1Yln11 p Scatter-MIWf'• set<! ••• bralntd 64 FOl'll of ,}A Mtditate ctilfteidOQ ':l;1 Dance or 66 GerMll "' tht 19ZO's rivet .~, Rtllgioos •7 lu•lcd ;r. word . WCl't .'21 Male animal 68 NOAil\ ntr~ ~l Plilce of '9 Deirtes · grtal wtalth 70 Ort• wh• :23 Did llkewlse rtt:tdlls 15 81J11epld n \'.llUts '.~6 Young: ones 711*;hlt ;JO Desser l · ,.· or liqueur ~w rj 34 Western 11/t!/6' 11 BllJ c_at 41 Ce'taln 12 Acoustomed 11o~olt 13 N ot'd pic ture )Oa..flllng shot• 'ce11tl'I' 44 Winery 11 Pelf, e11ployttl ' sports evenl '.3,5 Young tor one 47 Ex•td • 1 Milt: Prefix: tZ.Ptonoun covnttrict- 2 So11ftd 24 Picture Ing force~ '-anima r '37 Oriental , garment '.31 Dupe 139 Most :i serious ~2 Rove ~3 Food AS Ardor :46 Highly p~rlurbed Al Mtsopotamll!lll ·· diviner "50 Radio fa1 .SZ Kind of Vthiclt reflteUOll transfer 4' Moh111t1teo's 3'Biblkal 2' OrL son·ln·llw reglollo"'i 27 Mino( , Sl Meta.II~ 4. Cotton cloth R,tO~et alloy 5 Hoptrul 28 Staiidard·of .... 53· Greet -.eight txcellel'let letter loser 2' Of shfps SS Weight 'Winners nf war systtm of the last 31 "-Loort 56 Dlsttilded t ltctlon Song" 57 Not shuL 7 Gratify 32 Talk to little 58 Defeat 8 Elevatlon purpose 60 Accent ,t 9 Fartwell 33 Duc k: 0111 ever parties 36 Marx ist 62 Mouth piece 10..--awhlp: '40Thlnk of 65"-tothe Z wlf'ds agtin l11t llnd• ' 12/Zl/H , "Artistry in Moving" • I much. · Love David Roooey Dear Santa Claus, J love• you very much. I've been good and help my moth- er around the house. I am in kindergarten. I am also good in school. Since I've be so good I hope YO\l will remem· her to bring me these• things on Chrlstiriat~ Beautiful Ctis- s.i, ironing · boatd, iron, some candy (as ·big u · David's) Thank you very n:tuch Love Mary Jo Rooney Dear Santa. Please bring me a play typewriter, a play piano and a play pipe. My little brother would like a play camera and a Major Matt. Kevin Wood {age 5 years) Dur Santa Claus How are you feeling I hope your helpers are fine. How are your relndeer. Please bring me Susie Homemaker, Talking Barbie doll, real iron Love Barbara Dear Santa, I need to write this letter to tell you about that I have a new baby brother. His name ls Brian "Edward. Please don't forget to bring him some toys. He can't talk so he needs some toys. I want some things too. I want a Johnny Light· ning 500, a 'green dinosaur and 1 football game and thats all. I've been pretty good this time aDd so did Brian. You could bring &luff to all tJie Love Kevin Yacks ' " Dear santa, My number i! 2195 American Ave, Costa Mesa, Calif., phone no. 646-&447, 1 have been a good boy and my sister has been a good girl. I would like a crazy wheel, bis wheel , walkie tallkle. My illtcr would like a doll house and 1.new trycycle, some Lego ecrecttt set in a big box, we wll 'lu.ve you 50me cookies that mom and I made and a glass of n:tilk. Thank you, Rick Dear Santa Claus, How art you? My name is Roger, end 1111 year I have been a good boy, except some times. I have a brother named Clifford. I want a motorcycle bite, a bunny rs~ bit, piggy bank, a pig, a flashlight, a football , and a stingray. Also some botwheels. Thank you very much. Love Roger A Delight FOR DINGHIES, SAILBOATS ond FISHIRMEN ,, .. ONlo.Y ...... AMlllCAN MA.DI COMMANDO MOTORS #100--I H.P.-S1t4.ll #710-71/1 H.P-S241.SO Short I-L.,,. Sh.tt Molllleh Boat Island, Inc. JM W. C.. H..,.., Hjtt. lcll. (714) 642-6630 for the BEST MOYE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 • Penney's great 3 piece Spanish sectional ••• Two Md!Ons ond a tablo aeattt 'an eleganlly lovely group. Kiln dried hardwood framo that is doweled, glued and nailed supports seat ~lled with Urethane foam and cotton. Corner table, faatures-p(astic top of 1Tm- ula1od &lack slato. Group in olive or gold. Hurry in tod~~nd ~· ad- vantage Of this groat clearonco solol 'J ~ ••• " Orig. $381 71/2 foot Spa•l•li style sofa nd chair Sofa and choir featvN kiln · driocl hOrd'llllOCI W-wnJ. nut woad flnish on moplo. Urethane foam and cottoft seat and bock. In turquoise or red. Hurry ill todoyl 7 pc. 'Spa•lall' style dining room suite Note tho cmelully diotrouecl dark 'Old Wotld' finish ••• the f1Mtl pecan -s aver hardwood. Group includet1 toblt, A llcl. chalri and 2 orm chairs. Spanloh style solo. Orig. $266 .NOW $249 Motching Sponlsh choir. Orig. $122..--NOW '$11 T Orig. $504 ______ ,.,,_, ... NOW $355 Save on our twin or full sire spindl.d !Md. Now Ill yeur ..._ to purthaM • twin or full siJ-• spindled beef ..,.,,..,. ~. lootbond. Orig. $49 ·-----... -·-.. NOW '36 ' Motchlng Spanish llylt china. Orig. $295, NOW $222 Portable power drllls priced to clear! n.. great Ponncraft• %"drills haturo 1000 RPM. Choost "°"" -bettor or best drills both for tho some low pricel T..U adYonto~ of the sovings nowl Orig. 17.99 to 23.9.9 NOW YOUll CHOICE 11.99 l1a1tlful hanging lamps, priced· ao low! Choost from a variety of chain 10111 .. all QI tttrillii: '.,,.. lngsl Hurry In ond stock up now ~le !hey loll! 12 lll<h diameter lamps in amber glass. 12.88 each "" ' ' NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PENNEY STORES! CANOGA PARK DOWNEY LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 5 P.M.! -· ---· .. - ,.,.. ______ -. -. .. . . -. --. -... --. --------· --------.. ------·--~---------~------ ,-- Es.capee ·Gets -Christmas Present NEW YORK (UPI) -Wben 1itichael Riola retwned borne rrom work this week, his Ydfe J:t'ffted him at the door, her face "brighter than the ligbt.s on our Christmas tree. ··There were tears rolling down her cheeks and she r.ried: 'You're free, yotJ°re fret.'' That's the way lijola, a prison escapee and noW fa.Uier nf six children, Jn.med New .rer .. y Gov ~11,ard· J . Hughes had commuted his sentence on ten couata.o! auto theft. The Paterson, N.J . native was convicted in 195.1 And escaped from Leesburg prison farm in 1956 while wider a 7¥.:-12-year sentenct:. He remained fret here for 13 years. He assumed the name Mar k de Medici and began working as a carpenter. He married Kathleen Hiscock and they had sil: children. He did not tell her ol his past record untJ after they were marTied. They did riot tell their children until Nov .. 28.' That's when a JIOliceman, acting on a request of the New Jersey division of ·correction and parole, knocked al his door -and arrested him. Thr New Jersey authorities had received an anonymous tip. On arraignment the next day, the judge \\'13 impressed with Riola's new life and paroled him pending a hearing Jan. 15. Friends and neighbors rallied around the escapee, urging New Jersey authorities not to return him to jai. They said he had lived an ex· emplary lite since his escape. tfughes made ·hls decision Monday and said lt was '1bas- ed in large part on the report prepared for me by Ult New Jersey State Patole Board and !iiUpplemenled by investigative reports rrom New York's parole agency. ''Although Afr. Riol~ wa~ properly Convicted and Rn· tenced in 1§3, '' Hua:hes said, "'for lhe past 13 years, his lite has reflected demoostrable rehabilitation. "I have commuted Mr. Riola's sentence rather than &ranlinc him a'.)ull pardon," Hughes Wd, "because t believe that although the escapee should not be further penalized, neither shoWd he bt. rewarded wilh the highest tonn of elemency for having evaded law en r or cement authorities for an extended period." "This Ill. tht 1:r,.ate 11 l Christmas present we've ever had," ~aid Riola as he And his f.;imily celebreled. Now he Pl:am to change his name leaally to De P.1edici. h'I'he oJd one·w1s nothlhg but trouble," ht said. The Huntington Beach. Wa- ter Department has won a safely award for U1e eighth consecutive year from the Amer;can Walerworlu Asso- ciation. ~~~~~.....:;;~~~~........;;......~-~ BATTERY CLOSEOUT! I THfSf stous OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 to 5 ,,M. .... ' FOREMOST GP • Pure polyester cord on all 4 plies! • Tough, super-strength polypreme rubber! FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE '111rut11 11tlnst tread w11rout If ycur tire we.ai"s out durinE the first half of the guarantee period, return it with YoUr auarantee certificate and Penneys will replace your tire with • new tire, chargiriJ YQU 50'~ less than ttie current sel hn1 price including federal Excise Taxi if xour tire wears out durin& the second half, you pa y 25% less than the current .sellinr price includine fe:d eral Excise Tax. Su1r1ntt1 aplnst fallurt If we npl1ce the tire durine the fret · replacement Period, there is no charge; if we replace th'e tire after thi free-replacement period, you pay so~; or 25~~ less than the current selling P'rice of the tirt inc1udin1 Federal Excise·T11C. Ct111111n:l1I Ust This 1uarantee is void whert pessen· 1er tires are used on truc ks. used_ for busint1ss, or driven ovtr 30,000 miles in one ye.r. H•r•'• hew yeur 111•r•l'll•• •t•lnlt foilw. w•rll•: l11tire ,.,.,.nt•• 1NtlH , . JJ me111h1 ,,.. ,.,,_ .... ,., ,.,_.. •••••••.••. l-17menth• JO% .. """· ••••• 1•2• 1Mnth• 21%.., ,.,i.111 .••••. 2w1-11-th1 18.95 •50.11.,..1t .. ,w.1 .n '"· ..,._. .u itr. BLACK TUBELESS "lut federtl tax and eld tire) / Size l'rict Feel. Tix 700-13 20.95 1.94 C78·U (69.5-14) 20.95 2.18 E78-U (735°1') 22 .95 2.41 F78·U (775-14 ) 2'.95 2.54 G78-U (825-U ) 26 .95 2.66 H78-U (855-U) 28 .95 2.89 J78-U (885 -14) 30.95 3.00 560°15 0f. W.) 20.95 1.76 f78-15 (775°15) 24.95 2.45 G78-15 (815°15) 26.95 2.62 H78·15 (845-15) 28.95 2.85 (Whit•walls only) '900-15 33.95 2.83 WHITEWALLS $3 MORE DRIVI IN ... CHA•OI IJI - BUENA PARK (0'~~~;~":.~~ 11 ) CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA fClOSED SUNDAYS) FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH DOWNEY MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ' Thursd,y, tltctmber 2.5, l9b4 ·-· ·--bllLV ~!LOT. •••• ATTENTION!!!! THIS IS ~OUNCilAND' FiAMOUS AFTER CH·RISTMAS CLEARANCE TWO DAYS ONLY -Fii. ·SAT., DECEMBER 26 • 27 Hard to believe your eyes when you read this ad •.. well seeing is believing ••• Come in and SH ••• Choose from a variety of top quality, famous brand name clothing that ii ·bigger ond better thon ever . . . BOYS' BOYS' c~:~s $488 DRESS SLACKS LIMnlD ~UAN11TllJ V1lue to $6.00 JIZI Z TO 7 Regul1 r $9.99 1 REVERSIBLE Girls' CORDUROY COATS REGULAR $11.99 SIZIS NO LIMITID 9UANTJTllS 1 TO 14 FROM OUR FURNITURE DEPT. 'FLOOR SAMPLES BY CHILDCRAFT CRIB .... ONLY LIST "'er '110 $80 :.~~ ... MATCHINO CHEST "",.,Cl '"' MATCHIN& CANOPY KIT' LIST "'Cl ... '84 , •• s. .. ... •37•··-' Sl7.ff CRIB AVOCA.DO fiJIEt:N LIST 'Itel $58 540 .:~ ... MATCHING CHEST '58 , •• Strre "' On Every Item In The Store Exc•pt F1ir Trade Items ind Christm11 Exch1nges CRIBS BATHINETIE DRESSES INFANTS ·MATIRESSES CHEST OF DRAWERS DIAP~RS PAJAMAS ROMPERS PLUS ALL OTHER ITEMS IN THIS DEPARTMENT GIRLS DRESSES SKIRTS JACKETS BLOUSES COATS PAJAMAS BOYS PANTS SHIRTS SWEATERS 'T-SHIRTS JEANS JACKETS Plus 111 olh•r ltomt In this dept, !'tut all othtt !toms In this dept. NO LAY-AWAYS A.LL SALIS FINAL NO BONUS CARDS . u .. Your Chargo Account ' ' Frldty 9:30 'Ill t"""' ,,,;,,d.y t:30 "' ' , ..... ' . 2300 HAJJOI ILYD., COSTA MISA 545·1440 ., I I\ I I Jf OAILV Pl•OT • HAVE YOU VISITED OUll NIW STOlll AT: 9861 Adams ot Brookhurst in .Hun~ngton Beach •CUJllTAtll YAL&..IT-1•Mt """'· """-I 1-- llUHTIM•TOfll I UCM-11111 1eMt1 ,,.,._ .. A,...._ IL TO ..... I Ten ti ....... ... MUNTINeTDN llAa.-...cl • .. ..... '0UNTAIJll YAJ,.l.I Y-11"4 MaiMllll It, el Te._. IA*ITA AllA-1 .. W. l flfll!W 1111 I ,_., It. WISTMINSTlll-'fti • ......._ ........ WW C:OIJA Ml u-tM N.,._ l lW." Wiii"! II, COSTA Ml~ I . 1111111. ' Originally mad• to Mil for $2.95 to $4.95 Mafor Label LP Records IUJ low I Store lwaJ for lext Chrlstmn SA YI 50% on Chrlst11tt11 Cards TrH Orn•enll & Chrl11111as Wrap 1.97 Holiday C7-15 lite Indoor ............... .1.39 3.33 c9i.;-15 lite Outdoor .............. 2.49 3.19 Holiday c9i.;_25 Lite Outdoor ............ 2.54 5.79 c9i.;_25 Lite Outdoor ............... 4.09 3.59 ftenown C9~-15 Lite Outdoor Flasher ..... 2.08 1.79 20 Lite Midget Flasher Lite Set ........... 1.19 2.89 35 lite Flasher Pepper lite Set •..•••••••. 1.93 2.99 . Merry Midget Outdoor 20 lite Set ..•... 1.99 4.49 30 Lite . Twinkle Midget Set ._. ............ 2.98 3.98 35 Lill! <Nldoor Midget Rasher ute Set ..... 2.66 10.88 Ponderos1 Pine 7'-101 Branch ........... 7.25 3.88 Porn Porn Alum. Chrisbnas Tree ............ 1.94 5.44 Stotch Pine 4 Ft ............ , ............ 3.13 9.99 Flocked Aluminum Tree 6 Ft ............. UI 19.98 Deluxe Ponclerosa Plne.7~ It ............ 13.32 14.88 Flocked Alum. Tree 7 ft~9 branch ....... 9.99 .12.88 Ponderosa Pine Ch(Js"1as Tree 6~ ft .... l59· Harle off Vodka ,,... s31t .... • 39c 141125•1" I ~111511 1" 201115111• I 61120111" Rent Bouchard Champagne $14' Pillto Golloo Choice ol tither pink 1 or white. • 20 HEAVY HITS .,. ...... ....._ ... , .. Yaluil Plastic , Shoe Boxes • Kodacolor 126 •1 21 Sylvania Cartridge Flash sac 1lm 93c Cubes 14's Val. Aluminum Folding Bed Pack of 3 ··1,, Cantrece II Panty Hose These att juat: I fnt ol tht flll- tutic artUtl I • COUMTRTPOUTAM ...... ~ . .--~- • World Stu F111lnl ··~lllllrl·~ ..... ]ult to name a ftwl Your ·Chol .. '24' Value! PmteftHL.- .... Piiiows ... k 2~s1" ... l Fl1ktd f 0 Im fill. Blue. Co!ct. ()f pink dliq prio ced. Cotlla ticklnJ.17d! ... Reio lie YlnJI . Mattrws Cow-. ·1 Twla "'· r.n 2 ~ $ J 4t 1111 <Oftll tD l ·--........ $1.tl Y1l11tl YlnJI Shower CUrt1l11 HtlT)' PB" 111.in- ·pn>of iQ white or 9et colors. M1gnttic: o- h<m. I Pc. W1st1b1skll- l 11th llat Sit $2" Bltb Uc! a:& teu.r matt, l fd • CO't'tr, wastebektt a W11111n11 Oor) Sloon IJl011 Tops ~!i!:Jt :~ ., .. Mele or trimmrd neck. PopWu colon. ltJ•' Olftrd IJIOI '•ckll W&let repellent. $191 lln1'flri"I ml lu .nd 0.-..lStbeaiil I to 11.. 0-Plltic with .... lllOdild mloted lOfl I Doi&:: ..;th -· hl&'cstWe. Compact oqaaiation of. all aboet with cle&r .Ui· bilitr fot imtct ... l«tioa. •Cloo• 99c __ ... Reg. 79' I~<>;] Bath Towels Dr. up JOUl' bt.tb- JDOIDI with the MW'Ot 01lon and color CllG!bia- atiO. in bltb. towdl. Jdix er m11Cb tolid col· Ctt, 1tripa and prints! IJl fint q\lllitrl 22x4''• 57' • -l!w -Wm C1tt1ll, ft. II I fir $1.10 .f2M CANNON.·~· Muslin Sheets 7b10I" Twin er· PIHtcl loltom Jli!l•••ll•r. $179 wltite cotton tllllllim ••• fi~ 1,-. .....i., ... Jal!SW'Mliql •sue Fd sa.1111r ....,.. • lllllC lfltim ... $1.• • $1.28 Pd If 2 Pllllt c-........... , ............ "' 1kl'llltlc ...... Clllpl 99' 12"511uare Oeld Veined Minor SllUares . S21t ColtOll Dual Mop• Aluminum framt. wirh thick: mmfor· table JYz" ma.ttma. Folda compactlJ lot tton&t"· hd'ect for · extra p.ttts. eamr lag tl:ipe. dtiJdnD • """"'" r.1,.... .. .,.. Ion ia. lat:e11 ......,,,,..... lllp fillhll -mac.hiae 'll'lah. able:. C.•oa Fl•1ertlp Guest Towels ---4:ar Reg. lie lftcllll Ttrl'J Towels ............. fC ......i.i....i 6 mtCClll with IClid co1ot rnme aide. llltlqa• Safi• Pleated Drap11 2,.1n~s7 P ia·ch pleated. • t:"e tat e utia. blmd. ill white. colors. 48l84" $J.oo ,. $5.00 Vo1-I Q Oasis il~ Cosmetfa c aac IJ!'Wn1 Toai.c. HIM e " ... , J.otioa, °"' Oemscr or Moisture ·E: Crc•m br Hwict _. HuY:i.rd Arm. b:cil 100 ••• &a,.2.nc1 .. ,. 2 ; SJ l~<· $pec.1•1 l .U.CO..tpnc.. ~ ':l'!.m: $J29 ' mnncttot,--._. du fumihlft. ........ Walk~r ~=·3'' ............ _ -- '1" If Perfect l11vaRd Cu1hl1111 Sl11h1 L...,W•d· 99c .... . ,.. 0 llUI Llntherlc Tweed Limited Edltioo OM• '2" «atnled ( 0 J 0' •• mbt. 2 02". Ri9. *111 TUllJ Upstlcb ~soc . r --~-------------------------- Agnew Plans IO-nation Tour But 3 Host Countries Targets of Senate Attacks By CARL L. LEIJBSDORF WASHINGTON (AP) -Vice Pr'!idenl Spiro T. Aantw's 10. nation. 37,00l).mile trip in- cludes stops in three countries -the Philippines, Tha\}and and Fonno.sa -that have beeo targets of recent attacks in the Senate. Agnew also has expressed hope of. going to Vietnam, althoguh it is not listed on the itinerary and aides said no visit is planned. The trip, Agbew's first abroad as vice -president. is designed to give him first-hand knowledge of A.!ia. 'The vice president will be meeting with top official! of the nations be visits and Is likely io run Into reacfion. to Senate attacks on military aid to some Asian nations. In the Philippines, where •w is to attend the Dec. 30 inauguration of P .r e s i d e n t Ferdinand E. Marcos, there wu strong criticism of a charge by Sen. J. W. Fulbrigh4 (D-Ark.), that the United Stat.es bad paid the Manila government $45 million in equipment and allowances in return for sending troops to Vietnam. The Philippine gover;nment denied the charge, contained in a transcript which was held up by the State Department here until after the country's elec. tions last month. Since then, the Philippipe detachme nt in Vietnam has been withdrawn. Fonnosa, Agnew's n e x t stop, was the 'target of the Senate ju.st last week when it rejected the $l.8 billion fOl'f'jgn aid money bill rather than agree to supply the govem- meot cf Chiang Kai-sbek some $54.5 mi!Uon to buy additional jet fighters. From Taipei, Agnew is scheduled to go to Thailand. Congressional s o u r c e s charged recenUy the United States paid the Thais some $1 billion in return for its dispatch of troops to Vietnam. &th the State Department and the Thai government denied the charges. A liumber of Senate critics of the VJetnam war fear U.S. military aid to Thailand and neighboring Laos could result in the United States being dragged into another Vietnam there. As a result, the Senate voted last week to b~n dlspatch of American combat troops to the two countries without specific prior congressional app roval. Later in his trip, Agnew visits Australia and New Zealand, COWltries which were targets of an abortive Senate move to give the President -·-- Choose the "Goof -Proof" dial for automatic right-for-.the-fabric washing. You get a 6-position Fabrics Selector that automati- cally sets the right wa1er temperature, agitation and spin speed for the fab ric you'ra washing. (Model WCDAFN) standby authority to impose import quotas. Meat imports from the two countries have been among the main targets of congressional efforts to tlghlen quotas. Agnew will be accompanied on the trip by his wife and Apollo 10 astronautJ, EugeM Cernan, who will go as far as Jan. 16. Jan. 19 Wa!hinaton. Honolulu to Two Complete Edison Course Bangkok, and Thomas Staf-Two Huntington B e a c h ford, who will go the rest of residents are recent graduates the way. of Southern California EdisOn Here is the itinerary. c ompany's transportation Dec. 26 -Washington t.o school. Honolulu . Clg.tt.1Ct R. Flory, IS931 Dec. 27 -Honolulu to Plymouth Lane, foreman at Guam , arriving Dec. 28 after t he company's Huntington crossing International Date Beach &ervice center. and Line. Thomas E. Pate Jr., ttS2 Dec. 29 -Guam to Manila. Blane Circle, a mechanic at Jan. 2 -Manila to Taipei, the Fullerton service center, Formosa. were awarded diplomas by N. Jan 3 -Taipei to Bangkok. J . McKenzie, superintendent Jan. 5 -'Bangkok to Kat-,1°;;;1 ;;;tr~ans~porta;;;;;;U;;;o;;;n;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! mandu. Nepal. I Jan. 6 -Katmandu to Kabuel, Afghanistan. Jan. 7 -Kabul to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Jan. 9 -KuaJa Lampur to Singapore. Jan. 11-Singapore to Bali, Indonesia. Jan. 13 -Bali to Canberra, Australia. Jan. 15 -Canberra to Auckland, New Zealand. Jan. 17 -~ Auckland to Honolulu, •crossing Interna- tional Date Line and arriving 1912 HAllOl ILYD. 1 COSTA MUA Delff l.._t e s.t. t-1 .. .. -an! • Mnnt a.,.. OPEN SUNDAY 12. 5 DAYS ONLY .... 1-00<I 1010 RPM Choose the "Rapidry-1000'' dial for a faater spin that leaves clothes drier by fa r. Pfu s 3..positlon speed selection: Normal f or Rapidry-1000, Curable Pross and Genlle. (Model WCDATN) Either way you've got the same Jet Action fea- tures that make Frigidaire Washers Iha stand~rd of quality. Jet Action Agitation for deep-down cleaning • Jet-Away Rinse & Lint Removal • Automatic Soak Cycle• Solid Tub• Roller-matic Mechanism-no belts, gears or pulleys to wear, wobble or break. The price is light, too I Either way you've got the tame low price, Hur~l m :;am Frfgldal1t batti111 to IJalld In lllOl'I help Matching Frigidaire Dryer Model DCDAl'l Dryer f91. tur•• D11r1bte Pre$s Cir• • Automatic Cool-down Period • Cyc:l...end lllgn1I • No«oop Daoron Lint ICrNn. 411 E. 17th s·t. 646-1684 Dally 9.9. Saturday 9"' .. ------... -. ----------------~~ DAILY PILOT J5 ~------A'' _870111'8 ciOpn TODAY (CHR18711A8} 0R7110 · MA:fTRl!SS BA.LaSTARTS TOllORROW AT 10 .A.II. nev~ .. K~r lavishly quilted with ric:b.dlc:ontor ticking. A sensational biJJI!' INCl8DU ldtml l 2hl-$ol28 OmtO-hl-.. DGUllE IOMUS _ .__ ___ ..... n Tb• lmly litlC 42 "I· tt of sol~ value. D-~ strtched tickillJ. A blllilt fMl'l i ~"::U....... ... '. ORIH:.=. .. 59 llOUILE IOJUtS ..... I tt'• ti!• ORTHO-PAK H1rt's w•at y11111t: Fieldcrest no-iron King or Queen Size sheet • Fieldcrest no-iron King or Queen Silt fitted bottom sheet• 2 kin& or Queen Size bolster pillows • 2 pillow cases • Kini or Queen'Size llllttress pad• Kinr or Queen Size metal frame with easy rolttna: castm. AND DDUILE BONUS Kint or Queen Size quilted bedspread and Kina or Queen Sizt headboard (not as illustrated)' with your purchase of any ·Kini or Queen Size Sleep Seti DIRECT TO YOU 01kT#f'~ ANNUAL K.------ Tbs lspl Kief Spacious, ~epnl~ quilled-7 ft. long and 6 ft. wide. Specilf swini! INCl.UD8-& 2h1Sorf .... '188 Dltl11o.tAI •• DOUILE IOMUS q.------ Year-en Sale MATTRESSES Bl. BOX SPIHNGS l DI !lrlltllf Twiur Foti Beo-ly decor11or· quflted ~ .. p 11t Your choice of twin or full size. IHClUDlS ¥a1111u I hi Sorfll( 1M DOUILl IONUS •55 including Twin and Full Size ValU-8 PLUS THE DOUmF "'-1181 The parW$e tlf ~Twin or Full Size Sloop l!tlitcludeu .,. plastic Hedolnt (llOtn Hluslrlted) il!ldmetllfnmewlth easy·roll casters! .2(FOR ONE) Two button·fret, llllOOlfl·lop l!llltr""" AU. El'HT PIECES 1wo boK sprinas, two headboards(not •s illustrated), two easy-n1ll frames. ·sa· a Two comret• Sita for one klw pritt! Buy now. Tie $lplr 1Wll " , .. Rich, quilted coiw' witb~ dtc0rator tidllnf. Super sale price! IMCLUHS ............. s. ••• DHllE IOMVS -•ea YOU CAN ONCI' BUYORTHO ~Jtr ORTH() SJ'ORE$ TH!NATION'S LARGEST CHAIN OF MATTRESS SPECIALISTS . FOUNTAIN . VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. (lft•t to· Iody't) Phon:e 839·4570 LAKEWOOD 4433 Candlewoocl. Dr. (Acrou from L1k1wood COJI"') Phoile:· 213-634-4134 ' ' ' ANAHEIM 1811 W. U11coln Ave. (Ju•t East of FodMlrt) Phone: n'-2190 ... ------------------------------~----~-------------------- JI ~LV PILOT fhitrldfJ', OKtmber 2!, l•~• . TlieWives Divided Berlin Faces Another Bleak Yule Are Now ' In Arms BERLIN (AP) -It b Alter lht: East Germina put lUU't]entln,a: pttuUre ()n nla1n adamant and the people pie think. They come over for They 1n lhe ones ~110 got so-able lo go to East Bt:rlln slnct Cbrittrnaa time In Btrlin, and eree~d their wall In AUJU1t the isolated Wt.It Berliners to rtmaln cul off even at coffee or talk at the store and called hardship passes for the East Germw coo5ider it lS bitter cold. For the dlvid-1981, they waited 2~1 years make them live in to Com· Cl1ri:stmas. they tell you : special family events that for them roreigners. od city's residentl, there ii a before they granted the first munlst demands. At C...'hristmas t965, almost "The senate (city gover n-them fall at Chr\st1nas. There East Berliners. of coorst, chlll ln theit heart&. paws at Christmas 11163. One demand is that the Wesl ooe million \l/esl Berliners menl) can get us everything are about 7,000 of these passes except for retired per300~. By Peltr J. Ste.iicroU, MD Jt ii the rourt.b Chri.Jstmas There were varying seasonal Berlin city government deal pou red through Lhe wall U! see but wall pa.sses." a month. lt is a safety valve have not been able to L'Om• that lht Eut German Com-pass periods after thlt with with East Germany as a rrlencb and relatives and to "Do you think there will the East German regime West since J961. Lett.era: from \\'ives &rt murUlts have denied puses so the last one at Pentecost In separate entity from West vis it their dead. There can be ever be paases again?" maintains without r or ma I---------- pouring in slnct J wro\e a col· that West Berliners cannot lMS -3~ ye.a.rs ago. Germ.any. ftf:iyo r KI au s no doubt that as many or "You can go to East Berli'll agreement, aomethln& they Sally is. Top Bantnas um on HO\V TO HAVE A vt1il their frlalds and In the Interim. tht East Schuetz and his city ad · mo re would go this year. as an American. Has it c:hang-are otherv.·ise so eager to HEALTHY HUSBAND. Irate rtladves across the wall in Berlin re1ime of W 11 t e r ministration cannot accept For a resident or tlerlin, it is cd much?" A few lucky West have. Some 50,000 We s t On Any Comics Page 'live&, tired llives. Ji ck wive1,J'~E~u~t ~Bo~r~lin~.======~Ulb~r1~c~h~l~h~u=use=d ~lh=•~w~all~~to=th=i•;;· ~So~, ~th~e~E~a~st=Ge=nn~a~ns=...,~-~·•=l~n<ee~~ssa~ry=t~o~88~k=w~h=•~t~peo-~~B~er~h~·n~er~s~w~i~ll ~be~a~b~le~t~o~g~o~. ~G~e~rma~n~vw~·~io~rs~al~so~wi~·1~1 ~b~e ========== 111 romplaining, "How 11bout us!" Here is one letter: Dear Dr. Sttincrohn: l am sick and tired of reading OlrtiCles about how to kt'tp your husband happy and healthy. I ha ve kept mine hap- py and healthy for H years - At my expense. I have prepared all the right meal! - haven 't baked 1 p.ie or cake in 20 years -but you should see him eat when we ao out! An.d DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE then he crlUcbes me bee.am t ckm'l ,.rve rict, potatoes, pastries and dea.strts. H• relaxes so much with his before-dinner drinks that ht complet.ely falls apart. Befort his nap, that is. The children a.re grown. He is 54 and I am 49. I ha ve pampered, coddled. Rnd protected this beauUful husband of mine. v.·ho is car· rying »Q,000 of insurance, and I'll die before he does -me. \\•ilh. my $2,000 policy. I feel sorry for him. He doean't even know how to make coffee, wash his clothes or take c:are of himself. I've babied him 110 much because I wanted to have a healthy husband. But I've taken ao many or the lumps I have ulcers from trying to protect hiln from such prob- lems as children, cars. house , yard, appllances. I'm the one v.·ho hu high blood prtisure becaUJe I'm called on when the nwer backs up, the car hu flat tires and the 1arba1e can is overflowing:. I'm the one ·who has arthritis from clutchine the iron, 1(%Ubbina: the floor and washin1 windows. BUT 1 MUST PROl'ECT HIM! Not let him be aware th1t wives have their problems, too. Years ago it was the women who y,·ere pampered: now it'!ll the men . All the doctors dur· tng·the last decade have had a hangup on keepint the men healthy. Hope we have some more \1iewpoint.s from your women readers on this problem. But please don't sign my name - I want to stay married to my husband! -Mrs. M. MEOTCALLETIES I RepJieg to Readers) Dear Dr. Steincrohn: I just had a checkup. The doctor told me I have low blood pressure. I am 63 and otherwise very healthy, he says. I asked him what kind of medicine I need :i;nd he said I don 't netd any. He sa.ld I should be thankful it isn't high. But a frien d of mlM hu suuested I take an iron tonic and vitamins for it. Whit do you advise? -Mrs. W. CO~t~tENT: I am not beinl; ironic or smart·alecky when I liugge st that you put the money in your piggy bank, or use it for other purposes. Although your friend's advice l!'I well-meaning, I doube that vitamins or iron will influme1 your blood pre1sure in any \\"ay. Besides, as your doctor 11ays, be thankful it is on the lo~·. rather than on the hi1h !iide. People with low pressure have 1 belle: longevity ouUook than others. Dear Dr. Steincrohn : While talkinl to a person whom I respect very much I wa.& told 1hat t.o keep one's system r.leaned out properly one ~ould go two whole days without eating anything, juR dri nking warm water. lf you tton't do this, she said it's like adding junk lo a car. never cleaning it out. Jt won·t run righl \Vhat do you think! Do you advise that I do this! - Mn. c. C OMP.tENT : Ealin 1 wholesome food every day i~n't "like addinc junk to 1 rar." I believe 1 regular daily ttiet is better, atthou1h I •sree 1hat nobody should overload the stomt~h. FuUnc two days a week b just another form ol rtiet-fad that will not improve your health. , ~ ,... l.fT'S IE fllfNDL Y U J'OU ban ntw netshhon: ,. know ol an.rent moTtn.I 1$ our aret. plMM tell UI 10 tkt W. ~ ntend a friendly •·elcomt and htJp -to -....,.tnt..i 1n tbdr new Nm:Nn&n&'lo So. CNsf Visitor 4f4-0J7' 4'4-'348 Hamor Visitor CLOSlD TlllllSDA Y, DIC. 25th Christmas Day WI Will a1 Open Friday 9 AM-10 PM Polyderm ! lty PllNCI MlTCIJ.IEUI I NO•MAUinlG Skia freslleler Effect1•e s~ill 1:111° ~lllOI!!'. 1 00 ~ 1.751 •z. Silt , i --:v ~ t Spray Colognes f "Crown" Ouette l'!!llDSf lrom 1~ma~s Yardle1tr1&rJncts ... 2 25 l a~.e frtt whenyou ~Jf l J.11 ¥1111 I --"T d" wee CllNCEmlTI Cologne Mist 1 ... tlftl M•lr "Breck" CREME RIN SE Cboast from reeular 11111 ~~.e;7•s=f~ 119 li11e hair. 1.75 It tz. Sir1 • 11. - CIUITIE "Platinum Plus " DOUtLE EDCC l111r l la•ts I .II llis,eu 1r el J 59c "'UAPSIT" Vacuum Bottle '1nD•S-K!tr.,110· "ds l'lot «cold , •• seitw 1 88 4owft l!Opp!!t, t up wtth Nndll. It. Sile J "Coty" ruc1111 Spray Mist ·~llC!S. l'li•1~I • [111r11~1 • L'Ori111 "· 2.50 ·------------· ' . .,:;:;:,..• ' J ~ I-=-.,? • 2:1.00 1 or. ur.11 rif ColoJne .wl Perfu/11! Ct~ !iidltt in Wind Song;. Golde~ >attrmn, PrQJlhecy, 8el11¥ed. UIY1!11 3.00 ....... ~ .. ~-.. -.. ~ .. ~""' COLONIAL DAMES All Purpose LOTIOll •,-:; 1.50 Skin Freshener :;-; 1.50 All P1rp1se • Crea~ 1 75 .... ' 2.50 • -LUCIEN lElONG Cologne ~ NORMALIZING ~.~:.=l11.Si11 2.00 NOIMALIZING ~ Cleansilf Crm ~ .-:::: 1. 75 Moisllre Esseia Night Cream 18 for """ """''" slin "Ii,. u1 2 00 '=-"" S111 • · - -·-·----· -·-· -· ... --"No Bugs M' Lady" Shelf aid Drawer Paper rontrol. Colors & design<; 1n roll~ ()I C O••rltss -P1oc~~sed 1111th nest 59 18"125 tt. and l3"1J6 !I. ea. . _...,__ ....... --.-.. --···-~~~.---- ...... , 42 ••••lllllllOlll -- I Sim: he-.w1101•, lriied1~111 99c .,;ro111tr. bf.1.tt llrtf 21 l1r 3--·""'""'188 1111Tlddle<. hr. 1.H It• •141 I ... "'LAO.HANDS" Household Gloves flUlillSS -I 11•~ !c~t lined wattt prool ti nyl •~ ~;. sorl~ colors. Ladies' S·M L gee "Polident" lfFEllEICINI POWDU- Cle111s false le1tll best • , • ~tocrs tmbirrKSirtr deftl~r1 br!alh •• , t!COITlll'll!nded b'f dentists. 1.1111 tL Sin ·---~- SUPIRlllCTllC Electric Heater r111 lmd ifts1111111a1t ... tvriis ell wto~tQlly whtft -· desired l!mptrAlur1 1\ 8 88 reac!ltil. R.>~~d r~ fl'AI f1n1~~. #115 I -- ' - BRO XO DENT "Soft-White" BULBS SAVE 11' a Pak of' ,., ti ' •• ,. 1.0I . "''" 97 ·l!•on C • IH Witt PRE·! sno White Bulbs "Soft-White" • H Witt • 15 Wall • 100 WJll 3-WAY BULIS ll·llf.151 Jl.111-1!1 'lf1tt Wirt 4189c 65c 7ic ' CHl,,ON Facial Tissue 1tut211 -1 ,~ ... Stft. Mltrt11t .• , AsHrtN C1l1rs. 4i88c ZEE Paper Towels C i1~t Si1e -c~ •• ,, 1r,11 W•ite ••• PJSlt l C.l1rs. ''Style" HAIRSPRAY ftr 1 ll1ir-4• ttiat w1't ••·••! C~1•11 fra• I 1n1ln.. 1S ti. "Klear'' SELF-POLISHING Floor Wax lfilt Clur •a ran. "I at.Sin ' DOG FOOD Pit Sltw, C~ltk11 PMU, tllckt• St1w, Ckltk11 l11ffs & llllllf ltlt~L 15' 1z. Ca1s "Easy-Off' SPRAY Oven Cleaner ftr WarM If tll~ ltn•s. lf1r.Sf11 Havoline MOTOR OIL . '"'' !:r!.'1"' ... Qooll lr1•W: JMIWtfatt, ·~ 3i$1 KITCHEN "Drano" 1iril Irma Cattflf feml1 1trlitrllnDni1s '" lllfl$.lll 11 IL Silt Multi-Vitamins SIY·ON !RIND C"w1ble, 2 58 rnut flmred. 250 T1•l1ts • Cles1• C.,ist11u hr -o,,, I AM lrl•11 NEWl'O~T BEACH A.,_._.~hertt HUNTI NGTON IEACH .,.. _ _,,.,_ HUNTINGTON BEACH 11111,...., I• w ... n" ,. ... •• I --------~ Car Wash Business Not Easy By JOYCE LAIN Dur MIN Lala: t am a 47- year-old widow who hu never wtlrked except in our own bualnea. My hU3band and I hid a tmall drugstort. I want to get into aometh.inc new but hate to go to a lo-etnt store or dress shop as a clerk, and for sentimental TtuOnl don't care to work in someooe ebt'1 drugstore. J would st.an my own bu!lness if I thought J c«lld handle the work load alone. A friend suggested an a u t ·o ma t i c coin-operated carwash. I like this idea. It doesn 't seem like a bUJlne11s that would wear me out. What about it?" 1\f. S., Fl. Wayne, Ind. Dear M.W.: Squash the cani.•ash idea if you are not In a position to give the business you full effort. It's a tooler - it only look! like dirty cars go in one end and money automatically comes out the olher. Yoo can get i"'rea- sonabl e ink I i n g of what's inv olved by reading a govern- ment publication, "Starting and Managing a Carwash, SBA, Vol.14." Send as .cents and a gummed return mailing label to the SuperintendeY!t of Documents, \Vashington, O.C. 20402. Dear r.u11 Lain: There is much advertising today about training to be a radio an- nouncer in private, non-college broadcuting schools. Would appreciate yo~ opinion on this. T.P., HOUJten. Te:r. Dear T.P.: My opinion is that I woo.kl attend a degree- grantin1 college or univtraity which of f e r s broadcutin1 courses, and which bas a cam- pus radio or television station. Radio announcinJ baa many attractive qualities but job zeeurity isn't one of them. Ad- ditlonal education offers a areater network of employ- ment alternatives . • • • Dear Ml11 Lain: I am one of your average. mixed-up young adults (high school junior) and would like some Information on a career. In a police sta- tion, 'illhat are t h e re- quirements to answer calls and report on a radio? I.G., Chlea10. DI. Dear I.G.: In ganeral, police radio dispatches receive com. plaints from the public con- cerning crimes and police emergencies, and broadeut orders to police radio patrol units to i nvestigate. Police v.•ork is civil service in pr.ac· tieally all large cities and many smaller ones. oe,ending upon the municipality, the dispatcher is either a police officer or train- ee, or a civilian employe. Many Chicago -use police offlcer:i because the dispatcher does more than relay information; he "quarterbacks" the action take11, making i m p o r t a n t decisions which require a thorough knowledge of police practice and procedure . Civilian dispatchers may be promoted from such clerical jobs as switchboard operator or radio clerk. Requirements for a job as a dispatcher include a hiah school diploma or equivalent, good hearing and v o i c e modulation, honesty. sound judtmmt and a sense ol respomibllity. For more in· fcrmation, inquire at your local po I Ice department'• personnal office. • • • Dear Mi1s Lahl : I am a senior in hlJh school and Im ·fntertsted 1n becomin1 an airline stewardess. Could you name some reliable airline schools?" K.Z., SeatUe, Wa1ll. Dear K.Z.: Most brge airlines operate their own schools 'lt'hich last from thret to eicJtt (an average of five) weeks. You should ALWAYS check with the airline of your choice before enrolling in 1 pri•1te stewardess school. I MDI Uve a Hmlted sapplJ of one pap mevce IMICI w111a 111t .._ u<1 Id· dMHt ti rnaj• alrlhttl t. wbldi 1'I ma1 wrile fw i•· fonutloll. If 1• wu't • cepy, Hid 11 ctDtl alMI I damped, 1elf•ddmHd n•dope .. me at WI HW1paper. • • • WUt Clretr wCMlld )'ti Uk1 ..,._II 11111 cohnuur lle1MI ..,,.. ......-le Joyce Loll ....... ..,.,.,. Sony bot tlle ...._ ot mill mlbt ,..,_ npllel lmpoalllle. Who Listens To Landers? -' ·-,....._.·------------~----------~------,..--------- AFTER CHRISTMAS DAILV PILOT J7 ' I ANDc ea·rances Flitecrest lugg age by Samsonite Ftitecr!$t Spacemaker lugga,se l11 train ca.>t, weekend , pullman, 2 and 3 suiters. White, blue, 1vo· cado, f1.5h ioned for women. may co luggage 36 Sealy quilted "Rest Guard " Mattrs or box spclng in twin oi ruu size. King and quttn ICtJ available Wo at big u:vings, reg. 179.9) 9uccn set, reg. 249.00 king act, may co slttp 1hop 14 l . . Junior pants at a savings 39.95 129.95 179.85 Widt choice. Rayon aepes. aCf)'· lia , bonded to acetate. Plaids. JOlids, many rotor!. Flare leg. 6.99 may co budget store$ 801 • 98·pc. china set for 12 Choice or patterns. Every piece trimmed ~·ith 22 karat gold or platinum. Quantitie~ are limi ted, IO hwry in and save! reg. 79.99·8?.99 58.00 may co china 46 danish modern living room 5o£a and diair in b"and.some pump· kin., green dteorator colon or vinyl textured black plastic. aca:nt chair, reg. )0.00 39 .00 soFa., ttg. 1140.00-1 )0.00 109.00 may co furniture 141' misses' slinky fashion tops flM nyloo.s. aceuitcs, more. Scoop-neck, long or short sleeves. Many coon in the group. S.M·L. ...... l.994.99· 2.99 may co budget JtOres 800 easy-care coat in plush y pile Girl s' lightweigh t coat is easy ca.re ~nd oh so .t0ft! Double-breuted and belted in front. It's -..·ash.able acrylic. A•h . 4-6x. "" $18. 14.99 7·14, '9i1a~ 23.00 19.99 ma y co girls dr~ses )6 famous Risque pumps on sale Perfect to•"n Jhon. Mid-high h~J~. Black Wny or peau de soie; or black or navy .\mooth'. reg. \'LOO 9.99 ' ma y rn moderate dr"5 M\oes 12 fi ne remnants of broadloom Save 2oro to )07o on a wide M:lcction o( colors, libcrs, tex· turts. Sizes from t2x6 to 12:rl8. were )7.00· 264.00 20.00-1()().00 may co floor covering$ ~2 may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at ,bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 .. shop friday 9 a .m. to 9:30 p.m. ., ' • • ' (., cotton f lanriel Adoria pajamas Soft. \Varm. Choose plaids or $tripes or pretty posey printJ. Shift and gown style also avail· able. In sizes 3:! through 40. were ).00 3.99 may co lin~rie 10 famous lady tailored shirts Wu.al th.i rts with 1porty Jtalilft .. eolian. Roll·up or long 1Jene&. Stri~. print~. soli d.s . .5iies !0-~8. '"" 7.00-1100 3.99·4.99 may co blou.ses j 1 nylon tricot quilted robes Snap f roots. Dainty cm0roiclcry trim . Polyester fiberfillecl. Li&ht· W<i&ht. Melon, aqua, gold. 10-18. "Weft 16.00 11.99 ' " j • MAVCO ' I llll'!'~"P,' ... -.... !!!' ... _ ... ___ ..,!l!l!''l!"_"'! ___ .,.. ________ _, ___ ..,. __ ""'..,.,,,...,,,,,.,.,."':.": • .,.,-.,.,.'."'"'--:-r--:.-:,,.,. ·""'"· -:"-:":":"°"",....,·"·'°· "'..-C.":O", -,,-..,-,...,.-_,.-"i";"""i"'"';""'"'"";;:, -;·t OT \ ...,. :•; • • c. • .-·~ • ,. • • DAILY PILOT Di·sneyl·and ' ' ... , •• Welcomes Walt Dilney's Magic Kingdom became "'Laurie Land" for a day as alt the characters of Disney- land turned tltei r talents to the task of pleasing the winner of Uncle Len's Christmas Card Contest. 'fhe 9-year-old wi nning artist, I~aurie Hansen, took along her brother, !tfark, 6, and mom and dad-Mr. and Mrs. Mark Han· sen of 2024 Aliso Ave., Costa Me~Jor the "royal day at IM· 1teyland" which was heT first prize in the contest. It U>a$ a day of thrill.3 for 1.aurie and Iler brother a.s each Dirney character tri~ to outdn theiothers to make the,f!jlit spec· ial for tlle Hansens. TKe youngsters pilotid a Dum· bo ridt in Fa11tasy!and (above rig1it), helped Capt. Hook qnd Mr. Smee steer tiJ,e Piratt Ship (right) end Laurit hung a color- ,.d ball on the ,gipnt Disneyland Christmas tree a.s Winnie the Pooh offered advice and ap- proval (lower r ight). Pluto appreciatively sniff! n dogwood blossom (what else) in 1.he plloto (upper right );, Sn.ow White, along with Dopey, help Laurie get her wish for casting tt coin into the wishing well (left) and tile entire Hansen family shares popcorn and p~n· ,'fUtt (belo10, left) during a very bu.sy day at "Laurie Land." DAI LY PIWT P hotos by Richard Koehler ' Uncle Len's Winner· ..... .., ' J • • [ I ! I t 1. I I r I· --------·-----------------.. ---.,,.. • NQ\N,AT POPULAR PRIC•BI ri:roadwa)''s smpistt.rousleal now the most exciting m<Me in yearS! Hepburn Magnetic, Long Beach CLO bAlLY PILOT J~j , SWBRT OH/Ull73 Ji.' bclusivel LID 0, Newport Beec.h. Ew:clusivel I But 'Coco' Less So 'Clear Day' Opening S~~ • ' EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING SHOW TIMU 7:00 It ttJll M4TINI~ IUN. 2 Arie Ciut'llrlt "ALICE'S ltlSTAUltAHT" Cltl TN 1 .. tlH "YELLOW SUIMAlllflle•• FOR THE FIRST TIME ........ ti ! DRIVE-IN MATINEES! : :"l ~: f STARTING CHRISTMAS OAYI i ATTENTION PARENTS! £ i SPECIAL HOLIDAY SCHEDULE t. : ALL DISNEY PROGRAM • :: ... H>UNTAIN YALLIY Dll:IYE-IN : • lrookhul'lt at the Su Di .. o FrHwoy 41 • • : "101 OALMATIONS" & "DARBY O'GILL" • . : i f• ecco111odoto tfle,9ffffftt •VllllMtr of f•111ilift with 1mel! chllcl· • 'JI. Nill, our holldar w ... ldlM11le will be , , • ! By JACK GAVER NEW YORK (UPI) -Bring- ing the magnetic Kt:tharine Hepburn back to t h e Broadway staae alter a long aboehce, with the added flWp .of her first appearance in a musical, should keep "Coco" presperous at the Mark Heb- lnger Theater so long as abe chooses to st~y with it. But the celebrity-i;tudded Thursday night p re miere re vealed a most la"vish pro- duction based on phases or the . • ,., long career of P a r I s :,, couturiere Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel that ·I e a v e s con- siderable to be desired in the way of material. The libretto and lyrics are by, the ei:eSugiotis, Alan JaY Lerner, and the music is tha1 or Andre Previn, for years a notable in the symphony and film music fields, but here doing his finit stage show. Lerner has \Witten some li~Jy •. l;liµng .dlalogue for Miss Hepburn in the Coco role, that of an aging woman who is blunt . domineering , passionate, talented and lone- ly. The trpuble is that there isn't enough varietY to the dialogue, and that after a \•:bile the Coco mots hav e a sameness and become almost predictable. The Lerner lyrics -usually his strong point -are not outstanding this time. Some o( the Previn melodies are at- tractive and will make an im- pression once they are heard a few times. The score has been beautifu lly orchestrated by Hershey Kay and gels an DISTINCTIVE ' Kite in 'Coco' o u 1st.anding orchestral in- terpretation under the batoo of Robert Emmett Dolan. But it is well that Miss Hep- burn is so ene rgetic and , althol:Jgh playing a woman "''ho tloes not seem very loveable. so. ap~ling. That distinctive volce, Ile familiar carriage. the haunting face back in the theater will be enough to satisfy many. It is too bad that the star has to handle several songs. Even though some get the ''talking " treatment at times. the overall result in ·the Bingini department is not good. 'Butterfly' 1'op Group 'l'he Iron Butterlly, Alco recording artists. have been· named the. "number one top. selling vocal group for 1969" in Cash Bllx .~lj,gazine's annual poll, released Dec. 22. Placing second were the Beatles and tbird w a s Blood, Sweat and Tears. BUtterf\y •. a four-man (Dou& Ingle, Ron, Bushy, Erik Brann and Lee Dorman) group organized just over two years ago, has released th re e "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" will be the nett. productl«t of the Long Beach Civic Light Opera AssociaUon, opening J an. 9 (or a slx- performance run. Carolyn Thompson, playing her tbiM •lanil>i tole io l>t• Ytal'I. .will pottray the h<rooie ln Allen Jay Lemer'1'COtnldY ba5'd on the Bride)' Murphy thefne of ESP, reincarnation and mys tici s m . Miss Thompson also headed the casts or "Fun'ny Girl" and ';C&rnival" for . the . Long Beach musical theater, Among the tamlliar songs fronl the show are "What Did I ·Have That 1 Don't Have Now," "Come Back to Me" and ,th e title tune, Robert ~fcCaman is directing the Long Beach production, with Bill Roberts doing t h e choreography and J a c k Kroesen dire c ting the Orchestra. . ·Perfonnancts are scheduled ''" Hooks Writillg albums since they first formed HOLLYWOOD (UPI) three years ago. "ln·A·Gadda· Robert Hooks, co-stan1ng in "~lood Kin,'' is writing a book Da·VKla,'' their tiCCOnd LP, -On 'Jra Aldrich, a turn-of-th&- has sold more than two million century actor and first Neiro unils aud become the biggest· to play Shakespeare in the selllng record in Atla'l'ltlc-Atco,=U=ntt=ed=S=t=al=e=s.=====;ll hi story· and accou nting for!· nearly $10 million in sales. ~-•• ""'" :•,.•1 '""" A secohd 'album, "Ball,'' has also earned a Gold Record, the j, .,..111 record indu~try awar~ for ~n TONITI AT 7•11 ONLY LP surpassmg -$1 m1lhon m • iales. Ri ckles Guests AND AT t :OO ONLY _....,.....,~ .... f ....... (fllM\M ......... ! "Darby O'Gill and the Little People" : • Shew11 et S:lO 11·'"· • ! "1 01 Dalmatians" ! Oil Epic Due HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Don Rickl~, v.·ho has bu i 1 t his career insulting other people, will trai11 his sights on Jim Among the SClOgs that should Nabors when he plays guest on make an impression are "But the latter's show late th is That's the Way You Are," year. "The World Belongs to th e -==========:;II ....... Cllllll D1bullt .... ''ttlfiiiiN®f.. " : Sllow" at 7:10 II·•· • • Set this cemplete All Disney ahow late •s 9:15 p.m. : :.******~~~.~::!!:~.~~~!.!:.:~~.~~~~******: HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Young." "Let's GQ Home.",. "The Money Rings Out Like Freedom," "A Woman ls How She Loves" and "When Your Lover Says Goodbye." TURN ON --MATINllS DAILY ITAIT1NCi fll:IDAY~IOM 1:45 TV WEEK k11p1 you tun1~ 11!::=::::::========'11 to '*htl'1 h1pp1nin9 behind t~. l11b1 -E¥1ry s .n.nl1y in th1 DAILY PILOT. Tom Stem. producer-star or "Hell's Angels '69," i n partnership with American Universal film s, will produce •·Viva O'Rourke," an epic of the Mexican -0il fields of the 1920s. 1£ you are fond of Miss Hep- burn, you will want to see it. .'=========== LATE SHOW TONIGHT -ALL THEATa~S SEE IOTH l"IATURIES A5 LATE AS lt;~ f'.M. Wilt o·i-y11 "111 OALMATIOHI" ••• "OARIY O'OILL & 'f.MI LITTLI f'EOl'LlE" 'Joe Eg·g' Next Show For South Coast Rep ·--' . """'"' ........... 847·l&ll D1111ln HllflrMll Mil 1'1r,_ "J OHN & MAltT" flt) fr•nk Sln:Jlr• 11"""91 Welctl "LAOY IH Cl!Ml!NT" .11-IOIMI Strlkn At1l1t "ON Hl!ll MAJEnY'S •ECRET SEltVICI" (M) Cl>lrlton H"Mn "NUMIER ONE" IMJ f'_,ty DU~I "Ml! NATALIE" J•mes 0.rfttt G•Y•• Hu11111eun "MARLOW I!" South Coast Repertory will cpen the new year with the Or~e · County premiere of the British comedy· drama "Joe .Egg.." opening .Jan, 9 for four weekends . P~ter Church, a fqrmer ·SCR · member and now a pr~ fessional sta ge and screen ac· tor, \Viii play the leading role of Brian, father of a retarded child. SCR executive director David Emmes is directing the I!'ishbach as the mother, Mike and Toni Douglass as their friends and Pat Brown as Brian's mother. The role of "Joe Egg," the retarded child, will be played by Emmes' HJ· year--0ld daughter Deirdre. "Joe Egg" will be staged Thursdays through Sundays at the SCR Third Step Theater, llltl Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, through Jan. 31. Tickets may be ordered by calling the box ¢'!ice at 646-1363. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p~la~y·~~~~~~~~ Others in the cast are Eilttn,lii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii= --EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! SPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINEES DAILY AT 1:30 .. The Reiver is a SCOUNDREL, an OPERATOR and a BRAWLER •••• William Faulkner'!> Pulitzer PrizeWinning Novel "The ReiverS: is now a film! Steve McQueen plays Boon in "The Reivers" ~n Farrell Will Ceet Michael Constantine. 1 Rupen Crosse. Mitch Vogel AiilrVing~KnmerPnxkictian·lnAssodltionwi1hSdarPro00aions e • . ExttlltM>~~E.Rd)'ea·MusicbyJofmWolr~m• S<!Mlljlljl)'bf lr\'ing RaYelch ... -fllnfc,Jt 8all!d on d1e NMt 'The~,.· by William faull<ner·l'loduced by Irving Ravc1ch Oiiected by Marie R)dcll ·l'Mavision"&Tethni<oloc' A Cinema Cenier Films l'lmntation A ·National General Pictures Rtlease. l!iJ '="'!=O CONY111i1EN1' SHOW 11MD 1:30, 3:40, 5:50, 1:00 l 10:00 P.M, ~ PAUL NIWMAN "BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID" "ME, NATALIE" C••'· Tl111rs. &-Sua. l :lO P.M. ' ·NOW PLAYING lox Ollie• Opon •I l:i COntlnuou1 Daily From 12.30 .... s 1 CHllRiTJ' SHIRLEY MacLAINE JOHN McMARTIN SAMMY DAVIS, JR. • 00 e{I& .•AH.-YISION" Al10 -P•ul N1w111•• J•u• WOC1clw•rcl "WINNING" ·rh~y RoJc \\/here t\o One l lsc Dared! _ ..... _ GIOllGI SIGAL "THE BRIDGE AT RElllAGEN" (Ml ONl Y TWO MEN HAVE WALKED ON THE MOON. FOR THE REST OF 11i "2001" IS AS CLOSE AS , WE'RE L/Ktl Y·TO GET. . 2001: a space OclJssey CINERAMA ,.,.,...,.... ....... "ulllltKUR Dlilltl • GAlft LOCKWOOD ~U'"•A• .,$lAJtl('t' KUIRlCKu •AllTKUrt C. CU~( $UPlR' ,,..,AVl!ION )•O MlTlllXOLOR CI NE l l OM E (---· r-n . ;_~ .... -·~I ' .... -.. " ... "' ,,, •.. "' _, ror J1Lt1. 9, 10. 16 and J7 at 1:30 p.m, 8lld Jan. 11 and JS at % p.m. in the auditorium of CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES DAILY • <t ••AC" , AT Cl.LIS • • •U . CO,,ST _.,,A UM Ol&eo ,...,.,, ••7·•oo• • H'UNTINGTO"' ••.W:H NOW! ·AT POPULAI PllCIS Jordan High S<llool. Rese~p· tioos may be acquired by C.U· illl (213) 432-7926. I AllflT SllllH • W11T•Ulllt _,.__ ,t CONTINUOUS DAILY • ' ' Noc .. ·-bu! _of··-· Excl111;~, Or1nq• Co11nly E1u11•q1m1nt. Now et Popul•r Pric11 -CONTINUOUS- 1--4-7 ' 9:..(5 At~a£M\'' 1\1',:A~O BEST AClRESS S>JiSR.A SIR!ISArJO e W~ Nlt~tt • J ill • t110 s.f..s ... & H•ll'-'rt e CO .. TINUOUI e 20ll Cl1111.llW.fOX PMSEMTS l- MUI.NEWMAN -~·· . BOTCH CASSIDY ANO THE SUNDANCE Kl> PWiWISD• COl.Ol BT llfUR CllllMl=~=I "WHY II n'llYTHIN6 Wl'll fii.OOD AT ...,. ,1u1•AL? .... J ........ ,..,. ...... tl•ctf••tf NW '-lllM ,._. MRCe. H.,,. thr-• ,.,.. ........ .., .... 1e4 .... ltr Ml ,.., .......... ltt •Mli. ' •It•' 'C•wtt.r'. Mhl ,_,.w h .. , •• "°""""''• ,..,.""" ..... Uliqllftfl .... I,, It h ' .... 94, ... ,,,.... ··-~ • lltlri111911h •1t fll• 94 ..., ,..,... q · -LoJ ,l,n91l11 H1(t1.t "'\ E•1m1nr,, "'A '""'· ..,,., hoy "'"'· .., ... tlri. ... tth .. ....... ""· "'' It .... <• .. .. 1111'.,.., w-v 94 1 ... .. 'J• iHcl Maiy' lrittt et llt ""~-" -K•th.11111 C1non1 Dtilr N•wt ' " I' I ,j I ..--....--=...,.,., ... .,..,...,.,.,,,....,,,....,,.,,,,,,,..,...,,,....,,..-~~~...,.....,.--,....,.,,....~---·~"""~--,-•cr>o r --;;;."!..t :f. i "" -, /i~ ~~------~--------·~----··-·---... ' ' . . . ' . . . . -,-,,,,--~ ' I ' , AFTE-R . c .H ·RISTMAs~· CLEARANC·E BRIDAL SALON Bridal gowns from famous n~me design.ers in B;ll season fabrics, one-of·a·k1nd collect1on, white or ivory, sizes 8· 10, orig_. 136.00·4!JO.C!O .. 12·12 OFF Bridesmaid and formal gow1J_e:paal els and d~rks, · in sizes 8-1 4, orig. 36.00·96.00 •••.. -. ... Y1 ·1h OFF FUR SALON Dyed broadtail·processed lamb jacket ...•.•. 247:00 Natural ranch mink stroller ................. 781.00 Natural Tourmaline• mink stroller •••..•..... 8t7.00 Natural Blue Iris mink jacket ••............ 1347.00 Natural ranch mink jacket ..•...........•.. 1441.00 Natural ranch mink stroller ....••. ~ ........ 1797.0D Natural Azurene• mink coat .•.••.........•. 23814>0. Tip-dyed sable jacket .................... H97.00 •e111ba9 Mlnk ll1Mder1 Al1'11, , 1 ' ·"" Fu1 "'"~eli l11Ml1d to 1how cou111ry of orig111 1>1 lmpor11d•h1rt. DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR-· -.... --· Clearance of desig ner.seParates including. alter-five separates, orig. 33.00-178.00 21.11·111.99 • >~ ,• . DESIGNER COATS AND SUIT~.,~'.'·· . .' Fall assortment of better coats,--ra1.r'>"''-~~ {IUJt.s and costumes, orig. 50.00-156.00' •• it .•• \,.\0·\2 OFF DESIGN~R DRESSES '\ -~· -' .. Daytime, late day costumes and some ~·g~ns from our fall and winter d,flsigner cplleCU:$ns; orig. 96.00-250.00 . . . . . . • • • •. 12 OFF Oil MORE . • "-! ' MISS~s· BETTER DRESSES.-1 , Fall and holiday dresses. dayijme dress~s . cock~~ dresses, misses'-slzef. ~ • , orig. f'-00-136.oo ..... , ....... , , .... 'Ve· v. or: WOMEN'S B~ER DRESSE~ -, Qaytlme:dresses and costumes. some cocktail 'styles, sizes 14·29, 12Y2·2212 , . orig. 60.Dq-176.00 ................... \2 ·12 OFF PACESE.'1'.TElt\ Daytime dre~ostumes, coats and late day wear, miues' · es , orig. 66.00~136.00 .. V•·Vi OFF ' . BETTER SPORTS~R DRESSES/KNIT SHOP Assorted group of sport;;wear dresses, ~ orig. 36.00-52.00 .................... V.·12 OFF Coll~ction ol 1·2·'3-Piece w~\ knits, 1 orig. 46.00-176.00 ......... , ·: ........ y .. y, OFF BETTER SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES Imported suede, fashioned in·the USA )a~kets, reduced from our regular stock, 4 direft!lont styles, orig. 65.00·80 .00 ............. 49>99·59.99 Famous name sportswear separates in double knit wool, black, white or red, orig. 20.00-52 .00 .............••••••• 14.99-38.99 Gre•+ •ssortment of sep•r•te skirts, orig. 13 .00-50.00 ..... t .49-16.9f Nylon fash ion shirts, tun ics, pants, skirts, dresses. in fact our entire slack, reduced, machine washable, orig. 11 .00-30.00 , ... 7.99-22.49 SPORTS SHOP/SWEATERS Group of sweaters, orig. 15.00-36 .00 ..... 10.99-26.99 Dressy separates including skirts, pants, pajamas, blouses, orig. 13.00·50.00 •.... 9.99·36.99 llAT BAR •.•. Angora hats. orig. 7.00·8.00 ...••......•...... 3.99 Real fakes, orig. 5.00·9.00 ........•...... 1.99-4.99 Fwr products t1blt1d to 1how eoYnl"I' of origin o! '"'~orl1d l!J•s. MILLINERY SALON Assortment of designer hats, redu ced to clear, orig. 18.()()-60.00 ................... 12.99-39.99 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN SPORTSWEAR Wool separates, solids, plaids, checks, orig. 15.00-28.00 ...............•.••• 10.99·16,99 Slinky Antron® knit tops, pants, skirts, shills, orig. 9.00-16.00 ................. 4.99-8.99 Blouses and sweater tops, orig. 9.00-20.00 . 4.99·11.99' Pants, assorted fabrics, orig. 12.00-26.00 •. 6.99-14.99 Shills, orig. 20.00-36.00 ............•... 11 .99·22.99 2-pc, skirt sets, orig. 26.00-30.00 .....•.. 17.99-18.99 Holiday knitted panne shifts, pants and tops, orig.,15.00·20.00 ................ 8.9g·11.99 ROBINAIRE MISSES DRl'SSES Famous.maker wool knits, assorted styles, colors, orig. 40.00-44.00 .................. 27 .99 Daytime aresse's. orio. 36.00-50.00 ..••••. 23.99·33.99 Cockt•il dress•th ori9. 40.00°60.00 ......... _23.9fa3f.99 Qntfimporary n,ir\i dressel, inclu.c:Jin9 cockt•!I •. ~styles, orig: 36.00·50.00 ........• ,. ••. 23:99-33.99 import and domestic knits, 1,2,3,-pcs., , olig. 40.00-60.00 ................... --26.99.-0.99' YbUNG CALIFORNIAN D~SSES. After·flveiashions. Jr., Petite,\. - · orig. 20.00-36.00 " ......... ,.~ •. , ....... 9.99·23.99 Daytimt casuals, assorted fabries.-.Jra; Petite, orig.17.00-28.00 ......... ~1 •••• -!...\. .. 10.HJl.99. Wool klllta, Jr., Petite, 1,2-pcs., • . l ori'g'. 26.oo~.oo ....... , ............ 1 4.99·21 .89 •cetate kiilt·tUnie, stripes, solids, orig.17.00 ... 5.99 ' ~ R081NAIRE CO~TS ·; WOol-coats, sliellands, fleeols. plaid!, tweeds, orig,' 5Q.00·60.00-. ....•.....•••• , ••.••• ' •. 39.97 Cer co•\/, melt?n$, tweeds, -"1i-.:. \C.Or .. uroys, or19. lt..00-50.00 ................... 24.97-14.97 fUr.,ttlmi, mink, fox coll•r1, some ~'with cuffs •"··--·· .. _ . .. _ .-_ 99.00 Su.de safari jacket. orig. 66.00 .............. 49.97 ,,., "'"'ll<:b l1btlled lo •~ow ~Oul!l"I' o! 011gi11 ot 11••1>o<t1d lut,, llOBINAIRE SUITS llnport tcnits, 3-pc. suits, pant suits, costumes, orig. 50.00-70.00 ...•••.••. 39.97-49.97 YOUNG CAl,IFORNIAN COATS Pea jacketa,'WOOI melt on. bacK belted, navy, : camel. grey, 'Orig. 33.00 ......... : ......... 24.97 Assorted fall wodl coats, shetland. plard, caniel,orig.46.00-52.00 ......... ,. ......... 35.97 Gar coats and Pant'fackets including corduroy, melton, cotton suede, orig. 30.00-52.00 .. 19.97-35.97 Fun "fuuies", assorled atyles and fabrics, ori g. 33.00-76.00 ........................ l2 OfF 100% camel heir coat, ori g. 70.00 ............ 57.97 Fur trim event. includes natural kit fox, opossum . 99.00 ;., jll'OOl,ICtl l1bo111d lO Ill,,. (Oll~ll'I' o• 011911! er lfl'IOOl!fd '""· DEl·ONAIRE SHOP ! Jr. Petite dresses. assorted. orig. 1 t .00·20.00 5.99·9.99 Sweaters, vests , pullovers, ribs and knits, 34-40, asst. colors, orig. 8.00· 15.00 ...... 3.99-7.99 Ki!lt sportswear separates, orig. 11 .00-20.00 5.99·12.99 llOBINAIRE WOMEN'S DRESSES • Hill size dreu .. , orig. 28.00·44.00 ••••••. 12·12 CIFF CAREEf! ,IUIESSES _,, --.·· '" SHOP TOMORROW NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 -Aisor)ed town dresses ln bonded Orlon• acrylic, orig. 17.00-28.00 .............. 9.99-15.89 Dacron• polyester/wool knits, orig. 28.00 .. 15.91·11,99 4·pc. suits, ori g. 20.00 ...................... 13.9,9 Machine-washable En~~on·"i>olyester knits , , , .. 1f,.97 LINGERIE • · - Nylon tricot peignoir set, 6r'ig. 30:00 ............ 12.9tf Designer print sleepwear, orig. 10.00-28.00 .4."4;ft Fashion pajamas, orig. 32.00·42.00 ...... 15.et:20.H Blend pleat pajamas, sets, orig. 25,00-48.00. 9.99o21.!19: YO.lfllG·CALIFORNIAN LINGERIE 'Petticoats , •• : •.•.•••..••.•••••••..••••. ~ OFF Slips · ... , • , •••••••••....••.••.....•• -.. ~ Yl OFF Sleepw~ar ............................. ,,.12 OFF fASHIO'N-FOUNDATIONS . . "'· " Hollywood Vassar~tte, crepe contour CUP,; streich body, 32•36A·B-C, 388·.C, orig·. 5.00,ii'J : • .,> ••• 3.99 Goslard 'flair' bra, softly lined cup, st1etch bo<fy, 32·36 A·B-C, 38-B-C, white. yellow; orig.'5:50'. •'. 3.99 ' . ' Warner petar-·cup cotton bra/stretch body, , 32-36 A·B·C. 38 B·C, 'o)'hite,.orig; 5.00 ........... 1,99 Olga 'Yo~g Secre~· padaed bra, stretch body, 32·36 A-B·C, while, or,1g. 6.00 .... ' ......•.•. 4.99 Famous maker 3--section lace Cl.IP. bra, 32·38 B-C, orig. 5.00 . , , ......... ·" 3.75, D ¢lip, ............. 4.50' ·Famous maker· rOunded V(ire cup bra, 32-36 A·B·C, White, nude, blue, orig. 8.00 .•.•••••••. ~.99 Maidenform~ace cup.cotton bra. s,retCh body, 32·38, white, B·C, orig .. 4.00 . '3,99 •. D, orig. 5.00 • 4.C9 V~ity·Fai r.panty gir~le,.S-M.,L, orig. 9.00 .•••••• $.95' f'imoilt maker b'rief, tummy control, S·M·l, wtttte)'nud~, orig. 8;5o ................. "··~s.50 Tru Blilarlce otretcb garter less panty girdle, S·M:L. av. or-IOJ!g tag, beige, orig. 1.0.00·14.00 ... 7., Olga_ panty'liose partner, tummY.f~htrol·; \"ini . gripper cuff, S·M·L, white, orig; i 2.50 ••••••• 10.50 Gossa~d sheer power net p·ant¥ girdle, , maximum controt;S-M-L,.orig. 13.50 •••...• • 11.89 Hollywood Vassarette sleek panty9irdle, power net underlay panel, S-M,L, orig. 7.00 ..••••••. 5.49 Warner 'Concentrate' !Orig leg panty'girdle. adjustable garter, S·M·L, white, orig; 13.50 ••• 10.99 Bien Jolie 'Sheer JGy' long leg panty girdle, . S·M·L-XL, white. nude, orig. 16.00 ......••••• 12.99 Warner 'ctricentrate' girdle, firm power net centrer, S-M·L, white; orig. 12.00 ............. 9.99 Bien Jolie 'Sheer Joy' pull-on girdle, gentle control,S-M·L-XL, white, nude, orig.15.00 ... 10.99 Bien Jolie zipper girdle, nylon satin front an~ side$. 27·34. white, orig. 20.00 ......• ,., • , ,,_,;,"· ••• 1S.49 Warner body-bra$)ill. •.tra.IM.~1 adl~-lf straps, 32·36 A·B·C, 38 B·C; whTI~. 0119 ,1.oo •. 5.4 9 J,W.R.'s own cold watec.soap,)60.z., · orig. 1.50, 99¢, 3/2.90: 32 oz~, 'Orfg._.2.~, 1\t9, 2/3.70 ' LOUNGEWEAR :. Nylon ciuilts. short, assorted.color~, . P·S·M·L, orig. 20.00 ... ,,.,_,.,: .~.:; :.': .... 11.99 Robes, asst. colors, P-S-M-l, orig. 26.00 ........ 17.99 Fleec.&-s.hort robes, asst. colors, P-S-M-L, oiig. 20.00 .............................. 11 .. 99 ·Nylon guilts, long and short .................... 1h OFF Hostess styles, assorted ••• , •••.•. -............. 112 OFF, SHOE SALON . Famous name shoes from our regular stock in an assprtment of materials, cal f skins and patents. orig. 22.00-35.00 ••.••.•••..•......• 17.99·22 .99 ' WOMEN'S SHOES Hill.and Dale, Amano, Cashmirs. Paradise Kittens 2nd many other famous names from our regular stof ,k, now reduced, orig . 21.00-25.00 .. 13.99-15.99 AVANT\QUE SHOES Famous name fashion shoes in many colors and heel heights, orig. 20.00·25.00 ............. 14.99 Group ·afiyoung fashion shoes in many great styles, orig. 15.00-20.00 ................... 11 .99 Knee-high leather boots, orig. 25 .00-30.00 ...... 19.99 CASUAL SHOES Group of Jack Rogers better casuals, ori g. 22.00·25.00 ......................... 17.99 Edith Henry, Penaljo and many other name brands, orig.17.00-2p.oo: •• •4 ••• • •• -~, .13.99 ROBINAIRE SPORTSWEAR ' 1 I Famous maker wool kn its, orig.13.00·40.00 7l97·23.97 ' Oot.l~e knits'tn 'Cres13rf8> acfvlic, asst. ~ sl)'Je.s, orig. 1.00-22.90...; • ._ •.• ~'-' .... ,,, ... 3;99·15.99 '-:"; BLOUSES . . , Kf\11 tops, short or long sleeve, orig. 13.00 ••• 1 ••• 8.99 Better.blouses gmup,.ollg.> 12.00-17.00 ••• 7,99·10.89 Jersey tunics, prints,,orlg;-14.po, ................ 7.99 COSMETICS . . Toilet and Facial Tissue, pinkJ:white. yellow, green, bill"; ~WR toilet tjssue, ca-.' of 100, orig. 25.00 18.50 JWA.toilet tissue, case of 50, orig. 12.50 ........ 9.50 JWR,faclal tissue, ~ack o~S6, orig. 18.00 •••••. 14.75 JWRfacfaf fi'ssUB, p'8C:'k of 24: orig. 12.00 ••.•••. 10.00 JWR facial tissue, pack of 12, orig. 6.00 .••... , •. 5.25 GLOVES ''Lambie" hats, matched mittens, Modacrylic I rayon pile; orig. 6.00 each : •...•.••.••• 3.99 eeeh HOSIERY Assorted slippers, famous maker, S-9 ••••••• 2/5.00 HANDBAGS Better handbags in·leatller. palent, labrfo, orig. 15.00-35:00 , •..••.••••••••••.• .' 1/J Off FASHION ACCESSORIES Assortment of sweaters, varied colors; orig.10.00-15.00 •••• ·• ............... , .••.•.. 6.99 FASHION JEWELRY Famous-maker pfns. earrings. nec·klaces, bracelets: orig. 5.00-30 .00 ...........•.•. \.> OFF HanQ.-painted pendants and pins; orig. 10.00-20 .00 ....................... Yi OFF SMALL LEATHER GOODS Assorted lr eled belts. orig. 12.00-20.00 •. 7.99·14.99 Satin and Lame soft bells, some sashes. some jeweled buckles, asst.; orig. 7.00·11 .00 ... 3.99·S.99 INFANTS AND TODDLERS Toddler boys' sportswear. assorted; orig. 2.5()..10.00 ••• : .•••••••••••••••••• 91¢-8.lt To<idler girls' dresses, ••sorted; . orig. ..................... y,. \Ii OFF Skyway Apollo series. many sizes, his in black. olive; hers ln blue, green, gold, orig. 22.50·80.00 ...••..•..••........ 19.75·59.50 • Infants' terry stretch suit, assorted, 1-pc.; orig. 5.00 ................................ 3.47 BOOKS Assorted girls''and boys' wearing apparel; After·Christmas book sale; orig. 5.00·35.00 . 1.00-9.tl orig. 6.00-25.00 ............ -.......... y,. y, OFF GIBU'..7·14-" . STATIONERY · 'Wnh@le .c~· \C.sk&ts. solids, plai ds; Slallonery, orig. 5.00 .....• · · .. · · · . · · ... · .. · · 1.91 ·otlg, 1.CJO;: 9,QO .•' ..................... 4.49·7.49 Boxed Xmas cards, orig. 2.00· 10.00 ......... :"V: o0~~ W.U~al:lle·~. C;.sweaters, pullovers, Christmas gift wrap _.: ...••.••.•••....••... 2 • ' "(,Olt,·ahjl m_!gans, or.ig. 6.00-10.00 . •· .. 3.99·7.49 DECORATIVE FABRICS AaSon,d kn~les, solids, prints; Drapery, slip-cover, re·upholstery'tabrlcs, --=or1~:®'1T.OO.'-....... :, ............. y, · 12 OFF ioxely patterns. limited yardage .... 30%-50% err Acrylic plaid p'ants, assorted styles, colors ••••.. 5.47 Pea CQats, wool mellon ••.••.....•.......... 12.97 FASHION FABRICS I k .1 CHILDRl!N's "3'8x Machine-washabl epolyesterdoub e· ms; 'Forglrls~ orig. 7.00·10.00 ...........• , .••••.••.. 5.99 Yd. Famous mak8r dresses, assorted , 3.6x; 100% texturized Dacron·' polyester I On 12 00 5 9• crepe, orlg:4.00 ....................... 2.H Yd. or g. 8. v--• • • • • • • • • ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Famous-name woolens, coatings and Famed name skirt, sweater coordinates . 12 50 S 99 Yd d I 4 . 4 50 6 50 3 99 suitings; orig. 7.50· . . ............. ·. · · assorte paste s, -6x; orig. · • · · • • · •• • · · Polyester/wool double knit, hand- For boys: k . . washab.le ; orig. 7.00 ......•.••......... 5.99 Yd. As~M~~~~6:t.::~~~l~~·v·e ... ~1~ ~~.1r.t~'. ~ .. 7·;· ..... 213.99 Remnants .........•.. 1 •••.• , , • Y2 OFF OR MORE Pant~. asst., slim, regular 3-7 ; orig. 4.50·5.50 .. 2/5.99 ART/NEEDLEWORK GIRLS ' ACCESSORIES Bernata· Sesame 100% wool yarn , orig. 1.00 89¢ Skein W I 3 99 English imported , 100°/o wool1-, . arm s eepwear ...•.•.••............. · · · • · . 2 Oo r·'19¢ Sk n Cotton quilt robes ...................•.... -. 5.99 tweed yarri; orig. ·,. 1' .. · ,· ..••..• , . , . ti T. h t d · I '4 14 · 2 09 2/3 oo French imported acry 1c woo 1g ts, assor e , g1r s -, orig. . •..... -· . · 1 29 99¢ Sk · Cotton knit underwear •........ , .••••.•..•. 3/1.15 sports yarn; ongh. "i · - 1 · • • ·t· · • • • · • • · · 11" Place Con cord mo air woo coa YOUNG PEOPLE'S SHOES kits; orig. 30.00 .. '. "'"' ... ''' .... " .... 18.99 Girls' P.F. Flyers 'T' strap canvas shoe. blue, yellow, Poncho or vest crochet kits, orion! ac rylic yarn .• 3.99 pmk, Ch ild's, Misses'; orig, 5.00·5.50 .....•.. 3.47 THE CAMPUS SHOP ART /GIFTS Knit shirts, assorted, S-L sizes; orig. 6.50 _8.00 ... 3.59 Brass carriage lanterns, orig, 15.00 .......•. Y.i: OFF Boys' and campus outerwear jackets, Teak lam inated tray, alcohol-proof, t d · 17 OO o 5 OO ~ OFF orig. 5.00 ..... : ....................... Yt OFF assor e ; ong. · -v • • -• • · · • • • • • • • · • 3 Candleholders. hand-painted rose No-ir~ncas2u7a314s1ack1s,a8s5s0or1te1d00solids, 4 99 design , orig. 7.95 , ....... , ....... , ....... ,4.91 stnpes. • ; or g. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ceramic ashtrays. assorted colors. orig, 2.00 .. 1h OFF Famous make sweaters, assorted, S-L sizes ; Enameled fondue pot wi th burner, ori g. 15.00 .. , . 9.99 orig. 14.00-20.00 · • · · · · · · · · · · · ·, · · · · · · · · y, OFF Group of ice buckets, orig. 12.00-17.00 ...... 1/J OFF Hf~HOP Skirts and pantskirts, assorted, plaids, solids, CHINA/GLASSWAR~ · 3 7 97 Entire stock of Christmas candles. candle 6·t4; orig. 10.00·1 .00 . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. • .. . . tL OFF Sweaters and sweater·vests,.some cardigans, rings, holders and sets · · · · . • • · · ·,.1 assorted, 10-16 ;orig. 7.00·12.00 ......... 4.99·7.99 TRIM·A·TREE . Acrylic flare-1e·g pants, assorted plaids, All items ............... , , .... , , ..... , .•. i.s: OFF 6-t4; orig. 9.00·14.00 .................. 5.99·9.99 CURTAINS/DRAPERIES Crochet vests, imports, assorted , white, navy, red. S-M-L ; orig.12.00 ...............• 7.99 Nettlecreek pillows. orig. 5.95-11 .95 ........... 3.9t Dressy, casual dresses, assorted, Jr. petite, teen Quilted fi tted spreads, all sizes, sizes; orig. 13.00·24.00 .................. V> OFF orig. 29.95-39 .95 ........... · .. · ..•.. 15.00-25.00 THE BOYS' SHOP Printed taffeta spr~ad, rayon, all sizes, Short sleeve cotton knit sh irts. solids, orig. 19.95-29 .95 · · · · · · · · •·· · · · · · · · · · · 17.95·24195 I Customaire dr~peries . stripes, 8-20 ; orig. 3.50-4,00 ............... 3 5.97 b · r ments 2o•A OFF Mockturtle, long-sleeve, acrylic knit shirts, rrng your measu e · · · · · · · · · · · · · • solids , stripes. 8·20; orig, 3.00·4.00 ., .... 1.97,,2.97 FLOOR COVERINGS MEN'S CLOTHING Nylon loop carpeting. 12 co lors, orig. 10.50 sq.yd. 7.99 Readgate suits, tropical weight, Da cron~ Polyester shag, 8 colors. orig. 12.50 sq. yd ....•.. 8.91 polyester /wool. orig . 100.00 ............... 82.50 Nylon shag, 15 colors, orig. 13.50 sq. yd ....••.• 10.99 Read gate suits, regular we ight, all wool, SLEEP SHOP orig. 115.00 . · · · · .-. · · · · · · ·, -· · · · · · · · · · · · .94.so Hotel-Motel twin set, ex-firm, orig. 100.00 ....•. 59;95 Read gate suits; regular weight, silk/Wool or Spring Air quilted. twin set, firm, orig. 159.95 ••. 78.95 all wool. orig. 125.00 · · · · • · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 99.50 Morningdale, 612 coil ex-firm twin set, H. Freemakn sui~s, a~I wool,_ ohrig0. 135.00 •...••. 109.50 orig. 140.00 ..................••••.••.. , .89.15 Roger Ora e su1ts, ltghtwe1g t, acron"' 51 o ·1 r· I II t · 1oo00 89 •5 co1 , ex· inn u se , ong. . .. .. .. .. .. •• polyester/wool, orig. 150.00 .... · · · ... · • • · 125.50 Kool Foam, SV2" latex foam rubber set, Roger Drake1 su~ts1, lig.htwe5i5gh0t0, Dacron• 125 twin, orig. 140.00 ...........••....•...... 99,95 polyester woo , ong. 1 · · . · . · · · • · · • • • · · .50 King size mattress, boxsprings, Roger Drake suits, all wool, orig. 165.00 ... 2 ... 125.50 ex-firm. orig.180.00 ......•••..••........ 149.95 s ·portcoats, all wool, orig. 65.00-75.00 .... s .50-59.50 Ortho firm king size mattress, H. Freeman sportcoats, al!1w1 ool,1orig. 95.00 -.•. 78.50 boxsprings, orig. 200.00 _ .•.•• , .......... 181.95 Roger Drake sportcoats, a woo , orig. 115.00 .. 92 .50 Quilted king size mattress, boxsprings, Slacks, imported all wool,1origi 35.00 .......... 25.50 firm, orig. 230.00 ....................... 179.95 Slacks, Readgate all woo 1 orig. 25.00 •••••...• 19.50 U.S. Rubber 51h" latex set, king , orig. 300.00 •• 189.95 ALUMNI SHOP Twin to full adjustable steel bedframe .......... 5.00 ' Suits, nuatural shoulder, woo l or Dacron Love seat sleep sofa, prints, plaids, orig. 239.95159.95 polyester/wool, or~. 100.00 ......••..•.•.. 82 .50 Executive sleep sofa, black vinyl, orig."239.95 , .179.95 Sportcoats, natural shoulder, assorted Tu xedo sle~per, featuring Olefin & fabricblends,orig.50.00-60.00 ........ 38.50·49.50 Marflex. orig. 379.95 .................... 299.95 MEN'S FURNISHINGS loose.pillow-back sleeper. orig. 359.95 .•...•. 279.95 Shirts, no·iron, French cuffs, sp rea d Contemporary corner grouping, collar, white and colors •..... , .... 4.75 or 3/13.50 ciuilted hound stooth, orig. 269.95 •.•••••••• 199.95 Shirts, no-iron, convertible collar, half Metalcr-aft hi-riser bed, orig. 129.95 •..•••.•.•. 99.95 ~leeve, white & colors .•..•...•... 4.25 or 3/12.00 RADIO/TELEVISION Pajamas, no iron, orig. 8.00 •..•••• •. 6.50 or 2/12.50 RCA color console, 295 sq . in., orig. 549 .95 .••. 449.00 Pajamas, cotton flannel. orig. 6.00 .•.. 4.25 or 2/8.00 Stereo console, AM /FM, contemporary Famous brand Oacronl'J polyester ties, style, orig. 499.95 .........•. , •.......•• , M9.95 orig. 3.50·4.00 · .. · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2.75 or 3/7.50 Zenith color con'sole, 295 SQ. in., Neckwear, all silk. imported, orig . 7.50·9.00 ..... 5.90 A.F.T., orig. 549.95 .....•••.••••.......•• 411.00 No-iron boxer shorts. asst .. orig. 1.75 •. 1.45 or 3/4.00 Transistor radios, selected Knit brikfs, no-iron, 30-42, orig. 2/3.00 .•••••. 212.25 display models ••••....•... REDUCED TO CLEAR Crewnec t-shirts, S-M -L-XL, or!g, 2/3.50 .. ._ ...... l/2.75 Portable stereo phono, orig. 69.95 ••••••.•••.• 48.00 Boxer shorts, .c~~ton, 30-'42 ; ori9. 1.75 .... 1.45 or 3/4.00 RCA8trackcartridgestereo Knit briefs , cotton, 30·42. orig. 3/3.75 ........ 3/3.00 tape player. orig. 89.95 ................... 71.od T·shirts, crew or vee, cotton, orig. 3/4.50 •••.. 3/3.50 RCA portable co lor TV, orig. 299.95 .•••.....•. 218.00 Alhletic shirts, cotton, orig. 3/4.50 ........... 3/3.50 FURNITURE Hose. cotton, ank let, black, navy, Heritage Madrigal collection .•....... SALE PRICED charcoal, orig. 1.25 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 85¢ or 3/2.25 Heritage famous upholstery collection .. , , 15%· OFF Hose, crew, acrylic, 10-13, orig, 1.75 .•.. 1.45 or 3/4.00 Drexel Compatlca bedroom collection . SALE PRICED Anklet hose, dress, nylon , darks, one Si ft 10 13 · 1 25 1 00 312 85 Game-dining set, S·pc .. orig. 729.00 ....... , •. 541.00 ze ' s · · ong. · · · · · · · · · · · ' · or · Accent chests, assorted styles, orig. ~ 59.00 ... 139.00 Assorted pocket leathe rs. orig. 5.00· 15.00 .... in OFF J I S 0 t d 1· k · 7 50 30 00 4 00 6 00 Occasional chairs, orig. 89.95 ...... , ..... 2/181.95 ewe ry, a 5 r e in s, orig. · · · · · · · · · · Famous National upholstery collection .... 15% OFF MEN'S SPORTSWEAR La·Z·Boy' recliners, 3 slyles, orig. 229.00 ...•. 181,00 Sweaters, cardigan, wool/mohair, S·i\.1·L·XL, Wrought iron dining se t. 5-pc., orig. 249.00 •••• 119.00 various colors, orig. 22.50 •. , ........•..... 13.90 Wrought Iron cafe set, 3-pc .. orig, 125.00 ...••• 91.00 Sport shirts, assorted styles, Custom upholstered sofa, 8-ft., orig. 369.00 ••• 301.00 orig. 8.00·13.00 ................. 5.90 or 2/11.50 Sectional, 2·pc., orig. 599.00 ............... 529.00 Famous name irJlpOrted knit shirts, assorted styles, orig. 12.00-25.00 ........... 7.90 or 2/15.00 HOUSEWARES d MEN'S' SHOES 51>C. dinette set, 36~r roun x 4811, one Allen·Edmonds, plain toe slip-on , strap & leaf, 4 chairs, orig. 119.95 .•••.•..•••..•... 79.95 64·pc. stainless steel flatware, Al~uc~~· blagk. orig. 42,00 ....... 39 'cXi ..... -~~·gg w/servlng pcs .. orig. 29.97 ................ 14.e7 Allen-Edmonds, m~cce.11n to, e, o3r71go. . .... "3•'00 Salton Hotray• cart, orig. 69.50 •......•....•• 45:15 en· mo~ s, w1ng·hp or g. · O • • • • • • • • ., •· Salton Patiomaster HotraY". orig. 27 .50 ......• f 9,81 Freeman's, slip-on;square \oe, black, s It ·s · 1· H t • · 14 95 -, 31 00 a on pec1a o ray , ong. . ........... t ;t5 chartan, orig. · · · · · • , • · · . · · · · • · · · • • · · 25.90 A.O.G. 32·cup automatic electric co flee urn .. , . , 9~16 Our own Engllsh boots, 2 styles. orig. 25.00 .• , 20.00 A.0 .G. cordless rechargeable electrlc toothbrush a.ts LUGGAGE 7-pc. Mirra super hard TeflOn II cookware set, SarT)sonlte Ho1izon. most sizes lor men and ori~ 20 68 14 ea women: hers In blue. while, green ; his in 'Flair 0bai~roOm ·aecess o;;'e's'. ·~tU'rdY: StYran·e •. go01'd, __ g;.r_•;.Y·_o_11_ve_._o_r1..:g_. 2_8_.5_0_·4_1:_.5_o_._._. _ .. _._. _ .. _._20_._95-3_4_._95--, avocado, pink ; Hamper. orig. 10.00, 7.95. Wastebaoket, ~ orig. 2.50, 2.19. Tissue holder, orig. 1.50, 1.20. Soap LIMITED QUANTITIES, ODD LOTS, BROKEN SIZES. MISCELLAN EOUS. dish or tum bier. orig' 50¢, 39¢. Brush holder t NO RETURNS, EXCHANGES OR COD'S. NO MAIL OR PHONE ORO£RS. orig. 5.95, 3.99. All ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE... (Choice of 2 patterns) Stainless Steel 50-pc. . L--------------------' Flatware Sais .................... Sp1ci1119.H ROBINSON'S NEWPORT • FASHION ISLAND • PHONE &44-~900 • I I ' ' ' '· '· '· ' , , , ' ' F F I ~ ' F F F • 0 5 F ' ' ' 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 0 ~ 0 Ci 0 p F p 0 0 5 F 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 5 a 5 6 I a I, I, ~ I -------~ -. - • , t • . • ., 1 . l ( '!. . " " • ' ·; j • " ,-••. . ':. • ., . ,. ' " ' ; . • .. '" ,. .'t ... • . twas th.e rught before Chrittmo..s · when all thr-ough the hou&e ' 1lot Q Cl'C4tlll't WllS ttirring '.llot even Q llt01l$t. ne ~tockin.gg were huns.1'!! 1he chfmnt9 .with . Cdl"l, ln. hopes thnt .St. ~cholas soon wouM . he there. 0}it dWoren were nestled oil inns in their beJs, Ulhile visfon• of $U!}Ql" plulll.$ JQnced in.1hcir-hca6&. Jln~ mamma in her kerchrcf, and l in my ca.p, }{Q~ just ~ttle~ our bl'aim for-a lollJ} wintcrk no.F· As I Jrew in my ~a.o and wa.a tul'n~ lU'Ou.no, .Down. the chimney .St.~icho}og ~ ca~ IJJ.ith a bound. •• . ~t • ; • ' • ' • ' Ann Landers Repeats Annual Christmas Prayer for Peace , 'Fourteen yws ago1 the ye.ar Ann Uoders began writing this column, she )i'Oduced a special essay for Christmas ,l>ay. Reader response was exlt61'11ely hfgh and she has reprinted Ure column • annually. witlt topical modifications. Th.is is her Otristmas message for 1969. ·. Today is Oiris1.mas. All about us we hear talk of peace oo earth, good will toward men. Yet we know, to oor sorrow. there is no 'peace in the hearUi of many men. and there is no gO(>d will. 'l'he mood or America vacillates between rear and the chlldlike bope that qnehow everything will turn out all righl Yet we are uptight, anxious. ~lid< lf·'War. puuled-by- ANN L ANDERS ~ young and 1orn by connicting emotiOtl!. Our youth insisUI that civiliiation is out of joint. They resent having lo live in a dangerous aod unlidy world they never made. But what generation ever made the world it had to Jive in? own homes alter dark~ ts it proifess to spend billions to put a man oo the moon where no. man lives while in our own country, 10 million ·people are in· adequately fed and 20 miUlon live in hovels and shacks? Despite "protfrciS" of which we boast, This is the age of protest, the big what progress have we made? ls il pro-copout, the unwashed and the undressed. gress ~·hen average. everyday . cltize~s Th.e blurring o( the sexes. Joung rebels .,,, aJrald !o·walt' wlllllll l>loCU ol lllttr -op1t'l!!-lhe fate ol ·c:onformlty end ·•lare· u11 down with eyea like hypodermic needles. Some fear we . a.re heading toward social decay -going the way o( the Romans and the Babylonians. Others applaud the new morality and dance on the grave of "phony Puritanism." They herald the sex revolution as symptotnatic of a maturing l!OClety which will en· courage creativity aod promote better mental health . Members of the Now Generation .1re searching for drugs to "expand lbelr minds," when in reality , they have 1ncre. ly opted to anesthetize them&elve!i apm.. lho"pain ·111 '""'"" up' llld ac- cepting retipons.ibility. Yet, we cannot frorn OW' defeats, not Eetlina: up t1> try deny they have some valid complaints qain. and much or what they are railing Since this 1s a problem column. I hear against is, Indeed , despicable and needs more about failure Ulan I hear about vie· to be changed. This raises some serious tory. Does this depress me? No. it does questiOM for which there are no easy not. After 14 years I stlll find tttia work ans'it:ers. immensely rewarding. I realiu tha• t.ach day, each nf us mul'lt make a many people who write don't want a<f.. sei'l!s of small decisions. These decisions vice, they merely need IOIUeOne to Ust.en. detennine the direction in which our lives I have been entrusted wlt.b lhe largest will move. No one, irrespective of how reading audience in the world. What a wise, how highly principled or ex· magnificent opportun.ity to shine a perienced he may be, can make the right spotlight on ignorance and fear. There Is decision every time. To err or rail is no no grealer satisfaction than to »erVt. and disgrace. The disgrace lies in not learn.. 1 wllJ CQOllnue to do my beet. ·1tqi 1rom our ,~!IOI. not reco\> .. iftC ' •• ANN LANDERS '' I ' I MRS. JORGE O.' MO~LES Costa Ml•• .• ~rid~. :Co'Jple M~rry ~ 1ln Aftern~b~. ' .. Peering Around NEWPORT Bt:ACH residents Mrs. Hlklrfld , Lang and Mrs. Nora Abbott vae. tioned a&, Del Webb'a ruqr{;:. retiftm..., commUllll!i In S6a . Ci\)', AriJ! . . , HONORED by fuOny ahd ftiends durfnl a 11Uwing in the Huntington Beach Four- !_qU&re Church was Dr. J. D. BICelow or Huntington Beach. wbo recently received his PhD In psychology from Claremont Graduate School and Univei::si-t,v Center. Son Clemente Guido nee Center Opens Members of Coral Key. aux- tUary ·to the Ohild Guidance €tnter of Orange County, are eollctting I.he aid of area buaineases Ip furnishing a new rour-rOCl'll suite for a satelite • office for pie facility in San Clemente. 1 , , , In prepar'atioo to an openlni ... early next jeer, the auxili~ is preparing quarten in'the ?\1<.'C111oe· Meaical Centtf.· ne office will .be staffed )X ~ center in Costa' Meu. ·aJtd wllf provide low (Oat di1gftasb and " treatment ('o r. emtJUgn111y ·. lfisturbed c h 11 d re ft •and ad<tleteenb\ln tho Co~ano Bay area. ·' . DEi 2 ;, a . .. The ,,, Tee . The bride selec ted a .Jrench lace gown of c:hHfon and satin and carried a bouquet of white Tattler SL ,Joachilnig Ca t)u, Ii c Olurch was U1e i.fternciOfi'.tet- \ing ror the douli~ r!Jil w'"'ici- ding of Yolanda ~ero and Jorge 0. J\.loralcs, -boUl Or , roses. Her father gave her in ,...,.,..,. ...... ..,, Costa f\1esa. ' The Rev. Thomas Nevin performed the ceremony for the daughter of J11lr. and ]'.1r.11. >.figuel A. Yero Jr. of Costa Mesa and the son o( Mr. and Mrs. Carlos ~foraJes of Buenos Aires. Fashion Legs w Wl\,k away v.·ith fashion I honors in bri ght e:rtured hose . I Blck·liMchool • hits! Knit cor.j, knee 9qCks .,.,,ftti clocks of ~Port ,Jarn. stockings with I ope{\ itiamonds o! 3 -p l y ! fin ... lng yard. Pattern 7U2: sir.tS 7-8 ; 1-10: II included. FIFTV CENTS (coins) for each p1Uern -add 15 cents I ror each pattern -for first· class mallln1 and special handling: other.wise lhi rd·class I delivery wUI take three weeks II:! or rpoi't. Send lo Alice Broo ks. ~ DAILY PILOT . I0 5 n; Needlecraft Dept.. Box 16.1,!i_ Oki Chelse a Sl11tiun, New ii Yor,k, N.Y. 10011. Print Nan1e, Vi Adl!"'ss, Zip. Patt e r n :r; Nu~ber. ft litG lt70 Necdle c rafti C'1alog -40 puges. over 200 • dasigns, 3 free pa1tcn1s! Knit. 11 crochet. Instants. a r g y I e • sweater. hals, dresses. swim I sull. Quilt, embroider, ""'eave. I ri.11ke toy~. gi(Lo;, afghans 'f Send ~ cenlS. !I INSTANT Gill!. ~bk< to-I,. day -1Jve 1on1orro"'· SO IJI c<nb. i ··tt Jiffy Hug{' 111 k.1111. 1fi t·roc:htl, "·cave, 'c". htYlk [IQ N cenlj. '!! BOok o! I! Prla:e ,\fi:h:atJ !i. 50 il. ccn~ ~ . fl (;'C.111.S. • • fua.rr iagc and her mother stObd as her matron of honor. The Ytros' residence was the recepfl1M1.setting. Assisting we're the Me9rs. and Mmes. Miguel A. YerO Ol Cpsta f\.fesa. the' bride' 1 grandparents; Ra fael Petta of L06 Angetti, her godparents; Ernesto ruvas of eosta Meia and J~ 1\.1. Berriz of Loe Anseles, her uncles and aunts. Follmdng a wedding trip to Big Bear the newlyweds will make their hon1e in Costa Mesa. The bride is a graduate or Los Angeles College of Dental A~isting and her husband graduated front college Jn Buenos Aires. · Our Cover The charming, jolly fellow on today 's \Vomcn's page cov- er was the artistic work of Charlotte Andresen and Anne llamblin. It's out .. , .. ay of wishing all or you a Merry Chrislmas. \ . LYNN HART Uargain ' tlullt Book I hils 16 ~ bc.P\ltiful p<ittrrn!. SO cent:;. li ~l11t11n1 Quilt Book! -put· j terns Hit• 13 wpt . 'I/I,,~· B"'k 3. "Quilt• for Todly'•j Uvi11" 15 patl.t'm.1. SO cimll. twww•••MW• ··= . ' , Horoscope Aries: Settle Down . FRIDAY DECEMBER 26 result ln ultimate money·mak· Many arwnd you may be ing investment. Be shrewd in careless about details. Key ls observations. Keep mind open to have fun without neglectini B YONEY OMARR to pitl1eering proposals. essentials. Remember diet, Y 8 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. health resolutions. AR~ (March 21-April 19): 18): Play waiting game. Do Settle down ; don't attempt to more listening than asserting. IF TODAY IS YOUR convince too many people of Avoid any tendency to appear BIRTHDAY you have ex~ too many thlngs. Leave door dogmaUc. others have ecutive ability, but you are not open for others to convince something to say, contribute. always willing to use it. You you. This attitude will win You learn if willing to be have borne weight of problema friends, not pot them otr. receptive. ol oth~s. Now you are going T.(URUS (April 20-May 20): PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): to get a chance to do Your attitude Ls one of ex· Take special care in traffic. something for yourself. pansiveness. You are grateful ljjiiiiiO;;i;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i for what was received. But BIBLE THOUGHTS you also are concerned about payments, Obligations, past FOAGIYINISS! "-for9iv• us out d1bh •• promises and )our own poten· w1 fo r9iv1 ouf d1btor1'', Mitt. 6:12. ON· ti.al. Relax. LY •1 we for9iv1 tho•• who off111d u1 ...,.;11 b1 for9iv•11 OUR off•11111. let '" b• •• G~IlNI (May 2l·June 20): God ''· SLOW TO ANGER •nd QUICK Avoid tendency to scatter TO FORGIVE . M.tt. 5:42. N1h. t :l7. J•· forceJ. You simply cannot be 1u1 11id w• 1ho1o1lcl for9i•• 0111 p111on everyplace at once. Make 490 tim••I IM1tt. 11:221 . H•1 •11yo11 • decision; follow through. Key 1inn•d 111i111t yo11 490 tim117 Such • 0111 should be your GOOD is to be versatj.le without P:RIEND •. fter 4'10 Cllll of forgi••n•n. A~r•h•m l i11col11 ··•4 wtakening thrust toward oft1r 1l1ction, th1t ht would ILIM INATE h11 1n1rni1s, Dy MAIC· INW THEM ,HIS FRIENDS. Ar• YOU P9ry et 1nyon17 Ro1pl1co necessary goal. thi1 e119er witli LOVE e11d 110 Chri1t '1 w•Y tucco1ccl; "-over• CANCER (June 21..July 22): co111e evil with 9004", Rom . 12:21. This worltil NEEDS for9iv•• You feel 1ood because young ""'· person expresses appreciation Gocl's LOVE for m•n prompted Hi111 to pro¥ide e w•y of for9ive· in touching manner. You can 11111 for M1ri's si111. THAT w1y i1 J•tus, Ho ••ltl, "-! em th• get delails out or v.·ay through WAY, the truth ind th1 lif-", J11. 1'4:6, On the cro11, He 11id,, spurt of concentration. OUters "-F1th1r, foNJi•• thern; for they know not wt.if they do' (Uc. help; accept suggestions. 21 :)41, Sleph1n, the fint Christi111 m1 rtyr, ocho1d th• 11rn1 tliou11ht 11 he 11icl, "-Lord, ley not this sin lo +h1ir cli1191"1 LEO (July 2S-Aug. 22): when h1 w111ton1d lo de1th by 111 1n9ry mob, IA.ch 7:60). Aro Moon in your sign coincides YOU 1ble lo 1xhibi! thi1 spirit of for1i•eno111 It w11 whi11 w• with demands on you r time wire UNWORTHY of for9i•en1u th1t ~od '1 GRACE provlcled today. Some opposition comes for it: "But God comrn1nd1ih Hi1 lo•• low1rcl u1, in th1t, whil e from those with strong habit w1 w1r1 yet SINNERS, Chri1t lilied fo r u,", Rorn. 5:1. VISIT the patterns. Use charm, not Church of Ch1i1t 1r.d 1tudy FORGIVENESS with u1 from God't force. i:s·~·;";·~';"';:;";";'~' ;;'~";;:;w~. ~w;;;;'"~';;'~·~ .. ;c~';'';' ~M~';"~· ;c;·~1;f;. ;;:;;;;;~ VIRGO (Aug. 23.sept. 22): Obtain hint from Leo .'MRS. ROIERT ALAN KIMMEL l'CH"m9rty ~atricla Ann Bock message. Humor and harmony should be your goaJs. Being in background does not mean talents are Jess appreciated. Express good will. Be cooperative-then you win. Pre-Inventory Yardage .. Jamaic.a Trip . . ' LIBRA (Sept, 23-0ct. 22): It may be wise to sum up cO.!i!i, money plans. Take time to separate fact from illusion. No 11ecd to be depressed if realistic in outlook. Key anS\vers come from within-if you so permlt. CLEARANCE! • For · Newlyweds 5 BIG DAYS Dec. 26 thru Dec. 31 • Patricia Ann BoCk bccan1e the bride of Robert Alan Kim- mel during a double ring ceremony performed at noon in I.he Newport Beach home or her parents. Dr. and Mr&. Robert O. Bock. The Rev. James G. Kirk of St. t.1ark Pres~in Church )II. -·Btach officiated. 'nii '6rtdegroom'a J>lrtnl.! are the Marvin P. K.immels or Woodbury, N.Y. The former Min Bock \vore a IOfll dreu or white silk with lace trirn interwoven \~ith velvet ribbon. She carried a nosegay of white r o s e s , -Sunglasses Do Double Work • stephanotis and baby's breath. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): t>.1rs. Nancy Larwood, sister At times today you feel of the bride, was matron of associates, friends resp:ind in honor and Nancy Kimmel, the ponderous marmer. Much bridegroom·s sister. was seems to be in slow motion. junior bridesmaid. Both wore Heed your own conscience. blue velvet lace trimmed A· Also kno\v that some are over. line dresses and carried ly fatigued. Be patient nOS(gays of mixed yellow SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22- flowers. Dec. 21 ): Good lunar aspect Don Le vin of Bethesda, Md. today coincides with journeys, p h i I o sophical conclusions, was best man. communicatiolli with those at THE All Y ard114Je Marked Down. SAVE Prom 20% lo 70% COME IN EARLY! FABRIC CENTER The couple greeted their a distance. But some feel guests during a champagne neglected. Know this; boost luncheon in the Sturt Shirt. morale or special one. They will honeymoon in CAPRICORN (Dec. 12-Jan. 488 E. 17th qt Irvine, Costa Mesa Jamaica and reside in 19!: Discussi on with Crestview Center e 646-4544 Durhan1, N.C. v.·here the, ~k~n~o~w~led~g~a~b~le~~,,.,.~·o~n~~cou~ld~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ benedicl is a senior h1 Ii economics at Duke University. His wife attended Gettys· burg college in Pennsylvan!a and majored in n1athematics YEAR-END start fridoy, december 26 CHARMFIT BRAS, GIRDLES •.. reg. 6.00. 7.00 bro s-C, D cups. beigo nr wh ite ... . ... .................. .. . .. 5.49, 5.99 reg. 9.00 pl!lntie hose qirdls 6.C/9 reg. 8.00 body sfocl ing 5.99 GOSSARD BRAS req. 6.00 white bros-B. C. D cup~. 4.59 VASSARETTE ~RAS, GIRDLES .• , reg. 5.00 shell bro, smooth cup - A, B. C. beige or while 3.99 reg. 5.00 "maisoui" brl!I A , 8, C . beig e or white. 3.99 reg. 7 .00 pl!lntie girdle. beig e or wh ite ...... .. 5.49 VENUS BRAS . . . reg. 4.00 smooth c up brl!ls - B, C cu ps. white .. . ... 2.99 reg. 5.00 smooth shell cup. A. B. C cups. white ................ J.99 SAVE UP TO 500/o fashions for ... robes, tleepwtar, lin9•rie. meny OM·of-a·kind, broken sizes and colon. drastlcally reduced f o r quick clearance! ·- . . ' • . . -. -----........ ..,.......,.._ _......... ___ ,... __ ,......,..,..,._...,..,,,..,...,.....-~~·~~---.-------~.,.,....-~-r----,,_.-,,...,,.,,,., .,,,.., Tl""....,'""40:,"l!,....•-•.,,-.,..,~.-•-•.-,1~""!""_.,.,.., .. p~ji!J'·1 "-'""'"~~· NewlywecJs Traveling on Honeymoon To avoid disappointment. prospective brides ate reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to tbe DAILY PIIPT.·\\'omen's De- partment one \veek Defore the wedding. Pictures received follo\ving the wedding \Vill not be used , For engagement announcements it is llnperative that the story. also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be sutr- mitted six weeks or more before the wedding date. If deadline is not met, only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both 'ved- ding and engagement stories. form s are available in all of ~he DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions 'vill be answered by \Vomen's Section staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Hooeymoonlns; in N e w Orleans are Marine Ill Lt. and Mrs. Walter S. Jooes who ex- changed their wedding vows aOO rings during a ceremony conducted by the R e v . Jeremiah O'Neil in Sls. Simon and Jude Catholic Church, Huntington Beach. TheJ.brlde, the fonncr LyM Holgate, daughter of Mr. and M~.. William K. Holgate of Huntington Beach, was given in marriage by her father. For the nuptials she selected a traditional gown of bouffa nt miramist with a chantiily lace insert, pearled sabrina neck· line and bishop sleeves. Her bridal bouquet was fashioned from white roses . A1iss Jan Holgate served as her sister's maid of honor wearing a Ooor length gown of scarlet velvet trimmed with lace, and · she carried a nosegay of pale pink roses. Lt. Louis Newman Ill serv· ed as best man, and Stephen Holgate the bride's brother and Curt Turrill seated guests. Following the ceremony the couple greeted guests during a reception in the Newporter ltin where t-.1iss Mimi Jone s circulated the guest book. The new Mrs. Jones at - tended schools in Anaheim and served as a stewartless. Lt. Jones, son of li-1r. and '-1rs. Walter A. Jones of New Hyde ·Park, N.Y., attended schools in ~ew York. He rec~Uy returned fro,m a y;e.ar 1 service in Vietnam and wiH be stationed al Camp ~juene, 'N.c. Betrothal Revealed The engagement of Peggy Edmiston and Gayle Alan Dunkle has been announced by Dr. and Mrs. G. T. Ed- miston of Huntington Beach, parents of the bride-tc>-be. The couple will be married .. Sunday, J an. 25. in the Garden Grove Melhodist Church . li-1iss Edmiston is a grad- uate or Marina High School where she received the Gold· en Shield and Bank of Amer· ica awards, and attended Golden West College. Her fiance, son of Mr. and f\trs. Virl Dunkle of Azusa . is a graduate of Azusa High School and attended Citrus College. He has completed three years of Army service including duty in Vietnam. Nutrition Report Nutritionists report Jack of vitamin C affects blood and skin. This vitamin come~ almost entirely from citrus fruits and juices. DAILY PILDT ~ 0 • \ SANTAANA AFTER CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE SAVINGS OF 1 3 to 1 2 off throughout the store DOORS OPEN at 9:00 a.m. , .. Shop until 9:3;0 p.m . • I FASHION SQ UARE • 547·7211 •Ze nith 9898 •Open Monday, Thursd1y 1nd Fr iday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. • Other w11k days 9:30 A.M. to S:ao P.M. , I •"'!!~ ................. -......... ,.. .................... ---,,.. ...... --........................ -.... -..-...... -......... .,.,, ........ '":.C-: ...... ...,,.,..,._,..-,.......,-..,.,....--,...,.--7-;~.~--~ -.;;. ,.... ... ~~--~. "'' ........ _. ..... ....-·~ . ~ .... . I • 'I l / f: DAlLV PILOT H tj I: I Denver Area Worse Than LA in Smog? DENVER (UPI) -On · a Otnverites used to brag pocket below wanntr air and altlludes because or the all lndustry sources ln the city would be nearly Impossible to clear day in lhc mile high city. about their view or the Rocky therefore does not rise. The smaller percenlaJe of oxygtn. produce only nbout KVtn per· get tbeni on older veh!cle.s. it seems like you can almost Mountalns, only a s hort pollution ls trapped in this At lo"'·er spetds 1n Denver. 50 cent ol the total air pollution. "l kind of doubt that it could see forever. Trouble is, there distance wesl. Now, on any pocket and cannot escape. to 60 percent more carbon Cars, he said, are the biggest be done, ~ank.ly," he uys. "It aren1t that many clear days in given morning, th ey are lucky Denver residents also have monoxide and 30 percent more problem. has been tried elaewhere 1nd Denver anymore. if they can see that far. inore cars per capita than hydrocarbons are produced O'Fallon ls proposing la"'·s the problem is that every car Item: A study of 65 of the There are two main reasons n1ost other ciUes, about one than at Los Angeles. to control auto emissions. bas at least one voler." nation's most polluted cities for Denver's smog problem -L'llr for every two residents. Denver has other smog pro· "Local governments a n d Palomba hopea natural at- puts Denver in 27th place. cars and geography. All this driving combined ducers -indu.!try -but states can pass regulations tritlon will reduce the number Item: Denver has the worst Denver is situated in 1 \•:Ith the lost elficiency or the nothing compares with the penallzing smoking vehicles if cl cars without pollution ton• weather conditions o! any city valley, surrounded by higher intemal cmnbusUon en1ine at seriousness of the automobile. they want to," he said, trol devices and that the 1p. in UM:: country for smog, ti:· ground on all sides. Because of the high altitude, create.! John A. O'Fallon, direct.or of Joe Palomba Jr., head ol paratus will get better. cepttJossibly Los Angeles. this, there is often a tern · about lhree·fourUu of the the Denver Air Pollution Con· the air pollutlon division of the "I thl k there ore so m1ny Item: Denver has one o! the n perature inversion hatiging city's smog. trol Agency, says µit city's Co lorado Health Department, people working on it ind the highest ratios of cars per over the city. Experts explain that the fight against pollution from in· says the eventual answer will public outcry Is ;reat enou&h capita of any city ln the The inversion is created by engine in a car does not. func· dustrial sources has been t9 be to require pollution control , .. that the automobile pro- United States. colder air that is trapped in a tion as efficiently at high percent effective. But he says devices on c1rs, but he says it blem will be beaten," Pllom· Item: Denver's a It i l ud e1 ---------''-----------'----''---------------------------------- ca uses the internal combustion engine lo work less efficiently, thus pumping mare pollutants into the air. llem : Denver's almost daily sunshine, much bragged about by the chamber of commerce, is an essential ingredient of photochemical smog and is detrimental as far as air pollution is concerned. -·------- • Nixon Caught Vp Man, 72 , Earns MA ·'Twas the day after Christmas ... 'but the family still has to eat!' So El Rancho is ready to help with"r • In Yule Spirit DETROIT (AP) -At 72, Morris Loren be Ii eves "everyone should work m1lll they die . Not for money, but to improve the community." By l\1ERRTh1AN Sl\11TH WASHINGTO~ '(~I ) For the curious who may won· der about Presiden t Nix on's mood thls Christmas season. the ansv.·er v.·ould confound his distractors or send them t.1to cynical pouts. And it would bf heartening to his supporters. The President , indeed, has come through a difficult year with a congressional slugging match at the end . But ther e has been little v.1hi ch he did not foresee or expect last .January and thus h is Christmas mood is surpri s· ingly good. For the overall re cord of his 11dministration. Nixon regards 1969 essentially as a fo1.m- dation year in \Vhich he established the footing for long-range programs to meet the nation 's more pressing problems. His mood thus lar into the Christmas s e a s o n has bordered at times on the ebullient. \Vhitc JI o use domestics caMot recall I Yuletide when the chief e:<· problems. but at this stage, he is co nfiden tly hopeful of im- provement. \Vhile North Viet- \lam could change his thinking radicall y, the Pres ident sees nothing on the horizon to pre- vent lhe continued withdrawal of American military forces from the \l:ar. As for inflation, he knows th~ is not a problem subject lo overnight correclion. He believes, however. thal before the ne\\' year is over. ex:- ccuti vc policies. congressional action and public altitude will have combined to slow <lr blunt the cost-price spiral. Loren proved his point this l•1eek v.•hen he was awarded a master's degree in business adm inistration from \\'ayne State University in Detroit . Loren, "'·ho moved from the Ukraine after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and now Jives in the Detroit suburb of Royal Oak, has started work· t.1g on a doctorate in education and next month b e g I n s t e a c h i n g college.Jevel ac· counting. L<>ren rece iv ed his bachelor's degree in 1930 and returned to his I a u n d r y business for 36 yea rs. ******************* MERCURY SAVINGS and loan assoc iation NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 10A.M.-4 P.M. Open Mon.·Thurs. 9 a.m."4 p.m.; f ri. 9 1.m.-6 p.m. ' 1;a1ti ve and his family invited 8 UElllA PARK HUNTINGTON •EACH in lnorc guests-literall y, day Mercury Savings Bldg. Mercur}' 5avints Bldg. after day for the JO or 12 days v 11 1r. • leading up to Christmas, itself a ey ,iew at Lincoln Edin1er 1t Beach -shake\imorehands.poured * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * more punch and eggnog, or,lp; ____________________ ;;.1 ror that matter. seemed more caught up in holiday spirit. Thi s overt Cl1ristmas spirit of course, conla ined certain elements 0 r showmanship, political diplomacy and pro- motional gain. There was, hO\\'ever. a sense of sharing and consideration that could not be \vritten off simply and 1 cy.i.ically as sophistication or1 salesmanship. I A guest at one o( U1e many Nixon holiday receptions. in fact . pointed to a curious com· parison. Looking around th e festively decorated \\1hite House, this veteran \Vashinttonian, and a Democrat, said, "if L. 8 .• J. had gone in for this sort of thing on the same scale. peo· pie "-'Ollld have called it Tcxasl namboyancc.'' Nix on ' s mood next l (:hristmas 1nay be another matter. He \Viti know bv then \\'heth cr his party has iin· prored its positio n in Co ngress in the November elections. or "'hether he laces t\.\.'O more years or a Democ ratic-con- trolled House and Senate. I Also. by Christmas of 1970. 1 If thtre has not been dramat ic improvement in tv.·o areas of I deep concern -Vietnam and lnflatio.1 -the President might have an C\'en more grumbling constituency on his hands. To say nothing of ftf'I· ing more like grum bling1 himse lf. Nixon promises h i 1n s c 1 f nothing on these tv•o unhappyi Boy The DAILY PILOT ·J ust for 'Peanuts' --~--- Comin9 Dec. 27 Family ~ekly "Hello, This Is Vietnam Calling!" Th is story is about the outstanding worlC done by volunteer ham radio operators. George Cr iteser of Carson City, Nevada,. spends 1en hours a doy relaying calls. Barry Goldwater's station is manned 24 hours o da y by volun· leers. The thank-you letters the operators re- ce ive is the only but ample payment they get for their services. • GENT LE BOSS -ll e's a n1illionaire and he is dictator or his empire. but Andy \Villiams is a bcnevolcnl d ictator as revealed in this week's ('over story. • REVEAL ING -f<"an1il y dinner li1ne can be fun time or fight time. Psychologists offer some hints on hotv to act more out or family dinner than nutrition. e YEA R·END·MENU -Fami ly Weekly Cookbook te\Js some treats you can serve ,,·hile ringing in the new year. ALL COMING SATURDAY IN THE • DAILY PILOT Super Shopper Grocery Specials Swansan'll Btnnel'B Th e orig i1ial TV di1111c/':J ... i1usl hcQt. nndsen:e! Yo ur cho ic e of Roa sl Be~/. Chopped Sirloin, c:o1·11cd Beef Hash, ,.. ricd Ch ichcn, H n ddnr~', ft( ro I J_,oa f or Striss S teak.' ~ Beef Stew ............................. 79' Macaroni & Cheese : .......... 39' Stouffer's .•. lcn<lcr beef, tasty YCgetablcs'. •.. lO oz. pkg. !5touf'fe1's .•. si1nply heat and ser,·c : ... 12 oz. pkg. Enchiladas .................................... 49' Northern Halibut . . ................. 79' \·an de Kamp':i:o ... f rot.c n , .. t:cc f. Cheese or C'hicken \'an de Kam p's ... flaky halibut, fried : ... frozcu ... 8 oz;. El Rancho Meat Specials! Boneless Beef Roast ENGLISH CUT l!OllED AND TI ED e e •• t • e e e ' ... e e e ' ' I • I t I I El Rancho'.11 bctte1· beef at it.c; bc:-;t! l ".S.D.A. Choice ... for te nd erness, flavor .•. ::i.nd valu(' : Pork T enderlion ........ ~K~~:2~:~~l~E~ ............... $1~? A chang{' or pa1.:c th c.v'll ,,·clcomc \\·ith hc;irty appetites : Le:1 n and so 'e r~· delicious : Meat Loaf ......... O'IEN 1E10T .............. 79~ Precision ground meats ... expertly seasoned ! Sliced Bacon . .. .. .. . . ....... 79~ El Ran!.:ho's o,\·n ... 1·anch styl' ... thicker 1lices ? Finer Produce ! Italian Squash ................................ 19~ Garden fres h ... ror th e na,·or ih at m1tkt.s it s pec ial ! Pink Grapefruit ......................... 10 1or ~1 ·rr xas Ruby l1Pd .•. ~\\'f'f'l a nd j uirr and ripe '. ARCADIA : Suns•t •nd Hunlinrton Dr. (U Rancho Cenlt~ PASADENA: >20 West Colorado Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont and Huntiniton Dr. HUNTINGTON BEACH : Warner and Algonquin (Bo"dWllk C.nltrl NEWPORT BUCK: 2727 N•wport Blvd. and 2555 E11tblulf Dr. ~astbluff Vill1p Conti~ Ham Loaf . .. . . . . ... : ovEN 1uoT ............ 98~ J ust shape it, ba.'k e it , e njoy il ~ Stuffed Clams ............................. 98' ,11 \\'ilh clam meal and :stuffing : , .. 6 ptr 11 oz. pkg. Delicatessen Values ! • Buddlg' s Chipped Meats ....... 3 '°' 51 Your choi ce o( varieties At th is price ! 3 oz. pkp. Van de Kamp Dressings .. ~.~" .~'. .. 3 "'•1 Roquefort 1 ••••• 49c Blue Checo• ..... 30c (8 ot.) Prict$ in. t//tct F'ri •• Sal. ct Suw . Dec. 16 , 17, 18. No 1tde1 to <UaJer~. Open. da.ily 11 to 9 .• , Svnd4}19:30 to 7 ,. ---------------~---- ' • Low, Low Prices bll llut Chip s ... ,. Tool TV Dinners Swanson Frozen Choice Of Chicken, Turkey, Chopped Sirloin or Mexican 11-0unce Package ••• c Liquid Bleach Baby Foods Whitt Magic Disinfects, Deodorizes, Brightens Colors, And Whitens Your Whites Gallon Size ••••• ~ • c Choice Of Fruits, Juices Or Vegetables-Top Qual ity, c Gerber's Strained Large Selection, Each •• SAF IY LOW MEAT PRICES . . 1' . • Fresh · Fryeri ·· Whole Body ~:!',~.a.35c ______ ___. lb. ·Fresh . . . Ground ~ Chuck · C Tender & lean !!c:i• ...... age frllll '""" •• lb. c Boneless Steak 0s~~~1ce1k.$1 59 Boneless Ham ~;~ 4;~~$399 Canned Hams =;~·~ 8 ;~~ $71 ' Boneless Roast uso~n~r~t , .. 8' 0.lone Arm Steaks s.!'.., , .. 69• Veal Chops Pork Sausage Sliced Bacon ' ' •• ·-~--~-·~-----........... - Fresh Bread Super-Soft Mrs. Wright'sWh it•OrWMot In Sandwich Or Regular Style 16·0unce Loaf •••••• Ice Cream Cotillion Cat1ri119 In Asserted Flavors- Creamy-Smooth Half Gallon Carton ••• c c ::: Cigarettes 100~MM • .. utan or Carton Kint 11•• Carteft s3~ 3~' ----- . M~yonnaise lest Foods The Real Moyonnal- T ops· For Sandwiches Or Salad Makin's. Quart Jar •••••••••• Tomato Soup Town House Rich And Thick-Tq,s For Lunch Or Between Mial Snack Time. 1 OV2·0unce Can •••••• LIGUOR SHOP BUYS! Elltctiw In licensld S.lo"l!S in Los Alqoill Coolltr Frl ttru Sm, Die. 2&, 27, 21, 1969 c c GI V dL • -· Cin IO-Pr. $411 ft or 0 llG • Kriln Vodka llJ.Pr. ~ '" .. Canadian Hill ·u:~ ""~ •4• ..... ~r. lllt 1411 WW.kif =. ':f''r .. ...... ,.;.::.. •::·•r Brnllr : ""•r J I ' I I ,.,~YiPlLOT lbursd.Y. Dttttnbtr 2~. 146, Otange Coast Area Men in Service Around the f" orld U. Jay A. ~-Jr.. Ute Chaparral Vu l r a 11 , They ire seamin Appren. J.~ire Control Tech. Scaman 19. son of r.tr . and Mn. H. ,.t, son ol Edward. Theilig ol t25 Hospital _Corpsman 3 . C. \1nd evacuation o! casualties in •bole pareota Uve al ~ Crpman Course at.. the U.S. Joseph o. Sboopm.111 of 9875 Jtflrey ~I. Franklin, son of Gammell of 4607 Gorham, Cajon, Laaµna Bee.ch, com· D.u B. )Otts, son of ~fr. and mbat. Halrillton St., Costa Me11. Army Training Center, Ft. Continental Dr Ive, and ~frs. Constance Franklin or Corona de! f\1ar, Is serving pleted an -Mrtra!f armament ' Mrs. Arthur A. l\Jtls qf_ 1~ baa received three awards or Jn le r i 0 r Co mmunlcaUons 1775 Orange, Costa Mesa, is \Vilh the 143rd Signal Battal· repair courae at the Anny Santa llabel, Costa Maa IS. En.s. Mlcb•el D ... Garland, the Air Medal at Clinton-Blis,. . . F' A U ion. Frankfort, Germany. OrdnaDce Center School Ab-MlrvinC with the 11Urd M@dical USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman AFB, Okla. -ElectriC1Jln lrtman ppren. serving aboard the s S The young radio 'operator la . ' 'Battallop, • unit or ~ Fifth William T. Garland of_ 1&05 Lt. Rovwtine, a ~S2 Strit. Two lluntington Beach men Jlobert L. Henschel, son otMr. Ranger off the coast of Viet· ,, graduate of Corona de! Mar erdeen. P,rovlng Groom!, Md. ExpediUormy Brigade Camp ){aven Place. Newport Beach, ftlortreas bllvy bomber nav}.. are ·.,mng aboard · the attack and Mrs. Roy.A. Henschel Sr., nam. Jllgh School, 11161. PvL ThtUi& is a graduate of P.endletonp ' is serving with Tr 1J n Ing 1alol' wu·clted 10< hJJ "'~ ail'Cnlt clrt!er USS l\angel" of 19421 Cihdy Lane. -• Venice H!Jh ·School, 111841. •., The Navyman's duties in-Squadr'an zz; Naval .Air Sta· standing airmanship and COW'· off Utt coast of Vietnam. Spec. 4 Jeffery Gammell. l>vt. Russell R. 11teillg, 20, elude emergency· treatment tion, KinJsville, Tex • .,e~suooesa1ul1nd-impor·1...:::.:.:::..::=::.::...~=::__:~~~~~~~~~~__:::.::.:....:...::.::::::;__:=:::::::...__:__:..::::::.:.:..:::...:::.::::::....::__:~~~~~~~~__:..::::__:.:....:..:::.::::....~__:__:--1c:'-'--"-'--_:..~~~- taht missions. He ia a.saigned to the ' t h Bombardment Squadron, a unit qf' the s~,. tegic Air Commincl, Amer- ica's nuclear detm'T'trrt forte ol Jong &ge bombers and tntercontUiental ballistic mis- 1iles. I . The liet&naol, a 1960 uad· uate ol Newpcrtillarbor High School, received an A.A. de· gree fronf Qranp Coast Col· lege and tarried ht,., B.A. degree in 1966 1t Calif. State College, F\lllerton. !- WAVE Hospitalman Appren. Di... Hodp, USN, ol t4092 Wilson. htidway City, iradu· •led fr om . basic Hospital Corps School, Great Lakes, Ill. The school; located at the Naval Trainine Center is de- a.igned to train both men. and v.'Omen of the N1vy and Coast Guard . Two C06ta Mesa men &re servipg aboard the anti-sub- marine carrier USS York· town in tht Northern Atlantic. They are Ainnan Lelaad R. Ratherford, son or Mrs. Shir· ley Rutherford of 319 Del Mar, Costa Mesa, and Aviation Boatswain's Mate 3.C. Rlth- ard E . Crane, !OR of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cr1ne of MO W. J8th St., Costa Mesa. P!c. James F. Compapo1. ~on of Mt. and Mrs. Fred Campa.goon of sic Catlente Drive, Huntington Beach. is wving "''ith the Second Bat: talion, Third Regiment al Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton. The battalion is a unit of the newly-formed Firth Marine Expeditionary Brigade. He will serye u a member of the Brigade's Regimental Lamting Team. · Yeoman 3.C. Aathoay C. WllHe, USN, son of Mr. ud Mrs . E: C. wliite ol 19161 Brookhurst Ave., Huntington 'Beach, has been awarded the Navy Achievement Medal with Combat "V" during ceremo- nies held at l.hi!: Naval Air St.allon, North Island, Calif. T n terior Communications F.lktrician Fireman Appren . .John C. Gates. son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Oiarle& Gates Jr., of 6061 Ivory Circle, Hun tin I ton Beach, has served on eight· month tour of duty aboard the a.mmwtltion ship USS Mayna Kea, in the Western Pacific. The ship, a· unit · of the Seventh Fleet. "participated _in the t rescue of a llim'eued mert:ballt vesst1, the SS Cebu Transport. The rescue involved steam· Ing through 4Q.ro.foot seas of Typhoon June before the troubled ship was towed to ufety. Spec. 4 Grqory \V, Brzycki. eon of. Mr. and Mrs. Corl C. Brzycki of %289 Republic Ave .. Cotta Mesa, has been assigned to the 67th AJ1illery, Ft. Riley. Kan. The soldier , 21, l4' 11 radio BatterY B of the· Artillery's 6th Battalion. He attended Costa Mesa 1ligh School before entering the 1ervlce. St.ail Sgl Duane Hartie1. soo of ~1r. and ~trs. Charles Hughes of 308 Vista Baya . Costa Mesa, is serving with the 4th Infantry Division near Ploilw, Vi-.i. '!be platoon sergeant of Company A, tst Battalion of the divisioo."1 14th Jnfantry. holds the c.ombat Infantryman Badge and the Purple Heart. He is a gr~duate of Newport Harb<>' ffigh Sdlool, 1963. Sfec. 4. JoU ~OSI. US MC. !t, son of ~1r. and 1itrs. Howard \11. Ross or 1786 R()fft'S Place, Costa Mesa, is serving at Qcin Noo , Vietnam. 111e Marine engineer is a puale al Newport Harbor Hiafl Sc:bool, 1967 and attended Or-. 'CoaL Coll<ge before ---die .... ice. Pvt. Ede(lt •'• 'Alldenoa, 1!, -al 'Mn. Catherine . ~"' lllt, .!a AnUbei, NewfXri · ·-~. haS been uslcned ,i.o .4,_-Battery, 4th Battalkln, · \\If: A d v 1 n c e d lncU.-1 Tnillinl Brigade •l Ft. Blito, Tu. ~ prlv1te graduated from BOAT BUFFS e rs USDA CHOICE -CHUCK STEAK TOP ROUND CHOlct 55c cur 1 b. u.su. $J19 CKOIC.[ ,. lb. . SIRLOIN ,._ $J29 TIP J~CY lb. CENTER-CUT CHUCK OR 7-BONE ROASTS Juicy, flalfOtfvl, Ttncler U.S.D.J.. em.; .. BOneless Chuck ~~t·~.89' Boneless Round =-:9ac _, f~ JOIN-ICNBSS ... ,, ... Tavern Ham "~'1:5' I 1b. •-JCIHM . 75" SUCiD"BACON 1::0. ·· ~· Vo!IS Parfy Ti"" Specials CO.NED BEEF; S 98~ !WIFf HOSJUI • WIUON l'KllYiJ. HObl!l CUH ,, • wa MINI IUltu • al.TH MASTtl C.Ulf WHOtE Oft HAll' VONS PRIZE PRODUCE I Fr ash fruits and V 091tables I &llEll OJUOllS • ,,..... ............... ,, C115P"UDISIES •UNCH ............ .. UMOllS " UMES IACK ......... , ..... . CllSP ULERY ·-......................... 194 PlluPPLI u.cH ...... ._._... ... ,.HO .. •,o+"ttoOO•"" 59' OVEN-FRESH BAKERY VONS.WHITE, WHEAT, OR SANDWICH ENRICHED BREAt nit CAUFORNIA GlOWN Avocados KITCHEN-FRESH DE!f.;.. HORMEL:All MEAT or RA TH-ALL IEE!' FRANKS . 1:tr,~ 49' Buddings Sliced Meats ,.l~Jr. S,::~0 3 i t1 Vons Fresh Salads :tf-!!00..~~.'·1~ 3 'i S] .. \ •)' •AIMii ... ..,. at: lltl#l IW . ; • Unk S•slai' .a~~. 3'..*I I GAME HENS =!:'..'.' wr. 79:, j ROUND or IRISICET O.f'M: . SMOklD lllP TONGUl, ................ 91c PICKLlD lllP TONGUl ............... tlo. ttc ClY~VAC PASTRAMI ............ !~. $1.15 FROZEN-ASSORTED BANQUET~ DINNERS~ 12.0Z. CAN ••••• , • , , ••••• 39c URIE 1\fz ll. LOAF Vons Sour Cream Dips .~~' 3 ~St ,. LaKco Shrimp Cocktail "·••· 3 ·u, krrtHEN fftSlf McCoy's Irick Chili co,~'.'° ss• Potato Chips lO~I. ..... 49c JEllSEYMAID AA Butter 1-LL CTN. 79'' Sliced Italian Salami vo~ ';~ :::S-49c VONS A"!19rican Ch••• PIM~o':=r'e.or. 2 f 8fC Mlxed,..WUll 69c 23c 49c Corned Beef ~.g~'.t.J= • ~i. 'I:-55c AMERICAN IWllY Plumrose Cacktail Franks tf.~ 59' Spaghetti 12.0Z. PKG. HOUDAY LIQUOR FEATURES! ROYAL VELVl:T. SPfClAL BOURBON STRAIGHT kENTUCKY 16 PIOOr. I 'llS. Oil> Save $569 501 QUART MllLBROOK. VODKA 80 PROOF Save $699 404 %-GAL. llARCIAY BRANDY CAUfOlNlA IGftOOI' sav~ ·s419 40 flfTH 10% DISCOUNT ON NATIONAL lllANDS ••• GIVEN ON ALL PURCHASES Of 12 flfJHS OR MORE, OR 12 QUARTS OR MORE. MAY MIX BRANDS. CWMY-..,.,... kW). .... "· ..................... ~ 4Jt CHAMPAGNES llU!ia"Wm-~ WWr!J, . ""· .......................... ,. otD TAYLOI lllwlek i...-, ._..... .. "· ........................ ... MllAM-._...~ ........ " "· ........................ 5.211 :RAOllWI 7<IOWM -....... • Wliiillf, N "· ................ .1,.1' DfNNISON'S Chili S:,~r 93' JlffYPOP Popcorn ~~ 29' THORO-FED DOG FOOD li\l'lr or Kldrtty Mtalbolls 1s;i,.oz. CAN •••••••••••• 23c Chkbn or Heart Meatballs tft«. CAH ......... 23c: ffontmeot Chunb 1-fli,OZ. CAN •• ,., • .,.,,, ,. , , •• , •• 29c Chunk 8ttf 1..0:.CAN ........... H ............ 2..:. 53c LIQIJID :l2-0l. 1011\! Lux Detergelllt INCl. 10. OfF HOlM!L 4-0Z. CAM Vienna Sausage 2i49' --VONS fllOZEN fOOOS -- Rosarita ~ _lwritao r.o:z. -............... 39c Rosarita Cocktatt Tacos r.o:z. -_ ............ 39< Bobs Cha• leans 160Z. ..&a. ·······-·•· ....... :.s ·Mc Fruit N' c ..... Deliglat Piel-1 ........ ~c Pictnt91t Colt-,CAWll4'W ............. ~.: •• : ... ~ • h ti;-' •• • • r.v. Popcorn ~-2i29- ., • .. ' •: -j CHEF BOY-AR-DEE s,...~ -d.'1:1:" 79• ..., lllirioll '131-83• lw A lonl 1:1' 81• k';(;eam ~c7t 59' SCl:EAMING 33 ' Yellow Zonkers '~ c HOME PAa-WHfTE 5• Paper Plates '~· 7- sfuff.dOlives. '~ 49': SEAFOOD SEf·lECTION--' . Coolced Shrimp .......... : ••• , .. ,_,,,_,., $1.79 Med' Sh I ' 1um ~mp ............................... 98c Jumbo Shrimp ........................... tO. $1:98 Alaskan King Crab meat '.44.1 ................. 79c Freoh W1Sl9rn Oyster ;..,., ................. '19c Ea111 F ' "-'--. m ry11111 -i··-· oo• ""··-··-·· $1.09 -• HEALTH AND JEAUTY AIDS -- Buff49rin lOO's ·~· Prell Shampoo · •-.-. ... .1 on. 1.or. 1111 Micrin Mouthwash "l'f;l.·~ Ajax 1Cleanser LNCt. k °" 2. 33 14-0L CAN ~· • Alll'!elll Lffh .... " "'• eRIV fwll ·tiM Mtllltf ~ • .,~;1119 OR •llf n .... ,.r.tf lit °'•"f• ~~l;i::':!.~tE~:;f; 1011 Adams Ave.,_at Brookhurst Halrtington Beach !:::'="0=" ===='.1 34081 Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano .Beach 5922 Edinger : Ave., at Springdale, Hulltingtoo Beach 1 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Valley 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach I ---------.,.-----~ --------~-~.~----r-·-----.....-..... ~-.,,......-.,~~...,..,.-....--..---,,_,,, •-r•..-.,,.. ... ,...,...,,~__,~.,._,_,- ' ------... _ .... _ , ____ _ D.!ll Y, i:iur Jt .. , -!\. .·· EST·TO 800D ES ' . ' . ' . . . r iSc:oun·t ricesl • FIA.TURING EVERY DAY "fr~~-F~~~~~~~;~~A~9 LOW D/SCOUNf. MlA .T PRICES I , . BONEtESS ' FY.LLY COOKED e READY TO EAT DUBUQUE 'ROYAL BUFFO" !/ . -. 5~~~~ CONED 7_11 EACH siiciiG. 11c11 69~ .. GROU0ND QUBEEF 49~. FARMER JOHN, FAMILY PACK 87 Sllcecl Pork LOIN ~b. USOA ·CHOIC~~;FAD·"TENDERFUL" 49 CHUCK STEAK ~b. FRESH • EXTRA LEAN e POLISH. 7 9c·Ut. SAUSAGE ·_ a::~ USDA CHOICE1Qf FAD "TENDERFUL" 7 9 RUMP ROAST . -~ 1: ;:~: '4lcl CHEOE 0 BREAD ,'Ir 6.t.1.LCW• ••• ~'' SAVf fc 360 ~- I J_ . E88 ROLLS FROZEN SlillMl'-57 oocKEN • LO!STE C MEAT &. SHRIMI' FOREMOST ICE CREAM fAMJLY·PACK 59C HALI GALLON SAVI 1Ck . . FAD, PULL-.A.PART AURORA• SAVI 4c GALLO, SLICED COFFEE CAKE TOILET TISSUE SALAMI s~~I 63C . SAR ·WITH PAD'S ICONb..PACKI • • , 10-LB. BAG CALIF. GROWN ~~· 23c WHIT! 3-0Z. 49C l'A.CIU.Gf MVE 6c P"CKAGE OF 100, 9-INCH PAPER PLATES P"CKAGE Of 50, 9-0Z. PLASTIC CUPS CREST, FAMILY SIZE, REGUL,i.R OR MINT TOOTHPASTE- ANTESEPTIC, U-OZ. BOTTLE LIS TERI.NE BOTTLE OF 100 T"BLETS BAYER ASPIRIN PACKAGE OF 25 T"BLETS ALKA-SELTZER RED DELICIOUS APPLES 20-LB. BAG • All PURPOSE RUSSET POTATOES 1 O·LB. BAG JUICY NA YEL ORAfl8ES YOUR 97c CHOl<;E ~ i... FAD • PINT CARTON O SAVI 10. SOUR 49 CREAM ·, .'· 89c VALUE 49c VALUE $1.05 VALUE $1 .19 VALUE 98c VALUE 73c VAWE -. , I ~ 11 , , l I I • • ' -.. --. -.. -. --. -· -,_-...--..... --· ---.-. .,-... --..-r·····--·-· .-....... --... ~~ ·----------~·---------~-~~~-..... -.....,,,_....., ............ --.-~-------. - • U DAILY PILOT I u.s.D.A. cH01a 01 STA1D aaos. cm111a anF ROUND i RIB ROAST U.S.D.A. OIOICE OR STAnR ~~~os7.aRTIFIED91EEF c RIBI LB. 111 .. 111111 LLl9 STATllllOS.ALLMEATOIALLllllF 5"' SLICED BOLOGMA --····12.oL 7· MOftELLNIDfALLIEtF , ... Dl•ER FRANKS ........ _ ..... 1.u. 7 · 3.0Z.PKG.SllCED 49' GALLO SALAMI ---·Kl. U.S.D.A. C1-IOICE OA $TATU •AOS .. C!ATlrl~D JHF 7ftc RUMP ROAIT .............. LI. ..,- GROUii'iloUND ~.7~ • MORRELL'~~~!'fUlr.\•. s49a ... IJ.65' ~t 75c PIC~· i.CAN ......... EA. FARMER JOHN loll, PAC~ E . 59c WIENER:. ALLMIAT .......... _.LB. HAM -LI. . GRAPEFRUIT,-· , ~ L.ARGEFANCYDESERTSWIET t . 8 c;x LB.BAG APPLES~::~ · ·~ WASHINGTON RED DEIJCIOUS s LBS . J·ll. CAN · 't.K 10-0Z. INSTANT -11.SI EGGNOG C""'-lUMGf 49' DAUtY-•IUH QUAIT1.--. JUllLEE IMIT•TION _ _..sr LB. STEAK U.S.D.A.OfOIQOR STATD · · IROS. aRTIFIED IHF FNNE 79c LB. BO•IESS u.89' ,~f;, * CLOSED . NEW YUR'S DAY . JANUARY ht 1970 I iNDIGNJ:U.S.D.A.~(liCEORiTATUl~OI, .... FR ESHL N•GROUNDHOUR~Y. 4ftc-.: EEl" .. ROAI _ .............. 11. .,-1 u11 •11s ............ LI. ..,- i EL•sseea:a,i.q;.. .!\· · ,~ IJ ·ii~ icira r n"1Ro,.ou ~101111 9ftc . OLLllU ..... ... ..... ~. .,-• IAK .................... LI. ..,-• U.S.O.A.CHOICEORSiER"IR . ,·. , 90c FAROOHN~A~T-N.:lAir,iTENDER 6ftc llEAK ... _ ...... t,t. 0. p R •• K .................. LI. .., .. ~CKOICEORSTATERBROl.I: Jl&Dll!F aft.: MORRELL'SYI IRIOVlARORTHICK 67C : 1118 .STEAK ........................... LB. ..,-SLIC BACON ........ LI. ' 'USOA.QfOICIOISTATllHOS.NP: s I 19 USDACHOK:IOI STATlllROS.lltfl s I 23 I-BONE STEAKS ....... LI. • PORTERHOUSE ITUK LI. • ' .• tM-Mliuuc....ftALIMOKIHOUSIH.AVOR ofi.t. 77c UIDA040ICIOltSTATBllOS.mF JS I 43 IUaD BACON -·LI. TOP SIRLOIN mall "... • .. !•111 ~ii a;tt! i1 :i ''k1 :1!11I!:11 =11 e:;1 a 1 ,.rn ~;a :i iJ '' t't :i ''i1 :1\11111 :u :i1 e:;1 ~-. I 3-~1.CAN ••• $1.81 63 COFFEE STATER BRos. ... . .... 1 c~~ · c COUPON - ~lfF _,.-WITH it C:~A11 1ilil ······----·-------~ --·~--~---~-~·. 6 BIG SALE DAYS! - Tlv$dq, Oeumbtr 25, 1969 DAllY PtlOT 29 N IDAY TH•U TUllDAY I tJ I DIC. ~ .... IC. 11 KERNS TOMATO JUICE LIPTON ONION 3;s1 SOUP ¥IX , . TWIN PACK BOXES FOREMOST SOUR CREAM GRA'Pi"'.liLL y 3 /'100 MAIWILL HOUSI COFFEE ,.,. .... ,,, CHEER DETERGENT GIANT SIU 83c DASH DETERGENT ., •• , "" 69c CASCADE fOl AU,TOMATIC 67c DISHWASHlll.5 •IANT Siii SALVO-D~E=T=ERGENT ., •• , .... 69c ANTfoNY'S -29« ' EGG NOODLES I-LI. CELLO -- IUTTIRNUT s209 COF.FEE ..... '. '" •·lh, CAN OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. NEW YEA·R'S EVE-CLOSED ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY (Jan. 1) TIDE DETERGENT RIPE OLIVES TALL CANS HILLS BROTHERS COFFEE _ 1 LJI. CAN 73c 3. LI. C:AN LIQUOR DEPT. ROUBELOI' VOD·KA o• ROYAL SATIN G I N YOUR CHOICI ISLANDER IMPORTED VIRGIN ISLAND RUM GRAND SCOT SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLID IN SCOTLAND SILVER PESOS ' TEQUILA IMPORTID flOM MIXICO YOUll CHOICI ' KENTUCKY TOWN OLD FASHIONED SOUR MASH KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON $3!~ $)99 PULL '"""' $459 : FULL 9UAIT CRO_WN RUSSE $888 VODKA 'hGALLON ISLAND INN ' . FROZEN MIXES REDDl·WHIP R!AL WHIPPED CREAM. 8 01. Aer. C1n SUNSHINE HI HO CRACKERS Reg . 41c Ilg 131/2. Box '. e DAQUIRI · 6 OZ. e MAITAI e MARGARITA CANS e WHISKEY SOUR C'tUll llST 39c _ _.. SWEET PICKLES 2'·0Z. CAN -----FRESH PRODUCE __ __, LAURA SCUDDRES' POTATO 39c CHIPS 12 OZ. BAO FORMOST ICE CREAM '12 GALLON SQUARE CTN. BIRDSEYE SALE! Mix 'em or Milch 'om • PEAS !10 oz.I • CORN !10 oz.I U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET POTATOES 10 LB. CELLO BAG EXTRA FANCY DELICIOUS • CHOPPED BROCCOLI !10 oz.I EXTRA FANCY 41 $1 FUERTE AVOCADOS APPLES • CREAMED SPINACH !9 oz.) F 0 R MILD SPANISH RIPE D·ANJOU • PEAS \Yl~H ONIONS (10 01.l • CANDIED :t AMS ( l 0 01. J ONIONS PEARS FARMER STYLE PORK SPARERIBS EASTERN GRAIN FED BAR M - LEAN. MEATY. EASTERN GRAIN f<ED CENnR CUT RIB c WITH THIS COUPON AND SI.GO MINIMUM PUICKAll lllftfl l bla Ptr COllPM-One COUllll"I ...... Clll!Omtr. Aldtorfe ltYW ... •rid ''"~ ''I/Id Pllrl' Pl'Odvclt •rid cl'Ofr1tle1 oclud• from mlnlo lnl,llft PlolrtM .. by l1w. Vold 1tt.r Wllll~y, ~ 11, ltre, •OOD ONLY AT IAl.AIN IAIQT WITH THIS COUPON HO MINIMUM PUICHASI llfUlllD VOID AFTER WEDNESDAY, DIC. 31, 1969 USDA GRADE "A" 3 LEGGED CUT UP FRYERS PEN & 9UILL 8 oz. Dips • GARLIC • CHILI • CLAM • BLU acmsEJAruil) IV!l\1!4M HICKORY SMOKED WESTIRN STYLE EASTIRN GRAIN FED 7 9 SLICED FRESH 89 LARG! LOIN C 59 PORK CHOPS 1b SIDE PORK lb . PRICES EFFECTIVI: Thunclay Thru Wednesday Dec. 26th thru 31st TAVERN HAMS LB. CENiERCUT 1 LOIN 98 BREADED $129 BoNELEss & DliFAmD PORK CHOPS 1b _s_H_R_IM_P _____ u._ I WHOLE OR HALF " PllCD IUl.llCT TO STOCI ON HAND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BAR M WESTERN STYLE IASTIRN GRAIN FID '89 ACLLMAMREAT 69 SLICED :~~~~~N~~~~~---~~~~5.._. 59~ ~~:KH ~~~ lb WIENERS ~ SLICED COTTO SALAMI ............................ 69~ ----------1-------- F RMER JOHN 9 LID'S 34z. Sliced 3 1 WI GIVE DUTCH OR BAR-8-Q LOAF ..... . ....... 79~ SLICED 7 c LUNCHEON MEATS F$ IL.~~~~p FRESH LIVER SAUSAGE .................................... 59~ BACON ':S .. "r lb : :!~a:Mfo!NH~'t:F ~ :~A SMOKED BRAUN ....... .. .. . ....... .. ... .. 79~ l WE OIVI ILUI CHIP STAMPS 19111 and Platl1 710 w. Olpmln I I l I I _... .... --,-.·~'f.-"f1'••1 r-tf'1 ••{ o •••. t *•At,..... • ..,.,.. .......... ,,,., .. , ... ,,,.,., ••• ••'"F"'"''"'" • • • ,• ""'""1" _,..., i '"·""''""""~<, 'J•J+(+i JJ.\\ 1 , , ¥$,* 1&+ .... ,••,•v>"t•1 ,,.,,,.........,..-r~··-•7•J•'"·•• ....... ~-~--~ .... I I .illlf~l>l!l~YPall~~:;==:::~"""~~Y:·°"'::m~;";'·;";";::::~;;~~~~~~~~;....;;;;.;.;;;....~~~__;;_~...;.;;;;..,_;;~~~~~~~~~~~~,· ·" . ~ . .. - U.LD.A. IHSPIQID . "JAN-U-WINE ~ CIE•A·.-· CmcnN Ol _,StllOOM CHOW MllN ""'°''°"' CHOI' IUf'f UH Y'S FRUIT COCKTAIL flfiH JllST <,. PORK and BEANS .. 2~1. 79c ..... 0.ow MeiR 21/2 ..... NoocllH Ca" 21' ...iij CALI FORNIA FRESH KlST APPLESAUCE ,.. GIANNY .GOOSE ~ FltESH KlST POTATO CHIPI PlllOW.PAC K STEWED TOMATOES MAGIC CHEF . PANCAKE FLOUR l2•L 59c • pig. ... .... MAGIC CHEP PANCAKE SYRU .. I 303 19c 'AH "' .. Ii. 'O.OZ. 29C CAN SN0.303 $1 CANS ' " ... , • FRISll CINTIR CUT RIB PO•K ·C·HOPS . HfAT'HSflYf-SHllMPl.DfVILEDCU.t $119 ~-lff ROLL I.. • .... PROZIH • vi'Ai'i'ii'AKs 89! LAMB CHOPS P.'!ii!~~~~~----...... ~-- PRTIR Whola.l••• ' U.S.D.A. IHSPICRD u. s. p. A. INS Ec;TED CHICKEN ·s ·t .SMALL LOIH •111 PARTI & Thi... . ~ . .... • ... TOILET TISSUE ,~,. -~~ """""""""' --.. AURORA ,4SIORTID OH BOY PIZZA 2 OLL 19C ·PEPPERONI 16· SSC :acK SAU SAGE oz. COTTAGE CHEESE GOL ... C•MI PlllT QUART 291 57c YAN de KAMP'S BEEF• CHEESE• CHICKE N 7Y:·39C . ENCHllADA DINN ERS o: YOUR CHOICE · DOWliTRAKI Pll lillLLI I ' . i: REG.39c 2 ~-,~Ne 29c MINUTE MAID OIAlllE JUKE 16-0 Z.CAN 75c ~b~ 3 7c SHASTA BEVERAGES ASSORnD·PLAYO•• a MIXU . TOSTA PIZZA 1onlf TWIST•OPP ... •TLS •. CAP · 11.oz. 79c LIQUOR SPECIALS ... oz. 49c •• ..... " 5 2a.o:r:.$1 DELICATESSEN ' UGllllCT ROOll- CAUfORNfA '.~ I' , .. "$ CHAMPAGNE .. .. '1'• i 2°F fl,THS PIPTH '18••. ftllZEll SIW:K TAAY ·CHICKEN BROTH JENO'S ~t 85' COLLEGE INN 21l •·OZ29 CANS C CHICKEN & NOODLE COLLEGE INN 16.0L 29 C JAR Assorted F1cYO<'S Gelo1in JELL-0 F~~y 21 C U.S. NO. I ALL MIPOSE BROWN I ONIONS I LBI., DEODORANT SOAP DIAL Aq,,.G,IJ. . Whit• •r 'i11t 2 :f~37c !t PUOOINGMIX ROYAL 2'°..""..ly 27' ~ I I I l .S. IO. 1 ALL PUINSE ID POTATOIS ""' LBI. LIQUID DETERGENT CHIFFON 22-ot 35c btl INCL. I 0¢ OFF SIZING MA GIC 20-..L 59c oon INCL. Io, OFF 2300 Harbor B lvd. ·at Wilsen St., HarhOr Shopping Center, Costa Mesa \ --~----.--------· ·-. -----·-·-----------·-----·---------------- DOZEN CARTON MAYFRESH EGGS· Ullf 61' OTUUHf&"' llADEU-.., GIADEUDGZ-I- M.J.B~ .. 7 -~,· ··t. . ' COFFll .#' · ·- TUNA MEAT .+-! I ~OF$EAN0.1/2CAN. . J:lllr.fiNE 37° COllN OIL 1U. n::G.--- . MAYFAIR HOLffJAYffEMS . MAYFRESH PRETZELS MG.PKG. 29' QUININE WATER~~---· .. ··-39' MIXED NUTS fib~~ · · 75' RIPE Ol.IVES~itiW?N0.300CAN-3i $1 LIPTON ONION SOUP2PACIC 3'r v . ~ 61~fff!J7 ' \", l ·TOMATO JUICE Ull'l''60Z.CAN--- POTATO CHIPS ~ --BEVERAGES MIXES & FLAVORS ' ' , 'MAYFRESl1 . 28-0Z. ·BTl,S •. · YOURCMOICE .$ for . ICICllOI SIOWIAllS _.....,.. • for DAILY. I'll.QT 3J ' ' . lflllll IOll POTATOES . I N:EMIUMSSZ!.. J J , :, '10ft>: . QISPTINDR ·cARRO'JS 2 ron25o,, , . 'c .... Lii. !· : MANNINGS COFFEE 1UCAN 71' HI HO CRACKERS •m. ,, scanER MIX wnlF-.. MAllQARINE..t&:N-.-27' HAIRSPRAY~~:~ • ..,.. •• 11ncRACKERS ~.~.,.,.-41' ' ... ' ' . .. ....... ....., ADVEITISID NICIS IFFICTIVI 7 FIAL DAYS . TOftlUSUAW TO 111r Cl1ws 'Jftc THUllSDAT . DfC.26 THIU WED .• DEC. 31 '0-IKI"'°'•"" Coffee Cakls.,111 . .,,~-MAYfAIR MAllKIT :M~u ' WHIJ~··· L.....:1!.?7!_5.!la~ff~"~1_!;7tll~ll!!!•:!•"=· :.:.:~C·~-~ .. ~ .. ~··!!·_.) • • ------------- I \ !!"'":,...~ ..... ~--..... _..-..... ,,_.---------------~--...... ~~...,..,......, . ...,.., __ ,........ --.,..,.---.---.rr-..r-~ ...._--------~~ ---~---....-. ' ' '• ' •• Alpba· Beta's Man in Blue says: • ro._-. ·J SCl1.;.,l' t l lRY VAT -......... = ""= ~II.WC iWR COIDITIOIER -13" $316 Haili SETllSTtQ ,':" $IM • 11• MENNEtl .. '-Cl. gpgy DFJ Antl-Ptl'lplr111f · 't• 87c • t\ RG. OF 72 • FOIL WRAPPED · ALU.SELTZf.R ,,. $116 BOTTLE OF Iii TA!IEl'I · •t• 77c BUFFERll ioiR'ic1'S 48c 45c 1110111 2IK!Z. BOm.E • MOUTHWASH 1.141 $111 ··== LISTER I IE -non SELTzER 79' 63' ~ conciiswiu 79' 63C .. I.is OZ. mt • llD>TCATED AllEl'S POWDER 99c 79• .. ; . . ~ . . ! :J I A I LI., I I •11lj1 ! ~ll!~ LA T !OME MJNll'llT& ITOfl:U DllCOllllT CIWCI Pll" . Clile·E CAT fDDD '1ft.OZ. 'CAN •CHICKEN •GIBLETS & CHI""". • CHICXEN & U\1E1l I. PATRLCY. <'!J!>AHY•>,...,._ v DIJ[D IW i OUNct 6D% 1111.1' .. 12' .... llPlll,tm •• .,,a, 37~ .• ~ ...... ..,. t::j;ji;\ '""' llll . ,.... 331 ~CllllSIUEAD•·•.r. ll .. I tm·• •PAC. Qwm ... • IUTilllMllJ DOllCITS"' v .. _. •L'"I lfflz.u.m • 1.a vo11-1· 11 CllOCOLA!t ALMGlllCAll UNION MAIO, COCrTAll. ill% IYEIMAD ~~ 41• FIOll •MIT JUl~E .· · 10' · ORANGES· u. lOCA1. ;RO'MI • 'JJICY SWEIT · 10 , TUGELOS ! nOllll' OUMm' lT ...., ... lltlEIRoAISIES 76' Ml'h'Mix~ llWll' .,. l\I.!!·... 111 IUR FOOD . " . ' . ' ... r I f ' ~ l •IEDllM POOD IT-'-1 .9!1oi--~~ W!WAMS FAMOUS CURE CORNED ODlr. - BEEF ROUNl>iJP 1'1:1" SHEHSO/j'$ CORN BEEF 8i:t•~l(Ef RECIPE THIS W!£K. $109 "C=ll lt. IJlWNIY" , . OlPDllMl£-QQ\LfTY • fCOttD PAX • 3 US.~ 0w:JI FRE$H GROUND -BEEF WILUM'S CllSPllTE . J.LB.. l'KG. e.SUCED _BACON . 64c ' IUIUl!ll'S IOWAIWD ' HB. PKG; • SI.ICED '· . !!!.'-~ CHWi: . NICI 1 L'"Q\lV.llPMlm .• 2-1.1, CJJI 111 , SAllU CUffll 1.11 • (1 ~l ti I •1v H I~ ! Tl PT :~' n.I llOUU-..... fll, 11.W-t PM IAT ... SUM.11AM•1PM , , IJllAPNLOIANGELU;OftANQI ,------------Ofl1fUVllUIDI COUNTY W!ZtdlW'--..-MaSJltFW•MLaT,\lCCIUKRDMAU.1'AUIU1'8J:•llf-1111ltCll'TO ....... YICWllCIM.llllWI ILPlll INTI COSTA MnA-141 I. 17tl It. HUNTINGTON MACH-tocl ..... HUNTIM•TON llACH-llUI H .M•• St. POUNTAIN YALLl't-19JI w.,.., IOUTH .._..UMA-JlllJ L C..t Hhr., LA•UNA HILU-Ul41 C• • .. L .... ••Y1N1-1 .... t.t..r. ·~ ''" -. ' I , ; ., ' ·, ( f ! ' -· ---. ~. ' :..-' ) I ' ' \ ) . t . ' • J ; .. " i ., .• • ·-. . - • . -. , ' ... . . -·'. ' ·---------~ . --------------· ----·-·-·---···--·---~--.. ...,.. --. .. , ALL FASHION ISLAND STORES OPEN FRIDAY & MONDAY MNINGS -·· . ' ' .. t ' • . . .- ' ... • . ' -__ _._ ___ . . . . . " . • . ' .., ' .~ , ... ' ' fi.t .... 1 -~ ;.~· J ~ ' . ' . 1_,) ,:' '· ~. "' ~; . • i,, .,_ , " . ·.!,. . ./ • _.:;1..._ , ·"· • . ' . ·-........-,.,:' ' ~----~ '· ' .,. ... \, -' I '; " 'I 11 " eamnc,e, -. * ~ :-_; .lj ' . -:.~::, ., ~·-\ " .. . ' .. , WHEW! It'• bf!l!n a blU')'· month at FASHlON lS(,ilVD;.. bu~ llOll? Oolllef a: -·1 . week of rciarrQiigJng .t.Ocka on 110re counter• ' .. .. -·-- &.ginning tomorrO&O-·· ~ ,~· -~. 58 ·fmhionablll· ·1 "' 1toru 1urrounded by plenty of FREE PARKING, Open·zo a.m. • ' ' 'I' .. . ' ., •. ·. .,. ' ' '! t. '1 ·:·t '· ·:.' [, ! ~ !, ., • .. h • ' ~ ,....oeg11 Oo\fLY PILOT Tltu~··~ Otttl'l'llit' 1J, 1••• Mis ,souri -QB Takes Time to. Count Blessings· _..,,., 1 ;.~; By TERR'' ~1c~t1LLAI\ •· -"if· ~11.uou.ri Quarterback '"'' • ~WORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. !AP ) ! On Chrislmas morning. I realize I'm one o( the luck.lest crtatures on God 's earth. t ·&t··li1nes, l'\'e 1,11 sorry tor 1nyself. ~be an opposing player has run me ,~ii Jn the open field . Or perhaps my .. ~~ ached from a minor bruise. ,-..,:·"itr.M lilly that is. ~'.ti.ring a rerrnt hospital 1lay \\•1th .. ~~lit.is. l was ontcred t.o takl!! daily e11.· : ~. ill the physict1t therapy 5eetion. . _Thal '.•. y.·hen l ~ame lnto contact with Soutl1 Duo, Phipp s Vie In Miami MIAMI. na. ~AP) -·Purdue'a·Mlke Ph.ipps will duel a Rebtl tandem or BIU Cappleman and Terr)' Bradshaw In today'~ 22nd Shrine North-South All.Star fnotball ganie in the Orange bowl. '' crowd of 35.000 is expected all tht South tries lo protect an tl-9-1 edge in the ,:er1rs played for crippled childrtn hno;pi!als. .lark ~Jollcnkopf or Purdul' will coach !hf' North v.·hile f'lorida State's Bi ll flrtl'rson handles the Sooth. Each will be blessed with his own star quarterback. Capp_leman threw for 2.467 yards and lf touchdowns at f'lorida State th.is season. Peterson plans lo start Cappleman. but he will split duty with Louisiana Tech '• hilllhfy-touted Br&dshaw. The 6.foot-3. !IS.pound Bradshaw Is ont! O" TV Todaft C'hannel 7, .1:30 p.,,.; nf the top prospects to go tn pro football'.11 first round Qraft. Outing pis career at the liny Louisiana school, Bradshaw pa!MJd for 6.589 yards and 39 touchdown!!". "Bradshaw has a quick releaae and J!cls hack into the po<..'ftt. fut.er ~than Cappleman," said Peterson. "But Cltp- pleman has eeemed a shade more ac-· curate in pregame practices." All the game'!I slandout quarterback.11 Rre big and fast and have slrong arm!!, P~ U Mect.-3, weigh! 225 and was No. 'to Oklahoma'.11 Steve Owens in Heisnan 'J'ro!i1y '""'"*· The All-American passer lroke 24 Purdue recc:rd9 and amalled 5,883 yH'ds In total df...,. during his brilliant ~. Ph.ippl o:imected oo l 69 paSleS thl" llle8Sal for 2.527 yanb and 23 touchdowns. 'The Col~. Jnd., een.K.-i9 the only ~ in thl 1900s to le1d three ,., int over Notre Dame. With such offensive 'talent, thett a~ fle8NI little chance d. a repeat of last ~'ear'8 low..,scoring N<rlh&uth match. Dick Berlinski oC Northwe5tern ticked a 23-yard field goal in the first. periqd aod lt held up fer a 3-0 win for the Nortbemm. i\lollen.k<¥ will be twii,sf.ed on Oie •ldelines by Bob DeMoss of his Purdue italf. MJanl Coadl Charlie Tate worked. with Pl!t«Jon to &et Ule· Sooth Club prepar<d. Wolverines Lose Doughty ,With' Injury By GLENN WfftTE OI tM D1l1Y l'llilt St1H The Gniversity of Michigan's Tloi;e 801'·1 victory hopes were jolted by the lOS5 of sophonlOre tailback Glenn · Jlought.y, who L! to have surgery today on tlil right knee aflet injuring It during Olri6tma!l Eve drillil. Doughty b the Wolverines' ~ond teadillg ground gainer and stands ., one ti their two top punt return men. The nther pwrt return a~. Sany Pl.enon, has lln ann In a cast but may play qain.st use in the RDoe Bowl 1 f tlu;e t Y."O are out, a.ch "Bob F"<:hanbechler will utilize ~ Ellion end Tom Curtis tor returns. Bill Taylor will start at tailback. "Losing Doughty ts 11 r.erious blow to oor offense," Schembechle.r told the DAl - J,Y PJl.m. "And irs also a lough brtak 'or him." Apparently ht l1a~ l'Jffered tom liagmenls or cartilage. ll happened late in the 70.minule prac- 1 ice at East Los Angeles College when lhe Wolverir1('5 wound up passing dnills fU1(f tried a few running play~. Doughty sliced off tackle t1nd v.as tnashed by a pair of Mfchigan delenderl'I. He couJdn'l get back to h.is feet 11nd had lD be helped fron1 ~ field. Later be left tM scene on crutche11. l\ficbipn looked sharp in passing, con- tT&ry to Tuesday's workout. First tea1n quartert>act Doa. Moorhead conne<;led.on 20 of 34 toMes 1nd had no inten:eption.•. Reserve Bill Betts made good fJn 12 or 1.1 and had (WO picked olf. AU-Ame:rican end Jirn,f\.1andlch wa~ u.. ed ~Ir as a tlr'Ff. maklng t.hrf!fl receptklns. lt1ike Oldham e:nsgged M"vtn and Bill ljarrl• qught four. More Spor•s 01a Page 38 1- ~ids who smiled even though their bodles 1o1·ere warped by dbeues. !low can lever feel sorry for myself! P.fosl folks ha\'e plenty to be thankful for on Christmas Day, four years may pick up sounds of children relishing new toys. Your nose tells of a feast ahead. God has been kind to most of us, much more than we deserve. Reflecting on this Chri.stma$ rn9r~ng, T think o{ the good times dad and I had before he died when I Wa.!I 5. f\.ty first· trip Lil the: Orange Bowl came at age 2, holding dad's hand. At the a1e of 21, I have a healthy body lo be thankful for. It earned me a free t>ducation. I'm most fortunat.e e1pecially when I think about those kids in the hospital. My religious beliefs were carefully nourished during childhood and -as a college man -I find them getting 11tronger. I am J.SliOCiated with a won- derful football learn. one I feel is more tuned-in Utan most when it comes 10 God. Back in the summer, just before thOse tough two-a.day practice sessions began, a bunch of ua worked together on physi(Jl conditioning. \Ve ran, lilted weighta: and did es· erclses. We also &pent time building 1noral fibres by having prayer and ln· deplh gatherings to diSCUM our beliefs. None of us think we are pft:fect; but this Missouri team is not afraid to get on JU knees when problems arise. We realize God is in every game with \JI· He has a hand in our winning, ·He has a reason when .we lose. It has been a C'hain r81ctiff1. t don 't pretend to be as fine a ~ u I'd like lo be, but we snoot for "" prodlcll approach to problems. OUtor 11udenll may think we're aort of. 'Hoty-Roly' but that's not 50. We believe God wanU u.!I to have a fuU life. And He knows as well as 1o1·e that none of us on earth is perfect. I'll admit it angers me lo 11ee the almost universal distrust in today'i t-ol· lege-age people. There is a lot o( turmoil on campuses, but you get> ortly the bad aldl in news reparti. PerllOnally, l think ll's just another J**8 htd. Some of our older folks m~st llav• * bad tilings ln !he Roaring ~. but you'd never guess It lo ho .. -talk. A MINNESOTA PREVIEW -Could tllls be a preview of the woether i.n Minnesota's Metropolitan Stadium S,turday when the Los Angeles Rams end the Minnesota Vikings meet for the Western Diviii9'0 NFL Joo!ball cl)&mplorubip? Viking running back Dave O•bom (41l here finds a hole in the center al. the Detroit Jin.I for a four-yard gain Thanks(iving Day in· a heavy snow storm. 'fexas Battle Cry: Win for Fr.eddie l>AU.AS, Tex. (AP) -The 01'P.xa11 LoogOOrn battle cry for the New Year'll Day 32nd. aMUal C.Otlon Bowl classic with Notre Dame may very well be "Win ii for Freddie.'' The No. 1-ranked Horns suffered a det"p llhock: the week after their JS-14 victory Over ArkanMs, giving them t h e Sout.l:nre.!ll:Cooference title. a Cotton Bowl berth and 1 possible national cham· pion;llip. Safety Fr~ Steinmark, the defenai ve 11ignal callet, t;u found to have ~anotr :incl a leg wu lmflUtated . He LI now In r>.1 . D. And .. Hospital in Houst.Ji and doctor• hope le will be well enough to aee the &ante in persm. Cot.., Bowl efficia.1'. have made special arr&l\llm~ ftlr Steinmark to be riven • bo9QI In !M,.llfoU box. "Vfi're goiot I? dedicate tho C.llon Bowl to FnH'i', ' ,aid Tuu tight end ' Randy P'6chel. Rick Nllbon, who will repl_tfe Stein- marl: in the iame, said. "I'd lili•·" win it for Freddie. I think everyone would." 8e Tes.a,, isn't likely to have a letyown for the ninth-ranked Irish. who art en- ding 45 years of selr-imposed bowl t:tile lo play in the game. A statement by ·Notre Dame Coach Ara Paraepian allO is ' likely lb he.Ip ktep Te••• .emotional\)' ready for lhe 112.me D"llY l'ILOT l'Mt9 W •nc~tr.I lt"911W WOUNDED WOLVERINE -Michig&n Wlbock <:!OM Doughty is helped lrom !he practice field by n team traiacr after scriou ~Jy tnjurlng hia knrt during Wednesday practice. Doughty Is scheduled for 1urery today and will mi ss the Rose Bowl clash with lTSC on Nc'v Year's Day. • !!!liJ!t~~ t~e he•vler f!illllng lrlsh. l!f ·Jtave every OOnfiHeOOti we can knock off that No. 1 team," Parseghian said at Notre Dame's annual banquet. Texas can n~il down a natirn1a\ cham- pionship and ilf; 500lh rootball \"ictory by beating Notre Dame. The game will Pit strength. Texas i.'I • the lop rushinJ team in the nation and NQtre Dame ia near the top in stopping the fVij. "We r•fllly haven't been tested against a gagd 91Nr11 ottack." Parseghian says. .. Th.llt'i what they do best and that's whtl 'fe have to expect.'' Notre Dame won't bt without in· spir111.ion of it1 own al the same. Three ntenlbers of ..the famed Four liorsemen whn rolled over Stanford 27·10 in the 1925 1\0se Bowl game -Notre Da1ne"s only Pte\'iOO!I 00'.l'I appearance -wilt be in attendance. Dalla1i1 Readv _, For Cleveland DALLAS (AP) -Craig f\tortnn \viii shoulder the burden as a Dalla! Co'i't•boy quarterback in a playoff game for the fil'lt iltne Sunday -against the Clevelanft Browns -and he predicts vic - tory becaupe "We're nervous, scared and afraid." .. We'rt ready," says the grim-faced Morton . 1 five-year veteran who took over the he.Jin this year after Don 11-feredith retired. Morton was rell\inded that lhe Cowboyii made 1lmilar 11tatemen1J before last ye-ar '• 31-20 trouncing by the Brawns in the NationAI Football League E!f!tern Conference playoff. "I didn't Je?ise it last time like I do this time," said tht Californian . Th• Cowboys and Uie Browns will tangle Sunday in the Cotton Bowl for the ritzhl to mett Saturday's "''inner of the -Minnesota-Los Anj:eles aame tn the Western Conference playoff. Morton is_ a believer in a team pll)•lni: scared to win . And he indicated that may not have been the case ag ainst the Browns the last time. "We weren't nlentally ready and made mistakes.'' Morton said. "\'ou've got 111 take what the Browns gh' you on nf- fense . Stick with the game plan ~nd don ·t make mistakes." The usually "''hip-armed tt1orton hal'I hr.en pfa.gutd with a sore shoulder most of the season. "tt fee.ls better r\ghl nnw than It he~ :iiinct J hurt it In the first Washington •.ame.'' ttforton said. "Jl still hurts every nl)w itnd thcn. Bui the pain i~ part of me now."' £torieJ about people doing bad things ja whal sells newspapers. The fme persons who are kind and helpful ('Very day of lhW' lives are not interesting, I suppose . ll 's true. however, that our Hippie iypes upset me. I hate lo see students Ul'- ing their parents only as money 1up- pliers. Some of the worst offenders are among the richest kids I know . Kids today look for something ebe lt1 turn to -maybe ifs drugs, maybe un- controlled sex. My outlet ls God and r try to keep matters In the proper pr0&- pective No Magic Fo1·mula Fo1·, Vilce s MINNEAPOLIS. ST, PAUL (~P) - The Minnesota Vikings, S.3Y$ General Manager Jtm Finks, didn't use a magic fonnula for building a championship Na· tional Football League team in niM vears. • '!'he Vikings rolled to the NFL'!> bei;t record in 1969 with a 12·2 season and A pot in Saturday·s Western Conferencl'I plav-0rr at i\tinnesota·s f\.1etropolitan Stadiunl again st the Los Angeles Ram,. The v.·inner advance!! lo the NFL tith:: game Jan. 4. "!l's not any one specific thing," 'Fink~ &aid, C"ommenting on how the Vikings built their current Central Division cham· pioos. ''Ifs a t'Ulmination or a lot nr things. There are the '67 and '68 dra!l.'I. The hiring of Bud Grant as roach . '·The maturity of the players who wer,. here before Grant. The trades for Gary Cuozzo and.Paul Krause. The purchase ol Joe Kapp. A lot of things have happened •. along v.1th luck and good fortune." Grant. the 1969 NFL coach of the year. Joined the Vikings in 1967. With the trade or quarterback Fran Tarkenton to New York of several future draft choices. the Vikings brobght Joe Kapp from Van· couver of the Canadian Football Leagufll and traded to New Orleans for Gary Cuozzo. Kapp started most of the season with Cuozzo C1lming in for key relief roles. Krause came to the club from Washington and steadied the Vikin,it secondary. which helped MiMesota lea rt the NFL with 30 pass interceptions. The 1967 draft produced first stringer.11 f:cne Washington, the leading pa!!l'I receiver; Alan Page, a cog in the front defensive wall; tight end John Beasely and cornerback Bobby Bryant. who in- tercepted eight passes before sidelined b.v a knee. injury. Reserves Bob Gri1n at flanker, Clint Jones, tW1ning back anri leading kickoff returner, and linebacker Jim Hargrove also came out of the d.rafL The Vikings drafted part-time startinit nffensive tackle Ron Yary, kickoff return threat Charlie West, punter Bob Lee, run· ning back: Oscar Reed and reserve linebacker Mike McGill in 1968. Free agents who have signed "'iUl lhfll Vikings since 1961 and start are All-Pr" center Mick TingelhofL guard Jim Vellone, cornerback Farsell Mackebe anrl linebacker Lonnie Warwick. Rcse rvr. defensive back Dale Hackbart also was a free agent. Picked up on waivers were tilarter., .John Henderson at Oanker. Wally- Hingenberg at linebacker and Karl Kassulke at defensive back and reserve lineman Steve Smith. Other trades brought Fred Co:t. v.·hn kicked for a NFL record 121 points : r1111· ning back Bill Brown; defensive end .Jim Marshall; defensive tackles Paul Dickson and Gary Larsen; reserv<': running bat~k Bill Harris, and end Kent Kr an1er Dave. Osborn. the tcan1"s leadin;: rusher. was drafted 13th in 1965: Defensive end Carl Eller was a first pick in 1964; ,,Jim Linsdey, captain of lhfl special ieams. second in 1 9 6 6 : Comerback Ed Sharockman fiftl1 in 1961: Roy Winston fourth in 1962; Reservfl guard Ed White second in 1969; Guarrl Milt Sunde 20th in 1964, and tackle Douge Davis fifth in 1966. Crady Aldennan, a starting tackle. 1.c the only player left from the 36 picked from other clubs to stock the oqinal 1961 Vikings. ';So you set," said Finks, "there's nn magic formula. We aren't saying we"re; smarter than any other team. But onl" thing we can say. we won 't be outwbrkl!<I by anybody else.'' Grant, as he prepared the Vikings fnr Salurday·s game, seemed to feel th• same way. "There·s one thing about this club." Iv J11aid. "They don 'l complain Aod .cr.r.m tn r~spond to hard work:' Packers' Coach Falls, Breaks Hip, GREEN BAY. Wis. (AP) -Green Bl'.f' Packers coach and General Manager Phil Bengt.son suffered 1 broken hJp in a fall \\'ednesday while loading a ChristmaJ girt for his wife into the trunk of his car. Bengtson \\1as t.aken to St. Vincent•,. Hosprtal where he will remain for at leai;~ tv.·o weeks. according to Or. E. S. Brusky, a team physician for the N• lional Football League Club. The 56-year.()ld coach said he was car- rying I.he package and backing toward the rear of his car when he tripped over some object and fell backwards. Or. Brosky 11aid Bengtson'• right hlp 'Yas fractured and It was impo1slble W rlete:rmine immediately bow I°'"" It wMd~ hr before ht' Js able lo walk. It I I 119 ............... ~~~~--~ ......................................... .,.. ................................. l!O!' ... .,.,. .............. ""' ....................... ~ .... ,....,...~ ..... ~,,,~~· ~ , -----~~·· ... , ..... , .... ··~-....--. ···-· .. ...-........ ~ -..-. '•"''1 Ii l hul'Sdly, Ottl.mbef' 2.5, 1969 DAILV PILOT H .- Drugs, Africa 'Among UCI Lectur_e Topics in January The following public k<:lurn "i ll be olfere<i al UC lrvlfte during the month of January, Tuesday, Jan. & "Introduction to DnlGs .of Abu~,'' Henry W. Elliotl, -M.D., chairman, d~partment of Medlcal Pharmacology and . Therape.llUcs, UC Irvine. Part of a UCI EXtension series, "The Drug Scene," 7·9:45 p.1n. · Room 101, Physical Sciences Bldg., UC tr11ine campus. Single admission, $4.00. Wednesday, Jan . '1 '"Geography of Or an g e County." Forest Dickason. Orange County P I a n n i n g Director. First of a UC Irvine Extension lcelure serif~. "The History of Orange County," 7:JO.\O p.m. Room I 04 , Physical Sciences Bldg., UC Irvine campus. Fee: all lec- tures without c:rectit, $50.00; with credit, $4S.OO. Single ad- mi ssion $4.2S. "AJienaUon and Jdeotity, An Overview," C. Ray Fowler, lecturer and coordinalor. First of a UC Irvine Extension series. Room 1011 Physical Sciencts Bldg., 7-10 p.m. UC Irvine campus. Fet>: aJl lec- ture without credit, $60.00 : with credit.. $fl5.00. Single ad· mission $4.75. Thursday, Jan. S "Human Pot entials.'' Robert S. Davidson, Ph .D., associate clinical professor, l\1edical Psychology, California College of l\tedicine, UC Irvine. Part of a Leclure-Workshop series. "Activating the Potential in Women," 9 a.m.-12 noon, auditorium, St. J o s e pJJ College, 380 S. Batavia Street, Orange. Fee for lectures onJy. $25.00 -Fee for lectures and workshop! $50.00. l'ttoaday. J ae. l! "Africa's Unique Dan ce Culture,'' illustrated with color film on SieITa Leone Dancers, . Ambassador John J . Akar from Sierra Leone ~nsored by Department 0 r Com· _ parative Culture. 101 Physical Sciences, 8 p .111. Free ad - mission. Tuesday. Jan. 13 "Pain, l\1orphine and Ad· diction." ffenry W. _ Elliott, l\f.D., chairman, department o! l\1edical Pharmacology and Therapeutic s. 11C Irvine. Part nf ~ UCI l:;xtension series, "Th" Un1g Scene." 7-9:45 p.m. ·r;.o '•ii 101. Ph ysiral Sriences Bldg. UC lr\'in.-: ca1 npus. Single admission $4.00. Wednesday .. Ian, 14 . "The Developn1ent or Jden- t ft~ .... Cy.1lhia S. Siebel, Ph.D .. .a ss is l.11n 1. rrof e.11 s or . Psychology. Pitzer College. Part of a UCI Extension ~eries. "Alienation and Iden· lily," 7-10 pm. Jl oo1n 1111 Physica l Sciences Bldg. T ·r lrvine can1pu s. Single ad · ·nii.~sion . $4.75. "Orange Cou!ll..V lntlians. .. P~eColumbian People,'' Ralph C. "'tichelson. Anlhropology major. !JC Irvine. Part of a UCJ Extensia,1 ~eri\,S, •·111e llistory of Orange County.·· 'i :30·10 p m. Room 1 O 4 . l''hysical Sciences Bldg., UC lrvine campus. Single ad- .. mission. $4.25. "The Problems of Develop- ing Countries in •\frica,'' Ambassador John J . Akar from Sierra Leone., sponsored 'by Deparl ment of Com· parative Culture. 178 f ine Am, 8 p.m. Free admission. Friday, Jan. 11 "CUi renl Proble1ns t n Financial -r-.1<lnagemenl.'' a 'nne-da.v E f min a r, Earl Bee<'her, Ph. D, a.~sociate prof e ss or, Bus ine s s A d m i nislratinn, California State Collcgt, Long Beach. 9 'l .m. -4:30 p.1n .. Airporter Inn . 18i00 MacArthur Blvd., .Ne'i'1>0rt ~acti , fee: $50.00, includes lunch. ''The Role of Womanhood in Africa," Ambawidor John J. .Akar from Sierra Leone. spoMOred by Oeparlment of Comparative Culture. 104 Physical ScJences. 8 p.m. Free .odml!sion. 1t1011d1y. Jan. tfl "Mn:lcan Cod.lees... Don Jfobertson of N e w c o m b College, rponsored by lhe .Students Try 'Friend' Shop GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -Unlvt!nity of Florida gtuderrts have come up with a J'l'Ot!!'Am !hey hope will help .IJludelrts who want lo kick th< drug habit -I "corner drug . 8tore" that will dispense lri<ndship -d ol plill. Dr. Stephen 0 ' Conn e: I 1, pr!!ldtnt of the university, Mid lwl was So conndent of tht 1>f'Ogram'1 suct'tSI that he had donated SSOO of his own money. 'The stude.nts plan to open A center where yOUng people with drug problems can talk to other fOU11i peOple who hlYI be11ten lhe habit: Friendship Md w- ll•rstandins wDl he . the Jo- gredl•nta iii the dn11 olore'a prucrlptJOOJ. Tuetday, Jan. zt Deportment of Sparuoh and Portuguese. 171 Floe AN,_I p,m. Pree adm issio n. Chancellor's Offiee, and assis. tanl clinical profe11or, Obstetrics and Gynewlogy, UC San Francisco ?ttedlcal Sebool. Part of a UCI Ex- tension 11eries, "Alienation and Identity," 7 • 10 p.rn ., Room 101, Physical Scien<'es Bldg., UC Irvine campus. Single ad· ''The Treatment of Narcotic Addiction," John C. Kramer, ti1.D., asslatant clbUcJl pro- fessor, Psychiatry and Pharmacology. Callfomja College of Medlcine, UC Jrvtne. Part o£ a UCI Ex- tension series, "The Drug Scme," 7 -& 11 :4~ p.m. Room IOI, Physical Sciences Bldg., UC Jrvlne campus. Single admlssloo, '4,00. Wedltnday, J111 .:11 "Spanish Dl5e0very a ft d CO!onlzaUon ol California," Henry S. P•-· M.A.. pro- fessor .ol ~. Orange CON! Oolleae. Part ol a UC! Extenalon aeries, "The Hiltory of Orange County,'.' 7:30-10 p:m. Room · 104, Physical Sciences Bid<.. UC Irvine campu1. Single admission, fl.16. Satanlay, Ju. ·If "Investil!J·In Your Home - An Economic, Sociological and Psychological Studf." Sanford R. Goodkin. Pruident, Ban- ford R. Goodkin Re&farch Corp., I a.m.-4:80 p~. m . , Alrpo,rte r Inn, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Fee for 1ingle ad- mlssl01111, 125.00, husbaod Md wives, Ui-00. Luncbeen and parking. Included. Tuelday, Jan. ZT '•'Real !!¢ate, 1970,• 'An Ec<wlomlc OvervieWj'' Robert L. S~lt, Corlr.od C. Jamison, Virginia Belt, Edwin· S . Bingham, 6--10 p.m., Airporter Inn, 11700 MacArthur Blvd., mission, $4.75. · Guarantet•d f>r t•c is ion 13ra k c Re lin e BRAKE LINING GUARANTEE If the B!Ue Li•i08S inswled by U1 wear out within 40,000 .miles, we will furnish replacement linings at no charge. lnstalla.tion c05t will be pro.rated on the percentt,e of guar- anteed miles actually received . If He•YJ·Dury Shoclr. Ait- ambrr faib: due eo fall"f m1teti&!sot ..orb:i-hip or ~arou.t 'lrilile oriJjitd p~ Cl'Olftl tlx air, ic ..tll be replaced aPoo ,. rum. free of chuse,ot cbe punbme price will be'°' ftUKlro. If the clefmM shock ab.orbtt .. ., i11- 51o!ledbySe __ ..,l!i11-,..,u new shock .bsor~r .. -uh ftCO charge for t.bor. lnclndeo: All 4 Wheele Only Paru And Labor Included All American and Volkewagen Can ,,_ hlpec:it Mater Cylinder · t"lmpect•bd Ajaat Parking Braku ...,...Bonded Lininp tn- at.Ued on 'Wbula .. Bleed All U... ond Add Flaid "'Robaild All 'll'hoel C,u..len "'I-G.-S..U "'An Grind Bnb Sh°" ,,... Repack Ft"Ont Wheel lSe•rinp ti"' Ruurf•~ All 4 BrakeDraa;ta tt1 lnapecl Brake Hotel ""'Inspect All Bnke H1rdw1[e lfl' Free Adjastmea& 11' RNd Tett for Brak• Reli1bility •ctuysler ptodocts bavia,s 6 wheel cyfinden and cars with disc bnlcet and self ad juster •J.i&htly hisher-Aay additional paru Ind labor avai lab le at Seara; low, low price. Under no condition will Sears do lesJ than 1 "Fint Quality B!Ue Job." SAVE '2! Regular $7.99 • Rugged sintered iron piston and chrome rod ••• wean better than original obocks • Pa1ented Elastomeler ring me1n1 no fading • _o\Iuminum cooling fins prevent heal build.up Use· Sean Revolving Charge •Points 13~y7 • Conden!ier •Rotor c .... •Spark Pl up 161!7 •Labor to Im tall Above Parts Listed Newport Beach. Foe 115, fl> eludes~-· Ampbelllninel a n d Hyp- "Tranqulllurt, Ampheta· minu and Hypnotlcs,'' John C. Kramer! M.J;>., us'isiant clinical pro essor, Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Cali!ornl~ College of Medicint, U C Irvine. Perl of a UC! Ex· lension serle!, "Th'e Drug Scene," 7-9:45 p.tJl., ijoom 101. Physical Sciet5Ces Bldg., Ut: Irvine clfilpus. Single ad· miss!o~. $4.00. CRUSADER WMm•y, Jae. ti ••Sp anlsh COntribuUom:: 1711t-ISU." 'Arnold o. Dom· In-. M.A .. wriltt, former director O r a n 1 e COun- ty Historical. Society. Part ol 11 UCJ E~tension'aerlet, "The History of Orange County," 7:3()..10 :00 p.m. Room HM, Phy1icil Sciences Bldg., UC Irvine C&fnpuS. Single ad- missi'on, $4.25. . "Th,e AlienaUon Hypthesis," H. Edward Ramford. Ph.D., assistant profe ss or of Sociology, USC. Part of a UC! Extension aeries, "Allenalke and Identity," 7·10 p.m., Room IOI, Phydcal Sclencu Bids .. UC Irvine campu1. Single 'ad- mission, $4.75. · Saturday, Jan. at ·..- 1'Goin'g Public.., worbhop.~a one.day meeting, S a n f o i<d Brlckner, L.L.B., Thom .... Black, J .D., attorneys, t ;aG .a.m.-4:30 p.m., Gold Room. ?ttesa Conunoos. UC Irvine campus. Fee: ,25.00, Includes lunch . ·: '. .. 1 ~· . ' !/ .. . • • , ~ :: . . Sears • ... ... .. ~.~ ' . .. .. . -, .. .. · .. Sears Precision Wheel Alignm ent •New contour, bro1cl tbou.lder (or greater safety •New tre.d deti1n (o~U~tneo 6.50xl3 Tubele'5 Blackwall' Pluo J,79 ' 1/2 PRICE! Replu SS.95 47 • hllzodte expert» wiJl .iian JOUI' """'"' for nfer, pl'<elH bandlill(. .-.. •For motl ·Ammcan can. BIU'l'J in toclty and get roa.r ur in pod ellipe! ti on ~· •New 6/10.inchw(Utealdtwlll&omaicb the width. of lbe 1whl&e~ ndewatl or many new c1n ' F.E.T. And Old Tire .. ELESS BLACKWALL ,e;--;~:; ·12 87' T.7hll 2.10 ..... 1.96 . ~ .. US,;I' %.36 7. IS 2.21 PlwsF.t.T.AHOldtw WHITEYAU.S ONLY $3 MORE PER TIRE ., ~------------------------------~--,----------------, ' .. ,. I .._ ..... , ... ,-4400,,21·U30 •-Gll-3911 IQHOIW:llHl!5-0!21 rtcoWEIM262 IANTAANAll7-3371 _,42·1511 ·.I ,_ ·-:UG-0661 -Of S.tOIM, a -4-4611 ...,_ • ....,"" M211 -ID z.nu, NA f-5161,-'l\Hl:&'Sf SANTA ... _ "4«111 -fU..1917 I aw.., Hf 6-"81, N! 2·5761 __ .., f-5941 -637·2100 ' IANTA-IX U111 v.wn IO U44t, fM.22311 I CCMl4 "60611 -OI e.mt •-6'1-3211, UI-4111 toOn(co.uuw• J.I0.3333 -l'l f·1'11 "---·-----~---------.----------------------~---·-·' Slt.p""'*1,,.., lkautli .....,NOA.M. teNO PJA,...., 11Noen t• 5 P.M. -· •xa•m. "Sc11ilfoctlonGvaranteedorYllurMonqlack" ' I I "'"'-------·-~---~------~--~~-·~·---~-----·--·~---~--~-~~ -·----~----... - .. .. • # IWl'(,ILOT. _ F' •• Dlcembe1 • , 19'-' :& • '" Dally 1 0· 10 ' ~-~Sunday 10·7 •' --- LADIES PANTS Reg. 5.97-6.97 lOOl!i wooll & bonded acrylics In IO). Ida, eheckl and tweeds. Many scyles td clw>Ooe from. Including both wide le& & tapered leg. LADIES SKIRTS Reg. 4.78.S.97 OrlOb accylic, bonded to acetate. Sev- eral ,cyles to chooae from. Featuring belts. pleats and pockets. L!YO!y shades and fall colors. Sizes 8 to 18. LADIES SWEATERS ' Reg. 2.97-3.97 Choooe trom both .Upon and cardi- gan styles. 100% viriPn acrylic, lull tuhlon, comes in variety of colon. Sizes 34-4-0. SIRLS' COATS Reg. 12.86 to 25.84 Fabalous ..i..,iian! Acrylic pile, wool, aceylic blends, cotton corduroys. fur. ry, pile txims, hoods, quilt or pile lln· i~, solid!, plaid!, checks 4-6x-7·14. GIRLS' BULKY SWEATERS Reg. 3.974.97 Our entire stock of bulky and medium "·eight s"'eaters. Now on We, wide range of colors and fancy trim to choose from. Including both cardigan and slipon styles. Size 4.Sx-7-14. GIRLS' CAPRIS Reg. 2 .97-3.97 Our entire ~tock of girls' fall and Y.1n· ter pants at cleara nce prices. Choose from acrylic bonded capris ln both sollds and prints. Clearance Discounts CUE FOR SAYINGS OUT R.,. :Z.66 :z Day. Only 1.97 27132" POOL RACK 22·CAL AllO SALE · Our Reg. 82c 63' 2 Day• Only HANDBAG CLEARANCE Reg. 2.974.97 2 Day• Only 2.00 Improve 1U'Jf pme with S7'' 1-pieoe maplt ... lllck. Euy to buclle, Our R•t· 6.66 r 4' A 2 Day1 Only Je 6f Walnut.&d.ah rack bolds t cues, b&ll5 ta 4 grooved abelwl and triangle. Euy wem- bly. :Sl"glt 111ek Umit 6! Famous Bi-Power am.mUDJtion for .22 long rifle. Copper coatlld, non-corroeive. Price1 slashed en an (l!Ji.!tandiDt 11191JP of beautiful fall bags in all lbapea, aizes ud colors. Come early for best lelection. I ' WIND OR ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCKS 2 Day& Only Clelll"IJlce of Sunbeam electric ala rm clocks "ith Charge 3 9 7 "Wink Alarm" and lumlnow dial. Or. "Mod" wind /I ala.nns featuring bold numbers, loud alarms and YOUlt Mod stying. CHOICE NOT AVAILAI U AT SA N l lRNAIDINO, OXNARD, IEllFLOWll, SIMI VALLEY, FULLERTO N. ELEOTRIO FIRE LOI 'hoH FOR LITTLE BOYS Reg. 3.96-6.96 2 00 2 Day1 Only ' eOO GMui.oe leather oxror&, sli~ aad booll for achoo!, dress or pl1,1. Not all slits tn all a~Jes.. Shop early for belt aeJecUon. PRICE ON ALL Christmas Cards Christmas Lights Christmas Candy Christmas Decorations CHARGE IT BOYS' DRESS SHOES Re1. fi,96-7.96 l 00 2 Day1 Only e 00 Doll't mial tlllJ tale on Je.1tber oxfords, alip- on1 and boots ••• many styles. Not all aiits tn aD styltJ. Huny for first cbGfce. CHOICE OF TOOlS 2 Dap Choice of 168 tool~. Ch oose pliers, hacksa\\' frame, "'renches, ham· rners, drill set. hex key wrench set, sandpaper and many more. MEN'S DRESS SHOES Reg. 9.96-10.96 6. 00 2 Day1 On.ly • 00 A Wllutit l!!OOP-of lt1Ulor aslonll, lllipoo euu11I and boot&. Not all aim: ln all atflel. Be: here early ror I.be beat buya! 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA Tilul'$d1y, O.c.tmbt, 2S. 1q6'l DAll Y PILOT 37 Soviet .union Aviation Girdin·g to Compete With West -'~ ~fOSCOW f APl -Soviet civil aviation Is counting on tts supersonic TU144. jumbo cargo jets and helicopters. and l":xplolt.atton of the Siberian air route to compete with the West, the Kremlin's air ch1er indicated . Aeroflot, which handles all Soviet non·military air traffk. hope s to double its business in 1971·75, Civn Aviation Min1!'iler Yevgeny Loginov told a news conferenci!, lAginov sald the Soviet supersonic TU144 v.·ould play a major role in this e1pansion, but he was vague about when it would begin commercial 11ervice. It will be .. soon. in thf! ri ve-year period lrom 1911 lo uns." he added . Tite: TUl44 n1ade its maiden !light Dec. JI, 1968, ha& already been displayed to \Vestem 11irllnf'! ofricials and reportedly broke the sound barrier in te:o;t flights this year. Log1nov ~Id lhe test~ have been •·very succes:i:ful .•. we are very ptisfled. ·• But the continlll!d delay in the pltne'~ commercial debut h•11c:austd !'Orne western speculaUon that TUI44 still has bugs. T h e British-French Con· corde also is in the test-flight stage, V+·hile budget cub have delayed development nr thf'! OPEN DAILY 10.10; SUN. 10.7 Am e.r1 ca n 1uPe rsonic transport. Loginov aaid the TUl44 ~·oold be tested extensively on inte rnal passenger routes in !he Soviet Union before begin· n1ng intrrnaUonal service. He 1n<llcated I.his would be tn European po I n ts initially. aaylng: "We do not exclude lh8 pos!lbillty that aft.er it ap- pears in London and Pari!, 1t 'A'IU appear ln tht United States." The TU144 haa a cruising speed of 1.550 miles an hour, a range of 4,038 miles and seau 120 pa!senaerl!I. A slower but larger jet now on the Soviet drawing board~. the TUIM. •ill take "1naybe years of tuting," a: a i d Loginov. Preaumably this 200- ~asc11ger. S60-mile-an-hour a.11-wealher jct is ooe or Acronot's long-range projects, ~heduled for aervice alter 197$. Cornrnenting on the future of r ivil aviation in th11 Soviel Unlon. Loga.nov 11Ud th t seating capacity of jumbo ~b "V.'Oti"l l lOp at 300·401) passengers.'' The cheaper &Ir route over Siberia cuts four hours Oyln& llme orr regular routes from Europe to the Yar EaBl .and 1~ highly sought after by Western airlines. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ; After-Christmas. Cle·arance Discounts! BOYS' PAJAMAS R;r~::~7 21or J. 00 t.51 Ea. Boys' coat pajamas are "·ell tailored in f111r. quality cotton broadcloth, choose from a variety nf pattern<: 11nrl colors. 8 to 18. BOYS' BLUE JEANS Re,. J .66 96' Authentic \vestern :styling in these ~oocl looking. rugged·\\·earini:; Jeans. ReinforCf'rl a t all points of ~tr;iin. lndign blur. 6·14. JR. BOYS' PAJAMAS Reg. 1.5:' 2 Dni• 96' Wa.nn cotton fla nnel fuU-button coal. or pullover middy ~tyle pajamas in an asso11· ment of juvenile pa!l erns. Sizes 3-7. MEN'S KNIT 51'.tlRTS Reg. 3 .94 2.94 Acrvlic knit. Short. ~Jeeves. Choice or CT!?"IY neck or fa ghlon collar, cable or painlelle front: Som.-"IA,,.,.rPd.c:.". ~tripes, ~cilid~. S. M. L. XL. Appy For AK mart Credit Card Today and Save Tomorrow! CASUAL SLACKS Re~. ,;.RR 4. 21~ 2Day, e ~ lien'• no-iron, M>il release slacks, Ivy 2M2, Cont.iDUlt.al 28-31. "WARM·YOIJ.UP" JACKETS Our Reg. 4.47-2 Day• Only 29 7 'I11e grownup look in Uttle bo~' jacket!:. Style choice. with knit rollar, cuffs, Rneecy JinPd hood. Boys' 3.1. Entire 1tock Or. Sale.' FALL 'N WINTER OUTER WEAR 20°!o OFF l lGUL.U ,RICI AU the latest fa!hion colors and lengths. Layer-on wannth from these •·neat" selec· tions: Long coats, suburbans, jackets, mel· tons, cotton corduroys, blends, more. Mo.st: 11.re warmly lined, J r. pellte, junior, mi!':se!I 11.nd \\"Omcn'i; sizc!i. • I -I • -lilt )I{:. M·. 25 to 403 OJI! DRESSES NOW ON CLEARANCE SALE! Our R•I· li.87.Jfl.88 2 Day• Only Now atyles at fantastic savinp! 2·pc. vest· ~ suit.. A·line skimmers. !Shifts, more. Lovely rayons, Orlon® acrylics, acetates, tricots: bonded fabrics and metallics. Party It up in your favorite fashion . Juniors, I petites. jr. misses, women's hall sizes. / TM-DllPonta Corp. ....... WWW_. ••••. • PHOTOFINISHING 224 KODACOLOR FILM 12 EXPOSURE ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2200 HARBOR BLVD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MES • . , ' ·' ' ·. ' ,. . ' • . 1 j ·' . • • ' •• , , , ' ~ . •• -, ~ , , , , . , ' 1 ·1 . , • , , \ ,• . • >, ., ., . . ~ • I I DAILY PILOT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE WHAT'S '1 .. N- OUTDOORS? Oile r Litte backe t• Mo1·0 First Team ,..-U T~I NOTICI 0'" IULIC TllAJllS,11 GA BRIEL Cl!llTll"ICllTI 0'" COlll'OIU.'ltON P.011 •U,llllOft COURT 0, TH• tS.C• f ltl ... lf1 \l.~J ITATI! OJI ULll'OllNIA 'Oil Holk• 1$ ""'"'bv 9lvtn to tM CrNlt TUNSACTION 01' •USll'ollSS UNOlll THI COUNTY 01' OllANGJ <Jf .t.lelwndto aenlllll •M l1l11y 1.,.1,nli, 'I • IJ" • •·• I FICTITIOVS KAMI C&M NumMr (Hilt) ~•!Miiot l llCI •11f, •11111 Pltrlnci .. 111.,.1, • "~na 1g11 .x;.1100 opens THE UNDEllSIGNED COll.l'O•,f,TION SUMMONS tlnti. R\al'lo Tr111tltt0tL wl'IOM M l ...... YIKES FACE SAN LEGAL NOTICE by .lode ....... , Fresh "''ater Ushing I s rtpOrted.. good by mosl of the lakes in Southern Clllifornia. 'l'be weatherman has been \'e:ry cooperative in dishing out tlt\r days arKI this has bWlught the crappie: and ba5s ]o_file, Dave Bro"'mlL pllnagcr at Vall Lake says that "Anglers strung up ln U1e hoUdly vlties, will be mis.slAg a bet by not fWtlng tht ." ~ The crappie have been very JCth•c ¥liU1 limits being chttk- ld in re'gularly. Three Los 1ingeles anglers weighted in 60 flalties'' which exceeded 68 J>OOn<k on the scales. • Bas.c; lo 4 ~~ pounds are being Uugbt on Smithwick Water· ~ rs and rubber worms tn. about 15 feet of . t Brownell announced that f a.ii Lake and all the recrea- onal facilities at Butterfield ountry will be open roughoot the holidays. For fom1ation and adv an e aeservatloos phone (714) 676- 4611. ~.iack r·ord down at Lake -~haw reports that crappie i~h.ing is great but that bass .;ire on · the slow side. f\1ore t1han 10,000 pouods -0f channel ~·;µ.fish were stocked in the ;i~ last week, br~1ging the ~ 90!.r's . total to mo re than ~.000 pounds. : lord will keep the resort )°>PW through out lhe holidays, ~~ the restaurant will be Jerving turkey, ham and cban-'!ld_ catfish and hush puppies 1ihe house specialty) for the Christmas menu. Lake Casitu In Ventura f'.otU'llY is producing &ome good bass fi shing f o r J.:009.'ledgable anglers, so rcwrts Bud Rowe of thr: Boat Concession. Bass to 6 1 ~ pounds have been \\'eighed in daily with the :iverage fish running around 21 ~ pounds. The trout stocking program is in full swing and anglers arc d<>ing well n salmon eggs and lures. Salt water fishing has been fair, but the local landings are .-HU 1oadmg the boal.5 with rock fish . oi>erators at 0 a v e y • s t.ocker, Art's Landing and San Clemente Sportfishing a r e "cb,eduling surface f I s h i n g b()flt.s daily, but the built of the fish be:ing caught are coming C1f( the bottom of the ocean. There is an outside chance that a good run of white-sea· bass and small yellowtail rou.Jd develop along the south coa.'il if water conditions re- main good. Boats runnlng out or the San Diego landings are finding Rood yellow action on sn1all fish near the area known as the Rock Pile, which, lies just inside the islands. The fish are ;iveraging about 8 pounds but the action is hot and fast. HUNTERS, TV COMPETE This weekend lhe waterfowl and-upland game in the Soulhem California are a 1night be getting a break. Jt 1s safe lo predict Uial most scat- ter-gunners will be sitting in front of their television set~ \\'atching the big game come Saturday morning. For those hunters v.·ho ,::cl out in the field, they should find fair to good duck hunting. but the geese will be harder to reach now that the reruges are f'lo.sed to hooker hunling on lhe Salton Sea. The waterfowl populatio n is P1·ep Slvin1 Results Cec Baskct hall pl3Y ln the mammoth n.team -..... ~ <tr11h "'" u It--'""'""". ltlltAN GellTltU0£ MOllAN. P lt hlltl lddtnl It 11M41 Cavlllf HUb loedj_ Co . •··' ball I IM.l•lntU IGQlld ti GI '2tld S1rMI, V• I.AYMOND OEOllG.! MO!llll.N, Oefflllo Covi ... , County o1 ~ -"'tlltl. St1t1 M' VI IJGO'l.el ourn•ment "'-'' lltf<l'I. c1u10t11r1 uno.r the tic· 111.1111 ci u1om1e 'Plf' , t>ulk rr1n1t1r 11 1tior.rt 11 All-CIF Choice Fri~ a!tunoon It 3 aaaJ nst tltlo!.11 flr ... "'"''or COii.Y'S COltNEll l'.!O,.ll!: 01' THE ST.Al f OF De ~· to M, LllCkY'I ot .. _,, brl I HJ..._ "lb o u tl'ICI tti.I wld firm 11 (_,tel d 1"9 CALIFOlllNIA to Ille a"°"9 n• ...... Ill.If• IHUI Inc. Ttl~li,.ttt wl'IOM b\lllMll San a e •" wt ac on 1oiiow1,. C'Ol'PC>••ll011, wl\OM 11rlr•dNI monc1 Gt'Orot M01•n O.i•lld•nt: 1«1,..;. 11' n J.ek • LMdon a..uirt' takin place Jn the Northview 11iau o1 11ou1111t11 11 •• 1a11p1; You 111 111r1ettd '° 1111 ... 1111 1111 c ivt. Ot'*"' cwnir ef Al_., i 1111 ;i: , , A!,.M.\Ull: PROPElllTIES. IN(. 1n ot 1nl1 (gurt I" whltl\ 11\• 1t:oow l'!ltlllH Cillforni. ; High ScboOl gym. '2nd lt•ttl, M,.w'°'I l ••U.. CtUtor1111 1ttloll 11 lltouthl • w•I"'" 1111141n11 Ln The 11,~,. ,, M 1rintlM'tcl 11 IK.llf'd good In most artas and lhe snows and honkers are work· ing their way souU1. Jerry Stevenson, mllnager of ~1ne of Orange Counties flnest pdvate clubs, reporls that hunting hns been ex· L~llent and th»:t thert are more birds around locally than he has seen in many years. Sl.evenson looks to the 1,ast ttmalning tW.. we<ks of Ille &eason to be terrific. This writer spent Sunday hunting with Fred Borders, owner or the Bolsa Gun Center. at lhe Gilbreath Bros. Duck Clu b near Wasco. The weather was clear in the morniag and the hunting v.·as only fair. There were plenty o! bird!! in the alr, but lhty were !lytng JU!! out of shotgun range due to the clear weather. Linebacker Paul ~toro of Huntington Bl!ach Hifh has been named to the Clf AAAA football flrs l team, announced today by the Jlclms: Alhletlc Foundulion. Moro. 11 5-IJ. 184-pound sen- ior. helped guide the Oilers to ll 7·2 record this past season. Coach Ken Moats' club al- lowed the least .number of paints ol any Sunset League team t5) In pogting a 4-2 ree- ord and 1 second place Ue with \\leslmlnster behind Ana· hcim. CIF AAAA champion Blair dominated the first team se· ]C'Ctions with rour. including player ol the year James Mc- Alisler. PAUL MORO ~ Vlk! l l" c ttuo rlWOllll .. 1n1 ~111..:1 Com11i.1111w111111 •• 1l00 w,., CM•I Hltlhw••· M ........ 1 111e, ngs en er ue <>-wiTNE~s 111 h•NI lh~ Jrll .,,. .i Ifft .. ,, 1ti.r tM wrvlc•"" ,..,, "'11111 Buch. coun1"t' 0, Or•nvt· Sil'!• 11t vina event with a 7-2 record 01c1m111r. ,.... """'..,_ 11 ~ ... "''thl11 th• ••" ,,11,om11 ,. ror lbe year and boast Otle or !COll:POll,i,TE Sti,',&ll M ..... ClllllY 1r wlllll11 llllrtr llli•I K $11ll ,,._IY It ci.wlbMI Ill t-f.1 • ALMAUR PllOPl!llTIES, IMC, ........ ......,lllt,.., (txCtlll 11'1411 H lht I C-11: All ilock In tf16f, rb 1urt1, tc1111Pmef!t Uui most d1sUngulshed feals Alkt M. F1r1111ev 11o11 11 1011m1 t111 11111 "u"vtn• to s.o-tfld• n•rN 11111 tooa w111 o1 11111 ol th arly ' •• 'on-' a VJCIOfy Prt1ld9nl tlon 734LS ef lhll Codi of Civil ~tOCf'dutt, llffllUtlnt bt.i\IMH known 11 l'letro'I e e STll.Tf OF CAL!l'OllMI.-,, wll'llln 1119 Cll\'t). You t<t llOlltled "'91 l!ellan Cu1$!NI Ir.cl lac1lltd 11 1SOO Wist over tlie Compton Hl~h Tar-COUNTY OF OJl:ANGE. n . u1111n v11u lO 1ne • written rtlPO<\SlYt Cofi•l H!lll'twiy N-1 B11eh, cou111"1 el babes ar••r the latter ad run .. "",_,rhl!.!rd :!.!!.!' Oect MMr, A.O. lfft, 111r1di111. 1111 11101111111 wUI "~' luOvmtnl 011119,, ~1111 Of C•lllG1n11• ~ v• "~ ~ .. -.... f , D1vl1 I r.o•t"t !or 1nv n\Otl4 V flr 111m111n dtm11'1C1t'1 In Tht bulk trans!tr will bt coniummttHI IJP a String Of 66 straight Wlna P11DllC Ill llld IOI Hld CwnlY 1114 5111', lhl (011'"'111111, II 1tl1ln11 UllOfl COtlltld, Oii Cf' lllff 11!1 1,111 CllY al Jtftlll,.,, 1t711, 1.. rnldlnl lhe••ln, duly commlulontel 11'1\1 or wm 1PPIV to ll>e Court lot 1nv otnrr 81 Bay E\CfOW Co., Inc .. llfJ lo(1rbat over turee seasons. ,_,n, llft.ontlia' 111.,e.,l'd A11tt M, rtlltf d...,ll'llllid In lh~ C<Wn11!1lnl. Blvd., C°'ll Mttu, Counh' Of Otlnot. •--------------1 Finell•• known 10 mt lo bl •ht Prttlde11t Yn tMf "'* _. H"lltt •f Ill '""'""' s1111 of C1lltornl1. LEGAL NOTlCE of !tit COtPOl'lllon lnal UKU!ed lllt M ••• IMIJW '*''*'fltll Wll~ llM c-· So ftr ••known 10 tilt Tr1n11~. 111 1--===:="""''°"'""""'-l"'"h!n 1t11trum1nt on bth111t OI th• cor. ll•lnl '' tt.11 .um-•. lvcfl ••Mrnt• bv•i-"'""" 1nd 1d<l•t"4es 111fd tw 111,.l!ltlOll COllltT OP' THE l>Qtlllon ttwo .. ln n1mN,l1ncl 1ck"llWltd9· tlMIUM • M!1194'9tll wlll'lll 1!11 llm• Htnll Tr•n5teror' lor 1111 thtff Vt.Iii 1.111 11est, sr•TE OP' C•Lll'O•N1• 1'011 ltd to me 111•1 luth eotPC>r•l\oll t)KUl«I "'' .... 11111 MHOllT>fltl lltl" 1111111 .... ,u. ll dlllttml from ·~· lbOVt. •••: TH• COUNTY OI" OllANOE 1111 wme. In w11 .... , WM"°'· I 111\tf , .. , ....... 1 .. !flit _,1.11n1. K1nom'11. j01 ~"'SI .. He....-8ttd\. Ht. A-+t744 ~e"unto wt mf ti.lid #Id 11!\J.td mf af· llEALI C1Hlornl1, Amerk1n C\/ttin11 Olt Cl• NOTICI Olli' Hl!A•IHO 0,. P ETITION fi(lfl Mil 1111 d I ' •lid r Nr In lhh w. E. sr JOHN. I"("., St'OI Ttlet••Plt ll:Dtd. Lo' AM-ti" IJOll PllOIATE OP' WILi-ANO 1'011 cerlllltllt flrll Ibo .... Wtltltll. Counl'J' Clerk Ind (ltrk 21 Ctlllornll , l.ETilllll 0 I' ADMIMllTllATION (OFFICIAL SEALJ 01 1111 SUlll•lor Court OI.~~ OI'" Novf!'Ylbtt lt, im WITH·TH,.WILL·AMNIXID J.DWPll E. 01vl1 Sltlt 91 C1llfofnl1 iOt f,,. M• 'UC"'S" &lilt' II 1-Mrr J. E111t1urn, Dt«ti.ecl. Mot1nr Public-C1lH01nl1 countv of Ori,...• · '" NOTICE 15 HEllElY GIVEN Th•I PtlllCIPll Otlln In 11¥ M••l.I Y. Ktnntd~. DtPUIY NEWPORT etACH. ill( Mlrll ll E. l ucl!. his tlltd Mttln I petllkin Otlfl9t CDUnfY Ott"" Od. 7'. ltff. flv Mttttdt) 0 . 8oHl•tll IOI" PtODlolll f1I "Ill I NI lot Ltttet"J ot MV Comml .. lon E>'t ltH JAMES I.OTO llOG!lll Allmlnlllt'"i..... \with.,,._, •will -tontieo, June 11, 1t10 l"OTTEll, Clll!IM & llOGllllS ttffrMCI hi W~lth IJ m-lot fuflllll P ublill\f:d Oril"Oe Coi>I t>1HT p,lol. ~1 Wl1ot Mllft SlrHI ...,,kU'L•rl, 11'1111 11111 """ Umt I nd lllfitt D«lmblr J, 11, 11. 2S. lftt 1'2~t Alh1tnllr1, (•llfOl'n'1 tlU1 ol' llffrlnt ttt. 1ame ,.., bHfl s•t tor Anor111v1 fOI' "111~11n JIN.1111' "· 1•1'. ti t 1'8 1.m., 11'1 1111 LEGAL NOTICE Publl•lled Orln9t Cotti O•llY Piiot, ~,,.-ot Ot111rlmtril No. J OI wio O.Ct rnbtr 11, 11. 2S, lHf 11'1d J1num 1, Tr111tlere-uurt, If 100 (Jvfc CentM' Drive wm, In •'-"-'-----------n_<>_•_•1 Publltl!MI Dra11g1 C1tsl D1liY Pll<!t IMI Cl!'f ef S1nl1 Ant. C1lltornl1. llAll: ttOt 1· DKtmt>tr U, !Kt :t!1t-6t Oaltd D.ctmber 1'• 19'9. MOTICI! TO CllEOlfOllS w, E. ST JOtlN. CDllnlY Cler~ SUPl!lllOll COUllT 0" 1'HI! LEGAL NOTICE CONllOY ANO CONAO'f, STATE OF CALl"O•NIA "Oil 1--;;;;U;o; .. ;o;;;:;i<;>-;;;;---1---::~~~_'C'.'.:~:'.':---HI Ttll tulldllll, SU,.Ell:IOlt COUltT OP THI! l r1n1l!!'f tt 11¥ UoVll E. ll oth•tll 6euv. LEGAL NOTICE Vern Gilbreath, owner of lhe large cl1,1b open to unattached hunters on a daily basis, says that the ~irds are there, bul that on c:::lear days they nre feeding at night and not mov- ing around much a f t .e r daylight. McAlister, a 200-pound full· back, scored 31 touchd owns this past season for 228 points, the third best in Cli'' history, He also gained 2,168 yards . .... Hwtll vr111 tft'MI. THI COUNTY OP ORAMO• STATE OP CAl.l .. OlllNIA FOil "·lil41 another back Tim Thorn was .... A ...... <•1'""'11 ..... Nt. A '444t THll COUNTY OF OlllotllGI Cl•TIPICATE OF •u11NtiS ' • T1h nui ..,.a111 E1ttlt of EOITH MARii! WEST. l lMI No. A-'"" McAlister's running 1nale Kermit Johnson, along with end Eugene J ones and line- backer Forrie J\1arlin \Vere also selected to U1e first unit . accorded second team honors AINrMVI ,.r ,.,1111...... ~now~ ll IODITH M. WEST. Ol<.11t9d. N0f1Cl' OP' Hl!•lllNO OP: P:ETIT10N "ICTITIOUS HAMll Publl11!.cl Or1ng1 (Ollf OtllV Piie!. NOTIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN ta tht P:OR PROBATE: OP WILL AHO 'Tht t;Mlenltnld dl!llU urtltv hilt cc,.. and Colonist line.backer Mo Olcemblr 25. 26, 31, 196t 23911• cr..iu0,. 01 tne •t>o~t named d-.;ltdan1 coo1c1L AND "°" 1. E T T E 11: 1 ducting 1 1Nslnts1 1t 1no1 51n11 haMI Rodriquez was selected to the tl!ot 111 IH'•sons /\dvi1111 c1a1m1 1oaln51 the TEITAMINT.rr.•Y IBONI> WAIVEOI St .. Fount11n V1lleY. Ctll!l)rnl•, under tht LEGAL NOTICE s1ld decedt11! ire re<1ulrtd 10 Ille lhem. E~l•le 111 DAVID IKA&T N!El5EN, fictitious llrm n1m1 111 PREC ISION third team. wilt> tr'le n~tHlrY "0U(llef$, In tne o!lkl D-.;e1s~-MACtllNING ASSOCIATE§ 1n!I ..... 1<1111t tUPflllO• COUllT 01" THE of the cler-ot the •bove tllll!led tourl, or NOTICE I~ HEREB'f GIVEN Thal firm is composed ol !hi lollowlng per!>Q•I. Bishop Arnai's sensational junior passing tombinatlon or quarterback P al Haden and end John ~1cKay were :il~n accorded all-C!i'' honors. Only two 0 l her Orange STAT! OF CALl,.OlllNIA f'Oll lo orewnr t~tm, with l~e r11Ceu1ry El¥1t Mleiun 1r.d J . WnltY Ne•! h••t wnose ntmt In tull •nd 111{ic1 ol ftlident• C Wlly players Were named THI: COUNTY OI" 011.AN'GE voutner., lo !ht Undtr!lol\ed II t/O filed htreln ~ Ptllllon for 0•0;))1• Cl "'Ill I~ as follows : The honker population 1s building up daily, and Gilbreath predicts an excellent closing month's shooting, pro- viding v.·e gel a little bit of cooperation from the weal.her. r·or more information on the club and adval!Ci! reservation phone (805J PL 8-6337. O Ht, A:-4116J P1u11k1.rt a. Plunkett, AHo•neys ti Ltw, 111d CDdlti! and for ls1u1nc1 ot L•lltt1 R lc~ard P. SP•.,¥, 11701 s~nl1 ts1bel 10 the all-star Units. Guard NOTICI! 01" HfAllMCJ 01" ,.E.TITION •11 Olive Ave .. Be~ '''· H~nlln9ton Ttsllmenl1ry to PtllloOl'll'tS lB~nd \",ti¥· ST,, Founl1ln V•llty, C1lilg1nl1. Mike Hanna of L()ara ]anded "Oii AUTHORITY TO BOll:llOW Be•t~' C1!llorn!1 '1••1· wMcn ts tht 11ltcl ed), rtltrenc~ ro wnlc~ Is IT'1<a tor Oated Otc. 1. 19~9. MOHl!.T •HO TO EXICUTE A "1110-oT bu"ness Of lht ~ndtr5l9nitel 1n 111 mH-tutlntr P~tt!tul1•1, ~Ml lt>tt 1hf U,c,e and R P, $o~rrY a first team berth and Bob MllSOll'I' MOTi WITH !ICUllllTf ters 1>1r'l1l!'!ing ro t~t utllP of 1ald d«t-1111eP of nr1•l1>0 rne •1mr n.i~ bl'en 1et s111t ot ca1uorn1 ... Or1"~' C~unN: \Vaid of Servile also a guard E1t1!1 o1 Ltnnl1 Wi!ll1rns. Otce••cd. Gent , 'Nltnln ' mon1/\1 after '"' lira! klr J1nu••• '· 1'7<1. at t :JO 1.m., in Int On DK. J, ,9~•. tr•o•e me, ~ Not1rv Anahein1 was Ilic only othe r Sunset League tean1 to place anyone on the three CIF units. Back George Fraser was named to the nrst team for the second straight year whi le • • . • NOTICE IS HEllEBT GIVEN l1!1I 11u~1.ca1lon ~t this n()hte, c1111rrroom al Deo1nmPnr No. 3 al u id Potilic in •Ml tor s1id STiit, otri.on1U• was placed on the thi rd team. Bink ot Ame•ltt N1tiONI Tru•I '"" sav· Da1"' O~e...,IM'r S, 1969 court. "' 100 Clwoc Ctntrr Ori~• W111, In 10..ea•HI Rlchetd P. SoeHY known tom• h I ed t fnts Anoc:llllon hai l!*I htreln 1 orl!t/Jn G~•".nY H. Scl!war11 the (ii¥ of Santi A11a, Calltorn11. lo be •ne Pl'•son w"°'e name •S sutr..cr1tl· All or l e p ayers nam 0 tor 111thol'ltv kl botrCIW trlllfl<l'Y "'" lo ,... Admonisl11tr1~ wl •n l~r woll D11ed Dccfmbtt , •• \t6t e<I to t/\O wil~in ln~trument IP!d the CIF teams will receive ecute , 11•oml...orv nott with wturilY, •!'!ne•tMI of lllt est1r1 at l~t •bow w. E. ST JOtlN, ac-nowlf'dged ~· tx«ule<I rhe •tmt. r.ltrwrct to which Is mad• for further n1mt<I dKt<len! Count'" Cler~. !OFFl(l,l.L SEALJ framed scroll awards from .,.r1!cul1r11. tnd llllt !hi time Ind DllCt "LUHKETT & PLUNKETT HUllWlTt, HUllWITZ & •EMEll-Jeen L. Jobst lb H I board of lltltlnt tne ''"" 1'111 tllfn vi for Afl-•• II Law 1~• · J2nd SlrNI, No11nr Publlt-C1Mernl1 Hunt.ers out in quest of quail, cbukar and pigeons aro finding very poor hunting r.1 e e mS ' Jtnutnr f, 1f70, ti t ilO 1 .m., tn fhl (J2 011"11 11.vt .. Belt 1,t Nt"'"rl 811cll, C11iftrnl1 Pri11dp1I Olllcl 1n cco.irlrOClt'l'I of Ofliinrnfnl No. J ot w ill Hu!'!llllt!Oll '"ell. C•llf. tUU Ttl: (Ill] llJ-to11 0111191 Counh most areas. 'The only prir ductive area has been the First Team lower western slopes of the p01• Player School High Sierras from La k. e E-John McKay, Bishop Amat Isabella northward .. Locally E-Eugene Jones. Blair 1 none_ of these game ~1rds have 'f-Rand~ Ivey Burbank prov1~ed hunters with much T-S r d R. edla d shooting an1 a . n s : · G-Mike l-Janna . Loara Baldv.·in Lake._' t:ake G-Lee Garcia, Bi shop An1at Henshaw and th~ ~an Diego C-Nick Buel n1cver. Alhan1bra lakes have been g1v111g up only LB-P I •. 1 1:i 1 · l B I fa ir hunting to waterroil'lers. au . 1• oro .. ·aun 1n . .t!'_ on . eac 1 The blrrls are here. bul nlust LB-Forr1c 1\larl!n. Bla11 . or I.he bigger birds are ratting &-Jame~ !\Ic . .<\Listcr. 131~l r in the center or the large B-Kern11t J ohnson. Blan· Jakes, out or shotgun range , B-George Fraser. An~hein1 and most (If the ducks being B-Pat J\'IcPartland. St. Paul bagged are ruddies, spoonies Second Team and 11-texican mallards . PDs. P leyer School Operators at the lake! ad· E--Marc Springer. \Varren vise hunters to bring lots or E-Rick Gillies, Lakewood decoys and to be in their blinds at least 20 minutes T-Paul \Vheeler, S. Torrance prior to shooting time for the T-John Maruska, El Rancho best hunting. Cr-Bob Flum. San Gabriel (;-Craig Armslrong. Lakewood GOT PHOTOS?. C-David Vaughn, l~ueneme If anyone reading this col-LB-Brian Doheny. L.B. Wilson um.n has any good blac~ and LP-Steve Kelly. St. Paul white phot?S they would hke to B-Cleotis Gear.ire. J.'ontana have run in the paper please B-Kini llannaford. Uakewoo!l feel free lo send ~em to me. B-Derry Smith, Santa !\.Tonica Clear black and 'Yhite phplcJ: of &-Larry Miller J~ucneine any outdoor hunting or l1sh1ng B-T' 'rh 'A h · activity will be given con· im . orn, na e1m slderatlon for pubUcation. Third Team Wt. liO 215 230 220 205 105 HI() 184 ~08 100 170 175 195 Wt. 230 160 195 185 2.'i I 198 215 190 205 185 153 175 !15 172 court, 11 1110 CIYlc C•nttr Drlvt Witt, In ,.ll!lnftt 1111) 1~"10 tr SU-Mll AllOl'ntTI llr Pttlll<Mlll"l MY Codlm11slDn El!plte1 rhl Cit'/' of s.nt• Ane, c.tll1ott'IJ1. Alttl'lllYt kl• it.dl""lnlslrt lrl• Pvbll,ned Or1""1 Cot1I 01llv Pilot, Mdrcn i. n13 Dlltd Otc11mbtr 2l, 1.... with l/\t will ~nnt~N O!Umbl!r It, 20, 25. 19.. ?2SH9 Publl~~ed Or1n9t Cbll1I O•Ur "lln'. W. E. 5T JOHN.'Cwnl¥ Cltrt. PvbH1hcd Or•n~! Cots! tl11"" Jl1ltll, Ottfmt>tr 4. 11, 11, 2S. lt6t '2«-&t HUllWlT?, HUAWITJ: AN D llllMll., OHtmbtr 11, 11, lS, \96t I nd J1nuarr I. LEGAL NOTICE y Mt-JW 11re11. 1•10 22u·1t LEGAL NOTICE r. N--1 hach. C1Mllnlll LEGAL NNOOTmilcaE~~= l---=-=;::~;;::==---1---~:'.:~::'.'.'...':'.::.... __ ,Jr, T1I; 17Ul '7J·tttl l .rr.l.·lDt Al'NrMYI IOI' ••1111••"''" P-usn SU,.ElllOlll: COURT OP THI 1'·1551• Sr. Publll/\.cl Or1no• COl~I ,.~l!Y Pdol, BAil uot STITE OP C,1.LIFOllMIA 'o" Clll:Tl,ICI TE 01" •U51Nll$S Sr Decembtr '" 19ot .... J1nu1... '· Cl!ll:Tl,ICATE 011 llUl1NIS$ THI! COUNTY OP OR.ANO! ,:1cTITIOU5 NAMe · 100 2:it?-'t No .... "" The vnderslgnro II~• t!rllty ttiev lrt Sr.1--------------1 ll'ICTITIOUS FllllM Nit.ME NOTICE 0' Hl!,l,ll:IMO OP' "l!TITION (On<:lvcting. butl11tt1 ,, 1920'2 L• L11ma. S LEGAL NOTICE l ht vnd,rtlon@d d~ ht•tbY tetlil~ "Oil lllllOll•TE Oii WILL AMO San1a Ana, Ctlllornia. urn1er !l>e fltllt!ou' . r. -----~cc,-.,,,,------·l'~·I n~ i1 conductlnv •n aircr111 In. CODICIL •ND "011: L E r TE. s firm n•me OI fl & II: ENTERPRISES enlt Sr. I .lit nJt llrument 11lt1 and re~alr bu•l""u n• 9n Tl!STAMENlAllY 1~ar •af!I firm I• comoo!ed 01 the follow· S MOTICI! TO CRIDtTORS 1rn!lvldu1t er 1J'81 A1r11<>'I W•r Soulh, E~tate of WILLI.al\'\ W. IRVINF, ll•O lnq PttiO•I. who•t nt mt1 JOI lull •r>f . r. !UPElltOll COUI T 0" TH• S•n11 ..... (11Uorni8, under 1i.. lk lllious ~nown ·~ WILLIAM W1"1T Ell IR\'H1£, 01iic~1 or re•lllt nte ~,, ., tolklws: Sr STATE O" CALIFOll:MlA l'Olt llrn• M"'' of it.ERO INSTRUMENT OHresrd. Birt E. Sliter, H'l'Ot LI lomt, ltnt4 ' ' THE COUHTY 0 , OR.ANGE SEl!VICE and th•t 1-tld llrm ;, tom1101fd ~OTICE IS ft [R,EBY GIVEN T/\a1_ T~ An•. (elifOtlll~ .. t;TOJ. Jr. No, A 14116 I ol lht followln" Ptrltln, whoS<I n•m-in Unoled Sltlf• N~honet Benk, I nat1ona1 Rav c. Wigntr. 521 fll~t,...,ltw, S Eititr of MlllllAM II . CONL£Y. lull Ind pl1ce or rp1<<1Mte ii t i lollcw5, b~nkh><i a11oc:0a!lon /\A l .tlltd ~"eln .a Orangf, Cili!o•nla, 91661, • J", Oeceiud ta-wit:· ll"lltlon !or proba1r al w1!I and cocllcol, Oaled November 11, 1969 Sr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10 w,. Jetomt w. v,,.,1m1", 101 $wldler tnd !or luu1nc' al Le1lero Tntamenl1nr lllrl E . Slllt• ' • Pl .. tt. Ot•not ,(elilo,ni1. lo Pellt.onrr, •tltrence lo wnkn ls m1dr ll:ar c Weontr Sr c•ed!lott of IM 1bove named dtcra~11! Dale<l D•t•mbrr l, 1969. tor iu•l/\er per!lcul<l.,, and !hat the tlmt ''''' ,, ,,,.,,,·,0.,, ' • th1I 111 P•ri.on• h•vln• tl8lms 1galn1I lht 1 • • b< S 'd Ired 1 Ill th• /11Jerom1 w. vc..,nan •ml Pl1ct of /\tor nv 1 .. t same "'' ~n Lo. Angele• County: r. !,'1jh ~~~!.s~'r'y ~e,:.~hetl, ~I thtl ctfl'ie ~T ... TE OF CALl~OR Nt• ) !ti lor JinUlr'f 9, 1•10, II f•lO l.m., '~ On U·l-69 btlore me, 1 Not .. rv Pubht In of !hf Clftlt of 1~ ebOve enllll@d court. 11r COUNTY OF Oll•NGE I U Int cou•t•OOIT' of DP<1art~I Mo. 3 of and fllf" 11ld S1ale. llft!Onellv aooear!'d y ,_ Sr. .fr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr . Sr . Si·. lo orHenl tllem. wl!LI thl netHl•rY On Ott..,,,btr J, 19'.t. bt-fort me. • 111d cour!. 11 100 C!vk Ctllltr Orl_we Bit! E. Sl1ffor 1nd Rey c . Wagfttr Ii.now~ VOUCf\tt$, hi ~ un<lrnlvnt<l ar c/o Noll.,, Publ+c In and for t.3ld Co~n!Y and Wn!. In Inf CllV of !Intl Allll, C1 lllorn+1. IQ me 10 bt TM llf•loOnl wbM• "'"''' ~·· YOUNG, PllENNEll & HEWS, l U Wt •! Sltlt, otr!OtllllV l~arr<I Jerome W. Ott..i ~crmblr l&, lt6f sub$tt1Md hi lht wl!hln 1 ... trvmenl t nd Third s1r.,.1, $e11!1 An1, C1IUoml1 '1101, V11ssm1n ~-n to ..,. lo bt Ille llf•1on W. E. ST JOHN, •tkl'IOwl!'!l9ed IM1 e•tcured tht 11me. which It ttlt ptict ot DullntH al !ht W"°'t nl mt Is ~~blcrlbfd IO lhil within COOll:IY, S~o~~·~.~l:::t, (QFFl(lll.L SEAL) ~:1!~~e~;:~1~11!;~1~~:~:~~~~~,~: :~~;~;:~¥~~~~;~to mt tt111 ~1~~?!cN:~:~~~~~l!::,HoW•lllD. ~;:Y~A:~~~::k>n E~o"M ncg~~td 0Kemlltr It, lt6t. No!~v Puiillt -C111torn1• !~~~~~ 1~,1-~1.'l~llonir Mlrcn ''· ltll JER;OME DOUGLit.S LEHNElllT Orll'>llt Countv ,,011, ••• '''"'' <-•• E•«Ul<>r' ot lf\t Wiii My Cornml15lnn E•ootu OKom~';:"lo, -, >S, 1.,f 0111¥ p ,lrt. C. l'AIU. OUIOll OI l~e nbo¥e 118mt<I <lf!ted•nl Nov. '· ltn •v 'v l ls.t-69 Atlom11 11 L1w 'YOUNG, ••eNHEI a HEW! COHEN, STOKKE & OWENS, AllYI. LEGAL NOTICE llJ CIGYtr Orlvt l1J w.,, Thlr11 SIAll Un No. BrotllW••· Suilt lU NtwpOf'I l t1ch. c1111111ni. 511111 Ant , C•llftrflla tt?tl Santa &n1, C1lif. IUPl!llOll COURT 011' TME T•O&ll Ttltl lllllt: 010 ~IJ)ll Pub!ISl\ed Or1n11e Coe1! 0111~ l"llol, ST•TE 01' CAl.1FOllNl,1, l"Olt Publil~ld Orlr>qf Cot•! D111i' "lie!, •lll"'l'f ftf S,tCUlor O...:ember 11, 11, 25, 1M9 and J1nuarv I, TME COUNT'I" OF OR.ANGE O!!etmbtr '· 11, 11, 2S. 196t %254-ff Publl•hed Or1nuf Col'! Oaolv Piiot, 1'70 1'81·'' No. ,....,,., o,ctmbt• ?S. 1,6' •Ml Januart 1, •• 15. LFG\I NOTICE NOTICE 011 Ht!it.l!IHO OP PETITION LEGAL NOTICE 1970 l)f(l-6t ' 1 ' "011 PllOll•TE 0' WILL ANDl-------------- NOTl(E TO CREDITOllS CODl(I\. AND FOii; LET T ERS TESTit.MEMTARY !NO &ONO) ,UPitlllOll COURT o .. THf El!llf of GRACE 5. OeMAGGIO, LEGAL NOTICE P·lllll CEll:Tll'ICATE OF I Ui!Nl!ll STAT!!' 0, C•Lll'OIMIA POii Otten•"<!. l'·l510l T E ( UHTY OI" OR•NGlf NOTICE I~ HEREBY (ilVEll ·~i1 "ICTI TIOUS N•ME (lllTl .. ICATE 0" BUSINESS H O 1llch1rd 8 url 5ull1Yen. Jr., ~8' f1I~ The Unlter1!11nl!'d lloe• t••llly hr la to~· ,ICTITIOUS "llM MAME No. A-'11)1 ~!!rein a pellllgn lor orobo•e 0r wlll and ll~ctln11 I bu1!ne11 1r ~11 Ktslev Cir, Be sure to include first and ~;nils -\\'a ync Nunnely (Monrovia) and Reginald Jsh-Tiit u..O.t1llll'ltll ,;,,u hertbV u 1lllY E~tat• of GE'OllGIA WIN 1 ~RE O CDdltll 11n<:1 for lssuenct ot L•!lers Huntln~ton 8t1ch, C1lllornl1, undtr !~ft lh1! lie Is condudln1 • buslntu 11 •n In. W1LDE'1:, O'te .. 5e<l. Te•lamfn1ft•V lo Pel111ol'll'r (ND Bond), tlclfliD111 firm n1me ol E.XEMPL,1.lt !llvl dutl el :llat Clubflou1e llotd, C<!lll NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN to !ht •elr•ent• lo Wiiie~ Is m•de for turth'r DYNA.Ml(§ t nd lhll ltld fl•m Is COIT'" Mt11. C1lllornla,. und1~ !hf !lcHT!ou• llrm ere<tltoo 11! th e 1tiov1 n~mt<I d!!<:edtrll partltu"'"· ~nd lh~I t/\" Um' a~d 11late POied of lhe lo!IO•l"9 11e•to<1. Who3~ """'e of TOWN & SHOllE PllOPERTIES Ille! ell "''°"' /\avlNJ clilm• fglfMT the ol he1tin<1 !he same h91 Mt~ ~'' tor namt ill lull tnd pllct of rtsl!lenet 11 11 and lh:ltl •ftld 11rm Is eomP019d of ltN' $aid dttt<ltnl ltt ....,,,;,..., lo file '"-· January t, 1970, 11 t:JD 1,m., in the follows: last na1nes of persons i11 n1an tCompton): ta ckles -Steve Busch (Bishop Amat) and pholo, information of kill or Bob Skinner (Whitticrl: guards -Bob Wald (Servile) and catch (when and where). Jack. Fogarty ~SI. r·rancis); cCTiter -lifike Shaw (Blair): Please address photos to: linebackers -,.10 Rodriquez (Anaheim) and Ed Crowell Jack Anthony, Daily Pilot, (Hawthorne); backs -Gary Jandegian (Pasadena). Bryce P .O. Box 1560, Costa ~1csa, .Johnson fRamonal. Carl06 McCall (Centennial), ruck Gar- !12626. ner (Loyola) and Abel Diaz (Santa Monica). Directs SoCal Ope11 tolloWinu per'llln, whoot n1mt In lull -nd w!lh l~t nKnlt•~ vouch!ti. In !ht cfUtt courtroom or Oroertmrnl tle. l ol 11ld Oougl1s "'· Harle'r, 6011 KrlHY Cor • Pll ct ot rr1ldenct Is IS toll""', ID-Wit: • ol lhf t 1tf'k of Ille i bove entlll*ll e°"'"t or c111.1tl. II 100 Civic Ce11ter OrlvP Wt1t, in Hunllnt!Dn ltat/\ Rl(H,1,110 •. NEWELL, 11' 9 10 Prt-tenf lt>em, wl!h !hf n-.;111'1,.., Ille Ci!v of S~nt1 ,lna, Calllornl1, Otled O.Cembfr 10, 196f. ClvbhDl/se llD1d, Co1l1 Mesi, Ct li!ornlt voucllfri lo 1 h t Undeti'9M<f 1 .. cite ol Oa1ed DHemWr 11, ltb• Do\111111 _A. H1r1ev "',,,'.," o--b<• ''· >-o, JAMES L .. RUBEL, Jll ,1,rTotMY 11 L•w W. f , ST JOHii, 5ta lt of C..Ulorn•~. ()r11111e C111.111!v: ~~~'" ·~ 34n v 0 n "N WCIOtl 8eith' County Clrrk. On Dtc. 10, 1M9, btlo" mr, • Nol1rv ll:lthlrd A. Newtll " PO o, I<~ l's tl!f Plltf oi 'llANKl.lN ANO FlllANKl.IN, Public In ln<I far Slid Sla!e, Ptt90flallv STATE OF CALl,OllNlA, c.tllloml•, 9'660, WI\ 1or EI S! U!h Sfrffl, lllH&red D-11S A. Htrlty known 10 IT'I COUNTY 01' ORANGE J u IMlness ol 1"1 vndtrol,~ ln,!ll,m•,.•«,• C1111 Mts•, Calllornil t1'11 t<> W !ht 111'•..on who•t nltn~ h tubstrll>-0.. Ol>Ctmbtr lf, INt, befor1 mt. 1 Pltlllnlll!I lo lh• Hll e v• ''"' et en• Ttl: {1111 lo4f·2UI ed to '"" witl'lln Jns1rumtnl i nd No .. rv Publlc In i nd lo• w lll C-IV Ind wll!lln four m11J1th1 alter Ille llrst 11ublle1· •tllrneys for "•Ulioner at~now!edged he txeculf'd ltlt 11ma,. Stalt, llll'llOOll llY •llll'e••@d llld11rd ,1,. tkln of !/\Is nollce. Publilhe<l Oral'>Oe Co11t 01ilY Pilat, (SEAL) H'wtrt kl'ICI-to me lo bit tile ""'" D1te<1 No'ffmbt• :II. 1t6' D.cembf• "· 70, 2S. lMt 1J51·•t Menr fltlh Morton ""'O"• 111m1 Is wbttrlbld lo Tht wllll!n /1/ John P. Wilctr LEGAL NOTICE -Noia,.., Pub!lt. c111rornl1 lmtl'\J~l'lt, 1nd 1c~nowlt<l1td to me 1t111 A0trtinlslt1«i• PrlntlD•I Olflc1 In tit! PtcUltd ltte ''""'· "'lllf E•t•!~ al IUPEllOI! COUllT 01' THE Orenge COUOllY Wll"f'I• mv h~n<I •nd •••I. STITI! 01' CALt"OllNIA 1'011 My Commi~srcn E~olru (OFFICIAL Sl!ALI the 1bov1 nam@d dttedent AotU ,, 1911 tlerr!rl Jlnt M9"n1 THE COUNTY OI' OlllAHOE Publl~l!t<I Or1no1 Coetl Otl!f "Ila!, ~;1~7p:;v~J:i~'1~IOtn!• :;;r.~i~ .. ·~;.l~ JR. NOT lC I! o" :: ... :;~~ .. o .. llETITION ~t;,ember 11. IL 75. ,,,, •M J1nu~~; ..,,, ..... Caun!'f NI*""'' BtlCll. C111! .• '"" '0• PROIATE oir WILi. AHO FOll1--------------My Commission E•111... Ttlt•MM: (110 '1l·4Ht l.ETTFllS TESTAMINlit.lll' (80ND Fleck: Matt Witl1 a Purpose By HOWARD L. HAND~ Ot 1111 Otllr "llol lt•tt .Jack Fleck, direetor of 11olf activity at Mission Viejo golf course Is a man with a purpose. When ht arrived o n 1he ~<.'e1e to take over full-tln1e direction of the layout that ha." been dubbed • • f\1 i s s i o n Impossible" by members or lhe Fourth Eslate, he set abou t to change the name. \\'hat \i:ould Fleck lik e 111 ca ll lhe course he is :w dilige11Uy manicuring ror 1he u11en! He takes a page fro111 America·s space program for 1he ens~·er -"J\!ission Con· trol " Fleck has b e e n con· ctntrating hi." efforls In pro- viding a golf course that gjvQ A golfer a challenge but at the same ti~ a fair test. Jack say1; modem golf courses have bem built to fa vor Ions hitters wllh very litlle thou.Rh\ g.ive:n to shot control and club seleclioo. ··eons~tency ,'ID _the l!oU course Is in ketplfll the bail in play on the fal.rwayj or having a fantastic ability to makt: ~pectacular ~hot,, f r o m rec:nvery zones,'' Fleck sa)'a. "\\"e art: planning just !uch • $ituu Uon at A1ission Vit:jo for the Open and I am sure it will be the player with the best control and not nece3S8.ri- l y the long-ball hitter that "'iii take home lhe fl,000 fin< prize on Jan.~." Very few golfus, lnchxUng somt ot thlJ. touring pros who have pl01td tl!ett ......,u, tn prlCllce rounds. ha~'t been able to br'tllk pat pY<r !ht "'""' l,ltf.y1rd ........ Jn 1nalf%lne the coune, JACK FLECK }'leek poi·,11s oul • few key holes U1at could mean the <lit· ferenre bctv.·een \\'Inning and losing. He ha~ analy1.ed many rounds of the fine proressiooal and amateur pl ayers in the two ye~rs he ha.. been al Mission Viejo and c0n11:s up with the lollowing analysis. "The lwdfth hole is n tricky, par-3 tha t could c11use the mo.st lroubll! ll 1s 199- yards llll1J with the green pro- tected by a mirror-like lake on the rl2ht and huge )'31A'tl\ng sand I.nips to lhe left tind Ii> the tttr. Jt ls also one or the nartowm fairways 11nd green apprOM:hes cm tht: COUrM'. "Another 1!0J)l>er coo\d bt the par-3 fourth hot~. Jt ls allQ rorUHrd wilh a .... :1tcr h117.ard on 11'4t lcrt of 1 giant green Ute right. Players wlU h,vt ~ the ripl.ulaym will "'''e lo carry 217 yll'&, llrllght to lhe sUck.'' l'ledr hBJ 11M rttlll<d lh< tenth bole. Nonn1Jly ll b 1 NDV. 11, ltr.I •fllnlt~ for Altnlnlltrltor WAIVED) LEGAL NOTICE r ll!CHAlllD A. MIWILt.. ATTY. Publl,ned Ot&ll~f (Dl\I tltilf Pilot. Est11!p gl JOtiM 0 . ELKINS, 1he •1"10wn1 --------------48~yard par-5 bul or the Open ,1, 1 111 11th ,,rHI Oec1mbtr '· ,,, !I, 2.t '™ 1l!ll-'• fl JOtlN DAVIS ELKINS, D~ct~~~-P.JHU Cntl Mtw. Cl llfttrnl• f'HH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N Th~j it will measurt 459 yards and Publl1hed O••mt• CD81! 0111Y Plk!!, LEGAL NOTICE <••ol Clav El~ln' h~S fllrd he•tln . D~ti-CElll l ll'ICATE OF •USINlll "II be • ~' ch Otctmbfo• ,J, 1'6t ef!d J1nu1nr !, I. lJ, lion for Ptob•lt ot will end fn• lnu1nce OT FICTITIOUS MAME WI a par-., 11us anges ltJO 2311-t, Lentrt Tt s•ame"t1r¥ to Pe1111011tr t!l""d •· 71 f lb I P:·lUU Walv'l(lf, re!e•~n':1' to whit~ 11 IT'tde for l~e 11ndtrslgnt<1 dots c1r1ltr ht 11 ten· par w or e ournament. LEGAL NOTICE CEllTl,ICit.TI OF IUSINlll !urlhtt o••Htul~r•. and Iha! ,~. 11 ... e 1ne du"l"' • bu•l"tlS ., .,5 No. Broedw1v. Fl k h pf1c1 ol h11rJng lh• 11,.,, ht• be•n stt Sa"ll An1, Celllo1 nl1, under tile flcll!lou' ec as seen tO it that FICTITIOUi NAMI! to• Ji nuery t, lfl!), ti t :lO t .m., In lhf llrm nam. of Sill: SPEEOY INST AN I there is six feet of trimmed Cl!lllTl .. ICATI o" •UUWlSI Tiil! undtt$IV""' cio., ctrtl .... ht ls con-courtroom ot Dto1tlmlnl No. J ol wk:I PRINTING CEMTEll: • .,., tnet l ltd ll•m l'ICTITIOUS N•ME d~ctlno • IN51"'51 11 119?1 A!l1mJrano e<>Url •T 100 Clvlt Ctnltr Otove. Wtsl rn II como°'H cl lllt fo!IDwlng otrl<Q(r" rough on each fairway. Green... Thi vndertl•llfll llo ttrllf• !htv •re Li nt. Huntlnoton fletch, C1lllo•nl1, undtr !hf: c'n.,. o• Sen!• An1. C1!1tornl1. ' Who1f n•m• ill lull I nd PllCI pf r•1ldtnl't v.•ill have t\VO frog hair levels eo"""etlnt • 11u1l"'91 1t 11s wast 15th the 11c1111ou, firm nam• 01 sTONEClllAFT Dl!ed D«w•m•""s~•· ,10~" ls ''s:1°,1~s: •-tko<. .,,, Oorhll ~~ . Slretl, Newot1rt 8t..:n, C1llfoml1, Vndel Oil 1110 1<-RAI( 1n<I Iha! s•id firm Is C<>ft. , ~ n """ w• ... ll·">IT:• or different depth around put· Ille lldltlaus fl"" ntme ol HAllDWit.llE POlf<I ot Ille following Pl'flon, whoa' CiiuntV Clerk. ' F'~s...,tna, C•lllornll t1101 ling surfaces The greens will ,1.SSOCIATES '"" ttta,t u ld llrm II com-l'llmt In full Ind •l1(t of re1ld9nc1 11 II TYlllE & ICAMINS, Dalt<! Otttmbl!r l. lfot ' ~.., of ltlt lelloW•nQ e>et1ons. Whou !OllOWS ' !It Ntrlh Reabunr Drlv1, S~l1>111r RD$1ktr be mowed to 3/16-inch surface n•mt'S 111 1~11 •net pl1ct1 o1 •t1hk l'lt1 •r• G1e'n !",Smith, 1n11 it.H1m1r1no L1M, ••...," Hllh. c11111r1111 p0211 \1•1• of c1111orn11. I · lru tl' 1s foliow.: Hun!ln111on Bnch c111ior11i1 ''6.17. T1!: nu1 2n-n•s Otan9t Counl'f' O insure e pu lllg Trr.,, A s~tw•rd lens? sp1r11 c1rc:11 0 All«nt¥1 fv "•11tltMr OH o.utnlltr 3. 1•~•. belor• ""1• • Allb h h h · • ' · •led Dec•mber l. 1Ht. ,,,,, •• ., 0 ,,_, <-•• 0 ,,1, ""'· Not t rv Pullllc In end tor s•id Sttl•. oug e as had only t1 u1111"111of't Bt1ch. C6H"'•nl1, Gt<>n e. ~mlrh .. , .. u -1~-o months in ~·hich 10 Myn)tl "· sn-trd. 1''1 Cltelrei Orivt. SI•'• of Ca!illltni1, 011roe cw~•r Otc1mber *'· XI, ,s. Utt 2153 .. t ~::;1111! ,.:~:';! 1;:1":,!',on •:~; N....._I ll~acll. Catu~,..!•. On Ort. 3, lftt, bffore mr, I Not1tr LEGAL NOT ICE neme Is wtftt•IMd le 111• wltftlt1 1 ... prepare fully for the oldest Ott..:t DK.,mbtr 11• 1"' "1.>bllc: In 1n<1 for~•'" Sltl't, ~oon•ll• ~1'"""'"' .,,., •eknowleGttd "' necu1ed nd r th b, T•rrv A, Sh"Wtrd &Pllfl!"ld (oltn E ~Ith ~-n ID m• ID p--:ji"54 !he stll'll'. <I One 0 C lggest Mvf'Ol'I A. Shl'w1td bt !ht oe ... on wt.me ~•rne 11 1Ub1ottibecl ClllllTl .. l(ITt 01 COll',OllATIOM ,011 tournaments in s 0 u I her n 511lt "' C1!lfo•n!1. Ortr~• cw~tv· "' '~~ within ln1!rumt11l Ind ttktlcwltOt· Tll•NIACTIOH 01' IUllNlll UMOEll IOFFICIAL SEAL) C l·r . Fl k r I h On Otcttnbl'r "· ltt•. btfor-t ""· • ed ... ~~ttuled '~ ••mt. N-1 ry IC: H ...... a I Om1a, ec. ee S t e N~11rv "ubllc In end Par 11ld Sla!t. !OFFICIAL SEAtl FICTITIDUI H•MI No1•rv Publle,.(1l1lotn•I <'OUrSe iS ready B'ild that lhe Pllf.._111' IODHlld Tt1rv A. !.MW•td I nd J~an I.. Jobi! TH! UNOEllSIGNEO CORPOll:AT ION Pr!llCfNI Offltl In h I I M¥ron A. ~hl'w1rd kllCWh IQ mt to bf'"" Nor~..,. Publi(·(flllern11 llllet l!trfil'f ctrllf¥ 11'1•1 11 !1 UJl'ductlnt ~ Or1no1 Counl'f C a lenge Of go rdom'.s finest llt<!Klm wl>o1• "'"''' ~" JVl!oit rlbtd IQ it rl11tll'oll Of!l(t lft buslni:n loc•lt<I 11 721) 11. r b ot My Comml11lon l!~Pllel players Wil\ br\ng abut 8 ~!v ":i1~~~t~1~~i:n:.r;.:.,~nd t(~nowtedgl!'d ~¥·~~(1~~ Eot!res ~1111~ri1iouc,°'11~,:·~··m~ll:•n~tt~~· Publ1J~:;eo~:n:~ ~~tl Dalli' l'llot. change to "~1ission Control." lOFFICIAL $E'Alt /,'witt/I ,, 1971 COl'FEE $NOP ..... Iha! w !d lltm ,, o .. t..,,,ber t, 1!, II, )S, 1'69 1U'"'' The tournament 's c::: 0 J~t"11• M, 5hrriitld Publhht<I 0r11111t co.u1 0111r Pllot. cl)mtoted o1 tht 1o1iow1n11 tOJ'PO•etlon,1-------------- 1 • Not~rv Publlc·C1tr!ornl1 O"'Cembt• 4 11 11 7$, "6t D•W' whCtt ptlll(lllll 1llu ol 1N1lness I• JS LEGAL NOTICE sponsored by the l'!llssion Vie· Orin•• covntr ' ' ' 10110w1: '-------------Mv Commtn'°" E•olret LEGAL NOTICE E ' , • • 10 Golf Club l\nd t h t stol1mber ,, 1t13 5umv•n •nd GtrtMr nletll• 1~s. 11 In(., 1'1l H1fbol' IDllltv•rd, Coit• ,._, . ., ClltTll'lltATa OP •USIHISI FICTITIOUS NAMI Nc\\•porter Inn. Pub Vtf,o 0••no• COl>d O•llY Plkil, l'li.«t Mn1. c111nirn11. ?,~mbtr ll. Ifft •rlll Jinuif'Y ,, ,~ CElll:TIPICAT• WITNESS lit 1111'111 lftll ht dlY ol l =~-,..,,,,.,-,-,°""'""""°~=c1K OW •L' ME• ov 'M' 'e 01Cf'"'llf.r. 1f1t, J.EGAL NOTICE N .. '-· lCOllPOllATE SEIL) T~t Yndt"-l•n"ll do ctrtllv ttl•Y •·~ Pll:ESEMTS: !1,1lllvtn •rlll Gerlner tonoutllno I bu1lnt1s •l 221 2'1~ II, SU,llllOlt COUltT Ott TMI 'Tt111 11)1 VMl•"lttll<I dell l'ltrtl!V E111fro1llM, Inf, NJwPOrl fltKll. Ctll/0•1111, Ul'ldff th1 tic· STATI OP C•LlllOlllNIA 1'0111: tltrtllV"" fOMO'*lnt: ~OWlrd Sullivan llllout Ht'" fllmt of NEWPOllT MAl!NE THI: COUNTY OP' OlllAHGI 1, Tiit W.O.rtl•ntd IJ ,rtnwt llMr er "'''11''111 SERV ICE I nd lt>lf y;d firm It a_...., .... •-'"lf.tt ••oe~" la "'""IN:' llvt.lMU r11 IM Stll• Mlt/\~•t Gt,rlf'lfr. o! t11t lellD*'n• otnons, wl'losl n1met 1 .. Cagers Still NOTIC.ll a,. MllAlllHll a• P nlTIOM "'C1llto .... ifl -·· tllt flclltlou1 111m1 ot Sff•el••Y lull Ind it!Ktl " roJd,nct 1r1 '' Need Ho 1'01 P•O•ATI Ott MOLOO!tAPHtC Pl:NN All COMrllOL. STATE o,-CAL!J'OllN!A lollcwt: 111 es WILL AMO f'Oll LETT£115 0" it.0-1. Thi Dth"ci...I 111.tt of s1id bYilMU I\ COUN 1''1' OF O•,&NGE, u KtMf'lh Ptfkft, 3l<ll) Octln Hiii 0 •, MIMllTUTIOM WITH T"ll WILL AH• louled 11 IUI E1st 171h i trort, S1nr1 0.. thi1 ht d1r ol Ota,..btr, A, D. Ifft, D•nt Point. C1lllornl.I. NE•ID Ill•, C1llfonll1. bfolet• m~ lllc,,•tll A ,,...,_ ''·· 1 P"9• P1r•tr1 :IU2\ OcN!'! HUI D•, llomes are 111·11 ne·'·d to tU•1t .. WALTElll M. U ISS. Dtctll· s. Tt.t f\llf -d lht undtt1!1nH 11 Nolu• Pullhc In •nd !of i.tld c-IY '"" 011\1 POlnt, Ct~Pa"'fl. - 1;V110 Pd. HER.MAN ff, PHILHOWE• ~t1tr, r"lldl'" th"tln, llvl'r cemmtulctie<f At"Old 'orl'ltnoUlll. l/'DS f.. V•r"1llt'll, lodge players from vl1\1ing MnTl(I! 1S HER EBY GIVEN Thi! •• Thr O"Ct °' 1""1klfo/\(• "' ..... 1.11'1· ~l'ld IWQtn. llll'tontl1t -"" Howt•d ~ c.m-11. -§' t rU · t' I h Oonllhll "· 1t11t ""' lllf<ll t11<1lfl • .,,_ltnH Iii 1110: Hor1" Pl.tun1.1 ,..,.nut'. 5.ulllvlft •nd ,,.lt.,e•I (;•ttner -nown le lhf'tlfl' Ports""oull'I. 1m E. Vwr ·• cams pa opa 1ng n t e 0tt1t1on ,.,, l1'lltlt1t 111 1to1Dtrltflk .. 111 Apartmtnt c, Fvl•trton. c.111, .. 1"•· -ie ~ ,~. ,,,..,1dHd •nd s.crt11n< o1 Ant11tini. C111rotnr•. s: NC'\vport Harbor 0 fl I j mis l .,,., ""' •nuotfla' Iii Lrttfn ot 0.1 .. : Mov. '· ,N. lh~ ce•llC'•.t•IOll ,~., ,,.KVI~ ""' wtll'loOI ~IN ~ .. 11. l fM s.• , . , 14m!flltlrtllon with 1'!'>f' wit! '".,....., lo H•-~ M nllllll(lwt r lnll"""""' f<ft blthtll of in. Clf'-l llO!'I K"'lll'lfl flAr~tt '·-Inv1tal1onal basketball touma· 11\1 o+!tlllontf, f'dt!'lll« to .... lch I• mMI• STATf Of! ColL"OltNIA I lllft•1n n,mtd, ~nll 1ck111Wtf'dttd le mt P!!tfr Pttk~t • men\ Acc:ordin" to Jula for fvrthtr ttrllcvll'I. • ..., lhtl !Pit nm• COUHTT or Ol!AMOI I ~s 1'111 sud> t~•llOft •~Kulf'd .. , Wfnt' , .. tl .. Porttmll!Jlh • • " . •. ""'lllltl ol ,,,..,w.. !l1f ....... fl•1 bff .. °" Hovtmbcr '· lfllf, bt•IH'I..,, "''1'" Wllfl"•I W""r"OI, ',,..,., tltrtVMD It! ""'ltrkl r ... 1,"'4'U1h (1age, Ne~·port athletic d1rec . .,, to• J•""''' i, ltl'O ., a JO '·'"" 1 .. -.nlfn..,,,. 1 11011r, Puttrk '" 1'1+! '"' .... w 1u t111 en<1 .ttiw..i "" vtflcl•I 1ot1 "" s111• ot c1r11orn11, 'or "'"' ceurlreMI of DWl•rtmenl No. ) "' ... 11 $111•, p"i.o11tt!• l llP"ft•O'O H•nr"~ d1v •nd ¥Nt In tnh (t tlNlc1tt flrll t bolit 0.nnt! C011"1¥ Hid covrt. 11 mt Clw1c (-.!"' Orlvt N Phi~. -no-to '"' lo bt 1r1 wtlt••ft Oil Dttt111ber 1, lttt. "-''" ,..., t Plft)'ttS from Vidor Valley w,,1, <~""° w"'' 111~111 S1t•tl "' Nnon """'°" .. -h tuO>CflbMI te "" tO,.r1c1Al ~tt .rr.t l No•ar• 111;t111c In ,,.. •or 11ld $'1•'n , I \I II y d• tht CtlV et S10'!la An•. C1!1tor1111. w!l'llr'I l11ttrvm~fl'I, •~d tck"°"'"'1JI~ le 11111111•d ,1. th~-J• .,..,t11n•I"" ,...,.,<"'II Kt11P'tln fl.ir~tr. l\f!le Ope 8 ey, UMQ lln Dllft Decf'ftlbtr 11, lffl mt 111•1 11t l•oCU""° tM ll""' l•Muv Pu!1llr (1lllo<01'I llft'1 P•t~ll'• "''l'IClld l"orl11T'OU!h, $1'H!l1• Kofa hl..t. .schools need lodrrinl.'I w (, S1 JOHN. WlfNr SS "'v 1111...i •nd llll~i•I •ut. r"nc•p1 r Ort'tt 1n Pott.\t'l'to!rth, k-hi ~ te boi ,,,. 'ti-'' ., •. ,. (Dlll'ltv Cl•r-. Ktl!h Q WT•~ufl Ottnot CoY""' e.--wht»t n'"'fl ••• 111btuJbfd t• t.hrouP. Afonday night.. To. au•v•L (.l••ll N'TI• ~ u•MU = rMbtl• -cw...,,. ~ t-1~ El!olrwt "'" ... 11111n 1111,,.llfllllfl 11'111 1cMow.,._ toumatotnt wUI get under WI)' :. ~':~':::: .. "';o ... "" ~ .. '::1*'" .:;~· Ill 111011•?~iJ.1·H~2.a. ANO •••I.AND ~ .. ~~'r':r.'.:~,..., .. Salunfly with playm arriving '"'"'"" ._ ... c.!lf. """ Mv c · "t\,11111 1~11m ~u• c•-D<Tve OW1n• A. 11'1(.kl• b th t d T1h tJlO 111'"" Mtrdl lt1] l>lt-f't kfl~, Ct Ol111rit Mr C«t\"'1t11t1'1 l!••lrwt Y noon 8 1)1. """""''' W l'cH"'-"'ubll'lled O•tntl Cot ,1 01!1'f Pll!ll, AtlwrM•• kll'-"'lltr" Ho 1'11 Interested partJq &hou)d l"~bll"'" Drtf\w CMff D111v P:llM. DllM'IW 11. '" 2J. ,,., 1nd J111U1•,. 1. Publ~fd 0 11"'• Cu\I o.ur P11Dt, "ull'""" ~"'' C0t•t 011" l"ul!!. contact Gage at 5t8469'2. Dk'9!T'ber u. '"' a. '"' UJ'·" 1•10 ,,...... DM11111ier .. n. 11. 11. '"' mi"' ~.,.. );,:'· 1, u. 1.., ,,,.~, r __ ...,,,..,.....,_,,.,....,.....,..,..._....,...,,...,.,.,..,,,......, .... ~"""· ,-,.-,,.......,,,, "!'""• '"'""~.-...,.·.• .. •,•. "''•'"'"'· -. ·----.•.-,,.,,,-,.,..,.c-· """·"*-5"1'""""'·~·__...· -,., ......,,.,.. ,,.,.,,.~r~""".r;;;.,. -~-~ ---. , • , . . r TUMBLEWEEDS LOOK!LOOK ~ SANrA~ ME! A Nl!W POLL.VI Df.CEMBut 25 l1lo IJi lie News (C) (60) .ltrry llunphJ. a m """'''"'....., <C> (3~ m ""* ''" .,.. (30) m 111e """*"-(C) clot Ill .. , ... tC) (Ill) ....... """ (30) .............. {30) IJ TIM lt1111 CIMI CCI (30) m Mr rmrfhi Mtrllln (C) (llJ) 1 1:» 0 ID 00 m lllllllidt CCl (60) "Stolen on Otlm11!d." A mtmbet of M11k S.ngllr'1 h1skelf:l1ll te1m is lllYOlvtd In • crimt 11111 a11Mated bf tn l>lder man. David Cassidy and P11111l1 McMy111 ruest. n 1!lHIHB"""'htd (Ci !lOl 'l'liamant111'1 Powtr fal!ori." Sa· 1111rrtll1 IOSM ht.1 wifr.:fl.twi!tll w~an slit refUH5 to obey th1 WiteheS Council to ftw up her mort1I hit!• band. m..,. '"" <C> (90) m I 16C!AL I n. Pri!ICI If Pw llli "" ,,,,.._ (C) (90) "Th• Scldler'1 T1l1." A ""' productlan If Strl'tlrsky'a MOrtlity f1b!1, star- ri.1 de11atr Roblft Htlpm1nn tlld prim• blllefl111 S¥tfl1n1 8eriMOV1. 9:1118!Bl 11) CIS Ttlund17 Ntvlt: lfi "111 Ind tM Coltntt" {eomedy) '58-0fnllJ Kl'l't. Curt Jerpn:1, Akim Tamiroff, Nicol• M1url!)'. :Story of mild·mtnnered' l'efut&& who htlPt 111 1rroa:ant PolW! Colonel alld 1111 1lrllrl111d ~Pt frflM tha N1z1s. m r. s.v. 1...,... 1Jo> "SD1uc11 Mouse.·· A Ph1l16&1ph11 h1lf·'tll~~1 ~~ for rllh1b1Ht1t1111 mtntelly "' tdult5 Is pmb!ld. a @Ill m ""'"" ici "'l l l'td Offltlf G1l'HI011 Out 1&ldt 1 tewtl ltielt ee~ to se1rtlt for • Chtld Je!lls ltltu1 stolen frQlll • tl!ureh Mllvity aceiw. This retirotd· c1st Is tilt 011ly M(IMl!t in th1 h1sl:afy al One.net not 1d1pted from tn tctu •I l.A. police case. 8) Notkln M ftl (fn/ m KMIR llfns (C) 1301 7:00 II tBS (•111 Nf'l'l (t) (30) 0 llll!I lal '"' ,,_ !Cl 1001 Jlldy Cci!!ina. Mlltittnt Martin, ind Ult Treordly ~·,,11 Choir of Walu (ll9lt on Mlldrp prorru11. 8 (!J I l!fCIAL I Cirht.u O• g I lfl<JA' I Tiii s..H If ,.,._ w., (C) {30) (R) Skitdi H9116er!on !'JO IJ "-tc) (30) a.mr Ward. ~ . PrGlflftl pmdHctd b)' thl CB Volll " "'"" ClrWMM Spt-u.s. Air rorc:e. Appealilli 1rs Mut. 'ti (C) {30) lyl'! M1ye, The ArtloB. tf11 offlci1I Cl Air roree DellCll !land. ind tllt ,\if. fl) i IPIC!Al I PrfM l1tM (SO) 111~ of Note. (R\ CJ Wtllf'1 My Ll!ttt fCl (JO) m I Lll'l'I LllCT {30) m Ahart! (3f11 m lrut Ad¥tlrtu'I !Cl (JOJ Ossp1te Buffy'• 4tt111tion.l. Haro!d. htr !let hlm-"et, r1111s ,.,,,.,y durinR 111 outint in tti1 1M1k. t•ODDllrillI! -.... fCl (&!)A Mfut1 iD tti1 ctiristmas W:t· IOll bf Mtrtln trtd 'r111k Sinatra 18rnitlts. (II) em-«> tlm fJ El) It ltkn I T"lf (C) C60) '1ht SDOrllio Drop." Alex•ndtr Mu11- f!y lonch double trouble In t~l! world ol mystic.~ Gal• Sflllder11,rd end Eduard f11nz 1u~t, CJ Otlla! {Cl 160) l1ori"do ~mel· ~' & RIJ 8rOWTI. l111ny Ment 111d Dobert Aida CIJUI. BQJ@ mo.llW .._ tC! m 11p1cw;1 lra11d ~ (t) {MYI "H11111a h to~ Home." 'ii (60) Jolepll Wood Knrteh ta~e1 1 ~elf-breed YoUt~ ia b'!I bttwten mMlilbltk tripi lnW '!!II 111111 dt9p . two W0/161 whe!i 1111 wlllt1 l!IG!N• r.al!Jflfl '° t11t CG4cndo Rivet. • · tak@I 111191 bat.k m her ,.ople I 18 TM .,_. (C) (lrJ) ''Should M•rt netett alld ~ord b in" llJtlt !tit U.S. ltltlfJ 11111 hnlw• Ptol~ I tOI 81Mi111 tilt U. IA Chtmie1I a....., tt11 ..,. 1Cl 130l · lftd alolo(lc.i w111DQUr · 01111t G (flj (I)>&) TM lllDll 11M1 Mri.I [~ R1eh1nlm, U11derwcnt1ry of state. Milt (C} 130) ''TM Shost of Christ·1 ~ rum. (R'l "11!1 Pnt ... CAptttn Greu preM111ti ,, GJ C... di Mt4.,. (30') tlia Muirs 'tll1th 1 OlnMmas of •1 l 00 YM'I •ID whith h1 1h11t! 10:30 fl Cfilllrtl llnllll (30) ""'ltll them. 1 ,11:DOIJDDID1'tw1 ftl CJ Miltleit S Mcwit: (t) ~A Mt~ lllTM Wllliwlltrl Califf Plh:f' {dr1rn1·bioar1phyll '5~ -Rkh&rd Todd, Mn Petet1. CiJ Nfl llflll If 11111 W11t ft) llflbert llurt1111 Trir1 slory of Peter m hM' Lhlll\f M1rlhaM. Ol'IOI Ch!Dlti11 lo tti~1 fn I IHC!A( I 11 c.n,..... DMllNP :-11'.!. Stflf'trL ] (C} M llour·lo!!t: eonhontmon 011 m Tflllll tr r....1111111c. (Cl fJO)I political ind IOCi1I a1rte11 betWMn tnNMJ Yic1 PJMidl!!t: Hubtrt H. m I IOC!ll I UrillllMI Ow W11 Murrtpllrl'J. l11m1• 11&..tor Thomtt ICl C¥» ~ Her!dlnon haet'·I K"oolllll o1 CelW .. Ind V1rt1 poltttul m U!de f/lf Llldlb l'Q CllCI'> h ie Jr.11..u. Pf'(lf11111ri dt11in1 1 1J11Ner· ~ 8lld triMld• r.e!llllrtlt ttii1 Jity llf Min"llllOI• MJM~•'· l!(,tkl,y -~ ttl11M!rh ••. I fl) m fl) ..... (C) tlltllucM ti Rttt lll:J08Qll])Mrt trflfht (C) I a tD oo m 1e1111,,, c.l'IOlt (C) • 1:0D fJ ft ()) Jl.111 Jltfbort ltl (60) f loninui H4!nder111n ruts!: hll:.'lh. 11 I IPIC!AL I Titt 1tDS1 P1r11h: ! Q MW. "TM Ptltl llfth storJ" 1!169 (Cl (Z hr) Th" tr1d1ti11nal: t~omtdy) ·~z -C11116ttl.1 Colbert. 'r""'''~ "' 1111 ).,. .• ,.,.de 0 ~ rn m Tiie _, 11tt1op $ho11 CCI Reill P111lll111 llo«U. D Do"'' old girlfriend o Morie: fC} •1upt !Mid Day" + on THAT GIRL ton ight 1musie1!-drame) ·q -C.ry Gr1nt, MARLO THOMAS stars. QI--....,.. (..,,,. 8 (J! (I) aJ l\lt I~ (ti (3011 ldJ·d"mt) "U-Oon M11rr11. ~1 Am Cullen• llmfln.• Ann'1 din·, lltf pirty hJI' Don's fritfld Ind ~i11l!;(ID. Molft: '1M fll'llllftctlit M- W!f...-Don"1 old n.m.--i• turned , kMnl'" tdrun1) '4Z-Joaeph Cat· !r,to 1 W~b!M by '"' weekend! ' lowl. AIMt MflOfelltld. "'°"' Bu· ruMt Mid th• rtiHlf't c~ilt·p~n• 1"'· lt!fMll lrH. Cindy (j1btd\« it. lM· ~rtd '·' C..rol1n1. m Tt ltll IN lruttl ft) !30! J:ODfJ Ml¥lr. "t1111bflna Hlltlll,. (m1s- tety) 'SO -Vlclbr M1lt1tt. Tt1ry Moore. wm11"' llandlJ, GION.., <tl m I SflC!ALI Wlllle111 ind M111 tltolt (Q (30) I • ActlM T~tltrt: "FIYt S1tM !ti 0111191.~ g I lffCW I Tllt U11per CM11blr (601 Dr1m1t1t .llDKit1 stan1n1 lt•f 1:15 D C.t111111ty ltlltUn lo.rd IC) iym. Rllflf HtdlfY' 1r!d Bob (;ood. ~11. ~m•• C.wt l'>olh l\t!ry ol l:.JO m All·NIPI stiw. "Mr t lld Mrs. fOtJr cOf!lllr.U , ... 11i11r "ecuOon (Ill ~rnitfl," "G•••t C.111tlatiOt111," ~ci,. iRI U/\Y DAYTIME MOVIES t!GI\ 8 IC)l'Sfl Tiii& It Pim'" (CllrrttdW) '35-Tflflr C.Urtll. GJoti1 Dt H1vtn G!M Ntlafl!'f. Corinnt C..tvtl - I ... ,. l :lOll-(t) ll:CllG"I"" .,t An A1Mritn• (d11m1) '40-Rwlcl -..1111, Pit O'BriM, a.11 PttL U:OO B "11111 If Slit flr1Wlclt'" (td· vt"ture) '47-Doll11d Wtkldt. GIOlit W1rrt11, tyron f~lff. l:JD m "nit SU11 VIII* l tlcflt" (com· IJdJ) '54-Chirtu W11111l~l!f, .\rltnt Whtl•n. PERKINS JUDGE PARKER STEVE ROPER GORDO By Tom K. Ryan I FEEL i\S I Tlil "'I( YOU WILL WMa! 'Jl.K>ll6H IVE VOii E'EAUZE TW.r HE'S gfy"Ri\VEO HIM~ SBW..VEO 'IOIJ FQ:>M TME I'll NEVEe R)R.~ VE-RV MOMENT HE MET C:.IVE MYSB.f! VOJ •• n!Ar HES !IEEk rll~saY USING VOii! .l\EANWMii,. J.IARCCT1CS ....,,.,, llt.OYE IN al ?MIL MATE~ AM" HIS NOT NEC~SSARILY !N 7HAT Ol>DER ... By Saunders and Overgard +IE PA.R.KED -MIS $1...EJGH ... ND R.EINDEE't T+IEQEoNLY "TEN MIN\JTES AGO! By MtU .... ••~l ,i>.li,r,,,r.. • DAlLY PILOT ~ ,.,-.... ___ c;r-. TELEVISION VIEWS N et,vorks Now Get in Co1·ner By RICK DU BROW ...... . ___ ... ... HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The television networks are painting themselves into a corner in terms o( I. entertairunent programming -and pretty soon tlley-; will have to make a significant d~ision about t.heir't public reputation. What tlley will have to face up to· · is just how gerious they ere in their wish to attract .. the most influential social audience -bright youn&: adults. THIS IS AN old problem for tlle networks, but . no'v 1najor new factors are at \vork. For some time, video executives have claimed the young adult aud .. iente U1at is influencing the other arts really watches television more than is suspected. Furthe~ ' n1ore, video is trying to groom the ne'v generation. , of leaders as future viewers in projected program , development. But recent, sudden success of an en-·, lirely different kind of programming has hooked tlle networks into a pattern that is difficult to give.up - beca\tse of ratings . These ratings, good ones, have come with what;~ can be described as a rather soft kind of program. ' ming, on the safe side, full of obvious material, and-~ often directed at frankly juvenile viewers. It's mt · necessarily bad broadcasting for the usual fnass•. audience that has to be satisfied -merel.v the kind•~ of progranuning that is absolutely certain to hold,:' no interest for bright young adults. Significantly, it1'_ is not the regular series -hut specials. · ~ SPECIALS are supposed to be where the actiotl' ·· Js for 5elective viewers. Yet the success of the Na:"i tional Geographic hours has spawned an unending:· stream of nature film s and related programs - most of which get hi gh ratings. NBC-TV. for ·jn.,: stance. has a Jan. 30 hour called .. The World" of ,. the Beaver.'' ' Furthennore. '"e have the enonnorn; ratings of,:· such children's specials as "Frosty the Snowman/' t' ''The Littlest Angel.'' ''Hans Brinker" and the other-. traditional reruns for juveniles of all ages. As t say, many of these programs are acceptable view~·' ing -but the simple problem is that there are on1v l' so many broadcast hours available for specials and ''' they are being occupied more amt more by ' pro-! grams of a safe, placid nature, almost corporate. :~ WHERE, THEN, is tlle excitement going to come fron1? How serious are executives who talk about the bright young aud ience and then deliver only the 1nost occasional efforts in this direction'? \Vhen ratings reflect on the stock market success can be a bind even for earnest executives ~ho want to spread their creative wings. Unfortunately ·the alternative to creative excitement in Utis case 'may well mean that a group of highly educated execu- tives will be bending tlleir efforts to •mall childnin and tired old folks. Dennis the Menace .. '· \ ' ' • " ... " • '•l.;i Im.I"---''. ' I I . -.. ' -...... ---------~----------------..._.--------·--· ________ ,_ ·--· -• HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALB HOUSES FOR SAL i! HOUSES FOR 5'\LE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE P'--'-'-.;;..;...""-'-"-"'-'--.;.;.;.."'-'-'---'--'=-·l'-.;....;.c_ Gen•ral IOOOGenar1I 1000 Gener1I , 1000 ----------------l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;m;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l~==~ 1000 Huntlntlon S.och 1400 Hunllntlon BHch 1400 FINER HOMES LINDA ISLE BA YfRONT A lant..,tic baylront buy. 3 large bedrooms, 3 baths; separate dining room; ·55 ft. of bay- lront with pier & slip. Asking $105,000. Open Saturday & Sunday. 106 Linda Isle Drive. BAYFRONT Christmas Special This is a very 1pecial house in every v.·ay, 3 large lovely be<l:rooms, hUge livin&: & family r o o m area, panell@d rumpus rooin & out- ilandlng pool, A very 11peclaJ home for a fam· ily that enjoy5 lots of 1"00111. Located in Love- ly Mesa Verde. $38,950. General 1000 Gentrtl 1000 fOREST E. 0 LS 0 N Wagon Wheel Charm WITHIN WALKING Proud!y dO v.·e offer thi11 titautifully illlld5eap«I, Disti nct To Be1ch rustic, ranch st)'le honle This 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on the nicest .11tree! in rectntly painlPd, plus nt"W Mesa DeJ Mar. It's the drapes 1z carpets, Plans for tint time listed 90 don't family rm. & entry a vail. miss it if you want the 2nd Story cou!d be added ultimate in condition & for panoramlc view of ocean. 3 bdrms. SpacJoUs tam· $&5,CXXJ. ily room ha:i: rustic Kathryn Ralilston fnc. Realtoni cellinr. Ba.ck yard with ' MERRY CHRISTMAS OVER-BUILT UNDER-VALUED NEW HOME IMMEDIATE MOVE IN 4 BDRMS 1 t/2 BATHS 1/4 MILE fROM BEACH 520,990 HUNTINGTON BEACH Call Now 962-1353 Ready for immediate occupancy. Large 2- story Bayfront home \vilh 4 spacious bed· rooms, large living room. formal dining room; paneled den with wet" bar. !'•laster suite with sitting room, fireplace & extra la rge dressing room. Pier & float for large pc>wer or sailboat. See this excitin~ buy. $1~5,000. Open daily. 515 Bayside Drive. Jf5-.. co:Ts .~ WALLACl . REALTOR~ J?OStB & open beamed ............ patio is truly LlKE A PARK. Chriotmas '"'°' Coldwell, Banker & Co. Baycrest. Custom-bl!, large ·Newport Belch 1200 Huntington Be1ch 1400 DOVER SHORES Sweeping bay, ocean & mountain vie~'. 4 Bedrooms, den with fireplace & wet bar, formal dining room, glamorous master suite; high ceilings. Floor to ceiling sliding walls. Definitely the finest view buy in the .Newport Harbor area, $95,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 1374 Galaxy Dr. BAYfRONT Large formal 3 hedroom home with paneled den , dining roon1 & your own wine cellar. Decorated in exquisite taste. Owner must ••II now . $139,500. Call for App·t. General john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642·8235 FOR LEASE Sharp 3 + family room In Huntington Beach, 'We'St ot Newland north o! Hamilton, $220/mo. Lease at $350 w1th option to buy. Lovely Newport Bea.ch 4 + family room + dining room with view ot Back Bay. Vacant now. Quick tmstssion, '2 bdrm!J completely furnished Con. dominiwn $1i5/mo. Vacant clean 4 bdrm. $l65/mo. from W.E. L1chenmyer & Associates MERRY CHRISTMAS and 1----;B°'E"'A°'C°'H.-.L"'OT;"'=I BEST WISHES 35'x95'. StepS from ocean. --<54>46-4141- (0poit Ewninpl 2 homes on 1 lot, each have 2 bdnm & 1 bath + large living room. (achenmyer Rea ltor ial at $28, 750. 550 Newport Center Dr. <:OATS Newport Buch, C•llf. & 83:!-0700 644-2430 WALLACE l -i::::=:~:::=::::=::::=::::=:~ -546-4~!f~Rs i · ASSUME GI LOAN (Open Evening$) 3 bdrms 1~~ hath. lmn1edi· ate po55ession. Good !!treet. GI loan with low payment • try 10% down . $23,500 NEEDS PAINT 3 BR. 21~· ba., formal DR, w/island kitchen pll.lS fan- tastic extras! $69,950 Graham Rlty. 646-2414 Near NeWpOrt Post Office OUR Sincerest Thanks and Best \Vishe!i for the Holiday Season ro our many friends who made this one of our finest years in Newport Beach. john macnab ( 714 1 642·8235 001 Dover Drive, Suite 1.20 Nev.'port Beach \-0' THE REAL \'.."'. ESTATERS r,,,f '· .. 1 , We!I built 2 bdrm home,~· '•'""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii& tn. large double garage, 11c· I' ct'SS to rear yard. R-2 zone lmmac, .C Bdrm. 2 baths, v.·/ Lachenmyer Realtor elec~c filternig h~ating 1860 Newport mvd .. CM & CO":>~ng system. Beaut. CALL 646-3928 Eves 646-2290 Jow ma.mt. yard, Lge. lam. · rm, Cov. patio. Xlnt cond. thruout. 2 car gar, w/auto. $23,950 door 0,,.""· M'" No"h MESA VERDE! • room to build. $19,750. DUPLEX C ZONE 2 bdrms each side, 2 garages $'29, /:)() with terms. Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548· 7719 644-0684 eves. ANYONE CAN Assume this 6\1. % Gov' I loan. Lovely 3 bdrm 2 bath home with all extras in. eluding intercom & covered patio, $171/mo, pays ALL. Full price only $23,500, for a real vaJue, CALL 54().1151 Heril8.ge Real Estate (open eves.) for the com ing 122-•• ~ •· bo ,.........,, t-'. may UC SU r· 1860 NEW YEAR dinatcd. sub m 1 t offers Newport Blvd., CM area. Low down, super fin. . . ancing $30.500 01olce location newly paint. Riddl9 & Ro~• 675-7225 ed • 15 Yr. guarantee! Cost --~==~=--1 $1500. 3 bedrooms, 2 separ. $25,960 5 BEDRM.-OLD style Span, 3 Br, 1 Ba hse on dbl lot. Reduced to $17,000 for quick sale by owner, 546-3767 Riddle & Ross 675-7225 673{i693 · CALL &16-39'18 Eves. 642.0185 TRl -LEVEL Gener1I 1000Gtneral 1000 Coldwell, Banker OffERS: BEST BUY-DOVER SHORES e>:wner moving. Will sell or Lease option his lge. 4 BR. home. Fam. Rm., Swim- !fling pool. Buyer can assume loan at low mterest rate. $69,500. Cathryn Tennille. 4 UNITS-BALBOA-$62,500 A real money-maker, tn excellent condi· tion and fully furnished. Very close to best bay & ocean beaches. Good financing available. Walter Haase. OPEN SAT. 1°5 Walk to beach from best south o( Hiway location in Corona del Mar. Lemon tree shades brick patio. Ocean view frotn all 4 bedrooms. $59,500 Carol Tatum. CORONA DEL MAR Lush Harbor vie\v hills .isparkling" view. 4 Br. 2 Ba. home w/3 car garage. Land· ~J.f:k patio \v / Pergola. $59,000. SHORECUR=S With 10me remodeling of this 2 bdnn, 2 bath home you could have a most attrac- tive residence In prime ona. Liv. rm. w/ beamed ceilings, peg~ed lloors, frp. & lovely wood paneling. •55,500. Kathryn Raulston· COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NE WPORT BEACH IJl.0700 4 VACANT LOTS MOVE IN ai. balh'. bulltin l<ltcbon. 3 baths. Plush carpeting. Fireplace. Park like profes- 5iona.I landscaping! 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor FREE & CLEAR Will trade $13,CXXJ equity .tor what have you'! & have house wanning par-Nice . patio. Low down • ty1 'Tis ready to enjoy' 3 Move-in. 54~1720 bd·nn., 1* bath, Mwi&h ~ar-TARBELL 2955 H1rbor A REAL buy! 3 BR, l ~~ BA. home. 2 units, 2 BR each. 521-3871 or 827.7594 DAVIDSON Realty ,,.ting. Won't'""' at $2<,1'0. SEASON .i_~DELL ~!A~[,~10 GREETINGS S24,950! Mesa Ve rde 1110 546-S.!60 Eves, 544-1833 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ,.., tflh ......, tffrectwy wftti yew fWt wMNd GI ,.. I• •••• ••nt ... All the lee.tie• lltted below ere '-rtbff a. ''""" ..... II by """""1llt ,,.._ w-. 11 tM.,., DAILT PILOT WANT ADS. Potroin ....... opea ....... '9r ICM er t1 ,_, .,. •rtetl te ll&t ••Ill 1"'9"'"9tfN fl tflls c1fn11 Heh Prldey. (3 Bedroom) **106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sal & Sun.) (3 Bedroom & Fami ly or OenJ 423 1 Branford, Huntington Harbour 846·0609 (Sal & Sun. 12·5) (4 Bedroom & Fa mily or Oen) **515 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 642·8235 (Sat. & Sun.) • 1700 Samar Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 540·1083 (Sat. & Sun . 10-5) * * 333 Morning Star Lane Dover Shores) NB 642·82.15 (Sal & Sun.) *2061 Swan Drive !Mesa Verde) Cost. Mesa 642·7777 (Sun. 12·5) (5 Bedroom} **14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach &42-82M (Sal & Sun.) APARTMENTS fOR SALE (I, 2 & 3 Bedroom) 746 Mai n Street. Huntington Beach 5311-2579 (Sal. & Sun. * '"' * * W•erflNt * * * PMI •II W...,f!wl SOUTH COAST REAL ESTATE I500 Adams, Costa r.tesa ,.,...,, 4 BEDRM + DEN IMMAC 4 Br, 2 Ba, fam rm, r.resa Verde! 2 baths. Built-in formaJ din nn, many kitchen, N>\'ered patio. Own. custom features, $35,900. er helps v.'ilh the financing. s.m.100 f>I0.1720 1~=====-==== TARBELL 2955 Harbor College Park 1115 New VIEW Homes Dover Shores Ivan \Vtlls' 3 brand new homes: 4 bdrms. 3 ba, powder rm, fam . nn w/frp)c, coortyard pools. From SlQi,OCO. Roy J. Ward Co.1430 Gala:ic;y Dr. 646-lfillJ. BY Owner -lrg usumable GI loan 3 Br, 21,S ba, din rm, tam nn, walk to schh, beh, princ. on I Y. $33,500. ,...,,09 To Buy or Sell i-G-iv-."r,-Th-.-C-1r_A_w_•_r?- General iREAL ESTA TE You V.'On't need it here! Near 675•1662 everything: schools, shop. CORBIN·MARTIN ping, "'·orsh!p etc. Save the c?ar experu;e & look what REALTORS else you 'll get: Early OCCU· 3036 E . Coast lh'I)'., Cd~f J>dllcy of big 4 bdnn 2 bath 3 BR, 2 BA, famtly room, home In excellent area, low prof decor. 2 yr old·xlnt interest loan. no points to cond. $32,500. 21382 F1eet pay. Ca 11 Perron Realty Lane, HB. Owner 646--4328 642--lTTt eves. 540-398~. 1000Gener1I 1000 General S@\\Jtl}A-.{Gt-~ss Th e Pun/e with the Built-In Chuckle O Reorrang• le:tt•rs of tli• lour Krombl.d words be· low 10 ror"' four·'1mple Wllf'dl, IUACSUC I . 1'-1 I I I IYYL 1 HS 11 .111 r .1 ,~~~ li.~-YTI A_,i,., 1..,.1 -.1.-41 1 ~:·• ,;:.~:~ ";'~~,":!";:~ .--------~ &hampooed on the head you IHEWLAR l getvery -fingers, 11·1' IS I I I I Q Compltl• 1h111 thucklt quot~ • . by l+lllng lfl tfle ml"in; word 't'OU dev111lop from i•ep No. 3 below, 6 UNSCIAMB LE A80VE ll nftS • TO GfT, AN!wt=R 1000 SCRAM.LETS ANSWER IN CLASSlflCATION 8800 NEED 240 C-2 Feet? Have g.30· lot.1 w/ va.iyi.ng improvments an d rents. Used 'all is' or build Jge development. $'22,500 ea. R. C. GREER, Reolty 3355 Via Lido 6TJ·9300 FIREPLACE & pool for Christmas. Dlx 2 BR, 2 BA townh!!e. $27.500. Xlnt terms. Agent 646-0732 Bock Boy 1240 Merry Christmas to all of our Friends & Patrons •red hill THE BEST Of THE BLUffS Pride of ownership and leis. ure living can be yours in this immaculate 2 Bedroom and den with custom carpets and drapes, -2 deluxe bath$. Live carfree. $41,500. 673-8550 VIEW. THE BEST The finest in CdM with 3 Br., den, formal din. & 2'li ba. Has everythin&:. An ocean view from kit., din. rm. & mstr. Br. Plush cpls & dl"'J'lS. Beaut. lndscpg, Lanai for leisure. Have a look, you'll be happy if you do. e BILL HAVEN, Rltr. 2111 E. Coast, CdM 673-321 t 1018 S. l\fain, S.A. 541·6613 Linda Isle 1306 16 Linde Is le Drive Exquisitely decorated 5 Bdr., 5 Ba. home with ups!airs view CJI Corona del 1'.tar hills. 3 fireplaces & BBQ. Cantilevered patio decks, Priced with dock at $145.000. Linda Isle Development Bill Grundy 675-3210 15 Linda Isle Drive New & beaut . .C BR. 5 BA home w/ lrg sunken liv rm &: fam nn, wet bar. Racfl. ant elec heat, Crptd &: land· """· $155.0XI. Linde Isle Development Bill G rundy 675·3210 Lido 1111 1351 BAY FRONT HOMES Ne"' or older, v.ith ptf'~ 6 slips. 3 BR. to 6 BR. From $149,500 W•lkor Riiy. 675-5200 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. $300 TOTAL OOWN TO G.l.'S Here·s a rvJ, steal on a sharp, clean 3 bedroom home. Added ramily toOll'I v.•ith beautiful red brick tire. place and B.B.Q. Home fea· lures modern built-ins, csr· pets & <!rapes. Double Gar· age. Separate laundry roon1 and FORMAL D I NI NG ROOi\I. \Viii sell G.I. end low down FJl.A. at apprais- al price of $25.900. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 &linger 8424155 Open 'tll 9 Pl\t Priced to Sell 3 bdrms 2 baths, 1500 sq ft, cpts.'drps, bit-in~, boat door in double garage to 1enced back yard. 60xl20' Jot. Bfo>. lo1v niarkct $26,500. Submit on terms. Paul Jones Realty 847-1266 Eve. 536-0.158 Cliristmas Gi~ LARGE 4 Bedrooms Low interest loan. Lovely home in very desirable area. J/uri:v~ HAFFDAL REALTY 842-4405 51/4 °/o LOAN to assume. Pyn1n!s $167/mo. 3 BR, lg fam MTI, lg. lot Pt·iCt'd belo1v market. Sub· mit d011'n -2nd TD avail. * BRASHEAR RLTY * 16932 Beach Blvd., 1-IB 847·85-07 Eves. 9!).g-11'1'8 Pool FOR Christma1 HAVE 2· sharp 3 bdrm AND 1· sha rp 4 bdrm Best buys! GI or FHA HAffDAL RL TY 842-44-05 Huntington H1rbour 1405 BUILDERS close out!! Tri- level 3 & 4 BR home. l\Iake reasonabl e offer. Hottest deals . in Orange Co. Builders Agent, 846--0609 Apts. For Sale 19~ 6 2-4-6-12 or '24 un\1. \\'alk to beach. Ap~c. iaring area. By Owner/ ,,. Bldr. Llndbol'J'. Co. -536-2579 Kt:N f ALS Houses Furnished General 2000 FOR LEASE Close to water in Beautiful Bayshores completely furn· ished 2 bdrm home Is w~! this is -\Vith lols or charm. TetTifir. firf'place in L'R with bean1ed ceiling, Lea.c;e thru June 15, 1970, PAULoWfili'.C CARNAHAN tZ A.LT Y co. 1003 Baker, C.~L 5A6-5440 Rtnt1l1 to Shir• 2005 SHARE apt. houise 2 Br, fl.1rn. nicely, C.M, $10 mo. 64&4670 or 9684639 ask for l\like 4 Br, 2-t;tory houi;e lo 1hart \1·ith 'l or 3 i\1)'11. LagunA. Beach, oceanview, 1undeck S50 nio. <194-8773 fE,\IALE roomn1ate 18·:'.0 for bayfront apt. on Balboa Penin. 67'"~ or 673-5163 Newport Bt1ch 2200 FIREPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2 b8., patio. adults. Bay~idt Village. Until J uly lst. $200. Call (213). 222-4309 or m. 5419. PLAN NOW FOR 1970 Beautilul location • vacant 35' lot. Lido Nord PLUS 2 story homf' tldj. on 40' Via Koron. $95.000 • ""'' R. C. GREER, RHl!y i========-1 ""' vi. Lido 673-!llOO C!"ln• del Mor 2250 -4 BR. S BA l<QO. lmm<d. Huntington .:8'_•_c_h_l400-' avail. l..~ or 1'Io. or unfurn . err'! C f1.1·i6l1na:J 607 Begonia. 67 5·0023 675-4486. 2 Gn. comp. ful'n. Conv. Joe. So. of h"Y· S225 n10. Don V, rranklin Rltr 673-?l22 B1lboo blond 23l5 l!lr:'Jllllll'll'l'lon!• $375 mo/yrly. Avail Jan. .,.,_@mu 3rd. 2 BR. 2 BA . F'rple. 2 ~T!!'11Zlli pAtiOI, dock. Adult. Oflly, 61>-7880. - ' •-..... --------------.... --...... "'..,.~~---... ---~-.'!':"-:----:--:--.,.~nc-~---~-T"~.,... ~~~~"'!-I ••-•-<.,-••·•----.~~---""•-·•• . '' . .. . . --..-... ' . __ .... ·-~--...--··· # ... -.. ~·· .... ' 4 BR, 2 BA, cpts, drps, S200 mo. Quiet dead end slreet. 781 Joann St., C.M. 67>1483 3 BDRM, 2 bath. Clean. Lrg: 1enc!d ynt Sl~ n1 o. 644-SM5. 548.3300 * SUNNY 4100 B1lb01 * CLEAN Bachelor Apb. All uW incl SSS up 315 E. BalOO. Blvd. BALBOA ~5 ' SIOO MERRIMAC WOODS SPACIOUS new l atd rm 2 both. Nr. 1hoppln9. $240 por mo. M.riner Square Apts. W1'..~Y ratu Sea Lark 1'.fote:I, 2301 Newport Blvd., c~ta r-.tesa SANDY'S TRAILER COUJ\T Spaees a\'ail now. Max 26'. Call .... 0081 2 BR. Fenced yard. 2 car 1arage. 2 children OK. No pets. $16:> mo. 642-7939 * ACRES * * Motel-Apts * Just completed, 1 or 2 BR, 2 BA turn or un1urn with air cond, compl sounclfl!roofecl, ~If cleaning overut1, 'llo'OOd 1244 Irvin e Ave., N.1.1-,====-==== UNF. 3 br. 2627 D Santa Ana, C.1'1. Avail Dec. 28. $I4j. Call 963-fA'.l50. Huntington &each 4400 eeilings, d.swhrs, lush land- HUNTINGTON CAPRI scapina: with stttam1 & ..,,.a. 1 signal So. ot O.C. For Single Adults terfalls, elev•tors, BBQs, Mesa Verde 3110 Stucll:~TI:::ooms ~~: ~-[.~-~~nR~~n~ :i~~;au;~~· ~:~z~v~ 4 Bedroom ho-m-,-. -,-'.,-t-'h. $30 WK. & UP Tennis, GymR, Saunas :;torage, Everythin&' n e v.·. Mesa Verde. Vacant, $300. Doy, Wetk. Montlt 6200 Edina:er Ave .• HB StarliriJ at Sl-40. Adults mo. Agent. ~6-4141 • Kitchens & TV's Incl, Phone 846-0il.9 please. Jw;t East cf 2600 • Phone: serv., htd pool I !"'~~~""!"'!'~!'""'.'""' I Harbor Blvd, nex110 Nabf'rs Newpor.t leach 3200 • ~laid service avail. BACHELOR & I BR furn, Cadillac at 42;, Merrimac -~--------2376 NEWPORT ILYD. S140 •P· Ad•I~. oo peu. IV"Y. 5'>-6300 ADULTS ONL y S48-97S5 17301 K .. 1 .. , Ln. "~ ™' I .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. $ i\Vest ot Beach nr Slaler). BRAND NEW ' """"' ' "''h• . .,,rn ,.,.1, 25. Per Wk. & Up FURN. 1 • 2 ,.. •Pt• 2 car fArage. Avail, Jan. 15 Bachelor & 1 BR. hld pool, dov.'lllown H.B. No children Income Pro,.rty ~ c"'RA=a"'ou"'s""AD""UL"""'T""u"'v"'IN"''G I INVEST NOW! I 2 Br, 2 Ba, bi-rise: bldg, Ex-Your investment opportun-I s:itin&' bay & ocean vie\v, jfy or a lifetime Is JIBRE. I Jacuzzi pool, e I e v a I or1, Chvner leaving area and has 1 subterrnnean pk'c, boat cut Plice $5.450 ior JMMED- l!lips avail tor tenant1. JATE S!\LE? 5 sharp 2 bed· 642-2202 room units, ene is a 5epar-I NEAR. Beach $165 per mo ate hom• for O\\'Tiet·. iar-I yrly. Cozy l bdr &e den. ai::;es, fent'ed patios. ALL on I 1'Tplact:. BearnM ceilings, large lo! \1'ith roon1 to bulld. 11 crptcd, drpg, lilove k reh'ig. C'kk;e to 111ajor shopping, Jt Adlts Only. no pets. ti75-Ul9 i>chools and OOu1'clles. R.E-1 DUCED to $59,5CO 1vith 6.6'J. I loan lransferrable \VITH· ti OUT INTERE S T IN-11 CR.EASE. :>ubm1t y 0 u I • terms. I e •• t &luff 52.42 or Feb. 1. $275/mo. 1naid ser\'it'E'. Kitchens & er pets. :)36.7396 e NEW DELUXE e Bay&: Beach Realty, Tnr. TV Rvait. 450 Victoria (Nr l========= $150 & $170 3 Br, :1 Ba Apt. for lease :_~er DriveE Suite~!: ;-""'"'""='',..· """"',..,--~~~ Oransi• County 46PQ Incl. spal·. mastr. suite, din ves. 2 BDRM. 2 BA, i;unken liv. UTILITIES PAID rm. &. dbl. garage, aulo, BAYFRONT roo1n, frp!c, cpts, drps, SINGLE Adult.!5, Lux u r Y 1 & 2 Bdm1, 2 n~m pools. door OJX'ne.r avail. Pet ok. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, family homt. patio. Nicely furn. Gar garden apts, w/full reeiTa· Adulls oni;', no pets. f\lrn Pool &: rec. area. Nr. Cath- Sancly beach. Priva1e oom-avail. Adults only_ $175 r.1o. tion factlitie:s I: complete u desired. 642-Jm o!Jc Church. munity, $500 mo, y rl y. 1255 Baker. ~eves. privacy. South Bay Club 301 Avocado St, c.rif. e ONLY $245 • 675-1005 a27-6.i67 MERRIMAC WOODS Apts. 277 So. Brookhurst, See J\f&"r on pmnlSh 865 Amlgos \'~ay, N.B. Anaheim ITI4J 772-4500 ~ BR. 2 ba., den, din. rootn. Fu111 units avail, See .ad un. HARBOR GREENS LARGE 3 BR. 2 BA. Cust. Jn Cliffhaven. $300 der class 5100. 425 fl.1erri-Garden Grove 4610 decorated. Split-level. Vie1v- G«>rae Williamson, Realtor mac \\lay. 543-&00 ---------I pool. Avail Jan 4th. $3l:i mo. 673-4350 673-1~ F.ves ~"'"G BACIU:l.DR unturn t to m 644-2039 LOVELY luwnhse 2 BR. 2 BA. Frplc, new cpts. Im· med. poss. $250. Ai:: I, 646-0132 Newpo rt Shor" 3220 $145 & up -AITR.ACTIVE, l ,,.,. LE Adults Lu x u r Y $110. Also avail l • 2 &: 3 ========= bdr., pool, util paid, garde11 garden ap~ v.·ith ('OUntry Bdl"m. lleated pools, child living, adults, no pe1s, 1800 club atmosphere and com-care center, adj to i;hopp~. Corona del Mar S250 \\'11.llace Ave., C.~I. plete privacy. SOlITJI BAY No pet1J. * NASSAU PAL:,IS * CLUB APT'S 13100 Cbapman 2700 Peter&oll Way Ave:., Garden Grove (TI4 ) Costa 1.fesa 546-0370 J &. 2 BR. Pool 636-30.'IO I--------- 177 f~. 22rni St. "41-:'i645 !"'======== L1gun1 aeach J BR, 2 BA, Yc&rly lease, Atkinson-Peebler Apt!! $250 mo. l BR. laundry. adults. 4705 HACIENDA HARBOR ~ ON TEN >.CRES 50-29'Jl or 642• 7:>19 691 Victoria·. 548-6138 1 &: 2 BR. Furn 6 Unfurn Fittplace1 I priv. patics I Pools. Tennis • Contnrl Bktst. 900 Sea Lane, CdM 6%-:lfill t~1acArthur nr. Coll.st Hwyl I========= jST:>BacMlor. Rttrig & hot pl11tt>. Util pd. Woman only. Un iversity Park 3237 612-5046 4 BR home, Turtle Rock. $350 mo. incl gardner 3 BR Uni. Park T/lf $335 incl W&D. ref. 3 BR ne1v Uni. Pk. T/11 $300 mo. J\1o, to nlo. 3 BR Village III hoine $400 Brand new~! 2 BR Village Ill Brand New. Ju~t $275 mo. 3 BR home, Univ. Park $300 mo. • Red 1'1ill Realty SJ.1--08~\l Bick Bay 3240 EXECUTIVE Home 5 BR, 3 BA. Cpts, drps, elec bhns. $300. 546-6740 2 Story Colonial 4 BR, 21,!. BA $325 mo. Ref & deposit. 2-ID:l Bonnie Pl. T:>S--0328 Coron• del Mar 32SO --~---~-~-lfUGE 2 BR. Din. rm., bllns, 11.1 ha., !rplc. New cpts. Fantasti~ pa!lo; 2 car garage. $275 t-.fonlh Scenic Properties 673-5116 :J BR. 11,; BA dplx. Pr'i heh. Vie\\', frplc. Adul15, no pets. $2'l5 mo. 646-2290 DUPLEX -2200 sq. ft. 4 BR, 2'i BA, bltns, frplc. Gar. $325 mo/lse. 540-7573 Huntington Beech 3400 .f LARGE BR. 2 BA, frplc. new cpts & drps, dbl gar, fen1.'t(I back yd. $2 ~0. 962-899~ NE\V 3 BR. all hltn~. rpts, lge ~·rl. 1valk lo Deach. $20:'j, 544-9506 S•nt1 An• Heights 3630 ~~~~--~-~ • Cottage, l Bdrm, all util. itie!': paid, yard, no pets. $11 0. 2335 Elden. C.M. Newport Beach 4200 Newpo11 Beach GRAND OPENING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Lu.'l:ury garden apartments ottering complete privacy, beautiful landscaping & un- paralleled recreational facil· ities in a country club at- LARGE modern h i llside studio. 1 f'mployed adult. $115. Incl util. 4!1!}..3464 SEE NE\V VILLAGE INN Steps tO beach. $35. V.'k $145 mo. LAGUNA 494-72(}1 Dan• Point 4740 mospherl'. Now leasing in LARGE, Modem l BR apt. Newport Beach. Pool, $145. mo, 499-2055 or 1'~urnished or unfurnlshed 496-2409 Models epen 10 Am to 8 pm I ---~~~---- Rents from S153 to $31.D. Kt:N f Al5 OAKWOOD Apt•. Unfurnl1hod _ GARDEN Gon•••I sooo APARTMENTS ORLEANS APTS. Z & 3 BR avail. Adults onl.v. 17~1 Tustin. Cu~ta J\l<'Q ?.tgr. t.trs. Carson, 642-4641 MARTINICj)UE GARDEN APTS Excellent park-like surround- ings w/hcated p00h1. Extra parking. Ne 1 r &hopp.inr. Adults only. :! & J BR APTS 1771 Santa Ana Ave., C.M. l>fgr. Apt 113 646-5a42 -Fairway Villa Apts r-.'Hr Orange Co. Ai.rpo1·t & COROUDO APTS. -i Br. Lo1o,·er levtls, studios, pent- house, 1"rplca.. pool. dbl. CArPOrtS, patio~. $180 • $220, 673-Jl?g Huntington leech 5400 NICE 2 .I: 3 bdNJ. Crpted &: drped. Nwly decor. 3 blkl from heh. 3 bdr w/dbl at- tached gar&: lrp!Ace. 536-lTil CHEZ ORO AP'J'S. 82.34 AUanta, H.B. Nu, .I, ::?, 3 br'1. Priv. gar, pool. Util rm. ~38 <ll' 5.16--2771. COZY. l bdrm, c pts, walk le beach & town, sm. yard. Avail Jan . .1. 5J6.3507 2 BQRMS, 2 BA. pvt. patio, heati!d poo l, v.·uher A: dryer hook up. 962-8994 L•guna Be•ch 5705 VENDOME UCL Adult& only. 20122 17(ij 16th Street Santa Ana Avt. 540-2796 APTS LEASE OR RENT TI4; 642-8170 New I or 2 bedroom, private SINGLE Ad"' L IMMACULATE .t..PI'S! -~===~==-sundeck, \\'a.II •-w •I I ' wts u Xu r 'i ADULT I: FAMILY LUXURIOUS NEW ~ ganl'" apts with '°"""" SECTIONS AVAILABLE """t, .,, .. , vi•w, kitoh<o club atmosphere Rnd 1'001· furn, Underground parking, plete privacy. SOUTH BAY Cloae to •hopping, Park t & 2 BDRTlf, beautiful swim close to bee.ch. 494-9633, r-.tr. CLUB APTS. Irvine at 16th, * Spacious 3 Br'a, 2 Ba pools. Adults, no pets. Brack N-~-Be•oh. * 2 Bedrooms ALL UTTUTlES PAID ~ •. ,....., • Swt p I -·/ UNUSUAL 2 sty 2 Br apt, (714) "'!:. ~ .. m 00' &"U< rrttn 307 Avocado St, C.TIT. See '""'""""' • Frpl, Indiv/lndry fac'ls ,.1 A < N 5 trplc, city & coastline view, MESA MOTEL 1845 Anaheim Ave, ''v';LL~ MoE.sA APTS ~-~~·.~~is~~ blk beach, * LO\V WEEKLY RATES* COSTA MESA &42-2824 " BR unfurn, .,,. ~o·-, hid K. 1 """!"""""""'"'""~!!!!·I" .-""' OCEAN FRONT 2 BR, 2 BA. 1tchen. ,rv·~. ma.id ser· I' • pool. 2 car encl'l gar, Olil-Yrly $250 or Sl.85 furn, ,<VJN- vict. Heated Pool. RENT • dren ..,,·eJcome, no pet 1 TER enl'i! Newly dee. 646-9681 3 Room1 Furniture please! $160. Also tum $185. Adults, no pet!. 538-209.i I & 2 BR furn & unfurn. $150 $19.95 & . UP n9 \V. \ViOOn. 6"6-l2jl. • $175. Cpls. drp11, bltns, TOWNHOUSE CLEAN, gpacioUA I BR, on I II 1'~ Pl t" J:Onth-T0-M1"1th Rentals i;ecluded s~t. So. Laguna. poo • J>ll 0 · ;uu Acen aa \VIDE SELECTION New 2 BR, 11.t BA & I I.:. 2 S15fi. 499-1115 \\"ATERF'RONT w I boa I NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. BR. Q-pls, drps, Sf'lr c.lng ===-====== riock. LiJ\"ely 2 BR, palio, llF'RC f'urnitu~ Rentals o~n . 645-21~. 3TI \Y. \\'iJ50n Yrly Ill". 673-0Cf.O or 697-5918 317 \V. l!Jth, Ci\f 548-3481 STUDIO apt, 2 BR, i i. BA. Corona def Mir 4250 Costa Mesa 5100 2 BR, I BA, blk!octan & bay. Vlew. Pn patio. Adults. no pets. $200 yrly. 1558 CORIA NDER. Dr.: Deluxe 'l BR, 2 BA. garage:, $1.55 mo, Adults, no pets. 546-2044. Paho, closed garage, nr shopping. Adult.s, no pets. $14j_ 642-2389. Dana Point 5740 2 BR &: den, $15.>. mo. Heated pool, oeean view. 499-2055 or 496-2409 REAL ESTATE Gentral Rentela Wanted 5990 \-ii ACRE horse ranch. and/or 1 ~'~7>-_7_6~"~----llcemed dog kennel. Clean 3 1 BR. blk to ocean & bay. Br house, 3 children ok. Adult!!. no pet&. $155 yrly. 2885 MENDOZA DRIVE 1 &. 2 BR apts. 2 split-level CID, bltn&. No pets . 54~. See lt!.g'r, Apt A QUIET 1 I 2 Br garden apt. Bltns, paUo, htd pool , adults, no peta. $160 mo, 546-5163 2 BR, 1% BA, Studio. New cpta &: drps. Family welcome. e LANDLORDS e FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker SU-6982 $250. ~r 54>25.16 673-7629 General ..000 G.neraf 4000General S@\\dfr~A-~f.,~S9 The Puule with ihe Built-In Chuckle I' I I I' ' J Judge1 "Vw'hat'a the charge agoin$1 this mon?" Lowy.r: .. As.soul! orx/ bat- tery,'' Judge: .. Put liim in o - -. 0 Comcile!e the ehut.ltl• quot.d b'( lollonj I~ t~e ,,,l1&11"IO WOfd• you d•~•loi:t 1om .sltp No. 3 k low. ft PRINT NUMUl!fO l[11[RS I ~ IN THESE SOU"-V.£ S r I' I' I' I 1) UNS.CRAMSlf l [TTElS I 101 ANSW(I! 11 I I I I I 4000 6J7.2fM:'I LGE. 2 BR. Pool. Crpt. & drps, Kids ok. 19M Maple Apt 3, MS-28M or 646-7005. WANTED TO LEASE: Vcty O.C.C. 3-4 Br unf\lm houite . Occupy Jan al, pvt pty. ~ M 877 Dally Pilot. SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9600 Walker & Lee I :?013 \l/estclilt Dr. I 646-lnl DUPLEX COM. 2 houses. $55,000, $8.000 down. Income: I $41;) r-.to. 61!Hi044 Business Preperty 6050 RESIDENC~. garage, en I large t-.1-1 lt1t. $21,000. 922 i Sunset Or. Ci\f S3J -9094 & I 64&-4788. I lusin"s Rental 6060 I ROOi\I Suit.able for gilt i;hop, I men·~ shop or ladie!'l shop. W Call Jim Berkshire, 673-9405 I Sl'ORE. Ofc., 1lesk space. I 1842 Nt"\\'JIOrl Blvd. C.t-.1. tlf SjO. mo. j4,8.-0,)g8 • l Office Rental 6070 I AIRPORT CENTER I Ne\\' l, 2 .ii; 3 room deluxe: suites . Adj. new 1.tacArthur Blvd. :r ro m It! $125. Call 546-7843. R 600 SQ. F7. 2 oUiccs &: I reception area; adja"ceut 1o I Orangf' County Bi rport., 540-8814 S!ltAIJl. Olfice en busy cor-ner Costa r.1esa . $55/month I utilitie~ included. 642-6fl60 I HUNTINGTON BEACH ! Air Conditionff • ON llACH ILVD. I Desk space avBilabl~ tn i newest officf! building at I prime location in Huntini=· 1 ten Beach. Air condilloned, beautiful entrance. Fl"Ont· &ge on Beach Blvd., rear I leads to private parking lot. $50 per month for I space. De:1k jjnQ cnairs avaiJAble for S5. B111ines1 . hours Bnswering service I Bv&ilAbl e for $10. AH utlll-I tie:,~;,:~~~llLi~::~ne:.111 HUNTINGTON llACH '42-4J21 Offlct Rental 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FORESI' A VENUE Desk space available In nev.·cst f>ffiee building at prime location In downtown Laguna Bca<"h. Air condl· Lioned, carpe:ed, beautiful entrances; Frontage on Forest Ave., rear leada to I fl..funcipaJ parking lots. $50 I per month for space. Deak and chairs 11.vaila.ble for $5. Business hours answerlns service available tor $10. All utllities paid cXcept telephone. DAILY PILOT 222 FORES"I' A VENtJli: LAGUNA BEACH -nl -1000 SQ. FT. Newport Beach Civic Ctr. area. Secretarial 8ttVtct1. 3345 Newport BJvd., N . 8 . 675-1601. I It 's the WE SELL 3 HOMES PER DAY LET YOURS BE NEXT CALL FOR FREE APPRAISAL tNo Oblisi•tion) THIS IS IS NO TIME TO ADVERTISE OUR STAFF SAYS TO WISH ALL OUR CLIENTS AND FRIENDS A -·-· AND Sp E A ',. , . , .. . , l i ' • • • • ' ' ' . ' , , ' ' . l ~I -· l l l ' ' • ' • • ' ' • . • • . . . . • • • • • • ' ' • r -·--------------~-...... -----·-----------------~~ ........ --~ .. .. .. . ·r :· .. ;. :: .. • ··-• .. .. . . : .. •• .. •• • .· .. ·: :: :: ·. .. :: .. :· .. •• •' • . DAILY PILOT Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD ,, I 1. Sfov1 2. Guitar 3. B•lty Crib 4. Etfttric Saw S. Camera 6. W11sher 7. Outboard Motor 8. Stereo Sat 9. Couch 10. Ch1rinet 11 . Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing M1chint 14. Surfboard 1$. Machin• Tool• 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 18. Cabin Cr uiser 19. Golf Cart '20. Barometer 21 . Stamp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23. Pl1y Pen 24. Bowling Ball 25. W1t1r Skis 26. Frttttr 27. Sultc1s1 28. Clock Will Sell Fast! ' 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31. Bar Stoolt 3'2. Encyclopedl1 33. V•cuum Cl11tn1r 34. Troaictl Fish 35. Hof Rod Equipm't 36, File Cabinet 37. Goll Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41. Slid• Pro jector 42. lawn Mower 43. Pool T1blt 44. Tires ,.S, Pi1no 46. Fur Coat .. 7. Dr1pe1 48. linens ' 49. Horse SO. Airplane St . Organ S'2. Exercvc:le S3. Rare Book• 54. Ski Boots SS. Hioh Ch ai r 56. Coins 57. El ectric Tr1ln SI. Kitten S9. Classic Auto f..0. Coffee Table 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 65. Workbench 66. Diamond Watch 67. Go-Kirt 68. Ironer 69. Camping Treiler 70. Antique Furniture 71 . Tape Recorder 72. Sailbo1t 73. Sports Cir 74. Mattress, Box Sp9' 75. lnbo1rd Speedho•t 76 . Shotgun 17. Saddl• 78. Dart G.J mt 79. Punching 81!1 110. Bebv C1rrl19• 81 . Dr ums 82. Rifle 13. Dosk 14. SCUBA Gou These or any other extra thln9s around tli• house may be turned Into cosh with a DAILY PIL-OT WANT-AD so Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 * * * * * """ Whoddyo Wont1 Wh•ddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS ' s,..c1.1 R1to S Linff -S times -S buck1 ll:ULl!I -AO MUff lNCLUOI! 1-wi..1 \1811 "•" te ""''-1-Wl'I•' YoV ••"' '" ,,,.._ ~YOUll: llftOl'lt '""'"" -rwt.L •-) h~1 of '"'"'1llln~ ._,,,O'YHINO FOii SALi! -TJllAOE$ ONLY I PHONE 642.5671 To Place Your Treder'• P1r1dlM All * 1967 32' ChrtA Cr , E-11de l Br hm i: 2 rear eng. fUlly equipped, ,.,ry apta S29.~ val. or 2 hms clean. \Vill trade eqty tor w/J rea.r apts. mo tnc S788, home or car or anythlnr. s.59.500 val. Trd $33M eq tor 5-18-24.14 aft 6, 642-4741 af1 6 S.Cal tun. Ownr/bkr &MNf;JQ SERVICE DIRECTORY When You Want it done right ... Call one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY &.by•lttlng 6550 Carpet Cleaning -'--''-----' 6625 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ltndsc:1ping 6110 TAKATA NURSERY BABYSITTING, my home weekly, d a I I y, eve11. Reasonabl r , ttliable . 64z...ti037 EXP'D Baby51tter my ho1ne by the week. Victon11. &: Harbor an'il, CM. MS.t..in CARPET &: t~um cleaning: for l day aervice &:. quality work, Call Ster lin&: for bnghtne.55! 642-8520 Diamond Carpet Cleaners 187 2111 St. Costa t.lesa Home &: Apt Oeaning 64!>-1317 t'rft estimates Best Design Sprinklers Installed Drain Pipe Installed Tree trtm &. aean·up 546-0724 Brick, Masonry, etc.. 6560 Cnpot loylng i. P1perhtngln9 ~"~'~---"-so_, Scuba equipment, tank. l't.1:· ulator, H.P. gau.gp, knile &. sheaf, etc., valllt' S200. \Vtll trade for 1mall transpor. t.ation car, 494-8946 -------'-"-Ropoir 6126 ./ $140,000 1st T.D. BBU~k. bl.!:~.model, .repair FOR CARPETING Trade for Income. Beach-nc • uuo., concrete, IN'I'./EXT A\~r. Ext SLZ7.50 labor only. 8 yr. guar. painting avatl, Also. Aptll &: Co1nm'I. 548-1S46 EX·PAlNTER, now sch! teacher will paint eves & v.·knds. Xlnt \\'orkmanship, Free e1t. 646-4519. 540-0062 P AINTING. ]>aperhan,-ing, 25 Yr! e:qier. Old entry ' workffian1hip. Reas. Free est. 641-1322 Trade 27'' 1V low console, mahogany cabinet. X I n t condition. tor PortabJ,. TV with UllF. 536-llJl * REAL ESTATE Gener1I * Office Rent1I 6070 FINE STORE/OFFICE For Le•s• On Vi• Lido Approx. 1500 Sq. Ft. SOe Per Ft. Ranch home, stock, or ?7 carpentry, no job loo :s.l!lall. OR CARPET LAYING CM·ner Llc. Contr. 962-6945 C. A. Paa:e 642·2070 (71~) 459-3100 BUll.JJ, Remodel, reJliltr -·-· -----------1 Buick, block. concr ele, Electric1J 6640 What do yoU have to trade? ~arpentry, no job loo zmall ELECTRICAL Service & Li.st it 'beJ'9 -in Orange Lie. Contr. 962-6945 . 24 c-7 d N I========== I repa1r. "''" ays. o Counl;y'1 lan:est read trad· ,.. b too ' -" n -mod I & lu•ineu Service 6562 m ...... or-e • lnK post -a.o1 make a deal. _ ------additioms. Jf it's electrical, * * * SMILEY'S Business Services v.·e fix it! 646-4772 Floors 666S HOLIDAY SPECIAL, l ilt. i: Ext. painting. Lie &: lnsurd Free ests. Local refs. 30 )'I'S REAL ESTATE General Taxe$, C.P. A. bookkeeptn.i;-, In&uran~. ~.1utual fund! & Real Esta.le investm,n\5, Notary. &16-9666, 642·2221 CARPETING ex per, "Chuck" 645-0809 Ei;chan~!.':_ R. E. '230 \\'ILL tra<i4o 2 BR on extra deep lot m &m0g·lree {be· l1eve It or not I in So. Alham· bra or 4 BR 2·story 2 BA in San Diego. dose in but·coun. try • quiel. for 2 or ;i BR Laguna. 1039 Meade AV!'., Sa.111 Diego. f'l"l"e f!stimate Lie. contr. * PAINTING • Jnt./Ext. ===·=·~="'='=·=.....,..=="=='I Loca!. references. lmm!d. service. 646-5242, 646-3657 INCOJ\'IE Tax -Personal & Corporate Rf'tw·ns: Avta· lion, i\lf'd1cal & J\farine a Specialty. Pub Ii r Ar· cou.nta.nt. 6Ta-1196 f'"or Ap- rwnntmC'n!. G•rdening GARDENING & landscap1ng, I.. yni exp .Clr:an-up, sprinklers 1ns·t'd I: repaired. 673-U66 AL'S Garoeniri& &: Lawn f\falnte~. Commercial, C1rpenterln9 6590 industnal I: residential, -* 646-3629 * CARPENTRY JAPANESE Gardene r , For Better Painting, Inter- ior &: e>.1.er1or, acoustic ceil. ing1. 646-40n YOU Supply The Pamt. 1 br apt painted Slll. 2 hr $40. 3 br SJ(). 540-7M6. EXTERIOR· INTERIOR & r.tAINTENANCE • 646-JlSJ • LIDO REAL TY INC. 3377 Via Lido 67l-7300 t.10DERN 3 room IUt!e, cpts., air cond, janitor aer. [ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; vice, ample parking. MINOR REPA~S. No Job exp'd, comp. yard service. Too Small. Cab1ne l ln l lll'-Free estimate. 96S-2303 Plastering. Repair 6880 e PATCH PLASTERING All types. Free estimate• So. Calif. 1st Nat. Bk Bldg. 230 E. 17th Street Cm.ta Mesa &12--148:i MARINER'S CENTER Office in Store Bldg. Rent or la. S7~12:i. Beauty llhop, sc·me ~uip. 119 Riverside Avl'., N.B. 646-241~. lndustri1l Rental 6090 ---·----NEW BUILDING 12bO Logan Av,. C.o~ta i\[Psa Each unit JT'.J sq 11 . :> olf· Ice~. 2 rest rooms. JI0/220 rleclr1r. Amp!" parking C. Robe.rl Nallrc!S Rral!or Costa i\Jr111 l>-12·148,j M l Shop. 20 X -to' 111·1 Placentia Al ''· 110/220 "Jee. :J.18-lM2 lot. 6100 1W DEGREE VIEW of ocean & coutline, small but bldable Jot, Laguna Sch. PaV1ng & util in art. 1st of ;vr. Low dn 11•/low mo. pyl . ·194-8100 or .\9-1-\ \.17 BEACH LOT 3:,·x::i:,·. Steps rrom ncea11 .\:?:'.000. pi!rl may he ~ubor· dinatrd. Sub m i I oUen. 67.'.).5693 DBL. lot v.·/ old SJliln. 1.tyl" h5". 3 Br. 1 Ba., Rcdu cf'd to Sl7.000 for quick M.l!" by O\\'nl'T. 546-3767 Anxious to SeU7 Commemal prbpertie.1 v.·alll· ed for strong buyer. Prefer good Orange Co. location. Should have some f'inancin& or seller willing ro carry T.D. If you want to 1eU, please cail K. \V. Small Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. J818 \V. Otapmiln Avr. Orange.'. C-jliI. ~).11·'16Zl, Ev<'s·,vkncls illl·J97I L\IMEDIATELY.hf'st home, S t.000 ma.•an1um total do11'n I.· r·o~I. $~7.1 ma'(. lnlal pyn11.c. Pn,al" party, :"148-9491'1 S~AL!. llon1r Or Duple'.'., Corona d<'I ?ltar. By Prin· r1plr , Call 67!>-rllJ . BUSINtS~ •na FINANCIAL -----Bus. Opportunities 6300 SOMETHING NEW: In this day when franch1SU1g Js reaching the good rrpu· la.lion I\ enjoys -1t"s great to find a truly ~ invest· mf'nt. Ont> that offers him a ve1·y h1i;h and fast return on h1~ 1nvt'stment dollar, v.1thou1 tylllg up tht:-enor- mous capital that most fran. t:hist?s do. This v.·, have un· 11uestionably the best <'ppor. tunity for lhr small investor Jn A loflg lime. You can v.·ork eitht'r P<U1 or tull time ;ind !'am e\"ceptJonal]y high ==========I f'arnings, You do need at 1ras1 il.49J.oo cash to start. }"or furthrr infonnation Lake Elslnor• 6202 ----~-----I -...Tltf' including telephone to North Amcriean, 445 East 2t1d South, Sui1e :t:;, Salt Lake Cuy. Utah 84111 . 3 ADJOINING h1!1Jilde lakev1cw· lots, nl!ar ca.!HllO $3.000 . .jJS..2449 1 ACRES 40 n1Ue~ not'!h of Reno near I-foney l,ake al foot or S1r1,,.as. Level. ch:~ar. $3.00(). :.136-21-l!l LIQUOR hc·s. LO\V PRICES! ON SALE for ORA.i'1GE and ~AN DIEGO COUNTIES Call coller t for best pric.!"! (~13) :!7'.!-4249 NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD Fo r Fast Service & b ptrl Assi,tanc• DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT ages a: o t he r cabinet.. 545-8175. Uno answer leave LAWN k GARDENING SER. msg at 646-2372. H, o. VICE Free e1timate1 • Rea· Anderson sonable 673-8268 Call 540-Q25 GEN. RA!pai.r. Add. Cab. JIM'S Gardening & Formica Panelin&: Marlite. maintenance. Rer; It. Anything! Call Dick, n1ercial. * 540-4837 laWn Plum"-'-bic.n,,1 ____ 6'-l'-'90-' com· -PLUMBING REPAIR No job too 1mall 673-4439 CLEAN·UP SPECIALlSf • 642-3128 • REPAIR. Partitions, Sinall f\'lowing, edging. odd jobs. remodel, c!c. Nile or day Reasonable. 54M9:xi Roofing 6950 Reas! Call KEN J40..4679 · REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS H_•_ul_ln~·~-----6_7_30 ALL TYPES: rock, wood & asphalt :.hinglps. LEAKS * CABINETS. Any _\;izl' job YARD/Gar, Ot?anup. Re· REPAIRED. \Vork iuar. :!j yrs f'XJK'r. ;)..18-flTI:: move , lt-ees, l\J'. trash. 84i-ll36 CARPENTRY. Cabinets Gradf". backhoe. 962--8745 ==========-! Remod. No .}Ob loo small, qual 'l'ork. Call &1&--z.:;76 Cement, Coner• .. 6600 CEJ\tENT \\'ORK. m joh 100 s1nall. resonablc. Fef' cstim. I-1. Stu!lick 54S.861~ B t.O CK fence1-Driveway! P at i o s-Planters-Remodel- lng Lie. 642·9852 e Haulins. Havf' ~. ton pickup, liccn.sed '1 insured. 49-1-1003 CINn Up •nd H1ul- s10 a load. 646-:?528 Clean Up And H1ul SIO a klad. 6"6--2528 HouseclHnin1 6735 Sewi"' 6960 • Dressmaking -Alterations Special on coat hems .. &ls.6416 * TILE, Cer1mic 6974 • VPrM, The Tile Man+ Cust. work. Install &. repell'!. No JOb too small. Plaster patch. Leaking 1howe r repair. 847-19Zi7/846-0206. * CONCRETE F'LOORS. patios, e.tc. Reasonable, Call Don. 6'12-851'1 * APT CLEANING + rast & thorough 642-8164 \Vlllian1s Cleaning Serv. JACK'S HOUSEKEEPfNG I ·T_ .. _._s._,._;_,_. ___ 6_9_BO Complelf' Housecleanm;; Contr•ctor1 6620 5'18-7243 642-8931 TREES Pruned, top p e d , ren1oved. 26 }T5 exper. Aerial lov.er eqp'd. 49+-4j():i and 638-7234 ROOr.t Addll1ons -Patio,o;... Block Fence:s-Driveways- Planters. 642-9352 Additions * Ren1odehni; }"red J-1.'" Gef"\\1Ck, L1r. 673--6().IJ. ... :>1s.21io BAY & Beach Janitorial Ca1·pets, windows, floors. etc. Res & Co1nmc·1. 646-l~Ol 'T=R=E=E-s=E=R=v=1=c=E=.-.-,-,.=,-,-ml~ CARPETS, Windows, Ors. cleanup. SP RI N KL E R etc. Res or Comc'I, Xlnt REPAIRS 646-5&18 \\"Ol'k Rea.s! Refs. ~ill GENE'S TREE~s=E=R=v=,- C•rpet Cleaning 6675 e \VI NDOWS DIRTY? rree est. 15 yeilT!I exp. Johnny Dunn 6-12·2364 Trees, shrubbery tnmm~. klor removed. 54~1359 IT 'S \\'ONDERFUL t h e Upholstery 1 ~---'-----A-OK 1hampoo Chrisbnas 6990 special $7.50 rm-ICM !or many buys in apphances halls etc. Also c om p you find in the Clusilied houM>cln'g 827-3182 Ads. Check them now! CARPE.'T & upholstery steam IT'S Beach house time. Bii:;· cleaned, also carpet 111· gest selection ever! See the ~tallation. Re sults gua.i'. For DAILY PILOT Classilied free est. Call &16-S911 secllon NOW! BUSINESS 1nd FINANCIAL ------- GZYKOSKI'S Cu:st?n. Uphol. European CraJt.smanshlp 100~ fin! 642-1-154 1831 Nt!wport Blv. CM. TIIE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE QUTCT\ER YOU SELL I ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES Bui, Opportunities 6300 Found (Freo Ads! 6400 ! Lost 6401 ----------1 Sr>I ALL bull color dog. curly A!soc1ate f\1ANUF ACTURER SlT,jOO ln\'estmPnt into th~ no. l Business ol the da_y. la yr. tu story o( succtss. no" l!'Xpanding opcralion!L lo So. Calif. Complete factory in· stalled & ready to i;o. \\'ill train Principal of r.tgmt. abilitiei;. Contact i1nmed. Once in a hfethne oppor. lo ma.kP that high lncoml! Tnost people dream ol. Starunsi; ~lar,i· ~12.000 -~ubstanl1al profits. Call Ken Chflord 17141 77· ... iOJJ '.\"'E\V FOOD fDt;A lndu~tnaJ Con1plex LC':a11e:r. .:11·a1I lhl~ a1t'a. Beef· Tl'lro· Buri;er· Chick<'n• Dooi;hnuts •I< f'".lr i11lorn111t1on 1·111 l\lr. \Yorld 5-ll·OOIJ Money to 1..oen 6320 2nd TD Loan Prompt, <.'Onilclentisl serYICI!: 642·7171 545-0611 &Nin' Harbor l\tta :'.l"1 .vrs. S•ttler Mortgage Co. S36 E. tilh St~I Mortg•ges, T .D.'1 6345 SEASONED 4 -1.11 TD'z; S5.2l1 Apl'flllX. bal t<a ch: !l"'li, all due 1S mo! 10~ D1!1C. 497·1210 !5400 J&t TD. 8%. G mos SeaK.lned . Due 2"1 yrs. 12% n11e. •~OO 491-1021 e'-•· tall. hart1Pss. Found SUn. night on Coar;t H\\')'. ni· Mon-- Arch Bay, S, La,una. .......,. 5r.1ALL, Black female dog \\'/brv.•n mrkgs. We 11 trained. Collar ha:r. been removed. Vic Bay St. cr.1. &l2-27i4 FOUND. Black &: 11·hite kit· ten "'/collar near 2200 block of Placentia Av'I!', SM-25.19 01' 64:J..JIH3 YOUNG I e n1 8 I ~ pup, blk/ilY· terrier or poodle ini.'i. vie. l\lesa del t.tar. "' >--121)8 CAWCO gt1ld fl:sh. black, \1•h1te k oran,r. ~ or ·J9U608 . FOUND: EYE GLASSES, t.ten'1 or boys~ Costa r.1esa, hfaple A"'t'!, (12..23) LT 8-1620 CALICO &old ftsh. bla.ck, white &: ~· ~ or LOS!" SJA:.\1ESE CAT Prized pet Joi;t near Hoai Hospital Saturday, December 21Jth. Four yearll old. dark color1 male. Had collar "'lth name "Cognac" and nam" of owner. Horst 01ies1, 1141~ E. Bay Ave , Balboa. 6i~'23:l5 or 67"J-Sl.33 WEIJ\fARANER. ~ v.·/scar on stomach. Vic. Edinger &: S!!ach. Reward 847-:i200 ?-fALE Sia111ese cat. J;).32.A l\f1ra1nar, Balboa. 12/22 s1:; re~·ard. 673-4417 aJt 5:30. Ot.D English 11heep do~. nial,, appx 3 mos old. vie Fairview Dr I.: Avocado. c.r.t, 642.-JS.15 LOST; Fe.1nale lnsh Setter F\ei Collar w/owner 's name. Vic. F'a.1IVM!:w t... A 'j"""°· 6tl.J8.15 ·-·=~=-,.-=-,-.,-I Per10n1ls YELLOW a: white kitten, '°"' haim. VlC. Collqp " \VU!i<>n St&.. 548-3965 IRISH SttlC'I". Tus'tin &: Dtl l\la.r. 0.1. 548-33-17 lost ... , FANTASTIC VOYAGE Tht 11-orld• tnof.t beauntul ship ttw: 135' a 1pper BanfU!! ?-I 0 N T E CRlSTO l!'l\'lng soon for around lh!. •"Orld GREAT Pynnneea All 'll'h\t@ Room lef1 for h' ~ M!1tr1bo1t • mnle dOE lo!t Laguna Beach Re"'·ard 49-M>l~I ini; mf!n or l\Omt'n c re · =~~~--~---1 membPn. At!o ~eded Doc • Bl.I\ Chi .. brol."'n left ear, he tor, Cook, .i;h1p·~ carpent"r no. 56655. crill coUecl Cll31 t.tARINA CORTEZ, Mn DI· 589-39:)2 Reward! ego f7l(l ?91~, GREEN Parakttt w/ ~"t.llow ALCOHOLICS • Anonymous patch on be1d. tnendly. '"1C Pbol'Je 54Z-72JT oi.· wni. to f.ftse Verde. Rew. $15.3Sl.1 P.O. Box 1223 O:>sta Men, I I I I I ..... ~ ....... ...... ' ,,---....... ......,---.,----,,::---------,,JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS &·IMl'LOYMINT JOBS & IMPLOYMIN"f JOBS & EMPLOY~_..,iJriii<i&iiWonvlil;iiF.Tt\JitJLiillior7ivll ' -:..,.. ... -· JOIN THE 'SELLERS CIRCLE' WE'RE SAVING SPACE FOR YOU ·-• • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'If you sell e service and don 't advertise in the DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you 're doin9 business the ha rd way· The Service Diractory (classifications bSOO • 7000 in the classified ad section daily I 9 1 v e s you an edvanta9e you 9et through no other adver- tisin9 medium. It rea ches customers who are reedy t o buy. Be there when your prospeds come into the market looking for the services you have to sell. If your service is·n't .listed , we'll start a category just for you. Pick up the phone right now and reserve your space in the "Sell.ers Circle " Your Direct · Liiie to Directory Results . ' 642-567. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED AD DEl'ARTMENT Job>-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobt-Mon. W~omiii. ~7~100~1;J;•;"';;;:=;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;;~;;;;;;:;~;; \Schools.IMlructlon 7600 8eneflci1I Tix Services, Inc. .... School•ln1tructlon 7* Assemblers Burroughs Corp. FREE TUITION ! JOm 11JE FIELD •:• WITH A FUTURE! ::~ Aie/educ1Uon no bP-.rrl11~; Let us help )'(Ml qua..!!f~ INNKEEl"ERS INSTt 1 u ..... Gu1r1ntffd Job Pl1cem1nt TAX INTERVIEWS INTERNATIONAL :•! Notcl/Hotel/Apt Mgmt s• A 01VIS10N OF :!: New Commercial Computer Plant MIS1SION . VIEJO or Men l Women Who Would Like 10 Be) --· ALL AGES ANTHONY SCHOO! .. «: •:• 1n 7 S. BROOKJIU~.,.::: FULL OR PART TIME ANAHEU.I, CAUFORNJ~; puses tonn every wee~, • PHONE FOR AP~.~ Send your name, address and phone number and area preference in a brief letter telling us your education and occupation to: MEN l WOMENI Mk for Betty TI~ MERCHANDISE POR:f. SALE AND TRADE ;:; Robort Mitchell, Box 1863, N.B. 92663 CO?>IPUTER PROGRA?>l· ·:r.1ING 15 THE KEY TO YOUR PROFITABLE ' ' .. , Now taking applicatioRs for assemblers at the temporary office 18651 Bon Karman , Ir- vine, California. Some experience preferred. .lobs open in January "'ill be at our location in Irvine. Jobl--Men, Wom. 71® ~l,l!IOl'9 Appl y 8 ain-4:30 pn1 h1onday through Friday J. W. ROBINSON EMPL YOMENT OFFICE 18651 BON KARMAN has,8t1 opening for IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 9266' PHONE' 833·1080 L•dy to work in Men's T1 iloring Dept. ,Burroughs Corp. Apply Perronnf"I r~allhion Island, N.B. Equal opportunity employer FINANCIAL Plann i ni;, a n •qua I opportunity •mployer Insurance, Real E 8 ta te, lnveslment Co u nse Io r . ANNouNtt:MENTS I Guaranteed Leads. Better and NOTICES Jobs-Min. Worn. 7100 than $2:>.000/yr. income. ---------Box 1863, N.B. 9'166:: Parsonals 6405 BEAUTY Operator. female, FRY Cook, Expe r . I 1. · l • Graveyard k relirt shift, *Don't! QVJ w it you ztIU believe in cave lltyle dating. U Hr recording ORANGE CO. 5'17-6668 * LICENSED * p re f e r "' f' 1en le e . 1230 h · ~-"'! \\' 19 ,, . Progrrsl!ive Tl('W 1 a lo n . , · 1 · "" • 1 ::;c., 494-50;,.1 c.~t. '~~~~-~~-~~ BROrtER al!Sistanl, v.'ill Foreign Car Mechanics train. Apply in person. Good co. benefl!s, IIH.:I paid .lack's Restaurant. 18121 vacation, group Ins, uni. &ach. Blvd ll.B alt l PM Jotms furnlllhcd tree Good comn1, schedulf'. ASk for BOYS 10 .. 14 Joe ?i1oore Ph. 540.1764. Carrier Rout~ Open *GARMENT f'ACTORY * Spiritual R.eadin&:, advice for on all matters. Love, Laiuna Beach, So. la:Wll Pxperience. All phases. Call r..farriagc, Business. 312 N. DAILY pnm 1_.,_,.._34"""'"'72"N"''·,..9,,,· ==,.-- E l Camino Real, San 642-4321 HAin Sl'YLlSf Oemente. 492-9136, 492-0076 ---------1\V/Followini;;. 1': x c I us Ive 10 Ai\1 -IO Pi\I BUILDING Shop. . SEMI·retired gent. finest INSPECTOR Call'.O-ST6E"s""s '17 refs. :r.-teet lady 2542 no ~ chik!'.. \v/taste for lifl'l's $754 to $916. nar month 21 or over. Start S2.50 p!!r hr_ finest. Send photo lo Box l\f-• ... -Don Jose' R cs tau r • n t 915 Daily Pilot CITY OF 962-1911 *Alone? YES IT'S YOUR FAULT E"or recorded 1ncssage that \\>ill t:hange your life t:a11 I OP.ANGE CO. !).17·6667 24 hour recording 1 ~n~~ements 6410 FREE basic boating i:oursr. offered lo public by Balboa PO\\'Cr Squadron evt'ry J\Ion. night for 13 v•cek..~ beginning 7 pm Mon. Jan. !Z at Newport J-larbor ·y a r. ht Club, 720 W. Bay Avf'., Newport Beach. No advance registration nC'tded. Register 111 class. Brini; notebook first night. Ques- tioni: ~ 673-1855 SENSITIVITY TRAlNING \\'ORK SHOP A program of interpersonal exercises for small self·di· rccted groups. f\.1inimal charge call 642-8730. 10 AM· 5 Pl\f. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, Women 7020 DAY \VORKER Honest, dependabl"" Call anytime 541-277'2 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Advertising Agency Sharp Secretary f o r faat • pactd Newport Beach Agency. Type 65-70. Shorth•nd 100, organiz:e & f o 11 o w thru. Under 35. .,. i Ptiorle : 641·3910. 425 I N. Newport Blvd. ;\JRCRAFT MEO-IS. \rork over~as. Contact Tom Gasper, 714-7 74-261 0 Assembly, EXP'D. l:LI::CTRONtC As.st'2IBL~RS' \\1lring &. P.C. Board fabrlca- 1.Jon. Appl. fn per80n TRANSJCOilt CORP. 851 W. 18th St., c.r.t. BABYSin'ER. Ior teacher. respon.iblt'!, to take care of 6 yr old girl. 91 ; yr old boy, aft sch! from 'l: 45 to 5; 30 be'g. Jan. 5. Call 830-6484 for interviC'ol.'. Refs drsirrd. Lake Forest area. BABYSmE:R \Vanted: 2 Boys 2 & 5. Start Jan Slh .. 1 I day \\'k 8-a. 1\fy home. };lust ha.vi'! °"" trana. 64;)..'\405 BABYSfITER. full I i m " 6:3<H p.n1. Thni-Mon. -1 child. \VW prod. trans. Aft 4:30 p.m., 64&-824.1 * BARBER * to manage new Barbmlhop. Sheraton Buch Inn; tor d~tails, call Lou Evans. 536-11.2:1 BANK PenonMl E" JI : 1ectetarial, ~lericaI. NCR -450 proof machine. operator. -496-5155; 34061 Doheny Park Or. Capistrano Bcb. NEWPORT BEACH HOUSEKEEP I NW. & r.tanagement of 2 youni; JncreasOO building activ- lty necessitates creaUon or an additional posi tion JI\ the Building Depart· ment. Required Ji i g h. school diploma, journey· man status in one ·of thfl huilding trades. f\VO yr.ars journeyma n !f've\ t-:<pcr- ience. * COOK * · Apply Thi" Flying BuUf'r 673-0977 N.B. boys. Afternoon.o;. 3PM-5: 30 PM. Mon-f'ri. Call 546-4653 aft 6 PM. HSKPR • 24 hr caI'f", light hl!kp'g &: meals. ·rcrmll to be negotiated. Call Long Beach Community Hospital, Hatfield section. roon1 107. !lOUSEKEEPER & chlld care, 5Y..i da. wk, $30 \Vk + 1m & brcl. Pd. vac. 540-921:! -* MOTEL r.tAID * Part Time Ovr r ~O 494-9436 CCX?~ \vanted. ~per. Apply MOTEL assistant mgrll or Odie .oi Restaurant 212 E trainf!e.o; &. maids \Vftnttrl. 17th St., C.r.I. 2376 Nf"\vport Blvrl.,.il48-97a5 * COOK *. }.:XPt'rief}('ed. Apply Surf & Sirloin, 0030 ~cific i::st. Hwy.! N.B .. DENTAL A ~SI STANT wanted in Nev.~t Bch, 'Start Jan. 2. lnty. 'noW. ~. EXPERIENCED • !•,,, ....• , • , •• • • • • •• • COUNTERMAN City Auto Parts :ai72 Placentia, C.M. Draltllma.n Jr., v.'/Architect A R C HITECTURAL Drafts mu Jr .. w/ Architl'Cf: & Land Planl'l('r. C a 11 837-0711 newport . personnei ~agency A.tJ DOVER DRJVf': NEW'PORT BEACH 642-3870 Wishing you •bund1nc• in 1970! 1~r IL\ for "pro~pt>r1ty imurancr.") f'A.\fILY WANTEB to board , ,;;. hoy. ••• 11 •• '" """'" *********ft School aru. :Wary open. NURSES Registered • t!'Vlln- Plr.a...e 1end phone no. & inc Ii night 1hlft1. Ex. fainily ~ICfi~on to Box benefits. Apply Per5'lnnel ?>169.1. Dally P,llnt · Dirfctor. ::;o. Cnast Con1· Dtpl. !I.tore r-mun!ty llnt1p .. :11872 Coa11t Hwy., So. Lagu1111. 49'J-1311 , J. W. ROBINSON "'· 356 1,.,=,..=uran="'"• ----- hu~tor RECEIVll:IG CLERK APPLY PEl\SoN;N'EL Fuhion hlml, N,B. *NIGHT DISHWASHE:R .--i ....-.it> •mP!oYer ~EUIE~ E. 'LEE * D!llYEl$ * 151 E. Cout Hw. Furniture Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 FUTURE! f{l::STAURANT -f . I Cl1&Sscs litar l mn. ountain Pilot program ottering lbe Vlll!cy f~xp'rl \VAITRF.SSES ~i~t equ.ipment :a,nd f11;c1l- both ('OffC<' shop & lllnner 1t1cs available: Rea.I-time exri. Furnish f'xp, agl' & computer 11ro~rammlng. n·r~. Al~ ('011100 CASHI ER· HOSTESS. BUSBOYS -full timr, PORTER, Wri1e Daily Pilo1 Bo.'< r.t-17. Research Hel per $550. raise 1>-<>on. Terrific opty. Will train hi ~l'hool grad. I Call Bob f>46.6.110 Unl;';.)~h":.!::•r• JASON BEST iulte AD ?rant•· Callf., "'" Call 5'7-9471 • - '69 VW IUS $2795 7 pass. Radin. hc8ler, extra clean, lo\v mi., fact. \\·arr. IQL7481) '69 VW PANEL TRUCK $2J9S n.500 actual mi. Fact. w11.rr. Greal delivery truck. (23633E1 ''5 YW CAMPER $1895 Equip. w/Sundial 1·am~r. Exccl- 1'-'nt co nd. !T\VL 932J '67 WESTFALIA CAMPER $249S Radio. heatrr, 26,000 1nJ. Rr.ady lo go! f9826J .18711 ''6 VW IUG> $13'5 Radio, heater. bumper guards, n1any t'xtras. (ROW 388) l 1 J 'H VW IUG> $17'5 Automatic 1'tick shift. R .. H., 1 own., fact . wat'l". (XDZ099) '69 DUNE IUG>G>T H.T. $HS Radio. side curtains. Excell. cond. fXA8371 l '69 59UARE IACK SIDAN $22'5 R .. H .. bump. guards. Many ~x· lras, low 1ni. (ZSP888) BARMAlO-Nite ahifl, $2..25 to atart. No biklni no dan· Cini. Apply in person U·2. Little John'• Inn, 20072 N. Santa Ana, Santa AM Hgts, (Comer Rtd Hill ~ PAlisadc1. l No lbperitl!Ct Newport BHch Must -~~ s/r~~c~P~~~~R •• -'l883S BEACH dri•"" ~ Appt, $3.llO per hr. Min I >t .,,,.,. BLVD OPEN . ' HONl'INGTON BEACH 842-7781 Yl.LLOW CAI CO. X1n1. btne011. App . lo P<•· • . 1 • SUNO,!YS 5 4 0 • 0 4 4 2 <Uio:.1::.: ;::; .. ~· ~~.';!'~ 31l!O ......................... . ' ' ------- '· I ' • . I· I 1· I i < l hu'"Sday, lle<:tmbtr 2.S , J9b• MERCHANDISE FOR M CHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE SALi AND TRADE : .. ~~II~. u~m~~l~tv~·~·iiiiiiiiiiii~IOOOiiiiiiii;F~u~m~l~tui;'~•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ICi;OD~-0 (i Pl1not & Org1n• 1130 tRANSPORTATION n.t.NSl'Ol!TATION TRANSPORTATION MERCHANDISE FOR P~TS .... LIVESTOCK ITllANSPORTATION SALi AND TRADE -loa & y h _..._. ffOO _, • 9600 •600 ....._ in· 5 __!? 1c It 9000 ;l;;m:i:po::rl:..:;::od:...:A::u;;f•::•_..;96Gl:;:;:;:.:l;;m::!,....:::.:; ·:::.~..;A;;ut;;•:.:•;......:.:.:.:..:':.:m:i:oo::•:.:•:.:-::...:..~:.:".;.;'°':.:......;.;;.;;.;_ Ml1cell1neou1 ._.. l.-f REE ST'OCK.lNG ~'TUn'ERS Buie &alifle Cow1le ollered . .. •. PUBLIC NOTICE -------PIANOS & ORGANS P<X>L 'TABLES n-· ..__..._ to ~•bli• by Bal~· ~w,, Seca...rd Pool I"' l"t:CIOUS ,-............, Puppiea, rw .. ........ .--v BRUNS\Vl<.:K-A~lF' just in time IOI' Ouiatmu Squadron every ?tton. nigh! BRAND i • • DECORATOR GETS CANCILLA TION Of 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Spanish & Mediternnten Fumilvrt All BRANO NEW 9-pc.. ~edit•rr1n11n Bedroom Suite in P''"'" IR09. $349.00 1 --···················NOW $1H.OO . ~:f?ion)eous Spenii h Custom Buil t Sofe with ·: m1tchin9 love S11t-Choic1 of b11utiful . fobd«. IR09 . $4 19.961 ............ NOW $225.00 Spanish Dining Sets ............•...................... $75.00 Solid 0 Ak End Tebles and Coff•• Tables .. $19.SD Tell Oecoretor T eble Limps I R•9 . $49 .9~ I ···--. ...• ·-·· .. NOW $11.00 Speni1h Hi ng ing Sweg .. emps !Reg. $49.9~) .•.... NOW $.22.SD ·A decorator drc;in: hou se 01\ cli:o;play ·-:J roo111s or gorgeous Spanish furniture (\\·as reg. S1295. NEW & USED • \'an1aha Pianoa Orgarui • ·n10maii Organs • Kimball Pinfl06 • Kohler &: Can1f1ix"U COAST MUSIC NEWPORT & llARBOR Co.st!!. lotesa • 632-2851 Opt>n l!Mi Fri 10.9 SUn 12.S JIAltfMOND Steinway, Yam· aha, New &: used pianoa of 1110:-;1 makr11. ~I buys In :-:,.,, Calif. a! Schmidt Music C•l. 1907 N. ti1ain, Nlnta Ana HAPPY . Cwito1n Slale Table $2S * 549-0844 for 13 Wttka beclnnina: 1 from S289 DARLING min. Schnawer pm on ?tfon., Jan 12'th lit tOOrt. Financinc; AKC fem . aalt ' pepper, 10 Ne.,.,·port Harbor Yacht * SECARD POOLS * wka. Family of champions. Oub, 721:> W. 8a,y Ave., Ne.,.,·. 532-1992 642-'lSOG port Beach. No &dv1L11Ce '"" s 'I I St ~ .l;.;;=""7~-~~ registra.Oon ne!dtd, Regis· ~ . " an . v 1ange J.''OR Chritiin1as • Silky To•· ler at clasi, brina notebook * AUCTION * ""' "'"""'' rut• •nd ''"t night. 11uo"'""'' Call lovablr. lofale $150. Female 6i3·18:i.".i. U you v.·ill .ell or buy S2JO. Phone 962-71l.i7 -..,======== give \Vlndy a try -- Auctions .F'riday 7:30 p.tn. AH1'dC lriah Setter PUP& 6 Wk.'! S1llbo1tt 9010 w· d . A t' B 0 . Champ. litoCk 4 ---~-----1 in y s uc ion 1rn Femalea. Terms. Cati for ~~~ ..... ,,.....__..~ 2(1r;>l,J Newport, CM 646-8686 appt. 497-1021/4~ ~...,....~-.r,.c~ Behind Tony's Bldg, 111al'I. GERl\TAN Shepherd, male, CORONADO MERRY CHRISTMAS papers, 5 yean. need11 good I HAPPY NEW YEAR loving honie ' apace . TO ALL ll &14"1616. HOLIDAYS I Windy'• Auction B•rn BASENJI Barkle~,o; Ptlr>Pi#'s • '.!Q7';;t,, Nl!\\'flOl'l, CM 6·i6-8686 rron1 Afl'lca. Chan1p, St{K'k, I Christmas GOULD MUSIC Brlund Tony's Bldg. Mat'! xlnt n1k'gi;;, tri·ms. 54;.,.nj,".,'], '.!0-1;; N. l\lal.•. !'A ;i1[1.rti8l I D1:ESS ring, s. rubies, 18 SCHNAUZER pups, ral',. ----r~-----. r11amond~. J;('th"g i:-i 18K black & salt & pcflper. NEW BUGS 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TD GO CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT ••• : SACRIFICE . . . . . • S398 sold Value S900. Se.11 fur $650 • 213/J.:Xl.659j • r·ash. ~2·8372 \VEIM ARANER puppy, PWT "Gift Pock"'CHICK IVERSON Offer .. CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONEY DOWN ht PAYMENT NO"M>UE 'Tit 197C mm RIRNITURE lJ' }UU art Uuy1ni;: a Piano 1 ni· Orxan this Christmas G.· are intenostl'd in tome real~ ly zreat dt"als. please shof'I WARD'S BALDWIN SfUDIO 1819 Newport. C.M. &12-8184 Open Every Nile k SUnday Afternoon Carpel 11:1yer has Hi Lo bred female. :\ mos old, no nylons $1.99 yd. Shags Rapers SL. 67;>-48()j · · from 3.50 up + my labor, TEACUP &.. Pun!bJl!d Toy =79tk'=pe'=''°Y_anl~ . .:.":..7..:-1::51='-1 Poodle. Blk femal~. 8 wks. BKAUTlF"UL King bed.quilt· Groomed, shots. ~1 ed mattrrsi.. Complete.un-SILKY Terriers. AKC. shots u~~:. $llll. \Yo r I h $250. &! rle"'"Ormed. Ready for 8-12-6536 rves. Chrisl.!11u. 839-716:> 1844 Newport Blvd.Horbo1:1 B1vd.1 Costa Mesa Only I F'IRE\\'OOD For Sa.If'. Dry Sch!pP'rke puppie:i;, AKC, !!!!!..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,. Eucalyptus. Delivered & 6 mos .. 2 males, all ahots. UPRIGHT Practief' Pi1U10, :i;tackf'tl. Call 540-9887. * ~6-49'.!& • Eve ry Night 'Til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'Til 6 anliq:. blue. Gd cond, $150. g· POOL labll', \Vhf \\'/;old 6 l\IONTH old male, ha.If _C11.ll .l1fl..!647. I 1~11. '.:~;1~~~ rw1Y. SlOO rash. Be_agle & haH Pool~. Loves Furniture 8000 I Appliances 1100 .. -C;ill til~-.,~ .. 7 childN"n. f'L'l"e. 837-tZ39 Television 1205 1 FIREWOOD ENGLISH Bull, II wk.!i, AKC 637-.6843 champ 11tcwk. ~~ ~lags~;:, ~111~~~: I * COLOR TV SAL[ * Lea~ Color TV or Black : black cabinc1. $50. lJi;r1 I & White. Oplion lo buy. portablr blkfwht TV ,.rt:i; 19711, :.'~" Color 'rV. hanil· y.·l're ~ervice. No dE'posit 309 ea. Used e.redenzas :1'1" J10me 1\al11ut cabinet, \\'hilc A·Active Tl/ Rental Co. ' ,long, I gold, 1 avocado, $29 !hey lul $299. }'int pay. (1 l 522-ll53 ea. Tl1P F11ctory, ls s ~ n1ent Mal"ti'l 1970 at 1-lr-nder. 721~ .. ~Co-ru-'.,=,'-,",.=.,:10=,=TV=.-,will .Hubor. 54Q-6S42 11<1n's, 1877 Harbor Blvd., dt'mo in your home, year 2 Johnson CB Sets 557-9102 rt'asonahle DOBERMAN PUPS 549-1447 AKC * * 642-8961 Stve hundreds of dol· Iara! Order • C orona · do 23, 25 , JO , o r 34 by Harbor Area5 Only Autharized VW, Porsche Dealer TWO LOCATIONS TO SE"'tl YOU 445 EAST COAST HWY. at BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECI ALS 549·3031 December ) t , I '169, 673•0900 •nd you'll re ceive • Christm11 "G ift Pa ck" ,---,.,-,."'-=::-.:-:7===,;;-;1=======~=0"'1"o'I ==. ======-I wort~ hund~eds of d~l· Sailboat• 9010 I Sailboats -• Mab1l1 Hom•• 9200 lars 1n opti onal equip· I __ 1 ment: I IT O'UAY Da~·:a1!r1 ------~--1 *********** D"n10 Sl:i<l.:i L ~P,J ~11:15 YEAR END . CORONADO 23-SlOO Chri s tm~,, 1 ~· o DAY. 11~,.d l!'.J:; CLEARANCE SALE CORONADO 30-SSOO SABOT "un Zone Boat Co. E:tll..11"" ALL SIZES CORONADO 25--$400 ** SABOTS ** NOW ON DISPLAY CORONADO 34-$700 ir1111 l :.'!l:J ................ Ne1v, complete $2~9: 6~j.O'J:'J BAY HARBOR' YACHTS ROYALE .......... no1v szw roinpl cte Mobile Home Sal11 also ps.v1·hf'del1t colors & deluxe 2'Jl2 \\', Coast H11'Y Ne\\·porl Beach * 645-CSJ O Speed-Ski Bo•ts 9030 15' ANTHONY ski boat. SO hp mere, lrg. 1vhl. tr. S950. 646-11111. Bo1t Trail•r• 9032 14:?:> Baker St., Costa J'\.fes.a. t":! block Eut of H&rbor IDvd. Co51a r.-Jp11a (714.l 540-9470 MODEL SALE! 20 PC. "MADRID" C-''· ""·""' '""'· !2'0. S.U.2tJJO CAL 25 l\EN~lORE Auto washer. 8 ========= 291 2 W. Coast H1wey . 3 Room Group t•yclcs, late modrl. xlnt Hi·Fi & Stereo 1210 ---. . 196.1 SHORELINE tilt boRI. ONE MlLE FROfl,f OCEAN FRO~f MODEL liOMES rond . $65. Z,.l&-S672 o r B -'-E-A.;.UT..;l.;.".:U.;.L::;.:c:__.:;:.:; '.M.;;.;;i•;;<;.• .;.W:..•:;;n;.;t.:ttd=---'l:.:6:;1..:0l IJ8" hTHOMPSON La.pstrake. Ntwpon IMCh LOADED trader, 15-lS'. power "'Inch COSTA f.fESA !n•1 .• ,., .• n•ilt..,,, .,, .. ,~ .. nd ~~7-Slr, r Bol'.ak loud 1· o nson 50, Fath, bow rail, 645•0810 * With Slip • GREENLEAP """' "" ·"'' "",,. " k od I J $ WE B $ I l ho · h Mu~I SE'll S150. ;)3t}.63~l att. 6 ~.,-,_•,".a tabl-&i:of· ====-=-~-~-I spcaers, n1 e 02 . UY eec anc rwmc .Nucan· in Newport M061LE HOM! "" • '"-' .... llOTPOINT Elf'c tlr)'f'r. liite i in t "°5 04000 00 • Tilt ~ il ! 7 64 p.m. f-•·bl,_ 2 lamp•_ d .... ~r va u . .,...,. ~ \'al5 cov, ua er. 1 95. ~~~~~ ,..,..,..,,.s...,os,.1,.0..,..,..,. SA ' E' "" 14 ,L...,. ntOdE'l, :.:Int cond $6::1. Also =====i'===="° Co uo =•1 ll2 -·' er -rn11TOr-headboanl -na"''aY, .,.. ............. · \V. B Sil M • 9036 ."14 6l!-l~JO. quilted box spring &: mall.· lla1n1lto11 i::a~ dryer $·15. Tape R1carder• 82~0 $ FURNITURE $ Coast Hwy, NB • Sabot f11Jergla.ss over ply. LIDO 14 $1195 oat p -oor1ng :J.16-8672 or 8·17--8l lJ --·-APPLIANCES °'"""'=-,,,,---"""'.,,-"""'-c re!S -~ Pt. dining 1"001n; =========' l\VO LL ENS AK 'rap "' . 25' OWENS ·&1 w/rnooring ll'\JOCI, seldom used. dacron X1nt cond. Sails, hv.y trlr. WANTED:· 8pa'=E' for 13· S:o.;;:i· \·rry Clean. Nice Pal'k. !able & 4 hi·back chair.~. reeorder, also Vovager ~ Colo• TV1-P••~o1-Sl•rto1 in NE'wport Bay. $3951) incl's saili;, oa~ & C'OVer. $200, See at 9'11 Lido Nord. SAILBOAT. f'ear ~lst &·_ Tui.tin $10i5. COMPARE AT $749.9.J Ssw;ng Michi"ntl 11201 0 k ' I 1 r lece •r Ho ... F•ll mooring. Call -5.11--05.10. 499-3449 * 675-0188 * ./Phone 49-14214 ./ C:Jll s.!6-1?22. :t"Vltme. 1 I rac r. 8 ~ taP" deck CASH IN JO MIHUTl!S ==========~==================;._========°=='-=======·'=:== ·5399 . ----;~-~0rad10, 1praker.!I. e 541 _4531 e SIN<~J::R Aulo1natic zig 1.ag, .....,..,.._ WELK'S WAREHOUSE 6 "'""old. No attoeh "'°"""' BSOO WATCHMAKERS too l •. to do dPSii;ns, monogram!!, Spartin9 Good• pocket watchrs & material. No down-hilts on1y $16 mo. blind hen1!': elr.; auto bobbin ~F;,O"R-Sal,;.':-,-,-..,,~~ba=-.. -.'-r. Eves: (213) GE()...~ 10651 600 \V, 4th Sl., Santa Ana \\•inder. 5 Year S: II a r . Brand ne\Y. Nevl'r UM!'d. Chestnut, Loli Ala1nitos ====~-~-1 Open Daily 9.9 A!\sun1e pyml!I" nl $5.27 or ""a .,.,, •-1 • ' ~ .,.,ore.>pm. Sal. 9'6 Sun 11-$42.00 cash. 526-6616 -SKIS & bindings, Krystal Alu JiSt:D 1 ron1ple1r 1 11 ll r SINGF:I~ 7.it:-~.ag portable 4Ei0. $lOO. r@dlgo d SpRf'lLSh 1\•. 1•n1 St'wing machinr. Xlnt cond. * ~!>-2422 t grour. Con!'-osti:: of -:-iofa. ('all !"l48-79:'.8 }ol'eseat. hi.hark rha1r. ".! -o========:c--S · Good 8500 anti,~ COf'kt<1 1I •bl. 2 '.an111s. \Mu1ic11I Inst. 8125 parting ' !1!19.9.~. U~ 2 rw· S cnlrl -·v--------6'10" l\IOS.°' SURF'BOARD ~a k rhP1r $6,!J:,. l!srd (;IBSON 1;11 illll', J,,.:i; Paul Blu" pigment on bottom and ;-modern 7· rh11n1pa.1";nP so1a, f'ustfln1. lll'f'd :l mo'!!. Cost hlue on rail~. Ellcrllent con· win! co1id. S:.9.9:1. The F;ir· S~_.,'j() \\'/$6:; ra.se. AlllO, Ful'.i dition $75. Call .IA)' J.19-1574 tary. 1885 Harbor. MO-fi84".!. torlf' ,ft Wahw11h ped11.1. Sacnllre 11.ll $450. 894-4816 Mf1c1ll•neous 1600 . Office Equipment 8011 ACOJJUJIAN, 120 Bali!! Hard· LIDO J4 \\'./.rovrr 1, trlr. ly ll!~~~l~~r Aft:"'~"'! Regulation ~i pool tbl. OU yYPE\'.'RITER, Add 1 n.: !==~===='~=-=== whl n11ug. couch. like '1e\V, iliachinP. calr11b1lor, vrry ,"~'-~73~1~6~~-~~~ .reasonable. .'\Int con d . P ianaa & Org•n• 1130 BLACK IPit!her Hollyw·d ~~hinery, etc. 8700 AIR COMPRESSOR 10 11.P. Call Dor5a Motoni:, 18621 Beach Blvd., 1-lunting. ton Beach, 842-8340. FREE TO YOU AFf.ECTIONATE, Sweet & lovable cat11, mother k 111'.ln, calico & hlk/wht. need good homes. 6r,,.JJ14 after 6 P~I 12126 COCKER/terri!'r n11x. 2 yrs. old, good wtchildren & ra!s, tree to good home . 83&-4493 U.21 . 1.n-2-423 YEAR END SALE' couch. s1nar1. 2 bol ster!'!, SP.TfTH Coron;i Pleet. 1.vllf'!, • $:!0: cl1~hrf:. itr111~. 10 IYnts. FREE half Siamese kinens 7 P tbl. ll'l<;a~. hk1" nMY. llOO, 20 !1 Kings II.fl. Jl}.noon Sun· \\'~ki: olrl. &16-92311 12125 ro~ or 4!&5J.;1 li~r your X·ma!! motl("y for day. FREE PUPPIES. 7 \vks old. 011P of theSf' llAMl\-tOND HO 1.z N~r;,\lj~TRAJN ~l40--09M filler S ptn 12125 B•\RGAINS! M·3, $675; S·L12, BOARD. Ne\\'. lncl. 2 PETS and Ll"ESTOCk Garage Sale 8022 $675: T·200, $1595: E·l!Jo or I bid · I SURFBOAR D -m1i;r. iten1~. :hse. hid. good. f"r1 . i.-Sal. ·~J F1inl, l!B. M2-2'QJ A·lOO $1895: RT 2 w/PR 40 Ira nl!, gs. andscapes, f'tc, S\00. 642-5f.i63 or P•t1, G1ntral 8800 S\99.J: al!<n BALDWIN Or· ~&lf,.1·1 ~ppll1nce1 8100 ga30nic S·l9;J; GULBRAN· 1----~-~-- SI-;N w/rythn1 $895; ALLEN * • • * dlx tlicater $2650. FAJ'\.flLY Membership In llAJ'\.1MOND Jrvine Coast Country Club f'JE\V 2 dr. GE !"Plng .• lrnn1 1n CORONA DEL MAR for M.le. Pvt. pty. 673-9131. •model home .......... Sl7ll 28~ E. Coa!t Hwy. 673-8930 GO-Karts, xlnt cond. with ffdngeratori:: . . . . Crom $l8 ()pen EvP!'! !· Sun a!temoona J'\.lcCullock engines w/span! p,nsol~ Color TV, f'Qnl('rnr VERY rarl' player piano, eng $225. NPW J'\.lac 100 .cab .. tlf'W pirtUT'P t11h.> • $2·1~ h11by i;:-rand, \Yith Ampico c""=ve7.'7."'="~17_5,_· 67.T.l-4_. ~"-''-- Wlurlpool au1o 11·ashrr · · s;i0 " x fl re s' 1 o n . l-1 ea r CARPET Installer hil.s one DUNLAP'S Rachn1anino£f play h I g roll . avocado. nylon carpet. j l~JS NP"'f"'lrt Rh·ri., (' 1'-, mu~1r hii; ,11ay. Ask qucs· Double jute-1'ckl'd. Will ~ll 548-7788 1il)n~' •1!)\.62!i1 llll or part sftynrd. 540-72-4:; 1 ~~~~==o.=====~==~ SCRAMLETS ANSWERS Ttalic -Bandy -Banal - Fedora -DRY CELL Judge: "\\'hat'11 ~ chi!.~ a.ga:inst lhii: man'?., Lawyer: "Assault and b11.t tery." .ludgl': "Pu! him Jn a ORY CELL." NOW AVAILABLE-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER le'M 'I•'•"' It ,...dy .. '"" ,_ wlfil ' Ml'ff If ht.a -4 SHYJc.e frteU ltlft. A11d e c11r1sil ... 11111 ef 111• I 910 -11111. Cl!Kk ••t wide •""" ef A· 1 Utff Cmn. 'ACTOIY DIMOS DISC:OUNTID I 69 AMX $1000 NEW '69 LEFTOVERS UP TO $600 OFf '63 CORVETTE ~::., '" '64 T BIRD •.•.. All • HG'I tJt '65 BUICK , GIAND sro•T •·sr111 ••c 111 '1799 I '66 PLYM •.• SATILLITI • AUTO TAU ''' '1299 I '63 VOLKS. ~Jt~.~OOD '1299 i '66 MUST ANG ~~i.·;~~ ,,. '1299 DOR SA MOTORS Orange County's Newest American Motors Dealer 142•1340 11'21 HACH .ll~ ..... A~~~~NHOTON HACH 842•1640 L 9800 New Cars --....:N.:;•:.;w;....:cC•::•c.:•c_ __ _:_9;;BOO:::..:.:N::•:.:w_C;;•:;•;:• ___ ..;9:;B::OO::..:N::;e:;w:_:C::•:;":..... __ _:.91::-00:: New C1r1 98~1 JOHN CONNELL "NO GIMMICKS ND GIVEAWAYS" 1st Place Blue Ribbon JUST 21 YEARS OF HONEST DEAL ING SELLING CHEVROLETS CONNILL CHIYROLn BLUE RIBBON PRICES VI, 811111., P.S.1 l"·wl"" lfoW!,, IM:IOf"/' I r, 111.H. tNl'031') s999 '65 RAMBLER 770 Cl111le Coo, Air COtld., AT, ltLH, <XVXMI $599 '°Ol8tl ~ dr. H.1 VI, ""'°" F1el. 11r, l'.S, it•lol. IWT£11~1 $)999 Choose From Over 300 New Chevrolets, U$8d Cars & Trucks + Thi Largest Selectian of New Carvettt1 In Orange County Biggeat Money Saving Event In Orange Cortnly SA OltOEll TODAY ILUE RfeiON SALi $2193 ~ SJ299 lllA~D NEW 1970 CHEVELLE CPE. I . - 00 ;a "'· 170 'k, ij, ID , •• -------~ --------·-----------------~---· · TRANSPORTATION TUNll'ORTA'l'.ION -TllANSl'OllTl.TION TllANSP'ORTATIOH " TUN,P'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION u...i Ciro 990D U1od Ctn .,.. u.od Ctn "°° 1 9300 Truckt 9.IOO lmporlod AulOI 9600 ·~~~iiiiiiiiiiii;i;iii~i;iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiii~ _Me_t_Hcy~-c-"~~~~ I CAMPER TRUCK "'We 're No . .S" .- •iOokouf No. 4" - Benefil'S of . L.,sing the Family Car $577 1'l10 G.M.C. ll H.D. "!WP., 1'6' Hondo va. Str. # 2'1Cl531. llO Scrambltr. Only jlOI) $2995 .nu.,. A r.al buy. Lie. # UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE y':1:sat Otals Are still Al 2850 Harbor Blvd. DEAN LEWIS °"S:,!!,"' 1.986 Harbor, C.M. 646-93CO FOR sale '69 Dodie Van qr 250CC YAMAHA Endural. trade for VW. Phone like nu. Call after 6 PM or :»7-6720 after 6. _._,.._ .. _nd~·-·-"-'---==·~=~ 11951 Gr.1c ~ton P .U. Asklni '67 HONDA SUPER HAWK $245. Call 64.$-1691. Eves. $325 54&-S.1<8 60-9614 or 6"-1560 LARGE 'II Ctll.'VY WIN- '69 KAWASAKI. 30cc Mml-00\V VAN. Bi&: 6. auto, xlnt BIKE Xlnt cond loocl dirt cond .. center aeat. 643-6974 bike must Id!. ~1517 AUSTIN AMERICA AUSTIN AMERICA Sales, Service, Paris Immediate Delivery AU J.lodeli J2 rll!PLll I 311n 1o r1 ~, llOO \V. Coast Hwy., ~.B. &42-9405 :W0.1764 Authorized MG Dealer BMW lncr•••i!'iJ niimb•~J &r .4.m•rice n1 now le••• the f•mily c:af. Appirtntly, 1fie iS't 11: "Whet'• 9ood for c:o1t-con• 1ciou1 ,bu1in111men, it 1!10 goocl for .Mr. Familyman." l" · Orange County mtny f1m ilie1· ere tilting aclv1rit11J• of • remarkable lee1in9 progr•lri· offered by Garden &rO"ta Lincoln Mercury. Th is very different program lands itself to family budgeting by includin g sar ... ica and m1inta"• 111c:a at no additional charge: oil changes, brake linin91, •••11, tran1mi11ion •trvica, afc . In addtion , the d11 t1r buys your prastnt car, freeing capital for inva1tmant In th,,·rnarkat or thet )'t c1.t ion property on the river. And •"'•ry flNo yaar1, you get a brand new ca r. For an excel· lent booklet on fhi1 subject, c1ll our Le•sing Secret1ry -Jul t a.Jr for Wif!on1. '67 TRRJMPH SCIO, lo mili!S, lmder $700. 673-9718 Apt. Np. 5 beforf! 11 am. 9520 1------...-- GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY 6ROOKHURST AT GARDEN GROVE 636 ·2980 BILL GEOH!GAN H.O.L S.O.NOERS O wn1r Time for Through a 5,1., M9•· QUICK CASH DAILY PILOT Auto S.nicu & P1rt1 9400 m& Auto Supply Wholeselo· Prlcts to All Ct'.Jmplete Machine Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT REBUU.T ENGINES 1125 Victoria, CM 5'860 18361 Beach mvd, HB 847'"'91 * OPEN 1 DAYS * 1968 NORTHWE~,. Co11ch, 19· seU contained, uSf'd 3 x. lmmac. $21iOO. 531-8505 Trucks 9560 '65 FORD VAN ECONOLINE. Call 546-!l!Ml '63 Jo'ORD, 223 cu 1n fi cyl. Insulated Mpam camper, bulanl! 1tove, add-on room, itt box. ~le. $195. &l'J-0.u.t Slt1ALL 11' CamPflr t.t Cabovtt. Beautiful wood In- ter. Sl~ps S adults. $275. 613-9993 10' CAMPER Bulane fttri(, $400. 24.JJ W. Coast Hwy, NB. 54&-84.32 or fi73-4643. Duno ·auggiu 9S25 MEYRS MANX $l50 2389 Fordham Ave. 546-2m lmportocl Autos 9600 SCRAMLETS ANSWERS CaucUll -Shyly -Rainy - \\'haler -1 IAJR)' There's 11 ne1v haJr rr~1or· er on tile market that 11·Mn £hlmpooed OJI the head· )OU J?E't very JIAIRY l.ingcrs. e BMW e All Jl.flXlels in Stock for Imml!diate Delivery SA.LES. SERVICT ·PARTS T&M MOTORS, INC. ~I Garden Grove Blvd. 534-2284 {)pf>n Sunday 892-5551 COOPER '62 l\IJNT Cooprr 997. Reblt eng. $1200. or trade 673-9183 11.ft 5 DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18&3.5 Beach Blvd, 1 luntineton Beach SU. i"?&l or 54()..1\W:l '67 DATSUN RDSTR New top, nr1v clutrh, 4 5rMI, tllr, blUe book $1800. Sacri· fice $1400? Small dov;n, 1vill rinc prvt prty. TYi\14.12'. Call Roy 494-9TI3 or ~5-0034. • . , 111lJrsd•Y· DtUn'lbtr 2', 19•tt DAILY PJLbT ;i"r TUNSP'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION fifANSl'ORIDIO~ Imported Auto• 9600 lmP!rtod Autoo 9600 _1m_po_•_toc1_A______ ENGLISH FORD VOU<SWAGltf: '67 DATSUN 4 door, radi!>. Mater, auto- matic. Exctllcnt coodlllon. Low mi. CVWJ 1071 $1295 Harbour V .W. AUTilORlZED SALES .1: SERVICE um BEACH B~. 8424435 HUNTINGTON BEACH NEW!· ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH PORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE OVER 60 L'l STOCK e :t & 4 Dr. ?ttodels YW aii6$ .->'ROlit $399 e l & < D•. Del""" GOOD SIL!CTION - • Station \Va&era ! e ?&;4Dr.'GT ?i1odels ~ tr&n1., air, radial tires. ra. "' BR>.ND NEW sro. 2 DR. 1; Many w;th fully aulom"k ft~ -~;· dio, vinyl mot, wsw tirt~. ' 11785 FULL PRICE .. ~ ,,p ".-'· W/camptt. 96 hp overhead ORDER NO\V W llll , cam, 4 •pd, dlr, 6 ply tires, Theodore J • · : '70 PICKUP back up licht!, You name ROBINS FORD ii! Serio! # PL521.l088'13. M~ Jml Ext, "6 or '7 Full prlCe $2009. Take small 2060 Harbor Bh·d.. 19ID HARBOR BLVD,.. dn or trade. Call Phil, CottA ?i.1esa 642.0010 -~-co=sro'-cA~ME~·-,'-'.;_~-I • ... ,,,, .. !54>-063<. .. • '69 v. w. • Newport lmporta Ltd . Or· ani;e Count)''• only 1uthor- b:ed dealer. SALES-SERVlCE·PARTS JIOO W. Coast 1-lwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 540.1764 Authoriz.ed Fcn'3.ri Dealtt 9IOO MERCEDES BENZ $1695 J1rtuport 3'1nports FULL CASH PRIC' $182 DOWN •:. 3100 w. Coa•t Hwy. N.B. VOLVO -:·:· 6'12-91(6 540-17641----____ · ... ·-·· ~''~~IG °"'" VOLVO ROY CARVER PO~T·JAC OPEL -------'65 Opel, good condition. Must sell, ne\11 tires $700 neriot. 673-4272 eves. . ,. SEE &: DRIVE THE 197!J . ALL RE?-1AINING w·s·. 1.fUSf BE SOLD NOW!:: PRICED FROM sa;?Z.20 . Ser. # 7860 , ~ .. DRIVE INTO THE 705 IN A BEITER CAR. ... LIKE THIS GREAT 1970 BONNEVILLE. LUXURY, STYLE . PRICE, YOlTNAME IT AND THE BONNEVIL'LE HAS IT. OR LE MANS .... QR GTO: ••. , OR GRAND PRIX ••. OR FIREBIRD. WE 'VE GOT THE CAR FOR YOU IN '701 Cen~1 rli blt. Full pow••, l~c.!ory cflnd itio11in9. (RPU 404 1 167 CADILLAC Cp1. o.v;11.. Lt1c.1r 1 'I ........ pow1r, f•efory 1ir. !TWV666l '69 PONTIAC •'• ·1 ${711 I E•e culi,.• 6 p111. w19011. l 1d1f', h••I· ••. 1uto1111hc. powtr 1+11ro~9. l1'h"Y 1ir. !XSSl76) '67 COUGAR Vt, 4 1p1•tl, P'""'' ''''"~II. ••8•~. h11tt•, whit• w1ll1. !TRH59 Jl '68 FORd TORINO l Jr. H.T .• Vt , 1ufo1t11lic, 11e ... 1r 1+•1ring, l•cl•rv ,:., '"'"''• ,..,11,. !XOE202 l '68 BARRACUDA Cat1Y•,tlbl•. R1lllie, t.11+1•, 1u+e""1lit , f)ow1r 1+..ri119, VI . IWICOl1! '68 MUSTANG YI, 1uto"'11l1, ll fl'"''' 1l11r1ng, ••d•o. "•lllr, f1thHy •ir t11 .. d1lot1"i11,, IVHAlJ•I '68 VOLKSWAGEN ..... ... I s1a11 I • .. -)) "' - NEW .1969s! NEW '69 BONNEVIUE • Dr. H.T. C ordew• tol!;, fur .. • h'ttlr•m•ti•, r-•t. Mitr•r, tlu1I •11h•ud1, pu1h b11tta11 r1di•, ,..,.,,. 1t••rin9, '"'"''' br••••• ti11f. 1d t l111, 11ow1r w!11d•w1, 11ow•r •••I, •ir 10F1diti111i"'· front ~· .. r••r m1h , Whit• w1lt1, f262l9tC tD5l 6!i l NEW '69 GTO 2 Deor H.T. T11rb• hvdr•m1lic. 11u1h liutte" r•di•. •11t1ole "'i•- ro•. ll1lu11• it,th, wir• wh•1I di1e, t on 1el•, pow•• 1t1 1rin9 ' & br1k11, linl1 .. 9!•11, ,;, co11ditionint. I l'42l79Z! 2630! I DEMO. '69 CATALINA l Or. H.T. Vinyl tri1t1, J1cor 9•01111, tu•b1 hydr1m1li1, .dr!11-• bell, pow1r 1l1•rin9, br•••1, ti 11+1d 9l1u, 1ir ~e .. d;+;,,.;,.,, whit• w11l1. {25Jl1tCIJ02171 DEMO. '69 BONNEVILLE H.T. Cp1. C•rdow• i•P· tvrN liydr•m•tic, 11ow•r •nl1rtn1, 11u1h .. utte11 r•di•, t1111lf• 111in1r, J1lux,. b1ltl, ,_,, 1t1•riltf ,11•w· 1r br••••· ti•tM t l•11. •ir co!!G itie11i119, whit• w•1r1. t ilt wh11I, lllu1I •11h 1u1t1. 1262l7tCll•74l) DEMO. '6t CATALINA 2 111t w•1011., D•&or t r•up, tur .. • hyd,,.,.,ti1, ••1t1•t• 1t1irror, it1lu:r• b•lh , pow•r 1t.•ri119. p1w1r .li111 br1•••· tl11t•d t l•n, pow•r t1il t•t• w1rtdew, •it co11clitiani119. whit1 w•ll1, 1tc. 17S2J6tCl2lJJC) DEMO. '69 GRAND PRIX C•r4il•v• 1011, 421 1119., tu1M hvcl''"'•fi&.. •t•t•• t.111U•, t~m1t• 111irr•r, J1lu11 ii1lh. 11•w•r 1to••iflf, p1w1 r tl i11 llr••••, tilt who1I J i•c•. C:i7657t,2•tt41l R1dio, h••l11, 1ulo1t11lic, 110'"''' ,+,,,. ;.,'ii &. br1k•1, f1clorv t h. (ll l l75M· 117591) '66 GRANO PRIX R1di•, h11ter, •11t•m•tlc •. Pfl'*'I' •I•••· i119, 11i11vl top. (510471 ) '67 LE MANS ? Door h•rdtop. l\1d•o, h1•I••· 1t11lit, f1ct1ry 1ir, IWXG1061 1~7 CATALINA 6 111111 . w•9on, R1dof1, ~•1 it•. 'l\llfll'I•· lit, po..,1r 1!1erin9 , f1 ele.ry ,;._ !TEY. I 19 ) '67 PONTIAC E11•tuf; .. , "'•~art. R.d,o. h1•l•1, t u+•• ""'tic, pOw•r 1!11tirtg, f•cl•ry 1ir. !YlKDlt l '67 BONNEVILLE C Dr. H.T, R,di•. h1•t••· •uh11t1•ii1, l11lt pow1r, f•ttory •ir. (UJCl4J ) '67 BONNEVILLE .( D•. H.T, ~ ... : .. , i..,,.,,, 1utom1tit>, 11•w1' 1+•1r .. pwr. window1 , f1~l. 1ir, (TitH60DJ '68 FIREBIRD JSO. R•tli•, h1•I••· oulom•lic, pow•r •+11ri119, 11i11yl r1of, l•cl•''f •ir. IWIC· •71) ROY .. CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/COSTA MESA [(] . . • Il l OM I -·-KIJ1!1!164444 I Your Best Oeal5 Are Still. Al DEAN LEWIS -PORSCHE ·~ Porsche. Xlnt mnd. 1966 Harbor. C.M. 64&.1W Chrome . 1\'he~el.s, Ski rack .. 37 VOLVO. Needs ~·· New paint. 613-6613 sm. Good co11chtion1 ~ fORSCHE '68 911L. l 646-5303 OWNER. XLN'T' C 0 ND . lo,7.;\7~V~o~lv-,-. -.R~,-b-uil~t-.-,.,,,.-..-; $5800. CALL ti154m0 Needs \1·ork. . TOYOTA b1J-OT27 or 536-121'.G ---T-OY_O_T_A--1 Anti'-""· Clo11lco 96U '57 MORG.O.N + 4 -. SEE &: DRIVE THE 197D ALL REMArNING 69'S .hfUST BE SOLD NO\V~ New T:ip, new brakes. EX. ceUenr condition, $15U1. &42..1724 alter 6 Pltt. ., PRICED rnor,r S1780.60 Rice C1rs Rods 9'20 Ser. # 1450 1-----'----~1 \'our Btlt Deals Art Still Al MODIFIED '-fidget I'&O!'r. DEAN LEWIS o~w '"'" i;.,,,, Jach. ~ · ~..... tires. & eng parts. Aakina: 1"°° Harbor. C.M. 546-9""" s1200. ,.oin co1111lder reas:'M: BILL MAXEY fer. r.1ust i.ce lo spprec . .1961 1 Harbor, C.M. or call 64 ITIOl,YIO!TIAI 11111 B!A.~H BLyD. 1-------'"'"t Hunt. Beilfi 147.asss WE P>.Y ... 3 mi N. of O:>ast Hwy. on Bch '68 TOYOTA Corona hrdtop coupe, Auto .. tact a!r, lady CASH . . -. c"""'.=:='.,· :.6'4-:;="'"'-"1====1 for U39d can A: truckl ff)st -coll ... for .............. TRIUMPH GROTH CHMOl.Et ' '59 TR-3, Br. grn, \\'ire whttls, nu ~bit e ng, AH for Sale1 ~.·· clutch, radiator &: brakes. 112ll Bta<'b Blvd. '·' all le&S than 500 miles. $850 Huntiniton Beach ~ • ' or trade + ca.sh for !ale ___ Kl::::.::.$Jll.:::=.' ----' model rtomestie 8edan or WC PAY CASH ... ·-:, W!l.it>n. Pvt Pty. 833-0785 "' VOLKSWAGEN , • • 1963 VOLKSWAGEN FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET -.. 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-120l'J;;•;• WI PAY TOP ·r 2 Door 1cdan. 4 speed tran• DOLLAR :! miMion. lGNZ074l for load.• clean used c • ' ., ' ' ' ' $599 all m1~. See Ci«q:e Tblod"" Robins Ford ·: e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. er.ta ltfesa 540-8AAI 50 VW's 1960 'llml 1963 2CeO Harbor Blvd. : C.M. IMPORTS WANTED •! Oranae t'mrttet :: TOP $ BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYCJT~ 11811 Beach Blvd. •• H. Be•ch. Pb. ICT $495 Wiii Buy Harbour v .w. Your Volkrw>&VJ or " pay top dollars. Paid Alni!ORIZED or not Call Rll.lph SALES & SERVICE ' 673-0900 11111 !!EACH BL., -1-=======:::: HJ..!N;MNGn>N BEACH ~~·~•;:;•l:;.:n..,g __ = • YW LEASE ANY MAKI . OR MODEL ;. ' CAMPERS Let our 1•ue .,...,,. & BUSES YoU the bat .,.. "" penonal needs without o SUNDIAL MODELS 111ioo. IMMEDIATE UNIVERSITY DELIVERY OLDSMOBILE 1,5 • 69's 28'0 Harbor Blvd. •• : WITH NO MILES Coota """ :: ' TO CHOOSE FROM iiii~~Sll>~9640~!!'!'!i!!""!!IJ" ' T & M MOTORS, INC. LEASE . RENT :,. ' ICS1 Garden Grovt Blvd. lmmediat• •livery ~ At Beach Blvd. 11 Oft a ! I 8S2-5&\l0ptnSu"""'53<-22S< 1970 FOltDtl • '19 VW B<I(, d1amohd bl,,., FORD TRUCKS • 2,000 ml, perfttt $1995. Muat All popular maJtts. tell tmmect. 64i.as&4. authorized leull1: .q. '62 VW SUn Roof. Completely Get Our Compeddft b ~t. llk• nu. $850. Day Theodore W-<391. Evts -ROllNS FOR l '6' vw. Min.I oond .. bodily • --..... --niichanlaalb'. l1000. Phone eo.ta r.1ua fU.0010 -· I ------ DAILY l'MT T Thtw5d&y, ~rnbtr ?5, \%' AIN TllANSl'OltTATICIN . · TAANSl'Oltl'ATION .,.. 'TUHsllOl!TATION ' -' TUNSllOllTATIOlf ·; 9110 u...i Cort ___ 990D_ • --------1 • BUICK - 1961 BUICK Speci&.I Station . \\'agon. Clean. &ood cond. '64 FALCON Spnnt, $200. 644-2866. 1n1le11ge. Xlnt rond. 54;,_2380_ CADILLAC FORD '62 CADILLAC ,67 FORD \Vhite, rebuilt e!Ji., dlr, xlnt running cond. Car well tak-CORTINA GT ~!lean! of -Need forei1:n car l-lard Top Cpe. V8, 4 spttd ln trade." Will fine prvl prty trans. Ruru; zuper ""\V And NPV821. Ca.II Phil 494-9T7J 0; locik! ~l'~at! l.1c, VTi' 5"7. ......... $1299 R@al ~autiful Car. l '&ii -CAD · Eldorado Convt. A ~ Owner. Priv. Pfy. Full pwr. o ~ tact air. vibrasonic, gold l., 0 ~2iim hl'!ige vinyl tnter. '1• ~C ·ifEt.DORAOO. Full P'< & ·o~ ~~,, air + Sl200 xtras, per! cond, ' lo mi: !\!UST SELL: 644-4265 ~1 E.xt. 66 or 67 '6.5 DE VILLE Convt. All 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ~T, extras, am/bn. $1750. COSTA r.tESA S55o dn & T.O.P. ~ l--,-66,.c,F,:.a.;.lcc.oc.n,:.F_,:._u-tu_r_•_ CHEVROLET f'ully factory equipped, Dlr, $69'. • PllClne 642-6Crl3 • '59 F1urlane Gala.'<y 500 4- dr, pwr str, R&H, geat belts, nu tires, top cood. 8J0.3725, .1963 CHEVROLET 831>-1«'>5. NOVA STA. WAGON 101,.,=-"'G°'ALA"""'"XJ"'E,....X"'o.-.-.-,, 9 pu~. Automatic, ta· tran~. pl!!, p/b, air<und. d.IO and beater. <llG490l Lo mi. $650. MS4626 $699 e UNIVERSITY e '61 Falcon, rblt eng, nu bat- ter)'. Xlnt lires.. $200 or best offer. 830-0.J..)5 ()r 495-5.151. OLDSMOBILE -2850 Harb:Jt Blvd. '59 FORD \\'agon, jtood transportation. $150 or best of.fer. 646-2.)76. C.osta J\Iesa 54(}..888\ I====== MUST SELL MUSTANG 1969 Conooor >:.tai. Station 1965 MUSTANG CONV. t\1&gon. 15,000 miles. radio-Yellow \\/black top, 289 w/ heattt, disc br&kes, lugrage 3-spe('(J n1anual trans., runs .cack, 2 v.·ay tail gate, pow. \\'ell, $11125. 6'i3-4.t93. e!:O 1tffring, S700 under high 1:!68 ti!USTANG. Dark Blue ~-LI s.4a'6 or 6.llJ155. fa.slba('k. Lo'v miles. Xlnt '64 CHEV Nova Wagon 283 rond. $1900. ~5-24J9 .cu. in .. 4 spd, new rttr end •m .......... ,.,""" """· OLDSMOBILE Very cle!UI. $925 or best of·i---------'ier~ 544-3246. • •1 1963 OL DS 98 / '69 IMPAIA SUPER ·SPORT 015tom. Bu c k .. f .us, aJr, plb, p/11, Jo miles, ne,r bre1. Vecy clean. St3:);,. 94 4 DOOR HARDTOP 1960 CHEVY '" * Glftnbriar Van + otter ~:?-:il72 aft ::i UifD Cannno, '\lute, autci. e UN IVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE Jl&.H. lo m1, $1i50. Call Bl ~lG'!Jl. Evn M&-SM!I 2S5U Harbor Yd. 1 ..:.::...~=~~-~--1 Colbl ~1e11t 540-MSI 'M ~!ALIBU. xlnt cond, fl'!\\' .-tli'et. l owner '8So ltnn. '73-3663 or 543-CJJ CORVAIR 1965 OLDSMOBILE 'Q o.vai. M.,.,,_., bu•k<t CUTLASS .. a 4 fPd, xlnt cond. Prtv l·Dr. Seda.n. v~. _....., ~?519 hf-11,.r, au1omatie. -v· v.w.ll, Unfed 1lua. I PCS9221 $895 COUGAR :'Hlff COUGAR XR·7 At· ..,ine. PS, PB. Air. e UN IVERSITY e -w/bllr Wt11 lop. Un. OLDSMOBILE ""' IMJO mt. Ila! ,.._ :l!:;O ~ mw. olo!e ,,a.,. -O.t& M"O ' • , Usod Cors 990D OLDSMOBILE • • BRAND NEW 1970 OLDS SPORT COUPE Flill,y ....,,.,, equlpped In. dudinl head rftta:, .eat belts. back-up light&, wind· shiielt:I washers. oU~e mfr. ror, caJ11ef.s, etc. $2498 Uood Coro "°' (IMd Cort '9od u...i c ... ------- OLDSMOBILE '54 Old1 -Good tnuwporta. lion $150 or but oHtt. Ask for Bob: 549-1690 Orii J.fUes 28,(0) 'fi6 Olds Clltlass $1550 lmmac eond. Pvt prty. fi75..&7 PLYMOUTH . • • 1966 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR SEDAN Automatic tranmtlssiott. IR'IT803) $899 e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa J\1eM 54{).8881 PLYMOUTH '65 PLYMOUTif Vallant 2 dr, 3 1pd, ·~ aix, new tl11!1, i-int. chrome wht'tll. $150 or bnt offer. ~4. PONTIAC '67 .LeMANS OHC6, 2 dr, pis. plb, bttcket aeab, con- &ale. 23,000 ml. S 19 7 5. 644-4585 '6.J GRAN Prix. fact . air, full po\\~r. new tires, good cond., $1350. 536-8740. T·llRD '51 T-Blrd/'falr cond. SR '58 T-BU'd, except. clea..Q. new poly. titta;, "•*" headliner, b&tt~ry. e!c. $29IL IJ0-"324 '61 Landau, 30,<m mi. Mr, full pov.Tr, new radial ti.res. lmmac. Fae. v.'V!'. 2 yr • 20,!XXI ml. &U--051'4 VALIANT 1962 Pontiac Tempest. Orl& '60 VALIANT, Good cond: 'Tbruout. S~lendid Cond. $115 ~. Call :iJ&.6&16. Ph. 54:$-1800 JJ~: 1 START THE NEW YEAR IN STYLE •••. ' -. 1970 CONTINENTAL MARK Ill Express Yourself Ele9antli With. CONTINENTAL MARK UI CONTINENTAL '68 CONTINENTAL 4·DR. SEO. •11r1tliv~ 1•91'1 rhrorr>e Ytllo"' Wtlh bllt~ ....... ml'e"Of' Ind landau '"''· Full m~• 11:1ulpM111, l6ttorv •Ir, e!t. W)CF Jl! $4395 '69 V.W. Westph•lie C•mper c .. olt!. "~"'· l'!PP flip. irtl:. Llr. ,._ "'""''9" "'" -OM O""ft9r <!Ir...., 0t1I)' <1100 m•~ Stt.. t' l~lt. $3395 • '67 CONTINENTAL 4-DR SEO. e .. ullfut '""' bk/9 mtl111llti finish wlttt meftll.. 11>9 !eel~• 1n!t'rlor. 811tk l1rw:leu t'tlOI', lull¥ IUYUfV equ!1>Ptd cNI !•Gltlt'I' l \r corodl!iollln!I· AM-FM red•O, 'ff!•HI ln~· d'!'t-. OM-<twn" t&r • 9Hultt\lf1)' m.inltlll'$d, TTNO)O, $3395 '67 CONTINENTAL t:•••w~rtlble to-eut+•ul Or•~" Tu•n•}I)+<• h~•~h wltoo l'i!l~h"" "'~ll)r ~"° ••••mt "Ir tom~lfltelv Ill'>· n•V "'HJ!f!P'I!. full "'""" •M rM '"""' '•d or'I' 11" 1111 -j, I~ I n~w '"'"-uo.-11~ $2795 1965 CONTINENTAL 4 lfoer ~'' tlf'!!I f111!•ll wit~ bl0<1d 1 .. !l'ler IM!ft'k!r. Fully lu•uh tQUIDr>tl'I 111rJUll•n1 "'" """"" 4 IK!OrY .,,. U11u1u1 llv Ciu'I~ l it. ovw t5), $2195 ' CYCLONE HARDTOP 1970 MARQUIS Pric• C,,, with Jhe Moil DRAMATIC STYLING· SINCE THE - CONTINENTAL MARK 111 ORANGE COUNTY'S FIN.EST USED CARS • .Johnson & Son Bu The Reputation of Offerin11 The Finest Selectlon of Vsed Cars in t/1e County! 1964 CONTINENTAL OTHER MAKES ' .,_. 'ed'"· Vt!.....t bla(k *'"Isl! .,.ttt. t-11e• '67 PONTIAC GTO 2·DR. H.T. l!'fl~ lf!ieroor. Fully 111~11•'1' irqulpPfd !ntllld•"~ fult power I. l!c!Drt.t lr. L~. OY5 !ll Gold mill met1Hlc ''""h w•lh bleck bu!:~·· .mis, auto. l•tn1., rMIO & htatv, PO....,. "",. $1795 1"9, fltto•Y tlr. 8Nutllul ~orwlh!Orl, TlltJSOl $2295 MERCURY 1967 BUICK RIVIERA tl"llutlfuf met1me '"'''" with "'" lrltwlo•. 67 COUGAR 2-DOOR lOQUf~ With ell 1'tle fll"U"' -•tt9", (JI• ~tloMl!y Clfff!. t.IC. UVU 011 Ll..,t lrtKt wlttt m11klllnl ""'vi ~e:ls. t utl, at 9'19IM. P.S, 111 .. H, llft Uf trldt-lrl. °"' _,.,. •1'111 ""''°"' bY -(-n'f, VOllm. $3095 $2175 1967 MUSTANG 2 DR. H.T. •rltt.11 r-clr!I ,,..., flnl'11 wlbltd: tivd<" ... .._ 21' \la .,.1,,., -18. rM., htr., -11r1 .. '67 MorcodH 23D S 4 Dr .. Sd . sowr. brt.1., •uto. ''""'" II(. TWYf!I $1795 #111/!e. treM, ~ 8~ .• , H • t!C. °'1• llW~., -INlll••ully mt!nl•lned. Tr1d~ Oil n@"' to"' tlner.11, VOK m • '69 TOYOTA COROLLA $3195 t DSP'. • llopl. tr•""" rtdoo lo 1'1-, whltt WI '°leek 1"teriol', 11.M •ct1Ht! m!les. le1utlful cOl'ld. )(OC 511 '67 MERCURY MARQUIS 2·DR . $1495 ..... tlNl/llfU! ... .... •• '"'"" .. .... 1961 FORD FlOO I' PICKUP melcP!ff'q ,.,...... IUll'I' 1-'(!W!• fllUIDPCd. ... "-""' •"· 11...0.u mot, -o""""· Otf~P<" onlv •Miio. l>e••~•. l)l,O~t\1180 .,_ b1 Jotiruon ~ $tool, JQ,oot mola. \JlNtU. ll~<,llent condlllol'I, Lit Qft'lll $2495 $1895 '69 MERCURY COLONY PARK '61 CADILLAC SEO. DE VILLE M1roo11 f!nl11! "°Ill> bltci; lo~d~V f'DOf \1111 blad: t ., .. .....,. Slllitll WlfO!I, Fully lu~url' rqu1i>. , .. ~ klttrlor. Lu•U•Y 9C!Ulpped. Jull PD""f•· ~. tun l)l)WfO', 9-<fl:lry tlr. •If. A"ullfV' fKIO<'Y 1lr aw:tltlol'll""' AM-FM ,........, "'°1•, ~ blut Wltll meldlltlt h'lhtrlot. Ct•tfU!l'I' IHI 1tett!llO W11«1l. o ... o .... r, bHullflllly .,,.1,,. melnl1lllMI, YWlt 10 ltl!\ecl. tO.Olll m !la . VZT3" $4195 $4595 BARG'AIN CORNtR - '" Our Bi1rgaln Corner, we have numerous used cars. Some cl11n, s o m • not so cle•n. Some thet ere duplic• tions, some we've hH too long-in eny event this• ci1rs •re re•I bilr1i1in1. LOOK 'EM OVERI '&& MUSTAN• Lie. NIN 112 '&& Ml llCUltV t•Dl9' Mfnld1lr M.T. •DDJN ' 16& IUICIC lltlVll 1114o ' 'slt1 14• '66 l'OllD GILAJtll JN. 2·0 ,, Ntl'ftell SV Ftn. '&6 I UICK ELICTlll Lit. v•u u• $91& $121& $131& $1&1& $181& '68 CNllYSLI(, NIWl'OlllT $221& Lk . VVU UJ $181& $201& $221& Johnson-. • son ' lt1l&oorr& m • ~ffilm©l!D!mW I ©®!!D@/A\00 2626 HARIOR IOULIYARD, COSTA MESA NEW CARS 540·5630 642·0911 1 Mlle South of the San Diego Freeway I USID CARS 540·5635