HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-03-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' jl ' 1\ " n • 7 • .-l ' ; • • • . an ire . • ' . ' ~ 10 Frolff :El Toro Saved DAllY PILOT .~, ' • LBJ Ill Hospital Heartbeats Scrutinized By Doctors SAl'f ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) -For· mer President Lyondon B. JohnllOn suf•, fered "transient pain•• .Jn his chesHnd left ann today. Doctors watching hi~ every heartbeat gave him medicfue to relieve the discomfort. "The Presid~nt had a generally good night but continues to ezperience dis- comfort in his arm and chest," Tom .Johnson, the fonner president's execu- tive assist.ant, told a medical briellng. "The President experienced some dis- r.omfort in his Mm at 2 a.m .," the aide .liaid. Lt. Col. Robert L. North, chief heart speeialist at Brooke General Hospital. diagnosed the discomfort as "tramient palru" not ' ronnected with the chest pairui that sent the 36th U.S. president to the Army hospital Monday. "Our main concern in our current trealment is to try and prevent a heart attack," North said. "'lhls is the thrust of our treatment. "These current pains do. no perma- nent damage to the heart. We don't tiave a bleak otitlook. In fact, we are very optimistic. Of course, no (jflf has the power of clairvoyance." North said John!on was given ·quini· dine sulphate and warfarin to relieve his discomfort. The first drug is used to reduce chest pains ·and the second is an anticoagulant. At the mtdical briefing, Tom Johnson 8aid North diagnosed the overnight pains as a mild aftermath to the chest pains experienced Monday. "The President suffered premature contractions, that is, extra heanbeats that come earlier than expected," the aide said. "Medication was applied and these extra heartbeats have been in· frequent since l or.1 a.m.: "At 9:30 a.m., he experienced an· other pain and continues ta have dis· comfort· in his chest and left arm ." The 61·year-old former president was. given x-rays and constant electrocard- iograms today. "All were within nor- mal Umits," said his aide. North said Johnson's weight of 217 wu within .the normal limits for his age and 'beigbt. Discover A laska lit Pilot Toda y '.I'll< DAILY PILOT today lnc lude! a "fold-it-yourself," four-page tablold sec- tion sponsored by SOuth Coast Plata Merchants Associatlon. The section offers a Complete rundown on what to expect when Alaska ''move.. to co.sta Mela'' next week. Jt previews the Alaska Trade &: Travel Exposition ~·hich opens Thursday, Marth U. It's in· 1ide , on Pages 6A and 6Q. ·Wait for Lun~h~ . ' ' ' • • ! • t ' .. .. ;;;, ··.A Security is having a dog in the house. The Hal Chauncey house is al .i\-108; Surfside. Hal and his family feel very secure. The Great Di!JleS are Nova and Queenie. They are still puppies. When they grow up, second-story men will stay out o{ the litUe beach co1ony. Santa Ana Police Hunt ·Sex Mutilation Murdere1· · A nude 1irl brutally murdered on a. rainy weddin(..nltht Jn .Santa Ana wa!I sexually mutna15d with a tree branch, a broken botµe..arid-1 -huge paving stone, homlclde investigator d!sclosed today. Bound with ~. lace fr<J\n her own · moc- casins, Beatrice Ann VWanueva, 17, wa.• found Monday1 sprawled in the mud behind a home of an elderly sc.hoolteach- er who~went out ta inspect her yard. Immediately after the victim -her personal effttt1 acattered around the pathetic 11eene -was ldentUled, police began questlonlng acquaintances. .. -. I Detectives theorl:zed the young mother or an 18-month-old baby was dragged from a nearby slreet by a maniacal sex killer a1 she took a short walk. aflter a rr=~~ r~ptlon party at the home or Footprints and other markings In the mud behind the two-story home at 1078 w •. Se~ St., indicated a violent strug- ale the Villanueva glrl put up for her llfe. Beskles the sadistic sexual attack, the 'killer slaahed the glrl 'a throat with a broken 'bottle -bits or which littered bcr (See MURDER, Poge II * * * IOc * * * ·-TUESDA y AFTERNOON, MARCH l, ·mo . 'll'OL. 6). JllO. It. I leCTIOJlll. Jf l'o\•11 ' • " * With Chest Pains ' ' Whites .Attacl{ • Buses '' '· " . ' -~· ' ~.Gas Repels Angry· S. Carolin-a Mob LAMAR, S.C. (UPI)~ A white mob at· tacked three scbool buses ·loaded with Negro children at newly desegregated Lamar High School today. P.atrolmen us- ed tear gas to rescue students moments before the whites ov~tumed two of the buses. Bille-helmeted state highway patrolmen shepherded the 39 children in the buses to safety inside the school. Several of the youngsters suffered eye injuries resulting Molotov Cocktail , Thrown, -MtSses Capistrano Bank By JOHN VAL TERZA Of tltt D•llY ,lltt Stiff Still another attempted firebombing of a South Coast area bank building came to light Monday with reports that San Ju3n ~ Capistrano's branch or South eJ n Cali!ornla First National Bank was hi{ by bombers late Sunday night. The MolotO\' cocktail thrown at that of- fice at 31971 Camino Capistrano missed its mark , hn"·eVer, and was doused by heavy rain before it could do damage, Orange County sherlf!'s lnve.rtlgators said today. A day before. bombers threw a similar crude firebomb at the San Clemente branch of the Bank of America. That one exj>loded against a metal and glass rear door and caused several hundred dollars !n damage before It burnt out. The two area fire incidenU sparked conversations among bank officials in San Clemente and Santa Barbara Wednesday In· an attempt to find 'lt link between the San Clemente a..n d Capistrano cases with the fire which wM set· by demonstra~ in Santa Barbara last week. It destro~ the Isla Vista branch df the Bank of America. • However, de!J)lte the ~calls-and-in-- tensive investigation by San Clemente police and fire investlgaton, sheriff's of· ficers and the Orange Couf!lY Sheriff's crime laboratory, no rlrm theory haJ emerged in the bombings. In San Clemenle, several burglarle~ Md cases of forced entry into buslnesse! took place shortly after the bombing of the B of A here. • A billiard business, a ,.ealty office and the San Clemente Elk's Lodg~ ·were among the victims In the small thelts. One theory of San Clemente police Is that the bank Incident In their city could have been a dlve~lonary tactic by the .pmsons who comnlltted the burglaries of the businesses . from glaSs flying from broken windows Jn the buses. iGov. RoOert E. McNalr termed the at- tacks "unspeakable" and ' said they resurted from sfgre--gation forces utgirig defiance oflhe law. The school was clo,s. ed. McNair alerted the National Guard. · The violence was the worst rep(,rted in the South since the region began com- plying in January with federal court on:.lers for total desegregation. Darlington County, whlch ·kw:ludes La'mar, was the second South Carolina county placed under.such an order. A mob of.150 white men and woinen gathered in front of 4Jnar High, a formerly all-white school that recenUy received 300 bla'cks. They were Jed by re·staurant owner Jeryl Best, head of the Darlington County "Freedom-of-choice Committee," which had urged all white, to boyooU the county's schools. The first bus (o irr:lve, .cirfying four (See ~IOB, Pa1e 1) Trapped JV orrmn, Kids ... ' . Saved by Guard Copter By ARTIIUR R. VINSEL 01 111• O•lly ,1191 J l•ff coµnts of the nightmare starm which, left standing lakes, pools of mud and other A group of .El Toro housewives and hnards besides de11troying roads and their children are back home today, after sweeping away brldgeS. .a dramatic helicopter rescue from a flash Jenny Slftner,· 10, daughter Of MnrlMJ nooc1-ravaged canyon near San Vicente, Corps Capt. D. w. Sumner, was a cam- Baja California. · ping trip guest of lbe Browns, neighbgn The women and children were among in El Toro. 10 airlifted out of the muddy wash ~ton-Clutching her: arithmetic book and stp. day, w. here up to 30 more persons, many ping oran&e juice after th!. hellco~lon· ded with 10 refugees in San Di o, the Americans, remain isolated In need of girl said It was terribly scary. 1 food and water. ''The rain l:ilew in off the gulf la te Authorltl" said there are no serious In-Saturday night. It was frightening, howl-. ji'iries ;-rleaths involved and that the ing with heavy winds." . "If these· men from the ·coast Guard three El Toro men chose to stay behind ·· hadn't come when they did, we· would wjth. their vehicles and equipment. .have beeh in rough shape," siad Mn. r'I'he site Is about 110 miles south of San Brown , holding hancµ with her sons. Diego. Squads or Mexican soldiers and rescue workeni tn four-w~Ldrlve vetlcles were on:.lered into the isolated area today, where ravaging rains have wiped· out already-rugged roads, The El Toro residents were Identified · as Mrs. Margaret Brown, i>f 24472 High pine Road, 90llS Larry, 6, and Arnold 4j Mrs. Anne Olgilvle, a neighbor, her daughters Sandra, 4, Catoline, 6, and son, Davld, 5 months. • Mn. •Brown,· conlacttd al home today, said -another-U.S.. Coast Guard helicopter was sent ii\to the rii0W1talnous arta this morning and she expected further word by this afternoon. lrhe victims were airlifted to C<iast GUard he8dquarters In San Diego 24 hours arier· the storm hJt, in an cvacua- tl-On remarkably s.imiiar to those exactly · one year ago ln Orange County's Sllvtrado and Modjeska canyons. Coast Guard Commander Robtrt Cook, rescue dlrectOr, said today at least S5 per1Cns have been aceounted for In a 40- mlle radius of the Oood·stricken coastal canyons. Hikers finally struggled out of tho•hllls to summon help. • • ' Rescued .victims offer their own ac- ~Orange • • 1''eathel'-. Sunny midweek . weather with· mercury readlng1 in the middle 60's is the line la.i:e for.the Orang1 Coast o,n Wednesday.- INSIDE~DAY Divorce -California 1t~l1. You've-come a fcmg-way~ boby; No10 t/014 can sever ftll connec- tiom With your mitmatchtd mate in a mot~r "' 90 1tcondl. See 'PatJt. JO. • C•llftr111• ~lo'lll• 11~ CS.Ullltill C-kl Cr•1.w.t11 0..111 "'"'" E•U11rl11I 1'1 .. l11Mttlln!Mlll l'IRllllCt ·--1 ,,,. LM41i" ::.n:· ' ' l>M " " ,. • " •• " " .. " • • ' • 2 DAILY ~ILDI Coast. Heist ' Suspect Shot In Robbe1-y ._,, A auapect ln th• anne.:i robbery of Bal· Pert IAungt ln Newport Bt1ch wu in crltlul condition . JodV In IJSc.<:ounty MldJca1 ctnttr ln Loi An&ele1 after belng ~ during an alle&ed holdup attempt in ~ Buch early Siinday morning. Newport ~ach detectlvt C1p1. · Louh H,... •lid Bobby Joe BMllllmttl, 30, of l..os Angeles has been Jdentlfled as a SU!pect in tut wtck'1 robbtry of the Newport tavern at (507 W. Coast ' Highway. His alleged act0mPI~ In Saturday•i 1hooling, ~tary S. Carnal, 30, of South Gate, could not be po&itivr:ly Identified by Newport victims. · .. 'Ibty'n wlnled by Santa :P.1.onk:a, Downey, Inglewood, Torrance and Loa Angtla Shertll'• Office too." he 11ld. Capt. Mlere1 noted Brummett i1 on parolt from a conviction of an auault with a deadly weapon. Tht palr wert 11ken Into eu1tody after a shocWut that Wounded Brummett and three patrons of a Long Be~ch bar they were allegedly attemptl.ng to rob. Long Beach police said they entered Poor Richard's Sar, 6412 E. Sterns SL j~t before closing at 2 a.m. Sunday. Taking positions at each end ol the bar, the two nport.edl)' p.illed out gurw and told U 91trons and tl'le blrtender to emp- ty lhtlr poclle ... ~peaUn« the pattern set in the Newport bold up, Brummett was alleged· Jy In thl proce.ss ol tU:lng clothft from the victlm.1, when one hit him over the -bead wllh a b.,. otooL Kenneth Richmond later told ofOce.r!li ht wu "alc.k and tired of punU who had '""'·" ' Miss Carnal saw Richmond wrestling with her partner and reportedly fired six ahots from her .25-callbet automatic. '.Richmond and a companion, Mrs. Muriel Wehrman rectived superficial flesh wounds, but Richmond's wife, Florence, and Brummet suffered major wounds, Mft. Richmond was repart.ed In utidactory condition at Long Beach. Community Hospital. , Fron• Page' l MOB ... Negro children , was pelted by bricks but oUicen were able to get the student! out ·Unharmed. The second bus, carrying 20 black S,tudenb. arrived minutes later. Members of the mob jumped on Its hood and snatched off Its distributor cap, forcing it to a halt The mob surged forward and smashed the 'M'indows with ax handles and bricks. A third bus, carrying 15 Negroes, then pulled up, and the mob attacked it, fighting slmullaneously with highway patrolmen trying to protect the buses. The mob pUlled away from the buses only after patrolmen opened up with tear ga1. 'the gas swirled a few minutes around the buses as the black chlldren remained Inside. , Pa{rolmen then escorted the students Jnside the school while the mob shouted · epithets. Moments lat& the crOwd surged again upon the buses and succeeded in turning two of them over. The patrolmen pulled their revolvers and hurled more tear gas into the crowd. This sent the mob neelng and choking. One shot wu n!portedly fired by the mob but no one was hit. McNair, vi•ho had termed the desegreagation orders unreasonable but had urged' compliance w·ith them, de· nounced the attacks as "unspeakable acts committed against the school children of Lamar.'' "We now see the coosequences whi ch rt1ult from an open defiance of the law,". McNalr salh . "We now pay the penalty for the type of di!fe spect and disregard for authority which has been publicly ad· vocated b)' many in recent day.!." ' DAILY PILOT N•w,.rt leoc.h Let••• lffclll CMtti M- ""'tl1ttt•11 •••• Pe•llhll• Yelley S..i CIMMl'tte OAAHGE COAST PUILUHINO COlfPANY loh,,I N. w ,,d Pr••klltll Intl Pllblhllff ' J1<k R. C11rl 1y Vlc.t Prn ldtnl Ind GtMttl Mtnt$t1' Tho,.,11 Ktt •il j Editor Tlio,.,11 A. M11,phl11, M-glflll Edltvr Ri<htrd P. Nill »1111'1 o .. nge COl/f!ty Edl!or Offlcn • Cnl• M•u~ )JO Wtu ,,., $1rHI NirwPO•! lfttll• 1l11 Wfft lllbo• lo~rtvtrlll L1g11t11 l•1Cl'I: rtJ 1"01nl ,t,~e.1ve H11ntlfllll'IHI llNcll: 1111S ll•tcft l~ul•~••lll .. n Clt !Mnlt: Xii Net'll1 Iii Ctmll!D RHI _,Pl > OAILY ,ILOT, ,..111'1 ...,,i.;~ 11 camblntd Ille H...,.."'"•• Ii 1111llll111H dtlly t~(RP! a- lllty .... """'' lldl•lon• 19" LtO""• 11 .. cft, H...,.,, IM<.~, COiii Miff, """'""'°" ._,. e1'd ,_ltlfl '111!.ty, •tano '"'II" - 'llillltl .. llloflt, O•t"9f [NII PutoU1ftfNJ C""'ti'tllf' P<il!llM 111~11 tfl 11 t?l I W"'I ll•lt.M llYll.. Ht_,., llHtll, tl'ld JlQ Wttr ••Y S""'· (0\11 M.w. ,.,.,. ... (711111 f.42·4J21 CJ._jfle4 A4nrthl .. 642·5611 S.. Cl_.,... All D9"l'tMffltt: ,..., .... 4f1-442t (Oeyrlflll. IHt, O!'MOt Cllll l !IDll•Mnt C~nf, He ,,.... 11er~ lllll\Trfllon1, .. IW .. I ""'"" .. 1dVfrlltllftlfth l'ltrtln _,, Ill tf11111ducf'lll '"''"'°"' .,..ekl llH• 111fu.... 'If DlllY,IOM D-'. ~ ci.u .. .,., .. , .. kl 11 M~., &•lttfil .... e.1•~1'MM. C1H~\1, 1.uDoer~IOn '' U!Tll'fN.ot·-llllYI lly -ll l1 it 11•1•u~1,1 ITlllll•f'Y fflltlMIJ•n\, "'" "-"'tr. I , fllt'Sday, MW 3, 1970 DAIL y 11LOT """N ""' •1e~a;1 kMMir I ' . Nixon Sendl Wire Solons G14-ther • For Utt Tribute A delaj&tlon or scort1 of 11n1tor1 and e<m•rusmen will join ~\I. 11.oftaJd Rei-- gal'I 'Wednesday In paylng .a last trlbUle to Rep. James B. Utt at a sln1ple funeral in Garden Grove Community Church. President Nixon will be unable to at· tftld the 1:30 p.m. cetttnony !or Mr. Utt, 70, wlto wa1 1lrlcll:en by a fatal heart alll<k 8Wldoy II h< altended church in Washington. "1 was shocked and deeply saddened to htar of Jimmy's death," 1akl the Prui- dent in a telegrim to h1s wklow, Char· Jena, of 22.33 Catalina Ave., Santa Ana-: "May the memory of his love for his famUy and his dlsUn°gullhed service W hli leUow .men be remitnbtted at UU1 Nd tlihe.'' the wire said. A lli'OUP of 43 colleafUd In the HOUll of Rtpttsentatlves and tft undttermln~d l'IUthbef of senators pl1rt to flttend 1et- vlOeJ lot the 35th Dlstrkrt reprt11tntaUVt. "I hliVe lost a pertonil trlend and col· 1«agut." added tht Prealdtnt, who was greeted by Mr. Utt Jn Janu1ry when he regisered as ao Orange County voter. Youths Face Trespass Rap After Arrest . ' A total of 114 Orange county juvetples and adults wlll fact Court aollpntl ln- \'OIVing itupass in lht .latest ot IT\ln)" rouhdup& o( reveler• 1t. the secludtd OttOga Hlgmny hol iprlnp spa. NEWPORT FIREMAN WASHES DOWN CHARRED KITCHEN OF HOME ON NEWPORT'S LIDO ISLE lnve1ti9atora Traci Start of ~laze to Wa st• Basket in Kitchen of Bayfront Residence The Wishlngton contingent fiflnl t6 Orange County will be led by Rep. Gerald Ford (R·Mich.) the House minority lead- er. _ Rep. H. Allen Smith (R-Glendale) formally announced Mr. Utt's death in ConlJri!'S Monday, notin(I the Orange t:ouhty natlYt a!ikid that It tlot ltnfJede buslnen-al-lltual en Capitol HJll. But the tleftndanbl an rounded up by Ofanae County sherul•s deputies late last wtek ind hetded into walling bu.et, will be pr0tecuted under 1tate laws, instead of the count)' code, becault thf latter was niled unconstitutional 1fter 4 11tn1lar raid at the same spot last year. Sheriff's investigative Capt. James Broadbelt said today lhe young persons would begin making court appearances on the miidemeanor charges thls week. French President Happy Now With Visit to U.S. NE\V YORK (UPI) -French Presi- dent GeorgeS Pompidou, ''satisfied" with his U.S. ltip despite a raah of pro-Israeli demonstrations, said today in a farew'ell news conference that he and President Nixon reached a ''full understanding" ori world problems. The pro-Israeli demonstraUons 10 upset th~ visiting French leader that President Nixon new to' New Yori!. Monday night to apologize personally arKI attend a farewell ·dinner for Pompldou. Pompitlou told the news conference that he held "very lengthy" discussions with Ni.xon and felt that they had reached a "full understanding of our respective pos!Uons'' although lhcy were not always Fullerton Law Against Litter Upheld in Court Fullerton's anU·Utter law has been upheld in a U:>s Angele.1 Federal Court ruling which is expected ~ Immediately ban door to door deliveries Jn that dty of "Tempo,'' the advertising oriented Sun· day publication. U.S. District Court Judge Francis Whelan defended .the proposed city ordinance Monday In a 10-page decision which rejected the claims of Tempo at· torneys that the measure violated con- stitutional guarantees of freedom of the press. Fullerton councilmen !pproved the ordinance for enforctmeat l&st Dec. It but withheld enforcement pending Judge Whelan's ruling. · TQe measure specifically prohibits door to door distribution of printed material without the consent of the property owners. Judge \VheJan's ruling is on the lines of a law passed In Pacific Grove, Callf., which survived a series.of court actions and appeals and Is in farce today. Tempo attorneys today declined tn comment on the possibility of an appeal pending their review of Judie Whelan's ruling. · Bobby Kennedy's Dog Freckles S~tll Missing 'VASHlNGTON (AP) -Freckles, the shaggy sldeklck of the late Sen. Robert F. , Kennedy who became a minor con- troversy ln lht 1968 California presiden- tial primary, is missing from hJs home in Virginia. "It's just terrible," ri-1rs. Kenntdy sakf . "l've never missed a dog so much. He's been through everylhlng with us." T h e five-year-old black-and-whHe spaniel, who freely romped over the Ken- nedy estate In suburban McLean, disap- peared Saturday night. Mrs. Kennedy said sl1e didii't know whether Frecltle1 was dognapped or menly fell 1pr&ng Coming on. " The dog became part 0( the Callfom\a primary when Sen. Euiene ?.JcCarlhy said In a speech : "l h1rve not been able to\understand hoYi brin¥.ing Freckles out rcMly helped to make 1t easier to choose (i candidate) on !hf.\ basis of issues. "I cculd have brought my dog -and I think that in a atraighl contest between Fecklcs and my dog, lhat .Eric would win -but •. I think I can camp1llgn agaln~l both the ~nator from New York and h\a do g." he said. Tht. senator rrspondcd by saying 1hat Frei::kles h11d been a "much maligned '• dO!f. f in full agreement. The French leader said the differences in point of view were in part geographic and pointed out that the "frontier of the Con1munist world was 200 miles from Paris." He said his talks with Nixon ranged from the ri.1iddle East and Vietnam to Europe and East·West relations in Europe., As Pompidou spoke with newsmen in the Louis X room at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, a detail of airport and city police searched his Air France jetliner after receiving t. telephoned threat. Police said an Air France employe received a call from a man who said: "Pompidou's plane will not take otr to- day. There is a bomb on it and it will blow up." Howevrr, an extensive search of the DCB jetliner failed to t.um up any ex- plosive. While noting that the United States and France disagree on .iiome specific policies he ~aid, "Ni lo the basic Issues our views 11.re the same and our objectives are the same." Pompidou brought up the subject or demonstrations in a short statement before answering: questions from ·news- men. Frona Page l MURDER ... body -and also crushed her head with the flagstone. An autopsy was scheduled to determine If she had been raped by the man himself. 11nd ""hlch of the wounds ac- tually k!lled her. All could ha\1e caused her death by themselves. The victim, who lived with her molher at 905 'V. Third SL .and worke<i as a domestic maid, was found by Edna L. Dessery, 75, who has lived at the same location for 60 years. She said she went out to the trash cans at 6:45 a.m .. noticed a flagstone missing from her rear walk Rnd was puz1.led. "I couldn't figure out y,·hy it \I'll& gone. So 1 follo\\'ed the walk a little further and sew the body of a woman behind the gara£e t1ar the fence. t knew she was dead · H ide Tlelective Larry Cornelison theoriz e Vlllanue\•a girl -"''ho had left a nearby wedding reception y,·ilh friends earlier -was dragged off the strett to the hidden spot. Miss Diane Aeosta, .22. a cousin. had kept the victim's daughter Lydia during !he party and said Beatrice returned lo lhe house in a car with friends, but left shor1ly before 2 a.m. for a walk. ''She promised to be back In fi ve minutes." said Miss Acosta . Investlgal.clrs said she left between 2 and 2:30 a.m., setting that as· the ao- proxlmale JMtriod i_n which she was ab· ducted and murdered ~bout eight blocks away. • She was accosted on nearbv South Shelton Street. which lnlt.rsects West Se- cond Street at the corner on which ri.frs. Dessery bought her home in 1910, detec. Uves believe. Subdued dur ing the !itru ggle with her killer, the victim's hands weTe bound behind her back with the leather moc- casin lhong, although iibe still had on the footwear .. Relatives llllirl the girl dropped out of Santa Ana High School abOut two years ago. ltomlckle tletecth·es today were at- tmptlng to retrace her steps on the falfl 1'-1onday mominl{, questioning several ol her friends In an effort to establl5h leads toward Identifying Uie Miler. Ht'r clothing "'as found strewn about the backyard. while cornet>cs alfd other items from her purse were scattered ar ound the nude body, poll~ said. Ueca1,1se nf the mutil11tlQn, dett.etive1 ~ald ii will require an autopsy to eS1.11~lsh if the Villa.nueva girl was ac· tuelly rRped by the killer tilinHlf. ' Firemen Douse $26,000 Blaze On Lido Isle Newport Beach firemen said tooay a blaze that did an estimated $26,000 damage to the Lido Island home of a retired Lusinessman Monday afternoon star1ed In a waste baskel in the kitchen. Fire units were called to the blaze at 820 Via Lido Nord by a neighbor of Neill D ' ~ avis· who saw smoke coming from Davis' home. Firemen said $6,000 damage was done to the building and $20~ to contenl.41 from the fire that gutted the kltctten and dining area. - "Considerable heat and smoke damage was su~tained throughout the structure," they noted . Davis told investigators he was out on his SO-foot cruiser "Sleepy Eye" which is docked at the home when a neighbor shouted there was a fire. Davi.s' wife was not at home at the time. Three fire unJts called to lhe s~ne at 4:24 p.m. controlled the fire within minutes, firemen said. Two Harbor patrol fire boats were also al the scene, but were not seud. Tnvestlgatctr!li wert unable to determine the Cause of the fire. Coin Collection Of $5;000 Taken A coin collectioo valued at $5,000 has disappeared from a Laguna Beach. homt, police reported thls morning. Returning to his home, 1420 Hillcrest Drive for the ·first time since Septem- ber, Monte Gene Davia checked out his large collection of coins, left in a locked metal box, and discovered several hund· red of them mlulng, he told police. Gone from lhe box, Davis ukl, were 75 rolls of Roostvelt dimes, valued at $375, IO rolls of hall dollars, a large number of Canadian coins and several "proof sets'' of value to coin collectors. Police said a locking device from the box containing the coin collection had been removed but found no evidence of forced entry to the home. A re11olt.1Uan of ttrpect wa1 f)aSsed. Mi'. Utt1• body Will be nown to his home county by m!Utary lr1n1pott pion• Wrdnesda7 1""rnillf tor IM cllutch flltl, directed bjl hddletiict lllottUllf In 1\t" tln. Ptllbearttt .ttlnounced by lhe latfl rongressmart1s offlee today Include Lee Hasenjaeger, a bank vice president; Lee Finley, a brother-in-law; Walter Raw· lings, .a stepbrother; Ed Buster, an in· dustrlalist; .Leray Lton, former Orange Coonty Assemblyman, Robert Cumber- worth , one or his business assoclates. Burial will b@ at fairhaven Memorlal Park in Santa Ana . President NlXOn chatacterized ri.1r. Utt in his wire Monday as a great publJc servant whose dedication was revl!red by tven those who took issue with hi~ 51.aunchly.conservative viewpoint. Cyclist Faces • ~ Theft Rap After Puzzling Police A one-eyed ban player oblrrved by punled police In 1 rath&" odd rrndezvoo1 'l'ftth a teenaged girl wu arrdted early today ln Co11t1 Mesa on su1plckm of motorcycle theft. Michael J. Qi•lrlkl, za. of 2:011 Arnold Ave., Costa Mesa, prote1led his In· nocence, saying he recently bought the r"·cle for $100 In Laguna Beach and the owner left far Vietnam wllh the regl!tra· lion. Pali'ol Sgt. Gary Shull said he 11aw i ,.qr drlven by a 19-year-old girl oull Into 1 shopping center at Wilson Street 11.nd f'oJIP(e Avenue at 3:50 a.m., then lht headlight! winked on and off. ·rnents later, he said, Quirllo emerg- ed from an &djacent fleKI pushJng the. 1CJ66 cycle, grabbed the car door handle and tli! girl drove off as he coarted along beside. Radioing for a backup unit, Sgt. Shull ·followed them to 2206 Rutgers Drive, where he and offlcer1 Owen Kreia and Pan Casey questioned the pair about their activltits. The cycle was impounded due to several indications It might be stolen, In· eluding apparently altered 1 er I al numbers besides the lack of papeiwork. The deJendants wd't rounded up tn the area of 1 farmer hot s-prings spa 12 mile• up Ortega Highway which ls now under control of the Macco Corporation. The flrm plans development there. Broadbelt taid the trespils problfm 1t the spa hiit llngered f<rr the plrt year, but Oie use of the ldylile hideaway hat been common for many years. "The trespassing -and therefore the law enforcement -problem is about one year old, but only recenUy were we able to step in and make arrests there," Broodbelt said. '" "The area finally was brought up to standards as far as posting and fencing is concerned," he added. Last week's reve lers tore out sevtril parts of new fences erected to seal off &he area. The site Jong has been a meetlns place for youths who allegedly engage in nude swimming, drug and marijuana use and sex, officers said. A raid at the same spot for lhe aame reasons took place last October, but the alleged trespassers were cited for alleged' violation of the county code. Judge Richard Hamilton of the South Orange County Municipal Court ruled the county provision unconstitutional and dismissed the charges. His decision later was upheld after a Superior Co:urt a~peal by the District At- torney's office ·tailed. Employe Guilty Of Grand 'fl1ef i A Leisure World employe accused of the theft-Of cash and checks esUmated at $1 ,600 pleaded guilty Monday to charg'!s of grand theft. Judge Paul M~st accepted the plea of Nick Martin us Schaar, 39, of 1682 Iowa St., Costa Mesa, in Santa Ana municipal CO\lrt and otdered •Schaar to appear ~larch 13 In Superior Court for sen- tencing. Schaar faces a possible 1-10 year term in state prison. Schaar was arrested after it y,·as alleg- ed th•t he took the cash and checks from the business office of the Laguna Hills retirement community. It was also testified that the bookkeeptr took an undetennined amount of change from pay washing machines and' dryers and used the proceeds to finance a gambling trip to Las Vegas. The carpet they both chose? Bigelow's Barcelona Barcelona combines the casual, \Vind-tossed 11hag look of today vdth an elegant Sp&nlsh grille pattern. The long, slender yarns have a soq., shimmery .claw .. , the dramaUc multi- colors ftre ?-1editerranesn-ln!plred. U•e Bar-celona In A Spanish or Medlterranl!an ttettlng or with ultra-modern or mixed contemporary .•. for a truly stunning E'ffect. And bec&use the [lber's nylon, Barct'lona's ao ea.sy to care for: Soll doei1n't show ... and f>lle sta.ys crisp and springy, A fine buy [Or Any· one who wants great stylini; 510!~._ •.. a roomful of Ju>f\lry . , , At 1ne111111tot 1n.11'tlt- a down-to-earth price. t1eo~.~~;:,,: ..,,.. 6SUMJ Mediterranean Shades ALDEN'S CARPETS -DRAPERIES Mediterranean Mon Oil-li--~ntiqu.-Am..,."6 ...... ~.,,.~li-~~--l, Spanl.sh Leather• Gtan•da Gold At1vio Avocado • approved 'Bigelow nylon pile 1663 Placentia-Costa Mesa Phone 6-46-4838 ; ' .. • I I I, I I I ' I I I \ I I 11 .. , I I I •• • r ' Bnn(i.ngton Beae Today's Final ' . N.Y. Stocks ED·ITIO * .* VOL 63, NO. 52, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CA(IFORNIA TUESDAY, MARC H 3, 1970 TEN CENTS LBJ Sllf f ers_, Chest·= Pains ~ Doctors Trying_ t~ !'revent Any Heart Attack SAN ANTO NIO, Tei. {UPI) -F'or· mer President Lyndon B. Johnson sur. fered ''transient pain" in his chest and left ann today . Doctors "·atching his every heartbeat gave hi1n medicinj! to relieve the discomfort. ."The President had a generally good night but continues to experience di s- comfort in his arm and chest," Tom .lollnson, the former president's execu- tive assistant, told a medical briefing. "'The President experienced some dls- corpJorl in his ann at 2 a.m..,'' the aide said. On-site Sale Lt. Col. Robert L. No~. chief heart ipeciali.st at Brooke General Hospital, diagnosed the discomfort as "lrans.ient pains" not COMected with the chest paJns that sent the 36th U.S. president ttl the Army hospital Monday. "Our main concern in our current treatment is to try and prevent a heart attack," North saJd. "This ts the thrust of our treatment. · "These currerit pains do no penna- nent damage to the heart. Vi'e don't have a bleak outlook. Jn fact, we are · very optimistic. Of course, no on: has Helps Little ltJati the power of cla.ir;voyance.'' North said Johnson wu-given quini- dine sulphate and warfarin to relieve his discomfort_. The first dru& is used to rediice chest pains and ~e second ls an anticoaplant. . At the medical briefing, Tom Johnson said North diagnosed the overnight pains as a mild alt~th to lhe chest pains experienced Monday. "The President sulfered prematul't' contractions, that is, extra heartbeats that come earlier than expected," tho aide sW,2, "Medication was applied ·and these ~·nra heartbeat.5 havt been in• freqaent since I or Z a.m. "At 9:30 a.m., he expe.ricnced an· other pain and continues ta have dis· comfort in his chest and left arm." The SI-year-old fonner pre.skien )\'a! given i:-ra)is and constant electrocard· lograms today. "All were within nor· mal Umits," said his aide. North said Johnson's Yt'eight of 217 ~·as "'ithin the normal limits for his age and height. 8f Trailers . C·ouncil A voids Student Tries To Salvage Drug .Users R·uled Out 1'tle contrO\•ersy over on-site sales flf lrailersJlt a mobile home park p13yed ti) • large audience again at Huntington Beach City Council Monday night. Decision on Oil Teen Challenge tried to l a c k 1 e downtown Huntington Beach's drug pro- blem and left. Then Teens for Christ eanie along but they moved on because or fear! of an earthquake. As the council b~ghl the curtain down on operations of Greenleaf Mobile Home S8Jes of Costa Mesa al the Driftwood Beach Club t'\iobile Home Park lhf' almost packed house burst iri.to applause , drowning out a few boos. · The council reaffirmed ils decision lo rleny a use variance to Greenleaf to sell mobile homes at Driftwood, next to the Sheraton Beach Inn on Coast H..ighv.•ay, an R5 multiple residential district. 1'he application had been granted by the planning commission and denied earlier by the council. The issue was reheard Monday' night, however, becau51 I~ applicant had not been notified of the 11.ppeal against the planning board'.!i decision. 1'he planning commission's decision wa~ 'OYerturned because the applicanl was required lo prove h a rd sh i p, necessary ror a use variance in a residen- tial. district. , By ALAN DIRKIN Of tl!t O.lly P'llM St1H How to rid Huntington Beach of blighted oil v.·clls and yet protect the little man? That problem was given anotber go- round ~fonday night by city councilmen. The council heard an appeal on the planning commission's denial to permit reactivation of a well, idle for more than six months. on a Jot Otl Utica Avenue near Delaware Street. The operator of the well is Mel Elliot1, a Huntington Beach resident who '\\oork11 the well and others on land' leased by the Sun Oil Company. Herb Day, city oil field ruperintendent, said the application was one ol the few such cases before the council that he was in sympathy with,. He said the laod was in the Jin~ of a .future fre'eway and that Elliott who makes a JivinilfOi •• this and other wells would lose the well eventually. Robert Shaw, owner of 2¥.i acres on the corner of Utica and Delaware, stron·gly objected to the well and listed what .he called blighted toncfitioru in the area. He said reactivation of Elliott's well v .. ould add to the pollution. Shaw criticized the 1920 lease which he rlaimed allowed Sun OJI Co1npany, a Urm not based in Huntington Beach, "lo hold 10 acres of land in depression." 'Elliott denied that hi!: operatioD t'On· tributed to blight. He said the well woukl produce two or three ,barrels a day be~ he would like a chance to increase produc- tion. "I've got nine wells and take care or them myself, -even pump them myself," Elliott said. "And I work at it seven days I ~'eek." Councilmen wanted the city administra- tive siaff to contact Sun Oil Company and tell"the finn ot the oil code violations on · the property, but Day warned the council that sun would not dean tht area. "They say they .are not the operator and are not responllble," Day added. "It's obvious they want to hold on lo the lease." The council decided ta defer action for 60 days on Elliott's requei.t to reactivate the well. Elliott agreed to some conditions providing for cleanup of the ·site and re- moval or two tanks. P.fonday night Orange Coast "'Collegf! student Jim P.forocco spoke for another group that wants to turn drug users into turned-on ChrisUans. But councilmen turned down P.torottil'a request to use a basement.at 302 Ocean Ave. as a Christian youth etnter. They emphasized it was Ute cenler'1 proposed location and not its intentions that bothered them . "\Ye wou ld take a very dim vie w of lhi:i: operation in this area," P.faytir Jack Greto commented." We fee.I we rni&hl be Oll<')ln& 1 fll"lqrf• box.''. , MoroCco, M liewport Blvd.. Costa ~feaa, said Ole center would be financed by an Or8J11e Coast CoUege musical 11'.TOYP, Souttiern Caijfornia College, Costa litesa, and donations from churches, particularly the Assemblies of God. Councilman Jerry Matney ' ec~ Green's comment. "Dope peddlers will lake advantage of this. I know delin- quents: would love to !lave a place like lbal to make thtir conlacts." I .,IJ Doll arid Ber Guy ti.'liss Adelaide, played by Li sa Hockney, is determined to get her man, even if it means sitting on him, in lhis scene from upcoming ?Ytarina H.igh School production of "Guys and Dolls ." Gambler Nathan De- troit, played by Ron Ross, defntitely is on the'" bottom 0£ the deck. _ Sho\v opens \Vednesday night and will run through Saturday night in school gym. Tickets priced at $2 will be sold at Ute door before all of the 8 p.m. performance&. . Mesa Joins in Valle y'.Plea . _Ove1· Mile Square Airpo1·t Thomas Keenan, an atlorney represen- ting mobile homeowners, criticized what he called the tied·in sale provision or closed parks. He claimed the park opera tar, after renting a space to 1' cust()fler, could "die late" to I h e customer the trailer he should buy and from whom . · OV Schools Face Wrath hlorocco replied that the objective of his group was to gel a place accesslble to youth. "Our sole plll'p)se would be lo present the claims of Christ." 1t1orocco said . t h a t because or hi~ lfTOUp's message he doubted that it would add ta the drug traffic . The Costa ~fesa City Courlcil Monday joined > plea by the Fountain Valley School District urging county officials to abandon any consideration of an airport in Ute Marine Corps' Mlle Square helicopter practice field. Cltlzens Jn lhe l1Urrou11di'ng area, bounded by Warner and Edinger avenue.'! and Brookhurst and Euclid streets are mounting a militant campaign against the airpark concept. John ·Hampton, vice president and Councilman \Villiam L. St. Clair voted ..._ gentral manager of Greenleaf, claimed on.site sales would provide uniformity in tlcsign of parks and ''would remove the stigma attached to mobile home parks." Of Parents Over· Paper Beach Sets Curb On Center Area against proposal •. condemning it as T mm Child ·en t.YPica1 of suburban encroachment arouo·~-3 ·a I aviation facilities which are ultimately forced out-of operation. bl ''That's the problem \Vi th airports to-0 ems , . DiS cove r A.la.ska l1i . Pilo t To da.y r\ Crest View School ilewspaper <:on- 1a1ning references to marijuana and sex brought the wrath of more than 50 pa rents do~'n on the heads of Ocean View School District trustees and ·ad- ministrators Monday nigpt. The DAILY PJLOT today Includes ~ "\\le 1vant to know whal disciPlinary '·fold-it-yourself," four-page tabloid sec-action has been taken," said 11,frs. Ro- tion sponsored by South Coast Plaza berta Crocker summing up lhe feelings ~ferchanls Association. of the irate parents who packed the disl- The section offers a complete rundown rict's -board room . - nn v.•hat to expect when Alaska "moves But the answer \\·as l.o be reserved tn Costa J1,1esa" next week. It pre\'iev,.._ for an executi ve session, closed to the the Alaska Trade & Travel Exposition publir. v.ihich opens Thursday, March 12. trs in-"\\'e have been talking with the stu· s-ide, nn Pages SA and 68. <lents and staff members directly in- .-• 'volved ,'' Dist. Supt. Clarence Ha ll as- Firing Study Urged WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. 'Villiam Proxmire (0-Wis.), challenged l h P. ,Justice Department today to press "v.·ithoul delay., an investigation into the firing of A. E. Fitzgerald, v.•ho informed Congress about a $2 billion cost increase of the QA jet transport Oran¢e Coast "'eathe r Sunny mldvreek weather \1•lth mercury readings in the middle AO's is the fine rare for the Orange Coast on \Vedncsday. INSW E •T ODA\' • Divorce -Californ ia .~t yre. ·rou'vc co111c a long W(ly, baby. Now 11011 earl sever oil CO'IUU?c- li011s with yottt tt1i.imotclled mate in a matter of !Kl !feco11ds. Sec. /$age. JO. • C111i..-1111 ' Ml•ltt " Clltckloot u, ' M11N1I F~IHI• • ci.nnllll 1f·U Nll\ttltl N-• ... '""k' ,, Ora!l•t C-lf " <A--' " ,,,.,.,......., • °""' .... ,lff, " '""' , .. It ••119•1•1 , ... • Slid Mtril,tlt •• •11tert•lflM111! " 'TtltthiM " ,, .... llC. •• TRtlftrl " --" w ...... • ... l.lllftlJ " w,_., .. , .. 11-u M.flW~ • ...... ,.,_. •• ....... " •. ' sured the parents. He said discipline Beacl1 Attorn ey Sees Hot Battle Over Sign Law f\1on~ v.·inds, and not the 1aw, may be Huntington Beach's besf bet al present for getting billboards down. City attorney Don Bonfa told COW\- cilmen :r.1onday night there will be • •·L-Ong and eomplex batUe 11 in be cooru over the cityls sign ordinance. The ordinaoce look effect Jan. 7, but Bonfa told the council that attorneys representing outdoor sign companies want· ta test the oOnstitutlonality of ctr· lain aspects ol ~ law-in the courts. "\\'e "111 file i!rtminal misdemtanor complaints agattist them," Bonfa ~said, "but it 1vill be some time be!ore we get the signs down. We might hope for somt more big winds." • Two signs were blown down in lht county's most recent windstorm. The ordinance Nnnlng billboards wa~ adopted by the council nve years ago and gs\'e gign companies until Jan. 7, 1970, to rem<>Ye them. At 1 January tooncil meeting, Robert F. Reid of the Foster and Klelser sign eompany admitted that major aign com· panies had 73 billboards on Beac:h Boulevard and an tqual number on Coast Highway. The figures did not include lracl directional alpa.. • • Vi'ould be meted out on an Individual basis. "But,f• he ca utioned, •·if som t of you are waiting ta find out !''ho we're going to dismiSli, the answer is no. "'e're not going to dismiss anybody." day," said SL Clair, "we surround the1n and then scream aboul them." Of D . Ah Councilman \Villard T. Jordan wa~ rug USe He instead urged the parent.! to join- with the administratiOl!'in solving 110me of Crest View's problems, ...,·hich ac- cording to parents, Include incidents of children being beaten up by others, stolen property and poor behavior. "I hope that l''t can capitalize on thi~ Interest in a positive way_ This is the largtst crowd that I've seen in the dist- rict bo1rd room since I've been super· intendent," he added, inviting them to a meeting at 7:30 p.m. \Yednesday at Crest View School Vt'hich v.·ould focus on the probltms. Since the 3-page Issue of "The tn - fonner" was published last Tuesday. the district's switchboard· has been tied .. (S.. NEWSPAPER, Page 2) Huntington Beach councilmm look a first step lifonday night to protect the city's $4 million investment in the pro- r>Osed civic center at Mangion and ~fain Slreets. · The council gave 1 first reading lo pro- posals ta attach design controls on pro- perty near the center and other city facilities. The vehicle is called the civic district suffix and the community facility district, which would establish civic districts around the public dev"elopments. Ted Kenned y Mobbed DUBLIN <UPI) -Several hundred v.·omen and children mobbed Sen. Edward ~1. Kennedy outside his hotel to. day, shouting "God bless you. T,ed" and pressing in lo touch the Massachusetts Democrat. absent and the measure passed on a J lo I vole, calling for the airpark tentatively proposed in the county's Master Plan of A vlation, to be forgotten. School officials say the ~1arine Corps will never allow fhced-wing aircraft to operate from th"e one-square-mlfe facility now used as a helicopter training field. Authori~es..Jn Wa!ihil"!g1on ( i !! a 11 y agreed to a.llow partial use of the sile as a county regj.onal park and the schoo l district is anJigps to obtain a future cam-' pus site ther'f. County Supervisors recently refused tn eliminate · the airpark site -one of several shown In the aviation plan's Phase Ill -from the Marine Corps pro- ~rty, at least on paper. · · They did agree to make choice of ~ future airport site a priority Item or business to enable the Fountain Valley SChooJ Diatrict to re.solve the · site pro.- blem &s ·soon as possible. ' R ossmoor VP Defends .F.HA Criticizes A1sii1tlt on Mortga.ge Program Br I A.RIA.RA KREllJCH ral Accounting Office criticized FHA ap-' · bought land for the Laguna Hill~ Leisure Of "" D.., Pli.t ltd pralsal procedures which, it stated, in-World at $2,,600. an acre in 1961 and ty.oo An ereeuUve of 'Rossmoor Corporation creued a11 much as 600 Pf1:Cent in three-yura later -l'ppraised it at $10,500 .tn In LalUJla HUls today vehemently denied years. ?>fort Ulan a third of the Housing acre. "Jn total," saya the report, "FRA 's impUcaUons in 1 congressional report . and Urban Development Department's apj)raisals ot Tand for the fli'st 15 lll!g- crlticlzing the federal ~'°us j n g $800 million in mort&age Insurance for ments of ,the community, whJCh cov,ered AdmlnlstraUon for iLs f270 million in-cooperatively owned, moderate.income about .500 acres, o{ laod\,.exceeded !he • vestment in federally -insured mortcages housing has gone to five ~ure 1Worl~ wrChase prlct paid :by.t.bc deveJQper by in five Lelaure World communities 'acrou projedi, llltf report atiltd. about•S6 million.'~ • r. · . the fl!t.lon . ~~ lqal Wl'Ollldo:ln11is char~ed by tfle The GA.ti. saYs'Rosenwald. ·rans.~o take "The FHA ahoukl be complimented P.'r ,GA.0.,but thf: method of appraisal used by <into account Lhc fact thal the· R6ssmoor lb forward thinking In )illowln1 Ulf'se the FH'A i3 aharj>ly ctlliClzed, parUcular-CorporaliOn •was · obliged to invest $12 plaribed communltles," said Robert r .. ly ~ .separate appralaal of eat'ft new mUUon In its land pun;hasc before Lhe Rosenwald, Rossmoor vice prealdenl and housjng development laWlChed within a nm sale. was 1J1adc. . general counsel. Lelsurt Work!. · "We had to put in roacb, bring II\ - "People in the upper age category re· Under the proeram. Congre&l limited water, uUIJties-.nd sanitation," the of· quire: this type_of communlty. It haa1done fc4,ra1"baeklng t0: $20 mllllon for each Jlcla.I Nid. "Our shopping ctnttr ww.11 much to open up their llvu and wlthoUt project. The FKA dcemfd each new complcttd, by'neceaslty, before the fir!I. FHA coope.r1ti011 it could not have been Leisure \Yorki sutidtvl.iJon • teparate. Rf'O-__roplt-ipoved if1 and 'we had to !rive.st 1n achieved." ]eel;, ent!Ulng it to $20 mlRkin. 1 model·•P&rtmcntlend 1 clubhouse. Otber The report to ConifCSS rrom lhc Gene· The ttpot1 1tates thll lift· dcve!Oper (See ROSSMOOR., ra1e: !) ~· l · . Fifth and sixth graders at Fountain Valley's Tamura school heard about the dangers or drug abuse.today in a day-long session on narcotics. 1'hc day was desi gnated "Impact Day" by school district administrators · who hope the informalioQ they presented to rhe students through films. slides and ·1ape recordings w111-help forestall dangerous experimentation . The program began with a mult i·media presentation of the dan,gers in such drugs as marijuana. LSD, seconal. am· phetamlnes and vollltlle chemicals jn- ctuding glue. paint lhinncr and gasoline. A discusSion on the effect of. drugs on the .nervous system follo1ved with an 18- minute color film and a queslkm and answer session . The afternoon was devoted to sn1all group discussion of .questions raised dur· ing the presentations and socio:dramas by the students. During the following two weeks the students 1vill spend between ·30 to 60 · minutes a day discussing whal they have · learned and how lo avoid sttuatlons in "'hich'they may be exposed to narcotics. An illustrated booklet, t'Ontainlng drui!: ll'r_rninology and cartoons will be distributed to each student to a~ist in the ca mpaign. "lmpacl'Days'' have also been schedul· ed al other schools in the Fountain Valley School District during Ule nexL-!ew weeks. the dates are as follcrws : l\.lcDowell School, htarch 4: · Nie~las Sc.Hool: ~1arch 5: Lamb School, March 31;1 Bushard School, April I; Arevalol1 S¢1iooli April 2;"FQuntiln ValltY, SchoOI~ 'Aprill 8;"Fulton School,•Aprll 10, ~and c;,ler So;hqC>I. ~ptil 14. \Yardlow, Harper and Newlsnd SCbool" have already had their "Impact Day~• 11 ndl are currently in lhe two-we'-k follow· up period, Stock ~lnrl•eC ~ NEW YORK (AP) -The stock marktt 1d1owed a slender gilin lnle this aClernoon In rnodcrlie tr.adina. lSe.e qu01.1Uooa. Pag es S.9). 1· , . . ' •· J J: DAll.Y ,ILOT H lut-,1, ¥J~h. ''t lt7~ • 'Love No Pris onr Leary Returne_d To County Jail · Faclna 10 years in federal prison and a -yet.Undetermined: sentence here on mari· juana and LSD charaes, Dr. Timothy • Leary Is 'back In Orange Cpunty J~ll te>- ~ day attar 1tntenclrlg Monda}t in Texas. The &0-year~ld fonner H a r v a r d • PfYcholop profes.aor was given the term by U.S. District Court Judge Ben Con- • nilty, and flown b1ck lmmedlately • following the heiring. "Love cannot bf: a prilOner," !houted Dr. Leary as two burly U.S. marshils e&eerttd blm from lhe H o u 1 t o n . courtroom and a walllng a I r p o r t · I llmouaine. . . , One wore black and the other wore· white. • ' Mn. Rosemary Leary, who also facea · the ~tlrch II sentence hearinj; before •. Judie Byron K. McMiiian' in _Oranae · Ceunty Superior Court, read a statement atterward. Judie ConnaUy -like Judge McMUlan, • who ound Ute CG\lple and ion John •· Leary, 20, auUty 1111 month of the drug "'"J>OUeulon charae originating in Laguna Beach -said Leary ts 1 publlc mtnace. Mrt. Leary agretd, but not 1rl the same .Road on' Stilts · Over Beach Park '·Said Possible : Shou.ld Talbert Avenue t>e built on stilts · to tower over the propoted Huntincton Beach central park? That waa the su1gestlon Monday night of City Oouncllman Jerry Matney who •trttd with Councllman Donald Shipley that a major hla:hway should not nm throu,«fl the clty'a major parlt. ''I know It would coat more money, but U both· Golden Weat Street and 'Talbert ,. Avenue wer. built on plilnJ11. the central p1rk cou!d be bu1lt under .PJem,'' f.fatney aaid. Talbert currently stops on lhe easl side of Golden West, but future pl an! call for it to be a major artery through to the Bolu Chica area. Public Works Director Jim \\'heeler ·told lhe council that Talbert Avenue would become a necesslly when Sl'"al OU Co. devtlops lls Balsa Chica holdlnas. "The city or Lendon forbids any hiahwayg running through Hyde Park. I don't see why v.·e can 't do the .same," Shipley e1clalmed. Ma tney lhtn suggested building both roa~ oi1. pilings and connecting Lake HunUn(ton and Talbert Lake for one Jarge waterway under them. ''He just want! an inland Top or the Pier," joked Shipley. No dttltlon was reached on the futu re of Talbert Avenue. and denial of bond came "11 a shock, although I see il h1ppentn1 all around th& country ..• a sU fflna of frte speech." "I don't think the yoon& peopi< ·or 50elety are going to tolerate Ods much longu," Slal'.ldard aald. u1t.ll alien to our system, . alien ·to our Aftck>-Amerlcan belle.ts. This country 11 1n a state where one of the difficuJUes 11 the pena?Ues are more horrible lh•D the crime.'' Leary was convicted of •muallng thrte ounces of marijuana conct1led in a snuffbo:t hidden ln bb: 11-yeir-old daughter's underwear. . March 11. la the 1tntence date aet In Santa Alla. Beach Okays Central Park Second Phase Phase two of the land acquisition pt~ gram for the HunUn,ton Beach Central Park "'" put In motion Monday nl1ht by the city council. Councilmen 1utborl1ed a request for $SU,115 ln feder1I funds from the Deput- ment ot Houaln1 and Urban Devtlopment CHUO) to buy another IO 11:rt1 let the park site at Golden West Strftt and Talbert Avenue. 'I'Wo plot.a of land, OM jull west el Lake Hunt1n1toJi along Edwards Str.et and the other a twampy area west of Golden \Vest and south of Slater Avenue, would bt purcha!td with the money. The awampy ant Is the 11ectlon Coun· cilman Donald Shipley called "a major breeding ground for the water fowl in this area." Shipley has urged tht city lo buy that land as soon at poulble kl enue Its con- tinuance as a brtedin1 ,round. Some of lhe 50 acres la owned by the state, while private owners control other parta of It. The request for federal funds · has c.lttady bffn drawn up. No estimate wu given on the time it will take' to 1ain the federal funds and buy the land. W. County Man Faces Cl1arges 111 Auto Death context . A ·Westminster man was formally "Judge Connally is righ!.. f.1y husband cha raed with manslaughter, felon)' drunk Is a menace lo IOClety. \Ve are a menace t'lrlvlng and felony hit and run today In to the community which makes . a ronnecUon with aa accident which took mockery of the Constitution. If he were a the life of 1 24-year old Anshelm woman Lhltf, he would be out on ball. n Sunday Leary's at.torne~ Mltchell Standard of n..iJph Ponct. 7312 Park St., was &r· New York City :iatd the ID-yea.r sen tence ra igned at West Orange County Court , ~ tt)lt morning on tl'Je charats. No bill] has been set yet. Gm.tar T --sons Police all•&• p-WIS "" drtver of ~ an automobile which struck four parked • <'ars on Golden West Sttetl near f.1urdy Slated ID• Valley ' Park In HunUngton Beach tatt ~unday, resulting in the death of Maurine Grace Guitar lessons for advanced f'l\ayers will be off~red tonight at !he Securlty Pacific Bank, 8850 Bolsa A. v e ., Westminster. for members of the Foun- tain Valley YMCA. Lessons start at 6:30 p.m. for guitar picken a1e 7-10, and at 7:30 p.m. for player• 11 ·15. Guitarist J(en Conney \\•Ill teach the ~··· Ftts are ~ for Yh1CA tnembers artd t7 for non-member s. DAILY PILOT OlAHOI. CO.UT ,U.LISHIHG COM~AHV lt•\i••I N. Wte4 ,, •• i.tnt 11'1111 'll&lhllll' J1ck Jt. Curit! Vo:t ''"IClt nl 11111 °'1\lfl M1n"tr • Tho"''' K,, .. a !df!tr Tho~11 A. M11rphln1 Mtnttlfto lflf'Or A!\i1rl W, lilt.I "uoc!1tt ltll•• · H1111tlllft'MI .._h Off5" 17171 letth ltwl t"t •11 M1lll11.t AdJr11u P.O. lor 7,0, ,2.41 Other °'"'" ~ .. Wit k«/'1: m l'tflll AYlft" (•t1 MtM: U0 Wh l a1y llrfft ~-~J llldlr Ull WMt •tlllol leii!nt .. St~ ·c11....,,1t. lOJ ....,.,,~ El c:u1111111 1t111 Rodriguez, a pas1en1er. Ponre r1n •way from ~ WJ'tCii:ed car and tried lo escape through a nearby alley before he w11 Jlopped by a pol\c~ officer, invesUaators 11!d. Bike JJ.censing Deadline Nears Bicycles In Seal Beach htd better be licen~ l'Jy lht end of lhl1 week. After that the police deplf1:ment wlll issue citation• under a M W city ordinance: req_ulr1ng •II bikes be licensed . The cost ot a llce:n11 Is St.SO and lt'l &ood for the life of the bike. ~ The new policy was adopted afte r the old blcycel ordinanct, which requ lred a license ever)' year at a .cotl of &O cents. was drbpped. "That old ordinanct was never enforced," accord in.a to sat. Sam D'Amico. · But lhe ne:w one will be, so hustle down to the police departmenli-for the perpetual llcen11e. The bJke ordlntnce Is emphaalttd now becau~ ~larch J-7 is "Safety Week" In Seal Beach. an idea prompted by lht \Vomen's Club. J1ast Barel11 • I OA t~Y l'ILOT 'llttt ~y lllcll1'11 lltl~t.r • '•· f'rB11a P•re 1 RO SSMOOR . • • facilltles. Including the medical center swimming pools and golf course camt later. All of these improvements Wtrf nece111r1 fot lhe _!U! •f cemmunJty we Wiit 1ltampUna lo biill d liid the FHA rtcognized this ." \\lith the improv,mtnls , Rosen'.l•ald ex· plained, subsequent "rair n1arkel value'' appraisai! of new hou!ing areas naturally lncreastd. ··rhe·rHA was required to appraise al fair market value," he said, •·and now Ii is being criticized fo r dQjng that. I nligh~ point out that comparable properlteJ across the freeway from Leisure \Vothi were being appraised at the same value as the area developed. In making comparisons \\'ilh raw Jan i! 1•alu~. Rosenwald added. 1he GAO alsn railed to take into allCOUDt the fact that II large part of the gross acrug-e purchased \\'as undevelopable and further large segments were restricted for houiing development. As a result, tht value or the land. rr" mainidg for act ual housing automatically increased . Rosenwald said the Leisure \Vorld developments definitely qualif~ed es moderate income housing, with an original price r;lnge et Seal Bea.ch fron\ $9,000 to $13,000 and at Laguna J1ills fron1 $11 ,000 to approximately $2~.ooo .. T~e present price range at Laguna llills 1s $22.000 to $49,000 he said. . ~ NEWPORT FIREMAN WASHE S DOWN CHARRED KI TCHEN OF HOME ON NEWPORT'S LI DO ISLE tnvestlgitors Tr•ct St•rt of Bl•zt to Wist• Basket in Kltche11..._of Bayfront Res•d~tnce Principal financing of the Le1 sur~ \\'orld projects was th rough FHA unhl the end of 1967. Since 1968, wben t~e pro- jects were changed frorn. cooperatives. In condominiums, conventiona l flnanc1n1 has been used, thert being no FHA p~ gram available under the increased tn· teresl ra te. New Administrator Set Fh·emen Douse $26,000 Blaze On Lido Isle ''The Leisure \Vorld communities are probablv one of the finest investments made by the FHA ," Rosenwald s~.id. "There has never been a foreclos ure 1n 11 Leisure World; it's actually risk free., In insuring these loans the FHA was taking virtuallv no chances \\•ith its in1•estment and is Still makih'g a good profit.", At Huntington Hospital A new man i~ moving intll Ule top po.st r.tonda y al Huntington Jntercommunit y Hos pital as hospital administrator. JrvJna S. Cassinl will le ave . a 11imllar poat at Doctor 's HospJtal in San Leandro, to take O\'er duties from Robert C. McLtan at Hu ntington. The change in leadership completes ar· rangementa made five month$ aao when both Huntlniton Infercommunlty and \Vestminster Community ho8pitals were sold to a nationa l corporation bued in PhHadelphla. Hunlinilon Tntercommunity is a 141- bed hospital wllile th e Westtninster Jacili· ty has 126 beds. Both hospitals will pro- bably be e;.;panded in the near future, ~tcLean said. Planners Brace For , Big ·Se ss ion 01 i Land Parcel Ne11 port Beach flreriien said loday a blaze that did an estimated S26,000 damage to the Lido J5land home of a retired husincssm <1n ~1onday aflemoon started Jn a 11•aste baske1 in the kitch('n. Fire units were called to the blaze at 820 Vla Lido Nord by a neighbor of Neill Davis who saw smoke coming fro1n Davis' home. Firemen said $6,000 damage ~·as done to the building and $20,000 to con tents from the fire that gutted !he kitchen a~ dining area. The $270 million in FHA insured mortgages cover about 18,000 coryipleted units In Lei!ure \Vorld communities at Seal Beach, Laguna Hills. Walnut ~refk, Norbeck, Md .. and Monroe Townshi p. N. J .. Rosenwald said. and the FHA con· tinues to re~ive a contribution from eve ry payment made on all these units. "I don 't think new O\lt'ntrship and nt\Y 11 t;• •• Bea h 1, n n I g •om · un .. ,g...,n c p n ... - management will have any effeet on the mi ssioners are b"acing themselves for a "Considerable heat and smoke damage "'·as sustained throughout the structure," they noted. · Te sa id ·a draft of the GAO report had been submitted w both Rossmoor and the FHA and. both had responded in sepaMte corresJXlndence, setting forth the fac~f the land appi'eciation. including Im· provemenls that ~·ere required to be put in. and denying impllcatians of poor handling of government funds . funcUon of the hospital," ?-.1cLean said • __, lrngthy discussion.> tonight about one of Friday. Davis told in ve11tigators he was out on his ro.root cruiser "Sleepy Eye" which is docked at the· home w~n a nelahbor shouted there was a fire. Davis' ~·ife "''as City Librarian To Atte nd Meet i•1cLtan will assume a po!l as ''iee president of Medical Data Systems, where he will work with \Vllllam Power, one of the former owners or the two hOl!pltals. Power was head of Uni-med which built and operated the hospitals I n Westminster and Huntington Beach. The new owner it American ?-.1edicorps Inc ., which owns more than 35 hospitals acro.ss the nation . "We simply turned the Unl·~d orcaniz11tion over to AMI," McLean said. He declined lo give the purchase prl~ but said Huntington lntercommunlly •1os pllal is valued bet~·een $5-6 ~illl~n and \Vestminster Community Hospital is worth about $3-4 mill ion. "I stayed on as.hospital administrator until AMI could bring in their own man, as \\'e had agreed al the time of lhe sale," explained McLean. A four-story medical to'A-·er on property In front or Huntington Jnttrcommunity was not included in the sale. II was rt· ts.lned by Power. In conjunction \\•Ith several local doctors. Golden Wes t Street Wo rk Now F inished Worlt on Golden West Street wa11 oUl- cially designated as ''com plete" ~1onday night by the Huntlngton Be~th City Coun. ell. The final cost of ~·idening and le\'eling Cr0ldtn \Yest from Pacif ic Coast Hi.jhway to Warner Avenue was f799,5S''.13. Sully. r.Uller handled the conslruc\Jon Work. · F rom P •11e 1 NEW SP APER • • up by c~mplaints rrom parenls ~·ho ob- Jeded to ce.rtaln pa&sagts. "Titht supervision would have been a good preventative," sald Hall. "\\o'e're hopeful that supervision will now be provided to keep such things f ron1 recurring . ., the city's most contro\'ersial piece of land. The lot, located near Brookhursl Strett not at !lorn"e at the time . and Adams Avenue, encompasses l! 'fhree fire unit! called to the scene at acres and is planned as a ~oordi~at~d ll .24 p.m. controll!d the fire '.l·lthin commercial development. which WJll JR· -1 r· n said Two llarbor patrol On ?ilarch 10 Huntlngtan Beach librarl· an \Vafitr Johnson wil l ge l ideas on the !'hanging role of the community llbr.ary during a seminar in Grand Rapids. Mich. . m1nu es, 1reme . elude stores, a car wash and a St rvice ·• rlre boats ~·ere also at the scene , but station. Pressure from the · ~feredlth Ga rde ns Homtowntr's Association over how !he property sho uld be developed has so far prevented a use permit decisrbn on the car wash and the service station. The homCO\\'nen havf' charged the develope rs with laying out a "hodge podge·· ph1n. \\'hich would later al101v them to "coordinate'' an apartment com- plex into the area . ll orneowners adamanll y oppose any a pa rt men t development. They are oppos!d to 'ii concentratlon of huildings on lht sou1hwtslern JXltlion or the land, "'hich would leave a me.jor I..,. ~hapc<I portion lhry claim would be of no use to commercial interests but ~·ould be suitable for apartmenls. At tonight's meeting two of the in· trnded developments, a car 'vash and a .ser\·lre !latlon. \\'ill be brought before the {'On1mission. Decisions on bolh have been delayed repesttdly because of the con- 1ro\'er~y. I'm mad for Mediterranean . lrere not. seud. lnvcslfgalors ~·ere unable to delern1inr the cause of the fire. Emplo yes 1-l elp W. Co un ty Fund Ci ty employes ot Hunt ington Beach f\1onda,v night chipped 1n a c~el'k for $6,J 15.52 to help the \\'e st Orange County United Fund . The money wa~ turned over to the city council for safe keeping until ll can be distributed to the HunUngton Beach Com- n1unity Chr.st and various United Fund agencies. Fire Chier Ray Picard said the emp!oye donations exceeded last year'! total by more than Sl ,600. The City Co11ncil t\·1onday night told Johnson he could attend a two-day !iem- inar which featu res speakers on llbrary <'onstruction, financing libraries and the rol e of the community library. Citv Adminis tratar Dovie a1iller 111id the s"eminar would help J0hnson plan the proposed ne\Y library which will be ln the city's central park. llEW Attorney Nruued Civil Rights Chief \\!ASHINGTON (U Pfi - J. Stanley Pottinger. San Francisco Regional At· tcrney for the Health. Education and \\'elfa re Department, ~·as named today to su.:ceed Leon E. Pantllil\ the ousted }IE\V civil rights chief. Pollinger. 30, is a native qf Dayton. q_hlo, and has Ji ved in San Francisco IJll'Ce 1963. The carpet OC' they both chose? IW Bigelow's -Barcelona ~Jona combln~s th,.. ca1u1.I, '.l ind-1osi;l'd 1h11.! look or loda~ \\ ith an elea1nt Sranbh E"rll f PBUern. Ttie long, slender yarns h1tve 11 irort, •hlmmcry glo"'' • , . the dramaUc muJl i. colors 11re l>l'lditerranran·i'li;plred. U1e Bar-etlonet in a Spani~h or flledltl'rranf'an ;cl tin~ or \\•It h ultra.modC"rn or m!~ed «:ontemporary ... for 11 tndy sluh11!n1 eftect. And beceuse I~ .fiber's nylon, kretlona'110 Top of Pie1· Plan Okayed- ea1y to «:are (or. Soll d~sn't '1095 aho\v ... and p!l r stn)s cds1i •nd 1prlJli:,V. A fine buy for a n~· •4'· y4. one ""ho \\&1\1.s great stylino;: I ' I ;..•!1<11lfo• ..... 1 .. . . . a ,oomru n ®1ry ... II 1_,, .,.,,., .., _ a down-to-e!U't h pr1et. "'" ... ~"" , . , The controvtnlll Top ol .the Pier pllft barely btc:aJne a ptrt of J{unUntton Beach'• muter plan of city dtvelopment ~lond1y nl1hl. • The city council adopted It 4-3 •• an 11mendment to the master plan. Cown- cilmen Donald Shlple!', Ted. 8art1ett and Georc1: ti,fcCraden a I apposed It whll~ J\fayor Jack Green and Councilmen Al vln Coen, Jerry titatney and •fenry Ka1.1fm1n \ oted in fa.,i>r of JL ~o immediate atllon Is tX'J)t(lttd from lhe ell)' because downtown bu1tn11&mtll ha ve bffn ctven until flJ'l y April to find AA 11!1mete pla n for using their pro- perty. Th • Top of the Pier pll1.n would create a large municipal parking lot dovmtown to krve the beach area and proposed com· merdal de,•eloprrenta. DoM!tov.11 property owncrl a n d businessmen ha ve opposed the plan Mi:&U9t. thty feel II is 1n encroachment on lhe right of private enurprl!c. By 1dopll ng lht rr,p or the Pl~r p\M the counell cle1red the way for city AC· Lion Lo reronc some or the area. • &·Sunny Me~iterranean Shades Mft!lterT•n•an Moss Antiqua Amber• Spaniah Poppy Sp1nlah Ltather • Or1nada Cold Ata vio A.vo<ado I .. appro,·ed Bl&&low nylon pile ALDE N'S CARPETS-Dll,4PERIES e l J YE11•S S~lVINGt 1Hi OlANQE COAST e 166 3 Placentia-C:asta Mesa Phont 6~MISI ' I • " Glwl, 17, Vit!tlm Sex Mutilation Slayer Hunted A nude girl brutally murdered on a rainy wedding night in Santa Ana \\'as ge~ally mutilated with a tree braoch. a ·broken' bottle and a huge -paving stone , homicide investigator disclosed today. Bound with a lace from her own moc- casin&, Beatrice Ann Villanueva, 17, was Preside1it Of France Happy Now NEW YORK (UPI) -French Pre:si· dent Gcor&es Pompidou , "sati&Jied" with his U.S. trip des pite a rasn of pro-Israeli demonstrations. said today in a farewell riews conference that he and President Nixon reached a "full understanding" OI\ world problems. · The pr~Jsraeli demonstrations so upset lhf' \•isiting French leader that P~esident Nixon .flew to New YorA Monday night to apoloiti e personally and attend a ' farewell dinner for Pompidou. POOlpidoo told the news conference that he held "very lengthy" discussions witll NiXon and £elt thaL they had reached a ••tuu understanding of our respective positions" although they were not alwa ys in full agreement. The French leader said the differences Jn· point of view were in part geographic atid pointed out that the "frontier of the Communist world was 200 miles from Paris." He said his ta!~ with Nikon ranged li:oin the Middle East and Vietnam to EurOpe aod East-West relations irl Europe. As Poinpidou spoke with newsmen In the Louis X room at the Waldorf·Astorja Hotel. a detail of a.irport aod city police seari:hed his Air France jelliner after receiving o telephoned threat. Police said an Air France employe received a call from · a man who said : "Pompidou's plarie will not take off to· day. There is a bomb on it and il will blow up." However. an extensive search of the t>C8 jetliner fa iled to turn up any ex- plosive. . While noting that the United States and France disagree on some specific policies he o;aid, "As lo the basic issues our view5 are the.same and our objectives are the same." E11ln9 Office \Vayne T. Miller. 29. Costa Mesa, has announced his can- didacy for marshal of the South Orange County Jud'icial Di s- trict. Election will be held in June. Municipal court system serves Laguna Beach, San Clemente, San Juan Capi- strano, Mission Viejo. Ne\v court qu8rters are in Laguna Niguel . found ~1onday, sprawled In the mud behind a home of an elderly schoolteaclt- er who went out lo inspect her yard. Jmme<tiately after the vlcthn -·her perwnal effects scattered around the pathetic scene -was ideptlfled, police began questioning acquaintances, Detectives theorized the young mother t'lf an 13-month-old baby was dragged rrom a nearby street by a maniacal sex kllltt as she took a short walk after a wedding reception party at the home or friends. Footprints arid ~r-markings in Uie mud behind the two-Story home al 1078 W. °Second St., indicated a violent strug- gle the Villanueva ·girl pot up for her life. Besides lht sadistic sexual attack. the killer ·slashed Q\e girl's throat wilh a broken bottle -bits of wtiich littered her body -and also crushed her head with the flagstooe. An autopsy was scheduled lo determine if she had been raped by the man himself, and which of the wounds ac· tu ally killed her. All could have <:aused her death by themselves. The victim. who lived with her m<1ther at 905 W. Third St. and worked as a domestic maid . "'as found by Edna L. Dessery, 75, who has lived at the same location for 60 years. She said she went out to the lrash"caru at 6:45 a.m., noticed a nagstone missing from her rear walk and was puzzled. "I couldn't figure out why ll was gone. SO I followed the walk a little further and saw the body of a woman behind the garage near the fence. 1 knew she was dead ." Homicide Detective Larry Cornelison theoriztd the Villanueva girl -who had left a neatby wedding receptiQ!!. with friends earlier -·was dragged off the street to the hidden spot. Miss Diane Acosfa, 22. a cousin. had kept the victim's daughter Lydia during the party and said Beatrice returned to the house in a car with friend s, but left shortly before 2 a.m. for a walk. "She promised to be back in live minutes," said Miss Acosta. lnvestiga"tors said she left between 2 and 2:30 a.m., setting that as the ap- proximate period in which she wa!I ab. ducted and murdered about eight blocks away. She was accosted on nearby South Shelton Street, which Intersects \\'est Se· cond Street at the comer on which Mrs. Dessery bought her home in 1910, dete<:· tives believe. Subdueji during the struggle ll'ilh her killer. the victim's hands \\·ere bound behind her back with the leather moc:· casin thong, although she sU~ had on the footwear. · -· Relatives said the gi rl dropped out or Santa Ana High School about two years ago. · Homicide detectives today ~'ere at- tempting to retrace her steps on the fatal Monday morning, que stioping several of her friends in an effort lo establish lead s toward identifying the killer. Her clothing was found strewn about the backyard, while cosmeti,cs and other items from her purse "'ere scattered around the nude bod}i. police sa id. Because of th e mutilation. detectives said It will require an autopsy to establish if the Villanueva girl was ac· tually raped by the killer himseU. Fullerto11 La w Upheld h1 Court Fullerto1fs anti-litter law has been upheld in a Los Angeles Pederal Court ruling which is expected .to immediately ban door to door deliveries in that city or ''Tempo." the advertising oriented Sun- day publication. U.S. District Court Judgt" Francis ¥.'helan defended the proposed city ordinance r-.tonday in a JO.page decision ""'hlch rejected the claims of Tempo at· torneys that the measure violated con- :;;titulional guarantees of freedom of the press. Fullerton councilmen approved the ordinance for enforcement last Dec. 19 but withheld en£orcement pending Judge \\'belan's ruling. Slippei·y P1•oble11a This is earth slide 0 in ~an Clemente's Paceselter·Hil\cresl develop- ment that threatens 1.o destroy at least one expensive home on Avcni- da Colombo. Q\vners ol the home, Mr. and l\1rs. Eugene Seets, plus other are.a homeowners \viii be interested observers \·Vcdnesday when city council begins digging inlo the problem of ho\v to correct ~he i,1ide and who should pay fo r the \vOrK. - Atte1npted Ba11lc Bo111hi11g Fizzles Out i11 Capi st1·a110 T11esday, M1rch '· 1470 H DAILV i'lLOf :J Nixon Send Wtre • SOlons · Gather For Utt Trih-ute- A delegation or score s of senators and congressmen will Join Gov. Ronald Re~· gan Wednesday in paying a last tribute to Rep. Jame! 8. Ul"at a simple funeral . in Garden Grove ~munity Church. family and his disUn1t1lshed Jel'Vlct: tG his felk>w men ht remembered at ~ 1ad time,,. the wire iald. . A group of 43' colleagues J the H'ous~ of Repre..entatives ~d an undetermined number of senators plan to attend aer· vices for the ~ District rtp(esentative. Presldent Ni xon will be unable to at· tend lhe 2:30 p.m. ceremony for Mr. Utt, 70. who \\'as stricken by a fatal heart alt~ck Sunday as he attended church In \\'ashington. "1 '\\•as shoc~ed and deeply i;addened tn heiir of Jimmy's death." said the Presi- dent in a telegram to l\is widow, Char- lena. of 2233 catalina Ave., Santa. Ana. "~lay the memory of his love for h.is -tr {: Old ·Friend Re1ne1nbers Utt Fa11iily .Reealling her Jong association with the · family of James Utt, P..1rs. Lewis F. MO'Jlton of South Laguna said today, .. Jimmy was a very kind man. l always reme mber his great kindness to his step.. mother and stepsister. especially the lrip to Europe." After the death or his O\Yn mother, Utt's father, Orange County pioneer Eddy Utt. r.emarried, Mrs. P..1oulton recalls. "In the early 60s, his stepmother, v.·ho "'as then 88 years old. wa.s very u1>5et because her daughter was stricken with a crippling rheumalism .. The daughter bad always dreamed of go ing to• Europe, but lhis seemed to make it impossible. Jim-,. my came out from Washington and personally .arra nged the long-dreamed-of lrip for his stepmother and stepalster. The Washington contingent fl.yins to Orange County wtll "be led by Rep. Gerald Ford (R·r.1ic~.) the House 'minority INd· er. Rep. H. Allen Smith (R-Olend1le) formally anneunced Mr. UU's death iJl Congress Ptfanday, notina: the 0rJlllt County native asked !hat it not impede busin~ss-as-ui>ual on Capitol HllJ. A resolution of respe(t was pused. lt1r. Utt's body will be tlGwn to his home county by military trakiport plane \\'ednesday morning for the church rites, directed by Saddleba:~k Ptfortuary in. TUs. • !in. Pallbearers announced by the late congressman's office today include -Lee Hasenjaeger, a bank vice president~ Lee Finley, a brother-in-law ; Walter Ra"· lings,. a .stepbrother ; Ed Buster, an in- dustrialist; Leroy Lyon, former Oranse County Assemblyman, Robert Cumbef. worth, one of his business associates. Burial will be al Fairhaven Memorial Park in Sanla Ana . Presldellt Nixon characterized Mr. Utt in his wire Monday u a sreat publie servant · who6e dedicaUon wu mered by even lhose who took iS5Ue with hi• staunchly conaervaUve viewpoint. "l have ~ a, personal. friend 1nd .. col· league," added the President. who was ireeted by Mr. Utt in January when be regisertd as an Oranse Coµnty voter. Paddy, Parade Plam1ed for SA ' "The two of them, the mother 88 and 1Jv JOUN VALTERZA last "eek. ll Qestroyed the Isla Vista rhe daughter in a wheelcha1·r, went off to Th• wear1·ng or ••~ -.. n will ~ Oi th• DlllY l"l101 st1H bran ch of the Bank of America. · wnc: •· ~ . F:urope. He had arranged every detail or celebrated by a parade this y~ in Santa Slill another attempted firebombing or However. despite.\the calls and in-the lrip. A year or l\'t'O later. the Ana complete with the center strlpt ot a South Coast area bank ~ng came 10 tensive investigation by San Clemente daughter died.'' the parade route 'SuSted green. light Monday with reportrs t~")San Juan rolice and fire invesJigat.orR. sheriff's. of· The Ult family already was seltled in The march in honor of st. Patrick has Capistrano's branch. of Sout hern Heers and the Orange· County Sheriff 's TMilln "'hen her husband arrived in the been organized Tor Pt1arch 17 by Ed Lynch Califomia First National Bank was hit by crime laboratory. no rtrn1 theory has c:ounty in 1a74, r-.1rs. Moulton recalls. and Marty Lockney St. bombers late Sunday night. emerged in the bombings. · ''There were no hotels then o£ course," Lynch claims to be so Irish all four of The Molotov cocktail thrown at tha t of· ln San Clemente, several burglaries she says. ''so when my husband's mother his grandparents we~ born on the fice at 31971 Camino Cajlistrano missed and-eases of forced entry intn businesses came out from ·Boston to visit, she stayed Emerald Isle. But he has includM a its mark . however, and was doused by rook place shortly after I.he bombing of al lhe Utts' home. That was even be(ore fellow merchant named San Cl1an in tht heavv rain before il could do damage. the B of A here. ~:ddy Utt and James lrvine started the organizing committee. ·oran.ge County shCriff's investigators A billiard business, a really office and citrus growing here:·· "His name may be Chan but he owns said today. lhe San Clemente Elk's Lodge were The lwo families remained friends over Kelley's Flowers,'' explains Lynch. A day before. bombers threw a similar arnong the victhns in lhe small thefts. lhe yea rs. "The last time ~frS. Utt left her It will be the first St. P*lck'1 t>.y crude firebomb at the San Clemente One lheory or San Clemente police is home before she died, JimrnY brought parade in Orange _p,unty in lt yean. branch of the Bank of America. 'l'hal one... "that the bank incident in their city could her over · to haYe lunch with me In Route bf the march wil l be down exploded against a metal and glass rear have been a diversionary tactic by the Leisure World ," says Mrs. Moulton. "He Broadway or Main Street beginninc at doof""and caused several hundred dollars persons who commilted the burglaries or always had tlme to do somethJng nice for noon with floats, bands and IJ'IXIPI el in damage before it burnt out. the businesses. her." Irishmen, real or honorary. The two area fire incidents sparked , 1------------------------------------------- r.onversations among bank officials in San C~mente and Santa Barbara \Vednesday in an alt.empt lo f.ind a link IX?tween the San Clemente a n d Capistrano cases with the fire which was set by demons~ralors in· Santa Barbara ,Bobb y Ken1)ed y's Do g Freckles Still Mi ssing WASHINGTON fAP) -Freckles, the shaggy iidekick of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy who became a minor con· troversy in the: 1968 CalUornia presiden- Ual primary. is mi ssing from hi s home in Virginia. ... Coll CAffiEO today-. . . e Saw money •him.· - -Fat Isn't where it's al Neither are high price~ So take adva ntag~ of our special limited time offer nght away. • "It's just terrible." Mrs. Kennedy said. ''I've never missed a dog so mu ch. He's been through everything with us." The fivc-ycar-<ild black-and-white Results guaranteed--r. in writing! . Now onty•1 ~00 for regular'2.00 treatment! spaniel, who freely ron1ped ove r the Ken- nedy estate in suburban r-.1cLean, disap- peared Saturday night. i\1rs. Kennedy said silt didn't know whether Freckles was dognapped or me rely fell spring coming on. The dog bccan1e part of lhe California primary when Sen. Eugene ~cCarthy said in a speech : "I have not been able to understand ho'i\ bringing freckles out reaJJy helped to make il easier lo choose (a candidate) on the basis ol issues. ----: We welcome BankAmerica rd and M11ster Charge. We are not a gym. No dlsrob11\g. No pills. No back-breaking exercl1a No crash diets. Whites Attack School ·Bus ~ • Police Vse T ear Geis in Souili Carolina Riot • LAr.fAR, S.C. (UPI) -A whlte mob at- tacked three schoOI buses loaded wllh Negro children at newly desegregated Lamar High School today. Patrolmen us- ed tear gas to rescue students moments Defore I~ white! overturned two of the buses. Blue-helmeted slate highway patrolmen shepherd'ed the 39 children In U)e buses to safety inside the. school. Several of the youngsters suffered eye injuries resulting fr:om glass flying from broken windows in the buses. Gov. Robert E. fl.1cNair termed the at- tacb "unspea kable" and said they retulled ftom segregatio n forces urging deflahce of Ute liW. The sd'iool was clos- ed. McN11 ir aimed the NaUonal Guard . The violence was Lhe .,worst rePorted in th~ South slnt'f! the region began com- plying in January with federal court orders £or total de&egregation. Darling1on County, whl('h lnch1dca [#mar. was the second South CarolJna c:ounty placed untter ·iuch an order. ' A mob of ISO white men and women' gathered in front of Lamar High, a formerly all-white school that recently received JJO blacks. They were led by restaurant owner Jeryl Best, head of the Darlington County .. Freedom-of.choice Corrimlltee," which had urged all whites to boycott t.he coonty's i;chools. The flrst bua to arrive. carrying four Negro children. was pelted by bric.Its but officers were able to get the students out unharmed. The second bus, carrying 2tl black students, arriYed minutes later. Members or the mob jumped its hood and i"!natched off its distributor cap. fort.ing it to a bait. The mob surged forward and smashed the windows with ax handles and bricks. A third bus. carrying 15 Negroes, then pulled up, and the mob attacked It. flshting simultaneously with highway patrolmen trytng to !1rotect the busts . The mob polled away from the buses only arter patrolmen opened up "1th tear gas. The gas S'l\'irled a few minutes around the buses as the black children remained inst'de. Patrolmen then es1..'0rled the studenlo; inside the !Choo! while the mob shouted epithets. Moments later lhe croWd surged again upon the buses and succeeded in turning two of them over. ThC' patrolmen pulled their revolvers and hurled more. tear gai into the crowd. This sen{ the mob fleei ng and choking. One shot wa1 reportedly llred by the mob but no one was hit McNalr, who had termed th. e de!egfeagaUon orHers unreasonable but had ursed compliance with .them, de· nounetd the auacks as "unspeakable acts c:bmmitted against the school children or Lamar." "We now see the consequences which result from an open deUance or the law,'~ f\1cNalr said. "\Ve now pay the perially for lbe type or disrespect and disregard for authority which ha& ~n puhllcly ad · vocated by many in recent d11ys.'' .. • Call ,,_for a complillJOOlaly first ~it and free figunN1naly9is at no obligatio.n. ·sut can :while thiS' special Off!!!' lasts! .Ca!lleo Salo ts COMPL~ ~CONIMOC. Huriln1'r._. , __ ..,., (1141..U-· eo.-o.i-3IOO'E. C....lllttasf ~·THllO" \ I l • !k sz: ~11111 .n .. OllW r 1111 lltfO : LH County in Florida and the Min' of ldlth Simmons tlnaUy aireecl on a $SOO 1etlement in a J>ioptrty tax di1pllte that began in 00. Tba county had foreclosed on tile Simmons property In 1947 c:jaiming the woman hadn't paid her taxes in, 1942. Mrs. Simmons Nld lb• bought the property that y-and the bill apparently w a 1 e~nt to the fonner owner. After her ·death, the stmmons heirs took over tile "4,ttle end . finally agreed 14 11tUe the overdue bill for $SOil. 'l)e.orlglnal bill was for 38 centl. •• Tutldl1, MIRll J, 1970 • Big Rights ·_, --- ----. ~ --· -----1--- Tif f Flares -In Senate.- W ASHJNGTON (AP) -The Senate Is lacked In Ill lhlrd-&Jld probably biqest -civil rllht.s debate ol the year, Ill ornate chamber ringing to the -lsmlllsr SoOthem cry !or tqual tr.a~ - m<nL , "I hopLlhal .tho Umt wtll ooon mlve when American cltl1tn1 uvma South of the l\IU011·Dllon lint can be oc<onltd !he lull faith .and ~I for belnJ t1 d.temtlned to bClnor the principles ol tho COn1UtuUon •• ciliienl llv1nc ln)'W'hlre elH," declared Stn. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.), 'Ibo beetle-browed 'IJ.ye1Mld former Judie !Ired the apeotn1 Al•o Monday ao the Sen1te began a fillbulter.threatened debate on extend.Inc the 1165 VoUng Rights Act. Majority Leader Mike Mantfield \old newsmen before dtbat.e allrted ht hoped for ..a final vote by the end of the week. But the Southerners appear In no hurry. • • • . --- Nixon As Panel.· Study Of Schools WASlllNGTON (AP) -Decl¢>g that '1American educaUon 11 ln ur,ent need o! relonn," Preotdenl Nlloa liked Coasnas todoy to ,.I up a -l(eocy to cond\Jcl ~ and nptrlmenlltloll In tl!at f111d. In a apttial messqe, Nixon said the cwntry needs "a searching rHI· amination of our enUre apprOicb to learning." He said : "We must stop prelendlnJ Iha! we understand the myatery of~:tbe leaminc process or that we are significantly ap- plying science and tecbnoloo to tbe lechni'IJIOI cl teli<:blng -when we l!pOlld Jess than one-half of 1 per cent of Mll' educationil budget on reMarch, eom- pattd with S per cent cl our bel!lh budget and 10 percent ol del1111e." '"""'' Eric Ranbv had • 400-vear·~ thatcMd roof cott.a~e. w~fch hi coMdered hfstorU: old. l!i•;lllh. Bui the Spllsbv, Eng- laftd council did nol. II modt Before the Senate is a bill passed by the House Jut December that wwld ex· tend the 1965 act fOf; another five yean, expand a bin on literacy test.a from seven orilinal tar1et ltltea In tht South to all 50 and JmPoH uniform,. shortened residency requirements for voUng for pm,ident and vice president. 1 . PROMINENT LlS~llU PONDIR POMPIDOU TALK To spearbead en alptllded rtllan:b el- . fort, Nixon called rcr ctNUon ol. a Na· tional Institute of Education within the Department ol Health, EducatSon and Welfare. 'lbt NIE eventually would take over ulat1n1 reHll'Ch procr1m1 from • Nixon , Mme. Pompidou, Ch1rl11 Voit (from Left) Pose During Speech , Mmand for improwmtntl and !lMllv 11,..d • dnnollllon ordtr sal/inQ it IDa8 1&nfit for hobil<> .., don. 11\ fruatratton,.farmer Ran-· b~ burntd down the cott.agt. • Tbe ·plflOllJ and the elementa hav~ w911. Tbt cul\oJI) ,of holdin( arinual property auctions on the Couitbo!J5e steps."' to satisfy delin~ cjuent ta.le~ i§ over. in Memphis. The auction1 are going indoors. County Tru•tff Riiey' G1rner said he i1 tired of ilandinf in the rain, shivering in the cold, baking In th• · sUn and having documents sailed ~y Ibo wind : '.'Uncomfortable," he iald, yea . It ·wu unoomfortable on the =-and then h~ added "the !ail pla of times, the.birds have been bad." •• (:'ompetiticm '" the tow world b groia. (no strongef' 4f '' euidnetcl by th• ~r4iatUm of "Baby luv 'n Core", 3hown here with demonstrator Ma TlJ Rooney at the 67th annl&Ql Ta11 Faif' in New York; "Babu" is a doU io it IL acid indigestion. She criea untU the hot ioater bot.tie i.s placed in. htr stomach to re-lieve the "goa". • \Vhen the government made a amall business loan to a Colorado ••topJess11 restaurant, Rep. William Scherle, (R-Iowa)>.said. "This loan may not return much principal but it will c;,ertainly' generate a lot of interest." 'Ibo ldmln\llratlon-backed Hou.. blll also· would repeal a roqulrement that s~tes wilhlo.i \o cbanae thtlr voUna: laws ge:f · ipproval from the U.S. attorney 1ener1l. · In Its place, would be a provitlon permill!ni, the 1ttome~ 1eneral IO bring .Wt "11en be bid reuon"to bellttu ollnl _ rlglrtl were blinl denied. , This Jut 11 a m•jor point of cui.ttnt.lon. Uberals 117 tt would lblll the burden ol proof, requ~ the rovernmenl to d~trate rlahtl were"belni "denied In· stead of m•kinl 1.tates 11bow new pla.na would nol deny rilbtl. Manila Bl:asts Scatt:er Prot:est MANILA (AP) -A seriu ol e>J>loslom and funlholll tcattered ·a crowd of dem- onttraton tonight as they approached the U.S. Ernblny on a march to protest what they called PhUlpolnn' "f1scllrn" and U.S. ''lmperl1Usm.1: Ant1rlot police protectin1 the tmbnsy p.irwed the dtmon1tr1tora who dashed in all dlrectlot11. Eilrly reports said at leut one perton had been wounded by a bullet and 1everal others won belnr uuted •• botpit1!1 !or minor lnJurlta. It wu not clear what caused the ex· pb!OnJ, which were varlOUJly described 11 .,,.lhotl In tha air from the police ind fire bombl from the demonstrators. -The crowd numbered about 800 and w111 the advance party of a gfoup estimated at 2,000 headed for the embassy after a peaceful march through the city. Snme 5,000 students, laborers and peasants had paraded. . After the crowd had dispened at the ·embuay, ICU.ffl11 broke cut between poo lice and dernonltraton:. One plaJn-<:lothe1 policeman waa mobbed by youths who thrtw hlm to tht pavement. lie wa• saved from a HVere beating by newsmen and other police. Police reported nabbint HVtl'lll youlhl and tald they alao had nlzed ftrtarlJ'l.I and ll10l1ne f\re bombs. About 30 demonstrators later regrouped and sat briefly in front of the embassy, faced by more Utan 100 antirlot pollce wearinr helm•ll and holdlnc wicker 1hitld1 and truncheons. It was calm at the embat•Y after hall an hour. U.S.·Spanish Base To Replace Wheelus MADRID (AP) -The United States has reopened a joint U.S . .Spanllh air base, and informed aourcea 1atcl lt would be used for tratntnc U.S. Air Forto units that previously trained at Wheelus Air Base in Libya. Surgeon Says Pill Hazards 'Potential Time Bomb' WASHINGTON (AP) - A surgeon with half a century experience in breast cancer told Congress today the Pill is a "potential time bomb with a fuse 15 to 2tl yeara In length." "Although there is no conclusive evidence that oral contraceptives cause breast cancer, the potential hazards in· volve<I in their protracted u&e by young healthy women cannot be ignored ," said Dr. Max Culler. Cutler Is medical director of the Bever· ly HUis Cancer Reseiltch Foundation. He commenled in testimony prepa_red for delivery before a Senale monopoly sub- committee that has kicked up. a stonn of controversy during a month-long in· vestigation into Ute safety of the Pill .. Underscoring that controversy. another witness today qu estioned the sul> committee's right to even hear S\kh testimony, blamed tt for causine a wave of abortlon-:ieeklng and :iald 'atteriipts to project future harm were irresponsible. "Scientific Information cannot be resolved in a democratic approach or by Tor1iado Roars Tliroug Ii Kansas MARION, Kan . (UPI) - A winter tom1do whipped through downtown Marion and dipped through 25 miles of Kania& farmland early today, injuring at leat:t nine persons, ripping up h91nes and stores and knocking· out telephone Jines. "It'1 a wonder It wasn't worse," said Harvey County Sheriff Nohnan Walker of nearby Newton. Kan., whose radio facilities relayed the only word from Marlon. Four persona were hospitalized. one in 1erlow condition. "We think the first twister hit four miles east of here, where it circled the Leo Walton farmhouse , ripping out trees front and back and leveling outbuildings, but just knocking out the windows in the ho.ise," Walker sald. · . D1mage was reported on at least five Harvey County farms as lhe storm roared acrtm the Kansas plains. The injured were admitt.ed to hospitals -in Me.rion and Newton. majority vote,'' &a1d Albert Schulman. associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York's Albert Eln· stein College of Medicine. "The pjlla," said Schulman, ''have ~ bably been the mOBt carefully scrutlnlzed medication in medical history and we have been hard-pressed to find any significant pennam~t or hannful effect from using these a.cents." U.S. Captures Biggest Rice Cacl1e of War SAIGON (UPI) -A sharp-<yed American helicopter 'crewman spoUed and U.S. troops captured ..whit may be the blgge1t .rice ciche of the war, military sources aald today. They said that the olher · captured supplies of food and ammunition could crimp Communist plans for an offemive. The largest cache -an estimated 100 ton.s -waa: found near Tay Ninh City, near the Cambodian border and 67 miles northwest of Saigon. This was the area where B52s dropped more than 1,200 tons of bomba in eight raids Monday night and today ag~lnst ~ Cominunlst threat in the area. Spokesmen said..the rice cache !A'a& the largest found thl1 year in a aerle!l of searches an(t proba~y was the largest of the w~. They said it waa enough to feed five or more Communist blttallorui of 500 to 600 men each for as long a.s six month!. Other cachea ·repq_rled .today : -Two hundred hand grenad es, small arms ammun1Uon, 10 1u muks and five sampana captured M90i:l1y 120 miles southwest of Saigon in the lt1ekong Delta. -One thouaand pain of· aandala, l,000 rice bowls, 130 plastic water canteens fl'ld five bicycles found 13 mJJe1 nortbeut of Saigon. -A !!a~h 'or Zl ,000 AK.47 rifle cartr,idges, $50 propeUe<I grenades, 117 mortar round! and 200 pounds ot r ice found ~I miles northweat of Sa1gon. Kansas Hit by To.rnadoes 'Secret War' In Laos Charged . \VASH INGTON (UPI) -Sen. Geiorge Heavy-Siww....Warnings Up Throughout Southerri Rockies S. ~tcGovem (D-S.0.), called today for a closed 11ession or the Senate lo discuss American involvement tn Laos. He charged that the United States was con· M•tty 9'11111'1" '"'1, W1Mt .,.. .. ll'lt " _, -llOl1ftWWt '' -tt tlfttft ,...,, •l'MI 10 to 11 llMtt w""""'~· l't'911 ..,., ... CMtlt1 ,...,_.tww ,_.. 9-.. '9 U. 1"''"" ttm"rtN,.. r.-fr.ft a to "'· w•ttr """""•Nrt p, Sun, itloon, 1'14 .. TUllDA., • '. 11• .,,.,. ,,, WIDHllDA'I' FW.-il Mt~ "" •rlt •·"'· 1.t l'ln1 '°"' ... , ... '''",,:ft, t.t hooM 111w11 .... t :M""" ... 5'coM low .. 110 .,,... 1.J Jllfl •• '" •:11'.11.11'. .... 11• ··~ MOO!! It/Ml .ai» 1.rn. sen 1!11 '-'"• v.S. s .... _,.., A ,wllll. ........ _ •""91 *"'!""' •t,... fflt ~I "ltlM .... , wltll ... tl!W .,,...v """""' "' "' • ,..,...., "' _.....,.. ffl!llltliM. ..... w .,... ... "'1"" ,.,,. .. ,... fw #II lllMlttlM "' Ctl«H• Ntw Mtl!lcit 111111 ftOf'ttl t111tr1t Arl1w1 "'"""' wtl'ft"'" --lft tftt<'I ,,_ M•ttnl MtfthllW ltr'IM ,..,,,. Otlt1!t ~ "" IWtfl ........... "' Ml-.t1 ,,. Wl~~I •llf I """" """"°""' '""" -..l'Cfl Mt II! ~I fW Nrt'9M ti l(t!'I'"' MIUOl/rl, Httr1Mt tM .... TJtt ll'lffll ............. "4'1\tfNt M..., •r Jlltllf, "'9 119 _,,. Cffllrtl Ktftt.fl llllf t""""" IR No.r-l(t11o 18 lft. hlrl .. wtl'I rtl'Ofltcl. Temperatures Hlt11 1. .... l'r.c. ducti ng a secret war there without the ~ l9 n knowled1e of Congress and the Amedcan A1M\191- AllcllwlH Allt!lft ltlrtrtfltlf l llm1rcll: l tlM '°'""' lrtW!'llYUlt Clllctto Clnc11111tfl . .,.,_ DM M"lltf _,, l't1rbtllllt ,.,. WOl'flll ·~M Htltr11 -·· KMNtClty l"v .... l .. """''' Ml.,,11 fol'-"''' HtwOtlMM HtwYorl! Notrl'I "ltttl Oellltnd Oki•"*"-(It'( o"''"- """' ••rtfttt l'tM lltollltt ,,,_. l'ltltblll'tll ....~"" Jltlld Ctly '·•-' lklff ·-ltcr1 .... 111t lett Ltlrt CIW 1111 O!tt0 1111 l'r11•1cltc1 lttttlt -... T""""I Wtt./llltfllll'I \ ~ '•l public. " ,, so .. 1'h~ secret w1r we lit wqing tn Laol ~ ~ ·°' is repugnant to tMe principles and secilrl· " ~ :~~ ly of a free society ." McGovern said in 1 ~ ~ prepared Senate ap!teh. s1 •• :: "It Is absolutely lncrtdlble·thal a areat . ~ = , c1 nation such u ours could be warln& a. " u A1 major mlUtiry operation In a forelen ;: -;; .•S country Without the kntwltdte of either · s• • cilizens or 11' C.Ongreas1 but that 11 the '' ·• ·61 fact." ~l ,, 6' 1111 .OS ~I ii " ~ n •1 Ji JJ .SI Watson Seen as New n M -" n " " u ~ ., France Ambassador n s. ,n, ;: ~ ,ll WASHINGTON (AP) -The wrute ,, .-i House innounctd today Prakleot Nl:iton ~~ ~ :~ wllJ. nominate Arthur K. W a t 1 o n • » ~i chalnnin ot ·the ovenea1 operaUona of _: : ·~' lntemaUonal Business Machines, to euc· !: !; ceed R. Saraeni Shriver 11 ambauador 4f ,. ·" to France. ~ !! ,,, Preis 11ecn.tary Ronald L. Zlqltr con- '' ,. .111 firmed 1 publlaht:d report that the 51· JI 11 .01 year.old bu&ineuman J1 Nixon'• choice '1 ~· ·'s f '"-P·~· • . '' Jt .ce or 11"' ru.Ul P?'"' ' Nixori, Pompidou Pkased After Apology, Dinner NEW YORK (AP) -Both President Nixon and Georges Pompidou said ~Ion­ day they were pleased with the re.suit of Nlxon'a hurried trip to New Y o r k to offer his apology for any discourtesy to the French president by -Americans. Nixon's ge!ture on the last night of Pompidou's eight-day state vi.sit appear. e<I to have eased ill feelings resulting from demonstration! over France's agreement to sell 110 jet! to Libya while refusing to release 50 to Israel. Nixon brought cheefs and laughter at a diMer for i:iom_pidou when he e:aid he had wanted the 1'rench leader to see the l lnited States as an American president does -11 And I must say we overdid It a bit. u we usually do ." Pompidou, who had been angered over what he tenned insults t11 hlitiselr and his wife during a pro-lsrae1 demonstra- tion tn Chicago, responded by praising Nixon and saying it was a ''very great joy" to be at the dinner . Raising a glass of champagne at the \Valdorf-Astaria Hotel dinner for 1,600 persons sponsore<J. by Franco-American groups. President Nixon exclaimed: "Vive le Franre." "F"rance Is: our oldest ally and our closest friend," Nixon said. "That friendship b so deep ind Ml long that no minor difficulties or bad manners are going to impair it." Pompidou beamed as Nixon spoke and replied in a toa:it : ''In spite of 111, 1llies and friends .'' Outside the hotel a pro.Israel dtmon- stratlon drew up to 5,000 persona at one point, then d\\1nd1ed rapidly away, TINY TOT DUE FOR TINY TIM HADDONFIELD, N.J. (AP) -Tiny Tim's 17-year-old wife, the former Vicki Budinger, says they are expectina: a baby in September. They W4Ve married on the televised Johnny Carson "Tonight'' show last Dec. !!. • The long-haired, falselto voiced fl:inatr and his bride received confirmation of the pregnancy fr.om a doctor in January, she said Monday. Ute Office ol EducaUon. • Noting that h11 budget !or the 1171 !local year that llarts July I calla for $SU mllllon for educational research ·- an lncreate or $67 mlWon -Nlzon aatd money to carry on the work of U. In- stitute he pn>pC>All would ')>e in addition to that. ~ The me111ge puts no dollar. fif\R m the OVOHIC coot ol op«atlng the In· atitute. In other areai, Ni.Jon uld he waa establishirti by executive order • Preaidmt'• COmmilllon on Sc·h ool Fln·ance with a two-ye1r llietlme, ta . develop recommendations on the ftRal and organizational needs or both public and private scbool1 tn the United States. "Becauae we have neglec\ld to . tan how we will deal wlth school finance, he said. "we have areat in:itablllty and wx:ertainty In the !lnenclal llrUCtUre ol educe.tion." He cited a.s 1 .. cause for na.U(l'la} c:on-- cern" the gap In educational ~I · .. tv.·een rich and poor states and IM:Mol districts. Oiscussina: the problems of paroch1a1 and other schools, Nixon said thelr finan-- clal difficulties are to be "a partlculat assignment of the commission" beeause, he aald , il all private schools were to close or turn publlc, the burden on public funds by the end-of the 1970s ~ ex· ceed $4. billion a year for operaUon. In addition. he estimaled $5 billion more would be needed for facilities. Nixon Will Sign . HEW Money Bill S~ys GOP Leader WASHINGTON (UPI) -Jl,epul>U<an ..._s1ooa1 leaden 11ld today Pres~ dent Nixon will •iln the Health, EdUca· · Uon and Welfare approprlatlott bill tr It reaches the White Ho111e u tt pused the Senate. The key to Presidential acceptance ol the 119.4 bllllon bill that Nl10n Cll1Ct V• toed would therefore depend co whether the House goes alont:c with a Senate pro- villon to allow the Chief Executive dl!- creUon In whether to spend 2 perced. oC the money. Nlx:on vetoed an earlier $11.7 bUUon bill a1 exceaslve and Inflationary . Houae Republi can Ltadtr Gerald Ford !aid at the White House after a meettnc of GOP congression1l leaders wilh Nizon that he hoped the HOUJe would adopt the Sen1te version which he called "the be!t solution to a Ione and complicated con· troveray." Ford i;ald: 11The While Houle will i c· cept the senate veraion." So1ne Experi1nent Quilits Folloiv 'Preventative' ' 'ONLY TRll!D FOR THREE ' .. Qufnt1' Mem Mr1. KJ1n11t • - NEW YORK (AP) -The -of quiljuplell \aid ahe Wll thrilled bul. llhe didn't think lht would tey It l(aln. "Seven is fine," said Margaret Kienast. 1We only tried for three." Jn her first public apperance since the. birth a week ago, the 31).year-old mother, chic in a blue paisley pelpolr, laid Mond1y, •ut wun't the easiest thine I've ever done." l\ln. Kienast hid been part cl en U• perlmental ~. tattnc a naw forlilJly drug designed to prevent mu!Upl~ birlha. H_. physician, Dr. I\. L. 'VIDden Wltla concedfd, "We weren't very IUCCtNful.'' The quinta -Amy, Sarah, WUUlm. Abipll and Edward -will JO home In about sit weeks, thdr pediatrician 111d. 1lloup the week'°ld '1n1en11 hlit 1111· fered -dUOcuJUu and won lollnc a nonnal ll!IOWll .cl welabl. lllalr doo;lor pr~ them "out ot the "°'*·" They weni lllJU Uvlng In l!,(IOH<l17 tom· peraturt-controlled iloJltttl. , Shortly alter \l>t -· ...,,.,.,.,., Mrs. Kienast and her huiballd, Wl!Usm; II, Jett fot their home In Liberty eomet, N.J._ ' , ~. ' . I I 'I r / . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,-~ ..... .-~,.......,~~--,-~~ ........... ,,..~~~~~~ ........ ...,-:",.......,.~,~-~~~~~~--:.:--~---~~~.., r ' , • ~ouniBin Valley EDITION ToClay's Final N.Y. · Stdeks . . . VOL. 63 , NO. 52 , 2 SECTIONS. 24 PAGES • <?RANGE _ COUNTY, CALlf.ORNIAJ _ TUESDAY, MA~CH l. 1970 . . ' TEN CENTS . ' Doctors Trying t~ Prevent Any Hear( '1ttack SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) -fo'or· Lt. Col. Robert L. North, chief heart the power or clairvoyance." aide said , "fl.tedlcatlon wu applied and mer ~reside~t Ly~~~ _e. ~ohnson suf-s~lalist at Brdoke. Generat .• Hosp~tal, North iaid Jo!'nson wa.s given qum1-these extra heartbeal:I have been in- fered lrans1ent pain in his c~!l a~ dia~sed lbe discomfort . as transient .dine .\_ulphate and warfarin to relieve <'fttqueot since I or Z il.m: left arn1 today. Doctors watching his pitlns' not conoect.ed with tbe chest . • . · · . ,, . . f':Vety hea~at gave him medicine lo pains that sent ~ 36th U.S. pres,ideol hls d1scomrort. T~ fltst drug is used At .t ._30 a.m., h~ exper1em.'ed a_n· relieve lhe discomfort. lo the ,Ar01y hospital ~tonday. to reduce chest pains and the second h: other pain and conllnues to have dis· · "The President had a' 11.enerally good "Our main concern in our currenl an anticoagulant., comfort in his ches t and left arm." night but conlinues to experience dis-treatment Is to try and prevent a heart At the medical briefing, Tom Johnson The 6l -year-0ld former pr'esidenl wa.i comfort in hi.s arm and chest," Tom attack," North said. "This is the tlirust said North diagnosed the overni&hl pains given x-rays and constant electrocard· .J.oh~" the former pcesi?ent 's ~x~u-01 our treatment. as a mild aftertna~ to lhe ctiest pains iograms today. ·•All were within nor· t1ve assistant, told a medical briefing. "These current pains do no· perma-eJ:perienced Monday. ma"! limits," said his iide. "The President experienced sofne dis· nent damage to the heart. \\1e don't ··The President suffered premature North said Johnson's weight of 217 comfort in hl.s arm at 2 a.m.," the aide have a bleak outlook. In fact, we are contractlons, that is, e1.tra heartbeats was within the normal limit~ for hi~ said. \'Cry optimistic. or course, no on:: has thal ·come earlier than expected." the age and height: On~site Sale Of Trailers Ruled Out I The t.'Ol'ltroversy over on-sile sales of trailers at a mobile boq_te park played to, 11 large audience again at Huntington Beach City Council ~Ionday night. A.s the council brouft:ht the curtain down nn operations of Greenleaf l\lobile llon1r. Sales of Costa ~Iesa al the Driflwood Beach Club t.1obile Home Park the almost packed house ~rst into applause , drowning out a few boOS. The council reaffirmed its decision lo tieny a use variance lo Greenleaf lo sell mobile homes at Driftwood, nnt to lhe Sheraton Beach Jnn on Coast Highwa y, an RS multiple residential d.istricl. 1'he application had been granted by the planning commission and denied r.arlier by the council:~The Issue' ·was reh~ard t.ionday night ; however, because the applicant had not been•notified cf the •ppeal against the planning board's tiecision. The planning t.'Ommlssion"s decision was overturned because the applican\ was required to prove 11 a r d sh i p, necessary for a use variance in a residen- tial di.strict. Thomas Keenan , an attorney represen- ting mobile homeowners. cr.ilicized what he called the tied-in sale provision or c;losed parks. He cla imed the park operator, after renting a space lo ii customer, coold "dictate " lo the '~ustomer Ult: trailer he should buy and from whom. John Hampton, ''ice president and r;:eneral manager of Greenleaf, claimed nn-site sales v.·ould provide uniformity in riesign of parks and "would remove the sti(nla attached to mobile home parks." Disco·ver Alaska l1i Pilot Toda y The DAIL V PILOT loday Inc ludes ,_ "rnld-it-your.!eif," four-page tabloid sec- tion sponsored by South Coast Plaza Piterchants Association. The section offers a con1 plele rundown tin v.•hat to expect v.·hen Alaska "move!! to Costa ~1esa" next v•eek. It previews the Alaska Trade & Travel E:ii:posiUon '''hich opens Thursday. 1\.-farch 12: It's in- side,.on Pages 6A and 68. I Firing Study Urge d WASl-llNGTON IUPll -Sen. \Villiam Proxm ire {D-Wi6.). challenged L he .lustice Department today to pres!! "without delay" an in vestigation intq thf! firing of A. E. Fitzgerald, who lnlormed Congress about a $2 bllllon cost increase of the C5A jet transport. Helps Little Man Council A voids Decision. on Oil By ALAN DIRKIN 01 lflt O.Ur l"Ut! Sit" , How to rid Huntington Beach of blighted oil wells and yet protect the little man ? That problem was given another go- round Monday night by city councilmen. The council heard an ~appeal on the planning commission's denial tO permit reactivation or a ~·ell, idle for more lhan six months. on a lot on Utica Ave nue near Delaware Slreel. The operator of the well Is ~lel Elliott, a Huntington Beach resident who works t.ht well and others on land lcased ·by tht sun Oil Campany. . Herb Day, city oil field superintendent. said the application . wa s one of the few sucQ cases before the council that he \Va! in sympa thy v.·ith. He said the land wai in the Jine or a future freeway ltnd that Elliott who makes a living fro ... Utis and other wells would J05e the well eventually. Rotert Shaw, owner of !'h acres on the 1:orner of Utica and Delaware, strongly objected to the well and listed what he ealled blighted conditions in the area. lie said reactivation of Elliott's v.·ell would add to the pollution. Shaw criticized the 1920 lca11e which hf! tlaimed allowed Sun Oil Comi>any, a fir m not bas~ in Huntingtan Beach, "to hold IO acres al land in depreMion." Elliott denied lhat his operation t.'On- tribu,ted to blight. He said the well.would eroduce two or three barrels a day but he wouJd like a chance to increase produc· tion. , ''I've got nine wells and take c;,ire of them myself. even pump them mllf," Elliott said. "And 1 work at it seven days a ''•eek." 'Councilmen wanted the city admi "stra- tlve stafr lo contact Sun~") Co[l1p and tell the firm cf the oil e e 'violations en the property, but Oay...w the council that Sun would not cle the area. "They say they are l the operator and are not responsible," Day added. ··it's obviou:; they want to hold on lo the lease." ... The council decided to defer action for 60 days on Elliott's request to reacli\•ate the well. Elliott agreed to some condition~ providing for cleanup or the i.ite and re- moval of (\vo tanks. OV Schools Face Wratli Of Parents O·ve1· Paper A Crest View School news paper con- taining references to. marijual\l and sex broµght the wrath of mare than 50 parents down OI\ "the head.!! of Ocean View School District trustees and ad· 'ministrators i\1onday night. ··we want to kno1v what disciplinary action has been taken," said !\frs. Ro- berta Crocker summing up the feeling~ of lhe irate parents who packed the disl.· rict's board room. But the answer was to be reserved for an executive session, closed to the public. "\Ile ha\'c been talking with the stu· dents and staff members directly in- volved," Dist. Supt. Clarence Hall as- sured the parents. He said discipline . Beacl1 Attorney Sees Hot Battle Over Sign Law , "''ould be meted ou t on ·an basi~. Individual "But," he cautioned, ''If some of YOU' are 'fliting to find out who we·re going lo dlsmisa., the an.!19.·er is no. \Ve're not going to . dismiss anybody." J.le instead (!rged the p_arenlli lo join wilh the administration in solving som~ of Crest View's problems, l'1hic~ ac- cording to parents, include incidents of childrep being beaten up b_y others, stolen property and poor behavior. "I hope. that 9.'e can capitalize on thts interest in a positive way. This Is the largest crowd that I've seen in the dist· rict board room since l1•e been super- intendent," he added, inviting , them lo ii meeting at _7:30 p.m. Wednesday al Crest View School which would foc~s •··on the prob lerJ1S. Since the 3;page issue of •·The In· tanner" v•as published last Tuesday •. the district's switchboard has been tied Hitt NEWSPAl'Ell.. P11• !) Student Tries To S·alvage D·r~g Vs~rs Teen Challenge tried to t a c k 1 e downtown Huntington Beach's drug pro- blem and ·left. Then Teens for Christ came along but they mo ved'(ln be<:aust or fears of an earthquake. ' ~1ontlay night Orange Coa~l CollegP. stu dent-Jim ~torocCJ> spoke fdr another group that wants lo luin drug usen into (Jlrned~n Christians. 'eut ~uncilmen turned i:lov.·n !\1orocco·~ request to use !! l>asemenf at 302 Ocean Ave. as a Christian youth center. They emphasized it was the l.'t'nler'~ proposed kication and not its intentions thllt both~red them. ·•\\'e \\'OUld take a \'Cry dim View of thi~ of)eration ·in this. area." ~1ayor Jack Green commented."·W.e. feel we might be openina: 1 Pandora's box." 1 , ·Moto\::CQ,,.=5. Newport 81\'d .• Cost.a t.feSa, said the center would J>e finance~ by · ~n Orange Coast College musical group, Southern CaUlornla Callcge, Costa Mesa, ind donation~ frQm churches. particularly the &seroblies of God. · Councilman Jerry t.1athey echoed Green's comment. "OoPe ,peddltrs will lake advantage of thi s. I kno'v delin· quents v.·ould love to have a pl_ace like that lo make their contacts.'' t.1orocco replied that the objective Qf his group was lo 1et a place accessible ln youth . "Our sole purpose would be to present tile claims of Christ." . Pi:torocco said t h a t becaUSt Of hl., woop's message he doubted that it "'ould add to the drug traffic. Beacl1 ·Sets Curb On Center Area Huntingtnn Beach councilmen took· 11 first step l\1nnday night to protect the city 's $4 million investment in the pro- oosed civic center at t.fansion and ~1ain Streets. The council gave a ri rst reading to pro- posals to attach design cOntrols or1 pro- perty near lilt center and olher city facilities. - The vehicle J~ called the civic districl suffix and the community facility district, which \.\'OUld e.!lablish civic districts around the public developments. Ted Kennedy l\fohhed ' . DUBLIN <U PI) -Several hundred \.\'Omen 'and children mobbed Sen. Edll·ard t.1.. Kennedy au ts Ide his hotel lo- daf. shouting "God bless 'you,-Ted" and pressing tit to touch th.e Pila'ssach~lts Democrat. • I GR~[£RIES . \ • • ' • Doll a1ad Her Gug J\1lss Ad_elaide, pla yed by Lisa l·lockney, is determined to gel her man, even if 1t means sitting on him , in thi s S0?11e from upcoming Marina lliCh School production of "Guys and Dolls." Gambler Nathan De- trort, played by Ron Ross, dennitely is on the bottom of the deck. Show opens \Vednesday night and will run through Saturday night in school gym. Ticlfets priced al $2 will be sold al th e door before all of the 8 p.m. performances. . .... • . '. ' Mesa Joins -in Valley Plea Ove1· Mil~ Square An·port The Coata Pifesa·City Council Monday joined a plea by· the Fountain Valley School Dlstricl urging county officials to abandon any ronsJde ralion of an airport in the t.farine Corps' Mile Square helicopter practice field, Cou~ilman Wllllam L. St. Clair voted 11gainst ,proposal, condemning it a., lypica l oJ suburban encroachment around av iation faCUlties whlch are ultimately "lorccd·ou t or operation . ''That 's the problem with airports to- day," said St. Clair, "\ve" surround them and then screain about them." Councilman \Villard T. Jordan v.•as absent and the measure passed on a 3 to I vote. calling for the airpa rk tentatively proposed in the county's ~faster Plan or A vlation, to. be forgotten. School offici~ls say the t.1arine Carps will never allo:* fixed-wing aircraft to operate from the one-square-mile facility Tio1v used as a h~licopter training field . Aulhor!Ue.s Ji! Washington fin a 11 y agreed lo allow partial use of the site a.s a county regional pilrk and the school district is anxious to obtain a fulure cam- pus site there. . County Supervisors recently refused tn ·eliminate the afrpar-site -one of several shol'ln in the avia Uon plan's Phase Ill -from Lhe ~1arine CorJ!S pro- p:?rty, at least on paper. They did agree lo make choice of a future. airport site ~ priority ite1n t1f bWi.nesa lo-tnablil the Fbunlairi Valley School District to resolve the site pro- blem as soon. a~ possible. . . . . Citi{ens In the surrounding area, boundll by Warner and Edinger avenues and Brookhurst and Euclid streeta art mounting a militant campaign agalnrt the airpark concept. Yamw·a 01ilclren Hear Problems Of D1·ug Abuse F'ilth and sixth graders at Fou.nfaln Valley·5 Tamura school heard about .the dangers or drug abuse today in a day.Joni session on narcotics. The day was designated "lmpact Day" · hy schOol district administrators wM hope the informa tion they presen~ to t11c students through films. slides and tape recording~ will -help forestall dangerous experimentation. The program began with a multi-media presentation of the dangers in such drugs as marijuana, t,.50. 1econal, am· phetamlnes and Volatile k hemlcals 1 in- cluding glut', pa.int thinner 'and gasoline. A discussion on the effect of drugs an U1e nervous system followed with ah 13· minute color film and a question and answer session . The-afternoon was devoted to small 4roup discussion ol questions raised dW'· ing" the pre~ntations arr: ~ocio-dramu by the stud ents. Jo ' Orange Coas t t.tore winds, and not the law , may be Jluntington Beach's but bel at present for getting billboards down. Rossmoor VP Defends FHk r>uring the following lwt1 weekl ~·h• students "''ill spend between 30 to minutes a' day diocussing what they have learned and how to' avoid sitUatians ·in \Vhlch they may be exposed 'to narcotic's. \\'ea th er Sunn y midweek weather v.·ith mercury readings in the middle &O's is the rine fare for the Orange Coast on Wednesday. INSIDE · TOD,\ 'l' . Dioorce -California .•t11le. ''ou've come a long way, bab11. Now you can sever all connec- tions wi('t your misn1atclttd ma.tt i11 n ma.tfc r of 90 .~er.011d.~. See Page ·to. C1liferltlt r CltKU1>1 u, r CltHI"" lt-1• C1111kt 1S Cft ...... ,.. .. °""' ''""''' u •ffftl'l-4 ,... ~ •ftttrtllltlfttl!t " l'illl ll(t ••• .... ~ .. , ,. AN ~M .. rl 1' IMI""• r '''"""'' 11 • City att.arney Don Bonfa told coun- cilmen Mqnd~ght (here will be J •·Long and co1nplex battle" in he courts over the city's sign ardlnance. The ordinance took effecf Jan. 7. but Bonfa told the councU that attorneys representing outdoor sign companies \.\'ant ta test the constitutionality or ccr· lain aspeeli of-the law ·in the-courts. "\\1e v.•ill file criminal misdemeanor complatnts aga lnet themo'J Bonfa said, "but it will be some Ume before "Wt gel the signs down. We might hope for-same more big winds." Two signs were blown down in !he county's most recent wlndstotm. The ordinance banning billboards wa~ ~doplect by the council five years ago aod ga,.-e tign c-o·mpanles11ntll Jan;-7. lfitl. to remove them. At a January council meeting, Roberl r . Reid of the Foster and Kleiser sign l'Ompany admitt«t that major sign com· par1ies had 73 billboards on Beach Soultvard and an rqual number on Caasl Highwa y. The flfJrCl did Ml irtelude tract direclln11al :ngru. . • , . Criticizes Assault' on Mortgage Prograni An illustrated boOlilet. containing drug terminology and cartoons will be distributed to each studenl to assist in th'- campaJgn . • · By BAJlllARA KltEIBICH Of ""' D•llr 'll•t ft1t1 An executive-of Ros!moor Corporation In Laruna Hills today vehemenUy denied Implications in a congtedional reporl crllicWng the Federal Ho u-s J n g Administration for its $270 mlllian In· vestment in federally insured mortaages in five Leisure World communltlcs across the" nation. "The Jt'HA should be complimented for Its forward thinking in allowing lhe.~c planntd" t"Ornniunitles," saidt-Robert .F. Rosenwald. Rossmoor vice president and general counsel. • "People in the upper ige category 1'e· quirt this type of community. It has done much lb open up their lives 11!1d \\'llhout PHJ. cooperation it could not have been Achieved .'' . The report to t.:ongrcss lrom the Gent· \ ral Accounting Office criticized J.'HA a1>- ptaisal procedures w~ich, It .itated, in· creased as much as &00 percent in lhree years. Pi1ore--lhan a third of the HoUstng a.nd Urbaa Develop1J1ept Department's $800 million in mortgage Insurance hr t.-ooperatively owned , "moderate-income .housing has gone to' flve Leisure World projects. the report stated . No legal wrongdoing ls charged bY. the GAO, bu~the method of appraisal used by the FHA.is sharply criticized. particular- ly the. separate appralsal·of each 1)eW homing develdj>ment launched within a Leisure World. . Under 'Ult program. Congress limited federal tiacking to $20 million for-each projeet. . The ~·JtA deemed ea ch new l.cisure \\'orld subdiv ision a separate pro- ject, entitling It to $20 mil1Jon. The report states that Lhc developer bought land for the Laguna Hills Leisure . World at, ·t:z,tlOO' an acre in 1961 and two years lat.er appraised it 11t $10,500 an acre. "ln lotal,"·say.s the 'report, ''F.HA's aepralaals o~ la(ld for the fl[st 25 seg- ·mtnts af the cOmmunlty, Which covered about 500 f AC~ of land. exceeded the purchase ptJce paid '?Y the develfpcr by about $6 million.'' .. ' 1'he GAO, says Rosenwald, falls lo lake into account !h~ fact that· the Rossmoor ·. C0fp6raUon y.•as obHged .(o lrWeSt · •12 mitlian In lti land purchaSt before the first salt: w111 made. • . "\Ye had to put in road.s, brkla in ' "'I ler, utilltles and senit.ation,v the of· fltl11J saJd. ,;Our shopptng cen ter "'a~ "Impact nays" have also been tchedu1~ I ed at other schools in the Fountain Valley / School District during the next few wPeks. The dates are as follow1: t.1c0owell -SchoOI, Match 4; Nieblas School: Pi1arch S.: Lamb School. -MU<:h 1 ll : Bushard School, April I; A~os SC:hool. April 2; Founttln Valley ., • April 8: F)Jlton School , April 10. and c'Jqler.SchOOI, April 14, Wardlow,. Har?Cr and. Newla{\d ,School~ have already had their "Impact Day" and art currMtly ln the two-week fOllow- up period . steel• ~larlce& completed, by neccssity, bcfare the· fir.st -NE\V \'ORK (A.Pl -Thi. stock market people moved in and we had to lnvCsL In showed a slendtr gain late this afternoon model atJrlrlmcnl.! and a l'lubhouse. Othc1· in moderate tradina. tSec quot1tio.ns. •See ROSS~tOOR, Pase t) Pages 8-9). ) ' . I l ' • e a as 3 a c £S I OAILY 'PIL01 H ' 'Love No P1•i so11e,., Leary .. Retu rned To Co·unty Jail· ._ • Fac1r}& lO )'U.1'5 ln federal prison and .a )ltt-undmrmlned senten<:i! he re on marl• Juana and LSD charges, Dr. Thnathy 1 Leary is back in Oranee CCJunty Jail to- d1y after 1ent111cln1 Monday In Ttl 111. Tht IO-ytaMlld former H 1 r v a r d ~ peycho10C'Y proft1aor was li\'tn lht lenn . by U.$. l>l11t1ct Court Judie Ben Cbn· nalty, and n~ ba ck Immediately followlnc the he1rln1. ''Lo\le cannot bt 1 prlaoner," shouted Dr. Lell')' l!I t"'O burly U.S. m1r11hals ttcOritd him from the ff 0 U I t 0 n -courtroom fnd 1 'll't iUnr a I r p o r t . U...uaill<. . One ~'Ori bltck an4 the other "'Ore whlle. ~rt. Rottmary -Le.lry, who tlao fices · the March 11 atnttnce heaMn1 before JIJdp Byron K. f\1cf\llllan In Or1rt1• County Superior Court, rtad a statement afterward. Judie Conntlly -li ke Judie 1'1er.Ullen. wht fOund the couple tnd son John • U1ry, IO, ,WHy laat month of the druc .• poa1euJ.on char1e orlgln1tln1 In Laguna leach -1ald Leery lt a public menace. Mr1. Leary a1reed , but nol ln the same . Road on Stilts Over Beach Park Said Poss ibl e Should Ttlbtrt Avenue be bulll en stil ts ft tower over the propo1ed Huntlna;ton Beach cenlrtl park! That w11 tht 1u1111llon f\fond11y nlaht ol Qty Councllm'11 Jerry f\1tlney who •arted wtlh Councilman Donald Shlplf'y that 1 major hlahway ahould not rWl throuch the clly'1 major park. ••t knew It would cost more money. but tl llolh Ooldtn West Street tnd ta)bert • Al-'tnue 'il'trt built on pllln11, the ctntral · Pt rk Could be built under them ," fliatney uld. Talbert currently &lop.s on the east side of Golden \\'est. bu t fu ture plans call ror it lo be a major artery through to !he 8ol1a Chica 1rea. Pu~Uc Werla Director Jim lVhetler t&ld tht council thtt Talbtrt Avenu '" • ll.'Ould become a ntceaaity when Slsnal OU Co. develor» tlt Bob:a Chica holdin1s. ''The city or Ulndon forbids 11 ny 'bicttways ruMini through llyde Park. t don't Stt v.•hy v.·e can't d6 the same,'' Shipley e1claifued. ,P.tatney then suggested building both l'OIU on pilings and connecting Lake Hunttniton an4 1alberl Lake for one Jtfge w'aterway under thein. "He just v.•ants an inland Top of th e Pier," joked Shipley. No decltlon w11 reached on the ruturc of Talbert Avenue. context. "Judge Connally is right. ,.,y husband I• a menace to eoclely. We ire a menace tO the community which mak11 i mockery of the ConsUtutlon. If he were 1 thitf, he would be out on bail." Leary's attorney ,.._11tchel1 St1nd1rd Of New York City said the 10.year sentence Guitar Lesson s Slated in Valley Guitar leSION for ad v&.nced playPrs will be offer~ tonight at !he Seturity Pacific Bank, 88W Bol.s~ A v' .. Wettrnlnster. for mr-m be ra of I~ foun· lain Vall•y YMCA. and .denial of bond came t•a1 a shock, alliiough I sr-e it h11ppcnlna all around th~ coontry ... a surnng of rr~e speech." '"I don't think the youne people of toclety are 1ol n11 to toler1le this mu ch longer," Standard 11ld. "It It alien to our 1y1tem, •lien to our Analo-Amtrlcan btlleft, Thi1 country \1 In a 1tata where one of the dUrlcultle1 11 the ptnaltle1 arc mor.e horrlblt than th• crime." ·l Leiry Wii convicted of 1mu1gling lhrtt ounces of marljuan1 concealed In a 1nurfbox hidden lb h\1 IS.year-old daughter'• underwea r. March 11 Is the sentence date 1ct in Santa Ana. , Beach Okays ' Ce11tral Parl\ Second Pha se· Pha5e two CJ{ the land 1t1:1ulsll10n pro- gram for the Hunllnaton Beach Central Ptrk-11•11 put In mollon Monday nl1ht by. the clt.y council. Councilmen authorlzOO · a rtq11t1t for $582.816 In federal funda from the Oeparl· ment of Hou1in1 and ·Urbln Developme nt (HUD) to buy ano01er 50 1cre1 for t~ patk 1ite st Golden \\'est Street and Talbert A\'enuc, Two plota of land. one just west of La ke lfuntin1ton ileng Edw1rct. Sl.r•t-l and the other •. swampy area \\'ell ol Golden \Veit and SQ~th ot Sitter A venue. "'ould be purchaltd with the .n1oney. The swampy 1rta la the aectlon Cou n- cilman Donald Shipley c1lled "a major breedln& i1'0und for the water fowl In th.is area.'' Shipley has urged the clly to buy U1at land as soon •I poulble to ensuie ltt con- tinuance as a br~edlng ground . Some of the 60 acre1 la owned by the st.ate, while prh•ate owntr11 control other p&rla ol it. The re.q ueat for federtl funds has r.lretdy been drtwn up. No e11Unate was ,tven on Ult time 1l will t•ke to 1aln the leder1l fund s and buy the land . " W: Coun ty Man Faces Char ges In Auto Death A \\'e.s1minster . 111an \\"as for1na ll.v chargf'd with n1anslau ghler, felony drun k drh·ing and felony hit and run today In connection \\'Ith an accident which too k !he life of a 24-yca r old Anaheim wo1n1n Sunday. • Ralph Ponct, 7312 Park St., ?.'a8 ar- raigned at \\'est Orange ·county Court this m&'n lng On th e charge!. No ball ha5 been set yet. · Police allege Ponce "-"AS lhe drl\•er or an automobile which struck four pa rked ·cars on Golden \\1est Street ntllr t.lur~y Park in Huntlnaton Beach late Sunday, resu llina in the death of r-.11urlne Gri ce flodriguez, a pa a.senger. Porn.of: ran a\.\•ay fron1 the v. recked car an<l tried lo tACape through 1 ntarby allry bt-fore he waa 1topped by a police officer, in \·es Ugators Sii ld. Lesaons slli rt at 6:30 p.m. for ;ultar • pick•ra •a• 7·10, and at U -0 p.ni. for Bik~e· L1'cens1'11 g pl ayera 11·18. Guit,arlst Ken Conney '1'111 teach the , COW"HI. Fees &re f5 for ThtCA memberr li N and 17 for non-member.. Dea d 'ne eal'S DAILY PILOT CAA.NGI CflA.St l'UILll l-llHQ COMltAHY ••~•r+ N. Wtti l"r .. klMI 1'10 J11111llol'I., J,, ••. Cu.tty -.,. Vlfl l"rlllt fftl 11111 <ffftl•el M•,,111r Tito"''' k11 .. t l"dllll fll11111t A. M11rJ1hillt Ml"10lnl l tllOr Albt rl W . 11+11 AHOC~li!t f•llOI H1'1fl•tt•• IHtlt ,9.tflte 17171 •••th l owllt,,d M1lllJ1t Aiittu; ,.0. 101 7,0, •tl•I Otlt9f OHltM LlO\lft• ll Ntl'l;_JH Forest A•t~w• C11lt M1111 119 Wt1! lty S!lltl Nt*!llrl l•t~1 tt!! W111 lti"-t l .... 1tw11'f &1n C:!1t'Mnl1! Jrl) Norrh [I Cimino Rtll ·Ok·ycles In Seal J3o&ch had he ller be licrnl'-M by the end of this week. After th3t the police department \Yl\I issue cltatlon• under a new city ordinance requiring all bikes be lll'enscd. The cost ol a \icenllt! 11 fl.50 and ll's'aood for lhe ure or lhe bike, The new policy \.\"8S adnpted aft.er the old blcyce l ordinance, which requlrl!d a license e\·ery year at a eo-$1 of ~ cent , "'lllS dropped, ''Thill Old ord inance \\'1-' ne\·rr enforced .'' accord lnt to Sgt. Sam D'An1ico. But the ne\.\' one "'ill be; so hustl" down lo the police department (or tllC perpetual license. Tht bike ordlnance Is emphaJlttd now because Mt rch 1·7 11 "Saftly Wetk" In Seal Beach. an idea pront pled b.Y the '''omen·s Club. Just Bare ly ' • • • • 4 "4 \'f!OfU • - • • • • f'ra111 Page l ROSSMOOR • • • (aciUUu, lneludlnf the medical Center, swimming pools aod golf couri1e came later. AU of these improvements wert neetssa.ry for tht type of commun.lty we wm 1tltmplin1 \I bQl~d Ult YllA rtcognited lhlt. '' \Vith the impro\l~ments, Ro,senwald ex- plained, subsequent "fair 1narkel value" 1pprli11ll or new housl na art11 naturally Increased . "The FA.A was required to appraise Al. la ir mark~t vi lue," he said, "and now It Is be.Ing criticized for dolna: that. l migh: ' point out that comparable propertie~ i cross the frae"''Y frohi Leisure WorlC \.\'trt being lpprailed at the same value as the area developed. In making comparisons with raw Jane! value. Rosenwald added, the GAO also !ailtd to take into account the fa ct that a larae part of the JT'Oll acreage purchased wu undevelopable and further large segmtnt1 wert restricted tor housing de\'~klpment. i'5 a i'eflult, the value of the land rf'· maininc for actual houslna automatically lncreued. · O .. ILY l"ILOt l'l'Mlll ·~ Jllf~a .. llffflli~ Roten'll·ald aaid the Lelaure World devel?J!mtnts definite ly qu11ified 111 moderate income housing , with an oriainal price ran1e at Seal B.eacb from $9.000 to tl3,000 and al Lq:una HUis front Sll ,000 to approximately f26 ,000. The present price l'anie at Lacuna Hilts iJ nt.000 to '49,000 he said. Principal flhanclnj: of the Lelsur,. NEW PORT FIR I MAN WASHES DOWN CHARRED KITCHIN OF HOMI ON NEW PORT 'S LIDO ISL E lnve1ti91tor1 Tr1c1 St1rt of 81111 to W11t 1 Basket In Kitchen of Btyfront Raa ltltnct World prnjeclJ waa throu1~ P'HA until the end of 1967. Since 1968, When the pro- jects ll.'ere chanaed from cooperatives to condominiums, conventional financing has been uud. there bein1 no FHA pro· gram available under the lnc.re1sed In· tert st rate. New Ad1rtin is tr ator Set A t llunti11gton Hospital A new 111an is moving i.nto the lpp post ~Jonday at !lwitington lnlercommunily llo!plt al as hospital administrator. Ir \•Ing S. Cassini w!ll leave a ~in1ilar poa{ at Doctor's HO!lpital in San Leandro, to take. over dutie s from Robcrl G. flt cLean at Huntington. The change in leadrrthl p complelea 11!'- rangenientil made fi ve monlha ago when both i{untintlon Inlrrcommunity and \\'e1fmin1 ter cOmmunHy hoepitala "''ere sold to a national corporation buod In PhJladelphla, "I don't think new 01o1tier!ihlp and n~w management "·11! h;11·e any efrect oo lhe function of the ho~pital ," ~lcLean 1a1d Friday. i··lcLtan \V iii assume a po.st u vice president of fl1edi cal Data Syatems, ~·here he will work with \Vllliam PO\\'er, one of the former O\\'Tiers of the two htspltala. Power wais head of Uni -med wh.lch built and operated the hoepital1 I n \\'e8tn1lnster and Jl unlln gton Beach. The new o"'ner .is American.Jt1ttll eorpa Inc., "'hlch owns more than 35 hCJspilals acroos lhe nation . ""'e 1lmply lurned lilt Uni·med org&r1izatlon over to AJ.11,'' ~tcLean said. He declined to give the purchiisc prlre but 1aid Huntington lntercomm unlly Hospital Is \•al ued behveen SH ntl lllon and \\'esltninsler Com'munlty Hoapllal is \1·orth alxiul $3-4 million. ··1 s!ared. on as hospital administrator unU I Al\·IJ could I.iri ng m tl\elr own man, as 11•e had agretd at the lime CJf the sale,·· explained t-.lcLcan. A fou r-story medical tov.·er on properly in Jron t o( Hun!inglon lnl ercom munlly \vas not includNI in the sale. It \l'as re- taineQ by Power in conjunction \.\'Ith several local doctor1. Golden '''est Street Work ~0 1>" finished \'i1ork on Golden \\'tat Strett wa3 otfl. cially drslgnated as "cotnplete'' iilonday n!ghl by the Jlunti ngton Beach City Coun- c1r. The finnl l'Olt ar 111fdrnin s Jtld lc.l'eling Golden \\est from Pacific Coast ll ighway to \\"amer Avenue was $799.51i1.tl3. ~uJJy. ~filler h11 n<lled the constru ction work. t"r o m Pa ge l NEWS PAP ER • • ll unlington Jnterco1nmunily is a 141· bed hOl!pltal "'11ile the \Vulmina~r faci!i · ty ha1 1J6 btds. Both ha&pllall "1'111 pro- bably be expanded in the near future, ~!clean said. Planners B1·ace For Big Se ssion On Land Parcel .. llunlington Beacti p 1 a n n I n r com· misaloner.!I are brl<'ing lhtmeelve1 fer a lengthy d1scussi6n toni(ht about one or the city's most controversial piece of land. The lot. localed nl!ar Brookhur&t Street and Ada ms Avenue. encompasses. JI arre! tnd 11 planned 11 a coordinattd con1merci al development, \vhich "'ill in- clude stores. a car wash and a sCr\•ice slaUon. Pre11ure from the Meredit h Gardens Homeowner's Assocla!lon over hoW the property .!lhould be developed has so rar prevented a usr permit <lecl~lon on the car "·ash and the scr\'ice sta tion . The homco\rners h9ve chargr-d lhe <lc1·clopers \.\'iU1 laying out e "hodge podae'' plan. \\'hich would later allo1v IJ1rn1 to .. coorrllna!c'' an apartment ro111· pie.\: inln U1e area. II om e o w n er s adan1ant!y oppose any 1 pa r l m eTJ t flr 11elopn1ent .r--- They are opposed to a coocentrallon of huiltiing.s on !he .90t.1th\\·estern portion of the land. \1'hich "'ould Jea\·e a major L- shaped portion they claim "'ould -6e of no use to rommerclal interests but would be :;uitable for apartments. At tonlght'1 mttUng -t.,.,·o of I.he .. in· tended del'elopmenta, 1 cir wash and a ser\'irc station, .,·UI be: brought berore the t·ornmiss!on. Decisions on both ha\·c bee!\ delA,\'ed re peatedly because of lht con- trover1y. Fh·en1en Douse . $26,000 Blaze Ou Lido Isle Ne"'PCJrl Bcactf'<fircmen said today a btaz.e tl111t did an estimated f~6.000 d1n1i1e to the Lido Jslond home of a retired businessman f\-1onday afternoon started in a "'aste baske, in the kitchen. Fire units \.\"Cre callrd lo the bl~ze at A20 Via Lido Nord by a neighbor of Neill Oa\'ll ~·ho aaw smoke eo1nln1 from Da vis' home. f'ltemen &a\d S8,000 dam1ae WIS done to tht buildin1 and SZ0,000 to contents frf'!m the fire 'that IJUlted the kitchen And dltllng area. . "Considerable heat and smokt~damate \\'IS 1ustalned throuahout tht: structure,'' they noted. Davis told lnve1 t111at.ors he "·11 out on hi! $0-foot cruiser "Sleepy E)'I!" \\'hlch Is docked 1l t.ht home "''ken 1 neiahbor ahouted there "'''' 1 Ure. Dev\1' wile waa not at home al the lime. Three fire unlta c111led W the scene 1t 4:14 p.m. controlled the fire "'ithln n1inutes, firemen Eald. Two Htrbor p1trol fire bCJats \\'tre also at the M:enc , but \\'tre not stud. In vestigators "''ere unable to delermlne ~ausc or the fire . E111plo yes flelp W. Co t111ty Fund City employrs of J{unttnaton Beach t>.fonday night chipped In 11 check for $6,115.52 to help the \\'est Orange County Uniled f und. v- The money "'111 turned. ov1r to tht ~lly rouncll for sare keeping unti l It can be distributed lo the llunlinaton Beach Com· munity Cheat and various United Fund agencies. Fire Chief Ray Pica rd sai d the en1ploye donations exceeded Ital year's tot.ti by more than tt.600. ''The Leisure \Vorld commun itieS art probably one of the finest lnvestrnenls made by the FHA," Rosenwald n id. '"M1ere has ne\'er been a foreclosure in • Leisure \\'orld: it's actually risk free. In insuring these loans the FHA was takini \•irtually no chances "'ith llll inl'estment and is sti ll makin g a good profit." The $270 milllon in F'HA insured mort1a1es cover about 18,000 comr,leted units in Leisure World communlt es at Seal Beach, La&'lllla flllls; WalnuLCut:k. Norbeck, Md .• and Monroe Township, N. J .. Rosenwald "aafd. and the FHA con· tinues to receive a 'conl r!bullon frOm every payment made on all tMse units. T~ slld a drart of the GAO report had been 1ubmltttd to both Rossmoor ane the FHA and bolh had responded In 1tp1ratl'l correspondence. aettlnl forth the facll or the land appreciation, Including im· provements lh•l we~ required to be put in, and denylng impllcallons of poor handlin& of ao vernment funds. City Librarian 1'o Attend Mee t On ~tarch 10 Huntinrton Beach li~arl· an Walttr Johnton will ge l ldea1 on lh• Ch1nglng role of thf' c0mmunlty Ubrat1 during a semlniir In Grand Rapids. Miah. The City Coun cil fifonday rdght told John.'lon he could attend 11 twl>-dav 11en1· inllr which features speakert on llbrar.Y construction, financing libraries and the role of lht community library. Clt\I Administrator OCJvle Miller 1111• the a·emlnar would help J0hnson plen ttie propo.!ed new library which wlll be In the city's central park. lIEW Attorney Nruucd Ch·il R ights Chief WASlllNGTON IUPI) -J. Stanley· Pot tinger, San frarn:lsco Regional A~ tcn1ey for the Jlealth. Education and \\'clfare Department, "as named toda1 to su.:cecd Leon E. Panetta, the ousted lfE'\' civil righta chief. PotUnie r, 30·, is a naU\'e of Daylon. Ohio, and has lil'ed ln Stn Francisco since 1963. The carpet they both chose? Bigelow's ' ~ Barcelona . . up by t'Omplaints from parents \.\'ha ob- Jectf'd to ce rtain passage~. "Tlaht superv\1!011 would ha\"e been a good pre\'tntatlve.'' said llall. "\\'l''re hope.fUl thtl i;upe rvision \\'111 now be pro1·!de.d lo ketp such things fronl recvqlng.'' . Top of Pie1· Pla11 Ol~ay ecl !atttlona comblntt I.he catual. ~-lnd·tO!!NI 1ha1 look at today "'ilh 11n t lealU'lt Spanish (l'IUP petttrn. The Joni;. s!endnr ~·arns ht\'r .11 .11ort, 1himme1'Y glow ... thP dramatic n1uHi - oolort •rt !\f('diterrancan-tn1plrtd. Uae Bar- etlbtlfl. In 1 Spanish Or 11f&dlterran•an ecllin!E or -·Ith ul tra-modern or rnlxtd contemporar}' . , . tor • tJ-uly 1tunnln; t'frrct. And btcau!ll! tl\e n~r·· n)•lon, Ba.rtr.1on1.'1 •o 1 P8.I)' to-ca.rr for. Solt dOO•n't f 095 •how •.. and one 11a)'c cr1~n &n4 IPl'lno•, A tlne buy fl'lr ll't>· •II·~ . ortt who "''ants greal tilyltn-: • ••. a roomtuJ of luirucy • , . at "''-~1~ to\l•llt· • dowli-to-Mr'ttt prttt;" . ~~ .... ' • ... --~ - T~ eontro\'tralal Top of the Pier plan b&rtly bttame I part or Hunt1natOT'I Bc.11ch'5 mru;tcr plllll of city d!H't \opment ~londny nll§ht. Thi" city COWM'll adoptt'd It 4·3 ais M amtnc.hnen t to lhe rnit~ter plan. Coun- ellu1t•n Donald Shi11le~'. Ted U11rll11t 11nd Gtort." r>.lc(.'rricktn 1111 opposed II whlle ~lt)Or Jack Cret11 and '=<iuncllmfn Alvin C.:otn, Jerry iilalnry"an1J Henry Kauf~wn \OIC1:/ l11 f1'-,vr or 11. ~ J.liffi"<'dlaln t1l llf'n fR c>;pti:tetl lron1 Ille Cl!)' bct.:aUt>C ~O\\ nlOI\ n bu1lll\:ISlllCD ' . I • ha\·t been gh·•n untll ,arly April to flT\11 an alternate pl11n for using thtlr pro- perty. Th• Top of the l,if!r pl1n ~·ould crea1e a lar~ muntclpal par~lng lot-downtown to scr\'f the: btii{'h 11rea and. proposed con1- nltrclol de\·cloprrcnts, Oo\1nw"11 property owner~ 1t n d bt1!ihlC£~1ncn ha\·c opf)Clscd !he pl11n becn11~~ I hey h11tl it ie 110 encroachnient 011 t11e r!1h1 or prh ate: rn!crµrlee . fly adoptlntt I.he Top ot the Pier plan the t'ouni·ll rltRred the way for city IC• uoi1 to rcione 101ne of tl1c area. • , 6SUMJ Mediterrueap Shades Mcdhtrtan•an Mo11 Antlq u• Ambtr • Spanlali Poppy Spanlth Ltathtt • Ctinada Cold Ata¥1d Avotido 1· .apprt>\lld Bl&ol ow nr lon pile ALD EN'S CARPETS-DRAl'ERIES a ll 'r!A•S StAVINI TMf OAA NCPE COASf • 1663 l'lacent la-Costa Mesa ~hon• 64MUI • • I~ [! ,, . ' ----~ • r • • • , • • , ~ Saddlehaek - - :VO~. 63 , NO. 52, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES O!!ANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, MAllCH 3, 1970 • • 0 .an ire om • Checkitag Bugs Jonnson. Planners Study Sign Ordinance Suffering Chest .Pain Laguna Beach planning commissioners will seek City Council approval to iron bl.It bugs in the sign ordinan« at a special meeting of the council tonight .a l 7:30 o'clock. Planners voted last night lo fonnulate ••suitable amendments" to tbe ordinance \.\'it.i council approval v.·hile continuing to support the April 15 moratorium on non- confonning signs. Commissioners agreed changea are necessary in relation to parallel signs being placed no closer than five feet to the adjoining property line, and orien· talion of pole signs which must be at a ~5 degree angle when placed at the corner of_lhe property. Commissioners weren·t in agreement nn a third point which would permit the sign portion of a pole sign to projecl three feet into~e public \Vay, ll the council agrees changes are necessary in a vote at the regular Wednesday session, planners will work out recommendations for an emergency interim ordinance at a March 9 study .session. Jn other business, the commission: -Voted to .ask the. City Council to postpone undergrounding of utilities in Heisler Park and allocate $5,000 for a citywide study 0# undergroundinc as pro- posed in a recent joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and the Civic League. -Granted contractor John Caroline permission to build two residences at 735 and 755 Pearl St. with a reslriction of a maximum building height of 15 feet above the existing grade at the front set- back Jine. -Denied a variance application sou ght by Julie S. Brebner oC 361 Cress St. to construct a conforming addition to an ex- isting nonconforming single family dwell- ina: as "not feasible.""""The cost of br.ing- ing the prese.l'lt home into conformity was felt to be too expensive. SAN ANTONI,P, Tei. (UPl) -For· mer President· Lyondon B. Johnson su!· fered 0 translent pain" in his chest and left arm today. Doctors watching his every heartbeat pve hlm medicine to reJieve the discomfort. +;'I1le President had a generally good night but continues to experience dis· cd'mfort in· his arm and chest," Tom Johnson, the former president's e1ecu. live assistant, told a medical briefing. '·The President uperienced somi dis· t-omfort In his arm at 2 a.m.," the aide said. Lt. Col. Robert L. North, chief heart specialist at Brooke General Hospita1 , diagnosed the discomfort as "transient pains" not connected · with the chest pains that Sent the 36th U.S. president to the Army hospital Monday. ' "" · .• ! I Seven From El Toro Saved "Our ma.in concern in our ·current treatment is to try and prev~nt 1 heart attack," North said. "This is the thrust of our treabnent. ''These current pains do no perma ·., nent damage to the heart. We don'l tuLve ·a bleak outlbo.k. In fact,. we ar~ very optimlltic. Of .cou:i:K. nron• Hi• the power of , clairvqyaQpe." ' . . . From Flash Flood m Baja ·· :. ·"North· said ·Johnson 1w'as given qulni· di ne su!Pltate and warfariri to relieve his discomfort. The lint drug Is """ to ·reduce chert' pains and the second Is an Anticoagulant. -· 0--IL.Y Pit.OT,...,,,,,._. ¥1"11 , By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tJM 01llJ l'llit Sltff A group or El Toro housewives and I heir children are back home today, after " ~ramatic helicopter rescue from a flash flood-ravaged canyon near San Vicente.-- Baja California. The women and children were among 10 airlifted out or the muddy wash t.fon· . t:lay, wtiere up to 30 more persons, many ... Americans, remain isolated in need of food and water. Authorities said there are no serious in· juries or deaths involved and that the three El Toro men chose to stay behind v>'ith their vehicles and equipment. The sile is about 110 miles south or San Diego.. • Squiids of ~fexican ,:j()ldiers and rescue 'l"Orkers in four.wheel drive vehicles were ordered Into the isolated are·a today, P.tre11ts P rotest , Traffic Da n gel' After Accident In the wake of an accident that broke a child's leg last month, San Clemente residents have petitioned for an im• mediate study of traffic conditions on Bleep Avenida San Juan . "There is absoJUtely no rega rd for the ufety of our children on this street. There are no speed limit signs or other road signs. Citizens driving up or down Avenida San Juan do not heed or pay al: tention to signals on buses that are stop- ped to pick up or leave our children," the petition reads in part. Police Chief Clifford Murray said hi~ department is st~ying the problem and "'ill have a repor\ for councilmen at the Wednesday ni.ght~session. In the past portions of the slree.t have nOt bttn.ded icated to the city, which in <!frcct make s them private property. l\1urray said it has been a problem street because it is steep and heavily used. The petition to councilmen charges. "Some or you genUemen live on Avenida San Juan and are aware of this problem but you do not seem t& care for the sate ... ly of others as long as it docs ·not affect you P.E!1'Sonally." The peU!.ion signed by 48 persons calls ror immediate attention, adding "tomor· row may be too late:• lloino Bias Tested WASHINGTON ( A P ) The .i:overnmenl's authority lfl withhold security clearancts from homosexuals will be tested M>On In the Supreme CoW1. <'1.tvil Liberties Union l&\V)1ers citing · F'rtud: Kinsey and more current medical authority, are claiming in a recently Hied appeal that homosexua ls are no less trust,,·orthy lhan any other <\l:roop nf humnn being:!!. , where ravaging rajns • bav• wiped -.out already·rugged roads. The El Toro residents were j dentilied as Mrs. P.iargaret Jkown, of 244n Higbpine Road, sons.Larry, 6, and Arnold 4; Mrs .. Anne Olgilvie, a neighbor, her daughters Sandra,. 4, Caroline, 6, and son, David, 5 iiiOnths. Mrs. B'rown, contacted at home today, ~aid another U.S. Coast Guard helicopter was sent into the mquntainous 'area this morning and she expected further word by this aftemooh. The victims ~were ajrlifted to Coast Guard headquarters in San Diego 24 hours after tht storm hit, in an evacua· lion remarkably similar to those exactly one-year ago in Orange County's Silverado and Modjeska canyons. Coast Guard Commander Robert Cook. rescue director, -said today at least 35 · persons have been accounted for in a ~ mile radius of the fJoocl..stricken coastal canyons. Hikers finally struggled out o( the hills lo summon help. Rescued victims offered their own ac- counts or the nightmare storm which left ~tanding lakes, pools of mud and other hazards besides destroying roads and sweeping allli'.ay bridges. Jenny Sumner. 10, daughler of Marine Cbrps Capt. 0 . \V. Sumner, w~ a cam- ping trlp guest or the B·rowns, lieighbors in El Toro. Clutching her arithmetic book and sip· ping orange juice after the helicopter Ian· ded with 10 refugees in San Diego, tfte girl said it was terribly scary. '·The rain blew in off · the gulf late Saturday night. It was frightening, howl- ing with heavy "''inds." ''If these-men from the Coast Guard hadn'l come when they did, we would ha ve been in rough shape" tat d Mrs. l!rown, holding t:ands with her sons. At the medical briefing, Tom Johnson said North diagno9ed the overnight pains as a mild a!tennalh to the chest p~s &perienced Monday. "The. President iuffered premature contractions, that is, e1lra heartbeats that come earlier than expected," the aide said. "Medication was applied and these extra heartbeats . have been in- frequent since 1 or z._a.m. ;'At 9:30 .a.m., he experienced .an· other pain and continues to have dis· comfort in his chest and left arm." The 61-year-old former president wa~ given 1-rays and constant electrocard· iograms today. "All were within nor- 'mal limits ," said his &iide. North said Johnson's v.'eight or 217 was within the normal limlls for his age apd height. Former Patient Sues Hospital South Coast Community Hospital in South Laguna, has been sue<t for '100,000 by a forme r woman patient who alleges in her Superior Court action that im· praper hos pl la I ·supervision ledj to her fall from her hospital roorit to tbe sidewalk. Mrs. Isabel G. Tracy, 76, of San Clemente, claims that she suffered multi- ple injuries in her fall on March 27, 1969. and further claims that lhe hospil!1 staff was aware that she was "we<Jk and ex· hausted, physically and mepta.Uy .•. er· raUc and unable to care..fepherself." · Mn. Tracy further charges that the bq!pital "failed to propertradmlnister tnedication" during her month-)9ng stay. .D_!.nes Await Sn&O!'fl_asbord Security is having a dog in lhe house. The Hal Chauncey house is at A-108, Surfside. Hal and his family !eel very secure. The Great Dane.s are Nova and Queenie. They are still puppies. \Vhen they grow up, seCond-story men will stay out or th e little beach colony. Solons to Join Reagan In Last Tribute to Utt A delei;:alion of scotes of senators and congressmen will join Gov. Ronald Rea- gan Wednesrlay in paying a lasl tribute to Rep. James B. Utt at a si mple funeral in Garden Grove Community Church. President Nixon will be unable to al· ' I.end the 2:30 p.m, ceremony for ~fr. Ult, 70. wlio \\1as stricken by a fatal heart altack Sunday as he attended church in Washington. ''I was shocked and <lccply sa<ldene<I to bear ol Jimmy's death," sal~ the Presi· dent in 1 tell:gram to hi3 widow, Char· Jena, of 2233 cataJina Ave., Sant.a Ana. "~fay the memory or his Jove for hill family and his distinguished service to F iring Stud y Urged WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wls.), challenged the .Justice Department. todtY lo press ''without delay" an invesUgation into the firing of A. E. Fitlgerald. ?o'lto informed. Congress about a $Z billion cost increase of the CSA jet~transport. tus fellow men be remembered at this sad Lime," the wire said. • A group. of 43 co lleagues in the Houst ot Representatives and an undetermined number of senators plan to attend ser· vices for the 3Slh District represental'fve. The Washingtnn contingent flying lo Orange County will be led by Rep. Gerald Ford (R·Mich.)-the House minority lead- er. Rep. H. Allen Smith (R.Cl endale) formally annou nced Mr. Utt's death in Congress Mooday, noting the Orange Counly native aeked ~t it not impede business-as-usual on Capitol Hill. A resolution of respect was passed. P.tr. Ult's body will be flown to tus home count)'. by military transport plane \Vednesday morning for the church rites, dlrccteiJ by Saddlel5a.Ck Mortuary in TU$-tin. . . Pallbearers announced by lhe late congressman•! o(fice today include Lee 1Jase11jaeger, a bank vice.president; Lee FinJey, a brother·i.n·law: \Va lter Raw- .JiAgs, a stepbrpther; Ed Buster, .-n in· 1iustriallsl; Leroy Lyon, former Orange County Assemblyman, Robert Cumber· wotth, one of h)s business assooiates. ·Rossmoor VP Def erids FH.i\. Burial wlll be at Fairhaven Memorial Park in Santa Ana.· · President Nixon characterb:ed Mr. Ult ln his wire Monday as a great public Servant whose dedication was revered by even those. Who took issue with his sLaunchly conservative v!e:wpolnl I Criticizes Assault on Mortgage Progra1n ; "t have lost a personal fr iend and col· league,"'· added the President. who wlS greeted by Mt. Utt In January when he regisertd as an Orange County voter. lly P RBARA KlltmlCH ..., .. ...,. ...... lit" An eiecuUve ol Roasmoor Corporition In Laguna Hills today•vehe.mently dtnied imPlicaUons in a congressional report criilcizing the Federal Hou s i.n g Administration~for its $270 million In· \·estment lq federally Insured mortgages in five Leisure Wortd·communiti~ atross the nation . • ··The FHA !Ml.lid be complimented for' Its forward thinking In allowing these planned comm uni lies," said Robert F . Rosenwald, ROS!moor vice preaidenl and general counsel. "Ptople in the upper age category re· quire this type or community. It has dQnt much to open up their lives and wlthOut FHA t'OOperalion it could not have been' achieved." ~ The report to Con;ress from the Gene- " ' raJ Accounting Offict: criUclzed FHA ap-bought la:nd for the Laguna Hills Leisure• pr1laal procedUres "Which, it 1lated, in· World at $2,600 an acre in 1961 arid two created u~much -u a percent.iJl..thr.tt... y.ears Jatet_appr.t.laed it at--it0;$00· an y8ar1. More than a third of the Housing a.ere. ''In total," says the repOl'l,.."FHA 's and Urban Develop111eat Department's appraisals of land for the first 25 seg- $800 million in mortgq:e lnsuranct for ments of the community, which covered cooperatively owned, 111()(1tr~~e alx>u t-500 acre of laDd, exceeded U\e hodathg 'has gone to five Leliure 1Yorld· purchase price ~ltl·by the developer br · projects, the report stited. 1 , alMJut '6 million." • ' · .No'l.pl wl.inaooinl Is cl>Prg!d,~ .tll• ' 'The.GAO, ll)'t Roi.mwakl; l1i1;·to Ltlle . <l"O,'bo!I Ille method,. ipp(&balolid by I !~lo aC<OUn• lhe fact tllal tlle !IOssmqor . l.he ·F.HA is sharply crlUc}ie(j;parUcular· C<irpotation w'QS obliged to inVeil,·$12 ly the separate appraisal of caeh ntw milliOll in its l&nd pufch·11se before lhe housing dtvelopmtnl laullchecf within a firJsale was made. ' Leisure \Vorkl. -' 'e h&d to Put in roads. bring If\ Under the program. Congrw lim1tl'd wa ~. utilities and sanitation," tbe or. federal backing to $20 mlWon for each ! f\cla! pJd, "Our shopping center wu project. ~The · FHA deem~ eech ·new · cOmt1Je\ed, by necessity, before tbe'first. Leisure Workl subdivision a separate pro-I 1 P,eoplt moved in ari.d \\·e had to invesl bl ject, entitling it to WJ mllliOl'I,.. _ 1 model apartments and a lubhou1e. other The report 1tat'3 Iha• lhe .devcl~r , ---o <%> llOSSMOOR; l>1ac II ' Shoreclif f Area Without Water . ' . Residents In · Clemente's .Shorecllff~ area•found not' a tricae. ol water fn their lit>S:for Hve houi-s' Monday evening. ~ . The water1servite. there began falling nt about 5 p.m. after a leak started In a. main -at VaqUero and the free1\·1y un · dcrp1.!ls. \Yater department 'crews worked into the: nighl to repair the m1in. Service was reSWred 'at abOut to p.1'1'1. L • So(n• leakage will •till lit 'lilble U'lnN&h today, spokesmen aaid, but will tause no \nterruptlon ln Jervicc. I- .., ·•r-- r Today's Final • -N.Y. Stocks TEN ' CENTS Rani Douses 2ndThroWn 'Cocktail' By JOHN V ..U:TERZA OI flM 01ltf .-'htt 111" .Still another attemp~ fi!"fhu mblng o[ 1 Sou th Coast area bank Lulldlng came to light Monday with reports that San J uan Capistrano's branch of South e'l n California First NatiMonal Bank was hit by bombers late Sunday night. The Molotov cocktail thrown at that of· fice at 31971 Camino Capistrano missed its mark, however , and was doused by heavy rain be(ore it' could do damage. Orange County. sheriff's investigators said today. A day before. bombers lhrew a similar crude firebomb at the San Clemente branch <if the Bank of America. That <ine exploded against a;netal and 'glass rear door and caused several hundred dollars in damage before it buhit out. ~ The two area fire incidents sparked conversations among bank officials in San Clemente and Santa Barbara Wednesday in an attempt_Jo find a link between the San Clemente a n d Capistrano cases with the fire which was set by demonstrators in Santa Barbara las( week. It destroyed the Isla Vista branch of the Bank of America. Howeve r, despite the calls and in· tensive investlgaUon by San Clementi. police and fire iDvesligalors; sheriff's of- ficers and the Orange County Sheriffs crime laborat.Qry, no firm th~ has emerged·in lhe bombings. In San Clemente, several buq;laries and case1 of forced entry into busineMe!I look place sborUy after the bombing of the B..otA.here. A billiard business, a realty oC!ice and the San Clemente Elk 's Lodge were among the victims in the sm.all thelts. One theory of San Cle.rnente police Ill that the b&nk incident.in their .city could have been a diversionary tactic .bY the persons who committed the burglaries of the busine"cs. Empfoye G.uilty Of Grand Theft A Leisure World employe accused of the theft or cash and checks estimated aL $1,600 pleaded guilty ~londay to charges of grand theft. Judge Paul Mast accepted the plea of Nick Martinus Schaar, 39, of 1682 Iowa St., Costa ~fesa, in Santa Ana municipal court ·and orderep Schaar to appear P.farch 13 in Superior Court for sen· tencing. Schaar faces a possl ble 1·10 year term in state prison. Schaar was arrested after It was allcg· ed. that he took the cash and checks from the business office of !he Laguna Hills retirement community-It was _als() testified that. the bookkeeper took an undeLennlned amount of change from pay washing machines and dryers and used the 'proceeds to finance a gambling trip to Las Vegas. S tock nlnrket NEW YORK CAP) -The stoc!r.sharket showed a slender gain late this afternoon ·in moderate trading. (See . quotation.!!, Pages &-9). Winners were jusl !ilighliy--1.head· ol losCrS. Orange Coast Weather Sunny midweek wca~r with mercury readings in the middle &Ifs is the fine fare for the Orange Coast on \Ye@~sday, . l NSW ll TODA y ~ Divorce -California 1i11tc. YOu'vc con1e a loug wa11, baby. Now you ca11 sever au co1111tc· tioru wi th · ya11r• ·ni'ilna.a.tc1le:cL · mO.te: ln a fflf\_~U'r of' 90 seconds. See Page 10. C1Mflt11!1 I CRKlll1 UIO r C lltllti.t U·H Ct""k' It ,,.._, " E!fllll Ntllftt 11 l.flll!'l1I 1'1" I •11i.rt•""'-' l I '"'•• .. , ':\WMtWt ,, "''"' leriw. 11 Mlllllil• ' Mltlllltt .. I MtYltl • II 111.,,,_.I ''"' I ... ""'" "'"" ..• O!'ll,,.. CW!l'f 11 S•IYlt' hfTW I 5Ntla ... 11 • lltdl Mlf'lltn "' Ptll•liltil lJ TIIMttt't 11 w-. • WtOMll'• ...... U•l• WetW Htin W , -- ~,__ __ · ___ _ 0 0 • 4 • 'I • ;=se•=• ••• '. , ,.. • 2 ~ILY PILOT SC - White Moh Attacks ' ,, Scl1ool Bus " LAMAR, S.C. (UPI) -A white mob at~ ticked lhree school buses loaded wilh Negro children al newly desegrtgated Lamar High School today. Patrolmen us-• ed lear gas to rescue students moments before the whites overturned tW9-of the buses. ' BlueMmeted st.alt. hia::hway patrolmen lhepherded the 39 children in the buses to ;a1e1.y lmlde the school. Severi.I of the _)'~~rs suffered eye injuries result.Ing from glas~ rlyingJrom broken 'A'indows in the bt.ues. Gov, Robert E. ~fcNalr termed the at.... tacks ' "unspeakablf'' and said they resulted from segregation forces urging defiance of the law. The school was clos· ed. McNalr aierled lhe National Guard. DAILY l"ILDT l'Mft ~f IUc:lltrd kM~ .. r Leary Returned . ' To . County Jail Facing 10 years in federal prison and 1 yet-undetermined sentence be~ on marl. ' juana and LSD charges, Dr. Timothy Leary-is back in Oran1e County Jail to- day after sentenclna: Mobday In Texas. 'The 5G-year-old former H a r v a r d psychology profeuor was given the term by U.S.-Dlstrict Cc>urt Judge Ben Con- naJly, and nown back immediately following tbe heartns:. "Love cannot be a prisoner," shoy_ted Dr. Leary as t\\'O burly U.S. l]larshals escorted him.. lrom the H Ml 5 t o n courtroom and a wailing a i r p o r t limousine. One wore black and the other \VOre white. ~· ' ' Mrs. Rosemary Leary, who also faces the ~farch 11 !entence hearing before Judge Byron · K. McMiilan in Orange County Superior Court, read a statement afterward. · Judge Connally -like Judge McMillan, \vho found the couple and son John Leary, 20, guilty last month of the drug possession charge orfginating in Laguna Beach, aald Leary i8'4 public menace. belicrs. Thi1 country is ln a st.ate where o.ne of the difficulties is the penalties 1r1 more horrible than U1e crime." Leary was coovicted of smus:1JJ11g three ounces.or marljuana concealed' in a snuffbox hidden in .bis 18-year-old daughter's underwear. March 11 is the sentence date &et ln Santa Ana. Police Seek Mutilation ' ' Killer in SA The violence was the worst reported in the South .since the region began com- plying il\.. Jtnuary with federal court _Ofders.for tofal desegregation. Darlington COUnty, "'llich lnclude.1; Lamar, ~·as the ieCMd South Carolina county placed under sutjl an order. A mob of 150 white men and women gathettd In front of Lamar High, a formerly all-white school that recently received 300 blacks. They were led by ftstauranl owner Jeryl Best, head of the Darlington County ''Freedom-of-Choice Commlftee," which had urged all whltes &o boycott the county's schools. NEWPORT FIREMAN WASHES OOWN CHARRED KITCHEN OF HOME ON NEWPORT'S LIDO ISLE lnv11tl91tor1 Tr1c1 St1rt of 81111 to West t B11ket in Kitchen of Beyfront R11id1nc1 Mrs. Lury agreed, but not in the same context. "Judge Connally is right fi.1y husband is a menace to society . We are a menace to the communJty which makes a mockery of the C<>m!tltution. If he were a thief, he would be out on ball.'' A nUde girl brutally murdered on a rainy wedding night in Santa Ana was: sexually mutilated with a tree branch , a broken boltle and a huge pa vlns: &tone, homicide in vestis:a:tor disclosed today. Bound with a lace from her own moc· casins, Beatrice Ann Villanue va. 17, was found ~tonday, sprawled in the mud behind a home of an-i!lderly schoolteach· er '"'ho went out to inspect her yard. The 1lrst bw to arrive, carry .. lng foui' Negro chlldrtn, was pelted by bricks but officen were able to get the students out an.harmed. French President Happy Now With Visit to U.S. The second bus, carrying 20 black students, arrived minutes later. Members of the · mob jumped on its hood and snatctt'ed o!f its distributor cap, forcing it to 1 halt. The mob 21urged forward and !!!mashed the windows with ai: handles and bi-icks. A third bus, carrylna: 15 Negroes, then pulled up, and the mob attacked it, flghUna: simultaneously with his:hway patrolmen trying to protect the buse.5. The mob pu11ed .away from the buses anly after patrolmen openefl up with tear gas. The gu S\\'lrled a Jew minutes around the buses as the black children remained inside. • Palrolmen then escorted the students Inside the school while the mob shouted epithets. P.foment.s later the crowd surged •1atn upon the buses and auccttded in turning two of them. over. The patrolmen pulled their revolvers Jnd hurled more tear 1as inlo the crowd. This Mat the mob fleeing and choking. One shot was reportedly fired by the mob but no one was hit. McNair, who ~ad · termed the deaiegreagatlon orders unreasonable but had urged compliance with them, de. nounced the attacks as "unspeakable acts committed against the school children of Lamar." ' Coin Collection Of $5,000 Taken -~· 'No one leaves until we hear i( for Mr. Pompidoa!' Fi:o1n Page 1 ROSSMOOR. •• fa cilities, incluc:Ung the medical center, sv•imming pools and golf couri;e came later, AH of these impr ovl'ml'nts were nectssary for the lype of communily \\'e ~·ere attempting to bui ld and the fHA A coin collection \•a\ued al $5,000 has f'l'COgnized this." disappeared from a Laguna Beach 'Vith the improvemtnls, Rosen\vald cs:- home, polict rl'ported this morning. plained, subsequent "fair .. market val ue'' Returning to his home, 1420 Hillcrest appraiSals of new housi ng arcar. naturally Drive for the first time !Ynce Sept.em· Mr. titonte Gene Davis checked out his increased. large collectlon of coins, left in a locked "The FHA was required lo appraise at metal box, and dlSCO\'erM se\'eral hund· fair market \•alue," he said, "and now it red of thtm missing , he told police. is .being criticized for doing that. I mis:ht Gone from the box, Davis said, wtre point out that comparable properties 75 rolls of Roo21evelt dimes. valued at across t.he free"·ay from Leisure World "$375. 10 rolls of half dollars. a large 1,1·ere being appraised at the same ''alue number of Canadian coiri~ ;ind several ~ the area developed. ''proof sets" of value lo coin collectors. :n making comparisons v.·Hh raw land Police said a locking device from the \'alue, Rosenwald added. the GAO also box containing the coin collection had failed lo take into 11cco11nt the fact that a been rtmoved but found no evidence of large part of the gross acreage purchased forced entry to th·e home. was undevel opable and further la rgo segments were restricted fur houslna development. DAILY PILOT H1fltl119to11 h«li fn11ttil11 Yono., Oll.AHGE CO.&ST llUILISHING COMPANY • -wilii•rf°"'f'l. w,,, -'rNW9<11 tncl PlllllW.w. J1clt A~ Curl tv Vici l"Trtid'111 l ll'd Gtt>Kti Mt~~tr TheMt• K•ovll i!Gl!O<' Tke111 11 A. Mu,pht11, Mtnt••nt Edlhlr Rich 1rd P. N1!1 Sou111 0•11>9t Co;i111y EdllV!' Off\•" CBlt ,_,._, no w ........ Stroel rl•WP0'1 ,,., .. , 111! wu1 8•1DC• eo.,11v1•d Ltflffl• 8Hdl: l2't ,trtll A~t"llt >lllftllllfll'O" IH<ll~ 1111J l otc" IQ11i11v••1 ltn Cllfntnlol; )O~ North El CtmlM II.NI -( 0 '147 • As a result, the value of the land re· ~al~ing for BL1ual houslnQ' automatically increased. Rosenwald said the Leisure \\'orld developments definitely qualified as moderate lncome housins:. with an original price range at Seal Besch from S9.000 to $13,000 and at Laguna Hiiis from $11.000 to approximately-S2ft;OOO. The present price range ai... Las:una llllls Is ~22.000 to $49.000 he sald. Principal financing or the Leisure World projects~l'i·a s through FliA until the end of 1967. Since 1!163, when the pro- jtcts v.·ere changed from cooperatives to condominiums, ·convenUona l financing has been used. there being no FliA pro. cram B\'ailable under the increased In· tere&t rate. "'The Leisure W()rld communities are probably one of the finest investments made by the FHA ," Rosenwald said. "There has never been a foreclosure in a Lei~ure \Vorld ; it's actually risk free. In insuring the5e loans the fl-IA \\'as laking "lrlually no chances with iii ln\'estment and is still 1naking a good profit." The WO m!llion in F'llA Insured mortgages COVl't about 18,000 completed units In Le.\sure \Vor\d co1nmuniUe! •t !'tal Stach. Laguna Hills. Walnut Crt!ek, Norbeck. J\jd., and tilonroe Town5hlp, N. J , R<lStnl'ald said, and the FHA con· 1ln11es to receive. a contribution from every paymtnt made on all t~st units. Te $llh1 11 clraft of lhe GAO rtport hid bi'en &ubm1 tltd t::i both Ro11lln1oor 11nrl lhe P'HA and both had responded in separate c.'Orre$pondence. setting k>rth the facl.! of the 1.snd ap11recl1Uon, Including Im· PtO\'fmf'nts thllt "·ere required to bt put in, •nd den~ l11g ln1 pllcatlont er poor hundlJng of go\'erruncnt funds. NEW YORK (UPI} -French Presi- dent Georges Poinpidou, "satisfied" wlth his U.S. trip despite a rash of pro-l1rae!l demonstrations, said today in a farewell news conference that he and President Nixon reached a "full Understanding" 0•1 ~·orld problems. The pro-Israeli demonstrations so upset thP visiting French lecader that President Nixon flew to New Yorit ~londay nia:ht to apologize personally arid attend . a farewell dinner for Pompldou. Pompidou told the nev.'s conference that he held "very lengthy" discussions with Nixon and felt that they had reached a "full . understanding of our respective position&" although lhey were not always in fuU agreement. The French leader said the differenceii in point of view were in part geographic and pointed out that the "(rontler of lhc Communist world .. was 200 miles from Paris." i: He said hls talks with Nixon ranged from the f\.Uddle East and Vietnam to Europe and East-\Vt:st relations in Europe. As Pompldou spoke with newsmen In the Louis X room at the \Valdorf·Asloria Hotel, a detail of airport and city police searched his Air France jetliner efter recei ving 11 telephoned 1hreal. Police said an .Air France "mploye received :i <.'all from·a man who said: "Pompidou's plane will not lake off lo. day. There is a bomb on it and it will blow up." Howe l'er, an extensive search of lhe DC8 Jetliner failed to turn up any e-x. plosh·e. While noting that the United States and France dlsa(ree on some specifJc poticles he ,aid, "As to the basic Issues our views are the same and our objectives are lhe same." Pompidou brought up the subject or demonstrations in a short statement before ans\veri{lg questions from ntws- men. 114 Yout]1s Face T1·espass Action In Ortega Raid A total o( 114 Orange C1Junty Juveniles and adulta will face court actions in· volving trespass in the latest or ma~y roundups of revelers at the secluded Ortega Highway hot sprins:s spa. But-lhe dcr1ndanli....aU -roundcd up by- Orans:e County sheriff's deputies late last" "'eek and herded into waiting buses, will be prosecuted under state la"·s. instead of lhe county code. because the latter ~·as ruled Unconstltlitional after a similar raid at the same spot l;;ist year. Sherlfr's i9_vest lg~tive Capt. James Broaribelt said toclay !he young persons woulri begin 1nnking court appearances on the misde1neanor charges this week. The defenriants \.\'ere rounded up In the nre11 of a fonner hot springs spa 12 nllles up Ortega High\.\•ay which is now under con1rnl of lhe·?tfacco Corporation. The firm plans development thtre. Broadbell said the trespass problem at the spa has lingered for the psst year. but the use of the idyllic h\dcaW'Sy his betn rommon for many years. "The trespassing -and therefore the la"'' en!orcement -problem is about one year old, but only r~ntly ~·ere we able to step in and make arrests thert ," Broadbelt said. "'The area finally w:ls brou1ht up to standards ar rar as posting and fencint is (."tlnremt'd." he 11dclt!d. Last ~·erk's reve lers tore out M!l'eral part& C( l'H!W ftnCCS erected to ff81 Of( thB art:.a . 'Mlt ~j\(I long h:is been 8 meeting place for youths 1~·ho allt1edly en.sage In nude ~1,1·\mming. drug and marijuana ust and r;ex, ofrlcer& said. • • ~ - Firemen Douse $26,000 Blaze On Lido Isle Ne\\•port Beach firemen said today a blaze lhat did an utimated i26,000 damage lo the Lido Island home of a retired Lusinesl!man ti1onday afternoon slart'ed in a waste bas~e. in the kitchen . Fire units were called to the blaze at 820 Via Lido Nord by a neighbor of Neill Davis v.•ho saw smoke coming from Davis' home . Firemen said $6,000 damage was done to the building and $20,000 to contents from the lire that gutted the kitchen ·and dining area. "Considerable he'at and smoke damage '~as sustained throughout the structure,·• they noted. Davis told investigators he was out ()n his 50-foot cruiser .. 'Sleepy Eye" which is docked al lhe home when a neighbor shouted there wa.s a fire . Davis' wife was not at home at the time. Three fire units called tc:> the scene at 4:24 p.m. controlled the fire within minutes, firemen :said. Two Har60r patrol fire boats were also at the scene, but v.•ere not seud. Investigators v.·ere unable to determine the cause or the fire. Valuable Knife Leads to Arrest A \'aluable Indian knife ltd tc:> the ar· rest of a ~urglary suspect in Laguna i Beach tilonday night. Officers slopping to question a man fit· ting the description of a ourglary suspect on their wanted list, booked transient Charles Leon Phlllips after frisking him and finding the knife in a sheath tled around his waist. The knif~. police said, apparently was par t or an lnd!!n carving set taken from the L.:igunM Beach home of Sylvia Arady, 443 Ashion SL, Feb. 27, along with a $250 ll'21111R ·11·00! rug. ' Leary's attorney Mitchell Standard of New York City said the JG-year sentence and denial of bond came "as a shock, although I see it happening all around the country .•• a stiffing ()f free speech." "I don't think the young people ()f sociel?' are going tc:> tolerate this much longer," Standard said. "It is alien to our system, alien tc:> our Anglo-American Oemente Scl1ool Aide to Assume Post in Mom·ovia John Gy,·es, assistant principal or San Clen1ente High School, will be leaving his post in April lo become principal oC a middle school in ?o.tonrovla . Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District accepted his resignation 1i1onday saying they were sorry lo see him go but wished him success 'in his new post. Gyves, a San Juan ffapisltano resident, joined the district a little over three years ago as a long term substitute teacher while he completed his work for his master's degree. When he received his degree he was employed as dean or counsellng at the high school and a year later became assistant principa l. In his administrative post, Gyves coordinated counseling and guidance services, student scheduling. the daily ad· min istrative work connected with plant operaUon and maintenance and was mainly re!iponslble for the school budget. Gyves "'Ill become princlpal of Clifton l\liddle School which will house sixth, seventh and eighth grade students 'vhlle he conUnues his doctoral studies at USC. "It waS a difficult decision for me to make since I do not want lo lea ve this district," said G)'ves. "But the new posi· lion v.·111 gh·e me an opportunity to do some v.·ork In curriculum design in a middle school which Is a new concept. It also will help me to obtain ~ doctorate a year ear lier. Gyves said he has never been happier professionally and will regret leaving the people he has worked with. He said his decision lo leave was In the interut of his own personal long range goals. Immediately after the victim -her personal effects scattered around the pathetic scene -was Identified, police began questioning acquaintances. Detectives theorized the young mother of an 18-monlh-old baby was dragged from a nearby street by a maniacal sex killer as she .took a short walk arter a wedding reception party at the home of friends. Footprints and other markings In !he mud behind the l1,1•1>-story home at 1073 W. Second St.. indicated a vlo!ent strug· gle the Villanue\'a glrl put up for her life. Besides the sadistic sexual attack. the killer slashed the girl's throat with a broken bottle -bi~ of which Uttered her bod~· -and al'° crushed her head with the Oagsione. An au.topsy was scheduled to determine if she had been raped by the man himself, and "''hich ()f the v.·ouod! ac· lually killed her. All could ha\'e caused her death by themselves. TI1e victim. who lived with her mother at 905 W. Third St. and worked as a domestic maid. was foond by Edna L. Dessery, 75, who has lived at the same location for 60 years. She said she went oul to the trash can!!! at 6:45 a.m .. noticed a flagstone missing from her rear walk and was puzzled. "I couldn't figure out why it was gone. So I fnllowed the: walk a little·further and saw lhe body of a woman behind the garage near the fence. J knew she was dead." Homicide Detective Larry Cornelison theorized the ViJlanuel'a girl -who hlld lert a nearby ~·eddlng reception wllh friends earlier -"'as dragged off the street to the hidden spot. Miss Diane Acosta , 22, a cousin, had Ji:ept the l'ictim's daughter Lydia during the party and said Be11trlce returned to the house in a car with friends, but le(t shortly before 2 a.m. for a walk. "She promised · to be back in fi\•e minutes." said ~Uss Acosta. ·Jnvesligat()rs said she left between 1 and 2:30 a.m., selling that 11s the •P- proximate period in "'•hich she "'as a~ ducted and murdered about eight blocks a1,1·ay. She was accosted on nearby South Shelton Street, which intersects \Vest Se· <'Ond Street at U1e corner on which ti1rs. ~ssery bought her home in 1910, detec· ti\·es believe. The carpet they both chose·?· Bigelow's • Barcelona BarcelonA t'(Jfl'lbines tlit casual, "'ind-tos1ed 1h•&' look of today wllh an elca•nt Spanish grlll~ pattern. The long, slender yar n, have a sort, shimmery glow . , . the dramallc multi· colors are Mtdlltfrancan-l"spi.red. U1e Bar· <.>elon1 In a Spanish or J.ledlterranean MtUni: or "'Ith ultra-modern or ml:<ied contemporuy •.• for • truly stunnlni effect And becau&.e the fibt-r's nyl()n, 81.rctlona's so' S "85)'_ to Cl:l"f for. Soil dDf'lfft 1095 ihow .-.. ahd pneS ttl•• M1tp · , lli.nd 1prinzy. A f1he buy for 1ny-... 1'· OM .,.ho "'lnts r,:Teat styllni: • •. a roomrul of lu~ .• , •l lr>cllllf"'9 .,.., .. '-" .... , •• ' !left "'"' .... -a down·~ulh prttt. ffn:!Mlllfl' 8 Slllllly Mediterranean Shades ALDEN'S CARPETS-DR.t;PERIES Mtdit•rr•ne1n Moas Antlq1.11t An'\Nf • Sp1nllh Poppy Sp•ni1h Lo1thtr • Orentd• Golcf At•vfo Avoc.do 100% 1pproved Bi1•IOIV nylon pUe 1663 Placentia-Costa Mesa Phone 646-4131 • \ I r I I I , t ' • l • • • ) IVewport .~eaeh · EDITION Today's F·lnal • Stocks • N.Y. VOL 63 , NO. 52, l S~CTION S, 28 PAGtS ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY. ~ARCH 3, 1970 TEN CENTS DAILY f'ILOT ~II' ll:lc~trf'K .... "1" NEWPORT FIREMAN WASHES DOWN CHARRED KITCHEN OF HOME ON NEWPORT'S LIDO ISLE Investigators Trace Start of Bla:i.• to W•st• Basket in Kitchen of Bayfront Resid.nc• .. Firen1en Dons<' $26,000 Blaze Ou Lido Isle Nev.·por! Beach nrr1nen !!aid today .- blaze that did .an estimated $26,000 tlamage In the l,ido Isle home of the rr:tircd lJusinessruan Monday afternoon l't.arled in a v.·aste" baske, in the kitchen. Fire unit.s were called to lhe blaze at 1120 Via Lido Non:! by a neighbor or ~'eill Davis who saw smoke coming fron1 Davis ' home. J<'ircn1cn said $6 .000 1!3.Jllage was done lo the building and $20,000 lo conlenL• from the fire that guUcd thr kitchrn and rlining area. . "Considerable heal. and smoke damage \1•as sustained lhrough ou1 1he structure.'' they noted. Seven From.El To1·0 Savell F1·om Flash Flood in Baja Bj. ARTHUR R. VINSEi. A sroup of El Toro housewives and their children are ba<!k home. today. after ii dramatic .he.licopte.r rescue from a fla sh flood-ravaged canyon 11ear San Vicente, Baja California. The ~'omen and children were amon,lf 10 airlifted out of the muddy \V&sh ti.ion· day, where Up lo JO more perso ns. many Americans, remain isolated in need or food and water. , . Authorities said lher~ a_re no serious in- juries or deaths Involved and thal the three El Toro men chose to stay behinil 11•ith their vehicles and equipment. The site is about. 110 miles south of San Diego. Silveradn and Modjeska canyons. . t:oasl Guard Commander Hobert Cook . rescue director, said today al least · 3!1 penons-'haff betn·accaUtiled f~ J11 • -. mile radius of the flood-stricken coasta l canyon s. Hikers finally !truggled oul of 'the 'hills to summon help. Rescued victims offered their own ac· eount.s of the nightmare stonn which left standing lakes, pools of mud and olhcr hazards besides destroying roads and sweeping awa y bridge s. Jenny Sumner. 10, daughter of fl.1arin" Cofl)s Capt. D. \V. Sumner. was a cam - ping trip guest of the ·Browns. neighbor!I in El Toro. -' Special Vote Set Utt Seat to Be Filled After March Fi·ling Hy m~t BAJ\LE·,~ Of IM O.lly ,1191' Sl11f Special elections fitted into the re;ular electioo year schedule \vlll be set soon to fill tern1s of the late Congressman Jame! B, Utt and anc.ther Soulhland legislator. ' Gov. Reagan said ~oday, .. The vacancjes left by the death of Ult Sunday and Los A{lgeles Cfunty Rep. Glennard Lipscomb last month v.·ill be closed by elec-tions set after the titareh 20 filing deadline passes for lhe June • prhTiary. Costa f\1csa Vice ti·layor Roberl ?If. "Bob" Wilson in the rncantime made it clear tOOay he will ha\'c a maior political announ\emcn1 to make immediately after Sa11d Barriers h1 Pier Lot ·· Halt Waters A levee of sand bags today held bac~ lhe Pacific Oci!:an that threatens ·palm trees ~d a corner of the Newport Pier parking lot at 22nd Street. A mountain or loose sa.nd dun1ped over Lhe sand bass l\1"nday \vailhed awa y overnight but the sand ba.its held. ''TI1e lonse -t;and· doesn't do any i:nod anyway, it washes away 1vith the rind wa\'e.:' said Newport Beach General Ser- vi<'es Oirector Jacob l\tyn.Pers(', Rut l\fynderse said he was ple11serl v.•ith !he wav the sand bags \Vere holding and nrdered no ne\v 1vnrk to<l11v. "\\'e'\I main- tall' it aoi necessary, sta'yin~ nn tori or it lhrou:th !ht ne)'.t se,•er<1l day:o; or high tirln~,'' he said , , The hlUhtSt tl~'fYill be '"1ix?-Cffl four· - Inches on li'rida.v .1 High tide today wa:o; five-feet . nve-incb~,' . Qnly a few feet nr parking lnt paving 111as Inst tn the tidal onslought that began SUnd:iy night and the palm trees 'vcrP l!aved. Vloodc" e:rnfns nut In last year iri fro nt nr city Liff>1;11ard 1-leadquarters on lhe nther side nf !he pier have-.been e1DOSed. bul five re.et or beach remains lhat hasn·1 been scoured away. ADDITIONAL STORIES, PAGE 3 Utt's funeral \Yedne:;day. \Vilson told .lhe DAILY PILOT he hali been getting great encouragement from Sacramento lo bid for one of two slate posts expected ~become vacant in the near future. TI1ey are Robert Badhanfs 71st A.,. scmbly District seat and John Schmili·s 3~th Senatorial District posl. Like !he late Mr. Utt and 11tr. Lips· comb, Wilson and the two slate !fgisla- tor1 a_re Republicans. v.-hlle Badt)an1 an(f Schm1ti .are both expected to jOin GOP 'Very Optl1nlstic' candidate \Yilliam Wllcoxen ·in the race lo replat.'C Utt. The Laguna Beach attorney was aJ. ready a candidate fOr the Congreu sea1: held by Utt for 18 years. .Th.e governor's armoun~emenl today in- <hcatcd the special balloting \\ill r;, in "'ilh June and No\'ember elections. A source close to the governor's office !old this n7wspaper today that "Wilson 1." a cer;ta1nty· lo annouri.Ct! for one of those scab and it m03t likely wUl be the: Asst.(l1bly. '• \YilSon··himscH expressed a preferenc~ ror lha't post and is upccted to announce for it i~ Badham goes for the: Utt .eat f5et ELECTIONS, Page%) LBJ Suffers Chest Pain; Heartbeats Monitored · SAN ANTONIO, Tcx~(UPI) -For· At. the medical briefing, Tom Johnson mer President Lyndon B. Johru:on sur-rered "transienl paJn" in his chest and said North diagnosed the ove.rnight paint left arm today. Doctors w:itch.ing hi~ as a mild aftermath lo the chest paiM every heartbeat gave him medicine. to experienced l\-1onday . relieve. the di11Comtorl. ''The President suffered premature ."The Preside.nl had a generally good contra~tions, !hat is. extra heartbeats night but continues to experience dis· t.'Omfort in l)is arm and chest," Tonl that come earlier than expected," the . ~.ohnson. the former president's exccu-aide 11aid. ·-~1edicalion was applied and live assistant. told a medical briefirig. these extra heartbeats have been in· ·'The President e1pei'ienced some dis· "·f~uent since I or Z a.m. romforl in his arm a.t :z a.m.," the aide "At 9:30 a.m .. he experienced an- said. nther pain and · continues to have di!- LL Cul. .n.obert 'L.. Norlh1 chlei· hearl l..'Omfort in his chest and left aqn," llpecialist al 'Brook't Genenl •Uotpttal; The 61-year-old former. i>resldent wa~ diagnosed" the discomfort as.· "trani!Cii£ ·· Riven x-ray .('Onslanl electrocatd· pains" nol L'Onnected with the chest iograms today . "All were. with.in nor- pains • lhat sent the 36th U.S. president ~ms! Umils," said his aide. 1 to the Army hospital Monday. ·•. North said Johns11n's weight or %J7 "Our ma.In concern in our current was within !he nonna.! limUs for "h.iJ lrratment is lo try and pre\'ent a heart . age and height. - attack," North said. ''This is the thrust Johnson's wife, Lady Bird, his com- nf our treatment. panion for 35 years, was at his bedside •"fhese current pains do no pcrma-in their seventh floor hospital suite. A nent damage to the heart. \Ve dqn "t team of heart. specialists monitored his have a bleak outlook. Jn ract, we are every heartbeat by an electrocardio- very optimistic. Of course, no one has gram machine. Johnson suffered • s~ the po1ver or clairvoyan~." vere heart attack 15 years ego. N~rth said ~ohnson wu given quinl -Brig. Gen. William H. l\.1oncriel, com- rfine sulphate and warfarln to relie.vr mander of Brooke General, said the I - Davis told in vestigators he v.·as nut on his 50-foot cruiser "Sleepy Eye"' which •~ '1oc"ked at the home when a neighbor '1houted there was a fire. Davis' wife was.. not at home at the ti1ne. Squads or Mexican .soldiers and reiicue \\'orkers in four-wheel drive vehicles were on:lered into the isolated area today. 11·here ravaging · rains have wiped ou1 al ready-rugged roads. Clutching her arithmetic book and sip- ping orange juice after the heljcJ'pter lan- ded with IO refugees in San "51ego, the girl said it was terribly scary . ··"" C.:yclist Faces Theft Rap After Puzzling Police his discomfort. The first drug Is used "discrepancies" in Johnson 's heartbeat lo reduce chest pains and the ~ccond Is that forL°td his hospitalization were a{ilJ 1 1"hrce fire units called to the Sl1?ne a! 4 .2-1 p.m. controlied the lire within minules, firemen !'aid . Two Harbor palrol fire boats were nlsn al lhf' !>Ceiif. b111 '"ere oot. scud . Investi gators v.·cre unable 1o dc!('rFnine thr cause of thf fire. Santa .Barbara Prison Escapees In Ne"'port JaiJ • Two escapees frOf!J Red Bluff and San- The El Toro residents \\'ere identified 11~ Mrs. :1\-fargaret Brown, Of 24472 Highpine Road, sons Larry , 6, and Arnold 4; M[s . ....Anne Olgllvie,-a neighbor. her daughters Sandra, 4. Caroline, 6, and :;on. David, 5 monUls. Mrs. Brown, conlacled at home loday. ~aid another U.S. Coast Guard helicopter was sent into "the mountainous .area thi~ rnoming and she expected further word by this afternoon. '11he Victims were airlifted to Coast fiuard headq1,1arter~ in San Diego 24 houri after the slprnl hit in an evacua· lion remarkably ~mllar °lfi" those exactly one year ago in Orange County'!! Stoel< nlnrket ' NE\V YORK (AP) -1'he stock marke1 11hov.·ed k.~lender gain late this artemoon In n1oderate trading. (See quotations, Page~ 8-9). "The rain 61ew in off the gulf lalf' Saturday night. It was frighteni n&. how l- 1nR with heavy winds." ''U these men from the Coast Guard hadn 't · come when they did, we would have been in rough shape" said ?-.1rs. Brown, holding t;aods wflh her sons. '' Bonibings Precede First Lady's Visit BOULDER. Colo. ( AP I -On the eve ul ~·l rs. R,ichard 1\-f. Nixon's visit lo this Unlve"rsity or Colorado conununity., polict z.nd FBI agents v.·ere investigating four bombin13 incidents thal have occurred in as many days. • Security precautions were being in- creased for the First Lady 's visit fo spatlighl university students working in volunteer communit)' programs, bu1 pOiice ·declined ta say speclfk:ally what arrangements v.•erc being made . A flne-e vcd bas~ pla~'cr nbscr1•ed hy puzzled police in a rather odd rendtzvouA wi th a teenaged .lfirl was arrested earlv today in Costa Mesa on suspicion Or mnrnrcycle theft. i\fichael J . Quiri!o, 22. of 2016 Arnold Ave.. Cost:i 11-fesa, protested his in- nocence, sa.1·in,ll he recenlly bnughl lhr ··1•c!c for $100 in Laguna Bet1ch and lht. owner left for Vi etnam with the registra- tinn. • Patrol S~l. liary Shull sakl he saw a 1·1r driven by a 19-year-0ld girl pull into a i;hopping center at \Vilson Street and 1'01le11:e Avenue at 3:50 a.m .. then the headlights 11-1inked on and tjf. ·111enls later. he said, Quiriln r.merg- ed from an adja~nt field pushing !he 1966 cycle, grabbed the car door handle and the girl drove off as he coasted along beside. an anUcoagulanL e\•idenl. N ewpo1·t }Joldup-Suspec~ ,. Sl1ot, Captured By Police A suspect ln the armeJ robr>ery of Bal· told 12 patrons and lhe bartentler to e.mp- Port Lounge in Nev.•port Beach was in ty their pockets. critical condition today in USC-County Repeating the pattern set In the Newport hold up , Brummell was alleged· 1\-ledical center in Los Angeles after being ly in tlie pr~ss of .taking clothes from. 11hot during an alleged holdup attempt in the victims, when one hit him over the ._Long Beach early Sunda~ morning. head with a bar stool. NC'1vport Beach det.ecti vE Capt. Louiir; Kenneth Richmond later told i fficer' l leeres !laid Bobby Jae Brummett. ::o. or he \l'as "sick and tired of punka 1vho had guns.'' 1..os Angeles has been identified as a · Mi ss Carnal ..iaw Richmond wrcstjing suspect in 'last week 's robbery of lhe with her partner and repvrtedly fired six Ne"''port tavern al 4507 \V. Coas1 .~hots fro1n her .25-<:aliber automatic. Highway. Mis alleged accomplice In Richmond and a companion, fl.1rs . Muriel r~ Barbara jails 1vcre in custody toda.v in Newport Beach. a\\·ailing re.tum lo their respecti ve counties. i\latlh('"' Noland Ru.sling . U. an cscarice rrom Tehama County Jal! ln fl~ Bluff 11·as booked in Newport Monclay af·· temoon, and Jack·Donald Christal, 47, an rscapee from _§al'.!!!_ Barbar/!_ County_ work ra-rm \\'i s: laken Into custody Sun- dav night, police said. Alley 'D ust'_~Will S-et~~~ Saturday's !hooting l\tary s. Carnal 30 \\'chrman r~ived su~ficial flesh ' • . ' . .' ' w.ounds.1.~!~b.mond 's. w1!e,-K1orence,---?f-·Sou.th-Gate, L'Ollld r:iot-be-pos1t1vely---ai;a Brwnmet suffered majGr wounds, Rusling. wl}o had been conl'icted of burglary . escaped Feb. :ro by sawing orr window bar~ in ~is cell. Rcc1 Bluff po!icr i·aplurcd nusling 's 3l'(.'01nph ces. but he made good his esca J)t' in a stolen r.ar, they said. Nev•porl Beath net. Ken Smilh saitl ihe car was rccovereil in lhe parkinlil lot rir the Reuben F:. Leto. llil F;· Coast llichway. Smith and his partn ('r. Det Sam An1burgey. 11rrested Husli ng • in a <:ardena gambling spol across lbe. street rroll'! the motel where he was rcgislcr~d. Ne11·port offitrrs v.-erc invoh·cd in the <"ase lx.-c11use the stolen car v.·a~ found in l\'e1\·port Beach. Christal "'as taken into rus\ody after his \1·He Th elma 1old o(riccrs he 11•as an f'SCBpet. Palrohncn wctt called to it \Vcs11c°'~r l~1gh1vay b1tr·lo f!Ulct lhe pafr wllo were· ii.rguing. l\lrs. Ctlrlstal t~ld !hem her hus· b:i nd was a fugitive • \\'hen asked if he had (·omPletcd hi' :tentencc at tht roacl h1m1. Chr11'll11I rtportedty told lhe p~!rolmcn he had rscapod by Jumping a fcnc, :i.nd ridi ng ,,fr in a ri:ir flrt vrn tiy h1~ wifr \ ' identified by Newport VJctiJN. Mrs. Richmond wair; reporttd Jn _'·'J'hey 're wanted by Santa Monica , satlsfadory condiliori al Long Beach Dow~.1_11glewood. TDrt8.j!Ce..MKf_1os Community lWJ>Jta.1. -~--~----Angeles Sherifrs Office too." he said. -,----·----------, Capt Heeres noted Brummett is on parole from 11 conviction of an assault with a deadly \\'Capon, I/eights Delays Attion Until Aft-er Election Ornn!fc Coast By 1'11.0ft.tAS FORTUNE lies on the bluff~. ovorlookin& Paci(ic 01 ni. o.1tr """ s1"" Coast llighway. It is bounded on the Newpor! Heights property owners ha\'e nocth by 15th Slreet, on the west by <lefeated an asswment disuict. that Newporl :-,Avenue and on the cast by would ha ve CoSt them about $600 each to"' Irvine Av~e. pave their alleys, but now what do they Landrigan said 99 percent o( the pro-- do'? They say they ~.w_.!nt decent alleys. LesliqS Heights residents were in (avor of ft appe.arJ that (or the Ume bting they alleys but the a:eneral consensus was "we are going to waiL to see Whal the.April 14 don't need.fix cncbc8 of concrete or nine City Council elec}ion brings. ,,. lnches .ol •phalt off,'£J'eSJ(lentlal alle)'. Two of I.he prlncipal ~rganiurs In lhe ')Vlth e.ver)"ltting going the wa)' It ls movement to defeat the aHeSSme.nl with taxes and innation the public u('I cllstr1ict last. v.·ee.k , Herbert Stricker and here said, 'Walt a minute govemmcnl,'" Roland Landrigan, siy that is tlJe arr-Landr'igan observed. "The city foretct. u~ proach tl1ty will take. into a oorner where we had _..,..nN' ~ ··we want lo Jct the dust<settle, 5Cf' decis!·"lfl o! buying their pack a ·11.:. "·hat happens In the councu·~IecUOD and Ing it complele.ly. so V.'t killc idea or 1m:urring expenditure of public fuOOs that may be plowed up ," he said. · His opp0i1Cilt ~ Carl Kynlla , said he doesn·t think Woolsey is taking a rcailstlc , approach lo resolving the nectl for alley paviJ,g. "If I \\·ere elected I would work hard lo encourage these people lo create an assessnicnl d!lllrict for economk:al alleys," he said. The pair were taken into custody after- ,. &boot-out that wounded Brummett and lhrce patrons of a Long Beach bar they were allegedly altcn1pllng to rob. · Long Beach Police said they erftered Poor Richard's .Bar, 6412 E. Sterns Sl. JU~\ before clo,sing at 2 a.m. Sunday . Taking ~lillons at e11Cl1 end of the bar, the two reportedly pulled out guns and • ~n~y mid1vcck weather with mcieur>'. readlr:igs in tfic nilddle 60's Is lhc One rare for the Orange Coast on \Vedncsday. INSIDE 1'0Di\ \' •l{e said. it lli hi~ opinion less t'OSIJY Alleys than the city proposed can be.«>.,. CdA1 PfilNC IPAL Divorce -California •lyl<. structed. lie said he ii: making a com-1·ou·oc corn c a to 11g way, baby. µar11t1 ve litudy of the cos of ..alleys ,J.Je., JHlt-i-ll~T. 1 • i.iw;'i :.pflib 110" catt sever nli connec- 1 U\tOU~t 'Qra~ge ,C6u11p-. ' • " If , " ~~~:~·~ u'; 1·-,~' 't~~ ICitll JJOISr n1isma.lched 1 ..,the deiiill of Jis r'-• ... "'°r"°'J•1;!!!1 , ,.... llOo r ~1~ · 11>Sl&¥)Q(fe 1b. .-.,.~ · 11.' 11 , 1 reviU.lize the, ~meowncrJ ISIOClaUrut l.tP: .,,,. ·i'he t1"0 oon~er.t Coe'.the: here •. " •:saio L'and(ifQA;. ' .~ • _ 4Ctlit repr~toUilll \Newoorl , , Strider 'Wiid he ~\ think lfetght• • ta~n all lnte'tcst In tht a1rt!y 15tUe. rrsident.s ere op~ to paying for alley "J've dr iven around lhose lJ)e,11 anrl improvement~. ")twas 1ust lhe tolal cost · 1hey're sure nliictablc anu · '*'4i al-- , «y ! .c;<\lleJt 1of;~•·~n'~r IJ~~· ~ · ,: 1~.''1 -~~-;\..; irJ . ·~ht" , ."'· ·1 .• ~'111 a '"9'"'-~PJ..~a " ol~. · ~o',thtnJll~l<I be~ ' ' !.¥• ~\el• o Ille', I .,J,, ; I , . ,• .-• •• c , " · ilii\ l'.~~ •)\lhot ii>{ degrCe frie. cllf ,. aaN •a~.. Men1orlot l!ospttal ~~~1'! u, r =;~ "'""'' 1 : oblfgatW 'l~elJ lot' conli~ mpln-l.oday 1"~«!.,'ihc hfl been ~)nee suffetlng <~7 ''"' "''*"-' """ , .. Al)()-tl,lt~W&y t~ty-\rietttn'Snf It down lention," sayli Roy "'oolsey. ' ~ rvtrybody'~ 1hroat." he suggested. Dul he. says he believes tM P..atHH' , tcn.oce when '\ ro11~ructe4 JI&~ Alley1!" ~~heart IAl*k l~~hi.:i 01fttc el~hl dayl 1 i=[' :! ~;::-,.~~,, 1 : ;ul{f-!'wbAl oMllgaJinn !he ' . hns n 1 ~~(). • 0t1lll-tl!ftl 11 '""'' If-It , "(' ' ..,I , r, . I ' lflttf ''" ' Site-~rll!S lot eg<J,rU to lhc..bea vy,1,1~ of city vchtt:lc3. 1 hs l'Ondlt I! rftported lo W •table. '-• '~tcfl•..-i 11 T11n1"'" 14 se Alleys. 1 . ,Meck.\ 51.' as ~ pri~lpal at Coron~ ;~ 'i! ._.ii::~ 1! "Espccittlly after this ralq the all cyi <"oaSI. Freeway routing may still be An o., 11r ... a bad shape," Stritker ool.ed. flpen question~ so he doesn°l th¥1k the other w s 1 th · s rill ~1:ir HJ since the-Khoo! opened . ,.~ Liii"" 1• w-w, ..._.. ,,.,. c. more.~ a U111ancta l -pan. rn 1962. " .. •, ~ ,: Wtfllf ...... .. r; nPrally. lhe Nr.wport HeighU area , alley~ l!houk' ht pa,•ed. ''I 00n'l 1lkc the sc or thMe. rwo factors.'' he said. · w .. • \ • ' • • 1 ~ r · • ...... ~~~~~~~~~--' • • ~ • 't f ' • ). I \ • ,. ~ I ·-- ' ' • • ' ' • Tv~y, M..,;h J. ltlt -. th) I t -I ' City Fre-eway Blast·ed Candidate F~ars Loss of Ta~ed Prop.erty Newport Beach Cily COuncil cand.idaie there should be a Pacific Coast F'ree'A'IY Roy Wo0lsty said today he does.n't think • through Newport Beach. ~ The freeway y,·ould wipe oot too much property that generates laxes for the school district, 'and city and county gov. .1 ernment. he said. • He sugaesttd motorists drive an addi- lionaJ afx mllf~ around Upper Newport Bay via the Newport ind ·Corona dd l\far Jfeewaya and that to accommOdate the traffic an extra Jane or two be added to · eich. !'lt ifio't too much of a burden to drive completely around the bay," said \Vool- . sey, an attorney v•ho lives on Lido Isle. •. And think or the tremendous savings, not only in u.x revenue, but in construc-·uon co.sLs." • '"No Risk Here' • Wool,.y ·I• runlllna 1g1inst eul !!y•ll• fOll the city COl{Mll Kil of Ml)'Or DoHUl MarahaJl,.who ia 110t .setkln1 rttlecllon. WoolsiY said il Would De much cheaptr lo add extra lanes lo ttie tO mllea of lhe Newport. F'ruway along Newport Boule- vard and the Corona <lei 1.1ar Freeway a Ion g Pallsades Road and MacArthur Boulevard than to build four 1nile1 of additional freew11y alone: Paclfic Coast Highway. A costly high-level brldae across UlJper Ne"·porl Bay wouldn't be nef'ded, ht pointed out. The \'alue of the la nd 1n the adopted free"·ay ·route-.that wouldn't be taken eNCeeds S40 million. Wool-Sey claims. PrOl)f'rty tax realized on the land, in- cluding parcels already sold to the state, is 1%2(1,000 per year 1or Newport-Mesa School Oi!trict alone, he said. He said Rossn1001· VP Suppo1·ts FHA, Raps. C1·iticis111 By-llARBARA KRETBICJI rerognized this." Of"" 0111, 'llttt Stoff \\'itb the impro\'tments, ~wald ex· · & executive of Ross.moor Corpofation plained, subsequtnt "fair market value'' -'(;,-Laguna Hills today vehemenUy denied ~ppraiuls of new housing areas naturally I u li -. increased. ~P. ~~ ons 1~ a congrel!ional re.port :... "The FllA was required to appraise at cr11lc1z1ng the Federal HO us In?° fa ir market value." ht said, "'and now il Administration for ils $270 n'l illion in-is bting crlticb.ed for doing that. I mi.itht \'es tment in feder ally insured mortgages poinl out that comparable propertie!I in fi\'e Leisure World communities across across t!ll! freew~y from Leisur.e World lhe n ti ~rt being appraised at the same value a on. . as !ht area developed. "1be FHA should be complimented for In making co~arlsons "'ilh ra\Y land ltl fo"'·ard thinking in ailo'l''ing these \'alue. Rosenwald addtd. lhe GAO also planned cormnunilies," said Robert F. fai\eCI to take into account the fact that a Rosenwald. Ros!moor vice president and large part of the gross acreage purchased ene 1 1 was unde\•clop;;bJe <1nd further large I "Pra ,corn!~ · 1 segments v.·ere: restricted for housing ~ . eop e n ·le upper age ca egory re· development. ,, qu111 this type or community. It has. done As a result, the value or the land rP· .much to open .up !h•tr lives and \\'llhout mainlng for actual housing automatically ~ coo~rallon it could not have been increased. ac eved . Rosen1,1•ald said the Leisure· \Vorld The repor~ to Congre~ ~rorn tht: Gene· • dt.yelopmenls definitely quaHlle'd as ral .Accounting Office c_r1tu:l.:i:ed F•IA ~P-moderate. income houslng. with an pra1sal 11rocedure1. wtueh. it ata.~d. in-original price range at Seat Beach from . creased is much al ~ ~rcent in l~ee S9J)00 to 113,000 and at Laguna Hilla from ryears. Pifore than a ~rd cf the Hous1n,g $Il.000 lo approximately 126.000. The ~and U~~n ~evelopment Departments pres~nt price range at L.aguna ilills is SIOO m1l~1on m mortgage lnsiJra"!Ce for $22,000 to S49.000 he said, ~r:atively ov.11ed .. mtide.rate-1ncome. Principal financing or the Leisure hou~1ng has gone to f1vt Le1surt World World projects was through YHA until Jlf'OJect.5, the ~port .slll~. the end of 1967. Since 1968. "'hen the pro- No legal wrongdoing 1s chara:ed by the jet.ls were chaneed from cooperatives to GAO. but .the method o.f appraiaal ustd by condominiums, conventional finaricing the FHA is sharp1* cr1t.lc1zed. Jlilrl!cular-has been used, lhert being no FHA pro- ly the separate appraJsal cf eaeb new gram avallable under the irn:reaad in· housing devtlopmenl launched wilhin a terest rate. Leisure Workf. "The Leisure Wor ld communities are Under the .program . Con~ess limilt'd probably one or lhe fine st in\'estments federal back1ng to $20 million for each made by the t~HA ." Rosenw.ald said. project. The FHA ~eemed each new ''There ha s never been a foreclosure in a ~Jsure W~rld subdivision• separate pro. Leisure \Vorld ; it's actually risk -free. In 1ect. entitling It to $20 mllllon. insuring these Joans the F'l·IA was laking The report 1t.tes th11t the developer virtually no chan~es 1,1•ith its investment ~ght Jand for Uie La~~a Hills Leisure. and is still m~kin'S a good profit." \llor1d al $2,600 an acre 1n 1961 and two The '270 1nllllon in FHA Insured )'ears \aler appraised it at $10.~ a.n mort·gages cover about 18,000 compltled acre. "In Iola\," says lht report , "'fH..\ s units in IAlsure World com1nunilles ~t appraisals of land . for the f~rsl 25 scg· Seal Beach, LagUlla Hills. \\'alnut Cref'k, met!~ of the community, \\'h1ch cover~ Norbeck."f.ld., and r..tonroe To"•nshi p. N. about 500 a.cres ~ land, exceeded the J., Rosen"1·ald said. and the FHA con· purchase price paid by the developer by Wiues to rective a contributlon from about M million." every payment made on all ttlcse units. The GAO. says Rosenwald . fail!i to take Te sakl a draft of 1he GAO rrport had Into aerount the fact that the Rossmoor been submitled to both Rossmoor and the Corporation \\'as obliged to inveal $12 FHA and both had rtsponded in M?p<lrate million in its land purchase before the correspondence, setting forth the facts of Urst sale 11·as maae. the land appreciation. including im- "We had to plll. ln roads. bring in provements tha( were rrquired to he put water, uliUUes and sanit ation ," the or-in. and . denying implications of poor flcial said. "Our iihopplng ct1)ter was handling of governm ent funds. completed, by necessity, before lhe first peoJ!le moved in and u·e had to invest in model apartments itllld a clubhouse. Other facilities, including the medical center, swlmmina pools and golf course came later. All of these improvements were nectssary for the type of community ""·e were attempting to build and tht FHA DAILY PI LOT l)UNGf. CO.t.JT l"UILl$t-41NG COff,P ANY ~.D.rt N. w,.d ,,_,IM>I! _,,, PuOl+llll<' J•ck •· Cwrlty Viet" ,r'ft._t~I tllO GtMrtl Nt-,.Mr Tho'"'' K11 .. il £dll0r Tllol"ltl A., Mu1•hin1 Mln•tllll l!flto• T~o1?1 11 F1.+u~1 Nt,..011 8H<~ (l!y fdt1t• N,.,,,,. h•tlt Offlt; ' 211 W11f 811~01 lovl 1v1rd M1ilin' l\tlll••o: P.O. I•" lt15, 9266") Ot!Mr Offltts: C11lt !.\eM! !JO W•1t l•v $1rtot , L11'1111 l•tch: m Fettal Avtnu+ HuntlntlOll a .. <11: U•tS lttt~ lovlt~t•f h11 (lstntnlC; )Of Htr!~ f l Ctmf1111 l!t•1 ( -' 114· Youtl1s Face Trespa~ Action In Ortega Raid\- A total of 114 Ora11ge coun~y ju,·enilcs ... and adults '"·ill face court actions in· ,·olving lrespa!IS in the latest of many roundups or re\'elers al the secluded Ortega llighway hot IJ)rinss iipn. Out the defendants, all rounded up by l1renge Gounly slierlff'li deputies )ate last u·eek and herded into V.'a1liog buses, Wiii be prosecuted under stale lav.•s, instead of the count)' ~e. because the lalll!r "'a.s ruled unconstitutional after a similar rald at the sumo spot la!! ye•r. Sheriff's in,<:stlgatlve Capt. Jame~ , llroadbelt said today the young persons u·ould begin making court appearenccs oh the misdemeanor charges this ·week. i The defendantS wer( rounded up In the ::ire-a of a former hot springs spa 12 miles up Orte.ii •llghway "'hlch Is now under control of the 1'\flcco Corporation. The fim1 ,plan~ development there. Broadbelt said the tr«'11pass problem al the !Pi-has Unsered for !ht pa~t )Par. but the use or the idyllic hirlca"'·ay hJs OOen common for ~ny year_.. ''The trupaping -and lht'rt.fore tht 111-.-• enforctment -problem is al>out one ~tar old, but orily recently wrre \\'e able to ~tep in and nTnke arrciil$ lhere."' Oroadbell said. "The ilrr.n hna lly \\'as bro11~ht u~ to ~tanda rds as far 11s posting and lencln~ is cn'lr<':rn('.(!." be .ldde:I. L:l~l \\tek's r~,·~ler5 tore out st \l!ral p::iri s or OC\4 f<'llCtb creeled to &ell off th<! area, Ti1('. 11lte 1011~ hiu ·~en a m~!lni: plnc-t for youlb~ "'ho a11caedl.\' 1."11gBge In nu~Jo ~\\•mm1"1:. tlruq And morijuAnn U-'t' and ~e),, olhcrrs ~Jld. , It II I.I ~t VU.. lilaJ tl!-mlllloo lto•I tu ~vep,ue Ult·-tehml illatrict an- ticipates this yetir ~ : Woolsey said he disagrie1 with the. po-. sitlon the city council has taken or 1'ork· 'Jug with state highwa.y enalneera to 1et lhe best'prniSible conflguratlon within thi: adopted Coast Freeway rout! although not ytl signing the agreement. "~fy position is we shouldn 't' negotiate ~talla of alignment unleu we accept the general route." he s&ld. He said it was his 1opinion some memberi o( the city coull'Cil voted to proceed with ntgotiallons .witbout-eoncedlng that the route ts a prop.. er one. Woolsey saiit comments of members nf tht slate Highway CommWion lndlcste some of them recognize it is not a well thought out freewa~ From P.•1e l ELECTIONS. •• 'Vilson'a cooUi~ution, to what is exrected to be " widespread game· of palitical domiMes would be to vacate his candi- dacy for the Fifth Dl!trict suj)er\'tsoria1 seat held by SuperVisor Alton E. Allti\: "I don't helieve in two-year term!'!." \Vilson said todfly. "When you decide to pla y politics and hold office ii should be for a reasonable period of time, a term which will allow you to serve the public from a position of experience. "The !>ix year term of senator and tl1e fou r ye-ar term of assemblyman are cer· tainly the most iittracUve and lhe...assem- ~ job rniiblbe the be.st prosoect." "'ll- so11 saiii. The vetf'ran cotinc\Jman. E'"' hnlcls office in the Orange County cha !tr of the League of Californil!I Cities. o rotes an awnins business in Santa Ana U'1der the trade name of "The A'l''ni'ng ~Ian.'' r· The po/ltic;il whirlpool created by t~t drath of Congressman Ult continued to · wid tn today 1,1•ith the growing convirtion in hi,r:h Republican circles that Badhai\i ,,.nd Schmitz are definite candidateli fo\ the 35th District Congressional seat. And both Sacramento and Santa An~ source& predicted an avalanche of "min candidates" before the flllng period end~. ··we·rt; going to get -a lot of J>t'Ople who i:honldn 't run for a bus running for one of ll'IPse \•ital seats and we ml11ht '''en get them ruMing for more than one Sl"at." was the acid comment of one top ranking GOP spokesman. "That's fint," he said, "as long as this rloesn't spark a struggle. that could hurt !he party. This Is my major eoncem and you can bet that rm passin,; my feelings along to those who can do something abnut it.'' 'l'he· uniform comment among nthers tabbed as candidates for one or all of the thtte srats that sttm certain to become vacant "'as "wait until after ttie funeral." Last rites \\'ill be held \Vednesday in Gar- den Grove for the late congre55man. But the ;itti!ude of respect for Utt's funeral scr\'ices did not appear tn pre- clude a multitude of closed door political conferences throughout the county -11es· !lions which have not betn confined to the Ropuh!ican party. Lead ing Orange-Cnunt.v Ocmncral~ ha1'" l>cen huddled \11ith Demncratic or· ganizer Louis B. Celia of Sant11 Ana !<lnee UU's death and it is flrmlv be- lierrd by reliable sources that the Pos.~i­ ble opportunitlrs to the party from the Utt \'acancy have been discussed . The only Deniocrat who has so far an- oou ncecl his candidacy is Thomaa B. !An- hart of Tustin. Lenhart u•as trounced by Utt In the 1966 and 1968 elections. E111ploye Guilty Of Grand Tl1ef t A Ltisure 'Vor!d en1ploye accµsed of thf' theft of cash and checks estimated at ~1.600 pleaded guilty Monday to charges or grand thert. Judge Paul ~last accopted the plea of Nick r.tartinus Schaar, 39, of 1982 Iowa St.. Costa ~1esa, in Santa Ana municipal court and ord!red Schaar to appear hlarch 13 in Superior Court for sen- lencine. Schaar faces a poaslbte 1·10 year term in state prison . Schaar was arrested arter it \\'as a.lleg: cd Olathe look the cash and checks from the bu!iine!S office of the L:lguna Hills retirement community . It was also testiried thal tht bookkeeper toolc qn undetermined a1nount of ehange from pay washin,: m::ichines and dryers and used the proettda to finance a 1an1bling trip to Llls Vrgas. Atta~ks .~ume • Mideast Air War A one-day lull In the ~fiddle E11st a\J' ,,·ar ended today when Israeli planes hombed EgyptJan military Positions at bo)th ends of lhe canal and Egyptian planes struck li;raell pcelUons alona the so111her11 secto r. ' Israel said its pt&}li'! hit antiaircraft bunkeri;, artillery pos!Uons and mortar em placements. Emt aald the nrst F:gypt111n raid of the month Inflicted a number of casuahles and that names ""'e ~ttn in the target artll . tn Cairo, President Gem~l Abdel Nas- s11r m,.t for three hour& "·Ith So\iltt 06- puty Forrign ~nnlst(lr Vl,.dimlr Vlno- ;iraOov l'lnd olher hl&l'I Egyptian a~ So\ 1-.1 ofl'ch1l!I. There w111 rin ('(lmmenl r 11 ll1e n11turc of thelr talks but London dlplom1ttlc 50t1rct_, said Ru~sla ht, a- Wtf'1 IQ i1upply mort. \\'lit material ta rg,·pl. T"'llCU planes carried out two stparate r nlda. ( -~--! ,· ....... -----... .. . .. ~ - OAILY 'tLOr '""" ·~ Artfl\lf' YlllMI ' \ Leru·y Back F1·om Texas, Wait s Te1·1n Facln& 10 years Jn federal prl10n and 1 yet.undetemllned sentence here on m11ri- ·juana and LSD chnrges, Dr. Timothy Leary ts baci in Orange County Jail lo· day lfler 11ent.encina Monday in Texas. The SO-year-<1ld former H a t v a r d psychology JlrOfessor was given the ternl by U.S. District Court Judge Ben Con- !1JllY, and nown back immediately. following the hearing . "Love cannot be a prisonet," shouted l>r. Leary 1s twa burly U.S. marahals etc0rt.ed _him from -the H o u 1 t o n courtroom and a wajting a I r p o r t ""lirhousine. One \\'Ore btaak and the other "'ore \\'hite. Mrs. &semary Leary , w)\o also face.~ the ?ifarch 11 sentence hearing before Judge Byron K. McMillan in Orange County Superior Court. read a statement afterward. Judge Connally-like Judge McltUllan, who found the couple and son John Leary, 20, guilty last month of the dru,; po!session charge originating In Laguna Beach -said Leary is a public menace. Mrs. Leary agreed, but not in the sam1 and denial or bond can1e "as a shock. although I see it happening all around the country , .. a stlfflng of free speech.'' Dataes ·Await St1ior9asbord "I don't think the young people. ol society are going to tolerate this mu ch lon1er," Standard said .. ;It is alien to our system, alien I.I:! our Anglo-Ame rican bellers. This .country is in a stale wherr. one of the difficulties is the penalties are more horrible than the crime."· Security i$, having a dog in the house. The I-Jal-Chauncey house is al A-108, Surfside. Hal and his family feel very secute. The Great Danei'i are Nova and Queenie . They are still puppies. When they grow up, second-atory men will stay out of the htUe beach colony. Leaa was convicted of 11nuggling thr'ee ouncts of marijuana concealed in a snuffbox hidden in his 18-ye11r-old daughter's under1A•car. • Nervous Mesa Rapist Attacks W 01na11 in Ho111e ~!arch 11 is the senlcncc date set in Santa Anp. 'Peace' Chants ltf eet First Lady • A ~year-old Cost a ?ilcsa housewife told poUce she was raped early today by an intruder who first hid in her bedroom and nen·ously blurted oul he had never dooe !UCh a thina before. B1·andt Urges • 'Arms Discussion LONOON (AP) -Chancellor Willy Br:.ndt of \\'ut Germany c11lled today for nei:<>tlallons on the balan~ reduction of forcea bet\1·een East and West in any con· ference on European security. Brandt told a Soviet newspaperman who questioned him at a luncheon of the: Foreign Preas Association : "'The Fe<leral German Republican has no territorial claims 'ol'hatsoever. '' Brandt conflrrned repor.t.s that an an- nouncement is imminenl concerning new financia l arrangements between Britain and West Germany that will take a SJXlO-- strong Brttl1h brigade back to the Rhine army by fall. Dance Recital At ~arbor .Higl1 t-.'e·wport ltarbor •Ugh School Girl's Physical Edueation department \\'ill present a JTI.odern dance recital Friday at 8 p.m. in th! school's audllorium . Tickets for the production "'UI be sold at the door for $1. The ''ictim said she v.'as iJ'ibbed as she entered the room about 12 : IS a.m. to re:· tire and ordered . to subm it without screarhing or he would kill her. She said he left the house, \\'here. her rluldren slept lhrough the incident, and she made sure he was gone before tele- phoning a friend for help. Investigators ~id the family acquaint· 11nee started out, then-spoUed Officer Jim Wat.son en route. while he was check- ing two men in the 2700 block of Hlrbor Boulevard. Patrolman \\1atson followed lhe victlm·s rriend lo the residenc,, 1\'here .a ~earch failed to indicate how the bedroom in- truder gained entry to the home. Bloodstains and other evidence in the. bedroom w11s photographtd or im pounded by crime sce~e investigators. The rape victim's husband \\'15 at work 1\'hen she was attacked, pollce said. Politics Played Role In !\line Chief Ouster \1lASHINGTON (AP ) -Interior Depart- ment officials susgest polltt~t and pressure frvm a coal Industry faced with impending federal safety ngulstion.s played a decisl\'e role in President Nix· on's ouster of John fl'. O'Leary as head or the Burral. of !'lines. The President fired O'Leary Saturday. just hours after the mines chief signe<I new regulations tO implement the: recent- ly pass(ld tough federal Coal Mine Health ~nd Safety Acl. L.EXlNGTON. Ky. <UPI) -Pat Nixon arrived here today on her toqr of eol· leges and was greeted for the first tinle by about 60 dernonstrators shoutin: •·peace no\v." Their shouts drov.·ned out a short speech she made as she leh her government jet at Blue Grass F'Jeld. The First Lady did not actually see th, Qemonstrators who \1·erc identified as members of Students for Democrat ic So- ciety {SOS ). They were al>out 300 fet'l from her aircraft "·hlch landed at 10:05 a.m, (EST) on a flight from Lansing, J\fich. !\fr~. Nixon, "l'Carlng a peacock blufl: belted coat and matching blue dress. wa!' taken baek by the chanting. She stlim- mered for a momenl in her airport speech but quickly regaint:d her com- posure and responded to a cheering wel· come from about 1,000 persons. Easter Vacation . Slvin1 Oass Due Swllnniing will be taught during Easter Vacation at Orange Coast Y~tCA, giving splashers and dog·paddlers a jump on the cro\vded summer instruction sessions. Children 7 to 14 may recei\'e five lessons of 30 minutes each during the r.ta.rch 23 through 27 series. 'l''ith pr11ct.ictt after during the daily Y recreational S14'ims. Ad~itiOnal information may be obtained by calling pool manager Bill Chunn, who is taking re gistration for the program. to be held at \' headquarters. :?.300 Universi· ly Dri\'C, Newport Beach. The carpet they both chose? 'Bigelow's Barcelona Earct'lona eM'lbil'lt's lht' casual. •·inH·loued l!ha,,-Jo6k of lodl!ll' wi1h an eteiant SpanUh ;,riJt' pattern. Thi!' lont. 1Jendtr yarns havt 11. ao(I , ~hin1mery glow .. , the dr11.mallc multi· t.'0101'3 an 1'ledftf!'rr1ncan·i'lsplrl"d. Us~ Bar- ctlona il'I ~ Sp.a.nl!h or J\lerli lt'TT&nf'an ·1E'llln1 or "A'lth ultre.modt>rn or ml:tro conlemlJ()raty ••• for a truly slunnln: tffecl. A"d beeluse tht fiber's nylon. Bal't't'Jona's ~o f ll!Y to cart!' for. Soil doesn't $10'' 1how ... and riilr sta~·~ crls11 and .11prlngy. A fin,. buy tot •nl-141, y4. one •-ho \\"anu rreal ~tyllh!: • •. fl roomful or luxury ... ar "'<-1..,.,.., 1ri11111t. • dcwn·lo-carth price. '''';.;~:.:,.:,,,.. ' 6SwJ Mcditemnw Shades ALDEN'S CAJiP'ETS -DRAPERIES . ' • Medile:rr•nt1n Mou Antique A~btr ~ Sptni1h Poppy Sp1nlsti Uathtr • Or•n•dl Gold Ata.vio Avocad• • ' • 100 ~! aftpro,•ed n1:e10~,. nylon pile I ll Y£A~S 5EJ:Vl,.;Q. TH£ Ol:AN(;.( COAST I 1663 Placentia-Costa Mesa F~ont 646·4138 I I • ' I \ 1 I -~ . •• . Today's Fl•al N.Y. Stocks VOL 63 , NO. 52, l SECTIONS, 28 PAG ~S . · .. ORANG~ COUNTY, CALIFORNI A T ESOAY, K<iARCH l. · 1970 TEN CENTS " • . Flap Fla.res.-Over St. Clai~'s Non-flight Suggested impropriety In spending and bad manners in ch001Sing passengers for ;a c,ruclat busines5 flighl brought angry denials l_rom the mayor as the Costa Mesa City Cou11Cil mel r-.1onday. Newport Beach attorney Don Small- 1.,,ood read a leuer raising the questions about the Feb. 19 rught lo El Centro ror ;i State Highway Commission hearing in. volving the future Pacific Coast Freeway. Councilman William L~t. Clair wanted t !ea t on Costa Mcsa·s four-passenger Johnson ·' Suffering ... Chest Pain SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) -For· mer President Lyndon B. Johnson suf. rered ''transient pain" in his chest and l~ft arm today. Doc1ors watching his f'\'Cry heartbeat gave him medicine to relieve lhe discomforl. .. The President had a generally good night but. continues to experience dis· 1·omfort in his arm and chest," Tom .Johnson. the former presidenl's exccu· th·e assistant. told 11 mellical briefing .. "The President expericm;ed some dis- 1·om!ort in his arm al 2 a.m.," the aide ~aid. • · Lt. Col. Robert l.. North, chief heart specialist at Brooke Gener'al Hospital, diagnosed the discomrort as "transient pains'' not connected with lbe chest ·pains that senl the 36th U.S. president In lbe Army hospital Monday. ''Our main concern in· our current trf'atment is lo try and prevent a heart .:11.tack." North said . "This is the thrust nf t>ur treatmenl. • "These current pains do no perma- nent damage to the heart. \Ve don't tu1ve a bleak outlook. In fact, we are very optimistic. Of course. no one has the power of clairvoySncit=." North said Johnson was given qu ini- rline sulphate and 1varfarin to relieve his discomfort. The first drug is uscif tn .reducc chest pains and the second Is an .anlicoagulant. .At the medical briefing. Toni Johnson ., said North diagnosed the overnight pains as a mild aftermalh to the chest pains experienced Monday. "The President suffered premalur,.. ~·ontractions, that is. extra heartbeai.s 1hat cijrnc earlier than expected," lht' aide said. '.'ti.1edlcal ion was applied and lhesc extra heartbeats have been in· frequent since I or 2 a.m. "At 9:30 a.m .. he experienced :1n- nlher paiii and continues to have dis· romfort in his chei.1 and-left ann. "· The 61 -yea r-old former prtSidenl wa" J;i\'en x·rays and constant elec1rocard· iograrn,s today. "All were within nor· m11I limits," said his aide. • North said Johnson 's weight of 217 1vas within lhe normal limits for his age and· heigh t. . Johnson's wile. Lady Bird . his coni· panion for .35 years. l'.·as at his bedside in their sevenr.h floor hospital sui le . A tram of heart specialists monitored hi~ rt·ery heai-lbca! by an clectrocardin· gram machinl' .. Johnson suffered a se· \'t're heart attack 15 years agll. Mesa B1u·O'lars el -Get Calcua tor Authorities are calculaling . today 1vho might be braren enough to walk out of a· i;ec'ur ity·tight ·chemical plant in Costa ti.frsa with a Sl,4~ calculator rqachine. Officials at the Narmco ~1aterial~ Division of lhc Wh ittaker Corporation. liOO \1icloria St.. reported theft of thr machine :;iomelimc during buslncs:1 hour~ to police Monda y, af!er 1heir own In· \'C!ltlgalion . ~dmund 0. Rondn tolrl detective' cmployes entering ancl leeYing lhe (:hemical manuractur ing plant musl ha re identification badges and are Checked by J1ecurily ofUcfrs. Anyont taking, oul mach inery for work ,.lse"•here is also required to sign for H. but no one had done so and a thorough i;e11n::h o( the plant indicaled il "'asn'l misplaced, Rondo said. 1{01110 Bias 'f est Due wt.SHINGTON C A P ) '--Th• i:o,·crnment's authority to \rilhhold .•ecurity clt.arance!I from homoserual~ "'ill be tested soon in the Supreme Court. Civil Llbert iC5 Union lawyers citing Frr:ud. Kinsey and more current medical :aulhorily, :are. claimin,R 1n a rccenlly filrd 1ppeal that homo.~rxuill• :1 rr nn lt-t' trusf."'l)rlhy lhan :any nlher .11:rnup nr htrm;in bein5~. ' plane. which eost S20fi to cb·arjer and car. ried a homeowners'. group representative front Newport Beach. ' St. Clair \Vas forced o drive. at a $55 . cos t to the city and SmallwOOd's letter and subiequent address cri Ucir:ed the ex- clu sion or an electfd official. The exchan)e was tinged with bitter· nC5,\ at times and SmaUwood was obvious- ly stung by Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley's r~ marks, requesUng a copy ol the trans- cript or the recorded debaJe·alterward. SmaDwood's1lett.er raised three primary election and It! campafgni~g. quesliops, lollowed by two he said mu9t These were Smallwood's que&tions In not go unaosw'ered .:if the Jirst were aJ. essence : firmed, carefullY qdyine each point. \Vho were the Costa Mesa representa-~ .. "J find so many ambiguous statements lives flown to the meeting? .. -•possibly'.• 'apparently' ~perhaps' -\Vho participated and who did not? 1hat l'm .aoinl ~ uae 'appareJJtly'." • Did a Newport Beach representative ~o fumed. Mayor Binkley, alter hearing the on :he city-chartered ,flight and who in-• letter. . , vited him?• "'Apparently rthl.s repreiinls the &illy ti.fayor Pinkley klentified them. said not season we have every two yeau:," he all parllcipated but were present if ncerl- sakl, rerCrrt.nc .10 the !mpendinr A.pril ed and said Forrest Fullmer, a Newport , ~­... Beach foe of reopening the Coastal Pree. way route question, wenl, alon1 at lhe mayor's in\•itation. Smallwood I.hen wanted to know \\'hat public purpose was served b'Y taking F'ul- mer at the r.xclusion of St. Clair and what is the city 's policy on such travel ex· penditures. · ' "The gi1t of my complaint is the Lran$- porl of a Newport Beach representalive.'' said Smallwood. i\tay?r Pinkley said t'ullmcr carried petitions against any change In the Coa!I · al Freeway route, 11lgned by J.300 New- port Beach residents and 400 Cos ta Me .s- ans . · He added that Costa .i\f e11a had been lli· volved in thar particular fight for seven years and lhal Jo'ullmCr's aid was con· side.red strong. "There was no request ma~y ~tr. St. Clair uolil 10 o'clock the ni t before. .,.,.e left early the nexl mo , ,. be ISte llIDE, Pace Z) • -.. Wilson Eying Race .. . --Vit Seat to.Be Filled After M arc1i Filing • OAIL'f' ,11,.0 T Pll91t iY Arfflff VlllHI Dataes Await Snaorgasliorlf Security is having a dog in the hou se. Tb& Heil -Chauncey hotise is al .t\-108, Surfside. Hal and·his family feel v.ery secure. The Great Danes' are Nova and Queenie. They ·are still puppies. ·\Vben they grow up, second-story men will stay ~ut of the little beach colony. Mesa Club Burglary Loot Recovered in Suspect Car Ao ~stimaled Sl ,500 wor~h of !<portswear. club:«1 and thawed meal allegedly taken in lhe burglary h( !he Costa J\lcsa GoU and Country Club wa~ recovered from a sus pect vehi cle Monday af!ernoon. - Coniplainls charging a Huntingj,on Reach man and his companion. capt!r'ed ;iffcr a poller chase from the scene dur- ing the predawn hours ~·ill be sought from the District Attorney Wednesday, Gene M. Bames. 42, of 19142 Bushard St.. and John R. Jackson. 3~. Las Veg'As, Nev .. were booked oo burgla ry charges, 1\·hile one and possibly two other,suspects \\'ho escaped are still sought. A search warrant Issued by the district attorney allo"'ed inYestig&tors·to open the car, which was abandoned in the 270ll block of P~rson Way about J a.m .. after Sgt . Thell Glascock,gave chase . Barnes and Jackson were apprehended nn foot in the area after Sgt. Glascock'"' patrol car was almost hit by 1 vehicle leaving the coontry club. ~ Police ~'ere converging on the scene after aomeone who forced a kitchen door unwit6ngly triggered an ultraviolet \ighl bca'\1 alarm system inside. si,,.,'I( 'iUnrket NE\V YORK ·(APl -1,'he stock,markel ahoWed a. slend'er gain late this 1hernoon in moderate trading. ·{Set quotations, Pages s.9-), • , • By TOM BARLEY Of "'' O•ilr 'n" Sit/I Special elections fitted Into the regular election year schedule will be set soon tn fill terms of the late Congressman James B.'Ult and anot11er Southland .legislator, Gov. Reagan said today~ ' The vacancies left by the death of Ut{ Sund ay and Los Angeles County Rep. Glennard Lipscomb last i'nonth will be closed by elections sci afte r the l\1arch 20 filing deadline passe; for the June primary. C~1a i\tesa Vice f\1ayor Robert 1\1. ''Bob" Wiison in the meantime made il clear today he will have a1T1ajor_polit.ical announcrmcnt to make immediately after Mesa Supports Vrule v Plea -• On Airpo~t ;J>c Costa ~1esa City Council Monday joined a plea by the Fountain Valley Scholl District urg ing county officials to abandon an y considera tion or an airport in the Marine Corps' :\tile Square helicopter praclice field . Councilman \VllUam L. SI. Clair voled againsl proposal, c;ndcmning it as typical or suburban encroachment around aviation racilities which:.a.r.a ultimately forced out of operation . "That's the prohlc1n with airport~ to- day," said St. Clair. "we surround them and then scream about them .·· • Councilman \Villard T. Jordan was 11bscnt and the mea sure Passed on a 3 tn l vote. calling for lhc'airpark tentatively proposed in 1he county's ~faster Plan o( A\•iatioo. to be forgott~n. School officials say the Marint _Corp" will never allow fixed-wing aircraft to opcrat' from the one-squa re-mile fa cility now used as a hcllter training rield. Aul.horilies Jn shington r in a 11 y agreed to allow pa ial use of th'c site a!I a county regional park and the school rl.istrict is anxious to obtain a ?uturc cam· pus site there . • County Supervisors recently refused lo eliminate the airpML.sitc -ont. of ~veral shown In the .aviation plan '!! Pnase 111 -from the Marine Corps pro- ~rty. at leaSt on paper. They did agree Lo make .choice of a future airport site a priority item of busiiles.'! lo enable the Fountain Valley School District to resolve the site pro- blem as soon as ~ssible. 7 From El .. 'Poro Rescued Gun.rd Chopper Sw oops Into Floo cled Baja Can y on By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of "" ~ll't' ,;.., Stiff A group oC El -Toro tiotiieW1vcs inO their childron are bit~~. after :a dramatic helicopter ~eJromL• flash flood-ravaged canyop near San Vjcente, Baja Cllifornia. The women and children were among 10 airlifted out or lhc muddy wash Mon· day, where up to 30 more persons, many Americans; remain Isolated .in need of food and water. Authorities said the:rc are no serious In· juries or deaths involved and thal thr three El Toro men chost lo stay behind \\'Ith their vehicles and equipmcnL The. sne is about 110 mlres'SOUlh of San Diego. Squads o( Mexican soldiers and re!l('ur workers in (our-wile.el drlvr vehicles werr nrclered Into thP isolated 3Nl11 lnd•Y- -l·hrre r1v11i;in~ r11in~ h11vt wiped nut ~lrcady-niggcd rnad s. ,._ . Th: El Toro residents were 1dcntifi~ 111s Mrs. Mvpret Browo, of 2447! ffi;hpine Road, sons Larry, I. and Arnold 1: Mis. Anoe Olgilvl•; a neighbor. her daughtera Sandr11, 4, Carollne, I, and son, David, $ months. . ~irs. Brown, contacted 1t home today , said aoother U.S. Coast Guard helicopter "'as sent in to the mountainous ·area thil~ morning and she expected further word by this afternoon. The victims w~e airlifted to Coas1 Guard headqua~rs · in San 'Oi'8o 24 hours after the storm hit, in 1.n evacua· non remarkably siml!lr to thc>se.. cttc1ly one year ago b1 Oranae County's Silverado and P.1odjeska canyons. Coast Guard Commander Robcrl .(;ook. reM:ue director, sai d loday fll le11:.t '36 pc.rMns have bef>n accounted for in a 40- mile r8diu3 of the Oood-slrlckt.n cmstal c11nyons. .. Hikers finally ~lrugglcd oul f)f tht: hills lo summpn help, Rescued \tictims offered thcit own ar.· t'OUrlls of the nightmare storm which l~fl 3tanding lakes. pools or 11\ud aiid otl'lcr hazards besides destntying' roads and _ SWl!tping away bridges. • Jenny Sumner. )0, daughter of Marine 1 Corps Capt. D. \V, Sumne r, was a cam- ping trtp guest or the Browns. neighbors in El Toro. #' • Clutching her arithmetic book and sip- ping orange Juice after-the helicopter la11· ded ~·lib lo refugees In San Diego. U1e girl did it ~·ea terribty ~cary. "'The rain blew In !tff the gulf la!~ Sa1urday nlghl. It was rrtghtening, howl· inR wilh heavy winds.'' "If these men fro1n lhe Colist <.:uard h9dh'I come when they did , \Vef would hllve been In rough ~hape'1 s a I d Mr~ .. Srnwn, holdin; 1'.ilnds wtth h'tr 90n5 , , ADDITIONAL STORIES, PAGE 3 Utt's funeral Wednesday. Wjlson told the DAILY PILOT he ha.ii been getting great encourag~ept from Sacramento lo bid for one of two state posts expected to become vacant in the near fut ure. They Arc Robert Badha1n 's 71st As- sembly DiSlrict seat and John Schmitz'i; 34!h Senatorial DislriCt post. Like the late r.1r. Ult and Mr. Lips- comb, Wilson and the two state legisla- 10~ are Republicans, while Badham and Schmitz are both expected to join G(;)P candidate William WilcoxCn in the ract lo replace Ult. • The Laguna Beach attorney was aJ. ready a candidate for the Congress seat held by Utt for 18 years. ( • The governor's announcement today in- dicated the special blilloting will fit iD with June and Nol'ember elections. A sourCe close to th \ governor's of(ic.1 told this newspaper tt lay that "Wilson is a certainty to an•i unce for one of those seats and it m'1. likely will be tht Assembly." \Vilson himself expressed a prefe.rencl!I for that post and is' exPccled to cutnounce ror it if Badham goes for the Ult seat . (Ste ECECl10NS, Page t J Mesa Clubhouse Started After 5 Years Plann,ing Ground has been broken for 1 new ~tOdite.rrancan-Style clubhouse for Costa ~1e.sa 's Halecrest Club, a 7.000-squ~re· fool structure which has been in the plan- ning stage for five years. · The new facility at 3124 College Drive ii; 1o be built by Atlas B'uilders Jn'c;. and t.'Ompletcd by June, according to lhe organization 's Board of Directors. Complete recreitfonal and mel?ling racililies will be included al lhe site, (iarrett. 'aj110 a member. was on hand for the event .. The, club's five-acre site incllJdes .three swi~ng pools. baskelbaJI, tennis and shuffleboard courts, plus children '! play aroas. 'Alaska Week'' which will retain it~ original smaller SJ ._] • M clubhouse for classes and other functions. ateu Ill esa Parlici~nts in the &round-breaking cere1nony ~ere Halecrest. Club preside~t ·-Looking no rth to one or America 's most Mllto~ Basnett. vie~ president Joel, Vail, majesUc est~tes, Costa J\1esa rrta.yor planni ng Bnd rules director Dave Leighton Alvin L. Pinkley· ha:;i procl aimed Marcb and Woinen's auxiliary oUit:ers Mrs . 16 through 21 Ala11ka· Trade and Travel Gene PJphlam and Mrs. Joel Vail. \Veek . Alias Bui.Jders represent.alive Robin F. The period will coincide with the March Cyclist F aces '-Theft Rap Af ter .Puzzling Poli~e .. A one-cved bass player observed bv puzzled police In a rather odd rendezvous with a teenaged ,:!irl \Va.~ arrested carlv lod11y In Costa Mesa on s~·plcion or motorcycle "-heft. Michael J, QolrHo, ~. of ?016 .Arnold Ave ... Costa l\otesa. protested his in· nocenct, sayln,q he recently bought the '"'Cle for $100 in Laguna Beiiich 11nd the owner l~,ft for Vietnam with the reglstra· tlon. Patrpl Sfrl. ~ry Shull said he saw a r·~r driven by a 19-year-old girl pull into a xhopping center at Wilson ' Street and r-.,11r1re-Avenue al 3:50 a.m., then the headlights winked on and orf. 'Tien!!! later. he said, Quirito emerg- f!d Jrom an ·:adjaccnt fleld.·pushihg the '"~'i cycle. grabbed the car door· handle and the girl drove off as he coasle<I along ncsidc. Radioing for a backup unit, Sgt. Shull follow ed them to Z206 Rutgers Drive. where he and officer!I Owen Krcza. and non Casey questioned th4l pair about their activitie4. The cycle WlS impounded due to teveral indic~itlOM it might be stolen, In· r!ludlng a.Pparently altered s er I a I numbers besides the lack or paperwork. • ,' 'Auui~ Ge t Gun ' Set At &.La ncia Sc]1qo] Orama studtnll at Eatlncla High School in COsta t11esa_are o11ing up their wcapuns for the pla,v "AMie Get ''ou r Gun," an ever·popuJ~r production with a cast or dozens. • The show~rcaturing SO persons Wiii run 1\1arch l"l, 13 and 14 in the campus ~~orun1. under the d1rcclion nr Drama lnslructor J<imf'I Stnuder. 12 Ulf'ough 21 Alaska Trade. and Travel Exposition Lo be held at the South Coast Plaza Shopping ,Cenler. ~1ayor Pinkley noted that the U· position , which will even draw the Alaskan· governor, is designed lo promote trade and travel in the 49th state. i4 ·tr -tt Discove r Ala ska In Pilot Today The DA IL Y PILOT today lncl.ude11 a "fold-it-yourself." four-page tabloid He· Lion sponsored b'y South Coast Plaza ,,.. Me.rchants Association. The scction ·offers a complete rundown nn what to expect when Alaska "move~ lo Costa P..1esa" ne~t week. tt prevlewA the Alaska Trade & Travel Exposition "'hich opens Thursday, March 12. lt'1 in· side, on Pages 6A and 68 . Coast "Sunny midweek weather \\'Ith mereury readings In I.he middle 60's is the fine fareJor. the: Orange Coasl on ~Qesday. INSIDE TODJ\Y Divorce -Califor11ia $£JJla .. You've come a long way, btJl?y • Noia you can. sever all conntc· 1lo11.s 10IU1 Jtour · mlamotch~d mat.c itt 11 111a tttr of ()() second~. See Page I O"."" • ' r • L. .c • . Opposes Rotate Council Hopeful Blasts Freeway N~ Beach City Council candidate Wbols•y 11id he disarree1 with the po. • > r .. ~,,.. -•---.-... ,... 4---'4 -. Leai·y Bacl{ F1·01n Texas, Waits Te1·m there 1"bould bt a Pacific coast Fret\\·ay sid~ tht city ~ncll has tak6it Of work· Roy Woolsey n ld today he doesn't °'Ink Jng with stale high"'''Y eniinffrs to get - thrbugh Newport Beach. • the best possible configuration within lhe Facing 10 years In federal prison and a yet.undetermined sentl!nce hert on marl· juaoa and LSD chirges. Or. Timothy Leary is b$ran~e Counly Jail In· ·Tile freeway \l<'ould wlpt oiAt too rn·uch adopted Coast Freeway route ilthough proptrty that atnerates taxt1 for the, not yet signlna the air-e.me:nL acbool district, and city and county iov-"~fy position la "'e shouldn't ne,Otlatt ernment. he u id. • ' detalls oC allpmenl unlesa we accept the He suggested motori sts: dri.ve... an ~Sidi-~ _ttnttal rovte ,'i. he said. He sa1d it "'as (Ion.al slx miles around Uppt:r Ne"'J)Drt hls opinion 50n1t membe_rs of th.e .city Bay via the Newport and Corona del j\1ar council vott:d to proceed "'Ith n!!J0li!ltion11 freewa ys and that to accommodate the without concedlna that the route la a pro~ lraffie an extra lane or two be added to tr one:. ueh. \Voolsey 1aid comments o{ members of "It isn't too much or a burden tit drive, the state }li&hway Commission indicate com,pletely around the bay," said Wool· some of thern recoinlzt it la not a well :sey, i:n attorney wht> liv~1 on Lido Isle. thou&ht l)Ut freeway. "And think Of the tremendout savln1s. not only in ta:x re venue, bul iii consl.tuc· t.ion coeoti." . Woolsey i1 running aaaU,st Carl Kymla for the city council seat of ~tayor Doreen lifarlhall, who ls not 1eekln1 rffleetion. 1 \\'oolsey said it would bt much cheaper lo add ex tta lanes to the 10 miles of the Newport Freeway aloni Newport Boutc. ''ard and the Corona del Mar Freeway a I o n i Palisades Ro~d •nd MacArth ur Boulevard than to bulld four n'lilts of additionil freeway along Pacific -Coast Highway. A costly high-Jevel bridf;t .across Upper Nt:wport Bay \\'OUldn't be . netded, ?la point.eel out. The value of the land in lht adopted rreeway route that wouldJ'l't be taken exettds $411 million. Woolsey claims. Property tax r!!altud on the land, in· eluding parcels already sold to the Jtat1, is hZ0,000 per year for Newport.Mesa School District alone, he said. He 'ir;aid it ii J.2 percent of the total •tT miJllM local tu revenue the school diatrict an· ticipat.es this year. Sandbags Block Advancing Tides •• At Newport Piel' A levee of 11nd ti1cs tod1y hel~ back the Pacific Octan that threatens ~aim trttfl ind a comer of the Newport Pier parking lot 1t ~nd St.mt. A mountain of loose sand dumped ·ov« the s<ind bags Monday \\'ashed l"'-'Y Overnight but tl\e 1and bag1 held. "The loose s.nd doesn't do any &60d 11nyw1y. it "'ashr.s ·~·ay ""Ith I.ht first wave." pid Nt9Lfl)Ort Beach Gen4!ral Str· vices Director Jacob r.1ynderse. Sut ~1ynderse said he was plt&!td "'ith the "''Y· the sand b111Gs were holdin1 and ordered no new ...,·ork today. "\\1e'll main- tain it •~ necessary. ~laying on ton Of It through the next se veral d1ys of high lldf'~," ht Slid . • .. The hi@:he~t tide ... i111 be si>:·feet. rour- lnchts on Friday. High tide today was five.feet. five-incher,. Only a few feet of parking lot ra\'lng '"'aS Inst In lhe tida l nnstaugJ'll that be1an Sunday night .!Ind the palm treez ""'rt ~11 vtd 'Voodel'I in-olns J>Uf In l11t year in front of cily Lif Pgi11rd Headquarters en th• nf.her side of the piPr hive btt" e2:ntis~d. but five feet o( beach rtmains lh•t htsl'l 't been scoured away. CdiU PRINCIP A.L HOSPITALIZED Corona del ftfar High School Principal L'°n ftfeek s remained in the int111s1ve car~ .. v.·~rd at Hoag ftfemori1I Hospital loday •:here he has betn slnc1 sufftr:ing 1 heart attacK in his 0Uic1 eight days ag:o. Hiz con!Ulion i~ rer>0rted ft> be stable. t>feek~. 51. has been principal al Corona rl eJ ~tar Hirh ~ince the school opent:d 1n 19fi2. DAILY PILOT R.i.,,1 N, W11 '4 ''111it"• ..... ~lll~fr r J•tk l. C"rlev Vl(.I ll'rMld'••ll •"f C.tftlrtl '-'t"l~t• Th1..it1 Kttvo l li•ll•• Tltti.141 A. M1i1fllt •11t ""'"~''"' ,,, ... C•it• Mtt• Offlc• J)O Wt1t It'( St111t Mt~li11' AJd11u 1 ,,0 , '•• 15.0, ?l•l6 Ottt-r Oftlc" Ht~I lttdl: HH Wt" lupo~ t ov11v11'11 ~·•1111• 8HUi : H) ,Drttl A•t<i ut H11nlltrgl0" atttft· 11111 l t•c!t 6.,,,l•Y•rl &tn Cl-I•! JI» Ntr!h f l C11T1i1ta •Ml T•l.,a.1 .. C1141 642·•l21 ~" ..... .,.'"'' ,.,.,.,. (...,, ... ,, ""f 0Ft119~ CH 11 P'Ull!ltlll~I '-",,_.,..,, H1 rtfWI ,,....,.,, llh11"'°'11t1t .. .,.lflor._I _,,_, tr M Wtrlii....,W!f' "••tl1t _, M .....,..lllM W\l'IOtvl 1t ll(.l1! M" "'!JI• If °'1'flfll! ,..,., .. &~ elf» ........ P91f t ! Ht•"" 11101 tllll ce.;-Mttt. C..11l1r"i. $~'""""'\ ,, ttrrfott ., 00 """"'"'' ~V f'N!I 1J1Jt -MllYI """"'" Mt1'1riilltl'lt. t? OI) "*""!'(, • • Youths Face Trespass Rap After Arrest A total of 114 Oran"tc cOunty juvenlles and adu lt! \\'ill race court aclion1 in· vol ving trespass in the latest or many roundup$ or revelerg at tht: ucluded Ortega Hichway hot springs 1p1. But the defendants, all rounded up by Orange County sheriff's deputies late last week and herded inlo waiting huse1, will be promuted undlr :state laws, instead oC the coonty code, htcause the latter waS ruled IUJCOn1UtuUonal after a similar raid at the same spOt 'last year. Sheriff's invest11ative Clpt. James Broadbelt said today the yeun1 peraons would bt1ln m1kin1 court appea.r1nees on the misdemeanor char1es this week . The defendanu were rounded up in the area of 1 former hot 1prin111 sp1 12 mlles up Ortega Highway which Iii now undtr control of tht Micco Corporatfon. The riMTI plans development there. Broaabelt sald the tr1sp111 problem at the spa haa Jingertd for I.ht p1st year. but tbt use of tht idylUc hideaway has been common for many year•. "The trtspa~ng -and therefore the. law enforcement -problem i• about one year old 1 but only rectntly were we able to 1ttp in and make arre1t.s there,·· Broadbelt said. "Thi: area finally was brought up to standards as far aa pastin1 al\d ftncing is col'ICerned." he added. L11t week 's rtvtltrs tore out uveral part&· Of 11ew finl'.!es erected to seal off the area. The site Jona: has bttn a mectini'Pl1tce for youths who alle&:edly ena:aa:e in nllde sv.·im111in1, drug and mariju1na u1e and sex, officers aaid. Robbery Suspect Slip~ Captured l I11 ·Long Beach A suspect in the arm1.: rfJbbery of Bal· Port Lounie 1n Ne"'POrt Beach was In critical condition today in USCCDunty l\fedical center in Loa An5ele1 after being shot .:Jurina an alleged holdup attempt in Long Beach early Sunday niorning. Ne\11port Beach dettcU\'t Capt . l.ouis lleeres said Bobby JOe Brummett. JO. of Los An1el~s has be:en Identified a! a suspeet in list >,1·eek 's N>bbery of !ht Nev,..port ta"ern at 4SO'I' \V. Coas1 High"':&y. ~!is alleccd accomplice in Saturday's $hooti"'. ·?i.1ary S. Cuna!, 30, of South Gate, could not be pasiliyely identified by N!v.•part victims. "They're wanted by S~nla I nica , Do"''ney. Jna lewood, Torranc Los Angeles Sheriff's ()(fict . ' he said. Capt. Hee:rts noted Brummett is on Pil'fJle rrom a convicUon o( an ~sauh with a deadly weapon. The pair were t.a ktn ittlo custody antr a :shoot-out that wounded Brumml!tt and tlvtt pat.tons Of a Long Beach ba.r they "'ere allegtdly attempting: to rob. l..ong _Beach police said they entered Poor Richard'• Bar, 1412 t . Stefns St. just btf"1e cloe:in1at2 a.m. Sunday. Takln& po11tlonJ 1l 11ch tnd of the bar. the tWtl repertedly pulled eut IUnt aM told 12 patrons alld the bartender to ernp- ty their pockets. Repcati111 the p1aern se.t In the Ne\\·port hold up, Brummett \\'IS alle1ed· 1 in the process of taking clolh~s from lht 1ictJms. '\'hen one hit him O\'er t~e head •ilh a bar st01JI. Kenn 1Uchmond later told offietr~ he \l'as " ick aod tired of punk$ who had (Uns." . -Mi!! Carnal 1aw Richmond 'll>restling "ilh her Ptrtner and reportedly fired aix 5hots from her .15-<:allber aummallc. Richmond aJ)d 1 eornpanion, 1i1rs. Muriel \\'ehrmaa received superficial nesh "·ounds, but l'tlctunond's \\'ife. l'loren«i, and Brummet suffered maJ<;r wounds. ~frs. Richmond "'Ill rtported In ~atisf1dory condiHon 1t Lon:g Beach Community H06pital. HEW Attoruey Na111ed "1AS1~t~GTON tUPl l -J. Stanl"Y Pot11ni;cr. S3n Yranc i$Co Re1lonal At· tt rnt)' ff.Ir the llealth. Eclucittlon and \\'C'!lfare Dcpartmen l, "'as namt:d today lo ~u ... "Cted Lton r.. P11ri'clla, the ousttd l!E\Y clvU rlghu chief. l DAILY "ILOf' ""-.. ~' •1<~11' ll:tlltl'li' day afters ncln1 Monday in Te xas. The SO.year d former H a r v a r d ps)icboiogy ptotesaor was gh·en the term by U.S. District Court J udge Ben Con· nally, and nO"'·n back immediately ' following the hearing. "Love cannot' be a prisoner.'' shoutetl Dr. Leary as two burly U.S. marshals escorted IUm from the Houston c:ciurtr~m and a waiting al r por t limousmt:. · One wore black' and the other \\'Ore white. ~1rs. Rosemary L!!ary. who also face.~ the March II sentence hearins bet'aa. Judge Byron K. McMiiian in Oranae County Superior Court. read a statemenl afterward. NEWPORT FIREMAN WASHES DOWN CHARRED KITCHEN OF HOME ON NEWPORT'S LIDO ISLE lnvt1tlg1tor1 Trtce Stert of Biez• t• Weste 8a1k1t in Kitchen of BayfrDnt Re1 id1nc1 Judge Connally-IJke Judge McMillan. \\'ho found the couple and son John Leary. 20, guilty last month of the drug possession charge origlnaling in Laguna Beach -said Leary is a public menace. Mrs. Leary agreed , but not in the same and denial of bond came "as a shock. although I see it happening all around the country , .. a stilling of frl!e speech." Firemen Douse $26,000 Blaze Ou Lido Isle -Newport Beach ftremen said today a bleze that did an e5tim1ted $26,000 dainage t.o the Lido Isle home of the retlr~d Uu:i.inessmen t\fonday afternoon started in a waste baske .. in the kitchen. Fire unit! were called to the blaie al 820 Via Lido Nord by a neighbor of Neill Davis \11ho saw smoke cominc from Davis' ho1ne. Firemen gaid $6,000 damaae was done to the buildin& and $2Q,OOO to contents from the firt that gutt9d the' 1dtc1\ert and ~ining area. "Considt:rable heat and smoke damaae "'as sustained throughout the structure," they noted. Davis told investigators he was Dul on his ·$().foot cruiser "Sleepy Eye'' which 13 docked at the home when a neighbor ~houted lhere "'as a fire . Dari~' wife "'a• nl>l at hon1e al the time. -...., ... Three fire unit! called to the sceni at 4 :2~ p.m. controlied the fire "'ilhin n1inutes, firemen said. Two Harbor patrol rire boats were also at the scene , buf were not uged. Jnve1t1g1klrs W!!re unable to determine the c1uee of the fire . t'1·ona Pagfl 1 ELECTIONS. • • \\11lSon's contribution to what Is expected to bt 3 "'idespread game or 'Politlcal dominoes "·ould be to yacalt his candi· dacy for the Fifth District supervlsorial stat ht:ld by Supervisor Alton E. Allen. "1 don't believe in t~·o·Yeat terms," \Vi)son said tod ay. "\\rhen you dccld!! to play politics and hold office It should be for 1 reasonable period of time, a term "'hi ch "''ill allow you to sen·e the public rron1 ll Po~ilion of experience . "Tht. ~ix year term of senstor and tl'le four year tfm1 of assemblyman af'e cer· tainlv the most attractive and the 9;3rnl· bly )ob mhtht be the best prospect," \VIJ. son said. The vett ran ct>uncllman, \l'ho hnlds offk•e in the Orange County chapter of the lf11gue of C81Hornla Cities, opc- rRl es an a1\11ing business in Santa Ana under lhr trade nam e of "The Awning lifan. '' The pnlitical "''hirlpooJ created by the ri~ath of Congr essman UU continued to ~'ldt.n today \l'ith the gro""·inlJ conviction 1n ht.t:h Rf'publican circles that Badham ind Scl'lmi!l are definile candidates for lh!! 35th District Congres.,ional seal. And both Sacr1mento and Santa Ana sources predicted an avalanche of "mini candidates" before the flliDf ))triad e~s. • "\\'e're going to get a Jot or people \l•ho shouldn't rnn for a bus run ninj.? for one of these \'ital :;:,ais and \Ve mieht 'ven ~t1 them runn ini:: fnr more th iln nne !Ital." "''as the acid comment of one top r.,nkinp GOP 5.ookesman. - "Th;it'g line." he saici, •·as long as th is doesn·i spark ,,, struggle that cou ld hurt !he party. This 1s niy major concern and you can bet that I'm passh,~ my feelings ;itong to those 1\ho can do 'something al\<l11t il ", ,, The uniform com1nent among other~ !qbbtd as cand1clat ts for one or all of the three seats that st em certain to become \'acant was ''v.•ait until arter the ru neral." Lasl rites will be held Wedntsday in Gar. dep Grove for the late con1ressman . But the attitud!! of respecL for Utt'.!! fllntral ser\'ice~ die! not a-ppear to pre· elude 1 multi tude ti! clo~ed doo r political conferen~s lh1'1)1.l(!hout the cO\lnty -se!· i;ion!l which h11ve not been confined to the Rep1,1b1lcan party. l.;ead•n1 Or11n1?!! COtlnt\' 1Nmoc r111 1 t'll"" ~'I )'1•1d{lll"tf witJi D~~nrr3!iC OT• R"anlt'r Louis 8. Cella of :int11 Ana ,in,... Utt's tteiot h and It Is irmly be- Hev'd by rtli11b\c ~urc!:$ that the po.a:~I· h'e opporl unlt!es 10 the party from the Utt v11cancv ha\'e h(tn discussed. The onlv Democrat who b11s ~ far an· no11nced llis-candldncy Is 'l"homas B. Len· )l1rt of 'T'u.•tin. L(nh11n "''' trounced by Ult in I.ht llJG6 and 196& elections. Nervous Mesa Rapist "I don"t think the young people of l'ociety are going to tolerate this much longer." Standard said. "It is alien Jo our system, alien lei our Anglo-American beliefs. Th.is country ls in a state "'here one of the difficu es.is the penalties are Attacks Woman in Home more horribl the crime. 1' Leary wa onvicted of smu1gling three ounce o marijuana concealed in a snuffbor 1 de:n in his 18-year~ld daughter's underwear. A 40.year-old Co st a ~1ts1 housewife I.old police ahe \I'&' raped e1rly today by an Intruder who first hid-.in her bedroom and nervou11ly blurted out he h'ad never done 15uch a thing before. The victi m said she wa11 irabbed as she tnlered the room about 12:JS a.m. to re- tire 11nd ordered to submit v.'ithout screaming or he would kill her. She said he · 1eft the house. where hl!r\ children slept through the incident, and she made sure he was gone before tele· phoning a friend for help. . Inves-tigators 'laid the family acquaint- an~ started out, then SP9tltcl Officer Jim Watson 1n route. while he was check- in& two men in the 2700 block of Harbor Fro'" P4f1fl J RIDE ... continued. "T Jm extremely sorry he didn't ask in time t9 go." "I think that covers the "''hole thing ,'' he d1cl1red. Mayor Pinkley said Councilman SL Cl.air turned out to be a good wltne11s at the R:I Centro meeting, althou1h it wasn 't planned that \l'ay at the start. S1nallwood , angered. said he \\'anted 111'1 apology, saying Coun cilmAn St. Clair':; office: demands a measure of respect and Fullmer ~hould ha ve been bumptd from the rli1ht. r ''ice ft1ayor Rob1rt t\f. Wilson chim ed In to a&k Small14-'ood how he became rn· \'Olved ind wa& told a Nt'"'port 8tt1ch re.:;ldent approached him lo a.'il· "''hat "'·as a:oing on. .. "And Councilman St. Clair asked 11•hat T thought about the propriety," th!! Nt1v. port Beach attorney added . The Vice ~fayor fi nally made a motion lo rectivt: and filt Smatlv.·ood's lett er \\'ithoul further action and 1vas seconded by St. Clair, who went into lengthy dis· cusslon or !he matter. "The thing that rea lly bothered mf' \l'llS ·"'·hen I told the mayor 10 have a good fU1ht and he said 'it sure beat5 hell ou t of driving.'" St. Clair concludt:d . • Boulevard. Patrolman Watson fol1011led the vict1m1a friend to the resid!!nce. where a search · failed to indicate how the bedroom in· !ruder gained entry to the home. BlCIOdstains and other evidence In the bedroom wag photograpl1ed or impounded tly-crime scene investigators. The rape victim's husband was at work when she was attacked, police said. . ' Child Education Week Proclain1ed Emphasil-ing the importance of nu.rsery schools to the community, Costa ~1esa ~fayor Al\lf n L. Pinkley his proclaimed i\fereh I through 7 Early Childhood Edu· Ciil tion Week. · Th!! mayor noted in doing so that !'du· c:ition is the fir1!t busineg.s of th!! nation and lhe community end that nursery schools pro\'ide that vital first step to . children in the Jeafning process. He urged that citiiens take ad vantagl! or various shows and program.!! staged throughot.1t lhe week b.~ such institutions of early learning lo further . their know!· edge of the role: they pla y. Politics Played Role In !\line Chief Ou ~ter Vi'~HINGTbN !AP \ -Interior Dt>part· ment officials suggest polltic1 and pres5ure (ron1 a coal industry faced \l•ilh impending rcderal sa re!y regulations pla yed 11 rlecisivc role in President !\ix· on's onsl el' or John f . O'Leary as head of the Burea1.. of P.tincs. The President fi red O'Learv Saturdav. Just hours after the 111ines Chief sign~d new regu lations to im r!en1ent the recent. ly pa5$ed tough ferleral Coal Mine Health and Safety AcL ~larch 11 is the sentence date set In Santa Ana. Employe Guilty Of Grand "Theft .A Leisure World employe accused e.r the theft of cash and cht:cks estimated at $1.&00 pleaded guilty ft1om!ay lo charges or grand theft. Judge Paul ~1ast accepledittiie plt:a of Nick Martinus Schaiilr, 39, of 1682 low1 · St.. Costa r,1e.sa, in Sant.a Ana munfcipiill court and ordered Schaar lo appear lifarch 13 in Superior Courl for sen· tenclng. Schaar faces a possible 1·10 ye:ar term in state prison. ' Schaar was arrest~ after it was alleg· cd that he look the cash and checks from the 'bustn~ office or the Laguna Hill11 r!tirem~nt communitv. It was also testified that the boOkkeeper took · ~n undetermined amount of change from pay washing ma chines and dryers and used the proceed.!! to finance a gambling trip to Las Vegas. • Easter V ucution Swim Class Set s~·imming "'ill be tauaht durina Easter Vacation at Orange Coast Yfl1CA, giving splashers and dog.paddlers a jump on tht crowded sumn1er instruction sessions. Children 7 to. 14 may recei ve fi ve le~ns of 30 minutl!s each during tht ~larch 23 through 27 series. ~·ith praclit* afLer during the daily Y recreational s~·!ms. Additional information may be obtalntd by calling pool manager Bill Chunn , who Is taking registration for the program, tn be held at Y headqu3rters, 2300 Universi· ty Drive, Newport Beach. The carpet ~ . they both chose? Bigelow's Barcelona B1t1·celona combinl!~ thr cagual, "'ind·I06111d sha:--look of todar "¥.llh an elegant SJ')ln b h al"i lTr p.a1tern. The Ion~. alender yarns have a goft, i.:hlrnmery glow ... th<' d1·an1a tlc mulH· colo1·s Are r>!editl!1·r1 nf1111·i.,spirccl. t'se Bar- r<11ona in a Spanish or ,\\f'dll~tanea:'I 1t<ttlntc or \\ilh ul--k'a·modern or mi,'<~teifiporar.v ... for "-truly stunnin, effl!'Ct. And btce use lhr. Clbtr',; nylon, 8arcelona·a !O •1 o•s Cl.!Y lo care for. Soil d~~n·t iii' 1tlow • . . a.na 011111 iGYi criifi ~ - Md sprini:)'. A fin!!' buy (or an~· Ml· y4. oM ll'hO wants rtt•t stylin: ,_ L ... ~ f I r l ' ...-c ....... lrott111, • . . . a room u o uxu ry , , . a "'" w11~ 4,. ....,. • , tiOV.'Tl·lH &rltl pr1tt. fflt lWllM 6 Sunny Mediterranean Shades -. -ALDEN'S · CARl'ETS-DRAl'ERIES , Med ittrr•n••n Moi~ Antiqua Amber• Spabish Poppy Sr-1ni1h Leethar • Oranada Oold Atavio Av~1do iooro •rprorc9 _ ~i aelo'v nr lon pl!t e I J YtA•S S ~ltVll\:G> THE OlAN~E COAST I J 1 ~6l l'laA1ntia-Costa Mesa Phtnt 646-•831 • ,_ • ,. • • 7 I I I I • I ,• • • Lagu11a. Heae~·-Today's Final N.Y. Stoclu ED1T'1-0N • VOL. 63, NO. 52 , 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ' .ORANGE CQUNTY c CALlFORNIA TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1970 "TEN CENTS • an Checkitag Bugs- P lan~ e rS Study . . ·Sign Ordinance Laguna Beach plannlng.com missiorers \\'iii seek City Coopcil approva·1 lo ~ron out bugs in the sigu ordinance at a .11pecial meeting of lhe council Lonight al 7:30 o'clock-: , Planners voted last night to formula te "suitable amendments" to the ordinance wit.'1 council approval while continuing.Jo 8upport the April 15 moratorium on non- conforming signs. Commissioners agreed changes are necessary in .relation to parallel signs being. ~ced no closer than five feet to the adjoining property line, and orien· taUon of ~.;which must be at a 45 degree _angle when placed at the comer of the property. Commissioners weren't in agreement on a third point which would permit the sign portion of a pole sign to project three feel into lhe public way. If the council agrees changes . art. ncc..-essa ry in a vole at the regular Wednesday session , planner!i will work out recommendations for an emergency interim ordinance at a .Marth I study session. In other busin~ss, the commissi on: -Voted. to ask the City Council lo postpone undergrounding of utllitie.s In Heisler Pcirk and allocate $5,000 for a c.Hywide study of undergrounding 'as pro- posed In a recent joint m~ting of the Chamber of Coqlrherce and the Civic League. -Granted contractor John caroline permission to build two residences at '13S and 755 Pearl St. with a reslrk:tion of a maxim4'!i building l'le.ight of l~ fee.L above the existing grade at the front set· back line. -Denied a variance application iought by Julie S. Brebner ol 381 Cress St. to construct a conforming addition lo an ex'· isling nonconforming single fanflly dwell- ing as "not leasible." The cost of bring· ing the present home into conformity was fe lt to .be too expensive. Seven From El Toro Saved From Flash Flood iri B~ja ~1 ART!(UR JI. VINSEL Of tti. D1l1Y PllM 'Stiff A group of El Toro housewives and their children are back home today, after A dramatic hellcopter rescue fronl a flash flood-ravaged canyon near San Vicente, Baja Califomja. - The women and children were among 10 airlihed out of the muddy "''ash ltion· day, where up 10 30 more persons, many Americans, remain isolated in need of food and water. Authorities said there are no serious in· juries or deaths involved and that tht. three El Toro men chose to stay behind with their vehicles and equipment. The site is about 110 miles south of San Diego. Squads of Mexican sol diers and rescue - workers i{t four-wheel drtve vehicles y,·ere ordered into the .isolated area today, Parents Protest Traffic Danger After Accident / In the 'A"ake of an accident that "qrokt ~ child's leg last month, San Clemente resldenls have petitioned for an im· mediate study of lraffic conditions on steep Avenida San Juan. ·'There is absolutely no regard for the ~afcly of our children on lhis street. There are no speed limit signs or other road signs. Citizens driVing up or down A venida San Juan do not heed 1lr pay at· tention to signals on buses that are stop.. ped to pick up or leave our children," the petition 'reads in part. where ravaging rains have wiped out already·rugged roads. The El Toro resident& were Identified as Mrs. Margaret Brow n, of 24472 Highpine Road, sons Larry, 6, and Arnold 4; Mrs. Anne Olgilvie, a neighbor. her daughters Sandra, 4, Caroline, 6, and son, David, 5 months. P.1rs. Brown. contacfed at home today, said another U.S. Coast Guard helicopter was sent into the mountainou s 11rea this mornin_g and she expected hirlher word by this .afternoon. The victims were airlifted to C<iast Guard headquarters in San Diego 24 hours after the storm hil, in an evacua· tion remarkably similar to those exactly one year ago in Orange Coonty 's Sllverado and P.1odjeska canyons. Coast Guard Commander Robert Cook. rescue director. said ~ at least 35 persons have been aCCOUDted for in a 40... 1nilc radius of the flood-stricken coastal canyons. Hikers finally struggled out of the hills to summon help. , Rescued vicUms offered their 01vn ac· counts of the nightmare stonn which left standing lakes, pools of mud and other hazards besides destroying roads and sweeping away bridges. Jenny Sumner, 10. daughter of M&rine Corps Cipt. D. \Y. Sumner, was a cam- ping trip guest of the Browns, neighbors in El Toro. Clutching her arithmetic book and slp- ping orange ju.ice after the helicopter. Ian· ded with 10 refugets in San Diego, the girl said it "'as terribly scary. • •·The rain blew in off the gulf late ' Saturday night. It was frightening, bowl· ing with heavy winds!' ''If these men ffom the Coast Guard hadn't come when they did, we would have betn in rough shape.'' Sil d Mrs. Brown, holdin& 1'.ands W_Ith bu 90fS. Johnson Suffering Chest Pain SAN ANTbNIO, Tex. (UPI) -For· mtr President Lyondon B. Johnson suf· fered "transient pain" !n his chest and "i •. left arin I.Oday. _Ooctaa...JV.i1chin11-111A. __ .,:,,;o...;.:..,-~ every heartbeat gave him medicine 10 relieve the discomfort. ''The President had a &enerally good night but continUes to experience dis· comfort ' In· his ann aiid chest," Tom Johnson, the foimer president's execu- tive uailt.ant. told a medical briefing. ''The President experienced 10me dis. comfort in his arm at 2 a.m.," the aklt 3aid. LL Col. Robert L. North, chief heart specialilt at Brooke C.tneral Hospital, diagnosed I.be dta..omfort as "transient pairu" not COMected with the chest pains that sent the 36th U.S. preside'nt to the Army hospital Monday . •·0ur main concern in our current treatment is to try and prevent a heart attack," Nprth said. "This is the thrust ol our treatment. "These current pains do no perm•· nenl dama,1e .to the ht.art. We don't haVf a ·bleak outlook. l,n fa~t, w~ are Yir; .,uftUstlc. Of>(CCIUrR, nt ene 1'11· -.. lhe ,power of clairvoyance.'' . • ' • • N"O(lh -J-WU ~I· dine sulphate and warf1rin Ito reli!.ve his discomfort. Tho 'firsl drug ts u!t;d · la .reduce chesf pains and tM second I! an anUcoagula'.nl , OAILY'PILO'r f'llell ... Artt1W Y!Mtl Danes · Await Snaorgasbor'il - Al the medical briefing, Tom Johnson !aid North diagnosed the overnight pains as a mild aftermath to the chest pains Secu.ri ty is having a dog in·the housC . The Hal ChaUncey house is at A·108, Surfside. Hal and his family feel very secure. The Great Danes are Nova and Quee!'ie. Th.ey ar~ still puppies. When they ·grow up, second-story men wiJJ ·s"tay out·9f the little beach colony. ~· experienced Monday. . ~ ''The President su!Jcred premature contractions. that is. e:ictra heartbeats that come earlier than expected," the aide said. "Medication was applied and these extra heartbeats: have been in· frequent since I or 2 a.m . · "At 9:30 a.m., he e:cperienced an· other pain and continues to have dis· comfort in his chest. and left arm." The 61.·year-old fonner pTtsident was given :x-rays and COMtant electrocarcl· iograms today. "All w~e within nor· mal limits," said his a\Oe. Solons to J o~n Reagan In Last Tribute to Utt North said Johnson's weight of 21 7 \\'as within the normal \imils for his age and height. Former Patient Sues Hospital South Coast Community Hospital in South Laguna, has been sued for Sl00,000 by a former-woman paUenl who alleges in her Superior Court action that im· proper hospital supervilion led to her fall from he.r hospital room to the sidewalk. A delegation of scores or se nators and congressmen will join Gov. Ronald Rea- gan Wednesday in paying a last tribute to Rep. James B. Utt at a simple funeral in Garden Grove Community Church. President Nixon will be ·unable to 11t· tend the 2:30 p.m. ceremony for Mr. Ult, 70. who was· sJticken by a ratal heart attack Sun~ as he attended c.:hurcb in Washington. "I was shocked and deeply saddened to he;;r of Jimmy's death." said the Presi· dent in a telegram to his widow, Char· Jena. of 2233 Catalina Ave., Santa Ana . "May the memory of his love for his family and his distinguished se rvice In Firing Stud y Urged . ~1rs. Isabel G. Tracy, '76. of SRn Clemente. claims that she suUered multi· pie injuries in her fall on March 27. 1969. and further claims that the hospital staff \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. \Yilliam was aware that she was "weak and C'X· Proxmire tD·\Vis.). challenged the hausted. physically and mentally ... er· Justice Department today to press rat.ic and unable to care for her&elf." "y,·ilhout delay" an investigation Into the Mra:. Tracy furt he r cllarges thtt the firing of A. E. Fitzgerald. who informed hospjtal "failed to properly administe""-Congress about a S2 billion cost increase medication" durinl her montt>--Jon1 stay. of the CSA jet transport. his fellow men be remembered at thi! sad time," the wire said. A group of 43 colleaiUes in the House or Represtntatives and an undeterml11ed number of senators ph1n to attend ser· \'ices for the 35th Dlstrlct representative. The Washington contingent flying . lo Orange County will be led by Rep. Gerald Ford (ft...Mlch.) the House minority lead· er. Re·p. It. Allen Smith {RI-Glendale) formally an nounced ~fr. Utt's death in Coniiess Monday, noting the Orange County native asked ~t it nol impede business-e-tJsuat on Capitol Hill. A resolution of respect was passed. 1t1r. Utt's body wlll be flown to his home coilnty by military transport plane \Vednesday morning for the church rite!, directed' by Saddleback ~1ortuary in Tus. tin. Pallbearer~ annoWlced by the late congressman ·s office today include Lee lfasenjaeger. a bank vice president: Lee Finley, a brother-in-law; Waller Raw· lings, a stepbrothu; Ed Buster, an in· dustriallst; Leroy Lyon, former Orange COOiity A:ssemblyman, Robert Cumber· -worth one o( hi! business associates. Rain Douses 2nd Tl11·own • 'Cocktail' By JOHN VAL TERZA 01 "'-01llr PllH 11111 Still another attempted firebombln1 of a South Coast area bank building came to light ~1onday with reports that San Juan Capistr3nO's branch of South tr n _California FJrs:t.Nati_onal B~s hit by bombers late Sunday night. , The Molotov cocktail thro\vn at that of· fice at 31971 Camino Capistrano missed its mark, however, and was doused b}' heavy rain before it could do damag&. Orange County sheriff's inve!¥gator1 said ·today. A day be.fore, bombers ttirew a similar crude firebomb at the San Climentl!: branch of the Bank of Ame rica. That one exploded against a metal and glass nar door and caused several hundred dollar:s in damage before it burnt out. The two area fire incidents spi11rked conversations among bank officials in San Clemente and Santa Barbara \Vednesday in ;an"""ftttempt to find 1 Un between the San Clemente a n d Capistrano cases with the fire which was set by demonstrators in Sanla Barbara last week. ll destroyed the Isla Vista branch of the Bank of America. However. despite the calls and in· tensive lnvestlg~tlon by San Clemente pollc~ and fir:e investigatori,-sheriff's of·• ficers and the Oranae County Shtrifr• crime laboratory, no flnn theory has emerged irl the bombings. ID. San Clemente, several burglaries ancj ~ates of forced entry Into buslne19Cs took place shortly after the bombing· ot the B of A here. A billiard business, a realty office and the San Clemente Elk's Lodge were among the victims in the small thefts. One theory of-San Clemente pollce ill that the bank incident in their city c.ould have been a diversionary tactic by the persona who com1nitled the burglaries of the businesses. Employe Guilty Of Grand Theft . A Leisure World employe accused or the theft of cash and checks estiriiated at 11,600 pleaded guilty ~fonday to charges of grand theft . Judge Paul Mast accepted lhe plea o! Nick MarUnus Schaar, 39, of 1682 Iowa Sl., Costa tt1esa, f .Santa Ana municipal court and ordered Schaar to appear ~larch 13 in Superior Court for sen· tencing. Schaar faces a possible 1·10 year term in state prison. · Schaar was arrested after it was al\eg- ed that he took the cash and checks frorn lhe business office of the Laguna Hills retirement community. It w~s also teslifled that the bookkeeper took an undetermined amount of change from pay washing machines and dryers and used the proceeds to finance a gambling trip to Las Vegas. Stock ~l nrket ·NElW YORK (AP) -The stock market showed a slender gain late this .afternoon in moderate trading. (See quotations, Pages 8-9): \Vinners were just slighlly ahead of losers. Police Chief Clifford 1t1urray said b;. . department is studying the problem ·and will have a report for councilmen at the Wednesday night session. In the pa!!..J>Ottion! of the street have not beenOedicated to the city, which in eHect makes them private property. ,.1urray said it ha s been a problem street because it is :iteep and heavily used. Rossmoor VP Def ends FHA . Burfal will be at· Fairhaven ~emorlal ~ark in Santa Ana. Prea:ldent 'Ni(on characteriud ~fr. Utt J.h his wire Tonday as a great public servant whGSe dedlcatlon · Y.'as revered Jiy even those who took. issue with bis Staunchly conservatlv~ Viewpoint Orange Coast 'The petition to oouncilmcn charges. •·some of you gentlem:en live on Avenidii San Juan and are aware of this pi'oble1n but.you do not seem 10 care for the safe· ty of others as long as it docs not arfect you persooally." . The petition signc'.8 by 48 per!IOns calls (or immediate attention, adding "lomor· row rpay be too late.·• Hou10 Bias Tested WASHINGTQN ( A P I '11\C government's authorlly to \Vilhhold securlly clea ran<.'CS rrom homosexual!! ''Ill be tested soon In U1e Supreme Court. Civil Liberties Union la\\·yen cltln~ Freud. Kinsey and more current medlcal 11;1\hority, are claiming in a recently filed .. ppc~I that hDITIOSCXUiilS arc no les~ trus1worthy than any other group o( human bcinGS· I -. • Criticizes Assault on Mortgage Program .. , ha.ve lost a personal frlend and col· league." sidded the President, who was ,11rcr1ed by ~tr. UU In January \\'~ he reglscred as an Or3nge Cottnty voter. We1Uher Sunny mi<hvcck weather with n1ercury readings in the middle SO's is the firie fsre for the Orange Coasl on \Vednesday. By BARBARA KREIBICH _Of Jiit OeMr r"-' llftt An executive Of Ros~moor Corporallon In Laguna HiUs today vehemenUy denitq implications in 1 congresaional report critldiing the Federal Hou a: rn g Adminisi,aUon for ils .m million jn-- vesbnent in federally insured mortgages in five Leburt World communities across llli nalloo. · "Th• FHA should be complim<nled for Its forward thinking ,in allowing these planned communities,'' said Robert r. Rosenwald, Rossmoor vice president and general counsel. "People in lhe upper age cateaory re· quire this type of community. It has done much 10 open up their lives and without fo'HA cooperation IL could not ha"e been achieved." Th~ report to ton,-rcllS from lhe Gene. • ' ral Ac.'COllOUng' Office critici:t:ed FHA ap. boughl land for till!: Laguna Hills Leisure pralsaJ procedures which, it stated, in· \Vorld at $2,600 an acre in 1961 and 'two creased as much as'-llOO ptrefnt ln ·three yea rs later appraised lt at 110,!iOO an Shorecfilf Area yeara.....Mor.t..Jban a third of the Housing . acre. "In total," says.the report, ''Fl,L\'1: _ ~- and Urban "Oeffiopment l)epii'tment't1 apprala:al!S Of"'lind for the lint 25 sea-~__, *° million 1n monaai• lnsllr•nct rorJ m••" or Ill• commun111. which '°'-w· 1·'i·hout wa· ter cooperaUveJr owned, modetate-inCome •'bouf ~ ~res or tand1 exceeded tile. . lioualna hu gone to five Leisure ·world · 1 ~aH'1~t~'.J>!td by the dev,lopi:r l)y ' ~ ~ , .. project.I. the ftPOl'l'stlted. , 1• ~t $f·mllbon. · 1 • ·.: Residents In· San Clemente's Shorteliffs No legal wrongdoing Is chatied by the •. The GAO. uys·Rosenwald. fails to take ~ area found not a trickle of water In their GAO, but the method ol appt'aiYll 09td by t~lo account the fact thil ·the Roumoqr ' taps'for five hours Monday evening. INSIDE-ToDA.Y Divorce -California st11Ie. You ·ve come o Jon(] wau, bcby. Now uou can sJver all connec· tlons with yoitr mismotch1d matt 111 a 111atter o/ 90 1eoondl. See Page IO. the FHA Is sharply criticized. parUcular· Corporation 'fllS obliged lo-Invest '11. Tb.e water seCYJcc..thor1-began fall ing - ly the separate appraisal of each new million In ill land purehase befo~e the at about 5_p.m. after aJcak started In 1.. :._=~~· u.-~ housing development lsiunched wjlhln a flt1l sillc was made . , 111aln Rt aquero and the fr"n•au 110. c11\1111" If·" Mt'f!t• n Mllhlli '"'"" I Netlllllll Mno ~·i -,. '•"'!'' u Leisure \\1orld. :1,Ye ha~ to .put ln roads, bring lh defJ5iSll. c, .. ,-.,d. 11 Under lhe program. Con~ llmiled • ~ater, c!l\ltics and aan\t.ation," Ul6 Of· \YRlcr department crC\Y'S \VUrkcd intu ~~:.'!1~'';.';.1, '! federal backing to $20 mllllon Jor eac..11 ljc\:'J a.aid. ~r. $ho~plna ccnlet was lhc nt;ht to ('cp;iir the m:iin. Service \\'as ""''"'..,_' 11 Or•nf1 CllH'tf II l'fl'l''t l"tf'ft< I ·-" 1 .. ,. Jtote• />1•'11~• ••• T•tl'fb... IJ Tllt•tt!'t • 11 projict. Ttie f'l!A deemed"' eaeh ' n~ tomple\ed, by l')~stty. ~fol'.'Q the first restored at about 10 p, '111•"<.• 1 '' LcisUre \Vorid subdivision A separ•LC "'r~1 ~~nM"le 'moved t6 and we h:id o,i.•ves) in Samo lcakaac \\'01 "'ill i.. ''l9lbh: "'"' t.at1 .. ,.. " W1"'~' Hew1 1>14 I' l"'."'11' J.... , If' ~ 0i 1.1'1; N\•11!19, I Wtrlf Nt"1 ... ject, entitling it to $20 mlllioa .... -·-• rnbdcr11par1menl$ 8nd a clubhouse. Othrr lhrough todoy, spokesmen said. but vdll Mllll~•• u The report 1t.1tcs lhat lhe developer t~e ROSSMOOR, r11e %) cause no interruption In scrvlL't. • • 4' ? • t SC White Mob Attacks , School Bus LAMAR., S.C. (UPI) -A white mob at~ tacked three &chCIOI buses loaded ~·Ith Mtrro children at newly desegregated . Gamaf: High ~hool today. Patrolmen us.- ed tear gas to rescue students moments before .the whites overturned two or the buses.· ' Tuttd1j, M1rch .S, 1970 'Love N o Pri101ae r ' Leary Returned To County Jail .- Facing 10 years In f~eral pr'lson and a yet.-undelermined sentence here on mari· juana and LSD charges, Dr. Timothy Leary Is back in Orange C.OUnty Jail to- day ~ter senlenclng Monday in TeXas. belie(J. This country ls lu a state where one ot the difficultie.s Is the penalties are n1ore horrible than the crime.'' Leary was convicted of smugglin~ three ounces of marijuana concealed in a snuffbox hidden ln his tS.year-old daughter's underwear. _,,_ ___ ·~~&late-highway patrolm~ i~e:pherde<t the 39 c:hildren In the buses to safety-inaide the school. Several or the: Tbe SO.year-old former H a r v a r d ~P.!Y~C_hology J_!.ofesaor WIJ 1iven lhe term by U.S:--Dlstrict COurfTud~e Ben Con- nally, and flown bacj; unrnedlately following Lile heariog. ,;Love cannot be a prisoner," shouted Dr. Leary as two burly U.S. marshals escorted him frem the Hou sto n courtroom and-·a-waiting , 1 i r port limousine. .M!lrch t t ls the atntence date set in Santa Ana. ~ Police Seek • • l ~sten suffered eye injuries resulling glass flying from brokeii"WJDdows in e busts. Gov. Robert E. McNair termed the a't- tacks "unspeakable" and 11f4 they resulted from segregation forces urging defiance of the law. The school was clos- ed. McNair alerted the National Guard. The violence was the wors~ repoite<f in the South since the region began com- plying in January with federal court orders for total desegregation. Darlington OAILY .. lLOT ....... •r llk~tr• II.Miiier One \vore black and the other \\'Ore \Yhfte. Mrs. Rosemary Leary, who also faces the f\.farch JI Si!qtence hearing before Judge Byron K. AicMillan in Orange County Superior Court, read a statement afterward. Judge Connally -Uke Judge McMillan, who found the couple and son John Leary, 20, guilty last month of the drug possession charge originating in Laguna Beach, said Leary is a public menace. _, Mutilation l(iller in SA County, whtdl include.a Lamar, was the !teCOnd South Caronna county placed under such an order. A mob of 150 white lnen and women NEWPORT FIREMAN WASHES DOWN CHARRED KITCHEN OF HOME ON NEWPORT'S LIDO ISL E lnv11tl91tor1 Tr•c1 St•rt of 81111 to W•1t1 B11k1t in Kitchen of 81yfront R11ld1nc1 fltrs . Leary agreed, but not in the same context. ''Judge Connally is right. f\.1y husband is a menace lo society. \Ve are a menace tJ the community \\'hlch makes a mockery of the Constitution. If he wer.c a thief, he "'ould be out on bail." ~'"'satumrey-Mlt<:hen Slandard· or New York City said the IG-year sentence and denial of bond came "as a shock, although I see it hapi)ening all around the country ••• a stiffing of free speech." A nude girl brul.4lly murdered on a rainy wedding nlght In Santa Ana ·was sexually mutilaled with a lree branch, a broken bottle and a huge pavin1 stone, homicide invest igator disclosed today . Bound with a lace from her own moc· casins, Beatrice Ann Vlllanue:va , 17, was foond ~1onday. spra\\•led in the 1nud behind a home of an elderly schoolteach· er \Vho went out to inspect her yard. galhertd in front Of Lamar High, a formerly a1J.whlle !chool that n;cently received 300 blacks. They were led by F J_ p "d. t H -- ristaurant owner Jeryl Best. head Orth• re UCLL • r.esi en . app y Darlington-County ~Freedom-<if ..ctim·rr~~ Committee,•• which had urged at! whites Fireme11 Douse ~ -lmmcdlat()y ..after th.e_vic.tin1 --. her personal effects scattered around the pathetic scene -was identified, police began questioning acquaintances. to boycott the county 's schools. Th• first bus,. arriv•. Carrying,.., Now Wi"th vis· i"t to U.S. Nearo children, was pelted by brick4 but clfictn were able to &et the stuMr!t.s out unharmed. $2 6,000 Blaze ·on Lido I sle "I don't think the young people of society are going to to!erate this much longer," Standard said. "It is 1lien to our system, alien to our Anglo--American Detectives theorized the young mother or an Ja..month-old baby was dragged frorn a nearby street by a maniacal se~ killer as she took a short walk after a weddihg reception party at the home or friends. The second 'bus, carryini 2t> blaC!k student&. artlved minute.t: liter. Members of the mob jumped On its hood and matched off its distributor cap, forcing it to a halt. The mob surged forward and smashed the windows with ax handles and bricks. A third bus, carrying 15 Negroes, then pulled· up, and the mob attacked it. fighting simultaneously wlth highway patrolmen trying to protect the buses. The mob pulled away from the buses only after patrolmen opened up with tear gu. The gu swirled a few minutes arOUJ'ld the buses as th"e black children remained inside. · Patrolmen then escorted the students inside the school while the mob shouted epithets. Moments later the crt1wd wrged 11aln upcn the busea and l\lcteeded in turning two of them over. • The patrolmen pulled their revolvers and Jwrltil qiore te~r gu Into the i:r•~d. . Thia •nf the rnob fleeing and chokiitg. ,. One shot wu reportedly fired by the mob but no ·one was hit. McNair, who had termed .the deseireagatJon orders unreasonable but had urged compliance with them, de. nounced the attacks as "unspeakable acts commlUed qalnst the school children of Lamar." Coin Collection Of $5,000 Taken ' A coin colled.lon valued 1t $5,000 has dJsappeartd from a Laguna Beach home, police reported this morning. Returning to his home, 1420 J-Ullcrest Drivt for the first time since Se.ptem· her , Monte Gene Davis checked out his lar1e collection of coins, left in a locked metal box, and discovered several hund· red of them missing, he told police. Gone from the box, Davis said, were 75 rolls of Roosevelt dimes, valued aL $375, 10 rolls of hall dollars, a large number of Canadian coins and several "proof sets" of value to coln collectors. Police said a loc king device from the boi: containing the coin collectlon had been removtd but found no evidenct of forced entry to the home. DAILY PILOT "_,." IMcl L .. tt11•h«ll c .. ,. M•• Hu11ti19t111 h ffli f1•1Nh1 Y1!11y So11 CIH1111t1 OlitAHGE ,CO.t.ST l"Ull..1$HING COMP'ANY '-•b1rt N, w,,J l"ru lOtM •nd 'llllH1htr J e<k It Curley \li(t l"rttld9"1 I nd Ci9"1t•I M1111g1r Tho"''' K .... n f!ll!Or Tho"''' A. M ur1>lo.1~1 Mu1•f•nt Ee111r Fliclo.tr.I ft, Nill $M.i1'11 Ortn;t C-IV E.dolGr Off le• Cttlt Mttl: no Whl ··~ S•ret• l'titWJl!lrl IMC"~ ?7!1 W~! ltll;>OO 8011J~\lf'd LIV'l""t IM<l'I m '°'''' ..t.v•~111 '4Vfltli'o9!0r!. ae-cn 1111s t••t~ &0~11•~·~ kn 'ltlt'llnlt. ~ Nortn E.l Ctm•"' Retl ~~-· 'No one leave& until we hear 'it fo r, Mr • Pompidou!' t 'ro11& Page J RO SS MOOR. • • fa cilities. including the medical center, swimming pools and golC course.Jtame later. All of these improvements \\'ere necessary for the type of community \\'e \\'ere attempting to build and the F11A J:ccognlzed this .'' \\'ilh the improvements, Rosen\\'ald ex· plained, subsequent "fair market value" appraisals of new housing areas naturally increased. "The FHA was r~ulred to apprai!e at fair market value," he said, "and now it is ?ting crltlciied for doing lhat. I might pomt out that comparable properties across the freeway from ,Ltlsure World v.•ere being appraised at the same value as the area developed. In making comparisons with raw land \'alue, Rosenwald added. the GAO also failed to lake into acco.unt the fact that a large p3rl of the gross acreage purchased '"·t1s 1Jndevelopable · and further large segments were restricted for housing de\'elopment. r\s a result. the value of the land.Jl;. rnaining for actual housing automatically increased. Rosen\1·ald said the Leisure \Vorld developments definitely qualified as moderate Income housing. with an original price range at Seal Beach from $9.000 to $13,000 and at Laguna Hills from Sll,000 to approximately $26,000. The present price range at Laguna Hllls is $Z2.000 to $4.9,000 he said. Principal financing of the Leisure \\'orld projects was throUgh FHA until the. end of 1967. Since 1968, v.·hen the pro- jects were changed from cooperlltlves to condominiums. convenlionat f\nal)cing has been used. there being no FllA pro· gram <n1ellable under the increased iJl· le.rest rate. "The Leisure \\forld communilies are probably one of the finest investmenl5 n1ade by the FHA." Rosen\\·ald said. ''There has ne\·er'been a foreclosure In a Leni;ure \\1orld : h's actually risk free . ln insuring these loans the P'HA was laking \•irluall.y no chances w1th ill lnvtstmenL and is slill making a good profit." The ~270 million in FHA ln5llred mortgag's cove:r ebot1l 18,000 comr,lettd 11n1!s In Leisure \l.1orld communlt es at Seal Beach, 1.aguna Hills, \V11nut Cretk, f\iorbtck. Md .. end flfonroo Townllihlp. N. ,J , RO!:en,.,·ald said, and • lht P'liA D:>n· linues 10 rettl\'e a contribution from every payment made qn all then units. Tc ~aid a draft or Oie GAO rel>Qrl had h'cn ~11bn1ltltd to both Rosi;moor and the tllA and both had resPonded In M:p1r1te correspondenci, setUna (ortli the facu of the l3nd apprtclaUon, lncludlnA Im· provements U!al wert required to be. put in, and denyina lmpllcatlons of poor handling oI &overnmc.nt funds. I NEW YORK (UP!) -French Presi· dent Cie.orges Pompldou, "satisfied" with his U.S. trip despite a rash of pro-lsr'ae!i demonstrations, said today in a farewell news conference that ht and President. Nixon reached a "full understandin&'' 011 world problems. The pro-Israeli demon5trations so 'Upset thP visltlng French leader that President Nixon flew to New Yori. 1t1onday ni&ht to apolo1iu personally arid attend a fariwtll dinner for Pompidou. Pompidou told lht news conference that he held "very lengthy" discussions with Nixon and felt that they had ruched a "full understanding of our respective positions" al!hough they were not always jn full agreement. The French le~er said the dilftrences in point of .view were In par_t geographic and pointed out that the "frontier or the Comm1,1nist_ world was 200 tnJles from Paris." He said his talks with Nixon ranged from the Atiddle East and Vietnam hr Europe and Ea1t-Wtst relation.! in Europe. As Pompidou SPoke l\0IU1 newsmen in the Louis X room al the \Valdorf-Astoria Hotel, a detail of airport and city police searched his Air France jetliner after receiving c. telephoned threat. . Police 5aid an Air France employe received a call from a man who said : "Pompidou's plane "'ill not take: off to- day. There is a bomb on it and it '"ill blow up.'' However, an extensive search of the DC8 jetliner (ailed lo tum Up any ex· plosi\'e. \Vhi!e noting that the United States and France disagree on some specific pollcles he o;aid, "M to the basic issues our views are the same and our objectives art the same." Pompldou brought up the subject of rlcmonstrations in a 1>hort i;tatemrnt before ansv.·ering questions from news. tnen. 114 Youths Face Trespass Action 111 Ortega Raid A total of 114 @range county juve niles and adult• will face e-0urt actions in- volv ing trespass in the latest of manv roundups or revelers at the sec luded Ortega Highway hot springs spa. But the defendants. all rounded up hy Orange County sheriff's deputies late last wetk and herdtd Into wailing buses, will bf! prosecuttd under ·stale la11.·s. instead of the county code. because the latter was ruled unconstitutional after a similar raid at the same spot last year. Sheriff 's invtsligatl\•e Capt. James Dro11dbelt s11ld today the young per~ons \\'ould begin making court appearances on the misdemeanor charges lhis week . The defendants were rounded up In the area of a form er hot .spri ngs spa 12 miles up Ortega Highway which is now under control or the ~Jacco Corporation. The firm plans development there. Broadbell said tbe trespau problem at the spa has Jlngertd for the past year, but the use or the idyllic hideaway has been common for mal\Y yeari. '"I'ht trespa!!lng -ind therefore the law enforctment -problem is about one yetir old , but only r~ntly we.re 11.'C tble 10 step in ind nuke arrests there," Broaidbelt said. "TIK' area finally was brou@:ht up to standards a.'I far as postin1 and tcnclna I• concerned." he add~. • L111t werk's revelers tore out' ~e"eral Newport Beach firemen said today a blaze that did an estimated 126,000 damage to the Lido Island home o[ a retired Luslnessman Monday afternoon started in a waste baske~ in the kitchen. Fire units \\'ere called lo the blaze at 820 Via Lido Nord by a neighbor of Neill Davis "'ho saw smoke coming from Davi!' home. t~l re1nen said $6,000 damage "'as done to the building and $20,000 to contents from lhe fire that gutted the kitchen and dining area. "Considerable heat and Smoke damage ~·aHustained throughout the struCture," they noted. Davis told investigators he was out on his 50-foot cruiser '1Sleepy Eye" which iS docked at the home when a neighbor shouted there wu 1 fire . Davis' wife was not at home at the time. Three fire units called to the scene at 4:24 p.m. controlled the fire within minutes, firemen said. Two Harbor patrol fire boats were also at the scene, but \ve:re not seud. Investigators \\'ere unable to detern1ine the cause of the fire. Valuable Knife Leads to Arrest A valuable Indian knlfe led to the ar· rest of a burglary suspect in Laguna Beach ~1~nday night. Of!ictrs stopping to question a man fit- ting the description of a ourg!ary suspect on their wanted list, booked transient Charles Leon Phillips arter frisking him and finding the knife in a sheath tied around his waist. The knife, police said. apparently was part of an Indian carving set taken from the Laguna Beach home of Syl\·ia Arady, 448 Ash!C?Jl St., Feb. 27, along ~·ith a $250 llama ,~100) rug. • O emente School Aid e to Assum e ' ' Post in Mo11rovia John Gyves. assistant principal of San Clemente High School, will be leaving his post in April to become principal of a middle school in Monrovia. Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District accepted his resignation 1t1onday saying they \\'ere sorry to see him go but wished him success in his new post. Gyves. a San Juan Capistrano re.sident, joined the district a little O\'Cr three years ago as a long term subst itute teacher while he completed his 1vork for his ma ster's degree. _ , When hl' recei\•ed his degree hf: was employed 1s dean of counseling at the high school and a year later became assistant principal. In his adminis trative post, Gyves coordinated counseling and guidance ser1•ices, student scheduling:, the dally ad· minl.strative work coMe:cted with plant operation and maintenance and "'IS mainly r~ponsiblc for the school budget. Gyves will become principal of Clifton ?11iddle School "'hich \viii house sixth, seventh and el&hth grade students \\'hlle he continues hi.s doctoral studies at USC. "It was a difficult decision for me to make .since J do not want to leave. this district." said Gy\'es. "But the ne1v posi- tion vdll give me an opportunity to dG some work in curriculum design in a middle school 11.·hlch 1.s a new concept. ll also "'ill help me to obtain my doctorate a year earlier. Gy\'eS said .he has ne\'er been happier professionally and will regret leaving the people he has worked with. He said his decision io leUllaS in the interest of his own per110T1al lonf range goals. Footprint! and other markings in tht mud behind the two-story home at 1078 \V. Second St., Indicated a violent strug· ..:le the Villanueva girl put up for her life. Besides the sadistic sexual attack, the killer slashedOAt! girl's throat with a broken bottle -bits of which littered her hody -and also crushed her head v•ith the flagstone. An autopsy \Vas scheduled.to determine if she had been raped by the man himself, and which of the wounds ac· tually killed her. All could have caused her death by themselves. The victim. who lived ~·ilh her mother at 905 W. Third St. and worked as a domestic maid. was round by Edna L. Dessery, 75, whb has lived at the same location for 60 years. · She said she went out to the I rash c<1ns :it 6:45 a.m., noticed .a flagstone missing- from her rear walk and was puzz:led. "f couldn't figure out \\1h:; it was gone. So I followed.J:he \valk a little furthe r and saw the body of a woman behind the ,l!arage near the fence . I knew she was dead." Hon1icide Detective Larry Corneliaon theorized the Villanueva girl -who had left ' nearby wedding reception with friends ea rlier -was dragged of! the street to lhe hidden spot. Afiss Diane Acosta, 22. a cousin. had kept the victim's daughter Lydia during !he party and said Beatrice returned ·to the house in a car with friends, but left shortly ~fore 2 a.m. for a walk. "She promised to be back in five minutes," said Miss Acosta. lnvestla:ato rs said she left between 2 and 2:30 a.m ., setting that as the ap- proximate period in which she \Yas ab- ducted and murdered about eight .blocks a\\·ay. She "·as accosted on nearby South Shelton Street, which intersects \Vest Se· cond Street at the comer on which Mrs. Dessery bought her home in 1910, detec· lives believe. The carpet they both chose? Bigelow's Barcelona Bareelona combines t~ caaual, 'Nind-tm.sed '"'! look ot today Y.hh •n rlegant Spenl•h IT'il C? pattern. Th• Ions:. sltnder yarns ha vr 1 50ff, ishlm1nery a:lo1v . , . the dramallc mulli· colors 11.re 1-Ittdlterranear·inspired. Uae Bar· IX"lona in a Spanish or Mediterranean sC'tllnr; or "''Ith ultra-modern or mlxl'd contrmpOrary . , -ror 11. tn1 ly sturinlna ,rrect. And becaWie the fiber'• nylon, Da rt"ctpna·s 110 ,1 ()! ee11y to care for. SoU doesn't 91 show ... and pllp sta.vs crl11> and sprinty. A tine b1J.Y for an)'-"- OM -Who Wint& gttt.t styling · ••. · a roomtul of lu.xury , .• at i:.,""':'1tt ":.''!' a dowri-to-eU1h price. wu.~1en • 6SUMJ Med iterranean Shades ALDEN'S CARPE TS -DRAPERIES • I J YfARS SflV11'1i THE ORANGE CO.AST a parts of new feffces trected to se" off a pprove·d the area. Medltt11rr1nean Mo•i An tique Amber• Sp1nlih Poppy Span!,h Lealh1r • Cirenad1 Cold Ata\llo Avocado 1663 Plaeent!a-Costa Mesa Phene 64Ml31 Tbe site long his bttn a meeting p\1ce Bi;:elow for you1h11 11.·ho allegedly engage in nude nylon pile swimming. drug and marlJu•lli u11 nd 1-!::;;;======;:.;======t====---------------------' sex, officers :.aid. ' ' I ' • • ' • • I --------,-------------------------------------------------. ~ -------- • Slippery Probleni This is earth slide in San Clemente's P a:cese tter·HiUcrest develop- ment that threatens to destroy at least one ex_pensive home on Aveni· da Colombo. Owners of the home, ~·Ir. and ~1rs. Eugene Seets, plus other area homeowners will be interested observers \Vednesday when city council begins digging into the problem of how to correct the mii:te· and who should pay forlhe "rorK. .- San Clemente Police Chief Says Crime Dip Significant .. By .JOHN VALTERZA Of Ille Dtllr l'llol Still Unlike most American cities last ~ear, San Clemente enjoyed a dip in its crime rate in.1969, Police Chief Clifford Murray announced today. Narcotics offenses were ·among those down from the previous year's totals. In the chief's annual report, ?\-1urray said the rriinor dip In the crime rate was "significant, considering the events besetting our community in 1969." Furthermore, the chi«. said. the department's rate of conviction rose by 10 percent -among the highest con- viction rates was 98 percent for adult felony narcotics violators. MuTTay's report cites statistics in two ca tegories -felonies and misdemeanors. In the felony list of 10 crimes. the figures showed the most substantial dip ln the crime rate. In 1968. 1,034 verified felonY otrenses were recorded. In 1968, the tolal dipped lo 749. Only two crime areas in 1969 had more activity than in the previous year: murder (two last year: one the year before) aod grand theft (32 in '68 and 160 last year). · - The conviction rate for felon ies rose frcm. 76 percent In 1968 to 86 percent last year, Murray said. Several crimes in 1969 were not reported in tbe city -prostitulion. com· mercial vice. disorderly conduct offenses arid gambling vi olations. But despite the drop in crimes in- volving adults. San Clemente's juvenile crime r ate continued to climb through last year. Murray classified juvenile crime in these areas: robbery, larceny uoder $200, burglarY, auto theft, larceny over $200, rape and aggravated assault. In 1968, the number of juveniles in· volved in these offenses was 49 fa dip from the three previous years I but in 1969 the rate rose. !() 64. Among tJ1c lesser offen ses, incluqing vandalism, traffic, curfew liquor and truancy offenses, the totals for the two years were nearly equal. The department's patrolmen an d narcotics officers seized the equivalent of almost 10 kilos of marijuana (each kilo is about 2.2 pounds) and JI grams of hashi~h. :rtley also seized a total of 1,178 capsules of barbiturates. 2.918 capsules of amphctimaines, 25 grams of heroin and 6,661 other units or restricted dangerous dn1gs. ~1urray said his man logged a total of 'i,477 ;1nswers to calls needing police ac· lion. Paddy, Par~de Planned for SA The wearing of the green will be · celebrated by a parade this yea r in Santa Ana complete with the center stripe of the para'de route dusted green. The march in honor of St. Patrick has been organized for h-1arch 17 by Ed Lynch and Marty Lockney Sr. Lynch claims to be so Irish all four or his grandparents were born on the Emerald Isle. But he has included a fellow merchant named San Chan in the organizing commltlee. "His name may be Chan bul he owns Kelley's Flowers." explains L}'Tlch. It will be the first St. Patrick's Day parade in Orange County in 19 years. Route of the march wi!I be down Broadway or ~1ain Street beginning at noon with floats, bands and groups of Irishmen. real or honorary . The march will be followed by a luncheon. Tlie parade route and location of the luncheon will be announced \Vednesday, Lynch said. " YouthRuled ~ Not Capable Of Trial A Santa Ana youth who allegedly n1urdered his sister and then held off more than fi9 lawmen in an hour.long, running guifDattle in a grove ot trees wa1 declared insane Monday and inca pable ol facing trial. DAIL V PILOT 3 • 'Ver.y Kind Man · Mrs.:Moulton Recalls Utt Recalling her long association wJth .the family of James Utt, Mrs.' Lewis F. P.1oulton of· Sot.I~ • La&wia ~ 111Jd today, "Jimmy was a vrry kind man. 1 alftays remember his greut kindness to hla: step- mother and stepsis_ler, e~~ialJy lhe trip to Eur~\" , . , · Arter the death or his, qwn ~. Utt's Cather, Qrange-Coqnty pioneer 'Eddy Utt, remJ!rrle<j, Mrs. Mo~ton r!{C•lls. ~"In the ea'rly 60s, his stepmother, who was then 88 ;years· old .. w3s ven· upset the daughter In a wheelchair, went off lo Europe. He had arranged every detail or the trip. A year or two later, the daughter died... · : The Utt famUy already wu setlled In Tustin when hu hµsbind arrived in the county in 1174, Mrs. Moulton reCalls. "There were no hotels then d COU!'1t," she says, "so when my husband's mother• came out from Boston lo visit, she stayecS at the Utts' home. Th.at waa evep before Eddy Utt and James Irvine started the citrus growing here." Superior Court J udge James F. Judge COmplitled Richard E. P'U'ker, 18, tO the Department of rtfental Hygiene for an in· definite tenn. His action postpones, equally indefinitely, processing or the nturder charge against Parker. because ber dau~1!!_r was1strick~ with a crippling rheuma 15m. The·daua;blM had always dre1:1med of goina; to &urope, ,bllt this seem ed to make it lm~ible. Jjm· my came ~l from Weshlfli~ aod -pei:JOnally arraqged the k>ng-dream~ ·~· lrip for ttls stepmother and stepsister~· ''The two of thtm, the mother 18 and The two families remained rrieiids Over the years. "The last time Mrs. UttJ.eft ~ "'ome before she died, JJnuny bf'ou&ht her over. to have lunch with me if\ Leisure World," say a Mrs. MoultOn ... ,He always had timt to do 90l11Cthlng rUct tot h • . er, Judge Judge quickly accepted the sug· gestions contained. in the written report or psychiatrists who examined Parker and.recommended his Incarceration. Parke!': wounded by al lea!t two polict bullel.!i, was arrested last Dee. 31 after he pin!\ed down a gathering force of lawmen with what was described as extremely 1 accurate rifle fire. Police said Parker ran wi th his ritle for the cover or nearby eucalyptus trees after he shot and killed his 14·year-0 ld sister Susan. . · ' 1 Officers said tbe shooling clhnaxed a long quarrel between the pair and ' oc· curred near the home, as he pumped at · least &.ix bullets into the dying girl as she lay on the sidewalk. Bennett W euver . ---- Service Slated For Wednesday· E11lag Office Wayne T. Miller, 29, Costa Mesa, has announced his can- didacy for marshal of the South Orange County JudiciaJ Dis- trict. Election will be held in June. Municipal court system serves ka,gun.a ..... .Bmh, San _ Clemente. San Juan Capi· strano, l\1ission Viejo . Ne\V court quarters are in Laguna Niguel. School Trustees To Discuss ' Election Effect · In their first formal session since the defeat of the school tax override and bond issue at the polls, Laguna Beach school trustees will discuss implications or the election and sel dates ror new A memorial ~ice will be held at It a.m. \Vednesday in the Neighborhood Con-budget studies tonight. gr'egational Church, Laguna Beach, for School superin tendent Dr. \Villiam Bennett Weaver who died Sunday at his Ullom wi ll ask the board to se t up a home, 60 S. La Senda, Three Arch Bay. The Rev. Ellsworth Richardson will orfi· calend ar for study and adoption of a ciate. ,. revised district budget for the 1970.71 A resident of Three Arr,h .Bay since 1962, school year. r-.1r. \Veaver was a professor of English Also on the agenda is a report on llteralure at. the University of 'Michigan prior to' his retirement and published a Laguna's continuation school program number or essays on the English romantic over lhe past 2 ~ years a_nd discussion of poets. plans for the comi ng year. The district. In recent years he taught from time lo required by state Jaw ,to offer Con· lime at UC Irvine and lectured in the ·tinuation school classes for returning Laguna area , He ~1as a native of \Visconsin, was high school dropouts and students unable graduated from Carroll College in Wau· to attend regularly scheduled claSSes, kesha , Wisc., obtained his M.A. at the serves about 30 students. a year in after- Universily or Chicago and his doctorate SC'hool sessions. at the University of ~1ichlgan. Mr. Weaver is survived by his widow, .The trustees will discuss pros and cons Georgiana, of the home; a son, Donald of rna1ntalnlna the contin'uation classes C. Brown oflSanta Barbara ; a daughter, .on the high school campus, where they Beverly May ·of Birmingham, ~fich.: no\v are conducted by regular fa culty nepheW,John C. \V eave_r, president of members who are given additional pay_ Crime in 'Retirement' Around Leisure World . ' What's the .speelal fonnula of • com· munity of 12,500 persons with a five-year crime record of one stolen car, several portable television and laundry coin box thefti 1;1nd the usual assortment of traffic cilations? Lee Stipes, chief security officer for the private retirement community of Leisure World in Laguna Hills, says it's a s.trnple one : -~ residepts are S2 yea{S old or older and take pride in the peace(ul en- vironment. -There Is a security·officer for every JOO residents. Law enforcement experts estimate that a nonnal community should have an 'officer for every 500 reiidents. Thurston School Plans Musical A lively musical comedy, "On With the Show," opens , a four-night run at Laguna's Thurston lntennediale School \Vednesday .• A cast or 35. plus the school band ind chorus are featured I~ the exlravagania, on stage at 8 p.m. nightly through Satur- dav in the Thurston auditorium. The tale of a trio of con artists who take refuge with a lraveling famil y circus is directed by Thurston drama instructor Margaret Fox. JefJ Foster Is muslcaJ - director. Proceeds Wiii go to lmprove 1t1Je facillties at the school aDd tQ augment student body funds. · Tickets are 'l.25 for adults and 75 cents for students. .-And there ts an ed\icational 'Jll'Ol'l'am over · the community's cloted circuit, television network that info~ resJdents of law enforcement problem1 and uk.s community help. Stipes, 47, who serv~ as a Teoledo. Ohio •. poUce officer 20 ye'1'8 before~ ing here almost two years aao, says that · only two memben of his 12.5-man force have police experience. . Most of the security staff, he add!. work part-time as dispalebers, pte guards and patrol.men. . Visitors to the community are stopped at a gate and al'.t permitted to ~ter crlly after receiving a pus. from Stipes or permission rrom one or.the res;dent.a. Even the pets are not troubleaame. Stipes says the resklents obey the leash, Jaw, adding that, tome even Cl{J'Y a shovel and paper sack u they walk their dogs, prtpared for an emergency • S. Viet Deputy's , Lawyers Resign SAIGON (UP!) -Thr,. delen,. lawyers for NaUonal Assembly Deputy Tran Ngoc Chau quit today on, grounds the military court_ had "atr~ady fixed the sen.tence" on charges he COf\19"ted with a eonupunlst agent. The trial wu receued untif I a.m. Tuesday. Chau. appeared at -hll new b1al with whlte laheslve tape visible at hll throat' and on the baolk, of the neck to covet wound! inflicted either when he milted arrest Thursday or durlna priaon b the University o( Missou ri. Columbia, for teaching from 3 lo 6 p.m. !\.1o.; nlec'I:!, Betty RoWlands Carter of ··1 -------------------------~·----------------­ terrogaUon. Three Arch Bay; and by IO grandchildren. BuriaJ_will be at Sussex, Wisc. . The family has suggested contributions t.o the memorial building fund or the Neighborhood Congregational Church. ~II CAmco toda~-· . _ . money 111hlt.- you lole IHightl · Lagunan' s Car Has Little Less Lagunan James Ralph Potter, owner of !he. Rib Cage Restaurant. 858 ·S. Coast flighway, is driving around in a little less car today. Poller left his car in the restau rant parking lot at 7 o·clock loast night. emerg- ed at 11 to find the right front bucket seat had vanished, along with a stereo tape deck and a wallet. The party apparently seeking to upgrade his own vehicle. gained entry to the Potter car by an unlocked wind vent, police surmise. Total value of the loss was fixed at $226. Fat isn't where it's at Naither are high prices. So take advantage of our special. limited time offer right away. Results guaranteed- in writing! --:- ~, We welcome BankAmericard and Master Charge. Now ontyf1.oo for regular•2.oo treatment! We are not a gym. · Na disrobing. No ptlls;., No back-breaking exercjael. . No crash diets. ~ ' t • '· ' . •• " F'utt~re lip iti the Air • San Clemente city council men are scheduled Wed· lhc community landmark. The facility was iven to " nesday to conlinue lheir-dellbei:ations on-the-f.uture--t-he--ci1-y~IR-1929-by San-Clement.e..:fou!""!LJU!Cc.!Lao,·-+-----·-= or the San Clemente c;Jubhou sc. burned in a Feb. ~on. Councilmen are pondering \vhethcr to restore 5 fire th at causid an cstin1ated $75,000 dcl1nagc 10 it. replace i1, or expand it . -I l • ' I • - Can n<M for a complimentary'first visit and free figure ana1Ysi$ at no Obligation.. But c;all_wtiil_e_tbis special offer lasl$! fa!lleri SalOJtS COMPLE:TE-1"18U"E. CO"Tftot.. liunlinglaft -11582-- (714) M2~C500 C:O.-DllM• 3800 E. 0-1 ...... , (714)t7H3llO ----- > • ·Lee County in Florida and the h!irs of ·l!dlth Simmon• finally ' agreed on a $500 setlement In a Pll'P"rlY tax dhpute that began in 1942: The county had foreclosed on the Simmons property in 1947 cWtiming the woman hadn't paid htr taxe's in 1942. Mrs. Simmons said she bought the property that year and the bill apparenUy w ·• • fi~nt to the fonner owner. After her death, the Slliunons heirs took over the baUle and finally agreed to setOe the overdue bill for $500. The original bill was for 38 cents. ' • WASlllliGTON '(AP) -The Senate la lockfd ID lta ~ probably bluest -clvil rlll!ita debate of the year, lta Ol'lllti chamber ringing lo the now familiar Southtrn cry for equal treat.. -L "I bopt that the time will soon arrive when American citizens livlq South of the Jl!lllOft-!lillM line CID be accorded the full faith and credit for beinl as delermlnod to honor the prlnclplea of the Con.stltuUon 1s ciUr.ens livin1 anywhere else," dfclared Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. ([). N.C.), 1be beetle-browtd 7S-year-old former judge (!red the opening salvo Monday as lhe $enate began a fllibu.rtFr'-lhreatened debate on extending ~ 1915 Voting Rigbta Act. .Majority Lud<r Mike Mansfield told newsmen before debate started he hoped for a final vote by the end of the week. But the Soothernen apptJU" In no huuy .. Nixon Asks Panel Study Of Schools ' WASHINGTON (AP) -Doc1arin1 that "American educatloo> ls'Jn 1ll'(eDl -ol reform," ~t Nixon utod d.qr.os today to oet up a new i(erlCf lo cooduct reswdl and exper!meatalloa ID that field. In a 1pecl!ll m-. ~Ina uld the . country Med• "j& -• , l'H1· amlnaUon cl our . entire appl'Oldl to learning." He said : "We ~uat .stop pretl!Qdinc that we understand the myit<ry "' il!o ~ process or that we are af.pltk:antly ap- plyln( science and technolocY to the tedmiques of Wcliin1 :... -loe spmd leas than ooe-llall cl 1 per cent ol our educational bud1e! Oii relell'.Ch. -- partd with 5 per cent cl 0ar ·health bud(et and 10 percent cl def-." · Former J;ric ltanb~ had a 40lJ. ·vear-od thatched roof cottage, t0hkh M anuidcered hi1toric 9ld ~_EftQUsh. But the Spillby, Eng- ' land council did not. Ii made : dtmond /or improvements and '"fiJ\Glltl Wited a dtmolition order ~ng it """ unfit f<rr habit<> tion.. In fnutra.tion, farmer Ran- _ b_. burned down the cottage. Belen the Se111te ii a blll passed by the House Jail Otcember that would ti- tend the 1965 act for another five years, expand a bin on literacy tests from aeven original tar1et !Ital<• In the South to all 50 and 1mpote unUorm, shortened fflidtney nqulrementa for YOtfn( for presldtnt and vice pmident. PROMINENT LISTENERS PONDER POMPIDOU TALK Nixon, Mme. Pompidou, Ch•rle1 Yost (from Left) Poae During Speec;h To ,spearhead an uPanied i\aean:b ef· !wt, Nixon uUed for c:reolicn ol a ·Na- tional lnsiltute of Education within the Department of Health, EducaUon ~ WeUare. 'Ibe NIE eventually woald take over existing rese.roi program• from the Office of Education. nie adm.lnlttratJon-backed Houae bin also would repul a requirement that states wishing to change their voting laws get &J>ll'OVal fromJhe U.S. attorney general. In its place, would be a provision t>;ermittbig Ui:e attorney general to bring , suit when he had rtason to believe voting · e rights were beln( denied. 1 , This Iait ls a ma~ point of CU1tenUon. Surgeon Says Pill Hazards 'Potential Time Bomb' 1 The '.J>lfeo.ns a n d the elements . Liberala laY tt would sbUt the burden of !ijlve ;WQ!l: .The custom ~ holding proof, itqulring the government to ann'Ual property auctions on t;be . demonstrate rJght.s wm being denied in· C»urtbOuai; steps ,to ~atisfy d~ !!lte#d or making state! show new plans quent ,1Jae$ 'ts over in M'empbis. would not deny ri&hLt. 'Die auctions are going indoors. County TruttM Riley Garner said ~ is tired of standing in the rain, shivering in the cold. baking In the .s1m ·and having documen ts sailed by lhe<wjnd. "Uqcomfortable," he •lid, yes It waa uncomfortable on t!e ~s -and then he added "the last i:oupl.e of times, the birds have ~en pretty bad." ·• Manila Blasts Scatwr Prowst MANILA (AP) -A aerlea cl ezploslom and gunlhotl ac1ttertd a crowd of dem- onstrators tonltht a1 they •pproached the U.S. Embluy on• march to prote1t what they e11Jed .PhilJppiotS' "fa1eism" and U.S. 1'imperl1llsm." Anliriot police pnMctlng the embatsy purtued the demonstrators who dashed in ·an dinctionl. .Early r<Porta oald at least ooe penon had bftn wounded by a bullet and several " otben. w~ beb)g treated at h()IJlitals for jjihlor'tilfmies. • · It wu not clear whit caused the e:r- plOll«l.s, which were variously detcr:lbed as.jmlhots In the air from the police and ..-fire bombs,.Jrom the demonistrator1. Compe tition in the tov wof.ld b grow- ing strongeT a1 is evidenced b" tlie qeation of "Baby Lstv 'n Care", !!lhown here with demon.strctor Mary Ro<Tney at the 67th annual To'JI Fair in New York, "Baby" i.s a doll with acid indige1tion. She crie1 untU the hot wateT bottle it placed in her 15lomach to Telit'vc the "gai ... • When the government made a 6ll1all business loan to a Colorado 11topless" restaurant, Rep. Wllli•m Scherle, (R-Jowa) said. "This Joa!1 may not retutn much principal but it will certainly generate a lot of interest." -1" crowd numbered about 8:lO arid was the -advance party of a group estimated at 2;;000 headed for the embassy after a peaceful march through the city. Some 5,0ll) students, laborers and peasants had par'adad. After the crowd bad ~ at the embaaJ, .ICUffln l:rol:e out between po- lice and demomtrators. One plam.clothes policeman was mobbed by youths who threw him to the pavement. He was !!laved from a M?vere beating by new!men and other police. Pollce reported nabbinJ several youths and uld. they aJan had lelsed firearms and p!!IO!ine fire bombs. About 30 demonstrators later regrouped and sat briefly in front of the .embassy, faced by more than 100 antirlot police wearln& llebnets and holding wicker shields and truncheons. lt was cabn at the emba1s31 after hall an hour. U.S.·Spanish Base To Replace Wheelus MADRID (AP) -The United States has reopened a joint U.S . .Spanlsh air base,. and informed IOW'Cel uld it would be used for trafnlng U.S. Alr Foree unlts that pr .. iously trained at WheelUI Air Base in Libya. WASHINGTON (AP) -A surgeon with half a century experience in breast cancer told Congress today the Pill is a "potential time bomb with a !use 15 to 20 years in length ." "Although there ls no conclusive evidence that oral contraceptives cause breut cancer, the potential hazards in· volved in their protracted use bf young healthy women cannot be Ignored," said Dr. Mu Culler: CuUer is medical director of the Bever- ly Hills Cancer ReRarch Foundation. He commented in testimony pre~red for delivery before a Senate monopoly sub- committee that llas kicked up a storm of cootroversy during a mon~long in· vestigaUon into the safety of the Pill. Underscoring that controversy, a~r witness . today questioned the sub: CQmmittee's right to ev~ hear ,such testJntony, blamed lt for causing a wave of aborUon-setklng and said attempts to prOject future harm were irrespon.slble. "Scienli~~Wormation cannot be resolved in a democratic approach or by Tornado Roars Through Kansas MARION, Kan. (UPI) -A winter tornado whipped through downtown Marlon and dipped through 25 miles or Kansas farmland early today, injuring at least nine persons, ripping up homes and stores and knocking out telephone lines, "It's a wonder it wasn't worse," said Harvey County Sheriff Nonnan Walker of nearby Newton, Kari., whose rad io facilities relayed the only word from Marion . · Four persons were hospitalized , one in 1erious condition. "We think the first twister hit four mil~ east of here, where it circled the Leo Walton far111house, ripping out trees front and back and leveling oolbuildings, but just knocking out the windows in the house," Walker said. Damage was reported on al least five Harvey County farms as the stonn !roared across the Kansas plains. The injured were admitted to hospitals in Marion and Newton. Kansas Hit by Tornadoes ~ majority vote," sak! Albert Schulman. aSBOCiate professor or obstetrics and gynecology at New York'• Albert Ein· stein COUege of Medicine. "The pJlls,'' said Schulman, "have pro- bably been the moet carefully scrutinized medication in me<tical hist,ory and we have been hard-pressed to find any significant permament or harmful effect from usina: these agentl." U.S. Captures Biggest Rice Cache of War SAfGON· (UPI) -A sharp<yed American helicopter crewman spotted and U.S. troops cap~ what may be the biggest rice caQle of the war, mililary SOW"Cts_J;!lid today. They said that the other C!lptured supplies of focxl and ammuniUon could crimp Communist plans for an offensive. !.· The largest cache -·an estimated 100 tona -was found near Tay Ninh City, near the Cambodian border and 67 miles northwest of Saigon. This was the area where B52s dropped more than 1,200 tons of bombs in eight raids Monday night and today against a Communist threat in the area. Spokesmen aaid the rice cache was the largest found this year ln a series of searches and probably was the largest of the war. They !!laid it was enough to feed five or more Communist battalions of 500 to 600 men each for as long as six months. , Other caches reported today~ -Two hundred hand grenades, small arms ammunition, 10 gas masks ind five sampans captured Monday 120 miles l!iOuthwest of Saigon in the Me\ong Delta. -One thousand pairs of sanda~. l,000 rice bowls, 130 plastJc watu canteens and five bicycles found 63 miles northeast of Saigon. · -A each of 21,000 AK47 rifle cartridges, 550 propelled grenades, 117 mortar rounds and 200 pounds of rice found ·49 miles norlhwut of Salgon. 'Secret War' In Laos Charged w ASlllNGTON (UPI) -Sen. Gtorre Heavy Snoiv Warnings Up Throughout Southern Rockies ~io~~~~·~·~:~~~ AmerJcan Involvement In Laos. He charged tha~ the United Stat.es was con· ducUng· a RCret war there without the knowledge ol Congress and the American public. Cell to,.,, le \ co .. tel Mtltlf _,,,, '""'· W1lllfil ....... "" " .,...., " """'-' 11 "' n 111110tt ,...., •!IOI 10 lo U kMtl WlllMIMl'. """ ,.,.,, "' Co1Utt! l!'f!lff'ltu'" r1noe m.m 4 111 tJ. h1l1f111 lff'r\Htll\ll'M rlllfll lr- '2 lo 61, WIW '9111M,ll111'9 J1, Sun, ltloon, Tltlu · TUISOAY ,~ •• ,11'1 ... , WIDNISDAY _,w ,,,... ... •·1t1.""' s.• ,.1n1 tow . , . ,. ..... lO:CIO 1,111.. 1.1 Ste-l'!lfll .... ..,..,, 111•11-"I. LI hcW t.... ., 114211,1111, 1.t .ti.I~ •II«' l~ID '·"'· h'lt S~llO "·"'· MOM RIMI .I:» 1.tft. ... 11111,rn. A wM. \otl a111111 1~ ........... -ct1M ,ttw Ctrm'll l'ltl""' flllt'I W1tt1 Wlttlloll' --II -r!llt!n Ill ffr I nrletf ., UNllffMt'lt telllllT!oou, HMW -w1mfllfl W--ltO fW tllt _,.111ftt ef Cf"'He, H- Mt•ic. end 1*111 Cltltral Atbflltl "'"""" """'r"" _. "' "*' ..._ .. ,,.,." Mofll-lotrttt "'""' 0.ot• lflttl tM ~ -'""' ., MINM.it 01\6 Wbc-lfu l !lf I ......... ~ ti.mt WI~ _ _,, Ill .r!KI "9r Mr11tru "ii -IQllf.-.;-Mllli«ltt "'"'*' ~ 'IOwt. T1-fforM IN..,.., fotrltlot.t M,,,.. A'f' l'l)fflt, 01M I~ "Of'lfl (f'll•41 l(tflwt 1ftlll •""""" 1io M1rtori. Kin. Ho in. IY ......... """11td. l J ,... Temperatures AIM-• AMl'IOrlff All111t1 .... .,..n.1. •WMn:k •• M 9M .. Bf'ew!UY11t• Clllueo e.111elftt11n ,_., . ......... ....... F1""9nb Fort WOftfl ·-H-Hff'IOllllO KlflM•CltY LltV .... L" Af'IMI• MllMI "''-•" New°"""t NtwYittti: Nllrfll "1911t ....... 0111111or'M CllY ...... "''"" SllflMt • ..... kOlll•• -· "lttll!Urtll """''•NI •011d CllY ltH flllff ·-"'''"""'to Sell L1k1 CllY .. , .... SM frt•llt!Ke '"'"' SllOll1"' , ........ , W1llllr!florl I Hlth LOW ,.,.K, ,s.t JI .02 ~ " " " " ~ JI ?3 . .. u n n ~ M " "The secret war we are waging in Laos .o6 is repugnant to the principles and securi· :~! ty of a free toclety." McGovern said in a prepared Senate speech. :~ "tt· is absolutely incredible that a great 5! 4• " .. " " M n ~ " fS SI .. " ,, .. u .. nalion IUCh as oun could be w.,mg a 1 :: major military operaUon in a fofel&n ,; ·country wllhout the tnowled(e cl elther · cltiaena or lta ~. bul lbll la-tllo '°' fact. •,1 " 60 .os 61 ,, " . 71 61 • u ... n ~ ~ " U JI .ot . ~ Watson Seen as New France Ambassador " . et !l " - n " " . ·" , W ASlllNGTON ;\!') -The Whlle " JO ·" S1 41 .IS " " so » .. , . " ., " S1 4t .. ~· ,41 JI 52 .ti " " •• .,. .flt JI 13 .01 "' •1 )& " • .ot Hou.se announced today Prt.sldtnt Nixon will nominate Arthur K. W a ls o n , ch1lrman of the overseas operations of Intt.maUonal Business Machines. to suc- ceed R. Sar1ent Shriv1:r as ambassador to France. Pre• secretary Ronald L. Ziegttrcoll· firm~ a published report that the SI· year-old businessmen Is Nhcon'1 choice for the Paris post. Nixon, Po ·mpidou Pleased After Apolo g)·, Dinner NEW YORK (AP} -Both President Nixon and. Georges Pompidou said Mon· day they werr pleased with the result ol Nixon 's hurried trip to New Yori: to orrer his apology for any discourtesy to the French president by Americall!!I. Nixon's gesture on the last night of Pompidou's eight-day state visit appear. ed to have eased ill feelings rf!!lulting from demoostraUons over France's agreement to sell 110 jets to Ll'bya while refusing to release 50 ta l!!lraeJ. Nixon brought cheers and laughter at a diMer for Pompidou when he said he had 'wanted the French leader to see the United States as .an American president does -"And I must say we overdid it a bit. as we usually do." Pompidou, who had been angered over what he termed insults to .~imsel! and his wife during a pro-Israel demonstra· lion in Chicago, responded by praising Nixon and saying it WJIJ! a 41very great Joy" to be at the dinner. Raising a glass of champagnt' al the \Valdort.Astoria Hotel dinner for 1,600 persons sponsored by Franco-American groups. President Nixon exclaimed: •·Vive le France.'' , ''France is our oldest ally and our clrtsest friend." Nixon said. "TMt friendship is so deep and so long that no minor difficulties or,bad manners are going to impair it." Pompidou beamed as Nixon spoke and rrplie:d in a toast : "In spite-of all, allies and fi:._iends.'' Outside the hotel a pro.Jsrael demon· stratlon drew up to 5,000 persons at one Point, then dwindled rapidly away. TINY TOT DUE FOR TINY TIM HADDONFfELD, N.J. (AP) -Tiny Tim's 17-year~)d wife, the former Vicki Budinger, says they are expecting a baby in September. They were married on the televiSed Johnny Carson "Tonight" show last Dec. 18. The long-haired, falsetto voiced singer and his bride ucei ... ·ed C1>nfirmalion of the pregnancy from a doctor in January, she said Monday. Noting that his budget for the 1971 fLSCal year that starts July 1 .callJ for $31Z million for educational research - an jne.rease of $67 million -Nixon uid money to carry on the work of the Jn. stitute he propose3 would be in addition to that. • , The message puts no dollar figure m the over.all cost or operating the tn-- atitute. Jn other areas, Ni:ron aaid he wu establishing by executive order a President's Commission on S c b o o I Finance with a two-year litetimt, to develop recommendations on the fl1eat and organizational needs of both public and private schools in the United States. "Because we ' have neglected to plan how we will deal with school finance," he said, "we have great instability and uncertainty in the financial structure of education." He cited as a "cause for naUonal C(lfto cem" the gap in educati«lal spending · ·t ween rich and pu state! and ICbool districts. Discussing the proble{flS of parochial and other schools, Nixon said their flnl.n- clal difficulties are to be "a parUcular assignment of the commission" because, he said if all private acbools were to close. or' tum publ~. Ute burden on pul;>lic funds by the end of the 1970s ~d ·ex- ceed $4 billion a year for operaUon. In addition he estimated $5 billloo more would bt needed for facililie.s. ·Nixon Will Sign HEW Money Bill Says GOP Leader WASHfNGTON (UPIJ -Republlcan congressional leaders said today Preli~ dent Nixon wUI sign the Health, Educ ... tJon and Welfare appropriation bill if it reaches the White House u U pu.sed the Senate. The key t.cTPresidential acceptance tJ. the $19.4 billion bill that Nixon once ve- toed would there.fore depend on whether the' House goea atong with a Senate pro. vision to allow the Chief EXecuUve di!· ere.lion in whether to spend Z percent of the money. Nixon vttoed an earlier $19.7 billion bill as excessive and inflat10f'lll'Y. House Republican Leader Gerald Ford said lit the White House aftu a meeting of GOP congressional leaders with1Nl:ron that he hoped the House would adopt the Senate version which he called "the best solution tG a long and complicated con· troversy." Ford said: "The White House will ac- cept the senate version." So Ille E~periJDeni • Quints Fo11!>w 'Preventative' ~ " NEW YORK (AP) -Tho mother of quintuplets said she wu thrUled but lht didn't think she would try It qaln. _ "Seven i! fine," said Margaret. Kiena:at. '\Ve only tried ror three." In her first public a,:tperanoe slnct the. birth a week ago, the 30-year.old mother, chic in a blue paisley peignoir, said Monday, 11lt wasn't the easiest thine I"ve ever done." ~ Kleaaa\..bad -part of ..... perlmental ltudy ;-tulo(. -flrtllltJ druC deslpod to -iDa!upio -Her t>h1slcl,., Dr. 11. L:. V-Wk1e conceded. "We weren't Vll'J IUCCllll\JL .. The """111 -Amy, ~ Wllllaul, Ablpll a'ncf Edwanl -will p -In aboul llx -ks, their pedlatridan said. · ThouCh th<" weet-<>ld Infants bad auf. fered some dilficulUes and were loltn1 a ,normal amount of wtleht. their; doctor pronounced them . "out of the wooda." They were sUll llvlng In lt,00().a<lay tom· P'rature-contn>lled 1so1e11es. -~...:>oc:...-n------:Shor.Uy-a!tu the..newa.conftrtnce, Mr1. 'ONLY TRIED FOR THREE' Quinta' Mom Mrt. Kltn11t Kienast and her husband, Wiiiiam, 31, l•ft for their home In Liberty Com<r. N.J, c • I' I I • • ' • --------------------..... ,..,..-----------------------------·-·-· ---·---------------. . ---. ' . • ' . . Tue~, Mitch J, 1970 DAILY PilOt 7 ·' QUEENIE By Phll lnterlandi Black Unit AtSFSC Guard Withdraws j CHECKING • ·up • I All Spide1·s Alive Always Can Thread By L M. BOYD IN S01\1E IPEClES or caterpillar, Ule female's blood is yellow, the male's Js green. Wh'at do you thlnk .o( that? . , , OUR LOVE AND 'WAR ~1AN says it's · di.fflcult. ex· ceedingly difOcµlt for a girl to engage: the serious interest or any man who fl! shorter' than h~self . . . . DON,'T CALL YOURSELF an old fann boy If you.can't name the month in which. the cow~ give. the most • , milk, usually. All . right, it's ~: May. ,,. .WHY "\EN ARE [ I A'PT to 'Wcome hard of bear· , , tna earlier In life than women ~ ts still a mystery ... EXAC'J1.. Y • 100 YEAJlS 'AGO there waS not a More In th~ country that sold woMen's underwear,' not a ooe. more money than the hairy· headed men .... WOULD JT BE UNCOlrlll to report the scientists have established that women's perspiration is more odoriferous than men's? Yes, suppose · it w o u Id ! Nevermlnd. CUSTO~ SERVICE -Q. '"Which of lhe tobacco .com- panies came out with the first filter-Up cig8rette?" A. I don't know, but it wasn't one of ourS. That event occurred just 60 years ago in Russia .... Q. 0 00ES A SPIDER ever run out of thread?" A. Never does, not .while alive ...• Q. "l·UN· DERSTAND yoti, bile your nails, is tbat right?" A. A lot of people bite thelr •nalls. Billy Graham bites his ' nails .•.• Q. "WHAT .\R'E the statistical chances a girl will marry her boss1" A.'Odds rur1. 106 to one "All right! All right! I ain't got all day! Where doea the crank mail go?" Yorty ·Not Expected To Run for Governor again.st that felicitous oc-SACRAr-.1ENTO (AP) -Los currence. Angeles 1.layor Sam Yorty is A-fA:\'BE IT'S JU~T railroad 11'aiting until alm ost the last propaganda, don't know. but the claim is made that one set moment to say if he'll run for of train traeks has the car-governor. ryi.ng capacity of 20 £reeway Yorty, a m aver i ck lanes .•.. THE WIVES • OF Democrat, Y.'ill annoi.mce his seamen bought•on credit, pro-mising to pay when their decision the week of f\1arch 15, husbands came h 0 me . his· press office said today . Thereby, says our Language Marc_h 2il is ~e deadline for man, got we the phrase, ~ ca"K!1dates to file for the June "When my ship c o m e s 2 primary· in .•.. :· ) "I don 't expect him at this c..'Ol'ld term 1.1arch 10 and Hie on ti1arch 12. Yorty acknowledged last month that Utrs. \\!arschaw "'as among friend s urging him not to challenge Unruh in the primary. ~frs. Warschaw said'1\ionday she hachft di.souSISed the race with Yorty since then. To Be Cut SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The entire run.ume faculty of the black studies department ;t San Francisco State Colltge· h•s' been notified It wUI not be reappointed -next school year. College officials sa id 11-ton- day letters or tenninalion er- recUve Jn June were sent to the six instructors betaus~ lh,e department had not submitted its rewmmendations on reap- pointments in lime for review. Without the letters. the in- structors would have been reappointed automatically, the officials ~aid. They added the letters do nol amount to actu"l firings and are subject' to review and change. "The action was necessary beC'ause the black slud\es department fail ed to forward Its reappointment recom- mendations to my office in lime 'to allow the required review and notification of in· dlvlduals by the I e g a I deadline, March t. a n d because the department faculty continued to refuse to meet with the administration on this and other pe rsonnel mdtters," said Donald Gar- rity . vice president r o r academic affairs. "The intent of taking this action was not to preclude reappointment of any si ngle indtVidual, or of all the in· divldua1s, who were sent s\ich letters. Viet Sailors llere to Train- Sailors Fh1d Boat Adrift· ' ' From Calm UCSB .' SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -windows o/ the university 11d. .The 1,500 national guard tro0ps ministration building were sent here tQ prevtnt mob vi-shattered. olence were withdrawn Mon· It was the first action by the day as calln re(urned to the university against UCSB slu- t d · d) dents although hundreds of ·"ti u ent community a ace.nt lo them were in the crowds which th& Unlveraity of California seized a bu sinesll district in campus. · Isla Vista last week. The last truckload of tl1e ... Sheriff James Webster, in guardiimen. 1ent In with Gov. choc.ge ot law enforcemenl Ronald Reagan's authorlz.alion personnel, said he hoped there last frlday after r)oting left would be no rurthe! trouble but windows broken and a bank that he had sufficient force to destroyed by fire pulled out cope with it. A sundown to before noon. ' sunup curfew remained in ef • Sheriff's deputies and the feet. California Highway Patrol Authorities said of the 120 SAN DlE:GO !AP) -A San were held Jn reserve although penons arrested, 68 were adul t Diego.based fishing boot hos the area was reported quiet. swdents, 47 were nonsludents found a 35-foot yawl with only UC Santa Barbar~ school of· and five wereJ'uvenlles. Fifty- a dog aboard adrift 150 miles rlcials said the campus was nine of the stu ents wele"from souU1 ol ~1anzanillo, 111exico. calm and classes were held UCSB and there were fwo from It was not kno"'n what bap-on schedule. the University ol California pened to persons aboard lhe Chancellor Vernon'O>eadle campus at Berkeley, one from sailboat. the Peggy o. disclosed that three students UC San Diego, one from Long Thornas Santos. skipper of had been suspended fOf' their Beach Slate College and four the tunaboat Ronnie s, radioed part In the tock-throwing me-from Santa Barbare City Col· Monday that the yawl wasll lieei Sailuirdiaiyi nliigiiihiitiiiiiniiwiihiiiliiichiiiiiiiileiigiie,iiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil found y.·ilh its masts broken I and riggin&.!_raUlng in the sea. •le said a driver's license "·as found in the name of Richard R. O'Neil of Seaside Avcnur, San Pedro, Calif. The dog \Vas taken aboard the fishing boat. The Peggy D ll'as cut loose to cpntinue drlf· ting . The Coast Guard in San Francisco reported Monday that the motorshlp Benegrande radioed Feb. 22 lhat two persons from the Peggy D were picked up. But the ship, Hs registry and destination unknown, has not been in contact. since. Thi! foreign ship said It rescued "Mr. and 1'.1 rs . KEYSTONE NOW PAYS s~~~ J MONTH CERllFICITE ACCOUNTS ·~""" 5~~~ I YEAR TERM ACCOUNTS WITK~MINIMUM BALANCE 7~~~ 2 YEAR TERM ACCOUNTS l lll0,000 I YEAR TERM WITK MINIMUM BALANCE ACCOUNTS (Adjusled rales for shorter lerms) P1um accoun'1 corslinue a.I 5% per annum compounded d11ly. ~ PHILOS'OfHY I -"I hav. al""Ya been more concerned ~ m~lting a lo ~Jy frankfurter or a tired old piece of . ham seem interestina:," sajd Irma Rombaur. "than in doirig · something with truf. flet .'' Admirable. Mrs. Rom- biuf wrote the classic cooibook, ''Tbe Jay o( Cook-M,,,! 'fine work, that. There's • dlgmty lr\ mustard that~ nol toibe found In the supercilious sauc~·. 'lbere'a.an integrity in haJbbroWftS that's absent from vkttyssoise. No· more today ffom Irma Rombaur. !J'omor· rtJW mayti:e a little something from Kahlil GV:iran. OPEN QU£8TION Never saw a left handed barber. Areh'i there any ? RAPID REPLY _ YES, point to run ." said Carmen SIR, MIUJONS of people in Warschaw, the Democratic the world prefer mare's milk national committeewoman to cow's milk, millions. · from California and con· She added. "I thl~k he's a rather rare ·politician in that he still labels me a friend even though I'm trying to talk him out of running." J\.1rs. \Varschaw said she thinks Yorty hasn't made up his n1ind . SAN DIEGO (AP) _ About Richard Onlal," but the Coast 200 Soulh Vietnamese sailors Guard said there could have been an error in transmission. a1Tived ~onday to take over The Const Guard ill Long I.WO U.S. Navy tank landing Beach sa!d it had no report of Get rour Free February HorO&Xlpe 1WW, KEYSTONE SAVINGS ANO LOAN ' Assoc1Ar10N - Your questions and com· sidcred a political friend of ~onold W. Coop..11, ''"ldtnl • WESTMINSTER • AN!KEIM NO SIR , CANNOT verify the ancient ,claim that the bald men .are the ~Iler lovers. However, a statistician now does indeed insist his atudies show the bald fellows geoeJallY tend to accumulate · ments are welc6med and both Yorty and Assembl y" 1oill be ust d w1ienever pos· Dc1nocratic leader J e s s sible in "Checking Up." Unruh. She is suppo rting Unruh bul said she doesn't think a prin1ary fight bet"'een the two automatically would damage Democrats' c h a n c e .s of unseating Reagan. ships. The SQuth Vietnamese "'ill a missing sailboat and could find no trace of a Richard undergo tv.•o weeks of tr:iining O'Neil on Seaside Avenue, San 14011 Bt•ch Blvd. 555 It E11cUd Pho11e: 893-249 1 • Phone; 772·7'40 Please addrtss your mail to Unruh is \he only form al L.lit. Baud in care of Daily Democratic candidate so far. before the USS Bulloch County Pedro. and the USS Jerome Countyl------------==---------7 -------- . • Pilot. Box 1875. Newport Republican Gov. Reagan is ex· Beach, Calif. 92663. peeled to announce for a se- "It depends on the level of the campaign," she said. are tumed over in ceremonies sc heduled for April l. DAs Continue Study Of Schrade Funding Send this coupon and one dollar. SACRAMENTO (AP) Three district attorneys today i pursued thejr investigation in- Johnson said he would not disl.ort the committee's role into "Whitewashing" Sch rade . nor woul!i he allow it lo become a forum to settle "an internal power slruC4:l:~ in the Senate between rival Repub- lican leaders." We'll send you an Avco Savings Tomorrow Startercand an Avco Savings Passbook with : r to Senate leader J a c k •• Schrade's accepta nce of a $5,000 campaign contrib ution from lobbyists last year, three years prior to his . next elec· tion. But the legislatutt's ethics commiUee chainnan rejected Schrade'15 personal insistence 011 a hearing. A.11 em b I y man Harvey 600 Tourists ' Quit Canyon Sen. Howard \Vay (R·Ex· eter) Schrade's predecessor, came under attack Monday from a Oemocralic ally of Schrade. Sen. James Q. Wedworth, Hawthorne. Wedwonh said Way had 11 photocopy or the $5,000 check Schrade acknowledges rece iv· ing last )'ear, bu t did not lake it to law enforcement officials. Way repiied the photo of the uncashed check was n o t evidence of any wrongdoing. GRAND CANYON (UPI) -\\'ay acknowledged the ac· 111ost of the 600 tourists curacy of another Wedworth stranded overnight by a claim, that Wa y ca r r i e d snowstorm at the Grand Can--fo~'ard from his 1968 cam· ynn were gcine today and paign a $5:284.14 fund surplus. most of them, aceordlng to a Wedworth asserted Way y.·as park ranger, considered the a "strange person'' to question ell'.perience an eXcitlng ad-the propriety of Schrade's venture. June 1969 ac~tance of the "They had a good time,'' ~,000 check while keeping said Al Veit!, management such unspent. e1mpaign money. assistant for lhe park service. from 1968 for 1972. "\Ve had some at the visitors \Vay said "most senators do '' the dollar credited to your account . , I This is better than a money-back guar- antee, because the dollar goes in your very own Insured savings account You . can get it back, whenever you like, with interest. How much interest? That's what the Tomorrow Starter' is all about It's a new kind of savings calculator. On one side, it shows how much interest you can earn by saving regularly at Avco Sav· logs. (For instance, if you save for a bunch of years, as little as $5.00 a week can give you as much as $58,174 -over $45,000 of It in interest) On the other·slde, the Avr:;o Savirigs Tomorrow *tarter• shows how to get the money you want to save. It gives ·YOU sample budget figures for Food, Housing,Clothing,TransportaTion, Rec- . reatlon, Insurance, Savings-almost eveiything-whether your family take- home pay Is $400 a month or $1,500 a month . Th,eAveo Savings Tomorrow Starter~ ,ft really can help you start a brighter .Tomorrow: So get started on Tomorrow, today. Send the coupon. ~•AVCD ....d11J•SAVINBS ~' center and they were having a the same." and it is not the ~ songfest. So 1 think it Y.'as same as Schrade's ae<:eplanct ; : quite an experience for some of $5,000 ''from a single in· ! or them." terest just six months afler • -• - - - - - - - -.. Arizona 54. the only road In-election to a four.year term." to the park. ·was cleared ~1on-The check issue surfaced H ,l, • · · ·~~l~r~~i~ f~~ai::11i~I: ~V~wio~th~10 :~:y o~h _eJ~ I ey,nvco Savmgs!. I opened to all vehicles In· the Democ rats ~ t1 e n t I a 1 lo )., · ~'l:':ii~"°.::~·:J:!11"!~~ ~~i~~: p~~~""pos~.F~~'. I All my life I've wanted my I expected to clear this af· 10, accused \~ay r:i "Polit1ca\ """°"· -nini;1·.;;;~uc HTs I very own Tomorrow Starter.c I ;,o.; .. i,::b.".',01.·.·.:;.,:..··.·.,~,,.'::.'.·~,·: •. ~.:.;c .. ~ ... : I P0lease, please, please send me one. I Cl Cl n " n II l'rn enaloslng $1.00, because I know a good deal when I $81 one. •lh•i1t "'it d•1ll", 1114 1t will b. TAVE. M11"1 'l'ft1y com• •11d 11111'1 m1y 90, b11t God I D f I • h I 9011 011 for•"•'· It ;, 1 will lrnown ,,;111• ·m enc os:1ng my c eek for a whole lot of dollars (exact 81'!'10Un ), _ 11r.c fie! thet m•ttir ••ul '"''9., CAN because I figure, at 5%, compe>unded daily, "what can 1101•71'11 gel my NOT l l: DESTROYED. Th1ir co11li1111if't b11p •••• • God •ho wlll money back, with Interest, whether I Ilka !1'11 Tomorrow Start•,. or not" t'•"'I 1xi1t. T,.. i"411tr11citbility ef "'" ,. •• C1.lfl1 •n ETERNITY I I lll ~1th .. lrec.110111, prior to Now incl . for1.,1r •ff1••erd. D f do ' h8v d II I 1"• ,,,1 ... ;,t h•i ,1;c1, "Thi h••"'"' Cli cl••• thi 9torv •' Geel : n I e •l"IY o ars. but Pease send me a free ••start Somethlng".laptl ,114 th• fi•111 1m1nt 1how•th hit h•11cliwor.•" t ''· It:! l. Tlt1 lllLE button. I under1tand ft Will help inttoduFe me to tha frlendty Avco 5avings t1111 111 1beut Got!. 511 tll• m1j•1 tic 91111cl1v,, th• pr0Yicl1nc1 I Teller who will g!Ye me a free Tomorrow Starte,. when I ahow up In peraon I 1"4 lt1f111il1 n•f11r1 of Goel ll•pict1d ln •11lmt 104. 11114 of tloe 11 your Otffce. GOODNESS of G1d lo men in th1 tw111tv·thir4 P1ol .... 1111 .,4., th1t m111 mi.ht fuUv ul'Hl1r.tt..d God, J1t111 e.11110 fo Nam. 01rth incl 1; .. ,4 1 lil1 •f loY• i ncl 11 r•ic1 to 111••· IJni l;l,14 , I ----------------1..--------• Jn.1417·1 1, H1b.1J 1.tl. H1 ... ,, "God i11c•rn1+1" 011 lh1 fl11hl . Street.Addte'6---------------------- H1 llr1d lor 1111"'1 1i111 •n4 •1c111ded b•clt to H11"'" I Ach · l!f ·l l, 7,5,). Ht 11nt to 11rlh lh1 H1ly Splrit to 9111.do "'"' City lttl fp ___ _ 11110 ~,h110111l'l•n .,.d to c.emfort 1111n !Jn, 14il6, 16:1.101. Th• I AvcoStvlnp:andlolnAuocl•llon. I lllLE It th1 work of th1 Hoty Spirit 111d f1ll1 m1" ho• to pl1111 c..d. h!1 er••'•' r1 P1t.1:10. 2 l !m.l :l,·17l. H1•• Yo u 1t11Gr.c1 COS]A MESA OFFICE 3310 Bris tol Street, Cost• Met•,.92626 th1 fll.111 H1•• YOU ••<•l•1d tho Helv Spr,;1 11110 v•ur l:fo1 MAIN OFFICE 2650 Zoe Avenue, Huntington P•rk 90255 Th• l iblo ••v•. "Rtp•11l-e11d b1 b•ptii1d •••rv 0111 of yp11 !nr De t H.I th1 111m1 of J1t111 c.htltl for 1111 t•mlll1._.Lsi~11.'-'..._.'-•ll -P • ,,,.;.,, th• tift of th1 Holy Spirit .. (Ach 2:)8!. Cem1,~1h1clv --• ---- ---": tht l liilo with vt; l•I 111 ple•1• Goll fo9tlh1t! Churc.h of Chritl, " 's1 w:wu .. 11 l t., Co••• M•••· c •• t2627, T111• TY-c~ ,, t-s11M1.,_7:)0 •. 111. ' ' ----- TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY PRICES GET QUICK~STOP ACTION TREAD DESIGN OF UNIROYAL LAREDO RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES Tubeless Whitewall or Black for Ill MOUNTED FREE NO. TRADE·IN NEEDED VW OWNfRS 560x15 650x13 700x13 695x14 735x14 Phtt F•d. f41, le• 11 lOt -· • New One Free Security's GUARANTEE If a Security Tire Retread fails for any reason ex cept repa irable puncrure or abuse while 1/16th of an inch of tread remains, you gel a new rerread free. 2 '2 -for 5 ··~:·~·~, .. HIAVY SHOCK DUTY . BERS OSOi IMfT•LL£0 ~9! Seoaifp Tire Stores ... , llM•""' IN'#, 61• II. "'' Wdl•i.ttt< Htw)IOrl ... Ch 11'11 C..-$1, IMtl ,_. ""'· A"ehelfll I ,,.... I ;.,.41n GNv• I <•If• MIH-I H•w1U1" Gtrftftt I Mt"tl1ttM lffch l,lt llfltOl!of 111.0011 (6 l llCl1 !. ~ lttdl) Jt1 fo" ttitl St, 11.r. ,_,I H•,....'k) M Mill N .. ff,, ... ) .. 1.11r• ••i-is•• 4't2o11s1 '''"°''' 1s•1Jr 1 S1nr1 ""' ) S1nl1 A11.1 T111rl11 • I Wt1tmhurer I Sin 0•"'"9• llOlkr ft l•ltl ltll W, w-., "'"' 1111 I. li.I $"'4'1 Wt1l•loo•lt< ti (Her n111. UC ..... t .. I ===~~=1=1 IJN100 /lfl'jr~.," l r1n.tl !UI tlld "II" i1,) 1191\._ f, of o.lft~ W,) 49t•lt41 1"6-1'4• 144-tUI lfJ41tl OPEN e-e,30 DAIL y I ~SATURDAY· • UNIRDYALJ FIRIT INTRODUCED !D'-r~ro li!S & TIGER PAW . I , • ' • • OAILY PILOT SC Tu~da1. M1rch 3, 1970 Save on Tax IO By SYLVIA PORT E!\ ~·~ <•~·-··"" wlllo 1111 ••w•rtti 1111111~11 II ""'"""'' You arc only human 1r YOIJ want to knO\\' \\hat are the adju.!iled gross lnconlt or under $10.000 for examination The compulers use a fonnula .sy&tcm known •s "DJF" (dlscruntMnt function) lo choOSC returns which will be oudltcd Th15 rormula assigns weights to various items on your return and then rates the return 1n terms of need for aud11 odd! that the re~urn ~ou arc about to prepare will be ex- amined The slratghl answer Is. that depends on the slie and sources of your income and the types and size of )our deductions II your deductions appear out of line. the cha11ces, that you ~ill be examined soar. BEGINNL'\'G this pa st .January, according to lht tomn:11ss1oner of I n I e r n a I Re\COlte,' DIF" IS being used lo lieleet returns with gross 1n come of $10,000 or over for audit TO GIVE \'OU a n101e specific guide latest Treasury ~laUsbcs 1nd1cale that one out of every 200 lnd1\ldual returns will be picked for a field audit {the kind of exam \\here the agent v1SJts you at your plai.:e of business) Also, one O\ll of every 41 1nd1v1dual returns will be picked for an office audjt (Ufe kmd whc~ you are asked to v1s1t your local direc- tors office) Note the crucial points on your income and deductions rn paragraph one' Take for granted that your ant.hnietie will be checked 11 will be and errors will only call attenuon to your return The Treasury finds that \\ e make a lot or rrrors -w1th $95 the average mathematical error J,1 favor of the 1nd1v1dua\ taxpayer and $68 the a\erage 1n favor -Of the Treasury Hovi can you tell whether ~our return ts to be audited? Well, 1f your retum hasn I been plucked for examination v;Uhin 26 months after the due date for filing that r eturn, the chances are 1t won't be Audits of 196? returns ll ho u Id therefore, be completed by this Juoe 30, 1970 As a prac !teal matter, tf you haven I been called for an audit of your 1967 retu r n by now, it s unlikely yoo ever \\1111 be Jn '69, the Treasury began to use its data processing equip- ment to select returns y,Jth Family problem~? Fanuhes are facing many problems toda) Separation, divorce. parent-cli1ld conflict, financial pressure But \VJth God 's help, every fi'.lm1lv problcn1 can be solved. Hear Harold Roger~. C S , of 1 'h e Chr1~t1an Science Board of Lectureship tell, for mstance, how a wtfe'a understanding of God's love for His children b rought her unfaithful husband back to his famtly. Mr. Rogers will share ideas to help you meet any human relation· ship problem. Clrislian SOOnce lecture llry H•ro14 R..,..-1 I p 111., taiuM..,, Mere.II S f1m Clir11rcll •f Chr11t kldlltbt JJOJ Vie Lide Newport le.ck IF YOU RUN into trouble in an exam and the agent makes LEGAL NOTICE T-51316 NOflC~ TO Clll!OITO•S SUPl!alOlt (OUllT 01' THI ST•TI 01" CALll'OltMIA !FOii TH( COUNTY 01' OltANOf ........ E1t1!t Cit PEAltl. J SACHS oec,15H NOTICE 15 HER EBY GIVEN to the aectllon ol Ille •bow n1mee1 clK""11 11111 t ll Pf'IOlll 111¥•1"19 ClllfTIS IOllMI !tu! n1CI ltKKl•nl .,. r"R<!UlrKI lo tllt ~ "'II~ /!'le' fllC•SHr't vov(hen Jn Tiit oll!ce of lllt clerk of thl abovr en1111.r toUrl ..., to 11re11nt them with Ill• nett111rv VOU(ht" to Ille u""ersltmKI II Ille Tru~r 011>1Mmt"r CAOCKEll CtTIZl!NS "A TtONAl BINK 1'710 ll•ntur1 loule\rtrd Sllermtn 01ks C1lllornl1 Wfl!cll Ii ""' PllCf oC b1,11l..n, of 1'1f """6ll1ned In 111 l,,...111" otr11ln<011 lo the nt1il ol HIO dtcK!tnl ""llllro IDU• rnonllll titer 111~ llrll P11~!k1Hon 01 11111 no!IU I DtlM F•br111,.,. • ltTO CllOCKEll.CITIZE""J NATIONAL 8ANIC I By P1!rlclt P W!llll"'SGn Anl•1nt T•u~t Otllcer E•t"Culor o! !he Wiii ol rlle •""" 'ltmecl Gec:•cllmC $T,fiNLIY " "15~11 um \llctOIY l91otltv1rd \It• Hvv• C.llWroll 'Ufl lei lfUJ 111-1'/N •~r..,.1!0'.ICtrl« Pllbllollt<I Or1119e C0t1f 0111'!' PHDI FtbrU••" • 10 11 24 t rld Mlrcl\ J. lt10 =~ LEGAL NOTICE NOT1Cl Of OISIOLIJTION 01" PAltTNl:llt:SN1JI Pv"Olk nol!ct t1 llrrrb\I' t lvtn 11111 tt~e 0 l"f•tm ttMI Phvllll R lt1tr1rn, her•tolo•• clolllf budneu ""°"r lhe lie tlllolls firm n1tnf 111<1 s1YJ1 Qf ORANGE CO"-ST Fiii.ME CO, 11 llS Ntw!On WIY City of CIK!t Mnil COV"ly of Or1t>t1t S!•tf! ol (1llfom1• Cll<I IHI tht 7fld <11v o! Mardi 1J10, 111 m11tu11 CCllHrlf dlnol~ 111r Nkl p~rtr>el"Sh!p 11111 1erm1n111 tll4oir N!lt1I0111 •' 01rtners ll••ffln S1lcj bv1lntn ln "'' IV!Uff Wiii ~ COrl duUICI tw Rcflert A l enl...,ln who wltl ,,., Ind CllKlllrge •!! ll•lllllfltt, Ind Ot"Oh o! lllt llrrn 11111 reocelvt 111 ..-1-. P•Vltrlt ID Ille llrrn Furlller nvt•c• Is llerrbY 1!¥tt1 11111 '"" llNll'nl1ned wm 11111 tit r-Lt>ie. from "'k .ell¥ on lor 1nv gtilft;1llons lnc;11rrt<:1 DY PIW'llls It ln11"1rn In fi b own 111m1; er ln tn. n1rn1 ot n,. firm OATEO AT Co1!1 Mt•• C1ll lorn11 ""s 2nd a1v gf M1rch, 1910 r11vt111 It tr11r1m R1~ 0 11"19r•m Publll.llt<I Or1111e (NII DlllY Piiot Merch ~ 1970 11210 Benevesthas paid out more than $5,150,000 in Instant-Refunds. OVER THE COUNTER NASO Listi ... for Mond•y, Morell 2, 1'70 I •• k Atl'rt-!Ufllt llltt1'4UIW ..... lllM It .,,,n1111o1..,., t A.M t,.111 MAI D. A~ c 1angcs you win arc wro~. l'rictt .. • .. ,.,.. ,.. ... ., """'""mt,. ... ,,-"""'-~~ee,1111 the Treasury. offers you a fair-Nt:w vo111t CA•i ovr1.... 01.1o 11 Nlft oe 11~ 1m sci '"' 1 •~ -.~r; J;: ly simple appeals procedure -T~ f9liow1,. t1111 l!i ....... ""° 211'1 NJ H•1G nu 1t'1o tc.t i.w tt\4 tt1A ~~j "'h1ch you can use to hgtll the :~ ·~~iJ~ ~!:/C Sftwi 1#tt 1•• N~~"'' !: ~..., ~l:r: ~ ':t'r 'R~ ~Ml111t ed t T h rtw. Nt1ie...1 AUoe'-!:«llt Ult :U » i.• I d O SH•lt ... It lllli Adllrm I propos asseSSf1\tO e •t\oft o1 1«11111i.. Eituc s,. ' '""HA Atlf ?tt t,.•1 s.i. trnp IN 11'1'1 ::i::!'tt.!. 1 40 Treasury ~ O\\'n fianres show DH1tr1 •l'IC:·t ••• l!!I "••El IN IJlt NC.r NG ~.. 1 Stnttr" -1111. 1"41 Ae!N :Ii _,.. 2 ew NII 1(11111 "INK Eldtt It J\li \OIA Nl!!iw Oii ) 1"'1 SYC Gr p l \-I"' !ft'"' Co most djspules are satis!ac-llont 1),/1 •r• '• El N!11 4\' su HPA G11 lf 1• ,,¥.,, u11 -'' s1 "r :!'" "' ~I I d ••f h ''"~ttll"!! l"t" El "....: lt lt\o "W HllG t\t '"" Shtp Nit lJ 11 A M lOe 101 I y Sell e 11\: ore I cy dtlltr 11rku1 IS ol Elcttpy .u "~ HW ""'~ ltt.o 20\'J SC•I WI! 14\t U\.I. "•[;ll"''rltl re.ch t))e COUrls tppto~!m1"!V ) E trom S\• 6\11 N\lf.1 ll:IC It It\\ SOHi! Ttl l11h st G1 1 10 """ •t Milch Ike~ El c In JV) ' Ofllo Art IHI 1J\\ Sou" G1 tl ti\'> !tn ~. While rilling out your '69 :c::J11"-11 '::fl :o:itr "l"15J111 &:\' :.·~ ~ : ~= ~~ :ml~"" Aenlt: 1:'ft return you fuay discover you '"'"'Cl !•1ktc11 ore,"','•'" tM< 30v. 0t1Mnt •111 Jt• 51)1c~ • 101-11 11u !~~';;'° :i& made some costly errors 0111111 ,,,.rti:;,,. Eurtv c ,, a Ow1r NA ,.... ' 51d Sc,.. 2t 30 A• _.cit , IOld lllJCI) Intl<' '"" II ,," 2tV. Oii• Tll 1n~ 111" 514 lt.1911 2t'lt ~ Ate"' ... tll&llfe !Iv orrt ltt 41.'J J O•vClt 1~ I~ SIMI H~ ts" M'~ !I c~ ~ "'hich caused }OU to overpay °"'' '"' e11v P 1 • H\.i ,,,..,"Ee brt n u Sll<'lt srr 11 11u Lud -t your lax Jn an earlier year -'::,.11 not inc 1~ 1Jtt ~~bit~ s!u. ~~14 f=: f! ~ 1\.ti 1/1~-,.:' 11 say 68 or ~67 .... rt1c1own i;;ri 11 11 ~ Pac F•E U',.. loM Sll9dfl " 1>.0 •'A ,• 1 '"'• rnlulon rle T.c '°' 1t\~ lltko:o Co '"" ~ S11b0 l"d ,.,., 7 A l(JICIMt1~ ,i If so. a quick 3'11d easy "ay * c~ft ll! 1• r.,i"Ko 'f:: 31~ ;:~01, ,r• ,:i!::': U}....U;"'I !1i'Jl::"jf r.1 to gel a refund 1s to use the A~•'•"' 21•" 2s F•ll Tek •l• "~ "1rkw H 1s 1sr• T• .. •t• 1t111 ''"" • 1"' / 111 ~ I el I Tr I.I Inc; l'A ~ P•l1!!d T H• , .... P•u1•f " ' t!h T1ylor w IS ...... AllldSu11 -_Is. re allv y stmp e easury AVM co U!lli iiv. F1r11"" l • l"'li P•v•lll 1t 20 T-111 '""' isv. Artk c111lrn Form 1040X The Treasury's ~;::: "E~ ,,:,,., ~ ~~i.,M' 1~w1ll'.\ :::rl:t.r ~ 2:..., t:i~:n A! f"' ~: :l::'"f.1111 computer system w1U permit:~ ~ '!~ ~l4 ~:lG~~ ~ ~~ :: ~?~ 2~ 1!., ~!:~ f: 'i~ 1:~ ~~· lo60 lt to process a Form J040X 1n Alr b•" " u"" ,,,,_ 1'111o1 In¥ 2'" 21\' "'"" ,.~ "• s1. T111n Go 1u. 1v. Amer£1 '20 k h Al~ 1'I 11'1 '"'"I'll lttl>U v~ J·~ ,_ ltE u l~ TrK CP!I s•, ' ~~~.~· about SIX "ec s muc faster Alblll• 1•. t\, Fii WF!" 4'h-olC ,. ... 1 WI ~ 101~ •ncnt G ll 111~ M lrFUY ... than under ' normal" refund !:\~0 i~ ,~ '~io :="l,. 1: •• 1;... ::~~~lr1 3:'1 J1' irl~":i, ~ ;"'-;~ !~ "~~~. • Procedures Ai1111 ,.,, j ~ s l"ot11 011 11..., n P11Ro11 Df ,. '3 Trko Pd "'"' lO!h A&r~""~ 2 10 ,.ui..1 EQ ''~ JG~ 1"o•rnl9 10'• 111/i Pllll Sub 7< 2s TrlClflr 10"4 11 '~ "'"81iur 110 SU REL V, you are aware A.~~ •• "~ 1 ,.,, Pos• Grn• 31"' lt'~ P11o10" 12~. ll\l Tro111<;1 J7'-'t x•11 Am, C4" 2 '° ,.,. s '> I'\ Fo!ocllr :R• fl~ Pl<; Pd 2" J\t TVJOA Fd lS'l 16''t A 1n Pl 1 1S Iha\ al the end Of last year a Am B1,11~ 1-"'> 111\ l'otom U U>\ "lnltrtn 71 M Ulllltt 7"f I•~ Arn (ffTI .0 "' El Lab lll 41\ l'111r Se1 16\.'t 17'fl POftr MK 2111 1J,,,. Un DO!lr 11'~ 1''~ 'A C~1ln l.60 gigantic, complicated Tax A"' E1pr n 11 , FrM1 co 1\.o n. Pro Gtlt 1•\ ,,. u11 1u.,.., ,. ... ""° mC •ICllt t0 Reform Law "asya·--d and,••,,'~," I• 7>1 "•Min E 11 11'• Proo ",.. •'~ s u" McGH 1ov.. 111. !~,, /.u~ n .,..,... ~~ SIP.. Jiii'< !F11New l'\ ll• Prud Min '" 11, US lknol ll 1n., Am Oil!UI 1 YOtl are wondering whether ,••.,.'"'-", :u ll Fuciut n ',. •,:,• P~S HM '"' u 11 us E"w1 11 ,, A~t1T11 10. "" l't\• :Ill ~ l'wu.1 IO ~ P11b5 HM ,51, :Uh us S11111r (4 d\~ ... ·1v1 1211 th1~tawafrectsyour 69return .. s1 Got> ,,, sv.G1r1n111 u•-.u ,..,115 NC n1"111•1us Trkt. :n JJ A•• ''\ii h I f AS! G pl I I.lo 1 G•$ 5¥C I•~\ "'" Pvb11llr 11'11 II Uo "'"" n•. n ~ AmEIPw 4 in any way W1th1n t e 1mll o Arn Ttlv n ""' G "l'cn "' n , P11r•11o1 ,l, ,., u1111 st.d , 6\'> ~~ Enu • th I I th t A"h'"' ' '""IO G IC llt!I' ,"' l p B!•H>•I ''"' lit•• Ulll lrld 2' 21 ~ .. E•o tno 1s series, can say on Y a Arik•n c 1,, ,,, 0111 E11 •, ''• ,.11,11v 51 " u v11 LO 1v, 1,, !~~1no 11fA' there are oo provisions broad· A•cs '"" 1•. t1"' totei 1'• 41' POvo co ''~ '~ v ..... ~ S• 1t 20 ,t,G.;~J"101f0.ao ••dtn M Ill') n Gllltn ll\.> n Qull CM U l:i 1' \l\UfOft 3' ~]'IV, AmHoJll 70 ly applicable lo the rrulhons of ._,Cit" p1 J''" 16...., G1111111 11 2'111 1110 Dvn 10 11 1C1sw P 11•' 7-SI'! A Homt 1 5(J YOU -but there are dozens Of ::~ewMO~ !,N 2'' g::inll: sr .... S~ ::::sbT'[\ ~~ ~h Wil~~! 1/._\ 'l ::ffl~ol )16' h h h I ti ""'Ill' n 11..., Gold Cvc H\\ 11 1t1vch co 2>0 JJl 1r1nw S'l •Vt ""'MFCIY '° c anges " 1c are re roac ve A•CC aor ,5 M Gooo Ls 10~ 10;, 11,~'" CD 20 » ''" ttG 1s>1 1,1, AM•'~'· i .er lo some degree and whlch ap ~utir sc1 11·~ itl~Goctwv c 7i 1'· 11~ E11 1• 16 w1$h 11£ 11 •• 11..., ~· 1• 11'' A•ttneo I llt Gr1pll Cn U"> lS .<, 1110 Mia ?J ?l '1 Wal Tr U', 11 Arn -:',~T,1 1 ply lo various categories of 1n •••rd At 1 ~ 1 Gr•Pl'I ~ lf'• 2tl'1 11t1 creoi n ~ 4. Wtld1•" '' ,,,, Am~,.,,.1110 11 d d I t d aa~tr )4 , ~ Gr''" Mt g~ ::,,.., ll ldOr l'u 11'• Ill> W•ll11<1 M 10 '1 Alh~Ov OH 1v1 ua axpa)Crs an cor 11~1 Pa1M 6 ,,, G•1111 RE 11 1, 11 Rll•¥ s10 7• '' wt111R G n~ 11•. "'rn s,,, 1 poral!ons for calendar year 69 11,',",~'.!', C ' ' '" Grov• "' 10,~ 11,. Ro1<1 E• n "'• w~1<11 P t•i ''•Am 5hlo 10 -~ 11•, 17 Gtwlh In ••" S'~ ltobln M 20 )j WSI" NA l'io I, ,fi Srntlt I to and lor fiscal years falhng B111r1 P , , 'Gu.1•0 c11 20~ ,,,! 1tost1tn I'" 1 wstn M111 "'~ 1 , Amsi"'' 10 across 69 and 70 You must ::~;;::.:, ~! ~~~ ~:~~ f 20 , 20•. :: ~::.! J~·· Jf• ~t;,; ~: 1:': 1::; ~:::~sid 1 1" 10 Check OUt these Changes Wlth laeot 1s1~ 11 17'~ Hlve<1 In 1 • 1'o Rv1n l40 31'l ll'• wl"rwo l• 11•, ~:::ss~erftl• !i 1101,.. •"II ' t Htnrtd F 11 21'1 Sldlier i 1 llo Wkc Pl 111~ Jn, As..~.,. I 60 your profeSStona\ ad\lSers Or ::;~ r:~ !~'~ ~ ~ ~~jl' .~r 1: ! 11 ~:.:~ I~ ;,~ : ~~~~ ~ J:-; 2!l~ ~~W:':i-'1. with the IRS To g!\ e you an BlltuPS w • , u Hldoc '"' ,", • ,•,;~kl Cotr J\1 J'• Yrdn1 E 1., t Arn T' r 2 "° d r h d h 111.a s°" 1, 35 'Hlll~vn -•rnWW..1 5' J ea o ow ~J e ranging t e 111,1,,., ~·· , ~ 1o1o1"' EP .. u ~ Aw ~·1 111 retroactive changes are, here 80!!~~. "',11 JO t 1,1 ~:.;:.; G! ~: t~. ~~ 4Jrn1c l ll JS a sampling B• 1 8rr 1\ 111 H:i PP 11 JS ... -· s I M ~ Ml ' ti, MUTUAL ·.~ •.. ",k !!JI h 10 ~;~v:n,nc1 1~U 1";: Hut G11 '' u ~~ g i (I) T e new percent •vr11,.., , ,j 1l ,~ Hu•ll P u li Amoe~ J'" mm1mum tax on tax "' tnam Fund• Hy111 co :»\t w . ~~.,."' • Foul! 151 t .l" My11t '"' n u v, FUNDS _,, preferenci!s appltes to fiscal r;...,..9 ll" u111nc1 GK u ~ J1 t. An•'""" 1 '° r.r"' •7'ln~7 lrld H1,1<;I nt.1 l)t;, ,finch Hock I years ending after Dec 31 1r1corn 111 1 » 1111o1eoe: ;p,. ,\, AncorpHSv 1 1969 1~¥"51 I 11 1 71 lnlftrd p.i. 4 , AHCf>eCp 15 • \lljll '41 l e,. '"' Can! 10 IOl'i APCoOll 1 l11 121 ORIGINAL dlS· Vov•o 'ff llt Inell Sv.-s.i, '' APL Corp issue :;~·r'eK~ 11 1;~;~1~1ntrm In f, r, NEW YOll.K fAPl/!J Gt" J?O '"::;,•~11~,: count on hands notes, etc , 11001h~ c 11 2t '"' Bws11 ,,'," 1','• -The 1011 ..... 1n1 11uo '"' 4 .u •ti AR , Boo: Alo+ 2!•\ 71,~ 1111 Munl! • I • 1111ont w:r11.o !Iv 1m111c1 F IM t u A ¥~ 91 ISSUed after ~1ay 27 )969, O C Int Meir 9 ~ "' <"o "o<lo•• •••"<I-!rno C&11 t 11 1~ 01 ArcetaN 03-0> •11 )j\~U•4 1 "" ·~ -,.,,,3 Artat1N111 1 must be reported ratably by l'lr"!I 5•• 11 S• int Sv1 1 11 1 J Jtlon of 5ttur111u Imo GTh ,-:. 171 ArCllO&n 1 60 fllrlWY G •''?Ill, Int SY P 11 II'~ Dt•llfl lrtr. 1rt Inc Fdl 1,; tlO ArltPS•c lOI 'Ve" a Casi' basis In Ve.tor I" .... ,.. '' • -·· In! T Ille • ~ ~ ~ "'' prlctl II whltll Incle-' • ll •. ····-· •• -• !l•wn ;; 11,~ ;; '"1t•t ro 10•. rneq .ecvrhles ll'ld Trlld 5_.. 616 ArmCosJ 1 ;o Proportln" to lhe number Or ''"'" 0, '''• ,,., 1onl<1 lt lC'•tOllld 111vt befn lrld•lrY , .•• ,,,, •••<• "''' th h Id d ' '-· f111(lie¥ t ~ 10 11 $.GUiii H o.19'• •pkl lb!OI °" bo..91!! INTGC~ 1Jiiil..Sl Af"tl'IO\ir 1611 mon s e ur1ng uc year fl"""'"' s J• 11 J1ca~ F l' • • li!.kl!'dl "'"""'" nv t.IMI t 116 Armr 111 • H ('.IC Le•• " • JI"' w~1 <;'!. • • •1• l.lll l~: f:::i11~ 10 ~ 10 61 ArmH(k IO (3J Speedy dcprec1ahon on C•l wsv ,.• ,,:J•rn•~ F 11 lJ A~rdn 1ot 2211"ve1 Bos11ts110. "'•mC-ofJIS I d r.1m<O 1• 1' J1rn1b¥ U' i(>, Admlr.i!y Fulldl ln¥ulOrl Group Armltu~ 1 60 nC\\ cominercia a n tn Cano~ M i< 1, Jlrrv Fa~ 1 1•, Grwtn 111 t11 105 rldl j'° 'n •ro CD•P l'O dustr1al bu1ldr,1gs acquired Cann!.! a 1• 11 ,',',",',', !! 1~" n lncom J 1' • lS J.1u1 t !I 10 o Arv1" lrld 1 C~ntiG . < ~\ ~· !t/.,)IGI-: ln1ur Ill 111 "'OCI 110 SI• A'llldOll 110 after July 24, 1969 1s hm1led c.0 t.ow ll'• 0 1(,•,',","••• 34 Js•, Ao¥1.,, s 11 '1' srac1<. 11..s1:io11 A•hOll Pl1 oo t h 'so d I Cao t~t• 1 , S • 1\, AHlll•1d iCI 7116 S.IKI Jl6 t•1 AHO llrtw o t e percent ec 1n1ng rioTth 4,, , •• K•~•"" 1 ,,,, Alu!•~ '1• • 16 v1r Py 1 St 1 2s Al.SCI oG 1 :>tr b I 'hod II ed Cftrl" Bl , S 1(11• T l l'o 17-1• ,.II Am F IO 11 In~ Rtsn '116 S 31 Aud 511!1 I ~ a ance me a us com-cir1• ,.,,, ,, , , Ktt~11 ~ S'• Atoto• I'd n 11 n " i.t?t 11 :111t ts .t..ssd'Trtn :io I llWll H >11 Am'Hl Stl6411vv 7t)J'3At1CtvEllJl merctal and 1 n dust r I a c11c 1<1G "'• ,,,.. Ktufl E ""' n·~ ~ 8~rn 310 lJ6 J Hrtr.llCJ< 1E 1 n A1CiwE1 "', build' gs a qui ed .rte J I Crnlt• <Jl~ '' • Kt•t Fib I.Pon.,''' 001 tt7 10 t0 Jal!""" fl )1 Ill AN lllChltd 7 n c r r u y ,. .... \/PS 1••; ,.. •• , , ,, ,, ,•,~, ",',.',_• "• •'•• ,, .,,,,. ,,, ,, 2• 969 I d C~~r J·~ !O 10 • ..,.1 \r\ l Am Grlh I lO • " ., l arc imite to rh•<ll!A ~,6.,K1v1tPC' t•11rn1nv 660~60 cu,a111:n1tn 1111.1c111>!l Klno ln! p , I 1 Am MUI 14' t :>tr (u\ Pl 1 6' 21 j~ A!IR(h ol? 80 S{rajght-J1ne f"llm L~a 11 JI>, Kl,_ El ''' Ji, l rnN G!'1 ?91 JH Cu• Bl , .. t• AllasC'1tm I C"-1 !rid S'o l•S ··v• > 0 <I• ,-.., ,fil<•o C-(4) B I d t r"'°' Ulll 1~, 1''1 Klfk Co f 1'>lO'JAl'M P1c I Cu• K1 1 SI.lo! v•P arga1n sa es ma e o ,.111, u 1 ,,1: ,,1~ ""'" vo1 ,,,, 10•• "''1cllor Group cv1 Kt so' l so A To '"' Ob charities after Dee 19 1969 Chi ara.1 H 6'l ~;:~~"o.t fil ~~ ~:11 1f1l 1J :f ~~! j~; 1:i:Jo;; !~~:i'1n"/~ I ta bf ' 'Cllflll1>! "10' '2 ,,,17, Irie.mt 7NIU Cus l 7l110!~120 may resu I In xa e gain to c~r111 s ~ .. L,•~1 ,'" • 1 • Fc1 In¥ 1 '° t 1s cus ~ 1 t • s lt A~co ofl 20 h II .1 CHv In¥ 11'>11 ,, .. °' lO 0,">Appll(I FCI I U 711 Pot~• 30l l b A¥erYPd :>tr t e 5e Cr-uonor r-t•del "• 1 Lint Wd 10;• I~,' Anoi;ll 1.11 1 lt ICnldlb I 11 1 S? A¥ntl lllC •O r ..... , 0 71, 7•\L....... •• '"'Allrll" Sil ll'l("ld: r.11n0t l l05A¥1'1t! of250 (5) Investment credit was c•A•~ Mt 2,., 2~. Larw" M 1•1• n•1 Ai<• "°"'h'on Lex Grll'I 10 1111 °'A"""' Pr1111 1 I d f -d ClftYlo~ '') l l•• Ron '• 25 Furld A S s• 'Ill L"" llteh 1• •s 1,,,0 AllK 011 Gs repeae orpropcrtyacqu1rc r •ln• M•• 1..,_~1~, Lelod• Ld 11•.2n; Fvrld • '"'' l l4 Llbtrl'f Sl4 •ll d I A I 8 f'I Lell Coel l'• 4, jhttll 6ll •ltU•e Slk s~<6•~ or consifucte atcr pn I , rio":.O"c~o ,~;~~, Lelsu• G ;o ll ti C• ••• s.:i1u1e 1"¥ 1st l7'B1tookw 1>& 1969 ro.urn 1,,~"'L••"'" •'i i B1b!ot1 IHlll LJf!CH111Goo10.-a1~ro11r ,J Coiri.lty Man Made Age11t ....... r~ ,~ t(J Ltw I !IF II 17'· !le•tc~ !11~ u 10 Llll!I 4'"' 4 lJ 8111 Gt 1 n ro••m F 0 , , LUI~ Ell 101 !OJ>, 8frt K11I t.lj •21 Lorwrn!~ S1vl1< Bll0.1 pfB~JO '.'' -' ,, ,,, Lllbllw I '"" Biii• I'd 101 11 "<I c1 .... d 3519')1 H 81llG ,,,, ·~ ~ I Borwh"'-'lll ·~ C1•1t 1~ JO 1n 1(1 Coll>n SI• '"~ )< loll Cdy 4 "' S ' llOllOll SI J to I l Mui ll ~ lJ I• 81ngPu~t 60 r-c•• ,~ u LOO Elrn 2• U1~a.oi.1Fon105!11 Mton~ In II.\ 1n8angP ell Com Cir ,. ~ 4< • LVrw::ll C ?i''r H Bos~ 7 IJ l.56 M1nllln '..$1 7 1t B•nk DI (1! 2 ron1 ·~u ,, ,,J MH GEi l:P~l•'•B SI 1l 111US M111 FO 1061 111.6 8• ..... ofNY, r..., r:.1 11 lit<. I I Rlty IO o lO'olu C11¥1n Mau r.t~ 11'31J04B•""Tr 114 ro ... T•• ,....,.. '''lo M•ll~rt 70 . n Bundi llt:J •S.16 M~\I T• 14 ., ,.,, 8•rb011 I 011 Corn !"Ith 1" 1..,1 Mgmt As l • l'~ C•ndn It '1 20 oill Matn l 5(1 S 50 Bero Cll 25 Corn P•~ Jl>,lll•M•"I~ M l '• '· O!•Jd J U lllM•'11tt• I ~1nn11111.c l"I: .. roma 1 ~~ "~M•nDr c ,, 1•. NotWS tlllOllMld,fi Mu 61t 171Bul• pl 150 (mo c ... l!Wi"'"'MI' M!q l)l•lF' NY\lnl11!510]1MoodVCD0111•111181tts Mt9 crno 1..,1 t \n M••m Gr ti~ 10'1 ~~~dFCI 1, ii ; l; ~v;~ 11 ft 11 ~ B1tt1 Mt pl 1 Cmo Ttt 7 '" M arowr ll JTV! tJip1mr 95 I 11 MI F Giii ! 51 s 95 11111 Ind ~1ax Harthcock or Newport (O"'""S ~ •• , M•v•• 0 ,, '1') C11111 In¥ 4 u 4 !~ Mu OmG nJ ~ n Bl!~ln Df2 so Con ltl){k J? ~ J• Mt Quy ll''> »,,, l'.aoll Shr 6 H 161 Mu Oml11 t 6' 10 JJ 111...,.c~lb IO Beach has betn appointed as Ct 5,,_._,9 41, 4•• Mt<1lc H 11•~ ,, • '"' snr 11 l4 n l9 Miit Slln B ,, 1~" B••lfL•b 10 Cornrld •l• t>to MtO Mtv lt•-' JO l ll1n11l1>1 Furld• Mui Tr1! J lO 7":JO Blyl/llC O SO for the All s late c,.,,11an ,,. 111M•"'••"< If SO B•l•n IOA1119Nl"AMut10MlngirB,..,rlncn l -· L "l "'" • 10 I 1111 (111'1'1 Sr 1.55 1 .. NII Ind 10 n 10 1l llell ""' 1 l nsurance companies and the roro s J!'~ •r~ MM!';!•••,, 4•, 5~1 Grwih s.u '21 N•T •~¥11 '11 1 's BNt Fd• p1 4 rosm Yr '"'• ''l'l "'"" 11 tt lllClll'l'I 11• 180 Net Stw• $-tr Bec:krn.n so Allstate Motor Club ac-rding Crwtrd " "''~ Mol1 G11 ,. ,.,, S"'l 1..S' t 18 a111n 1n.,. 11 '1 Beel o1c~ JO w ''''' "" 0 ,, Mlq \llG ll'i !7•i ll"-lt Groun Borwl J JJ S tl IU!f<~Ar J•h ~n ... , Ca11l1 tH to~ Olvtt 41\ ,., "" f Cy N d t Ct f C•t1I Fo Sil ' Mo Jl 1c~ •• 5\o Fu~a 10611162 Grw'11 ''' ,,, ltte~ Crtl' 0 cv;man IS r1 sa l!S rl'fl" c~ " ,, Mad Sci ' , 10 Frn! ,1 61 ,5 ~' pi St~ ~ A6 1 (II; 8tlco Pri so lt II b ed r.ru•cll ,. • • •• MOl'l""k II J()'j )1•, !"r~d M~· 1111 IM.OM • n ,., 11,11 MG/< Ml manager I? \\ 1 C aSSJgn Cvor@i C 11 ll'i Monm Pk IJI • I• • MCI '1M t 11 Stoel: I'' t I! Btll lnlerc~n t o Chula Vista o~r11y M 11 , n Mno•e ," 10 • 11 (heme• 11 It n !5 N•I Gr1h ' l j 10 15 ll•rnh Co 1 0~11 o·~ 1''~ ,, MDO•• Tl'• lJ\4 CDIO"lll Neuw!~ ,, !I'""' ll•r.cll Y t 60 Harfhcock will also .... , O•'"-'n o 61, 1 M!ot TrA u~. 1t, Fctu•¥ j M 1 n N"" w1c1 11u13 ~· S"!rlClh• p1 1 1.11! f).ovls I'd ,,_I Mo•,~ M ''·' Fund 10761116N""1°" Htl l6 11 BrMfFln IG represenhng the AlJslale Safe DI¥ Ml• l~'~ 1• •MDI Club IS'-ti•. G<wl!l I 71! I 1-N0te1~1 14 'l 14 'l BtnllF p!J, SO f"ltcor ·~ ,., 1111,M111llt• J) "'' "~' 673 611 n.,.....,11 ··~ 16h B'"llF' oUSO tyCrusade 1nCostai\fesa The 1">t1h1 AP 11, t1!.Mut111 Es ' •~cci G•lll ,,"',,"°"'""' 1u 1s5Btn11F p1•>0 .,.lu• (~ 41 ,.,~Mttr LE 211,111,Clll'l'lm' tOCI tJ.1100 F(I l41n1\41 Ber1F Spl?JO agent Crusade a Cou"l""''lde pr·· NCC l ,. ,, Corns Id 4 16 511101 FO • " 10 n • • .~" ..,. 0t1 c~nl 1''• 111~ e~ ..,,, • '' • CcmrnlHlwltll Fas !"!"" wms u 11 ",, ,~"O~_!! 1 Tho d fcahl gram lo rcdllcc tr.rflc a"d Oo-1 !Br 10 701,H1rr10 C '"' ' f•P FCI tl1 fffONfll lJ?lltOJ rrog.,.., n Usan So Orru'at""xpaye rsha vealready Dt~ Am 1s 16 NH arnc1 11• ,,,, llCO"' 111 '"n"""n~ ,,, ,,,aer•PllO n+ ..... home accidents, oUers 1n flcowfv i: ,~ • ., , ,., NatC•r 11 11•; 12• • 1 .. ..-.,1 1 SJ • :n OTC Ste 11 ~ n °' Ber"'ec coro Tecel.ved thetr~funds di·r-from Bene•-st-thet'r 01""' cr ?1'• ,~ •• Ntm11 CD 11• l'• s1oct I!' • 33 "••• F~o,M 1111,. 1.1~ so 1 10 II;; ._ .... t,. >''-dlVldU3JS and C 0 m m U n I l y OT1c 1M 6"o t•i NII Eau! JI lt f:Wlln A& t 1 11 Penr1 511 1 e1 1 i~ II";! Tllret 60 full refund -~--Do J fy r ed I I [ f [ O!ytr CM l'i (ti NII Gl.O 1S ~ 16 Cwllh CD l It 1 IS •1 Mv! >"II 7 :u 81at~Dk 110 s1 at no extra t,...U4.15e. you qua l 1oran groups uca 1ona ea els 0ocu1t1 15 , 11,, N11 Lib " so torn,, A1 1411111• 1• ""11• 1• 10 is..16 B111rJ011n ... In f I ndfll t ha C Dollv Md ''' 60-Nill Mtod ll'•l41,(111'1'1Pfl 7'5 l:JIPUgrlm t i• '"Brin l.llJll 1 stant Re und? Most poop e do. a ms a no c rg ODw Jor1 ,, , 0 N•t Ptt ?), 11, Como fld • '' •., PllDI 1 n 1 n aiot~ 1o111. ,, 1-----------"-----laoylt OB '' ,. ,,.., ~c" 11•. "' Clll'l'IO Fff '14 t tl /llnt ~· In'"'",,, 81111801 "'. , ,• Comllk 4•1 S4l Pion Ent 7JI 10< Co ,_, JP b k Orirwo HL SU 6'~ Ht! Show • • 1 ~ COllCtltd IJ 51 ll 51 Pl0tr Fnd 1I "1,..14. Bobbot lrt;1 my ... tcT accuracy rompt s1.'Tt.11Cc -a out a ucc °""-1" o 11 1• ,..,1 s111tr •t· 1~ con1111 in 11u111• 1111n lnY 1o»n-" aoe'lllco «r f: ft h I Concu rn vn•v1ll Pritt F'unch l ol!C'I\ t!I> rom start to n1s /Get. r1-de( 11ct1on rhe law allO\l~ ronll Ml • :>l r.rwtll ""'" (0 a,,.,a Sitt , ¥"''.J Con! C:th tl2 ,,, "Er• tll '"' llDOllM!~ 1H OftANGl COUNTY AHAkEIM 132 E LlllCOI" A~eJ776 1i62 271 s EUGlld AveJn6-30'0 602 S Sl1ll CollegE Blvd 956-2080 euf:NA l"AP:K 6875 N W1stem lwe 1522 28'8 OAAHGE 429 N Tuiun Ao;e 1538-9658 SANTAANA 1403 K Maln/542-3553 COSTA ME61. 2790 H11bor Blvd~ Suite t03 657-1935 GAAOEN G'IOW: 12909 D H1rbor Sl\ld /5l7 9170 10074 Chlpm111 AveJS~JO WUTUINSTEA 5836 W1stnunster Ave 189l-5011 MM flJl:NANDO YAlLl!Y _ CANOGA l"AP:I( 21835 Sherman W1y/3AO 5:!7:? f'IEM:OA 18210 Strertrt1n W11y/881.-65SO &TIJOIO CilY 13133 Vet1!111118t'ld lt8M207 8U'l'le-ANK- 517 N Sin F1rn..ndo Blvd. ........ &AN f'EANANOO 1033 Trutnill Avt 13$~2 \'AtfHU'l'S 1+4-4 van NuyaBNc1Josw1s1 f'ANOMMA Q T't' 144110.... StJltlJ"3a5 -lllM*I CM"IU ........... I Ill N, Weetifm Avt" Suitt 20& ..,...,., NUNTI NOl'Otl KACH tl634 BMGh Blvd TOWJt and C0v'111'J' Stioop1n11 etntor/Hl·171M I.ONO"'""' J"408 Lall•wood lllYd .. Sul!I O •21-2112 <Mt7Clflfoml1 Plaul•H-71•• ncOONDO BEr\CH' 1119 S. Ca1<11in1Avo1313 8761 :=o.t..NTA MONICA 117 Santa Monie. Blvd 1451-9•2• ll.\N GAllUEL VALllV AllC,fiDIA 102S 1/2& 811dwrn/4411..e&15 ELMONlE 10719 Vtlley Blvd IS7t-?OJ1 SAN O.l.llAIEL 726 E Valle)' 81WdJS7).llOO PASADENA 721 E. Gre9t StJ793-8116 WEST CO\llNA 172 S. Glonclo4"a/967.J901 WHlnttlll ARU. \IMlnlER , 291 a e. PhUldelphlelf91-7tJ.t IEAST WHITTI~ 18525 E. Wllit1ief 81vGJ &D4"J60I NC>P:Wi\LK 1J933S San Anto"1o011v1 Su1!e A & B/863-5753 LAMllllAOA 1' 122 lmpe111il Hlg'1W.\Y l~ 14111d• Sh09pll'g Cent1r 921 •!11 CINTll.lll "-lllEAS DOWNEY es3t Florence Ave, $ult1 2 . .....,., HAW'fffORN[ 12909 H1wthom•91vcl /81$-1131 l~LOYOOD 416 E. M.ndlester Aft./17 .. tOS) l 03 ANG£1ES ~1 Wll&hllw Bfwd.1953-Ct •i 9223 W, Pico 8/'td../:z7H'20 OTMl!t AfllAI 111<11.LING HILLS ? 77 SI Iller Spur Ad., 81110 10J 371-5563 '"'°"' 16~J N lf'd!snHlll 8lvcl/Ar11 C000,714/8t1·3CI~ \l[NTUAA 2900 E. M1111 St./'44..J2f1 =ll=benevest Jct Route Told r.o.rp Ld l•Ol!!'' H Hor l<IAtU" aorOtn 110 Cn1v C10 lj IJ 1J •S Rostnl~ 1 lf1 1 n B&r11W1r 1 ?! C..-n Yl0l¥ U 610 ~11em Fd l~" '" Borrn'"' ao Crn WD1r 10 j• 11 l4 SChv1lr 1 «116 15 I OI EdOI 1 Ill !11\l•h M fl 'M •• k'!l!der """"" '""'~~ Inc gecel l"t ll?C l?:>! In! lmr U6:1Uf0 BranllAI• SO N f•-t Al 11 tl11•1rr• t•'4n.lA s~d ,,....,U,,41r10QS11111~ I or11t'8S r nes an §El" l• '" IH 1111 Ul4 U14 BrllfMY l?G nounced today that It Wiii tn nl t' ~ It 6 n Com S• 1~ '1 tn :l'I Br!l!My pl 1 rn•I 1SOOUOll Sec EauH j"' 311 ldwl>Hoi. I aum1rate 1·' service bet..,_ .. '""I'd 11.«11t~ sec'"" 1t 111 11wv1t• p1A1 &"' <::~ .,,....._.,l)rel'iLvno111n,sSe!'\Am t•J 104il8ktv"uc;1n Los Angeles and For t EMon&Hoo<o••o ~r ~1 1~ is 1A 11 arcwn co ~ 81l1n tt\10121~ Dft" 115'115' Brown Co pl Lauderdale f la f\.1arch I Grw111 11 "° n n !d~ 111..nt to t<I 8Wl1 Sh••P 1 lncorn !..•J ! so 19'Tlt t n 10 U &WflS!lo. l ~ LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have new ncr~hbont or kno\v DI a nyDna moV1111 to our arefl. plraa1 tel.I us 10 that .,'"e may u tend • friendly \Vrlcome and help them to become acqualnl<'d In their flt'\¥ aurroundin:s So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor soac1 t:1 1 .61 flt> In¥ 11u1111 eru~wk 05fo o:~~r l~lil~:; s~f: ~r .~; ;n BtttYEr 120 ;t r•I lj .it 13 Sf Swn In¥ 1 3' , n• l ucla Co ao '"'' Sc " I 10 sw•"· GI 1" '10 lllOd Co pC s F'/Mrtv 1\1111.n ~ 111¥ 11.lol l(,7.t 8uf!FCKO 1 11 ~"'"'" n !Pl!tt•• ), l ;, Bu IP¥• w 60 !""'!"' I rJ t S. 1o:rm r.t 17 11 !IU..il R1m\o f''IUI Giii U"IVlll 111te St 4i.50 4' 50 B, ..... , ••• ,' • 11$1• 1• 41 IMdm•n Fi;""' Uri "" Vlr$1 I" l7fll3ln I m !rid 10:Jt\ll't ll"'INOflll ~II F1!•1d 10 .. 1111 Fl""" fl.I Pit 8ur1Hor plw 0:1tm l u 10 '' 10 SJ Sclt11 ti 1 •1 8ur1'>d'f 711 """ !';rl~ 1j06 14 27Sl•ll't llot l'rk Bvrrtlls 60 o:r11 c~o 1 '°"'' 111 '!"1114 0:10 !Furld 1!2116~ [~o 0• I 'i113'1 l'lcj Trn~ "'3 1' JS 34 Slocll ll 30 lj lll C11>Qt (D 10 Fln11nc;l1! Proo ~vo l"GI 6 JI .tit Ctl ""tnl 0¥nm f .O 't7 Su11tn$1 t 63 10 H r:h•llM 731 lndu•I '05 c 4j ~vnrr r;1 10 'fl 11 ~• 1m11ll:l 111 1,,....., 6 '' 6*1 TMll Ip "''!I II 1mpSo l 10 v~111 I lt 'u Tt~'JI•\ I ... 'II ld8re11 "°" """ \/• tnl11l" l~rtr.I •h 1\1 on Pie ll'll l'11tn O•! J q t tr TKhnol J 1A I IO dP!IC-1 .. 110 o:i.1 Cao 100 TwnC l;r ' 405 1rolc~ l IO "st 1...r.·~ •4 tt• ffl'I• 01 nttuu f:,..,,.d 111 F11 111sr~ 111 t n T-· Mii I" 'A' 10 c aoc11 I'll U ull! • U •?~ Tr1n C•o ~ 100 l<"brvn lM !F il NII 1•J 112 ftf¥ En •M10M 1dl11t AO "•I si.r1 "11 '7 00 f U<IOf 1"0 1J 'l 11 21 1-PL! I •I Flit Fl'IO ' » Tw"C Inc: I '2 ,c c ,,,1..-c,. 60 Fla Gth 7 11 71' Unll Miii • +; 1~ ,,... pl'J.tJ 646-0174 1'1111 Gtn ,~4 •M U"lld t:1:11110 1rrGn l IOo l.========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll'OYrldfl •1 16' Un C•olll •04 It 1r1.,w 40. Learn to help your family through prayer. Come to th, Christi•n Sc11nct Leclur1 FDUrM tttlOto Unl!M F-11nd1 ilff JI Fr1 ... ll11 Group Atnn I~ 'f. IM DI Alu DNTC: t ll 10 :it lrl(Ot!I 'I 11 ,,u1Ckt oo G""ltt 4.W 7 1t Stlt" I 4 11er"T I :rct VIII •.lil '., V•nt I' 'll I CPr• '"""" '11 , t1 uo:a c111 tS t '3 tco C:0to to l'rHOm I 1 I If Yll'UI '"'""' Fd 1llnt1..C:P 2 F'd lniMI 1f001000 \II l.J" 'l! 1MI tl.o,n plA,50 I'-,fiJOI It 10 01 lllCll'l'l I J lit a<'ICO In• lO ~'" Sf:C" t• tll 5ol Sii • tt! tnl l'<ly r-ltrraltr n 2111.11 V11CfS 1PI '" IA! ... 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" " " "' m ' " .. " •• .. .. " -' " • 1# "" ~" ... I" 2S'o 11'• W' .. "" !l'> 69•. '" ... 'I" ~ " , ... "' " !Jlarl~et Syu1bols • I • \ I I • \ N•ko (1'1 70 Ntrco Sd 60 Nt.iiu.Cp 41 Htl Altlln 40 N Av.l!Ll.>-Ntt !1 1-C-l 10 NII Ctn 10 HUC•ll'I l 10 Ntl CMm SI N..CllYL to N.i Dlllll '<I NCtlt pU 25 • NII Fu.I l 61 "'' "-"' 70 N•tGm 1 01 Ht! lllCllJll Nttl/ld pfl H Ntll.Nd '°' N1t~re'~ tO NltfS .. cln M NI! Sltnd 1S Nt!Sltrcn 60 N8! S!i!1! l SCI Nft Tt• llO N.ru~et '° • ' • T11twl•Y1 Mardi .1 1~70 Tuesday's Closing Pr.ices-Con1plete New York St-ock Exchange Li st ,.... . .. <Mt.I Hlttt Ctw Clelt Ql1 Ma1·t Optimistic: Stays on Upbeat SC Complete Closing Prices -An1erican Stock Exchange List D-'llV PILOT 9 \ For .The Record Death Notices Tuesdu, Mardi 3, 1970 Now It-Only Takes 90 Seco·nds to End· Ma~riage By TOM BAR'tEY 01 ni. OtllY ,lltl tl•fl SANTA ANA -Audrey pac· ed the noor outside the courtroom. nervously puffed on her cigarette and tried hard not lo look in Bill's direc- tion. Her estranged husband talk· ed to his lawyer about the lovely new· courthouse they were In, the Denny McLain scandal and the Angels' adop. tion of Dodger training techni- ques -and tried hard not lo look lJ1 Audrey's direction. "I hate this," Audrey l-Old her lawyer. "We're going lo be stuck here aU day and I have problems enough w I t h o u l going throu gh this kind of ordeal. Questions, questions and everybody listening to·our private affairs-'' "It isn't that way any more, Mrs. -. " her lawyer pa· tienUy explained for the sixth time that momin~. "I've told you, you're going to be surprised at just how easy - Come on now, here we go." Fifteen minutes I a t e r Audrey and Bill were outside the cowiroom no longer linked in marriage. The bonds they forged in Kansas City four years ago had been dissolved -that is the term now for what people still refer to as divorce -by Judge Herbert Herlands. · Just 90 seconds of that time -carefully clocked by a reporter -had been spent in tCrminating their rocky mar· riage. It seemed to Audrey that the marriage was over before sbe could even gear Contest Set For Essays On Law Day herself lo tell the judge all about Bill's description of her before the children and thllt dirty little affair he had had. Judge llerlands wouldn't have been Interested. The law now doesn't let him be ln- terested. All he needs" ls for lhe parties lo tell him that they can't get along. and that they·ve agreed on a division or their community property and he dissolves the marriage. In court language, he ha s to be convinced th a I "ir~ reconcilable differences" have caused a n ''irremediable breakdown" of the mllrriage. And since 90 seconqs ls par for the di ssolution course around Orange County Superior Court, it doesn"t take much more than the filing to convince the jurist that you and the little woman have a big problem and really should go your separate ways. There seems to be little doubt that the news is gelling around. For dissolutlons of marriage h1 Orange County - !he new law came into effect last Jan. I -are up 18 per· cent on divorces filed at this time l~t year. The 1,800 dissolutions filed by late last Friday were up by more than 300 on the tota l of di vorces filed in the fi rst two months of 1969. Court officials have generously allowed for the annual upswing common to all Orange County filing~ and then conclude that the switch from divorce to dissolu· tion must have Increased court actions in that field by at least ID percent . Audrey's reasons a~ for the bulk of th pt 10 percent in lhe opinion of tier lawyer, a specialist In the marriage dissoluUon field . "\\'hen I learned just how rasy it was to end a n1arrlage that really ended three years ago I decided to take the plunge," she said. "I was afraid to before tha\ because of the airing of dirty linen in the courtroom and because I an1 basically a shy and sensitive person. , "I'm glad I did," she saJd. ''It was all over before I coold rc.ally start to worry about IL I think !his new law is a bless- ing. particularly to I he wome~nd l think it was an in s pired act by the Legislat1,1re." But many Californians don't. Audrey's mother. a Newporl Beach resident who personally implored her representative In the Legislature to oppose the measure, branded the new law as "the certification of if· n1orality . "I'm not saying that there shouldn't be divorce and I'm nol a Roman Catholic.'' she said. "Obviously, there are many instances wheri it would be better to end a broken mar- riage but this ltew law changes a union blessed by the church into a mad game of bedroom roulelte. "Respect for the sanctity of marriage is going fast if it hasn't gone." she snapped . "Where a firm line should have been taken by our lawmakers they have swung the pendulum in the other Chambers Re-elected Goodwill President direction wJlb an eye to the added up to one thing -lhe rlage c o u n s.e 1 l 11 g , the of miiirrlage b contested - votespf the younger set." granting of a divort.-e for orie assistance of the et1nciliation and not many of thtm are tn The church she referred 10 of the parties," he said. "\Vhat court or a waiting period Orange COlltlty -the judge is llO!ldly \\'lih her if the com-was the point in 99 percent of mlghl help you restore your may call hlr testimony from ment1 of five repreaentatlves those cases of, in your marriage to what ll ooce was? lhose who can shed light on -tw9 of them Roman sourc.-e'a phrase. airing all that If the pelitlO'll filed seeks the reasons for the breakup oC Ca1ho lic priests -are 'typical dirty linen Jn the courtroom "spousal suppo"tt" -we used lhe marriaj!:e. ".J of the outlook of men of the and pror&nglng what already to know that as allmony -\Vitnesses may be asked to cloth. was an agony? three more questions are pos-do what Audrey dreaded -air '"l happen to think that my "It isn't true lo say that all ed by the court: that "dirty linen" she talked own Cburch ls much too rigid dissolutim1s are now a 00-se· -Are you working at the about with testimony on a in the matter of divorce," one cond proCedure and the public pesent time! Have you ~·orked mah iage partner's drunlen· youn~ priest commented. "But shouldn't thjnk that," he warn-in the past? Is lhere any nes.s, Infidelity, cruelty or thi:s 1S somethhlg else. What ed. "It Is possible to dispose of reason why you cannot work, physical abuse. you are doing now, in most in--cases quickly when everything either par1 or full Lime? The judge may not want tn st3nces, is taking out a license has betn cut and dried by the Jf the cou.rt is given an un-hear very much of it and the to sletp for more than one parUes themselves before \hey contested documentation of new law certainly doesn' night with a \VOman and then come to court. the . cou ple's community: pro-want him to hea r all or it. He your friend ly neighborhood "But where the unstated di· pc.rty and a statement of their will listen just long en~ugh tp juQge wW dis59lve yoor rela· vision of community property income, standard of living and beeome convinced -· o t tionshlp in -what was that is concerned, the judge must other rlnancial data, then a otherwise. -that he can eod figure? Ninety seconds ? set about effet..i:lng it." he sai(J . speedy judgment on support the marriage in question , Really? lt1y good Lord ~ "That takes 1onger but lhat paymenls Js usually made, But the new law isn't muc't Some of those '·friendly isn 't the only faclor that might "It comes down to the needs help for couples hailing from neighborhood judges" aren't cause the judge lo go .into ol one partner and the ability slates with sUfldivorce Jaw:s. any happier than tile mlnislers much ·more than a OO·second to pay of the other,'' th.e judge They have to prove that ·they over the new di vo r ce hearihg." . said. "Then we ha ve lo bear in have lived in CaJifornla for at California style, but they all This is how the dissolution mind the JCngth of the mar· least six months before they point oul that they can do no procedure ll'orks and thii; is riage. A woman ending 20 can tilr a suit. And their more than obey the law and what the parties to such a years of marriage has a lot divorce does Ylot become final dispose of dissolulion issues in court action are asked: more right to C'.OUrt J on-until six months after the the manner prescribed last -You have asked for a si deration than a girl breaking decree has been granted - year by the Legislature. dissolution of your marriage. up after a few mon ths of what very much on the Jines of the Superior Court Judge Do you still desire this? wasn't maMtal bliss." Jaw dumped by tht \Villiam Murray feels that we -Have these differences And there is no 00.second Legislature last year. may end up with a divorce c re a t e d irreconcilable dif-"quickie" when it comes to "The Jaw,'' commented a system that is oversimplified. ferences between you? determining the custody of Superior Court clerk, ''was ,ap. Bul one of his colleagues -I-lave they caused an ir· minor children. t.1ost judges proved for Ca lHornians. That'• regards the ne1v law as remediable breakdo"'Il of your prefer to set a separate hear. how it got its name around the "inevitable" and "a great way marriage? ing for that procedu re. courthouse -DJ v or c e, to break up the logjam that Do you think that mar· lf a petition for dissolution California style." existed in our doinestlc rela· ---:~-·~~··~~iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiill;;:---lions courts. "Our divorce cases were I k cluttered with poi n I I es s a as a IS ALIVE! arguments,.with embarrassing revelations and with pre>-At "The Grandest Mall Of All" cedurcs llial a~o~ always M i;~n;~9p:;~ 1~:. Air Pollution l-~~~~~~~\~1 ~~r·~~~~~­ Officer Due Recog nition SANTA ANA -Anaheim in· president. "It will soon occupy dustrialist Robert Chambers a ne\V $611,000 rehabilitation TUSTIN -The Lawyer's has been re-elected to an un· center marking an important -SANTA ANA -Orange Wives of Orange County have precedented third term as step forward in, treatment of County Air Polllltion Control announced the opening o~ the president of Good w i I I the handicapped." Officer \Villi am Fitche n will Law Day USA Essay Contest Industries of Orange County. Paul Cook, former Anaheim be presented with the Sea and ln30 a in Orange County. Tliis Year's One )'ear has been the tradi· school superintendent, was re· Sage chapter of the National CASTILLO topic is "Law-Bridge to r I I f 'd l r I I d . . d Audubon Society's Ann u a I £-lo t . c.,111111. u:wt OIJv• s i.. iona erm or pres1 en o e ec e vice pres 1 en l ; C 1. . l A d w"'"'''"r.r. s.i ... 1vfl! 11¥ w1r.. P•bl•1 Justice." the group which works "ith Edward Lemon, Santa Ana in· onserva iorus war · downhiU raCercan plunge a half a mile. m1rr, Em11,,..1. Cw..••· 111001...,., Wfllne,. E h' h A society spokesma n said ,,.,, 1 PM, PMlc Frmu1 cor°""~' Fu11er•I ssays, w JC must be the handicapped, a I th ough dustrialisl, secretary: f\.1rs. Filchen is slated for the award HorM. lll•utem Ma•&. TI>ur1<111. n AM, pos•-ark-" by March 6. \970, James Lukens. Chambers' Agnes Townsend, assistant .._ __ ei..Nd s.c .. """" C.."'911c c11urd!, w.11. ..,, '1:1..1 .....,..;ause of his work in air "'Im'"'· D1r1Kt9d b¥ PMlc F•mlh< co1an-must be 250 words or less, but predecessor, served two secretary; Jami's f\.1cCutloch. pollution control relative to 111 Funer•t ~111:As•111: can be typed or handwritten. terms. Orange banker, treasurer. and the expansion of Southern J1111n Fr•"""· sn O•k st., L"'''11 1111ch. Entrants musl submil their "Goodwill l ndu~tries has Lyle Blyslone, ass i sl a n l California Edison's Huntington 0.1. of dMtt.. Mtrdl t. sutvlved t¥ l E "-1 1 •-12 ·11· treasurer. wtt., LYlfl•i Nllllll•••· a.trice Fr•Mr /' essays o: ssay ...un es , m:come a m1 ion annual Beach plant. 1111«. 1utM111 snow1"1111, C..Y\lalS1 ,_ Orange County Bar Associa· operation with a ye a r I y Three new members \\'ere Filchen will be given the bfv!IWn, Edw•rd, ol V1H1lo1 1nd J•...,.. 1· \8091 E 4\h Sl S ·1 C •. ,r•Mr". 114 C•Y11CO•. Servlc-., wft!Mt. Jon, . ., u1 e • payroll of $11 ,250,000," noted elected to Goodwill's board of a"·ard at the 1970 annual con· Nv, M1r<h •· 11 AM. P1c111c vie.. Tustin, Calif. 92630. Gaylord }licks. execufive vice directors. servation dinn er Chapl'I, wl"' Dr. 011~5 It. TurM!' flffle\.[----------------------------------------------••I,... lnur,...,.,.I. P1<!llc: Vl9w M-111 l"1t11;. Olr1Kled tw P1c!lk vi.w M0tlu1rt. OOUAN ".v• EIY Gol11n, Anl~t ol L11111ri1 Nl1wl: d•I• ol de1!h, M••<l'I 1. Sutvlvtd bv wll1, H.I.,., lOn, P1111 E. Gobin. Jr.; 1r1ndl>OI\. 1"111 E. Ill: 1rHt-Or1ndCMI· dr.,.. Ell11 •1111 l(~lri Gotu"' Stnok n , w..mnct1v. ,,...,,h 4, 1 l"M. 1'1ell!e v..., Ch•MI. l~1tr....,.1, P•t1flc View Mtmarl•I P1rll, Olrectlld tw Ptcllle View Mortu· •N. Giii A HAM J•""" G. Gr•"""· A~ Jl . ol 71i-A J1,.,... 51 .• ("'• M ..... S1..,k ts P9ndl,.. •' lletl llrOMlw•v Mllf'!U1...,., Coil• Nini. l(AU,FMAM S.m Ch1t1ti K.ull..,.11. Prl v1tt HrVlctt wtrt held. W11tml111tff M«nOrL1I Jl•t1C Morlu1ry Ind C..nelsrt. F•mllY wtft il'I hit w!sril1111 lo m,...t mtm0f'111 <an- lrlbullont, pltilh contrltwl• lo llM Cl'ICt• :!oo<lt!Y. WEAV.111 Dr. R. lltt111t!I W11 ....... All 17, OI to ~­u $end1. Th•H Arth 811. Dllt o• ,,.,11 .. M1rch l . Survlyed ~Y wilt . Georv!tnlll c . wuvt~r 11to>i0n, Ooro1l<1 C. 8rown1 1•C'Pdlu1M1r. Mrs. 8tvtrlv C. Mav. S~rv· k•s Wiii be held Wed<M)<l1v, 11 AM. HelghDOrl'IOOll '-•tt•llDrt11 criurch. L1· IU"•· 1111........,t in $ull••· WIKOfltln sn.trtr Lt~ Be.ch Mortu1...,.. Dire<· tori. ARBUCKLE & SON Wes&cWf Mortuary 427 E. 17th St.. Cosll l\fe11 616-4111 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del !\tar OR 3.9450 Costa ~le1a J\U 6-Ztu • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Costa l\lesa LI 1-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Vallry l\olortaary 17111 Beach Blvd. Huntington Be1cb IU-7771 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e l'ltortuary Ch1pel 3519 Pacific View Drive Newport Beaeh. California '44-!70I • PEEK FAMILY COl.ONIAL FUNERAL ROME ___ 71t1 IJC)ln A\'t . W'e1tmln1lu 193-JSU • SREFl'ER MORnJARY Lapno Beac• IH-1530 Su Cl.,...I< l!MIOO • !lMITHS' MORTUARY 1!7 Malo SI. BunlJortor1 Beach - FAIR F. ,1, f•ir. ftcfv•I. Th••• tfl.tM w•tefl l'.111'1 1,1p f•clori 111 •1'9'•tf•11 e1t fh• DAIL'I' •1tOT .cflf91i•I 1'•1• ,,,,,. lll1y, For $1995:.. itS a little gas. .,._,., ~ ............. ._ •.-.a ........ OI c--. -·11 .......... s:n ... 11111 ,_. J• ........ lhllMIM C:.... ,,._ ......... ., .. -. 9oll,St11.11,.. IP s 1411NA ......... _..... ....... ..,.,, .... , lflcl•"'"· .._, -1:111 ••If-. o...., _,.,e11i.. c.....,... 11 ..,, ...., • ...._. ~ -..,. ""......_ For a little more .. .itS a ) The ne-MeveliU Grabber. tt's nothing you'd take ou1 to a track to run against the big ones. It's more of a Jazzy firecracker you'd take lo the beach, or a baskel- ban game. BeeatzSe with an Its sporty Grabber features. with an Its e.xtra nalr, the Grabber Is still a Ford Maverick at hurt. SHU the Simple Machine thal doesn't lake a pit crew to keep 11 [l.IMll'lg. The MW M1Yerick Gr1bber 1111 your Ford Dllltr's noW. MAVERICK .. Here's what-you gel: • 200-cublc-lnch Sh: engine • Bodyslde tape stripes, bid· peln ted hood and grille • Wtiitewalla, 14" wl'letl• and trim rings • Deck lld 1pofler, dual raclno mlrro'1 • :J..tpoke wooct- tone •leoring wheel, bleck all.'f'lnyl seat trim • Cnolce or rtYe hot Grabber COior. PIUI 111 thll: • No big Prleti tag • No high Insurance rates • No hatd·IO- tvne engine • No hard,,stlff rid• • No high ~alntenance costs In the same time you can dial a call a in the country. @Paciliclelephon8 • • • • • • . ' • ' ' ' •' i; • .. •• .; b • •• ' 0 • \ .,. 0 0 • • • • • • • • .'Yes' Vote . Petitioned By Students , More than 1,200 atuclents at San ClemenJe High School l\.ave signed a petl~ Uon appealing for a "yes" vote in the March 10 tax override election for the Capistrano Unified School Dlstrrct. bectarlng that their education and careers are at stake, the' students flocked to sign the documents circulated by the high school'a madriaat singers. 1 1be brief a\.atement atop the petitio11 reads : "We the und ersigned ·students of San C,lemente Hl,gh Scliool do hereby wish to express our sincere concern over the up- coming tax overrlde electiQn. · • • "We appeal to the citizens of the com- munity to bear In mind that without this extra money our educations and con- seqµenUy our careers wlll be severely en- dangered .. Therefore, we ask you to remember as you vote March 10 that our future lies in your hands." ------ S bA1' V PILOT Future Vp in the Air ' San Clemente city, councilmen are scheduled Wed~ nesday to continue their deliberations on the future of the San Clemente Clubhouse, burned in a Feb. 5 fire that caused an estimated $75,000 damage lo th~ community landmark. The facility was given to the city in 1925 by San Clei:nente foundE;r Ole H{ln· son. Councilmen are pondering whether to restore it, replace H, or expand it. Education Cost In Capistra~o Slippery Problem This is earth slide in San Clemente's Pacesetter-Hillcrest develop- ment that threatens to destroy 'at least one expensive home on Aveni·' da Colombo. Owners of the home, ?\1r. and Mrs. Eugene Seets, plua other area homeowners wlll be Jnterest~ observers Wednesday when · city council begins digging into 1he problem of how to correct tht Down the M •• ISSIOD Trail Oemente High Hosts Contest SAN CLEMENTE -Students at San Clemente High School probably won't find themselves flying off to Rome or Paris with the date they win on their version of the Dating Game. But even though they won't be on televtslon's Dating Game they'll probably have just as much fun on the games between San Clemente and Laguna High schools. Students partfcipiting may submit their applications behveen l\1arch 9 and 13 at the stildent actiyiUes office. Judging by a six-man committee including three student cooncil members from San Clemente and three from Laguna will ta"ke place On March 16 at 3:30 p.m. in the Little Theater. e Sheer Sem-ln Slated MISSION VIEJO -Women who would like lo expand their knowledge of sewing are invited to Sign up for a class called Sewing Sheer starting Friday. The Friday morning classes will take place from 9 to 11:3'0 a.m. at the recrea- tion center until April 3. Contact the center at 837-4084 for information. e Salling Signups Open LAKE FOREST -Salling lessons will begin this month at Lake Forest. Residents interested in classes for edults or children may sign up by March JS at the Beach and Tennis Club for either Tuesday afternoon or Saturday morning instruction. Student.& will be required to k[IOW how to swim two }engths of a swimming pool. The cost is $4 Cooking Vp Fun ; San Clemente Police Cl1ief ' Distr'ict Soars wlide and who should pay for the work. · ' Five years ago when Capistrano ·says Crime Dip Significant Unllled School District was newly forin- ed, It C05t $597.01 to educate one student, Projected cost this year Is $724.92. Dr. Robert Beasley, president of the board, sa1d the five year increase has Moms Fa~e · Ki.ds By JOHN VAL TERZA 01 !flt D•llr "11•1 U•ff Unlike most American cities last year, San Clemente enjoyed a dip in lt.s crime rate in 1969, PoUce Chlel Clilford Murray announced today. Narcotics offenses were among those down from the previous year's totals. In the chlef's annual report, MurTay said the minor dip In the crime rate was "significant, consldWg the events besetting our community In 1969." Furthermore, the chief said, the department's rate oC conviction rose by 10 percent -among the highest "COO· viction rates v.·as 98 percent for adult felony narCQtics violators. Murray's report cites statistics in two categories -felonies and mlsdemeanors. In the felony list of 10 crimes, the figures showed the most subs~tial dip In the crime rate. In 1968, 1,034 verified felony offenses were recorded. ln 1V68, the total dipped to 749. Only two crime areas ln.1969 had more AAUW Endorses Capo Bond Issue Members of the San Clemente- Capistrano Bay Branch of the American Association of University Women ha ve en- dorsed the March 10 tax override and bond • election scheduled by Capistrano Unl fied School District. Announcement of the support was made by Mrs. Carl H. Senge, president, following a membership survey, Voters will dee.Kie whether to increase allowable interest rate on $4.2 million in unsold bon<is for site acquisition and school construction ffom five to seven percent. A 50-cent override will aiso be decided. It has been estimated that approval of both issues would cost the average homeowner about $36 per year. just about kept pace with national Inna- activity than In the previous year: Uon. CUrrent cost oI education has in- murdcr (two 1ast year; one the year ctt.ued &Mually at an.. average or 4.3 ~1other-d.aughter .Fun Night Set • before) and grand theft (32 In '63 and IM percent stnce the district was formed In last year). 1985, be aaJd. lt1others and their tee.nage daughter1 The eonvictlon rate for felon1es rose The board has asked V<lters of the will Join fo rces in athletic act.ivltJes Weil, The sports day will begia at 1:'5 ·•" the school athletic field. • -~ from 76 percent in 1968 to 86 pen::ent ·last district to approve a 50-cent tax override nesday n I g ht at San .Cl~mente High The public ls welcome. year, MWTay sald. March I to prevent a IO percent budget School's second annual Mother-Daughter Several crimes In . 1969 were 1 not slash and to approve an increase In In-Fun Night sponsored by the Glrl!I Ath· S V • De ' reported Jn the city -prostitution, com-terest rate from five to seven percent on letlc AssoclaUon. • Iel p11ty S mercla l vice, disorderly conduct offenses $4.2 . million In previously authorized ~ and gambling violations. -bonds for school construction. • Peggy Finn, student chalnnan for the La R , But despite tile drop •ln crimes in-Dr. Beasley said great Jmprovement activity. said the GA A hopes to top last wyers es1gn volvlng Mult.s,.Saa Clemente's Juvenile ha! been made in local schools since_ap-year's total of 125 'participants. crime rafe cOOtinued to cllmb through proval of unification. Some o{ the gains The mothers and their daughten will SAIGON (UPI) -Three defeme last year. were lost this year •. he said, because of team up to participate in relay events, lawyen for National Assembly Deputy Murray classified juvenile crime In budget cutbacks. volleyball, dances and refreshments. Tran Ngoc Chau quit today on ground• th bbe I nd ,,.,...... The affair will begin at 7 p.m. In the the military court had "already fixed the ese areas: ro ry, arceny u er "~' "No one will-be happy about our sentence" on charges he consorted with a burglary, auto th eft, larceny over $200, schools If we are forced to reduce our Tr~n gymTh. d th GAA ·11 communist agent.~, trial was recessed d ed It vu nex t urs ay e WI par. 111 rape an aggraval assau · proposed budget by 10 percent. The ticlpate in a diffe rent series of athletic until 8 a.m. Tueaday. In 1968, the number of juveniles In-chlldren will suffer and the parents will events _ this um-e with mothers on the Chau appeared at his new trial with V<llvcd in tllese offenses was 49 (a dip be 1ttaily inconvenienced," he said. sidelines. white adhesive tape via\Ne at bla throat from the three previous years) but In Beasley aald lf .borl<ls caMOt be sold to An estimated 300 girls from San Cle· and on the back of the nttk to cover 1969 the rate rose to 64· finance new school construction, half d11y n1ente High School 11.n'd'Huntl ngton Beach wounds lnOlcted either when he feslsted Among the lesser offenses, including sesaJons will be necessary in the district's l~igh School will form 18 teams whlcb· arrest ThlD'aday or during •trl..toa.. .ln- vandalismol,I traffic;~_curfewl fllqu,o!_ atwnd schools. will rompete In several '~. • terrogatlon.-truancy enaes, wro; tot.as or, ·~ o 1------------------'-------~------..:....----------- years were nearly equal. The deparbneilt's patrolmen and narcotics officers seized the'equ!Valent of almi»t 10 kilos of marijuana (each' kilo Is about 2.2 pounds) .and 11 · gl'ams of hastµsh. They, also seized a total .of 1,178 capsules of barbitura~es, 2,918 cap.!Ules of amphetimaines, 25 grams of heroin and 6,661 other units of restricted dangerous drugs. Murray said his lnan Jogged a tot.al ol 7,477 answers to calls needing police ac- tion. In 1968 the total amount was 7,091. Besides the standard law-enforcemenl work, Murray and his staff gave 42 lec- tures, speeches and presentations before local groups ranging from adult service clubs to elementary school and pre-school youngsters. Seven patrolmen served as inslructors for the department'• Junior Rifle Club and hunter safety programs. All told, · the nwnber of man houn spent . by department personnel Jn speeches, pr.esentations and attendance at specialized police classes amounted to 1,636 'hours. · C.oll CAffiro today· Saw money mhile you IOI• wMghtl · Fat isn't where it's at Neither are high prices. So take · advantage of our special limited' time offer right away. Results guaranteed- in writing! --.-- Wewelcome • BankAmerica rd and Master Charge. Now only $1.oo for regular$2.00 treatment! We are not ·a gym; ? No disrobing. No pills. No back·breaking exerciSeL No crash diets.-~ · Call now for. a comprrmentary first visit and free figure analysis at no obligation. But' c.all while.this special offer lasts! Ca!Jleo.-- . Salo1ts CotlPLETE P'tGURe CO..TROL Huntington lleec:ll 18512 -Bl¥d. (71'4) H2..SSOO torical Calllornla dUes by m.lru,.rs of school's sen- ior humanities club. Pri~t;.fDUJ>!g!Je!_'ti d.iriner with appropriate trimmings ts $1.25. Tickets are on sale at campus and several business locations in San eo.on. Del- 3800 E. c-i Hlg-, ' {71'4) 971H350 -. ' Barbara Taylor, Pat Wright and Lisa Watklns -(from !ell) are all steamed up about "Nlghl Jn Italy" -sol>eduled at San Clemente High School. Saturday ni~ht fund-raising dinner in Triton Center ~ h'°elp make money f9r Easter week-tour-of hi ffiemente·~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i..~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • • • - f • • • Loe County In F1orlcla and the htln ct··-11-.lllWIY acned on a '508 1etlemeot In· a P""'"'11.t&J: dispute \hat began In 1'12. 'The county h8d foreclosed on the SimmoDI property in 19'7 ('!•i'!"nt the woman ha.dn't paid her tuea in 1912. Mn. Simmon• aald Ille b!loght the pl<>perty that yeor IDd Ille bW apparenlly w a 1 eont to tbe former owner. Mtet ber aetlth, the SlinmoDI he'lrs loot over the battle and finally agrotd to 18ttle tho overdue bW for '500· 'lbe original bW was for 311 ceall • • ••• ~pigOolll an d the eiemeoll have won.· Tbe . cus1'>m of -~ding annual_.~ auctions on the I Courthouse steps to satisfy dell\>- 1 quent' taxes la over in Memphii. 'The auctions a.re going indoors. Coi>ft+f TMtM' Riiey o • .--said he i! tired of standing In the rain, shivering in the cold, baking In the sun ~and ha.¥ing documents ,sail~ by the Wind. 11Uncomfortable," he said, yes It wao uncorilfortable on the ~· -and then he added "the last couple of times, the bird• have been>pretty bad." ..-' .• Competition in the toy world 'fa 'Or010- ing 1tronger a.s . ii evi~ by the creation of "Baby Luo •n . Care". ahoum here with demo11:1tratar MC1111 Rooney at the 67th. annual. To11 Fair in New York. "BO:btl'' u a doU with acid inc:ljgestion. Sfi.t cri4?1 until the hot water botlle ts pi.aced in lier 1tomach to relitve the "gas". • When the government made a small business loan to a Colorado "topless" restauran'l, Rep. Wiiiiam Scherle, (~Iowa) said, "This loan may not return much principal but it will certainly generate a lot of interest." _, T...,, -J, 1970 --...... Big Rights Tiff Flares In Senate Manila lllasts Scatr,r Protest MANDA <Ai>l -A ienos ·of ezplolloos and .,.,-IOlltterid a """"' of ·d<m- Olbtrll<ft·loo!iht .. tl>eY 1ppriloclled the U.S. ·Embuly cin 'a lllll'Cll to proteot what fJ;ley ca111!d PhWpplnes' "f1sc1Jm" and U.S. ''impeNllnD." ·Antltlot polll:o~ the embluy pursutd the demons\ratora who duhed hnllillrectlcins. Elt!y report& aold It lealt ""' peraon hod.been wounded by I bullet Ind leYmll ~ were being treated at 'holpltals for minor Injuries·. , • It was not clear what cauted the tt· ploi!till,wllld! ...... ~ delcrlbed .. ..-.. Ibo air fl<>!ll Ibo police lllCI nr.--bl from ·the -tori. The crowd numbered about 800 and was the advance party of a group esU~ted at 2,000 beaded for the embaasy after a P<¥d•I march through .the .cl.ty.,,Some 5,000 students, la\>Oreil li>d peuants had ~U,. . .......i hid dlspened at ,)ho .,,,-Y, IC\lflla -out --p.. lice lftll demonatrlnq. One plaln-<Iolh" ;P.Oliceman was mobbed by youths who threw him to the J>IVement. He was saved from a eevert butinc by newsmen and ·o111erPliiJce. . ·p~ reported .nabbing te.~ral youth• and said they also had ltlRd firearms 8.Dd guoUne fire bombs. About 30 demonstrators later rqroQped and at brldly In lrmt ol the embaqy, faced by moce than 100 aM!rfot Policj! wearing helmets Ind holding wk:Wr shields and truncheons. It wU calm at the embassy after hall an ~our. U;S . .Spanish Base To Replace Wheelus MADRID (AP) -The United S!llel has reopened a joint u.s . ..!Dlrdlh air base, and inforined lotlrCeS aPd It would be~ fer tratnlftr U$. Air FOrce lin!ti that pttvlbosly tnillled 1t Wbeelnl Air Base In Libya. ·Nixon Asks P~elS~dy Of Schools PROMINENT"LISTENERS PONblR POMPIDOU t 'ALK Nixon, Mme. Pompidou, Ch1rlf1 Yost (from loft) PM• During Speech Surgeon Says Pill Hazards _ 'Potential Time Bomb' WASIIlNGTON (AP) -A surgeon with half a century experience in breast cancer told: Congress today the Pill is a "potenUal lime bcrnb Yiith a fuse 15 to 20 yeora In length." ·"Although there i! no conclusive evidence that oral contraceptives cause breast cancer, the potential hazards in· v#olved in their protrac~ use by yOtmg h'8tthy women cannot be tgnored,'' said Dr. Mu Cutler. cutler ls mtdlcal ~ of the Bever· ly Hills Cancer Research Foundation. He ~ented 'in -testfinony pref>ared for delivery befOre a Seriate monopoly sul>- c_ornmJttee that has ldcked up a stOrm of cmfrov~ during a .month.long ifl.. vestlgatlon Into the safety of the Pill lJnderscoring that controversy, another witness today questioned the sub- COlllrrdttee's right to even hear such testimony, blamed tt for causthg a wave Of aborUon-see'king and said attem¢:s to project future harm ·were irresponsible. "SclenUflc information cannot bt res01ve<! in a~ demoC:raUc apprOach or tiy Tornado Roars . Through Kansas MARION, Kan. (UPI) -A winter tornado whipped through downtown Marton and dipped through 25 miles of Kansas fannland 'early today, injuring at leut inlne persons, ripping up homes and stOres and knocking out telephone lines. "It's a wonder It wasn't worst," said Harvey Cooi:tfy Sheriff Norman Walker of ntirby NeWton, Kan., Whose radio f1cllU.ie1 relayed tht only word from Marion . Four persons were hospitallied, ()lle In serious condition. "We think the first twister hit four miles east of here-, ·where lt-circl'ed the LeO Walton farlnhouse, rippln1 out trees front and back and leveling ootbuildings, but just knocking out the witiiows in the how:e," Walker said. 08.mage was rtP.Orted on at least five HM;vey County fanns as the storm roared &cr<lS$ the Kan~as plains. 'Ibe b)Jured were admltted to hospitals I.ti Marion and Newton. majority vote;" said Albert Schulman, associate professor qi obstetrics and g'.yneeOlo(y at Ne.tr Ycirk'1 Albeit Eln· stein ColI!ge of MedJCine. ·~ 'pflb;," said Schulman, "have pro- bably been 'tbe most carefully ocrullillzed medkl:UOn m medical hhtory and we have been hard-pressed to find any significant pennament or harmful effect from using these agents." U.S. Captures Biggest Rice Cache of War SAIGON (UPI) -A ~yed {'merlcan helicopter crewman spotttd and U.S. troops captured what may be the biggest nee caCbe of . ~ war, milltary llOUl'CQ said _today. 1bey sa.id that the other caplurod supplies ·o1 f.ood and ammunition could crimp Communist Plans for an offensive-. The largest cache -an esUtnated 100 tons -w&.s found ntar Tay Nlnh City, near the Cambodian border and tl7 miles northwest of Saigon. This was the area where BS2.s dropped more than 1,200 ton.s of bomb! in eight ralds Monday nigbl and todity agaiitJt a Communl!t t.hrtat in the area. Spokesmen said the rice cache was the largest foond this yeat tn a series of searches and srobably was the largest of the war. They saJd it was enough to feed five or more Communist baltalions of 500 to 600 men each for as loog as six months. Other caches reported today : -Two hUndrtd hand grenades, small arms ammunition, 10 1u masks and five sampans captured Monday 110 Itlllet . southWest of Saigon in th~ Mekong, Delta. --One thousand pain of sanclals, S,000 rice bowls, 130 plastic water canteens and five bicycles found 13 mlles northeast of Saigon. -A each of 21 ,000 AK.47 rifle cartridges, 550 propelled grenades, 117 mortar rounds li>d 200 pounds oi rici> found 49 miles northwest of Salgoq. Apology, D ~!".~!J\ NEW-Y-ORK (AP) -Boll '~ Nixon and Georges Pompidou •sllidlMon. day they ...,.. pleased with t/>e. resul( ol NiXon's hurried trip to Nty·Y O'T·k to ~ff er his .apology for any ~ r\o the French presidoot by Am<r\c\no. , NixOn's gesture on th! i~t .nigbt'.of P()lllpidou's eight-day state , mJ:t a~ar~ ed to _!aye e11sed 111 · feeUpgs" ~u}tlh~ from demonstr8.tlons over FraiiCt's ~gree111ent to seU 110 jets to ub)ra v.:tilie refusing to release !IO to Israel. . . Nixon brought cheen 4rid . Jaughter·et a dinntt for Pompldou whe-n he said he: t111d w.anted the French leader to ;ee, the United States as an AmerJcan pre!ldent does -"Atld·l must say we overdid tit a bit. as we usually do ." Pompidou, wbl) had been angered ovet what he termed lmult.s to himself and his wife during· a ,pro.Israel demOn.ru-IJ tlon in Ol.lcago, resJ)Onded by ,p'r.atslng Nixon and saying it was a 0vefy1 great joy"· to be at the diniler. ·, ·1 Rahing a glass of champagne:at th~ W81dorf·Astorla Hotel 'dinner ·for\ t,1oo pel"SOn! sporu:ored by ·Franco--Am~rlcai groups, Presidenl Nixon e-xclalmed. "\five-le France ." ' "France ts our oldest ally and our closest friend," N!xon said. . , , ''ThAt·frlendshlp Is so Cleep and so Jc>q_g that no mi:tar dlfficultl'es or bad manner, I• .. ! • j ' ! • i :1'i-, , Will s· , ~ ~ix,011 , , I ·. · tgn : H W Mone ·Bill ' . E '. , .. ,-·. y . : . ' are going to impair it." p T··--d POOlpidOu beamed .as Nixon spoke, 1aril rsa ~.8: G0 ' Wa Pr replied in a toast : "In spite Of all , alliis : . :; '. · · 1 -~ anct~:~th·; hOtel a pf'O'lsrael demOn. • wAsit~GfuN: '<UPI>·\~ 1teP,a~1 stration drew up to 5,000 persoi\i at'~~lt,aden~a (1 todaf Edua point, then dwlildled rapidly away: <lent, l'jl·~·:i;1µ .. ~,µ.e , ~bnf· u~ca· , tian ,and ifl!§ , , r , , · rea~ th& ~K8'. ~~ ~·.lt r,,sW 1 TI NY TO T DUE I FOR TINY TIM HADDONFIELD, N.J. (AP) -Tin1 Tim's l7·rear~ld wlfe, the fonner'Vickl Budlnger-,.says they are expecting a baby in Sept.ember. They Wete m&JTled on' the televised Johnny ·C&J'S()n "Tbnight'' show last Dec. 18. The long:;haired, falsetto voiced singer · and his bride -received conflrmaUon of the pregnancy from a d~r in J anu&ry, she sald Monday. Senate. 1*._ h>v to Presilltnpal · ·~~ of uie ll1~4fblll!On b'lll-that".NllDn once,._ toed . would u.....r.~ 4ei-l!'I' ·"~ the HOOse ~ atoNt, ,nth a senate .pr~ .vislOO.. tO 911?r..,·U)e •. thl~f ~e¢uttve·dtit. ,crellon In ~It to ap<Dll .I percent of ~/:.~t;toed.' an ~at lier J~ 7 blllm/, bill'as uCW!ve liril! lnOitiiiilarY. ' Hc;.&e ~pol611cin ·Le• ll<rald Forf Said. at ·;Jie ivhlie Houle' all<i' a mee~ng bl OOl>-coiiires~on'al ls8<J~ .with Nliroll ~t be ~ the House l<Ould adopt ~ Sen!l~versfoiiWI!ICJi1i~ .. c"l1Jea "tile 1'ell sOlalibn' to a long and coinpilcsted'<:on- tfO~." . FOl'd aid: "The White House· wlll •C· cetttlthe Senate version." Kansas Hit by Tornadoes 'Secret War' In La:gs Charged Some Experi1nent Quin~ Fo.Uow ~Pif'~n~ive' .. Heavy Sno w W arniitgs lf.p Through<Jut .South:ern Rockies • • CaHfOl'll.. Tetnperat Mres "'"' .._,.rt(, ~ D ... ~ " n ~ g • l l 7J .N 40 JO ,01 :w '' .10 " ~ ~ 3t" ,0, $2 " "' " . 4, ("4 2.07 :w ,, .02 ~ " 75 J1 .u " . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Seo. G<orge S. McGovern (D-S.D.), i:allecl today for a closed session of the senate to discuss American involvement In Laos. Ke charged that the United St.ates was -~ ducUng • •«!ii Wat._ there wlt\lo!JJ the kno .. l<dge of Congrm ahd llte American public. "The secret war we are wqing in Laos • 11 repugnant to the principles snd Je<!url- ty of a free soc.if:ty,'"~c:Governiaid in a prepared Se04le speech. '...'It ls absolUtely lnC:rettlble that a great nation sucb as ours could be waging a major military operaUon . in a foreten coontry-wllh0ul"1he -ed(e-of-elther ciUzens or its.,J:ongress, but that ls the < It ·' .04I fact." tl ,, ,,,., .,..... ............... •:U•·'!'.'· '" ,,,., ... ·············· ,,,., ..... t.t SltCllollC llltfl .............. t:M,.rn. 4.t kcW low •.•.....••.••. ~42•.1'11.1.1 111" ..... t ::lll t .111. ktl l:JD '·'"· "'-RIMill J:n 1,rr1, klJ I:"•·"" ' r " .-:i .OJ 11 41 ~ " 71 " :M JJ ..ti ~ M " n " Jl .et " ~ 71 SI .OJ ,, " .11 72 !I " . IJ JCI .9' S'I ~ ,lJ " " JCI 20 .tl " " !J " " . " 7' .n JI S'I ,21 " . 41 Jf .OI ll ?J .01 6f !I ,15 tt • .ot Wa tson Seen as-~ew France Ambassador WASHINGTON (A/') :-Tbe il\'blle i1f>use anootU10ed 14da$ Presid&tilioo will nominate. Art6ur K. W a t So n • c:halnnan of the overseas operaUons oC lntemaUonal Business Machines, to suc- ceed R." ~argent Shriver u ambassador to France. Press secretary Ronald L. Zlegltr con· firmed a publi.hed ,.tpoi\ tliat !he $1 · ye4r-0ld b'U!tnessman rs Nliod't Chofce !or the Paris poiL .,, -, 11,IT ....... 'ONL '(, TgfED F.QR T~R EE' Q~lnn M6ln Mrs, Kl•nliit . NEW'YORK (AP) -The -of qulntup)etS sild she Was thrllled'bhtilfle c11dh·1 tblnk ahe would try 11. aplh. • • "Seven la: floe/' said Margaret Klena.it. 'We only tried for three." In her first J>ubUc af>perance aiDce the b~'• week aao. the m:.;Ur-old multer, chic· In 1 a blue paialO)" Jl<fgnolr, loali! Mooday,C'lt·Wasn'Uhe easiest~·· ·ever d~;" Mr&. Kleout hid been part-ol ah ... -perliiitiiW'lblily, liiliii' ~ new ·f4fl!lllr drac ~-to~vent mulUjlle ~­Hu phplc1an, br. a. L. v-. \.h11• .... 1 'l"'-conced¥. "We,joeren't very ~ill." ., . ' 'lbe qulnU -Amy, s.ra1i, ;iruusm, Ablpil•effi ,Ednnl -will .. )lon>e In lboul al.l nep, their Pedlalriclan laid. ~ ,_ '· . 'llloulb ' tbe weel<-614 lnlants b84 11111· fered oi!De dllllcu!U.. An4 w.,. loolof a nonnal 1 mlioan! of ·welgll~ their .!Odor ...m<ed..... . "•ul· or tfie wd.{' F'I! ., I :er<."\. , •• J they were itlll Uvlng In f1,odil.a-ctay le!h· ~~·!soleU...· Shorilr Iller Ui0 newa c!oiiftr!I"', Mrs. l!ililt'·~ I.Ir 'hllfbaod, ivtlflain, II. left '.fer :ikb' home : In J!!b,ortt eorner. N.J; . . •. I . • • • • -t-':1"'~·,;::,,,.llltdl::::::.:::...:'~·1~970~~~~~.,,-~-"=~=L~Y~P~a~ar'..-4,t ·. Pe!!tagon Okays Nuclear Ban Official Treaty Ce remoh y Se t Thursday The British have deposited their document That was done Nov. 27, 1968. The United 70,()00 GI Cut nam, the Lot Angeln Tht'lts said lod•Y· ' WASHINGTON ( UP I ) - 'n.e Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty wUI take effect olficial- ly Thursday with simultaneous ceremonies in Washington, l.4ndon and Moscow, the White House announei!d today. President Nixon will declare the treaty in force in a cere- mony at the State ~partment wttlle fonnally depositing U.S. documents of ratification. ' The treaty was ratified by 40 nations and the three so-called depositary governmenu. the United States. Lhe Soviet Union and Britain, some lime ago. Official del)OSit of copies of the ratification documents by the lhree big powers is re- quired before the treaty -de- signed to hal t the spread or nuclear weapons -goes into forcei officially, States and Russia did not sign their individual slatements c4 ' t l: ralificaUon until lut Nov. 24 • l , Former President Lyndon B. j 1'< Johnson had been invited to j.. ..... the Washington cer.emonf, the ti1 date for which wa! set befote he was hospilalized in TeW for chest pains. WASljlNGTON (UPI) - Tbe. PMtap"a ' top "tenerals have •PP"OWd· a plan calling 1 for a fourth ca'l ot~ao~70.000 In Amet'icah troops In Viet· . , I Moon Gi•avel The ,..pcin •aid the· &d- dlt!Onal wlthdra..,aJ of1 GJ'1 would . cover the petiocr f.rom • m.Jd-Aprll, when the current phase· ol lhe pUllout Js W' be ~ completed, and September. 'S tar' Sale .. . Found in LA Tiist would make the reduc· tfon in troop authoriza,lron since the withdrawal prqce·ss LOS ANGELES (AP) _ A began !ast yeaFfeich 18',&IO . Russ Say Treaty Can 't Be Policed ,. To Benefit stolen· vial of moon dust has Another te~. ~ i .the been recovered Un4Vnaged Columbia B r ,9.a ct c ~st I n;a: '" from a mailbox b~ pp,lice tip-System, aald 1 the! new ·Jiroop ped off by an JnonY·mous reduction , W9lud ;be on .• the _ telephone 'CAiier.. , order olt8o;eckt ·men, reducl g GENEVA (AP) -·The out iii pra<.1.ice." Planetarium Real Housing . S. PHILADELPHJ,1. (UPI) 'T • Husbands who have promised Aas~ Jij)sen, 25, lies in _her tied Ou tti,de· Lbe CoP:fn.Iiagen Town lla!J as a P,rote~t their wives the n'iOOD have the against the lack al hous~easonable rates m her part of the city. She says opportunity to make good on-sh_e'_U_ca_m_p~ou_ts_id_e_th_e_b_. _din_·.-'g_u_n_lil_· _t_he_.m_a..oy_o_r_fi_m_d_·s_h_eie_r_a_ch_e_a.:.p_a_,p_a.:.rt:::m:::•:::•~l:... _ Dr. G~ge Wether UJ .oJ lbe Untverslty of Calilornla 'at Los the Arriet'~aq lfreftgth, ln Viet· ~ngeles; to whoffi t~1 ~pie nam beloW ·400,ooo. At one was as!~ b~•the·'National time, ·,th; ;a~"~zed ceiUAg Aeronautlci:· 18hd1 .space bed · 1 .. 5&1 ' Administration, said Monday reac , ·~..,, .ooo. • the two-inch.vial had not-been Both r~ said the. ma- Soviet. Union admitted today it Roshchin proposed that each would be impossible to police government adhering to the the treaty it has proposed to treaty guarantee "that no in- ban chemical a n d baC: dustrial enterprise, no citizen terlological weapons. of that country is engaged in . The United States, Canada the development and pro- and Italy supporl a' rival duction of chemical and bac- Brjt.ish proposal wh ich-· would teriological weapons and that, outlaw only microbiologica l it goes without saying, no agents. stockpiles of such weapons are their big talk. For oply St;ooo. For sun and the. moon and Memo Leak lamperedcwilh. , Jofity ol .111e· men ,to be Pollce1 gave the dUSt: to .. a withdrawn.,n1.he Wu1:\l:\J~~~· ..... NASA reprcsentalii;, Monday p~ma~ly . fo .~~~ ~ the stars are for sale he.re. R 8 .. e·· a[ternoOn. before Apnl,. 15, would be The , vial . containing . 2.~ .Marin.es; leaving · -1~ · than grams 'of . dpt ...... about .hall ' Jq,ooo ~hirld.' 'r . . So are the Milky Way, the .._, Chief Soviet delegate Alexei being accumulated in the A. Roshchin urged the speedy arsenal of that country." conclusion ol a worldwide con-Such a solution almost cer- ventioo based on the Russian tainly W1?Uld be unacc:;eptable draft presented at the last to the United States. which U.N. General Assembly. wa n ts1 much gr eater Andromeda, Galaxy, · s i x . -, ' planets and 15 star clusters. Sorry, ?i.1ars already has been Moynihan R~grets 'Neglect' Phrase sold. the weJght. of .-a niCke.I 7 .. , . TI)e i_n&Jo.r itif~?'1 of u.~­ vanished Saturday whije on· troops Jn VJetna1]1 ,m .the mid display .with a .chip of moon 1960s lnclud~ many Marlhes. w ASHINGTON (AP ) benign neglect. rock at a chari\y benefit. jn a ni~r . responsl~ility w a s Tpe Fels Planetarium decid· A spokesman for Urban d~nt istor,e. pri marily In the northr.pt ed to sell the heavenly bodies White House adviser Daniel e~ "The subject has been too League Director Whitney ~1. The anonynious ealler told areas1of South Vietnam where to raise funds for a new Moynihan, angered . over the much talkci about:The fOrum Young Jr. said : ''Moynihan's poJice where to flnd It ~1onday there·hai been felatJvely liWe He told the 2 S -n a t I o n safeguards against production disarmament conference : of chemical weapons. "Verification, for instance in .....,--------_ .-. the rorm or control posts, on-~~ site inspection and so on, , A ~£.L - woold be simply impossible to llfH;licr exercise from the practica l ~· · point of view since controllers would have to be assigned tO practically every laboratory." He added that controls to find out whether chemical or. biological weapons are• being produced in another 'ccuntry "are an extremely complex matter and impoGsible to carry Demos Await O'Brien OK On Party Job W~INGTON (AP! -Top Democrats have turned again to Lawrence F. O'Brien to become chairman nf ... their divided party, a job he turned down last week. Lurleen? ATLANTA (UPI) -Go•. Lester Maddox, thwarled in his attempt to overturn Georgia's constitutional ban . against a ·•governor suc- ceeding 1-\imself, says his wife Virginia might want to be governor. "I don ·1 know \vhe ther Virgini~wants to run or nol. I \\'ill talk it over with her again," Mal;ldox said Mon-· day after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear his ap- peal from two Georgia courts. Maddox said the court decision "doesn't mean that I won't be heard from. I will be heard from. The voice of Lester.Maddox will be heard possibly even more than it has in the 'pasL "It is not imp(lrlant that Lester Maddox be in . the Jacob M. A_very of Chicago. who issued the call in behalf of ttie Democratic. e i e c u t i v e governor's office ... as it is committee Monday. said he that someone wbo speaks hoped ·O'Brien's answer this like Lester Maddox .•. time would be yes. about common s e.~ s e "He said he was flat te red by :~~r'}ffient be there, he the unanimity oft he action •.. ~ but "wanted 24 hours lo lhink about it," Avery said afte r jelephoning O'Brien that the executive committee wanted him . O'Brien, who fonnerly was Democratic chairman as well as campaign chairman for the party's candidates in the last three• presidential elections, rejected the position because he said support for him wasn't wide enough. Hubert H. liumphrey, who originally asked O'Brien to take the chairmanship, then named former Indiana Gov. Matth ew E. Welsh as his se- cond choice, said he was 00. Ughted and relieved at the turnabout. He said Welsh, loo, was relieved. The unexpected switch put Democratic leaders b a c k where they began in the hunt for a consensus candidate to succeed Sen. Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma, who has rtsign· ed the chairmanship effective Thursday. Guate111ala Vote In Con gr ess GUATEMALA CITY (UPI) as tr 0 n 0 my sect i 0 n. leak _of a priv~te memo to the · has bee~ t?O much ·ta~;en over memo ts one more example '?r me~. · / acUon 'ln recent'nlonths . ·• • • E v e r y t b i n g but lhe , Pjresident, says: he regrets· us·_, by )\yster1a, P~rano1p;s and a systemllitlc effort on both tlie " , • · ... br "b _1 boodlers on al' s1~1-t1.We1may • federa l a,,,. state le•els 1. "r p)mretlit:i'utn''"-i is-··ro ... sale · .. 1 g-"'e .. p ase ·--,e-nu.g1n . . . . . .... ~-. ; .. 'h.l -' --. , '"' .,,.: ., ,,.·t · . r 1 .1 ied·" to d ·i.....,ou 1 1 n~ a·']>erlod In uc.h •• ,earo ) wipe out all of the gajns made •1' <nfeCtor I. M.~Levitt said.·' tone~edu-besliccnd:r'_ 'roP anf Qfogress. continuest.4D& racial• . in the 1950s and 1960s .,: ·' ~I ' ,,.'W· 'h · !in ' • t '"" •pu 1::it::U8S n.o :X,.I,. {" ,;·.1-~; • \ . ( · • ,., ,., ~.11.i~ e1 aveia·bu~ssm,, tin·.rc¢1al !issueS:. ,, .. •1, !. , ,~r ~·1.aue~;. i~~!!'t . ~,. Rep.,~uis Sto~.raJ NI ·town who booghtithe'Big Oip-1 The chier White llouse· ex-"'l'he .. ~mu11.st?.t1~ "ctin ~· ,(."()~essm~n lro\fl ~ •. · , l ·'-H • · · all · 1 help bring thts -·..a'(ipUt' by '. "again we are (."()nerl>ntM • •' · ~.. .e s JU.~t er~ about the pert on · urban ~Jrs 1?ld r paying cldie attenij~tf: stjch < ttle c!onth;1uPtt j lneP£rie¥s~(wtiiH1 ? Big Dipper, LeV1tt said. The reeor!ers· Mon<!aY. his ~frol(e r pr°'r~.we a,re,1R1W do-.I nowS rromf~ei~WiiUJ~ I ' bustnessman bought it '"for his :as~~fte~to°~ ~J~~~ inF--fihile seek~,·: to 'airoid ~ ing'On wpi f p&pfe•tota .. d\11~ ~ . . children and grandchildren." · Negro and civil .r i g hi. 5 · Sit1l3:tlons1 in .w~lch JixtrtMfsts them' q,q ~ e,; .afialfs ! o( ,the • : 1 :~r.tcf' ·t~ Christian Science "'l!e<ture.;.· The most expensive thing . leaders sharply ciiticlzed .the , ~1lh.e,r race-are ~lve~,PP-black~ ··h·,•·' 1 ·' ·' ., 1 ·f 11)· .J ,,.• ·.....,._:.._.._110,.•M' ~1 _; · ~ I I ·1 th · 1 fie .. · bl. ""'·'un1 1es (or mar+v,llom, He·s'"'~ a~nnl1toy, wel~d 1 ~ .1 .... 1.lfY'·,.-~ ---.. ... >•:"' "'i· .~ .... ,, ,J , . or .sa e s1, e Milky ·Way -pan a, r .. it .~e 'pu 1c · herbics, 'h 1st r~l'O;n· l~·s 'Jar t~ vt!"a ~i:fe as!~t r-"J',1freCt~ ~ · f-k. \~{ ""' · t'Cht;l~:et' Ptnt\ChiiU,1.f,'CllHtt: , $2,500.'"We·ftave'one man•who pver the Weekend. • _ • whate.ver" ; . t r· ! · :: ~ • : ra~"': r'e''I>' S • _)_. • "'I , ,t • ~ '''.( lli'~~.!Z,;i ,'1n o11111o·U4o, Jillft<.....__h , 'r ' 1 • • M ""'ban '·ho sal" · the · · ' Jbe :r · ' ~ · · « ... ~ 'I , " ·i r·-----is interested: .o ..... , .:I! .... u. • · ··•• · · · · , • ''' •'··-i . · • 1 . memo ·was, sP'Jclly a pn~at ", . , The.sun or the·P100n can be communication to 'Tue Pres!· purchased for $1,000. The dent hinted the document cheapest .jte.ms for sale are may' have been stolen. . stars al $125 each. But ·first "fwish poople didn't hav.e lo magnitude0 stars to for nso. ·' ~~1 Uie .only thipg ~t:w~ · . , important was , what·. they Purchasers receive a 'plaque, cbuld steal; b'ut. • t ~a ~ a deed, ,and .free .admission to sometimes ,is w.h~t ~pie the planetarium where they thin k." ' can view their property.' ~?ynihan , whose earlier They get their name on a lit· writing on black famlly stJ:ic· . ture drew heavy criticism tie bro~ plaque which ts put from many blacks said in the on . the . pl8;1;'etari~m wall," memo "the time' may have Levitt said. We. give t~m a come when the Issue o( race deed f~r a little bit of ~d benefit from a pedod of planetarium heaven and . we ;==========::;II give them a mOdel of the pl<metarium instrument." Levitt said ·the deeds are good for the de<iade. After that: "Jt's not a question of giving them up . At the end of the l970's we might sell them again." Only One Fi nal stocks In all home editions. That's a big deal? It Is In Ora1191! Coynty, Tiie DAllV PILOT Js the only dally MW1!?JPfr that dtllv- ers the 'packa~. ' ' 1 tt•'.• ca•1~1ce ... •nn-1a . 4~PLY. NfrLON COR-D (REGULAR $16.95) . . $ plus $1.78 Fed. Ex. Tax, ., ' I • · .• ,: 'I size 6.50x13 tubeless wh itewa ll MARCH SPEC I At! I-PIECE ·CARS COMPACTS STANDARD - MEDIUM LARGER . ·AlllllllllnHh • Aa;11l1t '"'''' ...... • "'Wt WlfWUllJll ..... • It LIMlt • Mllft • •fllttat ttta • -.•11111'-twts • lpl~ll l&lllrW , hfffts , • • llt U1111t H Ntllll SIZE • 6.50' 13 7,75 x 14 ·7.75.x.15 8.25x 14 .8,25 x JS . . ·s.ssx 14 REG. SALE FED. PR ICE PRICE EX. TAJ( . $16.95 $14.95 $1.7S- $21.10 $19.10 $2.17 $2.19 . $22.40 $2D.40 12.JJ $2.36 $23.85 $21.85 $2.53 20% OFF "'"'" 1 . Mlllng prlce . Ch\NYSIZE • • -Final resulls showed today Col. carlos Arana Osorio won a substantial pluraliur in Sun- day's presidential election but not the majorit.y ' fequlred to be declared president-elect BANKll BY TELEVISION Wind 'n Rain Suit HOOD JACKET • Wind and rain proof FIBERoLASS BELTED o~ . . . SAVE FROM" ''I'! '90&1c1~ ii· UR~ll • Heavy-duty plaatlc -. Hlgh~vf,Jblltty 1110, P"tCE ..... (Spkt1J end1 Mitch SI) --'_:.__~.._Lt , •Ill!'! ~-Utt t11e~:.:k·Miiil"'"' 1l~FM._l•,.f• "'9~1' •• l.20-tlltt ',.' .-' • Duo,! tread ,,...uon • Nylon .cont body , • 3-11rlpe whltftai1 ' The results thrtw the elee- t Ion into cong re ss . Guatemalan law-sHpulates that if no presidential Can- didate obtains ao absolute ma- jority of votes cast. the unicameral congress must choose one of the two leading candidates to be president. elect. lf s fast and safe! OriYe 11p to Ute screen, -prm lhe "on" bulton, and a friend Ir telln is there to help rou. There's a two·waJ microphone for qutslions and amwers. A Pneumatic tube e1rries deposits, wilhdrawals.under(l'ound to the heart of the bank. No more piirkinf, ,.. 1:1r leaving the cttildren unalttnded. And ii JUl'd ~ • lhown at.01ntrlll 11re SIC{". Qompetl""91r'tlflf*l M ~m de•I•,. dllpl.,.i;W lfli'oonerJ'';'lift." Don .Swedlund ' .. · 1 J,, ' ' '-' I •i,1U£D V J · ' • • • · Rich Released BUFFALO. N.Y. (UPI) - Narcotics possession charges flied against drummer Buddy ruet1 were dismissed in city court. ~tondv after an ar- resting olficer said he believed ma rtjuana could have been planted in the musiclan'i aiiit- case. .. like lo see yourself on lV, we muse the screen. and the1e you are ••• aB ~nstant ~ t! l " , : of Newport "'1l>Ot1•f 8!~ ....,_.,_~ • ' 1 • ' • ' I ~' - 9 CONVINllNT on1as sri'lllNG OllANGI-COUNJT: ' • . •. Aif*t Offlcl Mldl1bo111t M1Wthur 133.3111 •..,,,.. Offtct Bapldlf 11 hmllom '42·11,1 C.fltfl rttt otfla l'flltwood 1t CammomHllth 171·2900 •Sn!'f Mt Otkl IUrkir at If• 171·72'0 S1pelf0r Ofltc. Sopwlor at Pl4iunti1 &C2·9511 • U~ Dffkl °Ent Oi1pm111 It Sllte Collttt 17MMO Wntdlll Offtct Wniclftf It DMr 6'2'3111 Stal ltttlr Otlict ltlltlr• Wot Id, S.11 Beacfi 59~271 r•i..11111 Hiils Ofrkt leiaurfW°"4, lQr.1111 Hlnsm .3200 • ,\ ' I • " ••• COAST :~S;~t-· ,, ;, 1 ~.•,,!~ , ; ... · " · GE·NERA•,;·'. !!>·'.'.;' • G~t·IAt 1"0TIRI: TIRE '":,: ·:·", :!" ':· : }~IV10E . :1 515 w. 19th 1690 .'llHch Blvd. ·Cost• Meta ·: · : Huntfngton BMch 540.5710 -646-.5033 ...! · I ··141-5850 ~ I,. GENERAL TIRES ••• woA111 DRMNG' .rlcAOlf roWll to an· -----· ---· / / ' I • • -.. • • • . ..... .. :_,, .. - re· DAD.Y PILOT EDrfORL\L PAGE u·it Will Be Missed Sudden death Sunday of Rep. James B. Ult ol Santa Ana-Orange and San Dieao countits1 •i Mr. Con· a:ervative''-saddened his constituency, including many among his poli tical opponents who knew him person- ally. Orange County born, Jimmy Utt proudly earned the ultra-conservative banner of a ~al county tnto that county'& years of rapid urbani zation. He fi rst went to Congress nine terms ago-in 1952. "As in ~ basebaU gam e, someone has tcr play tn ~ight field and someone has to play lo left neld," he once told his colleagues 1n the House of Repretenta~ tlves. 111 have chosen to play right fielB." He played in right field, all right -10 far out that he often couldn't run forward fast enough lo prevent a lot of runs by his political opponents, both Democrats and Republicans. . Jimmy Utl's most endearing quall ty, perhaps, was that everyone always knew exactly where he stood on ant iss ue. He proudly listed whal he was for and what be Was against in American life abd he tenaciously pur· sued these pros and cons, even to sometimes embar· rasslng conclusions. Despite naive toe-S'tubbings, Jimmy Utt was a man of high principle , a patriot to the marrow, and a Joyal public servant. Perhaps his greatest value in Washing .. Inn was his diligent pursuit of the Interest! o( bis con-stituents . He was ever ready to go lo<l!DY length to get infor- mation or hel p in some other way thpse who had nine times elected him to Congress and before that had twice made him an Assemblyman. 1 Is the art of thi po11lbl1, that rtatdllY Of pooltlon make• It hard to lead or even move ahead, and (hat b11lc prtnclpl11 can ba uphold while 1r111n1 coiutrucUvo things done tn Ibo polltlcal arena. Utt'• 0Qn1G;;ct1v1 loglllaUon tn hl~ years tn Con· (rtll wlU ·not be c!Led tn bl1tory book1. But 11 a man ol probity, of food wW, ol candor about where he 1to0j1/ on luues, he could never be fauJLed. -/... Wblle thl1 newspaper ·v1gorou1ly dlu1reed with Con1rt11man Utt on many: luuei, we never found him less Uian ·an honorable man and a ded icated public servant. \ · Jimmy Utt wut -be mined 11. a Congre11man who slood up for hls convlcUons affil had tlie coura11 to fend off llio brtckliata wllhout lDY. en~ill!J:!µg r~oL..._ . No Reason to Panic ~ "i'q rather have headache• than one big 1tomacb· ache." That stalement by a woman taking The Plll seem- ed to summarize the views of most Amertcan women to the headlines generated by Sen. Gaylord Nelson'• (D-Wis.) subcommittee hearings on the hazards of birth control pills . • That possible side effects of The Pill are &till a med- ical concem is an indictment of the federal government and the medical and pbannaceutlcal profession• for not obtaining definitive answers before aUowing The Plll to be marketed. ~i'• .. • • There was a place in legislhtive halls for a James B. Utt in his day and time. There still ts .greet need for legislators ol his character and prilJCiple. / But limes inexorab\y change. Urbanized , the 11.tl constitu ency now more than ever needs a represents":' tive in Was hington who knows the axlom that politics Emph1cal evidence. meanwhile, ls that The Plll work s for its intended purpose and few.-women suffer side effects. There would appear to be no evidence jus .. tlfylng pa nic. '.S<> nice to see ;you, Mr. President.' Dali Is Wrong - Illustrator For 'Alice' My mentioning "Allee Jn Wonderland" In the column recenUy recalled that I waa 1hcnnf .fhe new deluxe edJ,Uon of UU immortal Wllrk, as · Uluotrated by Salvador Dali, that macabre master of aurreall.wn. 'nib deluxe ediUon sells for $7SO. as ~ posed to the "regular" edition, which 11 a mere 1375. It has been published by Maecenfts Preu, in "collaboration with Ran<fom HOIJ!t, and I think it ~ perfectly aWful. . . APTER GAZING AT tlils lavlsb work, I went home and JoOked at iny old Modern Library. edit.ion, which eost me $1.SO m<ltt than 30 years -ago, and contains the origtnal 'Tennie! drawings as well as a wiUy and ~tlve introduction by the late Alexandet ~ Woollcott. It was a flr better buy, on every count. One of the half-doien pr o 1 e masterpieces in the Engllsh lan11.1age, "Alice" needs no embelU!hment beyond the Tennlel drawings, and can even nJce- ly dispense with them. ln fact, the whole spirit cl the bOok Is betrayed by thoq glossy pages gathered in unbound folios -not to mention the fantasy world of Dall, which is as far removed from the imaginalion of Lewis Carroll as hell is from heaven. FRANKLY, I HA VE never understood the J)'.e:2ple who covel lavish editions or an)r WOrk o! the mind. nike a 15ook that is sturdy and will hold together through vears of handling, but beyond that, ~e ionnat and binding mean absolutely ~ • The main p o J n t at this junctu re is that women should stay in close touch .. witp their personal pbysi .. •.cians to Iona as they use, this means o! birth control. Dear Gloomy Gus: Readklg the news of people killed wh.lle driving too close and too fut for condlUons in last week- end's huvy raitis ·reminds me : Jt Jsn't the loose nut on the car, It'll the 10QR nut at the wheel! -W. B. A. "'" "~" l'ffltd• """"' ..... .... _._,llY tMM et flle Nw...,;.' ..... YOlilr· HI -v• t. • ....,.~ Oua, ~llJ ,lltt. notlllng to mo -Indeed, they on.n detract frun the intrlMic worth or the material, turning the ,book into an 11ob- ject" ot I pl«t of decor. Apart from this, U anyone thlnks a new etUUon Of "Alice" ls called tor-and tt iln't, ii.nee the splendid "Annotated AUce" wu put out at a modelt price a few years ago -certainly the man to il- lustrate it is not Salvador. Dall, by a million light-years. IT ts QUITE TRUE that both Carroll and Dall were infatua·ted with the un- conscioua mind, that they perceive tlme and space lnteract.lng with event.a in a topsy.turvy fashion -but beyond this, they have abtolutely nothing in common. Where Carroll wu a creator, Dali ls a contriver; where Carroll wu moved by hls unconscious, Dall manlpul&t'I h11; where Carroll used humor to give ua detp insight!! Into the abyss, Dali uses hCl"iw that eventuaJly turns ludlcrou1; and wtiere Carrolf turned logic into nonsenae II<> show Its proper limits). Dall merely con!tructs symbols to shock and startle us. Only th< White Knill!>!, u he had the graphic talent, could lliustrate: "Alice." And he would do It !or somewhat leu than $750. -' Vrban Schools Will Re11aai1i Jtlai1aly Seg1•eg11ted Integration Concept Hasn't Worked WASHING TON -U, as a&me believe, IC'hool integration has proved to be a col· oual faUurt especially In the North, what is l-0 be done next? The answer to th al question is discouraging. It ls th.it nothing is being done next. Urban public schools of the nation are to remaln main- ly segregated. white or black, in an at- mosphere more ho&tlle than when social reformers converted the clear dktum for the raclal desegregaUon of public facilities into a social imperative for in- tegration of tht races at all levels. Everyone knows what went wrong and no one likes to speak of It. JntegraUoo as a social lm.peraUve wu no more a cure for bigotry and discrlrninaUon than ~ prohlbiUon amendment waa for alcohollsm. ·That attempt I<> control the motes and habits of a society had to be abandoned, and Jt begins to·appear that before progres• on racial ameliotaUon can be resumed the concept of Integration as a soda! imperati ve will have · to be abandoned. IT HASN'T WORKED. 1t goes aglinst prejudice. whlch cannot be reformed 1n a few years time. It Is a faster process than the public generally has been willing to accept. Tho!e who have fa vored gradualism at the risk of being accused of bigotry have been told that the -black race won't wait. The time has come. The social revolution Is here. But the time has ~ .. '· f ~i<:hard Wilsoi'.;' ......... ~ ...... ~!;. not come. lntegratlon nas not been achieved however dire the threa tened consequences withou t integration, and partly because of. those threatened con· sequences. So far as the schools are concerned, v.•hat the white liberals in CongresS' are really talking about now ls abandoning integration as a social imperative for the very simple reason that It won't work. They are beginn ing to talk about In· tegraUon in the North as a mirage which rnuat be Jeplaced by real.file goals which don't include m\xing of the race5 by bus- ing student!! over long dlstance'!I or establishi ng quotas and goals by judicial edict. · · IT HURTS SOME of the liberals to ad- mit this. They deny they are lowering their sights. But, Jn !act, they are talking about other niore practical objectives such· as federal action in lhe housing field , the location o! new indust,.ics, ef· forts l-0 lure back the white population of central cities, improving the quality of Negro education as a higher imperative than v.•he lher a black child sits next to a white child In the class room. Gradualism Is thus gelling a new lease on life after yea ra as a code word for bigots, and . to be shunned as a mere diversion from true integration. ft is rather strange that this change in atmosphere should have come so sud- denly on the Issue or Lhe relatively mean· lnJi;less Stennis amendment thal no federal funds can be used tor school In· tegralion except on an equal basis between North ana South. t"OR YE1\RS the Southir.iers have bet>ll try ing to tell Northerners that desegrega- tion In Cha rlotte, N.C. ls far more com- plete than in Chicago. II!., 'Vhat brought the change e\'ldently was the realization that while fan1il!es in the North have changed. their living patterns to such a ctrastic_extenl thatmany all·wbile schools have become. all-black. nearly all black, or a major ity black. This has been ac- companied by disorder Jn Northern public schools in many cities. All ar once it became an estabHshed fact tha~ Northern white famllles would escape school in- tegration v.•herever and however they could. ~Under the Slennis anlendntent there is not much that can be done about. this or an ything el se. The amendment is more like an official recognition of what had become an estab!isheJ fa ct. TllE CONCLUSION must be reoched th al the Nixon Adn1inlstration, wi th all Hs conf usi ng and contradictory acttons and pronouncements Jn this field, h-as come down on the side of gradualism in integration. Thal 1vas probably responsi• ble for the adoption of lhe Sten~s amend1nent, and Stennis and t h e Southerners would conclude t~at they have now succeeded in· slowing down Southern integration ·by dcmonstraUng the hypocrisy of the Norther!} liberal at· tempt to impose furU1cr desegregation ill the South. The problem, ho\';•ever. does not rest 1Yith the hypocrisy of the Northern liberal position on Southern integration. The problen1 is in lhe courts. not alone the ft:.'<leral but the stale courts, ...,·hich order, as in Los Angeles, integratiOn on a nun1erlcol of quota basis. THIS IS THE llEART Of the mattet, ...,.hether or not segregation i5 legal if bas- ed on the living patterns of nelghborhood5, and thal issue will ultimately ha ve to be decide d by the Supreme Court. rn the meantime. the chonge in at· mosphere in official Washington, and among lhose who in the past have been leading spokesmen for integration, is the principle outcome of the present school integration cNsis. This chllnged attitude solves nothing but it might lead to solu· lions by stripping away the sham and pretense which has enveloped the in· tegration issue. The Story Behind Firing of Panetta ankiew:icz ·and Brad.en reporters' .queslions. -confirmed the resignation. Pa11eUa then resign ed. an anS1ver. 'There are other answen, limited only by the ingenuity, good will and courage of school boards. Reaganarul UC'sBudget WASHINGTON -The story belUod President Nixon's decision to dismiss Leon Paneua, chief civil rights officer of HEW, is a gOOd example or lhe manner In wbtch the Southern congreulonal bloc haa JUCCffded in entrapping the nation into • cl111lc confusion of ends and means. Panetta himself 11 a means. As chief enforcer of HEW guidelines he simply carried out the Jaw, though he did so with a high·mlnded dtj?tlon to civil rights that gave the ·Niion Administration a liberal coloraUoa. . tJons of hl11 reslgnaUon appeared in the conservative magazine, Human Event!i, and on t.he last day a 1lmllar story ap- peared ln a Washington newspaper. !\1eanwhile, tbe \Vhite House has Issued three separate st atements on school in· tegratlon within the past y,·eek, none o! then\ clear, but all of thc1n designed to put the President squarely against bus- ing-as though bus Ing -11 k e Panet. ta-v.·ere an end and not a means. The end-the courls have made clear-ls a unitary and biracial school But after the events of the post wee k in Wushlngtoa, cournge among sc h o o 1 boards is Jike.ly to be r;:ire. Sen. John Stennis ID-Miss), v.·it h the unfortunate bill well·intentiuned suµ1>0rl of Sen. Abrahan1 Ribicoff (D·Conn.) and the ao. li ve acquiescence of the President, ha11 mtide It appear as though the Supreme Court decision o( 1954 had been handed down yesterday 11nd had called for pell· meU busing of children all over the coun· try, beginning to1norrow. To the Editor: Governor Reagan's budget for the University of Cali!omia 15 up 1 percent [rom last year. Alter allowing for 7 per· cent inflation, this rpean ii the real change in the budget Is a decrease of 6 percent. Undei this budget, the entire university will have 2:21 fewer f11culty members than it did thJs year. The studtnt·faculty ratio wUI increase from 27 ,:; to 28.2 (This would be a nice raUo for public elemen· tary schools, but for a unive rsity it ii very much too highJ· ' AT A T™E WHEN the population of the slale is increasing by 1.8 percent per year, and the population of college ag.e persons 1s Increasing even futer, 1t doesn 't make much sense to decrease the size of lhe univttsity. This action t1lll not save the taxpayers an appreciable amount of rponey. The regent! esked for "374 million. and the governor proposes l-0 give $3$3 million, The-diifereoce, S4l million , is exacUy S2 per caplt.a, or $8 for the average family ~--B11 6eor9e ---, Otar George: Coffee grounds are a $tood aoll supplemtn1 and will help many otherwise sickly plants lo nourish. Check any good norserynlan to see Jf you have a pioblem which will be help<d by collee grounds. • J.J. Dea.r J. J.: Gee, J.J., thal's a great ansv.·er to hove. Now, if I just hsd a ques- Uoc Jo I• w!th It ... ' ol four. . I DON'T THINK Governor Reacan would sacrifice the unlverslty in order to save the average family two and a filth cents a day. (.Particularly not alter hl1 recent propo118I for more ulet -taJ.) Rather, I think he wanta to sacrifice the university for the sake of sacrtflclna: the university. tt Is my opinion.that he is doing Utis •s retaliation for the Berkeley uprisings, and for Anpta Davis. . THIS IS VERY aad, because he Isn't going to hurt the people who are respon sible tor tht events which he dislikes. Ht Is goin1 to hurt tee naaers, who will be tu rned away from Lhe uni\lerslty three or four years from now beca1.L'!e it will not have space for the in- creased student population; parent., •·ho will have to pay good money to 11nd their children to colleee fn other states, and businesses. which will face a ahorta(e of people with good cducatlon1 In about frve or six years. . Jt is loo bad thaf he Y11on't hurt himself, but H looks like he wtll have been re- elected before the people of this state be&ln to feel the comequencts'. M. BURTON But .Southerners-chiefly GOP Sens. John Tower (Tex.), Strom Thurmond (S.C.) and Ed G~y (Fla.)-demanded his head. It all began last $Ummer. AT THAT POINT Panetta went to Finch and asked for advice. The secretary suggested that he wait and see what the White House said . Late that same afternoon presidential P r e a s Secretaty Ron Ziegler, In answer to !~~~~:i,·1ea~: :~~l~~dl.s one of the means IN S Ol\1 E DJSTRICTS--Berkelcy, Calir., for example-busing has betn notably successful. In others, a redesigning of the clly's districts to pro- vide for "educational parks'' has proved UNDER THE ORDERS of his boos, Robert P'lnch, Panetta had told some 300 Southern school districts to comply with the law by the start of the achoo! year In Sept.ember, 1969, or face a Cund cuto_il. He had been working with officials of these dlstricts on compliance plans. • How Steinbeclc Created Suddenly he discovered that Atty. Gen. John Mitchell was calling the signals and tha t the date !or general compliance had be<n poltponed . Panetta sought to make It clear th at the new policy did nol affect existi ng orders and planl and prepared a memorandum to that effect. When White House pressure forced Finch to v.·ilhhold the memorandum, Panetta oUe:rtd to rt!lgn but FIDch talked him out of It. Notes : A posth un1ous work of John Steinbeck, the Nobel Prlie novelist who died lat~ last year, w\11 appear fron\ Viking Press under the Utle "Jour· nal of a Novel." Thia 11 a dny·by- day acco11nt o! writing "East of Eden." Ste~nbeck'1 longest and most ambitious novel ( 1952 ) as told in letters to the lnte Pascal Covici, Steinbeck's editor at Vik· Ing. The n1anuscript had been kept in a wooden box, handcarved by Steinbeck, bearing the title of the novel and the Hebrew character! for the word uu1n· shel," which figured In a key episode in the book. SINCE ntEN, Panetta ha1 pursued his Job with conalderable success. He ls now · dealing wttb the last 10 J>('rcent of THE LE'ITERS to Cpvlcl were Southern school districts to comply with sometimes used a.s "a kind of arguing the law. ground for the story,'' as St~lnbeck put But the work took him to Florida and it; more often, when the argument h:id South Carolin• and ht had. la tely begun ~ been worked out In advance, they con. to seek entorCemtnt In Texas, where ' slsted of random thoughts, comments on there is leaaJ tetrtgatlon against Mex!-pe:rsonal and public events. Not a forma l c&n ·Americans. Tbu1 Jt was th at Thur-lltrrary \VOrk, the journal, Viking tells mond, Gurney and Tower told the \Vhlte me. cttsl~ much light on Stelnbcck's-m.lpd Jlouse that Panetta mutt go. and on the nature of the creative process. The resignation itself was handled For instance : brutally. Stories that Panetta had resign-··r split myself Into thrtt people." ed v.·ere planted in a Columbia, S.C.. Stei nbeck tonlldcd to Co\•lci •·1 know newspaper, formerly represented by (l.lhat they look like. One lip~1·ult1trs and White House aide Harry Dent. Pred!C· one criticizes and the third tries to c:or· I , .,, .. __ , ( T,he Bo<>kruau .. ____ _ relate. tt 11tutllly turns out to be a fight but out or it co1nes the \l'hole 1Yeek's \VOrk." AGAIN: ••1 IJ1\nk the humnn thrives bes t when lie ls ll little worried and ~ unhappy, and tills is Implemented with ncc.-'(!Jes In I.he brain ... One 'Is never drained by work bu~ Only by idlencs.~. Lnck of work is the most enervallng thing in the. world.'~ "The cosmic ulcer comes not fr-0n1 the gre nt !'Oncerns but (rom l1tllc ir· rltatlons." ·rhc ltHcr~. \'!klt1g adds. appeared on the left·hand pages of the manuscript, and when Steinbeck tclt ready he pro-ccroed to fill the fflcing right'4111nd pages "'ith tl~xt or ''East of Eden." He usually-flttfO two pagts. of the notebook a day iJ anuar,v 29 through November t. 1951). ubout 1:;00 \\·or<ls. Th is pronlises to be :i literary <"u110~11y. \\illlan1 llog11 n Tl-US OELJBEfL\TJo:: obfu~cation Or tnds and means ma_y acco1n1>lish a great n1a ny politlcol obj e c l l v cs. The Southerners will have preserved segrega- tion. The President "'i ll have eliminated Georg<? \\lallace from se rious contenllon in 1!172 Some Northerners wl!l have 8fl" peased v.·hat they delect as a growing racist Ude in their own sh1tes. But the Apocalyptic vision of the Kerner Com· 1nission-tv.·o Americas: one black, one '11hitc. both armed-will have mo ved a step closer to rel'.llity. Dy Fronk !\-tankiewici and 1'01n Braden Tuesday, Ma1:ch 3, 1970 T/1c ediloriaL paoe of tlte Doil·g Pilot seeks lo 01/on ii nnd stim- ulate renders by presenting this newspaper's opln lo11s and cam- n1e11 ta r11 or1 top1c3 of · i nteresi and .~ig1tlficanct. by providing a for um for the t xpres.rfon of our readers' opinioni, and bu --prcsrwting tile diverse vtrw; paints of informed obsnvtr.r tH1d spokesmen on to pic.s of t.h• day. Robert ~. \\'l"c d, Publisher ' • CHECKING •UP• All Spiders Alive Always Can Thread By L. M. 80\'l) IN SOME SPECIES of caterpillar, the female's blood is yellow, the male'• ls green. Whal do you \hink Of that? • . . OUR LOVE AND WAR A1AN says lt'I· ditfJcult, ex- <:eedingly dll!icult for a girl to engage the serious interest of any ~man who Is shorter than herself , . . . 'DON'T CALL YOURSELF an old farm boy If you can't name the month in which the cows give the most milk, usually. All right, it's ti1ay .•.. WHY MEN ARE APT t(I become hard of hear- ing earller in life than women is atlll a mystery ... EXACTLY JOO YEARS AGO there was not a store In the country that sold \\'Omen's underwear, not a one. PHILOSOPHY I -"J have always been more concern.ed with making a l ow I y frankfurter or a tired old piece of ham 11eem lntere-Mlng." 11aid Irma Rombaur, "than In doing something with truf- nes." Admira6le. Mrs. Rom- baur wrote the classic cookbook, "The Joy of Cook· h1g." Fine work, that. There's a dlgnlty in mustard that's not to be found in the supercilious sauces. There's an Integrity in hashbrowns that's absent from \'ichyssolse. No more today from Irma Rombaur. Tomor· row maybe a little something from Kahl~~ibran. • OPEN \(uESTION Never saw a left handed barber. Aren'Lthere any? NO ~lR. CANNOT ~rify the ancient claim that the bald men are the better lovers. However, a statistician now does int!eed insist his studies show the bald fellows generally tend to accumulate more money than tht htlry .. headed men .... WOULD IT BE UNCOUTH to report the iNeotlsts have establlshe~ that women's· peiaplraUon is more odorlferous than men's'! Yes, auppose it w o u Id ! Nevermlnd, CUSTOMER SERVICE -Q. "Which of the tobacco com· panics came out with the first filter·tiP cigarette"!" A. I don't know , but it wasn't one of ours. That evmt occurred just 60 yeart ago in Russl,a. , . , Q. "DOES A SPIDER ever run out of thread?" A. Never dom, not while alive ... , Q, "l UN· DERSTAND you bite your nails, ls -that-r.lght?" A. A lot of people bite their nails. Billy Graham bites his nail& ...• Q. "WHAT ARE the stat.laUcal chan~ a girl will marry ~r boss?" A. Odds run 106 to one against that felicitous OC· currence. MAYBE IT'S JUST railroad propaganda, don't know, but the claim is made that one set of train tracks has the car- rying capacity or 20 freeway Janes .... 11IE WIVES OF seamen bought O'o credit, pro- mising to pay when their husbands came h o m e . Thereby, says our Language man, got \\o'e the phrase, "When my ship comes in .... " RAPID REPLY -YES, SIR, ltULUONS of people in the world prefer mare's mllk to cow's milk, millions. Your questfotis and com· ments are welcomed and wilt bt used whenevei pas· sible in "Checking Up." Please address your mail to L.M. Boyd in core of Doily Pilot. Bo:t 1815. Newport Beach, Calif. 92663. DAs Continue Study Of Schrade Funding SACRAMENTO (AP) · - Three district attorneys today pursued their investigation Irr to Senate leader J a c k Schrade's acceptance of a $5,000 campaign contribution from lobbyists last year, three years prior to his next elec· ti on. But the legislature's ethics committee chairman rejected Schrade's personal insistence on a hearing. A sie m b ly man Harvey 600 Tourists Quit Canyon GRAND CANYON (UPI) - htost of the 600 tourists Btranded overnight by a snowstorm at the Grand Can- yon were gone today and mosl of them, according to a park ranger, considered the experience an exciting ad~ venture, "They had a good time," said Al Yehl. management assistant for the park service. "We had some al the visitors center and they were having a M>ngfest. So t think it was quite an experience for some or them." Arizona 641 the only road In· to the park, was cleared Mon· day morning for veh1cles equipped with chalnl and opened to all vehicles In '\he afternoon: Snow wps falling in- termfttently but skies were expetted to clear this af· ternoon. Johnson sa1d he would not distort the committee 's role into "whitewashing" Schrade, nor would he allow it to become a forum to settle "an internal power struggle in the senate between rival Repub- lican leaders." Sen. Howard Way (R·Ex· eter ) Schrade's predecessor, came under attack Monday from a Democratic ally of Schrade, Sen. James Q. Wedworth. Hpwt}1orne. Wedworth said Way had a photocopy of the $5,000 check Schrade acknowledges receiv· ing last year, but did not take it to law enforcement: officials. Way replied the photo of the uncashed check was n o t evidence of any wrongdoing. Way acknowledged the ac- curacy of another Wedworth claim, that Way carried forward from his 1968 cam- paign a $5.284.14 fund surplus. Wedworth asserted Way was a "strange person" to question the propriety of Schrade's June 1969 acceplance of the $5,000 check v.·hile keeping such unspent campaign money from 1968 for 1972. Way said "most senators do the same," and il is not the same as Schrade's acceptance of $5,000 "from a single In· terest just six months after election to a four.year term." The check · Issue surfaced again Monday when Wedworth, one of 13 Democrats es Ii e n t I a I to Schrade'& accession to the president pro tern post Feb. 10, accused Way of "political blackmail ." BIBLE THO UGHTS G OO IS NOT DIAD: II• i111't 1v111 SIC!(. A mod1111 1lllt itl ll'llV ••v. "God h' de1d": but 10011, &od 1111 11v th1I thi1 1th1i1l "i1 d11d'', 111d it wilt b1 TRUI!. Min .f'l'llY come 111d m111 m1v 90, ltwl God 9011 on fo••v••· It 11 • will \now11 1c.itll· tific. f1ct th1t "''"'' 1nd 1n1r9v CAN NOT IE DESTROYED. The ir co11ti1111ltv b11p11lt1 • G1d who will ,l .... 1r1--. .. i.1t. Thi ind1llr11cltb!lity of God Jtroc.l1111e 111 ETEANtTY , Jn both di•1clio1n , prior, lo Now 111d fo11¥lt 1fl1rw1rd. lh1 'P1•l111i1I h1J tiiJ, "Thi h11 ... t t1f 4'1cl1r1 '"' glory of Wo4; 111d 011 fi,11'1111'11~1 thow1th hi1, h111d;wo1lt" ~ !11 . 19:11 . Tli1 llllE t1Uj'" 1.i. 'lboul God, S11 ihe tr11 f1tli1 911nd1 ur, th1 pro¥ld111t.1 ind l.1,flnlt1 111tur1 of God d1plcl1d lfl P11lm1 IO•. A11d of tl-.1 GOODNESS of God to ll'ltn in th1 tw111~-thlrd 1'111111. 111 ord1r tl-.11 11'1•11 mi9hl f11ll., 1111cl1r1t1114 God, Jt1111 Cl ll'll to 111th ind 11 ... 1d t lif1 of lo"• 111cl 1•r ... ic1 to 11'1111. IJ11, 1:1 ,1•, J11.l-'11·1 I, H•b,1:1·9l . Ht w11 "God i11c1rfl•l1" fi 11 tl-.1 fl11hl , H. d!td for 11'1111'1 d111 111d 1•.-.1ncl1cl lt1ck to H11 ... •11 fAch 1:9·1 1, 1iSS J, H1 11111 to 11rtli the Hol., SFtirlt lo 911ld1 ""'" 111to 'ri9hl10111r1111 111cl to comlorl 111•11 IJ11. 1'4:26, 16:1·10 ). Thi l ll lE i1 th1 work of th1 Holy Spirit 111d 11111 m:1n kow lo plt••• God, hl1 cr11tor 11 Pi+. I :20, 2 Tl,,,,J d S-11 I. H1•1 YOU tl11cli1d th, l lbl11 H••• YOU r1c1i ... 1d 11!1 Holy Spilll Info your lif.-} Tht l ibl1 11y1, "lt.•P•"' 111d b1 b1plh1d , ... ,,~ 0111 of vou 111 lh1 111m:1 of J11111 Chrhl for tho rt111i1!ofl of 11111, 111d y1 111111 r1c1l~1 th1 9:h of tl-.1 Holy Spirit .. !Ach 2:)1 1. Corn1, 1l11dv th1 1;bt1 -... ith 111· lit 111 pl1111 God to91th1rl Chu1ch of Chtl1I, 217 W.. W!l1011 S+ .. Co1!<1 M1l 1, C1. ~1627. TMM-TY--CFin11.t t-S1111d•f-7:JO '-·'"· ' QUEENIE ly Phil lntfl41111dl. B.lack Unit At SFSC To Be Cut SAN FRANCISCO (ljPJ) - The e'ntite full-time tacuhy of the black studies department at Sa.n Franclt:co State College has been noUfied it wUl not be reappointed next school year. College oftlclals , said Mon· day letters of tennlnaUon ef- fecUve in June were sent to the six Instructors because the department h1:1d not submit ted its recommendatlons on reap- r.Intments ln Ume for revlev.·. Without the letters. the In- structors would have been reappointed automatlcally, lhe offlclals sald. They added the letters difnot amount to actual firings and are subject to review and change. "All right! All right! I ain't got all day ! Wh.,,, doe, the crank mail go ?11 - "The action wa1 necessary because the black studies department failed to forward I t s reappointment recom - mendaUons to my office Jn Ume to e.llow the required review and noUficaUon of in· dlvlclµals by the I e i at 'forty Not Expected To Run for Governor -deadllne..-Marcll 1. a n d because the departmen t facu lty continued to refuse to meet with the admb1lstfatlon on this and other personnel SACRAMENTO \AP) -L<lt Angeles r.fayor Sam Yorty is \\'ailing until almost the last moment to say if he:u run for governor. Yorty, a maverick Democrat, will annolli1ce his decision the week of March J5, his press ·office said today. March 2Q is the deadline for candidates to file for the June 2 primary. · cond term March 10 and nle matters," said Donald Gar· on ~1arch 12. rlty. vice president f o r academic aftalrs. Yorty acknowledged last month that Mrs. Warschaw was among friends urging him not to challenge Unruh in the primary. Mrs. Warschaw said ~1onday she hadi1't discussed the race \\'Ith Yorty since then. '"'The Intent of taking this actlon~ was not to preclude reappointment of any single Jndlvldual, or or all the in· dividuals, who l\'ere sent such letters. . Viet Sailors Here to Train Sailors Find Boat Adiif t; Crew Gone . luttdaY, March '· 1970 DAILY PILOT 1i Guard Withdraws From Calrri UCSB SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -window1 of the university ad. The l,$00 national auard troops mlnlstratlon building were sent here to prevent mob vi· 1hattered. olence were withdrawn Mon-lt was the first acUon by the day as calm returned to the university against UCSB 1tu~ student community adjacent to dents althou&h hundreds of them were In the crowds which the University ot Calltornia seized a business district in campus. l11la Vlsta last week. . The lasl lruckload of lht Sheriff James Web11ter, in guard.amen, sent Jn with Oov. charge of law enforcement Ronald Reagan's authorization perJOMel, said he hoped there last Friday arter riot.Ing left would be no further trouble but wiodows broken and a bank that he had sufficient force to destroyed by fire, pulled out cope with it. A su11down tB before noon. , sunup curfew remained in ef. Sheriff's depuues and the feet. California __ ..Highway Patrol Aµthorities said of th~ 120 SAN DIEGO (AP) -A San were ·held In re.serve although persons arrested, 68 were adult Dleg~based flshlng boat hss the area was reported quiet. students, 47 were nonstudents found .a 35-loot yawl with only UC sant.a Barbara achool of-and five were juveniles. Fifty~ a dog aboard adrift 1$0 miles .flcialB said the campus was nine of the student! Were from.. south of .?tianzailillo, Mexico. calm and clauea were held UCSB and there were two from ft was not known what hap-on schedule. the Unlverslty of Callfomia pened to persons aboard the --Chancellor Vernon Cheadle campus at Berkeley, one from sailboat. the Pegini o. disclosed that thret students UC San DJegoJ. one from Long Thomas Santos~~ skipper of had been suspended for their Beach State l;O!lege and four the tunaboat Ronnie s. radioed part in the rock·throwlng me-from San1a Barbara City Col~ Monday that the yawl was lee Saturday night in which lege. found with its masta broken:\liiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil and rigging trailing In the !ea. He said a driver's license was found in the name of Richard R. O'Neil of Seaside Avenue, San Pedro, Calif. The dog was taken aboard the fishing boat. The Peggy D was cut loose to continue drif· ling. The· Coast Guard in San Francisco reported Monday that the motorshJp Benegrande radioed Feb. 22 that two persons from the Peggy D were picked up. But the ship, its registry and destination unknown, has not been in contact since. The foreign ship said It rescued "Mr. and Mrs . KEYSTONE NOW PAYS 5~~· 3 MONTH CERTIFlCATE ACCOUNTS 6~N~\jN 5~~!::. 1 YEAR TERM ACCOUNTS WITH MINIMUM BALANCE 7~~"!::. 2 YEAR TERM ACCOUNTS $100,000 I YEAR TERM WITH MINIMUM BALANCE ACCOUNTS (Adjuste<l rales for .shorter terms) Passbook accounts continue at so;, per annum compounded daily. "l don't expect him at this point to run ," said Carmen \Varschaw, the Democratic n al lona l committee\Voman from California and con· sidered a poliU cal friend of both Yorty and Assembly Democratic leader J e s s Unruh. She added. "I think he's a rather rare poliUclan in that he still labels me a friend even though J'm trying to talk him out or running." Mrs. Warschaw said she thinks Yorty hasn't made up his mind. SAN DIEGO (AP) _ About Richard Onial," but the Coast 200 So·uth Vietnamese sailors Guard said there could have been an error in transmission. arrived ~ionday to take over The Coast Guard in Long two U.S. Navy tank landing Beach said it had no report of Get JIOUr 'Fr:tt Febnlary Horoscope TIOW, KEYSTONE SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION llo111ld W. c..,..,., Pr11idt nl She Is supporting Unruh but said she doesn't think a primary fight between the two automatically :would damage Democrats' c h an c e s of unseating Reagan. shlPf'. The South Vietnamese will a missing sailboat and could find no trace of a ~Richard undergo ~wo weeks or training O'Neil on Seaside Avenue, San • WESTMINSTU 14011 B41ch Blwd. Phone: 893·2-'91 Unruh is the only formal Democratic candidate so far. Republican Gov. Reagan ls ex· pected to anndunce for a ae- before the USS Bulloch County Pedro. and the USS Jerome County 1 _:_::::_:: ____________________________ _ "It depends on the-level Of the campal&n," she said. are turned over in ceremonies scheduled for Apri1 I. Send this coup.on and one dollar. We'll send you an Avco Savings Tomorrow Starter0 and an . Avco Savings Passbook with the dollar credited to your account. '-This Is better than amoneY-back guar- antee, because the dollar goes In your very own insured savings account You can get it back, whenever you like, with interest. How much interest? Th at's what the Tomorrow Starter" is·all about It's a new kind of savings calculator. On one side, it shows how much interest you can earn by saving regularly at Avco Sav· Jngs. (For instance, if you save for a bunch of years, as little as $5.00 a week can give you as much as $58,174 -over $45,000 of H Jn Interest) On the other side, the Avco Savings Tomorrow Starter• shows how to get the money you want to save. It gives you sample budget figures for Food, Housing, Clothlng,Transportation, Rec- reation, Insurance, Savings-almost everythlng-whetheryour family take- home pay fa $400 a month or $1 ,500 a month. TheAveo Savings Tomorrow Starter~ It really can help you start a brighter Tomorrow. So get started on Tomorrow, today. Send the coupon. :Al~Y.~S ·-------···-w I Hey, Avco _Savings! I I All my life I've wanted my I I very own Tomorrow Starter.0 I I ~~~~~1!~~!~:.~!~!d!~!~~~. oµe. I I D I'm encloalng my check for a whole lot of dollara {exact amoun · }, I because I figure, at!%. i::omPQ:unded dally, "what can 1 lose? I'll Oflt my . money baok, with Interest, whath•r I Ilka the TOmorrow Starter-or not.·" I D I don't have any dollars. Dut PTe1ae s111d me a frte "Start Som11hlno" tape I I button. I understand It will help Introduce me to th• fttendly Avco Savings I Teller wtio will give me a.-rree Tomorrow Startert when I 1,how up In pereon 1-. at your office. · • . N1m1 1 Strtet/.ddre;sr ______________ ~---- Clty t1t1 IP•--- • Awco S..fngs Md Loan Anoc"Kon. I COSTA MESA OHICE 3310 l riltol Str11f, C.otll Mesa _92626 \ MAI N OFFICE 2650 z oo-Avonu1, Huntington Pu~ 90255 1. •••••• -• •10iiltll --) ' (I TIR ES TUESDAY· WEDNESDAY . PRICES GET QUICK-STOP ACTION TREAD DESIGN OF ' UNIROYAL LAREDO RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES Tubeless whitewall or Black I for•I MOUNTED FREE NO TRADE·IN NEEDED VWOWMRS 560x15 650x13 700x13 69Sx14 . 73Sx14 · "u• F•d. E•. T11.ot ol $Oi: .o. New One Free Security's GUARANTEE If a Securily Tire Retread fails fo r any reason except repairable puncture or abuse while 1/16th of 11n inch of tread remains, you get a new retread free. • • . 2 for 525 ··~.~;.~;- ' Semritp Tire'8tore5 -1-· . ,... ' A"""'"'-I C.tt'lf• I O.rdt11 Gr••• I C••I• M•... I H1w1lia11 ,.,._ I HullrilflltMI a.di '"' ,,...~ .. " lilll w. '" St. ,..1 "'""""'-'"' Ht•r.l't 111ch 11•1s '-If. tMll .._. 8"" ~1 llflttlll) 7U ... ll (I llk4 rt, el ltKll) m It/If 1791111. (111, 'IOlltf't t Mf!Wtlk} M Mli.M-. ti .U.l ..at-1110 t tl41ff MMlJt• I U.OS11, IS..,.17t $11\f• ""' I Sintl A111 I futtht I W1ttmhttf*r r'-" Ch ..... ··~•I h \u till W, WtrltM' A"' 111 l. 1• ltNft Wt!l.i.tl• 11 (tf" •. II (MIH a .. 1 ~ IJt .. 700 IWt•111r ti 11!11111 (ht •~f "II" St.J (1 l!kt. f , ai Oohklt W.} 1'1•llU ,....... I Mo-Mll l fMJ:ll . OPEN 8-8:30 DAILY 18-!5 SATURDAY UNIROYAL FIPlt INTRODUCED I~f Mm urn·& TIOER PAW . • 'I ' • 1>A!LY PILOT • s TLl6da1, Mirth l , 1q7!J Save on Ta.~es-10 lof200Taxpayers Cl1ecked By SYLVIA PORTER U• n•••.ilMI .;,. tN tt...,.. IMtlttt. 9f AlftttlCt l vOO are only human If you .' want ·to know what are the * that the return you are 8bout to prepare will be ex· amined. The straight answer 1s: "tbat 'depends on the siz.e and sources of your lncomt> and 11hf types and slie of your dedocticih.s. U your deductions apPear Out or line. the chances ~l you will be eiamined ...... TO GIVE \'OU a more specific guide : latest Treasury statistics indicate that one out of every 200 individual returns will be picked for a field audit (lh~.Jtind of exam where the agent Visits you at you r plact of business). Also, one out of every 41 individ11al returns will be picked for an office audit (the kind where you are asked to visit your local direc· tor's office ). Note tht' crucial points on your income and deductkins in paragraph one! In '69. the Treasury began to use its data processing equip- ment to select returns with ~ F&mily 1problems? Fa\1lilies are facing "'31'Y·problems \oday. ~raticln, divoi;ce . .:O..nt<!iild conflict, ·~cillt]lresstlre. But with\God's help. every family problem can be solved. Hear.Harold Rogers. ~of The Christian ~.llOardol ~Um$ip tell, for i '~.bowawife's ' uhilio-standing of Gdd's love for Hil' children brought her I unfaithful husband lia<!< to Ills !aJ»ily. 1'fr:J!ogers will share • ideas tohelp you mret ally human relation- ship problem. . -arm Sciel!ce 1ec111e 'tty Hit,.,kl lll09«' • p.111 .. n"""", Merc.h 5 . - Firrt C~rclt ef Ctlrht ........ llOJ YI• Ud• Newport h«.tri adjusted gross lncon1e of ,Under $10,000 for ex:amlnatlon. 'f1)(' computers use a fonnula system known as "Dlf" (discriminant function) I o choose returns \\'hlth will be audited. This formula assigns welgtlts to various Items on )'Ollt retum and then rates the return in terms o( need for audit. BEGINNING thls p a s t January, according to th!" Commissioner ot I n t e r n a I Revenue, ''Dlf"' is being used to select returns with gross in· CO"}e oJ $10,000 or over ror audit - Tale for granted that your arithmetic will be checked: it \vUl be and errors wlll only call attention to your return ." 1'he Treasury finds that we make a lot of errors. -with $95 the average mathematical error in favor of the individual taxpayer and $68 the average in favor of the Treasury. llow can you tell whether your return is tO be audited? Well, if your return hasn't been plucked for examinalion within 26 months after the due date for filing that return, the chances-are il won't be. Audits ID 1~7 1 reWms sho~J d , therefore, be rompleted by this June 30, 1970. A3 a prae· tical matter, if you haven't been called for an audit of yoor 1967 return by now, it 's unlikely you ever will bt. IF YOU .RUNrinto trouble in an exam and the ageqt makes LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NCYnCE NOTICI 0 1' OISIOlllTION 01' l".tJtTlolll'Mll" l"llDlk: N!f1c.f IS ~ .1...., !Ml lleit. 0. 11111r1m, IM Plnllll• II. lntr1m, llff'etl>fote aoin. busl111f1'1 Lllld1r !'hi 111:. tl!!Gsa firm Nlmt •nd lf'l'l1 o1 OllANGE CO.O.ST Fiii.ME CO., 1t 7'S NewlOll W•Y, CITY ol Cosll Mal, °"11'1t'I' ol Orll!M. St1l1 ol C11ifornt1. did Oii lht )1111 dlY of M1rd!, 1'10, by mutu1t c.cfl"fll, dl .. olve ltle uld P1rr,.,.r!l'llo •M 1ffml11tte 1htlr rtl1U1111i 1s i>erln•,.. In.rein. 511d bual11U1 In !ht 1111vr1 wlll be COii· dl>Cll'd DY R<>Mrt A. 8tr1famln, who .,..Ill HY a"" dlsch•~ 111 lleb!Ultu 1no debts Ill 11'1t llrm and retelvt t;ll mQ1tlt1 PIYtblt 19 '"" firm. Fvrlller no!IU It IM'rt"" •I"'" tl\11 llM' u~lfned will not De rt-llble, tlom 11111 daY Oii for Inv obllttllons lncvr~ lnl l"hYtnl R. IMra"' It! Ml own 111mt or In "" ... ,,,. ol ... ftf'm . DATEO AT C0til1 M,U, C1!llON1l1. !Ills 1no ~~ o1 M1rc11. ltl'O. Pll•Hll R. I"''"~ Ille• 0 , t119r1m il>ublllhed 0rlf•l1' Colit 0111, Pilot, Mlrcll l. "70 311-1'11 Benevest has paid out more than $5,150,000 in Instant Refunds. I ' "County • • • Made Agent \ OVER THE '·COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List ltlarl~et • • ·-· 4 1P w 0 ;:::e:e: \W 'C! !l 1 •, . . ' ' • • _,. "t.,." '.!> • • I ' . • • + \ • I I '• I • DAILY PILDT I ,. For The Record ·c H¥ m De•tlt J\'otkes t - Now ~It-Oµly,Takes 90 Seconds-to End Marri~ge 87 TOM BARLEY Of "" o""' '•w 111tt SAN!l'N ANA -Audrey pac- ed the floor. outside the courtroom, nervously puffed .. htt dgmtte and tried hard·not to look In Bi11'1 direc- Uon: · Her estranged husband talk- ed t.o hla lawyer about the lovely new courthouse they wert In, the Denny McLah1 scandal and the Angel!' adop- tion of Dodger trainin& techni- ques -and tried hard not to look in Audrey's direction. "I hate this,·~ Audrey told her lawyer. "We're going t.o be stuck here all day and I have problems enough w Ith o u t going through . thls kind of ordeal. QuesUons, quesUons and everybody listening to our private affairs -·• ''It isn't that way any more, Mrs. -, " her lawyer pa- tlenUy explained for the sixth time that momJng, "I've told you, you're going to be .,;urprlsed at just how easy - -t:ome on now , here we go." Flft~n minutes l a t e r Audrey and Bill were outside the courtroom no k>nger linked ln marriage. The bonds they forged in Kansas City four years ago had been-dissolved -that iJ the tenn now for what people still refer to as divorce -by Judge Herbert Hel'land.!. . Just 90 seconds of that time -carefully clocked by a reporter -had bttn spent In terminating thelr rocky mar- riage. It see med to Audfey that the marriage was· over before she could even gear Contest Set For Essays On Law Da y ' herself to tell the iudge all . about Bill's description of her before the··~cnnaren and that dirty little affair he had had. Judge Hertands wouldn't have·been interested. The h•w now doesn't let him be in- terested. All he needs i! for the parties t.o telJ ·him that they .can't get along, and that they've agreed on a division of their community property and he dissolves the marriage, In court language,. he has to be convinced t h a t "ir- reconcilable differences" have caused a n: "irremediable breakdown" or' the marriage. And since 90 secQOds is par for the dissolution course around Orange County Superior Court. It doesn't take. much more than the filing to convince the jurist that you and the little woman have a big problem and really shhuld go your separate ways. There seems to be little doubt that the news is getting arou nd. For dissolutions of marriage ion Orange County - the new law caine lntc effect last Jan .. 1 -are up-18-per· cent on divorces filed at this time last year. The 1,800 diSS()lutions filed by late last Friday were up by more than 300 .on the totaJ of divorces' filed' In the first two months of •1969. Court officials have generously allowed for the annual upswing common to all Orange C\)Unty filings and then conclude that the switch from divorce lo dlssolu· tion must have increased court actions Jn that field by at least lO_percent. Audrey!s reasons account for the·buJk-ol that 10 percent In the opinJon of her lawyer, a specialist in the marriage dissoluUon field . "When 1 learned · jll.St how easy It was to end a marriage Ulat really eoded three years ago I d!!Cided to t8ke the plunge," she said. "l was afraid to before Ulerr because of the airing of dirty linen in the courtroom and because I am basically a shy and sensitive person. "I'm glad1 I did," she sald. "It--was all over before I could really start_ to worey about it. I think this new law ls a bless- ing, Pllrlicularly to t h e women, and l think Jt was an inspired act by the Legislature.:• But many Californians don't. Audrey's mother, a Newport Beach resident who personally implored her representative in the Legislature to oppose the measure, branded !he new law as "the c~rlification of im· morality. "I'm not saying that there shouldn't be divorce and I'm not a Roman Catholic," s~e: said. "Obviously, there are many instances when lt would be better to end a broken mar- riage but this new law changes a union blessed by the c~urch into a mad game of bedroom roulette. · "Respect for the sanctity of marriage l'> going fast If It hasn't gone," she snapped. "Where a firm line should have been taken by our la\\'JMkers they have swung the pendulum in the other Chambers Re~elected Goodwill President • cUrecUon with an · eye to the a1i9ed up to one thing -the rl~ge co u n.s e ~l n g, the ,of marriage ls contested - votes of.the younger aet." gr4ntlng of l divorce for one assistance or the conciliation and not many of them art la The church sbe referred to ol lhe parlles,'' he said. "What court or a waiting period Orange County -·the· judii:e Js solldly with· her If the com-was the point in 99 percent of "might help you ·restore your may call for testimony rrom ments: or five representatives those cas,es pf, in your marriage to What it once was? thQSe who can shed light on -two. of them Romi.n source's phrase, airlng all that Jf the P-_etiUOn -flied seeks lhe reasons for the breakup ol CathQlic prlests -a~ fYPical dlrtY linen in the courtroom "spouSal sup-port" _ we used the marriage. of the o~tlopk of men of the and prolonging ·,what already to .know that as aUmony -Witnesses may ht. asked to cloth. was an agony-'J-three more quesUOru are pos· do what Audrey dreaded -air "I happen to think that my 1111 isn't true to say' that all ed by the court: that "dirty linen" !he talked own church' is much too rigid dissolutions are .now a 91).se. -Are you wprking at the about with testimony on a in the ma~ of dlyotce," one cond procedure and theipublic pesent time? HaVe you worked marriage Partner's drunken- young priest commented. ".But shoulAA't think that,'' he warn-in the past? ls there any ness, Infidelity, cruelty or tills is ,something ~se. Whtt_ ed. ••it.is possible to 4ispose of reason why you caMOt work, physical abuse. you are .doin'.g l)OW, in most in-cases quickly whtn everything either part or full time? The judge may not want to stances, is liking out a license has been ctit and dried by 'the If the court is given an un-hear very much of it and the to ,sle.ep_,Jor more than one parties themselves before they ·contested documentation of new law · certainly doesn't night Wfth a woman and then ~~ !:._oort. _ _ __ the cou ple's community pro-want him to hear all cf it. He yoqr friendly neighborhood "But whert the unstated. di~ ~rty and a statement of the Jr will listen just Jong enough to .... judge will dissolve your rela-vision of community p~operty income, standard of living.and 'become convinced - or Uonsh.lp i.n -what was that ls concerned, the judge must . other financial data, then a oU:ierwise -that he can end figure? Ninety i econ d s? set abOut effecting It," he said. speedy judgment on support. the fuarriage in Q,Uestion. Really? My good Lord i "That takes lon"ger but that payments is usually made. But the new law isn't much Some ot · those "friendly isn't the only factor that might "It comes down to the needs) help for couples hailing from 'neighbQrhqod judges" arfn't cause the judge to go· into . of one partner and the ability slates with stiff dlvorce laws. any happier than the ministers much more than a 90·second to pay of the other," the judge They have to prove that they over , the new d I v .o r c e hearing." said, "Then we have to bear in have lived in California for at California style, but Utey all • This _ls how the dissolution mind the length of the mar· least six months before they point ,out that tfley-can do no procedure Work;i and this is riage. A woman ,ending 20 can file a suit. And their more than obey the law and what the parties to such a years of marriage has a lot divorce does not become final dispose of dissolution issue-s in court action are asked: more right to Court con-until six months after the the manner prescribed last -You have asked for a sideration than a girl breaking decree has been granted - year by the Legislature. diS$olution of your marriag~. up after a few months of what very much on the lines of the Superior Court Judge Do you still desire this? wasn't marital bliss." law du m J>'e d by the William Murray feels that we -•Have these differences And th!re ts no 90-second Legislature last year. may end up with a divorce c re a•t e d irreconcilable dif-0 qbickie" when it comes to "The law," ~mmented a system that Is oversimplifie<J. ferences between you? · ·determining' the custOOy _o_f Superior court clerk, "was ap- But one of his colleagues -Have they caused an ir· minor ·children. Most judges proved for Californians. That'• regards the new law as remediable breakdoWn of your ·prefer to set a Separate hear-how it got its name around the "inevitable" and "a great way marriage? ing for that procedure. courthquse -Di v 0 r c e , to break up the logjam that -Do you think that mar--If a petition for dissolution CaUfomla .atyle." · existed in our domestic rela·l--~~--~~iiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii-~--· tlons courts. I "Our divorce cases were .-k cluttered with po Intl e ss a as. a IS ALIVE! arguments, with embanassing reve!aUans and., Y«ith pro-At "The Gra ndest ·Mall •Of All" codU<es that aim~ always A _ 8;:;;gp:;;fl~:. Air Pollution 1_~~~~~~~'~'~1'~~~~~~ Officer Due SANTA ANA -Anaheim In-president. "It wilt soon och,py ~ecognition In' 30 a dustrlallst Robert Chambers a new $633,000 rehabilitation TUSTIN -The Lawyer's has beec re-elected to an un-center mai:king an important SANTA ANA -Orange Wives ol Orange County· have precedented third tenn as step forward In treatment o{ County Air Pollution Control .IA...a ... h1·11 racer-can announced the openlng of the president of G 0 0 d w i 11 the handicapped." Officer William Fltchen will UUWW' 11 . ::~e~~~~~;~e:: rn::t~::ro~!:~~~~d1. sc~:il:~i:t~::~t~:~e~: ~;rec~;~:rw~i11~e~::10:~ pl' unge a' half a m·11e to · ls "La Brld t Audubon Society's Annual .. ~.-, <•c~1~.~LL1~i Olive st~ pie w-ge 0 tional tenn for president of elected vice presiden t ; Conservationist Award. . • wn1m11t11:;:, s..rv1....o b'f w1i., P1b1., Justice." the group which works wlth Edward Lemon, Santa Ana in- -''""' Emlt.1'1• c .......... ltDMrv, WHlne.. E hJ h I be th h d' d I h h d Ir' 1· l t Mr A society spokesman said I the ti ....... ,M.PIHil"1m111'COlotrl1l f 11ner11 ssays, w c mus e an 1cappe ,at oug us 1a 1s , secreary; s. Fitchenisslatedfor theaward n same me you ~ •• ll.11<1111.m Mi u, Th11r,c11v. 11 AM, postmarked by March 6, 1970, James Lukens, Chambers' Agnes Townsend, assistant because of his work in air 81essed Sacr•rnenl C.thatlc Churd!, W••I· d d l J '! C II h mlftllff. orrecttd ~ Ptlk F1ml1Y Colon· tnust be 250 words or less, but pre ecessor, serve two secre ary; runes 1' C U oc , pollution control relative to 111 """"•' ·'"'°"'4. A can be typed or handwritten. terms. Orange banker, treasurer, and the expansion of Southern -d• I -· II Johll F•1wr. $11 .. ~ks~~. L"Ulll 8"cll. Entrants must submit their ''Goodwill Industries has . Lyle Blystone, assistant California Edison's Huntington can la a ca a o.i. « .,._"" Mllrcll t. $11,....,.. 11'1' •A E Co t st be 12 1111 I treasurer. -B h l t wire. L.,c1111 de""''''· SHlrlc• "''''" essays "': ssay n e , come a m on annua eac pan , •'•'•'· 1..-i11 ~-11111, C11'11COt1 ~ Orange County Bar Assoc\a. operation with a ye a r I y Three new members were Fitchen will be given the . • the ntry.' , bro11>et" .. E""'•"'· °" v'"'"'' "'" Junn ti 1-1 E !'" St S lie C 11 f Ill"'" 000" t d I d t Good ill' b d ·r d l th l970 l 1n cou @ e . ,,1..,, Iii Ci'l'llC*I. ,,,..1cn . Wtdnn-on, D\10I • r.11 ., u , payro o .~. . no c c ccte o \Y ~ oar 10 awar a e annua con· . . • ,,.... PaaaifilC,.,......._ "'" March " 11 AM. P1cfltc v1 ... Tustin, Calif. 92680. Gaylord Hlcks, executive vice ·directors. servation dinner ~ ~-.._ C,,.,..., wJlll Of'. o.ti.s JI.. Tumer llftlcl-, _______________________ ,-------------------------1 •tfM. llWl"N'fttlll, l'Kl!lc vi..., Meml..111 • ft11'11. Olr.ded bv PKlllC ..,,_ Morni.rv. HLSAN • ft-1!1'1 Gel1•M. Rnldtnt of L1tu111 """"41 4'1• of cllllfl. Mlrclt 1. S11,..luH1 W wti., H9+1rr, '°"• P111t E. Gol11ri. Jr.1 trtnlhon, P•M £. Ill; lfHl'9flnclCllll• ,.,...., Ell• 11111 1(..,111111 GolNn. s.rukn. w..,.....:i1y. Mlrd! •, 1 PM. P1clllc vi.w C,,.HI. lnllr,....,1, P1clllc Vl9w ,,.._191 "'"'· Olr.dflf tit' '•<Ille \lltw Morlv. • "'" OllAtfAM J•""' G. Gfl!\lm. ••• n . ol 71t.A J1""' st .. Coit• M ..... 51rvlcn ...,,ai111 11 ... ! tl"OIOW•I' MO<'f ... ry, COJll Mnl. K.t.Ul'l'MAN Sim Cll1rl1• k1ulf1M11. Prlu1t1 Ml'Yltft w .... Miii. Wntml ,, ... Mtm0rl1I Plrlt Mt1r1111rv •"" Cem •rl'. F1mltv 111oont1 tlloM •111\!ne to 1k• •m..,.,orlel COii< trlbutlont, pl"" tribute to !IMP C111C1r '°'1 ....... WI! V•ll or, 11. ltMl't! w •. A•• n. ot .a s. L.1 Send1, Triree A.re 91¥. D1!1 of OH!h, "'*'cl'I I. S\ll"llvecl y wl!e, G-tltnM c. WHvtr1 ""' Cll>Mlcl C. arown1 s1t"P01u1llltr, Mrt. trt¥ C. M1v. Strv· kt1 will be llelcl 1<111esd1Y, 11 AM, Nt~l'!borl'IOOd C-1t!Ot\lll Cllvrdl, l• ...,..._, ln!l'l'm.nl 111 Sulin, Wl1con1111. $heff..,. lttU,,,_ IHC~ MorfUltY, Olrtc• ..... ARBUCKLE I< SON We1tcllH Mortuary U1 E. 17th St., Costa Me11 HMIU • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona dtl Mar • 01\ 3-9459 Costa Mtta Ml S-%U4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Cotta Mesa . u 1-3133 • DILDAY BROTHERS Butbigton Valky kortuary 17111 Beacb Blvd. lldntlngton Beach IU-'1111 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C.mel«y e Mortoary .. . C111pel lMI Paclnc View Drive Newport Beach, CalliornJa 144-!'llll • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME ?Mt Boba Ave. ·Wumhilttt llWUI • sluiPf £R MORTUARY Lopoa 'll<ach 494-USS Su Oemtate 4twlOI ••• lllD'J'llJ' MORTUARY 11'1 Mlle St. llutbog!OI Boeck - , FAIR --f•1t, ftlr, f1·ttu1I. 1\"' ftirH w1r41 11111'1 11p f1cton. h1 ,,.,•H•" 011 d11 DAILY PICOT ... , .. ,;,1 ,., ...... ,., 4••· For $1995:.~ itS a little gas. ~ .................... llN ... -.._. ~ Of .-, ...... ""-t. ... t J7 "" IM , .... l•••lllft tMlulell c.MNI ,,._ -1tl<lll ttr .. I-, _, ..._,..., • ; 161'"'9 ........ wi.. .,._,. "'*' -... ,_..,_ ""' -IM ••I••· O.•• 11"91'1!lo11 c~•>v". If ..,, Ml .. ..,.. loc .. lnw -... IM.....,_ For a little more .. .itS a ~---M~_Grabl>er. "'"nothllJV:<lU'd t~~· out to a track '° run, agalf)st the b g ones. lt'i more Of a }ally ffrecracker you'd 'take to the beach, Of' a bai;ket· beft Ollm9. hccuse wtttl an ltt 1po'1Y Grabber features, wttt't en ht ema na1r, the Grabber Is 1u11 a Ford Maverick at heett. sttp the Simple Macnlne that doesn't take a pit er.-to keep It nmnlng. Tiii ___ ioii,.., Ford l>Hlet'I OOW. •. Here'• what JOU get: • 200-cublo-lnch SI.Ii: enolne • BodysJde tapt stripes. btack- palnted hOQd and gtllle • Whltewau,. 1.t~ wheels and trim 11"91 • Deck lld spoiler, dual racing mltton • 3-~e wood- tnne steering wheel. b\1ck all-vinyl se.t trim • Cholee of flw hOl Grabber colors · ,Plut tll this: • No big price tag • No high murarioe rat .. • No htn;t..i. tuna engine • No hlrd, aqff ride • No high malnttnance costt See )(lr f«d-i>eaa-OOfJ for late rrodel, k:mmtleage ®' used cars ~·tnx:ks. .. . • • • • • • Dial. direct, itS faster. ii . ' • I t I I f t f • • ' ..l. • • • .. ' • i l I • .. t I ' ... • ' • ' 'l'ryouts Set For Su1nmer ldcilw Group Robert E. P..tQC, general manager of the Coeur d' Alene Summer niea~r, · a mulical repertory c o m p a n_y in Northerd Idaho, will hold audi· lions in Orange County the first week ln April for .singers, danti!r1, actoMI, musiclll'll and technicians who are in- terested in joining the com· pany for the 1970 !leason. Moe, a high school teacher In San Clemente, will be traveling over the western r.art of the United States dur- ng th~ third and fourth weeks In ~larch in order to interview 1pi>llcant!I for the theatrical company which· resides in Coeur d' Alene each summer. Anyone who It interested in applying should send a re!lume to Moe before March 15 so that he can schedule the audi- tions. Hl1 address ls 320 W. Palaiada, Apt. 3. -------~-----·--------• Musicals at· La:guna, SC By TOM 11TVS Of fttt Dtll1 l"lltl fMff 'l11ere's mUJic ln the alt this week on the Orange Coast theattr ~lrcuit with the open- ing of two lyrical productions -"LltUe Mat)' Sunshlne" tonliiht at the Laguna Afoulton Playhouse and "Si\oon RJver Anthology" .at South Coast Repertory on Saturday. For Laguna, tonight will mark the first musJcal tn the ne" playhom _ oprebed laSt fall, aod for I.he occaaJon the theater reunlte.!11 a pair of director& who made mualcal hisklry of aorta at the old playhou~e. Oirtctor Kent John50n and i;nuslcal director Doris Shields -who were responsiblt for the cele~rated summer shows "Stop the World -I Want to Get Off" in 1"41 and "The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the crawA" !11 .lll1=: join forces again for this gentle satire of the old melodramatic operettas from the Ne I son Eddy.Jeanette McDonald era. Joan Wulf!IOhn will handle the choreography. Starring in the title role of the sweet young maiden is Mary Sul.Uvan, whole lon1 list of credlll includes a previous appearance as ' 1 fl.1 a r y Sun!htne." Playing opposite her 81 Captain "Big Jim" Warlngton ls.Don fl.1 iller, com- muting from Hollywood for the_ show. Princi pal 1upportlng ROMANCE -Mary Sullivan and Don Miller are lovers ln "Little Mary Sunshine," opening tonight at the Laguna Moulton PleYbouse tor a four-week run . ' day night 1t SCR's Costa ~lesa Lbeater. ''Spoon Rlver" will be prl!ented for three weekends only, w I t h pertonnances March 1.a1 U.1$ and 19-21 at Ille 1blrd Slep Tbealer, 1127 Newport Blvd ., Costa Mesa. The box office nwnber ls 646- 1363. * 1.HREE Orange Cou nty c0i'nmunlty theaters will offer final performances of their current product.ions Friday and Saturday, completing their r •• p e ctlve three·weekend englgernt11ts. '""nlt Death and Life of Larry Ben1an.'' a drama by Reginald Rote , winds up Its slay In the La Paz School auditorium under the ausplce!I of the Rancho Community Players. Tom Titus ls dlrec- Ung, Michael Blelitz, J a n e t Gordon and Terrence Doyle Co1ned11 Adventure Comedian Marty Allen and Connie Steveni; star in "r.1r. Jerico" tonJght at 8:30 on ChaMel 1. The made-for·television-movie set in Malta, also stars Patrick Macnee. h!ad the Rancho ca$t, with--------------------- Dikkl Parkhurtt, J o a n n e Wolcott and Judy Dettenrleder In major 1upf)Ortlng roles . Also In lhe e11t are Colleen Clark, Sue Brennan, Bette Killion, Clark Farrell and Nancy Briggs. ReservatlonS are being taken at 837-17~S. New Irvine Theater Sets First Auditions The Costa Mesa C Iv I c Playhouse draw1 ill curiain on The newly organized Irvine the Edward Albee dr1ma "A Community Theater will hold Delicate Bal•pce, '' under the audit.Ions for Its premiere pro- dlrecUon of Hap Graham. ductlon, two one act plays, on Marthella Randall, Bob Wentz and Pali Tambelllnl hesd the Wednesday evening. cast. Tryouts for ''llow Tall I!! Julie H1a1, John Hoyt and Toscanini." directed by R. Mary Sherwood also are fea-Eastman Dow, and 1'Arla da tured In the show at the Capo," directed by Tom Community Ctnter auditorium Sandburf and l\i a t h e w s street.. Four men and two women are needed for the plays. A aec· ond rtading wlll be held Sun- d1ty at the home of R. A. MC.-CaM, 15702 Myrtle Ave., Tustin. DAILY •ILOT J J Concert' At Irvine A C.'OnlemporarY work by Knyntof Pendfreekl will be performed al.on& with ~ Brahma "Requiem" ln a con. cert to be prestnted by the Unlver•lty Ch o t u a and Orchestra at ':30 p.m. Satur. day and Sun~ay, March 14 and 15, in Crawford ltall, UC Ir· vine. The Pendereokl work, ''Dies Irae," was written In memory of the vlctin\s of Autchwltz. The COnct(t. ii O~ to the public )W1th0ut charae. ,\l(:M l'rr...,nt • An Ar1hur I' .. 1 .... ,,1., l'n•I0•11111t Peter O'Toole Petula Clark "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" '" ...... _.. CINEOOMF ~~i:::a . ... " ....... on the Oranae Cou nt y Threadgold, will be held at Further Information ma y be obtained by cl.lllng Carla Dow, president of lhe group, at 333- 0793 or Beverlee Price at '44- :1.182. !-===============- Four musicals -"Hello, Dolly," ''Oliver.'' "Guys and Dolls" and _:.'Man of La l-fancha" -wlll be produced In repertory from July 3 through Sept. S. Rehearsals 1tart June 15. as1Jgnment.a are being handled by Alan Haf't, Blanche Mi ckelson, Constance Crane (repe.aUng her role of ?ttadame Ernestine from UC Irvine's 1965 production), Son- ny Budd, Steve Schwaer and Jim Paskel. by Dwight Rich1rd Odle and Ken Knutson a11l1tln1t Ander.en on the R.ocky Moun- tain setting. The orchestra in, eludes Tlmothr Troy, Robert Mark Corwin -and Marcia Weimar. · Ron Thtonaon, who staged tnu!ICal productions of "The· Incredible Reign of Good KJng Ubu'' and "A Funny Thfng Happen!d on the Way to the Forum" at SCR, is directing the show, which is a full pro- duction rather than a reader's theater offering. Special ef- fects are being created by photog rapher Kenneth Shearer. 'alrarounds. Call the Costa 7:30 p.m. in the all purpo!e Mesa ReertaUon Department room at UnJve rslty ParkJ ;:==========,111" The 18 company members, who in the pa!l years have come from all parts of the United , States, receive room and board and a small salary for their services. BOAT BUFFS : .6.lmoPI Loc•1b1y !1 th• otily ~ full-tim• bo•tln9 editor wor.in9 on 1ny n•w•p•p•r In Or1n91 ! County. Hi1 111clu1iv1 cov1r191 I of bo1tln9 i nd y1chti n9 "'"'' i1 • dilly f11fut1 of th1 DAI LY \PILOT. Completing the large cast of actors, singers and d.ance rs are Jil1 Carter, Jill Nof;tiger, Richard Wood, Al Adams, Sheri H_addad, Bill Berl!, Bill Powell, Terry Hamilton, \Ven- dy Hurst, Ginny Paul, Lana Walker, Don Castle, Dena Brown, Laurence Cale and William Egan. Richard Ander s en Is technical director for the show. with costumes designed "Llttle Mary Suruihlne" will be on the Laguna stage for four weeks, playing Tuesday through Saturdays. Reserva- tions are being taken at the playhouse box office, 494-0473. * fl.tUSJC, monologues and special visual erfecL! will be combined in South Coast Repertory'! "Spoon R I v e r Anthology." opening Saturday hutead of the traditional Fri- Introducing COOL BR ' The greatest advance in brakes in years! COOL IR.AJCE lNTIOOIJCTOlY Oma. *10 Dl~~NT BRAXES Valid with lhff COUpOll only. AT BIG BRAKE YOU GET BOTII! New Bendix P.remiu m linings AND new factory· fresh brake shoes (not rebuilts!J We do not just .. reline" your brakes. and are guaranteed for:.36 months or 36,000 miles, whichever comes firs!. {This is not a pro-rated guarantee!) COOL BRAK.E means new lining AND new me la I brake shoes al our reasonable prices, COOL BRAKE is custom ground lo fit your drums. These new Bendix Premium linings are specially designed !o ''slop you cold." COOL BRAKES exceed factory standard! for new cars Al BIG BRAKE we adjust your brakas FREE for the 11£e o[ your cat. Don't be half •safe, beall-sl.!ewith COOL BRAKE· ••. It stops you c,old. ''Why plsy crash· roulette· .•. lnstaJl COOL BRAKES, th ey stop you cold!" Ad: '' •blvt tlte 100,000 Mil1 Sliocli •bserltet, Alte'" llG-IRAlll hr 1rpett fre~ ud elltlllNM, Wliffl !Hlle..cl1t9 0tid Gtttes flrn. I COSTA MIJA llll HetHr II••· 17141 14f·4022 { J11tt South 1f S111 01190 frwy.1 Op1ll Ew11, l Sw11d1y HUNTIN•TON l lACH --1Tott"IN< ,...;; 1714) 147.0011 I On• l loc• South if. S1" Di19e hwy.I GAIDEH••OVE 1 JJll .,.... ... "' 5,, 17141 •ll·ff11 10111 l l1ck Horth 1f 61ri111 6rov1 f rwy.I ' . - SANTA ANA 2UV•tJ1tl_St•--- l7141 IJl.IJJ7 W• l>M•r a..lo.A"""°"°t4, Mu"'r °"'"" -1 "'' '°"',..,. crfflleaf ... '"' .... Wt ........ "Stop at BIG BRAl\C:, Vol.Ir li.f•'• a.t tlol:er' at 834-5303 for reservations. Elementary S c h o o 1 The Fullerton Footlighters 1-;~~~~~~~~~~ Comprising the cast are James Baxes, 1.1 art h 1 1'.1cFarland. Charles Hutchins, Toni Doiiglass, Larry Harbison and Toni Shearer. Diredor Thronson also serve!! as musician for the show. Japanese Pianist In Concert head into the homestretch lr with "The World of Carl Sandburg" at the Mucken- thaler Center, 119 Buena Vista Drive, Fullerton. Brad Fry ls directing. John Ward. hfelanie Otey and Margaret Merritt take the principal roles in the evening of music, dance and literature. ReservaUons may be secured by phoning 827-1339. * CONTINUING in production on nearby stages are "A Far Country" at the Long Beach Community Playhouse and "The Play'' at Anaheim's Branding Iron Re!taurant. Ralph Bowman and Kathy Ladd are featured In the Long Beach drama under the direc- tion of Bertram Tanswell. The NATIONAL GENERAL CORPORATION f 0° 0 ·1·· •SOUTH COAST PLAZA TMl&AT'Ml S"" Ditto,, ... .,. •I ltiltol • S.1·211 1 E'NDS TUESDAY It's a switched-on laugh. riot! HELD OVER two ACADEMY NOMINATIONS o\ man went looking lor America Ind couldn'I 1;nd ;1 anywhere ..• Sigmund Freud biographical "THE CHALLINGE 0, Yuli Takahashi, y oung drama ls on stage at 5021 E. ROBIN HOOD" J · "st nd Anaheim St., Long Beach, "IT'S TOUGH TO IE apanese piant a com~ with tlcket.!1 avallable at (213) A BIRO'' .... IUlT LANCASTll DllOlAH Xlll poser, will appear in concert 438--0536. I'.::========== at 8:30 p.m. Friday, fl.1arch Ron Fosler's production o! 13, in the Science Lecture Hall "The Play" coliUnues nightly 1----------- at UC Irvine. with two performan ces The program will include Fridays and Saturdays. Darrel one o( his own compo1itlons Wilson, Donna Bruce and and other contemporary works Barbara Wi cks head the cast. as well as Mozart's "Quintet The reservation number is 534.· in E Flat Majar, K452." 8020. Takahashi , a leading ex-1-----------11 ponent of '!Ontemporary pl"ano ~-••• oe!ln '""""" ~ " music, has appeared In recital and with major orchestras ln j ~;ir!~1 aar;t i~~:i~I~t~= 1111 ··-•11 the Nippon Symphony i' I premie r ed "Orphlka.'' • 1"-'WOfW'i"°P.if!<l~lll symphonic work which the l 15'1 orchestra had commlsaloned -·· --from Takahashi. Another com-~·n ... Mtmt missioned work by Takahashi ~ will be heard at the special Japanese Music Pavilion at the Osaka World's Fair this year. ~: 'SOME CoMPANY-KllD Of A (IUT' General admission to the concert ls $2. Tickets may be obtained at the Fine Arts box o£fice on ~ampus between 11 1~=========~11 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays or lf at the door the night of the concert. uunimu .... Lfll •O• INfOl•IJIOlf HELD OVER ·, 9 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS INCLUDIS BEST PICTURE BEST ACTRESS ..... -., THE LUXURIOUS NEW IAllt\A THEATH 'liM::J'rimeJll I A UNMRSAI. """"" l!!IG1> <Mis81i£.-"llrodie llCflllfcr;:" ~,P.!~f -~. 67J·6261 2905 East COO!lt Hwy. Coron• del Mar EXCLUSIVE AREA PERFORMANCE FOR ADUlTS 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS llST AC!ORS -D111tl1 H•tf1M11 • J111 Y•ltllt ll!ST l'ICTUIE llST SUl'POITIN& ACTllSS -Srl'fl• Mlln llST DlllCTOI -J•lwi klil"ilttlf llST SClllNl'lAY llST FILM EDITING Sllowh•t• 9t 7:00 .... !:JO -Matl-S11114ar YOU ARE THERE Al IHI Jtlllntl llA!Kl 1111 MOil RIOOOUI JNIMAU-Olt"I AIT" STARts TOMOR•OW 1 WEEK ONLY Wnl C111t • 111• Slwlll Cta1t 11'1111 II•• 111111 •~111 C1tt1 ~ .... nu A.111,,.1~• W..tdcy1 -4:J0-7:to I f :ll S.ltdey -J111-4:10-7r00-t:11 __ ._._ .. _,.., -12:ot-J1l5-41J0-7100--f:ll ADULTS -St.II· UHDll ti -71f ~ I "HOUSE OF CARDS" :--~...:...~~~~-'"~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~..i."ltl.ggie ..... ~.~.s..IJJ.U.!t/J .... iL...~-·-~~~-·_:...._••_•:_·~~--~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-1 I , 10th RECORD WEIK o:l/M'Al'rlllllS• WTlll11mtT019 _. B.O.ReRA OMM STREISAND • SKARIF \ii~~ NN~ . ·01-. -·~00.TAMllo\-NMlll -------•MIJ!W..A •CADIMT AWAit NOMINU llST SUl'POITIN• ACflUS -..60LDll HAWN~ ~dL111yr ~-llit­.\\1\sllie.~frelit ...... ,----~~ ''11uor loorio M8llll8U 00f(l018n · caerus 1 . Flll\Wf I .:.-lD.00 HNI•...;. iiiio· ,.,__.,. ""' _,,_,.,._~ Plwt-Br!H Ecltl1nd· i11 ''THI NIGHT THlT U.IDID MINSKY•s,. • • 9CACM • T Gl..l.le • I ••T. oo .. •T HWV ..... .., D••OO -· al7·eao• • Hl.JNTINOTON GCM:" 2 ACADEMY AWAID NOMINATIONS e I ESl SUPPORTING ACTOlt -RUPERT CRO~SE- Steve McQueen "Tlie Reivers· ' , • • , DAILY 'ILOT Tutsday, Muth 3. 1970 Quaraniine Ordered Apollo .13 to Avoid Any Moon Hazards WASHINGTON (AP) Becauae Apollo lS will Land on a different area of the moon DUI ....alb, )I.I three-man crew will have \o endure 21- doy quaranUn.. µto the nien al 6Polloo 11 Ind 12. ''1\e rlst ol contamination ls very low Indeed, but the ex· tent al hazard is polenilally so great that many people are JlOI willing to accept that small risk," said Dr. Alan llrown, '8 University of Ptnnsylvania biologist. Brown was a member of an eigbknao scientific p a n e I named by the American Academy ol Sciences to assess, the need for quarantine on Apollo lS. The pane1's report, with the quarantine recom- mendation, has not been publiahed yet. ~o 1igns ol life have been detect«! in materiaia brought back from Ute two previous moon !endings and the space qency had been expected"'to abancfon the quarantine. LAUNCH APRIL II Astronauts James A. Lavell Jr .. Thomas K. Mattingly II and Fred W. Haise Jr. are the crew of Apollo 13, scheduled for launch from Cape Ken- nedy, Fla_., on April 11. Lovell and Halse will land on the moon. The Sea of Tranquility and the Ocean of Storms, sites or the previous landings, are in mare -or Oat -areas of the moon. Apollo 13 ls aiming for the Fra Mauro region In the highlands, 110 miles east of tJ:fe Apollo 12 site. "The question foremost in my mind is whether one can Crossword Puzzle AC"OSS SD Not hard • 51 Good luc I: l 01s1grr'm'nl ·pl,cr S Hall: S• Kind of Prrfix architecture 'Elrct1on ic ~B "Fiddler d'vlce •• ·-•••• " t• Request l wcrds 15 Product &2. Ingen uous ob!alntd b) Mort from tJCtepllona l seaweed &• Haberdas""y 1• Overact itrm: ll' Not having 2 words madr •will && Ttlr . ---· lCJ N. American 2 words evrrgrren &7 Noller shrub &8 Walk'd 20 Real bargain tiCJ Loved 10 21 Profess ion eicrs~ 23 Doc.tor 's 70 Inferior Str,tt In 71 Ori rn1al London to Ins 25 Exploits 2ti Mosquito fer ont DOWN 10 Saver 11 lgno1amus 12 Essence. Var. 13 Dl'ptnd 18 fns omni;i c 's proble m 22 As ian frstival 28 llove unstradil~ 32 Spoke softly l t1roant. 24 Rivl'r of Slang Elll'Opt 37 Coll shot 38 Floor coverino 3CJ Opponent •l Bulgar ian coin A2.Smell ts Lions , sharks, etc. AS July lst or July ~th rvent 2 15th crn tury 27 Adol'n ship 29 Pitel' of l Flower Hoo1lng 4 Hann lb•l's 30 At ~nytlme conquest. ll 160 lutns: Z word s Informal 5 Calendar 32 Sl~nkt l abbreviation )3 Bis hop 's 6 Word hat indlc at inq )4 Princr in surprise an opl'ra 7 '#l'd 3.S LHtle ·--8 Feminin~ 31:t Europta'! namr <10 lncllnt J/3fl0 4• 5tuct 4& Two hearts that beat ·• --: 2 word s <17 De spotic rulers -'!CJ Auric Ir 52 Whte l with rad iating points 53 Sig game animal 55 Blshqp 's headdress 56 Par-: By Air Mi ll 57 Wants 58 Mouthward 59 Treaty organrzation: Abbr. &O Wright allowantr l:tl Oudes &5 Fleur dt -9 Dwelt 43 Cutt !ng tool ~~~~.~~~ ,.,,,...,,...,.--~-.00-r.11• ..... ,.,-m,,-,1 • 17 2 .. • . .... • . . . " •• • • _.. ..... • • -It • • Too manybWs? use our money! We'd like to help you pay left-over bills, emer- gency expenses, home and car repairs, or buy a new appliance. On approval you can borrow from $100 to $5,000, o r more. and have your money the day you apply. We'll sctiedule pay· Jn&ntt to flt your income . When you need money for any good reason, see Morris Plan. We like to make loans. really u:trapolate from the 11 and ti u:perlence to ll," said Or. Brown. ''The policy, which wa& establiahed tome tlme back, ls to consid~r any new environment one In which the originally estimated ha&ard would apply in full force. 11111e quuUon 1s then: ts the Apollo 13 landing site suf. flcienUy d!rferent from Apollo 11 and, 11? If it wasn't, we might have oogent reasons to tennlnate quarantine. "The Apollo 13 la'ndlng site is targeted for the highland regions and in addition, some deep drilling will be attempted and If successfUI, a sample of the moon at the depth or 8-10 'meters will be sampled. These two facts do make the site dif- ferent. "It was the judgment of the committee that thi! was suf· ficient difference." CONS IDER REPORT Dr. Brown emphasized the report will be considered by the space science board.of the National Academy at its next meeting and that fonnal transmission of the report to NASA will follow . In ouWning plans for Apollo 13 Monday, Capt. Chester N. Lee. the mission director, listed some differences in that' flight from the previous one : -nie s..m, third stage of the Saturn 5 rocket that boosts the spacecraft, will be crashed onto the moon to record the impact on a seismometer left by Apollo 12. -The lunar module pilot will be able to 1 an d automatically if dust obscures his vision, a.!i It did on Apollo 12. -Tightened launch rules to preclude launching under con· ' . ntl Sf,IANGI WOllD .. MR.MUM -- ditioos in which lightning could strike the spacecraft - as it did on Apollo 12. -Longer moon walks -two of up to 5 ~ours each. The Apollo 12 crs s walked on the moon slightly less than eight hours. The luqar stay will be increased from 31.S hours to 33.S. -A backup black and white television camera, in case there ls a total failure as on Apollo 12. -An eigh~ bag of drinking w a t e r • reachable through a tube, for the astronauts while on the moon. The Apollo 12 crew com- plained about thl,00. -Red identification bands on the sleeve and leg of Lovell's space su.it, so wat· chers on the ground can tell one from tbe other. • • -Different experiments, in· eluding -0ne to measure heat that comes from the moon's interior, and another to take the temperature at various depths. The astronauts will drill lhree holes, 10 feet deep. Lee said that scientists hope to find deep seated crusted material at the F)'a Mauro site, whlclr'1$y be as old as 5 blUion years. Down Sharply WASHINGTON (UPI) - One-hundred fifty -eight persons died in commercial airline accidents in the United States last year, the lowest death roll for one year since 1957, according to the Nation(ll Transportation Safety Board. ' ' Held by Finch • Pesticide Ban ·Bottled Up WASHINGTON (AP) -A is pos.slble until f urther bt ruled out as the cause of Food aod ~I Admlnbtratlon Jabor'atory 1nvestiga\10ns are the birth dcfeda. recommendaUon backing up completed. 'I1w:y co m p I a i n Bui some re.stlw FDA of. an earlltr White House dltec. DuBrldge ove.ratepped h I 1 ficlala argue Finch abould act u.-to ban.a pesticide linked authority and knowledge in qainst the defolllllt on the to birth defect5 in mice and settJng the Jan. 1 deadline. basis of present doubt alone. rats Is plaeOnholed tn the o(. The additional invest\gatiora "It's the aa:rnt old I~ of lice ~ He.a.Ith, EducaUon and were pl"Olnpte<l, according to innocent unUI proven ,UUty," an FDA fact sheet, by the fin-said one omclaJ. ' •Tb e WeUare Secretary Robert H. ding of a!gnillcant "'""'"'n'· or manufacturer should have to Finch. ..,,..,.. "' prove the ~·"f .··•e •-con-an impurity called dioxin in lli..w -. w The FD A memotandum the 2,4,5-T that caused birth ~e selling it, not the govem. written late last Deoemi?(r defects in the ,laboratory ment prove It guilty in order would precipitate canc:elJaUoo anlmaJS. The impurity must to withdraw it." of gove.mment registration oft ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'=~m; tbe patent chemical 2,4,5-T. II :i:d·\~~:=:; WHY PAY MORE? , Cha.lea C. Edwardo-1.9 based on now~ated Information lW!. NYLON-lit and is invalid becauae the QUALITY SEAMLESS manufacturer's request that PANTY HOSE prompted it h8' b e e n withdrawn. White HoU.se science' advlser Lee A. J)uBrldge Oct. 29 direcled the Department of Agriculture to ban t h e chemJcal by Jan. l unless the FDA bad in the meantime establl.sbed a safe residue level on foods. DuBridge acted in response to a government-contracted study that linked fee ding of the chemical to birth defecta in laboratory rats and mice. Other reports blamed heavy use of 2,4,~T as 'defoliant in South Vietnam for an epidemic of human mlscar· riages and birth defects. DuBridge's order has not been carried out, t h e Agriculture Department says, because the FDS and HEW have failed to forward any recommendation on s a f e residue levels for 2,4,5-T in foods . For their part, aides to Finch say no recommendation tllG. $1.4t RUBBER GLOVES 39c LIGHT BULBS 2 for 2Sc a1G. tic 'oo·. -5 GIA.IN ASPIRIN 14' IJl:IG. 2'~ 1 !'INT-RIG. $1.14 Pl'.llSOHEX $16;99 ' K-MAC DRUG & DISCOUNT STORE J33J NEWrOJtT ILVO., NEWrORT IEACH -675-66 11 !Acro11 from Ntwport lttch City Htlll AT Dependabe an d Smart ·-Morris_glan- Smart? You bet! It takes young thinking, alert and experienced minds to properly serve money saving customers these days. It takes people who are familiar with all of the various savings plans we have to offer you smart savers -the tax dedu~tible reti rement plans, the certificate accounts. the Guaranteed Rate Acc ounts, Monthly Security Accounts, trust accounts and many, many more. Sure, we have them all. We have this type of personnel -dependable. ready, willing and always here to help you with your sayings plans -come in, call or write. Smart Savers Sa.ve and Earn _..._,.. ___ ~a·rNewporrBalboa-Sa9in-gs-whueall1hrTiew-11ighrates are available . -----·- 673·3700 Established in 1936 •• NEWRORT BALBOA SAVIN_GS , Newport Beach ·-3700 Newport Boulevard AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Main Office: 3366 Via l ido. Newport Beach, Ca hfornia 92663 • Phone 714/673·3130 Other office• throughout C1lifornl1 Corona del Mar Office: Financia l Plaza, 550 Newport Center Drive, Corona del Mar, California 92625 •Phone 714/644-1461 I ' . CINI CRAFTS . 'JEWEL'. d I . . ... F.A NAME .l ,· ,. • ' • ... -• Master craftsman Guglielmo Cini U$es a jeweler's saw to ·trim rough edges from delicate setting . A perfect gem Is nee••· sery for a perfect set· ting. Cin i trains an ex· perienced eye on .,.. foo. pax before selecting it for the setting in his left hand. Gem selec- tion 11 one of the fiMI processes in i•welry me king • A hot wax lmpre11lori of tht pendant ·setting is made by Mrs. Clat· i11a Todd, a member of the Cini sta'ff since the company was moved to Laguna BMch In 1957. Wex from the Jelrus machine Is pour· 9d Into a rubber mold to make an lmpr111lon, then used to cast the finished piece. Mrs. Todd is one of the busl· nns' 14 employes who help oper•t, a small- town shop with an ln- tern.1'*"1 reputatkwl. All That Gli'tters lsn .'t Gold • By BARBARA OOARTE < Of "'9 Dtllt Plllt l .. tf .. The signature "Clni" means heirloom jewelry . . Jt a1w 1tam11 for the iuraame or: GUCilelmo dlnl; recognl&ed as Alnerica'a ·1oremos1 c:i'llltlman in the-jewelry field. Cini, wl6 _ .... a sbqp In Lquu• Beach is 1 handsome, personable man with 1 talent !or creauon of beauUful jewelry. , · With the help ol It employes,. he designs and craft.! bh: ari in 1 relatively small but complct-shop. Craftsmen are ' busy Cuung, hammering, wuing and buffing in the backshop.while In the front, customers gue in admiration at elegant pieces dl.oplayed In "'1ftly Hghled ahowcases. ,.. Born In ~. Italy, Cini has been In tlie Arl <iolony since 1957 when he moved his buslnesa here from Boston at a C05l ol 135,000. Both he and his-wife Jene, mother of television's Route 66 &tar Martln Milner, had children living on !he West Coast. so the move was a logical one. Even more so woold be the fact be would setUe ·in Lagun a, world renowned for its artists and artisans. At the age of 12, Cini began ~ lifelong love affair with jewelry while gaz.ing in sHops along the Bonte Vecchlo. He soon became an apprentice, working after school, learning the trade until , at 17, he accompanied hi s mother to the United States to visit two brothers. They were to remain In this country, settling in Boston where Cini borrowed $5 and ordered enough silver to fil l a special on:ler he had secured from an Italian dealer. The business gn.'"' :lull "ilh '• ' designer's repulation. But the European influence remilned, 4nd in 1945, u a result of his fascination v"1th the artistry and symbolic deslgm in the Vatican, he designed the {irst pieces of his now famous Zodiac line.· In the next few years he was to fashion. 12 ln tricate birth signs In sterllng silver and 14 carat gold, copyrighting them in 1947. - Having designed exclusive je"elry for stars of stage and screen · a n d discriminating patrons, Ci_ni boasts an in- ternational clientele. Exquisite rings set with diamonds and emeralds, rubies anp other preciou s stones are but a few of the creations he displays with pride. Although hJs work a1'o could be called his hobby. Cinl..finda time to drive a few balls around the golf links. travel to ·gift shows twice a year, give English lessons lo his mynah bird, or award gifts to visi- ting dlgnataries. _ And moving fro!J\ the workshop into thtt kitchen, Cini also is a master crafb rnan of culinary arts. He might be what one could can a "jewel" Jn the kitchen. _ • A 9roceful pendent designed with 1 - o Fl(!renti n• flair by Cini features •n intricol• setting hi<jhlight.-d by to- pei. ond ameth'f-;t. The design is one of mony creoted by the t olented Art Colon y arfoon. · Newconler Eyes Cosmetic Cr6Wn • By MARIAN CHRISTY 1 ___ _._..,.,i.QtU most-bfauliful ~oung.beroine., ltlrs. Bernard Lnnvin, could catapult into the American limelight as New York's next cosmetic queen -joining Estee Lauder, ,_.tala Rubinstein and Germaine Montell on the throne. Lan'o!in-Charles of I.he Ritz, a n Amei'ican perfum~elic house which a!Ml owns Yves Saint Laurent, has never had -en electric pcrsonallly 1Q prnftct. a vibrant company Image. There's a definite move on among LHnvin's t<>p bras.'!' lo recnilt Maryl! LaQvln for a massive bulklup In the ma.gailne.'J,. ,_.1arylt, whosfl maldcn nnme IS Or~inl 11nd who hal\1 rron1 !he fa1nou~ itn !lan aristocratic ramU}'. is a ior1::cou3 brunet· te wbo photographs like a dream. big whlte desk In a plaid klllie and clingy simply aurlaces Ul feelings -then the Bernard also was en route <to New York. But, more than that, she~1 goL brains black' turtle-neck sweater, causlng people wheels start racing again. Fifteen mlnU\ef after Maryl! arrived at and-aR-oinsaUable..ambition..J.o_"::~:;;-~w~h<>~m~ee~t~h~e;;r.;l~or~the~~l~irs~t~tlme;';.;.:to~th~ln~k::.-.,. l\l aryU'1 trademark is .g. straight her Manhattan apartment Beriiard was~ fashion-co.smetic pack. Her Williams she's marshmallow. ey aveni'LalriP•rted In Ule-mlddle-ancHk>,...--<•-the-ttlephone for a date. • ' College-educated husband, a handsome -make a deal they find abe's more like ing past her 1houldera. Alexandre d~ it It's alwaya a shock to meet a beaullfut Gallic giant who Is the grandnephew of steel. Recenily she has helped design the for her and one day recently 1-Maria woman and then hear remar~s that give Lanvin.§.found:r, Jeanne Lanvin, d gung-haute couture and boutique collections -Callcu was under the dryer next to hers away her Inner insecurities. "Bernard is ho abot'lt his wife's aspirations. and Lantin has become more powerful and ~nly admired Maryll's "marietous ric.b, handsome, educated, famous -and Bernard has gone so far as to provide a than ever, mane." he loved me. I thought I must be worth full -time household stafr to run their Sometlmes, bow~ver, ~can't help but Bernard fell in love with tilairyll on fi rst something It a man like him Is drawn to massive 14-rooin Avenue l<~och apartment react like a woman. sight Her .aw her once on a street in -a chef, bulJe.r, two maid! and II nurse When the going gela rough and the staff Parl11 and a friend casually introduced for each-of thclr-1.wo cblldun. gets temperamental, so does 1'1aryll. them. Ntlt.daf'he was on the telephone Of course. this would make the cos· ''It's not good to stay calm when there '• • getting all the' part:ICUlars: Was she in mclic-queen angle within the realm o! 11 storm," she says. ''So t scream and love with someone.? How old? What were PoSSlbillt~. have l\ysleric!I and everyone knows ex-her plans? The friend advised she w11s Maryll is a no-ooosense exe('Ul\ve. sti ll actly what I tltlnk." about to go to New York to model (or In h{'r 20s but ;ible to run the Pnrls Lnn· Maryl! does oot suUer from migraine f ord and that Glamour magazine wanted vin office like a -or-0. -She sits behind the headaches, ulcers o'r' skin rashes. She to do a spread on her. It so happened that me." Maryll's parents, in th:! strict EurOpean trad1$lon, contlnously erkitized Maryll during her adolescent years in a movr. Lo • make her "perfect.': What they gave her _is a complex. ••Now 1 find that you're jus~ half a woman till 8()mMne loves you. tl's the only way Lo p in n:lal coufldence." COSMETIC OUEINt Mrs, 8trnird Lt n•ln l I • I f OAll. Y 'ILOT TutsdU1 Marth l , 1970 Afternoon Fetes Recep tion Laguna Couple More tbln 200 friends and relaUves &•thered In Northridge to o 1J. e r con- aratulatlons to Mr. and Mr1. Ktrbert H. Farnswonh ot 1-llodl oo Ille oe<ulon ti lllolr fOldol> wlddlnf Ii» .. _,,,. ftt af\tmoal\ reception Wll plallllCI by the c o u p I t ' 1 ~ u 1 1men par17 In lllo "°"" el lllolr 4•\llbllr ond hlr hlllblnd, Mr. and Mft.llllnltyJIC-. Allio prwent were t b t 1'a r n1worth'1 two other daupc.n, Mn. Rex Turner ml Mn. Fnd Hiii and thtlr famlUtt:, a 10n Herbert H. f1rn1worth Jr., tlaht grandchildren and 11 great- grandchildren. Marrl.cl 50 ytars.110 In Los Aneefes, the couple are acUve members of the El Morro trailer community . F 1maworth 11111 IN1f llllilnl amona hla hobbit• and dou electrical work u a aldtllnt. Mr1. J'arnJWOrth baa won thr" rlbbonl 11 tho Orlll/o County F1lr for htr doll col· leCUon and mak .. miniature lurntturt, purNI and llowtr . arrangernenll. The -o/ • 1on, and. happy m a-r r 1la11 Mra. 1amiwortb opine• It'• a c ... of atve and take a n d "sometimes you take more lhan you &Ive." Saving Tips Offered For Area Homemakers Tips for Stretd>ln1 Your Food Dollor will bt,olltnd In H\IDllJlllan BoM:h Thunday, Moreb I. The Junlon a1lln apornaored a b1by...ttt1n1 clinic. The · cllnlc, which accommodated ovvflow reglatrat.lon from lut faU's 1talon, wu conducted '"'\.- ' ...... •' ' .Generation ·Gap ·continuing DllAR ANN LANDERS: Again I rud in your co1um.n "hilt ls not importut." Hair b: the most alngularly important thlni in «it •'• w .. nw.rort, k ii Un. poi11nl to 1111. Onolld, hlJr II Clllb' a growtll ol llllnlmall prollln, boat II aur 50ll -lfl II -II f, 1 '1Jllbol el 1111 loalhlnc fer "" IJ"! 1111 fllhor .... evorytbln1 WI llllnd fer. Alld doo't toll mt !!t'YI l&mld K. I OOllld wrlll 111 po,.. "" how w1:1>t trtld to P!I"! tblt kid but hi lllll hlllt ... . l am akk ol 1&1cV• on °How to Bridp tho Oonlrilloo Olp." Pompbltll put Oii! .., lcbooll, ll'lleltt In .. .., mapal!ll you pick up. wholl voUnll tellfnl,. how .... 111v1 l1111d our dllldrmi Ind wtllt WI muot doilo make It up lo them. I - Wt u. told, flJtld1 muat be allowtd to do their own thlnJ." W• 111 CIUll6nld agalnat "b&owlnl out cool" no matter whit they 11y or do. Al1Ar Ill, they ln- herlle!I I pttlly lolll)I wor1d. l llllo uhomld el the WIY J'v• lllJowld our IOO lo talk lo 1111 blclU" """ ps}'Chctlocilt Aid, ... Lit the boy .... himll~." Thi nil! 111111 ho .... dlrly 1._. In my Jll'-•· I'm tolnl lo erpnu m)'lllll Evry poronl I lllk lo reoll ...,Uty. Whore did Ill tbil JUlll -!run! -t is a putnt to uy wMI\ M1 chkl klokl at him I nd yolll, -"IUN, I'm I 11*1 Ind it's all your f1ult!" l rttllsl now our miltake wu c1rin1 too much and try1nc too hard. Wt knocked OW'Hlvtt out ANN LANDERS ~ lr>'lnll IO,,. loll -" pll'Wl'I· Wit ftlC{ -I --lo OW' ''pal" llai1 hi tbow ..,._ conilderaUon by bl~ --·"' -.. of Wlllllloldlnc •-11 unlooe ho llvtt by Ol1JI Niii. Of ..,..... hi II rif!>l. Bui jbty IN ... ~ Niii WI -· Tiiiy llO ... Niii •• war'i 11\llllt: Koep ~ c!Ha. "-t oldot ~-;... copt• ~Uty. Thi -Id _, ~~-Oet movlni. Miki 1 Mt we .quait bicauat we blUevt Jt lJ t..u.h fer 1 -.ier to UH mlnd-11tertn1 dNJ• 1111~ kill motlv1lloo Ind m1kl dreamtro Oii! el doon I Accordlnf lo our ooo, dNp <1111111lock hlddln talent. They -II people to ....-111\CO IYll")'lhlnJ. 11Llvlnc Ult to the hllt," hi calla Jt. Al " -.. .... llnulh bllttnc -WI hi .. done"" blot Ind ll It 1111~ pd -.Jh wt IN IOIT)'. Wo 11vo Ollt boy I bulthy body Ind I IOWld mind. WI trlld .. IOI • pd aampll. We ...... wllllnl to 1'11 l<r tho blot lduc:1Uon --bur· Ho llrtody hll boon klllhd Oii! el -IChool -lwlco -r<r ~ nw1julnl:. II he con l't In -1111 we will llnd him. ut we art llnulb llklnl GUrlllv.., "Wberl ;> ~•ve wo llllld!" W• u. U......ill trylnf IO ro1a111o him -1nc1 ,.iu"' ilckld 1n tho *41i. At this potnl I cwldn't cu. .. wlllt hi think• of .. OJ\ lhl fftlblllhlnenl. JI I '" th1t hurt look In hll father'• fYel Ont more time, l Just mll!it throw tho kt.tout my"ll. You uaaally 1ld1 with the -)'OW'tCW 1enontlon, but lhlro JS onothor lldo, AM -Ibo 1ldt of tho tmbttUld -II Ind l ...wet like lo -you dllcuM IL -HAD rr ' DICAll JIAD IT' Voa bol lllert'I 1no•tr .we. It 11 MY "lid• 11 well u ,...,.. We en tM War Wartt ht. n. Aalodlluvlla c...,.. Tllo Dldd'1111 Old lqWtl. Aaybod1 ol It. TCllll""" I'll di.,.11 I~ When romantic 11ance1 tum to warm embr..,., II It love or <;hemlllr)'! Sand for the booklet "!Ave or ~ and How to Tell tho oor......... by Ann Llndtr1I. Enclote a lon1, 1tamped, ,.11 .. ddrtuld envelope and 35 centai In coin with your "1~i.ander1 will be (lad to help you with your problema. 8end than lo her In Clrt 0( the DAILY PILOT, enclollna a 1ell-addre11ed, 1tamped envelopt. -lponlorfng the appearance of Mr1. Dorothy.Wenck. home economllt, II tht Hwrtlnllon leach Junklr Woman'• dub. 1be meeting wUl ta~ place betw_,, t :JO and 11 a.m. In tbe woman'• clubboule. ln the clubhGWt under the l'Uidance of Mr1. Cody.· Ev111r:-• CELEBRATING GOLDEN YEA Mr. e nd Mr1. Herbert H. Farnsworth Newpo rt Beach Ebe/11 Boy1 Ind Jlrll from Ill II ..-----------------·-, and up learned how to care for The public II invited to al· tend, Ind .-rvot!Ol\I may bt -lnod by cllllnc Mn. Brion ICnlff, •rm, or Mr1. Karl FOii, educaUon chairman, Ma· 1m. Mrs. Wenck will dbcuss the uae of economk:aJ foods com-- priolof Ibo lout bulc l'OUJI' jn menut. 1mall children and how to h~ dle any emer1enclet whlch might ariJe while litUn1. The club alto made a $50 donation 1o tht HW>tiJijton Beach American Field Service chapter i4 be uted In 1uppon of the Amtrlcan Field Service and Americant Abroad pro- l"am. Mill lnfrid Weaemann, A1S student from Gtnnany, wW vlllt the April meettn1. First Aid ·stressed In Fountain Valley A comprehensive flr1f aid coune wU1 be offered without c:harge to all 1re1 ruldents undtr the joint tpolllOl"lhip of the Fountain Valley -Woman'• Club and the fire department. The first of. five weekl y senions will take p I a c e between 7 and I p.m. l.omor· row in the community center. Dave Heffner, qineer with the nre department, hu volunteered to lnstruc\ all the ses.slons. Mouth· to • mouth resuscita- tion will be demonstrated tomorrow, and wound!, lhrir treatment, bleeding and ban- da1Uig will be discu!Sed f bells Contributing To Coed~School lng Miss Christine Toledo is a young Navajo Jndian, a sophomore studying for her teacb· ing degree at Riverside City College. Upon graduation she plans to return to her people on the reservation in Albuquerque to help further their educational knowledge. Mlss Toledo's scholarship fund is sup- ported by Orange Dis1.rlct,.California..Federa· ti.on of Women's Clubs. · In aiding the continuance o( the coed 's teachin• career, Newport Beach Ebell . Cl ub is contributing through fund-raising projects. Jn addition, Mrs. Jack Frank, Indian af· fairs chairman, has asked members and guests to donate powdered. milk, clothes and canned goods at the forthcoming luncheon on Thursday, March 5. · Christine Toledo is trying to do her part, and '"ill succeed -if her &cholar~hip fund doesn't run out ••. -Club Events Ball.ooning -1 Gene Baker, actor, 1tn1er, writer and announcer, wU1 errt.rt&ln members ol the Newport Bt1ch Eboll Club. ShlJ1n& Ille 1111• with him wut be two Amar1can J'itld SOrvlce lllUdtnll. ·The -proeram date 11 Thur• day, March 5, at noon in the clubhouse. Mn. L .H. McBride, preJldtnt will pre1lde OYer the buaineas session. Mrs. Harry Goetz, program chaJrman will Introduce Baker who wUI di.&cuu Haw to Be Happy in Spite of TV. Book Section Six members, under the chalnnanshlp of. Mrs. A.C. Houghton, will assist in serv· ing lunch. chainnan.. Both .... tWdenta MexJco and their out.atancllnr at 0or'11l& dtI Mar Hiib 1Uccea In -utronomy and , 'School. 1rlthmtUc. Mlmbtn ol tht Travel Sec· GOllrment cooka Will have ilGD wlll bt YlalU., Lu V1111 tht oppcrtunlty to ~or Mn. "' Mondi)', Mlrdl 11• ond WeJlon W11ku spook on Tuoldoy, Mll'ch "17. Mrt. Illy· Growing and Ullng Horbs dur-mond. Hemu;, chainnan for five years, ts taklng'reserva-... mg the Wednesday, March 25, -tions at 646-3822. m~Ung of. the club's Home and Garden Section. Ebell's Cultural Arts Day Mrs. Walker, past president meeting: will feature Mrs. Ada of California Garden Clubs, Currier, member of the Socie· will be welcomed at 12:30 p.m. ~""'*~ ty of Women Geographers. in the Costa ~1esa home of PERSONALITY Mrs. Currler will offer color Mrs. Lura Colby. G•~ B•k•r slides and a lecture on Mayasii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;-. of Yucatan in the clubhouse Calendar Anrique Shows present Wednesday, March 11, from 1 SAN CltMINTI ANT19 UI SHOW 9114 SA\.1 to 1:30 p.m. She will tell of the: ancient ~pie who inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula of " ... "' 1·11 J.111. lW J,ml e11 s..,, • MARCH 6-7-1 SAN CLI MINTI IN N •I.JS Afm. .............. """"'•llfll Pr•• ltH"' -Ml .... 9f Wt.i1r11 Y(ftll1 Ml~H T~ll Af lfll'llh yau & trllflf• 11r $1 Ncfl. Marchers Sip Coffee For Dimes Wednetday, March 11. '-----------------~ Welcoming Tina Stamatia- Kon-Tsalta from Greece and Roderic Wallace of New Zealand will be Mrs. E.H. Fi.rut.er, international affairs Pi Phis Host Broadcaster MOD Marchers of March of Dimes wtll be honored at an 1pprecl1Uon coffee for the south cout area on Thunday, March 5. at 10 a.m. Awards and speclal reco1111 .. tlon will be given to oUt.stan· dina: leaders and marchet11 who partlc~pated in l h e Mother's March ln January. Featured at the coffee In Ben Brown'• restaurant ln Laruna Beach will be Mitt Helen Hickey, direct.or ol. com· munlty_ htalth proframt for the National Foundation. Mlsg Hickey will discuss the RH serum and new Nbellt vac- cine during her three-day visit bert from Ntw York. Thate interested in hearinf the talk may contact Mn. David Robbins, 4H·5219 or 499· 2328. Weary, 0 11ri17 R11d Bil Leary n.e Wednud•y, ?i-tarch 18, lecture will be on poison.o;, bum.a and their treatment. And on Wedne.sday, April 1 transporting persons w I t h broken bones, fractures and splinting will be the topic. Concludlna: the series will be a summary of aJI cJaues on Wednesday, April I. All i-renta are especially invited io •ti.end, 1 I a c t children require calm at· tentJon when accldenta occur. Additional Information regardinf the teriu may be obtained by caJlln& Mn. John EmpUnr. health and welf1re chalnnan, at Q9.17M. New Dates Ci re-led The Ladies' Aulillary of the Huntington Beach F I r e Department "1ll 1t&rt with an empty calendar when membtra meet at I p.m. ThW'lday, March 12. But, it won't 1t.ay that way. Plan& for the coming year will be formulated, according to Mra. Jlm Lacy, preaklent. Mrs. Kent Holder wlll open her Huntinfton Buch home for the or1aniuUona1 metUn1. alaska •s ALIYI• At "Th• Grand•1t M•ll Of All" Beginning Morch 12, 1'70 South Coast ?Iua Horoscope .. Maury Green, writer, pro-~ Cancer: Gain Insight ducer and anchor man for 1 ·------•QfUJlilliili·i· •-------CBS morning news. w 1111 1 ~::: .. ru.:r ~Be~thi~~~ Lll6DNll FEDERllL SllVIN6S Coast Alumnae Club. - WEDNESDAY MAii.CH 4 .By SYDNEY OMAllR Loo 1.... tht •Poillflht needa an abupdance of af. lectloo, ctn be tbt Ule of the porty, but 1 petulont child II ipored or 11ked to perform monlal tub. ARIES IMarcb 21-April 111: Morning houri are best for slMping as far u you are ctin· cemed today. Cycle picks up u day progreues. Accent on frl.endahl.p, ties of affectlO'n and fuWllment of de.sires. TAURUS (April 21).May 20), There could be a d d e d preuure. But you asked for retponsJblllty -now you get it. You also could get a raise in pay, Prtttllf ls on the line. Cooper1te In community proj. oct. GEMINl (May 21.June 20): Accent on wrttlnr, publlJhlnr. broadenlnr o f educatlonaJ CAPRICORN I ~. •• 'an. ThBooe fourth and0!.1.'.'1aJ C1elethlbrl· AND LOAN '" ASSOCIATION horizons. You find out things ~ u-v h • k Re · gv1 es or a ...... 19)-. ~-t monoy promlsu in •1 view -you ""•"··to e1press your ~ seuon will take place Frlday, own oPlnlone . Avoid dopna. -'iting. You have oomethinc M h 6 t 10 M LARGEST FIRST. STRONGEST Keep open mind. You may be of value to offer. An c~~tta 'V:uuams~.md~ • • • • • • travellns. unscrupulous individual may and book critic, wlll lntrod'uce independent Fed8ral in Orange County C1'.NCER (June 21.July 22): ":.!~~fo~s.to X:1:v~faou an~ the guert author. OFFERS You gain greater intl""l You r"""" ,,_ -:11 ht l t '" respond accordingly. ~=• •• cover ' us· . realize that new directions 1-~ boo' ·~ I vt I AQUARim (Jan. 20-Feb. rt~~ 11, ,e e son mau be required. Elevate tell· N " p-~ I his talk ~n ' 18): Cycle higb·, take in-ews. ..., o "' esteem. Get your share of any the A TV itiative . Stress confidence, concern fftt'W VI con. reward. Me11age inc~a11ingly tr ori<rlnalit". You achleve goals oversy. clear as day progrtSHI. e-· ~ LEO (July 23-Aug. U): Slow ii you go after them. One who During the 1aUlerlng Mrs. pace. Permit mate, partner to has made promises M past Lawrence Kittle, pmiident, take irrlllatlve . You will-have comes through today. will presldt. your day Jn COW1, but lh1a: ls PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): l · not the time: to press iuues. Finish important t a s k s • Your judgment not opt to bt Permit othen to 'h'' e Day Lights as sharp as usual. spoUight. Do your best to help VmGO (A ,, •· "") individual who is temporarily Cl b u1. ~p1. -' n1· d Th · Coast u Emphasis on employment, co me . e more you give, ..... hlch t'·I and the more you ultimately wta.u w are e:11en ... receive. A diversified vocal and how you relate to u1oelates. musical program wilt be Sense of humor can be your IF TODAY IS Y 0 U R presented ror members of the greatest ally today. Ap. BtRmDAV, 1mporlant to South Coast Club of Laguna preclate life. · come to agreement with fami· Beach at tomoTrOW's meeting, · UBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22) Jy member. This ls the: titne Frank Day, baritone and Good lunar aspect today for d o m e s t i c ad jusUnent, concert pianilt, will entertain stresses romance, creative ef-rrdecoraUng of home. You the group followlnr an 11 :30 forts, 1 rlpplnr away of red need a change of scenery even a.m. social tlmt 1n tht Towtn: tape. Keep promiaes made to if you have to stick cl06e to restaurant. Lunch will be children. Obtain hint from home base. served at noon. · Vlr&o message. Stop brooding. ro 11114 vv1 morl ,.,., ~·••1t ·~11 Those wishing to rnalte ·~RPIO (Oct ••Nov 21)· 111rotoor:._.,oi:0tr t!""tY •rr'1 JO· ""'v · _. · · 1~1~o1011"V"':"t'.la irliicli Tr111 >;,~~: reservations may can Mn. Accent on how well you build 0 3 I ~ • •, • Phlli'p Towne, cha!nnan, at 10 m1r1 ooklf , l~t AIL -,. LO•· -steady foundation is esse'l'l· &01t 21«1. r1n11 ce111r1 si.1ioi., ,...,.. {~l5ll. tlal. Get -agreements i n _-'-'"-·-'-"~"~~-'"~---------~---1 writing. Check I e a I e •. Eliminate safety hazards at home. Pay respects to parent, elderly individual. new sl\v1nos DPPDRTUnlTIBS New High Rates Guaranteed • For Full Specttied Terms! % CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT $1,000 minimum amount yields 5.92% per year at euaranteed annual rate, when held to !-year maturity. longe r maturities available. % CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT o $5,000 minimum amount yields 6.18% per ye ar % af guaranteed annua l rate. when held to 2-year maturity .. 3, 5 or lOyear maturities ·- also available. THE ONLY FRANCHISED S·T·R·E·T·C·H & SEW IT.M.J SAGITTARIUS (NO\'. 22- Dec. 11): Short journey in· dicated. Increased contacts y,·iUl rela tives . You may have to make-some adju:stmen~ at home. The trip may be in con-- nrction with getUng addltlonal *\!ICTACULAI ·* **Z1e"ar** . . Te4UtiN -Abf,oilu • CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT ;100,000 minimum amount yields 7.79% per year at guaranteed annual rate, when held to 1-year maturity. Shorter terms available T.'A. Fa.,ric Store Of Orange County 724 East Katella, Onif!9e PHONE 17141 633·2842 REGISTER NOW!!! ii II LEARN TO SEW ON All KNCT FAIRICS 121 SKI PANTS-SKI SWEATERS supplies. In n Displays Objets_Q'~rt GRAND QPENJN; TUESn4.Y, *MARCH ard * bigger-better at sliglitly lower rates. 5% P"sbool. and J.monlh Sii % Certifi"I' Accooots also 1vail11blt. All INTEREST COMPOUNDE D DAILY, PAID OR CREDITED QUARTERLY _ lnterntpwJtx 1! 90 d!Y!.Jn caso,oLear))< __ _ withdrawal of all certificate accounts. 'Ill ADVANCED GARMENT CONSTRUCTION l TAILORIN<? IN KNITS ·cf! THE FIRST ANN PERSON LINGERIE COURSE OFFERED IN ORANGE CO. 5 -2 HR. LESSONS -$I 0.00 -The PresidenUal-preu.-room· nf U)f San Clell"l!nte IM will house an antique thaw aniS sale Friday through Sunday, March 6 to S. Antique shop cwnt>rs from California and the ?i.Udwest will set up booths In lhe la rge room normally'" reserved for t he President's television talks. *&larger * ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $20,000 Contact the nearest Lagu na Federal Savinrs office for full det1ils about the account bests~ited to your individual needs. Ill TEEN CLASSES, TOOi We'r• •ri TYi Ch•nl'l•I I l , W•clt1e1d•y1 11 :45 •.m. -W•tch Ann Per1on • "f•••ll•11•• '" s,,.1 ••. Q11ellt't' I Pritt" S· T ·R·E· T ·C·H & SEW IT.Ml . ,., ...... , ... Fobrics of Orange County • Show hours are from t to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon until 6 p.m. Sunday. A $1,23 ad.mi.ulon fee wW be clloraed. • now, acl"O!IS from halhoa bay club 1610 west coast hwy. . 646-8208 * * * * * * * * * * * LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA 260 Oc:ean Avenue • Phone: 494·7541 lAGUNA-NIGUfl:-IRANCH-------- 3 Monarch Say Plaza• Phon11s : 49&-1201or499·1840 SAN CLEMENTE BRANCH 601 North-El Camino Real• Phone: 492·1195 • TUMBLEWEEDS G()()() MORNING; .COWWI! GOOD MORNINy, MR.ACE. TUESDAY MARCH J 5:001J Ii( Nm: (C) (60) Jetty Dunphy, am .. ...,. ... .., 1C1 IJO> B c...-Y• r., Dis? (C) (30) Sol.IPJ Silts. ltlse M1rie, Gtor11 Klrby 1ue1t. 0 PAUL NEWMAN-"THE * LONG HOT SUMMER" Port II. COLOR 1:30 0 MIC hwwricl (C) (60) Q Stm Mt1 SMw (C) (90) Y.cki L1wr111e1, Jackit Vernon, Jfiry Sh1111 and Monti Rod: cunt. 0 TIN '-• Ct .. (C) (30) m Mr fnorltt M1rti111 (C) (30) @ Cil Ptrry 11111011 (60) Q)@ Hlntltr·lrinkltf (C) (30) fD '• I« (....,_ (30) Qt(j) Th Mwttettt (30) ~ Wdtrt l4 (C) (60) m blll Nft.! (Cl (30) 7:JO 1J ~ (i) L111ter (C) (60) Gr1teful lo i!Jne11"' religious band lh1: saved him lrom de1th on the des- ert, Scott provides lhem with fresh supplies tor their journey to C.n1d1 btlo11 he leerns of a d1~ l:l5fE Kow Tt Marrr I Mlltituirt (30) ,,,.•amn. ,_ '"' i.i. (Cj (30) Wiien lhe GllmllOr'a ll!Oth· tr decidu lo r1m1rry, DriMwlttr btcomts the middlema11 i11 1 db- ~ul1 O'let tilt size of the wtddin1. Govtrnot Dtwe~ 81rtlett of Okla· ho1111 1u1sll, IJ "* (ti (30) larttr Wtrd. Q) IUI .lllrlll ..... (C) (30) II) Mlllicl J &bltln (C) (30) chapter l~ tMir pasL Tim O'Conll(lr, lO:lO 8> ey.tll'il (JOJ • Ol1n1 Ewin1 lie fe1tu1ed. 11 9 @m I Dre1111 •f Jt1nn1tl11:oa 1J D O 111 m ES Jhwt (C) ( ) (lo) "Help, Help! I Shift." Q HiOiwtJ htrlf Tony'1 verbal miscue durin1 1 pool . ,. _ 11m1 le1ds 10 trouble. 0 ~ewie: "nl1 Hasty Hun (ilr~· 0 ~(})a>Mod$qllld (Cl (60)1 m1) 50 -Rldl1rd Todd, P1trlci1 "A Tlmt tor Rememberin1." An el· Neil. f.OINICI pltnl rtvtntt lilinst P!!e.I m ,.,.... rtKI Linc end Julie at tllt time Pete m Kt S.id, Slit Slid CCI h•s dttlded to ouit his polJce un· (]ti CD@ (I) Q) C1J N ... (C> dt1cov1r wor_t. C:ary Vinson. Ricl\11d ID lupll Pr• C.l«lllCI Eastlllm. Simon Scott and Russ Conway tuest. i1:1s@rn CM ... Smlltttl: ·toop· O Mlnio11 S Movie: (C) ''SJJ hole." Sqatdrtfl" (dr1m1) '64-Clilf Rob- ertson, Geo11e Chakiria, M1ri1Ptr·11:30 1JtS (J)MtrY C1iffill (C) Com1i1 xhy. Squadn>11 ..63] ma~es 1 sui· Sltvtns, Don Cherry, Marty Allen. ctdal but SU«Usful 1tt1ck on I Tht Ritz 8rot11Ms and Divis l Nazi f1c1Dry in Norw1y, • sou1ce Reut auest. ?f fuel for German 1ockel launch· Q ~ C1J fn Joltn~ Ct11t11 (C) 1n11.. S1ef11 Stev1n1 ind Bob I RtJ (Uffl. m T~ll' • Ctfii9"11Mm (Cl (30) 0 Ml'rit: "Ltfr " 1 f'*" {ll'l)'S- &l Mlllf Adams (60) I.el)')' '4S -De•nn• Durbift, Dan fl)Teclllkal Col'lllf (30) (R) Duryea, Dwid a·niu. ED Tiit Ci'1 W11t111r1 (C) (60) D ED Old: CMtt (C) m em '' •M• 1"> m CLARK GABLE-WEN DELL UO O @ @ l!J '"'"'"'"'•IC) * COREY 11:30 PM KTTV! , (30) "Those D1n11erous Ye1rs.~ m lhN: · .. A-N.111111« C.. •-Debbi1's sisttf Chuklttt sets out .. , ',., to confirm he• wsplciOflS !Mt Bob {drame) '48 -Clarll Gablt, Aluis ii secrltly datinc his new 1tmlary. Sm~h. Wtndtll Coray. 0 - • (C) IJO) ID Merit: "itl frn M11111ttt111" 11111 (dramr) "41 -Dorothy L1mour, mre T• the Trfttl tc) (30) Geo11e MontlOfMI)'. fl) W...1 tf!d Hit Mlrbt (II) Im ~llt .. li.C. (C) (60) " I : f» Dllict 11 tllt l'r--1 (301 (R) ~•u sm •" ,._ 1ci 1'°> -f1Codff1J' C.mb1ldtt, Pat Carroll ind 1c•l• DI Sh1n110n 111e1t. G @ 00 Ill"" ICI l>ll '<hu· lit'• Qi1nce.~ Comrdiln Gt0rt• Kirby (llfstS IS Cl'l1rllt Ketftr who t( !urns Julia's apartment lnlo 1 1•m· .,bnn1 hCMJw. WEONESOAl l:OO &.Mlwit: "'Tiii Utt Allrrr a&.11• (drama) '59 -"•ul Mun l, David Wayl'MI, Betry Palrn11. 0.0-(C) ti) Aditl n.ttrr. "H111'a CtOll- roads." 1:15 0 C.IJlllVflitJ lllllttill ..,,. (CJ l:JO m Al.ffittlt SMw: "S1Jablnd," "Hith School Confidential," "l'Oet'I Pub." • • t:30 Cl "k11a11 .. r"r" (lllSPtn:ia) 4:00 8 "TM l111t I.,._" (drama) '61-Susan Stfllbtrt. Ron•hl Ltwls. 'll-lOft' Certla. Ketf M1ldlf\ '· • By Tom K. Ryan PLAIN JANE Mun AND JEFF HM .• IS THE CoMS RED? THE EYES .... ARE THEY CLEAR? L..'ET ME SEE T E' FEET! --"'< GORDO ' 'FEET ALWAYS "TELL • THE AGE! -HAS SHE GOTAFUCL . i!>REAST? . .AND. HI 11.'S TJIE ·IJERVI iO COMPJ.AtAI AtJOUTNIV NolSY /JATJlllK3/ ly fl;inli ~glnski cc:H=....,...="°1"'"Tl«T==·:::~==:-,~. TA.I<£ /o..WAV ><ER LO/liLV IJ.E· ·'· ~£~~ULA.IE ~N, I"'\ ~cus ~'6U"" .... ~THM:YoUCidt' ! By Al Sinlth +\M .. SHE NEEDS A SATH!..NO .. "THIS CHICKEN WOULD NEYER LADY. ••• YOU COULD PASS i;.l~ KIND OF 1NsPE01'ION? PASS INSPECTION! ' 'y Gus Arriola V.A..JI, &JT Hl/$NOT DOIN1 11 . ·ON TJli; UDAT'- IN TJ/li r MOMING0 " i i VOt.J L~ •1.,· UP HI$ SUt:F/. 11/f j! tD<JSl!'S0 UP. ' YOIJRSr JI • ,I TIT FOR T.A.T.- TAT/ i I ' DAILY PILOT JI ' . ... . . ly . Oharlft M. Schtlll i. <ttlU'RE THE HEAD eEA6lf ~ l/OO'RE SVPPOSEP 1t> DO • S<!llETHIN6 ABOllT THESE 1ll1N6S! TELEVISION VIEWS Anti-smoking Show Trying lly CYNTHIA LOWRY • I l I NEW YORK (AP) -The first program in the'- Nalional Educational Network's course in kicking the smoking habit only p~rmitted the nicotine ad· diets to mull over whether we really wanted to quit and why. .. THE FIRST of five hall-hour programs .which are being run nighUy through-Friday. wa~ a g,eneral introduction to the .Project. It told of three pro~ Iem smokers with at least one of whom each smok· er will identify as the week goes on. We were alio asked to agree or disagree in varying degrees with a dozen statements about smoking -"smoking :n;iay give me a serious illness". or 0 smoklng is a messy habit" -then to acore our1elv~s on the answers." These when totaled, permitted the hoQked viewer lo evaluate hia motive for quilting and the strength of· his desire to .make the break. · • No scare technique was· used -presumably habitual smokers are well aware of the hazards. Some viewer! found they-wanted to quit ·for health' r.easons_, ,for esthetic reasoris,1 because they set a bad example or because they disliked being ·d<imf- nated by a bad habit. AS THE WEEK goes on and particularly -when we start putting into pracUce w&at we learn, the ellectiveness of the course.can be better evaluB'ttd. Whatever the outCome, the series made ·With· the cooperation of the American Cancer SoCiety, 11 ~1 good erample of pub1ic service and an il'Jtet'estlrig experiment. . · , , ' : In 'view of Tim Conway's nomination -for stal"' dom next season as host of his own CBS .variety , hour, it was interesting to watch him perform Moft.. day night as a guest .on Carol Burnett's sbo)V. Con· way, in his one sketch of the hour, played a .drunk trying to make a sandwich. It. was a flw>y' dlJplay by an ad~oit comic with a gr~at sense 6{ tJ*1inr. Guesting on a variety show and beil)g Uie . 1tar of one are quite different things:-Jpnathan Winters Jearned that the hard way. But 11The Carol Burnett· Show" on CBS is a nice· freindly place for a corned· tan to try his wings. · . . · · ABC AT mi.dseason moved Its Wednesdi'.r~ni~t movie to Monday nights and started it a half ~OU!' earlier than NBC'.s Monday bight movie .. Thus it has 21h hours lo rerun old theatrical. films -but . even that doesn't mean a smooth broadca'st. ' Monday ni~ht's film. "'.fhe Heroes of :Tel~ : mark," was a World War 11 adventure story about • Norwegian resistence . fighters . blowing up a plant making an ingredient of the atom bomb. · . The film was notable for stunning photography of the snowy landscapes of N~orway and for tbe un· even movement o! th_e: &Jory. Great meaninfftd chunks obvious!~ stilf bad to be cboppfcl out to make room for the commercial breaks. , Dennis the ltl~ j I , s • I •• • , I • .. . .. " ........ . ••• ' -" • . ' J I DAllY PIL.OT ' • Tl!tSdl1, March '· 1970 ' . Olympic Bid·ding .. -Now , ~ · Geop~litical Thing u.l'.A! ~nh, ·r.i11~ In Woittr• •1 -iJu:;,J.1i1-'c°""11tu1 on ~11v11loll :..1111 ""°'111tn1 ot tllt Loi Anatl• tom-l:dttor•t ftCU: nu Is Ulf: flrtt of I twe>- .,.i ..,... ell lilt M--Los Angeles b,ltl& to •tait tlt• Jtll 1ummer r)'mplc ~·· t.o6 ANGELU (Al') -lt Is yone's ...,.what !lie SO.let Union Is Ool"ll to wlb &be 11'11 1Ufn.lfttr Olylilpkl Olmes for · "'-· '1111ti ta M aecnl what Los ADii• II C!Ollll to brlll& !ho Otmet birt lot lheUlilted Statts. '1111 llM GI lhe XXI Olnnl'ild wlll be cltCldtd wlien the. lhtem1tlonil Olympic doilunillot toti Into ita 19th tlOICUllvt -l>a In An\!terdam May II under Ult i(IVel Of A'#ttY Brundaae, ill prtli<Unt illl<le 1114. • ~y ...... t ballot, tht n IMll!berl •11'1· bit to vote will do<ldt a llnlfflt that •tnlflllY has boiled down to tht two ...... ,....,,,the u.S.A. tnd U.S.S.R. Six\)' toe member nations, 1 rew wllh two votes, are. Lnvol\'td. ~1ore lh1n 100 natlOlll wlU compete in U.e Otrnt1 tbetnHlVe•. IL 1ppelttd aften the formal ~ tatlon cl bid• for the ¢omes at !he too meeUn1 ln Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, last fall 11111 the United Sitto• had tl\o •um· me~amea locked up. S nly, and to the aurprllo Of mll1y, the ,R illaftl tooled their holl lnlo lhe ring Nov. t2, maltin& a ptleh tor in evenl they had 1purntd untlf 1151 afler com- petlnf In Ill!. . Maftlben or the Loi Angele• 1171 OWmpie COftlmittee were ronetrnet1. Thb 11 a committee of inrl1.1tntlal butlness execuUves, cit)' and county of. flclals and 1port1 enthual.,W long ·dedicated to brlnglng the Ol¥n\plc1 back to Los Anfeles, scene II tllt hlal\lil •uc· custul JtSI Gamea. Committee.men here won't 1n IO m•ny WCrfdS say ti~ matter hU now bkotne a f eopolitlcal thJ.na -a condlUoft absolute· y abhomnt to Avery Brundge and )k'88um1bl~ll IOC del11at.I. -"ot tll•t the. t1ly they fell. "f'hey AC . ltqi. t.hl\ I\ .a 4 I i I ' I Jnlne\lvtrlngll are not well known hire. It la l>ell•vtd, however, thlt the Sovietl are applying -lhroulh lhtlt tm· balliea and ludo "'"""""IJ to Unt lip votes lot MGICOW. " In pol:eN!h ftalllon, neither ftlUoo - nor city -<ruld bt t1P<tttd to lay !heir cl\IJll on U.. table. It IJ pi1Ullblt to belleva, ..,. Ult Iii&, Iha! bOth lllrt off Wltll IDonf htnda, R\11111 with tta 11111Utt naUbna, lht . ..... A •• 1 ' N •ll•h ' ' lllltlH lnduslrllllil John "Jim" Kliro)< . E~. ""'• llOll'.,.t 11111 ew •· .:..~. ...::., 'I It 1 Ir l., ••.· · "'·r•111on11~ .. kn0Wn z;aiaftd, , t • ' .. ,_,. 16 •••lllr ~ Ole IWo ..,,,. •, ~· ~ " ,, ._,,., · •L-'J.li! ·'' .1 ~.~ .. · f.,,.., wllll lltto, i..tlU., """'1\IJilOner 711htinlin, will Hil 1111 ft•loot •II· ..,... ' "'I'"' l """"" •~-n ol lht ~ll•hOlllOll ~ -I i!ttn 'litmlfllml . yalht, Kia lot II, fl'Om 118 m-'>•. . • , well v.n.d {n 'l'V-AiMl llow lo i•· be11J1 'Ill i'lor\41 to Paotmo. II could tn tllt ~--.IM Anttlt' ,.m ttlli:I ilo .. 111m1Tilfi>JOoey -'lilt """' Wtll., a lloioUng hooP!tallly cenitt bel ~, • , ... · netflOtil, lllll'l1t1tlltCorlbb<11nfMilv1l. c..N»llMbi~ ·MarUa.A. Sant\ltiloo, Oomn\llteemen· WUU&lil. H. Nleholu, Loo Alliolu' mitot. Sam Yorty, i>Opes ~r Ur j , warklwide otrl1lled public who li DOii ot 'lM r~lfMI' M1~1t to mah ilW lleebi, too. ~ llrih, and Tom Gallery! Membrltl C.UMUnl whitli w.Olild bO lht Ult .Vl~I alreody oompltl><J, Rod lotmer lt!O<I' dtttdor of lhl N•Uoha cen1'rf>lece ol"lhl 9tmU U htld htrt, Dtdtllill'. Will to.do In P\'lvtto 11 ft bot Jln>ldo.atlnl. co .. ....,. lnvll6d by Loni and Arn01d ~. fotflltt alhllllo dlflt. u -of' the Ulll1<tril11 of llolltherll Ullo of Great llrilaln to Laliionne, lot, 'Uiltrerally of l!aoUlorA 'CAlllottl1a, Clllto.ftio'a boaiball ltam ont ot tho boll SWllllrland, • . • 1rt 111 -Amett•a. -n 111 U..-...ntQo, la bock. H• '!Int to Lotd 4'JN la. thairmlft 9f lhe lOO l11oy "111 b. on hand for Ille O•r1-A lloutb AmltlOl by lftvllatlon -and local fin...,. commllllt, Putpo1i of lht OlinH lit I>~-CI1l'-llltt1hl1 niollth. OUfpodon -lo hold bt•boU cllnlca. a : to .-.0 tel .. tlion S.vertl Lalbt Alnet!Olft !OC toublrlea Buebollbbl1<lownlhert. Uta·lor lhe '*""'· OalltrJ, ..W .,ill, jlll\ colnoldlntaliy, i.e thtro. Tomorrow: What bu i.o. Angel" to "' lrOm llBO, 11 11w ptO!e-And dllt to jolJi N1ebolll and Ed41 w1u offtr to bttnc tho Gtloto to tho u,s,A. t " _...._ _________ ~---------;--------------~---' '"I ... ., Worst Two ·w €ek8 of Hu Life McLain Suspension Grows ' -LAKELAND, Fla. {UPI) -DtMy ' ma1uint !bat he Wll part of a boolnnak· MCLalh hal been st.11pended trom lnC Operi.Uon and ·11M>Clated with mafia bueball two wMk1 now. and oo.a noetra iypee. Ttiey hivi bHn tht two wort!. wHkl ot "I can not .. )' anything in my defenat h.is life, ptJde all lhe more unendurable because J am under tht COlnJ)ltte becau .. fte'J busting to tell everybody the juri.tdlction _of a federal grand jury in ••WbQle storyn but can not • , , Yat . , . Dtltoiti'' McLtJ1' aaki, as he sat In the Ikea.st he'a love to rejoin bl& Old front room of hll bOhle. {."i:tfit61t Tiger tHmmates training live "I realiz.e people W'Ould Jikt to know tnflii dowt1 tht 1"1>8d from hl1 home hf rt abOUt tboet 'certain· admlllklnl' t mt.di ---but can not ... \'11 ••• and bicause he'd to Mt. Bowle Kuhn~the butblli cOm• like to tee Mimlll tnd in sight to all bis missioner. That'll a come out. But I pr9bierh.ll but cln not ... Yet. can 't uy 1nylbtng a t them now on ae' "l .fttl." DeMy fl.1cLain uya, 11my count ol tbt rtand jury. LOok1 1 l'ant to whole future hall: been blocked these past play baseball more than anything \l1e In two wHka, ind when a man ha1 no the world. J miss the ballpark and all the tuture he has no l'UIOll for Uvlil.a. II ruys. l1m tAllng my heart out lllUng Bone-cltilling as that aoufldJ, the here koowing they're workinf out rlah' gl!Mtll att.itude o( Detroit'• Indefinitely thl• minute." .ulpendid IS.year-old pitcher I 1 MCLaln IJn't permllted to work OUI ret...,•~ ..,..i. v.1111111e TJ1e11, but Bo•I• Kuhn, Ult ro1 Ht btlltve1 he 'U bl pack Jn. ba1tball or •n¥bodY elu 'didn't 1ay anythin& about and h1J dl!COVtred tit bu a lot more him not being able to work out t\'el')' day friends than he ever realized. What with hill ~)'tat-okl kid brother, Timmy, b¢1er• him most is tbat he is unable to · So he does. He tlu'oWI 30 mlnute1 each dofeM hlrnttlf publicly ytl agolnsl day to hli brother, who """" wu Ill the chltlff '-* by IJ>Ol'll D1u11taltd Chlc11<> Wfilto Box 1y1tom. Bruln8 Face USC "There's only one trouble," 1'.lcLain remarked ruefully. "l keep lhrowlng every day, but there'll no hitter to pit.ch to.•• - Stotl11 tlrea4y have belUft to citculat• that Denny McLain ta dead btoke, dotan 't know where bl1 next meal 11 c:omlng from and is having trouble tetdln& bis at- tr1ctl\'1 dark-baited wife, Sharyn, who is the daughter of hall of tamer Lo11 lloudrtau, and lii9 three children, Kris 4, Dtnril11 I, end Timothy, 1. The ttor\Q are nm true. "I atn 1n 1 bad way nnanclally and what I'm dolna now 11 dl«&lnf Into whit t haW: left, but we still hive tnoualt to eat," he 1ay1. '(fiiere are no two Wayt about It, lhou(h, I've gotta pl a )oo, 11\e one thlfil I· lf>lla ttmtmber II l have to provldt "1r my family. If lhll lhln1 (bit Jlllpoblion) ..,. .., '"' any linflh Of t111111 l'U hlv1 10 fo to the clubi and efltirlaln." McLain referrtd to tht offer1 ht hl.1 hid to play tllt or11n IJ1 lll(ht cluba atOlillll the COWIU')', Christman- Legend During His Own Time Wooden: Long Beach Will Beat Weber State OOLU8MIA, Mo. CAP) -Paul ChtiJlm•• Wll • ltfind Jn hit own tlmt '\ LOS ANOEL!lll CAP) -Usually tilt 11t .MJNOUrl. Now only tht l11tnd ,.. ~ lftuette hardest OtJ the teem mama. he:Adlnf Ult list, but thin1s COUid bl j111t Christman died Afonday of heart the !>J>POl.ile when UClA and Southern selut Jn Like Fotell HOlplttl Jn Llkt C1llf1Jtt1l1 hold their traditional basket- Fontt, JI!.. al the .,. Of 61. · bill Htltl lhl1 w,.kflld. . UCLA hlil llreitdy captured Ult Altor lit woo AIJ,Amftl<!an honOrs ·~ P1<lllc.f tlllt. use 11 !ll'llHU!lf 10 <time qutrt.rbaci. at Miuouti fl'Ol'n 1131-lMG, Jn leCOnd. Chrlllman wat p&rt of th• Drtlm Co.ch John WOOden of lJCLA told tht Backfteld 0£ the old Chicago Cardinals Southern. Callfornl1 Basltttb.U Wtlln On . .' Monday, uThe moat lmpotWi\ U\iftC is who won tht N1tlon1l Footblll IAeiue ti~ we are vet)' gratUled to ha'ft the <!On· tit in, 1M7. fM'tnce '"'" 10 •• dOl'l't h•V• to IO ihto Chrlatmtn blcam1 a w 1 11 • k n ow n thl• wttkfnd tttlH with our trtl•town telmlon cammintltor In the 19808 and rival havln1 to win. It UkM the prtt11ure -. ~·· '"'''noted for hll tnalylel whllt working Woodoo added, "Wt hope that USC will as the TV c:oklr_ man fOr bOt.h American. uae • l-l·l _,. deftnet blcluee that'a Football Lfague ind NFL 111nei. ' Pltchin' Paul palled his •Im• l'l'ltilfr in· to recoan ition when it . w11 mor• falhionable to run with UM footblll. Th~ tall, quiet, unassuming blond bomber did it with such finesse and ac· curacy it took a IMIOOI to eraae his school 1'«U'dt, accompllahtd Utls past ,...,. by 1my M•Mlllan. But, lhat'a not what ht1 friends ttmem· ber him lot. Tl1•y reoall tht ory ..... of humor, hi• leadttthl.,, 11\d hl1 klla~i. for comlna up with Ult big p111. ''An All·Am•rloan all the way," Raid tu1 <"Ol.ch. 00n raurot, riow rturid Missoo.ri atlileUc d.lrector. Cage Rating s AAll'Ci.t .. l''-11 UllH .. , ..... IMtrlllfllflll 'rttll' W'l. ,II, Tkffl W·l ,II. I. UCL.A 2J.I 5H I. UCLA lJ.I JJl 1. KftOludi:f D-1 .5N ). Kenl..C:k\f 1).1 J0J J , 1.C•r91lfl• 2J.2 .Of J, S.C•r11llM 2J.2 m •· s1.Bon°Y'r,_hrl'9 •• .tll 4o ll,10fl'\l'n1Mf'9 •1 tit J, NtwMn,11. iM Ml a, NtWM .... t, t._t lh •• J•tkMll'tllll 11·1 J11 ,, Jltk .... W!ilt 1).1 121 '· ......... .,., '" 1. .... 11., lit I . '-'*" 11-t H~ I. 1'1111111. lJ.1 116 •• llU,.wtff :lt>J '°' '· Oriti '°" jJ 10, DhlilOn 'I·• ut l~. Merqutllt 10-J l• 11. '""lcl•ll. '3-J H• 11, H""!on n.J 7t lt. w .• 11'1111(._, 71·2 UI 1l llWt••tt. l).] n J. 1-4...,,.... H·J TT IJ. 0.'1111'°" »·• 1S , .. Orf.kt "" •t , .. , ..... 1111•111 "·• 1J IL N.wtOtllW .. M 11, W.«Hitvtkl )1·1 11 .. l(tf11•1ll. o.. • "· frj,C..,..!W.. ,, 11.f u l,, OflltU/\1¥. *' lt 11. (li\tlnn111 to-1 10 t, Uttllllttt 1... 17 II. Ntll'tl>t<'lll .. , t If, C"°'CllYlll" tt I U lt. N,(1r9lln1 11·' I N.C1'9ll111•1. IN IJ 211. vu ...... ¥. IM • Rains Curtail Angel Drills HOLTVIU.E -The Calllo<ill> All&<!" \\•t\o bad run U1em!lelves ragpd to att in. to !h1pe for tuda)f's pl&nntd lntratcrufld 1arne, can. rtlaz a bit. It'• bttn put off lot • c<Npll of d1y1. The Alntrlcan tearue club Wrntd up 11\ four dltmOl'lda In Ill fltal •ttk of 11prin1 tr1lnln1 hert. 'li\en tht t.liins .ca.me, t11mpenln1 11plrlta 11 well at the tl•kl•. Montier IAtty Phillipi, IOtttd 16 CW'tall \ht An1elt' rl11ot0Ut Mtkooll, ftild Monday: ••1 didn't mind gtv1na lhe players Sunday off, tspetlally after the)' worked so liard last week. But Wt J\lit can't iffGtd two day1 in a row ," After CalUomia'1 tint 1prln1 training lntrasquad 11.mt on Thurlday, the club will ptck up and movt to Palm Sprln1• as a prelUdt to Utt opening of prelleason exhibit.Ion 111nes, which begin Saturday against the Vllitlng Chicago CUba. Only the pltehtrs Ind cakhtr1 were able lo work out Monday. They took ad· ''antage or a few dry mom~nts, getuna about two b0Ur1 OI pr11euce In an. what we expect Lona SH.ch State to pl11 In the Fir \Vest Reglonal111 cl tht NCAA tournament. Slnet ~ B@aeh must beat Weber State at ProVo, Utah, on Bllurtliy night lo qu1Uty lat a mettln1 111lnK UCLA in the playoffs, Wocxjtn was allked if he btlleve1 I.hi 41itt can do iL "Oh, yer.1 ht told newimen atttr t.he meetln;. "! dillhltaly think Lona Buoh wUI bell Weber. I hope USC ptt>ill 01 Ml court b11:au,. II will fl•• u1 jvod pracUce." , c...ii Bob lloyd ot the TroJan1 i1t1't planning to merely 11•• the U•l•na a wurloot. Jtit ~lub 1tanda M to 11·1 for the Dtulna #hlle Oregon f" Into lhe flri1l i1mt11i: with • T n;1rk and Wa9lUJ\gt.on !tlle ran)tl nett with 7.5, ''1'bla •ttktnd ag11n1t UCLA It the mol\ lrnpottal'lt for ul/' declared Boyd. "To win, we mull pll)' our bttt 1ame ot the year and It we play our best, we should be in for AOme very good basket• ball." Allked if the Trojans might Ulle a ball· control game such as the one \\'hich brou1h\ victory in ont of the two IMi meeUng1, Boyd vvmrnented, "IL ia 1 poalblily, but it ls a very dlfncult way to play and this parUcular team 11 not parUC'Ularly well flUtd to play that type of llni!.'' Jn other words, Bo)'d lin't tipping hit hand in Advance. And Wooden 11n1t t1kln1 lht 1erits at 111 llghtly dellpite lits remirks on prHIW't:t Ind the like. "~ ••Y we wouldn 't want \6 win tht gtmet 1galMt USC WVUl4 be rldiculout. '' he dealtred. CUtU1 Rowe ol the .Brul"t WfJn the hon0r1 a1 univer1lty playtt4•t.ht-wttk. In vk!torie1 over 8t.anfotd and C•llforni1, he ecored 47 pointa and grabbed 19 rebou· nd1 • Howtrd Lit of UC ~tr11dt1 I club he•ded tor the NCAA lilitllege dlvlllion toltrfliment.at Tacoma·. won h<MKlre aa colleat playtr-of·tht·'Ntek . He acorid ti pointJ In two Wttktnd victorltt. In Paclnc-t glm" MondlY nl1hl, Waohlngton Sitto ltlppect Ot;too IM7 and W"hlngton knocked olf Ortll"n State, 16-43. REP-HGT PEPPER GAME ~Jerry Jobnaon of the St. Lolll1 c1rtlln1l1, t1k11 a !Int drl•• to the lfildltclion dutiitg I PfPPlt &itilt at St. Pettraburg, Fla , Looklitl on wtlb sympathy It Nelton Btlle•,. UPI Te ..... winner or 15 pmu [or the Cardinals in 1969. Jobn- 1on w11 acquired from the Phil1dilphla Pb!Ults and hid a 6-1~ record laS'l sea•on . -··-·-·· Spor_ts in B,.ief Lakers Face Atlanta, League Lead at Stake A.TLANTA -IL't onl1 one of ti rll!J.llr•iitlllOn 1amtt IM U\e Loi Anplet Laiotl tnd Atlanta llawk1. But tonlfhl'1 clath coWd dttttmlnt W"hich NitlOl'Jal Baslt@tball ~ AllOClltion club wl\I llniah lli>p the Wt1Mtn Djviaiof'I, They hAvt ipilt aiz &afnei this tilton. Tonl11rt'a meeun1 ii t.helr l1Bt unUt 'fht pli)'Oll•. Whi<:hever t .. m wlna wlll ht the dl\1.llonal ttoo.l>Nnntr for awhile, at leAlll. , LM Angelea' ll0-tt4 Yictoey over the Botton Ce!U~s and At111int.1'1 Jot-te lola lO the Phoenl• SW\I l11t Sunday lined tht Lak1t1 wltllln one-hat! 11m1 Of Ille Hawkll. The Lakers have a deeided advantage over AUanta In lhe tchedule. Eight of their tO re.rnal!\tna pmt1 are 1t home while lbl Howk a will plly only flvt of Utelr nine ftn1l 1t11nt1 Jri At.lint~. • NEW YOl\K -Six _. Wllll ttmlln to be llllld lot the 11-latm N•tlan•I Invitation Basketbtll Toutntnlent wlll<h 1•ta undtr way March 13 at i t11.dl90n Square G&tt!tn. Army, the naUoo'g leading defenllive team Which hu allowtd an ..... , ••• of as Point. ift l'O'llng a It-I rocotd thll 1t1m, was amona the 1111 t11m1 U\at Joined !he fltld Mondi)'. AllO namtd were Manhattan, 1.._f, Du· quMnt, 17-1 ~inner of U ot Ila Ja1t It games: \JlAh, 17-& and runnerup In the WeBltrn Athlt!Uc Conrertnc1.: Otorgelown\ II-I, it' best record ~nca lM&, and M aml (Jf Ohio1 t'-7. PrtvlooBIY named wtl"t ~l&lana State, Georgia Ttch, Marquette And St. JOhn'I of New Yorlt, • VERO BmACH, 111. -Man11tr Wllltt Alston Of Ult Los Angeles Ood,.,.1 aet• a quick ktok at hla top plt~htr1 Jn at· Uon "Orapelnilt Lttfllt 1>11o0111 totton OJ)IOI thla Wttkflld . llta two IJG.pma wlnnen or 1111, rlfht· h1Mer Diil l lngar and IOllthptW C1altdt Ol!tetn, 1rt etaMd l'or-aeuon. When \he Dodpn optn tht eichibiUoo ...... agalnot lldtttton at Coco• Buell, February Was Trying Month For Nicklau s MIMU (Al') -February waa a ll')'lng month fur JllC!k Nlckltu1. His father, Who had 1Ulded the blood g01nng grttt for 30 )'l!IJ'I, died of cancer. Jack 1pent mOat of his hours 1hutt1ln1 betwetfl florlda and tlle flllllly b<>lno at Columbus, Ohio, Ill hit privatt jet. LiaRt lrttpotl11\t at the llnlt, Nicklaus dktn't'~lng • club tor four weekR. •0l'bere w11 no tholce," hP 11ld Mon-- day. "It was nO lime to bt: thinking 1bout &off, But now lt'1 back to wotk.11 Nl cklaua will play In lh1·ettru1 Jnvtta· tlonal, a '150,000 event In Orlando, bti1n· bing with Wldnelday '1 pro.om prtl114e. lft whacked out hit flr•t bucket ol bllh1 In a month over lhf: wtffetld ind played In • pro-am Mondty at the Loet 'l'ree Vlllqe couru wh"" hla home I• loc•ted. "l hit It fairly well, b\lt nolhina pttt," ht 11\d. "I dorrt )t:now what my chanct.s wlll be at Orlando.'' Ramos-Laguna Bout RatecJ Even Alan Potter gel!! the ltlrtlnf Asaltnmen\ and the )'GUng r lght·hlndtr 11 1niloua to win 1 job In the 116ttlhg rotation. With lr•illlng '" Wly, """' Of tht hurlert-will work long, but thlll Is the start ti tl'le tprlng toad on which Foster Nlcklalll won't play steadll)' until the Aprll ·t-12 llnka cl111tc 1t Auiu1ll NI· tlontl Goll Club In o.or11a. HI• only defllllle lllllpl will be Otltndo and the Marth 11~1 Grtttfr Jaci<lonvllle Open. '11 may play tht tournament at f'tnslCQla betv. ecn those tWtl, 11 he told 'Ille A.!"1Clated l'rtS! from his Lost Tr" Village home, "but I definitely won'L pliy the two week~ prior to the Masters.'' L06 ANOILCS (AP) -VeteNln boxer t.maeJ IAj\it\I of Plft&ml Mid the world lfilitwtl&hl cbomploft!lllp for • I g h t lllOOlhl &t 1111. Ha Willia It boci. Ho IN Iha olllnot tclillfht Wh'11 l l.)he No. J chllllqer ba f~ng Mando ~ olc l.ong~. I .,_i!I hj! S<• oond dol..,. cl Iha I•pou dlvblon ti· Ile. The fight, odlldultd fGt 11 rounds, will Ill: bekl In Ibo doWntown l porU Arena . • 111tll 11.~ ,... •lid cate r0<1lpll of •IIO,eeo llltfcl!llltd by the promolet, Mn. Alltln &tton. Olli1t11r• ~ltd I.hi btttlna would Ito -t Mand tai• ~""' pick. RamO! , ' boXCll for • •100,000 ru•r•ntet, Latun• for $10,«ll. fWnol at to was the youngest boxer to win the Ulbtwelshl lllle when on Feb. IS, 1168, ht knocked out the lite Carlos "Teo" Crur. of tht Dominican RtpJblic in this arena. Cnit, killed in a CArlbbean air cra,&h last month, went out in 11 r01.1ndl. Ram<lfi, now 21, 1topptd YMhl11kl Numata Ol Tokyo tn six rounds, al!O htre, in hia first title deftnte Ott. 4, 1969. LagtJn!11!, a bOXer of the clanlc typo, outpotntea C1 rl01 Ortli In Apr\1, 19581 to win tht champlonlhip bllt IOl!t It bact to Orllz the folJowlng No\•embtr. r Tn a third bout, Ortia woo a11 ift to k:eep the title , losing ll subttqu1ntly Jn Juna, 1988. to Teo Cru1. t.aauna h11 nevar been knocked out, only onct In one llaht h11 ht been floored and ho llkM to point out that all o/ hla mattbt1 with OrUt. 1 dt1dl1 puncher, went lht 11111 II rwndl. l'-ltlOI hllil never been nattene:d, l!lthtr, but he hl1 bttn cut up a few limes, which could-bl 1 tipoff Of his chan· ce1 agatnst the lllAehinl comblnatkr11 Laguna ltU fly. · Ramos hu had II fllhiJ, won 21 . lo!! llll'ff -h1 rtver1td l\'iO of thti'1'1 In rtmslehtl -and knotkrd oot II OJ' __ wlJLf, ampll! mot!IIDi!Y to ptovc ponenll. Ht et11Ud most of his victims hllnit ' on 11\o ... d lo ruin Wiii\ amun" to tllt it 1>od7. Mando at .. 10 te till for t U-"twot1ht. ~~,v~;~e ~~ =•~"..:.:: But to 11 LllUfll a\ W. 1\amOI 11.)'a ht and Louilllana Slate man.1111<1 1 hll'd· prelen bo1ln1 (\qi ~tit hl1 own slit. · f!amed 11 .. 1 btaketbail vlctory OVtt "'lll<ro'a more bo47 ·-to land In," Ml .. llllppl 8t110 MOnd1y nigh! to cllJ1ch he expl•lned. II !Utt • Ut '"' -ploct Ill tllt Phy&ltally1 Laguna ippear1 to be mort • 8outhtlttenl Coftftttnot. rutctd. matured, But M•ndo'• 1ltndtr ~i•r1vlch needed only sevtn polHLI pllyli<1ue i. dt«lvlng. He hat lho~n lie going !Jlto the C•mt to bAik &Mn can 1b&otb punches IM met• out Haye•' 1ln111 1ea10n record of 1,214 fetraom t p\llllllhment. _pohitl, Ind ht ~t lS. "l'istol Ptrte" f(lt TtH: U odd• ind p1ek 'tm seem ttlt hit rt<»rd breaking P91nit on 1n 1a..root. enough. Jump shot wlll\J164 lilt Ill Ill• flttt hilt. • NkklF normally skips the Gruttt Grttnsb<i<o-()pilnO')lt"I Wllht'llr'""'~ nee 11 AU1U1ta, but h• will also ml .. tltt Qllo,OOll Nall0n1t A~ Unto Open Ill Miami lhe week of March 25-!a. - ''Thal'a whfn my Ilda ftl !he~ 1prlng v1¢1Uon," he Mid. "I'm 101n1 to get ac· qualnttd with thtm •aatn. 11 w11 harli lot Ult Ilda lo u-1l1nd why I hid ta Ill to COlllmbu1 " tilen 1 .. 1 month." Jack and Barbara Nlck\1i1u1 will pack up their U\t~ off1pr1n1 and htad r0r 10 dlfs at thtlr n1w "wetks.d horl'lt11 on O"at Hadlor Cay In !he Berry l•landa. '1We'J\ fish and 1wlm and lake. It e••Y·" Aatd -Nlckl1u&. '"l'hfln I'll htad for AitlUlta tnd }It retd1 fit tht Miilet~ • "!!ll!ll··--·-·11"•~11111111•••••••••1111111!!''!'!'1!11!!11!111~""'-P'!'!"'"""!l!.""-""l!l!!l!ll!ll""""""""'"'~:'!'·""!"!!""'"'!!!"":'.,..!'>",..~ . .,,..,.., ... ,.,_:-: . .,...,,.==::.;;;.;-,,c;.-,.,-.,.-; •• ;c.;;.:-; .. -;.-;;.,.,-;.-;: •• c.-:;_~ •.• .......-;:-;~.-.-•• ~ ....... _ ....... , ... , .... "'-""'''' ......... ~,..,_~-..... -. . ~ .. •. t r ~ I ' ! " j • k 0 n • < ' • -;...__. ' • - ·CIF Maff, Finals rountatn ver 1ey H 11 h • s ti;vlne ·""""" champl011!hlp T{restJlria: Cre'I it a !lrong COO• \fnde:r tor tet 1m honors in the Clf finals Saturday at CaJ State (F~ lerton) and in- <llvldually, ti!< Orange Coast 9rea'a tol' nucget is Newport Hilrbor'1 ' Chrk Ha<pel. JJ'hat'a · how k' shapes up with the·fina' 1 wte1Ulng event of the )'tar W JOmlng ahead for area grapPf .e ... Fi 1ntaln Valley moves Into the. finals with five entrant.I an~. four of them-Tlm Flynn (liJ8J, Mike Holllden (141), r; an Lewis {1!7), and Bob ·ivalker (194) -.were first in ·'the aul>secUonals held Satur· day at Marina !Ugh. Coich Vern Wagner of Fountain Valley surm!les that 44 points may well be enough to capture the team Utle Md lf his team can come tllrough with twoJndividuaI titles along with Strong .showings from the balance of his outfit, tl1ey-may t>e able to wreg 1,he tUle away_ from 1969 champion Brawley. Brawley will have seven en- traMt-plus two alternates "''hile Mlra Cosla and Palos Verdes have six e n t r i e s apiece. Brawley'• aintingent in· eludes five first place finishers ln the sub!ed.ionals. Chris Horpel ol Newport Harbor 11 the favorite for the r ..::...;_.~-. 14'-pound Individual cham--... pionship alter pinning 30 ol his 32 prior opponents. 1be un- • defeated senior broke the na- tiona l pin record of Z3 and naUed three of his four op- ponent. in the subsectionals. • OAtlT l'llOT Sti tt 1""'9 Desert Co-chantps Declared START ING SOPHOMORE -Gordon Blakeley (14) wW start for Westminster l-ligh in tonight's CIF AAAA playoff confrontation \\1il~ Troy Hi gh .at Fo~n­ tain Valley Hi§b School. Seen m prior action with Long Beach Poly is Steve Dallas (21) of Poly. \Vest- minster has two sophomores in the starting lineup -Blakeley and Terry Meisenheimer. " • ~ . . Co-champjons have been declared in the Desert Con· ference basketball race, after Mlra Costa was forced t3 forfeit a game Monday. Tif~Already·Looking Ahead Thus with the forfeit, ImperiaJ Valley and Mira Cost.a finished the Desert Conference slate with lo-4 l'!cpids. To197tT-71 Cage Seas on Saddleback also picked up a forfeit victory from Victor Valley, lrpprovtng Its final Desert Conference mark to t-5 t1nd ita sea!Oll record to 17-JI. · Mlra Costa forfeited a game to College of the Desert. Vic- tor Valley and Mira Costa ~legedly used players who hJd not received conference sinctioo. Both ftfira Costa a n d Imperial VaJley will enter the Mfte playoffs this weekend. In regional play, Imperial will face Long Beach City College, the Metropolltan Conference champion Friday or Saturday at Cerritos. Mira Costa will f4ce LACC Saturday night at East LA. b enefit Ca g.e I , Game Set When the·UC Irvine baskelball team droil-- ped a rather oonvjrfclng decision to Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) Saturday night, little hope remained for a berth In the NCAA Western Regional bas~etball playoffs. Looking at the record in retrospect. the Anteaters played four tough cootests to get the season started and lost all four en- counters. Victory in eveA !\Yo or the four could have placed coach Tim Tift's team in the playof(s before the lina1 weekend of lhe season. Bul that's water under lh:e bridge and the 17·9 record posted by the Anteaters rank~ with the best marks ln the history or the school and no alibis are bcins (l{fered . \Vhile he is keenly disapppoinled because the Anteaters didn 't get a bid to lhe tourney. Tift is already looking to next season and feels the· team will be representative once again. •·1 ·will be In attendance at the NCAA champiOMhips and hope to complete our schedule ror next year," be says. Tift has been working' on games in Florida fnr next season but is about to give up on the trip I because he has not heard from Florida Slate It'll be the DAILY PILOT recently .. • a131nst the Costa Mesa Polfce "We will make a trip of some type l'l"Xt Dti:futmenl in a benefit season but I oon·t know just where at lhe bas~etball game \Vedne~ay, moment. Howe\'er. it will be later in the M'arch 11 ,at~fti~sa High. season as most of our early dates are (I'he clash is designed to • already filled." --Ntse funds for paralyzed ~ CcjlJ4 Mesa High wresller * * * Justin Ogata, ?•ho broke his Professional tennis will have to cut dov.'n nffk 1 during a practice two on the amount of lime consumed lor finals ~s ago. n1alches such as Saturday night al the This ls S hours l'IOd 40 minutes after the scheduled start of the first match. hfost fans enjoyed the,$10,000 winner·take- . all competilioo and the lucrative new gim· 1nick or the tennis v;orld lhal features a king of the hill competition. lends added ex· cile1nenl. Tennis has had phenomenal growth in re- MOWAlllO KANOY HOWAR D IIANDY cent years and has produced a new type of pro athlcte~ne who must play his game the year around and lhe world around. \Vhen baseball players hover around the hot stoves in the winter Ume. tl1e tennis pros are ph1ylng in the Sou them. hemisphere. \Vhen the football players are relaxing in ti1 ay, the tennis players &re preparing for the Wimbledon Champ~hips ift London. It isn't surprising lhat the tennis stars are now making the kind of money the baseball and football players draw. Rod Laver took home $123.85S last year and Roy Emerson poclteled $62.SZ!I. Pro Cage, Hocke y -- Staridings ... anllfll D1w1,i.11 New York M!IWIUk~ ••ltlmort Phll1cll!1t1'1!1..,... ClntlMllU ..... ~ """'" w L. l'ct ••• Jool lS .m - 30 22 .694 S\\ '' ,. ,60) 12 J7 3' .J?I 1t JI «I .4JI '''°" XI ;II) .m 1'1'1 2• d .1" 21\\ W111tf" DIYlllt" "l!1n1• 00 ll .54 - LOI ... ..,.,1n lt :a .sn '"' Pl\aeftl~ lol 40 .,59 6\\ Cl'llclto l2 •1 .Oii I Se1t11<1 .)I '1 -411 l\!i Sen fflll(IJ<I 27 4" .llO 12 S.n Olno 2• '4 .353 l:J>; Mti!HJ'I •-II l1Ulmor1 111. Cln<~I T10 Ttllltftt'I 0•- Pl'lllwltlPl!ll •I MllWMM !1n fT1nclKo ti N"' Yori!; l°' An,et~ 11 A!llnll CllkA!ilO 11 "'-nix ~n OllVG 11 Sut111 h>dl•~· ti;@nllldi~ N-York (111>11111 Pllhburoh Ml•ml ... 111"'11 Dlvhllfl w l '"· •• 45 u ,72' - 3:1 ,. ·"2 121,; 3l )5 • .-S 1S 30 l2 .44 15 22 40 .lU 23 '' 46 .'ltl 21 WHllrft DIYllllll OtnYrt 36 tl .!lf'O - Ot lll! Jo4 17 .iS1 ' Wti.111""!"" 35 )0. ,JJI l N•w Orle1r11 JI 2t .J17 '\~ LOt Anvt1IH " l5 .'5J ..... Tt11ltlll'• G1"'1t Pl"JWrtn 11 W1t11l119tllf' H111t~1I MlcklY LllM ... .., -.... Mo!llrt•I C~lf.~1111 0.1~11 '~" 1111 DIVINlll W l lJ'lt.GJI OA :w ,, 1' .n "' 1n 3o1UUll211l.U 31 " 12 75 ,,. 1S4 u 20 1 n 1t1 140 JC 11 11 11 ,., 15.S t• ?5 11 " "' ''1 WtU Ol\'hllil 31. levt1 l't 2'., I " 171 14 Jllthb\ifllt n rt I st Ul lM J1nn1d1!phl1 n '.f 11 5t lff 1w Oftt11>11 " 1~ ' q 131 , .. M~ll II 10 11 'II , 16' Ml TLJHdaY', Mart.h J,, 1970 OAILV PILOT 11 I Lions,. T~oy Tangle In CIF Playoff Aciion •tost Westminster HI g h League that bas racked up l? player Pete Miller, who·s School collides wh.b Troy victories in a row. averaged 19 polnt. per aame tonight at Fountain Valley Coach Billy ~1orcis' Troy along wllh 12 rebounds. High School in the second ,1 __ , H e I g h l ooe of A Slfrtlflf " ,.,..,.. round or the CIF AAA 'Wnlm1!!11tf • lrtY \\'estmh1s ter '1 best assets: - basketball playoffs. !: :~:;::"1mer ~ :!•,igu•~'-' t! has not proved to be a pro- Tipo(f is at 8. ._. •f'Ocllrkk c $(hral!Cllf" '"' blem for the Wnrrlors as the)* 'lbe high-Oylng Llons of t:1 ~~:111w ~ ~~~. ~~ have beaten SuMy tl ltl,1 'Westmlnster are on a seven· ..:.:::..:::::::.,_.:.....ccc.:::..:c___ (twice) and SantJago. Both or game win streak but are con· out!ll baa done it on the those clubs poissessed de£inite fronted with a dangel'OUS con-fastbreak systetn g ea red height advantages. · tingent lrom the Freeway be.hind all-Freeway League -So, for coach Don Leavey·s . :. Brucks Top Player Pirates' Rolph • .. o4 All-South Coast · Guard Troy Rolph or Orange Coast College has been named to the 1969-70 All-South Coast Conference basketball first team, selected by Orange County jwiior college baskel· ball Writer!. Rolph, a sophomore, averaged 14.2 points per l.'Onference outing. A graduate of Orange High, he Stands 5"11. Teammate Phil Jordan, OCC's leading scorer this pasl season was selected to the second team. Jordan, 6-4, is a graduate of Corona del Mar High. Other first team selecUons include Jim Huckestein (Santa Ana), Jerry Brucks (Fullerton), Ev FopmJI (Cerritos) and Jim Huxford (Mt. San Antonio). Brucks, 6-9. \\1as selected as the confcrence·s player of the year. Mo Radovich of Fullerttin wu nan1cd the coach of the year. Player J im Huckesteln Troy Rolph Jerry Brucks Ev Fopma Jim Huxford All South Coast Conrerent.-e First 'f'eam &bool Santa Ana Orange Co.ast f"ullcrton Cerritos Mt. San Antonio Yr. So • So. SCI. ~~r. So. lit :;.10 :;.11 i;.9 6·8 6·6 A,•g. 22.5 14.2 21.4 19.3 17.7 ·tall Westminster crew, It'll be the problem o( moving the baJI downCourt against T r o y ' I man-to-man preuing defense. Offensively. the Warriors enjoy the mining game ind the key to it hu been the overall team play aloog with excellent shooting f r o m out:iide. Against Ramona In its lirst· round game, Troy pelted the nets for 56 pen.-ent. Another key item in the \Varriors' att.ack ls the overall balanced scoring from one end to the other. Center Mark Schroeder ii the lowest averaging starter -bul ls still M double figures at 10.0 per outing. Guard Darryl Roberts ia se- cond to Miller with a 15.5 per issue. \\1ei.1mlnst.er wi,11 counter "·ith Hs front line duo of Dan Broderick and Steve Mcl.en- don , both M seniors. Broderlclr was named player or the year in the Sunset League and led lbe circuit champions in scorislg with I 2S.O average. blcl..end0\1 adds conslderabie toughness to the b o 1 r·d strength or the Uons and Richard 1'fann i! a ·S.7 guird "'hO is counted on for most pC the Lions' p\aymaking. Sophomores Terry Second Ttam l\le.isenhelrner and G o r do n Ph1yf!r School Yr. lit. Avg. Blakeley have added con~ Craig Childre.~ Fullerton So. 6-2 10.3 siderable scoring punch to Eric Smiler Cerritos So. f>.2 14.0 Leavey·s aggregation. Phil Jordan Orange Coasl So. 6-4 19.4 The y,'jrr,1er of tonighfs ain-~ie McLemore .San Diego ~r. 6-2 16.3 rrontatlon wtll encounter the Tun Gallagher San Diego Mesa Fr. 6-1 19.6 ~·inner or tbe Loyola-Monrovia llonoruble 1\o1Cnllon · tllt Frida,y night ln tht fiick Stickelmaier (QCX;}, Geurgc Allen (San Diego),(quarterfinals. . Steve Chidley (Fullerton), G<1rY Berg rl''ullcrton). Ron Ballou IArol~ routed Mater Det in (Cerritos), Steve Wilson (F'ullerton ), Bill James (b-1t. San convtncmg faMlon, 77-54, 'Whi· Antonio) Dennis Downie (San Diego Mesa). . le ?t~onrovla eked by Cr~ Play~ of the year-Brucks, Fullerton la Valley, tM.51 in first-round Coach of the ytar-Mo Radovlch, Fullerton action. - THERE'S NO OTHER CHARCOAL GRINDER • like the one at Jack banid's. That's ~th good and bad. Performing in the 7: 15 spec-Forum. When th,e nnal shot was fired in tht tade lwill be DAILY PIWf pelioaalities plus some of the doUbles competition, it was I: 10 in the Ettlerson could now 10~ ~is ,next wiMer· take.all malch and get i11to the semlrinals and n11als • and win $75.000 !or the four matches. Let alone whalever ebe h~ will pick op during the year. Lo. Ante/II ' a ' 'fl Ill 2:).5 • Back in the 1800's, the machine was used to grind' meal. It was Lem Matlow who discovered it Tt11llfll'1 01- """ 1fho may have given you morning. a ticket. Toronlo II O•kS.l>d cnlc11G 11 l.ot .Afl!"ln .- A~ will be 3S cenla per pe'3qn, l'!gard.Jess or age. lQE Cage ' 'Pairings • J <:: Bas~.~~Jl -~~a.y :ll~e~g~w~s,. .. :1:.i-... -: ........ ,~ •• ., ... -:.·" \..1 {·.1 ~"";"':,: .... ,:.~1 .•·.:,·~·t -..1• , .. [\-:::rt .-:~·;·~~ -;-:--·· .. :. .... -··~--~-- . ' . ' Wea!OOr permitUng, junior die back have game8 . I e t lhree runs ,in the ,runth lMlna U\rew 174 pitches ln the game, cpllege baseball activity Wednesday. The Pirates ho8l to tie San Diego, •f-4. Rain only walking four. resumea th~ week with a Santa Altil In a South Coasl haJled the.rest of1lhe game. In other Oesert Conference •··• handfld of conference gitmes , • -hed"'-' 1 lh ;i.-Conference elll'OUnter while Saddleback 'ts scht!du)ed to outin.'"' Saturday, Desert iii at Sf"'• ,...,.,, n . ~111i111H •t 5C llJIC\I' or e 1-111 ee area r \'~hw• teams. Saddlebac,k langlc1 w I th play for the firft lime on i!a Barstow·, Palo Ver.de hoslj 111 SI. M,.,_.Y n. Holr1 0.IN 1t Glen· •11 H-rr 1 Golden West (4·Z) was Palomar In a non coo.ft.rence new diamond!Jaturday. The San Jacinto and ·~ Imperial S.IWIY "'""' "'· Att...i11 ,, F~t1t11o11 I ·~ I '"·So u.__ , ... 11 ...... , U" •-·· ,..,_ '"--ol h ~-F~·-Vall-~-1 •• C Mll!fb!I....,, l"loon .. t-&.IC 1.!._~n_~ Uucn1_.__-.~ ~. "-HIUC1nni 1A1118 r•w. "J 1.1a•1;0 .!I w nyOl'll. '"1'" ..,~ w1. Wf9t CwlN •' c11 CaJifomia Conference cam· OCC, rained out of a h05t Victor Valley in, a De.!ert Piilra Costa has 1 bye. All the "~~ ... HOl"'ll Tllf"f•nee ,, w.s1 paign l9day at Quigley Field doubleheader tan Saturday Co11rerence doubleheader. The games are doubleheaders. T""'"''' -in LA agaln!l LACC. with ML San Ant.onk>, travels first game will get under way ,Wednelday'a South Coast 1f'O'I wt. w.,,,...,,,,... 11 '-'•"' Coach Fred Hoover'• club to Fullerton JC S.turday for 3 a1 noon, ConferenCe schedule locludes Vo"" i..yo11 "'· Mlllll'l'ft1 11 c1tn11 has bealen Venlura, Sanla c:onferenca twin biO. 11le Gauchoa dropped a twin -Cerrito. at San Olea:o and San li...1...,.1._ .. ~.ulln.!ft• i\ wni. Ana, Saddleback, Rlven'!lde In Wednesday's game bi!J to Imperial Valley last Diego Me11 at Fullerton. ti.t and dropped Its lasl two again.st Santa An&, Pirate.' Saturday by 1eores of 1..0 and S~turday twin bllla include 11:.: ;1~.:',"':. 1~!: •• games to Rio flondo and coach Bar r·y W1U11ci! wilt $-1 on the winners' diamond. Santa Ana al Mt. San Antonio wntcw'"-• Orange Coasl, lhe·Jatt.er game ~tart either St.eve Pinter or Jn the .seeond game, Sad· and CeM1tos 1l Mesa. ground ch arcoal to j~st the~1igho s~e for mellowing whisk~y, .... <1nd ,we'\'.~,.~ed it that,,~av.,C!\!eo.sincy. ' .... , .r ·' '!'.f· :1:,~\'.~· •, r'. ''r':,.1 f:"1' .IJ!il lf• ~~} '.'.,,;,~ • • ~ r ~ ~ ~11•", .. ~l\·~:. >,,":. • 1 I 0 course our: 000K11.eepcr · ~ . ·" '"" · · · I • • c'Omplains some over the cost of maintaining such an old 1nachine. But we figure it like this:~Ffue hisl<ey is ma eprsnp""'d.tinJ~"'.'"' and· then to sell. So we'll make Jack Danid's the way it should be made, and let the bookkeeper go..fight on i!omplaining . CHARCOAL MELLOWED ~ DROP ~ BY DROP vmi "'"' .... v:l'"' °'1 •• occ a 13-lnnlng affalrl Steve Schoettlcr on the dleback piWher Greg Pen-In the other Souther .n w11-n.1 ,._,,, 11 kMt J'111t1 The Rustlers hal•e a home mound. nlnglon sci a new achoo.I Cellfornla circuit games this • t I v;:;1•1 "' ,.1""1'';'l '' Tucu confeteuce game slated f'r'-Only ooe gan1e ~·as p\~ed record "'Ith 17 atrlkeot1l81 ,but Frlday,J..A Harbor travel! to TEHNESS[[ WHISKEY • 90 PROOF BY CHOICE •l1&t,Jtt-N~111111111~1.l•111 Mo!low,m,..1-. w.1n1r1 11 "'"_. day asalnst Cypreu al2:30. ftl the South CGaat Confatence..-hli teammates ®ntmill~·J4 Eairt LA and LACC is at R~l::'.o-:::1:~.lll~lL~L~E~D,;:'.A~N~D=..8~0~1~.l_".~~tO~·~t:::Y...,~J'._'.!~Oll-~O'._'.A.'.'.N:_:lf:,'.1.-:D~l.:U::_:l~L~LE:'.~~:.·.J.::'.J'.'.lt:'.:CC.lt~B'.:lL~l\l'~O;;'.(;:PO;:P:·'"J:;;l4.;:);.• .;T;IK:::N::;•;.,_--,atl7 ..... ..,.""'° Gr•l'lff 11 C•' ,.i, Both Orange Coast and Sad'· lasl week. FullertOn rallied ror en'Or!I behinfl him. PeMln&ton flOrlao. r l I ~ I /' ' • ' - ] IAILY PILOT Southern Cal Colkge Bolsters Athletics 11y PHIL ROSS Of .. Dellr P'llM Slltr Alt U)'<lle around wbal the okle&t four--year college in Orlnie CowQ ia. Moot j>eople woold probably think tt Is Oulpman. and, believe it. or not. a few might even chime in with either Cal Stale Fullenoa or UC Irvine. -ol lhe aforementioned are &be rtpt answers. ll you sakl Southern California College you would be al>oolutdy rlibl . It js a proven fact lhal tbe Cosla Mesa acbool b the coun- ty's oldest fotn'-year wtltule o/ ~ loaming. soc. foimded in Los Angeles in 1111 by the Assemblies or God Cllun:h, pocked up lt.s smaD campus. kit and ka~ die, right aflu World War II and moved Jt to its prmeut JoW!on in relocaf.ed Anny barTaeb aeross fJ'Gm the Oran'ge CGunly Falrgroonds. The ICbool bu enjoyed an admlnl>Je athlelle heritage, although Ha _... program has never taken on any major dimensions in respect to U.. .....u.pte C<Jllllldiliat. Paul ~ naUve of Missouri;-· b delmnined to botster SCC'1 1thl«ic statm. lf>vinc cooched prevlouoly al 8l<llber Aa9embly ol God scbool (Ev..,.. Collep) ln his bomt st.ate. Peat this past f ali accepted the job ol A-llinctor and 'bead bs t 'baO Cl*lh at sec. Ha ..,., "Tb< lint Up ... are tmlag.ln lhe -ol progress in our athletic pro. gnJm was begun just this ye•. • Wl!actes a set ol credlmw warkinc toward • -• ....,sical -tion.. • ~·II · lhlll squad f~tllo-•11 .. att.r,.m.ca-10.Jt mart-lalt -aod lhe Va_. .. 11111 boPlll for a bMl to the llMA dlllrlct pla,,.._ . A!ldllr lo Ibis ....... ~ notd, "I ......U, feel -. are am GI tbe *"* rst MAIA teamo In aar -ri&llt now." llolplle lhe _, _ ._ of M et*!' Dave Payne via lh~ poor.,...., nio1e, the sec cqen bave performed respodlDIJJ. l'loJIDc .. lb< place o/ PaYno. bis oldor and - mlsstonary's son Who grew up in Africa. This past season, he was nationally ranked la scor· ing on the. colleP,ite level Another mi58ionary'1 son, Dr. Dennis McNutt, currenUy a history instructor at sec. has his own claim to fame. Back in the mid-50'1, when the school fielded a sbort·llved football squad, Dr. McNuU was the team's ptacemem· specialist. A3 a mattp' ol fact, he boasts of being the fti'at~ver soccer-style placekicler to test hls wares on the gridiron. Tennis partakes in the athletic atmosphere in the sp'rlng. 't;wo prafessim8.I nett.ers, Bob Beauchamp ol Balboa and Bob Abbott of the Costa Mesa · Tennis Club, co-coach the Vanguard tennis squ.d. On the baseball diamond, coach Ken Moore and his charges face the scbOQl's v JI ball LEGAL NOTICE tough..Wver schedule, wblle 0 ey cross country star A n d y PadlllJ:, with bests ol. 5;24 for i.t.l uu 'lhe mil nd 9 31 ... the two NOTICI TO C•IOITOJtl e a ; T w • iu,.11101t couitT op TM•· mile, Is the key figure In earn IDS ,,.,, • .,. CALIP'O•NIA PO• SCC's track plans. · TM• co~.:;..ouN•• Of course., Peak aJ.so· ls the Ell... of lllUTH AHHA MA•IA headman in cross country and The Balboa Bay C I u b '~~~~[i °:'~':1ieav GIVl!N to ""' track ln addilion to bis. nwner· volley~! team cou1d be. the: g:''!'r "'~ ,,.~c:.~.:::::: ous other duties. next National AAU champKIN. wld dec:edettt 1r1 ,_1rtc1 te 1111 1Mm, W'llh such a fine SJ>(ll'tiDc The BBC squad hu defeated :;i'riw.~'*:':: .':~n:.. ~~~1~ ag.....t.. Southern Cal CoUe1e its chief rival the: put two 10 prewtt ~. with .,. '""-'' ,.._, U k d, ' •-·---t -.chen, lo !fie llNltriJ111fd •I ftlt llW is no slouch academica y wee enuo 1n ww 1w•.u1en com· o11~ ., McOlnn a. 0 ,_ "' r:. a. ... either, petition and is iCheduJed to""" A~• .. Or•11oe. C•1llorfli• 11"1 • .-tlldl • • 11 1ilt Pita of bl.Ill-of """ Uf>o ~\ achool is a fu.U,y.ac-participate tn the AAU event w111MC1 111 111 m.t1Rr1 !'ffl11n1111 1o ,... credited libenl arts collect in Honolulu early in May. :.!!.,."' ~.;-::,. ~·lk:J!1"., '::~ which is expanding skyward Over th( past weekend llOflu. literally-speaking. Balboa Bay Club defeated San °•1" .~ 2:i.1r:.:;., ..- A seven.atory me n ' s Dle-.'1 ChlJ't House aquad in ,,., • .., lffl'Ot uwt1n110 &-· E•~of ... Wlll resideoce ball wu completed the Santa Barbara tourna-., ,... *"" nwntc1 ftc"'11t in lMI and a similar women'• ment. lJ.lS, lM. lS-11. =~~~1.r" .dormit«J was fJnl5bed iuK ~.~~ Nme--= r.~n~1·":";:,."'0 Ja:st )'Ul. .....,.,._ AnwMn fiW ._ ...... AnDtber 111. _,_ naidlnoe Houae aqud in SID Diep by I Pubnllled or....-Cottt 0.1111 P1tot. ltructme II 'i:'"'~ lllueprtnts JS-IO, lM count. l'*"•r~ 1• 11111 M•refl l 10, 17,~: for lhe mid "1111. -mllht To dale thb --mob lhe ~ Colla Bay Club holdl three vldoriell--------~ Mesa Civic Ceder think Iba! a In fwr rneetlnp ol the two LEGAL NOTICE -., _... .....mlloa teams .... coocll Jim ~ lo pillc cm· nm door. feels lbe Nau.al AAU flnalll--------- P.eat· dbM itr•eU nJUilnl of wUJ be betweeen tbe . twO C:lllTtPIU;·:= IUSINISS the te'll•dio._;,,rj wt taklna IOUtbland teams. PtCTJTIOUS MAMI ... _ .... .,l'V'O _ _,, -"-...... _ L.-M ...Ji-... an tn the n. l!!ldenttMd don certify he .. -,._ -"""""" --......., ' '"" --· ·-zw •uct1111 I ---.. !'51 Pl•CHI"• {H), "What ft are mainlJ trJinc to country 11 played right~~ : ~ ~'!; "~'" ~ ~ do befe is to d'taie pod, Southern Calllorn(I, ~I llEIUtU>l!aS ~ ht wlcl flfTTI Ill -~ ~ who HOUie hu 1 majority ol the _.. "' "" tlltlow1n11 11e•'°"· ""'-will be vial fan::es ~ ~ pi."'1 from the U.S. Olympic :;:..1:,. lull •1111 .-. o1 r~ 11 ., "---W.. •-A.•" ._ Jn 1-" be ••va. Owttll ~ 112' SO. 1"-1, ~ ~ ,_,, ~· ----. ....., S.nll' ....... C:..111. O•Nd F...,,,..ry ti, 1t10 0..rnl! llJmllftlh Lightweig• ht· Basketball ~g~f;.;;;~a~ 11-"' "" -" .... "'"°" .,,_ -11 wbKrJtoM to ttM wlllllfl 1.._ (6-1) brother Jerry, Cf:Oef'ally ~ .. v...;~ ~, - regarded u the best. leaper cm c.-ri-ni " 111 aum.m kar'-wtll: ....,..,.. -Oii~ ::::::.. Ind ~ ...... Ill .. _.. ... Wlllfllillltw -u.cdlllo I. I r .. (OFFIC:IAl SEAll lh ·--·--·-a11~ ~ Ill) .. Clf'J .. ltll e i.c-•.. ~ ~ IM:U Pltti (lJJ C ltl CWllM nearly eYerJ enm'l)' pivotman fOlte ( 141 G t l.U Mc,..., W1•" 161 G (fl L ~ he hu encouat.aed.. 'Jbia Sairlf'll wti.t ~Ill V11W j - de_.,_ _...._ a-• a D Miiier a. hVl9 S. ·-.S. ..,..._, 50•.oug ~-J IElllMn -It. Tl'IOIJN••ft. Ctfrll'NI I. averap of tiff inches in ~ t. height ffCb time be ltepe onlo Halftime: l!d'-a. hWltl\11 Vt\111 the Ciiurt. 2•. .. ...... Jeny Broclamn., M, a M.7 '"""~ CtQ , JillJC::-J>el"CtDl deacleyre: from the S-(71 I" (I) L.IUNr> flocr Alll .. __ otd service .,.."' ns1 c nn LWW\I J-si..-tOl G (ti ~ veteran Jerry RJnker (Ml) ~·" 111 G ta> ....,.. have allo done Jeamedl jobs w=.."-1.-=....,. ~ ~ ~ " on tbe biidwoecl nu since · M..,..,..: AMMlf!I •· Mlr\111 1r. the depMtalft of Dne Payne. c. ......... . T1le v....-~ bave • n:'te:•u , 1m1 tc1, .,,... rme ~ )111,er Wllklnc Qbt c11i " • en .... ....,. around on cam""S in the ...,,.,_ cui e. 111 H1u1~ I"" O'l'lettot<ty I)) G 1111 Mclrldc person of Ken Backman, a Pl'l11n9'~ ''' c;. n ,1 111111er SUIT OR .FREE SPORT COAT Lid. , I • ' WITH l'UltCHASl OF ONI: AT CUii LOW. RlGUl.All P~ICE. H-~7'l.'Js..- -ONLY- PHONl-140-1'" , ..., 2, kfftlbW t. Mtr11 I(. Motnry ...... "'"': ~ tf, W.trlllflt"' 27. Nol•IY Publlo<tl!ffrnll ......., cti11 tan w.... Pr1~t1pe1 Off!~ 111 co11 .. 011 ,. 11a1 l...,... °''Ill!' c_.w T"-Cltt F flt) Ii....., M'I C-!Tlluloll E•p1re1 ....._ ''' c: l'l ...... Ho'I. t4 1tn COii,,...,.. ttl O (7) ,..... _.,llblldled Ot"..,., Co1't Otll'I Pllet, Pllthitllt ftl G fl) ..._, ,ltlrUll'Y )I •nd i'Mr~h 3, 10, IJ, lf111 Scwkl9 .... : .......,. -c..1 ... 11 t. m.Jt ""'""°" 4 W1111ft I, W.......-P•rr l··-------------1 HllllM: """""" ». WHWll 11. 1 LEGAL NOTICE Killian, Gillis • . .,. ".\'I .::r •• '''l.'f •• • j _. .· .· .• .. . ... - \ ' • ri. .. ' . -. It's Sydney Omarr •• An'd now this ortieulote writer who hff • • been coiled the "estrologer's estro1"9tr" reads the stars for you. Sydney Omtltr, , longtime personal astrologer fo meny '' ' of Hollywood's and the literary : world 's mostf omous slers, is e DAILY PILOT columnist. DAILY PILOT ' - , ' I • HOUSES FOR SALi .HOUSES FOR SALE !HOUSES FOR SAL! !HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE I HOUSES FOR SAL• HOUSIS l'OR SAL• Gtnerol '1000 Gonorol IOGO Goner.I · llot Oonorol 1000 Genor1I 1000 Gonor1I 1100 Cftlt Mnt 1100 ' HOUSIS ,OR SALi HOUSES l'OR SALi ·-· Ne'!P'"' Holphh 1210 ~ •r. Ml~ 11;50 OIANel ·COUNTY'S LARGEST 2&29 HA• BOUl.EYARD 541-8640 °"""-""' tll'l;JO 3 tedrms-Slll'p! $111.00 Total Mo. Pmt ' You have to aee thla to be- lieve it. J.11 new carpeting, doUble caraP'. forced air Mitinc, large built • in kl.tcheri. Beautifully a~ pointed -Full p r i e e $22.900. Better hurry. Prestige- Entertaiing - First time Oft the market. 4 Bd. on one Door with muter bedroom in separ- ate wing. Formal dbtlng room. Family room off kitchen. :Klx36 patio, elee prage door 'ope.ne.r, lbti of e u s1 o m decorating.- ~ \41.500. Call us tor the ex- • ellent fiM.ncing. 1Large Fami~ 1 Play Huuse . P.oo.t;11Y 5 Bed. with w/w '"""' rmc thrnughoul Bl& fun t~I"" backyard with COVUt:i.J patio, pool and alide f1\?' only $34,950. Ge ready t1'1 the BJJlash down! Chl'l'ltr. u ,m assist with the """"""""\ 3 Bedro~111s 2 Baths Assume 4iYz% Loan $119.0I' Ml No qualifyjng' neceuary to take· ower pm ts. on WI exiitin& VA loat: with an- nual percenlagf:\_\ rate of f-14 %. It ha.I ftl•rdwood noon, built·inll, Pa le» Ver· de •tone tittptacle. blg rev ya.rd, oompfe~Iy ,... paln~ insfde. Jrt beat Costa Mesa area. "'~r uk!J>g 125,!IOO. Woo»Lj lasl !13 ... ~!l~~~ executive home feature!! 3 muter • slied bedroo , queen • sized tile bathl proft!lllionally land.sea yard a.nil 20-foot cathl!- dral ceilinl: entryway. In better than ~ condition, only 14 mo<. old -owner 81,)'1 sell, asking w;'l50. Why Rent? No Down To Vets Can you save $700.00 fOr clos~ cce:ta in 3 mos1' lf yo11 can, yoo can own this home TODA Y! It's a lharp 3 bedroom in a great area. Ifs in move-in condition NOW. Included ln ...,._ ... -"dry· rr, retrlgftator, dlsbwaih-- er, flttalarm and an owt· sl7.ed lot for unly $23.flX>- See·thls one. 3 Bedrms $111.00 Per Mo. $22.!00 GRAND OPENING UNIT Yll RANCHO ·LA CUESTA ••• Are ytiu In the m1rket for •· new home, • home In • prlma .,.., very'doM to Huntington State ... ch: a ho""9 tMt you can cust0m1a whJle it f1 bei"I bullt; • home ... •ltinod) by out~landlnt 1rchitocla and conllTuctod by Franll A. Ayno a Sen, ._..mpany tli1t hH boon In bual- M11 1ince 1905. If you are: tom• to Rancho La Cuett• et Brookhurst aad Atlante In tt...tlngloft Bolch any day NtweM 10 a.m. ind 7 p.m. •nd 1elect your home in our newly opened Unit VII. Mcosl "-$JO.BO "' $35,100 ac_., In .lole .. July ····-- PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINt MENT. "' . 16· Linda 111.-Drlvo · Nevi 5 Br. 5 bii, home w/view of CdM hills. 3 Frplcs, & BBQ, Paneling & carpeting. With dock .......................... $145,000 ' 4$, Lind• l1le Drive • Nearing completion. 5 BR. 4 ba home. 80 Ft. on water. 3 trplcs., atrium w/fountaln. With dock • ., ... ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225,000 • 10 Lindo 1111 Drive 5 Bedroom & .maid's, 5 baths with family room &: large rumpus room. 3 Fireplaces. 4,246 Sq. Fl Dock & boat slip •. , .. $159,300 90 Linda Isle Drlvo Beaut!Iul 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath home with ex.· tra large living' room & master Be<lroom. Carpets & drapes. Landscaped. Boat slip. Near tennis court & club ...... now $120,000 Weterfront Lots Lot number 4: \Excellent 51 It. Unda Isle leasehold lot. Xlnt buy at only $35,000. PRICE BEATER OPEN Dally~.&. S lldrmo I< For S.19 By Ownor ' Pool. S car prap. 8rUma Bouie 4 jan&e apt on 1 lot. Large, full il:re 3 BR on welcome. S2'J E1 'M(ldena.. ,!'.adl 2 br, S tia •• Rear unit VOitl Co {tltn. 87 E. cunin~ income. '215 mo. Kine Size lot far $20,900. Ole.st H.,. CclM. m-ano Oarmlrc front unit. J'rpk:. NO DOWN PYMNT .,,....,_ • boY wlodow, p1,. .,.,..t.,1. ·~: j~· ~~cam'":: Ne.,,0..t Sho_,.._. __ 1220_ ~~~:th~~ ~""~!ml!;, tw:,:; ~~ NEWPORT <lo!'"· cau &mm. 511>1151, Hmtage _, .,._ SHORES UOI OCEAN BLVO: 1ate (open...,.) • ! OPE!I DAILY l·S Immediate $25,500 _.....,.,, -- 2 Bl9cks ~ tht•ocun ~ block" ot entire bay, ocean & Cat- to comm. .recreation eenter &una. Fee llmple\. ' · "-sslon FH.AIVA 'NO f>oWN, terms available. Nlct 4 BR. 2 BA on quiet cul.&-sac, 2 blcka to park, 'schools & ahopp'1. Beaut _ i.Mscaped, all blt· lna, tlreplace &: din1ng. Out .. of town owner, priced to sell $26,950. Call 54s.sq4 Sot.Ith Coast Real Estate. •pool. 3 Bedl'OOml 2· battll, Rich Irwin, Realtor '!'!'Place, double -· : .>l43 E. Cout-H..;. II LOoml prl<ed home In tllilo Mac AnM, CdM ~ .fine area. TtY 10% doWn. t'ORONA Hiablandl vn " 646.7171 '!i=e .. fdool for couple w/pouible pelt m . or moN bdnna.; ovttlookiilc the town. !EE THIS! DELUXE TOWNHOUSE -3 • -12U Br, 2~ bath. Has built-Ina & ~ycrnt _ many extraa + pool, FINE &yerea{ l'CIW' \BR clubhouse &: tte facilities. home tor · aa.1,, or tr a a e. N. CM. Caah to SJ4% loan. .Secluded 1treet, tar&e yard. By Owner. 6.'J&..9646. 548-0773. Open Dally 2-5 412 M~za Terrace-. Stan Smitl, Rltr. 673-ml.O EXCHANGE Have buY"' With we;lt 6eCUttd lat trust deed of ap- prqx. $2),000 on ,propirty in Whittier. wm tnde for ' 1227 : duplex in CdM & add c,uh. • MORGAN REALTY Newport h•ch 1200 Dover 'Sho,.., I====;=== 1-~------REGAL -SPACIOUS · ~ ,,._..,. COMPLETE VIEW -Family 8oach H-. Lot number 41' Long waler view with 76.2 SALE OR fl of frontage u~cing Harbo r Island. LEASE OPTION BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR BACK BAY W Devor Dr. Sul\' 3, N,8, 673-7176 By App'!, AND CH&RRY LAKE ==~~~~~~~======;:::~~;:;;,~~:::::::==~;;1G=°";;;'"r.::•:..l ___ .,;,_l;.;OOO"'-General :fJ.00-Square feet of joyous 1000 HY!ng fn thl1 3 bedroom 2'4 t.th luxury hon.le in q'We.I peaceful cul de sac. Lar&'e convenience kitchen w i t b eatfni area, family room w:lth fireplace -·SJa~ entry and almost new gold carpets Sprinklered landscapltit - Owner is lelvif'I&' area and Ma reduced price to $45.@. 546-2313 * ~7171 Bay &: Mtna. 4 Br, 4.~ Ba Fl:ve Bedrooml! Three b&thl! + maids. High -cemm:--Fee labd! one block to . 5000 gq ft built ·a.round mUi'.t. oCean! Buit:IC c la a r rn in 4 Clf pr,:--E-Z malnt, rm. cifM•1 bnt-1oc:adnn.-$«9;900-o---- med occp, $118,tXI!). lurnlsh-Hal Plnchln a As-. ed. Assume 6~% lp&n. °"1). REALTORS -II lOGO G-r•I 1000 Gonoral 1'""' 1 double tarcl9e+ FANTASTIC er MS-1249. 3900 E. Col.at Hwy. 6'lS-U93 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1~~~;"-;~-.;c,;.; "'"' , -BACK BAY • FOWT E. 1 I double ~= HUr<. 'l"'ll'" 00..0 "t' on '"" ~~~T~ '"""' 0 L s 0 N $750 DOWN FOUR SPA~S!I! :. i::::: :i.:·i!':" . . BOAT-a CAMnR 114)'1, mut 9ell! 2 Yean ON' ffiAIVA raRMS ENTHUSIASTS! tnediale occupancy. 3 king ~t z ~.~io: wi11 buy this cute 2 bdrm & QUIET CUI,.D&SACJ street. ::ce~: .r~ .......,., Inc. Realtars defl home near city park & Lovely & 1119doua' a,i-...n. ..,,, .. th F ff A and b' 4 BR 6 family, llNI} sq ft dmmtown. Featu_ru hard. room, 1" ba th home'-.;;;. of $31."-» 'A·i , •• home. Many CU!ltom featur-ON wood Doon, heatilator fil'I!. eUed formal dlnin& or fam· V.A. Terms. Submit your ;:: :""': ,,...':..~ LEASE/OPT! p1a<:o, butt -. etc. 1t'1 ·u, room with ...... brick ':.!'s1t.: A HOME '-O nn:r<f~AJ. "\.. [STATLRS { ihat Incl """'' a. ;...,.. AT THE BEACH vao:ant. Immed .. i. -~ fireplace & hoarth.'•e>auti-EVERY il MINUTES ona" FUii "'""' lll.000. Walk In a private "'ach et &ion. $22 950 M tile kil<hen with break· w lk & L --.,.--=~--'-...,.._~'bedroom, den, ' fut oook. Cuvered patio & a er ee B/B 2 baths. Leue for a year mvticured yard. NE'IV ON A'J"I'ENTJON Bun.DERSI \Jnlvonlty Pork 1237 TERRIFI~ VAUUE Tbl1 II the LOWEST PJtlC. ED 4 &hm. A tamil1 'nn. en the marll-et tn this area! 2\i Baths, blt·inl, 2 frp)tl, (one 111 'mstr, bdrm.) •. AB- SOLUTEtY'SPOTLESS ttiru. out. Only $11,950 .l Jl'll,Y be purehued fw u low· u 10f0 doWn! PETTIT REAL TY CO. ''The· Hou .. Of Hom••" 133-0101 PA!Jt.fttili CUNJJWI •S£J.TT CO. then buy It at teday'a price, THE MARKET -EXM.US.. 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams NEWPORT "EIGHTS Terrific opportunity. New-lVELY OURS! $33,~ ~Open 'til 9 PM -$1.9,~! • PLANNED _ ;:~.'ri:aie~.a <mJy 4 BR & FAMILY ~~!:r~O:~~-~ ~~~tu::~~~=. 645-0303 642-1771 Anytlmo 2 ba, 1800 '<I ll-111,.... '°""'· • ~at Th"':'_• of 'Newport 211 ba., !am. mi. home, w/ 5 BEDROOMS st Hart>or Center % ml. to ocean. Vtrrlharp Hei.., .. ta, la 1¥ a real op-tow usumabJe int. rate IOan. $2S 500 >'l'J9 H.-mvd., CM. FIVE BEDROOMS & clean. $31,000. '=lty for yoo In build"" 142,lioo. Don't -this ... , ' DINING ROOM, Family Nowport hy &':~ch Rlty, Inc, e Rod Hiii Roelty Eutside Costa Mn&. big DOYER SHORR 11 IOI-Ori ~ ..• ~-.. -· umv. Park eeh, lrvlne Lido ltlo ENJOY LIDO ISLE This Summer- ll!Sl ' 811. -liqtoe ..... pl .. & allp. Fnioo,ll'G,ooO. W1lktr Rlty. 675'5200 3391 Via Lido, NB Open san. 3 BR. Den, 211 Ba. C.O. temparvy, Architect ~estanea , I: J>Jt:· Lo int. hnlfaable Io an. BJ Owner. PlioM • 673-2851 tor ..... SP~CIOUS custom built family honM: • BdJ'ml., de11. a~: baths. "'·"" LIDO RIAL TY INC. 3377 Via Lido 613-13Jlt> ---------f--"y •--'··, i 'baths, " """'1 home, Built·ln kll""n er ve, ..,;., ,... oo ~" •-M-e ll!3<llm .;:;ru;,. ki,cl;;, 8 R 1 c K VIEW Including Nulone , mender VI 1 1 61>-:1000 Eves. SIM810 -~-" • Hunll!'J!!I! Batch 1400 F!REPLACE,doubleg.,.... Cu"°"' buill dramatic .... and brealt!asl •••. All on Cole-y & Co. c.,. SPECTACULAR VIEW 3 BR. BonUJ nn. Callledral LlrrLE LADY ALONI NO down VA.,LCJW down ular architectul'e'. l Bed-dloice hardwood floon, In. IWUJUI ...... 11 . of HARaOR ctllln.cs.'·Prtced for quick-Muat eeU tb!i spotlns doU FHA. see it NOW or be rooms,~ bl.tbs: buae Jam-clud!z:w carpeta and draP115· & L'IDO ISLE Ille by owner. ~223' boU8e in lowly Me.a Verde. Mn')'! , ily room with wet bar, ao-'Well built, ahake 'roof home. REALTOR (allytlme) ' Plueh -pile -~ WE SELL A HOMES commodates bill!~ 2 tab\~-~~~.~ = 1~A: Newport Beach Office I !!!!!f!!!~•!!!!!!! ... '"!!'""':-'1 3 Bedroom + e:ma room .. Corona •t Mar lllo lhrouchout.. Lowly ;;.~ EVERY 31 MINUTE bland lritchen ... .. • Fun •""'0,., 132,950. 1028 -· 1>r1vo Bui·lders Attenti,on! Hardwood "'°'" Eldlttnr CORONA . <1noe•. ' huae -.. W lk & L cleaning ovem. Fonnal din-615-4930 642-7777 loan 7%. l.st TD. . ~ puUman batfla. a er ee lngroom.Bly•..,,.,,Vtew. BUILD UN\nHl5l HIGHLANDS J 4oal .... """. Gr..t .efiool 2043 Wetlditt Dr, .... Tfll ~~": :"", •. t~ Payments Like Rent tot 100 • "" w1th &ood ' "' ...,,,. "'" Ave. HIDEAWAY .,,.,..,. N..r <>i!n.,. Club. ..,.,. l ($, ol aw Driv.) F.H.A. doWn -~· " ~ft mGCftGb Bedroo$4m9 ~me. Top oca· Secluded .. court, yard entr)' SS,tm. NO OOWN lo G.J.'1. IV'I' Owner saya sell this 3.Bdtm lion! ,,,,,.,,. $46 000 BY OWNER charming l'Uldc Uvtnz room Call iEST BUY (714) 642-1235 home on a ""'"'" w;th w.n .. McCordlo, Rltn. ' • m-1982 • with malllve n..,i-. -3 WE SELL A flOMI LIDO ISLE 901 ~Drive, Suite: 120 6%. % int. Payments could 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. Bedrooms, 2 baths and Slut EVERY: ·ll MINUTIS . Ne\1f110rl Beach be appl'OX. $224 • roo. with 548-7729 644-0684. Eves. Venice Waterway Hoven blated ...-1 •• You w lk & L ... Frontage • 2 ..... """"' -, ,,,...,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I ............................ , 1551111 do, "' .,,.. 1"' •ilh E ROOM """ a -r . ee 2 -. w/3 bdnns. i.. tam. t: ,__ '"" t G t GIANT 4 B D Duplex, Canal Waterfront. own. ttW land •• llll,(IOO., ' , _, * BASEBALL * WESTCLIFF VILLA a _,., ~· pymn · ,.., TWO STORY with pier tor boot,'2 • 3 For ~1111 •-Y•• · · · rm. • large Hv. rm. & din. BIG corner Jot w/boet &: .,.. .,.....,_ 2'191fHarbcr Blvd at Adams alcove . 2 fr'plca. Recmtly StarnwstmoVe toSanDlego. A separate bungalow with trlr aeccss, encl pa.tio too!! This beautiful bev.c:h home BR JnVtttm.Mit, or mab ' · iuc.-n ...:.... ,111• s-• _, --H-. m••t ,.u· this 3 •-"--, al l the pn'vacy of an indi-has low · inttteat fmanclns this your 5 BR famtly home. ~.. "'l""n • rm. ~';~ 2~ bath beauty t:';'e:a vidual home and all the = =~:; i!':i~:~ that can be assumed. With f14 ,500. 1 $44,500 ...... Verde. 1980 sq. fl, 2 fire-· benefits of "private club" · $3,500 down, !!eller will help. Gr•ham Rlty. '46-2414 ·4·~·· Bo aq. tt. or ln- ptaces, eating area in large living. Spacious &: beautt-$1.8,l50. Quick posaesak>n. Tolal ~ent $232.00, Home Near Newport Poet ot6ce ur1 ~; incl's. loftr · kitchen + dining area, ser-fully decorated, 2 BR A: 2 • coAn has been fre1hl)' pe.lnted. BLUFFS _ 3 Br z BA 1 180 Det.ree. -OcNn VJiW ~t pme nn. w/frplC.1 .,~,:a....-11 •-L• &· 1 _ vi ce porch fut the lady, wa· BA, fonnal dining room. lm· & Why Rent? \YA LK TO l•ve t , corn•'r are'e·n Wltb toprqual., cpst. bit. 3 Formal din. rm., tam. rm: \.0 awin11 -W. ter 10ftner, landscaping with maculate • Immediate oe> WALLA BEACH. CALL. belt/view. eov. walled-Br. + dllJ. rm. home to 'I\ lp. llY. rm. w/trpl. "-' "'1-.,.wport Center Dr, sprinklers. You must ett cupancy. $18,~. Cl WE SILL A HOME patio, CUii. drps & lhuttm match. Re~ Dt.1has a·dd· sume ~%FHA loan1V/mp. ~-rport Bolch, Calif. this one. , .it-. •twp and .Pete Barrett ~ 54M~~TORI EVERY 31 MINUTES ~ •"'™· w.nc to ihopt, ed thounnd<• ot dl>llan to pa;-mta,.ot 1712 par mo. ::1;0700 644-2431) only "''':6.2313 REALTY IDpon hon!... Walker & Lee ~~I, Ownr 132·""· = ":!.Cd::--;:.;;. (Eves. 673-0554) ~INVES:f'ORS • 1605 Westclill Dr., NB 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Ad1ms BAYSIDE VILLAGE "8/8'' Realty 67s,.aooo 11 uJrit proktlgioaal bldg, 642-5200 ~ ~9491 Open 'W 9 PM Unusual type Mobile Home f----'.:_,..::.:~~:.;.;.;;,..f---.. """"'\\ lnea""' d0ee In.,,.,,, ,~. lf'·J.,m·· • wf penn. cobana. 2 Br:s, 2 Doublo Duly Duplex Tltf,.LEVIL conceMl>t< .,..,,,.... .... All EXECUTIVE •' ~, $25,950 Ba's, dre"'r rm,32' llv rm, Top CdM Joe., So, of """· · air nd. amp1.e frpJc, carport, patio, priv not far from· Newport C-tnt· 4 S1l. Wn rm, .fOrm DIR, ~ U.:ttd •jun on , HOME Assum• SV4% Loan clbhse ti bch.· Pool. Boat er.nont 2&R.unlttorown-2200t1qftotsra&ua:UvillC. Co5tA ntcsa's busy 17th St. Golfer I Paradise CUatomized 4 Bedroom Home Spanish Spilt 4 Bdrrit + Family rm. lllp, avaU. Adults. 615:-7692 er: r.ent r,tar tum. •'01. to Take ovtt M-int. nlA'Joall, shopp~ area. CllD fur de· Beaut home on )nth gften on large Jol. tdeAI Family 5 bdrm split level, Span-Beautiful home. Huie tamlly BA YFRONT PEN'lllOUSE l'!'duc:e' Jiviila COlfl. Jl..2 LOts ' Owner will btlp finaiM;e, taJlt t ~. to fnlpect. o( Bennuda Dunes . finest •tome on a qujet cuI de sac ish archlteet.. room , for rm. with .llttplace, entr)' Pa.IXJf'ID'tlc view. 2 BR. 2 Ba. value rlsln'c' daily! QMCk-The RMI Ertlte Mlrt , .. -• ..... _~ •• 11 de9ert course! Roo_ my 3 BR. street. Spacious Uving room. live in help. Baclt to tt;tta hall, large UvLaa: &: dlnlhg Docks. $56.SOCI 10%' dn 7% this at $44,5111 Cews. ~ 147.:pJI · lJ. --~ 3 Ba .. pool, furmshed home. Formal dining rooin and and greens of goU couiw. :it-I~~~~ .. W: Int. McKeniie, Rltr 6*0732 ·1'~/8'' 9'Plt't, 67WD ;r• GE REAL-rv-Jbc1.-2 golf carts. Club ~m· Jat'gi? family room 1vlth bullt-Clean as new! Very ·Cm:-tio.-$40.l120 _ p_r.µ_m • ~ ~2 BA. _iplll~ IT'S ~, t b • MUjl ~MAl'flfON ,...~ benhip a~l. Asking $95,000 in bir. Close to Boys' CIUb IOua -for qUlClf~we~ TARBELL 2955 Harbor level condo. ~m:no; « .... -in •-""-'-Lu.ah aluirerpt. 4 bf,' ba. ·. ' • Xlnt terms. and patk, only $64,950. $73,500. 1 &ae/optton M4-to39 .. -v ~ lam rm, mtec in I out. BILL GRUNDY For dotoil.1 673-1550 DOLL HOUSE ' . . '°" find to the naolttlid RAZOR SHARP! Shk VIEW~\ VIEWI REALTOR 673-7176 3 BR. ..... hOme, Step& to SOCK rr ro 'EMt Adi. pock --1, Leodenhlp, - Boats by tla.Y! Twinkling ocean. Can relaL, 6~% tnol=-="'="'=====o,,;,=:=::======::;;.;===""===;=f 1ilJ~t Rr'c1: E~'.,,tl' ~ ~.' ' . '. ----~ ---- • Anyone can assume exist• inz FHA loan. annual pel't'entagf! rate o[ 5%:% -No qualifying -New carpets throughout -Big kitchen with drum built• ine: ;.. Just pa i nted. throogt)Out -TtUs is your doll bouse1-See it. '"'•".,."'~"Gree•"""· Estate Sale 1eresL 125,000. 0.... .. 1 200010.,...:.1 •10:... .. 1 iooo canlge. ~tloA;ppt< :~~. . 177,!IOO CAYWOOD REALTY .. -. Pinched ••• By fight Money? Move inlo. this 3 Bd., 2 bath home and make low, low monthly payments. Existing loan is assum- able at·only 4ll%. Cloee to schools and sboppinf. Owner would like o n I f 125.lOO. OUNM COUNTY'S weuT 2629 HARBOR BOUUYARD 54&-8640 ' '"' Brand New Ll1t1-. -w ~-Hwy NB "~' 2111t. Y11r" Lease/Option "'1ove11 uni..'l"LY P~. -. 541'.i'm •" C.l1'il-ri j'\,..( · f)-C ~c.• WESL ,,N. ·• Gi'eat loc<Oon, walk to w .. 1. FANTASTIC .,,.., •bout the "'""" 3 $23,'500 P\b I.'~ i'f":--'b Pq•p ' TA YLO CO cllff "-Ing. Cl•an 2 BR "'""" locatioo, One ol a Bil + •tther lam or dln\rm, Th '8 / 'f/r b B"°' I . <--" .home, hn!Wd o-· dtn;ng, aa il Is now l""'1ihed.1Uo-Almoat No Down er~ e Vff t e U11t-r~ C:rnra1e R Ito'. ...... • .., ldnd'wfth.Jarge family room. ded ta d • 1•· • •• encl patio, nice· :yard. Arr gn. Cl'JI • rps ac: • -a ... Natural brick fireplace in ov-NEWPORT CENTER aumable 6% Joan av&lt, oversized master bedroom, ed on tt-,t beautiful '1.,_n enilud family nn, 3 Bdrm. 2111 San Joaqujn\Hllls Rd. Le11ae $175 mo. CaJJ 545-8424, musM littplace and spark. belt." 2 balhl, entry hall. dJnlJla 644-1910 ting ........ tiltend pool. ' 1 South Cout Real .Estate. Walk to l<:hoolA,. perk 'I: ~ Ml·SllO ~ rm, sprinkler 11Ztem. TRY 10% OJ?WN $2B,000 Wmcllff •hoppu,g. Owner'• ""~. G~~~ .::~:ELL 2955 Horbor f ett.. $25,950. Spodeu t New 1 family ralaed and gone • ...,.,.... .. " cptL, dra.P'L b!Clna. Hd. ' VJ ACRE hard to bellev. at 1!1,950. -It MESA D&L MAR fin. 2 Balbi. Corner lot. Elep.nt tiitl)' hall cpens to CALL &45-8424 South Cout 4 BR. 2 Ba., Family Rm. Priv. twim club. 'W~ to rear 1tvtng tm. dinlni rm, Real Estate. EASTSIOE SfllCIAL Larie yard. Nr. 1hopptnr & Ill scbOOLi:. i lar;e lamlly rm .. .,ith tire-, -4 Priv•ti Glimpse R·2 Jot, 2 UR. l 'BA,-neiv Fr'wy. US.000 Low dn. own/ -~°" place. Belt built-in appllanc-Into the e?l'dtlng world o( the crpU, new pl.Int inalde l I; bkr 400-1990, 4M-M88. Colimlk· ts. 540-tm most exclusive restdenti.al oUt, new driveway,· Pn&e. Horne & Duplex $27,SOO , Ill·~ TARBELL 2955 Harbor 5'<tion in Dover Sho<tL.3 . £-<id 3 Br,, or!Y 6.%. loan, EST~TE SALE 2 Bedroom. Costa rtesa, Eaat&ide. R·2 ione. btla:t. ment property, larp \lot. $21,500. Principals o n.~ y. MS-1218.,, illl-251t SEASHORE DRIVE brand new models. 4 Bd· trd .tor clear hlie. Leaving OCEAN VIEW -ml.I., 311 ·Ba. 8Parl<lih& """· Owner/b1", (l46.37ltl Fum. Dllptex. Dbl. prqe oooi-l\oy J. Wanl Re"11or. NEWPORT Hefll>il l'Mlbl· Immaa.iliate! 144,950 1•ao Galaxy Dr. 6f6.15SO. Ing ranch style 3 bdrm, Getl'f! Wllll•m"" LEASE WITH OPTION l!tlO Nhport Blvd., CM ' aha!<• roof, trptc. Pl,11511. !!EAL'l<lR 3 8"'rm, Ui Bath, IoV>Jy CALL ---·· 644-1655 .:K::;lng;i;;;iaar::;d::;P.= • .E:;.:;M;;l;;!l-;;:m:l=:::;I 673-<WO 673-15641w1, yam" r1<ti0. Clo s e tol\!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!.,,.l- tehools. fl8S ptr mo. -WEsn:LIFF Costa Mei• DAVIDSON Realty ':~:t.:1:"3 ~~ :!'.' ~ =M;;.;E;..s'"A_.D_E_L_MA_R_ 1100 $J0,950 I O\lT 01 SIAte Owner: Mull Ataume J:V.•k Loan Sell or Trade 4 ~r. 2 bJ Prime atta. Entry ball, huge hotne. 258 Sherwood St'. {oU family rm, natural ~'OOd P""" Sa"nta Ana. Ave, C.M.> Pl1, •......... """" .. !(lo . ..... .... ---.-.. to· fonD fO!Jf """" ..... FOYNEL • ,..._ h•I... eli.1', llrlra ti.th&, finest bli:llt-'*'30SS. ...-lo ~lancio. s«>1'2o _ _...;.:_ ___ _ i~-!!!tt!llil.l!!:Jt-!!!!!!l!!I TAllBELL 2955 Harbor OIARGE rrt ~ Evet. 5'~1058 lam rm hOme. t.wrury J br, 2 b&., I.am. rm. S~ 4 BR. l~ ba, Wn rm, crpts, drps, wan paper. Im· rt, blt-ITll. crpb A drpl. \YeatcliU Plaza area.. lha.11 mact Almnw 614 % loan. t\l'dwd fln. sunken llv, rm. CZ>fl, 1hll~e tren:. S'8.~. $48,500. 1921 Marinm 0r.; C 1 o 1 e Jo 'NWlnJdt Pk. Klngaard R,E. Ml ~ml N.B. Call !14th16U. $211,!IOO, -SCRAM-UTS ANSWIR IN CWSIFICATION UOO • . ' ' ~ ' • • \ • • • ... ' .. ····~h.' • .. l!. • J.:.::. ·.....x ..:.!...--~·Jtll ~ • .. . . . , ., ~ . . ··~·4 -· .. R I N I TALS RENTALS RI NT,.t.LS R EJITALS I RENTALS • RENTALS I R E NTALS -•umlshed • -Unfurnltohe4 Hout•• UnlurnltohM A ph. f ur n ltohod " Apt.. Unfurnl.,,... Aph. U!!_f~~~ Apia. Unfuml~ ~· UnfUrnl.,,.. H:J!"f'!" -•• General 2000 Coote -· 3100 f .ul.to ln Valley 3410 Coote MaH 4100 Coote MaH 5100 Coel• -5100 Cotl• -51'0 Coote -. . SlOO ... 6 •IAUTIPULI l=~;;;;~;;:_;;~;.;;;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 "'";;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J Tue~. M~h l, 1970 ftll .,._.. Vallt:J ramb-$UO. um. .PCf, Cozy'Garaae 3 BR, :Z BA. bltm, ttpta. R, 2 bl, frpJc., blt•tnt.I ~WINTER RATES .___ • • ,,. -with uoo oq. Apt. W/w, 4rp1, pet OK. fl1>1<. I'•"""' ~-tmmed. cul<IH&e. mo. Au 11 u '•"'"' Rmah" thnl •um· -Award Wlnnlnt * GRAND OPENING * ft. el llWIC detlaht, •bowl Bkr. 5341990 oecup. S200 mo. lsc, Alt· !11/70. Call 510-6837 mel'o-l'IO raise In rent1. l BR New and Dramatic as !I-•doll ......_ 3 .,..,.,. SlJS. DANDY , ., lri·•'"'· 962-&3f5 rum ,mo. ''""'°' pu. •~ -MERRIMAC "WOODS! a Sparu.b Cutle • tll-.and family room, Carport. pado, tam .. poU. IMMAC 3 BR ""· bit-I , S70 Eldon, CM, See M..-Apt 6. EL CORDOVA Al'TS 11'4 ltoh. Pa1oo Verde Stone llkr. 5!<-<9811 I .,.,,1 •• "''" "' och~. ATTRACTIVE, Modero • SUS CASITAS Orange r..-:•, Most leautlflll IL z'cce. electric buUt·lns. mo, 54&-3351or6~94 BR. 3 BA. decks. built fn FUrn. l .BR. Ap1•. Adult1 • -•••• 1 ~. aiprlnklf'n front Rentals to Shara 2005 EASJ'S!DE 2 er.h'e 1 aar" v1u.-uum •• drape1, ~ta. only,.no1wl1. 2110 Newport Aparttnent Community. I: ....... c-Arpett ahd drapn. A.dull• only, no' petsf 181 E. llplinkJcrs, v~w. $325 mo. Blvd~ Cltf. '6•'2·9286 Fe fur'ng a Clu"'At ' osphere -rool. PRID~ OF OWN· EMPLOYED lady »5ll to fut St. CM. ~ 311<" !•le Royal Dr. Call tor SHAl\P Baebelor unit. Clooo a j U,, m ._ !JlSHJP, Will Mill G.I. Vt11h share, 2 br apt w/prlv ba., appt. 496---7'163 to OCC & UCL $135 pay all. • · no_,. do...,, w/ume ;, C.M .. Re<. room, NowpGrl' Bo,••.h 3200 CHARMJNG' br home. <Un. Relerenee• ""IUlred. Avtill For Your Comfort & Pleasure We SELL A HQl1'E pool & a,auna ba.. rm. Secluded patio--gardrn. 211110. M5-4879 W IVIRIY J1 MINUTES Re!e~rice•· STI·rti5 i.fter:6·' . , .B/B Vw prlv, bch. 613-0091. MQD~N furn 2 BR tn Just •compltttd 1 or 2 Bedroom, 2 81th. a ker & lee Peft=NO!.BLE lloHddle Age Adul t•• Only· ntwer ttlplex. Quiet. very FurnlaMcf or, Unfurnlshtcl. Alr-cond., ~•m JI.fan with 8 year old sen 3 BR. 2 bthh:, •Pf.It ~v~1$~ 3950 clean. AdWts. 168 Sl'Otl Pl. ctlU ntt:, dl1hw•al!_•n; luth ,lenchcapll\I with 16Bl Eding'f'r wbbes to dw'e your holne 2 BR. 2 baJhl •••••••••• $22:i Condominium · • 6<l~232l ' 1tre1m1 & w1ttrl1ll1; t feY1tor1, BIQ's, club- BC4'SS 540-5140 or rent estate cottage ... · AVAILABLE.NO\V 3--sR, 2 ba. ~t. 2 ca:r,* aar, ME)iilMAC WOODS houM with socl1I Ktlvltll'I, A una., JacunJ Tblnlcyou've seen -greal· apar!jnenu? \Ve have all the nice features as follows': * 'HE A'TID POOL * REC HALl - * DISHWASHERS * llAR·tl-OUES * SHAG CARFIET'G • * GARAGliS MANY OTHERS! 1 & 2 llR'o-F'IOM $145 !'Of Adulh Only • 2077 Charle St. * ~76 , (Just 400 !\. W. of Harbor Blvd . off Hamlllon) Corona del Mi r 5250 RJ;AL ESTATE <;tner1I 64&-JTIG. . Ba.)'&: Beach.Realty, lnc. pool &: cl~ avail. nz> f\iOO Units avail. Ste ad un. & 1wlm pooJs,. privati garait: w/1tOra9t. L.D.S. male, 23. empoyed. 90.1 OOver Dr. Suite l3i NB mo. M0-6339. det claq 51po. 42S Merri-From $150 • $110. Adults pl••••· Just East ~ Share your or his apt wltb ~:rxio Eves. s.48-e:.'66 fn!!C Way. 545-:&300 of 2600 H1rbor Blvd., 'ltxt to Nabers C•dil· ' ..,~· ' Y..'ORKING &irll looldns for Ront~ls Wonted sno FOREST E. same. SA or CM ~at-e.a. • ~ •-2 b ~ N-~ I , --lu .• 975 1 BR N.W bea}l.t rum 6 unltr;. lac, at 425 Merrimac W1y, Coste Mesa. $4S. • •• r. apartment 1n ..... yv ... 5404484 'Bdnn. lov.·er Dup ex ............. Duplexes Un rn. ,. A~ulta, only. Mir c PI . YEARLY, prefer turnl!ihed. r.tALE Roomm•tr to share 3 Uv. room. Built-Ing. Garb. ~ 6300• Evtrything MW. Movt In no,.i ON TEN ACRES {Will take u n r urn I• h•d br apt. Ba.I. lsland. S75 utJ! dil!ip. Fireplace. 4 Doon 2 BR, 1 BA, sm den. Gar. lilD wanted. 2220 Elden &l&--5302 1 ·• '.BR. Furn &:. Unfum w/refrial to $160. Responaf.. O,l .S ·ON Inc. Rnlton ind. 6/a--2569. from hl'acb. U~ .• year-)Ttl. Drps ~ c~3~~·1,LRG~"~•,;;•~· .. ~,,..,,.~-~Crp~1>-d.,-Gener•I · 5000 Cott. M-•• 5100 Ftreplaoe1 I 'pfiv. pa.Hos I ble, have ttfttences. PJeue '3 UNITS ON I LOT 1.G,;;l,.;Rc,.L.;.21~0-r-ov-e-, "'to-,,-..,.-,, ly, l250 "to. wsht/dryer av . ' I e N. occ' •"'s."1-;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;; . . . ~ TeMls. O:wrtnt'l 81dgt. call after 8. ~. Riddlt &. Rots Rltrs. oo·pets. $17i. '42.-1384 N.B. nice Y turn. r ·I• , LUXURIOUS 2 sr: .l'O Ba, 900 'Sta ·Lane_. ~ ,f#.2611 ~====~""'--I fugi::;'s. ~~~ft ~~N.~~ 3535 E. c.oa1t ifv.7. 675-7225 Cou* Piaµ.. Mgr. 2885 No. A VEii DOME Crpt.1,' drps, GE lritch., pa. 00.tWthur nr. Q»at Hwyl 3 21R:e~~5:tL~~=t c;:e; 1 lo.e + 2 apts. Fa11b•stic money maken. Sum m·e.r term; rai6ed . ()n)y 5 block• from beach. Owner will rm. ,C"os'-'-1-•_M_o_H __ , _. __ 2_1_00 ~~~~~"""!"""~'I RENTALS . 1\1.endoza. ~21• ~ ft , tio. encl gar, nr bus. 11.ltl " • f · hed ROO. taJ for Easter Wttk. Approx DUPLEX 4 BR unfUITI, 21,~ ~ptt. urn1s $16.5 BEAUT. turn. 2 BR ~X· IMMACULATE AP'I'S! ·adull1. 120 E. 201h St. MMATE "' new 2 Br, 2 vie of 30th St to Sth ,St, ance wtth minimmi doWn. 1 • This won't last <>WT ni_ihl. Bath, trplc, relrig. ~~ block pando l\iob. Hm. 133 E. 16th AD'" 'T • FAMILY BA Garage apt. wQher/dry. I I from Ocean. Al vo 1 u April 90 t. _G-''-"'-'-•_1 _____ 4000_ St. Sp. 16, CM. &fZ.1265 SEcrl0Ns AVAILABLE NICE individual townbouae. er, CdM 675-U92 or 67>2677 ~;-~ach. ~ $ S return• are 11ttl $11.900 betttt be tirtt and call now. Dlal 962-5685. 2 BR. P.f', patio. Quiet tropical setting for sdu1t&. 1 blk sh<>pr;. $185. ~ S325 mo year Y eue. 4 1 BACHELOR Apt. Real!OR-CloM to ahoppi-, Park l &. 2 BR. Ftplcs, crpts, - R·over Av• A•t B U ,.. S' le_ " "• patio, gar. 2652 Qran"e Ave. OLDER, quiet marf., "" 1.-•I-' -• 12131 ~ ~1 ..,.,..... 5'18-8428 or 675-6662 Huntingto, n .Blach 5400 drinker, desireit 1'00m I: ba " ,. ' ... 1ng able. Mlddleaged or older * c ....... lous 3 ar'1, 2 Ba ·~ '" .,.. '-'llll .,_....,,,., male. 379 1-lamllton, C.M. * 2 Bedroomt 962-5585 Balboa Island 2355 .wUect. • *Swim Pool, PuVgreen 2 BR. Crpts, drps, blt·lns ON 'BEACH in priv. home. CdM. FOR LEASE Adults • Nl ~~~:~t * ""' l ndlv'1ndry fac'II 1135 •"Noorly "'W 'BR, all 613-1122 e&\ru-1ING 3 Br furnished. 117 E ~-•St S4Z.3G4S 1145 Anllhelm Avt. bltns. patio, ·gar, fetal air t.-lAnJRE Couple Want 19131 Brookhun1 Huntington &ach Beach house. $250 mo. Avail Westdlff, large 20x20 lh•lng · ~,.... · CX>srA MESA 642•2824 $170. Adulhs only. 516-Q386 1 e SINGLES FROM $140 Holl!ie w/amall clean work ti! June 20. 673-4685 eve5, room. Owner. 64Z.2&J5 $400 $90 &: Up. 1 & 2 BR. Trlr. 1331!!!!""!!!!!""~""""""""~ I SPACIOU~Mod. 2 Br apt. • 2 BR 1% BA FROM $2'l5 1hop & dbl ,ar. Call SMALL DOWN 1'-URN. Mod. 2 Br, 2 Ba. lease. Luxury sin&:le 1 &: 2 bed· E. 16th St, Sp 4.1, Ott. e RENT e Pool. No childzv or pets •:BR 2 BA FROl\1 $260 54~1793 Dock. No pets. Avail to BLUIT'S 3 BR. l BA lipllt room apartm~nts, funilill\. 642-1265 • $140. 2279-B Miner St. e 3 BR 2 BA FROM $.J60 e LANDLORDS e PAYMENT Here's a beauty with 3 h~ bedrooms and 2 baths. Gor]te'Olls brick fittplace. Dt.sbmuter kitchen w I t h dlsh\i1uher. Beautiful Clll'- pet& ·le drapes. Older couple ttUring, gays sell "ilh $1,fOO Iota! dolvn on FHA t~rms or NO DOWN VA. Call for an June 20. $300 mo. 61;,.-7880 level condo. Cu 1 tom -fl and unfumished 'A-)th BACHELOR Apt. Garage. -.l Rooms Furniture 642-7508 Carpel5'dt"&pes-di.shwasher FREE RENTAL SERVICE R.CNTALS ~~~led. Lease/option. oompl~te privacy and land-Priv yard. No pel.8. $19.95 & ~P s =1~:;s~+-"""-.~ .. -.. -.i-1.-c=1,-.-,-2 ~~1:°.!::a~:=~~ig Broker ~ Houies. Unfurnished s~.aped coontry club atrros-114 ~f.onte Vista. Ci\f . l:.Onth-To-Mooth Re11tala Bdrm Duplex. Crpts/drps. r\EED Garaa:t!• to Rt!nt eri ., DELUXE Town'hOUSe 2 Br. 2 phere iocllJdlng ST:i0,000 LARGE l BdrOl new tui·n. WIDE SELECTION s1v/ref, encl patio. tnlant patio&-ample ,J7!'rkiqg. yearly basis, near Bristol I: Oener•I 3000 Ba, frplc, pool. $ 2 5 D. worth or reettational facll-crpls, drps bit-ins. No pets. NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. OK. 22M·A State. 642-7472 Security l'uai'1s Baker St. Call 557·7676. --· -Baytront apl $350. Agt. lt.:esdeslgne~and<>peraled 2S85MendozaS45-542l Hl'RCFuniiture Rentals LOVELY 2 BR. \Vfw crpla, HUNTINGTON ** RENTALS** &16--073' juat for"""'' pooplo. -'o'=~==--=-1511 w.l t!lth, CM 548-3481 d PACIFIC $135 unhun 1 BR cottage, TIIE BLUFFS 3 Br .. 1,, be., RENTS FROllt I BR. FURN. APT, rps.L_ 1•,·ood n~. 1 g 8 r · Rooms fo r Rent 5'9J OK $145 to $300 2831 S. Bristol, Cr.t wasu~r 11·er. Adu Is, no· • $~ unfum 2 BR hse, fnd ~Is. Nr2432schls le ghop'g. Costa Mes• 5100 Pt!l.s. F<>r appl. Call 646-llfiO 7ll OC.CAN AVE., H.B. CTI4) 536-1487 .appolntmenL yd, child le pet OK. S.o•a. 644-· NEWPORT BEACH 1----:-:-:--=:I::.:::::~;.:::_ __ _::.:: 2 Br. House $140 attach. gar., WE SELL A HOME $l70 untum E-side 2 BR hm, 3 BR, 2 Ba duplex, new cplB, &80 IRVINE AVE. Ntwport Beo1ch 4200 HARBOR crpls & drps, 1a.rdener, EVERY 31 MINUTES lrplc, families ~-elcorned. drps: dshwhr, bltns. Nr bch. IRVINE A.""JD lSlh -----1 laundry. lmmac. cond. No Walker & lee 1140 untur" 2 BR Dupl•X.l=mo=mo=l="'=·="=()'.=75=13== (11!) "°""' Newport BHch GREENS ehildleoorpo".6<&-2118 stove, retrig. tot ok. GRAND APARTMENTS e DELUXE I & 2 BR Garden 2100 Harbor Blvd. at Adams $85 fl.ll'n 1 BR apt Ulil pd. 1 _U_n l_v_a_rs_it~y_P_•_r_k __ 3_2_37 GARDEN GROVE Bachelor, 1-2 le J BR. 1'Urnl Apts. Jiit-ins, -prlv patio. Adu1ts ·<>nly. 2 OPENING unf. From $110 &: up, Gar-heated pool, trplc. Adulls MS-0465 Ope-n ·ru 9 PM $140 furn 2 BR apt. Pla)' EXECUTfV&. Type 3 BR. l3100 Ola pm an Ave. den patios e Beam ceilgs $145 mo. 546-5163 $3500 DOWN area for ·child;-Avail-rx>w.-B~_Jio~ wl atrium. Bit· <4 blk!._\'V. Santa Ana Fwy.) ~1c1 ! Rec Rm.s e 2 Pools MANY OTHERS iflli, crpts, drps. lmmed. oc-CTI.fl 636-3030 IMMEDIATE • '" 3 BR, 2 BA. new shag ,. ndl d cup. Nr. UCI & shopping. Saunas • Nursery School c r pt s / d r p,. f'n!oshly 2 Stary Spanish stucco, 4 BR, -FrM to .. ~ or. I 644--04<19 or 615-4497 ANAHEIM Fam & Adult sec:tio11t1. Im· painted. Nr OC'C. Upstain. 2~ BA, beaut crpts, drps. Blue Beacon Rental Finders NOW LEASING FOR OCCUPANCY med, occup. 2700 Peterson 557-6151 15 Months new. 435 W. 19th St. Q.1 64&-0111 AVAIL. Approx. April l, 4 ~IARCll OCCUPANCT. Way, CM Nr Hrbr & Ad8111$. 3 BR. 2 ba, Ct"'! & drnr;. Bit· hr, 2~1: ba, next to park .u 546-0.170 " ·"' BRASHEAR REAL TY 4 BR, 2 BA home -new area. $325 mo. 548-7409 &ft zn So. Brookhurst iru. Newly decor. No pets. &17.85o7 · Eves. 431·3769 crpts, drps, all bltins, quiet 5. . (1 blk. So. of Lincoln) t..wrury garden 11.partments LUXURIOUS·NEW $155. Avail 3/15. 962·J89.I % cul-de-sac, close to 5Chools (TI"J m '500 1021 ?.1iuion Dri\·e, apt C. 3%. GI loan. By owner · 3 & hop , $24~ call ~ -. offt!rinl: complete privacy, B" 2 ea, tam rm. 118.9;10. H. ~ ... P•··-a1' ';';,,., Corona del Mor 3250 South Bey Cluli be Iii 1 1 __ ,_ In • $150 &'$170 1130. 2 BR upper. Bit"" New paint, nr. bea::h. oU "" e ,....,. au u <UJUO>CllP : crp:" '-drpi;. No pets. 568 Brook bu rs t, 221o 1 540-ll5l fopen evei.) AVAIL Apr 15. 11,i bllu; lrom Apartmenh unparallelt'd recreational All Utilities P•id w. \\'.\Ison St. 545-0760 Capistrano Ln. $oKXM> dn, $l:ll 1 . C~ 2 1!, .. ~0meK. beach. 2 Bdrm, bit-In kitchrnl-~T=be-GO=R~G~E~O~U~S~N~ow--faciliUes in a country l Akd:'~R.ru2.~wJn pools 2 BR. blUU!, .crpls. ~d $5,COJ 2nd TD. $168 mo. lm· W w, "''"'" gar. "'"" . RelPren<:e pre[t!red. $200. VAL D'ISERE w..., o y, no.pets. garage. Mature adu1ts. $130 med po1r;es. 492-3285, ft!nc:ed yd. Bier. 534-6980 673-5748 club atmospbere. Now 307 Avocado sf:. C.l'it mo. 548-4573 <>r S43-288<1 968-4132 $140. J BR home, stove, Single-1 br-2 br. Furn . .unf. lea.sin&" ln Newport Beach. See l'ttgr on premise1 refrlg, w/w, fenced. family Lido Isle 3351 Sauna, Act'y Rm, Billiards {Behind K-l'itart oH Rarbor 2 BR, 1~ BA. C?'pt&, drps, lMMAC. HOU!!. 4 br. 2 ba. \Valkin& distance to heh. Many xtru. Low down GI loan. $29.!U>. 9fi8..7671 le pet. Bkr. 5M-691PJ Therapy & 45' pool. BBQs ?tlodels open 10 am to 8 pm at corner Rulgm; &. Avocado\ ~1884 ,1·~S..~v1·'°,.ut~~~~!dults ,::,:"°"~::...,."-~~-~I S.\IALL 2 Bdrm house. 2000 Parsons Rd. 642.8670 Day 642-3535, eve 6'6-0183 '' "'""' .,.......,,,.,,., $125. NICE 2 br 4-plE-x. v.•lw. Fireplace. dbl garqe, rel. HOLIDAY Pl..AZA F\trnl5hed or unfurnished DELUXE 2 Br, bltns, CID, drps.. gar, kids, pets. Bkr. req. 61J..88ll R fro Sl'°''lO 1 1· -I hild EXECUTIVE 1-lome -5 5J4-6980 -~-------IDEL1JXE, Spacious 1 ,Bdnn t!nts . m _..., HARBOR enc pa 10, carpo.,, c Furn .pt $135 Plu' Util. ok. Refs $140 mo. 6"6--0112 BR'1, 3 baths, assume Gt, 1, ---------0 k d 'A--eek move in. &17:.0163 1 • Huntington ·8'ach 3400 lleated pool. ample parking. G WOO 2 BR apt. $140 util furn. C01t1 Mesa 3100 1---=-Nochlldttn· no pets. G d TOWNHOUSE Avail Atar. 5. Nochlldreo no CREDIT A PROBLEM? /SPAC!09S 3 BR. ' BA 1965 PomO',., C.M. ar en .. t .. •12-3315 CUe,.u!_~.!_Kr EwltRh E .. N .. T _,, 5 •-'rms, 3 Bciths Duplex. Crpts. drpS. tsltn5, A 1217 Hal'bor near \Vilsol) 2 BR. l~ BA. No children <>r .... ...,.., ... IKI Jrg l<>vely prlv. yard. Gar. partmenfs • 2 Br)% ea. pets. Garage. Htd pool. den and 2 bathroom•. nice. Fireplace, patio, cpts, drps. + h u i e parking. $195. Costa Meta 4100 T ly carpeted and draped. Cl<>se to Lil 11ehool1.+ $2911. Responsible married adults. · Ollrnhol15e f125.f135 Crptr;, drps. 642-8()..12 lofonthly payments Include Lease or leue w/option to 842-3216 * SUNNY * I 700 16th Street •. ~eated pooldj. Adults only JUST completed 2 BR, crpts. -• · 115 ~o pets· A to·&hoppi.ng dl"'S, bit-ins. $1"'; mo. 24'1 laxesa111.1 IMur&.nct:, $ on bUy. 7 14 42 8170 ' - lhtl 6% Government Joan. w.11 .. McC•rdle, Rltrs. ,·LEASE /OPTION ACRES : 6 • Elden Ave. 64}3092 123,900 FULL PRICE. mo Ne"'°" ai,d .. C.M. CUte 2 Bedrm with pool. 1190. * * MARTINIQUE QUIET AREA. Bea"t. lrg 2 WE SELL A HOME 548-7729 644-0684 eves. S2:2.500 full price, or submit. MESA MOTEL Spaciou5 grounds ·w/ park· BR apt. 998 El Camino Dr .. 'F'URNJSHED 1leepinz nn •;-;LAR-:-;"G°'Eo-..,-w~l~B~r.-,~.il"b I priv. bath, priv. entr'alic:6 loads of storage, dressing $60 mo. 2135 Elden, CM. Self ! room, Pullman b a th, 1\lgr Apt 6. Dish~·asher, Bll·iru, Shag SHA RE BEAUTlFU .[. carpeting. Pvt 'patio. 1 blk HOJ\fE! Pt ba th, Kitche~ 1 &: lo shoppini:;"" & walking col<>r 1V 1 priv, Laun/ Jry, distance .. to biach. Adults Garage spact". I\tesa V• tf'de <>n]y, 8262 Atlanta. H. B. area. 54!hl226 536-2800 ROOl\t In priv. homt!. Kitch FOR RENT . • lauoory privil. Lady 2 BR apt, 1'4 BA, nev.•Jy dtt-only. S50 m<J. Meaa Verde orated. Built'ins, dlsh\11aiher.1 _="""'•~·-"-0._J.8_21~~- \Valk to College&: Shoppiflg:. Priv. tt.uom, bath,. emr:- BRASHEAR REAL TY & pa tio. $65 a ra .onth. 347..g;m 968-1178 Call 5'1&2'11 S6 2 &: 3 Bedroom, 2 baths, $15 Per \.\'K UP "w"tki"''"te"he-, st<>res 1 block, p a tin . $30 \VK UP Apt:. 2376 New- garnge. Open daily 7721 PCll"l IDvd, 548-i(.55. Ellis. 842-41.Zl or 642-2835 SLEEPING rm. .-:p"'riv'.""'home--. $155 & $175. Student or errvl11oy. man. SPACIOUS 1 BR. Quiet. 642·500l l 548--0390 E\res. Frplc, encl gar, crpts, drps, E~fPWYED1 lady. kitchen&: xtra stor. Adults $150. 8177 home pri~AL $50 mo. Garfield. 962-8004 548-3909 cal'u A.l'i1.'s. ROOl\lY 2 & 3 br's. Crp~d &. ~ drpd. Newly decor. 3 br .• dbl attach gar & frplc. 3 Motels, , :rlr. Crts. 5997 blk1 from bcll. 536-1711 WE:EKL1J' rates &!a Lark 2 BR, 1 child under 2 yrs OK. . J\folel, 'i'zJOl Nrwport mvd'., No pf!ts. 2612 England St. Costa 1lei1i1. $135. mo. 968-3089 1------~I ~;------~ 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA, pvt: patio, Ml R I • heated pool, washer & dryer __ ••..,·1-.:;1.;."c.10::.:•. __ .:;•.;.999;.;.1 hook up. 9&2-8994 2 CA Garage & Lot. Good NE\V -1 BR. C..pts. drps. for torage. $55 a mo. Call -.: LINDBOBG CO. 645-2306 536-2519 FU! y enclosed ·praa:eL $J5 per mo. Senta An• 5620 EVERY 31 MINUTES ====~~~~~1 Brol<or ~-* Motel-Apts * U>\V WEEKLY RATES• like •Um>U"';""' wl •"",~c~"~· ...... _~"~·-637~-9'85--~-- walker & lee FOR L EASE 'tchen. TV's, maid service. vacy. Patios & pools. Nr. LRG 2 &: l BR;. CrPts;drps. 1 VILLA MARSE LLLES TO'VNHOUSE. 3 BR. l\1: 1 l'lgnal So. of O.C. Heated Pool. shopping. Ad·iJts only, or 2 kids <>k. 2214 College Beautitul Del Cerro. Near BA, cpts, drp1. carporl, F •-·~ 640 QtnET DELUXE API'S A A 1 7 ,,Ar-BRAND NEW .1135 Elden, Apt &, C.lof. ,;ARAGE FOR RENT Cd~t. • 673-2918 7682 ~••-South 'Coast Pl.au... 40 ft, a ... s•v••.uuS u--9681 ve.. p . • VIV"U\U• S IOUS "-AUU6"r pool. 962-!l!lll. 4-6 P~1. f¥1on, Stvdlo & 1 leclrooms BACH., 1·2 &: 3 BR's PAC 50-5140 84.2-4455 swimmi._ pool. 4 spacious Wed., Fri.fOr ~ Sat WALK to beach. FUm. l Br. 1777 Santa Ana Ave, C.J\f. LARGE 1 BR. t!lec bulltins. 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. SPANISH ELEGANCE bedrooma:S375 tndulktl.pool &: sun $30 WK . & UP avail. now. \·early lease 1'<1gr, Apt 113 646-5.")ol2 nr occ & s. Cst Plaz.a. $135 Adult LIVing and prdtner. Furnished If < ,., ... _ Day. Wffii, Mowth I ~=...,'.'!"~"".'.!"''.'':-3850~-~~~l -'--8LIW:<Ni:E"7--'11/ rehig, 540-9630 Fum· "& Unfurn. A&sume low lnteresl loan ...... ,o.... BR. 1,. ...... cpls, drps. e Kitchens , . 1V's incl. '"' L ELEGANCE a~ .. 1r SPARKLING POOL • dttlred. Bkr . .,..._, Sbarpl $225 mo x $100 dep. 1 BR furn apt. utU pd. Pool. 1 BR Apt. $150 mo. No pels. Disb1''aaher. color coordi~. 1 .,...,.~:":"l~~..,.~ • Pho"' """ hid poo1 ~-,, " Hacienda Harbor 546-5240 • ,....,,,. a11 4 BR + FA,.ULY ROOM 1 = Good loc.. Immed. Occup. •Maid . il No L.-.11 ren or pets. ~ID51f., ayg, er ed appliances • plush g , ,, * $115/Mo * !ie.Meeava · 16th St NB64"'""' 1 •2BR.S1=·1~, S·30 pm Custom features. lmmacu-, 841..s919. · ., ...-,,,.,.. _.. •v ' · · carpet • choice <>f 2 color 2376 N~WPORT ILVD. Utli incl,ded. NO PETS DE'LU XE 11 · late, lovely home. NEW 4 Br, l'," Ba. Ava!! 541-9755 2 BR tum &: unfurn · . Bu t-1ns. !iChemes • 2 ))aths. tall HAFF DAL REAL TY 2 Bdrm, duplex. garqe, J\1arCh 111t -June Isl. $150 $150-$175. Cpts. drps, bltns, Adult living in a Carpeted. Patio. extras. l'llov.'ers • mirrored Wlilrd· 142--4405 fenced yanl, kids OK. or any rea&0nable <>lr. CASA de ORO pool, lpatio. 152.i Pomona. Jl.1edi.te1Tanean Atmosphere $155 &:: last. 646-4760. repeat. robe doors • indirect l/i.;h~ Stove & Refrigerat<>t. 673-3657. • Casual C8lif. Livifl(; in warm 1 BR I Bl k t pl Bit-ins, shag crpts, drps, $115 PER ino. 2 Br. l sn1all lng in kitchen • brea_t".Wut Rt!ferences required. SPAClOUS clean 4 bdnn, 1g Med. atmosphe>ye. Spa-ciou1 Gara'ue~~~de~ <>~. $~ garage w/storage, POOL child ok. No pets. Bit-Ins, bar .• huge ·prJva,te fd!nced 4-PLEX $59.950 $12,ClKI ON. Pride of ownttshlp -Corntt location. Fenced Patios - Out-of-town ov.'ner. Live in OIJC &: let rentala pay ex· pense•. Call today 646-n7L 1-o·THEREAL ''.°'\. ESTATERS Huntington Harbour 1405 LIQUIDATTON·Ne111 3 BR homes. 4191 Branford St. Jugt $35,~! ! ! Bldga/ Agt. 846-0609, e\•es 5514i151 &12·2221 an)'tlrtW! 646-9666 fam room, r.1ered it 11 color co • ord1nnted apts, yearly 673-8088 241 Avocado 642·2925 crpts, drps. 538-9462 aft 5, patio • plush )anusca~,ing • Desighed & I urn. f <> r ~~-·-------brick Ba.r-B-Q's. largf'I beat. -=;""'""'°"'""""";:::::::= 2 BR. Gar. Patio. Crpts, Gai;den.s .$350 m·onth, sf)'le &: comf<>'rl *Pvt pa. \VIFRNT ~1 Finley, Jov.-er. DL.X lge 2 BR, Centrl heat, ed 'pool.!1 & lariai. INVESTI\fENT TAX· ... drpa:. st<l\'e & re!rig. Quiet 968-21~· tio * B·B-Q * Shag cpts 2 br, 1 ba, 1•rly. $275. ORLEANS APJS. d&hv.'hr. bltrui. dbl gar, 3101 So. Bristol St. ' SHELTER tropical getting ror adult:i: $250=.~.-,~.~B~r-.-.~F~am-11-,-nn-. * Gar wi storage* Heated w/utll. 833-llll. adults. $145. 548-6956. (I,~ !\ti. N .. of So. Coa::. Plua) 'f'.rades consldeffif only. 1 blk . 5hops. S175.' C!Ose· to beach, lat & 'last: pool * Kltch'en' w/ indh-ect1_________ 2 &: 3 BR avail. Adulta only. SHARP! Large 1 br, crpts. Sant• Ana, · _Bto~uutul 45 unit 100% 11.part- M4-MS2 Aft 5 pm 5.16-3172 lighting, deluxe 0 v en &:: Co raria 'del Ma r 4250 dtps. blt-in!i.' Quiet ·bldg. PHONE :' 557-0200 ~nt complex .. ?.!ana1er IMMAC. 2 Br ho us" 4. BR. 2 Bath4; family rm. range, · 1 BDRM. $175 incl.1 __ ..,.._ ·-------1741 Tuslio., C:.sta 1\fesa AduHs.· $130. 5<17-2682 _.,..,..,..,..,..·...,,..,;,· ,,... v.·111 continue. 6~;. % 1nte~1t L1:1uno1 Btach 1705 w/a;arage, fenced yd, crpb Children le J)"ls OH.· $275 util, 2 BDRJ\.1. ~incl. util. 2 Br. crpt. pool. ~arport. M1r. Mrs. canon, 6f2..46U -========= rate. $50.000 cash minimum. &: drpg. Adult.a <>nlY $135 mo. !\lo Avail now' 962460 Adults, no pt"IS. 365 w. \l.'U-Adult!. SJ. of Hv."-. S165 Mo., _____ ,____ New.,:O..t B•ach 5200 IMX, Inc. <>wner P.O. Box BEACH 26U.Eldf!n A .. -e. 61J...S270 • . ·. " ,--~-------Tvstin 5640 IS61, N.B. (714) 642-1515, CONDOMINIUM l BR. Paciflc·Sands.:Compl son St. 642-l971· Ua._or..e. Call -57W21l THE NEWPORT ~ l\1r. Lile SPACIOUS 2 BR· 195 Oldor •mall 1 BR houle. , ....... Jl85 Mo. lmmed: Qr. ' Bedroom. Spa""'' room .. 2 BR. "'""''"'" So. of Fairway Villa Apts LID.'UR10US DOWNIN I Al'TS 2 B•TH Beel. s~ &. refrig . .Util pd. cuJ>!:tncy. (213) 284-6384. Luxuriou& furniture. Shag Hv.'Y. $~mo. No c:liildren. GARDEN APTS t'ORNER OF ILLlAMS \VHY buy apts. v.·hen $1COJ "' Adults only. 2337 Orange,, ........... , Bn'•k o•-•k •-r • * 6<2 -* dn. $70 mo. on land gel5 >•U Facing bl!:autiful I~ pool ......... · ~ · ''°"" .,.. · -•0»3 Near Oran&e C<>. Airport & P..1 · PalJos, Heated Lanai & ALLIANCE C.l-1. DON'T JUsr \vtSH forl planter. ·Beautiful kitchen. UCI Adults nl 2Q12:2 pool, 360' Private Beach . ~tier levuage & return, just 100 yards from pr1vate • 2 3 •'BR' w/pool Xlnt ·--thin• 'to furn'•'--ur n-uonablr renl Children & Lido Is le 4 .. 1 . o y. $190. mo. 1~1 Alliance. good shelter, less trouble &: beach. Laguna area, perfect k>c'. Near ~. · ;;;.;~ .•. tind ireat'bu;." 1n ;;all . J)ft• welcome. 3Sll'°-"-"-'-' ------~-I Santa Ana Ave. ~ : ~ =~:~ !!!~~ Central air conditioning. Up. risk? Company stays with for year round living, in. Agtnl M0-6273 today's OUslfied Ads. Victoria. Apt. 4, A17RAC Studio apt. °""""" ~ J>"?' 2 BR, 2 B.A. Adult's 'ov· >-oirr. 6#-4265. wstme:nt or rentals. Selling ==========.!.:=::=:::======--===='===== looking Bay. Utll, gar. ind. LARGE 2 BR, l~ BA gtudlo • 2 Bedr'm & den .;695 er 18. Privett? pallo, frplc, =========! completely turnished in sbik. $200 mo: 838-02'18. apt. Crpts, drps. stove. 919 Bayiiide Dr, 673-8414. pool. T'rainec;t ' small pet in· 8u1in•1s Rent•I 6060 ina: locale decor. T'fr.·o stoi:y patio. Childre.n ok, no pclg. BAYFRONT lervie\ved. , with lO"A·er carport, at.oral". " :"'\. Hu ritln:g'fon B•. •ch 4400 $.145. 726 Joann st. See Sun. Call Ov.'J'lt>r 646-5501 20c SQUARE FT. laundry. Fully malntaiMd ST. ~R. GAZER:iC "'M_J J-5 or caU 846-1584 eves for 2 BR. 2 BA lu)(Ury apt.s. Pri. 600-1100-2400 sq. ft. Of11ce or ~us grounds include 2 P="':':':':-r--'-~CUY 1t _POU-AN •• ,,:.. LRG 2 BR. Adults. Pool. appt. fl'rr"?!· ~levolors. subter. . Retall 011totts, 211-213 62ncl pools, te:-inis, etc.: do9" to 1l.u1u W y 1 .....ro!GllJ!M H .. .. Dl!Jlwhr. U1ll pd. 17676 VILLA MESA APTS ~~nea~ pk g. All elec. ~I. Ll!gun1 Beo1ch 5105 St.. Newport Beach. Key auper mkt., ahoppinc, Coast MA~.tt y · owDcN1,A .. , .. ,, ..,. st,tt'Urh. .Cao1eron 842-6121 . ' :iuft "11ter, boa! do<'kg. $350. • · avail at Travel Lodge 11.fo- Hwy. Excellent buy, mUS'I ,,,,._" , A ccortll11t f• II+• Stet"' oet u~@. 2 BR unfurn, pn, .patios, hld uti. 3121 w. eoa5t 1-hvy. Nev.·· 1·BR. Apt. 1 unturn ... down: tel. O\vner. ,2131 2..._3101 .. ~o:av......· .s Todeytlt:1pmeuogaforWedl'l!$day, • j 1 ., , . pool.~ ca.r~encil:1:1r. Chil· pod. .&&.-220 , tvwn, Leir.se .•.••• ,.,.,.,tl7a c·n, ........ . , •. t.;. .. ·~~'~.·. w-,," -~· -~" .......... 1,;.-.: ... .... " ....... ~'"""'-""'"· .,.;;... -.. ....... ~,~~""''•J.!f\1!1i'.·~10:. .1'·~'"'!".~'1"711»!,' ~ "''.. ~10 "~ ,.,, ...... \.,.. =="''··<fTotw' . '(h"J~\ '!: • • ,.,, ~1,·~-r , . . • ( ' ~!!. ~·~ .. S,'Bft;'4 •M!llT·Jatttl'I .. ~t ·.a ·-· "' · t. · · ~rltl 'L.1. • • N' ~ 499-2152 or 837.(1791. . TttE NE\V 'VILLf\GE INN plctlM!' SlfiO' a.uo flll'tl otf85. JOS•'' 'G ' · · at idit ····~······ ....... ~200 . S1Npt nr. ewpor1 i~ i~=-~t:.certolMr ~··~J Forrnerly Saddleback Inn, 719 'V. Wllion ' 646-1251 G , t & ~n'j 1';°"s'.:' ]l.~r l·BR. lun1ished houie CX't'a!l P1t!t. Various sites, lnquln: FORCED SALE 3•~---~t.c_,. t!~ ~,:',.,'.... Lsguna. rron1 $.15. a v.-eek. INDIVIDUAL unit 2 BR, l Y~S:. 11) a~~ois d"us: vie~· •.•••••••.•• ,. ..... ~1~ -Ba.yv\V Ballew Properties EMERALD BAY:, hb. View l-4l 5:,:-3S~e •!J An~ .. ~ .,... Lcr\..-ely apls. AU ulll's, BA. Gar, yard. crpl!i. dr(l!'. 6-13-n.is e\'t!i., -Studio A.(lt., turmshed. UUI. MN'.1 • boa. NB 673-!4.20 Custom homt!. 4 bt. 4 ha, F"'="-"'-1 · 's.. 3&or 6'~ 1 linens, maid, pool, laundry nr shop·r 6 11el'lools. $1S.'l. paid ···:·· .......... $89.SO '!Ston? Space for rent pool, 3 car gar, levt'l. Orig. 7UrUull J7W "7Gl¥.t. rnt. S:eps to beach. 696 s. 381 E. l8th St. No. 3. DELUXE 2 Br. '''estclill loc. f\TISS ION REAL.TY o194-0T31 828 w. 19th SI., O t told $16t,<m. Now askinr =~;., ~~ :J~ ~O';'· tt .i\~ Cbast Jtwy. 491·9136 fH:.!"8029. ~11_& •• ~','~,· Adults. f4JXl 100 CLIFF DRIVE ~8-1168 •1----t· ~om. $88.000 loan. Must 10.,.,. .4C)Fer 10At.tmty ote. JI ~I ......... .,.., ~·· ~&! tOJa1iY A 1----, ....,.. 1~~1:i_ 4-~l .. O-l----l.l-llR.l.b&-prage...cbolc:t1..loc.. NEW TOWNHOUSE . ±: , $170-1 DR. l Hi BA. ~ B.!J Smll.ll Sl<>re Old 'e.wport eat btd. F'Ull~,: = l~~ ~~i.co • ;j n...t•,. . s:ISS )"'!at 'round. 538-Zl95 2 BR. 1'!1 BA & l A: 2 BR. NEW 2 Btl~ 2 balh tn":'level 11, ,BA. Cl'pl:s, drps, bllfns. m,'d, $80 or SJOO, Call • Ownrr49f..138Scr4f4.00!0. t•h ... ....,,.. 7•Ut~ C4ftl(.Otit morn• or alt S. Ct'ptd drps .elf cine iu Condominium, Pool An!a & View of OCf'l\n. \'Valking dis-&15-2306 J~;:.... ~= n~ aoc•••,~· ~ & =========I <Wtn 1&1.;;.2u8 ,3iT W Wil90J'I flrepia,ce. $225/mo. &12--414" tancl!' to town. Abo furn. STORE. F'OR LEASE in 1707 t?Cia '7Drilf 77W11t1 ,,,.,_., '1.~ Hotel• 4975 ' ' · or Bay It: Beach Realty Bachelor, "'very la.rae UiO. Pan11ic Bldg., next 10 : 1•Ni Al~ 71.._. 2-J.,f.1' " • NEW dJx. 1 A 2 BR. Shag HONEYJ.IOON view apt, 49-4-%449 or 491.SJ()l. BP.rk!bl Re !:~• ~=:,:;•'• :l;::. L1cfo Shores Hotel c:rpts, drps, blttna. lmtnc'd ele11.11t carpetina. 2 Bdm\s, ~~ti r;.~t'l. ~~ tnq. 21hf ~to. a1y..., Sayfront ldtchmetfe 5Ul!PS °'-;''PY· U604la>. 540-1973, tlrepl.aO\ pnp $250. OCEAN \rlew. t BR apt, S -z========I 22Ycu ~"""-llTOlby , ._ -• mo. Sult•• • 541>7311. ,,,0 """' blocks to beach, carpet!, -23Str.nt Slh 13~ UVJn ....,.. -~ dr,ps, !lovt, refr. Adult-. Office Rental 6070 ~~ g:;~ =~ rooms by day or l\t!e.k. • 7 BR,.,• 3 BR • 3 BR. 2 BA, nr ocean. trplc. Sl45. 4.!ij-383,q, 494,94n 21~ -MHralp MNM Phor.es, maid. coffee, Ice. BACHELOn. apla. O'pts, dshwhr, $235 mo 3-Tfy. No ~~ ~-:=-~= f'.GCU 617 Lido Park Or. 673.SSOO • rlrpa, blt111. No pets. 2885 ptts, 5'f.S.-OS97 \\'kdys 9-J .-.» 2'Goed \ 5tk "'~ ta.• Jl"S \VONDERFUL the 1"letldoia. 54>M71 · ~-®GoOI @Adtr.M .f;)Ncaml J YQU find In the OA!•ifl'6 i1.30 ~10. Rttrli, blt-l.ns. c.111 Ada. Chttk tb~m now! S..6-MOl NO n111.l1tr v.•t111t ft 1$. }"Oii can llCU It \\'llh R DAIL y b011.'l!I -.:::·:~!·~-~·~"~'~'°~"-11~'>~~,.~-~;~~,.~-~"'~'~~~·~·~·~,.~~t:__J m•rtY buys tn Appll1111Ce1 UNF. Small J\1odt!r.n t br &(II. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ( BUSIEST mAM<elplac;e tn ti:lwn. Tht DAILY .PU .oT Oaulfied .et:llon. Sa v e moriey, lime & ettort..1.0ok '1C1Wll t lALl. OHlct on bu•Y c.vr- ricr Co1ia \{!ta SMhnonih utlllllts. ltll'ludt!<I, &IU560 2611 N-8\VPORT B LV<D,, acro!1 from EJ 81.ncho ' Markel. Realtor 67U210 ' ' ' ' ' • I . • I • l'lltojq, M11t~ J, lt711 DAl(Y 'ILOf IJ o ___ ..,..,.._...,. _____ '11 RIAL llTATI Al'INOUACIMIATI • DAILY PILOT 0-ral ft 1lr •••.NOTICll CLAl••fllD INDD Ollie. 11on111 .,. When You. ~.!!_,.._,,._,_, _•_, LAOUNA'llAcH Want it done rouwo D1ont1, eo1orec1 Parl •• Fut Servlc• lftd bl*' •11''tt11" Air CoMllltftod O.rmao Shtp"nl, mo!• ON .-01\Ul' AVSNUE right , , , '"lbl1eti,,'coll1r. Hu brftlt .,.tt avtil&llJe ll'I rt1l1trttlbn No. ta 11. ,._!""""!""'--,,_~,,_.,.~'!!'!'.~~· ~~~ .._1 ..i.. .bulldlne 11 C If I 1'1"" ltfenlll)I . ...._ DIA£ Dlll/EC'.f ut.at1a HOUSll POii U.LE i:S!l1 •i/f'tl"" '"'"" pt1mo 1,.,.lton In down-a one 0 i'OUND 4 or 1 6mo. otd •'INILt.L \•········· .. ········l"' ~~~M~· .. ~~1.,,. ......... Laa\illl 811.ab. Air condt. the expert·-b.phtrd Puo. Vte. ~1apl •• COSTA Mll,o1 ................. UOI 6U51 NEIS P} .. C!,PE•r-i tlcwtd, carpeti'ft, beautUW rJ ~ Yotkahlrt SI. In <;-~· Call c \.LI ............... lll ~~~t.~~·:f~TA\..ll ........... r omt Ave .. rear lead• ft) ea U9 . 1 =::!,·~~Vil"" .:.::::::::::·::i:~ """" 'rn.'l ootr""" ,,."'"' "' · list-J L-/ow/I S11-11111 • " ... o. • CM ............ ll INDIJlTl1'4\. .. ,.oiititt'-t": .. :: \VJitTs '"'"•I• lont-haittd 1W•11 ·;;:;:::::;:ll' "•"'" "' , • .,,,;·::::::::, "'' month '°' opaco, O..k w•·~:r w•ntt w= ~, llltVICI l)llllCTOltY 1111. \11'1 DllllCTOllV Y Wutm1111ttr, C.M. 14$.lSU • -~T ~!..'.'"'* .......... ltl cOMMlil:clAL Mllnalpe.l Plr1rlnl loll, $50 t.•l Viti. !koUWI.)' & • l ... • "l "4"IC.M' ........ -........ _, .• ,.. •1c1• c •sa c•11 N •01t •fllr 6 pm. .................... 1m ' .. • ............ , .. \, .. ,.... -and ch11.lr1 av•ll•blt lot~. ~ • ' .... -.. ·. ·~·x,·Nt_1!'J·-0 011t·; .. ,::.:::::: .. U l~\:'\u'•l"ovrs ............. '111 BIUlntu hOUn ~*'1tei:lfll Sr "" L" IFI "" r '5IO Dryw1H 6'M lr•1"9 •7SJ1,ro=u"il"o'°"i"'i."'ck'""r'°em-a"le:-;;,,...-: ,k' M1•:~~fl6'''::;::::.~~, "~f~L'1"QRi.~::;::::::::P.'t• ~~tU~;:~:d A:lrM::j NATURAL eORN SWAPPlllS ..01\Ml:f\ N\ll'M Will 1IY• e OUOO\' Deyw1ll Co. IltONING In m1 hOn\t, St dlt+ Mt&& V1rde area. SmaJI .~r.fi\li~'.". •ut ·::···::···:Th oillH.~• ~i~~\ozB:tv·::::: 1tleph0nt Spettel Rite l'JOd lovlnc tVt to )'Ol£r l.&o'd ~tnat0r. Lutt or m . Dttum••lfte • alt••· dot· w,arUc tollar, pleue .... a~ ::,:::::~: •. ::: •. : ..... ~~t9f,r~'1\*'o'li•t ....... " o.it.Y Plt.O'l' s LI--• ,, .... -::..5 ... ~kl •hlld whU• )'Oil -· .... &naU Job<. Ph. I<!~ u ..... ~11<1 ldonlll)<, Calll<Mm ~~·.:~uflll , .................. :::: su90Jy11 Iii u. Q • ',','.'.'.":•ill 222 tol\~ AV'ENUI: t-ww 1!11:~.:• ... -..t.0 Mui~:,~._ 111 "11•. ort No, aldt C.M, '*-c.h ~ 1 W'J1m: Mall 'POOiilt, I\~ 1'o"~:: .. T&rl\. .. .f1. ············~~ ::~~"·=~i k~: l~~.1~~ •. :::::llil LAGUNA 8EA0l ... ,OU. t'i:lt: ,.~·· .. ·-,-.1~?\it",.__ ~T. . ,, .. ,. "" J1nlterl1f mo prox, 12'' lit&h. tbout 1 yr ~•t.•OA P Ntm"L.A':::::::::1,.. '· "· WAMTliD ................. ;;; G..,_ T I y ~•·-' p .... ..... .~ ?l!Yi.,.•r:_ r ..... old N Ul!' Vic T\uidlt 1eACON IAY ................ l>lt 8USINISI 11\d • IHI "" .--...-• •t• .... 1'11111 WVlNU (.'IWq " ...... lJl .. .., CAR.PET VINYL Tll.ll MAml 01\ NAJNTtNANCI: . 0 co . • ~~o"o ·~.wos ::::::::::::::::::m ,INANCIAL HUNTINGTOM llACH PHONli 642-1'!' . v~1.· 1!!1'"'; ~!atN~~Ln Free tltim•tt We, Conlr'. Miki 18'¥\ct b)t Uw di)' to MU lTlh. 64~ aAt.•OA !SUMO ............. IJU IUltMISS OPl'O".TUMITlll .. ~ Air CMdltlenttl "'111 tn.de $l4,cm eq in a HAVr.: lAle tlftrlnble color &I 'I .;K;IM • .._, .... e 540-'12t.I 546M'11 YoW' door. Abo, full maint. 5-T yr, Old Afihln dOl 'lll'ld ~~=::::~gt Uli~ua ·::::.:: rHuJ~~~~·E:~~~Mn1t1 .... ::;tr. OH llAC" IL-VO. oni Ac: p&rcela. linpro't'ed. TV, trad• tar .hrp ~ Luncht• lrlel. Mon. lhf'D )'ri, for homt, t'Oftllftftelal, etc. c.~t l1'0Un4 lTth St. PINM LIHOA Ill• , .. INVESTMIEHT "AMTlO ...... ,11 De!:k lpt.1,,.. &Y1Uatlle in Boll, l'lln, t\J.tnl.ture1 I~ portatlon car. NI or \l dl,)'t. -.00.S w. alto ltl'Vlct partle&. pNllnt pt.Pf_f't, lf&.-7*. / l'OUMTAIM tvli.UIY .......... , .. .,.11 MOMET to LO"M .............. Attt newest otnce bulldJ~ at come Or unltl. '10<6040. Clll ::r:u,., Molhlt *fil cttt kit ChrMnlnt 6'lo •--..1-.1 .. 1~···-.1. J'", &U\4i Orth_id, CdM · SIAL llEAC ................ Pt•OHJAl t.OAHI ............. pt! l .. H -l\IUN... DOJllUor\I Ill: UlalU'N. tu'-= 1UHSIT •• CM ............... t4u 1•'WEt.t1'l "°""' ........... &Ui ml!: ocauon In _\aft nr-772-9920. (2131 43U53l da.y1r your clilld Ml home ~T .. TUf U l\rl, f'OUND hmll• Stalpiolnl GA•Dt!H o•o~• ............. 14tS COl.1.ATl•Al LOAMI ........... u ton Betloh. All< condJtlont'd, ......... "'-" -tr.UI• Nt:W laYdll, r I·• It d 11'1 a . s 21-•M u~1 LONG ll!ACtl .................. lSOI •EAi. lltAT& l.0.tJtl ........ W bet.Utll\U ehu..nl;7., n-ont· l\lvtt'ik1e 1 ae1' Wf\•h;w l 2!1 AC""' ni!auUt\i.I ~lOUh-iwa)'S. ._.. •1~ Con\plttt llWl'I cart. Clt&I\ \Amtll! u &l -"""'I ...u;EWODD .................. IJM MORToaotl. ttvd Dlt4ll .... ...u BK h · ,,.. Br cotta-fir ihop"r 'l'hlde lllln land in Anza. ff ..... n , CdM. •·p •• "b Of nlOlllh. ~, St,, Lqunl Beath. ~944183 >•AHO« COUNTY ............. 1'*1 MOHET WAHTIED " ..... ~ Jl.ge on c na;, rear ,._...., . • ~J Cf # ,., .rn! '''"''"'' ouTo,,couNTY ............. '"' ANNO\JNCEMINTI lead.I jO prtvat« J)arkJna even 1ml hOUlt or t This Tr-Ide ror ht. Art Shi.W1 HABYsrtTlNG • l ite titlmat••· For Info c&U t~ • ..SO SMALL iemllt Uitr k\tttn f~•'";: .. n~T~.:::::::::::::::'.~fit on ... NOTICES lot. t50 Jmkr month forarta,ldMlfotretll'f.mtot. (lJ (TI4182'T-Oll6&Cypre-. hou11work,Wk4ay 1. 19T-44.1tc:irMMD32 _!~pt •ntlnt Otl Cerro tract art& . • esTMIHSTatt ,; .............. 1111 9 -•pace. nH ana cna1n M8-(l&tl1 evtll 91Mn4 Callfor•lo No·w-1•&1~· atoa call -~ ':r "J" ......._ MIDWAY ctTY ................. 1111 l'OUHO 1frte ""I ........... '*' avaUa.ble for ~. Dualn¥t• " · ..-•a -· * ANTHONY'~ * * P1lntlna:•Paptrtwlllna ""-' SAMTA. AMA ................. ll>t LOST ...................... , houri INW.i'ift" It.NI~• Harl~y 08.vldson, Van bue, \Viii trd $15~1 eq in s vlew att .. ~1922 -.::::::::::::::::::. IANTA ANA NITL .... , .. IUI Pl!llSOM•ll ,_,,.,..,,.,,,,.,,..,. bi • _, o/ ~ oRANOI ........... ::::: ....•. 1m -.fl~ou_HtliM.•MTt ............ !!l' avalla e fDf 110. All utlli• R.ell'lt., color J v, !·11111 lolJ. Panorama Jl•lahll. VltRY RtU...blt Mother or i ''TM belt COit• no MOl"I'' tntir~terlor rusTIH .................... ~ .. , 11• 'Ws ........................ :;: 1 lie.a pa.Id exce~t telephone. flrlnung '11'1!11i , 'M Ftlrd lltArt o1 Ot-a114oe O>unry. wantl blb)lailtiftl, M}' home. Bud .. t li·•ocap· 1.... lptcl•I Prl~• on. Pa~r Mo1tTt1 TusT•• ............... ~ ""HeR•Ls l;l .................. n'i! DAILY ILOT v -•1 · ·u ~-d· 10-me. """'·car •-'' ot Pri'·r tnf1nt,. 3 -. C"" •N "• ""AHllM ,_,,., ............ 1uo PAID ost1'U •"-Ii"~"·""" · a.n, ....._. s or ll . 1ra • ""' .... -"' ,... "" Ma.lntenance. il!J"--"-Call Llrry &fl..45511 Slt.VlllADD c'""'"" ......... 1us FUHE•AL DI Et"11:......... ,,.,. llACH ILVD. tot'' Aft !i .-m .wa.oon valu 83Q.OOtO m..9920 M~ .............., ~ --~ -U.OUHA tlllo~l ·""""'"" .. 170I l'LOlll5TS ' .............. ! HUtltlNflfON llACH - - -' . c. ' . ' Clllttil'RIN_a_ AvERACill iliorr eXttriOt LAOUHA ••· ~,n .............. ins c.•110 OP THAMKI ........... ,ff 1 '4~11 Motor Llunch ·u• so Cfiut. ' En1llih TU~1r i'ABY'Sl'l'TIN[ Nll't clean PMI. 2 1tory exterior $3&8. 'J::~:::,. ~fi J°o" :::::::.·:::: ~;: ~:::~1~~1\'m: ,:.;i;;;;:::::::fi!i lMMtOtATt "'~-. ••" 3 lOOhp, 1hlp 10 ahort radio. View. 6 rnu;, 10 n1ln. L.A. home C.M. trea. r t ttctd fd, TrttN,.:·IJ.'!ntnl.1>91\o, ~rui\:'.0!!'~ 8onu1 ~ lthit Chlpl, SAM CLt::M•HTt! ............ ino l M · • , .... ,... 1 V\.~upa ...,, .. _* t1•·"y M 'nlil'~' Vol B ltul $'9 ·~ Cl f'r d•• or· wk "! ~~ ·• •~ I I I pr! I LMI '401 -------LO~: I nlo. old mtlt Btl· glsn Sh1ph1t'd lt,n Wldarker head & I.Ill, ttd ribbon. Vic Sama IMlbtl A Montt Vl1ta ~chl. rttwAl\D, MMTl'T or SAH IUA" CAPIST•AHO ...... 11'2t 'liM.rmTERY c TPTI ......... :Jlf !ullf c. r p e te d' llil'"1.'0n· U<!9U IUll _•1 '""'' • eaut ' ........ ear. ~ ' ..., -. w ~ ••t. 5if3.IOJ8 n er or lltl & v •I • CAPISTRANO l l ACH ......... 1111 Cllll . TORIES ............. ~.!! dlttOned f[J ue f16$0 tor T.IJ. ot 1 Trade N.B./C.Ptt !S4M:lr31 BABYsrrtlNO r.,.,· ,,. """' ::::--,,.,-.,.,....,.,,. 13Mll9 oAM• Po1Mt .................. 11Jo "'' o•tAt. PAllU ........... ;]~ o ct area a Cu &t•~ . - -.iAl>~ESI: O•rden111 1 1-.,....-----"--•~w·••r tor lnl·-at•--CAt1t.t1Ao ....... ., ... _ ....... 1u• 'uCTJOHt "\i ............. :st available now lt :isna E a · Improved 20 ac.r. hQrii! Allult11.'w.l'llnt1•Wttktl'ld1. •trYlot. Ntlt work. Y<'U IUPP'" tht -int. Apll no ruu.1 ....... ,.,.,. OCIAMllOI ................... l lH 'VIATIOM ••• ICI .......... &UI p r. ... I II Co . F ··-·,·1· ""'1' c-" ... ,..._. B ~ ..-leadJ11 .. to OU'r ftm.111 trl1h - SAH DIEGO ... u.:.vv··'"" .. ,.lnJ TRAVEL ............. ltU ac. .......... W)', In ,,,na an •• c v IW ranch, N~tfl C&llf., for au..,....,._.,., CIH.n-up " )'ard rntlnt, ' moltll palnltd • $10 ... e~vu~~~1~i i!~MiYiO ·::::::~= :~~;~~~\r,~~\~'A'f~N ·:::::::!; del J\1at. ol,410 iiq. fl....-att&-Brand new, 3 Bl\ houte, for yacht, house or apf. $46,000 a=n"IJ>..-.,C"ARE='", -,:-,ncld-.,-,<!-., ~ avtrg. nn. Call lflyttml Pl1 ~~~r,1 "'!.~rt!~"f:. .. DtJ~ coNooMtNtul.r'.. .. ....... 1:r 1.,•,•",~oT1,c~~o•tM•""·"·:'.C ltig lrom 1000 to 1720 1q. b . unlll, TD'1, 1ubn11t, Ntr. equity. 0Wll('t. lur'leht•. Vic warner• Spr. -.1 ,8 r--•·· • r.:wn 11'\e Painter. 557-8638 ,. OUPLEXliS l'O• IALE ....... 1 J •M • "" From $400 lo $1'.f-ptrlJ\O. 842·9TJO, •V!'i, &4(>.ttOJ, 17141 67$o62511 tn..tla}t. Wtt'"I", '4l-08afl, ftM --•-,.; ~ qu.e1tlo~ llkfd. ~ APAflTMEHTs PO• SALi: .... oft Sl&RVICI DIRICTOltV · Atea can be 1(lb-<11vidid to -.. -~-.y "Y Alalnttriane.. Com~ lNT A Elet P&lnt1n1. tht R.ENTALS •ccou\~m• . • ....... :I: ·t 1 fliGwGUOO 'iffd duplex or trtlilt•: ha'" ISTRE '1'D MOK'tGAGkS i WILL.-bab~lt, v.'fflttllYI. my lnchaalrtil • Nltdlnti&l. t11L Loe rtt1. 30 )Tl tkp. TAN • White ?.tile ll'ltlty: Housn l'Ymlshed :~:~i1N'cif ::=Xl~l ·;·ttt1 'ifti-, ::n,a~:'.t. tor Jn-3 Br-. 1" Ba hoo1e. Ct:KIO' iiwured 1u.bl'l •ltMr. Pa.Y home. Newport ,\pll._, MDO •....a • Ltc. A INl'd. Ckll ChllC!k ~~t:~ coli!•· 1~~~.col~~: •1:Ht:•AL ,, M'' ........... ttM ,...IPHAt>.'T, or" ................ . kll. Surve)W • 1ppmved $2200 t&Ch. Tctllll $42,000. Newport. BlYd. No. I, C.M. AV¥1\AQE tl(lei-k>t $12f,9b M,.... or Jln\ ~ nittr l •-•, N.D. Rew•_.[ •INT•u To 1 A•• ......... "'5 AVTo 111:11•1•s .... .. . .. • Mod•rn Offlc•i tor ThrM R-1 Lota s1 &.v-Last pmt Apr ·11. Tr'CI : at BA-s "srrri·N·a ... •-m•. ~·~ ~· COITA Melli. •.i.""""'"'''"Jlto ... UT9; lrl ltllt. 'hM. lk. "61 ' t ~,.., flU Jabot only, fnffrk>f' prtl'fl Cail~ MESA DEL MAil ............. tlM 1••1•1T IHI '""""fill I~" I I I I In. Rltr. 642-12:1'J. boat or ? sn-10.11Box1433 vie. warnu l Raitt , :5.A. a·-" •• .,, ... .... • SUPllltlOllt llllVICll' ,.,=..,,,-,...,..=-::=c: MISA Vl!llOE ................ tHf OA M IP'Tll:MANCt ........ If Ill .. n.a e, I 5 rm IUili, NB ...... &I ;n--.u.2 ···1 I i,,o!r SI Ill c I ttmalt coLt.eGI! PAllK .............. tus •il•CIC. MA111NRT, 1te. ....... M Air cond, Stci'Y service, ll~ against ln01llon • \iih' ~·~::;;;;;;;:-;;;;:;:;;;\..;D;•:;;ll~y.;•,;w;;k;iljl~ra;,;I•:,;•;,· -;;;;;.;"a;n '*"3115, -....,. am • • ' NEWPORT ll!ACM ............ tt .. IUSIMESS Sl:Jl't'ICE' ........ "" .. _...... t • t I ··~"""""...,...,.-..,...-,--PAlNTiNfi.EXT·lNT brown markiflp. llutC• HIMD•T H0Tlit'"·····""'211t SUILOli!ll ................ &Ut 1-orul'llJI centrall'I loet.llril. Trd for 1t'lc. bl' boa ' II R· Whal do~ h&'lt to ttadeT . JJM·s Oudtnln1 Ir lawn "'··-····· Ra--"-. ·-·· Old f&mi'" pit. NewP'fl•T sHo .......... mt c.t..111111'4• .,,. So. CAil lit Na t J)k. Sidi:. view 1011. Hetl"t ol Ortll List U b.re -ln Oranite lrlck, M1•ry, ™' ....... 111 _._ .. " ., &AYSH0•1:s ................. ms cA11N.l:TMA1nN• ............. ue• ...._ .. , ..,_ k ,. ..... D.\alnterianct. RtR. 6 ~ , :rmt-:----,,. 6&4-.m2 oovl!• sH01111 ............... mJ c,1,ttPi!f_tl111MO ............. 1s" lAl~lll 1lleM GU.1485 Cnt.Y. E<r. $2&M. lH' q-Ll\t County's larttHt ~ad trau· etc ..-mercial * 54M83T ~ t' Al N ·11NO..JN1'/})tt, 1 .-::.:.,:0::::_-~-~~ WESTCLll'F . • '-""""' ..... :tUO CEMINT1 CMvtlt ............ " .. OFF"IC"" Spa-G-•nd on thti. 8»0040 T1UQ2(1, ... polt-U"t mUl&tNl. ---Jack can do ••it -'·Un,. LOST. vie Of Bllttr l Mtn-UNtVEllUTY P•ll" ........... m1 cHrLO c••s. t.lt9MMI .......... ,. .,. ~" .... ':ih•N""~ O••d•n•r "1 ,...w ... C 8 1 1 ••v1M• ........................ JUI CONTllACTOlll .. , ......... NM * * * .. 'BJUCl( ' C>J\Pt:N'TlllY "'"" -.. ' j&b-fl•t, tl1an. very reul dou., ~1. m ti'lt. IACk IAY ................... :mo CA.II.PET CLEAHING ....... , 6'U floor w/ prh·att1 l'fitl'OOnis 1' * work, plantm, fitlplttft, exp'd, 0.mpl. )lard eervl~. £at. ~ Mt..usl P/Silttlt•• ctt W/ rtd Ot1 IAIT aLU,P .................. 2141 CAflPll UYIHG. lllEiliAlll: Ntl & 1lorage, $00. 2nd noor, ,,,. ··-·· --·1 t 11....-Fttt e1Umatm ~ liiiffiiilri~~~Stcor:lito1§!1"~·~11~1--~mi~:~:..:~ l!I Tll'I n44 OltAPE tlS .................... H rpl' I drp'd I t I UNC Wl!ll I, ctmtn Pl-· ' . • 8UBUR.BAN ~ I u-11'\&A.o lllV IHI: Te•11"'' ........... 2245 oei'l'\(,'/'10" o"l'..I."""""'"" (' { ~ 'wa nu J)llne. RIAL IS 8USINlll 1ncl patio Nefl It all l)lptl ol GiN'L '.'.'! Cltel\-up trH l n • .., ........ vr, LOST *n1. hi1clt: tr:llnd'" coll.ONA 01:L MAl ........... :wo Ori!" T N6 11 v C:• .......... ~, \Ill, $55. 2333 E. CoAat llwy, G 1 Cl L . 11111__ )"II, • Expert O\\artntttd Wotlt, "" eAL•DA ....................... uoe ELii Tt1t1cai. .. ............... CdM. ft~4. M~IM ~~r1 FINAN A rtpa!n.. r1•• at·rv. roto-tJJJ. Sprlldr re-rr .. tot, No "' too 1........ ma.I@ I.fib. ftt 1\tWard, Lb LIDO llLI .................... UJI l.OlllPMIHT •1NTALS ...... :ltl• B~t'""'. t;=_~.1, ..... 1. ·-·.-.lt111l.Rff.16n.~ .• , too·-illl. ::.190 ...... Bch 49'·8'18 tWI. aJl'CA IAY isuHot ................. we Plf\ICl.MD ...................... • ·111t i.Ocatlo'n 1n C~M Lots •IDO Businesa u .LJJ Mmoa ..,.... . .... -IAL&OA llU.MO ·1."""""2JH ,l.O()fll .............. -........ •IOO Bticlt, bloclr conor•••· =::c .. R. Ja-·· .. o·....111Mt •• 1·-.. ta'' Iott,., • 4!M·1&12 day1 MUHTIHGTOH •••c" ......... uat i':UllHAC:l llt!JIAtftJ1ltc ......... ,. 800 to 1400-fl Delu·• 0" Op, .. rtunlto'•• ... u .t;XP.,. ........ ~ n r , , , co· . "OUNTAIH VALLl:T .......... 2411 PUliNITUll:I: !IES'ftl•tMG ~... . .. ... -~ .. o.-..nh'y Db '°"too '!Ima """'mpl•tt od .,_ .. _ l'Nt • -·. -1...01 ...... 1. pu• sut. 1EACM ................. 200 "1tEl'1Nll MIMO "'' il't: S!Mle,()IJ, Avail tmmed. 132'x3DO' E-talt, ttltt 26 ' ....... .,... ' 982 · "" 1 ,..,.. .. _.,,., Ai!OUlllc cell~• pld 11 Yrt ~' II' .... v " Lotto 1uctt .................. uM G!lll:"•HtHG . ............ Phone owner. 1142.9900 units. sub. Alklftt S-t-1,700. * FAMOUS * Lio •. COntr 4945 estlfnate1. Call 540-1332 _ tJtptt •alt 0 a 11•11· ~-h (In sun. vie: Hll'bor & OflAMOI: COUNTY ............. tdl GIMl:ltAt. slllVltlS ......... NII .. .,.E ~ Ori k bl 11; LC& :C.::::n: AJ.Jfr • °'1 'r ..... ., Ad&ml. 1!i4g..QQ,)I, Cl\tld 1ANT• AHA .................. u1t oRADll'40. DisctMll ............... t.tARlNER'• CENTtR ~nt. 646-3750 IRANO NAME '"'""' EoSI. c • «' • ClLAN•UP llPl.'l:I pnt1. MS.lTIT 11t1:1tM1Hst1:11 ................ :w11 oLAss , ................. MN C'NDY • .... ~ ROUTE 1toM pl1nli!f'I A t llll')' M ~ .. ,.~ .. ,. ocld "'b• _-t;t..,....,.-..,,..-,_,,,,.,.._'="'..,...,..,.. Hl'arUlroktn. MIDWAY CITY 1•"t' .......... :Ul6 •Jtl"fH T,HUM• ............... •Pli OUice or Sto1-e Blda. Rtnl or Jt""' -<:oatl ~1eM. bulld " "' ..,., ""' • ;l o....... .... ,.. . iNT 6 Qt Pitt l'rtt 11ta. SAMTA ANA... " s ........ :UH GllH IMO!' ................. i111 I«e. 14, RJvtnlde AW. NB. 40 un11a, Phil Sulllva.n, <PART Ort ryu. 11P.1E) ..... ~ •. 63 :'9~3·J;•: !;l;d; ~·'°·"" I.' ~ Loe rm. 10 -·,, .... ... BUCK • suwr " COASTAL ................. t 7• HJAL:rJLCLUll .............. '"" l>.~8 --VERY"HIGH INCOME z::r~~-- ---Jo"N""N'S GAR0-1"a I-~·1 ~:,_,_P..~...::.. mlnliturt ........ ,. t -oJ.d ~:~:: :~:J:t. ·:::::::::::::f,r, ~~~~~1l1:AM1M'O ............... :: 64f;..24J4 Owner Rellltt'lr.•.,..-iul. \Ve rlt'ed a dilitrlbutor in this C1".ln1~1kl!'I ~ y~ :'rt, c~""',:na"' et,,,:..~-... '""""' -CNlll'I ;I:" Re.;°~rd j MISllOH VIEJO .... -........ 21ot 1MTtl10• OIECORAttNt '::::;.,., JMi NEwP011tT iLvi5. R·l ~-aci'I' iOt klcondido. .. ... ~-IN• II -----~i;j~"'r.fiii1i[-';;;;--:;;r\~'~M~ M~!..,,,...,..,,,,_ __ IAM CLl:MINT• ........... 111• IHCOME TAJ! ' ........... ,ff LO do ........... .. •• ·-8 • our ca~...., I e1, R~"D~NTI .. ' ... ---I"•. plantinc. J:::: p ~ -1 "'" JUAH c•~w•AMO 1m tRoH onw-tei. stc. ,, 200-300 aq . rt. opPot;lle Ntw· w wn . ..,.,:-,..,r VY"'V"u Plant!J"5 Tootsie Rolls Pay-~-31 0 ftM -= ~0• .. "• - -· -:-Ii.A· AlrtTM\o MW tehl LOST: Wiitcun *rt"· u111sT••Ho ii CM ... :.:::::11• 1•0NiHo ............. ::::::::.!, port acy Hill. l'fa.UM11 (lr ~O Day, Milk Duds, etc.'i. No c;uttom C1bl~I • _r\tm, * LANDICAltllll * tft.ehtrwillp&intt\ltl• ,,___ .... """' 1 .. . ()ANA POIMT ···~' ........... tHI '"'Uuf11CG ................... it -.. u·ong In·-·-·. \Ve lurnl•h htn J\t·nl\11bina. ~1 1S yrt li>cal t:tp. ti.3d-. .1l25. wkftcla. Xl.nt Mrittn~ vn.net lui~i-u ct.I, .~.,.. 1t1ven10£ cov ........ ''" •1'11u•attc1: •:.: ................ •!!! COSTA Mt1a an1ce1. AIC. • ,. ,1,.1 vvi""' Whitt tttt, 1 tflO'._ Anrlnfl ¥&CATION •Ettl LI ......... ,,.. '""•tT1G•t1Mv, Dtltttf.,. ... • crpt•, •-. Ptrklo1. 1•~~ "a11rt repel'ft iH all aceounll. You muat havt r"rtt tit. MM&tl, 10 ·--•·" •••1<10 IUMME• •t!"t ......... nu '""'ITOll lAL . .. . ....... 1 · t""' """' C I ·-A-I II I ~ k:'.™f"::: r • '611" V'11t-toNOOMIMt11M ................ nst Jl:WEt.JIT •EP•lll, •tc. ...... HM Bakfir, 64&-48.\1 of' ~m C'ANYON L.AKEr Vw '°' b" 2 to 8hn. pt'r w"k 5~ '""'"'"' N'N """' ... ,. rv ••• _, f..'\JllVM hlntlnl. Ulltrior-CIUPLIXlS l'U•tt.. ............ m s UHDSC.t.!'IHG ................ ffli , time (dllyl or t\'f'll. bttrior. Lie~ Bonded. t111. O~'r .. Whitt )'OU.Ill RENTALS ·_0t11;1,•,or• , ·,· ............... 5 .. NEAh C.t.f--cilr,-llaU . l Rm. ~WN'.· S~ dn, bal $102 ~· 1,,~ to 11_. ~••fllNT•Y IVJN' tutl!N I ri 1t 111 t ti. • ....... 1 bt u-•~i•i ...... ,.... .P!rallin fe m 1 11 ~•t. MASO y, I I K ............ • Qfllre.ii. Pane ed, <!11.....,ll, 1nd inter 6c..\. 962-3803. . tYff, · ........, WH """"" ft 11 t htttl ~ ~ u _,, tin -• Houses UnfYrnished MO~IMO • tTO•AGI ......... ..... CASI! REQUIRED t.nNOA JtUA!]U. "' ,.. Raley lltUOn rnoe ~-illi'IFN' iii; BroatlWQ' • TU• ' \,N, · '"''"• ,.......,o,. • ,,._, 11~ Call ... -. ~ .,, ..... 1 -Al a, Po-· 11-. n ... -~. •" ~s IHlitu.t. ................... JOOO •A1MT1HG ... ~t ...... 01 ,.... . ;N, ""'~ ~ I"~~ ti It ~-~-" ~-IA .... "'"...,,.. '.., ' .,.. ~·· "'1lnl ~!1""60'0 OSTA M1!1A. · ................ iioe ~T1os ' ............... . 600 r.i:·.T-O ... .,.c'. Mou.,t1in & 01_11rt ~2tO r Ol' more nwnna on WM •--·--In HU'bor atta Lie It bond· '°""~'.,--"-.O..C,..,.-,.-, [ ElA DEL MAt: , ........ ,,, .. JIU PHOTOGJIAPHY·············•··•:m IW r r ''Di1trlbutor Division NO, lltl It lllllt e&blnttl. JIO ~ •·•• fu ·.,~1to..,;u l.OST: 3 mo, Old f~tnait o"tts::•fA .. ···:::~::::::::·:~:~: :te::.~:::·· .. ~~,·•·w:·;:= SIX} r.10. C.M. M&-2130 YUCCA VALLSY HCtkNI. 2.T', P.O.°°" ~ Pomona, MM116, lt tlO UIWll' *"o. H11ufl,, ' .!':'· n.=;· rn. -~ Ottman lhephtrd. Vlc. l~Po•T llEA.CH ............ ttt1 PIT 01tOOM1ttO "'""'"•""•"' Be1t buy at S~~ ac. 1/~r)' Calli. 9l'i69. tncludl! phont Nr at NNt1'L ff, CAR.t'S ?>11)Y\"-*, tllllllna • RETlltliD Pl.llltttt M ~tt , 1ilot1rDVl1. It Od. C&1I :::g:~ ~:~::i ··::::::::::m: ~g~~:"f~~"Ei.tH·;-::::::: .. ::::1 Jndu1trl1I promlalng invetltrtcftl. Ad· numbe1-. Aftittf'IMI Cletnup. 11 fin )!),U. Rtu. exper. Neil a hont•t. Non ~g,;.,.c...;.260ll.c,,-,...-~...,.-. ~~~'t..0;:~Rl!S ·:::::::::::::::~ PuMI' s111v1t1 ............... •" Property 6080 jolna planned mu It .MS COIN l1t uftClrici,..nli\d1.lre OEN, l'tflllr, tad., e..i. ntt ~t. MW911 ftrt't'A.,~ ~~· ~ ftlm can1era on Seaahott. l't't!STCLIFP ............. rtH llOOPINO .................... ttff --rlvlpn1t. A11utnt I~ lit 'rD t "~ 1<2 GOO Form!~ pantll"* mtrlltt • HAUIJNtt. It•:. 11 ...... -rM'!>KHAN'ulNO Dr,, lltlntlay o••, Cal l ""1ve1ts1TY 'A•K ........... m 1 ·~~~6fL-r.! 11.1"·,.-; ...... :; /BUILOtk O~'Jrent..~ NE\V wa·ite owner. 1'teVor Box mm .,.,,JlN 10 • ' ' ·•· · u "" ""' · •• •VINI! ··················-··ltll ~EMOO!Ll~l. K1,fH=Ni .•..•• 4 21 500 -rt (I lu:<c:@ bid Anaheim, Cost• M•••· Al11thlflll . Dl!!k, .,)....HM pl!!ltup, l\Oftultd 6 tnturtd. Call Mao ANYTIME $4&o-151) IACK IAY · ................... n~o fc1s10•• '""l'E" ...... ,,,,,~., · .,.. · e · g. 1966 NB Buena Plrk, 1'11 I Ifrton1 n.i:p..\1RS ; A£°TERAfi0Ns ..._._11111• 54o.o«O Ml-1444 , ... ,.:lh "d ft male .~ ••. IAST ILU,F ,,1 •• ., ........... 2241 ll!!'N ,,iO Le11!>1!d, ChOIL'i! Or an ge ,---i •-...,. Ti:' r~?L ;;-..-, lit""" UI ._,,. 11 T•l'I · n44 11w1No MACM1itt'i l'Nili:• i 1 County area. proper 1 y USINl1S and Ga rd t ft Orovt • • CABlNt"l'S. Any site jOb JlCK ·§ • iPAJNT NU, trit-IO!t. IACIJ Whitt wittl bl ack f&l'9, $500 r~v,:::. T::~AJ:. ·::::::::::::: f:rLT~~J~:NK" s...-. itt .. : clear. Owner wtovry lst ,INANCIAL ~-e • tmtn.sltr, ltun!~.t,on 25 '1rl tlptt. 543-6713 MOVINO A llAUUNO rfftttncitt. lmM.td ltl'Ylet. Rewlrd .... ~._ AL•DA ................... uot t••Mift t:OMTll:Ot.":::::::;::,,n TD S~9' l"repd 1 1 k oc:ach, Sant& Ana, 1uaul\i fii:Plfl\ l>lttlfioN Small .... ,._•II. EW -lOll &l~~ld · LOST r., ""ck -·••. 1 AV Ill.ANDI ............ -... nso Tit.!, Ct1"1l'lllt ......... -•..• th • -.An . o . Bu1l"111 La M.l."'1L • ·• n ,, • .,.. ...,.,. -.. uo-. "-100 •sLe .................. nt1 r. "'' '""''lh'" • Mtrttt ...... •tr• 53()...3645 am, ft28...M.JU pm. O 1 If' ,300 "· ~--II ... ~ .,,, ... remodel, etc. Nltt flt' day GA™/ -. C 1,, ~· , .,AtNTtNO • Sxt4nl. 11 Yft. mo's w ·1 ted l'Ollar. Meu ALICA 11u.Mo .............. ius 1'fllilf: i~•vl't . .. ...... ,, ppor un 111 Ulll ... 1111.r e ~'°"" n~ui "·" -· -!9. 1 f\U oar '· !'llWPD•T WIST ............. SJA Tll.l't' uo: llttllll'&. l!t. .... -NEW BIQ .. 11.000 Mt ft for • • .• .. • L ~ ...... 1\61'1 Remove trttt. ,..... tltplr. 1111 ... 1c. ,..,.. ttt. Verde·~·· M~Ul )IUMT1HoToN f.lliACH ....... :Moe u ,0, ,, " 1 -l:IIINCHtu.AS Reas Art .,., • •-··t ten•·-~•"M l'UNTIMGTON l'.At•ou• -... :Mu 11 " •·•···•····•···•1 aale or le11t. Tor det.A\11 Attt1 11ce · ' · REPAl f\>rimodtlUC-p&tlol Crade, blcl&hot, OU-1145 ""VUll ' ; ...... ~ WJllTE Furry puppy. No col· r~~r:~:,~· L T .......... :~ :r~,?J~· ..... ,..:;::::·:::. , ilanl• ••• 1... CANDY IUl'PLY ""'~;·::"d Tlll. llll~l LET Ti!E llWEilt 00 ITI HAliCui5' 111 L~D * P1,1itlilNlfN5' lac. V•l•ncl• Sired, eo. .. lt..•OtH o•oVil ':::;:;;;;:;:::S4n JOBS & EMPLOYMINT •tt ftOUTI! or • · ••4M--11&3 •• ,. tr'M 8@1"Yk't,.... It PAIN1'1NO. + -.NH 1'1eu 5't-M\\ LOMG •EACH -~ ........... ·11• •01 w1i.Ht1D. Mtil ............ ,... G424J60 (No sellln-9 tnvol\Jtd:) Mon--Loon ••20 ••n«™y, 11.1 pa It•, r== ...... -11 t:l• -·• ~ Oil.ANGIE COU!fTT ............. >tot 'ol W•H1•0. W""'4111 '°" e •• n;ll .. '-.: n.rl!;r'ITK wsr: ""1W.U 1)1 ..... e ""'Iii• i~~~:.u~~~e'i .. :::::::::::::::::::; ~°IHwa"''Jro~iN .... ::::::1 ... Comrt1trcl•I bei!Uent inconit for ftw tltm0dtl1fla, cablntta. No Hou•M!!!ft.'!tl . 6721 Pl1storlftl, '•tth, Sun l~ 'Vtt K-Ma:rt, Ot. Mtow•Y c1TY ................ ,.11 •c~ooLs • '"''1tucT10• .... ;... 60l5 h0Ur1 Wffid.Y "'Orlt. co,ya 1 I TD LOI iob ttlO lmi.lf. Ca11 14M214. BAY • ~-··• Jan110· rt-• R1,.1r "'° newantt ..-: IAMTA AHA MllOHTJ ......... >'• JOI PlllEflAJIATICili ... ...... •• and Evenlng1). RelUllng 11nd I n • ~ " IU tOASTAt. .................. J70I THIATlllCA'-""' ..-11-"'11 .. _ _.., ·---1· Comonl, c_,.,, ... t·--11, Window&, floon, uouH• •1•tf .............. 1115 Ml~CHAND.ISE .. F.0. R INVEST ""' """"e. """"" u-.. ... """ .. "" * PATCK Pl.Ai'l'tl\ING '•r1onal1 6405 U.GUNA NIOU l. •............ 1111 " OJ)tl'il.letl dlkpefll!ti In Or-lowest lnterert Available Ile. f\11 • Com rn c ' 1, All •...... Jlrtt' u l ---____ ...:.;:::; MISSION VllJ ...... -...... ,,.. SALE AND TRAO! In &yfl'Onl o..-...... e.n<rA Co. , •• ···-·ntll•• 2 d TD l CONCRETE work all , ...... s. 6tlat401. VV"'•· ti tnl •• • FULLY u-u•rD . SAN CLEMENT• .............. ml ' '"""°'"' -..," '"' .... ,.,... •oe n oa n "'"" Call 540-M25 ..__._ ,.., .. IST•AHO . ' ............ Jm ,U.Mlf UllE .......... .... In Newpoi1 Beach a.mt. Wt e1tabll1h route. SaWll\I. brtU.lfll, b&ul\ftf, m ·Pi.ETE qualt 1)' ... l\@nowned ~lllldU IP'rit· CAP!ITllAHO l lACM .... _ ... 37lll o'"'cl Fu•r,1T\lllt• ........ ''II -' •. 8 Ski I di LI ,. __ ... _ ... OAMA POINT .................. 2140 OP"IC 10•;.'"'~Nf .... ""'" •J ~~I on lire •Y (lfa.ndle1 ntune brgnd candy 1 poa na:: c. ~rv'"" • ftouMtle1nlnt. l!:tperlellt'ld. Plumbing 6890 ulllltt. Ad'l!ti 6rt all tOMOOMIHIUM ··· ........... 39H !Tori!• EQ."' "''"T ............ 11 Zo'l'led for COtlln\el't'Ud uu Ind 11nA.ckel, $1625.00 cuh Ttttn• blHd on ~ ty, Quallll H,_1010 "·~-·•bit ~ m&llil'll LOw, Morn ... , D\ll'LIEXl:S UH,l,IJIH .......... 2tlS A.FOil, •ESfi\~ltfMT ........... __.1 '42·2171 545-0611 t: ' 1"'......,.,. ' . ' IUMM•• ••MTALl .......... ms •1t E~u1'M&"'bi ···-·······UU !11ajor bouleva.ru fro11t~ req uired. For pel'I011Al 1nt11r-~rvin~ lfatbor area 21 yl"I. t:EMENT WORK. ~job too ti.lf&a Cltanln, &!rvlct PLUM1!1NC, 'R.epaln & Al· B\iil~ COUrlthl~ HRI~ ltENTAL) =~~~~.0k!'-• 0 0'. :::;:;;:;;..,, $220,0Ck> • 1'1.'nnir vlt w In 01,nge Co, irta, $ 1 M w. C Small, na.llOl'labie. het C&rptll, wlndoWll, noon, etc. teratlol* ll ~prices. Hi.Pl!lntll a S\Jtct ... ~ Apts. Furnished r11.1tNtTu•E .AucT10" ........ rnJ Usted J:;-xclu sivcJy With send name, atk11'f&11 1nd itt •r ''·•••• 0• Eitlm H Stuf\lck M$-86"15 _... ,.,,._ 'I 1Mu111 * ~ ptt1bl1m1 t(ll) 111.~or i.. .. ""'"''""c11:1 R T 336 E 17th street • · ' ·· . --ttM. • "'""ma · --. 11 1 A ... It ·-· ttNlllAt. .................... 4 "Htlo1J1s ................ · 1 photit number tG MUL t. · C z:c h r.: ··?t lil'I::: 1mil. , U\i"I 1vv. (OSTA MESA ............... .,.41110 ~·W~HP lr\Af;"I"'""'"'-'" I 01-INC 1••1 w WE MAKE OR. BUY ft CON RETlli .oon:, PLUMitlNCl l\Jll"'AUt lte d~ ..awn ' ~ Mt!SA VEllDli ...... , ......... 4l1t 1U' CAL IM!f UM.lfr ''.'.'.:'.:~1 Sl'ATdE ••A., h . ."' we.ii' T.RU-o•-• li.lios, mlllON"Y. A'fr1 l t jOb. lntat'llf' Dt .. retl .. •1i1 No job too lll'lall ... ·k. 'M•4l•"M •1J • l HIWPORT ·~t"-............ •200 ,, •• 0 •••••• I e-W••, •• ••m. • .,. i:.~u;, ... Don .__. ...... ~ • .i. 4 ............. "' r-., -.! N•WPO•T HI iSMIJ .......... n11 ............ ,.._ -.. '"-'•au • -• 1'41W,.OllT s ·Ill ........... 4ttt 11!!•)0,•0 •J.' ..................... torr\la 92IOI tn4) 718-4080, • 543-33111 •'!YUme Bier. .. 7 0' :i:C-'r*'T· wry PICTUltl l'ltAMINO CtMlflo Jttal, 81.fl "1:sTct.1,P 41• r· "11111" !.,................ ---· ~ ..: 111 Kr.. a:. one Cl 1 411 ttll UH1ve•11TY ·;1i.11K":::::::: .. :4n1 ~,:,l'11'~~~ ~ .... :··: ... :: ... : • .!. f.u fi>Oo Storti tral'lc:l'U1ec DIAL dlrH:t 64"871, '-1\&r'Re Llettnatd. Pillot/ df'VW>": PalnU11p -113.atn Rooflnt 1950 tmtn •· • • ••cK IA Y ··· .................. ,.. CA .. fll 'I.' • iollll'M'iNt ..... a RI! "TORS A"•'I C·'I -·-or ~r ad ll'len ail back and ....... cl9;..Mlll.-_1t,,_-----·I tAIT ILU'" u ............... t!U !OilV1U-.. .. ll!S , ......... t4" '°'"' .,.,. "'--' IUKIOIV . ' 1!10 JihUIJl'llC.l'i\t tU.&41-°""1 - --io•oH• 01L -• .~ ....... •UI '°•'•N• 00001 ........ .,.. 4113-1sn aft, PM I.Sten 10 the phone rlngr • ..... lnco"'9 T•• •140 NE\\' nooe.. l\ep1atri • * MIR ALIDA . .. ................. OH INOCUU.ltS. SCOPES ...... , .• ..,. 673·4400 -----MORli IC.'flntrt:lt p.aUo IW Cotti"I of all Typta. Boll '"Y Ht.AMOS ................. 4ut M\sct::LLAHEOUs ................. le81 rnot'lt". Artistic Mturll BINIP'ICl•L t.IDO ISLI: ···'I.I."'""'""". 4m • '' W••••o m:· # ... WOrb on lht "'b 1't<te IAt.IOA llLAJfv ........... 4us ' ............... , ., M'l"'I•• •" -TAX SIRVICI ••' NUNllHOTOH t11i.AW ......... 440tl MACH!t!lltY, Ille........... .... S.1x2l3' C01'11M. lot •l 1110 ... II ... _ ••• ........,_, e1tlm1ttt ..... lltl. ~ "DUNTAtfl VALLIY .......... 4411 LUMiEll ,,,, ......••...... ,,,.,llU An-'--lrn •••·• c .. ,. M•la. ~·rrou CONCJ\&'t'E INSTANT JU:t\IND (II )'OU 24 hr. r1NO YOUk Outt. TRI I.'' •• ''. ~JI 1TO•ACOE .. "1.l "-"1"""""111) llJn: ...... "' t.t T 1.0••) YI .................. 1u1t.01l'4• MAt••1111•• ...... 1111 IN '""' • 11 .. ~ I M ~,..., -• ~ • ..,eta. trtt owe tax, 1.,s ANT N• , ., , ....... , -" -t: aMAft.1' AY! I.ONO at!ACM ................. uoo iWAPS ,,.,. r .. ,.. .,.. .... r. •1'1 r• ...,... ~ .I.... ru.u ..,...., ...... • O•Atto11: couM'n ................. •1rs nd 'IV"STOCK great u!IC!s? Good rental an .. 1. $TM&11 Q)mputtt suaran1R1 'fl''" hall hl I • U:AKS 141""'8 ..... DIN ••0V• ................ ,. r • "' i;; }~ I tit ttfulld/lowtlt tax. ror a up I .,. ti. t~ hOUt l"tC!OOJll'C fr1nM1MsT1t• .................. u '•is ,•J1Nl!•A1. ............. .,.. property, ~ a.· c ~r. Umlt~ ti-, HOMS .... "',• R!:PAll\Eb. Wort 1\111'. -. 'lltDWAT c1TY .................. 1• CA 1 ......... -.................. 11H o\\·ner wlll c11f'f'7 111t TD. Chlkl Cert, ~ ..... ~ &17 tus Ke ''Ntw*' live I(""' SAMTA ANA ........ 1.1! ....... ,. ... ,. 00 I i''""""'•""'""''"·-Ve-Arudoua. Rick Aldtrtt· ·1-·-· .. ,. b) ·-t. ·=-======= ~,MT ... AMA Hl:IONTa ......... 4UI HOlt:SI: . ,,, . ., ............... llM '" & • -"' 91i ••• ,...2l prtlitnta llllhtl,y co•T1M ............................ L1v11Toc" .................. ... It' 54t-Gt6!1 -MW1 M ll"!t'«I s.w1.. ,,.. Rl•ll •""the ''H•wtt" u.~~iA,,,L 1ilAC:M":::::::::::::::: CALlllORNIA LIVING •"OR 11alr, i.h.n'l? bulld\NJ. e· ed NURS!:1tY School, C.M, T ITU J:, 11111 St., C.M. .-. ChadbOu.M'll O\lY Lel'l'IU'il LA•utt:a tt1ouet. ........ -... 4m-• 1 ·--1 ••. l!lh •i .•• 1 •• 1 deYI wk. l :JO AM·t :aoPM. 545 W. ltth SI ., C.M. e Drffemakt--.. Alt ... ~·· 1110 • "l•-ntla. CM MIUION VlllO _ .. .,_ .• _ 41• lfllllllt I I · ............. n11 OOIHW!I '" -3 u.. 11oe II /IJ aft ICbl mce "• ......,..._ r ''"' IAH ct.t'M11Nr1 ..••••..... , •. 41u •w1M.M1N• Poou ........... •'•"' 1'1~ ,u,.11 !MS.l'm8 ..... t Fu , P rnt, . Smiley TIX Se OMl,ned to wll )'OU. ran -n11m· en1:' R=,·,.:.-o•"• POINT .................. 47'0 PAJiOI ....................... 111 . • .. ' RalllS tor 2 or more. Ctn Jo • ........... "" IU _.. ~t~t'N1~1t ',',',','.'.'.'::::: .. :·~"~ ~~fi~~\1··:"·· ... : ......... :II: 60tO fill! del ~111p. f\&rn, lo Otsqti (:(), .c=:-'" WUI the mAn whO llo1irf'I fht MoT1Ls ............. ~····-··· •"1 TRANSPORTATION ~·.!.!:!!I RffiT•I o • .,._.1292 • ttth YEAk t.OCAU.Y • Tiie, Cirimle ,974 · Jtwtlf)' at 317 Pri~lon at RENTALS IOA.TI 1 ,1'ACHTt ............ -T\YO 1000 1q n. blttg11 with Jn .. Qutllntd .1tfuonablt lh• ,,. ta.rage Mil', .tall Apt1. Unfurni1hed !~1~;:A~~u1•••i·:::::::::::.ilU 111r cond. oHh:co• •~ JM, '•' COfttr1cttf'1 t'20 W. A. tblll) IMILliY '* Vei'nt th• 'l'Ut Mlil * $4~ Children fOOlc It lo t•H•'llAL ..................... IOOf sPl!O-Sltl :\DA ........... MH each. 1 1,. Air cont.I. o(tlc:t . C.rUned PubUc MteOUllt't Clait. work. Jnatall • rtpe.lrl. tali by mlatake. COSTA MllA ................. ,JlOI loi.T Tlt.t.llol I ' ............ AddlMns * "Amodtlll'll 9d-t221 l""llMt Ns.1111 • No ........... 11. Plllltr f::il,,:Z.l"'ICS ·-~-• Vl:JIC~~·''"""".'".1111 l .. T flj\AIH1'11iMllltC• ........ !!ii $100 nw. I Ip ftnctd )I -1 1_ •v II""' A~lJnvL . .,..,...,...,_ ., 1 ,. ............ 1111 •OA:T t..auwc.iu•o ........ ". 1 kt\ Fred • wv ~• .... uo 1A i..i .... •how p l>_~ft.72 7 .-,. k ' "-''' ,, .......... Ult MAlllMl t!QUIP. . ....... ,.., lllOl'lll(e yard IN mo. '13-6041 .. a..itto Ctnh. B\J1lntll •r~rv\~I pl • an.... tt htlM: '""' l or 1'1'11 \V • f 111to .i: ............ !Ii! 10&1' tt.1P, M00•1N11 ........ tw ~41-111.:JO ot ~ -eTHI TAX ADVllOltl } rtpatr. P.O. llox 1223 Coal• Miil._ • L • •. \.>•"•""'• • IOA! SE&YICES .............. § . Mt USf/MoOll8 11111 Ill TY ;A • ....... , ... 1 r IOA lllllta1,.1 .............. , ( !e! ('""ftl... ..,... Pfl'ft\, Ofn~S "-.ttl II-=·======= "j" · ........................ "" '"'"'" ............... M·I ltd~ for LHH • -;;r -•• N ~.,_ 111·~ -•m1nt1 '410 IA f "'Iii ............... ttd Pl1M1Jflli to"''............... -..... .J.-0. l'I """"'' vu . T .......... '"° co•.,..• o•• MA• ........... me 10.T MOV11te ................ W()I) sq. n. CA~l:'f' fT&AM. a.aAM· ~11t Hoq tlospltal '" l'••ff lljl,t,IOA. .................. »M IOAT IT'OJlll•• .... -...... " r1111,y Sr>r\nklt:rtd ED ~-·-,.., Appl Call t4!MMOO --·-----HAVE )'()Ur brok~n ttl•lt.li"tl 1AY 11lAMDI ................. SSM •o~TI ¥tAMTID .............. :Ht S • No •P. no ~ . • Tu.ti. Htd&tl lrlrn ait. rt~. 111 E LOFT, Wt ~t~~~ct:".o~~i~·::·:·:·:·:·:·::'.e! ~~T'l~~r~~t:rs~:::::::::::;;:~n:: ~~~l!or <>:.~~r.:;;: . _1 .· •• l]ie~ .. ff.i.> ii.K. ~ 1tt.T~ :'vi& ~n:;;1 =ri.~ 1. e.L11n. cdM. s7UW POUNTAlfll VA!oL&T , ......... 1411 MO C "9111•1 ""•"•""'" 11 .. 84to&fT4 .. w t d A\ ""-••• IUL •IACM """'"'""""kSt llCTC ft '""··""""" an • • tm/lell fDr htJll. ttG, IO .,.._ lppl, ell"! -(llMtlry lGf• .... t.Oll!• IUCft ,,;, .............. SHI St.ECT•lf;. (Alli .............. ttse comp. h®ltoln'1 ll'f4W • )'OU? hornl °' ottll'Jll • u 1ttirv .,,._ • ;,;,,,. ... --"=--'-- .......................... "" MO" ..... ~ ................ "" RENT M·I. -. 11. 11tl ft .... . . i on 111~1 .............. lltt Moto1tcftl .... : ......... '* ..., l ifi t• TIJl SER.VICE ln ~ Qn'KOalU'I 0a tm \l•'-' ltAUOA R111~ I ll*'Ht '"':JI•r•• ........ -••• ,.Nit MOTOllSCOOT •• ~r. '1.!./.'""'* mo. lJM Loc•n, c M . c ... . ca ions.· -.. •ut •• m.1tnll "'-.. --·~---~ •• r1p"'". bell de!llon. 1'orctd 10 tell. Mltll!A'I "' ................ W1' Auto,.:\\ a. "" ... .... 615'-4111 Tl... .... .r . ••"'V"' ................ . , .. ,. • •i"·'"I"""""··"" ••" • •" "·····""'' "'" rv • 111.-• .. 100., •• 1 ••• 1 •• , M•ko otltr. - I r• ,. ... T ......... j&Jf t•AK.11,; "'"'L .......... ..u INDUnJUAL uNrr i» .,. 1m ~..,. t•" .......................... ,.,.,._ ..... ""1"' ............. § · SH WI Newport alv c:r.t n~ ~J""'"""""'* ..,.,.., ...................... 831 w. lllh St NB. Avail Im· 6500-6900 "'UICK CA / ll'IWl'I: • hdmJ '!'ax "'""' · . • ' Lti•I No!ln• '450 " I ............ ,,,,.. tttvc11• ............ -......... mtd. Mtr-11'24 T fl>·-"' ...... 1-... y '-'AT~IJid·a Oliilm. UPlilt ---'.,::"1'~~iij';:':'::::Ej ~c:.'-,'li-.t1f't•u"''""'""' M-!Ofllo<'. tlOnl!' '""'·Up -, n th. THltOU•H A ~~~ .w.. .. ~:' ~.JIA~~lp 1:;11 d°:'J11bt~rw.~;:; A ,01Mt _ ......... 1111 11111,011 ID AD.to1 ............ lo 2 acrtl. Jttuonable. U.U 11 CM Atttaon1 Al\111"1 AL llT1 ATl, :i;.o1~iu~:!l,,.11ou ·:::::::::;:"l: Biik" SI., C.M. MM>HI ~ DAILY PILOT BUSIDI' n.ariittl!il"' ln ,,,,.,,..~..,... ••, 6owi;;.,~ ~ .. ,.,•* A--,,. "'"i'••••1 ........... • -"""' 1111 l>AIL~P1thl' '"'""""<Cl tt Iilovtr You'll Ali., rlw-r u1•5•A· ...., ff 1 "I' !IS DlAL dlttCt 64Z.G6T8. Charp • , .. _. y --~ ~ ........................ ·~ I ,, • ................. ,.. • ''· It ~· •• w·NT ·D -· tlmt ,, • ' ..... nntl .. amUllll numtitt 6f ~"-....... ~ ... ·~'!'!.··•·::::~::::::Im ~i~ .. ,, ... :::::::::::::: 1111.' .. ~· • ~-· ··~ .. .. Clatilllt>I tlCllDo. • • .. -Ill lodll''a Oulllltd ~,. ltt11 .. ..., •• d"l'.tllal iTi••·"""""""" •V'• '"" ............ ,, ... t1°• 1'*" lo 1111 phclllO rlncl POil l!XPlltT HILi' llOWlll Alt• Oteck 1n.m110• 642-M18 HI a IOA•C .............. ftff 1;110 CA,111 ........................ Nowl • ' • • '----------' -' • I I • ' • • M.TERATIONS " ' J •. C. PENNEY CO. FASHION ISLAND ' NEWPORT BEACH • h•• Im-lot. .,.....,. IOt' *COOK* LABORERS. !ti, wllUnr to be tra.lntd lot" plattic mokl· IJW. Minimum 2XI lb man req'd. U.S.~ F~. 15159 Colden ~est Circle, We1tminllter 894-fi612 ' ALTERATION SUl'ERYISOll with .ome ~ and wWJne to iearn 011r limited rpenu. CDmpetl~v.e wqn, oullta.ndlN' benel.IC. lnclud· i"I proftt .twing. . . . \.. . ~ Recent ·successful experience .. 1111 ,pha~es of fittinf, alter ations, rapair· ,ud· press·· Ing. Fu! tlm~ employment, excellent in- centive plan and outstanding benefits. APPLY IN PERSON Apply in peroon"IO a.m. to 9 p.m. Monda,v thru Saturday p...._y • f•1hlon Island 10 AM to 5 Plof,· lifONDAY nfRU FRIDAY ** LEGAL SECY •• Gal w"/loh of ,moxy to work lot a terTitic law firm. Xlnt k>c. Super co. bents. Start $55(1, Hurry! Ca 11 Jean Brown 54l)..6055 An equal opportunity employer J, C. PENNEY CO. JOIS & EMPLOYMENT 1----·------1 Jobl Mlt1,Wofn. 7100 2f J'uh~ Island Equal opportunity ,.mployer COASTAL AGENCY 2790 H&rbor mvd .. C.M. MW.anted, . Women 7020 YOUNG v.-uma.tt de 1 l re I General ottice v.'Ol'k. Exp. credit. library. CM a.rel, F'ull Ume. 551-6432 AIDES • for convalescence, elite~ care or family care. Homemaken. 5:17.fi681. ACCOUNTING CLERK $474 to $576 por '!'Of'lh -CITY OF - NEWPORT BEACH Position In City Fina.nee Depl requires High School pdu- ation and ~ yean·rettnt -====-:-:=--I Machlnillts • CONTROLLER ACME GRIOLEY Screw mach. aetup opera. A mlllti aubdlvillon land Must have 4t least fiw yean de-wloper lqcaled in setup &. operating exper. Southes:p California is Swint: shift. Xl.nt. ~·1. and seekin~ an agrMS!ve working cond'i. • man exi>erl~ in land Apply personnel ore. development ~t and ac-L.n.1. Cox Piffg, O> .. Inc. ========= I eXperience tn accounts ~ celv.ble and/or bookkeepin&' v.'Orlt. Ability to ape-rate a variety of oUice mach~. ProUcltncy in typing firur- es. ability to mttt the pul> lie. countillJ ,procedures In· 1505 E. Warner · cludine interim · and per-Santa Ana Job.-Mtn, Wom. 7100 WESTCLIFF PERSONNEL AGENCY 2043 WESTCLIFF DRIVE NEWP<>RT BEACH, CALIF. TELEPHONE : 66.2770, ~ Lot•• SIC. Good 1,yplna &. S/H, could be trainee. beach anoa. Receptionist Know PBX, good telephone manner, lite 1,yping, beach U<L General Office Good typing, tra.in on MTS'T. Dictaphone S.c. Youna: gal with recent work exp. + typing skills. rood Co. P/T BoolckHpor tor CPA......._firm, 4 hn a day, beach area. M•n•oe"'"'t Trainee Good work backFQUnd, maf'- ried, some college. . Full Ch•rge BookkHper Know ledger le payroll, Ua:hl typing, Beach area. \VESl'CLIFF PERSONNEL AGENCY 2043 WFSI'CLIFF DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. TELEPHONE: &IS.2770, 545-5685 ACCOUNTANT· Applicants;-shoul.d ·apply to tM Personnel Office, l300 Newport B I v·d .. · Newport Beach, Calif. betott 5 pm, \Vedneaday, 1'1arch 11, 1970. Written tests scheduJed 6:30 p.m., Thursday, ft!arch Utb, 19'11), BABY sit, 12-7 pm or Z.9 pm. 2 Cch age 'children. BoiR W1y CM. BoMie Haywood ~ or 549-4367 manent tina.nclz:tg. Please Equal opportunity emp:Oyer send retiume and salary requirements to Box M· flfAID Wanted, Ken Niles 578, Dally Pilot. All re-' Villa Marina Motel. 1D21 plies will' be treated ln Bayside Dr., N.B. confidence .. co=UNTER=="""'H"'EL=P'°,-=2_,.hn-. I MAID For Motor Hotel. Ap- noontlme, flfon.Frl. $1.65 ply in person, 3151 Harbor per hr.,App : Chow Bell 2576 Blvd., C.M. Newport, C.M. D"EN=r"AL""'..,0""'1""11:-.,-,-. • .,-__ .,. .. ~.1 MAINTENANCE ?!fan, also n.e\,...., Maid for Motel. Penn. tlonl1L Please · Write Box 642-2670, 2800 New p 0 rt, 57M, Dally .Pilot, N.B. C.?i.f. RegardinJi: Your W o r k History & Qualif. DENTAL ASSISTANT, Chainide only . .Afternoon to evenlna: hours, beach area. Call day or nl\e ~. DISHWASHER •. Exper. full MAJOR Appliance Service Man w/knowledge of Ftlgidairt & Hotpoint AJ>- pliances. Call 646-2486. MANUFACTURING -ENGINEER -BABYSrrrER w/ refs., pt time . Refs,.Apply ln peraon, time, It!. hlkpr. 2 or 3 day Benton'• CoHee Shop. 133 S. Key Management role in a wk..11:30 -5 pm, Hunt. Coast, Lquna ~ach fast growing compa.11y. Mac Harbor 592-5306 Dept. Store G~gor ·Yacht-Corp. 1631 BABYS~. CdM area Pla_cen~. C.!\f, 8AM-4PM, S dal" wttl< !or J. W. ROBINSON MECHANICS -C2) mulne infant. Call 673-8535 , gu engines. Electrical -& BAB · HAS OPENING FOR general boat exp. Good pay YSJTl'ER, Live-in, lt · & co. benefits. Pennanen( It housekeeping. Spanish OK. EXPERIENCl:D qualified. Apply in person, 642-300. aft 6 CM. Service ?i.fgr, 2751 W. Coast . BANK TELLER CORSETIIERE Hwy, NH. w1Expe,, P/Time. c • o d Womens . Fashions Salary. Xln't working cond. * * MEDICAL * * Apply in person h:t Western Front oUice, be the flair tor Barut, 16932 Go~it st, Xlnt. company benefits thil busy doctor. Plush off- H.B. . • pl I ice, cheerful people. Start ,.p y n penion <r.1cn Call"""" H ••• ~ BARBER I., I I f F--"'· r ... _, N ~· ~ a.rt,,,............ ...u er or new -.uun a.a.uu, .s. COASTAL AGENCY . . JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYft\INT SALi AND TRADI MERCHANDISI POil Jobi Mon, \i::I. 7IOO Jobe Mi.t, w-7100 MI RCHANOISI POR S,\LI ANO Tuo. • --'""''""" IOOO Puntltvro ·, . - OPPICE , 'PQLll;I Ol!FICI R f-;;;;;;;;;;;====:~1 1 Am r• ~;"'m~y ·:::;;E:::· lijlJ:l!.[l?tJ}f@I erlr.an ·~·=-:i.i.cn~~ . DICOIATOI llnS ~-" • • • ' ~ Poll.,. w,;;. Of 11 WXUIY, N'ARTMllm Glad Y!lll're a GIRL??? Join up with u1l I l • AMERICAN . GJRL ALL NEW Red, White & Blue temporary service Morchlrit •l""B with TOP RATES MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS TOP BRASS COMPANIES We1re recruiting NOW for: ..,._, """""""' In S,.bli & M11hii1n1..i Ftniiuia au. ..a,,,,.,•• ••ti"''" AU _,..,.. -_ R@qultt~ta·lnc'lude ~ .,.~.-f height . 5'9"; "telent "° A decorator dream house on dlsp ay -S pounda minimum; 21 to roo!lls of gorgeoul Spa'nisb ·fllml lure '(was 31 y,ara of age; 20/30 un-rei. $1295. :=~.,.:tn: high SACRIFICE •••• , ~ • ,$425 Those quall~ should report for the 'helrt wlHt.n tell at 6:30 P.M .. Mar. n. 1970 at CllY Hall Cow>dl cltamben, 33')0 NewPort Bl\'d., Ne""'- port Beach. Galfl No appli. caHori ~ Pr1or to teal For fw1htt lnfOnnation contact the Penonnel Off. ice, ·Cn4> 61US33'. Complete Medlterr•n••rt Bedroom Suite in 01k. IRe9: $3.49.00 1 .......... NOW Jlll.00 6or9eou1 SpenT1h Cu1tom I Uilt Sofe with metchtn9 loY• 'Seet-Qoic• of be•utiful . f1brlc1. IR19. '419.9!1. __ NOW $2Zl.OO Spenl1h Oinin9 S.+1 -·-··-· . , .$71<.IO Solid 01k E.td T 1bl" ond Coll .. T 1blll..$1'.H Tall 0.coretor T•ble lamps. I R.~9· $49.U I --------.HOW SILOO Spen11h Hanglnt Swa9 ~mps .I R19 . S4t.?&I ·----· ....... NOW SU.SO Purchoalnt • .' 1'/17M CREOIT AVAJL. NO MONEY 00WN N!·~. ~=·::.::·Co.. • m RJRNITURE other P~, Ariz. 'Good l&I .... .,...,,. .... .,, "'°"""" 1844 N ·. a· I d . :e~.of ~=~~-el~!: IWpOrt . V •H1rbo~~lvtf.J ~m':.!:,;.;;.o~;.~·~~=' Costa Mesa Only res11m.,~~ ~~~ROON. 0 Ev•7 Nleht 'Tll '~ Wod .. Sot. & S..n. 'Tll ' Anoclates Age'ncy, Inc. JOIS & EMPLOYMENT 1885· Newport.,'0.f • 642-6720 , Pumituri; 1000 REAL ESTAT€ SALES Jobi Mon,Wom. 1100 1-------'= Needtd immediately • 2 ex-' KITCHEN SET. ,.rlen<ed ,.a1·mat. "''~ TRAINEES MUST SELL! pe Call 540-2321 alt 6P~I .~nio., ... ae .... , MEN 111 224 \V. coa.sf.Hwy. 548-552'7 "".otk for local oHice or na-Office Furniture IOJI -NEWPORT BEAOI tiona.l company. $125. per "''k .. AEROSPACE RELEASES 4 week training period t~ -./ REAL Estate Sales Lady 1oranl managing small b-FOR 'PUBUC SALE for very busy ~ntal office, otnce. !l.fust be respons:e, • 500 steel ,tram:ltt cases • cuarafittt. Full time or part married prtferred Ra Id 272 Steel Ir: .Vood desks • 85, time. 546:-4660 iulvancement. For i~tervi~w S.Drawer le.gal me cilbinets REAL Estalt! Sa I e s men call Mr. \Vha.Jen, &12-1508. ~ ?.rise chain, tables &: cab. shoukln't )'flu be selling the t.nets. hotte1t area·Hun.tlngton TYPIST TO $425 Mcl\ofahan Brns Dtsk Inc, Beach! ·We: will train. Call fee reimbursed. Xlnt wqrk· 1800 Newport mvd --------·II Ph.IJ McNtmee Village Real lng conds. Fee jobs also. Costa Afesa*6U-&450 N1wport B-och E!!itate OOl-44\1 ABILITIES -UNLIMITED AGE.'l'CY Office ** RECEPTIONIST 488 E. 17th; Suite 22-1 & ell Ore"le County for hospital laboratory. Llte Co!rta Mesa 642-1470 & Beach Cities. typing. tlHng: 2-10 PM, Satl•TY=P"1sr"'"'"1 ---,~~ & Sun oft. App: Personnel . or accoonUng of· Dept, HOAG HOSPITAL, f1ce. Soi:ne filing &: lite 11 Master11 Stenos "First C lass" Typists N B bookkeeping. Part or Juli · · time. Call 3-51 540-3943 RESTAURANT \VAITRESS'S Wanted: All HE~PER _ Shifts. Apply Odie's General dnt1e1, full tlrlle/ Restaurant 1400 \V Coast pa.rt time. Apply in person Hwy N B' ' only p.m., Dell Shet Delica-1;;;;-;;;o;"=·,.·-;;==-c~ tewn. 1oo39 Adams Ave at \VAITRESS \Vanled: O\•er Garage Sele , * ·WED .• Stq1·age unit, misc size 10 ladies clothes, new jeweUed 1v.·eaters: Stroller •. ?i.ilsc furn. &. houHhol(I Items. 16132 Littler Dr • Hntg Sch. 847..s.n& MOVING: Galle.rs &. Sattler range, hldeabed, tennis tble, tools &. other furn. 849 Governor SI., C.M. IWG-6315 OFFICE MANAGER Accrual Accounting System. Minimum 2 yn collea:e, 5 yn. practical aperieDce. Permanent employment to qualified penon. Eve~ Lager 494-1041. barber shop. Contact Lou Evans 536-1421 2lll2 Pacific Equal opportunity· employer 1 ,..,""".,.~H!!"',."'"'~-!!!"B"lv~d~.,"C".>"I". "JI Cout Hwy., lLB. J' flfEOICAL Ottice: Part time, BARMAID, part,time 6 full * DRIYEl!l$ * Gid ex..,. with w•rance Brookhu.rst,' H.B. ' 21. Call · alter 1 P!l.f, f.IOO =====-==-.,,.=i 962-7212. 1920'-A Bea ch APPli•M•• •1 R~A\]'RANT. M/F, 11:36-Blvd., H.B. -'-"-'-==---= 2 Pl\f, days. flfALE, over lS. NQ.RGE auto. washer, la.te "Private" Sectys. ATTENTION Sinat'.n- Reeord Co. ii ronducting talent sea.rdl. Call tor appt. 54S-2353 BABYSITI'ER Waned for 19 mo. boy, 7:»-3, my home. Musi have own trans. Vic Mtta del lojar. CM. 549--2fi61 TIME FOR QUICK. CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT . WANT AD !. DAILY PILOT \ time, Inquire·at Escapade, N Expert 1 Gd typ' t ""-· 0 -ce orms.. . 11 V'lV-"'1U.J 1664 Ne,,..n Blvd., C.M. . •" N I MEN~WO~fEN, Full time or BEAtrrlFUL ~~ w/fi~•-~-•ry. ., .. , .. ----part time. Fish & Chips to match to •model bikinis &: ~ t have dean Callfornll restaurant, across t r o m lingerie ·a ~ hrs a v.·k. drfvtnr reoord,, Apply Newport pier, 2100 \V. Great pay, Itri.ct privacy. YELLOW CAB CO. Oceanfront. Ea.&i~st way to earn xtra 186 E. ·-SL N S d .w11-1 MANAGE~1ENT O~ money. . o· exp. en Colt. Mesa descriptl9n or photo & 1 ..,_,.=~=='"°'=,-portunlty, Full or Part time. phone no. to P.O. Box 115 EARN $~'400 WK. Car nee. 20 hra. wk. 836-4302 Sanla Ana. Selllnr l 'hri8 hr day NEEDED Ladles to do lite BIKINJS: Earn over $7.00 Men-Women 18 up. '548-3277 Maki \\'Ork at small motel, per hr., setlini Sand pl per Fl BERG LASSING JOB HB. Only a. few hours need· CU.tom Bikinis at home OPENINGS -· FA5r AD· ed In the morning. Call parties; part· time. No in. VANCEMENT -NO EX-_536-<;c,;._1_10 ______ _ vestment Girls 1£ yn. &: PERlENCE REQtrlRED. ~ up, call Miss Paul, wk. daya l\1ornlnz &. evening shifts. Oewp0ft ~ = CARP.E.NTERS ~~l:'nar1:n~~~l2~~ personnei Experitnced. Large Cll&tom ftrfecto, San .Juan Cap. agency constructio!I. Top Wl!o&es. FRY COOK, e1eeer. full tlme, Profe11'-•I Service WILLARD BOAT WORKS Refs. Apply in person, ,...,_ 1295 e.utt st., c.M. Benton'• CoHee Shop for the employer --,,====-=,..,,,,.,.. 1133 s. •---1 ' --·na B<•-'" end th• •pplic•nt B-OOKKEEPER, (female). ....ua11 .,...,.... 1..·n P·" · 1 UI 133 Dover l)r., N.8. ... -time; pus gen. o ee .--rJ1a27•• work. Call: 642-1141 for Eicperience nee. Xlnt o ~'" ""r - app'l Ask for 1-tr. Senllt <n4l 546--alSS Ing BOYS 11 a 14 G1ner1I Office P•rt time, l VN Camer Routes Open to $550. 1..ow11 Newport charge nurse far Beach ofCI. Pleasant \\'otk- 1.quna Beacb, So. t..cunl Ing conds. Top benfs. Call Expe rienced 1idtl DAILY PD.Dl' 1.Us1 Betty 557..fil.22. Abigail 642-Bll Abbot Personnel Agency. 230 1 to 3:30 P.r.f. Shif1 BUFFUM'S NEWPORT Now Interviewing *COOK* Experienced fry or grill. 5 day .. 'ttk. Xlnt benefits. *BUSBOY* 9:30 AM-t:30 Pt.f, Mon. Fri. Experience preferred. Apply in pe~n only 2to5pm No. 1 F ASHTON ISLAND NEWPORT BEAOI. W. Warner, Suite ll, Santa Ana. HUNTINGTON VALL EY GENERAL OJtlce \Vorlter CONVALESCENT Misc. Office work It HOSPITAL telephones. Call 646--2486. 142-5551 Girl P/Ume for General Oftlce work. Send resume to P. 0. Box 2316, N.B. HAIRSTYLIST XJnt working e>ndltions, top comm. +. Must have clie.n- tele. 642-6857 * * NURSES AIDE * * tr you are familiar w/band- ages, babies It pills, this Is a job for you. Sta.rt $350. Call Helen Hayes ~ COASTAL AGENCY 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.l\f, HELP WANTED A p p I y: MARINE ·FIBER.. NURSES Registe~ -even. GLASS PRODUCTS, 3502 S. lng It night shifts. Ex. G vill s A benefits. Apply Pef'IOnnel reen e, · · Director, So. Coast Com· H SK PR· C 0 0 'K Exp I. munlty Hosp.. 31872 Coast mature. Take complete Hwy., So. Laguna. ~99-lJU charge or house &: other ext. 356 help, Hrs. 9 am-thru dinner, =,.;....------- 5\1: days. Live oUt. Own OHlce ---------1 tran1. Please give CREDIT CLERK BUSBOY • Lunchtime 'referenee1, eicper Ir salary With ability to v.Tite· rollec-~fonday thru Frida,y desired. Write . Da.lly Pik>t t.lon letters, type 50 \\'Pm, 10 Box M-24. key adder. filine. 1-Iust be Apply in penon HO us E KE E p ER, Lite \\iUing to train on switch· hause.,..'Otk P/tlme, morn-board. SNACK SHOP #I '""· Mon & Fl"i. 12 h,. <Hunt. Beach) can :l\jrs, INVENTORY· 230S E. Cout Hwy, oor \Velch 347-~ PRODUCTION INDEPENDENT °"'" 01 CONTROL CLERK CAKE DECORATOR, Foreaten Ii k>okirig for 3 Lite typing, oul.11lancling adcf.. female/pt time counter. Gd -·• 1n; ma.ch. ability, gd. hand. salary. steady. Ap~ by 9 -..es trainees. Carttr opp, 'l\Titing. Salary comm. w/ ~·-• .... 213 rtneroui advVICt. '4.>-05.91 rs·,~ -9;·~·~m-~l~,,.~~::;::::;;::::;;:-j-'-bil. & ~x~y -- - CLERICAL TRAINEE J·N V ENTORY CONTROL-L.P.I. Cox Mtg. Co •• J.nc, \VOl'Dt!n 21"40 with aood J.Q., Bl~~.:.... TCaly "1 •,n.•,· 3 Ex· J.5(1;; E. Warner 45 wpm typ, A: 10 key adder Pt'• "'' ... -no· " -4 1 2 Santa Ana accuracy needed. Sl.'75 to 1 ,,_N~.B~·=~~~-~-Equal opportutnity rmploYtT swt, with advance le com· JANITOR. !\la.le. Or&flie ••OPERATORS** puter traln. oppor. 0'.11 County area. Under 45. 12 Spec m&chine, ~p'd on Birch St.. Suite 6 (nr. Mf to 3 Ai'I. 1 dlys Pf!'I' wk. a:annents. Some trail'lef!1 airport) N.B. Good l>&Y· C213) 423-4637 Mz..3472 Chd, part ttme. experi-LVN , 7 to 3 P~t 1hllt. '"""'PH""'A"'R'°M"A"'C"'E"°U"T°"ICA""L,-~~~;:',~ RES-549-3061 MFGR. JANITOR. male. H.B. area. nttda apprenticta, ht!Jpen, CHILD Ct.rt & LllJ! l11kpz, Under 45. l.2Ai\1·3AJ\I~ 7 d"llvery driver. exP'd gra.n- liv~ in, HB area. 'Prlv mt. n!a:ht1 per \l·k. Good p11.y. t1lalor1 Ir p~ss opc1ratcu~. li:ulhe1 ~t~ Ca.II (213) 428-46.'tf. c.11 646-3931 tor appt. "Renk & Filt " Cler ls Erp. Insurance Cler ls Legel Secys. Credit Checkers Medical Secys. (Frnl & bl Ole) Dental Assis. Keypunch Opers. NCR Oper•tors F/C Boolleep•rs Asst. Bookkeepers Acctg . Clerls PBX Opuetors Statistical Typists Re pro./T ypish Recept./T ypisfs Ma nuscript Typists As semblers AMERICAN - GIRL needs YOU Coll fo r Appl. or information. eves. Apply at Tutee Freez \VAITRESS, exp pref, over model. xlnt COlld., lf lb. site 2966 Bristol, C.M. after 2 21. Stup Ahoy. 480 S. Coast $75. Kenmore auto washer PM. Hwy, Laa: Bch. 494-2050 in load cond. $35. 347-8115 mSee ~tty Bruce.tit School1°lnstructlon 7600 tjj Cxec * AIRLINE * J.rency tor career Girls TRAVEL CAREERS 410 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. By appot:i t, 646-3939 Sav!nxs "& Loan BRANCH 'MANAGER Savin&s &: Loan Association, located in · Newport Beach area, has positior. avail. for a v.·eU qualiCif'd Savings & lAan 81-anch ?-.tanager, Ex· eel. potential & fringe hen. Operalions A1entt Ticket sa!es Reservations Air Frtight . Cargo CommWlicaUons Travel Agent Al RUNE SCHOOLS PACIFIC efil!i. Only applicant.s ,.,;th Dily le Night Classes a min of 2 yn, Savings ex· 543-6596 perienc.@ need apply. For 610 E. 17th ~t., Santa Ana particulars call Mt. Heruleyl========= (zt3) 86~12. . SALEs..\tEN: Office Supply. MER,CHANDISE FOR Aggre1>11ive Gf'O\lo.ing Co. Jn SALE AND TRADE Orange Co. Exper pn'[. not • neceu, will train. Protected Furniture 8000 Territo•'Y· Ph. 639-3144 SPEC IAL THIS WEEK **SALES'r..1AN, part lime, 5 Pc. Co1np, Bdrm set ·~ti Experienced. Neat ln ap--box spring & matt. Sale pearance. Stt. Jim, 2590 priet! $119.90. Newport Blvd., c ." A d F 't ... 5'6-8672 WHIRLPOOL elect. dryer. Kenmore auto wuher. Both in xlnt cond. $40 ea. S.7--8JIS or &46--8672 FRIGIDAIRE dbl door, frustproof, 16 cu, ft, like new fJ.80, 557.9349 USED Appliance & TV's, all guaranteed, Dunlap's, l8l5 Newport. C.?i.t !)48...7788 FRIGIDAIRE Imperial. Top Freezer, 13,6 cu fL $75. CaU Ms-6519 FROST·FREE 10' refrig. 4-:e C:rosl-top f r e e z e r . Clean, like new $95, 8'U-8363 G.E. refrigerator, 16 cu fl A\•ocacfo ~n. Xl.nt cond. $150. 548-3J52 \VASHER & Dryer Pair. Good v.·orking cond. Both only SSS. Call 645-2306 Antique& 1110 ORIENTAL Black Cora.I Carvings. Collector's item. Avail for limitm tlmt. Appl. only, 518-8219 SALES "SLIM GYM" pprove urm ure Ea I ' 1 Se"· S1wlng Muhl.,.. 1120 8 ~st "''&Y to exerc se, w:1 2159 i"larbor Blvd. on 11ghl. TV ,leads. Coata J.fesa 548-9660 SINGER auto zig-zag, 6 mos. .* 8l3-01SO * . MOVING _ must sell! Quall-old. No attach nee<Wd for SALES. ~25 In\.-estment \\·Ill ty l\.faple furn. Din nu set zig-zag, button holes, put you 111 a v.'lg bul'ineu of v.•/butch. BDRi\f 1 de&l.rn!ii etc. Guar. $37 cash your own. For Jnlerv ... :. CaJJ \\'lndsor desk 81 ,, :,:rai or small payments. SlS-6616 547~. sofa. mod. ·Bd,.; set .1--------- SALES People, Full·p/time. asaorted tbls. 67:;....7692 "SLIM GYM ". Leads avail. BABY Gnrnd. xlnt tone. $570. Call 897-1986. Overszed ~~ circle couch, SARAH COVENTRY has $60. Hanging lamp SID. openinp tor full or part MS-8971. 3U La Jolla Dr .. time sale1. No tnvesiment. N.B. no deliveries. For ln,tervlew,I, '"1u"sr=-,.""""' ~,.,,., ... .,.-.,.N~,-w * ~4 * Re!ria'. din. rm. set, bd, SECREI'ARY-Steno, Exper a.rm chr, &"arden tools. necess. Send resume w/pic-963-4562 ture. Ponderoaa, P. 0. Boxl;c°'ASH="°,-.F'u=rn"'iiu'",..-""1"'va-n'"l<d~. 11383. Santa Ana. Need &ppliance.~. anllq's, SERVICE Station Attendant, etc. No junk! 96S-6833, 24 day&, s1vin&' It gravey.!ITd. hN!. , Apply in person, C'o r · INTERIOR De1\"ner's Ol\•n tlfacArtl:jur Ir., Campu1 Dr., 7' red & blue •plaid sofa, N.B. recenlly uphol $1.25. 644-~ SURVEYOR alt 5. SURVEY . TF.t'HNtCJAN Q"u"AL"'"""rr"Y"""•1n-.-,...,,~_-qu~Ut~<d Mu1icel . Instruments 1125 CONHUO ACCOlDldN 24 key, 120 bass, with case. $600 va!Ue + "easy to learn" books &: ~t music case, PERFECT CONDITION: $200 or ·Best Offer S.lo-8308 After 3 P M WUJ.. trade . nice electric guitar & practice amp for basic guitar le550ns, evet. M3-ti002. 231 E. 18th No. B, CM. Pianos & Org1n1 1130 Analyze ..... title' re P ~rt ,s • mattress. Con1plele· unused rl!Sl!~h records, &1te--ln-1120.-'lll'lmlr $260. · 842~ ________ , II spettion. cadu~ &Ut'\-ey eves. analysis, calcu.late tract 1:1====.,.---,...,-~ parttl maps. Exper ivith PROV11'Cl_AL rame table & program computell. ~hrs. Sohd ma.pie, honey _R,_J\1.____~v.·q & ~· !!!',!'!',;,.,To P quality~ SGO. HAJ.ll\fONO ~dl\11ay, Yam· aha. New & used pianos o1 mOit makes. Best buya in So. Calif. at Schmidt ~fus!c Co. 1907 N, PifPin, Santa Ana 833-3232 REGISTER NOW! 2172 Dupont, Suite 12 Newport Beach- (Nr. Orange County Altportl (TI4l *3662 . ="=~=-:----~--,,~. .5\\'JTCH ASSEMBLERS 8' SOFA. riewr used, quilted Apply 2220 so. Anne st. floral, Scofchguard~ $120. Santa Ana ?!latch. lovelt'at $7;,. (1) 776-0592. TEXAS REFlNERY CORP. 23" OLv IPIC F offers opportw\ity for high ~ i\ re n ch Income PLUS ,reiular ca.sh l\loclem Provinclal Type and vacaUon bonuses, a.bun-C.ablnet, S50. 5+6--8049 dant fringe benelils In COBOf, Chair &. fool.slool to Beach Ci lies area . match $40. .J3!iardlen of age er ex-64&-76!M perlence, atr mai1 N. ll. Pate, Prts ... Teicu Refinery ls Your ,,_d tn our ·Corp., Box Tll; J?ort Worth , clusifleds'!' Someone wtll be Texas looking for It. Dial &12·5678 ------- -·-- PIANO RENTALS ltom $10 mOnthly, All rentAls apPly to purch.uc. GOULD MUSIC '20&5 N. i\1aln. SA $47.()681 SfElN\VAY Coruiolf'. Nice tone · 1: "'ttY good cond. inoo. 111 in4J 7T.f-3150, aft s· HA.\l~10ND Orpn i\fockl 1.t· 111. Wa.lnut. Marle Pre-Mt, back ""''· moo. 673-5121. llYI ~1111! .. ' c L A 5 5 I F I • E D .. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 llEST RllYS? ' . ' _, l . . I I ' l • . . ! l . • • ' . • , I . - • ' . ' • ' ' ' ' j. ' . ' ' i ' l ' I ! • ! ' -' I . ' ' ' • • . ' i ( -. ' -. ' ' ' I ' t i ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' t . ' ' ' ' ' e • ' ,. . . -~~== --==:------.......-----. ---· ----------.. IRCHANQISI F;OR MEltCHANDISI FOR LI AND TRADI -SALi AND TRADI fenn & O r9 1nt 8130 Ml1cell1neou1 l600 TRANSPORTATION TR,t.NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION !T~R~AN~S~P~O:!!R,!;T>~T~t:j!J~~~r!!~Crn~A~~~~~ klli...ta 9011 MotorcyolH noel lmpomd Auln -.....,.l'IM_ ,._ --~'"';:~:::·:=:;-;:Auloa:=::7::-::'.'::"°::j:U::•:::ltl~C:0:1ra7;;:-:-:~='/j;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;.1 CAL 25, bow, J'ulplt, 1HOTTEST9'lcctra1Wlkesln -DATSUN-· 011•L YOLKSWA•IN CADILLAC WHY Pay mere! Mwt mOv'i used ,carpet, xlnt cond, C&ll !NANCE Co, demands im-53&-4110 med.late liqulda_tlcn ol &;11 '·eo,.-'LAMB""'=RE"=1=-."'A-,M"""o"'to-r floor plannt'd Spinet &-Con. tole Pia.no& qn & oost .. + Scooter $1-70. Dloette set $25 basis. Our Jou 11 your g&!d.. lawnmower $30. 546-8&54. en opportunity, but you muat act NOW! Mite. W•nted 1610 lUe-llne. new 9}1 hp o.s.. town, 5 Jett. Cloae 6ut $275. , Must ttll now! IF!nt " totaJ prlc<J. Private pttt,y. NEW" '70 1961 OPEL Kod.•~ "°" YW 8111!$ otter takts. $5p.IO. Dav J =96"Z-498_,.,.::1====== N ICKU.i... Coupe. ldult ..,u. "" Fruer. 3424/Via 0pGrlo, 1969 730 NORTON COMMAN. DA TSU p r ~ -*' N.B. Days .i n4) 613-~; DO. Excellent cc::jition. CaU W/campe.r, 9S hp ovtrhl&dd =======~= !l!OMll ewa 491-39)8 I "40-1548 a!tec G p.m. cam, 4 apd, dlr, I ply tlroo, POUCHI ~ 'ZS' TEMPEST Slp. fi· Awe: back u;p llehtt. You D&"°" __ ;;..,;;;..;;;;..;_;;;.;;,_ 6hp. Ex. iond. xtn1. Ready Auto Service tt1 SorlaJ No. -· rutl 'Ill POJ\llCllE m. bt;u, GOOD SILICTION 118(.. CAO Coupt dt Vtllt, Jtowtrlatr. Cl1t11. tl.600. ~SW. alt I ,. wkodo ... Slit w••• CAMAltO ARD'S BALDwtr STtJDIO Newport, c .M. 642-8484 ()pen r ·ery Nlte Ir: Suodccy-A!tUllOOn to n.l.I! $3150. 83s,5479. & Parts MOO price '2099. TtlUI tm..U di'! new f'&d.llll. ~ mlnor • 'ti CA.MARO 'Rally Sprt, 327 WANT to buy 4 or 2 bbl. 25• ~oop .'!.!!mooring ----------1 ~·~·_:"~•~d!!'.o.~Call~~·p~b.!U~ • ..!-~-·j ;;:wo:;l'k:;:, ;uaio;:::':'IMl:;;::;TT:::==! , cu.. q , 4. 1pd. All aau.ett. manl!old for Corvt.ir, with __. WANT to buy 4 or 2 bbl or S4s.oG34'afttt 10 am. 0>5T. H&-4054. betwn 4:30 A or without catbUl'tto r. l11-J&!! m.a.n1foldforCorvalrwlth or 5:30. _ • DUNTON FORD. 2240 S. Main ' ·-SANTA AN~ 546-7076 Sl&-7219 alt 5 "'itho\lt wburetor. 54&-12Ui • SUBARU WANTED: Uled dbl Tandem· LIDO lt Sailboat. No. 2389, alt S ..... , I ',~ CAMARO, Black. 321 boat trailer tor .,..,6,, ~-·•· with trailer. Call 831-'10391=========: I ~ .., --, 1 I H · Quad 4 Q>d, map, lndy'1, PIANOS • ORGANS -...... ~ alt, PM * t 1 8· re * N~" •-USED ler·-in/outtml. 5J6.32A8 ::,,.,.;,.;"'""-.,,..,-.,..,--.,-Tra iler, T' rival ••25 ~ $1414 Y. _:__::_" =.._ __ ~-======== )nilli now 6abot, lili1t .. o<1 •• 1 .-==...;.=..;;;.,-.:.~.o:: I "Loader in Tho l>l«b Oliff" THI ·LL IW 1913 CAMARO, I cy 1, •u MU STA N• ' • ............ rllU...,. va·uup 11 • d f r c In< ZIMMlltM' AN "" · N automatle lrtni. lo -•1 c,.,,, V-1, •11torn1tlc. • ..... mu rrans Re bl ~ "'62 SUIAl't.U STAil r-f'I •rroo. &et-,-11.-·•er 5 p-tf111trn l•IT•"• pow•' ,,.,,. ~-o Machinery, Etc. 1700 r •' or • • ALPINE • "" Kimball ~---''°"' e . .,~ 2u5 HAR. IOR ILVD. ' -M• "' e ,......,..,. • .. """"" Mill Drill .,.._ -2 DR. 4 OR A Station Wqon. M9. 30ll Ext. t6 or IT 1u, ... ; ••o •• m ll 000 1119, ••~II•, h11t1r, •l11yl e Kohl &: Ca bell ........ n.i;:., • ra...-U, 24' J olly Roger~ .fiberglat& rMI. ..... 10 1tTO KARaOR BL ~ '-4nAn 0.->-.. f Tll 11t er mp Weldlna Equip, Att Com.• .t ...... , fllliy -·Ip, rnake of. _.,.,.. 4 eyl., 4 eylo1 a -H.P., to ;vn, mUtt, USOO. • ' ,, • .! 1' COAST MUSIC '"'"'• Small Tool• A !.;'~uh d> ;;;;;,, 96Ul891 VACATION DOT DATSUN MPH top opttd a nd •• to CO.ITA l\IESA IG!825 aJ~r g 'II CHIY 'L'T $1JU NEWPORT & HARBOR ~t•--......... 2 Piacen•-CM TRAVEL CENTER 40 mllt1 per aal. TUt dl1vt '•-!!l'•""'l"'<l[J('Swi~f""if"il\)"ii'.•.I ==~~~~~~=11 l•p•I•,) door ll•teltop, 'V, Costa Mesa * 642-2851 ~2:'2001 ...... ' ' Power C r'ulsers 9020 OPENANDDAILY one tod.y at ~~ rlma, Mi;hef~ I, •~tom•tis tr•11trnl1tfo11, Open 10-6 Fri 10-9 Sun U.S Excel. -Golden Fa lcon K f M_.._ CHMOLET ,f•t.torv air •011llitio11l119, RICHMOND U --·t $125 FOR Sale twin screw 250 hp, Olympia -Alpine SUNDAYS UI om, Vl¥n t.lrts, ,exb&Ult sy1tem, OOW ll tf1•rl119, r•dlo, 11,., .. •·~" · FRE~ TO YOU 14.1 Baktr, CM -15 aunroo . chaino. Excellent '" "'" 011. May be &een after s, ll5l 34' Falrliner. Ve_isel has Apache -Wheel Camper 18835 DH.eh 11lvd. condlUon. $100 Is Takt Cl/tr MUST ••ti nowt ·~ Chev. •67 MliCURY $1 611 Paularlno, ~.M. 54~µoo. ---------new hull job, 1\1af be seen Wcrldi largfft most torn· Huntlncton Beach SUNllA. M ptymants. 6f5..,1J99 a.ft 5 PM Re.bit 28S, new traM, rea.r $titfo~ w,,011, v.i, 11110, 1200 SCR·AM-LETS ANSWERS VtRGE Fem a I e part at Huntington Harbour by plete RV vehicle aboppi.... 8"2-n81 or M0-04"2 ,.._ VW end, tmt end, •bock• l Dobie/Greyhound, bf a ck, _!c~P:':·c:-=.',::: ~··=--=~=~ ..... ""' l{antl Bus, 111w tltti, -•--o rl-o, • .,1 rn1t1, tr1111't!lnfori, pow1r ~-"""" DATSUU LAT~ '•7 ~--l .. _ •• a _, ~.v... "' w I I 'I ' I V7 loves children, need& 1"-e ~ • '"T AJ•• ~-1 --• WI ,,...,.,po Y w;~I. • frt.C11. M·"bu '·11r. Onlv •~. 1 ••r 111• t•<J 0• "'' ''· • .... ~ BOSTON WHALJ:R EAST-&19 Garden Crove Blvd, "G 1~ •--' ~-4 pd dJr v .,.nt. "'"' aiulJ, rt oto--rt _ _. lllOO .... "'' ., ..,.,., 2209 :_~ :;;·, bobrk,/i PORT, 65 hp Mm• trir. • 534•6686 " ~':;:;;:;";.n ;!.,'plush whHlt, R/H, BtUI"' war-Ml~ -~· · -T. ''•"'7'"'~1o~1~c~K~-,$"'fT4'nl All 1969, Phone 646-2067 Cosed Sat. Open Sunday black int xlnt cond. Mu1t ~Te.$1300 er bt1t otttr. 1967 VW Se<lln I t h '10 CH,EVROLET Impala Rl•t1r1 2 Dr. H.T. V-11 BEAT.ra'IFUL LONG-h&ired WANTED: 25-30• Cab In sacrifice! $1499. Takt oldtr ,;,;""'=-~---~ ' x n 1 ape, CU&t. Cpe. Turbo., alr, P.S., i uto , tr1n1 ., f11t11.y •I klttens, free to aooc1 home. Crulaer. Fair to good cond. 66 Kensk.lll • 28'. Self-con-American carr _,•mall doWn. 'al Sport& 1tdan, )o mUt1 wood-and wood. knobf, ~ vinyl· roof, 300 tna. Many, 1111tltio11ln9, pow•r 1t111r. Already ba¥·trained. Ready Call &U-968l days. tained. Air conditioned. Ex. UREG43. Ct.ll Phil '94·9TTS Xlnt cond. Pvt pty, Mlkt mall, other xtru $1Jl0, ft\1111 extras. 2,000 act. 1119, p1w1r bt•k1 1, pow•r to ao 1n two .wtt k 1. .:;:=:;::::;::::;:;:::;:== cond. $3500. See at Adams & or &45-0634. (21#) at-mtJ M&-3802 bttw. f:.SO A T pm mUt1. Muat tell. 897-()466 wlnd1w1, r1dlo, ht11t1r. TQ Felony -Glad• -Dtioby -~!14S-~,;,!l;,.13;;...,~----"'S/t .. Beatta,ch Blvd. Owner 833-024 ::'...:'.,;:;67~R;;O"A"D"'S"T"'E_,R._--I .:::=:::::=:::::=:===I 'tl VW Bua w/'M n-blt •nr. Pvt. Pty. •~• • Fo:~skimo~~cctm· MIXED fitted f emal e loatMelntenance 9033 TOYOTA Run.a eood. Good tlrls. ,66 CHEV. Caprice. Fully 'i7 FORD $1113 miek: When ti. takts a itrl trl-tolor pup, 4 mos. old, lnfoy your 801t FANTAS"I'IC Buy• in 4 Star. New top & tires. 23,000 mlle1. ---------Beautl.M tnter. Aikins $a50. equip. Cornpl tune-up. Ex. Coantrv S1d111 w,11. v.a. for a sleigh ride, be nma out very friendly. NffdJ good Compltt• Marine Service Well'Nays ~ Funt i me Xlnt condl $13SO. Ca 11 NIW e UllD Call 56-0041 after~· cond. Set to appre c I auto. t'•"•·• pow•r •t111r• ot DOG FOOD. home. M&·"ml a.fttr 2 315 Mech&nlcaJ-Electrical ="s Scotts, 9lf N. ::TSUN ' tJr Llk RICRIATIONAL .;-;:;.;;;1646:;;,.=-=-=..,..,.....,.11 ~~~· ':~da~::1~;:· f~~~~:~ WANT Good home tor I yr. Bottom.in or ~t water • .A. • ' VIHICLIS , ___ V;;.O~L;;.V;;.0;:_ ___ 1·65 El Camino. Air, 4 tpeed. ll1•te r. XEY 121 . cld. Mlle Cocker. X1nt Varnl1h•Palntin1 1968 Northwe1t 14' Tn.vel new? owner mutt •tlll e 1 • New engine. '68 GALA.i ll . $1711 l20J w/chlldrtn. Hu all lhots A FlbtralMI Buttlnr, Trailer, $850. Clll -Make offer! 9$2-6283 l00 % 1.U -WAOONS * 675-5Sl6 * 100 ---------llcenae. &14-5785 3/!I Flberala.u Reflttlshtng. 5'8.o842 1967 DATSON 1600 ' dr 164 -SIDANS ,~. CHEVELLE, 34,0 00 4 Door H•rdtop. v.1, 1111t1. G.E. 21" Black • white, Nice ""·" Jim "'7021 W 96h 4 pd r~ ~ wooden cabinet. 'W<1 r ki 2 White Mlil. puti-JIOC)dle1, I==~===·=~==== KENSKIU. at K1t. Special agon, p, 1 ' vuuu All other models now ln ml'•, liJl;e new. $1000. '''"'·· f•ctorv 1i• co11dltf•11· $40 $4$.-ZS69 female, 1~ yn old, hlbrlm, prtces on lot model.I. Scotti, cond. $950. Call MM731. l'•ttory Warr•nty stock.• •Pffd• & automallc1. •54~:1* '"'· pow1r 1t111in9, r•dlo. ~~~NE Color TV lovel children, need good I ;.;M,;;•;.;r.;,ln;:.o:..,;l!_q,,u_l;.p_. __ 90_1_5 914 N. Harbor, S.A. DATSUN ·68. 1300 ~ ton Avellelt1e oft U1t4 Your Bt1t Dea.It Are Still At 1958 Chevy Station Wqon, h1•t1r. VZP 44~ • born.,, 516-ntl2 ottor 2 3/5 I.I' VOONG -··-I -1r. pkkup. Good colt<!. lllOO. ToyotH . DEAN LEWIS 1 1 f~-_,1 ,_ 'H C HEV. $1 517 Coru;ole. llilyn old. Paid 9' AVOf'f Redcre1t, wed ,,. ... ''" 67~ new pa. n ' ...;..-C0111,i l .... n. IMPALA $700. Asking $300. 5'8-8911. PUREBRED Welah telT'ier, twice, $200. New pslnt & lntt>r. Ex. lOIXl Miltt ;,r 30 DlJ'I 1988 Harbor, C.M. 64.S..9.103 .~$~1!5~, 84_T--Ol~t>l.o3-,.,..~--~ll Statio" w.1011• v.a, iuto. PACKARD B ll TV 1% yn cld, rleeds loving 644-6186 Cond. $350. Call 648-4506. . !ACJUf'ICEI 1970, 2-<Jr, lo ·S& Chevelle Mallb" vl""l tr1n1., f•tlo1v •Ir ciondl· e • remote horn• hlbrkn, Iov .. child-I""====== ENGLISH F, OltD ILMOltE ~ •v control with beautiful _ .6' ... I I' !~~!..-----~~l,,;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;::~;;;;;;;;;I m.Ues. AM-FM, T.O.P. on kip, alr, automatic, $1295. tlo11!119, power tl111in9, cabinet $45. 536-84ll.HB ren. 546-i-... er 4 3 5 BNt Slip Mooring 9036 Trucks 9500 MOTORS approved credit or $2895. 968-8181 p•w•.• lir•k••· r1dlo, h111t• 2 PART Ger/Shep pt1p1, 4 THE ENGIJSH atS-tSfl 1r, 11199191 111ck. YClt 11 2 Tope f!ecordors 12211 moo old, I male, 1 female, 40' BOAT Dock lo' "'nt in '68 PICK UP GOING • TOYOTA 1-""-...;..-----·11968 El Camino 4 •pd. Bell '67 GALAXIE $lid very peppy, Love children. Huntington Harbour. Ph Chevy ~ Ton Long bed V8 TillNGl '•cfory Direct Dealer ---------I Oft~ Call 642--3396 * 100 SONY TC 355 solid itate 3 546-7l00 afttr 2 3/5-646-9303, ask tor Je1TY -, __ _.. b'-•' AT uew' Cera Uo-• Cera ••i:Po::rt'..:..::C!1!:;"~--_!H~l~D'.l;;;;rn;r<i;Wi""iiii'C;;;;~;'fu 4 Ooor Hardtop. v.a, 111to. • ~ .. ui· power s..,.....-,ni. power ,...,.. " 91111 -MUST 0·Ul ·-Che ii St I I I I 'I st>ttd .. tape deck wi t h AFFEcnONATEOver-arown .,..w • es, dlr. Ecellent running ORANGECOt.JNTY'S lf4.S322 IM-ml """' 00 ve e &. rin•., •corv •r cone • versatile feature&. New mixed breed puppy, maJ•, f FOR Rent. $1.75 per foot. Up condition. J\iust sacrifice. VOI.UME 1188 SHELBY GT-300. See to Wait Lo mi's, $1Ml. Call t!o11!"9, power -1t11rl"t• $200 lay d ....... _ rl'll'I 1tn• llboa. 15300 Beach Blvd. apprecilte! f9'-!951, 494-19l8 power br11k11, ,.,,., h11t• • P e 1.v nn1 ,.__,. month& old. Good w/chlld· · to.,.,• .no Sil ts. Take foreign car or small ENGLISH FORD Wtltmlnller * '73-1.597 eves. * 1r, vlnvl roof. UOK Stt· 642-6448 ren. 847-5960 315 67S-6872 down. Call Phil alt 11 :00 am DE.ALER '61 CORVAIR $10t7 3 MALE puppl,., 9100 54>-0834. OVEk 60 A I Cl I HIS CONTINENTAL 2 ,.,,, • "I" J. ''"'· •o:=='"-"-"="--1"500-'-' poodle /tenier /btaglemlx· Aircraft ~.~63~F~O~R=D~P~l~C~K~U~P~ NOW AT ntquti1, a11 ca --------r1dlo, h11t1r. VGY 14t. 1• CLEARANCE "" '64 Continental. All powtr, CLEARANCE Sale! Big ed, & wks old. 495-4582 after GYRO COPTER Y.i Ton, long bed, xJnt cand., -JtA1t!: Claulc '46 MG-TC. "$990. Call anytime, 161 PORO LTD $1426 Selection of new & used 1 PM 3/5 Nearly complete, $800 3 spd., dlr, med. blqe ext., .:=:~. Merit 11 Wa1on1 Rta'ht hand drlvt. MWlt * 6f&..!602 * 4 door ll11dtop, v.1, 11110· reconditioned Pro-Llne Goll 1959 Gas Whirlpool Combo. *&42-74~• black int. Take amall tor-HI Lux Plekup1 S.crltlce, i1soo. &f&..2562. '66 CONTINENTAL, xlnt rn•tlc fr •ntm!11!•"• pow1r Clubs. Call 675-0610 Needs repairs. Call eign car or small dn, Will ROBINS FORD L•"d CrulHrl 1t11111"9· rad io. h11t1r, 536-1346 3/5 Mobile Homes 9200 tin; prvt prty. For info, 2000 Harbor Blvd. W•gont Auto1 Wented 9700 eond, loaded. Tax sale. whit.wi ll tlr11 . UON S4J. l60D POOL TABLES Sicard Pool BRUNSWI(."JC .. .AMF Custom Sate Table From 1289 100% Flrwtclng * SECARD I'OOLS * m.19S2 12> S. Main St. "'-'-------Call Phil 494-97'73alt10 am. Costa Mesa 842-0010 PLUS OTHER Private party. 673-5655 '67 FORD LTD $1 711 8' Tan couch, netd1 clea.ninf. BAY HARBOR l •~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:I HAJtO TO QET MODELS WE PAY TOP 1963 CONTINENTAL. Clean 2 door h•rdtop, v.a. 111to. You Pick Up Call '63 Econollne Pick up ' ' · Mobile Home Sales NOW IN St'OCK CASH It Chaapl $895 tr1111.., f1ctorv •Ir fO~ar. 549--3132. 3/5 YEAR ENO w/power lift gate. See at FERRARI DEAN LEWIS '*M&-.Mri* t!111lftf , pow1r ,,,,,;"9· TV'•. lure 4 miall, need CLEARANCE SALE 20341 s. \V. Cypress, S. A. '64 CONTINENTAL. Must pow tt li11k11, pow•r win· repair' ·-~ all. 61'. -Hgts. FERRARI . 1-'Har~ CM ·-9•... d1w1, 11dlo, h11t1r, vlnyl ...,.,.. i7"'fNW NOW ON DISPLAY """" uur, ' • 9'nl" ,_ for .__ j t tell! Full power. Good cond. ,,01. TPZ •"· after 12 noon 3/5 1959 FORD ~1= ton pickup, ultd can I: tl'Uc..... UI 12, l6, ):!, 24 & 30 Wid" xlnt condition $485. Newport """'""' Ltd. °"' BIIJ. MAVEY call u. for frff 111lmato. I .,;Beiiiow0..8ooii:i:kii.:054;;6-361,00:90:::=:ll 'H GALAXU! $1ffl 3 CUTE mixed breed pups, 8 Up To 6o Fttt Ung 644-6l86 anz• C-ount:)l'a Grlly autbet-4 · 1 · 100 ~~~Need &wd bom;;5 ~':oc~ts~·if:r':r~f!:_ '67 GMC Van, alr cond., new 1$1~Sa:fERVI~PARTti ITJOIVIOITIAI GROTH CHEVROLET CORVAIJl : •• 11~.:o• .1~·,~~o:d1t1~~!;: PUPPIES, TO good home, 4 Coat.a Mesa (714) 540.9410 battery, shock! & paint. 3100 W. Coast Hwy. --· -Ask Jar Sales Manager '66 MONZA pow1r ''''''"9· radio, h111t· FOOT Power stapler cheap. white. 1 beige, 1 black. Good cond. $1595. 675-4186. 6'2-94.~ewport Beag:0.1764 11111 BEACH BLVD. 18211 Beach Blvd . er. WWD ~t6. Jtedicrete S pllon electric 642--0818 3/3 NEW 20 X 56 '64-CHEVY PICK-UP Authorized Ferrari Dealer Hunt. Beech 147~51 Hun tington Beach Sport CoUPe with automatic, '66 MERCURY $1}89 mixer, 2-3 llte. 4 tt:flourtt-SHADED sUver P•r•ian, 2 BR, :1 ~~.den, carpeting xin·t Cond. 842-2432 SmtN.ofOOut HYO',on Bdli KI 9-3331 One owner, locally owned. Monfcl•ir 2 Dr. H.T. ~-1, cent hang lights. Paint ~"-· -ut 22' raised porch Goddess gold exterior, plush 1 shaker mixer, 1 gal size, spayed Jemale. Adu l ts . ;:;::rt' & patio awnings'. FIAT '69 Toyote Coroll• WE PAY CASH creamlnlerlor.$799fullprice ""'10· 1'"111" actorv .;, ""5176 or "" ""' 3/3 --~ J•-ps 95!0 ----------M .,_,. · co11ditio"lng, pow1r 1l••r· Wood weld generator: 894 W. ,,....... '1'1o->WtV Many extras, $11.600. On the ~~=-'--------"-' ust .x:u!! Movlrig Ea.st!! or small down. Call J.P. ;~9• powir lir•k1,, raJio, 18th, CM Sec before 1:30 '58 RENAULT, far parts or beach at DRIFTWOOD ,46 DODGEPwrWgn,wineh, '63Fiat600D.Strong850eng. Excellent condition. FOR YOUR CAR 494-9773 or [;4.).0634. heit•r. RPG 102 . PM any day. haul away, 968-4639 3/5 BEAOI CLUB, H.B. Gtten-hubs, utility bus. Great for U:nrered sutpens1on, Ex· $13SO. 839-3826 l :Oi:O:=;;:;=:;:==;ll •65 CHEVR'L'T $1176 * AUCTION * 10 FOOT. Jacaranda tree. Jeal Mobile Home Sales, 7lf-. camper $750. '56 Jeep Wgn., tru, fast, e eo n ° m 1 c al '69 Tcyota Corolla Sprinter. DODGE lmp1111 2 Dr. H•rdfop. v.1, YOU DIG. 61'3-2254 3/3 536-1513. jomlcra inc. V8, hubs, wide w h Is·· 1-"~"-,::l<=:W""A;,M'=-=== Deluxe. AM/FM rad Io · CONNELL .autom1lic *'•"1miulon, n )'OU will sell or bUY, PETS end LIVESTOCK ...:.;....;.--'-'=270.~60~---646-4643 '69 FIAT 124 COUPE 17,000 miles. $1300. 897-86<M CHEVROLET. '70 DODGE Super B. PIS-pow•r 1le1rln9, pow•r give Windy a try 646-5237 after 6 PM P/B. Save $1000. Take over lirtlt11, r1dlo, h1•ler, vl11yl Auctions Friday 1:30 p.m. $1000 DOWN WILL BUY SHARP '46 Jeep, 283 enr.. :;=========I '"'°:.iW.>r;.-;;;;;;:--;;;;;;;;-; 2828 Harbor Blvd. ...,.....,ent.. uo .. " ..... "Olen"· roof. SBlt tit W d • A • B Dog1 1125 THIS TO P l\tTS OF rollbar. 1100xl5 tires $1S50. "' 1966 TOYOTA, auto, radio & .-~~--· ~ in y s uct1on 1rn $124.~ PER l\10. 3 BR. 2 546-3913; alt 6 pm 646-4234. JAGUAR heater $995 or best otter.1 _ _:C<>c:•;cta:...:.Mc:"'=.,::""'.c_:l200;:,:._ '69 FALCON $l99l 2015% Newport. CM 1)46.8686 TERRIFIC EASTER GIFT: BA, SPA. RENT •l!l'I PER Fine. avaJI. 548-2698 IMPORTS WANTED fORD 2 Door. 6 cvl., •uto. tr111i., Ml pood' ham """ '43 MiJjto.-. Jeep. "0""' or of-I-===='-"'=-~-f t • "I' ' Behind Tony's Bldg, Mat'l n e pups, c · MO. ADULT PET PK. ....J ._.,., lll63 JAGUAR 3.8 Sedsn. '69 TOYOTA 2 DOOR Orana:e Counties: ec ory •ir '0"a 1 10"1"9• pagne & black $50-$75. Cham· fer. Heavy duty chrom4! Black w/wlre \\'hl.8 & TOP S BUYER 1966 FAIRLANE GTA, 390 pow1r if1•rin9, ••dio, ll1•t· LATHE, Mill, Drill Press, . bkgrnd h 545-8241 American 842-3939 rima & Gate& tire11. 67~7192 XLNT CONO. 1r. XRJ 797 Welding Equip, Air C.om-pion , ave puppy L I II b'I l .. , .£1. Plrellis Eng. in xJnt coTKI. 54~2847 a.ft g P?>f BILL MAXEY TOYotA en1 .• t.uto trans, 11/a, xlnt ;,6.;9-'.C;FO~R;;;Do---.$,.2,.4.,..,66 pressor. Small Tools &: shots. Call 968-5127 alt 3 pm. • us s• your mo 1 e Must ~ell this wk. $1250. "'========;I 18881 Bfach Blvd. cond. $1200. 968-7956 altei ~ WEIMARANER Pu AKC home. Campers 9520 493-4223 days. Eves 493-3611 H. Stach. Ph. 847.8555 pm F1lrt•11• soo 2· Or. Hard· Misc .• 2062 Placentia, C.M. ps, ' Absolutely no cost to you TRIUMPH . .;,,~~=~.,...~--·II t11p. v.e , autom1tici ..,.,.,. 642-2601 .Jield &: show, whelped S & K MOBILE CHEVY Van Camper 108. '65 3.8S Sedan. Beige / blk'I----------'67 GALAXJE 500. Air cond. mi1,io", f•clorv ,;, condl- ZENirn stereorecord player 1-7-70. 6 male, 6 female. HOME BROKERS Auto trans, air, r/h, self !t"thr, pwr/alr. ehnn wire: l96S Triumph TR-t Witt Auto Le•alng 9110 R & H. Good Cond. J\lu.st tioni"g, pow•r 1t11•rin9, ra- & AM-FM combination $50. i -'~"=3~)_3~18--0~!lJ~-~~-cont. Xln't cood. 67~58 \\"his, new ridlals, 644-4265 whls, ne·w Int. Runs good. Sell. 49~66 dio, lia•I••· YCU 197 RCA TV, black & white $30. White Miniature Poodles, l2l6:1 Beach Blvd., G.G. $550/best otter. ( :113) FORD AUTHORlZEDI c,..=~,-ord..,..;r=a"°1co-,~V~_.-,,-.,-,0-n·ll '67 FORD $1488 Blonde king size headboard 6 wks, n' papers. $25. • 636-0'3ZJ. •o -c:":.:";.;•c..;;B:.;u"g"'g'°';,;.;':...;_..:9.;;5:;;;25 MERCEDES BENZ 431-1654 ~AfING SYSTEM Wagon. I owner, Rill, Auto M111t•n9, 2 Dr. H•rdtop, 6 .$35. Hereford saddle, 1175, .~.,,,*=C~al~I ='-'1~-,;.394""'1-*__ NEW 24 X 60 " =========;I Amenca • Jarrest leulng trans. $450 644-0410 cyllndar, 111tom•tie tren1- BI _, ff bl S"" .= '69 MEYERS Mame 2 + 2 with O S 1yt tem for finance or net 111i11io11, pow1r 1t••ri119, r•· ouue co ee ta e ""· BASENJI "Barkleas" pup•, 2 BR 2 BA d ti V LK WAGEN '62 F rd ~-• 4 d "-al , , en, carpe ng top & side curtains. Newly leulna ol all type can and 0 U<U. r. a...-«io, h1•t1r, vi"vl roof. 613-0053 A.KC, 7 week!, shots. thtu .out, patio & carport rebll, big bore vw eng, Lots b'\lcks. clean, lull pwr & A/C. Ask· UOP 399 MOVING. Rettig. w I ! c e * 968-1532 * av.'fi!nas 28' raised porch. ot chrome, Gates tires. '63 VW Convt. Very Clean. e Imniediate delivery from lng $500. 548-4661 aft 4 PM ;,6;:6;...;B'°'u""1•c~K~--$~2•1 2=1 CUbe maker Zern.th TV AKC S'l p d I Man x'-•' ln GREEN Tr ~ f I f 'lake Offc,, Call -•-d "· , , 1ver oo es. Ye ... _... -an,..er Orct!!I: sae or " over""""'cats an true .... ·64 FORD Galaxie, V·8, pis, Ril·i•r•, V-1, f11ct11rv •It Mangle, Westi.nghse dryer, 2 Beautiful Pups, healthy. LEAF PARK in C.M., only, $1995, or trade for late 61~2847 e Ct>mpetitlve rate& xlnt cond., lo m]g. $700. to11Jitioni~9. ppw•r ••••r· rugs w/pads, 2 beds - l hi· Arter 4 PM, 847-2179. $15,500. jomlcra lnc. model Pickup. 833--0344 alter '70 VW CONVERTIBLE e New car dealership servlce (213) 592--1032 i"9· redio, ll1tler, wh li1- lo, 1 single. 968-J6.18 IRISH •·t•· AK c e 642-1350 e S. ONLY 700 MI.· $2l50 e Full ."tndeln" vaJua tor·l,,'=ii;=======ll will ttr11. ROK 60l. C~ARP-=E=T~t.ay.r--hax-c_upt_L_ Kill...; Kt',.~·~ . .;~:. -~v_:Ac=A-'NT="'·..:Mc,O:.,,v=E"m-1 -"======= 519-25'6 ,.... '"""t ca' -i MUSTANG '67 FDi~ S1488 Nylon, Kodel, Shq le 9$8.1390 8x40 MOBILE HOME lmpgrted C8rl 9600 '68 VW Bui. Xlrt't cond. t e All popular make1 avail··1----M111t1119 C011v1,tibl1. V.1, Hi-lows. Will sell a.t coat for BEAUT. Female Pek'""'eM WITH l0x36 CABANA 1960 220S 4 , DOOR. Sell or O\l'fif!r, 2J,OOO ml'a. Mutt able ,65 MUSTANG 111tom1tie t1•"1mi•lion, labor. 523-1188 '"6 2 BEDROOM AUSTIN AMERICA tra4e for s~arp v w. ll .... ~.. ror Cornptete Details Call fa,+ory •• , condili on in9, puppy. Good with children. A '64;;2-5;77~6i;or~54~s-5;;:24~0==::;. I ,'-'-·I~·-=-· _546-400 _ _;,1___ Malcom ~Id Yellow w/black top, Conv. powtr •••aring, r•dio, CARPET Installer hu one 3060 Killybrooke"Lane, C.1.f. SA.~A ANA ARE ";;; CLEAN '65 VW. Xln't n&.n• Manuhl 3 speed. V-8. Runs h••t1r. UKF O?t roll, avocado 1:1)'1on carpet, $2595. SPACE RENT $40 AUSTIN AMERICA n1ng cond. 40,000 -"•· 1936. LouTth"!-~an0,•01er VERY well. Will trade tor 166 FAIRU.N• $1422 Do bl · te-ba-~ Will BOXER-pups, AKC 545-8:241 American 8'42--3939 MG c = -V B 1 h ~ • u e JU l,;ft.o;<..I. refl,stered, lawn colored, Sales, Service, Partl. all 642--5141 ROBINS FORD an or u:: P WI cas · "'' sod 2 door 11.rdtop. V-11, sell all er put $3/yud, show qU&\lty. 536-24-tg 8x40 Pan American, like new Immediate Delivery MG .c,::t::VW,.:,::..S::unrooC.:..-1-, -Good--co-od-.1 wlll take $899 or best offer. •uto. '''"'" f1ctory •ir 540-1245 eond, low rent park, S & K All M9dtl• Sales, Servic..?, Parta all around. RadltJ, u.ffi:t 2060 Harbor Blvd, 673-4493 anytime. condltlo"lng, pow1r 1!1e1• LOCAL Eggs Whole.ale {rOm G~TT=~2es~~:ple'i Mobile Home Brokl!rs,·1236:1 Immediate lilJlivery, whls. $49S. Call 644--0064. l•Coota-;~M•t1&'j'.;~fif"'64:2.00~!!IO!l--~:!!~~~~--ll i"g.1 r1dio, heel••· SIV Ranch to ·11ea<&uranta A al Coll 67>--" Beach Blvd., G.G. 63&-0921 All Modela PLYMOUTH ~•0r.''-''=ot.'=o--=.-... Convalescent Homes fem e, ,..,.,... VlKING Scandia, 2.0x60'. 2 '6'f VW, white w/blk lnter. ,_,,,, LEASE "" , '68 DATSUN $1397 PM Clean. Xlnt Mnd-$1300 or ,. "" 8T FURY u 4 dr ~3158 aft 6 Horses NH br. 2 ba. A'A•nlngs. Xlnt bit ofr. 6'5-l084 alt 1. ,61 Cadillac El Dorado: fUU , , , air. p/s, St•tio11 .Wagon. Auto. CARPET left from Comm'l. Adult Pk. 548-4142 att 6. 1 k /red 1 ,;,. r/h, 46,000 mt a. 1 owner. h•111 .. ••dio, h••'•r, lc.w, BEAUTinJL Shetland 3100W CoutH NB • MUST SELLI '63 VW pwr,alr. bac w ea ..... Xln't cond. sl1!15:642-4736. low 111i11•. WQT 451. contracts. $1.98, $2.88, shag Id G '68 NEW Moon 24x44'. 2 br, ,.A.,g•""-; "'1·• ... ;.11• •• * "'S l'" aJt r S PM * 1.r Int $139. per mo. 069 FO"D $'S"' $3.99 sq yd. Drakts Factory Ge tng. reat w/chlldnn~ 1% ba. Comp! setup -adlt _. """' ,,..,.. '" .,.. · ,_, e '&T T-Blrd Landau, full pwr., '85 BARRACUDA, r /h, new ~ ~ ~ CaJllet Outlet '42-Sll4 exceptional .. ddle. (All tor pk., Crpt, drps, porch. Authorited MG Dealer SUPERBATOUS 68 Volka: alr, stereo tape . $79 pe.r mo. tires, xlnt cond. $U)O or ;oun~ry Squlra 't•9o11, v. Carpot l ... .,.r bu Hi Lo $135). Call (U4) 842-1358 838-8703. aioo W. Col.ti Hwy . N.B. $1620. Auto . tran.s. Take '69 Cougar XRT, p~T, air, best otter. Aft S, 53&-2239 · •11 0· ttin i., •ctory air ~-BMW 612-9400 J40.li64 ti -" g ciol!ditio11i119, pow1r •f••r· nyloM $1.99 yd. Sbagi 2 Ma.res tor Ja.le, l for LOVELY 38' l br turn trlr. . me to Cau teve 642-5493 vinyl top.-$105 per mo. i"9· pow1r ldi1ci l br1kat, from $3.50 up + my labor, $175 & l lor Sl50. Call All set up, to rent, edit!, no l--::-::-=-::::::=-_;-:-:-:--1' _ _:A~u~tbor~""'"':'..:'~1~G_:De~"1~ero:_ '68 VW Sq Back, lite bl1.1t, SO. COAST LEASING PONTIAC r•dlo, h1.t11, whlt1w1fl 90c per yard. 847-1519 962--6435 peta:. $2'695 cash. 642--2341 BMW'S #1 :69 MGBGT Yellow, bllc int. ltadlo & heater $1BOO. After 300 W. Cat Hwy., NB 645-2182tl---".;....;..:.,;..:;_;:_ __ ll t111t, 10 pin. ZLA. 620, QUAUTY king bed _ qUil~ HALF Arab mare,.3 :yrs old. 53 Sl'RATOLINER 30 fl. sgso AM/FM. wood steer whl, 6 pm 548-3014 '6'1 Pontiac LeMans Con\1, '66 FORD • $991 mattress. Complete unuled Good for 1bow. $ 4 25. Cuh. 333 w. Bay St., Space DEALER IN chrm wire •Whet!ls $3000. •59 v.w. runt but needJ UsedC -::•c.ra:.,. __ _;9900:;.:;.:i PIS, P/8, 11.11-10., fact "tape 61l1rl1 500. v.1, 1uto. $1.20, worth $260. 84.2-6M6 613-1488 3, Coat& Mesa 673-9382 · enrJne "WOrk $250 or make ~... ,;1;;1550:::.;·,;54,::9-;.,25::::25;,aJ::;.:,t .:;"'-~~II tr'"''' l•ctory air condr. evts. T RANSPORTATION CALIFORNIA AND '57 MGA Roadster, new cUer, 536-1963 IUICK 1968 Pontiac Catalina, 2--dr tleni"9· powir •1•••1ng, 11· I ' I I I 1..:=::.:..::::.::::_ ___ 1----------1 Hardtop, "•c •Ir, Pwr •t-r dlo, h••l•t, RTW ISS. BA L.BOA BA..,. club Mini Blkea 9215 ORANGE COUNTY'S pusn nteror, pant, top. '59 vw Bua •••trans E-r. · .... • -8 m.m•·-hip lloOO plua 8o1t1 & Yachts too0 ·w ire wheeb, 26 mpg $495. ' g.,J ' ... '69 RIVIERA, Vinyl roof A: braket. ;l!OO 847.-39:1!1 '61 FORD $13 8 tra,nst:;'" fees. Bo:t P-919 QO.KART, good ruMing con-LARGEST $3&--17~ -~ 1:S~ois Ovmdud tirts. FIA. PIS, P/B, P/lealg. •63 PONTIAC cP. It/I-I, .h-Mu1t1119, 'l Dr. Hardtp-. v. 2'1' (LEE) Clll'tom built cabin dltion. $50 er best offer. . 1910'• lmmed. Dellvery l 'ooo""'°'•"'•G"°A::-;1:;;600;;;--;IS'-15,,-"'Good=il-=:'...:::::::'.::::~----Pert. cond. Prlv. PU'-. Ol'ig coDd, $700. Call . t . 4·tp111d, r.tdlo, lla•'t•r,• Daily Pilot cruller Gla11 bottom -.ii •1.113 . . MUST SELL owner 11,000 act. mt. ·~u.n. * ~'·-· * vinvl roof. No. 21J7, · ' "''"""' 2S New&. Used In Shx:k condltlt>n. &U-9647 aft 3:30 ai:: uw C'v-11 t _.. .,.,.,...... ..,._.<N MliER L 8 w" encl0$ed be1.d, !lJ n • t t e • -3 Whffl Mln;...Bikf'-wltn-stde~ T&M MD~ORs---'-~----'--'""""""-1 ia:::'.!.J-·•~"~ ~:~· .. ~~ .· .. r.,.2+-''~'11._~ =·p:-~.,~co~~. ·VB, Mower; suo.-Good Co~ . sleeps •• Chry$1tt Inboard. car 'I m .,., V'IO'""W.l 1966 Bui k El tr Con t J_;io'f ... • •• ,. .,-..... '' -uu·NTON· dttion. CaU -Lota of new pa_lnt. STOO. In· ' SG-3586 8081 Garden Grove Bl , <?·G· '59 MGA. 2500 mJ on reblt c ec a v ' au10, console, p/s, r&:h, tur- 592-2360. /:'1ilre al 119 34th St., NB. 534-2234 Open SUnday 89:1-5SS1 eng, Good tltts & lnt. $700. ·~d~ &: ~~::·n:. ~~:; =~· ·1:J>~n':f · ,'fr~: 6s~s~~~ top, xJnt cond. PORTACRIB I: mattress i10. after 5 pm. M_o_!!!cycles t300 GCZ...1802 6 pm 548-3074 Over $400 utlder bk. 6'75-100) ,;;:;;:=:;;:=====II P\lsh lawnmower $5. BIOS Acctpted. RePoSseastd --·&a l\fCB red, good cond., '61VWVan.Xlntcond .ttbll. -FORD- Trleycle $:1.50. 963--4974. 36' House bolt. Bank (If suzuKi '68 X-6 Scrambler wire Whla, 'r&h. $1050 or enr.. new paJnt, clutch. -CADILLAC T·BIRD . Tm.ES: 4 Goodyear Polygla!I America. Mr. ~forian or 250 CC. Like new! 9,000 iii.I. beat otter. 548-5479 alter 6 Clllall. 6'f&.1631 --=:=:.::::::;::__,l:::::-::-:---::::-::::7'7-:- G'lS-l<I. never wed, .$125. Mr. Goodwin 6'13-2500 H8imet, rack. turn Alana!.. 1967 MG B-GT ,63 VW BUG~. Xlnt cond. • FOR Sale: '~T T-Blrd. 2nd ~ 847-8176. CE·NTU·R ~ 1'lber1la1 Sit50. 839-6369. * 847-5369 * tmldt/o'tlt. Mech. perfect. COUPE D EVILLE ow~cr. V~ryU cltan. OrJg. BEAUTIFUL ' panel Orlen-Retorter, 1¥/tralltr, 250hp '69 AMERICAN Eagle 25t>oc. 49'-6{68 1989. Mlllt StU lmmtd , •• , wt to_PS· a . eVC!ll 8$.507S tal $Crten. Appralaed at tnbrd. Canopy top 1r. c:c>vcrt. Geronimo $ 750. Niee MORRIS R.elocatlnf to Europe:. Pwr, 61 T-B1rd. 4-dr Landau Fae. $l050. Call (l ) enc > 63T-0206 6Th-0016 'machine, 846--3714. ---~~-----19'9 VW CAMPE R fully equlJ>, a Ir, leather. air. Ex •. cond. Prlv. Pty. HAND Palllttd oil portrait of M'°"'U"st::---:,."c"rt"a"'ce,.-"'32"''-,l"°tve-I MUST Still 065 Bultaoo' 646-5005 '61 4 dr. ?.10rtls l\l1h0r. $300. ~-*.;,..,,Xl;;;;;nc,;'t;,.. ,;6,;15-c.:5808:;.:,;,_*~·I Xlat concl. $$2:00.-CalJ <n4l S~ or best oUer. ~!t421J 2240 S. Main SANTA ANA 546-7076 -you er your cbOctttn from a 11.bOll..rd. eharp. \OUtr cvtr (Sherba> Runs ltood! $225 8A¥SIDE MOTORS can -'66 VW. TOP COND. 54t-3S86. TilE QUICKER YOU CALL. phot,oetaph. 616-3629 p.ooo. Days (213) 432-8531 * 8Q.-08ltl * !JOO W. Coast Hwy., N.8. ' * 815--241)8 * _*_l1200;_;;_'_54&.33_;;c91;;___*_, ·--------,TH ;.:;.:;E...:Q::U.::lCKER=='Y;.:0;.:U_;S::E;:fJ::,,,''..-------"I ' 1 .. ' • • l .... :rr-,-. - Almost Re.ads The Newspapers deliver massive coverage • of All:_ occupation groups each weekday OCCUPATION OF HOUSEHOLD HEAD J Professionals Managers Clerical, Sales Craftsmen Other Manual Farmers 88% 91 85 80 71 70 Soun:e: Opinion Research Corpontlon News papers reach, in-depth, into all occupation groups every day, as this 9raph indi- cates. Bu r-what should be even more interesting to adverti sers is the high precentage of rrianagement, professional and other hi9h-salary-earn in9 types who read a newspa- per every· day. They make more money, travel more, buy more , set the standards for others to follow. If y~u want to play ''Follow "The leader," advertise in some other medium; if you want to lead the leader, put your messa ge "'.'here he'll read it •.• with --4---·-•-----vsTif,e-newspaper •. ------- -. DAILY PILOT • < -( ·-... . \ "' . • - • • 'T • Newspapers T ke_ - Your Message Where The Money Is Newspaper readership -increases with incQme Under $3,000 $3,000- $4,999 $5,000- $7,999 $8,000 - $9,999 • -. $10,000 & over -Sourc.e: Opinion Rese1rch ~ • ~lmost nine out of I 0 'effluent Americans-those who earn $I 0,000 or more annuaffy -read at least one newspaper. And more tha'n half of tho~•. w~o earn even leis than • $3,000 also read newspapers. And the more money the reeder of y~ur ad hes to spend, the more likely he is to see the message in ~ newspaper: If you've got some+_hing to tell somebody (or sell somebody), start with us, the newspaper,· DAILY PILOT • Newspapers: Numhe•· One In Ad-vertising! ~ Newspapers are the primary adverti!ling medium 1949 {Millions of Dollars) 1969 ,, ,, TELIVIS_ION ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, MAGADllS ,, ............... ~ ... ~ ... ...... ~--.. --,rora -.-;,":?<=· OtlTDOOR ,,..,,,_, ..................................................... """""'"' To~al advertisin9 figures are in for 1969 and, as the chart above shows, newspapers continue to be the nation's number one salesman. The only other medium showing any dramatic growth in the chart is televisi on and -did you notice -the increase in newspaper advertising investments since TV came on the scene is. more than the cur- rent total television advertisin9 volume. Shouldn't you "hire" the nation'S most power- ful salesman? You can start today by calling 642-4321, the · • --- DAILY PILOT • • ; I • ) I I l r ..... , .. . .,, . t .• I.ASIA EDITION ~CH 3, 1970 ALASKAN HUSKIES like these will be featured at Alaslta Trade i Travel Exposition. Thi teams of Mr. and Mra. Fred Clark of Norco, first place win· nera in two recent racing events held at Big Bear, will appear Saturday, March U, at the Plaza. .. MC.II of All ·Keeps Visitors Entertained Busiest ·Plaza COSTA MESA, Calif. - Despite South Coast Plaza's record '60 million year ln 1989 and the sa1el tu revenue from ill ellstlnc ltoret which the year befo~ made lt possi· bit for the construction of a DIW drie cealW9 Nlet a1oDt haven't made this center live- ly. Consider a fa.l.rly ordinary day at South Coast Plaza: an antique auto show ii in prot- ress throughout the mall, a woman from the a.,1atrar of Voten ma a table aear tbe 20-borse carousel that whln the children around on a th,.... minute ride and near tbt "waterfall" wtticb drops '8 feet from the ctU!ft~, tbe Girl Scout.a are tellinl ev~ bow tf.: their eoOt* really (q ... • •• I) Ma-. .. COSTA MESA . 1·xposlflon ;Wiii Iring 'Everything'. From 49th Stafe .,.,.._tQ Orange Coast t Wettern Alrllnes fUcht to UHi 4ttb~tate -9 a Cl\llM on Pr-. L1M orullet. There wW bl 1 number ol lldpboard (Ool.._.. ti P ... I) 'Week' Dee la red icftlDULI CW IVIN'n -DAILY AT TB PLAIA (wtda ..... , ..... ...,) - 11:45 a.m. to 11:19 "m. Alttka IUow, fll&urlnc Mila Northern IAlhtl. Dlomtdt lndlaD Dlnclrl Ind other performa fo bi announcld. Miit• of e•......a., Larry Bick, Bird of Alub. 2:• p.m. to I:• p.m. LlrrY Beck'• AlMka Sbotr. Cb1lUt Indian Dineen; o.ter aod HIJta ltvtek, Nomt £aklJhl perform- .. and otbln. •:• p.m. to 1:11 p.m. Bard of AJaata, Llft'J Itek• .S lltlmo Dllformo n. t.ura Blrl&.i_!O"d champion blWtt ...... 7:30p.m.to1:11 p.m. Hahm Tlallt -~Ill Danctn IDcl perfounen. bamldt r.llmo daacln. Larry Beet, .... ADDED ATTRACTlON: 8tartlnl Tllllday, March lf, tbt Sitka RUlllaD Arebanatll ri1 peifwm HCh dat at 11 :• a.m: IDd at 7:30 p.m. Tllurtd411. Morell JJ 10:10 a.m. -p,.,,. con/,,mct, CarouHl Ce"rt o/ th1 plaza, and o/JkW OPft' ing b~ Alaflto Governor, 1'fith MiUtr. 12 n001\ -Civk IMnchfo" at N1wporter,ln1l -....._ ------_ __.._ ____ __;::;.___---..-;..-___..;-=-..-----~-----'--------,_;.,o--------·---...-..11· ' H M I Fun rtips, Offered How about a two-week tour of A I a s k a with ac- commodations in the state's finest hotels? Then, there's fir~ class airline tickets for two via Western Airlines from L.A. to Anchorage to Honolulu. The stop In Hawali Is a bonus. There's also a Princess Line Cruise tor two to Alaska and return aboad the Printess Jtalla, with first c l a s s stateroom accommodations, meals a n d entertainment. Wait, there's more . . . a Matson l,,_y huury cnilse of South Co~ Plaza's 88 stores. Depoett in the ",Alaska/ The Action State" Lox located In the Carousel Court. You don't have to be pretent to win. Drawings wUJ be held periodically during the 10-day event. No purchase I 1 necessary. Long Night Gets Chilly for two on the S.S. Marlpasa 1n Alaska, everyday wear ls or S.S. Monterey. Ports of comfortable and lnfonnaJ. caJt Include: Vancouver, Vic-summer or winter, you can · troia, Juneau, Glacier Bay, dress as you would If you were Skagway, Sit.ka and San Fran-visiting the Pacific Northwest clsco, with return accommo-of New England. It's a good elations to Los Angeles. Idea to bring a raincoat and a Rouridlng out tl'M!. top prue sweater for cool evenings are ejght shipboard toon for after the midnight sun goes two on liners of the Alaska down. Marine Hlghway System. Comfortable walkina shoes Al1 you have to do Is fill out are a must-In 586,000 equare the coupon on page 2. Cou~ miles there's a lot of crounct are also available in any one-" you'll want to cover. MiOltllullll Maskr of ceremonie! for _ the special shows at South Coast Plaza will be "~ Bard of Alaska,., Larry Beck. Beck, who 1VIS recenUy named by the Governor of Alaska as the state's official "Ambassador of Good Will,'• ls an acknowledged expert on poet Robert Service. During the past year Beck'.! own Alaskaland show has visUed hamlets, village!, and most of J.be large cities througbout Alaska. As was the THE "BARD OF ALASKA.'' Larry Beck, and Mlss Northern Lights, Carol Betcher, fiank Bob Kinsey, vice president ot Western Airline• during program of the Orange County Chamber of Commerce held recently. As emcee for the Alaska Trade & Travel Exposition that will run at South Coast Plaza, March 12-21, Larey Beet will introduce some ot the unique talents and traditions that make the total atmosphere and heart of the t9th state. ·case in -perfonnances in those cities, Beck will recreate the days ol moose meat and bean!, the great KloQdike Gold Rush of 'ta and all the Jyrte tales of the iourcfough miner and frontlennan. id t> 1 t performances at South Coast Plaza. MaU • • • (c..tfatted trtm Pqe I) Authentic Tribal Dances Slated tastt. South Coa~t Plaza, •an enclosed. arld a comfortable-12 degnes all year 1round.,. issues no •1ra.io cbeckl, '' since inclement weather d o e s D ' t · necemtate cancellation • t events. From March U to ll, the Chllkat Indian Danctn will appear In several of the lhow1 ICbeduJed in tbe Carousel Court ol South Cout Plaza. With all their profusion and diani ii In the ldJolnJnl towns paceantry, mall actitivites at of Halnee and Port Cbllkoot. the plaza surpass the medieval fain. Totem Village in P o r t 'nlere are antique shows, art ChYJroot, wbett the dancers elhlblts, daDCff and. charity perfou1i. features • replica of balls. auto and boat shows an ~ tribal houle, alant that add to the noise and ex- totemt. · tra""'• cabbt and citement. drying and tannin& racb for Now to top it all off, the vast pelts. expanses of South C o a at In-The Diomede E s kl m o Plua'• mall areas wlll bt dancers, u well ._ the King literally turned into a "walk· Wearing prfctJea, authentic Tlingit I n d I a n cemnonJaJ dress, the group' will perf onn many of tbe tradlUonal dances for which they are noted. Home for the Chllbt R-AA.. W •--? Islanden. will ,_ be featured Ing ~· of America's 4ltb umer be awva in dally sbois at thl plaza. In state. nie Alaska Trade and Be5. you enter A.Wka, the &hows the Klng l&land Travel Expositloo, due to open you• anything but a n Eskimo dancerl will present, March 11 and to last for 10 OOTA . But once you get they will depict tradltlonaJ days, is 1he largest evtnt of there o u automaUcally roqtines telll111 stortea of the this kind ever staged at • beeome a Walrus, a member wol!, walrus, witch doctor, aboJ)ping center In O!'a~e of the OOTAW, the Order of raven seal hunt, chasing a County, the fastest growh:il the Alaska Walrus. rabbit and C)ther Eskimo Jore. eounty in the United States. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : WiN A FREE . r • . . A.LASIEA TRIP : Fii 111 ond d.,osft I• box at th C•onel C.rt, $otltlt Cooet ,._, GratMI ltrlae1 lnclucfe: Two fll'St class tickets vla W....,.. A.lrlhMI from LA.. to An- chorage, with a bonus atop In Hawaii. One stateroom for two persona, all tlnt clau meals and entertainment via Prhtc ... Line CrulMI for two weelu with departure from San Francisco to Aluka. Two-week trip tn conjunction with Alatka AlrtlMe and w• (MMll4ah4, w1th accommodations in the 1tat.e'1 finest hotela; all major Aluka citie1 vtslted. Also a 13-day M•"'-" luxqry cnilile for ~o aboard the S.S. Ma.xipou or S.S. Monterey, with visits to Victoria, Vancouver, SkaewaY, Sitka, San Franclsco and return to L.A. Eignt other Seattle-Skagway round trips on Jlners of the Alaaka Maline Hlghway Sy~tem. 'llU '*'" '""'"Ytt ~ ltMlr 1111111 .... ,.. Ht e111111i.. NAME . ADDRESS • " 'I r • . • : I • • • . • -' • • CITY . _STATE . _ZIP • TOTEM POLE CARVING by the Haines Cbilkat Indians, OTganized by Carl Heinmiller (patch over eye), will be one of the outs landing feat'Ures of the ExpositJon at South Coast Plaza which starts March 12 for JO days. • • • PHONE . ~-· ~ -·-. . -"-·---·-··-----Ii ...... , ............................ . .. - !or - lib rd Uy of lat l," on 1'.s as nd es he se tie nd ~d ie er Is iSt l1J 72 ,. ~ ee • t tf Ml at al rt ty rs x- st 1t ,. t.. tb Ml !II lO of • J!9 .,, -• • I . I. . • . • .. • ~ • • • II , • I • ., • I • • • , • • • .. • I . • I Hats off to South Coa!t Plau and the Orange County Chamber of C o m m e r c e . They're doing something about a long known, but little acted-- upon fact. From March U..%1 these two groups will sponsor the largest Alaska Trade and Travel Ex- position ever to hit the "lower 41.0 They'll stage this gigantic event in South Coast Plau in Costa Mesa, empbaslz.ing the fact that Orange County Pla~a to be 'Bus Stop' ~::ise~~~~ ~:0~c!:~h: west coast. •. From the look! or things, date bas been ovmvhebnlng. The ahow, to be opened by school buses will be making In 8 letter to all school prin· the Governor of Alaska Keith South Coast Plaza a regular clpals and administrators, ex-Miller, will feature travel position officials requested f' I do Al L--stop when tor 10 days begin-that field trips be arranged. 1lm.s, severa r.en as_,, nl.ng March • 12 the Alaska rt was pointed oot that the arts and crafts booths, en. Trade & Travel Eiposition Alaska Trade Ii Travel Ex-tertalnment by g en u I n e t n.:. N rth Costa Eskimos, poetry rea<Uno by opens a ~ o position was conceived to pro-the state's Bard ol the ~ortb.· Meja shopping comple1.' 4\'ide a pJeasurableulea1i:ai:Jrn1UJillg115-1u...,.=-...,.,__..._~nwt""'"nwt-"""_.~'il Nearly 700 schools, covering ptrience for cblldreo of all r r tri' f t to the the whole or Orange County, ages as well as to bring Into ~.00:, ia: ofrthew:,rth, have been invited to take Orange County an event Hats oH! And may uu. fll'st "the walking tour of Ala.ska" through which the entire area exposition be merely the somettme during the March wauld be made aware of forerunner of more to come. 12-21 event. Their response to Ala.sb. Ann Terrill Travel Magazine Editor • The Register _Expo • ••• (C.1dMecl fnm Paie 1) toun for ,two to the north aboard the sleek iblps of the State of Alaska's Marine , ... ·....:. m,hway System (FiU out tn-.. "-try coupon on pqe 2). • SYMBOL OF ALASKA Is the totem pole. Made of ceda,r, the poles have no religious siRDificance. Tbef are erected in front of dwellings 6y Indians encl adopted as symbols ol families or tribes. Each ~em represents an animal or natural object con- eidered by primitive ~~:s to be related by blood to a given family or . Authentic totem pole ~arving demonstration will be part of Alaska Trade & Travel Exposition. And a 14-foot totem pole will 1>e part. of special decorations at. South Coast Plaza durinR the big show. Featured during the March , 12-21 South Coast Plaza event FUL1.-8 LOODED ESKIMOS Mr. and Mrs. Chester Seveck from Alaskan town wW be dally 1bow1, of Kotzebue, will perform daily in the Carousel Court of the Plaza. demonstrations and dolem ol apeclaJ eetbita starting at E k E • ~ea:~d=:e:,= s imos to nterta1n Kine Ialand Eskimos and the Cbllbt Indians · · · Totem Eatmos will almost be llrat time in 1195. He tasted Ahoacbl1k, "Hello," a wklo" Pole carvlna · · ·blanket tou-commcmplace in the mall at white man'• food for tbe fin& with nine groWn cbildrtn. ~ Inc • · · twfrl1ng the deuble-South Coast Plaza w '1 e n time when be wu t years old. Sevect'1 have 20 cbUdmi ban'eled Eaklmo yo-yo-• • • Aluhna open their Trade le He started .htrdinl reindeer at behreft them and a total ot and mor1. . Travel Exposition on March the ap ol 11 and hw 41 years 157 grandchildren and 2* Larry Beet. an acknowJedg-1z. Two ot the most popular be lived on the Arctic tundra ere~. . eel expert on the work of fam-will be Mr. and Mrs. Cheater u a oomadk: reindeer herder, Tbe Seveeb are qul~ actlve eel poet ~ Servf,ce. and Sevec?, tull..blooded Eskimos living in tents, IO(J bowlel and ln the Koa:ebue Eskimo De~ known bimaelf as the Bard of from the town of Kotuhue, a lhow block iatoos. Be anCl -his Club. Al might be expected• the North, .. will emcee the v"'8ge ao mUes north of the first wife bad 11 cbildten, all many of the 1400 Eakimol who shows ernanat.lr!g from the Arctie Circle and 200 miles born ln a tent "'th Chester ae-live Jn Kot!ebue, the second plua '1 Carousel Court during from the cout of Siberia. tina as mtd-wUe on each oc-laqeit Eskimo village In the tntlre 10 days of the u-AsatU "Ches~'' Seveck caslon. Alallka, a r e chlldren, grand· position. wu born In the Arctic in 1889 After Cheater's first wife --cbildrtn, and great sranddllt. More than two dozen mall and aw a white man. for the puaed away, he married . clren of the Sevecks. elhlbits will tell the ex· cltement of the farthest-north atate. Staffed by vWt1ng Alaskans, elhlbiton will also sell park.as, natural fur c!oats, ivory, and other native ban-'.-. dicralt souvenirs. The booths will bt arranged geographically to provide the visitor "a walklng tour" of the state . Among the highlights will be a U-foot-long wortm1 model of an Alaskan sdne risblng boat from the Clty of Ket- cblkan. Rfgular demomtra- Uons wiD allow viewers 1n on some oC the secreta ol Alaskan ftshina skill. · Some of the othe Alukan communities to be represented with· booths wDl inc l ude Anchorage, Mat-Su, Valdei, Kenai, Kodiak, Sltkl, Juneau, Fatrbanb and Nome. Vlsltora to the Alam Trade -Travel EIJ)OllUon will see lbowa ·by the King hi.and Esklmoe which have proven to be among the real 0 flnds" of Alasbn tourtsm. ( .~ . --.. ..... ., .... Beauty, Bonuses Await Winrlers Of Alaska Trips The beauty ol a cascadlq g\lcler or 0 aecret.. fisblnC vm.ge revealed by a turn ln the lmlde Pusaae tbrouP which the 1uxurlom PrlDcesa Cruises flqshlp, P r la C e I I Italia, or MabOD Line'• SS Marlpou aalla. • • . The booua of a nbn from Anchorage by 01 of BoDoluha -visltlq 1*b the 4lth and IOth at•• Gil the amt twnorOUS air VO)'llt. 1'bele are oal1 a couple ol the reUOIW wby the ~ of free trlpl olftrtd 'rilltan to the Alaska Tradt ' TraV'el ~lion at South Coast Plaza are amoa, the most U· citing "llveaways" the North Costa Mesa abopplna center has ever featured. Mat.son Lines, newest ado &Uoo totbellneupolaponson of Exposition prizel, often wlnntrs aummet~~ .allbll which include a look at 6lue Icebergs, a chance to see some of the smoothest water 1n the world as their shJ&1 plies the aurface of Glader Bay o~ tbe Prtncesa 1tana. thla llllDIMf will complet9 Mr ltCODd buaJ ltUCID U a "rep.Jar .. Clll u.. cnalle .... from California alaGI tbl nortbern C. to Alub, wltb ltopa ID the Paclflc Nortbwellt. Stlll other Exposition • .. will ~ ahlpboard toura provided bf the State ti Aluka'a Marini B t J b w 1 J System. '1'beee winMr1 will cnalal aboard the aleek:'ahlpe ol the stat•'• 01'D tour aervtct. ~ Alrllnes. In CQDo j unction wtt• We in. CcmoHdated, wW provide tripe lnclucttnc accommodaUons ln the state 'a ftnest hotels. Stops will lncUde . Juneau, FaJJ.. blnb, Kotzebue and Anchor· •· Western Airllne.s will otter wtnoers a free 0 sample11 of ltl I _ _. I MATSON LIME,-$ SS MARIPOSA PL an NORTHWIST PACll'IC WATIRS Other wlnnen will aall with Princess Crulses, w b o a e = route from Lo 1 to Anclaorage to Hooolulu and return. The same trip can be made com. merc1&1Jy without any ad- ditional charae to round trip customen for the fllaht from Anchorage to Honolulu and back to Los Anplea. Shlpa Like Thfft Provldt P•l..ial Hoftlt Afloat for Chtntt Who Vltlt I.;~ el Midnight kn PRINCESS ITAls~A ARRIVIS IN JUNIAU HARIOR S..'9 ,....., .. Prlncet1 Crv 1..._ Ouelft ef IMW. Pe11 ... l l ST Of' WESTIRN'S WORLD AWAITS WINNIRS Thty Could Put ThtmMtvta In TI'lls P1eture, To.st~ Victory