HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. • • • ' .• .. .-.• • ........ .• -1~ ......... ,... '•1-.+ • •. ... . ., . • Linda ~ KasabiOn Di.,itled DAILY PILOT .* * * 10' * * * THURSDAY· AFTERNOON,. JUfl!E 18; 1'170· . ' Fro111 Manson· Fa111ily . -, -. . . • VOL. &L NO. IU, fUCTiONJ. .. PA•ll • • u or IOD~a~, W~ Slaying,~Vieti _, ATT ENDANTS REMOVE BODY FRDM JOHNSON HOME In San Clemente, Mur•r et 416-C · Monterey L•nt Clem ente Marine -:-Findi ' ' .., ~ "The similaritJ ends there, '1 Pid Polit'e Cllief ~Ufford Murray. ~ ·By JOUN YALTERZA CH lfll D1H1 Pllll lflll ' . -The nearly nude body of a young San Clcmr.nte housew ife was found bludgeoned a1'14 repeatedly stabbed Wednesday, lyfng on the bed of a small apartment she sha red with her 1.iarine husband. The br utal slaying of Mrs. Connie .lotr.1son, 20. v.•as dtscovered by her hu s· band, /11a rk, 191 ~·ho returned pome froin duty at Camp Pen~lcton lo find his young Mife stabbed repeatedly in the chest and Reck. The wife also bore markS or a beating nn 1he race and head from a small wooiten 21100! round in the kitchtn of tl1e Liny, · rOOdestly furnish ed fla t at 416 C 1'.ionterey Lane, io the city's heller i.umn1er ren tal area. II was the second· hratal k.D,lfe slaying nr a womnn • dlseovered tills week in the Capistrano Bay area. but San lemoite police today streued that lhc 01\ly si milarity between lhe latest slayng <1nd vicious· dlsn1embcrment of 1'.fl$ion Viejo teacher Mrs. Florence Brown, 31, "'AS that. •11ltt!yWe'"re both women and. I.hey were both slabbed." •.· - niechfef, allUdij:ig fo increaslhg tension h1 the area over the death ol Mrs . Brown . stressed there were no links roooo thus far between the two killi.lgs. Mrs. Johnson was found shortly before We<ilesday noon. Her body, sprawled on the bed of the mode!tly furnished studio apirtment, apparentlf had been lyina there since sometime early Tuesday. The wom11n, wearing only a shortie nightgown, hid been stabbed repeatedly 'in the chetl and neck and had suUered a' severe blow to the head from a w-. foalltool found In tile Uny kitchen nearby. · ~ The discovery or the remains led im· medi1tely to an , lnteosive search ror Jcads in tl'le case. Bul th is mor nin_g, police 'Said they hid no strong suspects. • 111\ddinJ to lbe comp~1ily or the case, police allege, was the dilco~ery GI 8 quanlity of marijµa na in a rais in box resting Jn 8 c&btr1et ior !he apartment along the nArr'o~ wirKllna residential tSe< MURDER, P11e Ii - Senate Passes Reagan's . . . Budget On to Assembly . l ' .. • • • • • Abort Law Rejected By Judge - . ' Much o! California's Therapeuj.ic Abor-- tion Act was ruled · unconstitutional Wednesday by 1 municipal court judge in an opinion which !us~nds criminal charges against a Santa Ana physician and his attractive ta.year-old assistant. Judge William ThomSOll defended what he called "the right of any woma• to seek an abortion" in a five-page opinion which -subitantially &free! with the earlier landrilarlt ruling · of Judge Paul Mast, his colleague on the Sa11ta ARa Municipal Court bench. But Judge Thomson made It clear today that he is In full agreement with certain provision! of the controversial abortion code that was paued by the legis lature in 1967 -those 1eetlons which specify that all abortion procedures car- ried out on ·womeR who have not passed the twentielh week . ol their prepaacy ahould be performed Wider carefully regulated circwnatances. Judge 'I'hqmJOn defmd thole regula· lions as including the right of the 1tate to Insist upon abortion procedures being carried out Ja holpitals and cllaics by physicians w~ proceduru are •P:" proved by medlcll orgll1bltlons and aocleties. · That definiUoa would appear to twand as illegal lhe pracUce of -Dr.-;John S. Gwynne-;-21;--of--S.nta Ana . • Dr. GW)'llH Ind bis alSiltul Debbie Meyer of WhttUer, were arrested May ~ and chlrl(ed wflh two counts of tl!te ABORTION, Pip I i SF W omari., 78, Dies on Flight An elderly San Francilco woman iUl4 fered an apparent llroke lllld diia on an Air California flilht from the bay city of Oran1e County Wednelday, airline officials announced. A 1pOkesman for the airline ukl Mrs. Ella Debin&hlm, 71, wu a papenaer 'On the filght whM:h WU ICheduted &o arrive at Or1111e County at 1:30 11m. About 1:·20 a.m. tl\e woman suffered what appeared to bt: a stroke. She was traveling · wlth her nephew, the Rev. W. Oebinaham and bil wlft allo of San Francllco. . Mike McFadden 11kl i phy1icl111 on the (light adminlllered flr1t aid and asked to have an ambulance '1t the airport, but lhe WOIDAn"Wll dud on arrival. .. ' ' I ••••• Linda Kasabian ' ' . ' LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The state's ·~~rde~~~ haa in halt U:er ~!:!:!~a~: frotn Charles M.allllOll and three other young women mem~rs of the "family" so ahe e1n testJry 11alnst them. Unda Kasabian, 20, 'wp brought unex-· pect.edly ipto the courtroom WeOOesday and she studiously avoided the Unser wigglin1 and calls of the otht:r defendants as her own trial · wu put off· to Aug. 17. . effect'' on their marriage. During Wednesday 's session, Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older threatened t1> -have Mans9J1'1 attorney, Irving Kanarak, physically Silenced If he did not quit interrupting the court. Kanare.k subsided. ' ' ac , . . ·S Schmitz . . Votes 'Yes I SACRAME:NTlf tUPI) -The Senale wllh little debate today pasaed and sent to 'the Alsembly ilt cbmpromise version of Gov. Ronala Reagan's proposed f8.48 billion sl{llte budget. Th~ vote was 29 to f , sen. Donald L. Grunsky1 Republican floor manager -of 'the budget bill, told colleagues during a mere 10 'minule5 of debate that the spendint plan "com4. mittl'd ourselves to a broad general. philosophy. of more money for schools." Mi& Kasablan is expected to testi!)' for Lhe pro~ecution, giving her 4ccount of acting as a "lookou t" w h i I e the others aclually .oomrnitted seven klllln1s of the bt.autiful actress and her coterie and a wealthy grocer and-his wife. 'Ille highlights d Wednesday's session came when Ml ss Kasabian was brooght Into the courtroom in early afternoon. Her blonde hair was in · .pigtails . and she wore a neat white and yellow frock. The brief ~debate wiu anticlimactic. to the past three days ol, maneuverinf by Democrtts~to~force .inclusion or more money for schools· before they would' • vote <!'.I the budget. 1 • • A blpartisan commiltee hammered out a 'f98 m'nnon net shill in the budge• from ,other Programs &o schools to satilfy' them. 'Ille. ex;tra funds in,' the senal,e budget ~Id bring ' next year's school aid approp~iat!on to1 roughly the same level as the current sum. She will be grante~ immunity from prosecution in excha nge for telling he r story, the basis ol the state case. The trial was in recess today. Man!On and Susan Atkins were-Jo ap. wmmunists Cut Road to Saigon; Oil Route Opened pear in Santa Monica Superior Court PHNOM PENH (U PJ) - Communist to_ enteJ:....LP.lea to an ei1hth murde r troops today cut Highway I, which links -lhe killing of .mU1ictiii Gary Hinman ,. Phnom Penh and Saigon, ·bul Cambodia n, three months before the Tate·LaBlanca troops reopened another major hllhway, slayin1s. which links-the capital wilh ·the Qylf· Jury selection In the Tate case Was of Siam and this · ~ntry's only -oil going slowly. At the end of Wednesday 's 11Upplies. hearing, 1• prospective jurors had been Al one peint the Commuilists had cu't exaued_._on_ grounda-taneiDl-from-all major-transportation rootes beLwttn peraonal hardship to-opposition to the Phnom Penh and the outside world. ' death penalty to preconceived opinions. Jn Sai,gon1 the U.S. Cemmand reported. One striking blond_e..io...b«'._2{)s, Marilyn 130 A~~icans wer~ . kil~ and 364 P~ffer, was excused alter the said wounded 1n Indochina f1ght1ng list week, »he had decided a she months 1tR9ratlon compared wllh 119 dead an<t 1,113 •ourct- from her husband, loc~ up nightly h:i ed the previous week._ Of these 3,7 we(e a hote l room ·would have an "emotional killed and 97 wounded 1n C11mbodla. · ' Sooth Vietnamese battle deaths drop. SPORTS EDITOR COVERI NG CUP ped from 600 kll led to 47& durlnc the week and CommU'l1i!t losses we re estimated at 2,051 _ 4ead , eomparecl •with 1,910 the prev~ wee~. 1 • • • The Communists fll.ined }figh)'ay J. GI--·~"~. ~ ••• ,._ of lhe .0_ and blocked il wi.\!) 11\Jen <rees M milu .... ""~ .... ~ =-1011tlleast0f Plloom Papi>. · ' · LY PILOT, is in Mnico C_lty covering' Cambodian troops ,who ,arriv~d to ·try lhe final games ol dte World Clfp 10CCer to clear the hlahway came under heavf competition. mortar firJ!. '11le, Cambodians hoped tO Appeaing In tqday's issoe ls his clear the h1ghway ,by ~nctown. . , , enlighteriint story on ~ teml.finlll match IL was_~ foullth ·overland route to between Italy .S. Weal Germany alone the outside CUL by the Comn1unlats in with a personal view of the situation the past s\1 days. · In ~xico City with in. pme1 nearing Cambodian .troops re!tored Highway 1 climax in · Sunday's Qhampion..Wp 4 from the Capita!· tot.he port or Kompong nnl1s. Som. fl hid been blocked by lhe figtnl'ltl WIPte wilt r tn\lin in the mile-high • -..1 Trapea-rrr.xra1q;-11 mne.--aouttmir· c"""'I city until lhe cone-of <he of Phnom Penh. Over-tile roedway pi compeUtton. If the chams*>nlhlp flnals oil from the nation's only oll reflflery 1ame ·on 'Sunday ends in 111 Ue a p)ayofr' at the Porl of Kompong Som, known 1ame will bt: played Tllesday. ' as Slhanoukville until the March II overthrow. ot Prince NorQdom Slhtnouk • .. But Senate Democratic ca u c u 1 chairman Mervyn Dymally" who ab. stained from voU111, said the oompr:omise ''cuts are not equitable a'ld in the besi Interests of'the state." . , "li's si mply a cise of not belnc 'ib1f to amend • a bad bill," tie ialdJ ~W ended op With i worse bill:" : r ") ·l·serr.-John G. Schmlt&-(R-Tulfin),•w Jn the past ~a·s cotlsJStentty v?ted a1ainst (See BUDGET, r ,,e %1 r " Or••ICe €:•••&I ' We•dler The early mom1n1 foe will rejoin us 'Frid.ay, but Ulily i kies wlll pre- v111l throu1h mbst of the da: with temperatures threatening the 80- degree mar~. __, .. ~spt• '.l'ODt\ Y ; ,NeaTllJ .fO,O students /ro'f' cl)ranoe Coaat hatie received. de· orns from Cal Slate Lono .Oec/ch. For lUti110.t by citv, 111 Page 12. • I• r.:= .. , ~ Cllectlllle U . " , C1"411Mill U,.41 ._., n ,_ » o.a ....... II -" ,....,.. ..... ' '"""'--.... ·--· rt-1• -n A• LI.... ft -I • -~ ,..,. .... l lalltn 11 -... . ,~, ........ ,, "....... ...... ... r OrMtl '""''"' 11 ''""' ...,.... , .. ,_ .... WWI ............ If ·-I: :.::.' ... ............ , " ....... MWlll-14 I ......... , .. ···. •' - . .. Election Pl!obe .OK'd A --to lllrtller probe d<lle.t.d eandidatl Manball · N(lrril~ contmtion thol J-A. Mlllid<s' election u Oranp c.unty lherlff-corooer June I - WU unlawful and llhould be inVlllid Wu ~today. , l'1ell&ar SuJ!Orlor court jud&• Wi.llWn c. Spe.in granted. the motion of the comty Board of Superivsort to intervene ln the: lawsuit as the Orange C.OUnty Election Board. Judge_ Spein ael July 1 • the dale for 11ie hearin( and he will -""t a Judi• to ru1' on the laoue ... -elite. • Norris "°"lend& lhal the lbili~ ol Mllllcl< In top 1!J01 on all counl)I blllotl gave the Jong-time lheriff an unlait advanYce and «uted the iu~ellinn. that 1he VM'an officer WU U ift. C>mlblnl '11le Su..,-;or Court derk poida GUI "' bis action that the olllce ol sherlff-eor-oner wu a newly created pmt and hil name should have been printed in ·top place. on a -.pecitied number « Thursd..,., Jont 18, 1970 - oullty_rran~it Studied Supe~visors Set Pu.blic . Hearing Monday . -Does Orange COOn!l_ need a rapid four years. To continue in this advisory transit system to serve irifnfediate an1:t ca~city Would be just ~splMing our urgent needs? wheels. It is up to you (the supervisors) The public, county 11upervisors and lo implement our work!" 1 city and couoty~officials will get a chance •"The timing ls good for the pro~ to answer that question Monday when · vote, A decision must be'_made by the the board holds a hearing on the po1slble first of September to 'pu( the issue fonnation of an Orange County Trans.it on the Moveniber· billot," Koch em· District and submission of the question phasized. ''It will CMt nothing except to the electorate in the November 2 the printing of the !)allots." General Election . The i'Pf'OPOsed Orange County. district Wednesday, the Orange County .Tra{lsit , can be irppJemented under the Orange. Committee , after nearly five years or Co"unty Transi\ District Act · approved constant studies, recommended thi b)' the Staie Legislature in 1965. public hearing ~nd the eleclion. The Supervisor William Phillips pointed out supervisors agreed and the date was that the purposi for the act, requested set. by the county, was to block any tegional Chalrmfil'I Hubert L. Ferry of Fullerton plan which "would swallo'!" up our area.'' ' nutlined the committee's reasons behind Assistant Chief County Counael Clayton the recommendation: H:. Parker outlined the ' principal ' pro-- ,(CoUnty ROad CommiS!ioner Al S. KoCh visions of lhe 1965 act: 'Mle proposed added emphasis to each reason). district does not have to be countywide, -A district is · needed to bring the" but its boundaries cannot cut. acrou total county p~oblem undet One system. city lines. CK<>Ch: Presently there are individual A board of directors ol live members: franchises in varjous cities. plus the two of them supervisors and three 11amed Southern Ca lifornia Rapid Transit District by the cities will govern t~ district: fR'I'.0) buses from Los Angeles. There Various county officials are "amed to is no coordination. Some of the bus act for the district, such as the treasurer, finns are losing money; trying to go road corrimiS&ioner,-etc. 1 dat.ory." The. aupervlsors' action in calling Uie public hearing was heartily endorsed' by the Ora~ge County Division, League (If Callforaia Cilles; the UCl·Project Jl Stu'dy Teim on Tra11sportallOn Needs; the Orange County Chamber (If Com- merce; the League of Women 'Voters of Orange Couftty (LWV), and , the American Association · of Uaiverslty Women, Sula Ana branch. Winston R. UP.<tegraff, exec u l'l v e .skretary of the League ot Cities, offered a resolution of the group's exectitive c<immittee, which included : "That the public hearing be held (In this subject to include long term ud short term transportation 1oals: cjty representation OI!. any agency to be form· ed; discussion concerning the advisabl.Uty of any addilional special purpose districts · alld a time table for accomplishing the objectives of the district." f--ballols ' Norris said it was agreed Wore · . elecOon tha( hit riame· would get prime "bitlinc 'on aJLballols in the second and fourth districts uncle!' the rotation l)'atem accepted by all candidates in nm..m.. out (If business.~_ c_o~_n!Y districl _is ___ The....Jlistrict is authorized to levy a the ' only answer, estatihsfiOO by a vote tax ''not to exceed 5 cenls per $100 Mary • Evelyn Bryden of Fullerton , pres.ident of LWV and a member o( the tra11sit committee. stated: "The league has held the ·positkln since ·1168 that a balanced transportation system is needed for the county. We agree that the time has . come to activate the transit di.strict legislation and take his issue to the public. "We believe that a public hearing will amply demonstrate public support for· an alternate tr3.nsportatioJ1 mode to the private automobile.'' I . cumbent races. • •. County Clerk William E. St.:John has admitted the em>r and olfertit be.fore the eledloo lo ........ It by printing special bolloll for the olfice ol sheriff. Walk in the Sun Ul'llt~ll Morganna, who is billed as an °exotic dancer" and is often seen at major 1eague ballparks kissint baseball pl'!yers, takes a summer stroll through downtown Birmingham, Ala. She was accomp;:tnied Wednesday by approving crowd of girl watcher$ and four a:uards, two of canine variety. · . . - . I - Memorial Serri.ces lteld of the people). of assessed 'Valuation'" it will name -A district W(luld. !~mediately provide and fix the .$alary of a g1eneral manager, an agency for rece~v1ng funds fron:i any and will be subject · to collective scurce; federal, st~te, local or private. bargaining by Jaw, just a~ is the RTD. <Koch : _The county is not prepared .today Parker also aaid, "The act provides to r.ece1ve these fund~. There are m~ny that aoother election may be held in avaliable for: developmg plans and 1m-the future to co11.soiidate with an plemenl!ng .t~m). . organization such as the RTD," but -A d1str1ct w°'-!I~ pr_ov1de. an ag~ncy quickly added, "this provision is not man-for county part1c1pat1on 1n regional She allO offered the services of the LWV in "any public information program which you may desire to direct if the matter ts incleed placed on the November ·ballet.·• decisions .and systems development. (Koch: The county has no representative From Page l CLEMENTE MURDER ••• St J '1 move was halted by the decilion ol Superior c.ourt Judge Harmon G. ScoYille:_tl!.@ there was not aufficien' time for such corrective actim and Nor· ris would have to accept the uiating tituaticn N<rris was beaten in the June 2 elec· lion by Mlllkk who racltod up 211,027 voles lo Ille 511~71 1-.ied for his opponert. . in current regional st udy progran:i.s). -There is a need for an agency in the C(IUnty. to be assigned the responsibility of mass trans.it dP.velop... -----~------_::_ ____ ,men"t. (Koch : This agency would aJl(IW street with its expensive summer rental.!. said Mrs. Johnson. whom be termer! ror...,,roper epresentat' . regionaf-The"':JOh~HBd~J'iO~clilUtren. • ·vacious-and-friendly .. ....made...A;l'egU!ac..._ - Nonis 11 .. kin( Ille crort lo reject that election result and order a new "'-to coincide With !he .... ,a1 election In November. For Slain Viejo Teacher studies). Coroner's investigators, who performed habit of letting the couple's small poodle · -A transit district would be a vehicle an autopsy an the body Wednesday night, out on the p&tio each morning at _8:30. to implement any short term solution said they still required more laboratory "But for the last two mornings, she to our mass transit problem. (Koch: teSt results before formulating ccn-didn'l come out with the dog. What Do You Say To . Uninvited Bedr09m Guest?, -Fellow teachen and her hu!band's coworkers' today attended memorial services for Mrs. Florence Brown, who was brutally slain tWo weeks ago and dumped in a makeshift grave on Ortega )lig!noay. . AlmOst simultaneous with the memorial rites for the 41 -year-old M·isston Viejo ~acher came the aban· donment of. a heljcopter search of the ~ brush cq.pnlry along the winding road l>etwten-Sarl Juan Capistraoo and Lake Elsinore foi" a missing car and ~·--~ lo __ .......... a possible murder scene. '-~DbPu """-)'ou NY 1 w~ Sher\ff's detectives in Orani:e County .ll'llf, wtwt do )'OJ MY to a full)'<lothM~-.;Uld;l;. "Uie tea was ca led offtlilS!;!'iorn· mlft when you wake up at J a.m. ~ · 1 ' c.:~··-...... lo find him ll'IUllled up wjU! )'OUr pinlt big 'after dayigng efforts oY anne bloule rapped around bit hNd? ' helicopter pilots to find the missing sta· He even won nor., laid ,the ~year~· tfon wagon and the &ite of the brutal, old Chlta. Mesa woman who fol.ind tWo-Week-old murder -both key links lot him '.....r.-itt the.unusual case. • quite a to llY to wu.y·. . The zervk:es foF the brunette molher . She MUnmoned Patrolman Ted Wiboil-to her home in the D bloct ·or Dafrell ~f two preschoolers and stepmother to Street, after the concluaion of a COit', three teenagers were held at St. Nicholas ver"llllion with the muked and uninvited ~.Church in El Toro, where .Mrs. -· Olfieer Willon llid Ille man, who allp- ped in llwoulh .. unlocked door, finally - --!hat he WU -_ol -.... ukett the ........ li he . llholdd leave. · She replied alflrmalively and he did so, at wMeh ti.me she ·eaUed pOuce. · Officer Willoa. retrieved her blouae a blod: away. r ...... r .. el BUDGET ••• budtels, cut I lavorable vote today, lla)'in( he w11 ntilfiod with t1)e tilhl opendlnt procrarn It ootllned. "Thia it • traumatic experience for me," aaid Schmit.I, who Js expected to win a conere-ional seat in a !peeial election lala' this month. "I'm nilning a perfect. ~-·• DAILY PILOT ...,... ... . Letn9 ... ,~ .. c.... ..... · ·Hi ... 1 ....... ~ ...... ...., ... c ........ , OlAttOC COAST PIJll.t$MIN$ c:.oMl'AN'I" le"rt N. W•M ~ru ..... I .... "'*lltlloJr J1cli: I, C11•ltY ""'-~!Moll .... Ge""" ,...,..,,. ,_ From Page l ABORTION. • • performing Illegal abortions. Dr. Gwynne and his moth e: r 1 Mrs. Rubye Unruh Gwynne. 56, were ar. rested at the 17th Street ·clinic Tuesday a. identical charges. Municipal court action against the pair was being delayed tDday pending the eagerly ·awaited ruling by Judge Thomson. 'Or. Gwynne told the world at large out.lide the courtroom that he will cOll; • tinue to perform his allegedly Illegal operations at the cHnic "to whoev er wants I.hem and at a.iy time." He pointed out that the issues raised by his arrests will eventually be debated in the Uniled States Supreme Court and he Intends to continue his practice UAtil the hllh court gives its ruling. Judge ThomSOI\ 'ave Deputy Distri ct Attorney Marti• •J. Hefieghan JO days to amend his complaint against Gwynne and Miss Meyer. 111 is expeCted that Heneghap will "delete those ·portions of hi111 comJilaints , referrl•F to statues decltted unconstltu.Uonal by J u d g e Thomso• ahd Again press charges against the controversial ~ican. Defense attorney Moses Berman described . the Thomas ruling ' a s ••somewhat confusi1g but a clear in· · · This ls obvious). clusions on the exact time of death "I know, because my dog barked each ~wn was an active parishioner. Ferry ·added , "The transit committee or the issue of se'Xua l molestation. morning when she whistled and shouted, FOrmal funeral · services will be held . has been making studies for more tah A pajr of woman 's shorts was found " 'Coco .•. Coco'. " 1ater this week in Seattle, Wash., where on the floor near the bed in the bedroom-Dr .. Lower. who lives in the Panorama her parents reside. , liv ing room combination, police said. San Clemente apartment building, said No date "tot those services were a~ B ide T d A pair of denim jeans a'lld shorts loud noises, sounds of firecrackers, nounced by mootuary ai~es in E.lsinore, r . rappe was found outside the apartment, draped 8Creams and shouts resound through the where the body is awaiting shipment. . on a wooden patio chair. area u summer approaches •. They echo, A spokesman for Evans and Brown J C M Also on the patio was 1 brlgtit 'pink up from the pier bowl area. M(lrtuary refused to discuss any aspects ll 0Sfl.t esa metal chair which was beneath an opened "No one around here would have heard of the funeral arrangements. kitchen window, ahything unusual, because the noise is Meanwhile, Orange C.ounty sheriff's in· F • R--d But police so f<ir ha ve ruled out the so common. We have ignored the noises vestig'ators-h·ave announced no new leads ire, . escue . chances of a break'-in and said .the win· ~use they happen so often," he fn the case, which began last June doW had been left open by the huaband said. 3 with..... a.' .m.issing:perscn report on I~' 'Streaking .around a lrail of wet carpet J..m:...teotiJation. . ·--The-dol.-Police -said, hi a small lea~,w~vanished-aftet-classes-m-~eSIVe, a flastffire erupted fn 8 Costa The•fiont doot' to the small doWnstl'lrs poodle, and llr"Ob1bly tlie cnly Whneu •• C@~tslrano l:f_i&hlands. . ... . . .. · Mesa apartment tOday,'temporarily trap-apartment was locked, John90n told to the slaying. The car: v.1llch she . was dr1v1ng on ping a young bride of two weeks and police, when he came home from duty Pollee aaid they found the pet at that d~y d1s~ppeared with h~r. causing up to $3,500 damage. w!Ul his helicopter squadron al Camp hit mistreu' aide. A hiker 1n th~ El Cartso . area of Mrs. Rot-ert L9c. 23, was painting Pendleton . ,Friends across ttie street are caring the Cl~veland ~at1onal Fores.t discovered In the bathroom o{ the ·apartment at Police quoted the blond h u 1 band for the dog. . the _grim 8 rema1ns M.QIJ<layjymg un~rth· 1800 Pomona Ave .. when t1;ie blaze ignited__ as saying he entered the house -stlortly The Johnsons, natives of Michigan ed 1~ ~ haJl(lw. grave near the falls while a carpetlayer was al work before noon after unlocking the door. married in 19118 after a high school area ' of the region. He saw his wife sprawled on the romilnce near Coopersville, Mich. The fall s, actually a trickle (If water elsewhere. -bed, partially CQY_lr_ed by JJ_all,n pjJlow, §hortly_ afterw~rds J~nson joined ~e spilling over boulders a short dist.a.nee Floyd. DeBolt, 461 of Long Be~ch. dash-then phoned police. Marine Corps then shipped out to Vitt· from the highwa y, is a favorite spot ~ o~tside a~ the flames ~l1etr:tled .the 1'My--.wue-has-been badly beattn;"-nam In January of 1M9. ror tr:avelers to the area and has well· int.ertor floors a~d walls hke lightning, he told a dispatcher. A year later he returned for duty defi ned trails. driven back once 111 8 rescue attempt.. .But exactly what time the death oc· al Camp Pendleton where he la a Some sources outside of police circles He was unable to get through_ a fiery curred still Is vague. . lance corporal. . reported Wednesday that the youth who hallwa y to r~ch the trapped bride, ~o One detective said the hinge In the Last January they rented an apartment discovered the body has complained in began smashing out the bathroom win-death time might come from determina· upstairs from the murder scene . recent da ys or being followed by uniden· do~ to esca!M'. the smoke. a.nd flames . . lion of Mrs. _ Johnson's e at J n I A few months ago they moved tified perscns 00 motorcycles. Firemen said DeBolt f1n1shed breaking habits. downstairs to a smiller fiat. The teenager lives in tlie El Cariso out. the glass and helped Mrs. Loe Her husband told OUicers he left for "We didn't. see mucli of them after Village area. through _to sar:ty. . . . . work befOre dawn Tuesday. that," Dr. Lower observed. He told officers sources said that Battalion Chief Arch Locke said m1llal And neighbors in the wet 1. kept 'Mle Johnsonl regularly used the he was walking al~ng the small ~anyon i~vestigatio.n showed a ""'ail healer .Jg. neighborhood said they heard no unusual Panorama pool after moving into the 11•hen he discovered a shredded comforter n1ted the 1nfl~mmable carpet adhe51ve noises during the past few days. neipiborhood and became friends with and saw what he thoutht were remains l_~id d.own by lhe workman prior to One next-door neighbor. City ·eoun-the neighbors and the l' an or e_m a of an animal. 1nstalhng a carpet pad. cilman and fonner Mayor Wade Ulwtr, management ' Looking closer, he discovered that it ,,...:==='===================='======================; was a human body. Investigators from three counties - Orange, Riverside and San Diego - ;11re conducting investigations inl-0 the death .and are concentrating oo the car, a faded gold Pontiac station wagoo with license plates SAV 442. Oil credit cards, personal jewelry, 4 purse and tao shoes also are missing. Mesa Boys Held For TlieftSeries ' A Nylon Shag . That's Young 1n -Looks, and -. Young 1n Tlle11111 Kee•il d" U the " ~ ~ 1-~----"-' a•r....-1ca on in many aspects;-that state-! A s~ing of ~ven ~mall-time burglaries comm1t.t.ed to finance a trip to Disneyland was cleared up Wednesday by Costa Mesa police. with recovery (I( a Mickey Mouse watch aOO Other loot, plus tile .arrest of lwo boys. Price! tli•••• A. ,..,,,hlfte case against the practice of abortion Miiiiiliiji l•i1or JSoffits last egs. ·----- licllet4 "· Nell The Thomsoa ruling will broaOly sup. ---,;:--...c-iy...J:dlllf:c ___ ll-t-J>Or.l,-he--uid,-hls-ar.gumeo.t defense Offk9l · nf Dr. Robert CUmming Robb, l e ~ ..... , ..... ,..,,,,_, I -"l>A •h ph • • h t ~ a..t:•: nu _, .... , ~ l.Mlguna ~ac ys1c1an w ose arre~ . ~INK•! m ,_, ... _ on abortion charges produced the opiniOn ..... Cl• 9-fl: INS IHdl .......... ._ ~ •"""" 11 c--. ""' of Judge M11st and the dismissal of abortion cou11ts filed against the 67-year· old Art Colony docl-Or. · "We-got-carriedM away;''-one-of the - 14-year..olds told Orficer Al Muir. "I swear on a stack of Bibles I'll ne ver do U · gaino". ~-----------11 Investigators said only smtlll amounts of money were taken from ~ome apartments anff noth ing was found miss- ing from others in the wake of 'the incidents. 9.95 59. YD. IF YOU CAN'T COME IN-CALL 611Ml275 for an expert carpet consultant • I :(, I' I I 11 t \ ,r I '1 ,_ ' r \ The dislricl ;attorney's response lo the \ \. · · Mast' opinion was to lndict Dr. Robb • '"' · "" through the grf nO"JurY and take t e The boys said they ~ered one location arter failin~ to find odd jobs which woold...pay-for-the-Disneyland-trip-and found it easy tO gel into others. -.,--;wo;h:;;o,;;w::;iO:'ll----j-"""" I 1-'!1-come to your home · ',_ ,, • "'"''L" ~rLOT. "'"' ~ 11 ~ .,... •bortion charges d .. i.rcct. to Superior Court. "''"""..._..._ .................. -. """" .., 1ii1 ..., •• ..,. ... ..,. l.eflllle k:dl. Berman 's plea for dlsmjs.sal of Ulose •-I ._,.• C..-.,,_, Hul't!IM!M h ·11 be h h -._. _, ~ v1119y. ~ w1111. i. c arges w1 eard T ur~ay. ,,_.... """""' ....., c-• '"'*'"""" _Court ana]\Jst.s :1oc1ay described' Judge C........, ................. ••1 II 2111 W.01 " ............ ........, Mtd>, n *..., Thomson·s _ruling a.s "a blalancfng act ... ._, CM• ........ between the arguments of Berman and ,...,.._ f7141 ''4i..t3J1 the ruling of Judge Mast wilf! a definite Cl..SW A4Mll1lif '41·1''* tendency to fa vor his fellow . jurist's ,_ Chn uv Al .. ,.,....... treaOse 11 ,Lhe me.rits of aborliOn." . ,...,.._ 4tM4Jt ' , U such a ruling we.re to become Jaw, =..-::': ~ ,,:.,!!l'Jfil~~m.."'=='--ll--lt-wts-e1plained',-abortioM ·up to and' =:":r ':""..:.. ':.,.~w'*:: including the twen tieth week of pregnan· .....,,._ • ..,...., -.. cy would be accep,l.ed by "SOCic.ty wilh ~cei.:-.=.-t.Ci.'.' :=..:,-: the provi.$nLtha.l all such procedu.res _.... _........,, .,. -tu,•-"'"' must be carried out in licensed facilities ~ -......i"'"" a.• -1111~· -preferabb' hospitals and clinics. They were released to their parents pending juvenile court court action. ' Pem Thallks Nixon LIMA, feru (AP) -President Juan Velasco· sent a message of thanks today to Prestdenl Nixon ror U.S. "ld to victin1s or PC!ru 's disastrou~ car~uil~-The . lQne of 1ht message furl.her f~ted­ that the earthquake'.! and U.S. re!pOflse to the need fot ald had erased the tension which has existed for .mQl!'ths 'Over Peru 's na1it1nallzatlon of the Jntcrnation~ PeLrole~ j;orp. ------~---'·-~-,- ------··~·- . with samples without any obligation to yqu! .. H.j .. GAl\1\E1T fLIRNITtJ~E _ PROF!SSJON,t,L INTERIOR DESIGNERS "1 _ t· 1 •, o,.. M .. ., TIN11o & M . 1, ... 2215 H,t,RIOR ILVD . COST,t, MES,t,, C,t,LIF. -M6-02?5 M6-017'- .. • I' I I . • ' I . . --- • -- Huniingion Beaeh . ' . voe 63, NO. "145, 3 SECTIOlljS, 44 ~AGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' :THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 TEN · CENTS . • .. . You W On't Recognize the Law Along the Beach ' -i ' ·~ By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI OI IM o.llr "'*' Sl.tf This. summer you may see them on bicycles, in pickup•trucks, scooting down the sidewalk on ska te boards or even riding horses. But the only way yciu'Jl recognize an QQ}terccwer man from the Huntington Beach Police Department's Special Eoforcement Detail (SEO) is when that ltiancer puUs a badie. -·fJreac:i1 credited with the arrest of ' more than 150 n1rcoUcs offenders over ibe past two weetenda, the detail of hancl-Pid<ed ...,. led by Sgt. George Renek: is a top secret affair. Polle. Capt. Arland ~r frum whQm -th.-elite force ~ves its cuid&ncf!: • won't evm clisclole how many offi«rs are involved. But one thing be doesn't miJld lellln( you: 'Ibey'"' GUI to stop crime• with every letaL reaource known to ,tlj<oi. ''We want the word to get around • rise e1cb aummer with the· infl~ of ·that ir you 're going k> have a pot party · or a little rumble, don't come to Hun- • tingt.oo Beach," US!lber said, adding that the new detail will "create the 'feeling of omnipresence of potic. without )laving a police state.'• He e1:plained that the SED was the brainchikt or Police r Chief E a r J e Robillille who wanted to eroom a group_ oI officers to ·combat. cit~ a-imes which biidl vlsiton. Althouah during the past few weeks it hos primarily · IOlllht the arrett of narc:oilcs vlolalon, UaheT explained the men could be used anywhere "and ·have been tnined 1n riot control. traffic con- trol and mtny other areas." "The group WU c:ho9en _from among our own deplrUMnt. It's not an outside vol-lhlnc. The meo '11ave to work ' ' all kinds of scte'.'"'ed up hours. It mww the f~fe'it~re of many s~mmer weekends and summer vacations." he said. ' Sgt .. Jack R'eil)hollz, chief of . the departme~t's •· n'arcotics bureau, said many ol· those arrested in Renek's rtetnt weekend narcotics forays have resulted in leads to large scale dealini operations. "Alre'dy his month we have arrested more ~le than in any other given month. They've led us to abOu.t fiv1 or ail &ood, risbtl9US local ckalera. Onct ·out of about every 10 tVnes that joint will lead. you to a brick,;, bt said. • · Since 196$ dope anests have risen from 15• ~~I.Oii in ua, Set. l\einbollJ said., Juv · arrests last year were down considerably "becauae two queg.. tionaJ?le P,llces downtown cloeed th~ir -.; " and becaux •alklni plalnclothOI (See POIJCE, r ... I) Beach Faces Fluoride Manson Case Split I . . Water Issue Linda Kasabian Gets Separate Trial · I I! HunUngton Beach residents are 1oing to get a chance to s.ink their ·teeth into the fluoridation issue. A .1roup ol doctors are sounding out eouncllmen on how they feel about put· ting fluorides in the city's water supply. The mo ve follows the recent a roval by Fountain Valley City Council of fluoridation on a 4 to t 'vote. One councilm&n who stands firmly 'behind the move is Al Coen. an attomey, ·Who said this morning that he was willing to raise the issJ at a council meeting. "I've talked to a lot of people about Jt but I've never heard. anyone say Ciything against it," he commented. ·Some doctors and dentists-contacted Coen after Fountain Valley approved ~ridaUon. Thil week the medical ex· ~rta met with Coen at hi! borne at J792 Meadowbrook Drive with coUnci.lmen Ted Bartlett and Georp McCracken to ta.It about the issue. 4C<Jen-silCI the matter would not-be- !Dled on i in Huntington Btach wttbciut •-public hearing. McCracken also said that he would insist on a public hearlnc before such a program is lnstituted. Bartlett said he understands the cost of introducing fluorides into Huntington Beach's water supply would be about 110,000 a year. · The Coen ··ramily has long believed in flu orides. "t have bottles of fluoridated water 11et up in the_gm1t." C-Oen said. the father of twp children, Josh, 4, and Jeff, 2. His wife, Felicia, commented, ''It's a little early to tell-yet but so· far tfte children's teeth are In great shape.'' Mrs. Coen said she used fluoride Vitamin pill! and drops when the children were younger. The doctors who discussed the pros and cons of flooridatian at the Coens' home includid Dr. Ed Salkin, a dentist, Dr. Burton Willis, a pediatrician, Dr. Gene -Brown, head of Orange County Dental Society and Dr. Roy Richards, a Fou ntain Valley dentist who raised the nuoridatio-.1 question in his city. •• ' Beach Belongs To Dr. Kaufman •Huntington Beach belong4 to Dr. Henry Kaufrrian today. • It was turned over lo him by Mayor Donald Shi pley who signed a pro- clamatiqn declaring. today ''Dr. Kaufman , __ Oay:," Clly officials are honoring_the i: former . e,Iuning commissioner an city I · p>u~lman for his 19 years ol public """""· OAIL Y l'ltOT'S1.-1f ....... GAYLE 'LEWIS CONSOLES ABANDONED CANINE 'Brutus' Finds 1 Friind in Huntin9ton -leach .l ~ ' Ho1ne for · ornius • Abandof!-ed Dog Wants Another "Myhame is Brutus. I am loolong for a home." That's how a ?>pound husky-shepherd announced himself to Huntiilgton Beach PoHce Tuesday night ~hen they rescued him from certain death while ·aimlessly running around on busy Coast Highway. Brutus baa a home now in Cage 58 of the Jllimal shelter where a daily can ol 27-cent do& food keeps him mllderatelyhappy. ' Hi! owner abandoned him Tuesday after attaching • card to his neck car· ryi ng his name and the following ........,, ''l have had my shots. I am a good ll(atch doc and good with kids. I am trained to sit, fetch and lay down, lhake hands and house broke." On the merse side, the DW"ner eF· plained he hod to get rid OI the dog because placing him-in-1 If.fl. home trailer ... "is cruel." "'-<' • • "I know there are a lot of beautiful people around . here and I hope he'll get a good home," the note read. "Be firm with him and use a firm tone of voice. He likes getting stoned but will take advantage of you if you do.'' Animal shelter employes say thC dog will be ·available lo anyone who wants him after five days. They pointed out that abandonment of pets ls pu11ishable by a maximum $500 fi ne and/or five months in jail. Blast Kills Worker TOLEDO, Ohio (UPI) -One worker was killed today and six o(hers were injured when an explosion destroyed a powder~ift.ing. building at the Miller Fireworks Co. comple1 in nearby Spring. field. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Tbe state'1 star witness in the Tate-LaBianca murder lrial has bad her cue aeparaled from Charles Manson and three other young women members of the "family" So she can testily against them. ' Unda Kasabian, 20, was brough t unei· pectedly into the courtroom Wednesday and ·she studious!y avoided the finger wiggling and calls·of-the-other-defendants as her own trial was put off to Aug. 11. Miss Kasabian ls expected to testify for the prosecution, giving her account of acting as a "lookou_t" vt h i I e the others actually committed seven killings o( the beaUtiful actress and her coterie Valley Battle . . Over Flhoride Not Finished The fight over Ouoride may not be fini!J:ied ia Fountain Valley. Geora,e Li~gren , a resident of the city and vocal opponent of puttlflg fluoride il\to the city water supply, is launching a drive to put the issue on the November ballot. He Meris more .. than 500 signatures of registered vo ters on a petition to do that. "We'll try to get a thousand ~lgnatures to ensure sucess," Llodegren said. "l want lo see · the issue put io a vote of the people. The City CoWlCil approved fluoridatioa of city water on June 2 by a 4 to l margin. ORiy Councilman John Harper opposed lhe aclion. Natural 'calcium fluoride already exists in city water at about half the amount recommended by the American Dental Association . City of ficia ls will add sodium fluoride to bring the fluoride content up to one part per million . Opponents claim the sodium flu oride Is a poison. Proponenll say there is no danger at the amount used. Fluoride is considered by dental authorities a prime asset in combatting tooth decay in YOUl'll children . Uhclegren said his petition must be turned ln by the middle of Sept.ember, 54 days before the November elect»on. The June 2 public hearing was marled by a lack ol interest in the subject shown by Fountain Valley residents. Less than five attended.-Most of the speakers pro and con wert from other cittes. A testirhonial dinner at 7:30 tonight 1n the Meadowlark Coun try Club will tiighli1ht Dr. Kaufman's day of gl"-"· Social hour is at 1:30 p.m. An optometrist by trade, Dr. Ka r 1 Rock ~Groups Reflect Youth and a•wealthy grocer and his wife. She will be granted immunity from prosecution in e1change for telling her story, the basis or the st.ale case. Tfle-.-trlal was in recess todiy. Manson and Susan Atkins" wert to ap.' pear in Santa Monica Superior Court to en.ter a P,lea to an . eig~th m.urd.er -the kill.irig ol musician pary Hinman r.ee months befQl'e the Tate-LaBianea slayings. Jury selection In the Tate· case was going slowly. At the end of Wednesday's hearing, 14 prospective jurors had befn excused on · grounds ranging from personal hardship to opposiUon to the death penalty t.o preconceived .opil):ioos. TO LEAD P~RADE Gr•ncl M1rlh•I Gr•nt TV, Radio Star Johnny Grf!nt . To Lead Parade · '' Johnny Grant, a teleVlslon and radio personality from Los Angeles, has been named grand marshal of the Hth' Ai:inual Huntington Beach Fourth of JUiy Parade. HC will reign over the largest parade yet. wilh a field of more than 3,400 participants, including 22 Ooats, II binds and scores of novelty un its. , Other r.elebrlties scheduled to take part hi the festivities are 8'n. Geqrge Mu~y. U.S. Representatives Richard T. Hanna, Craig Hosmer and George 'Brown and Gen. Lewis H. Walt, Ass t. COmmandant or the U.S. Marine Corps ·who will ict as official reviewing office~. , Telev ision newscaster George Putnam One striking "blonde In her .. !Wilyn Pfeiffer, was e1culed. ·after she uid she had decided .a six.months separation from her husband, locked up nightly in a hoter l'QOin, W<JUld have an "emotionll effect" on their marrlag-e. During Wednesday's session, Superio< Court Judge Olarles H. Older ~ate~ to have Manson's 1ttorftey, lrvmg Kanarak, physically sllenctd if be did oor qult Interrupting the court. Kanorek subsided. , Tbe highlignts of Wednesday'• sesalcm came wtien Miss Kasabian wu !Wought into the courtroom in early afternoon. Her blonde hair was in · pigtails and lhe wore a neat white and yellow frock. Ptiblie ~earing -. Set' ori • Co~ty ffilpid Tr~it. o... · 0ranie Coonty · need a rapid lr&nsk 1ystem to ....,. lmmedlafo and ~pot _neeC!s? ' • The public, county supervisors and city and county officials will get a chance to anJWer that question Monday when the board holds a hearing on the possible formation of an Orange County Tranalt District and aubmission of . the question to the electorate in the November J General Electior;i. Wednetday, the Orange Coonty Trllllit Committee, after nearly five years o£ -studlel, ...... -Iha public hearing' and the eleCUon. 1be supervbors qreed and the date wu set. • C~nna"n Hubert L. Ferry of Fulleftoi outlined the committee's reuons behind. the rtcOmtnelldaUon : (County Road Cominissioner Al S. Koch added emphasis to each reuon). -A district is needed to bring_ the total county problem under one syatetn. (Koch: Prtsently there are individual franchises in various cities, plua lhe Southern California.Rapid Transit District (RTD) buses from Los Ana:elea. Tlwre is no C'IUdlnaUon. Some of tht bus fimu are loainc money;. trying t.o go out of buiiness. A county district It the only ' answer. established by a vote of the people ). -A district would immediately provide an agency for· recelvinl funds from any source; federal, atate, local or private. (Koch: The county la not prepared today to receive these funds . There are manf available for developin1 plans and im- plementing them ): · -A district would provide an agency for county particlpatlcm In regional (See TRANSrf, Pqe I) Or••tCe I ' a pent 15-yeara on the p}@'Jnigg _ · · mission and four as a councilmar.. .~ _will , 111,in partlcl~te as4L ~uestrLa..!!...__1 ____ _ Grand Marshal or thel'nc:fependence Oay retired from the council last April. 1--'l---"e was honored l•st week by Golden West-College as the "Outstanding Citizen or the Year ." YMCA Official Savs Businessm_en ShouW Liste_n._,, __ celebra tioo. He'll ride his horse "Dia· .L.. ·-rTiOiid .• ,--s[udded w · $40,00IJWorth--nf- ·1 Hunfingt'on Buch businessmen were urpd Wednesday to lilten to rock groups to understand youn,: people. Huntington Man iUd>lrd eoi1ato, dlrector o1 the vwng Men11 Olrbtian Al90ciaUon, t o I d Chamtier o/ c.mm.re. dlredors th'11 In crusaile-Pos·--~ ~ help rrom Howard C, Matheny has been un~· mously elected president o1. the Hunt.int· ton Beach United Crusade following tht re"signaUon ot Walter F. Youn&. !\tatheny, who previOU•ly .,.., vice president. praised the success QI the boird last year In exceedinl its 1oal of 1135,000. . tn another appointment,.Willla,n·Mauy was named budge\ and agency at)9ca· lions chairman. The fluntlngtOn Beach United Crusade wa." formerly li:nown as Hunttngtpn Beach Community Chest. The crusade p.irrently !erves 32 agencies. ,"Ulten to their music, read their posten," he said. 1"'1bis is their way ol""111D11Dicatlng. "I bear -and the YMCA hears ·them, but before._ we can help thtm help themHlves you too must httd thtir caUnc." · Collato said the cries for help were over dNgs, protestinc, loose moral~. dropping out of acbool, communes and lone hair. "Ask any kid and he wl\I tell you the11e are not the answers," he said. Co!lato, Speaking al • cha mber dirce-- ton' luncheon at Fraoooil· Restauran~, =--.:.---~· . . . ' silver trappings. said the YMCA had the potential to attract vacationers to the city. F'iddlln' Charlie Waer wlio fiddles wfille implement a prevenlltlve drug abuse Chamber manager .Ralph Kiser spoke riding .his Mora:an stallion will re\urn program, job placement. a leadership of the possibility of hydrofoil trips to for his siii;lh year In the parade. · training procram and a series oI "rap Catalina and said th1t Huntington Beach "Charlie, who cafries a battery Powered Tooms" throughout the community where would be able to offer a quicker servW:e ampUfler and seeakers in his Slddlebqs, youths_ can get together and ~ treel}'., to the llland than Newport Beach. is coM~ the Calironiia Fiddling "These rap rooms are no more than H~ explained that the hydffifOll could Cllampfol),. · · store fronts that the teens decorate and l?_k:lt u~ pas,enp:rs at ~ end of the Anothli', notable wbo. will appear In mairUin with the help of a profession1I munlc!Pfl pier while the hydrofoil would ,the parade is Greta Ander!IO'I., woman YMCA IOCial worker'," Colla to explained. have to 10 Into thi hartiar at New.port. dista~ Prlmmln& champion wflo ~ "The rooms have provni \0 be a, key The" ch!mber has m-anged a· trial 18 rec!ords, 90mt Of ·•hlcb are· .ijiore mea~ or communication in.bridglng the hy~rofoil ru~ ~ Catllina for Mont1aY~-than.J2 )'tars.old. 1 ,_ _ 1 generation gap and providing non-<lirtt· July 13. . . Petite blue-eyed Nickl ftae, a.televlsron . live counseling to the teen-agers."· At the luncheon the chamber 1directors aclre,ss from Woodland Hllls, has_agr,eed 11\e YMCA director concluded his tal~ also presented • certificate of. merit tQ_ participate in the event for the second y,·ilh the appeal, "Welwve lhe'J)rOgrams, to sludent secr.ellry Terry Doleshal who slralght Ume. - we ha ve -the ideas and the kids -has been working parttlme for the CofC This year's pirade theme Is · all we n~ed ls a little help from 'Ollr since November_ through tlfe_H.un.Un&torr-'!Achievements of Our American Youth." friends in the busineS. community." Beach Union High SChool Distrtct's work !\tore than 200,000 1peclltors are e1· Al the meeting, lhe directots also experience program. pected_to .... turn out ror the fesUvllies heard a report by hotel managrer Lou Terry .,.;u work fulllime during th• whlch will be capped by an hour·lonf !!:vans on the aclivitie,J _ ot the tourism summer and will enter, Orange Coast fireworks display lrom the liunUngtoq commiUce formed by -the ctWnllier io Col!ege as buslneu student in the falL Beac:b pier at dusk. " • " J ' , I / The early momJria roe wlll rejoin Us Friday, but sunny sklu will pre- vlil through most of ,the dar ' with temperatures thrt1tenin1 the .. degree mark. INSWE l'OD.\ }' Nearl11 400 studentl ·from Orange Coc.tt have received de· orees ·from Cal Slot• Lono Brach. Tor ll1tinb1 bl/ citv. sCt PafJt 12.' • • • • , I -~ ,........ 1 CMdlillt .... " ,,....... . . ., c.-. n ·-" • DMlll Htflc•t lt --" .ti...,. ,_ ' ·~--·....... '~" ,__, , .... -D -L...,. t'I ..... . . r I ... .. ' . I DAILY l'ILOT H T-.--II, 1'71 ERNtiotl Board • Mitchell Okayed By Minimum ~ lly BARBARA KREIBICH ot .. D9ltr ..... ataH Appiini;.ent ol South LagW1an..o.Clay N. 'Mitchell, 59, to the State B6m of Educatim wu confirmed by the State &elate Wednesday by 1 vote of 17 to t, tbt minimum needed to place Mitchell • on the boBrit. The vote was tallied · ffter an initial roll call produced a 25 to I response, two votes short of the ~thirds majority required · for confirmation. On order of Senate President pro-ten Ja~k Schrade CR.San· Diego), 1~ntee Senators were rounded up 111d the aye votes of two Democrats produced the needed majority on the nut roll call. Mitchell'• appointment to the Ible "board by Gov. Reagan bad been vigorous-' Jy attacked by liberals, headed by Senator Alfred D. Alquist, a Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor. He called the former president of the Orange County Board of Education "totally un- quallfled." . Alter the vote. Alquist di&cribed Mitchell u "a true believer wbo viewa education problems with tUMel vision," and accused him of want.mg to serve on the state board "to advance bis riibt wm, ideolOo." • Mi~!, on the oth~ ~ accmed Alqulsl or mannin1 the-campalan to block his appointment and "manuf•c· turing news stories" in order to ,et publcily for his own campaign in Soulhem California. Thei South L1111r11n will serve a four· year term on the 10..mel'Jlber ~ard, wfich meets monthly in Sacramento or other Califomla cities. Its members receive no pay. The Mitchell appointment hu been pending before the Senate for siz wetks, since Its approval by a 4 to 1 vote in the Rules Committee. · The floor vote was delayed until Senators~ returned to Sacramento after the June 2 primary elections, with pro-· ponents and opponents of the Orange County conservative working ·to round up votes.~ Senate Education Committee chairman Albert Rodda (0.Sacramento) had ask- ed Reagan to withdraw the appointment charging Mitchell with 'political bias and eommentinC, "The best )'OU CID aay about him is that he's mediocre." Senator Jolin G. Schmit. (R·Tllltin) conei!ded Mitchell "may have powerful bias" but said his views reflected those of Orange County, whe re he ·was elected to the county board for 71A years. ' .. • Earlg Morni~Wreck _ Driver Earl Maki , 23, o Onyx Ave., Balboa Is. land, escaped serious in today when his sports car ran off the road at Pacific Coa:st Highway and Lake Street in Huntington Beach, ~e:mollshing a parking meter, tearing up 45 feet of fencing and From P .. e l RAPID TRANSIT .-.. hurtling down an embankment into the city park· Ing lot. The •ingl...,.r accident took place at 6: 05 a.m .. Maki was treated for facial injuries , but was not hospitalized,. police aaid. Much of California'a Tberape:uttc Abor+• Uoo Act was ruled uncOnS'tituUonai WednesClay by a mwilclpat court ]Ui:tai " in an 'opinion which su~pe.nds crimin&{ charges against a Santa !'na phy:Sicil.Jf ind hi.a attractive 18-year~ld assislan" : . , Judge William Thomson defended ~hal he callEid "the right ot any womal\' to seek an abortion'' in a five-pagtt; opinion which substantially agrees witlt the earlier landmark · "rUlii'lg of r Judgi Paul Mast, hi.!1 colleague on the . 5'n~ Ana Municipal Court bench. : But Judge Thomson ·made It clea~ today that he Is in full agreement wiUt certain,.. provisions of the controversiaj abortion code that was paSsed by ·.tht ~" legislature lnj f967 -those sections whic~ specify that ·au abortion procedures car• ried out on won'ten who have not passed the twentieth Vi;Cek of, their pregna~; should be performed under carefullj regulated circumStances. . Judge Thomson defined those °1egula· tions as including the right ot the stati to insist upon abprtion procedures bein1 carrJed out h1 hospitall and clinics bj phys.icians whose procedures are ap.. proved by medical organization• and societies. · That definition would appear ·to braod as illegal the practice· or Or. John S. GWynne, 28, ·of Santa Ana . · , Dr. Gwynne and his assisla nt Debbie 1i-1eyer of \Vhitller, were arrested May 13 and charged with two counts of V II T h performing illegal ,abortions. a ey ig 'tens IA'. Gwynne and his moth er, Mrs. Rubye Unruh Gwynne. 56, were ar- .• Lompoc Planning Chief Gets Sam'3 Job in Valley Ru. 1.... on P1'"ck" s rested at the 17th Street clinic Tuesday '-""' oft identical charges. Municipal court ~decilioM and systems developmenL Parker allO uid, "The 1ct provtdu action against the pair was being delayed · (Koch: TM county "•· no representitive that uother election miy be held in F Co • • today pen~ing the eagerly awaited ruling .,.. or mnnss1ons . by Judge Thomson. ln eurHnt retional study programs). the future to couoUdate with an Dr. Gwynne told the world al large r.unw. v lllly hu hired a -plan- .... dlredar llltor a four<l>Olllh oean:h. l!Ult.anl Ted. B. Adsit, for advilary aervlces mi had lilifted adminiltt.r,ivt assistant Jim Hollywood .tg the Planni.oa: department oo a ~ary bull. -on.ere Is a net(f. for an agency in .organi21Uon auch 11 the RTD,'' but system . for appoi Un outside tile courtroom that he will cOll· tl_ie count to be uslgned t h e qulckly added, "this provision 11 not man· the rks and P!~~ linue .to perform his ~lle~edly Illegal City officials today announced the hlr· iq ol Clinlon E. Shern>d, pl ...... dtr«- 1« for the city ol Lompoc, to fill the vacant p»t. responsibility of maM tran ~ deVel~ OalOry."----'---------;co,,;;;m;;;;;;r.10;.;n';;aT.1;;,~:F.n""•"o:;;pr., by--~OP'rat.ions-al.-lhe lime-:-whoever- The supervisors' action In c1lllng the FountAin Valley City Council. w~ts the.m and at . any ;im.e." He: Sllerrod will otart July 11 u 'Founi.in Valley'o .-id plannln( director. The city's onJy previous planning chief, Stan1ey Mansfield, quit last February to take. job in northern cauotmia. Tha-bead plomer holdl a maalor'• dtl!'M in public administration from me. His uporience includes plaM!ng PD* in_ m..ia1e, Loe Al)cel ... Culver aty and ""'11poc. Shenod is married and · Ital two daughters. ages 5 and 3. Hil •lection wu made Jast week by city coundlm ... but not ._,,.,... unUI it was confirmed. He ~ the dty Wedntoday. i<Xoptiq the pooitlon u p.amin1 director. Durin( the Interim period. Folmlil• Vallq bu l'JOl<ac1ed wllb plalloq - Frot11 P, .. e 1 POLICE ... ud uniformed officers Dpt thllr .,.. on the downtown scene. · Capt. Uuher tndlcoted th1t the SEO !Riii -.Id probably continue to crack, dawn on dope uteri ffn' the rest of the 1t.1mmer "becaust that'• whit they run 'into most." ''You ju1t can't ignore people puling around dope tn broad d•ylllht Un cigarette!," added Reinholtz. 1i>e mass arrests, Ussher polnted out, have ruulted In a decrease of petty burglary and auto thefts a19f\I the beach ·area . "It applll'I if. you throw IO dopen ln jail one W'ltk, thi'na:s are pretty quiet Ult eezt .,.U," Ullher 1ald. "let's fact Jt, tbat'1 how m01t of them set their money." · If proven llJCCllSful, the detail "'411 be retained on a yev.l'OUJ'ld basis, .. pedally to eonll'Dl 1taaonal traffic pro- bleml and biqlarlao, the Captain oaid. DAILY PILOT 0 11;.t.NOI CO-IT JIUI Ll•"tfrtCI COMJIAH'f lello•,t N. W&e4 l'nlld"'t .... ""''""" J •cll I. Cvrley \llU ,,..""'' _,,. """"''! Mt,,..., Th•111e1 ICttwil Th111•111 A. Mur,11lit"1 Not 'lft"'9 t:•• Al•" Oirki" """' 0••• (iOo,olllJ' ·~ltw ' /.lberi W, 11!11 AIMClt•• 1111or Hntftlt'" .._. Offic• 11111 ····h ..... 1,.,.,,4 M1ili111 A~~l.111 r.o. h•~791), fli~I btHr Offl•" S..flN lff(~: tU i'w•I• iiv..,\111 , C..111 Mftl ! ,. Wul lt1 l ••MI fll ...... i ltKi': ltll W.r ltlM1 t tulf.¥t ... "" '"""'"'-; _, Nt rlR f l Ctt•llfll •Ml ,_ Sports Show Raising Money For Boys Club A. "Sporto Spadacular",tO raloe -for the HunlinC!oo Baacb Boys' Club to cummJy under way at the Hunttncton Canter Mall anll, wtll continue tlnulh Satuntoy. - Inclllded Jn th• 1l:hJbltio111 offered In tho blocl<·Ionc mall are •.kale bolrd cham· plo!llhtpo, bolly bar and oand our!lnl and a city tus of war lnvolvtnc membera o1 tho po111o department, 1t1e1111anto and dly•CHW1 . . rii addition, oporto •kill bootho wtll bo ope6 every -k •tlht and alt clly Sa~ tmloy. They feature bueball throw. foot· ball throw, honaohoe ton and buile~ boll throw. Special 1tlrlCll0111 will bo Ml• Patil' M-. U.S. and Canadian Dayttmo Table Tennl1 Champjon and her brother Ra)'DIOnd who holds the 1ame UU• In the bo)'I dlvtolon. ' Botli wtll put an cltinon1trailons be- twffli t 1 a.m. and I p.m. Slturday 1nd then challense all taken to HVUI polnt pm• with pey-offo ll>illl to the lloyo Club, Sauna Parlor To Face Action ' Huntinaton Beach police want the business llctnae suspended for the Ex- ecutive Sauna parlor whose owner is tacin1 criminal proceedings. "I 1tron1ly recommend a suspension of the business license until th is matter i1 adjudicated," Chief Earl Robitaille: told cauncttmen Monday nl(ht. The oouncil aarttd to 1et a public htarina on July 6 on the request to suapend tht Jlcen1e for the parlor at 17434 Belch Boolevard and sulf)lfld th• maua1e permit .for Judy. Gullatt who works at the perlor. The hearin1 wa1..et over the objections of the City . ,\ttomex Don l!Ol>fo who s1id It would bt prem1ture, improper and ml&ht arrect the district attorney'• Cite. "Any action taken by the council woukl have to be bated on flndlnp al fact,•• Bonfo aaid. "Preaumably the avldence ""OUld be identical to thlt prttent.ed In the tr ial. I don 't think lt'o proper." Beach Firemen Get New Snorkel ment. CXoch: ThiJ agency would allow for proper rtpreaentaUon in re1ional studies). -A tranMt district would be a vehicle tD implement any short term solution to our mass transit problem. (g:och: This ls obvious). Fttry added, "The transit committee has been malrin1 studies for more ta.h £our years. To continue in thi.!I advisory capJcity would be. just spiMing our whetll. It ii up to you (the supervisors) to implerntnt-eur work !!' .. "The ttfiiing ii good for the proposed vote-: A dtt.11kln m\Jlt be made by the first of September to put the Issue · on the Movember ballot,'' Koch em· phasized . "Jt will cost nothin& except . the printing of the ballots." The: proposed Oranae County district can be implemented under the Orange County Transit District Act approved by the State Legislature In 1915. Supervisor Willlam Phillips pointed out that the purpoee fDr the act. requested by the county, was to block any rqional plan whli:h "would swallow up our area ." Alliltant Chief Coui\ty Counsel Clayton H. Parke'r outlined the principal pro- visions of the 1986 act: The proposed district does not have to be countywlde, but its boundaries cannot cut across city line•. A board of direct.ors of five members; two of them supervlaor1 and three Ramed by the cities will govern the district; Various county officials are 11a.med to act for the district, 1uch as the tllasurer, ro..:I commissioner, etc. Thi diltrict is authoriied to levy a tu "not to exceed 6 cents per $100 or aueslld valuation"; it will name and fix the salary of a 1eneral maT1a1er, and will be subject to collective baraaining by law, jU1t 11 is the RTD. Dr. Hartelius Facing Dosed Hearing Today Corona de! Mar physician . Dr. Ebbe Hartelius, 50, charged with arson and insurance ·fraud in the April 9 blaze at his office, went before Judge Calvin Schmidt In Harbor Judicial District Court this morning for preliminary hearlnt wtiich was cloted to IM public and pre!!!. The Harbor Area physician is also ac· cused by stale authorities of \•iolations in volving Lhe drug seduction of women patients, two cf whom allegedly became narcotics addict!, One died after being committed to « Norwalk hospttal after two 1ulcidt attempts. according to 1tate inve1t11a· tors . · ·0r, Hartelius ii named in an accusation filed by the Board of Medical Examiners. Huntington Buch firemen are 1etUn1 Department of Professional ind Voca· another snorkel. The cost: Ql,111 -tional Standard!. "''~" ''""°'' •·'"""""" • --''*' '"' plu~ tax. 1 • Walh1ce W. n.ompson. e xecutive ,._..,.., .. "'"lllM<I 111~ .. , ... •-Ftre Ch el Ray Picard won unanimou1 ~rtt1ry of the organlzaUon, charges ~ -:;::, tt~": ': .. ~·":,,,=~~ approval for the purchase of the pumptr Dr. HerteJIU! with 1ivlng heavy doses ...-..... ,..,. •• v.11.,, •ior.t w;111 1., with ,an 85·foot a_erial ~atform from . •of the narcotic ,Pemerot In order to ,..__. .......... °'..... t•:11 iou.:it11•,,. the .c.ltv council Mond.ay t. --~ ..... •i.--mon. (-..ii1 Jll'wtM ........ ,,. I t :1111 Wftl ~ fC\l\h.~ Ul'll: .. v •••• 1:.oc •• H•-'" •'V"· t11t 1• .,.,. .. , P1~ard explained that tht vehicle takes The accu•"'tlon fu-0 ·-r stat·es that "-.. ~ l trn !, Cnll MBI, to bulld .... 'u~ Ul'll: Tll ••••• f714J 642·•>11 •year · physicia n ·repeated ly bea t her aboncd I C•H &401211 In his presentation.' Picard nld the hel'-twice when she became 'pregnant ,,_ WWI• 111 • "resent snork I is sent out t tc · a ·a-.1 Moi11W11 6•2·t6'.PI t' e . w e and even dru&&ed her husband betore c.¥t'ilftl, """ °""" au1 ,.,.11.111,., day on emergencies. enrzaglng In sexual' lnteredUrse with her, c-,. ,.. .,... ""it.·· 11111t1•••fll1. "The city is 27 square miles now,'' The 1late char~s Lhe specirlc Incidents """!fl _.,., "' •1wr1'""'..,'1 ~'''1~ flt chief said. ''We art •etUn• two tnvotved oc:-·r-d ovor 1 flv .. -1r ''"J' a. ••••u• •lllllltf lf'CIN ,.,. e e .... '" ~-;:!:' .:.:::: ::'.:. .... ~·•••• or thr~ l!fl'lergencle1 tl once nowadays. . period. The physician has been rree on ,, .. cc.. ,_.., c.H""'ll. 111111crit1¥ "' Another snorkel Is a necessity from Sl,250 bail while waiting ·to enter a plea public hearlnc was hearUly endorsell But before approvlna: the ritw ordin-J>?Ulted out ~at the tsSues ra!Sed by by the Orange County Division, League ance Tuesday, each councilman took a ~1s arrests . will eventually be debated of Callfonila Cities; the UCI-Project 21 turn at amending City AUorney Thomas in the .United States Supreme Court Study Team on Transportation Needs; Woodruff'• oritinal 11f'OPOSll. and. he in~ends to c~ntln~e his. practice: the Orange County Chamber of Com-The major change in procedure In-until the high court gives its ruhng. merce; the League of Women Voters volved shifting the term of appointments Judge Thomson gave Deputy District of Oranie County (LWV ), and the from a starting date In January to Attorney Martin J . Heneghan 10 da y's American Association of Uaivenity OrK: In July and -makJna all appointment.I to •.mend his complaint against Gwynne Women, Saita Ana brancb. for four-year terms. and Mi.!IS Meyer. It is expecled that Councilmen alto: Heneghan will delete those portions of Winston R. Updel!'aff, t x e c U t l v t -Dropped 1 ceocraphic requirement his complaints refcrri"g to statues secretary of the Leaaue ol Cities, offered for membnlhip en the parka Com· declared un.;Onstitutiorial by Judge a resolution of the aroup 's e1ecuUve minion. Thom.soft and again press charges against commltlte, '!"ltich included : -Dropped 1 requirement for th1-the controversial physican. _ "That the public hearing be held on-numbet-cf membera ol each ·sex on Defense attorney Moses B er man thl1 subject to inclµdt Jons term ud any commlsl&on. ~esccibed the Thomas ruling as .short term "transportadon-pll:-CltY -Allowed advlaers from the school somewhat confusing but a clear ln- tepreaentaUon Oil any a1ency to be form-d.lltrlcts to be full memben of the dication in many a:speets, that the slate's ed; discussion concernln1 the adviaabillty parks commiallon. case against the pracUce of abortion of any tdd!Uonal'tpeclal purpoae dlstrictl -S.id the chairman of each com. is. on its last legs." arid a time table for accomplilhlnl th• mission 3hall be elected for a two-ye.ir The Tho11_1son .ruling_ will .broadly sup. objectives ot the district.'' tern;i, beginning July 1 and that chairmen port, he said, his argu"'!ents of defense Mary • EVelyn Bryde n of Fullerton, can not succeed themselves in office. of Dr. Robert Cumming-Robb, the president of LWV -and a member of The . new syitem wu proposed after Laguna _Beach physician whose arrest · the transit committee stated : .,The councilmen,,critlciud the old one because on abortion charges produced the opinion league has held the position aince lMI It meant cotnmJSstoners were appointed of Judge Mast and the dismissal of that a balanced transportation system shortly betor6.-tfi1Ufilcipal elections. abortion counts filed against the 67-year· is needed for the county. We agree old Art Colony doctor. that the time has come to •ctivate The district attorney's response to the the transit district Jea:i1laUon and take President Sworn In ~1ast opinion was to indict Dr. Robb his Issue to the public. BUENOS AIR~ {AP) _ Brig. G!:n. through lhe 11rand jury and take the "We believe that a public hearing will Roberto Marcelino Leving ston was in-abortion charges direct to Superior Court. amply demonstrate public support for auguraled as president of Arientina to-Berman's plei' for dismissal of thoM an alternate transportatio1 mode to the day amid alms .cf dislgretment in the charges will be he ard Thursday. private automobile." armed forces over his Cabinet ap-Court analysl.! today described Judge She also offered the services of the poinlments. Thomson's ruling as "a blalancirig act LWV In "any public information program Six of the eight Cabinet members between the arguments of Berman and which you may desire to direct if the were: announced 'Wl!dnesday night. The the ruling of Judge Mast with a definite matter is Indeed placed on the November six represent differing political trends tendency to fa vor his fellow jurist's ballet." in Arltfltina. tttatise ii! the merits of abortion." r=o~-===~-~~~==::;;===;." PROFESSICNAL INTIRIO• DES l~Nl•S· A Nylon Shag . That's Young In Looks, and ,young Price! Ill ~-9.95 -59. YD. ' IF YOU CAN 'T COME JN-CALL 646-0275 for an expert carpet consultant who will come to your home "'ilh samples }Vlthout aqy obligation to you! 2!15 HARIOR ILVO, COSTA MESA, CALI,. """' •·• f'llMll"Y1 1¥ ""11 sr• """'~1" the point of view ti fire -event~ to {iv@ ' felonv CO""la of aracn and at· "'Hllwf ... i.t ..... II.GI ""'"lh!y. .. ,., f ~ ..,, , L.-----·------i.. .l'lethOi:ts ln tbe l!lty.•• • • . tempttd. Insurance fraud. 646-0275 ., 646-0276 r ' --. '· - . " • • . , ~ I 'f ' •J s b :~ ·a h J h { h l 0 -v .i .( • r , ' l I ~ .c ( . ' ' \ 'l 1 I ·1 ·1 _! I I. 1/ • DAILY .. ILOT ....... llJ .lllflll V.rtwl• BOOY REMOVED -Attendants carry ·body of young Marine's wife from couple's home at 41&.C Monterey Lane, S:tn Clemente, en route to autopsy table. 1\Irs. Connie Johnson, 20, wa& bludgeoned and stab· bed to death in the modest apartment she shared with her husband. Mark, 19. ~1 :Clemen_te _Marine's Wife ·F ounU-S-taboe to Deatli, ~·!· •I I I '1 r I. 11 By JOHN VU TERZA OI IM D•llr Pli.t II.., The nearly nude body .of a y..oLmg San Clemente housewife was found bludgeoned and repeatedly stabbed :Wednesday, lying on the bed of a small ·apartment she shared !iilh her Marine husband. The brutal slaying of Mrs. Connie Johnson . 2Q, was discovered by her hus- band, Mark, 19, who returned home from duty at Camp Pendleton to find .his young wife stabbed repeatedly in . tht chest and neck. The wife also bore marks of a beating on the fa<:i! and head from a small ·woode n stool found In the kitchen of ~the tiny, mod estly furnished Oat at 416 .c Monterey Lane, in' the city's better . summer rental area. IL was the second brutal knife slaying or a woman discovered this week in the Capistrano Bay area, but San .. Clemerite police today stressed that the only similarity between the latest slayng . ,and vicious dismemberment of Mission Viejo teacher Mrs. Florenct Brown, 31. _was that "they were both women and ·Utty were both stabbed ." · "The similarity ends there," said 'Police Chief Clifford Murray, · The chief, alluding to increasing teasion 1n the area over the death of Mrs. ·Brown, slressed· there were no links ·found thus far between the two killings. Mrs. Johnson was found shortly before Wednesday noon . Her body, sprawled on the bed of th~ modestly furnished studio apartment, apparently had been lyina: there since sometime early Tuesday. The woman, wearing only 1 shortie · nightgown, had bee n stabbed repeatedly . in the chest and neck and had suffered a severe blow to the head from a wooden.footstool fou nd in the tiny kitchen nearby. 'Rle discovery of the remains led im- mediately to an intensive search ·for lead.ti in the case. Bul this morning. police said they had no strong suspects. -Adding -ro the complexity of the case, police allege, was lhe discovery of a quantity of If!:arijuana . in a raisin box_ resting In a cabinet .of the apartment along the narrow winding residential street with Its expensive summer rentals. The Johnsons had no children. · Coroner's investigators, who performed an autopsy on~ body Wedne,sday night, said they still required more laboratory test r~~ before formulating con. clusions on the exact time of death or the issue or sexual molestation. A pair of woman's shorts was found on the fioor near the bed in the bedroom- living room combination; police sa-id. A pair or denim jeans and shorts was found outside the apartment, draped on a wooden patio chair. Also on the patio was a bright pink metal chair which was beneath an opened kitchen window. But police so far ha\'e ruled out· the chances of a break·in and said the win- dow had been left open by the husband for ventilation. The front door to the small downstairs apartment was locked , Johnson to ld police, when he came home from duty with his . helicopter squadron at Camp Pendleta11. Police quoted the blond h u s b a n d as saying be entered the house shortly before noon alter unlocking the door. . He saw his wile sp,awled on the bed, partially covered by'"a fallen pillow then phoned police. ' "My wife has been badly beaten " he told a dispatcher. ' But exactly what time the death OC· curred still is vague. One detective• said the hinge In the: death time might come from determina- tion · of Mrs. Johnson's e at ing habits.. · Her husband told officers he left for work before dawn Tuesday. _.And 'neighbors in the w e 11 • k c p t neighborhood said they heard no unusual nOises during the past few days. One next-door neighbor , City Coun· cilm an and former Mayor Wade Lower, said Mrs. Jolinson, Whom he termed vivacious and friendly, made a regular habit of letting the coople's small poodle oot on the patio each morning at 1:30. "But'.for thet laJt two mornings, she didn 't come out with the dog. • "I know, becau.se my dog barked each morning when she whisUed and shouted, .. ·eoco .•. eoco· ... · ·MURDER VICTIM'S HUSBAND WAITS AT POLICE HQ M.r l,,. Mark Jonnson Tolls Dotoctl•11 of Trolfily . ' . " . ~ .. ThundaJ, JUlll 11, 1970 H DAILY PILC' 3 ' Y ote·-Force Reverses o~ecision ' Scraps One Machine Plan i~ Favor of Another Offer By JACK BROBACK Of ,... DellY ,, ... lteH Jn a 511rprl.sing turnabout.. Lhe.J>ra.Die County Vote Systems Task Force Wednesday wiped oot ila ·o<:lioo ol 'laa\. week recomrnendµlg the use o r Autom"Lic Voting Machines (AVM) ln• November 's Generali.Election. The ta'sk fQrct theri voted 6 to 2 to accePt an offer of free uie' of 100 other machines for a November' trial• run. _ _ The AVM machine, which County Clerk· William St John has supested as a temporary remedy to the June l 'primary vote foul-up , prod~ a printed rtt0rd ol ballots casl Senate Passes Reagan's Plan On Budget SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Senate with ·little debate todaY passed and sent to the Assembly its compromise version St John suue"ited use o( the AVM machlnet in iCIO ol the county's t,021 --ln a --traliud 11stem to speed up the count. . The mus:h·mallped Coleman Vote Tally System would be used in the remaining precincts. The task force has ostensibly voted 7 to 2 last week to use . the AVM couhten, but decided Wednesday Chat the 1ctkm should be 'rescinded because no one was certain exactly what took place at the stormy, thre1,bour June 9 ....ion. Instead, they voted Wednnday to ac- cept the Ir« .,. ol 200 ShOOp voting Vote Tabulators. They will -next rnachlnes, lncludln& ballots, on a trial Thursday at S:JO p.m., hopefully to qrea b451s. on a final recommeodailcm to the Board At the J une I meeUng, a cotlfUsiiig -of" Supervtaors. array of motions and amendments were • One thing ~ certain, no -matter considered and after study of the 71-page -which device or devices are reoom- tra.nscript ·ol. the session, Task Force mended, .the current Coleman system members decided they. did not really will still count at least half the b&llotl know what they voted Oh. in the.November election. They did agree that ~!though they The Shoup machines can handle frUn had not approved AVM machines they 300 lo 350' voters and the IOO ·device• dld approve votinc machines in general. . offered will be able to count vota 1n The ®of' .was left .open Wednescb1y &bout 1~ precl.ncts <i lhe size Mt up for a R951ible_ ~d recommendation for the June primary, or about 10 percent involving either the use of A VM or Cubic of the county's precincts. - • • of Gov. Ronald Rea&an's proPoSCd '6.41 billion slafe budget. The Vote was 29-IOI. -- Sen. Donald L. Grunsky, ReJiilblican floor managcy of the budget bill. told colleagues during a mere 10 minutes of debate that the spending plan "com· mitted oiir!ielves to a broad general philooophy of more money for schools." The brief debate was anticlimactic tG the past three days of maneuvering by Democrats to forct inclusiOn of more money for schoOls DefoI'fl they would \'ole on the budget. A bipartisan committee bammered out 1t $98 million net. shift in the budget from other programs lo achoo1s to sall!fy them. The extra funds in the senate bud&: would ~ing qext year's school aid appropna on to roughlr1he-.amr level as the current sum. But Senate Democratic c a u cu s chairman Mervyn Dymally, who ab- stained from voting, said the compromise "cuts are not equitable ahd in the best interests of the state." "It's simply a case of not being able to amend. a bad bill," he said. "\Ye ended up with a worse bill." Sen JOhn G. Schmit% (R-Tustin), who in the. past.has consistently voted against • budgets, cast a ravorable . vote to<!ay, saying he was satisfied with the tight spending progi'am it outlined. Communists Cut Road to Saigon; Oil Route Opened PHNOM PENH (UPI) -Communlsl troops today cut Highway 1, which links Phnom Penh and Saigon; but Cambodian .troops reopened another m~jor highway which links the capital with the Gu!f or Siam and this country's only 011 supplies. • ' At one point the Communists had c4t all major transportation routes between Phnom Penh and the outside world . In Saigon·the U.S. Comm~ reported 130 Americans were killed and 364 wounded in Ind och ina fighting la st week, compared with 119 dead and 1,123 wound· ed the: previous week. Of these 37 were killed and 97 wounded in Cambodia. South Vietnamese battle deaths drop. ) ped from 600 killed to 476 during the week and CommUT1ist losses Vo'ere • estimated at 2,051 dead compared with I,910 the previous week. The Communists mined Highway I and blocked it with fallen trees 26 miles southeast of Phnom Penh . Cambodian tr()()ps who arrived to try to clear the highway came under heavy mortar fire. The Cambodians hoped to clear the highway by sundown. • It was the fourth overland route to the outside cut by' the Communists in the past six days. . Cambodian troops restored ,!llghway 4 from the Capital to the port of Kompong Som. It had been blocked by the fighting at Trapeang Kraleng, 30 miles southwest or Phnom Penh . Ovtr the roadway goes oil from the natlop's only oil refinery at the port of Kpmpo~I Som, known as Sihanoukville 1until the March II overthrow of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. ' Garden Center Buys ) 'Patty's Purple' variety Veronica in 1 gal. siz:e 77c Make your garden a riot of color with our Begonias 39c Richmondensis , , • our hardier variety of begonia. Produces deep pink blonom, redish-green leaves. Group them for bar· . der beauty. In four inch pots, Plant spikey 'Patty's Purple' variety for colorful blooms in summer. Small ever· green shrub used w.11 in groups for garden beauty, Wax-leafed Llgumurn, ,., ' ·I . I The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese also renewed their attack on the pro- vincial capital of Kompong Thom. 80 miles +north of Phnom Penh, Kompong Thom had been· heavily 'attacked two weeks agD and besieged for several days before S6uth"' Vietnamese planes 211d a relief force ar1ived. Plant colorful beddi.ng Atpor19u1 fems. Sprongeri pl1nt1 nqw by the tray. • •• long,airf,graceful1prays Choose-from Age ratum or-Be----fragrant-pinkilh-flower-s.-ln~ gonia in a variety of colors. 1 gallon container. versatile evergreen 1hrub with deep-glouy-ar--foliago.._ ---~ In 5 gallon ~ntainer. State Troopers Become Cowboys PHILADF;LPHIA (UPI) -A lrtctor· traiier carrying c a t t I e to a slaughterhouse overturned on the heavily traveled Schuylkill Expressway early to. day .and caused a major traffic jam whtn ttie animal!'i roamed the highway . from time to time charged ,oncoming vehicles. Five accidents resulted and one , motorist was injured." State trooper!! des\TOyed one 800 PoUnd - 11nimal when jt was injured charging a vehicle. · Another1 ~Uacked a Philadelphia poBceman and was driven off by olher pollct. j • 44c a tray -.. NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PENNEY STORES!' . . . - • 83c 3.55 v1, ... Lown Food • • •• feeds dichondra or grass ••• non-burning • , • lightweight. 5,000 sq. It. coverogo bag. · ' 4.66 Deep GrHn Vlgoro 3 In 1 for Dichondro or GroSI In 20 lb. bcia that covors a 2500 sq. ft. area. · 9.95 . Deep Gl'ffft. Vlgoro for Dichondro °' Grass. 20 lb. bag cown 5500 sq. ft. aroo. 5,45 Topper Top Drn.ini •• ·.·makes planting areas more attractive and helps soil retain moisture. In 3 cu. ft. bag. ' 1.98 ' CARLSBAD DOWNEY SHOP SU NDAY, TOO MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH 12 to 5 P.M.! -f :-• • , ~ • ·. ,, '~ " .. .,..,. ,... ltlfl) ·Va .. rl• Kerhp, a telephone ope~a· tor at the Lichfield, England police 1tation. aays a man pumping up his car tire• helped rescue her from a swarm of bees. Mrs. Kemp ·says the unidentified man turned the pump on the bees. blowing them away -but not before she was •tung 15 times. .• Wonten golfers at the Barrow, England Gqlf Club have sig11ed a petitiOn a!king ofJkiaU to in· wstigate fumes emitted from a nearby factory. The women claim t he fume• .niake their nylon pant11 hose and stockings dilin- tegratt •. Thllndl1, J1u1t 18, 11'70 Hits Inland By Valled Pnu Ja..,..UOW Egypt r"°"'1d Israeli plana today struck the Al-Salyjya area 24 miles wed oC the Suez· Canal in the deepest Israeli penetration s i n c e mJd-April when Ruman pik>ts "!ere finit reported in acUon deep inside Egypt. Moot raids bave _bem confined to a to-milt Jlmit. Egypt gave M details <l. the ~aid which was me of a series by bol.h sktes along the SUez Canal. Egypt, which has <eporied lsnld using 1.000j>owld Amerie~made bombs, said .an attack aklni the Canal W--Niesday killed 15 Egyptian soldiers and wounded ' seven -highest one-day; casualty loll in three months. Jordao-ba5ed Arab guerrillas"' fired rockets into Israeli selllements south of lhe Sea _Df Galilee today bu·t l srael reported no injuries. Previous attacU by-~ . have led lo Israeli air strikes against suspected guerrilla bases in Jordan. A spokesman in Cairo said Egyplia n figbter-bomben struck at lsraell posi- tions in the central and southern sectors of the Canal for the second time in three days and scored direct hits on Jsraeli bunkers, personnel shelters and . engineering equipment. A spoke~an in Tel Aviv said the Jsraelis suffered no injuries in either the 6ilelling or the air attacks and that the Egyptian planes were driven off by m:ttiaircraft fire. Egypt 1J8id il.s an- tiaircraft fire drove off the Israeli at- tacXS by 24 American-made Phantoms and Skyhawks. Nixon Will Sign Youth Vote Bill? • - ~ABM-Gets-Big-Setback UPI Te..-iw TIME OUT FOR TEA Tory Leader Heath • Housewives Lead Massive Turnout Of Britain Vote . T~ONOON' (UPI) -Housewives today led an expected mass turnOut <>! riearly 30 Jilillion Britons to the polls to vote in what had rail appeara.i:ices of being a photo finish/general election. Encouraged by brllliant sunshine and mid seventies temperatures, hundreds of thousands of housewives headed what polling officials said _was a heavy rush to vote. Most men workers waited to vote later. Opinion polls pred1cted a win for prilne minister Harold .Wilson's Labor Party, although the final resuJt cou,ld be a Cliffhanger. · An average of_.J!ll the wildly varying palls gave Wilson a three percent edge, -equivalent to a majority or about 40 Senate Panel Junks Nixon· Expanswn _,Plans WASH!NG11JN , (UPI) -The neu bomber !>.-where 8$1a, 1olded Saf91Uard antlballlstic missile system wilb nucler WUPofll, are on coaatant (ABM). keystone ol the -Nl1:on ad-alert qlinlt an enemy strike. The mini81l'atkm'1 nuclear anna strategy, bas purpoee of the Safepard it to ·protect been dealt. Ill first major setback ftom these weapans from a pre-emptive Soviet an unexpected IOU!'tt-_tbe Senate Ann· strike almed at paralyiina: the U.S. ed Services Committee. · capablUq of rttallatina:. The ABM would The comm1ttee voted Wedneaday to try to destroy inco"*1& ~nemy missiles junk' President Nixoo'a plan to expand •belore they hit. ' s.teguard· into a nationwide population-In addition to addln1 the sUe at Warren defense system and decided to confine AFB to the •~m. the committee voted its mission to protecting missile silos to "thicken" the protection by •ddln& an<l bc>m~ ~-~~~--more~_ln_l«c.ptoi-~ missllea al,_ each_ in- The 11 to I com tee decision Is · atallation. Althou&b the coDUTUttet'a cuta: wtre small -only 123 million out al IU billion rtquesi for the ABM in the nut fiscal year -tbe effect of the ratrictlon could be aigni.ficant and could allevilte one majOi'teir of ABM opponents. That fear is that the Safeguard system will be expanded into' a vast defenae -of lriCalculable expense, perhaps more than. ~ billion -aimed at protectinc t he entire population of the country qaiost a nuclear attack. almost certain lo be upheld by ~ Senate. And, because of backing by powerful senators like Chairman John c. Stemis (0-Miss.). the House likely will be forced to accept the restriction. Labor Leaders Attack Last year, after long debate, the ABM got throua:h the Senate on a 50 to 50 vote. Despite Wednesday's restrict Jon , however, the ~kbone ·of Nixon'~ ABM program survived int,act. The committee a cc e p t e d the President's proposal to add .a.third site, at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., to the two Congress authorized last year in Montana and North Dakota. In ad- diUon, it authorized early acquisition of a fourth ABM site at Warren AFB, Wyo. , All these sites would be in fields 01 silos containing nu c I ear ·tipped Minuteman in.tereontiental missiles or Power Failure Blackens Baja TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) -A power failure left much of Baja Calilonia fnd nearly half a million Mexicans in . darkness overnight alld cut off the major water· source for this border city of 335,000· residents. ' Nixon's Economy. Ideas • • NEW YORK (AP) -Top labor leaders criUcized President Nixon'1 economic proposals while the business community reacted with mixed view1. Labor spotesnen Aid Wednetday the President'• pian for calling pubUc at.-· tenUon to sllfi.ficant wace or price in- creases would hurt labor without reduc- ing inflatiO>n. Some business executives a n d economists expressed disappointment that the President did not go far enough in the area of wage and price controls. Others lauded the Preident's 51.and, saying they found his speech rewuring. "President Nixon's latest program against inflati.m is, like his previous policies-and tactics in the economic area, weighted against the American '\\'orker,'' said Palul Jennings, president of the International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. "J1i:inCJudes nothing ••. to bring down interest rates, nothing to correct ·the imbalance betwfell high prices and in- adequate wage1, and nothing to pul a brake on excess profils," he said. Ygive more consideration to steps mme closely approaching wage and price con- trols." RCA Chairman Robert W. Sarnoff uid, 1'1 am pleased by the Pteskten\'1 ded1ion not to seek: mandatory wage and prict: controls." 0 We regard the President's speech ••• as significant and con1tructive," 18ld Nonnan Strunk, executive vict president of the United States Savings and IAan League. The talk gave the public 0 a stronger feeling of presidential leadership in the economic area,'~· Said -Lief H. Olsen, sentor vice president at First National City Bank. He called it "helpful" and "long overdut." Dr. William C. Freund, vice president of the New York Stock Exdiange, •P.. plaude<f' Nixon'! "longer-nm approach to inflatjonary pressures in the economy as opposed to short-run, stop-a:ap measures." • · · Hciuse of Commons seaU. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Suppo"rt.'<rris--But Edward..HeaUa'.spCon!!i.ryatives.ap- of the tiill giving siiffrage -to 18-year-o s peared to have st8ged an e1eventfi flou r and extending minority group voting comeback ·rrom a seemingly hopeless predicted today Pr~sident Nixon would underdog position. One opinion poll even sign it. Passed · finally by the House said a wafer-thin Conservative win could Wedaesday, it both was hailed as a not be ruled oul All of Ensenada's lfi0,000 people 60 miles south of~here were without power. Police and soldiers patrolled darkened 1 ts bl Ensenada, Tijuana and Teeate. AFUIO President George Meany said of Nixon's proposals: "l fail to see WW4ht 1 cui'b-1nnatton, reau unemployment and cut interest rates." Soyuz 9 Cosmonauts Pass 400.gour aJ:k _ _. The world's largtsf flag, 7 sforits high· and toeighing 1,600 pound&. was the biggtst flog day attraction in Detroit this year. lt was hung on the J, L. Hudson Co. store by its handli'na crew vJ 55. The huge banner measure• 104 historic advance and assailed as a hoax Wilson and Heath went out early On youth. In their own votil)g districts in a last Judiciary Committee C h a i r m a n minute splurge of handshaking and Emanuel Celler (0-N.Y .. ), the &?-year· vWting party workers. • old House dean who steered the Senate-Touring his constituency al Huyton, . h C · t passed bill through the House despite ~ Liverpool suburb, Wilson was sur- b~ 236 feel. The official Polls ommunis hi's -·vi·ction'ils 1•year-ld vote feature h · hild th b L d rted .. .,.. er -v rounded by c eermg c ren, mo ers new spaper' Try una U u repo . likely would be thlown out by the courts, and workers eating typically english fish a Polish parliamentary deputy en· said ther do bt · hi mind ticized Soviet civil aircraft in. use . "'" e wu. IO u m s and chips lunches from paper bags. . . LO . • Nixon wOUld algn the bill. At one point Wilson met Anita Clifford, Five of Ti uana Sililiospltalrwere operating on .emergency ··power. The sixth, Miguel Aleman St.ate Hospital, began transferring some patients and blood supplies to other hospitals. Tijuana's 98 factories closed, leaving 10,ln> workers idle. Calilomla'a Sa11 Diego Gas & Electric Co. hooked up a 12.~vol.t line to restore power to a 20-block area of Tijuana before nightfall Wednesday, nine hours aft.er the failure: .. Paul Samuelson, economist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, characterized the speech as "an- ticlimactic," and called the idea of spotlig'hting wage and price increases ''a very weak thing." While expr~in.g agreement with Nix· on's optimism for the long tenn, GAF Corp. OMlirman Jesse Werner said he regretted that the President did not MOSCOW (AP) -~et sosmonauta An~rian Nikolayev and Vitaly Sevas- tyanov passed the 400-hour mark In orbit today and Tass reported "Soyuz i is continuing on ils ·flight." The official news agency said the two Russian space endurance champions had completed 400 hours and 270 orbits of the earth at 7:49 a.m. EDT. It gave r.o indication when the 1paceship would be brought down. on lhe Polish airline . T, stating . Key Republicans: said that they were is today, one or an estimated 2.8 million "The stan~~ of eqwpmen~ fl~ not ft•s.tte. teenagers ~tiUed-to· vote for the first . by ou~ aviati~ ~rs . compet~ NIDn wa• not saying. White Houae tlme. She' Saki !>he had · just ·voted - • lion with foreign mr .~rnera !!-rv_• ~.~-Secre!My Rooald _L._Zieglff_..i< · fir wn~ ing the same .. routes. ''We11 take a look at it and announce "Let's sing for ner."-Wilson called · .. e <>qr' iitent.ion at the appropriate time." nut and Jed a crowd in singing "Happy \Vhen Joseph R•hn, 21, was char• Nllo1, unlike Celler, has said he favors Birthday." ,:ted with reckless drivinl for hitting 'the 18-year-old vote but has insisted Heath voted at 8 a.m. ·at a polling a police cruiser, tie had. no defen~e. the change could be efrected only by station near his apartment on Piccadilly, "I just felt like ramming a police a Constitutional amendment. in London's west End. car." be told police. • • · Italian motorist Eduordo la~lli and van driver Eduardo Fal•to en· gaged in a shooting batUe .over ~e right of way recenUy, police said. Both were taken to hospital with serious wounds. Only two days ago, three truck drivers wounded each otlfer with screwdrivers and iron bars in a similar quarrel near Rome. • Fortune telling gypsy Eva Pot ... lengro of Brighton, England, says someone stole her crystal ball from the parked car of a friend. • Michll!Bn State Rep . lo,..,, An- . erson _ (R-P0;nti~c) recently ask- ed all candidates for state offices to fight "visual pollution." He ask- ed them to take down their posters and other materials when their campaigns are over. Life Costs Rise But Price Hikes Shoiv Slowing WASHINGTON (AP) -A rise 1n living costs for four.tentlls of one percent last month added to the nation's worst in- fla tionary spiral in twenty years but a government official said there has been a "significant" slowing of the pace of price hikes in recent months. Costs of all major categories were up, with transportation and clothing posting the lagest price hikes in May, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said. The bureau figured th e May rise at five-tenths of one percent on a seas<;inally adjusted basis for the fourth straight month, because food prices rose instead of dropping as usual in May. "The rate has come dOwn from the six-tenths of one percent rate df November, December, and January,'' said Dr. Joel Popkin, assistant com· missioner of the bureau. "It has crime down to five-tenths of one percent monthly changes, which is significant," he said of the past four months. He addE!d that 'the four-tenths actual rise. in May ¥"as more significant to consumers because it reflected price~ they had to pay, while the seasonal figure of five-tenths was of more interest to eeooomic an4lysts. Violent ·weather Persists Honeymoon Paradise at Niagara Fal!s Pretty Wet re111perwt•re• Hltll LN Pm. ,Sklft _,.. h lr 111 '°"!Mm C1lll1111'111e tl!ldtV •lttr clurl11t ol H•IY -111119 low doUdl end fol 11-t!W CNll. ,. em_.tu'" -. wlr"*' 111 mo11t HC!lerll. Lot AtlMln we1 t1lr tllt1' u r!v tl;-----fnO<lll,..-loe__...~.__,~ l11-atft1I--HC!llllfll. TIM Chile Ce11ttr 11rtd!CIM hl,.i, Wll .. llfl'"" e M ... 11 d9tlrM ll/m1> from WtdMsdaV'• mewlmum. T.... A!r ,.o!l1tf!on '°"'"°' Dl1li'ICt e11d 1Mre w11 -•I• ''' lrrlt1!1on 111 Ille S..11 G.br1-I V1lln "'Ml 1'9M tVe lrr!t1llOl'I 111 t111 $111 l"trMllllO v'111ev 11W ,._.W1llllll Velln1. SOUTHl!lllN (,t.loll•ORNIA -MD~llV f1lr th<'Ot.Jfh P'rkllV but '°'"' ltte llltM ,,..., "''"' ~11111 1ow clouds end toe ,,_ the ~t. Wermtr d1 v1 u cept li.M im!Mdlel'I CNll. lOI AlltELES .I.ND VICI NITY - Meetl't felr tt1r1111eh l"r!Nv blll - lltlt 1119111 l!'ld u rtv mor11l111 cot1!1I low doudl e!W ""' W.-.drl'I. Hl<lh k °"""""" ""' 61, Hlth P'rld1" •· POINT CONCl!l'TION TO MEXICAN IOllOl!ll -Lltillt ¥erllblt wlM1 11111'11 end rnonllM llDUl'S bKomllll Wfll~W 'If.II kMh 111 •~ l"rlf.er. Ni.tit .... -"""' -dliWtt 111111 fol "'" "'-"' .,.,._. .,,.,.,..., Little d'lel'IM ·-· CO.-.STAL AND INTEll:MEDIATE VALl.l!YJ-411110ell'I Mir tltrwth 1"rld1v. Warmei: _'9k, HlfM IO-fll, 0-1119'1t ,_ ____ I_ JS.a. H1t111 !"tide~ .. M. MOUNTAIN Alltl.ll -l"e!r th11M'I ""*"· Wt""" deWI, H'9"9 JD-II). owern11t11 ""'' ..... Hi9h1 l"rf:Ur , ..... IHTllttOI! MD D1!•1111'. ltl!GIONS -l'elr ,,.,..,.... ,~,. We'1'Mt c11r1. SUfttl'I lodtr. Lltl'll Ylrilble wlMj "'-"' i nd momlM l'IDUrs. '*-'"' wHt"1t 10 to 11 ltrt0l1 ;., elterllllOlll IOCllY end ,rlc!IY. Hlwfl IO!Wt' 1' l'I 76. hi l'O, l11lelld 1tmlll!flhlfn r1"" Ir"" 6J 19 aJ. W1ter l-•11'u're U. • S1111, Moon, '.l'l .. e• THU•SDAY , Setlltllf hillh ..... '' •:•"·'!!· .• , kconct IO# -· l~h 11.m, J,J • ,llDAY • t"lot flleh ............ 11 :00 1.m. l .• \.U h•tflt1. "" lort111 olllclels 1t 1i:.....,...,, '"''r,..11orttl AlrPOtl t11 Ntw 'Vllt~•to ttnc:tl 1-11111 tt •IY I~'' OJll• !lmlltd llktol!t W•!• H rmll!td, L1Gu1rdle 11111 N•••rlt 11•..arlt 11•¥· " " .. " " • • .. " ~ ... n " " .. .., " " " " ·" " " • .. .. " ... .. .. .u • " . .. .. " .. .. " .. .. " .. n " .. n " .. " -a .. " .. n .. ... " " ~ .. .. " .. • .. " " -.. ... " .. .. .Q .. " " " • ... .. " .. .. • " " " " " DOLPIDN GLUB -, SUMMER . DAY -tCAMP Phone AllD~~i~~~~~JCLUB (213} t479~,21e l'!t CARE FOR YOUR CHILD THE ~OLPHIN CLUB lS THE ~ORKlNG PARENTS' ANSl#!ll 10 CH!LU CARE ''' and ••• THE NON·W ORKING PARENTS' ANSWER TO THE BEST UEVElOPMENr··· PROGRAM THEIR CHIL~REN CAN ,ECEIVE!! lf/i>or DOLPHI N CLUB BEGINS WHE RE OPENING SOON .-"• NURSERY SCHOOLSlEAVE·OFF. lf/i>or A PRIVATE CLUB FOR CHILDREN IN YOUR .• AGES5T01Z " /"'Y ALL STAFF FULLY QUALIFIED, Neighborhood) f Cell now for additional information I DOLPHINCLVBW!LLPICKUPCHILDRm --~-1='111::rs='r~D~llUll=:::E~UM~Si-,~H~IS~TO~R~IC:iA~Lii!L;;AN~D~M~A;;R~K;S.~Z!!!D;;OS;,;;,A;;R~KS,:;..: BAKERIES, CIVJC BUILDINGS, AND MANY OTHER INTER""TIN~ d ~ ATTHEMOTHER'SHOMEWHENSHEMUST ~ ~ iEAVE FOR WORK, AND THEN AEniRN EXCURSIONS. ALSO. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ARE OFFERED SUCH 7HEM RiGHTTOTHE!R FRONT DOOR An ER />$ HORSEllACK RIDING, SKATING, SWIMMING, BOWLING, TEN• NIS AND MANY MORE EDUCP,TIONAL AND ENJOYABLE SHE RETURNS HOME. ~CTIVITIES. mumto: T II 11133w-s1v11. l>OLPH1NcLv1 D Free Na. SIGN-UP APPLICATiON 1.o1Angol•,c.u1. 80Cl24 _.llllirtd Zenith 1-1278 ~ • ICl!lckOne)Sllmmc.------Sc;haolT111im111-----"BoOt11.----I RATEi Stard-D11i "-'-':..-----------------=-=:I SUnlm1r: $25.00/•k l•ll ,._, ..,_,SU childrtn) Chlld'1·N*"'''"""'---~-w~·----"',,...fl.._ ..... ,nd ChllcL.-------1""---l-Schooltimt: ·• ~ Add,.. cJiy·-------------&laii&------Z;p, ___ • KI n duglrtln -$85.00/mo, · "- . Phone No,. ______ .,,chool Attllldiol--------"~tr .. -----1 1st & 2nd Gr -1 PickUp TimoOnirod D1liftr'{l!m1Dlllrod.--------l 7S.~mo.11lldlyl ~ j 8 . 1 H & 2nd Gr -•• Mother"• Nam•---------USl-Acldn-.----------1 65.00/mo. (11111' 21'11 J ~ Cil\''--------....;Sstlllsa-----'"':ll!lp--Pllont._T" __ I C!lly) 'f l 3rdl -8th Gr, -· ; Fi1hof1No""'"'--------.B'-Add•---------I 65.00/mo.l~ldayl """• City 3rd -Gth Gr, - Ael1tiw'1 Na-L ___ _;_ ____ Addni. .... _______ -=-;;.==l-i65·00/mo. lolllr .._. "' C!lly)-- Cil)' Momint Kg. Docto(1N.MM ~ ... ~3'01y -12 :00) .. --M.00/mo. 1°" d0coont for 2 "' City lltt-------Z;p_"'911P_ • PtrmilliOn is 9r1nttd fw mlcilcal ... &Ulnlion tn M inw1111e~ • .;· ~--1-rnora cl'lildrtn in familt All rattf lncl1.1de tr,,. pott.•tion & 1e\ivi~ ' Parent'• Si;n1tur•---------------lllll1----''----I ~ NOTE: All t ... '" du• llnd poyablo in odn. ·-llnd I•. U.llll lllfalllllGa f• ,,..., ,,,., . \ \ ~ HJllM ..... ......., w1..,.1, 190-111 ·-........ Dwl'l!llfll llwl ~Ml f'iltl'lef ~ ••11 ...... Yll!rYI, "'-"' ''*' .,.,. llllhtr vel!t'r'.. .. f'.lr-1l.-loW ___ --t;.U_a,,m.._L_t SetOnd "lit!! ........ ,.,. t~J111.m. •I SICond low .......... 31211.m. 7J s1111 •I• r:-m .rir,-s.n-1:0111.m. '"' mtlr.ol!!tn 1r•• rePOtltd ""'"''' Ollir1Uar.1. -kv•t• '"11"61r1!0C"" welclltl .,.,, .. I~ il'!etf ,,_ ••~l-<tr.frt1nllll0frlrlti llOrlflwur corlltr of ~lo. " " " " • " ~.'." oppllcaUon lnon·rofundlblol Ind 1 $50.00 tllpQlll °"=-="'·~-= ....... -----·:=::=:-----_;;..:.. .. I \ 1'5-UI .._.. "'lllfL MOO!t a f-11it,e.m. Stll ·~it 1,m, ' .. • • I ' • . -• ! • • I , b; 0 ri w B E 11 I 1 ,I ] t• In C> Ii ti: w w IT it .. c fl ~ ti • ti '1 ... b ,. ~ . • B ' II • ,, • • ti v ' a • I ( I • I • 1 , I I ( I f c I I· t l I ' • I • l -_] -1 I __ ..._ ___ _ I I 'I I II I • • • I ountai•• v ·atley VOL 63, NO. I ~S. l . SECTIONS, +i° PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA THURSDAY, .-1,UNE 18, 1970 , TEN CENTS ' . . ., _you Won't Recognize t·he ,Law· Along the -Beach . ' By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI · Of .. De1W f'lllt Uatt 'This summer you may set them on bicycles, in pickup trucks, scooting down the sk:lewalk on skate boards or even riCling horses. · But tbe only way you 'II i-ecognize an undercover man from the Huntington Bood> Police Departmenl's S,,.Cial ~orcement Detail (SED) is when that ttf~ncer pulls a bad&:e. JlreadY · credited with lhe Jrrest ol I ' . ' Beach Faces Fluoride Water Issue Huntington Beach residents are goin1 to get a chance to sin'k. thei"r teeth into 1he lluOridation issue. · more than 150 narcotics olfeDden over the-put' -twO weekends, the detail of hanll-Pk:ked m<11 Jed by Sgt Q<orge Renek is a top secret affalr. • Police Capt. Arland UUher from whom the etiK • ~. receives ill guidance won't even di8c1ose bow many offiters are involved • .But one thin& hl doesn't mind telhnc you: 'lbey're out to stop crime with every lqal nmource known lo them. • ' "We want lM word to get around that if you 're &oing to have a pot party or a little rwnble, don't come to Hun. tington Beach," USlber Slid, adding that the new detail '!ill, "create the feeUnt of omnipresence ol police without havtnc a police state.''. . He explained that the SEO wag the brainchild of Police Chief E a r I e · Robit.aille who wanted to lf'OOID a lfOUP GI officers to combat city cr:imes which rise eadl aummer witb the Influx of bucb"' vil.ltors. AttbOup durin& the past few weeks it hu primarily sought the arrest· ol narcotics violators, Ussher explained the men could be used anywhere ''and hJve been trainied in riot control, traffic con- trol and many other 1:reas." · "The 1fOUP was chosen from among our own department. It's not an outside volunteer tblnc. 1be men have to work all kinds ol xrewed up 6ours. Jt me1ns the fQtfelt\!rt of !'fllnY summer weekends and summer. vacations," he said. Sgt. Ja.ck ,Reinfiillz, chief of .the department's n&rcotics bureau, sai~ many·or•tbose arrested~ Rentk's recent weekend narcotics forays have reAu1ted- in lead,l to;I•ce scale dealin1 operatiqns. •·Already his month we. hive arrested more people than in any .other &1vu month. The)''ve led us to about five • - ! _or sll good, ri&hteous local dealer;s. Once · out of abo>1t every 10 times that joint will lead you to a brick," he said. . . Since 1965 dope arrests . have rlJen frorit 15 to 1,066 in tS., Set. Reinbolt&. said. Juvenile arres\s fut year were down , considerably "because two ques-- lionable pla.;es downtown closed their doors,'' and because walking plainclothes (See POUCE, Pqe I) Manson Case _Split ti~ Kasabiaii Gets Separate, 'Trial LOS ANGELF.S (UPI). -The state's and a-wealthy grocer and hl11 wife. On.e..striking blonde In her 208, Marilyn· star witness in tht Tate.-UBianca She will be granted Unmunlty from Pfeiffer, was excused ·after she·• said murder trial has had her case separated prosecution in .e:<cha.nge ,for tell ing her she had deCided a six months aepantioa from Charles Manson. and three other slorx,·lhe basis of the state case. . lrom her husband, lOcked up .nlghU)' in. --------youn1 women members. of.the "family" The.trial wa.s in receu tod,ay. a hotel foom, would hav~ in'"emotional .so she can testify against them. ~anson and Susan Atkins were to ae· effect" on ttteir marriage. Llnda Kasabian, 20, was bfouiht unex-pear in Santa Monica Superior Court During Wedntsday's .aeSlion, Superior pectedly into the courtroom Wednesday to enter a, plea lo ,an .eigtJth .murder Coor\ ~ud&e. Charles H.,Older ~atel)Cd ' ' A group of doctors are sounding out councilme11 on how they feel about put.- ting 'nuorideS·in the city's water supply. ' The move follows the recent approval W--lby-Fountanr vaney City Counc1 of f!uoridalion on a 4 to I vote. MKl ·she studiously avoided the linger -the killing 'of musician Gary l;ilnman lo have Manson's attorriey, Jrvbig • dlli'f('lnlf·cans-of'the·other defe~ants lllree4 months befort the Tlilte<LaBlanca-KanaraJ!r:~.~r:.:sllenced. 'If ~did;>---~ as her own trial ,was put ·off to -Aug-. -slayings. --not quit Int~· Uii co-.rt. :Kuarek One councilman who stands firmly ~hind the move is Al Coen, an attorney, wl}o said this morning that he wu wiUing to raise the issue at a council meeting. ' . "I've talked to a lot of people about Jt; _but J've never heard anyone say anything against it," he commented. --some doctors and dentists contacted Coen after Fountain Valley approved fhioridaUon. This week tbe medal-u· #ts met witb Coal •t hil home .•l 5~ Meadowbrook Drive wilh cou~ilmen Tied Bartlett and George McCracken to talk about the issue. 17. Jury ·selection 'in the 'Tate case was1 subsided. Miss Kasabian Is expected to testify gOing slowly. At the end of Wednesday's The highlights of W~eaday'a ¥saM?n'. for the prosecuUon, giving her account hearing, 14 prospective jurors had been came when Miss Kasabian waa brought of acting as a "lookout" w h I I t. the excused on ground&· raniP,ng from , into the c~rtr~m i!1 ~arly. a_ftemoon. others actually committed seven killings personal hardship to opposition to lhe · Her blonde hair was '!l p1gtaU1 ~ of the beautiful actress and ber coterie . death penalty to preconceived opinions. she wore a neat white ud yellow froci:. . . . . •• Valley Battle 0ve.·,F10oric1e: , . ' , . Coen said the matter would not be ~led on in HunU111lQ1l.::: .. Beach-wtthout-o:l--~,o-.O.p11rniliC hearing. McCracken allo .. id that he would insist on a public hearing ~.before such a program is instituted. Not Finished The fi,tit over fi1*1de miy · not be finished bl FounlAin Valley. Pllblic ~earing Set'. on ; COmify Rapid Tt~s~t . Does Orange County · need 1 rapid tt1DSit system to serve immediate and urgent needs ? I ,. Bartlett said he understands the-cost ol Introducing fluorides into Huntington Beach's water supply would be about tl0,000 a year. The Coen family has .Jong believed in flu orides .. ''I ha ve Qott!es of fluoridated water set up in the garage,'' Coen said, the fath~r or two children. Josh, 4, and ,lefl. 2. His wife, Felicia, commented, "It's a little early to tell yet but so far the children's teeth are in great shape." Mrs. Coen said she used fluoride vjtamin pills and drops when the children y.rel't younger. The doctors who discussed the pros and cons of fluoridation at· the Coens' home included Dr. Ed Salkin, a dentist, Dr. Burton Willis, a pediatrician, Qr. Gene Brown, head of Orange Cou1ty .. Dental Society • and Dr. Roy 'Richards. a Foun'tain Valley dentist who raised the !Juoridation question in his city. Beach Belongs To Dr. Kaufman DAii.\/' ,II.OT Iliff ""919 . . GAYLE LEWIS CONSOLES AB:ANDONED CANINE '&rutus' Findi • Priend in Huntir'!tton Beach:, .. Home for -u .rutus Abandoned Dog Wants Another · Georee Lindeeren, 1: resident of the city and vocal opponent of putting fluoride lato the city water supply, is JliunChini 1 drive to pot the issue on the 'November ballot. He lleeds mo" than 50Q signatures of registered voters on a petition to dp lhat. "We'll try to 1e~ a thousand signatures . to ensure 1uceast ' Lindegren said. "I want to see the Issue put to a vote of the 'people. The City Council approved nuoridatioi }'. , ' · · or city water on June Z by a 4 to '·My ~ is Brutus1 I am looking "I know there are a lot of beautiful 1 margin. Olly Councilman .John Harper for a .home." people around. 'here and 1· hope ·he'll opposed the action. That's 00,, a. 7>pound huSky·shepherd get a good home," the note read. Natural calcium fluoride already exists announced himself to Huntlrlgton Beach "Be firm~ith tum ·and -use a· finn Police Tuesday night when they rescued tone of voice: He likes getting" stoned In city Water at about half the amount him from certain de.a.th while aimlessly but will take advantage oC you jf you r~fnmended by the American Dental runajng around on busy Coast Highway. do." Association. City offlcials Wilt add sOdiunl Brutus bu a home now Jn Cage 58 Animal she lter employes say Uie dog nuoride to bring the nuoride content ·or the animal Shelter where a daily wi ll be 'available to anyone who wants up to one part per million. can ot 27-cent dog .food keeps liim him after five days. · Opponents claim the sodium fluoride moderately happy. They pointed out that abandonment ls ·a poisOfl. Proponents say there ls His owner abandoned him 'Tuesday of pets ill -punishable by a maximum no danger at the amount used. ~ TO LEAD l!ARADE Gr•nd Marshal Grant TV, Radio Skit Johnny' Gr~nt To . Lead Parad~ after attaching a card to his neck car· $500 fine and/or five months in jail. Fluorkle: is considered by dental rying bis name and lhe• following authorities a prime asset in combatting .. messace: ' tooth decay in youac children Johnny Grant. a television and radio "I have had my-· I am • 1ooc1 Blast Kills Worker Undegren said his peUilon musl be personality from Los Angeles, has ,be<n Huntington Beach belongs to Dr. Henry watcb 'doe and good with kids. 1 am turned in .by the middle ol September, named grand marsha l of the 66~h Anrwal Kaufman today. trained to lit, fetch and lay down, lhate TOLEOO, Ohio (UPI) -One worker 54 days before the November election. Huntington Beach Fourth of' July Parade. It was tu rned over to him by Mayor hlnda and boUle broke." wu killed today and six others were The June 2 publlG. hearing was marked He will reign over the lar1est parade Donald Shipley Who signed a pro-. On the rnene aide, the owner a· Injured when an explosion deltroyed a by a lack of Interest in the subj~t yet, with a '.field, of more lhan 3,400 clamation decla ring today "Or. Kaufman plairiMI he hid to get rid of the dog powder-sifting building at the Miller shown by Fowitain Valley residents. Less .participants, including 22 Ooals, II bands Day," City offici als are honorinc the because placing him in a 16-ft. house Ftreworts Co. complex in nearby Spring. · than. five attended. Most of the speakers and· sc.ores of novelty units. fonncr planning ~issioner an 1 ci~y trailer "ii cruel." field. pro and con wtre frorD other cities. Other celebrities,schedule4, to lake part councilman for h15 19 year~ of public ,~ Jn the festivities are Sen. Geor1e Murphy, service. U.S. Repre,sentativ~ ~bar~ T. HliMa, The publi~, courity aupervisora and , . city and county official.! will get a chance -to answer that question Monday when the board holds a hearing on the possible ~ formatlori of an Orange County Trantit ~ Distri ct and submission of the question • to the electOrate in the NOvember 2 : Gentrif Eleclioilr W~nesday, the Orange County Transit Comrhittee, after ne.irly ·five yeara ot constant-StudiU,' · recommended !the ptlbllc hearing and the electkJn. 11\e supervisors agreed aod the date wu set. . Chair"roan Hubert L. FerTY of Ful~n. ' outlined the committee's reasons behind the recommendation : (County Road Commiasioner Al S. Koch added emphasis to eac)\ reason). -A district is ne.ed'td. to. . bring, the total county problem under ooe 11stem. (Koch: ·Presently there are indiVidual franctiises in various 'cities, plus the Southern California Rapid Tranlit.District (RTD) buses from Los Angele.:. 1bere is ·oo coordlnatkin. SOme. of the bus firms are losing mmey ; ti'ylna: to IO out of business. A county itllttlct Is the only answer. established by a v«e of the people). -A district would immediately provide an agency for receiving fundt from DJ' source; federal, ttate, local or private. (KoCh: The coun{y is not prepared today to receive these funds. There are mUIJ available fcir developin1 plans and im- plementing th!m). · , -A district would provide an alfncy for county parlici~lion in re1lonal (!lei: TRAN~IT, PaP, Z) ~n~;~~:~E~~~p:;.~~;~~~:~i _Rock.· £1 :i!oups-Refle·1at Yo~~ .. th ~~~r~.~~'.·Z~fi~:! """" ~ .-.\:J: ~ ~--~as-ofOcial~rtviewing officer. ----1"~ An oPtomelrist by trade, Dr. Kaufman Television newscaster Gmrll:e ·Putnam apent 15 years on the plan~ing com· ) .: will• again participa\e-as Equestriaq -mi!Sion and -four.as a.coun<:!l!nan. II• YMC'Jl--011• !.=1 S B !:"-=:: ld i• ~· -~-GrandMarihalo!U..-lndependence-oay· .. tired from lhe council lasl April. It. ICUU ays usr.nessmen Snou . r.st.en celebralion. He'll ride his horse "Dia- He was honored last week by Golden mond," iitudded with $40,DOO worth or We.st College a.s the "Outstanding CiUzen I I si ver trapp n1s. . . • . tf the Year." Hunlington_Beach-buline11men were said the YMCA hact Ult )>OtenUal to attr&ct vacatkmer1 to the city: Fiddlin' Charlie Waer who fiddles while ufled Wednaday to listen to rock lf'OUJ>! · implement a preventative drug abuse Chamber manager Ralph Kiser spoke riding his Morgan stallion 11·111 return Huntington Man 1-ln..£r.usatk__Post Howard C. Matheny ha.s been unanl· mou s1y elected president of the Huntirlg· ton Beach United Crusade foUo•int: tht resignation of Walter F. Young. f\fathenyJ who _previously •U vice president . praised lhe. success of the. -board lJ,st ~ar •in exceedbli its pl or 11:is,t!oo. · In another· appointment, William Maxey was named budget and agency alloca- tion,, chairman. The Huntington Beach United Crusade •·-~a! formerly known as Huntington Beach Community Che.st. The crusade currently ~rves 32 ~aencics. ' • • to understand. )'OUl'C people. program, job placement, a leadership of the possibility of hydrofoil trips to for his sixth year in the pa~ade. Richard Collato, director of the Young training program and a seriea of "rap Catalina and uid that.Huntington Beach Charlie, who carries a bltltry powered Men's Christian Auociation, to 1 d rooms" throuchout the community where would be able to.offer a 'fUlcker service ·amplifier and spea);en in his .tdlebags, Chamber of Commerce directors th al youths can get l91~her and latk freel y. to the Island Uian Newport. Beach. Is consider"" the Callfomla Fkkllin& young people need help from "Theae rap rooms are no more than • He explained that the hydrofoil could Champ ion. · busintwnen. ' -stort fronts that the teens decorate and pick up passen1er.s at the end of the . · Another .not.able who·~wlll appear ltt "Listen to lheir music, read their maintain with the help of a professional .9111niclpal pier whJle the hydrofoil would the pai-ade is Grttl Andeno,i, wonuifl posters," he Mid. ·•-n.iJ is their way YMCA 90dal worker," Coll•to txpllined., flaye ,to ,·10 into lhe harbor at .NewpoJ1. .dilllJnct: swimmin1 ·chinlpton who "°Ids of cornmunicaling. "The rooms have pwen to' be, a key The chamber bas arrqed a tr~I 18 records, IOIT\e of lwtlkh ~ ·inor, "l bear them and the YMCA hears means of communication In brid1lni the ..hydrofoil run to CalaUQa (or Mondaf, ,U\8n' 12 )'tars old. J • , r · them, ,bUt be{cn We can "-IP ltiem ·generation gap and providing rlon-direc· July 13. · . . .-Petite blue-eyed Nickl ftae.,artelevisiqe ·help themlelYel you too nut heed their Uve counsellng to the 'teen-aaers." ' At the" luncheon' the chamber" directors 1ilct:reis frtim WOodland Hill•, hu a~ .ca ling." 'Jlle YMCA director cofteluded his t•lk alao presemed a certificate of 'merit .lo ear .. ticipate in lhe evC!ftt.fe~&Pe secontl COOat0 said .the cries for help were with the appeal, "Wi'ha.w UM! programs, to student tecretary Terry DOlesha!WOO atrlJllght time. · · if over dn.igs, protesting, k>ose '" mofals, we have the ideas and the kids ....., ~haa been working parttime for lhe CofC This 1ear's parade lhfme ·I 1 dr0f>l!in1 out of school, communes ~nd all we need is a little btlp from our since November Uirough the Huntington 11Achtevementa of Our· American Yout.h." long ~hair., "Ask ....any kid and he will fri ends in the business community.!' !l"ach Union High School Olalrlct:s work -...Mor_e__.__.than_ 200,000 spectators are , ex- •. tell you these, are not the an.swers, '' At tM meettng , the-directors alao' experience progr•m. · peeled to turn out for the ftstlviUe:i hf' said. . heard I report by hotel manager Lou Terry will wor'k fulltime. during ·the •which wijl be' capped by an hour·l6ng Collalo. speaking al a chamber dircc· Evans on I.he activilies pt t/]e . te>µt!,m ' 1ummer and wlll tnter Orange Coast. fireworks di.splay ·frqm. the Huntlneto11 tors' lunctiion at Franc:qj.a Re1tauranJ, cotnmittee formed by Oil chambet IO • Colle&':,·~ business student in the fill. Beach pier at dusk. . -· " .. \~ The early morning fos: wiil 1rtjoln us Frid111y, but sunny •kiea wUI ph. vail lhrou1h most ol the dar with , temperatures threaterlln& the ._ degree mark. INSIDE TODAY ."l1artii 400 stiuunta . from· Orange Cocut hau1. received d«· oree1 • frOffl Cal _!$to~~ ~ 1 Btpch:. for li!Ull{li bp di,, -i Pag1 "12. ' -. ( ..... le , (.............. .. •, <'"'"'" .... <tfllk• JI <,..,....... " 0..111 "9tkft II ·DI-II eftter;.I ''" ' (11..,,.l-.M tl<H ,._, 1•1• •-n A1111 L•_,1 tl M•I.... f , • .. . ' OAILY PILOT .,_, -11, 1970 . • Mitchell -Okayed By ~inimµm By BABARA KREIBICH Of .. DMIY Pll9tit.et Appointment or South Lagunan Clay N. Mltdlell, 51, to the state' Bo1td of Educalian WU confirmed by the State s.nate Wedn81day by a vote: of 27 to t. the minimum needed to place Mitchell oo U)e board. The vole was tallied after an initial roll call produced a is to I re.spoMe , two voteJ lhori of the two-thirds majority required for confirmation. On crder oi Senate President pro-terii Jack Schrade (ft.San Diego), absentee · Senators were rounded l!P and the aye votes ol two Democrats produced the needed majority on the nut rol l c1ll. Mitchell's appoin tment to the ttaie board by Gov. Rogan had beert"vil.....,. Jy attacked by liberlls, -fJtuded ,by Senalor Alfred D. Alqulst, '· Dem~ratic candidate for lieutenant g()vemor. He called the former president of the Orange County Board of F.ducation "totally un- qualified." • After the vote, Alquist de1cribed . Mitchell u "a true believer W-bo views education problems wilh tunnel vision," and accused him of wanting to aerve on the state •board "to advance his right wing ideoJosy .'' Mitchell, oo the other hand, 1eeuaed A}qul!t of marmin1 the campaJgn to block his-appointment and "manufac- turillg news stories" in order to cet !'"blcity for his own cainpalp in Southern california. The South Lisunan will serve · 1 four. year tenn on the 10,.member ·beard, whch meets monthly in Sacramento or ()ther C1lifornl1 citiel. Ill mmber1 receive no pay. . .• The Mitchell appointment has been pending betore the Sen.ate for six weeks, since its approval by 1 4 to 1 vote in the Rules Committee. The floor vote ••s delayed lD'llil Senators returned to Sacramento. ·aft'!' the J~n:e I prim1ry eleCtiogs, with ~ ponentl. and opponents <i.f the Orange OJunty COllltl'ViiUve wortinS to round up votes. · Senate E:ducation Committee ch1irman Albert Rodda ([).Sacramento) had ask- ed Reagan to wlthdr1w the appointment charging Mitchell with political bias and commenting, •;n.e best you can aay about him is that he's mediocre." Senator John G. Schmitz:. (R·Tustin} conceded Mitchell 0 may have powerful bias" but said his views reflected those or Orange Ccunty, where he was .elected tc the county·board for 71h years. Lompoc Planning Chief Gets SaffJ-e Job in · Valley • \ Earl11 JtfortJing Wreck Driver Earl Maki, 23, of 310 On yx Ave., Ba1boa Is-hurt.Jing down an embankment into the city park· land, escaped serious injury today whep his sport! ing lot. The single-car accident took place at 6:05 car ran off the r ciad at Pacific Coast Highway and · · a.m. Maki was treated for facial injuries, but was Lake Street in Huntington Beach, demolishing a not hospitalized, police said. parking meter, tearing up 45 feet of fencing and Rejected . By-Judge . . . - . -· Much.of California's Therapeuµc AooC: 1 11on Act was ruleif unconstitutioni ' Wednesdaf by a municipal court jud~ :·· in an opinion which susj>ends Crimin \ ·' . ' . ~ charges against a Santa . Ana physic! and his atlractlve IPryear..old assist.ant.";· Judge William ThomSOR defended w~} he called "the right of any womtl ~ to seek an abortion" in a five-paao • opinion which substantially agrees wlt,f> ;' the earlitr landmark ruling of Judgt: • Paul Mast, his colleague on the Sanlf : A11a Municipal Court bench. · · ·: • But J_udge , 'l'homson made It clear . today that he is in full agreement wiU, ; certain provisions o( the co ntrovenlal • abortion cod~ that was _passed by th!· legis.lature in 1967 -thoSe sec~i · • specify that all abortion proc r "' .ried out on women who have not p ~ the twentieth week of their pregn~ · r •. should be performed tmder carefull1 _ ·regulated circumstances. 'w Judge Thomson defined those regul• tions as including the right of the slf,ti lo insist upon abortion procedures b61.nJ ~ carried out ift hQspltall and clinlc1 ~ physicians whose procedures are .ap.. proved by medical organizations ami • societies. . ·~ that definition would appear ·lo br•ni · as ilfegal the pracUce of Dr. Jot;I S. Gwynne, 28, of Santa Ana. . ~ Dr. Gwynfle and his assistant Debbie Meyer of Whittier, were arrested M1y 13 and charged with two countl of l 11 T h performing Illegal abortions. From P"fe V 8 ey ig lellS Dr. Gwynne Ind his mother. RAPID 'l'D 'NSJ"' Mrs. Rubye Unruh Gwynne, 56, were ar· . , .l-•~-._~,., .. ~..,_~·~·-·--~· ~· --~· _. ____ ~RD-c:u"'lt:e~·s~..,0. ~n:::· ·,-in.,-~1.!cc·"""""."s;-~-;;."""'· ledo;;. ;.;;•'. !h• mh s1ree1 c1i~i' Tue_aday C I\ 011 ldenl1cat cliarges. Municipal court' decisions and systems development. Pf.r'ker also said, ."The act provides acUon against the pair was being delayed (Koch: The county has no rePresentativi that another election may be held in F · Co • ·· today pending the eagerly awaited ruling in current reaW.aJ study ~grams). the future _to CORSO!idate with an or mnnss1·ons-by-Judge--'J'homson. :• • Fountain Val~ bu hired 1 new plan-aJ.llant Ted. B. Adsit, for advisory ... ~. rv Dr. Gwynne told the world at large i;....-~""ll·di'.'!· ~~~:·~f~our~.....,~~th~~,.~ar~ch~-,--aervices Ind had thilted adminiltratlve ·-There 1s a need for an agency in crganiution such as the RTD," but A -tighter system for appointing ().utside the courtroo'!' that he \fill COii· City officlahl ·today announced r-ueistant Jim..}follywood~4o~thew~-~~~coo~n~t ~~lo~~be~-7"'~'1~gnred7.:d;t ;;h~•-~ul~c;,kl"f,!a!!!d.!!ded!!!...:.:"!!lhi!!J"•LE!':!!.••~i~•i2!on!..'.!i'~"°~t m~an'.1:-~-,lm!J!e~m~be~rsb!to~~lhe}_!.,~'~ks'!,.,aiid elanning tinue .to perform his .. al~edly illegal ' department on a tempcrary basll. fesponsi ility of mass trans t eve!~ dalory," comm ssions as n adoptea by the-operali()ns--·at he-clime to~.". ver--ing ol Clinton E. Sherntd, plamintl dine-· wants them and at a tt H• menL (Koch : This agency would allow -The supervisors' action In calling lh~ Fountain Valley .City Council. . 11Y me. tel' fot the city al L4mpoc, to fill the for proper repnsent.alion in regional public hearing was he&l'lily endorsed But before approving the new ordin-. P?inled out UJal the tssues raised by vacant post. S *• "Sho · by the Orange Ccunty Division, League ance Tul!Sday. each councilman took 1 ~1s arrests wlil eventually be debated Sherrod will at.art July 13 as Fountain pOTUJ W studies). of Califonlia Cities; the UCl-Project 21 turn at amending· City· Attorney Thomas in the United States Supreme Court V.1....,,1-.~ pl·-•-~-tor. -. -A transit district would be a vehicle N d Woodruff's 0rim .... 1 .._......,.!. and he intends to continue. his prlctice ,..~ ~ ........ wn:i..: l11 Study Team on Truspcrtation ee s; ..... -.... -,... clty's only previous planning chief, R • • M · Ui implement any short term solution the Orange County Ch;1mber of Com-The rnajor change in 'procedure in-until the high court gives i!S.ruling. Stanley Mansfield, qWl last February UUtng ~ney to ()Ur mass transit problem. (Koch : merce; the League . or Women Voters volved shifting the te rm of appointments Judge Thomson gave Deputy District to take a job in northern Caliofmia. This is obviou~. of Orange Ccu nty (LWV), and the from a stirting date in January lo Attorney Martin J. Heneghan 10 daY;s 'lbe new bud planner holds a master'• For Boys Club Ame rican Association of University ooo in July and making aJI appointments to amend his complaint against Gwynne . b'; d .. tr . .. Ferry added. "The transit committee for four-year "rms. and Miss Meyer. It is expected tha_t desrte In pu .. c a m1n11 auon i1om h bee k" tudi f '"h \Vomen , SaRla Ana branch. -.c: USC. His experience includes pllMine: as n ma ing s es or more ... Councilmen alao: Heneghan will delete those portions of posts in, Glfmdale, Los Angeles, CUiver A "Sparta ~Ill'" to raiJe roomy four years. To continue in this ad viSflry Winston R. Updegraff, e 1 e c u t I v e -Dropped a geogripttic requirem!nt his complaints referrbig: to statues C4ty and Lompoc:. lof the Hu1ttnaton Beach Boyl' Club ii capacity woold be just spiMing our secretary of the League of Cities, offered for membership on the parks com· declared unconstitutional by J u d g e Sherrod is married and bal two cumnt1y under way it the HuntiJ!Cton wheels. It Js up to you (the iupervl!l()rs) a re.901ution ~o( the group'a execuUve mission. Tl\omsoR and again press char1es 1gaimt daughter!, ages 5 and 3. .., , Center ~,lftd will eonUnue ~lb to implement.our .work !" committee, whic h included : I --Dropped a requirement for the the controversial physican .. Hil .election was made Jut wee.k Saturdly. "The timing is good for the proposed "That the public hearing be held on ntunbrer of members ol each ;e1 on Defense attorney Moses B e rman ·by city councilmen, but not anmuneed Jnclwied in the eshlbitionl ()fferecf in vole. A decilion must be made by the this subject to include loog term 111d any commiasfun. described the Thomas ruling a.s !'---tmtil' --tt-wu-cmf~:-He-wmte the _lhe_bJock-lona.mall antlbte board ch.anb. first of September to put the issue shdrt-term....:.transP;lrtation· goals; -clty -A1iowed advlsera from the---school "Some.what co.ofuslng but a clear in· city Wednesday, accepting the polition p6onahlps, belly ba1 ind und auflnl on the Movember balk>t," Koch em· representation oft any agency to be form· districts to be full memberr of the dication in many aspects, that the state's • 11 t>lanninl director · and a city tug of Wit tnvotvtnc memb«a phasized. "It will cost nothin1 except ed : discussio n concerning I.he advisability parks rommilsion. case against the practice of abortiofi During the tnterhn period, F'ourain of tbl> police department, lifquarda and the printing ()f the ballots.'' of any additiOnal special purpose distriet.s -Said the chairman of each com-is on its last legs.'' Valley bu contracted witb plllminc ton-city e:!!u'·on, IPOrll skill •-·~ ~u '"-The proposed Orange Ccunty disLricl and a time table ·for accomplishing the mission shall be elected for a tw().year The· Thon:i!IOn _ruling will broadly sup. fn"""" uuuu• "' 11111= can be implemented under the Orange objectives or the district." term, beginning Jut.Y 1 Md tha,t chairmen port, he sa id, his ar~u"'!ents of delense p,.... P.,e l POLICE ••• and uniformed officers kept their eyes on the d0wntown icene. · Capt. Usaher Indicated tha t. !he SEO men would probably continue to crack down on dope UJerl for the rest or the summer "becluse that's what they run into most." "You just can't ignore j)eople passing around dope In broad dlyll1ht like cigarett.e.s," added Reinholtz. The mass arrests, Usaher pointed out, have resulted In a decrease of petty burglary and auto lhetU alone the beach area. "It appears lI you throw ao dopers in jail one week, lhinp are pretty quiet the nen week," Uasher said. "Let's face it, that's how most of them aet their moneY." If proven 11.Jcceasful, the del.ail will be retained on a year-round basis, especially to control aea90nal traffic pr~ b1ems and bur&Jarin, I.he Captain aaid. DAILY PILOT OotAfriGI: c0A•T l'UaLt•MIN\' COMPJ.NY ' l•ll•rt N. w.,.r PIWiffrlt ..,. l'11ou11.w J•clr l . Curl1v l•llOI' ThaM11 A . M 111,~i111 #fllt,..I~ f.o""r Al111 Dirkin --.. ... , 0; '"" Olllrl•i' E'd!ler All11rt W, l1t11 ---""" ............. Of'fice - 17175 l••th l oult Ytrlll M•ili111 Adtlr111l l'.O. 101 190, 92641 OtMr Offial t.......... ... J~ll: 2H ~O•lil "~-, Co.it M .. : Dt WQI &ti' S"H'I lil ..... 1 .. HI>: 2211 W•I ltlbol SllUllYl"f .... C""""9r. JOI NOllll I I Ct llllf!O 1t .. 1 DllLV' ,.ILOT, w.111 WMU."' c~m!ll11td !tit N.W,.jt,..., ll ~lltM.I dtlll' .. c_. S-tllr "' _.,,le tilt""'• ,.,, LI...,... a .. t11. , ... _. .. -tell. CMlt M••· ~v .. 1111t:e .. a.A.• J'-Ml11.,Yt !...,, t i..it w.111 l•.J """"-•1 H l!M . ~ C1:11 Jlult:ltf>IM ~nf .,.lolttnl ..... II l'I t t 3211 w .. 1 e11M1 AIWI,, N...., ltttll, tfl'I SM 11.•at •'Y ~"""·~-,,...., -·~· ·--. ,...,... (1141 64l·4Jl1 -....... w. N"tf C•ll J40·1lH c••tw u ... t11111 &41·'''' c..vr""'' ttl't, °''"" ceu1 '°'*ll•"'"' ~. Nt 1";W., 11tPJ<n, ll""l•ll-•llttntl ,...,.... ..,. tl•M11""""'lt lltttlil flllY M ~-•H""" H*-111 "'• IOI .... " _...,ltfll .... -. k(tn!ll c1111 ,_.,.,. •" 11 N_..t lt1tll .,,d C.U ..... Ctllftrt\11, kl!llcrie!llOI W l t"'ltr Ctt ""'il"I" .., -11 &) .. l'Mr!llllVI Miiii.,., ..., .... , ........... '"'"'"''I'· . . open evuy week night and all dly S.t.. County Transit District Act approved Mary - Evelyn Bryden of f'ullerton. can not succeed th emselves in office. of Dr. Robert Cumming Robb, the urday. They feature'beleball thtow. foot. by the State Legislature in 1965. president of LWV and a member of The new system was p~""" arter Laguna .Beach physician whose arre_ It ball throw bo1'lelhoe toll and' buket.. the transit committee stated: "The '"'t'"'''"' borU h od d the 1 •• 11 ~-.' Supervisor William Phillips pointed out · COOJ'!Cllmen criticized the old one because on a on c arges pr uce op ruon u. 1.11JVW league h~s held the position since 1968 f J= M t d th d" · J [ c-..1.1 ll be p that the purpose for the act, requested it meant commissklne rs were appointed o ~ge as . an .e ism1ssa o ...,_._ attrictiDN wt Miss atty by the county. was to block any re1ional that a balanced transportation system shortly before mwiicipal elections. abortion cou1ts filed agamst the 67-year-Martiner. U.S. and Canadian Dlytime plan which "would swallow up our area." is needed for the county. We agree old Art Cclony doctor. Table Tennis Champion and her brother that the time has come to activate Th d" t · J ti • to t" Ra nd bo h Ids ••· "U I Assistant Chief C()unty Counsel Clayton p 'd S 1 e is r1c a orney s response ne the~yt dl~islon.o uoi:= aame " ti n H. Parker ou tlined the principal pro· the transit district legislation and tak e res 1 ent WOrll D Mast opinion was to Indict Dr. Rflbb. Both will put on ~nslraUona be-visions of the 196S act: The proposed his Issue to the public. BUENOS AIRES (AP) -Brig. Gen. through tlie grand jury and take the tw.en ti a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday and district does oot have to be countywide, "We believe that 8 public hearing will Roberto Marcelino Levingston was in· abortion charges direct lo Superior Court. then challenge all takeni to aeven Point but its boundaries cannot cut across amply demonstrate public support for augurated as president of ArgenUna to-Berman·s plea for dismissal of those games with PIY-of!s fOinl to the Boys city lines. an altemale transportatio11 mode to the day amid signs of disagreement in the charges will be heard Thursday. Club, A board cf directors of five members: private automobile ." armed forces over his Cabinet ap-Ccurt analysts today described Judae . Sauna Parlor To Face .Action Huntingte>n Be1ch pclice want the business license sus pended for the Ex· eclitive Sauna parlor whose owner ts ra cing criminal proceedings. "I strongly recommend a suspension of the business license until this matter ls aajudicaled," Chier Earl Robitaille told councilmen Monday night. T!ie council agrttd to tel a public hearing on July 6 on the request to suspend the license for the parlor at 17434 Beach Boulev1td and suspend the massage permit for Judy Gullatt who work.s at the parlor. The bearina was set. over the objections d the Ctty Atlom01 Do!> 1'onf1 who said it would .be premature, improper and might affect the district attorney's case. "Any action taken by the council would ha.,_to_be_baoed on findlnp ol lacJ." Bonfa uid. "Presumably the evidence would be identical to that rn•nted In-the-trial. I don't tlUnt tt'a proper.'' two of them supervisors and three aamed She also offered the services of the . polntmenLs. Thomscn's ruling as "a blalanci11g act by the cities will govern the district; LWV in "any publlc information program Six ()f the eight Cabinet members betwee n the arguments of Berman and Various county officials are riamed to which you may desire to direct if the were ann()unced Wednesday night. The the ruling ol Judge Mast with a deflnlte act for the district, such as the treasurer, matter is"indeed placed on the November six represent differing political trends tendency to fa vor his fellow jurist's road commissioner, etc. ballet." In, Ar1entina. treatise in I.he meri ts of abortion." The district is authorized lo levy a tax: "not to exceed 5 cents pe.r SIOO of assessed valuation"; it will name and fix the salary of a general manager, and will be subject to cotleCtive bargaining by law, just as is the RTD. Dr. Hart~llus Facing Oosed Hearing Today · Coron.1 del Mar physicia n Dr. Ebbe Hartelius, 50, charged wilh a:rson and insurance fraud in the April 9 blaze al his office , "'ent before Judge Calvin Schmidt in Harbor Judicial District Ccurt \ this · morning rcr preliminary hearing wflich was closed to the: public and press. A Nylon Shag . Thar 's Young in Looks, and· .Young in Price! Beach Firemen Get New Snorkel The Harbor Area physician is a[S() ac- cused by slate authorities of violaticns inV()]Ving the drug seduction· or \\'Omen-- patients. two of whom allegedly became narcotic!: addicU. One died after being committed lo a Nor\\'alk hospital after tW() • r.uicide attempts, acccrding to slate investiga- tors. __ ..9.9 5 2 9.,__!P. __ -~ I IF YOU CAN'T t-eeME-IN-C-A:tt-1--4 646-0275 for an experl carpet consultant who will come to y.our h.ome _ with .samples without any obligation · to you! Dr. Hartclius is named in ao accusalion Hunti .. .n-Belch firemen are setting filed by the Bqard of ~fedicat Examiners, ,,...,.. Department of Prolessi()nal and' Voca-lnother snorkel. The cost: 499,611 -tional Standards. · plus tax. Walh1ce W. Thompson, c ~ e cu live Fire Ch1ef Ray Picard won unsnlmoos secN!tary (){ the 0 rganizaUon. charges approval for the 'purchase ()f the pumper Dr. Hertelius with giving heavy doses with In M-foot aerial platfonn from of the narcotic Deme:r()I in order to th& city councU Monday night. seduce the women_ Picard explained that the vebk:le la.ket Th e accusation further states that the a·~ar io-buUd... ";"""'.:;---~ysician-repealedly.-be.al tier, a~rttd · tn his prtsenlaUon, Picard 1ald the he·r-twice when she became pi'i!°ghant present mdrltel is aenb-out twk:e _ L and· even-drusgttt her ·husb11nd-'befl.,.,_,t-------- day on e:mergencles. · en1aging In sexual intercourse with her. ''The cily Is 27 square miles now," The state charge.11 the specific incidffKs the chief said. "We are gettin1 two in Vo!ved flCCUrred over 1 five.year (Ir three emtr1mcie1 at once nowadays . period. The physician ha ~ been free nn Another snorkel is a neceully from • s1·;250 bail while waiting to enter 1 pleR the poiii or .v w GC"""fll'e preVentioo I() fiv~ .felony counlll of arson and at· methods: in I.he city." ' .. tempted insurance' fraud,-· • • PROFESS ICNAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS • ' • • 0,.. M•.. Tlton. l l'rf. I•& ' • -- 22 11 HARIOR I LVO. COSTA MESA, CALIF. -0275 646.0276 • ' . . . . . ' • Ne rt Beaeh . ' -. ' ' ' , VOL. 63 , f¥0 . ·145, 4 SECTIONS, 90 PAGES . . ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JHURSDAY, JUNE. 18, 1970 •• TEN. CENTS Zoning Try For Azimuth R~jected AliJf'Juth Equities Inc. was· denied a zone change W~ay ,by Orange Coun- ty planning commissioners but seeks - city prez.oning , approval t<19ighlr from Newport Beach planning commissioners. Azimuth seeks to annex the 50 -acre Astropower siteJ.it is buying from McDon- nell-Doug las Corporation to the city of Newport Beach. ll is located northeast of MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive near Orange·County Airport. County planning commissioners denied 4-1 Azimuth's application to have the parcel rezoned from industrial to com- mercial. The majority of the com- missioners said they want to preserve the integrity of the Irvine Company industrial complex plan adopted In 1965. Stuart Bailey, as.s.istant county planning director, said today he_ understands _ Az.imuth will appeal the decision to the q>unty Board ol Supervisors . • Azimuth's applicatio n to the city plan- . r}ing commissioners tonight is for a prezoning to PC (plaMed· c.ommunity). The territory is outside the present city limits but a city legally may prezone any contiguous par<:i!I on anticipation it will be annexed. . m----..Jlm He.wicker, assistant Ne.wpor' plan~ nlng director. said he slill does not consider Azimuth's .prezone application to be specific enough . It refers, only in a general way, to one million square fttt of office space an~ a 450-room hotel. I I 1 I Other figures of up to 1.& million square feet of office space have been used by the Azimuth annex proponents. But Hewicke also said the preix:>oing request appears lo be reasonable provid· ing ~'lU and commercial uses relate lo the I ine industrial comple1, economic suppo can be shown to justify a two-fold ........... In_ f the ··~ ~ -SP,IC' or area, and increased tra!Uc tbat would result can be handled satisfactorily. City planning commissioners' hekl off -on the-preione-request two weeks ago. The reason was the city plannin1 staf( had had the request too stort a lime to fully evaluate it. But it also was remarked that planning commissioners might wait for an annexation decision first. -Newport City councilmen tackle that questio n Monday night and the county Local Agency Formation Commission on Wednesday. Chotiner Fights Nixon 's Battles, , One of His Own Presidential aide J\ilurray l\-1'. Chotiner bas been dispatched to California to help Sen. George Murphy In the poUtical arena, only to run into trouble himself on the marital front. • His estranged wife is taking the battle to court. President Nixon's special advisor is due in Los Angeles Friday, while Mrs. Amalia ''Mim i" Chotiner of Newporl. Beach is due in Orange County Superior Court ~1onday. She has filed a petition for legal separation and $1 ,000 per month separate maintenance. A 9:30 a.m. hearing on the matter is scheduled before Judge Robert Banyard. Chctiner, a loogtime I\ e p u b 11 c a n strategist and former Beverly Hills at· tomey, has been separated from his l¥ife since last · April. when their 9hrlstmas Day, 1965 marriage went on th!! rocks. "My attorney is a Democrat.'' ..said · Mrs. Chotiner today with a giggle. l Inform ed political sources s a id wednc"SdaY tha Pi'fil<fenr~Nixon was 9eoclii1 g his top advisor to guide Sen . •-+---!1'1,.,P-fil'.'s fortunes in his bid for re--elec· Uon. The Beverly Hills Republican, hoY!ever, said his campaign against Congressman · John Tunney (D-Riversidtl is running 51TlOOthly and he doesn't need help. • .. . . . . SchQol Tax Risi11g?· ' . . . ·N eit{port-Mesa Budget Sees i~rease By JOANNE REYNOLDS . or ... DellJ , .. steH The biQest PQttlon ol the Iner,... II a !kenf 1-il lund· oven1lle 'VOied by. Froni" ·flacal · 1•10 lo lfl0.71, the .l""'•t fUnd ·~ppropriallom will. jump,• 13.IOOiDM. which ii 'linanctd nWnly by the lk;ent.tn ~ Budiel items cPvued by the 1enerol Taxpayers in·Colta P.tesa and Newport Beach 'wtll be facinc · a 74<ent' overall in- crease In taxes If school board tl)embers firlallze the preliminary buC!get they ap- proved Tuesday night. ' ~ • districl' residents ln 'Fetil'IW'J. Another , four cen~ wauld be. J~ied in permJhable overrides wblch is used for retlrement benefits and, heallh and welfare PfOjeetl. The remolnlng JO c:enls ol the .;-..e comes from unified school· dilt;ict booda ' fuid are ·adminillratfon, lu\rucllaa, ' . ' ·It the budget ·1·s approved , taxpayers jn Costa Mesa ·will· p'ay approximately $5.'43' per $Ul0 issessed ·valuation and Newport Beach homeowners• will pay IS.GI per 1100. :111i1 means a family . that owns a $40,000 home in Coit.a 1.tesa will have a $M3.37 tax bill in 1970-71 and thei r cou~ terparts In Newport . Beach will pay $508.04. and state school bonds. ' The total budget for 1970-71 Is esli· n1e:tted at '$42,410,399. This include~ a $28,15't,3S3 ·gelleral fund,• a · fl ,C'17,T.!:4 ~~~~t.e:;.~· !~~i,1~ -':;:·::er:!1~ redempUon fund. The net increase from the lllf.70 bud. gel to the upcoming one II 11,111,m, over hair of which_ II in the general fund. Staie's Wl.tness health ,..,.1co.. tranoi!ONUon, Of"!• tion and maintenance ·of plant, filed charges, .food service•, communJty serv- ices, capital ·ooUay, debt aervice, tram-. fers and reeervu. Ac<ordlng to utimate1 In the prellJn. _ lnary budget, and includin& all ltema in the 1eneraI fund. tupayen in the Ne". port,M.,. ditlrict will be ndlq 11,001.0I to eduate eadl .J::t lo 1.ro.11.' Crystal Cove Sewer Outfall Line Studied Man$on Ca,Se -'Split l/p; ' ' . ' Linda Gets Own; Trial DA.IL Y PILOT Slltt '""9N HARBOR HIGH GRAD CHERV.L DYER CLUTCHES MORTARBOARD The lrMH W•s R11I, But the R1in .W11 Artifici1I. Harbor Grads Hear Plea Tt;> EDJl Generation ,~ap BJ STEVE MITClllELL ..... D9lr ,. ltlff , ., ,_. or Tiiy lellow human beings,'.' she con- cluded. -' charlei E. Godshall, Newport Harbor Higb_School pri~c!pa.t ~e~hted the Class or 1970. Construction of 3 • long pipelirie to dispose into the ocea n rnldway between Newport-Beach and Laguna Beach sewage from future Irvine Ranch developments is up for consideration Fri- day. The city of Newport Beach is asking ·' the· Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board to delay actkm and c<in- slder possible efJects on kelp beds, . marine preserves and the waters o( Newport Harbor before setting standards for the Irvine Ranch Water District to meet. 1'he Ranch Water Dil&ric't 1 proposes to build a sewer ouUall at Crystal Cove for 5,000 feet <llmost a mile) out to sea aod terminating in water with an averqe depth of llO feet. 'Ille outfall woWd be eqWpped with holes along the pipe to diffuse the discharge . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The state's star witneM . In the Tate-LaBianca murder trial bas had her case separated from , Charles Manson and three other youne Wqlll!m membfrs or 41e "famJly" so she can testify agalnat them. .Linda Kaaabia", 20, wai brought unex· pectedly into the courtroom Wediiesday al)d she studiously avoided .lhe linger wigaling and calls of the other defendants as her oWn· trial was put off . to Aue. 17. .Miu Kaflblin Is AJ'llded· lo 11111fJ for the proaec:uUon. glVinc her ICCOltnl. of acting as a "lookout'' w b l I e the· others actually committed se•,n killlnp of the beai.ttUUJ actrea 1nd .htr cotlirit and a wealtby grocer ancf his wUe. . . ' -.._._ She will be grant.ed Immunity.; from · prosecution in u:Cban1e for tellhic ber story, the basis ol the state cue. 1be trial was in receu today. · Manaon ,and Susan Alklnr !"~ ap- pear In Santa Monica Superior Courl to eotei a plea to •n eilbth rp_urdtr -the killilll ol musician Gary Hinman three. niOoths bef....,, the Tale-1,.aB!&J>ca sla7lnp: • • JllfJ' telecu.il 'in t111e-Tate ~ wu Finl ttewly. Al the end ol wec1.;..i,7'• hearing, II proopoctjve juron bad - excused on 1roundl rangtnc from penonal bardlhlp lo oppooltlaa lo the death penalty lo p~ved oplnlana. One·strikinc blonde In her IOI, Marilyn Pfeiffer, waa e1cuted after ft. aaid 8he bad decided a si1 mootha aeparatioa 'from her husbarld, IOcked up Dlghtly 4n . Newport· Harbor High School's band and orchestra played . the traditional "Pomp ad Circumstance" processional music as S50 senior students, garbed in blue caps and gowns, mlrched to their 'seals on the school's football field during ·1971· cOminencement' exercises Wednesday aft.ernoon. "The unique characteristic ofthis cl~ss is that they involved themselves in a meanjngful dialogue· with their teache rs, administrators ahd parents. The uni· queness of this class is 'their willingness to bring about change t h r o u g h Richard BueermaM,-executlve"'"of/i~r for the Regional Wale"r Quality C-Ontrol Board', said the board sets standards that must be met in the se wage disposal. Approval of construction of the outfall will be up to lhe U.S.-Army Corps of Engineers. League Given 5 Ye~~s to Llfe In SA Sl~ying .r a hotel niom, would· have an '1emotioaal . ' C.Ommencemtnt speakers i.yna Dee Rosener and Valedicklrian .• Roberta Magnusson addressed the capacity au· dience oC family and' relatives who filled the school's (ootball studs. Both speakers e m p h a s i z e d com· municalion in their addresses, urging adults· and the ·younger . generaUOn to speak to each other and try to understand each. other.'s . views. "True · communication is so rare," stated Roberta 'M•gnusson. '.'and social conventions .and apathy keep us apart." "Ir I lose the ability to relate with others by hiding behind books and slogans, I will not be honest with myseU * * * Newport Grads- • Everyone Else- Really All Wet Graduating 1Ugh achool seniorr arr sometimes referrtd to as "still Wel behind the ears." 'lbls reference hokl!i a literal meaning for the clats of 1170 at Newport u.rbor High School. Roberta Mqnusaon, class valedk:· torian, rose to , cklivt.r-her 'com· mencemeflt address during graduation ceremonies conducted at the school Ueki W-y. democratic processes." . The presentation or diplomas was con· ducte<t by Board or Education President Marian Bergeson and members Selim S. Franklin and Donald Strauss. The students left the field, ac· companied by recessional music provided by Newport Harbor High School's band. Nixons Ca11cel Plans to Attend · . , President Nixon has cancelled an- nouned plans to· attend the weddlng of a niece in Newport Beach June 27 and, instead, will arrive in San Clemente early ln August; highly reliable sources sa id today. Report s issued in recent weeks had said that the President and First Lady would attend the June 27 rites in Newport Beach .of a 'niece, Lawrene Nixon. But sources said the Lrip had been can· celled and the next one scl\.eduled by the Nlftm is early in August when CongreM adjouml. , Tblt will mark the start or the Nixons· month-long vacation, spent last year .at !he Western White House. The holiday is expected to be the same this summer. The bride is the daughter of catering rinn executive Don Nixon, a resident of Baycrest in Newporl The hearing will be at the Stille Office Buikflng in San Bernardino. · • A resolu'l'1on prepared by Councilman Lindsley Parsons and adopted · by the Newport City Council ask~ for a :JO.day delay. Bueermann said no communication has been received from Laguna Beach. Bueermann said he hasn't had a chance to fully evaluate the Newport delay re· quest , just received. "I don't reaJ\y see what a delay would gain," he said. "O n the other hand. I don't see anything objectionable in It." SPO RTS EDITOR COVE RING CUP Glenn Wh ite , sports editor of the DAI· LY PILOT. is in Mexico City covering Lhe final games of the World Cup soccer competition. Appealng in today's Issue is his enlightening Story on the semifinal match between Italy and West Germany along wilh a personal view or the situation in Mexico City with the games nearine; a climax in Sunday's championship finals. . White will · remain in the mile-high capital city until lhe conclusion of the competition. If the Championship finals game on Sunday ends in a tie, a· playoff game will 'be played Tuesday. Arthur DeWH.tt League wu today sentenced to five. years to IUe in llate prison for the killing on June 4, 11199 ol Santa Ana police officer Nelsott Sasscer: Superior Court Judie Samuel Drtizen quickly rejected motklns for a new trial with the comment that the jury which convicted the 21-year-old Black Panther worked "methodically, thoroughly and faithfully" throuahout the 11.week trial . Judge Dreizen commented that there was ample eviQence to sustain the jury's rejection of League's argument that he was not present when the young patrolman was shot. He alsG rejected defense arauments that the illness or a jurror marred his ability ·to evaluate evidence · and that jurors were unduly influenced by a courtroom depUty's g u n · d r a w i n g demonstration. Judge Dreizen also rejected d~fense atllJrney Robert Green 's pleas that the minimum te:rm for League's sentence be reduced from five years to six months. Green left the court room to begin PfeparaUon of his appeal aaainst the vl!rdict and'sblte~. · "~e~ ls not ihe slightest doubt. .In my mind that the Appellate court will quickly reverse this decision," he.said. sne sp1>:ke of the comm1;1nication gap between IWdents and parent.a. she spoke ~i~~hefel~~m": ::in~;.•ting ihonestly Taguna Propo· sals "Attacked c1~.:ia:;·i~:!1ehe~f.~~:·~~?~:~ .b ' . r lpeech wu Interrupted by the • · distinct staccato beat of the ochool'• Huge Crowd at Meeting,· Action Deferred automaUc llwn 1pripkiID1 l)'ltan. Four aprlnl;lera, -tenllonally located In strategic positiona. sent shonn o( By RICHARD P. NALL Many carried slans. One showed the , ~limbln1 publjc tfets or litUni ·on cold water on the gaduaUn1 d•, the OJ • Dlltr '""" .... cartoon dog character Snoopy on the i. I Ne__. Harbor band, the Wledictorian Every ...., owner aptu1rently had a par,, awn or other public property • .. ...,. • -.. ,.-. beach asking, "How Can He Say No? -()cc 1 hole · and the board of educatiDn. his day In Lapna Beach' WedondaY I'm His Best Friend." upancy· o a I room by a effect" on their marril1e., Durini WednelClay's RSlion, Superior Court Judie Olirlea H. Older threatened to hav• Mamon's attorney, l"iq ~ physically silenced If he · did not quit lnlemlpting the court. ~ IUbtlcfed. The blltilig1tt1 of Wednaday'1 - came when Mi!s Kasab!an WU brcJaittt into l:he courtroom in early aftemobn. Her blonde hair was in piatalla and she wore a neat White and yellow frock. Book Discussion '"-I\ Tr~iuing Slated Rest<fents of the Newport·Meia School District who are intereJted In partldpat· irig in school programs will be able to at. lend a book dlscuulon tralnlna: cl.us, Dr. Hilda McCaitney. dJstrlct cOordinatOr o{ i~tructiopal media bu announced. The eJ.iht-seulon training course far discussion leaders for the Junior Great Books discuaion grouPI will open Fridly at McNally Education Center at 10 a.m. Dr. McCartney .aid lnteraled parent1 may register f0< fhe coune by conlac:tlnC her at &4$-0600. The dilCUJ8ion grOupa, used, in 15 of the district's schools in grades .three throuib twelve meet once a week for 1 two.hour seminar on books group members art reading. ~ ·W-dler The early momlna foa will rejoin "',Friday, but sunny sklea will pre- voll lhrouCh ll10I\ ol the day, - temperatura lllreatenlng Ille IQ. dqree mark. He also denied knowledge of Chotiner's reported mission and whet~r he would be pr.esenL Frlday when Murphy ad· dresses the fourth biennial Western WI~ ners Roundup. The Western Winners are comprised of Republican office-seekers and the word Five hundred and fifty ltlliors roK, • as more than 700 persons turned 1 to ::;rsor1 ~r 11 unle91 wiU:I . gu1ntian . as ii on command, and ded the area. lor a City Councll ·aessien tO pretest Another related to propoted lifeguard • or occupancy· by. more than .ftve pencm . Screaming coeds clutched wet caps and stringent dog controls and other Jaws cutbllcks. I\. Showed. Snoopy~ on a guard • under 2l unless wtth·an· adult. , · · INSIQE TOD.\Y Ntoriy 400 1tudtnts · from Oronae C<MUt hove. rtc«ivid cfc. 11,ree& from Cai State 1 Lorat Bea.eh. For U.sthtQ'& q .cii,, •• Pope 12.-' · around Washington Is that President Nii· on aims lQ k,ecp Sen ~turphy In !~'=-. win·nl!rs' circle. . A source close to Capitol Hill said Chotiner will be assigned to advise t~­ candidales and their wives and sup- porters on fund-raising, speech-making • and how lo deal with the news media. He Was a key supporter in President Nixon1s 1918 campeign ar.d was sum· ·' moned to Washington on specia l assian· rtJtnt after the victory. · ) • .,wns, band memben grablled lot their P"po!edoir~~cy or<linan=. t'wer saying. "I Know They 're Only Mayor 'Richard Goldberg told the instruments and at \tut one brave senior The c chamber seats about 90 Humans Dul W!'IJ save 'n>em Anyway." crowd lhat he took rul) resl)OftlitNllty . attempttd:. lo _averl the dlsuter by· step-so the , was moved· up 'the The urgency ordinai:ices irUtially pro-l"r ordtrlng the Of.dfnances drawn except ping on 1 sprinklerJocated'tUrecllly under__h\11 to the ~seat high scHool auditor'\\im ..e?sed would have prohibited : tlie dqg ordinance_ (Lorr't) . .lie 911d ! bis seat. • _=-wMrae .... the seats and aisles filled up. -Walklnf( a 1easl!ed dog on lhe bea._ch .• _they resulted ' from ffiscuulon with coun·' _ The fiasco continued for two minutes The crowd wa s generally orCefly. or in a park. --/ cihnen lhd othreT lndtvtdual1. -· while school custodians dashed lo the Afte r hearing a multiplici fy Or vi~ -Riding a motorcycle on private pro-Goldberg said. It was unfortunate that maintenance buildiq to turn off the Points aiJ9ut dogs -heavily oppc;islng pcrly un~ the rider had the written he. had •rltten his' cover titter about water system, the proposal of Councilman Edwardl..orr consent of the property owner. the ur1~cy ofdinance packet saying tht:y When ordtr was finally restored, the lo keep then'I out ot parks and beaches -Singlna, chanting or pl'lying a would go a l!)nl way towards llPh'inC slightly drenched v1ledlctorl1n continued altogether -the COIPCU di!ferred action musical Instrument tn the park, QJI 'the L11"11na's problems. ' ·• her address and Lhe Senior Class of .,.. lo a l!tudy session. " 1 itrcet or• In an,y pqblic place. This .has ' He s.ald he had ii>l slll«lied them Harbor Hi&h was presented to the: world. The majority of Ow crowd -~yowna. . now been droppecf flntlrely. (See LAGUNA, Pap I) ' ', • . • l!Mr ...... L._.11 ..,... .. ' ...... , .... ,. ......... ,..., ... on.... <-'Y .. ''""' """" " --.... . .._,..,... ... " ·-. -·-·-. W1191Wltll • --•·M --... • ' • ·z DAILY !\LOT N €ounty. T-ransit Studied • Supervisors Set Public Hearing Monday DoOI Orlnl' Coonty need 1 rapid ' transit system to serve immediate and urgent needs? The J>Ublic, county supervisors and -city and county officials will get a chance . to answer that-question Monday when -the board bolds a hearing on the possiple formation of an Orange County Transit District\ and submission · of the question to the electorate in the November i General Election. Wednesday1 t:ht Oranp County Transit CommJttee, alter oearly five yeai'tl of. constant studier, rte0mmended the public hearini and the election. Tbe aupervisors agreed and the date was set. Chairman Hubert L. Ferry of Ful1erton outlined the commltt.te'1 reasons behind the recommendation : (County Road Commissioner Al S. Koch added emsiiasis to each reason). -A district ls needed to bring the total C0W1ty probltm under me system. (Koch : Presenlly there are individual tranchi.ses in various cities, plus the Southern California Rapid Transit District (RTD) bules from Los An&<les. There la DO comllnallon. 8ain1 of the bul ftrml 11'9 lollq -; lryln( .. .. GUI ol bUlinea. A county dielriet la the -Gilly muwer, eltlblllbed by a• vote of llie people). -A district would Immediately provide an agency for receiving funds from any source: federal , slf,te, local er prh11te. '(Koch : The county is not prepared .today to receive these funds. There are many available for developing plans and lm· plementing them}. -A district would provide an agency for . county participotion In rtgional decisions and sy!ll~s development. (Koch : The county ·has no representati ve in current regiona1 study programs ). -There is ·a need for an agr.ncy In the county to be assigned t h e respansibllity ol man transit develop- ment. (Koch : This agency would allow for proper repr~sentalion in regional studies). . ·-A transit district would be 1 vehicle to implement any short term 10lution to our maq: tranalt problem. (Koch: This ls obvious). FeJTy added, "The tran1it committee has been making 1tudie1 for more tab four year1. To continue In this advia'lry Memorial Services Held For Slain Viejo Teacher ' Fellow teachers and her husband's The RtVices for the ·brunette mother· coworkers today attmded memorial of two preschoolers and llepmothu to 51rvicts for Mr1. Florence Brown, who three teenagers were held at St. Nlcholar was brutally llain two weeks ago and Catholic Church in El Toro, where Mz:s. dumped 1n a m1keshift irave on Ortep Brown was an active pirl!bionfl\ Highway, Formal funeral services will be held Almost simultaneous with t h e tater thls week in Seattle, Wash., where memorial rites for the 41-year-old her parents reside. Mission Viejo teacher came the aban· No date for those services were an- donment of 1 helicopter ·.earch of the nounced by mortuary aides in Elsinore, rugged brush country along the winding where the body is awaiting shipment. road between 'San Juan Capistrano and capocllJ -111 be 11111 lllialllq .... -· It la up .. you (the IQPlr'lilon) to implement our wort I " "The timinl ia good for, the propo5'd vote. A decisim must be made by the , first of September to .put the issue on the. Movember ballot," Koch em· phasized,. "It will C08l nothing except the printing of the ballots." The propoaed Orange C.W1iy district can be implemented under tl}e Or1n1e County Transit District Act approved by the State Legislature in t965. • Supervisor William Phillips pointed out that the purpose for the act, requested by the county, was to block any regional plan which "would swallow up our area." Assistant Chief County Counsel Clayton H. Pi!fker outlined the principal pro- visions of the 196S act: ·The proposed disltlct doea not have to be couotywide, but its boundaries cannot cut across city lines. # A board of directors ol five member•: two ol them 1upervilor1 and three urned by the cities Will eovern the district; Various county officials 8re •amed to act for the district, aucb 11 the treuuru, road commiuioner, etc. ~ The di1trict is authorized to levy a tu "not to exceed 5 centa per 1108 of assessed valuation": it will name and fix the salary of a general mana1er, and will be aubject to. collective bargaining by law, just as is the RTD. • Parker also said, "The act provides that uother election may be held in the future to co11solidate with an . orgariization such· as the RTD," but quickly added, "this provision is not man- datory." El · 0 in car and A spokesman for Evans and Brown l--~~M.~pou.._i~b~le~m~u~r~de~r~oc~en'-"e."""""-"'"-'""'~~oi'tlflry'1'efii!eiflrdt~u spec Sherlff's detectives in Orange County of the funeral arrangements. The 1upervisors' acUon in calling the public hearing WU heartily endorsed by the Orange County Division, League of CalHM•la Cities; the UCI-Project 21 ·study Team on Trusportation Needs: the Orange County Chmlber of Com· merce; the League of Women Voters of Oranae County (LWVJ, and the Alnerican Assoclanon Of University Women,.-Saatta--Ana~branch. Winston R. Updegraff, e x e c u t i v e ~cretary ·of the League ol Gitiea, offered a resolution Of the group's executive committee, which included: said the 1e1rch wu called off thil mom· Meanwhile, Orange County sheriff's in· ing after daylong efforts by Marine vestigators have announced no new leads helicopter pilot.a to..fiod the missing 1ta· In the case, which began laat June lion wagon and the 1lte of the brutal, 3 with a missing-person report on the ~week~kl murder -both teY links teacher, who vanished after claues in in the tmUIUll cue. Capistrano Highlands. -2 Olympic, Pool.s At Coast YMCA Set for Summer 1be two Olympic size nilhmin&: pools at the Oranae Cout YMCA will be I.ht site of a complete summer a<iuatics program, accord in& ... to Bill. Brown. pbyaical director. 'Ille program, deoiped for chlldreo of all ages , bqinl everY two Weeki, throuehout the . aunmer. Each lld.llor. offera Wt one-half hour Jesaon1 fron·: buic water ufet.y to competitive awim- min1. CIURS are divided into five dlviaions : Tiny Tot!, from. three to als Yf4!'1 old : Minnow1, becinninl 1Wimmer1; Filh, lo" intermediate awimmers; Flying li'l!h and , the advanced Shark swimming ~lw. Summer registration Is open for the clasaea whlch nm -Monday through Fri- day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Session schedule for the summef includes, June 2Z to July 3; July 6 to July 17; July 20 to July 31; August 3 to Auiust 14; August 17 to August 28 and August 3I to September 11. Other feature• of the IUR'UTlet aquatic program at the YMCA Include a com· petltive swim team, lifesaving and 1cuba diving, recreaUonal swimming, adult swim Instruction, private and &emi· private lessons. For further inlonn1tion contact the Orange Coast ¥MCA at 2300 University Drive, Newport Beach, or call &U-9990. DAILY PILOT OllAHGa'COAST•PUll.llMING COM,AMV R•ll•rt H. W_. 'rulH!lt _. "1MhNr J•clt .. c.,,1 • ., ~ Yb PrwlMll .... a..11 _...,. • "' Th•1t1•• K1..,if ·- ·The car which lhe was driving on that day disappeared with her. A hiker in the El Cariso area of the Ckveland National Forest discovered the grlm remiJn1 Monday lying unearth- ed in a shallow crave near . the "falls area" of the region. " 'Jbe faJIS;' actually a trickle of water spilling over boulder• 1 short distance frifrfi the highway, is a favorite 1pot for travelers to the area and hu well- defined trails. Some sources outside of police circles reported Wednesday that the ~th who discovered the body has complained In recent days of being followed by uniden- tified persons on motorcycles. 1'he teenager lives in the El Cariso Village ar.ea. · He told officers, 10urces Hid, th1t he ~as walking along the small canyon . hen he dl!covered a shredded comforter "nd 11w what he thought were remains f an animal. Look.ing closer, he discovered that it . 1·1as a human body. Investigators from three counties - Orange. Rivuside and San Diego - are conducting investigaUons into the dtath and are concentrating on the car, a. faded gold PonUac 1tation w1gon with license pl1tes SAY 442. ·on credit cards, personal jewe.lty, a purse and tan shoes also are miSliJ1&. . .,; Balboa Library Gets Crowded :With the book collection getting biger thmgs are crowded at the Balboa Library. The secretary to Newport Beach's chief librariail Mrs. Dorothea Sheely has her desk in the women's restroom. But funds are being included in next )'ear's city budget so sh.e and her boss can escape to the Mariners Library. "She doesn't like it In the restroom?" Councilman Milan Dostal inquired. "Some womtn are fuasy," observed Mayor Ed Hirth. "That the public bearing be held on lh.11 subject to include long term aad al)ort term transportation goals; city repre1entaUon oa any agency to be form· ed: dilCUUion concerning the advisability or any additional special purpose diatricta: ud 1 time table for accomplish.ina the objectives of the dlatrict." Ne~ort Freeway Widened; Now Six-lane Route Traffic will 1ooeen up on a 13-mile stretch of the Newport Freewy nei:t week when two new .ina.ide lanee: are open to traffic, the state Division or Hlghw1y1 ...,,.n.ct. The new Janes· have been under con- struCtion 1ince June 1969 under a $3.3 million contract with Kasi.er Corp. and Gordon B. Hall Inc.; of San Bernardino. With only . four lanes, the north-south freeway had become inadequate to carry the 7!,00l).vehicle a day traffic which is expecied to incre&M to 122,000 by 1990, highway officials said. The new lanes will be open pro- gressively wiUt the first barriers remov- ed Monday on the oorthbound lanes from Dyer Road in Santa Ana north to the Riverside Freeway. Jn midweek the southbound lanes from the Riverside Freeway to Palisades Road-Bristol Street in Costa Mesa will open, followed Jater in the week: by the gorthbound section from Palisades to Oyer. Nett to be constructed is a R)assive S2.2 million interchange at Pall11ades. Bristol. The project will extend for seven-tenths of 1 mile north and south of the intersection and will eventually become a-part-o(-t.he-Corona del Mar. Newport freeway&' interdtange. c.onstruction is !Cheduled to begin in early 1rr1 witti completion in 11 moo.thl. 111-•• A. Mu1,lii111 M1nq1nt t:dllw Tho1t1•• F•1iu~1 Plan Be vision frl•'""'1 ktdl cu, t:dltw . .....,.,, ...... OHk. 2211 "'··· 1.11 ...... 1 .... ,, M•ili111 ....,,, ... , r.o. ,_, .. J•1s, u_,,, 0 ..... Offk .. CO.• .._.: -W•I 91't StrMI ....... 9eKlo: "'"°""' ............ ~ a-n: 11111 •••ell •~""" a.~1 •1Mrt11a1c-1Na.. -·--~~A ~ .. Ol.fl.V "II.OT, w:1h •.•di k ~ flrlit .._.._, It .... lliitt d1llr ftC9t1t 5-••y i. ... W9te .. u11n1 tor utun1 1Mc11o .. ,......, ._,., CMll Mtu, Ht,orollnf:lfl .. :c" .., "-'-"' v,ne.,, '""' •1111 ,.... A:91M91 •11:-. O•lntl c.n1 "°'*'"""'-.............. prlftl""9 pi.1111 I t' IJ .ttll W•I ••1119• ·=·~ " ......... ' •udl. .,.. l• '#-' .. , 1'"9to Cit .. #111~ .... , ... ,."" (1141 642.4 1:1 C1sa..., .W•srthl11 641:·1611 C..'f'""'• 1;.,., UN"" Ctn! ,lltl!tlll ... ~YI N• .... t1'rln, l!111ttr1tklM. .......... -"" ., .tlhffllt-lt M!tl" _, .. •••Put• •ltllevt -i.1 ,..... .,...... .t C91'YrllM ..-. • ...... d-........... "'"'llOM ltJdl ... C.19 ,__., ~. ~ ....... ,, ....... .,_. ~· .., 1'1111 ,,._. -~''' ....,, .... ~ ..... 1.1• _,""· ' • Mesa-Hig-'/f Schedu leSliuffles By JOANNE REYNOLDS 01 lllt D•llY '119t Stiff Costa P.1esa High School's controversial modular scheduling will be revised for nett year, principal Frank Lopes to Id Newport-Mesa School Board rnember1 Tuesday night. · ~lodular scheduling. wh.ich ha.s been used at the school In increasing amounts ovtt the last two yean, has d r 1 w n heavy crlticsm from parent.I because . of large block& of free time avallab)t to students. .... Some. parents have brought their com· ·plaint! to the board, char1ing that lhe _§ystem bas r:.esulted in J n._U_e a.1.e d disciplinary problems and academic failure at the school. The open campus policy, which 11low1 students to lea ve campus when they're ... not in class, and the URSCheduled time In the middle of lhe clay will be ellIDi· nated. Lopes told board fTlCmbcrs. Lopts said the chiii1e In policy wai being made because "in our two years experience we ha ve found it didn't work.'' Lopes sald "our experience and the experience of others has been negative In regards to the open campus situation. We will operate a closed campus for an 1tudents next year wltti the posaibility of senior privileges and priviltges for successful students as 1 negotiable item ." The principal said freshmen and sophomores •'ill have an increase. In scheduled time with the provision that students who perlorm well will be releas- ed part.time on a contract basis with ·lhfir teachers. ~ ..__ Attempts will also be made, he sald, to sch~dule individual 5ludent classes more closely together and to s h o r t e n the school day from its present 8 1.m . to 4 p.m, 5Cheditle. .._ • Scheduling-is not the only area th.at •·ill 9• changed by, SePtember, Loi>« noi.d. • DAii. V ,II.OT lt9tl ...... Broru: Cheer What is this young man ( Br-onx:) cheering about? To get his point of view on one smaU seg· ment of li!e along tho Orange Coast, tum to Page 27. LAGUNA ••• when he wrote the letter. Goldberg said be has dropped the singing, chanting ordinance entirelf. He said he had not intended the prohibiUons against 1itting on park gr1ss or climbing -tree.s but had meant to preserve public property such as planted areas. He said he favored the motorcycl( ordinance as written but did not favor keepinc married couples or eervicernen under ll out of hotels. He -also said the ordinance wording about trapsient and idle pulOns should have refured to a great inllux of 1ummer vi.gjton, Political cartoonist Frank lnterlandl char1ed that the ordinances really weren't about dogs but bad to do with several rigb't.1. "Wilhln aix months I am 1oing to in1titute a recall againat certaln members of this council " · sal an s r e out. Another observer was identified for the crowd as ane of Nader's Raiders.. John Schulz, anassociate pr~fessor of law at USC and an associate of con· troversial R1lph Nader. Schulz told 1 reporter he was interested In the Laguna council elections, firin1 of the planning commission, unfortunate polarization · of the community and tbe apparent paving of the way in Laguna for high rise. He said sevual members ol the plan- ning commission are personally or otherwise connected with commercial development interests. During dog discussion, Cou ncilman Chatlioo 111-0yd augge.sted seasonal dog conW!1 !allowli11 'the.dtl b1 ~Wtei or parks leashed or controlled from Sep.. tember 30 to June IS. Jn the summer they woold be allowed on before 10 a.m. and afler 6 p.m. He sugge6fed the city furnish in- struments to pick up dog droppinas and receptacles for its disposal. Lorr. showed a photo of a dog with a blue ribbo n and said he had raised dogs ansf Was not against them. He spoke of complaints by the scores that they ire a continuing nuisance. Councilman Roy Holm, in apparent good humor, said, "I am delighted by Mayor Goldberg's opening remark! to see that he apparently realizes he has laid a very large egg." There was loud applause. He suggested no new ordinance but giving the existing leash law a chance by enforc ing it. He compared dog waste to the mountains of trash created by humans. The crowd cheered and rose en masse to applaud Holm. PROFESS J~NAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS I . ,, • Eduet1tlOll BHrd_ Mitchell Okayed'. . . By Minimijm By BARBARA KREIBICH • Of t111 DflHY ,!Mt lltff Appointment ol South LagunJ.n Clay N. Mitchell, 58, io the state Board Of Educ::aUon WU cOnfirmect by the State Senate Wedneldly by a vote of 27 to t, the minimum needed Io plaee Mitcllell <XI the board. The vote wu tallied after an illitial roll call produced a 25 to ·• response , two votea ahor1 ol lhe two-third.a: majority required for confirmation. On order of Senate President pi-o-tem Jack Scbrade {R-San Diego ); ap.eotee Senators were rounded up and · the aye votes d two Danocrats produced the needed majority oa the next roll call. Mltchell'1 appointment to the It.ale board by Gov, Reagan had been vlgorout- ly attacked by Uberels, heeded by Senator Alfred D. Alqulst, a Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor. He called the former president of the Oranp County Boerd of F.ducatlon "totally un- qualified.". After the vote, Alqulst described Mitchell as "a true believer who view1 education problems with tunnel vision,/' and accused him of wanting to 1erve on the 1tale board "to advance hli right win& kleolol)'." Mitchell, on thi other hand, accused Alquist of manning the campaign to block his ilppointment and "manuf1c- turing news storia" ill order to get publcity for his own campala'i in Southun California. · The South Lqunan will serve a four· year term on the Jo-member board, whch meets monthly in Sacramento or other Calllornla re.Hies. It.I membuet° receive no pay. _. ' · The Mitchell appointment has bteri. pending before the Senate for six. weeks; since its approval by a 4 to 1 vote:· in thf1 Rules Cominlttee. · ' The '-.ftoor vOte was-delayed· ·untlr Senators returned to Sacramento after the June 2 Jl:rimary elections. with pr°" ponents and · opponents of the Oralgi · C.OUOty conservative working 1 to roun~ up votes. · Senate F.ducalion Committee chairman Albert Rodda (0-Sacramento ) had ask• ed Reagan to withdrawtthe .appointment rharging Mitchell with. politic1l bias and commenting, ·"The ~st you can 1ay abnut him is .that he's rliediOCre." Senator John G. Schmitz (R·Tu.stin) · conced_ed MitcQ~ll "may have powerful bias" but said his views reflected thoae of Orange County, where ij,e was el~ to the county boarl for 7lf11years. At his South, Laguna home today, Mitchell sald he was p~ased by th4' Sena te's conlirmation of hi,s appointment, though he had been ~ytd by what he termed "false news stofi~" generated by Alquist. ''I don't know~what a)I the fuss ls about," said Mi ell, "since it's a no"' paying job and '1olves a lot of work. I'm only going iato it ~ause l'ff1· con· ceme<I about chilbten and'their education and about my cOuntry." Mitchell denied that he h a d "nominated" John Birch Society member Robert 0 . Bartholomew: president of · the Tustin Union High School District, lo the California Commission on Equal Opportunities in Education, as reporttd in several news stories out d. Sacramento last week. Co1n1nun~ty 1970 Inside this edition of the DAILY PILOT Is the •eventh annual edition of YOUR COMMUMTY. The 1970 version is a 40-pa~e book filled with facts, photos and phone numbers designed to paint a por .. trait of the communities of the Harbor Area. · It's the kind of publication many readers like to send to "the folks back home." To meet this demand, the DAILY PILOT oilers additionaJ copies at 25 cents each "over the counter" at either the Newport Beach or Costa Mesa office of the DAILY PILOT. Copies aJso can be ordered by mail (at 35 cehts each) for yourself or for others. Use the coupon to order by mail: r-------------I Clfp out •nd moil lo: ORANGE COAST DAIJ. Y PILOT -no-w:-aays1ilef Costa Mes•, Calif. 92627 . 2211 Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach, Calif. 92663 Pl•••• send ........ copies of the 1970 edition of YOUR COMM~NITY me9e1lnt •t 35 cent~ ••ch. I t n c I o 1 e ...•.... In cash or stamps. (FiU In blanks below with your o\vn name and address of that of person to whom you want copies mailed.) I I I I I I I I Nome ............................................... .. 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IN WRESTLING, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FOOL WITH MIDDLE MAN ' i r, ( • i ' ~ ! ! ) ! i ~ >. • ~ ! i • • ID Matches at Fairgrounds As Real as Easter Bunny, Whoa Nellie! Championship wrestling has come to Orange County with the grunt and groaners doing their thing t!'lery Monday night at the faf!grounds In Costa Mesa .. Fake? Who said fake ? Wrestling is as real as the •Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and if you don't believe it just talk to some or the fans who, Jor • the most part, take the whole thing_seriously. A Costa Mesa police officer said that at a recent ma~hi had to re-- strain a 60-year-old grandmother from throwing objects at ooe oC the Wl'tlltlen. "She was getting ready to ent&r the ring and get .one of those guys. I wu a little iahamed.to B.!lk her to lelte, but !f I don't Jet the kids get out of hand I can't let the 'adults go too far either," the cop said . But, ltis pretty hard not to be-your cool at the matches because the bad guys are really bad. In fact they are downright evil. 'Ibo Gr .. t Kojila, foe example, ill parliclllarly moan. He U1U ""'1 foal tactic In. the book and even threw ult Into the face of Mr. Moto, • !lpOClll ref. eree. * * * Mato didn't like ~t at all and promptly came out or retirement to challenge Kojika . Another regular at the fairgrounds Is Art (Boom-Boom) Mahalik. In ad- dition to being Kojika 's partner in tag-team matches, Mahallk is head football coach at Pacifica High School in Gard en Grove. If.Mahallk's footballers are as tough as be is they should be ready to take on the Los Angeles Rams. Even though the good guys 1et most of0 the apJ>lause some folkl prefer the vllliana. A large group of Costa Mesa High studenta scream their approval every Ume the bad ~ys score. But then, maybe; the high school kids no Jooger believe in Santa. STORY AlllD PHOTOS by PATRI CK O'DONNELL ..... • ' • • SOMITIMIS, WRESTLING IS A PAIN FOR THE FAHS, TOO ' . . Costa: Mesa • . - THE LONG ARM 01' THI LAW REACHES BEYOND THI RING .. l ":\ , WRISTLING IS ~PPRIHINS!ON WRISTLING IS INNOclNCI LOST 't • AND IT IS VlrlTING YOUR SPLllN . • • .. I . . , -- ·;Old 'West Goes Modern . ~Commuters in the San Francisco area will ride' in ;ltyle in the n~w Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) ::'iystem. A model of the sleek new BART cars ;~above) looks futuristic. It will run oo an elevated . '.:track (below), wbich will move commuters .. fast ::·fa Mt m.p.h., with an average of 50 m.p.b. Designen • : ~!!PO lo compete with the automobile to encourage : : commuters to leave their cars at home. . ... '~~Germnn Measles Cut 'Where · Vaccine Used NEW YORK CAP) in rubella in the 10 11alel German IDeules vaccine a~ with the highes& pen:entaae pears to be reducing the in: of. vaccination in children aged ci~ of~ disease iii states 1 to 12. The states with lbe where the vaccine is widely lowest rcenta es , e aUOiiirFOOOOi -March of Dimes said today. ~rv::· hued on • Dr. Virginia. Apgar, the the number fl. cases ror the fc:undaticrz's vice ·insidenl for year ending May 24, Jta com- medical atrairs, said t out pared to the year' endina May of 10 states· with "high vaccine 23, 1970. 1 =~" have rep o rte d It found this: • reduced Incidence. Eight of ·fen states with poor coverage, Minnesota, with 16.3 percent ihe said, reported tr.:reues. of the population aged 1-11 : "While the data are not yet vaccinated, had a ctr.p In conclusive," Dr. Appr said, meas)er incidence of 46.1 per-~·they do offer encouragement cent; Hawaii, 75.S perttnt that widespread use or the covered, a drop of 7.13 per- ·yaccine among children may cent ; Alaske. 82.1 percent vltimately eliminate t he covered, a d r op of l&.11; ~Iseese-as a-threat to unborn District of Columbia, 59.3 per· babies." cent covered, drop of 16.4; The f e d er a 1 iovemment Iowa, 58.I covered, drop of >---began-a--campoign 2.l !lftton!~.JJJ Jasl &Ummer with the aim covered, drop fl. 54.5; Rhode of vacclna.tinr 40 mfllion to Island, 44:1 percent CCM!fed, IO million cllifdren between drop of 53.3 perctnt; North lhe ages of 1 and 12. Dakota, 44, perc:ent covered, The vaccination program is drop of 30.9 p e r c en t : directed at chlldren to fl'event Maryland, 38.9 p e r c en t the -o1 the-cover..i, drop of 60.7 percent. German measles vinu: to Utah was an imerplained women. H a woman contracb exceptMJn. Despite SS.I percent the dbease during. e a r 1 y vaccination caverq:e, I t P"elnaney lt can cause birth reported an Increase from 51 I , -ctefecta; -· ,cases to 139 cues for a 138.7 -Women are not be in g percent jump. directly vacdl1ated ~ 1be eight low coverage doctors fear infecting a states that reported tncreues troman who may be Pftllllnt were: Florida, t.4 percent and not know it. vacdnation coverap, l(Z.I per- 'Jbous•nds ti. birth defects cent increase in cues; Teus, resuHed from the l as t 6.3 percent coverqe, 154_,0 epidemic of German measles percent increase; Alabania, -also called rubella or three-5.4 percent coverace, 140.1 ~~~11..; -~}~7,·~cM . ntn·in cycles, there could be h1ereaae; Misaouri, 2.1 permrt aootber epidenUc 1n 1971·73. coverqe,. 21.1 perc.eot tn-ne hope behind the vac-creue; Mblourl, 2.1 percent cina~ campaip is to coverage. 4.2 percent in- minimiie its effects. crease; Nebraska, 2.4 pen:ent -The campaign began last coverage, 93.6 percent in- ~after the government creaae; Washingtm, 0.3 pet· tint ~ a G e r m an cent coverage, 225.2 percent measles vacone. incrtase; Idaho, no vac. The National Foundation ci nations reported as of May found a 37 percent decline 10, 75.7 percent increase. =:::=.:::. ... MEDICAL AND· DENTA·L-'- Ass1srANTS ............... --.., ._nry,.. • • ""i1'9nf ht Ill eff!<e cl.• ..,..kian • Denlht, ...... ,,.... ... o....w ,. ... ....... • Mldlclll Offk9 ~111. 1 ....... ,,.... ... M9ltlaf AlthtN • .,.., --............ ~ ......... a II 11 ......... , ... ..._ Southn Clllfanil eon ... ' ., ' Mldlcll .id .,..,., Anllllltls ........ "' ........ """'' " limimJJUl!I!) .... .._ ...... Oona' s'a rAh fllt't. ..._ el TN. _. f9dwtlcll ldtll. ............ ,,. ...... 1717 loUth lreald1Wlt MDMlm lllw 135..UIO. I :~· > • ' \ ·President Likes to Boast of His · Firsd ·1 :":~. .... ~ -you were the fin\ to i!Df from the moon, right?" ~:!:1 Nixon, the 11th Prul~ has 1everal other first!. • ... ~ WASHINGTON (UPI) • -an .,1iper.r 1w·-to111»d. ~ to Congraa •• , tho ol the cabluel comes from he enthl\iled. "thla ia the flnt --Ni-likes to·-I have ....,. here when we ,_ com..-ve lllate-the lar&est stale ol the union, time al JWi In my ad- -the htlllorlcal "firllll" have railed our at-lo llMllll "'I fonlp.,. delense and one o1 the --.• , .. _._ tha the board ~ ~~ '""' 1~' "·· a "'"", lo a -1'deo' and _,.._ -· made ID thia -·-• '··ka." nu.,....·-· t ~ ...... ft M li.auu. .... ...-.. .,,....., ....... ---IUil"' ot' a .......... or1ani11Uon like He was the first ~ • to be named buebl.ll'a ~ 'nle-wsthePresklenl a prime minister, but in atu-.try.'' When he was honored at ~ · -r .eid;,, these daya, but "1illC the. biJtory of all the When he ~ for a a lllale dinner In Djakarta, :: .. ~~ ~i::i:,:' }or .a,en Nixon was maklal · IJl'N& dinnetl 'held in tbls Rep.iblican candidate ln New Indonesia, Nixon raised his M ., nicular public appearancu, be room, .never before hu a duke Jer11e1 lilt fall, .be &aid, "this cha~ 1lass in a toUl But few could doubt that rlrely. failed to note t!)e oc-been touted." ' ii the Or1t tline a president • to the preSideint of Indonesia· he was aettinl hbtorical- C811111 ln landmark tetms. " When he 'flew fo New York , of the United Stales his saying, .. J real~ that the precedeot when he put in a 1 fan. • ;.::~ He · was the 'first to ~ ;; a bill on live teievislon ' ..-: J. Ht was the nrsf'Pmid ~ OOe wit iloled this and aald, to IOOChe the ruflled feeliop .spo11en In Monis County. I position that l irit lb is a telephone call lo the 'Apollo •...,.body lhoold write a ol F1'ftCh Pmldenl Georges am siad 1o do dial." uniqlle one; one that will not 11 utronaut.s on the moon. . book about the 'Maldnc of Pompklou, Nlion . 1 aid , At the nearlnC in ceremony come a pin.,.. • since J am ''f11il certainly has to be the. &be Pnlcedent.' " . '1onlcht ls the lint time a ol Walter J. Hickel as UM!· first president to ever most hiJtoric telephone call wttb bit penchant for m1rt· • preaidenHtu ever subeUtuted • Seeretlry ot JBteribr, Nixon ·pay a etate ... mtt to Indonesia.• ever made from the White tna :'fil'lts" of his tenure, Nix-for' the vice president.''() · 11id1• "'lbil ban hlltoric ~ The •nezt American president House.).-' the first to · attend a .P~ launching at Cape~= to have a director of · :: ~-- on uid at a White Houe In aendina his .. State 'Sf the ment in tbe hiltory. not onJy who comes here will not be But he doesn't mind sharing dinner hpnorin1 com p o s e·rr WOrld" message to ~ ·'of thil·adminbtraUoa but also in Ute poaiUon I find myself." the hanots. He told astronaut munications. · :~· He is the first PreaiW! lo be born w..t of the Rockie;· Edward "Duke" Ellington ' Nlaon'said, "this ii the lint . ill the biJtory ol the country. At a Whli. Houoe dinner Charles Conrad Jr,.. "you • "I have beto here ..i.n:. ,cif'lb lillicl,OYer made bY ·• ·r .... the fin\ tilQa a --for the Bo,. Club ol Amertca ..... ~the tint.., the moon and the first to bold ...,..., services in the White ~-: ~ 2666 HARBOR · BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA · WEEDAYS 9 to. 9 SATURDAY It SUNDAY· 9 TO 5 MAGNAVOX D w.11 llOW, 10111• mi,ht II c•ll it tlt•t, bvt you could • eell it e' potcft li11tt, if you Ii.Ii:•. · D Nici combin11i'on of bl.ck •"d copper finith. 3~9 0 H•r• i1 • F1tlter'1 D1y 9ilt for thrte clollen en& clit11'1 wlticlt 111i9ltt clt•n9t fht looli: of lii1 · work bench. 0 J111f th• thi"' ..... ,. "'7...._l fi1h111, h1rt1; nuh '"d ~!SJ~-'jj;::(l bolh, 1111ell p1rt1, or wlt~ttvtr. 3 29 11-110 CARPET TAK ·1 0 If fht carpet ju1f li:ttpt curli119 up or 1lidin,, th is will v•t It. 0 And if this dee1n't w1 cen 1tll yoif101111 J inc~ ... n •. -PEGBOARD 'f:::'~~~;:;;;:::3 0 Ttit 1fuff j111f lll•er I"' l·I : • • ,.• • •• • . out of 1fylt. • :·: • • ••.-!'!::'••• 0 ll;OOO·wM,tcbn · • " • ~· • • • • • • •: : : , wor~in9 ewty 1111•1 -• ·········1 .,,. o o o ~ ••••••••= "'W 011 • • •·• . • • • • • • ••• 10 M•k• • lt•n•i"f wtll • • • • • • • • ~ • •• en.,..+..,.;:_k]Jclten 1r ,.,., •• it'• htrt4y. Don't forget ilellt Sln!day 15 Father's Day, ' . ' • June 21st •. He gets tlie V.l.P. INUIJIWnt,· 0.K.? BLACK & _DECKER· RAD.IAL ARM SAW O If you r••lly "'•"*to ,.11ti111 •.,at ol • lif•fimt, think •be11t'thi1. !Tim•'• up, is ii y•1 •r no1 1 0 ~ r09ultr 1hop in ihelf. ll1d•1"tt1,le for "•ny cuf tr riP.. ~ Uotwf .... ,,_ ........ tllnl .llM 24, 1'79 1111111 lllt I ..,. lltw, CINllll) ' ~LACK It DECKER . BELT SANDER ' If if 100•1 I.eek tf you or ••YI enytlti"' et ti!, ctU ttit 1tort m•11e9er. BLACK It DECKER . -· ' -• • Hedge i Trimmer i 0 s ...... tht e""' tnd 1 th• btck. Ltf j powtr do if ftr 'i YOll, er ltim, j·.' wltlchtvtr the ,, .. trlty be. :.......-~~1 1495 0 Witt. +hi1 +hi"f ., .. e.t ,...I.ct .. 1• •t •o•-•119ln.for ,ietvTe - frtlllei ot •ny li:iMI el lulftber. Thi1 Y••t t•f tht lftil1r beic,""ltf y1tr lltt •••· .ftc . ' D At l•.t, 41,tt.. ft1t11 >f-11'1-1fl4 clHll '' wlfl ,ftlll Weter. 0 Ltys ff e fl-' Cltl ,, eoler •!d tfle w1y the flMD totb ft ., JM ..... ,1 ... .., •• 9tc~~ ' BLACK It DECKER ._J,GSAW "' i D Tltt on• 11101t 111tiuf ; pOrt1blt power 1tw ---····-=--:=,---,. • ., 0 Cut 1crol111 cu,.,.1, ~WJ.. 1lrti9ht or •"fie wifti ~. . ..•. 0 l~D puh tht power " · · in fint btf1r• tlt1 11•1'1'1.I. 2.4~ ... BLACK It DICKER ...,. -~ · .. , 7'/4" Circular • . SAW 4 0 If h1 lili:t1 big powtr te lt111dle bi9 tluff 111eybt this is lti1 trip. 0 Anli·li:ick b1ck clutch 10 the thing won't 911 ""ild. 0 D1pth tnd •n9l1 1dj111trneM. LIQUID WRENCH . D A littl1 drop'll do it if !ht •u1ty old flt.int j~1t won't 111ov•. 0 ·sounch likt my c•r, but 1'111 1pt1kin' 1f fro11• pip1 er bolt filti"flo TOOL SALE 0 Why 1vch I lli'.9 4111 he,.., Tll C•• ... '-' ftl.I" fw INll•I" 1 ... ·~ IUT • • • 9-'._li·et·ttt.-~ 1f th. +.ole. A,.. they •II i111,.,._f • 11+h~11lecffoft llmifM1 • • • O ;"'K•rift'1 t~W. i1J11tt1b9vt 9"4111t01t9lt to rock 111 ·111.' wtll 1rMI M!!J., ••,.., but w1 ffliM y11 like t IHitt.r ,,,, .. ,, .... r.-- • c • ·u.· - ,,, .\ .,. 1" " '" '< ~~ ' I ' " ./ "'• ' :1 "i ' f • I I - I I ,E ' 1, ' ' ' (, , j ~ 11 E m w U; pi "1 H sl •t II ~ ,, SI J ~ -~ ,J ~ p "' s q • e • fl • " • p ii l ~ c d . 'a • b p v ~ q • " .. • osia esa .. T4pM~• ~·· . . ~ N.Y. Stoelu r . VOl. 63, NO. 145, 4 SECTIONS, 90 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 TEN CENTS " ' . - • r1. ' e DAIL't PILOT ....... Ir .............. • CarpetM~ w~m:aii;23 Streaking around a trail of wet carpet adhesive, a flash firt. erupted in a Costa Mesa apartment today, temporan1y trap- ping a young ·bride of two weekS and causing up to '$.1,500 damage. Mrs. Robert Loe, %3, was painting in the bathroom of the apartment at 1800 PqplOD8 Ave .• when ·the blaze ignited while a carpetlayer . was at work elsewher~. ,.. Floyd llel!olt, 46, ol Long Beach, dash- ed outside as the flames encircled the interior floors and walls like lightning, driven back once in a re901e attempt. He was unable to get through 2 fiery hallway to reach the trapped bride, who began smashing out the bathroom win. dow to escape the smoke and flames. Firemen said DeBolt finishe<! breaking out the glass and helped Mrs. toe through to safety. . . . Battalion Chief Arch Locke said initial lnvesUgatlon showed a wall heater .i&· nited the in8ammable carpet adhesive laid down by the workinan prior to installing a carpet pad. School District Could Increase Taxes 74~nts By JOANNE REVNOLDS _ ,,,_ _____ 'EAG.LES-GAT-HERcUNO.ER.5rARS .MID_:st,R!PES _______ ~.,c.. .. ~-c,c..'"''"'~--~, Estancia High'.s Cla11 ~ '70 Waiki.Into. Hi1fo:ry Taipayen in coata Mesa an · ewpoi't 450 Estancia Graduates ~1 Reflect on Achievement Gathered together :t final time,· the Estancia High School Class4 or 1970 marched past a nieiarictiol.Y . mn~s<on'c \\'ednesday. with college, marriage and lhe une'ncountered or 1ue l)'ini beyond ' Americ·a made · It· difficult for· somr. to hear. . · If · 'the · wbtds · ·were los\ on some pprhaps the most important ones wer< ·•he · shott. · ·siinpli!:' ·renns · contained t th e program identifying 1 t u d e n speakers. Beach will .. be facing a 74-cent overall in- creue in taxes if school board members finalll.e the preliminary ·budget they ap- pioved Tuesday night. . 1£ the budlet Is approved, taxpayers in Costa Mesa will pay approximately $5:43 per $100 assessed valuaUo11 and NewPort Beach homeowners will pay IS.DI per 1100. This means a family that owns a $40 000 home in Costa Mesa will have a $$U.37 tax bill in 1976-71 and their coun- terparts in Newport Beach will pay $SOl.04. • ID· Wliat Do You Say ' ' To Uninvited • " • esa· ·ire ' . ( . , ' . OAIL'I PIL01 PIWk h Orwt ~ LAST, NOT LEAST -Jack Zweers mallages .a .smile after bringing up Ute rear (above) of Costa Mesa High School Class of '70 during commencement Wednesday at OCC's LeBard Stadium.· "With my name, it's been ever thus, ·~_sighed Jack, wto figures he'll be in the same spot two years frorii now when he graduates from OCC. Mesa High Grads. Urged Io-Work for World · Good ' ' Graduating-seniors from CoN-Meaa~e "fii'f~re is no oNer the bright ref111• High School were told Wedneaday ni1~t of man'! hope "t>ficaUJe-man muJt-filht their choli:es of life styles would pbllution and .~veri>oPu'Iation 1for hia ex· deter.mine the future· or the· workl. isl.ence. . -Salutatorian· Marlene Baker. valedic-i.we · must decide wlllch sfde. we· .are· torian Dave Dies and "graduation speaker going to take. · ,.\gaiilst -a barrage of William Clarke urged the 394 graduates warnings on IJ}e-dan1ers of J>OP':llaUon to use their knowledge to work for and pollution, Americans have r.eibained the goOd or mankind. apathetiC. · Proud relations and friends attended "Are we going to b& like Lhe ,person the commencement c"~rcises held in who Quils smoking only after he leaml Ora!1ge Coast College 's ~Bard Stadium. he has 118.)g.~r! · Miss Baker opened her salutatory ad. "Are we IOinC to. wait until a rchild dress by thanking "lhose whoSe wladom chokts to death· on a playaround.from and understanding" contributed to her air poUution belore .we do inythins~ educatiOA al Cost.a Mesa . She directed it?" he queried. · . f~llow. sti.ldents lo look .to Christ for He calle<t upon tbe'·graduates to take d1recl1on. action to change the "s~cidal" patb "I'm saddei'l ed when I see rioting man is followini . studen ts or students who are hooked -" Not many among the -450 will cro5 paths again . The procession of red.robed graduate inar,eh~ into Davidson Field al Newpo~1 Harbor High School to the lime.honored strains of Pomp and Circumstance . Family and fr iend s jammed the stadium and spilled onto the edges or the football field and there weren·t - enough programs lo go around . ''To Learn or Not to Learn?" Learning is 'utelong. stressed Diar.. Coffman. And when one no longer accepts learn· ing -in a sense -one rejects a large measure ol life which is barely begun by graduation. • · The biggest portion of the increase is a r.o-cent general fund override voted by district residents in February. Another rour cents would be levied in permissable overrides which is used for reti rement be nefits and health and welfare projects. The remaining 10 cents of the increa~c comes from unified sc hool district bo nds and state school .bonds. The tolal budget ror 1970·7 1 Is esti· inc.t.ed at $42,410,399 . This includes a $28 154 333 gene ral fund , a $1,077, 'n4 caf~le~ia account, a $9,033,197 building fund and a $4.145,125. bond interest and . Bedroom Guest? Neve r min d what you say lo a niiked l?.dy, \\•ha t do you say to a fully.clothed man when you wake up at 3 a.m. to !ind him snugg led up with your pink blouse wrapped around his head ? • on drugs. They '.re grisping for a reason to justify their existence,·• she said. "And all the Ume there is one whose help is there for the asking. He is holding out H ~ hand. All you need to do is •. grasp it . . I did," the petite blonde concluded. Gas Fund Reeart . Slated in Mes~ A sea breeze and the echoes charac- teristic of public address systems in stadiums and auditoriums throughout League Given . 5 Years to Life -In SA Slaying "We're Leaving .. '.Farewell." Grant Freeland's talk under9Cored lhal fact, reflecting back over the years of achievements, crisis. hilarity, sadness, commW\ll spirit Cl' lonel1 rebellion, dt· ........ • the lndivldual. pe • ....,,. upon ' ' Suddenly, one· is an adult on a June evening -whether or m\ it wu ruliaed before -Bd IO much cf tbe r90lftt pas! ·can ...., be recaptured, only remelribered. · Principal ' [loyd Harryman l_inally presented the Class of .'19 to the school orficials and· the stallium crowd, whkh really symboliz.es the world. Arth ur De Witte Le~gue. was today Newport·Meaa Unified School District 1entenced to fi ve years to life in state trustees Selim -Franklin and Rod Mac· prison for ·the killing on June 4. 1969 Pttillian, plus asaislant principals Mrs. of--Santa Ana police officer Nelsot1 GeoririaMa MCLeod and Robert Francy Sasscc r. &' Superior Court Judge Samuel Dreizen handed out the diplomas. The roll was called by lhe formal --quickly rcjeut.cd~moUons fOi' 3 new lflal three ind-four namts IO rarely used with the · comment that the jury which I convicted the 21-year-old Black Panlher except on bb1h certificates, en istment worked ·•methodically, .thorouehly and papers, marriage licenses and other faithfully" ttfroughout thell-week trial. documents from ,ne end -al life ·to the other. ' Judge Dreizen commented that there was ample evidence to sustain the jury's .They add a stran1e note of *mnlty rejection of League's argument that he to occasions: was not present when the young 11Kathleen Delicht Aday'\ • .Hellls patrolman was shot. Jackson Bradshaw, •. Geo r 1 tan n • He also rejected defense arcuments Leinaala Dwight. • .Johllma Wiihelmina that the illness or a jurror ma rred his Charlotte Franclen Filef ... P•bick Fran· •bility 10 evaluate evklence.....an<Ltbat cis Godwin tit. •. William F.dward jurors were unduly influenced by a L8lala\i Jr .•. courtroom deputy's I u n . q r a w i n I Himdreds received their diplomas. demonstration, For some: names, thtrt were cheers . _,_ . • Judge -Dreizen also reje<:led defense and squ~. 'attorney Robert Green's picas that the For some 1~ames,,... there were small , minimum term fo r League 's sente'~~!i<..-'bu"rsts ·of aeP.wauae. be reduced rrom five years to sis: mooths. For some names, a few clapped. Green left the court room to begin \.For some. there was almost none. preparation of his appea l against the One chorus or the Estancia Ea1les' verdict and sentence.. · Alma Mat.er and the concert bind becan "·There is not the slightest doubt in the recessional! as the robed graduates ruy mind that tbe appellate court will •m ar c b·e d be Ir I a 11 t 1lep1 quickl$ reverse this decision,'' be aaid. · &ogether. •- • . . • . redemption fund. , The net increase from the 1969-70 bud- get to the uPcc:!ming one is ~,511 .279, over half of which is in the 1eneral fund . lie even wore shoes. said the 34-year·,,. old Costa Mesa woman who fOund , Clarke, cha irman of . ·the schoOl's English department directed his remarks to the adults. From fiscal lS.70 to 1179-71 , the general fund appropriations will jump, $3,500,(164, which is financed mainly by (Seo TAllll, Pap I) qui le a 101. lQ say to him today . She summoned Patrolrlian Ted Wilson 'to her home In the 600 block of Darrell Street, after 'I.he conclusion of ~ con· versati on with the masked and uninvit«I bedmate. "In the '50's we were lold to stimulate the young 1 people. We wanted them to learn to think crillcally and· to seek · for the truth 8J'ld oh how they 've learned their lessons. · · "TtJcir impertine.ice makes tis un· comfortable whe'n · they a11k· what· wie really mean when we say Ill men are~ cre~ted equal," he noted. Officer Wilsofl said the man. who sli~ .ped in through an un locked door , finally -confessed that he was ashamed or himself a111d asked the woman if he · Shouldlcave. She replied affirmatively and he did 52' at wrich time she ca lled polU!e. Officer. Wilson retrieved her ·blouse -11 block-Sway.- SPORTS EDITOR COYERING CUP Clarke suggested the adults stop reac- ting' to_ the actions of ·the extrtmes and "rebuild the middle. We must not . blindly cling to sloga.is as Jf mouthing lbem made them true. We · must .listen v.•ith open minds." The teac her Included the graduates when he said', "We must come together right now for the sake of.all of us.:• Dies look a different approach to the · traditional valedict.Ory addres s., Interspersed in his speech on the need to control pol14tion and population, 'two fellow Stlldent.s gave shcirt poetry ~<l prose readings to emphaslze: ·what . he was saying. · ' The valedictorian told his audiMCe Glenn While. sports editor of the DAI-• 4 LY Pll..<rr, Is in Mexico City covering Mesa Principa.l . ' the: final games of the World Cup soccer competition. • Lo' R • Appealng in .today's .issue is his • peS es1gns enlightening slory on the semifinal match . . , , between Italy and West Germany alon1 Costa Mesa High School principal with a · persona~ vtew of the~·situatiOn · ·frank · Lopeg has resig~-his posillo~. In Mexico City with the 1ames nearin'I -JI W!S le~rned ·tod~y. . . a climax in Sunday's championshi AcCQl'd1ng to ~assutant distrlcr suptr~n-~DA•L Y Pfl.OT ........... -fina ls. -~ t~ndent ,N'onflln LoitJ, the rormer prln· BroM.r Claeer . White will rems.in ln the mile·higti--c1pal . will take. ,a position as assist.ant ~-·1 I ·1 • nt'l the ·-luslon of the superintendent 1n the Norwalk-La Mirada What is this young. man (Bronx) "f"P1 8 ~1 Y u 1 ...... ,. • ~S:Chool 'district. ·cheering about?-To l@l. his <.'OmpeUUon .... If the'chsrnpkmlhqrflnal5 -1:0pes submRted his resignatton to 11<>int o! vjew·~ O...iniilll •.lila-...... on SIDMlay ends In• Ile,.• playoff school trusle" Tuuday night, but no for· ment of life_~tia Qrail1111< "'"'•IA i.i.pl•)'lld 'l'Ue'!'llY· mal·annoonctm(nt h11 yet been mode by Coast, lu~n ~'22, .• -----------,.-------distri_£t offlciala. ·-· • ·-j ' A special report on the orljin, distribution and proposed new · usea o( tax funds collected •from auto · license fees and gasoline sales will be. presen~ Friday to the Costa Mesa Chamber, o( Commerce. , , · Herbert H. Null, public a.ff I Ir I representative for the Automobile Club of Southern California will speak on highway users' tas:es al a ~ta Mesa Golf and ~ntry Club l\.lnchecM rneeuna. Chamber Legislative · Commlttff of. ricers Cliff Wesdorf and Gene Beraeroa said Null will disCuss J1 r o p o s e d legislation whiCh would ·shift some-of these illnds t<i otner ... use ~des Kighwf¥ development. . (a · . C:•••t '• " ' :rht ear!y momlrig roe ,will 'reioln ua; Friday, but sunny ~ea wjlJ P.l'eo vail through mqat ol the day with temperatures tbreatenlna the • degree mark. · INSIDE TUBA 'Y NearlJJ 400 1twl~nts. from Orange Coa&t have received dt- grees from Cal State Lo~ Beach. For ' li!ii119s. by 1~ifl/, Ht fage J2. · IWfllli . >t Ml"I"' LkwtM )t • C11Mtn!le -r--f .. ,...,.,,... &• c=r:. Up ~ 16 _..... ,._. M c -•tt ............... c-ic. • " .,..... C:-'r " (,......, Ji ...... ..... '' DMllll '"""'" -1' '"'1t 1t-tl °'*""' II lftel Mll'lltih 1•lt ............... ,......... .. . ••Ifft•'-"" """ ,.....,. IW6 .--. t•ll • ...., • --..,. n WllM W1111 1' , Mil """"' n w"""" ""' .,.,. ..... ' ............. ... :l-DAil Y PILOT c ' . . l -' --Zoni~g Try itchell ~~qu~a~s ~By-; I 1- 1 ' ' ~· ' . -I ' . ~ F or~Azimuth -. OK'd for State 'Board on Mini,num -V dtie :~ ·f Rejected ' . Alimuth F.qulties Inc. was denied a zone change Wedl!.esday by Orange Coun- ty pJanning co,mmissloners but seeks city prezoning approval tonighi from Newport Beach planning commissioners . ', , • .Azimulh seeks to anr1ex the 50 • acre Astropower site it is buying from McDon- nell-Doui:Ja1 Corporition to th~ city of · Newport Beactr. It is located northeast of MacArthu r Botllevard and Campus Drive nW Orlnge County Airport. County planning commissi oners denied ~l Azi.Jputh's application tO ha ye th e parcel rezoned from industrial to com- . mtteial.. The majority of the com- 'rrussK:mers taid they ,.arit to preHrve the integrity ol the .Jrvine !:ompany industrial complu plan adopted in 11185. Stuart BajJey, assistant county planning director, said today he understands Azimuth will appeal die decision· to the county Board <i Supervisors. Azimuth'• application tp .the city plan- ning commissioners tonight is fOr a prezoning to PC (plaMed community). The territqry is outside the present city at !IAUAllA IUIEIBICB s. .. Jon were rounded up and the lye 1:9nc~ed Mitchell "moy ba e 'flOwerful p • • Dlllr '1111 ~lff votes of two bemocratl produced the biai" but said his Vlewl retli!cted those • A~bMnt of louth Lagunan ~clay needed majoi'ilY. on the ntxt roll call. _ oI Orana:e {:ounty, where he ras elecied t N. Mitchell, !I, to the Stall! Board of MitCheU 'a lppointmerit to the stale to the coun ty board for 7 ~ years. EducatiOI'.! w11 confirmed ·by 'the Stale . board by Gov. Reagan had been vi,Groos-'A:t his ·South Laiuna home· todiy;..1 Senate Wednesday by a vote of 27 to Jy attacked by li~als, headed by Mitchell said he was plea.std by th_e 9, the minimum needed' to plac~ Mitchell Senatoi'·Alfred 1'.l. Alquist, a Democrati~ Seo,te'~ Confirmation of_J1is ¥Pointment, ._ on the board. . candidate. for · J1eutenalit governor.'" He though he hac:t .becq annoyed by wha t ;... The vote was tallied aft!?r an initial ·called the fOriner president of the Orange lie ~med ;'false news stoties" generated : roil .call produced a 25 to a resnnnu, County Board of Education "totally un-by uist. _, . ~-quaUIJilll." · two votes short ol. the two-lhlrda majority ,, don't know What· all the fu!I ii'· required for confifina(JO(I..---··After 'the-vote, Alquist described about," said Mitchell , "atnct it's a non. On order ol. Senate President pr.~tem Mitchell u '1a true bellevtr w]Jo views paying job 8.nd involves a !Jot of work; Jack Schrade (Jl.San Diep), ablent.ee educa&n probll!JDJ with tunnel vision," I'm only goin&..into It· because I'm co~ • ~ .. and accused him or wariting to serve ce rned abo ut COildfeh and their educa tion on the stale board "to advance his and about my country." right wing ideology.." Mitchell denied that he h a d' Mltchell, on the other hand , accused "no~inated" John~Birch Society member Linda . ~asabia11 Alquist of mariiµng IJte campaign to Robert 0. Bartholomew, president of Remov.ed From· block bis ljlpainbnont ·ud "manu11e-. the Tuslin UnioiI High sc11oo1 Dl•trict, turtna new1• .. stctrlea" lb arder to 1et to tb Calif · eomm· · . publcUy. ·1or bil ·own campaip." in '. -. ~. . or~ia. wion on Equal C'-·them ,..11•-•·. . ~ OppbrtUnlUes m Education, as reported Manson's Trial ' ~ .....wunua in several news stories out.of Sacramento The South Llgunan will serve a four. "I didn 't submit his name," MitcheU year term oil the to-member board, f said. ''There were tbrPf'.1__iiames.:..Und_et_ whch meeta moatbly ln Sacramento at' ronsid ti nd I k ' -, Ii thr I other Callfon1ia cities. Jta members.~ era on a MW 1 ee peop e. receive no pay, They all had school board experience and in my ,opinion we~e all excellent people, which is what I said." IJmits--btJt -a city" legally may prezone~ - -DAIL v 1'1LoT 111H ,...,. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Th• statt's star witness in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial baa hid her case teparated from Charles Manson and three other yoUng -women members of the ''faffiily" so she can testify against them. The Mitchell appointment · his been- pendlng before the Senate for six wee~k•· since its approval by a· t to 1 .in the Rules Committee. The three, aecording th Mitchell1 were Bartholomew, \riho J'got thin 1 s straightened outt th Tustin board ,'' ~ri t::i.::.ip•rcel on anticipatio~ it HARBOR HIGH GRAD CHERYL DYER CLUTCHES MORTARBOARD Jim Hewk:ker, asaistant NewP,Ort plan· The BrHll Wai Real. But th• Rain WaTA-rtlflclel Linda Kasablan, 20, was brought unex· pectedly into the courtroom Wednetday and she etudiowly avoided the finger wiggling and calls of the other defendants as her own trial was put off to Aug. ning director, said he still ,does not consider Azimuth's prezone application ~o be ~fie enouati. It ~fen, only in a general way, to one million square feet ol olfice 1pr1ce and a 450-room hotel. ' OU.er figures ol up to 1.8 mlUj,on square feet of office space have been used by the Azimuth annex proponents. ~ut Hewlcke also said the prezoning requf'!lt appears to be reasonable provid· ing business and commercial uses relate to the Irvine industrial complex, economic support can be shown to justify a tw~fuld increase in commercial space for the · area, and increased traffic that would result can be handled satisfactorily. Mesa's Sorsahal , -Cites Increases In City .~evenue Harbor Crads Hear Plea 17. . Miss Kasabi.an is expected to testify for the prosecution. giving her account of acting as a "lookout" w h 11 e the others actually commltted seven killl.ng1 of the beautiful actress and her cotertt and a wealthy grocer· and his wif!. To .End Generatfnn_ Gap ' She will be granted immunity from ):1ro5eeution in exchange, tor telling her By STEVE MITCHELL OI t1M1 D•llr 'llet Stiff NewPort Harbor High School's band and orchestra played tpe traditional "Pomp and Circumstance" processional music as 550 senior students, garbed in bl ue caps and , gowns,· marched t.o their seats on the school's loolball field · during 1970 commencement exercises Wednesday afternoon. Commencement speakers Lynn Dee -. Rosener and Valedictorian Roberta Magnusson addressed the capacity au-.. dience of family and relatives who filled story, the basis ol the stale case. the .school's football atands. 'Ibe trial was in recess today. Both speakers e·m·p h a s i z e d com-Mailson and Susan Alkins wtre to ap. munication . in their addresses, urglng pear_ in Santa Monica Superior COw1 adults and the younger. generation to to enter a Pil!a to an eighth murdet speak to each other and try to understanti -the killing of musician Gary ijinman each other's views. three months before the Tate-LaBianca , 1 . ,. slayings. ~ -'True .. commun cation 1s so rare, stated Roberta Magnusson "and social ~ury stleetion In the Tall! caae was conventioNI and apathy keeP us apart." gom~ slowly. At the .end .of_ Wednesday's "If I lose the abll't to rel te with V hearmg, 14 prospective JU1"9rs. had been t.i.1· 1 ~ a excused on grounds ranging from others . by .iuu1n1 behind ~ks and personal hardship to -opposition to the slogal'ls, I wdl not be .hon.est w,tth myself death penalty to -preconceived opinions. or my fellow human bemgs,1 she con· One striking blonde in her 20&, Marilyn eluded . Pfeiffer, was · excused after she said Fred Sonabal, acting ,city manager 1;( * 'ff Charles E. Godshall, Newport Harbor she had decided a six months separation .· . . . ., The floor vote "u dielayed unW Senlton returned to Sacramento aft.er tl!e June 2 primary el~Uons, wtth p .. ponents and .epponents of the Oraq:I! • COUnty COnJUVative workfn& to round up votes. Senate Education Committee'chairman Albert Rodda (0-Sacrlminto) had ask· ed Reagm lo withdraw the 1ppoint:Qent char&inl Mitchell with political bias and commenting, "The best yOll · can say about him is that he's mediocre." . S.nator John G. Schmits lit-Tustin) John Harper, w "did I. good job On the Fountafu V y ·board before he resigned after hri election to . the cit}' council," and Ro.cer Anderson, formerly of the Huntington Beach Elementary board, whci later was elected to fill Mitchell's seat on the county bOard. Mitchell said• he "didn't know 1 • Bartholomew was a member of the Birch Society, explained he had not delved ·into the backgrounds of the thr.ee men but ba~ his views on their school board records. ' Co1nmunity-1970 Inside this edition of the DAILY PILOT is the seventh annual edition of YOUR COMMUNITY. The 1970 version is a 40-paRe book filled 'with facts, photos and phone·.numbers designed to pairlt a por· trait of the communities of the Harbor Area. IL! jhe jcind of_p!!Wcation many readers like to send to "the folks back ~OITie:" To-meerthls demana, the 'DAILY PILOT offers additional copies at 25 cents each "over the counter" at ,either the Newport Beach or Coslll Mesa offi~e of the DAILY PILOT. Copies also can be ordered by mail (at 35 cents each) for yourself or for others. U1e the coupon lo order by mail: · .. -..-------------of Cost.a M~, addressed a meeting Hlgh School priacipa1, presented the from her husbaJid, Jockl!d up nightly in of the Citiiens Harbor Area Research N~~port Grculs-Class of 1970. . a hotel room would have an "emotional I I Team this morning, comparilti ex·· "The wiique.characteristic oI this class effect" on th~ir marriage. Clip out 1nG m1il to: , ,., penditures ~d revenues of the citY Over· , ~ _ 11 that 1they: involved themselves in 1 During Wednesday's aession Superior the laft five ytars. E El meaningful dialogue with their teachers, Court.-Judge ~les H. Olpe, ~eat.ened I ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT I Sorsabal ioldccCBART_members-1hat-Veryone Se_--~_,,&<1,,,lllll1l,,,·::::'•:::lrators and parents. The uni-.to ha ve MWlinrl ·1ttGineyP Irving -. · , revenues from au ·sources .for fiscal • queness or tlils class is their williagness Kanarak, physically t1ilenctd--i!-he-did--1 330 w. 81y Strlet 22 I I Balboa Boulev1rd ' I rear 1970-71 increased 7.1 f!ere~t. "nits Really All Wet to brin~ about ch.~gl! th r 0 ugh -not-qllit lpterng>ting the court. Kanarek increase Is due to tile c<iilom1c gro~ _ . democratic processes. subsided.· . Costa Mesa, C11if. 92627 -.New~ort Beach, Calif. 92663. or the Costa Mesa •rea.'' tie stated. The presen~tio11 of dlplo~as was eon-· The highlights of Wednesday's ses!ion I I "No increase in fees for, permits or Graduating high school seniors are ducted by Board of Education Preslden.t came when Miss Kasabian was broucht -ofl1er fees and charge. are anticipated sdmetimes referred ·to as "still wet Marian ~ergeson arid mtmbers. ,Selim into . the cOurtroom th early afternoon . I Please ltnd . , .. , ... copies of the 1970 edition of YOUR I tn this budget." ' behind the ears." This reference holds S. Franklin and Donald Strauss. . Her blonde .hair was in pigtails and t;OMMUNITY m11a1lnt at 35 cer:it1 each. I • n ~lo 1 • The sales tu-yield for fiscal year a literal meaning for the class of 1970 The studeRts left the .field, . ac-she wore a neat white and yellow frock. J97G-7t is; estimated at $2,S90,000. 1'1bis at Ne wport Harbor H.igh Scfiool. companied by recessional music proVided Miss Atkins waved repeatedly and call· I · · · · · · · ·in cash ~r st imps. I is a ten percent increase over last yur's Roberta Magnusson, class valedic· by Newport Harbor High School's band. ed out, "Hi, Llnda,'' but ttie othl!r atrl estimate of $2,350,000," s0rS8bal said, · torian . rose to deliver her com-kept her eyes removed. Pat r I c i 1 I (Fill in bianks below v.•ith your O\\'n name and address I "Only a slight incrt.ase is anticipated tiiencement addresS during graduation Krenwinkel. and Leslie Van Hou~n. the or that of person to whom you want copies ·mailed.) because or the current economic tren<b ceremonies conducted at the school field 2 o· lympic· Pools ,other defendants in the Tate case. also I I in the U.S. and more partlcul!rly, iil W,ednesday. '· sought in vain to 1et htr attenUon. Orange Couflty.'' .She spoke of the communication gap Manson looked at her fi1edly btJt lhe Name · · · • • • • • • • • • • · • · · • · • · •" • • · · · · · ·; · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · He dtl!d. the largest single 90llrce of · between students and· parents; She spoke At C t YMCA did no{ return his stai'e. I I revenue for the city as sales tax, toCalling o( the importance of relating honestly oas Kanarek protested to the judge thtt StrHt'-addr111 .....•.•.•..•.......... ' .... ' .............. ' ...•. 28.2 percent. "This is surprising to manr with fellow human beings. Manson and his codeferidants did not I I r 1 esJd<nth ts '"~ho ttltink that p 1 roperty tax 1.~idwday"tlnhroug~t her1dethlivery. sh.et pro-1 Set for Summer know whether she was "fllh or fowl" · City .. .' ................. , ....... ,. State ......... Zip ... , ... . s -e .,1gges source o revenue," c aime sp1 e o e :1nsan1 Y o "'Ta prosecution witness or·cOdefendant. I I Sorsabal stated . Properly tax comprises day-to-day liviilg. . ." At this point As Miss Kasabian was escorted from Only ort• m•lllnt addr111 per coupon, pl••••· Att1ch ad- ;P.n1Y 17 percent of the incoming revenue. her speech was Interrupted by the Th e two Olympic size swimming ·pools the room, f\.tanson turned to the other dition1I on11 on separate piper. • ,,,_,Sonibal discussed city eq>endltures, distinct staccato beat of the school's at the Orange Coast Yt.tCA will be young women and said: "She's high." L _J explaining that public safety ta kes up automatic lawn sprinki lng system. the site of a complete .summer aqu atics lr~~=]r;;;;11::::~~~::ii;~i~iii-~~~;;::::=====..:_· -:_·::·"-~~~~~~~~! 36.69 pertent of city funds. He mentioned Four spr inklers, unintentionally ·located program, accord ing to Bill Brown, a possibll! plan of combining maintenance in strategic positions, sent showers or physical director. work on Cost.a t.1esa's two police cold water on the graduating class. the The program, designed for children· helleopters w'lth the Newport Beach Newport Harbor band, the valedictorian of all ages. ~gins every two weeks helicopter team as a means or saving and the board of education. throughout the summer. Each session money. "A possible joint maintenance Five hundred an d fifty seniors rose, oUers ten one-half hour lessons from of the two ciUes helicoptl!l's would le!sen as if on command, and fled the area . basic wate r safety to competitive swim- the public safety upenditures," Sorsabal Screaming coeds clutched wet ca ps and ming. explained. i::owns. band members grabbed for their Classes are divided into five divisions: instrum·ents and at least one Crave senior Tiny Tots, from three to six years old ; Dt.ILY PILOT o•ANGI' CO~ST .. u.L."'4 1NI) CO.Y.Jt.A NY leb.rt'. N~w.,•~-- J tc\ •• cu,1 • ., \lltl lliftltlt;.-, lfllf ~II MINOW The"''' l<11•il fdli.r Th•"''' >.. Mu•phin1 M1nt oln9 (dlter Ceil• M-Offlc• ]JO Wilt 11' 5tr11I ,.1ili111 A4141rtn: P.O. I•• 1560, •2616 -Offlc• HfWllD"I llKll: 2111 wiit l1lbo1 l!llll•~u• uo...,,. SN cll: m· ,_, .,.,.,.u, 1"U11llfllllon 111r11: 1n11 l•idl 1:111lf'lltt11 lfll Cit-le: lOS Norlll f l (111'\l'lf llMI l)A\L.Y JtlL.OT, wllll-w!lldl Is -ifiitd flit~ .._..,.,.,_, It 1111111-t11tv 1•c1111 SVI"· ..., "' .... ,. ...... ...,. ,.,. '""""' l tl tll. 111-1 11914:11, C.M fo\ty, Hllfttlnt~O~ Medi tMI ,._lllft \l.llotly, t l!lftl Wit/I 1-..0 ,......., 1111tM. °''"" Cout llubllltllftf attempted to avert the disaster by step-Minnows, beginning swimm ers; Fish, low ping on a sprinkler loc ated directly under intermediate swimme rs: Flying Fish and his seat. the ad vanced Shark swimming class. The fiasco continued for two minutes Summer registration is open for tile while school custodians dashed to lhe classes which run Monday throu gh Fri· maintenance building-t.o ... turn off-the day from-~ a~m. to 3 p.m. Session water systl!m. schedule for the su mmer. includes, J une When order was-finally-restored!,, -t11<-2Lto July 3; J uly 6 to July 17; July slightly drenched.va\ecl!Ctorian CQntinued 20 to July .31; August Y-tOKugusr"l~; her address and the Senior Class of August 17 to Augus( 28 and August · Harbor High was presented to the world. 31 to September II. Other features of the summer aquatic prog ram at the YMCA include ll com- l'~litlve swifn tei!.ni, lifesavi ng and scuba diving, recreation al swimming, adult swim Instruction, private and seml- ·private lessons:- From Page J ' TAXES •.. the 6Q-cent tax increase. Budget items covered by the general fund are ldministration, instruc Uon, ~ealth services, lransportation, opera- llon and main tenance of plant. fixed ~harges, .rood services, com'muni ty serv. ices, capital oullay, deb t service trans- fers and reserves. ' _ Accordill8 to es!i.m_!tes j n th,J pJ'..eUm- inary OU'agc, and lncluaing all items In the general fund1 taxpayu s in the Ne"'· porl·l\-lesa district will be spending $1.002.08 to educate each studen t in 197().71. " For further information contact the · ·Ora nge Coast YMCA a1 2300 University Drive, Newport Bea,ch, or call 642·9990. Agriculture Meet D_elayed I Week . A Nylon Shag . Thar's Young in Looks, and .Young in ·Price! 9.95 SQ. YD. -----. IF YOU CAN'T COME ~N-CALL 646-0275 for an expert carpet consultant \Vho will come to your home with Samptei without any f· obligation · t to \)'OUI • C'""""V pr ... 11111 ~~ti 1•1 1t 1111 Wt ll ..... 1 !"11 .. Nt-.pt•J l tKl'I• 1114 lJll Wiii .. , ''""· CO.•• ......... . 1"••••• r11•1 ••a-•i11 _ Cl ....... Mwtrlll•• t41·ft11 to.f"'*"'-1'11. Or•• CM•! •11111111>""' Cfl'otlM~f. Ht -,..,,.,,, 1Uo;itr11,f!'.a. .. ) .... It! ,.,.,..,. .,-1Clftr1'""""!' .... ,11'1 ""' .. ~ wlttwul dt(ltl ,,.,-1 .... ..., .. ....,.., -· -o-President 15worn In BUENO& AIRES .CAP \ -Brig'. Gen . A one-1,reek postponement has been imposed on the regularly scheduled meeting of the 32nd District Agricultural Association, which would normally con- . ::~:~f;~~l~;?.,~e~\!,"r~; . H·.J. ;,G_A D D_E.· 1· )f. u DN 1 ·1JJ_ -. -~'. busrness concerning ihe Orange cOunty If-~'-,---~-I \I\ l-\ · 1\-..,~--,---.---~I . Fair and Exposilion 'scheduled July 14 through 19, according'teo offic ials . ,. ·· ' ,_.. ........ YI' Jlflill_tl N...-f l t lC.11 "" co.Ill .,,__ (lllfen,li, SyMc•l,eltl'r"'W t l rt .... IUt -"!IVI r,, l'flt ll it . F'l .. l!Mfl ftllll~ ........ 11ei11. ''·" """'~,.,. ' Roberto Marctlino U!vingston v.·as_ in· augurated· as pr~sldent of ArgenUna to- day amid ~igns of dlsagreemen( In the armed forces over hJs Cabinet ap- poinlmcnta. The r alr Board generally meets the PROFESSJCNAL third Thursd•y of the month in •d· ' INTERIOR DESiliNIRS Jnlnist_ralive officers on the falrgrbtmds a.t aa Fair. .Drive • • 0,. ...... -&'llrt, - I I ' ' - 22 11 HARtOR llVD. co~" MESA, CAllF. 646°027.1 646-0276 ·' ~I ' ' '• • l l I J • • • • Saadlehaek N.Y. Steeb ' voe. ~], NO<l4S , ] SECTIONS, #-PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . -THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 ·TEN CENTS " Laguni's Mitchelf in SchoC>l B'oard_ Scjlleaker By BARBARA KREIBICH ot "'-Deity l"IW Sift! • Appointment of South Lagu~n Clay N. Mitchell, SS, to the State Board ol Education was confinned by the State Senate Wednesday b~ a vote of 27 to I. the minimum needed to plcice Mitchell on the board . The vote was tallled after an Initial roll call produced a 15 to I response, two votes short of the two-thirds majority -- Clemente Wife Found Murdered By JOHN VALTERZA Of "'9 D.itJ' """ ll•ff The nearly nude body of a young San Clemente · housewife was r A>und bludgeoned and repeatedly stabbed Wednesday, lying on the bed or a small apartm_ent she shared wiU:i her Marine husband. required for confirmation. On order of Senate President pro-tern Jack Schrade (R-San f:?iego ), absentee Senators w'ere rounded up and the aye votes of two Democrats produced the neede:d m~jority on ~ next roll call. Mj~hell's appo#llment 'to the state board by Gov. Reagan had been vlrorous- Jy attacked by liberals, headed by Senator Alfred 'D: Alquist, ii Democratic candidate. for: lieutenant 'overnor. He called the former president of the Orange County Board of Edus,_ation "totally un· qualified ." Arter the \'Ote, Alquist described Mitcbell ·as "a true believer who views education problems with tunnel vision," ind accused 'him of 1 wanting to serve on .the state board "to advance his right wing ideology." Mitchell. on · the other hand , accused AlquisL of maMing the campa~ to s a . ' . block his appointment and "manufac. t41"ing news stories" in order to get publcity for · his . own campaign in Southern ·C&UJomia. , The South Lagunan will serve a four· · year ltrm • on the 10-me111ber board , whch meets ·montJtl y In Sacramento or other Cali!orni:a cities. Its members receive' no pay. The Mitchell appointment has been pending befare _the Senate ror·six weeks, .---- since its approval by a 4 to t vote in the Rules c:omm..itt.ee. The floor vote was delayed mtil Senators returned to Sacramento after the June Z primary elections, with pro- ponents and opponent.!1 of ,the Orang~ Counly C<f'servative workinl to round up votes. Senate Education ConuriittC!e chairman -Albert Rodda {0.Sacramento) had ask- _Jleagaa to withdraw the' appoin~t ' . charging Milchell wtlh politi<ol blu ud commenlinC, '"111e beJI you can 11y about him is that he's mediocre." • . Senalor-John G .• Scbmiii (R-Tustln) co~eded Mitchell "may have powerful bias" b;!Jt said hia views reflected U1o1e cf OrJIDJe.County, where he·w~ elected to the county board for 7~ years. Al !Us South Laguna home todiy, Milchell ~. he w.. piea>ed by 1\1< (Sot M1TCllELL, Pap I). • ~OllllCI Action Def erred -...., ~ _______,_ ·-· . On New Me:asure·S· By RICHARD P. NALL OI "'9 Dtflf "lllt Stllff _.Evea. dog ·owner ,apparently had his day In Laguna Beach. Wednesday as more than , 700 per.sons tufnt<I to -for a CitY Cmq\cil seS$ion to. protest slringent do1 controls and other laws propooed as urgency ordinances. The council chamber seals about to so the meeting was · moved up Uie hill to the 546-seat high school auditorium .where the seft.!I aqd ai'1ei filled ~p. The Ci'owd wa1 generally orderly. · I'm His Best Friend." . AnotheJ i;elated to proposed lifeguard cutbacks . It showed Snoopy on a guard tower saying. "I KnoW They're Only Humans But We'll Save Them Anyway." The urgency ordinances iniUaUy pro- posed would have prohibited : • --Walking a leaslw.d doc on the beach · or in a pai-k. -Riding a motorcycle on private pro- perty ua1ess the rider had the wriUen conaent of the property. owner. ' The brutal slaying ·or Mrs. Connie Jotri1son. 2AJ, was discovered by her hus- band , Mar 1 19, who returned h~e from at Camp Pendleton to :p· his y wife stabbed repeatedly in tbe c and .neck . The fe also bore marks of a beating . After hearing a multiplicity of view- points about dogs -heavil y .oj>poslng the proposal of Councilman Edwaf4 Lorr to k~p them ou• of pan. and ~be1 altogether -the council. deferred action to a study session. -;Singing, chanting or playin1 a musiciL instruinent in the park, on the street or in any public place. Thia bu now been -dropped entirely. · -Cllmbinc public trees Or sitting on a park lawn or other public propertY.. on t face and btad from a smau- w en stool found in the kitchen of tbe tiny, modestly fUrnished flat i t 416 -~ Monterey Lane, in the city's better , su mmer rental area . It was the second brutal knite slaying of a woman discovered this week in the Capistrano Bay area, but San Clem·ente police loday st ressed that the only similarity between the latest slayng and vicious dismemberment of Missioo Viejo teacher Mrs. Flore~ Brown, 31 , was that "they were both women and they were both stabbed." "The similarity ends there," said Police Chief Clifford Murray. The chief. alluding to increasini tension In the area over the death of Mrs. Brown, stressed there were no links found th1,1s far ·between the two killingS:- . Mt!i. Johnson was found shortly before Wednesday noon. Her body, sprawled on the_bed of the modestl y furni shed studio apartment, apparently had bee,1 lying there since i Ometime early Tuesday. · 'the woman. wearing only a shortie nightgown. had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest and neck and had suffered a seve re ...blow to the head from a wooden footstool found in the tiny kitchen tiearby. ..i ~ The discovery of the remains led ilfl· mediately to an intensive search for leads in the case. But this · morning, police said they bad no strong suspecls. Adding to the complexity of the case, police allege. was the discovery of a quantity of marijuana in a raisin box resting in a cabh1et of the apartment along the narrow winding residential street with its expensive summer rentals. The Johnsons had oo children. Coroner's i'1vestigator$, who performed an autopsy OY1 the body Wednesday night, said they still required more laboratory test result.!1 before formulating coD- clusions ,.on the exact time of death or the issue of sexual molestation. A pair of woriian's shorts ·was found -on--ih-eJloor near the bed-in the bedroom· living room combination, police said. A pair of · denim jeans 8'1'ld shorts was found outside the apaftment, draped on a wooden patio chair. Also on the patio. was a bright pink . metal chair which was beneath an ope ned kitchen window. . But police so far have ruled out the chances of a break-in and said the win· dow had been left open by the ~band tot ventilation. 'The front door to the small downstairs apartment was locked,. Johruon told police. when he came home from duty with his helicopter squadron at Camp PendletG1. • Police quoted lbe blond h u s b a n d as saying he entered the house shortly tief6lll!Oo1f 'lftel'llnk»cklng the door. l~e saw his wife sprawled on the bed, partially covered by a fallen pUlow, lhen jil>Ol\ed "]>Ollce. · "~y wife has ... been badly beaten," he told a dispatcher, · BIU exactly what time the death OC· !Sot MVRDl!ll, P ... I) • OVERFL<iW<Ciiowo s1>1LLS iNTO ORCHESTRA PIT·Al'TER ·cOUNC1L·Mov1s Ta HIGH SCHOOL , . I • ' • • • t I ' • O~tl..~ "1~1 ... llltr. " l.M "''"' AS THE ACTION HEATS UP, MAYOR GOLDBERG CONFERS WITH COUNCIL COLLEAGUES · Senate Approves Budget, Sends It to Assembly SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Senate with lilUe debate 1 today passed and sent lo the Assembly its compromise version of Gov. Ronald Reagan's proposed $6.48 billion 'tate.budget. The vote was 29 to 6. Sen. Doriald L. Grunsky, Republican floor manager or the. budget bill, told colle agues during a mere 10 minutes of debate that the spendJng plan "com- mitted ourselves . to a broad general philosophy ol more money fo~ schools." "The brief debate was anticlimactic , .tG the past three days of maneu vering by Democrats to force inclusion of more money for schools before they would vote on the budge:t. A bipartisan committee hammered out a $98 million net shift in the budi:et from other programs to schools to satisfy them. The extra funds In the senate budge& Would tring next yur's school aid appropriation to roughly the .samf': level • the current sum. But Senate Democratic c a u c u s chairman Mervyn Dymally. who ab· ·stained from voting; said the compromise "cul'i are not tqu.ilable and in the best intettsts of the state." • ...:. "ltla simply a c889-M no( beltlg able lo amend ·a bad t>ill,'' he said. "We ended up with a worse bill." Sen. John G. Schmitt CR-Tustin). who In the pa~t has consistently voted against budgets, cast a, fa vorable vote today. saying he was satisfied with the tight spending program it ouUlned.,. Robb A-bortion Ruling Delayed for Studies . By TOM BARLEY Of Ille D1111r l'lllt SMfl ., A ruling which may set aside abortion charges against Dr. Robert Cumming Robb or ·Laguna Bt!ach was delayed Rustlers Strike In Capo Beach Mr. and Mrs. Gary Clark and the ir five children of Capistrano Beach want horse thieves hung. .~ Somebody stole theirs during· the nighl. "I weht out to feed her this morning and she •as gone." said Mrs. Clark . "There's no evidence that she got out by herself." Cinnamon, a 10-year~ld reddish brown mare with a long tail, was a family pet, lovingly picked out by all the · children. · "The kids have been crying and it's really upset tht enlire family ," said Mrs. Clark.· She is hoping some good samaritan might ...spo\--U~ horse-and call her. Cinnarnan can· fur ther be identified b§ two white socks on her back feet , a white blaze in (ront. and freckles on her posterior, • By way of encouraaement, the Clark.s are offering a reward to.. the finder. Call 496-4307 if you see ~er, today by a Superior Court. judge :who· wants another week to mull the issues raised by· the arrest of· the eldefly physi· cla n. Judge Byron K. ~1cMillan set June altorney Moses Berman's Plea that the 26 as the date on which he will an swer district attorney's of!ice acted unlawfully when il got an indictment of Robb from the Orange County Grand Jury after a municipal court judge hid dismissed the charges agalnsHlis client:----~~ • or. Robb, 67. of 34567 Scenic Drive, Dana Point. was arrested on charges that he performed abortions on un· married women pa tients. Judge Paul Mast di smissed the charges in a landmark ruling whi ch labeled' Ca I i f o r n i a ' s threeryea r-old Therapeutic Abortion Act a s un- constitutional. Thal ruling, which seriously challenges the tenet that birth begins at inception, created a county-wide furor that became more pronounced with ~ arrest of Or. John S. Gwynne of Santa Ana on similar charges. • Much of ·Judge ~tast's ruUng w.as upheld Wednesday by Judge William Thomson, ~ls ·'Colleague oo the "Santa · A1'a Mun lcipill Court, wilh an opinion which ·only dlljers from the earlier treaties in terms of aborhon control. Ju~ie Thomson believes that abor\ion Is acceptable but must only be carried wt in carefully regu lated h0$pitals and · clinics. I • \ .; - ·The m1:jority of the crowd.was Youna. M~ny c.arried !igns. One ihowed tlie cartoon dog character Snoopy ~ the beach asking, "How Can He Sa~ No? -Occupancy of a hotel room by a perion under JI unlesa with guardian or occupancy by more than five ~ (Sot COUNC!i-> Pap If . Laguna Drowning Victim Identified as Young Actor A Laguna Beach drowning victim whose body was recovered by Hfeguards Tuesday afternoon ha! been identified as Tony Halphen, Z>-year-old Hollywood actor described as "a fine singer and dancer." Deteetive Sgt. Vic Sagan ~aid iden- Pay Hike Okayed In Preliminary Clemente Budget San ·Clemente's preliminary budget of $3.7 million, containing an average pay raise of 6.8 percent for cilYi employes won approval from city councilmen Wednesday. The council, which hu thrashed over the record document for several weeks, adopted the budget, which includ~s ab<Nl $100,000 in raises, but no indications of a tax increase. The raises, whiclr11:ill average 7.J percent for most public sa!etr and public v.•orb staff, wtll be paid for through savings In cutting back on budgeted; but unfilled. employment positlOAS on . the personnel roster, plus-other cuts~ - Clerical workers, generally, w i 11 receive the lower amount. The five-percent figure also applies to department heads, who elected to accept the lower raise . An unadopted brush stroke in lhe pe1'sonnel picture, however , was not resolved by councilmen Wednesday. Birs by ·public safety penonnel ror . a new, more beneficial penston plan wi!I be compared in coming months with bids from private insum-s, the council agreed. ' . The plan preferred by the employes Is admi nistered by the State of California. In .,9ther matters bc(ore. the:_ Council- Wcdnesday, i~ was agreed to schedule a 7 p.m. Tllfsday study session to. U • amine propoeed costly change or<len In •tf1e city leWer . plant construction. · architectural services for a new CO!llt munlty clubhouse, and • propoaed code. Oil trailer parll development. • • lification was established after a frtend who 13.st~ saw the 'actor in a Laguna Beach bar Sunday night reported him missing Wednesday. The. two had come to Laguna Su nday, the ftjen;d told police.. He described Halphen. as "despondent" and said he walked out of 'the ,bar about 11 p.m. and was not seen again, The a~ lived alone in an apartment at 1764 N. Sycamore St., Hollywood, police said. A theatrical brochure used to establish his identity stated , "This handsome young actor has· been very active since he left college to go into show business. He has traveled all over the U.S. with musical shows,' including the 'West Side Story ' and 'Pal Joey' among others." Body of the drowning victim wu discovered by a skindi ver 50 yards offshore at the foot of MQuntain Road. A preliminary a'utopsy indicaled it had been. in lhe water some 11 hours . Pendiiig completion or toxicological studies, cause of death is liated as pro- bably drowning. Oraage Ceut Weac•er The early morning fOg will rejOln us Friday, but sunny skies will pre· va il through most of the da: with temperatures threatening the • degree mark. INSWE TOD-'Y Ntarl?J 400 students from Orange COOlt hoVf received de· grtts from Cal Staie Long Btach. For li.ttings bv dtu, stc Page 12. -~ <•II""''-r CIMCtllllt Uil' 1• Cir.~ »-4 -c-in ,, .c:,...,_.. )J O.tlll ""*" lf ~~ 11 •.. """ ..... . •"'91111..t .... ........ ll-lt -n =..:.:""" .. 'l .. . .,. . ( • • DAILY PILOT SC DAIL 'I', PILOT ~ .., Mii 'lllttwU MURDER VI C.TIM'S HUSBAND WAITS AT POLICE HQ . MarlM Mark JaltO-T1ll1 l}electl~ta .,f Trtpdy . Fre•,P ... J CLEMENTE MU RDER ••• curred still is vague. One detective Mid the· ··ruFtge In the death time might come from determina- tion of Mr1. Johnson'• eating hablts. Her huaband told officers he left for work before dawn Tuesday, And neighbors In the we I 1-kept nelghborhood said they heard no unusual noises during the past feW days. One nerl-door neighbor, City Coon- ci~an and fonner Mayor Wade Lower. said Mrs. Johnson, whom he termed vivacious 1nd friendl y, made a regular habit of Jet.tine the couple'• small poodle oot on the patio each morning at &:30. "But for tfle last two mornings, &he didn't come out with the dog. ~·1 know, because my dog barked each morning when she whistled and shouted, " 'Coco .•• Coco'. .. Dr. Lower, who liva in the Panorama San• Clemente apartment building, aakl loud noises, l!IOUnds o( firecrackers, screams and shouts resound through the area as summer approaches. 'nley echo up from the pl~ bowl area. "No one arnund here· would have heard anyth1nc unuaual, because the nobe ia . so common. We: have ignored the noises becalae the)' happen IO often," he said. 'Mle dog, police said, Ii a small poodle, and probably the only witneu to the slaying. Police said they found the pet at his mistress' gide. Friends across the street are caring for the dog . The Johnson.s. natives of Michigan married in 1968 after a high school romance near Coopersville, Mich. Shortly afterwards Johnson joined the t.farine Corps the.n shipped out to Viet· nam in January of 1969. A year later he returned for duty al Camp P~eton w h e r e he 11 a• lance corporal . . Last Janu'ary they rented an apartment upstairs from the murder scene. A few month! aao tbey moved downstairs to a sma11er flat "We didn't see much of them aftei- that," Dr. Lower observed. Tl!e-;Johnsons regularly used the Panorama pool after moving into the neighborhood and beeame friends witb the neighbors and the Panorama management. * * * * * * Memorial Serrices Held For Slain Viejo Teacher FeJiow telcherl and her husband's -.;1iers · f&lay a\u;,did memorial services for Mra. Florence Brown, who' wu brutally 1laln two \"fek1 ago and · dumped in 1 makethlft lflVe on1 Ortega Highway. ' I Almost limultlneous · With· t h e memorial rites .for the .fl·year-old Mission Viejo teacher .came the aban· d<m>eot ol .a helicopter A81rch of !he ruged bnWI country alone !he wllidln( road between San Juan CapJstrano· and Lake Elsinore for a mlss&ig car and 1 possible murder scene. Sheriff's detecUves in Oran1e County la.id the IW'ch was called off thla mof'\l'" . in1t after daylong efforts by Marine helicopter pilots to find the missing sta- tion •aion and the site of the. brutal, two-wffk~ld murder -both key links in the unUIUl.l case. The l!efV!ces for the brunette mother President Sworn In BUENOS AIRES (AP) -Brig. Gen. Roberto Marcelino Levingston was in· augurated as president of Argentina to- day amid aigna of diaaf"eement in the anned forces over his Cabinet ap- poinbnents. Six of the eight Cipinet. mmbers were announced 'Wtdneaday ni,tit. The aix 'repreeent differlna political trends in Argefttina. DAILY PILOT N..,.n h _. ttilltl9p .. .._. u.-.~ ......... ,....., --... ..,_ ~NOi COAST "llll.llMINCJ COM,ANY lt•••rt N. w,,4 ""llHlll .... "l*lh..., J•clr It, Cu1l•v \'kt ,r11'01111t ""' G-r•I MIN,., lho"'•' ic .... a f:GllO~ 1ftoMtl A. M ~111hi111• · M-•lnt Etllitor Rit~tr4 '· N•ll lou!ll 0 ...... C-1'1' Edl!OI' -""Offlfiil- Ceilt M-! DD WUl.l tV l!rMI H-ri l11cll< :nn _, l110o1 110\llf\<t .... ltfUl'lt ltlCll! U7 r:ortll AVtflllt Wi.mt"'tlon lttCll: 1111J ltlell 11.Wlevtrf lt11 t""""lel JN HW111 II (t"'llW 11 .. 1 • OAt\.'1' "ILOf, wl111 w•lcll Jt ~MMf "'' ~,..,,..,,..., II ..,al!st>tf d•ll' tn1pi J.vr>. ..., .......... tilt ........ l ....... lt.:l~. .......... loMc!O. Ctltt Mt11, HW.!ltitlt~ '9d1 -~i.M YIHt f, t i..,. ~!ti I• ,........,_ d ltflM. O\' .... (IHI ""'lltll ...... c:-. ... "'""' ........... ,, "" w.M ..... '""·· "--' '"'"' ... ~ lllt ..... .. , ..-..i, Call "''"· , ........ 17141 642·4)11 a ·w ..,.,...... ,.2 5''' S. C' !Ill AR Dc-11•"-""1 r---·--· -'·'···~··•tJo4421 ~'· ,,,.. Or•,... "''' •i.obllllllotf '-"'•· .... -· .... in. Ltktttrll-.. t""'411 _,.... .,. t~lltl'l<'ll" 11tr1T11 ,..., .. ,...._.. wl!l!Ovl NKll1 ,_,. ,...... " ......... , .._, .. - ~ ~ --Nlf ........... ,, •fl(ll ..... &:...a .... (111'-lt , lllloKf;,.lilll ft' ctrrlet •·• -"'!Vi •v -" tt.• -111'1;1 "'*l!ll"" ...... '""'' tJ.• ll'll!llllY. ' - of two pmchoolers and Atopmolher to thrre teenagers were held at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in El Toro. where Mrs. Brown1was an active parishioner. Formal funeral services will be he.Id ~ter this week in Seattle, Waah., where her pafents reside. No date for those services were an. nounced by mortuary aides in Elsinore, ' Where~the body is awaitin& lhlpmtnt. · A spokesman for Evans 111d Brown Mortuary refused to discuss any aspects . of the Juneral arrangements. . ?tfeanwhiJe, Orange County iherilf's in- yestlgators have anno~ no new leads lit the case, which began· last June 3 with a missing·person report on the teacher, who vanished after classes in Capistrano Highlands. The car which she was drivin1 on that da y disappeared with her. A hiker in the El Cari&o ·area of the Cleveland Nati onal Forest discovered the grim remains Monday lyin1 unearth- ed in a shallow grave near the "falls area" of the region. · The falls, actually a trickle of water spilling over boulders a short distance from the highway, is a fa vorite spot for travelers to the area and has well· defined trails. -- Some sources outside of palice circles reported Wednesday that the youth who discovered the body his complained 1n recent d.iys of being followed by uniden- tified persons on motorcycles. · The tetnager lives in the Et Clrbo Village area. He told ofOcers, IOUrcts said, ·that he was walkinr along the small ctnYon when he diSCilvered a shredded comforter and saw whit ht-thoupt Wert remains of an ariimal. Looking closer, ht .dlJOOvered that it was a human body. In vestigators from three counties - Orange, Rivenkle and Sin Dteao - are conducUn1 invlltlptiona into the death and ire concentr•tinl on the ear, a faded 1old Pc:ritiac ataUon wap. with license plates SA V 4Q, -Oil Cl'l!dtt <lnls; -al j....try, a purse and tan lhoea allD are ml111n&. SP'ORTS EDITOR CO VE RING CUP • Lifeguard~-• Protest Budget Cuts Laauna Beach lifeguard supervisors. 1ct0mpmnled by a surf rescue expert told councihpen Wednesday nlgllt that the force can't stand any personnel cuts. It hid been recommended e&rlier as part ol general city cuts In personnel and service that the lifeauards be wbitUed down to save money. Capt. Rod Riehl, who has been on the force 16 consecutive years, told the council he had seen the force grow unW it had pretty good coverage of the beacbea In Laguna. "However, it does have a very glarint shortage in terms of permanent per'IOn· net," he said, addina tho! olf .,...,. coverare 11 at rock bottom. He· aald the two Permanent ~ u1esuardl meant that with. time of, tllse were four ·days of the week: with only one guard for 3~ miles ol beach. ruehl said when a boat overturned at Abalone Point recently it fortunately oc- curred on a Saturday when there were four guards on duty. All responded and there were four persona in the waler or injured and clln«ing to rocks. They were 1aved. Riehl pointed' out tha t the accident could aS easily have happened on a week~y with one 1t1ard on duty at- temptuig lo make the difficult multiple rescue unUI help arrived, il It could be localed by phone. He au1gested that a few thousand dollan for men and equ.ipment could make • areat deal ol difference. The cuts of guards proposea were to have saved Sll,573. ·Rfehl abo suaested a fuu.t.ime chief lifquard poailion be created. Bob Burnside, a member of the 'Na- tional Surf Life Saving Allociation said his lfCIUP evaluated Lacuna Beach lJlepard -lion and fouod It is and will be below the mlnlmum alllety 1tandm'ds. . He aald La-pwds are hiahJy trained and dedicated but aald. "No a.IJllle mlD CID ltud aJcme at linst the ...... 'FIND LAGUNA SOLUT IONS' Spea ker 8 111 Leak From Page J LAGU NA COUNEIL ••. under 21 wilep with an adult. Mayor Richard Goldberg told the crowd that he took full responsibility for ordering the ordinances drawn except the dog crdinance (l..orr's). He said they resulted from discussion with coun- cilmen and other individuals. Goldberg said it was unfortunate that be had written his cover letter about the urgency ordinance packet sa ying they would I'> a Jong way towards 10lving Laguna's problems. • He said he had not studied them wben he wrote the letter. · · Goldberg said he has dropped the singing, chanting ordinance entirely. He said he had not intended the prohibitions against sitting on park grass or climbing trees but had meant to preserve public property such as planted areas. He said he favored the motorcycle ordinance as written but did not favor keepine married couples or service'men under 11 out of hotels-He also said the ordinance wording about transient a.nd Jdle persons should have referred to a areat lnflux of summer visitors. Political cartoonist· Fi'ank: Interlandi charted that the ordinances really weren't about dogs but had lo do with eeveral rlibts. "Within ail months I F,.... P .. e J MITCHELL CONFIRMED ••• . . • ' -Motorcycle . Riders Win Council Nod Scores ol young motorcycle •: thuslasts, bOJstered by 'petitions bearin# -nam~ ot rilore tl}ari 2,000 supporters,.. ouu1umhfred their foes in San Clemente Wednesday . and won a lhree,mM~ chance to ride in a new cycle park. Cramming into council chamber·&, supt porters and an admitted minority .of foes argued for more tha11. 90 minute1 on the granling by planning com- missioners two weeks ago or a permit lo operate a ~ere cycle park on land fonnerly µt e Reeve's Ranch east of the San Diego ·Freeway. Hearing prophKles of hordes of "blket types" out of Marloo ·Brando movies apparently left councilmen cold. The c~il agreed to gi ve the park, developed by a local trio of busi.nessmen, to operate~for three __months under 11trict controls and, supervision by the city. The youlh1, along with many adult supporters, applauded with dellaht after councilmen agreed to "give them a chance". The permit will last-three month!. • The opposi tion to the park, however, was !Oud ancf"definlte. Residents numbering about 200 had petitioned to the Council to re1elnd the action of the commission citing er-. . . . ' cess1ve noise, dust , police problems and traffic congestion caused by the park which may well attiact thousands 'of enthusiasts lo the mountain slopes this sammer. The most emotional oppos ition , ho,.,·eve r, came from r<?side nts claimi"6 that · the undesirable motorcycle gangs would flock lo the city and bring their filth and terror with them: ;.·, The· mos t vocal opposition to tha t poin t,·· however. came from . San Clemente cycle dealer Robert Tomlinson, who aaid the sport of trail riding attract. families and youths of finer temperament than that. uMarlon Brando made a mlnt off that movie, but it setms the thousands of fine . cycle enthusiasts have been fighting the image ever since," he said . "These people here "''ant to preserve "''hat they call a bed.room and retirement community. ::' "But judging by· the amount of firi~ kids we have Jn San Clemente. people have spent more time in the bt:droom than in retirement," he said: l. • ."I have an ll·year-old son whom ti~ will· send to that park every summtf' day if he wallts. 1 trust rum there. · It's. the safest place for him and I Jove him very much," he said. ·•. After discussion , of the fu~' ttgu.\ating noise by tiie or .. , cy~Ie engine, councilmen hea ~ an ·expert n the bike park II· the owner-operator of Saddlebacll ~ in the Irvine Park area. He ·said the park, catering to 100,W c1cllsts (including several VfPa) ill lta.I life . span, has never had a brush Jlre,. ma1or police problem or rowdy e~,,1 Trash, he added, was the bl--" headache. Spokesmen for the local park · promised diligent rubbish removal. A Nylon Shag . Thar 's Young 1n Looks, an d Young 1n Price! 9.95 SQ. YD. IF YOU CAN 'T COME IN-CALL 646-0275 for an expert carpet· consultant \\•ho \vlU come to your home with samples '''ithoul any· obligation to you! • ' : ' . " .. · H~J :_GLi RRrJT fU~N ITU~E -· " ' . . . ,-- PROFESSIC'NAL ' INTERIOR OESl&Nl!RS - --. ~ -.• ~ , ' ' 221 S HARBOR IL VO. o,... MIO:,. Tloln. I "'· I•"" COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646.0271 646.0276 • ',----,.. - I • • ' ~I"\ E & I, OI " " h 1 8' bl ll •I ho J• "' fr hi tl\ or w th <1 •I •f th Cl or •• V· w tli p, In ~ " I'! ' th •1 " l1i jo a ;, •• m I• h, Cl • bl al •\ ,, .. t• cl .. ~0r Ih w• or m kl ct tk ft> • . . • ·La guna Bea eli. . . voe 63, NO., 145, ) SECTIONS, #-PAGES ORAN6 E-COUNtY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JUNE II, 1970 TEN CENTS ,, . . , .. . ' 'Laguna's Mit.chell • Ill School Board Squeaker By BARBARA KRElBICH Of tllt O.lh Piltt llaff Appointment of Soulh Lagunan Clay· :, N. Mitchell, 58, to the .state Board Of Education was confirmed by the Slate Senate Wednesday. by a vole or 27 to · I, the miriimum needed to pliice Mitchell· on, the board. ' The vote was tallied arter an initial roll call produced a 25 to I response, two votes short of the two-thirds majority reqUired for conlirmaUon. called Lhe fonner president o!· Lbe Oranp 6n qrder, of Sen~te President )>fO:-lem' County BOa~ of . .fAU:Ca.Uoo "l~ally un- Jack Schrade (R-San Diego), absentee qualified." Senators were rounded up and lhe aye Atter the vute, Alquisl <ltscribed voles of two Dmlocrall!I produced . tht Mitchell "as "a true believer who views needed majority on the ne.zt roll call. education problems with tunnel vision," Miichell's appointment to lhe state and ' accultd him ·or !wanting-to serve board by Gov. Reagan had been vigonu~ ~on the state board "to .. advance his . ly attacked .by liberals, headeet by right wing ideology." , senator Alfred D.· Alquist, a DemoCratic~ Mitchell, oo the.-other hand, accused cantlicf4te for lieutenant 1ovemor, He Alquist • oI mannin& 1 Oi:e campaign . to . ' block his appoihtment , and · "manufac- turing news storieS". In order to get pubicity: for his . own· Campaign in Southern Calilornia. · The South .Lagunan wlll 1serve a•four· year term on the lG-member board, whch meet.a month!~ in Sacrainento or other California cities. Its meqibers receive rio pay. The-MitclieJr appointment has be·en ~din& ~orJ the Senate for six weeks, . . . since ila approvaJ by a 4 to t vote in the Rules Committee. The floor vote was delayed until Senators · returned to Sacramento , after the June 2 pilmary elections. with pro- ponents and opponerl'ts of the Orange County conservative working to round up votes. ,.. Senate Education Committee chairman Albert Rodda (D-Sacramento) had ask:- ~ Reagan to withdraw tbe appointment • chqing Mitchell with political l>Jla oJ\d commenting, "The beat you can aay about him ls that he's medlocie," Sonalor John G. Schmlii (R·Tultin) conceded Mitchell "may have Powerful bias" but said his vlews reflected those of <>ranee Countr1 where he was 'elected ·to the county board for 71h yean. · At his. ~th Laguna home today, Mllchell s;>id he was ~ by Uie -, (See~· Pye 2) " • ron sa una ....,.~o u·nc1 ~ " Clemente Wife Found Murdered By JOHN VALTERZA Of ,.._ oaib "*' Slaff The nearly nude body or 1 young San Clemente housewife was found bludgeon.ed and repeatedly slabbed We"dnesday , lying on the bed of a small apartment she shared .with her Marine husba nd. 'i:he brul~l slaying -of ·Mrs. Connie J~n. 20, was discovered by her hus- band, · Mark, 19, who returned home from dut'y at Camp Pendleton to find his young wile stab'bed repeatedly in the chest and neck. The wife also bore marks of, ~ healing l'.ln the fact and head from 1 small wooden stool found in the-kitchen of the tiny, modestly furnished flat al 416 C 1'1onterey Lane, in the city's ·better li~mmer rental area. It was the second brulal knife s'laying ef a woman discovered this week in the Capistrano Bay area, but San Clemente police today stressed that the only similarity between the latest slayng and vicious dismeruberment of Mission Viejo teacher Mrs. Tlorence Brown, .31. was that "they were both women and they were both stabbed." "The similarity ends · there," said Police Chief Clifford Murray. The chief. alluding to increasing tension M 1he · area over the death or Mrs. Brown. stressed there were no links found thus far between the two killings. Mrs. Johnson was found shortly before Wednesday noon. Her body, sprawled on the bed or the modestly furnished studio ap3.rtment, 'pparently had beei.1 lying there since sometime early Tuesday. The woman, wearing only a shortie !tlghtgown , had been stabbed. repeatedly ~n the chest and neck . and had suffered a severe blow lo the head from a wooden footstool found in the tiny kitchen t1ear6y. The discove ry of the remains led im- medialcly to an intensive search for leads in th e case . 1• But this moining, police saia they nad no strong suspects. , . .,.,."._" :OW!!FLOWCROWD SPJlt S iNTOORNSTRA'PIT AFTER COUNCr:CMOVES TO'HIOH HHOOL , , ' • ' .. ,. -1 • • • ,.. ,-. .. Action Deferred -· On .New Measures By RICHARD P. NALL I'm His' e..t Friend:·' Of "" o.llJ ...... Steff Every dog owner ·apparently had Ano&hrr relited to propoaed lifeguard bis day in Laguna Beach , Wednesday cutbacks. It showed ~ on a guard as more than 700 persons turned to tower liying, ~ "t K.low Thef're Only for a City CoWlcil session lo protest Humans But'We'll Save Them Anyway ... slringent dog controls and other Jaws The urgency ordinances initially. pro. proposed u urgency"ordinances. posed would have prqhibited: The council ctlamber seats about to -Walking • leashed doc on the beach so the meeUng was moved up "the or in ·a-'pafk. · hill to the 546-seat high school auditorium -Riding a molorcycle on private pro. where the seats and aisles filled up. perty. \Dlless the rider.bad the written Tht crow~ was---P!era,lly .~dtrly. · J •• consent ot the p~rty owner. · 1 • ~ter ~mr a "!'-~. ~ "~ ~iqging, chanµrt& or pJaytng ·• Points a~t Oogs "'"".' heaVfly .oJ>s:mrna .., musical instrument in the park, on the the p~oposal or Councilman Edward Lorr street or in any public place. This bu lo k~p .Uiellj oui or pru-U...,_.llu.,-now been dropped Ol)lirely. · alqe~~the =~~ actJoo ~limbing public . trees or aittiJlg on IOT."atijlly . ..,. · · · ')>ltlrllWlron-other·fMJ!/IJc~ ·The maJ<>!'ilY o~ the crowCI w.as )'OUnl. _ -Occupancy of, ai bote( room by a 1'11J!nY c~r:r1~, signs. Qne ~wed the n:erson , ~ 11 unJeu witl;l, iuardian cartoon dog character SnDOPf · on the •. or occupancy by'more than five peraons beach asking, ·"How Ctll}' He .Say No? (See COUNCU.17Pqe J>' - . . . Lagl_!.na Drowlling Victim . ' . :;<.:c._ldentif ~ed ·as Young .Actor ' ' . ;..~----' . ,,. DAlt.'1,f'lt01 ,,.,.lm Mo LM ... ,,.. ~ ' . \ . . c : A Laguna Beach dr~wninc victim tification was estabij'shed-after a friend v.;hose ~y ~as ,recovered by lif~guards who last · saw the-actor in a Laguna Tuesday aftemoon has been identlfJed ·Beach ~r Sunday night reported him .u Tony Halphen, .$y_ear-old Hollywood mis$1g Wednesday. actor described as "" fine singer and The two bad come to LaD'WJl '"M••, dancer." e """~ Delecu'' S•I. vi·c Sa•a· n said. Id..,· • the friend told police •. He described 11 11 Halptien as ."~espondent" and said he ·AS THE ACTION HEATS UP, MAYOR · GOLOBERG CON ~ERS WI.TH COUNCIL COLLEAGUES '· Pay Hik~ Okay~d In Preliminary Clemente Budget . walked out of the bar about U .p.m. and was not seen again. . Seng_te Approves Budget, Sends ~It to Assembl y Z, : • I ' ·Robb A.bortiOn . R.uli·ng; · . ' . . Delayed fo r ,Studies · · · By TOM BARLEY Of fllt DellT """' S"ff San Clemente's ·preliminary budget of $3:7 mllUon, containing an averase pay raise ·or 8.8 perceat for city employes won approval !rom city councilmen Wednesday. The actor lived alone In an apartmtnt at 1764 N. Sycamore .St., Hollywood,. police said. · A theatrical brdchui"e used to establish· hia idenfity stated, "'Th~ handsol!lo- young . actor~ been very.active li11ee he left cOllege to go into show busiMn. He has traveled all over the U.S. wtlh musical shows, including the 'West Side Story' and 'Pal Joey' amooc others." Body of' the drownina vlctjm was discovered by a skindl¥er , 50 yarda offshore at the foot of 'Mountain &ad'. A P[~liffiinary autopsy iOdica~~ it 'had '· Adding lo the complexity o( the case, police allege·, was the discovery oC it quantity Of marijuana in I raisin box resting In a catSinet of the apartment along the narrow winding ruidentlal atreet with Its expensive summer rentals. ·The Johnsons had nQ. children. . Coroner's iilvestigators, whO performed in autopsy 011 the ~y Wednesday night, said they still required more laboratory tat results before fonnulatlng con- SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Senate with little debate today passed and sent to the Assembly its, compromise version of Gov, Ronald Rfagan's proposed $6.43 billion. state buc!gef. The vote was 29 to 6. Sen. Donald L. Grunaky, Republiaon floor manager ol the budget bill, told colleagues during a mere JO minutes A ruling which may set aside abortk>n ctiarges against Dr, RObert Cumming 'RObb of· Laguna Beach was delayed ibday b)t a Superior Court judge. who· wants another week to mull the issue!! raised liy :the ari'tsl Of •the elderly phySi·. c;ian.' , . '. , ' · ' J~dge Byron K. Pt1cMill~n set ."June attorney Moses Berman 's plea that ·the 16 as the date on ;whi ch he will answer district attorney's office acted unlawfully when it got an Indictment of Robb from the Orange-County· Grand Jury 1fter a municipal court judge• had dlsmisaed the ch8rges against· his client. ' The council, which has thrashed over the record document for several weeks, adopted the budget, which inClu<tes AbOUt $100,000 in raises, .but no indlcaUona· or a tax increase.· been 1n ire water some 18 hoµrs. , PenC:lln1 ~l;Ompletioo · or , toxicoloik_al studies, caUR of death ls lilletf as prt>,. - bably drowning. Clusions on the exact time or 'death of debate that the spending plan ''com- er thf: issue of sexual molestaUon. milted ourse lves to a broad generaJ A pair or woman 's shorts was found philoeophy of more money for schools " ·0n -the·floor near·the bedin·the bedroom---TI>e brier debal.--Itel"' .:....._ Jivln1 room combination, police said. e was an 1ma~t1c • A pair of denim jeans md shorts to the past three days ot maneuvering was found outside the apartment, draped by Democrats lo force incluslon ol more on a wooden patio chajr. money for schoob before they woukl ·Also on the patio was a bright pink vote on the budeet metal chair which was beneath an opened A "'-"; ..... __:_;u_ h red 1 kitchen window . ......... _ ................... .-.:: anune OU But police so far have ruled out the a $11 million net lhift in the budget chances of 1 break.Jn and said the win-from other procrams to schools to satisfy dow had been left open by the husband them. Tbt utra funds in the aenate for ventilation. ~ woWd bring next year's school The front door to the small downslairs aid appropriaUon to J'OUib)y the same apartment was locked, Johnson Lold level as the current sum. polict. when he came ho~ from duty But Senate Democratic c a u cu s with hia helicopter squadron at Camp chairmao, Mervyn Dymally,. lfho ab· Pendletai1. . stAtecl from voting, said the cotnpromiSe Poll«: qUt.1led the blond h u s b 1 n d "~ta are not equjtable_ ud in the best u saying he entered the house sbonly lntertsb of_ the state." before noon after unlocking•the door. -"h's stmply a-cue of-not being-a He saw his wUe --=sprawled on the to amend • bad bill," ·he Kid. ''We bed. partially covered by a fallen pillo,., ended up with a worse bill." then phoned police. .sen. John G. Sctunltz IR-Tustjn), who "My wUe has been badly beaten,:' in the past bas CQnslstently voted against he told a dispatcher. budgets. Cf!lt a favorable vote today, 'BUl exac ly what time lhe death oc· saying. he was satisfied with the Ught tll<o MUllDER, P11e I) ' l~K proiram U outlined. • Rustlers Strike _In Capo Beach Mr. and Mn. Gary Clark and their ·or. Robb, 67. or 3:4567 Scenic D11ive, Dana Point, was arregted on charges five cliildren of Capistrano. Beach want tllat be performed abOrlions on 00• horse thieves hung. married women' 'paUentl-· Somebody stole theirs during the night. Judge · Paul Mist disrpi~ the "I went out to feed her this mornina. " charges in a la~i;t ruling which and sbe wu pne," said Mn. Clark. labeled Ca 11forn_11 1 three-year~kl o""'"A , ide that -~ ~ , Therapeutic Abortion Act ' a s un-11..;:re 1 'DO ev nee ai..;: 11 ... ou ,; ... ,. 1 by herself " cons .. "' Min& • Cinnam~ 1 IO-year~ld reddish brown That ruling, which strl.ously <:~llep.ges mare with '• long tall, was a family the tenet that birt~ bellJll ,at inc:epUon. pet lovln&ly picked out by all the. created a county•w1de. furor \hat ,became chiid ren. more pro,nounced · with the, arrest ol "'Mic kids have betn. crying and it's. Dr,. Jphn S. OwyMe o( Santa Afll oo ., really upset the entire family ," said similar charge!J. , . Mrs. Clark. · • Much ol Judge Mall s ruhng ~s She is hoP.in& some aOod samar\Lan upheld W¢nesday by Judge William ··m1ght spot io.e horee-and--cell her. Thom.loo":'"~ coUeaaue ·.on ~e_S.~La Cinnamon can further. be identlfled by Ana MUf!lQ~I· Court •. w1tb an opUllon, two white socks cm her back feet, a whlch ooly differs from the ·earlier white blaze , in (J'9'1l and freckles on lteatiei in terms of abortion control. · her posterior. ' Judge Thomson .. &elitvee lbll \bort~ . By way of encouraltment, the Clarks Is acceptable but must only be carried ~re olfeting a reward to the ·finder. out In carefully replated hospitals and • CaU ·4tM:I07 If y~·-:ber. clilll<I. · ' • • I ·The raises; which will average 7.S percent for most public safety and public works stiff, will be paid for th'""lh savings in cutting ·back on budgeted, but unfilled employment ·~1Uon1 on the personnel roster, plus othii:.cuU. ' Clerical workera, generally, w 11 1 receive the lower amount. The , five·percent figure also applies lo department heads, who elected to accept the lower raise. An un.OOpltd brush stroke in the personnel picture, however, was not resol ved by eouncllmen Wednesday. Sirs by public safety per119'nnel [or a new, more beneHctal. pension pl,an, will be compar!!d in coming · monthl with bids from private inlurers, the council agreed. Or aa1e . ' -·-· • -! The early· mornln1 fog will rejOln us Friday, but sunny skies will pre- va11 through most of the d11 with temperatures tbreatenlnc the 80- degree mark. - INSIDE TOD-'Y , Ntarl11 . 1 400 atude11tl from Qranoe, Coa•t h~w received dt· grets from Cal State Long Beach. For listings 1bw cltv, It• Pf:!_ge ;2. , 1 The plan preferred l>y the employts'.' · Is administered by lhe Stale of '"*' • ,_, .... uc-11 Calif9mia. · • ' ' ~::C.":' "'' ,: = •• »: ' Jn olheLffi!ller !Je!ore_Ute _c:ouncil_ ..:..~ ~1 -:':C: I' Wednesday, it was agreed .lo xhedule c.....,.. ' » S•Mt ,.,.., • a 7 p.m. Tuesday study RUkln 'to ex· =.. ...-.. ~; :C: ..,.._ ::t: amine propoeed costly .ctian&e orders .......... .,.,. • ,....,..... " . he ct Jani > t Ion ... ,.,.t_. D>M T..-.n lloM m t ty tewtr p cons NCt , """"'' ..,,, ......., 4 architectural servtces for •a new com· ~ ~ ~ 1C:-:.. ft.: munily clubhouae, 1nd a propoeed code ,__ • ...,. ....,. N oo tratler park devllopmenL-~- ' ' I , .. I .. Z OAILY PILOT SC • DAILY ,,ILOT ..... 11r ,,..... V....,_ MUR"DER VICTIM'S HUSBAND WAITS AT POLICE HQ Morino Muk Johnson Tolls Doloctlvo1 of Trogody .Fro• P .. e. l CLEMENTE-·MtrRDER ... curred 5'.iU is v11gue. Ont detective gaJd the hinge in the ~ death time· might come from determina- t~-~-Mrs. ' John9on!s e a_ti n.g habits. Her husband told 'bffictrs he left for work before dawn 1\Jesday, ~ neighbon in the w e 11 • 1< e p t neighborhood said they heard no unusual ._· noises during the past feW days. One next.door neighbor. City Coun- cilman and former Mayor Wade Lower said Mrs. Johrison, whom he termed vivacious and friendly, made a regular habit o( .Jelling the couple's small poodle out on the patio each morning •t 6:». "But for the la st twG mornings, Sile did n't come out with the dog.· "J know, because my dog barked each morning when she whistled and shOuted, .. ·C<>cC ••. Coco'. " . Dr. Lower. who lives in the Panorama San Ciemente apartment building, aaki loud noises, sounds o( firecrackers, screams and shouts resound through the area as summer approaches. They echo up from tlle pier bowl area. "No one around here·wouJd have html anything unuaual, because the noist lJ • so common. We have Jgnored the noJses because they happe n to often," he said. -The -crog, Police said, is a-small -po;odle, and probably the only witness to the slaying. Poilce said they found tht pet at his mistress' side. Friends across the street are caring (or the dog. The John.Sons. natives of Michigan married in J968 11fter a high achoo! romance near Coopersville, Mich. Shortly. afterwards Jotinson joined the Marine Corps· then shipped oot to Viet- nam in January ol 1969. A year later he returned for duty at Camp Pendleton w h e re he it a lance corporal. Last January they renled an apartment upstairs f.rom the murder &efne. _ A few mont.h.s ago they moved downstairs tn a smaller flat. "We didn't see much of them 1fter that!' Dr. Lower observed. The Johnsons regularly used the Panorama pool after moving into the neighborhood and became friends with the neighbon and the P an o r am a management. * *-* * * * Memorial Serrices Held ·For Slain Viejo Teache~ • . • Lif egllards ..__;_ ' Moto:r:c~cle Protest Budget Cuts Laguna Beach lifeguard supervisors 1ccomp&nied by a surf rescue exPert told councilmen . Wednesday night; that the force can't stand any personnel cuts. I( had been recomm~nded earlier as part of 1eneral city cuts in pel'!Mnil and service that the life111ards be whittled down to' save money. Capt. Rod Riehl, who has been on the force 19 ~utive years. told the council he had seen the force grow until it had pretty good coverage of the beaches i n Laguna . "However, it does have a very glaring 1hortage in terms of permanent person· nel," he uid, "adding that .of.f ae'ason ~veraee Is at rock bottom. He said thl t~ permanent off-season life111ards meant •that with time off ther6 were four days ol the week with only one 1uard for 3!h miles of beach. • .Riehl 11aid' w11en' a boat overturned at Abal9f.1e Point recently it fortunately OC· curred on a Saturday when the re were four guards on duty. All responded and there were-four persons in the water or Jnjured and cllngin& to roc ks. Th ey were 1aved. Rlehl pointed out that the accident could as easily ha ve happened on a weekday with one guard on duty at· tempting to make the difficult multiple rescue until help arrived, lf il could be located by phone. He aiuetted that a few thousand dollars for men and equipment could make a gre1t deal of dilfere.nce. The cull of euards proposed were to have saved $11,573. Riehl abo suggested a full-time chlef lifeeuard position be created. Bob Bums.ide, a member of the Na- tional Surf Ufe Saving Aaociation uid his a:roup evaJuated LallJna Beach . Lifeguard Asaocialion and found lt is and will b& below the minimum 1afety al&ndarda. He Slid L:tguna-guards-·are highly trained and dedicated but 1ald. "No &inale man can at.and alone 11alnst the aea." '~IND LAGUNA SOLUTIONS' S_pookor Biii Look DAILY ,It.OT $tiff I"~ THREATENS RECALL ACTION C1rtoonl1t Frank lntarlandi l'roM Pfife I LAGUNA -COUNCIL •.. . Riders Win Council Nod Score1 ol. young motorcycle en. thu1iull, bolstered by petitions bei.ring names of mor'e than 2,000 Jiilij)porlers, ootnuriibered their foes in San 'Clemenle; · Wednesday and won a . three-mo~Ui chance to ride Jn a new cycle park: • Cranunll!i1 into council ehambf:rs, sup; porters and· an admitted minority ot foes argued for more thaa 90 minutes on the granting by. planning com-· missioners two weeks ago ol a permit to operate a 700..cre cycle park on land formerly t,he Reeve's RaRch east of .1he San Die40 F~eway. Hearing Prophecies of hordes of "biket types" out Of Marlon Brando movle1 apparently left councilmen cold. • The council agi-eed to gi ve the park, developed by a local trio of bo1ineMmen, to operate for three monlhs under 1trid under 21 unless with an adult. am goini to Institute 1 recall against controls and supervisio n by the cily. Mayor Richard Goldberg told the certain members ol this council," he The youths, along with many adult crowd that he took full responsibiljtf said and strode out. supporters, applauded with delight after ror ordering the ordinances drawn except Another observer wa11 identified for councilmen agreed to "give ' flhem a lh d r N d chance ". 1 the dog ordinance (Lorr's). He said e crow as one o a er's Raiders, they resulted from discussion with coun· John Schulz, anassociate professor or The permit will last three months. · . cilmen and other individuals. ·1aw at USC and an associate of con-The opposition lo the park, however, Goldberg said it was unfortunate that troversial Ralph Nader. · · was loud .and defin ite. he had written his cover letter about Schulz told a regorter he was interested Residents numbering about 200 had the urgency ordinance packet saying they in the Laguna council elections. firing petitioned ·to the council to reselnd the woold go a long way tow·ards solving of the plannin1 commission, unfortunate action of the commission, citin1 er- La11una 's problems. polariuition of the community. and the cessive noise, dust, police problems and He 'said he had not studied them appare11t paving of the way tp' Laguna traffic congestion caused by the park when he wrote the letter. for high rise. :..., which may well attract thousands of Goldberg said he has dropped the He said several members or the plan-enthusiasts lo the mountain slopes this singing; chanting ordinance entirely. He ning ·commissio n are personally or summer. uid he had not intended the prohibitions otherwise connected wit'h commercial The most emotional o p po s i t i o n . agiinst •illing on park grass or climbing devel~pment inter_ests. . ·-( however, came from residents claiming trees but had. meant to preserve public During dog discussion, Councilman that the undesirable motorcycle gangs property such as planted areas. Charlton Boyd suggested seasonal dog woold flock to the city and bring their He said he favored the motorcycle controls allowing them on beaches or filth and terror with them. • ordinance as written but did not favor parks l~ashed or controlled from Sep. The most voca l opposition lo that poinC keeping married couples oc servicemen tember 30 lo June 15. In the summer-h<lwever, came-"ff'om San Clemente cycle under 18 out of hotels. He also said they would be allowed on beCore 10 dealer Robert Tomlinson, who said the the ordinance wording about transient am. and after 6 _p.m. ___ --· -. sport of trail riding attrac~ "families and idl~ persqQ&. should ha ve referred He suggeste.d the c1ly furnish In-and youths of finer tempe rament than to 1 great inOux of summer visitors. str_uments lo Pl.ck up dog droppings and that. Political cartoonist EranlL..lnter.landi_receptactes for J..l! d1spo~. "Marlon Brando made a mint off that charged that the ordinances really Lorr s~owed a ph~ Ol aaog ';"ith movie, but it seems the thousands of weren't about dogs bu\ had to do with a blue ribbon and said .he had r11sed fine cycle enthusiasts have been fightiJ19 aeveral rlehts "Within 1iJ months I dogs and was not aga inst them. He the image ever since ," he said. : • spoke of complaint!: by the scores that "These people here want to prcservi th ey are a continuing nuisance. whal they call a bedroom and retirement l't'Ollt p .. ., I Councilman Roy Holm, in apparent community. good humor, said, "I am delighted by "But judging by the amount of n,._ MITCHELL CONFIRMED Senate'1·cmf11matm of his appointment, thougl> he had boon mmoyod by what he termed "fa.lae news 1.torlee" generated by Alquilt, "I don't know what all U'le fu11 ts •bout," said Mitchell, "ainee it'• a non- / ••• Mayor Goldberg 's openirl1 .remarks to kids we have in San Clemente, peopl• see that he 1pp.arently realizes he has have spent more time In the bedrooril l1id a very lar1e e1g." There was loud than in retirement;'' he said. applause. . "[ have an II-year-old son whom t .~e suuest~. no new ordinance but will send to that ark ever summer giv1n1 the ei:.1shn1 le1sh l1w a chance day if he. wants. ~ tr.ust ~m there •• by enforcing 11.. He compared do1 waste It's the safest place ror him and 1 love to the moun tains of trash created by him very much " he s 'd humans. The crowd cheered and rose After discus~ion 0~1 ·the futility Oi. en masse to applaud Holm. reg I ti · b · o1' J1ek Randall of 1395 Sk r nr· u a ng . nol.'le y. size ot 11tyle • Fellow teachers and her husband's of two preschoo1ers and 1ltpmother to !=:;===---'-~ citk«1 today attmded memorial three teenaft[IJ!ert.held..at.St.-Nk:hol11 serv1ces-ror-Mn.Flotence11rown::-wm 1tholie Church in El Toro,. where Mr1. paying job and involves a lot of work. l'nr...nl)FjO!ilf'lnllt--IRleca.,....l'm·--=:t::: cerned about children and their education said he was a deg owner, Y i:orey~~: ~cle eng ine.-counci_lmeft heard frorg . +~u'•der....Bnd...;.'the -whbl!enchil1da ." -He n _expert_ in the b1~e pa~k conee_el,. agreed heartily with Holm. --j het owne~·operator of Saddle'biCk Par!, was brutally 1l1in two Weeks •IO aJfd Brown ·was an active parishioner. dumped-in-a makeehift graYe-on1 Orie1a -Yoqnal funer1I services will be held Highway. 1a.ter this week in ·seatUe, Wash., where Almost sim~ltaneous -ith• t h e · ,., her parents reside. , memorial rile! fo r the 41-year-old Mission Viejo teacher came the aban-No date for those services were an- donment of a helicopter aearch Qf the nounced by mortuary aides in Elsinore, rugged brush country along the winding ' where the body is awaiting lhlpmenl. road between San Juan Capbltrano and· A spokesman for Evans and Brown Lake Elsino re for a. missing car and Mortuary refused to discuss any aspects 1 possible murder scene. of the funeral arrangements. Sheriff's detectives in Orange County Meanwhile. Orange County sheriff's in- aakl the aearch.wa1 called off thiJ mom-vestigalors have announced no new leadt in~ aft« daylong efforts by Marine in the case. which began Jast June helicopter pilots to find the missing sta· 3 with a missing-person report on the ·ti6n wa1on and the site of the ·brutal, teacher. who vanished after classes in two-week-old murder -both key link! Capistrano Highlands. tn the unusual east. The car which she was driving on 1be services for the brunette mother that day disappe1red with her. and about my country." Mitchell denied that he h a d ''nominated" Jobn Birch Society member Robert 0 .. ~•rtholomew, president of the Tu!lin Union Hiih School District, to the Califcmia Oornmiaslon on Equal Opportunities in F.ducaUon, as reported ln aeveral De:'." stories out U Sacramento lut week. "I didn't ~t his name," Mitchell sald. "There were three names under consideration and I knew all three people. They au had school board experience and In my opinion were aU ei:etllent people, which is what I said." The three, aca>rding lo Mitchell , were President Sworn In ___ _,wi1iktt-in. the-El-Cari.so area-or the Cleveland National Forest discovered the grim remains Monday lying unearth- ed in a shallow grave near the "falls area" of the regi on. Barthoffxnno, who "1ot t h i n I s ·•tniahtened-out-on<the-Tustln"b1fard:'--·coNFIRMED BY SENATE : • BUENOS AIRES (AP) -Brig, Gen: IU>berto Marcelino Lev!npton was In· augurated as president of Argentina to- day amid signa of disagreement in the anned fortes over his Cabinet ap. pointments. Six of the eight 'Cabinet members were announced Wednesday night. The sir represent• dHfering ·political trends in Argentina. DAILY PILOT N..,.,, le .. -----·-. N .......... ....... ,..,. s-c- 0111.t.NGIE CO.I.ST 'U•LISHING COMl"AllV Jto'lltrt N. w,,, l"rllilltftl W "'*'!Mtr • J•cli. Jt. Cvr1oy 'Vk1 l"ru . ..,,1 •"" Ge>lrt l Mt11 ..... lho,,.11 Ktt 'l'il i..itor Tlio..,11 A. Mur.~lllt Mtllfl'"9 IElllOI' Jtl,htr~ '· Ntll Soollh Ort,.. c.wi1v Edlftr Colt• M~: :ut wu t lllv Sir*! ,..,...,, ••~<"' nu W.t ,,,_, •oul f\11,.. t.8911"9 ltftll' m r:or.,1 A-u• H\1Mlnt19" ltttll: 1117S ltitll l >o; .. v1td ... t.......,te: JU _..... (I Ct "'I,. 11•1 The falls, actually a trickle of water ~pilling over boulders a short distance • from the highway, is a favorite spc"Jt for travelers to the area and has well- defined trails. Some sources outside of police circles reported Wednesday that the youth who discovered the body has complained In recent days of being foUowed by uniden- tified persons oo motorcycles. The teena1er lives in the El Cariso Village area. He told officers. aources uid, that he was walking along the small ca nyon when he discovered· a shredded comhw'ter and saw what he thoutht were remains of an animal. Looking closer, ht dilC'Qvered that it was a human body. · Investigators from three counties - Orange, Riverside and San Diego - are conducting lnvestigalions lnto the de1th and are coneentratinc-on-the--c•r, a faded gold Pontiac station wap with license plates SAY 442. Oil credit cards. peraonal jewelry, a Qurse and tan shoes also are missing. SPORTS EDITOR COVERING CUP John Harper, who "did a good job on the Fountaih Valley board before he resigned after his election to the City council," and Rqger Andel"90n, formerly of tile HuntinjlOn · Beach Elementary board, who later was elected to fill Mitchell·s seat on the county board. Mitchell said he "didn't kn n w '• Bartholomew was a member of the Birch Society, esplained he had not del ved into the backgrounds of the three men but based his views on their school board records. "I aaid I would support any one of them , and we just took the names in order," he concluded. ' He C9f0plaineci tllat the conservative label gives the impression he is 1galnst change. "I do believe in fundamental things," he said . "but I also fa vor change and Improve ments 111-hen you know wttere you're goiilg. I want good chan1e. t don't believe In using big bunches of kids as guinea pigs and havlng them miss chunks of their edUCBtion because 9bmeoM';exper'imented:'' Mitchell said he favored using soc:ial studies books that are "factual books, giving honest f1cts, not books t11at have been gone over and made !IOCiology books." The llberals, he said, "want the liberal side to be giVei\, but they don't want lo balance it with the other side." Regardini his opposilioo to placing "Hiroehima" In· the library of a· t'Ollnty GleM White, -rts editor ol 'the DAI· correctional school, Mitchell uid. "My DAILY PILOT. wllfl ..... II CJl"llllnUI ~ u,..... r ,. th l Ir ' . to t II ,,......,...,_ 11 __., ..... ••llV ••t~ s-LY PILOT, is in Muico City covering ee 1n1 was a we re going e ~, ... .;::, ''~";:' ':.!~~~f!'.; the final i•mes ot the Workt Cup aoccer +them the llnry of lhe atom bomb ..,_ .,, "-'"" v1n.,, •ltnt •H~ 1.. competition. U.t ftlded the war, we Al!O l!lhould ,...._.. .,. • ...._ 0r..-.e te111 '"""".,,. • "'· "'-'" th th l l II ~., P l ~ ,.1111i.. ....,... .,.. ,, nu "'"' Appeling in todly's Issue is his 1uwve a """""' ere a e s a.,.,.. ear . ::,-...!:t':'·C.:~~· •-' "' ._1 enlightening story on the semifinal match Harbor that Slarted the war. For e-.- 17141 64z;.cJJ1 between Italy and West Germany alon• ample. I never _worried abool my 1*"11•••• '" voungster reading 'HiroMi a' beca·-· ClmlW u ..... 11-. 141.111a with a persona] view of ttie 1itUaUon " . m . u"" .. 1 AM,....,,_.., in Mexico City with the gamea nearinl I ~~ that_& wu ,,fam1llar with the S-s ' 1 beMnrun• ol the ,.,,_., l-"-----1-~-'-T.tSf•s•• mAUt --1-ll limu -in Su.nday't--dl.tmpionahip &• "'l!I """'T· ,..,...-. 1t1f. Or•• c"•' "'*"""..,, finals. • -He also. old-he-favored em,.n.!is '-"•· ,.. -· '""in. 111vt1t•1-While will remlin In th'• mll-'hl..... on nadin,g an_ d writing. "so kids will """~1 Wl9nwr • ,,....,.,1_" _.llO ... -6 " h "· l I IN\'..._ NP•um•• •!!MW. _,,.i-1 S!-· tapital ·city unUI the conclusion bf lht , .. ave "'..: vita knowledge o aim· =~ t;_cs;::; =~ . .....,. .. Kii tomPetitton. It the ch1mpionsh t-p final• muni~~ fcn:, such praclica1. thln p a.~· .,., a. .. """' Ct11W11~. lilllt"• .. '*" .,. ame on Sunday ends In a tie, a playoff applying f~. ·JOO&, and ketp1ng t.hem State Board's Mitchell ' PROFESSICNAl INTERIOR DES IGNtRS Jim Howard of 495 Thar St 'd n he 1r.111ne Park area. he had quit ~king his dogsiato He:i~r· H~ said. the park, catering to JOO,~. Park because of the human litter cyclist~ (Including ~veral Vl~sl 'In I~. In a toniewttat humOmus re~ntat' life . span .. has never had 1 brush fire,. Bill Leak o! 500 Broadwa~ sugges:1d ~aJor pohce problem or rowdy element. they cheek the hotel mote l Ueoci f Trash, he added, was the biggest to ho . a 1°" headache. Spokesmen for the loc al par 5 He :ues~m~ 1!:'~1~~:~t ~~ promised dilige"nt rubbish removal. " ''coold not take Fifi to the beach." He asked Lorr if he had called police about seeing three dogs, a goat and Peru Thanks Nixon " •sheep on the beadl. Lorr said someone LIMA . Peru (A P) -Presiden t Juan else had told him about it. Velasco sent a message of thanks today Le1k suggested that dot: walkers !llould to President Nlxon for U.S. aid to vlctimi' be properly equipped "and emollon11ly of Peru's disastrous earthquake . The prepared" to clean up any litter left tone of the message furth~r indicated ' by the creatures . He suggested aJ90 that the earthquake' and U.S. re!J)Ol'IH· that the council pay less attention to to the need for ald had erased the · Newport. Beach, P1lm Springs and tension which ha5 existed for months· Carmel and try to find "La1una Be1eh over Peru's nationalitation of the 90luHons.'' · .... -Jmernational.Petrolewn Cor.P--····-· -····· o,.. Moo., ""'"' i Pit IHs. A Nylon Shag . That's Young 1n Looks, and Young 1n Price! . 9.95 SQ. YD. IF YOU CAN 'T COME IN-CALL ~275 for an expert carpet consultant '\'ho "'ill come lo you r home "'ith samples withouL any obligation to you! 2215 HARBOR. BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 60-02 75 646.0276 ! ! :r:., •,:.=.1 ::.-"....:,~~._.....,, 1ame w ) 6iPJlj"ed'TUesday. J1nd ~ered ho• many hlgh !K:bool '------------_,.,...,.;.. ___ .:_.:.._ __ .:____ ·1rsduat., C011ld bslance 1 cl!tckbooil. !1--------------------------~~-----------1 •, -......::;....._ -• • -. • • . I .. s . I I I 1 WI eX1 ~ ::t ~ or I flrr -ti. I . rii~ th< th< l 1' , I i>!I .p th< iv< !"I IS 1 orr ""' l)O' l ' "'- t .. ri~ M1 to Or au Su va ll• •• ro• -1 we ad I lhE rac in th• pe1 I th1 ch• or I <DI · inc be ; to "' ' or lo lhc . 1 I ,. I I _, -·--~---. - • • •• ' J~nday, Jul'lf 18, 11n0 L DAil Y 1'11.0J 3 ~llotc F,of!~€ Reverses Deei.si on . ' . .. -. . Scraps One Machine Plan in Favor of Another Offer By JACK BROBACK St John 1ugested use of the AVM ot ... Deir '"' ,,... machines li'l IOO of the county's t,m Jn a surpri~g turnabout, nie Orqe preciDctl In a eemi-decentraliud ayslem County Vote Systems -Task Force to speed up the ('(JUnl. Wednesday wiped out iis acti<m. o{ last The much.maligned Coleman Vote week recommending the use 0 f TaUy System would be-used in the . Automatic VoUpg Machines (AVM) in remalning precincts. · ~ovember's General Election. The task force-has ostensibly .voted cepl the free use ol 200 Shoup voting Vote Tibulaton. They will meet nut machlnet, Including ballota, on a trial Thunday at 1:111 p.m .. hope!Ully to qreo basis. ... on a final ~endatlon to the Board At · the June 9 meeting, a · confusing of Supervisors .. array or motions and amendmtnls were . One thing aeems ctrtaln, M matltr considered and alter study of the 7&-page -which-devlce-or--devk:n7 1re. JeODllF-- traMCript of the session, Task Force mended, the current Coleman system members decid'1 they dld not really will still count at least half the balkU ..:_._The taak force ~ · yot.ed 6 to 2 7 to 2 la.st week to use ... the AVM to lcoept an offer of, free'. use ol 200-counter•, but-dlclded ..... W~sday that other 'machines for a ·November trial the action should be rescmded because know what they 1 v~ on. Jn the November elecUon . · Thq.,dld..-qrea_lhal~~Y .Slloup-1".dii..t "'" handle from--~-11 run. The AVM machine, which County Clerk William St John· ~has suggested as a • temporary remedy to the June 2 primary vote foul·up, produces a printed record of ballots cast. Laguna Buses no one was certain exac~y wtiat took place It the stormy, three-hour JUne 9 session. . Instead, they vilted Wednesdiy to ac- / had not ·aw~ AVM machines they .300 to 350 voters and the ·200 devica did approve voting machines in general. o!fered wUI "be able to count votes in 'nle door wu lert operi Wednesday abiout 100 precinctl of the liJe Ht up for a possible aeeond recommendation Jot the June prjmary, or about 10 pen:en& involving either the use of AVM O! Cyblc or the county's prtdnds. To Begin Ruiis -- With Purchase AL!s~!!~'11 DAILY ,ILOT nMll n er11 SdlMlffr Laguna Beach will 'have a municipal bus line July 1. Councilmen agreed Wednesday to spend $11,000 for three pieces of equi~ ment owned by Laguna Transit Company and to hire the owner Tommy Thompson to head the new city transportation service. Councilmen had been faced with purchasing the line, which is in tough. financial straiU, or letting it go under. Mayor Richard Goldberg said that the three pieces of equipment had been aP:; praised by a city appraiser at $10,006 and appraised by 'Ibompson's appraiser at $12,000. The difference would be spilt. Socking It Into Summer "1 would recommend the city purehase ---·~---·-------~•nd~_.,l!?!":>"r~ie· u, • .J1nL-line_8$_oL.J_uly, . While others muse on sand and sea, this young man on Orange Coast l," said fhe mayor. He further recom~ beach appears intent on working his way down a long row of tether-mended that the planning commissk>n , ball poles. Weather along the beachfront clearly suggests swnmer ii make a dteper study of the pbSsibility here, even if the offical arrival isn't until Sunday. .... that improved service could be provided to new parts of the city and to ar'eas out3ide the city. Laguna Trustees to Seek Funds Lost to Preserves Though advised by Superintendent Dr. suggest that the request al least become Williaril Ullom that "this may be an a matter of record." exercise in · futility," Laguna Beach "How can we maintain our standard City Attorney Jack Rimel recom· mended the city purchase the company and not the equipment, in the event of unknown liabilities or pending lit!Ja~ lion against the company which Thompson said he owns with "two silent partners." Councilmen agreed lo Jea\'e the technical and legal protections to Rimel and the city mjnager. The <:ity has calculated that it might cperate the bus line at Jess than the deficit it bad been experiencing. school trustees nevertheless will make of education if they take away cur a' fonnal appeal 'lo the ccunty Board tax base?" queried trustee William Sc' hool Bus Cost or Supervisors for reimbursement of . Wilcoxen. fhnds lost. as a result of the creation . Dr. Norman Browne suggested that . of agricultural preserves in the school "what they. are doing may be illegal." .., nK·' _J ; "-T_ -g-u-na- 1-<flstrict. -_ . -~-A resolution _adopted-unanimously-by '-V-..U-.,,.a; :l:A.1; • "I must tell you ," said Ullqm 'fuesday the Laguna Board states that the riigbt, "that a s1muar resolution from establishment of agricultural preserves p z · B d the Capistrano ·district was denied by that · reduce assessed valuation on re lm U get the Board of Supervisors, but I would thousands of acres of land. will result · in a loss or revenue totaling at least Laguna Beach high school students $626,550 during the 10-yeir life of the may have bus transportation next year Laguna Beach Now at 14,208 preserves. ar~ all, trustees learned Tuesday night Noling that the preserves were as they adopted a tentative 1970-71 budp established "to benefit the county as of $3,035,055. a wtiole rather than only the areas where Dr. Charles Hess, assistant superin· they were located," the resolution refers tendent for business affairs, said he to procedures in the Government Code had been · able to restore $5,700 to , Laguna Beach has grown to 14,D persons. that enable the Board of Supervl90rs preliminary budget figures, allowing for to reimburse school districts for funds high school transportation and main· .ftfayor RiChard Goldberg annowteed the new federal census figure at the Wednesday council session. The ofHcial ce.osus now, as certlfied by the state, Is 13,850. lost because of redudion of as!essed tenance of a full time nurse's secretarv· valuation if the districts "are unable instead of cutting this position t.o hair to maintain their educational programs time. at a level" sim.Har to that provided He noted that changeS might have in the prior fiscal year. to be made in the tentative budget The resolution asks reimbursement 10 • during summer when final assessed The federal figure will be certified nfUcial at the end of the year and could change upwards slightly but is ~t expected to be less. restqre th'e educational level in effect valuation figures are received and durina: • ..J968.68.. prior to est.ablislunenl teacher salalies established. of the preserves. The final budget will not be adopted until after an Aug. 4 public hearing, .. Letters Confirm Public Salt Cree !· Beach Use Hundreds of letters have been rectived Highway and Salt Creek Beach ls owned testifying to the public's "prescriptive by the ~ Niguel Corporiltion, to rights" to use Salt Creek Beach between which the superviaon in 1981 abandoned ltfonarch Bay and Dana Point, according a short remaining segment of. the old I() Clayton H. Parker, assistllnt chief Salt Creek Road whkb led to the area Orange County counsel. of the beach. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper was Kuyper later asked, and received, 11uthorized May $ by the Board of · pe~ission to _ place s i m i I a r ad-- Supervisors to place advertisement3 in veriisements in relation to Irvine Com· various publications seeking evidence of P&DY lands in the controvenlal Upper lhe public's previous use of the beach Newport Bay area. and tbe abandoned Salt Creek access The upper Bay advertisements first road, appeared Jn area newspapers Tuesday. -parker said the hun""dN!i!s-or letters -Laguna Niguel Corporation --was-ure were the result of advertisements and large~ of another uproar over pendins added, "They are sUll coming In." negotiations for public use of private Kuyper pointed out, "Existence of streets between the ~lghway and the these prescriptive rights depends upon beach! and the beach ,itself at the June factual proof that members of the public, 2 se~on of the supervisors. . in fact, ·crossed the property and used Up for approval were two lenative the bea"ches without any charge or tract maps for development of the area permissioo of the owner." bet~een the highway and the beach. Kuyper warned at the time however Action wu delayed until neat Tuesday h .i . di . • • by a ~1 vote. t at "pre ous 1n cations are ~at Superviaor ·David L. Bater touched charges were ma~, either for parking .off the June 2 debate with a questlon: or access or both. "What authority do we have to re<juire Parker indica ted Wednesday that the access to the st~ts in these subdivisions . ~~municaUons rece ived from the public and the beadles by the public?" 1ndica~ that hundreds hav' ~ the Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna beach without charge or permission. Beach mentioned that "there ls another The County'Counse[Lo?Ucurill rePQrf_aspecLol this cue -we.,have.-a (.'OUnty lothe supervisors Tuesday on the letters ~negotiating· team working .with the C()r-· ~Iv~. poration on access to beach and on "Then il Is up to the board whether parking areas. We sttould have the ~r not they wish to -file a legal suit team's :report at the same time we to gain public a~ss to and we or act on these maps." ~he beach_,'' Parker said,• B kg_q_idJ)e doubtt'd thal the negotia· The property between Pacific Coast ons were getting anywhere. 1....: - 1 when all information is in, but it is necessary to adopt at least a tentative budget in order to operate from the C!nd of the fiscal year, June 30, until that date. The proposed budget would maintain the district's $2.65 tax rafe, despite the fact that it is up slightly from last year's $3,010,000. Hess said. Anticipated increase in assessed valua· tion, be explained, probably will be offset by a decrease in this year's beginning baJance -$70,000 compared with last year's $195,000 along with a $47,000 drop in state aid. State funds will be reduced because of a penalty in payment of ADA (average daily atlendi.nce) supPort at ~ kin· dergarten level, since Laguna runs two 150-mlnute kindergarten .sesslbns instead \of the 180 minutes to qualify for higher · ~upport, along with a cut in anticipated state support of special skills programs. Laguna Seeks Tale11ted Dog A swnmer Job in Laguna Beach ls waiURg for a large, gentle dog with theatrical latent. Auditions will be conducted by 1ppointment for canine candidates ror the role of Bill Sikes' dog In "Oliver !" summer musical pro- duction 11Cheduled to run at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse from July l lhrOll&h Aug. 30. \Interested black and white mulls, preferabl y about German.Shepherd size, shape not important , are in· vlted to have their masters contact director Cris Timmons .at the PlayhoUS<, f9Hll61. - Garden Center Buys · . I f J, Make your garden a riot of color with our Begonias 39c Richmondensis ••• our hardier variety of "'begonia. Produces deep pink blossom, redi1h-green leaves .. Group them for bor- der beauty. In four inch poh, -· 'Patty's Purple' variety Veronica in 1 gal. size 77c Plant spikey 'Patty's Purple' variety for colorful blooms in summer. Small ever• green shrub used well in groups for garden bea11ty. P11nt colorful bedding pl1nt1 now by the tray. Choose from Ageratum or Be. gonia in a varie_ty. of colors. 44c a tray · .._. __ A1p1r19u1 ftrn1. Sprtngeri • •. long, airy, graceful sprays fragront pinkish flowers. In 1 gallon container. 83c W1x·Je1fed Ufustrum •• ·• verwtile evergreen shrubwfth deep glossy green foli0119. In S gallon container. 3.55 Vipo Llwn Food •• , feeds dichondra or grass ••• non-burnlno ••• lightweight. 5,000 oq. ft. coverage bog. 4.66 Deep o,..,, Vlgora 3 in 1 for Dichondra or Grau In 20 lb. bag ' that covers o 2500 sq. ft. area. 9.95 Deep lMeen Vigoro f0< Dichondra or Gra>1. 20 lb. bog .....,. 5500 sq, ft. area. · 5.45 Topper Top Drnslng •• , maku planting arias more aHractl .. and helps soil rotoin moisture. In 3 cu. ft: bog. 1, 91 NQW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF {HESE PENNEY STORES\ CARLSBAD MONT<: LAIR DOWNEY NEWPORT BEACH SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 5 P.M.I ' • . ' t t 4 DM.YPUT -~ .... Dlllr ......... l : Volorie K-. a telephone opera· tor at the Lichfield, England police 1tation, •Y• a man pumping up bis . car-tirN helped rncue her from a swarm of beet. Mn. Kemp says tJie unidentified man turned the pump on the bees, blowing them away -but not before she was 1\ung 15 times. • Women golfer1 at the Barrow, l--~-11-,;ngla.nd-Golf Club--have-sigti.ed a pttition asking officjals to ht- wstigatt fumes emitted from a twarby factoT'JI. TM women claim iM fume• makt tlitir ft.1Jlori panfll ho1e and stockings dili• kgrak. • The world's largest flag, 7 stories high and weighing J ,600 pounds~ WO:S the biggest flag day attraction in Detroit thi1 year. It was hung on the J. L. Hudson Co. store by it& handli'ng crN fJ/ ·s.s. The liuge banner .n1easurt1 104 bu 236 '"'· • • The official Polish Communist newspaper Trybuna Ludu report~ a Polish parliamentary deputy cn- ticized. Soviet civil aircraft in .use on the Polish airline l.A)T, stating: "The standard of equipment flow!l by our aviati«;ln ~pers . compett· tion with foreign ~ earners s~rv· · g the !ame routes." 1----1!! . . .-. When J01oph Rohn, 21, was char- ged with reckless drivinf for hitting a police cruiser, he had no defense. ''I just felt like ramming a police car,0 he told police • ' I • • Italian motorist Ed .. nki lo-Ill and van driver Edulirdo F•l•to en· gaged in a shooting battle .over 'l!le right of way recently, police smd. Both were taken to hospital with serious woulids. Only two days ago, three truck drivers wounded each other with screwdrivers and iron bars in a similar quarrel near Rome. • Fortune telling gypsy Ev• Petu- lengro of Brighton, England, says someone stole her crystal ball from the parked car of a friend. • Michipn State Rep. Loren Arto •rson (R-Pontiac) recently ask· ed all candidates for state offices to fight "visual pollution." He ask· ed them to take down their posters and other materials when their campaigns are over. ' T-, .hlN 18, 19)0 Israel Raid Hits Inland Egypt Area · .. 87 lllllled_..l'nll·lalerulloul Egypt r.,,...t<d Israeli pl>nea todlf struck the Al-Salylya aru U miles wm ol the Suei · Canal in the deeptst . JaraeU • penetration a i n c e mid-April when Russian pUota were firlt reported . in action deep inlide Egypt. MOit raids ha••'-' coofined lo l 2'><1111• limit. Egypt gave nO detaila ol the r.aid whim was me of a serie1 by both 11ktea along the Suez Canal. Egypt, which has reported lsrae~ using 1,0(N).pound American-made bombs, said an attack along the Canal Wednesday killed 15 Egyptian soldiers and wounded seven -highest ooe-day casualty loll in Uiree months. -~ Jordan-based Arab g~ITiU!tt Ure4 rockets ,Into Israeli settlemenls south of the Sea ol CaJilee today but Israel repcirted no injuries. Previous attack! by cuerrillas have led to Israeli air fltrika agailla aispected guerrilla bases ' in Jonlan. ,., U,IT ....... TIME OUT FO~ TEA Tory L1•der Hei1th Housewives Lead Massive Turnout .I Of Britain Vote • A spokesman in Cairo said Egyptian fighter-bombers struck at Israeli posi· tiom in the central and southern sectors of ·tbe Cana! for the second time in three days and scored direct hits on Israeli bunkers, pen;onnel -shelters and LONOON (UPI) -Hou.wwives today engineering eqilipment. . led an ex pected mass turnout of nearly _A-spOkesman in Tel Aviv sald_th_e_30 million Britons to .the polls to vote lsraelis 91.1ffered no injuries in either in what had all appearances of being the shelling or the air attacks and that a photo finh1il general election. ~the Egyptian planes were driven off . Encouraged. by brilllJnt 1unshine and by mUaitcralt fire. Egypt said Us an· mid aeventlt.a temperatures, hundreds tiaircraft fire drove off the Israeli al· of thou.sands of houlewivea headed what tacks by 24 American-made Phantoms polling officials said was a heavy rush · k.s to wte. and Skyhaw · · Mos t men workers wailed to vote later. Nixon Will Sign Youth Vote Bill? Opinion polls predicted a win fer prime minister Harold Wilson's Labor Party, dlthough the final result e:Ould be a · cliffhanier. An average of all the wildly varying )Jolls gavri Wilaon a three per~t edge, equivalent to a majority of about 40 House of c:ommona seats. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Supporters But F.dward Heath's Conservatives ~ of-the bill giving suffrage"to JS.year-olds peared to have staged an eleventh hour ud extendinl minority group voting comeback from a Jffmingly hopeless predicted today President Nixon would underdog position. One opinion poll even sign ll Passed finally by the House said 1 wafer-thin Conaerv~Uve win could WedJtesday, it both was hailed as a nOt be: ruled out. historic advance and assailed as a hoax WlllOn and Heath went ou~ early on youth. ln their .own voting diltricb tn a last Judiciary Commitlee Ch airman minute splurge ot: handshaking and Emanuet-Celler (O=N:-Y-;-;"l; the 82-yea r•-vrsit1ng party workers. old H~ dean who steered the Sena~e· Touring his constituency at 11uyton, ~s.sed ~·I~ ~ough the House despite 1· Liverpool suburb, Wilson was sur- ~s convJClion tla 18-year.old vote feature rounded by cheering children, mothers h~ely would be thrown out by the cow:ts, and workers eating_ typically english fish said there was llO doubt In his mmd and chips lunches from paper bags. Nixon would algn the bill. At one point Wilson met Anita Clifford, Key Republicans 1aid that they were 18 today, one of an esUmated Z.8 million not so sure.. teenagers entitled to vote for the first Nixon was not saying. White House time. She said lhe had just voted ,,,... Press Secretacy Ronald L. Ziegler said: for 'Wilson. "We'll take a look at it and announce "Let'• sing for her,'' Wilson called our liitention at lhe appropriate time." out and led a crowd in :singin1 "Happy Nixo1, unlike Celler, has said he favors Birthday.'' the lft.year.old vote but has insisted _ Healh voted at I a.m. at a polling the chaage could be effected only by station near his apartment on Piccadilly, • ·con1titutional amendment. in London 's West End . ., Life Costs Bise . But Price Hikes Slioiv Slowilig WASHINGTON (AP) -A rise in living COl!ll for four.tenths of one percent last month added to the nation's worst in· flationary spiral in twenty years but a government official sald there has been a "significant" slowing of the pace of price hikes in recent months . . Costs• of all major categories were up, with transportation and clothing posting the Jagest price hikes In May, the Bureau· of Labor Statistics said. nie bun;au figured the May rise at five-tenths or one percent on a seasonally adjusted basis fer the fourth a;traight month, because food pr)cea roae .in&tead • of droppln1 as usual In May. "The rate has come down from the six.tenths or one percent rate of November, December, and January," said Dr. Joel Popkin, assistant com• missioner of the bureau. "It has come down to fiv~tenlha of one percent monthly changes, which is significant," he aaid of the past four months. He added that the four.tenths actual rise in May was more flignlficant to consumers because it reflected prices they had to pay, while the seasonal fi gure of five.tenths was of more intere5t to economic analysts. Violent Weather Persists Honeymoo1i Paradise at Niagara Fall_s Pre~ty Wet , ABM Gets Big . Sethac Senate Panel Junks Nixon Expansion Plans WASHINGTON (UPI) The 51feguard antibaJliltlc missile l)'llem (~). tiey.-ol the N IJ o a ad. mlrUtntion'• nuclHr am11 strateo. Im been dealt Ill flnl ·major -from arf une~ IOUl'Ct ...:.. die Senate -~ ed Sttvlcea Committee. The commlU>e voted Wedneaclay lo junk Pretideal Nixon's plan to apaad Safeguard ln\o a Qlllonwld< populalloo- def enae system, and deckted to CIO!lfine its mlssion to protectln' mialle aU.. and bomber -· 'ltle 11 to I committee decision ii elmool «Nia lo be upheld by tbe Senate. And, because of backing by powerful senators like Chairman John c. SteMis (0-Miss.), the House lik~ly will be forced to aettpt the restriction. Last year, after long debate, the ABM got through the Senate on • 50 lo 50 vote. Despite Wednesday '• re s t r i c (ion, however, the backbone of Nllon's.ABM procram survived intact. · The committee a cc e p le d the Presklent's proposal to add a thiM site, at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., t.o the two Congress authorized last year tn Montana and North Dakota. In ad· dltion, it authorized early acqui.sitic,1 of a. fourth ABM site at Warren AF&, Wyo. All these sites woold be fn fields of ai\<>1 containing nuclear~tipped Minuteman intm:ontiental mWlles or Power Failure Blackens Baja TuUANA, Mexico (AP) -A power failure left milch of Baja . Califon.ia . and nearl)'. half a million Mexicans in darkneu overnight IJld cut orf the major water IOUJ'te fer thi1 border city O{ 335,000 residents. ' nnr -buel where 11&11, looded with nuc1er.,,eapon1, are on consfanl aJon apWI an ...,.Y tlrlkt. 'l1le -d. the Salepanl ii lo · pr,,.ect thele weapom tnm a Jl'HIDPUve·Soviet ,1r1tealmed at paralydni tbe u.s_ «apoblllty d. relall•tlnc· The ABM would try lo dlltroy locomiiic enemy mlallet belort tilt)' bit. . . ~ · In ao!dlllon lo addlnl tbe aile •I Warren AJl'B lo the lyllem, the commlltee voted to "thlcl:en" tbe protection by adding more 1*ceplor mlailel al ·eocb in· 1lallaUon. Although the committee· s cull were 11t1all -only 123 milllon out ol 11.3 billion request for the ABM in the DeXt f1SCal year -the effect o1-tbe restriction CQl,l)d be slplficant and could alleviate one major feir of ABM opponents. That fear ia that the Safeguard system wW be-expanded Into •a vut defen1e -of incalculable expense, perhaps more than l50 billion -aimed at · protectinl tbe entire popullllon• ol tbe country aaainsl a nuclear attack. ) Labor ·Leaders A'ttack Nixon's Econo~y Ideas NEW YORK (AP) -ToP 1'bor 1 .. dera criticized Pmident Nixon'1 economic proposals while the busineu community reacted with mixed views'. Labor spokesmen ukl Wednuday the President's plan fer ealline pu~Uc at,.. tenUon \o !ignifieant wage or price in- creases w_ould hurt labor without reduc· Ing Inflation. Some bulineas execuli vea a n d ecooomist.I expressed disappointment that the Pree:ident did not IO far enough in the area of wage end price controls. Others lauded the Pretdent'a Ii.and, saying they found hll! speech reasauring. -"President Nixon's latest program •gairuit inflation ls, like hil previous policies and tactics in the economic area, weighted agalnlt the American worker," said Palul Jemings, president or the lntematiooal Union oL ~Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. "give more con9lderation to stepe mare closely approachlnl wace and price con- trols." RCA Otalrman Robert W. Sarnoff said, "I am pleased by the President's dec:bion not to seek mandatory wage and price controls." "We re1ard the President's speech , . , as significant and constructive," said Nonnan Strunk, executive vice prtSldent of the United .States Savings and Loan League. The talk gave the public "a stronrer feeling of presidential leadership in the economic area," said Lief H. Olsen ; aenior vice president at First National Clly Bani<. He called it "helpful" and "long overdue." . Dr. William C. Freund, vice president of the New York Stock Exchange, ap- plauded Nixon's ''longer-run approach to inflationary pressures in the economy as opposed to short-run, stop.pp measures." All ol EMenada'• 150,000 people eo miles sooth of here were without power. Police and e:oldiers patrolled darkened 1treelaJa_Enaeuda, Tijuana and Tee.ate. "It includes nothing .•. to bring down Interest rates, · nothing to correct the imbalance between. high prices and in- adequate wage&, and nol.hing to put a brake on e1cess profits," he said. Soyuz 9 Cosmonauts--- AFlrCIO President George Meany said ol Nixon's proposals: "l fail to see how they will cul'b inflation, reduce unemployment and cut interest rates ." Paul Samuelson, economist a t · Pass 400-hour Mark MOSCOW (AP ) -Soviet sosmorniuts Andrian Ni.kolayev and Vitaly Sevas- tyanov passed the 400-hour mark h• orbit today and Tass reported "Soyuz I ii Five of ,Tijuana's six h01pitals were operating on emergtncy power. The sixth, Miguel Aleman State Hospital, began transferring 90me patient& and bloOd supp'.ilea to other hospitals. Tijuana's IS factories closed, leavin1 10,000 workers idle. Massachusetts Jnslitule ol Tee~, characterized the :speech as "an- ticlimactic," and cal led the idea of spotlighting wage and price increa&es •·a very weak thing." continuing on its flight." 7 The official news a,i:ency said the two Russian space end111ance champions had completed 400 hours and 270 orbits of the earth at 7:49 a.m. EDT. It gave r.o indication \\'hen the spaceship wou.1d be brought down. Cal.il9rnia's Sa• Diego Gas & Electric Co. hooked up a 12,000..volt line to restore power tp a 20-block area of Tijuana before nighUaU WednHday, nine hours after the failure. While expressing agreement with Nix· on's optimism for the long tenn, GAF · Corp. Olairman Jesse Werner said he reiretted that the President. did not ··' DOLPIDN CLUB SUMMER DAY 1CAMP Phone AND AFlEA SCHOOL CLUB IYEA~ 'ftOUNO) l'ttO CARE FOR YOUR CHILD (213) ., 4781:1278 THE 110LPHIH CLUS IS THE fllORKINO PARENTS' J.Nswr~ 10 CHILD CARE!!~ a•d,,,THE NON·~ORKING 7ARENTS' J.NS~ER 10 THE BEST PEVElOPME NT P&OORJ.M THEIK CHl~KEH c;.H RECEIVE!! . A ~ DOLPHINCLU88EGINSWHERE OPENING SOON ""i NURSERY$CHOOLSLEAVE·DFF. IN YOUR " NeighborhoodJ I ~ A PRIVATE CLUB FOR CHILDRE N , AGES~TO IZ . .,. ,., ALLSTAFFfUl.lY DUALlflEO, Cell now for 1ddition1I information I • • • • • • . l J.PlllN CUii WILL PICIC UPc:lllLDll!N TRIPS TO llUKUMS, HISTORICAL LANDMARKS, ZOOS, PARK$ ; f I I • AT THE MOTHER'S HOllE WHEN SHE MUST LEAVE FOR WORK, AND THEN RETURN 'l'liEM RIGHT TO THEIR fRONT llOOR Al'TER BAKERIES, CIVIC BUILDINGS, AND MANY OTHER INTERESTING ; EXCURSIONS. ALSO, $1'ECIAL ACTIVITIES ARE OFfERED SUCH 'M HORSEBACK AIDING, &~ATING, SWIMMING, BOWLING, TEN• NIS AND MANY MORE EDUCATIONAL AND ENJOYAllLE ACTIVITIES. mun110: 11133W-Blvd, Lot Attialor. Calif, IQQ24 DOLPHIN CLUB llQN.Ur »PLICATION Tall. Free Na, Zenith 1-1278 t l "'-""''' ftilr 11'1 S«llllei'n C•ll!arnl1 to.Mr 1rtlf' clNrf111 el "rlr -nl111 kM clllldt l l'Mf fOll t i-tr. cM•I. 'f-tll•M wer• w•rlftlr Ill '"°'' MClilnl, l'et11perwt•re• • Hl• 1.1W f'rH. AATH SUmm1t: $&00/wk. 1.11 children) ' Loll Artttlll Wll f1lr tfltl' .. rl't' momllll '°' •l'Mf i-cloud• In tou!fl Mttten•. TIMI cr.,k ctfltlr ..-1111<1111 """" Wll M d"~-I 11 .... n llftf .. Wmll from Wtdllllldf't''I m11Jm11m. T'N Air Pallullon Cllltrol Oltlrlct llld ,,.,.. Wll modf!'lll ..... lrrltltl(lfl In .... Sin ~11t V1llw Ind UtPll ,.,, lrfl,...... In tlMI s.n Fem611do V1l11v 1nll ~-W1lttUI V1tlrl1, IOUTHf:ltH CALIFOANIA -11.otll'f fllf' ltW'W9ll 'Frtc11v but 10m1 1•19 n~t 111d •rllf '"°"'I"' low tlo\ldl Ind IOI ....... ... -'· Wlmw U YI lllCIPI ............... "" '°""· Lot ANGl:lf:I ANO VICIHITV - MotttY 1-'f' ft!•-" F•ld•r but '°"'' • tltl nllflt Mlf eeri1 mornll'ltl CNtt1I , 11fr deM& Mlf ,_, WI,.,,.., R YI. Hit!! ... °"9flllllllt low 411, Mith l"tld1r ... ~lfT (eMCE~TIOf" TO MEIOC_.N IOllDell -Lllflt \11r11ble wlndl n!tlll .... _,ilnl ....,. blclml"9 Wftl«1• .... II ...... IJI .,..,_ l"rllly. Hlttlt IM~_..... ... CioWll 1nd '-11111 m.t1r -.,..,_ Llltll d11 .... "' """'"'' 9'111"91, ' COASTAL AND IHIEltMEOIAtl' vA.LLl'~tlY '"' ni-... Fri•••· W1,,.., ..,., Hfelll IHO, (koef'1111ht ............. HI~ FrkUir ...... -MOUJ!IJA.IH ,t.Jll.U -Flit lbrOllt!'r I""*"• WlrlOMt RYI· Hl9'11 10-IO, ov ... ~, 1ow1 -... Hlt111 Fr1i111r , .... INTf:ltlOlt AHD Dlll•T-lllGION$ -"•"' """"""' ,ri...,, w""*' .. w_.. HllM •• ........ ••llft'a. 100.111 ._ _.....,.. 0-11111 .... , .$J. .. Ill..., 1111..n ... ,. ·-.... u .... H1tt11 '•IHr 11.1 .. """" w1n111o 1•111 ..... ,, ........ II ' Coutel ......,., tldt~. lift!! Ylrllltll W!nfl nl9ht •L'ld '"'""!"' 111Ur1 becomln<tl •••• V.S. Su111-r11 v.....,. -fMr -•llllld t11rou111out tt11 11l9hl 1 111 11\to llld•f fl'fllll U!lno11 W.llHlf 1' to It .. Mii In 11,.,_. fl lhl "°'lt!Mlllf" fH<ltt• of lltt IO!ltY .i111 Fricl•Y. HI"' tod•Y 11 11 '1'6. f'lttllln l llCI Ill lfM '°<Ith-I, CNllll llll'l'IP1fih1r1• tlf\H frfllll llO • "\/-' CIOUfl ..... •l1htllil '"•' to ,10. lnttl!ll 1-r•hKH r•1111 from A•r.,. Ohio. ind 1 l«llldo w11 '" Q .. U. Wlttr '"""'•lllfl .S. 1"1'1111 II\ Mrlht•1ttrn IUlllO!t. Hl• .. r• '•Ill, N.V, hid 1 . .0 ln<lll• Su",. Moe•, 71de• el r•ln In 1i._11o.,r, •• Dllbol1, Pt . h•• lfCt ll.IOAY-' ---1 U "tn(ftts, '°' for(til olllcl'!ll 11 hc;Dlld Plifh . I M 1.m. '1 K.tnlllltr llllt•Nli.n.t Alt-1 <II tftw Sttond low , t.U 11·11'1· t.J Yl'ri. lfl tl llCtl lfndl1191 tt•I• llJNY, ft'AIDA Y Onl'f ll111nt111 ltt.IOUI \li'f!'I Pl•mltttd. Flrll ,,~ ........... ,,, ....... l • L•Gutrllt Ind ......... ,,,.., .. ~··· Fh'1I 10w ''"''"""' 111 .. m. I • lflll ""-ll'l<llr-lltlft lrtt r-IM iKOfld h•th .. , ••.•.. ; '···""· 6. ll&r'mll '""1tllonl. ltc.lflf low ,, , )<ltJm, Jl ~..,,., lh11flclt11lprm w•lt hf'I ~•1 In $un "1t1Ht J·lt 1 m. 1111 •~•I ,,m. t llrtl trom tt1t-c•nrr11 111111111 It thl M-lllNI 1.Mp.m, l•tt •::it1,rn.. l!DrthWfll COl'ftlr"' O!\lo. ,&1~111 ....... _ ...... ......... 11111 ''"'*" l •M ...... ln»Wn1vll!1 Chk t H Clnc!nn1!t Oerw1r Otl Molfltl ntfrtfl F•lr!Mnlll FwlWOl'!ll ·-,_ HlnOl\lkl K•-1Clt'f L••"'"' L11An1tltt M!ln'lf Ml-..1/f H ... Orlffn1 H ... vm Nwlll 'I•"• """"' .oti••'*"' [jty ....... '''"" ... , .... ,. ... ltolll11 ....... ,ffllbllttlt ,orlllnd lttlldCll~• 1111111111" ·-S1c•1m11111 1111 L..._1 Ctl'I' SI~ 01191 $1n Ftl!l(ll(I SMttht ..... M Th'""tl Wtlltlnttofl t " " .. " ·" .. n • .. " .. ... " " n .. ·" " ,. .. ,. ·" " " .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... n " .. " n .. .. " .. .. " .. n " .. " " .. " • .. " " " .. ... " .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. " .. '" •• .. 11' ',d .. .. " .. " " " .. •• .. .. " .. " .. " " .. " ... .. " ~ n .. , One)S.- t11Dtt1Dm • d11Namt -c11y 1No. Up Timi Ptli . ICblck Starti ChO Add Phon Pick Motbt( City iN'""- ''"' City • H1N11111 tiY1'1N1 - 1 Nomo . . $cJtoQI Tilll' ,... ,,,,. Qill' - SdroolA Dtliwwv lllllt ..._ • -1111-·w - . ~ - R~a City Doctor' City Perm llllon ll111ntad fGl tllldiGM-u.ft In mlnWlll"Y• £ . ''" nt'fSiptur1 . . "" . . ·- Zip . - za -· - ---· .... 2ip_,,__ -~ -·- " Tf: All i• n dua llld Jll'loblt In -rlttN atnd In a SS.QI!....,.,. ftt oppli<lllon lnon·mw-.i IOd a 110.00 dlpQli1 oo...,.. r. .: · Nb with ' • . - ~Schooltlm1: • KJnder9lrt1n -• ~5.00/mo. ~ : 1 •t • ~nd Cr -: 75,0Q/mo. 1•11 "'Y> ~ ; 1st • 2nd Gr .. • e5.00/mo. (•ft« 2PM : 011ty) ... : 3rd -8th er. -.. 85,00/mc, 1111 dry) ,.,:, ' : 3•d -610 Gr. -\ 65.00/mc, (lfttt ;i,M only) Momlnt Kf. Cl• ontv (8 :30 -12 :00) : 615.00/IJIO; : 1°" dl1eoont for 2 111 more children In famllt .Alf ~·'" lnclvdt-tr1ne--! portatlon l Ktiviti& # : ,., ~ : • 7 • • -'~-Sa Cle111ente TMAY.'• .l'leel Capistrano EDITION ' N.Y. Stoelu ' YOl:._"3, NO. '145, 3 SECTjQNS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY,.CAUFORNIA _ THURSDAY, JUNE 11,. 1970 -TEN .CENTS • '1 r ~· --.... -- Laguna's Mitchell in School Board Squeaker . . . By BARBARA XllEIBICR 're4:auir~ ror• co.irumalion. caned Ute former president of the Orange County Bo;ard of ,Educ1tioa ~'totallY 'un· qualified." .. "" DllllY """ ..... "A,ppointmen~ of South LllW;\ID .Cliy N. Mitchell, SI, lo ·the State Board of Education was cenfirmed by the State ~ate Wednesd1y by a vole or 27 to· I, the rginlmum needed to plact Mitcllell an the board. · Tht vote was tallied after an initial rpll call produced a 25 lo I response, two votea abort of the ~ m1jorit)' an Body Found By Marine' Husband By JOHN VAL TERZA Dt .. Dally .... llttf Tbe nearly nude body ol a YO\l\C San Clemente housewife was found blu<f&eoned and repeatedly stabbed .Wednesday, lying on tltt bed of a small apartment she shared with her Marine b~band. The brutal 1layini of Mrs. Conni_e Jobnsoa, 29, was dllcovered by her tlus-· bind. Mark, JI, who returned borne from duty at Camp Pendleton to find his )'OU"I wife 1tQIMd repeatedly in .... tbe dies! aml neck. The wife alJo bore markl of • beaUng on U!C l•ce and bud from 4_amall wooden stool found in the kitchen of · the tiny, modesUy furnished flat at 415 ·C Monterey Lane, in the city's better summer rental area. It was the second brutal knife slaying of a woman discovered this week in the Capistrano Bay area, but San Clemt'llte police 'today stressed that tht only similarity between the latest slayng and vicious "dismemberment of Mission Viejo teacher Mrs. F~Ol'enct Brown, SI, wu lhat "lhey were bolh women and they were both stabbed." "The similarity ends there," uli:I Police Chief Clifford Murray. The tlUtf, alludinc to lncreash11 teru.ion Jn "lbe area over the dle1th of Mrs . Brown, stressed there were no linb found thus far between lhe two killings. Mn. Johnson was found shortly before Wednesday noon. Her body, sprawled on the bed ot the modestly furnished studio apartment. On; order ol , ~nate President pro-tell\ Jack Schrade (R-San Dieg~ abse ntee Senators were rounded up and the aye v&tts ,of two Democrats produ<:i!d the needed majoriiy on the next roll call. · .Mitchell's appointment to the state board by Gov. Reagan had been vigorous- ly attacked by liberals, headed by ~ AlfNd D. Alqulst, a Democratic canQ11tt for ,lieutenant 1overnor 'He-, . Arter the vote, Akiuist described Mitcbtll as "a true believer. who views education problems with tunnel vision," and accused . him of wanUnc to :ierVe- on the slate board "\o ldvance. his right wing ideoloo-." Mitchell, On the other hand, accused Alqulst ol ·maniiin& the campaip, ·to ATTENDANTS REMDVE BDDY FRDM JOHNSON HOME \' ~lock his appointment Ind ••manufac .. turina: newai stories" in order to get publtily for his own campaign in Soulhem Clllfornia. · The. South Laglll\an will ser,•e a four· y~ar te~ on the IO-member board, whch meets monthly in Slcramento or other California cities. Its. members receive no pay. The Mitchell appointment has been ~inl before the Senate for six weeks, SEEKS CLUIS -Harry liller- lock of,Ora'nge·County Sheriff's ·Crime 4ab dusts 'for finR:er· · prints around wiildow of San Clemente apartment w h e re Mrs .. Johnson ·died. Body of woman was discovered Wed· nitsday by her husband. Dis- covery by police of·small quan· tity of marijuana in tt'!e apart- ment has added to the Com- plexity of the case. Police said · this mornlrig they have few leads lo Mfs. Johnson's killer o'r killers. ," ' since Its opproval by a 4 to 1-vole ciwlin& Mildlell with political bill tod in the Rules Committee. commenUnc. '"The best you caa uy The fl°'?" vote 'ft'U delayed until about hinf is that he's mediocre." · Seliators returned to Sacramento . After • • Senator JohO · G. Schmit.I (R·TusUn) the June 2 primary e1ections, with pro-cnnceded Mitchell "Jmy have pow!rfuJ ponents . and oppOnents-orth:e~oranie-~iiS'.-tilif .ii'Kl1ilSViews refJectia -tliOii - County -conservative working to round of Oranie.Coun_ty, where he was elected . up ~s. . to the county board for 7 ~ years. Senate Education Committee chainna11 At his South Laguna hoine todly, Albert Rodda (0-Sacramento) had ask· Mitchell said be was pleased by the ed Reagan to wltlidr~l' the appointment ~ (See MITalELL.1Pap ZI . . --~---:--~i Hundreds Protest Laguna Proposals By RICHARD P. NAU. OI .. ...., 1"11111 .... Every dOI owner apparently had bis day in Laguna Beacl\.. Wednetday as more than 700 persons turned to for a City ColDlCil aeasM>n to , protest stringent . doe controls and other laws proposed as uraency ordinances. The council chamber seats about to so the ~meeUng waS moved up the hill to the 54&-seat high achool auditorium where the seats and Ullea ruled UP,. The crowd was pl1erallJ arder1y .i After hea~ a mulUplldty of v;.... ooints about do11 -•v.Uy ~ the proposal ol Councibnan ~ward Lorr lo \eep lhem out of p&rU Ud 'Mlcht1 altopthu -the council deltrred Oction to a lludy sesskrl. · The majority of the crowd w11 )'OUDI, ltfapy carried slina:. One lhowed the carloOn do1 character snoopy on the beach ukin1 ... How Can 1ie Say No? I'm His Best Friend." Another rtlated to proposed lifquard cutbacks. It showed· Snoopy on a pard tower saying, "I Know They're Only Humans But We 'll Slve Them Anyway." The ur1~Y ordinances initially pro- poaid would have ptohibitod : -- -Walking a leaabed doc on· the beach or in a park. -Riding a motorcycle on private 11fOo pwty ,unleu Iha rider bacf tbe wrllten conoent o! the pn>perty owner. . -Singing, dltQq . ., ploJia( .• - mwtcal inMunent tn !be part-on the · llrett or in any public plact. nu. baa: · -bton dropped •Unly. -Cllmbtn1 pullllc lloel or ltltia( oa a (lll'.k ilnm CJ< olJior J!Ublic proptrly. . ~pancy of a .llaltl n>Om by a perlOll under 11 unleu with 1U1rc1Jan or occupancy by more than five perlDlll ' (Seo COVNCIL, hp I) 'Lagul).a Drownmg -'Victim Identified ·as Young Actor A Laguna Beach drownlJll" vicpm whQee body was recovered by Jl(eguards Tuesday aftemoOn has been identified as Tony Halp¥.n, 25-year-old Hollywood .actOr described-as "a fine singer and dancer." · Detective Sgt. Vic Sagan said iden- tiriCltion WU established after 8 friend who ]alt saw the actor in a Latuna Beach bar Sunday nilht rep<>rjed him mlssing Wednesday. apparently had been lying there since sometime early Tuesday. The woman, wearing only a shortie nightgown, had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest and neck and had suffered a severe blow tO the head from a wooden footstool found 1n the tillY kitchen Se~ate Approves B~·dget, Sends Robb Abortion Ruling· Pay Hike Okayed In Preliminary Clemente Budget The two had come to Laguna Sunday, the friend told police. He deleribed Halphen as "despondent" and oaJd he walked out of the bar about 11 p.m, and was not seen again. The actor Jived 1Jone in an apartment at 1764 N. Sycamore St., Hollywood, police aslcl. · ' hearby. · The discovery of the remains led Im· . tnediately to an intensive search for . ' . It' to Assembly Delayed for Studies leads tn the case. .. .. i"'D , .. n:o~ But this .morning, police ••id they ~n.ft11"1J:.J,.1v (UPI) -The Senate bad no strong suspects. . with litUe debate today passed and"sent Adding to the comple1ity of lhe to tbe AIMmtily ill compromise version cast, police alleget was the <Ucovery ol of Gov ... Ronaid Reagari•s propote:d '8.41 a quantity ol marijuana In a raisin billion state budget. 'Jbe vote was 29 to •· box resUng in a cabi1'let of the apartment Sen. DorWd L. Grunsky, Republican alonf the narrow winding-residential . 1trtet With its e1.penalve 1ummer rentals. Uoar mlnager of Ole budget bill , told The JohlllOIUi had no children. colleque. during a mere IO minutes , cOrontr's investigators, who performed or debate that the spendlna plan "com· an autopsy on the body Wednesday Diehl, nUtted ounelves to a broad general aaid they still required more laboratory MUt..-..1.u of more -. for achoola." test results before formulaUn& con-~ ···"'·~.r clu1ionl on the euct time of death 1be brief debate Wu anUclimactle or the iuUe ol seIUal molestaLi<m. to tbe put three day1 ol maneuvering By TOM BARLEY Of .... Dlttr ,... Stefl A ruling whicll may Id aside abortion charges against Dr. Robert Cumming Robb of Lagma Beach was deliY,ed today by a Superior Court judce who wants another week to mull the isSues railed by the arreA of the elderly ~ysi- cian. . Jud1a -~)'l'Ol1 K. .McMillan IOI June Rustlers Strike A' pair ol woman's shorts wu found by·Democrata to force inclualon of more on the floor near the bed In the bedroom· ~ .. y. klrthe ~d~ll. before they woukf In Capo Beach livlns niom comblnaUon, police 1aid. 'AC """' ~· A.., pair of denim jeans and .shorts A bipartl1ao_committee hamm_-'red out_ . . · . , . was round outside the apartment, draped a $111 mUUon net ahilt Jn the budget Mr.-and Mrs. Gary Clark -and 1 their on a wooden patio chair. fram other programs to .schools to iatlsfy five chil_dren of Capistrano Beach ,want . Also on the pa.Uo was } bright pink them. The utra funds in the senate horse thieves hunr. metal chair which was beneath an opened budcet would bring next year's lcllool Somebody •tole theirs durlnc the niaht. • kitchen window. aid appropriation to rou&hly the same· "I went out to feed her this morning But police so far have ruled out the level II the current aum. and me was &one," •aid Mn. Clark. chances of 1 breat·ln and said lhe wtn· But Senate Democratic ca u cu 1 .. There's no evidence that lhe aot out -had been 1<11 open by tbe butbtnd chatnnan llervyo Dymally, who ab· by henell." for ventllaUon. . 1tained fnliln Votinl uid the compnmlse Cinnamon, a If.year-old rtddish·l)rown The front door to the small downstairs "cuts:. are not equii.bJe and ln the bell mare w1th a }orig tail, was a family apartment w11 locliod, Johnlon !Old Jnt..-ol the atate." pet, lovlntlly picked out by all 'the police, when he c1m1 home from ctutY-••11•1-.tmplJ 1 cue of not beln& 1ble Clllldraa. · . ,,Ith his helicopter lqUaclron IL Camp ~ tO amend a brid bill ," he said. "If.Vt "'nae kids have been cryina: and It's Pend"'°"· ~ up with a worte bRI.?' really upset the .,...enLirt family," said Police qlllltod tllo b1aod h·u 1 band S... Jol)n G. Sdmltz l~:Tullln), who Mn. Clark. 2' as the date on which· he will answer San Clemente'• preliminary budlet of atlomey Moses Bennin '1 plea that the· -$3. 7' milUon, contalnlh1 an averaa;e pay district attorney's Office acted unlawfully raise of I.I percent for_ tlly employes when It got an .indictment of Robb from won approval from city councilmen · G nd 'J ft \Vednesday. the Orange County ra ury a er • 1 hich "·· h ·"~ I · I "ud had .,.;. :. __ ;.. The coulci , w 111111 l ra._, ov$' a mun c1pa court J ge ""Im~ the record document for eeveral weeks. the charge! against his client · adopted the budget, which lncl~1 aboul Dr. Robb, 57. of 3'567 Scenic Drive, '100,000 in ralseS, but no lndicaUona Dana Poinl., was arrett.ed oa charaes ol a Lu increase. that he performed abortlonl on un-The raises, which will 1verap: 1:5 married women paUent.s. percent for molt public aafety and pubHc Judge Paul Mast di1mlned the works staff, will be paid for through charges in a landmark ruling which aavln1s lt1 cutUn1 back on budgeted, labeled Ca 11 f o r n i .a • 1 three-year~l.d bl.It unfilled e1nploymenl poslllOM on Therapeutic Abortion Act a 1 un· the personnel roster, plus other cuts. · con11titutional. Clerical workers, 1enerall:Y, w 11 l That rullng, "''hich seriously challenges receive the tower amount. the tenet that birth begins at inception, The fiv~·percent fiaur e also applies created a.\.oounty-wkle furor that became to department heads, who elected to more pronounced with the arrest of aceept the lower ralae. Dr. John S. Gwynne o( Santa Ana on A doptoctCT br sh It k 1 the aimllar charges. n una u • o e n . Much of Judae Mait's rulins was persoRnel picture, however, was not upheld Wedneldaiy by Judge William resolved by COUM:ilmen· Wednesday. Thom~. his colleague on the Sanla Blrs by public sarety penonnel for Ana Municipal Court, with an opinton a new, more beneficial penaion plan which · onl y 'llifltr1 lrom the earlier will .be compll'.td in C91ftlnc monUW treatjes in ter111J of abortion coo'Voj . with _bkb from. private lnlurera, U!f Judg e 'Thomson believea that abor.lion t"OUMll a~ . 11 acceptable but must only be 'carried ne ~ prererred by: the employts out In carefully regulated tiolpltals and L1 admh111tered by the State of clinics. Callfor:nla .• A theatrical brochure U!ed lo est.abll!h his identity atated, •'This handlome younc actor has been very active since he left college to go Into show bustnelr . He has traveled all over the U.S. with musical shows, including the 'West Side :Story' and 'Pal Joey' amon1 others." Body ot lhe drowninc vict.lm wu discovered by a sklndlver $0 yards offshore at the foot ol Mountain Road. A preliminary autope:y Indicated It had been In Ute1 water some 11 houri. l'tnding completion of to:<icol0gica1 studies, cause fl{ dealh i4 listed as pro- bably drownin1 . Wea .. er The early mornina: for will rejoin us Friday, but sunny skies wUI pre- vail through.. most of the d&1 with temperatures lhtutenint lhe ID- desree mark. INSWE TODA\' Ntarl11 400 atudntt from Orange Coast have received di· greet from C1l State Long Btuch. 1or: U1lfng1 b~ cit,. He Page-12. ' u uy~ he enUred the 1'ollll shortly bi the put lw COftliJtenUy -.ottd against She · s hoping some 1ood samaruan H---befcfl"e noon after unkleldnt the door. budteta, calt a favorable votL today. ml1ht spot the hone and call her •. 1+----IHe-•aw hl!I wife sprawled on the saying he .was satisfied with the light Cinnaroo.1 can further be identified by • The distfict atto!'fl'Y1S olllce-will revlve·-hl 9'her matttr bl!fore-Uie-~il Ila charges against Dr. Gwynne and Wednetday, It was agreed to tchedule bed, partially covered by a fal~ pillow, 1pend~ng .program it outlined. . two white socks on her ba~k reel, a •then phoned police. • "1lu1 1s a traumatic experience ror whltt blaze in front; 1qd fr~klts on "My wife hu been badly be1ten," mt-.'' said Sctunill, who is expected .. her pos1erlor. · he tokf a dllp.atcher. to win a congressional-sea\ in a special By way of encour,gen;tent, the Clarks Bul exactly what Lime the death OC· eledion later thl" month . ''I'm ruining are offering a teward to the finder. • (Seo MUllDER, Pa1a I) a perlect recOrd." • • Call lllM.107-U YQU 11t he<. ' . . . ... ~ . , -• hls 11-year:Old asslstanl, Debbie Meyer . a 7 p.m. Tuesday study 1es11lon to ex-1 of WblUler, but ~ it will have to revise amine propoltd coetly chan1e ordel'!I , them -to conform 10 Judge Thom5oo 's in lhe clly sewer .Want CONJtructlon, edicr. Meanwhlle, the controversial physl· archltettural services for' a new com. clan tod11y rCsumed hi5 abortton practice munily clubhouse, and a propoetd code at his 17th Street clink:, Ga trailer park Qeva'°PmtnL , ' ... • ... .------------~----·,... -~ -----~---~ . . I DAILY l'ILOT T"""1, """' 18, 1910 DAIL V PILOT l'Mt9 lrl Jlhit Valtww 't Lifeguards Protest. Budget Cuts LaJUDI,. Beach -lif~guard fil!peryis9rf_ aceompa.Ned by ~ surf rescue ezpert told councilmen WednesdaY night itiat 'Ulelor~ Can'.fiti'iid ,any-personnel cUts .. It had been -recommended earlier as part or ·general .city· cuts ln personnel and service that the life1uard1 be whittled down lo save money, · Ca ...:rRod-lliehl, who-has-been .. on.-. the force 16 consecutive years, told the council he . bad seen the force grow until it had pretty gopd coverage of the beaches in Lagun·a.. . . .'FIND LAGUNA SOLUTIONS' Spetktr Biii Lt~k . -• ' f, o.a11.v "'LOT. 54eN ''*" THREATENS RECALL A~TION Ca iltooni•q Fr•nk lnterl11nd~ MURDER VICTIM'S HUSBAND WAITS AT POLICE HQ Marine Mork Johnson Ttlls DOttctivts of Trtgf!!y "However, it does have a very a:taring lhorlage in t.e:rms Of permanent person· nel," he nid. addiilg that o{f ~uon cover.,e is at rock· bottom. He ,J&id the two Rtrm•nE:nt off~a!!On lifegOOds meant that with time Q(f there._ wer~ !our days of the week with only one guard for 3'h miles of beach. Fro .. Pqe J • Fro~'P .. eJ LA~UNA COUNCIL •.• CLEMENTE MURDER .. ••• -Riehl said when a boat overturned at -~ Abalone Point recently it fortunately oc- curred stiU is vague. One detective Aid the hinge in ihe death time might come from Oetenitina- tion of Mrs, JohntOl'l's eating habits. &o common. We have ignored the noises curred on a Saturday when there were because they happen so often," he four guard!: on duty. All responded and said., there were four persons in the water The-dog, police uld, is a amall or injured' aJi4 clinging to rocks. They poodle, and probably the only witness were saved. to the slaying. Riehl ~pointed out that the accident Her husband told officers be left for ·Poilce said they .found the, pet at could as easily have happened on a 'l:Ork be.fore dawn Tuesday. . his rilislress' side. . weekday with one guard on duty at- And neighbors in the we 11 ·kept Frienj;{s across the street .are caring tempting to make the difficult multiple n~~borhood said they ht?ard no unusual for thetiog. · rescue until help arrived, if it could noises dui"ing the past few days. The Johnsons, natives ·of Michigan be located by phone . One next-door ncighbar, City. c.otm.. married in 19'8 after . a -high IChool He 1Uggested that a few thousand cilman and former Mayor Wade Lower romance near Coopersville, Mich. · dollars for men and equipment could said Mrs. Johnson, whom he termed Shortly afterwards Johnson joined the make a great deal of difference. The vivacious and friendly, made a regular Marine Corps then shii>ped out to Viet-cuts of guards proposed were to have habit of letting the couple's small poodle nam in January oC 1969. saved •tl,&73. Riehl also suggested 1 t'"""-,...,~°".,''!on!i:_ifthiliefpoti'i. ffi·of'e1iadliii"'im~o~nu'j·niigiiiaiitffi6i'30i;'-. i!ie~a.'·A~~.e~arHl~a~le~rrei;jhe~·_,retur~i'ii°""f..~fo~rrij·d~ut~y,-.;;futl:;time chief ·lileguard, position· be ·'"' or e a at amp n w ere~ e 1 1 created. · ·· · - didn't come out wit the dog. . lance corporal. · J1ob Burnside, 1 'member of the Na- "I ~now, bec3.u~1mr dog barked-each -Last January they-rented an aparlment ti~ Surf Life Sa"ving AdOciation. uid mornuJ1-When-she--wh1sUed-and-shouted~rom1.he-mut=der scene. · -· his ...,..,p evaluated Laenna Beach " 'Coco I"'~' " A I "· th "" •·-•-• • •\JUVJ • • • ew monwQ . ago ey mov~ Lif.,uard Alsociation 100 . found it is Dr. Lower, who bves Jn the Panorama downstairs to a smaller flat. and will be below the minimum safety San Clemente apartment .bulleting, said "We didn 't see much of the.m~,_,-•f~ter~~--"*"~~.._ ~-- loud noises, sounds of . Jirecrackers, that,"'Dr. Lowerobservea. -He laid Laguna guards 1re highly screams and shouts resound through the The Johnsons regularly used the trained and dedicated but uid. "No area as summer approaches. They echo Panorarria pool after ,moving inl.o the ain&le man _can llaJld .alOne against the up from tbe pier bowl area. neighborhood and became friends with aea. "- under 21 unless with an adult. Mayor _Richard Goldberg told the crowd Lhat he took full responsibility for ordering the ordinances drawn except the dog ordinance (Lorr's). He said they resulted from discussion with coun- cilmep. and other individuals. Goldberg said it was unfortunate that he had written his cover letter about the urgency ordinance packet saying they would go !1 long way towardS solving La~una's problems. He said he had not studied them when he wrote thf letter. Goldberg s3id he has dropped the singing, chanting ordinance entirely. He said he had not. intended the prohibitions against sitting on park grass or climbing trees 'but had meant to preserve public property such. as planted areas. He said he favored the motorcycle ordinance as written but· did not favor keeping married· t'Ol.lples or servicemen under IS out o! hotels. He also said the ordinance wording about transient and idle persons should have referred to a-greJtt influx_ ot summer. visitors. Political carJoonis.t Frank lnterlandi charged that the ordinances really weren't about doi!s but had to do with several rights. "Within six months 1 "No one around here would !)ave heard the neighbOrs and the Panora m 1 anything unusual, because the nolJt is management. * * * * * * F~ P1111e J · Memorial Ser-rices Held Eor Slain Viejo Teacher President Sworn In BUE!IOS AIRES (AP) -Brig. Gen. Roberto Mam!lino Levingston was in· augurated as president of Argentina to- day amid signs of disagre~ment in the a~ed foi:_ce1_,..o.v.er._his Cabinet ap- pomtm~nts. · . Six of the eight Cabinet members were announced· Wednesday night. The six represent differing political treOOS in Argentina. · · ' DAILY PILOT "'"'.... •••• . "•""tllf!tl .... Let••• ... " ........ , .. ..., CMhl M... S.. Cr-nt. Oill:ANGI! COAST l'UILISH1NG (OMPAN't ltob•rt N. ·w.,4 J0r1,1llll..,I 1r,d Pl>bl!tl!W J.,. '· Cvrl•v Vite Prtl~G .... Ind o ... tr•I M1n ... r Thom•• K•e•il Edl!or llio"'11 A • .Jolu,'phl~• MMtflrlg EaHor lticl11r4 '· Nill SOlllll Or•flll• ~nty Edi!# Offluo Co~!1 M.W ~ Ut Wlll 11"1' $t•"' lrffWJ.G"I l•1C'li: ttll Wal l t lbOt l oult Yl td Lltunt lffci'I: 111 forttt .l.Ve!OllJ 1-1111111neton a..c~: lllli ltJtlt 11,,,,.11v1rd k11 ClMltnMl JOI Nart~ El Cl "'"-•Mt ttAILV •ILOT, wan w.•ldl 11 ~IOl.d 11\1 N1wi·~.U. 11 ,..01W1co1 01111 •~tl'ltl ~­••~ ;,,1 _,1111 tdlllOl\1 ,..,. LAI-lt~tt>. Ntw-1 ... en. co.•• Mftt. Munu,.,~111 hl<.11 -'"-""' \t1l!<1y, •'-1111 ""~ , ... ,.,_. edlli9orll, Orlt>OO (OJI! l"Vlllllolll,,., ""-Y ... lftl(rlf ,i111!• ,,. &I Hll Wftl lo1l1111 1)"'11,. Ht"'"'°! 9"c.ll, ,.,.,41 U0 WHI llf1 l!rN:I, C...!I Mn&. , . ,,..,.... ,,,., 64f-4Jll . a-Jfie4 ~ .. 64J.1671 Sn Cl ...... AA k,.,._...1 .. 1.1., ..... 4tJ-44'1-..::__ (.!lpfl' ..... !, ltlt, °'O•tntl C0111 ll'~lt~!~. C.-.~1. HI flt•l .1t1fln, IJlll'1ffl...,l. ~·11 .. t.1 "'"Ill' Of ··~··•l-1• lllfllll ,,.,., II{ •tjlf(lf(Ktf• ... u....... ....... ... .. m!11i.tl 11 o;olll'rlfl'll ........ . '"'°"" (Utw -1 .. t ,.141 1t H...-rt ... (II .,, C~'-M ... , (1111.,11!1. kllllKl':,tfllfl W ,,,,_. U • -.10•IV1 1111 ..,.II It •• -""'i f!\Ullfry llfll"'9!Jllll, W.• ,.,..,fll!~. " SPORTS EDITOR COVERING CUP . "" • MITCHELL CONFIRMED ••• _, PROFESSICNAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS .. . OpH M ... , ,,.,,,. .• "'· ..... " '" Motorcycle ruaers win Scores ol youq motorcycle en- thu!iasts; bOlstered' by· petitiQ.ns bear,ing nafuea Of more tlfari"'"'21000 supporter=&, -• putnumbered their foes in Sa~ ciemenfe- - -I' • • ~ Wednesday and won a · three·montb chance to tide in 1 ·new· cycle park. Crammlq into council chambers, sµp- porters and,_an· admitted minority of foes argued for more ,lhan 90 minutes on. ~he granting by planning com- missioners two weeks ago of a permit to operate a .700-acre cycle park on land formeily. ih~ ~eve's Raru;h east of the San Dlegd Freeway. Hearing prophecies o{ hordes of "biker types" out of Marlori Braildo movies apparenUy. lefl councilmen"cold. The c~Jl agreed to .give -the park, dev~loped by a local trio of businessmen, to operate-for three months under strict controls and supervision-by the city. - Tl\e youtj15, ~ t1long wi.th many adult supporters, applauded with delight after coUncilmen agreed to "give them a chance". The permit will 1¥°it iiCee mon ths. The opposition td lhe park, however, was loud aAd definite. Residents numbering about 200 had petitioned to ..the council to rescind the action or the commission, citing ex- cessive noise, dust, police problems and traffic congestion caused by the park . which may well attract .thou sands of enthusiasts to the mountain slopes this summer. ' The most eriiotlo~J opposition , however, came from residents claiming that the undesirable motorcycle gang3 would flock to the city and bring their filth and terror with them. -,, The mbst vocat·opposiUon to th.at point, ' however , came from San Clemente cYcle · dealer Robert Tomlinson, who said the sport of trail riding attracts famiUes and youths of finer temperament than thal. · "MarlDn Brando made a mint off that movie, but it seems the thousarld! of fine cycle enthusiasts have been fighting • the image ever since," he said. "These people here want to preserve what they call a bedroom and retirement community. .; "But judging by the amount ot f111e kids we have in San Clemente, people have spent more time in the bedroom lhan in retirement," he said. -."1 ha ve ~n. 11-_year...qld son whom tJ will send to that park every slimmer day ii he wants. I trust him there. Jt's the safest place for him and J Jove him very much," he said. After discu54io9 of the futility ol regulating noise , by size or style of cycle englhe, councilme'n heard from an expert -'In the bike park concept, the owner-operator of SaddlebaCk 'Park H in the Irvine Park area. · He said the park, catering «> 100,000 • cyclists (including several VIPs) in its .,. life span, ha.s never had a brush fire, • major 1_>0lice problem or-rowdy element. Trash, he added, was the biggest head~che. Spokesmen for the locil park pronused dilii;ent rubbish removal. A Nylon Shag . Thar's Young In Looks, and Young In Price! 9.95 SQ. YD. IF YOU CAN'T COME IN-CALL 641H1275 for an expert carpet consultant who will come to your home with sample! ""Without any obligation to you! 2211 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646·0275 . 646·0276 • • I I ' I " l _J •. • • •, Thursday, Junt 18, 1~70 DAil v PllOT I 1 ' i I l I I ~ • ' ' ' " e: ~I "' ~i " " s "I ~I 'I "' "' ~ "' e "' = Bo-retl Dr. Sidney?. Lilenfield, 72, of 602 Balsa Lane. Fountain Valley, ha& been awarded ·an honor· ary life membership\in th'e Califorrtia Chiro- p,ractic Association. (ConUautd from Pace t!) . GRADS ..• M. Brekke, Elaine Cook, · James S. Cran, Jon E. Jessen, Marilyn L. Lott , William A. Schramm, Barb a fa Van- derbilt, John B. Woods, Joseph P. Angelo, Robert B . Campbell, Robert B. Schott, Gary S. Simpson, John D. • .. Dtl ;,1111, /11ty /low1r1 ;,, d11u/iq ,o/ors proJ11cin1 •n 11b11•J.,.,, of b/00•1 11/I s11,,,flttr lo•I· Wt/I s11il· ed/or h1Js, borJ1,.s, t1Jin- rl()ui boi1s & l11bs. .... ,.79• • ·-~~--- For yo11r shoppi11g rofllJt t1it 11rt our IJtW slort hours art Upton, Darlene S. Brokaw.1~ __ .,. ___ ,... ... ,_ ... _________ ...,., James C. Herdman, Ronald 7:30AMto7:00PM f\.1onday thru Saturday Sunday 9:00 AM to 6~00 PM . R. Ross. LAGUNA HIU.S: Craig A. -eook, Wllliain lleydenreich. LAGUNA NIGUEL: LIQUID FISH FERTILIZER ,,., ,,tt•·•i ... ,;,,,, 79c 19c ggc lr'e 11t Gn tt1 fl'ar.·r11 u·ill bt hupp_v to stn.•t yo11 ;H t1ll yoNr landsr11pt. p111 io, fttl a11d flou·tr nttds. Con1t i11 tQtfdJ". Stephanie A. Smith, Lawrence R. Wlezien . ft11SSION VIEGO : .John M. Earlej, Thomas C. Everly, Sandra J. Hodge, Thomas E. Jacobson, Sandra A. Marzllll, Lee J. Ruecker, Patrick J. Marantette, Phillip M. Moore, Jean M. Schaffer, Jeffrey S. Wilczak, John J. Leogue, Peter G. Chap ly, Robert J . Crawford. NEWPORT BEACH : Michael D. Babcock, April J. Barles, Jolu) 0. Bean, Martin C. Boren, Aelen M. Bryant, Howard J. Carter. Henry C. CUiiey, Isabel G. Gibson, Rona1d B. Len, Robert L. Gunn, Derek T. Harris, Ann F. Kliem, Cheryl D. Lewis, HOUSE .... .......... PLANTS J\fdny llSSOl"ltd lo choostfron1. reg. 49r BLOOMING STAR JASMINE Rich srtt" foliage u:ith •wi11kliflg fl.'hilt blossom1 DECO~TIVE BARK Landsc11pe !pecial Large 3 cu.fl. bag · $175 PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR JUNE 30! Robert W. Litz, Thomas A.I ~---------------.. Melum. John U. Regu s, Dray Risten· part, Phillip G. S<:)dndel, Qtu:IM.ine D. Spencer, Michael E. Stanley, Kit M. ·Tappan, _.Glenn Warren, Howard A. ~lght, Susan R. Winston, fljchard H. Bocllnus, James P. Edwards, John R. MacNab, P&ul F. Queyrel, Barbara A. Becldey, Roxanne L. Hub- lnae1:, Patricia M. Young, Donald L. Webb. SAN CLEMENTE: David D. Chorak, Stanley A Griswold, John S. Hansen, Susan M. Simonson.· SOUTH LAGUNA : Gary L. Graham. 27 on Coast Graduate At Cal Poly Twenty-seven Orange Coast area students received their bachelor degrees during re- cent 1970 commencement ex- ercises at Cal St a t e Polytechnic College, according to offjcials at the Sail Luis Obispo School. The students and degrees, are lisled below by city: CAPISTRANO B E A C H : John c . Hancock, BS. CORONA DEL MA R : Robert Baird, BS ; Shannon S. McNeely, BA ; James w. Witmer, BS. COSTA MESA : James N. SPOT WEED KILLER It.ills Ja,.Jelio11I, rlOJJ#r', . \ oxaJis 11nrl m1111y other bro11dleafs. Ntl mix1'11g, no p1111ri11g · . r eg. Sl.21 79e Kolorcoat Dichondra Seed roattd seed pro molts /11st~ grou·th & prei·e11ts /11•11Js · disease. Reg •• 2.ff l 111. 99e Cutworm & Lawn moth Spray Kills cutworms, t•rwi1s, law11 molh1 elt. CotJtrs 2/JOOsq./t. PENTREX · 2FOR I '298 Buy one at regUlat price, get one free ,.....,1.n """"'°' IVY .. -..59c OUTDOOR W...ltf .... ,.11.1• . ·AGERATUM AM JUNIPER C11lif./a11orile, lot11 growl11g. JAPANESE -.. BLACK PINE Jastgrowi11g.fasinaling sh11Pt: ... PURPLE . HONEYSUCKL'E Fragra11I in/11/lhloom -······· \ LANTANA Assorted ro/or1, low spullli "······· HIBISCUS 11se 11/011t or i11 a hNp bda111i/NI flou•ers hi.••·1~ . • •, Harrilon., BA~ Penny M. Li-<· lnpfune, BS ; Bruce A . Ha!enfeld , BS; Lei&h G. Johnson, BS. HUNTINGTON B E A C H : John G. Atcllison, BS ; Ralph J. Lee, BA; Donna J. Mat· teson, BS ; Barbara N. Pierce, BS· Janice E. Porter, BS; Pairick J . Tayio'", BS ; Howard !Q~,,~A!~Y.ILLl.A .......... . . A. Krinsky, BS. LAGUNA BEACH: Kathleen M. McGuire, MA . NEWPORT BEACH: Carl R. Anderson, BS: George G. CurUsJ MA; Kathryn M. Harper, BS; Glenda R. Katt, MA; Steven C. Silvera, BA; Mike P. Yeomans. BS. . BALBOA ISLAND: John C. Ogden, BS. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: James R. Errecarte, BS; Kathleen N.· Hageman, BS; 11801 Harl>or Blvd., Garden Grove & Anaheim 534-67 74 Jerry W. Tucker, BS. · 4 · · (S• . ./Di111,yl•111J) ' • : - I • Build beautiful, thick gi:een lawns wich Orcho liquid fercilizer or lawn food and dichondro food pellets Mix or match. Buy one get one free. Ortho Sytemic Rose & Flower Care Either size IJ2.98 or 84.98 • reg price NOW50cOFF. OR THO ROSE FOOD Also, tomato, c itrus, azalea, camellia, cvergr!'<n & tree food. Save 40c 2 for 81.98 · ORTHO BUG-GETI'A Kills snails, slugs, cutworms save 57c Special 2 forSJ.39 · · BrinzDadinfora f'Rl!E Bar-8-Que A.II day l'riday)une 19th and S111urday Ju11e 20/h be our Gu es I Also ste 011r /"//y slor4'-d P111i~' $hop. We b.1Jt 011/y llH /iNesl q1111/i1y, lt1s u1orey Jl11lio /11rJ1i. lure t\losl ite"'s 011 s11lt. SOUTH LAGUNA : Michael -2-12"3 Newport Blv<I ., COs ta Mesa 646-39_~2_5~~ --;;;;·jj;;-;;;~:;;•;;:ey~,~jl~S~;-'=====~1---:-:---tN1"1HI & Vk 1orl11} ---- ' • • CllDIT TliMS AVAILAILI • IHkA•orlcar4 · ON THE TUBE hr t M IN•t 911ld1 t1 wh1l'1 ''f''"lllt 1n TV, r11d TV W EK -tl11hll.11tH with HI• S1t11r41y Wltl111 1f th1 DAl~Y rt LOT. ' ..... Hnto'o 0.,o Crttllt PIH. ' • , ·----- ' . " ' - ... '. • .. • ' • . • ' JI D.ilf '11.DT•· SC Thvrsdal; J"" 18, 1970 1· I I I I I Wort la tudent Loan-s Season Start - 8 -1-AVER-1fHE COHNTE Complete-Ne~ York St~k List NEW YORK IAPI Tlluri.cler'I. ~ltltl ..... "" -lllttt.l 11'911 L .. Cini Cfll. l ll ..................................... 1 flltw YOrlc Sloclt E"llUllntf prl("n. --"'" , .. - NASO Li1tin11 for Wednesday, Junt 17, 1970 Ill&) .. ,. Lft. , ... , ... fl: :11.J1'1 ,f= n Ir" ft"" =l"' J;t. ptu! ·n fit(,, H1\ fll\ i C!." IJ SYLVIA PORTER billion have been made sin<:!f We're now into the peak fiscal '66 In fiscal '70 alone, bunlin& SeQQD lor guaranteed a n estimated $8«1 million will 1tudent loans. JunNuly is have been loaned, the highest when tbe vast majorit;Y. of to date Involved have betn coUece audents iild ·tlieir-close Ut 20.000 1 tndiiS and parents are ab9ppinc among students atlendmg 7 , o o o bank.a, savin&s IDlltitutions aiid educational institutions. It has ~ ~' f o r com· been and Jl 1s a mqrufictnt mltmeDts _to fJJl.IDCt the.fall _program designed especiallx, semester ut. colleges, business. to help the~oft.forgotten mid· trade, tech0 ical and vocational die-grade student from tbe schooll. m 1ddle-lDCOMe family. Under I b t federal.state BUT AS oJ this day, the suaranteed loin pro I r a m program 1s Jn great trouble. UGO,• Iona tot.aling $21/1 Caught in a bitter money • I j -A-Ei::c•111~to J ·1~~ I f~ :,J\, + ~· ;,:1:~1":91 t ,\ft ''mil fi~ t~ th I r 1:.-i.tfw. ....,.~••••r _.... .... et ,,.,,..,_ttty t -... ,,.."' N•Sll AN<u' '" 14 U\11 n1' l!V. +Vi ~1~'iTP .. to 1• 1 .... +\It • P•c.oi'"' ~I ff.. ' •~ l~· squeeze em.se ves, many o Prk• • t1111t *...._ rtt1u ., -m-. _,...._. 1r c1wift'llUlffl AbbtLAb 1 10 2• !l~ !1~~ t v. -~ ~~llP f" 1 1 1• 1 u 1~ -\~ •P•c 1:... / ~ " .. ~ • \he natton's banks are severe-,,... ,,,.., ~gJ~ 1!8 ,, ut: 151j, fi~ :!: ~ ~N! FJ.11A1'tl ~ ll{l L \(o i.~a + ~ :r.:.~ r1• l ~ 31~ J! -'~' ... &**I... • .. Alli:M,... ~~ 2tl ~ H"-~fU 3 ..... +"' Of~' 5f Jf~' ti •2~ -•14 +Ila .itv0 I.OM .. 4~ ••Ill " .. --t\'111"""'" Jy cutting back the volume Ad M~111 1~ ll 11 v. Ith l~ • 14 :.c.i~ , ;..t iol 1! ;f~ ~111 +'\i i~~ .. ~11 ~ ~ n,\\ .,1~~ 1i~ ~ '' of guaranteed student Joans lffW vottK fAPI 111111 Oii 7\4 m ....... u. "' 10 lo''''" 2\\, fl"' =.-~:f 1 • u~ 2sh ,.l.li + ._ ~aual~ 1,20 102~' L':: ,,~~ 39\~ +2\\ D••!t l'ln ,1 1.v. 131. 'M -11o r th --~--1 ~ ne.~~~:. ,::,~TK ~ 2I11o ~=L:"'t ,,~ ,r"' ;~r1t~11 n~ 2J\~ Alll~l.lf I. 1Jl J~ ~'Iii :ii~ +1 !:i:l!l"r·A~ '? ~ 21\~ ~:}! flU i ~ lft:~:W1:~ J: ;,v. "~~ !!!1111 .. L or e coming ::H,:IMN year. t1on1,. 111...-tltcf tw K• -2l.I ~it. P• ,IEl!llln 2•1a !"' ••11. HPd 111• ltV. pylrr•-Ce • 11.'!I !Iii 11/i -v. llflifl :t0o 1.n~ ut,1 u lmbtl ar 1 • M '!.'l , In some states the program. :;-..,.,..-'.,'-~"rif~ ::r.natll;T rn f~ ;:,,..G~~c: T' '2~ sl~!: l'r ,!~ ~tt 1; Prod .2cti ~ :i~ 1: (10 -'4 Co oln"' 1.60 ll 2A'Jo 2•0.'J , ..... .:..."'~' \::' 1c: 1,, lf·'t au· I + ~ .IS betng aba?•~-• a ifngether Dhler1, Inc:,, •re fMTf"9 3:14 • P"'el W• 1'-'I I Sublt T~ Hj, 3\0 U l~~11rfet 1, ,•• >'•" ',.,$~ = ~ l:lf ~ ~ ~ :,i 111" 11~ n~ t 1ll (!f\AM orf.01,>1s ~Vi, ~~ "i.1 ="i,•,.,•• •~~ • ... ;:$(\I Ir-MIN Mt 135 Ill Ptlrolll U V. ll'~ lt\lel F J~t '~' ... I.-G•• 1,10 l • C >> > ~, >> > -•k _,, ~ "' -"l -\\ --lion$ I .,, ,.. r .. cll•Y 1~ 1)\\ P'-AClll pf Sol .. S' r•bo Fd •'" •ll A,l~'lk• 1nret1 ~I 1 ·~ IH• H'h 1' 0 n '" _,,. ,,... toblot Mir n I• \0'1 l~' l -I• Many lenders have an-·-'•'v• '"'~r F11 eo.-1 3• 3 ""ll sub 11111 11 .... 1m .. 11 Ul 1~ A!Wtoc-.u + '! "~) 32 :s:sv. :+:114 ~r! 1~n -'1 Mi ~1: l~i: 71 i'"' -1 ~ lobtU" .eo 'H ~ 10 1014 -...,, noo-d they Will ma"A no W.lfr .,..,,., •• ~ FllG ltE 1 l Phofoto J~ 5"' T.i1rier s""' 616. A.lti.~h ... -36 I'• ·~ 11 ••• COIV •• 111 ., ,1" 21:• 21~. \~ llOdflcll 117 13'1 """ 21'4 23\~ + "' ,_.. a.>1: •-OK!m•lllY l f tl WF lil 2111 14 Pit Pd 1 11'1 T11Hll IS.,., 14\~ Alc1Mlu I 20 JM 1'"'-20!• 21 •.• Col~P ti •51! S6 11~. 111~ 11\~ ~ ooa.,..,,! ;ll "' I'" f'" fAa -l't new loans to students just "m.. ,, W111e11 """Fncl°i-I"' ,~ "l'llc:r111 to 11"' t•~lor w '] 'l A1,oS11t111 2& u n1 1~ 1•111o -coisOClfo 1:r1 , 2,14 ,>l4 2• D11iJ1y... 1\ 1 1>\.1 01'> -11. - lie th :;-airltlft; COUlll Food Op I ~f \: l"orlr· HI( Im 1'u T:-=·~m r~ rl:? ~lr:i.'1~1 :lt ~ lJ,1 1Jv. 1ru-~ ~ombEn I 30 ~ ., '3 •lU -'i r1S'Ei.l7 ~~ ),2 2:l nu n::t rn en~enng co ge or o er ap. J::... ~~1 llOI:; ~Z~1, 11 ::i.i 514 ~f:. '::.!:. 3 3"" r"'n•n• 1, .. uu ..,11t11Llld 2 * ! 31w 31 3{ -v. m.11e ~1111 s •114 .te\'> •11. +21,1, •• 1 to 10 11t11i ni.; 21u -~~ Proved schools· but will aid aolll (bl"dl. flltl' ,.-., Grfll ~ 3014 p:n Ml" l~ ·~ TtXI• AS 1 1111 A IC';!Lud f' l 31 ]I 31 -omlsorv ((I us tth 26'\ 11"0 + " rind " .ICI 21 JSI~· liV. 25!4-+ tt d11ler m•rkttc FD!om ''-'\Ii P NH '2 12-"i Tht<m A ''" I') A,llr.: Pw :n lOS Jm. llY, lt:\lo ComlSOI pf9' l 11111 11Yt 11\.\ • ranli.t S!I 11 11 > 111't 111/f -\i "' Only those already attending ChltlM throuvh-Four 5611 j\i 3"' P~b NM 17 11\lt Tlffrw Co lOi~ 11,,~ All!edCh I 'XI 16 19 HY, IN -\Ii Com\lo'Ed 220 M ~\I! 30 30~ + l't r1nlltvl11 I I U lfllo l•'n -~' out IM d.., Prlttll Frl!lll Cg 1'< ' p~ s NC llllo 1 T ifnv '" '~ ., AlldM111 7511 1 21 76 76 :i-4' cmwE Dll • .:t 16 ... ,. 20\<l :M14 -Vi Gr1ntw 50 19 ~?!?• 31'1oio 32~ -+~ SChool With the he)p Of do 11111 lnc:lude Frtlkln f ti~ IOV. l'u~lihr ''' Tl11n Go ••t l~ All!td Pd 61 21 13~' lJI,\ I)~ -"i Comw Oii 6e • 12 111.t 11\'a IR\+~ Gr•'l'Or11 I lO ?2 11~ 11 lt:\lo t d I A d ,i; l'etlll IOIMll1111, Fulvtw HJ j~ Pur~ S14 ' TrK C~ 11,,. ,,:'! "llledStr l .o 2'1• 70 .... ltl'I IN -\'I COll'lpUI $Cl ll& 12l' 111'1 11 +Vi Gt At.I' I 311 •I 7W. 76"9 26'111 guaran ee oans. n uits m..-.._.. or um-Fuou1 n 1111 "' a~ '"° ""' "''"' -... ... ..,1.~s1 p1 • '"° so $1 JO• -"'~ COl!I~•' '''' 1 .. ,, 2'lll 29 ""' -1"" G1Nor1r 1 l5a • n.._ 1n" "" •• ' ll I t ch rnl11icwl,' FUCl\JI '° v •• .._ Pyrll'I' Sf l• 1' Trmnl H'O f\'o AtlldS<;p 15'1 29 61'1 m -"" Corit \$11 u~ 15\'a -14 GINON.t!:~I.., J l11oa l1\lt Jr\~ -\(, year, as we as as I mu AAA En!• ., •• ""ORI Cm• 1111 •,, !>Duo •CD ··~ '"' Tri""' " ,., .... ·~'I 11 '"'''" ll 15\~ 1'~ lS~ +I<:! CollnGtn Miii .. Jllh 21 1111t + "• GINN 0181.60 1 nli '12111 21\\ + '14 -• the available money will 1.At corp •~'I n1o G••lnkl u ·11., ou.1 CM 111"° ll~'a r co Pd A. l)h•PC 1~ 111 1~ 141~ uu + ~ coror1cCp 60 11 l' lJ'~ • +l'I tNN DIA.~ 1 11 • 11 11 , Ul 11,Fl.Pr S 1'111 ll ~I Svc ll"" llh ll:id OVn t 9~ Trllillr 4 41.'i Alcca t IO IJ ut~ 5,,1 55 +2U Con f;dli 110 Ul lt\~ 1JU 2311 We11 Finl 12t lra 1~ 11'4 -\.\ be channeled to f avore dAITS Inc: l )?. Ji\ l.(rdl 11Af J\4 Rt11111 c 11.'i J TrOPlt• 1!.'1 11~ ........ lSug 160 1 2ll~ 21·~ 1H4 +~CDl"Ed11 pl' 1 7t non 11\\+V. nUnlr to ,. 111'-16\i 1Pll d II b 1.VM Cl fl, t~ ~1')'11~ 1?: 4-Piii Tr"I 6 TYMlll Fd 31: .. AMBAC SO 6$ 101. 9\\ \0\t; + 14 ConEdll pf 5 l .0\4 60\\o 60~ + &\ n ofl II • 1tl~ It 1'\li +Vt customers an w1 y-pass ~1 1 ,.,. 1~ • •ewr ~Vt ! ••nib E' 11 11 unu.c U >:i 271'1 "mrEi on 6CI 1 3no 3si,.; 1,1, + Vt cone DIC• 11.s 110 5' 56 56 + "' 11111n .50 1 1u 11' ·~ -\~ to !, ht 1h • .._ I ' If I'' v. R•~dl D tO ts u ... Ilium """HeH Ur 21 ,, 251'1 2J~ -\\ CDtlFooa 110 19 311'1 )Ou-,·~ 31 + u ""~' N I ~\. lt~ '° -~" non-cus mers .. r 1roou1 31\~ll " ... ~-·~'"-i" 11 ,, UnMtGU 6 7Vi ~HP13.SO ''~Sll\4St'IO+I CDl!Fd p!(J.o , ..... 1(1 1 6'1•'"'13\0llffi • 'lrllrn F 9'4 1011, 8!tt~ (\/0 4•j, II.COi' q 30 31 UJ 8iv>ol l~ l~ M ltfllir to u1 •'Ii ~ ,1v, + \~ CDl!Frekllll l :U 26 21 +·v. 36 1tl,\ It•• 19 1' The full extent of the cut-:l::1"' H ~[; t~ \:~:~1 w ~" ~t~ :r.kcr~ i~ ~~ ~5 i~::: :Uh ~• ,.,m Alrlln to 110 ~ !f~i ,,"_~con Lt111rov 11 5~~ S\~ 1 r11rn""'CP 1 i1 1~. 11\~ 11'11o • 14' ba ks 't be k t'i Al I s s• lob R 11 ?~ 3~' liUI Sto 11 21 us lrt.L ,.\/> 1~" Am 81ker I 10\11 10 lo~. +\lo ConNllG 1.76 J4 ''°" 2•\o 2t\~ -il Glll.IHlll Xie 27 1Ht 1S~ 'J'h + V. c won now;,;{, un i ... 1Fco"'i.1111 IJ '1JVt Ill C~c: 1 1>4 110:; E• 20v.21/lA.8rtnd1110 II )1 39.i l7 "+t1..Cort• Powr 2 161 •"•• 21l1 211'1 -"GllMOh 2110a '"\4 JI\• U14-1) next month -althou you A.lie 8rv 3 ~\. 1.5 •••• "' ROiiin M ~~YU ur .. ~,Pi'I.:'; ' •• ,, Arn8dc•I 110 13' ''VJ "" 24 -\Ii con. Pow rt 1190 1·16 1·14 GuJI 011 I 50 Ml 2•1'1 lll'i ,.,.. + I• .. ' Atlltd E<l •• , 11/i '.>odwv c 1\0 11'1 Rowll>n •llo ru UUI Ind 2:2\~ UV. ...... c ... 170 ·~· llVt JI" 3'\.lo +•~ Con!AlrL .so 50 11• I" l'ii -\'I Gu!f RfM",fl If 1~, • Mi+ ~. the studenl and parents, A,jpn G"' •!i !'A •oll c.. 10' ... 1 IV. Rav Cad ''" 1\4 VII LD t l1 '" AC•n Pl I 7S I 2• 2• 24 Con! C•n 2 70 19 61"• II 62 +.U Gulllte$ pf 20 5 II~ 11•• 11·u -•• I Amide l ''i \fl ~,.o11 5c l1~ll~R~1Slov 7?~73l4 V•ncei114 IS Am.Cem60 1•10 914o , •• CtC1npf.1 1S fl061M-•7"-12'11-1 GllRt\ufltl30 111 16111 ... ,. a ready may have been n!lnJf. A.rn eu'" t \!io 101,. tA Ml" 31 31 ~"'" Ho 3s"' ~"" vi.iron 101" 10.."i A c1111n 1 60 J 2••1 2A'4 ,,.,. , -Cont cop 1s.e n 1'!li •• • ,.,, -" Gu11s" 1 N 'l 11t1 111. 11\io -" red b II I ode • A e r Lib sf:~~ -Mt'--1~ •• Sldlll< 3'14 ..... •do Alt !tit 191> A.mered!! 90 ~·1 15 1•'• 2.i + .,.. Cont Cp 2 ff JO'lio 29(• 3Cll• + Vo Gul!Wlnd $11 n• "" 1JU. 1•"1 +'-• Y a e rs in your 1.m E•..,. 'II> sei• rn11 Re 16\.'I 17h St•n'" e , , 4\'i Wa<;11•, p l S'.'i uv. ACrr or , 50 •20 60 601/t '°"' +1•• C1 Cp otA.1 50 • JS 131, 33:W. -1\.'j GullW ¢3 $11 ,1 ~!l\ !!:,,• '•'•" ++n,• -Bt r t t dA.mFurn i,j,S¥, rove Pr •~5\li!lcllDrtln • J""W•lll d l•Vi 11V.Am.C'f'on11ts 1n 2•i•l61•2'1•i -l!>CICpP182,50 •ll\l3'1't3lll•+'4GutfWof111 .., .,, 11· a • ..,a. u rom es 1mony an • Greet n•-t ,, Grw1i. 1... 5~ IYr s.:I c~rr l•~ 214 w A1oo» •'• .,,..,.., 01u11 1 9 11•1 nli'I 11 •1+ v. CDfl•M•q 11.1 l1 11< U"• 1s1~ G111tw pU 7s 1 56 ,Sil .S6 +~a. other Jnfor mallOn e· d b ""° tnsd lS\~ 16 Gu•rd C~ 4$\ 51? k Incl 3V. t W•rshw l'll •v. ADlslTel 20e l1 23~• n 'h n V. + l'i CM! Oil 1 50 J05 lltt 2''• 11\~ +n GullOll lfld IJ 9'/• f'1 t , •• ~ the House s p. cr':'.'~esu! : s1f"dd:: 1~~ 1J~ .. ~~,Cld~nl :~ :J ~~,.,.,~ 1: ... 1:~ ~:~ ~~ 'l~ 1:~ :0J111~v,e~ ,~ I~~-1~\\ 161\~. + ~ ~!::l 'i\11 r 2 : 211'1 fl"' il1~~: ~. -H·I-y f.r I.SI G "' '"' 1 tnovr s 19 21 Sc•IDID ... 4111 41'1 •• Tr ,~, l \lo A.mEIPw I.. 121 1,_ 24 2• -• 1Dnt Tel 1(1 51 1ru 1t1~ lfVt + i,.. Hll/l'r! 11111 7 "'' :191'1 "" -•\' commJltee on E d u c a t I 0 n "'" Tefv 1]1/0 " •••rid J 1'li 11111 St•rll of ,~,,.. I•·~ e6b R• t \IJ 10\li Am El'lk• 11 ' 2~ 26'1\o I'"' -~. onlrol 0.1• 191 l.~ 40\'I ..Ot1 -\'I H10lbur1 I 05 1''' ",l~ 35\~ )6 + ... • An11et11 a u w. 11"" •~•n In 1--. ltlo Sels Cm• 9\~ tu W11<1trn t 10 Am E•P Incl 119 11>\'I ti/I 01~ + ~. nOlt 111t50 1JO _., • 4 -11~ H11mW1t IP! •• 1\/0 1l'I f" headed by Oregon Democrat •l'llc:.., 111 •U '"" tnrl'd F it111 211 s..;11r,.. f'll 111,1 w111"; M 111~ 111& AEKhlli PfA• 12xi s~ !1 ~,1~ !onlllOOd 1 to 1 311'1 31\i 311• -\~ H•mm P"" 1 .i 2'11 10• •• !i 20 + 1 • I.rt$ 11'111 4U 5'4 -ru Co 3 JV, Svc Oro 6l~ 1 w.,1cs1 P J'' 6V. AG1nl111 $11 509 13~ n n~ 1·· v, OOlll!rtn I ID n 2511 ,•1s 25\'I + \1 H1mmlld 10 6 t 11'1 + ·~ Edith Green, the c rlSIS IS here '•ckn M PY, ,~ HIO<oc: Int J'~ 4111 S.ven Uo M-\IJ 41\lt ''" N... 6"" '* AGnln ·..n • 2l1 2.J'li 22'1o 23\\ ..... DOOll'lll t>!AS l 71 ,. +5 H61141mn .. 1a, 21\lo 11 ,, ~ • Arlie" DI :lO\IJ 32 lllhvn ~~ '"' SMnODlo ' 61-'1 Wstn Mrq s sv.. l.mHolif :Jo l 12~• lil\li '''Iii \'I Cooper TR I ll IS'/;o 1.-1 I''" -1• H•flll Har 12 111'1 w. 1r• -•. , •• HOW CAN the program be '•k IMP 1ow. 11 HOim EP 31 " sml!h M 1•,; "'• .w~~ "w"'• N• 1~ 1. Home r1J.o 1t1 !tlli ,_~~ 51~ -" cooei11na 1 20 t 34 lU• 3J~ -'I H1nt.1 cp s~ :ia 11>;0 !1 l -¥ • A.trow H 37 31 Holobm 9'111 10'~ Solla 51 S l" l I"-~ 51, 6'' AHO.... p 2 ( U>~ IN II -'h COPPltD• 501> ll 5-"• 5) .. Sollt +Ii HOMIM 1 30 10 "'• 4S~ 41\'o -~i kept alive? \r~ld• 7JO. I* oover ""-ftt'i SCAI Wll 1 "'1 "Winblt_ 1•~ IS Am Hosp 1, 16-1 35~ , •• JI"-+~ COPWISll I 10 5 l•h 14'/t ,...... Htrcourt 1' 20 16 1SV. 25'.'r _,.~ A.tCC Bot 2S\lo UY, H-rli GI 711\ l l'i SDNE Tel 34~ 351.1. W(1c Pl :ta 20~ AmlnYesl 50 11 9 I~ f\i -l\ Corlnt~8 U• 1 2' ?l\0 14 + H1rr!1 Int 1 l '1'• 411'1 ~1"1 -\ .. The solution being pushed A.uto Sd · 1v. ll'J Huck Mt t\4 1 Soun Gs i1•1•,• •,,• ww'.',,'•,, 'w ''' I'"' A.M'I''" 1 ., 11• lt ll\11 -~ -'4 CorGW 1 so. SJ 190\.\ llJ\~ 190\1 +• Har1co co , 11 16 ,, 11 ·' o 1•!rd At 4 (\I, HUO PP 2' 2t Sw G .. Co lr>l I 'Ill ~ Cl• pl~ 2 NI.Ii t6 ~'~ + V., Coro.,.,lln 11 f 19 ll'' If + "~ H !SM 10 ll lt\'t UV. 111/i '"" 3S part of the Adnunistration , .... , 'o > 17 11.\lo H119 G•s IN 1311. $w El5vc: 14111 IS Yrdn'I' E Hli 5\li Am MDIOl'l 10 1 1 1'/o + \'t ~owln Com •I ' •~lo l'I, 4'-'l -R H:~v _.,\111 ~ s 11 17 U -':• • • • nt 41'1 5 Hur.-1 P 91Ao I~ l.NllGBs 2.10 ~ Jl '2'111 ll D~ 8Gcll ..lO 5 l~• U ''t l l\• H 11 El l l1 S ?~~ 1•'14 1A1 t ~ package, a nd by the or1g1nal •''""'• 0 "• 1* Hv•tt co 20 2t -. Am PllDto .12 '' t~'I 11. 9 + 14 .PC '"" 1 1~ 12 :111u ttVI ,~,,, -+"•,, H!:'e! ..,~ 1 6 ,, .. 111• >2~ ,\, r the 11 n '\\ '"' HY•!! lfl t '" fl'I AAtlOv 06e 3J1 j21• 59'1t-6,11 +2~~ Cr•ne 1 ~ 1 Sl'o )1'\ II I'" I~ " \( Spon&Or 0 pr 0 g ram , 8eumr1 '1111 :r.11'1 HVde Al~ •'J. •'14 Am SN! I 1 7 16\lt 141• -.._,, ~redltliln 1 1 1''1 U\'• l~(t = ~ ~~~I:~· !Oo 1• 5\'o 5~ ,1, •• ,\'S .. Under secretary or the I~!!!~ 1"11'.! ,",11 ,',.•~•,•,• ,•,~ ,•,v. "m Ship '° I iswi 1411i 111~ + \t '°""i'l n io ' n,, 11\• '''' -•"'• HeclfMn u~ n 21•; 2l ... , .. ...v.,.. .. " G .... MUTUAL ,., Smelf I.to 265 UV. 25 \io 2S\;o -w CroWCol l Glf !.!.~ i,~~~•,•,,.. -Hel HJ 91 110 3l'• l ll'i llllo +2'11• Treasury ~arles Walker l>es ee111 "~ 1s111 11 1nc1 w'"' 11\4 "" A.m.So"'' 10 .n n~ ~ •H4 -\'o Crown cor~ "'" .. .. 1, .. ,, .. -~11' He,;~, curt 1 9,~ 9 9 ""' , 8tlm lrld SV. 6111 tnelfCD O J 11.i "'-m Sta I 95 321• 3"" 32~ + 14 Crow"Ck DI? 1 •l\11 '1\lt " -., H I IF + .-,,• Jn the ere ti r 8~rto; Ha 36 31 l"lotec '•Pio Am5rd pUIS l 19 t9 19 +'14CrwnZelt1.olO l1 30 29\'1 lll +11 H11 ~1~! 60 ~ 11 16'0 Ill a an 0 i new 8etl lib .cl •IV.. t11lr•rd 711 J.l.lo A.m Slerll •I 7• ~H\ l•V. UU _ V. CTS Corp iO 11 l/'lf 13\~ lJ'... •lme ...,, I I 16h ·16' ... 161'1 -~ ftderal government cor-:mu,. w • .,.. l \'a int cont •" 51• FUNDS A su11r 1.60 20 n v, n n -~ c,,.i1111v ,.,, 11 l 1" 1~ lo:l(o -~• ~:~~~ c~" 1t 15 1;~ 1~,\ :·:': Jrd Son 71 :It 1 ... 1rm '" '"'" 1\~ A.,m."',! ~-> •"• ,,', '..," •,•,,•, •,•,,. ~·.~~~,"~'·'• 11 12':!-11 12\~ -\i H•mri~~ ''' , .~ ''' ,·,,.• ~ "". porallon -the National Stu· a1rl(tlr •V• •l'I 1n1 ew.n .,s sv. • -,.,,o, 11 .i1\•,,.,111'1,,111"A,,t, ~ Herc: lnC so. " 31~ 31 J:. - d 81•dl: Ht 111,1, ll'lt Int MuHll 21 n Am T& T 2 60 567 .,., 4ll1 'l>\ -\lo urtlu rt I .,. ~ H "'' , , '' l •' ent Loan Assn Jn essence, 80Jtue El j'~ JV. Int sv1 21"" :n AmWW!n i6 1 1•0 I"• Ui urt wr A 1 3 11 161/:i 21 er• o s 73'4 2J "" "S II M " Id II • Boll ... 11.< In! SY pf 1J 16'11 AW pref I 25 l.0. 1•V. 11\.\ 1•1'• • Culler H 1 'lO I ,, 1j'• 16', t ~ Heuble in eo .0 ,",t,o :MIO W.l lVli a f ae WOU 8e JtS Boothe C 11\lt 12\lt t11!•Wl •'I• I A.W' lof I '1 l"1 18'4 11'/o ll'Ai + 1~ C~CID!M 1 90 5 11"" 1 '\ 2)<, !~ Htw Peck 20 ?61 .,. 1S'o 261~ li\ Boor AH 17\~ ,171.1. lonlc1 2l 7J A.m line l t , 9 + \.\ Cn>nisM I olO 11 J''" 1.1'11' S.l1 t !1 Hl!lfl Voll•llfl 6' t\.'• l\lo J~ -+ .. ~ own government guaranteed a0m c,B" '" l \.'i 11 Sc!Utn 74\lt """ JuM 11 ''"' , " 5 ,, 1.mercuo 60 1 U"i l•li H~o + 1~ D Ml1tonH11111 l !tie »'< 301~ ~,.,.,..,.. .. Obi gal. t • t ( rMI YI If\~ :Ill\.\ Jlcob• F 3"• llll II~ ~ .., •m''" ••o > '''' >> ,.. --HotrnW1! 90 lll l l'h 171-'1 vo •• I l ns a In eres rates 8'11w'I' G 26\> 21Vi J•itt.iln c 7'4 114 NEW VORJ( fA.P) lnvtt 801 ,_.. 1011 AMF •n,-90 ll'I 10111 lt.>/li 11lv> t1 oanlt lwr 'Sp • 1~. •'• 11• Hct1 EIK!rn 1~ Sto 5>:. s:io -1:. demanded by the k t 8rk~ Sc1 ll\'o 1(1/o J1rn W"' t'A 4'\(o -l'ioe tollow!flll q111>-nveolDl'S Grouo l.f!lfK (I) ll 331~ J3 3Jl'i l'I Oln1 Co 115 ~~ 201'• lt•t 20'1 + '!t Hol!tlylnn n .,., 21\i 2J•4 11 +1'4 open mar e erwn Ar 7h 1% Jam•• ,,-21 '' 11r1on,, suoorree1 bV IOS ndl J ~l 3 7J AMI<. C1> 30 292 uv. ,_1,. u~ + Yt Ol•t Ind .101> ... :11'.Mt m~ 30\l + h Ho1111A. 1 IOb ' 40 •O Ml • to raise money rt woui• the llrut• 11 .~. 1~ J1rn111v 1111 ' •h• N•ll-t ..... aei. Mui •" t 11 A.MK 1170 1 55 1s u o.tr1 Ind DI i n lS'• 35•~ 11~~ + 14 Ho11Ys~1 110 1s 1s>o 1~• 151• t 1'11 • • .., n 8ru ... 81 16\<o 1'14 JIUV Fa' S SV'o lilOfl DI SKurlllK Proo l 71 l 50 A.MP IP SI fll 411/J 41~~ •I h Diii Proct51 J,l ll~ 11\>t 11\• "'-' HOf'rllllk• tO •5 1t\!o ?>>~ u,~ , ~ use these funds~ buy student l uc:k•Y '"' l \lo Jhn1n Pd 11'4 11"' ou1er1, '"', •r• L'fk, 1: •;ii ~1 Amoex "'t;Q,g 261 "" u~o 1~v, + ""01't'<OCD 11• 1 ~!\! u 15 ....... 110Mvw1 1 30 11• 79~ •1 · ,. ~ _ \\ Joans from ptJvate lenders ~fif~.~ 1:1: li'4 ~:l:s~ ~~ 5t¥' 5~;'? r:;:_:rieu :!:u";?:l~~ V•f Pv s613 I 2~ ~~o'f' ,17,MI t 21lZ 21'h 21\.1 + '4 g:~l~~rli 1 ~ 11 ti•• ~~t ~~ + \lo ~:;' r~u1 ~I 1: ll~ ~ m! !_ l't • • Cit w sw 77'11 211'1 K••• Grn 3\1 l !t ;oulll • h1v1 b«n"" Aetll '13 • s , ,.· , ., JV. 1" 1"' -1' Deer• Co 1 21 l7'< 31111 37'Ao + \O Houct Ina 10 1 '°"" i~ 10U and by so doing 1t would aive C•mco 14v; ~5\li 1e1~1tn l\lil l i.t iDICI (llkll o• boullht 1~1e1 1s ll u n A~• •-• 1 50 2~ 2'' .. 21 + ""'~'m••P 1 n 2• itv. l& 1' -l'I Houci pf 12s 1 25 u•• 2• th I de e-c • ._ M SI ,, KNr T I • .,, i••kMI> Wl'dnsd YV '~· 6 O') ... .-. ' 1• 11 16\'I 21 + Vi Otl Mnlt I !O 11 21~ 20'!'o 21:\i -"" Hout Mlfl •O 4 H l• ,, -,"' e en r s new money to C1MM a 51 .. K.•t1tu '"' j;.-• •111 A.Ill l:"'ort 6'1 699 ... :~~P~,5 3 13~'1 1Jh 13'1 •• 01111A1r ,40 1~1 30111 11•t 30 +1 Ho:o111•hF 11n ,, 31'0 321• 33~-t .Vt make new Joans C1nr1d W. 1 Ktllwli 17\lt 1 v. "blrcln I 67 1 ll ,o ~-,11.1011 10 "PC.OOU 1 371 \~ 1;v. 1'31'1 i;~ _ ..._ R!~!'.,',"'" lS s\io S.,. s+• -Vo HousF o" •o • 3n, l1h JI!• ••• • C..., Mta1 !St.lo 1S1' KfUff E 1:\4 ·~ Adrnlr•ll'I' funcls t'#$,..,,. und1 •p• C ' ... ""'"" !IJ IJIO t1'4 ll -1, Hou1F pfl J7 (1 49•b 'Alo ·~· ~ CIP Sow 1\-, ... KtYt Fib 1711. 1'\io Gr'Nlh s .. s H l.DOllO 146 I" ... .. orp 4~ l•l'r Utio 1414 -~ g•nnVR!I 'o• tf 10 ''" ,,, -I\ Hous!L P 1 2~ 6( 36t, l5 l5 .,.,. "The problem with these Cao 1n1A 4tt •" Krt• c111 t 1a lr1tbm 3 50 3 •• c,us 81 17 9S 11 1• ::l, •5 1 Cl 060 ll '"' 13V. I)'\ -~ ent~olvlnt 1 J! 1t•i i. 1t -'I HouMNGs 10 ' .. ~,._ ~• ~41* = .,.. _ _ ~•Pldl 2 j"' """•I PC I •'*-JDtU• _' 15 6 1' -111__82 II 1J 20 4.1 \IC 96 14 lJV. ll ~ .+.~ DenltGr 1 lG 1 1S'lr 16~'1 l&Vt -' HouGs oil 50 7 .. ,~ •• •••.lo + I student loans h as-been Uie ••• ·in.,-,, v. ic1,,. 1n1 • •V. vi.,, 4 1i • 66 ,'~ •,• 1 u • 60 !~f,"'oN 1~ " 1s 7•111 24v. -v. oertco ~1 a • •l•• •J ~Jli + •• How JOiin ,, u utt 11111 U\~ ~ I 'd 't ,, ar1e fll 2fi 3:1\ Klnv1 El s 4 "llllf1td '01 I SJ us I I II 1 s, •" 7 2•\" , • ._ 1•\'I -"-OeSololnc tD 31 l•'io u u -\~ Howmet Co 116 1411 1314 l)l\ + I• 1qu1 1 'I squeeze. s a 1 d "'" G• 16¥.. u•.., Kirt. co , ·~ A1u1r1 s s1 s 53 ~111 Kt 3 '' '~ ,:r[1Psvc5 1 01 •6 ,, 1 1~ JAt -v. De1eor1 1 ,o 1i.s 11\.'j 1•1~ 1111o Hubllrd 1 01>1 n "'" ,n 2'11• .. W lk I t k "F sh .,, NG t '"K"111Vot 11 11~ llA.m f JI 'l ~s SI 1•9•1632 ••MO " 64 al. 1~, llt;+h 0e1s1ee1 21 16'• 1~. 16'• HudBav 110 5 "'' n t. 11,,_ .. a er as wee re men 1111 c1P ''• ,,,. Kr1111, 1v. J'Jo ... 1111a11 1 ts • 12 us s1 1 • '1s :;-mcos1 1 60 211 11 :IO'lll '111¥. -\\ o..i~r u 16 ~ 20 1!I -" H1111~ H11 .ii s 9tlo ''• ''" , who borro d I Cente• 201.31 I.MC OAt 1•. ,., •on• Fd 112 , .. 111 Sl $91 ,s2 mco Pl2 10 1• 16V• 1•V• J&~~+i..0111Fln•"., 1 '''" t !'t t\" Hu111c11m. n n 18 1 71~ 11 +I.\ We as Ong ago C•n VPS )6°' 11• .. L•nct I" 21"' 23\/o A.rm•P • 4t S ll UI $4 3 Q 311 :•rnour 1 60 I 42\~ t2'h t2\.\ 01..-nlnll 1 IO S9 !IO~\ '9!o 2M• IC11~0Pw I ~4 lR 21V, 1~?• 11 -Ii as }966 StiJI haven't paid ·'r Cll1rnt1 2~1 tlll l1fld Re1 JU •llo .. m BUI 2 11 ) 116 'Pol1r 2 91 l 2j ,•••,!Ct IO 117 16~• 7~ 1~V• t a., Ol1m Sllam l 11~ 13 17\'t 1J + \,\ ldefl 8aJ 60 51 l~ 101'1 10\. , vi Chari o s•• 6Mo l.•ne Wd !11' 1 "''" ovtn 1 s' 'l• nldttt una1111 rrn ub I 60 1!i lO 79\• :It\• \lo 01•5" -Cl ' ,,, ..... ,., ,., .. _ >I Ideate ,,. '' 1 '' .. '' d r • '" , ' ' Knl ..... G> o->ff A'~ld Oo> >-'" >>'· _,, >>'"+ •s ~· ., .,. ~ '">o >o" 'ti o ne 1me o 1>r1nc1pa l and m .. e• IV. t i;. l••sat1 111r 3 ~mer ~11rtt1 .... , '" , ,··, """" •• , :;: , , • .,. , .. ,. ,,.. , .. 011s P1 0 1 20 1~ 1•V. l•\" 14-h • 111 ce~• 1 u 11n 11~; ..,. _ • ~tl frd j 'A 1 l1rwn M lS'i\ JI C•ah 6 llO JU t•l r 110 "' .., '"' -••Old•-•I ~I 11 11'' U•i .! •\ Ill Cen oil J.O > ~.0'1 ''" -, + >• so each year the money tied cnes u rn 1 v. 11~'> 1.e~ov Ld u lt lncme 1 ll 1 •5 Lrw lh cll 1! 11 n 91 ~11 Ricto !II l l 1111, 111,1, 11'~ -~ 01ebn1c1 ••t> ,, 5tt; s"o 5t'"' + 1t 1 Power , 6l .... * lll': ;;;~: 1~· Clll 8r&I s? 54 le'1 Coal 7$\1 1nl!'51 114 191 benv •115 21 HCl8rew ',.,..I •~•+l•OIGlorglo l.o lo 10un;.o 1~1.+,..rtlPower1 63 31R03(1\"lfl" ltl up 1n the loans has jusl grown c11.1~1 s 10, 101 e1s11• G H\/o ,,.,, s..K1 1 06 L,1/• l" •, 1J • 16 ... ..,..., ,oo ''° n J2~i l1\!o llll • 01111n;hm io n 13•~ n~. i1"4 -'" Imo ~D ..,.., t t 10 "• 10 lot. Th Chrl,i pt to 96 L-l••r 10"1>"· SIOC:k 6'1161 e nv la 640 Ml 1>11 l?O I 16 ?6 16 +'~ oo>o >•> > '° --+" oN• 0 >•o >>>IO' >>' > e creation of a 'secondary ~11.ae1 ~ , 1•11 llii;. et 131t ... ~ m. Grth • 11 s 11 '"' N11 1 01 1 11 A.ti Reh 111J 15 iso 41~~ •1~ •1•. + n ° , ,,.. -,,.. ;,,, t .~ lnc'Om, ''''' '" • • ,., +I'• k , r lllr UA. 21+M,1ll lobl•w SI'> IMiA.mlnv t 73 ,73 Ing ltoJ17A.11Rlcll pf l l 11" 111/i 11"-HIDnCo Jtb "' .,. "" 15 10 9'• t'!o -\'i mar et or the loan s via 1111 u a 70 70Vt Loll CCIY 1,4 3,4 ,m M~I J 10 1" Loom< II SaYIP• A.t•Rcll 011 ao '' 11 •> •O•• 4n,1o , ltne'I' lClb 2'11 ll't'~ m t'> \J9!a lli lnCCum sa., J 'i• t\~ t~i + 1.1 '$ II M , 11 nv Inv 11111 1, t" e rrn 11v. l2'A mN Gth 2 1s , " •~d l!I 65 30 •s "II•• Chem 1 J.o :iu~ :i1•• 21 '•-= 1••Seav 11: .J ~:;: :~:~ ~~1 +t t~ l~~1.iP1d 16_l'0 1f6 '1i:t:; 1;,l~~ \'it~-+ iU, 3 Y ae WI relieve the Clerk Ml 11V. tt\A vl'Ch c lt\.1 21 m P•c 11n•v11! Cao t I lft Id A.llas Corp '9 0>,, ',',•, >0•,o = Jle !O 21h '1Vt ~1f0 1~ lntterR•"" 2 16 )A•to WI 1·-+ Press I " I I d Cl•'llon PO 1\!o M6tl GEi Ul'i J( ... nchor Graup Mut 11 78 II 11 A. TO Inc .Illa 16 -I Rd '1 ..... ure po1n s an..,. e t e n ers cunt Mt• 1v. I!.., M•I ... , 6 6v. c.io11 , u 1 06 L th Bro 10 01 10 •• A.urora PrDll 1 ,,~ 1~. ,,,. + ,,, rPe-r 3 0 f~ 11n 111'> 11~ t lr; 1::l'and ~11 J: 1~l ~ti: ~(;. ~ll -~, Xeep m aking the IOa'OS" Cl!nlon 0 •'• •"\lo Ml l!r! 11 \lo 61111 Grwth • 6S 9 .. o,\:~~~ In ~ ~l I•,•, ~u1cm,1n Incl •• ,• ••• , ..... ,•,',,• !. l~ 8:rii~~n t~ ' IU ..... llli ln,,..,nlCo iO ] I'• n. 1\11 .+-"' Clow Co 1S\lt 11\'i Mloml Al ?I" 1~ lncmt 6 II I •l I.I n ' vco D I 10 ,. • Doro...ell ~ u JS 16 IS~ lS ... -~~ ln1lko ™3 11 !lo.; 13'~ 13l1 I A BILL t th CM~r o $~ '"° Minln M J'lll ( I'd In~ 730 100 ~u Fd l ff tlJ A.vc:o P/3 2~ H J'i'~ JS!.(, 35•' -·~ ' • ·> ,,,. '''' '''' _ 1,, >ooJlc DfA.1 >S > '''' >O'' >O -> 0 Create e new CD91t Ci (1 SI Mlf'IQf' C 6 11.'I 1.POllG Fii I 16 7~ Miu G!h '54 10 •l l.vfrv I'd ?O S 27'• 21•i, 11'~ -~ Oorlc Co 1' " > ~ pot ( I he CofemE J:WlV. •rMll J'A l \'>ilHOCI• 110 1.21 ISi Tr 11ll lJ45ilYnellrn:tO tt ''• 7111 1'•-\~0orr Ollv•r l111o 11V:i 1!1•j_li "'olr COll3• 1551)\oSO\'JM>.l;+it cor ra Jon Simi ar to l ~~!Ins F 11 12 Mlrm Gr 10 10"' ,11,0" 3 to • u M11n ~ 2s 3 21 A.vonPa 1111e 2t1s ma 1.v. 7'\~ +IVi DowChrn t '° 2.s 6'1'~ ••'~ •Jh 'i nterro I 10 • 211. 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I .. 1"$ era r• ~. •6 ,. 3< 31 + !~ Dll~ LI 1 " ·~ "~ '"U '"~ + \.', 1"1T.Tt T I OJ 3251 )""4 J.M• , + ~ NATIONALLY FAMOUS DACRON9 AND WORSTED TROPICAL SUITS TllOPIC·HAU9 2988 Reg.' 39.95 SOlllNT09 3.988 Reg. 49.95 They're our best-selling tropicals day 1n aitd day out at our regulaf.Voluntary+ controll~ low pri ces. NOW YOU SAVI: OVER •to and-get the same quality, t lic same comfo rt, the s"n1c big sclcct1on l ChoOfle from fxpert ly tailored two and • three button s1ngle-brcastcd 1nodcls in All outstanding array 0£ n e w patterns and colon.,. size1 for regulars , ihorts, longs IJllllA ADDID IAlll80S! .. C-ALmlATIONI INCLU- ' , COST.A MESA 1601 Newport Blvd. at 16th. ,. OA!tDIN OltOVE, IU72 GA!tDEN GROVE BLVD. .. • d>Sputable " Sa>d Walker and Con1r1a 1\~ m M11 .. VIG ""-,,,. erQtd St 111 , n 21 N,E,A ,",."' •'"• ,u,6 R••'c Inc: 8'I 2 10•0 10(0 1n;, _ '"DOI 11so11 97 110 ~l 23 21 n ofC • , Contran 1~l~Moltlc:h l*l~81111DdtC.lvn • •"'~•lc:p!2SO 110•1 13 ~l +1 O~rnol"C1 '1! 510'•10 in IT 111no1nv.1ttVJ 1'1?\IJ+1'~ he emphasized that "a 11 CDOHt L 14Vi 11111 Mod Sci •Ill s•.1. Hulld: UnlVlll N•1, •,nvst •,10 167 &1lh 100 fl 13~ U?'o ll DYn• A.rn •O ~ 6ta 6~. •Ii -"' nl I T Plfl .. JlllO l " ,,, 111 _, Corp S 1•1., o .. ~ ... o 1> >I Co~n u"'"v'll I 111;ur er Fl~u•rlllb If! 13 l"• 31 !> -E F ""> T "'" 1 JlflO 11' 11( 11( +4\.\ h C _,.. 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E1st U1!1 I olO 2 11 17 11 fMtrc•tt 1 11 ?I •1n1 :IO\. v. To g>Ve you the key loan voret c lOl.11\IMo ch M s s>~C•oll Inv 2.11 '!iH•l'~krtll •,,•, ,'"ltAeltoPft ~ ss ... ., 13" 11•• fa•Kod•k 11 •15 61 65'" .... +1 1nrerott DI S 1 11 11 11 ~+ ... oa,..1v M t 9'\lo Mo! Cllib I'' t \1 C1cll snr 53 2 s 11~111e~ l 60 • ,, • ., """ ,.,., -11, E.ionY1 1...0 Ill l!.>i ?'1• 1''• +1 In! 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I NII Brnd '~• I"' lntom • h 573 -"Ct> 1 Ht •l •"" "''• '"' + v, Eitel I.ts()( o l'\ '• ••• -1~ •ow•Pl l 110 n 17 21•~ 21'~ -1.\ e In mo5 CaSeS I your Otli;lb A,q 21V. 27'/o N•tCar R t 1 S1>11cl 1 S1 1 65 mnQ"'O" S •I 'fl Renell t>f•-<o l10 491 • •f''> ~·~ Et Mem Mtl 17' l !'~ 1Jl1 1\1" +I•• lowtP!v I 16 6 191< 1911 1911 + ~ I I , d t .... Oelhl ~P ~-• ,,,. NCmp c11 11.\ t\I< C~••• Gr llo• llenefl cit » • 6" • 6''' 6-"" -·~ t=1M1A~o Pt 1 1• 1••1 11 1''' + '~ '!co H~o :M l n->J 21 1~ 11\1 + 'i am1 y s a JUS e.., gross 1n-~•u~ e n 4ov. 41..., Nii Eau• 19 71 CtPI• s 21 J 12 /gf ~3 1~ gs,',' 62 B~;uet HO ,1. ''\ ,,. _ ·~ E1"1"N~1 •~ct 10 ,~, s., 5•• -·~ 1 e 1m., '° t ,~,. 211'" ffJ;J ' comest th $500()-0el CtnT 1t\llS N1tGa.O 1t~'ol5•• Fulld .. 101113 () W llOl'.erke'l'P~o '1 I'\~·• ~lt -•\f:IPasftNGI 11'1( 1"~l <l,-•~11el<Coro 316 tltlo «>'lt •2 +1,,_ I no m ore an I , Oel IBr 11"' Nat l ib , .. ~,1·. Fr"' •otS6292ortf . ms ll091l.098ermorc: Coro ?•I l\1 J l '-\\EHr1 Co 110 11 1'l'• 10'• :!fl''•-'• L You may borrow up to II 500 D•v "m, 1•1 '"' NB!! Med 1r14 11'4 s5~11c1,, , /// J ;1 ~·nh 111~11 ~i ",',,'",,su 1 ~" 1•~ 1] T'\11 ,, ... •;. Emtr El•c 1 1~ ,,, , sp, ~J -'-D• - -' OeW~'I' l~ 310 N~• Pel 1\'o ,,. .... AIM I JJ 9 Ja ree 60 -s l• 3J l• + v; l:mEI p! a fO l JI l! 3S +!"' Jl(k!"'" 1• ~·' ~ ~ ,,~ a y ear al a m a ximum rate Dl•m cr 11v. 1•~~ N11 5tcR 1 , ch .... ,'I 15,01 1140 f~ S!ll: fJI 10 ;i. J!.i..ckOk l,,. '' 1• ~· 61'~ Em ... v1.1r to 11 ,. i"'• ~"~ • .: J1ckA11 Qf 10 ~,•, s~ 5'• Dile Inc: J•I •'4 NA1 Slltlw 7'4' ,,.colDfl•' p Fflll • Bl•lrJolln 4 1 171\ 11•t ui, Emnarr 1;0 o 29 2!Vt 'lb=•.-.J•nl1en '1lb in. 11'• l o you of 7 per cent plus 01~,, CM 3'• 4't Na• s11vr 511,. l" ,eQ~!Y l J,s 1~ ': ,;~r Rev 1 ~r·i~11t ,•:~~. •' ,~"' 1 ' ;01 ~ ,,.,., :1"1~ .;. ,., EmDOtC fl! '' 1•1• 11 ?•lo \'o J111an Fund Jl •"• '" Docu!el 7~, !\lo NEn GE l~ 1 '1 Unu S p S 1 ""' U SO 41•• '6111 •1~ + ·~ End Jolln1n lt If 11\'. It -JelfnPflot 80 Jt 21'• an Insurance premuJ'tn ()f I/• oo>11v Md '"' NJ N11G 1Sh "* G' rwih ',l,2 ':! p!n'Muiq ~J f U 01!111~ Brn '"" 111 "Vi :u " -1~ En11~M1n 'a 111 ?B 19 u1~ ... 10 Jeroen•A so 1 111-. 11•. 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I\~ -"Ferra Cg 1tl ! 11 11•1 1Jh -\~ Kennccl! 2 60 134 ,,,~ 4S"· Grw1 h 1Jll10M l"t Inv 1Jt1Ul1 8u,;,", ~,>,S00 ~ 15''o 2!U. 25•,1 ->.l,Flbrrbrli 70 1J 1•\'. 1~ U KFChD.i 10 1'1 11~1 IP• G 1"com 1 j 'j 5«1 16 6' 16 '4 "" Jl 37~ ldh 3611 + ~~ F!dddM 1 ~ ' '?U 1?'t1 2111 + \, K'I' urn I S6 1 2l'1 I"' Sr.cl ' J S 811 lj 51 U 51 811rlNor 1 olOe 1"6 32l• 31\io 1'\1 + \4 FIUrol I Ml t JHt 21 211 .. -'' Kerr M< I 50 I 11\'o ''l ermans sock 11ll1! '' • Com 51 90 1 K R0u•INor DI.SS ll 6\1 6 l\'I • Fin Feder•ln ?Q 11'• 11''o 11'\ -lo KerrM !II• 50 1 6<1~• 66JI EbtrO 10 53 1151 1K11rltv Flll'ld1· urnd'I' .'Hi • '""" lt\lo I(\\ -\.4o Flres1nt 1 t'> :It op , ~ 41'• +1 K1y11~oro1" l 1 24 2• EQrt! 101f 1 0I Eautv 26l2t78urr9ll1 60 ""1(11 10• 101 -~FllC~rl~.ltt llllllt ll'~J~ +•~KldtltCo 121l! 4•jJ1131,,. EmroSc 4'1 50• '"west 6561\78VShUnv10t 5 141.411• 1( Fi!Mloel!~ 14 2, 21•• 11•to+••IC•mb(l~11Q 11 JO EncrQV 10 n ID 11 • Ultr• .516 6 311 -(-F1!NCl!V 1 ofll 3ll '1'• ''U 62h + '' KlflilsDSI la 10 1( 1J'il Entprst l'ltY•ll >elej Am unav1H F1INllSI 13• 5 ?l\11 11'• 2Y' + ''> KlnneyNS 25 JG 1~1 14'\a fQUl!Y 1 41 • 1• 1·· OKS Ul'ltVlll Celle! Cp 1tl 31 33'" 31•~ 33'• + ~ Fhchbcll IQ 11 73•• 23\i ,l'lo + "Kinney pU JS ~ ts 9l Eoul Gii! J Sl ! 2) Mm Fd I 51 1..51 C1I Fln1~I lll 11,i,; 1'.~ 1111 -t'. Fltllr Fd .l:t 1 t•a ''1 t~i i<lnnPv ~II '5 U 51 d f lH• ,, 41 1 4 htar A.o II 5• 95 61 C.ll1hn Mn+! t 10\'I t!1 91~ -~ Fl•htrScl ,1& 12 11~ 1\11 l'U + \;, i l"th Co I I 31'~ JI" Evtrot l" 10 It 11 ta II Dean 1123 U 2J C•mpRL ~ 71 1:l-llo "'' 2H' flemlnct 50 l lQ 10 10 LM " 2 tog 51l Jllh lUJ W e S t F-D C•P t SJ • t2 ldt I 40 t 11 ClmpSp 1 tD 21 16'~ 16\!o ,,,;) -\~ F!ln!kot~ 1 71 7011 .~1'1 ~ t !Ji "lg~tN 1Se 4 7'\o 1910 Ft lr!d 1.91 171 l11m• Funds Cd8rew ta~ 4 6\'t 6 11;, •1• Fl\nl Pl..,•50 llil 61 ii 6y t Koeflrlng 1 20 11 111 1 16•• Ger a ' d l '"••m Bu 11' II~ C111t1 ,.17 •4 ca" PIH; l .» 1l SlV. ~\.~ si\~ Fl"t_p!HJ ZS 3 X\l ,.,~ :.ov. 2 ICOPPftl 160 12 21'i 2tl.{ m nys pro UC!l\On .o 'Ftd Grt~ 106911:61 !""st 911 t .. CllPIC lnl2'1 3 53"' ""' S * "''"Co••• 2 21 ,a •• :iov.-·~ KODPff! pf . 110 SJ SJ • ~ld Cto t 3'1 10 '' rull 1 d • 19 C•11 c eacu 12! ?Alo 2(U '•\• + !\Fl• Gii .!oO 111 17'" l4h f6'1 -.,. ICO<'l(Dr!I Ind 1' '" S1~ a utomobiles increased fAster Fkl \11rld n" u 09 Smith a 1 s2 1 s2 C•rt>run 1 .o s •O• .u .u -\.ii Fl• Pow 1 60 11 O'l 41,, •I\'> -1 Krauco 110 Dt 3310 3l_'.i Fiii rrid 1!91701• Sw" Inv 121 119 Carllohl 60 6 1.? llh 1t!i + h Fl•PowLI 2 11 Jf"!i 51,, st"o-'llo ICre1geSS U 219 19~ lll' 1n 1969 than any ()f Jts Euro-f ll\llntl•I Pro!I: !""Inv ,•• ,•, '•' 1/5• Ciro ca.on s 1110 51'4 51 511. -·~ FlllotCo 1 381 11 11 1611 1t1i. _1,4, l(retM..-20• 1 11 u ()ynm 1.1• (Of over n~ l 14 ClrlOPLI I '6 •• >4>.i '•lo '"i Kroger 1 311 l• ~I >••• pea" • A · t't ln0111t 3 JS l !1 f:IKI•• S It I 31 C1rptc~ 1 60 ~ FlvJng Tl;~r 116 11\t U 17"' +11'1 J • o, s1an compe 1 ors, '"'""' 5 tie 5 • 1Frm Gt • ,, • 1• i•rrlerCP 60 t: ~f ,m 2,l: -v. FMC cc 15 101 11'14 Ill.lo it1lo -\' --K- h I , Ven! • 31 • 1t 1111 51 Ul\llVll! 1r1erW olCI 9~ 13"" ~l tt -ltt FMC pn 2S 1 tz>o 32'1 3~ °T" L•( Gal l·•U 1 70>.0 2~• w. Pusli-Autos BONN (UPI ) 1 -exp(jsedl.o • t lti1at1oll1.h1r' fear will most ofte n dimin- ish o r disappe a r a ltogether. WI e American car pro. slf. V• 111 •ts le•dman fund1 1.e JI 31 U\'t nl'I 12.,., +tlfo Fooc:IF1lr to 11 1310 131\ '" I• 1.aneerr,, '° i 33>,;; Jl\lo ~·-d ' ••7'1fi~ . ~I tJ D!1 6 SJ.__7 lS ~"J lfld 1t ~ il:~ C111 I'll "1 •• 10 19 1' ll19 '" t J~ ~::: ~~" IO ~ 1~lt 1~(? iirt + ~ ,L,•,•,•,~s>" ,5A0 ,"i >'o'•• 1•\i uc:11on roppcu , , 1e insl1tute ~\-'1~i:r ~'1, ~l} ieln Rot fd• ~:r!~,tlfo" il:--m?-lll! 36 ... + ~ ~~~Mo'i"1~0 ,J ~!i! ~i·~ ~ t it t~er 51" 1111 n t, J~,j, of German Industry reported ·t ~U\!1 ~ ~ r ~ ~~\:" Oo .~ l ro cc,1 Coro 14 ..,., A\~ 4UI •• -FrrMdCs "' JO ,,,,~ ,,,.. ~ -·~ LearSo pfl u ,,', :u )jl~ C 1 • JI)• J 37 tS l"ld t S JI S ll Ce 1"'1~CD 2 tl SJ 54\h S.'14 ,.. FMclC l!fLto • l , l~''I ~'\a l\'• ~~ Leal co Dtt• IO?o 10''. -At abou t th1'C" l't'>Ol"S o r •g1\ 1t-1• e good Idea to •ak" your c hild on 11 "v1s 1t" \\llh you to tht> de~t Tr)' 10 1nflkl' 11 w hen ~ 8N! j u st llChf~Ul('d (1~r A chreh-uri 01 C.iean111~ r 11l he1 than son1<' \VOl'k. Your d1•nt1s t will l<'l lhl' child lill1 In the chair !or a few n1ome11ts 'J'hcn, "/'\"en YOU lokc the r ln ld ri>r h tS first examination hi: \\•111 have ·muCh lert!l fcal'.· Ols· cuss this with your ,9.cnlii;t bcfor chn.nd, YOU on voun noc:ron CAN rt!QNE US whrn you nc<'d • de.livery. \Ve ,.,;ur de- liver pron1ptly '~-'ilhou\ t:<· o·a' cho1 i;<'. f\ p:ren1 n•111p)' pronle ri:-lx Qn us f()r 11lf'lr hc811h nr1:-(ls \\i(' """l..On1t' -rrq1TI!$11rfor-11cliv('f')'lim-1ce- •rid charg:c acrounls. PA.i.1 LIDo PHAIMACY Jll H•1,lte1 l•od _..._._. "'·llll ,,.. htt .. ..., • ar production 1n \Ves Fil!'~t1~:: ':.n•van Shlcil -10,110,1 ,•,•,•r.'""'~-,-,•,-•,,,__,,., ,,,, s1 Fo•' Whl H 1 1 0~ n•1 1 i1~ , 0 .. '' •• '_., ••• ••• co n1 -• n u -1-1v. F-tw• ,., , "'' i1•, 13u -11 ermany was up 16 percent 111 unev• " "" Citn Hoo 14 ~ "~• 21\' 11" "c;t>o•n .v.i i1o ,1 •• ?'l•\ ,~ _ "• •I'll lh• ''' !21 up ln51 1111•!ctt11111.11u i• ;1\.'io ,\'a lllt -l'i Fr•~~~" l!I \I"'''"'' 14•~-· compa red lo a Euorpean Com · ~=""'~~" : ~ 'i~ J;~' AC:.' : 1t 1~ ff c 1 1L1 l'f• 50 110 ~' s1 11,, , i:rt."''~"' aA 11~ ,.,. ,.,~ ,,,. + 1• n1on Mark et aver age increase Faurto ~ 11 l tl 1r..,tnr1 1 51 119 S:;::J1r:s e111f 1: :~ J:,t~ ~ -Ii frut~C" 1"' 6] )1'~ 'fl'• 111 ~ -'" Fr•n~h~ Grllll~ K~roc1 • 01 • 31 C 1 ~-:r:: _ Fu~u• '" ,,,, » '!'lo 11 i11• -Ii of1313 percent g:tJt~ 61;,11;;rr..i':it, J J:,!::c~r-'r::l.;3 J l.b 1111'1 31\l-~~ -G- 1'1arhet Production in J •pan was up urn u 16 Towr MR •?l ~•j Ct!!tS<'fv• .10 2<1t !4 1v. ll\1 -\i r.~r CD l l~ u 1''• 11 '' _, lncom 111 9t Tr•" C~D • O• t.S ~e~TtlU 6911 Sl 1U• 10' I U~o t a GilF Ccro tO •• t'• t •\ •'lo -o., 14 3 pe~cent North American ~d'1r1!.ur •11?~ ~~ J~~r '°F"<l 1/fJ 1~·Jj c:\-~u'..i60b111 !f ~1• \!~? f!" + t ~!!. l~~ ';'10 1l ~·· l:-!~ ;:••-; :, produc11on of vehicles was ~~~.,..:m I!\ l 'i: t:iJ t~ J 1~ i l' ~:;-1:~ ~1: 1/ ~:;: :~~ :1, _ ,: g::;'"5~111111,;s ,12 -~:;; ;r• ~~1• + 1• T~ 1011aw1n1 11 • 11.e, 1G •YmtoG>ll 11.._ down 3.$ percent, lht Institute ~f~,.f.~ . : ~l l fi ~~lfa Mui ~:: 11·: !c:::~":G J::io 11: ,:·· 2fi: u~ + ~ a:r~'" .~30 13 t:;~ r:.. {:;; + :~ 1" s!~:, 1:1~v~"m:~~'~n'.:i~7:1 reported, ,,rouP $!!<, Un. C1pl1I J' 4 11 ~rf•tN 2 , II :Ii~' :16\lo V, • Gt BW~Y Ind ,' ,,•,'1 •• ~· ,,•,,111 -Iii •-"I .. 1lllr1 DI' tlllr111. b-AM1U1I '''-.. Pill !' 1.H 611 t,'~ FUl'l<b. ""teM11 1 IO " tl 01' 4'V. «>t nc1 Core f. "' Pl ,........ 1 • • 11~1 Fd 1 •1 I I' tcm. 1st f ll Check•• Mot ! 1314 13\ 1 ll'• -.,. Atml"I c~11 l 1 •~ 1"~ ,,.., _ ,~ us ' "'"' d v elld. c-L..,uld1tln1 d1~\. Com $1 10'1 1 l n+:oroo 10111 1 II CIMl111 ,. I ., •••• I'•' r.eMlnln .!·~ j , •• f'l "~-+ 1<11 Offld -otcltrM OI' H id Ill 1t10 •iv. r!hFd A S ;r. I J St1tn SP. I 13 CllMntt_t!I !b ?S ?1loi H\lo ,,,, -ti n ""I"" I I'• ' 1•\'I 1''' l•l.j, -... ~ a1vld1t111 t-Plld I 1 J I ve•r 1-!ftth Ind llu 'I H V~ll!I. '· S 1 :19 Clllft'INY l'° ll S51\ Sl\o )J'• +I\' G.-M011 (.(IOo 121 r. 11\6 ,.. ~ 1,1. Plytbll in slocll d~r1n1 ltl'I. ull-•ff ~·•gt," u 11 1' UFd ct" 1 104 Cllemw'I' Oll U I• Slo ''' + ~~ l;"'-Tf~n I 611 ,• ,,•,•,• ,','•• ~,,',' + '' u \11 Y•IU. ,,., e~.alvlde!!d or 1~-dlslrlbu· Trade Ri sing Gu1rcln lt l If ~I"' IM d C~•• Ol\16 • 1• 41\l .S\~· •11 ! " r.t" ll~nc ~ \ , .... o t "+•• ~mlHOn! Vel I.In J,31 sei Clle•l'l!rf!Uq 1 jl '31, IJ'J ·~ia 1t r...c1"1t "'" 4• 11 ,.. •• I~ ""' • "· t-UR tfd ... Plill .. fl! HF! J St l fl 1ncorn A.U • SJ c;11,•,M11 SPP l f'4 ~·-'" ,, Ati> C.!1 \·'!II r 1 ~··' ,,,: ,,.:=•I ll'ljl VN• 1'1-0eU•r~a er D•!d .ittr Fo S• GI~ ~ J,IS 11' SPI SU •30 •1i C M SP Of I~ IJ>• 1" lj '• 1 r.nO•vtl 11 lt )fl'\ 1' \ "''• +•• i.!OClt dl~kltna DI' 'Piii V• --Oec!1rt4 r Jl)Dapore ttarblW Ul'f~fll VnttS t pf J <~ 6.l C~l.Pnl'UT, t f!ll, 11 1 \'+\'I "iei>fl"~•m 1 Al ''"~ 10•~ I•" -I< C<' N II 11111 Y•1r, •n •<CUl'llllllthrf !os•• e H~f'lw11 • u 1.12 •no•Dt j :IQ s 1 C11• 1P (I up s I::', 1'1• 411 -'1 ri~ 1:1"'t 'PlG 111 , •• , I"~ •''" ... ,, w!I~ d•v111enc1~ 1n ,,,,,,.., n-HIP!W 11...-, SINGAPORE ...... UPI) H~c;_ \,.~ •' 101 1'·">> ~~k~ n !7~ 1~oe'ru1f1~';°: 1f 1~! •I:••• I!"'=•"• ~:!1,';;", ,'"_: u :, ;, ~ •• ~\ '-P11CI 1~11 ve•r, Cllvkl""' oml11eo. DI• ..,., ...., .,~ "' " ~" "" '1 '•••" '•" >,, •, -1 t lerrtd gr no l (tlon t•~tfl 11 1111 11rv>o1--HtdGt '·1· " •r l!!CIP ... ~ l lS •j•Cll :J(lt )! 6V. '• It "'·~ ..... , •s .... Slngaporc·s· exte rnal trade~·'=" 1\ t 1~ n e:!n''M'= ; ll 18:1 ~ .. ~~r~lo: i JJ,; Jf,, i''' ::•_..~.:~~~I~ -:'J u ;~., ~;:~ ;;1• ~. !~ ~:::1":1v~1~~':.r~ pi:ld.;;;·~11~: ro by-e n "1mpressive'1-2.Jfc.~t'lnif-lJ1 't;/• ~~1~!.!LCff~~ftft ~~e'ill; ·I J.-J~~ if.; ,ft _ 1~·~~· .!~ !tfJ!:~ ,r.~ ;.;~ -•' !:>oti~!:t.:U10~1':.~~~~T1i:~dtit~ .percenl lB$1 year , compllrctJ,\1\ ?~~ J f; •. ~. ~~~ '1,1, 1f1! f11: IE11 .'.: " 1;'' ;;'' J>l.lt ~ 1', n ,,,, "13 ~ 1\ ~;·,\ ~'l ~~ .. -" t i. -cauea t•·!•~lvkleno. v..,£•-111v~ I t•• tt db IMOl(1 F ·~ ... tltf!v 051 l'·noE mt •JS 11rf ~I .. ,r· jj'l -1·l 1 ~;;~f1~"leo lS"J 11•1 , ••• o .1 -U (lf(I ...... H~.l.,, lull .-.ol,-E•Cllllrlo 0 J;/ perce.nl a (lllle Y11mo C•o J,'1 1'" Tru11 'ti "I $11\n M!j "' 11 )S " 5 "'*"'·~n P'lt•ct \' •·l I'• •• +. lbulofl •r-E• •!tht ww-W11hovt .... r. lhe volue or W()rld trnde, the l~ F~·· 1 ~ 'U ~r~·~ , 1 1° :, ,.1,1:.·rvc: ·~d'° I J !!.. ~:: .. " ~: R~ l.~ ~". t ;; • :!'• ;!" -t ~~.~~11111:--:~~""ft~:''i~~ .. !:."';1!~7 Developm•n t Bank or1•'1Cl•l>M SCI !w e•t Ind ... n !ly rn~ ·~ ,., IS'• h H•,-1,Gr"S/!ll!d 11(1 j• 11 1~•· 1ft1'-+"Cl•'IOtl!vt•Y vl-ln!»<*•~~l(JOr •tu1V• ...._,,_ lrld Trflll l01fl l 1/Nllhtn!I I~ j'l d$Jt1tnv DllU .n lf1i '6'\ 211'1--t' t;:J~ !1 '·'/ l! 2l't 2J''·'ll• '• •hnlto or btl"'t •tott~nlltd !illdtr ""' • lngnp0re-~id In an annual~~f.b~----~ s: f ~1 l:fi:J!.. 4 1 • • '~ '>!rt Ill ..... ~ ,~,,: i'~ GT•lf 11•l' ,10~ 1,.~ 1, iJ1_.. ~ e-n•rta'" •ct. • 1~1111~1,~""'" report. • • ~~;t4. ·:~1.~ ~~~ft Fd W 1.ft~~i1fit1 l1 ~ lt" 19'1~ ~ ~rrl:'~ 'n 1:;:--l:. ~r"~~ ~,:~~1111~1~~.w. "' 19 ' (· Niko "" .,hi "' •• ". 'I , . ,, "' II~ g\~, '" 'l•I ' .... '" N11lr ~&!Ir ~•IL "' 1'•1~· "' .. "" ... ••• ly~ ... ... YH• "' ... ,.,, l•gJ .... ]~i N~Vc NQr11 ""' t'" Am WA NoAr . .. , Nli'AI ••• Nore Jrl•lll NW> ··=· No ' "' . Ne SI NSP• """ ~"' ... ... NW$' ••11 •• Nw1• ••• , ... t::ri ""' ... ... I l ~-:~--·~-~----:------~------=----=--~--........... ' • • lhu"4iiy J'"" 18 1970 SC QAIL Y PILOT JI .... ~:.:. ;=-ursd===a ='s=a=o=-s~~ .. !rice8_:-Complete New York: Stock: Exc~altge List _ lllrl• I Mltlt LIW c-.. C... 1.11&1 Mltfl Lew C .... C111 hlll ... '-'---_:~;;:::;__;:_ __ ,:= lo IMll 11.t t•110 9'2;11. " l"• "" n:·~ + ft, Steek Le.den (• J 11• .... (Ille °" DOW •• , av1Uo1t 0•1 ..... ~ ... CllM ... L::.t:::Z. °".'M t ... 141\ V.. -"° 11\:::J.11 "°" f,J 0 ~~~ ni. ;it; -~Iii 5 kQ 10 ~!,\ 11\f ~ + lk s~.{,Ol'l(AP-)l"('n. ~ JOl\tl ..,._. l.•,er,m"'• .. '~ ~'! \11: 11~ -.. ~IOST SllARES •,!:!!!•,Co~~ ~' !i: • v.. ~'" " E • N -~u:;:ll ~1.A • t ?! +"' 011t11 "'1"' L-~, Ntt v11t(1111M1 1 ! I'• ''" I'"'+,,. ~... 1J 1•• '' •-' . .,... ~ U ll .. ncourag "'¥"~ .U. U ~ ~ • ~ \"' lli u '!ffifl "' 01 '' f jl \'Wit Uf!I! 72 lit !Ht 11' tll Vt \... I ' +-1-1!1 l 1J "'''I II" lf'1i +!o n1g ews Wt,.._ 60e 1 r. 1 11.ii -\t ' t 's •'ll. • , + 1 , c -4 ,,,.. ..111 co " •• > i , il" + , y'•"• -"» ' -, ',',' !,' ',, j •, -W X·Y·Z-t11m11 I U. !S l•lli Ull 01.1 \.i ltOCKI 01 Ttll Sl>OTLIOMT 11 ••, .., "' 5 IS -" ...C .. •• ,. _. t:::-,•,•,.~. l ·~ ''• ""= -.:Ew YO•K tA ... 1-Stlel dOI~ , .. ~ !;'11a.o t '° .·i l•h It~ 1• .. + ~ .. ton :n ~ 3: • ~ k '24..t ,it m 12 '26 w 11 th , , 1 1 .,,. "'' cMMt •h• · 1111"" m01 ec-'"i' 1 l l • >1~ ''"" + "" '"°" Donn ~"' '''14 11 ~ uii: ':: ,!.!~, It-11'1 1loc1u 11s1C1 111 '~"'"" w ..c,,!!!',"•1.... ll "'-.tin::'• ~·, +I• L tv,,lnc: JS. I 101-> 10 ~ 10"1 + \Ill~ .. lloc:ltt rr~ Ol'I !I'll NY StOdl. E~ .~11•0• ,"',' 34i0 II\• 11 11lol. -"" ti! l•o 00 '' 14" ~ '' . .,... 611.1 ·-.., ~ J0\1 -'",~ l'l11tnd n1 5 •~ ~ c not! ..... 1' •• 1 lt\o •lh + \• l Ice -.r-• • -'itTra11 ~14 Wtofl'ftfl I lt h''-l)'t -t .. '. c"". 51 ,'\') , ,1, + ".,.1 .. , •ti 111 R!llOO l' • .-•tr 1' 1 u\ .. nt'i 1111 + 1.o 1:ii::1~..J io J: t (Vf 1 4 I"' 1. 1J111S .. "'llC'! ... , .. 1.20a J1 ~ ..,. .. 11 C.: Ill 11 6'• 7 '"H ~b Ut i!T SOii 1 -h i.••tlc .JO IJ 1~ IOYI IOI'! -11 H I Wall s TtlleJ ~1 II l•l'I i>\.; • .._ -"'U Slk l l)D.llOO Wt 111\lt'l'Y I J It 1~ 1~~ t/:8;"'1111·:r t!1 Jh~ '°'" .... +\la r:~::l'\111 !10:: ~ tf\l, ~t-. te 1 Jt? 1~l.t 2!t? J~: e ps ' treet T:=' I IO :; ~~ 1~ !!u = n =:~J"1 ):. 1l if 1.W 1t + \, l:lbb McN L -'' •!, ~ 61"' Tti.~ CM• II ff"' \;, \~I H ) 12 l1'4 lj I.. 1:.....C& tJ ff:: St m;; ! '°' t•n•co H ) Ill t2'1 11 + u ',\"'., ... "'~· ~ u 1: 1:i 1f,: t I' :~-rl""~• o,• '~ ,~• ,' 1,• s. 21'i i.v. 1 .,. +1'd recri~t f,, 2 ; ~ '!~. ~tl' ~ ui.. Nft ww''" co i "' 2 '*• :xi>.:. ~,. +-~ '\ •tL .. ·-12 l'N. "IHI 17'1 + .. iii" ""C ~ ~ -~ l t1.~1 jl'n 211'1 -"' Ttcllllkon 'P ~ :11-'\ ,..,. R-; ..,.1.. fllft I MW! u. CltM Clltl ••L~ t!XI til U~~-LltL'Mv-'~ u 6 '1llo 12\.'lo lN -I• 111 ll(o ft ~ =\II =-J'.w" II~ l w: :v. ,i:~ i ~ Tt*h'Mlll •J ?I I flV. \\ "° W1r11 Sw 1 . .0 t-tt ~ § nMr 1>IJ •1 lt\1 ll\4 :>fl't .i,<h .,., h -n •II> 1111 , 12,. 12,.. 2._ h ·-T11t111n l.lltf 1iM u ' 1 ~-!1.;aUnC•~ldt.-2 :itr J.tl'I 13 , 1'1'1...._.-.~~t~ 110'4 1 !l J•"" l i ll(lnNI l IO tlO ft If If -1 t~tto I l.$1 Ill llllo \Ao l tt.ll ~Or• ... , 16 ll '-1~ ~~ Uf\fO<I Corl 10 t~ • " • 0 _ \I W Jt t 1 12 --w L~N~I PI J ~" UV. ""-.. "°""01i -\\\ 1 'c~ la ,. ~ l~ 1~1'1 .. NEW YORK (UPll-H •lpe d by some enc o urag· \=:on ,'b n iJ."' ~~ i!;:_1r,:tl~ l\«oJ~ ,fo 11'ilo 17\4 11"'= \1w:~-Yr1"'1JJ;11$ ~, l~ I'· lt~=t: ti;: IX Hr 11• tt11tl t?r: t~14 + "'.~';lf,'co ~ 1'11" _._ 1111:8,, t J ~l't ~~ ~~\\ -i1~ i n g econom ic news, st"~"s c los-• on the u p•-t l:r-iM"•'•'"' ,',.1 ''" 1j~ 11',""-'~ rvt•• coro • ,,, , ~,,. ~ ::r::io:i, ,, 1 19v. 1 ' 't ±: 1 1 .• I.Int TV Pl 5 100-I.Ii \!'it. ~.~ -'-PnlU I'll .. w, l \•A \ ~ Ptc 1 141 21 Ul'I ""'-\• "'°'" eu ~ Tt• '" " 21Vt 2 -U V W Ill 2$e ' L~1 corp ~! ,.":! ... \\ """ 1""~ Ry l • •All .. , •}.,. ., Thursday with "'lue chips lead 1hg t h e way Trad ing " 10• ''i. 2111 11~ -• -w~ ,_1 E • • 1 ' + .. 'llfion1,u1 sr.1.~1lt?1~ .. -l'I •~111 1 l lJ ... 1J o U\o ~ JI l:~s;:·~:: Zfn~J'"'l'~ v,Uo l"IDU.SO 14'0il SI t:+t<;Wth MklM ~J~h,:.~-... L llOft p ( Df 16 " 1(11 101. WIA1rm lrt 14\:. ,.,... 1011 I remained light r,.GSu '° ,~ "'" ill: f'•..... l)..o;IC.I l tO ' I ,.,.., ,.\, -.. W•ll>i" Ill • ' l'~ l\o -... Lh., 111111 11 111~ """ 2H11 t • 1-1 PS 111 lt 1~ 10, 111.o _ '• Th D J d t I h d T•••• 1nd 111 :is 131, ,3.., I"'~ uoc11 D'2 w 102 ~ » , w1 '"'' 1.60 • lJ 1 »•• lJ!'t + ~-LocJi11ttc1 .-.1r ,, 1 1o1.o , ~ , s1i.w N11 ,..it ... .u. ''' Th 1 "' + '" e O\Y ones m u s r1a a v erage was a ea ,, ••• 1ou1 '° ,10 .,~ 19i.:. 2.. 1 H<i,~~ co, 2 1• 111. » o -1, wncoF 1 ,., l iJ u u LotMTllt II 15 n1o "'· -·' -•"' (1111) HIP Ltw CIMe Clllt SNtlt11A '° 51 '" 114 1h + "' 8 1• to 712 83 T ..,n...,rt<.J 1 11 ~ )I'll J2 WPP pl • SCI "° SI 511 51 \.'t L~o~.,.. 1 11 lt't lt\.t ;;~ _ ·~ I°"'°" .o J l \1 "' • 1 ., --~Un!"•c DI 1"°.o •t.a '"-..., -lo Wo!PtP JIC9 ~ 1t: 11 'I 11"'°:: '• ',-•, 'II 30 ""' uv. lit• • ir Tr•N 1 6 20 It I lt"" Iii _..., H11I 1 lJ JI ••• »·~ The UPI market d '"d 'to s h ~ " Te.1<0llG1 05 I 44\o U'l ~ lit. "1-"' 11 4lf'o .. 1. ~'" 1" • Will"'' Lin tt ' ' • -• Lr.''l i;, '" uv. 1 1 1 ., 11 -i.c• I• 21 .si.. .... "'"=u.j,....,.,.lt 111 "" in. 1"h 1ru +.. Wl e ... , tea r owc:u a l\am '••li'Ld 4Jt , 1..e1i 1"" Iii\ -1"' n10¥•1 10 l3 u .. ti !EJ ... '" wn •11e I.JO 21 •1 , ~,•l.lo 1'1" ... llO ,. ' 1"-... "' !"' 1 ll 11 "' n v. .u+. _ l• ,......,\ • 10 1l'oo 1J" n .. + 11 of o 08 p t 0 1 •12 1 th ta Of ,,. !Jiii I " 33 .,._ .. ~ ~ -., Ut<ff'llYll Pf 1 11n 'l "' ""' -iv. w"~ 11111 , 60 1 ""' ._ 14" _ '• t.L 1>1 1J 21.,,._761"Hoi·=! ,',!!..P" l" n It +11 s-• ... "ll '"°'''"-it ercen n ... ssu escrossmg e pe '•llrtt<tO 11,20..,1..,.20\ot 11 u11 W>&>S.a 6»on~ "--t \\w .. 11n ,1e 1112""'-~"-'' ~bL!~,L~.~·,1 ~ 11 ·~ •i:. •l: -)j, -.rnf:T'1 f l.W ~ lit:. ~ ~=I :.,~ }J " Jl\:o SI~-t '' these 651 advanced and 557 d echn e d l'11'11 lll1M 11l l~l)o tt n J ~~UA~•ot ::' 11~ rl.o_, \': ~ +l\t =~UJ':"pt~: 1t1 ~~ ~ -~ tl l '"'°., ... ~ 115,1 !.,~ ff"'1' ~v; -,, P~ ,•1,•,1 '! .. 22~. t,~,1,.'l .... ,,. l! _ ,, !', , .. ,,,•,'.M• 1~ !! ~. !! + ~ Turnover amounted lo around 8 7"' 000 s hares '~~~. "k'4° 21 "" ":Z. ~ .. 8" 1 Fin ' 11 3 1 1 • -w" un 11ut0 21 "'"' tJ ...,, 1 -..,, -.,,. 51 · "'I>~ .,. .,. •II> 11\~ Pt l Jt 2th 21lo tt ;N l lKlml tl 1 M ,." 2t. 21'Wo 29 + \t, 11 F•U 1 t0 IQ ll )I 31 'ti W"ltll l ! 10 211 U ii• ~~ :+1 ~ t uor!1QI ~ 12 Jl 4 JJ f ( l>KLIO I'° II ll:" »'• \~ ltd lf>!I ,.. I 9'IO t~ 1.\1 -'4 compared Wlth 9 870 000 s h ares Wednesd ay Tf\oln Ind '° I~ lR~ l:MO -""H~r1.:01111 Ill~ i \ t \ + "' Wts!E Pfl.'4 l1' S2\.'I I ~\ ,, .... -1\'l b U<llY SI tl!b '11 111.. ,_ 21' ~ Ptc: Ptl }5q Jn 70" it ... lt~ Id Koll!lmlll JI 1 , •I• > > -<o l'ftonlJW ~ ) ,,_ , .. , .. + • "''' '"' ' -• ,., IO\• '' WHlvco I OS :U 20"" h .... + \, udlow 1111 • 14'4 ii! h -·P•cPwl ID jl IN 11._ 1'~•"1'•1•" !IQ 111 •21'1 •1 .,, • .., Anal t a d th k t ood t h T"'ll!yOf .0 "' + ...... """' N ._ • • w t»r 11'0 •• Yktl\$ Sil 1 11 11111 llV. 11~ t: Pi e $wt Alt t 11'1:< II ' -11 IOlll!ld )0 ?JS 41-• tl ~ •ll't y S S S J e ITiaf e W8S ln a If, eC • ll" Coo 411 n a~ \f • l;~ -~ t~ ~~k' M~I~ ~1 1/t~ 1J:• l~J -lo w.:~,,h:r IO ~ ~~ :r-~ +1 l} t~~l i~. ",' l"' JV. J.Ya _\ii Poc1\r 11"0 n i,1, l''"' 1 " + 1• s1<>11NJ 1 to. 311 i11to ",., s.11 + "' n1cal pos 1t1on for a rally, bul no ted t oo Lnat lt was rldtwf!M 411 1 11 1 it + i1 u! Fr1111 1 '° 4• 11 • ~'· n _,.. ••~r 1116 is 11 ior l~.., 10.•.,. +1 L ¥• f t•1 J P.cl l of 6 I14i0 J1V. ~ JlV. -1 S!llOllOh 1 10 '6 S.\lli s.;, lol'h + ~ h ped T mtl~ f(l1 )0 ,. ~ !'6, 21 + , U G•o•m 3a .io ~ ,';:: .. ~ Whee Pill Sii 1 Hit ll't I ~ -\II L •kev,,. • I' •, II(, 1:w. Poe 1n '°'" l '" •~· '"'I" I' 1>.a.,,r,,, 2s 6~• , 1 t h el b y s ome encourag1n o economic news r mrtMI( JoO 10 2t"' ,,.,. u>1o _ :i. u Gv. 011 eo 2 27\• 1 .. , •" -. ,, ·.~,'.',', •,',' 1 oo st\l }I ,,.~ + 111 -M..-:. ;:~~1 w~ 1,l 1f;0tt i!li'tt itto ~ 'i\~r.:::~, 'l. "' 6b • '') -""' The government r eported the c ost Of 11v1ng con· """ Riv '° ,, ,.,.. Mi; 1~ ;. ~ u r:= 21 15t. 1:~ 1~. 1:,~1 -,,. wn1.1 CD 1 60 J,j !iO., .... ~ +1 ,. VllYo 011.$0 ) 1•\1 Jt~ 2611 :.+. ... P1lm&<ll 2S 1 • t'1 • \:. I Pkt &>11 '° 1 2tll< 11\lo 211(, -\\ " l~ T mli•n l..IO ll ,, .. 2' •• + ul ' }() .. ,...,. II 1111 .§Cl .. .. 1 ~tcAnl' 10b l "' 161ii l61o Ptllll EP 1.0 " im -.. h!l>rud .i 10 lf 2r" J: ,.;t -"' Unued to chmb Jn May, b ut a t i t s lowest pace smce ~='' = 31 n" .:;; 1:1 + \~ ~ ~tc~n ~ l~ Ui~ '~ ~ iii~ =~r:~.,,,PIC"\ 1 : ~v. ~~ ~~ -~ ~:C~'1:if l30 1 ,..., • , .. Ptto11 IQ 21 2'1 n~ ,,• ,~s11N'•• '° 1 '• ,1, "\"+"' e eg1nnmg e year --T00i1t1111 • 1 13 u u u s....u lb ,._.lll..o ,, w1 WhteMot soo Jill'• u . •l:i.•"' M ac~ld lCI t ~ .Sh 5\a 4-l,i Ptof(tl! SOI> 16 ••• \. f }')! SltnWk• 1 ~ • •ll'J ol(ll'o .0-.. -ll.O th b of th TolHEd 117 lJ ~ U lt'i -i,. U Si>ot U !) IT\• 1•"' I/lo Wll 1.Cfli 4t I )cl\\ lN<o '{If 2l ,.~ 1:.i 2t\ -.. l>HWI •11.. 6 l1 l6\lr 5!Mtttt .IQ t ll\4 lil'I 1JU +Ill k.f l tfM Co f(I l l.,}\I. ~ U\o +\Ii U foCllC I JO 11 111'1 fl 21 -\1 ft UM.tr 2't 1~ 1 1 1~ •lo. M:, "5d ~·.. 10 1• ~ 1' • :; 1, P••ke~~1. 1 u 't~" 1•~ 1!\.., 1~ 11 • ....,rc~ , '° 12 21 1.,.. ,, t "' f~.ost maJOr s tock groups traded narrowly and ,, .... un 1 i.. n3 ,,,., '''" ,5 + 1, un 1 u111 n ,, 11,, 410 i.,. •"•"H•'"'•1 11 ,..,~ 2J.h H'4 .. M•o1cL:':i1::; ff ,~i.a 11'1 •l~ ~:::-.!\ c:;.\" 1, j1.: l~1, 1 1 ,..+= 11rcft11r • 1 •~ •~ 11.o 11 on both s,id es o{ p revious c.los ings IBM closed up ,,.!\$ w Air 4ts n 121. 11 ... 1 vnu11 a11 1i 10" 21 11 -i.w11 ou 1 2~ g.,, f" U11o:t!.. Mtol\f"O>I 110 1 If 2~ J:~~ lf.'.? -Pt11t1Dl• • 11'1 ll 1 !"fl&' .... IS 1or "~ w: E~ -t: +~~:~:~ °!J ~ '1. 1.",· '• ~ = ~ ~~~l!.r'\~ 1 • '~t ~~ tt~ +!\a wl!.~ I lf 1G ,.~. ~ mo 1 1lr ~:.:::~::ci ' ~ ~ ~u, i!~ f!1· r '"::;;:.., F/th, 110 2~ ~ 1.t . t ~ ::~."' .i,: HI r " Jlh -h 6 1/4 at 272 Dupont f.a1n ed 2 /2 to 119 3/8 and Tr1111m•1 u -141\ 1• ,.., .. UnlvOPd_.IO us l" l' I 1Hll ;. • WhEIPw '~411 tJ ll 1G • '°"" l.o M•-w~ 12 4 "• 2fl: 11i.. + i: P• c o ou,~2 ' d i.ii d '4 ~ +:1 teww1r , &a 22 1••\ u t "' Amencan Telephone cosed off 1/4 at 42 5/8 Tfo~on ICI !J '"' '• t i(, -i. Unt\011'1 """° n1 ' s i•~-+ 4 ;\•P5~6' '~ " is ~··· J i1 M1ntJ_t11 Jolll 3l •1 llO • 6e'h lo\ PtPwlt 1 .., eo t21i 11>... 11~ -w ls::.:,z~)o 1 1~ J\ii ~ uv. + 1 W ~~:~:f,'~"Y "J ~~ :\ I + ~ ~~lre'ia! IG .0 ~f 1J r.1.. ~..-;: ~ wr!~ ot1 u 10 1 11 141 !J i • ~~r.T~n 1" .,• H"" 1~ u1o1o -~::L, "• '•" •,l?!!. ",1\lli ~!"',, "i:"• " lllfltCont l6 1 t , , ,_ Among the most active issues were I ntemat1on .. ~,, -,, ,, •• ,, _,. -, ,· usL1"e. so 1 26 lt1. A _ ~. Wol• • ww "• t • , a . 1 , ~. •••<•• , •A ~• 21'1 :nh P SO ""' "" • -'"" 1ort•ll•d ... '' ''" ••• 'I' 1-' • I T I h F' ••,•,,··,. ," .-, " £T,. VSM c I IQ 1 2• •' .,.:, , Otfltl<:o • II lj 1 16 16\.o + l.o -"" 1• ~. ··~ .. ~ t ~ P•l a• • '° 11w ~ St ~ "" ... a e ep one reeport Sulph ur General Public '' •o ~ "°"' .cv. -'4 usM ari ~ 1.uo 1t • 11•~ 111 = ~ Wood'I co .a 1 1 " 11 n -•• M,ucor pf ,1,2 u ..i •S\4 4.1 •nnw 1 2\l! U6 19'A !!~ Uh -~ !~lltWor h 1 U •llolo te>l.o • lo '11, U J T•ICoM '-'•• 3" 2!" 11 • 2! t <> "•••<-· -" .. ,, ... '''' i ,~ -'w"' 1 20 14 • "' ~ t .., M"•••m~• 211 1 ' , •• ' Penwlt DI .SQ l :I& ... n \'> l~W pf ... ,. 1 »'4 30 3014 "' t i 1t1es Nat omas K "yser R •• p lt t d x •. ic~ .... ... l 3 ... ' -',_ "" -~ .~ ... -• • .-.,. ·-" Mt Ml~ I llO :u 11 .:; 35 \; :i.sl; + P•,.w 1 an.,1 1 19 11,, 1-,,, utiu•bCo u 1• 1111 l'l'h 11Vt _ 111 • it 0~1 1 s on an erox , ,;;-.;1..J" to "" ... -.. utah PL 1 n ll 11 • 211o1o 21 .,. llilw ~1 "' u ""' "'" •' • > • M•rlor1L11 ,4 • 1!" -· ''"" .: P111111un ~ u~ 1,1, "' I'll ub Proo 1 '° 1 2s 1 lj'• '!"' _ ~ I n lat e t radin• l nlernat ion al Tel ephone was up ,11w ~ , •' ~ • ,", • ,',~ ,,_ .,,,,1," A.no u utr. ls u, + .., w.•", '.!" .• •I- 1 i.o •t.. -~. Moll"'na" 1 •• """ .,-... p-~ ,, .. "'' '' ,.,... •· ver:::.,IO 1 n 1 , _,. " ''" ·,-,.. • "-"VCACl>fP ti! 13 2111t '' 21"'-t "' rfq•v... '°' '' ti +1 .. J~ • ••10 •1~ + \ ..,., D .,.. ..., ,,• ,,.~ ••• ... c • ll , •. 'f'· '!" _,• J 242 700 "•.., I IS 6i IS + 'It 1wu• l!Jlf IO 3 ·~ t i.ii ...,, IA ""~QV" C•m it, •~ 1 •p-o 1.10 11 .. ,.,.,. "'un '° ... .. o n s h ares General Publ1 U t lti "" ••~ 2 11 .. '' -1 Vet<W• 160 s. o.1i. 0 • ••i• llli''''"' •• "' -'' ,,,,-!''" Mtrrlott IOI 2t 0 2t 'll'' Pt ' •1 \ H 19 ~ 301.'0 l!V. -V. " OU Ill ~ ' "1 ' + .,_ C I l e S \V8S l GE 1 2 6 l~ 't ;~ ..... H 'i Vtnclo Ce llO I 11'1!1 ll1"o llW XT•• II""" j 0 "•o 1"--1 ~ Mt''""d 11g i3 1~ 1ti. 1,\ , Pto~o 1 10\I tJ~ ~,.. :i. + ~ un011 pl'2 u .n u:i.,.., n, ~ u,•. _+,",, down 1/4 o n 98 100 s hares Kayser Roth was off l/2 T~~ ,..,, 11 1oi.. t \11 101. ! \\ v1c1comp 50 ,. 1:µ,, 11 13 • + "zt1e eorit"' , ,, : tf\: 2t'! i; Mtrll<IM I I 51 UV. ll 1l~ -'I Ptt I Flltfl I l \lll "' 1,1;. -\.o flbltll'I 10 ,-~ U. U tl"'L tnc 1 J4] 11-~ l•l't 1610 '-V!HIQl!r lS Ila • ; •.Ii -l'I lalt! of A IQ 1 70'4 ~ Ill: '' Mf11c .. , tOt1 1 ~"' 2n i 11~ ,. p.,.," e1m 11 " ,•,•,,• H ! "" u111:1urnd IQ 1~ I•\\ 1~ -" on 79 700 s h a res, N a tomas was up 2 on 74,900 shar es ·•~o 1 ,, ,, "'• ,,, ,., ... v1e1Pw '11 1.u " 11\ 11"" + \ z1-·tt N6t11 .u is , • .,., •' _ ,, Mllto Cll 1t • .... •• •• -.. Pd M: Iii to ... ,.... 11\1) .. llChl oil ~ ll\'t 31 ~... ... '• VoEP -'I 1J zlOO 16\'i .. ~ ••• + • ' -' M•Nlllflt n 31 ,.~ ,,-' ,,-•. + ,. PfllPtlll 120 1(1 1t ..... ,, ·-ullSllM S1b 11 n 11·· ,,,, -'• UGI • ''° t 21~. 21~ 24'• -I:. ... • •• '''I Coro 1,•, •••• 1'1"' !'". +" Mt I' l r.. • .,. '"° .,_ '" V kl l .1• I lt\O 1 ., UM( tfMI 17 10 0 ~ 10-. -~ Vt EP DU 11 JJ00 5'11 S111t Jf\'1 _, .. •enl It I JI! -~ 111 ....... .., 91' • • ' -1 P•lfDltllt " , .»'II! 30l't lOV. Ull -"•• ' 0 "-1•~ + "'1 ................... :::c•••"'"'"'.'"'"'···"''"' "I'll NV 6&e \~ n ?l 11 VDrftllclo n f\'t t \J; M'I + \1 l u•11 11111 21 41 111-'" )Jt -.... "' 1wy "' I t l, I>,, I'll. ~lrtm l DI J Wl'I 14, 14'\!o -h UPtrv d lt 124 11• UI +1Vi u"o Como 1 Joi 21"o n 27 -'i VSI CDrl> ti lot 1t ... 111'1 1• t\J l.oowrloh1'd Ill Thi Au«!tl9cl Pru l•IO ~•11'1 )10 4,l :n lOllo 31 +nr. Pll1•r .Ml l7l Jll,I, J1 • U \'o + f,~~ f'wl to.,. 7•'4 1•., 2•111 -\o PhtlPI D '10 31 ..w\'o 4Wi .,,,. + ~ •• ~ ""' 1 1.S ~ 15 U _14 PnU1 El1 6' tt ~ 20YI 20V.-1• ;cti~.· '° ~.' zr-'~ lJl' ~ ~~H~~1p~:!o l!~ tt i~v.. i~ -:-!~ C ) t CJ · P · Am · S k E h L" t ,,,ct":orll 70b n•1 22'!i 22~ + U PhllE.I pU IO !f, ... ti :.. .,...,.., omp e e 0 t a ge s ~8;f~,,' 1: .i ::•: ~. :r' -1• :~:.::,';";; : .~ ll~ ~· i;~ .,,, Sing fICeS -er1can OC XC D I on~l<I Co It Uh •111o llte ~ o,r. P~ll!11 llld 11, 11 10.'i ln lD* -i.. '.fo McDo"nD 411 JI 1•1" ll'A l•.,. + ~ Phll Im! p 1 I M 16~' 15\1. ~ 5•1tt Ntl \llch ) Hit~ Low Clo•• "'' S•ltt NII \llU ) Hllll Ltw Clon CM mC•Ed 1 •O 41 lJ 2•h 2l 4 \\ Pll I Pl! I 30 62 2':!1. JJto 26,. USl<o•S 3,Me ~ lJ11. ll\t U•1 -•.1 &Hitt 6'1• 2l ll"" IJ. ll l'I -u Pnltv•nH ~ 10\0 Ult. ]1}:10~ --NEW YOll:K (AP Thu"°9~ I eomplt!t Stilt Ntl Sait o Ntl Mc re-t Don 1 •a 4 lo , i, -\lo PledNG• 1.ro i lt t1 14 , • -. \1o Amtrlct n Stock JIOltllOt l!flcei (NI ) Nitti Lffll C .. 11 Cllt (hcll.J Hi9~ Lffll Clolt Cllt MtlMV I 1 11:11 15'('1 J4'1t 156\lt t,l;, Pllliburl 136 J' ~ •i\'t '-' l1<,',~~ IQ .. t 4 37 l'W 37 t .... PIOl'ING•• IO Ill 101.\ 11-. 12n + "I S11ff, Ntl Cht tn Ind 1 ~. ~ :Mt 8' Am 1"11 l6 ,'" l' lu + Ill MolY'o pl 2 }() J '°·"° "l't ~~· +... I I \! I. I. -l~ WI ..... sp1 "° .... 111 80 1S . 16 u - \ PllfllJBW .. ll 25. ::•'4 25t• +ii. ClllllL) ""'~ Ltw , ..... (Jlt Cht ll G11 61 1 .. t ... ~ + ! B11n Pll "•• " • • + II M-lllC 1 i~ J l ~. t a.. "" -... w i>OllSol W1 Mc.Nell 10 12 ""' I, lo 'llo -•1 Pl! 1<on1 IO 7 13•· lJlO lJli + ' Chtrl'Y l u.. ,.,, tltlo »fl "'1 -.. !Ltk (him • • I \0 Mo•M El Pd 10 11\o 1'•• ,'•', 1l ' !Oh II + I..~ •l>L pU JO "t1d Corp l •I U>i lJ u:i. + ~ Pllh!On Co I ll """ JI 31U .. -A B-Cl'llltl'l't lMt Ullt .. :Ullo tlllo -\;J t:!L•~Rt ltl ,', •I· 114 '~ o1on~h u l ,... • • l'-,11, Si a Woodl<ld 5)1 Mtoo olAJ to 1 )t :. lt _ "' PLtn R:esr"' .st M\,o I&'.• 1',. -11.i -• Chrl1llt 11 on "'• "' -it t •f'intn•n u u,. 16 -1 Mould roq~ •S ... 6 1 l,lE' Vo 10"" + 1 • Wo II wr 60 M..OU1tC 1 2CI 6 261• 2' 26 -._ Plou9lllnc: .. 61 6' 61 ~ 66 AO.rdnM! tO l 7to 1! l? I CllW!"tl'll ) 0 '"" :PU _., +'lo •-'"VII lo • I +I'll M Vern I JO 2 It 1 \t 4 -1~1 1:i.., -11 Wtt!l'lf• Co MEl(Ofl> l 6'iw 41\ '""-~Poltrold Jj "'° 61 ~. ~~-l"ll Ati.n:l11P \JI l .... 4~ ·~= •cl•<leK. ll 20\'1 2 D '°"'"""" tl'rhC 10o 11 }\o 1 1 MovJI•• SCI I 11 11 II ••'"· S'-W•l9h•H1g Me!Y "-94 32'° ;n :n>, -\II Port« 1.20 I 1-'l ,...._ t•~ -'~ AJC"" HtmU :M ) • lU _ \.o IO"luU Foll l2 3'1'1 )t ltlolo -"'-roe: Sir IJO UO )lt1 21 o 26 • t \o _.,!tltb 11 ) 3 j 11 + lo W1ll l 1k MtlY 111 pf • UiO 6S~ '5 '1'-+ Po•IG El I.JO 1.t It '™ 11t'o A~ll'WI p K ll l • J 3 _ \, ll11u11 F :n I 1~ ~ 10'0 -\I; -Cft .J2b I ?.~ r. 1li -1• lllPO Vlc!eo •'-6 ~ ·~ 4\. • • -lo Yonk Rte IO ,....C•nS I'° 1 ll\'t ll\.I UI• _'II l>olom El 111 37 lJO.,. l '\3 -'°' Allml••I lnll 61 •14 614 -\41 ltrulll ' .fl,\ • • ~C Enteror I llo !" 2"" -\Ii"""''" c o j lo j"" ~'lk S mrHom H l tltt Ntl !hell I ttltll Ltw CltM Chi I.It " ".(:1 "' . ' ' ' 10~ .... . ·~ .... l 16\• ' .. " . ' ,. • "" J.; .. .1 + Mi •• lP.O -10 12\lli ;. " --· 6\o -\• ·~ "• ,, • -.. ______ j.j $~ .. =-\'l~~ 11 + Vil l~ -\\ Mm'lllft• c. ..., "'-D''-... ,,., ., l>otl•l(hF 1 1J 211'1 11 111.-+ \\ Adotll'I$ 1:.,..11 2, • • • -... !I•"-Ind " u~ lW. l1 4' -It I'""' 111 2.11 ..... '"' ~ + \\ Ml,IH[#om !IOI J t?\o \2\1 ,• '•' II II 1•10 NolD 10 Mtrck 11 11 tll\o 90"' t lo\ii +H41 Pol El .UJO IUl '9 • .. ,,,,•~ .. , ,._ Atrfllllt• Inc: t J 1 Jll !l'I + u, lt rv Cor9' • 5\'t 5 l\\ i It I 'orD 2,.1 .. ,,, l ,! o"'i•• _ ,, MWA Co 40 n, 'i i•', lto .Pi\ -""lion Foocll Ml!•ft!U~ I 30 11 1t lJ I-; 11 + .,., POI El 1>'2.. 2 :U _.. n Atrol<kwil 30 1 11'1 11VJ 71~ _,. ..,..., #I l fl\ l\.'I ti\ \4o .,.r41tn led .. ., w N ,.. t\lo •I, ,.,. -u Mtl•t P11 10 12 7'\.'I tt ,. PPG Ind 1 • " 2iv. 15 1.s -v. A"oen so.. 1 11~ "* 11:i;, IMI corP 21 l•'h 14 1• -"" 11lfMt '"• II i>o f" !"' t Ii -•w-111'1, U~ 1l s;" •• .i2 1G 1 SS 131'1 s.s + I,\ P tmrllld llO • It• 11'1> W\, -t 'l'o ,i.ero<1e:1 IOI: 'l ''• t \, •~• _ (, O'ilu•11 010 1S l \:. l llJo + 1o klf•i: Ind U l\o ~ 114 V. N1rd1 Micro • J" i I .n a,"" tl:i. '+ ~. 1,.,. .. ,.., •• ..,,.., • .,,.1 1•blT tJ1 U t 4 t t. Prac:! Gamb 112 SOio ~I 'O ~t1~ +1•~ AtrolOIT Jll 1 6\i S 1 lb -lo oU Ml! Jiit l ,, llllo 11 Ult on 60 1 15,,. lJ l!l• \1 Htt AJlt lll 02 11" 510 lJ.J 2 I--\o 1!1 Me~ 2 1 t•\'I 2•'h '""' _ , Prodlt•ch 10 ~ I ll'a '"' -'Ii At•...,oM (1> u ', , 61~ 1 "'" otiuE!ec 1~ :t 11111 ''" 1 Gull 1 Lt tld 1' 4 J~' h , Htl l•llos H 3 J l a • I I " • MGll\ u1 1•v. 16'1' '"'"' I ~ PubS(ol 1 06 11.S 111. 11\lo I~+ '1o Allll l:lO>P AO , 1~. 10\l lOU Ill olci Dru• 2S 1 10.,,. 10\.I lO'i'I Gull Wind W1 6'111 • • ~ '"" + .. Mt! Gt11 WI ,,," ',. 6 'l ,., • • \} -! M•lrdmllSCI • 1\Aj,11 lJ'll hP5vclEG 1•• J61~Ho 20V.11 -'!•A t Photo 1 ttt. ~' 5~ l'I oltNt!I .. I ~ t t -V. -H·I-H1IGe11 w1~ 1"' ~ •""' 6 "' 6 \-I Finance Briefs MftEll 11tJ to tlO 41 41 ti PSEG DI' IQ 110 11 11 I\ -1' Al)tll Ind 2 •\o 0• 4\\ u oltc:olnd 01 .a 1.1'>1 1.S\O l'1o i \i HI •mfr llj >"" '!" -+ 00 Nt! Hllh El>! •1 J~ $lo t • " ~ 6,f, +" MGIC Inv '° • ~I ... 3' \ JIVI -V, l>SEG "" 21 1411 U lMI U A IHn l11c 10 1,~ 21~ 2J'a + "' olem!n 40 30 21 2""' 'I 'II Htll•':'.t "° ,-~ -1,~ NII nd wl 11 2 2 l I\.. •• " " M <hG•1UI 1 4 16\.1 161,o !6 If -\} PSEG pl} 05 11JO .OI• llOl'o ~ + \.I AIM (OI 1J 211 2... ?'h + II olo" !Id ]I) 10 ,,,. 61/f 411! ""' ll l? ('? •: H ltft ll' Ill 1 10 o TO'i. I 2?t •'-4 'K ~'~Tull!! 1 4 111i' 11~ ~u PSEG plltO J 11 11 11 ;t.\r11t1 Intl 110 2 Po l'o oiwen 1,. J 1'l• ll l<o 1• -1{,'°,mm,11'~°'.,,.IG ,, ,, • .. _ ,H•I s11tem1 I 11~ l o , 1 •,• •,•-~~ Mlu·.,.,.,1200! 16 u::i;, 11\ 12 ,-\~PubSvl112.ol l 3.S'lo l5 »I+ \A•.,.•E OSP 1 1~. 1\, 10,..+\, om! Alllanc I 51't J "' l \.J+hH ~'i;11""'_tt I •'lk s"'+\lo NIO NI 1 3 J I MlclC"Tel II 1 16~ !• 1•,floP$lncl11fl04. ilOO 11 11\lo 1110 -o Atwk~I 1S S 1or.li 104 1f!•-·i-MTl llOll 1S I~ 1S\.o U\+ •H:,i;:fM:hfr\ 1 l•:'l l•"" l•11t -1r.Nff<lhttn 2C J 91 t \1 6 2~: 1!t't1 1 Ml•SoVtll ff , t\1 \""" I• 'i -' Put>llclna .is1 10 51. j \:r, s ~ Al•• Mt :io. s It II~ 1 -.... OtflOllof Dtf' !I 6tll 6h 6 .. -'!J Httllld Zodv l tu t:i.l '" -... Ne•'"' Lt 10 " tl't I 21 l• + \ Mllllll R Lill 12 11,. 11,,. , ... + ~ Pvelllolnl ,. " 11111 11'1 11\0 i ...... PW 111 .. 10 1115 Jl"n " l -u omPollld » l 10'4 10 10 ' + I Hon •• $1 21 J Jn Jiit J\1 -... N Efl'i Hue I• • .... ..... rlQO 2 Ji11 ,,~. 'li I ~ Mltlws! Oll J ?~ n n 1•1, +1~ PR Cfm 110 j 11 • U UI~ "-IAi.11 Wd 11t0 • ~ ''~ s,,_ +1 .... COll\&>Otl 111 I I~ !"" l \lli + \' Haillroqi 4i0 1 6\1 p., ti\_\, N Hamtl -1& 1 6t" 6"'t s 1 ,i,_ ,L, M!t.Ltll I 20 &I "'"' tJ ~ .oJYI -lV. PuJS PL I 16 I ::• ~ l»t .-.i.1•1 Alf ioi t~ I t • C-llUOlnl I ' I l°"' Htoel Ski Co .)Cl •i~ '"' jl• -.. Jlfwld lt 11\11 M 211 ! 'I t Mo" T' SF. !r<ld 40 I 11"1 11\t 11, -10 P11flmt" J fO ll 31'9 ll\~ lll .. 1 I• Altlk1Altl rt ?fl J.ll' l 16 I 16 Compul Aa11I 34 l"° J:i. J•t + \.'o HttllftMo 60 ) I\• I Ntw Mt•&A.r J llA• 1 • ~I ll'o \IV, II ' -' llMM 1 Ii •16 ll'lt 11 11~ -.... l'il•tMCP ..., m 11-lo 11'19 1~ .. AIMWtlO .2t ll •l• ~ 6 -•• Com1111I Eq I 41'1 '"" • '-H<•• l!IC 20 • 2'* ,, 211· + .. N Proc l ta. 10 ti • Ullo 20 , •• , .... ". -~ nPLI I J'll 6 11 1th Ito, -"l'uroi.tr I.. '' "'"-4.SV. "'°" 11'1 All .. h Alfi Ill ll"" 12Yii 11\lo + l'I ~omolu lf>Y 4 ''" 6~. •'II< H•lnk*• ln1I 11 •lo i!1 -\.o NYTJrne.. Mlt '10 11 II 1 S 1 • • 1 • llo -' f,1 111..CP 'li 11'0 1j'h 701.'t 71Vr +1~ -Q.R All" Alli WI 1l I"" 110 I ll + ~' Clll'IP Mth T I 3\\ JI.._ l\'o -loll litloNR~ J• 6 l llO 2t•1 11'-+H• Nlt91<•5 0711 11 3 o )~ "' 'V• JO\ 1°">0'-+, f! m.,lllV :10r 51 1 ,._ t ... -'\ -A lciclCOtO wt IJ 5h Sli S\o -h om11111tttt l 1'1.• l..... 1t\4o + \!; Hr M•l 21f 2 I*'-•Vt 411> -:i., NMS lnlil;•I JQ S , ,.. 4 lt \a l61o-" - Ptc A S 1 SI :o, "'"' 51~ -i; QI/ti< 0 11 t• 11• .IO Jt~ olO + t~ A '" El llM ll 13 12~ 1l (Dll'l1> tottw !iO "" 21111 2~ ~ 1 H G Inc 20 10 t i 10 0 + "' Nori So •v 1 12 'I It\~ ' II• Ill. 1 E::Ct m I 40 • 1~ 'JI!> !3~'1 -1.-§u•kSIOll It) 1 jl'-2l'l'!I ?l~ + \\ Atlled Ari 2l 4\i 4 • COllChtrm:o J ·~ \4o t\o -\lo H Shtt~ Ml 4 1th 11\o Hh -\\ Hot!e\O. Inc 31 U/~ 11\o 1, .. ,,•,~ tll/t ft\t -ubS 110b 4 ~ 17"'° 11'141 UlllM loO lO II\ 11\I H\o + \1 All ledContl l fill tl'J ..... + !,;, CD11Crdl' 1011 2 11'1 s>,\ 51'1 +I.lo HlllonHot wt • 30'1t 7'\'o 30 1 + V. No •Mtu I.Se 23 11 t Jiit • l iq 1ll~l + h 11011 l '° 35t •5h ....... ••h -1' t 1IG11I> 10 42 'l :12'1 '11'11 -~ AIU.son SI .00 1 7:r,o 7:1{, 7~, -\o} C He ( 11 111'11 11 INo Htlr. lndull l j• fV. Ro N a $ 1 I 11 11 t l l' ,.. 11'° =o 10 IJS Ill• JI '!14-\'oR•mtdt ?t ll 11 11"1 11-.-\,AIOYVnl 701 271 lW. Iii• 1"•-+lllic::OC:utr..."0 lO 1 t>.li 1 -~Holy '°'"' 4 "" 1~o -~•N: :;'dn"'b, I•,~ .. JI\ 1 1•~· '"•'JV•-"' Oftt t2 33\1 lo l + \lo Rll>t:O f>C: 'l 4 13"1. U'4 13\11. _. V. Air ehtA11 J• t lt\.'o l~ ltV. + ~ CDll<lfl• 1•r 2 t \41 •Vo •'h -:i., Hololoh I 20t 1 17U 111'> 11"1 -... Notlll illlrl n • • ' 4 1l ' \) 1 \I + I.. I -,••, '1J! J1 11\0 11 0 11\'I' + \~ R:1plllAm I .st 10 t lll'IO. 100. -\4 A!l)ht lnCl\111 It li t l l -'lo C I 4 5... iV. , ... -~ Hom.0 A SO lll 14"'1 ll'I> 14 -I'll Hows! Ind WI 10 J I '• 10 Hh 1''4 11&~• -tll/o MOn•ol!'< .., ' 3l 32¥> 3) + \'t R:•1llllOI I SQ 2 U 1 16Ua 1'~• AUt lT\I Cor' • ~\'> S\' 5 'I -.... c:'°ldn 1 t r J l , ... l\li 'h H,'!:;t', •, <50 t 11 U 15 -No•o (o It) 4 9!t 9 .. 1S I Jt._ l1 ... lll/o Mono•n l IO "~ Rtt ll~ ~~~ -~ ::~C 1t' 1,i 1~ '~~ 1~..4 + "11 !\~si:: u 1 'T~ lf~ lJ~ t '~ Con N11 st. A t s J I + l2, H;,.M Ftb<" , JO ~ ~ t.tuc1e1• Am ~ Jt:; ,,, •, .l '=t~ , ,. 'l~::, ~ =3ur'1 I~ 10 1•'1 7•'-' 2•'i R:a'(fll 1>11 11 S ,l\11 2l 23 -'l'I Amc;o INlull I 4 >Vt ~ -.... CDll OH ~ti llt 614 t\.; 1t.aV.-1.1. Hwt• Vii •I 2t J~ !1'! flt: :j: \:t t.l udt11r 0111 ~'14 "' ::... I t' MonlPw 1 41 2' 11V. 26 ... 27 +~RCA 1 111 '1~ 21 11 .. -¥1 """(0 In( • ~· 6'h ,,,.._"'Con R:dllflll • 7 4 l W ~-1.1KullllfU A ... 11•\o l •V. j•"" ,_Nv!rOfllCt 21 •I• ·a )'\lo ,,. "" "-M((or 7 1'6 I\• l l6 _ "'° "(A C'I ol 4 16 61 110 '° Amllllrll 40 5 lOV. 10 10 -W Con1UOt1 Cl 2 IV. I llJ1" + '4 Hubtwill 8 ... J 7t~o 21•• .... + \.o ~K~~:D (olO 1 l~'. ~~\\ l 6\\ ... 6\0; I MOl"ltnJ 2 'II 37 ~ 0 JI\ 581.'1 + 't R:etdlno fo l l~t 11'1 1\11 -\,A ll•S •o ltl J l1'l !>'t Slo -l• Corti ~ltr lD 1'1 1f->"-= u. ,'~ .... ~.Lets ! llV. U~ u :i.., -... onllt ,.., I "' l \ '2 '"° • 1 • • + \\ M-Sllo 10 • '11 ,.~ 31'--\lo Rudlno 111 t '\'I Sllo t -~. AmBkloM l t 5 ?f\• 2114 ,.., -II Conll Tel wt II ' 5 • '" y .... Ml 1 ~ '"' '"' -'t l ~ Jl: 17 11\\ u~. \I I -\\ #.of'NO!' .It 6n7 )11>0; tt ~ ~+I lt111•1nw1PI I' 6 ' -v.'-C'"IM 1S. t• ll'M 11'1\ Ill.to CDl!IK :JO } .\\I" •.1~+i:Hu~1 0ll 1$ 11 1 f.l6 llilt1'+J.1•s.:::~ITl=n 3 Ill\ 1)o ll o +l ol«IP1cCoro ! r. •Vo''- Mltotolt ill) Jl as;. ll\t oil • -'Ii Rclllltle1 ,u 2JS ll'' ll 1 16 + "' Am FlllA 1 10 • 1J 12?t ll ~ 1nd "• '•"• •• + MuYd Co ., 51 30\'o 2t XII'! .. .. ' ' ' + !llnlev Avl• • 4\ + Mt,..11115 ieo 1 2S\'I 2st.. llV. 1:1111•11111 .. t 1 v. 211'1 111.'l +,..>.1111etl tJe 10 l 1 l• l • Jrl Uo ,•,:+~t11arcmt!I 21 I '" 6h -"loo..it~•'7j, 111,1~J 10J~105l4+~ tanoc:• IJ• ffl 111A .. f611116 +1• CHICAGO (UPI) -Quaker Oats Co announced Wed- nesday 11 will build a new frozen food plant at Jackson Tenn The plant will turn out Aunt J e1n1m a frozen bak ed products The Beare Co of. JackSOll w ill build • cold storage warehouse adjoirung the new plant ,.!Still 1 » IJ 20~1 20, 10"4 + 1; R:edm•n 10.. 116 16~~ n u \, + 10 "'M1!1tA Jl l "" Ii. ~ -~ on l ldt " s 16!'1. 161'1 -"" H11flCI f-lJ 11\:o U 11 -v. ~ nd s Jn 0 • Jiit ,,.,.1c.~ CP • l'4-3-'i J•o NSl Ind • • II 11\lo 11"" l:HYtlr 1.SQ , 1~ " lfV. -... AmM91 I llt 1 ?tllo ?fl• 1'111 -CtlMOltVllt 1J 4"'1 ~.... •l'!I -'II Hv. dFd Pl • l 31 11 ll i \\ mt llld • ,, _... -~ to ~ Ul6 11 .... 121• .. • ,. "" j' o • hPL. Jl.etcl!C~ '1: l t 111 t -\Ii ..,,,, Med U 11• 1•i. 1J4o 16 + C••kl Corp J 6V. 6 I -l1o ld•tl To~ • U\11 •~ I'• \lo S.UIHY•n ..111 j Jiit !t;'" ,?llll :_ \i sr!;:;;;;:r· 1.., J ,,.~ 1\lo I\•+ h SYRACUSE Ny (UPI) _ :t;"11110u .60 , lt'4 ll-\lo 1'111 +..-Jl.ellt bS!r ~ -.... I 1\1-=-'t ,,,., MDl-111111 ~1 1'~14\'J II-+'"'-C1"1f.-P-) II ,._ ,..., 2 ,HC-lnoi;--,.-1 II 11 -I ...::.., •• ~[)r.-IQ l} .... , .. -,111·....smii~..1 •1 •.·~. "~ MuroO Pl5M '"" INIV, M...,_, R:elltn EI 14 11 ... 111 \lllt-\~Aml>U• so. 51 76 2S,., ,J ... +11oC•t1I Fottfl ' Jh J'9 I"+\\ lhl>Wlll l!nc: ..... 10 '(.+~o·;;F"11'011 ,: ,:: ••• l!Pt i•· ltlt11m l11tl 4'1 11 ,...,_.,;;;~"'--·•Col\:-hMiUSlr1es-Jnc .. s~"Jl!!:i--~~-~--Ml.lrrYOI< 60 t UV. 11\lo 12V. 1!1P11ll It Ct '41 12\\ 111.l 111" Am P ttl11n 1 3 1 )~o l .. -I Cfttlll\Olll 4 • • llt. •11 mocoG I Ill 2 l llo ''-' ~ l j :M l l'I lit • StHlmt! 11\C 1 11\o 11 o U •;. Vt bi ' N "'PllbSll l SQ 2S 311\t 1''1 """ _ \1 A RllYTr tit 10 71\i 1V. 1\\ -\\ Crompln I .0 2 23\<t 2J\lo fl\;, llTIPCftm 21• 10 5 J I• I J l• J ' ' + Ii ~l"/k Alf lne Jloo l J \o S1tlnH1I 2ib 1 '' 11" •'M -~ e SpectaJly metals dtYISIOfl - -Revco OS 10 t 1''' II~ 1'"--... Am Sil Et111" \l 4 }\o I + O.. (tQW1t¥M ]I) I ~· J I StO Imp 0 I 50t UJ 16\'<o !JV. 16 + V. Ptt c.:ic'~'!o 1: J 2h l $teal~ (ft ... ' IJ ~ 13 l'I ll\lli + ' h od ed h be! Ntkl! Ch rt1 St lth 'lt:W. ~ -°* lll:t~rrt( 1 iO I 20111 l9'1'o lfh .-.rnTecll OJD 24 1 O 5 S -\lo CwllCPet 704 l 22\o 21 • 22 + 1" 111111111 Hd WI 1 •'• 'I• .... p E 6 I f 5 It 0 U 1 Ith Ill•! Eltct•n • t"° ti' .\._ -l'o SS pr UC W at LS !eVed 1reo s~1 ~ 1,• 1n~ 16 , 1114 + ... 11:1v1on 1 "° s1~ ss~ 1'\I '"I"' >.MK w1 J.I! '~• ••• o. + ""1'••111 Oil ' •I• • 0 •'• -.. 1"" El H• 11 1 Hi 11• 1 • ;. h PgE .": 1 1'1? l l6'h 1•v. 16,,.. _ 1. tf•r•c 1s1 ' • • •\• t • to be the first s uccess ful tape 01h~•Co -1•• 1' 2~ -11 ltt>1Cllnl!IO It '9111 ~1~+ ~Am•fP (l>fO 61161' l51o 1J"--1'1o ubk(<ll'P 11 ll'ilo 12~ ll'i .f.,._ln!lvl\IP lSI l• 11• 1 I -\~PGEJt 2J I 1,,. •>'k 151, ttnMtl 2S 11l 1"-1~t •!o +1 , A1r11,. '° 1°', i , 1 , 12 ., RevnM•J 1•10 11• 16\lo '' ,.,,., -v. ANl•••R• 1s 1 411 ·~ ~. ~~ ""'' A •' 41 11v. it 11 -'Ar. lnllnd C•ftlll 2 •Vo • • t h-~ G P 1 1 n , u1 15~. + 1, l''"lo A o lJ\1 "" u ~ -\\ controlled hydr aulic fo•g•ng ,i."1t l I 24t ,, 1 ~. u .. 11,,, t ,,. R•rM ,,. l " 6!t• " VlillndY G• d 11 '"" '"' .v. tultt• 8 .u 1 14h .. .,., w~ -... lnllron Coro ] 1 1!1 ' ;G •d::A 1 ts I 1>" ,,,, -\' 00 hOD IJG 1 21 \lli 2 ~ ' VI -\, ' 'I' 1' 1 111 25 oil'-•l, o .i. 1 R11M on u 1 >1 ., .11 i, 11 v. -1 A"9e!lc• 11 i 11 ~ 11 11 g111c11 ttt ' 61'1 ,.., •v. + '4 11111r Svi '5' ~ • ,, 71'1 7\.i -G •d 1 '5 29 l~a uU 1''1'1 _ \•, TP co "°' '' Jr" ,. 31,, ++1,,. press foe the steel industry • Ctn 10 110 S• ~1U 1' 1\4 ltt~nlob l 4iCI 39• tl:V. •2 '3\i ....... nolo Lt ulro I l \!o HI l•i -"° t ll\Oll (Ol'P 62 36\lo li 1''n + \\ lnl (II Hutlr l1 41 •1'h -t 'II p H• IOl>fl 70 \J \J>io i t Slrll!~ W• , \ J\\ JI.to J.. I> •jC•lhR 11 1tt ii lOVI i~ \•T~ pt1 .s ll •Slit "'" •s i"'"n""• cQ 1' , •l~ '" ·~+t .. 0111 c on1 2 • ' 1 +"l~:c~'l0'!t 11 fl: f~ ~ P~o:."'01~ 1~ 1~\t 1S*l 1u,_,_,1~~"'"',,',_or:i, ,~ 1:• ,:r~ 1~\lo t1U' The press now IS tn rou nd :1c)~ ~ : ;f,. 1(1, t:\, + V. 1t;~11:T~ Jg 11 ~l1" ?r1! ~l" -Ii'! :g1~r,:;,,,}nd 15 "' '~ •h ~ Dolt Dac:umt 1 17~ II\• 1~ .,,. l<1IP•ote111 10 6 11 11"-1n 1 -1.4 Pi( LI Pit loO 110 U ~t) t -lh ;;n, r Einir J ,,. '""' t:too -141 the c lock operation wor k ing 11011!11 tO 11 lJ ~ IS .. lj"-ll:d!Merr, 0 ~h ll\• !l~+lVt Apollotlldll>I n !~ !!: ~~+-~!!'t~:01'!; l~ ~~ 1= IGl'1":i.1"1nl5ltlth U1 l1 •1• ''°' •t.a +\\~KNLllP:•» f]O S\lotftrt 01<1 4 ,.._ P• l~-llo f fj f •,,",'.!',',"., "",, •,,., ',',~ s 11 -1 1:, 1 !_.ti>" ", ,•,,"-1• " -, \o APl'li.11 0,,11 10 i"' 5'i ,..., D11v1111 t• '' ,,.. 1J ll\i. /~::;::•,•,~,., u.. "• ,'," •"· •,~ -\.o P~sl"w'.. 110 ll \~1• 1,~ ... \~ .. - 11 ~~o S\lro Ml • •:,, 1," .. ~ -I? rom a I e o more than I 100 --fl -""' ...... t • II • 11 • I Applltd [).fy" 11 61. t io 6'1 + ........ ,1 n WI lt i ''• 4 . '4 • .. -v. p s A ... ~ ' ~ ...... "'°" 1•~ 1~'11 1 1 1 • -... Japes f l •I Gfnt to ff U!o II"-1\9 + V. R: '" ol JO 11 t i, ....... ~ •• • t '" A-•Uoln Cell lJ lr ~ u•• lo• _ \4o 0C Trtn A 2 II'> 1YI 11'1 :+ \Ii l11Yg 1v A I IO 11 !'\\ 2•\1 ,... pt f w ' wl I t>., ••t t\6 -t l UP•on Cl Co l m j !l: or Var!OUS operatl<JllS • OG• l U iO •>->>I •>'-..,,_l ilt Aid H .., ll'' ..., -·• -g --' ,,. >''" ,._ Inv v l tJ 6 > o• olo -<. t ICD A l1 27 "-1'1 t ' -"-.~ .. ,,,., •> Oo '• -" -olti 1 :1 .,, •• ' .,.-"'"RIY~rllll< tQ J; 2i .. fi'~ 21/JJ-' Arcllt Ent 11 11 11\'o IJ +''CA ..,.vt .Q 1 •• ,,C-+1l l11wl<""d IGll 11 11 .. 12\; 'l'--1i:i '°,1nl'Mltl .?tt 1 ·~ •:i. lloo -'S1;;;;.h'ci11 l '' 11V. U~-· ...... 12 J\1 $\o ~\Ii •• -~ Roans1• I llt Ill 6. ,.., 6 A•Dlll lllC 17 J. 3\'0 l"' 11rltotft CD 5 ltw n v. .. Inv lt01 Ht I s 5 ......... Pk• 6 •v. 6 •1.o + II S<JlfD M "' 30 U\'o 1•\0 u + "" "t tllld Ill~ 1 tllo f I l -... R:obsh 111 1Q 61 JS 24\i l'\11 -+ ''o ArlzColoLll C 4 ll o ll 11 -0.. eJ11rA1" 30 11 • "° ,• lrvln lfld 161 6 l 'h t~1 ..... _ , P,tr~ Ch .Xii 12 JU Jl-0 S't -~Vn~llo¥ :<ti l f• J1, S +Iii 'illlnd pl! 2Ji • lOllo IOU ,',"• 1 1 ltllllrlnH I 10 5 U\j II 1\1 t \1 ArkLGt • I 10 lJ n 711' 211• -'l!I Del l l bl t I 11 o 1\C lnG U J~o "' _ \lo or~ Ell 611 J 111\ 10\~ 10"1 -• 1vn1u 4iClb \tft 1 ll>~ 1•\lf + ~'O ~·.:L~ •••• ·~. 111 1t1. lt -' lollln•AH Cl J 31 • ll ll , \'t A•r-Eitel 1 1•t ,.. , .. -141 0. ion. tor• » 25 )4\• 1• ... 1 .~ I !l (Ott 3t lflo. 101, 11>'11 PtfSDlll IM 3!1 1•h H u • _.. VI fll\I Eng U'i II I "" Jl\;o + " t 1' 1:1"• 11~ lll:ac:hG• 11011 11 ,_,,, ~ "'-+ •!. Ar11ndtl , 1\1 1 Ill 31 • 4Cll• + \\ 0111-n Fdo 16 I 60,. 1f:1 V. l \It Ill Corp 11 ,~, l • tn _ o,.. :,',"o~oo ~ lli 111'1 10010 '•'", + • -T·Z-t1Svc111 ~ 11 •l't l•!t .~.. R:oclLMlo I.Ill s 211'1 ~11(, n' -""mt'• 0 ! 7311 ll~ 11 l 11 o + ,_. rollKft °" t 121• I' • , , _1,._ -J·M-0, __ ,,.~ • • 1I Sl11t!12lo0 l'-' 31 l t\11 ...,,.-1'-•ohmH l 'Otl 7 ,2 61 61 +l\li AiPRO JOb I I 1o 1 1 -li $11 11 Ph l114h t'' "" ..,._. U ''' '} 6'•"'" 'lt"'I EIPCI J l .... J'll )'Iii> °'lit IG 26 1Hi 11\.' lllil -1.e Rollr (p 10 U 111 .. 11\'J lit .-.ud81ll1 60 1116 1S'lo 1' +"-Yr.AP~lr 1' 1,\< 1 }"'t1=J..:1111 U1 'J •'-,,_ ... :e•b,G•.I "' •, 11 • 1'~ lj"l"'T1stv8~ 11• I "S U"oo lllo ' t1U11 I to ll J H'4 11"' n:i. -• Rollln•lnt _,211 '\ l~ n v. 71''1 -l• A11dM'11 Mil 5 26 ~ ''. 11\• .., t i EQU II 2ll 76 .. 13 1 J•~$W¥ Jllf 2 U\1> u. u... H E e• • I "• 0 • l Kll Atto!m 30 IH fl\~ 1 h .. •tom11 U 1111 :)0'11, 21\lo 30\li 1 2 ~ Aon1011 .JO 11 7l 1 1 A1trex "Int l lb J'1. l\'i 1111 0 lOI I l!r \O 1 ••:-Vo J••nntllf GI I UV• llloo l4 Pann Ent Ml S 11 • II H ~~ Ttch Svm CP •1 ' 1~1 1 .. -\.l IPIUnt 1• l 16 16 I• -~ R:ooer (D 1 1 11 ii 111• 111\ Ailrodtll •1 t \o I ~ l lli ~ lodel IN: t 11/i •'o• ' J,11 1,X Pf! 2 I I 0 ''• P"'n RE IO lt 10V. IQ(~ 10\.o -I~ 1~ .. nk Dotr " 11~ JOit 11\il - f: Pow 11, S 311\ )l:i.., 32\'I + ~Ro tr Am IQ 211 1N 12 2210 + ~ .-.1cn (htm ) 2U 2\\ , .. -•Hvn COl'o 21 ll l•l't a'": \41 JtUB l<l 'r1 5 t\11 f t .:: \; P1 nnTrt '°" 2 160 11 16 -t I 1;tft111c TfOt ,r• l.,_ J .... -~ naEI 1 411 ?! lt\lli 1•14 lf\lli llDY~ftll 1• l 11:i. 11 ~ 1f'-~ -• Allllont lllG ,. l•U 11 lH• -\\ Mr::. ',,o:r.01 ~ lll: !~t! ~ 1'io J• ¥11 "' 2 t \lo 411, I Pent on El 6 2~ '~ -11 K~" CD .<Ob JI t I ·~ + fl ...,,, 11' "Jll'll ltl/l lO'll -~•111»' '10)1 l31 l6:i. :Mt. 3'1•+~ .... 11 Atclll wl 12 t \i t'i t:i.6-14 "'Ml• 6 u• u ~:j:"~J•lronc 11\d 21 1 2 1 111 PH>Comln '° » 11U II lt -Ttl@IU.~ •O , '• ,~. ~. 1wmn! 1 01 1• 1',_ j'," 'Jt -t \\ 1!01 lnl 0)1 5 35'1 .l}\\ ~ Alltl M 1 Git I 2\'lli 21'-ll~ + Yo '' 1 '"' '!" lj'L _ J1111nil••.11 >t J .... ,,. I'• ,P~P1,•, e' !!,1 10 l>V. 3j J3 -"" Telt•oml 41l JP 6'~. ?O 1 -1 1 II twmtoll !IO •' t2.. 91\it+Jn RDYt l Ind 1• i'l'i. •'--+'•A!t1Corp wt 10 1\\ 1--1•1 l'lru: ff l>'o "" J111>ll••(P 21 ••••• •' ,.;r""*' lO .,. I _"','""'CO<I> u ,, 11• 11.\ .+\~ YfiMG 10t 161• 14 • lt\I. + \ii RTI! Cor9 l• l llto lJ 'I 1~ + lo AllClll ~ l l,\\ 121io 12' -.. tWMl11 Co (i'I •"' ~ 1-~Kl Hr In 111 6J 1~ U Ult 1>.ir" Sir •> 51 1t I 1 -'I TtnnKO wt 30 6'111 6 t ll~ -\ii YllEG 20I ll h~o ,th )(lo -lll:u<~•r Co 10 6'l 6"0 6\t -\oAu•trt l Oil 0 I>;, 11 11\\-\~ rl'ltr!1 1.0r ll 11 1,V. 11 +11'1C 1IYtX lJ1 11 11'1 •\\ •'lt -l'OP~llloDll n l 'jil 2~o Uo .0: •TPnW (p 1 •\ • 1 \-' l~MP 110 110 111 l•ll U\1 :u~iT~' 61 '11~ 11 111'!1 ! A11lo 81d1 t •'-6!o 6.. llCll't lr 4iCJ I 25'Wi 1Jlo 2, Kt !'lll! Mlllt r 1 11\oo n ... 11 o l>!>lll!Dk e•· • Sh 5~ J\o Ter Hud Ill 11 I~ I~ •"o +:W. 1::~:::1: 11.~ r," t:~ ;:...-\• ''''' 50 Cl•· )$14 l6n + ·:~~:111~ ,; 11~ 3i~ ~~~1't:. ,~t1.::.lr~Jll tt 0', ~ i:;-"::~J'.~:: il :~: lri. lf.=-1.oo ;=:,s11~ ~ 1~: ';~ 'ir ::I!?,,1~p:1, 3~ ~'" '°,•,.~ 2t,,,+1 • l"M pf) tO 1~ • .,... ... + llo -S-AVC (O•D }() 5 ' • 6\') 6\~ E K•\11 l!lrll wt tll u • 14 U\ii 111· ""'"•wl<.k lnll • ,, .... ., •r• ~· ~ ' n .. 1? +~ l-~1111 110 ... 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Nari "'!' 11 .n ll 10DG11IOI 1 1 \ol••ll•f •A.......:11 120!> 211\11\21'1+ 11t ••DI~ 1 1'111'1 ' =1•K'""'"'1pl2 2 Jll'lll :lo .111.-'lli P1.WVT' .. ,. 5~'; ~ 5'11 lol EGpl41J UJ S2\ n~no NOHl1ln IQ J U l• U j t!ldt'l 07p lll \~ lO, lGt.' _ \: Atktt llld ll l U \, JJ 1J -\II loln Fri W l i $ 0 Ktl Ca l i 5, i!I! t ~l' l Co 1] • • 4'' •'i ~ lrit C:I> IO l 11"-11\t 11\o NoAl'!'IC•• 1 \] 16\ol ltl• lt'I:. "I , lrlat/YIO M) ll u 11\:. 13 etld OH 1 JO ] 2Jt1 11 ~ 2J'I -'• l!Ot fo:a 4 • • l t , .. Ktlll 11111 H ' l!t 1h 1(1 -I\ .. 11'1 11111 11 UI~ 1111 Uh -\1 Tool Reueh 31 l•l· .,, UV. ..... NAmCoel 611 1 12.li 1],. lllil -IAi l~Fttnd llG t• 10i 20• JOl~+ 811dSec 161 1 •¥o •14 •~I c•r::••Ct, '•>• /1 1"1 f;:K llt:mbe lOt l SI.It lU !~•-.\l>ltlt GOUP I' •\ t 1 1-.TownC!rY 10 11 1 o 1"o 1 .. -·.~··mm,o,"',' •'• ','! ... l"' iii~ + I' Ft Ind pl so 2 ! ,. ! + ~ 8111 Co ' ( l 0 ) I -\Ii co OQIC 10:1 ': 161111 11~ l • ! \\ Klll..}l•k (QrP ' 2~ l\• 21• P111m1 A!wod • 1'11 I l'lt \1 l••~· Cl • b lCI J \) l'-]I'll ...... ""' 111.o 'h 11.•-lo •~Ftln! ]I) St~. 16 • 6'1+~.n.01101 1Gll161\\1,,)l ll-lo-1• ~O•b '° 11 \·· \Uo 14K11111 Rtd o ~ ,.,. ' 11'1t \\PvG~"' )61 • 6\l ·~ ,._ _ _.lrt ll\LU• '° 6 14\i\ U\.'11/\:.-~t ~"••'•'• •,•, H S Jl'-i JiO\.o 5U~ +I 1rw,1Jtl 50 10 t <1 ''• till ;. It Ban1Punl wt 1 1~ 2\t 21.'o t ~ threnc:~ Pho j 1~ IOI.Ii 10tlo loll K "91fllf"d 11 J lft 71• J:i.., .,. " P"'u Jct I » / II\, 11\0 11\o i 1, lr~nH 010 10 • l \.o '!. -U ,. p ... t 1t\'t lt 16 -l'I 1vt11hE 111 I 1S •1'1. U'~ -·~ Banl!tt Cn! 1 S'4 !Vt JIJ. • lco Coro 4 t\'t 5'\t •1.1o ICln1uLt l I •• 1l 26 lJV. U -14 ~',"!J,~,. ~In I\~ ,..., f\lt -l ~""''"" t f\O t !• '"';. It Noet il Ut '' 1• U1Ao n 13\11 + 1" <!lttl~r (p I' 1••11 .. :, ,.,i. + Vt Bonli.u1 I 1111 1 161• 1614 1~ V. 1c..,. ,,,.,,, ! t\'t , j Klnn1 pt( 05 10 •l'I ,,., , '> _ ~ ,·,,,.. 11 10 • t~• 'I -, TW,I, w1 S2 •11 '~ 6t• NOl''•"l"Y 1 ill •)l'J "31 •ll1 + l'I Cl'll~ll 1.111 J 1014 70'• 10' -\'I fltnnt• lndu l 11• 41• .l\ii Ii t A I t 2 .$\lo 5 I~ + ij, Kl llV llld Jj 1 19•1 lt\o lt\t '-" ti.Ii I • j t lr 5 Mo! :laf 1 '"" •loo '" -"1 loltlllGtl 112 " 211'> 211• ~ t Dll jiCJ t 11~ 11. ll:i. -\ !•rbLYnn JI 11 51'1 j' sv. .r=G n ~ 1111113' 1 I 0 :.... t\lli ' I( I MIO Co JI ,.. 1 I ---" Potymt • !II aoo 7"' ]\to ,. Tr •nuP 1 ~ 14 1ll'lo ll ll\O + VI NQirl11PS l?G ')•111 2)~ l•l•t"'Scllt•no IO f(I "' S•~· JS•+l11t kr11t e111 l t 'i ·~ ...... 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'l h-lo Unll lldClrl 17 ~ t• \\ Nw•••!'IC 120 16 JO 2t\\ JO + Scot1Fel1 llO 2 111. 11""' 12~11 Riii l!ltc:!rl' 11 JI'> 5'"' Jllo+\\ QUIYCI' 30t 114 ]\lo J!~ 3V.t "L'1111e Oten • '"' 1"" l! '"Pl/di< • .' 11~. ,,. llh -•\JnOol•SI 41 • 1V. 1\• 1\\-\~ 1'1••"1 Ind If ll~t l !\1 II\" _...,ScollF<ll't 1G ! 11 10•• lOl!o -llo Bmr~I Cop tJ ir .. 1'1 111 7 ~ ""ltFt 1 .. llU f11'1 \~Vo Jno .,.ll'IL:!1 t;"111~!,'1 l•I U U t~Ptitf.'°' IO '"'I~ t•1~ :ittJ<1ll FllOdt l.I :ll\ l o J«.-lt N••1na &>!Al • .. •t\14 """ Scoll Ptot• I 114 ,,,~ 2'V. 111.'t .. \ "'rr••11n JI 11 11'1. 12 UV. .. 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Ruuit~i ~1 70 1°"" lO'Ao 1~ t ""~=··c~: 2• iil~ ~u ~).,. 1!~" .±.• 11 ~::::~~I~~ lll 't l~ l1C. l~."+ lt i ";"; 1JI 101 !1'1~ [1:i1 ~1 11 = t; ~~L~1~.,",. ..,~.s1 ? 3! ! 3!~ J:~ -J' ""-rnell 11141 (town 1111 "*' tllMitl"" t Hrttftl ef clllnte .n tl'll Ntw York ltldl -C 0-l'ortllLb 111 I lJ~ ll,.. .M. -" Mind 111 lo"° 1 "'• II~ 11\~ -~ :llfl "' 11111 1 H lo v I"" JI 'I 1• j~ 7\, -'i1o lxcN~H r"•••lt11 ol willllNI ·~.,,, G11 ',' ',!~ II~ /N +I l'••flll!MI lG 16 15'i 24~\ Jl"o + ~ M1rllld.,. \' ''"• t i.. 10'• + I' • '1¥ OJI ti 1•1 1 U 6 Jlo -"" or• t Ok: t11 • l\\ -It ,,,,..,,. ~ lOJi ICI .. 141 101. ;. .. ••I•~ Ojp t •\i ~ -• 11-IC ID I :u \ ,. I l•a -\\Yule: Ill( "' 11 Sl • c.: J'K -.. l'fltt ~ ti::.r.rc1::-:..~"""' IN Hie flrtll'lftU btt't'fffl n •l••4tY'• clolft !m:I' c11i. IN .. it,._ I'• l\1Ct-1+:i.g ~~=::~1-uc... ', 11..,, 111: '!~ -~ =:~!t~u0 1.: n I~ r"', J: .• -t'•. •,R:::&1 4:r',.. 1l l~ 'j·r. 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(UPI) - ~f & T Cliemtcals Inc , has announced a $500 000 ex pans10o of its plant making z1rc on1um s ilicate opac1flers h ere The opaclf1ers are used 1n mak ing sanitary ceramic ware The plants capacity to 1nake dry milled zircon for refractory foondry castings fo r turb111e and Jet engines also 1s beu11 increased SO per cent MONTREAL !UPI) U nited Airc raft of Canada Ltd said Wedne~ay 1t 1s coos1der1n1 bud ding a plant in lhe C lar ksbur4 Fairmont area of West V1r11n1a to a ssemble and test helicopter engines NEW YORK (UPI ) -RCA Corp has demonstrated a new s pace color television cam era capable of transm1U1ng p ie. lures u nd e r all extren1es of lunar lighting Built un(ler a contract with the National Aerpnaut1c.s "Space Admln1strallon lhe 11 ea c amera weighs only IO PoUrfd!. Two will be delivered to NASA this sum mer al 1 ro_,L or 1196 500 NEW YORK !UPI) -Afou Mlnes Inc said Tuesday it has verU1ed an antimony deposil near Thompson Falls i\1ont and 1s butldlng a m ill to process the ore Agiiu m ines has agreed to buy U S Antimony Corp which owns the deposit wh(ct\ coo1a1ns a l ltaM 330\000 tons of ore John C Lawrence: pre51dent ol both comparuts: said ! '"M"•'•'' 1~ !'! f~ u: 1 • •e101"' 1 111 ' -I\ on 11 1 :~r.,r,. .. 1 '8 ] ~!(: !U: l!: :!: ~ !:~~~,n< ''~ 1l ~ ::: , . _ -; 111•'••• ', "• 1 tO£ " u .. -·~ 111111•11" ..., I • ~ u _ ~. w. o, c, • Js • 6\o , + ~ i c.tf'.fl" Lf1~ !N•1 u't'l J'I N""' L•ll ,.,1 ,,1 1111H01t111t<t 11•1l il '" •111+\Ul'fon1r1rw1 ,, , 21oo •'••'+··~~~~~nr • !'" ~~._~,,4•+~1~::..'-T~' ~~ j" .z r;~~;~::~F~~btwt 'i nl~ 1~,. '1il 4-~ ~"' ' 1 ~,, •'•' Ull 'j 11 ~MtY' t -1 011 100 dn Jtv.111 '' 9~ t\'O to\lt + \\ 1t1SpGd '° 101 J' I ~ -1 t W 1 l JU I Iii IJ\4 -\lo 1!111.,.1111 ·"• lo ._ "+ ""•IM(L ~ J~ l"\~ 2' i 1 1 M9'11 M~ ~: l I ~ ltlellt•d1n 11 .. -~\lo on 'I dn M•'cml 1'• ··~· ·~l~ ,~.,_ -.. 111dHtt 30 "• • ~ J. 16'-~ + -~ Mfl•1111 ... 11·~ lf"~ l~ "::1':~0 HI~ '! 3,: I ~ . ::i1r:~ tt:i r f~. r-~ t " f :~-\: :. *'It F ~= 1 : ~\=~ ~~· 1f1: : 1,,., ~'1 • ' ::.1,~.Jt ll ~ R} ~·t~ + lQ ~'i~::.r~ 31 11~ 'j1~ lie+:: s:;•t~o :E 1 \ l~it Ut; l?i! t a 1:1~¥~~ I~ ~ 16: 13~ ,,~-; 1 : :~'.!~r~ Gr 'f 1.; ~·~ t" + ~ fHe~t' J/Opf ~~ l~ H: }t 1"t~ .. L~r' ~,?., ~)~ Oi1 ? ' ::.~~A~~ ' ·1 , \\ .J•,~ 1 ~ + " I?"""' l2 1,1 }Sllo 2•1'1o ~ + It ~~r~ I~~~ ~ ~\l l i ~~ "" v, •!f!!!i,I COi'~ s l n11o1 "111 ':1;_411 tzu,::.: P:T ~ fl sJI'.~ n:: -1. HOUSTON (UPI -T en • I •, H!!!111p 1~ & .. ~ ~. t: " ,. v 11 1~ -~ • '*"' r.; t ,. 1 "' , ,,., ' 11 ""/111¥ 1' ,1 ~\\ !"' :"'-~ M <~ ~111111 10 '' .,. •1o 4h !otiii. "'' u "Ii 11 -+ w111~1 F.t"' 1• l ' !•-t .: neco In<: said Its Wallett ~'ODtwffl pt ·1~1 1 ll• t '!g!IA 11s..1 • 1 =,. '/ 6 :r .. Jl'r!I~ ~ '! lf!' 'f,' ~ ... """'-,.. l ~'.+1 .. "' 1• Vt l U\\ 1•1• ,,.,.._l, .... J.UI ''fl:' 'IH \f ) W1ln,ln l~ • 1' lt • lfAi • Jrni~,,•,•,•, nl.i. 111u• fl' 11<.., u .-,, 11 •roP , •l ,,1,-!!:l"l<4''t',t11 i'tv.'i\ i•-U:=1c1iMo .tt_ \l'j'!'iij'•~' l-~~~:~t.'111•,•~ ••1 3'" !.'",+ :Z~'1.l::l~., \4~~11 •1:-1A1 • i\lanuractu rlng Division will T n? '" li: J 11'H~'!i~.~r:'' -1• ' ,; 1""" • '' }\~' +~. ;;'iMrklns 1 "1 \4 l -llloo\llldwFln4~ ""' ~ j "'•~1•• ,. JI :Iii n n 'Wft!tftO•bl• 1l lb ~-1.o build a f1ctor y ll Ntsboro, I tlofll~ U "t 1t U• 1 I m 1 -11 t 1 :1~:: t I~ •f' v-• .._ 'I ~Ull f Uio "' Mlf~ f:ltcl I " • .. t V I' 't._!!\.ch 1$.1 1?:! 19 1 I 'Nlltt t~ IGt ) 1•1\ ,:~ '''-i • i t~n .~... ~·· .~ ~": '!I lJ ~~ ,~. l: -~ j 'f :~. ':,1,• l ' l 1' • ljtl':? 'r' ~:: =1'[1:"'1~" .r. • iTU-1111-, !:....-r; :::-1~~~1 IJ-~ ~" ~' ..... ,. r:•;: ~ ij '" •i. i;,"' ..., Ark to make automotive I~ " u I II '-"L cM• 11 , '• ! c 11 .... .. 1tt ~ •" t\6 -1•,.,, ~ • ... •:i. •" -.,,. l'1tner-! , \ ,., 1\1-1 Wlllltf\tll t l 1 1-:-~1ack!l-tf-vmmi of the1eg10-n ---• o:::"fJ : ' h U• ~·~ 111 tnCI 1'!1" -~ 01 ll ~:t('J\t 11! f:l 11 \ lid 11 1'1• U 11 -•\~ ~ 1\ 1111 1"" , ... _, 1"' '"'1"' l lo ,... 'Nillllf!f 1.50 ll• 'o ' I •-I• .!1pnMvea 1 <mililon1ndu5t•>al t;ftlll\ Ml• ' •• lMi u: • lt IWtl~ Inv •• -' I tt-1'1• '°" 'l '"' j i! f J~ 1' t~ + \lo iz;..t 11~:': t,Jt 11 n~ -~ (~ttlUll• • , ' h -1. Wllll~;:•· "'' ' '• • ~I ,... .. .... f;i:rr:,r~,.,' !ti.lo ' 8. : !~ri ~ ... 1.· u.: --1 ,, :i~rJ•:1 I i.., "' .. flt ~ ~ -,.. ' ~lC.~Tt• u J. 'I,: I.. 1lt t ~. n='1·'~"~ 1 : 11: 1' : 1'1! -1· ~~.: ~'!:. 1' .. 1·: ·~ ! n· revenue. bond ls sue to fll'llflee 't!!! di 111 •. 111 Uo •,j •, I"' ,11-"', "!, --"· 0 ' ji ltlll 'd (11 ' ,.l~ '"" I' m Ii • -•I Mlt. CtfD 1• l" • I .. -1MI~· • I • l .. ) W~I· I 1 ... I i; ,t t 1he constnic.hon TM .. 11nt ~~~~!~ i~ ~~~ ~= 11 ~ iJ:i~111 .t'z-=:: J !~i i~i .,iii JJ : v ~ iJ '~j~;Sfi~if°l it~~,~ J~;,~ !~~:~~ 1~ii: iJ~ 'tli.:_~~~:~~ft, ~\ i~ ,~i 't.:.t:. ~~t1~ately would rmp1o{a I -·-- , ,.-.:-' I ' I ,. ' :, • ' •• fl ' ' ,. ' • ---,------==-=====:----c--,----r-=~=-~-=-~·-~-=-.. . . . . ---. • '' • • . { Cci.A~I 10 COA'T FURN/Ti It WAREHOUSE . , ,. -. • • TODAY ••• THURS:DAY ••• 10 AM to ·10 PM .. What's "A Moment ·01 ·'.Trufh~'?~ Well, It's Like This . . . ·-. . • w • • We order a $69 .95 bunk bed from o famous manufacturer. They send the wrong one. It doesn't match the rest of the s.uite and there's.no rooni on our Sho.wroom floor. We stick it in a.,warehouse corner. It's forgotten . A beautiful Spanish ook bedroom is discontinued. We sell every- thing .. we have except for about four $59.95 night • stands with carved do.ors. So, another corner is filled. ~-· We buy solo ond loveseat sets. A clistomer wants the solo by itself so we siick the loveseat in a corner of the Warehouse. Months go by and we sell more sofas than sets. Pretty soon the loveseats take up a BIG corner. Somebody buys more dinette chairs thon they buy tables. You guened it.·A bunch of $18 chairs into another corner. . ' \ . . . Pretty ;oon there aren't any more corners. And, thai's bad enough but new merchandise is on the way. If we don't unload the corners we can't unload new shipments. , So ,-.;e close our eyes and mark the bun~ bed $33. . The night stands are going for $15 each. . ~ . . We check.the loveseats and find $269.95 valµes. It hurts but we mark them all $95. Someone can use those dinette chairs for only $9. And so on down 'til oll the corners are clean . See below for a partial listing of the "moment of truth" buys you'll find in our Warehouse today. We're jammed with items. So, even if you don't see. what y.ou want listed, hurry in, because ~hances are 'we have it and if .so you know it's~ bargain! · · • ... • Th -at's 11A Moment of Truth~~! And ThC,t's Where We're At Right. now! Read.Every Word of This Ad. Then Hurry in For Savings Up to 900/o! $139.95 lookcase Wall Unit in Wol~ut with large double door commode base, This unit is over 6 fl. high ond was bought with a large group of Pecan furniture. Ra ther thon toke them bock the maker gave us o discount. To move them out and moke room for the Pecan ones we ore selling them at $47 each. Customiie a .wotl wilh 2 or 3 of lhese fine pieces of furnilure. f201 Reclining Choirs. These ore odd bal,ls for sure. They THAT'S RIGHT ... UP TO 90<ro! (12) $119.95 French Provincial lingerie Chests in Antique While or Postel Yellow. These ore really decorators pieces but ore very useful because of all of the drawer space. All othe r pieces from these ~rOUPl ore sold and gone, only th• ~hests remain and they '."fill go al $40 apiece when we open today! (141 $1695 Bedroom Suites impo~ed from Canada. When our buyers sow this very fine, very large bedroom group, bec:au1e it was. so much heavier and hod so much more '#OOd in it and so many old .,orld quality features, they thought Americans would buy them by the corlood, ond they pro~ably would if they didn't cosl ol(llOSt $1700. So far no on~ has bouv~t Gn~~o if .you want 'probably th• finest . ' , • Dressers, Dressers, Dressers, Lane, Bassett, Un ited._J_ohnso Carper, Vaughn Bassett, and many, many more. If you need o dresser read this. We hove Ji one of a kind Jriple Dress· .-,,, some have mirrors, some d0n't. Some ore scratched, some aren't! Some ore $159.95, some ,ore $219 Dresser•. • Th~r• are F~enc,h in Vfhlt• and, ~~er'\ ~ponish in all Woods, _and Shades, Modern in W~nuti Gnd \r.'tC:dns, ~rly'Americ:on 'W.. Solid Maple ptus mony con~ ~rator ~s. hery h . I • •• . ' one 01 loads of lfroW9r space.'""'!!' a • 6', 7'. and, I' co1u. 1----~--l-ore oll Vinefle, but in colors that have not sold. They ore better 1tyle and quol ily choirs and retail in the $129 to $149 colegories although several $199 choir1 were included because of 1moll scuff marks or snag1, Every one is a great buy if you con use the colors. Pick ony choir from th is .group today for $17." Probably the best looking sofa Foic Industr ies ever mode sold for $369.95. We bought 35 of them in· Vectra and boom they quit selling . No reason, they ore terrific with heavy solid ash frames and balloon cushions that are all reversible. For big fam ilies there ·is· none better at $175 each. We ore ieolly facing a moment of truth, and truthfully, these ore 1teols at this pricet If you ho..,e read every word of this. ad and not found what you want or need you ore entitled to o bargain just for reoding the ad. So here is someth ing everyone needL It h 218 sets of Simmons Bedding. This is not Beauty Rest but it is the neict most eic penSive set lo the Beauty Rest these· -218 sell ore in drop covers. 104 sets ore king siie and remember Simmons only makes one set higher price. These ore $190 the set while lhey lait. The Queen siie sets will be $140 today and all remaining full and IVll'in siie set1 will go for ~ 100 o set. bedrooM sU!le rou ~., 'f~ tt:i~f. taos 0 huge O'!d We '"9'" ., ~triple ~rits,.,..r,it11 1':"f..Y,-~ont niirrors, on enorm°"s · armoire~ chest.' ·2 co~ ·~·. ~ds id! ·c~mmodes, and a King si•• bed you can hove '\all for $197 today. Even if you don't need the suite, fl is wwth the trip to Leviti to see it! Bassett ;'Green. Briar ~alley" ~ing Room Suite.~ What a bomb th'.• wa1. Here is a classic ~~Y American Dining Room Suite Vll'ith a really' beautiful Hutcff\ ~upboord. A big, big e11tt!nsion trestle tObte ·ond 4 high .~qtk side i;hoirs·plus 2 handsome Orm chairs aU ;uined by O fin ish that is too dork or al least th~t is why people. •~Y they won't knly it, $950 worth of fine Maple furniture ruined by a dark finisb, but the finith may look pretty light when we say you cOn buy it for $477. At leoit come see it! • If you need draW..!r ~c•; . .'donar ~~ dofld.\ qUality for quality, siI• for site, and s.tyte..fot. 1tyleJ tt hove,......, •••n lh. h d _;. • • ~· ' • 11 muc rower space at on1-,.er• ea\ 1n11 give away prke, because every~ne of lhese dre,st(r,,• '·I; Off~red your cho ice $17 each! Yo~ will wait ·a loi\g• li,1 "?.equal 1~m• of the value1 in this off rl " , '. ·. , f , .' 1 . ' I Small white Colo~iol Be oom su.ite. ldiol jg, ~irl; roo'm. A really nice dresser with m1 ror and tVll'in' si1e fteds. The quolit is 9ood and the drawers re center guided 1and dust ,_,.oaf. Do something nice for you little girl, bQy he't on.e •todav fo $17 and save over 40.,, •. • f ,. • .. • • " • ,, " " T• (131 Odd Chests. Mostly one of a kind , some wilh doors, oll uncraled. A few mis5ing a piece of hordwore. Mostly Spanish, but so~• French, Modern, and Maple. Mostly $120. to $160 chests, but 2 ore $219 chests. Of course, they ore scratched. If you need drawer space, you could not buad them yovrself al oUr sole price and they probably wouldn't look as nice. Anyway this ent ire grou9, all 13 will be sold today for $50 apiece. f35) Leftover Lounge Choirs, Most of these were cho irs that matched sofas which we no tonger carry and hove sold out of, Over Yz of them ore Kroehle r, many ore velvet, some ore qu ilted and you will fi11d. 5 in cut velvet, N~t a one of these choirs is less than a $139 choir, as a matter of foci, 3 .are Harris choirs with $229 retail prices. S ore Kingsley chairs with carved wood frames and should sell for $1 19 each, All in all it is o very exciting assortment of fine choirs and if you find one or two that you con use our sole price of $77 each makes them very, very good buys. Kroehler Oak tor and Stool Set in heavy solid oak and sod· die Ion nougohyde. Here is a reotly solid, really heavy bar with two big oak bar stools that hove thick foam .cushions upholstered in nougohyde. This is a good looking sel that has not sold at $269.95. So all 3 sell that we hove face their moment of truth at $125 complete today! Big Poof CuJhion Contemporary Sofa in block and white hound1tooth check with block nougohyde arm straps. Magnificent our buyer said ... I'll toke 2B . That was 4 months ago and not one single customer hos said magnificent, l'I' toke one/ l isten, this sofa is good looking, and it is very comfortable and it is good solid quality. With very little decorating imagi~ation , it could make a very eicclting room and dod·gum ii we want to sell Them! You be at Levit1 today because atl 28 go al $100 a pie.ce and thol is 65•/. less than .,. hoped to sell them fo tl 1111 Sofid Maple Cu n Case with locking glass doors, i gun lfock bfackeu, and small arms ancl ammun ition drawer that locks. Apparently no wives thought enough of their husband's Qlll'IS to spend $169.95 fo r 1hese, but breathes there a MOthef who '#OUld not spend $15 to loc;k up her husband's gun• and Protect her ch ildren, besides it is o beautify! piece of furniture thal will make even those .ugly guns k>ok good. Come on now al tole price af $15 lhat's a lot of furniture and o k)t of 10fetyl i269.91 K~ler Rall Arm ToUicedo Sofa ,in im parted cul --.-.... !vitt, Spont.tt MOii tone OlllOlle~ot COlhtrbvnch-Qnd k»oks it. Kro.Jfller quality rhol guarantees durability and comfor~ AM In on a .,.ry, very nice sofa that hos not sold and that's bod: We ..,.n advertised thttp on 101• at $217 ond 1till no tales so now the moment of trulh. Be here before three are tald a~d you con own one for $140, • ' I • .. --:------- I (4) $79.95 Un ited Cellerettes complete with crystal sell. These ore good home bar sels with double door fronts with glos1 racks in doors, and lift top drop front that makes la rg e formicO mixin g and serving area. We have ~ to sett al $37 each and at that price they are really great buy1. What do you need in Bedroom furn iture? Check the items listed here and see if evel"(thing you might need is included because a lot of these items will be sold today at over 50•/. off. They ore all solid maple with micorta tops ... lingerie Chest, Desk, 3 Drawer Chest, Dresser Corner Desk, Bookcase Desk Hutch, Bookcase Dreiser Hutch, 8ookcose Chest Hutch with doors, Full si1e bed Vll'ilh Nit• Stand, Bunk Beds, 2 Twin Beds, Canopy Poster Bed, and Full 1i1e Spindle Poster led. Now the best porl ... Many of these items ore $99.95 and $.109.95 ilems. Evt1., ~io.n:, of them is at least o $69.95 item, but every one m is offered YOUR CHOICE just $44 apiece. At a price like this you can't go wrong. Pick out all the pieces you need and buy them on terms. Come early lo get a complete selection. $369.95 Kroehler game table set in llanch Styl e Ook and Saddle Ion nougahyde, Good looking, you bel, wi1 h a heavy oak round table lhot hos ·a form ico top and four heavy oak frame benchel that ho..-e soft foam pilto., top1 covefed in 1trapped nougohyde. Benches resemble saddle benches. H's good looking for sure, but i1 hos not sold, '° today the price goes to $115 for all 3 pieces. A good name brond 5 piece dinette retails for $79.95' up today and it is hard to find a rei::iny good quality 1et for Ol\'f' thing less thon ·thot. That is what our Suyer said when he bought 100 Douglas 5 piece sets tO sell ot $69.95 each. So few aold that we still hove over 50 left and ot this role that is a 4 year supply. We wont '10 make it a one hour supply so when we a,pen today every set goes at $37 each. That price includes the extension table and 4 very comfo rt- able choirs. (411 $149:95 Walnut Cellerettes, Boy, here is a problem fqr you. These ore really drinking men's cellerettes because they ore very lar9e and hold a lot of bottles of boo•• and include a very large and very fine set of cry1tol. One door revolve• with bottle shelve1 on the backside, and the top hinges up and out to form a beautiful form ica top bar, but here is the problem • , . What real drinking man who needs o cellerette this l~rge is going to spend $1 50 on the cellerette instead of boo1e? None, since we opened- . ,10 Ol.lt they go today at $67 each. Our buyer didn't quit at 5 piece dinettes. He got carried & away and bought lhe sames-. with 7 pieces,.The table is a • lot bigger and there ore 6 choirs . $139,95 was to be the sen1ational price on this set. We gUarantee o sensational buy today at $67 complete seven pieces because that's le11 than our ••·buyer paid for them. WA REHOUSE AND SHOWROOM SELLING DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC SINCf 1910 COAST roetMsr ' At levilz ofl rhe "retail frill•'~ ore toke n out ol OPEN DAILY 10 'A.M : TO .10 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. . SAN DIEGO FltWY., AT IEACH It.VD., Cl" -1r JriV9 from o"ywlier• - ___ thc_Warlh2.!! -Ice. Toke ii home yourself or hoVe ii dht.vered by Levitz of a $RIOll odCl i•-.-ie="" 11ontil charge. fllher woy, your' sa..,ings 01e tremcndoui. .. T.ERMS AVAILABLE -· ·. -I ' l (I 01 Deville French-Provincial ~ofos, in goOd Oamoslc fabrics~ with carved sol i~ ,fruitwood f~mes and ca'rved legs. Peapl 1 in Californ ia apparentty don' really like Frend\ Provinc:ia because since w .. opened this\department ha1. hOrdly IOI o sofO I This is a·real moment of t'l"th becoute ._.have elect• to liquidate all French living rOOf't fu'rnitvre including 10fo1 chairs, tables, and accessories, 7 he best example we co gi'te you is l 0 good French sofas at Y, price~ Th is entir group goes at $120 apiece ! lf \you like French furnitur be here when our doors open! O~• of a lcind ite,mt ore'a give •Owoy prices! \ : Italian Provincial Furniture faces its ~oment of truth at Levitz today! With all of its elega,ic• of ~nd carved 1ofo and chair 'frames, Woven cane in1ert1, et ., eic.,_ it 'does not sell in California, so out it goes today. Every piitc• including 1ofos, choirs, and table1. Eve?' ~Ii lqfo or chair left il'I our stoclc when we open toelay will b sold at '/2 price. All other pieces will be sole priced occordf ty. I I $600 Quilted Safa and Love1eat•: in E~y ~mericon Style I Check these .features. CustOm out~quilt~ • screl!!n print on linen fabric, but l unllke m st sofdi • wh iCh orily quilted the cushian\,ond bocks, this el hos quilted .,fngs •. o""s, _!ronh, qnd liidel The cov.er .is o very good oHve base color. The Ouolity is eicellent, . . The;• is really only one thing different about this Mt. It hos no wood .trim, Apporentiy ~ one wants Early American without wood trim, becousil no one hos bought this set. The sofa ond lo.,.seat do hoy• a dif- ferent look, but we think it is gOod looking. At $600 o set apparently the publlc doesn't ... so the price is reduced to $275 for ~th piece1 today to sell them out. At $275 .,. ~et you will soy it i1 lhe most beautlfvt Early American set you have ..... r seen! $419.95 Spanish ~fo onJ Loveseat in Gold Vee.Ira fobric with h..., Spanish wood posh on arms. ColOf' it not the beit bul' at l~OO fOf" both piec .. " don'l think it i1 too badl This i1 o one only •et so don't be mod if you come late ond I II is gone I • .. - las .. n Oolc Spanish hdroom Suite includes 6 pieces. Triple Dres••r, Mirror, Chest, ted and 2 hCtside Che1t1. Once in a whil• you migfit finCI a la11ett Spanish 3 piece group priced under $300, but if anyone has ever sold b loiiett 6 piece Spanish,..Suite for anywhere near $300 we have not heard of it, Now get thi11 you con hove all 6 pieces today lor $297,. but mrlty-don't wa it too late at 10 suites ore all we hove. .. ' ' l ' I [ ' n l ( f r ( I r ' [ t ' i ,I I • ' I j ' ., , TWMor. Ju• Ill. 1970 DAILY PllOT f .· School Hinging on State· Funds Dana Hills Project Fate Decision Due July 14 Capistrlno Unl!i;d School Dlllrict ol· flctals ezpecl to learn July 14 w!Jet!1er would llhare the footblll stadium wt~ San Clemente lfl&h School. • ' f + future Dana Hills High School ii ftnan- the fall. Wimer oald the ..-1•• Ille Tbil 1i1o 1-1 -r•lher rigid cradlDc. drlinll• and 1 t r e et Im-atlte nqulmnent., aald Wlme~. Under promnent. wOuld jiiijliitily tili fem milt bulJclntl farmul11, be Uld, con- monlhl. · otrudlon <Oltl are Ued llP!b' . I<> 1 Wlmtr said a second ~ million odlool bond sale by the state, probably In December, might break looee ftmdl to 4dd about $300,000 addltl<llal fadlltiH at Richard Henry Dana School 1n Dana Point. . . · Temporary buildings are l• be erected al San Clemente . High Sohool during the sunmer to hand~ about 200 tCl 250 students, easing the overCl'O'lfdinc there in September. ' - DAILY ,ILOT ,,.. .. ff •m k......, Socf,ing It Into Suuanaer ,. \Vhile others muse on sand and sea, this young m3n on Orange Coast beach appears inten~. on \vorking his way down a long row of tether· ball poles. \Veather along the beachfront clea rly suggests summer is here, even if the offical arrival isn't until Sunday. _G__eneral Bowman to Take Command at Pe11dleton ~ Pi1aj. Gen. George S. Bo~·tnan Jr. wil l \Var II , initially servln1 in Samoa. assume command of Camp Pendleton In June or 1945 he became -an opera·- lhis August on his rctufu to the United lions officer on the stalf of t.ht com- States from a top command position mander or the Naval base al Okinawa, with A1arines ln Vietnam. adtrunistering air-sea rescues. For that He will assume com mand from Maj. job Ile received a Bronze Star wlth Ge n. Doon J. Robertson, commanCter Combat V. pf the huge military corilplex since J uly During the Korean war, he served of 1968. The general wlll report in Seir as commanding ofUcer o! an aircraft tcmber to his new dulies al Marine <t group, in 1952 to 1953 and won the Corps J{eadquarters in Washington, D.C. Legion of Merit with Comb3t V and The new commander, bringing an im-the Distinguished Flying Crou fOI' pressive list of prior assignments, most heroism during a massed aerial assault. recently served as deputy commander His promotion lo brigadier general or the 21th Corps or the ri.farines in came in 1959 when Gen. Bowman served Vietnam. as assistant chi ef of staff for the PacWc. ' Gen. Bawman, 58, was born in Ham-based in Hawai i. mond, La., and first joined military The major general designation came service as a 111ember of the Reserve in April of 1965 after serving u corn- Officer's Training Corps at Louisiana manding general of the-second Marine State University, wher he received a Aircraft Wing in Cherry Point, N.C. bachelor's degree in electrical engineer-from June 1964 to May 1966. During ing in 1936. this lour of duty he was awarded a Shortly after that he received his com-gold star in. lieu of his second Legion mission as a ri.tarine second lieutenant. of Merit. After flight training he earned the Bowman and his wife Velma have Navy aviator wings in 1939, then went two daughters, 11.trs. Diane Cunningham into action al Lhe outbreak of World and Miss Denham Bowman. Letters Confirm Public Salt Creek Beach Use Hundreds of letters have been received testifying lo the public's "prescriptive rights" to use Salt Creek Beact> between "-'onarch Bay and Dana Point, according to Clayton H. Parker, asslslant chief Oran ge County counsel. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper was au thorized May 5 by the Board of Supervisors to place advertisements in various publications sec.king evidence of the public's previous use of the beach and the abandoned Sall Creek access road. Park er said the hundreds o! letters \\'ere the result of advertisements and added, "They are still com1ng in." Kuype r pointed out, "Existence or these prescriptive rights depends upon factual proo( that members of the public, in fact, crosSed the property and used the beaches without any charge or . penniss\on or the ov.ner ... Kuyper warned at the llme, however, \hat "pr'evious indications are that charges "'ere· made, either for parking or access or both." Parker indicaled Wednesday that the communicoUons received from the public Indicated that hundreds have used the ~ach without charge or pennisslon. . Tho County Counsel's ofJlce will report &o the ~upervisors 'Tuesduy on the letters receiVed. "'Thr.n It is up to the boa rd whether or not U1cy u·~h ID rJ_le ~ \ei;,nl suij. _ ,.. lri gain · puh)IC! Rctcs~ Ip and use ot Ole. bea ch," Parker sald. The property ~tween Pacific Coast ' , , Highway aDd Salt Creek Beach ls owned )?y the Lacuna Nlgqel Corporation, lo which the supervi90n in 1961 abandoned a short rtmainiq ' segment ol the old Sall Creek Ro.r which led to the area of the bead!. Kuyper· la ter asked, and received, pennisslon to place s i m 11 a r ad- vertisements in relation lo Irvine Com- pany lands in the controversial Upper Newport Bay are8. The Upper Bay advertlsementl first appeared in area newSP.APfn TUetdly. Laguna Niguel CorporaUon wu the target or anottier uproar over pending negoliatk>ns for public uae of private streets betWeen the hl1hway and the beach, and the bOach Itself al tbe June 2 session' ol the supervisors. Up for approval were two tenative tract maps for development of the area betwt!en the highway and the beach. Action was delayed uotU nel t TUesday by a 4-1 vol~. Superv~ Davi d L. Baker touched of( the J une 2 debate with a questloa: 1'What authority do we have to requlrti access to the streets in these subdlvtslons and the beaches by the public?" Supervisor Alton t:. Allen of Laguna Bea'ch mentioned that "thert-la-another aspect of this case'. -we have a county negotial.inl team working with the cor- poration on access to beach and on parking areas. We should have the team'a report at tht ~same time wt act on these maps." Baker said he doubted that the negotia- tions were gettiiic anywhere. • " cially go. • ·Joe WJmer, direct.or, ol admin11tr1Uv• &el'}'lces for the dlstrt<t, ~ tl)at's the daie the State, .Allocation Board Is to announce the projects that Jet' the nrst funds created by -of Propooitloa 7 In tbe prbn.,y eledloo. The 1$ mlllloo high achoo!' !hit would house 1900 ktudents hu state approval and should be ftmded by Uie flnt bond rrioney if Ill priority remaim suffkientlf hlgtf amons competing project!. "I understand the state sold $50 million worth of bonds ye~ for schools,"" uid Wimer. But be · about S25 mllllon . .Pl this • would be -to -"'PlY-the general • fund rrom h ~y had been borTOwed. "We' hopeful al pl· · t.lng the green light but we have no definlte aasuranci!," said Wimer. He aald the state ls recalculating the priorWes of the various achool projectl involved. Given approval, tbe d181rict woo]d '- to go to bk! in the -!'UJJUOer and becin . a:radlng the site off Green Lantern ln Dowa the _Mission Trail School Workers Given Pay Hike CAPISTRANO BEACH -CWsilled employes in the Capittrano Unlfled School District were granted a 1.67 ·pay increase this weet. In granting the ralst, school officlalll declared that a study by the Stale Personnel Board would, be ln order to investigate the wage scale and job descriptions. · Other demands made by the California School Employes AllodaUon included full ~pital-surgical and major medical coverage to be paid for the empkJye and his dependents by the district; the rectification of inequities so that all hourly mployes are pnrated on 21 wcrt days per month, ancj 11'1 income Jl'l>- t.ection plan. These were turned down. e Sclaool111e• Relalretl CAPISTRANO BEACH -Trustees of tile Capistrano Unified Scf.ool District voted to rehire their top adm!ALstraton Monday. Superintendent Truman Bel9Cdlct'1 con- tract waa approved for a two.year period at $27,500. Laat year.he received $25,000. The aulstant superintendenta were rehired for a similar lencth of time. These administrators are on rellJ].ar uJary steps. e Do9patcla D•KCe Set MISSION VIEJO -There wlll be plenty of Daisy Maes and Utile Abners in Mission Viejo Saturday. The event Ls the Dogpatch costume party, sponsored by the Nadadorea . Booster Club. There will be dancing to a live band, costume prizes, refreshments and an open bar at the Montanoso RecreaUon Ceftter. The event wUI begin at I p.m. and end at 1 a.m. Tickets are '5 per couple. Mayor of Capo Withdraws Plan For Auto Yard An application for a controveralal 1uto Impound yanl In San Juan C.plltrlllO has been. withdrawn by the property owners. Mayor Tony Forster, npresenUnt his mother, Mn. Betty Forster who own1 the property, asked tbe planning com- mlssk>n Monday lo withdraw the ap- pUc1Uon for the yard, ataUng that' there woold be no further applications for IUCh a facility on lhe property, The crowd !hit nurly bulled out the walla of the City ·c.ouncu chambers clapped aod cheered lhe 1DDOUncemenl. Pl11mlng DlrtC't.or Bob Johna pre:vk>usly ~ onnounced that the plannlng ..... mllllon blcJ received ID letten and I'"'! petltloos with aver, JOO aJin1tum --OJ>POllnc the Impound yanl. MOit were from property ownera in tbe 'l'n>y H..,.s development. · Durlntl the publtc heorinc th, t preceded the IJUIOllllCemell~ Mldllel Coll!m ·hid JM'~ the JM'Oponenta' vte.polnt, repmentlng Fonat fllmlvtn wtlo had IOUght to lelR one-l>IU Kn! al· llnd for.Jbe yanl,..J!'OU IWIJ _ _lronf neighboring housing developments. Speaking for the opponents was Lyle G. Frost who presented his cue prlmar~ ly hued on ecology and the pn>blema lhat mlcht accompany an auto impound yanl In the location cl101en by DunMn,. which Ues, he said, halfway betweea lhe llllJ'lna and ... ..-. .. • Dlotrtct alOdlls '-the iOcoad hli!i -·11111e Pi'l<O Inda ihlc:h oometlmes doea -I for ·the dlatrtct II completed lo nol lncreue u rapidly u butldlng <Oltl. Ume for OC<Upancy In the fill al ltn.-lie aald one hip ec.1loOI jOb.ln Riverside · Thi dtatrtcl would borrow tbe money:. ~·hid to be m.ld lhree ·0mes The 1111e adloo1 building program 11Jon to meet stato nilu. ~ or fllt growing dtstrictl The slato lilo -not allow Its bor- to do Ibis when they hive sold boodl rowed money · to be uJed f0< projects to the muimum, 10 pe1<ellt al their -u audll«lums, swlmmlng pooh, ..-i v11'11t1Gn. blelChen or lights. The new high ochool • Garden Center Buys • J /, Make your garden a riot of color with our Begonias Riclunondensis ••• our hardier ~riety of begonia. Produces deep pinli blossom, ndilh-green leaves. Group them for bor· der beauty. In four inch pots, 'Patty's .Purple' variety Veronica i'? J gal. size Plant spikey 'Patty's Purple' variety for colorful blcioms in summer. Smoll ever• green shrvb used well in groups for garden beouty. P11nt colorful b1ddln1 pl1nt1 now by tho tray. Choose from Agoratvm or lie- ... ·gonla In a variety of colon. . 44c • lrly Asper• ........... Sprengorl • •• lono, al_ry, graulul apraya fragrant plnklah ~OWOl'I-In 1 gallon container. 83c Wox-lealecl Ugustrum , , ·• versatile evtrgrnn shrub with deep glossy green fohago. In .S gallon container. 3.55 Vlpro Lewn l'ood ••• foods clichondra or grew ••• non-burning • , , llghtw.lght. 5#XJ iq. ft. -.rage bog. 4.66 llMp 0.-Vlpro J In 1 for Dichondra or Grau In 20 lb. bat that ....... a 2500 aq •• ft. aroa. t.t5 llMp Gt-. Vltoie for Dlchondrl or Grau. 20 lb. bat COWl'I 5500 aq. ft. area. S.45 T...,.. Top O...lng ••• mokos planting orem mare attractlvt and helpa toll rot.aln fl!O'•Ivrt. In 3 cu.Jt...b!i_g _J.tl NOWI THESE VALUES . • At AllY ONE OF THESE PEN.NEY STORES! CARLSBAD -MOtilTCLAIR " DO~EY 'NEWPORT Bl:ACH ' SHOP SUNDAY, TOO .• 12 Io's P.M.I~ . I -cc..,.ilM .., ... D.nr ru.r ,,.'° 'V•leri• Kemp, a telephone ope~a- 1or a1 tho Lichliold, England police •llltion, says a man pumpmg up hiJ car tires helped rescue her from a swarm of bees. f\frs. Kemp 1ay1 the unidentified man turned the pump on the bees, blowing them away -but 'not before she was otung 15 times. •. - 'I \VonNtl, golfers at tile Barrow. ··England Golf Club ~a~e siUn~d a petition asking off1cral-S to in· vestigate fumes emitted from. a nearby fac tory. The w~en clarm. •the fumes niake their ny!oa panty hose c111d stockings ctilitl:' tegrate, • " Tliondll, -18, ,970 Israel Raid .fits htland Egypt Area BJ 1Jllled ..... Win•ll•••• Egypt r..,.,..ted hraell planes todaJ •truck the Al-Salylya area 14 miles wesl ol \)le Suel cuartn·tbe deepesl lsnell penetration s 1 n c e -mid-April wberi .RusAao pilols were first reported in adlon deep lnofdo Emit,, Moel raids fla .. -cmfined lo. -lbnlt. Egypt pv< no details ol the raid whictll was one of a serles by both sides aJong the Suez Canal. Egypt; Which has reported Israel wing l ,QOO.pound American-made bombs, said an attack: along, the Canal Wednesday killed 15 Egyptian soldiers and wounded siven -highest one-day casualty toll in three mooths. J ordan-based Arab guerrillas fired rockets into Israeli settlements south of ·tbe Sea of. Galilee today but Israel reported no injuries. Previous a{la<:ks by perrilla have led to Israeli air strikes agaiDll 111Spected guerrilla bases lnJonlao, A-iipotesman ln Cairo said Egyptlari fighter-bomben struck at Israeli posi· lions in the C'elltral and southern sectors of the Canal for the set.'000 lime in three days and scored direct hits on J.saell bunkers, personnel shelters and eng:ioeering equipment. A spokesman in Tel Aviv said the Israelis suffered no injuries in either ttie shelling or the air attacks and that the Egyptian pl&oes were driven oil by lftiaircraft fire. Egypt said Us an- tiaircraft fire drove off tbe Israeli at· tacks by 24 American-made Phantoms and Skyhawks. ..... ..,.IAB~Gets Big Setback- U,.ITt ...... TIME OUT FOR TEA Tory LHcler HHfh · Housewives Lead Massive Turnout i Of Britain Vote 'Senate Panel J_unks Nixon _Expansion Plans WASHINGTON (UPI) Tb e Safeguard anlibollistic missile -(ABll), Joey-al Ibo N I• on .0. rniniltratioa'1 ouc\em' anm 1lra&egy, bas been dealt Us firsl major ,.tbact fl<llD an unexpected source -the Senate Arm· ed-Gommiu ... ·'The committee voted W-y lo junl< Pmldenr ·N-'s pion lo npand sar..,,...r inlo • nllllomride -'"- def--and cfoclded lo coollne its m1ssion to protecUq miaile ailol and---Tbe 1 l to & committee decision ts ~-. ....wn lo be upheld by tile Senoto. And, becouH ol backlllg by powerful senMota like Oaa1nnan Join C. Sl<llola (D-Mbl.), tho House liktly will be forced to accept ibe restriction. Last year, alter long debate, the ABM got ttroygb' the Senate on a 50 to 50 vote. , Despite Wednesday's fest r I ct Ion. hawever, ttte· backbone of Nixon's ABM stallation. Althouib the committee's euta were small -only. '13 million out al fU billioa requell for the ABM in Ibo nut fiscal yoar -th< ellect al Ibo mtrlcllon · could be algnifk;ant and could alleviate ont;..IJlajor fear of ABM ~ents. Ttial fear is that tbe 'Safeguard system will be expanded intO a vast, defeme - of ~ncalculable upense, perbapa mcwe than ll'I billion -aimed at proleetlnC ~-~!itt population of tbe COlllllrY. antnot a nuclear allack. Labor Leaders Attack ,fViXon's . Econpmy Ideas . . program survived intact. · · I ..1.-· , '· sl The committee ·ace e p·t e d the NEW YORK (AP) -Top labor leaders t•g ve more consiUCJ .uan w ep1 more President's proposal to mt a third site, criUcized President Nixon's ecooomk: cklsely approaching wage and price a. at WhMeman Air Foret Base, Mo., to p,,.osals_ while the business mnmunity trols." tlie two congress authorlud la5t year reacted with miled views. '•ROA Chainnan Robert W. Samolf said, lt'I Mootana and North Dakota •. Jn ad· Labor irpokemien aaid Wedneaday the "I am pleased by tile President's deciaJon dition, it author'iud early acquisition Presidellt's plm f<r calling public at· not to seek mandatory wage and price or a fourth ABM site at Warren AFB, tf!DUoo to sigliflcant wage « price ~ controls." w creases woukl hurt labor without reduc-"We regard the President's speech .•• ~~i these sites would be In fields or ine inflatiOn. as significant and constructive/' said LONDON (UPI) -Housewives today silos containing n u c I e a r • l i pp e d Some buDness e:1ecuUves a n d Nonnan Strunk, exeeutive vice prdiden'-· led an expected mass turnout of nearly Minuteman intercooUental missiles or ecomrnirll ezprel9ed dlsappointment of the United States Savings and I.om 30 million Britons to. the polls to vote that the President did not IO far enough League. Vi what had all appear.ances of being in the area of wa1e and price controls. The talk gave the public "a stl'Olller "'photo fini•h gener•I e1ec.11on. Power Fa;lure .~,Others lauded 111e Preidenl'• -· feeling •f pre~d•nlial lead•nhlp in tho Encouraged by brilliant sunshine and ., saying they found hls speech reassuring. economic area," said Lief H. Olsen, mid seventies tem:peratlftS, hundreds "Prelidt:ot Nilon's latest program senior vice president at First National of thousands of bousewiva· headed what Bl k. B • agaimt inflaticn is, like his previous City Bank. He called it "_he)pful" IDd polling officials said was a heavy rush ac ens a1a policies and taelics in Ibo oeooomic ·•·1ong Ovtrdut." to vote. area, weighted against the American Dr. William C. Fremd, vice president · ' • Most men workers waited to vote later. 'TIJUANA, Mexico 1AP) -A power worker," said Palul Jel'llings, president of the New York Stock Exchange, ap- Opinlon ·polls predicted a win f~ prime failure left much of Baja . Califoraia of the InternaUonal Union of E:~lect~n~·c~a!,1,_~la':lud~ed~~N~ix~o!!!n~·s~"~I ~e~-<UnJt!t:,J"~~~-- N·• • minister Harold Wilson's Laboil' Party, and nearly hl U a mfllion Mexicans in Radio and tdachine Workers. o 1n a t;>nary pressures in the economy -· The world's largest flag, 7 1tories high and weighing J,600 pounds, toal the biggest flag day attraction in Detroit tlitS"1J_ear. It was hung on the J. L. lludsoh-Co. stoie by its handltng crtto of 55. The huge banner measure• 104 by 236 feet. · • The official · Polish Communist ne"•spaper Trybuna Ludu report~ a Polish parliamentary dep~ en~ ticized Soviet civil aircraft m .use on the Polish airline LOT, stating: "The standard of equipment flow!' by our aviatic;>n b8:ffipers. compet1 .. tion with foreign 311' earners serv· ing the same routes." • •• \Vhen Joseph R•hn,'21, was char .. ged with rec kless driving for hitting a police cruiser, he had. no defen~e. ''l just felt like ranumng a police car " he told police. - ' . Italian motorist Eduonlo locWlll and·van driver Edua ... Fal•to en-- gaged in a shooting batUe !'ver ~e right of 'vay recently, police said. Both 'vere 'taken to hospital with serious 'vounds. Only two days a go, Uiree truck drivers wounded each other with screwdrivers and iron bars in a similar quarrel near Rome. • Fortune telling gypsy Ev• Petu- Jengro of Brighton, England , says someone stole her crysta1 ball from the parked car o~ !And. 1.1.ichigan State R"'ep. Loren A.,.. •r'°n (R-Pontiac) recently ask· ed all candidates for state offices to fight "visual pollution." He ask .. , ed them to take down their posters and other materials when their campaigns are ov,r. IXO ign ~gb the final result could be a darkness overnight aRd cut off the major "It includes nothing ... to bring down as opposed to short-nm, stop.pp er water source for this border city of Interest rates, nothing to correct the m~~res.'' . , • erQe of all the wildly virying 335,000 residents. imbalance between high prices and-;•· >:--::i==:---:-::-:===----youth Vote B ve Wiboa • three ptrcont edge, 'All o1 Ensenada's 150,000 people 60 'adequate wages, ari<1 nothiiigto pul a S 9 C • equivak!nt to a majority of about 40 miles sMh of here were without power. brake on excess profits," he said. oyuz ~smonauls House of Commans.Jeats. PoUce and soldiers patrolled darkened AFUIO President George Meany said WASHINGTON (UPI) -Supporters But F..dwlrd Heath's C<nservatives ap-a;treets in Ensenada, Tijuana and Tecate. of Nixon's proposals: "I fail to see Pass 400-hotir Mark of the bill giving suffrage to IS.year-olds peared to have staged an eleventll hour Five of Tijuana's sii: holpitals were how tlley will curb inflation, reduce am es:tending.JDbm"ity_group votin& cotnebact-from~a-.eem.ingly hopeles!t ·opetatlll.I 00 . emerge.cy power. The unemployment and cut interest rates." MOSCOW (AP) -Soviet sosmonauts predicted today President Nixon would underdog pmitioll. One opinion poll even sixth, Miguel Altman State Hospital, Paul Samuelson, economist a t Andrian Nikolayev and· Vitaly Sevas· sign JL Passed finally by the House said a waler~ O:mervative win could began transferring some patie.nta and Massachusetts Institute or Technology, tyanov passed the 400-hour mark h11 orbit Wed111esday, it both was hailed as a not be ruled ouL bklod supplies to other hospitals. characterized the speech as "an-today and Tass reported "Soyuz 9 ls historic advance and .assailed as a hoax Wibon and Heath went out early Tijuana's 98 factories closed, leaving tlclimactic," and called the idea or continuing Oii its fUght." on youth. Jn their own voting districts i~ a last 10,000 worker!!; idl~. spotlighting wage arid price increases The official news agency said the two Judiciary Co'mmittee Ch airma n minute sphD'ge of handshaking and California's Su Diego lGa.s &: Electric '.·a very weak thing," Ru ssian space endurance champions had Emanuel Celler (0.N.Y .. ), the 82-year· visiting party workers. '-cO:-hOoked up a 12,000..vo t line-to restore While expres'sing agreement with Nix· completed 400 hours and 270 orbits of old House dean who steered the Senate·· Touring his constituency at Huyton, power to a 20-block area of Tijuana on's optimism for the long term, GAF the earth at 7:49 a.m. EDT. It gave passed bill through the House despite a Liverpool suburb, Wilson was sur· before nightfall Wednesday, nine hours Corp. Olairman Jesse Werner said he r.o indication when the spacesllip would his conviction its ll-year-0ld vote feature rounded by cheering children, mothers alter the failure. regretted that the Pres~ did not be brought . down. likely would be thrown out by the courts, and v.-orkers .eali.ng typically english fish 1...:=:...:==::..:... ________ _:: __ ~----~--------'---------- said there was JIO doubt in his· mind and chips lunches from paper bags .. Nixon would sign the bill. At one point Wllaon met Anita Clifford, Key Republlcana aaid that they were 111 ·today, one of an estimated 2.8 million not liO sure: teenapn eatWed to vote !Or the first " Nam was not saying. White House time. She said 6he had just voted -' Presa Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said: ' foe Wilson. "We'll take a look at it and announce .. Let's sing for her," ·Wil10n called our Intention at the appropriate time." out and Jed a crowd in singing "Happy .Nix"ol:, unlike Celler, has said he fa vors Birthday.:• the ll-year-0Jd vote but has insisted Heath voted at II a.m. at a polling the cbaage could be effected only by station near his apartment oo Piccadilly, a Coastitutional amendment. to London'• West aid. Life Costs Rise But Price Hikes Show Slowing WASHING TON (AP) -A ri1e in living costs for four.tenths or one percent last montlt added to tile nation's wont in· flationary spiral in twmty years bu t a · government orficial said there has been a "&ignificant" slowing of the pace of price hikes in recent months. Costs of all major categories were up, with transportation and clothing posting the lagest price hikes in May, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said. The bureau figured the. May rise at five-te]lhS of one percent !)n a seasonally adjusfal bas.is for the fourth straight mooth, becauae food priw rooe iollead of dropping as usual in May. "The rate has come down from the 1Jr.(enths of one percent rate of November, December, and · January," said Dr. Joel Popkin, assistant ~ missioner of the bureau. "It has come down to five-tenths of ()ne percent monthly cha"nges, which is significant," he said of the past foot mon ths. He added that the four-tenths actual , rise in May was more significant to 1 consumers because it reflected prices they had to pay, while the seasonal figure of five-tenths was of more interest to economic analysts. DOLPIDN CJLUB SUMMER .DAY ;CAMP Phone AllD~~~~~~}cUia 12131.,4;9!f27e WE.CARE fOR YOUR CHILD _,, ,. .... ,~. THE ~OLPHIN CLUB IS THE ~ORK!NG PARENTS' ANSWFR TO CHILO CA RE;!! ••d ••• THE HON•WOIU:ING PARENTS' ANSWER 10 THE BEST ~EVELOPMEHT P&QGlAJI TB~IE CBILPllEH CAN RECEIVE!! L '· .-"' ,,.., DOLPHINCLUBBEGINSWHERE OPENING SOON <:., NURSERYSCHOOLSLEAVE·OFf, ~...-• ~ ....... 'APRIVATEtLUBfORCHILDREN IN YOUR ~AGES6T012 !if> lf"y ALLSTAfffULlYOUALIFIED. Call now for addition1l informationl LPll1N CLUIWILLl'ICIC UPCIOLDllEN Violent Weather Persists AT THE MOTHEJl'S HOMEWH£/I SHE MUST LEAVE FOR WORK.AND THEN RETURN 7HEM RIGHT TO THEIR FRONT ODOR A"lA TRIPS TD MUSEUMS, HISTORICAL LANDMARKS, ZOOS, PARKS, j BAKERIES, CIVIC BUILDINGS, AND MANY OTllER INTERESTINCI ! EXCURSIONS. ALSO; SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ARE OFFERED SUCH /Ul HORSUACK RIDING, &KAT ING, S'/!IMMING, BOWL!NCI, TEN- NIS AND MANY MORE lDUCATIONAL AND ENJOYAll.E ACTIVITlES.. ~ • -.. t r- H one ymOO~t Paradise at Niagara Falls Pretty• w -et • c.i11 ...... Al~..,. And•or-.,..,. 81ktolllld •l•m•rdl l!IOIM ...... 8 rvwntvlllt Cl!lc110 Cln<l-11 o.ww °" lo\olnt• O.troll 1'1lrt1ot1*1 Forl Wtrtll "-·-· Hcinoh1!u l<at!Mlt Clty l••V-• " • .. • TI " " " .. " .. .. .. n ... " " ~ " ~ " ., " " " .. " .. " n u .. " " u " " n ,, .. " " 14 ,, ·" -~ ·" ·" ... ·" ·" =r .. ::i .. · --, '"'Blvd. 0011111N cLua Toll fr••· No, i 1.o1An911 .. ,eau1. 8002• .,...,.... . •1G1WPmucAT10N Zenith la127S • (Chlcl<Ono)Sufnmlr &+non:111imf1 ____ ...... i0!11.----1 R4T!I 5tlnlntDlltDlfilld:-----'--------------t Slllllrnor. $25.oa/wk. lrll , cllildronl If Chlld'1 Nalnti--------'a1'1P'-~2pc!1111~L...------Arl--I Schooltilnr. Add,_ C!ly·------------.lilll&.-----Zipi ___ f KI o dorgllUP • -'85.00/mo. Phon1No•-----....;&:;c""'°aacl:A111llflirllo-------lla.-----I !st le 2nd Gr Pkk Up 111111 Dlll""'------.wDtrrlllYllmll Dtlhclo------,..--1 75,0Q/mo. loll drfl ht le 2nd Gr -Motller'1 Nsnwt--------Bllli.-Adc ...... ______ ,,;_-1 65.DO/mo. (1fllr 2Pr.t 1 cnly) Cll'/ 3rd -8t~ Cr, • F1tlltr'1Nlf!ll ,.._ 65.00/mo. (lil*il .._, City, !i!t1t %'> 3rd -6t~ Gr:..,~ · fl~otiw'• N 65.00/mo. (lfflr ..,,. lll!llTI todtY, lltllt v•rl•blt WIMI 11'9ht 1rM1 mom!111 Mu•• bt<oml111 __ 1, 10 .. 11 knot• Ill •'*-• lodlY •nd Frld•Y• Hltll todlY 111 lo U. ,Coa1l•I temlltl"•lurn r1~" Ir-40 ff 11. lnllll(I {trT1P1r1tV1"11 ••fl91 from .i to &S. W•hf" 1~1111r1 "5. \li.tlftf -"""' ...,s!s1tc1 t11rou11!wl 1111 nltl'll •nd llllCI tod•Y from llllnoll to tl'l9 """"-'""' tlKMS ol tht r.lloll Ind ill ltll MVll!wftl. lo1 Al'llfl•• Mltml Ml--rlt H..,Orlftou H..,Yol'll N•lll P!1tl• 0.-llM Olil1hornl Cf!Y .,,,,. ... Fun"'I <loucll wtn 1i111ttd ntir Pilm s ... lnta A~ron, O~lo, •M I lon..dcl w1i rl· PllO 11:00!•• porltCI In l'ICl'fflel1ttrn ll!lllOlt. "hotnh! "ltltburtll N " " .. ,. .. .. .. .. .... •1 71 ,5 .Ml ~ .. • 75 -'" .. " .. - " .4 only) etty Mornl~ Kf, D_.1·Nllllf """ Mdrw .\ ' City irt'li-.---...:2;p~- Pormiolion ~ ;ranlld !or !llldlml llllllllan In 111-lllll'I'· Cl•onlv (8:30 -t2:00) 85.00/mo • ID'll d;ocount for 2 f1I m0<0 chlldttn fn fomllt r l NI-. 1"•111, N.Y. Md l.'9 toe~ "wll"'MI d rill! kl Si.I{ h0Ur1, Dutiol•, ,.1, r-t0 11-..141 Cll\' 1.u 1nc11n. l"OI tortff tltltl•l1 •' Rea 11urr K""*"°' lnter111t!mMI Altl'Ol1 11'1 NIW R- York IO t•..CIOI l•ndlft9> MtlY tocl•Y. IKr•INMO Onl\11 1!111llH 1M:WH1 •trt p1miUIH . Siii llt.•C:ll\' UG111rdlt 1M N..,lrll •l•.orl1 "'"" Sil! Olno 1111 1111 rr11tr.oi111n •rt1 rt1111rlld S.11 F•11ic:llu norm&I -fl !lonl. SN1'tll S~t•t '""'°"'''-·wtlcl!tto•-•-trfKt lrom •~•r"-t111•••I tlllnbl1 11 tllf-1Mn111I nortl\"11 c.orntr ., Ofllo. W1thlntllll r _) ' ' " "' .. " .. .. " .. u ~ • • " " " .. .. " ,, n .. .. n n • \ Alf rms tncludO - porroUon le "11Yitla ' lh_ 111"¥ - ' - ·r .. . -- _r_,,_, ... --"~~J_u_M~18~,_1_'17_D~~~~~~~~D-A_IL~Y'--'Pl~LOI':.;__,~: ·-&1nbodia-Measure -"'"·--~':~--_. n.v~a~d_ !JY: f!aoded _K~p€J!~,~· -H ' • Co.mes Under, Fire ' ~rid Star, 19, Slain In Holdup Salk to Wed Picasso Gal LA .JOLLA ·-(AP-) -Dr. Jcrw Salk, developer of the Salk polio vaccine, and Fran- coise Gilot, a former mistress Plea for POWs ' EditoPial in V ietname$e -ol-aziist_J>a_!Jlo Picasso, plan lo be manied JUiy 9 in Paris. . . AltDmltic Ice : . Maker · lifts, tttzts, ~ cube1 llDo doof serwr. All •tomal· icaly..llo-Jlll..tlo SJM . 2L9 ca. ft wi1' 281-lb. sin fffli<:al Imler, lns than JS-wide. \ leading tntO It. From my watch_. I calculated thft we arrived at lhe house of captiy.. tty in about one hour." Von Holleben aaJd llthou&b lhe kidnapera prevented him from seeing their faces, be • could tell one was a woman. : • .. .Frost-Proof! 't011 leM delrost apill! Fuliy Adjustable. Shefm lllM DP Of .,.. ta fit toods of 1ny hti&fl~ SWlk:ll 1 plna-slze shelf to 1 Mtiet size shelf in secoMs. ss.98 88 Including Normal Installation • 411 E. 17th St • Cos.ta · Mesa ~. • .. t l nie~cost -of owl1ing ·a-new wiU .. never be_lower .. than rigld:-now~ A· spokesman for ihe Salk POTTSTOWN, Pa. (UPI) -lng's 40 page . edilloo. The l==='il>-01>1'lt!lo be<• coofi[ID<d.Ab.e '!'l>O-Pottstown ~. call-specially engraved appeal la ~p1aos-wedJ1eiidaY'~t-1ng l,,.lf,......,..iauvro<cail~oio='l'oo-Do!L~.j==='"" declined to disclose Salk s small town Am er i ca ri the p' re s i d e n t -of the whereabouts. Another source lss ed 1-,..---~: u--·bl. or N I.' said Salk. 56, was in Europe. newspapers, u a ~nuu •w.C £""'t"" . ic orth 'Miss Gilot, 48, bore Picasso page appeal today for the ·.Vietnam. two children during her 11 release of U.S. prisoners of South Vietnamese wjves of years with the artist. She war. The ' appeal · is in Viet· two former U.S. soldiers, Hv- described their life together nam~. ing in . the area; translated in her 1964 autobiography It is corrtained in a four the appeal frOm Erwlish to .. Life With Picasso." page· segment of this morn-their native tongue. Today's go-anywhere, do-anything Hush · Puppies.•· ' . •. BUILT IN COMFORT 'AND SO LIGHT WE I G H T ! SOMETHING DAD CAN ENJOY ALL SUMMER. llush.R.p w p.__ Lowest prtced full-size hardtop. ••4'111a True. The Impala .Sport Coupe.~ the l,>w<,>l p<;...J big 1iar<11op,...;1ablc. But dott\ let that fool you.. Because lmp&Ja offers more, much more, thaa·you"U 6Dd on aoythiag . else in its field. . · · · ' L.ike Full COil ride. A*'° Ventilation. 15.>hp 250 Six or big 25().bp 350 VS. R.icb wood-like trim on the in side. Jn~ fenders and ftusb·and~ry rocker paoe1s on the , outside. Stec.I guard beams in ~ doors. And traditionally the highest resale value of any car in its fieki. . ~-...4 Impala is America's IDOtit popular ca<. One dme and yoa'U """"' w1t7 that's a fad. Lowest priced mid-size hardtop. Chevele, $147 less*. Y oa can now get a new Chevelle Sport Coupe pric:Cd $147 kss* than our previous lowest priced hardtop. Or a CbeveUc 4-door that's SJ48 kss* than our previous lowest priced Cbevelle Sedan. Our new CheveUcs may be small in price., Bat look what you get: 155-hp 250 Six or big 200-bp 307 V8, AsLro Ventilation in the Sport Coupe. Full Coil ride. Side-guard beam door structure. Inner fenders. Steel cargo guard in 'the tnok. . And other. ttluc features that help make Cbe'YdJc csoqltioaally durable and dependable. Law11t .. lced CIMlll1olet. Nova, now reduced $159*. We bow it's hard to make ends meet these days. So Chevrolet is bdpinc oat by loWering 'Nova's price by SJ59-. · Witb tbele Novas, the previously standard day-night mirror, bias· bciMd ply tires, cip.rettc lighter aod seat belt retractors are still available ·-~ Yoe pt reatares on every Nova that you just ·won't fiod on those ... Her can. Features that make driving more enjoyable and «i0nomicaL See yotir Cbmokt dealer. lie'• anxious IO giw: you the best . , ' Lowest .. Iced ........ 3 .......... TOWllllllBI; · - The -priced, yes. • _ But it's still a Walk-in Wagon. Wbicb • 90mdbing ' tome of those expensive wasoos can't •Y· To enter ·our Walk-in Wasbn, just step in. Standina tan. And straight. Once in, you'll enjo)' Chevrolet's P1111 Co!I ride. Astro Ventilation. Body by Pilher craftamla.. ship. AD-vinyl interiors. Big 2SO.hp standard VI. Townsman. The low-priced wagon with al lbe ...... priced fcatures.•At your Chevrolet dcaler'L Pulling )'OU int, bcpo as 6rsL .. • I • "'11J.liere S/i~pping J.s _A. /Zaf P.f.aJure " 1052 IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH WISTCLIF~ PLAZA 5411614 pauriblc dcU..Now. · ... ·-~-. ---• • -·--~~on .. ~~~-~•.: .. ~11 .------'1 tlil Pflces, lncllldln& fed1111'8l 111xClie tlix and sugested Helef n .. V9hCle presier-tlmt • cherrps. -------· ,, I l Right.Car .• Right Prlce~.Right N~ow"---.'-. -~-• -----. ---------"'-'----------- ' , ·- ·Protection Is Costly -. Poll"" budgets continue to rise np and d..Wn '1.be Orange Coast, as elsewhere.acroos the nation. Reasons for the boosts vary from city to city as to ·emphasis, but all communities share basic reasons iii \ varying degrees, among" them ~ -Citizen demand for strict law enforcement, for the most efficient possible protection of life and proper- ! . ' y. -•. ~Prevalence of illegal drug use, lncludiQg especial· Jy the hard narcotic heroin. with the accompanying need -of the ad8ict>U> commit ctim'I' to support hiJ 'habit. -Rising cf!me ~therwise and for o~r r~n~ in a •ociety beset w1tll dissent and revolt aglllllSl established authority. -Population growth, necessit.ating expansion of po- lice personnel and facilities for that reason alone. '" How this complex of factors is affecting municipal budgets for policing is revealed locally in the following figures: . Huntington Beech: As the Orange Coast's · largest city with 114,540 residents (compated to 11,492 in 1980), Huntington Beach's total police budget In 1969-70 was $2,109,001 of which $1,801,338 was for personnel and pro- fessional services. The comparable figures adopted . for 1970-71 are $2.417,440 total police budget, of which $2,097,478 woold be for salaries and wageJ, Merit salary increases and 14 more police officers for the ,cpmi.ng year account for most of tile boost. Coste Meu: The Orange Coast's second largest city " (75,000 population) had a total police budget for 1969-70 , . ,l,MS,805,ln 1-.70 to $1,795,:lllO In 1970-71. Salary totals are ,1,425,SllO and,fl,485,785 for the two years. La...,. IMch: Now at about 15,000 population, La· guna had .a 1969-70 total budget of '449,912, ol which '384,254 was for "'8ges end salaries. Forthe coming year, the hucliet figure Is '516,338, including SOl'ne per· ·sonnel addlUona In resPQDse to public demand for more foot patrol, Of this amount, $457,130 woold be for wages and salaries. . . . • San Clamanta: (Population 18;000) For 1969-70, San Clemente ,had a total police budget ol '512,llM, of which $377,347 .was for salaries and wages. For 1970.71, with the Western White Honse to consider, the total police budget hu soared.to '$668,842, of which '487,020 is for salarjes and wages. But tile total includes some.$117.000 from, a federal crime control grant to upgrade police operations for the protec!lon of tile President. Pollet! helicopters are major ex~e items in Hunt- ington Beacl! and Costa Mesa and. likely soon will be in ~port Beach, for they have proved their efficacy in ffthtint crime. PaiJlful as it is to the taxpayer, the fact of life in the troubled world of 1970 is tllat protection of life, limb and property has a high, but costly, priority in the scheme of things. Voting Machines a Must The Coleman electronic vote tabulating machine.- which replaced hand-counting of ballots -has run its course. It can handle possibly one hall of Orange County precincts in the November election. .. , • . ' \ ., . - , • of $1,696,440, of which $1,428,388_ was for personnel and professional services. For 1m11, the· adopted1 total J>O"' lice budget totals $1 ,967,1165, of which $1,872,047 is for per- •onnel and p.Uesslonal services. Newport Be•eh: Now up to 50,000 population, New- port Beach's police bµdget will rn9ve from a total of Unless the county steps, backward, back to the hand· count, the answer for November vote counting, is tha phasing in of the automatic voting machine in at least hall of Ille 1 ,022 precincts. Without tllis -aid, 'county vote counting will again be in chaos. , THE RU88ER KIN6 President Is Thinking Far Ahead ' . Nixon's Keynote: Ref o·rm Ron' Ziegler Briefs the One Reason -Our WASHING'roN -Tboae who are peer· Ing Into Ibo hidden meaainp of hilh level penomel Ind mana..,....t chanps in the Nban administration will fmd nothing that Wll not already there. HE IS Nar WAITING,., the n•w . Reporters era, however,. to tie the main lines ~ Youth Smoke Pot No new directicwl. No shift in policy. Nothing but a de- 1.ermined . continua· Uon o( Nixon's initial ~fort lo get cootrol If policy-making_and adroiniltration in a central government which bu grown al· -beyond man-.,emenL 'I11at Wai: NJlaa's rorst objective whm . -=!iil=-~ . ' ,-so exclusively 1n tbe beglming that it oppeared he bad no.,.,,.,_ -than that Then piece by piece he pmenl· ed a massive program _d. reform. &f~ i5 the keynote of htS adminiltration. Now Con~ss is struggling with that program and Nixon is trying to put his house in order to carry on the admlnlstralk?n o[ reform. NIXON IS THOOUNG far ahead. A rt;cent visitor asked hlm what he. the visitor, should be ~inking about if he > wished to be prescient and ahead o( th• trend. One·after another, the visitor reported. Nixon reject('d the major topics of present concern which fill th e newspapers every day. 1lte war1 No, the war was being pbaled out. 'nlere wouldn't be much American involvement In combat a.year from now. The youth rebdllon? No, too much of foreign and domestic policy directly ... :1h"":·~ ~ ... -· ... ···~ to the White House. ? ... ;.«fr ...... Q"n, . l Speaking of young people, as I was The inatitution of the presidency ls z;n.• o;r:: ) yesterday, reminded me of the statement was already being written about it. 'l11e -being 'enhanced In many other ways. :Y; " ,~ by a 12-year-old heroin addict in New general public was out of sympathy Formality has increased at White House . Following is·~!'"" transcript of this York: "I started using dope because with the youth objectives. functio:ris. ~ ne~ en~ance lo the west morning's regular briefing of White my friends were using it, and I didn't , ei:ecutive wmg JS designed for the more . ~e ~y. No, there would be suf. Dignified recepdon of tl)gh ranking House· correspondents by presidential want to be left out." f1c~nt unprovement IOOn enough. . Visitors. Marines in dress uniforrp. will press secretary Ronald Ziegler, a 111ost kids begin experimenting with Finally, it came down to t~ m-stand at tbe gates u jhey do at American young, handsomt", likeable former pot as a way of · terlinked pntiema. race and ttime. The embualel abroad. '11le White , House Disne11land advertising executive. demonstrating that problema of nee .were 80 deep, their grounds are tept in apmtUng condition. Mil. ZIEGLER: 1 have a couple of an-they belong to the aolutian ~ nmote ~time, apecta~ ACl'Oll the ltrett La Fayette Park bu nouncemenll to make. First, the Presi-"in '' gr°'!p._ th.a,! ao blCft tblt a )nlident could delpair been brqnved as an tmpMlive vista dent wifts io· announce·that the world they are with it, of flndinc bis way. from tbe White Hollle. Nison has a •. will end a week -from next Tuesday. lhat they march Jn 1ta-=in=aio=e--olflc•= Serq>dly,_be It~ ~i!lled_a.-.mb.e..__l_h .•. vaaguarcl , ol IT IS IN TRIS LONG rsnge mood building adjoeent lo Ibo Whl1e Houae comm1t1ee lo investigale soil erosion Y o u lfTMOilem1l • that the President bu now let up What where be lludJes. writes and receives Jn Northwestern South Carolina 'Th Clnldren are t .h e -'·•be -~~ the~--~ Wbl'· visitors 1n-·1e ~· th ·. · e greatest conformist.! 1r_,,_ reg~ u -""6-11111 on a more .... '"' -1s an members oC the comnuttee are. • . . the Id d House staff in history. in his oval office. 1be Cabinet room Q. Excuse me, Ron, do you have in_ onf ;;:ng'to ~e Time will tell who is the most powerful, bas been redecorated and dignified. a time on that end of the woild thing?' E°:~b~ent is the way they now con· the President's Jong time associate, These outw..-d enhancements of the lrtr. Ziegler: No, I don't have one fonn to each other Robert Finch; George P. Stllltz u direc-pmid~y match its lnward systemiza. yet, Jack. I think I can say that matter -· tor of the · new Office of Management tion now carried into its ultimate form is under intensive study, I would assume, JN COMMENTING on this problem, and Budget; ·or, John El!rlichman as by setting up the Offtce of Management however, that it would be in the moming Prof. Raven McDavid of the University executive director oC the new Domestic and Budget and the Domestic Council. or the afternoon, if, of course, it is of Oiica(lo, makes an interesting and Council. All wlll be powerful enough · not at night. pertinent point in a receril ed~ational but the main eource of power will remain IN A SENSE, NIXON is thus trying Q. Will Billy Graham be with the bulletin. He suggests that our emphasis President Nixon. to will tnto existence what be said in. -P~ident when it happens? Qll "group activities" has stimulated the The President now has established the accepting the Republican presidential Mr. Zieg)er: I Ulink I would answer tendency of youth to copy one another administrative mechanism for going into nomlnalion and keyed to America's two-,your question this way, Bob. \Ve are eftfl more than they normally might.. I.he post-war, post-recession, post• hundredth birthday in 1976: "I see a in the process of reviewing the entire ",It seems to me," he writes,. "J!lat rebellion era which he evidently foresees. day when Americans are once again guest list and I have nothing beyond one of the sttortcomings of present-day He would like to will that era into proud of their flag. I see a day when that to give you at this time . educaUon, On almost every level, is the being so that his new mechanisms of the President of the United States is Q. Would you say the President was emphasis on groups at the expense of government could carry through the respected and his office ii honori.!d as stwmed by the news, Ron? individuals. Part of the process of gi:ow· mass,ive reforms he has already pro-the world's greatest symbol of liberty Mr. Ziegler: I wouldn't refer to the ing up. , , is learning to take groups posed. and justice." · President's reaction in those terms, with a certain amount of skepticism, George. I think I could .say that the and acquiring the power to l\•alk away Moving Against Pollution President and Mrs. Nixon were con· from them (those who are loudest in cemed. The President has already in-asserting nonconformity are often the dicated his concern for the world in most tyrannical in imposing their own many ways. This is, of course a con-kind of conformism}.'' tinuing procedure. Thus 1 think I can say that both the President and Mrs. Nixon have expressed their com:em ab9ut the present situation. But I woulU not 1 WAS STRUCK BY much the same By ROBERT MONAGAN (. ~ ·;;;;. .c ···~ -. 'Resoorce.s Bosrd e.tablish llmil• on the thought not long ago, when t attended a film showing at my children's school. Five high school youths were standing up in the aisle behind me, ta I k i n g to friends, aod each was idenUcally barbered and attired in hippie ityie; "' that they resembled ludicrously overgrown quintuplets. They were just _._a, regimented .as if all had beea, we@:OOg _ the same Brooks Bros. suit or military • school uniform. It is hard not to agree with Prof. McDavid that our educational (and social) emphasis on 1 •group · ac- tivities" has unwittingly subordinated the _individual to his peer-group and made him more ashamed than ever before to be his own person. A DMITl'EDL Y, there are many llther factors moving young people to pot_ and its even more dangerous sequelae. But the .high sii.nction we confer on "group· activities," and. the censure we give .to the individual who prefers tc> go bb pWn way, IW'ely must contribute tb the growing problem or addiction as a form of imitative peer~onduct. ll is ironic that a nation that preaches "individualimi" so ardently in the .marketpla~s ~ intolerant of in- dividualism in any other area of social life, looking with approval upon the "joiner" and with suspicion upon the "loner." Since all revolutions take on the color of. the regime they want to overthrow, it-is scarcely an at'Cident that our youth dissidents entbusiasticaUy "join" in the pot parade. AnemblJ Speaker :~ 'l 1 amoWlt of certain hydrocarbons in State efforts lo combat air and water ! Guest-Re~ ' gasoline used in the Los Angeles 80Uth .... uution in California were accelerated \ ~ . . , "' coast area. The other bill ,requires the b, action on the floor of the Assembly. ~ ,. .• ') Board to set standards for gasoUne-that Several measures dealing with the en· . . . would pennit evaporation cont r o I use. the term "stunned." Q. How 's it going to happen Ron? Mr. Ziegler. I am not prepared to give you the details on that now, Pete. The collective discussions regarding that Hippies Begrime Hawaii ,, vironment have been approyed and sent -cosl $.1 to $5 billion over the next hve systems on automobfte tnginal to wort lo the Senate. lo IO years. . . . -more efficiently. · One of the most Important bills tG These were the first reahs~1c estimates And legislation was •.-o~ by the. clear the lower houle was a ~poeed to be presented tq the _Legislature, a~d Assembly that would vitiwlly ban all $250 million bond lSlue 'for local sewap the first concret~ warning to~the~public outaii:le burning of waste materials after treat:meot plant construction. that the war on pollution will be Jong: December 31, 1971. -· A lot ha been said "during the past and . expensive: So, the P~ $350 two or three yMl'I to the effect that million bond Jssue. can be COQSidered tomethinl bu to be done to eliminate .a down payment and a test of our po11ution. art only a few or dme people commitment . to improve the quality of jalltlng alx>ut c__lftnlng up the en-our MllTOUIMlings. • \'lronment haveffiadi any reference to~--=--,'lbe purpose_of the bond Jssue 1s -lo how much it WGU1d COIL or )Vhere the provide financial assistance to local cozn.. .........., would come from munities that are desperately In need ............. -' or new waste co!Jection and water trea~ IN MAllCll OF tills year. the Asoembly Select Cominittee on Environmental Quality reported tJ)at eliminating pollu~ lion and presel'Vin& the environment will ----Thursday, June 18, 1970 ment Jacilities. IN 1111, Congress passed the Clean Water Restor@Uon Act to authorize a stepped-up program of federal assistance for the construction of waste treatment plants. Under the Act, Ille federal government t>IYS 30 percent of a pro- ject's cost. HoweVer, if certain condlUons are met oP water quality standards, , . and the state participates in the pro- Jttlm, the government will pay up to 5$ percent o( construction costs. The The tditorial paot: o/ the Dail11 sbte's share would be 25 pe"tcen(, leavinc PJlot 1Hlcl to bl/arm and ttim-only 20 percent to be financed at the ulat.t: noden f'I pr:1smt1ng thi& loca l level:-- uwrpa:prr'• opmioN and com-The bond issue would permil lhe Slate ·m<•taril Oft topi<I of inkrHI to participate iA -the·-amr Slmllar 01Wi lillfl/U:ttflu, 1>11 prool<lmg • - -bo'i.t !slues !lave been approved In New forum for IM tzprt1rio• of York and or.goo. · our f'fodert' opiniont, and by prt1tndno the diverse view- , points oJ fnformtd obltrvtr1 atld ~M-""'• •7J..W.Pi#..RL th< dor. · 11abort N • .Weed. Publialler TD ASSEMAY alto approved loglslallon tbot """Id give new pow<,., and 1>Ponilbljltics_ to the Stat Air_ Resources Boa.rd. Two of the anti-smog bills provide tor state regulation over I.he component! of g•~lint. One measure would b11ve the Air SINGLE AND lwo-!amily homes WOllld be exempt :Wider the bill, permitting local · g...mmenta lo adopt ~ir own recuJatlons on bacl<yard burnln(. But agrlcuJtunil burning ww1d be more closely reguloted by the Air Rmurces Boin! . Whilt: the legislation I have discussed is now pending in the Senate, I think that it is clear that members of lhe Assembly are responding lo the crisis in our environment. and that the public is getting more than just lip service. Dear Gloomy Gus: Tell J. L. G. (Gus, June 9) to check HIS hlltory! 1-le .asserts co'~rilu· nlsm likes hold because ol apat.hy, -oot b:tJ,ln'I BolsheVlt coup-was a direct result of radicil activism similar to lhe.t we are experiencing today -anarchist bombings, one or which killed the cur, wtio was ~ ·.attempt!_ngJ_o m@lce social re!orl!!!. -History Studeot are llill in a tran sitional phase-. The To the Editor : President· has said he did not • want Maui, Hawaii officials, last WMk, call· to indicate whether • . . ed out speci1J forces of mounted police Q. The QuiDcy News-Letter has a story including qualllied ranchers and hunters saying we're going to gel sm1cked by to patrol ·the island's fresh water streams a giant meteorite. wti1dt have been seen begrimed ("in· Mr. Zlesler: I cannot cOnfii'm that filtrated" was the word they used) by story. t have no amplification to give hipPies in the d~ beet country. Lc_ttm trOm rtadnt arc welcome. Normally torilen 1"°111d convtt1 thrir mtsaoges in 100 words Or te11. The right to condtme letkrs to fit space or eHminat1 libel i8 f'eserwd.. Alt leC- ter1 must include signature and mci~ ing address, but names may be witJt.. held on rtquest i/ sufficknt ,easm1 is apparnt.. Poetry wiU not bt pubo lilhtd. you. According to Walluku cou1eilman Q. You can't confirm it or you won't~ Joseph Bulgo, the recent outbreak of .Mr. 7Je&ler : I am speaking from this dysentery on Maui lias been ttaced to standpoint: My discuulons with the the hippie population and the island's President and others this morntng led streams are so dirty and disease ridden me tO make the statement that I cannot that there is fear that the drinking confirm that story, I have nothing beyond -water may be becoming contaminated. that to give you. Q. Don't you, have any liaison with the President? Mr. Desler: We are: continuously work- lnc for JmproVement.s, Sarah. Q. About Billy Graham, lton. Can you aay whether he's being considered 10< the RUtsl !tat! Mr.,Zlepr: I would certainly be one t1J enc:ourife the. President to seek spiritual g11idance at Uiis time. Herb. However, that ls his decisJon. ~ Q. What .about cameras Ron: You going to have form~ picture taking in' the Rose Garden? Mr. -Zltgier: l will be able perhaps o give-you guldafiee on lhat next Thursday, Church, but 1 have none to give you now. My furthey questions?' Q, Aboiit,. that South Carolina soil erosion thing, Ron, is It part of the President's Southern Strategy! -~. Zltjle\',.-~-1s. as I have stated it, to study .. soil erosion. . Now ~. namt& o( the cocnmiUet members ire •• , .. ' I ' BULGO HAS called o• the Stale Department of Health to constitute a through the • 1VaiJable observation of quarantine for hippie arrivals in Hawaii natural s · · d bi such as they have "for horses pecimens m I COIJU!>en a Y • · • .. acctptable habitat. and dogs: .. , his forms the base o( One of the"' The Big Island of . Hawau has . its -most-promising amusement. par·ks devia- troublts loo, necessi~tlng camping ed to date. On a beautiful day it ii permlls. The effect · is expected to the most aesthelic commeri;ial .am~ decre1~ th:. n~mber., ~f permanent ment i have ever known. E~ery facllit1 campgroulld . res1den~. is lastefully provided . A n,ew ordmar:ice tnll grant two-week EVELYN GAYMAN c1mP1n1 permits f r o m September .• through May and.a one-week visi t permit from June throu(h August. In the past ·-'11 f;eorse --~ t~ere.have been no reslrictfo.s on. cam-_ _DenrJieOrgc: ping 1n the couaty parks on the uliiid Whe · 1-,~nd--, -h-~·-• of Hawaii re can 11 a nice u~ ... nu. · DIE DRE REED one who likes lo stay ·home at . R night an4 be a compenioft to his UOR Co11Rtrv Safari wile! OLD-FASHIONED To .the Editor: ' _ M·las( Disneylllld hu been trumped! Real life has proved triumphant oyer papier·-ht: our Lion Country Solorl is an ~vancc io wholesome diversion.. ' rJ Otar Old-Fash ioned: Well, It's a challenge. Actually,: most or thc.m stf,y home at nl&hts With their wives.' . . , .. s • Stage-Set ' For Senate ' . Budget OK • ..... · lTicket F~aud--Rings ; Broken in LA Area , LOS ANGELES (AP) -tidreta wMl> ll00.11111 aloot1 Police say the 1rmt ol el&ht rill three stolen -lo pencm may have broken up validate 'them, 1be eight ar· SACRAMENTO (AP) -The only one of several large 1Cale rested were booked for ~ atage wu set ror Senate-ap--airline ticket !raud_riPu v~J!gatlon of forgery. proval of a c ompromise. operaUng from the Los The ring slretched. from version or Gov. Reagaii's $1.47 Angeles area. , California to the Ea~ Cout, billion budget tod ay after a· Officers $lid W~ay , offi~n said, and t'OUld hlive barrage of D e m o c r a t i c that they confiscated 881 been · involved In the theft o~ ,criticism. nearly 10,000 tickets worth a· Democrats succe 'eded · Wednesday in shoving $135 As mbJ p ) B ks p6t.ential $7 million. million more Jn edu~lon se y ane ac Police said that s 1 n c e fund! into the budget, bllan-. · November 11169, 9,IOO tkilo1' cing it with a long list of have been stolen , f J o m lndlvidUil cuts and •by im-Anti" -V1"etnam War Bill American; Trans World. and posing an across-the-board slash of 1.5 percent on budget· Western airlines. cootroUed expeadittns. SACRAMENTO (AP) .,..._ must nau to become law. "It was common knowledle 1bo\agh De rP o c rat s con-·Despite P"*5tl of · wteran· The~mbly G<MITllnf!lt anxq Studio people and grallllated t!lemselves .fer o1> . ~~-Ca"~'-N , Adm tnWratlon Comm!Uee music -1e that bllf'--TioOI ~-'-~ ~-~ -•• ·-pulpl 5 N ... --. • .. ~r ,. -.. """~ .-.i.c ~ ~ v«.ed Wednelday to fPve Che tickets were-available''-~ -· they e1pmsed regret ,. -Guard AllocialioD, 1 Vaocoocellol bW and a cmn-at .falling ·10 ~ state·. biU '4sal~ .. t be • con-pan io n me a a u r e by most buyers thou•t they welfore apending another 118 --lity of Jhe Vietnam Aalemblyman BUI Greeoe (D-wero getting a ltgttlmale dio- million;. . war hU paased 'its ftrsl Los Angeles) "Do pa.g" <'Ollll! becauoe the . ring .ld- "IV•· I l-d b u d g e t , ' '-· )egislaUve test. recommendaUon!. Qlainnan vertlsed that it ·bad cm- Jame!lted Democratic caucus The bill by Assemblyman. Carl Br!Ltdlgi (R·Redwood Ci-nections with the airlines, leader. Mervyn Dymally (0. John VA.Sconcellos (D ~San ty), abstained. police said. Los Angeles). Jose) would prohibit the sen-1;==================:;!1 A two-thirds vote was \-e. ding of any California resident quired to pass the fisca l 1970-into a foreign combat zone 71 budget out o( the 40-without Congress declaring member house. war. . Today's floor debate. an<! The bill -similar to a vote set the stage for final recent Massachusetts law - resolution of the budget battle, now goes to the Assembly ·possibly next week, by a joint Ways and Meam '°°1ffiittee, committee of three senators · the aeoobd « seven testa it and three assemblymen. The conference committee or four Republicans and tWo ~mocrats will be appointed following routine Assembly re- jectiOn of the Senate's version of the budgel. LA Council OKs Funds UCRiverside Tentatively Graduation Unorthodox RIVERSfDE !AP) -Com· mencement exercises at the University ol California at Riverside were not exactly nonnal Wednesday. Coed Nancy Ann Curtis, wearing a bikini , accepted a master's degree, and lrv Hall, -dressed in coat, tie and bright red undershorts, was given his advanced degree in sociology. William F. Buckley, author- publisher-commentator. to I d students, '1Rea90n may not save us but the a.bsence or -reason win not save uS.'' About 50 students left TOW<r Mall in a boycoU as BuckleY spoke. Another group o f students presented him with a live pig. While Buckley spoke· a tear " gas canister exploded near the podjum. No one was hurt. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The City Council Wednesday night gave tentative approval to a $522.3 million budget car- r ying a deficit of at least $24.9 million when it voted to end three days and nights o( wearying deliberations. The council gave up the struggle to trim more money from the spending program for 1970-71 proposed by Mayor Sam Yorty after it made cuts totalling $22.2 million. The deficit of $24 .9 mi!Uon , however, could go, up by another $15.6 nu1lion if the council goes ahead with a pri> poeec1 dlange and iocreaae in the police -and· firemen's salary structure and a pay rabe for lower-echelon city employes. -~~~~~11 Because of the ·detailed changes required by the ~ ell pairings, the official budget resolution is not eipected to be ready for adoption until Saturday. After I.hat, it will go to the mayor,. who has five days to send it back with any vetoes of council actloris. Plush Velour Robe by Charles Rabin Behind Ille -Dad wllllove the IUXUIJ or this luatroua ..,_ rllbe. S!ylad with Ille llafr lll1d comfort or.the kimono. Machine washable Amel acetate lll1d nylon, one afze Ills alL Blue, Nd, JVllOW $28 By Po111lar demand • . . . we again· offer this unusual vakle $11rto1J11ded I.., 11111Jl111 Dl111 ••phhirM or r11bi1•- $4SO Budget Term1 Arranaed ..-- MUf4TlfrtflTM <•MTI• h1c11 a llllllW " ......... a..dl ...... Fl111 roufld d i11t1ond •'"' t•114rltl D•t"''"-'° • • • I with 111th:hi11t wltlcli11t rint- . $12'5 MAlllOll SllO .... IN• ,.,., ... -, ................ . Ct1NI ,,__ - o,_ M ... , TIMtn., M . 10 'tl1 t P·•· Leisure .Loving Suit Oii llage end oll hours, Dad relex11 In this easy- going one place Jump 1u1t;_ With 1hart sleeves, eluffclzad walalband plus roomy patch pock- ets lore and Ill In 11Iky 1moot11, waohable poly. Illar and cotton pop- lln with dlatlncthe embrolder8d Cl9I!. Merine blue, · avocado green, l'Ull, gold, btaok, i · S,M, t;XL.. S11 . .----• SOUTH COAST PLAZA', Coil• MH• ANAHEIM, lro•dw•v·An•h•im Center -LAKEWOOD, L•kewo~od C•nt•r _fl) • • ' ..• ( Thursday, .hint )l!I, 1970 DAILY l'lt.OT 1 toBlilck & Decker• power tools SAVE on ll1et1 • Dtcklr. Shrub I. Hedp r rmmer. New low ori«I · on this 13• singJe. edge· ulmmer. Fin..,. tip switch, side hand le. Weighs . less than 5 lbs., cutsat3600 strokes a minute. U-172 Nowonly · 1499 your ' choice 99_. each FREE FANCY GIFT WRAP ll1ok & U.Ckir Flnlshln1 Sander · Baautifully balanced for operatlnj: ease 1n eny poslt!on. Orbital action permits flush sanding on 3sides'forflne fini~ Ideal · foranyhandYman. (U.140) Was $19.99. NoW only $14.99. Blick• Deeklr Ji& Sawwitb Tlltln1 Shoe Cuts comers or curves wherever 1 you draw the line-on wood, m,etal, plastic. Woodcutting blade1 flex wrench, and h'older lncluaed. Makes bevel cuts to 45•. (#7515) ONLY $14.99. l ltttllfcl• .. 111ral·P••-•n Handin tbose b11 euttlnc )Qb1 Wlfl-.::1000- lllL 1\~"' tombin1-1Jon blfl!s lneludtd. (;:,JOI) V1JM priced It "" 24a1 ., ....... 1'4" Drill C'rert 1111tnJ. Plll'PGH chill If 1 r1m1rtlllllt prJce.. • 0!111111111111trilll fllt and Kair1t11J. (;;1000) Oll7 7Jt . GREATEST GUY ~EBER JEXAI KETILE 49.15 • cover reflects heat, cooks lhe flavor in not out! Adjustable dampers Ulll I '"""' ..... C-NL 6-4731 In THE WORLD regulate heat, save charcoal. Rubber·tired wheels. 22M • dlam. top grill 29'· high. Jet black porcelain. (Oll Outdoor lighting you never thought you could afford! ~· A quality system ~u instaTI--yourself ••• in minutes, with complete safety. "o pennlta, c:onclult or dlalna neceaatY.,. juSt ptua In! • UL approved 12 volt system ebSOluttly lhoekproof, child u fe! • Thell Sow volt.tit tits n complete with larJe sealed bum lllhta, color ""-(Imber, seen. des, plnlflnd blue), Welttwoo proof, shcd!pioof c:1bl9, tl•4fou1• wi1h on-off 1Wltch or 1utom1tlc tlmw, 1fUM1 ltakel Ind wall tnckets • UM this ueltln& new lllht from UW. Glint In domnl of ways throulh- •out tN JW le< 11CUri1J ond --· four --.. ---.- .. •• --. OTHER MODELS FROM $32.95 GIVE DAD A 3M BOOKSHELF GAME ' "JOIL'" f, fh t c.htllt119l1t9 111w f tll'le .f -"'• •M wtt.. "'''r i1 pift.d •t•intf pl•v•r -111d fiJll• -•• 1Mh ' f0111u wOrf.11:'. 'wilh .. l•tt•r c1rd•, tti111 1cr1111Wt1 ftit111 to '' • 0 IL'' hi1 oppo11t11h. loolnhelf ca11 co11tti111 ''"'' lio1rcl, pro p1riy c1rd,, w1r4 holcl1n, ti111tr, tr1y 1111111 1 .. .1tr11ction.. A JM IOOISHW aAML . • • Other 3M Gamos • Ay11I1bt1: ACQUIRE-FEUDAL-HIGH llD . THINKING MAN~S &OLP' HOURS: 9.9 MONDAY :FRIDAY;9°6 SATURDAY; 10·4 SUNDAY .. . ' , •• • . , • • ~. GRCCK l WUTCLIH PLAZA '42·2444 NEWPOml INN ..... '" Small Select Perfume , dick · ./ Tops ve~oon-s ' sroRTSWEAR WESTCLIFF PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH • .. -. -r (/ Phone 642·1197 . . ) - ' . 'one-stop' shopping at :its finest! • • • OPEN THURSDAY AND MONDAY EVENINGS ., I -t71 '/ ' ! ./ \ * HALLIDAY'S * . $'1 . . / \ Our collection of Silk Neckties from Talbott In The Carmel Valley :la made to our own exacting specl· ficatlons. · ' Veta's INTIMATE APPAREL WtlldHI "-•• ~' ....... _ ...... _ Each necktie is lndlvldu8.lly hand-cut a~ ii hand· made. The silks are bnported fl•om England, Switl• erland and France. Our selection rang~ from a conservative thrtt and one-hall inch \lo'idlh to a fuller, more stylilh tour inches. Select from a broad choice of patterns and colour- ings to satisfy the mOfit discriminating man. Talbott: Repps, Foul.arch and Trinity Twills from ''·" 17t\I I IRVINE AVE. -WESTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT IEACH PH. 64S.07tt • Hours: lo.6 :hlon. & Thurs. 10·9 a:· a erta WISTCLIFF PLAZA 541-1365 "Laces by Rebecca" e C.refully -• C.r1!111ly e C.1u1I - ) , .. .. I ... .·For Father ,It's the Rolex Day-Date. .w ... n by ....... who 1ulde . tho deltlnleo o f t h o world. Av•11'11olo only In llkt. ..... .. plotlnum. Its 311-fo..i ..ff.winding chronometer "'°"'"9nt Is -lolly corliflod lot' eccur~. Date Md dey of ........... spollMout In full, chonge outom .. lic•lly ot mldnlth1. 'Tho Oyster <•M Is IMlvkluo~ ly testwcf and tuarent...I lo • depth di 165 loot.• With oxcluslvo lmrt, pld bracelet, $1,225. 'i' (ROI.BX) Mt:MSIUI: Of' TMI' AMllUCAN Oll!M.SOCllTY CHARLES R BARR WritCtilrPIW , Nc:--por11 Beach, C..1if. . ' :l.11 Marihe Aven-. •ubo& 111..., Clllf. • 1 • :·' " . • .•. f .. .. ,- ' : • -· . , " ' , !-, ' , - , . • ' . . • . . ---~ --.. .-. -llmndaf=.:.;' -;;:::::..:l;::.8:~19.:..:70 ___ • __ _:DAILY OILOT .. -.. . . ... . .. • . ' . . . . .. t . ~ • • " • • • • ( . • . ·' :· . . . . • . • ~, • .. •• c , . . ' I ' J • ' • , ~ , ' , • • . • ' ., . ' • ~ • : I • < . ' ' • I -- • MOit motorlata have read and heard about 1. CAN f.310 tlELP GIVE SMOOTHER IDU.NG? eaaeiitiaily lie'! car condition by 1Jl9YIWi:lng1:ha bai!d:l!!f Gt how F-310* reduces exhaUlt emissions from Dr.Kane:Y.ES.F-310helpsremove1:had8Poeitllth&tBJBcme ~C1epcaitaihatc:&11111poorperfm11!M!l8, . dirty-Ines and hel .... keep clean en..iw Ofthemaio:causesofroughidling.~youdonotllll8F-31D,. 7,CAN·N'IOHELPAif ... GINELABTL .... -••-th-deplmtacangraduallybuildupmJOllfcarburetorand • · · . "'" ONGIR7 clean. But what elM,can F-310 do? Answer: .PCV (positivecrin!rl'Ml!veatilation) vBlve. 'lbiscausestbe Dr.~:'l/ES.F-310aml!eepoilrlnpllildall- H can lmpr0¥e over-ell engine petfomr11111ic:e;;ia· .:---•en1111,11siJ"neie·tobamgaaoHnelnellicientJy,alowdown,aDdvibrata --cl.Mn.~iia .Jnbricate~qineputabelt.,ml Hn two Chevron Raearch Coinpany ICfen· F..s1ohelpste1DOVe t.i-deposita,idleepeedi:etm111 llllllm'o :=i.w .. ~~ •~ ~ ~-demqhwtoql•• ma!, engine smooths out. You can feel the dilfenmcel · .. _ .,...,.., mps el!ID!Mte this problem f.o help...,.... Ulla who developed F-310 tell you how; 2.1 DREAD STAWNG IN TRAFFIC:CAN F-310 JaR lqer. . . , . 1 _ HELP? · . 8.-DOl!S A CAR MAYE TO BE SMOKING Bl!FORI! Dr. Kane: Engines at.all when the idle speed drape fa> Joir, · F41D CAN IMF'llOYI! PERl'ORMANCI!? Whendepositsaretheproblem,F.SlOiathelllllWl!I'. . J?r.Kane: NO. Viaihle11Mkeitlndkativeofm:l:iwClllll- 3. CAN F-310 REDUCE REPAIR AND · . ~ Bllclt llllOke ~be t.empararil,yemed byJll!dwnkll -MAINTENANCE COSTS 'I . adjustment. B~ this doem't clean tb'I PCV v8l'l8 or aubcP · · retor, and eventually further 8dj118bm11B IDB mt efttdlt& Dr. Kane: YES. For example, F-310emptacarbaret.aral· F-310£0l!ll to work Jong befcn this caaditicm " dwl bJ most as clean as boiling it oat mechanlcally. F-310 can also l'8lllOrin( or pr8ventiDg c1epm1b. Which caule 2 wmb. remove deposits from lhe critical PCV Vl1"a mid from · · · . · . · · int.eke valves and porl& CJMliing or i:ep1ac1Dg tl1el8 puta I. MY CAR GIVES OFF BLUI! 8MOICI!; D0!8 IT • . could otherwise be Vfll'1 costly. AFFECT PERFORMANCE AND CAN N-ta HD.Pt 4. DOES F-310 IMPROVE MILEAGE? Dr.~: Bl~ l!Mke '"!""'oil la fii1111illf, -DJ Dr. Kane: YES. A dirty enginewastell gllO!lim, eepecia]1y ua~nng~wbichallawa~ t.optilllioti. · sto d .. ..:..:ftw ·B· 1 · dirty . _.._ and combustion chamber. This 11 a IBV8l'B engme peib11-m p-aD ·go~ .. ....,. yceamng engme,,......, _,.,,_ · d 'obfor ha· helping keep clean engine parl8 clean, F-310 helps Yoll 118e ...,.,.,..,... an 8 l ~ l!!fCtl!C, not for F-310. lhw1hi• ,_ !in h · "'"ftW d-'--~...... t yoa may alao -white ahaUlt. This la~ WllW ...., gaso e w en your car 11......,.. an w""" yoa unve a .vapor and moat cars emit aome when they fint 1fart It speeds up to 25-30 miles per hour. Most cars llPl!l!d a lot of doesn't mean anything is """"'"with up. time in traffic, so Yo1I can -how important this saving is. . n•v-o your car. s. CAN F-310 BOOST POWER?· CAN OTHER INQR!DIENT8 (ADDITIVE8) IN Dr. M;i{heraon: YES. As cars acc111111llat.e mi!Attge, depo!litll can r up &round the intake valves and port& This re- stricta the flow of the air/fuel mixture, depriving the engiM of the n8ceau.ry fuel and «<&llllingareductionin power. F-310 can nmove these deposits and tlllt«e the bt power. I. CAN F-310 HELP MAINTAIN Nl!W CAR PERFORMANCE? OTHER QASOUNE8 DO THE SAM! olOB OF IMPROVINQ PERFORMANCE? Dr. Kane: NO. Initaabilitytocleanclirf;yeng!Mputaml JteeP CJean engines cleen, F-310 la-e&ct.ive thin~ other additive in any gaa>line that we lmmr or. We ..,. pmduced indes)iiiiil8ilt iCienti& pOOl cf oar-..i.luw tar F-310. Others have made !limllar deinw fer otlllr !'ddillew, bat DO one has CXlll8 forward wffh iDdspendaS pad tlld webaVB-. · Amw!nr--.-F-310mlmsbperr..-at i..-n.o1CbltnmR1 rdlCompmy,.,.Dr.E.D.~Pnoldent, a.mmR n:b,mlllr.J.H.Macpbemon, Vke-PM!dent; Dr. Macp&eraon: YES. Of oowae, F-310 cailnot lower ihe exhaust emu.Ions in a l18llV car below the l8'el for which ihe engine waa delligned. But F-310 ~help keep &'-car in . F-310illpatmt.ed,andweha18c&nldtomabft ...... to other oil compmia .,~, 411 1-I 0 lllrN/ .... 0 • S'S ·-. -.. · F·31D~ Cleaner Air-.:mil 1mpi'ovad englm 1111 fori1mnce,tool F-310 was developed to reduce exhaust emiBBions from dirty engines and to help keep clean engines clean. This is an important contribution to cleaner air. But we illlo belim that cars should -· · -·· -be a pleasure to drive, and not a constant iource of expense. That's why we are pleased to pro- . vide extra performance benefits with F-310. A big plus for motorists who use Chevron with F-310 • . . Chevron • ----. -... -~---· .. 4 -· ----.... . ·-. ·------··-~,. ' . . ,,. .. .. . . I .. -.... --.. ) • • -..... _ • , • - I \ • ' \ • • ' --· . DAILY I'll.OT T......,, -18, 1970 . . ~ .. ' eounty Needs More Fire Stations By JOANNE J\EYNOLDS year, Ost.ennan said, •.ooo t30,000 each and tt46 100ll a: piece and Red llill and e-0mpletion that year at a cost ot • ...,, ....., ,..., wou}d be needed to finance· would be spent to acqulre the northeast Mission Viejo sta: of $144,000. 1 SANTA ANA-'lbt mcreu. aite· acquilltiom for a at.tloo site for the station-and tiOn$ would be built for The final year of the plan, Ing growth nto in Orange In tile north Cap-area lrainlnl center In .El Toro, 1132,000 each. 1974-75 would see conslructlOO County comtruciioD will l'elUlt (127,000), ooe ill the north D.uiag the same filcal year. Included in that year's or Nigqel No. 2 'and Laauna Jn the ~.:; • :: = Irvine uea ($30,000) and a llltions would be cOnltructed' buqet is the station and the J1ills No~ 2 stations for $148,000 c_ount~ fll't -~-El -tblrd In tbe-Vllencilarea-in we -north '1l'\llne JNt...t.i•I· irst-teetion of--the training each .__~rgpletion of t~ third Open Mon.-Thun. 91.m.-4 p.m.; Fri. 91.rl\06 p.m. live years, iccordbii to mer · ·----, phase or the training cent.er "' Osterman, county fire wanlelJ.. ($Zl,000). • aru, Valeocia· and north center in El Toro at a cost for $l20,000 and acquisition of l aUl•A PARK ~UNTINGTON aUCH Osterman said -the county A1lo included in the 1970-71 ~apiitrano at the cost ot or $170,000. two additional sites at $42,000 J Mercury Savings.Bldg.' ..., s_ Mercury Savings Bldt . • wu m· danger al falling behind budget would be coostru~ ,...,000 each. . . In 1973-74 fi&Cal year~ second each. Valley View a't Lincoln " , ·. . . . Edrna.er at Beach 00' its $2,306,000 five-year plan ol a 1125 000 station neer the ·The . 1172-73 bud,et of sites in Laguna Niguel and r=========;::;I becluie of Ille rapid growth ' _ · 1510,lllO would be expended Laguoa Hills would be ac-THE ',.,EST * * * * * * * * * · * * * * * * * ta residenUaJ areas. 'tile 12: North American R 0 c k " ' 1 t fqr two lites and three &ta.. 'quittd at $40,000 -each and D propoeed stations will brlnt plant in Laguna Niguel and Uons. . -the SolJtll Coast Station would R••denltip poll1 pro~• .. , ••• II---_; _______________ _ ·to 39 the number ol facilities an additional $12fi,OOO to Sites for · east UJUversity be const,ructed for $136,000. ~uh" i' one o'f tlt1 world'1 mo1t Tod ' s ks T--d servinll' the. fU"e protection replace the Loi Alamltoe 1ta-. area. and SGutb Coast stations -The secood section of the popul•· C:O!lliC: iiripl. R••d if • ay s < toe 0 ay --. d•ilv i11 th•· DAILY PILOT. '----"~-.,_. s gt. tht count.Ji., lion. • ' wOukl COit the county $38,000 training center is also set for Jn 1 report submitted to Jn 1971·'12 the plan calls for 'the county Bo a rd of a capital ouilaJt of $600,000 Supervlsofs, Osterman also for acquisition o( three sites said a training center would and comtr:uction ol three sta- be buUt over a three-year lions. . perio& ·~ -part of a propoeed Sites lit the Red Hill area atatioft in the' El Toro area. and northeuf MiMioD Viejo During ii. 1mn liacal 1n slated for acqullitlOn al • I . 'Reprieved'-Fullerton • • l Cour.t Opening Agail! _Seeks TlUe Nina Guerina is among young ladies who will compete for Miss Or- a nge CountY title June- 27 at Koott's Berry Fann In Buena Park. Winner will go to Mils California Pageant· in July. ~te winner will go to Miami, Fla.. \o compete.. in Miss -Uni.- \'erse Pageant .. For. The Recora Meetings THuttlDAY StJ. StmM -..... Jude Men'• c..._ f'1rlll'I H41ff, J21 llfh St,, Hunl1111JOll ... ch •• p ..... Ortlttd Sltlft A~ '*""""• "lllM 11, C1lll, Flillllr1I Sa"'--1ld LMn. ,;•OD Hlrtlot aw .. C-'9 M-. 7:11 ·-~ ARBUCKLE I< SON WetlcllflM-.,.,. 4%7 E. l'ltll St., Ctlil Meta ..... • FULLERTON -Fresh from available one day a week for its reprieve by ·the state t he hearing o{ pr o b a t e , Jegi~. the F u 11 er t o n default , adoption and other branch rl. lbt Orqe County nontrial matters. "It's also ~ Court will bl back: available for trials, but tt hap. in b1111Wu Friday. pens to be aome umpteen Preskilng Jud1• William C. years since anybody_ever ask- Speirs today assigned Judie ed for a trial at FuUerton," Claude M. owens to take this the dis~ court offtcial ad· week's caJeivlar. ·Jud I e ded. Owens, it wu noted by Superitw''Court offic~ and Superior Court administrator almost ;tiU-the -coort's judges Leslie McCartney, will have have 16ng opposed what is exactly two cases for dispoli· coosidered to be a highly : lion---both 10 Jillnutt -wasteful operation -at -the ' defaults. Fullerton branch. C o u n t y Mc C 1 r t n e y said the aupervi:aors closed the branch Fullertoa branch will be court in the interelt of , economy and convenience. ! Killer, 15, Committed . . lntoCYA SANTA ANA -M~ than 150 varieties of trees have been approved !or planting in Orange County's parkways, median strip& end green areas Reopening of the Fullerion division was achieved with Gov. Ronald Reagan's signing or the bill submiUed by Assemblyman John V. Briggs IR-Fullerton). That measure was pUSed despite the op. position of the California Judicial CounciL For Vets BAt.TZ•MOllTU'AJIJll!l--V-bY Ille county Board o! Corolla· del .._. OB Wiii Supervisors. CMa M .. · Ml uat ;,;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;;1 • BELL BllOAD'llAY . MORfUARY. UI BIMclWIJ', c.ta Mm LIMm • Dn.DAYBBDl'llDS HallqtooVllley l'llll '='-· _......,_ IQ.'1'171 • PAanCVIEW lllDI01llAh PARft Cmrlll'1 •........, . • r.:.';ft.-. 1'iOwport -. c ., .... ... • PEmEr..._,. COLONIAL ftJND&r; ---· ... W"'•I !t ...... •• --, ... ~ .__ --.. aem 1 · w . .. 11111'11111' llkiSn1in "'_ .. 3 , !llli .... '.r .. \ IF YOU UKE ROCK LANDSCAPING BUT DON'T LIKE SCATTERED ROCKS .~~~ B~ND ROCK .. $3.95.., . UTEX ACOUSTIC - HOUSE PAINT CEILING -· PAINT-nc- 4.95 O.L 2.35 0.1. UCQUER BOAT SLIP THINNER PAINT ·--on- s.25 ....... 4o45 Gal. f• ''!' ...... C•••••r WALKER . PAINT WORKS . 116 W.16th St., CHI• Mi1a ( -. ~ /' CIUml SIZE SET ~ lllftn11 & lu ""llf I fleg. $1Ml.95 s:i::ff291s • Yo1rc_. only buy• ORTHO .llattrasses . - at ORTHO Stores • --•THE NATION'S LARGEST CHAIN OF MATTRESS SPECIALISTS,- 1_,FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd • !Ned to Zody 's·) ' Phone: 839--1570 -ANAffftM . • L-AKEWOOD 1a11-w :-Lincoln .Ave-:-4433 anCllewood Dr. !Just East of-FedMart) •• P.hone: .. U6.25.90 ~-·- -. In Candlewood Shops !Across from Lakewood Center)' Phone: 634-4 l M .....-~, ~1 OPlN OAllY 10 9•SAT 10 6•SUN 12 6•1MM£DIATf OHIVERY•CREDIT TfRMS AVAllABLE·BANKAMERlCARO·MASTFR CHARGf 1 ~I .,._ 'I • ( • . , • • - • , t I . ' • • ' J ·- Mnrriiige·· Lieenses NOW A,,..llN• • · THE KANOA SERENADERS . . IJiTEITAlltM.OiT • DA NCI NS Tl1111s.,.fri,, Sot. f p.-. .. 1 :ll a:-. . ' Phon• 540-7200 · • Ham "D•llb .. lotrt" Hoar~ w..-, tin ,....Y, 4 te, •" I SEE BY TODAY'S " WANT ADS a Do you \l'ant to live on Cloud "9"? In a channing rustic.house? Cabin? What ever? See house for sale. • Hc1-c's a job fcir a gal \vith hours fit. for a queen. \Vorking for a .groovy king. as hls?? See .help wanted. e Have yOu been spinning you r wheels lately? Do ii tor real with a spinning 11'heel. , .fottnd at a gar- age sale. , • e Parents! Ytu ca n .stop your kids !rom staying out late & have them Safe at home by just buying a ?? See Sportlfig Voods. LTD. HARBOR STORE ONLY OUR HARBOR CENTER STORE WILL BE KNOWN IN THE FUTURE AS CENTURY CLOTHES , TO REFLECT OUR NEW MERCHANDISING POLICY. . S ·UITS _BJtau,tifully tailoied b_y_Femo~s Menu-. ~· ... facture·r! who·s·e -n-a-m e-s--we-ca·n't·---- m~ntion at this low price. In luxurious all Wool or in wrinkle-resisting Wool and Dacron blends . ,,$~ Made to Sell for ·I $125.80 • -SPORT COATS Dress SLACKS ' ' An Wool ·fabric for Modern styGn9 '" $29 fuH • bodied texture $15 Wool and , Dacron and natural drape bl~nds. Coordinate found _only __ in _fine colors and/patterns .. •n"Sl5 valW woolens, valuee te $S2 2300 HARBOR; COST A MiESA HARBOR . CENTER, ON THE MAll .. • Open fonite': &Jrid•y_ ' iL9_p.m.-04llx_]O to 6-Phon• 5-40· I 500 ---,, " " RUGGED 4PLY ' DAILY Pilaf '} J Orange-t?oa8t. ·A~ea·. ' . ·s. ARC·GRINDLINING 6 BLl!D SYS'f!M & CUAN IAUING • PlATEAS ~EEDED 1. GRIAS! & PAt~·Wtl!U·llAli~S-· 8 ALLCYLINDER5'1NSP£CTED INCLUDING • MASTER CYLINDElt • 9 • ROTAt:E WHEELS & ADJUST itAICES • • • • I 295 '·""' 1595 · 7,35 _1,, l.55r14 · · 1.2&11' IH11/1() (671/14) 1,55115 l .2it1S (KJl/15) (C:71!1 5J• Ill Jirn h~-.·I $1.111• U,U '''· (r. In lie• ... Wlllts1lh U.11 hln ARMSTRONG WILDEST r. WIDE "70" SERIES FATSO TIRES PROTECT . .,AGAINST ~~~:~1i\s $ 1595 6.t5d4 (D71n 4) 7.3Sal4fl 71/f4! 7 .7S•l 4 (171/'I 41 ' 7,JS11S (f71/lSI (GJl/14) 17:95 '""" 7.Mh 1:t 1.2S x1J tc 71JI JI IG 71/1 SJ 21 95 ........ 24'95 . "''"' 2695 (M71/1 41 CJ71/l 4) l .SJ11$ l .IS1 IS IN71/I H U71JI S) 11441·<L -tt'S• adillac & Lincoln 1:151115 c111ns1 • __:~ ..... ::_.'_~-- - - - I t • . • ~ ,. ' -I JI DAILY PILOT Thursd~, Juile 18, 1970 ~389 ' .•. , - ,. . --A 111111 of• Orqe Coesl Alk:e W. Johnson, lloMa L. Pahner, Mor<'. .. E. Rowan. Smdra R. Gr a 1 In I er , ~ A. Tamaka, Adrienne J. Saroulian, Harvey .S, '111\llNE: 8*rt G. Al· Glcqe A. Wtu. · • • ,._. ~ receive d Jones, Kenneth w. Knight, Joan E. Sheelar, Nancy L. Thomas J. Gretnwood, Mar H, Tar.lor, Jojann M. Schuster, Matthew D. Sipgrln. · tndp, Katharine M. Clet:tm, LAGUNA BEACH: Jonathon ..,_ di.iring recent 1970 1'1arilyn Kochendorfer, Barry Stallings, Janet F. Stone, A. Grim, Randal L. Grinµn, 'lbornhll. Aleunder G, Truj1Uo, Marlo Unda Guton. Jama W. Huth, (ae. GRADS. Pace 17) COJD1D111Ctment eiercises fil L. Laughlin. Alden H. TadokorO, Sa.rah I ~aul E. Herzog, Paula J, Kenneth A. Trickett, Reaina M. Uribe, Gordon C •. ;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Ctl~Uege,LongBtach, Patricil A . McFarland, Troop, Manuel R. Alarcon, Hetzler, George M. Hollman, L. Uliana, Nancy J. Venlura, Wickham, John L. Wlcgins,li accori1inc to school offk:ials. Georgia A. Mot, SUsan N. Ronald R. Alfonzo. William A. Iarael. Martin G. Walsh. Barry L. James .B. Wilsoc. Connie R. The students,' Usted below Morper, John S. Nak.ltarni, HUNTINGTON BE AC H : John S. JObnson, DOi'laltt R. Wlten. Gary A. Wt11ver, Jehn WinsJ.QD.:.. Lynn A. "(~ by city include : Samuel R. Peterson, Charles Gilbert A. Acosta, Susan P. Klahs, Lilian , M. Klassen, B. Westerback, Eliz.abeth R. Rculd P. A1bert1en. Froda -. BALBOA:' 'Thomas E'. E. Reeves, David J . Reilly. Adams, Ronald D. Andrews, Martin E. Krenzke, Susan J, White, ~ 1 G. Brotemarkle, Patricia J. Bodamer, John. L. Mathl!On, · Benny J . See1ey, Kent A. LyM A. Arnold, Marilee.:-L. Krumhaus, Peter M. Lance. Maul"ffl\ C. Wild, Kathtffn Clark, Judith E. CUMinchaJn, Jolin F. Dunlavy, RichArd s: Spencer, Robert K TernpletOO, ·Banks, Larry£. Bardin1 Alice Kathaf'ina J. Le b man , E. Wood, Marvin 14 Woolard, Keith R Gurney; Richard 't . --ATTDITION LONG-TIMI 115~ AND USIRS OF UP~ER NEWPoRT IA Y Lermann-:-· Rusolph F. Vanschait; John -N. Bar.kley. Carter M. ·Lewis, Lau'rlee A. Carolyn E •. Wright, Mi!?batl Haana,Jlm.E.Hemaley,Carol BALBOA ISLAND: Donna H. Vanslooten, James G. °Ford .T·Bauman, Frederfck Maben, Douglas F . L •. Adaml,RonaklV.BaUoni, ·~. · · L. Peterson, Patricia Robelet, . Vocke. A . Be It, Steven L, MacGreeor. Mich a e I A. Ludwig M. Baron. John T. Claudia L. Lyrx:h, Claudia John H. Arens, George M. Bell.>' K. Watari, Patrk:la Bockstahler, Michael J. Marino, Michael P. Martin, Bevington. Don.a.l.d L. S . .Mellin, Harvey E. Morris, Kane. A. Wright, Charles E. Young. Boersma, Sheryle J. Brent, Marilyn C. Martin, Jean Blankenship, Rolalya A . Jennie A. Peterson, Allan t. HILP! .·--· CAPISTR/i,NO BE AC H : J ack E. Annstrong, Paul J. Karen K. Brooks, Barbara H. McClatchey, Leonard J . Bricknell. Preuer, Doralee G. Spurlin, Janiece Ungeheier. Ashby, Bob E. Cantu, Brown. Mehlmauer. James A. Brummett, Max· Frank H. Stewart, Rosemary CA,PJSTRANO: JosepJ:!. R. Robert F. Glo.mt, Herbert Maria L. Bruno, Lynda L.' Theodore D. Menser, Barry ine A. Burgan. Glenn E. J,' Thibodo. Schacht. M. Johnson, Carl G. Levonlus, Buzzard, Patricia L. Byrne, D. Monlon, James--=-K .-Burleson, Richard H. Cahl. -Russell B: Young, Maynard CORONA DEL MAR : Helen Robert C. LyUe, Robert L. Dominick M Capozzi Bruce Missman, Kathe r In e M. Kathryn L. Coe, Stephen J . H. L<>bell, Leroy M. Olson, L. ~lli.nger, · Merle W. Ruelle, Cberllee F. Vir&il. R. Can!!, J~ R. c~er. Musulin, Raymond·' A. Naylor, Coffee, Gall E. EUert, C'batles Jack G. Weber, MichaeJ R. Coleman, George P.Cooper, Ro~4Jd S. Woodro!f, Ronald Zelinda F. Chancellor, Wyn-Ronald D. Nielsen, Larry A. C. Fia:e, Marvin E. Foley. Collins, Kenneth J . Fordik, James A. Gilbert, Joan K. L. Zunmerman, Kenneth G, n"a J, c.bester, Mary B. Crin-Norlander, Mlcbael.GaYin, Bernard L. Bradley J. Heap, Robert E. WWtUJ, Sff~yPGhi:lli<?raLiy',~ornat s Dutrp Loco, TerryN·L. Dl2Aeyp, Hl eten nell, Michael D. Cooper, Kay L. Olds, Linda M. Goeders, David H. Gntf,on, JJ~R' SmlWJIUamth -A. Okey., . e r1es, p pp1nco t, · asso ancy a mer K A c · o•·· Ge l'M s p d r~.-A H --R am-. · · ' -B. Marston, Gerald B. E. . K ' -• K . th E,' aren . ra1g. uic:n, r.a iuue . a e, --uvtYUU • arper, .inumas .. -======='==:::;II u.c ng1n. ·epe.,__, enne · Lynne J . Deane, Carot M. Dean A. Pasquali, F rederick Hehir, Carl J. Helnz, Cb:Brtes.1 Scott, Mary Hensler. Kledz1k and Wesley A· Divino, Veronica M. Drew, Paulin, Dale R. Petr an. W. Hill. I O COSTA MESA : Beverly M. Wadsworth. . Sherry L. Dlltzy, Earl E. Anthony J. Petroske, Norman ·Timothy R. HoU>rool<, J.,.. · N R LL Aroosoo, Kermeth E. Bohe;m, DANA POINT: Dieter F. Ecbelberry, Michael R. Egan, E. Phimps, Kendra M. Potts. P. Jackoon, Blanche M . N O W David L. Caffrey, Al v i·n ~tenner, Jan D. Vangreun-Myra J. EIUngton. Karan K. Charlene H. Rebel, lJnda Jagosz, Susan L. Jensen, ChF 81~~~er, RobiK~ tbRry nF~nl L. -.JngEenL. TORO' J I~ E Ellis, Kay J. Endicott. Richards, Kath 1 e en R • ..S.tttm_C, Johnson, Housbang, ----- a a.in:r, n · 1 ey, . · era ~ue · Linda H. Fan, Carole E. Roberts, Richard L. Rohr, Khademl ,. Jesse H. King, Hawthorne Darcie A. France, Michael R. Keyes, Judith A. Mullarky. Feser, Rory M. Frye, Roy Gayle s. Roth, Joyce A. Yvonne P. )(jrkendalL .Gibbons, Clarence L. Gray, FOUNTAIN VALLEY: Ar· R. Fulmer, Janice K. Gar· Schnelder, Dawn R. Scott, Jef. Carol L. Lightner, George Christian Eva D. Haggai. . mand R. Reede, Michael W. nger, Paul N. Garland, Trudy rrey A. Seybert, Phillip G. B .. Mast, Clark E. Muller, c:-1.--t-. .Bruce R. Haurrick, Myrna Boyd, Robert L. Bresnahan, J Garland Robert R Shaffer. Leland F. Nichols, Karen A. ~ C.. Henderson , Susan E • Richard C. Degen, John L. G0arland, ~k F. Genon. . Kenneth S. Skolyan, Lktda Payne, Michael L. Porter, ~lbeeyrt, llozaB. HnneoUordM.,HRolibchardrooi<, GrJanghnerL.. Hal Marth Diane K. Gib!lon, Sandra L. C. Smith, Barbara J. Stamm, Jamel D. PrlUle, Richard L. lJllC 0 vorson_. , a Gill, James A Ginter, Pamela Ralph W. Stansbtuy, Dave B. -Reeb, Robert J. Rodine. B. Jacobs. M. Leonard, Mar.JOrie G. E. Givens, Sandra L. Goodwin. Slraley, Francis A. Stubbs, Fredrl~k T. Rood, Ronald ht FOUNTAIN VALLIY 161SS lreekhunt It. 71~12 ORAflGE COU/l'!Y 11 llMSl'l,GATING ' whether -.fttrt h11 been publiC use of priYlte-prop- •rty in tht Upper Newport. Bay Arte llaclc Beyl, etpecially'. bttwttn S.11idt Drive end the '·bay, the iil1nd$"in the UI!~'' b•Y.. •nd b•~••n the norther! •nd wa1+..=1.,: banlc.1 and +he bay, without cha'9• or Pa~i11ion ~of. +ha landowner. The purpo1~ of thi1 inwa1+i9ation i1 to find oUt if any pUblic pra1crip_+iw1 rith+1 a1i1t in +ha Upp•r Bay Ar••· Any person~who cen te1tify' to +he abowe u1es Tl\ year1 past.pl•••• c:ontac:+: OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUNSR 515 N, Syumore, P.O. Box 1379 Santa Ani, California 92702 · or jihoM 834-3300. . \ on this Frigidaire ii Jet Action Washer Rapidry-1 000 1pins fast-but.ge ntl e to exlract the drip from your laundry. Many pieces are ready for ironing, This washer also features Jet ACtion Agitation • Automatic Soak Cycle •J•t·Away Rinse & Lint Rom2l!'.•l.•Jloller•. -malic Mechanism-no betis, aears or pulleys to wear, wobble or break! I • AmeriCa's favorite family restaurant · THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY, JUNE 19, 20, 21 . . 2855 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA o•••••o ~· FRIDAY ONLY~, : June19 ~ us JUMBO~ BURGER SPECIAL ---~59~~ A\IGI£ SH8\\' :· Saturday & SUncliy ' June20&21 1j:30A.M. 4:30P.M. ·. . ~ 7:30P.M. ~ $ 88 Buy one get one free · FEATUllNG . •me GREAT A&W" MYSTlr=YING. Exel I ING. F 1bric Softener Dispenser Hurry! S ply Umitld ~n't wait! Offer is limited! --. . . © ['-\VIS GR l1 \\ N 411 l 17th St., Costa · Mesa _, 9 -4: Mondtr ~nd Prid•y 9.9 646 . 1614 ... i' 25¢off gallon root beer -- This Friday, Saturday, Sunday only Always ~ur policy: · FREE BABY ROOT BEER TOKIDS UNDER& -~-. . ·--. I, . ---~-~~----:..:_-~ * FREE PENCILS *FREE DECALS *FREE BALLOONS * FREE UTIERBAGS • *FREE ROOT BEER CANDIES AND SUCKERS lllSIDE DllllllQ 11u.11av1c1 CARl•VICE POOD•TO•CO ff'i/ourGoldenFried CHUfJBYCHICKEN! ~.....;~ ' ·- i > • . - , - . INCREDfBIE Coma early and eee lllis apectacular, fun·lllled magic ahow:The • Great A&Wwlll amaze you with his aensatlonal parformancO.. Use this coupon -w ith any purohaae and get a free a.oz. mug of world famous AlWllool ...... Off• • .,,,,.., Juno 30, 1VTO • \ . ·: • . ·, . ,• ... ., .. · . --- "· 1 DAll.Y I'll.OT • ~--·- ., --~--' FATHR'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 21 ... , ·. . . . ' . - '-~ · •one-atop' shopping I . at its finest! Of'El'I .THU.RSDA Y AND MONDAY EVENINGS DADS DANDIES FROM 1919 TO 1970 ' ON THE MALL . . SATUR·DAY, JUNE .20 OLDIES BY ••• VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB _OL AMERICA __ ORANGE COUNTY. CHAl'TER • ' . . ~ 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M~ -------~~ • See The '70 Moc/els By ••• • CONNELL CHEVROLET COSTA MESA Thu'rsdoy-Fridoy-SoflJrday ' • • l • ' • " I I_ I •• ' • _..._,·-····~ • --• • -- • ) f OAll. Y PILOT T-. Juno 18, 1970 ..._ . ' I -'W:orking -Egypt Sulnftler Ti111e.· for . Divoree ·t' • ' • J. • ' I I ' ' 'AJBICAN FLAG'S CLEANED Mothers ·· Probwm CAIRO (AP) --liliei 1111111-Oll!er. 'l11e fil\I.-. lot that mer CmDll in Egypt a mooth was 3~1. bUlband'1 flllC)' tit turns to 'When the heat colncides divorce. with a religious fea st the 'Ibt CJnsiet of every bot opinions on marriage are ' ,. -. . . tndtbdooJ wef cl cLo I D I can • d-bli wUe olmplJ _.. h a la 11 e 1- thinp. My _ .. and youn by ........... ''Go. )'OU •• ...-..:... but ....., ID. did It and sUll do. Belides, d6von:ed" three llmes. timlte .,._...,. an .WI I can't choose. If w. jlon't MOll<Y Pnlbleml In families larsely lllllde by lbe fomlly. \ ( seuoo means an upsurae in sharp. WA'$HINGTON (AP) -marital cases in the courts. Mrs. Nagar cites an lm- Milliciill..of_.\merican families Recent beat waves have-sent qinery conversation stem- witb workinl mothen away the mercury_u high as 111.4 ming from the need for orien- frorn· home all day had better degrees, a IO-year record for tal cookies called .khaaks, dw.ige their way of -..inc May 21. History, suggests that distributed St feast times. It for the sake ol their chltaren,-the Incidence of divorce "W!ll goes Jike this: · send cookies to our nel&bbon, wUh five to eight cblldrtn SWl another f1Ctor ii IUual they'U thlnl< ,.. do not have are nothing new In EsYpl llut lncm!pallbllltJ. Co!NelUq eoough, and your parenb will they ~ more acute lince offlclill erttldle trr.dlUanal jeer at me Wnkin& f can't the Arab-llraeU conOlct t1iree --'·-lormalltlel ,_ ~•-• beke. yean 110. Last ye:ar one • .._ •-r .. 1 WlllU• Haaband -Our pareiits lived mllUon bablel wen born, _tbt' ~ cbootes • partner In a time when thlnge were moeUy to famllle1 wttfi ~ · .• for the ~·Gr daqhter. cheaJ1!>l'; and they had no ' ·monlhly Income._ It II Jjllinly I ~ "o\11 lao oftal neJtiler lmows school . fees l o pay. I don't in thole catecorlel : t b '-' Jhe Otber .. well eMu&b '1o Nrt FREE ' care about your neighbors. divorce aoar1 hl~t. , a f1111Hy, Jin. lfll~ aaya. wtre -I can't face the Family ;,nterVentJon. • la c:aumei.Hnc u:perta 1 i e and for thi national IOO<l, uys soon rise· to an equivalent Wife -You know, dear, Dr .. Margaret Mead. · peak. I need more 1noney for baking ONE DAY SERVICE .. "'Too frequent changes of the Sefeya Nagar, directer of khaaks. We need 21> kilos mt:Jthe~ perlOll are hard on the central bureall..f.or mar· margarine, 10 kilos of wheat, doildrea,' .wrote the noted riage counseling, says doctors 12 kilos· of Sugar ... a11thropologl!lt and-so CI 1 I agree that heat's the culprit. Husband -I don't urr" ·acientist in the L 1 b o r Couples get ·enmeshed in derstand why every year at Department's "Manpower" endless domestic arguments every feast, l have to feed :magazine. "Children who a~ ·wmm lead to an explosion. your parents, relatives and reared in institutions, wtule Last year August showed neighbors. H's either clothes receiving perfectly adequate 5 lJS d i v o r c e cases. By for the kids or khaaka for pby~cal care, often sicken ud December the chill desert the neighbors ... you 'd better mean gossip which will go c:ther countries, ii ....... ~ampal&aln& for mare arowd; besides I must have cause ol marital IPllU· · · nurierles throughout tba'"coun- both clothes and khaaks. "~ed lUe in UJe middle "#trJ. Mrs. N.,., 1111: "Wlves Husband -Woman, I have and lower cluses btrt is· in ~ or lower cluael no mooey for yoor traditi"'l'1 greaUy hampered by !amity mjlSI help their husbands extravagances. interference ,J n the couple'• make ends nieet. If a mother ·cis>iN CLEANl•s to&.AUNDRY' U NSHION llU.MI --IAYllDI ClllTD _ 1eu-..,... ... ......,.,. .... die." winds were blowing couples__dJ_QSe." • FOlicED TO WORK seemed to w1rrn to each Wife -But. dear, it's the This sort of argument heat. private lU,.e," Mn. N~ of Iii: or 1ne8 children can up until in many cases the observes· Social ·chance baa coafideatly 1etve them ln a husband shows his wife t be brought more educatilla for ·naraery, we· can au-~ door, ldn. Nqar says. A<> women, more women In jobs, they'll be ~ -ed cording to Moslem Jaw, a man coeducational . institutes. and ,while1 sbe'a out worklnc." Yet, she noted. thert are some four million ' workiJlg mothefs with children under .5 -many forced by economic necessity to work, others seek- ing sell·fuJfillment outside the home. Dr. Mead urges some Old· fashioned remedies to provide secure, continuous care· for smaller children. One i s 'breast-feediag for in- fants, even if it means keeping the baby in a nursery near the mother's factorY or office job. Another is a handy grandparent or other relative to help out at home. Parents can form neighborhood cooperatives to share in the caring of their own ·offsprillf, perhaps even w i t b government financial help. And universal niUonal service for young adults in community work inciudiq: child-care centers couJd serve --as-an ·altemative-to-lnilitary --· service, she said. But-the key factor is to have someone who ca• give the small child continuing, in- dividual care and attention to - help it grow into a m1ture adult, she said. "The .quality of care given each child is a major value, especially in aa affluent coun.. try like ours, which is badly In need of a highly educated, skilled, emotionally s t ab I e population," Dr. Mead said. "State-operated b a b y. ten· ding always verges on the old horrors of the 'baby farms' of the begirm:ing of the cen- tury." she said, and ideal child-care centers run by the government or private finns rovo too ex ·ve for the ordinary working mo or taxpayvs. Dr. Mead said a child given good, steady care by the same penon from 8 moRths to 2 years of age develops a feeling ol trust and can tater survive many changes of person and place. But "We have ample eviden- ce that without such con-. tinuity. children have 'less capacity to trust the world. to leave home happHy and to form wider altd more· in- tense relationships with other people later. "Mea•while. the pressures on women to work, even while their children are very young. increase. More and more WOO'len. • .are desperately trying to solve their economic problems by entering the labor market. •'To those who must work. there is now added the pressure to work in the aame of self·fulflllment on the mid- dle-class mother ••• NEW SOURCE "A relatively itew source of pressure stems from the emphasis of current women's JiberaOOn movemeats on in- dividual achievement rather than upon women's traditional roles." Current concen o v e r population preuures e v e n breeds some hostility towards children, -m&kiag secu1t-can early in 1ift even more im- portant for an tmoUonally secure citizenry ia the future, s~ said. "We may need to make an lnventio. haU way between the licensed home for day care and the PTA 'block mother' of World War 11 day1, When mothers toot turns be1nl{ home for a week. This would be a pl ... -re I beby could ·be parfled In an emergency, a achool child who becomes ill could be sen~ telephone n_,.a oould be taUn:, ud little J1un1r1. children Ul9f' tor -...i jelly eoald coma --.·a11e111111. ··22 Become StewardC88ell . '"*"' tft ~ Qm Colltlt *liDI ........ £ ... ._,... .... ~ --....... ......, -•••Ill wen•·'" held "' or-. CllllJ /Jrpo<1. °' ......... :II wlD -., --~!lie -....... lbllr'llnl :::is::: P•J: I adAawili&. j I GOLD'S . ,~ '-· ... • CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE Id MONTHLY PAYMENT DUE AUG. 1 PACKARD BELL INSTANT COLOR TV • Rectongl• f ine tuning rare eorth • lnStant color picture tube purity •Hand wired • 25,000 Volt chassis power •AU channel • 295 sq. in. • Sot 'n f"'90t Color 3 YR. PICTURE TUBE REPLACEMENT WARRANTY ON All BLACK & WHITE & COLOR TV'S._ FREE 90 DAY TV & STEREO. SERVICE! • ...,.,;., "'""" GENERAL ELECTRIC 18 CU. FT. SIDE-BY .SIDE • Big f,...;:-• Separate fem. Mc:tiOn holds perature con-- up to 225 l:sis. irol for each of food '"""°" • • 1 •Sutter Easy deaning. conditioner •M--1y . .. it.--1· NOW 0!91-GOLD'S·COSTA MESA STORE 3089 BRISTOL, OFF SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IT'S _,GOLD'S BIG BRAND ... BIG VALtJE TURN-O-N' RCA COLOR TV WITH WIRELESS Remote Control • Rare earth picture tub• • Solid stet• adiU5fs voluma. -turns.Mt off from your arm<hoir • 295 sq. in. Color G.E. PORTABLE WITH FllfE -ROii-ABOUT STAND • U~-hi~ wh.nsetis for an chcrrrra.ls iurned on • Front controls • f,...· wt...led' Dos. •·Set'nforget •282 • idu -GENERAL ELECTRIC_PORTABLE- wilh Patto Lens; Pillow Speaker • Mu1t1pl• antenna . patio J.ns for"ovt. UHF, VHF doer viewing • Remote «infrol · " _,__, __ , ... $~7. () "changes channels, 4 0 volume control sq. in. P ,.. • rect. • Inna..;... pklure comes on quidly ' Upfn>Ot """1d \• 74 oq. in. pic1uo9 I . ' 8-FT. CONTINENTAL STEREO HI.fl CONSOLE • AM/FM stereo system • Multiplex recetvtir• •.Solid state circuitry •+Speed record changer • Duo! speaker syst.n • Lifetime diamond stylus • 850 Storoge album space .. RCA TOTAL ·SOUND STEREO SYSTEM • T oJal ......! ool. st. owcord chongar ampl'd"'"'/-•FM/AM mr. rod;o, • Sm..~ IVlf1lol • hatlior ""1o"'"' &sl.,..ampt.lior •T.,P.;n-po>t;and • Stud;omatic 4-tpcl. out-put 1ad A. TOP BRAND 11 Cu. ft.• FAMILY REFRIGERATOR c1;rnai. ..-1, moat .._.1ray, 1og i.-., $]]9 auto pinhbvtton dof,..t, Mn -table crispers. n1C9nefie door ... Gron capacity. B. PtlllCO 14 Cu. Ft. FROST FREE REFRIGEV.TOR No defrost ing ever in rwfrigerotcr or frener, $248. 2 fost f,... ko cobo """' 2 ~ c:ri5J*'S, Famous Philco poww tcMr. -. ~ - C. WHIRl.5'00!-2-sPEm, !.cYClE WASHER 2 cycJ.. both •""""' and CjOnllo, 2 wash, $ 4 spin speeds. magic mi• fitter, safety &d, 3. 1 8 vane agitator, f,.. flow draining. 4 rinses, D. O'ICEEFE & MEllRi1l EYE LEVEL GAS RANGE s;gna1 timar_ond.:dod,_ dowlo glass.-~2- doar in iop cwe11 far easy Wion: wori_spoce_.f top, ~lu• gas ronge. Just 30" •ide, 5 8 ·E. W.GIC CHEF BUDGET 3()" GAS STOVE Llfm.. ccisl 1rai i..-., Git "P top, t;-$t2 8 dad; ...,.,.mi. ....,-.-, roll ::,1?.£;oco_ • smolola. broiler, slant 1ront • • ' GOLD'S COSTA MES-A,'"STPRE :3089. BRISTOL STREET • GOLD'S ANAHEIM STORE ' 1679 CRESCENT AVENUE • y y GOU>'S l'llCE TAG ALWAY.S-INCLUDES. • •me Parklnt •me o.r.,.ry • ,,... Set-up _-• m.s.mc.. .,. ' ~ .. j • • •• 4-• I j) I ,, ' l .. .. ' l ~ ' I ' ;: ) " • ) ., ~ t I t . l . . . • . . . . • • • I I • k t . . . . . . I ' ' l l •• - WA vasill for .• su p acllnc have objec beinl udl Tiii seem : ~ -the I elde< Ell .Beve: m0di1 he c anott reare and Scien Brn for c statu1 itself struc from anoll belie! religl or Ill Ob• the • relit "I de but : also me Jeav• relig label It justit sincf belie held pedl• not 1 Arm Th Willi J . B Mar: Pl SI "" 6• Ao •I y, •• •• " Jj 0 fit •• •• •• I- I I I 1- 1 -.1 I· I l •• --.,--------- • • "-~~=---- . . Yo•I Ethics· • • Dr:af t Deci.sio.n ' ' ., ' ~- ~e"~~ts E~rvor ' ' ' ' WASHINGTON (AP)~ ln their lnterprelations, ap-• vastly expanding the grounds ti d ided for draft exempUon t h e paren .Y ec on a .. Sup r em.e: Court has pragmaticapproach. actnowledged that a man may They evidently wisbect ·to have ... moral and ethical give legal recognition to• the objedi• lo war while not fact _ -~t formally re1Ji5ous beiDc ~"• in the fonnal people do rQ have a monopoly ud RM f '1 IMSe. f on conscientioUs oppoaiUon to De ~ ntiQs Monday killing other human ~a, seem to reftttt, iD this that individuals often On their repnl. tbt -.,_ of own dovelop olijections that etical hnw __, much,-.are· u deep as UXlle held ol.. todl1'• ,.-aloorsloll •'I by finn believers in the tradi· "1tresp;+-.... • --In tional God°' Supreme Being. Abe forinal ,....... 'of1 tleir There is some question, tlclon. , . lhough, that Congt;.,. had lhis Elliott Alhkto W~ II, the in mind when it specified C.O . . Be_verly Hllls. Calif .. -~ : status be granted men who • mOdity broker ."!'o had sa~d "by r e a s o n of religiQus he could not lllJUf't'. or kill training i: n.d belief .• , are another bJman . being was C001Clel:itiouSl_y opposed t o reared in a rehgious home partkipatkin in war in any and attended a Christian form · Science Sunday· School. Th; three dissenters, Chief But"he did not rest his plea Justice Warren E. Burger and • for conscientious objector Justices Potter Stewart and status on tradiUonal religion Byron R. White, were certain itself. On one occasion he struck the word "religion" Congress did not intend to from . his application. On ei:empt men who disclaim another he said •his anUwar -religiousvi~~-lQ1war and be!. I " t I I .... ~ ~presen a pure-!e s w~re c e ~ 8 n Y ly personal code arising from religious 1n the ethical sense .;[rii.·,.1 _ _.. ..,ff_ d f '"·t d " ' • ..,,-· .._.....y, ·--1 an o IJ ... wor · . sociolqgy rather than fro ObVJously u~erta1n about rellgioUs training and belief."1 the ei.:tent of his own formal ,; . . ' religion, Welsh today says: Our ·obligation in _statutory "I don't belong to any church, construction ~ases is to en- but I'm not an athiest " He force the Will of Congress, also says: '"Maybe you'd call not our own," White wrote. me an agnostic because I The eighth justice, Joho· M. leave open the question of Harlan, said the · bid religipn ; but, I 4 on ' t like performed a lobotomy, label&." ·• · ! · !he distlriction It was·. e~ for four terided to make ;betNW justices that : ·Welsh w a s religiously .tcquired beUefa sincere and steadfast in his and those dertved moetly tram beliefs; that 1f}ey :were ~ly politics, 1.0'.c Io Io I y or held and not a maUer Of u.. P.hlbophy. pediency -tbill they Wert Bui Harll\ll joined I h e not adopted 1imply• to avoid reversal of ~lsh's ccmictkrl Anny duty. i7:Jbjd the eoDsutu-The lour, Hugo 11 Black, · ~ from William 0 . Dougl'5, William ai g , llgious groups by J . Brennan Jr. ancl Thurgood ~ reUgious extmplioos Marshall, ge~erally liberal in: ffom militacy servi~. It's DAILY. -· • ,. i:t' ' "PILOT 2 -for -·1 .Nite > I .' :OUT AT " T·HE OLD I J • ' •. JILL-'GAME PILOT Pm INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS, PLAY KANSAS CITY WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, AT HALF PRICE • Gift two r•11 rved 1••t ti<k•h for th.'W.4n•1d•y 11i9M, July I, A119e l1 v1. lloy•l1 9•m• ~t Aneh•im_.~fdium for th• it0n11el price •f •ne ticket. (luv 011•: the DAIL'f PILOT 9ive1 you •11e.I l , 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TICIM .... TICUJS .... $350 $2.50 Yo11 ce11 re1•rv• •n e11 tire 1•ctio11 of j111t two 1•1t1. lut t•+ your 'erfy t09elher flow end meil in the order hlenk b1low with check •t money orde r (no ca1h, pleesel and hurry. Deedlint for ticket orders i1 J wne.l_f. Eerls Blrtl B0t0ua I ·• • Opt111 to lloy1 ''"' 9irl1 16 .,,,,.•Id •NI youn9tr. l11ch1d• with tic••t oN•r a 1tattment of 100 word• or lt11: "My favorite An· 901 h bee••• ." Entrie1 mu1t bo ,.cet11ed by hon on J11119 26. Wi~n•f will mMt hi• for herl ,f1vorile Aft• 9el, will receiv• fo~t ti1ke+. for • f•twre Ant•I hom• 9•"'• •nd -...will r1cei¥1 a .. a11baU •~raphe4 by the Antel1! Thore·u ba run111r·up pri1e winn~, t•ol ,- 1 -------:----1 I I I I .1 Clip .................... ....,..,, .. :_ I 2 ...... , ... ..., .,.., o,_.. c ... hlly PHel C/O hMk s.me. O.,t. JJO W. ley '""'· C•M M ..... c.tff, tl•l7 lr\IASI rllNT) " .... -......................... ~ ....... :. ····•••.JL•••• "'"' ................... "' ...................... . ................................................. City •••••••• ;, • • •• • • •• ·"; • • • • • • • • 'Zip • • • • • • • • ' . I welll • ...._. .. 1.-4. "--.1.-11 j(lr(lt -., wrltl _....,. .................. If.,.. ..... _..,,_..... ....... _..,. ... ....... 11 Ille ,..,. I •111"'11 ¥S. ,,_ City ...... at - 11 .... lft. ........ ltdl9t ~' I wfll ~ 911 "JM• -----...rTr;;-"-"" DAILY P'll..OT, I ...... n.M/ft ... ICIR .. -· lkl!ttt.-llflllllMf ...... .,., --............... _ .... ...._ I I I I I I I .. Mell•-•-.... _ ...... I .......... fldl.t. ........... ,. I -.... """l I 1Me 111 • "'-" IM .. M llldl ..... • I leW ft. .................. ,lcPtl. .,, L_ --_ _J , - • • ,. - fhursday, JuBe 18, 1~70 DAILY PILOT JI ~~~~.= __ ...:..:::.:.:....:.:...~~;-:::':-=-::::==-==-=-.;.::.:.:....~ • ' . _, - ·Sears "'i -' en-i-t Coat --'-:1-4··· ' . -< • c-LEARAN ~E-! Regular '3.9? _ • Short •leeve slyle with new Jon g pointcoll11r •Never need ironing when tu1nblc ' drit1jf, slay n~a~ _ •Choose from eight fashion·right co on.14'.•· 7 Sears 99 fL •OHft .. l ·S•ll OUNOllU C .. l •IOG4, Cl •-4tl1 HOlll-0 ~O 1.J .. I IUIU,•OlllUCKANDQ), ' (0¥1MI. -·M ii . INOl\WOO• Oii e.Ull •. ........... .....,,·,ltr•119tl Se:twHr•:>O Mo r.f:JO P.M.,$11114•112 Ne.ftt•1 P.M. I , • I , Wll9 •IC!! al•lt.1- otY-I IDl'O AM l •Slll Were·'27.95 to*45 • Wide aeleetion or styles, pell&ill, !ahries,' colonlion.: Broken &izes Were.*47.95 to *52 · • Im.-1>1' tailond ill fine fahries, - son-n,,.,colon. Men's broken ei..,. Ask About Sean Revolving Charge ::: :,!':''' T '"""' '""' "'' ''""''. ,....._ ...... ...................... _.... .... ,.,, , ..... ,. ..... ,.,,,,, JJl-411t ....... .._.-. .. 11 vau.n .......... -.- ~l' .. t911 .. ..,, ........... " ... ' ........ , ... .. ' ' ' I • I .~ . . -~----- .· ---' -_;- JI DA.II.~ PILQT Thutsday, J1111t 18, 1?70 Many Good Reasons--SOFJ.SILL-SAM B.etter Paint Car Yellow By L.M. BOYO . MOTHERS -· If a man's mother v.·ere strong, health): and inlelligent, chances are ht t an lay claim-td' hose traits, too. Regardless. of hi s father's Characterislics. So ' believed Col. E. R. Bradley, CHECKlNG . •,up. a brttder of thoroughb~ horses. He iSaid -he arrived at the foregoing conC!iJsJon aher witnessing hundreds of horses override the faults of their sires . to inhei'it the qualities oC their mother mares. Most of a ma.i's worth. he contended, comes to him through his mother. • '--------. razor'!" A. Jae'ob SctPck. ije was out prospectm&Jor 1!ad. It was 40 dep-ees below zero. There 's got to be a better "'ay to shave in Weather like lhis, he thought. So he in- vented one ... Q. "What's thf: HERE ARE TWO good difference between a reasons whY you ought to snowstorm and a blizzard?'' paint your car yellow : 1. You A. lt's not a blizzard unless can see it better than any the temperature falls below other color from a" disLance, 20 de~ P'. and · the wind 2. It's the most corrosive-_ picks up to 3S rllile! an hour. resistant paint or all. . .W . started • out as W a 1-/ " Matuschambyasoy . . Your qut_siiom and .com- tMtits are welcomed anu will be used in CHECKING UP wherever possible. Ad· dress letters to L. l'if. Boi}d. P.O. Box 1875, Newport Beach, CaJif., 92660, ADMIRAL LORD 'NEl.50N . DOUB~ -Nobody else wa sn't the most famous com-in the world looks like Richard bat sailor o( all time. who i\t. Ni xon, evidently. At least \1•as? Odd thing about him. n~ photo of some President Two IS.year-old Estancia though. He got seasick. Every ~txon double has turned up High School sophomores have tr ip out. Ne ver got over it. in the papers yet. Every other received certificate of ap-U.S. President in history has LOVE ANO WAR -Mid-brought out of the population preciation awards !rom the Pitanhattan and Hollywood still at least one man who claimed United Cerebral Pa Is y are where you're n:iost a.pt lo look eoough like Hie Presi· Association of Orange Coun- to .. se_e young girls !11 dent to be his twin. That chief ty . Jack Bell and Skip Smith n11n1sk1rts on th~ arms of mid· of state with the most doubles die-aged men "1 th muttonchop of all was Abe Lincoln With built two push-bars for the sideburns. \Vhat in the world the next most Harry T~man J. P. Greeley Orange Coorrtyl do they have to talk about ' · School. The bars are used by toge ther ? Our Love and War CONSIDER TlDS -Don't students with cerebral palsy man says, "It's always the me&1 to depress you, but it's . ·who must learn to walk same. The Jiltle girls talk a statistical fact that odds A humanitfrian-s er.v ic e about despicable employers you 'll have a heart attack award was also given to the \rho make passes at them. before you're 65 are just about Estancia High School pro- Thc old men talk about their 50-50. U such be the sad case, duction class. The students in famous acquaintances." Dirty cha nces ru!J four~t-Of.five the class designed and built old undertA'ear! Can they be you'll survive it. a special therapy table for that predicLable'! · use in the school. ''AT .TIMES,. AN JN SIDE DE'SK · JO& )pl'.~ A CfRTAlN -APPEAL.I'' 'Clwflt"t .......... , ........ i1 NOT t•11tht i11 the l ibl•I He 11i4, "My •i11f411111 i1 11ot ,f thi1 w1rW -IJ11. 11:161. "•••I•· tio111 20 eo11t1i111 SYMIOltC l11111111e with &od, 111e d1y ;, "•• e tho1111nd .,,,,. .. IP1. •0:4, 2 Pet. 1:11. The Dewil b1in9 "bo11nd -1 tho111•nd1 v••rs" IR1w0 201 1yll'tl>oli111 • LON6 period of tri· 11mph of 'oo.d ov•r 1vil, Hi1 bei11t "loo1M" forc.11h 1 period of ••Ce11iw1 •¥ii fi9hti11t 1ood, The "'Arm1teddo11" lt•ttl1 i1 • fi111I, m•11 iw1 1piritu1I 1tr11ttlo •otw1e11 th1 forc.11 of 10'4 •Ml •• a, po11ibly 9oi111 011 NOW. . Chd1t 11e1Mlecl 'fro111 01rlh i11fo 1 "cl11111d" 111d w111t fo He•v111" •""' it t~ co111e •t•i• "i11 _Ii•• "'•"11er" IAch t:•·l 11. At the 1•eo11d c;111min9 of Chrill, liYillf Chri1ti•111 1h•ll b1 "-c1119ht 11p to9eth1r with the"' IN THE CLOUDS TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR •IHll 10 1h1ll w• EVER lt. with tt.1 lord." (I Then. 4115· J 71. J1tu1 1h1ll not 11t foot 011 tli1 11rth 19•i11, ""'' th1 11v1d 1h1U ri11 lo m11t hi"' "in the 1ir." The El.RTH 1h1U "111111 with f1rv111t h11J" in the "d•v ef the lor4," i.e. 11 Chri1!'1 11cond eomin9 (2 Pit. 3:10-12 1. Art YOU READY? Do you IELIEV~ h1 it divine? H1w1 y111 AE. PENTEO end •••n BAPTIZED info Chri1f1 !J11. 1:16, Act1 2:ll, 611. 1:271 . Vi1it 111 end lit llt h1lp"y111 pr1p••• far the Jll49. 1111111 D•y! Ch11reh of Chri1t, 217 W. Wi11111 St .. C1111t1 M111,' c •. •2627. • -- • •• Thoal poor 11µre111~ INt,\wouldn't llMr""' ,.., •• -..... -..... """ o1.-ny -. · •. -¥• lo •pair ••• and --Ill Ille Jltlo 11,.. . .-. Ill SI"'• d-nl prlce11 ot·~r••· s oes . ~ ~· . CHUKKA BOOT! • Every man'• fiiwnile ca1uaf: Solt. Comlol'llbl9. Smart looking. '°6uckte- ~ •ltap and bouncy rubber r;repe sole. In belf9 or brown suede • $11 .91 "''"· I • A Palco $8.99 SAVE UP TO $10 ON THIS DECK SHOE! . You've seen this um• type elsewhere •t $24.tS. Soft elk ~atner upper, non-skid rubbtir bottom in bone. GreM at aea or . RAPID REPLY -Yes,, jiiiiii;i;,;Oiii,;;;ii;;;;ii;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;; -~CUSTO~fER SERVICE -Q. Pitiss T .. that actor feDow you .I ''\V\Yho inveiited the electric recognize as Walter Matthaw LIA•N TO SYilM · on ahore. Specillly grooved rubber sole •nd l'leel QrOvide non-skid ufety. Sizei 6'1,~' to 13, medium and wide. AT YOUI BEST Thi O"'ILY PILOT off•ri 1om1 of th• b•1f f•1l11r•1, by •cl111/ 1urv•y of r•1d1n, 1v1i11bl• in •ny n•wtp1p•r ill lh1 n1fion. ORANGE COAST YMCA 642-9990 THE BIGGEST SHOW OF-ITS KIND WEST 0 ~ For the First time ... • PACKEDWI ' SEEi 9 IT FILLS TH~ ~°=~·,'i:: • Mm TOP ............................ ---··-" '"''"" SIZE DECO .-... ....... & ,.,...... .. ..,, ;:::=!~-!!!!!!!.~<""'=~~-~...,...~ • SEEi ,...,,...,..... ....... 11•11111 •• fMtutillt .... ,,. ............... ic .... ~ , •iltl-l,S60 ,.._,. .... If ''li ...... "-.«1.(TM ........ 1 ,.,,..... .... "'td SEEi 1-._.,Aal"CMll· ..... -• .-"'Cllll" ......... ...... ......... 101 ........... ... ,., ............ 11 ...... . ,......,.,,L_... ..... . _....,, c..-..1Ci11:*11. SEEi ... ....,...~ ........ .... IWlfillt 111.......n w 10•• ,_, ..... ~,--. I .......... ~ ...,... .. June A.t8 CMEITlll CEllD ___ """"_ .. _,. .... , - . . THE MISSISSIPPI! . f SHOW ·1N SOUTHEIN CAUFOINIA • --- / PREMIERE "BENEFIT" SHOWIN(r JUNE 19-7-11 P.M. Childrens Hospital of Orange County SHOW HOURS: s • 11 • .M. WeekMys NOON -11P.M.511 .. t & S1•d., ADULTS, •.••• ·-· ·-· '2.00 JUNIORS ••••••• 1.00 SAVE-SO"c'""--hl SrlCIAl DISCDUMTTICllT$AVAILAILI AT:. s_• A Prico$J4.99 SAVE UP TO $10 ON GENUINE TEE-MASTER . .. 'CORFAM" GOlr SHOES! • Lighlwtight, toll end tupple with waterproof •corfam'' upper (cleans wi~ a swipe) -.nd fUH leather tolti. Smart wing lip 1tyle wltl'I ghillie \ie In blltk and white or all whill. SAVE UP TO $10 ON GENUINE TEE-MASTER ' ' 'CORFAM" GOLF SHOES! The new wing-tip monk str•p 1tyle in lightwelghl, sol!, s_upple, waterproor ''Corlam'' uppers and full leather sole, (Cle1ns with a swipe). A111Qtlor print "Corfam" in brown and while, or leather-look "Corl1m" In white, S & A Price s23,99 "BRITISH WALl<ER" . -BROGUE OXFORDS ' l f. Sa~• S10.00 pafr oh theie handsomely masculine British Walkers. With wing lips. perforalions, iind comfortab~e thick soles. leather lined. eomes In black or brown briath calf. Sizes &-15. AA to EEE widths. S I. A Price s74,99 OPEN DAILY 9:30 to 9 SUNDAY -10 to S 4M SOut~~Main -st., Orange 333 East 17th St., Costa Mesa LOS MllllS tnlll.T "IUS CIUllMW A MOlllH COLOU.1$ NOOUC:TION s,,.-1•Hll"71Tln Or11n11 CoJt•t'Y B•·ih/n1 AJs•·•-' 'lb~ Or11~1~~ C-1 CNflluoftb• B•ihll•11,,J,,,1rycll11-""·. · ALPHA llTA MA••ns ••• THRIFTY DIUG STOUS,UMIHl-CAUF, IAMIS Of OIAllE. __ •--• C-TY &.TOii CUWIAI MAM """"""" SMTA MOfUCA ' .... rcli . --- SMCIWJI OMS NO. ltOlLTWOOD ......... lAll<ASTE• WH1n1n • . . • • J,, • • ' • .. ' ' ' , • • B l Dr. 72, FiR bee ary r the pra G M. Jam Mar Sehr derl P. Cam Gar. Upl< Jam R. I LJ Cool L Step R. t Mi Earl San< Jae. Lee Mar: J ... Wile Pett Cra' N: 1.lftt Bari c. l How CUllt Rom Gunr F. I -Mell Jo ~ E. I ~ ~ ~ ·Paul Bod m1~ °""' SA Choo Joh< sm. so Grll 2' G A Tv . .,... bad cent erd: Pol)' to ' Obb n 1':1 ~ ~ 'fiu ·;<X R... q. w Jalu H1 Joha J. I teoo BS; Pau A. I L. M.: Ni R. . Cur. Har MA Mlk B, Ogd Si Jon Kai Jen SI D. I . . --· -' . · • - .......... -...:.·--· -· • Thui'SQy, June 18, 1q70 • DAILV l'ILDT Jf I ._ ..... Dt. sit!My z. Lilenfield, 72, of llOQ Balsa Line, FOuntain Valley, has been awarded &11 honor- ary life membership In 1 the Cslifornia Chiro- practic ~ation. ·cCoallaaed •-P11• 11) ' GRADS .•. M. Brekb,/ Elaine Coo.It, James S. Cran, ~Jon E. Jesstn, Marilyn L. IAtt , Willi~ A. Schramm, Barbara 'Van- derbilt, John B, Woods , ·Jooeph ,• • .. ' D•lit•l•, l•cy /1ow1r1 i• 'tl.aJi-. co/tws ""°"'"'• "" •""""""'• of '1loot111 .J/1a-'u,.Jo116. W.U1ait- •JforhJ1, '1ortlcrs; wi•- Afll bo$1s & 111hs. I . , ' "'•·1•• P. Angelo, Robert B . Campbell, Robert B. Schott, • , For your shopping con11t11itt1ct 011,. 11ew start hour's are Gary S. Simpson, John D. "' 7:30AMto7:00PM 1t1onday thru Saturday Upton,· Darle~ S. Brokaw, James C. Herdman, Ronald ·Sunday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PPtf RLA~uNA HILLS: Craig A. llQUID FISH 7 g C :rtr~ir.~:~'.~~ FERTILllER , ·~:.~;~::~~ - Wt at Grttn.Ha vtn will bt happy lo strr:t you in 11/J your /11,,dscapt, palio, P,tt andflou·tr 11teds. Comt in today. R. Wlezlen. , . . E::ii::,10.;;,,!.~GO~ J:.,~: "pOUSLE ANT" s" ... 1 gc Sandra J . Hodge, Thomas E. Md•)I 11ssorl~tl 'o {e~~:~ ~.~ar;111J: _ ; _ cbOost/ront~g.4 9 .. Marafltette, Phillip M. Moore, Jeari M. Schaffer, Jeffrey S. . t , · ·- Crawford. · Rich gf'ttn foli11gt PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR JUNE 30! . ~=kci. t::.1y,J·-~~:J•loisNGSMTAR l"N.E 99c NEW P 0 RT BE AC H : with t wi,,kling ----- Michael D. Babcock, Apri1 J . · --Wbilt bTossoms -"--- BarJes, John p. Bean, Martin DKORATIVE C. Boren. Helen M. Bryant, Howard J . Carter, Henry C. Culley, Isabel G. Glboon, Ronald B. Len, Robert L. Gum, Derek T. Harris, AM F. Kliem, O..ryt D. Lewis, BARK Landsc11P• sP•ci11l urge 3 cu.fl. bag -w. Liu, Thcimas "· Mel..,,. I.---.;., ______ _,__, __ .., Jolin U. Resua. Dray Risten- part, Philllp G. Schindel, · '• • ~ Q. Spooooo, Mi ...... E. Sllaley, 1(11· M. ~).j--~ arrm, owa . ;Wip~ Susm II. Winsto,i, l~d · H, "Bodioos!Lfames ')'. Edwatd.s, John R.,,.~ab, . Paul F. Quel"'I, Sta A. B~, Rooonoe " 11111> lqer,; P1trici1 · M. f oung, Donald L. •Webb, SAN CLEMENTE: ·David D. Chotak, Stariley A Griswold, John s. Hansen, Su.san M. Simomon. SOUTH LAGUNA: Gary L. Grlbam. 27 on Coast Graduate CJ_.,, f . . J.._ 'SOOT WEEiiKitlER J ,lllt.tlt1 .. thlio•1, ;'"''"· 1-'· os•lit .,.j ,,,.,.y otb,,. brrNUJJufi. No Mixing, "" po11rinx ....... 1.19 79e Kolorcoat Dichondra Seed ,-_,,, .. sMd tn>•oks ftUUr fJ"OV!lh & JlnW•lt /1nlp1 · Ji1,11se. Re .. ti.ff ti•. 99e Cutworm & Law·n moth AM · JUNIPER 'ct1lif.fafJOrile, low grt>tUing. JAPANES"E At Cal Poly Twenty-seven Orange Coast ·BLACK PINE ' area students received their badlekr degrees durll]I re- cent 1970 commencement ex- erciaes at Cal S.t ate · Polylochn~ College, ~ lo olfictals-•t Ille : Lal!' Obil!>o School. l 'Ibe etudents and degrees, ale ILsted below by city : J:°CAPISTRANO B E AC H : ~ C. Hancock, BS. . ~!fNA DEL· MAR : Balnl, BS· 'Shannon •!"M<,11 .. lyJ...BA· ~-i ~tmer., -.as·. " ·'.OOSTA MEM: "James · PENTREX lfOR I . Buy one at ~e~ price, get one. free ., . ......... __ ,. IVY -·-·59c "'""" ....... '"ii······ AGERATUM "f•slgrowing./asinating shapeo PURPLE. .HONEYSUCKLE Fr!ltr•nt in /1111 bloom LANTA.NA Assorted colors, IDw sprt.d ·-······· -HIBISCUS _ 11se •lone or;,." Ht/ge hu.ti.(111 fl.owe rs · "' ..... ,~ ./ • Build beautiful, thick green lawns with Oniio liquid fertilizer or lawn food and dichondra food pellecs Mix or match. Buy one get . one free. ·-~ ' Onho Sytemic Rose & Flower Care Eit her size 12.98 or S.f.98 reg price · · NOW 50c OFF. OR THO ROSE FOOD Also, tomato, citrus, azalea, camellia, evergreen & tree food. Save 40c 2 for S l.98 ORTHO BUG-GETIA Kills s.nails, slugs, cutworms save 57c ~pecial2JorSl.39 . Am-1 ... , BA ; Penny M. V• ~. BS ; Bruce? A . ll,olenfeld , BS;, Lei&ll G. Jol!Mon,BS. HUNTINGTON II EA' CH : BOUGAINVILLIA f•sl growi"g vine in 11ssor1ed colors. • John G. A-," BS,,· lllal!lll . J. I.ee. BA; ll\>ml , . Mal• . teoon, BS ; Bamar:. N, Pier<e, BS; Janice E. 'P~. BS: Patrick J, Taylor, BS I Howard A. Krlnsl<y, BS. = LAGUNA BEACH : Kath• ... M. McGuire, MA . NEWPORT BEACH : Carl R. Arl<ier>ol), BS : George G. Curtis, MA; Kathryn M. Harper, BS ; Glenda R. Katt, MA; Steven C. Silveri, BA; Mike P. Yeomans. BS. BALBOA ISLAND : John C. -()gd<o, BS. • . - SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: Jllmf!I · R. Errec1rte, BS : Katl>leen N. Hageman, BS; Jmy W. Tucker. BS. .SOUTH LAGUNA: Michael D. Bewsey, JIS. ON THE TUBE -········ .. I !Sol H-ar&or Blvd:, Garde~ Grove & Anaheim 534-~774 · (s,,,,jo;,,.;,"1NJ ' .. · <"125Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 646':392 ..:.-------,N,,,,,_,, (, Vi11or;11). CllDIT RIMS AYAILAILI • lookA'"orlcar•; ..... Nn•'• OW1 CrNll Ploo. N t .. M•t t•l4e t. whet'• hof ... '" •• TY, ,. .. ~TY ---'-·-·_._ 51( -41ttrilioltfecl .with .... -----·-·-~•t.irtl.., ... itt•• .t tlie DAIJ, Y PILOT. ' , FREE DELIVERY -· ll • • r;,11D11illnfor .- FREE Bar-8.Que ~----- A.ll "4y Friday June 191h ,,,.J Salurday}utJe201h In our Guesl Also 1•• 011r /11/ly sloc•ed Patio Shep. We h.v. o•ly IN fi•est qtulity, ltss worry Julio [#nti· -111rtM01lilnrsortsalt.'"" ---; -PATIO SHOP~~~i~HL' 642·4103 +<C111:s• • ' f I'""' ' I ,,,,,,.. .................... "'" ............. , -----~- l ·- ' • J . ' I ( ' l l . I JI DAll.Y I'll.OT Thursday, Junt 18, 1970 ' ?011/o to ?50/o · Off\ NATIONALLY FAMOUS DACRON"ANt ~ORSTED TROPICAL SUITS TllOPfC.ffAU e 2988 Reg. 89.95 SOllfNTO" 39·88 Reg. 49.95 They're our best-selling tropicals day In and day out at our regular voluntary- -conlrolled low prices. NOW YOU SAVE OVER $10and get the same qu~lity, the sa me comfort, the s11..me big selection! Choose from elt'pertly tailored two <'Ind t~ button single· breasted models in an OOtstandfng array of new patterns :ind colon. , , Sizes for regulars, shorts, longs. ::-uru ADOIO SAVINOS ... - ·-.n AUUATIONI INCLUDID --- COSTA MESA ,. . ' l TAKE CHILDREN TO THE DENTIST EARLY ., TlllY •RANT, I,,. lt Is a natural reaction ot young and old alike to be afraid er the unkno"'"· Once c~cd to a situation this r('ar ,viii most often dimin- ish or disappear altogether. At about three yc11i.r1 of age,---lt I~ " good Idea to take your child on :i "visit" "'ith you to the dcntlst. Try to makC' It "'hen you art just sehcdulcd for a checkup or clennin.I!'. ralh<'r than some work, Your dentist \VIII Jet lhe child 11il In the chair for a few moments. Then, \\'hen i you take the child for hi~ hrst c.'li:aminallon he will have much lt'l!ll fl'ar. Dils- CUJ.rlhls-vi1Ut.-)'.O\lr dt'ntisl ,bcJor('hllnd. YOU OR ·~OUR DOOJ'OR CAN PlfONE US "'hen )'<Ml need a drlive?ry. \Ve \\'Ill de- liver promptly \\1Ulou t ex- tra eh&~A ftrt11.l many 1icopli-rC'ly ·on 11~ for tht lr hrnl lh nl'Cd.~. \\re '"'eloome rtf'l\1Mti~ fnr d~livl'r.y service and chnrgc accounts. Al Newport Blvd. -at-16th-PAltl LIOO PHARMACY JSt Hfffi:IHI aMI """,." .... 642-1111 -... .... GARDEN GROVE , 12J72 .GARDEN GROVE BLVD. I ., - • • Market Fi/. • » " I I • ' .. June 1970 1 Wednesday's €losing Prices.-:.C.Omplete New York Stock Exchange List r DAILY PILOT ' ' ' I Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List ' ' . ' I • - • manc._,_. __ i -Briefs , WASHINGTON (U PI) Mohawk A1rhnes Inc Monday pet 1t 1 o n ed the C1v1 I Aeronauti cs B o .11 r d for perm1ss1on to suspend service to the southern New York Stale c1t1es of Jamestown and Olean MINNEAPOLfS (UPll - A White Farm Equipment Cn Monday laid off I 0 2 5 employes at t'4o planLs here for O!'le month because o[ an Inventory surplus WASHINGTON (UPI ) General Electric Co an· nounced Monday a contract award from Mc Donn e ll Douglas Corp for automatic flight control set.s for the F 15 and an 1n1t1al 165 000 1rv crement to an $11 m1/llon Alr Force contract fnr an ad• vanced ba ll1stlc m1sslle reen- try system SUMPTER SC (UPI) - Georgia Pacific Co rp an· nounced Monday a $3 mJihon expansion nf 1Lc; W1lhams furniture operation here ST PAUL-Mtnn (UPI) - BurUngt.Q!L Northern Inc an nounced Monday ll 1s abAn· donrng its plans to meet maturJng bonds with 11 $8 million consolidated mort gage bond 1ssue because of unscl· Ued market cond it i ons, instead prov1s1ons 11re being made for term borrowi ng from banks and other 11ources, the com pany said Bechtel Gets Top P osition J. Fred trick Bechtel ha1 been appointed presldl!:nl ot Clark JnterT1•tll'm8I Divlslmr, 'Clark Equipment Company, ,BuchanlJl Michigan, Mr Bechtel was rccentl1 marrlerl to the tor mer P'~s A flnwrr. lormer reuf!ent of ~NtwPorl Beach, Cahtornta. ~ • • • ' \ • .. , ' • " ------.. - ''= -· j --at COASI roCO;IS1 FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ·-~ " . TODAY ••• THURS.DAY • •• 10 AM to 10 PM . . . ' .. What's "A Moment of Truth''? ·we-II; It's Like This -. . • • • We order a $69.95 bunk bed from a famous manufacturer. They send the wrong one. It doesn't match the resr of the suite and .there's no.room on our Showroom floor . We stick it in a warehouse · corner. It's forgotten. A beautiful Spanish oak bedroom is (Jis~ontinued. We sell every· thing we have except for about four $59.95 night stands with carved doors. So, another corner is filled. . We buy sofa ond loveseat sets. A cus}omer wants the sofa by itself so we stick the loveseat .in a corner of the Warehouse.' Months go by .a.nd we sell more sofas than sets. -Pretty soon the loveseats take up a BIG ·corner. ., Somebody buys more ainette choirs than they buy tables. You guessed it. A bunch of $18 chairs into another corner. Pretty soon there aren't any more corners. And, that's baa enough ·but new merch-andise is on the way. If we don't unload-the corners we can't unload new shipments. So, we close our eyes and mark the bunk bed $33. The night stands are going for $15 each. We check the loveseats and find $269.95 values. It hurts but we mark them all $95 . Someone can use those ainette' chairs for only $9 . . And so on down· 'Iii all the corners are clean. See below for a partial Ii.sting of the "moment of truth" buys you'll find in our Wareholise today. We're jammed with items. So, even ii r..ou aon'.t see what you want listed, hurry in, because chances are we have it and if so you know it's a bargain! ... ' That's "A , Moment of Truth''! And That's Where We're At Right now! Read Every Word of This Ad. Then Hurry in For Savings Up to 90"/o! --------1-THA~S Rl·GH-"f -... tJfrT-0 9~0,o! 11-'I $169S Bedroom Suites imported from Canada. When Dres1er1, Dres~ers, Dresser•, lone, Bo11ett, United, Johnson our buyers 1ow thi1 very fine, very large. bedroom group, Carper, Vaughn loJsett, and many, many more. If you need $139.95 Bookcase Wall Unit in Walnut with •large double 1121 $119.95 Fren-lh Pr~vlnciol Lingerie Ches11 in Antiq ue _door comm.od•J>~ose his nit is over 6 ft. high and was _ White or Postel Yellow. These ore really decorator' piece' ==="b~o~ught With a large group of Pecan urniture:~Rolher ih~ -..-bu ore 11ery us__e u 6ecouse o1o110rth9 dfii'Wer space. n- toke them bock the maker gave ul 0 di1count. To move them other pieceli.from these groups ore soldOnd gone, only the e :omrirwos o-mudrtieaviet-ond-had .... ao-much morco.-1-""l::4.cf1..ser-read this.-We-hove-32...one of a kind T rip\e_Oress~ wood in ii and so many old world quality features, they ers, some hove mirron, some don't, Same ore scratched, , out and make rooin for the Pecan ones we o_re selling them chesh rema in and fhey will go at $40 apiece when we 1hought Americans would buy them by lhe carload, and they some aren't! Some are $1S9.91S, some ore $,19 Dressers. probably wa'uld if they didn't cost ~lmoff $1700. ~o for There ore French in White and Cherry, Spanish'(~ oU W:6o~s, ot $47 each. Customize o·wall with 2 or 3 of the1e fin e open today!• n'o one has bought any so if you want probably the fii1est and Shades, Modern in Walnuts 'and Pecon1, Early Amitrica·n m n man C!fl_fu~ff__d_,c;orator~•h1es. Ever pieces of fu rniture. Probably thr best looking sofa fox Industries ever made (201 Reclining Cho irs. These are odd bolls for sure. They ore all Vinetle, but in color• that ho11e not sold. They are better style and quality choirs and retail in the $.129 to $149 Categories although several $1ff .choirs were included because af 1mall scuff marks or 1nag1. Every one is o great buy if you con use th~ c~lors. Pick any chair from this group today for .$87. 0 ~~ boom they quit selling. No reason, they ore terrific with heavy ~olid a sh frames and balloon cush ions that ore all reversible, for big families there is' none better at $175 each. We ore really facing a moment of truth, and truthfully, huge triple dresJer with 2 very elegant m.irrors, on enormous one hos 1oods of drawer space. "II ore 6', 7', and 8' ca1es, ormoire chest, 2 canted end bedside commodes, and a If you need drower •pace, daHf r for dollar, quality for King liite bed you <on• hove it all for $197 today. Even •t quality, size for site,. and style for '1tyle, we hove .never seen these Qre steals al this price! ~ you don't need the JUite, it is worth the trip to Levitz to see it! rhis much drawer space at on.,WHere near this give '!way 1131 Odd Chests. Mostly one of o kind, some with doors, all uncroted. A few missing a piece of hardware. Mostly Spanish, but some French, Modern, ond Maple. Mostly $120 to $160 chests, but 2 are $219 chests. Of course, they are scratched. It you need drawer space, you c:ould not build them yourself or our sole price and they probably wouldn't . look as nice. Anyway this entire group, all 13 will be sold today for $50 apiece. 135) Leftover lounge Chairs. Moil of these W1!re chairs that {'latched sofas which we no longer carry and hove sold.out of. Over V1 of them are Kroehler, many are velvet, tome o re qu ilted and you will find S in cut velvet. Nol a one of these chairs is less lhan a $139 chair, as a matter of fact, 3 are Horri1 cho irs with $229 retail prices. S are Kingsley choirs with carved wood frames and should Jell for $189 each: Al1 in otl ii is a very exciting assortment of fine chairs and if you find one or two that you con use our sole price of $77 each make1 them Yery, very good buys. Kroehler Oak Bar and St'ool Set in heavy solid oak and sod· die Ian naugahyde. Here. is a really solid, really heavy bar with two big oak bar stools that have thick foam cus hions uphohtered in nougohyde, This i1 a good looking set that has not sold ot $269.95: So 011 3 sets that. we have face lhe ir7ome n1 of truth a1 $12S-complele today!- lig Poof Cushion Contemporary Sofa in black and wh ite houndstooth check with block naugohyde arm strops. Magnificent our buyer said . , , I'll toke 28. That was -' months ago and not one single customer has said ·magnificent, I'll toke one! l isten, this 1ofa is good looking, and it is very comfortable and it is good solid quality. With very-little decorating imagination it could make a very exciting room and dod-gum it we want to sell them! You be al Levitz today becou1e all 28 go at $1 00 a piece and that is 65 •/. littlhan we koped to sell ltlem for! • 1·11)--Sofid Maple Gun Co1e with locking gloss doors, 8 gun stock bracken, and small orins and ammunition drawer thol loc.ks, Apporendy no wives thought enough of their hu1band 's gvns to tpel'ld $169.95 for these; but breathe' lhere-o mo1he r * would not spend $15 to lock up her husband!~ gun1 and prefect her chitdren, betides it is o beautiful piece ,___ ·af f"'niturS tt.Ot will make even those u'glY g uns 100~ ~o<>d:­ <:ome, on tt0'w at s.ole price 9f $15 thOt's o lot qf furn it ure and o lot of .afetyl • If you have read every wo rd of this od an,:! no t found what Bassett ''Green Briar Ya!ley" \ Di111ing Room Suite. Whal o you want or need you are entitled to a bargain just far bomb this was, Here is a closiiC. Early American Dining Room reading the ad. So here is something everyone needs. It Suite with 0 realty beautiful Hutch Cupboard. A big, big is 218 sets of Simmons Bedding. This is not 8eouty Rest but extension trestle table cind·-' high bock side chairs plus 2 it is the next l'nosr expensive set to the Beauty Rest theJe 218 I · d 104 1 'k· · d handsome arm choirs all ruined b.y o fin ish that is too dCM"k se s ore 1n rap cover1. se s are 1ng s11e an · · . , . $ remember Simmons only makes one set higher price. These or al least that 11 why people Jay they wont buy 11. 950 ore $190 the ser wh ile !hey lost: The Queen size ..sets..w:il\_ ....,...WO(th..of fin.• Mople lu_rnitute ruined by a dOrk fi~ish, but the be $140 today and all rema ining full and twin si1e selli finish may look pretty light when we soy you con buy it for will go fo r $100 a set. $477. At lea1t come see it! (4) $79.9,United Cellerelles comp lete with crystal sets. These e good home bot sets with double door fronu wilh ass rocks in doors, and lilt lop drop front that makes large formico mixing and serving area. We have 4 to sell at $37 each and at lhat price they ore ~ really. great buy~. Whal do you need in Bedroom furn it ure? Check the items listed here and see if e'lerything you might need is included because 0 lot of these items will be sold today ot over so·;. off. They ore all solid maple with micorta tops ... Lingerie Che1t, Desk, 3 Drawer Chest, Dresser Corner Desk, Bookcase Desk Hutch, Bookcase Dresser Hutch, Bookcase Chest Hutch with doors, f ull size bed with Nite Stand, Bulik Bed s, 2 Twin 8eds, Canopy Poster Bed, and Full size Spindle Posler Bed. Now the best port ... Many of lhese ilems are $99.95 and $109.95 items. Every one of them is at least a $69,9S item, but every one of them is offered YOUR CHOICE just $44 apiece. At o price like this you can't go wrong. Pick out all the pieces you need and buy them on terms. Come early to get o comple!e selection. . ---- -$369.95 ~Kroehler game loble set i; Ranch~ Style Qok and Saddl~ Ion nougbhyde, Good looking, you bet, wilh a heavy oak round table tha t hos a formico top and four heavy oak frame benches that ho ve ~oft foam pillow tops covered in stropped nougohyde. Benche1 resei"ble saddle benches. h's good looking foi' sure, but is hos not sold, iO !odoy !ht price goes lo $185 for all 3 pii'Ces. A. good name brand 5 piece dinelle retoil1 for $79.9S up today and ii is hard to find o really good quality set for any . th ing less than that. That is what our buyer said when he bought 100 Oouglas 5 piece 1ets to sell at $69.9S each. So few sold that we still hove over .50 left and ot this rote that is a -' year supply. We wont to make it o one hour supply so when We open today every set goes at $37 each. That price includes the extension table and 4 very comfort- able choirs, (41) $149.95 Walnut Cellerettes. ioy, here is o problem for you. These ore really drinking men's ceUeretles because they ore Yery large and hold a lot of bottles of booze and include a very large and very fine set of crystal. One door revolves with bottfe shelves on the back1ide, and the top hinges up and out to form a beautiful formico top bar, but here is the problem ••• What real drinking man who needs a cellerette this large is _going to spend $150 on the ce11erette in_lilead of boot.e? None, since we opened _.~JO o.u.t_the_y_go today..ot-$67-eoch. Our buyer didn't quit al .5 piece dinettes. He got corri~d away and bpught ttie some set with 7 pieces, The table is o lot bigger and there ore 6 choln. $139.95 was lo be the 1ensotionol price on this set. We guarantee o sensational buy today-at $67 complete-seven ~pieces becouse that's less than our ex-bUyer poid for them. w AREHOOSt.Al'lD-SHOWROO~ SEUING-DIRECT . TO-THC-PUBLIC ' . OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY "lO A.M. TO 7 P.M. SINCE /!HO I • At l!:'(it oil !he "retail Ifill(' ore 1oken out ol $26'9.fS l(;oehler Roll• Ar'm Tuxedo Sofa in im Ported cul 1L41 Warehouse Price. Toke 11 hon1c yourself velvet. Spanish '...os1 .tOne on lone 'that cost• a bunch and or ho"e 11 delivered by le"i1z 01 o Sflloll addi· look1 it. Kro.hlet qvaUty thor guC!rantees durability and rionol i:ho1ge., ~·•her way .. vovr rovings ore ~ J-comfort-. AM in oH o very, vety ~lceJQ.fLlhot hos J!O!-;!,• ·~ld'-l---t~~~·~•0:"1>~~n~d~ou:~· -~~~-~~-~~~~~· ~~~~~=~~==~~~~~~~~~~g~;~~~~~~~~~~J oncf tfiot'I 1iad_, •We t¥en ~11ert11ed fheM~on-...... Ol-< .. ..i"9 olld..stUI no .ales, .o now the moment of truth, le here before 'TERMS AVAILABLE ttiree ore .old ancf'You can own on• for $140. • • ------- \ ,. -~ price, because eve,:Yone of these :dressers is offer.cfitour choice $87 eochl You will wa it a long time to -~qu~I some of the -value~ in this offer! · l Small white Colonial Bedroom suite. Ideal for girls room. A really nice dresser with mirrar and twin size beds. The quality is good and the drawers ore·center guided and dust proof. Do someihing nice for your. littt• girl, buy her one today for '$1-7-and--,ove----aver 40•/.. -. . 1101 Deville French Provincial Sofas, in good Damask fabrics, with carved solid fruitwood fr'oines and carved legs. People in Califo rnia apparently don't really like French ProvinciOI becou1e since we opened this deportment hos t)ordly sold a sofa I Thi1 is a real moment Of truth because we hove elected to liquidate all French li11ing roo~ furniture including sofas, chairs, tables, and occessorits. l'he best example we con give you is 10 j:!OOd French sofas at V2 price. This entire group goes at $120 apiece! If you like French furniture be here when our doo'rs open! ..One of a kind items ore at give away pricesl Italian Provincial furniture faces its moni ent Of truth at Levitz today! Wit h all of its elegance of hand carved sofa ond choir frames, woven cane inserts, etc., etc., it does not sell in California, so out it goes today .. Every piece including sofas, choirs, and tables. Every Italian sofa or choir left in our stock when we open today will be sotd ot 1/2, price. All other pieces will be salt priced accordingly. ~ $600 Qu ilted Sofa and Loveseah in E(lrly American -Style! Check these febturel. C'iiitOITl-b1il1itrrqUil!ed •- screen print on linen fabric, but unli~e mos~ sofas which only quilted the cUshions and backs, this set hos quijted wings, arms, fronis, and si~e! The cover i1 a ' very good olive base color. The Qualily is e xcellent. . . ' There is really only ane thing different about this s~t. It has no wood trim. Apparently no one wont1 Early American without wood trim, because no one has bought this_1e1.Jhuofo ollllJ..QYe$eot do han._a_dif- ferent look, but we think ii is good looking. At $600 a set apparen tly the public doesn't , , . so t~e pric e is reduced to $27S for b~th pieces· today to sell them out. At $275 we bet you will soy it is the most beautiful Early A'fi'.'~ricon 1et you hove ever seenl , ' $489.95 Spanish Sofa and loveseot in Gold Vectro fabric -;jth huge $ponith ~®-d P-!)J:h M.Jll.111.i. Colo_rls-09lJhU~st ~ but at $200 for both pieces we don't think it is too badl Th is is o one only set ta don't be mod if you come late and jt il gone I ' los1ett Oo ~5panf1h ltdrOOITC5uiti inclu<fes ~piece•. Triple ·Dresser, Mirror, Che1t, S.d and 2 Bedside Chest1, Ont• in a while you might fiMI a las•ett Sponi1h 3 piece group pr'iced under $300, but if anyone ho1 ever 1old o Bossen 6 pie'' ~o(li1h Suite for anywhere near $300 we have not 11eor or it. NOw gtt this: you 'on hove all 6 piec:e .. todby for $2t7: but reanYdOli'I wainOO lot• a1 10 suiie1 ore olf ~ we hove. • .. ,. I II I v Gt ol DE In o child 11'1 clocl ., l lel r slupl has I ar forei • • --• • ' ·-1 • 7i Town and G·own Scor e s Goals Involved is the 'vord £or me1nbers of UCl Town and Gown. After concluding: a year in \vh ich the membership continued 'vo rking to relate com1nunity to campus, ne\v officers were elected during the organization's annual meeting. ~1rs. John E:. Connolly, \Vile of tbe chairman of the department of surgery at UCI Medical School , \vas elected president. Serving \\•ith her tvill be the Mmes. Ed \va rd L. Culver Jr .. ·R9b-- ert N. \\Iced and J.ialvor Ver1nund , vice presidents; Frank E. Gaines and Keith L. Nelson. secretaries, and Richard A. Kredel, treasurer. Nc\v 111embc rs re presenting Tov»n and Go\vn on the advisory · board nrc Mrs. Berna rd O'Lou.~hlin and l\1rs. Geor~e Roberts.-Other board 1ne1nbers are the Mmes. Gene G. Kawamura, J. William peyton, Robert F. Robinson and Bruce Sumner. Miss A~nes Bl.omq ui.s.t.....Mu;.___Robert J . !\1arshall and f\1rs. Con· nolly \Vill serve as representatives to the UCI Foundation board of. dire=tors. Among the many accon1plishments achieved by To,vn and Go\vn mem bers during the past year ha s been bringing· a series of outstand .. ing lecturers to the campuses . In keepini;:: \vith the year's theme,, Human Ecology, Environ .. mcnt and Populatiog, Dr. A. J. ~laagenSmit, nationally recognized ex .. pert, spoke on_ Air Pollution. Noted American satirist and writel' of light verse and prose, Dr. Richard Armour. delig hted an overflo\v audience for the annual com .. munity lecture in February. 1 1 • • : , -' . ..___. " ,. ' .. ' .... ' • • ' ' • -I. t I ' . -I.· ' and Gown. f\1embers tallied past accomplishments-a1l<f-.planned lo ~-·~s~u·rpass Uiem illffiifjftliCgfOup 's annual1'il.embersli1p meeting and ----···r·- election of new officers. (Sot Y._EAR REVIEWED, P•gt 221 J Assured of Success ui1cl-' s Proud As a eacoc Takin~ a \Yell-earned break in celebration of the success ol the recent seventh annual Peacock Hill National Horse Show, 1nembers of the Orange Cot,Jnty Guj ld for the John Tracy Clinic 'viii attend a victory lun cheon in the hoine of Mrs. Kenneth Kraus. Assisting th e hostess with arrangements for llie Thursday, June 25, celebration 'viii be f\1rs . Roger Marsh. Although final results of the show 'viii not be know n for some time , the enthusiastic response o( both exhibitors and spectators alike assures an out· standing success. Looking back to the sho\v , members recall silver trophies gleaming against a background of spring flowers. Pink bucket s filled with red . wh lle and pink flowers lined the picket fence of the Peacock Hill Riding Club in North Tustin. Potted greenery marked the entrance to seating areas and outl ined the judges' stand where ttophies were displayed. CORNET SOUNDS COLORS Jim liein, leader of th e Tustin Police Explorer Post color guard , opened both days or the show with a fla~ ra ising ceremony. Mike Moran, son of Mrs. Douglas Moran , horse show co-chairman, sounded colors on the Cornet. by f\1rs. 1vlornn and f\1rs. J. II. Frledn1an, co-chair· - men. LAWN PARTY ENDS SHOW Following th e concl~sion ofthe show managed by F'rank Jordano ot Sant a Barbara, guil d n1embcrs, cxhibito_rs and guest_s_ adjourned lo the lawn of the ranch .for an exhibitors' party. !\•Jr. and Mrs. Don Shanahan, ranch oy,·ners. and guild member under the chairmanship of ~1rs. J ames .. Campbell were co-hosts or th e Sunday. party. Officials were Don Simington of New hall judg· in~ hunfers, jumpers and e<1Wtation : \Ves \Yhitlock of Lakeside, \Yestern and equitation. and Harry Smith of \Voodside. saddle hor ses, walking horses, ponies and eq uitation. l·lornblower was Harold Collinson , !Jarry Forbes '"as ringmaster, and f\1alcolm Rossoll, announcer. RING CREW LENDS HAND f\.1e111bcrs or the. Oran~e C0unty Sherif! Aero Squadron und er direction of Ca pt. Robert Shnpson served as security tMtro l. Members o! the ri ng cre'v included Ken Bryant, Kim Carlson. Pat Coxsen, Chuck Currey, Manuel Greco, Mjke f'larding;Mark 'fhacker, Steve Timboe and Bruce Todd . Mrs. Robert Todd served the guild as ring crew chairman. Guest celebrity Miss Amanda BlakL star of television's "Gunsmoke," \Vas ·escorted afl5"und the ring 'in a surrey by Roy Register, riding club mana· -J(el'. -~ Participating in th e sho\v from the Newport Beach~Costa Mesa are.a were DecDee Beaucbamp, ___ -j'- l\1elainie Bleeker, ,Maurie Davis. Merrilee Dunn . Donnie Donaldson, Robin Swift, Debbi e Ryan and V FOR VICTORY -Members of the Orange County Guild for th e John Tracy Clinic will celebrate success of the recent Peacock Hill National Jiorse Show with a victory lun_ch_eon. Displaying the victory sign arc I left to right) Mrs. Jay Kear and Mrs. Stephen l<'ry- er, guild members. The following day, Mrs. Spencer Tr'acy. clin ic founder. was escorted around the rin~ by the club manager and received a bouquet of flowers from Mrs . Edwin C. Lovret, guild president. Mrs. John Charles Richard and her l\vi n sons Michael an d Thom as, grandsons of Mr. and Mrs . 0. W. Richard, honorary chairmen, were introduced Michelle Moulton. · · Al so taking part ,v·ere Allison Roe, Jeanne Stevens, Robin Zimmerman. Vicki Svendsen, Lisa \Vagner, Amy Wai::ner , Debbie Zim1ncr1nan. Cathy Lincoln, Le slie Ripley, Susan Smith, Kim Davis and Janet Gongiver. Ringing l·n Mother's Ears After 50 Years · Causes Fears • ' DEAR ANN LANDERS : J!tn a woman lypcwrilcr1 Don't you have an editor DEAR ANN UNDERS: 1 am a who rends your sturt berore it 1ets tecnaier who would like Lo respond to into lhe paper? I hope before they fire your suggestion that tecna should respect -=--ILLI NOIS CRIPE DEAR 1.0.: Vo.'ve raJsed t0me t.I· cellfllt points. I ltope It jars '8tle u In my mkl 50s and have reared, thr~e children. I worked bcrorc the children were born and I made gQOd money. .__ J quit when our last child-entC~cd high ANN LANDERS ~ · you that you will at leut apok)a;lze their rentl ~pLr~bUlty ~BOILING""OVER --coo n avee mort-;--li.it -hOW can fe.w_pmal&I )!l'alu, Tlllab_f~'----.,.,,1 le&&er. • • 8Chool.-. . DEAR BOIL: Ple11e re8d lbe cohlm• Lecns respect lhelr parents when they IL's a pleasucc nol· to scl an alarm RIClln. I 11id. "The vul m1jorll}' ol don't respect us and they don't &Ive wr'1tten to the publisher of the paper people who bave 1nwtt11 U,e rlat111Uo WI any responsibillly? clock. I love staying at home and doing . conservat.lve than most women in our as I please. But my husband will not crowd , I do my own hair. We have let me alone. lie says l Am lazy and no maid in the house. l doh 't mind 15(upld for piddlmg1 away my Um . He n nccaslonal-part·tlme'iob, but-I don't"' has made me-feel li ke a leech because, wrini -!!leady work . Is this wrong? -· I am not-• bringing In money. I-le is . FISCAL fo'RACAS WITHOUT END 1Sklni him to fire you. I am sure lold or os&eoardriti1 ... die 11a1rrlte1I How iJ • kid supposed to knoW what he wiU receive many other suth letters, type.''~ I wet1I" IO UJ, .. rta,.as1e-respecl 18 whe" his partnla yell at I work for -the Nalionel Arthrllis fr'oun.. IO a dlrtct 1(Uettlon, "yn, l!!llrrtlt• him all the time, never 81.ve him a datlon and I am Incensed by your state-CRn cau1e arlllrlll1.'1 Tluit 1tlleme11l · chance lo explain anything, crlllcitt.hlm mcnl that arthritis Is caused by gonor· 11 correct. from morning _till night -never a eom- · CONFIDENTIAL TO WERE wE IN· SULTED?: Not neoeua.ri ly. In ftct, It might ha ve been 1 compliment. "Lllce Curtaitt Irish" are people of lriafi deaotnt-~-,--­ who have fruit in the house when nobur:ty is sick. · • forever' reading ads lo me -"Help wanl.::d Female ." Twice I have rcteiv~d rail lrorrr-!'3 which he undoubtedly "arranged.'' ·rhc-. It docs not ~ mean , however, thaL pliment or a word of encouragement Uai.•rl'J of yoanelf " di&u? WUt"i DEAR FIS: A •·omu ln htr mkl·ih You have insulted every arthritic in evcryont who h11 arlhrlU1 pl H from How arc we supposed to 'know what rlpi? w II• 1 , 1 .,..,17 Sllellil ,e.?- wltt bal railed U.ree t,Wldrta 1bout4 • VD. llereja .anoLJter ex•mple: Exce11i,·e respons.lb~ ls if evu~, ~ia.,,.o'l"~-··.,~ .. ~,. .. ·-' -.._ ,, 1 ._, ttot p Mtll to • lad-ttme jotJ an1nJ &M=-country;. I 4on'Lliff-.-liow ou hlv rtnklnr-can cnlnfnltfllnf"' Uver, for us a we are t1evcniilowerl to b:kt::'~ti.;&iill Jlt':.t:::u;:. --·· My husbi:ind Is ali exccullve ttnd we i re not hard up for moocy. I ha v e vcr-beernl-big spendtt and~an1 JllO! e (II 1ddltlonal illeome It needed or {%) hc1d your job so long mBkfng such crazy bul .IOl everyone with cirrhosis of the make dcchdons vllo l to our lives? 1r tlotlng wldl your =:~,: aft tll 111k w11111 lo, atltemcnts as that. Do ou write yn,ur llver got ll 11 • re111lt ol drlnldn1. 1 kid's parent!! won't 1\ve him respect cet. * 1 '-I• .u 1 ,..,... DEAA-ANN-LANDEllS:..U..c.t -1~111.t._wco""''""'"'""''""' wllh..L.bollle.J!Laill _by ~U=,.~~T~l!c~re~-do ~..,,....._,•.._ __ ~-_..,,.._.,e,.apo.,.,,na!"ib"!!iU~ly,~.,~ho!".'-"c"'an!.!!'he'-..1'~"'!.'"'--IO"""! _,.,!'.elope._luare ol ll!t DAILY PILO'I.~-~-'--4 l. ' , ' • ) • t •. - • • • • ' • ' • ' . • • ' • I. . • • • . " • ' • • •• • \ • • c • " • ·' • . ' . • ---• ~-YOO 1 HS BRE"A~mu -Gathering for supper to be followed by fellowship and in!onnal study are (left to right) Valerie Williams and SherrilJ and Gregg Svalstad. They will be joined bY. other Fountain Valley young people for a sum- mer program ·sponsored by the First United Methodist Church beginning Mon· day, June 29. '. • • -. .. • FRIO·•Y------cANcEa (June,ll.J"'"'-2%):_ ~· Nothing Is_ going tdep:._are .i>fiif>n,.J, YQll .. m,,ds.,('-''O:'";..;;u1ro1"•· ••• S•dntY °'"""" . <I!'\ -J· o•""'2 -'IP• bMll.lltr-TM Trltlll AbciUI JUNE 19 Your tlio...W. 1111y be to. be handed you on pro. verblal !lrive to carry them out. "'-'''o1oe1r' iflld ~..,..,. -~ u.-+1 ..... il I tt y II h to 011'.'P• llOllkle1. Ille DAILY PILOl, mCID""'1liled -. rwUoos of. s ver p a er. OU ~·1 ave Boll ,11:«1. Gr•M c""w•t s111i.11. New 'T"' v:1 to make contacts , calls. Leg.7'~;.';;;';;..""'-~...,.• ___ ,_ • .;~;;;;;' ;;'_,~._'"'.;;;' ~'~"~'' .. ".:,",;;· ;.."',.';;'·-;;...~o;;;;;;;;;;,. mate or bo1b•• pll'tlw. Be work-is ·a necess.ity. Get going.II ..:.· •.:.. .. ~~ apt!mftUc. GklOln co u I d SAGITI' ARIUS (Nov . 22· .a.. -ha.-efO. "II''• llPUd ....... Dao1 defeat Dec. 21): You spend money H£1'/ A/?R/YALS/ .., u11 1111n ~ .. )'OW' own Jl'l'lll*· Improve for item which can brighten • 'ltnllll?n,1.11,.._,.. publlcrelltioat,lmqe. outlook. Don't hesitate at ~MS' 'TT A'S Allllll (IWd> JI.•~• II):· ·. LI.II (luly ID-Aul. II): You making yourself comfortable. '=' ,....... rllllblvttbepetlJ. YourabU-ImproVe appearance:. Accent · · Tudl ud Jurn:. S ba.ro ity lo t.-, «Ute 11 ...,_ your best . qualities, features. ERNATIONAL OOLL~CTION OF. = ~i:..'~ ~~=I= This leads to greater hap-BEA CH TOWE LS IMPdRTED FROM EUROPE $750 l••utlful new des?qns and (Olcrs. 36"x70'' U.0. Ille -ol Mlf.IJn. . -permlll y.., lo adhere pi~RICORN (~·.· 22-Jan . .,.-. A..id -wllo lo bip.t pria<lplel. ~ ...... ownpl•W Obtain a VDQO <Aus. 2S-Sept. 22): 19): Wha t was obscured is more palittve oi•Jook Yomrc ptl'IOD may come up clarified. You learn lessons. TAUIWll <Alri •llay •>: wlUI -lbat II ac1ua11y old Key is to apply them . Avoid y kind fl. ,..__ bat. Be ~ Don't sell-deception. See perscw, our dlJ, Ji+CllWt)' ..--.-ve. situatioos as they 11ctually ex· 11 pr-.ct ud ,.. ,.._ aJlaw ,..nell lo be ..,...Ued .., II. -w111101,..1 lo by --not -Uy lat. SO>p daydreaming. p1y price fGf quollly. !lllcard -.ed. ~· clear by AQUARIUS . (Jan. 20-Feb. tblm. Ii.._ Yourpatmttal toallllt-. 11): Sol.id agreeme_g_t can be • ia tnmmdotll. • tau (Sept. D-Oct. 22): reached with Me who has GDIDU (May 21.Juae ill): . Home, flllllly, em1rcJnplent been eh!filve. Press home win: Finl* project. Don't 1et ar. streued. You mUlt attend ning points. Show that you ltartecl OD ....,..hie wbk:b to ~ lames. Get famil y are not without allies. You needs further preperatioo. btcldnc. BuUd morale of one get support from those in posi· M-. tw.id pnmatun es.-who bu dered ~ Ac-tions of authority . pedA--Bp>ll!FI Gii nla-cent -· PISCES (Feb . IS.March 20): t.iom with dale lllOdM, SOOIU'JO (Oct. 2S-Nov. ~I): Friends, hopes, wishes come partners. Oiqe d concept appears to fore. You find out what and who are lmpor t ant . Discard the s up erfici a I. Concentrate on real needs . The Tee Tattler ca .......... : A allltlll Ill_., :_o:<-~ --... 0 . MIN. TlM7' _, .) ...... ~ LJl!li.i. ~:=: • ,,,,,_ NII M I Y ' c ··-· ..... JIJ Mn. GllM -· =..:, ..... _ Then you find fulfillment. IF TODAY IS YO UR BIRTHDAY re s idence , domestic si tua t io n are highlighted. Move or new understan4inF with one close to you is a necessity. Your Food Topic For TOPS h•,..,ft..L'"J:.:' ~:!: ii ... ~· • • Owl N t An open discussion on What ~:-Jj;'' •,l~~u~.~ S Q e J\.1akes Us Overeat will occupy ..__,, · w members when the 11arbor· !!i!,~·11 '~~· Next Date lighlers TOPS meet at 7 p.m. Wi:i"fr~1 :.. : • ..W Monday, June 22, in Harper Hl.Ji.i• (Tilil!i\W or'~~:,~;,cH ~OU +H COA~T PLAtA 1'111•1 St. l.11lr1n,_le1w .. • J. Mi911i11 N:f U.I. N•t'I, 111111-546-~ • ' 'll OME,GA 1 .. . .,, i.:,:;._.A1,J1,,,,,,_,_..,._·---·~ LUNAR WATC H The O~mega Speeclmaster Chronograph stainless s\eel witli metal bracelet. Keeps as perfect t ime on earth as it d id on the moon. $195. <. SLAVICK'S S P • f:.=,. I:... 1 a1c111r'S School, Costa Mesa. ummer rogram Begins • . L •u• .... 'Ht~:. .. '" Marlnt s,t. Sieve Finlton Area women inlefesle<I in '·---F , a· 5 a-· . Sh d ~-~.~: l~~~~ r.:..: ~Nl:t'":i: ~i~a~fit~.g:i:i.:;~.:;~11~~ -t g•,[;t' ~., cit the Hoo:t 'n Holler Roost newly elected chapter !eader, Jew•ler1 S;n,. 1917 00--, -·-u -res--a1re· ____ ll"'H, 'f'.' .,,.., ....• "1-~MOl:._WL;:o:;. .. -D. ~~~~;ibeCenter_ill_.CiZ·u.p=.m-"-.=at=·546-=·2=15=5·===.===:ll -11 ~-• ' ----1.8-EASHION.JSU.NO_. __ .:. ___ ··--·-. NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 lht Mlntl. 11-~ Sunday, June 21. Gloomy Gus Is Y•ur c111rl'I Acc•unt we1e•me- A new type of pNgram ln noon Monday through Firday. older children will investigate ~1 'at' ""' ._:_, c. 1• Flnaton, a holder or the ••r.kA.,..,ic•nt. M.st•• c111rgr. Am"1c•11 E•11r•11, •~•. fellowship will be introduced Dramatizations, printing, Cod 's Worldwide Family. ••""..,•li!TU, ... -, ..,~!"' A. ,"'•. Bronu Siar -~ a Vi'etn Your -Kinda Guy ---.. n _. o-J ...... miu Opell Mondoy •nd Fridoy until f :JO -:-for" Fountain Valley young collage and painting' to music There U a charge ol 11.50 i.ti Ml"I. Oet.itw °"•' ,.,, ,.... veteran, now is a.ssociatedl'::=========::'.:'.====================~ . ~-~-----' __ __,...,p111l.,e.iw"h"e"n ~rst Unlt.e:,d.__w,.-,ill,!'be'-"'or ... fer""!ed'!-"m"lh"-'and""\,e"'". ,,,th,_R«-child not lo es.ceed ft.50 Mldlaiet '"· 0'"1111. .,,..., ,..,.. •1 with the Joint Public Affairs Methodist Church begins its graders as they exp j o re per J3.miJy. ===·~t:;-ornce-at-EI -TonrMartnel------------ vacalion church school. Conflict and Christians. · Working on the vacatkln ac-r. w. LI"'"-Gtww ~. 111 w. L, Corps Air Station and sings Community youths in grades Seventh and e~th grade tivities are the Mmet. Phil er--;:~-=.,~ L. ~ and plly1 the I u it a r fi 1Je through eight will gather students will lune in on a Sapp, c h airman; Tod '\tT """1.."""' _ c ,. tbrou1fxJut the area. in the church for a nightly Junior High Youth Happening Kin gs I a nd , a 1 s J stant tr-_,_.,, ~~ 1,., H1 calla his presentation 1t~~=~~~·~•h~•;;r.r,at\;;i6~~·mffi;.. ~aw,n~d;;fne~x~lforffieiii<Jlt~he~~Chr~ist~ia~n='cna~~ir~mia~n~· ~T~o~n~2w~;~111ams,~· ~l:::Jla"6'' a.. ~"r1 D' ~ ~· J. LiWI Bit ot America and follow by Cl program o m-mean1ng·1 o soog3, evening-c 1rman· i..--...., 1;!!f=plem·tcfbemme·.-)RIHdonat formal study. Vacation church school for Forster, registratkla, and Pat ltti.r':.!.! rl. 1#L £.t:! entertainer upon fill d!ICblrge ... • • • • Meetings will take place 2-year-old s through (our l h Rom.ans, food. ~•=•~. ir, ~111!: from tbe Marine Corpa:. Monday and Tuesday, June graders will take p I ace------------"'=======:...:;;=::.... _______ .:._ __ 29 and 301 and July J, 2, between 9 and 11:30 a.m. the 7 and JO. remainder or this week and Preregistration !or the sun1. Monday throllgh Friday, J une mer program is required by 22 to 26. Sunday, June 21, and there Community 2 and 3-year- will be a fee of $6 cha rged olds wtll explore Jhe topic, for the suppers. Registration 1 Wonder. Foor and 5-year- forms and add it 1 on a I in-olds will find out about God 's fonnation rnay be obtained Plan for Families and grades by calling the church office, one and two will discover 9Q..2593, between 9 a.m. and World of Differences. The From Page 21 ... Year Reviewed The student loan fund , art scholarships from the art fa ir, music for the music library front the faculty concert and Braille lypewriters for the library are among the gifui from Town and Gown. Special interest groups have conlinued to broaden the scope of their involvement In student affairs by sponsoring recep- tions fol lowing university con· certs, en t ertaining in- Court Stelle ternalional visitors to lhe campus and helping foreign students settle in a new com- munity. Members continue 10 meet in small groups in private hornes for book discussion, foreign language study, mus;c and art. For more ath l et i c en· counters they gather on the golf course, tennis court or beach. Two new groups - modern dance and open space -will be added next year, :P.1embership in UCI Town fem"llers or Court $1ella-aind-Gown-is . open at-any ~1aris 1448, Ca t h Q 11 c time during the year, and in· Daughters of America meet rormaUon regarding' joining each second and fQllrlh Mon-may be obtained by contacting day at I p.m. in Sl.":foactum's h1rs. Vermund in Corona del parish hall, Costa Mesa. Mar, 5'..ill.!ri Ci\( ~1~G StT -'fJ.fi.IRED "MfVfR·MAt• l11i1lJToP, WAfrl CH~IR :iil\T~. 1nv~e "· ' 35 FASHION SQUARE SANTA ANA 'PutS~ . '9 llEYlE tailored to perfection 1 new ribbed textin in urefnie polyester that's e..r wrinkle·free the ~1"9ller's blessing the newest color scale ce>oolineted throoghout Gauguin lime Iris blue I 10 to 18 llli1thed easy skirt si ryshelf in Hel1nt1 wnhable nylon mix.flfitch B colon . - Coral crab Fem green 9600 /5()() 35 FASWON SQUARE, SANTA ANA --- -~--itiey.'.ruupedl..wilh..ou"';=== ___ ..,,,,_,....,..,,....,~ Who says the kids are \ .,, \ right?~_,.; Guess what the kids are giving Old for Fa ther's Day? A six inch wide necktie hand· painted in Oay·Glo colors. A lifetime membership in the BeatlM Fen Club, Racing stripes for the family car. A private telephone all his own. You, with your wisdom and maturity and experience, aren't going to fall prey to those juvenile solutions to the annual Father's Day gift problem. You 're goin g to give Dad someth ing he wants. And needs. And will appreciate. Sure you are. . You just haven't figured out, yet, what gift meets your strict criteria. Pennit us to pop a suggestion 1t you. How about a gift pak from Hickory Farms? The good folks at the Ohio headquarters of Hickory Farms t.+I us (and we quote, of course), "Dad will enjoy the ttste tempting cheeses, smoked meats .-.d other foods men 1njoy ,,, in ou r complete •ltction of gift packs." Midwestern-Oeds ha11e been singing the praises of Hickory Farms for qu ile a spell. No reason Orange County lathm shouldn't be presented wi th 1he same delights. Consider,,then , pleasing 0.cf.'s pllati with 1 gilt pak from Hickory Farms. Specially Two cheese spreads. Mustard. And im ported candies. Just $3.791 Our personal favorite is Tasty Tempters. Once again 1'.4 lbs. of Beef Stick. This time with our lamous Cheese Ba11 . As a finishing touch, a large box of our Oval Wafers. This combin· a ti on, col/ered with ou r speci<1I Father's Day wrapping and decoration, makes a great.gift for a great dad. Frankly, Mom, there's only one problem when you shop for gifts at Hickory Farms. 'Specia ll't' Father·s Day gilts. How do you k8ep the kids from eating up alt the goodies! I hate cheese Are you one of those people who can·1 sloma ch cheese? Does the appearance of a thic k sl ice of Gouda turn Y.Q.Ur tummy into a roller coaster? We may be a cheese store. But we're no t fanatics about it. We'v11 got carloads of non· cheese goodies for people who don't lik11 chea:se. Like our universally acc~eef Stick. h's our best selling single item. Anti for good reason. It's an all beef, hickory smoked summer sausage, w11h a mild, yet dis· tincti>Je tlavor. If you like good deli coldcuts, you'll go bananas over ou r Beef.Stick; You'lt c1rtalnly neeclparty snacks this time of year. Like our Banana Chips. Or the jillions of varie11es of tongue tingling, laste tantali.zing cras!'ers (yeah, c:i eese ha1ers, -unbeliev<1ble Wil.tnnher·detr-- items, e11en great with cucum· bers and Peanut butter). We may sound like a cheese store. But deep in our curds· and-whey hearts we have a symphath y for people who can't stand cheeSt • Had you g ueHed 1 Been on the Pl::inet Mu for the · past umpteen years? Com· pletely unaware of the Real ~VOrrcl? Let us inform you"l:hlt !his coming Sunday is Falher'• Day. Surprise! Far be it from us to presume on the excellence of your decision making prowess, especially when it 's time to buy Dad a teeny tiny token of your love and /or esteem. But, what the heck, we'll presume anyway, Af ter all, we're going to keep our stores open au day this Saturday and Sunday so we can sell boatloads of Gilt Paks and make Jots of money. Or. as other stores say it, •·For your shopping convenience." Hickory Farms_ Gifl Paks, es gobs of happ y daddies alread y· know, make excit ing bring·i t- 10-him presents for Father's Dav'! Or for any occ~ion. For that little extra touch to the Fa1her's Day wrapping, \ve'll add a corncob pipe, a practi~e golf ball. or some other little lklbit. Just for you, tr.id just lot Dad , O.K., so we're cornball and sentimental. But what do you expect with a name lik e Hicl<ory FatmJ. How about the Midnl!tlt " 1"'-~ wrapped for him, of course, t Sp,ecial1 1)41bs. of our scrump· ti i 11•·.g. tiOOI Beef Stick. Mild Midget • OF ONJO Lon'~orn. Belle PleurChees-e. Free tasting sessions held dallv.:-- Smoky Cheese Bar. And gobs: (Open (Yen.ings and Sundsys) of importe<fcandies. -Would Dad prefer the Pre• Newp ort Beach mium Pak? It's a Jong time \V!'stcJiff Plnza (Weatcll lf and Irvine~ &42-0912 fayw_ite gifL An Edam Bar. Orange . Goude, Smokv2en_•_B_•_r. __ __:•:._ __ ;w_,,._,~..C:.011~t~ S~oPpl~fe te~~S:BQ.16 -. • ' - +··----- I ' ' . Soc1e y nstarts New · Off ieefs-Picked New ofncers were installed In addiUon to installation, Harlow were tbt Mm e 1 • when the Wametn Society-of the program included-a talk:J_Sldney Baskin, vice pruident; Christian ~erv~. First United by incoming president Mrs. Kenneth Brooks, aecretary ; Methodist Chw-ch, Huntington Thomas Harlow who related Ted Small treuurer· H1nl1Je Beach gathered in the church. he~ experiences as a represen· Chrlltian ~ 0 c I a I ~ma: Mrs. Verda llinkle, retiring tatlve to tbe 1970 uaembly Cl .... _ _1_;_.,..,'. president, conducted the of WSCS in Houston. . arence --..u,. ·~1 busincs.s meeting. Taking office with Mrs. educlUoo; Hin')' s al lade I ==:='"--=--~----·<-_...:·~---1 membonhfp cuKlvallon and All'"'"' M11111f1ehlreit Nonnal Hamel, 1piritual llfOWlh. Abo lel1ed wert the Mmes. Alonzo F'ruler, local cllurdl retpanaibilitiea; Anna Werner, Homer Dowty, Arnold McAdoo, William Yunek, J. Ray 'lbompoon, Willllm Okey and Kennelh. Moo,., bazaar; James Clark, aumhine ud s,rulll, .tamps aod coupooo. . Others serving include the Mmes. Yunek, mu s ician; Okey, Slrio1Giardini, Vad Sen- tiani n, EdWard Erny, Joe H. _4 __ _ of FINE CLOTHING cady and Byron w i I a a n , ~--':I nominating committee; Jack CELEBRATING ANNIVE.RSARY Mr. ind Mrs. Howard A. Parker Clapp, auditing; .Raymond Kibel, publicily, and Dwight K. Clapp, reception. · · Circle chainnen appointed are the Mmes. John Deem. Wesley Cartwright, Robert Campbel1 Jess Liston, Robert Kelsey , Barbara Reid, Moore and Ben Ramirez. . Peace circle served lun- cheon following the b.usiness .neetiq. Evening Ceremony Selected The Rev. Martin WJerzlg of- ficiated during the evening ceremony in Pee k Famlly Chapel linking Sheila ,Louise Gardner and Timothy t. Ten Eyck. -----Patents-of "the newlyweds are Ab'. and Mrs. Joseph Gardner of Garden Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Ten Eyck of eosta Mesa. Joseph Gardner escorted his daughter to the altar for the Party Honors Couple Golden Years . Sh.a red The garden of the Westmins- ter home ol Mr. and Mrs. How- ard A. Parker was filled with more than 70 friends and neighbors When the cOuple \\'ere honored oti their golden wedding anniversary. Hosti ng the party were their daughter and son-in-law, 1t1r. and Mrs, Ralph Bigelow and grandson Kevin Bigelow of Huntin gton Beach, and their granddaughter and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Richnrd Etchison of Westminster. Another daughter, Mrs. John Loren a n d grandchildren David and Barbara a( Dav en- port, lawa were unable to at- teocl. September Date Set -double-r.ing_ceremooy.-'lhL- brlde asked Miss Ellen Clark Canf1'&! l Bqpd·t~ Give him a Tissot Seastar "7''. Just sel It and forget h. Winds itself. Tells the date. Water and shock resistant. In yellow t op, stainless steel back case ••... $65 'l"""t"'f I PR·S16 ls particularly rugged. Se.1.f.:wJndlng. 'Te lls the day and the date. Water and shock-resistant, Ye11ow·top, atalnlou sleet back case. Racing strap .• $89.50 to be maid of honor and Miss Patricia Roberts served u bridesmaid. · llertY Keep him that way wltlt 1 • Seut•r wrllt •larm. W•kff him In the morning. Reminds him of 1ppoin"tment• •II day.Stalnle111teel c11e. Water and shock resistant .•••• $89.95 ~ T TISSOT For every Dad in the world e KIRK CHARGE e MASTER CHARGE e llANKAMERICARD "The Store The! Confidence BuiW: ROllTINGTON CENTER BEACH & EDINGER HUNTINGTON BEACH ~-55tt'-~- HARBOR S-l'INO CINTIR · 2JllO HARIOR Ill VD. OSTA MISA -545-~ • NOW DECORATIVE BURLAP 55~. 100% jute. Reg. 69c yd. Collon I Collon Blends NOW · All 45" wide -Guar. .88~d. washable. , Reg. up to $1.~9 yd. Pique Prinls NOW 100%_cotton -44"/45" wid~ 99-~, Guar. washable. Reg. $1.29 yd. NOW Sporlswe•r Prints s1~~ 44"/45" wide. Guar. washable. Reg. vp to $2.29 yd. Scr11n1d Polyester Prinls NOW Washabl e. 100% polyester. s.21~ 44"/45" wide. Reg. $3.98 yd: NOW ,.., .. t .. Knit•·s4aa s ' BB Some 44"/45" widt, olhers 54"/60" wide. d TO Jd Valuesup to $8.98 Jd. 1 • • And !he S"'GER ~· crtdil olan is dtsi:Md Iii r11 J'!!!I ~. 1'11oti _jw_ II o15 I ~Ol ll ,,,.,1' SINGER For lddrtsi"'Ofitort n11mt you, ... wtllte p1p1 of phone .~ undtf SING£R COMPANY. COSTA MDA COSTA MnA 'HUNTIN•TOM RACH .• ,. .... Mill"'"' -"•""' .,... • .......... ·-· -.... tfll, Kl .. II,_ ~ 111·""1 ---ant.......,. aMr c111• liiltltl S-11---C-"*"' 'A T ...... 11 .. .,~ 11..oi• eotit'ANY ' , ---·---- ~. Junt 18, 1970 OAILY PILOT Grandmas Heirlooms Lose Out RIUPHDDTIRY •• ·~-Prkel rMnct FREE DTIMATES FUnUture""Made To Order Wlth "Quality \Votkmanlhip" Stop By and Sff Our Showroom CASTLE INTERIORS · . . 7141 Chli,..._., ........ Onw NEW YORK (UPI) -'nlel~~~~·C.~llgC~ol~loc~n~:.._~·~-~1~m~•~ro~"~W~-1~MS~-~·~~~ younaer 1eneraUoo w o u l d chffrlully trlde In G~'a , , hetrlooml 1or Pucd·prtnled SWIMWEAR BY k:e r bucket., p1uUc \ cube tables and paychede1lc-<91or<d clocl:s. , 1bat'1 the word .from H. Jay Sballer, dtreclor ol behavioral . stud.la for a 11-. atamp company. "It lm1 enoqll lor a coffee pol to make pod coffee," he said. "ll 1111111 be fun lo live with, too." Shaffer even tnocU what lo anolher --II one of bl.s firm'• aeWnc poiDl.s -Ill age. · • . ' 'Ibe firm, Spen'y a n d Hutchlillon ( ..... llampo) II 15 years old, but t b e behavioral sclentlit 11y1 such solidity doesn't impress the YOUll8· "The 'now' feellnc among young people reflect. •chance In values," he said. "They no longer want heirloom possesslans, They want ~r.r ducts that will · do the Job, and also fit Into their current life style. "The emphasis of today's youth is on experlmce. They do not set a hip value on the security Cf ownership, u depression-<ondltione older generation." He advt.In bullneu to res-- pond lhrooah form, color and presentation. • News Told Of Troth accentuette SUN WORSHIPPER -Ice Gr••n t•xtur•d nylon froth. Slent c:up push up. SWIM llA $1'. -HIP HU!i!ill $10 WAIST llllF $11 1'1ANY PRINTS & SOLID COLORS And the SINOERUR31'Ctdtl'lln lld"lll&*AIDll)llll' .. L - ·-·~~=-=:.--~ -1 ---~ ·COSTA MllA lrtt•I I ...... ...,. _.., .._.(Hit ,llft. COllA MISA lif M11'Mr 1111'1. tU t .11 .. "' ...... '""" SANTA ANA o.w~i.w.i 1(1 1>..a * w. "" ... -e&11111 .. cm """'-........ --- • ' .. ~-..----. l . Swe"disn Youth·s Tour ' • A visiting SWf(iish youth group wW . be honored by Anchor Lodge f4I of Newport Beeeh;-V aaa-Order of-America at 1:30 p.m. SUnday, June 21. . ' Eleven of the boys and girls between the ages of 13 and -• 20 are blind aod each blind youth will be accompanied by l a young seell!!.Juide. Direc-\' ting thr group lift M'r: and ·Mrs. Carl Edvard Fleetwood.1 · From lodges in' Stockholm, Gotebo'g and Enkoping, the young.people will be visiting ir. the Pacific Southwest District until July 2. Following a. hamburger fry In Cos1.I Mesa Park, k>dge members and their guests will too' Newport Harbor and return to tbe Senior Citizens Recreation Center for a spa'ghetti dinner and vocal and oi'chestral entertaJnment by the visilors. ' . , • ' Assisting the area lodge as hosts will be Evenin1 Star l.<>dge of Lo111rBeoch and Vik- ing Lod1e of San Pedro., wh09e members also Will oPm their homes to the visitor,.s overnight. A 'Mad Ha_tter' Arrives· at Royal Ascot dreSs on arrival for the first d'ay of the Roya) Ascot M;rs. Ronald , Shilling of Australia looks as if she's' all' set for the Mad Hatter's tea party as she wears . a gold Jame teacu~and·saucer hat ·.and matching ' ' ............ Engagement Told Tace meeting.1 · 1Da Set 1for Riles n.t1eagagement of. Loretta Presbyterian Church, s.nta Mari~ Petersen IDd lteDDetb0~An~a,~~~~~~~~l-------"''--'""'"~llOl..,_n_,hu beel ll_t.~ naanced by Mr. and Mn. Robert L. Petersen o f Anaheirq, parents QUti~· bride- l<>be. ~Miss Peterstn, ·a graduate Qf Anabeln rup Schbol, at- tended Fullertpn J y n i o r College.. , liet"fiance, too of Mr .. aJid , · Mrs .. .i:urbert W. ftobinsori of Fountain Valley, is a graduate of Redoudo Btach Hii h School .m will receive hl8 BA degree &-om California State Colleie pt P'ullerton next January. 1'le ('()Uple plan to marry Aug. 2Z ln Trinity United .. APPRAISALS · ." OIAMON.DS. "GEMSTONES· · . -. ESTATE JEWELRY -· Soutlt Co•1t ''••• lri1tol •t the S11 Di1to Fwy,· Cott• Me11 540-906' · "Best Pies Anyw_here" · FATH_ER'S~~IA DAY PIE , _, >I J1 .CUSTOM-MADE 'DRAPERIES '. . ' ' . Rites .Set "in Aug~st Collection Goes Long SAVE 25¢ SCO~Y~SN~IE J r 'w .. , ~ OUI CC»IYINllNT SHOP AT NOMI $11YICI .......... c.ter I s.... AH . nJ..6611 547-4141 !J'be Wool Bureau's in- Tht engage"menl · of .Vicki of Southern California ' this temational couture collection Geotge· and ' Ernest Machado month and will begin work included a coat wardrobe con- Jr. has been announced by to'A'ard her M8$ter 's degree. sisting of \he new midi coat ~ w.,4, ··~r•tor will c•ll ., your ho..... ' ~iffi • 1trit1i11t 1tl•ctio11 of hi9h qu•lity low cost ftbrin fOf you lo choo1• ·fro,,;, N. oblit•tio11I c-plot• .lecor•lor 1•rv· _ ice -ophol1t.f'I' -ilipcoven. ' Dr. Frank George of Hun-She spent her senior year in .light' il Jl9l dress fabrics, tington Harbour. st udying in Spain and Europe. without lining or inter-lining ... News of the Aug. l wedding Her fiance, son of Mr. and it was s~n with a was revealed to Miss George's ·Mrs. Ernest C. Machado of matching dress or skirt. Alpha Gamma Delta sorority Los Angeles, is a graduate T~ trench coat was long, sisters during a senior banquet of' Loyola High ScbOOI and belted and had a gathered In Knoll's Berry Fann steak Loyola Univers'ity or Los yoke. Crossed w r a PP e d M .... c ...... n11 1111i.,. H .. t . ._ .. ·--~ • 17'11 ........ House. Angeles. redlngotes were very close-fit- The bride-to-be, a third He received his masters ting with flat frOnt and a full back achieved with press-• generation Californian and degree in electrical engineer· eel, inverted, or r 0 u n de d , George, was graduated· from work on his second masters ;==========.I S daughter oi the late Mrs. ing from UCLA, and will begin pleating. · -~ MRS. HOCHMAN Millikan Higil Scpool, Loog degree in bu s iness ad· . TaKltl-bouncl Beach and Long, .Beach City ministraUon at use in Sep-LOCAL "QW op1'l"ll 1-1 College, where me was a tember. .No other ....... ,,.,,, t.11, .,ow ·---"'11 ---· ·~~ 7 ~·~·......:.--~---__roembet....o.(-.lma ....'~m~ The couple will.be mArried_ rno.'~:-~~,., d•y. •bot.it wh•t'1 C Simia. She receiv~nef·'B'S-...A:ug. rinst:·cre·gory's-Epiteo--... 9!.!!'Jt.!'..11.•11 ·~!..Gr••'•! 0~•11•• .. 54 E) ~remony d{gree from the university pat chucch, Long Beach. c .... "" • irAltY r1cor.- _----1-•J~~~g~L00NRSHEl1SMLAND · 'E Performed G, . bl. . . ~-,-""'1:::=1-_ . .__ rum . 1euome-un1nvlted. for Men and Women s n \jQraen I e COMPCETE CHILDREN 'S DEPT.· featuring STRIDE RITE A 1arden setting .provided -· -•·n)ftlJllllMo-liNtotpc-;~·~:.;t:t=::==~~~ ---tiii!Ji.ii:tiiii;;;j~~ ---marr!agrolR!beeclLF 1Sher r . -- SHOP SEA RS SUN DAYS 12 Noon to 5 P.M .... Monday lhru Sa turday 9:30 A.M. lo 9:30~.M. .. }~•th~r'• o., 1, J•ne 21 and Shayel Hochman Jr .. 30n of Mr. and ' Mrs. Shayel J-lochmiln of Newport Beach, Tbe Rev. James G. Blain performed the service In the garden of lhe bride's parent!, Mr. and Mf~.'E.bner ~-y'ilfief oC FullertOn. The bride's sister, Krista Fisher served as maid ol Jqlor. with Michael Minard, best · man. Another sister, . · Heidi· Risher, handled the guest book. ' · The M'!'. Mrs. HockmJn was . .._ graduated from Sunny Hills High School and Fullerton Junior College. She is a member ol the Kiwi -Club of American Airlines. The bridegroom was 1raduated from the University of California, Davis and is a member of Orqe County Adverti sers Club and American In sti tute ol Advertising. Following a wedding trip to Tahiti, the couple will make their home in Tuslin. Luxury Plus • Planning to rtmodel kitche.1 or bathroom'! Consider a new fauc~ With a pus~ ootton.con- trol panel to mix hot and ccld water at the water healer. More than a luxury, the new faucet requires only one water supply line lo fttd sbU: or buins. _Steam Clean gives 'em the business! Grall'lll11 .. the dlep doWn ~In,.. Clrpet. ~ w In with .,. ... _, .... n U. building • 111 loJ« oiler loyer of --. ........ ....--.aOcldoll--...--·--"'-1---..--... dttper. CMrloM are thly"I retppt• Jud M yam~ . '-lllloUgh tMclpor. ~·· OltlJOM-lo IMl)Jdeon O corpoL ~.a 6111a::llord I...,.. no ntldue end gets the GrumbU111I (:'tea"l. ?. C!)'Ma~ter CARfET CLEANERS \' --:.-........ ~ ............. .., .......... ,1111•• ......... ~.cl- 40 TEAii Of IXl'RllNCI YOIW..-.wllDlonJr ....... .....,.dMlt ............... atetl --llft:N-•d, .... ,....., __ llW. 147 L 17 .. ST., COSTA MESA • 645-l:tl:t • 541 601i l DAYS -FRl-SAT·SUN · (With This Ad) 1510 WEST BAKER at HARBOR COSTA MESA ACllOS$ FIOM MAlll:n U.StET ,,, SAVE '2 Now On Grey Fiberglas• Screen Doors Regular 1488 Sl6.99 Scrttn hu I pulhbar,1ircl~r. Tu. h p l•tch Yilh lockin3 w:-1ion. 10" ~ickpl•ie. Siies J2"KBO~. 36"•80". "''° 123.99 A11odi1c1I Extruded Alurninum Sc..-n D®n J:?:dl().in., 36:-dlO·in-20.11 SAVE '5.Sear• White Aluntlnum Screen Door• Regular 832.99 2788 . Charcoal Fiber&lai• scrccnin.-. ... ·ith 2 wbi1epush bus. Bl.:k push b1.1non lateh, 10'" lrit ll:plri!c. -,., .\218().inch and )6JS0.iDCh. Slop Mo.Uy Iba SotiuUr 9:30 A ... le ,:31 P.I. S.U.JI 12 N.-le SP ... . . Garage Door Opener IN· '!O• NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach Office of Coast & Southern Federol. Savings, where your account is Regular 'll9.95 9988 -• C :on~1an1 fincf'r 1>rr.~,,ure: 1eti¥1tn-door,l"l'!lciotit-but• htn, ~r .,101M in!llanlly • l...igl1t,goes on whf'n door itc "IJll'nM, t1rrwfH.ft r1<Jl:!f'd • l"muotb aeling relia'bl~ rail •nd r h•in ilrive • Solnt Bl•te l,.rumitlf'r ' S169.'1'5 f;•r•~ Door OtwneT•--~---1 S4.ll $1')1).'.i:i Oe-111"'-:?-~rd \l{l(l"I l 79.11 -. ·. Huntington Beach Office: Located at. 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Diego Freeway, in Huntington -Beach. -----....................... ,.t IAfl • ctpNYlllllllT • AVAILA8LI ' Martlet lluctuatlont doni ::t. ea.I I~_..;····~· ==1:=r..:=..O::'~ .HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES IHIUICITl$lt,Hl/llSIDCUHHmt•ILUll 5.00%-5.13% p woot<,No llJni.m... - -INBmm'Ct.UB S.25""5.31%1111 .. -~, ... ~ A NEW WAY to•SAYE MONEY-~"-""'-_ 5.75%-5.12% ()no.Y•Ce-;S1,000 .......... tlAUHCI ""'°"' ACCOIMT MAl<lS YOU EUGa£ ---. 8.0CJ%.l.18" 'hlo-Y.., Co-; IS,000 Min ...... NROll'N'cn'Y: • ..,..,. ............ tl71 --==::.11¢'"""'· ... ..__, a.. a~• ia:N•1 ....a... . ··-'----1.4--............ , .. LOU laYtcl AllMCT1 .. No....,. ... • cn4J w.-r -. - • • • f c r • I Is d• in to sh in di ck iq w M Ho SJ "' I •• .'1'1te Casting Couch? . . .,. ~IL 't PILOT S.H ..._.. 1 . Joelle Bassin "auditions0 for Jim Traughber,. who's pretending to be a ·Ho~y·· r wood producer in this scen'e from the Irvine Community Theater c9medy. I "Come Blow. Y~ur Horn." The show opens a two.weekend run Friday at. the Co1'9na del Mar .High School little theater. ·w alter_ Brennan Pitcl1ing In To Save 'Rome With Love' .• ! By VERNON 6CO'M' lelevisk>ll aeries,. "To Rome Hollywood, ·Brennan '_s chauf • • -J r With Love." • , reur wUI drive him to· and HOLLYWOOD (UPl)Lrtiere ~The situ&tion ·comedy, sof from the CBS studios four Js • breed .. of acfur best fering ~c Nielsen r~µn&;s.:1 days a week. . described as ,'SbowSfivers .or will feature Brennan _.as a "l tell mf wife Ruth l insurance perfortnerf. c r a f t y grandfather 1n Ule ~ ' They are the ~aracter ac-show. ' on ly v.·ork to keep her from tors whose famtl•r faces I! Brennan can't save' the being a waitress," he said. shore up we~ scripts, falt~ sliow_, no ooe ca. n._ _ Confronted wltlt the notion ing ratillgS and umo.' rous """"'---dU . i y•...--The ?>year-old veteran has ; that he is being brought into cers. , I . three Oscars for bes l sup-~ "'TO Rome With Love" to beef Tbey came into \)~inence porting actor, 114 movies to: up Its vle~cr power Brennan decades ago In movies and his credit and three television said· ' inchided such' names as 225 episodes; "The Tycoon,"; .. · W iJ Ii.Im Demarest, Un a l2-epiSodes·r ~11'e Gu John Fors~~ asked .~ Metkel...C. A u b r e y Smith,_31_ episodes; and. The Guu.. ducer .1?<"1 F edderson i\_1 Hugb Herbert. Glenda Farrell, of Will Sonnett, .. so episodes.~ could )Oln the cast, ~!.. l ve Sprlnc, Byington and a .bun-''I'm going back to work ~ever met ~o~ythe m my dted others. because l have no hobbi , life. I ~asn t interested at Walter-Brennan is one or .ind 1 won't retire," B first, but I ';latched the show J----11i-.--blNu-1raa11.,.,~.,, :l>'P.Olicies-who-said. .a coupl~ of...tim ~bailld-many-a:iaov..-out-o A millkmireWMlives <;; .. I .liked the characte.r. or \ troubJe and is now coming an JI-acre grapefruit g r 0 v 4 ~ rel!red Iowa fanne~ 11v1ng to tbe .a I d of a faltering some 50 miles f r o nf 1n Rome, and the senes has · · style and class. w.....,., "'"' frhl.,, "lest Slt.w of tt. o,_.. c.-ty S.-.."' -D.P. "ONE FL'EW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST" HYllY -.llNAt Wiii s-.,., ... s.-., WIST COAST HIMllll-SHOCIUNG! YIYID! ''SAVED'' by Edw•rd loH . ' .,, ' '• '"" v~ .. CAPISTRANO Dlllllt ,N 1nr ,._,.,, IM .. c..t• Mtt& -----Pl•ll11 ••clMlve ...... "TH• LOlllll" Ull C- "ltlLL THIM ALL Ii COMI IACK ALONI" .,..,1, .................. f'ltlMll.ltl IMOAelMl"T ,,_ lt.w•rt -.....,., ,~ • • ~Hll CHliYIHMI SOCIM. CLUI,. IGPI c:.IW ... lltAH ,.OM MOW1'11flll,. "Those things a r e im- portant. Why they chose ihe, I can't be slire. Nobody can define a screen personality. Some people just come alive on movies · or televi&lon and olhers don't." · Aller Brennan Ci>mplele's ~ the season'•s series, he will , slar in another movie, 1'0ne . ' Day in Eden." , Work is keeping him •)'(Ull and energetic. It also ' !ends ol[ the poesibllUy ol Mni. Brennan becoming a waitress~ BALBOA 673-4041 OPIN 6:41 ....... _ ..... "'"'""' .. hclniMA,.. ...... ', HELD OVER ANTON ION rs IAllRI SIDE! POl•T --.. c... '""""'1· -18, 1970 DAILY PILOT H : Children's . TV ~eally f~r the:1g~·ids~· :??™!~·~~ .. ~ NEW )'ORK (AP) --· novaUve, bil·bud&e! ~.:;.l!rst, this wu ~ ftnt ol -·~00Y-People'1C.... Flixm• ~utt, ~-looal __p__rocram '°'"-yl<wm, three ~ -liq the cena" Swida on CBs _!b~y:I!-;'-~·:•:• :••:"~":•:•~'"':-;;·...,,,~:-' maken move Into-I he CBS'• 11n1, "J.' T." was wort OI young ji&ljllo playinc Respighi's "The Pines speda11r.ed area of c:bUdrea's the moet lmpreaalve of the · s~ls, amateurs -.:I pro-of Rome" which the cooctuctor pnocrAllllllinl, lbe mull -tot -a atudy ol a youilg !~Is -in Ille lleld ol used, moot elfeclively, lo 1how -ii• vieorloua'ttlp, · blael b9Y IJ'OWiDI up In a film maklna. the way a oympbooy ordlestra ,,., audlence-·may vlalt odwn· Ui1 filmed lO cinema A ~ot al, tbe foOUao WU is 'pilt lofleU... and how It ]obiter pot& ofJ ·tbe ~ veril~ ltyle. It could be 'atistract ma&erial -I lhort operates as a team. eoal, ,.. tl>e nalloll'.1 capital debaled. howe•ll'. whether ' film eonslstin( ol 1•1 • l d NBC's science · speclaJ Fri· or lravei.tbr••&h billory -lblro ~ dllklren as kaleidetCOpe )llllerm; • llhorl day night, "The Great Barner lo eoloolal B!>olon, I,.aat Satlll'-mudl '" It did adulls . NBC;• film al ·geometric' IOl'llll ·and Ree£" was full of lueinattng day noon's _N~. children'•: molt blteretUnc ~trilM!Uon . briWant colot, that ~terna.tely . underwater photography most opedal, "Wlklqnea Road" bu bom' "Hot lla8. u boor usaulted and ~xcltAid I!" ~· of It otlot oo the 1.-0 'miles took lbe' lamiflar IOOle and ualD& a tiv.elf devloe lo ""°w · Pel,. F,.. -· but-or coral she111esoll'the cout covered 0tbe Arhrcla deoerl. how· !nM!url9"; 'lead pencilt-'-lie _,,-Ii•"\ ·a llCrif\ that al · AUllratia. n.o empbasi~ , IND II• 'H!T Wyomlnc 1 mountalnl a n d aDlf oCber common objects of con!lltid ·of ·perfundory in-as It .O often ls these days Georila'• ote!enoluoe IWlmp, dallJ Ille are put topther: tnoduet>iris .aiid c:r<dlts rather was oo the delicate ecol"lieaJ "BAJ!r'i.~~·~~AIN" • 'lbe ICeDt1'J' and the aigtfts NBC'1 aecond special on than en 11g:hten1 a I in-::;ba;:taneo;;~·,;ma~in:;;talned.;:;;:;;===>ii~=:;~=:;~=:;=:;~~~ were stnmg tiocetber on a Saturdly 0 fhe New COm-ta'pretation. ;:: • a&ender plot: witb.i,characten m~" wu alie aimed Leooard :~rmtein and the w EA ' eonsiatlngal a ml Ufenalure al the )'OWll aiidieoee, but ,ftow York Phllharmonlc • f _EXCLUSIVE AR l .. · . 1! JJbotolnpher named W i 11 not quite IS )"OUDI U the Ol'cbestra concluded th e •tr . Ne -.... 11 ten-and• couple of kids. fijjiii~iiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiijjill , -..._ ..... , •••• There was notbinl mueb the Tiii ., ,... i matter wtllt the _..... but ~ ~ . ~ '. ., ...... I SHOWING I nothing ..,ch, either, !hat ~ • rJ--'llft DOI .Id c:-·Hwy. RECOMMENDED . I warranledtheuaeCllthe-word '"Q!!;. .. HIV .-.. C ....... do!Mor !.~RADULTS special -ezcept that it ·"Did~ su;f.on1s Knife INNf••A,Misfeke"' ' replaced a , trio of cartoon Salling dally l;f..9:,30 a.m., c;vi ,~ lh..:.lll'Y .. • '. : shows including "Penelope 1l10·1ut motor, crul111r ~·"'9ff Pitstop," which .is always a and 111pl1ne,Mrv~ce. "'A llf}r.ptU'Ji. -plus. -TaketheHarborF,reewa"' .AUW lf,,11~~ M .. Both NBC and CBS made , D1/llli. . . . . UJj to Catalina Otf.fa'mp In a big rus.. }a.st year when San Pedro. Ample park· they announced plans for In-log. · • }rlJai ;~ 'West' Returns HOLLYWOOD (UPI) 1.fGM's "How · the West Was Won" will be re-released in · 250 theaters throulhout. the soulhwest during tbe sum.mer months. THE FIRST n1AN TO BEC0,11E A WO!l14N wt/Ailo~ .. TH( .·,cliristlne ·:JORGENSEN SJORY" ~-QllJ!byllot!m' .......... ...,_ .. . ..... , ..... "OUT OF IT" • • i • . .I t f 1 · Hunting for'fUn? It's here. ~COld'Dilek. A happy blend of. tine chllmpmgne Md aperldlng burgundy. Wllfl deep pink "ubbln to llckle your tongue .wltfl • aurprtalngly refrNhlng tlllte. . Serve Co.Id Duck lll!hen the flock geta ~.Butmalie It Ille lint Cold Duck.118kelt AndNCold Duell! ' .. • • ' • .. .. ' I • • • .. ' , f . •• .I • 1 • ' • • ---.... ~-• -i:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;::==-----.:_ __ ....:.._;·.:.··:..· -• ' I . ... .. -· I 1,.... ----,___.__ ------ Some ' a u·--11, RIClnlUllRO~- ' T~1Llf;')Ch.Y JUllE 11 111 fto - -(C) (30) ,. ircltltll ...... liutlb .,. ... ,., Morr-, fttncy Kulp Ind Alan Sues. R Im (J) &> l• .._ (CJ (60) iii ~ lorp ind 8ri1Jsll comic 81,., ,_... Mlrtlla (C) (30) H1rry SNcmbt 1r1 Tam's tutsts. 1121 CIJ..., __ (00) 1111-(00) • 11J Ci) --(CJ (!~ t :IO 11 llJ (I) llll-•(CJ (301 ID m Jm (30) "B.B. Klflf -(lj "111fi11fJ, Mister." Sat. Frid•~ ifua Sins«." ind Officer: Glnnon lrad 1 burl1111 Qt1 ((J DI ....... (30) upect 11111 WtMr the 11111 ii w1nltd for oth« crlma. ..... M (C) (IO) II NIWI (C) (la) But• W1rd. ft~::-.._ CC> (30) GI"'-CC> <30> 1111 »llllL · m11m1 .. r-..i(3o) !~::Or: ....... (CJ ,,. • ... .. ... -(C) (30) Win. er.att.. II ...... "' UM? (C) (30) m I .... ""7 (30) m.., "''""(CJ <301 ----~llJ OO •-w .. <CJ (IOI _ ll!l -IM .... I (301 "IA1mln1 To Rud Musk." fB ((} Trdl • C•••-(C) Iii,,. -(C) (30) m Trd • C'.111•~·~·· (CJ (30) llhftJ ·-160) m DmT • •• ,.. " .. ._... a1 enn... CC> !!Cl> '1M won• tl'ld Won; GI Vlwlb Heino. htttt:' ...... _ (30) 7:55 ID c.mi. .. ........ l;GO !, ~ .. :-t:.:~·=-.m: """'11 IR (I)"' Jim """' ""'' D II -Ill ({) (iO)lR) DOlll Ricki• Ind Jullt ID lillllr. ..,.r.ltt1111t .. Budd '" Jim's qttlll l\lllb. 6l•• (dr1111111) ,......,.. Hirt· ·--(CJ (!O) "''· -....,. • D IHI mm ....... (C) (IOI l :IO ... ...._ 1111!1! • Ill (R) "f Iii -.... ~~ 1:1t!f.:'.:O-. -.,.., 1111.' . ~ lllrtr lw llM'a rr-. .., tf fnalll ,...,. W Ml ... II m.I 11111 I (C) "'lllM .., llM.'" .,................. . ... I ..... ._. -..... ~ .... ,.,,,II • .., lfl t ) ' I (, f, T FOR ADVERTISING IN THI W, E-1-K_I .N-D E R ---·---:..:. PHONE 642-4321 HOLL YWOOD lUP!) WIJat television programs are y;e likely to remember m05l from the past year? • Clearly, from popular to critical acclaim, this was the year ot "Sesame Slreet/' .the children's series on Nattonal · EducaUonal Television. Another NET proclud.lon, "The Anderaonville . Trial," about a civil war prison camp comr;nandant accused o f responsibility fM thousands of deaths during his tenure, was without question the most powerful and supei;tily done single drama. 'The director was George C. Scott. From commercial television came several fine dramas al.50. • NBC, (or instance, of- fered a two.hoi.Jr made-for-. video movie called "My Sweet Charlie," about the fr iendship of \\\.'o strangers on the run : a poor white Southern girl (Patty Duke) and a young . black lawyer from the North (Al. Fr~man Jr.). "CBS Chlldren's Hour'' presented a dl'ama, "J.T.," about a lonely Harlem boy, that drew much admiration from adult viewers as well. And the "CBS 'Playhouse" aeries offered an offbeat win- ner ca_!Jed "Sadbird," •~tom· edy-drama about a yoUng would be hippie-type Who is TONIGHT AT I WINNrll or 8 ~DOn' AWAllDl1 AVID LEAN'S FILM OF 8oRiS f'l'STERNN<S DOcTOR ZHl\1\.G ....... ..,.,.. ............ ...... .... At r- "'" At Dlllll -·iliir ="-· -- Shows Memorable confused when he dilcoven he llkes jt in the square business world. There •u 1 cbarnµng new .weekly series en . ABC-TV, "Love, Americ an S t y l e 1 ' ' whlcb filled each hour with • I oollecllon . Gl-looi-1nd,llhort-.Jpl08------ vianellel that amllllngly look· CBS-TV had die Lyndon ed 1t contemporary romance. Johnson converuUont ~t . NET• meanwhile, lmp:irted his career• o'lbe Makina: of from !bitain a weekly 1erie1 • ...... Pr_, .. _.. 1_ ........ "The called '111ii Fonyte saja •• .... ---.. ow ~ focusing •00 the affain of ' 1 Ordeal cl Anatoly Kumebov,'' llnsJe flJDlly and Ille h> • lqbly dramatic Ind. dllllin1 compirable ~p opera cap-interview with the writer who Uvated American vtewera 11 defected lrom RUiii&. well. 'lbert . WU Bill Colby'• CBS-TV I w1Mer in Anne ,.riea, Ind blo I~ on Bancroft'~ mini-revue special, NBC-TV. And; on the same ••Annie, the Women in the network. a Julie Andrew~ Ute ol a Man," a music and . Har:rY Belafonte m u • J c al comedy bout 0tbal OW<d much ~ BUldecl by Goftr lo the writing of Judith Vlorsl. Champion. "CBS Playbotlle," All the networb, of course, meanwhile, aot a memorable did top jobs '°"'ring Ille story perfornwice from Uta llqen of I.he year last July -the aa a pathetic, I o v a ~ I e , first manned moon landinc. busybody career woman ID the And they were equally fine _ dr~ "Tbe Day Bef~ Sun- lhil April in reporting the day. lentt lunar mission that wu ·II you watch television aborted, with the astronauts selectively, 7ou miabt aee lempotll'IJy in jeopudy ID aomelhin(. 'Life Is a C:hallenge' Heston Takes It Seriously- By BAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) -"I have a theory that U anything is much fun it doesn't do you much good," 1 a Id Charlton Heston. 'I1le • foot 2 actor I ~ scientiom in everything he does, at 45 ~ill methodically runs two miles a day to keep in perfect physical condition. "I don't jog -I run," he emphasized. For a man with his stature In filmdom and record oC public activity, Heston -who likes to be called Chuck - keeps a rare and unbreakable aura of privacy. No one meeting him for the first time fee!s like slapplnc him on the back or tellio& him a funny story. TICHNICDLDlt lilll •. [filij Al.$0 "AIW ALK JN-THE ic.::U:o-.,_= '"CAn. NIMO • Tffl UNDPWATR cnr· ... "ICI STATION mu." Wltl'I llKt! HUil- Clnl. O.lly 1 l'.M. plays, Heston landed a con- tract wtth producer iW Wallll for "Dart City" without even laking a screen t e 1 t . Hollywood bad found >nolher of the stars it likes best - those that can biing in the big buck. Chuck feels bla biggest virtue 11 "a sense of responsibility, and my worst fault is procrastination. "The mark of a mature person ls the desire to fulfill his commitments·," he' said. "The things I dislike moct are actressea who ebow up late to wort -and my own forehand volley on a temps court. "The thing I like best Is acting. I have no desire to write, produce or direct. Acting is a very .irrational business, but that's what J'd like to be 1Ull doing at '10 ii anyone will hire me. "I like my life. I'm VflrY happy." Wrong Number 1 ~£ ~---UK: -·-' lhleleated I m iiOiiiii-. ~osa was on the hard 1tuff 'till she kicked It through love • -PAT•En lnil lilt1n. •II• Oii mu••. JlCllf SfllOUt. ''*' hflUPPI • JO·lllll ROllllSOll • Scrtt""1 •1DOiiMUllUI1M Jo\Nts IOMNft • Nak ~ !lllll WlllCl(lfl • ll•<ld ~ ~ _., • """11~91(1( ll<ISS l'llWTI ... ftONCICllOlll ---1 TillE lAW'IER ·--HELD OVER 4th AND FINAL WEEK Spend d ITldlVeious evening with eijt cf 11-e lx¥ .flij,JH: ~ .. -... is not d ITIJSic.ct f.0-C-ffio"-"'*'i·A~lml.,_·C.'-DIW'~. STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2~th ........ f'Cim~ ,J,11\ES STEWART HENRY l'tY1tl\ . SPRlN"G UIN~·i;p.::=""=~="~ 'Anthony Qainn '°"' Im'! Ingrid Bergman °. • .. ---- Sundt1y (June 21) i1 Fatl1t-r"1 Dar! You'll ~~·;:ail~l~i11B<l;;L1he_~rr ift ~ al Bo b's ~fen'• Shop, Red'• Lt:nlher Shop, \'irci ni11°1 Gift Shop Qr at one of lhe ~1opaat - Kno1t'1 Berry Fann. liiL.:="'.:a;:\"a""..:r"mt: [llo Ill • ~. ... •••• ,J';, ~-• • ,, ARIA SHOWING . Both Shows llat.id'•G"-"IT'S-FCSR IViRYBODY" p qjtf*uJ!lw:t1!JMR'; i -.. .;lrMIWM.11"""' -·-'; . ·~· •. .. .... . liJ9-· ,,~ '..¥,.,{"'°·,#/~ : ' .. .-.,,.~, . . ' . - . , .. 4¥. • •. l..-"' ------STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th ... -. . :· . ,. 'l1M ......_...Gan1 ' 'IBtbetr 9llnt ·-·-····~cMoN! ' ,. .-• , ... .rt.,~~ ~llolreil Mllll ~ ' ~ """''lP"' o-i'!I( • • •&ACH 'AT aLL.te • •Pl.US y' OP CTION. IN l-tUNTINOTON AACH. 9'7-·~ A -;, H.ELD OVER! 9th EXCmNG WEEK "****HIGHEST RATING! A thriller of human Interest. humor and suspense galore!" -Wonda Hdf•, N.Y. Daily News "BLOCK·BUSTING ••• A SURE-FIRE HIT!'• -Dorolhy Mcrnn«s, l.A. Hera/d-&aminet '• IUITWWTH AllOSS ll\JNT[ff- A I Ai=> ORT -IURI' UNCASTER • DUN MARTIN JEAN SEBERS JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY · HELEN HAYES VAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON 1 LUIYD NllLAN 1 ---·-· ,,.., ... _ .. ..,.,..,..llll_ltJll[l(ll" -· f Al.FRED NEWMAN • ARTHUR HAn.£'1' •GEORGE SEA TON • ROSS HUNTER A lllMIM.. rcMl • nClfllCOl.OP • ,.,.... 1117 .. TOON:!" igj •~ ...._, ---. I _T __ _.......,DICU.-1 -' ---.... ,. ___ ,,..i =s>' THI VII.All'' llOIT AWAmD PILll · ~ -_. ~--~~ "G'.-RATED-IT'S FOR EVERYBODY! 4th SMASHING WEEK! • - I • • • • . i ; • i • • '· • i • : ' ! • I • • • • : • • • • • • I • • • • • . • • • . I I I • ~,, • • - t . ! II • . . ! ! i • i \ . ! I I • I i • • ' • . j • . • • ! . ' ' ' i • ' ( • • • '• • . ' Thursdai, ~ 19, 1970 Kills llonored I OAIL v flLOT 21 ..... EYES RIGHT Enem)' Ears Meant Reivard --. -. ...-··---~ DI. LOUIS J. HASIL•ILD How younc. can )'OU , ----'f',·,r&tt! When hC 'vii 21ii -.,,_ DETROIT (AP) - A Viet-preUy bad. Finally I asked nam war veteran says more if "'e cOuld throw them out ." badges were awarded to me.m-Shepard said he ~as told sPtC r11111111 1, 11e1119 dl1t11uet1 • years old, Ccorgeca Hide& · began to bug his part'nts, ~ Mr. and 1'11'&. Julius Hldeg of 19421 Jerrilyn , Lane, Huntington Beach, about letting him play .. the trumpet. The prob· lem the Hidcgs had wa11 finding · a teacher 1 tor Geori@&Ca. Everyone turned them down ,be· cauae of Goorg~a·s 1ge. Thrtt months ago the family heard of the Beach • Music Center, Inc., 17404 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. The Center oper· ates a complete music stare and 1 music studio ?"ith 1 1taU ot 12 teach- '"'· Mr. Marvin K. Bird, dwn- _er. or the Beach 1'1uslc Cen er, personill)'iiitt' • vi"'·ed Gcorgeca and en· rolled him for private trumpet lessons undt?r his very capable ~nd experl· '""IORGECA HIDIG : enced band director, Mr. v Dan Sliva, who ls allo on the teaching staff at Gold_e,.·est • Collece. 1 Georgeca hJs performed on several programs in the en-~ : ter'1 auditorium. 111.~· repertoire to date is ... God flsli" ! · America, Hapriy Birthday! Tiny Bubbles, London Bi gc ~ ! is Fallin& Down, Jingle Bt!l 1 and Reveille. . 1 • , Georgeca is In kJndcrgRrten at the Wardlow School. ' ! I • : ! ' i l i ! . • ! ! BOB'S ,,MOTORCYCLE s.,;~c:~~;~g SHOP \ Crank ·Rebuildin9· Weldin9 Head Millin9 Valve and lathe Work i :~:, ~~:.r::M ,llACH CITIU CJCLIS PHONE: 492·6741 i . • i • ' • • • ' • . . ! I i • l • • I ! WASHINGTON IAP) Candidates for the key post Of House Democral\c leader are waging a campaign more like a high school popularity r 1 ·contest than a political fight. · Five candidates are openly g1adhanding their colleagues and other:: are smiling will· ~ .. ,,.~ • ; _ '"' , • .,, .. --• ingly from the-· sidelines in ~ ':\~-; \ ·, ~'l~b&K. cose the leaders deadlock al ~J~~Y?.JI~~ _ the party caucus that will t:;;::~;:S~;1=~--_,-••---'I make the choice before the .,. ... next Cai1gress convenes in bers oC a U.S. Army battalion . . l I d hls bu ,, •• , d .. t thtH d&yl. Along With who could piove they killed 0 m n own suiess. ihe 1111pu1111on •~Pll»lotl, w1 ntv• •n a Viet ~g last year. Sen. Philip Hart, Q.f\1ich. 1n1or1M11on-1xp1a11a1.. Tnr 1moun1 ···tt turned my .stomach," asked the Defense bepartmCnt °' Pl'll'lllcl ""'1"111 btlnll puD!liMd tocMy Is m1ny II~ It!• 1.-1 01 former Sgt. Frank Sllepard, about the praciice last year, 20 or Jo r••~ •90. 11us1nm ·~ 23, of suburban PlymouUi, told and was told in 8 letter dated pniln•!OMI JllOPI• .mus• .e111n1 th Det 't F Pr , .. m• ot m1ttr111 io k•~ .w .. ,, e roi r~ ess. Dec. 18, 1969, "the 2nd Field 01 lhtlr 11t1c1. orntr pt0pt1 ,,.,,. •• ~·One way to prove your Force, Vietnam, indicates the 011covtrld r1adl111 tor '"1ov....,,1 .,. claim to a badge was to bring . 11111 to bt •IHnlor<ntd. • back •an enemy ear," he said. Sat Cong badge · was a pro-c-WJ -,,, 1v1111D11, DY m111 11111 "It was Jlke we were on a gram recenUy instituted by 1n ci..11"'°""· '° :;:'1 ':u:O• 111': hunting I.tip or something.'' the 5th Batlallon, 60th lnfan-::;c'.,i.~ ~~~ The existence of the badae, try." lrlv '"°'' rap1c1tv. D TIC11niqvll c1n "" but not the number given oul, The letter signed by Col. JNrllld wtileh, 11 f k 111d, c•n ,,.. y,·as oonfiFQled by the De ense c. T. Be'ledict, chief of the ct .. 11 r..011>11 Department last December. Personnel Services Division, ""'-. =• :'"min: January. · 1r s the first time in 30 SMOKE-FILLED ROOM AVAILABLE AT $160 Model Sande Wolsfeld in Sh1r1~on--ll1ck1tone Hotel 'The 5th Battalion, 60th said that because of the deaths 11 '°°· 1000 ,, • l!Jglllr! , lnfanlry, 9th Infantry Division of the brigade commander and For ,_,11 wno muu. Of' -1c1 11111 a1varded the badges -inscrib-the battalion commander ''ad-.to, reld f•1t1r, dO\lbH111 1111 •111 n.1 years lhE:.re has been an open ' K'll d I lhl ume llflCI a1 dOlltllll'lg 1111 llrM ed "Sat Cong," ·mearung " 1 I t o n a I inlormaUon c:on-1v1l1tD1• klr ... 01ng 1nc1 w11o dot'•"'' fi ghl for the job, and it pro- mises to be a rou sing battle right to the finish . Without The Smoke Cong" in Vietnamese -while cerning the badge and jts =••'"°Y~1/1~::d1::0 ~:,i·~1~~ ';.; stati9ned at Rach Klen, South purpose could not be furnish-,..,,. 1n.1 )'Oii" •v•lght 11 Ptr1•flv Vietnam .during the summer ed.". ~;·~1e:p,.,~~:i:::! ia~1: :~·1!~~ Bul ~campaigning among professional politicians is ,a 11ifficult business and it's hard tD tell at a glance lhal anything is going on. 'Smoke Filled Room' of 1969 Shepard. sa1'd Tl 1ml111!1on. Wt'r• conv1n1tnUy loc•I· • · 1e commanders, Col. Dale IKI-111 1h1 Fl..,.. Po1n11 SllOJlplno c111-Shepard said the order J~ Crittenberger, 42, 0 f t•r. creating the badges was sign-McLean, Va ., and Lt. eo1.I~-~~~~~~~~~~ There are no poste rs, no speeches, no debates. Th e r e ed by Capt. Phi II Ip F. Kearns, Leo P. Siko rski, 36, of Detroit, I R. bl • Cl • the baltallon adjutant, on June and 10 other Americans were en ta e 11n· · i11cago 21. 1959. 1cu1ed Sept. 11. 1969 in a cot-j " " Keams, P"senil~ an ROTC lls;oo of ,two heUcopters. . Buy The DAl[Y PILOT ·Just for 'Peanuts' aren't really 'ny Issues. CHICAGO (UP I) -You can Each of ti~ five announced rent the original "smoke-filled candidates -Reps. Jlotorris room" for $160 a day - K. Udall of Arizona, James \1·ithout the smoke but with - G. O'Hara of Michigan, Hale plenty of political ghosts. Boggs of Louisiana, Dern Sui te 408-10 at the She.raton- Rcstenkowsl:i or Illinois and Blacksto ne Hotel is where a \\'ay·ne L. Hays of Ohio -political "Dark Horse," War- is simply trying lo convince ren Giimaliel Harding, stood instructor at LaSalle College ~i~~~~jjiiiir..fil!~fl!!~im~~~~ back in Ohio to file his name in Philadelphia declined com-1~ for re-election in 1 h e -ment. . ' senatorial race. Shepard, who served as Lhe Then the men In the suite bat.talion clerk, said the olive called Harding in and asked green badges with the words if there wt:re any reason why "Sat Cong" embroidered in he shouldn't be president. black were made for the unit Ha r ding 's reply was by South Vietnamese laundry fervent: "Gentlemen, there is workers and presented at no reason in the sight of God company formations . why I cannot be president "They kept a string of ears Db SOMETHING FOR DAD ... Givea LA·Z·BOY RECLIN'A ROCKER • 11 majority of their fellow before political power brokers Democrats he will be a sym-of the Republican Party SO pai.hetic and understanding years ago and proclaimed : leader of the party. -.. Genllemen, there is no The meeling broke up at or the United States." at headquar:ters, "'hi ch I 'xt'en the House is in reason in the sight of God 3 a.m. Saturday, and later session, they can be seen why I cannot be president that day Harding was to'-------~---I circulating am 0 n g the of the United States." receive the nomfnation on the saw," said Shepard. ''The ears were rotting and they smelled 1nembers, sitting doivn besid:! Hardina, then a U.S. senator . convention's lOlh ballot. one for a few 1ninulcs' con-a \'ersation, then moving on . from Ohio, eventually received Daugherty described. the They have triends who are the GOP presidential nomlna-meeting in su ite 408·10 as a d · h ti on and was elected the 29th meeting in "A smoke·filled oing 1 e same. Pres1'dent of the un;ted States. "Th room ." The phrase struck; e s e a r e v e r Y The 1·m-e of a "smoke-fi ll-~· · t d t " ~a poss ibly wilh the help of so" .. 1suca e vo ers, says ed room" _ now a part of Ud II th f, SI t t th Harding 's sardonic comment a ' e ir 0 en er e the vocabulary of polities -a after S~akc Jolt w on his chances before things r ce "~ r '1 · came from the dealing that 'lcCormack announced h1's un. swung hi s way : ·"\Ye drew i• " went on in the suite after coming retirement and named to a pai r of ~euces and filled." current Majo[ity Leader Carl the Republican Nat i 0 n a 1 In 1920, the suite rented Albert of Oklah oma as his Convention found i ts e 1 f for $30 a day. Today It rents successor. "You can't u&e any deadlocked on whom to run for $160 a day. Those able . tricks on them. They · v e for President. to pay the fare are certain already tried them Lhcm· There were l3 major con-of-being in a room where B 'd th d·11· It f tenders. Almost everyone had been sha and where nine HENRY FONDA SAYS: Y•" 111.., c ... _ t1 p1rc9tase l•r ,.,..._..., rt., "•"' 01r stora. PLIASE ,. ..... !Nf t. lllri .. y•11r co.,H 9"tll yoe. . AHAJ}rrlc selves.·• tenders and 16 ininor con-. much of Ameri ca's histo ry has , es1 es e L icu y o con-is:...own-favorite-dark-horse. -l--'--+ll-~---1 . ~ _ -~---•-ducting such-a campaign, the It was hot _ there was no o its pres1 ens ave stayed. l candidates face a frustrating They are: William Howard HARBOR HOME-FURNISHINGS l -,I-; ' . ! • l ! ~ ' ' i l • ' • ; • t • • I • I • I I ; i . • ' I The OT IC is • big hu$ky brute of e ma chine that's reluctailce on the part of the air conditioning in 1920 -and Taft, \Voodrow W i I so n , d -' I k I k II me m be r s to comm i t the waiters were on strike H d' C I . C I . d ma e to penorm i e you w•nt it to . t ta es a the al the Blackstone (now the ar ing, 3 vin ° 0 1 g e • · them selves and wind up back-.1 Herbert c . Hoover, Franklin rou9h puni1hment you can 9ive it, and still comes ing one of the eventual losers. Sheralon·BlaCkstone) Hotel. D. Roosevelt , Harry s b k I 8• 5 1 · I d 1· · The convention opened Tues-h 0 ac or more. 19 -por sing e e 1vers maxi· As a result it's very hard T r u m an , D \V i g l . day, June 8, By Friday, June K mum power and efficiency und1r every condition. for the candidates to know 11 it was deadlocked. That Eisenhower and John F. en- L .. , .. lffclt 465 ,.,.., ...... 124 AVENUE DEL MAR SAN CLEMENTE d · just where they stand and nedy. A justabllt' re•r shocks and tough f!ont fc;irks soak the uncertainty is likely to night, selected power brokers President Nixon is said to '-=========== up the . rou9h•1t terrain. Constant-mesh 5-speed rema in until the ·actual voting went to the suit of Col. George coru1idcr the She r at o n ·Ir th hi! . Harvey. By the time they all ,, tran1mi11ion makes the goin g l ·m-o-o-t-h. Exclusive: starts and es Ung of sup-. Blackstone his "lu cky hotel. be . were bac.k in their rooms a · d h' f ·1 Autolube iu'bric•fion, k ~own to be the fin est syste port gnis. legend was born. But Nixon an IS ami Y I h I" d . _, 1 A reluctance to ~mmit Harry M;--D a-u-irh er.·I y-, prefer to stay in a third·floor n t e wor 111, en ' messy mix anoc pro on91 eng in themselves on issues is also suite . life . A real t:leauty, • tough performer, a brand ne characteristic of the can-Harding's campaign manager ,-===========.'! working for other candadates r thrill. didates. Although there is a to "wear each other to a Who c.res7 Sonl/1erta Orn11ge Count11'• Oldest. Ellnblislted Jtlotorc11rle De•ler BEACH CITIES (CYCLES -525 N. EL CAMINO REAL SAN CLEMENTE .492·6741 Fas.test in_ West _ _,_ Buy IL Stll It. Try tht fastest rtsponst In the West against your · own dock. '[fsl Dimt·a-Hnt Ads, whtrt t11e action Is, rn Saturday's • DAILY PILOT. strong push in the House for procedural reforms, the can-rrazzle," saw su pport grow No olh11 n1 w1p1p1r ;" 1~. didates take guarded stands for Harding. Harding himself world <•r11 •bout your <olftmu· Was not that Co fl.de t he 'ily li\-1 y111r t;OlftlftllPlily d1iJy On 'be Varl·-·s proposals. n " -L -I f hi •·· I be! 111w1p1p1t 11011. 11'1 th1 DAI Y fearful the vote they win from e l s room s,"" 1 Y ore rt LOT, the reform er will be a vote,_:m::::;d'.'.'.n'."ig'.'.ht'._'.'.to'._'.'.te".le:!gr".a'.'.'p'.'.h'..'.'.fr.'.'.;'".'nd'.'.:s~===""'======'1I lost from the stand-patter . The same reluctance discourages the candidates from teaming up with a _ member running fo r the next highest party office, ~hat or whip. Among the supporters of each candida,te there arc probably a half-dozen who would like lo be wttip and to choose one is lo make enemies of the other five . · Each candidate starts with a nucleus of support, based usually on state or tegional loyally. a shared ideology or friendship formed in long · ~ears of. active House--scrvice. L1til the balloting nears and th~ wheeling and dealing ins. all they can do is smiling. It's Exciting SHAKE SPECIAL! ' ' Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., June 18-1 -20 i Reg. 35c Thick, Rich & Cr my MllK SHAK-E • ' With purch11e .Of any Flame -:"BroiJed ''f Please bring this •d with You) . . ' ' . - AN EXCITING CAREER -M1 ny b1111ly optt1loh 1long th1 Ortllt• Ctt•t ,;, 1lu"'ni of 011r eoll1!f•· If you ;,. 1ir1 1 "h1 Ut11tillt lllW e1tllr, 1a,1ll1ftt w1g11 •nd 1111 ••lilf1cli1n tf h1lptn9 1ffit•1 looli lh1ir b111; t:om1 1!11dy FOR DADS PRIVATE LIFE _ FREE CUSTOM GIFT WRAPPING e Haythoi:.n•'• Chirge e B1nkAmeric1rd e· Mister-Chari• ;a • NEWEST PAJAMAS Great Weldon P~jamas, take your_ c h o_i c e_ from Cottqri Broadcloth or Perm1 Ptess, LONG 5LllYIS . $6 $8 AND UCIS ••• ,, •• ,, ,, , , ,, • ,_ POPULAR $6 $8 IUMMll JHOITllS , , , ••• , , ,. • lt::tl,_ ' ~~-,~oMS~Z,LA~P~~,----~ -~=-S?ORLHOURS;.~-----~-OAll;Y-9:30-.. . 'ta 6-p.m . -. ' ' ' • ' . ' .§peclnll:rlng ha Uomb11rgers -S hrJn1p Breio . ~ ~ BEACH. 16871 .BEACH Bll•· AT WARNER HUNTINGT . . . DANA POINT 496-9436 FRIDAYS 'til 9 p.m. Department Store .. 1l1 DEL M.6,ll. SAN CLEMENTE -~ Piion• 492·3230 j , ' f " • ' . -·==.:::; .. • TI1ur~day, Juat li!, l!JiU , , .288 DAILY PILOT •• • -· . M.acina_Higk. School Giyes Diplomas to!,;L:-· ~40 S€.niots~ • I '! k •' h B o II G1rv lli••ktt Corv Bir""' $htr0fl Hlip,Y Mlchffl Hind~ M•• Nek011l•C1._ Moh•m'Tl•cl N c ~ o u J • d , Jeri -TQ1>?lnf. G1rY Tr1cY,-Rlih1lt Ttrl Vtorlln9, Joh~ Yllburn Jr., Lind• l udt'ldl Wh1~1!.le1 CollMn Whl!Kfto. (\1ar1na High School, Hun· Kirk l\oepsc. i• fir '"OlC · .:'.Jo,:"" a~rl\l!ll, 'J~dll' 110110'. •Ill Hlnlan 111', sTe•en Hl:er, M11ril•~-G¥nllll• N•lsatl. Mld•t¥n Nnw, Seo!! l~le¥!1'n; Deb•• lurMr.-Owitht l11r vr~e_., .._ P11r1c11 w11111, ~ttllhtn w111ttor11, J•MI 1 tington Beach, graduated 740 Saera Kun1ashiro, \Va J t er 1uc111rd 81>st, Lina• Baur. 1tot1tr1 HcNn. RobC'fl Hoffman. e.,_ N1wcemb, Jerome N~""""'' M1rk 1r, -'llfl lweedY. CllrlllOll!\er Wildzun••· J'e 11 1 r ,. wu11ermin. tJarNr• w111c1n, s1 ... "' llr,I. N ~ncy 6•1>.00. Carrie 8e1u1lc11, HOll!n, Oa¥1cl 'Hole!lfl!let, Tllfrfll ~::f!!:, lst,~~! NN';":;';,~t, DMa ~ \ ~ Karen Ur1lne, -'Mllony Urbanf/lk, Wakeland, Chrll!lt Welclron, O~wn Wi!lh1m1. Otbor-11 William.on, lrl1n students this year. KuufLa. L!':,~o;:• 81~~~1~jt!l:~t a:n:,~.l ~!:: Mf."=1~ i•J~,~~M;.~°'tl'J/1,".nM:~ NIQ!Olson, Jol1n Nortvn ~~~sAr~~e:1'oa~~J'\,,~1~0,~~lnn?t~~ ~~k•'"w'::';,• w:!:r, ~~r:. W~~'::,~ ~~~,~~,; ~~~. ~~~·.,41Cffk~ :'~I:~ Honor-students with a B Kathi~ Laizure, Sharon BPn~~· Alan Bennen. Krllte• 8en1on. ~.~":!!k!u.H'5~,J~. H~~~i. 1.·r11i 1 h 1 ,~ Ayleen O'Connell,. St•¥en O'H1re, \1111 ~f UpWlcl'I, $1tPhef'I \111/Qlln. Witlklns, Jal'ln Wetrbtr, Kim Wetter. WOQ4, Susan Wood, 01nnl1 ~"" D • ''' O.''' ,,,,,,_,,, Oooo•o ..,, Hu Stlt!t¥1 Olson, K11tnlet!11 O'A.elUY, 'Belly.~~:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ ,,,.,,, "''"''· or better average for the last Laizure, Joan Lamphier. Paul B~~· ~.11fr e1eucz1d-7r.,' s11oc1 tu~~h•rt1 1,..1n. Leon Jtck.on cnrls· Or1~W.:i,A.°"p'~~r,°""~':'fi::i~)ne Palmltrl,li--wii'~r~'1151:~1T1~.~~~ M,:/~:'1 c~rlsior:intr York, A.uu111 YouN;t~. three years are: Larsen, Hichard Lee, Lo1·raine 11C'1\'~~~rie Bla<ll.!ord. Allen 11j•nl<,. let11 Jtrvl~ Colleen J1rv11, lt1c1111rd Notall P1rk1r, Penle P1r1<er, Ylc1orll 111;;";;';;'";·.;';;';";;'.;w;;';;";";;;';;';'°;;';'°i.W;;•;';";• .. .;";;';;'';'';;';';;';;-;;;';;';;';;';;";;";;'~';;";;'';;';;'·-· .Christine Andrews,. Phyllis L inde n be r g c, r ' Tracy ~111?: •. B~«'o.~;:::. e~=·· JI~! :t:..~~. ~:i~r~' J=~. J~i11~: r.~~;· l~c:~iv:e~rkJ.1~011i:~r:;~: A NT I c s Anwyl, Bette Baber, Patricia Susan· ti1aierr Evelyn ll1ann, 11':,!l:;J"~~~~~·~~le Brell!lw, O•n ~~~ TN~1 J~~ICln,1(1~;.d~ ~~~1~~~~re'W~''P~1/;,~/,~1,1''M~1~(. Barto·n, Linda Bass, Bruce 'Rhonda "1artyn, Haze I er ever, P1>1111~ • Brewuer, Mel1n1e Joroin. P«son, Russell Peters. Rodney Peirle. A N'T I (j) U E Bornn. Br11ee &rwker. J11me' Broom-ltussetl IC •'1 • n cl er . ICenneth ~!'f',,,•,,l•m'" ,1•,•,,',"."k,hloo•"'~,,,,,"'•"i,'' Baysinger, Steve Benington. tifcC011·n, -Cynthifl, ti1cFaddcn, !lelcl. Sh•ron Br11 .. n, l(lmber1v arv~e. KamPm&n. Kenn k1!1Mr, J o 1 n .. .. ~ , , · h h G I Oi~na Buthm•Vr, A.1r.dalPI\ But~nrr, Keir~, Terrw Kteler, Jal'ln Kelter, Plnk$11)11, Sco11 Plot>er, Bo1Mle P'\I' 1>t1e ae,! Le m, C h r-i s \ i n e -Jeanne McKi nney, a e fl Ctfldk• sum"'• Charrlt &urt.e. oe111 s1eYe11 . .Y.lllCllfloe, M!Cl\llel l(lper, Oeen te-r. -,James P111i. L!l.O. Powe · Riggs, Cynthia Burchett, Vicki J\1cLeod, Kennet h Merriman, ~1~r~~:;~:'~~e;,,!~rni. Wllllilm. Busb• ~~:t:· ~~~.e'!!~~Jn•·afi~Ycl Kii;~~~: M~~.:...,~,,7, .. ,',;.'1'.,,.'· 6li1~~ ~~\i1:'p~f,r::, Mlr.r.111 Koester, ~r>n Kahl 11 ·-Butterworth, Helen Buttke, Ja1nes J\ierritt, Grego r Y 01!~1!~rler~:!'~ie. PJ'1~~inf,8'~~~~11t:;: ~~J~ K=~h~*~'U:r.~""b!!-,;,:! Ch~~~lne \Ti:.:: ~j~il&~f,1111~~..,~~l Paul Byrne Tl. Ga r y J\1eyer, SI e I/e n Michihlra, Joonne c1rr. s1en1ey Carroll, w111i..m Kutocl1, oavlcl Kur11, v111c:~r Kutldo., Rener11h Jr., l(Blhr¥n A.ew, M••lsela V C~l!-uev, Mar~erl11 Chen, A.llOfldl Sitndr1 K11nm111I. ReVf..1;J.,0anlel Renolds1 Patrlclf Campbell, Thomas Cannon, Hilary titildwatcr. an c e Chle••· Edward Cho"'· suv11 Chuelre, ,... , ''"''''' "'-n 111. lhCm•• c ot Cl a 01 ne Cl ~ 011111 Oav111 L.cy, Marla Ll!ave!t~, Cvnlhl1 '""' ""' Jame Carl.. J 1 C.rr.Ck 'l'1flcr Stuart 'lork ar r c, 1 -"' ' Laird, Carol L....,b, Ju~ Limber!, Rlcllmon<i, An11el1 ltle<), Pair lc!a ltod· S n, <Ille l ' I> • 'I> ' Cll~Mn. S1r'ldr1 CJIJl(h, Mere<llhl L•'71Pllf1, R~rt llnl:&Jler, den, Wl!llam Roehl, John A.ok>n1 Jemts Dana ""rter Jess'ie Castro S N d G Sft Pho!\lt c11nr_. C•rol Cloe, Christine Debra l•noe, Toclcl Larwn. Heo•• Rom•now•kl, lonl Romie Alec• Rose, ~ , · • teven ! a eau , regory c:.,,;ui, c1ew11 Lokllf, Tlleodort Cotee, LaS<•r.o. Jahn. Laue, Mlct\lt< L•uc. Ronald A.011, Jeflerv liiffi~r. Ja"" James Chandler. Chery I Narog, Kay Nelson, Susan Ca lhirine Colemin, Marv C<llli11, Dennis,. Jan Lauriien. CYnlhl• L.wl'leMI, c"ar Rotr•m•t, Karen Rowt, li.IU•clo 1t11tl,I. I """J••-'••"" ,l<.:'..1l' •. c51nbo'tJom'••"'c"o"o·•'"'• ,•, La10, Tliom1i L~Gr0$, Mldleal L~v. JOhn.1tv1n. C ark, Kathy Clark , Lois Co!e, Park••.. Eliza beth Pearson, •q• "' -~ Oebblt Levin, Mcnic1 Ltw!s. Acn1ld Jo~nn• S.bbt', RIC~•rd s1em1n; Audy · ..., l(•lhfV!'le Copp,~ M1rt11erl!e COPP• L I $M l I Gerrero Plllll S1nd'le1, Nelll:¥ Setler! Roy Comer. Lisa Coyne. Susan f11att Peasley, \\1llliam PetJ Mlcll1e1 Corcoran, Marr.I>• ~ o• ·o~':n'' Llll;,g.ittr~w ~Ha~\i...,. t1~';': O•rr¥1 S•1111der1, scoll SaYku, P~u C · 'I C d h B•rbare CrtYens, Mflrk Cronkrl!e, Chr1sllne llntoft, Oit•lcl ll!!k'.fl~le. Schmldl1>11uer. Blair Sc~uld, Sue ra1g, 1• aureen U a y. tingill, Susan Pistone, -Mark Mlcntol Cr°"'' "1t1er1 cru111 Jr,, MarllYn uiee. L•rrv LOhntel Jenlleti sc11u1ke, Jeanne Selb'f .. E1¥nor Serb1n1. ·Gay Davidson, fo~elina Del Reed; Suscin Revere, Anne ~~.~~~:. Cude, oe11arah CU<I/, Petric ~~1e11~~~~~ L~tet. Vkior • L•r>d'I, ~::1~d r,.i,~r"tiin~:ru~~,.~~~· c~~~;, 'I do Ma ,. Ood v· ky R·"· L' d R b' c Linda Oante11... Let Oaw)di.cn. • John Millen, G•vl! Mectntvre, Kerr¥ Snler. John Sllourl, Je11nlfer Slmo~on. " un , · r Ja son, IC vut:rls, In a o 1nson, an-Rober! oavlH, Debor•h o.~1J, A.61)i:r1 Mehi... C•therlne M-lc>nev, .., 1 •" Frederick s111ter, Patrlcl~ Sonier. Dorccy. Hobert Dor i a , dace Sapp, Rachel Schaffer , Davi.. Rotiln 01v1,, · MM111n 01 Manff'l!, Ranaan M11rk, Llnlla M<'lrek, su'"" Slrt, Groivorv sm~rt, oennlt Chf•!'leux, ~orll o~ cou, Juan11~ oe Ylclorl• Morque1, Joy Marsh, -'ndrf sm1111 Kim Smlttl, ~obln Sml!n, Tamerlane Downing. ]\aria . Sheryl Seacat, La urence Shy(e, air:~:~ :""v~~r,.\. o~ttll~':r': p~~~~ ~:~~,l~e. T~:~1 :,'cu:ua,Jr.$' ':!l~e~ ~;:,i;.~" s~'in!!itn~ Gr~~~::i~ o~!~ ·~ Durha m, Glen Dysinger, .Jef-Carl Skodi, Teresa Smith·,· Jae-OeMam, ~11:e11eec1 oe"°'' Ml~ael McConnaut~v. Oeborah Mccrary, .so.xrberv, Maril Sotum, L a • r • ..;;J'<;C~.,-l.;::'1-0> D'1!i11V!•. lhom'• 0\Hll. Vick i 0Jilon. &011nie McC11 tlodl, Ka!l!lffn McCul~. Sorenson, Norman South, A 11 s a" 11 frey Earle, Robert Eldon. Lor-qu eline SpurHn, J a m e s Michael Oixcn, Chri1t1ne Dodson, lh""'· \l!r111n11 McCultoufl.h, It 1nc1 11 1 scuttrer11, Jo·A11n SPl!ro. E•lc Splnv~th, • "' 24 ral.ne Erner. C II r 1· st 1· 0 e . Sq u e g 11· a , C a I h e r 1. 0 e as Dolan, M1r91re1 Oo\lliherly, P11tr1ci1 McMo1~:;•1d,. Pau1c11 McG1rry. Jnhn Petrin Sol•ler, Mkl!eel S•,"-,,,•,· Ocullhtr1¥, Ktnnelll Orlchuk, J6Vct ._.,ea McM.thOI\· l hafflas Me•J'O, l(lm St. Hltl, Saro'h Stnlf!f, e ~rickson, Kathleen -F'~hanl Stockhausen Bonnie Stubbs. l)'.~ier, Chro~llnl Ounblr. Joyct z~n:i:, M~~:~1:· ,!e~~~~erier: ~':'~ ~i~=~~·n••v~~~ 5Jr:~il~~~· ~:1~~~: Charles . Fore. Rober t y fe---,..,--r'·---~ -T--~7eCf1\'ne--itlll5i)ft lfl, Fr e cs' 1 c ~ Mlchee s. ear1>11r1 Miiier. D•nnis -Strolimei~r. cv111~1~ Stru~·"· P<:tricl• "'W6'd hove a ,prcte~I mardt, onl y no on• can lift thtr M9ntlf • a rtC ague, u ary an-Etls!rom, Carel Elv, Oonne Entel, Miiier, Kar Miller, P1me11 Mlller, ~ulUY•n, RkNrd S11l!lyaq, Gar¥ S1111on. Franklin, Sharon F re en y , nehill, Diane Taylor, John Jame1 E'1:icl'lln, YVflnnee EYeni. StePhen Her. Gar¥ Meck, lom Fr~nk s ... aln. T .1. 11 S 1 \llc!orla Feclell. A.omen• F1lco, Lvl~ '"'Phltr. ke Molaflder, Ocborah Mo", Con1lant41 T~ber, Jame! l M:ker. ony ova ez fiiJchael .G.:!lYlll, Barbara Ger-Taylor, Eric .Troup, \Villi<itn Fann, Kimball FHiser, s1evc11 Feldmafl. lt cnny orvan, Ronald MortOfl, J•c· Lawrenre Tank, oerxir.i h ln.-,,~1:1 • Sleollen F~man. Jomf$ Fltdl, Dllelln Molf!'I, Freqeric Moller, Eric Janis Taylor. Oavlo T"I. -'lberl Lin<la For<I, Frederldo. Fort11ne, Pamel• Murll!IY, l lo¥<1 Murray, lt~c• M¥1es. T . You'll 1et llO pro!~! lrom II~ ' I I 611t ili1 l'tllh : to 6~1f tli1 li11f .... I ritson. Barbara Gibbs, Kathy Va\Yler, John Weiler. Linda llmolh• Flanao•"· Terr• FPMtenr~. Mossman. Kenneth Mur111c>, Chert'¥ T1>omme1, Laura TllOmfl'its;--00tts t I Gonzales, Cla udia Goodwin, Weronko, Robert Wheeler J r., Fournier. Oev!d Frank, Chrhll nt l(:~~n u:::1~·1oblr!K•t:e11tofl~·A'1\ T=~·m~:n~~:~r,1~~~as:"T~~·:u~ Whtn you st1rt Ut•ln9 -'foo•M1~ . ·~ Pat ricia Goodwin, K i r k Janel Wildk. James Will-Fr:J::v sa~~o;.,~rlc~:irlcll G1lt111her.1T __________________________ '"iill ~~=r.:. D,r.., b=,,1"11111~·11~m.1 .. ! _,,~ Gresham, ti1ary Gross, Gary Chacles Wright. Ke n neth g:-:~tn ~;';~~r. N~":;1~ Gt!~i~:U tr"Hr from TOYATT'S, wilt "~" A.. G I 1111>! the right 111e !retie• k!r yo~1 ustarson. • Ya buki, Ste,en Yurenk". Marg•~' Ga~gh1n, Pair ck G~ seil The Earl's Pl b • s . ' TovATT·sr . « J~~S Ge~oler, Ann G!b'IOn, Terr •111• •f•(I l•mlly. et •I ~ow, ' 1 James Hanna, T h Q ni a s Other ca n d i d a t e 5 for GlbSPM. 111rg1n11. Gii!!~. s1e1>11en1e • .. ., ~ · · " Hare. Leslie Hart. ~targo graduation are: g~:~;~~r~\~~~:.;E:.;:::~'. ~.. TOVATT'S '· I ACf f. fC HEATING CO. INC. Harter. David Hofrman, Terri Jame' Gord•, Todd 0.....1<1, Lawtrelll:e ANNOUNCES THE !' Howard, J ohn H'owell. Allen R'J'~·c!~erJi1~~1e,:._~~!d~ic.iSl!:)~~Y ~~'rna":!r~e'i:'.rQ~1 ~"'8';eo:~1~!>;•g•: OPENING OF . A NEW ~ AIR CONDITIONING SPECIALISTS C h. Po.,..,-1 Abb~. RilYmollll Adams. LaurelYn Grider, Gan< Gron, Stepflln APPLIANCES ynl 1a J O h n S O n , Kari Rebecc1 A~e•s, Mikel Altbroo~. Shelley ro~,. Gfr1r11 G11r11aum,, Gena Guillot, STORE IN . I FR•E ESTIMATES I J h J J N "lltf3, N'lt)t¥ "llem~~. flt a r d a Ch•l•lfne Gurne¥, Terry GuY. _ 0 nson. an Ones. :JnCy A v'rad". .,.11w~rll Ard<•ten Peula MerllClad H1dlt>OV<. l(~tMeen Meqe-~· u/er, Urmas Kelmse!'", Ben-Ande•'IOn, Eow~ro Arn:t••d• Jr,, J1nrce min, M~rlene H1Gle, "'''""''n H1 l1u. HUNTINGTON BEACH f . Antonowl1~dl. Donna Ar"°!. Jtannint Shiro11 Hiit•, .C!•ol'fn Hall, B•tb~rt 401 Mohl St., H1111tlftl)tO• YN~ll;· la9111to leoct. L .. UllO Hlfh.Ylofo . \ · .. I 'I . ' \ ' ' ' I ; 1 l I ' ; ) • ' ' • ' ~ • I • i \ ! I ! ' • ' : • • ' amin· Keppeler, Marcie King, "'u,,im•.n.' •k Hatten. J•"• H•l¥erson, oen111s H1mbY, PLUMBl.1G -HEATING .-AIR CONOITIONING . 5l6·7561 6 494,9lli---~----j,3'J.,200D "IP'KIY adfr, ""elly Ba ldw in. 01"1~1 Oetic•ah Hanna, M1rla!t1 Hara, H11rr¥ f'I Harbison. 1(1ren Harchar. A,fl'i;e l rookhurtt & Wol'Nf =·-> · · ~ '"'-~i-~--lt-~ H1rker. Cv~11111 H1rmon, ltllbert H11r· 5TOP IN FREE GIFT5 FOR ALL' ! I ·rrained Dogs Don:'t Always Lea.d Blind rlM>n, Eutll• Hart, J1mes Harl, A.oberl -· Fo11mia Yall..Y Haun, Oavi<I Hawley, Carol H1¥es, 1/4 llock No. of 5 Ptt'. W"t Side ' .24 HOUR SERVICE t•Z·24S6 : M1rk HeyH, . . Mlcl'lllel H1wnes. Kati\¥ Herber, 114.2J a..c11 ll.-d--Huatie9toa leoch-147·t•41 • • A•lhur Hel'bcn Ill, Olan• H~•na"°"Z·1:~iiiiiiiiiiiii L~ur;o liertl, Eric Heru~n, Ltille Helo~. St>ellror Hickman, John Hlgtf~" Given · Degrees llOSE 'IE D Three Orange Coast area· 1• A IAP) -Much Wh_en she isn't leaning, lhe students have received their as a blind person depends on cane is clear of the ground. bachelor of arts degrees fro m ~ a guide dog, Ruth Cook Smith Konig is trained by Jean uc Santa Cruz duri11g 1970 leans -literally - on her Burl. who conducts obedience con11ne11ccment exercises. dog. classes fOr lhe local Recrea-The students i n c I u d c In whnt a dog Jrainer says tlon and Parks Depart1ncnt. ll1argarct Lynne Raab, Corona C":>Uld be a signiricanl ex -Arter she met i\1iss Smith, del ti1ar: Conrad Alan Paul. ~-periment for the la1n~~1is]. she,__said, '.'..One tb.ing led-to Costa Mesa-and Timothy -----coor,wnOOoes not have com-another and I wanted to help Arthur Beard. Newport Beach. plctc use or her legs, is gelling her." I · ~ tiroun~ by lcanh13 on a To train the dog to adapt I IN LAGUNA ' specially trained 9-n1onth-old io Miss S1n!th's limpi ng pacc.1 NU .... Vll.~E German Sh,.phard. i\1iiis Burl cqui p1:ed hersclf1 · • J\fi ss Smith suffers from a \1•ilh one IO\Y and (lne high -«J.S .tir. .. . l ' :, neurologica l ailment. spa~lic heel shoe. ~73 Soutli Cocrst Hlthwor ata xia, «ltte!t 1111erre1es «ith T~e~•. >f,:l:=::::--;.;;;,00,,.,.-----f1t-------===== • balance and muscle control. to tails, ti1iss Burl fell herse lf. ~ .,.,,e1 lot""e ' • Jn the past. Miss Smith The next step in Konig's (Ql 497.13SO 53.\', she has v.•alked only in training \\'as .rctriC\'<11 . . s~~-;;;c;:iAiJJi'ii;i°l fear of falling a_nd not being fclching and carrying personal ~ .sPEC\Al\lE lN ~ able to arise. At times. she itcn1s for f\1iss Srnith. WE ••UTS says, she has ha d lo cry for h1iss Burl says she has no I' • help or crav.·I until she reach-plans lo train dogs to aid &and'1eS . Seeds ed something she could hol d persons with other handicapS' to pull herself up. but sfie thinks there is a future o'ried fruits in the field. fancy The dog, named . Konig \Vilhelm of Burm ic. foll ws _Because . people_ are han-o dJcapped 111 various ways, ---·'-·. • GIFT PACKAGES WE MAIL EVERYWHERE at her hee l. if she slarls lo dogs \\'OUld have lo be trained I fall. h~ assumes a steady slan-individually. she said. cc beside her so she can lean 1 _ . -· ---~ on him. If she goes dov.•n. she can use hi m ,t_:a pull herself! up. To increase his utility. Koni g has been equipped with n1 harness lo v.·hich is attached ! n vertical suppo11 1hat in er-1 feet is a mobile cune \Vhen[ iili ss Smith leans. the ca ne takes most or the v.1eight ·-.. -I SOU TH CORS ...... , .. ,.GU~~ •fA(~ 404 '"" o,.~ Niqhtly, •:45 p.m. Mo1irin S11od«'(, I :45 p.m. OP" Nl9htly, 6:45 p.m. Methtee S111tdey, l :45 p.m, RJCHARD BURTON GENEVIEVE BUJOLD SEE IT AT ••• BLACKMARR'S LAGUNA BEACH FURNITURE RIP VAN WINKLE Truly finest in sleeping com.fort. Now More Sle eping Comfort Has Been' Adcled. Be- neath the ticking of every Rip Van W inkle matfrass . is a new cushion of comfort mecle possible by DuPont's amating new Oecron FibercoiL OuPorit's new Fibercoir is a c:tuall.y tho us encls of little micro scopic coils that provide the most resilient surface ever obta ined in the sleeping industry. This new Fibercoil 1efus es to pac:k down or lump up , , • and it's no n -aller~enic. , 5" ttli1 ad o~d oil tti. etllef fi11• Alrtl~o"' prot11ctt for yo1 ead yo11r t 11t11.'..a ...1o11111rner 1leepi11t ead, .Mfti'"J f'IHluri. NOW AT· l.ACK-NARR'S -·-+ 260 FOREST :AVENUE· LAGUNA 'BE'AOi e 494-1071 •• 545-8491 'AG~NA BEACH F.URNITOR:·<c _..-'-'-~-I- TECHN.ICD !YD R '· w ~~ • -. • -----... - I The fas hion revolution has wo rked down to the ground. Shoes are news .. Eve ryone's buying more s hoes-because of style. Not just women. ·r s and oddlers .-~ on the march. "Because," Boot & Shd1e Recorder says, "basic shoes are no longer enouQh-for any wardrobe." During 1968, the average American lam i1y. sperit $100 plus on footwear-up from $68 just six years ago. Count the famil ies who live in your area. Multiply by $100. If you want your sha~ of that footwear money, you've got to tell the . fashion footwear story. Out wh ere people will see it. Right on the pages of this news- paper. Yo ur newspape r. Eight out of ten over-21's read the paper each day. Seven out of ten teenagers do too. Even more to the point a recent survey showed that seven out of ten Americans look forward to the ads in ihe papers-while only one in four feels that way about ads on TV. No wonder retaile rs invested more than $3 billion on newspaper advertising last year. No wonder th e country's top shoe stores s pend more than two percent of net sales on thei r ads in lhe papers. Your competitors know the power of that seven-syllable sales force: Newspaperability. The"footwear business has changed. And newspapers have c.han.ged, too. With economical new neighbor- hood ad buys, superb coklr rep'roduction. and new printing techn iques. Th is chtlnge has brought a substantial increase 'in 1oea1 papers' ad volume. During June '69, dailies' retail ad revenue jumped 11 .3 per- cent over June '68. News- papers are working for retail, To.p,araphrase an old saying : ir the medi um fits, buy ii. And no medium fits you better than your own local' paper. That's what we mean by New1p1per1billly. • • WEAR. i • 2175 Laguna Cyn. Riii. ' ' • 1 ' ----J)AllY PJLOT:·-·-- ' h .. ~ • .. , •· I l, • • l ! • I I • j • ; • ' l • ' • • l . • • • ' • • ' > • I l • ' • l I • I . I . i • i ' ; . ' ., ' ' ' , ' ~ • ' . • • • • .. . ' • . ' ' • l I . ' . • "' j • ' . • " -- •,. , r ·! , < r • . , l , ~ . ' • ' ~ • • l , ' r ' • ' • 1 ' ' ' J • ' ' f > ' ' ' l • , . • ~ I t • • • 1 -1972 Direct Vote Possible I ' Bui-Not . Very Probable /· WASHINGTON (UE:l) -It parties could hope for would nominees -tf no presidential is possible but lmprobable that be to force a runoff between candidate polled 40 percent the Constitution will be the two leading caodidates; of the popular vote. amended in tirt)e to provide the gain would probably not u Wallace ran as the can- tor direct Popular election of seell} to be 'worth the candle didate ot a Southern-based the ~sident In 1912. In the first place and '1tere party as he dJd in 1968 and ·lriterest Jn the ,amendment could be an ipcenUve to ~e McCarthy, or a like.minded -- ''Artistry in .Moving" for the BEST MOYE 'of __ _ YOUR LIFE Cd: 494-1025 580 Broadw•y has been reawakened by to .terms wit.I aMmajor· party,.' candidate led a uew. liberaJ George C. Wallact's victory as at presenL" -party, ~ voters would see in Alabama a·nd Stn. Eugene The proposed amendment a four-party race resembling J. McCarthy's public inusing calls for a runoff election that of 1948. Harry S. Truman ~ ·Fastest in West rh...t!J, -1a, 1110 All Y l'ILOT 27- SMILE·A· WHILE -DAY_:.CAM!- POI ALL, IOYI aM GIRLS HU .. 14 • SWIM SCHOOi. INST •• ll'OITS • cum e COOICOUTS e TllPS e DANCINe e TINNIS .............. -..,....... ........... _ ... OflNIN• DAD JUNI 11 .... CAMP HIADGUARTlll 14112 llACH ILVD. NOW TWO LOCATIONS: LOS ANOILU _. oaANOI COUNTY .-......,. "ne ._.... c-... • ._12• 530.3333 ::: ~ "':'.:'.:: 894-2312 about the likelihood of a new between the two leading can-. then won Jess than a majority ·Buy It. Sell It. Try the fastest rrilMJl!St In tht Wrst tQa lnst YOUf own tlock. Tnt Dime. libera l party running a:r-d~ld~a~tes~~-J!""r1m~a;bl~~th~eJol~th;e~el;ectoc;•~l~vole:•~to::re:l•:i•~-h~~~:~~:,:;;:~::;;,:~~~~==============1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·d 1· I · j a-line Ads, whtrt the action IJ, In Saturday's OAILV PILOT . pres1 en 1a can d 1 date. Repu.b ican ud Democratic th~ presidency. Backers o( the amendment see It as a ufeauard for the two- , party system. The proposed amendment now awaWng action bl the Senate would. have to fmilh Its route th"""1 ~ Md be ratllled bf II state Jeg!slatures by next April t~ .to apply to the tm election. The st.ates heeded only o monlhs to ratify the 20th Amendment, repealing pro- hibition, and nine to approve the 2.1rd, giving a vote for President to the Distiid of Columbia . Wallace's vote as a third party presidaitial candidate in 1968 and the 46 electoral votes he collected gave a new push to the old campaign to abolish the electoral college system of electing the president. . The House approved Its vecsion of a constitutional amendment for popular elec- tions last year by a vote of 339 to 70 . No such margin is expected lh the Senate. There are doubts that the Senate would • _ ........ ~.g"'i~ the amendme-,1t the necessary lwcrthirds vote and ·greater doubts that 3 8 legislatures .would agree tty April JS, 1971. "' ! ,. • . . , ' LUCKY BROUGHT DISCOUNT PRICING TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SEV~N LONG YJARS AGO ... WE LED THEFIELP IN LOW PRICES •.. AND, COMPARISON PROVES LUCKY ~ STILL THE LEADE~ WITH GREATER SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! comlOHT© 1•10 by l""•>' Stot ... IM. -All Rlahta 1""""9d. ! • '· • ' t ' j ' I ! ' I • . ' 1 ; ! I • ' ; , • ' • Sen. Birch Bayh (J).lnd.), manager of the S e n a t e version, viewed Wallace's vic- tory as a ca ll for the Senate to move quickly. He said the nation could not afford to have a minority-vote p r e s i d e n t elected by bargaining .among presidential electors, chosen by the states, or by the House, where each state would have ontt vo te regardles.s of size. McCarthy, who rattled the Pric15 ore Di.counled b<•pf on Fair·Troded a 11d Government Controlled Items. GROUND BEEF LU(IY IOMDID lllF CHUCK ROAST I LADICUT 4 7 C LUCIY' • IOIDD ~llP lb. FA!Vt'ER JOHN 1u11t ~oouo HAM PUU. I~~·· MALIS 8 MO<l,,MOVID ( AT UCIY lb. ROUND STEAK LUCn C CUITllCVT 88 ...... .... 1•. ~~t~nofa~~w~~~~~:~~ 49c CUT-UP FRYERS ;~~·~s~.<-~ .......... 33f.: SLICED BACON:t:'~1.is.•11 .......... 88' its presidential nomination in lb. T .. BQNE STEAK ~:c_n:,•:::.,,, ...... $1 ;:. THIN BACON~:~:t•,"'-· ........ 89c :~~t:x:~a~ n!~iibet~~ LEAN·GIOUND llEf 6-9c PORTIRHOUSE STEAK :::m .. -.lf.~ BACON :=.i:..~~ ................. 79' RIB ROAST ~::::~ 79c lUCIY IOllDID .... 1•. FRESH FRYERS .......... '29c WMOll 1 . .. , ... CHKllllS V~~ ~Jm!~e ri'f~"':z~e. N~~ ~~~,~~!~0~~~~ ..... -................. • 1•. HAM BUTT PORTION ~::., .. .,_,6811. SLICED IACON=•L1.r11 ............ 73c :::;f:::f::=ifili~fiiiii::iineiiw~-pa~rt\'ir-'=w'viaf.J:==~·!!ll~~'!·J!G~RO~UN~~==; ;'Or=='¥0U"'!!~EN-JUllK.eU1ol;ii.'_.,~,.::.,:: .. ~,_•y;:.,, =oiL~UC!Y!K'1YJl,!!!A~C! " ..•........... 69' . ~~~e!ua~ i~u~~= J:e ~: ~!~ =~:~.~~!!........... ~ STANDING RIB ROAST =~~ ....... 98~~. ' ' > ' ! • ! ·' I ! • ! I ' ' • • ! • t ' ! 1 ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' >. • • ' ' • ' . ' debate over the war. ~ I _. V-. O ... f. Since House approval of the w •· · · · ""V ~ prScoposedJ ~~endment, the LADY LEE BUTTER ::·~f.'. ......... 79' . COLD POWER 69C nate ud1ciary Committee DITllGINT has heard c 0 n f I i ct i n ~ CREAM TOPPING ~~:Z.~!:~~ ........ 43c 49 OUNCf IOX . testimony from students o ROD'S DRESSING m~~~~.~ ........ 37c . politics about whether the MAR "...., •• amendment wouid encourage GARINE ''oLm. .................... 39' or d}scpurage formation of ~ KRAn CHHSE ::a~r.w ... 37c ne;h~,~~~~~~~-majority CHIFFON MARGARINE l;:~: ....... 45' report quoted only the views ~a "' ... ""-· Q _,/. of Paul Freund, Harvard law • p ~......,... school professor, who describ-APP, 11 E 1 ,J 0 U, ICE 5 5 C ed the amendment as "a deterrent to the rise of M OUIKI IAI splinter parties." "Some critics of the direct popular vote have feared that ... the plan would foste r the growth or minor parties and would jeopardize the two- party system." said Freund. "If, however, the o o I y achievement of such splinter TABBY CAT FDOD!~?., ........... .17' FRISKIES DOGJ:DOD~o':'.l~.17' NABISCO DOG FDOD:';':~~.'.'.''.'.'39' PRIME DOG FOOD:::.'.'. .............. 11" . . . ' ::. .::. ''.-~ .... :. ---. ·'fl.·, . POMPEIAN DUVE DIL :::: ......... 47' DEVILED HAM :~0:;~:~ ......... _ .... 49c CHICKEN Of SEA l~.~~~.~~ ....... 45' LAWRY'S DRESSING ~::.r~~ .. 36' SUPERIOR HONEY ~~1:~~~=-~~ ... 49· KRAFT JELLIES l~~?18:~~~ ......... N ... 37' CLAM CHOWDER ~.~J:'.':':'. ..... 21' BLACK PEPPER ~~::.~::?.~~~ ........ -.. 37' SWEET PICKLES ::~~.W ............... 73 ' ff'M11f. ... t:yg,,1...,..._,, RIPE OLIVES :m:.'::l::.'ri .......... 41' ~ INSTANT nA~:~'.T,;1~ ..... 75' COOKIES u•_.,,_.,n 44, "'"1.l60l.PU .... , .... ,_,,,_. KlllSPY CRACKERS :::.~.:. ......... 35' RAISIN BREAD r::t·:~::.~ .............. 331 WHDLE WHEAT BREAD :::.~ ...... 31' MAl'fllf1Af 1..,. JELL-0 1 .. 2.3 ~~~I'=..~~~ ....... 28' SUNMAID RAISINs::·::~~ ........ 34' TOASJEM POP UPS i\W~~~ ..... 46' ~ ... t:yg;,f. A~~ONY!filJOTI 1 IC 1101NCIPI G. :{ ~ ,. ..,,.. -'-:~ ;1 ~ ' ~ ~18eilex Towels 29•cl I Dl51GMll ~ ~··~~ • ~ CHARCOAL BRIQUETS ::\'::!, ... 75' . . otes FRUIT COCKTAIL :.·~: ............ 37' MAXWELL HOUSE SHELF PAPER ~'w.~':! ................. 29' CD Ff EE •uu.u ........•.... 87' .,,. ALL DETERGENT =~::;59' :::~ ...... •111 :4.J~ .......... 1211 DREFT DOERGENT::~: .............. 12'· .. . INSTANT :O:.:ro'.'!:r.":, .. 99' FABRIC FINISH ~ ................. 49' RBERTA PEACHES ::r.":!:~.'. ..... 29 ' CRANBURY SAUCEm'::.::~~ .... 28 ' COMSTOCK FILLING:::i'.~ ...... 41 ' BElf STEW !:l: .................. ,_ .. 36' BAGGED STEAKS :::O:':',','.~~~-·-· 93' BEAN BURRITOS r.".~:1: .............. 37' INCNllAltAS,.,L•u ............ _ ... 40' y ...... AllP'll ... ~,·•Dll FRIED CHICIEN:l:r:l~ .... ,_ .. •l" PIOSWEET VEGETABLES ~.:.'.: .. 38' 1"11. nM &Wltn.CITAI.. ' BREAD DOUGH ~J:::l~~-.66' : .. t:yg,it.·.-- .. ~ou!'!~ ... 39c flUIT .NICI 46 OL <All HAWAIIAN RED PUNCH :=: .. : .. 20' HAWAIIAN RED PUNCH U:: ... 37' EGGD WAmES!~~ ............... 44' MIS. SMITH APPLE ;11::.~~ ..... 8°9' TDTIND'S PIZZA:,\~79' ONIDN RINGS i=.::., _____ ,j45' VEGETAILESuu. ........................ 37' .... ....., ninmi ~ •IWTflt S,11(1, Cllttl •• 11n .-m l.\ICI. ~• 111Ct1U waiml U..ut JDIO'S PIHA 1ous .... ..;:: __ ,2' llAIUILJDIC 114~1 INSTANT:':.:r.:'l.":r.' ... '1" BOLD DETERGENT::~: ............... '!'' PLASTIC YU BAN :::~: ................. 91 ' .. 'jR\ l d V , LEMON JUICE l':".I.._ ............ :21• HI C FRUIT DRINllSl\W~~! ...... 32' It STIYE, DAN • ~YION PINLP In lhl1 day OI lnd1d11o!>, vltlllallon and ur.prlnclpltd prlnclplu, II'; r .. lrtshln!f lo rtMOi • '"""' OI' 1111. W.tl ...ull Wflo ,...,. tti. vvmptlDn- •nd trot 1rtfl1"71a 1l1nd 11'1' lfltlr, rig.his, ' Tltto 1t.tunch trew I~ !Ills 11!;1ry, a PINEAPPLE JUIC~ :.".::'l: ........... 33' . .. 4&,1., .. · -... sc ~.suE 32c 4/6SO COUllT IOUS YU BAN 1::~: ................. 'P' lYJ lif11r von e nornpswn11 ASS"1MENT YUBAN COFFEE ::.:~ .................... '2'' AN OUTSTANDING VARIETY t-=.':.!:;r::' :.:".": YUIAH INSTANT l':;'l .......... -..'l" · Of FRESH IAKDY GOODS ::-...:..-·"' ""' *'"' TASnR'S CHOICE:"::~T.~~ ..... '1" lYJWwiii;a;;.\;;;·UIJlll\111 ~ ~~'l:i~~~ ..... 1ac -11--THE FINEST QUALITY DASH DmRGENT:::~.'.· .. ...: ........ '2" ~ ,,,.. PLATI 27c 1 group al Ne' Z11l1nd mlnen, ~ •' . . GREEN BEANS::'o= .................. 24' . ' ' ' • ' • . • ' l 1tnroul1 to 11'11 plt1 wl!ltn tllelr bl.II br'okl doWll 1• lffl ,.,_, "' IM mint. Now, !he mlntr'I aw1trKf 1i.1ed-nol "' If'• '"""'' tine prlftt, wt fml9iM-l!lfl 1n1 mflle wa " f11r11ftll tr1n1port.ilon. At 111'1' rat., IOIM 50 P9(ft 11\0fl ,of li'wlf !IDfl, 1111 mlmtrs htld • "1top ""°'k" ITlftt. int 1r.c1 vorea 11:1 wall! ~ -1 dl1l~t of nlM mllul ........... . Ah ws. tlstwfllr• lh• -Id '""' "' ~ 11y 111lntlm. crulllrn ,.,..,. lwdg9 1r!CI hflKI'-• ctdl •Ml ~ rrilsr, but In Dunedin, N.Z. II I 1'1111'11 tor• al btllevet1 In 1111 .._,. ol ASPARAGUS SPEARSl':.l'.~~~' .. 55' PDRK & BEANS ::':r' .................. 25' on MONn TOMATOES ~::~: .... .29' PRINCRLA YAMS l'..".: ............... 33' TOMATD SAUCE::t= ............. 11' ~~.~~~ ........... '9c .. BANCANAS ' :~:~}=:~:~;:::::::: . i;;i~;~~:~· 33• BIZ PRE-SOAK l:~.:.~ .......... -.'1" FOAM ICE CHEST 100% CHIQUITA BRAND GOLDIN RIPE BUNCHES tnnii IMdR:A'I '*"'''Mn' 11 ~. UJ. NO. 1 IUSSIT LAVA HAND SOAPm ... o ............ 14' • ,,.. ...., •• ,..., w111..,. FABRIC·SDFTEHER-' · ·7a• . ... '""',.'""' u~" ,..,. 1~01.111. .......... ~ ,.,!-l··· ..,., .... i.tirn1~1w....: Our LOW ~Price! .. ,, ... ,,,., ; $J•• ·~... ............ .. ICE CREAM 79 t' _,..,..., POllMOIT PllMIUM c ... IYlllNT"" mer ~ IAUOJI UlfOfl , · ZIT IAIY POWDU ·. ___ ,,..,....,_ 'i ::r.'~~_,.,.,.. ... ~ ..... :Jjt; 63C ··~ , OU• IVllTOAY lOW PllCI lllHT llAID ANTl·PDSPIUNT lty GIUmE ' • • . •· ~ • prtnclplts . . ,,., I meUtr (If l!l'lllCIPlt with Ill lo bl 111r1 YOll lllvt 11111 !tie right llt- 1wtnc1 for VWf' 1vtfY ntld. Y°" to11llln'I plclc 1 11t111r IOllr"C• !of '1'Q111' lnlllr•!IC• .COYtt'IOt ,ll'lall .1Yll9N l"ENLf:Y '1NSUllANCE', "2 Mall! 111 """""°ton lttth. pllarit 5J'.7J2J. ••• Jl.tn1tmber, lfu11rlPW;I Is "1111 llftt ~~T!!".!.!!..8.~~ 51c GOLD SEAL SCDTCH $498 POTATOES NICE PDUID SELECTION JO cruo 44c PET llTZ PIES::":.'l:.'.~~ ........ 27' A1 1t1ullH 11t1-11n1irnt. Jllllf .. I ..... lllfl •• ' 11UI IHI M• 111er:*J. lllHJI ..... -11111 11.C 11<11fl11& II flncllla. 11111r1nc1. • • - RN--ON~ TV WEEIC •••P• yo# t11111d •• wh1f'1 h1pp1nl119 b•hlMI tk• tub1 -l•11y Sth11ct,, I• the DAILY PILOf. ......... , .................... .. • OF SIZIS IA• FISHSTICKS :~l:r.'. ............. -.... 41' BREADED SHRIMP l.n:.::r.' ........ ~ --~ . with lucky Everyday low Discount Pricing I --·• Shop Any Day . Sav.e Every Day • • I L ' I. t ' t S.OUNCI SIH . ··79c llUIDD lie Off.U. • ' r • -- I .-• • ----------. . -----·-----"= ..... =-=-~~- DAILY PILOt. '"""""· -18, 1970 • ( __, e n t -Likes to Boast . "of His ''Firsts. WASHINGTON , (UPI) -=..an emperor has been toast.ii:!. president to' €ongtt"ss ·, . ·th'e of-tile ca6~comes-from he~enthused, !!this is the first -you we~lhe Ii~ to ~sipt President Nixon likes to bOast I have been here when we most CO{llpreha1Sive state· the largest state of the union, • time at least in my .ad-from the moon , rlght?1' 1bout tbe historical "flrs'ts" have raised our glasses to ment on foreign and defense and one of the newest -.. ministraUon that the board Nixon, the 37th Presfdent; of hil admlnistraUon. a king, to a president, and policy e.ve_r made i!l this coon-Alaska." · ol . 1 . .' . 1.k 1 1 1be press sees the President a prime min.ister, bot in stu-try." Whi n he :was honorea:.a i-..a..naUona orgaruzahon 1 e has severa other lrsts. very seldom these days, but dying ~ history of all ~.____ _ When he C!im~igoed Jor a a state dinner in Djakarta, -the boys clubs has met-for He was the first president when Nixon was making great dinners held in this Republican candidate in New l ndonesla, ""Nlion-raised his dinner_inJhe.. While House. '1 to be named basebaJrs nq_;· regular public appearances, he room, never before has a duke Jersey· last fall, be said, "th>s champagne glass in a toast But few could doubt that J fan . ~ t rar.ely failed tO note the oc· been toasted." . is the• first' time·a president to the president of Indonesia he was setting historical lie was the first to veti; casion in landmark terms. When he flew to Ne" York oC the United Slates has saying:, "I realize that the precedent when he .put in a a bill on live .television and, One wit noted this and said, to~ soothe the rufned feelh)gs, spoken M Morris Countv, l ~slliOn that J am in' is a telephone cap , tq the Apollo "somebody should wri~e • a of French P~ident Giorees am glad to' do µiat." r--~ Unique one, one that will. not ill .astrona~ta on \he moon. the firsl to attend . a 'SPiC~ book about 'the 'Making. of Pompidou, Nixon s a I d , · #.At the ~i.ng in. ceremony cOme again , , , since I am · 1'11118 ~$n\ly has to be the · launch!~ at Cape Kenne<IY. · : the Precedent.'" "tonight is the first time a Of Walter J. Hickel as the• first president to ever most htstotfc telephone ·call · He was the· first President _ Wll.h_})is penchant for mark-president has ever_subsUtuted Secretary of Interior, Nixon pay a state visij to Indonesia. ,ever madef from Ule White to. have a .director of com--. Jng "firsts" of his tenure, Nix-for the vice president." said, "This is an historic mo-The next American president ·House." 1-• • munlcations .. Ccmrnuters in the San Francisco area will ride in style in the new Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) iystem. A model of the sleek new BART cars (hbove) looks futuristic. It will run on an elevated track (below), which will move commuters as fast as 80 m.p.h., witb an average of 50 rn .p.h. Designers hope to compete wjth the automobile to encourage : q:immuters to lea'(f!.o-tjleir cars at home. German Memles Cut W here Vacci ne Used J J"EW YORK (AP) in rubella in U.. JO Gennan measles vaccine ap-with the highest percentage pears to b~-reducing the in-of vaccination in children aged cide'tlee of the disease in states I to 12. The states with the wllere the vaccine is widely lowest percentages reported a u~d, the National FoUndation 54 percent increase. ·~March oC Dimes said·today. The Survey was based on br. Virginia Apgar, the the number of cases for the folindation's vice president for year ending May 24, 1969 com- 111tdical affairs, said 9 out pared to the year ending May 0!110 stales with "high ~accine 23, 1970. c~erage" have rep O'r: t e d Jt found this: reiluced incidence. Eikht of ten states with pooi" coverage, Minnesota, with 86.3 percent E~ said, r~rted increases. of t~ population aged 1-12 'While the data are not yet vacc1natt;<t, . had a drop in cobclusive." Dr. Apgar said •. measles 1nc1~~nce of 4fi.1 per- "lt'ey do offer encouragement cent; Hawau, 75.5 percent ---ih•fr wtoesprea_c use Of-the-covcred.-a-drop-of--'r.lS-per--v~cibe among children may cent; Alaske, 62.7 percent _ _!!!Mmately_ e]min;ge th~ covered, ~ _d~_op_of_ 65~; iiase as a threat to unborn District of Columbia, 59.3 per-. ies." cent covered, drop of 86.4; _ Jba.J e de r a I government Iowa, 58.8 covered, drop of -~$59-mttlicn eempttt~__.2.Lpercent: Oklahoma _ 52.Z ]a t · · covered dro of 54.S· of, vaccina ing 40 million to s , .8 percent covered, 60! million children between drop of 63.3 percent; North lhl ages of I and 12. . Dakota, 44, pereent covered, fhe vaccination program is drop of 30.9 perce n t: difected at children to prevent Maryland, 36.9 Pe r c en t tht transmission· of the covered, drop of 60.7 percent. ~an measles Virus to Utah was an unexplained wqmen. If a woman ciintracts exception. Despite 65.11 percent th' disease during e a r J y vaccination coverage, t t pl'fgnancy it can cause birth reported an increase from $1 defects. cases to 139 cases for a 139.7 . ~omen are not· being percent jump. directly vaccinated because The eight low coverage doCt.ors fear infecting a states that reported increases wdman who may be pregnant were: Florida, 9.4 percent anti not know it. vaccination coverage, 82.8 per- Thousands 0£ birth defects cent increase in cases· Texas ,... re~lted from the I a s t 6.3 percent coverag~, 154.0 , 'p!demic of German measles percent increase; Alabama, -also called rubella or three-5.4 percent coverage, 140.8 day measles -in 1963-65. percent increase ; Oregon, 3.6 ~ause Gennan measles percent coverage,·21.6 percent run 1n cycles, there could be increase: Missouri, 2.8 percent an+ther epidemic in 1971-73. coverage. 21.6 percent in-'J'.hf . hope behind the vac-ccease; Missouri, 2.11 percent c1nabon campaign is t o coverage, 4.2 percent in- rnitiimize its effects. ,crease; Nebraska, 2.4 percent -The 1=ampalgn began last coverage. 93.6 percent in- summer after the gov~ment crease; Washington, 0.3 per- firSt licensed a G e r m a n cent coverage, 225.2 percent -m~sles vaceine. increase; Idaho, no vac- / The NaUonal Foundation cinations repo'rted es of May f01.fd a ·37 percent 10, 75.7 percent increase. MEDICAL AND· DENTAL' ASSISTANTS 1""'1, lnt1n1iff-COUl'iM ~f11111\iiucsli'y you .. 011 Auislont i11 I~• office of o Phys!cio11 er Denti1t. 4 111onth progroM for O.nkll A1o 1bfont 9' MHicol Ollk• leaptionilf. 7 910nlh progro"' for Mtdlt:al Allidanl, Dq er .,,.ninf cloue1. lif11i111e plaff1119ftf •11islonc1 ol ne oddltianol mt, Southtm Calilornia College . "' . ' Mtdlul 1nd Dent1l-Assbt1nt1- 1--. ~ ..... , .. Colllltl b -~~ b¥ the Accreclltini Commission of the Hers. A!lll. of Trd, Ind Technical SchlL • __ ,, ..... ,............... '. ~ 1717 South l rool<hursr Analie1.n· Phone 635-3450 on said at a White House In sending his "State of the ment in the history not only who comes here will not be But he doesn't mind sharing He is the first Presidenr' dinner honoring comp~ s er WorJd" message to Congress, of this administr:ation but alsc> in the positiOn I find inyself." the honors. He told astronaut to be 00-rn west or the Rockies' Edward "Duke" Ellington : Nixon said, "this is the first in the history of the country. At a White House dinner Charles Conrld .Jr., ••yoo and the first to hold regular' "I have been here when of its kind, ever-made. by a "'For th:e first time a member for the Boys CluJ> of America ~we~n't th, first on the moon services in the White House. -... 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546 ;,.7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9 TO 5 , B-W• , am1 m19 c:1ll-it th1t,.but-yov-c:ould- c1U it 1 porch lit ht, if VOii lilr1, 0 Nici c:ombin1tian of ·i i bl1clr 111d c:opp•r fi11i1h. 319 H1r1 11 1 F1th1r'1 D•y gift far thre• dall1r1 ind c:hint • which ..,;9ht c:hon\J• th• laolr of hi1 worlr bench. Just th1 thin9 to slor1 fi1hint lur11, nuh 111d bolh, 1m1U p•rh,-or wh.t ....... 3 29 111-110 CARPET TAK If th1 c1rp1t Ju1t k1•p1 curlint up or slidint, thi1 will t•I it. A,nd if thi1 doesn't W1 c111 1111 vou 1om 1 l inch 111ils, . PEGBOARD ... -~-·-,--·-......... 0 Thi ttufl i111t "'"''' 9011 • .__.._. • .-;--. -------:--4:· -out of styli. - • : : • • • • • : ·~ :~ • • • 0 t 5,000 "'oodp1clr•n • • • ~· : • • • • • •: : : worlr.i'ilg 1w1y m•k• tome • • • • • • • • ' ' h I • e • • • • • • • ., " n1c1 0 II. • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • ~. •11'1wh1r1, lr.itch111 or • • • . • •••• ;.:: 0 M1k11h1nti"t"'•ll • • • • • • • • • · g•r•t•• it's h1ndy. 0 1- 1 37c 2 FT. X 4 PT. Y 011 1vpply th1 1lbow tr1111 ind th1 cir inti -•1'v1 t Of th1 thow roUint . , ~···~·~ J _ 55c ~ -' Sorry, we Couldn't show you e big pic ture, but Mr. Big Sales Men•ger in L.A. just couldn't· find a post•9• stamp to mail us one. I Life's Jjttle mis•ries.) ... ....,,"""''*"" ..-111r11 JtM 14, 1m c1r1111 1111 • .. .,. lflef, c1..,111) • BiIClrCDECKER --- t ' BELT SANDER--- Bl.ACK & DECKER SANDER For fine finish!119 •"d • 1Joad •raund th1 b1nch light t1nd1r, t•lr• 1 loolr ... thi1. If it loolr1 b1ck •f yo11 or 11y1 111ytliing 1t •II, c;1ll th• stor1 rn•n•t•r. 24~ .... BLACK & DECKER "{"'··~···,. ... , .. ,.. -~ -· l Heclge .r Trimmer --0 ~ S1v1s th1 1rri\1 incl th1 b•c•. l it pow1r do it for vou, or hi"", "'hich1.,•r fh1 Clll _!'l•Y b1. r ·" , 14!!-~~~"'"'"' ~~·~~.~.~-··~..21 With lhi1 thin9 you cut p1•f•c:t •5° or 90° 1n9l11 for pictur1 f11m11 ar •ny kind of lumb1 r. Thi1 'Y••r t•f th1 "'it•r bo•, 111xl y11r th1 11w, REDWOOD VINYL ! Don't forget next Sunday Is Father's Day, June 21st. He gets the V.loP. treatment, O.K.? BLACK & DECKER· ·--RADIAL-ARM SAW ·I ['.J If you r111ly W•"* to IJlf him 1 gift of• lifelirile, J-thinlr •bout thi1. ITim1 'i upfi1 it y11 or 11~1) [J A r.gul•r shap in ih1lf. Bl1de1 1n1Jl1 for 1ny c:ut or I tip. ~ 0 Att1c:~m•nh 1¥1il4bl1 for d1doin9 111d f1ncy 1ii1 pint. 0 Thi f1e't11r11 li1t lilr• th1 t1l1phon1 boolr, corn• on in , lit'• l1llr it a¥1r. /Olr1y, I'll t.Jlr, but no mo111y, 111r. , 9995 No. . 7700 BLACK & DICKE~ JIGSAW Thi on1 matt Ul•ful porl1bl• power 11w .... d •. Cut scrolh, cur.,,,, slr1i9ht or 111gl• with ---. BLACK & .DECKER 71/4" Circular SAW _ 0 If h1 lik11 bit power to h1nd l1 bi9 1t11ff m1yb1 thi1 is his tri p. 0 Anti-kiclt b•c:k clutc:h 10 the thint won't git wild. 0 Depth •Ad •ntl• 1dju1lm1nt. 2488 LIQUID, WRENCH 0 A little drop'll cla if if th• rusty old th.inlJ ju1t ...on'f l'llOYI. 0 Sounds lik1 my cir, but I'm 1p11•in9 of fro1111 pip1 or bolt fittin9lo .. :·I t • ' ••• :J ~·-> '" ---······ ' -TOOL-SALE Why-1uch 1 bit d11l h1r1, yo~ c1n 111 tool t•bl11 for p1n"i1s l11s 1nywh•te IUT • , • · 0 look 1t the qu11ity af th1 tool1. Are th1y 111 imporh1 h tt.1 •1l1ction limittd1 • LAnx FINl_SH .D At l11t, da t~1 fnc1 111d cle111 up with pl1iii w1l1r, D Ke1rn'1-t1bJ;-;. jutt 1 auf good 1nou9h ta rick an th1 w1ll•1nd 1111 for more, but w1 thinlr you lik1 1 b1tt1.t. .!111 lhi1 , • .,. . • ~ ' 0 l1yt on • 90H-1e1f•of color 1nd th1 "''Y th• f111c1 101k1 it'up yeu •••• pl111ty. ~~:;.'jc:-~~ GA L -- .f!t°li' l ~~1 .:I,1' 1r ~IJl' ~ J" . ' . ' ' ; : ._ 1'\•f\. ! •' ~· -,) ~, .. ,. . ' '" JI~• ,,, ] s c. ~ ed. -G • low ope for lnm T aie ., hob for T of ' yea ( lrlo T teit (),. A Iba l lhe -1 a. .... ... ... I ... .~ ... In ... I "' ... I Im ... II" .. wt R< f~ Tt ti> G< ha B< "' "' oh ... J "' "' hi le cl n ~ u • • . . Thursday, Junt 18;1970 · J. DAILY ,.LOT g • l Little Girl Weeps-~If s All Part of World eup_ Mexico City . Situation -Normal Counterfeit tic\tts are clreulating. ~ant touriSs ire being (Oii(· ed. -Groups of ftns -~~· g over .'! couple o! -lite · · · " Mexico df, ·ii.' ~ of .~-..-.-...... · ... ,.,,. block ·mart& (l 'tickets) 11· llourisblng. • ~ So I gueu.)JDU.could_say the lltua"!·.._~. here ii .norimli consklering a major international .,,.ung event· such as the World CIJp -cbamplomhips is bein( 1tqed. The bogu8'" tickets are creating one positive eH~ . ' they . are ~y ---=== WHITE WASH --------- The Englillt ooccer entry left hero tinder much .Che same ill feeling with which It arrived: Team coach Alf Ramsey saMI ·simPly,. ~N•· pra, cm- ference," after bis loss to West Germany. Tueoday the Engli!h returned home. However, pltyer Bobby Moore ventured the oplnioo that Italy would defeat West Germany pr_ior to his departure. That guesS oqlthe betting market would have been Wurth Ute Crown Jewels to Bobby. Come to think of tt, jewelry may be a bad f..onl to Moore, who was arrested inl Colombia on a charge of llhopl~ting /• piece of jewelry sbortlY. before bis amval in Mexico. T-REVtNO, PLAYER . FAVORED IN OPEN CHASKA, 'Minn. (AP) -Lee Trevino, no longer 'dilcOuraged by the first ball he ever htt at Hazeltine National, classed himself IDd Gary Player as the men to beat in. the 70Ut U.S. Open golf chlmpionlhlp. Trevino, the wiSe-el'acli:lnc Mexlan- American fnnit El Pa!IO, Tex., Lt J!'layer r the bttle South African, played niore pnctioe rounds leading up to today's fint round than ID1 otbers .ia the field ·o1 la Deqer Sick : I ,,111, ,,l1M a,111. tt;lf"'""· hit victory Wedpesday night.. over Pittsburgh -coming on the heels of Don Sutton's 1-0 four·hitler ag~ the Pirates the night before -visit Crosley field for a crucial four-game serM!s •• ' Bill Singer, 1·2, .is slated te start In Friday nlghl's opeoer · Ol•---ki!1· cinnati's Gary Nolan, 7-3. The Btda bead "'.llo111".,..;a·jil0etiog,J!!4'Mimt~e · . "We've been worrying about ~ Reds all along," noted Osteen. "Tiie thing we have to do ii forget 'em UJilil we play 'em. We 'd see the scoreboard ud the Reds way ahead, get depressed and go out and lo9e ounelves. ' "The only thing we can do-is IO out and beat 'em ourselves." Unfortunately, the Dodgen hiJ• been 1eu than a roaring succe!J; ·in thal department. They've met the Reds five times this year and have lost every Ume, acorilg Olly m runs to Cindmat.1'1 ' 'ITTStU•0M • LOI &Ne,ILll . •111r11 1 ••'Plltllfl ' J~-" .... . l • J •·Wm!.•· ·' ' • 'l •, 1 MAlou,cf 4 0 2 o _Motto,H 411 1 Jttlf".N •If e WDl11ll.d 4 I 2 e I ll:otw"ti.n, lb 4 0 I I ICOIC:O, rt 4 1 I I Meuo.ld , & •••• w P•rl(lf', Ill J • l 1 A OH\1'11'.rt 4 0 1 0 Grtllr.wllr,Jll 4 0 I 1 JMe~,c i o o o H•lt.r,c l o I I Hebnef", lb l 0 I 0 Lffftwre, a J I 2 O Elll•,p I 0 I I O.Jwn.1 J o 0 I C••h,1111 IOee P-,p 1101 T011I JI e 1 I TOii! J2 4;t 4 Pl!Mlur9h IOe I I I I I 0 -0 LosArw.lw. flt 11, 11•-4 £-MDII. H1lltr, OP-loo Ai.-les 2, LOG-PIH$--M"!Jh •• LOS Anoeln 5. 28-ICl)l(o, $1-W. O.vh. S-Elfl•. Ellb lL, '-51 ,_ 0.11911 (W, M l l-J:OI. A-11.:127. ., ....... so 67JJIJ t 2 I I e I ' 1 • • 1 4 ,Angels to G~t Warm · Beer ·· .. . l·taly Trims Germany,4-3; Faces B.razil in Finals By GLENN WHITE ' Of ... Oreltf '"" '"'" MEXICO CITY -A little,girl wept. A man jumped up and down. slamming 1 r1incoat against his seat cushion. A sea · ol bl1ct, red and gokl-striped West German flags-was moving with increasing enthusjasm, • That was the scene late WedneSday afternoon at Mexico City's fabuk»us Aztec Stadiwn as the Germ8ns hopped to a • l:~ lead over llaW ,Jn the World ·'Cup. .. ~ •aelnifinaJ.s " • • ''f,_. · · -e..t, the ~·.,.. to d\ance drastically befofe one OI the most in- credible sportlng eveois l have ever seen or could 'ever hope ·Q)• see came to Its conclusion. ,. In the ensuing momentt. the tears were. transformed into smiles and even· lual shrieks of happinqs~ Eventually the German flap were iiil>:tionless and the red, white and gret'ti9 banners o( Italy -in a minority, to be sure cime back from a brief slay in mothballs. . . . . UCLA ~Slight Favorite . -- As lVCAA Meet .Begins • J I • I I . • • A • n • ·. =: • •• .. • • • •• I .. "' ·- . -• - ( I ( I • I r • < r I• --· . ( .. . ·--:*-' p ~ . ~ 0 & u d ti. G w It -PJ d' di d' w ll " ., d; n II 't cj m .. IL r DI lo - DAILY PILOT Th~rsd,.y1 Ju111 18, 197!_ .. .. ----· .. • - - Golfing E.rcurston . \ . Ex;Tr1ton, OCC ·Star. . \ Member of Japan Tour Payne began his golling career 1t San Clemente where his skill on the green took him to the Call!Qrnia Jnterschplaslic Federation finals_. • • • , Martl"Pa~ • .Jenner San Cltmenf# Hilb School and Orarce Cout Colle1e .10\f star, ,15 one of ai1 members .or the United states Internatklnal Universi· ty _golf team that will tour Japan thi1 aummer in a combination goodwill tour and a:olfing excunion. ----rli,e-idea is io promoti a two.way exchange of ide1s and information," Dr. Norris Patterson. athletic director al the Calie.mia Western branch of the multi-campu1 un iversity says. At Orange Coast College, he competed in lhe Ca li(ornia' slate junior colle1e tournament. He averages 71 in com· petitive play . ln the NAIA District 111 playoffs, he fired rounds of 79 on two successive occasions for a 158 total and fourth place. The USIU team won th e dlstricl title. ' • I • ·1 I • 1 I 1 . • • • : ( \ ALL-STAR GUARDS -Three of the South's chjef weapon s in the fiflh annual North-SOulh AJl·Star basketball game at Orange Coast College _ DAILY P'll OT Staff P'IM!e Saturday night is this set of guards. R ick Mosier (12) passes off to mate Bob Beal ( 14) as Curt Carlson (20) trails. .~ !Trojan Nine, • :Florida Stat~ iClash for Title Sports in Brief NFL Contract Di-spute; Laver-Wins in Eondon~ North Cagers Sparkle Again; South Ailiµg . By RQGER CARI.SON 01 no. Dellr P'llel Slaff " Oti.fAHA fAP l -Florida State, ne\•er '.Jn the "'inner's circle of the College .World Series in four pre\TiouS lrips, and .southern California , champion five times, · NEW YORK -'The battle Tine Is But In their ~rubles match, the long The North. bolstered by a pair of expected t.o be drawn today between day of action finally took its toll as all-slate basketball participants. went the owners and players of the National Rahim and Borowiak, the top-ranKed through its final scrimmage with outside Football League. pa ir, fell before the unranked team of forces Wednesday afternoon in prepara • ni ht for the Jn the wake of a Wednesday night Tico Carrero and Zan Guerry of Rice, lion for the fifth annual North-South, ten1ent from Teg Scbrarom .... ~Prues~l&d~ent~.-~6~·~3,w2~1w·l~9~. ------------.uocange County All-Star basketball game 1 NC . .\A baseball pennant. of the Dallas Cowboys and chairm an • to be played Saturday nigh( at Ora e '. A.!; the top-ranked Troja~ \\'atchcd, ol the Players Relations Committee for Coast College. ·ha\ing ·dra\l'n a bye -in double-the NFL owners· that "we will in no DENVER -Possi ble open warfare Coach Pat Adams of the North an- A?limination tournament \Vedne.sday night, \\'BY compromise the office of the com-&tween the NCAA and the professional nounced that his standout center F.,rank , missioner" a spo kesman for the NF[; America n Basketball Association over Dehn (6-10) and backcourl ace Rick ?"lorida State stampeded No. 2 Texas Playe~s Association said they would ha ve the Denver Rockets signi"g a Michigan h r th · t It 2 -P Abercgg had been tapped by coac ~Ill o e---mee • · a staLeffient sometime today, He had· Stale star with two years· eligibility · h fi All Howard Lyon ror duty Jn l e 1rst • : The 1-;'tl. 3 Sem inoles will carry 49"8 no further comment. lcrt apparently has been averled by State· game at Oakland Colisuem Arena :.season mark against the Trojans. 50--13, • league action rejecting the contract. July I. :3s the two. teams met for the first Less than 24 hours after the Rockets The duo will leave Sunday frir the lime in the tourney. -LONDON -Charlie Pasarell, U.S. annou nced they had signed Ral ph Bay Area following Saturday's Orang! : USC COach IDMrDed~aurls-expectett--uavls CifJ)lertnlnta.HrottrSanturce-;----simp50n a!! "a hafdSliipcase," ABA County clash. 'o· start sophof!lore r1ghthander ~reg Puerto Rico, had a chance tcxlay to Commissioner Jack Dolph turned thumbs •Widma n (6-3 ) with Coach Jack Stallings beat Australia's John Newcombe and down The North took care of host Cypress 'Of Florida State countering with junior add one more embarrassment to the Doi, h .d Wiifresd 1 tat t Junior College~Wednesday, 167-127, in 'eouthpaw P~t ~burn. (12-2). Each has Wimbledon seeding committee. tha t ~tr'sau'ch a· "contarayct"daoe's ,·.""fea"ct a six.quarter ski'rmishl lO.mil'IUtes each) W Id Se VI t r " that saw nine all ·stars hit in double or r1es c o ~. The two were due to meet in the ·s1 -• · bm'tted t '" • ll''d t ed · h' t · d f t ex1 auu IS su t n LnC com· figures • 1 man seal er a six-11 er Ln e ea • quarler-rinals of the London Gras!! Courts · · " •t Id be · led d · ling Delav.·are 7-1 Saturday. Osburn stifled Championships at Queen's Club a miss11""'0 000er. r·1 wou ed reJt!t'. anh Ada ms seemed happy with his team's .n rtm th .. s d 'th r h't . -a , 1ne assess 1ga1nst t e Cf . ..1. ti f'ed .,. ~a ou vv un ay w1 our I s final warm-up event which ha!I prcxluced De 1 b e orts, saying. m sa s 1 w1u1 our ;.apd I~ strikeouts. He lowered hl~ ERA many surprises. nve r cu · · defense now . Everyone has made a real :'9 0.95. . ·. Eight of the stars see'ded for • e ~effort to come together defensively, help- : • Gene A.mman v.·as th~ big Jiero Wed-\Yimbledon entered, and already six of ing on~ another out on this man-lo-man . :~~ay ... night. The '.Seminoles, unbea ten them have been knocked out by players ZANDVOORT, Netherlands -D;i.n business. :J"~or r1ghthander v.ho entered the game whom the Wimbledon committee ignored. Gurney, lanky Costa Mesa racing driver, "We'll go through a tough wnrkoul ~1th a 0 50 ERA, spaced seven hlts, Newcombe and Corona del Mar's Rod returns to Formula I racing here Sunday Thursday afternoon al Orange Coast, _Ja~ 7 and v.•alked 4 for victory No. La\·er are lhe two Wimble<lon seeds in the Dutch Grand Prix arter two then taper off with a lighl one Friday ~5. Hi~ s.coreless streak er_ided af~er still left. years away from European circuits. afternoon .,, ·:1' 1/3 1nn1ngs when Texas pit cher W~lt Laver, top-!leeded and strong favori te ' Gurney, one of the tallest drivers in I t was the eig hth ~minute full-scale .,_oth~ h~m~er~ ~ ~wo-rlin hom er 1n lo win the Wimbledon crown for the ' motor racing, quit GraOO Prix driving ·)he fifth inning ht~rirst of the year in 1968 to co ncentrate 00 sportscar eve nt.s scrimmage for the North in preparation , . -. · third year running, crushed BOO Lutz for the su{Jlmer classic Saturday "igh\ , . The . Semtnol:s. _c . lccted 13 hits otr of Los Angeles 6-1. S-6. Toda y he faces in the United States. k ~ve pitchers, p1nn1ng the _loss on starter Dick Crealy of Australia. (8 o'cloc ). amcs Street 18-2) v.·ho filled the bases The South, meanwhile. went through " walks after ooe put i" the r~st e MESA ST A R SIGNS c<mtrolled dril~ at Wes\rninsler High ·lnning and was yanked. Wednesday and is set to practice at : NEW YORK -O.J. Simpson, an All-Orange Coast College tonight' and Friday • America" io 1967 8"d t968. has bet" !JASE BALL PACT "ight from 7 to 9. '.w t • voted the outstanding college football Missing from practice were forw ard ~' es JDJnster player of the past decade in a survey Costa Mesa High baseball flash Dave standouts Skip Williams and Lee Haven, . conducte:ci ~ ~Am~."!!! Bi:_oadcasli ng --~rton signed a contract to play fnr both nllr.!in injurie9, ~p --:--· Company. . the Boston Red Sox chain WednesOaj, -"I'm hopeful t hat -they·~ back ::·:. a1·1· Co1npetes • following gradualioo excercises. lonight. but rm a Jillie skeptical about The Mesa flash, an al.I-Irvine Leagu e S,kl p.'' said Leavey. SALT LAKE CITY -UCLA's ho-selection ror two yea-ti t rt J ... "'""' · '~. w repo 0 Williams' injury is in the outside lateral ·1· s •k f of capturing the NCAA Tennis Cha m. thf' class A J amestown tNew York ) 1· I h . h k ~.~·.· n P'' e est pionsh\p!t rests heavily today On the Red Sox farm club imruedlately. tgament a ong t e rig t nee. ... '..I weary shoulders or HarooO Rahim and Barton signed for • reported $20,000, Nerti\ All·S11r St•" Jeff Borowiak. making him the first dropout from the And••-~ '! ~~ P~lm11t ;; A pair of Westminster High flashes Rahim, top-ranked player in the South All.Stars' lineup th at is scheduled ~':' : ~ ~ =.,.-1 i:Jlave been added to the Cir Southern tournament, and Borowiak , fifth setdcd, to meet the North in Friday 's All-Oflange •be•~ · 1 • 11 Swaim 1iection rold in Saturday night's Sunair struggled through singles ma 1 c h es C.Ount.y baseball game at LA Palma Miu..-' 1 16 ~~~~:S ... 'Jnvit.aliona l Track and Field Mett .it \\'ecloesday to heach the quarterfinals Sladium in Anaheim. No•t11 •1~111,,''••• ~' o.,;~1 u ~erritos Co llege, an event that pits the along with six o~r players. ~ er'""' JC 11 n n 1• -(.best from the Southern Seclion against a simila r aggregation fron1 J..os Angeles icily schools. ·' Don Diston and Wa yne Akiyama, the ;heart-of Westminster 1-ligh's recent ,-:distance running sLK.'CeS.ses, will be com· Top S~hedule for UCI . ' ,, fl ,, 1 1 IJ • • It J l ,, • • n I > ' I o > 2' I• -1'1 1• ts-121 The Yot.lfll athletes will depart for Osaka, Japan June 24 and will rem1in fo r . more than a month playing in tournaments almOll daily and llvinl in the homes ol 111eir c:ompctilon. -• "We hope to give the ll'JOl)le of Japan .a cl08e-up look •t IOlne of the positive aM constructlVe aspects of university life In W. country," Patterson continued. "Al the same time, we are sure the aix ~Latives from our campus wi ll be learning from their host$. It will be an· educaUonal operience for all concerned ." It has'. been said tnat the best way to leam a foreign language is not to study it in schoOI but to experience it, speak It with natives in their own country. Ukewise, the best way to learn another culture iS to live it. 1'he program is ~lieved to be the first. such project ol Its kind not 11ponsored or subsidized by the federal government. . . . The six golfers represent an American ideal. And athletics, like music, is said to be a univeisal language. ·-.... ""\_ ... _ • • ~·~ • ' ' l;Jlr • • ' . ' ,. Academically , he maintains a 3.0 grade point average as a business ad- . ministration miyor. He is a junior. Other members of . the team include Phill Dickinson, Reno, Nev .; N!il Gudgeon, Vista ; Michael •Laird, Coronado: Patrick McDonald, China Lake; and William WoOd, Burbank. They were selected for the trip because cf their athletic abi lity as well llll their scholastic achievement. A.!i a team, they have a :\.0 academic grade point average and have competed again st some of the nation's top collegiate golf squads. The team finished the season with a 13-8 rectlrd and captured the District Ill championship for the second ttralght year. The San Diego campus ls part ol a mUlti..college private u n iv er s it y system. USIU 1operates a's a non-pr~it co rporation, maintaining branches m Steamboat Spririgs, Colo.; and overseas centers in England. ti.1exico City and Nairobi, Kenya in addition to San Diego. . . . , PREPS FOR JAPAN Mark Payne, former San Clemente High School and Orange Coast CoUege gol fer , will tour Japan for 30 day• with the United States Jnternationa l University golf team. He aver· ' ages 76 per competitive round. Six members of the team will travel • in Japan and stay in private homes during the month-Jong trip. No Weak Spot on Team -RebelBa ~eball Coach llf HOWAKD L. HA"NDV One otner change 1n-personnel was ' 0 1 n-. oaMr l'n.t 11111 made wllh Bob BlaCklidge of Foothill lf the South All.Star team is counting sidelined with a sore arm. Outfielder on tile Jong ball to win a third straight Dan Cutler .Of Saddlebac~ N!places him decision in the ihird annual Ora11ge Coun-on the roster. ty Kiwanis baseball game Friday night Original plans called for Barton to per-- al La Palma Stadium, coach Phil Winkler form as a pitcher and in the outfield. ls keeping the tiame of his super star When asked about a favorite for the • secret until game time. game Friday night Winkler said, "The Action in the North-South game pits North is always favored , isn't ii? That'• the outstanding -graduating high -school an understood ract." se niors against each other from opposite The North may always be favored, :peung in the 5,000.meter run. , : other Orange Coast area standouts \\11th a nucleus qr five returning I.st-elude Dale Hahn, Jim Bradburn. Jim _;s~t to cqmpet.e are Estanci£:~ duo~.terman st11r~e!s fro~ Ja51. ~ell~, plus McDonald and go111ie Don Ronaldson, ends of I.he county. but the South has used the long ball 13-14: and the NCA A Champlonzhips, to win both prev1'ous games a·d w· kl r \\"inkier completed the second workou t " in e Novh. 27-28. • ·-~ . llowe• •-.• t'· Sou•' •·••m_w. ed-·d.a sees no reason to change the philosophy. :ruch \\'ood and Dave Johnson ilong. the-r.et~l"ll"Of I9SSl\:ll-Amcriciut:-f crdy-The-Anleatersd'ifdUle han home;ando : v.•ith Sle\'e Christiano ol Foont..ain ·valley. J\1ass1f!L1no,, coach Ed Newland will send ' Johnson Is scbeduled for lhe 220 while the UC Irvine water polo team through . UC f(-eH1mMt-leam-il!--h1tv u-u.., m: -· -~ """ I t"-' I ~h · N rth k after'"'""' wilh optimism desp1tiliav1nn n •ic-inllugura pun:, • I! o -too -an eight game schedule along with "'"'" " an· early lead but the-So lh ked home series with the USC Trojans and participation in the Santa· Ana Fr~ his moond fM."e reduced .lo three south-away•~ dead! k the "22 "''· · I 1· · · t th NCAA ch · oows for Frida•'s game. "' oc score, -• going a singe ou 1ng aga1ns e am-tourney Oct. 30-31. . ' ,.... " 1·n'" th th · 'h • • .. .,, • ... : ..... ' •• ·- I' :Christiano is a member o{ the sprint an ambitiou.'l schedule in the fall in· :medley relaY° team (MIO) and 1s an eluding games with use and UCLA. : alle.rnate in I.he 440 and 880. Leading the list of return~s is All· Fri -S••· ~•w•-o(l-..,..it•to' ------.&jdi'tbB•&ne:::.Ot!Yeslmi~~pt sta~ ...., e seven 1nn1 g. pion. UCLA Bruins. Man. s..,1. 21-.s.11 "t<"•NH v.n:?i s1~11 o.:ioi• on· the mound for the South in a succes. · ller~f :Jort:"l!Pagrde:'cirtB:Ftbc-~-- Also included on the schedule are five 111 Fri~lii~1i'1 F~\;,r11~.J-or•r..rn ca Uorlll• Cl'ltm· sion nf left-handed pitching strength. outcom~ wdh a .350-foot blast l~lO le• " ; Wood , wlll CQmplete in the 180 low A1nerican 1\1lke Martin who paced the {hurdles. " Anteaters with 47 goals IAsl year as ~ The meel Is the second annual belween t~y p()Sled. a recorcl, of 20-3 and grahbcd i the tw.o "bodies. Lhe -:)OOlhem Section _ fjf th ph1ce In lhe nationa l lournament . ~vi{!.g trampled the city in last ear's t11a.ss imlno took the past season off • Jnau~ral ~33. lifore. 1.000 rans. to rfr .,r stndtnr body l'f'esidtnt'-at varslty:l.oornan1enL<; beg inning with the ?~~"~.'·,':(".Y~~~~ itO:.~i~e"I •t ee•-• Stive Hazen of t.11ssM>n V.iejo will fol·-· c~nterf1eld .to give the Rebels ~ l:J--•-~• p11.u o.ao1.• K 11 t wm fifth 11nnu(ll UC! Jnvit.a1ional Sept, 2S-$ T11t1 .. Ou. u ... -.t1i fin 01* S111t ll:lOI. low Rnd Oavt lungrueter W 1 comp ett ' .::~~t.. o.:1. i•11-AU uc tovr,....,.,., at St~ll the r~nd of three left.handed" hurletl'I La t year the North again sppeRred to get the sea900 under v.•ay. Seven w"" 0c1. 11-c11 s18tt 1F1111er"°"1 tJ1>0!.• ,.~ work!"• the moxi·mum of lh-e in-to have the edae and i·umped out w 'II · h ''/ Oct, t.__.usc t r .. l•m 111 1 m.1.• in.,, '<& , "' • v.·C!lt coast teams w1 compete 1n t e Fr 0c1o ,._., c11 Poly,.._, 1s:>0), nino.s, _an early 3-0 lead. Tom Heirle of S.ntlag• I . h lh~-hoot'----F • OU 311-Jl-S..lllf .., ... Frolll Tovr111y II J'en1 R ong--wit c-•tu:1t'SC 1; · '""' ............. --• -The ~lone;"ri&ht..bander: on~ibe, original Hj1h if. t tAree-run... homer..JO'...propd ,.. l The-spon!!Oilng boOy, Sunifr, is the UC[ liil!lfi3 tl ~e-team~s leading -"":"'1-argesl residential care_ccntr (OJ'. QT..C.r wit h &ft goalL along· witb bcinJI : Youngs ers a n!Cfiil v.•ith asthma on the. named to lhc All-AmeriC11 tcanr:-. . :'wesi Coast. ll'• based 1h Tuj unga. · OOer returning letterman •tar1.ers in· 0th t •· I I d ... ,_,... Tvu,.~oo ~t use r;-:1~~· U·JO).• !"· '""lh __ i.---' er oomamen...,._ nc u e:...J.1uui1ern ~-' ........ 1 uctX• no a"' J. rnster,--0.ve Barton-of e.osta-Mes•~ 1 .... -to a-teeond--slrllight.-vtctory.-c I., I Ch . h" Oct ,.. 'II Wfd. Nh~.11-Cll Sl•lt IL"'! 811chl !1:JDJ,• Th N h r 1 thi I rd ll I orn a artipions__ 1~ . -.i; t\ • J•l -S41, ,.ctv 1.i..1 ..... w"I ..st o.mpHi"'hr• signcdi ll profess1on1l contract Tuesday e orl ee s ·s s the thi Univ~r lly of Call(ornla tournamen • OC , ~VF]:,~'· ~~l/.11-\Nc:AAC1Mm111o.Uft1eii. ,, , slid was rei:ilaced by lle rnate Klun-time that will make it 1 charm 1'17 W l C t -.. ..t-•hll\c N V l('llll 11"~~ Bllmonl l'IAtJ, ' n .... of M ' ' lor 1 !'· ' .,. ; es oas "" ... mt'W'""'"r-• o . ·•-var•I"' ,~,,,. ~11ow..i "' ,,..ft .. m.. .,rese-. aruui. or _v1c 'Y -n wi .. avor.__. ,---· ' . l • • • ' .. .. r.. • : ;.. -.· •. -.. .-. ~:~ :,{ , ,. . . ~--- ' T VCl PAIR ELIMINATED osta Mesa, Barons Post.-~ The Jong ....... came to a dramatic. end fM the UC Irvine tennis team Wedneoday' in the NCAA University Division c.tamptonSbips in Salt Lake City, Ulah. Freshman ... Greg Jabk»nskl I . and aophomore Chuck Nachand dropped . a pair ol extra game sets to No. 2 .ranked Pat Cramer alld Luis Garcia of Miami University J0-8, 7-S. • ' I -. , Colta Meu and FQUDtaln · with Chuck Bridges next with 1 33-28 halftime advantage and They will play Buena Pat V,alley IU~ So~l buketball . ll and ' Allen Moore hitting · increased the margU.:· in each' in the Oiler gym at 1:30. · -tiams won thelt 1 e c 0 rt d 10. .· of the linal two quarters. · Monday night · lhef return ltnllhl Orange Loque llW1>-B 'd . led ! · · k In ... mer teagUe victories Wed-. r1 ges ~as sing out or • · Ric Power paced the. scor~ to action ,..,c Orange clrcui&; . ntlday night. · ,, hts .defe~v~ play· and . R~k Ing with 14 poinU! He was .. :-agai_Mt Sonora at t o'~lock, · 'lbe Mustanp of Costa Mesa . _ Dt~~and Erleslad did R'IOlt the ,only · Baron in · dOuble , CoslJ Mesa will be Idle untn ., The third round I o s s eliminated the Co 11 e g e Division Doubles champions and dropped UCI from team contention after winning the NCAA college division cham- pionship a week ea rUer. · fu,h toppled TlOy Hl&h, 58-42 • of .the retx>un<tlng. fi1Utt:S as JO p I a· ye r·11 Monday · nigh( when' the · and-Fountaln-Valley!,_Baroot ~ounl.ain.. Y~-P-!:.• J-e.a ·:. parUclpated-.lft-the-i-c b:crn-MYtf.angS ... t~nsle .... with-towell-____.l,. romped to a Sl-45 victOry over · without the services or .ace Mlkt Foote was next-with-in-the Orana:e -Leque, - . Lowell. scoring threat' Dave Lynch but · nine. . A' seCond' Costa Mesa team With lllislanl coach Joe m~ .to J>C¥l a ~· Tount.ain Valley has won will ~IJo be com~g in the Fiaber al the helm Costa straight victory. three games In two leagues · eo.ta Meu recreation depart- Meu uWlzed 1 runm.q game After trailing in the ·first to date and plays again ~ menl circuit beglnnlne Mona and 1 ahiftlDg zone defense quarter, the Barons moved to evening In Huntington tJeach. day • to topple lhe W1ttlon. • Cox Wins State JC Decathlon "Our fast break WIS work· 1n& we11 and 111e lddJ did a lol ol oct<enln& and rolliJll. ·Tbeyalaomad•IOOdJIUl'!S to tbe open man under tbe baket," Filbtr said. The MUJtangs moved Into an early lead and held a U-14 Jia1ft1me .advantage. With lhe teorn height jUJt a lhade above the average blgb ocboot team, t h e MUI~ will rely on ball Now thru . ·SUNDAY JUNE 21st Saddleback Colleie's Paul Cox reigruJ as California jwt.lor college king of the decathlon. The Tu!lt.in sophomore won the state crown with a total of of 6,664 points in the grueling competitive event that in· eludes 10 track and field events. The state decathlon, - held Friday and Saturday at Allan Hancock College in Santa · control and handling with a ~ defeme uWized on --FOlr ol lhe ijve llarten for a.ta Mesa were in double lie-with oopbiimore Douc MacLean hitting 13 for pme bonon. Scott Frie!lld had 'l2 Just in time for father's --day! VISIT OUR COMPLETE · CAMERA DEPT. Maria, was open to all ctim-,....... v .... u11 muniiy colleges. " " ., • Plltl 101 • With the state crown, Cox, we1ker l -1 ' 1 along with second pt ace ,_. > l 2 ' participant Bill Hanson of ~~~~ ~ ! ! ~ Orange Coest Cotlegeand high IRVINE COAST VICTORS-George Yanlley (left) of eoro0a del Mar and Jllike . .,,.,,. 1 , , ' sehool champion Kenny Krain Jager of Newport Beach proudly display the Gifford H. Teeple j>erpetua1 trophy =:,"'' : : ; 1: or Santa Maria High School,· following their victory in the 16th annual member-member golf tourney at Irvine G.,..,., 1 o o 2 will be eligible ·to compete Coast Country C1ub recenUy. The peir posted a combined 273 net in the 36-bole ... .;:.,. ,! ; : : Ii. . ~! ANIDMATrB• ~~ with automatic focusing In the National AmeriCan evenL LeM11 1u1 Athletic Union (A AU) ----------------------------''-----11• OkklNO" 7 : ~ : decathlon championship event s. OIQ!MOl'I > 1 > 1 sdleduled at Lake Tahoe June c111H 1 1 2 5 T . Ed MV 56 5 MUllOl I 1 l 11 2>-26. tn 1 ....... 1 004 Saddleback track and field r• ns ge • "''"°" a 1 a 1 coech Don Guyer said he was Ii · · ' ' Tot•• ._ "' ,,,:,_: 10 45 $8996 LIST $109.95 confident that Cox would do· l'111m.111 v.n., 20 13 u 12 -s1 well in the state event, his ~" ce.ea ~ 1:S, 10 ' -"' ~oo::: in •l•le"id• rom· In Foothill Caage Action =-.. : -~ : ~ "We areJookingJo<ward -... _ • , ' II • A deluxe slide projector. the national competition,'' the :-n 1 :-~-','11------coach .. id. "With eadl contest ...... ' • ' • YOll can afferc:I l---- Cox improves." ·Foothill and Tustin High vantage at conclusion o( the ~-1...-.._ tm T ... 1, :rs • lJ " YOI just lotv1 t1te tnt sfide.....lnd this llftlZMc·GAF AtiiCiiiiutic Cox set two of his life-time Schools ~ped into the early third stania. Tustin look CWW111 ~ ~ ": ;-: Trw ca~ " .t • 690 slide ptojec:tor tUes care of the 1est .•• automaticllly! Sbrs best jumps. In the long jump ~ bask~tt;e .. !~ charge of the ArUsts in the :....,.:::.i. : : ; ; =::-~ ·: ~ : 11p to 100 slides at 1 time without ,....._ Plus tne$. .w he went 23-10, claimina 873 .. __....... n~ lod -• nd , 2 s ' Citttw. • J J 11 oub~ featurll: I ·-o with a pair of. victories aplnsl: q• per • _..... 8 was wt11tn.11 • 1 • • 11:1111ec i , 1 • ft-l/J.I '"' points. In the high jump he no defeats. . never beaded. Kerr.-I ' I 1 "'""""""' I I 1 1 0 -· a -Witt ..... D hi,_.....,.. added 643 points 'with a 5-91/4 H•mflloll f-» •• 2 I KIMtlllm • l • 1 _.....,rtnfS:ICJCll-4111111t1Mw1t,,.jetWOSelf· • l·ump. ~ A showdown baWe IOOJN The pairing ol the teams 1011• -,, ' n 12 Low I 1 ~""""CUI a~·""' ... .,..,..,, Uf · ____ J!i'!"!nc• --· kwt rw ...,,.,. ovtrv , 1 ' 3 J-Pt----•~.ere;_ ~o-in-'h&-aandinp-Willbe..Wed Twtln ~ n n '° -14 0 ,_ 1 1 ~ ! '11111a11 lrq 1,,_ Ooe hundred . meters, 10.9 undefeated teams with San Mondi.y night with the two L1111111 ~s1112~c,....'1i'io-, ----1-,i--t---},lf--------------...'.=-----------------1 . ,.,. • • • " •• ' ' I' • ror 828 points; 5"ot put, 41-tl> Clemente and Saotiago· in lhe leaden playing at 7,30_ San -• cn1 '""' -·., .!,,.! " • SLIDE PROJECTOR~ for &tO poirU; 400 meters, runnerup positlOD with 1-1 Clemente meets Santiago jn Tuwll ~ ~ ': • c.t• "--12 • 11 '' -" 54.3 for 129 points; 110 meter records. M.issicn Viejo and the 1:15 opener and Laguna Pllleclerel' 1 2 1 : '"'' 10 14 12 '-c GAF ANSCOMATIC 680 high hurdles, 16.7 for 685 Laguna Beach have yet to Beach tancles ·with Mission :;:..... ! : ! 17 e Full remote controf (forward, reverse, f;r::sl with points: discus, 140-4 for 739 win in two outings. V~jo in the nightcap at 9. R. Sdlultt 2 • • ~ 79 Recorded hend-held automatic remote control pen• • Sherp points; pole vault, 10-0 for Wednesday night's winners Mii*" 'VIII• 00 :v ~ : 1 ! f/3.5 len1 e Bright 500-wett lemp e Se fconteined $599!, 543 points; javeli n, l!U-6 feet were Foothill over Santiago, ft n .t '" N1111011 1 • 1 ' • e c I · h I f for 749 points. 62-41: San Clemente over 01 ... 11 , , 1 1, F111on .t 1 2 • By· UCJ G'oHer cerry1n9 case omp et• wit one spil proo GAF t1«M11 J o ' ' Df'i...il J o 1 ' I DO-slide trey. . Mission Viejo, 56-St; and 11.,..1"11 s , 2 12 To111• r. i• 20 '2 '''·'' Tustin over Laguna Beac:b, 7f. Mormlndle • o 2 • ......... uu 32 H1boh 0 01 O flft.t• • tradl1t11 t O 1 6 Dill 6 • • 12 Most ol the teams in the ~ot':i~ 1~ 1! ~ 5~ :~1:'° : : ! 1! Area Golfers RQn Chamberiin of UC -' Irvine fired a -00 round SAYE ON FAST, tj)UAUTY PHOTO FINISHING . circuit are_ Uilttg a l'YcMing s. c..._.. °'' s.,.. • > , J Earn Honors game on of(eme and man-to-fl " .t • ~~r : ~ i ~ man defense. k•\cltll 2 ' 2 ' Ml" c-lll1Zobo:I :21• A pair or Orange Coast area High point mm for the night ~ ; : : 1 ; 1o111s 12 1; 1; ..! prep golfers earned firsl·team was 1\lstin's Bill Zyskowski McC••11n 2 3 0 1 Foa111111 1ctr1 rw ~J 1, _a All.CIF honors following play with ~1 · !//=: ! ~ ! : *11-n 12 ~ 1s -... at Jurupa Hills Country Club «?ra1g Ande;non paced the Sh•rUT J • • ' in Riverside. . Tntons lo vtetory over the T"•" n 10 11 ,. San Clemente golfer Bob Oiablos with 17 to tie with Minion vi!i:' lllr ~1~1 12 -s1 Volga aDd Greg Sciarrotta of Foothill's Jim. W~ f~. the "" c:1tmtn1t 11 u 11 u -s. No Fish Tale 71 for a lw<><lay total o! H3 in_tbe NCAA College Dtvisioo gcijl lou,,...,.,,t being staged at Avalon Cowltry Club in Warnn, Ohio. Gary McCord o! )J C Rivenkle is the individual leader with rounds of 7M6- 138, giving him a four atrt*e lead • e Bleck 'n white e Color prints e Laboratory prints In 24 hrs. in 48 hrs. apprOYed. -· . HOURS' Monday thru Saturday, 9,30 to 9:30-Sunday, 10:00 lo 6:00 Mission Viejo High were ac-nm~rup spot m the individual~ T•flll cul' corded the honors along with scoring parade. swilm ~ ~ ~ :; In the team scoting , · A pair of Uun and two Riverside (591) is second to dolphin were reconted In the Rlwllnp CoUege. j\,;;:;;;;;;;;; catch of Mr. and Mrs. AUen iiiiiiiii~jiiii!'i .. CIF player~-the-year Larry The score was tied at 40-40 cru..,._. , • 1 • Springer of Rolling Hills going into the final period with :'!ic:;"1 : ; : :~ Campbell ol Newport Beach while fishing at Rancho Buena Vista sooth of La Pu, B.C., Mexico recentJ.y. High. the Tritons scoring 15 points Hiima o a 1 o Other first-team choices to 12 for the Diablos. ' ~=' t ! ! ~ ; were Larry Fritz (Arcadia), Each of the other two con-K11aow o a 1 1 Mike Kelly (Palmdale) and tests were decided early with ~:ir:11 : ~ ; : Mike Pfeil (Palos Verdes}. Foothill moving to 43-26 ac:b To1111 " 22 11 , .. The marlin weiglled In et 121 and 71 ~-" .. Major League Standings DEAN LEWIS AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE AlftflYlllAIT SAU Eut Division Eut DM1loa w L Pel. GB w L Pet. GB BalUmore 39 23 -.643 -Chicago-33 24 .571 New York 37 25 .597 2 New York 31 30"7"':50I--• (TIOIYIQITIA] Detroit 31 28 .526 6\\ Pittsburgh 31 33 .184 51,; Boston 29 29 .500 • St. Louis 28 31 .475 6 COROLLA 1970 Washington 29 32 .475 9•,2 Philadelphia 27 33 .450 7\1 Cleveland 26 32 .448 II ~fontreal 22 31 .317 12',\ West Division Weal Dfvblo. MinnE:_.sola 38 19 .667 Cincinnati 45 18 .714 Angeli :J5 26 .574 ' Atlanta 33 26 .559 10 Oakland 34 29 .MO 7 Dodgers .. :J5 26 .556 10 Chicago 23 39 .371 171,J San Francisco 29 33 .4e8 15\\ Kansas City 21 39 .350 181'. San Diego 29 39 .126 11~2 P.tilwaukec 20 41 .328 20 Houston 27 37 .422 18 \1 "'' . -$1697 ->To•&Llc. w...-1r 11t11111lh llOllen i, keni.11 (11¥-I ----__ .................. Clllc-f, New Yo11t :I Chlc-6, San FtlftCIKO I Wl$Mnt!°" .i. .Mlnrwaolf 1 Dlf99n 4, Pftttburth I SI. Loul• I, S..,, D~ I AllMll 11 CleY1l1nd. rain Alllftll .. Monll'HI J Del"'ll ,, Dalll1ftd , ClnclMIU 7, """' Torlt ' Mllw1ull;1111 J, 81lllmore I Phllldlltpllll ~. Holl•IOn f • ~··--· T...,.._ ~~.....:=,, .. ,~ .... c. I • c ..... VOLVO w1i.111,,.1an !Coleman .S.~I et Cle'ftlltlld fA111lln Alllnt1 (Niel!;"' M) ti Mlrll•nl (Itri• .. J), MJ, n!oh1 nl'l'l\I N.W YCN'-fW1tlewskf fM! " ...... fC11t. ChU. l""*IM 1·11 ti IM Fr1Mlla (lltoMrt-Ml. nl,,tit -..SJ • Dntt ·-IC!led\iltd. Onl\t ,_ Khllh,i'llCI, ~Fr~•..Glfllu --Clllc-11 ' 0.itlend. ft l'l'hl Mflwlullft ll ,. ....... nlflll , Pllllidillll\11 It ,._,.., T«t;, nllltl $1, llllll fl Ciiia. M~lll k~Ml(~,,,lttil MonlrMI II Pl"'*°",.... 111eftl ~lrt>lt .t Clnwllftd, nlllll Houlton It All-I, 2 ....... i.llt WnlllMton at lalllman, 2. twlof!Jtflt ~ II CilldrN?i, ....... w at &ollot'I. nlllll $.fn f rMCi.c.t fl 1M ~ 11ftM 19'fl>EM0- DEAN L ·EWIS $275~ 142 2 dr., todie, lt11tw, 4 .. ~. (S.r. •4740) • 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 646-9303 SAU PltclD -59rvlce '°nd P1rt1 fo;:· All lmpo1 Itel C1r1 i---t·--~---~· MiidM'n_llidy-$hap.Jor~All-C.n.e-------'·!!l!J. ~-1195 Orange County's L~gest and Most Mod'rn Toyo_la and Volvo Dealer . . ' .• ' ---' ~ -.. ,, ·' .•. • • • ·" • I . ' --., ' ' •• II IM'I. PUT : ·--• '• • = ' ' WllA'l'I. IN--· OUTDOORS? Angels~ Coast Area .Sports in Bri~f ~;:y~::r:~ Six of Top Phll Tozer. helmsman "ror . the Orang e Count u Da~·ey's Locker, 'announced Two of speedway motorcy-21 separate speedway racing Bre~ers, seve~~! .. ~lal pro-r I.be addition o( the pavilion <>-Draf ~ cle racin&'s youngest and most evtnlS slated to be&in at •: moll~ are , ...... _ .. lo en-Falrgrounds in Costa. J\1esa Jo.Jhe la r~est fleet of O lees ' talented riders willlie match-:-Back \n act~ are Rick tertlifl the fans. . --Monday for the Orst time sportfishing boats in Newporr ed Friday night at the Orange Woods ol. HLmhntton Beach, A pre-game fashion show since opening night when he H bo County Fairgrounds Stadium Larry Hewelman of CUiver wiU be staged SaturdaJ"'ftight• ·teams wi.•&.a.ocky (Soul l\lan ) ~he ~a'vtlia,1 Queen Is a con- Good catches or raih'bow trout are setting the pace at .The C~Uomia ~ls ~ve hi Costa-Mesa when another City. Sogny .Nuiter and Stu at 7:30 featuring wives of· ... Johneon lo -battle -Art (Boom V-ertcd fCffY boat and will Clrani:t County's Irvine Lake as·anglen· are finding~ scrappy sq;oed s11 ol their k>p e1&ht 'full prop:am or motorcyCle Morley of Top1~11 and the Angel players &~. host.esses Boom) Mihalik of Garden be used as a sight-seeing raimbows around Trout Jsland and Mar the deep,· rocky point selectians 1n the June free · · number one ruter at the for Contlnental Airluies G and K I H · · ~. agent "draft including the f1tst • races 1$ held. Orance County Fairgrounds -The ~nual KMPC-Piayboy rove ar e1s1nger, harbor cruise' bOat and· ls also • Standard trout baits are being u.eed by ~ost anglers although two choices aCC!"'ding to fann . ~h· Sbai:c of Fullertoni Wild Bill Cody of Garden Bunny game will be staged, asJ~n:r1~~t~ee~1!~:~~ ~h=~lt~~~ 'tor P[lvilte party Borne troJleri ·are plciru,g up some nice bows to three pounds; •od .~tine director RoJand w 0edw as om~ one 0 Grove, who defeated Woods _~tween games of a H 1 . In .J ed d . h' -==.==±' =""'=::;=:;o:::::; Catfllh and Crappie are' on the cooperative side with ij'emond. ~ ~ rac;ra 5 m 0 ~I~ last · week in the featured doubleheader with Chicago e iunger t~ier uring 151,.....---:" • • • 111011 o1 "''Llilh be'···ca""" in.Sierra-Co .. ..catl!sh~to-Paul Dade,_~ !!l> . .J ~lck '·a"""'"" H pe onno1"'wru'·11~' 'match race. Wednesday night. "'!'.C.h:~lth.nMdahat~~g·h -Roo~ Teimi~lnslruttion ... -_.,_... --,...._ ,...-from Nilhan Hate High School ace res uerot 1er. e .... __ __ nuu..., ... _ .,.. 1$~ pounds were we~. in ~~t w~k and the ~ _ bait----in Seattle, wa slped the di the youngest Ql the racing r • ¥ontero of Denver makes hls, •u cbeatt. The crappie are ti1ding in the weeds in about ~ of the draft Y Haserot broth$'$, in the ex-When the California Angeb Freddie Blassie, formerly first Costa Mesa appearance1 Un ique Guaranteed l_i.feej _of water. . . · . · cllin& two la match nice return home Friday niaht to the most hated and now the ever Monday night when h~ Mtthod 'The bus are still----slow,~ buf-sunace actiOR Ja·te-ln~u;e-Dan-Brigl,-a-pitcher.fl~ Qaif!. ----open a seven-pm---enome mOSl loVe<t-wrest1e.r n squares o rragiiiiS iCK~-76475~.~190='7'"'-~2-09~- day on Smithwick alkl Rapalas is good for bass to 41Ai pounds. ~~ c'~~ ~ma in 'Tiie event is only one ol stand with the Milwaukee Callfontl4 today, returns to Armstrong. I The weedy areas Jytng about 10 feet from shore are housing ""'"oc:m awo~ ~ the the · bucketmouths and 1 slow retrieve is necessary to bring Aneel No. 2 lelection, SJ~ ' "ed · l • contract ttUJ week with the bass to the ~rface. Plastic. WOfl!ll.-wor.. m 2$ ett .teout Dolph Camilli. of water are accounting for a few ruce stringers. Ot.bera in the top ei.gbt Ii~ Pua Rebl~s-Lalcu Bet ed to Anlel !arm team coo-tr•cto include oulllelder John 'De ... u...., wller temperatun ud•ftlldq b IMI II N.... Bolu lrom SU llbtlO Clty miea&o aM Saa Alltenlo Lakt1, located jut a few mllea wes& el College (No. 5); pitcher Mike Paso Robles. ftt CIU'l"ent water &eiapentare • dlle 1Ues II 74 Browne .ol Howton (No. 6); degrees, wlddi makes It esceUeid far waler atiiaC· pitcher Rk:bltd Lance from Tbe fllbermu are 1etu.n1 illl tllelr Ucb tee u Mn Central Mlchipn University ind crappie flsllilll1 ta iood. T!te bu1 are •mactiac 1tWIDI (No. 7); and Ont baseman ud-lad Mid 1111 .. 111e-d,.,..--111o-cnpp1e _.,.._llo\l,J_i!"!'•rd lr.Jllll Bi:llham _ near rocky banks or o\ler 1ubmerpd flats la 1f, t. JS feet Y-oUn, lJnlveliiij (Np. I). of water. · Hemond also announced the Most of &be camp groand1 at Utne t .. lakes' are fllled ta •ieolnl ol outfielder Ken Har- tbe weekend• 18 ad\lance raen.Uoni are sqsested. ris from Pasadena C I t y ' CoUeae, the Ancell' third Big Bluegll Cau!Jltt cllolce in the oecondlry phase . . • or the draft. Anglers who prefer panfish to . trout and oceaa fishing 11te An1els drafted 4 5 should spend a day fishing at Vail Lake. The crappie and players, 39 in the regular big bluegll are on the move again and the bass are keeping phase. Othen who have signed oth~.t fishermen honest. are pitcher Richard Case (No. The bluqil are averaging better than % of a pound, 14), pitcher Brian Woodward with some' hitting the scales · at more than two pounds. The ~No. 20), outfielder Bob Groth crappie are running to 2Y.r pooRds while the bass are aVeraging (No. 21), outfielder ·Laron close to three pounds. ".faUock (No. 28) and pitcher The larger baya and drop-offs are the belt spots to fish Bob·Johnson (No. 34). · for all species ol pan fish. Worms and lieut ue the best baits JcDlson was a member of with bobbers. · San Fel'llando Valley State A few trout are still finding their way onto hooks in Conege's NCAA C o I I e g e the deeper bays, while the caUish are steady biters in the Divilion championship team. . weedy sectioRS of the lake. ~ 11ie recreational vehicle park of Butterfield Country located adjacent to Vail Lake is filling up fa st on weekenda and reserva- tions for both boats and camper and trailer space ii advised and can be made by phonin& (714) 6'16-44ill. Lake Wohlfoid reports a toss-up between bass and trout flsh4tg as bo~ are very active in the lake. The most producti~ arta1 •fol bro~acks are in the rocky bays close to shire fishing with a plastic wonn. The trout are in the east end of the lake alld averaging better than a pound. Cheese 'and salmon eggs continue to tom the bows wh.ich are stocked weekly. Tournament Result• • TWI-year'1 results or tltt unall Keltll Newmu El Pneador tournament are now iii ud tbe angttr catching ~ bluest OU.' WU Art Selby of Rialto, Wbo brw&bt t. gaff a Zll-poand tn.lbOI. The 41 parUclpants mel at the El Pescador :bstannnt In ~la Meu btfore departlng for Rancbo Buen Vllta aad II d1y1 of escltlag flsbtng:. Fi~hing Improves In Area W a t e r te111peratures have risen to the upper 60s along the Orange Coast and fishing has jmproved tremendously according to the three area landings . BUY IN PAIRS ANO SAVE 1 1 , I t I' I TIRES 7.35-14/7.,.14- 7.75-15 LOQ.14/La.14 7·10.15/Lll-lS 7.60-1.5 .....,. Tbe poap ludt4 11 martla, two sallfl1b aad IOIU' biwdblJI and reltued m,.ay more at tbt boat. Howard Asbby of Newpert ---lladt-ud pt_elldtul Of Ult::G~mtl OtDOIOD COt@IUOn, madi ~the 1wanlt pmentatlon1-aloll€wtlll N~wmaac---:-~ • San Clemente Sportfishiog reports that barracuda are hitting 1n the morning ·and calico bass in the afternoon. 1be herzWa-are-inetoeasing-in ~e frQID..£liorts.t.oJegals _ _, _ Davey's Locker in Newport .... Feii;.IUT• iz.11.02.n ,.tfn dlp1rwl111.• ala. 2m-•39 . . ' .. _,:l"lut-Q-b.-T1ll'.~-- 1$\f7 to 2_.o Pit' tire : ~onllm · Coastal l'bhlng Slumps A sudden change in the water conditions of! sbore and move- ment of the fi1h locally brought about a mild drop in the fish counts this week. Oper8tors from the local landings· feel that Jt is cnly a temporary setback and th pt fishing stiould,, ,telurt1 to normal by the weekend. · Even though the barracuda bite dropped off the calico bass, which have begun to spawn along the south coast, made up the difference. The calicos weighing to eight pounds are hitting jigs and Jive anchovies. The sand bass, also spawning now, have moved in off the Hu.ntlngton Flats and party 'boats-drifting this area art getting into lots of fish. A few yellowtail are also showi ng up in the sacks, but the yellows are coming from the off shore Islands. A trip last weekend to sample the floating kelp patties for breezing schools et yellows proved to be a waste of time. We hit 10 patties and only managed to spot a few small bait rish. The water was on the rough side and it was very difficult to apot the patUes outside the east end of Catalina. San Diego boats also hit a slump as far as fish CCJUnts go on ~llowtail, but a few nice white sea bass and bluefin cat- ches brought smiles to some anglers. The same picture is true doim at the Coronado Islands as is the case locally, water cpndi- tion and 1 movement of flsh. Steve ·Giffin, owner and operator of the boat Holiday will start operations out of Point Loma Sportflshing this week . Giffin Is one of the tOp skipj>el-s on the coast a•d will run open party for yellowtail and albacore. Alba"8re Around Carner Speaklo1 of Albacore, they an Just around the corner. I 1m ml p...iJC1J111, bot Ille odds "" pod tut Ille !Int IGnllfla <I Ille ,._ wW "'"' IP bef'" Jaly 4tb. reports landing a couple d yellowllil along the coast along wfth good barrac uda catches. The white sea bass special out of Davey's goes to Cata lina lsland every Thurs- day night, leaving at 6:30 and :eturning the following morn- ing around 10. Three big ones were brou1ht back last week. r.. Davey's will inaueurate a twilight-special beginning-Ffi- day at 5 p.m. The boat returns at 9:30 or 10. Art's Landing lik ew ise reports limits or barracuda being .taken along with in- creased bonito action. One ~alibut taken Tuesday weighed m at 22% pounds. Bay fishing in skiffs from Art's is good to escellent with many limits of bass being taken. A few halibut are also being caught in the bay. This Week's Ti·out Plant ' 7f!0-13/695-14 2:tor •32 775-14/825-14 775-15/825-15 2 for '40 855-14/885-14 900-15/915-15 2 for 548 .. Feel. Ix. Tu:. from $1.50 .. $3.0 2for$52 2 ro: 42"*tffr1 '·" I. $28.95 OS.14 l"llit red. EL ru $2.35 per d,. + GLASS llLT 2 for $49 2 for $54 t'.lrh $27 95 na.1•11.11-14 G7a.J4/l .25-14 na.1s11.75-1s G7 .. 15/l~l5 "'" f•d. E ... la• p•r tire ~2.5S_1;o $2.77 dep1"di"ll on tiu r e<1ch $32 9') H71·15/l .$5·15 J78-1518.15·1S 1'1111 f•d. Ea. To• _per Hri .$2.93 lo~ $3.08 d•p•ndlng WHITEWALL ONLY $2.95 MORE Most 5ir:es in Stock Pl••'""'· E" le• $1,44"' 53 05 -Ii••.........-;,,. -.i ... Jerry 1'omptOll, of Corona del Mar and owntr of tile plan aporUlalalq boat P.ctfic Clipper ll le•vfaJ Newport Harbor early neat week to try ud hrlDK back lite flnt alble. >--~'=say f1a1Dc 11 c• ~•potted tii1 ba11 lOJW-pounds ud sud bu1 to 31n pounds. Deep running plugs and feathen fished er tntled aur the C-' Gaud doct IDd !1. Ille jetty clwulel 20,000 MILE GUARANTEE ' art catcbin& Ute: mo1t flsb. . SOFT SELL SAM 71«J·1/>IXY Jll'AL f>TATE' I; r"';'/, Laird Heads Walk Entries Despite a PJl!Ulltion af more - that 74;000, Orance is sUll BRAKEREUNE ~::k:: :; it~::::,;~ g:;:,"~.:; 2195 Jot 111'11 "' l•bcw should IMH l>fU,•• ..elr 1111 "' 1111 Out to !Al1tr1•1 Mtft •• ...,rlun1~1hip dllfi119 lh1 Ameritlll 20.000 m!le Ptrlod. Thi• Can gUlrtnlH II ~Of •••11l1r•blt. DIK lr1ltn --.. ~. __ ,,,:.•FOREIGN CAR TIRES• WIDE TIRES• WIOEUVALS ·STEEL REINFORCED· 78 SERIES· 70SERIES • ~ 'Where tJiere is more than meets the eye 1961 llOOKMUUI' 136 W 6th ST 1601 WISTMINSTllt 1197' U.ltSOJrf ST, 1 19411 llACM llVD. ANAlllM I CORONA I GARDEN GROVl I HAWAIIAN GARDENS I HUNTINGTON BEA~H ~t UllCOJ.NJ _ • _..:.._ (6 It.GUS £4S1 OLIWIO (llETl\l[[,111 PlQHfEI t NOlW-'l lO M MIU HOlTH Of. A~ 635·1170 . 735-6010 193.JStS . 165.0227 ,... 53 .. 7571 a ptttt.y small town .:... just --1 he place-for a nel:1hborhoodl~--..,.-------------------------------------------- stroll. SANTA ANA SANTA ANA I TUSTIN I WtSTMINSTER I COSTA MESA-I SAN CLEMENTE ' ' ''tiER[S ON.E J CAN Sft'.)rJ '/00 IN YOIJR . PRIEE' AANGE'·~ lF--Wc CA N-= ' OIASE' "illE' CRJCKf.N$ Wf!" ' ; .., 1-· ... ,-~~-- Atore than,.30 race walkers 1211 w. WARMa AVL 131 l. 1st STRE£T wtSTMINSTR AT ClDAI NEWPORT BEACH 927 N. EL CAMINO aw. ' .. ' th 'I ' ---l'W.U.NEI "' lll$10U tl•I .\HD "ti" StJ a I LOCICS [.Of ClOlOlll wtsn ---11re going 11ve e c1 y,-540;l646 s44.943r ' ltJ.3521 "222 IAST 17th ST. -492·5543 streets • lry Saturday pri9r • 642-4131 to ~ Orange County lnvita. tional track: meet. A si1·milc 1 walk it scheduled ·al 9 a.m. • \as pan o1 Ille meet. Headi~ the list of entries -is RonLalrCI of11iN'ew York Athlcllc Cl ub who has Won more national championahips than any other athlete. -• UH YOUI MAJOI CtlDn CAID I OPEN ·8-8:3o DAILY 18-s ·sAT. ·I .. ' . -DICK TRACY MUn AND JEFF JUDGE PARKER I MAl/E SOlllE C*' 'lllEIR 9()(J('S IN MV MOU5e. ly Chlster Chllld ~ 5TAINE>ANO "MA'I I Aa TMfM 5CORCMEO, llUT Pl'CCS ASK5 Lill. Ol<AV. Fl-TMREW TMEM 0JT IN TME SIREEI Wl™OEllRIS. ..... -.......... .... _.,_,,_ y Tom K. Rycin _W'-5..V~.f w11' ~IDS '!>l;so tll\YS -NO RES!'ECK fER'VfRE ELVERS! By Harold Le Doux YES? ""'"'v r HELP YOU, MISS? PERKINS I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• by R. A. POWER I ACROSS l 8111'11 5 lnttrjrctlon 9 Expre ss aplJl'tclat ion 14 Roman Catholic Ism 15 Capital 1---ofFiJi 1& Strangt and frlghltniny 17 Nol dis· comfittril 19 Cut Into tiny pltcts 20 Ltsson or · a story 21 Malt animal 23 Dance 24 Ctrlain Frrnchmr n 27 Ar111or 29 Jroq uois lndl ;an 31 Eq uinr sounds •---JS-0 isliliss ; Slang· -L 37 US prrsldtnt 39 Not at all: OiaL · 40 War god 42 Rtady for usr: 2 words 44 Southtrn: -Fr- 45 .TIQ>lltwad 47 Ont gigantic in powtr 49 E1111 di Ink ' DOW ~I 1 Sma It fr1gmtnt Z_Prlttllt;t 3 An unt idy plact: J words 4 Kind of discounl S Oonkty & Exclamalion 7 Alw1ys ! flUt--o reSp!Cl II Pro-·-: for the nonce • Ytsltrday's Puzz lt Solvtd: • MISS .PEACH &/18/70 f 10 Item ol JB Spud, JI stnlimt nlal Down South val ue 41 Ea11y 11 English ___ coJonizm .• --_ -1--·-- composer .() Pttl -• 12 Pltas1ng .(It Brawl 13 Ship 48 Chil e structure saHptltr 18 Over tilt, 51 Check length 53 Eoc lost 12 Ftast day: C:ompltl~ly: Suffix ---?-words-- 25 Emptror 55 Cl amorous 2& Wistly 57 Abodt sp;ir ing 58 Unpltasanl 28 Lodgt look JO"''"' 5' Glnp STEVE ROPER tscap;ide &O f'itr in a wall )Z Imitation 61 God -itwtl J'QurCTitian~ 33 tir lndi1n 34 Gul p && --lllgll 35 Stay 68 f'ilch 3& Air 69 Lim it 11 12 IJ l GUESS ~aJ'Re ltEAOY it> lRAVEL1 MAYS!-· TH' WAY YOU .JUMPED INTO YotJIZ: CLOTHES, YOU SUf.G DIDPrfT LOOK LIKE A GUY W!Tl-1 A BAO 9/0(.f AATS ! I CAN'T SWID~NG ALL l\jE ],llE! ' • . . SALLY BANANAS , GORDO MOON MUWNS ANIMAL CRACi<ERS- 11MM-~SJ.ll ~~l.lGIT'eM M!OJr "R AIJlt.!AL- - 0 By John MDes By Md By Saunders mid Offrtarcl . - DAILY ,ILOT U WrdTAMal OllD lllllliCIM 'TM&-l'ILTHY ANIMAL•T1.: UT~T!!' ...~~=1111 ~ ~-.­~ - THI SflAMM WOllO MR. MUM DENNIS THE MENACE - '' -~·-· • ""' ______ ,.. ___ ,_,== -' , -, . • • .. -r....,, Junt 11, 1970 --• _,. . . ; "9T~· -MUIUL'l,.tAL.a Tll:ANICONTIHINT'Al. ClfOIT LEGAL NOTICS L!XW. NOTICE ... -..... 11av1c1 INC..-Jl'IMllfllf ..... IALl"H --. .. -Winds Bring Slow Tahiti-Ra-c--c· ~'. MOnee OP Ml.• W CllTIJ'ICATI ., 'OIPOL\T-T~I ~G~L. MAlltTHA tMGIE4 -.llAL ,..,....., AT ,.. nAlll&CflOlll Of' ~. NII, 11 M N:NATI U.La I •Ut u•D•t •Y ¥1rtut ti ell ••KUtlofl ....... "' ==~"'~.----_. -•~nlCM'I UM • .lurlt t , lt1t. IW .._ MUHICIPAl c:-t, I 1u.1•• COUIT ., .... THI! UNOIRSIOlll!O cof .. oR.t.TfON Ofl:AHGI COUffn' HA•IOtl JUDtCIAL -rraft tp·C&LINll:lflA... .. ..... cfftlfY ""' It II ..iutllN DllTllllCT, c:.untY " 0....... ....... TMI .... " Of' ou•• • llWI-..... •I ,,. ,...,_ C•llfot11l1, llPOl'I • ,..,._.,. ....... lit "" Mllttw II .... l:1tlte ... w.., C•ll Mm.-Clllfilrlllt ......,_ "-In 11¥0r •I TRANSCONTININ'PAl. C_,.,.... ti HILL 11 I. 11c11H.ut, Ii"" -If OttANOl!IJACI: ClllllOIT 111111\llCI, INC. ff I~ The~ An&ele1 to T.ahitl . In fil1h _place, wlUl :llO mllts =~I:: :: N~E~~11w.=:T~ :::'!::.'i .. ~ 11,!•C~ =:it.~~'.:."i:~. ~~~ rJct slowed lo a walk Wednes-Joged from the start WU c.-1rw...._ -" "'-'°''"""' .,,,,,,,, .... ..._ !'fl• ,,,.... ..._. .,_!flt • "" ~ day -mpra nDtthwest winds Georp O'Brien'• 11-1-..Utcb .=.11w1~ :. 1";1..,::' .!:, ': dNt'~ ~=-~ -C~.: ,..o. :. ~.~·~iv :: ::.= •:-= d"lndl-· to • to a ·--·-after Mir from v·-·ver B c N' .,..,. .. ,,... ..... " ,_ ttJI. ... AA , .... _ Ctllt .. ~ I ........ ......... -•It """ ICU ..,._ .. .,..,.. ' '• II WM ollkm" Ht Trwt °"""""*" WITNll5''~_,MM ,tlt1' :Itel MY" rtefll, lttle 111d l""'8d" MM lucll-1 wb.i.ltling up lo 16-11 during The French yacht Pen Duict .. -IANK 01' AME RIC~ NT • ,_, ltJll. ......, '" ,,,. ,_.., "' Ille C-"' the, fir•. 2i hours. JU •11"-' -~...... . -1..1 ..,., ., N. M1ln Slrmtt, llnll ... _ (COfWlte '"" ., 0r ... , Slet9 " C•lllorlllt, MKl'lllltd ' a ... """ .u..Nl'ler' ~p-C..•"· '21'111. Coun.tY of OrfllP, ,,... ~ L G~ ~ Co ll'IC.' ......... : .Ken OeMeUJe'I n.root ketch. pered by Eric T11>ai'ly of"'" C1HW!)l1, lo lhl "''""' 1nil ... ., Jfn.Y L.:"011-"f' LOT 45, TRACT ,... MU M>QK Bia kfl ~'ll J di th • llklifer, end IWblKt .. C8flflmimfltn it't Pr...... 1,. PAOii 31/"'-• . , ~-:as ""' ea ng • Paris, hq gone ~ ..... s-ioc Court, '" ... '""'· 1t1i. ST.I.TE OF CAl.ll'OtlllNLA, c-IY --.. : , ... ICtl'lll.ldl~ wav on ~J 571 mile a ,;1~ ............. --·--al ..... _ '"" '"'""f of wW c .... ,....... lrt COUNTY OF OltANOI! ... "*•· (1111 M-· C111fornle. 1 ' • ' '"-'-..i:; ...,; 11'--'~ IHI' tace, 111d -te-•1t "4e <•'-ln--i.1--l'I On 1'11._ Jl"!I dlW of' JUM, A.O. lt10, NOTK( 1$• HE•HY GIYlN th1I but in the light going aome The other French entry; Utt &lhlltw i..-..:11111 c1tv " Stllt• .,..,; .....,.. -iM,.., K. ,._..,. • *'"" °" J111'1' ,,... lf1I. • 2:• rc11ct l".M,.. -o( the &maller yacht.I moved -r....... ...i....... .. , ' tt c-re... 11 0r-. s1m ., ea111wn11. l"lltllll: .,. •NII '°" 111o11 c11111t¥ an11 11 F...W ., c~. w wttt 111~ -1AA -....., .AUTlnCID9t ~!Uflr -.Crl!IM N fllllwl. ••U: ltMit. rnldlnt t111rH1 ll\lly ~IMlll If., Cltr d Ce11!1 Mffll, C-"' ol .cloler·-~-------'-<tippered by Alaln-Oollil ,,.. _..., • ..,. ...... _.__Ttlld~NI. 1.& --~~~t. ... ....,..~.i.-rr Or-•• , ... "' C1lllwfl ... I Wiii ....... __ , Bia kfl ~"" ·u· ".... Pft Trld. .. .i-n ... I .. GU ... 19 ,,_., " 1111 .. .,. ..... -..... ltllc-liic~---"""'"' .... .. c n r ... ...,. -.. a J>OS.I on reported m miles from Los ~ ,_...., "' hall: ,.. ''" • ,.;...lderlt., 1111 __."°" tMt aictwt.11 for c.111 in 1..m.1 -" 111t un11.,, over 400 miles from I.Ml Angeles and was three· -11~ 111 MIKellMfllll Mlltl< ,_. "' 111t w1t11111 11111rvnw1t on bllllll 11 -. s11tn. 111 "" ri.111. 1n1e •"" lnfe!'nt I t . llUK03 Or ..... C-"'• C111fom11, _., Ulll-~•!IOI! 111, r 1I11 lllMfcl, 11\111 el NW l"'"-1 ~ Lit "-IMll• Ange es Wednesay nlght. closer to TahtU than John ....,. •-•t '"' N. F,._.r '" .... td:-lldffcl 19 ,.,1 in.t llldl _..,-111111 -.C:•lllMI •-IY. or .a mtJch ...,..,, •·-nd In •"'-... _., ~or-boat N~' • Colu b. _ u 1 eo: ""''• ,.,.., c1111or~... __ .. ,. ,. -~ 1t ,., • ., "' "9CtUI"' 111 Ml'llf'I .. 111 ..->C\,.V ~ uu...-i, ....,_.~ S . m I'"""!" YIJJo, ..,.-lubleel • CO¥lftlllb. coroc111""', -;;;~;,..1,_ -WW.,, 1 Mve ,_,_19 nKV!llrl. wltl'I 1<.crvtd 1ni.r..t 1nc1 Uneup was Normml Bacon's moon from Santa BarbarL ,_..,ll!el .. rutr1e11-. rlll'!fl w Mt "'" 111.w .,.. 1tll•lll ,..., oflkl•t °"'"' 54-foot sloop Wl.d<ieon from , ' ,..,.,_ti .,.., II rlUlnl. _, ._ u., lfld l'llr Ill llllt c.rtlflafre 01i.I et Colt• Miii, C11ltomle, J1111'!' -. Millon StraUc:wd'1 a.loot ·Alie ~Kt 1e t•• tw "-' nrtt ......... wrtt1111. r. 1J11. Santa Barbar, I, about 11 miles loop v· ' and H .,_. lt'»l'11, 1111 ..... ,..,a111e. COfll"ICl.t.L HAI.I l'•ANCIS L GLASr•. s lSton, • r r 1 . T-' " 1111 '"" 511 llW!UI ........ ,..., K. HlnrY Mlt$1>11 - astern. ~teward's 48-foot fb?P Jubll. : 1::.., ur:-,.s;,1~st1"" ="'= =::!1~1wn11 ~~=H.n.r • The COlumbla-57 sloop Aries, hon reported tbiy had been ...,..._, "" ,.,. NCUrM .., ,..,.._ °''"" c..ntv Juo11e1et Dlltrkt skippered by Dan Elliott 0£ nipping~ lead within -'..t.t "' Tl'llll DIM en 11'>1 ..-tr· " My C-'tllmn 11: .. 1rn Ir s.1, E.,J. """'· O.lllr Ne t Be -• · bout \UIC ai ...... w. Tlfl -c1t1t . 11 tm11111t bloil Nov. ,., 1m ".,' 1M ~ wpor a..:u, was 8 of each other moet ol the ,. 111 ...-.... w1111 lrlf.I. • ""'blltllld o..,.. co.tt 0.11'1' 1"11e1, 'lliilllfl't .. ......, nine miles behifld Widgeon. day 11111 .,. ..,.,. 1o M '" wrm,. ·~ ,_ •· 11, 11. u. 1r10 1021-X 1111'1 N . ....,_, • ... .... l'IC:llwd It .... .,., ... Ml otlic. ,.lliwlM. c.•. Followi"° are the JaUtude 11 ...., ,._ lflll' t11e 11r11 ..-.ic.111on LEGAL NOTICE "111o11t111c1 or-c.11 D111., 1"11o1. Bill Ficker . Unperturbed At 4 Losses d ,_;;.•de , . ,__, Miii ........ Nie of-Nil-.-----~ )Ulll U, 11,.i!..._lm IOJS.73 an _,16,tu po11t1on1 o.'-'J-•.••10. '"-#• ~ I>,-the 14-boat fleet ... ~~~L~lu\r~ND caaTll"tcAT• °' •UStNIU LEGAL NOTICE Wedaeld1y, witll -11 ........ es SAVINGS ASM>C1ATION, "iCTITtOut MAM• f t -._.~ COHSElll\IATO• OF THE TM "'*"llMll .._ Clf'lltf' Ill II rom .u.m Angela: ESTA.Tl!! OJI NELLIE G. cludllll' • 111111-It ,,. ......,..., '.Jf"' ••••STE• ... NrLLll!!: W1w, Ajll. •o. C11!1 ,,,.,., C1llfoml9. c••Tl,ICAT• 01' •UttNlll All:t lS 21·_..N -l:tf·l6 W • -.. •-o-<O--.. "OVO 'ICTITtOUS NJ.Ml JU mlrei ' . -GOlli OON HA• .. sTrll. lkl , ... , "" " .... IIDCKFIN -21:nN -122:47W, N. G. H.t..111,.STER, 1!1.l!CTRONICS 11'111 ll'llt 11111 nrm h TM 11~llllld -cert .. , ....., 1rt COKSE•VATEE ~ Ill tM flllowl.,. INflOll, wt-. concl\lcll"' I MlftlU •I SM ...__, '" 511 . .ATION -2t:20H -lJl:JIN, I Y: W, c. ENGISCH, -In tvll IN , .. of rlSldlllce Cll'IW Dr .. ~rt 91Ndl. Calllo•nl1, • ' ' ' T ' ---" fl tol._.: ltlftder ffll fklllllua Hrm llllM el t YOfol M -21:l5N -IJl:w u I 1" "" """"'""' Zlllllo tawKlc, ,,. • ...,._ WI'/, ,.SYCHOl.OGICAL CONSULT ANTI lflC! MISTY -lf:2'H -1 : JM C-V'olllw et fM II.stet. -•• fl • --.r ~ NARllAQAHSIETT -•: ID! .. SO of uld c-¥1111 -"'· JID, Calll ,,._., C.llf. 11111 Ntv rm ~...-.-t ·~~II -lt:ll -121:•. 111 ,_..II W. WALllaT, Idly, 0.lld Ml'I !7, ltJI. foli..4119 --· ........ "'"'" In flll! • • C V~ 1~ -• Ztllllo KOll•k Incl llKw ti l'ftldencl lf'I N ttllowl: Bill Ficker returned from o ' 1..!'J1,~:iH ~•= • ::,....---.. c;--... ,,.., stete 111 c1111w1111. ~ c-tY: or. wnn11r1 L-. 1211 s...rtn111 w1w. the llmlnary round I the SI ·-:ll:tDH -lrt:if. JU ............... Or-CIMt o.ll'f' Pllot Oii M¥'I 27, 1t1'......,.""" I NollVY C.-dll Mir, Ctlllwnlt. pre 0 Sf'lii8.lt .-2t:lt -121:iUW, 2fl J-n. U. ll. l'11 , .. ,.Jt PIDllc In encl flii. MM St .... --llJ' Or. R...,. Hueblllr, 201 OIVlmeu!l'I America's Cup wars Wed-TA NT -2t:t1N 1n:"'!.!_ll1 ~ 11111111 K .... ec1c: •-"' "" ,.1.. coe11 Mt11 .. c111f. VII -•:"N -lTJ:.W. -LEGAL NOTICE to ... "" ,.,_ wMM -I• ""*'lb-£111111 J\IM 10. lt10. nesday far -from disheartened w1ocal!ON -21:>2N -111:11W. 212. 111 to 11111 w1t111n 11111.-nt •nd w11111m Ll'Ofl, ,.11.0. I '!re 'd' f I to m-~ 111 "KIMll""-. •-H. HllftMr, .• ,.11.0.. __ over n p1 s our oeses LEGAL NO'l1CE tOFll'1c1.t..i.: sEALI 51111 111 c111,.,.,.r1, °'.,,.. c-1Y1 ••-,,. •• 1• -~--Valiant T.-t JeM 1. ,..,,.._ 111 0n J-10. 1t10, tllfor• '"'· , Nett.-Y J..llC .. r•uco.Q . . P-JU!lf IUl"l•IOll cou•T °' '"' Nol•,., ........ c<•llfornl• P\ltlllc In Incl tor Mid '""· __ It, Ficker b the skipper cil Cl•Tl,ICATI ., •u11111u STAT• ... CALll"HNIA ,.. ..rtftcl,.I Dlfkl In -v.d Wll111111 L'fM ~ .. trlt 1--Jd ••· J-C 'ICTITtoUI llAMI TMI COUNTY°' oa.AMll Or._ C-'Y to be 11111 ---wi... -11 tlllMc;rfb. uu o:op , uE -• U P n.e llllillni.t..:I '*11t'I' IM¥ -. ~ . M'I' Con'ift'llulofl lnolr11 M to "" w1111111 ,,.,"'"""' i ncl defender and Bob McCullough diocll t11n1 1 tet 1N:..:; llOTKI .,_ M•A••• ., f'ITITtOM October i1, 1J11 .a.,_...-"' eucvt111 "" .. ,,,. • .. ' ··-• kl f '"'-etw.~ c!.r. :.:. 01.:....... .... TO DITlaMJNa I _\!.LLAJ.t19"' • _1"11}11..-011"" C-' D1llV' .. llot, !9[FICIAI. SEAL) Ulic: I pper 0 Ulic: new !I'll fktlllllll """ -"' DON OUl>I:· D•AT.M M11,. '"" Jui\i""4, n. 1•. 1t111·-,.,.,., .,,...,. J, MIN~ ' Stephens dest-....t Valiant o TIE MOTl!L •net ""' ullf ,,,,., i. E111fl 1f MA•Y scHu"" CALL. 11N _ LEGAL NOTICE Not•" ,.11M1c.c.111orn .. &'"""" • ~ Ill 1111 to0Dwlll9 --. wlloM kloown 11 MARY WARREN CALL, 0!'111 .. Ceunt'I Intrepid _beat Valiant in the:':: ~ii.:: •nd .i.e. 111 ,....._. °="~~ •s HER!IY orYEN ""' :!rc':f1~~1i:" 11:.,1 ... two ope:rung races o( the """ c. itnlwlt. 21• ,....,.,, 11...-.. ti. A. 900NE. u ......... .,,.. •Ifft ,.,,. STATIE OF CALIFO•NIA ) Preliminary trials off Stam-Cetl• Miii. Calif. "" wm '"""*' llu fllld 1111"1111 I ClltTl,ICATI ., •USIMlll COUNTY _OF ORANGE , .. -F'°""°' I ._..... 210ll ft-1 lelltlll'I fer tn ...,.. *"""'"lrll fllll ,ICTITIOUI MAME On J\IM 16. 1'10 brfOre ""' ... fard, Conn.,and won another 11¥11., c .. -. Mes.. eau;. ~·"": ':"'*' ~1-t~ .. ~ ,... ,,. .... .., .. • nrtlf'I'""" ,,. 1H11Mr11tn1c1, 1 Not.,.., ""'bHc lit •"" -•---.._ _. 0.'91111 JIMW IS. 1'71 ~ I -.. • Clndlldlft9 I ~ ~-II tor Mid St-, __..rl'I' UMll"M 1111 ... r on a p1vw:11\. 111'1: reco1u ,...,,,-c • ..,_.. -· ~ ....,..,.., ... ....,. drcur1111-11., • l'ltst It Twtlll. Cllllonlll H. H...,.r, _,_,, to ,.,. i. bot "" stands at four wins for Valiant . ,,_. 1. a-n ....,., ""',.. 11 .. ""ldtflce ""' """ _.... .;. fldlltluli' fll'm ,,..,,. " c..U.: ~ ..._ iwrn1 11 1ublla.., te UNREPORTED -Eric Tabarly's. skinny-rigged schooner Pen Duick Ill sails up the beach toward Point Vicente soon after the start of the Los .AngeJes to TahJU race. The oddly rigged yacht bas not reported since the start. Tabarly. is a French national hero because of his sailing feats, including a single-handed voyage of the Atlantic. ,._-'-~------------------------- lo three for lntrepl.d STATE 01' CALIFO•NIA. 11mc1wll~ll ~ ":":.:"' ... = VENO Wl!ST OISTRlaUTO•S _. tn.t ""'• 0 w,.1t11l11.._!~lnllMnl.. •!Id I~ • ORANGE COUNTY: o Mid firm 11 ~ el tlll flllowlM I ..... v,,... -· B t both I Ir 'd d On J"'"' JS, lt10, i.ter. -· • Hohlry Ind tl'lll IM tlllll and .... II i-r1,,. .._ _. In tull end •llCll WITNl!SS...., l'lmncl 11'111 ottlclel -1. u n ep1 an .. vbHc 111 '"" tor said Stl .. ,.,......1.., "" -"" b9ft Ml tor J111Y 2. :r::--. ,,. It lol..... (01'1"/CIAL SEAL) Valiant trounced ch a r le s _... .....,., c. ·~ Met l'lorlrlw ~910. II t:a l .m .. In ..,. OM'tl'lllm Wliilmll'I Or.wllr. Gli..r•I ... ,.,..,, 1:...-lyn M. Chtll'IMri.ln M , ff ·ta ·-the I. I--" .,_,, te -.. be "-fll OtNtlmtflt No. I of Mid cwrt, ,. s... J-. A11f c;, T\111111, C.llfornit · Nolt" "ubllc<.tltf11"11l1 organ s new er1 ge 10 -w11e11 l'lllftl& 1,. ......,.... tt 100 c1 ... k CtnW Drl¥0 W•t, 111 ,,_ • °''"" c_.., only two races in which she"""' W11t1111 1,..,,..,,.,.,...,. ~-. ,_ Clf'I fl/ llM• A ... ;ean1om11. a11fl(fle MCMlhln, 0--.1 l"•rtMr. MY eommrui.i Eulrn • • 9d ,..,.. ••ICVtld 1111 -· Dll9cl J-16. 1'10. 11" IE. FIVll Nrll'I, T\lllln. Cllllomll. Ml'I S. lt11 -Outrigger Club Slated In Newport participated !Otflclll SNIJ W. I!. ST JOHN, o.tfd M¥'I JS 1'10. PulltltMd °'M'!OI" CMtl OlllV .. llot, Fi • id. the V·"·-• and ""'" IC. HflvY ~ Cllf'lr; Wlllltn't 'Orwwllr ,_ 11, u 1nc1 J111J' 2. •· 1m 111•10 c.er sa ilLl<llA. Nlllr'I .. utltlc -Clllflniil IOOlll • IATCMIU.. • ._.. Ml:MllfWllll 0 105 h.R d crew were obviously_ ~tter ~.=-~•lit ~':a~-s~~':1J;,=~:,......., Ve ... mp ecor prepared for the preliminary M'I C9"W111Mlorl IE•Jlrll T.._111 (tlll ---,.vi.Re 1n _. fol' .. 1111 ......... ..-1~, -------~'-----·-' I Iha I Ire 'd New. 24, 1m A -·-m w1m-Dl"IWlll """ BllllCJlel' ... ,,..u ' trta I n n pi • ..INIUll!ld Orlrlltl c-1 o.l" Piiot, l"l,ibjltllld °'-C•tl 0.11'1 l"li.f, Melo\lholt 11-to .... "' ... Ille (lltTl,KATI Cl' •UllNISS, -- -"We-were sailing ·With 1967 JUlll 1'. 12. 30 11111 J\llr 7• ltJO ll ... 7'1 """ II. 1'· ts. "10 1111•10 ... ,...,. ........ --'*<rlbld . 'tf<TITIO.UI NAME Now f 0 G l S k • sails but new ones will be LEG-AL--N-OO'ICE LEGAL N0'11CE :. ';::,"::u::~::-.w--. ~,j,:":1"':J!:. c.;:11~-.1~.,:;~ r a ~ nrs ford, CoM .. and won another (OFFIC~Sf.-~ Sir-Mt, Coste Meu, C1ntornl1, \Incle~ """ J 1-Utlll -ic.-c..11f 1111 tlll ftdl"-firm -" OOU'HIN, ~~:for .g: 1~~~"'··" said ;~:J:': 8t':::.:r. = Ncmc:I ~:'f:iDtTOas ~= ~ or ;,tu.:_~~ ~ .:_ "': back, Mrs. Welch won her . It' r, ""qn. 13 now TMI couMTY.,. HAMI su .. ••IOlt COUltT ., TMI """ coinn~..._ nllr'll 111 11111 11111 -~ 111 rllldlftCI ..,.. hauled 0 u t at Mineford's NlmCI ., SAU ., ... ~ ••• ITAf'I °' CAUftOttNIA""' .... ~ ':iu~ttans ......... : (AP) -Hey, Mom. You've final four races of 1969. At Shi -~ In N y rte f .... TT AT ••NATI IALI TNI COUNTT °"HA•• _,_ Ill. leltllldi:, IWU M•lln LAKE HAVASU CITY. Ariz. LEGAL NOTICE - er canoe club . pyi:llu ew o or 111 111t INfflr"-. 11:11 ... "JOSl!,.H "'· A~ :."=: t:.::. or., M1111or1 v1110. c1utom11, "i~~~i=:~~~;:,~:';:=!~~to~;::is~•'::!f~llSl~e~1~t~h~•~•::!Y~OU~=~t':!he-time-sne-temporarily aome·fwother..fltting·Ottt--before fju.~¥.'"'T.ttO' ... V::-.':' ~tt k-~~~~~~.r:uct .. t -PtilinU1M-orw.-am-o.nr . ~ M, ~1"'. !2Uw""'"""--1a--i e01et'I!: e thought ; re ffii(l'-she-fl'tfd\.he----i:peed-lhe·ob&er.valioo-Uials...in.JUly_ ~.H~LlS.JiU_ML_~. ~. -J\IM •• II, II, U. IM 10l~7' 0.tllll J-.J2,J fJI I scene with the organization ' . Ficker said Heritage did not NOTICE IS Hl.tllll!IY GIV(li ,.., MOTICIE IS Hr•E•Y GIVl!N to"" ·~AT NOT!-Jlll'llll R. lltllln<a A week ago •. I tipeed of record al 86 m .p h. M111 °".,. lfllf' Jtffl< IC. 1m"" UM1r11.,..., ~ II' tM •llWf __, .....,. ....-..-'-D Tern M. icir. f ind~ "'""'P lo . . . have a fair chance in the MAaklH F•flDMAH, -•KIClll•IX "' ""' •• --.......... cllilNI ....... , Stett" Callflmlm, LOI Mellll COllnlY: o an .........--... •·-JOO miles an ~ for 1 &al Younger moved it up to 9% on! t •-.1_ .. "" w1• o1 JOH"f'H c. Hu•1T. ••-. .. 111 dlc9lllll'll .... ,...,1r1c1 "' rii. Ort J""" 11. 1m, llilflr:.,,.. , N111,.., be know lmua and J . had id "Th" y WO races S1..:-sat ICU 11-.i .. JON! .. H HU•ST, .......... """" """ .. .....,., -.dllVI, '" P4Hlt. Pulrlk "'•nd fir ..... slio ... __..,,,., n as • waler skier hadn't been ac--an1e sa • 1s year becallSe of the rigors of sailing .. J011,.H cHA•LEI HURST,..,.._., ._ tlflc9 ot .._ c"'1l " "" _,.... c•lt1'1'1CATI °" •u1111111 .,_, .. ,_, It ... lllllc:k enc1 Tern The neW club waSO"rpnized compl,ished • .Janie Welch ol' we're trying for 100."' "· cht ·~ Florid t N w111 llff •• !111.., ... •II ,. ""' 111111111 '""""" -'· or ta ,,_.to"":; Wllll 'tC1'1T10U1 NAN M. Ki,. •now11 111 -., "' ""' Now she must go faster and tu'C Y1 . uvu• a-o-ew ~~ 1rr""111t~ ~~~= ~C: ::=..::-:1... ~ IOONI! A~~::-:"::, ... ~,,~~,.::;::-... ~"''=:;:.= by Dennis Campbell, former San Diego, Calif., figured she the S-foot-ti gal figures s he York only a rew days before. court. •H -. rllPtf, 11ti.. 11111rn1 an11 SAtctt•LL. •tlol'M'l't 1t Llw. JIOf L-c11r1 c•rci.. """""11111 v1111Y. c111forni., 111 """••""''"11W'N1111. president of the Newport. could do lt this year even can do it before the summer "She is certainly a beautiful ;t·~~ :...,.~ .~ni n.!' ,i::. '= =v.' :'ic':''r:-~ ,.::"',;, ea..::_r,;: = :;...~:!'~::;.:•':t., ~ 10"FIC~~~h 5~A~rcin.r Outriger Club. · *'-""'--"'-bad -u·red as '" ov«. yacht," said Ficker "and •11111 '""'•I""'..,.,. 1111• tw -""" 111 1111 ....-n"ltllll "' 111 _,..,.. -·""" 11 ~ ""-Jo11ow1111--.. Not1r., Pw11c . c1nflll"nl• ............... ........... .-ti'!: ... ... I -•---bet • In "-ot ....... """""'"' kW.., ....... llll'llM .. ""' ...... " .................... -Ill tvll 1111111111<111 flllllMA LOI A-• CllilltY Officers a re Mike v.~:u, women's-champion to becomo-. _Da~ter ~~l lepl Janie shoo d :11iuw up ter luc: 1111n or 111 10c1111en to ll'llt 11 "" .,11111,. four ,,_Ills""'.._ nrst MID It .. 1o11ctw1: MY cemm1u1on E•Jlrn f preliderit: Chris Undlay, Vice a mother and was just return-buSy for a year. Then Mom conditions ant.icipated at ~'::''-...''tti:' ~": .. ,hi~ ~=..~~~1~;;,,:--c='i:'ou!.,~~;~~.=:i.~llf• =-·~ 11"":1;;-president; Donn.a W a g n e ·r , i'ng to the water -rt. hegan gettina. back \nto com4 Newport, R.J. where the re· loCltM •n "" C11111f'I of 0r1,,.., st... o. A. BOONE o.1ee1 1• MIY. 1t10. LOI A"""5. c1111. to02~. H I P , t ..,.... /1:1 • 1..-tr• I ·u ol C.1Hforn!1, deKrlbed IS lellowl: Admlnl1tr1tor w11tl the WIH Edwtrd E. J111I No/1,., f>\lbllc secretary; e en o • s . Then on Sunday, her sue--pet!tive shape by running in matnder of 1.110::-1a s WI be Liit JS ., Tr•d No. m7, 11 ,., ... _.. o1 -. ~ ... o1 s11i. o1 c.111or1111. or1nte C011ntv: Publhltld °'"'" eo.11 011,_, ,.11.,1 'treasurer·, Al Glanzer. public c•o""•-as-queen of the-~. ua -t••-·•~no'ngs. Now. she -'-"-·· held." M1' V'tCO!Vlcl 111 ... ,, "· '"" 15, th1 •bO'lm n1.....ci dl<ldlnt °"• Ml., ''· lt7D, before ,.,., • Notary Ju"' 11, 's •nd J111Y 1. '· im 1n•1ii ...,,..., _ ,-• .,_ 11 .,. ,.., ~ • J6 111d 31 ot . Ml~I 1"'°"' ~n. •OOHI AHO SATCNILL..~ ""' llc...l11_1nd. fQr ••let llllit. .~11"!---liiUrNrmAi==='-=:I relaficils, Laura de Lancelotti, skiers, !?-year-old Sa 11 y two mi.les every night-about 1" 1M ottlce of tile coun11 RKOn:lrr Atllnlfl'1 11 Lew · -1 .... t'fll-f!ctw•rd-f!;-Jm--11~-·-ta1 .LEG·•-T-.JOTI- B · llf u ld Countv. MIS lMl9 a.ell ... ....,,,. me lo be Ille ,.,.., Wl'loll flllM 4"' '" '-.Ill historian, and Doug rown1ng, Younger of Hacienda Heights, seven limes around the block. B!ct or offer• ire 1 ..... 11fd for thl L-'"""· c1Mflnll1 ,.., 11 tutrecrlllld to tM w11t1111 lnltrllfl'ltnt Se t ' Ar J . d ., do ~ y ht t s il Pr_.., Ind mutt be In wrltl11t Ind Tel: {21J) 42Mttl Incl ~ ........ Ill OIClllllll !I'll -. 1-----~~-----· rgean a ms. Calf., Set a record o( 10SJ4 , arue oesn , mu'-"~rac· ac S 0 8 ,,., • .,. be dell¥tr-Td to !IHI E•eul•I• IY: o. A. ·-(OFFICIAL SEAL) f'.J1•ts Members 0£ the new club m .p.h. at Perris, Calif. t~ on water sklS. Tbe family a• to !IHI 11111ce o1 I'll• •!for ....... cuuae ...-1 .. 1wlfll" CTA 11 ,.,.. ,.., A\lclrev J. Burso11 CIRTll'"ICATI! o" 1us1N111 I · I · · --·• d , boa IE. YOUNG, l15 Wu! Third 5tTMt, "ubll-Wd Or1n!ii Coil! 0111'1 .. llol, Not1ry Publlc<1llfonil1 l'ICTITtoUS NAMI! are re ative Y inexpeneu~ .. "11:'\J Janie and Sally meet this oesn t own a t. . Rou.nd Island s1n11 ""'· C•111orn11, or .,,..., M 111111 J-11, 11, 15 •nd Jul'I 2, 1m 1on-1t or11191 c111n1Y T11e 11n11.,11tn.d 0o ctrtltr 11e ., but are racing a canoe of week~ 1·n the nat"'--1 Water However, she has 001lt such In "'' office 111 11'>1 c1tr11 o1 "" Mr c-1u1on Eulm ~c111111 • bu1111tu 11 :It-' E. 1"" 1c11u ..,.,.. S\lperlOI" CllU,, If 111'1' II"" lftw 11'>1 Mlrdl ,, lt7• /, Pllce, CClllll Miu, C1lffornl1, \ll'ldir Campbell's own d~ign which Ski Speed Championships al 11 fine reputation as a winner The aMual yacht ract from flr11 p!Jbtlcttten 111 t1tt1 Nllla •nd LEGAL NOTICE l"l.lblllhld °'"'" c ... , Diii'!' .. 11111, 111e 11ct111111. firm n•me o1 EX,.01tr they are confident will give Lake Havasu but al · 1onger that for the major races, t~tt · Loog BeaCh Harbor ll'O\l'Jd "'j-~ 1t1e,::''!:.:'tt!:' :"' .... 1 C•llh· T·IA, MaY 21 •nd '"'"' 4 11' 1" im m.711 ri-:,:-~,":~~~ 1o1•i:i.:-;.,.::,~ the d anta d . •--· tha th le are boat owners volunteerong • 11w1u1 -ot 1t1e unnl'll s11tt1 o1 LEGAL NOTICE wt1ci11 ft•"" Ill 1uu 1nd ,11c1"' mld1111C• m an a v ge. !Swun..:es n e quar r· . . Catalina Island's Eagle Rock Amorlcii Teri percent !1°'4} of tt.e NOT1c1 to C•IDITOlll 11 11 rouow1: Imua·~ canoe is named Hee/ mile where the 100 m .p.h. to drive for her. Usually, 1l ( t ~ t nd) will ~--_, !Ifft .. """" 1ceem .. 11Y 111e su,.1Rtot111 cou•T o,. THI ""'•n ctir111~, ,.,,.ten, 21' I!. h bee N w·t d I · a 1-11e wes e _ .. :ntten bid 'o.. offer. •M 1111 11ai.11ee 1TATI OI' CAL1,o•N1A 'oR 14th P11a:. COit• M1s1, c1111. mn. Nalu and miiy be seeo moving speeds are attained. as n orm I son r v1ng al 11 a ,m . Saturday. The Ptld 11_, cenrrrrn1i1on 01 .. 1, "" said TNI COUNTY OI' OUN•• HO. P.snn o.i.i JllM 11, '''°· --.. ~ Lido •-te almost daily. Their clash will be around his inboard with its engine d ' ta . cc •:-! .1 s1.'Ptrklr court Slld nle wm be me• No. A""'11 •All UN ''-etir111°"""" Clillll:lrl il-1\NlN ..., IS nee IS <N nau~ .. nu es. ""1111111 "ncrow """-Etfilt ol c. CONDIE CALL, 11stt ClltTl,IC.ATI °' IUllllllS 51119"' C1lllom!1, Dr11111t Clll!llJ'· eight laps of a two-mile c apable or 90-95 mph for the Three classes will compete u'Sid• """' be 1e•lld ~net wm bt ~n 11 CYRIL CONDIE CALL,°"'* n.e =:..: "'!.ltM,.!'r!:.' c..tltr .. ~cJ~:." ~ ~~o·n~i ""• 1 ·Notioi Kisses, Medals Honor Aviatrix WASHINGTON (UPI) With a kiss on the lips from Air Force Secretary Robert C. Seamans Jr., I am e d aviatrix Jacqueline Cochra·n has been awarded the Legion al Merit and granted r.etire- ment from _the Air Force reserw:s. coUrse, "testing endurance as long hauls. -Ocean Racino-Pacific Han--.Md,. ,•tHIEM5oll;~; ~ ~°t.:~1Gd ~~~~· NOTICE IS Hl!Rl!IY GTVEM h .... 11'11! STYlltNCJ l'l•• IEOUl .. Ml!HT, INC. ·-rid Sltven CIWl:~.-c'l:~ much as speed. "f kind or hav~ to hill'h -..,, H w • •• r • c•edlton If ,,,. •bow• ...,.,.. ac.oent •M INDUSTlllllAL l'IRI! 1ou1~MENT, known "' "" to t.. 1111 ,.,11111 w11o J.IU'e held the nati'onal to' ties rides," says Janie, but she dicap Racing Fleet and Midget ~:nt~ ic::1;, ~·::i'°;~''· ~':ti. 11eur " 111a1 111 --• h1~1.,. c111m1 •Mtn11 tHC. condllcll,. 1 -11 """"""'!' ,..,.., 11 wblcrtbtll te !IHI """"''" 1':. Ocean "-··ing Fleet ,•,.c :...; Mi" 1' 1ctnCTlbld ·1, ,_!tit Nld dl<ldlnt •N.AlllllrM I• f1t1 b\11lnn1 11 4e4 f:. L" Ptll'l'll Strltfl, 11111rn1n1 1f!ll 1dnowltdtM lit ••1Cllll'll £rom 1962.U with the ex· does admit there has been .n<11.: • Pr-••Y •!) lllfln, wltl'I in. nece111,., ¥CIU(.,.,. •• 1n CllY ot .t..11111t1m, Cl!.lntv of or-•, 111e 11,,,., I' u bl . h' d This is the first race of morilY Nterr, .. , ''w'" Ille ofllcl ol Ille cllrll of IN •be\I• St1i. of C•lltomll , unct.r .,,. fld1HOlll (Ol'l'ICIAL SEAL) ception of one year during it e trou e in t IS epa rl· . .,, HOf'll'I "' •Y en1111td coun. or 111 Jrneill ""'"· w1111 llrm n1"" or dn11 ... 11.., w111c11 dot'! J011Ph IE. 01 ... 11 that perl.od. She mam'ed in ment. the 1970 Ocean Ra c 1 ng T .......... ~~:..f~n!:t.,..,. 1._. rlold"" f'llC .... ,, vo11t:l'llra, "' tN u ... not llllM 111e 1r11t n1rrw or l\lmH Ne11,... f>\lbl1c.c1111ornl1 C I' Se ' anci' the th'-' ..._.,, 1 *""""' If the olllca ol llOOHE ANO ef IM"'"'°"' lnllrHl9cl 111 Mid llllllM11, .. rlnc:INI Office In 1962 at 11 and s ix years later Does she figure she can ata 1na r1es, hu h r11~1 •nr 1nc1 i n bid'-SATCHELL, Atlorlll'I• ,, t1w. ,.. t-to-wit: FlllE SAl'ETY 1NoU1T•1ES. 1nc1 o._. c111ntv •-ame a mother. water ski 1·ust as well a fter race for the 1970 Catalina OATl!!fJ.! t:"F~~ effcl'I llou.,.,,r-.1, L-Bffdl, c111111n111 ""' Mid firm 11 ~ of !ht M., cemm1u1on t:J1Jlr11 ~ · RF d MORF '' 1 111 the wrn el ,..,,, wltlcl'I It the •lace of """"'--tol'-1111 MrfMn. ~ "'"'" ll'ld Ju.,. ,,, ltl'O Out or competitive skiing motherhood? Series for PH an • ~K:...: 111"'"9 dl<ecltnt of Ille 1111der1'9Md In Ill m•fl•rs ..... lddriSSH ..... lollo'ltl: f'utlllshtd Or1,,... Co.11 D1llV .. Hot __:==:=::.:.:::._ ___________________ ,YOUJM .. :INNla a MIWI ' t1lnl11t le !tie nt1t1 of 1.1ld ftcl!Mnl, STYRIMQ !'IRE IEOUIPMl!NT, INC .. JuM II. 2S Incl Jul'!' 2, f, 1'11 11,,.Ji for 11 months, she started A""""" ,.. l•ecw!N. wll!lln tovr monthl 111tr lhe tlrtl Mlle.I· MN E. l• l"•li'nl. ANMI,.,, f,illfll"nl1. f----:-:::::-:-::.-Oc;:,,::CC,.-'C:.:.:: late last year because "even JU w"' T'lllrf strMI i1on °' tl'lls 111111ce. INDUST .. l"'L. l'tRE IOU ,.MINT, LEGAL NO'l'ICE Sult AM Cll......... Oiied J11"' S, *'70. INC,. ""°" I!!. LI "•lm1, Alllhllll'I, with my baby, I didn't keep .. NON•• (n4114141 0. A, BOONE C1Utorn11. ·---;-;:::::::::::::-c:=-===--........ e..,,.,,... to forget skiing." ""'blllllld or-c ... , o111., .. uot, Adll'llnl1tr1111r .,, ... ""'win DATl!C: ~ 21. 1t7'. ' c11111r1,1cATE OI' •u1n1111 ~:f '"""6" J ftt 11 ll 2• l'71 1111-11 A-•tcl DI' ltll Hiiie If lllt STY•ING FIRE ,ICTITIOU• ..... Although her tlm.lng WIS off u • • • •bow lllf\'IN ~ EOUt .. MIENT. INC. . the 1 r th · LEGAL NOTICE___ 10011• AND uttMILL:--h-c....i J. 11.1m•""' -~:"""'.. ,•":"',:....~-•• "" •. "'o."'•·"· 1n ear y races o e come-A"'""" 11 1.1w ~,......, ~"'."'"N_. ~7 c1111o.-n1.. lmffr 1-------------Jlm 1-... tll ... .....,.. J-0. S!Yrl"' 1111 ftctlllout n""---.... of l•ND•O•IR T·!llllll '"-._,.,Ct._.,_, ..... ldil!lt r-·~ su .. 1•to• COURT a, TM• l"'' (nJI a4...,, INDUSTRIAL Fl•E Plllll .,.. lhll said "'"' 11 _,, Newport S~a Scouts Await U:S. Regatta ITATI Oii' CALll"Ol:NIA ,D. ilyr O. A. ..... EQUl .. MINT. INC. ::· rer. ~r:c.lowol'l:ce":tt«l,,n __ , .-,, nta COUNT"t' o• ORANel .................. CTA .. 1"'9 hr 11¥ """ 0. Wllll1, !4Cl'ttlVY •• !ti. A•6'11f .. ubllllled Or1n91 Co11t OlllJ' .. llot, BY illllberl S. Wlll!t,. rml• followl : ' HOTICI 01' MIA•INO O" PITITION JIMI 11, It, H 1M J111Y 1, lt1' -1•,2-1'11 STATE OF CA,1.ll'ORNIA. J H~:. iii"• 171S S!1rlielll Cir., TO DITIRMINI: llMULT.IOUS COUNTY 01' OUNGE ) 11 0 -,, .. r,.. ,· ',, ·,.,. Ol:ATM On Mty • .-lt1,, ""'" M, 1t11 ~un1 • l"tlll• e1 c . CONOll! CALL. 11M LEGAL NOTICE ""°""1lintc1. • No11,.., P\llllk 111 Ind so .,•,11111 K. lee llllOWn It CYRii. CONOll! CALL, Deceit-lor .. Id 511f1, HV$OlllllJ' ._.. .... J-Ill 1Flfol'nl1, Or11111t C"out!tf: M -+ -o lt'l'fll'll. --to 1111 ., i. 1111 Oii JllM ,,, lt11t. brtorT ""' 1 Noh,... NOTICE 15 HERilY Gl¥1!N if.11 l"·JMlll p;aldeftl, lltd Ctrol J, H1mHl1111, '-.. ubllc: Ill IN tor Ill~ $1119, HVICll'llH¥ 0. A. IOON(, II Mmllll1tr1ter Wlltl ClaTl,ICATa D" •UllNUS !tr 1111 te M 1111 S«rltlrY el Ille !."":~ !!.':, ~M II-II '"' Members of Newport •1 1111 wltl ..,......, PIH fllld ""9111 I .. ICTl1"IOU'S llAMI ~llllrl lll1t .. ecllfld n. """In tiff ._ "" wlll'llll ~"'*:~ INll!lon lw In Order .~M fllll Tiii undfl"l!lllld dllf$ Clttltf Ill 11 Im'"'"""', lltlMll to "" .. be 1111 Kknowlldlld ll'le t•KU!ld 1111 """ ~Mii• Nmld dlCMIM ..... ,,.,...., cond\ldl"9 I b\ltll'tfU 1t :3oll' V11 LMle, --·wM hlQlllll 1111 w1thlll ,,_.,,,. (OFl'ICIAL SEAL! ' BeaCh'1 Sea Explorer s hip 711 three-day competition In which are hard at work practicing over 700 explorers from the their seamanship skills in wes t coast p1rticlpated. The boys, who range in age preparaUoon for 1 national sea from 14 to 17. competed in scout J"e(lltta to be held In events which-Included helving November in Penucola, Fla. line competition, knot tying Ni.Ge members of the ship skills, hoisting the 1eutUebutt, took first place in a western m a r I i n spike se1man.ship, rtaioaal h!1atta hel<!_ .~n San signaling and swimming. Francilco over' Memorial Day The Newport group, whiCli and they .. , they'd Uke to Is sponsored by the Corona m Uielr .illtls qatnst'teOUt.s del Mar-Kiw1nis Club, dKf lrOm I.be eaMm aaboard. "·tll in all lS events, Stewart C1U, 1llo llnown II Mii" Wtr,.,. N.-t Blldl, Cllll'l:ll'nl•• ,,......., "" "*" Oii Mfll# of 1111 COfJ!Pl"lllon llllrtl11 Mll'Y K. ""'"" C1 • 1'111 W~ Clll'll liMll" ''"'-tlllCH fkl11111111 """' "'"" el Dtllll"Yltlll COfl\. ,..,,..., 11111 KllMWlldl'llll "' IM ltlat Ne191"1 "ublle-C1lll'l:ll'nl1 wfllft ""'' Is "' _ .... ldl!la 11111 ltll'I .. AN'I' •1111 th., $11d firm •• c-..cl lllCll """"'""" fllf'Ni.I "" wlltlln .. rll'ICIHI OlllCI 111 .... 011111" Tr••n tlfrtllfl•-lr """'"'e or tlll lll~OWI"' Nl'M!I. .,_ lllml I""""""" ~M .. l!t IW·llWI I!" Or•"" Countr fo wlllc~ t1 rn1M fOI" fllrlllll' Mrtlculln. In full 1M ,11c:e ef mldtltcto 11 11 • .... 11111on of llr llN'41 11' cllrlderl. My comml••lon E•'1rM llld 11111 ~ llrnl Ind Piia II •rtne lo(lowl• WITHISS lftY Nf'llll IMI eflklll -1. ...... t4, Ttn 1111 Mme 1111 btttt tel fw J11trr ,, Dolit11t W. 1:1,..,..,, 11t Me .... 1111 (Cil'l'ICIAI. llALI .. ubllWoct' Or-Con! Cltltt' Piiot ""· II I:• 1.m .. In 1111 _.,_ .... Cof'enl ... Mmr, C..lflrnlt. Mwr .. o. 11¥~ J\IM II IJ encl'"'"' 1 • 1'10 1121.,0 If DIHrt"""I HI. 1 ef Mill _., Dmtoi11 M.1y 2' 101 Noll" l"l*llc,.(.fllflmll ' ' ' 11 JOt Cfvk C..,,.. Drtw Wiii, IR OoullM 'w o-il'rltlclMI Offk'e Ill IMAL-N<rnCE_ Ille CllY llf Wittr Alll. C1lll'lnlll, $tlltr If C11"°"'11: Ori"" CIUl!tY: C....,.., el Or.,... . °'"" J-16. lt11. Oft M.l'I ti, 1tn, 119fort -1 '"''"" M'I' C-IM~ _..., w. E, ST JOHN. (""'""' Citt11, l"Ubllc In ..... ,.,. Hid stote ... ,_.11'1' ,_..., n . 1m ....... IOONI 6 JAf'CjjlU. ._.. ..... Dtutlll W o...,., "-to STAT( OI" CALll'OR NIA ) tU1'9IUCMt toUllllT °' 'Tlla .. U.. ._.. .,.,., 1111 fl M 111t ,.:,,... ......... llfl'l'lt COUNTY OI' O•ANOI ) tt STATI Oii' CALIPCHllllA JIOlt L-. ...a.. <111t1n111 ,_, It 1lltlltrntllll ta 1111 wriltfll11 llillrvl'Mnf Oft M" tt. 1"9, blfln rnl, t1ll TMI COU"1'Y CM' Ol:A .... 1'11'1 ttUI ......, , Incl lt'ltlWlfCl\110 lie tJ1ta11H 11111 llft'll.-......,.....,.., • NlllVT Plllllc let 1M Ill. A...,. ... ..._,. IW........... (01'1'1CIA.L SEA.LI fat 11611 Sii ... ...-11r ._,., 1111""1 llOTICa 0, NUlllll ... OP Pl'TITIOlf l'lollll$Mtl ON-C.-t 0.11'1' .. Ult, NMy K. l+lltrf l. WHO" 11-.. me i. be the ,Oii PROIAT"I °' WILL AllO Nt1t. J\IM IL.It, 1$, 1'1V 112•111 Hot...., ..... 1111c<1llfol'nl1 ~,......,,, .,.. Ann o. Wltn.. k"""" LITT9•t TISTAMllfTAIT .. rlllCINI Dnlct In !tr -"' Ill fM ~ Ill IM l1tel9 " I , LIN'WOOO VICI(, llM Ori"" C111ntr ~ltlOl'I 11111 ~ tlW """""" k-M l•Nf.ST LINWOOD VICK. M' COITlll'll ...... hWft IM"-!, llJlllwl! fl -to lllf Ille DICMWlll. ~ !', tm -Wiie necwlM "-wtlllllt tflrlnlo NOTICI! II Hltllll!IY GIVl:Jf llllf '4>mye!tnc ln the Ancitnt said, but lhtir specialty was :< .. -:-. -..·enner l\egllta: er -the-bolUns ch-air lltlll, which .,...___ -Whitford and Jlil broth« Bill they wan "running away from ---~DI lt~Cfl ... 8te•e the . eOfN1!U~.': . l"llbllllllllll Or-C..t 0.1" .. llot, -' 111 litllltlflf llf ftle ''"'°"""" lllll"eln WILLIAM VICI( SCHMICT ... 1 ftled IMy l1 Incl JUl'll ), 11. IL Im• 11$-11 n9mio, IM I~ Ill 11'11 111111 •1111 I H!lllon for ,,.....,, II Wiii --------'-----'-·!Midi ClllNIOI ... ; _.,.... ftle """"' .... Ill'" II~ of l'""" T•'-tery Sellen ot Corona de.I Mar, Stewart, a cwpol1 lkac11 Mlkt Taylor of BalbN tsland. l"elldent. said the scouts are JOM lOtlnldunidl ol C arden now -trying to find ~a way '-:::=::. _Grove, Len 1'w1ndowskl or t,o_1~~ Florida f or .. -'l\JStln end Brent MU!fof<IM-tha.NOYember compeuu ... " VIYirhO and Oarl• McKinley wt-can ~t ttie transportation. lr.:----·of HY'll'Dti• Beith. we will go back an4, match Skipper Mlke Stewart and our. &kills ag11rut thGSe Of'"Rll li·lrst mate Dick TosSty •c>-e.xplortrt from the cast," ·be compli\led tbc ICOOt.t to the oddcd. • !!EADY FOR MORE COMPETJTION -Di,!playing firs t plac e trophy won i n San Francisto nautical CQm~etilion are .membe 'f Newpart Beach Sea- EKplorer Shij)711 : "(cl~ICW!se from six o'clock) Brent Mu!rord (with lrop~y). Mike Slewart, Skipper, 'Mike Taylor, Bob Whitford, Steve""*llers;-Joht\ Klelnschmidl. Len Lewandow•ld, Bil\ WhltfOrd and Dick Tosscy, flrs_l M a te. -- ·a SNrt .. nl fa llt ,., ...... " to "-Hll!ton.', ...... erice !tr Wl'lklt ;--=--"===---,!•-ef;lll '"rf--' 01 11 MllM i.r f11r1hlf' ""lculll't.-1 ... -' I II mY MM W efflclll ..... ltlll 1111 "IM •llf 111Ce If 111111"9 - 0 ly 0 10,P:IC•AL Sl"ALI !ti• wmt 1'111 '"" 11t tor J\lltt M, " ,.. II M'"' c. WOlllllfrMr nro, •I •:• 1.m.. 111 "" ~ -Hotlry .. Wllt'Ortflf"flll d 1>91""*" HI. i If NII e91111, FiNI stocb In 1n flomt )dltJons,. Prlrc"'-' Olfltt 1t1 ~ •' 100 CMc Ctnllf' 0riw *"'' lft ~-•1 I ~ ~"! It • la ~-COU!lff' " Or11111 lilt C.llY of 1Mt1 ..._,.., C.llftrnll. ·-.,... ""'"' ,. vr M'l .C_..tloli ..,,_,.. o.,... 1-'· 1m: • CollMJ. The DAllY "lO_lls UJt -....!W:.f'a1:.... ~ _: "'":-_,.r~~=~ffeeun"' Clfrt:'* '\ only OllY ftNSPIPW Ullt dlllt-~ • uw '"' ., ...... """" • "' >M ~i!tf Ill! N. ........,,, hfll '" '"'""' '-ell. Cl""""' ,_ ~ ~-----H.._.,...,.~ •1 .,, .. 1mt _,,,. hl1 ...... ""'"'"' ... "''"""" PYb!I....., Ol"111t1 (-1 Ollfy .. Ila!, .. 11blltllld O•tl!lrf Cotti Otfly ,lltlt, ,_..,. 11, 11, 2S I"" JVI¥ t, 1'11: lOllf.-Jt J-ti, It, II. lt11 -IOn•" ...... -, 0 IF I SWIWJI= a o •• :=::ssm _ ;:e 1 oe= .--•. ;:;:u: \, •• -· ··. 0 HOUSES FOR SALE I ~SES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE . I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi • 'HOUSES !OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 0....r•I 111111 Gener•I IDOO Ge-•I 1000 Genor•I 1poo Genorol IDOO Coot•~ 1100 Nowpl!'t llHcli -1200 Co"""' HI Mor~ 12!0 FOUftl•ln V•lloY 1410 Gen11ral IOOO Gener•! Wake Up To An 2 BR rowNHouSE. Must • • 1"4.500 • • LOVEL y fl J. j l No Qn Vets Lo Dn F.HA 1ell. AU olfm consldtttd. Charmine duplex, South ot ' o,£.j ATTENTION · Oc-View! Ulodnn., !CJ Ba, d~e. gar., Ownor. 644-'48L highway. ,.,,_ ON LOTUS . · t,n; . ll :1 e , --Catalina ~ Bay ~ Harbor En-hu&e Jenced yard. Quiet 2 BR Twnbo Bealillfully decorated 4 ~· HOUSE BUHR · •t~t $23~ Utlf!, owner B 1•--" I · I 1-NEW trance, Elegant ~lll -aol·OtSON' ·REALTOR desperate. Make otter. Call • --::lft NU• -room on a hancltome corner PRESTIGE W··TERFRONT HOMES --. home (adwl occupfed) In Owntt .. 64..... ;;;;;;;,;,;;;;::;;;;;;;1'.ot . Only """"•""' a '"°" " " ,--• ... ·,,_ ,,.,._ T•--·1;ji''/l\l~-~;s;soo;::::i:i.';li\!.l~~~~~~~:!E!J; s VE • mon<h• '"" "·-~, ... Prime Dover Shore lot location, corner '""' .... "'' . .., ....... WE T BAY A . -,...,, rn CUS'COM-C ..... T0..7-BEDROOM-l:IOMES~ --Galaxy-and-Mariner-, 90 x l40~Wi1Lbuild~ Top quality construction and Newport Helthh 1210 CMnnlns new 2 ~ 2 ba. ~~1!-1~ .. ~.!:.~. _ FROM $1'• DOO TO $500 DOO deeoratUW-throughout:-~ B'LOWNER...-l-bedmom., ~-Miternnl!an -·le·, Block ''"-.:-"' '"'"' u ... , ... .,.._..., ~, • your home 5% above contractor's cost. heated ".AOO.Ji1.tem1.....JK>ol bath, family room, Ratio..--REDUCED TO-SELL •v ,ment ooet. · PRIME BUILDING LOTS Your plan or ours, up to 3000-4000 sq. ft. $87:500. -.... ~ace. 1P"""Yifil'.'"" Newly 3ll CATALINA from OCf'&n I:~-Builder'• FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FROM $40.000 TO $175.000 UnusuaJ ·opportunity for qualified buyer. c I th paint~. Cbe to iChools & Bike to Hoag Hospital, beac~ 1iUi·G~!,~1tyR.e•ttor 67l-8550 • MG-7111 e 546-2313 644-4684 0 eswor y shopping. Assume FHA ell, l'Chools from this chann-833 Dover Dr., NB 642-4al For Appointment Call: 5"4% loan, $134 per mo, Ing view home Room~ 3 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR $'3,000. 646-4763 BR .. 3 bnll"' +·an"""""" 1 !!!1!!3!!3!!0'"o!!v!!e!!r!!"!O!!r.!!,!!S!!u!!it!!o~3'l,!!N~.B!!.!!"!~~64!!2!!-46~20!!!l;ft;;:--;-;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~ft __ -:''_"_' _____ lDOO-I & Co. 3 BR, 2 BA. Patio, Dbl. fa mily nn. Might lease/op.. Linda Isle -1306 --REALTOR a:ar $26,000, Take over lion. -c_;,.o...;o;..; ___ ...c.= Newport Beach Offi<Jr ~-loan. t!42-0 391, Open Fri/S'at/Sun. l·S TRIPLEX $23 500 1028 Baytiide Drive "t--;;,.,-=--"°'""=""""°.,...-1 Unlve:nit,y Realty 673-6510 AND SEA 675-4930 I By owner, 3 Blt, 2 ba, 3001 E. Cout Hwy .• CdM FOREST E. __ 1_000_19 ...... r comer lot, lo inte~~t GI By ~me 6%% VA DELIGHTFUL BAYFRONT ASSUME ''"" '"'· 126.750. 54>-7952 R-2. , BR. ""''°"''"" . GREAT FOR KIDS Lux.urious townhoUse .wlh9 room. owr 2-car pr, 'Nr pool, club house Jt. tennis OOW"ls, $4,0XI to 7% % tint. ·o [ S 0 N CALL ~PHI~ -.~ume .:~~:.ESAnL~n DOWN Buc1111RL ST ,.,, "'"'Y ruuy .,...,. & M • drpd, 3 Bedrm, 2 bath home FHA 0 •YA §l/40/0 LOAN 4Brm,R21ol,neor""'i"'"· Spnnl"' Cbumor. 126.509. No down payment V. A or $350 Vacant and ready 3 Bedroom •'lnaru at 71,~% 19 O 3 64>1446; if no an11. 6'2-0010 down .FHA. Ver;y nu:e 2 bath • 2 bath In choice Costa Orange Ave., 642-Sl64. ask for Paul Herrick Two 2 Bedroom view units PIO/mo. pays P.l.T. I: with firtplaces plus one bed-main!. cau owner 962-9729 room unit over 1araie. -~-n. - Full price only-$ll5,000 -BY ~--· A . • :il ..,.. LET'S TALK TERMS. uw:"'"I°-' aume a~·/(I Inc, Rcalto1·:s COLLEGE PARK SHARP 3 bedroom. fan1ily & dining area. Dooble fire- place. NEW carpet. l\1ovc IN BEAUTIFUL COLLEGE PARK home in Cost~ Mesa, 2 blocks 1ttesa area. • WaJking dis-FOR Salt or lea11e-New 2 !0 school. With lhe greatest tance to E lem&ntary, Inter-Mesa Del Mar 1105 bmt, 2 ba th fa m i l y, 1ncreue_·in home: values mediateandCollege .. $2S,2:">0 --------bullt-irni. $33,900 or ever, th1S home will be a w..7171 FOR Sale by owner, :dnt S270/;no. 213/4$-1400 ~- PHONE NOW • 673-8550 loan 3 brm, 2 .ba, unf. bot\UI rm. $.31),500. Pmt $182. Try O THE REAL "\.. l:STATERS $6,CnJ ctn. 16644 Bushard 839-2314 money maker. loc, close to schools, 4 BR k"Ct . Nichols Real Estate ... '' ··~'"BA..,...~. ----:=-=-=--==== '-======- 1 in NO\\'. can 645-0300. And you will see a truly love- ly home with double fire- place, large master suite with garden access ••• This area is known for ils large trees and mccnicured land· llC!Rping. Room for ho.it or priced at only $2.3,500 with payn1ents o( only $ll8 pays all. Located in Costa Mesa near Estancia Hi School or submit low. low FlfA down payment with total payment of only $210 pays everything. For details call 54G-1151. 546-9521 O THE REAL "\. ESTATERS :_•, !~~~~c,d~~! Newport Shores \220 1 i:.klo Isle 1.. mkl 4 BDRM, 2 story 2~ baths. 1351 BY Owner. 4 BR 2 Ba. 1630 aq. 11. Sprinklers front & rear. Fam. rm. $31,500. A!!Some 7~1'Ai VA to.n. 961-22.ol9:-~ - -- -·---,. NEWl'O.RT HEIGHTS-$34,950 Stiake roof, 3 bedroom, fam .. ily beauty, Two fireplaces. Easy care yard. Walk to schools & \Vestclifl shopping. NE\V listing, Move fast for 134.950.-c&! 645-0303 22'}J Harbor Blvd., C.M. .. al Harbor Centf!I' 2 HOMES 4 B.drm + 2 Bedrm on one lot with garages. A real buy with good financ .. Ing. Call Eves; 548-6769. FHA & VA Buyers \\'alk !J! shOps, Eastside. Spic _ &. Span 3 Bednn. 2 bath home. Lgc BR's., 15x20 liv· ing +-din area. Jo~A heat, bltns, hrd\\'rl floors, extra large gar. Jo~HA $1450 dn + closing costs. Call Eves: 642-2237. Lachenmyer R,,., I tor trailer •.. C<lnVenient to an I~=-=======~: I ""°"h. Low inter"' loon •l WA TERFRONt 51h% will save you $3000 m ' · 5 years. Call now to see this PRIVATE SLIP y:eekend. ___ Hawaii bounJL ~er l!ru:.ri- 546--9521 fic:ing lovely 4 bckm. 3 ba. Nl.chols Real Estate . hom~ '" ·~· .. "' ,,.; •. com-muruty. Has Jge, baySJde pa. lio, sandY beach, good swim· ming, :dip for lge. boat. ·3 car gar. Low prict'! of $82,T;iO. BROKER * T• VLOR 1""'644-""l2430~~·"!"'3J.0~700 M-1-FHA -· VA VACANT Anci Lonely Univ. Park Col.dominium aLa...bargain_price Located on a spacious • corner lot with 3 BR, 2n BA . fa1nily rm, enclosed yard Custom carpets le. drapes Reduced to $29,!JlJ. Realtor:!! "Our 25th Year" 673-4400 CIA$ i• ...... '":lwn, sp er frnUrear, Club, pools, tennis, beach, FINDERS KEEPERS .very clean, "''ell kept. $30,950 or lease ootion. Prin-Just l ist<!d~ ANO WE AAVE A FIND. 56-709() clple11 only. 646-5616 4 Bedroom, 2~ B:Hhl'I Kept Uke new, 3 bdrm., 1% BY Owner, l BR, 2 .. ba, Large, llOU!h patio, ~· Jof. $38,t:iOO _ LG 3 BR 2 b&, bath, dining rm. B/N kltch-Fam rm, cov pat, delux Dover Shores 1227 AsAumable 6'4 "'· First 8..~h pnld ram r1n, lovely en and covered patio, Beau .. w/everythlng, $20,000 ~O!!!. ..--. . J S 'tJj R It kil w/top line bltns, wlk·.in tifully carpeted anddr.ped. ~hie ar5%.~$33.900. *UN~QUE.SCENIC* UR · ml , ea Or pantry. W/W ctpt, e:xguislte Sparkling co.rxiition -wW 9fl5 Junlpero, Sf.9--0504. Unrivaled View of Bay & drps. Used brk frpl, _lg clsts. sell at fllA appraisal of -. --l\flns, ~·/privacy. Spacious. 646-WS Cor lol.· det 1ar. pro lndscp. $29,500. See this & you'll Mes• Verde llll nearly new "Old \Vorld" DECORATOR'S. f Top custom neighborhood. agree. . · Contemporary w/ court & HOME _ Can &11SUme ~~ Joan. M. M . LaBOROE, Rltr. MESA VERD~ alrium. S Br's expandable, BeaotifuJ'" .iOl'"IC. 5 B(tnns. ~1304 .. 646-m.ss Eves 646-4579 SOOO sq ft, •~S ba, hi-ceil· is " l====:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::='I "THE BLUF.FS" TRILEVEL '"''· 4 "' •"'· 1118 . ..i Family _rm. Xlnt ""'' lo ch fum. \Viii Wke 11ma:ll house !ilttel 45 fl. lot. L..,na Bea ~r bas 2 Must ll!ll one By Owner. 2400 sq. ft, 5 bed-or vacant land area. Owne:i: OO $98,500 3 BR. 211i ~'s. Corne:r 1o1: rooms, 3 baths. family room, S48-Tl49. -1;1 REAL-T-Y INC. e $29,t.50 e Back Bay view! Priced at dining room, aU • electric 3337 Via Lld 67~.,,,,... New home, view: low down kitchen. Ai r conditioned, 0 ""'~ e $31,500 e only $40,000. electronic air filter, buill·ln Unlvtr1ltv Park 1237 Erit;ERGENCY SALE: En)Oy Walk 10 beach. A buy! RSAL."l"Dllt · vacuum, automaf • 0 f1 -48EDROOMS: pn vale beaches, tennis crts,,. ·-e $37 500 e Coe11•MAlfT'llil:1 water, auto .,,, ..... e door boatina;. 3 BR, den, 2 ba, S . 4 B' Lo -• ·•-IJ .. --.. and separate family "'°m h 11 1 1~ pac1ous r. w . 111•.-Z opener, feneed front a nd Ui,:e v rm, ex en. pny;, • •• -· • (could ea.si1y be 5th BR.1 bll-0"l 500 By _,,_, ,,_,_ back yards, sprink1en, car-"'" .., • · .,_, .... · '"S "" OPEN DAILY 21Ai ha. 2 Frplcs. fone in 6'J5.39ll.2 ~ ly. 4 BR.-North e . LIDO Tustin 1715 WESTCLI FF $52,500 Excellent loc. for quiet liv- ing. Spac. 4 bdnn. &:. 3 ba. home among more expen- sive homes. Lge yard. Home ~ to the beach. 3 Bedrooms .. 3 Baths . Heavy Shake Roof • AU Electric Kitchen • Only 1~ yrs old. Carefree landscaping, AduJt ~========I Occupied. ti's Sharp, for • $35,950 & <ro Hr nm• n l OCEANl'RONJ 3102 W. Ocean Front pets. drapes. $50,000. Call mstr Br.), Choice location · PLACE REALTY 494-9104 Ow Will F • S«Mi25S for apP't. Principals Ir priced right at $34,950! LARGE LIOO LOT 2969 So. Coast Hwy. ner 1n•nq, only. 58x88' 206 Via Lorca, Terms. 2 Units •• $67,500 BY OWNER. 4 Bednn .. tam. BOB ~~~~~~1r.ealtor (114) 548--6913, :w&-3256. • }IANDTI.tAN""SPECTAL-. IO LINDA ISLE See this new S & maid's rin. fam rm + RR, 5 baths. Open daily $169,300 ''Our 25th Year'' WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO •. Terms. 546-2313 O THE REAL 1"\.. ESTATERS George-WdHam1on-im. On the it tiii'Way 13,~.101___ 4 UNIT apt., ocean !ide ot _ \\latch the surl and sun ac-Real~r ol Mesa Verde Coon•-· -·Hunthigton-a.ach-1G-.. b.wY.. spprox_,_150 ~ds._~_ -- livities lrom this 2 Bedroom 673-4350 64>1564 E '"'3 AlTN. SPECUL.ATORS! By --· beach. Grossed $9,000 last + bunk room beach home vel Club. 3036 Java Rd. 6%% ownr.r .. 3 BR, 2 BA, cpl!. SELLING yr. Nds. paint & cleiilup This new listi~g is "''e\J 10: COUNTRY HOME ln11. loan. $67,900. 540-4095. drp11, fpl, bit-ins, dsh\v~hr. of lnter:-Price-$69,'500 WILL cated on excellent beach. 3 Br. 2 ha, pool, ~ Acre. Planned comm. w I comp! TRADE $56,000. Horses OK. ll1a.y trade . .As. Newport h•ch '1200 recreation fa cl, 5 lor YOUR HOME MI5.SION REALTY 494-a?ll sume 6%1(o loan. Owner/I---------chlldren & adlts. Prin only. e WE BUY EQUITIES Realtors * * * * <"TT Aat . .,._,m, 642-SOOO. CHARht 126 250 . A • FREE APPRA!s.<LS O•n• Point 1740 EIY . -~·-·hid C:f.E-SARRi.-H-1:-:=::='~~~~j:::1N~jEi¥';:(,irr:=-f.:§~' ~-~..,_~•·rm~7l'l~M~....,~11~ry~tmm~~·1-•.,," .. ;;· .. ,;,vEARS;::::=:Ei!iXP;.;ER~IENii':liiCEiffii3n;!i!ii-:;;;:;r.::;;;: 2111 Si.n Joaquin flillt RoaO A-'-~U6C • n.; s -1'-· I:" _ ·&'.I , -:: ew _ 1860 NeWport Blvd., C.M. 644-4910 large farruly nn W/ fitt. RE •tIY l c.t. ~-1100 --. -LIFE ~ completed near new Dana oUice 646-3928 545-3483 t ,;;~~~-;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I place. formal dining rm, -3 l!!t. This lovely 4 Bedroom home Liberty, pursuit or happine:ss,• z 1r1 Point Harbor. 3 BR 2 ba, ----i · LEASE OPTION :kl~~!::.'ie~:~~ 1~•:w'=~c~:'c~a. a t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;L;;;;U;;S;;K;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.j =~ ~1:.=e:::: ~:: :8~~·n1~~~:~i5 c!n B~ l~;~~j~lr~;S~~j~f;,.~·~f,~·!~Jj~~""~1o~~~-J:..,~··~·~°""'~A~uro~io=""~;;;:: College Pa.rk s ::;! i~~r!:~ 25H~me. :Crca~~t.5oo~~~~~s-~~ ..,i·$200 "-. . HARBOR VIEW ~=~tiou~ 1;:!n~,:S'~~~~ yours !ttie iownoouse is .: SPANISH -~· Bldr. M2-4!KJj. $26,950 $1000 caslt and S3Cij per ''ljijijiijijij~1ii;l2·Story, 4 bdnns, 3 baths, round the huge sparkling Bfii1·:~en Rltr. 673-3211 REHouNT~~1!Purnl1hecf month. Formal dining room 1·,~j!ti!WJ •. I n:at be•ch .......... $57,500 pool lor carefree living. "Al The Jamaica Inn '" HACIENDA EXCITING comer locaUon ~ View! 3 Bdrm!. 3 baths de· $41950 4w;;;;;;;-u;;;-u:=--;:--c::: · •. 1 k 11 .and LARG~ family room. -' · .,. .. 2313 ~ TI'ItACT. Home + new 3 Bednn. Re<f lile roof. As-~·ith decorative u ~ wa . _ _IUXt! d!O?r .••.. , .•••• $59.900 _ F'amous .. 750:· Dike & Cole. ~· Jot-·and separate gti· Pool, view. f bdnni 3_ ba,, apt So. of Hwy. Good Loe, , sume $21 ,300 F1iA Joan, pay .. grove Award \\'inner. Call rage with room for boat, See this! .•• ::-=:-::: .. $59,?50 -Good I~rtlt!, Gooa Finan-able $181 per-mo, inc -tax. m.v -these arc rare! P.S, trailer. etc. Full Price DID YOU KNOW? 3 Bdrm.s. 3 batM. View. gnat cing. By Owner. 673-6904. es. Deep carpets, custom E tr ha th t• $34.000. OPEN DAILY 1 5 650 BY OWNER: l Br. 2 ba, drape!'!, private _master ~-x a s l'J> ruou . • that 'A'e have a 4 Bedrm, 1 kitchen! • , , ....• , •• , ,$.5,;,000 nn ~1,,,., k•<-"·n ... ,lh _EX€LUSIVE Wl!;i:to====F:.,,~~== I-~~~~~~~~~ fa Be I klcaf . ...,., . Ull: .. . --COATS= blttte-l!stamt-.-view:-m -E. ~sqJt..i,Kl~close to sc:_hools, . BROKER~ -. -I! -. . . --· ,s;5oo.~il97s JOn. . bull tin!!!. General 2000 -$1~ Nr ~an. 2 BR triplex, cpt/drp, chi! ok. Blue Beacon. Bkr. 645-mll Rentals to Share 2005 Newport &. Bayfront .. 3 BR. 2 ba. Im· shoppuig,•libr_ary &. church-Mt.2430 an:G700 /t OCEAKFROJIT 1t WALLAC~ · ~ Pl . • es. Newly painted 1n &. out ~ATE SALE 40• Corner i:;. m.,.... occupancy. e1 « . h · 11 & ' •t REALTORS float for lge. boat. $140,IOl wit new crpl.ll m v rm lot, 3 Bednns, 2 BA. modem ---------1 I' SGLE Girl. 21 er over, to Coron• del Mar 1250 share 3 BR. 2 ba apt w/2 Fairview -546-4141-Also. on Grand Canal, 6 BR. ha1ls. For only ~·750· ~all Fix This One Upl home, only 3 yrs old. Great ---" 962-4471 ( -i MMlOJ girls. Wkdys before 5 DUPLEX • $37,500 -· 547.!i5tJ1 wkndo or ·alt-s 646-8811 (anytime I (n....n Eveni s) 41/., ba. Dock takes up to Ul'I for other particulars. Need• paint & some carpet-ocean view & sandy beach. _.,... "I 18 rt . OOat. Sll0,000. Repre· ing, but the price can take Stressed for 2nd atory, ft.2 A ba.rgain·to believe in! Near DOWNTOWN 645-0636 Coast Hwy., CdM Top rent.. Price reduced. CuAt bit 5 BR, -=~~· .-==--- al area. Nice 2 BR. unit in lam, 2'ii ba, lg kit w/bltm, 3 EMPL Girt (21-25) to share front. liv, rm. frpl. Sep .. car gar/alley. Pror. Jndscpd. 2 br apt, H.B. area very 1har'p newer unit in Sell GI1or FHA. Owner transl, · w/same. S 6 2 • 50 mo. ~~~~~~~~~I sentative at 325 E. Baytront care of il all • and then Jot. Attorney says sell! Try Lame S Bedroom will show Grand Canal 80mc! Gttat location in $65.000. All offers subject to "':Ill home Mesa Verde, Good J + din/ court approval, Appt. only. Home · BROKER _ 1am. Lei's ro see 11 right ean 545-3424 NEEDS TENDER LOVING 644-2430 13J.0700 GARDENER'S now! DOVER SHORES rear. 2 Garages. Stove ilt 847-8507 Eves: 64Ul2\ ~=-~=7· =-~...,.-~ refrlg, incl., each unit, Note 2 FEMALE students wish \\'ell dcsignt.-d 4 bedroom hon1e overlooking the entire Bay_ Large living room & dining 1ootn; ntarbl<' fire. place. 4 BaU1s. All electric kitchen. Ready for immedi- ale occupancy, $119.500 3 baths, 2 brick fireplaces,----PARADISE ....... CARE, Wonderful Ooor plan. _ &545 -\ou_th ( oast low price, $37.500. 3rd to !>'hare 2 BR turn house w/yard, CM area. $33 mo. 548-8193 Macnab-Irvine Realty Conipany 67S.3210 642-8235 OWNER WILL FINANCE Cor.y 3 Bedroom on !rec !in· <>d street in quiet East.side area. Large tot wi1h many fruil trres .• A real buy al $21.950. . Phone New -~7111 'oTHE REAL \"\.. ESTATERS ' .. large Dining room & ramily LIDO WATERFRONT Immac. 3 bdrm, 2 bath home GE REAL1J roon1. Vet can purchase APTS.-320 LIDO NORD on lge. corner lot in North ,._llMMW, with $1,850 down . Non vc j NOW REDUCED TO Co.~ta Mesa. Owner Jcavingl";=:l=:l=:l=:l=:l=:l=:IZ ~~~~~~~~~ $2100 dotA-n, $32,900, better $175,000-Xlnt·Termi area .. call now for app't toli * POOL * hurry, distress siluation. 6 Beauti(ul units. 6 car ga· see. $26.500. Assumable Loan CAREFREE LIVING 646-7171 ra.1:cs & utility room, with Near So, Coast Plaza • a Luxury split level 3 BR 2 'O THE REAL \0. ESTATERS . . ,' 80 r\. fronting on excellent neat 4 l lam/din nn with Ba all bit-in kit glus ~ swin1ming beach. Units are Sl.4 % FHA loe.n to take ov. 10 'patio, AND' 3 garages. newly furnished. r.r. Shows like model. Aak-Large heated pool &: park Bill Gr undy, Realtor ing $28,500. like yard with no care in- 833 Dover Dr .. N.B. 64:!.-W:?O 642•1771 Anytime ~ Ml·S. volvcd, See lhls fee land HORSE LOVERS. ~'."'.'."'.~~~~~~\· OUE-G'E'Rl~G co""'. '" onty 133.000. :ou don't have to spend ~or. • Ea1tside Special NE~ED FOUR WALLS ''' klngdci,m for a horse · $31,GOO \Vorkshop-16 x -32;-sleeping WITH A:..DOOR? · ..._ .. over ~ acrt'. 1\vo bedroom, rbom lJ x Ut, plus 2 Bct.lrm11 s1able_s. pool, EZ 1crn1s or &_ dinin~ rm. Ex(.'('pl ionaJ \Ve h<1ve nior'" lhan .. lhat. A COZY If. immaculate, 3 we wtll take your home in 1 sz:; 500 gor~ous_..i ~room in ~fella Bedrm with dining rm, fradr. a • · Verde. .1ust off lhti ~olf tarie Jiving rm fireplace Ml·UIO t:ourse .. llug." oly~W.~J?OOI ~.-Full Instant Funl c--..thallllt for Cnh[onna ~!10 ltv1ng. crptg, d~· Ir panelling. OCE•NFRONT PAIJL-WBlll Ol1.f9~ .. R~ Vat'an1 ~nd 'A'81hng for .a Oulstanding landscaplng. ~ C.&INA.llA.N •DAi new family. S4600 Down Will 4%% loan available. foll 2 Bedrmi +. $58",000 ••ALT'I' CO. take it. Open SondAy for price $26,T":iO, For details • 4!'J3 Sea.s~ Drive l09l Baker, C.M. 546-5410 Etuipe the Ordinary yoor inspection. CAI.L, en.II, Ray Gault, 540-1151, Bill or .Marcia Bent~ -TWO FOR ONE Brand new Ivan WeU1' View Walker & lee llel'ltage Realtors. Open diuly 1:30 lo :-;:30 Buy 1his new 3 bdrrn, 2 hath, BACK Bay A~a. 8 rooms home, DoVer Shores. 4 BR, 3 BEORM home w/bltn kit. Barrett Realty 642-5200 dinir\g rn1, and fam. room + pool, 4 Bedrm, 3~' BA. 3 BA, poWrlerTm, family rm Reeltor11 , ·w/w crptt, concrele 1ldc fij II I\ ,\ Ill II II Ill II.I I l\f . ' ' '. ENCHANTMENT FOR SALE Gl&fllOl'Ollll VIEW, ligh~ & harbor. Wann side of hill. H.igh cathedral ~ilings: 3 bdnnl'I, 3 baths.~ Gay kitch- ,n, bar room. Fascinating pool &lie lal'klscaping, A~ pointmetit te(j'uired, -· SEMPLE REAL ESTATE 25L'i.'E:Coast Hwy,r 615-2101 TWO FOR ONE 321 POINSETTIA OPEN DAILY Refurbished 2 bdrm. home, heam ceiling; trplc., -+--t. BR. roest apt. + green- houM. Al l on a 45 rt. lot ocean side of hwy, $51,50) University Realty 6'13-6510 3001 'E. Coal'l1 Hwy., CdM hOme \vlth llr.\v carpets Ihm-guest apt. Nice lge kit w/lrplc. walk '1n wet bar. 2700 Harbor Blvd. at AdBnls yard v.·/d~le gate. room for l"""'"~M~U~S':::T:OS!:'=E~L~L"'"'"'"' out, and ~·e will throw in a ~·/bltn freezer & BBQ. Dble Eating area in kil +formal 545-(HS) open 'til 9 PM boa l /tra1ler. A~sumable WILL TRADE UNEXCl!LLED VIEW lovely One bdl.'fll, BIN kitch-old brick trpic In liv rm din rm. f.Wly cus1 rcatutts. LEASE OPTION FHA Joan_ S22,9j(I. By Beautiful • Roomy Bayt'!re!ll of Harbor le ocean. Atll". en, 11.nd dinette. aparlmenL & lam rm. Obie gar,, lndry Roy J. Ward Realtor, lUl MES• OEL ... R 09.·ncr. 646-6163 -··<om built 4 Bdnn ho- Sc!:pa.ralq garages & yards. rm, fnced yard. f'ull price, GaJaxy Dr, 646-1550, Qi:ien " ,._ $29,200 ;-a large Jovely lot on ;: aplil level home on R-3, 5100 EXcelle.nt .Assumabll' lin-$41.950. dally 3 Bedroom d Xln' ICI. rt, lot. ldeal ,.!~ ~pt, 11J1Cing. l:luny! ! ! Leon Viber1 RW.tor 524· 650 p I 2 Bath 4 Bdrm, Family Rm. uded strtt:t. t loan pro. unlta, $225.000. 4"Jl/1 \.A.~an . M. LaBORDE, Rltr .j establlshed 49 years ' , -00 Newly Painted _ Aa.ume 6%~~ annual % rate vWon. S4l-0713 Blvd., Cd~f. By appt. only, 64&05.i.) Ews. 646-2259 548-0588 anytime ASSUME 6% LOAN VACANT loan. Entry hall. dining rm.. DUPLEX Bill Grundy, Re•ltor OWNER MUST SELL ESTATE SALE Anyooe_~:u' l...'lkt" _ovw thlM Sharp $2;f.~ built-ins. 540-1720. Move.in cond. Cll 2 BR,,(t) 133 Dover Or., NB &U-4620 Lo\'<':ly 3 BR + conwMlblc Back Bay, New England cnt .. aMtJal io rate 100:"·. Entf')' 546-2313 TARBELt 2tSS H•rbor 1 BR, Tt"nific loc. Copper CASH OUT rit't1 Ne\\'tr kitchen, CMrm-!age 3 BR l~ BA hrilwd ball, large moms, di'nu11 rm, HALICREST plum~lng _ thruout. -o n I y By owner Ing master bcdrm w/priv nrs:ahake ~r. w~ siding park U.ke ytu'cl. bcautif'U\ Xln't Location"'3 Br&: den S.~9.950. 2W Poppy Ave, Coron1 del btilh, \\1alk to WCMtcliff shop. &. used brick frorit 1'"HA ap. swim pool. S40-l720. 1% ba., tlle idtche" &: ba.: MORGAN REAL '!'Y l\1ar, Oceal'I vieY>'. 3 bdrms, p1ng. A!llkJng $2(i,750. praised le tenns'. S26.~. TARBELL 129SS Harbor bltns, hnhvd Ors, pane.Ii~. 673-6642 675-64S9 private patio, Just above lit· MORGA~ REAL TY Vacant, Soul.h Coast Real 1 NICE homes on one 7Dxl'15 lathe le plutu, frplc. lUO CLIFnlAVEN, charming, Ue Corona Beach. Movlnc PA ',:, Sands-3 bcl & Ir., l'.)4 ba. nu W.W.C. & D. Fine 18ndsc3ping &. trees, ~~ mi. lo beach. 8341' r>.tuni;!er Dr. Bargain al $19,500. Call 5.11>-1023 or 213/254-li6l to ~·· PRESflGE Home by owner. 4 BR 2Mtbe. 2-ctory, lux- urioll6, cul de sac, lam rm w/catheclral clng, too much to write ·about. 5-}.4 % FHA 8~56&1: - BY OWNER.: 3 Bdnn.: 1~• Sta..bje .Y.~U!1g ~·om an 10 ghare condominium $100 mo. 548--7877 E~1PLOYED Lady lo share nty home all privs, own nn &. bath ~mo. 543-m27. BACHELOR wiU llha.re· at· ~ tractive Newport Heiahts home. 646-6112 SHARE my eleran t waterfront horm w/gwi :!$- 6(4a:s. $150,mo. li'ls..i.1.11 ~---- Co1t1 Mes• 2100 bath, Drapes. Ca.t(>el. built· J BR • . • I I Re( . An • cpt ..... rp, patio, n 11 eve. ngerator. y ...,o loan accepted. 6851' Bonnie yd. 1""'° Pornc,.. * ~9001 * Drive, Huntington Beach, I ....,========-I 847-81152 ........ 67....,,, l'lotato,-.-Jot. oao=8ig 3 Bednn. ... * MESA VIRDl-k .w.-.... -c.M. By· ..,.....,.._. ....... ~~· ro-H•w.U. MUST SELi., ·301 VISTA BAVA N.B. BEACH HOUSE big 2. bednn _in tx~l~nt Beautiful pool and an lmtn1c. er, pkirw $.25,950, Terms w/ n:eighbor~. ce.nhl Jota. $52,400. Phone 61~7817. COf'OM del M.r 2251 \AW':ly bi.g. 3 & family, •hakt! \\Talking distance In ocean! condltion. Asking $35.9SO. 2 111ory home, •4 Bednn 2 COOd down or usume 4!4% ·tion, 'A'alk It 'dislal'lt'f' lo CAMEO SHOR.ES: 2 BR It -root .t. all extras; hUJt(l lo . 4 Bedl'Tltt 2 baths New Owne:f. \& UJ and wants batM family rOOm You Cal V.et. 1Chool1. M~ lge~t;ee• on den-1\ll(lll')'"vllla-type liol.Jac IT'S Beach h0u1c time. Bir· 1\.\ ILOCK.S - wHh rntl')' for boar, camp. carp., drarks, paint &: tile! ~~al..e.ni~~l~n Quten1·1 1 5 1 1erltag' "111l like It at ..•.•• j.t,900. 4 Brm, fs.mil7 nn. .,,,,... oversl:r:@d lot. ~Alts s.crln~ below cost. $69,300 sest 11eltttlon ewr! Set the tn hie Corona dtl Mar bch. el"!', or~-Owner. ~& 11eU ~ ~w•atc. · Wt ll•MeC1tftlle.,...altr Owner must * CHARM : Blufls T~ Owner 67"'.,..... ' _ All.Y_PILOT Cw.ifitd Btaul., lgt..3.BR, 2 fuD BA, t1~king ss:l.500. \VIII 11!!,ten to CAYWOOD REAL iy-ITHE SUN .NEVER-"SETS nn 1!10 Ne\\1)0rt'"~Jvd., C.M. Jtoew are•. Atklftl-#l,!IOO. houst, 3 BR.,..pool. IO maJ/ll. THE QUJCKEl'l TOU"'CAU.. -jiueatl 30'"Prlv pt.do. Aval ·oue,i,,Clcn Qu.ttn. Jkri)age &306 w, Coail Hwy .. N.B. DAii y PJLCY.J" WANT ADS! S.18-71:29 Evtit, 64.t.()G!M Mesa <!d Mu. S45-0938 or 16,000 dn.. Vac Joly 1. ~nt THE QUICKER YOU SELL ae.ctlon now! June 15 lbr\I J uly k . Rf'a-t:;5h1le, 540-11!11 -• li'IS.1200 e -• · ~ ~!""!!!·~·-----_!,!sm~ . .!""'°':!'.·~~·---=,J..,=========·1-:========t~Rkkl~le~..,_~· ~·=-~:!"':!Mm~- " ' -·-.... y l • I --• • .~ -,.. ......... ~· ' ' . • ' Thursday, Junt 18, 1970 RIN ALS . RENTALS RENTALS Rl!NTALS RINTALS RINTALS H1111111 ·.Unfilmiohod HouHS Unfurnlohod AptL Puml ....... • ""'" Unfurnl...... !fl!!: Unlu"""'°" Apt!: •Unfurnl ...... * * ' Mir 3105 Huntl~ton BHch 340t COii• -· 4100 0-r•I .-Ni!ilpod --5200 H11111""'9n BMdl - LOVELY Lido Joie 3 3 BR. 2 bo. Lo lamily, bltiM. 2 BR, I ll BA. Condo. Patio, 1 BR. Fiim. UW pd. Frplc. *OPEN DAILY 1·5 * , ON BUCHI 'Oedroom borne for leue. New dl.ttiwaht. Nylo@. w/w, pool. Drps, cTpt1, ap-Btam eeilgs. ptiv. patio. TT1 AMIGOS WAY , • -i.--1""1.Viililiii"J'Uly 16 to . --drptr 1mmac. No pt"ts.--$ZO.-UaDCH, (213)-373-33JJ colo $149, 181 E. 21.st-St OI. 2 BR. I-ht;, unitl, unfurn.-- 16. 5484622, Ext 20. 642--2281 Jcct. . 642-8520. ,.. "" T• L•••,. · Outilde living areas and • 2 BR l'i) BA J'ROM 1225 ---CUTE-Cozy 4 Bt 2 Ba, bltni;, MERRIMAC WOODS new ,.,.. w. '""~ ._ double garap1. $250 to ~--o. e 2 BR 2 BA Fl\OM PIG" LllfU"li a..ch 2705 "'91• Verde 3110 new carpts. $250 tease. Ref.s lUXUl')' 1~2 BR. air--cond. 1-·.~1~,~~1~ut1t1iu11: BOYD REAL TY e 3 BR 2 BA FROM $380 -· 645--0880/4~2335. eves. 425 MelTi~ Way. 56-6300 , :---....-•a tWR 1uT1(11 * 675-5930 * Cal'pe~~- ATTR., view, borne, ·ocean-3 BR.pl2 BA. tam.f°. ~r!:te See class $100 MODERN 2 br Upper. Blk ~~~~.'~ front J, BR 1:--den 2 BR.-fief'~ carpets! 11!!·• , Clipl1t'r•-n""DfrnF. •• = • .;:; "~t· u... "'"'"-_ __... • ............................. -.. .. ·-••/••• •·•···•• ••M $22' 673'5890 -~~ -~ ---~ 5100 lO bch, CtpU, -~• ~ pa""•-••• -· • =s· ... .,.., ............ ":~·· .'~ J'....... . -3 BR 2" /'IA s . h Pool. l,77 22nd St,. CM. r;;~:;:::.::;:::;:;:;.._...;;;"" dean. ~ec range, :retrig, UUfHUSeU .,-••• ~ • .. , mo, ...., •v...,. '"· ch 3200 ni 1liol PMlS NASSAU PALMS. 6f2.3645 sun dk. Responsible adult!, cun Y g ...... -ua. 497-181! -Newport Bea T~;. •• •"• ~:.xtnu, .1 BR ... uJts a-• 10 __ , no pets. $200 mo ft2..3686 FURN. also Avail. ~ . , VIEW "°""'· oceanftOOt 2 ro· WNHOUs£, 3 BR. 2'o $ .. .:;, •~. ~. · " --' ·~· -· HUNTINGTON Whlltdy• Want? Whlcldya Got? for Ba,$!belors. Spac. $12>. * E A S TBLUFf * Oelux 2 · TIO Br ..... 2 bosm~''t;· BA. !rpk, patio, pool, ' Capistran0 BHCh 3730 1993 ChW<h, 543-9633. Lush landscaping w/55' BR, 1'plc, choice of cpt'g, PACIFIC SPECIAL CLASSIFICATI N FOR .• d~;wSe. gar..... mo,., ·1• car, gar, all bltns. ·crpls, $95 & up 1 & 2 BR tnilen pine trees, sparklln& pool, Ach,dta. 848 ~i&OI 'lll OCEAN AVE H 8 NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Awua. pt u to u y -drpe,"_1-$275 mo. &n-8&11 4 Blocks from oet!an, New . wattrfalls, bubbling W from $235 ~ ., , • . 5--'al ltat. - or Jtu 497-1819 Ol' 642-.00-' or wknds ... _ • ..,_, 612-~. 133 E. 16th, CM alrf!ams &: serene ponds+~·~Y~·~~::;::==-=:;=-:=ci'<>re:Dlii-linr4) 536-1487 ..._______ ~ ~ 1u.;aco-'="'--l-----VIEW~OME:-1Tden.-SUm· :..:__ 81, .. -~eo-•o, 2 B·R. -:Wl,~.~drpam.rm_s bltns wu.$~-548'9571,-131-W-..-Willon;-eM-make M·err1ma:c-w00dl·the • open 1 am::S prn DifiY" tJMi~ s·-tlmii-5~.;u--1 • ---1 ''"" uo llU t"""• • •• • BEAtrrIFi.n...r.Y FURN 2 place to live. These l "2 LUXURY Waterfrnt , Managed by IVLll -"° MUIT INCLUDE mer rental to 6 peraons. 2 Ba. Cpts, Drps. O!size Ref req'd. 7 7 2-5 6 7 7, BR., 2 Ba., furn or unturn. spac::ioos 2 BR A den + WJU.1AM WALTERS CO t'e':' .. W::.. -:...'1. "::;... ~-= ::. -;"' ..:,.~:' Deposit ' required. Waler "-patio. Choice view of Back 774-7465. BR, PoQJ. Adu,lts, no pets. apts. feature , air-cond., 2 ba. w/w cpl.I, bltns, Pvt' "'"'!!~~~~~!!"~·~J ....,.OTHINO Foa U.LI -Trt.AOIJ ONL v1 Prdener paid. 642-4032. Bay. $425 Yearly lease · RENTALS $155 + util. 2772 Maple St. self-cleanln5. ovens, beam pat, adluta only. $300 mo. I' To Place 'lour Trad._r'1 ParadlM M ? -Salisbury Realty 673""900 _.Apts. FurnisMd LA.RGE Z BR, near s~ cega'ra'in•"'•' disww/aa, ht•o"r'aprg lev., 673--5795. N* B,EAB ~HBlLUviFF APtioT PHONE 642..5671 Vacation Rental• 2tlO Ad 1 1 ew r,' poo • ew, pa_ • ---------CHANNEL Fronl. N('W(!r G I 4000 pi~g. 1..,,,~ ~A-~.pets. n-e I e v a.tors, 108 deg 2 BR, $160. _ crpll!/drps, dshwashr. 8231 Ellis Av.e. 2 New•r· duple·-, aide by Waot -·•·se r w'" trd ~ 2BR. 2 BA. }"-le. Patio. enera quire · "'7lll '"""'...,..er. thcreapeutic pool, swim ""' Ja Ja """" ..... • w "'°""""' BIG Bear very nice house-, 'l"i •= , __ 1 BBQ' p_ bltinll, pool. .15~ I! cent • 842-8477. side; 3 Br_ 2 Ba. ea.; fplcs, eq, in" acre comm'! lot in Lakt bllns Slt day Adults, Float avai ~·"· ._, • · poo • s, saunas .,. a Seacliff Manor Apts. Ask -or • • ' 64f:.-0259. -Newport S.ach 4200 Jovely clubhouse w/social about our discount. ~2&82. 2 BR. Adults. Util pd. Nr. beach. Equity approx. Sacramento. Worth $30,000, S«I wknd, $90 Wk. l714} SUMMER · -activities. Adults plea.se. Beaut~ulet. Pool. Pr iv $27,000. Trade> for land w uaume 6% int-only lo&n. 521-9672· 1400 SQ FT, 3 BR. '1% ba, MESA MOTEL From $140. Just East of OCEANFRONT 2 BR Lower patio. Beam dnp.:: 17676 indust. Realtor 6734350, "~wis" 916/444-3930. NEW. Mounlaiii houaekeep-xfra ·lg yd, dbl gar, bltns, RENTALS ' . 2600 Harbor Blvd., near $250. yrly, bltns, will redec ca~. 8'2-GUl •-. Cabin. ldylhl'ild, rom· cpts, drp&, $250. 642-6767 art CEPT"D *LOW WEEKLY RATES* Naber'11 cadillac at 425 5009% Seashore. Patio, gar. Mi<A=='-'M""'-"t~h~l~---l~e. cJLaear lot 1 wlbe~~t ·~ 5 pm AC I: Kitchen TV's maid service Merrirnae Way, 545-6300 Avail 6114, 213: •uo 1921_ ,,....... on -ease or view l1I guna or um.,.. plete, moder~ w I b 11 n s • v· 4 b Heated Pool• ' Everythin& new • _,_ lease/option 4 Bdrm, 2 &mall lot C.M. or aubmit. 5t&-7285 eves. NO. BLUFFS: 1ew, r, . G4i96S1 AJove in today. GOLD Medallion. 2BR, 2BA bi.th, near S PtB, Owner W .. E . Laci!erunyer,. Rltr. fam, ...... 2\1 ba, Scbts, PALM MESA APTS. $1'>-$200. Lie. Mgr. "" 847--0932 646-3928 Ev•" &12-2217 pools, tennis. $395. 644--0275 WKLY Rentals, 1-2 Br, from * * * * H ilaria Wa-y. Ph $100 N Be ch &.: u.... ...,.,981 .,,..,.. * 2 BR, 11h BA, P8;tiO, p;ool. Luxury Bayfront Condo. OM NG? 1400 SQ. FT. 3 BR 116 ba, Bachelor~l-2 Bcdnns. · ear a ~-El Puerto Mesa Apts. ~,,,,,_ -iw;:r. $160 mo. 8181 Garfield. Call Panoramic view 2 BR 2 ba. VISITORS C I dQI gar. bltns, drps, crpts, FURN/UNFURN CaJ.l.(l)-.Q3..8247 * * ·* *· -DUPLEX, 2 br, small den. 962-89!M. Va.I. $69,500: waht Newport, Would consider renting our $Zi0 •• 642--6767 aft 5 •POOL NEW 1 Br 1'.tobile home 1·2 8 ·"room Apts. Stv & ref, sm y d , new Newport Beach· hOme-u.u view home or Honolulu Con-furniahed-to right family all PENIN. Point. 3 Bdrms. •SAUNA $200 mo. Adu1t. ·Lido Villap $130 up incl. utilities drps/crpts. Wshr/dryer, Santa Ana 5620 d(!. Agent MS-0732. or part of lfie time. we're on Lge. fncd. yd. $325 Lease • JACUZZI 67l-3$26. Also gar. $175. adults. 642-1384. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lj9~Mi;f.eq~";;;"''·~umillii· .. ~.~pp;.,;rj;k[LJ.i. vacation, Ju1y 3-25, Every-Frank Marshall Rily 675-4600 from $135. SMALL apt near &y $70 furn. Pool & Recreation 2 BR 2 ba. cpt/drp, bltns, VILLA MARSEILLES do. 3>M eq acreage Ranchc>, thing needed for the family: PhOne ·• 54&.9860 . mo. Gentleman only, 45 or area.\ Quiet ·Environment, patio. Ad1ts. Lse $175. BRAND NEW Calif, SOM vai C'.l frntg Yue. four bedrooms den deck Westcliff 3230 over. 673-4468 Ott street parking, .No pets. 548-3108 or 673-2370 -~.SPACIOUS ca VY. Exch all/part for ~ patio,_ ~ pri';ileges, ~lliJL Modern home, the fteW republic BACHELOR for employed 1959-1961 Maple Ave. East Bluff 5242 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. inc. prop, ~ eve. five or six. nun. u.tes from 3 Br 2 bo, garde-r ;._. . .. .. man, private e n tr an c e , Ad ·it LI I . 1~ '"' ...... · Costa Mesa U V "9 Clean 2 Br Townhouse, : ~~cb. Tennis P!°1vi..~'"' can. S3'i5 mo. 548--8617. \ 1 & 2 BDRM Aptll utilitie:s inc. Sl-25 .. 548-3684 PRE5TIOE LOCATION Furn. & Unfurn. Nwpt Bch trade tow equity be arranged. It s big 'and.u_ a· !or Adults, From Sl~ e WINTER RENTALS e BA y MEADOW API'S For leue>, deluxe 1888 sq. fl Dishwasher .• color eoordfnat. for other So, Calif, property lot less expensive than v-University Pa~ 3237 TUSTIN • 'Av AlLABLE NOW' • . •l Frpl -"·- ' . ·1e1 1 .. .,,,,.. rK • . · New exciting 1 BR, $140, 4 BR, 2-n BA apt. c, ed a.,...,.. ....... • plush shag 1'.11' 7, ng in a mo • -• .---15497 \VUJiams Street Abbey fu?alty &12-3850 · k-644-41S8 2 BR, $i65. Beam ceilings. drapes, c:_rpb, wet bar, prl carpet -. choice of 2 color Owner 644-&488 wee · · · 2 BR. 2 Baths • •• • • • • • • • f7_: (714) 835-5335 Wood pan'lg, Shag crptg, balconies, dbl gar off kitchen ICMme1 .. 2 bathl • 111tall Trade R-2 Lot D8.na Pt 3 BR turn hou$e, 2 ba, for 2BR.2Baths ••...••••• ~ GARDEN GROVE Corona dal Mar 4250 priv. patio, somew/ frplcs dshwhr,dbloven.Pool.Conv showers •. mirrored ward-• .on summer Jease, Av a i J 3 BR. 2 ba. new home •• $325 13212 Magnolia Street Pool, sand volley ball crt, to shop'g echla it recreation. robe doors • indirect ugl!t. Golden Lantern, for income '6/20-8/31 •. Locat. Garden e Red Hill Realty (TI4) 537.SSOO BEi\UTIFUL Wal erfront 2 rec bldg, pOOI tables, put-Only $350 mo. Inc in kitchen .-Jnakfalt P:O~-t»' or what ]lave you._ Grove 53!J..3693. Univ. Park Center, Irvine 1'"'0UNTAIN VALLEY br, 2 ba. pool, Jacuzzi, boat ti'o n Adult 00 pe•· · W NB bar b " 1 _ .. $5000 eq· r .,. . g gree . S, .... 835 Amigos ay, • uie p •• vate en ... ~ Cal. l s·· - BAYSIDE Dr .• Lido, Linda Cnll anytime 833-0820 17060 San Bruno-Street sip, m agniieent view. 387 W. Bay,. Open House· M ~door 865 Ami patio plu.b f·-·•••p•-~w• JJ!e Penin. w8.terfronts CTI4l .968-2.)00 Summer rental or longer. 12-7 Pm daily. 646--0073, gr. '""Managed by gos .. briCk 8ar:B-Q•s:; be~t: ..& ---I-+ -off-water 'Lido MineS -li'Vlne 3231 -REMARKAB~Y---~1.g_r mo._ 673-7923 or e MARTINl'-'UE e WILLIAM \VALTERS ro. ed pools & lanai. w ' * Bill Grundy Realtor -EXECUTIVES Home for UNBELIEVAB;LY T • NEW DELUXE e ·3101 •So Bristol St' ~ BACHELOR • Completeiy Park-Like S,urroundings • . • REAL EStATE ·. lo•••, H•.gh up,., th• hill• EXTRAORDINARILY · r 1 ed 3 BR 2 BA Apt for lease rAiMLN.of So,Q)a!{t Pl•n) I ....... private, pre er en1p oy DELUXE 1-2 '~ 3 BR API'S. • · Santa Ana -,.. Gwter_. _ Summer Rent1ls 2910 * --------- Beaut.43' yacht, val $44,000; for real est w/some liqu.id- ity or ? AU offers given .er. ious consider_ Submit before June 30. 894-4094.-. Trade 3 BR 3 ba Condo, Jge. patio, pool. value S32,500, eq $7000_ want Salt Lake ..City residential or lot. Agent 646-0732. 6 Apts. % Ac. Room for gar. den, trlr, boat. Exchange for · mobile home, C.?<.1'. or H.B. Fortin Co. 1ID-C West.- cliff, N.B . M2-5000. ~ C-1, R-3 property, Downey, f1-ee & clear-for hse. or un- its in Newport, ,prefera4\y Lido Isle. After 5 p.m. 213- 862-5535 owner. \Yill trade $7500 equity in delux 21'x60' mobile home, adlt pk across from ocean, for home or unit, Beach area. 536-8418 * * REAL ESTATE Gener_•I '* PURN Duplex, ~kly. 2 & of Turtle Rock Hills. Pan~ BEAUTIFUL man. $90 rno. Incl. util, ALSO FURN. BACHELOR Incl. spac. masw suite, din 1---------- 4 BR. Ocean view, all util oramic view of the entire Val D'is•re Garden Apts 67>2880 Prv patios • Htd ~ rm A dbl garage, auto door PHONE: 557-l200 . Income Property 6000 Office Rental 6070 .I: laundry. llO W. 45th St, valley below. 4 BR. 2 ba. Putting green,, \Vaterlall le .. ~e-: opener avail. Pool & Rec ;.... _____ _ on Seashore, NB &16--8197 Bit-in wet bar. Perteet set-stream, "ower.s.e-"":"'i...-I Bdrm,. Garage Nr shop'g • • l\OWlll' 0 · $160 -LRG 2 BR. Studio -A:. • DELUXE 1-2 or 3 rm. suite -·'"'-......... ,.-""""...._ -.L'""' • ..,.,,...M>C'>. ----l m...santa.Ana..Al!e., CM .. area..... FRO-M ·;;,c~-----. --.......... l·.-~-pl-ex~. amil-1·-,;;;:;; ----. ntion . ---1-aft-~ ~, ting"ftir•enter1a:1n61-g--6'rjus .. 4f.~ pool, rec. room, billiards, -..-.,,.,.....,.,. _.., " \ .i.n ,, uo: ••• nr. Orange County Ai¥rt -WVELY LIDO SA-NOS Telaxed living, 1ennis &.: BBQ's, Sauna, tum.-un:rurn, ?tfgr Apt 113 • 646-5542 865 Amigos Way, NB kitch. w/bltns, crplll, drps, Investors! & Irvine Industrial Home,'1 blk to beh 3 Bdrm, swimming facil. close by. l & 2 Br. also Singles from Balboa · 4300 STUDIOS Managed by !rplc., encl gar. l or 2 F Sal . Complex. Carpet, drapes, 2Ba,poo1.Aug$250 wk_5105 Avail, June1l5th, S575 Mo. S135. See. it! 2000 Parsons 1 furnished available, 2 ALTERS CO children ok. CNr schls) No or ":approximately ~i music. air-conditioning .I: Bruce Crescent. 548-9404 ((}wne-r may consider less). Rd., 642-8670, Between Har. Ba y lslenda 4350 bnns., crpts, drps, pool, no WILLI.AM W __ . pets .. 2230 S.. Center St., ;~t"e t:Jmehi ~3bluff,propef1Y. janitorial se-rvice, Newport Bc:h. e RED ·HILL REAL TI e bor& Newport .2Blk N.19th ----·I children under 10_ \Vorking Corona dtl Mar 5250 S.A. Nr Warner, 545--0989. I~~ ·~do gI.sland :~: AVAILABLE NO\V BEAQI House, neat It clean, Univ. Park Center, Irvine. RENT FURNITURE 2 BR ap1. N Baytront clean-cut singles with refer----• port Beach, eic. AdjaCent to -courtesy-to Brokers-- sleeps 4 .. Secluded area, Call anytime 833--0820 -· w/vle"., $175 mo inc utils. ences. 646-0496 -~-----1 L.l_guna B_•ach -=---5105_ :__Hoag-Memorjal 1I08pltal, BOB PEITIJ', Realtor -private-bee.ch-5200--wk. ----,..._.__ ------Avail-;9/12. 67~3803 . RARBOR GREENS ~-• OCEAN VIEW Lr .. surrqunded by Medic a I ~e 833--0101 • 714--6100, eves:' 4 94-0041 Corona del Mar 3250 ?tt~n~t~sm1:~ ~~~Is ATl'R. 1 BR, sleeps ~; by GARDEN & STUDIO APTS 'Q,, "' Y Bachelor, 1 It 2 BR ap~: B;ulldings and a lovely high-* Prestige Office after 6· SHORECLIFFS 2100. sq. fl. W""• Sei•cUo· n mo. ,July & Aug avail: & Bach 1 2 3 BR' fro $110 -..W• -Furn cc untum: Crpts, drps, nse, a~ent _ complex. "ON TIIE BAY" $295 per mo, 3 BR. 2 ba, 2 Bit & den, 2 ba, O:lk 100% PWiei.tA8E OPI'ION \Vlnter-70 res·v·s. 673-1503 2700" Pe~r..on sway~ C.M: ON TEN ACRES -bltn&, patloa, walking Excellent financing avail-At Lido Yacht Anchorage furn Pacilic Sands home. fi rs. Gdnr, wlr pd. $400 I~. 24 hr, DeLivery 546-0370 distance to town, 100 Olff able. $190,000. Write or call Ground noor 156 gq ft near beach, Adults dnly, 673-1812. > Custom l''urniture Rental Balboa Island 435~ SPACIOUS-DELUXE 2 Br. lr!.e~1a~1; /~v.• ~:'} Dr., Lq. Bch. 494-5498 ;~:"iJ!~i:~~· Air conc(Cpts, Drps -'---l i5,'J&-5i<~1951ii;jy.~:ffii;a::i;;:,;c;;;;:+:H~~ILL~TOP ocean vw. Elegant 517 \V. lttth, CM. 548"3481 ATT R ACTIV E B ac h , 1¥.i ba studio, bltn range Pooh. Tennis. Contnt'l Bkfst. LARGE l BR w/sundeck, -5.tate..St....Redlaud.s · ' E-Z parking, Util paid roR-JuJy;-3-BR-,a-ba-boUBP, r:--1%-ba:;--flt.mr;----di . ·• l568-\Y..bincohr,-Anhm--7i4--2800 tilttier,.-t-mature Cllll . :SHWlBhr;-neW--crpts-&: "900·-Sertane;-~&WWU pane ~-S-& lgH lzt.-per-month,--~---,_- w/view, 100'-bath'g bch, -p/furn. $.100, Yr l s e. Yearly. 116-A Agate. S90. drps, redec., huge closets, (MacArthur nr. Cof.st Hwy) ce.illng. in Art Center. OCEANFRONT 717 LIDO PARK DRIVE & 2· BR apt-w/view, July 644-2970 noMo I ILI~T -pat io, gar. pool. E.side. 4!M--4591. 4 PLEX Newport Beach 673-1060 .I: Aug. or yrl)'. 673-394S D,,:EL"'-'U'oXEo=-~4~B~R~3-cbac--, °'s=3.'JO LJ ("""•~ i] Huntington Beach· 4400 $180, ~ults, no p e ts. DELUXE, 2 BR, lBA, unfur. REAL ESTATE • • SUPER-DELUXE QUALITY SUMMER Rental apt, sleeps mo Jeaae, Jse/opt cons~i. 548--0007 Adults, no pets. $275 mo. General 2 bcdroom1 each ·near the 1-2-3 room, up to 3,000 aq, ft. 4. On Bayfront nr. Lido 646--0!lll. or art 6 67":>-6986 Apartment Hunter's OCEANF'RO~T ~lcw, sndk, LARGE Unf 2 BR apts, 1st & last + $100 deposit PIER and miles or sandy office suites. lmmed. occu- ShoP'g. 613 36th SL 673-4296. CHARMING 2 BR,'So ot H\\'Y, Gu id• Bb<Rach. I Ncwe,r,b,lti~ct dlxt ' 2 cpt/drp. pool. Kids OK. i., yrly Jse. 675--7970. Rentals Wanted 5990 beach. Presently rented on pancy. Orauge Cnty. Airport BAL Island No Bayfront, trplc, newly decor, bltns. NOWLIASCTCl_NEGPSTING : c £'gan . n_s. pa io: 1998 Maple, Apt J, Cli-:1 BRAND New, so of hwy lg, --· yearly basis. Summer rfnt-Irvine Com.mere, Complex, fum 1 BR apt. 2 BJ( or $250 lse. 675--440L lndry. nr shops & pier. S22S. 548-2808 priv. 3 BR 2 ba. $265 mo e LANDLORDS e als wou1d increase income adj_ Alrporter Hotel &·Rest. ~========::. Phone 642-4656 'unr. $175. Adults, baby OK. . l•• 6~ '~. FREE RENTAL SERVICE greatly. Well • priced at ks San DI 3 BR hou .. 675-38<13 2 BR Du I frpl •--. ,..........,.. aurant, ban , '80 . . I !!~~~~!".'!!~~~!'! 5.16-2131 . P ex, c, cp~. '.Broker 534-m82 $77,0001 . RENTALS Lido Isle 3351 1. Adults only Refs please 2 Bedrooms, 1 betli, no & N'pt. Fwys. J"'SOLTEROS APTS. - . . children, no pets. $170. HE.LP! 2 responsible females Walker & lee . UNCROWDED PARKING Hou-Unfuml1hed·-~ -· -, --· · · Costa Mesa -4100 8 h 1 1 BR' -1 5150. 499-3667. ANNUAL Lse. ~ BR 2 ba, ' ac e or & s_ .--........ -673-9183 wtsh house w/yani, 1 dog, LOWES!' RATES 3000 2 car gar .. new kit, fl('\V Adults no pets From. $140 2 BR upper, crpls, drps, under $160. Ref. 642-2422 Realtor Owner /mgr. 2172 DuPont Dr., w/w cpt/drp, lovely patlo. $35 WEEK & UP up. 173oLKee~n Ln, H.B.: e-lec kit. Nr. shop 'g. Adults, Balbu Island 5355 2 -BR unfurn house 2043 \Vestcliff Dr, Rm. 8, Newport Beach. 1-----_,-.""..._.._.._ ... Th,._:::2 ~S425. -call for a .p_p_oj n.L. s:rJJ.DlQ &...LSJ;:_Q·BOQ~IS (1 _blk \V, ~f Beac;:I!._ on 00 pets. $l4o.-&i2-23S9. -w/garage. Harbor an!& 646-lm -83J.3223 .Courtesy to Brokers General SHARP 3 bedroom Wl 675-8233 or 675--0508. TV ~. I\itcheoettes incl. Sinter.) 342-7848-LRG. 3 Br. crpts, dtps, 2 DELUXE 2 BR ''Little * ""' ~it * 0 L la kit h F n ~ . · uu-u;i pen 'tit 9:00 PM Short Term •••• baths, rge c en. e c-Linens & maid scr avail 1 "EDROOM Iuro., Sl•O pe• kids ok, $160 + dep, 2214 Balboa''. Boat dock-lie up · ~ Dbl ~·-r tem . -!!>' ,.A,. ....,_ · N hlidre . 28 UNIT"r ____.._ Attr_.ofiicM· ll&l!.eJd...~x~c~ ~ -. . ~e. vw•=:._ -Huntinnfon-Beach 3400 Childrens & pet section o·o. 5 ... ,·mming pool, 1 1ilk College Ave. ~· pr1v. o pets, no c n. R lo R 1 5995 ~ 1----il t"'··=• ·~~ "• 23 EWPORT BLVD ' " $300 J I l ooms r en By Bulldor. 2 & 3 Br's, Walk office, reception area, stor-porar Y .. .,iel"n::u • ,_;,.. 76 N • 10 beach, Adults ·only. no .,/ LRG 2 & 3 BR, 2 Baths m~year Y ease on y. rent at St95.00/mo, IT'S IN EXEC Type beauty nr bch. 548-9755 pets. Tradewinds Realty Frplc, bltns. crpts, drps, 673--0207 * Sl5 per . Week-up w/ to shopping. $410,0C(l .. Also, ~·e & addt'l, 3 smaller o_H-t:iUR RENTAL BOOK AT & Nprt. 4 BR 3 ba, lg k"t h S35 W k new 4.{HJ units nr bcb Call ices. Incl. carp., drapes, all', W lk & L f rd I I ** \VEEKLY-Lovely apt, 847-8511 encl. gar. J;!atio. 546-1034 . H • 8 h 5400 A1 :_ eMo, t l .,ra~,, ee -up 847-3957. . music, elec. Best location a er ee _am rm,_g~ . en cour ~n ry. Bach. or epts. Furnlshg's LG Bach. utiJ pd, nr 5-points, * 2 BR. Crpts, drps, gar untington eac p.... o e • ~'""· . w/parking. Immed. occu-~~~94;tc. $2S5 mo comp!. Kitch, $3.1 wk-pays sgl fem. over 35 . .J97.50. + prkg. $150. Adults, no ROQM For male, kit. priv's, CM: below mkt,. priced to pancy. r..1'erging. Ca 11: Realtors al l. 998 El Ca mino Dr, Ref .• Clng dcp req. 642-2219 pets. 557--8400. 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, &ha&: cpt student prefd. $70 mo. ht sell. S1800 ~o. income •• 12 546-46.12. 2790 Harbor Blvd. al Adams 4 BR. 3 ba. Jam. & form. ~i4G--0-15l • oven/range, garage, 1 blk & last 64&-7886 aft 6 pm dis 2 br. Uhits , Pool: Sll:l~f I ................. iiiiiOliiiii•[ Sl'OP IN! din. rm 's. w/"'• pallo. drps. l BR dupl~x. S155 mo. SPLIT Level 3 Br. 2\fi Ba, to 5 Pis. store-st s~e to . n1 ·.....,.. S25.000 dn. Bkr. 545-4211 l 10FC. SPACE AVAIL. Exec. home. Glsler & SUS CASITAS Garage, patio, small back crpts. drps, bltns. No pets. appreciate 7721 Ellis-2 bl.ks * Garage-storage o Y. _. -----_ NEW INDIVIDUAL HOMES; Edison schls. Lse. Less on Furn, I BR Apts. Adults yard, No pets. Call 536-7146 ~ Mendoza Dr. 545-5421. \V, of Be~ch $180. Owner month, 19th it :omona Ave, Business Property 6050 Ju1y 1st $179.50: duplexes. S169.50. 2 yr. 962-8572. only, no pets. 2UO Newport 4705 SUS. 1 BDRM, newly painted 847-0932 CM. * 897--4885. _ ----·'---'---833 Dover Dr, NB ATTRACTIVE c PI Id rp • r bl Blvd, CM. &12-9286 Laguna. Beach upper. Porch, dis p 0 s al, FOR Sale by owner, 7-unit 659 sq ft. $264 mo. beam ceilings. patios, Adlts 3dBR, 2 ba. am&rm,d tns, .1 ACAPULCO APTS. A' parking area. 673-5729 NEAR Huntingfon Harbour Guest Hamn 599' modem MEDICAL DENJ Call C. S. DcBoynton only, no pets. Refs. 235-l shwsr. cpts r p s . .-"' -NewTriplexes.Quietarea. TAL CENTER. Good * 673-2457 * Santa Ana Ave, C!\-1 5-18-9472 Bar--1>-que. area in kitche n, lrac. Pool. Ulil pd. Garden SJNGLE ADULTS! EASI'SIDE: Studio, 2 BR 11-" Lrg 1 & 3 BR's. Dishwasher. PRIV. Room for ambulator return, good write .:.o ff . I !!"'!!~~~~~~~!'[ or 673--0395. fncd yd & cov'd patio. Lease Living. Adult s, no pets. l Ba, Cpts/drps, blln.'11 refrig. $150. Pet ok. (213) 592-2623 lady in lie. guest home. Consider home or 7 in I: DESK. SPACE NEW. 3 Bedrm, 2 bath. w S230. S4G-4815. BR. $155. 2 BR. $175. 1800 t35 WK. VILLAGE INN Pool. No ~ts. 646--4i610. or (714) 8~&-3559. Good food served family trade. See 5911 Heil Ave., to w crpt, FA heat, bltn $225 1no. lease. 4 brm, 2 \Vallace Ave., C~I. Prestige Living. Maid se r, 2 BR Triplex, cpts, drps, WALK 3 blks 101 beach. stylt. 646-3391. H.B. call owner Cn41 gas kit.. dish\\-'8Sher. dble b a ·• Ir P 1 c • n e wl Y _LG. F'uro I BR .~·-11~· pool steps beach": 494-9-136 bllr.s, patio, no pets, $130 .Al.moat new lrg 3· Br apt, ~3221 eves. (213) 696-1810 222 Forest Aven uo Loguno Beach 494-9466 pr.. fenced yard. n r Tedecoral.ed. Garde ne r. For 1 Or 2 nails. only. No · * 548-4418 * dbl gar, trplc, w/w erpts, Income PrOPfr~ 6000 days. WestclifL "~M mo. Realtor. Pacilic Sands, nr grammar pets. Ser Mgr-, Apt 6, 2135 . DELUXE 3 Br 2 ba Condo drps, dwhr, 2 ha. $225 mo. e-"'2~1'"ot'",-=°"""-x-;,200,,-..,w"llh,,-~2 .. " A~:.. """" school. 53&-7321. Elden Ci\f. San Clemente 4710 Drps, crp•·, b'itos, 2 pools·. ~ _,......., "' Chldrn ok. No pet&. 536-lID DUPLEX 2 bJf'!TIS. bit-ins, BR house on rear, near APPROX, 600 sq. ft. $120 $125-2 BR 4-Plex, Children LOVELY 3 BR 2~ ~a, lan1 NICE 1 BR dpLx. Quiet. CLEAN l BR.. adults-no $225 mo. 546-3710. e CONDOMINIUM Apt • 3 gar. encl patios. $31,IXXt An E. 17th. Ow-ner:.__~~. mo. All "-11til's incl., e.-<cept ok CptJdrp stove rm, fncd yd. refr1g. cpt Sc parn1cd by ga rages. l __pets..,Util. pd. $tt5 mo. San $140 • 2 BDRM upper, No BR for lease. Appliances gr . $3600. $6000 dn, 2244A 673-7413 -~pKOnc. Next to sec. Pacific Bl~ &a~ Bkr,:_64rH!tll L drps •. sns. I...se, Avail adult oycr 30. No p_eis .• 'Clemente 492-l32-4. -k1ds or-pets. Util. furnished. & bltinll. $180 mo. 540-~-State,-C.M. 642--7472 -Bank, 188 E. 17th st. €.M. WATE~rRONT -7/j 968-4081. 54S-1021. &42-3373 Business Rental 666o Amp!~ parking. 642.--4210. srtJD10 -2 brms. 2 balhs, t BR. Large cl06e!s. pool, DA_ILY PILOT WANT ADS! $ante Afta 5620Santa 'Ana 5620 -YOU Won't believe 250 sq $2.:> Newl 2dB~ apt,d~it~ Nr. park. Crpts. drps, patio, adul rs, no pets. Utll._pd. Dial 642-5678 & char'Ee it PaARpt,TLcayo fbeurnseeish:i "~n r,;r. HILLOREN SQUARE ft, crpts, drps, furn'd, air. RIO, re ' s wsr, 84"'-8 8" •·377 * "''0 "~~" .... D•·al "0 u7s for RE .... " "'S , 2 t ·1 f i ed il' W tclllf -t OK. Bier. 534-6980 gar'll81'.!· -.u.;i or .........,, ....,"""...,., .. V'U'"">N <>u... .,,3 OX ~1930 sores .ava1. or mm . music & ut s, es . ..,.. .., : · lease in one of city's buaiest for only S75, So . ask me ~ WALK TO BEACH General .. G•n•r•I 4000General 4000 E-SIDE. 2 Br. apt, bltns, shopping centers. App. 850 why. 642-3811. 3 BR 2 ha, fpl, patio. 1-------------------------''<',----1 gar, fenced -patio, yd. $125. ltlf. ft. ea. N~EWP~~O~R~T~~Bo'"a-o"h-:D"e"lox"•"I Blae Beacon. Bkr, 645-()11.1 (213) 754-6645 270 E. 17th St., Coeta ~-tesa OUices. Ail'-cond, htd, w/ Celt•-· 3100 C.~ -Q J.i\-,._ ,( _ f)-C ~C:::. 9 Sl35 • CRPI'S, drps .. !let·. Call Mr. Bram (213) OL 1-2700 priv. ba. 2400 W. Coast V\!:::J l'QU ),_'V)-~ J;Jq• ;'.) kit. Adults, no pets. Royal Collect .. H\\')'. 2 BR DUPLEX Palm Dr. 546-8866 OFFICE 1,;.~;,,,,===c-::== The Puzzle wit.h. the Bui/I-In Chuckle STORE OR NEWPORT Booch '""" s:;o 3 BR. cpls/drps, patio, tncd 600 Or 12>0 Sq. Ft, Parking x 1050 sq, ft. ale 504 N. Crpt, drpa:, bltns, lrg Fenced Yard For Chlldreo & Pots O Reotrange letters of' tha four ~rombl&d w<11ds be· - low JO foim lour $lf"ple word!. Priv, pl', $1fj). 811 Paular. 1· l U p T I p tno, C.M_ 549-1746. 2 Br. Gar, polio, crpts, drps, I I I I I 910W. refr:lg. Bamboo 1rJr mature adults only. ·S U E 0 S i y ... h.u privacy I: quiet I I ~ $1'0. 5#-0452. 1--1 ' l I'.-{ • ., yd. 1988 Pomona. Reasonable. 646-2414 Newport. Will redec, O'Daly • 54G-90Jl * m, A .f' IJ / 1/ 2630Av~St.,.Newport 67S-..'i023. x.ca,... 3 BR 2 b • . ac-""rlhuf' Vil"'r Sto or Ole 600 sq ft 1-:o=::;:;====' I crpt/drp, 2 rhild ok, Avail !)4.\ re ~ 646-2130 Commetcial '°85 6/21. $1&1 mo, SGO dep. In C.1'.f. * r, 557-9752. '!'!'"' .. ""· ~10 • $60,000 • Offlco Ront•I -NE\V .nix 1 & 2 Br. Shg Spon.iah StyLt r.,,,~rary 5 (,/nits + 2 Storet crpt, drps, bltns, immed. I••. _ _..___ e $79,950 • ocop. From $150. 5'~1973, • ~ DESK SPACE 5 Uoil• + 3 Be, home 545-2321 '~"""'-' v.,.,.,.._ 178 75 Beoch Blvd. • $l2!,000 • *DEtUXE 1 &:-2-BA. Garden .411"'1 u.;q~ -oteI,_ll__±_3_Ap_ts._1---- Apts. Bit-ins, priv. patio, ,,_..,.,, .!'-ar -C•,.........•• r..rr~ Huntington Be-ach AU have xlnt terms • heated pool. ltplc. Adults. E#ddttc ,,.,.,... ...__ 6C2-4321, Ext 276 PLACE REAL1'Y 494-m.t 1145 mo. 546-516! .. ., • .., ••••'l' • a-DESK SPACE 2969 So. Coa.t Hwy. =.1.=.. =i:"',; I w E-B 0 R I ~ -R<?tired couple I I I I I • J1ftf. No d\ildttn, no pets. _ _ _ _ S111 mo. S48-39lS Newport Beach 5200 3 """ w}ll,-lamc ""~N-11( 0 c M-o-H I :=::.· _...;......--:-=-~·=· .-===1-"';.,,~iia=iA~YiiFR~Or.;N;;,r-J· To err is hurtion. To reolly foul 1hing5 up reqvlres a ~ ,,_. _, .......,. $1.l0,000 STORE building. Aft c...ru~ ]05 No. El C.mina R•al &".$-698 W. 19th St: Bethel E~ Yow O.. ~ &.,~-==~ $.•n £!~T.,· ent•. 'Towers area. &48-1768 Agt. ,, .... f'~ ,., ........... W"1'1 Now Renting TOP q'iiallty office space , In Lots •100 -1uif.rt•-.J"SOidA:C.., l'lmle ,-CdM. avaU at 'Sc per sq. BEST BUY: JOO' oceanvll:w - ft. Alao Dental _ or Medical lot, larxe, level, Le,gu.na. • • _ 1000 II". /lll!Mrlhur Bio '"": Elevator... A .Janltoc. $U,!IOll. 644-165& · J M«lt ,_,.•I.,.,_, ,_' ! ~ service. 2855 E. Coast Hwy, iT'S WOND~ ·1 n e • Santa ;4,,. .. 540-8497 CdM. 673'!113! m• ""'-~·1--- --''----------------tlHNR. · Ii. r.ou fil?!;I in_tM. Cla.sallle:d ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~Grtybound .Depot OHie!e 16 Adt. Check them nowt ; x 19, $1~125 mo. 64~24.14 .. ..--..... =:' ~ H~o (;=ne~ . . _ l I I ' I 1_s 1 · 0 ~0~:~~ i~~b:"!~~11~9 ;:-: 2 BR, 2 BA Luxury "P Ml-9509 '!! _646--4196. -•· -~. -~. ~.-~.=~. ~-yw d11 .. elop from srep -No:-tl below. Prlv, 1errace,.elev"ators, sub. LOVELY 3 bt, 2 ba, tam. lifii§C!'Y!:i~~=-frlr"f=fCf::P="f5~~-~-~ terrane1.n vk'a. All e1ec. nn-+ ~tJ. drps, bltnl. • P~lNl NUMBEf!tO t a ~I. '!Oft ~!tt.~ks._3Jn -AlhlM9 -ind prdlll'.----t IEllS IN_.5QUARES \V. -coa1t Jlwy, Newport. ~ -. 6'~2'lll2 .,....,,....,, UNSCt AMBlt t[Jf[RS ----<filr'·3 OR:--1 . ~"'Ii SW l ....__ IAf:.-diittl~. lmDd )'d _. hop pi n a-C 0-your ad, U\fln ail back aod .,,..,r, ,,; c.ni:r_~2634 SCRAM-Lm ANSWER IN . CLASSIFI ATION 8 00 11s1eoto th• p11ooe rl!\g! " . 1 -,. . . - ltllAL llTATI Gener1I ,_ --I-.r;-JunrlA;-1970 c Al~M>ft;OT all . : ANNOUNCIMIKTI ....-.IOU l IMPLOYiNin 1 J~• l .-.. -~, J•-• a 1 _:_, ~~=c-:;;1::.::~;.._---•nd NOTICIS lolt'Wo-;=' Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 -·-1 MOS _!MMft 7020 BARMAID, Attr., bikini, top --• AcrN90 621111 ~ .. Loon 6320 Ponono I · BOOKKEEPER F.C .. pay. SASSY LASSY. ioor e GENERAl-Hl!LP. , 'nr~y le~~.;:; 1st TD Loan *~N.Wo'Mi'N -WWahnue~t_Ydooune :::~.:~,"' ,.;.'/!:.:.'i ::-;;:;~:.i.".°-:°:~. f\iliorpartt1me.Sa1a.-. • ...,."' or 2 days Wtf'kly. tt.B. or popular pri~ C.M. $Alon, l~.a;ge $3l,Stx mo'1 ""' Va1ley"i'nn • New Spring 89' INTEREST· EYtt)'Otlt'• looklnc for t~ -h surroundipg area. Tel. Paid vac. No cllentele f'e(f'd, klcncy required, $3.85 11"' V&ll_t'y J..Qe, $6375 FP 2 d TD L 1-rigbtooe,...We..have . WAY-«> - ---ri"g t 0.00 M•s N•w ~· w"i""me. Call the hr, Call now -w I terms. Other gd invest I . oan -·" .. •.•·gtn to LIVE•. • • • '",,...,...... " ... -""u ,,,,,,,,,_ ~ • ~ y w t d s Mo--r. ""'TI.86. J im Thompaon ~"' acreage &: cabin si te s 5t7"'667 _ -l. SECRETAR ane or -..... - w/XLNT terms. Bkr . Tenn. bued (NJ equity. 24 Hr. RK'Ordlne ·cc1t1 one OT 1flemoon work V.'CCk, in BEAUTY Sa.Ion (lormerl,y GUARDS ••• ........ _ .. ~~:~-~:;~;· ~ ·:;~ ~;;,;,;.·;..~ * ~: w5:.::." * the experts ~"!';':'::.'e.°~~·.~; .. ·~; ~!\."'!c1o1:!!. ~~!l ~~"':!i 0~·~;:-C::: • .,..., S.W. Utah, locat.O S.ttlor Mortvo9o Co. Pro!...ional Femole Stafl ~l } ( listed below!! 8'2-2508. ol t...,.. """""· lrano area. Unllonns & ln beau. valley or Green 336 E, )7.Jb Street Ne -.t..r Inn Hotel 'If-~, I AIDES -tor coliValele@ncf, Booldc:Nper $550. equip furni4hed. Fringe ben. Farm, level good roads, pay $50 000 &: A w,..... •• elderly caro or Whily care. Keep recordll, monthly state. efil i . .Car & tetepho{le req'd. be.ck charges SlZT Assume LOANS ' up, ny lUn Jamboree Rd, Ij.B. . Homemaken.. 547-al. menta, a1JO: P.R. work, Apply at: 13912 ,Ponder-. bal $:!923 at S39 'per mo real estate qr buslnes«. 1t 1 r. . 644-0960 • CT0 y SERVICE DIRl!CTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY TYPING -Reuonable rates be'acb are1., call Loraine, Suite F, S.A. . ·ca1l Mr. Koppers-Lane! ~~-~ .. ~:. 922,.2305 No, NANCY NE'TH SERVICE Dlltl R -~-_____ doll Penannel A&enC>' . ,~, ~ ·~· ~ · · •--·~· I '-•755 • tor ,......,. ...,.,.. !..-w-~ .. N.B·. * HELP * Ways, {TI4) ~nlll --·, -..~ME HOME 4vto 1t9e!ln '530. F--s -ran.... ~eall::_::M:::: .. :::2815.:::: _____ 1 -v• ---lo;;;:-tlf..Stole-P-.p.-620&. Money w~ . m ~...:;,.... JAGUAR --iolil). -CARPET VINYL TILE IRONING IN MY HOME ' BOOKKEEPIN~1 ... 1«>27111 $3.55 HRM~~LAltY -PRIVATE--· -"-SWING._ .. n....w "'-·-· 125 Rodll!ller, CM on Nwpt UC CONTR. 1'~R.EE EST. ' $1.25 hr. flee. Exp'd. want perm. BOOKKEEPER. FOOd co,. 12 ED N-.o·-.., ..-......., va_., ........... .., "'•"........, Call 548.&170 ·11o ·~ ~·· -~ s PM ~,.,In --·-ta.in Valley, NEED """ ./ Beautiful a1: second trust d •ed. Gu•'d•. __ 1._,0 wrlle P.o·. nr Fire Statiorl. 642-5133. * .....,.,,11.. • JIO!• n·..-.6.W"t u.a-...,.. .. ~ ....... I '" ""'""' '"' needs full chg. pm.i. TB. Penn. employment, 'delivery SHELTERED ISLAND 646-4563 or 673-7413. Box 2lll Anaheim 9'l804 --· _.._ ·-L nd i d 6810 DENTAL HYGIENIST Gd. J,.y. Resume to: P.O.! drl~r. order dept., with ;, the san Ju•n lalands, ANNOllNCEMENTS INCURABLE Dtteases are S.byalttlng WO FurnUuro RHtorlng J Ko~ -AvaU MaY ll·:l6._54Q.lt81 ao. ""5 F.V., Cal. 92708.• Sto..,..TV O>~Mu.t be, ...,-t • Wash.,• in the heart ot the d NOTICES • &. Refinishing. 1175 J'"ANESE G d n i . and boating paradise of the an my speiealty. There la' hope, RELIABLE Child C&r'e, my • ...--"r e ng • JAPANESE "'Oman wants CARPE"I' MAN wan~ed for and aggressive, •' Pacific Coast. Wooded. -fo1·appoinlment, 673-U66. home, fncd yard/swing set, fURNITIJRE Stripping & landscaping servlce,~~lcan house work. Owa lllNll shop. Contract labor. 19, Co. will train~ Natural cove for dock site. Found (FrM Ads) 6400 ALCOHOUCS ADon1moul Springdale &: Warner area, refinishing, r e a'10 nab le up lree est. call 32_1-tia?. l:roMportation. 6'2-2231 • 541).~ Salea Dept, 52ft0 Nice beach. Close.to shore. Phone 542-7217 or write to 846--0101 a.ft 5 . ~~:......Call 642-95i'S Movi-&. Storaai 6840 001\IESTIC wortt: wanted by CASIIlER-Experienced, for HOUSEKEEPER &: ChDd ·Moderate ctlmate, clean air, A PAIR of prretittjption sun -P .O. Box ~ en.ta Mesa. CARE For IChool. age child, _..,....... ~ day. If interested plene call nne Womens clothing !!_lgra. ca.re. Uw in, 5~ days. Pvt. cleat ·waters. This lllland glasses • ladies. Drk beip Calil. ·t e a c: b e"r, 7rcad1g, 'Furniture &: Antiques LOCAL f: bit di,!lt. moving. 543-1139 . Apply tn penon BACK nn. 6 bath. Ref's. $M wt:. is definitely unique. For full co l or • interseclipn of Announcements 6410 .. awlm'g, am, It crafta. Reilnishifl& & Rl:storing. Reas. storage. Free Est. STREET No. 25 Fashion ci1J. 5"46-9l12. informatiow write; P. 0. Fairv~w A: Augua, C.M. 6f&-354.L • * &l$-0991 * 831--0401, O.K. Van & Storage Jobi Mer-. Wom. 7100 J&land, N.B, HOUSEKEEPER • gd coat, Box 48l,-~Ue206vu)e, i:~:!i 5fO..Q94 NEW Chiropractic HFl~d.· DEPENDABLE Child care, -· CASHIER 2 adlta, bayfront home, al 98009 or ........ < ......--;i KEYS Found "bn beach vie. l.0-8PM Dr. Don A. .,. wkly, hrly, nile or day. C.aU G<1rdenlng 66IO Painting, .... \.' PORT 'JllEATER. c.dM op, exp, rers req'd. 613-1117 eves. Island & fWboa. InqWre DC. 44:> E. 17th St: CM 646--0494. • -t Paperhanging 61SO abilities Apply evenings after 6 H~RS Emplyr pays lee --at front ..cOUnter, Daily ~. WWBab 'tM H 1. AL'S GARDENING L' 'f ,., CHEVRON STA <'Arvice at. ,.._e AllenBylandAgeney •• ~ Mountain I Denrt 6210 Pilot, 22U Balboa, N.B. WRITING-Rewriting-Editing-. Lagun:s~illsy ,:.:;:_ 1"'for Professional Gardening PROFE.SSIONAL Painting. [Jfl Jml eu teni)ant. J\t\lSI ha: neat &p-ioo.~6 E .. 16th, S.A. 5'7-0385 SM •. Male dog. Brown, no mM typing. Fut accurate * 837-2758 * & small lands c apin g Neat work. Fine paints. ageflCV I 3048 t ti k · ' Roller, bruoh. alr·les s 1J sieannce. Appy: HOUSEKEEPER, P me or CABIN~Mammoth La es in -llar. Vic. Green h•a v en 9e?'Viee for letters, reaumes, services call 646-3629, Seiv-B"·~1 c M 1 N t Bch m - '"u Babysiu~. my home. , ...... .,Inc. aecous, ceilings. -.-.v · · · 0 t me, ewp · _,..._, High Sierras, Fum. 7 nltes Nursery, C.M. Gen t I e . reports, scripts, etc, 6'6-5445 ..__, ~n~ in« Newport, CdM, C.olta r•-.r • ,...i., n. It •-~1~ ext 273 ~t 9-5 pm $95. Reserve now 531-3374 638-256 or 537-029. MondlY ....... ~~a.MY ii:sa., Dover Shores, West-Local ref's. Low prices! TRISH HOPKINS ~ care • · """" ..... """" · Eves M(}..0617. =;;;;;_.;..::::;-=:::_--C•rd of Th•nks 6416 ' * 67S-f063 * cllU. Roy 147-1358. 4SR E, 17th, Suite 224 C.M. 2 chldm, 8 & tL Mon., HUSKY, maJe f r eshman FOUND Sal. night-YoUnl" YOUNG Mom Will J>abyalt, * PAINTING INT & E.\.'T. 642·1470 Thun, Fri, Sat . 9-2. 20 yrs. altending college or local . E W tecf · 6240 Shepherd/Husky. V)C. E. The lamily cf Parktt K. my home, CdM. WE AIM TO PLEASE Aviv. "l. sty i250. 2 lllY or clde r w/re.f. ~7 high schOol senior. Varlld • JR_. ~:~-"-"-----1 ;'C..~ta~M=.,.i;ii;-'""~a;;·:;;64;;'-;-7266'7.:; Pence wish tc thank their Call 6~ID8 Complete garden Service $350. incl all material & ADULT Bnb)'!.itler, my hse, eVftl, ~-.duties, 37-40 hrs, summer, ' i to 8; acres for apts. 25 LARGE blk & cream dog, "!8"Y friends for 1: their LOVlNG care your child~n Reliable maint., expert clean. pre(l8.fation, $18, per rni + 5 days $2S. Newport Shores. COSMETICS *-Worne_n.--will -l-7·00-brs,...eehoQl~.Year.-M&n1.1 --__. "units per acre z.oning. M, found vie. White Front. kindnesses and ti:ioughtful· my'home. H.B. By hr-day. up. Call "Fearlcs1 Fred", paint. Local refs. Call J ack Rcl's req'd. 646•8::84 train to teach professional students earn four yean Orange County. No brokers. &t2-4902 ness. wk. 988-6746 962-4914. 89-1-3895 er 968-1900. days/Eves, Sat c sun. mftke.up. Exec. positions college. 494-4515 for appl. ' S?:>-7200 or 213/691--0010. BEIGE poodle' 1 ·' ma1e found THE F'"ai!ihy of Parker ~· BABYSITI'ING My home NEW L a wn 1, re-seeding. l SfORY Stucco & overhang 646-$;98 avail, Vivian Woodard Cos-The Pottery Shack, l.quDI. 2ND T. J\fortgage wanted, vie. ?>1ayf.air l'iiarket, C.M. Pence WJsl_led to thank lhe~r Colla Mesa area. Day or Comple~e lawn care. Clean $99. 2 lilOry st u cc 0 & AlDE Mother, babycare, Ile. mettcs. PH: 544-1464, ~Be~a"'ohc...,-=~==;;;; &18-5292 many friends for their . ht F need yd 642--5299. up by JOb or monlh. Free-·overhang $149. Acst. ce~ling hsi\:pg., 3 days a ,vk.,;J?. . HOMEWORKERS WANTG> = S:!.~~it~ceeq~1;~: 10-SPEED bike. Santa Ana kindness & thoughtfulness. nig • e ' estimates. For Info call $13. pt'r rm. J\1in. 3 rms. area l\Iature & r , ***COOKS (Envelope A~). ' Heights. Call to identily. ./ Loving child care, my 897-2417 or 8'16--0932 &16--0Sn & 637~119. g.i~9&J8. RWlh stamped, self.a d-• 64f-287l. 54.~260!. Comoto!Y Lots 6411 "'.'°"· N~,;:36s".°"''· COLLEGE STUDENTS "2" E•p . pan>cr>-ncod ACCOUNTING CLERK. Exporloncod only t~'J~~~N e•;,•.:~t'D ; BUSINESS and -OLD Yorkle ~Found H. B::h. 6 EACIFIC Vlew ?.1emorial BABYSI~NG, J'i.1y home. Y,!.'."1" AroYdu~ ~rofess~·~gn work. Will work by hthr. or Req's 1·2 yrs. exper. In . e F~PPLCY e TRADERS, P .O. Box 112'1· • .. area. _c· Park cemetery lot& $200 ..... re. c ca ·UP, 1 job. Undcrcul mos t o ers. hi-vol acctg.. a c c I 5 , . The 1ve rowns A21, n _ ... __ ...._ Beach. Calif. ' FINANCIAL ~7886 each, 642--1323 Newpo~ ::~a. spec., lndscp~. 548-2'l37 968.-2181. payaj>1e. EDP ex ~e.r . RutaVl'•nf 90278 n.c:uuiiuu ; GOLD Bracelet youtb oenU!r -*ALLEN BROTHERS METICULOUS PAINT. helpful. Call Jolly Roger <bet. J.5 p.m. only) INDIVIDUAL with matl tennll courU CdM, Travel 6435 Brick, Masonry, Call us for complele yard BLUE CJ{lP STAMPS. INS. Re~taurant Ofc. 546--0331 . ~l E. Pacific Coast l{wy. order exper. Box M-1Gl 4 Business , 613-lOTI -6560 M"rvice at lo""-est rates! crew col. stu<M!nts. ~I-ext ALERT, Sober couple forCo -.::"':::;::""::,"'=:'.:.M:.:or~N-•....:.•h_._,a1_h ~uy Pilot, 2211 w. Balboa, ' 6300 SAILING To Hawaii, \Vilt etc 540-11ti9' houses. Exp. Doclm. 67So5812 Beach Motel, Dana PL Apt .,, ...,... ()piiortvnltios ';;'~-t howld male ;..i.:,:, ~t;~-Cou~ a:· CUSTOM MASON~Y GEN'L Cl"n Up, ttte """" No W"ting & Sal. cnt> ,,._1'00, COOK ~*o'tn. TIME ~.;::~TION THERAPISI' *FAMOUS BRAND 557.mi N. Bch. Al. ' . SCepanmlsehntb~b,lock&k,W:::'!!!',tparotino, "'ttd kill, rolo -t_llld, *WALLPAPER* ARE YOU No Phone Calls A.R.1.T. required. Appl,Y • NAME* l Pair of presrr i ptlon ....., • .., sp rinklers rep a ire · When )'OU call "Mac" ? Apply bl Penon Personnel (TI4) 491J.llll, SO. I I t h T I 6490 ''""n. 5f4.3238 646-5848. • ... ,... -BEAUTIFUL? * N-•. SIRLOIN *--c ... t Commuru'ty u-. CANDY & SNACK ROUTE 11u ng asses-l e utor "f ""' ..__ .::iu~ • . ,.._, (PART OR FULL TIME). Surfe1"4:inJno, GT.>-1065. BUILD, Remodel, repair AL'S Landscaping. Tree PAINTING-INT, &: Ext. It's all ln~ttie eye of the ~ 5930 Pacific Coast Hwy, 31 872 Coast H"''Y• So . VERY HIGH INCOME CALIF. Creel's reading spec. Brick, block, concre te, removal. Yard remodeling. Highest Quality. Unvest hokier. C)ieck the 1V com. ~ewport Beach Laguna, 92677 We need a distributor in this Lost 6401 Eng., Frencl1, Genn.~ mod carpentry, no job too small. Traxh hauling, lot cleanup. Prices. Fully exp. Ins. John ml, you .watch and if you * COOK Days relief shift AXERS area for our candy (Nestle5, math. Grades 4-12. 96&-2750. I:.lc. Contr 962-69-1:> Repair spmkln. 1)73.1166 673-IJGG _ f~L you re a.s pretty ns • • , • JANITORS, W &. .::.:c..:::::::· llOme of those people, caJI us, :> days "'k. Exper d., for Exp'd only. GOod pay Planiers, Toolsle Rolls, l\filk * MJST~Wong__!!. Call SUMMER Reading classes, 6570 J APANESE • LANDSCAPE PAP HANGING .,.Al:IF.-C·ASTING-CZO.-~CMllales.cenLilos:p ApplY.Jn.•-working-cond.-Call-att-J -- -Duds;-etc:):-NG seWng-J.n; 1 ""'eack Please-Tan ttrTier: Elementatj'-Ievel-. Y·o-u·r Builders ·-\..11!an--up llffintei'lance 20 yrs exp. r~~imae. \;; .. ' hf pc.rson: 3•IOVl~toria, c .r-.1.p ·c:M:o . .;543-~939~3~·~-=---I w ived, \Ve furnish all a> preg. No. ·Seashore Dr. home or mine. 543--0803. . MACK * MUH 12 Call Keith 8 n y t Im e, la conHnu1ng 1t s searc or _ Job Of-Tho Doy-• 2 --everyday ~pJc wh!;t have .COOK:-Evening ahlft. ~lust t-count.sJOUJDY.sJ...l:!~yg_l tq_ 642-3519. __ ADOITlONS And_Alttralionl JOHNSON'S GARDENING-642--2509:-:::: a dealre to work qn TV or know all diet!.. llAM-7:30 tflih~iber Sec'y for &19t • 8 hrs. ~r "-"eek spare time &\fAU. Black dog, (8 mos) ~· -Comm. ~ Yard care, C1ean-ups, pl~ PAINTING · Ext.-lnt. 18 YJ'I modeling jobs, $75 to $125 PM, call 638;-MSO. New.port Co. Start to $Sl50. ' (day, or ev.,). vie. S. .A. Hgh1'. Very , , ""'"""'" bonded (~;,, ) ting. sprinklo..,. 96>-"'35. expcr. IM. Lie. ,__.,I. per day-;'No fee to yoo '""'· COOK, Cem•le,.,per. Lunoh Corporate level, lnle......... ~ _ $1550 to $l950 friendly 546-19W free estimates, g GARD Land-OeM-ups Accoust Ceilings. 548-5325 * FOR ON CAMERA 0 -•y. p""'!'"hool, 5 da"". •pp-..iative bosa. Agency CASH REQUIRED -53&-2810 548-3905. ' . · 111 ......... ;ry ''".. •-For more information WTite ORANGE SNOOPY Spkt sys, roto-.cement wk. INT. & Ext. Painting. Local AUDtrION * Call 646-0617 fee neg., also fee .)obs. ~ "DISTRIBUTOR DIVISION \VRIST )VATOI C•rpenterlng '5f0 • Yancey 646-5860. ref's, llc'd, Ins .• free est. CAU. (TI4) 835-8282 *DENTAL SECRETARY* Superior Agency oo..n41 J *23" po Box 1739 Co-REWARD * 546-5013 EXPERT Japanese garden-Call Chuc~ 10 Al\.t to 6 PJ\.f Send resume to Box M-1013 1!57 Harbor, Costa Mesa 1 • · '-·,. · --~ _-_ ~ ~ ' - s "Cavid" -cAttPE~. inr:. Free est. Complete ~ itrlilot "'. _ r,..iibl'OUllllI • phone no. "Lisa", bt since June•· Jfm(>R REPAIRS. N9 Job YBri sel'Vlce, · & PAINTING. •~968-2425 ,-worrr.--7100 DENTAL Assl _ chairsk!e 0 man, full time, ateady. Ap-• AAA •'REWARD • 494-9748 Too Small. Cabinet In Pl" Complete Yard Carel Palnting--0.coratini Exp'd. Expanded duties. HB ply La.ngloil Frozen Foodl, ADDITIONAL INCOME ALASKAN Ma1amute, (sled ages A other cabiDet1. J im .540--4Sl7 Llc'd bonded. 531-3988 ~ISTANT S'JURE J\.1GR, & ofc. 968--5782 anytime. 2ll44 Laguna Canyon Rd, , dog) M, vie Back Bay, CM. 561115, U no answtt leave CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST • • EXPERIENCED * DRIVERS * Laguna. 494-2020. Let me prove $2750 Inactive Subst. reward. 492-3573. -me at M&2J7Z. IL 0. !\lowing, edgirc, cdd .)obs. Photography 6170 ~· SALESWOM~N • KITCHEN Helper. Lady for • assessment wiU return up to PART Persian & p/Silintcse Andenon Reasonable. 5'1&.6955 ---·-Fine: womens clothing store No Experience general duties. Apply 1n I: $350 nwnthly. Secured with L•'te gray. Vic. lrvine &. Reacf· UALITY Wood-'t 1 -CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY lnterviewJng experienced -N 1 person, 829 .Bayaide x.-._ : -Q <;.nu ' l!m 1.1.•2 Ro•-nablo -Phono ·Gordon assistant manager & ex-KftSClry. N.B. 6-"'" Galley r ••• 7:>% financing available. For ""th. .... ., o""9. en'l n•lr ·• c•......,n'-' General Services -....... ,............., ....._.. IJJ .,.........,.,., g co · .,,.. u;r. * 84.7-674.5 * perlenced aalesW"Omen Mod have dean CaUlomla ~rsonal. confidential inter. LOST-Blue parakeet vie. of F'tte consultation & iiuole. Permanent pesldcnt. Fl or drtvins record. Apply * LABORATORY view al our Santa Ana Head-Harbor· View Home. Th Call Ken 645-0044, 548--4235 PROFESSIONAL STYLING Plast•rl-, P<1tch, pt tlm<!. Xlnt pay & working YELLOW CAB CO. TECHNICIAN : • .. ~· ::.ne 835-254.1 IO AJ\f "Remi" Reward. 644-4696. e REPAIRS• ALTERATIONS Human hair wi~. $7.50. Syn. "• 6llO cond'1. for qualified people. 186 E. 16th st. to provide support servl!Jc<try• * CABINETS. Any size job lhelics. S3. Cascades, $4. -~!~Ir p I ea s·e apply BACK a:.w Mesa for Jr. College chem • A-1 Operating Manager s PerlOnals 6405 . 25yrs exper.~713 Call 549-0670 or S.11·:>807. * PATOl PLASTERING STREET No. 25 1',ashion --& biology dept's. Ell.-' wanted for ·& u tom ate d GEN. Repair, add, cab. WIG ~ALE~ AU types. Free estimates J1land, N.B. No phone call,or, --"E:-i EC. SEC'Y perlence necessary. Startillg • childrens.'.. -1 6 nimho "'·'"-JS Th•re a n1iii -tookul,, DA 111·-Fonnlca, pancllng"'lnii.rlite:---(Also,\\ 1g-Partics) 1 ._,·=~C~•;;ll~540-<8;;:;;25;;';=-== I or write gen. ofc. Back Plush" OUice For Sharp Girl salary $:113.-$601.-$631. J!tf : theaters m or near s pp1ng . tta h-' B"• or k, ....,.. A.-59 Street, 655 So. "B" St. w/good typing & SH, Lite month depend I ng on , centers. Atust have firm ~ncere, una c .,.. . ..a. l ~A;n~y;;;:th;ng=:! ,:D,;:l':=,:=o•=='~=·= J\tAINT·Hand.y1nan, s Pe c -Cal bkp A U I ed Start k> Call Mn ----1~; .......... ,, .•.• ___ ,.bil•·•· Call ..Prof. man. 40 to 50 in Org,_ _ . , __ ,_.. --!rail~ ! ~~He J:!Lms _s:.. P..horiblng "90 Tustin, · pg. v11. mm . quallficat ll!I. ck Cd. , uuo.•""...._. •1:a,,... ... , •;r . Co bo -"'d lik t t J -C 7 omont,·-.=onc·r-o=o 1:·~ ... ,,, re1;a61e. 6-1~1809 att --ATTENT·ION BOYS! $500. Call Gloria Kay, Radner at Saddleba • or write Celebrities Intema-- w w'?." e . 0 mee "vn 11• _. r.. p lNG REPAIR 540-6055 tn4) 837-9700/52lll/ ''>0nal 213. 461_,. 1 ,, Suite an attracu~. trlm, af-4:30, LUMB all Summer work. You can make COAST. AL AGENCY lege, · 106 '1800. N ~hland fectiona.te lady, 45, for com. Pl LOT • CONCRETE Work, CLEAR Vu l\lalntenance. We No jo64b"t~l28'm• $30+ per wk·pt time. Help mo H bo Bl d CM ·4:::!J5.4::,::950;:;;;·,,.,.,.-.,..,;;--;;= ' Hotiywood, Calif, 90028. ' panionship? .Enjoy golfi~g, Licensed. Patios I drvwys, do everything! Free est, 24 • ....,, us get new cwitomers for a ar r v ·• · • i LADIES "* 18-60, show 1 ~~='.'..":::;::;...::::::::.....,,,I 11parts, dancing, etc. Write etc. Phillips Ce men 1, hr i1erv. 64&-2698 GEN'L Repoil'll: Wa ter great newspaper, Must be 540-6055 SARAH COVENTRY Sprinc • WOULD You like 1 ? earn Box l\f 1043 Daily Pilot and uJ heaters-D1sJ'IO!iert. etc. $1.56 12-16 YTS. Call Mr. Gonnly, EXECUTIVE Secretary, age & all season jewelrJ. ~ $400-.SllM?O a.,~on!h tn your give ph. no . 548-6380. GENERALl'Clean-up & ha -pe}' hr. 64.2-2755, 642--0506. SCS.1B30 now! 21·30, Rigid qualifications Abr.olutely no lnve!it'mt. We spare· time .. Shm • Gym * FULLY LICENSED * CONCRETE, All types. F ree Ing of anything, Honest _ / incl. appearance. Xlnt op-train. 5.11~ or 962-5111 sell like banane.a In bun-.. --" Hind Sp' .1 1. 1 ORANGE est. Sawing, breaking, haul· prices. Call 548-6395. r-w'• 11 6960 AUTOMOTIVE Secretary portunlty. Newport Center. I .'.'.'.'.'.'.:.:::;.:.;;::::..~~=';:; h Cell ""llti •• ~ ~~·· Renown•:u u ll'l ua lS . kl 1 d' o.M · ~~-!'-• Treasurer, NEW American MAN F ··--' car )ol c es. nu e, ·fll""'U,,)'U Advice on all malten, ing & s -p oa 1ng, """ ce Ed's Cleaning Service ~--CaU 644-1405 bclY.<een 7-8 LOT or W1CU • or 64Z-M20 A: quality. 548-8668 Bob. , Carpels • Upholstery • Win-QUALITY you've always P.folors d~ler bas need ~or PM for appointment. Apply at Marcus Moton, • · . Love, J\1a1Tiaze, Business - d Ft r.-"'" om wantA" -· r.-.,m·'·i""' _ an expenenced automotive ,,,..,.. H••bor, C.l\f, Arr;ENTION Party Givers. Readings given 7 days a CEMENT WORK, no job too ows • oor .....,....,., ""1.rv"l<I• alter~k.n....'"Key 5:;, ... 1763 accountant, capable o f ENGLISH Speaking livln -~" ... Latest fashlont l.n costume week, 9AM-9Pr.1 312 N. El • Small, reaaonable. F~ CALL THE HANDYMAN Orange' Ave. C.M, 64-.>!292 handling all details thru housekeeper for lge family. * MAOIINISTS , rlngs. from Europe. Call Camino Real, San COAST'S Estim. H. Stunlck 5<18-8615 General Home Repair • financial statements. Demo $140 mo._842'.-4933. Exp'd on milling machlnn, l aft. ': p.m. 714--673--7699. Clemente, 492--9136, 492--0076 MORE Concft:te patio for * 675--1341 * CREATIVE FASHIONS & other fl":lnge benefi ts Incl. FJ.ectrician engl~ lathes, turret latbrs : LUCRATIVE. J>l"! t i me "YEN !! Your looks an ~ry leU money. Artistic setting, By Donna Dee Contact Mr. Kehrll at ..MAINTENANCE & chuckers; also exp'd sheet • busi~ I.or c,yn1cs. Call important! That is where Lie,, call Max at &t4--0687 Hauling 6730 For the finest in cw;tom 646--0261 ELECTRICIAN metal machinist. Day A Dennis Smith \\ ed or Thurs ..... -me in. we care how CRETE ----------made fa.shlons. 53fi-1044 F Ch h night shift. Call Indutrlal ~?I .... ._v • DECORATIVE CON _ ---BABYSlTrJ:R or un: Electrical troublc·sbooter on Relation• 00 p.m. (714) , 4 to 7 pm. fi73.-~ you look! We know we can I d DRIVE .. WALK&-PATIO LITE Hauling & garage cry 9·15--11·15 eveey ""Ult -\ .,.... ' U o ~ Tllo, Cor•mic 6974 nu rs , . . . . liYdJ"' c t mcrs. ,,..9401 TI:IRIVlNG COFFEE SHOP make you look better! ea 1ng CALL DON, 642~14 clean-up, Mon thru Sat. _ Sun. St. John Episcopal Replace eJectrlcal moton. IC ; Wcll loc11.ted In ttdeveloping you are going to get "clip-Free estimate 5'1S.S001 *Verne, The Tile Man* Church Bay & Orange, C.M. Service & repair fork lifts. TE LON • area. Owners retiring. Mrs: ped", lei experts do ii. See Contractors 6620 HAULING $10 A LOAD-Cust. "'Ork. Install & repain. 5'18-8326. I Apply In Personnel Dept. Industries .l Terry, 536- 1459 you at Sit' Walter's, 2052 !---------:-·· Clean tip, T~ Serv. Gen. No ;lob too small. Plaster BABYSITI'ER -2 lnf. girls. L. M. COX \MFG., 1505 E. Equal cpportunlly emp~ 1 BEAU'J'..Y Sa.Jon (formerly Newport Blvd., C:\1. •nIE RDfODELE.8$~ Pruning 646:2528· 5"3-8043 paUo. Leaking stm.'_r.r_ -Uve-ln.----Expectant-or -1-1-Wamcr Ave..,~ S.A.-(714) MA J N TE"NAN"CE Man,1-~"1 Roy Alvarado Ha ir Stylists) FOOD BUDGET SHORT? Marketplace ~ .. -~ ..... -.a1roo .. 11 ••. r.~ .. ~ YARD I Gar. C l eanup. repair. chlld ok. Sal Newpt bl 546-25.51. . maturesemlretlftd,exper. I for sate or lease. Easiest Need 80meone to plan n.i""'"''~ ...... ~ .... Remove treet, ivy, trash. 847·1957/846-0206 67J..-0.172. Equal opportunity ~ployer 6AM-2Pl'tt . SUn. cU. P1eme ol terms. 64M523. nourishing meals It make . . Complete Remodeling. ,Quail-Grade, backhoe, 962-8745 -.r..-BABYSITI'ER, 1'1e.!la del FAT & UGL y.77.7 apply Lone Ranger Rtlt., j. Gift & party shop, new. shoppiflg list? Retire d ty Contractors. 642-3660 Trff Service .. .,._ Mar, HI-school girl. my 17502 Beach Blvd., H.B. Great locaUon. For Sale restaurant manager will model1.... LITE HauJ'g, Gar cleanup, h aft 5 m M:>-'7860 n you are, we.probably can't:I ~=::...:::=:....:........;. __ help you. Call 540-5098. AddlUons * Re .. ,. $7.50 up, $10 max. 54S--4314 BOB'S TREE SURGERY orne. P ' use you MAIDS I .,~54~1h1536~~0<~64&>383~~=,!_;~~~~;~==:..:_========1 Fred H._Ge.twick, Lie. bef 6, 642-4869 aftS. Is back oUerina: the same CALIF: CASTING CO. LIKE HOOSEWORK! I· f73.6041 * sti.-.2l10 M c::O::.VIN,;:.,G:;,~G"..,..'--'",~c1~ea-n-u"-"p Fine Quality Tree Service. k 1, continuing Ifs search in Permanent resident ......., . 6'25 le. lite hauling. Reuonablc. . * 510-3798 * • Ban ers Orange Co for a variety of Beach wanted for mald • C•rpef Cle•nlng Free estimates. 645--1602. T~. l{ed&:es, trim, cut, types, for ~rk in mag. mo. work 6 days/week. ~1195 1;tumps, removed, hauJed. 30 deUng, TV comml's. & ind, * * MA.ID • * Part Hine 'r"':l,,, ...... y ,, < WHAouNlHC' AloonSulnngny & brl67g35ht yrs exp. FUlly i111. GU--4030. TELLERS flhna. Great pay, pt. lime, Call In penon: H~ ~ DON'S TREE SERVICE All EXPERIENCED We are client paid, no fee. Shores Motel. 21002 ~. types, Lise &: Ins. Free Es. Noi a school. , I ..!H~un~t...!Bc:::'.h.:.,__=-= CARPET home7 Call !ho DUTCH · £42.5584. EW ACCOUNTS FRll MAIDS. M& .... 25 or - STEAM CLEANED MAINTENANCE MAN "'' ~'....-N TV SCRIEN TEST Good wary ror d<:-- REASONABLE RATES your -· noors • Window CINnrnt 1997 EXPERIENCID PH_, CTI<J ,._ _ .....,,. Apply 3151 ~ --Abo caf'l)e.1 installation carpet cleaning. SPECIAi, -.. • 10 AM t<> 6 PM I ..OB~lvd~, '.:C:!:.M:'.:·----- 646-5971 JZES JN ALL h1NDS Of WINDOWS W"heti, home or Top aalat)' & benefits FEMALE • Beauty Ollf'rator MAID, apply tn person. 1-.,-,=;;,=,;;;:.=.;o,EC<'r;IAL.,--FLOORS. No crew, 537-1508 commercial, Call .tor Info For men A •'OITH!n needed .. FoUo'lring prefer-Tahlll Inn Mctcl S00 LA~~~.RD p;i~ Dtamond1 aft. J, . 832-4450. ' lntm!tkd In }oining: ' fut red. Part at flU1 time. Ed-450 Victoria, C~ Carpet Cleanen. 181 Zlat BA y A &:•ch Janitorial growirll repmal i.nk, dy'1 CoiUurtL 968-6.1)3. MAINTENANCE I DISH- St. C..la.Me,.,.§4>cJ31 7 ~. rpe~·~=ic~~~i TIME FOR--Citntl--'--&cmlr .rn.>-COOK. "'"'"'"""--WASHER. &>me-....r. NI ---< REMARC Services. 3 rooms c. Cl:. mrta COTTAGE COFJo'EE SHOP time. $21.so'. Fully guaranteed. Mesa CJ.eanlng Service. _ 562 W. 19th St., CM BENTON'S COfTEE Sff6p Credll eanb OK·. 011.-C..,,.i., Window., "00"· '1'· 9UICK CASH 3333 Wost Cont Hwy.· FULL or PART TIME. Earn 133 S. Coast. Laguno li. STEAM Jet carpet cleaning. Res. Ii: C<>mmc'I. 5"--0ll Newport h•ch up to $5. per hr. FULLER I lofAN with CERAM IC C!arKare -n,atlon·wltle * API' CLEANING• ROUGH A BRUSH, 546-$745 backgroond.neededforclae ~rvlce Free est. GU--4055 Fast Ir thorough 642-8164 TH _ (714l ~7121---l-Gal Frklily $600 i-and clay mlg. Pay 1"" . --Wiltlams CIC&nlng St>rv. Ex c.i-t4-n 1, expandlrla: co~ depends on prev. exp. In ' Fonclng • "'° 11"' DAILY PILOT • BEAUTICIAN I euu•-. beauutu1 new or". 00•• 1ow • ltigh !Ired ""' lroni1111 • ;u ,. ___ ..... r.... _.._.,,_, tery_ >'UU time pmn&nlllll _ _ _ '-~· _ • _ _ ------•• Leam-wtg and hlllf1llecle .wci...., ...-.-.... e.tc -WO•iuu•... 1 C..ll12. - R£DWOOD • chain link ~tyllng and acll while you varlet)' jOb, Top benfJ, Call emp oyee. • fences, 11censtd contttctor, lRON'JNC ln my home, S~ WANT AD earn S31ary & comm. lotiss Vtrna, M?-61~ Ab. MAN to anis~ M;r., _.1!'-1 _ .-. b~ e fut--..e-r-v lc._._1--Ht.. Drearna.kin&:..A.._~J-...-..:....,..._,,_ ___ ~--:= :itAUJ.n--wtG Ii -:;---1p11-:Abbot.Ptlti0111d:As;:cn. h.pptlaia t:trn;;;Mnd .. 534-6729 r -uoiil. St!):::7Mt. -BEAUTY SALON cy, 230 W, Warner, Suite 211, neat a,ppn£1ng. Call 9 AM • 646-3808 1 Santa Ana. -to 10 AM ~ a23l3 . . ----, . . ' .--. • I + • ,, • • • .. -~~-..____'~~l~-_._/~~~~~~~·~·......:_~t'...__~.~~·~~·~·~~-~··~~~.;..._~~·~~----....i ' I • • f . - l. • • • i • • • • • • • • .. • . ' . • • . • ' • ' • • . . • • : I .. • ... • ~ . ' • • ,~-~. • -• -- '--· ?' - , . . . . . - ' To Take An Order? • . ' We're Good At -It . . . ' . We'll even PaY the postage to get you to give us an order~ Get • • ready for some quick profits by mailing in your order· today. Put . . .a hard-working \DAILY PILOT classified want -ad to work . for you • , • USE THIS ORDER FORM 5-SHORT-WORDS MAKE-ONE -LINE-NO-AD LESS-THAN 3 LINES _ $4.50 $6.IO $10.65 $15.90 $5.10 $1.21 $13.10 $20.10 ---~--1~--1---1~--1--~1 $6.00 $9.76 $15:5s $24.30 PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 P11t.li1h fer •• ~ ••••••• 41y1, ll1glnnin1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , , , • Cl111inc.+i• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• N11111 ••••••••••••'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Addreu ••• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ,, •• •• •••• , ••••• , •• , ,, ••.,., •••• •• •• ••• City • ,0 •• •• •• •• •• , ••• •• •• •• ,, •• , Ph1n1 , • , ••• , •••••••••••• , •• •• TO PtaUll COST P11t only •n• ward in ••ch tp•c• •bov•. lncludt yo1,1r 1ddr111 or phon• n11mbDr,-· Th• cost of your 1d h 1t th• end of tht lint 011 whiclt th• 111! word ef yowr ad 11 writ• l•n. Add $2.00 trlra If yo11 -dt1ir• 111• of DAILY PILOT lo~ 11rvic1 with mtiltd ,.. plia1. -------CUT Hiii -PASTI ON TOUR INriLOPI ------- • BUSINESS R.EPLY MAIL Rnt a.. hrfnlt N. II. e..t. ......_ C..Jff.rwl1 Orange COist-DA:ILY PILOT-- P.O. lox 1560 Costa M-, Calif, '2626 Cl11 .......... • -Or Give Us _an . Order by Phone . t 642-5678L Jhe Dire.ct Line to . - ,_ - . . ' ' -----~ ---'-; -------Classlfled ·want Ad -~--~.~-----~. ' • • • =,-=-=-,~· ~-...:=; -;;::;:::==. '-= ,...,..--.---.-~~~ R· E-S U liT-s-~ ~ I • . , -. ·-, • ' -• • .,... .. .. -~-·..-=-' . -.. .. -JOU • IMPlovMINT ~ & IMPLOYMINT I XllS i-IMPL-c>YMINT Ml•~HANDlsi' l'Oa-1 M11cHANDISI iiOit · MllCHANDISI ~ MIRCHANDis1 ;"·:.i~,i:, .. '°"' __:_ DAILY PILOT 1' Jobt ~ 7100 Job• -· WOlll. 7100 Jobt Mon, WOlll. 7100 SALi AND TltA~I ~-AND TltADI SALi ANj) TltADE SALi AND TltADI ~AND TltADI FREE TO YOU Management Tm. Sales • Fumltuno -Pumltuno -o., ... Sole I022 Ttlovlalon l105 Mltctll•-• -- .- $600 00 THiii IJSED fU111111TUR(l GARAGE Sal<" S......, Pi<-UHd Coler TV Sole * ESTATE SALE WANTED. Homa '°" p Man1ed -111:nne. Alee: . RAINEE nn • turn. tee.cart, new wei&hts. Ztnith. 'Ql)rJ}l.pk, Curll I Fri. Sat. Sun Furn . twin dachlbulid pit B•••• · . e~p.,-, $15. Must .ell. au Hilaria Malhel Admiral ~ bed. .. .J..... hd"--'• , h·~ • hu all shot. caU Ann, We1tchff Penon. A way for a high school ~raduate Dlll1 tl'm--rnmammr-rACTO' R -WI¥ OJm~p N"B ~ ' ,____ ~ , . ........!!!1""""'--~--~.11 I• I~ male Allo Ml Airency 2043 Yo'estclW '"" UKU rVMllUH. r -I •• ' ~ Wf oew picture tubn. bdrm ll:I, w~ She .. i....rd maJ • Dr., N.B. &ts.mo to enter the newspaper usiness · GARAGE sale. Moving -2 Take yaur pick SllO. Bst of waahn', end tablet, lampa, ~ e • 4 yn ~ ~fn:, dHk. TV, clothts, terms. Ste at Hendll!raon'11 SlmnKlnl Hide-a-Std chrm 1119 • MECHANIC with exper DAI LY Pl o.. Thin ShDp~Thue f1l't11tlc Ba.ra•l.n.-•l toys. etc. Sal and ·Sun. 1871 Harbor Blvd. C.M. kt~hl!n 1et dHk I&' dintnr NEED Veey 1pedal tdlls !~~~l-~~oe-S:~1::1~ • I ) WI Mv1 recelvM new stock from our r1ntll1 -49'-Sl?O GLANT lJ70 Zenith, Cok>r 1V set, elect, .:pp]., UMM, dlah. tor larp female Shephlrd It I • I ' • ---'-' . ' ;' 1ton. ,. rn out&et~wa..1.r.Lbutltdl Guqe S&Je, deluxe items. Sa1e. Everythlna mu•t go, es, bric-a-brae, tome an-Aho, 2 pair of rnbced amall 1 on. op pay for I man. --TfiIS highly successful local neWSJ?apef hii •·~ A~:;--NewporHkh:· -due-to-Leue....Pf.ve:s---..:tV. tlq~ Motorola Color TV, puppies Sfi..3566 be for Corona del Mar Shell, 280l an opening for a trainee in Ule circulation Contenlporary 9 ft. sofa & love seat, Sat, June 20, 9 AM to s PM. s1o ·s. El Camino Real, San ~ mpn If.a, waaon. 222 •Ill ·- ~,;,t Hwy, c d M • sales area. Selected applicant will 'receive a fold print, top condition •.•.••..•. , •. , , .S14t GARAGE Sale-Couch, ham Oemente, 492-62Sl. E. Wit.on, C.M. . BEAUTIFUL Lovlna klt12m MTSC/MTST OPR lib.era! starting salary1 .regularly scheduled ft. Sofa & cbalr ....... -.................. 519 radio equipment. mlK. 2614 MOVING SALE 1910 TV'• DIS!IWASHEll, Wul•Klna ·!tom 2 dlttennl motbon !In s·Ol).A·lll ra1Ses, bonus opporlurulles, and many frlrige Occasion!ll tables •••.. , ..•••••••• , .$4 a up Fairway, C.M. 64&-%UJ6, Zenllh colot, blk 6 wht bit-In; ·,x.,.Uont coodlt!On l bateh lonr • ba- ... s·iir ·1~, .;,...· c!'1~'~': bepefitt such ·as paid vacations, paid group Queen size.box spri!lg§ & mattress $59 • Mt SAT " !'U• . oave up to $115. o. ... TV $85. , Ctovu kayak wllb ...... °'""" % s1.._ tinn. M ·SS50 mo Exp re m aurance and a credit uniOn. He will also be Full· size box springs & ma fess .. S'Jt • tet reM,;, .,rove: =it~ 810 S. El Camino Real SiUi h'f'<J trailer ii: ~ai.~. _All tood dl1 po1ltto111 • · • provided a 'COmn•nv car with per····• se Color TY 23" E so 1· "I $1-•-••·-t •-·~ 1·'-nd Clemente. 49J.6291. ·Sllrfboard hlaiik 6'9'', 546--34T5 1111 • . wrecJ. Ne:r;:rt · p'riVueges. --r--Y -"'UUAf. u Black & ~hiie. 23~1eWe~~:bgu~e· J.!~i~f -.~ ..... ,.,. .. ...,. ' a.uuua llRl RCA COLOR TV h)'drodyMmically deailned CHILDREN'S Pia¥ ~ consoles $75 h ~--IJ•nce1 1100 \ValM cabinet,' ~ ••·-. tor a fO?C' ride '10:-1 step, 5--3 yeir olds. Sri\all &dul Ptrson Agtncv Applicants must be 18, have a clean driv· · ····· · ·· · · · · · · · · ·· ·· ····· · t•c ':"t"t" $13.1 Sts.6802 •"""' .-1, eo!lec table, mahogany roclting chair. Pu rte 133 Dover Dr., N.B. ing record, have a high school diploma and 8 ft. Spanish sofa&: love seat w/wood NORGE Auto Wuher, late . . s10.ns. Game table, round CTroplcal) f ish. 642-3170 ~hould be reasonably clear of military serv· arms, like new ..... , .....•............ Slff model, xln't cond. ~ CamtrN a Early American M1ple SSS. 645--012'7 Ill • t - r I Nursing lCe dr~t; H ours are generally 11 A.M. to 9 Lamp shades • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · 10c tech/up pertone, f75. AJso, No~ E'IUlpmtr1t UDO Maple bunk, trundle bed, FELIX (or Felicia) the Id REGISTERED NURSE P.At. with some Saturday overtime. Headboards · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · .$4 each ILl dryer, late model, xln't frames only $35. 548--2152 teon needs a kMnc borne 1.c . .c.c.u. If ualil"ed 141.h crtou. ft. 2!Dr. tWfestingbouae-. ~,nJ.:.:W, ltr,~;.,!'.ill dellv. J.NSCO AutQmatlc 35rrim BLACK Bookcue w / l Flufb' bl&ck A. white, box • Expanding unit. aw1erwing -you are q · t and are interested in coppe ne, ros ree refrigerator • , , •. Slit O'I -...u or ,,_,,,.,,.. camera with motor drive, 1ti!lve1 I: formlca top $5. tnined, ·sweet dllix-l&n opportunities, conUnuina: ed. learning more about wher& this training fy1! ~~box springs &.mi.ttreJ~~s, PERLICK 52 cu in reac~in cue, ii.Uh A. bit-in ll&ht Table lamp, wht. bue. l' 541)..8638 611 ucation progttlD. Contact leads; come to the D.(IILY PILOT oftice 330 as IS .•.•..•.•. , •••••••••.•• , , • , , .•. S1S a Ht refli&'l!rator, 3 a:lus sliding meter. Never used or out laU. $4 ·• 3 . x 11 SUMMER Pih • 5 pUppla: • Director of Nuning, Miss West Bay Street and &sk for Mr. Williams ·m La,mps ... : •..••• : •• ·" •••• '-' , , •••..... ' . $4 up doen. Seit contained unlt. of box. Cost $79.95 will take muIU...colared (tweed) . rug to aood hocnel. German Ir8e Snyder So. Coast Com. the Circulation Department. Coffee tables .. , .. , .... , . , ....•.. SS e•ch/vp Llke new $650. 646454t :,_~ aubmlt offer . -:lz..1.::m ~!:~ $5. ~ I:· La b'rado munity Hosp. 31872 Coa::t • -==i:::::-. Orange County's Largest Selection-USED Appliance• &: TV's, · ~ w • Retriever mb:. Ready tor r llW)', So. Laguna. t714) Jobs MM., Wom. 7100 Quality Used Furniture aU KUaranteed. Dunlap's, WANTED: Enlarpr and us-. FATHER'S DAY play ~9700 W 49!1-1311 Ext. 356. THE usm FURNITURE FACTORY 1815 N ... p o•rt. C.M. ed dark room .... _ .. Now Dad ... .um .. , ... GOOD home for two mole Nurslrig Sales * SECRETARY. Fast 548-7788. aft~r 7 PM, 548-6831 away with just minute1 a Great t>anei 2 and' )'I'S RN-Collf,llctn•• DOUBLE * PoC<d, lnlerHllnc job In 1115 Horbor Blvd., Cotto Mota e ·Moyla(d<luqwasher"° doy.Sllm.-Gym.Callllidlil<, ol d. Bolh ~"""'broken 12 PM to 8 Mt shill busy advertising agl!ncy. 548-M57 Maytag set, gas dryer $3JO Sporting Goods ISOO ~l or 642-&QI. prefer home with o1de APPLY in p<?rson : PRESENT· ?lfust be brl&ht. quick, o~n·Weekdays 9.S:JO, Saturd&y1 9-S, Clom! Sundays O~himfrom$25up .531-8637 Us'Eo-Golf c~t.$300 +tax. DECORATOR Accent rup chlldttn. 557"6348 1/1 • r • HUNTINGTON BEACH * EARNINGS -energetic. Type 60 wpm, OKEEF.E · &: Memtt apt. See Gene Stoddard Irvine .new, heavy shag, frinaed. PRETTY Atfectlonat CONVALESCENT dictation de1irablt. Acrou JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I lize gas range. $35. Coast Country O~b 1600 Stripes &: tweeds. Sac. 4x7 female kitten1 3 mo'• HOSPITAL & from Bay Oub. Mary Ann, '· ~ fumltvre .· ,IOOQ , fhQne 673.M02 E. Cout Hwy, NB. ' ~ $43. 1' met $59. weaned & tral~ Jooktrw • .. 18792 Delaware, H.B. THEN SOME 6,4l-S262. Scnool~hutructlon 7600 EXTRA Lon; twin bed, cof. GE latl' ~I washer, pe:rf. 7' 4" U.us.ell Surfboard iood . !or aood home Ir Jovtns NURSES: RN's.-U to 7:30 If you're making $15.000 now * SECRET'ARY..Clrl under ITS YOUR MOYE i lee table, end table, 1V ~.·.,!l'· See It run. Call concllUon. $50 Firm. ~ ~SUAL. Long/low.aturdJl, care. 5'1J....m. 6n am shift, full time. Rel ief '--·· 40. Attractive, shorthand, t ~ t 21•• "'~ 6'lJ.1:m. e, Resin tcp. Attrac., ADORABLE cuddly kUttm • • RN , ,_ 11 ~ X1 -we can 11a.ow you how you lite typinc, ..Jes & exPer. ae • couc ... e c. " On.rwe . good for tape or TV etc. 9 wkl okl trained .. , .. ,._ ...,. w :,,... pm. nt may rna1'e $30-$&l,000. No AIRLINE & TRAYR Ave., No. C, C.M. FRIGIDA~, brown tone, POOL table • t ' x g• with S8 642.-l'f24 ' • • ""' • s a I a r Y It. be n e flt s ' gimmiclca. You'll be backed with public. Penn. N.B. HOUSEFUL of new model lr!ezer compartment, works cues $XlO . • whl, pearl lftY I: white , Under new ownership. by a multi·million dollar Marine equlpment stott. home turn.lture. Reg. HQ.,, well w. 5t&-Sll5 · zi3J630-3t29 ~ GYM ··World'1 euie1t gl19r A wht. ........, 6/10 • Palmc r e1t Convale&eent public co, with run adver. 60-~l. INDUSm f'IDR'M' -........ ~-1u • ..a.-·-!' .. "" mettmd of home exercbe. 6Kittena,.bouiebrolr:en Hor;pital, 13073 Blackbird St. Using support.~ ·s~ARY, in .sales of· ~'1 .~~~· l!M-441.l or Sewing Mechlnel 1120 ~u•ua•...-n............ .w Dealers wanted. Call :iora, dotbroken, sJetlr: bladr: I: Garden Grove. We parantee: to tell you hOw, fice, 5 day ""?"k wk. Gd. xin;.~ s 7 0 6f6..76.l). black ~ white. Milke thil • e e NEEDED when and wheti! you may working cond s. PERMA-•OPERATIONS AGENT . Office Fumltvre IOJO s:~: ~~:c~:!i~ "; 15c COIN Opttated soft drink • \)appy day! .-..1481.1/11 begin ~.W! .. ~ ... ~PLA.STIC:S CORP. e TICKET SALES USED ·•-1 •--~ -~ e ~ ...... button . holes, Mltcell•ntaul l600 ~·/~-~n!.e:~.~!!',!· rondShell. WASHINGTON Palm, 4 >n Two Office Girls the ttally b11 montY! OUr ......, ~ .-.-.,.. _.., .,... ou · _,........__.. dil up-take away. 82'11 ~ .. Must be 2S and able to drive people may earn up to SECRETARY wanted fur 5 e RESERVATIONS Posture chain SU.SO &-up desi&?S• etc. Guar. $.19 cash Station, 19th & Placentia ca I ter Dr,• H •• B -APPLY -$100,000 a~year-many work afternoon work week, in •AIR FREIGHT-CARGO • Used 2 le-4 dnwa fillne or srriall ~ntl. 526-661& * A · t• * LIONEL Trains 0 gauge S0-2229 W 186 E. 16th St., C.?1-f. no more than 2t hours a Insunlnce office, No ex· •. ~MMUNVEL IACAGENTTJONS ~~~~~-!~~~SINGER Auto zig u.& .$38: UC IOn tom~_ eolleclot's Item•: 2 Beautuul ldtt.en1 have had . PAlNT store clerk over 30, full or part time, 642-5776 Purchasing Agent Assl1tent Must type and have some buying experience, S2.SO min, hrly, salary, Apply in Week, J!Uience necessary, 842.-2508 .mu-.au ow. ui:.... .&.llllO, sltly scrtchd '70, t/z, .;le. FRIDAY 7:30 PM Rf:Yel Road .' 1{.pcinc set, 1txit1, Nve them' from thl * Cadillac car plan at once. * "/f SECRETARY-GIRL FRI Airline Schools Pacific c.o1: ~!:'°!1 ~ Gld . $33 tnns. 213/431-1142. JUNE 19th Games. etc, 673-8593. POUND. 833-SMt d'ay1 + Use out proven formula & Top No-Fumlture CHILDREN'S Ballet clothes 49'--9840 noe1. 1119 ·--" 2 --•-. Full .time. Apply at 610 E 17th $onto Ano LIKE d-" 3 Mualcol .. _ guarantee J-...-iWM'CI MacGregor Yacht Corp. · • ' new exec. .,.,.. • ·New & UMCI '-tap •ho!!l ll .C-S, Flower UNUSUAL kittens • 6-1 wkl + ~~~~th Ins~ 1631 Placentia, C.M. 543-65'6 ~ha~~ec· 1::ks, ;,nl. ~:1:t Instruments 1125 Like New Hammond organ 1 glrl, dreu, ·custom made P /· t Si1mne 1:-p I $25,000 majqr medical, life * SEAMSTRESS • Sallmak. ~:~i'l~~D~~~~R typewriter. Anume lease, SOLID State . fender twin spinet 11iano, C01180le &: por. 6'J3..85 93 · · Pen.!;' ... ~~trained. I: and accident. inl in pleasant Surround· $84 mo. 6f6.-0464 reverb amp with heavy duty table coloi: 'IV's, Spanlah DBL I: SU!gl, bed, re:frlc, we . . _._..,,.. v{l *As an usociatr or, aOO ings, «tALL 540-3684.-Furniture 8000 · 11peaken $250. 549--2193 aft stereo, dining room a: bed· drps, .couch ·1:.,chr, wall FREE Kitlem-T wiu o&d • l • • under the ae;gi• or profes. SERV st& Attend&nt, pt. C•fe, Rtst•urent . I014 6PM. room sets, china cabinets, ~ock; tbl i:.mp, ~· kettle Ptrsian/Slamne • 2 black, sional aaleunan and fin. t•'me, c•p'd o~y. •·· J-, 17 PC KING SIZE FENDER BASS AMPLIFIER bookcues, Boston rockers, touter. l1e. ..a490. , 1 lf'Y, 1 lr'Q' striped • '" ~ ... , BE• .DROOM TACO s.t up, comp! to ~ DELUXE RICKENBACllER co taln chtln dlnetl t FEN m -· · ••• z .D. PRODUCTS · ancial tycoon H, W. 2590 Newpt, C.M. ........ P , eti, co· DER Bua ampUftet ,~,,;..o;'""'.,,-==~w;::~ Dwight, renowned Calil S INGLE-needl ton: I.rp9drawerdttsaer,mfr. cond. $100. BASS GUITAR-fee tables, delkl., divam, deluxe R~ but BEA1lJ'. wht, Pttli&n fem 3190 Pullman, Costa ?<.tesa R.E. broker, community exper. tun ~ .=ratime'. ror, 2 bedside sta.ncll:, Kine Call 962.-9645 * ~ * chests, antique breakfront pttar -cat • orup 4 &ft'>' mark . penoo RKpt. leader and entrepreneur, iteady year round work. ilze headboard, frame, quilt. Oar-Sale I022 Walnut Spinet $250 ~ tlcshlnaF cab~~s, m: * 675-MG4 * inp on race • aim 1~ yr ' Good typing, f/o appearance. you will learn bow you Lquna Bch . ed. mattreu, lbeets · blank--.. -6t6--565l alter 6 PM . a · ' renc mp, DACRON drapery fabric 2-Calico.fem. S46-72J2 lflt call I.All'aine, We11tcliil Per. may instantly succeed -. hourly wage, ts. tc. • bowl" pitchers, lot1 of new tone pmnpkln color, 27 yds. EARTH DAY Pu ~ g wkl sonnel Agency, 2043 \Vest-+Professional-;,.;...,..;_.,_ ~!_1323pay. Call for appt. e e ENCYLOPEDIA Amer I. MARTIN D-28 w /.ca1e0 c:arpet,22oHicedeslu:,wash. u-. SS_,.. yd now ".SO old 1 ~!! 1 ............. r·~ ....,,_ Oloice ot Spanish ........ ..., v 0 I. & A" s-1 .. bt -·-" I:•-action. e •--• 1o•· , ~...-. ..... • .. . n.,.-• .,.,.u.,. m x ""' Dr., N.B. -77'111 gnm...,, to ieam. SITTER Come t m< or Modem s1y1e ~;;;,; ~-Populor Sde_;; ·-,.:~ Win, ..,NDr-'s ... A·uc• 1~10moro1 · ...-yd. 831-8931 6$-3396, 129 Uth st ftdpt. Sec'y $500 * Pre • qualified prospects : 0 ALL FOR $249 10 vol $25 Record cabinet ELECTRIC G··' ALUMINUM awning. 3'9" N.B. lfit . . • ' -. SH, typing A lite bkkJ>c. through million dollar ad· Temple Hilt., Laa:: Bch. No down pmfl, only $9 mo. $25 Mlle LP'1 Webcor ta bod :.i_tu'. wr e d wUh T' oWrtwla: J: 13 ft TO cood txime: 5 lovely ttpr Coding-Dept. Girl---····· . vertisinLPr9gram. ·Great sitter job, xlnt pay. WELK'S WAR&HOUS.E. _.recordtt _ i25; we b.c :1. :i:~~~:.~s COME BROWSE AROUND Jonc. 55T1!MS ldttenl, 1 calico, I wb. ==l'=""'*""!Ci!R.~~Bld!w.M!!!.!!ll!c-"'.!acl>~."1!ru,,,,_j~Ce;;t The Facts Now-Call: SUM GYM sales. Eulnt 8'K) w, 4th st.. San ·-~~afrn $4-'i • Ne!'PO!'! Blvd. WANIEQ: 3 Oltricbes Sor Fully weaned I: blbrlr:. I tr.Sfiiil'Y"ff!4F8">3233-....,.,,.,,........., • 9-• ......,.. Rc""-'lor-$ Po·~t~ ·Pio~~"--ll*' Behlnd-'I' '•· __ 1i *<lay' -:6*'J166 !!" . Escrow Sec'y """" Open 'l Days without dJeUng. It !eela d'~ •= "· ·-• ...,,.,.,._ -Costa M-· * ru......., .,,,. ,.,..., , ~ -1---~~=---ood it m "-"-like OWNER J.loving-9 %' ra...,. .,, • $3 New .. _ IJ'fO'OUOO ~ 1 BLACK kit•-3 old E><p. SH & ..... ing SALES a; • wo "" aeua .o -· ...... '-ba"-ta ~ 1· 110 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 ....... mo 1 ' ' '.11' • bananas, in bunches. lOO% ._,u......,., JO!a, lg, cha.Ir to uu""'" u .. ...,., ix. Encyclopedia Americana 1 ttriped 6 toed cat. JBoth "l.~~~~~~~T Professional Sales =~· Be< Snyder, ::\:, ·~~,: ~~:,':i.~ ~.::~ :'..'::?=I~ ~':,C:,.A~.~Lti!~~R:! Comp':.a:-l1'0 o':'L:=. a:::.: AGENCY Wa!her, d'""er, re frlg., White wrought iron table "'-"T •-1 OC GIFTS TRAINING e SNACK"'° e " od 4 ~•-~· etc•~• n · • ' CHINESE Teak coif,. table, white, all lemala< lTI6 Orange Ave., Suile C ,,_.. yellow tol.or. Philco lg, • C11a.u;, $85 Mlac. e Mak c 1U CM • 642-0026 S45-<m9 Full and part time, prtferred screen TV. 673--7365 6 to Military " other clothes, AU et uatom Made np, Tie ·Tea cart, Game I: dining 536--0136 8121 , }"'ree &. F~ Jobs some exp, age 2540: 9 pm. art objects, more. Sat, June .• NNo OSeblllllnrtlo Tllac•, CUF a Linka 6 Other chain. Misc, 67J.8593 Prr Slamne--Manx kith PROGRAM Trotter's Bakery 20, 11-7 only 2308 Santa a· ga n ems or we~ trained bel&e Ir _ 234 .Forest, 1..agu,. Beach LRG. Custom made display Ana, C.M. GOULD MUSIC CO. Fathers Day I: Graduation Mlse. W•nt.. 1610 -point.I ~nTT .11 .. See Mn Raupp cabinets, yellow & white. stnce 1911~ •Full Line Cast!..., Suppl~•. ..~,,. ' w:u1. * RECEPI'IONlST * GENERAL OFFICE 65 wpm. Xlnt opp. to $500. HB. area. Ph: (213) 531·7420 RESTAURANT: Work 10:31). 2:30 PM, 3 days a wk, no wk ends. Ideal for hou9eW!.J'e, no exp nee. Hunt. Bch. PH: 962--9243 Fri or 1.ton. ' RESl'AURM'T, 1'1/F full or part. time. $1.'ffi hr, 1·, 545-1686 bet 1-5 pm. U you have dlX'ecl: la.le& ~X· per. and would like to in. crease your income by join.. ing the top automotive u.les m-ganization in Oranse Coun- J.Y. we would like to discuss our unusual opportunity, TO EARN ' . EST ATE SAL&-AnUque .,.. FREE' horle f rtllize Ide Sl'UD£NTSI 11 Yn • U Orig. cost $600. Sell $15(). h h 206 No~ Main, S.A. Waxes & Machinery. Ewry. WANT iood used aewfnr ..,...,, :..__!• ? ... • P .Showcase &: counter, make utc • Windsor chair, * 547411 * thlngForTheRockHoundl machine $25. or le sL up al~· ... ;, ... ._.,-. to sell candy. :?I-fake good ofr, 547-&tn ofc, home Gatelq dlnJnr table, Open Sun., Ooeed Mon, ' 64U171aft6:30PM Heights. 540--0925 ~i ~:. J~!h he~ 644-5277. =~~b =· 1: ~:~~ USED ORGAN RIOTI S M GEMS TWIN Size Canopy Bed 1n PT. Fenian ldtWI I .a. quired. 642--0803 S.5 PM, FURNITURE, 6 place di.net· draperleti, recliner chalr, Great Stock 2'1SO Harbor Blvd, ll·A tood eond. old. Gray I: wbltr, Wty 6-14-2159 6-9 PM I: Sat. te, TV, Dbl bed, Chest of area crpt, lronrite lronrr. Of Used Orti•nl Calta Mea. * 549-1)39 Call sto-m5 pretty. 13'71384 6/20 T E LE PH 0 N E RECEP· drawers, CoQeb· bed, I: tub enclosure, etc. PLEASE .,Alt Malen;_ • NI Sty)~ Rear Of Collea;e Center GREY kitten W/~ post I: TIONIST for service co. mix:. Local delivery. CALL ~2883 3800 Inlet e Conlolet e Conaolettea M.ichlnt:ry, Etc._ 1100 aand box. Pleuct t&ke It. Part time. App in person 67J...1592 Isle Dr, Cd?if. • Spinets e Chord Organ1 -64~8 8f20 1788 Newpt Blvd C.M. MODEL home decorator NEIGHBORHOOD s a 1 e, Sl.lmmer Cll'arance Prices e MP'GR MOVING 1 Black Jdttrn, 8 wkl,, box TECHNICIAN Wanted. Hi.Low game tbl, 4 upbol Shdtie pups, An ti qu ~ WARD'S BALDWIN STIID19 Alr compreuon, spray broken. From t~ beit Cell For Appl. 5U-t3lJ CATV exper .• beach area. chi'!, like new, Orig, com drnaer chlldttn'1 bench 1119 Newport, C.M. 64U48C boo!Jis. spray guns, paints, nelahborhood· ·~1«1>8(2) WHILE YOU LEARN ContactouroU,.&n-3260. ~·Sell $395. Office Cesk ,' Oak table, Open EveryNite metal cabtnm, furnace, .C-Allblacll:.Mothreriadwuf MR. BOB MITCHEL THE BLUE BEET 541'8471, borne 6"-5717. Encylopedla aet, Dlihea & A Sunday AflmlOOn tbb, ra<kl, Pek'e moter, eat, -should Rmaln RN for IaJ, all shifts. Xlnt 673-9904 _ DINNER COOK BRAND New CW1tom-made cookware, Clothing, Many PIANOS le-ORGANS wall plaques, picture small. 615-1344 6/20 working cond.'11. &: beoctits. MR. BOB DILL Start $30. per shift contemp. sec. sofa, love more items, too many to NEW A USED frames, 1tatuary, ash tn.ys, LOVABLE Pt. Beqle puppy ' . Cont.act Director of NUftS.. seat" chair. $450. 67% yds. list. 543-2922, 1224 Bellut, • Yamaha Pianos Orpu etc. 64i.8289, S4~2888 4 mo old -all shotl •hebe. RETIRED or semi-ret, man, 50-60 (~lOPMl, 5 dll)'fl wk. Liquor deli sales 642--0342 M ·a1 H WAITRESSES gold wool shag carpeting c.:r.t. Thur., Fri. 1c-Sat. e Thomas Organs broken. 645-0873. 6/3> • Z'~Zr~M. emon osp. I=-~-------Attractive, experienced. Ftill w/pad. Sa.er. fi42..8016. NEWPORT Harbor Bulinen • Kimball Pianos 89 1•·2312 FREE TO YOU ·'.iii;;ioi;""""""""""""•I Sales ttme. New nautical restau. e --·-~• & ~ bell ... 2 BEAUT. fluffy fem • I •1 1 Automobile Club of So. Calif. rant. Ex:ceedincty high tips ELEC Range S25. Mirror, &: Professional Women's nu<uer .,.mp wk. kittens • l grey I: wht. has penn. position open for +salary, Interviews 9 am· 3-p.anelled screen , Club, preeentl their annual COAST MUSIC FOLK guitar $lO, large BRmANY Spaniel mother "1 tiger. 5's.-081.3 1119 Field Re-ntative. Xln't I" pm da:1•• re1'ngtra~, mirrored buf. Garage Sale. Goodies "col· NEWPORT & HARBOR Hlk--hl J!. · ba 5 ... ~~ • ..., ft ocktail bl Jected all year. lOA.MS.PM, Costa Mesa * 642-2851 ..._ oven. IJ.Q $25, 1 PUPI to SoOd hmnes. COCKER.-Tmier 10 mcm. A earning oppor. A employee BALBOA BAY CLUB ~~ t s, cpta:. Sal· & Sun, June :Kl I: 21't, Qpen lM Frl lf).g··Sun 12-5 automatic washer $25, 2 64>-ms 6/18 Ger. Shep. huslcy. I wks. See Betty Bruce at benefits. Apply in penon, CeNrlng Dept.. · 317 Santa Ana Ave ,, matching end tables $20 DOG, Mixed brd, M, 2~ (fem) 897'"5480 1118. 32.155 Coast Hwy, So. 1221 w Coa H FOR u.Je: Beautitul love Newnnr+ n-..i. H M C bl each, 1 maple end table yrs. loves children "'--·-· Agency for Career Girls Laguna Equal QPportuptty · st wy. eeat In satin gold &: 1 uphol. "l...,. • D<:lli.:u , • • t SUI 2 Quee M d k · """'.... 5 Kltten1, tone hair, 2 mot. 4.lil W. Coast Hwy .• N.B. Emplo)~r. · Newport Beach cushioned. arm chr. Reas. ANTIQUE furn I: decorator 40'' Console Plano ct..;lt'I with ;.di ~ ea~ doghouse Inc. 963-5251 6/18 545-3158; J.t13 So. Olive, . By ap~in 646-3939 646-1775 items: Spinnlna: wheel, Walnut Demo w/new war· ping pong table, net le-pad:% Greyhound % Shepherd S.A. 8111 Gxec • ---* SAb&SMAN-You111 man .. ** 'WA...,""SES child'• ••""box, plcturn, ranty, New $895. $599. th1a dies $5. 673--1771 lap dog-hou1ebrok e n FRISKY, fluffy ldttem • . "'nting to learn all .Jo ... _ I I ftl50ill LOYEL-¥ F1ora.l-eotarnever ·-=-,-......,. 54"1 USEL Car salesman apPly Of-M'arlneiqUrpmentV"_:;;s: Experienced. Apply to -ued, $125.··Match.-loft seat 1}Jgl • mlic.'"Tr'f!SatL,~ -week. -- -Cl e e o:"-, 6/19 weaned 6: houabruken. at ~larcus Afotors, 20"6 Ji.fl. store.. Perm. position ---1dr, Hyde 0~ Mrl. Km:ll--tlS. Pvt.pty. SJ0.1337. ~7 -~2ist~:~-4pn1. -"GOULD MUSIC CO. . Summer School for Oop Bb-ACK-rnale--cock'..g=poo-2 S&B-t613 -..llll - Hal'ti>r, C.M. with xlnt future. 20-30 yrs. _. • ..,. Circle, r Since-UIU-•-Vacatloh Speclil * )TS. old', houle-brobn, all HORSE Fertllim'. Pld:· up married. 642.-9201 . Van de K8mp CoUee stop-~~1z:. ~. ~~~ (Harbor V~iew homes) NB 2045 No. Main, S.A. Your dog trained while lhot.I. 642-4589 6119 203U Cypreu, SaDta Ana *SECRETARY / 3009 Brbtol,'C.M. 175. 6734lll. · GARAGE SALE -Ii 547-t611 * you ploy! 546{1989 KITl'ENS • Blue/gray Hellhb . ....e25. .8/lt NOW'S THE ' __ llWIE F9R QllCK CASH THROUGH .A -RECEPTIONIST WAITRESSES........ 20 PC. ''MADRID'' For Charity. FUmlture, toy«, , eMARTINCREST ~NELS ~tber Si amese. FATHER·s Day 1peclal. Young, tut gmwing com· EXP~CED J ROOM GROUP brlc·a·b~c, clothing, etc. HAMMOND, Ste:lnway, Yam-e · e e • 6118 Weim~raner PllPI, 3 main. pany needs a well groomed No Phone~ FROM MODEL HOMES 1906 Irvine, NB, Fri, only. aha. New a: paed 'planol of AN SCO AulDmatlc 35mm 3 MANX klttan1 8 wks -~Ul4 l/U. youna: lady-for-front-office. -Apply In Penon Includes: Quilted aofa I: JQ:1, mostJJ]&)ru • .JJHt buys..Jn camera with motor drlvt, box trained fr'tt to gd. KITTENS -Friendly I: Requi rements: Pleasan t SURF a: SIRLOIN' chair, 2 ~nd tables" coffee JUNE ll, 18, l9. Very ·So Calif. at Schmidt Music cue-;-tliih -"OU-In light home. 83&-+t93 -6119 playful;-idnJ tor cbildnn. phone voice, ability to hallo SQJ Pacltlc eoUt Hwy. ta~e. 2 lamps, dresser, mlr. reuom.ble, like new. Liv e.o. 1907 N, Main, Santa Ana meter. Never uaed or out ADORABLE wht ·1-black & 642--7136 1111 die busy push button co~ Newport Beach ror, headboard, quilted box rm tbl. lampa, re[rlg, bunk of box. Colt f19.9S, will wht klttfl'll to aood home 1 LARGE black P'Q>PJ wtth sole~yslem, placcurate typing * WAITRESSES * Expr'd, spring1 & mattress, 5 pc beds. new dbl bed, dre11er, HAMMOND Organ with take $45 or submit oltcr. ,male I: fem. 893-2861 6J t9 rel collar 31911 after at wpm us, 1bortha.nd Evct . Casa Garcia, 171;1 dining room; table & 4 hi-king hdbrd. 646-83911 llDl speiker C-.2. two manual. 962-7689· CUTE JKiailhy terrier mixed 7:30 8/11. :n~u~t'. If )'Ou can fill the Placentia, C.M. bat:k chairs. Oxford, NB Like new. 21 pedal. $900. LADIES diamond dinner puppies need gd, hon'le1. FEMALE Guinea Pil 1 wk. , 'P eue pbone tor an ap. · COMPARE AT $749.95 MULTI tamUy decorative 648-25&2• rln&', set wtth 1%: karat 847·.2340, IJB7...sclkt 6/19 old • U,h' b~·-... --. po;n1m .. 1. WIG STYLIST . •-cent dta nd 2 dlamoodll::-=-:-=-'"'-~= • """'' ~u• PERIPHERAL DATA Exper only. 642-0UI N'o down ~~.,.Only $1$ mo good.let, typewrili!r, golf PIANO, Upright., xtn't cond. -. %er Q.n_rr:° ~ each side. 2-SM: frisky r'l)lxed btftd 6/lJ ~tACHINES.--lNC WOMAN T -clubt, camen11, ,hl··ft, £\ltnlture tor· sale Call Btllllant cut 'Silcriftce' Rep. pupp~s • male I: fem . SHEPHERD •Collie J1UP1 l5.i6 E. CbestnutA~. · conceu. :1 ~~ c~ ~C: '::·~K'lth~~R~~~E ~O:::~!:. ;,~~t. 2854 s9z.4sc1. ' Jy to Box P360. Daily Puot. 5!&-7202 6119 ~ t.i ·aood · bome1 onl'/. Santa Ana. m..3638 Grounds, on wkimd1. Schiial • '• STEINWAY Grand Plano, WANTi!D: Someone wliO:WW _:uaE ~k_gtl pure white fi42..4.W e/1.9 .. ,, *SECY./ caleterla aper prel. Call SEALY, Extra. firm, PATIO 6 Gar. Sale: J une xln'tc:ood Sl550 ~te bl.I Ume 4 .plane mbl:turtt;~ 8/U. ·FREE 5 Hon.hie I wk. old RlCEPTIONIST tc-9006. ~~~~~t~ ~~ :kl;~~n:.1:hi~~~ 5ts.a;i1 to pun a banner. Call~~ 1~·1 blk/wht, puppies. P1rt ooclr:n mb:· Deilre exp's, ·resr>, woman WOMEN1 Ute deUvery wort. Immaculate, new condition. sz 10.U.14. Cornci' 13th .t: WANTED: Used spinet piano 598--3165. 1 calico. 961-lMS 6/18, ture 6*-7529 1119 Cqe 25-45) 1 girl ofc. Lt. •"IUlt have own car. Al)ply: Guarantee. S120. 642,.1724. Balboa ·Blvd. }OA.M·7PM. In sood cond ition, ~nder . CABIN. Mammoth LakeJ Jn 3 Klt!'en1, 2 bJack Cl no FREE Wood -Model GaAI shorthand, typinr tiO wpm 32a N. ~way, Room 410, FOR Sale-3 piece Rattan PICTURE fnnl, coat bp, nso. 494-9&. 49f..ru6. HJgb: Sierras. Fum. 7 nlte1. tallr 1 yeUO'w, 646=0623 lh.6 Co., l&M Superior, C.1. acc:uratie. Varied • dlrtitl. Santa Ana. couch. matcb.lnl chair &: ot· box clothes iJc Wurl I tier Spinet ..Piano $9S. R.eetrve now 531-3314 GOOD $lil!d rubber tree. 64f..323l 1119 ~ut -~ ofc in Newpt WORKING Mother will lil'ive tom an t rev~ r s lb I e ~:, je.,.·~lr)'. Ken~m tooi Excdlenl condition Eves S41Ml617. , You dJc. 645-0STT &n8 PUPPIES, T black 6: ...Ute ~~ day~ 8 ~ COfll'!nial party or molher cushkJns $50 673-1738 box cvn. ·2223 Meyer Pl, * 546-5599 ·• 21" Adminl Color r;.v. wtth GERMAN Shepherd pup 1 • 2 black. Part c.ocar. 8 pm &l\Y am ,~ 1 cebahild a ho 1 me ~ meal 1 1 • tvSTOM ' w~ bar wl.lh C~f. 6/13 'tJt 'aold. Chick ering Granci Piano ll(!W uteMt ancl-Y,\chlr8 wkl. _,,.u_ _, 6119 ..5t9-3485 1111 • _ n ~ rce or care o • ••• ... 73 ., •• -tube •"""' r .n 6~ '"6 -:::::~;.;:_.:.;;'°':o..-,....._.:::; SECRETARY A Girl-.-'--)'!'oldbo 6d-l9tl:--- -burnt--~ltalhtr hand FA 20th, 2j()t A1ta .,..,...,., or....,.,_ · _,., . ..,... ,,,_.~ .-• FREE Puppln to pod for growing ho ~ildl:' y, . rall & 3 bat' &toOls. $150. V Is I a , Ea 11 b luf'f .. NeWpt USED Sflttiway Grand '5' alter 8 pm. 2_ttM~ alze pup-home. Call ~ lilt firm rtlocatlng ~ Orante School~lnstructlon 7600 Call 83Q..1337. ~ Bch/TWln bed, turfbot.rd, 11". Prlva1e Party. MOVlNG-Barp.lnl Galore pits. 64 8 6/19 --SIAMESE Crall kitten boa County. Must be pruf:ldent _ UNYSUAL. Long/low slurdy desk. more. 6-M-1847. 546-1458 Must 111U -11 today. 160 ONE ~le nt w/cage. trained male. 548--COi W ~ ~ aJtilll + j l:.EARN To fly • S8 I016, S14 table. Resin top. Attrac., SOME AM'JQUES • nnd, CM M&-3~... _ 8.17..o3.ll __ • 61~ 9 Mo German Sbtpberd I 0 0 ti tcJe.p'hOnc vole! -• dW, fllO?othe• ~. Dall tflOd roi=tape::or...:n!;---ete:: r~~ -. to.6 Telrililon WAN'T£D: 0 1'he USC of 1 rn~ wt1r.----ktttem1-neert &4$-t!IM Int flgura aptitude. t glrtofiltt, 84M'l86. SS 642..1724. 118 Diamond, &1boa tAlarld el•pli'1nt10i' l d1.Y-be.1ore ·Mam~. 8*'53T7 -·n 2 All American pups 8 .... · pl ea.s ant 1urroundfJ12-.. Tt:ACHEn wil l tutor durlotr TWIN Beds~ <;he$t $}0, FRI .. Sat, Sun.·Furn, ePrJ\1 PHILCO CONSOL£ July 2nd. Call~. · 4 KIUens, I wkl, darlirc 962-7277 '. lfJi . SJ.&rtine Ur)' $570 per mo. summtr months. !'OUtltaln '"1!rfllfr-s«>;-IOl&-a.-cbatr dotbl-, baby ltem.1,. 215 Black It Wblte u i:.: --..,....,..ER'S WHEIL I ~2~S~lt~m!!,...~~-~8123~='~'/~Mbl~~i.ii;::;i;;<;;::;;;:;;:;;;•i..-2L1/445-5610. Villey. &4~ 1100. 54J . .u::" or s.r• .... J , ,. ·• ,.._ r...,.. ' I~ ' Y ~ · ~ bUU1t bN•n mo111-... _______ __c ~.,.. .,.., ..,,, E. Wl190fl, C."M. MS-1743 f92.C27') after 5 pm. Electric, m. MS.m5 • BEJ>.Davenriort $1J.7878 l,llg: &f&..Un tna . DAILY PILOT WANT-AD "642-5878 • --·· • ' ,. •• ' ' -------- TRANSPO RTATION ftOAll.Y l'ILOT ' ThundlY. -18.)970 _ lllfi .. LIYUTOCK fRAHiPORTATIOij !RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION · TRANSl'OR.UIIOH TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Dij1 a2S Sol-. tilt Mobile Homo1 '2tlO ~Cloti -Trucb ts00 Co-ra 9510 Imported A-HOO c'"'.;."";;:-c.."-"":..· _A.:;."...c'"..;..._9600_ l!!'f'O"'Od Auto& . e • e • •NEW F;b.,zl.., N a ptu CONTINENTAL by Cam· fVUVU1 LEAS E-A-TRUCK DA@Hi' JAGOAR SUIARU SummerSchool ,lorllop Sabo"-R••· 1389, bridaeMl&Ol.24xl.l',cedar THIHll '10Dod&e a;oo.V8,2 •o.2tl --* '10 SUIAIU • .. vA.CAnON SPECIAL * Special~ y,·eek only-$259 lined wardrobe& m i rr o r h1 Van •••••• $156.l9"permo ~ 'ti9 J AG E-lype, 2+2, red Your do& tJ'aimd While yoo oomplete w/sail Ir all ac-"''ardrobe door & beautiluJ HONDA '70 CheV CF50 • VB, 2 IP"l'O w/tan leather, chr1n Vl'irt Here Now • , -~-~..--! paq, Martinl:n9t Kmndl. ttsaoriK 2430 W, Cout appolntml'nta. hi Van ..... , Sl.56.19 per mo M&ai .. 11Ull -wh11, VI' s w rad, 14,«N> mtDNW!LoJl<li'~L *~ "* wy;-N, , Chipmap Moltile Homtl • 7l-Doclge-Van. 8, auto/ . ml' . \Vill-consid. de e 90 t.lPH Capability e , e • • • :l' Schock. an fil>er&lul, 9JJ N. Harbor Blvd, "'FRIEDi.Am-' radio ... •••·· $89.00 per n)O OPEN ROAD "Leader in The r.eacb Cities" ~nar:=~~· !;1*>( 2li~4) • 35 Miles Per Gallon ALASKAN Ma I am u 1 t, aux motor, head, ~ Santa Ana '70 Dodge Pick. V8, au10, Manulacturen of Amerlca·s-_ ZIMMERMAN e Beautiful S•ylina: Genn&n Shep. malt 3 mut for#ard, tent eovtt, SJl..a571 11Lcp bumper • $89.00 per mo finest Luxury Recreation 283-9485 ext 207 Test Drive Today At ~·a. S.cba 'neoedl 'out. main. jilt, aeno.. 1r; spin-ORANGE COUNTY "Cheyslcr Lease System" Vt hlcles. 2145 HARBOR BLVD. '61 JAGUAR sedan -air, Kustolft Motors doorvnan ov.rner. Cover ex. nak~r. Xlnt cond. $2400. ExcltWve DN1er For John Davis OPEN ROAD 544M410 new tires, ·wires, ps/pb . ~ -T~-i ~--a:-he 11-,.oun:; 714,-836-352910-anawtt,caJl ~[A~AZ j to ~iJZe;,!7-8600 -IM atO. ••RBOB -&1-DA!fSUN Sl2oo M9-4!J}j -845 Bakf"r, C:M. - 536-3188.-213/372-4259. l r HONDA, ' Trail CT 90, '68 1 ,BANTA ANt., CAW". TOYOTA PUPPIES. Cock-A-Poo's. iRH ODES :l3 "HANAllULI" . In. mjnl oond, OnJy 1,000 7 to~ evcll. • 213-TR 3-l 095 (5•mlles so, of Disneyland) OPEN DAILY MERCEDES BENZ • ~·~-~~---~1 . '70 TOYOTA'S broWnl &' bJackl 6 wks Beautifully equipped a.nd Custom Built Coaches ~~~!;....$260. ~ves/wkendli .... GMC TRUCKS ('fl•) JS1·'811 e 131-6131 AND M/F. $10 at rn'..:iM.1 all malntaincd. ldl!al for racirW . SEE n TODAY ! .,._..,.,,u CAMPERS SUNDAYS . 4.' or cru:=·-TERMS b:.':'~~r s8:!~ •m Honda Xl5: I~ ':'livery * 6 ·PACK * ~a:= a'!~~ ~1:~~=-~~--See-at~~ ~J:. ;~&,a~~~ &42"'783 , im 60-3706 ~ County'• _ $]95 842-7781 or. 51!6-0W Q, lr1'J<' County'~ l ,.r 'll·>! Sl'l,•t!icn t;. .... & u~··d l,,,.,(,_'[lf·~ g,.,;i 1n stoc~J~~~uitc.dcliveey .. I=== .. Andques-i 4 6 ... o 3.S.6 or UI and .axe...on f&Ctoey'Qr;' '65-;;50 "J'RIUMPH Road or onty--Authoi izied GMC Dealer '69 Datllun 2 dr like new 60-S8S.1 2~· 'ENSJ,G N" Sloop , rect pr1ce1 .. 0ver 100 mo-dirt. Jmmac. cond, $900, UNIVERSITY AM -FM, iadiab, carpefi. fibergtus, nWn. Jib, & dels to cuh:0trom. 6?3.o91l!L art. 6 OLDSMOBILE Full Pria .1~1100=548-~=3059=•='=' '=·== • Great Dane Puppy • Reno&. OU.tbo&rd mot«. Sail ·~~ • c. Standard model includes cab ::: Jim Siemens Imps. W .11 n•_'r & Ma111 St. lll!l ll•rtuis _ U'tnltm · S<in t ,1 An.1 S-16.il14 llarlequin, AKC "· cockp'! -·--..,,,.,,,,, :P.10 8Il..E HOME SALES 1965 Ducatl-160 cc. gd. dirt 2850 Harbor mvd. f 2 ~.-SH FORD * 831).1362 aft 6:JO pm* A1so: 1~·: ';Q .... ·cia:;; 237 So. Tustin, Orange bike. $150 or best otter. cO.ta Mesa r:e,er .:~~Ul ~::ve& ENGU '64 190 Sedan, immac. Cood . TOY Poodle-Adorable, to dinghy, $100. 673-1881 633"2961 633-2974 536-1446 645.2368 New ~70 Datsun uie: Be1t value in town. l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;J Meticuk>uily. maim. $1650, -""' home v.i tb lenced CAL 211 No. •=. Must· ____,, pUAL WIDE PACIFICA. -·62 PORSCHE "$" K Moto ALL NEW ENGIJSH Call '" _, "'"'"" .-... -Plan no. 809. For those who 1600 OHC, Plckup with cam~ udOln r5 .:;;:;,:-.:.;..=:c·-~~o-yard. $25. 842-63;6 aft. 5:30. Tra.naferttd Trailtt aux $1275 or BEST OFFER. ._._,_ . .--di }"OROS NO\V IN STOCK 159 Mercedes 190 SL • • ' want the best. e ~2965 e · er. .:xuc ~ _,.,., r. "5 Baker. C.M, 540-5915 DRASTICALLY I IRISH Setter puppies, head, race gear.J:• haul. Ch•pl!'l•n Mobll1•Hom11 ~· •• A~ ... ";,~ .. ~ .. ~ '67 YW CAMPER REDUCED Xlnl cond , Pvt Pty Champion sloclt. Webline cabin paint .• 644-. . ,9U N. Harbor Auto Service • "" ,......, """" .,._.... _ 675-&110 or 673-4646 (Paul) and Varagon. 499-2527. DEL RE¥ 24 · Sanll. Ana & p rt 494-9773. Excellent condition" Radio, LAR~~~ON --lie white male Peke ·Sallbo&t.i~ 4, be-ad, 11ink, 531.8571 1· 1 94GO '6.1 ~ }~ord EconoHne. Top heater, 4 speed. f>Ubide TO CHOOSE FROM Sholl. Xlnt o:md. 644-0735. 0 ctlnd $895 Can be seen al awning. (V00288) Take old. Th--, 64Z-4812 after 5 1963 M BILE home, lO' x 283 CI Chev eng. eti"mpl oave"sr. TV. 492-6291 . er C8.l' in trade. Cali P hil -ore GOLDEN Re . Pu . r VM•nture, he2lad-~ ro004• oo· '11/MI' x 13" cabana In xlnt cond $150· Blk dia: ,61 GREEN BRIAR ., !Dn dealer, afl JO am 494-1029, ROBINS FORD tne\ler ppiei, 0 or, ' _.eeps 5 Siar Parle in Laguna Bch. mond tuck '67 'Cbev wgn 71' alt 6 30 540-3100 2060 Harbor Blvd. AKC, $50. 675-0035 week night& 499-3tXKI; eves. 499-2384 scats $75; Misc' Chev parl.'l; window van, new tires &: : pm · Costa Mes:a ~ &1UltllO 494-6306 1989 16' Cat. Cost Sm new, RIVER HOME call Dave befort 10am starter. Very it001f cond. $500 LARGE· step-in Vll!l camper ·~~~~~~~~!!!! -I AJ<C !RISH Setter pup-AacriUce $10 O O, Call lOxS5' w/Llv, Rm. E•paodo, 615-0JO.i. or trade. 492-9577. 1;lttp11 8. Compl self·cont'd, ~ · ~-y N • 548-2188 Newly overhl'd eng, rear PM!S '"''~ ours ow. · 2 Br, new etpl, new rclrig, COM'PLETELY r ebui lt '62 1'~onl Ranchero nd I !ch bl Ask FERRARI 61S-87l8 BAiboa 12' F1eely • aloop rigged Ch•pm1n Mobile Hofne1 Chevy Block, 283 cu fn, $49!> or Be1t o ner e • c u assem y, . --------- 8ritt1ny Sp1 niel $25 w~traller, cushions, paddle. 12331 Beach Bl\ld. $100; '6.1 model pwrgld 3265 Oregon, CM aft 4P~f inc $950. 534-5230 AKC lo •·-"" m • $1541 673-3229 , 8" Full cab-over camper, , ., • ...,,, .............., · Garden Grove h"&.rl!, xlnt t:ond, $ 4 0 . '59 Chevy 1 l~n 9 stake lact, dlacontinued niodel. 3 yr old Male Boston * SnowbU'd No. 483. trailer 530-2930 ~3055 truck $795. 646-0281 or Complete. $895. 869 West --r ermr.-All-Shols--A-CO\ICf •. $325.~ Wholea•I• to Public 962-7813· 18lh s t., Costa Mesa. FERRARI Neweiort Jmportl Ud. Qr. ange Count)''• only author- ized det.ltt, SALES-SERVICE-PARTS MG ~ &THINK -"MG" ... "FRIEDLANDER'' NE\V MIDGET Sl99ri NE\\' MGC S319j L•gun• Blach 900 So. Ci t. H~:y 494-7503 * 100 !Tgt!O!TIAJ ANNIVERSARY.. SALE 1970 DEMO $16.97 • 1927 DEAN LEWIS 1966 1-lnrbor, C.H . BIIL MAXEY ITIOIV!O!TIAJ Pl * * 642-6168 615-1371 JHE MEADOWS COMPLETE ENGINES '55 Chevy Pickup, t·blt 8• OVERHEAD c am Per. AFGHANS • AKC Power CrvlMrs 9020 SHORT BLOCKS cng & trans, AM/FM. Homemade very good.-con-3100 W. Coaat Hwy. Ne\vport Beach 642·9405 S4!r1764 Authorized Ferrari. Dealer 1l1'1 •IACM IMWY. It) NIW·USID-SUY. 11111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. BHch 1147-1551 I mt N, ol Q:IUt HWY. on Bell ._.,, 4 months * * 84&-5452 (I rvine ) f" Motor Min 64S-Q204 * 673-3745 * atruction. s.1:is. 2205-D Cap· AKC Germu Shep. Pups, 24' CORRECT CRAIT CAB-VW Eng ine, Good Cond. '64 Chevy % lon pickup-VS, yon, C.M, 64.Z.9811 xln't blood linet", shotl, IN CRUISER. Completely Re~rv1tio111 are now being e 642-0443 e 8' step side, Sf;J(I, P hone v.'l'lnlled. &49-1296 aft 6, do~ over Pa~ arid varnish t~n in Orange County's 40 HP VW, manifold & 642-3443, 8l'>-ll"8. Dune BUHi••. · 9525 ... inside and out. Motor TIP fine&t & most complele park carburetor $30 distributor '59 EL CAA1JNO, 6 cylinder, -"' · HorHS IUO TOP §HAPE. Xlnt filhing _at 14851 J eUery Road (Sur • ...$15. ~ or '642-3629 $400, air cond, r ad io , '69 E~1PJ, blue bCNly blk. fl . .-........ _____ ____. boat and ~. 673-0«89 rounded by <:h'iriffe Grove&) · 646-3055 breglu top Ii: d00l'$, Much ...------TH-=-I - FIA'!'. 38' Oulic dint!, DC/FD, call 893-5730, 53~71 or Never used $35. 673=8593 Good tires and bed $175 invested. T or ,. . "f,IADf· ' f ully eqp'd for oll shore 531-8105. 283 CHEVY engine Call • 546-1775 e car, 492-9577. ~ 14G Sales, Servic.:, PuU lmmedla te_!)ellvery, All Model> '69 TOYOTA WAGON Excellent Cond ition $1299 <XR.XOSO I Kustom Motors MS Baker, C.M. 54().5915 GELDING $2SO Ind tack. Exp. rider. ~tu.st sell to good home. Slacey 642-1909. GENTLE Bay Gelding hone w/tack:-$200 or best oUcr, after 8 pm. in Irvine, -F-0r information, e NERF BARS e ,52 G~tC PICKUP chrome, ve~ ~ SJ,500. • -·'-'-. t' ~n_. 646-SMI 6/15 DUNE Buggy Bodies $75. ...... _'6 or 1ve auuouu. '67 FORD SUper Van. Good s.-... r Sea'· $7. 2 Woe'·· TRIUMPH 113500 I ~-· N-·~~ 2·w·,_ •1~ ~ ~ ~ •'FRIEDLANDER" 31oo w.c.utu~,N.e. ___ .. , • n ,,..,..,1ce ""'l"B~ .. IU9 _,.. cond, for sale or trade. Aft Onl Call (21.3) 921_5555 --•-- J?f llllJOll 3l111µor1 ~' 6'>-2368 . JTlOOl'ilV, 544-2372. 2 Br, den, 1% ba. Exccplional Tr 11l1r, T.ravel. 9425 6 646-2698 Y. · 142-~ ~1164 APPEALlNG Mare, xlnt. 18' CABIN Cruiser • head-Vallie at $9995. ;~ CHEVY Van. XJnt. cond. e VW Chassis Shortcninge 13750 WCH (Hwy. l tl AullmUed MG Dealer --------- health ~ dlspo1. $2";iO. Call • fl~ • bait tank • Chllpm1n Mobilt Hom11 * l''or sale or trade. Aft 61 ·Free pick up & delivery NIW .. USID .. SllY. ?.1GB--GT 1967 Ye I I n w '63 Triu111ph TR4~1 harp , ·needs !!Orne work-sac. s.e. Call 61:>-4201 a fter 1 R.m. ~"=>-•237='====.m-,--I 60 tip elec.-J ohnson. f.ike 123.11 Beach Blvd, 537-40ll call 646-2G!Jl! e&12-0443• - - - - -hardlop Act. m iles 26,600: TRANSPORTATION new. ~9:-0168 Carden Grove .11 '66 F'ORD E conolinc, Xlnt. MEYERS Towed B u ggy ·----- - -• F'lnc cond . $2200 Call 8 am ~ ·at ----m '67FIAT850 ·--,_ao. __ t•_,,_v_•_ch_t_•_· ---Speed-Ski Boats 9030 SPACES Stre•m Lint -'70 cA~™1 ~. ~~26~ c ·or e. Plummer St, C.M. '69 i\:IGC·GT, 6 cyl. M-1/F'M, ·-Coupe, 4 speed, tadlo, heat. black inter. Xlnl Cond. Available In l lunil"'"lon Ttrry*Nom•d•Oa 1i1 9600 S""-' • ., __ 10 app-·' ·~ I rted A to. er. ,_,.,, ""'" ... .:i-$3200. IH4-5967 ,Beach & C.osta ~1eu's nic-Explorer Motor Homes Recrei t'n Vehic les 9515 mpo u ale. (VDL114) ..::=c..:::.:..::=----rond. TRIUMPlf TJU.:. Newly rebll motor, wire wheels. Xlnt. tnech. Saer. $375 846--9518. VOLKSWAGEN SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS 16 Ft. whaler T5 hp. John.on Ex~enl. cond, mani ex- tru 67&-5169, est ""'"'· Fourwlnds•WM kondor AUSTIN AMERICA $79S MGA '60 Rec. xtnt MOB ILE HOMES TRARL MOTOR Hom• for n ENT Ha'rbour V.W -., "'"'"';•=;· "'ow;,•""°',;~~;:''-°'w"'•·== ___ LA_R_G_E _ __.. Mlirlne Equip. 9035 >t:~~~~111~":.s;rl:=~ TRAILER SAW day or week SIJ'li 6 AUSTIN AMERICA 1 • - :;:::,.;;; ~~~· -S HP Evlnrude tro!ling JOMICRA, INC. 13172 Harbor ·Blvd. G.G. folly'°"";""' 548-18.\2 Sat<t. SeMce, Parta MORGAN SELECTION 1S711 BEACH BL., 84Z.4t3j HUNTINGTON BEACI I To eTT ii human, To ttally motor, .2 cyllnder, $125 or ltuntington Beach GJ6.65U 1% Blocks No ol 1966 Che v Carry•ll Immediate DeliVl!l'J foul things up requires • bHt oiler. 673-7321. 19261 Beach Blvd. Carden Grm•e Ffeeway $11.00, • 714 : 675-3681 All Moddl mamu 1957 MORGAN, newt~ CAofMVWP,ER·s COMPUTER. 25 HP Johnson outbrd, runs PARAMOUNT 2Dx57' Needs 537-4011 '65 Econol ine. rebuilt engine, ~ & brakes, $1200. Call fishing boat Tw1n 4<I HP CM Bel. 5-8 PM, Mon-Frl. 60', 2 br, den, 1%. ba. Xth d ean, $600. stand ice box, &love $1650, , SACRIFICE 20' ca b I n gd, $15. 943 ~ St. Good home, Continental 24x 13' Cardinal lra\lel trailer. automatic, lop oprns to ~~~~~~~~~~~~64~2~··='·n'.M4~·~y~·tl·rn"i'=W:ff::k~· Harbour v.w.· '1 e d UFE Rail. 7 rqan. like new, Ch1pm•n Moblle Homtl LE 6-2493 962-l026. _aato....Mpu~t-Ud --AtmlORIZED -concl:-:-$1000-or-blt-ofr -com e , S15. ~l~acfi-B -. -1966 BOLES-AERO 20• Like . Camji(.>f 10~.1~ 1 • . RI a""S!:PtVJCl!!-·1----< ~2 3032 -arden-Gfrove-new. ' COfiW-rieo.-EI ' ~-1-.clill"--1-311». wy 9625 Garden Grove. Blvd. -----'------1871-l-BEACl f-Bt-M2-4435 TRADE For your land eq, ,530-2930 ajr cone!., ig elec, & gas 616-2772 af1cr r> PM ~ 5'o.17M "5J7: 893:7568 ~1UST i;elJ today . '61 ~forris 1-1i.JNTINGTON BEACl:l 35, Ohl.on sail'& yawL Slps BNt Sllp Mooring 9036 BAY HARBOR re.frig., awning. 642-0033 * 1967 Chl•vy Viui-90, XLNT Aulhortl.l!d MG Dealer '68 ~!AT_ 124. Sport ·Coupe-Minor, new rebuilt engine, ,66 VW Bug. Excellent cond. 5, hd, . galley. fully lid. BOA~' Slip& for rent Newport Mobile Home S•le1 APACHE TEN T TRAILER cond R/l-1, good lntcr!Ol'. ~cw AfLchcJ.ins, · c h r u m e Ne\v hallery, TWw brakes. New dutch, tune-up. Beige, 714 / 9 8 5-18 81 day 1, Beach. 4 slips for sailboat& ALL NEW '70 MODELS Good condition, completely SI4i!S. 675-5628 ' ' AUSTIN HEALEY ~~~ke lo~:;~caf~'5 0 ~1'. 1225· Call 49'l-!2J;'J afL 5 no dents $!>95. Call Steve , , 714/982-4832. 20' _ 22' cla.u. $2.50 per NOW ON DISPLAY equipped, $350. 492-5158. !69 DODGE Van. Custom in-714/532-5731 O Mitchell. 5<15-2572, 1 32• DIESEL, encl head, ft. Ml-9201. 20' Widet as klw as $5995 fer. Elcc. refrig,, new dies. '61 AUSTIN Healey, good ;=.:;:;;::o=:===== · PEL '69 V.W. Fastback. radials, '' slcl't!O, ~at Party & Fllh'g *WANTED to Renl or 12' \Vides to 34' \Ylde1 Trallers, Utility 9450 Tape (leek. Bob 673-2098. cond, v:hilc, new tran1 & JAGUAR --------~ radio, chains, top rack, ' boat, $4950. 673-36ll qr Pu·r ch'l.le: MOort ng, Park Space• AVailable DON'T give it away, gel over-drive. 494-4997 eves. ---'-------1,169 OP,EL RAUEY J6,!XIO miles. Tan w/bm lnl '' 546-0058 • Newrxrt &y 54>31.B2. 1425 Baker St., Costa Meaa UTILITY Trailer-all metal quick cash lor ll with a JAGUAR Coupe . Loaded, Xlnt, condi. $2,.150. 64f>...2629. • Ghw:par-Merc. 20 hp., 25, Sailboa.t slip % block East oI ){arbor Blvd, jeep, Good cond. $125. DAILY PlWT WANT AO, BMW lion. Gold finish w/black 'fill 9-pass VW bus, Jll):rf cond, many access Speed SO mph. :P.Iain Bay, Newport Costa Mesa <n4t M0-9470 644-1058. Call 642-~8 Ir c:ti.'lM{C lt. HEADQUARTERS leather interior, iXTJ i.181. under wty, $23!XI. S4s..a.tlB • Top CCJ'ld. $600 846-2702. * 494-3916 * Motor Homes 9215 The only authorized JAGUAR Sniall down c11n linance pri-Bet >1 Pt.I ONLY. --: 30• CC CAV. HT, gr1 ----------Trucks 9500Trucks 9500 AUTHORIZED dealer in the entire llarbor va tc party. Call dlr aft 10 ,67 VW ll35cc SAC $5-100 BNt Ch1rter 9039 FOR Sale1 :Pi1otor home, 1968 SALES, SERVlCE Area. 11n1 494·1029, aft 6:30 11.m. ~Tany~cxtras. S48-8436 Eve 968-3538 *' Winnepe.go $7900. 5-19--0158 Complctu 54tl-·:.::.'::'="'::.· ------~OR CHARTER 541 -·• EVERYBODY NEEDS A SALES -DELUXE bus '66 N ew ' Fiberglas Dinghy w/J~~ r a ft 6pm or . -o.JU't, • 1007 Opel h'.11.dett Station rebuilt engine, $1450 or beat i hp outboard & dolly, Good 42 n cabin cruiler. S1eepa 6 "--"-------SERVICE \Va.i;:on. Ti~Top shape, A offer 962--02IS : eond. $95. 962-m2. ~~~~ c~~ ~~ ~M;.:l:;.n;:.l.cB;.l;;.k;:.•;;.• ____ 92_75 PA~J; .'="='='='=' ,:S59:'=·=-='='="=·== I DELUXE Bus '67, toocl ' SPECIAL Cullom 18' in-Weekly rates, For res. call BONANZA • 4 h.p. H a a BA PORSCHE rond, $1750. : board ~!,it::,t1. $1500 or belt su.5777, ~rom1ne:.ndse:;,,•~~1,e.~~ BUICK ___ Phone 962-78!1S ,·oa er . .>.J<.l""OO•· -.. IN $ ' 21· Tn>l'" fiy Bridge Sed'" afttt •. 548-Btfll T I. M MOTORS COSTA MESA '66 PORSCHE. to mi'•. Xlnt '6S Volk1wagon 730. '·S•llbolt1 9010 lul. equip. alp1 6. $85-day • .:;;;:BO:.,,;N.,;A"'N"'ZA~~l~H~.P".-cone!. Eve!!. 5-16-923.~ ·-u~ wk •u9000 (Open Sundays) 2•4 E J1lh s•-I 11 ~5734 * ~ 'V'llr ' Brand new $90 ** 833-3592 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. " · "'"" 196i> Bug perfect concl. &?e ' ! LIQUIDATION SALE ;B;.:•.;•;..t ..;S.:.to:.;r.:;•"'9.:.•--.:.9048;..;.: Motorcycles 9300 ' Outside 1torage HONDA 160 ! .e Corona.do 23 Our base · 1 Re t apace ava1. a~. ra e. i•ir... firm. 842-ll7G ; price $291JS. Call 646-3669 ...,... : e Coronudo 2S Our base -========= WANTED: Yamaha 175, '61 FORD 8 FT. ' price $-1995. Our ... ,. Mobllt Hom11 9200 Lo n\lll!, gd. colld. • 8 CoroAAdo 30 ut1 Call 546-8634 aft. !t : price $12,995. '7() HONDA !\1 i n I· T r a 11 Fle1hlde Piclr Up $799 FllLL PllCI •4JJ50l '64 FORD VAN Rebulll fn9ine $999 A STIAL ·•tVl t 14 J,i: Hlk. E. ot Beach Blvd. MS.7765 '67 Porsche. 911-S, European .i:. drive to appreciate. $1000 5.'W-Zl84 892-5551 '61 J 420 model, new eng, M ag 644-070t '69 BMW GCJUGf \\'heels. l n1mac. 499-3618. --c,6=9-,V\=v-,S"U°'N"R°'00=>',- 20~, alr,, SPOTLESS 4 Dr Sedan. -Ant nn1alic, fnct. '66 Por 912, 26 Al mi., never Radial tires. Extras. $1,1:10 $2650 '* &14--0855 air cond. AM/1',M, lo1ulcd • nbus1>d. Cocoa brown, blk 549-1341 E xcellent' condllion. Low, Inf. ?.·lake n(fer. 830-6241. ,64 V\V Cainper-Sundial new COOPER low milcngr. J\lllSl ~!ll, '63 POR.SOIE, 1un /fn1, ski l;"iOO cng, 4 nu tlre11, R/il, Small do\\'11 will finance )'Jn . k h · bl rac , c rn1 rims, t'C t, good cond . $1395. &16-4370. vate par1 y, j\VAU l38f, Cll ll 'I 1 11 123" •1•9~• ' •Coronado :W Our base 24 Wide •S-15297 custom for m.cing. Musi 8Ce ---~·,_ price $1fi,9'J5, For those who want t.he moet to a pptic. &42-3692 : -for their dQll8.r. $9.BI. I ~:..:~:::._:c:c..::=---'67 CHEVY I FT. fleehide Pi e• Up '62 DODGE Step Van 1968 ~Uni Cooper S 1275 Xlnt. cond, Bct>l offer 675-1498 after 5 p.m. dlr art 10 run J>hHI. 4!W-1029 1' us sc · ""' ,,. ..-"'"'· '65 V\V Sqbk 15005, lo ml. or 540-3100. 1970 911T \\'hitc, Targa, 9ll-S xlnt. cond, nu tire1, Oi:iK· '''heels. Tinted glass, rrspd. ownr. 644-2!170 ' : e NEW Coronado 27 Ch11pm11n Mobile Homtl MOVING: '66 Yan1aha 80, 12.131 Be ch Bl d X1nl Cond, $100. '69 Caco : On Dl1pl11y a v ' 22 mini bike $75. 494-'1347 ' +WE TAKE TRADES Ganien Grove ; 'YKhts Roylllt, Inc. S•2'30 250 JIONDA, sentl-choppcd, • If" • rebuilt-engine, r~. Clean, '. , 2912 west Cout Jlwy. !6& BROADMOOR. 12 x 60, fall. $425. 6M l03 ~ Newport Be•ch * 645-<MllO 2 BR, lg kll, inc shed, awn-.,:,:=~==-.,,,.-,--1 inp, &kirting&, patio, rock SEXY 1930 Model A <."OU l"le 1 EXCHANGE Uae our C.I 28' lawn, Set up in beaut pk 'for lllle or tntde for Jg. ' ailboat. pier at Npt Bch; '1,i blk Imm bctl. 5.16-6955 motorcycle. 675-2'504. : for USl' )'OOr telf~tnd air 24 x 53' •15302 , cond tnvel trall~r, J uly Patio Kitchen &. Den Auto Service · t~. Reta. ~ --s10·995--;;;";;";•;rt;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'400~ ~-· T·HO ROG lfBRED Ch1pm1n~lleHom11 • ~ fibfrliu Sloop. Like new. J.2331 Beach Blvd. : meepa 4, pllf'y, enc!. head, Garden Grove f ...Us, elr.ctronlcll. Pri, party 530-2930 • S5(IM) cash. !>..12-4302 f SNt PE No. 5852 & trailer. Ctttlfielttd. /I I u m I n u m maat. AMUW '975. 645--0786 or '9<-"'3 • WillOn racing Sabot f qiarp:-Mu1t iiO. nr. 1 C&l'I A motor. 833--lll4 or ....-. WANT USED _.. MBOT DOLLY 17l-Zll lhock Sabot. new u.11. pd condtl.lon. im. .. ~1911 * ' * LIDO 14 1r No. 1509 TraUtt I: tovet' im.~. 10' x 00' '63, 2 BR, lrge llv, rm. A·l park, skirted, patio car-port. Re a 1 , "40-"38 PARAMOUNT SHOW MOOEt ~ ~i'. R.eduetd to Sell, Chapman Molillo Hornet 9U No. Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana SS14571 2 BR Exp&Mo ln Ba.Ysic:kl Vlllep. 5rN prch. tar port, llOI' shed. fncd )'d, 613-4577 12xCC--ral •' S.7122. $4450. '4x.U' Sh@:r. toirManor •• <_lf!Jll)ll. fl995. 24 ,d.L (;eneral • 6277 $9700. TUNE UP SPECIAL S.t C•rburetor, Plugs, Points, CondenHr, Timing All P 1rt1 & L•bor --$16.95 • c.,e. ,.....,_. c.. °"'' AT Bill Jones Spartscar Center 1171 HARBOR COSTA MESA you ever think ol ~ Chepm•n Mobile HenM1 lnr !Nf'Whtte l<kplf>nr-trr -913 • ·-"''d-~ 0-4491 -,lllf 111tc ll>r .,;,,.,,,, ... ,.. Santa..---..J l--..11.:Il- ._. tHMtf try the ThtWs r 521-1511 ..__ ,Pandl91! column In the Dal· SMALL 22' Royal Coach • ,: IJ PUol Want Adt. trat"°" 1n p_k on boy, N.B. : . -fllll~Tll3- CorMtr Of H1rbor & Elm. Service Entr..-On II • •• ' $1499 f ULL Pl lCI •Y411J6 Aulo,.,1lic $1099 PULL PllCI •119671 '69 ~HEVY I FT, '67 JEEP CJS Fleehid1 ,,,. Up V-6 Solt Top $1995 PULL Pl lCI $2200 DON' W~IT . 811116C , •TYlll4t . '67 CHEVY 'I'• 6-PACK STAK E. LIFT GATE CAB·OV£R CAMPER $1995 f ULL PllCI •Ml71 Si11k, Stowe, etc. . $795 :.~~~ '67 DODGE t 01 VAN '64 FORD PICKUP P1ofecl ColHI, Wllile $1699 P1, .. Slt 1p1i Ctmper •940''' . $1099 ..... ~:: . '63 VOLKSWAGEN NEW '70 SCOUT CAMPER BUS V1rv Cl1•11, Gr1111 -. VI • l o1d1d $1299 $600 Off LIST •OKllJ1 •40•7tJ MANY MOii TO CHOOSI f lOM KUSTOM MOTORS · AUTHORIZE D INTERtlATIONAL TRUCK DEALER 845 .B~KER ST., COST~ MESA fNnt .._ ,. ,.,...._ U~unJ 540-5915 '64 XKE Coupe BRG, 5:1,000 968-490l ' mi's, all se1v. J"('C(ln:ls, · · '66 V\V, Xln! cond, new cht'ome \\<\ft!_ "°'hi , 'il:/£/w, '57 Spd~tr, ne\\' clutch, gd brake linings, Must sell, Pvt '61 (.ortina GT, new lites, t.g, 111.1 Pirelli llre1, nu brks, eng. Xln't cone!, J\lust ~. ply. Sl,050. 830-2949 S2350. 677>-19J7. .,, vw good -·····-__ .. . CORTINA raclni: ntirrors, .Lspd, xlnt all extras. will take 11'd~ , .. ...,, ..... .. <.'OOd. & very s harp. or wm-frnnncci pvt pt y. Sac * '61 PORSCHE:-Sll'S, clcu.n $1'15'" or-tll!sl. 962-1782 of 962--8674. $1995. 0 .N.0 . 714/492-:l476. inust sell nnw. ~1akc ollcr, 545-6519 '69 CORTINA. fully ~uip'd I NO matter .. rtwt It is, you ~6-7563 --~·o;;·~·~vw=~s"u'°'s:-- 4-1pd fir shilt, bucket sls, can sell It v.1th a DAILY THE QUICKER YOU CALL, Excellent rond ition $130 lo ml. 646-9781 · P ILOT WANT AD! &&2-5678 TllE QUICl<ER YOU SEU. 5~8-6157 after 6 Imported Autos I : ========"-===========-I 9600 Imported Auloa 9600 Imported Autoa ~Imported C1 r1 - ' A GREAT SELECT•ON OF FINE NEW AND USED CARS T & M SPECIAL OF THE WEEK -_,,68 Corvette ll.ilkl, "HMf, .. lr condltlllno Intl, pOWff Wlndo\il'I. C111lom p.ilnl end MW illlll l tlftt. T"il 'Ve111 lo0t1 rffdy tor-I ·nr al'IG•t SN 1nd drift i. ·ws299s --T &M MOTORS IOPll!I SUMI AYS, --. --8081-GAID!N GttOYE"-lloV01-. --- ''•Ill. I. Of IUCH 11¥1 .. 534-2284 892-5551 ' 9600 TllANIPQRTATION ----..;-_...;..;.;,;._ hnp1rt!ll Auto. '600 lmportff Autot TRANSPORTATION --lhundu, Ju" ie, \'70 • -DmY l'ILOT ,4J TRANSPORTATION -raANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION Tl!ANS1'5!RT~TION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPOllTATION I fltANSPOltfltlON HOO Anti-, Clo11lc1 MIS Autoti w.-9111 UMd Con -UMd Cora -UMd Con -UMd Cora -UHil Cora VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO lts7 MORGAN, now top WI r>AY TOI'" CHEYELU MUSTANG I b r • k1•, $120I. CASH J'll n..yw,.A, NdoTElla·D!·· ,-.. , '69 Volyo 144A ~.724 •vM & wk· ~ ~ Che~:::~E: 4Sl hp. ·~~~ d:. !r~~·· It~;:;, ·-· "' ...... 12~..A.tl~t~:!'t==i!15:'M;;;<;Hf==i;;u;~j::~~~ "Hurst clutch, J~ cama. 390. $2.IJO, or T.0 .P. --l-VObKSWAGEN-tod111y;-Cnll-915 Modet--T-Tourh111 Ulld "-._.._ ...._. and iui;k for Roll Pl~hot. lie, radio, heater, efe, 0~'1'1-e' braM radiatar • -... __... .. _ --D .--rorwt..--M8-•. .-.m.TUf MS-3031 Ext, 66-67, 673-0ro;l, M by lltlle old laity .from_ t 11600. ~ call Ill tw be ~mate, 'l '68 Malibu 327 Air, 4 5pd., Newoort "'"'"· <ZLKU3). GRQlH CHEVROLET budl<I , .. ,,, 25,000 ml, OLDSMOBILE '69 V\Y Bu11 Sundl1tl C11mper, T11ke trade or r.mall down ' Xtl"M. $2600/off~r. 494-8915 ---------- 4 & 8 !rack slerM, A?.1/F~I. will finance prlv111e party.It __ UtWa __ ._W_o_nt9'1 ____ '7_00_1 Alk for s.lM Ma~ __ '66 Ctlft .a.•r coco mats &. cpts, luned Call rtlr' aft lo am 49-t-1029, WE PAY TOP DOLLAR 18211 8e.eb Blvd. CHEVROLET .,,_ f'>.:hau1t, $2700. 6'Ja.8954 an ---.!!!.!;30_pm 54(}..3100._ _ _ ~· Ai.LJ:onditlr:Wrw;-riaii.'"lieat. ~m~.;;;;:;;;;;:;~;;:;;;;;;;~:§l='~,g~~~~=~l;;~~TO~SED~ ~ HuntUtctort-Be.ch er, wire wheel•, power win. ~DIST-SEATS IN THE HOU_SE __ =-----S t C '610 U your car 11 extra ~dean. 841-8087 KI 9-3.1.11 '64 Che\fy Bel Air dows.. (TRFJOln Take trade por ars .tu usP09fu-,Lt.~ llVICK JQP OOWR V/I, auto trarui, nd~. healer ., __ ~ or 1u•~ private plrty. e \956 Lamborghini ~ GT. 4 new tlrl!1, carb. and interior C&ll M6-t052 or 4M-9T13. •·· OI ~ I 234 E. lTta St. . 59,000 {lliles , $650. ,.,...., e~o ·~nllt & _Sav np, Colfa Meu 54~1795 for allu 9 A.M. '58 Olds, Clean lnlide & out, " -·u-11·1·5 D Rww-.,..1 nu-ndiaw, s;: ~ ~ !&6 Impala 2 Dr. hdtp. G""-t bait & uphol.st. $25 0-. ..,,. VOLVO Box 1871. c/o Installment ~·vot'Vo:-j-=Loo==" "'=';=;'~::;:G;::::=;:::;:::;= TOP DOLLAR J:or clr.an,__y:i;cd ems> JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN ~·ERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.r.1. THEODORE cond. Auto.. pwr, 1tef'r.: 644-077! 28,000 Mi Orta:. owner ,63-;:;0l"'d ;:8'o;:_::;;;o;:::;;;:;:= I l·--:7''Jf.':E~ -ROBINS-FORD-m:=. -"· "· wai. "'~1.,,.1 1 ~ IU "FRIEDLANDER" 2 dr. Demo. '* $2750 * UJll 88AC)t (ltWY, If) '68 MGC-GT JMPOR'fS WANTED Oni.np Co_y_nUeii: TOP $ BUYER BILL 1.lAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. 2060 Harbor Blvd. UMll• hleaa 642-0)10 cond. $300. 1964 CHEV. Bel Air 4-dr. 675-iMOt air., ps. Xlnt. ccnd. $650. After 5 64&-9568 '65 OLDS CUUass HT. ~T. ,64 CH~Y 4-dr Bel air, tach. coMGle. 28,000 ml. ~ d ' Air, $1100. ~~ 6 ......... con . Call ll9J.48!0 'Sl Pl YMOUTH $175 .. 548-6163 .. NIW·USID·HIY. 6 cyL, 11ulomatic transmls- ~\on, B.eautHul 'Bermuda blue whh blk leaUwr Inter. lor, radlat tires wit h \\"Ire· \\•hee1li, A~llF~t radio, Lie. XSS795. • H. Bl!ach. Ph. 847-35.'"6 WE PAY CASH FQR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH '6.1 ·CHEVY atation ·v.·agon~, =========I &ood .condition. S600 ~ VOLVO ANNIVERSARY SALE 1970 DEMO ''142" ...... ~" .. $2759 4 speed, radio' It. heater, a 4740, 1800 E Cpe, tor dl'liv- et)'. Ovenseaa del Specialist. DEAN LEWIS S2.195 \\TANT To Buy .58 to 63 V.\V. Bug \\•Ith nn motor, or .in need of rc(lalrl', Must be reasonable 642-4689. ONLY AT '69 CONNELL CHE~ROLET 100% 'GUA ANTEE "Tires and b8ttery too'' •I no cost to you! On ''OK" ustd urs. MALIBU• . C1111119. A11tn .• ll:&H, P,5, rtm•lnl"g !•ti. w1,.11nl'f. Gorgtoul oo!d ctr wflll.lck 111n~1 root. (YVMllJl 01( 11Ud <•r IMPALA • CinlClm (!19. R&H, P.5., •uto . IKIOrV t lr, viii~\"'°'· 1H11 1tr11nc1 """'· w--111Kl.lt. ouu11n OIC o.n td tt r * 846-5700 * CONTINENTAl PONTIAC '67 4-<lr, ••·•• F· ly tlrts 4: B~AIN-Sharp white J91i4 brakes, 42,tn> mi's, l owner. Pont111c conv. Good co.nd. Like-·new, $267S~·u oiler, S4~_~'19--~1_211. ~-'68 Firebird 400, Hpd, xlnt CORVAIR rood, $1~~4:st. '66 Le Mans, 2 DR HT, '62 CORVAIR-clean, new V-8 RIH, PS/PB, gond tires need.~ brakes, 54'-2815 tires, Clean. $lli00. 642-!1768. or 67> 7776. ' CORYEm -~RAM.BUR_ e1u::BA~~~~M ~hlir. '&1 s10E pipe.a, 327 4.sprt. '66 American 440 • * l.eM!' $16!1 mo. ln1m1c. cond. 1209 w. 2 Dt;lor, Big '6'. lSQR334), • Buy S8200 Balboa, Apt. 1, N. B. "1UI 1ake trade or finance * 36 mo. • Open l'nd e 673-Sf!Ol ail. 6 -priV11te party. call 546-4052 '-====T='";"'"=:'='=="""';:;::;'='===-l co""R~VT-=-~ ... =-,~.,,-c.-,,-,-.~.,-.-.-"~oo-.1,=·='='="='=773=·=·=========== · • am/Im. 1\tui;t sell this wk ! 1· 9900 1 • '(l,f J1r.l'N~E· • ANYONE '63 Ford Custom. Fully fa c. tory e(illfPPM:-- S!l9 '55 VW llPC-05(H: 11!19 t'450. or ""' o!r. (2131 T·BIRD 823-843.l '62 VE'ITE l1d. top, orla '67 4-dr .. LANDAU vinyl lop, red ~Int, 283 Hr_KrLJn,g, ..AMJEM. Juli po\\'.er fact. 4·sp, SHARP Sl595. 67~'MS a ir, new 1\1\che.lin.~. Private ·~-FSTBK-. mt w/blk-int, ~$1800 ~ -4572 327, 4-spd, 0\1\il. $2300/besl offer. 494-40411 VALIANT '"6 Ford CorOM G.T. 2 dr. DODGE . ' Front row center •nd •II w•itin9 for the curtai~ to 90 up on m•ny mil•1 of drivin9 comfort. We heve e.l•r9e selection of 1t1r perform· •ts 1111 completely equipped. We'r• ove rstocked el\d c•r• mu1t he 1old, re9ardle1' Of ho.;;. srriiU ihe proftt. Come in today ind lit oni ' of ouf 1alesm1 n show 'you' how easy it is to 11ve big •n e better cir now. 1970 MUSTANG 1970 MAVERICK IU.ND NIW H1rdlop. Hi9h btc .. buc:ket •••h. color •eyed Ctrp•h, floor 1hift, J~1tr11rn1nt 91119• ••· E71xl 4 Flber9l111 belted tir•1. OFOIL· 1161 JI. DIMO \111"1 low mile19e. JOO cio 6 cyl., e11te- m1tic;-wliti+. w,11 tiret , t C:c•"t t roup, , .. dio. OKt tl ttt 196. $2595 '65 FAIRLANE v.1, 4 door 11dan, pow•r 1f11rin9, r1dio, he1ter, WSW, b•it• with l'ltlchi119 vinyl tri l'I. [ EQV 61 S l Sltl '66 GALAXIE 2 Or. H1rdtop. ll.1dio, h•••· ••, 1utom•lic, P/S, "'hit• with blu• i11t1rlor, WSW, wh1el cov1r1. (SVF I It) Sil.JI '66 CNTY SQUIRE --A11to .. -'"i..,___h•tfe,--JS2 CID 1119ine, ' p11• •• WSW, wh1el cov•r1. 111.UU 21il ' SIStl PlhCES PLUS TAX &. LIC. $1899 '66 MUSTANG 2tt Vt, conve rfibl1, r1dio , he1ter, p•wer lf••ri119, "'ire whe,I cov1r1, ltetl 1h1rp. CS LV 2l6l 51491 '61 IMPALA 2 Oftor H•rdlop, R1dio, ll1•t1r, P/S, F1ctorv A/C,t WSW, G r••'.! vi11yl lop. (WIE 155 1 Slttl '67 COUGAR 11111 -w/l>lu• i•l•ri•r, wllito vin¥1 roof, r•dlo, A/C, P/S, P/I, WSW,---t inted 9liu. CI EM 7521 Sl99S '62 GALAXIE 500 Z Ooor t•d111, ll.1dio, h•1t. ••· ... i..a. will ti•••· v.t, "ltom11ic. I QX_V5t4 1 S6H '67 VW IUG 11.•dio, he1ter, 4 1,..d, white w1U tir•I. L1uflfvl cir, e11c1lle11t co...difi, •• IVAN 2tll Slltl '64 G~ND _!RIX Full pow•r wllll 1ir condi• tio11i119 , IGCZ 2J6l' 17tl DON'T MISS THESE BUYS FROM THE GOQD. GUYS SOUTH COAST FORD MIRCURY -- -4'4'1515 JOJ lkOADWAY, LA•UNA llACH 149.1111 Piiot Claaalflecl NO¥ • Q AC-A99 -___J Or ShowrOOfrl lrHh.w/1~t1rlor dl'tl>r. \11, ll:l.H, P.S., 1,6... -1~'nn-r;-1!1m1rnll19-.1cr.--rn1ntr.---flClll'H DIC 111td c•r H.T, 4 speed bucket aeata.1----------11960 VALIANT ital. wag. Dally (TAS.195) •iu-Sa ,67 v C Good 1ra1111. $13.'i. 547·TI88: " ~· c, an ampr.r[.~u;•~"'1~~640o~~~::;::;::;~:;::;::;::;::;:::;::;:;:::;:;::=:;;::;::;::;::;::;:=;::;::;:=;:=~~==~~;;;;;;;;;~.--i ----$299 gc,-:t!S:: e~li' ~ - '64 Buick Skylark. VS, 6 pitU, cond. 1tanrf-Up top.· cu11tom '68 '68 '68 '68 '67 '67 '67 '66 '66 '65 '65 CHEVROLET• llel Air t ll9. ll:11or ""''' Auto., R .. M. IKI. 1!r. HtW c•r c-ltlo" •l'ICI c•rrl~ ""'' IOO'!lo 1111rr1"1v. 4Vllll6'tl DIC Ulfld cl< MALllU• (Pf. VI, 111<1 br~nd MW. P.S , ll .. H, 1uto Suri It hit wr Jao--.-111 411' g .... rln!H Incl t.,....lplno flClg'J w1rr1ntl', fXOCJl l 01( u1td cir MUSTANG \II' VI, 1 owner DoclOr'• car Sure It new. t .CICICI mlltl, ll11u!I· ful golG wlvlnvl tool,"'""'"· IUIO .. IU.H, I'.~. YO.U won't comiwir• 1h!1 DeC1u11 ltltl• 11 onlv ant, OIC ut9d ctr. f f.Ct. gu••tn!H !ell, 4XEW6Sll IMPALA• Cllllllf!I (pr R•IO• 1h••1t. 11 .. H. 1uto .. P.S .. lteterv 1lr. !'IT L211 1 OIC uttd ctr MUSTANG ¥8' R .. H. •u!o .• l'.5., tic! air, li.•utlh.11 car " 11·1 too che1p t i th!I pt lce. CUJ Olt.ll. OIC 1>1td c•r. IMPALA • Sport COUP9. Rl<llo, hfflff, l lllCW...tic, pClwtr 1lt1rl"O• ltc.lft•V tlr. CTUZl~! OIC .... .i ct r FORD WAGON' C""'nlry Stdtn. VI, 1ulom1!lc, 6o~r 111er+nt 6 brt~H, 1.-c;torv 11•. ' lll•otnver. CHEVROLET' l tl Air • dr. AufOl'nltlc, R .. H, P-t!Hli"O• !KlorV t !r. It 111re 10 tfl IMt ..... IMPALA• ) Dr. Spt. C119, llw:1I dttler seld new. Jt,000 m!IH. F•ctorv trnl'I. R&H, •uto, P,S. Gell to IN! 1111 nlcnl -In O••"O• CollnlV, CiJLAt.l~l '"'' 11 ctrrlft our \DD.._ gwr1n1 ... 01( uHd ctr IMPALA • ) Dr. H T. VI, R&H, 111!0., P.S., laclclry tlr. Suri II cie1n, rlgnt n•ll••gt, rlgh! color. OIC u1trt c•r IMPALA • ~Dr . .,,,, ~I, 11:1.fi, 111!1 , P.1 , t1ctory l lt , OM ol 1111r dt .... 11 t•rt. fPlll5'SI OK u1td ctr $2399 $1699 $1799 $1799 $1199 $1499 $1349 $1299 $899 $1099 Transportation TRUCKS '82 VOLKtWAO•N es.aa (TYClll) ..... '83 PA\.CON 4 Or, IYCIU411 $399 $149 $899 '64 l TON $1"9 1'' 11""'. vt n bcltlv, lleel lloor, lt,IOI !ftllel. HIQll rublllr. 0000 cOl'HI. '6' CHEVROLET •;, TON Siie~ shift , Htw tolldltlon. OK U'IO Ctr, '61 El CAMINO $1399 11 & H, powtr lltetlllf, • 1Pffd, N 511111ir Sl)CH"I, HIW c.r ~Ilion. OIC U1td Ct r. ''9 CHEVROLET V2 TON R&H, • 1PMC1, tllllflm !Ill, Hek bulT\Plf, llkt Dt•rlCI fllW, 01( UoM Ctr. •MIANI 1to'.4 aUAIANTll --nt.r..,. 71 1'6f.'6'·'67·'61 I '69, Mfi'wleiill• .. .., i.. wltll "'9 MM 110~~ C....tl G.., ..... 1 • CONNELL _CHEVROLET : 2821 Hf rbor ·Blvd., Costa Mesa -546-1203- • \ViigrulF'!lU-power1atr cond. tnt;-Will lllke $100 for eq. Ne:.w~.C~o~r~'iiiiiiiiiiiii9800~;i;i;I ~N~o~wiiiiC~o~r1iiiiiii~~~~~-iiii~I iiNo~iiwiiiC~o~niijiijiijiij9ji800~~1 ~U~Md~jiC~o~n~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiill COOT·344J take ovf'r 25 payments $139. • S3!l9 mo. ~9. · CREDIT AUTO SALES 11)2!12 Garden Grove Blvd. 5.'\0-2002 5.'!0-6.'lfiO •••••••••• BUICK * '611 BUICK Rivi~ra, xlnt cond. loaded. Mu•t 11ee 10 apprecl!'le. CAii ~4. * '65 Buick S!;ylart Grand Sport, 445 eng. Bkl. seals, $1100. R.17-8525. CADILLAC 1959 CADILLAC PARTS FOR QUICK SALE Battery \Vindsh1eld Wipen Radio Wheel a fLEETWOOD Brooahm : black lea!hcr lop, steel RttY hollom, leather Inter ior, Outstanrllng c ond ltlo11. 64,C...2677 '67 Cadillac E.1 Dor.dn, ater- eO, vinyl top, air, IOolded, 29.000 mlle1. $3750. Pvt ply, 4M-3034. 1967 CAD. El Dort.do • private party. Beau!iful car, Dark• blue/vinyl top. 1970 wheel covera. $3!Ql. 644--2647 '69 CAD ConVf:f(, leather Int, AMl~;M rKdio.--full.-p~·r.­ fact air. tUt tele 1tr1, PYtT door lock1 etc. 644-5159 1969 CAD. El Dorado 1-owner cle11n, !Mtk-rl. Daya -l!M-9781 ; l'yfll ti7l-:'l.1.">4 • '& 11rflll1c conw-rl. ~Mw rm l'Ond, all ;iwt, lo mlle1. $1il00 4~-61&4. . '611 El Don1dq. b I a c k ~·Jhl1ck vinyl tnp. Muat Mtll-n1ake offrir 61>&542. . >CAMARO '68 DART-4 dr, rth. auro tran5, pg, ww. $1400 or near offer. 644-1258-- FALCON 'EiO l 011lcon 4 ·rlr, 11ult1, 3 new . fi re1, good transporta- tion $1 25. 54fi.-~ '66 Falcon Futura 4-dr 11tlck, r /h, $750, 2131421-37116; Afltr 6, 613-2M4. FIREBIRD * '68 PONTIAC rireblrd 150 11900 FORD --------'6!1 LTD W11gon, l'"a<:. Alr. PIS, Pwr. rlilc Brks .• Like ne~" IB.000 m i., $3200. 968-7472 '61 F'ORD. 6 CYL. StiCk. Needs \mrk, Bcsl offer. • &l6-56n • MERCURY '61 MERCURY Mnnlr.rey, r.1rl\o, he.1rer &_ pov.-er. Ex- ~le.nl buy. <i!M-21$7 MUSTANG ;67 Mustang Hari:ltop. Air L'Ond. 111'.!l'f!O tape., IVRU2!111~ Take lnide or finance private part)'. Call 546-4052 or 494-9773. '68 Mu11tana;-Xlnt. cond. Air cond. 6 cyl,, 1rick. 544>5«13 'fi6 MUSTANG, lull pwr, alr, v.11, new brakes and tire1. 646-A'!56 or 6'12-58..'i3 '69 351 11ulo. A1'>flf''r..f, delultl! 11\&f:rior. T.0 .P. p I u a . 646--0619 •tier 5: 30. JOKNSON &· SON LINCOLN-MERCURY THREE GENERATIONS IN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS ·• BRAND NEW 1970 MARQUIS BROUGHAM t Or. htrdlflo, l+t m ..,gln1, 111temallc tr•"•mlu lon, l'llW9f dl1c Dr•kn , canc•lld headl•mP gr111•, twin com!Ort Iron! 11111, lu•- urv rim 1t1trl"11 Whlt1. l<lft thru v..,111111an 1v111m, winy! r1111!, ~hi!• 1ld• Wiii bll!ld !lrn, 1111~• •!de Wlnd0w1, ' WIV OCtwtl• 11••, !Ill 1tHrlng wll•I, oo-1tN•lftll, remot1 canln:il trunk re- le•u, AM/FM 11tl'to rtdlo, llnted RllU, remel• re1r view mlr· "1t, 10,._.K.iYN llTAIL DISCOUNT JOHNSON & SON PltlCI S5,493.30 993.00 S4,500.00 + TAX a LIC. 2 DOOR HARDTOP D11p gold, w~ite •id• will lir11 , d•lu•• wh11I coven. 111· 1 lo1'11 llc tr1n1mi11ion, PftWlt 1!11ring, AM r1dio, ti11t1d 9 1111, rt mol• control mirror. $2799 BRAND NEW 1970 Marquis Station Wagons Ytcfl! Ok, Pnl., Cancultd l+d. Lm11, GrHt1, OU.I Ac!len Tl. Gt, Pow. RM r Window, Flo. ttlru Vtnl IVlltrTI, LUClll ... lllCk, l!vp. l!mlnlon Con! .• I lk. SIW1ll H71•1S l"lrn. Po-S/WlndciWI, 6 Nay !tow. SM!, (tMtr FKlng II.M r 5Mtt, Ceriiti.I loM fi-, Pw. Frt. OlJC lr••n. PDw, 51"rlnt, Wh1tPfl' Air Cond., AM/PM Ster911 11..tla, Int, Wlndf lhld Wljltr, Tl11led Gll U Comp .• oir ...... Frt. S'-ldl<" a.111., 111. Canl. LN. Mir"", lu.ury W, Cov1r1, Cros.a COUlll•V •kit 1"11, DISCOUNT $967 .so fl:OM WINDOW ITICkll NICI Cougar Top Cat for '78 WHERE WILD MEETS ELEGANT Thit b•1nd n•"' Cou91r h compl•l1 with pow1r •*•erin9, pow1r d i•< b•••••· whit1 1icl1 "''II tires, o n4' "''"Yothe r l11•u•v fe1!11re1, •OF91H517 1J4 $2995 +TAX & LIC. IMMIDIATE DELIVERY '.Ill COMET C1llW1tt C01111t Auto. tr1111., il:lfu_l lC.Jtl0W.J2'l '875 75 '67 OLDS $1675 Clrtltu S...p.tme (oupt, t.o.cted. !.VOF .Ollll --~- '65 MUSTANG C11111'1. Stldl, m tng, INHE :i.U. '1175 '67 MIRCURY Cn1Dn1 OT I Ot. H.T. LOldtd. ---------·1 ·69 V.W. BUG '1275 '65 T·BIRD ' LOtdtd. l05t: t4J). 10,000 mllH. $1775 -----------• l '~!!~!'v~llb~. Auto. S 187 5 'i6 Pontiac Le Min•' 1275 •••116., ""'· br•••· 1xs• uu. t Door Htrdto11. Aut1. 1r1n1., IM.hlry 1lr clllldltlonl119, oowt• llH•ln!r. redil, h•l!tr. TAW ..... '66 MUSTANG '66 CHEVROLET c..,..lc• ~ OoOt H1rdl1<P. lolcllll, (IVH ntJ. $1975 '~· A11t•. trtnt ., ''"'· '69 MARK Ill SAVE ~';"~"'-'.· ;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 l•nd1u. ,,., .. a. 1111'1, contro_>. • I VOZ '"161, '1375 '67 OPEL RALL Yl$1375 (WOC OfJ). • '61 Toyol• c......,. $1375 (oupt. IWIG 711), '67 Poritloc Col Cpo '1475 V.t. 111!0. tr1n1 .. ltclorv olr condlllonl"O, pOWtr OffflJlll, r-411, "!II•, (UMP JOll, '66 BUICK Skylork ! Poor H••dlOP. '1595 '6S FALCON WIOOJI, (VOIC 1•1l. '875 ·~ Dodp DI. w..,. '1575 NOW. IS THE BEST TIME IN TEN YEARS TO BUY A LINCOLN "MIRCURY PRODUCT ~-~ . _,_ Johnson.son -t~~LINCOLN CONTINENTAL• MARK Ill• MERCURf• COUGAR f .. Oi"2626 °H"A'R"iol;"cc,SiA ... M:Es!-M< -540-5630 --· S•56JS,--·~ -~-· (I Miio So. of Son D ..... FfWY,) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' , l • ... ' , • 0 DAll.Y PILOT 1'looldoi. -II, 1970 • ma HARBOR __,__. __ C=OST~MESA_1--- I ' r- ' •' c_,. 01 Horbor & IUm, Swvlco Entnhct On .Elm 1 --·-- C••lllJ Syitem SPECIAL · Meke Sure Your Cer 11 Roody fOf' Tho Sum- "'"". Months Ah-I. ·--~-J. N .... H /llMI-. ., ·-' ee.a.. l.Q~ ..... DISCOUNT BRAND NEW 1970 119811 LUXURY SEDAN crui.e c:antrol, A -••• c:or.-dltlonlnl, < tlftf«I Wlndlitll91d &. wlndoWI, whllt' •trll*I llbef'Vlilu tlns, Tiit &. twlncOpll; 1i91rlng, , POWlfl' tl\ll*, AM/FM Si.t"W r• cllo, ....., ,.,...,... -·· \llnyl l"CIOI', 4.Qr.lllt $8.95 .... d lridld-fftlm ant Wllfl dt,191 (Oft. trolt. .i.t, wlndolll5, ,._. Winll ....... dllc brlll•, . •"'°""'tic ,;-~ •.• "Ilk, Molt • .,,.,., con. eel ..... *luxt Clt1n. (~ No. JllJ. AT ---B• Jones -~Cont ... •••••••••• LUlllCAnON *FREE* To First IOI Cora With Thia Coupon . 1' Onl --"""""'' y * * ••••••••• SPARK Pl.UG SPECIAL- B6E, B7EI BP6E, BP7E .... 11.11 •o~ 75c WnH THll COUPON UMR I NI COUPON ••••••••• AT BILL JONES Sporhc11r Center --·-- TUNE UP ~sPEelAL- . Set C11rl»Uretor, Plue1, Points, CanclonMr, Timing All Porto & Lobor $16.95 --·-- ~1 s1J1so -DISCOUNT . NEW '10 OLDS 'DELTA "88" .11om HOL. CPI. '1050 DISCO\.INT * '65 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN *27, VI, •ulometk:, IK!ory. •Ir, rMllo I. helll'I", W·t-W, f',S., P.11., RRV077 $955 * '65 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 4 door w.uon, VI, ti.Ito tr•n1, I.e. tory 1lr, P.S., f'.8., R•1t, w+w. !RFU #(). $1111 * '6L CADILLAC H.T. CPE .. VI, •llto. lr•n1. full ~. It.Mt, WIW. {GA.$ 1)61. sn1 ------ * '61 CAMARO ss' H.T. CPE. JN, VI,' lf*d, P.15., r4'dl0, hHf· w, vtnyt fo9. (UOY ~), $1888 * . ·' ' ' -....... ·,: . :--· -= _ _...Jl,C>Nl>At I 0 . I ft """ • HERB FRIEIUNllR 13750 Booch (Hwy 39) .537-6824 * .193-7566 H A ~ s "'EM -~A L L * MINI BIKES *' ''90's'' '100's'' ''350's'' ''450's'~ . -''750' s'' · z * 1--MINI-BIKES • * *H* -!:: -• A Ill A -§ VOLKSWAGEN 11711 °BEACH BL VD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-4435 '5&~VW BUG R11n1 G;.... RH, ".s,.,d. ISIU9501 $588 '63 .VW BUG (JRMIOOl $899 '.66 VW BUG RH, ".s,.,d. Run• 6ciod. tTIXSJf) $1299 '68 VW BUG Auto. RH, bir• Sherp. Wltite w/lll:. Int. tXJA112). $1699 '66 .VW FASTBACK lH, "·Sp•"· Very Cleeri. ISLZ62"l $1399 '68 VW BUG Ro•cf r••cly. R•cl_i o & low, low mile•q•. (WAK0201 $1599 '60 VW BUG • ( . ' aQto sport ltd 9625' Gordon GroYO Blvd. 537.7777 * 193-7561 --··· THE ONLY * RAT * -DEALER -sANTA1 DODGE, INC •• 1401 N. TUSTIN SANTA ANA -835'= 3491 @ Dodge Cars !Dadsel Dodge True/is SAU PllCll' '69 Toyota $1695 Cor-llffl:ltop cpe'. 4-lf!Md, R•lt,, ...... II top, Prlctd to 1111. fXSS21H -F· a· E E . AU ci::"s'T':c:o•ILS AUTOMAnc .. ~·· TRANSMISSION . with tM purchliM AU MAii II MODIU of •ny IN "STOCl DART SWINGER • • IN _GARDEN GROVE . LARGEST SElECTIDN. ALL COlONA MODILS AS . OF DODGE DARTS IN ltOCI LOW AS IN ORANGE COUNTY $1596 TD c:EiDM! 12 month, 12,000 mile . *********** THE Young Way To Go ********!** N.ew 1970 DART $2335 tI~:. IMMIDIATI DlUYlaY • 1970 DODGE VANS . 1970 DEMO . $2759 lG 1 tlr., rMJo, Mt•, .....,., ($11. t/47411 R.•dio, ~·•t•r. !NWT l47) ~-1---- 'fW Ctmper IUOL17ll $2699 '65 VW BUG "·Speecl, Sly 1111• Vinyl IPit. ll·P60961 $1088 ·'67 YW BUG w/lll Erir• 1h•rp, white well tir•t, rtdio, heettr," 1peed. IUW 2111 $1399 '69 VW BUG Rtdio, httttr, 4 1peecl, whit• well tires. Lile ntw. I ow11er. (ZISl27l $1799 '67 FIAT 850 sport. ''YOUR'' FIAT ·DEALE Ill. *********** THE * FIAT * DEALER IN GARDEN-GROVE AS LOW AS 12 month, 12,000 mil• F•ctory W•rr1'1ty • '65 MALIBU SS Coupe. Air co11ditioni119. l otllleCt -with lvtryth'iilg. #9026.A' $1345 '66 FORD -GALA.Ill IN V-1, t ulom1tic. trt111m i11ion, eir c.onditioning. Exfrt 1h1rp. fZID 1901 $1295 '67 PONTIAC FlllllkD V-1, •utomttic frtn1mi11ion, .;, ·conditioni119, ••Ir• 1htrp. IUKU107 ) $1895 '61 PL YMDUTH 4 Or. Rtdio, httfer;"" ti.Tom•· tic lrtnl. IWTPI t 11 $1495 '61 CHARGER RT "'' MAGNAUM LOADED with ever yth ing. Ntw ct r wtrr1nly, low mill · t91. l k !XTL4 ll l $2395 '66 DODGE CORQNET Cpe. Autom•lic lr•n1., ~ir condition1n9.-pow1r 1lt1rin9, rtdio, h11t1r. (TGV1:1411 $1395 Tlli5 d9fnCI Ml low mll•, With 4 IOftif trtM., rMllD & hNtw. ( W•I '65 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE Rodtfr. ll;tdio, hetter, 4 1p1ed. J111t Ii•• n•w. IY,U J lOI • $1095 '64 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 Rod1tr. Rtdio, hetltr, 4 1pt t d, wire wh•tl1. • ]41 1 $1195 '69 FIAT 124 SPYDER Rod1tr. Rtdio, httl1r, S 1p1tcl. Ulct n1w, in1id1 I out. !Y)!'US7•1 $2795 '64 MGB Rod1tr. Red io, hetltr, 4 1pt1d, nlct I cl1tn. ( BFE 790) $1295 "65 vw R1dlo, hitter, 4 1pt1d, ntw ptint, re•I 1h•rp. fN PESl 4l $995 ... VOLVO 122 S•d1n. 11.tdio, hetter, 4 lpt•d. f~OWI , •• 1 good , •••. !WIAOJOI $1295 '67 PORSCHE 912 ~p~. R•clio, h••t•r,J...•P•lli ~ Air conditio11in9, rttl •htrp. •9t14 $4395 •69 OPEL RALLYE. i Dr. Radio, h1tltr, 4 1p•1d. Onl>t 6192 miles. Lilt 111w. •1111 t I , . ' ,· . ---: . . . ' c 1 • ' .. j I I I fl . " i I ' . -.... _, . ----"----~~~ , THE REAL ESTATERS ;J)eJicaleJ lo the ropojilion that "1i1e client lius a rigl1t I<> k 11oiv everytl1i11x co11cerni11x tl1e tra11saction befure Iii' acts ... " RANDALL R. MC CARDLE Presiden~ or The Real EstaCers: a Real Estate columnist for the Daily Pilot; past president of the New- p<)rt Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Re·allors. • ·-f<eaf ~tale • td ';fOUP " .... We like for the people we do business ~ith to have the feeling they are buy- ing a little bit of us when they buy a home or investment property through THE REAL. EST ATERS. We are determined to instill trust in our clients by proving we are trustworthy." SERVICE IS OUR WATCHWORD The growth of any business is in direct -proportion b the caliber of the personnel and the services they render their clienh. There are none finer th•n THE REAL EST A TERS. Their determination is to do the best po~sible job for you. They attend every possible lecture, clan and senimar, where they can learn the most advanced ways to merchandise property. Just call us ---we'I: explain the details. ' Reprcs'9nlative homes in the Harbor Aru . THE REA·L ESTATERS Serving Newport Beach • Costa Mesa • Corona del Mar • Huntington Beach 3 Convenient Locations Near You ' MULTI~ l/WnN6 SllWK:E M'S NEWPORT BEACH COST A MESA CORONA DEL MAR 332 Marguerite 673-8550 INVESTMENTS 278-4 Harbor Blvd., Suite 20 I Costa Mesa 546-2316 E·XPER/Ef\ICE El/M -JNATES EXPERIMENT May We_ Introduce Ourselves? JO• ••VIN aaOWN COLANTONIO-....... Mtr. hnkt "'''· Most of us are natives of Southern California. A few of us -~..-9-newcomen to thii beeu+itul, pro9ressive-are..=All of '"vrarranxio-:-Cus,,__..==--=--=-== to be of service--to yo e1r.-the people • he new BiuUi1lcct.,:---~1't~B Opel, Jaguar dealership, BAUER BUICK in COST A MESA, (formerly Poole Buick). And, we have an interesting story to tell you. You can experi- e~ce something you may have looked for over the years -a good re- liable automobile dealership with • sound policy end en interesting phi- losophy: "Specializing in Quality" is our motto, end complete customer satisfaction is our •im. All of us .are reedy, willing end able to provide you First Class Service, Integrity, end the Finest New end Used Cars in eH of Orang• County. l'M DICK BAUER ..• Our 1t•ff of Service Technicians •nd Office Personnel I'm one of the newcomers, having moved here. from e little town in Illinois ceHed Hervey. We built a successful dealership there ~esed on the simple concept of good customer service. Our idea is to do the same here by being worthy of your business, now end in the years ahead. Everyone here is aware of these philosophies and will strive to please you in every way. May we have the opportunity to show you soon 7 East 11th Street Costa · Mesa ' .. - . . ' ~~~· 1 ' ' POINTl_ OF INTEREST Airports Heliport MY8l Ore"ge County Airport NA-N877 City Hallo Coit• Mei• -MVIO Newporl le•Ch MVll Colle9•• UniYenity of Celifornie, Irvine NCIO Oreruje Co.it Gollege MW77 ~ ScKithern C.liforniti Colete MX71 - .. , .... '"" . ~.,. Country Club1 't':" <·• ... .. ' ...... . ''""""''' I . Coit• Mesa Golf Cours•I MU77 Sent• Ana MX77 Irvine Coa1t MY8l Mai• V9rd• tr.4U75 R..ncho San Joaquin NE77 Daily Pilot Coil• M.'Mi, llO W. l•y St. MWIO Newport h•ch, 2211 West l•lbo• Blvd. MVll ------- ·Ferry Ct01sin9 MXIS ,~ '·----... ·--·- .. ~~.., ~! ~ . ' ~ ,, ... "" ~-., ' ' ' \ I ' --- ... 1 .. "' ....... "" "'"' I I I ' ' ... '· • ' • ~ ...... ' • High Schools Coit• Mesa MX77 Corona d.! Mar NAl I Esterteie MU71 Newport Harbor · MW82 Hospitals Hoag Mtmori.! MU82 Fairview State MV77 ' Coit• Mei• MetY>ori.I MW79 ~-~~ ' ' ' ' -· Perks end landmarks Newport Oune1 (Orang.!' County, H•rry ·~elsh Memori•I P•r•) l'! Coron• del M•r City end St•t• le•ch Perk-NA86 Mc:Fedden Lending MU-MVl'4 E1tenci• Mu•1um MU71 · Old Lending MXll Gfienn Memn Memoriel P•A: -MXl5 Col;te Me .. Perk--MYIO Che.Ws~W. TeWin•le Memori•I Per• MX , MY7] - MX-MYf) • ~' l r1 .. -·~ . · ' .. -~ .. •• ,If ,/ J" #J "11· ·• '"''' ... "'"" "" """ --.,.,. :~..-,.: ........ ....... ···-··:• ' . ,, T"· ., .,. .. . ... ,. ~;., .... l ~ ,.., . ' "' ""' ' ' •• ,, J .. " ... ' ' . \ Piers Balboa Newport MX85 MV84 Police Station• Costa Mesa (Civic Center) Newport ~••ch (City Hell) Youth Facilities _ _ MW-MX77 -78 MV8l HMbor Aree Boy1' Club (Centr•I) MY80 Herbor Ar•• Boy1' Club 1Up·P9!° Bey) MX80 Coron• Del Mer Youth Club N885 Orenge Co•1t YMCA' MY-NA79 • .-- . ,, "" ... ,Oltl "" .. •tA\0-C Ott ... Al•\Oltl II\ ltl ..... ... (• ,t.(6(0.., ... A(a<U \I (0 •U C I• f ltt \lrl fC A0 .. I\ .... f• .•.. , ,, ... •OOlt. t t•C11 10 tO '''" AW ~ ,,,.,.,, •• ttU <6 •1h u'"" ro •1 ..... (ti ("• •\.••IO \.. t• ·~ .,.. tv ,. •ltA ,, "'" •l •O'f " ('• Al etHOU OJ (II •UUt ~ <• •HOU O" (4.1 •LfCH111 ""' ro ·~oe.--. '" .. , •i et1••u ( 11 "" .,cc_. " "~ •lt •-o ,, ... •L l(U tf (Nt CO •1no •• •• •& 1\0 •111 ... •u t ..,..,.• •• ,,. •t.-o-t ~ .. . "'h "h"'~ .. . •t.TOOfll• 1• U. •1 ,._. 0-... 64Wll '"' f • H'f'•U DO _,. ... •LW•••DO ,,, ... .... \f l .. (" H1fel(•11 u (• •H•IO•"" '" ..... , .. " ... ... ....... " " ,.. ,,....,U •O t• --••tiO• •• ... ....... •w ... •tt•141 •• •¥ t• •-.(M[il •• ... •1111( .. 6'4 ... ... •-"OtvU t\ O ...... , ,, ,. •""f• ,,. Oii ... •"4h• ,, u. •JtlfA ,.. ... 6Mll•PCM U \t t• ..... , ... ,_, ... , ..... •lii'lf·• • r1• .. '"''". .. ... ""'"''"'.. , llrtl(fft ,.,_,. ... , ... ..... .... ., .. .... .... -. ... ... ,. .... .. ,. . .. , ililfH .... .. 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Where ·.to Find It Inside 'Beaclles • . . • . .. .. . . . .. . . .. • • . . . . . .. .. . 31 Beau., ........... \ ................. ~ •• Cltllrebes ....... : • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• Corou del Mar Chamber of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 C..U Mesa The City ............................ 2 Chamber of Commerce .. . .. .. . .. .. 7 Estancia ................. : ......... 16 - . Government . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 7 History .......•.................. 28, 29 Libraries ......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Municipal Court . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8 Parb, Recreation ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Planning Commission . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 7 Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 36 Trash Collection .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . • Clleaes Orange Coast ..... , .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . 11 UCI ..........•.•.•••...... I •••• 12, 13 r......, ............. : ................ It DAILY PILOT Mllftl'llJ')' . .. .. .. . .. !4 .... ., .............................. 34 Im. (the city of) .................... St Music ud Awards .................... U N"Jl'ft Beeclt The City ...................•••. , . . . 4 Cham~r of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . • I Com.missions . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . • I Government ......... ".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 28, 27 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 lldunlcipal Court ..........•.••..•..• 8 Post Office . . . . . . • . . . . . • • • . . . • . . . . . 31 Parks, Recreation .......... :. . . ZZ, 23 Trash Collection ................. .'.. I . Orup Coaty County Fair . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 Gov't. Phone Numbers ............ 31 PoUtlct, Voter llformati.. . . . . . . . . . . . M ReaJters, ....,.., .................... n Rtereatae. (Family Reud1p) .....••• 3l Sc:Mols Costa Mesa ..........•......•.... , . 30 Newport Beach ...............•.••• JI Sports ROGllChlp .•..•••••.••••.•.••••• a 1'11ea&er1 . . . . . . . . • • . • . . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • II Yt1dt Clabt .............•....•.•....• 14 YOUR COMMUNITY ~gHlne Publlahed by Or•nge CoHt DAILY PILOT ~Newport h•dt • Cost• Met•, C111iforni11 "'1970 RoberfN. Weed •••.•...•...•. Publisher ··Thomas McCann . . Editorial Supervisor . . 'l'homu Keevll ••••••............ Editor Anne Hamblin, Charlotte ADdresen • • • • . • statt Artists lee Payne, Riehard Koehltr, Patrick O'DonneD ...•... Stiff Pbotogr1pben • Your . Co101nuniiy This la the ~venth time tbi DAILY PILOT has been privllepd to preaent I de- tailed picture of YOUR COMMUl.QTY lo thlJ form. As we study the myriad detaDa each yur which 10 into the ctaUon of this 'word· and-photo portrait ol one ol tbe Wtrld'a molt eldtlnc areas ~e are struck anew by the very nw1)' unique quality ol We In the Harbor Area .• 'J'be virtually unparalleled recreaUonal lllN ol. our.area come. ulstanlly to mind. But, as our comnumitlel mature; Jt allo ii pleasant to note and report lncreuing erq- phasb on c:ultural and spiritual ICbievements and growing efforts in beautification and community service. Our valued assets include varied educational opportunities -in lnstllutions where the accent is on convocaUon inltead of confrontation. And we have the land, the climate (both business and meteorological varieties) combined with skilled labor all waiting for modem industry to move in and to prosper. Though YOUR COMMUNITY ls a publication intended primarily to keep our readers in Newport Beach and Cotta Mesa aware of recent developments in govern· ment, business, educaUon IDd recreatlon ln the community, it also ls a showcase of valua~e. information for U>OM wbo hive never seen our IDllJlificeo! area. Tbouaands of copies of this publlcaUon wlll be distributed to readers throughout the United States by our communities' ~bers of commerce, by the DAILY PILO'l' and by ~vidulas. With pride, we present our· community to all or these readers in this seventb annual edition of YOUR· COMMUNITY. ~/)~ PUBUSHER Bare V~ .. ' You'd almost have to be there .really to aps>reciate the view presented •bove through the ''lonl lena" of Patrick O'Donnell, DML Y PILOT staff photographer. Tele9copic shot ol Newport Harbor "u made from Rocky Point (overlooking ••s11 Corona" beacht and leape optlcllly across areat distance to abow Balboa Island In "foreground", and Newport Harbor High School'• tower on hill far away. In immediate forep'OUnd ii Coast Cuard Cutter Morris, 1 not--eo-frequent visitor to local waters. t A Town Becoming ·a· City ~ DAILY PILOT ""· ........ M .. Y PILOT ..... ~ •ld!IN ~ NIGHT-LIGHTED CIVIC CENTER IS FOCAL POINT OF COSTA MESA GOVERNMENT Council: 'Part-time~ Joh?_ ~~~~~~~~~~ SUPERCHIEF Arthur McKenzie F"inance Director R o b e r t Oman ln an entirely new fonn. Just as others b av e tbrouahout the years, the cur- rent city budget vrovides for a wide variety of capital aiid other improvements, without 1dditlonal taxes required from the citizens. The Costa Mesa City Council la at the top level of an ad- mJniatratlve hierarchy, ov.er various committees and com- Illness ~Sidetracks City's · 'SUperchief' The S u p-e r c h i e f was sidetracked in the spring. Costa Mesa City 'Manger Arthur R. McKenzie, who rose from police chief to the city's top administrative job -thus earning his a ff e c t i o n a t e nickname -suffered a cerebral hemhorrage. By mid-year, McKenzie was still on indefinite convalescent leave and undergoing ex- tensive therapy as a result of the stroke. McKenzie joined the city as a policeman when It was In- corporated 1953 z1d ro8e with Its lfOWth, turning his fonner job over to his successor, Roger E. Neth, he was when promoted to city manager. Assistant City M a n a g e r Fred Sorsabal, en e r g e t 1 c young former assistant ad- ministrator £or A n a h e i m , quickly picked up his ailin& boss' duties. Councllme'tl a p p o i n t e d Sorsabal lo lhe position ol acting city manager in May, when it became apparent McKenzie couldn't return to his job ln the near future. 1be new titJe is effectively a promotion for the young administrator, since it carries a salary Increase. missions, department heads and on down to individual employes. Council members constitute the sole elected body within the city, appointing most of the other agencies' members after e~aluatina p o t e n t l 1 I service. Election day, lt'{G, brou&ht a new face into council ranb, that of former ·Planning Com- missioner Jack Hammett, who waged an eneraetlc umpalp and won solidly. He replaced Councilman George A, Tucker, while (C.*'-41 •Pace 7) .. CREATING A BETTER ENVIRONMENT FOR YOU . An .impos~ible promise? Consider our· ptoQreu. lff years ago, we began building a new environment on-· our land here in . . Orange County. An environment for people. Beautlfvl citlet inter· laced with the verdant green of a residential countryside. Uncrowded. Clean, airy, open. Everything .conveniently dost by: Designed for tomo"ow, The place where urban sprawl ends. Where the future of a man and his family can itart today •.. We kept the planning flexible. Real progress depends on allowing for the changing ideas and needs of the people It MtVes. Today our promise is being fulfilled. Beautifully. Irvine has been called the finest example of urban IMng In the world. o~. • rog ress The Pf"5ident of the United States and the governments of more • than 30 other countries have sent representatives-to study our- progress. They have IMn new environments In the making. The alistening glass and concrete of model citl~. flower.filled vii· loges. Shopping centers. A smog-free industrial complex of 280 lnd"rvidual firms. --Pasklon Island. EhvrcMI and-recreation "parkt. Estates and townhouses. APartments. 'loating marinas. uon CoUntry-sofori. Newport Center. Scenic roadways. Airport and heliport. Schools and playgrounds. Golf courses. Th. University of Califomia, Irvine. And more. Everything to make a better life for everybody lucky enough to live, work and play-here. We think It'• the way you w~nt to live, too. f:'] • LC • f • .. .. r= . , DAILY PILOT ..... 1'1111 RAMBLING 'RANCH STYLE' CITY HALL LONGTIME NEWPORT LANDMARK - The /au of Newport er vewla started mak1n1 Btad& todat fa ROC tM feu the same trip. of Nft1P0'1 ~. Atld Vilited vridlce)J1 bJ tbe ·fM dtr'• /all of a /N "VllqUel'Or; ..... cia. hd- ff'Cll'I ~ toil! Mt N to-tng ahipl, tbe new port - daJl's foe~. Eon tM "old" soa by ~man asap aectionl of Net0p011 are tnewn u "Newport" - V10 from an ta.f'lin ti~. IOClll wu plabdJ In need of Nft0p011 Bnch Ml a lR ..................... ~ ....... !!l!'Dl19119 COJatinldng hfaiorv. IC Jiaa uwr Httl a mu of boom nd bust, 10ith dntlopMnC fboted at ,O'IW ~. Newport Beaob1.-ftmt tbe colony, then the thWll' Di now the city, badl U.. '* ginning ai-a .tttimwgr more than a yema .. in the days ~ tbe Clvil \1en.. A hardy, •atamq-man, Capt. S. S. •mnwDG. OD1t day departe• fDml1 ilia ._ tablished roattnie at' running' his stern-wheeler, "Vaque- ro." up and down the coast between San Diego a n d points north to do some ex- ploring. He steamed Into the pres- ent Newport Harbor inlet, between what is now Coro- na del Mar and a sandspit that is now Balboa Peninsu- la. Cautiously maneuvering the "Vaqu ero" around bars of shifting sand, C:ipt Dun- nels dropped anchor at a deep cove close by the mouth ol the Upper Bay. It waa uicky going, but Dunnela round he had come upon a navigable port. He began trading with ranch· ers for hides and tallow, and word got around. 0th- StillGro~ ---- 5ewgllti J11mab ..um.-to pvw II I residential ~ rnunltr.' ~ f6, ~ llil> • a counnerdal 8Dd indultrial ...... ial .... -.. ...._ metNptlitm area. .... the CJlll!• ,_r _, tba: Clttfj Sued i.-buiWnc permits for .... I' ,...,, Jll'U1Jtilli .Jimlnl; tblt: Jlmtl fhie' 1111111lhl ol 11'11, a tGtal ol l,DI llllliJtiq•lildl Uldtt tiulHUnw, .-mils lslued. Here'• -tliq llntdt 1Jlll ...., .. ·:r· 1: ,... ....... Ma, Single-family residences 7.11 · Duplexes a Apartment bulHttn• Ill a wharf. Jbl SI} ii) pt ODii! The badba& mm U!!•1 -an...-tai • f tow linked willll liJ i er ...... history -... * 7 •• Their pr ...... • " n ILD llllR time wa•1 ., • ._ cillty fw • = -·c d lumber ID 1limm amr1 _.. acre spread in the Santa Ana area and Cor other ranches_ in the county. James and Robert Mc- Fadden built their wharf near the mouth of Ute Up- per Bay, close by the cove at which Capt. Dunnels had Jbumt• Jlalll .. lb1p., dill aat ..... 11min' llllbllll .... .... -...~ ... ···-.... tllJ lllin" '-:: ~ IUllliJ ......... , pmlbcdlf; -lllliill waillll -al ........ ~ tlill> lllllltt fttl'Wi ,_.. "*ipptDI' --u~ iJlo.. creased, and with it, the number of ships that w.!nt aground. The McFadtiens hi~ out pilots to guide vis- iting vessels through t h e bay's deceptively undepen· dable channels. High Ude safely released most of the 1mllli that still managed to --ped OD sandlpits. -JB85, however, tt had 5 • traglcally clear to ttllelmFaddeJJ brothers that Ulllb1' wharf was too haz· _,..,lly ·located: one of 1lilbt' gllots, Tom ·Rule, lost llW lltit when a ship he was 811""11 into the bay's inlet bllll .HI bottom ripped out. Sil the ~ Bulllt 8iMtl6l plmr ~ a -lhipping_»lB ........ port Piel! maw: lllmllls. Newpollt1 ••••ti: Cllllllr- merdal ah•u • l!ltilllll1 to tbe o.-~.an nf! wllicb a 111111111 ••11M•a4111 bepn t. ......... -tbe first of. ttia. 1\uH..,.. im the tiny ltDllml .. all ........ lng house ..... a • The bibtll&a; r:r r 11. whose swiall? ~ ._,, tuna wea lllOL 1bE wult. at liewJwn .... 1'UiililtlY •••l V U)9.l .-i for m 1.altwHHIJ -.i 1bll -*' oC ttie ranchb~ ShJJ. till Mna. JiF now they were weal- -enough not only to build tlW mtlroad but also to buy lqrllllDe or the largely bar· -1 land surrounding the .... 'a. property was owned 81111111lat is today the area between 9th and 40th streets. by the state, and' the state drove a hard bargain : the brothers McFadden were compelled to shell out $1 an acre for 1,000 acres. Tbe property encompass· (Coatlaaed H Pace !t) , Wealthy Wor~ for Newport Beach By THOMAS FORnJNE above 100,000 -reaches ot .... °''" ,. .. ,, s••ff eo,ooo. Newport Beach ls a wealthy Ultimately, N • w po r t ' s city. · permanent population will be Its wealth can be measured dG,too according to planning by tfle income ol Us residents. experts. 'nley pay a high price for Hotels, motels and rental loclglng. cottaps and apartments, But there is a more basic rancmc from plush to modest, Wealth that has made the provide a broad selection of . N e w po r t a d d r e s s a o .some 5,000 "digs" for vaca- prestfgious. Newport's wealth tioners, according to the becins with its incomparable Newport Harbor Chamber of batbor, its beaches, its ocean Commertt. vistas and its S o u l h e r n Palatial year • round homes California climate. and luxurious multi-storied Sun and sand and sea -•partme~ts contribute to the -atT• holiday atmospheft, but these are the commodities Newport has its seriOUJ side, Newport property ~n have as well, and is more than lnwsted in and which visitors a l"elOl't to the 11 , 0 0 0 flock to Newport to enjoy. permanent residents. Niwport is composied of VITAIJTY about 13 square mlles, two These ..blessings of natur~-of -which are -underwater. have begotten a vital com-Almost 11 of these miles munity whe.re thousands of perbape could be best descrlb· boats gracefully chum through ed as 1eoeraphical v~tions. the barbo thou. ~A~..1-ol These are islands, ISOiated r 1 ;')CIJIUa pee>-secUona of the community, pie bathe and bask along the narrow atreets that repre.sent beaches, thousands of cars a corttinuing challenae to barrel down the boulevards, police and fire departments.~ and thousands of shoppers As I result, the city's police · r sh · are almost constantly mobile, wander m. and out. o · oppmg working out of their one police centers, big and hlUe. headquarters on the peninsula. ~ n1&ht, a sllanae ll!Ules And Newport bu twice as an URt watldlxl1tl ll1dJ the many fire st1tlans u would --._ d1ml-ttiel~ llht 'b t-1 , moat -«her cities its size In 111 JU'I" l'89lll1mlllt1 r o w population. GlllllS lll»e! ca. -·HJ OD a map, Newport roughly •wm•-•t1"8taflwttlildiners takes on the shape of a ....... fur the lllllMDurantl tri..p: its western toe ttilt !Id' the ~ Dghted toadies llqnfingtm Beach ; CM ..._,, from cma endl Im West the eaat It racbel to Cameo lliLutpt to tba ottill' in Shores,~ fMana del Mar • Cfblmm daV IOm: 'l'bl! triangle'• apes reaches i. .-i lamdr hiBttmlanJ once llOl'tbward to the rapidly ....,, nal8d+ ~ Beach deftlopiq iDdustrill 1 re a .._ lllUUtb-atttanttan to araand Onn&e C o u n t y liunbb•1Ptbaumndlatiig91 Airport. 'l1le base ol the nta daa OM tb1m that, ~ of ~ la the all-. Alt!.Uill! ~.more PadOc Oceu. tbmi -~ -from Newport Beach adually Is dinghys to yachts -called composed of many neighbor· Newport Beach home port. Ing communities. They include Balboa, West Newport, Lido TOE GOOD UFE Isle, Balboa Island, Newport For thousands of people Bei~hts, the west bluff and then, landlubbers and seafar-Back Bay area, Eastbluff, ing, Newport represents fun, Harbor View Hills and Corona recreation, consla11t s u n , del Mar. limitless blue ocean and fish Thousands of home! have caught and cooked the same popped up on Irvine-leased day. properties surrounding the It's a great place to visit, Back Bay and in the hills and just about 50,000 persons -above Corona del M a r • want to, and do, Jive there, 'thousands more are on the too. planning boards today. During the suJlllmr months, They'll be filled, t o o • the city's population -apart Newport ·Beach has all the from beach crowds that soar Ingredients to assure that. YOUI COMMUNITY-1971 ••· •~l.••u•• .· ElghtHn storlea ta/1#- Targtt date I• SeptemMI, 1971 for th• grllld opening of the •1"1c and .paclou• Union Bank Bulldfng In th• Newport Flnlnolll .Plaza. Union Bank is growing . with orange county .. YOUI COMMUNITT-1'71 If you're familiar with the present Union Bank office in Corona del Mar, you know that the space Is small but the people and the service are big. And next year, the staff will be off to even higher levels of achievement. A new, eighteen-story Union Bank building rs already uncterway In the Newport Financial Plaza. Service will continue to be "one-story" friendly, with the personal and Innovative approach for which Union Bank has been known for more than half a century. The new building will provide ample room to allow our staff to serve even better our customers, and the burgeoning business of th is fast-growing area. Don't wait until then to enjoy the benefits of becoming a customer of Union Bank. The full range of services and unique Union Bank concepts are yours to enjoy now-Regional Banking- Money Engineering-and an Account Manager to coordinate these services for your benefit • .Now Is a good time to get to know Union Bank.-. You'll be getting In on the ground floor. W A Unlonamertca Company South Orange County Office East Coat Highway at Goldenrod• corona def Mar . . IAILY PILOT S· MWlllll .. MAYOR Ed H1rth VICE MAYOR Howard Rogers Ed Hirth, Newpert Bwb'• elected from aeven coun- maJOf, can be fouftd In hJt cDIDanle dlstricll, each more office at city ball almost every or less baaed Oii aeographlc day. And be makes frequent boundaries. appearances on behalf of the The system was devised 14 City Council that r u n s years ago by the framers of Newport d~ government. the city's charter. Before then, Hirth bas given generously Newport bad been a general his time and enera to the law city with a five-member new Job he assumed ln April council. when he succeeded Mrs. Municipal lawmakers lel'Vt Doreen Marshall as mayor. four-year tel'llll. Tboucb run- Fifty-nlne years old, Hirth ning from their borne dlstrlcts, sold hiJ yacht brokerage they are elected at large. business when he wu elected .Four were elected In April to the City Council in 19A • this year. The other three to devote full time to city seats will be open In· April, service tm. · . , Councilmen select the city'• The Cll1 s vice mayor is mayor from amonc their own Howard Rogers, consultant for ranks after each eleetlon. a firm that sells educational The Newport council ln-equtpment to Sdl001 CDJtricts. lUates ordinances, bean. ap- The vice mayor takes over peals on Planning Commlsaion in the mayor's absence. decllions, rules on larbor .Al mayor, Hlrtb presides permits, gives ftna1 autborila. over a uniquely consUtuted Ci-tlon to land use requesta, ty Council. Its members are awards an cootractl, approves COUNCILMAN llndsley Parson• COUNCILMAN Donald Mcinnis all major purclwes lncludlnl acquisition of land, leuee dty. owned properUet and, of course, levies a property tu rate. The council meets the sec- ond and fourth Mondays of each month for r e g u la r sessions at 7:30 p.m. In . Newpcrt Beach city ball, 3300 Newport Blvd. Agendas are available for the public. . The· oouncU ilso holdl studt meetings at which they do not take official action i>ut often arrive at declliom for adoption at the r e g u la r sessions. 1bese study meetlnp take place the first and third Mondays of the month at 4 p.m. in the council chamber at city hall. Additional study sessions are occuionally held on other days at the mayor's direction. Newport's present coun- cilmen, by district, are: District 1 -Howard Roaers COUNCILMAN Richard Croul (Tenn e1pire!i April, 1974). Dlltrld Z -Donald Mcinnis (Term expires April, 1972). Dlltrld S -Carl Kym)a (Term espires April, 1974). Dlltrld 4 -Milan Dostal (Tenn espires Aprll, 1974). Dlltrtd I -Ed Hlrth (Tenn expires April, 1972). Dbtrlet I -Richard Croul (Tenn expires April, 1974). t l)lstrict 'I -Lindsley · Parsons (Tenn expires April, ,,.J: 1'12). 'lbe key city 'employes who uaerve at the c o u n c 11 •I pleasure,,. in accordance with the charter, are: -City Manager H a r v e y . Hurlburt, appointed in 1965. · -city Clerk Laura Lagios, appointed In 1967. -City Attorney T u 11 y Seymour, appointed In 1964. The council also appoints members of several municipal commlsslcns. COUNCILMAN Milan M. Dost•I CITY MANAGER Harvey Hurlburt COUNCILMAN Carl J. Kym1a Spry Chamber of .eommerce 63-Years Old Newport Harbor can boast of an active Chamber o( Com- merce which is going oo 63 years old. "We've been proud to be the guiding factor for many movements in the city over the years," says Chambe.r secretary and g e n e r ~ manager Jack Barnett. The 85G-member chamber includes businessmen a n d merchants Crom Corona del Mar and Newport Beach B'l'ld has its offices at 2166 E. Coast Highway. Jn taking an active Interest in lhe development of their c o m m u n i t y , C h amber members have formed com- m1ltees to act In information and advisory capacities on a variety of issues; - COMMITFEF.8- Some of the committees ac- tive currently with t h e Chamber are a v I a t 1 o n , beautlncation, educaUon, city planning and r.oning, Industrial 6 'MILY PUT MAUllNI . development and commercial development. "We try to look at our role as being more than a visitor's bureau," Barnett said. Other activities that the .,,,. Chamber and Junior Chamber participate in are the Miss Newport Beach beauty con- test, sponsoring the Character Boat Parade in the sum- mer, the Flight o( th e Snowbirds race also in sum- mer, the Commodores Ball, the Sand Castle COntest, the Festival of Lights Parade at Christmas and the September Get-Acquainted Barbeque for new businessmen. "We als o s pon so r scholarship and a th I e t i c awards luncheons,' He said, "in addition to serving as selective service headquarter Volunteers Help Make City Run A City Council and city staff aren't enough to keep a vital city growing -it lakes citizen volunteers to romplete the job. Newport Beach's nine city commissions, with 51 positions do the work that councilmen and sta(f need to keep the city running efficiently. The committees, their mem- bers and expiration dales or lemfs -are ~ "fotl(jWs. ~ • ""-""' Cr-blna .. Ttnll Im JoM J, JOowskY. Jr. Ch. e Siu.rt WrbOn. 111 Vice Ch. 11 Ill w. ,,_ .. 71 1111 E. Oosll. 21111 Vkt Cll, .. I'll Don Adklr~ Secretery "' ff Wllll11n1 8 . 11111 .. Gordon H. 1111 6-• Mtttlr>a: Third Thursdly of Heh mon111, 3:00 l'M, Councll C'hembtrs Adlourllld MH11"9. Flrll ThurtdtY of NCh month, •:oo PM, Councll Ch•mtlfr• P'lll'li1, INdles 111• •ecnrtleft Cm111 , . . . Ttrm E•11lrH Cl8udla J . Owen 6.J0.10 W•lltr Kodl .. 31>-70 Ale••ndt,. c. C1111eron Cll .. 31).11 Jam'l L. Rubtl, Jr., vice ~h. H2·~1 ~lcr ~1~1noltr i:£1J RollY H. Pyllskl "»'73 Meelll!Q: T!llrd Tutsdlv or 11<11 month, 7:30 PM, Coutlcll Ch11mbera StuclY.~'!": First Tuttdt'I If N<ll .;r~·=·.~~."" ......... ~~"?-,.~.~:'.'Hr. -.• 11• Alvln 'Gw Kellum, Vice Ch. n ~·., "'°r~·ffl• n M;rnct: Fi:st MQl'drv of "'" month. 7:30 PM Councll Cl'limlltn Mrs. Hllncock &111nlno, Ch, 6·»71 Mrs. T. Dunc1n Sttwtrl 6-30-71 Thomes &laktlV .. )0.72 Chtrlts H. S_d, Sec:rettl'Y "30-7:1 MMJlno: Tlllrd Tucsd•Y of etch monlh. 1:00 P .M .. Conltrtnct Room. N~ INdl City Arts emmlttH . . . . . . .. Ttrm l~I ~~:: ~~"''M~:ni~~ ... ~ Mrs. Vlrari.11 WhllthoUst 6·30-71 Mrs. eerbrrr St11>1er, Ch. 6-:IO·~ J. Herbert Brown«ll .. » . ~~· 1:e111 Mt llnoff ~ MMllno: IS c•ltff • fedllllal Ojj Aftllrt C-m.. .•. Ttn11 IGlret ~· .. ~1 ~~ ~~r'c.~111e_!!i '"· i: .. n M•llnot •• cell"" ... ~.. m C• ... , ..... .,.... l.lllrlr( T""tres .... , ... Ttnll lllllrtt r11CIClt 1 •-r W. Htrdlcrt ":IO-l'll. obit T. Ounc•n Stew•rt HerWr! E. Riley H•m Kelso Meeting: llS Cl lltd. Joint H•rMr CommlllH R le hard Honfr. <;.ountv Deen SllVll. Jr., 't®"'" ~:;l~~~1~rCflv 11v Mullno: ~~cond Tue,dav of u cll month. 1 ::ID PM. Herl>or District HtadQUarters C..11ty Slltltlllea Dl1trld1 S. f, 1 Olstrk t I : E. F. Hirth, MIVOI' Llndsll'f Ptrtonf. Rkfllrd Crout, AlltrM lt Dl•lrkt 6: f , f'. Hirth. MIYftf DoMld MclMb, Alltn1tte Oistrkt 7: I!. F. Hl=YOI' H0¥1erd , AlltrMlt f .., Mtetlno: WtclMSdt't • 111 ... " l"IOlll!I, 7:30 PM, 10k4 Elllt Awnut. Fout1trl11 vrtlfv. for the Harbor Area, certi- f ying foreign shipments, and publishing restaurant and boat guides." TOP OFFICERS Serving as president of the chamber ths year is Charles Currey; George Woodford is tst vice president; Hugh Mynatt is 2nd vice president and Dan O'Farrell i s treasurer. The chamber also has 36 directors who aid in decision making, Barnett said . Three are chosen from each of the seven councilmanic districts, three are lrom the Junior Chamber and 12 are selected at large. "We do a lot of things most chambers don't do. We roll with lhe ,action," Barnett notes. "If problems develop such as the ones with the airport, then we throw our weight into ij. and get arter it." ' , • • • -t -YOUI COMMUNITY-1t1t Goodbye · ~·~'Charlie' One of Costa lilaa'1 molt blPIJ reprded C Ith e D • lel'Tallts left the ICeDe Jn tile ..__ tpring ef l~, alt8 a Ieng, colorful career including more than 30 Jean-in dtJ g0,vem- ment. City Clerk C. K. "CJaarllt" Priest, who held the same post earlier in Newport .Beac1t, died at 73 of a heart attack. He bad been nominated 1everal weetrbefore by tbe CitJ Clerb A"Odltioa of Southern California as its can- didate for national honors. He began bis career u a DeWlplper r e p o r te r in 1f1M1Cbuldts and WU a fre. .-a 4'Glltrillut« to vlrilul publications, including t b e Ckistian Science Monitor. Never ruUy considerlnc the question of retirement, the popular city offlchl nonetheless groomed bis lllC- ce81GI' over the yean for U. time when she would tab ever the jo6. Mrs. Eileen Phinney was promot.ect in April from deputy dty clerk to the job Qiarlie tnew he must one day v1e1te. I Wilson 1Mayor. Again < (Cal ei ha Pee I) vice mayor follow a ......... former mayor ...... 'f. order of MC r'OD, witb tbe Tordu wu ftturned ur amce -aecaed-1.-ei••ned J a k In l for another term. CMI' u ma)'Or _._ pertaaps SubeequfJatly, former ...,.. defeated at tbe polls. Robert M. WDson was elected Occupations. and ... ofesllons tO-anc>Cberterm Iii tmt omc~. nvt mm are- while Jot:dan was cOO,,en as divergent, but give each in- vicnnayor;-4Mdull a v~ Pll'spte- Generally, the mayor and Uve oo certaUa factl ol We pertain to the running of a city,-._ . The current slate o f 1F1uniclpal leaders includes: MaJ• Rebert M. Wilsoa, aluminum awtliC manufac. turer, whose term expires in Aprll,1'72. - Vice Mayw Willard T. Jerdaa, architect, wboee term expires In April, 1974. Ceudlmu A 1 v i a L ;,, the people, the--five COIJnoc Pbddty, wbose"1!rm -e~lres cilmen spend much of their in April, 1971 time each month in stud1, c .. ..-..... L It . _reD~U~n ,_~nd discussion fl- •• . mun1cJpal matters. Clair, whose term exp1res In · Each b availablet o hls con- Aprl1, 1172. ltltueats who may have -a ~Jn R. Bam-problem that needs attention melt, whose term eicpires in or a view point to exp~. and April. 1'14. their numbers are listed ID As elected represen~tives the telephone book. eianne:rs Ar£-:-.""_ily~ 'J\rehite~ts'_· __ __...._. One might call the Costa Mesa Plmninl Commisaioo the ardUtect of the d&J - in terms of appw'IDCI ... ud fundioo -for botb t.odaJ and tomorrow. The five-man panel )ayl lbe groundwork for action by the City Council, bated on adYJ& and pidance by the experts, the City Plannilig Department. ?.one exception permits, mn- lng changes and other basic: IOIDetimes -highly technical matters come before com- missioners in the coune of their work. ol terraln, Ill~ style and changini Jdeaa Ja architecture and construction. C.omider this p u re 1 y bJpotbeticaJ uample: Mn. Jonel wants to build a duple1 on a lot mnaller- tban it lboold be for two bamel. Comm.lsslonen recom- mend a no vote on the basis of coofonnJty to proper lot lbe. Sbe and her a tt o r n e y , however, remind the council that Mn. Jones voluntarily dedicated part of her land for street wkleninC ~ 'Ibey made her lot the - It ls for community benefit, ao they relieve her hardship with a reasonable decision, while the plannlnc staff olf en help In laying out plant for maximum efficiency. Most often in auch a case -lest citizena milundentand -the commission It s e If listens w It b understanding ears In such an obvious cue. City Council members ap- point planning commiBsioners to four-year tennJ and these· are staggered to allow rota- tion, while each man ts picked for lUI special bowledce. They meet regularly the • cond and fourth Mondays of the month and in study sealon on alternate Mondays to bash out lluli•"'• with appllcantl. CUrrently serving are these men : a.aw-Qslel Beck, ardittect, whole term expires In April, 1973. Vice Calnnaa ff. .1. "Jimmie" weld, centractor, whose term expires In April, 1974. CammJ11wr Nate Rude, businessman, whole term ex- pins ln April 1173. C•••hthaer ,,_ L e • a ' a rdt, businessman, whole term expires in AprD, 1971. Leonhardt WU appointed to fill out the term of former commluloner Don Hout, who resigned due to promotion to an administraUve post in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Applicants for the vacancy created by f oT m e r com· ml~ioner Jack Hammett's election to the city councD in April were being considered durinl June_ One of the most com- prehensive on the books al mid-year was a detailed ltUdy ol proposed densities i n residential development on &he city's east side.' .Chamber Launches Big Map Project · Bulcally, planning com- mission members are con-Probabl ..... _ _.... M f ll ed · M M ceptual purists, often taking Y '°" UIUft .uc-esa, o ow m ay. ore an academic stand 00 pro-cessful service of the Costa than 100,000 maps and 60,000 posed developments within the Mesa Chamber of Commerce business directories w e r e city. in 1970 has been the creation distributed this year. The actual hard facts of and distribuUon of t b e These a~ just two of the Jana availability, finance and chamber's accurate city map activities or the Costa Mesa physical circumstances may and local business telephone --'-I ·bl 1 dir--' Chamber of Commerce, which 1wu.e t imposst e 1or a \;\;,ory. builder to coolorm to Ideal The first distribution of the has shown a steady record concepts on a given piece of "Official Costa Mesa and of growth under E1ecutive property. Vicinity Mape" by the Chamber·Manager Nicholas J. City councilmen must then ·chamber in January met with Ziener. evaluate the commission's the ~ approval of the Leading the Chamber cur- recommendations and ftn. dty'•. m member finns and rently are: mett, immedlale past presi- dent. Stanclinl committees are at the center of Chamber ac- tivities. The Annual Com- mittee cbairman ls Robert M. Wilson, mayor of Costa Mesa. The A vialion Committee is comprised of chairman Ken- neth S. Clark and vice· chainnan Jack Hammett. Ronald 0. Hardy. The Industrial CommJttee, which meets to discuss ~ · jects lhat might affect local manufacturers is headed by Vaughn N. Reddlni and vice.- chairman Walter Babecky. County, state and national Jegjslation that concerns Costa Mesa businesles is the mission of the Legislative Committee,. with chairman Clifford M. Wesdocf and vice-chairman Eugene 0. Bergeron appointed to &hat committee. ·dings, then in some cues live area l"elidenta. -Gordon A. Martin, prest- the applicant in a particular The chamber's leCOnd edi· \tent; J0teph R. MetcaU, firrt The Community Affairs and Retail Committee chairmen include Kenn . Rima a n d Joseph R. ~etcalf. In charge or the Education Committee is.Leslie Miller and Dr. Robert B. Moore. Greeters Com- mittee chairman ls Alton L. Geiser and c-o -a h a I r Ill a n -The Women's Committee, ·which plans the aMual All States Festival,· slated *' year for August 16, is heacJed 'by Dr. Hilda McCartney and Shirley Hardy. NEW CLERK Eileen Phinney matter a break. tlon of the ••Yellow Boot • vice president; E\lgene 0. Good planning ts a basic ClassWed Te1epbone Direc-Bergeron, second vice presi· theory, wblle a srowtnl dty tory,'' wblcb Usta all bowlnea dent; Vaughn· Red d Ing, It a concrete reality ID terms flnnl and cornpmdes In Calta treasurer : and Jack Ham· ---- IAILT MOT 7 .w~). 1'-Ct.::A•°l411l IP ••.•• t • • . ' ~--_ _,_ __ ··----~B THE ,MAN WHO THINKS SYSTEMS A few special questions from Atlantic ResearCh --_-- 'Corporation's Missile Systems Division. Do you enjoy the challenae of engineering in the total systems concept .. :. do you want the opportunity to work with a small group of your piers..:.. so that your work will be recognized en<LuUJized _._ woukl.you_appreciate the-advantages of~•n all new facility in beautiful Costa Mesa, California. If you 're a creative, degreed enaineer, can ans·wer yes to the above questions, and have an interest or experience in .. RF Systems • Marine Systems Spacecraft Systems • · Guidance Systems we want to talk with you. -- Submit your resume to : Mr. W. B. Okey, (714) 546-8030 3333 Harbor Blvd., Cost• Mesi, Calif. 92626 3333 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION PAILY PILOT MA•Allffl • ' ~ Division of Susqueh1nn1 Corp. An equal opportunity t mployer ' · Trallie Fine Line . DAILY PILOT.Jteff ....... 'Harbor Area -residents visit traffic court to pay fiiies. 'Ibe traffic court and -muillcipal court are located in the Harbor Area Mu~pal Court Building, 561 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Court hours are Tonday, 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Tues- day through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone number is 646-9341. , arbor Neteport The· city of New po r \ Beach handles trash pickup for all residents bf the city. Trash and garbage col- lected by the city must be placed in 30 to 50 gallon cans which rnay be either metal or plastic. Such cans mu st be -·water -tight and covered at pickup time. Shrubs and tree trim· mings should l>e t i e d together in bunJles · which must not exceed four feet in length. All cans, bags, b<?xes or bundles of refuse cannot weigh more than -SO pounds. Food wastes and vacuum cleaner leavings mu st be wrapped before being plac· ed in trash cans. Refuse placed in oil drums will not be collected. Building materials, such as .lumber and .cement, will not be picked up but should be taken to the county refuse disposal b1blion. Collections are made by the clt nvJc_e ltedtly. the days depending on the sec· ti on of th e city. Holidays are C h ristmas,. Thanksgiving and New Year's Day . Refuse shduld be placed on the curb line by 7 a.m. on the mornb1g of collection. For information or com· plaints concerning t r a s h pickup Newporters should call General S e r v i c e s (telephone. 673-2110). • -Costa /flesa the day of pickup. For information Costa Mesans should call 834-5307. (Street and Sanitation Dept.), Do It \'oi1r1elt R~Jdents of Costa Mesa and Santa Ana Heights have their trash collected through the Costa Mesa S a n i t a t i o n District. ., The district contracts with ·Nearly ever~one -sooner the Oreo Disposal Company, or later -has a brokendown a private firm, to make the piece of furn iture or some weekly. collections. other-kind of trash too big- All reJuse picked up by to be picked up by city refuse the service should be placed collectors. Or for some reason in cans. Such cans must bas occasion to look ·for have a capacity of no more somewhere-to dispose of than 40 gallons and the total refuse. weight of a can and its For Harbor Area residents, refuse must not exceed 50 the nearest g o v e r n m e n t • pounds. operated · "free··· dump is the Paper sacks are not ac· county's Bonita C a n y o n ceptable containers f o r Refuse Disposal Station. refuse, although small card-It can be reacned via Bonita board boxes will be collected Canyon Road which runs east ln good weather, as will plas-off MacArthur Boulevard near tic bags, tied securely .at the the UCI campus. top. Shrubs, tree trimmings The dump Is open from I and newspapers must be tied a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days in bundles and cannot weight a week. It is closed on over 50 pounds each. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Tree trim bu ndles must New Year's Day. not exceed four feet in 4 For further information, le.ngth. residents can call the.. county Construction equipment, road department (834-3497) such as lumber and cement· · during busi ness hours or 834- will not be collected. It can 3492 after hours. be disJ>?sed-a . ounty For disposal of liquid waste refuse disposal stahon. (dirty oil, chemicals, etc.), Collections are not· made county officiars advise lhat on Christmas. Thanksgiving there is no dumping area in and New Year's Day. Orange Coun ty. Rivet'Side te· To avoid mlssmg a col-port.edly has a public dumping lection, residents are urged station for these materials. to have their cans. placed on Phone. (in Riverside) 685-&231 the curb line by 3:30 a.m. on f9r Information. "Qtadl•• 11 l'Jae aeu .. w•11 ·c .. MI Is Tiie PIHe 'J'e B~ • "Connell Chevrolet is prob1bly the Mly VOLUME CHEVROLET DEALER who m1intlf n1 the ime9e of t:ottfidence .nd quality. We are 1tr1i9ht forw1rd in our dHlin91 ind hlYe built • most envl1ble repHt • ' __ ~usintst !ro"!.. o_'!r 11ti1fied ~sto~!".!:. We .lcHp the ________ _ t.r9est stock possible of br1nd new Chevroleh off· --~-~ erin9 • complete selection. Our reule de,.rtment 1n.int1ins • display of over I 00 us.d c1n 1nd the 1mph11i1 11 1lw1y1 on quality. Of count, we n•vet. forget frfendhneu. We will try our very best to m1lt1 your visit to Connell r.hevrolet 1 di9nified, plHsing ind friendly. experience.,. 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA .. 546~1180 .... ------... --.. -..---------~-ll .: . There~s A ·e.u~eh · .. ·ne~e. for .1111 I • BJ W1LUAM 8QlltBIBEft ReY. V. L. Hertweck. Senlcfa 1ta1w ,,.., cMrdl ...., at t:45 and 1t:5t a.m. and 7:31 WUh much of the naUon p..m. and world in a state of politJcal, emotional a n d spiritual turmoil, millions are turning back to GOO and religion for comfort a n d aolace. Residents of the Newport Beach-Costa .Mesa area are f ortwiate in these times of Internal turmoU, to have virtually every creed o f worship represented among the many churches In tbil. BAHA'I B.U1 Center, 985 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. Far in- formation about the Costa V.esa group call 548-3215 or 549-2005. BAPTIST FaJnlew . Baptist Cbum, 2525 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa; 54M610; the Rev. Melvin V. Taylor, ~1533. Services at 9 and 10 a.m. area. First Baptist a.arc• •f Some of the congregations Costa Mesa, 301 Magnolia ~t.. meet .in temporary quarters Costa Mesa; ~1733; Dr. P. but their voices are as 1tron1 · G. Neumann. Service. at 9:45 as those of neighboring faiths and 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. housed lnimpressive'edilices. Churthes In the area have Instituted many innovations to create greater Interest 1n the worship of God. Services of lnsptratlon and community ac- tion symposiums are becom- ing commonplace. The youth of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa also Is finding a place In the framework of reli1lon. Churches are making a concerted effort to reach out to young people wilb special programs. Ecumenlsm -the coopera- tion between faiths-is still a atroog force In the area. A fine example of lhil ls the fact that a Jewish ton- gregatlon without a temple Is bo&dlng its Sabbath services In u Epbcopal church build Ing. Members of Newport Beach and CoSa Mesa congregaUoos are being elected to national posts in the "overning counr.ila Barbor Tralty Bapdd Cllarcll, 1230 Baker St., Costa Mesa; 645-7981 ; the Rev. Connie Salios. Services at 9:45. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Also We<S. nesday at 7 p.m. Ulllvenlty Bapdl& Clnlra, Cypress Avenue and SE Palisades Road, Santa Ana Heights, Mi-J67'l; the Rev. William S. Acton, 5f6.0038. Services at 9:45, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. BAPTIST, SOUTHERN Flnt s...n Bapdst Oard, l50 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa; IG-9181 ; the Rev. J. D. Wallace. Services at 9:45, 11a.m.and1 p.m. CA.\IPU SCBAPELS Campa Adnllce, Irvine Town Center Building, Irvine; 133-taf; Campus Minister Gene Bramon; Servi~ Sunday at 9:30 and 11 a.m. 5711; minlJter, Du an e Mayfield, 54M800. Servka at 9:45, 10:45 a.m. and I p.m. alao Wed.nelday at 7:30 p.m. Clll1RCll OF JalJS CBJUn" Oii' L\Tf'ER.DAY SAINTS c.ea Meta Wn, •1 Dover Drive, Newport Beach; 14'- 4132; Bishop Geroge Hunter. ,. the Re¥. John w. DonaldlOl1, Mt-1321. ~ices at 7:38 and f :3G a.m. It. Mldatel'• ... All Aatell' Epbemp .. _ a...rdi, am Pacific View DrWe, Corona del Mar; 14UMS, the Rev. John Rogers Davis, •tlOI; Services at I, 1:30 and 11 a.m. FOOJISQ.UARE GOSPEL mint.,, VemGll Mllr"eWL 8enlfts Ill 'l'banday. ., : • p.m. IDd Sunday, 1 p.m. Ne.,.... Beaclt c-creea- .._ ti hllftu'• wtt.eae., 1277 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa, S.2006; minister Calvin Ocblner, Me-27ta. Services on Friday, 7:30 p.m .. and Sunday, 1:30 a.m. LUTHERAN IT. MAnHEW LUTHERAN ClltJRal; 11182 Culver I>Jive, University Park, Irvi.ne ; as. 1218; Rev. Herbert "N. Nier- mann; Services at 9: 15 and 10:30 a.m. !I ' LtJTllERAN, AMERICAN • Wl'HEIW( CHURCH -Newptrt. Barbor Ladleru ~. '191 Dover Drive, Newport Beach; 548-3631; the Rev. James Blain, 548-3631. Services. at 10 a. m. Prtaee If Peace Ludleru ~II. 2987 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa ; 549-0521; the Rev. Andrew C. Anderton; S.2'154. Services at 8, 9:30, and 11 a.m. LtrlBER.AN,LUTHERAN CHURCH IN · AMERICA Ladleru Chrdl If . die Master, 2900 Pacific V-iew Drive, Corona del Mar: rzs- $022; Dr. William R. Eller: Servkes at 8:45, 9:45, and 11 a.m. LtrrRERAN. MI§OURI SYNOD ~ Ludlern Clmdi el Cesta Mcu, 760 Victoria St., Costa tlesa: 54Uf04; the Rev. l.othar Tornow. Services at 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m. METHODIST • PUD\'TaWI ....... .... Ollrd9 .. ,... 0.. -«. .. Falrriew Road, Costa .._: s• UM; tht Rev. Bruce Kurrie. Services at t .30 and 11 a.m. Youth pro- gram at e:30 p.m. St. Aadrew't Pretltrredaa Omrcll of Newport 8Uelr,' 100 St. Andrew's Road, Newport Beach;. M&-7147; the Rev. Charles H. Dierenfleld: M&o '252. Service5 at 8, 9:30, ti a.m. Yauth program at 7 p.m. SL M a r k Prtsbyterlaa a.re• of Cort11a del Mao corner of Jamboree Road a;d East Bluff. Corona del Mar, 144-1341; the Rev. Jamu G. Kirk. Services at 9 and 10:3G .m. ROMAN CAmouc Oar Lady .. Ml. Carmel Clmdl, 1441 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach; 173-3775, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Dunne. Service at a, 10 and 11 a.m. . O.t Lady Queea " ... Mpla, 2048 M.'.U' Vista Drive, Ne"POl1 Beach; '44GIO; Fr. William Ralph H a r v e J • Services at 8, 9:30, 10:45 a.m., noon and I p.m. ' St. Joadllm C a t • o ti t amc•, 1964 Orange Av~., Costa Mesa; $41:109!; tbe Rev. Thomas J. Nev l n. Services at 1:30, I, 1:15, 10:31 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. St. JtU tM Bapdat ~ 1021 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa; 549-&M4; the Rev. Antbon1 McGowan. Services at 7, 1:11, t :30, 11 a.m. 12:15 and I p.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST of various denominations, car· rytng with them the spirit and enthusiasm of religion on the Orange Coast. CHRISTIAN Services at I a.m. and f p.m. Flnt Chrfstiu Cllufd of . r Ctlta ){esa Foanqaare Costa Mesa, 792 Victoria St., Newport Bead Ward, 801 Cllardl, l'nt ·.Orange Ave., Balboa Island Commulty Metllodlat Cllarc•. ll5 Agate Ave., 'Balboa Island; 67>0950; the Rev. Don A. Bassett. Services at 8: 15 and 9:30 a.m. Nenert Barber Seve11dt- day Advemtist Cllardi, 271 Avocado St., Costa Mesa; s.tl- 8598; the Rev. Job n Shewmake. Services on Satur· day at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Perhaps one of the mosi Interesting aspects of religion In your community ls the wide Yariety and great number of churches available. The names, addresses and telephone numbers as well as ministers and service times of churches and temples in the Newport.Costa Mesa area, -----are Ust~on this page. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Evugel Temple of Costa Mesa, 1027 Valencia Ave.; Mf.3Z26; the Rev. V. H. Mathrul. Servkcs at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. F1nt Assembly of Goel a.rdl, corner of 22nd :tnd E1*D Avenues, Costa Mesa; 541-1761; the Rev. M. C. Croalc. Services at 9:30, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ol8d 11clJngs Auembly of Gt.I Olurcll, 15th Street and Monrovia Avenue, Newport Belebi S4M820; the Rev. 'l'hmnal Benvenuti, ~M. Servlctl M 1:45, JO:SO a.m. and 7 p.m. ' B.. .U..W, ti God a.nit, Ht W. Wilson St., ea.ta Mesa; MM'll'I; the 10 M&Y ""°' MMQI• Colla Mesa; M8-f178;__Pastor __ Dover I>rJve, Newport ~cb;__Costa M~; 541-'733 ; the James Piercy, 5 u. 83 ft. ff6.M01 ; Bishop Harold J. Rev._ W. W. V.urrin, &46-1517. Services at 8:30 and 10:40 a.m. Asplund, 54~1445. Services at Services at 9:45, 11 a.m. and and 7 p.m. 9:30, 11 a.m. and 6 .p.m. 'I p.m. Harbor Cbrittlaa Church, meeting at Harper E'lemen· tary School, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa; Dr. D. W. McElroy, 67>3895. Services at 10;45 a:m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Cbarda of Cbrist Scientist, Costa Mesa, 1.880 Mesa Verde Drlve, Costa Mesa, $48-3021; Re ad in g Room, 2850 ¥.esa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa, 548-3021. Service .. at 9: 15, 11 a.m. First Cbarcll ol Orlst Sclemtist, Newport Beach 3303 Via Lido, Newport Beach ; 673- 1340; Reading Room,' 3315 Via Lido, Newport Beach; 673- '150. Services at 9:15, 11 a.m. Second cnrc• of Cbri1t ldentlst, Newport Beach, 3100 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar .. mim; Reading Room 2883 E. Coast Highway. Services at 10 a.m. .. Colla Mesa congfegation of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, meets at Orange County Falrgr()\lnds, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; services at 11 a.mT CONGREGATIONAL Commulty Coa~eitatlonal, UaJted Cllattll of Christ, 611 Heliotrope Ave. Corona del Mar; r7:J..4000: Dr. Philip G. Murray; 673-2331. Services 10 a.m. P I ymoa~ Con~aUonal Clltlrdl tf Newpert Barbor, 3262 Broad St., N e w p o r t Beach; 642-2740 ; the Rev. Norman L. Brown. Service at 10 a.m. EPISCOPAL St. Jamn Epbcopal Cllarcll, 3209 Via Udo, Newport Beach: 875-0210; the Rev. John P. Asbq. Services at 7:30, t and 11 a.m. St. Job die Dlvhe Cllmd ti artlt, 287 W. ~ Omd, 2043 Orange WO.. St., COlta Ilea; 141-Ave., Costa Mesa; 5fl.8328; INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL calvary Cbapel meeting at Newport Harbor L u th e.r a n Church, 2501 Cliff Drive; 646- 95I2;tlie ~v. --C-harles Smith. Services at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Ctlltral Bible C " • re h , Orange Avenue at 23rd Street, Costa Mesa; $48.5303. '11le Rev. Fred Morse. Services at 9 and 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. I NT ERDENOMINATIONAL Bmitweod Cllapel, ~ Del Mar Ave., Costa tttesa; ff8. 0480; the Rev. Charles T. Jorgenson. Services at 9:45, 11 a.m. JlNf 7:30 p.m. 1'1arintn Church, meeting at Corona del .Mar High School; 'Dr. Glefln O'Neal, • 141-7114. Service at I, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. JEBOV MI'S Wl'l'NE§ES C.la Mesa C.gregatioa of JeM.•'1 Witaeues, (West Unit) 2%7'1 Canyon Drive, o.ta Kesa, 8 n . SI u ; SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Cbrflt Cllurth by the Sea Friends Orange Ctaitf Comm.nlty Metbodtst Cbardl, lrvioe; Phone 833--0261. HOO W. Balboa Blvd .• Newport Beach; 673-3805; the Rev. SYNAGOGUE David DiProfio: 54~. Ser· Harbor Reftrm Templei vJces at 9 and-10.:llLa .. u..--.meeting at St. James Episco- pal Church, 3209 Via Lido, Flnt United M et bod I 1 t Newport Beach; 6i5-7230; Rab- Cbarcll of Costa Meu, 420 bi Bernard P. King; Service. W. 19th St., Costa Mesa: 548-at 8:15 p.m. 771:1: the Rev. Richard J. Dunlap. Services at 9:30, 11 SYNAGOGUE a.m. Youth program at 6:1S Temp I e S It a r o a p.m. Conservative of tlte Barbot Area, 617 Hamilton St .• Costa Mesa Verde Ptttthodlst 11.esa; 646-5552, Rabbi Garson C'mrclt, 1701 Baker St., Costa Goodman. Services on Friday Mesa; 549-2719, the Rev. at 8:15 p.m. Paol C. Bl,.smeyer. Services at 9 and 10:30 a.m. tJNJTARIAN UnlversJty M e l b o d I 1 t Olarcb, 18422 Culver Drive, Newport Beach; Ule Rev. James Stewart, 8 3 3 • l 2 3 3 • Service at 9 and 10:30 a.m.· NAZARENE Cllarclt of the Nuareae, 1885 Anaheim St., Costa Mesa; S.7181; the Rev. Charles K. Snyder. Services at 9:30, 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. UNIVERSALIST U n I ta r I a a Univenalllt Cbardl, 1259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa ; 64M6.52; the Rev. Roger T. Walke, 646-4652. Services at 10:30 a.m. UNITY Newport Uaity c • I r c • ' meeting in Senior Cltizena Building, 15th and Irvine; the Rev. Loren D. Flickinger, S4s. 0245. Service at 10 a.m. YOUI COMMUNrTY-1'71 LEAANING IS GREAT OUTDOORS~ When weather ls warm and the class-room stulfy, the broad expanses of lawn al' Orange Coast College become in- stant classrooms. Jlere instructor Theodore Wall teacbea, his philosophy class on the lawn in front of the Auditorium. At least no one looks drowsy. I ~o~c A;dapts to ·Life .... 8,000 Student Camp~ Relates to Needs Relevancy is an important word to today's student and a Jeries of new progtama at Orange Coast College rtflec& this lnlerest. OCC, facing a fall enroU. ment of about 1,000 day 1LUdents, will off er programa which reflect today's student" interests: Independent study, with a written c o n t r a c t Jnvolvtna student, teacher and 1d- miniatrator; cooperative "ork txperience, wllh s t u d e n t 1 1ainilg experience ln their major field from employers ln the area; a summer pro- gram to introduce the disad- vantaged student to the col• lege campus: A m e r l ca n tudies, dealing with special current events. STUD\' BY CONTRACT Independent study allows the student, under proper supervision, to explore a prob. lem at his own speed, 1n ~any cases ranging far ahead ~r what a class would ~ rh• atudent selects the prob- 1em to be studied, draws up a proposal a n d presents it to his instructor. . It. the instructor approves, a contract is drawn up 1 ~utUning exactly th e re- quirements and what is ex· rated of the student. H U is proved by the dean of ln- uctton, the student then carries out the research. U · ht does It satisfat:torlly, h• Is given college credit at the end of the semester. Cooperative work ti• periene education is 'a Joint program between. the college on a college career. They will and the community. Students receive vocational CGUNellnc, work ht their major field ID trlininl in vocatiooal JklDs the community, apptytn1 what seneraI training, field ~ they learn in the' claaroom hear guest speakers from ~ to actual aituaUoq,t. community on career p~ They may work a semester ning, and take part lo physical and 10 to .school a semester, educ1Uon classes. a l t e r n a t i n g until they Other pl'Oll'ams will include graduate, or-work .a certain E n vironmental TecbnolOc, amount of hours in addition designed to train penons who to their regular a t u d I e s • wlll be able to help reduce Industry or business vlrtually the trends t o w a r d en- is guaranteed a motJvated, vironmental destruction: and earnest worker, and the stu-a program run by Evella Coto dent gains invaluable practical which could be called "Taking experience. Vaughn Reddlna the Campus to tht Com- b adminislering the program. munity." SroDENTS PICK SUBJECTS FOR WOMEN American Studies 2 is a two-Miss Colo gears tht pro. hour per week course, lh.t gram primarily to · disad· content oC which is jointly vanlaged women: lt both decided by students a n d brings these women to the faculty approximately two campus, and goes out into months before the semester the community to take educa- starts. Students al OCC were Uon to them. She bu held asked recently what spedfic classes in the community, areas they would like to study · t 1 p 1 o r i n g c o m munlty in such a class. resources (in which th e The big surprise: con· women are made aware of temporary problems of the the resources oC the corn- Amerlcan Indiao. A course will munity which are available be taught beginning this fall . to them ) and In vocational under American S t u d i e 9 • counseling. Other areas will 1nclude Civil The newest addilion to Miss Rights, Law and Order, the Q>lb's program · 1s a ·Ford Court S y s t e m ht Ac· Econollne va-111 c o m p 1 e t e tion. Outstanding g u e s t equipped as a nursery school. speake'rs from the community Orange Coast College ts a will be brought in. . community college, and the Richard Hernandez, di~tor ~mmunjty is feeling tts fm. of the Office of Special Op. pact In a number of new, porturuUes, will conduct an c:onstructive and "relevant'' eight-week 'session at OOC this ways. summer designed to bring The campus ls at 2701 disadvantaged students to the Fairview-Rd., Costa Meu. campus and get them started For information, call 134-5651. DAILY PILOT 11 MA ..... • :io., • -. . . . . . IJCI Leader Area Aeti•iiies . \ • New Corutruction By-word ~~ Of BurgeoRing University BJ JOANNE REYNOIJJ8 spcabll clrde lnRIDd the ot .. ~ "" ,... Central Part. They Include New constructkm wu the the nearly c o m p I et e d by-word at 'UC Irvine this enPeertDI bulJdtnl, tbe ad-~ii~~~ summer u wort neared cm. mimtration bulJ•H'll, t b e I' pletion on tbe Fine Art.I Gateway Cm>!!ION w b i c b Village a n d the Enclneerilll bowa the mociated student comple1 and work was begin-offlcea, the physical IClenoes • nf ng on the final unit of the bulJdln&, the b I o 1 o 11 c a 1 social sciences compln. ldencet bulLl"W (reeently Housing 5,• studenll and dedicated Steinbaul Hall), tbe over 350 facu]ty memben, the ldence ledm'e ball, the fine burgeoning university prov1c1e1 art b u l l d l n I and the Input on many levels ol ac-humanities and aoclal lldenoes tivity ln the Harbor Atta com: bntkttng. t~~.,,;rs~ munities. • At the main entrance to Since it opened . in first the campus are the Commons classrooms in 19 I, the Irvine a n d t b e a d mln1atrattoo campus community bel con-builcHng Acrou the eatrmce tributed to nellhborinc COlfto" -from · tbele biiJcling• JI the muniUes by hosting 1enral commercla1 town center with art ubibltion1, plays and ' the boot store, restaurant, operas, business aeminan and barbenhop and other campus- governmental and aclentlfic oriented bnatnea. studies of Orange County. Al Tbe new fine 8111 vUJace the campus grows in size and Is loc8ted beblnd t b e . prestige, the contribptlona to =i::: :::. the surrounding community of ...... -'--1-are bound to continue to ~ un;11e. '-enlarge. ROUSING 'FIRST' CLASS On-campus h o u I l n I la 1969 was the first year that located nearby. Verano ~lace a class that hid spent four _apartments for m a .r: .r:l e d years at the camp u 1 students house over 1,000 peo- graduated 710 people for ple In 351 residencel. Mesa bachel d Court residence balls cur-. or:s egrees. reMJy accommodate . I 0 0 Jn 1970, campus offlclala ex· students and 400 more wm pect to have tol receive Into brand new dorms bachelors degrees, U5 to lDO\'e receive masters degrees, -72 this fall. to be awarded PbD'a and InlUal professional schools another 14 to receive MD's. are engineering and t b e •.;..._ CJ :.. lfaduale ICbool ol businesl 1 J lft: U ~pm, one w ldmbdstratioll. The a College tl}e babifs In the ninwampul ol Medicine bu begun ill Upiversit, of C a l lf o r n la mov' from Loi Angeles wttb ststem, will rival BeruleJ • vW , h ative offices a n d =al ~=-wiJ: ..:~ facultJ labs let on UCJ'a cam-~of 27,509. ::= 0r:L~r:' e ~ = nines :'8 ~ ~ ~ established on campus. Mar on 1 OOI acres In the The lfaduMe bua1ness ad-. ' mlnJstralion scboo1 supports =~~ ~:'°° Billi ot-the Public Polley Reaearcb P-.""1 of tbe land IUI'· Ortanlr.ation and the school rowdn& UCI relee!ied plans ol bJo1otlcal sciences~ this year-for I city of m,• Tbethe Clater forli, ~1---.Jt • whlcb will grow up around campus ._, a"\.lft the campus, beading inland. Jn pioneering computer learn· UCJ Is the first 1egment of Inc techniques. this planned community. RESBARCB P't1NDI TBll UBRARY Research grlldl and con- ENGINElalNG COMPLEX TAKES ON 'FINISHED' LOOK AT UCI a.llcllnt• Nearlnt Completlon Are Schecluled to Open In September com_poled of a main library tracts from aourees other than and • physical 1 c l e n c e 1 state funds are n:pected to library, a biological eclencel total In excess ol $8 million Jibrsy, I Pltboloa library this year. and tbe library at t b e Academic orpnilation . ol CaUlcndl College ol Medicine, the campus Is designed to has a total ol •.• volumes. P r o m o t e lnterdilclpUnary QwnmanitJ memben are study. For Instance, a new weleame to join tbe library coune ol ltudy l s m- at a COit ol • per ,ear. v l r o n m ental qlneerinc, Memblnll!.ID tbl Ubrm'y la deslped to comb&ne certain free to rtlidenta who join the upedl of engineering with UCI Frtem1a ol tbe LlnrJ. the Ufe ldencea to produce Purtber WanuUan about .u. pro1.m.1s to c1ea1 wtt11 en- Friends ea be ob&alDed a Woameatal )ll'Oblema. • their omc. at .._ Tbe e m p b a 1 l 1 on In. The campaa II laid eat like ..terdlldpltnary study !a allo I park, opeD for nJkinl, pie-leell ill pua-fall lflde options nJckinl, ar pt littllll 11111 wblcb are pven to entice enJOJIDI tbe 'flew. Muter Wileatl to venture OUl of pianDed ad 1? If Wllb ID-u.elr ebcJ1en fteld W ft b •ha...,. ol lmd, aalvenitJ _minima) ll'acle-polnt r l 1 t. bed ....... •rCIUllded wWI Coune credit llo II lfven bJ peen. . nwnlnetlcw to encounce ln- El&bt ......... farm I ..... atudJ. 12 IMILY PILOT MAUJllm UCI Faculty Aiming High Deans Show What Young Campus Hopes w Achieve A university's reputation for grelitne11 begins wltb It• faculty. ucr. facu1tJ o1 Mt Is YOUDI IDd dedlclted to ... taining that ......... ProfelllOl'I were picked not only for tbefr ac&olarly cU.l&lncUoa, but -,.. lbelr Vllion 11111 ........ help the =...c...,. .-JJa wadtaf the faculty are n1ae academic .... wbo bud prod. gl'llDI .. ~ •• d pbylical ...... IOdal-aele ces, bmnanities, fine art!, engineering, b u s In e 11 ad- mJni*alJoo, craduate studies and medldne. Dea ....... lc:Mel•er· au, a, II professor ol bioJoO and dean ol IMological IC!encea. lie ii ID lldbadty Oil developmental ~and lmectJlqrslolog. l)ea A. gJmMQ . Remey, 45, II Dl'Olessor o f ..,. thmpology and dean of aOc:ial ICiellces. Be II noted for ,U matbematlcal anal)'lla o f human relatiooahlps. electrical engineering depart.. · Deu Keltll E. JuUce, 40, ment. b ID UIOCiate proleaaor ol Dela aay._ Garrllea, 4', biololical 1elences and dean pro(euar ol drama and dean of the sraduate division. He of fine art.a, chairman ol the Is known fer bi.a wort In deputment of drama and vice population and envkonmental dean of the diviltoa of biologjcal developmeoL bumanWel at UC Rivenklt 0... Relaert M. Snv•en, before comfnl to UC Irvine. 53, Ja .._....._ ol tledrlcal ~ ~ Aam, 44, qineerinc and dea? of tbi ·profmor of Enclilb is dean ach®l ol fDllneerlnl. ol bmnaDities. He ii tbe He oames tram · u c former chalrmu of .the \1CI Berkeley, when be w111 pro-Eallllb. department and con- feaor and c:hainnan ol the (c.e1&1• •Pap U) YOUI COMM•NnY -1t71 • -... l , . .. ,.,, '-- 4 ..... . UCl'S. CENTRAL PARK FURNISHES OUTDOOR CL·ASSROOM FOR STUDENTS TAKING STUDY BREAK IN GREEN AREA SURROUNDED BY BUILDINGS . . UCI DEANS (Continued frem Page U) sidered to be an exper~ on Yeats. Dea1 Fredericl[Refiei, , ls professor of physics and dean of physical sciences. He Is an expert on nutrino physics, .. coern.ic-ray1 and • • • particle detection techniques. ls professor of pathology and Deu -Oeerge w. Bren, 51, dean oL the ·.college 0 r ls professor or admlnlstntUon mediclne. He came from UC aiills de-81' of the---graduate-San-Francisco campusJn 1964 acbool of adm.ibiltratlon. He where be did p l o o e e r l n g 11 a pioneer authority on elec-studies ln Hod g k·l n son' 1 tronic data processing. · disease. Dtaa Warrea L a.ud, Yr .OVeneeiag the cam~ ii- the man at the top, t'1auctllor Daniel G. Aldricll, Jr. He bas si>ent hls entire career ln education with the University of Calliorliia system. ~ Aldrich and Vice CWictllot for Ba11Deu ud Flauce L. E. ,c.s were the two men -'- HARBOR AREA'S ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER AUSTIN AMERICA ·e MGB CONVERTIBLE . MG BG. e MIDGET. MK Ill ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER NOW ON DISPLAY. . THE .FABULOUS NEW FER·RARI most responsible for tumhag a once-barren hillside into the present campus.- Other top c a m p u s ad- mlnistrabve officers are Dr. Roser W. RaueU, v 1 c e chancellor for academic a(. fairs; Jolul c. Hoy, vice chancellor for student affairs, and Robert S. Lawrence, dean-of students~ _ _ Beraanl R. G e I b a u m , professor of mathematics, is chairman of the academic senate, which is the faculty legislative body. READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVE~Y New, MoClern, Complete • SALES · e· SERVIC& e· PARTS ·Authqrize'd For Your Prolection YOUI COMMUNITY -UN - 31 ~ WEST COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH ~42. 940S '°-540. 1764 DAILf PILOT 13 MA•AllNI . Orange Coa11tJ -t II e playground ol the 'eU'hlW. offers 1 wide ffrietJ of 8e- tivities for lmtlor Area,_.. people. 1be area Jm two clulll a- cllllivtly for boJa lnm I t. J8 ,.ears old. ~· 1t•1 one club -the &JI Oab of the Harbor Aita -witb twe> c 1 u b b o u u L T b e c lubhouses, located at IM Center St. and 2131 Tultln Ave., both in Costa Mesa, each CGGo tain enough ~ acti- vities to keep tbem busy year. round. The Center Street Club fea. lures I Jarie IWimmlltl pool with swim and dlwu-proallnc Classe!. Botb dubs bne fullJ equipped gymnuiuma, judo classes, bubtball Jll'Cllr'Ull and game rooms. Many ol Ille club's 4,• memben partid. • pate in the organized pgnmrr basebaD pr'Oll'am. UBRARJES TOO Each club branch · haJ a library stocked with .telectkm from Dickens to Melville. The clubs are open from 3 to 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 to 9 p.m. Mon- day through·Fnday in the win- ter and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mpnd_, throUgb Saturday ~ur­ ing ~summer montbl. For ' the fairer aa, there Is the Girls' Club ol the Harbor Area, located! at 1115 Anaheim St., Costa Mesa. The 'L,m- member club leatura uta and crafts, sewing, COotfni and excursions to local JnUlfl!DN and historic spots. Programs ICheduJed for this IWnmer IDCludM· •trip to the De'tf u. CGuntry in Laguna NJOel=.llld· to&ll lbtinc aetl- vfffes. JPot'1flf'onDatioa rqard. inl the Girls' Club, cantact Mfas lettJ RD*rblch..at -. 7111. . ScOutlnc In the Harbor Alu Ii rea1JJ bq, witb more than .. arpnlzed CuJLPICb, ao, May. The Oraqge Enu>ire Councll la in need Of leaders to direct the boys. Far f urtber lnf orma. Uon. caD5tM911. remlnhdt, 11 t11e maJor • jedive . fl tbe Harllor Area ~Girll,d~ ltNllhc tM tinpGitance of •'being I 1adJ," .. . Needlecraft. bomecraft, leW· Inc -pencml 11,pne ... COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SATISFACTION Fine automoblla at 1JUt savlnp, becked by dependable ID4l economical service, AUaa Chrysler/Plymoutb'1 c:ontribution to our areal Orange County Community • • • 3 Blocks South of San Diego Freeway on Harbor Blvd. OPEN .a1until lOPM . ~· IDC"IC ~1 2929 HARBOR BLv·o . COSTA MESA tJh . C714J 546 -1934 Y011 cou..n-tm • Yes, there ar~ Orang•s in OrangeCoUnty. . . . We've found them. 1 1 • ·-··· I Acres ·~nd acres off ush, healthy citrus groves. ·That's where you wlll find The Ranch. Right In the middle of Orange County's last citrus belt. The Ranch Is completefy separa.ted from suburban crush ••• It's very restful and very qttlet, and the air Is a little fresher. All this is just a couple of minutes from the Santa Ana and . San Diego freeways, and Just a few· more minutes from Orange C9unty'1 metropolitan. areas . . : Pricn from $29,990 to $40,400 . . TheRanGh AVID 11H01 UGI .... 71~111 TOii COMMUNnY-1t7t ' ..... ,,.:,, We think you will agree The Ranch Qffers the best qualities of both rural and suburban living ••• convenience without the crush. Come out this weekend and inspect our model homes ••• You'll find a wide variety of stylish homes from 3 to 7 bed· · rooms. No matter what your homeAesires and needs are, you 're sure to find what you're looking for at The Ranch. These are Ayres built homes which means bullt·ln Imagination . and lasting ,quality. Look at a few of the home features you'll find at Th• Ranch: . . • urpetln1 • flrtpl1C11 • Pitka kttchtn1 • bullt·ln ranp, oven and dl1hw11her • larse closett. • hlrdwood cabinets • fonllll dlnln1 room• • htlvy 1h1ke rooft • concrete drlv11 • Ilk about f~ la ftont y1rcl landlCIPlni It no extra coat. · .. -;,~::.-:1.,..., 11~- F.H.A., V.A. Conventional termuvallablt . . . Find out 'for yourself~hy The Ranch fs such 11reat place. to C.11 home. IAILf NOT 15 MAUii• . Estancia Recalls The sign on. Adams A ve111e in thl! .Mesa Verde secUon ol Costa Mesa which points visi· tors loward the old adobe on the mesa calla It "The House of Diego Sepulveda." But to lbepbtrck Ind prleltl of the llOOs-and history buffl of today-it ls "'lbe Estancia" (station) and lt wu a welcome . stopping plllCe far early trav- elers. It's atiJI a Dleaant stGpplnc place for visitors to the west- ern end of Costa Mesa, sitting an the brow ol the bluff over- looking the Santa Ana m,er valley. It wu dedicated u a mu- seum, a shrine to the mem- ory of those departed days, ln 1966. And t b l 1, by DO means, is the end of the 1tory for tbe building wblcb flnt WU CGDltnacted in 1818 u a shelter and way station for shepherdl and enlarged upon in 1868. Teday, following f i v e yean of planntn1 and wort to rettore tbe structure, Orange Coast residents are offered an imagina•Jvely turn1abed museum that in ti.me will probably become u much a landmark u tbe Calllornla ml1slcm1. During tta reconstruc-tion, a. group of aupporten, known u the Costa Mesa HJstorlcal Society, emer1· ed. UntD bis death earUer tl1il year, the late C. K. "Charlie" Priest, Costa Mesa city clerk was president ol the group: Hant Panian, an Orange Cout College lnatructor, currently ls president of the society. Society members do votu. tary duty at Uie Estancia each Sunday from 1 t<> 5 p.m. Mem. hers ti the city'• Parka De- ,.rtmea& IDID die ._llD from 1 ~I p.m. each Saturday. Though plans are under way to extend hours to another couple or half days each week, at the preteat tbae are the only houri the Estancia ii ' ..., except .,, apedal Ir• rangement. Group tours and special ar- rangementa are the province of Gordon Cawthon. He can be reached (In the city's Park pepartmenl) at IN-Ult. • Though Cawthon IDd other members of the city's Parks Department JtDd what assist- ance tJrne and budtet will al- low, the Estancia ii euential- VOIT-Swlm1u• Golf-IMket. WILSON-Tennlt-Golf i ..... 11 INlll-Plqwround Ml1 Footbala ftlNNSYLVANIA-WHton Dunlop . -CONYERSE-'-Tennis lall1 • TMnla Mii lalr .... 11 Shc..s SEA SUITS-- ADLER-Wet Suits and lelboa Jacbts Wlpw Mllelc Fleece Sox COURT CASUALS-WIL~ BANCAOPT-Ounlop.D1vl1-Tennis McGREGOR Tennis Clethft IPOT.alLT-IALllGH llcycles- l11lltell.....:r.otWl--Tr1elc Shon Parts--Acoeaorlel 531 C~i& ST. PHONE M6-1tlt COSTA MESA: 1, MILY NOT WAllN 11 • project ol the Hlatorical Society. From extemfve research into "what Ute wu real- 'J;y like" in earlier Calllor- nia epocba. aodetJ mem- bers have eaembled .... Jor fumlahlnlJ to match those used by famllies ol past generations who lived at the Estancia. - The rooms rellect three peitldl -lndlan-colonlal , Sepulveda and Victorian. Displayed promlnenily in- side ls a chain title trac-tae the property b • c k tbroaP the perlodl. Legends 9' burled treas- urer surround the >Id house. According to one ac- count, Spaniards broupt a burro train loaded w l th IOld from mines near the present communities of Newh3ll and Saueua, on their journey soutb. They beard ol possible lDdian war partia, goes the legend, and not wish- ing to lose the told, burled it near the E•tancia. T!\ey never returned to claim it. TOii ••• ..,., _ "" ,.. J . ''<BtPU?pa~a JWP-~ ad puMef:· ~M1i ta// J',#/b ~l#Ul­ U!M p!#b ?lo/M&U .~ 16?" .-~p~ Harbllr Dlew Hiiis is one or the very rew new com- munities which can answer this quest.i9n befcn you move in. Your nei~r8 ~ill be people ~·ho have achieved far more than the average family ever ~ Professional people, business people, educators. Man fJhc.Lusk-oraaoiza.-- ~----:-----------------------------------~ tion's own executives (and those of other builders, as Rll). People who care ibout clean. cool air, and the quality of life they provide for their fadlilies. People who have an eye for craftsn\an hip: People who appreciate a blend of luxury and practicality which adds up to the ullimate ln relncd California living. O Harbor View Hills is nestled atop the hills of Corona del Mar, just a soft sca-brecz.e above Newport Bay, Fa hion hland, UCl, and the ~ich envi- ronmental advantages of the va t Irvine Ma tcr Pla~. Here you'll find _such ·un~:<pccted lu~uries ft enclosed front courtyard., detached 3-car garag~~ with automatic door-openers, open-beam cathedral ceilingc:, two massive fireplaces, sweeping stairway , sunken living rooms, aod premium qua]ity carpeting th.coughout. Plus a myriad o( 'small detam,tilcc silent light switches and a child- safc lockable compartment in the medici ne chest. O A Lusk Home at Harbor View""HiTis as an investment -in pride, ecuriry, and living values. When you make that investment, you can be sure of one thing: You're in good company.· H1rbar Dlew Hiiis 3 to 6 bedrooms, 2 to 4 baths, l and 2 stories. $41 ,950 to $67,316 • •AILY PILOT 17 .. ~ t ti ' .. -· iust Pick Your Rig -and Bur gee to Mareh By Al.\ION LOCKAllEY Delly,. .................. The life blood of 1ny bolting and yacbting~rlented com- munity Is yacht clubs. The Harbor Area ia no .ex- ception, as will be noted by the existence of eight active yachting organizations, four of which have their o w n waterftont f acllitles. All of the Harbor Area clubs have regional and national - and in aome cases -in- ternational connections. OLDDT CLUB ·Newport Harbor Yacht Club on West Bay Street is the oldest such organization in Newport, It's formal beginning datiJ11 back to ltl7 but with an lnf ormll history that goes back to Jill when 1 group of Los Angeles yachtsmen discovered the area. A group of South Cout Yacht Club memben, headed by the late DR. Albert Soiland, started crulslnc their yachts t o Newport In the seoond decade of the century, much the same as present day N e w p o r t yachtsmen are findtnc Dana Point Harbor a weekend getaway spot. When South Coast Yacht -Club abandoned it's ''Station A" at Newport In 1917, the ardent cruising fans elected to hang around 1nd organize their 0"1I yacht club -the pment NHYC -one of the most respected y 1 c h t i n 1 organlzatiom in the nation. It's unconventional burgee (yacht club iai1gnia are not supposed to have any leUers .such as NY.YC's prominent "N") can be recoplzed in yachting centen an over the world from time to time. Balboa Y 1cbt Club o n Bayside Drive at the east end of the bay ii the BeCOnd oldest club in Newport, dating back tt> 1924. AduaJly, BYC· was an offaboot of NHYC, raulting from IOITle disgruntled members who felt that the parent group· was not paying enough -attention to small boat activity.---- These recalcitrants 1et up shop oa what is now Little Island at the eut end ol Balboa Island and started holding small boat retattu. In the lnterveninl years BYC had one other holne -on lhe pen1iiiWa 11ae of the bay -before finding Its present -permanent quarters on land owned partly by the .county and the Irvine Co. -..... BIG BOATS BACK· In recent yean BYC has grown alinost as large in membership u NHYC and probably boasta u many large bolts and large-boat activities as the early day memben objected to. Althou&h they are euentially saWna clubs, both NHYC and BYC havt airieable power boat fleets and stage as many or more small sailboat rqattu u they do events for lhe large boati. BYCI' orange and black burgee with the star In the center aiao can be found virtually all over the world. There are two kinds of yacht clubs in existence in Southern California today -the ~11- c!d "property-owning clubl" that maintain w a t e r r r o • t facilities wbethtt-or not they OWD the land -ud the "let.- terhead clubl" which usually have 'JO club fadliUe1 except perhaps 1 rented of flee or clubroom. Oldest and m09t famout "letterftead club" In th e Harbor Area Is Voyqera Yacht Club. It WU founded 30 yean a10 by a small group of-enthustuttc yachtsmen whose primary Interest -as the name implies -was 1n cruising. 'Through the yean the club has taken an Jn. crelliDIJ1 bnpirtant J'Ole ill the development and operation I of the sport of )'achtlni in both Newport Beach and Southern California. Par1llel- ing the contributions of ~ club has been a steady in- NOW AVAILABLE It COSTA MESA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE S COLOR COSTA MESA CITY MAP· , M•it lnclucl" C•t• M ... , all of Hew- itOrt INch al'MI Harltor ArH, Col'Ofta del Mar, l .. entrom lnftu1trlal Dl1trlct, '. lrvlne lndu1trlal Comitl••· U C I C.m· put. Unlvoralty Parle, Huntln1tton leach and 'ountaln Valley Wfft to luahartl Street, North to Warner Avenue In Santa Ana and Tustin. • • Ma41e ,..slltle lly d!al!IMr mt"'"'' whest lil'm ""'..,.. •1111tar .. N<lt ti """· FREE at Partlclit11tlnt Chamlter "*"lier• ltuainouos or at ChamlMr office. ALSO AVAILABLE: GIANT SIZE -54" x 48" $10 IACH (AIM Sic If Malle4) A MUU lw RNI l1tete OHie"' l.Wll&lr1el ,......., S-lce .......... MeMlt, ........ .. C.MIMl"Cllt 1 Ser¥ke Vlllk ......... Ttr....,., U,.... w tw ,....,....., ..... 1970 DIRECTORY OF 462 MANUFACTURERS in the Greater Costa Mesa Area 266 ln C•t• M ... 20 '" Sogentrem lnduttrlal Dl1trlct 71 '" lrvlM lndYltrl•I Complea (22 of these to M lecate4) 44 In NowjtWt loach 7 '" S.nta Ana MJacent to COit• M... • Nortft City Llmltt 47 In Huntlntteft INch LISTED ALPHAllTICALlY N1me of M1nul•durin9 Comp1ny Addreu Offici•I In Chu9• Products M•nul1ctured Number of EmployHs Telephone Num~er ) If ........... .. U.lttoM.-.. ) ..... ,_,_... 11.M te N ... M..._rt ) 994 MNll"' Cettrrilhtelll -4 avall.W. at COSTA MISA CHAMBER OP COMMERCE la Wtlt lfttt ltrwt, c.t. Mela, calfferttla t2'27 (714) 646 0536 COMPETITIVE URGE HITS NEARLY EVERY SKIPPER SOMETIME Then ThrM Sloops C•n't Seem to Rtslst Short Run In Harbor creae to-the number ol members and the variety and quantity of its events and ac. tivltlel. NIDS MERGER Two years •ao Voyaam resisted a propoeed mer1er with two other clubs, Ballla Corinthian and Oranae Coast -with the goal· ol buildlnc a modem cl\.lbhouse on the bay. VYC memben turned down the Invitation In ravor ol retaining their. own identity. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club originally was a satellite of the Balboa Bay Club -whkb has no standing In Yachtlnl circles except that many of Its members own yachts. Origmally known as-the Bahia Yacht Club, BCYC was started In 1958 by a small •rGUP of members of Balboa Bay Club (BBC) who were interested In participating In Tegattu and other yachting events under their own burtee. It took a little time for the fiedgling BCYC to con-vince the Southern California Yachting Association that it was not indeed a BBC su~ ported group, but merely rented quarters from the parent group. The fact that these quarters were never very satisfactory to the grow- ing yacht club finally resulted in Its voting to abandon the ~lush BBC and find Its own waterfron quarters. This was when the proposal came to merge with Voyagers and the fledgling Orange Coast Yacht CJub -which was also seeking s u l t a b I e quarter1. OCYC members jumped at the chance as they were hav- ing difficulUes with thelr original plans to o c c u p y quarters at the new Arches Marina. As mentioned before, Voyqers turned down the proposed merse . NEW CLUBBOUSB BcyC bu now started con- 1tnlctioa 0n a new clubhouse en Bayside Drive cin the site of Richardson's .Yacht i.m. bllftcl wu taken from tM cUnc. Plana call for a $&50,00G former name of what ls now oelubhouse, complete w l t_h known u Linda Isle.' · · 1wlmmln1 pool, on the land Lido Isle Yacht Club Is an leuecL from Irvine Co .. 'ftle_ uclUllve yachtin& or1aniu· club also will have first lion tolely for residents of rflluaaJ on 111111 that were once Lido Isle. It's club head- operated by Richardson's. quarters are in the Lido Isle The termination of the Community Clubhouse. In RlchardlOll lease 1190 pro-more recent yean I t 1 vlded Balboa Yacht Club with membership has been open an opportunity to expand. New to other than residents of Udo alipe are being constructed in Isle. For many years It hH the once vacant area between been one ol the most active lbt present BYC clubbou9e clubs on the harbor. and the Richardson site. 1be Pacific Yacht and Balloon new slips will be olfered by Club has been iomewhat of BYC members on a first-1 mystery since il was formed come, Cirst-served basis. a few years. The mystery to South Shore Sailing Club many was the .. balloon'' was originally founded as a qlt. It Is generally conceded ''letterhead cl1Jb" by a group that lt was started when a ol Costa Mesa small boat group of yachtsmen became aalJors. As. the membership interested for' a short time grew, lt Included Newport m Oylng hot air balloons. Until residents and in recent yean--ftCentJy, PYBC's only assocla· It bas acquired its own club tion with yachting has been h e a d q u a r t e r s on the Its soonsorship ol the Sail Of waterfront of Coast Highway. the Sabots -an annual .race IL was this same quest for of the little a.rooters that wll waterfront facilities that caus-patterned after the Flight of ed a major split in SSSC and the Snowbirds as the latter led to the formation of Orange event began to lade In Coast Yacht Cluh. popularity. The dissident group thought Recently PYBC has pro- ~ was moving too slowly posed an annual race for gaU- Jn acquiring property and split rigged sailing vessels. oft· with the purpose of ac-And finally, the ~t un- qulring facilities at the usual yacht club in the Harbor developing Arches Marina -"Area is the Balboa Island once known as the County Yacht Club. Its membership Is Dock. restricted to boys and 1lrl1 under 11 years old. POWER BOATERS lt wu founded ln 1922 by Shark Island Yacht Club is the late Joseph A. Beek and the community's only ex· the club's summer actlvitie• elusively power boat organiza. -which Include sailln«z tion. It was 1tarted as a 11Jet-1wlmm1ng, diving, rowinl ana temead club" and remained o1ber aquatic events -ire to until it acquired club 1UD dlrected from Beek's Pier facllltia at HJrth Harbor on on Balboa Island. Bayside Drive.' Specllllzinc in. Out ol. the "junior club'' predicted loc racinc, crutstna . have come tome ol. the top and fishing tournaments, the llllan Jn the Southland who club bu IJ'OW1I consiltently have later joined other yacht and II now the fOl'el11Glt Ill-clubl Ind 10ft1 on to 1naU powerbolt club tn Southern their mark In the yachtlnl CallfornJ1. The name Shirt world. ' . -year~lo-n~g-Fish -StcJ One or the Harbor Area'• ''The Bay Window'' article Colllard alld the late Judge the formation Pacific Angltrs pound test line ln 1953, and Catalina Jslanda on 50-pound beat known din1nc a n cl published earlier this year: Frank Llnoell. They met on adopted the familiar BBC Ruth De Lamar landed a m-· test line In 1911 for tbt meeting rooms --the Balboa ''Diet (Dr. RJchard) Holl-the BBC grounds (that strip burgee and modlfled it alightly pound striped marlin olf recordl. Bay Club's First Cabin -wu man, official· Pacific Anglers or beach with tbe lflSS lhack to serve as the PA'aemblem. " llbtorian. has p r o v'l d e d which was predecessor ·to the ;:-..:-...,, a lfUS lback e11 a strip el Dr. Hoffman provided the Idea Mach wben tb.11 M *'1 'of placlng the club's initials, began. P.A., within a circle of blue It was 20 yean ap, u on the white field 1n the BBC the Balboa Bay Club's olflclal Capt. McNal'ly's Log bur,ee. His Idea WU adopted magazine, "The Bay Win-and it· ls now a well known dow," told It in its May luue, symbol •.• that the Pacific Anclen held "It dktn 't tab loq for Its ftnt dimer Pleetln&. boo~~ ~ =:.:: f: ~year the~' 1: PICiflc Aqlera to establlsb An Glflclal 1lirtbdlJ Pl"1 Dundee ~.the DtDe -were lfewport.Bwh'• tint IPCIN-•ta name 11 one el tbe top wu MW earller tb11 ,_,., 8*ra fui'nilbed ttae ... mm, If whit are ......, tM flsbinc dubl oa tb1 coast. . prellded over by currem IDOlt accurate ftlhlnl recordl ID tbele part1. One of tile botteat contested Mllen prmldent, K. A. fte Balboa Anclhrc Club, pictiJll up from Capt. lie-derbies la tbe amual IDflerclub . "Pete" Cornell. NallJ'• lop, have been keeplna track of the ftlh tales 1ince AINcGrt Toumament, and In Amoa, club hlp!lcbta mem-the 1MOI. 1151 Paclftc Anclen captured bers remlDileed about wen AllCI this ii ID bnpartut time of )'Ur around the club's the team tftle. It repeated the dQI when elnema star headqurten. Any time from late June on Into July, '°' tn 1917.'' Vidor Md.aglm. w l t bout cordina to past reeordl, tbe tint alb9car'e catch of the ... .. • , . PA't founder-president, benefit o1 ltandAm, mibup IOll can be expected to be Joa.eel by fllbmen out of New-Dr. Monaco, ablt wu the • amens, 111111 to b1tt11 port~ the datel for the Ont albleare catch Joaed bJ founder ol the lnlerclub eftnl tt out wltb the bi& ones. the Balboa _. ... 11 ... Club for tbe past lt -•-: md competed ID 11 con-'J'be late IL'lor wu IO "'•..... 1 -· aecutive tournaments. deUtbted with bit earllelt 191) -June 11 1185 -July U "Paclllc Ancters first ap. catdau of albacore, marUn 1961 -June 24 1• -July 4 peared ill the International Md other 1ame f1sb ID locll 1182 -June 21 1967 -July ts Ugbt T a c k 11 Tournament, waters, that be Jet ap a Ha -June 21 llU -July 3 considered tbe world .leries perpetual trophy ltil1 Offered ltM -June ID ltet -July 10 of salt waRr angling, In 1951 bJ_Jhe Pacific AncJera. and baa made euellent show. 'lbe Victor M c L 1 1 l 1 n tngs In thls event every l"ar Flsblna Oscar goes to my valuable details of the blatory First Cabin). -aince. member who estabUlbel a ol the club. · "The club'• first d1nnet "Pecific A n 11 e r 1 bas world record In accordance "According to Diet, In the meettnc was held at the BBC establlabed 12 world records with rulea ol the laternltlaUI fall o1 1 .. BBC member Dr. on Feb. J, mo, and Dr. -cturinl It• bistory, many ot Geme Flab As.todatloa. Salvatore R. Monaco bad • Monaco WU elected to ltl"Y'I tbem by ·womeD. Two of them But that'• lettinc a llt08..-Clream el formlna a unique u the fJnt president of tbe llW stand and both are held Dt. Dick Htff111M Pllll9 abeld ol the atorJ, llere'1 ftablnc club. club. Diet Hollman was nam-by women. Tbelma (Mn. bow the Pacific Aqlen tale "H1a enthusiasm wu lbared ed llCt'etlrJ. Woodrow) JCrleter boated a ·PROUD 0, HIS fllRST ALBACORE CATCH b•~·~~~~~-a~" ~h~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~m~·~~~-~·~~~~·~~L~•~~~~,~~~L~a~1~~~G~r~~~·~•t~U~p~~~ AMLING'S lfewport N•r••r1' 1SOl IAST COAST HIGHWAY • NIWPOIT MACH • •n-un . . • FIEE LANDSCAPING CONSULTATION • UNUSUAL POTIEIY • 9UAUTY NUIS&Y STOCK • FREE DEUYEIY I • ~-(1 n•mt In California horticulture since 1920) -OPEN EVERY DAY IUT TUESDAY - . rou1 COMMUNm -H1t ..• •. , ..... ~ • ...., ... t ... ,, · .. We have recently reorg•nited our service depart. ment. We would like to acquaint you with the most modern, up-to-date f•cilities in Celifomia. The next time -your Vollcsw•CJ•n is in need of any· thing, or you are in need of• Volkswagen, we are thorough· ly equipped to iatisfy you In sales, service, parts, ace••· sories, or expert b o·CI y •nd paint work. We believe that '~'SERVICE IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT," and we would like a chance to prove it to you. ~ I. COAST HIGHWAY ,,,, ...,. ,,,,,,., ·~BEACH -" 17MIOO ' ~· ' .. let us talce care of your Volkswagen w hi I e you are working or shopping. Come ••e us. IAILY ":r. 1 f .......... , JO IA&Y Not ........ .l " .. \ -· J ., •• Ci . ... .. ' ' a ~elly .building YOUI COIHllMITY a:_ tnt ••• Fill it up with peopf• who are cledicated to 1erve people and you've got something good going for you, " if you . live in Costa .Mesa. . .. IAliil1---___;Tack thai on the-list-'--------------' of fine schools· fro~ the primary grades right through collecje, churches and synagogues, over I 00 . acres of parks, recreation facilitiML -=-..:....:==----==~~ _ _, progressive ~usiness, planned industry, and citizens who care about their environment and the lcind of world their • . young are growing up in, and you've ~eally got •· Great City. CITY ·OF COSTA MESA aOIHT M. WILSON, . .,., WILLARD T. JORDAN, Vict·M•v•r ALVIN L. PINKLEY, Cou1Mllme11 WILLIAM L ST. CLAIR, Ce111Mllll'le11 ~ACK HAMMm, c .... 11 ...... ~UTHUR a. McKEN%1f, City Me11et0t " " .~~=.-21 . __. . . Newport's -NeweSt Par:li Above. ·CdM Hil s A stroll through tbe park is the city. The facilities on the round beach and swimming Summer aquatic speciallties at the following locations: barbecue. within minutes of almost any site were paid for by city fees enthusiasts. are nc:reaUonal IWim, swim Beg..aa Park, First Street Marl8en Park, Dover Drive Newport ' Beach residence. charged to builders. · In additUon, the Parks, t e am , ayncbronized swim· and Beg~\ Corona del Mar, ancf Irvine, Harbor JDchlands, With the dedicaUon this year The serpentlnNbaped part Beaches and R e c r e a t i o n ming, diving, I l f e I a v i n g, aituated on wee acres, offers 1ix acres, adjacent to lix of Buffalo Hills Park in the ranges from a wtdth of a COU· Department offers inatruction juniar fropnen and mflD&. • Ian area, view benches, and acres of ICbool I r 'o u n d , Bren development of Harbor pie of thousand feet at its top in almost every form of Mally activttlel .. lnken free pla)' area. IOftbd, restrooma, p l a 1 View Hlls, the beach city now to 80 feet at its waist, and iS or g a n 1 z e d r e c r eation don lnlD dllldrm'I, teeHl9 ""'-' Plaee Part, Chu-ecpdpnent, picnic tables an4 ~ boasts 14 parks in addition to one of a chain of parks slated throughout the year. and adal PJPI or dlYlded nel Place and M Street. barbecues, a muldparpoll its beaches. for develapment by ~ land For a small fee, courses betWllB . :beginners and ad-West Newport, offers bay room, volley ball courtl incl ' The newest faclllty. Is Jo. company and city. · can be taken in tennis, sailing, vanced. -'--r.... ~tball and play two nllbt-lit tennis courts. · CAted on the site of the old · During~ past decade, the badminton, volleyball, goH, 'l'IWOUlll the coopetaUo~· of ;;u;;i''picluc tables and. ·-·pe.liuaJa Park, .. A" Street Burrato Ranch, once a tourist city, with ·the cooperation of gymnastics, ftshing, modem the N~ Uni f 1 e d ~ and Ocean Front, Balboa, five attraction of the areas and the Irvine Co. and other dance, dog obedience, flower School district Board o f am DrtW Part, Cliff Drive acres, volleyball, baseball, ... · . . "location" for Hollywood west-developers, bu eomtructed arrangement, o l l palntlnl, EdtlcMkll, ~ • c la~ o l and Rmnlde Aye a u e, restrooms, lawn area, plcale ems with scripts calling for -more than 56 8CJ'el in other bridge, eewtng. balkdblll, facllltlel 11"1 anilable to the Newport Hel&IU, five acres, tab1el and play equipment and buffalo herds. · neighborhood parb thi'ougb-IOftbaD, '4'll defenle, pb)'aical .pabUc for ..,..... recrea-.. n. view ..._ BoJ Scout baaketball. 'Ibe Irvine Co. which con-out the comn11nltJ. 'Die conditlonine, dramatic tec:b-t1an 9118ie.-.e e.. picnic tibia and 'ftlrt)'-apda 8aree1 Pm. · trots the Irvine Ranch lands city al9o bu lnereued water-nlques, yop. l)'IDphardc ltaM M•ldpel ,.a., t lt1 l r ~ Sith Street Ind Balboa _::do:,:n:ated~the:!::..;e~ight.a~:::=:cre:.:..:sl:::te:..=to:._:oriented::.==:...;acti==.':.:lliel=...:for=.:.... !:,.r=-·-=an~d:,..:,~ou:!t!!.h ,::chor::.:ale:::.... ----='acllltlel==...=IDll:=...=attnctiGm::==:.! .. ~. ('et•_.ty y_. Cater Boulevard. West Newport, two (Grat lllnW ftrk), Ith acres, volleyball. sbufOeboenl. The world . The Pacific Ocean runs to the horizon f1om your home.at faciflcJsland \lillage, atop Laguna Niguel ••• 800 feet high, above the foo and out 1 of the •moa- Views to the sea · and to the mountains a~d canyons on the east are lncompar· .. lies bel·oW able and uninterrupted. . .,..-' And you have your own private dub · with pools, putting gtHn, private club- house, for unlimited use. A golf club and . a.Gch club are a minute away. Pacific Island Village is the South Coos t's finest active adult community ••• no permanent reside~ts under 18. All .exterior maintenance Is done for you -•• there's plenty of time tcf tnfoy your ltiaurt, Commuting to work Is freeway• close, with Los Angeles and San Diego c onvenientl~r. _ Tht two-bedr~m~nd-4en, 2-bath homes of Pacifi~ Island Village are complete with the conveniences ancf luxury touches-you'd .find in a custqft home. A wide - variety of plans ••• and a wonderful life ••• await you. • Low as $34, 900 634o/o Annual Percentage late Avollable Take Santa Ana·San Diego Freeway to Crown Valley Park· way turnoff, turn right to Pacific Island Drive. Or take Po• ciflc Coast Highway I U.S. 101 I to Laguna Niguel entronc:•1 tum left on Crown Valley Parkway. pacific isl~nd village . For a beautifully-iUustrattd brodt ure, write Pacific Island Village , 31312 fly lng Cloud Drlvt, Soutfi Laguna, or call (714) 496; 1243 collect. D~ . . Street and lril. c..a del butetball, reatrooml, play liar, four llCl'll,-eommunity equipment, picnic tables. hAllag. Uptec1 ball field, pk:· Westellff Part, Westcllff nlc JrOUDCi, teanls courts, play and Polaris, Dover Shores, H _ _. 1. ......... 11 courts three acres, upper bay view :..~~... and offltreet parkins. BaMdf" Plft, Vista del West JeUJ Park and Ude Oro and Vista ctel Sol, Part, each lituated on one Eastbluff; 14 acres. bill dla· half acre of land, offer mood, res,trooms, p 1 C D l C benches and bay Yien. tables, play equipment and . Bldfale 111111 Park, o f barbecues. #coune, rounds out the list. Ga1aKJ Park, Galuy Drive, · Two pu~ plen located In Dover Sborel, one and a half Balboa and Newport Beach, acnt, upper bey v l e w , are eadl 1,GDO feet long, ...r benches, lawn area a n d offer fishing, Uve bait, food • patbn71-coacea1om and .. view o( aD lnlM Terraee P a r k , water«ieated activltlel. Maliher and A vita,. lniDI Sdlooll offering facllltiel for Terrace, eeven acres, lawn . recreation are Harbor HIP, a re a , v le w b e n c h e 1 , Horace Ensign. Corona del restrooms, play equipment, Mar, Newport Hel1tit1, ocean and ba1 view and picnic Marlnen and Carooa del Mar tabtes. ma Scbool Laa Ama. ~ 11t1t rOUecreaticml lnfarmatlall Street and Balboa ~ contact tbe Parb, ---Newpmt, two and a baJf amt. and Recreation Depm1meatt tennll courtl, play equipment, 1714 W. Balboa BI v •,, llldlleboard, picnic area and te~ flS.3111. # Harbor~ Realtors Keyed to the Area One group ol Harbor Area fleer, II in char1e of day-to- haslnessmen and women bu day operations of the board. • ~ yardstict for Current president ls Charlel . meuurln& the 10cat economy. And &be-IDllllU'e ....1eem1 to F. Coleswortby. other olficert , prove that busineSI Ls ,ettlng Include Arf Gordon, first vice better' every year -despite prestdent; Daye Myhre, ae- what any o&ber business lo-eoncl vice president; and Earle dleatots are indicating. · R. Corbin, 1 e c r e t a r y • CaJeadar year 1981 WU treasurer. anotber record breaker for the Board members include J. 1.-reaJton and broken of Peter B a r r e t t (immediate tJ» Ne wpo rt Harbor-Costa put pre 1 l dent), Roel Ilea Board of Realton. They palderbead, Curt Dosh and IOld '5l 7 m.1JUon worth of Harry Winters m multiple Jistiqp_ _pnperty dur· Local board members .,. Int tbe year. . -very active both at the state That waa St.7 mlWon more and national level In their pro. than for calendlr 1911 (with feaion. The Harbor Area '52 mWioa) wh1cb was an all· fundsbel 11 dJredon for tbt time lliP ales flpre and board Of the California Real - topped the irevioUI ''best year Estate Aaoclation and tn ever" of $41 mUUon ln sales local members -George Col· volume to&ed up in t•. fin and William Ring -Rl'Vt The board meets f o r on tbe board of directors of breakfast each Thursday at the Natioiial Association of t a.m. at the Balboa Bay Real Estate Boards. Club. The local board is believed Its headquarters are at 401 to" be the_ only one in the Newport Blvd., N e w p o r t United states -regardleSI Beach (telephone 646-1671) of size -to have ·two of where Glenn Martin, the Its members on the national organization's executive of· organization's board. ~----- S~DE, ~D, SHATTERED AIRPLANE AND SOME IMAGINATION That's Wh•t It T•kH to Mab • Perle Magic for Youngsters Well-planned Park System· Under Way in Costa Mesa Owning land in Costa Mesa is like owning a winninc tlcket on the Itisb ~ea. Still the city has more than a dozen parceb earmarked for parks and recreation \ise. Not all are developed, cer· tainly, but plans are ln the works. "I eat, sleep and breathe parks," says Parks Director Jo. Jones, who ls as proud of the layout as if ht bad done Jt singlehandedly. He is quick to credit others, though. I Recreation director Keith Van Holt and his staff are responsible for much of the activities at the parks, and also a variety of community cultural~ But what's in store in the parks picture itseli? "We're hoping'"to pick up three more in the next year," said Jones, just before the city's annual budget had been evaluated and adopted. Two were virtually certain, dedicated to the city by developers planning new bous. ing tracts whose occupants and children will need the facilities. A third was tentatively scheduled for purchase. "And we hope to improve some of our existing parks too," said Jones, specUically citing Estancia and Te Wlnk1e parks. Estancia Park includes the museum-like Die&o Sepulveda Adobe ('lbe Estancia), I state His&orical Landmark, and Te Winkle P-ark featurel one of the larsest layouts avallabll to dUzens. Y091 r COM•••.._,.,., t Today, the city has almost 100 acres of part land. Costa Mesa .assesses taxpayers at the rate of 33 cenu per •100 Historic Spit Unique Park Not only ls it a magic k1nd of get-away.from-it-all place where swimmers can clamber over plastic whales that are bigger than Ufe size, kids can rent paddleboards, t r a I I e r boaters can launch their craft and sun bathers can snooze on the sand, but It's also uni- que in the Oranje County system Of parks. Newport Dunes A q u a l I c Park is a marriage of govern- ment and free enterprise which has had its rocky periods, but is far from head- ed for the divorce coµrt . The 78-acre f acllity at Coast Highway and Jamboree Road originally ence was just a sand spit set aside by the county for recreational use and tagged with tbe name Harry Welch Memorial Park. T h e longtime Chamber of Commerce executive after whom It was named died H years ago. But the park, under several different private managements, for moet of those years bas continued as a playground under t h e Newport Dunes Aquatic Park t.itle. The variou' ftnm have leased it on abare-tbe-prof tt contractl with the county. Phone number at ne Dunes ls MM511. of assessed valua~on for the parks Department. And sub- divis.lon developers are re- quired to provide either land or money for park space. Jones p 1 a c e s particular stress on keeping his parka clean and safe. Each mornth, an inspector goes to each park and examines all its equl~ ment to check for dangers. A maintenance force of ZO men works full time keeping all f aciliiies tidy. It is nearly impossible to list all the facilities available to Cos~ Me~~ms at the city's parks. But there's something for everyone, and by--ltlO, according to the city's master plan, there will be 18 more parks. Director of Recreation, Van Holt is in charge of 14 summer recreation programs, a n d eight after-school programs during the winter. In the summer, swimming pools at Costa Mesa and Estancia High schools, are open to the pablic daily from t a.m. to 9 p.m. For more information on parks and recreation, call 834-5303. The department a I s o supervises lessons in art and bridge and a Senior Citizen's club for adul~ as well IS' a civic playhouse at the com- munity Recreation Center on the (airp'ounda that present& five adult, two iee..,., and t w o childro'1 productions eadi year.· , 1Musie "Cause Sel!vell' In just two short years, the mythology, was created to DAILY PILOO"s "Euterpe" honor thOle who seek a awards have come to be similar expalllion of their art recognized by the Orange · form and who have worked Coast's musical community as to help it survive in earlier trophies wblch brtnc that et· lean years .. tra and richly deserved ac-· Maestro. Joseph Peal'lman of colade to men and women Orange Coast College and who falWully serve the cause · UCJ's Peter Odegard are two of musk. ~ • coaductors who have been DAILY PILOT music criUc honored and their orchestras Tom Barley bu given 10 of also have received awards the laurel-leaved awards to sinee "Euterpe" was created. concert cqanlJations a n d The Laguna Beach Chamber gifted musiciana In those two Music Society was this year's years and the reponse from concert organiz.alion winner those who make and work and the world of ballet was for music baa been one of not overlooked with the harr deep a ppr e c i a ti o n and ding/ of a "Euterpe" to UCl's gra1Itude fti 1M filling of a Janice Gudde Plastino. pp that existed for far too Violinist Adrianne Geiger of long. Huntington Beach, ..pianists Music, like everything else Kate and Tom Whitney of on the Or!lfl&e Coast, is rapid-Corona del Mar and UCl's ly ~ to meet . the School ol Fine Arts are other cultural needs of a burgeoning reciplerts of the coveted p o p u I a t i o n , And the award. And Jean Tandowsky "Euterpe', named alter the of. the Orange C o u n t y musical muse of G r e e k Phllharmonlc Society has pro- ved, wltb her ''Euterpe'', how the back room workers of the world ol music can be honored in this unique DAILY PILOT award. There art, says Barley, many, many more who con- tribute many hours of dedicated work in a wide raage of ways to Curtber the cause of music on our <>r1111e Co.1st. And It shows, be said. with a continued and marked improvement In the quality of music that ls being played in auditoriums from Seal Beach to San Clemente. Chamber music, opera, the concert ball ·a n d ballet - whatever the product, It Is eligible for a "Euterpe" a~ critic Barley It~ a careful eye on all four by-products during the Orange Coast season. He Is certain of only one thing when each new season opena and thlt is that there won't be e no u I b "Eute.rpes" to go around. 1 lll·•r •llCl ... M - Bllll& BY TREVISll It's fast and saf el Drive up to the screen, 'ms tht "on" button, and a friendly teller It there to help you. There's a two·way microphone for Questions and answers. A pneumatic tubt e1rrles deposits, Yflthdrawals under1round to the heart of the banl No more parkint. or leavinr the children unattended. And If you'd Mkt to su yourself on TV, we revena lht 1eree1t, t nd there you are ••• 1n Instant star of Newport NaUonal Bank. t COHVINllNT OfPICll •VINO OIANOI COUNTY All,ert ........ It ........ m ............ ..,... tl.lt ... 142·1141 W. M ... flllllllM It C a I D 111.m • .......... tlllW Ith '71.:/290 .......... """"' ............. z.tlll •.......... t. "-• llSflll ~ l7Ml4I ..................... 142.9111 . 11111111111 Ml LMtt W.W,1111 lllclt.a7Jl • ~ ........ LllMt W..W, Llp111 HiBsl30-3200 NILY "LOT ii)~ t ....... l; ~ q The ·•111111:~· . . Editor Detiiils Frustration, Fl.11 of the First 10 Years ~ PILOT is in the midst of a half-milJion dollar expansion Maybe you don't remember program that will help Jnake wl1at you were doing 10 years room for our 231 employes . . •go this week, but I do. Ten (We-had 130 in 198Cr.) - . years ago Tuesday _ June It is the third time growth 16. 1960 -was a momentous has forced us to expand our on ._ facililies in that decade and In the firsl place, it was I have no doubt we wm have . my birthday -1 was 32. to do rt again. In the second place, it was Growth bas been pretty · the d th' much the pattern of the. DAI· ay 15 new 8 Paper LY PILOT's history aloce its ~• .. became a daily. By THQMAS KEEVIL OAll.Y f'ILOT ...... .. We picked a good day, 1f earliest ancestor rolled out t Ee~~~:!;·'"""~## saleable news is the criterion. four pages of community news ·'NEW' PLANT GETS DAILY PILOT READY FOR BIGGER JOB IN ITS SECOND DECADE Our single AP mach1De pecked 63 years ago. In kaclna the 'Arti1t'1 View Envisions Completloft of Remoclellftl of Prennt Bul~lng In Costa Mesa out the news that leftist riots roots of the Harbor Are4's In Jat>ao bad forced President newspaper, we find traces of Eiienhower to abandon bis many of those ancestors. DAILY PlLQT now ranks ~h today. ------=pT'la=nned=.;:-_..:;.;vlS:--. it;:-=:t:-o=Totyo=~=-and-=:-The-nameplitiron fOilij s -among\falifornia~a 131---aaily-OD tbarilay we went dally, -he headed homeward from Page One would be one of newspapers in circulatiof\. tbe newspaper circulation was meeting of coastal cities - tncludin( Newport -to-eee if the coastal freeway pro- gram 'couldn't be stepped up. Everyone seemed to . agree that they ~ould like to get the show on the road. Vaux, Balboa (and if JOG really -want to-feel old, Christine had her operation llfVen years before ~T). ,_ . ' • Manila. A Newport Beach· the world's lopgest if they The 1960 census _g a v e just a shade over 11,000. We woman was murdered and the all appeared: The Newport Orange County a population are approachlng 44,000 today. murderer of a Costa Mesa Beach, Balboa, Costa Mesa, of 703,925. Today lt bas exactly Circulation lln't the only woman was sentenced to life Harbor News -Times· press doubled that.-U million. sign of growth with the DAI-~lmpifsonment without hope of -Her&la:" GlObe Courier~ Back on-my birthday 10 LY-PIW'l'. We were fed our pBtole. _ __ · -Bulletin • Pilot. years ago, t&e community's state, national a n d in· BIG 10 2 high schools, were ternational news ' back in 1980 15th FISH FRY 1 graduating 671 students. This by ·a slng]e, low-speed AP \te~d _jllst finished U1e But the sipilicant growth year, the district's four high teletype machine. Today we 15th running or theuonSClu seems W-have ~schools prepared dtplomas for have seven teletypes from l\.P, Fish Fry and despite a slight past 10· years. 2,040. ·-Orange Cout College UPI and Business Wire along cold,JOilJ>rovost, Jeff on-~ we got.-0ff ,Qiiell'Oimd in naa 341 sraauates then; occ with a photo receiver that Lassie show, manfully waved a hurry. In 1960, Orange Coun-4Uld its companion campus, give the DAILY PILOT in- -and-smiled to the crowds as fy ali'eady b8Cl d a n y--tolden West, this year will slant worldwide news-gather- grand m3rshal of the annual newspapers in Santa Ana, have 1,111. ing capabilities .second to none. parade. Anabelm, Fullerton, Garden Newport's population in 1960 In SddiUon, a few feet away, To the newspaper, it bas Grove and Orange. In 10 years was = lt'a over 41,000 there is our extremely higb- been a momentoUs ten years. we haxe surpused all bu~ now. . Mesa, according speed AP stock m a r k e l Significantly, as the an-The Regilter ln c:irculallon. to the 1980 census, had 37,560 machine that permits us to niversar•· f~'•c: the DAILY On a statewide basis, the people;. U Is right at 75,000 receive computerized lists of IT WAS A 'GOOD DAY' FOR LAUNCHING DAlLY PAPER .Looking Baclc 11 YHrs to DAILY PILOT's First Front Page 24 Mtl.f PILOT MA.allfl aU transactions on the New York and American stock ex- changes. and have the entire list ready f ctr our readers just over an hour after the market cloees. Essentially though, the DAI- LY PILOT'S goals are much the same today as they were on June 16, 1960: to provide a b al an c e.d newspaper with heavy emMasis on local cover- age. Thanks to a tremendous surge in advertising. we . are able to provide three times as much news -01 all kinds ... 10;eal, stale.. oatiooa and world -as we were 10 years· ago.·-· MORE FUN THEN But in a way It was much more fun 10 years ago, or so it seems today. l had a little more hair and was perhaps 10 pounds lighter, to cite two good things about 1960. It seems we had fewer wor- ries, too. Orange C o u n t y Airport didn't display even a bubble of becoming a problem. Bonanza's three-a-day pro- peller flights weren't bother- ing anyone. They didn't make much noise and, besides. who wanted to go to Yuma anyway'! And the Pacific . C o a s t F eeway? Oh, it was there aU right. Little lines on the maps · abOut where they ate on today's maps. But no one seemed a bit concerned . .Fifth District Supervisor C 1 a i r e Nelson was calling for a ' SID'S SAGA Sid Soffer had finally gotten approval of the Newport Beach City Council to open his Blue Beet-back on my birthday 10 years ago, and there was-no indication of the ·friction the irascible bearded night club owner would enc o u n t e r w.ith Newport's finest. And speaking of irascible, 1980 was one year in the reign of _Newport's most outspoken mayor, James B. Stoddard. After one of his jousts with the audience, the DAILY PILOT's headline r e a d : CHAMBER CALLS MAYOR UNNECESSARILY RUDE. It wu not the first nor the last time the colorful Mayor Stod· dard had his say and, needless to-point out to hi con· stitutients. he was not signiti- canUy impressed by t h e chamber's criticism. Housewives had it a little easier in 1960, or at least they would have had if they And something else is hav· Ing a tenth anniversary. thi• Jun~, too. You know that old Navy jet that is so popular with youngsters io the center of Costa Mesa Park? Well it was June, 1960, that the Exchange Club painted U(> that old surplus F-9, proudly dispJayed ... Jt in the-Fish Fry parade~ and then anchored it in the park, to the delight of almost a generation of youngsters who have scrambl· . ed over, in and around it. The DAILY PILOT was reporting such at-home aHairs in June, 1960, just" a:~ncwa-s beginning to ,report the cam- paigns of John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon for the. Presidency. While Nixon was in North Dakota digging up Republican support, t h e Harbor Area Nixon 'Boost,ers Club opened its office in NeWport Beach. R e t i r e d Admiral Thurston James was president. and such GOP stalwarts as Dick Richard, Sam Barnes and ·Ralph Kiser were marshalling Nixon forces in his home county. had their husband's 1970 LOCAL PERSONALI~ Bacon was 49 cents It ~as the year James G. a pound, coffee was 49 cen s Blain became pastor o ( and the Apha Beta offered Newport Harbor L u t b e r a n leg of lamb tor 69 cents a Church and just about the pound. same time Dick Sullivan And real estate? Oh yes, resigned · as public defender real estate. The great why-aod entered private law prac· didn-I query of the day. tice in C-Osta Mesh, and Dora There was a nice four-Hill was presiding over ac- bedroom (with formal dining tivities of the Orange County room) Lido Isle bargain on Grand Jury. the market for $39,500. And We were getting ready for if I hadn't bad my editor's · all-digit dialing, Jerry West eyes fretting so about the of West Virginia bad been President's Japan visit being picked for the U.S. Olympic canceled, I would have been basketball tryouts, and the hying my way down to Balboa DAILY PILOT was editorially bland to check out ·one that lamenting the fact that June · read: always seems to 0e suen a "Five br, 3% bath, bay!ront dull, overcast month and can't home overlooking desirable something be done about il'! South Bay on Balboa Island. We are still printing news Steal at $17 ,500. _ like that in the DAILY PILOT · Huckleberry Hound was the -only a lot more of it. Wllen big hit on the TV screen in our new pl~ is linlshed, it 1960. And closer to home, the wo1t'l change much ; we will stellar entertainment offering just quietly keep making im· for the Harbor Area nightclub provemeots and additions so set wu Christine Jorgensen that 10 years from now 1 who was holding forth at can give you another report. • YOutl COMMUNITY -1f7t It l r r ~ e it y y it 1t 1f l·. .s s :s·· .... l• y e. .s p e ·s n d IS p I, ir :s >r st ~n le 1e ly . 1e a 1't vs ff !ft it ill n• so I -,. ............. .... ... ··------.. You Can Name the SpOri :.A.nd Find. it A long Coast -·-----·: By BOWARD BANDY °' .................. tM winter and IOCCel'. temJ .. pro bueball, lkin dJving and Jawn bowUq. 1'e Lot Ang!lea Stars played • portion ol their . playoff 1ames ID the ABA You name the sport and cbanc:es are excellent i t dnives along tbe Orange Cout. Atrro RAaNG ftnal aeries at A n a b e J m Lite the Paclflc Ocean that bounds the area cm the West and plays an important role in the water sports picture, the area is a broad expanse of sports activity f r o m participation to s p e c t a t o r Automoblle ractni Ja big Jn Convention Center. the area and 0rangie County Tbe Onnce Caunty. Jnvita- lnternational Raceway ·leads tlonal net and field meet the way. 'It1is Is one of the will apln be held wWdn a most inodern faclllties. of its ltoae's throw ol the Aft& at tfnd In the world and thrives El Modena' High School in on big-time racing f!Yert Oranae. weekend from funny cars to ·Sports heroes are equally roles. fuel altereds. · abundant. The Newport Beadl 'l'1le area's name would im-Off • the • road racing for Tennis Club is tbe home ply that water sports are Volkswagen and sand bUggy. Jl'GUDdl for two of the world's -1~tiful. They am and the~-atong· with th e-Jeacltng-maney-whmers In-pro. temperate climes throughout popular mJdnigbt to dawn off. feasional tennis -Rod Laver the cale~ar ye~ are sudl street rac.lng programs that of Corona del Mar and Roy that boating, swimming and have recently b e e n in-Emerson of Newport Beach. fishing are available virtually augurated. 365 days a year. • M~cle races, midget Age has noUtlng to do with auto racing and wrestling are the sports scene. For the popular spectator sports at young at heart, a fishing or Orange County Fairgrounds. boaUng trip on the blue Pacj,fic can do wonders to PRO SPORTS, TOO restOre enthusiasm for the The Callf ornia Angels are everyday Jif e. mating a run at the Wesj.em For the more active, there Division American. League ti- . Is bowling at Kona Lanes In tie thil 9e880ll and play in Cos~ Mesa and Mesa Lanes one of the major league's or a round of golf on one most modern parks, Anaheim of the 11 counes on the Stadium, just 20 minutes ·coastal plane:--Y-enrus a Newport Beach Tennis Club or any one of the qtyriad of public courts on scbOol grounds around the area is available the year around with many of the facilities having lights for night play. Recreation p r o 1 r a ms present softball teqoes for IWHDft' play, bubtball In YOll COMM•tn -1971 No professional f o o t ~ a U team 15 baaed along the Orange Coast at the present time but two of the top representaUves In the sport train in the area. 'ftle San Diep Cbargen uWJJ.e tJw pc, . Irvine campus-while the Los AngeJes Rmm are at Cal Sta&e (Fllllei1ln). 'INDY' DRIVERS Dan Gurney of automobile racing fame (he finished third at Indianapolis this year) lives in Costa Mesa. Two other Indy drivers live in the area, Rick Muther of Laguna Beach and Ronnie Bu c knum of Caplstr8DCi Beach. Bill VOii of the Angels and Sandy Vance of the Dodgen live in the Immediate are along with a bo5t of other -major-Jea111e aseball-and-foot· ball stars. Several professional golfett are currently on the tour ftlll'elentlnt this aree in- cluding R l c h a r d Martinez former Lagupa Beach Hilt star who •won--the. 9outberr California PGA tournament If M1lllon Viejo early l 11 JIDllll'J. mim~ ~$ ~w~ \ ·HEAT •.• Neverl wr~ro ~ ever RAIN ••• N,verl • PAllONG FOi 6500 CAIS • 16 STOIES I SERVICES ------OPEN NIGRTLT'Tll: t:3CJ P.M. loath ·Coast Jiua I lrlat.l91SiftDl•11PiMWWJ,C....... . , ------rm-.-- ·'Old Newpor~'.:.T~e Pri~~ Was $1 .~e~ Ac~e • (Continued,,_ Page 4) ·the time was 445; voter ln· The acquisltion mark~d the terest obviously wasn't very beginning of "Old New· high. port." But the enthusiasm of the Tossed into the $1-an·acre city's first board of trus· deal were a couple of sand· tees, beaded by Mayor John ap\ts. These later became King, was indeed high. · Balboa and Lido islands. Eager to keep municipal work on the railroad be· expenditures at a minimum, gan in 1889. The· distance they shuffled from one of the route between New· meeting place to another port and Santa Ana bad with the rise and fall of beeq measured by one a. rents. Among early "city G.· Forg)'. halls" were the Southern Forgf, a Santa Ana at-P.acific station on the New· tomey, painstakin.gly calcu· port Pier and a store room Ja1.ed the distance by tylng ·in a building at the corner l , of 15th Street and Central a big white rag to one of Avenue (later. Balboa Boul· his buggy1 wheels and then evard). counting the revolutions as They also set up. shop in the rag whipped past the a b.aclc r09m of Lew Wal· comer of his eve during his lace's n e w 1 Y established ~ State Bank of Newport. Tb' trip to Newport. The mile· rent was ttO a month. Wal· age_ was determined by a lace then chose to hike lt mathematical formula in· to •t5 a month. · 1 · th lr umf During the years of the VQ ving e c c erence city's infancy, municipal of· of the wheel and the num· ficials were thus kept con· her of white blurs counted stanUy on the move. by· Forgy. A blg issue faced the "He got pretty dizzy with board of trustees -the all that counUng," one of equivalent t.o today•s City Forgy's grandsons recalled Council -.during one of its years later. first meetings. Hauling people as .vell as That Issue wu demon freight , the foilr-car train twn~Ould the-city be wet opened up Newport as i ~r dry? resort haven. T~e canny In those days, prohibition McFaddens took prompt ad· was a local option. As a v~tage of that, charging city, Newport could n o w ~urists $8 a month to pitch make its own decision. tents on their newly acquit· There was a lot of bag- ed beachlront. Also t h e gllng, and the local chap· brothers built the Newport ter of the Women's Chris· Hotel in 1893, bard by the tlan Temperance U n i o n pier. . weighed in with a sternly The wooden hostelry re-worded petition. mained standing until 1925, But rum won, in a 3-2 vote by which time termites bad by trustees. replaced tourists as princi· The flourishing lltUe city, pal guests. -· which now boasted of a sa· Many of the inlander• loon or two, by 1908 bad J who rode the McFaddens' two small b&nks. One of train to Newport decided them was W. S. Wallace's to stay. Houses popped up State Bank of Newport, in the area of what is to· which was the first to be day McFadden Square. robbed. In 1907, safecrack· By 1900, the McFaddens ers blew its vault. They fled began to fade from their with Wallace's gold watch. long-held role as patriarchs Some months later, Los of the community. vther Angele.a police arrested a pioneer residents started as· man on another charge. He suming the task of leader· had Wallace's time-piece. It ship. was safely returned to th~ t-~------The bro1bers e en qµi t ~ballker. operating th e i r railroad. As "Old Newport" around They sold it to a man who the wharf began rattling later turned out to be an wlth the sounds of progress agent for the Southern P • -the hammering of hou ses cific Railroad, much to the under construction and the chagrin of the McFaddens -blowing up of safes -a- who had spent a half-dozen sandspit cousin on thf tip years trying to keep the SP of the peninsula was also • • out of Newport. showing signs of life. Within a few years time, Balboa was in the bands the settlement's leaders felt of developers. It was so an itch for incorporation. named , according to its en· Among these was Alfred 1huslasUc promoters, at the Hermes, who twice tried to suggestion of a Peruvian drum up enough signatures vice consul. on petitions calling for an Among early developers incorporation election. But of th~ straggling strip, of each time the county Board sand dunes west of today's of Supervisors told him be 0 B" Street were W. S. Col· ,didn't have enough names. ~ns and J.P. Greeley, who The tblrd ti.me was the began buying up land for charm. Tbt election was lots as early as 19M. 1 called and in June, 1906, Promotion of the Balboi Newport Beach offlclailY be· tract was energetic. Potea· came a m~clpallty by a tlal buyen were treated to vote of a to 12. Tbe popu-tree lunches, imon1 other latlon of the HW dtJ at Inducements. 26 IAILY PILOT MMiAJINI f • ' • The big problem, how· by hawkers whose stands ever, was transportation. lined the beaches hi Bal· The horse-drawn buggies of· boa as well as in "Old New· ten found the going rather port.·~ SW8JJ1PY· BARBOR DEVELOPS Subdividers finally with But it wasn't all fun and considerable persuasion, games in Newport during and cash, convinced the the Innocent Years. legendary railroad magnate 11clals who had managed. to f erence• resulted f r o m sign on with the movie com· "clashing philosophies over pany as extras. th• future role of the city The flylllg machine also and Its harbor. came to Newport during th• Harry Tudor of Balboa decade. On May 10, 1912, and his backers saw the en· pioneer aviator Glenn L. tire cpmmunlty as a poten• Martln of Santa Ana shoved tlal •1 Atlantic City of the into the bay I w~, wire West. n They felt the bar· ol1i For so~e time, many of C ·s P. Huntington to ex· the city's citizens had want.- tend his Pacific Elec_tric ed their harbor transform· Railway, which by n o w .ind cloth craft on·pontoons. ·bor should be for pleasure He started its single engine craft o~y. and in a few minutes was But ln Old Newport, Lew stretched along the coast.: ed from •·barely navigable line from Los Angeles, down waterway to a more useful the penlnsula to BalboL one. By 1915, the dreams The 'first train headed began· to be realized. down the sands on July 4, In December of that year, 1905. Promoters celebrated after many false it.arts. a the big occasion by setting city harbor commission waa off fireworks and hosting finally formed. Its mem• a huge barbecu·e. More than bers were Linn L. Shaw, 1,000 attended; most of chairman; Lew IL Wallace, them from Pasadena. Enough lots were sold secretary; and Jes1 A. Arm· that way, it was re~, itage, J. W. Duckworth and to pay oft every stockbold· IC. E. Watson. er the amount of money be The following September, had invested in Newport th mmis Bay Investment Company, e co sion asked the Balboa's developing firm. community's voters to· au· At about the tame time, tborlze the fioating of a the Newport Bay company f125,000 bond lisue to fl~ won f edei'al permission to it tru ti • build a structure on. pilings nance c Y cons c on °' out over a portion of the an unimped_ed entrance Jet. bay. -ty to the harbor. Ttie voters . Constructed by contract-responded with a resound· ·or George Prebel at the Ing "Yes" -391 to ·20. foot of Main Street, it was • -named the Balboa Pavillon. Also in 1916, Rep. Wil· Through the ensuing dee· llam Ket'Jier succeeded in ades, it \,l1lderwent many pushing through Congress ownerships and many res· federal legislation officially torations, but the structure establishing harbor bouoda· today still stands. ries. Across the bay In 1806, A year later, Newport W. S. Collins began carving yotera aold themselves '50,· out a channel. The sand ooo · bondl to f I . and muck scooped up by m pay or c ty Collins was dumped oDlo a dredging of a clear chan- sandspit that had been aev· nel the length of the bay. • ered from the mainland by COUNTY GOES ALONG the channel. By the end of the dee•. Collins had acquired the ade, the whole of Orange sandspit from the McFad· Coun.ty had 1otten into the de~~t is how Balboa Is· act. In· 1919, ~county voters, land became an Island. swept up by local enthusl· asm for the bay's poten· BALBOA FERRY tial, approved . a $500,000 Collins decided to provide county harbor improvement transportation to the island bond issue. The vote was by f ercy from Ba boa, near 6,a70 to 2,252. the Pavilion. Harbor-hungry leaders In 1909, the nist would· had won major victories be buyers of Balboa Island ,during the decade. land were borne across the...... The dredg.ing....itselt -took bay on Collln.s' new Balboa years. It wasn't until the Ferry. mid-thirties that youngsters· Ten years later, the ferry no .longer had sandbars on operation was turned over 1which to mud-surf and the to the late Joseph A. Beek. His Balboa Ferry was able to family ls still ruMing it. make a direct trip to the Newport Beach prosper· island. ed during the colort'ul dee· Because of the slowness ade of 1910-1920. It came of the many harbor clear· of age as a reiort commu· ing and cleanup projects, nlty. In. the summertime the bay remained pristine people came to the beach enough for movie-making by the thousands. They purposes throughout the ai· came In trains, on foot, by lent film era. bicycle and In the new and ·1n the summer of 1917 6tartllng gasoline buggies. the harbor served as a Balboa's Main Street on movie Cleopatra's Nile, The· most warm afternoons was royal barge was surround· lined with high-top fllvvers, ed by 1,000 extras on ac· wooden 1 p o k e wheels companying barges. Twice gleaming and giant wind· as many pop-eyed film fans shields shlnlng in the aun. watched the spectacle from The Pavnton, a dance the shore -and ou~ of ball then, proved to be a camera ran~. · great attraction. Sbarp-aa. The best view was tn- vored jellr apples were 101d joyed by several city of. ... aloft. Wallace and his r.upporters Less than 40 minutes later felt differently. They favor· he splashed gently down ln 9d a city geared to com• Ava1on bay -cornpletlnl met'Clal and industrial ac- tbe world'• f1r41,t "water-to-tivity, wt th· the harbor serv• water" flight. . . inl as the focus of that ac· T b e Roaring Twenties tivlty. wu a time of accomplish· A key improvement in tht ment In Ne"J>Orl., too. But development of the harbor unlike its predecessor de-took place early in the dee· cade, and as throughout the ade when the Santa Ana land, 1t wu a period in River channel was divert· which garish excitement ed from the bay to th• overshadowed solid achieve-ocean. ment. It was a significant har• Balboa boomed with bin· bor improvement for 1t U• go, wide • ope~ gamblinl, sured that no longer would bathina beauties and booze. river floodwaters dump d .. The rest of NeWJ>ort, by brls and sllt into the bay. ncfw spread the length ~t plling high unwanted sand· the Peninsula, wasn't ex· bars. . actly staid, either, _ . Joe . Beek by thlr Ume Tales of shameless v'lola-had added to his responsi· tion of the Volstead Act ~Wtles as Balboa Island abounded. City Marshal Jim ferry operator the headJ Porter was kept breathless task of harbor master. tht dumping confiscated bottles • of bootleg liquor down the city's first 4 r al n fl'onUng whatever During the decade New· l>ulldlng that happened to port voters three Umes ap· be serving as city hall at proved addition41 bond h• the ' time. sues for further harbor lm· BOOZEDOGGLE? provements. The total One mornine; as Porter . ted w11 about to hit the drain amoun to f715,000, • bua with aeveral cases of the sum for a community of stuff, "be received a phone less than 2,500, even ln t:iat calL He left the booze stand· ''easy money" era. Ing unguarded outside as BalbOa and Old or Cen· he engaged in a crulously tral N. ewport, meanwblle, . pointless and one • sided phone conversation with a continued to clash, At one caller who just wouldn't point relations between both hang up. sections ·of town were so When Porter finally got atralned that each bad its away, of course, so bad the own chamber of commerce. liquor. AU six cases. In 1923, however, Harry It was hinted that cny Welch came to the Harbor aides, wable "'to b-ear the Area. He soon --put an end waste of the liquor, may to the friction. have been involved in the The 48-year-old veteran scandal. But nothing came chamber executive t o o k of the investigation, except over as secretary of a new that from then on Marshal organization called the Or· Porter ignored . all phone ange County Harbor Cham· calls when be was about ber of Commerce. The title to pour. avoided both town names. Another popular tale tb'lt The civic leaders w h o made the rounds in the mid· hlred Welch made It plain 20s concerned-« cottl black what his job•wdtlld be: to, yacht that unload~$100,· weld together a single or· 000 In illicit booze one night ganization to promote New· at a newly built pier off port Harbor. It took him 19th Street. years, but he managed to . The liquor was . transfer· do this. red to a van ctlld the boot• Eventually,-the warring Jeggers happily beaded for chamber factions were ab- Los Angeles. But they were sorbed into Welch's Orpge to ped Id bl h t County Harbor Chamber of 1 P cons era Y s or Commerce. Its name was of their destination by a band of dirty crooks who then changed to the New4 hijacked the preclous load. port Harbor Chamber of Sectional dls1¥1tes also be-Commerce. go plaguing Newport In Welch remained a com• the 20'1. Most of the dif· (C.ulllM .. P11e 17) YOUI COMMUNl1T -1'71 I f , •"' {.. ; ' • ' I -. I I r t I l ) s 11 ll .. 0 n , .. n 0 TAKE A LOOK IT A DOT DAJSUI WE HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION . -.. ' Reereation Thenle (~ hm Pqe M) malned 1 drug an the mar-W : *bll tbe cft1 et munity leader for 30 years, ket during the 30's, the dee-Newport Beach be changed until Ida death It 71 In lM Ide llW harbor develop.. fJ'Olll Newport Beach b BaJ-Tbe meat take iU blgest step ., .. eaunty put In Upper forward yet. Newport B a J, popularly This was ._..Y attrillu-· The Yof.e was 1,tJS araJnst called "Newport Dunes.~· la table te three men: Georte and Sit far. '!bat was the praper)J known 11 U.,., A. Rolen, R. L. "Pat" Pat-encl of ft. Welch Memorial Park. te'9Clll md A. B. Rou!lelle. At about this this, the Meanwblle, • developmept Screwhe up tlleir mur-· Rendenaas Ballroom open. .. _ age, tbeJ went to Wmbinf-ed its doors, ushering fn ucgan to quJcten OD t be ton, D.C. In 1m and asked the "Big Band" era. Also, bluffs OD lbe other aide ot for federal funds to build Al Anderson's Fun Zone, tn ~bay. sometbfng more than just the Rendezvous· neighbor. Corona deJ Mar in the a home-made harbor. hood, started to coitie ' Into flll'ly years had amdergone After much hauling with Its own, proving an lm- aporadlc IP'Wth. . But oa Army engineers and gov-mense attraction to tour- ApriJ 3, 1113, all &hit cmn,. ernment eftldals, the three 1sts, Young and old, but ~ly ed. On tbl& dlte the com-.Newpat't leaden finally con-yount: lt't u dents who llllblity w f 1 .llWud _to vlneed federal llJthariUes """ "hep" by now by the Newport Beadl. The annex that the harbor, property thousands were spendin~ vote was 111to3l developed, cauld relieve ·the their spring ·vacatior11 "at Lots that had been mar-rnssures on Los Angeles Bal." transformiru! "East- nd 1 -• n--...L er W--"'" to ''BaJ --~." kded at $151 each -with a "-'6 ~ Ports where ICICA """""" few taken, despite one real small cnft took up room Then came Dec. 7, · ttU. estate man's hdacement o1 needed for larger vessels. And Newport Harbor, 11 a -free box of graham crack-They also argued con-predicted by Rogers, Pat- en to Potential buyen _ vfriCingJy -and prophetic-terson and RaustUe yeat'I were now sold for $300 each. any -that 8 vastly tm-before. did Its bit ror the And there were plenty ot proved hartJor mlght prove war efCort. takers. heJptul ln the event of war. Activity of the U.S. Navy Qirana • del Mar's pace o1 Rogers, Pattenon a n d perked up Newport shlr>-' development quJctened with Rousette came home from yard!. More than 251 mill- tbe opening of PaciOc Coast Washington with 'J.1 mn-Jruy 11eSSel! were launched Higbway tn 1925. _lion. -: froln the h;arl)or•s wan. At about the same time, But there was a ltring at-Among them were mine t&ere wu the first stirring tacbed to the whopping fed-sweepers, corvettes and IJr of life on Lido late. eral grant for development craft rescue boats. South w K p tilon, N or Newport Harbor. Orange Coast Company, one of the ...... • ~ _.._ • bada ~-County voters, before 1 few shipyards . to Unger on ,... • "'"" -dJ Jd be pent had for any length of time aner -... ..i...L ._ oiJ, '--•"""'t me COO S , -CR;ll llWll ~ the war, won several "E" the ls1lnd from the · Padftc to approve the erpendlture burgees for Its wartime EJecfric OMnpny. It had of H ,• In matching achievements. been ealled, rather pnsalc-funds. ally, Pactfic EJectrie Jsllnd. It was a time when ~ 'ftJe city nJSbed headlonl P'-r ....__ -,J Into the lt50s. New lncfu9.. A. • o on • P1rkilon oe we ' • ....,..,. "", . .,,.. ""* out his •. 111: 000 ...L--a. work and desperate, but trfaJ firms and residential _., ~. Newport ad county Je» areas ope.necl up -and mu- lie ~ the name. He_ ers joined taeetfter In 1 des-nldpal iovernment w a 1 thell fllellt more than $251,-perate campetp to woo the 11ream11nec1. • In Mqlio"meuts. voters. And tbe bond Issue Voter 1 ovuwbe~ly 'PAPPY' PAUIP.ll paled. IPl!l'VVed a city charter Paitwu't qJesmn WU 'l1le °"8llle County Qar. farm of pvermnenl in 1154. Paul A. hber, 18ter foun-bor District, an acencJ to Tbe charter enable t b • der of Newport BaJbo9 Sav-IUPft"Ylte tbe lmJll'OVemenls, eltJ to have a greater hand lap _. Lam. Palmer's ad-was Um born. In detennininC its own des- 'fti .._ ..... ... IJdD 'l1le fl.7 mllb project tiny. &le Wll, 11A Llttle -...,. • Included ...... the en-The charter enabled the Lot." · tire .,._ ...., and exten-wipe away lingering sec.- And It 61. ftlrtJ' Ill& m ti a1611 jetties to tlonal differeaces bv en- wide .......,,.... Mb were pll09We a · ..re dlb we larlinl the aty Council IOld tbm ,.. lbaat '711 dllnnel. ,,. wait began floorn ~e to 1even mem- ftldt. /.1IJ .. ti the ume lft Deeemher, tal, ad was hers, emcb elected from a Jett .., waald fetch claM CdllPleted In v.,, t•. eaandhunic dlltrict. to.... FDR PUSRa BOllON In 18 tile dtJ population ___.. ________ ._ at,~~ ,:.r.:_: FnMllD _bad readied _:~r~':! In tlle bMlle ..w the blr-ReolmB 18 Wllllllnlton ::' ~ taU ll'OWft ever W'1 fUlmre. 'fte ncnab Pi !Ill~ a ....... • • I 1 faster to tbe )ft9ellt popu)a- adftClllfa wen wlmdnc. A8 ._., b''Nmlt.t.. 1be ail-tlan of •• ...-. beadhC ..... PfllPle .... ap perma--.. the ..... New-~ -f!ftldua) populldcm N 1aa3·5· BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-7781 or 54N442 o,.. Daly lncludillC) s .. .,. llelll ftdclemN, tbe ...,.t part J1arW Wll DOW of· eltlmJded at ...... ti watafJcd lucMtlJ en.. ftetmaeCo. wttb Ill vat ........ fldan,... lad ...... BCUNd molt Ill ,.,....., ' -· d1 ,,. tat .... '°" Wween Jll'GllllneDdJ In recent dtJ bls-ftlers ..... a "11... .... llld die ftlt of Mew-tarJ 11 Newport lettlementi ._. llllle 11111 baled the part was a11e pat tt rest enplfed tbe Upper Bay and ..,... ...._. tJam Rllh llt the tutlet of the war sprMd Inland from the orilht-lclllal IJlstrtet. ,,. ..... al lllftal' .... CGrona del Mar. eJedlm came net I mo-1U1I. nt. ltrug1ea of Newport cit· ment tao -: a month In 1.., Balboa k8ders lzem the 1alt decade ha•e re- later WaD Street laid Its fought to dlange formally volved around the Issues of famous ea, from w b I c h the name of tbe ton to -developlnc tbe U)llJtt Bay, the emerged the Great Depres-not aarpritinllY -''Bal-coming of the freeways , the lion when nobody had any boa." Their 111UJDent e&-airport and noise disturbance money. ~ waa that the word overhead. school district unJ- WhUe Newport suflmd "Beadl' In Newport Beach flcatlol, long-haired youth, typicaDy during the dis111al wasn't dlgni(Jed enough for drugs and student dissidence, decack that followed, It was such a many-faceted com-and always, taxes and rising ltill, as one local historian munity. Balbol, however, property costs. bas observed, "more fun to wa. But this Is a new history of ~ broke In Newport thin Ba& tbe ton's • o t er s 1 C'CllDplex city, still too recent to 1Je brokrirrDes Mab!I." ... , ......-.. 1'Je City be thought of as romantic WldJe businesl ,... It a c.ncll determined that by flt appndated for being plon- Udir and real es&ate ~ puttlaC the qaestlall on the eering. -. .. · Mes.a:: ·From Indian Village to ~ity · Plodding through the sun· warmed grasses of the rich wilderness exactly 201 )'tan ago, Spani h explorers in the Portola party found what would one day be Costa Mesa. Their journals tell It 1n spl· dery pen-scratches of fad~ brown ink. the £irst white men to view the scattered huts of· the In- dian settlement couldn't even dream that one day, parts for a sky ship carrying men to the moon would be built here. One or the \tisitore to what then seemed alien world (as far Crom home a8 the moon, Padre Juan Crespi, a Catholic priest, would have warned that mankind oouJd travel the . heavens In only one rigidly, ordained manner. He and his colleaJUes were along on the· historic expedi- tion to minlster to Spaniards who would embark upon tbat voya~e in the New World and establish missions to teach the heathen natives proper prep- aration for the trip. . tbe Canalino ~dlans of the Upon Jose Antonio Yor-San Juan Capistrano, whicn Channel Islands. ba's death in 1825, and Juan had been established in 1776 The big change in their Pablo Peralta'• In 1829, tbe was not suitably positioned lives came with the advent Yorba and Peralta heirs re. for the vast agricultural of the white man, probably mained in possession of the and grazing empire needed in the s u m m • r of 1769, land, according to historl· to make is self-sustaining, when Portola'• expedition ans of the Title Insurance the mission Indians drove pas s ed through Orange and Trust Company. their cattle up to what is County on its way toward Following Bernardo Yor--now the Costa Mesa area. M~~rf ind's future owner ba's death in 1858, settlers To serve the religious began to come in and buy needs of the lfldians, the Jose Anton lo Yorba, a portions of the rancho UD· Franciscan fathers from young Catalonian corporal tU little was left of the U ·San Juan Capistrano estab- with the Portola party' must square leagues included · in lished the Estancia, a way have first gazed upon what the early rancho. sta•lon between Capistrano was to become Costa Mesa With final partition of the and San Gabriel missions. in that su mmer of 1769, Ranchos among heirs and (Rentoration of this Costa when the area was named those who bou~t from the Mesa landmark, off ·of Santiago de Santa Ana to hd rs, some 12,'155 ·acre s Adams Avenue and Mes a commemorate St. J a m es were awarded to Llewellyn Verde Drive, was complet- Day. July 25 (Santi.ago) and Bixby, Benjamin Flint and ed last year and interior St. Anne's Day, July 26 Th Fr t ed ,.c b" bin b tr f (Santa Ana) ~the days of omas m , pr ecessors r ur is g as ans orm· in the Interests of James Ir· ed the Estancia lnto a mu· discovery. vine, founder or the Irvine e•·m surrounded by a city Yol·ba became owner of s Ranch and the Irvine Com-parJ• ) S a n t l a g o de Santa Ana '· through a grant from Span-pany. In the late 1880s, the lit· ish Governor Arrellaga OLD WAYS tle town of Fairview (some· 25-room frame hotel erect-first run was made June 28 ed for the fashionable of of 1888. (This was the area's the era who visited those first r~oad; th~ McFad· dens' railroad, so unportant same sulphur springs once · to the development of New· so attractive to the Indians. port Beach, came later.) A pool atilll.ln( the min· The railroad ·continued to eral waters was built and make the Santa Ana to Fair· California's boom in the view run and back for nine late 18808 was good to the months. Alas, a storm in area. Amos Jefferson was March of 1889 washed out proprietor of the Fairview some track and the train Hot Springs Hotel which never ran again. The Fair· was to be served by a rail-view Register in its issue of road line direct from Santa April 20, 1889, deplore:! the Ana. Pepper trees were fact that tfle ·railroad was planted to line, the streets no more, but its. short his· leading to the resort. tory was over. F a rr v i ~ ~ developers The boom that began to dreamed a big dream. . sag in 1888 slipped steadily. A. L. Moye and Welling· and in 1890 the Fairview ton I. Gardner envisioned a . Development Company was 100-foot-wide road stretch·_....tbl:ea.tened with bankruptcy. Ing from Santa-Ana-tome The store In Fairview was Pacific Ocean, and announc-sold in 1904 and the three· ed fu.'1.ber that they'd run story hotel became a rest• a railroad alo~g the route dence of the A. L. Clark• to serve Fairview. family. The Santa Ana Valley & ttl rut r p if:I Railroad Co was The ll e commu Y 0 . ac · c · U Harper bad emerged by mcorporated and the ra. • this ti.IM named after a sld· U .Father Crespi and the oth-. ers could sf'e Costa Mesa now, they would declare lt yet \ another NPw World, compared to lll!· J769' v111agrof fndian wickiups and simple farming syslC'm they found. July 1, 1810, when he was But long before all this 6-times referred to as Fair· about 60 year~ old, by then nal division took place, the vlew Hot Springs) was es· a retired sergeant of the white man was changing the tablished, spreading north Presidio of San Diego. old ways, bringing his rell· t-0 what isth ntow thGisler Avet- 1 d "':-· iliz i· nue ; sou o e presen OWNERSWP g on an uu c1v a ion llQrth.llmits .of Or.ug& Coast . With him \vas'his nepliew ~ . .to:: ~~~sc~~ pr i ~·;t·s· .. College; east to Fairv i e w Jua~ . Pablo Peralta, who sent to B 8 j 8 California Road, and west to Harbor parhc1pated in the owner-from s p a 1 n to establish Boulevard. ~oad waa built ~~s, ~nv15• i.DC-Oll the Santa. Ana .• ~-. 1oned:-Its initial trip -was Nttwport Railroad. The sid· made amid an atmosphere Ing in tw·n had b e e n SEA FOOD Ther lived on the acorn and the bountiful food of the sea. The Indians, w b o spoke Shoshonean dlalects were probably r~lated to ship. (Yorba's ownership of missions there were press· A schoolhouse and a the land succeeded a previ· log northward from· San chlirch w e r e established ous deed held by h1s father-Diego, bringing the Indians prior to-1890 at .what would i!)-law, Pablo Grijalva, who into their communal folds now be the intersection of bad come to California in and teaching them farming. Adams .and Harbor; the lit· 1776 with the Anza party.) Because the mission at tie community also had a of refined revelry, with the na~e<t after' Gre"ory Har· tr~ swathed in ~untlng, per, 8 rancher wh~ came to leaVlDg its terminal on the Fairview area around Fourth and Broadway in 1880 and owned tbe ranch Santa Ana to proceed down near which the railroad Harbor B~ulevard (t b • n ran. (That railroad was called Fairview Road) into the little community. Tb1J (Contlllftel te Page 29) If you h1v• J; .. n pl1nnlng to 1dd 1 gr1cious new look to your home, we tnvfte you to vi1it our show room ind ·see the most br11thf1~ing collection of dom11tic ind import•d custom lighting fixtures, lemps ind lighted will aco11ce1, -~.,"",.....*_ ... Over four acres of ultra modern total Cadillac facilities designed to better sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles. BUY OR L~ASE TODAY NABERS INC• •• 646-3737 -PARTS AND SERVICI - ELECTRIC AND LIGHTING .. m VICTORIA STREET COSTA MESA (Across from Greenbave.n Nursery) YOUI COMMUNITY • -1 '71 T 28 a'1 ad· lDt !W· to rir· ine in out ain Ur· I Of the vas Us• to ily. . ew 1131 .cy. va1 ee· m· rkt ot by rid· ~ .. - lid· en ar· to tnd 1cb .ad ras - '71 New rrown (C.t'ne• ir-P• II) one a feed store at l!!ast t later b 18th Street and Fullerton bough some years Y Avenue. un....-Ozm••t's the Southern Pacific.) nuvu ..., 'Harper, very reughly, Jay store and poSf Olffct burned between c:. • ..-aor Avenue down, it became the only ~· store in town. and Fairview Road along Following Ozment, Harp. Newport Boulevard. Jt WU • edin a little .. ~cultural commu· er s succe g postmasters nity, withfanning auceffd. were Frank W. Garlock, ol • 1913; James E. Snow, 1914; JJ1I a form« ~t.aae ca..-Henry O. ~arlock, 1916; Ro-.. tle gruin&. bert W. Bmkley,-1917; Mr. In 1903, Robert Boyd Jet. and Mrs. Fred Long, 1917 to tled with his family on 19?.0, and Charles W. Te-~t was then Newport Winkle, 1920. Mesa, probably ~e first ac· Mr. TeWinJde, who was tual residents. 'l1le Boyda owner of the town's only fanned a large area devot· store in 19'JO, figured In Cos. ed to barley and ~ans. r~ ta Mesa's continuing hiltory1 call Judge Donald J. Dodge He was a founder ol the and Mn. Dodte, devo(ed Costa Mesa Bank (1' a t e r historians ol the area. bought by the U. S. Nation. The Dodges, In an lnfor· al Bank) and its first prest. mal history, point out that For more than 30 years, Costa Mesa (then Harper) the Globe Herald . wu a was born when St e p h e n weekly newspaper, serving Townseocl and Charles Van purely local news to lts de Water of Long Beach readers. bought a couple of square AJ the town grew, the miles of land from Jame1 old G-H went twice weekly Irvine about 1906 and laid May 2, liM, just two years out the town's first subdi· after Costa Mesa was ln- vislon, "Newport Helgbta corporated. It was published Tract." It extends from at 109 Broadway, moving to 15th Street to 23rd Street on another office on Broadway the seiuth side of Newport / ... 12" \ u. Boute-.ard. -· • .. --~ ~-IDd.tnen.to.u..pra· ent address at Bay and 'nl,u· Laid out ln fiw-acre lotl rin streets Oct. 1, 1955. for small farms, the land The paper ~ame a trl· was bought primarily by weekly: Jan. 28, 1957, and newcomers from the eut. "went ~daily••' June ie, 1980. A few years later, In 1910, The next proceuea of Townsend acquired another growth were expansion ot square mile northwest of area covered, and the flnt Newport Boulevard south of edition outside of Costa Me.- 19th Street, and laid out the 18 IUMl Newport Beach cov· subdivision called "Newport ered Huntington B e a c h. Mesa Tract." .. Judge Dodge That edition was added July and his r.iother were early setµers there. It was in this &, ~~ptember of 1955 the tr*t that the Newport Me-name ol the paper became, sa,Irrigation District was offi'clally, the n... .. ,,1 Coast or' aitlzed when water sys· vi. .. '6 t ed in d t DAILY PILOT, and all three e 1 prov a equa e. editions (Costa Mesa, New· A third property develop. port BHcb and.-Hunt.ington mat, the Fairview Farms Beach) carried .... at name. Tract north of 19th Street "" a~ northwest of Newport EDMONS ADDED B~evard, was offered. for A newsstand ediUon fol· settlement by the firm of lo'K"ed in August of 1962, and Bryan and Bradford iD u-the ftrat issue covered the sotiation with B. H ... Cotton 4eath of Marilyn Monroe. in · 1913. The Santa Ana EdJtions were added for Hf.Jghta Tract was organii-Fowitain Valley (Sept. 17, ed'next, brlngiq Costa Me· ltM) and Laguna Beach sa',1 total developed area to (Mafch ~ UNI&). about 4,200 acres, served by Latest additiona to the list four separate water BY•· am L.new.Sl'k'!eNck nAn y tems which.:wera couelldetio PILOT (April 7, 1•) to cover ed only in the past decade. Million Viejo, Laguna Niguel The first merchant and and atber parts of the SaddJe- pOlt master wu --Walfer Oz. back Valley and the San Cle- mat who bad a general mente • Capistrano D A I L Y store at the comer of Eut pnm started just tbLs year 18Ch street ud -Newport (March 2, JJ'll). Road. (Mrs. Ozment died Coata Mesa, under lta new Jut year in Santa Ana.) name, continued to grow Staples, stock feed, dr)' and atoret of many tindJ &c+da and kerosene were w • r 1 estabUlbed. The diapensed there. He had a O'OWth u a town COUD&er· tut of guoli.ne from which beleeed tbe McllDt of tbl he supplied bll on motor ........ _... •-n-..a be-car and the few otbera in apple crap, wua;u -town at that time. came ol a 1m11 ol warm Mr. and Mn. <>anent bad win:"' . and lnful1cm ol come to Harper ID ID, and I* Sdioo~ were beCuD the they and tbelr lour cbDdren library grew and hlth .d.ooJ ~~::er=/= · ttudeldl from tbil ..,.. • Boulevard when tbe re-tended Santa Ana lllP Winkle Hardware Stare now Sc:bool, trauparted tbert bJ · stud.t. They lived upttain, ~ ~-=:=.:: maintaining the ...., tbe Newport B•bor ODIOll &tore and post office below. BJgb School Diltrict wu A b o u t 1915 the· aeconc1 farmed. store wu enct.1 -tldl TMn was a time bid • on COMMUMnY-1'11 I · I ,,.., 4 • ' I\ years aco_ when a small IJ'OUP of Costa Mesa real· dents wanted to have their ~ommllll.lty annexed to San· ta Ana. Encouraged by the city of Santa Ana (tJJe cJty f athera there saw desirable tu· revenue), --h \l9tie.. "H called and soundly def eared: 127 for: 664 against. The depression that para· lyzed the East in 1919 bit Southern California Jn fcrce in 1931; Costa Mesa's two industries that had provided good wages -building and nearby oil drillini -prac· ticalJy collapsed, carrytna With them the local econo- my. The local bank closed. MAUS COMEBACK But Mesans rallied and buslne61 picked up, and the growth pattern conttnued. In 19.13, an eartbquate shook the town amt buaf· nesses and buildings were damued. The CostA Meaa Elementary School (then called Main SchooJ and now Clara B. McNally.Scbool, at 19th and Newport Boule- vard), was damaied severe- ly: It was rebuilt and bu continued in operation. Costa Mesa suffered no m o r e signi!lcant earth· quakes, but lt did live tlfr"oligb a·seco)id worla war and bung onto its economy. During that war, many residents who were destined to ~-het"e later to mate their homes beCame aware of Costa Mesa for the first time: · They were aome ol the thousands ol Air Force men who toot. their training at the old Sauta Ana Army A1r Base which o::ice stood on the present site of the Or· ange County Fa.lrgroundl, Mesa de1 Mar homes, Or- ange Coast College, South· ern Calif omia College and other nearby developmenta. Tbe end of. the w a r brought with it an ln.Oux of citizens, ·and by 1947 some farsighted residents felt that die town was big enough to be incorporated. This first attempt failed (the vote was called the fol· lowtng year), and many po- litically astute pel'IODI felt that the first effort had at- tempted to encompass too l!'llf'llr~--mndl ot tt sparsely populated, agricul· tura1 territory. In the summer of 1952, the Incorporation movement stirred again. Heinz Kaiser, Harry For· 1ytbe and Mike Bernard were appointed to the boun· dary committee of the ftnt Home Rule group, and coa- trihutioDI ol '1 per ,.... ,,.. IOU&llt to oblalD tbe fUDda required by the ()r.. ace 0xmt1 Board o1. Sa- pen1aara to anuce t11e .... C!tllNl'1 advertilementa and Jeaal wort. AQIUlt .'Jbel~. C. .. CJ" Ries and Wll· IOll were to lhlre tbe re- 11»e111lbWti11 •• ~"' ftllac. committee. ACldlG to their rub ,,.. Dick Bean, Min Bender Jr. and Dave Swan· ion u the first workers for lncorporation. .Sel9ded • tbe boundlr- Jes for_ the second trx at in· corporation were that area . tncluding the Costa Mesa downtown business diatrlct and the built-up residential · areas between 15tll Street Jlleljb .Sama Au Country Club. Agricultural land& and other undeveloped areas in- cll.lded in the unsuccessful attempt of 1MI were ellmi· Dated from tbJa attempt. The plot in the lncorpora· tkJn proceedings began to Wcken a little late that summer of 1952 then the possibility of drllllng for oil, previously rumored, became u active Polllblllty. ••urgent need of home rule al Costa Mesa, in the fa~ of threatened openlng of oil drillJng Jn the community, 1s &purring the incorporation movement," Bernard aaid . en must be remembered that it was in the late 1940s and early 1950s, oll fields were bringing pr01perity to Huntington Beach a 1 on I with their unsightly oU rigs, and Costa Meita, next com- munity down the coa!lt, was threatened -or promised, depending an the point of view -with di11llng.) An application for an oil drilling permit at 17th .and Superior avenue. made by the H~wkins-Goodrictt Co., brougbt open 1tatemen from three supervisors from Santa Ana, Orange and Pla· centia that they would vote for the drilling permits. However, they delayed ac- tion for 80 days to permit Costa· Mesans to act on in- corporation. INTERED FRAY So oil interesta entered tlle fray. Al 1um.mer waned, oppo- sition to lncclrporatlon be· · gan to have a voice. A Com· mlUee Oppoa1.n1. l .. eorpora· \Ion wu formed with A. ·c. HoUmea at its beM. The Fad Plndinl Cbmmit- tee continaed to enlfat work- ers, an4 J. Stµart lnnerst served u lta chairman. Wal· ter Buriougbi, publbber of the (theat Gl~Benld, W a It er Weimer: Alma Swartz and Dorothy Suther· 1aDitatsO )Oillid up. The Fact F1ndill& Commit- tee llppelred to be faced with four possibilities of re- commendation: remain UD· der county government, ... tabllah a community service dlatrict, incorporate or an· aex to Newport Beacb (or Buntiqton a.ch, or Santa Ana). In Ja!J ol 1152, the petl· Uoa dwrllllDI tbt bomlda- 1111 WU ftllcl wUb tbe COUD- t.f boanUrJ comm•11ion, and &plll'OVal WU granted JulJ 21. IL\MSSED IDcarporatlon inthualut1 •ere not cmly belet by oil woniel, but tbey were ha- naaed .,, tm.ta ol &DllAI· U1m by other cities. In Sep- tember ol 11152, there was a wust aide movement to an- nei Costa Mesa to Santa AH; there WU a ptralltellt ruinor that NeWpOrt Beach vote for lncorporatron.., Thia was ready and willint to au. lepad wu earried acraa DeJ: certain select portions the bottom of eaeb Id and of Costa Mesa. ~d if this other malll.ng pieces with a were not enough, Newport heart encouraging a "yes" Beach tried to eatablisb a vote. domptit. -6rwest COsta Me--rn lbe raee for . tbe· city sa, drawing the ire of east 'Council posta, In order of side residents. theJr flllng, were William B. !:Horta were stepped up JoblllCJIJ, Vie Caronna. John Yates, Robert Stevens, .Ro-for namet on the {>etition bert s. Sarf'ent, Forrest requesttn.r annexation, and p uU B M-...,, R r • a , roce .. ._.n, . • ant.i-oil and anU-dumpsite N_eWJllan, Bertren I. Smith, interests signed petitions. Walter Miller, Alma Swartz, On Feb. 19, 1953, the spon-Henry F. Crane, Arthur H. aors of incorporation for Meyers, ClaJre Nelson and · CJlarles TeWlnkle. Costa Mesa presented their When the polls clused at two-incb tillct lbeaf of pe-7 p.m. that day. incorpora. titiona to B. J. SmJtb, COUD• tion WU I reality and the ty clerk, and found they had city of. Costa Mesa had offJ. SO men signatures than the cjaJ status. required IOl Land evaJua-The turnout was 3.254 ( 44 tion repreeentation on the absentee ballots ftre cast petition wu "71,000, aome . in addition): it was by a $40,000 me,r« than reqwred. slim· 38&-vote margin that Local feeling was riding Incorporation carried. ~t high. .the polls that day, 1,808 per· Anti-lncorporatJon propon-sons voted to Incorporate: ents assured their fellow OJ>P()lients numberetf 1,446. citizens that lncorporation (With ahlentee balJota, this would .. bankrupt us as prop-figure later changed to erty owners." "It is un-1,8.17 to l,471.) sound economically; it is un-The city manager form or necessary to serve the ends government proved m o r e of the com11111Dlty,.tantw a~Cf!fltable. for. it was okav· go up ; It ls lmpoaeibte to ed with 1,48.41 voting for: 869 estimate tbe amount of tax against. (Later, absentee levy necessary to organize, ballota cllanged to 1,502 yes equip and operate a city in to 677 no's.) tbil modern trend." ._ EARNED ACCLAQt _ (This WU the metsage of The · Jast man to file for the Mesa Taxpayer. a leaf· a spot on the city councU, let publllbed by the Tax· 1 payers AssoclatJon of Costa Char• W. TeWinkle, earn· ed the acclalm of the people. Mesa, beaded~ Al Forgit.) More than half the voters MONEY TllOlJBLES wanted him on their first A monetary slow.up was city council, and as a trib- experienced Iii February ute to him as the .:•voters' When money troublet plagu. c b o I c e," TeWlnkle was ed the Home Rule group, ·named the first mayor. ije but the Chamber of Com-P.Qlled 1,617 at the polls, merce subscribed '750 of plckoo up 20 more votes on the necesaary '1,500, and absentee ballots for a total the followln1 month, the en-. of 1,ti37. tire amount was Posted with The begJnnJng of that first the county clerk. · year of incorporation found The Fact Finders released 18,185 persons re!liding in the results ol their study at the newly established ·city thll time, recommending limits. entbuslastJcally_ that the city ):IAJOR PROBLEM incorporate. . Fact Fliaders concluded The late Mayor TeWmkle ·that the coet of incorpora-recalled that the. major ti.on and poulble higher problem of admlnJatration taxes would be compen sated during the ftrat year was by lnereued property val· one of organlutJon; ~e. or- °Uft and conmnmit,-hene pnlzettoa,;al a mnmc• ftts including better fire and structure that could carrr poHce protection out the Immediate respons1- . · bWty of HI 1peclflc function Filings were announced and be sufficielltly Oexlble for the city councU. . to expand with the ever-in- A& the iaeorponUon electton creutna work load placed acbeduled J101e 18, 1953, the it." peopJo allo. would vote not upon only for or aptnst incorpor-It wu In th1J first year atfon but they would al.so that the city'• "pay 8!! you elect' tbelr flve..man councU go" policy wu e1tablished, u lneorporatlon 1ucceeded, from which the city !as and lllect or reject a city never deviated. The first manager form ot iovern· year of opention was con· meal eluded without benefits or B MIJ paid advertise-propettJ tu revenues, the ~ -.'an to appear. It borrowiJll of money or the Don Dunpn'a name reglatnUon ol warrants. = w• slpl4 u chair· ~ fact, 6t year..waa..c~ man ol tbt Untted Council eluded without indebtedne~• f 0 r CommualtJ Govern-and with 1 ceah balance m meal Robert M. Wilson was :e.:,e;::al fu9d 'hi excess lilted u aecretary and ~ ~aUons were Tom de Forest u treasurer. completed during the year, TbelM of tht incorpora· addln1 approximately one tlon proponents wu ''U · and oae-ba1f 1quare miles your btart ta la Colta Mesa, to tbl dtf. / .. • . . -.. ·'r:r.~~~ ..... ~~..:= PrlftclHI: WlllMI 11. R*tf •• A. ... ......,, • .... ldllll. .. , Constrodioa WU Marill eompletlon tbil sunmw • .. top priority" projedS belua by the Newpart·lllela Ualftecl SctloOl DlltJ1ct after , .... in 1969 of a IChool bond luue and In early 1'10 of I tu override. Money from the combined measures wu npected to DarbOr Sehools Go Ahead. ~=-t~·\ ~~ ..... ,. a:= w •. f.wc:ll11""'-...... tclllllo '2tlll ~ Aw., Cost• ~~ .. ~ ..... total S2U mllllon for the -,., I: D. Mll'-w .. a.IMrlc Prl : Ari 11~ lft' , I ~rd Drlvt. district 1n 1t10-n, 1n addition to the cost of flnanclng the nearly c o m p I e t e d all- classroom addition to Bear Street Elementary School and building the new Eastbluff Bond lssueSpurs Top Priority Construction ... ...,.~EJr". S.nt1 AN tff ts, 54$-7233 ~ Mft:: • a100 1e1r "·· PrfncJi!!l.~an Wttul ra~~v:il:f.123 Calllorn~ Ave., Elementary School. One of the long-range proj- ects for the diatrlctl will be to go into a middle IChool 1ystem which will h a v e to Dme t ----....... In elementary acbools (K. to t), an enro n iucn:-. middle schoola (I to I) and l989-70 there were JS.tee bfgh achools (t to 12). . students In the cllstrlcl For The process is one of many 1970-71, admlnlstra&on predict innovative ideal ln education an enrollment of over 27 ,000. used by the district. In· These students wUl be lel'V• novation is 80 bnportaftt to ed by 1,250 lnstnlcton and the district's amntnlltratOrs Idea Committee 0 t ad-principals, toe e 1 a s s I fl e d mlnistratort and facuJtY. employes such as secretaries The purpose of the com-and bus drivers and IO ad· rnillee is to review "hot ministrative pe(SOlmeL Ideas" that faculty members OfflclaJs estimate the.re wW COlfH: up with ~ recommend be approximately t,000 high on district financing of the school students, 1,000 ln· ones they thlnk are best. Hot termediate school students' Ideas in the past have Included and 13,000 elementary echool remedial reading projects, students in the diltrlct in the computer aided -~ruetlQQ -~omin1...ye~r. __ and a summer film workshop. They will atte~ 2', elemen- Those ldeu tlutt are most tary ·school,1, Ill lntennedlate successfully implemented are schools, four replar high then reviewed for possible in-schools and a contlouation corpor_!ltion into a district-wide high school for dropouts. program. The district is ,governed by Even with the bond and tax a seven-member school board. • override funds,· the district bas Board members are: to restrict operating funds due -Mrs. Marian C. Bergeson . . . _!rfnc I: II 1rn __ I! • .Hamltton._ · '--... Z»I Cln>'Ofl Dl'lve, ncM.:t:' ~' r1111aon 5:l'•rllM :r Noire Oline fl .... I t r nc Nh Clarence Nldelm ClftM • Mir ldlllt. 61C CarnellM "1;1:C1:'r\~1 ·~f: I (president), James W. "Bill" -Walter Adrian, fiscal plan-system analyst. """' VIN ''ldMel. too 0o1c1enroc1 Peyton, . Ro d e r l c k ~ H. ning director. -Dale Woolley, assistant "1;1,:~..!~·~27" d ~~·.m·e. lllll SI,. C0611 MllCMlllian, Thomu Casey, ~:!:' · AD e r I en • ad-for hl&h school instruction. . . PrtnclMI: ~tired v. <>'Lt1rv Sellin "Bud" Franklin, Mrs. •-..:uu aUve asSistant, school -Yark Hansen, coordinator ~~. ~ ~ K111v.,,_• Eliza M Lill and Donald UIQU es. of -1•1 educatto ~Pr nc1H•: "'nr.,;1•• beth · Y ~Don Bout, director of in-•..-.-. n. t • • •· nrc1 11"' A. Strauss. Jtructlonal lees TM•~ . ~ • . Wtll~-Mrs. Berge!Oft, Franklin and Mn • . .= ""\: ir.1c ~~'°"• ouoa~ 'N~ 9Mctl. • ~r nera Drive. F B .... __ din to K'llOolt:. .,., ~-..... nclDll: E'~ 1'.!!!.~ I Peyton will aerve until 1'71, -ay aru111v11, coor a r .....,.;, ~ klllll. ._ lrvtn • V~*~';-u~ron Jr. Mrs. IJlly, Casey,' Strauss and of ll*ial projects. . "'lf~s.1 • s.-1121 • ~~f?t'lYe.1 .~•· M ... ~ .. ~.Mna MacMUllan are servtnc terms -:-I.to Arranaga, athletic c.11n: ._. 1 .... .,.,. ·p,r,_" : .-11 ,_ Whlcb e....i-1n· 1-. • coordina. tor and aUendance t.."::/: °**1:°l':L*~1111 ='9~M::-'M& Monte v1s11 ...... " lJhJ --~~. I t PriftC1pa1: koif Pllllttft Dr. William. Cunnlnaham, IUpefvlaor, c:o.ra ~· J"' Firvew "-'~lclllll.14111 strtet who has been wlJb the distrlct . -:-Dr. H 11 d a McCartney, *:"": 11111 w11ue ~-z •• 1ev1rc1. Hewtor1 for two years, (S the district library coordinator. : r • ~}!~.. • PrlndNI: lrul)I Su~rlnt--.._t. . . -Robert. Otto, Instructional ~' •1~1iii' ~~ 2101 :t"'r"...:f~ ..... ~·..JOO 1· 15111 r-cuua1 fol1 .. uff Ive. NtwDOrt lllCh, ....._ •r1nc1NI: ,fd;°lt~~. Other key administrators in system analyst. Nk:trWN: ... K""" '~~JN° P•u••rlno Ave .. the district are: -Mark Hansen, coordinator ~: N•vv 111ue. co1umbt1 blue .. ~~&J:!m•t:r .. _ -Dr. Nonnan Lo a ts, of special education. • PrrnclWr~~ e Miik ~.... • . 1 ~ Ave .. associate Su~rlntendent in director. Allltt flnctoef: G1r1tc1 McC1e111n PrlnclNI: 111111 Frett11 ,.-•1tllldl IOlll, 2323 Pllcf11lil P~~ 1001 Prttldo l4\l1re, charge of ~cUon. ----~ E ... .., H a-l ~j. 0 n r A-t~I ~--. --'9rfii . .,/'f-vrtb6lollld1 -Dr. Les Shuck, assistant · coordinator of special pro-1 ._. ri•te 1"11 Clold s.-• "' ionore ROid, cos•• superintendent for research jects. j!' -: loY• 'lia~~" Mr•. :=R·1~ ~IM c1t111111 and development. . -Leo Arranaga, athletic c Miiii ktllll. 1901 M • ...._ .. • Victoria st .• Cost• D 1 rdinat d tt da Nt Iv.I.. ti Mele, S.3-475 ~lftc:IN : llttv ICrtltlt -r. Kevin Whee er, assis-coo or an a en nee ~f¥•:...!!2 ~" . W1111tt1r~1c11111 1eoo N. W11111ttr Ave .. t an t superintendent --ror supel'Vlsor. l!Pa~.:l'i...;;t .. o:r:.:cc:: ':: ll!: ! ~I!. McEt11ttti personnel. -Dr. Hilda McCartney. ~~.:....~. w111on 111., cost• -Ray ScluUerer, business library coordinator. Eft9?11,, Drl'W. Nn..or"IJ:1e~ :Wg>~ W"'fu'm: Ave .• manager. -Robert Otto, Instructional Pr1nc11111: Wlllwd tt11e• ecittTJC:t =~· ... Evertiert BlbL .MAXEY TOY tlTA,. IN~ 30 DAILY PILOT .~~!. -... v ..... ·TOYOTA SALES & SERVICE :CENTER FOR THE . HARBOR A.REA 18881 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach · (714) 847-8555 ONE OF ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGES'[ SELECTIONS. OE NEW TOYOT AS AND FINE QUALITY USED IMPORTS. OPEN 7:DAYS A WEEK • LEASING DEPARTMENT AU MAID AND MOHU IMPORT & DOMESTIC • 24 HOUR TOW SERVICE 536. 3358 -J"="-----~ -- YOUI COMMUNITY - 1 t71 .. • -~Halhoa-Dais· - Good Life BalboA prov~ an op- portunity for a diversity of recreaUon for the family. Everything to keep the young ones occupied and the older memben entertained 11 wtthln easy waJking distance of the main streets between Palm and Main Streets on the bay and could even include a tour of Newport Harbor. -The Bay Arcade has machine-operated miniature bowling and skee-baJI. _ ..... pJayland Arcade h a s machine bowling and a variety of skill games. -The Fun Zone Arcade in· eludes a mecllarllcal shooting gallery and, during the sum- mer, a skeet shooting range. -The Fun Zone Amusement Park, open during the sum- mer, includes two fer r 1 s wheels, bumper cars, a merry- 1~round and a boat ride. Most of these attraotioaa are open weekends and holidays, in addition to their summer schedule. -Nearby at the end of Palm Street on the bay the Balboa Island Ferry lhufflea cars, bikes and people ~n the peninsula and Balboa Island. The ferry service ii a landmark in Balboa whicb began in 1918 with a rowboat between the two points . Boat rentals and a tour of the bay may be arranged at Fun 1.ol)e Boat Co. « Balboa Boat Service at and near the Pavilion· at Main and Bay streets, Balboa. Then there ls always Davey's Locker · wbere deep sea fishing can be arranged either by the day or, baJf-day. The dock ii right af tbe Pavillion at Main St. and Bay. Recreation Opportunities U1ilimited in Harbor Area Opportunities for the en·· the area. Here 11 a partial tire family to spend time list of things to do for together having fun In the families: Harbor Area are almost For a 1 o o t at oldUme Jllllimited. They rant• frOm •utomotlv1-tranaportat1Ga, browsing lft transportation there la the Briggs Cun- musewns to playin1 games ningbam A u t o m o t 1 v e of skill Museum, 250 Baker Street, E n t e r t a l nment and Costa Mesa. It features a recreational facilities, which collection of vinta&e and have been a major factor in clawc racing cars, sports the phenomenal growth ol cars and engine clisplay1. the Harbor Area, have M o v 1 e I a n d of the Air managed to keep pace with M11seum, located nearby at YOUI COMMUNfTY-1t7t " ..~ .. the Orange County Airport, Rqe,. 1'117 Newport Blvd., bu a collection of hiJtorical C.ta Mesa. and the miniature planes 4atin& back to 1910, toll coune at the Holiday most of which are in operable Family Sportl Center, Balter condition. Open 10 a.m.-1 p.m. andF Harbor Blvd., Coltati Mesa. Tuelday through SundaJ each o r roller..U ng en- w_._ Uiusiutl, Barbor Roller _., Rlnt, 1728 Soperlor, Costa Bowling, a.popular family Meta serves the area. sport, may be e~ed !!.._ And for f~ea which en· Mesa Lanes Bowling AUey, joy moviegomg, the Orange 1703 Superior, Costa Mesa, Coast area offett a large and Kona Lane•, 2 e 9 9 variety ol both walk-in and Harbor Blvd., also in Costa drlve-fn theaters. Mesa. There ii ·the Fos South Golf era can sharpen their Coast 'Ibtatm at Bristol and games at the Costa Mesa Sunflower streets, in Costa Country Club Driving Range, Mesa's South Coast ·Town 1701 Golf Courie Drive, Costa Center. Mesa, the Costa Mesa Golf The Edwarda t beater chain opened a new unit of its group in t• at Fashion Ia. land in Newport Beach's New- port Center. Another In the Edwards cbliD •• to bl built from the IJ'CIUDd up at Harbor Shopping Center <• Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa) for opening late ·this Ye&! or in~ spring of "1'11."nii new one will be call· ed Edwards Harbor Cindha. Other Edwards houses in· clllde Edwards C l n e m a , Harbor and Adams, Costa Mesa; Huntington Clnema, Beach and Ellil, Huntin~ Beach; and Cinema West, 1711 Westminster A v e • , Westmimter. DAILY ,II.OT ltalf Pllele Fun Fountain Valley has one of the la r I ea t drive-ins Jn S<>utbern Callfornla, t b • Fountain Valley Drlve-i,n, at d245 Broothurst St. Other area theaters in- clude: The Mesa T b e a t e r , Newport and · Harb or boulevards, Costa Mesa; Lido Theater, 3459 Via Lido, Newport Beach ; the Port Theater, 2905 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar; the South Coast Theater, 162 S. Coast Ht~way, Laguna Beach: and the Paulo Dr Ive- in, 3051 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Go'!s Big Time Jn fast.growing Orange County even the county fair is no longer a "county fair." The big, annual event still Includes livestock shows, competition for prize rib- bons for the domestic arts -canning, .quilting, etc. - and display• of prize.win- ning agricultural products. But the abow ls called the Orange County Fair and Ex· poaition and it bu been redesigned to also reflect the commerclal and in· dustrial tone of the burgeon· . Jog area it depicts. The county fair, in ac· tuallty, is not a county fair. It la a funetlon of the state and both the fair and the fairgi·ounds are under direc- tion of a board of directors appointed brthe governor. These directors or the state~• 32nd Agricultural District are charged with operating 'a 169-acre public facility -the fairgrounds and parking areas whJch surround it -on a year- round basis. They serve without pay. Under t~lr jurisdiction are six major buildings. lnqulries rePardlng rental rates -and elJgibility to use the f acilltles should be directed to: Oran~e County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa 12626, telephone 545-1131. DAILY ftlOT 31 llA•ADNI ' . r' - ! l l I .~ -..:.---, .. -........ -.... --------~·-·· 32 MILY PILOT ..... MISSION VIEJO REPORTER ...----·-------·A,.rd'I ...... .-, '811• .. • •••• ,, ..... ., .. 0 1 ''a..-. ...., ................... .,,,,,. 1 " Fa. .,.,m· r••-. •• •Oii Vl&IO tml..W'llOll OP ll•MD:AllCI .................. r1t'M • ._. 2 ................... i...'-.. ........ ., ........ .... •'Mir se •r 'llir-..tiil•liiiir -.... ..-........... ,_.,,., f ......... ,,: -~-? .. ......... ....., ., ............... .. ... _ .. 1 .,,......._ ......... . •• 2 ., • 1 .................. _ ..... t. 11••---t1· al .. ....,.,_ .................. ..... ... .... ..,.,..., mtAA ryllSSION . VIEJO \ ' '. ____ ,;_,,__.~·-__._---.-- -········ , .. YOUI COMMMIY-Jtll COMEDY TIME -One of the Harbor Area's most popular little theaters is the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. Here Ray Scott (top), Ron Filian and Carol Faul- stick play a scene from "The Girl in the Freudian Slip." GRANT PLAZA BROOKHURST & ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEAC[i WHY SHOP AT GRANT'S? · • Complete Shopping Center • First Qualify Merchandise • Low, Low Prices • Satisfaction Guaranteed --"•=c Courteous, Efficient Service 4 .... 8 Thel;iter . GrOf!ps Perform On Harbor Area's Stal!es ---•-Shop . .&n -P-leasa~t, air-conditioned----·---~ By TOM nTUS Of 1111 .,..., ,. ........ productions a year, In addition community and collegiate to children's shows. The ~ta performers join with the col· The Harbor Area has long Mesa players alto began in lege's orchestra. been the heart of live theater 1965 and perform five Umet The Harbor Area May be in Orange County -and it's a ye.ar in the Community the bub ol community theater getting heartier every year. Center auditorium on the acUvlty, but many amateur Jn the comparatively tiny Orange County Fairgrounds. drama groups Oourish in other triangle formed by Costa - I r v l • e C t m m mdty areas of Orange County. Mesa, Newport Beach and Tlleater. Newest of the Harbor Larget of these ls the new Irvine, there are no Jess than Area performing groupt, the Lacau .MoaltM Playlleate at eight different theater groups Irvine players bowed In with 606 Laguna Canyon Road, In various stages of operation. · f acts In M Laguna' Beach, soon to go into an everung o one-ay prod· ..... :~-w i t h "Oliver," The last two were added just nd to t the. flr t ""uvu a were presen ar s foUowed by a seven-play this seaSQn. . That's almost as many pro-full-length play, "Come Blow season. ducing 'Organizations· (of ~h Your Horn," io June It the Oldest of the county's little the community aDd collegiate ·corona deJ Mar,.High ·School theatett -(with 51 years variety) as you can find in LitUe Theater. Laguna's 46) Is the Santa Ana the rest of the county com--Udo hie Playen. The Community Players, perform- bined. oldest but least active of the Ing five times a year at 500 How do so many different community theaters in the W. 6th St., Santa Ana. drama groups manage to area stages its productions Active in the western part function _ and most of them twice a year, in the spring of the county are the Ha• d · · and fall, at the Udo Isle dngtoll Buell Playtiease at o, qwte rucely -under one Clubhouse, 101 Via Udo Soud. 2110 Main St., Huntington roof? The answer apparenUy · · f d J lies with~the appeal of each 1iC'«PQl'Ukac:Ja - - -Be•cb of!erln& our a u t to a particular area and au--CIUWra'1 neater G.Ud. plays and a chlldren'• show Original musicala geared for in the summer, and the dience, for their product is the youn-r aet is the ~ .. U-Westmhtder C t m m • • I t Y varied indeed. ·-e-..,.,..._ Je ty of th\s organization, which fteater, performing at Fln Y comfort . QUALITY + LOW PRICES= " BEST VALUES Carpets end Drapes Photo Equipment TV end Major Appli1ncn Furniture end Home Furnishings Tires--tnd Auto Accessories Fashion Clothing for the Family • • • • Hardware ind Gi~ Items Garden and Patio Supplies · VISIT GRANT'S • -Bradf oril House Restauran1· Breakfast OPEN DAILY 9:30 a.m. :r .. a • 0 a • r-; Here is a closer look at also puts on two productions School until its new playhouse the different theatric a I 1 year at various locations is finished. organizations all setting their in· the Costa Mesa-Newport n.e R 1 8 e ' 0 Commlllllty Ta stages m l:ielfarbor Area:-Beactr--"81'et~ ~ ~ Yollm&.-IDllLlllil---~~--4 -SOUtll Coat Repertory. -Newport C o m m • n I t y serving the Miaslon Viejo The largest and most pro-Tllea&er. This iJ an ftllbryo area. Further south ls the fesslonally oriented of the organliation not yet .. off the Su C I e m e • t e Clmmmlty Harbor Area theater groups, ground" in terms ol pubUc neater, while the 'l'llti• SCR was organized in Newport performances, but which has Commaalty Pll~were born Beach in l~ and moved to dr:awn a sizeable following for this season, with the downtown Costa Mesa in 1917. its acting workshops. · Au-Mtd)esb P yen of The m<m ambitious of any -UC IRVINE. An elaborate Anaheim. The F • 11 e r t o 1 county theater, ibe company production in the fall and a FootUp&en are the oldUmers offers nine or 10 productions season of repertory activity of-the north county. each year at its Third Step has marked . UCl's first five The DAILY PILOT offers Theater, 1827 Newpod Blvd., years In theater. Jn the fall opening weekend coverage of Costa Mesa. of 1970 the Irvine drama all these groups and each year 9:30 p.m. Sunday To 6:00 p.m. w W+·N I • ~, PACtrlC .. I f -C • s t a M e 1 a c I v I c students wiU perform in a gives its D i s t I n g u i s h e d Pla'"4>a~. One of the county'8 new -Fine Arts complex. Performance (the DP's DP) most popular co mmunity -Orup c...t College. A Award to the four top theaters, th is .city-sponsored full season of productions by performances and the outstan- group operates at the Com-the OCC drama department ding director or the calendar munity Center auditorium on is complemented by a summer year. Winners recei ve al· t h e 0 r a n g e C o u n t y musical -this year "Man tractive trophies emblematic Fair grounds and presents ff ii~ve:__~or~La!_1M~a~nc~h~a:" -=_!i.!!_n ~w!!h~ic~h_!o~r _!!the~ir~a~c~bi~ev::!:e!!;m~en~t:... __ Jl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll!!!!!!:'.::':""::':'~~ ..;.: , DAILY PILOT 4)4) "1CMNl· C8P1MUIC ..._,~, t aw.t.t ...... ~~ • PROPOSED CITY OF IRVINE OClAM It's SupermaTket F Or lndustrialis~ T h e r e ' s a • • I a n d dustrles, or even a view lite. supermarket" surrounding Of course, the company can't Orange County Airport. That's carry our land home, but we one description 1Jiven the do offer somethinl( almolt as 1rviDe Industrial Complex, a immediate: 24-bour etcrow 4.000-acre wholly o • n e d service." lbbsidiary or The Irvine Com· Apparently these features , PHY. appeal to the industrialist. The DC Prestdent John Murphy llC, formed in 1964 already ezplalns, "Uke the housewife includes 280 firms. 'The list · who goes lhotJping for sl)ap or companies reads lite a and can buy it In m:iy size , "who's who" or American In· , package, the lndwltrial firms dussry: Coca Cola Philco. shopping for, a new home at Ford, Parker Hanneiin 1.erox Irvine can come into the com-C o r p o r a t l o n , Slantord plex and buy, right off the Research Institute, American lhelf, anything from a handy Hospital Supply. %-acre site to a I a r g e The complex continues to ~nomy slze 25-acre lite. We grow at the rate of one new have parcels of all si7.es finn each week. lk-tween those extremes and • Its value to the community all are fully improved and is measured in job.1. The UC priced, ready for immediate estimates an employment er- ule. ceeding 18,008. And in money "AJso, an industrial firm can -estimated combined payroll set any combination of in-of Industries in the complex · p-edients, too, IUdl as .. hn.;-exceeded $IOO million in 199, mediate prodmJty to the and comtructlon expenditures 1'"""1, the treew.ys, a in the DC eiceeded f15.S rRllroad sidJng, or llmi1ar in-mltuon In 1919. U Maf PILOT ·f!CS ..... ., • .~ ~ • • ' a . ·1· ............ 4 • ·~ • I . • . rv1ne. s rnne It's a City About t,o be ·Born , ml h tbe ye111 Tbe lrviae Compla, a np6dly IN'riDc f'lidents, bas Une c:burtbel, Co ... it all togetller. lndultrial part adjacent to • juakr blgb ICbool - Tbe past II ye.-. of plan-0raace County Airport, will e1emeMary school, a park and Dini and pining experiea£e provide tbe ecanam1e base for a shopping center In final in land deftlopnent cllmand the new dty. at a Marcia 11 press COO· Near the center of the ~ atqes. fenac:. when . c:omp1111 U· pmed city la tbeUnivendty One of the ·company's bl«· ecutives mmounced plans for of Callfomla, Irvine, the gest undertakings to date l1 tbe new city of lrvlDe. cultural 1111b o1 · the rep>n. Newport Center, a ID«re &icampwiuc u.• acres, UCI has m enrollment ex· shopping, business and finan- ft wlD be the .... totally ceedlnl 1,000. u~ officials cial center. It is the site ol planned city In tbe western bope to a~ ~ ,500 students the proposed new Newport hemisphere, tbej' said. It will bf me. Beach Civic Center a n d lulftl an uJUmate ~laUae Tbe fint three residential Orange County's h l 1 h e ' t of ._ YilJa&ll ID tbe new city are bullcHnc. Its baundarlel wm be tbe well aader way: .n.•••y n-7WS~ Sallli8go footbilla • tbe nadb Uaiftnity Pmt; with J,9 ";.--· ~.._.. ~ IDd c.iJJ111ta1 bills • the IOUth. reskleats, an e I e m e n t a r "I .. 11..-to N_. Center Aceanlinl to Irvine pres&-ICbool, ......... mdll', two ~ .......... dent William R. Muon, the churches and a goH course: al9o ii taking shape. Ancl city of Irvine will be a model Turtle Rock, with 1 , o o 0 Gerson B a k a r ' s 1,302-unlt cit. ..,._1.... ·-·-11eJec1 ~ts __. --· _......_,_ Park Newport ApartmeoU •3 t UO~ .......... ·~ -\WU ~ wW be ready for OCC\JNlll\MI control flft!t the quality of neartnc compeWon; a n d r--1 environment tbrougb the fm.. Walaut VJllaae, wbeft tbe rim this summer. plementation of unique plan. homes are under construction 'Ibe Irvine Co. entered the Ding concepts. 11teSe include and a shopping centet and apartment conmuction field a S3-mile network of "e. elementary school are being in 1969. Its f1r1t owner-builder viroamental Cllll'ridon," where planned. projete, Mariner Square in !DOit majar non-residential New,ort Blach, was fully ~es~~~~ fac.lities -. from parks to RF.cREA110N leased six months after its ~· •. ....-.......... ~ centers -wtH be Major ttere&tton1acillties4n-ectoMr-completion. Its leCOlld located. the new city lnelude Orange project, Park West, will open In area, It will ,be about County I n t e r n a t I on al thia summer. The l,J61mlt twice the lile of San Fran. Raceway, Lian Oounlry Safari recrNtion«ieated complez in cisco and three times the size -·a -..Cre game preserve University Park is the first of Maahattan Island. But open which opened June 16 -and in the new city of Irvine. IP8Ce and den 1 l t y re-a Sacre University fteCjonal This fall, comtrucUon will quirements ol the City of Part. donated by The Irvine begin on two ~ corn. lrvlne!J...JDU&er ptanniq w1ll Co. tG-OralJll County in l• pines In Harbor View Hills, limit the ultimate population · But company activities have with JM and 14 units. ol tbe city to 1esa than half not been conftned to the boon-lnlne aecatmt and public of San Francill»'• lad lea dmiel ol the new dty. olftdala bepa joint plwmi'll tban ane-tbird of Manhattan's. In &be c:oa&al reP>u of ......,. Jut December for _ 'l'be city of Irvine will bawe Irvine's 1311 JqUare miles me devellpneot of Irvine'• S.S more than 24 residential two residential .,, 111 a 1 e s , mlJes ol coutllne between vma,e., each wUb its own EutWuff and Harbor V'le'f Corona del Mar and Lacuna identity' sbopplq center and Hills. Eaatbblff bas 4,., Beada. . neigt.borhood pert.. mktllltl, a biP ll:bool, two A •1 mlllion ftDDVatioa pro. The groundwork far the new cburdlel. a tennil dub, sbop-sram ii under way on five city already baa been laid. .... center and pct. HarbGr lnlDe marinas in Newport The Irvine I n d a I h la 1 \'Jew llllll, with I , It I Harbor. MIL Y PILOT Steff ...... IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX OFFERS ROWS OF TURN-KEY 'FACTORIES' Supermarkef Stocks Empty Lota And Bullcllftl Shells, 'Too, All Sizes -. . -. · . I've been a new car deal{!r 1in Southern ~a lifornia for 20 years. I . do appreciate your business a .nd will do all in my power to satisfy you in every way. ·visit" our AA rated -· - service department. We ·are recommended by consumers digest. - .~t _ __,___________ . · ~ Wo,.t~itnjlon --- - One Of The·-World's -largest -Dealers · · • • I · LEASE ALL _MAKES AND MODELS • DAILY CAR RENTALS I r . . WORTHINCilON ·ooDGE , . . 2888 HARBOR · BLVD., COSTA MESA 557-8600 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK UNTIL MIDNIGHT , .. Postal facilities are re1dll1 available lo residents through- out the Harbor Area. ..... ' Busby, unit tetbnlclan. COSTA MESA And there are teatatJve plans for ttdBing.even more ln the near future, but neither Costa Mesa's nor Newpor Bach's posmasters are at ll- bertr, at the moment to reveal dctmls or ruture plans. More ·POst Olfiees· Comiag (Qifices open daily Mon- day through Friday 8:30-S and on Saturdays, 8:30-12) Costa Mesa Post Office In Coc;'ta Mesa. a main station, one branch and one contract statiJns are open daily to handle the needs of Uni ted States Post Office Department customers. Ma11y Post,al Facilities Offered in ·Harbor Area John B. Klugiewicz, post· master, 1590 Adams Ave., · Costa Mesa 92626, phone 546-5330. The city abo has an automated self-service unit in the parking lot of the Harbor Shopping C e n t e r (available 24 hours 1 day and equipped with a direct line telephone so customers can direct 11uestiom at personnel in the main post omce · without even bavinl to drop a dime in the slof to pay for the call). . Newport mail is handled by a main office, three branches and one contract station. Here is where to go or call about mail in each ol tba two Harbor Area cities: NEWPORT (Offices open dailY Mon· day through Friday 8:30·5 and OD Saturdc;,ys, 9-12) Newport Beach Poll Office H. Payne T b a y e r • l)Oltmaater, 191 Riverlkte Drive, Newport B e a c b _,, telephone 646-8871. BaUteahlaMStaU.. Warrin Naslund, superintendent, 206 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 92662, phone 673-5250. Balbea S&atlN William Haun, superin- tendent, 20f Main S t . , Balboa 928Sl, phone 675-0120 .. -pµs Drive 92664, phone 833· 1200. Contract Statlo• NI. 1 Marcial Mahoney. COO• tractor, 40'l 32:nd S t . , Newport Beach 931160, phone 6'13.a5. Mesa Center StaUn Duane Albers, statioit super· lntendent. 1683 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa 92627, phone 646-3474 .• Foster's Pharmacy _ Contract station, 519 W. 19th' St., 'Costa Mesa Shop- ping Center 9'2627, phone 646-1851. Int. (MU Ua ea•,.1) p ...... lslaM Harber Shoppllle Center W 111 i a m C a 1 d well, Self-lel'Vlce unit, • Fashion Self-service unlt, 2 3 0 0 superintendent. 4217 Cam· Island, Newport Center, Harry Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Want to Vote? Here's Rule Book Countv Clerk William E. St John blamed public apathy for &M. decline in... voter~ lions prior to the June 2 primary election~ but he bu always conceded that the formalities involved ln the procedure-may put off many citizens who don't cast their votes. -You must have resided one year in Call!ornla, • ctaya In OraDp CountJ ad Ii dvl ln your precinct to be ellelble to vote. -You.must be able to read the Constitution of the United States in English and write yout own name In that language. If physkll disability I • preyeats compliance with that l'llle then exceptions wtl1 bl made. · 1 -You must-not be dts- quallfied to vote by reuon · of felony conviction. RE-REGISTRATION! If you've observed those fvmaJities don't sit back and nlu in the belief that prior registration abaolvet1 )'CU fram uy . future pre-votlnl pro- eedures. R4t-reci*ation is callid or by the county c~ lf: -You did not vote ln the last general election and did not respond within 311 days to the voting reststrar' s ad- vice that your name bad been stricken from bis rolls. you can vote by absentee -You have changed your ballot or by returning to your address since you 1 a s t former precinct on voUn& reptered. day). -You wiSh to chaJl)e your '-You moYed to a diffel'elrtt--~ party affiliation. precinct within Orange County · -You moved to Orange within 54 days of the election. County withill to days of the Here again, it is possible tet election. (But remember that vote by absentee ballot or if you.have a valid registration by mating a trip to your In another califomla county former precinct on election day. There are a number ot rules, he says, but they're perfectly understandable and shouldn't be allowed to deter any prospective voter. * * * * * * * * * ,} NEW RDIDENTS * * * ''We've gone out of our way to make them as clear u we can." he said. "I'm IUl't that if every Orance County resident who felt l.nc&ed to be put ore by what be felt were pell ifogging regulations took a close look at the pro- cecltre he'd realize that it wasn't so bad ailer all. HarhOr Dop1dng· With Politi~s 'lbose new to the area can l'f.gister to vote by going to the city ball In either Costa Mesa or Newpqrt Beach: THE RULES "Let's speU them out," said St John. "Here Is a Ust of requirements in· 1 a y man language for the prospeelive voter": -You must be at least 21 years of age. -You must be a citizen o( the United States. And lf you are not a citizen by birth you must have been naturaliz- ed for at least 90 days before voting day. The Harbor Area II one ol the busiest places-polJticay -ln the entire United States. Volunteers aeeldnt a way to channel their political energy wW find clubs here to mate& almost any shade of political persuasion. The c o u b t f s Democratic Cenrtal Committee operates on. a full-time l..lasis ·only dur- ing major election seasons. It will maintain 9-to-5 opera- tions Monday through Friday each week for the rest of. this year at 12882 Main St., Gar- den Grove (telephone 836- 0801). Volunteers on the GOP side, however, can get inionnatlon ..Qn clubs and olher activities oy contacting the Orange . C o u n t y Republican Central CommJ~ 1511 S. G r a n d Ave., Santa Ana (telephone 547.-) during normal busi- ness hours any M o n d a y through Friday. Gus Owen is encutive direct.or. Usted here are some of the most acUve political clubs in the Harbor Area: DEMOCRAnc Haner Demecndc Cl•b Pres: Ben Paul 826 W.19th St. Costa Mesa 646-3811 Coast Democratic Women·s Club Chinnan: Mrs. Clara Axtatcr 611 Poppy Ave. Corona del Mar m-0787 ~Dt1P-LI-LIBT_· * * * APARTMENT HUNTER'S GUIDE COMPUTER PROCESSED RENTAL INFORMATION COMPLETE APARTMENT DESCRIPTIONS e OURTESY l,ISTINGS FOR APT. MANAGERS GET ALL THE LISTINGS IN ONE BOOK THEN SEARCH THE LISTS INSTEAD OF THE STREETS for loc•tlon of participating RHI Estate Offices Telephone 642~ lox 4416, Newport leech, Ca. 92664 (Group meets informally at lundleons at lmcuW ~­ vaJs) REPUBLICAN Costa Mesa Republlea1 Wemn'• Cla, Fecln'a&M Pres: Mrs. Charles Benton 2048 National Ave. Costa Mesa .... (Holds morning meetings f o u r t h Thursday of each month) Mesa Verde RepUUca."' Women'• Clab, Federated Pres: Mrs. Cal Sumrall 1768 Bahama Place Costa Mesa 549-1420 Newport BarlMr Womea's Chlb, F..... . Pres: Mrs. Edwin Steen Jr. 1W7 El Tura Drive Corona del Mar ~ Ne""" ..... -Callfenla~ Allembly • Pres: James Young (contact through f o r m e r Pres. J . Robert MeServe) m-2851 eon.. del Mar Hlt, United RepabllCIJll of California Pres: Allred Bordon 217 Carolyn Way Anaheim 776-7457 YCJ1181 Republicans of the Harbor Area .Pres: Don Bull 2348 Westminster Costa Mesa l 642-4719 Registran are · a~Jable in both faclWJes and will be hap- py to effect your voting trmisfer. If YoU prefer to do itJhrougb Orange County's headquarte.rs then the place to apply is the Voters Registration Office. 1119 E. Chestnut St., Santa Ana, telephone 834-2344. For Costa Mesa, call 134- 5233. In Newport Beach the ~ number is 6~Zl10. Any problems concerning voting in schools should be addressed to Dr. Rohe.ct. PeteC'SO'l1, Orange County's superintendent 0£ schools. His omce is at 1104 W. Civic Center Dri ve, Santa Ana and hi s telephone number is 8:34- 3907. SiCJn of a REAL ESTATE Service Station Yes, llli1 e111blem represents tnotller kind of service 1t1tion; tn inclivicfu•I who, bectutt of llis yurt of tninin9, is ~quipptcl to cfrtttically 1llorten the ti111e required to Ioctl• • bu t vtlue home for your 1ptcitl nttcf1. Can a Realt• -fer · s,eedy, knawlelllable senice HIWCOMHS: Pick up kih cont1inin9 1111p1 I •ffttr helpful ilfort111tion 1bo11t tltt Newport leech/Coste Meu trtt. Re9isltr to vote. Ne - c.httt• ., eblit.t tion. Newpi1 Harbor, Costa Mesa Board of Realtors 401 N. NIWPORT IL VD., NEWPORT BEACH 646-1671 YOUI COMM•NITY-1t7' ~-~-----~----· - . ~ Books for E.v~ryone Mesa Libraries Have 58,000 Volumes Something for everyone ts Both libraries feature a the goal of the two ~ta Tbursday morning story hour. Mesa libraries. While tbe cbildrea participate .1 every third Friday ol the 1be Center street branch In the stary hour, their and the Mesa Verde branch mothers are drlnkinc coffee month. 'l1lere are also mo~ Inc orientation tours available by arrancement. ·fG«etber boast a collection of nd p a r t l c i p a t l n I In 'FRIENDS'-LEADER over se,aoo volumes, a film dlscusslons of boots on child Preaident ol the Costa Mesa • cinter aervlce, nearly 300 psychology, readJng readlnw, • periodJcals, • m l c r o f I I m crafts and other subjects of Friendl ol the Library' which .-vtee -... large ~ interest-- -a1d both branches ls Mrs. AJ. collection. . Vin Ptdlq. Un. Gertrude p e arc e , MESA VERDE ~ The ee.ur ~ boun · librarian at the Mt Center The Mesa Verde branch · are: Monday through Thun- st bnnch, "said there are over which operates ~ day, 10 a.m. to • p.m.: Friday 17 • residentl wbo Ule the of the Center Street bnDcb. and Satureay, 11 a.m. to 5 • ' fadlity. ii located at -E .. Mela p.m.; and atory hour 10:30 One ol the molt prized Verde Dr. a.m. TbundaJ for P re • fatunl ol the Center Street Like her sister 11nncb, the ICboolen. Branch 11 the m1cralDmed eoJ-Mesa Verde facWty often ft· Haun at. the Mesa Verde ledkm ol Time Ufe and the tenlhe record and periodical lnncb are· llGDdllJ houcb Saturday Evenhi, Pull which collections in addition to the Tbunday, noon to 1 p.m.; .0 date blct to 1•. collection ol 25.-volumes. =, r;'1 .! ~ f :!m. and • 111 PERIODICAU Botlflili'ariel are meniien Story boar1 at Ilea Verde "We alJo have a coUection of the Orance Comly Free are Tbunday at 10 and 11 of 2oo periodicals on file," Library System wblda allows a.m. durlaC the ICbool montbl . abe said, "many ol them are them use ol the system'• fthn and on Wednesday at the e excellent tedmlcal journala.'' catalogue. Films m., be ume boun during IUIDDJel'. The recard collection at ordered at either bnndl with 'nle Onnse C o u n t J Mrs. Pearce's branch lncludel delivery the followtai daJ. Bookmoblll tlllts Costa .... • forelp aJnguage recordl and Beine part ol the ayltem weekly on Tiu ldy at tbe dictation discs, as well as re~ a1so enablel card holders of following apotl: Bear Street resentative selectioal from either 11braty to use the Scbool, 11:• a.m. to 1 p;m.; all types of musical fCll'IDI. library facilitles in Newport Bayview and Azure Avenues, Tbe Costa Mesa Art Leque Beach and Huntincton BeaCb. Santa Ana Helchts, 2 to 3 use1 the llbrary for art and The Mesa Verde llbrary also p.m., and Mendou and El collection displays that are features an adult put boot Camino, Mesa del Mar, S:30 · • i .. sbowlr'mmithly. dJ9cusslon group which meets p.m. to 5 p.m. Newport Beach Libraries Expanding Their Services • Newport Beacb'1 Jilnrlel have conUnued to srow. ft· pandfng their servlcel to In- clude a film and reccrd library. Beacb Llbnry • ..,. .., LeLievre .. tbe president ol the Frimds far 1171. ol tbe ltate library system . • 1n mt. · A p p r o x l m ately ZS,000 residents of the beach city use the · library which bu three branches -the Corona del Mar branch, the Mariners branch and the main Balboa branch. A new collection of in- ternational art r e f e r e n c e books, the Elizabeth' Dn11glu Memorial Collection, belps bring the total ilUmber of 97,000. Newport Beach lihrariel provide many services to com- munity residents, including a nswering reference ques- tions, instruction in the use of the library, and a summer reading program and story hour for young cblldren. The Newport librvy Is part of the Santiago system, wbidl includes the Costa Mesa libraries. T h e cooperative system Includes a film library which ts housed at the Mariners branch. Films may be ordered through a catalog from any branch. CbUdrm up to tbe Mb grade may join Junklr Frlendl ol the Library and partidpate in field tripe, story boars and creaUve wrWog c o q te 1 ta . Information on Junior Friends ls available at DJ branch. The Newport library got Its start' In 1909 when members of the Ebell Club of Newport Beach 8tarted the boot col- lection. It became • branch Lima Just a 'Has-Bean' 1be lima bean -Green· ville'• most famous crop - may become the "has· bean." The quiet Victorian com- munity i8 gradually becom- ing totally lndustrialiled. The fa m l lt a r landmarks of a century ago vill.I cUaa~ to make room for busUIDg, active manufacturing. Newpcat's main llbnlry ID Balboa opened In 1929 ml ha .mce expanded to Include the two other branches. Servtnc u advison to the library system are t h e • memberl of the city's Board I of Library Trustees. Present trustees are Mrs. Hancock Banning, cbalnnan; Charles Sword, secretary; Roger W. Hardacre; Mrs. T,.. Duncan Stewart, and Thomas Blakely. •• The dty librarian is Mrs. Doro&by Sheely and her offices are located In the main BaJboa branch. Mn. Felicia Younc Is librarian at Corona de1 Mar, and Mrs. Margaret Greely ia acting librarian at t h e Mariners branch. Here are library tacts: BALBOA UBBARY, 211 Ialand Ave., BaJbN, C73-1480; open Monday through Thurs- day, t a.m. tot p.m.; Friday and Saturday t a.m. to 5 p.m. CORON A DEL MAB LIBRARY, a8 Marilold Ave., Corona del Mar, 8'13-3S70; Moaday throup Wednesday 1 to I p.m.; Tbunday, t a.m. to I p.m.; Friday and Satur· day, t a.m. to 5'p.m. • FOR QUALITY· MERCHANDISE BIG SAYINGS • WIDE SELEalON COURTEOUS SERVICE lND PLENTY Of ~FREE-PARKING. 40 STORES TO SERVE YOU 40 STORES - ro SERVE YOU IDUun TAUi IMOP HI 4611 coaun llllCH HM414 COUl61 OFRCI ..... T-146-1111 CIOCUI Cmmll IAlll HI 1471 DISCO MfttC-146.nM IMP1• 111.1-149-1114 POOi •IANT-141-9417 •AUINUMP SHOU-141-1963 ...n SMAn SHOP-1414124 -CllHllY ClOTHIS-l49°1!SH aWIN'S STUDIG-14 .. J4M HAllOI CINTll IAllllS-~45-9911 HIUN •UCI CANDllS-646·5t65 HOUDAT HIALTH SPA-54t-JJ61 J, C. PINNIT C0.-646-5021 JOUY ao.ll-14MUS ICIN•S FOi MIN-646-4242 Kluri HAIDWAH-549-1100 .. • .llWILlls-141-9415 LAFA Ymt ILICTIONICS-S40·4740 . MIMOIT LANl-549·2101 MOTHllHOOD MATDNnT-646-ttU NICK'S PIZZA 549·1111 OPTOMITIJST-141·'162 OlllT CUANOS-Ut-t717 PllMAnDs-149 .. 717 u.AL llAUTT SUPPLT!..s45-511t SAY-ON.SHOD 146 6771 SICHm PACIFIC IANK-642·5'21 SINMI SIWIN• CINTll-l49°l1tl THOM MC AN SHOIS-l45-ff7t TNllm DIUS-14Ml70 TOY WOILD--545·7032 TIPTON'S TY I AJIPL.-540-7131 YICTOltA'S 'la AND CUSTOM-1545·3020 WINDSOI SHOP-546·2'22 WOOLWOITHl-64'-JIH YOUN•LAND-141· 1440 • ' Newport's three branches a110 elCh house el:tenslve record libraries coverinc a variety Of 1Ubjec'8 a n d musical forms. · · Lying Immediately north of Costa Mesa • east of Huntington Beach, GreenvWe ii DOW IOlled H• cluaively for industry. Tbe lima b e a n, C11Tot. turnip, celery and worted vec• table ttOpS are Wna phu- ed oat la faofor-ti IDdtdtl). IWUNBRI LIBRARY, .. Dover Drive; Newport Beaclr, 14M75f; Monday tb ro u g b Wednetday 1 p.m. to t p.m.; ~. I 1.dl:'"to I p.m.; ~ Saturday, t a.m. • tD •11.m. 2300 Harbor at Wilson, Costa Mesa Tbe Alidbd' story houn for YOIDll children are = by the FrieDda ol a.. YOUI COMM"'"' -1'71 ••.• -•• , I'! '.,. ....... ~ ...... ~ .... ~ ............ 4111 .. ~1---=~- ' - l ... On a warm day when the kids are out of ICbool - particularly when It ii bot ln communities inland -the cars will start streamlnt down Newport Boclevard aacf along Coast Highway unW t b e number or people In Newport Beach more than doubles. An estimated .even mlllion pcrJ;Ons each year yjait Jbl city's dozen beacbel to bathe, surf. build sand C I I ti t I , romance: get a ~ lleep, picnic, read a pll)' volleybaJJ, or just re1u and unwind. Ten of the btaches are city operated; one ls a joint city· state facility. 'l11e 1Jth ls privately operated OD 1 county lease. Just under nine m1lel of wa terfront are included ln the beach are.u. Here ii 1 com- plete list of them: -Ne~ str& cblng t3 bJocb fnlD the a.ma Ana River jetty ~ "Wedge" at the tip o Peninsula. -Seven llll8ll bacbel fron. ting on Newport Barbar at peninsula ltreet-endl. 'l'bey are M, m, 17,tll, Udl and M•ter• llreeta, ar. _. lliver and ~ View. -Another llDll1 bucb at ..., ......... y ...... en Balboa bllnd. - --C-.a Mar (Bil Corona) at,.state B t I c Ii Park. -Little C.... ..... In a cove just south of Bl1 Corona. -Newpll11 D. De I, a privately-operated 7 I • a c r e recre.tlanal fadlllJ oa cauntJ-. owned property In tM Upper lllesuai'ds for all the beaches, Bay. eicept ~ Duneil, witb- Tbe cur s "Mlrlne smty--.-crew--tblt aand»err IS ·m D e p 1 r t m e n t p r ovicles dutY days ~ the IJlllUDef. Coron& del Mar-•Little Eiiy~: permitted. · Durlftl the IUDllller 1USOD -offidlllt June 12 tbrauP Sepl H -aurfen ma1 UM 'the beach from 19th to ... ltreets from 7:• a.m: to --. In the afternoon, the IUl'fbll area · lldftl to the 11Dd1 between mtb Street and tlMt 8aDta AU RiYer. Afternoon IW'finl beclm at 4 p.m. ud continues until IUnael . The replations, however • U' flalble. Llfeauardl at any time may cancer surftnc wbeft the boarda are creatlnl too much of a hazard to l1Jbn. men. Llfll\IU'dl do • b1 boi1UD1 a yeDcnf and blatk . "black-ball',. flq. SUrfen wbo · don't heed lt ar.e aubject to cltatiom. . el patrelllnc every · 1nch of At Bil Corona, the sport '{ the ........ total •a&er motaiL 11 permltiect_from • ~.m. until ~·z__ noon any clay diJflii1 season of a mllel, lncludlq ~Y and and ieopem at I p.m. unW octaalront. The task 11 ac-doslnc at .-et.· compl1lhed with two high-. Same ralel apply at Lltt11 powered ·rescue boats ~ ~ Beach. Both are sub-.......im. . ject to "blackblll" flal. tlf are on duty man-Prior to June tJ arid affet' nine JI towers every sum-Sept 14, lltelQll'dl detennin- mer'1 day ~1 from 11 · ed where and when IUrfinl a.m. to i p.m. Jeep patrols ii aqond. Corona del Mar ls a com- munity within-Newport Beadl -------·wtttran-tctenttty-alHta cnnr. eutern boundary of Conina dtl Mar. It featuna tbl ebam- berla-emblem of-1 crown boveriq over rtppllnc 1e1 aDd 1ettertn1 wblcb readl, .. Corona del Mar." conducts beautification drives, Mn. Jerry Stewart, Gordon decoratiCln CODteltl •!!SI ~ Ho.aa_.~ Sf111rt..Toae. ~rMl• ldl~ ~ The chamber keeps an u&Ho-takiaa ltlll OD .... , date lelecticm of printed takHYer then -until lO 1.m-:-One -men replatton for when most of the public Newport'•· aurfen: e • e r 1 beaches are cloeed. Police board must be Ucemed. The ·- l J>rnervation of that teparate Identity and work toward con- tinuing bette.nr.ent of the atea lhouJd be credited to the Corona del Mar Cbamler of Commerce. The chamber recentl1 u:> eeeded In bavin& I ucitJ limits" sign placed at the Corona del Mar It Spanish for "crown ol the 111." 1be chamber Is run by I boara of directon Wbicb liVfl lnstructloDI to E K e c u t h I Secretary Mrs. Jellie Hill. It and recommendinc actions to material lnclddlng area diJ'ec.. the dty aovernment. torles, mapa and reports. '11le chamber leadership In-Tourist brochures are always eludes Dee Coot, Act Adams, available there. • Bob Bartholomew, Don BoltGn. The offlca are located at Grant Howard. Carl KelleJ, 2851 East Cout HllbwaJ. H11 ~~ t Jerry Govin, They are open dai1y untll 4 Hubert· Pell'IUI, John Semple, p.m. then UIUme the patrol. deo1al fee II ts. SklndiTen ..ad 8 e U BA 8wtmmen, too, must adben diven with uncovered spears to regulations, but they're· not are probjblted from us1n1 the very complex. L t t t e r 1 n I • beaCbea at all times. And drink1q Oil the b a I C b , IUl'fboard entbnllalts 1 r e tmleubed peta and ftrel are restricted as to areas and banned. Picnlckl"I is allowed, tima In which IW'flnl is except It bayfront beaches. Marr had 11•11• ... bUl•'dlm• •nblllli'll n•11ad11111111111 1. , • lrDIDIVIPllR ~S !. COAST HIOHWAV let~IMWI ftl.EWPORT BEACH v.._ 113-0900 ,, FEATURING-* MINllAL IPA WHlllJIOOL * ULTIA.WIOLl'r SUN TAN IOOMI * .. MMISH SAUNA ITIAM IOOMS * INYIMUTIN• IUCTllCAL MASSA•I * DnllT HY HIAT IOOMI * ULAIJ ... MICHAJllCAL MASSAM * PllYATI TIUI ITAU IHOWIH * PllSONAL IUPllYlllON * IAMllH COU PLUHI * IMDOOI HIATll IWIMMIN• POOL Compettnt l n1tructor1 Will Gi~ You Ptrsonaliztd l""7'Uctton1 on tilt Btntfttl to You of Our PIOHAMI IOI llTTll HIALTH e llPAUTI PACILITID POI MIN & WOMIH ORAN&E-622 E. Katda Ave •.........•.•. 639·2441 , .... , ..... w ..................... . ANAHEIM--510 S. leadl (Hwy. 39) ..•.•... 826-0381 rc.....,.._.10......Awe.t COSTA MESA ZJOO H•ltor llvd •...•..•..• 549-3361 ............. c:.e.t . HUNnNGJON ,IEACH-18585 Main St •.•••••• 842-1451 " ............ c.e.rt WESTMINSTEl-6757 W•tllllaster .......•.• 894-3381 OPEN 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY YCMll COMMINnY _ ;,,. I I.SOD up Ute llOtb >OIL flnl Ms tbe -~ rer, = too in\. bJ atk lfbo to >Ort tntil ISOft :ntll ttJt rub- ffer )in- mi for r "I n.. !l't not ~· • are eel, ' Y .. r Communlt11 Aerial view overlooks much of Newport Harbor and often panorama including Balboa Peninsula (for~ I ground, Lido Peninsula "ccenter), part of Mariners Mile and the Balboa Bay Club (just above center) and parts of Costa Mesa's mesa (upper left) and of Irvine area (upper right). • • A - Voters Lear.ning Where, How to Compl~i:D ' . . By TOM BARLEY 1 u p e r v i 1 o r s' h e arlnc Laguna Niguel Oorp. belatedly • 1111 Dl4lr ~ • room, But It II not the way realized tbat if they had been 'l'lme was that newsmen it ia in 1'1t although, to be around when the board dis- ~ to l'09et meetlnp sure, board meetings have not easel abmlonment the pub- tl tbe Ora.ige County Board ~ftd the days of the empty lie rigbl of way might still be of Supervisors were resiped hearina room. Jn force today. to llllions in-which they were Public ,interest ln the ac-The same argument does tbt only witnesses of the five tlvltles of the five elected of-not exactly apply to the Upper members' actions. • ficlals who st often have only Bay land exchange but those 'ftle lack of public interest the news media to look at who are about to tab CID In the o!M!ration of government has quickened and for a the Irvine Co. Ip a Superior is anathema to any self-number oC reasons. Two lsaues . Court trial claim that public respecting journalist; he must alone have convinced many &o cement the deal that bas ltiflt a bored yawn and Orqe County resldenll that apathy did more than anythtnc repeM.edly remind himself It pays to have someone at-been subjected to mounUoc tblt 11 Joe Blow from Corona tend supervisors' meetings. criticism. del Mar just can't be there TWO BIG ONES Both issues undoubtedly con- to • what the board does They are the Upper Bay tributed to a changed board about his assessment protest land swap and the Salt Creek or supervisors. For supporters tlMa bis newspaper must put &ad abandonment. Both now of outccJinl Supervllor Alton the dedaion In print for him await outcome In the courts E. Allen do not trouble to to reld. but both have generated deny that they played a major Bu& time was we said and capacity audiences In the role In his defut of June M's euctly what we meant. hearine room oa a number 2 and his nit from a board P'• tMt la the. way it was, of oec:asions and probably will spot that wW be &den flVf:I she or take a IQUlbble or In the future. Jan. 1 bJ land nap opponen& -.. , perked up public .. MUJ midenta who lubed Raa Capen. llrll& and took tbe at off the board for tta ............. Olltpl in the board f1l -of tbe •ltl In the of Salt ere* Road to the lllperWon alwa11 qaidren public interest and there will be two new faces to see Jan. 1: Caspers and w h o e v e r triumphs in the November run-off between F o u r t h Diltrlct uplruta Ralph Clark and Gordon Bilhop. Orange C o as t residents' prime Interest wlll, of course, be 1n Caspen and the way he meuura up to "local" (Fifth District) pn>blems. He ran his succetdul campaign with the promiJe that he wanted to bear from all residenll who felt they had anything to contribute to coun- ty government. WHO TO CALL If you live Jn a line f ram Newport Beads llOuth to the San Diego County line and you wmt actloll a~ boud leteJ then Allee wtD ftill be your man UDUI Dec. 31. He can be reecbed It .... From Jiil. '1 u.. will be Supentlar CMpen ud Jt II expected that he will retain the number reserved ror Fifth DiJtrlct tnteresta. Supervilor Davi~ Baker baa a number ol Oraqe Cout constituents who can be found, roughly speakJng, In a line drawn north and east of _ ~ ~~r Newport. ~uifE~~~ A Corona .del Mar resident Ii" C:.=' · who bad a complaint to submit to county 1ovemment was ad-1ct "' vised to take It up with the ~ocat "r.r;;-"on o appropriate county depart-J3: .._,k ment and Immediately told c:;''Z..,~ Llbmv thi.t writer: "Oh, I wou1dn't ~,... c:.m.r even kno11 where to look up Mlfl~"" r11 the number In the telephone Peru ""*" book.,, ... ,....... Ice U that's a problem . then ~ • ..-~. here II • lilt of county ~=~ 8:: telepboae lllmben thal miChl ~~N:::m ltrvktt or two to pul that eorDplamt rilllt wbn it mlabt do the E:1 ==:~ 71 well enc:oUrqe a camplalner~ Roedll molt ... -dlnctly Into tbl .. c..-. m 'fll a retpODlible countJ v=:: ...,,._ 111• .mes.I: ~ ltJm ..,.. MILT NOf 39 . ..., ~--------....:':-..··'iilli~1·1Jl,Jf ----- l -_..r• .. ' I have a lot of f eith In thi1 Orange County are1. I thin le that Harbor Boula.¥.rd ha alrudy de~o ed quickly Into the ~ "Golden Strip" which f 1 the auto shoppinCJ center or t'he . Harbor Area. It could be the cer c a p i t a I of the entire county! I think you .will be prouC:J of this automotive showplace. I look forwarcf to-meeting as many of you as I -can. Take the time to stop by and get the grand tour -0f our dealership, and convince yourself that University Oldsmobile is w·orthy of your business. J'll be looking forward to meeting you, anytime, soon! · ~4> ~<:k~.1~11 -~ ~-a L 0 UIS R. IE N N·Y PRISIDENT ------Check University Olds1nobile's Savings First------- -or Last .:. But check the1n befor e yoit b11,y! SAVE WREN YOIJ BIJY Our modern, strHmlined Hies meth- od1 m•t.n I.OW ORIGl,:N~::,A:i.L tfl!lr.::~ THAT REMAIN CON -ITH LONG-TERM SERVI • NO dHler- enywhere--cen Hve you more •c• tuel clollers encl cenh ce1h on your new Olcl1mo.bile then UNIVERSITY. OLDSMOllLt. SAVE WHILE YOtJ DRIVE Our f•ctory tre in ed Hrvice 1peciel- ish-working in the most moder" shops money could builcl~keep the YOUNGMOBILE THRILL in your driving et MINIMUM MAINTEN- ANCE COSTS.