HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 - Request for Waiver of City Council Policy L-6 at 2209 Private RoadQ SEW Pp�T CITY OF s NEWPORT BEACH C'94IF09 City Council Staff Report August 8, 2017 Agenda Item No. 13 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director — 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Antony Brine, City Traffic Engineer tbrine@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3329 TITLE: Request for Waiver of City Council Policy L-6 at 2209 Private Road ABSTRACT: The property owner of 2209 Private Road (Owner) is requesting a waiver of City Council Policy L-6 to maintain an existing six-foot high concrete retaining wall within the public right-of-way on Private Road. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine that the action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Waive Council Policy L-6, Private Encroachments in the Public Rights -of -Way, to allow the existing six-foot high concrete block wall and appurtenances that encroach into the Private Road public right-of-way to remain in place, contingent upon all conditions of the Encroachment Permit process being met; and c) Direct staff to enter into an Encroachment Agreement with the Owner and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Encroachment Agreement within one (1) calendar year upon receipt of approval; or d) Provide other direction to staff. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. 13-1 Request for Waiver of City Council Policy L-6 at 2209 Private Road August 8, 2017 Page 2 DISCUSSION: The Owner of 2209 Private Road is requesting a waiver of City Council Policy L-6 to maintain an existing six-foot high concrete wall within the Private Road public right-of- way. The public right-of-way extends 10 feet behind the existing curb. The existing retaining wall is located at the back of the existing sidewalk, approximately 9 feet from the back of curb. The existing wall encroaches approximately one foot into the public right- of-way. Public Works has no records of the date of construction of the wall. City Council Policy L-6 was adopted on August 25, 1969. Private Road was built in 1959. City Council Policy L-6, "Public Encroachments in Public Rights -of -Way" explains and describes how the public rights-of-way are to be reserved for public use or open space; and that the rights of the public, present and future, are not to be diminished by the installation of private improvements within the public rights-of-way. The Policy specifies allowable and prohibited encroachments and describes the required permits or encroachment agreements. In Section A, which outlines the general encroachment prohibitions, structural encroachments including fences, walls, patios, raised planters, etc., that exceed 3 feet in height are prohibited. The Owner is requesting City Council consideration for waiver of this policy to allow an existing encroachment to maintain the existing six-foot high retaining wall. In staff's review, the existing wall does not affect the walking pathway. The requested action would not diminish the rights of the public, present and future at that location regarding the sidewalk. As an alternative direction, the City Council could require Property Owner, as part of their proposed home replacement project, to either: 1. Remove the existing 6' high block wall currently within the City right-of-way, and construct any new walls outside the public right-of-way; or 2. Cut the existing 6' high block wall (currently within the City right-of-way) down to a level below 3' in height to comply with Council Policy L-6 (Al), (i.e. encroachments shall not exceed 3 feet in height), contingent upon the property owner entering into a City Encroachment Agreement allowing said encroachment. Should the City Council elect to approve the waiver and maintain the existing wall, staff recommends that the City Council require the Owner to enter into an encroachment agreement with the City. The encroachment agreement specifies the rights of the City including future removals, Hold Harmless and the responsibilities of the Owner. The encroachment agreement is recorded onto the property's title and provides important notice and protections for the City and for the current and future property owners. 13-2 Request for Waiver of City Council Policy L-6 at 2209 Private Road August 8, 2017 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment), and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Project Site Plan Attachment B — Location Map Attachment C — City Council Policy L-6 Attachment D — Property Photograph 13-3 ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT A ,TING _AN05GAGE �/ ♦69 N WALLS 42" HIGH , MA MUM ♦ \ / OI NT A. �♦ (� \mss , TO TIMAIRETAINING WALLS 171, �6 EX15 G RETAINING WALLS ��JJ NOT T E MODIFIED \\ I'_ ` � \ FLAT ROOF {— ----'�_ _ — �/\. — \ �. FXI5 RETAINING WALLS \ ---� ' �/ ` .♦� \\` NO- E MODIFIED \ 'LLS MAX. ,/ v t /. `♦ \ A (O I8EW L5 PROPOSED) 0 'jj` \ , \\\ T \\ ♦�C` 0I /i, 21-3" OVE 1 ,x / / ii i �' /�/ / 11 I , \� I T � FLAT ROOF lo \\�-----------r-r-�* }-- J , h �--- - EXI5TING RETAINING WALLS NOT TO BE MODIFIED IIII I ' IUI tf}� FLAT ROOF t IL I �l I NO QVERANGj r4E �L5 / DO I I —'—_---__ L---_ ---------- �_— I 1 I 1 I � I i; I FLAT'd�.DOF I 13-4 Attachment B �y Lu `1 01 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2209 PRIVATE RD LOCATION MAP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 8/8/2017 13-5 Attachment C PRIVATE ENCROACHMENTS IN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY It is the general policy of the City that the public rights-of-way are to be reserved for public use or open space; and that the rights of the public, present and future, are not to be diminished by the installation of private improvements within the public rights-of- way. Categories of private encroachments and improvements are listed below, together with the permit requirement for each category. A. Private encroachments prohibited. 1. Structural encroachments not otherwise listed; including, but not limited to, fences, walls, patios, raised planters, etc., which encroach in excess of 1 foot into the public right-of-way, or exceed 3 feet in height, measured from the top of curb elevation/ or from sidewalk elevation where sidewalk exists. 2. Driveway approaches not conforming to Council Policy L-2. 3. Ocean front street end, or Bay front street end improvements not conforming to Council Policy L-8. 4. Ocean front alley end improvements not conforming to Council Policy L-8. 5. Modifications to original design concepts approved by the City. 6. Private signs except as provided for in the Building Code. 7. Lighting. 8. Parkway surfacing of loose rock, gravel, or any surfacing other than standard or colored/ textured concrete or flat stone/brick/pavers installed at grade. 9. Private dwellings and appendages including raised patios and decks, except as provided for in this section and the Building Code. 10. Pay telephones and private mail carriers drop boxes. 13-6 B. Private encroachments requiring an encroachment permit and if applicable an encroachment agreement from the Public Works Department and Municipal Operations Department approval. 1. Tree planting and removal. 2. Shrub planting and removal. 3. Median landscaping. If, in the opinion of the Municipal Operations Department, the approved planting is not being maintained for view and safety clearance, Chapter 10.50, "Public Nuisance Abatement," of the Municipal Code shall be used to remove offending plant material. The permit applicant shall reimburse the City of Newport Beach for the value of any City tree removed by this process. This value will be determined by the City Arborist using the International Society of Arboriculture's "Guide for Plant Appraisal." C. Private encroachments requiring an encroachment permit and if applicable an encroachment agreement from the Public Works Department. 1. Drive approaches conforming to Council Policy L-2. 2. Standard sidewalks. 3. Carriage walks. 4. Parkway surfacing (standard or colored/ textured concrete or flat stone/brick) installed at grade (subject to Municipal Operations Department review for tree well location). 5. CATV and public utility facilities. 6. Structural encroachments not otherwise listed; including, but not limited to, fences, walls, patios, raised planters, etc., which encroach 1 foot or less into the public right-of-way. If, however, in the opinion of the Public Works Department, the nature or location of this type of encroachment is such that Council review is warranted, the Department may forward the item to the Council for action. 13-7 7. Mailboxes, when required by the U.S. Postal Service. The front of mailbox shall be aligned in the same vertical plane as the back of the curb. Mailbox base construction length shall not exceed the length of the mailbox, or 24 inches, whichever is less. 8. The placement of utility pedestals shall be at the back of sidewalks on arterials and major pedestrian thoroughfares without zero setbacks. There shall be at least 4 feet of clear sidewalk width and/or pedestals shall be placed in the parkway outside of walk area. 9. When connecting to or relocating public utilities. 10. Artificial Turf up to 100% of the required parkway landscape area. Artificial turf grass shall be installed in accordance to manufactures recommendations. Material must be securely anchored and maintained so as to eliminate disrepair, fading, tearing, wrinkling and or edge curling or any other type of material performance. Material shall be replaced prior to the aforementioned conditions occur. Prohibited application: Indoor and outdoor carpet, green in color or otherwise. The Director of Public Works shall from time to time update the standards for this application. See Artificial Turf - Material and Installation Standards. D. Private encroachments requiring an Encroachment Permit from the Public Works Department and subject to the execution of an agreement for non-standard improvements. 1. Structural encroachments not otherwise listed which do not exceed 3 feet in height measured from the top of curb elevation/or from sidewalk elevation where sidewalk exists, including, but not limited to fences, walls, and raised planters in public rights-of-way in areas that are more than 8 feet behind the face of curbs on the following streets: a. Santa Ana Avenue from Cliff Drive to Fifteenth Street. 2. Permitted Structural Encroachments on Balboa Island along South Bay Front, North Bay Front, Grand Canal, and East Bayfront are as follows: a. Planters that do not exceed 1 foot in height located within 2'-6" of the back of existing sidewalk, planted with ground cover and 13-8 shrubs not to exceed 2 feet in height measured from sidewalk elevation; b. Fences with a minimum setback of 2'-6" from back of sidewalk. For patios constructed at grade elevation to 1' above sidewalk grade elevation, Fences may be 3' high above sidewalk grade. ii. For patios constructed greater than 1' above sidewalk grade elevation, Fences must be set back a minimum of 3' from back of sidewalk, not exceed 2'-6" in height above the patio, have at least 40% visibility through them, and not to exceed 4' in height above existing public sidewalk grade. C. Patios with a minimum setback of 2'-6" from the back of sidewalk. Raised Patios are permitted provided they have a maximum height of 2'-6" above sidewalk grade, are set back a minimum of 2'-6" from back of sidewalk, and provided all bulkhead deadman and tiebacks supporting the Bay front bulkhead are replaced "If required by the Public Works Department" in conformance with the requirements of the Public Works Department; Stairs located a minimum of 2'-6" from back of sidewalk. 3. Structural encroachments not otherwise listed which do not exceed three (3) feet in height, including, but not limited to fences, walls, patios and raised planters in public rights -of -ways in areas that are five (5) feet behind the face of curb on the following streets: a. Southerly side of West Bay Avenue between 8th Street and 15th Street. 4. Non-standard encroachments, including, but not limited to fences, walls, and raised planters within City easements. If, in the opinion of the Public Works Department, the nature or location of this type of encroachment is such that Council review is warranted, the Department may forward the application to the City Council for original action. 13-9 The City Manager is authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, agreements for non- standard improvements which are entered into pursuant to this section or other authorization. E. Private encroachments not requiring a permit: 1. Parkway lawn and ground cover. 2. Parkway sprinkling systems. 3. Use of public streets and projections over public property which are covered by the California Building Code or California Residential Code under a valid building permit issued by the City. F. Application for any permit as required by this policy shall be filed with the Public Works Department on a form to be provided by the City and shall show the proposed planting or work and the nature thereof. If the application is for a permit required under Section A, it shall be forwarded to the City Clerk for submission to the City Council. If the application is for a permit under Section B, it shall be processed by the Municipal Operations Department. Drawings for encroachment permits requiring City Council review shall be prepared to scale. Plan and elevation drawings shall accurately depict location, height, and extent of the proposed encroachments. No building permit shall be issued on a parcel whose access requires City Council review for an encroachment permit on public property, until said encroachment permit has been issued. G. Variances from the strict application of this policy shall not be granted unless individual circumstances indicate that approval will be consistent with the public interest. Adopted - August 25,1969 Amended - August 14,1989 Amended - February 14, 1972 Amended - November 27, 1989 Amended - August 11, 1975 Amended - December 9,1991 Amended - February 9,1981 Amended - December 14,1992 Amended - November 23,1981 Amended - July 12,1993 Amended - October 27, 1986 Amended - January 24, 1994 Amended - January 26,1987 Amended - May 9,1994 Amended - July 13,1987 Amended - February 27,1995 Amended - February 13,1989 Amended - February 26,1996 13-10 Amended - May 8, 2001 Amended - January 27, 2015 13-11 *4, 1 gr \5i, Vit` p,{ �Y �•� y ��� tom' �; �, I