HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-23 - Orange Coast PilotNude Body Found Near Track • • 2 Valley Kids Die ID Ca1nping Tragedy _ Young Brother, Sister Drown in Creek; Dad's Rescue Effort Fails • • a OllS{l I er Nixon to Give Congress DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * Full War Study Story WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 23, 1971 Costa Mesa Realtor Found Slain A prominent Harbor Are.11. woman real* ty executive mis,,ing for seven days was fa\lnd Tuesday, nude and bludgeoned to ddJ:th on a marshy freeway embankment ne;ir the Del Mar Racetrack . Investigator.!! said Mrs. Alma Jean Sriiith. 56, had been dead three to lour d~s when discovered shortly after dawn by a hitchhiker: . . . . San Diego pohce hom1c1de 1nvestigator1 at.t listing the Realtor's dea th_ as ~urder, wllh no apparent motive at !ht~ p_oint The victim was reported m1ss1ng J une 1? after she failed to return from a visit with relatives. Her body was identified by stepson David Smith. of San Diego. Clolhing and jewelry scattered near the. scene about 30 feet belo w lnlerstate. 5 aided in identi fication of the remains. A radio descrip!ion heard by Smith led him to suspect lhe unidentified victim was his stepmother. Deputy Coroner Max f.1urphy satd alt hough it i~ obvious 1he owner of Jea n Smith Real Estate. 400 E. 17th ~I.. ~ad been beaten lo death an autopsy 1s being staged. . The victi m lived at 482 Ahh1e Way , Costa ~1esa. wi!h a woman friend. ac· cord ing In associate,~. . . California Highway P;:ilro l nff1c ers 1m· pounded ~1rs. Smith's apparen!ly aban· doned car on June 18, not far from wbere she was found about 7: 15 a.m. Tuesday. A hitch-hiker discovered the body. The location was about a mile east tif (Su l\fURDER, Page. !) Cycle, Pickup Crash Kills One; Driver Arrested One Sarta Ana resident is de.ad and another injured as the result of the col· lision between a motorcycle and a plckup truck on El Toro Road early this morn· Ing. . . •·Jd The driver of the pickup 1s being 1"' on felony drunk driving charges. Dead is Ray C. Douglas, 2%, of 2222 West Edinger Ave., Santa Ana . The passenger on his motorcy~le, Joyce. L. Monteiro 28 of 2245 S. Ohve St., Santi An R, is r'eport.ed in satisfactory condition at St Joseph 's Hospitll in Orange. ~ -California Highway Patrol said that Douglas was we!tbound on ~I Toro when ht oolllded with the truck driven by William ii. Spreen. 41 , of 15071 Eton Cir· cle, Huntingt.011 Beach. • Officers said that Spreen drove Muth ll{'l'OSS El Toro Road Into Oie path of lhe motorcycle. . Spreen, after being treated for mu!"r iniuries. at the Orarij!t. County Medic.al Center. was booked In the county jail on ~uspicion of felony drunk driving. Lu~ky Star Ul'I Tt,...._ Newly crowned Miss California. Carolyn Stoner, offers a tidbits to 'Lucky' a star performing porpoise at Marine World Playground on San hancisco Bay recently. Carolyn won the state beauty tiUe re- cently ·at Santa Cruz and is en route to Atlantic City's Miss America Pageant. 4 Repor.t Re'1ealed Nixon Giving Co11gress War Study WASHINGTON (AP)·-Pri!sldent Nix· on announced today be will make available to Congress on a "top secret" classification basis the full 47·volu mes of a Pentagon study of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. The While House said the President aded since the ·unauthor ized publication of some porUons of these docwnenb created a situation in which Congress "would ntcessarily be making judgments . . . on the basb· of incomplete data which cou1d Rive 11 distorted impression of the report'& contenll:"' "For tbat reason the President reel!! that it is only fair to Congress and to perMins mentioned in the documents that the full re port be. made ava ilable," preu 5ttret.ary Ronald L. Ziegler said. The f!Overnment, lhrouRh the Justice Department, has been resisting in the courts, newspaper publicaUon of stories based on the secret study. Ziegler added that "since the document.11 relate primarily to the Johnson and Kennedy periods, President NI~ Pointed out that he is not in a pos- itiori to vouch for their acall'acy or their completeness.'' The document. art being mad< &vailable to Congress: "on the un-- deni:tandlng that they will be subJeet lo exll!ling Conf!ressional rule11 and regula- tions covering the handling of cl•Mlfied materiRI," Ziegler said. The a.nnouncement came after an bour- long breakfast meeting Nixon held with (See STUDY. Pare !I VOL. '4. NO. 14t,' l'l!CTIONI, U '°A411 Tax Toll Mounts 38-cent County Increase Expected . 111 JACK &ROBACK Of "" O.llY l"llU Si.ff Tbe Orange County Board of Supervisors today got 1 proposed 1971-72 county bud1et calling for a possible tax increase of 30 cents over the current $1.70. This increase , reflecting a $12 million gap between revenue and projected costs for the coming year. if finally adoptf'd, will mean a total tax increase of 38 cenls when combined with the eight-cent in- cree.se 2,pproved Tuesday lo cover a $.3.3 million jump in employe salaries. Supervisors will hold a series of public hearings on the budget beginning Jul y 22. County Adminis trative Officer Robert E. Thomas presented the budget. com- plet e. vdlh su ggestions on how lo cut it. The spending program calls for an in- Mrin Admits Gun11ing of 3 Y ablonskis WASHINGTON. PR. (AP) -Claude E. Vealey, co-defendant in the &layings !Vi years ago of United Mine Workers in· surgen t Jose ph A. "Jock'' Yablonski and his wife and daughter. plee.ded guilty to murder today and aaid the Killings were paid for by a man named "Tony." Vealey's surprise discloaure was in 1 sordid step-by.step atatement that told of how he and two olher men stalked Yablonski weeka before. the killings, of how they broke into the Yablonaki home before dawn the morning of Dec. 31, 1969, ere.pl upstairs and pumped bullet afttr bullet into their victims -and of how. in 1 moment of uncertainty, the job nearly was bungled. The statement, which Vealey said he gave of bi.a own free will and without> coercion or promise.1 of leniency, men· tloned the man "Tohy" repeatedly, but never identified him fur ther. The state- ment was read ln open court after Vealey'a guilty plea. The Yablonak is were slain the same month the raspy-voiced 59-year-old union iMurgent Jost his bid to depoae UMW President W. A. ''Tony" Boyle. From the beg'lnnlng, Bofle and other key UMW officials denied any ln· volvement Jn the alaylnga, and ultimately °" union offered a $50,000 reward ror the arrest and conviction ol the person or pencins respooslble for the-murders. "This Is a terrible lraa:edy." Boyle said lnltlally. •)J do not know at this lime what or who caused the. deatha or brother Y11blonski Ind hlt1 wife and daughter. But whatever the cause. the violent deaths of (Sq YABLONSKI, P11e t) c.re.ue or 1&.5 peroent or $21.7 million over the cWTent year. The proposed total budget including special districts •hows 1peodlng of $260 million compared to $237 mlllion this year. A redu ction in other countywide spending. other t.han the general fund and in special districts amount.I t.o $8.5 million. Thomu blames lncre.ued cost ()f welfare, Medi·CaJ , mental health. the continued shift of tax burdens from the slate lo the county. and the continued growth pressures in crlmlnal j1Utice pro- grams. "Aware of the. impending finant"ial pinch. your board issued policy guidelines for austerity and called for a re.view of nteds from a iero base," Thomas stated. ''The 1971·72 budget reo:immendltiOns were developed wllh the above rairic· Uon1. Welfare., health, and uimtDaJ justice will be able to mtet tbtir responsibilities, but te(l()mmended apend- ing does not provide room for flexibility or unknowns, ''All other county activities will either require substantial gains lo meet growing work loads or reduce le.velt of lel"Vice. '' he. continutd. The major increases include welfart, $23.9 million ; community safety. M.2 million ; and refuse disposal , $1.4 million. As alternatives to a tu increue:, Thomas suggested an arbitrary reductton in the work force, deferred hiring for new p<>&itkins, Jess equipment purcb.ue& and postponing of capital expenditure.a. Fountain Valley l(ids Die 011 Family Camping Trip A Fountain Valley brother and sister died Tuesday in a tragic river drowning while on a family camping vacation in Tulare Coun ty. The girl. 8, slipped off a rock while t"r06sing Tule Creek aboul 23 miles east of Porterville with her parents and brother and .iate.rs. The fast flowing water trapped her ·on the riverbed. While her fa ther desperate· ly tried to free her. nea rly drowning himaelf, her 5-year-old brother fell in ap- parently unnoliced in the com motion and drowned in the same spot, 1be.rlff'1 deputies Said Uri!: 'lTIOrning. ' The victims were Tamera L" e Boughman and her brother, Douglas Oark, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boughman, 16073 Carlton St., Fountain Valley. The tragedy occurred 1t the Coffee camp ground where lbe famlly had been vacaUonlnc •Ince Friday. Accordln1 to Sheriff's deputies, the Boughm1111 bad two other daughters with them. U. Grant Matherly 11ld that the family was crOS!lng • narrow point ef Lbt river to 1unbathe on 1 !'lat rock on the other aide. "At this Point the water la only four feet deep but it I.I rulblnc downhill with a lremeodous force through a crevk:e," u . Matherty aakt. "The girl 1llpped off a rock and became lrapptd by the: swift current between two rocb. "The father ·leaped in ·to reacue her but he wa, driven under by .the force of the water. He told u:s later that he. lelt he was drowntng hlmst?f. Some bystanders were 1ble to pull him out by gettln1 hold of him with a t()wel. "Then they realized that the boy wa1 missing and that he must have fallen ln in lhi:_ commotion." The incident occurred at 11 a.m. The bodies were recovered by a crew of state prisoners from the Mountain Home Conservation Camp at 1 p.m. Both brother and si!ter were wedged between (See TtJI..!, Pa1e Z) Oru•e Another nice day for the be.eh ls lhe forecast for today and Thuraday, with the sun b1'81kinc out around l p.m. along the oout. Highs today 7~ lo 83-LoWI lll -lo 63. INSIDE TGDAY - Productions In CoatcJ NeMJ and Fountain V4llcir IDind up the 1970-71 ttOJon tn lomt theater. Set today'• enttrtal,.. ment section. • • • I I I I 2 DA.IL V P~O_T ____ < ______ w_,,_,_,_''-"-'-"-"_>_l_l_,_11 War Doe11merlts 4th Paper Joins Pentagon Parade From Wirt Service• ~ Chicago Sun -Times today became the fourth nev.·spaper 10 publish art icle~ baSfd on a cl as~ificd Pentagon ~tudy (If 1he \lielnarn war. l"ede1·al l'ourts ha1·e re.11tra1ned The Ne""· York Times, 'fl.e \\'ashingto n Po~\ and The Bo~ton Globe from printing further article~ based on 1he s~ret papers 111 1h~1 r possession. The Sun-Times printed lhe partial te.xt ol a State 1Jeparln1en! official's August 1963 memo recommending that South \ 1etnarnese Pres ident Ngo Dinh Diem ~ 1oppled 1f he entered into negotiations "'·1th ~orth Vielnaru . F rona l'oge 1 Jn a copyri&ht atory, the newspaper said the memo and another dated Sept. 16 were \Vritten by Al1 L!itant Secretary of Shilt Roger Hilsm11n, who scr\•ed under Secretary of State Deall Rusk. The n1t n1os. plus ducu111ents from the Pentagon history, show ··a battle 01·er Diem 's fate \.\'tlh the State Departn1ent urging hiJ ouster and the Pentagon in· sisting that the Lnlted Stales 1tlt k "''Ith him,'' the Sun-Tunes said Frona Po91: l YABLO NS KI • • • U\ree m@mbcrs of tht Yahlonsk1 fam1l~ can only be <'t.lled a 1raged~ •• \lealey. head 001,1·ed and handcuffed, spoke .softly as ht r-nterc1 his guilty plea, He wa! questioned by Judgt George \~'. Sv.·eet and special prosecutor Richard Spragut, an a!Sislant district attorflt Y from Philadelphia. Then V"aley's rambling 1$-pase 1t1te- ment \\"<l~ re.:id into the record by FBI Age nt Joseph f'.lasterson ol Cleveland, where Vea!ey and the four other dtlen- dants in the case were arrts1ed last yaar i;tveral weeks aftl'r the sla} 111gs, Vea!ev said he first was approached tibout k0il ling so rneunc -al t/1e tin1e he didn 't kno1,1• it w.·ould bf' Yablonski -111 !he sun1mer ol 1969, flve n1on1hs before the election that sa1,1• 'Boyle defeal \'ablonsk1 fur tht pre1>1f!e ncy of the 200,000-member Llr..l\V Vealey. a 27-~·ear-old laborer, Identified !he tv.·o men \\'ho he 1>a1d look parl in U1e k1Jl1ngs as Aubran \V. ··Huddy ·· to.111rti11, :12. also a laborer: and Paul Giil)', 39, a house painter....?\ll three are from the (J eveland area. STUDY ... The Sun-Tin1es· discl01Jures i:ame one day after The Boston Globe reported on a part of the Pf'nlagon study and was restrained by a lederal Judge who ordered the newspaper's copy of the papers Impounded, Fe<leral appeals courts 1n New York Ci· tr and Washington heard arguments Tuesday on the governmen!'s n1ove lo overturn t.:.S. Di!'ilrict Court rulings in lavor of the Times and lhe Post and to en join then1 fron1 fur ther publicallon of stories on copie1 of the cla.'lsified p11pe rs In !heir possession. The decisions 1,1·ere pending. Blowirig Their Stacks Vealey said Gilly \\1a~ the go -bctv•een HI the slayings. rnaking all the ar· rangerneul.'l \\'ith the 1nan ··Tony ·• \'ealey quoted Gilly as saying "Tony·• \1·as \\'illing "to pay S'l .200 lo ha\'I.' !his person (Ya blonskl1 killed " Senate maJori!y leader ~l ike ~tansfield at 1he \Vhite House Zie gler tnade C"Jear thal the secrecy v.Taps arc to remain on !he d~cuments. pendi ng a Pentagon rc:•1c1,1' _o f cle!cassifica tion of 1he material. which Defense Secretary Me lvin R. Laird now has under \1'ay. Also included In the docume nts to be supplied will ht a copy of a 1965 study of the Tonkin c;ulf incident. Thal was a U.S.-Norlh Vietnam nav<il encounter which preceded U.S. combat entry inlo the war. The incident occurred in 1964. This is among materials that ha\'e been dealt with in the newspalll!r articles which have become the subject of court • calles. The government has sought to stop publication of the secret ma terial. Ziegler alllO said the Just ice Depart- ment is going ahead with the court cases and iL~ proceedings against the newspapers involved is not affected in any way by the President'.'! turnover of the secret data to Congress. Nixon ca ll ed in f\1 ansfield lo lei! him of I.he decision . v.•hich Ziegler said the President had made over the past \\'eekend while he was in Ke y Blscayne, Fla. In his meeting with f\fansfield, Ziegler said. President Nixon reiterated "that his primary and continuin~ concern has been to protect the secrecy of government documents In cases wh ere disclosure cou.ld harm th e naUonal security or Im· p11ir negotiatio ns wlth other nations." He sa id ··President Nixon also em- phasized that the decision to offer the document! to the Congress does not represent any change of policy. but mtre- Jy renects the special circumstances created by the r~nt unauthorized di6Closures. ·• Ziegler said Secretary Laird will \l'Ork out arranaemfllls Ylilb the Presidtnl of the Sen1tt Jnd the Speaker or the House of Repre1enta!lves for lurnovcr of the document1 and !hr joint teaderlihip of , each body shall determine lL!l dl sposJUon • in Congress. House Speaker Carl Albert liaid the report "'ould pr obably be referred to the flouse Ar1ned Ser\'icrs Com mittee. v.·hich recel\'ed a variety of top secrtl defense information and keeps lt secret. Armed Services Ch11 lrm11n F. Edward Jlebert (D-La .1. said he v.·Ul ·•take ap- propri1te action." House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford. of Mic higan. Si!ild he had "strongly uraed" the President to release the study to Congres11. The th ird·rilnking Hou.~e Re publican Leader. Rep. John B. Anderson, <R-111.). said he ·•certainly, ob1·1ously appl11ud11 !he aclinn, "I don't ~lirre in secrets be:twf'en the Con([fess and the Ex@cutl\'1!' part!cu.larly on 1 matter as important IJ Vietnam:· Anderson said, OIANll COAIT DAILY PILOT N..,_.a-11 .... -~ c:.... ...... OllANCI• CO.UT' "UI LIUtlNCl ((W.,.AH'f' .,.,,,.. N. w,,4 ,.,.,...,, '"' ,.,,..,""" Ja1k It. Cwrl•y Vice ,.,........, ,,.. 0-11 ~ T~'''"' IC1•vll t:,,191' lho..,•• A. Mwr,.hi11• /lllfMllftt lllllW Ch1rl11 H. L••s l l1h•14 P. Nell .... "'""'' Ml"'flflt I"~ °""" (Mil MMI~ lJO W•I ... ., llfwr ,,......, '"'~; mt H...,.,, leul-rll I.at-IM~I 111 l"-1 A- M\lf<lllll-•tic~: 1111$ ·-~ ..,,,i.-.. .. a.ii. Cllmtfl .. : JOa H..,.. a1 C.""'-lt•I DAILY "It.OT, W11• wllldl II~ W... ... _ .. ,_, It ...... ltfl• .. lty .. C.I ·-.. ., lfl ......... 11 .... tw l..-wo ..... ....... _, ,_.., c... ......._, ,..,,""'""' ~ ,_,,lit ..... ...,. iM """-"" Ct .. ..._ eNI a...i..e-. ..... WI"' -,... ...... •ltlal\. ~i '""fltlrl ,.,,, • at m Wtti ••r 11...,;. C.19 M-. T1l1•••• 17141 641-4111 Cl...., ,. ........ .,.. '4Z·••n hi Cl arts Al ...... 11 .. 1 , ............. 1. -.... IV• .. _ C-t ......... ~~-,., .... ,,.,.,, llMln ..,._ .. ,., .. , -• ., .,,.,.,.n_" ....,. ""' ~ ,,.,....... .......... ~ ,.,... ....... ft .,,.,....., -· ....... U.. ,_ ... ,. .. at Ml ............ .... tAoltl 1111-. C..llf9nll•. ~­ "" C»J"f'ltr •.t1 -"°IJI a<'( -tr If,. 1'111111'11JI "'llltf"'r ••tllltntflol. U.tJ l!Wl~!J• A giant Portland Cement Company smokestack (alls to the ground, the fi rst in a series of blasts design- ed to erase the old landmarks and mark !he Ne1v 'York con1pany·s Sl\'i tch to equipntent to control polluting smoke. 'J'he other 1110 s tacks 11ill brought do1\'n later this 1veek. air be Kenneth :ind Joseph Yablonski, the ll nion otricial's .sons. s:H in the courtroom as the staten1ent \1•as being read . Jostph listened intenlh'. seldon1 even moving, 1vhile Kennet h ner\'OUsly ~hifted and nib- bled at his fing ernails. Both the Times and Post carried Associated Press stories today on the Sun-Times articles. Government ofliciaJs, meanwhile, an· nounced plans for a review of the entire 47-volwne study with a Vil!'W toward po!ll!lible declassification of some parts. Defen~e Secretary Melvln R. Laird said he ordered the cenrors lo "move a!'i rapidly as we possibly can." In other developments: -~p. Paul M. McCloskey Jr., j H- Calif.), was questioned by two FBI agents about docwnenl! he received fronl former Defenae Department aide Daniel Ellsbtrg but said he gave them no in· formation not already publilhed. \Ste Photo, Page 4). -A House subcommittee preparrd lo begin hearings today on the Vietnanl papers situation. ~fcClo!key said he lalk- ed to Ellsbl!'rg, the man 1nent ioned as the p"rson who pos~ihly leAked the papers lo the Times, and though t Ellsberg n1ight agree to appear before the sub. committee. -Presidential Communic:1tions Direc- tor Herbert G. Klein s1id In Chicago the Nixon Administration has practiced "complete cando r" with the public and its record of declassHying docun1enls is "the bes\ of any government " for many years. -Ran1sey Clark, attorney general dur. lng the Johnson Administration, said he had read nothing in !he pub llahed documents th at "-'Ould be "properly classified '' information. The gowmment has arsued in its c1Hs againllt the newspapers that publication of the secret materlal might d11 mage na- tion al security and fore ign relations. The newspapers have argued that the public has a right to know what is in the reports, claiming they no Io n g er represent a breach Jn securi ty. From l'oge 1 MURDER ... the racetrack. between Del f\-1ar He l1ht11 Ro ad and Via De La Valle. police 1ald. Th@ murder 1hocked Rea\tor1 in the Harbor Are11, '.1.'here Mrs. Smith went into business 17 year11 ago, associated 1<1°lth Duncan Hardesty. "\\'e started in 19~. · Hardesty said 10- da~·. He said thty divide d their pa rt nership in tht t arly llHiOs, v.•hen she was 1 vice prl!'~iden1 . .!Ind sh" too k the prtst nl really firm in Costa .\·1esa , Cos!;J ~tcsa Police Detec1J1•e SgL Clitr ~fcBride was handling local angles of the cast today, remainin g in contact v.•ith San Die&o homicide deteclh·es. .. , used :o da te her daughter Sharon wh~n I ""'as going to OCC," Sgl. r-.1c8 ride sald. ''Jl!'an w1-' 1 f11mi!y fri end. She aol d me my howe. '' Besides that daughter. no1v llv in1 !n Italy, Mrs. Sm ith leal'e! • n n t her daughter, ~!rs. Flora Frey. Relatives said tod1 y no funeral services have been scheduled for f\-1r1. Smith, who w.·as active In the Costa f.ies a- 1'."ewport Harbor Board of Re1ltor! and chambers 'll commerce In both cities. Solo11s Favor Viet Pullout 1£ POWs Free \VASH!f\GTON f AP) -The Senate h2.s gone on record fa voring v.·ithdrawal of all U.S. troops from Indochina in nine months provided all Ame rican prisoners of 1,1·ar art freed. But the \\1hi te House s:.i~·s Tuesday's 5i- 42 passage of thl!' non-binding pullout amendment won·1 affect war policy, .-\nd House Armed Service1 C o m m i I t e e Chairman F. Edward Hebert (_0-La. ). in- dic?.ted the meaaure would die in <1 House-Senate conference anyway. The amendment originally \\'as dr;ifted by Senate Democratic Leader f\·likc l\1ansfield of Mon tana. ll was .111\ached to ;i bill to ext end the mil itary draft . The !\lansfle!d amendment wu aUoptl!'d afler stronger measures foundered. It "urges an d reque_,1.!'' the Presld rnl to btgin im mediate negotiations o( a c"asefire in NorU1 Vietnam, as \\ell <1S mutual trOOp "'ilhdrawab and pri~.iner r@leases 01·er a nine-month period from tht date the measure ill enacted. Thi!' \\'ithdr;.v.•als and relras"s would CQme in stage s unti l there are no more Am~pi;!sonv• ill 111l\ll\IJl<nds. Pn.lldentlll p,... ilecretatTl!onald L. Zitgler dism issed' lhl!' amendment r.s merely "v.·hat .57 senators think our policy should be. "It i~ not the view of the Congress es 1 \\'hole,'' he added. All i£ In underscore !ha t. Hebtrl 1ra1d ht, as le11der of Houst conferees on 1.hc draft bill , would refuse to tack any ~nd· lhe--wu proposal onto it. The House reaffirmed it:s sland agalnsl such propoaals last week , shouting down an amendment 1lmilar to Marufleld's by \'Oice vote and rl!'jectin1 A Dec. 31 pu!lout date 2M to 158. Jn Paris. th e North \lletname.i;e r:nd Vie~ Coni delega tions to the pt ace talks had no Immediate comnienl on the Sens.le vote. The long-Jtandi ng Communist posit!n:i has been Iha! disru~ions on the rrlease of U.S. prisoners could bf'gin only alter the l:nitrd State.s agrees to 11 pullo ut by 1. reasonable date. Ziegl t r said 11 1hr ;\'orth Y 1Pfn;;i n1t~e 1hink the r-.lans field measure 1s rt'Rl polic.v it could destroy any ch ance of nrgotiation ln Pari!. i\l;_>,,'1sfield J'aid his 1neasure pa ~~ed even thouaJi many stn ator~ were relut- lant to Invade lhe authority the Pre.sirlent tl;t1rm ln tlmr of v.·11 r. "[!. is just a question on the pa r! r;! some on how far lhey can go, and shoul J ao. in impinging on the Pre1ld@n!'1 con- slltullon•I responsiblllUes,'' t.fa nsfleld 111ld. "lt"s 1 fine li ne ." Inclu1 lo n of end-the-war !l!ntlment in !he draft bill c11sts more doubt 011 v.'he ther it can bt. pa11sed before ~he pre1ent Selectivl!' Servi~ II\~' expirts midnl1ht June !O. Builders Boom Garbenstangel Conrest Groiving \I/hat started as an innocent exerc i8e In doubleta lk in the classified 1d- vertl!lni pages of lhe DAILY PILOT 1hre1tens 10 becomt 1 m1Jor event of thla summer' a "1llly ieason." South Coast Pl1:i:a ofllci1.b toda\' said they·re interested In hav ln1 the world's first Bulld a Bttter Garbenst"an1el Conteal and Rallye at the North Costa. Meta 1hopplng cenler. T'ne question Is, will there be enough intertsl In the bu lldln& and pre~· trv1Uon or 11rbenatan1el1 1any kijid of a Rube Goldberalan contrapdon that doe• nothlna -or does 1nyth ln11 ) to make It happen. If you'" interesltd fill in the coupon and mail It in toda}'. --------------Yes, J will buUd 1 G1r~1tana:el -or launch a Hi rth for one I c1n -I I I I put Into ahape for uhlb!Uon 1t Ole R11ly1. Pluat ttU mt m.or•. f\'amt ... .••...••....•....•....... . ............ . Addrtu ... ,., .............................. , Phone City .......... .. ... .. .... . . Zip .. .. Mair-to PromoUon 1-t1nafttr, DAI LY PILOT, P.O. Bo1 1560 Costa life11. Ca. 12152$ -------------- I I I •1 .I I Formal Murder Charge At one point. tear~ trlc:klcd down f\en- neth Yablonski's i:hee ks. At anothe r. Joseph co\•ered his eyes with his righl hand. Lodged Against Marine ··r think th.is is the first step in ge tting this thing cleared up,'' Kenneth said later. Hy JOHN \'AL TERZA 0! 1111 D•ilr f'llOI Sl1!t Exactly a yea r after attending the funeral ln f\11chigan of his murdered wife, former San Cleml!'nte f\1arint t.tark Johnson heard formal charges of murder lodged agains.I him Tuesday in Santa Ana MunicipR! Courl. The 19-year-old Marine. arrested f\1on- de y evening in the stabbing and beating death of 20-year-old Cnnnie Ly n n ,Johnson. was assigned a pubHc defendtr by J udge Robert Rickles. Johnson. a lanky. handsome Vietna m veter!ln. will return lo the same CQUrl J u- ly 2 for a preliminary hear ing to determine if he must sta nd trial in the yPar-())d killing or his high schoo l S\\eetheart .lud~e Ri ckles further ordered Johnson lo r"main 1n custody without bail until the hea ring. The young f'.1arine remained in custody at San Clemente city jail this morning as tnvHt.11ator1 renewed a metal-detector search near the small apartment whet" Mr11. Johnson's body was found June 17 of 1970. The digg ing and scanning of the st1il around the mall basement apartment al 416 Monterey Line stretched through Ute day Tueaday, but investigat,ors did not diacloae lhe object of lhe search, or any SUCCe.!11 in the digging . One \.\'eapon in the killing has been log- ged into evidence -a l'lmall stool alleaedly used to innlct fatal head wound11. But a knife, asserted!y a kabar military kn ife, reportedly ha! nol yel been lound. The 'S&ml!' area -primarily pl11nted slopes -· was sifted over by a team of ln- ve11Ugators a year ago vdth no reported resull.'l. Thi!' ap artmt n1 In the bov.·I area of the city near the munlclpal pier had 11hov.·n signs of pol'lsible entry through a kitchen v.·lndo\V during the invl!'!tigation last year. Johnson. 1\hO re port ed the disco\·ery of his \.\'lfe·s bod,\·. had told officers he le£\ GEM TALK TODAY by .I. C.. HUMPHltln CH OOS ING A MAN 'S WATCH Buying a "-'Blch seems a compli· c ated procedure ; but it isn't com- plicated di all if you follou• the basic \\'atch-buyini;:: ru le of "end- use'' ... the use to ""hich the v.·atch "'ill be put in a man's career, hob- by , sport or social circle. To insure that a \Vatch \\·iJI give lasting plea1Jure, first determine th.is end-use. Once this is settled, you v.·ill f ind it easy to j udge the val ue o! such features a s shock· proof, waterproof, fashion s hapes, self winding, calendar/date, the chronographs, split-second bands, automatic models, etc . \\'ith increasing awareness o! fashJon. more mon art buUding a "1A1ardrobe" of watches, rangu:iJ from specialized watches for spec1- flc uses 1uch a s skin--dlvtng. to style oriented time pieces ••om princJpaJly 81 I tashion accel80ry. Whether you are considering a watch for yourself or as a gllt, we'll gladly help you relate the end-use to the wide variety of features 8Vallable In Lhe be.autituJ watches in our store. her before da\\'n the da y before the discovery. then returned al at>out noon after serving guard duty at lhr r-.tarine Corps Alr Sta!ion helicopter facility in Santa Ana. The auburn,ha:r('d 1·ittnn 11 iiS 1hrPr months pregnant at the tune of lier death. Mnrket Leader Tells of N enr Stock Crisis \\'AS!ll.~GTON i l Pl f -Hobe rt \\'. Haack, president of the .\"e1\ York Stock Exchange , said today thar \\'all Stree t's fin ancial troubles in 1968 and 1969 brought l~e nation close 10 a depression "the likes of 1,1hich v.·e ha\'e never setn before." Haack, leJlifyin g before a Senate Investigations subcommn ter. said he did not think '"the world reco gnized " ho11· serious \V.11\1 Street"s troubles v.•ere in that period. He aald numerouis s!ock brokerage bouseJ were up again~\ a pinch cauaed by high costs .and di1nlnlsh!ng \'o!ume in stock exchange transactio ns. '"Al! of the.'le th ings cou ld ha ve resulted in a depression the likes of wh ich v.·e have never !een beforf.'' he said. The crisis led to th e coll apse or JS brokerage houses, he testlfied, and member firrrut of the New York Stock Exchange had to ba il out their customers to the extent of $75 million. The crisis Haack described camt afte r a period of tremendous growth in stock market lransactions \lo"hich put a heavy strain on brokerage houses and led to long delays in the delivery of stock ctrtificate!. Then. w.•hen \'Olumt dropped but brokerage hou se overhead rem11 ined high. th e existence or the brokerage houses v.·as threatened by the cost squeeze, Haack expla ined. But v.'hen asked \\'ho he thought ···rony'" 11·as. Kenneth said: "I don't care to com- ment about that que!tion." Joseph declined to n1ake any comment. After th e hearing, Judge Sweet ordcrtd nr...,.sn1en and spectators to rem ain seated until Veatey had been retnov.ed froni the courlrooni. ·•\\'e ar(' unders!;indably concerntcl about the sa fety of our prisoner here, for reasons \\'hich are quit e apparent.·• s~·eet ~aid. ··1 don't want 11 nyone josl!ing or getting nea r th is prisoner or any dangerous proximity." .'Jearl.v two dozen fertcra1, stale and loc al off icers were sc1ttered throughout the courtroom, and rnore lined the streets outside. From l'oge 1 TULE ... the same rorl;s, "~Ir. Bough1nan said when he was in Lhe \\'ater he got hold of his da ughter but could not pull her ou t, the force was so great,·· Lt . 1\iatherly said. One of r..1r. Boughman's legs also "-'BS caught in some rocks and was bruised and cut "'hen lie 1,1•as r'scued. LL J\!atherly branded the crossi ng as a danger spot. "We had a 14-year-old girl drown there in April and we"ll probably have another two or Lhree dro1,1-·nings in the summer.'' he said. ''The water looks beautiful but it's tre acherous. People just don 't realize the danger. !l's impossible !or anyone to stand up in there." ))uke of Windsor 75 t\EW 'YORK ! AP I -The Dukl!' of \Vindso r planned lo i;pend his 15th birth- dav in seclusion today with hill wife in 1heir Waldorf Tov.·l"rs aparlmenL The Duchess, \\'hom the duke married af!er giving up his throne as king of t~ngland in 1936, ha~ been !II and was unable to attend a 75th b1rt hd1y party ph1nneri for hl!'r las! Saturday. Styled by tomorrow's standards ... A/Id Uie 11nique self-f;hanging day/dala f•;iture wUI ltll you when lomorro~ comee. 7hia 1111-winding Conatellatlon Is Om1ga·a tin••t w11ch, 11 11 •certified chro~m•ter ••• having paa1•d :160 hours of 1ec1.1r1cy le1t11t • governmant .. upe:rvlsed Swl1s te1t!ng burtau. M1gnlr!c1nUy cralted. 18K 1olld gold w1t•r· resl1t1n1 eu1 and rn1t ching br1c1l1t. , .S 1200 S1 mew1tcl'I In 1t1inkl" i tccl •••••••... ~ J. c. 1823 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA MESA CONVlNIENl TlRMS 14 YU~S IN i.AME LOCATION • I Ii • i I I g I I I ! l pr m• SI " gr J no G• re or I Fa «> Sh th YO Uo .. A I. .. rn 0 Al -.. . -. Huntington Bea~h Fountain Valley VOL. 04, NO. 149, & SECTIONS, 8& PAGES ' ' ·-· -.. ·- ORANGE COU"1TY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23, 1971 . .. , .. Today'• FbUIJ N.Y. Stoeke TEN CENTS New 38-cent Tax Hike Seen in County Budget By JACK BROBACK 01 Ille D•llY ~Ill! it•ll The Orange County Board of 8u~rvisors today got a proposed 1971-72 eounty budget calling for a possible tax increase of 3{l cents over the current t l.70. This increase. reflecting a $12 million gap between revenue and projected costs for the coming year, if finally adopted, will mean a total tax in crease of 38 cents when combined with the eight-ttnt in· creMe approved Tuesday to cover a $3.3 million jump in employe salaries. Supervisors y,•iJI hold a series of public hearings on the budget beginning July 22. County Administrative Officer Robert E. Thomas presented the budget, com- plete with suggestions on how to cut it. The spending program cal Ls for an In· crease of 16.5 percent or $29. 7 million o..,er the current year. The proposed total budget including special districts sho ws spending of $260 million compa red to $237 million thill year. A reduction in olher countywide spending, other than the general fund and in special districts amount3 to $8.5 millio n. Thoma.s blzmes increased cost tf welfare , Medi.Cal. mental health, the continued shift of lax burdens from the it.ate to the county, and the cOatinued growth pressures i" criminal justice pri> gr ems. "Aware of the impending financial pinch. your board issued poli cy gu ideline$ for austeri ty and called for a re view uf needs from a zero base.·· Thomas stated. "The 1971-72 budget recommendations "'·ere de..,e\oped with the abo..,e restric· tions. Welfare, health, and criminal justice will be able lo meet their respon!ibilities, but recommended spend· ing does not provide room for fle.xibility or unknowns, "All other county activities vdll either requlre substantial gains to mttl growing work toads or reduce levels of service." he continued. The major increases include welfare. $2.l9 rni.Jllon; community safety. $4.2 million; -.~refuse disposal . $1.4·million. As alternatives to a tax increase, Thoma s sugjested an arbitrary redu ction in lht work force , deferred hiring for-new positions. Jen equipm!nl purcWes and postponing of capital expendit~s. But he warned that the net increase In county employes of 'JJJ'l to 8,146 Is •II in criminal justice. v.·elfare. and healt.D care, which are the least responsive to reduction. All other county departplent.I will have a decrease of 31 positions. The recommended ~ding falls $17.7 million short of deptrtment requests. pared off by Thomas ' stall. Two Valley l(ids Drown • Tragedy Ends Family, Camping Trip I 'Tis the Season Summer is officially wilh us. and no one realizes it any more than these young beachniks, tv,10 of several hundred thousand &un worship- ers attracted to the ~u rf and sand of the Orange Coast as schools bells cease an d temperatures climb. CSF Gay Student Union P la1i Nixed by Shields C111ng the 1llegaliry or homo.~exual prac!ices Jn California and fl?lentia! com. munity pressures, the prestden1 or ear State Fullerton has denied campus rtcog nilion of 11 h(lmosexu;il student group . L. r>on:ild Shields, CSF president an- noun ced Tuesday 11 decision to deny the Gay Student Union application for recog nition as 11 campus student organization. Shield!! said his decision had lhe back· tng of I.he College Ad..,isory Board . the F•culty Council Chainnan, the stu dent body president and the Faculty Council's Executive Committee. senate \rould be required to overturn the veto. A northern Cal1forn1ri Supcnor Court 1n February ordered Sacramenlo Slate College lo grant rccognltion r.o a homosexual group. Randall Martin, 22, or Anaheim. a CSF junior speech major and member of the homosexual group's steering commH.lee, said today the group would seek le,i::al •c· lion against the college. He said Shields' decision lacked "!cgal grounds" and was discrim inatory since Cal ilomia law does nots., one cannot be a homosexual. A Fount.a.in Valley brother and sis~r died Tuesday in a tragic ri..,er drowning while on a family camping vacalion in Tulare County. The girl. 8. slipped off a rock v,1hile crossing Tule Creek about 28 miles ea st of Porterville with her parents aod brother and sisters. The fa.st nowing water trapped her on the ri..,erbed. While her father desperate- ly tried lo free her. nearly drowning hi mself. her 5-year-old brother fell in ap- parently unnoticed in the commotion and drowned in the same spot, sheriff's de puties ~aid this morning. Nixon Gives Congress War Study WASHINGTON (AP) -President NU.· on announced today he will make a..,ailable to Congress on a "top secret" classificalion basi! the full 47-..,olumes of a Pentagon study of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. The Wbite House said the President acted since the unauthorized publication of some portions of these documents created a situation in which Congress •·would necessarily be making judgment.s . . . on the basis of incomplete data which co uld give a distorted impression of the report'fl contents." "For that reason the Presid ent feels that it is only fair to Co ngress and lo persons mentioned in the doc umen ts tha t the full report be made available," press r;e<:relary Ronald L. Ziegler said. The go..,ernment. through the Justice Department. ha! been resisting in the courts. newspaper publication of stories based on the secret study. Ziegler added that ''since the doc uments relate pr imarily lo the Jotinson and Kennedy periods. President Nixon pointed out that he is not in a pos· ltion to "ouch for their accuracy or their conlple teness." The documents are being made r1vallable to Congress "on the un- derslandi ng that they will be subjecl to existing Congressional rules and regula· lions covering I.he handling of classified male.rial," Ziegler said. The announcement came after an hour- long breaklast meeting Nixon held with Senale majority leader Mike Mansfi eld at the White House. Ziegler made clear thal the secrecy wraps are to remain on the documents . ~nding a Pentago n revi.ew of (See sroov. Ptfe J) Tht victims were Tamera Lee Boughman and her brother, Douglas Clark, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boughman, 10073 Carlton St .. Fountain Valley. The tragedy occurred at the Coffee camp ground where the family had been vac•tioning since Friday. According to Sheriff's deputies, the Boughmans had two other daugti ters with them . Lt. Grant Matherly said that the family was crossing a narrow point of the river lo sunbathe on a flat rock on the other side . "At this point the water is anly lour feet deep but it is rushing downhill with a tremendous force through a crevice," Lt. Matherly .liaid, "The girl slipped oU a rock and became trapped by the swift current between two rocks. "The father leaped in to rescue her but he ~·as dri..,en under by the force of the water. He told us later that he felt he was drowning himself. Some bystanders were able to pull him out by getting hold (If him with a towel . "Then they realized that the boy was n1issing and thal he must ha..,e fallen In in the commotion." Crisis Revealed Market Depression 'C lose' in '68 WASH!NGTON (UPI) -Robert W. Huclr, president of ttie New York Slock Exchall&t. uid today that Wall Strttt's fiAancial troubles in 1\)63 and 1968 brought the nation close to a depression ''the likes of which we ha..,e never seen before." Haeck. testifylni before • Senate Investigalions subcommitlee. said he did not think "the world recogniJ:ed" how serious Wall Strfft's troubles were in thal period, He said numerous stock brokerage houses were up against a pinch caused by high costs and diminishing ..,oJume in ,;lock exchange tr&nsactions. "All of thes e things could have resulted in a depruslon the Uk.et of which wt ha..,e never seen belore," he said. The crisis led to the collapse ef 15 brokerage houses, he testified , and member firms of the New York Stock Exctian!le. had to bail out their customers to the extent of S75 million. The crisis Haack descrtbed came aJter a ~riod cf tremendous 1rowth ·1n at()('k market 'transactions whJeh put • heavy strain on brokerage houses and led to Jong delays in the delJYery ef stock certificates. Then , when volume dropped but brokerage house overhead remained hifh. the existence of the brokerage houtes was threatened by the cost squee:te, Haack explained. Co.ast Woman Realtor Bludgeoned to Death A prominen t H::irbor Area woman real· ty executive missing for seven days was found Tuesday, nude and bludgeoned to death on a marshy freew ay embankment near the Del Mar Racetrack , Jn..,est1gators said Mrs . Alma Jean Smith, 56, had been dead three lo four da ys when disco..,ered shortly after dawn by a tiitc hhiker. San Diego police liomicide investigators are listing the Realtor's death as murder, with no apparent moli..,e at this point. The "icllm was reported missing June 17 after she Jailed to return from a visit with rela ti..,es. Her body was Identified by stepson Da\lid Smith, of San Diego. Clothing and jewelry scattered nea r the scene about 30 feel below Intersta~ 5 aided in identification of the. remains. A radio description heard by Smith led him to suspect the unidentified victim wa!'l his stepmother. Deputy Coroner ~1ax ~1urphy said allhough it is ob..,ious the owner of Jea n Smlth Real Estate. 400 E. 17th St .. had been beaten to dealh an aut opsy is being staged. Ttie ..,iclim lived lit 482 Abbie Way, Costa Mesa. wi!h a woman friend, ac· cording to associates. California Highway Patrol officers im· pounded Mr.Ii. Smith's apparently aban4 doned car on June 18, not far from where she was found about 7: IS a.m. Tuesday. A hitch-hiker disco..,tred the body. The location was about a mile east of the racetrack, between Del A1ar Height.I Roa d and Via De La Valle , police said. The CSF Staff Council also ..,oted Tues· day to commend Stile\ds for his "logic" ui;ed to arrive at the denial, a campus spokesman said. Twel..,e members or the student senate consi dered a resoluUon condemning Shields' decision and offerlng legal aid to the group. The measure wa s passed by a vote o{ six yes, one no and five absten· lions. School Budget Gets Nod· The murder shocked Realtor,; in the Harbor Area, where Mrs. Smith went into business 17 years ago, assoclaled with Duncan Hardt!'lty. Brent Romney , studenl body president said he would \leto the senate action. A tn-thirds \/Ole of Ula 22-member 1tudent Jaycees Donate Funds to Clinic The Huntington Beach Jaycees ha"e doa1t.ed S600 to Ute city's free clinic, llC· cording to an announcement from clinic apokeaman Mrs. Hannah Alckoumbides. The clinic h11s been operaling since April at Z2:2 Fifth Street and has handled l ,llOO medical and counseling case~. she aald. "We Jlre grateful to lhr whOle com· munity B!i v.·ell 11i; the Jaycees. They ha..,e opened thelr arms to our youth." Mrs . Alekoumbide1 •dded. $23 Million Huntington Beach Package Presented By JOANNE REYNOLDS ot flle 0.llJ ~U.I lflll A $23 million budget r et=.elved preliminary approval of Huntln1ton Beach High School trustee.a Tbtsday night. The prellmlnAJ')' budget includes a $21 miflkm proposed tot•I e1pendJture and • $l million reserve . In presenting the budget to tru1te«. dislrict SUptrintendenl Jaek S. Roper noted it i• 1Ubjett to revision based on charges in average daily •tlendanct, •nd assessed v1luatlon. The preUmin•ry ~&et wa1 m11de up based on an eight percent lncre111e In assessed valuation and 1 !lludent lncrtase of 1.100, he said. Tru!>tees scheduled a public ht.arlng for final adoption of the budget on Aug. 4 &l 7:30 p.m. In Tl'ie Huntlnaton Beacb Hl&JI • School cafeteria. Estimated ta.I rate for 19'11·72 is $2.9757. This includes the $2.08 override approved by voters lut week as well as an in· crease of .0$88 in permissi"e overrides •nd .0030 for bond iote.rest and redemp- tion. The: t.a.x rate ror Jf70:.71, which includes the aame ltem.1 was $2.2241. Jf the preliminary bud&et ts adopted •s It atands. the owner of 1 $20,000 borne -can expect a tt1 bill of $148.'li for 1971.n . Th!1 ye.tr thrt home owner paid $111 .21 ln high school diatrtct. taxes. Roper noted thtt the increase In pertnlMlve overrlde1 are for retirement funds. social HCUr\ty, health and welfare . the contlnwUon achoot, mentally ret11rd· «I program. per&0nnel commission and the: regklnal occupation program. "Most .r these expendlturu .are man· dated by law," he said. "We can spend the money only for the.Be item&. If we get a greater increase in assesRCI vaJuation than anticipated, these tax rates wlll gt down." The increa5e ln the bond interes t and redemption rate Roper said was in ac- cordance wilh the: amortization of the bonda. Whil1 adopting the preliminary bud&et, Lruslees also approved 1 resolution en a preliminary 1altry schedule: for district employes. As proposed. the cl115.c;ified salary tlC· pendlture ls $3 million and the ti· ~ndlture for certtfJcated employes (feAchtrs) is Si l.II million . The resolution will allow · trustee! to revise thtst ex· penditures depe-nding on 1ny changes In 11sessed va!uatlon and students attending IChOOI ill the dlstrld. -(~ • "We started in 1954," Hardesty ••Id to- day. He. said they divided their partnership In the early 19110s, when she was a vice president, and she look tbe present realty firm Jn Cosll Mesa. Cos1a 'Mesa Police Detec:Uve Srt. Cliff McBride was handling local angles of thei cue today , remainin1 Jn .coallct with Son . Diego homicide delectlvM. "1 used to date her d•u1hter Sharoo when r was going to OCC." Sgt. McBr)de said. "Jean w111 a fam.Ily friend. She sold me my howe." Besides that daughter. now Uvlng ln Italy., Mr1. Smtth leaves a J1 o t be r daughter.' Mrs. Flora Frey. ReliUves said lod•Y no funeral services bave been ICbtduled for Mrs. Smith, who was activP. In Ult Costa Mess· Newport J{arbor Board or Realtor11 and chll!lbtl'I tC commettt ln both CJUe1. The incident octurred at 11 a.m. The bodies were recovered by a crew of state prisoners from lhe Mountain Home Conse.nration Camp at l p.m. Both brother and sister were wedled betweeo the same rocks. "Mr. Boughman said when he was ln the water he got hold of his d•ughter but could not pull her out, the force wu so great," Lt. Matherly said. One of Mr. Boughman's le1a also was caught in some rocks and war; bruised and cut when he was rescued, Lt. Matherly branded the crossine as a danger .spot. Beach School Board Backs V nification Trustees of the l:funttngtoo Beach Union High School District wlll back the unification of their district along lines proposed by the Ocean View and Foun- tain Valley School districts. In their board meeUnt Tuesday night, trw:ten voted uqanimQU.lly to aupport the plan which will carve lht $2-square mile hJgh school dls trlct into Utree, ~mailer unified dlstrict.5. The eounty Ccmmittte on School District Organization is scheduled to meet Thursday night to consider the plan. The plan supported by high school trw:tees would create the new di!ltz"lct.s along the following boundaries: -One district would consist of the current Westminster and Seal Beach elementary districts, plus Westmlnste.r High &hoot. -One district would take in the Foun· lain Valley and Huntington Beach elementary districts on the. easf siB.e of Beach Boulevard v.i th Fountain Valley and Edison high sc hools. -A third dis trict would combine Ocean View and the remainder of the Huntington Beach e.lementary districts on the wtst side of Beach Boulevard, with Marina and Huntington Beach High schools. Trustees John Bentley and Dennis Mangers. who served as a committee for lhe board to study the proposal. told their colle agues they "felt the plan is the belt for all the boys and girls of the hi&h school district.·• No Rain on Plains ' WASmNGTON !UPI) -With the drought·parched soulhwHl reported most of the worst damage, wind erosion in the great plains reached a 14-year high in the 1970-71 season. I Oruge Weatlaer Another nice day for the beaclt is U1e forecast for today and Thursday, wil.h tbe sun breaking out around 2 p.m. along tht coait. Highs. tod•y 75 to 13. Lowa a5 to 63. INSWE TOD~Y Prod.uctton.a in Co1ta. N esa and Fountai" VaUe11 wind u p the J970·1J ICtl.1011. f1' local thea~r. See toda11't cntnt.abt- ment sectiml. IMIMPI \ .. 1P C.~tlntll • C:!l'Mr ""-II C:llecllll!t "" t c......... ~ ,_, . c......... ,. °"'"'~ • Ol'l'lftfl t t-.nel P-i l imrtll_. •• ""'l:f'Ct 1t<tr -. Allll LI _,. Iii M.111•• ' i ·M91 • .._. " -..... ,...,... ..... .............. +1 ~c..rr • --.. -· ..... Dr ........ " '""* ...,_... IW'f ·-. -.... .,. .... J . ---· .. I ' I DAIL V PILOT Ii ~-="------ Sun-Times Print·s War Study From Wlrt Strvlce1 Tbe Chitq o Sun·Tima today becUl"Je the fourth newspaper to publish articles bastd on a classified Pentagon st udy of the Vietnam war. FederaJ courts have restrained The New York Times. Th e Washington Post and The Boston Globe from printing further articl es based on the secret papers in their pos!tssion. The Sun·Timt s printed the partial text of a State Department official's Augus t ]963 men10 rerommend ing that South: Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem bt loppled if he entered into negotiations with North Vietnam. In a copyright story , the newspape r s11.ld the n1emo and another dalt'd Sept. 16 \•:ere written by Assis tant Secretary of State Roger Hilsman. who served under Secretary of State Dean Ru sk . The memos, plus documents from the Pentagon history, !how "a battle over Then Canae Brock Anaheim gyrocopterist Ken Brock. 38, circles the \Vright Brothers Memorial as he ar· r ives fro1n his 3,000 mile trip from California in his one place gyrocopter. Brock left L-Ong Beach la~t wee~ and ~r· rived at the Fust Flight Air· port Monday. Big Rock JI urled Through Car Injures Wonian A South Gate woman, who was in serious condition after being struck by a rock thrown through her car window is in stable condition today at the Orange County Medical Center. ~1arcella Rutb Benson, 31. was hit in the head with a rock estimated to v.·eigh a half pound which was tossed through the windo\v or the car in which she was rid ing in Huntington Beach. Detective Sgt. fl.1on ty ~1cKennon said 1he incident occurred Tuesday night ii t al>out 10 o'clock in the bluf fs area of Pacific Coast Highway. McKennon said the woman w;i~ a passenger in an eastbound ca r driven by Hedayate Mehdi of Compton when an unknO\.\'n assailant heaved the mi~sile through the p;issenger side window. strik· ing the woma n on the side of the head. I / DAILY PILOT O"ANGE COAST ~l.llL1$MINO COMl'Ai>j'f ieloert N. W11~ PreilOMt ... ~~ J11k It C.rl•Y Yke ,,. ......... ~I MtMttf' n ..... , K••vir l<tl,.... 1\•111111 A. M•tJl'lrii11f M-."" r•1i.r Al111 Oir\i11 W•I OrfflOo c-ty h'IW AID,rt W. J1t•1 ..._ .. ,fl,., .... " ................. <>MM 11111 ... ,11 .... ,.~.,· M1Jl1111 A••r•n: P.O. lo• 1tO, tJ641 .,_ °""" L,lflN ._di: tt: ""•t Aveioue e. .. ,..,.., Ull W•r ••v Slf'Mf .,......... teedo: Im H.....,rt hu: .... ~ 1111 Ci.-tet JU H"1fl II c. ... in. AMI • TllSJI : 11141 Ml-4111 • Cla1trlri4 A41,eH1sl I "41•1671 _.,.,...,. Im, 0...... CM., 11"1111>111~1 ... ~. f11 _.. 11Wll>t. 111.,.rr"ltJI .. ...., .......... -M\<1r'llJ-l1 ~ .... ~ ....,. ........... •!"'°91 tf«llll ,..,.. ......... .i ....,...,./ -· ..... c:lf• ..... ,. ... , "'""""' ... ell .,.. CAtte ,._, c.n"""'"· SuDKrt(lllltn "" u rri.r ~ _.,IJlly1 by ,,..II I; fl ...,....,., fl'lll"-'Y .. 1111tri.o., IJ.IS "'°""''Y· Diem's fa tt with tht State Dtpartmant ur1in1 hU o~ter and lht Pf:ntaaon ln· slsting that lht United Stale• 1Uci: with him," lht Sun-Times said. The Sun-1'1m•' diaclosQfH. came one day afte r Tht Boston Globe reporttd on a part of the Pe ntagon study and "'IS restrained by a federal judge \.\'ho ordered the newspaper·s copy of the papers impound ed. Federal appeals courh; in Ne111 Yor k Ci· ty ii nd Washington heard arguments Tuesday on the government's move to ·overturn U.S. District Court ruli ngs in favor of the Times and the Post and to enjoin them fro m furthe r publ iciition of stories on copies of the classified papers in thtir posses~ion. The decisions were pending. Bot h the Times and Post carried Associated Press stories today on the Sun-Times articl es. Covemment offlr.1'11. n'ltaawhilt , &D- nounced planl fll'r a review of the tnllN! 47•Vtlumt , 1\udf with 1 view toward poaaiDI• tHcliaiillcaUM Of come parta. Dtftnae Secrti&ry Me.lvln R. ~ltd 11W ht ordtrtd the censors to "mo\'t 15 rapidly as wt possibly can." In othrr developments: -Rep. Paul ?If. McCloskty Jr., IR· Calif.). was questioned by two FBI agents about documents ht receivtd from former Defense Department aide Daniel Ellsberg but gaid he gave them no in· formation not already published. (Stt Photo, Page 4J. -A House subcommittee prepared to begin hearlngs today on the Vietnam papers situation. McCloskey said he talk· ed to Ellsberg . !he man mentioned as the person i,rho po~sibly leaked the paper~ to the Times, and thought Ellsberg might Violations Claimed Security Agency's Bi.d Denied by Huntington A private security service has been denied a permit to \VOrk in Huntington Bf!<!Ch. The city council this week declined lo lssut: a certifi cate of need and necessHy Surfboard Sl1op Nixed License 111 Huntington Should an arrest have a bearing on whet.her a person may conduct a business in Huntington Beach? The que5tion was raised by Walter Larson of 421 Lake SI.. in applyi ng to the city coun cll !his week for a license to operate a surfboard shop, called ··Rare Earth Surfboa rds," at 114 r..1ain St A confidential poli ce report on the ap- plication noted that Larson had been ar· rested on narcoLics charges. .. I was merely arrested not ronvirted." Larson said, adding that his trial v.·;is not expected to rome up in Superior Court unlll August. Councilman Jerry Atatney said Larson should reapply after the tri11J Js com· pleted. "Thal would be almost givi ng me lhe dea th penalty In terms of the surf ing In· d1.1$1ry," Larson replied, pointing out that he would miss the summer !ea!on. Larson agreed that the narcotics charges involved possession a n d possession with intent t-0 sell charges. Councilman Al Coen a! first moved that the license be granted but then wlthdre1v hls mollon . A motlon lo deny the license then c;irrled unanimouslv. Larson then asked i( 1he council would <i pprove the license and make it subjec~ lo re\·oration if he is con\'icted . "I could not issue a license on the evidence before me," Matney rephed. the principal of tht county·s ju venile ha ll, said. "Not until the court reverses ilseir.·· College Trustees Discuss Budget Coast Com111un1ty College District trustees "'ill discuss the preliminary 1971· 72 budge t .'It their meeting !ti for 8 p.m. loday 1n the board room, 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mes4. Th~ S21 million budge! includrs a pro· po~ed 20 cent drop in rtie district's las: rate to 69 cents per SlOO of llssessed \'aluat1on. It v.•as presented tv.·o weeks i'l go for study by trustees V.'ho must adopt the preliminary document by June 30. The bud1et elim inates spending for capllal construction next year meaning t.he bulk cf the las: rate drop may be II!· tributed to the abandonment of the junior coll ege construc tion tax. The budget tolaJ represents a Sl.5 million cutb1ck !n spending compared to fl budget of $22.5 mUIJon this yeu. to Lht Anaheim·based Lyons Security Service and In vestigation Bure;iu . The ~ctlon \.\·as taken after Poli ce Chief Earle Robitaille reported that tht agen- cy, v.•hich primarily provides patrol services for apartment and home builders, had been operating in the city for several Y.'t!eks without a business license and the need and nt:cessity certificate. "They ha ve rommitltd a series o{ misdemeanors in a type of business that should be beyond repro;ich." the chief said. "l find that position indefensible." Councilmen v.•ere told that five patrol service., currently hold need and n~tssi· ty certificates Ill operate. in Huntington Beach, but only four art doing 110. The head of the agency. Bobby Lyons, fold councilmen that his firm was work· Ing in 12 other ci!ies in the cou.ntv and nG 1·ri1npl 11 Jnts had bten received. ·He said !hat other cilies did not require a need a11d necessity ce tificate ;i nd ht had not kno\vn one was needed in Hunling lon Beach. ''\Vhen a developer calls us and ssks us lo wor k for him that is a need so far as \1e are concerned." ht si'l id. Lyons said he \~·as willi ng to pa y an y fines for !ht violations but argued tha t !he decision on tile l*td and neetssity ctrt!f!cale \\'8S 1 separate issue . Questioned by Councilman Jack Grttn. Lyons agreed that his agency \l'as still working in Hunlingt-On Beach and tha t he v.·;is now aware ii w11.s against the law. 1'he vote to deny the certificate v.·as 4-2 "''Ith Mayor G~rae McCracken and Councilman Al Coen in tht: mlnorHy. Chief Robitaille explained that ont of the r!asona for the need and necessity ctrtificelt was lhAt it allowed hJs depart· ment to ru.n baekground checks on employes of the agency. Recreation Unit Slates Seven Summer Trips Huntington Beach ar!a children \.\'ill be Able lo partlp a!t in se ven summer ex- cursions ~ponso rtd by the Hunt ington Beach Recrea tion <1..nrl Parks Depart· ment. These summer excursi ons are on Fridays bginn ing J uly 9 and are design. t d to help satisfy the le lsure·tlme in· ltrt~ts ol many boys an d girls lhrouglrout the commun ity. The dates and places art: J uly 9, Pad· die -Wheel cruise of Long Beach Harbor : .luly 16, Knolls Btrry Fann: July 23 Newport Dunes 1,1•itnit rout and ~'rim : July 30, Universal Studios : Aug . S, Sea \\'orld in San Diego; Aug, 13, Lion Coun- try Safari: Aug. 20, Ringl ing Br0Lher:1 Circus at Anaheim Convention Center. S!gnupa are accepted at !ht Recreation Center, 17th Street and Oranae Avt:nue, Huntin(ton Beach on Monday throuah Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Further lnform alion can be obtained from the recreation center, 53&·5438. Builders Boom Garbenswngel Contest Grviving 'What started as an Innocent exercise in doubletalk in lhe classi fied ad. vertisin& pages of the DAILY PILOT threatens to become a major evenl of Wa aummer's "silly season." South Coast Plaza offlci&la today uid thty'rt inlt:rutfd in havin1 tht V•Orld'g first Build a Better Garbtnstangel contest and Rallye at tht North Coat.I Mua shopping cent tr. The question is, will thtre be enough inltreiit in the bulldln1 ind pre1· ervaUon of 1arbenrtanaels (any kind of a Rube GoldberaJan contrapUon that does nothing -or does anything) to make it happen . If you 're intartslt:d fill in tfit:· coupon and mall It in today. --------------\'es. I will build a Garbtnstangel -or launch a U:arch for one I can -I I I I - put inlo &hape for txhlbltion at the Rtillye. l'least tell mt more • Nam~ . ...... , ••......••..•••............... Address .................................... Phont. ·········~······ City ........................ , ..... , .... Zip ..... ~,,, .. ~····· l.tail to Promollon fo.1anagtr, DAILY PILOT, P.O. Bot IMO Cotta A-fess., C1. 92626 ------------- I I I I .I I •1r1t to 4PJlll•r before the aub- eommlltat. -Prtsldtntlal Com.munlealions Direc-- tor Her~rt 0 . Klein said 1n Chicago the Nlion Administration has practi~d "complete candor" with the public and iU rtC()td of declassifyi ng documents is "tht best of any government" for many years. -Ram st·y Clark, attorney general dur· in1 the Johnson Admfnistration, said he had read nothifll in the published documents that v.·ould bt "properly classlfit!d " infonnation. Tht: govtrnment has argued in its ca ses against the newspapers that publicati on of the secret matt:rial might dam;ige na· tional security and foreign relations. The ne\.\·spapers have argued that the public has a ri&ht to know what is 1n the report1, cla iming they no 1 o n g e r represent a breach in security. ./'-. H Fron• Page 1 STUDY ••• delcassificalion of the material , which Dtlense Seeretary t-.1elvin R. Laird no1v ha~ under v.·ay. supplied will be a copy of a 1965 1tudy of the Tonkin Gulf incident. That wa s a U.S.·Korth Vietnam naval encounter \.\'hich prtctdtd U.S. combat entry into lht v:ar. 1'he incident oe<:urred in 1964. Also included in the docu ments to be This is among mllterials that ha ve been dealt with in !ht newspaper arHcle.<1 which have become the subjecl or t•ourt cases. The government has sOUi!hl to stop publication of the secret niaterial. Ziegler also said the Justice Depart· ment is going ahead with !ht court cases and its proceedings againsi t he newspaper$ involved is not affected in any ""·ay by the Presidtnt's turnover o[ the secrtt dat11. to Congre8s. !\'ixon called in Mansfield to tell him of the decision. whlch Zireler said the President had made tlver !ht past ""·eektnd Y!'hile ht was in Kt:y Biscayne, Fla. In his meeting with Mansfitld, Ziegler said. President Nixon reiterated "that his primary ;ind continuing concern has been to protect the secrecy of govtrnn1en t doc14nen1s in cases where disclosure <'OU\d harm lhe national security nr im· pa ir negotiations with other natjons." He said "President Nixon a!so em· phasized that the decision 10 offer thf' documents to the Congress dots noL represent any change of policy. but mert· l.v reflect.<1 the speci aJ circumstance.~ created by the rect:nl un;iuthorized discloi;ures. '' Ziegler said Secretary Laird 'l\'iU work out arrangements 111ith the President or t.ht Senate and the Speaker of the House of Reprtstnlatlvea for tumo\'er of the documents and the Jo111t leadership of ea ch body shall determine its disposition in Congress. House Speaker Carl Albert said lhe report would probably be referred to lht House Armed Services Commlttet, which received a varlety of top secret defense information and keeps it secret. Armed Services Chairman F. Edward Hebert (D-La. ), sald he will •·t;ikt ap- propriate action." House Republican Yadtr Gerald R. Ford . of Michigan , said ht had "strongly urged" the Presidtnl to release the study to Congress. · The thlrd·tanking Houae Republican ~ader. Rep. John B. Anderson. (R·lll. ), said he "certainly, obvioUlll y applauds the action. "l don 't beli eve in secrets between the Congress and tht: Ei rcutive particula rly on a matter as important 11 Vietnam.'' Anderson ~aid. -..- GEM TALK TODAY by .I. C. HUNnflnl CHOOSING A MAN 'S WATCH Buyin& a watch seems a compli· cat.eel procedure; but it isn't com- Jllicated at a!J if you follow the ba sic v.•atch·buyin~ ruJe or "end· us e'' ... the use to which tht watch "'·ill be put in a man's career, hol> by, sport or social circle. To insure lhat a watch •·ill give lasting pleasure, first determine this end·use. Once this i! 1etlled, you ~·ill find it easy to judre the value of such features as shock· proof, waterproof, fashion 1hape1, set! windin&, calendar/date, the chronogr1plul:, 1plit·second band1, autom1tic models, etc. With increasint awareness of fashion, rnort men are build.inf a ''wardrobe" of •·etches, r anglnJ from specialized w1tche1 for spec1· fie use1 such as 1kln-diving, to 1tyle oriented time piece1 v.·om princip11ly as a Cashion accessory. Whether you art con1iderlne a 1'.'ttch for yourael! or 111 gift, we'll e:tadly help you relate the end-use to the wide variety of fe1tures a vailable in tht beautiful w1tch11 in our 1Lor1. 'L11cky' Star Nev.•ly crov.'ned J\1iss California, Carolyn Stoner. offers a tidbits to 'Lucky' a star performing porpoise at Marine \·Vorl d Playgro~nd on San Francisco Bay recently. Carolyn \von the state beauty title re- cently at Santa Cruz and is en rou te to Atlantic City's !\liss America Pageant. Formal Murder Charge Lodged Against Marine By JOHN VALTERZA 01 I~• Ol llY l'lltl $"11 Exactly a year after attending the funeral in r-.Uchigan of his murdered wife, fo rmer San Clemente Marint Mar k Johnson heard formal charges of murder lodged against him Tuesday in Santa Ana Mun icipal Court. The 19.year-old r..1arine . arresl!d r-.1011· Boy, 5, Saved After Accident HuntiQjton ~ch tiren'len 1 r e creditin~· mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 1rith savlng the lift of a Fountain Valley boy knocked out In a car C.fash. Paul Delcouri. S, 8782 Shannon River Fountain Valley. was reported j~ satisfactory condition in Hun tington ln tercommunity Hospital today a"fler being Injured i\fonda.y in a two-car era.<1h at S!at!'r Ave. and l\oledo Lane. !·Jun. !lngton Beach. "Hi5 head struck the dashboard and he stopped breath ing;• sald fire Capt. Carl Duncan. A passenger In lhe car. J1nt Harding nf Orange, promptly gat'f! mouth·to·mou!h resuscitarion and the child was brealhu1 g b.v lh!' lane firen1en arrivrrl "It is our oplnion th e knowledge of lhc te('hnique and Mr. Hardin's unhesitating response added m:ilcria!lv 10 tit!' bov·, ('hi1ni:rs for rPcover~, ·· ·('apt. D11n t·a n said . The ho~' is be ing treated for conrussiun. rlav ev ening in the stabbing and beating de~th of 20.y ear·old Conni e Lynn Johnson. was assig ned a public defender' by Jud ge Robert Rickles. J ohnson. a lanky. handsome Vietnam \'eleran. v.'ill return to the same court J u· lv 2 for a preliminary hearing to dete rmine if h~ must stand trial in the year·o!d kill ing of his high school sweetheart . Judge Rickles further ordered Johnson to remain iri custody v.·Hhout bail un til the hearing. The young to.1 arin e rem ained in custod'.'J al San Clemente ci ty jail this morning as invest1 gaklrs rene11>•ed a metal.detector search near the small apa rtment 1,1,·here ~~rs. Johnson's body \\'as found June 17 of 1~70. The digging and sca nnin g oi thf! soil around the small bas ement apartment al 41 6 Monterey La ne stret ched through thf! day Tuesd;i~·. but investiga tors did not distlosC' the objrct of th e se;irch, or any success in the digging. One weapon in !he. killing has been Jog. grd into r vidence -a sr11a \1 stool allegedly used to infl ict fatal head ll'l'lU lldS. Bu1 a knife, asserledly a kaba r military knife. reportedly has not yet been fow1d. The same area -prin1 arily planted !'lopes -v.as sifted O\·er by a tea n1 of in· 1i'.~tigators a ~car ago >1'ith no reported results. The apa rtmcnl in the bowl area of the city near the 111unicipal pier had shov.·11 ~1gn~ or po~$iblr entry throuf?h a kitc.·hc n 111ndo1\' rlunnt.: !he in vestigation last year. ------ Styled by tomorrow 'g standards ... "114 lhe un~ue self·thanging day/date tOIWre wlll lell you when 1otnOrroY{ .comes. Tiiis ae1f·w!ridlng Con11ellalion is Omega"a fln~st witch. It Is a certified chronome ter •• , having p111sd 360 hours of accura¢y Jests at a 9overnment·,UP9Ni1ed Swiss tettlng bure•IJ. Magnlllc1n11y cr1flsd. 18 K solid gold waler· te1i1l1nl c11e and m1tchirig bracelet ..• $1200 .Same watch In 111fnl155 steel .• , ••• , ••. $235 J. C. ..JJum11hrie3 J ewefer.1 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MES A CONV£NtENl TERMS 2~ YlARS IN SAME LOCATION ' ., I j ' ' I) I I ·I Miner Death Admitted Suspect Confesses Killing Yablonski Family WASHINGTON, Pa, (AP) -Claudt E. \lealey~ co-defendant in the slayings 11,4, .Years ago of United !I.fine Workers in- surgent Joseph A-··Jock '' Yablonski and hls wife and daughter , pleaded guilty lo muroer today and said 1he killings wert paid for by a man narned "Tony." Vealey's surprise disclosure v.·as i11 a sordid step-by.step s\ale.1nenl th& told of ho111· he and two other men stalked Yablonski weeks before the killings, of how they broke into the Yablonski home before dawn the morn:.1g of ()(>c. 31, 1969, crept upslairs and pumped bullet after bullet into their victims -and of how , in a moment of uncertainly, the job nearly was bungled. At a news conference in the nation's capital, the union's general counsel, Edv.·ard L. Carey, said \V . A. "Tony" Hoyle had nothing lo do with ll1e Yablonski murders. '·Therl' is no relationship of any kind between a n1an named 'Tony' cited in loday's press accounts and the President or I.he United ~line Workers of America;· Carey said. The statement, wh ich Vealey said he gave of his own free will and 11i·ithout coercion or promises of leniency, men· tioned the man "Tony" repeatedly, but never identified him further. The state- ment "'as read in open court after Vealey's guilly plea . The Yablonskis y,ere slain the same month the raspy-voiced 59-year-old union insurgent lost his bid lo depose UM\V President W. A. "Tony" Boyle. From the beginning. Boyle and othtr key UM\V officlals denied any in· volvement in the slayings, and ultimalely the union offered a $50,ilOO reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the murden. "This is a tl':rrible tragedy," Boyle said initially. "I do not knoy,' at this lime ~·hat or "''ho caused the deaths of brothl'r Yablonllki and his wife and daughter. But 11i·hatever the cause, the violent deaths of thrf'e members of the Yablonski family can only be. called a tragedy." • Vealey, head bowed and handcuffed, spoke softly as he entercJ his guilty plea. He was queslioned by Judge George W. Sweet and special prosecutor Richard Spragut>, an assistant district attor1•cy from Philadelphia. Then Vealey's rambling 15-page state- n1ent was read into the record by FBI AgE'nt Joseph J\lasterson of Cleveland, where Vealey and the four other defen- dants in the case were arrested last year several weeks after the .slayings. Vealey saKI he first was approached about killing son1eone -at the time he didn't know it would be Yablonski -in the sumrner of 1969, five months before the elecLion that saw Boyle defeat Yablonski for the presidency or the 200,000-member Ut.1 W. Vealey, a 27·year-old laborer. identified the two men who he said took part in the killings as Aubran W. "Buddy" ~1arlin. 32, also a laborer: and Paul Gilly, 39. a house painter. All three are from the C!e.Ye\and area. Vealey said Gilly was the go-bel\•:een in the sh1yings, making all the ar- rangements ~·ith the man "Tony.u Vealey qi.:oted Gilly as saying "Tony" was willing "to pay $4,200 'to have this person (Yablonski\ killed." Kenneth and Joseph Yablonski , the union official's sons, sat in the courtroom as the statement was belng re11.d. Joseph ll slened intently. sl':ldom even moving, whilt Kenneth nervously shifted and nib- bled at h.is fingernail~. Al one point, tears trickled down Ken- neth Yab!onski's chctks. At another, Josl'ph co\•ercd hls eyes with his right hand. "I think this is the first step in getting this thing cleared up," Kenneth said later. But when asked who he thought "To11y'• .,..·as. Kenneth said: "I don't care to cont· n)ent about that question." Joseph declined to make any comment. After the hearing, Judge Sweet ;:;rdered newsmen and .spectators to remain seated until Vealey had been removed from the courtroom. "\Ve are understandably concerned about the safety of our prisoner here, for reasons which are quite apparent." Sweet said. "I don't v.·anl anyone jostling or getting near this prisoner or any dangerous proximity." Nearly two dozen federal, slate ar.rl local officers were scattered throughout the courtroom, and more lined the streets outside. War Hero Was 'Bad Boy' Mesa 1l1edal of Honor Winner Noiv nt Bible College By ARTHUR R. VTNSEL 01 "'' O•HJ P!111 51111 They call John Baca, onetime boy burglar, a hero of the Vietna1n war. Seven men received the nation'! highest award for co1nbat bravery from Presidt•nt Richard ~f. Ni;.;on last week in White Jfouse ceremonies. Baca. 22. is one of the seven. He stood beside Peter Lemon. 23, of F.<ist T;iw<is. J\.1ich., another former First Air C1\'alry Division GI v.·ho said this \\'eek he v:on the Medal of Honor while .stoned on pot. .. Yeah . . . he was there," Baca murmured Tuesday, reading a newspaper report of Lcrnon 's sour rem<1rks. "He v.•as all excited.·· \Vhat about the \\"idely-publicized Vlel- nan1 drug problem',' "I was all around H. but I didn't get in- volved," said Baca, who began summer school Monday as a freshman Bible stuides major at Cosla f\1esa 's Southern California College. lie docs not t1lndemn ex-Sgt. Le.moo. t.len at war must seek their own personal kind of peace and !he Bible says: "Judge not. lest ye be judged." Baca carries a Bible in the briefcase \\lhich on Tuesday also contained his Medal of Honor and religion text.books. Life v.·as not always so rev.'arding for the California Youth Authority parolee until a street corner evangelist sho\\'ed ti im how it can be six months before Uncle S:tm gave Baca a call \\'hat he thnughl ll>'ere the last few lif•conds nf life . therefore. were the easiest o{ it all. he said . Shv. sand\1-haircd, John Baca doesn't look ·like a War hero. Horn in Providence. R.l .. and raised in Boston. he 111aintalns still a bit of the in· iractable New Englander, despite teen Duke of Wi ndsor 75 NE\\' YORK. IAPJ -The Duke of \V indsor planned t.o spend his 75th birlli· day in seclusion today with his wife in their Waldorf Towers apartment : '111e Duchess, whom the duke married :after giving up his throne as king of :England in 1936, has bten ill and was )lnable to attend a 75th birthday party ·planned for her last Saturday. ': 0-'11..'I' 1"11..0l S!IU P~ot. WINS HIGHEST MEDAL John Baca years in San Diego, running \.l'ith the \\Tong gang. One must prompt and probe, coaxing his story out The platoon was jusl in from a patrol in the jungles of Song Bhe on Feb. 10, 1970, 1-1•hen fame began to find Specialisl Fourth Class John Baca. \\'ilhin a frw rno1nen!i; he \.l'Ould be a hC'ro and within a year -364 days, on F'eb. 9, 1971. in fact -he "'-"Ould be out of military hospitals and a civilian aj:?ain. "I'm sure glad il's ovrr," 11e said. A booby trap exploded. leading the lieutenant and four other Gls outside the fire base to investigate. Sudden, shud· der(ng machinegun fire. Rifle sho1s. Cries. ""1e \\'enl (lul , , me'n three other guys." says Baca, \.l'ho led the rescue mission. Murderous machinegun fire finally pin- ned do\.111 all eight, one of "''born had already been hit in the face. "Somebody yelled •Ji ve. grenade!' and then I was really scared." There it ~'as -a hissing capsule from hell in the midst or eight men. They had .. e Store With Labels of Distincti on" _now~ere to run and eternity was terribly 1mm1nent. Baca's panic vanished. "Well, then I said: 'J esus, forgive me all my sins.' And I put my helmet on top of.!t .and fe_ll on it. Poof -it blew up. . Nex t thing, I was laying on my back \Vlt.h m_y stomach hanging out. Fragmen- ta\Jon 1n my legs. But il fell like He was right next lo me." Baca looked down shyly, tv.•isling his hands, then looked upward. "It sounds funny, but I was ready to go. I wanted to go lo heaven." Did he. want to go to Vietnam? Nobody r eally \\•ants to. "Someone had to go over. It seemed a good reason ... J don't "'ant t('I go again. "I'd like to become a missionary .some- day. 1'.1aybe then I'd go back to Vietnam. I 'd like to go lo China. They !el ping pong players in," he said with a grin. Baca believes he may also go back Into !he: Army as a chaplain. "Thl':y kind of \.l'anl me back," he adds, not mentioning whal a recruiting gimmick the so-called Nev.• Army v.·ould have in a chaplain "'ilh lhe Medal of Honor. He ll.'as an altar boy at the CYA voca- lional training school at Ontario and thought of becoming a priest. "I v.·ould have been a hoodlum priest, '\.l"orking vdlh kids." \Vhat about immediale plans irwolving school, a job, pt:rhaps even marriage? "I've got one in mind . , . I sure hope she ... oh well .. " he says.. blushing and dropping the subject. Baca is anxious to get lhrough school ;is fast as possible, going on into the service of the Lord and his fellow man. "If everything works out with my finances.'' he continued, not mentioning lhe fact that returning Gls hnve it louj\h now finding work. especially CYA graduates y,·ith a background of burglary. "f\ 'bad boy"," he said, Hps tv.•isling in an embarrassed grin. He and the old gang at Kearny Mesa High School \\'Ould cru15e around, fiuding houses v.·ith nobody home: and then break- ing in, as much for thrills as loot. Did it happen quite a fev.· lime3'! "Ummm-hmmmm:· he nodded, head down. "It was like everybody," he said when asked v.·hy. ''Some kind of kick. to be part of !he gang." And then one of America·s most recent Medal of Honor winners looked up. "t.iaybe I wanted to make a name for myself." 2515 E. Coos! Highwoy ol MocArthur Blvd. C orono del Mar 673-2990 Mid Summer Clearance DrSCOUNT • DRESSES Bryant & Hanes SUITS HOSE SPECIAL COATS $3.00 ,.. NEGLIGEES PANT SUITS lox BRAS-SLIPS- s :195 6 to 20 Re9. $5.tS per Bo'X GIRDLES-GLOVES ... ·--~--. ···- Ul"ITe~ BACKS SIERDTY BILL Death Penalty Fot Cla rk State Solons U,.ge Death Penalty Ban SACRA~1ENTO (LiPl) A bill abolishing the death penalty was ap- proved by an Assembly comn1ittee Tues· day after former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark warned California may be nearing a "~·holesale slaughter" in San Quentin's gas chainber. It was the first lime in eight years a bill to repeal capital punishment has been sent lo the Assembly floor. The measure. by assemblyman Alan Sieroty ID-Beverly Hills). would abolish the death penalty and substitute life im- prisonment for capital crimes, such as murder. The Assembly Criminal Justice Com- mittee approved the bill on a split voice vote. Five or i!s nine members are coaulhors of the measure. Clark and Anthony G. Amsterdam, Stanford University \all>' school professor and architect of several court suits op- posing capital punishment, were the only two witnesses presented by Sieroty. Opponents included the R e a g a n Administration and Los Angeles law en- forcement officials. Clark said that because the U.S. Supreme Court on ~tay 3 upheld court procedures leading lo imposition of capH11l punishment, "death can come wholesale any day no"''· We can have a slaughter ... "California stands on the threshold o[ a massive bloodlctling and a new distinc- tion : the chief executioner of these United States." There now are 99 convicled murderers condemned to die in San Quentin's gas chamber. Of these, 93 are on San Quen- tin 's death row. Four are confined in the institu!ion for women at Corona. Two - including Charles Manson -are standing trial for other murders. l'\o execution dates have been set. The State of California has not ex- ecuted anyone since April 1967 when Aaron Mitchell was gassed for fatally shooting a Sacramento policeman during a bar holdup. The last time a per.son was executed in the United States was ln June 1967 in Colorado. Both sides argued !he '·deterrent" issue -backers of !he bill claiming the death penalty does not deter murder. and law enforcement officials CQn\ending it does. Charles R. Gro~s. commar.der of the Los An ge les Police Department. said the fear of being sentenced to death has prevenled criminals from committing capital crimes. Josrph L. Carr. deputy Los Angeles district attorney, askerl "is it the firm belier that Man~on ran he rehabilitated" I think the answer lo lhal is a definite no Sieroty pointed out that 70 nations - including alJ those in Western Europe ex- cept Franct -and 14 stali's have abolished capital punishment. 43 STORES TO SERVE YOU '. 2300 HARBOR BLVD. AT WI LSON JUST SOUTH OF ... -- Wtd~j JWlll 23, .:'.:.".:' ____ _;_H:._ ___ D_Al_LY_P_IL_o_r __ ~ D~lall Aslced .Bailey Ouster • Bid Continued A second move to oust Orange County Planning Commission secretary Stuart Bailey was delayed Tuesday al the re- quest of absent County Supervisor William Phillips of Fullerton. Phillips !son vacation and in a letter to fellow board members he called for a continuance of action on the explosive subject until his return on July 6, On Tuesday's agenda was a request from the planning commission that they be allowed to select their own secretary. Previously, action by a majority of the commission to oust Bailey, assi3tant planning director, from his post as com- mission secretary was reversed by the Board of Supervisors . It was pointed oul by Supervisor David L .. Baker of Garden Grove that Bailey had been named by the board and therefore could not be ousted by com· mission action. F'ruslrated, the commission then voted 3-2 last .,..·eek to ask the supervisors for permission. Commission Chairman Woodrow But- terfield, appointee of Board Chairman Robert W. Ballin, has led both moves to oust Bailey. He is supported by com· n1issioners Fred Jefferson and Arnold Forde. appointees of supervisors Ralph Agnew to Lnunch Worldwide Tour From El Toro Vice President Spiro Agnew wi\1 launch a month-long world tour from El Toro MCAS Sunday. But his boss, President Richard Nixon, will not see him off here as originally e:>;- pecled. Local reliable sources said the once an- ticipated arrival of the President this weekend has been postponed until the early parl of the Independence Day weekend. instead. Original reports said the fir st family had planned to arrive Saturday for an in- definite stay al La Casa Pacifica. Aides in Washington llaid this .,...eek that Agnew plans to leave El Toro for an in· ilia\ visit to Guam, The Vice President lhen ·will visit Seoul, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Spain, t.1orocco and Portugal. Angew launched anotlier extended trip from the South Coast last year. visiting with the Chief Executive before boardinit Air Force Two for a trip lo Southeast Asia-including Pnom Penh, Cambodia, in a controversial trip kept secret until the landing. Airport Unit Drafts Proposal Members of the Orange County Airport Commission voted Tuesday night to draft a proposal for an airport aulhority with the po~·er to control and plan airport facilities. The present commission is only an ad· visory group lo the county Board of Supervisors. Unde.r the proposal. ofEered by Com- missioner Robert Clark, lhe new authori· tr \1·o uld ha.\'e no taxing or bonding po\\·ers. and the right to appeal from its decisions to the supervisors would be preserved. Clark said. "Air transportation in the coonty is so vital that ii mu.st be taken from the political arena " lie predicted support from county supervisors. Clark and Comn1ission Chairman. Roger S\ste~ of Huntington Beach will draft the authority propos2J, which they hope to have: completed in fwo weeks. Creation of the authority was recom- mended by the 1970 Grand Jury. Clark of Anaheim and Ronald CasperJ of Nl'wport Beach, respectively. Phillips, when the reinstatement of Bailey by Lhe board took place, was vigorously critical of the planners action. calling it a ''power play" and "in· terference with the workings of the Plan· ning Departmenl." Coast Control Bill Passes Key Co1nmittee: From Wire: Service• A bill lo regulate coastline development by forming a system of regional and state agencies cleared a key Assembly committee Tuesday desplte criticisms th at the plan would create a "snob coastal zone." The bill by Assemblyman Alan Sieroty (D-Beverly flitlsl cleared the planning and land use committee after it was amended to e;.;c!ude deve l opmen t s already under way . AB 1471 was sent on to the Assembly Ways and Means Com- mittee on a split voice vote. The bill sets up a coastal conservation commission and six regional agencies to regulate coastline development until 1975 when a plan would be submitted to the Legislature for future development of the California coastline. Under provisions of the bill, the af- fected land in Orange County could be anywhere from 1,000 yards to (ive miles from the mean high tide Line. The state commission would be made up of two members appointed by the Governor, two by the speaker of the Assembly and two by the Senate Rules Committee. One representative from each of the six regional agencies to be formed ii the legislation is approved, also would serve on the state panel. The regional bodies would lnclude six reprenlatives of cities and countie!I within the region. Another six would be ap- pointed by the Governor, the Assembly Speaker and lhe Senate Rules Com· mittee. Dugald Gillies, lobbyist for the Califor nia Real Estate Association, ac- cu!led the committee of reacting to con· servationi.st "hysleri•" by aettlng a $500- per day fine for violating Interim coastlifle controls. "If some poor guy cut a tree down he'd be subject lo a $500 per day floe until the tree grew back.·· Gillies said. But committee chairman Paul Priolo (R-Pacific Pali~adesl, said no judge would make such a ''ridiculous" ruling. Gillies also charged the bill will result in "nuisance suits against development." "In effect. this bill freezes development along the coastal wne for three and a half years," he said. Priolo said, "The fr'*!ze is not in the bill." Noting the measure could cause coastal land values lo skyrocket Gillies said, "No one of moderate 1nean3 is going to be able to live in !he coastal zone. You are making a snob coastal zone." The League of California Cities and the County Supervisors A~sociation also op- jlOsed the bill for nflt giving local govern· ment enough power on the regional boards it would set up. If approved, the bill would e;.;cJude frorn regulation by lhe regional agencies areas already zoned residential. com· mercial 01 industrial where v.'ork is under way before July 1971. After that, all coastal projects will re- quire approval of the 12-member com· missions. YOUR CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL ON STREET LEVEL OLD FASHION DAYS THURS., FRI., SAT. JUNE 24 • 25 • 26 SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA . . . . ' 4 DAILY PILOT Wtdntsdl}', June 23, 1971 Subpoenas Burtted . . Six antiwar activists, subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury reportedly investigating the bombing of the U.S. Capitol, bu rn their writs in front of the Detroit Federal Building. A judge is considering quashing the documents. Viet Base Surrounded; Red Swarn1s Cross DMZ SAJGON (UPI) -A Communist bat- talion surrounded South Vietnam's Fire Bue Fuller just below the Demilitarized Zone <DMZ) today and pounded it with 500 rocket and morl.ar ·shells in a threat to the entire government defense l!ne there, front dispatches reported. South Vietnamese officials said the I ndonesia1i Aide Escapes Bullet, Sources Report JAKARTA, Indonesia (1'.P) -A _gwi· man fired a shot that hit a car carrying Foreign Minister Adam Malik in the north Sumatran city of Melan today, well informed sources said in Jakarta. The sources reported only one shot hit the car and Malik was not injured. Malik was driving into the city to begin a day of campaigning in connection with next monlh's parliamentary election. No other information on the incident was immediately available in Jakarta. Malik, who is expected to be elected president of the U.N. General Assembl y when it opens in New York Sept. 21, is a candidate of the government-backed group, Sckber Golkar. It is running against the nation's nine political parties. 'The election is scheduled July 3. Officials in Jakarta re fused to say the Ahooting was an assassination attempt. An official of the Special Operation!i Jnt.elllgence Group said the report was not true. Earlier. however. a Dcfcn!'ie Depart- ment spokesman. Col. Sugiarso, told the Jakarta daily Pelopor Baru that the in- cident had taken place. Later, another military spokesman, Col. Harsono , denied the Suglarso report. A Foreign Office spokesman said he gpoke with military leaders in Medan following the incident and was told that Malik's "program is going according to schedule and nothing is happening here." base must be held at all costs or the defense line along the SO-mile-long DMZ will be breached. Spokesmen said Tues- day 10,000 to 12,000 North Vietnamese already have crossed Lhe DMZ into South Vietnam with )Jeavy artillery and other weapons. U.S. F4 Phantom jet fighter-bombers were reported bombing and strafing the threatening Communist forces which also have come under heavy attack by B52s and heli copter gunships. Communist tanks were spot ted a few miles away six days ago but thcir location was not known now, spokesmen said. Brig. Gen. Vu Van Gia!, commander of South Vietnamese troops in the area, said the North Vietnamese had carried out similar dry season offensives in the north before but this year they appeared to be more hea vily armed and more determin- e<!. He said the offensive apparently was aimed at trying lo disrupt the Presiden- tial elections scheduled for fall. but mi litary sources speculated Tuesday the North Vietnamese were trying to break through to 1he big U.S. military base at Camp Carrol, six miles to the south, and hit other U.S. support bases in the area. Wicks \').~' 'Keeps si1iging arid calling me Nancy ev<!r 1ince Sinatra retired!' Witnesses Deny Threatening GI lit Medina Case FT. McPJ-IERSON, Ga. ('UPI) -Three witnesses denied today they ever threatened a soldier or promised him im· munity if he would testify against Capt. Ernest L. Medina, charged with 102 murders al tlfy Lai. The testimony came during the third day of a pre·trial hearing on a defense motion to dismiss charges against Medina on grounds improper command infiuence ""·as expected Jn bringing him to trial. Col. tlcnry J. Olk. slaff judge agvocate at Ft. Riley, Kan ., CQI. Charles H. Curtis, former cl\ief of staff at Ft. Carson, Colo., and Robert E. Miller. chief of the Military Justice Division at the Pentagon. took lhe stand today to contradict the earlier testimony of Sgt. Charles Lacroix of Ft. Ca rson . La Croix told lhe pre-trial hearing Monday that he had been threatened with murder charges for his alleged role at My Lai unless he agreed to teStify against 11edina. He named Olk, Curtis and Miller as being among the officers v:h o either threatened him or offered him immunity for hi~ testimony. Each of !he nfficers denied the charges loday, and Miller said he didn't have the autho~ity to grant LaCroi:t immunity even If he had been so inclined. After hearing the testimony of the three, recess \11as called in the pro- ceedings. Arab Leaders Meet, Seek United Front By United Press International Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and visiting King Faisal of Saudi Arabia have agreed in conferences being held in Alex- an dri a that .all Arab states should join the ~truggle aga inst Israel. Cairo ne"·spapers reported today. Once that 1s done , they were quoted, the Arab states should call an Arab sum- rnit conference to prosecute the battl~ \Vith Israel to regain captured 1.erritories and to settle lhe problem of the thousands of Pale!>tinian refugees ousted by Israel. Thunderstorms Taper Off Several Twisters Seen, Fail to Toucli Down California I Y UH tT•D f'ltlll li'ITlltNArlOHAL •••<~._.., 1t1v..i •w•V ''°"' tlll _,, In <ltOVff IOtin •od•v ., In. (.'•Mino • ..,.,.,. 1nd too h11no f\11v11., .,.,. Ille Nt<hel 11>11 tr,. <011Jt11 1...i 1-mtc1I••• ¥1Uey1 In Int ""' we•~ ., Sou~rn C11l10rf\ll 'l ivmm.,, l"- Jlial' w11 70 wlftl wit.• •boo.II 4J. 1t1rv IWllllllM .,.,...,..111<1 C¥11f" Loo. lt"""lti Ind ¥1clnllv w!ll'I IMr111ln1 l(ICI •llCI kwlt clouch ~red tonloh! 1ne1 ,.,.,,,,di., morn l nc. T~Mr1t11r11 (.........., 1!10MIY. drooolM I !ew ci.or-•llCI r•nof<I l rom JI 10 "· Tne -te<I ov1rnlohl low wlll Oto .,.., .a. >Munt1~ •-I• l'fll9"llll 11mnv, Plot -n.t< l!Olntlne ll'ltO ""• IOt •lld lnr clttlrl rHIOl'I -fltd Mltlet'lllll 1!!!1111 w 10 "'· Ml'M JllQl'll TwfodtV tlld fllrtcltl mPl!'JIUJm ,....., l<ICI~! '--llHdl ....a, S1n11 MOl'IJu '6·11, ........ nlo; ..... Ml, WU-IC-IO. f'tllnd.tlll 101-Ulll, Rl¥1<1ltto fs.fS, P1I,,, ,l!'rl_ 110.JI~ •••l'llltld 101.M, San DI-1i.n. st.rr11 l 1rbl11 1)·14, "1\IMlm tlld lolnll ""' 11"2. SMJ11mar11 ,. • .,.. ff.WOIUI -Pl wtlTNI• fOTOClJT~ WAl:M ""• <•If, N~Ol!IO '*"•~ •"ti te111no ,,. .. ,. II.ti~ -II.Ill t <CflfrlOl nltd ""'"~ Wiftlll, To!nll1looi h1"'"'1"1""' lrlltft loc•I tllllont _,, llllClH ,..,,. .. 1"4 r1rn hit <lown!own M!•ml t "<I _,_.., c111i.1. C•ll'-• 11•"11'"" trv "11 •t in' kllld•d eul ~'y''' ti 11w Uf'I Mlt,,,I llllfltU ltl'" lnote 1~1~ !our hourJ Tu11<11~ 1'or"100., •loo Wt •t •to<l''t<I 11111r Ptn>l<O<~, Fl•. •u•I f\llr!" co' Col~"'bl1, S.C .• "°"ht•'1 o! .M••Oft (!Iv, low1, •nd iou:h 01 oom Cl!•. 1(1n. A llt ll1Tor"' •I f'lt ll• City, MG , <•111..i con~•dtr•blr troo cl•mtttt T~t" M " ftrn11oor11tut1 Wirf UtKl"Ot blV Wlt(ll I" °"°'' ttehon1 O! ~ (°"'""' .. 11~ rtltll,,.hr <001 (IW"fltlOf\1 ti-!h1 t•tlllc C0tt1, no'rn .... 1.,,., G.•t•I ·-· •nd llO(l!O"I Cl l"t No<tt>•tlf, Coastal H81Y 111n~~lnt !~•. Llthl "'"ab!t ,..IMI nloM 11'd mornlnt llour1 Ottem• lnl Wt>t 10 10!/lh.,.ll 10 1(1 It k11Ct1 In 111.,noon1 foci•• ind ihv•l<llf, H1th IOGI, 61, Ca.1!AI ll-lil'1r1tY•11 •-''°"' II ~ ll, lt>!a»d l.,,,Mr1tur11 r1n1• l•om Ml IO fl. W1Ttr t1mPt"r1111r1 6~. S1t11, /tloon, Tides W•DNtSDAY S"ond ~•Q~ 10'00 I'"' 6 I s~-'""' l llP m. 'J THV•IO"'f' l'<f\lhloh IJ ~D·"'· ).I Fot•! •ow i I•'·"'· -1) $t (J"d "I~~ 10·~1 P.m. •I St rand l!IW I ·~ D ,.., ) I I~" lll1"j <J 1m. Sth lot~,..., Moon llitta ~1 11 m, khf;IJD,,,,, Ten1peraiure.s •r UNITID f'lll:l1S OtT•1tNlTION ... L TtmH<llllt•• ""' ••••lpftHlon fer "'• 2•·hovr period -Inf " 1 1 "'· ... l1llJ'IY•ro111 Hltll L ... l"rte • " " Atlonlo " .. "ncf\OtlOf " • ll1kt•tll11d '" ~ ·-~ " ~ C~arlone .. .. "' Chic-.. .. . .. Cl•<lnno!I " ~ (1•111111111 " " 01!11> " y 011'1¥1• .. " 0.$ M(!ln•• " ., 011 ..... 11 " " 1'1irt...nk1 " " H(ln(l l11l11 " " l..cil1n1 M!h ., ., K1n111 City ~ .. ... lit VHl l '" " lot A..001 .. " .. l 11Ult¥lll1 n " Ml1"'1 " " "' Mllw1vt ... " ·" .M M!nne1D01la ., " ... New Yor~ " .. O..t•l>MI• Cl1y " " ""''" .. .. 1'81m 5r>rlntJ '" .. l'Mltd"l'~l1 " " P~rlx '" .. l'orr11"1f " ,, "' ·~· ~ " $1er1monto .. ~ SI, lou•s .. .. S•I! l~~· 't!Y ., " S•n Dl•Q~ " " S1" 1<r1nC ll(O .. " ~ ..... " " .M s....,.,'19 ~ .. Tf>9•1"'t ( "' " V11'<011Vt r .. " •• W11~ll'tl0n .. .. Welfare Plan Boosted $2,400 Income Floor Approved by House WASHINGTON (UPI) -A historic welfare system of guaranteed minimum Incomes for poor families cleared the House Tue.sdly, pushed along by Preti· dent Nixon, inten5e White House lobbyin& and the leaders of both partie!. Now it must clear the Senate whtre Finance Committee Chairman Russell Long (0.La.) is reported con5idtring poatponing action until next year. But House Ways and Means Committee Chairman WilbW' 0 . Mills (D-Ark.), who managed the measure through the House Tuesday, aaid U:mg bad promised him he would not block Senate consideration of the measure. 'The President urged speedy Senate ap- proval and congratulated the House for offering the nation ';a way out of the present welfare mor~ss." The legislation is a breakthrough pr<r gram for the United States to provide minimum income noor.11 under poor families in each state. Other countries have adopted this approach, but the U.S. Welfare system now i!l based on each state deciding eligibllity and payment levels with the federal government snar- ing the cost. If the bill passeg CongreSJ, poor work- ing families as Wf!ll as nonworking families under welfare, would receive uniform federal payments under :stan· dards set by Washington. A jobless fam i- ly of four would get $2,400. Those adults not working would be re- quired to sign up for work <lr training or lose their share of the federal payments. Currently a family with a nonworking maJe is disqualified from welfare payments in most states -<lfte.n causing the male to desert to qualify his family for welfare. The bill passed on a 288 to 132 vote, but the key vote was on a move by Rep. Al Ullman (0.0re. ), to :strip the welfare sec- Top Philippine Officials Probe Island Massacre MANILA (UPI) -President Ferdinand E. Marcos sent Defenu Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile and CoNrtabulary Chief E.duardo Garcia to the ~outhern Philip- pines today to try to cool the feud between Christians and Moslems in a province where more than &O Moslems were massacred. Enrile Md Garcia flew to Cotabato pro- vince, 600 miles touth of Manila, to in- vestigate the killings and take remedial measures. Provincial authorities first said 57 Moslems were killed by grenades and automatic weapons fired into a mosque last Saturday. Con8tabula ry officlt.ls later revised the toll to 69 and l!aid the dead included 29 women, 27 men and 13 child ref!. Bangko Surname, 25, a survivor of t.:ie killings, said the Moslems were in the mosque for a peace conference with Christian settlers when 20 armed men ar- rived and began throwing grenades and firing automatic rifles, carbines and other rifles. LL C-01. Carlos Cajelo. Philippine ron- stabulary commander at C-Ot.abato, aaid the main cause of the killings appeared to have been a land dispute. The Moslem residents ha.ve been angered by arrival of Christian settlers from the central and northern Philippines with subsequent loss of f\.1os\em ancestral lands to Christian loggers, ranchers and far mers. Formosa Pullout Diplomatic Key, Says Red Leader NEW YORK (AP) -Communist Chinese Premiq Cl\ou En-Iii says that the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Formoia is 1 kty to the restoration of normal diplomatic relations between the United States and China. according to reports today in the New York Times and Newsde.y, the Long Island newspaper. William Attwood, publisher of News· day, and Seymour Topping, an assistant mahaging editor of the Times. reported Jn their respective papers on views Chou gave during a dinner for three American newspapen:nen and lheir wives in the Great Hall of the People. Attwood reported that Chou said China is not interested in a new Soviet proposal for a five-power nuclear conference because of Peking's reluctance to join the sn<alled superpower club and its preference that any such talks include all nations on the basi8: of equality. Tupping said the Chinese leader urged settlement of the Formosa Issue and declared that no·wngerul action wouJd be taken against the people of Formosa tf the ialand yielded to Peklng'1 control. Corn in Good Shape WASHINGTON (UPI) -The govern- ment reports that the naUon'1 com crop still Is in good to excellent condition. despite conUnued 1preadln1 ol the com blight. The Agriculture Department and the U. S. weather service said development of the blight appeared to be very alow while "the third straight wtett of hot. humid we1ther pushed rom growth ln the com belt." tion from lhe bill, which al5Cl included a 5 percent Social Security benefit increase and assorted other social :security and medicare .changes. Members refll.5ed , 234 to 187, to kill the welfare reforms. A rombination of mid- dlegrounders of both parties provided the winning margin. An unusual alliance of blacks, and JO.year Struggle whit.cs of both right and left unsuc· plao. The blacks said the measure was not real reform and did not provide an adequate income level or a 50Jution to ctssfully teamed to defeat the welfare poverty. Conservatives said the bill was a step down Lhe road to a guaranteed an- nual income for everyone, from which there would be no return. British, Market Nations Iron Out Last Differences LUXEMBOURG (AP) -Britain and the six Common Market nations came to terms early today on Britain's admission to the European Economic Community, Now Prime Minister Edward Heath has to sell it to the British Parliament. "We have broken the back of the negotiations. Jt is a historic day for Europe," Geoffrey Rippon, Britain's negotiator, told newsmen after an all- night bargaining session with the six Con- tinental foreign ministers ended with champagne toasts at 4. a.m. The agreement also cleared the way for negotiations with Norway, Denmark and lreland on their applications to join the customs union formed in 1958 by France, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The last major is.sues in Britain's 10· year bid for membership v•ere resolved when the negotiators put together a package that included concessions to Bri- tain 's trade with New Zealand, the amount of Britain 's first contributions to the joint Common Markel budget and help for British coastal fishermen and hill farmer!!. But with polls showing 60 per cent of the British public opposed to Mark et membership and members of both the Labor and Conservative pa rties divided on the issue, Heath faces a stiff battle selling the terms in Parliament in the fall . His target is membership by Jan. I im. ' Political sources in London estimate that if the vote is "free," with a member permitted to vote his convictions and not as the party majority decides Heath could win by a comfortable 70 or Bo votes. But . if the opposition Labor party decide~ a~a1.ns~ ~arket membership and party d1sc1phne 1s enforced, abstentions by an!i- Market Conservatives might be too much for Heath. Former Prime Minister Harold Wilson the leader of the Labor Party, is likely t~ hold the key . He has &aid repeatedly he Soviet Cosmonauts Near Flight Record MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union's Salyut cosmonauts today soared through the final few orbits they need to set a record for man'.11 longest space ad- venture. Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladis\av Volkov and Viktor Patseyev already have pot in mor~ man-.hours in space than in any previous night, and they moved within hours of the 18-day endurance record est.blished one year ago by Russia 's !wo- man Soyuz 9 flight. Secret Papers would be in fav or of joining EW'ope "It the terms are right," but he has 1bow11 signs recently of moving into the anti· Market camp. Opponents of Market membership fear Britain will lose some Cf its il.atiorial sovereignty and face an ever higher cost of living because food prices Will be geared lo the higher prices charged bY. continental farmers. Pro-ma rketeers say membership will give Britain a stronger voice in the world and access to a market for British pro- ducts five times the sfze or the country. They say the standard of living will rise in Britain to offset higher coots. Italy Islanders Score Triu1nph In Mafia 'War' ISLE OF FlLICUDI. Sicily (UPI) The islanders of Filicudi won the battle o{ the Mafia today -the government an- nounced it would remove IS exiled Mafia leaders from Filicudi to an island off Sardinia . No\11 it is the Sardinians who are angry. The decision to move the Mana leaders from this tiny speck in the Tyrrhenian Sea on Thursday followed protests, an election boycott and the mass self-exlle of 197 Filicudi islanders who said the presence of the JS was ruining their tourist industry. The 15 men, some of them with alleged links to the U.S. underworld, were scheduled to go to the Isle of Asinara, located about one mile off the northwest coast of Sardinia. News of !he transfer brought protest! from the Mayor of Porto Torres, the nearest point on Sardinia to Asinara, and from townspeople. They said Asinara .also was trying to develop a tourist industry and complained that. the presence of the 15 men would hurt it. As inara, which has had a penal colony since 1896, measures 20 square miles and houses one of Italy's best known tuberculosis hospitals. Premier Emilio Colombo promised the inhabitants of Filicudi. one of the "magnificent seven" of the Lipari Archipelago, !hat he would transfer the IS gangsters. His deci~ion li st month in· spired islanders who sailed away in pro- test to return home. The 15 men were banished to Filicudi in late May under a 1956 law pennitting the ex ile of persons considered dangerous to !>OCiety. Rep. Paul McCloskey {R-Callf.) checks hi!! office safe ~·hich he says contains se.cret government documents from Dr. Daniel Ellsberg on ~t.udy of Vietnam War. MrCloskey says FBI agents have questionea: hlm about the documents. 1 t • I . . ' • I • 1 • • I • ' ' 'ADOPTED' PARENTS SHOW THEIR ELATION AFTER COURT VICTORY OeMlrtinos, Who Fled to Miami, Win Battl• With Natural Mot'1er Heat Fells Las Vegas Marchers New York Couple Given Custody of Baby Lenore J\11AM1 (AP) -A Florida LAS VEGAS (UPI)_ fl?.:"· judge has Nicholas and Jean ""' DeMartino, who abandoned \Vaving, marching Lions from 1heir Brooklyn home after throughout the world paraded New York courts said they in this gambling resort Tues· had to return their adopted daughter Lenore, may keep day and about a hundred were custody of her. overcome by the desert heat. "Dear God. \l"e won . '' Tuesday was the hottest day Nicholas DeMarlino c r i e d of the year in Las Vegas; the '~hen Dade County Circuit I. c.d 1 1 1 1 Judge Ralph Cullen ruled mercury c 1mi.x: o Tuesd<ty that the DeMartinos degrees at midday. could keep Lenore. The 150-unit parade, in-Jean DeMartino hugged eluding marching Lions club their Miami attorney, William units e:1d bands. lasted three Colson. She and her husband and a ha lf hours. When the wept openly with joy. parade began at 6 p.n1 . iPDT) Silting just a few feet away th~ temperature was 107 Olga Scarpetta also broke into degrees. \\leather cx:perts said tears. Her child was not her if the temperature were o1,1·n. measured on the asphalt streets it woi.::d have been r-.fis s Scarpetta, 33, put lhe "considerably higher." child up for adoption with a custody of the infant four weeks later. Miss Scarpetta, a Colombian native now working as a secretary in New York, lat.er tried to gel Lenore back. The adoption agency refused but lost the fight in court. The Del\tartinos fled to Florida V.'ith Lenore and their 4-year-old adopted daughter, Linda. last month. They said they plan to stay. Miss Scarpetta"s attorneys said they v.·ould a pp ea I Cullen's decision even though the DeMarlinos said if Lenore were to demonstrate she wanted to see her natural mother, they would agree to jt. Cullen said he decided to deny r-.1iss Scarpeita's Florida suit ''in view of all the law, evidence and the DtMartinos good reputation." DeMartino, an attorney, and his \\'ife still face contempt or co u r t charges in New York. l\.1ercy ambulances made New York agency four days more than 25 runs to the after LellOre·s birth on May hospiteJs and the emergency 18. 1970. The DeMarlinos. then room at Sunrise Hospital. near living in Brooklyn, to o k , ~ the parade route, was filled ·-------~----------------1 with patients who collapsed due to heat. Southern Nevada Memorial llospital also . lreated numerous patients young and old alike. Now! LAST WEEK Meat Gets Clean Bill In Tests WASHINGTON <UPI) - First returns from a r,ew government testing program • · show no residues of a con· ;: troversial synthetic hormone in the nation's meal supply, it was learned lodsy. The reports come tron1 a ·-: sampling program launched -by the Agricullure Depart- ment In April to detect in meal from beef sleers and Jambs .,.ny residues o f dieUiylstilbesterol ( D 11: S ) . which has been reported In cause cancer in laboratory animals. A department official said r· the new program got under way in mid-April. By the eod of that month reports showed !16 cattle and 85 lambs had ? been sampled with n o "positive" residue findings. The program moved into hiUJ gear in Mr.y. Retur'ls for •· tha.t mont.h, which will pro- bably not be available for • \.some weeks, are expected to z show tests on a 58mple of . abOut 500 aAifnals. Famous StJ!isf zig-zag sewing machine by Singer in"Pacesetler"cabinet. Nows14995 ~ • Sews ltNlghl Ot ll!tDCJ- sv.itch v.ffh a ~ick ofYQUr finger. Get extra· wide • zig-zag stitches tool Sew Prlctlcail ..:! F.ncyl' Ttus machine dams, merds, blindsttrches.. sews buttons and buttonholes! And it embroiders al"l1 ~ique.s! Sew'"" fltric, from chiffon to leather. wt!h just the right s11tcti length. Use easy-to-set control. (O$t.1. Mf l-lrltlel •""' '""' .. -· s.vr~ c.-11 ,1.1.t, MO.Jut (O!T.I. Mfl.1.-:>N Ml ...... l lYCI., M1rtior C"'I"" JCI "11fJ HUNTINOTOM l •ACM-l'i!nt•r •I IHdl, M~nt'"-"'n IMC~ c ... i.r. l't1·1ttl c11.1.No1-n iii·~-••"· "T~• clly" c..,i.r, tott·,,•• •.1.11D•N •llDV1-H'1 (~1~11, Drl"" (Hl'ltf ~llfl, llt-t011 13 U.S. Scholars Arrive in China CANTON,. China (UP!) - The first group of Amerlcan scholars invited to vi.1tt Com- munist China in 22 yean ar- rived today in the southern ci- ty of Canton and was welcom- ed with "warmth and en- thusiasm," one of the students said. The 13 young Americans, mostly graduate students, ar- Ghetto Mob Rampages AKRON, Ohio (UPI} - Police sealed off a ta.block ghetto a rea and u:ied tear gas on crowds early today a.lier Negroes, angry over the shooting of a Negro by a white man, took to the streets throwing rocks and bottles at passing cars. Several police cruisers were hit by gunfire and one officer was nicked on the arm by a bullet, police said, Scattered incidents and milling erowds were reported into the morn· ing. At least 30 persohs v.·ere arrested. rived al 3 p.m. by train rrom Hong Kpng and checked in at the Tung Fang {East Wmd} •lotel. The scholars, associated with the Committee c f Concerned Asian Scholars, in Stanford. planned to spend one month in China. ··we were received with. warmth and great en· thusiasm," Kim Woodward, of Stanford University, said in a telephone interview. "We have been rtsting in the hotel since we arrived, and we still do not have any definite itinerary. All of us fetl very happy about this (visit). At this time, \lo'e don ·t have much to say, since ·we have been here for only a few hours." The Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars was formed three years ago lo influence the United States to exchange political, econo m ic and cultural relalions with China. The admission of the 13 scholars into China today was in line with Premier Chou En- lai's remarks last April to American table tennis players that more Americans v.·ou\d be visiting China "in batches." Tricia, Ed Believed At Retreat WASHINGTON !UPll Close friends of Tricia and Edward Cox said today the newlyweds we re honey· mooning at nearby Camp David, Md. The White J-louse \\'OUld not comment on the report, but friends of the President's daughter and her husband said the couple went to the retreat in the mountains of western Maryland following their mar- riage June 12 in the White House Rose Garden. OF . - W!dneM:lay, J~n! 23, 1971 DAILY PILCIT 5 Political Trip Nixon Schedules Midwest Journey WASRINGTON (AP ) months benOlt-Hill audteac. President Nixon, who says cheered. he's wearing his non-pol!tl~al The President delayed U., hat this pre-campaign year, is departure of hiil big jet from a heading for the Midwest to nearby airport for trUUlY touch a few more political minutes while he received bases. New J er s e y ' s Republican Back in Washington Tuesday county ,&hairmen. after a f>..day working holiday In like vein, Nixon stopped trip to New York, New J ersey at Rocheater. N.Y .• last Fri· and Florida -three key day to p.articipate in a. stales in presidential contests "conference on domes r i c -Nixon will fly to Indiana policy in l ti at i v es' ' for and Illinois Thursday and Fri· newspaper and broadcasting day. executives from 12 slates and Ostensibly, the motive for the District of Columbia - Nixon's trip to the Midwest is then went to two private func· non -political. He has said he is tions populated largely by concentrating on presidential "''ell-heeled ' 'c o m mun i t Y duties this year and will not.,_=l•=•=d'='='~.'_' ------- answer political questions al news conferences. So, loo. was his appearance Tuesday in Atlantic City, N.J., at the 1:1nnual convention of the American Medical Associa· ti on. Addressing the physicians, Nixon promoted his own health care proposals by predicting. an alternative sponsored by Sen . Edward M. Kennedy CD-Mass). a potential 1972 challenger. would cost the taxpa}·ers fl7 billion a year 36 lllTWOOD 111111 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ GTON BEACH BRANCH~ TUESDAY JUNE 22-SATURDAY JULY 10 5828 EDINGER BLVD. (corner of Edinger&Springdale) IN TI-IE MARINA VILLAGE -*PUl*- llfBIS0•11s FOR ALL SPECIAL HOURS WEEKDAYS 9AM-.4PM FRIDAYS . 10AM-6PM SATURDAYS 10AM-3PM ' • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE Battle of the Fence The building or a fence brings home lhe reality of the controversial state Supreme Court decision on public access rights to private recreational lands. It provides visual evidence of what the decision i., really all about -whether or not there are circum- slances under which the public has a right to use private property. In the Gion and Dietz appeal 18 months ago, the justices held that under certain conditions. if private undeveloped land is not fenced and the public uses it continuously for live years without the ow ner objecting, the public is entitled to permanent recreational ease- ments. These easements effectively devalue the land, for although the landowner may still hol d ti Ue he can· not build on jL So property owners, once willing to let vacationer s use their land on a temporary basis, are taking no chances and are now fencing off once open beaches, fields and forests. In cases like these, the public loses and it is not surprisi ng tbat bills are being introduced in the Legisla· ture that would prevent application of the decision in future situations. These bills warrant careful considera· tion, h o..,:eve.r. fo r there is an obvious social, environ· mental benefit to the decision. It has given local govern· ments the opportunity to file easement claims that will preserve public access for all time to long.used land. The city or 1-luntingt.on Beach is attempting to do just that by claiming parking and pedestrian easements over the two-mile beach owned by the Huntington Paci· fie Corporation, a land development subsidiary of Stand· ard Oil Company of California and Southern Pacilic Railway. The claims were filed in June, 1970, but it \\'as not until la.s t week that the beachgoer noticed the effect of the litigatio n. About 300 feet of cable fencing was put up al ong the strand, the start of a 9,000·foot fence the corporation is planning. The fence wouJd have regular openings for foot traffic but would -prevent parking along the ocean !iide of Paci.!ic Coast 1-li gh,vay . one of the key issues in the litigation. The corporation can point out Lhat the fence was not there be.fore the eascn1enl action "'as initiated and argue \\'ilh justification that it is the litigation that is forcing it to protect its property. 'J'he city can respond by \\londering ho\V long the land wouJd have re1nained unfenced and undevelor.ed and open to lhe public if the claims had not been fi ed. l.ike any fence, 1t has l\\IO sl des. \-\'h ether the fence will be completed is yet to be det~rmined. The ci ty has obtained a restraining order until ~uly 2 when a sh ow cause hearing \Vt\l be held in Superror Court on a r equest for an injunction agrunsl building the fence. In one sense. the fence can be vie\ved simply as a legal maneuver. In another, it can be seen as a not·SO· subtle fo~m of beach "•arfare. But this kind of fig hting \•;as predicted and should surprise no one \\•hen millions of dollars are at stake. Poor Public Relations Some 1nonths ago, homes in \Ve5l Orange ('nunty v.·ere rocked by a series of explosions al the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. No advance warning was given by station officials and conscquenUy the station switch board was Jammed with calls fron1 agitated homeowners. Recently thick clouds of black smoke billowed out from the station. Obsolete materials were being burned in a controlled fire. Bu t again there was no \varning and again protesl5 resulted. \\/hen \Vil! the weapons station officials get the 1nessage: advance notice will n1ake 1t easier on every· body. H 'Bea11tiful Co1at1·act' Mea1as lnflatiora 20 Millio1 ·1 Results of Union Demands To the Editor: You work for a company who8e union doesn't do a thing for you except collect high monthly dues . Evrry few years their very high sa laried leaders have to justify their existence -so they make a show· ing at fighting for more and more monies and better working condition,,. Just what do they accomplish? 'lbe employes are given a new contract thl.t looks beautiful. It is great excqit for one small detail. The butcher. the groctr, the baker, etc. e.ach have also received a "beataifuJ contTacl" By the time the Idea runs full clrele, you realize that you hav.e taken h!-·o st.eps backward and once aga.in your dollar has slipp<'d in it.s buying power. HOW EVER, EACH lime another prob- lem has lo be added. Because the com· pany that you work for exists only because of thousands of investors who in· sist upon dividends each year. some COT· ncn have to be cut. The trouble is tha t this time It is YOUR .JOB. The next lime your union leaders 111J1gest that you demand more and more, J !l.lggest ttiat you (I.) ltick him out o! of- fice and (2.) take a trip to your nearest unemployment office and say t o yourselves. "There but for the grace of God, go !." G. J. KOVACIC lln.,on1tltutlonal To the Ed itor · 1 was surprised to read in the DAILY Pll.DT editorial 1June 1~1 suggesting taxpayt>r'a support for private and parochial schools. ln 1he case of paroclual achools. it would be in violation of our Coo.stitution v.·hich clearly spells out the tieparahoo or church and state. Countries iruch as Holland that sup port religious «Wis. show u.~ a picture of fragmented educ/Ilion. v.·1th each denom ination having 1ls own small. underataffed school. HOW DO TH.E taxpayf'rs of California feel abou t diggir.g up an acld11.1onal f.40 million to sub&idiz.e pr ivate school pupils? Parochial educators have always sough t to fTighten us with the threal of flood ing public 11c.hools with their 5tudents if they could no k>nger find lbe support to keep their fichools open. In cities where parochial &ehools ha\·e closed the transferring students ha\'e been welcom- ed by public achooll with very little 1n· creased cost. We can neither afford to ~ubsidize parochi1l !iChoola nor would it be con• stitutional. MRS. MARK A. PINES Polarb:allon To the Editor: Your June J4 editorial in support of public aid to private .school!, although full ----- Wednesday, June 23, 1971 TM tditorlal page of the Daily Pilqt 1eekl to inform and 1tim· ulaU rt.Mn• bJI prtatnting thit ftn'.!rpaper'• opiniom and com- menta~ o-n topic.t of fritertst ond .rignificance, b11 providing a forvm for th.t r.xprti.tion of our rta.dtr1' opinions, and b11 prt.1tntina the diverst 1.1ie10- pointi of informed ob.ttrvtr1 and apolctJm.e11 on l.opiu of the da~. Robert N. Weed, Publisher Ma ilbox Letters from reader.t are welcome. Normally writtr1 should convey their rnessages tn 300 words or less, The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel i.~ reserved. All let· ters must include signature and moil· tng address, but names moy be with· held on request if sufficient rea.son i3 apparent. Poetry wilt tlOt be pub· li.shed. or faulty reasoning and un1ustifiab!e con· clusions. is at \easl a legitimate use of your newspaper. Hov.·ever. your June 11 .. news story.. enli~ "Rising Costs Threaten Private Schools" by George Leida] represents a completely unethical use of space in a community newspaper. That article should have appeared on the editorial page and been labeled as suc h or marked as a politic al advertisemen t even though paid for by Lhe ne wspaper! IT IS ritISUSE of newspapers in man. ners like this that will lead to stro nger governmental control such as is evident in TV. And people like you th at bring about such controls by the misuse of your trust will probably be. the ones that scream the loud~\! The Le 1dal article ts nothing but a bla· lant one--sidf!d political argument. You should be required lo give equal space to the other side of the argument! PRrvATE SCHOOL administrators ad· mit that lhe only reason that they can operate for less than puhlil' schools is that the ir teachers gel less pay. Can anyone seriously believe !hat once state money is coming in . the private schnol teacherR won't. demand equal pay? Or that pri1·ate schoo l administratnrs won't keep demanrling more and more money? The argument thal taxpayers will save money by giving money l.o privale s::hool~ is absurd. The e\'entual out('{lme could only be higher taxes. Parochial ~chools are an abomination as I.hey result 1n further polarization of Uie community. Gun Controls Press Comments ' ....... Sidney, Ohk>, Gn n Wrek: "For too long now. vur permissive socle ly has st.ood aside while !he criminal element has run rampant -kHllng, maiming. robbing and rioting -and the only solution Uie anti · gunners can come up with is gun mn- trols. It is unfortunate thal the basic tool of some criminals is a gun, but we cannot ~x~t to reform lhe criminal by depriv- ing him of that tool -because he will not be deprived. Experience. has shown that the. only people deprived of guns by· gun cootrol laws are the Jaw ·abid ln & citiums ..... ft.t.llon, Teraa. Ja1111al: "A wise sug· gestion has been made to move the Paris peace talks lo the DMZ In Vietnam . The adv.antages would be obvious. If you were atationed In Paris. with all expen!!ts pa id. would you be in 11 hurry? On the otht'r hand, if the nt'gotlators from both side~ were sitting out there in the mldd!c o{ thina:s. ~mehow the talks would be l ('o celerated, Not everything cnuld be ~tiled at onct, hut ll is A Sli fe gut.(,!) tMt 11 cease- fire could be arranged rather prompll)'." Such polarization should not be supported by public funds~ J. W. PARKS "Last S hall Be First' To the Edito; The school tax override w<is v.·ell nam· N . School administrators acted like some of their spoiled students in overriding lhe \\"111 of the people twice v.·ith cosily elec- tions, to finally ~et what lhry wanted. 'l'hcir actioos seem to ~et a dangerCMJ' prcccdenl by b<itlcring away \\"lth repelit1nus elections, until they tx>al lhe horse of opposition lo death. \Vii i the dissf'nlers. lhf'n , be given the same op- porlunity1 sl? I should think not, as the issue v.·ould never be sellled. J\.IY QLJESTION JS. why have an elC'<'- lion at all \\'hen thl'y mean not hing unlrss they sati.~fy offi t11.1l v.·him? Thry ha \'e made a. sham '1f democracy. Besides the emasculation of lhe votc, lhf!re are o1her important i~sues rit sta ke. One of these is the stubborn refu sal or school officials to compromise f1n<inL"ia l considerations in tune with the ti1ncs, !t was all or all, and notl1ing l c~s. Wi1h teachers' high p.<1y. 1t 1s u11dcr~landablr why they seem oblivious of the dcprcssed economic times. THE LETTER. "A J\.lessag e From Cap," pushing for the override. contains un\\'iltingly most of the arguments against posh schools; let me quo1e a few phrasPs. "Beautiful building, fi ghti ng athletic teams, the fun we had at Uie games. PLAY DAYS. dances. etc.'' Then there \j,"ere references to privileges. good t ? I. courses. acli\'ilies. hu sing, good equipment. The letter concl udes v.·ith .:in hysterical fear 1;xpressed about bei ng ""last.·· i'i-laybe being la st might spark off :<ome pride in fndusU-ious achicven1ent to br _ so111cth1ng more. There is nothing hum1hating in bc.ing "\a.st." \.\·here frill~ :ire conccmcd on the contrary. Jesus admon ished that ··tJ1c !11st sha ll be first.·•· UN INTENTIOl\ALLY. !hts f n r ni <" r \{';icht•r_ helped formulate n1y ncg<it1ve vote: his pro .'.lrgun1en1s turned 1nl o con. and frightened me that some still con· :<)der schools as social clubs for good times. The writer e,;pressed nothing about schools as facilities for the development of minds through bard work lo gain knoo·ledge. Sm~! v.·ooder the kids think as they do, Ill equipped to find an acceptable place in a highly competitive world. t SHOULD KNOW. for a !On v.·a~ sacrificed at the pharmaceutical altars of ": B. High: he is Wt.ally inept to cope v.·1th our system three years after graduation. Parents. lake heed -read Sidney Harris· ~lu':l'n the very day AFTER the s~cial electinn. but transpose "college·• to "high school." DR . ARTHUR Wtt!TE Dear Gloomy Gus Putting the nuoridation issue on a cily ballot !ilrikes me as about as silly as tn ask voters to decide whether water should be chlorin· ated to protect us against bacler· ial contamination. Th ey"re both he.tilth mr.:asurPs. neal!h authori· 11cs should decide. not voters swa.vtd emotionally by unin lorm· ed extremisl.5. 0. L. P. Til!t ffftu,. ~IM"Jt n-l't" vi.wt. HI lt«tlttfl!'f' -.. ,, "'' ......... "'· • .,,, , ... r "' _ ... ,. O!OI"'' Out. D•llt l"Ji.I. More Eligible Voters i11 '72 ( Gues!'Report Under the. ground rules, presidential politics American style is quite a political blast. In view of the awesome power of the presidency, the ground rules are such that none but the skilled politically upon 11 horn Providence has bestowed a bless· 1ni:: could possibly f'merge with the plum. l\'ith tt1e '72 race already \~ell un· dcrwa y the changing election process and the changing electorate offer political analysis a delectable study. In 1972. Lhe Census Bureau reports, UM-re wilt be about 140 million people of voL1nR age as opposed to a little under 120 million elig\b!e persons In 1968, the last time around. FASCINATING TO students of the e!eelion process is lhe fac~ that there will be 25 million first time young voters in J9i2-son1e II million newly enfranchised teenagers and arounrl 1-f n1ill ion younJ: people v,•ho will have made ir. to 21 by 1912. 1-fig h on any observer's list for study in proh1ng 1hr> game of presidential po!Jf ics l!'I !he event termed a presidrntial preference prinu1ry. In wh ich in some s!alcs under various rules the canrlidalf's are pitied against each other. or may pit themselves against one and another. in lhe search for convention votes to gain a part.y·s presidential nomination. Jn 1968 thr rrimary approach lo \\"in· n101'.( clch!J:3te.o; was practiced in 14 .~!ates and the District of Columbia. In 1972 TitE lineup lo date nf prr~1drn. 11at primaries has cli mbed to 23 slalcs and lhe District of Columbia. The new state preference primary hurdles which prt'sldential contender.~ must cope with are: Ala ska. Rhode l!!land. Alabama, Arkansas. No rth Carolina. Tennessee. Maryland, Nt>w J\.tcxico and New York. All of the presidential primary elect.ion states and the dates for their elections arc; Alaska, February :!!; New }iam1?5hire and Florida, March 14; lll in{l1s, March 21 : Wisconsi n. April 4; Rhode l sland. April 11 : Massachusetts and Pennsy lvania. April 25 : Alabama the District of Columbia. Arkansas, Jndi~a. Ohio an d North Carolina. May 2; Ten· nessee . l\1a y 4: Nebraska and West Virginia . l\1ay 9: !\.!ar;land, May t6; Oregon. May 23: California, New Jersey, New !\.1exico and South Dakola. June 6; New York , J u11e. 20. LOOKI NG AT TtfE dates an(l the geographic spread of the zlates involved. and considering the number of delegates n:presented in the preference primarv states, it ls clear to stt why successrU1 p~idential MminttS must be possessed or remarkable agility, not to mention slamlna. Just one of the fascin1ting n<'W bits in the process is the fact that tM state of Alaska has decided to supplant New llampsh1re v.·ilh lhe Hrst presidential primary It 's no accident. or course. And H doc!!: conjure up a wonderful piclure of candidates win~lng from Anthorage fo i\lanrheslcr to Juneau to Concord -all for Lhe psychological lift of winning stales having a lot.al of 7 out of 538 elf!c_.. toral college votes ! CaUfornl1 Feature Service 'Help/ I'm about to be devoured bys monster!' f The Revolution Of Relationships If you try Lo look around at each problem in isolation today, you ca11·l really see what"s going on : all seems to be confusion, chaos and contradiction. In Henry Jame s' phrase, there i~ no "figure in the car· pet .• But if JOU step back a few paces, and try to obtain a litUe perspective of time as \\'ell as dis· taoce. then you be· gln to see the reg. ular pallern ru nning through Uie whole carpet or contemJXlrary problems. AND THIS IS WllAT J would call lhe rt\•oluti on or relaliooshlps. There Is a revo lution going on trxlay, but il is multiple revo lulion, nnt like !he single revolutions of the pasl. The new r evolution ls not political. or .social. or economic, or tnoral, but a general questtoaiog of relationshlps. . E~e.ry established relationship, in every sign1!1cenL 'area, ls being questioned toda y; nothing is taken for granted. The relationships between o!d and young. black and v.·hite , rich and 900r, man and \.\'Oman, warden and prisoner, church and communica:it, doctor and patient. student ancl teacher -in each case, reforms are not merely demanded. but the "·holr essen tial nature of the relationship 1s undergoing a basic reappraisal. Al\'O TlDS 1\fULTIPLE rel"olut 1on i~. for 1he fir st time in history, a 11·orld·l\'HIE.' one-students 1n France and Japan feel at one with their fellow-studcnts·tn the U.S.; churchgoers in !·loll and and l taly are asking lhe same questions and grap- pling with the same issues as Melhodisu HI Iowa and Presbyterians in Vermont. IL is a revolution. moreover. that goc~ rar beyond ~1arxism or any other ideology of our r.entury. U. is existential in ill' thru st. for 1t quesUons c u r r e n I relationships on a personal basis. People v.·ant Lo belong to themselves, and not tl'l some abstract system o u ts id e themselves: to have human 1 j r f' considered as an "organism," not as a mechanism. THIS IS "'HAT makes Lhc movemen( new and uniquely different in the historv of mankind . cutting across all previoU~ lines of loyally and authority and tradition. Pcople are asking that, for 1h<' first time. they be defined in terms o: their essent~11I humanity, rather than a~ fupctions of socie1y. The revolution in relationships has nc phiiosophy, just a fa ilh -!ha! we mu;,l. now and here. rethink and rework lhe ''ery fa briC' of society. so that Lhe parts run for lhc sake of lhf \.\'hole , and lhc whole runs for the sake of the paru. So that 1.1•e arc srcurr as prrson~. but free as individuals-a double task that nn human soc1e!y has been b1i;? enough or hold enough or good enough to tackJe 11p to now. Two and <t Half Books \\'hen you Uiink of "The Third Man'' )'OU th ink of the zi1her theme, I.he .sardonic smile of Harry Lime ~Or~on \Veile!!) and the long, long walk by the girl (Alita Va!lil away from the frozr n graveside. It is a visual v.·ork, and Graham Greene wrote it lhal ~•ay , originally as a script for tbe Carol Reed movie (1949). The producer. Sir Alex- ander Korda, wanted a story based on !he four·power occupation of Vienna, but Greene offered him a thriller set in im· mediate post-war Vienna. The chemistry worked on film. Greene himself writes that "The Third Man" WM never written to be read but only to be seen. He should have left it at that DURING A RECENT debauch. a win- nowing through "Triple Pursuit: A Graham Greene Omnibus," I read "The 'l'hird Man" for the first time. Little more than a longish story 17~ pages ), "it does not Mid up. Harry Lime remains a shadowy figure as the penicilll11 black- merket racketeer, complete with tongue- in-cheell: sophistries, but the work: is the least convincing of Graham Greene's entertainments. He had had the script: the 1tory w11 eltarly an afterthoughL So this otherwise fine Omnibus .should be labeled "t.,·o and a h1lf boo!ts in one volume," not "lhrff." To malte it 'three" the ~itors might have added "The Ministry of Fear." mE OTHERS ARE m1rvelous Greent however. "This Gun for Hitt" (1936) and "Our ~tan in llavan1" i i~). the fi r~t portr11lt of 11 proleS.'!lonal killer that open8 with 1 line that won't let you go (''Ml~rder dldn"I. mean much to Raven: il was JllSt a new job."): the second is .a pt1rlicularly comic example of the suspen3e genre. . Both Ciln ltand .a rereading t I'm think· inc of •ummer}, as can 1imil1r' col· - The Bookruau . lrrtions in lhis "Omnibus" fotrn itl - representative 11·orks in a single volume by Ross ~1 acdonald. Dashiel Hammett and Raymond Chandler mme to mind . A debauch indeed i! one Lossed these uncut gems into a low.slung hammock. Even in "The Third Man"' you 'can close your eyes and recall Joseph COiion and Welles in that Viennese fun park and the. haunted look of Valli. You could even whistle the theme (Viking : 16.951. Wllllam Bo&aD .----By 6eor9e ---. Dee r George: . I have a ~ndency to be. terrlbl)' Jealous. A friend of mine with Jesg job experience than I bav~. just got a $.15,000-a-yeM job with 1 huge ex· pense account. I'm so tnvious r could kick him! •low can I overcome thls? W.R. Dear W.R.: D@vel~p a more o ut;ol"I personality. Be phllo8ophlcal. Assume your break will alao com~ Go to your fniend and with every bit of 11·incerity at your ltlmrnand offr!r your heArlitlll congratulations IJ) the !lnky. smart-.aleek: upstart. IS.15.000! Roy! Some of the:se punks get all the breaks, don 't they?) (For difficwll answers to simple problems, write to <Alorge. Hm. That seems to be backv.·rrd Oh well ... .so dO!'s George.) · ' . I ·I J I I • 'II I I I I r • 0 i. s • I d • t q ' ' t , t r • ' ' 'I Newport Beaeh EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks VOL 1>4, NO. 149, 6 SECTIONS, 86 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, ·1971 TEN CENTS Santa Ana Council Rejects Irvine By TOM BARLEY 01 1~• O•llr l"llot "•fl A proposal that might have cleared the way for quick settlement of the con· troversy over the propo~ed nev.· city of Irv;11e has been rejected by the Santa An;i City Council. it was learned today. The Council of Lhe Comn1unilies of Irvine !CCI), whi ch is seeking cit yhood for 18,000 acres of the Irvine Ranch, of- fered Santa Ana an agreement whereby CCI would nol oppose that city"s an- vexation or nearly l,000 acres near the Marine Corps helicopter base in return for Santa Ana 'g recognition of the Irvine incorporation. A Santa Ana city councilman who prefers not lo be identified confirmed lo-- day that his city councll rejected the pro- posal by the CCI and agreed lo continue its efforts to settle the dispute in court. He said the decision was reached behind closed doors Tuesday after coun- cilmen listened te Santa Ana City Manager Carl Thornton's analys'is nf th.! lssues raised by the proposed in- corporation of Irvine . CCI Chairman John Burton said 1oday he was nol surprised by the Santa Ana council's act ion. Burton's group is spearheading lhe move to create the new city of Irvine . the boundaries of which would include the disputed 938.2 acres in Lhe vicinity of the Marine Corps Air Sta- tion. "ll.elfcopter. "They are more interested In th e destruction of lht? c.lty of Irvine rather than the acreage that formed the subject of our stipulation," Burton charged. "They would Like to acquire the central portion of the Irvine Ranch and this ac· lion clearly :shows their real intent." The new city's future now seems lo de- pend on the outcome of two lawsuits that will be debated for the first time July i . Both were filed by tbe city of Santa Ana and both asked "recognition of the city's argument that the Irvine company reneged on that agrt?ement lt made witb tht city in May 1963. That agreement. the city states, was for the city to acquire Irvine Ranch lands if the company had not developed the acreage by May 1971. The city states the development did not occur and the city therefore became entitled l.o lbe pro- perty. Its plans received & setback when the Local Agency Formation Commi~sion in· eluded lhe acreage in its approval of the incorporation petitions submitted by Burton's CCI group . Thal LAFC action is ali;o branded in the lawsuits as illegal and invalid, Irvine Company Vice-president Gilbert W. Ferguson, today described Santa' Ana.'s rejection of the CCI proposal as "regrettable" and said his company had "every sympathy for the reasorui that prompted CCI to make this offer. "Thfy are now faced with a long legal tSee IRVINE, Page 2) Tax Toll Mounts / 38-cent County Increase Expected Endless Streotn It seems like everybody and his brother ~'as going somewhere so DAILY PfLOT photographer Ri chard Koehler -who \vasn'l getting there very fast any· way-stepped out to chronicle the beginnings of a long hot summer. View is southerly along Newport Boulevard at Industrial \Vay toward beach. Ne'v Earthquake Slfakes Elsinore, Nixon's Pool A spill from the T. eslrlenrs swimming poo l in San Clemente and loss of sleep for residents of 2.ceas near Riverside and Elsinore were the extent of damage from Tuesday·s pre·da"'·n earthquake. The tremor, rated 1H to on the Richter 1cale was centered n1idway between Corona and Elsinore in Riverside County on the long-Onrmoint Elsino re fault "'hich is l2fl miles long. Tuesday 's tremor v.'as the largest in Southern California since F'eb. 9, when an e?.t"lhquake with a magnitud1>. of 6.6 on the Richter scale struck !he San Fernan- do Valley, killing 64 per.sens. Cal1cch se1sn1ologisL~ described Tuesday's shaking as a new earthquake and ll l)l one of the more than JOO af· ll'r~hocks recorded since the February quake . The tremor woke residents of Elsinore 3:41 a.m. Tuesday. CSF Gay Student Union Plan Nixed by Shields Citing the i]Jegality of homosexu:i.t practice~ in California and ixitential com- munity pressures. the president of Ca l Stale Fullerton has denied campus rrcogni tion of .11 homo.~exua! student group. L. Donald Shields, CSF president an· nounccd Tuesday a decision ro deny the Gay Student Union application for recognition as a campus s t u de n t organization , Shields said his decision had the back· ing ('lf the College Adviso ry Board, the Faculty Council Chairman, the student body president and the Faculty Council's Executive Committee. The CSF Staff Council also voted Tues- day to commend Shields for his "logic" used to arrive at the denial , a campus spokesmen said. Twelve membtrs of the student senate considered a resolution condemning Shields' decision and offering legal .11id to the group. The measure wa~ passed by 11 vote of ~ix yes. one no and five ab~ten­ tions. Brent Romney. studrnt bnrly president sa1rf he would veto I.he senate adion .. A two.thirds vote of the 22-n1ernber student senate v.·ou!d he required to overturn the vein. A norlhem California Superior Court in February ordered Sacramentn Slate College to grant recognition In .11 homosexual group. Randall Martin, 22, of Anaheim . .8 CSF junior speech major and member of I.he homosexual group's steering committee, said today the group would seek legal ac- tion againsl the college. He said Shields' decision la cked "leg11I grounds" and was discriminatory since California law does not say one cannot be a homosexual. By JACK BROBACK Of llM D1ltr ~lie! Sllll The Orange County Board o f Supervisors today got 1 pr090sed 1971-72 county budget calling for a possible tax increase of 30 cent! over the current $1.70. This increase, reflecting a $12 million gap between revenue and projected costs for the coming year, if finally adopted, will mean a total tax increase of 38 cen1;5 when combined with the eight-cent in- Nixon Gives • Congress War Study \VASHlNGTON (AP) -President Nix- on announced today he will make available to Congress on a "top i;ecret" classification basis the fuU 47-volumes of a. Pentagon study of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. The \\'hite House said t.he President acted since the unauthorized publication of. some portions of these documents created a situation Jn which Congress "would necessarily be mak'ing judgments _ .. on the. basis of incom(.llete data which could give a distorted impression of the report's contents." .. For that reason the President fee ls that it is only fair to Congress and to persons mentioned in the documents th3t the full report be made available,'' preu secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said. The g6vernment, through the Justice Department, has been resisting in the courts, newspaper publication of stories based on the secret atudy. Ziegler added that "since the documents relate primarily lo the Johnson and Kennedy periods. President Nixon pointed out that he is not in a pos· ition to vouch for their accuracy or their cnmp!eteness.'' The documents are being m<1de available to O:>ngress '·on the U!l· derstanding tha ~ they will be subject to exlsting Congressional rules and regula- tions covering the handling of classified m;it.crial." Ziegler said. The announcement came after an hour· long breakfast meeting Nixon held wilh Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield at the White House. Ziegler made clear that the secrecy wraps are. to remain on the documents, pending a Pentagon review o f fSee STUDY. Pase 2) At J:4J a.m .• alarm systems in the Western \Vh ite House at San Clemente were tripped by lhe qua.ke and a waking gecret service agent 11oted water being spilled from the. President's pool. No member of lhe chief executive·s family ~·as slaying at the Cotton's Point estate. Shock waves from the quake were felt in part.s of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange. and San Diego counties. Ecology 'l(ooks' Blasted College Trustees Disc uss Budget Co.ast Community College Distrlct trustees will discuss the preliminary 1971· 72 budget at their meeting &et for 8 p.m. today Jn the OOard room, 137U Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. The $21 million budge! includes a pr<r- posed 20 cenl drop in the district's tax rate to 69 cenls per SIOO of assessed valuation. It was presented two weeks ago for study by trustees who must adopt the preliminary document by June 30. The budget eliminates spendin11 for rapilal construction nexl year meaning the bnlk of the tax rale drop m11y be 111- tr1buted to the P.bandonmcnt of lhe junior college conf,tru ction tax . The hudgeJ. lotal represenls a SI.~ million culb11¢k In spending compared to a budiet o( $22.S million lhi.s year. Caspers' Aide Sees Upper Newport Bay Compromise By L. PETER KRIEG 01 OHi Daltr Pl .. ! 51111 An aide to Fiflh District Supervisor Ronald E. Caspers said Tuesday there are "radical kooks'' waving tkle flag of conservation Jn Orange County but vowed hl:s bo5S isn't being led by the nose by them. Thomas Fue.nl.es. executive. assistant to lhe freshman Newport Beach supervisor, told the Orange Coast YMCA executive club that he seei; "a compromise on the middle ground" In the controversy over dev('!\opment of Upper Newport Bay. Responding to questioning from Irvine Company President 'William lt. Mason and others during the luncheon meeting, Fuente~. ._..ho talk was being Uiped, a.qked, "is that mttchine off?" An ofOcial turned it off and Fuentes so id. "There are .11 lot of radical kook11, ti lot of nuts" invntvl!d in the ecology move- mf'.nl and maintained Qu1pers W8s nol lo tilclr camp. "Their views are untenable, they're kooky,'' Fuentes said. Fuentes was by no means paying any private developers any compliments, however. He warned of "the ravages of private develo pment" and said the.re. is a delicate balance needed between preserving the. environment Md developing such areas as the Back Bay for p11bUc recreational use. Mason's probing questions led to Fuentes' disavowal of sCH:al!ed con- servation extremists. "Caspers Is more of a businessman than he LI a birdwatcher." Fuentes declared. He called lht issue or the Upper Bay a vital nne and said analysis of Casper~· ('ampaign tihowed "Thf.t Upper Ntwport Say was lhe most import11nt issue In the June election." Mason di!illif'ecd, sayina he felt lh.e man Caspers ousted, Alton Allen. "was caught in the middle'' ol a number of iss ues that would have benefitted any op- ponent. Mason contended the "people haven·t. been told what it would cost them lo preserve the Back Bay as • preserve" and said, lf they knew the. cost. in terms of dollars and the. loss of recreaUonal area , there would be more pressurf-for development. ''The. inJand people want beaches," be aald. Ma~ alsO pointed out "There Is more marine Ufe in Huntln5ton Harbour than In the B11ck Bay," noting I.hat Huntington H11rbour is .fully deev1oped. Ma80n also urged that C11spers and other supervisors make. 5Ure. "they have the facU;" before making any ultlmate. decisions. He pointed out that only two or the. 12 members of the county shoreline commlSl'llOn dealing with the B11ck BBy Md ever seen IL crease approved Tuesday to cover a $3.3 million jump in emp\oye salaries. Supervisors will hold a series of publlc bearings on the budget beginning July 22. County Adminiatratlve Officer Robert E. Thomas presented the budget. com- plete with suggestion• on how to cut it. The spending program calls for an in- crease of 16.S percent or $29.7 miltion over the current year. The proposed total bud~ including special districts shows spending of $2GO million compared lo $237 million this year. A reduction in other countywide spending, other than the general fund and in special districts amowiu to $8.5 million. Thomas blames increased cost o! wel!a re. Medi-Cal. mental health, the continued shift of tax burdens from the slate to the county , and the c0ntinued (Stt TAX HIKE. Page 2) Crisis Revealed Market Depression 'C lose' in '68 WASHINGTON (UPI) -Robert W, Haack, president of the Nt.w York Stock Exchan&e, said today that Wall Street's financial troubles in 1968 and 1969 brought the nation close lo a dep ression "the likes or wb.icb we have never seen before." Haack, testifying before a Senate Inve1t1gaUons subcommittee, sajd be. did not think "the world recognized" how serious Wall Street's troubles were in that period .. He said numeroui; stock brokerage house! were up against a pinch caused by high cost! and diminishing volume in stock exchange transactions. "All of these things could have resulted in a depression the likes .of which we have never seen be.fore." he said. The crisis led to the collapse. ef 15 brokerage houses, he testified, and membei' firma of the New York Stock Exchange had to bail out their customers to the extent of $75 million. The crisis Haack described came-after a period of tremendous growth in stoclc market trans.actions which put a heavy strain on brokerage houses and led to long delays in the dellvery ot stock certificates. Then, when volume dropped but brokerage hou.se overhead remained high, the existence of the brokerage house! was threatened by the cost squeeze, Haack explained. Coast Woman Realtor Bludgeoned to Death A prominent Harbor Arf'a woman real· t.y executive missing for seven da ys was found Tuesday. nude and bludgeoned to deat.h on a marshy freeway embankment near the Del Mar Racetrack. Investigators said Mrs. Alma .Jean Smith, 56, had been dead three to four di:iys when discovered shortly after dawn by a hitchhiker. San Diego police homicide invesligators are listing the Realtor 's death as murder, with no apparent motive at this point. The victim wa:s reported missing June 17 after she failed to return from a visit with relatives. Her body was identified by stepson David Smith, of San Diego, Clothing and jewelry scattered near the scene about 30 fee t below Interstate 5 aided in identification of the remains. A radio description heard by Smith led him to suspect the unidentified victim was his stepmother. Deputy Coroner Max Murphy said .11lthough it is obvious the owner of Jean Smith Real Estate, '400 E. 17th St., had been beaten to death an autopsy Is being staged. The victim Jived at 482 Abbie. Way, Costa Mesa. wiUJ a woman friend, ac· cording to associates. California Highway Patrol officers im· pounded Mrs. Smith's apparently aban· doned car on June 18, not far from where she. was f<1und about 7: 15 a.m. Tuesday. A hitch·hiker discovered lbe body. The localion was 11bout a mile east of the racetrack, between Del Mar Helshls Road and Via De LI VaJJe, police .said, The mW'der shocked Realtors in the Harbor Area. where Mrs. Smith wen t Into bu~lncsa 17 years ago, associated with Duncan Hardesty. No Rain on Plains WASHINGTON (UPl'J -With the drought·parched southwest reported most of the worst damage., wlnd ·e:r1»hm in the grut plains reached 1 14-year high II the 1971>71 IWOO. ··we started in 1954," Hardesty said to- day, He !aid they divided their partnership in the early 1960s, when ghe was a vice president. and she took the present realty firm in Costa Mesa. Costa ~1esa Police Detective Sgt. Cliff McBride was handling local angles of the case today. remaining in contact with San Diego homicide detectives. "I used to dale her daughter Sharon when r was going to DCC," Sgt. McBride said. "Jean was a family friend. She .sold me my house." Besides that daughter, now living In .Italy, f\frs. Smith leaves ano ther daughter. Mrs. Flora Frey. Relatives said today no runeral services have been scheduled for Mrs. Smith, who was active in the Costa Mesa· Newport Harbor Boari:I of Realtors and chambers of commerce in both cities. Oru1e Cout ll'eather Another nice day for the beach ls the forecast for today and Thursday, with the sun breaking ouL around 2 p.m, along the coast. Hil!h!I today 75 to 83. Lows 55 to 63. INSIDE TODAY PToductiom in Coata. Me1a and fl)untain Valle11 wind up the 1910·71 ieason ill local tlieattT. Sec today's entertain- ment .fection. l11tl11t 1"f' CiHflotRll I c~-c-, 11 ClltoeklPlt U1 ' Cla11Jlholl U.M (lltll<I It Creuw(lf,jl It 0..111 Holle.. t 01 .... ,., ' ld!IOr1tl '•ff • llllttll l"""'M Jt.M '•n•ftt• u.n .. _ . An~ t. ..... tt U Mlll .. J • t 2 OAJlV P!lOT " Proposed Control·s for Waterfront Attacked Propo~ controls for 'high rise and othtt buUdinj: aloni tbe w1ttrfront "would cr"t' economic ch101" In Newport 8f!1ch, Rleh1rd S. St•ven1, ex- ecu!Jvt vice president of 1he Balboa Bay Club. charged loda}'. Stevens said a proposed ordinance that \vould require 40 pereenl slde yard set· backs on 1horeline property i,rould cause properly values to drop •·as much AS 50 percent." In a letter to nicmbers of lhe newly created Lower Newport Bay Civic District cilltens' C<:1mmittee, Stevens, saying he was speaking for property o.,..mrs along the lower bay, also ques· tioned the credibility of city st.Jiff person- nel us~ lo work on the committee's pro- posal. Explaining why property owners had F ro1n Poge 1 IRVINE. • • battle that could see them win the ir lawsuit and still lo.se their city of Irvine,'' he said . .. It is a great pity that. the political ele- ment could not have been remt1ved frt1m th is issue so that these people could create the kind of community that they so obviously want," Ferguson said. The Irvine Company, he said, is still "completely opposed'' to the city's argu· men!. •·and will continue t.o fight this ac- tilln in !he courl..5. We have no <ilte rnative bu! lo reject Santa Ana's argument th2.t \1·e ever relinquished lhis properly to them," Ferguson said. Frederick Doner Services Slated Funeral se:rvices w!JI be held Thursday for longtime Harbor Area re!ident Frederick F. Doner, \\'ho died Tuesday at :>Z of a heart attack. Rites will be at Z p.m. in Blowers Mortuary Chapel. Sant11 Ana . \l'ith in. terment to follow in Pacific View ,.1emorial Park, Corona del Mar. A mechanic. Mr. Doner had been in Orange County 24 years and was the father of former DAILY PILOT sports editor Willlam Doner who is now manager of the Seattle International Raceway. t.tr. Doner also leaves his v:ldo\v Le:ntil:I, of the family home at 52l CWlina Drive. New port Beach. plus two &randsons, Brian and Jeff Doner. Attorney Suing Over Drunk Rap A Nell·port Beach la\\•yer facing court action on charges of being drunk and disorderly in the Newpnrter Inn filed a: claim for $200.000 Tuestay against the cl· ty of Nev.•port Beach. Attorney t.loses A. Berman claims a further $100,000 in damages from the !\'ewporter lnn with the complaint that he \\'as falsl.'ly arrested at the hotel \as1 June 17 and deprived of his civil rights. ~l.'V.')Xlrt police booked Berman after hotel employes assertedly advised them that the la1\yer "·as creating a disturbance 111 the bar and had annoyed se1eral patrons Berman has been ordered to appear in Harbor Judicial D\11trlct court lo answer the charges before Junf': 28. OU.N•I COAST DAILY PILOT 611tA.NCllE CO.Alt l'UI LllHING COM l'AN'I' ••• .,, N. W••" P'r•:....t •"" l'IOOlllMf J."k 1. c· .. rr • ., VI« l'lwlMnt Miii 0-.1 M~ 1~ ..... , r ..... ;r ...... ,,...,.., A. liil u•pl>il~• M• ... I~ t!lltlw l . P•••• Kri tt ,.,...."'' 1 .. t11 c11, 11111w ft_,.... ..... OHk• llJ) N•wp•1t l oult¥1r4 M•ili"t A441••t: P.O. l•it 1171 , 'll ll OtW Offtcet C..I• Mt1I < ~ W•I ltr ... ... U9UM letdH tt: ,.., .. ! ........ .... i...,,,11111i., l"dl' 17'rJ ... et! .... lc¥9N a.11 C~t•: • Hwtll I I C11!1llle lltMI DAIL'f' •IL.01', Wlllt ""'ldl le Cl"fl.._. ... M_,,_, 111 ,...,...,. M llY --~ .. , 111 ....,..,_ •I'*" flW ~ l#dl. ........ lndl. Cit•• N.911, Hvnl .... ,., .._. P-1•111 V.I,_.,, k11 C__,.I f•::· r-.. ~:. ~·~~ -::.-: .. • w-1 h f t rrM .• '91 .. #Mu. , Talr,•rsa 17141 641.tJJI Cl_.... M14M1W•1 MJ01671 ~. 1"1. ~ (t•H •\Otllk~lfoJ ~·· trM -.... lft. 111..., ... , ...... . sflW'-I IMW .,. • .....,IN "'ffllt ... . _,. ... 1•nf••"' w!"-1 -i.1 ,,.,. ........ ., .,,.., _..... ._,, ell• ,.. .... MW •I N....,...., kedi ..... C.I• Mat, C.tl~lt. kltlttfltlltft .., tlif'ftlM' It.a '""'""', ~ """ "·" .......,.. "'"'19ff ,.,lf>trflN, ..... -""tr. hlrtd their own arch1tctt -\VilU1m P. Ficker -to tnalyu city 1tudlt1, S1even1 11\d. "Wt ftll that 1ddlllonal pl'Clft11lonal Input was nffdtd by tht rom mllltt 11 vlttu1lly •II or the tl•ff t ludy Wll belnc provided by one mlJ\, Wiiiiam Foley, lie said f'oley, "in addition to be ing put under great time pressure has had ex· trcmely limited planning experiencr." Stevens said he didn't u1rend to drlr<it'l fron1 F'olry's effoi'I~ ... b111 rhe enur11111v and i1nportancr or 1he li'lsk descrvr 1h"e hest and 1nost professional a3s1stance that can be obtained." Coincidentally, F'olcy ls beini phased ou1 of a job with the cll.v through the con· solidalinn of the tiiy·s planning and bullding department-. into a community development department. Stavena' 5'lt•ck wat t imed 11 a ''lriety of o<her f1celt ol lht pl"Opottd control1, dt1llllfd pr imar ily to provide a tolullon til th• l:l'WbleAm• qUWJllnn of hl1h r\111 developmtnt In the city. Ht atitd: -··\Vhy the preoccupation \\'Ith lhe view to the bay from the highv,.ay '! Why not the viev• from other directions? The reHidents of Lido will gel a great vie"'' of n9t only parked cars in the view corridor but also the traffic on CQast Miihway - nice'!" -"\Vhy exclude A·l 1s111glc-family ) from the ordinance and the moratorium? A two·story house blocks juJt as much vie\v tpe fhap" morei as a one or t1110- blory restaurant." -'·\Vhy does thr l3a}fron1 itsl.'lf become isolated in this ordinance end 1tudy~" The fMlin1 of J\ewport is a tctal f11Jin1 ot v11111 1crou waler ti 1'"11 hlllt. tit. -not jUlt bay vlt wt. Parhapa Falhlon t1tand rtpr1s1111ts • bl~s•r ln- trution lo our 1nviru111ne11L Uian the ?owtt1. "It all points to the 1.:0nt111u1ng and growing need for a master plan." Stevens Ji.aid the continuing talk about "real estate Jpeculators and fast buck artists" 1s not justified, ma.lntainlng that rnost r.1ariners r-.Ule property O\\'Oers hcivr. been around a long 1imt. He also criticized the cont.enlion ''if we don 't do soml."thing, the state will." "The state already is doing something and what 11•e do won't st.op them,'' S!evens said. He said if the concern for permanent vie\\'S is so great, ··\4h)I don 'l 11.·e con· dtmn tbr m. hal't 1 bond issue and the. ,ublic \lo'tlJ th111 cnJOY t h e m permanently.'' Stf':ven' also (1'1Uclzf'd th« city for rt· tainin;: :'tl11rinap•J'k, th~ cny-0.,,,nrd and operated trailer park on \\'est Balboa ii oulevard "'That 11ould rn11ke a great park1beach l 1·1c11· corrldor and could bt done rii ht no11 :· he said. He \\'a:s also rritical of the ordinancf' a.'! It affected small properly 0Y.11ers. a con- cenl expre.'!sed by newly ;ippoinled plan· nin,i,: comn1iJsioner Mrs. Jackie Heathtr at the last ciUzrns' tommittee mettina. "The drafted ordinance Is parllcul1.rl v unfair to the s111all property ownf':r ... .in fact It 1.1 ii! force him lo combine hls prfr p!rly "''1th oth~rs which will in turn drasl1cally change the traditional mix of ln t.t:rr.sting rnarllle-orient rd bus1ness.e., a Iona the w•t•rfl"011t." Stevent said. Ht encouraaed conalder1tlon of an In· crea!t In densltlei. not a decrease, on the grounds that thl1 would allo11· more pw- plr to live by and t•!ew the bay. Hr said the biggest v.:eaknf'ss of I.he ordinance is that ll would req uire vlrtualty e very project to bf: approvtd by a poliUcally-appoinled body. He said this would l111d to in- tonsistencles, when conceptual direction is needed. The civic dittrict study committee. headed by Councilman Carl Kymla. will meel with the citizens' panel tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Parks. Beaches 11 n<t Recrealion Drpartmenl office, 1714 \\''est Balboa Blvd. 4th Newspaper Gets in Act Cliicago Sun-Ti1nes Li1iks U.S. to Saigon Coup 'Tis the Seaso1a Sum1ner is offici ally \vilh us, and no one realizes it an.v more than these young beachniks. tY.:o of several hundred thousand sun \Vorship· ers attracted to the surf and sand of the Orange Coast as school be lls cease and temperatures c!in1b. Fou11tain Valley l(ids Die 011 Family Camping Trill A Fountain \'alle~· brother and sister ditd Tuesda) 1n a tragic ri\'er drow111111; \\'hilt on a tamil~" camping vaca!1on in Tulare County. to sunbathe on a flat rock on the other side . From Wire Services The Chicago Sun·Times today btcame the fourth new1p1per to publi1h articles based on a classifi ed Pentagon study flf the Vietnam war. Federal courts have restrained The Nf!w York Times, The Wa3hJngton Post and The Boston Globe from printing further articles hued on the secret papers in their possession. The Sun·Tim es printed the partial text flf a State Department official's Augu1t 1963 memo recommending that South VietnamtJt President Ngo Dinh Diem be toppled if he entered into negotiations \\'ilh North Vietnam. In a ropyright story, the ne\\•spaper 111id the memo and another dat.ed Sept. 16 were written by Assisttnt Secretary of Stitt Roger Hilsman, who served under Secretary of State Dt:an Rull. Fron• Poge 1 STUDY ... deJcassification or the material. wh ich Defense Secretary f\fe lv in R. Laird now has under v.•ay. supplied i\1ill be a copy of a 1965 study of the Tonkin Gulf incident. Thal \\'as a U.S.·North Vietnam naval encounter \\'hich preceded U.S. rombat entry into the "'ar. The incident occurred in 1964. Also included in !he documents to be This is among materials that havr been deal! with in the newspaper article.'! which have beoome the subjt ct of court case3. The government has sought to stop publication of the secret material Ziegler al~ s1ld the Justice Dtpart· ment is aoing ahead "'lth the rourt cases and it!I proceedings against th c nell'sp11per~ involved Is not afrected in :inr 1111y by the President's turnover of lht> secret data to C.Ongress. Nixon called in Man~field to tell him or the decision. which Ziegler said the President. h11d madr 01·er thf': pa~t 1r(leke1td 1rhile he 1vas in Kry Risc21ynr, Fill. In his n1ee!ing \.l'ith t.1ansfield , Ziegler said. President Nixon reiterated "!hat his primary <Jnd continuing concern has bcrn lo protect the secrecy of government docu1nt'n1s in cases 1.1·here disclosure 1·ould harm the national security or im- pair negotiations "'-'ilh other nations." lie said ''President !\'ixon also em· phasized that the decision to oflrr the documents to the Congress does not reprtsent an)' change of pollcy. but mere· 1y reflects the special c1rcumstanas creatrd b' the rectnl unauthorized disclosures " The memos, plus document.<1 from the Pentagon history, sho w "a battle o\·er Diem's fate with the State Department urging his ouster and !he Pentagon in· slsting that the Uni ted States stick \\.'ilh hln1 ," the Sun·Times said. The Sun·Times' disclosures came one day after The Boston Globe reported on a parl of the Pentagon study and \\'as restrained by a federal judge ~·ho ordered the nt\\'Spaper's copy of the papers impounded. F'ederal appeals courts in New York Ci· ty and Washington heard arguments Tuesday on the government's move to overturn U.S. District Court rulings in favor of the Times and the Post and to enjoin them from further publication of stories on copies of the classified papers in Lheir pos~e~sion. The decisiflns were. pendin&. Both the Times and Post carried Associated Prf!ss 1torits today on tht Sun·Tlmes art!cles. Government officials, meanwhilt , an· nounced plans for a review of the entire 47·volume study wtth a view toward possible decl assification of some parts. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Llird said he ordered the censors to "movt ns rapidly as we possibly can." Jn other devt:lopments: -Rep. Paul f\t fl.1cCloakry Jr., tR - Calif.J. \\'BS questioned by I\\'() r e1 agents about documents he received from former Defense Department aide Daniel Ellsberg but said he gave them no in· formation not already published. (SU Photo, Pate 4), Formal Murder Charge ·Lodged Against Marine By JOHN VALTERZA 0 1 llHI £11 111 "llfl Sllll Eiactly a yeilr &fler attendin& the funrr21I in Michigan of his murdered wife, former San Clemente f\!arine fl.lark Johnson heard formal charges of murder lodged against him Tuesday in Santa Ana Muni cipal Court. The 19·ytar-0ld f\Jarioe. arrested t.ton- day evening in the stabbini and beating death of 20.year·old Connie L y n n J Qhn~. was assigned a public defender b.v Jddge Robert Rickles. Johnson. a lanky. handsome Vietnam veteran. will return to the same cxiurt Ju· Jy 2 for a prelin1inary hearing to determine U he 1nust sLand trial in the year-old killing or his high school s11·eethear1 . Judge Ri ckles further ordered Johnson to remain u1 custody wlthoul bail until the hearing. The young f\-!11rinr remained in custod,v at San Clemente city jail this rnorning as \nvestigators renewed a metaJ.detector search near the small apartment where r.1rs. JohnJon's body \\'as found June 17 of 19i0. ThP digging and ~canning 01 Int soil around the small basement apartment 111 416 f\iontere y Lane stretched through lhe da~· Tuesday. but investigators did not disclose the object of the search. or any SUCCefi.'! in the digging. One weapon ln the killing has bee11 lo&· ged into evide nce -a small atool allegedly used to inflict fatal head v.•ounds. Sul a knife, assertedly a kabar military knife, reportedly has not ye t been fflund. The same area -primarily planted slopes -ll.'as sifted OVef' by a learn flf in· \'estigators a year ago with no report ed results. The apartment in the bo"'·l area of th1 city near Lhe municipal pier had sht11.1 n signs of possible entry through .a kitchen window during the inveshgation last )'ear. Front Poge 1 TAX HIKE ... growlh pressures i" criminal justice p!o- grams. "AY•are of the im pending financial pinch , your board issued policy guidelinei lo!' austerity and CAll"iP for a review (If nt>eds from a zero ba.se," Thomas .sls.ted. "The 1971·72 budget rerommend;ilions \~ere developed 11·ith thl.' abo1·e rcstrl~ lions. \\1elf1rc. health. and criminal justice ~·ill be able !o n1eel their responsibilities. but recommended spend· ing does not prov1de: room for fletibillty or unknowns. Thr girl. 8. 'ihµpcd nlf <.t ro(·I. 11h1lr crossing Tule Creek about 28 n1ilcs e:i ~I of Porterville v. llh htr p:irents and brnther and st~tl"r-'. "At ttus p.oinL th e \\'aler is onl \' four feel deep but 1t is rushing doy,·nhill 0\.1'1\h a tren1endous force through a cre\'ice." LL .\latherly said. ''The girl slipi>fd orf a rock and became trapped by lhe ~11itt current bctwren tv.·n rocks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- The: fast flowing w11ter lri'lppcd her on !hi; riverbed \\'hilt her f::ither despera!e· 1y tried !o fref': he:r . nearly drowning h1n1self. her 5-year-old brother tell In ap- parently unnoticed in !he commo1ion :ind drowned in the ~1:1n1!' spo1, sherlff'5 deput ies :-aid thi~ 1no rning. 'Thr 1·1ct1m.~ 11erc T;imera Lt ,. Boughman and her brother. Dougla~ Clark. the children of '-'Ir. and ~11'~. Paul Boughman, 16073 Carlton S\., Fountain \1al/ey. The tragedy occurred at \hr Coffee camp ground ivherc the family ha d been vacationing since Friday. According 10 Sheriff's deputirs, the Boughmans had t~·o or.her daughter& with then1. Lt. Grant r.111lberly said that the family \\'llS crossing a narro1\· point Qf the: ri,·er "The father le11ped 1n to rescue her but he 11 a~ dnven undrr hv the lnrce (If the 1.1atcr. lie told us later ihal ht felt ht 1r<1.~ dro11·n1ng him~Pll. Snme b.1·standcrs 11·er·r ah!e \~ pull hin1 out b:: getti11g hold of h1111 with a to1.1'el ..Then they rc111ized that th e bov was mi~~ing 11nd th11t hf' must havt railen in 1n 111(' rn1n 1nolion ... The lnc1d~n t occurred ar 11 a m Tile hndies 1vrre recovered by a crew of ~tat1,: pris(lner~ from 1he 1\lnuntain Home Conservalton Carnp at 1 p.m. Both brother and sl.;.ter \\ere wedged betl\'el.'n the same rocks. ".\Ir. Boughn1an said when he .,,,,as in the "·ater he got hold of his daughler but could no! pull her out. !he force "·as so great." Lt. r.tatherly :.aid. B11ilders Boon1 Garben.~tn11gel l 'untest Gro1ving . ~Vhat starled IS an innocen1 e11~rt·1se in doublelalk In the cl11s~l!led ad· 1·ert1$1ng pages of the DAI LY PILOT threate ns to becxin1e a major event of th!J: 11ummcr's "silly .!leason." South Coast Plaza off icials tod ay said they 're int.erested in havlng the wo rld '" first Build 11 Better Garbenstangcl Contest and Rallye at the North Costa Mesa shopping cent er. .The question is, 1.1•ill there be enough interest in the buildin& and pres- ervaticm of aarbtn.stangels 1 any kind of 11 Rube Goldbergian rontr1ptlon tJ111t does nothing -or does anything ) lo make it happen. tf ''ou·re interested fill in the coupon and mail it In toda~·, • --------------''es, J "'ill build a Garbl.'nstan.:el -or launch a search for one 1 ctn -I put into sh•i>t for exhlbillon 11t the Rallye Please tell me more, I Name I GEM TALK TODAY by .I. C. HUlllPHlllS CH OOS ING A MAN'S WATCH Buying a '4atch seems a compli- cated procedure: but it isn't com- plicated et all if )'OU follow the bas ic watch-buying rule of "end- use·· ... the use to \\:hich the u1atch 1\·ill be put in a man's career, hob- by. sport or soci al circle. To insure that a "·atch ''°il l give lasting pleasure. first detertnine this end-use. Once this is setUed, 1 ynu will rind it easy to judge the value or such featUres as shock· t proof, ll.'aterproof, fash ion sh1pes. s elf winding, calendar/date, the chronographs, s plit..second bands, automatic models, etc. \\1ith increasing 1wareness of fa:.hlon. more men are building: a ""'-'&rdrobe" of watches, ran1mg from speclaliled watches for speci~ fle uses. such as 1kin-divlng, to style oriented lime pieces worn principally as a fashion accessory. I I I Addrt&S City . Phone Zip ti.fail to Promotion :\fanag~r. DAIL\' r1LOT, r .o, Box ISM Cost.a Ute.~a. C11 112626 •1 I \l/hether you are considerlnf a w111tch for yourself or as a gift, we 'll j!'ladly help you relate the and·u•e to the wide variety of features avallable In the betutituJ watchts in our store. --------------.I Styled by tomorrow's standards ... ' ;a ~the unique n!f-changing day/cJate fQl.urt will tell you'whtn 1omorro1¥ comu. 'fl\11 111ll·wi o.d!ng Con1lt1!1tion It em.g1•e ftntll w11eh. It 13 1 cttUlltd ehronomeler •• .' tiavlng paa:ttd 300 houra ol acou,.cr tnt1 at 1 gowmm1nt•upervlMd Swlaa t"tlng bu,.11, Magnfflctnlly oraft1d. 18K 101id gold w1t1r- tMT111n1 caM and rnatchlna braotltt ••. 11200 Sarnt ft I Ch In ll&inletl at tel •••••.•.•. im J. C. ..JJumphrie~ Jewefer:1 1823 NEWPORT BL VO ., COSTA MESA CONVlNJINT 1'fllMS 1' 'l'lAlS IN SA.Ml LOCA.TION lA NKAMll1CAllD-MAfTEll CHAllGif PHONf 141.J,81 i· I l i I ' I . :! ' 1: ,. I ' ' l • . J ' I I I I I I UPI Tt1tpMN 'ADOPTED' PARENTS SHOW THEIR ELATION AFTER COURT VICTORY OeMartinos, Who Fled to Miami, Win Battle With Natural Mother fl eat Fells Las Vegas Marchers LAS VEGAS !UPI) -FJ2.g- V>a\'1ng, marching Lions trom throughout the v.·orld paraded in this gambling resort Tues- day and about a hundred were overco1ne by the desert heat. Tuesd;iy was lhe hottest day of the year in Las Vegas: the n1ercury climbed to I I ! degrees at midday. The 150-unit parade, in - cluding marching: Lions club \ units z.:id bands. lasJcd three and a half hours. When the parade began at 6 p.m. (PDT\ the temperature "'as 107 degrees. Wl'alher experts said if the temperature were measured on the asphalt streets it woc'.d have been •·considerably higher." Mercy ambulances made more: than 25 runs to the hospil?Js and the emergency room al Sunrise Hospital. near New York Couple Given Custody of Baby Lenore J\llAM I (AP) -A F'lorida judge has Nicholas and Jean DeT\lartino. who abandoned their Brooklyn home after Ne\V York courts said they had to return llieir adopted daughter Lenore, may keep custody of her, ··Dear God. "'e won . ·' Nicholas DeMartino cried v•hen Dade County Circuit Judge Ralph Cullen ruled Tuesday that the DeMartinos could keep Lenore. Jean Oel\1artiao hugged their J\1iami attorney, William Colson. She and her busban d wept openly with joy. Sitting just a few feet away Olga Scarpetta also broke into tears. Her child was not her own. Miss Scarpetta. 33, put the child up for adoption wilh a New York agency four days after Lenore's birth on ft1ay 18. 1970. The OeMartinos. then Jiving in Brooklyn, took custody Df the infant four weeks later. Miss Scarpelta, a C.Olombian native now working as a secretary in New York, later tried to get Lenore back. The adoption agency refused but lost the fight in court. 'fhe OeMartinos fled to r~lorida with Lenore and their 4-year-old adopted daughter. Linda. last n1ontb. They said they plan to stay. Miss Scarpetta·s attorneys said they would a p p ea I Cullen's decision even though the Del\tartinos said if Lenore were to demonstrate she wanted to see her natural mother. they woul d agree to it. Cullen said he decided to deny l\1iss Scarpett.a's Florida suit ''in view of all the law, evidence and the DtMartinos good reputation." DeMartino, an attorney. and his wife still face contempt of c o u r t charges in New York. the parade route. was rilled ·------------------------1 "'ilh patients who collapsed due lo heat. Southern Nevada Memorial 1-lospital a Is o treated numerous patients young .1nd old alike. Meat Gets Clean Bill In Tests WASHI NGTON tUPI) First return.~ from a r.ew government tcsllng program show no residues of a con· troversial synthetic hormone in th!': nation's 1nea\ supply, it was learned today. The reports come from a !·flam pling program Jaunch?d by the Agrlcul1urc Oeparl- ment in April to detect in meat from bee! steers ancl lambs ;-.ny residues of , ,diethylsti lheslerol I 0 ~ S ) , Yt'hich has been reported In ,... cause cancer in laboratory ;; animals. j: A department Dfficial said ' • the new program got under •· way in mid-A pril. By the end of that month reports sho\l'ed • 95 cattle and 85 lambs had .-been sampled with n o "positive" residue findings. 1be program moved into 11igh gear in M?.y. Returris for that month, which will pro- bably not be available for l .some weeks, are expected to : ·-<11how tests on a sample of t-:about 500 animals. Now! LAST WEEK famousStylist'zig-.zagsewingmachine bySingerin"Pacesetter"cabinet. Nows14995 ~ S...snlghtorzlg-ag- swileh'Witha !lick olYoUr linger. Gel extra-wide zig.zag stitches tool S.. Pr9Ctlcel «Id F...::yt This machine darns, mends. ~indSlitches, sews buttons and but!onhcies! Andi! embroiders and aPPl~ues! ' Sew lnYllbric. from chiffon kl leather, wi1h jll$t the right stl!Ch length. Use easy·kHlel control. COSTA Ml!SA-IPldfl .... s ... o.wtt, lelllh (lhl "i.u, Ja.!4D COSTA MIS .. -!Mt H.,._, 11 ...... H•r"'r '"""'· kl f·11fl H UHTtN~TON l l ACM-l!dl,,.... •I ll"'Cll, Nlolft!l••t"" lt*c~ Ct111tr, "7·1'41 OltANG._11 1111-llt1!, "Tiii City" CM..,, Ml.JtO •AllDIN GllOVl[-fllll (llttttNft, Ot•• C-ty i-1111, t•tl11 13 U.S. Scl1olars A1·rive in Cl1ina CANTON, Oiina (UPI) - The first group of American scholars invited to viliit Com· niunjjt China in 22 years ar- rived today in the southern ci· ty of Canton and was welcom- ed with "warmth and en· thusiasm," one of the studen~ said. The 13 young Americans. mostly graduate students, ar- Ghetto Moh Rampages AKRON, Ohio (UPI) Police sealed off a I~block ghetto area and used tear gas on crowds early today aller Negroes, angry over the shooting of a Negro by a white man, took to the streets throwing rocks and bottles at passing cars. Several police cruisers y,·ere hit by gunfire and one officer was nicked on the arm by a bullet, police said. Scattered incidents and milling crowds were reported into the morn- ing. At least 30 perso·ns "'ere arrested. rived at 3 p.m. by train from Hong Kong aad checked in al the Tung Fang !East Wlnd) Jiolel. The with scholars, associated the Committee o f Concerned Asian Scholars, in Stanford, planned to spend one n1onth in China. ··we "''ere received with warmth and great en- thusiasm," Kim Woodward, nf Stanford University, said in a telephone Interview. "\\le have been resting In !he hotel since we arrived, and \l'P.: still do not have any definite itinerary. All of us fee l very happy about this (\·isit). At this time. v.·e don't have much to say, since "'e have been here for only a few hours." The Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars was formed three years ago to influence· the United States to exchange political, economic and cultural relalions with China. The admission o( the 13 scholars into China l.oday was in line with Premier Chou En- lai's remarks last ARril to An1erican 1able tennis players lhal more Americans wou1d be visiling China ''in batches." Tricia, Ed Believed At Retreat WASHINGTON \UPI) Close friends of Tricia and Ed.,.,·ard Cox said toda y the newlyv.·eds w ere honey- mooning al nearby Ca1np David, Ti.1d. The \\lhite House "'ould not comment on the report, but friends of the President's daughter and her husband said the couple \l'ent to the retreat in the mountains of western Maryland rollowing their mar- riage June 12 in the White House Rose Garden. OF Wtdnt~ay, J1.111t 2J, 1971 DAil y Pll OT IS Political Trip Nixon Schedules Midwest Journey WASHINGTON (AP) month! heoce. His .uditaoe President Nixon, who says chttreod. he 's wearing his noo-politlcal The President delayed. the hat this pre-campaign year, is departure ol h1I big jet tlUft a heading for the Midwest to nearby airport for many touch • few more political minutes while he recetnd bases. New J er: s e y ' s Republican Back in Washington Tuesday county chairmen. 11fter a 5-day working hQliday In llke vein, NiJ.on atopped trip to New York, New J ersey at Rochester, N.Y., last ·FM· and Florida -three key day to participate in a stales in presidential contests "confe.rence on d ome at I c -NPcon \l'iil fly to Indiana policy i n it i a Lives•• for and Illinois Thursday and f'ri-newspaper and broadcasting day. executives lrom 12 states and Ostensibly, the motive for the Dislrict of Columbia - Nixon·s trip to the Midwest j5 then went to two private func· non-political. He haS said he is lions populated largely by concentrating on presidential \l'eli-heeled ' 'com m un i t Y duties this yea r and will oot ,_l_e_ad_e_r_s._" _______ _ answer political questions at news conferences. So, too. was his appearance Tuesday in Atlantic City. N.J .. at the annual convention of the American Medica l Associa· Lion . Addressing the physicians, Nixon promoted his own health care proposals by predicting a n alternative sponsored by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass), a potentia l 1972 challenger, would cost the taxpayers r77 billion a year 36 BllTWOOD 111118 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ GTON BEACH BRANCH~- TUESDAY JUNE 22-SATURDAY JULY 10 5828 EDINGER BLVD. (corner of Edinger & Springdale) IN THE MARINA VILLAGE SPECIAL HOURS WEEKDAYS FRIDAYS . SATURDAYS 9AM-4PM 10AM-6PM 10AM-3PM •• I -· • OA.U... Y PU...OT EDITORIAL PAGE a Fair Balance A ci tiun&' committee gets down lo the serious busi- ness of !!iludying complex rerommendations for new, more re strictive building standards along the Ne.,..·port Beaeh waterfront tonight. They have precious little time-about six week&- to accomplish their task. Before them are concrete proposals of the city council's Lower Newport Bay Civic District s!udy com· mitl.ee. They would place new limits on densities, 1!ilrin¥ent requiremen ts for open space or "view corri· dors' and institute additionaJ controls on high-rise Two other major influences will confront them. First, they will run head-on into property owne rs a.nd devt.lopers who are saying the tough measures will IT1ake it economically infeasible to utilize the costly shorefront land and that the property be devalued if the controls are adopted, with subsequent tax loss to the community. The seeond viewpoint is a loosely-organized, but growing, senliment among residents within the city that-as Laguna Beach is considering-all high·rlle buildings should be banned. The atLit ude or the councilmanic committee seems to be in between. The panel has considered property rights in its errorts. to head off any thought thal NeY.'· port Beach someday would look like a small Miami Beach. lt would be deligbtlul to have a coastline \Vithout any high·rise (which, incidentally, is defined as anything over 35 feet tall). On the other hand, it doesn't really matter how high the building if the public still can't see through it to the bay-or from the bay. Anything over six feet couJd accomplish that. If Newport Bf!ach were a quaint fi shing village with JilUe demand fo r shoreline property, an outright ban would be appropriate-and easily accomplished. But it isn't. and the fact that considerable high-rise already exists makes the judgment to ouUaw it in the future even more questionable, It goes without saying that some new standards are sorely needed, and nobody is saying they aren't. A reasoned solution to the problem will be one of the most difficult tasks ever to confront J. civic body. It \\•ould seem advisable th&t the main fonlention of the developers-economics -be given rair consideration. Some flexibility or "incentive zo ning" standards ought to be explored. To accomplis h th is, the committee should spe nd a few dollars for an updated economic analysis, to provide unbiased, expert testimony. Unfortunately, 1l \\'Oul d appear that time and nioney \vould preclude this possibihly since "'ilhi n the ti1ne schedule imposed by the existing high-rise mora· torium, the committee must report by earl y August. Es- timates of the c.ost of such an an a I y s is range up to ~50,000. This forces the citizens' committee to rely on ilo; CJWn reasoning and resources. It is quite possible -and city planners themselves have said so -that the 40 percent open spare require· m enl may be excessive . The committee. hov,ieve r. must \\1e1gh the dollars· and-cents aspecLc; of the problem against the emotions of a community that likes the \\•ay it looks nO\\'. A fi red-up citizenry acting in haste could be the catalyst fo r dangerous-and regretlable-legislatinn. The issue bnils do\\'O to the eternal struggle to strike a fair balance betv.·een private and public prop· erty rights. \Vaterfron t property ov.'ners have reason to expect a certain s tabili ty in zonini:::. But they should know that time and again co urts have upheld the actions of public agencies in yanking lhe zoning out from under them. And there is another complicating element to be remembered. If the public is judged to have certain rights relating to bay views and access, the r ights soon· er or later relate to all of the bay. So. \vh iJ e the prnperly owners and developers along the "Mile" are obviously in a delicate, defensi ve position. the situation is one that calls fo r a genuine spirit of cooperation and careful ba la nce on the part of aJI parties to the disc ussion in the next six \\•eeks. N "Bea11tiful C:o11tract' Means l11flatio11 20 Millio11 Results of Union Demands To the Edilor: Yau work for a company wh>!e union doean 't do a thing for you except collect high monthly dues. Every ft!W year.!! their very high sala ried leaders have lo justify their existence -ao they make a 11how· tng at fighting for more and more monies and belter working condition.s. Just what do they accomplish? The employes ere given a new contract that looks beautiful. It is great except for one small detail. The butcher, the grocer, the baker. etc. ea.ch have ai.!lo received a •·beaul iful contract" By the time the idea runs full circle, you realii:e that you have taken two step& backward and on ce again your dollar has slipped in ii.& buying power. HOWEVER. EACH time another prob- lem has to be added. Because the com· pany that you Work for exisla on1y because of thousand.! of investor• who m. gist upon divldend5 eacb year. some cor· nen have to be cul. The trouble i.!l that this Urne lt is YOUR JOB. The next lime your union .le11der1 suggest that you demand more and more, I sue1est that you I I.) kick him out of of· fke and (2.) take a trip to your nearest unemployment office and say t o yourselves, "There bul for the grace of God, go 1." G. J. KOVACIC Polorl:atlon To the Editor: Your June 14 editorial in support of public aid t.o private sc:::hools, allhough full ()f faulty reasoning and unjustifiable eon· cllWons, is at lea.st a legitimate use of J\1ailhox Letter' from readers aTI! welcoml!. Normally writl!r11 should conVl!I/ their messages rn 300 words or ll!ss. The right to condense lettl!rs to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. AIL let.- ter11 must inc/Udl! signc.ture and moil· fn.ri address, but namt"s may bl! with· held on request if sufficient reason i.$ appare nt. Poetry will not be pub-- lished. your ney.•spaper. However, your June 11 "news story " entilled .. Rising Costll Threaten Private Schools" by George Le ida! represents a crimplele\y unelhical use of space in a community n"wspaper. 'That article should have appeared on lhe editorial page and been labeled as such or marked as a political advertisement even though paid for by the newspaper! IT IS MISUSE of newspapers in man. ners like this that will lead lo stronger go\lernmental control 11uch as is evident in TV. And people like you that bring about suc:h conlrols by the misuse o( your trust will probably be the ones that acream tile loudest! The Le ida! article is not.hing bul a bla- tant one.sided political argument. You should be required to give equal space to the oUler side (If the argument ! PRIVATE SCHOOL adminislralors ad· mit that the only rt!ason that they can operate for lua than pub lic schools is that their teachers get less pay. can anyone seriously believe that once st.ate money is coming in, the private schoo l teachers won·t demand equal pay'.' Or that private school ad,.minlstralors won't keep demanding more and more money'.' The argument rhat ta xpayers will save money by giving money to private sc hools is absurd. The even tual ()utcome could only be higher laxes .. Parochial schools are an abomination as they result in further polartza1ion Q( !he community. Such polarizalion should not be supported by public funds ! J . W. PAR.KS Bil.:es 011 Side1v all.:11 To the f:ditor· I am all for clean air and l kno11· that bicycle ridin~ causes no pollution and ts good exercise. Bul must H be done on the .!'fdewalk v.·hcre !\ is illegal'.' Then1~ is a large sign on every corner that says no bic~'cles all owrd. Vet every Saturday and Sunday I tount 59 to 80 bicyc les coming anrl going :ind parked 10 deep across the sidC\\•alk. I arn in a Y.'hee l chair an<I my wheels ha ve been hit fou r times. The last time J \\'as hil , my back "'·as hurt anti 1 called the police. They did nol come. LAST SUNDAY there we.re so many bicycles I harl to comr hon1e. 1 am not alone in be ing h11r1. 1 saw a lady knocked nat and a small child hit. Can anything be done to keep bicycles off of the sidewalk in the Fun Zone el Balboa? Jt is jJlegal. J knQv.' where all the dogs are now thal they are nol allowed on the beach. Th"Y are all on the bay side al Balboa. t-.IRS. DOROTHY LYNCH Some Things We Could Skip 'T'ltinp we criuld do w1lhoul: "His'' and "'her" cha ir rec lintr~. Sea"' articles on the popul11tion ex· ploslon. Gem-studded identity ta11s l o r pampered pet dogs. P!yc.hologi cal exp\an1tk>nll of why more middle • aged men than women still like to fly kites. New waya Lo lo5e weight "u if by magic" or to keep trim and "fit all a ligtr" by exercis· ing only 3'11 min- ut.tr every day. .. :::-~ t ,.,1:...:,i\ \·~ .J Any ne• kind of amusement for peoplt. under 40. They are already in danger ()f being amu5ed to death or e1hauslion. PEOPLE WHO ARE mQre 1tirred to --~-- Wednesday, June 23 , 1971 TM 1ditoriol paa• of tht Doil11 Pilot 111Q U> inform and ahm- .Z.Ot. t'tackrl bv pr11nttin17 thi.t MWtJXIPlr'I opini07'I and com,.. tntmarv an tc:ipfcr of interest Gnd rign(ftca:nct", bw providing a ftmn'A for tht 1rprc111on o/ OKT t'tadlr1' opinions. and b11 pr11,,,,ting tM d1vtrse vit111- ,ot:m. of informed obstrvtts a"4 ipokeimen on topic1 of thf dcltl- Robert N. Weed. Publisher .~,-~-,.,,~-~·\ up since the rlay before Yt!.'ill'rday -and may cost ('Ven more toinor row. • • . H~l.;Boy le ind ignation by crut!lty to animals than by cruelty to children. Any more night talk ah ow s n n televis ion during which famowi guests show bad taste by examining their moral freckles on camera. Any mQre t..uts on anything. Girls who wed aimply because a hus- band is handy lo have around when they want to be zippered up ta go out. All marriages performed in we ird places or while the participants a~ doing unu11uaJ things -such as skin diving, tou ring a gold minr. ()r water skiing. BIG GAME hunters who shoot wild buf. lalo, lions and elephants simply in order to ha~ in their trophy room a biu;er stuffed. head lha.n their own. Thrtt-tone sport shoes. Guys who bleach a streak or blonde In their dark hair In the deluded hope lhis will mak.t! them look excitingly young. Girls who do the !!.ame thing In the ad· ded belief this v.·ill make them look dtspe.rattly attractive. Babiea who wait until the middle of the night to have an attack of hiccups when, if they had any sen.st of human cooper•· lion or filial rtBponidbllity. tl~y ~uld hiccup in the middle of lhe anernoon. WIVES WHO can't read a modern :sex manual without then forcing their husband lo qull w&tchlng: "Bonanz.a " And go sll on the so fa and n!ld the book too. \\"inter colds in summer and aummer colds in winier. People who buy iK>me thlng lhey don·t need merely because the price of it went Aus ~ystems lhal niake the ridrrs put t he exact change 111 !he fare box. Ncx l thing you know the passenger will be f'X· peeled to sit in the driver's lap and sleer lhe bus. DULL RAZOR blades and duller com· edians. Girls with .see-through blouses whn aren·t worth looking al. let alone !eeing through. A cal that refuses the food you offer it. then sits and stares reproAch!ully at you as you eat your own meal -es If it lhought you v.·ere a selfish glutton. Lisl.eni ng to a pompous high school graduation ,;peaker tell the class lo "live rlangerously ." Is there any other po~ible way for them to live in this «n1ury' From these and other do.w ithouts, c:lehver us, Amen. Dear Gloomy Gus Possibly Councilman ~I.al and the other Newport councilmen need some tranquiliiers Shame on them !or turning dov.11 Grad Night departure flights just S() they can b&ve their slt!ep. That's one v.·ay adults make them.selvl!s popular Y.'ith youth~ -G. f . '1th .....,.,.. .-.n.ccn .....,,, "'._ ""' -•111r1tw """" .. ltl• --· ,.,., ,_ "' _,,. .. •~ •"'-o.1rr 'ri.t. More Eligible Vowrs in '72 Gues~.Report \4... t I Under Uie ground rules, presidential polilic.!i American style is quite a political blast. Jn view of lhe. awesome power ()f the presiden cy, the ground rules are such that none but the skilled politically upon whom Prov idence has bestowed a bless· ing could possibly emerge with the plum . \Vit h the '72 race already well un· dcr1o.•ay the changing election process and the changing electorate offer political an alysts a drlecta ble study, In 197Z. the Census Bureau .reports, there will be about 140 million people of voting age as opposed to a little under 120 million el igible persons in 1968, the .last time around. Fi\SCINAT l!'>;G TO students of the eJect1on process is the facl that therr y.•i!I be 25 million first time young voters 1ri 1972-some 11 million nev.·ly enfranchiSf!d teenagers and around 14 million youni; people v.•ho will have made Jt to ZI by 1972. Hig h on any observer's list for studv in probing thr game of presidential pol{!lrs 1s the l'.'venL termed a presidcnt1A I preference primary, in which 1n some slate.~ unrier various rules the canrlirlatr.c; arc pitted against ('ach other. or may pit themselves aga inst one and another, 1n the search for conve nt io n votes to gain a party·s presidential nomination. In 1968 the primary approach to \l'ln· nini; delegates was practiced in 14 stales and lhe District of Columbia. In 1!17t THE lineup to date of prcs1drn- t111l primaries he~ clin1bed to 23 states and the District()[ Columbia. The new state preferenct pr imary hurdles which presidenti al contenders must cope with are Alaska, Rhode 1:dand. Alabama , Arkansas. N orth Carolina. Tenne~~ec, Maryland, New fllexico and New York. All of the presidential prim ary electkn1. ~tales anrl the dAtes for their elections art': Alaska, Frbruary 29: New Hampshire and Florida, !\larch J4 ; Illinois. March 21 : \\'lsconsin . April 4: Rhode Island. April 11 : Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, April 25: Alabllma , the Dis trict of Columbia. Arkansas, lndi11n11. Ohio and North Carolina , Mey 2: Ten· nessce, May ~; Nebraska and We!it Virginia. !\fay 9: l\laryland. ~lay IS; Oregon , May 23, Ca\Jfornia. New .reruy. Nt!w Mexico and South DakoLa. June 6; New York, June 20. l.OOKING AT TRE dales and the gl!Ographlc spread ~f the states ln\'olvrd, and considering the number of dele gates represented in the preference pr imary 1tale..,., it is clear lo see why successfu l pre.sldenlial •ominee.s must be possessed of re.markable agility, not lCI mention stamina. Just one of the fascinating new bits in the process is the facl that lke state or Alaska his decided to 11upplant New Himp!lhire with the. hr&l presidenti11l prin1ary. H's no accident, or course. And it doe s conjure up a wonderful picture of <':lndidates winging from Anchorage to ~1anche5ler lo .Juneau 10 Concord -all for the psychological lift of ""inn ing sta les h11vlng 1 total ()f 7 out of ~18 e!ec· toral crillegc \'Qtcs! CalHorola feature 5'.l"\'lce 'Help! rm about to be devoured by• moDJlf-erf The Revolution Of Relationships If yo u try to look around at each problem in iso!a1ion today, you can 't really see. wh ars going Qn ; all seen1s lo be confusion, chaos and contradiction. Jn i-lenry J a n1 c s' phrase, there is no "figure in U1e car· JX'L " But if you step back a few pa ces. and try lo obtain a IJlUe perspective of time as v.•ell as dis· lance. then you be· gin t.o see the reg· ular patLCrn running through the whole carpet of contemporary problems. AND TllJS JS WHAT I would call lb!! re\'olulion of relatloosblps. There is a revolution going on today , but il is mulllplt! re vol utlon , not like the 'iogle revolutions of lhe past. The new revol ution is not political, or social, or economil:, or n1oral, but a a:eneral quc1lioning t:if relationships. Every established rel ationship, in every significant area, is being questioned today ; nothing i.~ taken for granttd. The relationships between old and young, black and v.•hi!e, rich and poor , man and v.·oman, warden and prisoner, church and communicant, doctor and patient, student and teacher -in each case, reforms are not merely demanded. but the. v.·hole essenr ial nature or the relat ionshi p is undergomg a basic reappraisal. AND TH.IS r.1 ULTIPLE re\·olution Is, for lhe flrsl tilne in h1~tory. a v:nrld·w1dc one-students 1n France and Japan fc rl I '· at one with thei r fellow·sludeots in Lhe U.S.; churchgoers in Holland and ll aly are asking the same questions and gra p- pling 1~1th the. san'c issues as Method ists in 1011 a and Presbyterians in Vermont. It is a revolut ion, moreover, that goes far beyo nd ~larxism or any other ideology of our century. ll is existential in 11"1 thrust. fo r it questions c u r r e n t relalionships on a personal basis. Peoplr want to belong to themselves, and not to some abstract :;yslem outs id /1 themselves, to have human \ i If' considered as an "organi~m." not as a mechanism. TH IS IS \\-'HAT makes the ml'J\'Cmrnl nev.r and unique ly ch!Fercnt in 111e h1s1 ory of mankind, culling ;icross ;il l previn\1~ lines of loyalty and authririly and lradition. Peopl e arc a~king tha t. !l)r H1r first lime. they be defined in term.<; or their esscnlial humanity, rather 1han 11~ functions of society. The rc1·o!ution in relat ionships ha ~ nl'I philosophy. just a faith -that we ni11,!, now and here. relhink and re work 11ie very fabri c of society . so that Ll1e pans run for th e sake of the \\"hole, 11nd rhr v.·hole runs for the sake or the parts. ~n that we are secure as persnns, but I+ t"' as individuals-a double task that nn human society has been h1g enough 11 bold enough or good enough t.o tack.le u1. tn now . 1,wo and a Half Books \\/hen you lh1nk ()f .. The Third ~1an'• )'OU think of the zither theme, the sardonic smile of Harry Lime iorson \\'elles) and the long, long 111alk by lhe girl (Ali ta Valli) away from ti1c frozen 1:raveside. It is a visua l work, and Graham Greene wrote it that "'ay, originally as a 11cript for the C•rol Ree~ movie ( 1949). The producer, Sir Alex· ander Korda, wanted a slory based on the four·power occupelion of Vienna. but Greene offered him a thriller set in im· mediate posl -war Vienna. 11le chemistry worked on film . Greene himself writtl that "The Third Man" was never written lo be read but only to be seen. He should have left it at lhat. DURING A RECENT debauch, a \I.in• nowing through "Triple Pursuit: A Graham Greene Omnibu~:· I read "The Third Man " for the first time. LilUe more thin a longish story (75 pages), il does not hold up. •larry Lime remainll a shadowy figure as the penicillin bl1ck- market racketeer, crimplt!lt! with tongue. in-cheek sop histries. but the work is the tea.st convincing or Graham Greene·s entertainments. He hid had the script: t~ story was clearly an afterthought So this otherwise fine Omnibus should be labeled "two and a half boOkll in one volume,'' not "three." To make it 'three" the edilors rni&ht have addtd ''The l\finistry of Fear." THE OTHERS ARE marvelow Greene, hov.•e''"'· "This Gun for Hire" (19341) and ''Our ~1an in Havana., fl!l50), the fir~t portrait of a professional killer that opens wit h a line that won 't let yau ({O f "~furder dldn "t mt3n much to Ravtn: it Wall ju!'it a new job."): the St.cond i~ • parllcularly eom1c example of the su.speose gcnn:. &th can $l3nd .a rereading I I'm think- ing of 1ummer), 11 can similar CQI· - ' T.he Book111an lcctions in this "Omnibus" format - representative "'·orks in a singl e volume by Ross Macdonald, Dashicl Jfamme1L and Raymond Chandler come lo mind A debauch indeed if one tossed these uncut gen1s into a low·slu ng hammock. Even in ''The Third ~1an" you can close your eyes and recall Joseph Cotton and Welles in that Viennese fun park and the haunted look of Valli, \'ou could even whistle the theme I Viking . $6.9si. \\'Ull•m Hoaan By George ---, Dear Gtorgt: I have a tendency to be terr1bly jealous. A friend of mine. with less job experience than I have, just got a $3S.OOO-a·yeitr job with a hugl': ex· pense account. I'm so tnvious l cuuld k.ick him! How can I overcrime this? WR, Dear W.R.: Devel~p a more nutg oi ng pe.r~nahty. Be philosophical. Assume your break will also crime. Go to your friend 11nd Y.'i1 h every bit or sincerity al your C"Ommand offer your heartiest congratulation5 !() lhe finky. sm1ut-ateck up.start. ($:§,000! Boy! Somt of lhei1e punks get .all the breaks. don't they!) 'F"or difficult answerll to simple problems, write lo George Hm. Th11t 3etms to br backward. Oh, 1 L'.11 .•. so does George .l • I I 3 PlLOT-AOVERTISER Junior Sports Healthy? By Peter J. Stt-iarN)b.n, M.D. Dear Dr. Stelntrohn; Jl.-ly husband ha s gone haywire in trying to tl.lake a big league r r ou~ J[ our 12-year-old :,'" Fo1· the pa~t three years he Las been complaini ng of a sore elbo\'I. but his father !ells him to be a man. 'l'o grit his teeth and take 1he pain . I ha~e a feeling J ohnny i.1·ou!d like to give up baseball altogether. But 1ny husband kee ps sluuning hi111 i n 1 <J pla ying_ Shouldn 'I a ~'oungster be allowed to rnake a choi ce'.' -Jl.lrs. i\'I. COMr.-lENT-l an1 sports- minded myself. Jf your hus- band reads today's column, I hope he v.·i ll remember this a nd not think that my opinions emina!e fron1 one v.•ho doesn't get a thrill oul of v.•atching football . baseball. basketball and other gan1e s. I'm in favor of sporl s for the physically and emo1iona!ly mature. Bu! 1'111 aga inst too rnuch emphasis put on Lillie League encounters bet\\'een kids whose physical and en10- liona l develupmenr still has many years to go. Parents like your husband should realize that so1netin1es they sacrifice the health of their youngsters to their own ~verzealousness -\\"hatever the reaso ns for it. Some chJ!dren are naturally gifted alhletes (even they must be protected Irom themsel ves); nthers -poor athletes by nature -are often forced to pJay aga inst their \1•ishes. The trulh is 1hat competitive sports in youngsters have become a health hazard - especially for those in the age range nf 8 lo 14. Son1e misguided pa r e n ! s and coaches believe. '"Bovs niust learn to ra ke it." The Question is: How early in life must they learn to bear frustrations and physical injur ies'! It's nol easy to look into the face of a disappointed rather. Forgetting about the. p.sychological impact on the youngster, neilher is it easy to suffer the pangs and pains of an injured elbow or knee. -nr worse. In an arlitle for the Bu lletin of the American College of Surgeons, Dr. Nicholas J. Gianncstras makes s o me pertinent ren1arks on lhe sub- 1ect. "Competitive s port s nrganized by these varlous groups are now played so universoilly , and 1\·jth such overemphasis, throughout the United States, that lhev h<1ve become a health hazard. r-.·or are the parents without blame. The possible exploitation of the children, and comn1unitv boosters constitutes a concrete danger.'' It seems lo me . .i\1rs . .r.t., I hat perhaps your husband has innocently fallen into this classifiralion of exploHatinn Your son's con1plaints aboul a sore elbow need investigatio11. It's prissible that he mav already ha\'e u n n a tu r a·l prtssure~ on the ulnar nerve in hi~ e!b011 Why not consult ;:i n l}rthopedJs1 ~ rr your son -.~us­ tains a ~er1ous injur~·. ~·l'lur husband wdl nevrr forgive himself. J'n1 for l'.'t ll·regulated spor!s for ,\'nun~sters . Bu! J ree1npha s ize : ••.,.,,e/J regulated," l\fan y accidents about lo happen lo children can be prevented by an alerl. pro· tective-consc.ious parent says Dr. Sleincrohn in hi s booklf'1, "How To Save Your Child From l~imself." For a copy write him in care of th is new!lpeper enclosing 25 cents in coin and an 8 ·('ent STA .r.fP ED . SE LF-AD- DRESSED ENVELOPE. OCC Dancers A "'arded $50 Three Ora.na e Coast College students are $.10 richer this summer thanks to their dance ability during the Bpring. Each was gi ven a $50 scholarship for further study in the neld or dance. The v.·inners were Teresa Nun1maker of Costa Mesa who c h(lreogr a ph e d "AestheUca:" rt1arla Myers of Bllboa Island, who chor- eoaraphed a modern dance c::cmment on wa r: and William Carson of Huntinj[ton Beach v.·ho choreoographed 1 ballet dutt ''Quelgu·un Que." Fin•I Sloch In All Home Editions HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE: '01JNTAIH VALLl"V-lmt M•OM11t 11 11 l'•llof" r OUHl ... IH llALLEY-1,!0I HttDOr Ill~ .. fO•r>Qt• EL 10110-E• To•o "' llottll•lo l o..t" C:O~IA Mf$A ~2JOCI Hert.Qt l lYll t1 Wlll>O• Sr. COSTA Mf$A IJJ f jlrn ~I 30222 CROWN VALLEY PARKWAY ANO HllLHURST IN LAGUNA NIGUEL HUNl!NGlOH lf.l()l-11111 ••c~ ll!vll al .A!lt"!f $ANT ... AN ... -1..,. W [lll"Vtr •M t t1S1t l $t WESTMINSTEll-6111 Wt>tmlnolor 11 GQJO o• Wtll HUNt!HGTON 111'.ll(H-tM! AGUTI\ ti ll100~ll~ffl h!JNl<,,.GION &r>.t H-8tO<~ lo fll•"t~f OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK AND LATE EVENINGS, TOO! -i~. Ir •. __,,,_._ HUN I ING TON $EACH yt'tr~fr & $ptll\fdtlt This Week All Stores Celebrate the ~ G•11 llrtti••Y .... SAU OF OUR NEW STO-E IN YORBA LINDA \ Childs' & Totldler's No Iron Cotton 2 Piece Play Sets $5" ladies' Shifts & Hot Pants Sets $s:: .. 1 i\df ustable Ironing Boards 48'·75' Famous Brand Electrical Nffds • '9c t"'""' T•p, lrt•" '' hory • ••c Pwll ca;11~ l11, lrtWll tr 1 .. ,,. •II~ lfl Pll Co~-•tltr •499 Solid State 12 Pocket Radio • ..,.., ., • w1 ..... r P11rmo-Pr1u cotton $flS for boy1 Cr girls ;,. prjnTS, sfripes, ch~ks, solids, lo;n lu. Cro p -IOJ» & .-iort$ for toddlers. ~ ~ Pepsi Cola GRAND 1 S" OPENING " SPECIAL! • $f''!. Mia ·~.·~n ' ' • Conditions as it holds. Reg- ular, Eictro Hold & Locqu1r. I 3-o:i:. cons. $2" v.1 .. 1 Slrco Clutch lags Vinyl pote'11 3tyles '" fo'.f,. m Jori.right col-I I o.,; il'IC ludino · 1ti1 "wtt lookr, lly4 l ·s... $1.111 50' ea. Value! Chocolate Bars $22' llotldl11 Qu•rt Size Y•cuum loHles Al1"10tt Ind .. Jtl'\lctlbl•. Poly jocktt, ltok· proof 1topptr. .C 3C, D Cool sleeveless cot- ton piQue shllts with b r i g h t embroidery trim & calico printed shift (T skort shorts st t1 w i I h short puff sler~es. Many other styl11 ! I Wines of The World Your 99c Cho lot • o.....,t ·-O'AAl•11• -'"'kl PlwM Wine • ,riHh Mof Wint • Gooo. Awb.,t .,..;~..,. l w•1wndf • Y•1• S9onl•h lvrgw-dJ • l riovlt y;., ,.,.,,. Hove o win e tostino porly! Be on inlto rnotionol wine con- r.oi1HU• o t o Thrifty pric.,, Ille Blkl•I Beoll t Vila• te 17.lb Ytluplt lht1l er Terry Socks T• 2"· $1 Clttln rw l lklnlt CIN "ylontorlon qnd Terry Socb ol'I GOt· tori/ri ylo n, CUlhlon9d fot CGnTfl)ft, • C1111p1011 [xpe l'lt iv t lo o klog l $)11 W ltk pr1ued powdtr II\ NW -"odtS, tro,..IU(.t r'lt. Adju st s to 14 htights for fo1ter, cool1r iron ing. Wl.de-s1tftetwith ' non -iii~ l'Ubber tips. Baked e"Om- 11 finish. Women's lack Strap Sandals Diec•t111t Price! Viny!1 in bone, wnit1, b or k and $199 '"' -w"" -"'" mullitolors. Brcss- lon1 trim. S-10. Women's Canvas Boat Shoes DIM•111•t l'ric• ! . CuNiiOnld an:h- -s, spong. lnsol11, non -iok.id .oln. Whit1, colors, Nylon Cuffed Hot Pants Sale Do.obi• knit nylon pul!- on short shorTs in Moi11, Btu •, Block, N ovy, Brown, 8 10 16. Fa shion roge! OiKounl Price ! Sale! Wemen's Terry Slippers Ab$orl»nt. comfy cof• ' ton twrrit1 in .,otld eo/. 99' . o~ & prelty pti'1tS. S-... ~ 9. Us• pool1ldt, too. &! Dltc"OUrrt Prlc1 ! • 1,t Ml1ht LIJM, l ft•I If l lKk • a,, lr1u ,..ii th1' Sltktt • 4k 1111 Jr Vl"rl lrl' Plu1, Pk. el 2 • 41c Plul l t dJ, Im• tr h uy. P • ti! • 'lt 1n1y Slft1l1 Ptlt S•ltca; I '2 $Olid stole devices give outstanding per- for mance. Artroctlv• llylong, chotc1ol col- or1, Complete with earphone, bottery & handy corry-cose, Reg. $1033 Metal 2V2 Ft. Foot lockers $5'' Hot color, with 3 ·ply venter tr om1s cov- e r e <l w I I h bokerl-enom•I me tal, Doub!e weoQht leather handles . $1" Precision-Made Scissors & Shears B1ou1tlut color reproduc- tions, 161120" i izt . S.lt"Ct $595 Multicolor Area Rugs Long wearing blend of 55% u· Atrylic&"5% Polyester with rubbt'r b<ick1. • 11•10'' M•t • l••ll" c .. ,.,, Mot • Ud c •••• • 1 rl•<• T•nk C•••• Newt~t dt co-P'I,.. ..... ro!or colors to '1'' Val••' Royal t'":i=:i'::::r;~:~:;:~:~~.;·~'":m':~:";,:·;;:'°:;; Beach Towels $J" v11uo1 Deluxe Floor Cushions MOO. of cx- plod1d ~ly bMcb-Won·t .... s111v .... 1Colllll11 Clll!p htl Gall- f2'1vo1111 2·Rfng Watllnt Pools SleeplnCJ Ba9 39' Insect Repellent lulb28f ll•lrl h••. 21, 66 " Hit w.,,. 37!. Flour tack ~::!'~. 4 i $ J 11 .... _,, ••• ,, ,. u .. JO.)J" 79!. Woolite ~-::. W••:'. ., i $1 •I «••· ...... ,.,• I •I. U ..... S.•• 11• .., e~! 57!. Mallory Batteries 2 i 43' SI .. C fff TN111lttien 2 '"' 57f Golden Shell Dinnerware Sale • Cttp • S.uc•r • DttMrt '"" J ....... '°" 3i87c • 41,\ Ck ....... .. •• o •. , .... •••4•• • ,, Os. hll• ..... . ··-· .,., Fodeproof (IE wilh Cn.Jthed j : coif-loo k co~en. Wall & Door Mirrors •20" loin~ u •11124" ' ltctqulM • 15124" 0.11 ~ "'' § 1.u.1 •~~ 55c Val. -Havoline 20 or 30 Wt. Motor Oil 9UART CANS 30' • DA.fl '1 PILOT N Wtdn~d.,, Junt 23, 1971 . • ' . Group II -WOMENS PANT SUITS DRESS 011 CASUAL JUNIOll, MISSY AND HALF SIZES. Ori,. 12.00 ......•••......... NOW 8e88 I Group Ill -DRESSES AND PANT SUITS S'RING COLORATIONS. JUNIOR. MISSY AND HALF SIZES. Or\9. 20.00 ........... , ... . NOW 14.88 SHOE DEPT. MEN'S ASSORTED OXFORDS I Not 111 1i1es, 1llp on 8 88 1tylln9. . Orig. 16.H NOW • MEN'S WESTERN BOOTS Pop1,1l1r cowboy look. Not 11~ sizes. Orig. 15.95 MEN'S CORFAM GOLF SHOES NOW 10.88 £e1y to cle•n. 1 4 88 Assorted colors. . Orig. 22.00 NOW • WOMEN 'S BETTER HEEL SHOES A11orted styles, le1ther or 5 88 Corf1m 1,1pper1. Orig. lS.99 NOW • WOMEN'S POPULAR SANDALS l1te1t 1tyle1. 3 88 Summer colors. .. Orli:i. 4.99 NOW e WOMEN 'S TURKISH TOE SLI PPERS Light wt. flexible, 88 cute 1tyling. . Orig. 3.00 NOW • I WOMEN 'S ACCESSORIES I VISCA HANDBAGS A11t. style'&. color,. Your choice. Orig. 4.DO PVC RATTAN HANDBAGS A110rted 1tyle1. Color browfl. Orig. S.00 WOMEN 'S SCARVES & SASHES All 1l1e1 & color1. NOW 2.88 NOW 3.88 Your choice. . Orig. 2.00 & 2 . .50 NOW .99 .44 LEATHER HAIR BOWS Different 1tyle1. A11orted colorf. Orl9: 2.00 YOUNG GAYMODE SLEEPWEAR Knicker J1m1 NOW SIIH $, M, l . _ Orig. 6.00 NOW 3.88 LOUNGE SET 2-PC. Assorted colors. Sizn 1-16. . Orig. 10.00 JUNIOR LOUNGERS Long pe111nt look. Prlnt1 ind solids. Orig. 1.00 LOVE SHIRT SLEEPWEAR No Iron, Penn-Prest. Sl1e1 S-M-L. Orig. 6.00 NOW NOW NOW I WOMEN'S DEPT. • JUNIOR WESTERN BLOUSE 3.88 4.88 4.88 I Lon9 sleeve style. N1vy ind 5 88 b1i91 only. Orig. 7.00 NOW • JUNIOR PANT CLEARANCE Stripes ind 10Hd,. Limited 1i1e1. Orig. 6.00-9.00 JUNIOR SKIRTS NOW 3.88•6.88 Assorted stripe1. S i1e1 7-JJ. Orig. S.00 SWIMWEAR CLEARANCE Bikinis -1-pi•c•. limited tite1. Orii:i . 10.00·ll.OO JUNIOR BACKLESS .SHIFT NOW NOW 3.88 6.99 H1w11i1" print1. 11 88 15 o"ty. Orig. 14.00-15.00 NOW • JR. PEASANT SHIRT ' Yellow only. limited 1ize1. KNIT TOPS Stripes only. 5-M-L. MISSES CARDIGAll Orig. 1.00 NOW NOW 4.88 5.88 2 1tyl11. Pink end 2 88 blve only. . Orig. S.ff NOW • MISSES LONG SLEEVE BLOUSE Two 1tyle1. Pe1t1l1 only .. , Ori9. 6.00 NOW MISSES ORLON ACRYLIC PANTS El1stlc W1istb1rtd Size•: 10-16. _ Orig. S.00 NOW PLACKET FRONT SHIRT 3.88 3.88 Short Slffve. GrHn & heige only, Orig. 7.00 NOW 4.88 BRIDAL WEAR REDUCED o;K~lin .... "YI•• Umltod 25 300/ off ~zn. Orl9. 9.00-14.0D NOW • /0 JUNIOR DRESS DEPT. DresMI or 1hort cut1. Atsorted febric1. Orig. 12.00-14.00 NOW 9.88 WOMENS WASHABLE DRESS ... 1c: 1ty1 .... 1 oe-;. .... y .. ter. .. . or1,, 11.00 MOW UNIFORM PANT SUITS • 5.88 s.119' •ncl discontinued. ~c:hlno w11sheblo. . ...... Orig. 12.00 NOW 7.88 WOMENS JACKETS .. ttlo 1 .. k styllnf. Strlpe1 4 88 er 1M"lnt1. Orit . 7.00 NOW • I y ARDAGE DEPT. I SPORTSWEAR FABRIC CLEAN.UP Mony colorl & f1bric1. 50 2" ydt. only. Orig .. ti-I.Sf NOW o SPORTSWEAR FABRIC CLEAN·UP Prints, M4141, pettern1. 99 100 yd1. enly, Orig. 1.49-1.tl NOW • SPORTSWEAR AND DRESS CLEAN-UP l'rlnt1, solld1. p1ttern1. 1 88 JOO yerllls enly. Orl9. 2.fl-l.t l MOW • • WOMEN'S HAND BAGS MIA WIG ANY ANO ALL COLORS. ~~l~u:.o~ to 6.00 ............ , • , ... NOW 1.88 YOUR CHOICE ... , .... Orig. 19.00 NOW 10.88 SIDE PART WIG ~~~u;,o~ to 9.00 -..• ' ............ ' NOW 2.88 GoltOUI' I Orli;. 1.00 GlOU' FASHION JEWELRY NOW 01ig. 2.00 •..•..•.•.•. , .. , •. , • , , . . NOW INFANT GIRLS SWIMSUITS .25 .44 1 A.ND 2 PIECE-ALSO COYEllU1' sns NOW 2~88 'tEllY VElSATILE ASSOllTIO COLORS. , ... Ori9, 2S.OD NOW 15.88 Size 7 to 14 SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE ILOUSES, SKIRTS ANO 'ANTS IN LAllGE QUANTITIES-llEDUCEO fROM OUll STOCK Orig. J.00·400 NOW 1~88 MENS SPORT COATS SINGLE 011 OOUILE IREASTED. SIZES JI TO 42. Orh11. 19.11 NOW 29.88 CLEARANCE DOOR BUSTERS MEN'S TOWN CRAFT SUITS DRASTICALLY REDUCED GROUP I GROUP II 61 ONLY. 49.00 1n6 ONLY. 59.00 MOST ALL SIZES. IETTEll SUITS OrhJ. 7.SDO NOW 0 119. BS.OD NOW BOYS SPORT SHIRTS GIGANTIC BOYS PANT CLEARANCE LARGE SELECTION OF COLOllFUL P'LANDS AND 88( VARIETY OF CASUAL AND DRESS-Ur JI.ANS. ALL 9·9' STR11'ES. SHORT SLE EEYES. P'ENN-1'REST. 1'!NN ·P'REST FOii EAS Y CARI. IROKEN SIZES 6-11. Orl9. l.25·1.9t NOW SIZES AND COLORS. Orli;. 1.9t NOW SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 100°/o POL VESTER YARDAGE ASSORTED ,LAIOS 1.88 LATEST STYLE FASHION STRl,ES. 1,44 A.NO STR11'ES. 0100 YAIDS ONLY. . Orig. l.tl NOW Orl,,.. l .tl NOW 3-IN· 1 CHAIR FISHING VEST FISHING, PICNIC OR CAMP' STOOL. 3a88 NYLON SHELL. N,LON LINING. VINYL 11 .. 88 l ONLY. INT.Ill . OOUILES AS A Llfl J.t.CWET. Orig. 10.tt NOW .Z ONLY. Orl9. lS.91 NOW 7 PC. COOKWARE SET ASST. HOUSEWARE ITEMS STAINLESS STEEL. 9.88 CLEANERS, M0'5 AND MISC. ITIMS. 1oc 10 ON LY. WON 'T UST LONG. Ori9. 19.99 NOW Orli;. so~ to t9t NOW l G!RL'S DEPT. I I MEN'S DEPT. I QUILTED ROBES MENS RIB KNIT SWEATER VESTS Nylon, decron, cotton, NOW 2.88 Swe1ter-ve1t1. 5.88 Your ch oi ce. Orig. l.00·6.00 Size1 S-M-L-)(L, Orig. 10.91 NOW GIRL~ COTTON PRINT COATS MENS SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Perfet t for 1ummer or felt. 3.44 C1rdlg1n style, f11hion color1. NOW 3.88 Sire• J-6)(. 10 only. Orig. S.00 NOW Size• S·M·L·XL. Orig. t .91 GIRLS 1-PIECE SWIMSUIT MENS LONG SLEEVE DRESS SHIRT Skirted styli n1lur1I. 2.88 Ore1s 1hirt1. NOW 3.88 She1 J -6)(, Orig. 4.00 NOW As1t. fe1hlon color•. Orig, S.91 GIRLS PLAY SMOCKS MENS SHORT SLEEVE With toy• In pockets. 1.44 Solld knit sport 1hirt1. NOW 2.88 P1rlec t for p1intin9. Orig.3.00 NOW Siies S-M-L·XL. Orig. S.00 LITTLE GIRLS HANDBAGS MENS BETTER SLACKS Pl11tic p1tent vinyl. NOW .44 Some 111 wool. NOW 12.88 Cute 1tyle1. Orig. 1.29·2.00 Sizes Jl-40. Orig. 17,00 7 TO 14 JAMAICA SETS MENS CASUAL SLACKS With blou1 e1 & 1hilt1. 1.88 Contlnent1I, reg1,1l1r or 3.99 Summer prlnt1. Orig. J.00 NOW f11re 1tyle1. Orl'r 6.91 NOW GIRLS JACKET AND BIK INI SE T REVERSI BLE "MOD " VES S Complet1 J pc. outfit. 5.88 Solid or stripes. 1.88 Colorful print1. Orig. 7.00 NOW All 1lz11 ... Orig, s.11 NOW ,GIRLS SKIRTED SWIMSU ITS l One & l pc. 1tyle1, NOW 3.88 CURTAINS & DRAPERIES I popuh1r color-1. Orig. S.00 I INF.ANT'S & BOY'S I INFLATABLE CHAIRS AND STOOLS Comfort1ble & llght. .99 EARL Y AMERICAN ROCKER 60 only. . Orig. J.H NOW Three only. 6.88 INFLATABLE LOUNGER -Include• p1d. ~·. . .. Orig. 11 .tl NOW Ho1vy g1uge vlnyl. NOW 9.88 SAFARI OAK CRIB 7 only. . Orig. 19." H1rdwood conttructlon. 48.88 CURTAIN CLEARANCE J only. , .. Orig. 63.91 NOW Broken 1l1es & colors. 1.88 BOYS VEST SUITS 140 enly. Orig. 2.49-3.19 NOW A11ortltd 1tyle1 ind colors. I V1rlety of e11y c11re febrlc1. 4.88 G!FTS & LAMPS I S izes: S-M-L. ~ Orig. 6.11·1.lt NOW BOYS KNIT SHIRTS 1009/. 1cryllc. Colorful horlzont1I 1trlpo•, long 1.99 SPANISH STYLED WALL PLAQUE 1lffves. crew neck, si1e1 S-M-l . Orig. 2." NOW Shield with w11pon style. 6 IS JR. BOYS VESTS 10 only. . ... Oril 20.00 NOW • Styllsh, colorful herringbone we1ve. 1.88 FEATH ER FLOWER ARR NGEMENTS Siz•• S-M-L. Orlf . J.&I NOW Or1nge, gold 1nd trMn cotor1 . JR. BOYS SPORT SHIRTS 12 only. ... Orig. S,00 NOW 1.88 V1riety ef colorful pl1ld1. Short 1IHvu, l'enn-88 ASSORTED STYLE TABLE LAMPS PrHt, n•lron. SIIll l-7,. .. Orl9. 1.22 NOW • Dec:oretlve & f1,1nction1I. BOYS CASUAL SL ACKS IS en/y, Orl9. 32.ts ... s .11 NOW 24.88 Seml·t•pored styllnf. v11rl1ty of solld celors. HAWAIIAN FIGURINES All l'enn·Pre•t, 110-lron, Sl1e1 1-11 Sllms &. NOW 1.99 M1de of l1v1 • R~•· Somo Hu1kles. Orlt. l .lt ISO only. . . Orig. 1.50-l.OO NOW .99 B YS PANT CLEARANCE ··-.. ··· LI?.'' 1olec:ti1H1 ef fl1re1 In colerful pl1Jd1. I SPORTING GOODS I .so•. polyostor, 50% c:otton, All Ponn-PrHt. 3.99 Slze1 6-11 Sllm1 & R191. Orig, S.91 NOW I I BEDDING DEPT. DUCK BILL FISHING CAP 5ff·fhru green blll. NOW .10 Not 111 1he1. Orig. 1.1• POT HOLDER CLEARANCE DRIVE METER GOLF YARDAGE METER M1ny de1!9n1 1ntt c:olor1. • 10 Cert movntetl morlel 200 . NOW 2.88 120 Oflly. Orl9 .• lS-• .50 NOW 'It• most&'" c111rts. OrlQ. S.91 BErSPREAD CLEARANCE FOREM ST S'(2 FT. CASTING ROD Twl & full 11111. NOW 14.88 • 1.44 10 only. Orig, 11.00 7 only. Orig, l .00 NOW Wednrsd.J.1, June D , 1971 N PILOT -ADVERTISER Jj NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND STORE HOURS MON.· FRI. 10-9:30 TUES.· WED.· THURS. 10-9 SAT. 10-6 SUN. 12·5 SUMMER SAVINGS GINCYHAM CHECKS. 99 9 CO·OllDINATED TOl'S AND c.1 ~·9 PANTS. ,INk AN D ILUr. NOW 3-6x TOPS /BLOUSES /SKIRTS KNITS AND WOVEN TO,S MANY STYLES IN SKIRTS Orig. 2.00·l.00 NOW ~88 REFRIGERATOR CLEARANCE "AS IS" 14 CU. FT. Orl9. 259.95 ................. , •• ,, NOW 14 CU. FT. Orl9. 279.95 ...................... NOW 17 CU . FT. Orig. 298.00 . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . NOW 198.00 208.00 198.00 I CAMERA DEPT. I POLAROID 320 CAMERA lni t1nt color or I & W pictures. 28 88 Peck loading. Orig. JI.Ill NOW • BELL & HOWELL FILMO-S OUND OUTFIT Complete w/c1mer1, proj., recorder & 299 00 11cce11ories. Orig. J44.00 NOW • I HOU SEW ARES I IMPORTED OMLET PAN Cest 1lumin1.1m. 7 only. Orig. 11.9S STEEL STEAK PLATTERS WoO<ien b11e. 11 only. Ori g. 7.Dll NOW NOW 7.88 3.88 GADGET CLEARANCE Items with endle11 u1e1. Come e1rly. . Orio. 1.29 to 2.SO PROCTOR IRONING BOARD Delu:11:0 mod~!. 4 on_ly. Orig, 16.99 NOW .88 NOW 9.88 I HARDWARE DEPT. I PENNCRAFT J l/4" CIRCULAR SAW 10 emp-1% H.P. motor. 26 88 7 only. ... Orig. J6.99 NOW e PENNCRAFT SABRE SAW 1.1 imp motor. I only. Specie! Buy 8.99 l HOME ELECTRONICS I STEREO CONSOLE w/8 TRACK Tr1dltlqn1I styling. 2 only. . Orig. 4f9,00 NOW STEREO CONSOL E Modern 1tylilng with AM /FM /FMX. l only. Orig. 299.00 NOW ELECTRIC RA NGE JO" wid-futl f11ture. 1 only. Orig. 219.95 IMPERIAL DISHWASHER NOW Under-counter model. 2 only. Orig. 209.9S NOW 299.00 199.00 144.00 168.00 I FURNITURE DEPT • I ROOM SIZE RUGS I Nylon or poly11ter. Hi-lo pilei-9•11 to 11•17 59.88 0 only. Orig. 18.00 NOW PECAN DINING ROOM TABLE I All h1rdwood w/3 leeves. 123.00 only. Orig. 184.00 NOW SL EEPER SOFA 1 Blue /green dam11k. 1 44 OO only. Orig. llS.00 NOW • S-PC . DANISH LIVING ROOM GROUP 1 NOW 166.00 Sof1, ch1 lr ind l t1ble1. only. Orig. 249.95 I GARDEN SHOP I DELUXE CHALET STORAGE BUILDING ' I 'x6'. lnclude1 floor. 6 6 OO only. Orig. 99.00 NOW • DELUXE CHALET STORAGE BUILDING • 1 'x6'. lncludot tloor. 77 00 only. Orig. 119.99 NOW e RANCHWOOD STORAGE BUILDING ,. 1 c 19'. Includes floor. 66 OO only. Orig. 111 .94 NOW e HALET STEEL STORAGE BU IL DING 1 F E ~110'. lnclvde1 ftoorlng. 89 88 loor model only. Orig. 165.H NOW o LECTRIC VACUUM T 1 hrow 1wey your gerden r1ke. 67 00 only. Orig. 99.00 NOW e l AUTO CENTER I c OOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEM Cl lo G 01ed circuit typo. Tenk ho1e & cep, completely 5 95 tt•lled. 23 only. .. Orig. 9.tS NOW • OLDEN PINTO MINI BIKE " s Oomon1tr•tor Close Outs. 3 only, 8 9 OO ii, H .•• '"'9100. -• O•lg. 159.95 NOW • TEEL DISH WHEELS G. • F M. 6114-61tl S. Complete with nuts 18 OO nd c:•p. 17 only. Otl_1. 23.95 NOW •1. • OAM COVERED STEERING WHEEL 11 7 D Yt Inch. Smell chrome hull. 6 OO only te clo1r. . Orig. f .&a NOW • ELUXE MAG WHEELS Cl ,, M 1sslc: epoko ty,. complete with nut• & cep. 18 OO oken 1/111. 16 only. Orig. ll.50 NOW ••ch • AGNETIC ASH TRAYS " w 01 only. H1ndy stick on enrwh•re. 1 hlle they 1111. Orig. 1.St NOW e 0 L FILTERS FOR SALE •• St c r R1mbler1 55-57-51-60, 57-51 Chry•ler, 5 ude 57-62, 0/tts S7-Sf. ...... Orig. I.Sf NOW e 0 HROME LUG NUTS So w t of 5. lO 1et1 only. hile they l1st. ·-Orig. 1.7t NOW 1 .oo .. ·: . . f I I 17 I ,\ '/ I ' t - • l;osta Mesa Teday'• Flnel EDITION N.Y. Steeb VOL 64, NO. 149, 6 SECTIONS, 86 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1971 TEN CENTS New 38-cent Tax Hike Seen in County Budget ft)' JACK BROBACK 01 1111 Dlllr 1"1111 Sti tt The Orange County Board o r Supervisors today got a proposed 1971-72 county budget calling for a possible tax increase of 30 cents over the currer:t Sl.70. This increase, reflecting a $12 million gap between revenue and projected costs for the coming year, if finall y adopted, will mean a total tax increase of 3a cents whea combined with the eight-cent in- crease approved Tuesday to cover a $3 .3 million jump in employe salaries. Suptrvisors will hold a series of public hearings on the budget begiMing July 22. County Administrative Officer Robert E. Thomas presented the budget, com- plete with suggestions on how to cut it. The spending program calls for an In- crease of 16.5 pe}cent or $29.7 million ov er the current year. The proposed total budget includini special districts shows spe.ndlng of $260 million compared to $237 million this year. A reduction in other county wide spending, other than the general fund and in special districUl amount! to $8.5 million , Thomas blames increased cost ef welfare, M!!di-Cal. mental health, the continued shift of tax burdens from the state to the county, and lhe continued growth pressures i'l criminal jll!5tice p~ grams. ''Awart: of the impending financial pinch. your board issued policy guldellnt:s for austerity and call!!d for a review of nr:eds from a zero base," Thom1s stated. "The 1971-72 budget recommendations were developed with the 1bove restric- tions. Welfare, health, and criminal justice will be able to meet their responsibtltties, but ~mmended spend- Ing does not provide room for nexibility or unknowns . "All other county activities will either require substantial gains to meet growing work loads or reduce h~vels ot service." he continued. The major increases include welfare, $23.9 million; community safety, H.2 million: and refuse disposal , $1.4 million. As alternatives to a tax increase, Themas suggested an arbitrary reduction in the work force, deferred hiri.og,lor oew esa oman ea tor Nixo11 Bares Text Congress to Get Pentagon Study WASHINGTON 1AP ) -President Nix- on announced today he will make available to Congress on a i.to p secret" classific!lion basis the full 47-volumes of a Pentagon study of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war . The White House !iaid the President t cted since the unauthori zed publication cf some portions of lhese documents <Teated a situation in v.•hich Congress "would necessarily be making judgments • . . on the basis of incomplete data "'-'hich could gl ve a distorted impression of the reporrs contents ." "For that reason the President feels that it is only fair to Congres.s and to person/i menti oned in the documents that the full report be made avai lable," press 1ecrclary Ronald L. Ziegler said . The government. through the Justice Department. has been resistin g· in lhe courts. newspaper publication of stories based on I.he secret study. Ziegler ad ded tha t "since the documenl..!I relate primari ly to the Johnson and Kennedy periodll, President Nixon pointed nut that he is no!. in a pos- ition to vouch for their accuracy or their completeness." College Trustees To Air Budget Coast Community Co!le~e District trustees will discuss the preliminary 1971· 72 budget a1 their meet ing sel for 8 p.m. today in the board room, 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. The $21 mill ion burlget includrs 11 pro- posed W cent drop in the district's tax ra1e to fi9 cents per $100 of assessed valuation . ll wa~ presented two weeks ae;o for study by tru slccs who must adopt Lhe prelim inary docume nt by June 30. The budget eliminatei; spending for capital construclion next year meaning the bulk of the lax rate drop may be at- tr ibuted Lo the abandonment of the junior co\1ege e<>nstruction tax. The budget tol31 represents 11 Sl.5 millio n cutback in spending Cilmpared to a budget of 122.5 million this year. The documents are being made available to Congress "on the un· derstanding that they will be 1u'oject lo existing Congressional rules and regula- tions covering the handling of classified material ," Ziegler said. T11e announcement t::ame after an hour- \ong breakfast meeting Nixon held with Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield at the White House. Santa Ana Unit R ejects Irvine City Proposal By TOM BARLEY 01 t~e O•llY '11•1 11111 A proposa l that might have cleared the way for qu ick settlement of the con - troversy over the proposed new city of Irvine has been rejected by the Santa Ana City Council. it was learned today. The Counci l or the Communities of Irvine (CCI ). v.•hich is seeking cityhood fo r 18.000 acres rif the Irvine Ran ch. of· fered Santa Ana an agreemenl whereby CCI "'-'Ould not oppose that city's an- nexation of nearly _1,000 acres near the h-iarine Corps helicopter base in return for Santa Ana·s recognition of the Irvine incorporation. A Santa Ana city councilman whn prefers not to be iden tified confirmed hr day th<il his ci ty cou ncil rejec1ed the pro- posal by the CCI and agrcrd to C!'lntinul! its efforts to settle Lhe dispu1e in court He ~aid the decision was re;ichrd behind closed doors Tuesday after coun- cilmen listen ed lo San1a Ana City Manage r Carl Thornton's analysis nf the issues raised by the proposed in- corporation of Irvine . CCI Chairman John Burton said today he was not surprised by the Santa Ana council's action. Burton's group is spearheading the move to create the new city of Irvine. the bou.ndaries of which would include the d~puted 938.2 acres in the vicinity of the Marine C.Orpll Air Sta- tion, Helicopter. Endless Streani It seems like everybody and his brother was going somewhere so DAILY PILOT photographer Richard Koehler -~1ho wasn't getting there very fa st any- way-stepped out to chronicle the beginnings of a long hot summer. View is southerly along Newport Boulevard at Industrial \Vay toward beach. CSF Gay Student Union Plan Nixed by Shields Ciling Ule illegallty of homosexual practices in California and potential com- munity pressure s. the president of Cal State Futlert.On has denied campus recognition of a homosexual student group. L. Donald Shields, CSP' president an- nounced Tuesday a decision to deny the Gay Student Union application for recognition as a campus 1 t u d e n t organization. Shield s said his decision had the back - ing of the Co llege Advi.sory Board, the facu lty Council Chairman , 1he student body president and the faculty Council's Executive Committee. The CSF Staff Council also voted Tues-- da y to commend Shield! for hi! "logic" u.!ted to arrive al the denial , 1 campus spokesman said. Ne'v Earthquake Shakes Elsinore, Nixon's Pool A .spill from the : . .!sidenrs swimming pool in San Clemente and loss of sleep for residents of areas near Riverside and Elllinore were the extent of dama1e from Tuesday's pre-dawn earthquake. The tremor, rated at 4.0 o·n the Richter scale was centered mldway between Corona and Elsinore in Riverl!lde County on the long-donnant Elsinore failll which Is 125 miles long. Ecology 'Kooks' Blasted Twelve member! of the 1tudent senate considered a resolution condemning Shields' decision and offering legal aid to the group. The measure was passed by a vote of llix ye1, one no and five absten- tions. Tuesday'll tremor was the largest· in Southern Californ ia since. Feb. 9, when an eacthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 OD· the Richter scale struck the. San Fernan- do Valley, killing 54 peracm. Caspers' AUle Sees Upper Newport Bay Compromise By L. PETER KRIEG Of ""° D•U~ ~llet Ili ff An aide to Fiflh District Supervisor J\Onald E. Caspers 11Rid Tuesday there 1rt: "radical kooks'' waving the nag of conservation in Orange County but vowed bis boss i~n't being led by lhe nose by them . Thomas Fuentes. executive a.5.!listant to the freshman Newport Beach supervisor, told the Orange Coast YMCA executive club that he sees "a compromise on the mktdle ground" In the Cilnlroversy over development of Upper Newport Bay. -Rupondlng to quest1oning from Irvine Com1>3:ny rresident Wllllam R. Mason ind others during the luncheon meeting, Fuenle.s , who talk 'A"ali being taped, asked. "is lhlll m1chlne off?"' An offic111l turned It off and F'u<'ntrs u id, "There are a lot of r1dica l kook~. a lot of nuls'" lnvoh·~ in the ecology move- ml'nt and m11intained Caspers wa5 not in their camp. "Their views are untenable, they'rt kooky," Fuentes said. Fuentes was by no means payina any private developer• any compliments, however. He warned of "lht: r1va1es or private deveJopment" and said there is a delicate balance needed between preserving the environment and developing ~h areal! as the Back ~y for pubtlc recreational use. Mason 's probing que stion., led to Fuenlt.s' dL<iavowal of so-called con - 5erva tion e1lremlst!. "C.tsper1 is more of 1 businessman th11n he iii .1 birdwatc her," Fuentes declared. lie called tile issue of the Upper Bay a vital one and said analysis of Caspers' campaign showed 0 'The Upper Newport Bay was lhe mOlll important issue in the J une election." Mason disaareed. uylna ht fe.lt lha man Caspers ousted, Alton Allen, ''was caught ln the middle" of a number ·of lMues that would have benefitted any o~ ponent. Mason contended the "people haven't been told what It would cost them to preserve the Back Bay as 1 preserve" and said, jf they knew the CO!lt, in terms or dollars and the loss of recreaUonal area. there would be more preuure for development. "Tbe inland people want beach!!!," he Jald. . M:1ll0n also· pointed out "There ii mort marine life in llllntlngton Hart>our than In the Back Bly," 0011111 th1l Hunlinllon Harbour ls tuny deevklped. P.1ason ahlo urged that Cuptra and other supervilors make sure "they' !lave lilt facl!" before making any ultim•te rleci!;lona. Ht pointed out I.hat only two of the 12 merpbers of the county shoreline commlla1ori dcallng with ·\he Back Bay had tvef .een ·1L < Brent Romney , student body president said he would veto the senate •ction. A two-thirds vote of the 22-member student aenate would be required to overturn the veto. A northern Callft>rnia Superior Court in February ordered Sacramento State Coue·ge to grant reCilgnition to a homosexual group. Randall Martin, 22, of Anaheim , a CSP' junio'I' !Jpeech ma jor and member of the hom08~JUal group's steerfug committtt, 11id today the group would seek legal ac- tion agaln.!tt the Cilllege. lie uld Shit:ld1' deei1ion lacked "legal 1round!" and w11 discriminatory since C&lilomla law d6e1 not •IY oqe cannot be a bomoatJUll. MartJn II.Id the 1ctr wlllcb Shields' fears ml(ht l't:'~h ~ere tYle &f'OUP.. all.ow7. ed to meet on campul!I also are illegal for heterosexuals In· California. "I 1skei:{ him, U )t Wi't ~hie for 1 hoy and girl to meet In 1 f•mlly Ille course and go ~ aod perfcinn the s11me illegaJ and daneerDWI acts," Martin Hid. T Caltech seismologists d e s c r i b e d Tuesday's shaking as a new earthquake and not one of the more than 300 af- tershocks recorded since the February quake. The tremor woke rukttnts of Elsino're 3:41 a.m. Tuesday. At 3:.., a.m .. alarm sylltern1 irl U»e Weit.em White Houte · It San Clemtnte were-tripped by the quake •nd 1 •-ting aecret service q:ent .oted water bf.lng 1p\Ued from the Presldent'a pool. No member of lht chief executive'• f.tmi'ly was staying at the Cotton's Point e1tate. Shock waves from the quake were felt in p1u1a of Loa Angeles. San Bernardino, Orange Md Sai\ Diego counUea. No Rain on Plains WASHINGTON (UPI) -With lhc drought-parched soulhwesl reported mosl of the worst dart1111ge. wind erosion in .the great plains reached a 14-year high la the li7~ll ICISOD. I positions, lesll tquipment purchues a.r:id postponing of capital expenditures. But he warned that the net increue In county employes of 2tJ7 to 8,14& 'ia all 1n criminal justice. wt.Hare, ind healtb care, which are the least rellpoosive to reduction. All other county departnwlb will have a deerease of 31 posltlona. The recommended spending fa'ns IJ.7.7 million short of department requelts, pared off by Thomas' staff . • a1n Hitchhiker Discovers Nude Body A promi nent Costa Meaa woman ruJ. ty executive mis.sing for seven day1 was found Tuesday, nude and bludgeoned to death on a marshy freeway embankment near the. Del Mar Racetrack. Investigators said Mrs. Alma Jean Smith, 56, had been dead three to four days when discovered shortly after dawn by a hitchhiker. San Diego police hcmicide invtsU11tor1 are listing the Realtor'• death a "'urdtr, with no apparent motive 1t. this poirit. The victim was reported miu.in& June 17 after she fa.iled lo rtturtl from a vilit. with relatives. Her bod)r 'fU idtntlfied by stepson David Smith, of San Diego. Clotl$.g and jewelry scattered oe1r the scene about 30 feet below Inttrstatl I 1ided iii identification ol the remains. A radio description heard by Smith ~ him to suspect the unidentified victim wa1 hJs stepmother, Deputy Coroner Ma:r Murphy 11id altbou1h it is obvious the owner of Je2n Smith Rea.I Estate, 400 E. 17th SI ., had been beaten to death ao autopsy 11 bting 1taged. The victim lived 1t 482 Abbie W1y, Costa Mesa. with a wom1n friend, ac- cording to associates . California Highway Patrol officer• im· pounded Mrs. Srtiith's apparently aban- doned car on Junt: IS, not far from ~·here she was found about 7: 15 a.m. Tuesday. A hitcb·hiker discovered the body. The location was about a mile eut ef the racetra~k. between Del Mar Helgbts Road and Via De La Valle, police said. The murder shocked Realtors in the Harbor Area, where Mrs. Smith went Into business 17 years ago, associated with Duncan Hardesty. "We .:islarted in 1954," Hardesty said~ day. . Ht: said they divided their partnership 1n the early 1960s, when she was a vie& president, and ~he took the present really firm in Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa Police Detective Sgt. Cliff McBride was handling local angles of the case today, remaining· in contl'd. with San Diego homicide detective!. "I used to date her daughter Sharon when I was going to OCC,"' Sgt. McBride said. "Jean was a family friend. She 10ld me my house."' Besides that daughter, now livi'ng !n Italy, Mrs. Smith leaves 1 not her daughter, Mrs. Flora Frey. Oraage Weather Another nice d4y for the beaclt ls the forecast for today 1nCI Thursday, W(lh ~ IUll bre"kinl out around 2 p,m. aleoi tbe oout. Highs today 75' to 83. Lowa ,\$ to 6.!. INSIDE TODAY . Productiom '" Coito 1tlt1t1 ond Fountm" VoUev wfnd asp the 1910.71 .sec.ton In local theater. Set toda11'.1 tnttrtaln- meni .tfction.. -... Clll!trltl• CtrwrC.-~=-"' ,_., ,_ Dofl:ll lt91kM ......... ••1: ... 1t1 "•" •11"'11~ , ... _, -t.11111.1...,.. Mill ..... , .. 11 • " ' .... • • ' • • -.... • • • • ' . - f DAILY PILOT c WtllntSdtJ, Ju11t lJ, l'°'l War Documents 2 Cl1ildren 4th Paper Joins Fro111 Valley Pentagon Parade Die on Trip f'Tom \'fire Servlcts Thi Chicago Sun-Times today btcamt the fourth newspaper to publlsh article!'. ba1ed on a clas:iifltd Pentagon study of th!: Vietnam war. Federal courts have restrained Thr New York Times, The V.'ashlngton Post and The Boslon Glo be from printing further articles based on the sttret papers in their possession The Sun-Times printed lhe partial te~t el a Slate Department off1c1al's August 1963 memo recommending lhat South Solons Favor Viet Pullout H POWs Free \\'ASHINGTON IAP ) -The Senate h"~ gone on record fa\·oring v.·i\hdrawal of all U.S. troops from Indochina in nine months provided 111 American prisoners of war are freed. But the \Vhile House says Tuesday·s 57· fl passage of the r.on-binding pullout amendment won "\ affect v.·ar policy .. \nd House Armed Services Com m it tee Chairman t~. Edward Hebert tD-La.). in- dicz.ted the measurl' would die in a House-Senate conferenCI' anyway. The amendment originally v.·as drafled by Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana. It wa s attached to a bill to extend the military draft. The Mansfleld amendment v.·r.s adopted after stronger measu re s founde red. It "t.rges and requests"' the Presidenl lo begin immcdia t.e negotiations of a ceasefire In North Vietnam. as well as mutual troop withdrawals and prisoner releases over a nine-month period from the date the n1easure is enacted. The withdr awals and releases would come in stages until there are no more American prisoners in enemy hands. Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler dismissed the amendment .:is me~ly "what 57 aenators think our policy should be. "It is not the view of the Congress as a v.·hole," he added. !\! if to underscore that. Hebert said he., 11 leadu of Howe confertts on Jie draft bill, would rduse to tack any Pnd· the-wu proposal onto it. The House reaffirmed it.s stBnd against auch proposal& last week , shouting dov.·n an amendment similar to Marufield's Uy voice vote and rej«:Una: a Dec. 31 pullout date ·254 to lM. In Paris, the North Vletn11me1e Md Viet Cona: delegations kl the peace ti1k3 had no immediate ccmment on the Senate vote . The long.standing Communisl position his been that discussions on the release of U.S. prisooera could begin only alter the United States agrees to a pullout by a n!asonable date. Ziegler said 1f the North Vietnamese think: the Mansfield m•asure is real policy it could destroy any chance of negotiation in Paris. Mansfield said his measure pa.!'itd even though mlllly senators were re!uc- tan: to invade the authority the President c lairru In time or ""ar. "It is just a question on th e part of some on how far the y can go. and shnuld go. In imp inging on the President's c~n­ stit utional responsibilities,'' ~lansfield said. "It's a fine line." Inclusion of end·tht·"·ar sentiment in the draft bill cll.Sts more doubt on whether ii can hL passed before ~he present Selecti ve Service: lz.w expires midnight J une JO. OkA.Nll COAST DAllY PllOT llabttl N. Wttd Pr ... 0.,,1 •.wl fl'u11t.,...,. J .cl. Ft. Cut!tv YoCI fl'rnoltM •nf 4-r•t M.l~at-K Th''"'' Ktt•il 1:111 ... 1he1'1t l A. Mur ph;,., Ml~t••nlf f:t•IW Ch1rl11 1-1. Looi R oc~t rd ,, Nt\I An ll ttn. Ml,...g!l'OL Et •'O'~ Cetl• "'"' Office )10 W1 1t l•Y S!r••t Mtilin• Ad-'11u : ,,0 . It• I ~•O. '1161 • Otber Offlc." N""""'1 lt1C"" :Jb~ Ntwto&I'/ l~u't~1 r• l~IH'lt l11c~: W. l'o<U1 A~O"UI ~utltl"t!t1 111~~. Hll" It •'' l•ult••'~ len C•-!t: ,Kti ~91111 I I C1mll'Ot •••I DA IL V lt!f.Ol, wil~ ""'!di t1 ('Onlfll">fll tht "-·••ut, II jMj!)ll11\ff t our t•C•fll i ...... °'' Ill "''"" tfll""• l'oY Llfun1 111,~. "ll•091'; .. u.... Celli ""''· "'""11"'1 ... !tJ(~, l'llyflltllt Vt!ln, 51" (1-llf (t !l'i<trt"° t •f •tHl1lll Lk, •IO'>t ... u~ 111'1.f •1')1-•t l toflllOol "1'11'11'..11111 ... lrt•"t ~~I II 11 )X Wt.of ltf l !rft., CM!t Mt11. l11111•••• 17141 •41..41a1 , Cl~ Ahart ... •4J:-i611 (tOY'""'• JO I, ll•l "l1: (&Hr •wtllo~l"'I c;....,,,~,. Hfl nfwt. orerlt1. ll!Ull•t tlll"•· ""orla l _,,.,. fl' 11...-r1l11mt11!1 ""'"' "'I Y ~~ ~nl WI"'°"• IPf(ll l ,,.... m1uien 1 , (9tll'l'lfl'l1 •-· htt-f LllU _, ... 111111 I I "lt.....-1 ltl(lt '"" (M11 M111, C:111i.ml1. lllOILrlt!lolll ~ Cl f'llf U .U -•llltyr ~f 1"1111 U.11 """"''YI ll'l!!Nrv 1r111"11i..,,1. ••ti ""'t'lll'llr. • \'1etnames:e President Ngo Dinh D!em be toppled if he en l~red into negotiations with North Vlet n°'ni. In a copyright s\ory, thr neV.'!paper said the memo and another dat.ed Sep1. 16 v.·ere \VTJ tten by A.!ls!stanl Secre ta ry of State Roger Hllsman, \\'ho .!lerved under Secrelary of State Dean Rusk. The memos. plus docun1enls rl'on1 !he Pen tagon history, show "a battle ovtr Dirm 's fate with the Stale Deparllnent urg ing his ouster and lhe Pent agon in- sisnng lhat tht !;n1 ted Stales stick with him," the Sun·Times said . The Sun·Times' disclosures came one day after The Boston Globe rrported on ~ part or the Pent aaon study and v.·as re!trained by • federal judge who ordered the new!paper"s copy of the papers inlpounded. D.o\ILY l'ILOT srut "~'" A Fountain ValJev brother and sister died Tuesday in a tragic river drowning v.·hill'! on a family camping vacation 1n 'fulare County. The 1irl, 8, slipf>€d off a rock while crOJsing Tule: Cr eek about 28 milea east of Porterville with her parents and brother and sisters. · The fcut flO\\'ing "·atl'!r trapptd her on the riverbed. While her father de!perale· ly tried to free her, nearly drowninj: hims elf. her ~year-old brother fell in •P:· pa rently un noticed 1n the commotion and drowned in the same spot. sheriff's deput ies said this n1orning. The victims were Tamera Le. e Boughn1an and her broUier, Douglu Clark, the chil dren of l\1r. and tilrs. PatJI Boughn1an. 16073 Carlton St , fountain \'alley. rederal appeals ct1u rts in New York (1· ty and Washington he:1rd arguments Tuesday on the government'! move to overturn U.S. Dis trict Court rulings fn fa vor of the Times and the Post and to enjoin them from further pubticatlon of !tories on copies of the classified paper~ in their possession. The decision! were pend ing. BIG CLEANUP JOB BEGINS AFT~R DUMP TRUCK BRAKES FAIL , CAUSING PILEUP In Costa M•1a Tutsday, Evening Motorists Witn•ss Aftermath of Three-V•hlcle Collision The tragedy occurred al the Coffee camp ground where the family had been \'acationing sine!'! Friday. Accordirlg to Sheriff's deputies, the Boughmans had l\.\'o other daughters with the1n. Both the Times and Post carried Ass ociated Press !lor!ts today on the Sun·Tin1es articles. Government officials. meanwhile. an· nou nced plans for a review of lhe ent ire 47-volume study "'ilh a \'It"' to\.\·ard possible •declassification or son1e pa rts. Dtfense Secretary ~ielvin R. Laird said he ordered thl'! censors 10 ··move as rapidly as we possibly can.'' Jn other developments: -Rep. Paul ~I. AlcCloskey Jr., <R· Calif.), was questioned by two f'BI agents about documents he rtceived from former Defense Department 1ide Daniel E!lsher1 but said he &'&Ve them no in· formation not already published. (See Photo, Page 4), -A House suhcommitlee prepared to begin hearings today on the Vietnam papers situation. McCloskey said he talk· ed lo Ellsbe:r&", the man mentioned as the person who possibly leaked !he papers lo the Times, and thought Ellsberg migh t agree to •ppear before the sub- committee. -Presidential Communications Direc· tor Herbert G. Kle in said in Chicago the Nixon Adm ini1tration his practiCfld "complete candor" with the publ ic and its reco rd of declassifyin1 documents is "the best of any governmen t" for many year!. Senators Vote To Knock Off Draft Debating WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senal.e Wednesday voted to shut off a filibuster against a proposed two.yea r extension of the draft. The move wa! apparently loo lale, however, to prevent the present selective service act from rxpiring June 30. mran. Jng there li ke ly would ~ a brief lull Jn the dra fting of ~·oung An1ericans. The vote to impos e !he gag rule "'as 6:> tc. 27 -tl\ree: more votes in favor than needed for the necessary two-thirds ma - JOrit~· Critics of the draft \\'ere confident !hey could prevent passage of the extension by Junr 30. e\'en v.·it h the !1me !im1tatlon im· posed by !he cloture ru lr . L"nder th e !ult . ea ch Senator can 5peak for onr hour. and num rro1Js amPndmen1s ha1·e been qua lified fnr a roll call \"Ole - l'!ach of which take s 20 n11nutes. Even af1er Senate pa.~s;:ige, 1hfl' rlr&tl bill must go to a Sena te-House conference and thrn must ~ ratified by both chambers before going to thl'! Wh!tc House. Sen. Mike Gravel ID-Alaska ) is the leader of the filibus ter ajainst the draft blll. Selectivf' Si!rv1ct officials havr said. however. thal fa ilurt to pass the draft biU by June 30 ...,.ould have no disastrous etfe<:ts on the draft. Thry said draft quot as missed duri ng the monUu the draft law v•as not in eH~c~ could bt made up durini J11ter month•. Brakeless Truck Triggers Wreck At Mesa Corner Brake failure senl a din-laden dump truck sailing into a Costa fllesa 1n- trrsect1on Tuesda y nigh!, \\"here it "·as ran1me:d by onr car and careened into another, dumping il.s load in thl'! ro1d. Drivers of both c11rs were injured, \.\'ith one, Roberta A. Doty, 18. of Orange. ll!trd in satisfactory condition today at Co.sta Mesa Memorial Ho.spital. Sam Coley J r .. 35. or LJ:is Angeles, told police his truck lost brake response at 6:4-4 p.m,. while he was westbound on Mri;a Drive at Newport Boulevard. Mls.s Doty's car, northbound on Newport Boulevard , rammed the rlg broadside, as Col ey fought to make the curve, crashing into a station \\'agon 1lso northbound. "I guess lhe load shifted and I couldn't hold it," he told Officer Ed Sutton. Dir! cascaded over a s1alion 1\'agon driven by John C. :\iarshall. JO, of 336 Catalina Drive. Newport Beach. as the dum p truck rolled over. fliarshall sufftred a dislocated thumb but declined treatment while a passenjer in Allss Doty's car. Phyllis Doty, 31, of Santa Ana. suffered a di.s.!ocated elboll'. Investigator~ said the accident \vhich sevrre:l y snarled traffic left all three vehicles including the dump truck with major damage. Market Leader Tells of Near Stock Crisis WASHINGTON' !UPI) -Robert W. Ha.11ck, president of the f\rw York Stock Exchange, said today that Wall Street's financial troubles in 1968 and 1969 brought !he nation close to a depression "!he like s of which \\'e ha\'e never seen be lore. ·· Haack, testifying before a Srnate Investiga tion~ subcommittee. said he did not think "the "M'orld rerogniud" how se rious \Vall Street's troubles \\ere in Ih a! pennd. He said nu1nerou.~ stocJ. brokerage hou~e3 \j,'ere up aga inst a pinch cau~ed by high cost.~ anrl dimini~h 1ng vnlume in S\(}Ck exchange 1ransa cllon~ "All of tht':se things ('ould ha ve rr~ull,.d 111 a d!'pres.~1on the li kes -0f \j,'hich we ha\'e ne1·cr seen before.·• he said_ The cnsis lrd to the coll apst> of I;') hnikera~e house~. ht' te~ti ficd , and 1nember firms or ihe ;\('I'! York Stock t:xchange: had lo bail out lheir customers lo the extent of $7~ million. The crisis Haack described came al1er a period of lremendou! gro"·th in stock merket transactions v.·hich put .t heavy strain on brokerage houses and led to tong dela}'S in the delivery of stock certificates. Then, "'hen volume dropped but broke rage house overhead rl!ma ined hi&h. the existence or the brokerage houses was threatened by the cosl squeue, Haack explained. Builders Boom Gnrbe1istan~el Contest Growing \Vhat startf!d !Is an innocenl extrcise in doubletalk in the classifird ad- verti1in1 pages of Uie DAILY PILOT threatens 10 become a major event of this summer'! "slllv sea.son.'' South coast Plaza orflcials today said the.v're interested in ha ving the v.'or/d 'a first Build a Better Garbenstangel Contest and Rallye at the North Cotta Meaa shopping «nler. 'Mle quu:Uon is, Ydll there be enough !nitre.st In lhe: buildina and prts· ervaUon af aarbenat.angels (an y kind of a Rube Goldberalln contraption that does nothin1 -or does anything) lo mike II hlpptn. If )-'OU'rt lnttruttd fill in the coupon and mail It In today. ---------------Yes . l will build a Oarben9:t.ltllrJ -(Ir ltunch a starch for one I can put into shlpt for txhlbltion at lhe Rall ye Please ttll me mort. Name . Addres1 City Ph:>ne: Zip i\fajl to Promolion ~l1n15er. DAI LY PILOT . P.O Box I~ Costa I Formal Murder Charge Lt. Grant Matherly said that the famll v ,,·as crns~ing a narrO\\' point of the river to sunbathe on a flat rock on the other side. Lodged Against Marine "At th is point the \\'eter is only four feet deep bu t it 1s r.U!hing downhill with a tremendous fo rce through a crev ice." Lt. .\latherly saJd. "The girl slipped off a roc k and became trapped by the s1v1ft i:urren l between 1wo rocks. B)· JOHN VAL TERZA Of I~• Ot lly l'llot Slttl Exaclly a year after attending the funeral in Michigan of his murdtred l''ife. former San Clemrnte Mar ine !\1ark Jotinson heard form1l charges of murder lodged again5t him Tuuday in Santa Ana Municipal Court. The 19-year-old Marine, arrrsted Mon- day evening in thr stabbing and beating death of 2(}..year-old Connie Lyn n Johnson, was assigned a public defender by Judge Robert R.ickles. Johnson . a lanky , handsome: Vietnam veteran. wlll return to the .!lame court J u· Jy 2 for a preliminary hearing to determine if he must it.and trial in the year-ol d killing of his high !choot sv.·eetheart. J udge Rickles further ordered Johnson lo remain in custody without bail unt il the hearing. The young !\farine remained in cu!tody at San Clemente city jail this morning as lnvesti11ators renewed .t metal-detector search near the small apartment v.·he re Mrs . Johnson's body was lound June 17 or 1970. The diggin& and seanning of cne soil around the small batement apartment at 4111 Monterey Lane stretched through the day Tursday. but investigators did not dlsclone: the object of the search, or any succes! in lhe dlgging. One weapon in the klllina: has been log- ged into evidence -a small stool allegedl y used lo inflict fatal head u·ounds. But a knife. assertedly a kabar military knife . reportedly has nol yr l bern found. Thr same area -primarily planted slopes -was sifted ove:r by a team of in· vesll~l!.tor~ a year ago "'ith no reported results. The apartmr nt in the bov.·I area of the city nrar the municipal pier h11d sho"·n si a:ns of possibll'! en try th rough a kitchen window during the investigation la!t ye~r. .Johnson . "ho reported the di !co\·ery of lus 1\·1r~·s bod~·. had told officers hr left her be fore da"·n the da y before the disco\'ery. then returned at about noon after Str\·1ng guard duty at the ~1arine 'ct•en oum""' !lt.....aa.• .... ' '"'";m._~...,..~-. ... .,,,..,"1 GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HllMrNllU ~ ....... ~·~4~0-kZkZ .. ""UN""'~"" .... llJlllll CHOOSING A MAN 'S WATCH Buy ing a \1 atch see1ns a compli- cated procedure: but 1t isn't com· pl icated at all if yo u rollo\v the basic \\'atch-buylng rule of "end- use"' .•. the use to 11·hich the \\'atch l\'il\ be put in a rnan's career, hob- by. s port or social circle. To insure that a 11·atch \I ill gi ve lasting pleasure. iirst determine this end-use. Once this is settled. you \\"ill find it ea sy to judge the value of such features as shock· proof. waterproof. fashion shapes. self "'inding, calendar/date, the chronographs. split-second hands, automatic models, etc. \\lith increasing awareness of fashion. more men are buUdin 8 • "v.•ardrobe" ol ~·atches. ranging fron1 !ptclalized watches for aptti· fie uses such as skln-cUvlng. to .style oriented lime pieces \\'Orn principally as a !oshlon accessory. \Vhet her you a rfl conaidering a v.·alch for yourself or a s a gift. v.·t 'll gladly he lp you relate the end-use lo the v.•1de variety or feature~ C.:orps Air S1at1on heli copter fac1l i1 y irl Santa Ana The auburn-h<11red \·1ct1n1 \.\'as three months pr~gnant al the ume of her death _ lier da il~· hab1I during !he tour.month stay 3t the aparlment 11as to let the couple"a small poodle out at about 6 a.m. each moming. On the 1norning of the slayi ng, ho"·ever. neighbors not Pd tha l ~!rs. Johnson did not appear with the dog. In monthz follow ing the murder. con- tacts \.\'ith Johnson by investigatnrs were frequent. The young !\larine made almost dail.v trip~ to police headqu arters during the fi rst fe\.\· weeks fullowlng his wi fe"s dea1h. Investigators at the time described Johnson as "extremely coopera.tive" dur· in~ !he routine followup investigations . 1'he same detecti\·es arrested the blond l\!arine, assisted by Distri ct Attorney and l\farine Corps investigators who joined in !he case several months ago. Mesa Birthday Party Scheduled Tick ets are going last for "'hat pro- 1nises to be a sellout crowd at Costa l\1esa 's 18th annual b!rUiday party celebrating 195J incorporation of the city. Only liO of lhe 250 se11ts remained today for 1he June 29 noon luncheon at the Cos ta 1\.lesa Golr and Country Club, ac- cordin g to Cha mber of Com merce Ex· ecutivr Manager Nick Ziener . Reservations for lhe event featuring \\'hite Housr ad\·isor Robert ff. Finch 11s special speaker may be made for $5 per person through the Cha mber of Com· merer, Friday is the deadline for receiv1n1: them The celebration of Cost<i l\fr!a 's 18th yrar \l"ill al~o be a salut l! to the Orange Coa sl DAILY PILOT. v.·hich has 1ervtd the arra for :15 years. "The fath er leaped in to resrue her but he \j,·as dri\'en un der bv the force of !he v.·ater. He !old us later ih11t he felt he was dro"·ning himself. Some bystander! \.\'ere able la pull him nu1 by getting hold Qf him \\"ith a rowel "Then !hey realized that the boy ,,·as missing and that he must ha ve fallen in in the commotion_·• The Incident occurred at 11 a.m. Thi'! bodies "·ere recovered bv a <Tew of state prisoners from tile ~fountain Honie Conse rvation Camp at I p.m. Both hrother and sister 11•ere wedged behreen th r same rocks. ".\lr. Boughrnan said 11·hen he \.\"as ln th(' wa ter he got hold of hi.~ daughter but could no! pull her ou!, the force was tiO great,'' Lt. ~1atherlr said. One of f>f r. Boughman 's legs also 1va,, caught in some rock.~ and \\'as bruised and cut v.·hen he was rescued. Lt. ~1a!herly branded !he crossin1 as a daoger spot. •·\re had a l 4·~ear-old girl dr own there in April and we'll probably ha\•e anolher l\.\'O o~ three dro,,.,·nings 1n the summtr,"' he i:a id. "The water looks beautiful but it's treacherou~. People just don't realize the dan1er. It's 1mpos!ible for anyone to stand up in there." Frederick Doner Services Slated Funeral services will be he!d Thursday for longtime Harbor Areit rezident Frederick F. Doner . who died Tue~day al 52 of ;i heart attack. Riles \j,'ill be al 2 p.m. in Blower!I ~lortuary Chaf)€!, Santa Anll. "'ith in- le:rmrnt to folio\\' in Pacific Vie:_w i\'lemorial Park, Corona dr\ f\.lar. A mechanic. !\Ir. Doner had been in Orange County 24 years and wa~ the fa lher of fvrme:r DAILY PILOT sports: editor \Villiam Doner who i~ now manager of the Sea\lleo International Rate .... ·a~. i\1r Doner also lra \·es his ,,·idl't11 l..emita, of the famJ!v home at 522 Cal.111na Drive. r\ewpori Be.11 rh, plus r .... o l!lrandsons. Brian 11nd J rff Doner Styled by tomorrow 's standards ... .,d the unique 11lf-ch1nglng day/dat1 le atura will ttll you when tomOrro-.y comu. Thia setf·wliidlng ConstellaUon ii Omaoa's hr1r1t w•l ch. It rs • 011tlFJed chronorne11r ... h1v111; pat11d 380 hours of accuracy te1ts at 1 oovemm1nt·aup1rvtsed Swiss testing bur•111. Magn lllc1ntlr crafted. 18K 1olld ;old w111r- l'9•!1t1111 e••• end malch lng brac1l1t, .• S ! 200 Sim• watch In 1tainl ... sin/ .•••..•... $2>5 J. C. .J./.umphri1M Jeu 1e fer:J 1823 NEWPORT BL VD., COST A MESA C0NYlNUiN1 1111M5 24 Y£AlS IN SAME LOCATION I I I I r-.feae. Ca 921U6 -------------- I I I .. I ~vailAble in the bealltiful \\·atches 1n our store. l,1,NKAMERIC,o.Ft~M,o.Slfll CHARGE ,HONE 541.)401 17 7 I r I ,. 'ADOPTED' PARENTS SHOW THEIR ELATION AFTER COURT VICTORY OeMartinos, Who Fled to Miami, Win Battle With N1tural Mother Heat Fells Las Vegas Marchers New York Couple Given Custody of Baby Lenore i\11AMr (AP} -A Florid.a custody of tbe infant four judge has Nicholas and Jean weeks later. ' Li\S VEGAS (UP!l -F!c-.g-Dehfartino, who abandoned J\1iss Scarpetta, a Colombian \\·avinc, marching Lions from their Brooklyn hon1e after native now working as a throughout the world paraded New York courts said they ~ecretary in New York. later in this gambling resort Tues-had lo return their adopted tried lo get Lenore back. The daughter Lenore, may keep adoption agency refused but day and about a hundred were custody of her. Jost !he fight in court. overcome by the desert heat. "Dear Goct we won .'' The De~fartinos ned to Tue;;day ~·as the hottest day Nicholas De~\arlino cried Florida \\'ith Lenore and thei r ol the year 111 Las Vegas; the \\'hen Dade County Circuil 4-year-old adopted daughter, . d Judge Ralph Cullen ruled Linda . last month. Tbey said mercury c!unbe to 1 t I Tuesday that the Dei\tartinos they plan to stay. degrees at midday. could keep Lenore. Miss Scarpella's attorneys The lfJO-unit parade. in· Jean DeJ\.1artino hugged said they v.·ould a pp e ~I eluding marching Lions clu b their Miami attorney, Wilhan1 Cullt>n·s decision even though units Md bands. lasted three Colson. She and her husband the DeJ\.lartinos said if Lenore and a half hours. \\'hen the wept openly with joy_ were to demonstrate she parade began at 6 p.m. (PDT! Sitting just a few feet away Y:anled to Sf'e her natural the temperature was 107 Olga Scarpetta also broke into molhcr, they y.·ou\d agree to d~grees. Weather experts said lears. Her child was not her IL if the temperature were tiwn. Cullen saicl he decided to rncasured on the asphalt. deny f.1iss Scar'petta's Florida .'.'!!reels it wou'.d have been Miss Scarpelt.a, 33, put the suil ''in view of all the law. •·considerably higher." child up for adoption with a evidence and the DeMarlinos Mercy ambulances made New York agency four days good reputation." De.Martino, more than 25 runs to the after Lenore's birth en i\1ay an attorney, and his v.·ife still hospit2Js and the emergency 18. 1970. The Oe~1artinos, then face contempt of c ourt room at Sunrise Hospital, near living in Brooklyn, took charges in New York. !he parade route, was filled·----'------'-----------------1 v.·ith patients "'ho collapsed due to heat. Southern Nevada t>.1emorial Hospital a Is o treated numerous patients young and old alike. Meat Gets Clea11 Bill In Tests WASHINGTON \UP!) First returns from a r.c1v government testing program shew nG residues of a con- trovers1al synthetic hormone in lhe nalton"s meat supply, 11 \l as lea rned today. The reports come from a sampling program launched by the Agriculture Depart- ment 1r1 April l.o detect in n1eal from beef steers and lambs <'.!lV residues of dielhvlstilbeSterol ( D ~ S ) . ••hich has been reported to cause cancer in laboratory Now! LAST WEEK ~Styf1sf zig-zagsewingmachine bySingerin"Pacesetter"cabinet. Nows14995 ~ S.. ltralghe « ltCJ'-llO"" swik:.h wilha ~ick ol yaor finger. Gel extra-wide zig-zag stitches loo! Sew Pr9C:tk:lll .-w:I Fencyl This machine dams. mends, b'1ndstitches, sews txsnons and buttonhOles! And ii 811 lbroidel sand apphquesl s-any fllbrlc:, from chlllOn 10 le.1ther, wi1h just the TJQht i;btch length. Use easy-to-set con1ro!. .~-animals. ~ A departmeGt official said ~ the new program got under way in mid-April. By the end of tha~ month report! showed 9J callle and 85 lambs had been sampled with no "positive" residue findings. . The program moved into high gear in Me.y. Returns for lhal month, which will pre>- bably not be available for some v.·eeks. are expected to .11how ll'SIS on a sample of about 500 animals. " > • CO,TA MllA.-a rltftl .tM $toll_.,, ,..,111 Ctnl , .. i.a, -....uu COSTA MllA-t* Mtl'Mf I M ,. Wt,_ (fftf'ff, 1(1 f·lltl MUWTIWGTOW al:ACW-l'lnfw If 1•'1'tl. Mllfr'lifof,..... ·-~ c ... 1,., "1·1f0 OJIAW0•-11 WI-ltll, "'Tiit ClfyH C:tl!Mf", Jot2•)'4J • ... Ol:W lll0Y€-"i1 c:M..,.,..., Or•• c:_,, ,.ltlt, Uf04flt 13 U.S. Scl1olm·s Arrive i11 China CANTON. China IUPll - The finlt group of American JCholan invited to visit Com· munist China in 2Z years ar- rived today in the southem CJ· ty of Canton and was welcom- ed with "warmth and en- thusiasm," one of the students said. The 13 young A~rican~. mostly graduate students. ar- Ghetto Mob Rampages AKRON, Ohio (UPI) - Police sealed off a 15-block ghetto area and used tear gas on crowds early today alter Negroes, angry over the shooting of a Negro by a v.·hite man. took to the streets lhrov.•ing rocks and boltles al passing: cars. Several police cruisers v.·ere hit by gunfire and one officrr wa! nicked on the arm by a bullet, police said. Scattered incidents and milling crowds were reported into the morn· ing. At least 30 persons v.·ere a.rre5ted. rived at 3 p.rn . by train from I-long Kong and checked in at the Tung Fang (Ea.lit Wind) Hotel. The scholars, associated v.·ith the Committee CJ f Conceroed Asian Scholars. in Stanford, planned to spend one month in Ch ina. .. We Ylere received with v.·armlh and great en- lhusiasm." Kim Woodward, of Stanford University, said in a telrpt':one interview. "We have been resling in 1he hotel since we arrived, and '''' still do not have any definite itinerary. All of us l<'<'l very happy about this fvi&i t). At this time, we don 't have much to i;ay, :i;ince we have been here for only a few hours." The Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars was formed three ~·ears ago to influence the United Stales to exchange political. e<'onomic and cultural relations with China. The admis:i;ion or the 13 scholars into China today was in line with Premier Chou En· lai's remarks last April to American table tennis players that more Americans would be vii;iting China "in batches." Tricia, Ed Believed At Retreat WASl~INGTON 1UPJ) Close friends of Tricia and Edward Cox said today the newJyy:eds were honey- mooning at nearby Camf) David. t.1d . The White House would not comment on lhe report. but friends · Of the President"s daughte~ and her hu.sband said the couplt "."ent to the retreat in the mountains of v.·estern r.laryland following their mar· riage June 12 in the White House Rose Garden. OF WtdM~. Junt 2.J, 1971 DAILY PILOT $ Political Trip Nixon Schedules Mid!fest Journey WASH INGTON (AP) months hence.. Hill audience J>resldent Nixon, who says cheered. he's wearing his non-polllieal The President dela}red the bat this pre-carnpa ign year, is departw"t <:A hb big jet from • heading for the Midwest l.o nearby airport. for many touch a few more political minutes while he received bases. New J er s e y ' 11 Republican Back in Washington Tuesday county chairmen. after a ~ay working holiday In like vein. Nixon stopped trip to New York. New Jersey at Rochester. N.Y .. last Fri· and Florida -three key day to participate in a sl.ate.s in presidential conte;,t_, •·conference on domestic -Nixon will Oy lo Indiana policy i n i t i a t I v es ' ' for and Illinois Thursday and Fri· newspaper and broadcasting day. executives from 12 state11 and Ostensibly, the motive for the District of Columbia - Nixon's trip to the Midwesl is then went to two private func- noo-political. He bas said he is tions populated laJgely by concentrating on presidential ' well-heeled • ' c om m u n i t Y duties this year and will not leaders." answer political questions at1--"--"'-"--------- news conferences. So, too, was his appearance Tuesday in Allantic City, N.J., al the annual convention of the American Medical Associa· ti on. Addressing the physicians, Nixon promoted his own health care proposals by predicting a n alternative sponsored by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (0.Ma!!s), a potential 1972 challenger. would cost the taxpayers $77 biUion a year 36 lllTWOOD 111111 AND LOAN AS&OalATION ~ GTON BEACH BRANCH~ TUESDAY JUNE 22-SATURDAY JULY 10 5828 EDINGER BLVD. (comer of Edinger &Springd.le) IN THE MARINA VILLAGE - SPECIAL HOURS mvs SAlURDAYS 9AM-4PM 10AM-6PM 10AM-3PM " ' ..! •• • DAILY PU..OT EDITORIAL PAGE Racing Answer? Jt would appear that the 32nd District Agricultural Association -the legal title of the Orange County Fair -may have found an an,;wer to a question that bas been bothering Costa Mesans for many years: Hor5e racing. Each of the state's county fairs has the prlvilege of sponsori ng 14 days. of racing each ye ar. To some of tho5e fairs -the Los Angeles County Fair at Pomona, for example -this period of racing provide1' a sub- stantial income and enables the fair to build facilities and provide more year around community-wide pro· grams . .Most of the smaller counties, particularly ln the north, do not have sufficient population to "'arrant a racing schedule. Orange County does nave the potential of drawing thousands of racing fans. But t\VO things have been obstacles up to this point: Track facilities are expen- t;ive and the fair boa.rd has no ready means to fund the program. And the thought of horse racing and on- track betting in the city is dista~teful to many Costa l.Iesa residents. Fair manager James Porterfield la st week reveal- ed that there may be an answer that will please every- one. • Whal is propo5ed is that the Orange County Fair utilize its authoraed 14-day :racing schedule at the Los Alamitos race track. It is a provocative suggestion, one warranting full exploration. Porterfield doesn't know how much income the fair would derive from operating at Los AJamitos, but it certainly would provide money to help finance much-needed improvements of the Cost.a: 1ifesa Fairgrounds site. There could be little objection from Costa ~1esa res- idents inasmuch as horse racing and betting already is in force on the Los Alamitos track, so no new moral question is posed. Moreover, such an operation would require no investment by the Orange County Fair board. About the onJy hurdle lies in the fact that stale approval must be given before addition al racing days can be added at the Los Alamitos track. 'fhe powerful lobby of race track interests being what it is, any change in scheduling is likely to incur strong behind- the-scenes opposition. Los Alan1itos has tried for years to S\Yitrh from quarlerhorse racing to thoroughbred racing, but never bas been able to overcome the~e in- terests. At any rate, all of Costa f\fesa would benefit if the Orange County Fairgrounds can have more facilities and more attractions throughout the year. Income from horse racing certainly would improve the picture. Torn-up Bouleva.rd Summer's here and the livin' may be easy. ,But it isn't on Newport Boulevard bet\veen 19th and Super- ior Avenue. especially for motorists. Traffic is always bad when the beach·bound from Brea and other simmering in land points hit town , Whether one is on the busy boule\'ard or trying to cross it. Construction workmen have now added lo the snaa by setting out little red flags and tearing up the median dividers at five do\vntown locations. Why now?, mutters the sweaty motorist, or the husUing executive en route to a business lunch. F'or several reasons, say c ity officials. Principally there is no danger of roadway damage due lo rain, plus the fact the State Division of Hi ghways is involved in both finance and construction timing. "There \\'ill be some inconvenience ... " they admit candidly, hoping the flo\v may be improved in the long run. For whatever consolation it may be, the job should be finished by a week from Friday, speeding sun-seek- ing inlanders to Newport Beach. c ~B~autiful Contract' Means lnflatio11 20 Million Results of Union Demands To t.M Editor: You work for a company whose I.Inion doesn't l'lo a thing for you except collect high monlhly dues. Every few years their very high salaried leaders have to justify !heir e1is!ence -so they ma~ a show· ing al fighting for more and more monies and better working conditiona. Jwt what do they accomplish? The employes are given a new conlracl that looks beautifu l. It is great except for one small l'lelail . The butcher, the grocer, the baker. etc. each have also received a "buutiful contract" By the time the ldu runs full circle., you realize that you have taken tv.·o 8lep& backward and once again your dollar has slipped in its buying power. HOWEVER, EACH time. all-Other prob. lem has lo be added _ Because the com· pany that you work for exi!ts only because: of thousands of in\'estors who m. ii.st upon dividends each year, some cor· nera have to be cul The trouble is that this time it ls YOUR .JOB. The next time your union lt.aders suggest that you demand more and more, J suigest that you (I.) kick him out of of- fice and (2.) take a trip lo your nearest unemployment of fice and say to youne]ve1. ''There but for the grace of Gad. 10 I." G. J. KOVA CIC l'olarbat.lo" To the Editor: Your June 14 fJCl..itorial in support of f • Mailbox Letters from readers are welcome. Norm.alty writer' 1hould convev their mts.roges rn 300 words or ltss. The right to condt7!sl! letttrs to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All let· ttrs must incl1tde signature and mo:il· i;ng ad.dress, but 11ames may bl! with.- held on requrst if sufficient rta.son is apparent. Poetr11 witl not be pub- lishtd. public aid to pri\'ale schools. allhough full of faulty reasoning and unjustifiable con· clusions. is at least a legitimate use of your newspaper. However, your June II "news story" entilled "Rising Costs Threaten Private Schools" by George Uidal represents a completely unethical use of space in a: community newspaper. That article should have appeared on the editorial pnge and been labeled as such or marked as .a politlcal adverlisement even though paid for by the newspaper! IT IS rt1JSUSE of newspapers in ma.n. ners like this that will lead to stronger governmental control such as is evident in TV. And people like you thal bring a.bout such controls by lhe misuse of your trust will probabl y be the ones that scream the loudest ~ The Leida! article is nothing but a bla· tant on~sided political argument. You should be required to give equal space to the other side of the. argwnent~ PRIVATE SCHOOL administrators ad- mit that the only reason that the y can <Jperate for less th an public schools is that their teachers get less pay. Can anyone seriously believe that once state money is coming in, the private school teachers won't dtmand equal pay? Or that private school administrators won"t kt>ep demanding more and more money? The argument that taxpayeri1 will save money by giving money lo priv1te schools is absurd. The e\•entual oulcome could only be higher taxes . Parochial schools arc an abomination as th E'y resul t in further polari7.alion or the commun ity. Such polariz.alinn should not be supported by publ ic funds~ .J W. PARKS Pro111pt, Co11rteo11s To the Editor: Just read the complaint (Mailbox, .June 161 about the loss due l.o fire on CabriUo Street recently. On December J. 19611. my husband, v.·no was an invalid, had a fall and was un· CQnscious and helpless. I ca!Jed 1hr. telephone operator. who called the lire and police de.p11rtmenls. lmmcdiale aid was rushed and saved my husband 's life. Ht has been able to re!lume many ac· tivities. "'e shall always be eternally grateful for the prompt, courteous assistance. Sometimes the good is over looked E. M. STRAUSE Some Things We Could Skip Thinl! "'e could do without · ''His" and ''her" ch11r rec.liners Sc•re articles on the population ex· plosion. Gtm-stul'lded identily t.tgs r () r pamptred pet dogs. Ps.Ychological e.xplan11tons of why more middle • •&ed mm Ulan women !!!ili ll like to ny kitu. New way1 to lose weif ht "as if by magic'' or to keep trim 1nd ''fit as • Uger" by eii:ercis- ing only 3'~ min· ~j· utes every d1y, I Any new kind of amu~ement for ~pie under .fll. Thty are alread y in danaer of being amused to death or exhaulltion. PEOPLE WHO ARf; more i;tirred to inl'll1natlM by ~ruelty to iinimals than by cruelly to chil dren. An)' more night Lalk g how 1 on \Vedneaday, June 23, 1971 TM ~itM'io.l pooc of the Dail11 PiloC •etlu to inform and •tim- u.latc ntuitt'• b11 prt•tntino thi' U1"fXIJ)tr'• opiniom and com- Me11ta'J' cm topia of i11tere,e and ,fgnfff.cance, b11 providing o ft>TUm for tht t.iprt11io-n of our rca<Ur1' opinio111, tMd bu pr~1entlno tile diverse view- pofntl o/ informed observer• and rpo.lr:crmcra on topfa o/ th1 dou. ltobert N. \Veed, Publisher television during which famou11 guests show bad taste by examining their moral frttkles on camera_ Any more ta1es on anything. Girls who wed simply becaUJe a hua- band is handy lo have around when they want to be zippered up to go out. All marriages performed in weird places or while the participants are doing unusual things -1uch u skin divine, touring; • gold mine, or water akiing_ BIG GA~ hunters who shoot wild buf. falo . lions and elephanu simply in order to have tn tlieir trophy room • bigger lituffed h@ad than their own. Th~e-tone sport shoes. Guys wl'ln bleach • streak of blondt In their l'lark ha ir in the deluded hope th is will make them look excitingly youn1. Girls who do the 1ame thing bl the •cf-. ded belief this will make them look de1perately attracUve. Babies who wall until the mlddle of the night to have an •ttack of hlccup1 when, if they bad •ny ae.1111e of human coopera- Quotes ; Rerb Frank. Btrkeky -"U tht U.S. would brlnf a1tron1ut1 from the other side or tht ree world Into tht moon pro- xram fill would achleve the wi8h e:i· pressed by our •stronauU! that lhelr ac· compllshmenta: lruly contribute to peace." Gflbtrl W. Ltnduy, L.A. Clly Co111· cllman -''\Vr all need to stm looking at problem•. fron1 va rloui1 angle11, not just attack 1nyon~ or "":t'lhlng that h11ppens t.o be in 1i1ht of our n1rrow vl~!on." I.ion or r1l1al responsibility, they could hiccup in the 1niddle of the afternoon. WJVES WHO can't read a modern sex m;inua l v.•ithout thrn forcing lhe 1r hu~band lo quit v.'a!cl11ng ''Bona111.a" 11nd go sit on the sofa and read the book loo. People who buy something they don't need merely because the price of ii went up since the day btfore yesterday -and may c:osl even more tomorrow. DULL RAZOR blades and duller com- ed ians. Girls with see-.lhrough blouses who aren't worth looking at, let alone seeing through. A cat that refuses the food you offl!r ii, then Jits and stares reproachfully at you as you eat your own meal -a11 if it thought you were .t selfish glutton. Listtning to a pompous high t;chool gradu1!ion !peaker tell the class to "Jive dangerOu!'.ly.'' Is there an y othtr possible w&y for them to live in this century~ From lhese and other do-withouts, deliver us, Amen. Dear Gloomy Gus That ice c::rum p.11rlor at 171h and Irvine Ave. knoc ked dov..11 20 trtt! '° their place could be more visible. They left only ont olive tree. Sbade1 of Georie Washing· "'"I -A. tif. T. r•1t r.ttu,. "''""" NHWr •'-""' -.... ,u, ,,,.,. .. "'• "'.,,._. • .... rtvr Ml _ ... f9 •-r ••t. D1Ur Pl .. t. More Eligible Voters • '72 in ( Guest Report Under the ground rules, president ial politics Ameri can style. is qu ite a political blast. In view of the a"·esome power of the presidency, the gro und rules are such that none bul the skilled politicall y upon whom Providence has bestowed a bless- ing could possibly en1erge y,•1th the plum, \Vith the '72 ra ce already v.·ell un· derv.:ay !he changing election process and the chanciing electorate offer pol1t1cal analysl!i a delectable study. Jn 1972. the Census Bureau reports. there will be abo ut 140 million people of voling age as opposed to a little under 120 mill ion eligible persons in 1968. the las1 tirne around. FASCINATl!\'G TO stude nts or the election process is the fact that lhrre v.·111 be 25 million first lime young voters 1n 197Z--some 11 mlllion ney,·ty enfranrh!sed teenagers and around 14 million youn~ people v.·ho will have made 1t to 2J by 1972. High on any observer 's list for study in probing the game of presiden tia l polJ!1l',C: is the event. termed a prr.s1dent1<1! preference pri mary, Jn which i:i :-ornc slates under v;irious rules the candtda11'c: are. pitted against each other , or may pit them selv('s against one and ann(hl'r, 1n lhe search for con\'entlon \'Otes to gain a party 's presiden1ial nomination Jn 1968 the primary approach to v•1n- ning dt>!Pgates w11s practiced in l·I ~lair~ and the District of Co1umbia. In 197? THE lineup to dale nl pre~1(1Pn­ tial primaries has climbed to 23 slates and the District of Columbia . The new st•te preference pri mary hurdles which presidenli•I contrnrler.~ must cope with are : Alaska. Rhode Island. Alabama , Arkansas, North Carolina. Tennessee, t.faryland, New f\texico and New York. All of the presidential primary eJl!ctio" stales .and the dates for their elections art>' Alaska, February 29: New Hamp!hire .and Florida, r.tarch 14 : lllinnis , r.tarch 21 : \Visconsln. April 4: Rhode Island, April I I: l\fa ssaehusP!ls .and Pennsylvanu1 , April 25: Alabama, the Dii;trict or Columbia. Arkansas. lndian11, Ohio a.nd North Carolina . 1\tay 2: Ten- nes&ee, May 4: N('braska and West Virginia . May 9: Maryland. !\fay 16; Oregon. May 23: California. New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota, June 6; New York, June 20. LOOKING AT THE da tes and the geographic spread of tht stales involved, and eonsll'lerlng the numbtr of delegates re()l'e1enled in the preference prin1ary !lsW, it ls clear to see why successful presidential •Ominees mult be possessed of rtmarkable q:ility, not to mention stamina. Just one of the f11scina ting new bits 1n the proctss is the ra rt that the stair of Aluka h11s decided lo supplan t l'\rw 1-lllmll!htrc v.·ith the first presidenltal prim1ry. It'~ no accident. of coun:e. And it d<ltll coniure up • wnnderful pictu re or r11nd1datrs v.•lnging from AnchnragP 10 ~1anchester to Juneau to Concord -:ill for 1he psychological lift nf \vlnntn1: slates having a tot•! or 7 OUl of ~ e!rl' toral coue,e vote5! Callforni1 re11ure Sf.rvlcc 'Help! I'm about to be de voured by a mon.surr . .. The Revolution Of Relationships If you lry lo look around at each problem in 1solal100 today, you can't really see wha1 s going on , all seems to be confusion, chaos and contradiction. In Henry J a mes ' phrase, lhere JS no .. figlire in the car- pel .. But 1f you step back a few paces, and tr y to obtain a 11ule perspective ol time ai; ·well as dis- tance, then you ~­ gin to sec the reg- ular pattern running lhrough lhe v.•hole ca rpet of conte1nporary problems. AN!) TJIIS IS WllAT 1 would call the re\nlution of rrlationships. 1·hrre is a revolution going on today, but it is mult iple revolution, not like the single revolutions of the past. The new revolution is not political . or social, or cconon1 ic , or moral. but a general questioninx o[ relationships. Every established relationship, in every significan1 area, is being questioned today: nothing is taken for granted. The rcla!ionsh1ps between old and young. black and \l'hi lc. rich and poor. man anrl "'·on1an . warden and prisoner, church and communicant , doctor and patient, sludent ;ind tea cher -tn earh c.ase. reform s are not mtrely demanded. but the v.·holr. r:;srntial nal ure of the relationshir is undergoing a basic reappraisal. A/\"D THIS l\1ULTIPLE revolLJ11on is. !nr the first lune in history. a v.or!d-'t'-·irle one-!",tuden ts 1n France and Japan feel . . I • ..,, '¢> ·~ ' ... ;1..,,,:;.A-,,...J._• ··J al one v..·Hh the ir fellow-students in the US., rhurehgoers 1n Holland and Ita ly are asking !he same questions and grap- pling with the sarne issues as Method ists in lo\1a and Presbyterian.c; in Vermont. It is a revolution. moreover, that goei:r far beyond Marxism or any other ideology of our l'Cnlur\'. II 1s ('xistenlial 1n !Is thru~t. for 1l questions cur rt n t retal1on:-;hips nn ;i pl.'rsonol basis. PeoplP v.·anl to belong lo them selves, and not fl\ somr abstracl. ~ystem outs i d e themselves: 1o ha\'e human I 1 r (' l'.onsldered as an ··orgarusm," not as a 1nechanlsm. THIS IS WHAT makes !he movement ne\v and un iquely different in !he histor.v of mc1nkincl. cu lling acros!'. all preYiou,o; line s of loyalty and <tulhority ;ind trad ition_ People are a,o;k1ng: that. for thl' first tin1e. lhey be defin('d in te:r ms of their esse ntial humanity, rather than as fur>ction s of socie1y. The revolunon in rela tionships h11 s fll) philosophy, jus! a fai!h -that wr musl, now and hrre. rethink and rc11·ork the very fabri c of .~ociety_ so tha t the parl.~ run for the sake or the v.·holc. and lh P \\•hole runs for lhe .sa~c of the p<1 rts. Sn that we are secure as person~. but free as individuals-a doubl e task that no human society has been hig enough nr bold enough <1r good enough to Lackie up to nnw. 1,wo cind a Half Books \\'hen you think or "The Third r.-lan·• ~ou th ink of lhe zither ll1en1r , the .~ardon1c smile of Harry Linu• 1 Orson \\'ellesl and lhe long. long v.-alk by the ~irl (Alita VaJlil away from the fro zen graveside. It is a visual v.·ork, .;ind Graham Greene wrote it that way. originally .as a scripl for the Carol Reed movie 11949). The producer, Sir Alex- ander Korda, wanted a story based on the lour-power occupaUon of Vienna, but Greene offered hun a thriller set in im- mediate post-war Vienna. The chemistry worked on film . Grttne himself "'rites that "The Third f\.1an" was ne ver written to be read but only lo be :s«n. He should have left it at that. DURING A RECENT deb1uch, a >A'in. nowing Lhrough "Triple Pursuit : A Gr11ham Greene Omnibus," I read "The Third Man " for the first time. Little more than a longish story (7S pages), it does not hold up. Ha rry Lime remains a shadowy figure as the penicillin black- market racketeer. complete with tongue- 1n-chcek sophistries, but lhe work is the least convincing of Graham Greene's enter1a1nments. He had had the acMpl; lhf' story was clearly •n •fterthought. So this olherwlse fine Omnibus should be labeled "two and a hair books in one volume-,'' not "three." To make it 'lhrE'f''' the editors might have added "The Ministry of rear." Tll F: 0111ERS ARE marvelou5 Greent. however. "Thi! Gun for Hire" (1936l and "Our P.1an in liavana" ! 1950 ), the first portrait of a professional killer lhal Opt"n!I w1lh a line lhal won't let you go (''~h;rder didn't rnean much to Raven: it "''.11.~ JU.~t 11 new job."): the iecond is a rarrlcularly c:omlc e.xample of the. !ilJSJlf'nse l':E'nrr Both can stand a rereading !I 'm think- ing of summer), 11 can 11mil.11r col· The Rook1na11 Jeclions in Ll1is •·on1n11Jus" format _ representative wnrks in a single volump, by Ross P.iacdonald, Dash1el Hammell and Raymond Chandler come to mind. A debauch indeed if one lo~sed theu uncu t gems into a tow-slung hammock, Even in "'Ille Third fi..lan" you can close your eyes and recall Jose ph Col!(')n and Welles in thAt Vicnnest fun park and the. haunted look of Vall i You could even whistle the Iheme (Vikinf!· $6 95\. \Villlam Ho11n By George --~. Dear George: t have a tendency lo be terribly jealous. A friend or mine, with Jeu job e1perience tll•n I hr.ve, just 1ot a $.'!5,®a-year job wltb a huge e:r- pense account. I'm so t!nvious ( could kick him! How can I overcome this? Otar W.R.: W.R. Develop a mot'!: o u t g o J " I personallly. Be philnM>phlcal. AS3umc your break will 1Jso come. Go to your !rlcnd and wit h every bit of ~incterily al ynur wmm•nd offtr your heartiest congrR!ul11tiorui 1n !he !hiky, amart-•leck upati rt . IS.1.S.000! Boy! Somt of 1he1e punk.~ get all the bret1kll , don 't they~) ! For diffi cult 1n5v.·ers ltl s:imple probltms. write lo Gtorae Hm . Thal setms to be backv.•ard Oh well .• _ M d0tes George 1 · i 0 • cl • of fol T " m fa w m '" on ho of w· I 7 Saddleba~k VOL 64, NO. 149, 6 SECTIONS , 86 PAGES • ar1ne Nixo1a Bures Text Congress to Get Pentagon Study WASHING TON (AP) -President Nix· on announced today he "'i1l make ava ilable to Congress on a "top secret '' classification basis the fuU 47-volumes of a Pentagon study of U,S. invo lvement in the Vietnam "·ar. The White House said the President acted since the unauthorized publicati on af some portions of these documents created a situalion in which Congress "would necessarily be making judgmen t! • , , on the basis of incomplete data which could give a distorted impression cf the report's conten ts." "f or !hat reason the President feels that it is only fair to Congress and to persons mentioned in the documents th at. !he full report he made avni lable," press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said. The government, through the J uslice Departme nt. has been re sisting in the courts. newspaper publication of stories based on Lhe secrel study. Ziegler add ed that "si nce th e document s relate primarily to the Johnson and Kennedy periods. President Nixon pointed ou t that he is not in a pos- ition to vouch for their accuracy or th eir completeness." The docu ments are being made available to Congr ess ''on the un- derstanding that they will be aubject to existing Congressional rules and regula- tions covering the handling of classified material," Ziegler said. The announcement came after an hour- long breakfast meeting Nixon held with Richard Toal, Accident Victin1, Rites Conducted Requiem Mass was celebrated in San Clemente this morning for 16-year-old Richard Toal. who died in an aut o mishap last weekend in the desert near Indio. The rites were conducted at Our Lady ef Fatima Catholi c Church with burial fo\lowin~ at Ascension Cemetery in El Toro. Lesneski ~1ortuary handll.'d ar· rangement.s . The boy died durin~ fl mrrcy nig ht Saturday to Lom:i Lindri l iniversity ~1cdic<il Center aboard a California H1t!IH\'ilY Pa1rol hrlicoptcr. RichHrd. rhe son of f\1r. and r.-lrs. Richard J, Toal of 4101 Calle Ahril. wa!I ffltally injured v.·hcn the r iir in which he \\·as riding ovr.r!urned during a motorcycle outing. The driver of the auto. Steven Sallot. 17, of Santa Ana, had on!y minor injuries in the mishap. Besides his parents, Richard leaves three sisters. Colleen Marine, Margaret Rose and Barbara Ann Toal. all of thr: home; and his grandmothers. Agnea: Toal of Delroil and Beatrice Brady or Sanilac, Wis. Orange 1''e•tller Another nice day for the beach i! the forecast for loday and Thursdav, with Lhe sun breaking out arnu.nd 2 p.m. along the coast. Highs loday 7S to 83. Lows $S to 6.1. INSIDE TODAY Prod uctions in Costa Mesa oiid f ounln111 Vn//ey 1.uind up the 1970-71 season rn local theater. See todo1/s e11rertain· me 11t secuon. •••llfltl , .. ., eeui. ... 4• 1 CerN t t.w -II CllKI"" U• 1 t.lau lU... SJ. .. c1 ... 1c• ,. cre1........i _,. DMI-Hl"CM I Dl_C... ' ldllerlel ''" I '"t•rtll ...... 111 11·• ,, .. _, 11·1' HG.-.KIN JI """ Lf...,rt j<I MIUN~ • MH Ito Sl~f ti MtlYIO\ ,... Muhlll ,Yll•llt Ji Mt!l9nll l'lfWt .. I 0 ••""• CfVftl~ ' IYl¥1t ,.,,... 1t '"11• Jl·H Or. llllfl•f'lfl• l t llK~ Mlrllth ,.,,, Ttlo•ltll~ II ,~ •• ,... 11·JI WtllM<" t W1h:tmt INI N 11 .,_. ........ , Nt•n Jl•H .,,...,~ "''" ... -- Senalf" ma jority leader Mike Milllsfield at the White House. Ziegler made clear th al the secrecy wraps are to remain on tbe documents, pendin g a Pentagon review o f delcassification of the malerial, wh ich Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird now has under way. Down the Mission Trail Viejo Students Receive A wards MISSION VLEJO -Departmental aw ards have been pre sente lo 1tudenta al Mliision Viejo High School. Winners include: J •ne Chudomelka, business: Donna Steward. English : Susan Marosz and Greg Thoma1, art ; Ron Jadach. malhematics; Dave Lundin, social science: Pam Matsuoka, home economics: Sid Nutter, drama; Richard Gillenwaters. instrumental music, 1111d Sue Shaeffer and Donna Connally. leadership. Technical awards went to : Steve Flowers, auto technology: Rich Parr, metal technology : Allen McCausland, construction technology ,; Jeff Strickland , waphic arts : Gary Gover. 11uto shop I: Brian Dicson, electronics ; Tom Warnac, drafting II. and Dan Neufle\d , archilf"c· ture. • Teen Danre Slale d LAK.E FOREST -A teen dance "''ill be hos!.ed by tht Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club Frida y. The event open to all Lake f orest high school s tudent~. will take pl11ce fro m R p m. to midnig ht at the club and ~·ill fea ture two band~. "\Veot!," fl Co~ta l\1esa ba nd, ~'ill ki~k riff lhe n 1~h1 an<l "Jeromya ," al sQ fro m the Cosla Mesa area ...... i!l conclude. Admissi on will be !1 Doors will open at g p.m. • Te11nis, Dran•n A11yo11e MISSION VIEJO -Classe!I in tennis and drama will begin Thursday at two Mission Viejo recreation centers. Children's teMis classe! will begin at thr Marg uerite C.enter with beginne rs metting at II a.m. and 1dv11nced beg in- ners at 10 a.m. Fee for memhers for the five-week sessions will be $6 with nonmembf'rs paying '18. Classes in theatrics ror ages 8 lo 18 v.·11l begin at l p.m. at the Montanoso Center. The session will laat eight week.,. For in· formation on either clau call the center at 837-fOS.4. e /lfodellng Clarr LAKE FOREST -A class In model ing for teenage girts began at the Beach and Tennis Club today. The class will lake place. from I to 2:30 p.m. in the card room wtth Nancy Slagle instru cting. Subject matter will emphasize walking, posture. figure c<introl. diet, good groom· ing. fashions, make up, ha1r care, model· ing techniques, manners and 80Cial grace. Lake Forest teens ma y register al the club for the eight week course. • Ent...-lalnerr Sought ~tfSSION VIEJO -Enlertainers for the Mission Viejo Fourth of July celebration are bein1 .IOUghl by the activity spon:mrs , the Mi!li;ion Viejo Ac:ti vilie5 Co mmltte,. Anyone wishing to partlclpatt may call Vince Esposito at 837-6865 fo r information. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1971 • e Ill a o -.1LY PU.OT lltff P'llGM Cute Pair Puppeteer ~lark \Villis, "Mr. Marco" shows bit of his mario nette routine to danceri1 DeAnne Shank (center) and Grace Etcheberria. All will be part of San Clemente's upcoming Fiesta La Christianita celebration which kic ks off with a d l n n e r and dance July 10. A p.arade will M July 17. The events celebrate the first Christian baptism in Califo rnia. It occurred at a locat ion inland of what is now San Clemente. Mesa Realtor Found Slain A pro1ninenl Harbor Arca woman real· ty ei.:ecutive missing for seven days was found Tuesda y, nude and blud geo ned to death on a marshy freeway embankment nea r the Del Mar Racetrack. In vestigators said Mrs. Alma Jean Smith. 56, had been dead three to four da ys \\.'hen discovered shortly after idawn by a hitc hhiker. San Diego police homicide investigators are listing the Realtor's death as murder, with no ap parent motive at this point. The victim was reported missin g June 17 after she fa iled to return from a visit with relalivf!.'l. Her body was identified by stepson David Smith, of San Diego, Clothi ng and jewelry scaltered near lhe scene about 30 feet below Inter.state 5 aided in identifi cation of the rema ins. A radio description heard by Sm ith led him to suspect the unidentified vi ctim was his stepmother. Capo T1~ustee s Authorize Re1nedial Readi11g Co st s Trus!rcs rir t11e Capistrano Unified School District ieroed in on reading lhis ~·rek as the most import.ant skill taught In a school. They authori zed ei.:pendi tu res Monday for one remedial reading teacher for ea ch school in the. di strict despite statistics for one remedial reading teacher for each school in the district despite statistics wh ich show that 75 pe rcent of the chilllren F.re reading at or abn ve their grade level. On the basis of tes ts tdken by children In grades one through six. 51.9 percent were rea ding above grade level. 20.7 per· cen t were read ing at grade level. and 21.4 percent were reading be.low gr;ide level. Teacher's assessment of each ch ild changed the statistics for the at •·grade levr.1 or abovP" grade level children but remained much the same for those reading below. These figures placed only 31 percent above grade level, 45 percen L al grad£ level and 2J percent below. "Not all below "grade '' level readers need rert1ediation, '' said Superintendent Truman Bencdicl. "Some are merely slow learners." Truslu Eub Dahl berg called fo r coordina tion to lie the remedial reading program together district.wide. He said Lhe ba!lic reading program should ~ strengthened in the classroom th rough in· service programs for the classroom teacher. Teachers hired as remedial reading teachers should slick to Lh i.5 pro- gram alone. he said. "If all these things are done, perhaps those Z3 percent reading below grade level will be improved," he said. Deputy Coroner Max Mu rphy sa id although it is obvious the owner of Jean Smit h Real Estate, 400 E. 17th SL. had been beaten to deat h an au topsy i! being lit aged. The vic tim lived at 482 Abbie Way, Costa r>.1esa. with a \\."Oman friend, ac· cording lo associates. Ca lifornia High~·ay P1trol officers im- pounded Mrs. Smith's apparently aban· doned car on J une 18, not far from \vhere she was found about 7· 15 a.m. Tuesda y. A hitc h-hiker discovered the bod y. The locat ion was about 11 mile east of the racetr;1ck. between Del Mar Heights Road and Via De La Valle, police said. La Play a Stree t OK for Bus Lot Capistrano Beach residen ts' fearg that part of the Se rra School playgroun d would be taken over as a buli parking Jol have been laid to rest. Tr11stees of the Capistrano Unifi ed School District approved an agreem~nt with the State Division of Highwayli Mon· da y for th e use of La Playa Street for a new bus lot The slate"s agreement specified lh1t the arrangement is s temporary oae until Lhe district formally acquires the proper· ty. The school district currently owns the street to the center line. No time limit was specified as to when the district must purchase the slate's half of the ronner litreet. School Site Comes in 3s Joe Wimer, Dire c tor '°f Administrative Services for the. Capistrano Unified School Di.strict really doesn 't stuUer. Playing Hooky T hr e e . t hrte·thret·lhrtt·three Street of the Golden Lantern Is the official address of the new Dana Hills High School site. Wimtt announced the. address Monday to trustees of the dJstrict. pointing out that the district had its choice of numbtrB because noth ing else iJ near the. site. And though the address will be easy to remember. II still might be ieon fu!ling to some -the school'~ actual loc.a tlon Is on another atreel -Acepu1eti. , Principals Missing at Workshop · • School principals were caught playing booky early this week. Trustees of lhe Capietrano Unified School District voiced dlamay that no principals attended the first day of a week-Iring worbl>op to develop cur· fi culum for mentally gifted student!. "We clearly stated that we wanted the principalli Involved in thiJ workshop," said Trt1slei! Bob Hurst. ,John CrR in. As!listant Su!"rintendent for Instructio nal Se rvices, assured the board Ulat although no one 1howed up Monday the majority "ct the prlncip8.ls would attend the conferences the rest of the week. "One of the problems with lhl1 pri> gram hu been ill lack or Jeaderahlp, .. .uld Trustee Robert Dihlbtr1. "How can we expect te1chtr1 to be In· terested if the prlnd.pa\1· arm't. What'1 good enough for the teadwn Is good enough ror the principa ls." Supl!fintendtnt Truman Benedict 11td th P. timing h~s ceuaed some probl!!ml. Principals 11re very busy the first week after school ii out, be addtd. • Teday'8 Fl•al N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Oemente Holds Youth In Custody • By JOHN VAL TERZA. 01 11\t Diii"!' Piii! ll•lf Exactly a year after attending the funeral in Michigan of his murdered wife. former San Clemente Marine Mark J ohnson heard formal charges of murder lodged againsl him Tuesday in Santa Ana Municipal Court. The 19-year-old Marine. arrested Mon- day evening in the stabbing and beating dealh of 20-year-old Co nnie Ly n n J ohnson. was assigned a public defender by Judge Robert Rickles. Johnson, a lanky, handsome Vietnam veteran, will return to the same court Ju· ly 2 for a preliminary hearing to determine if he must st.and trial tn the year-old killing of his ht1h school 5'>\'eethea rL Judge Rickles further ordered Johnson to remain il'l custody without bail until the hearing . The young Marine remained in custody at San Clemente city jail this morning as lnvesligaU:trs renewed a metal-detector search near the small apa rtment where r.~rs. Johnson's body wa s found June 17 of 1970. The digging and scaMing of the toil around the small basement apartment at 416 Monterey Lane sttetched through the day Tuesday, but investigators dld not disclose the object of the search, or any success in the digging. One weapon in the killing has been log· gr:d tnl.O evidence -a sman stool allegedly used to inflict fatal bead woundl. But a knife. assertedly a kabar military knife, reportedly has no t yet been found. The same area -primarily planted slopes -was sifted over by a te am of in· vestigators a year ago with no reported results. 'I'he apartment in the bowl area of the city near the municipal pier ha d lihown signs of possible entry throui::h a ki tchen window during the investigation last year. Johnson. who reported the discovery of his wife's body. had told off icers he left her before dawn the day before the discovery, then returned at about noon after serving guard duty at the Marine (orps Air Station helico pter fa cility in Sa nta Ana. The auburn-haired victim was three mont hs pregnant at the time of her death. Her da ily habit during Lhe four-mont h stay al the apart menl was to let the couple's small pondle out at about 6 a.m. each morning . On the morning of the slaying. however, neighbors noted lh;it Mrs Johnson did not 11.ppea r l'lith the dog. In months following the murder. con- tacts with Johnson by investigators were £refluent. The younl!'. Marine made almost daily t,.ips to police headquarters during the first few v.·eeks following hili wife's death. Tnvestigators at the time described Johnson as "extremely cooperative" dur· ino: the routine foilowup investigations. The ume detectives arrested the blond Marine, a55isted by District Attorney and Mar ine Corps investigators who joined in the case several monlhs ago. District Okays Tennis Court Lighting Bids Bidli have been awarded this week for the lighting of four tennis courta at Sa n Clemente Hig h School by trustees of tbe Capistrano Unified School Di.,lrict. The vote Monday was 4-3 for awardJni the bids. Ti'u3tee Fred Newhart J r. had 1t1ggeated tabli ng the m•tter un W another look at lhe 1971·72 '9.4 mUllon budget. Trusttes Robert D.thlber1 1nd Robert Btasley also voted ln oppoeiUon. Newhart had 1uggested that !Jpendlnc St0,77 4 for tennis court UghUng ml1ht not be In the best Interest 11not tupayer1 face a 57 cent hike ln lue1 i nd the bolrd Is looking for wa ys to reduce the bud1et. Trust« Be>!> Hurst uld. IL thLbld wasn't awarded thi!I year Ult dlstric1 may as well for get the projed. The bid was awarded to Smith Electric of Stanton. Paymen t will be made out of the community services 1eelion of lhe budaet. , ·-- • .... ' . .· .-...-. .. ; Z DAJL Y ~ OT ~C \'Jtdntid,f.Y, June 21, 1"171 -;:;-::-;--:--~ . ~ . ~. s:i,ooo Grot1t Historical Hunt Begins in Laguna r HEAD HISTORIAN H•rry Jeffrey New Earthquak:e Shakes Elsinore, Nixon's Pool A spill from the r .esident's swin1ming pool in San Clemente and loss of sleep for residents of c.reas near Riverside and Elsinore were the extent of damage from Tuesday's pre-dawn earthquake. The lrcinor, rated at 4 0 011 the Richter l'icale was centered mid.,.,.·ay bf!1~·een Corona and Elsinore In Ri11erside County on the long-dormant Elsinore fault V.'hich is 125 miles long. Tuesday's tremor \\'as the largest in Southern Californ1i\ since feb. 9, .,.,.·hen an er~thquake with a magnitude of 6.6 on the Richter scale struck the San Fernan- do Valley, killing 64 peracns. Caltech ~eismologist.s de s c r i bed Tuesday's shaking as a new earthquake and not one of the more than 300 a£. tershocks record ed since the February quake. The tremor woke residents of El!innre 3;41 a.m. Tuesday. At 3:43 a.m., alarm systems in the We stern \Vhite House al San Clemente were tripped by the quake and a waking ii;ecret ser111ce agent noted \1'atfr being spilled from the President's pool. No member of the chief executive 's family y:as staying at the Cotton's Point estate. Shock waves from the quake were felt In paris of Los Angeles. San Bernardino, Orange Md Sa n Diego counties. Police Hold ~larine On Prowlinrr " Charge San Clemente pohcc arrestf'd a young f\!arine earl\ toda \· on charges of pro\\ ling af!e"r thl.'y · !ound him leaning ;;,.ga1nst a door of an residence overlook· ing the pier area. Russell Abram ror~ .Ir . 2L a Camp Pendleton serviceman. \\a!' arrested at !'! 30 a.m after pril1cc received a prov.let cal! fr om r-.1rs Rrgina \rul feck The arrest took placl! at 406 B Calle Granada. OIANGol COAST DAILY PILOT Oii.ANG;; CO,\Sf ll'IJllLISMING ::.OMl'AN'( a..i,,,+ N. w,,.I "''""'"'' ...... ~~·..,..... J .~\ 11 . C~rl o'f \'ko ll'rn.,..,1 •"" Gen.,•I M•~tr lk•"'•' K•t•il IO•!or lht"''' A. Mu•o~i"' M•~•t•"9 (G«<>r Ch1rlrt H. lo•• Ai~~ •• .i '· N,!t ,1.nllltn; M.,..91...i, ldllo•• l .. ,.,., ... ec:ll Offlc• l1? Fo•••' A•onw • 1.1.;1:n9 a~d••"' P.O. l a•"•'-"26S2 s ... Cl•"''"'' Ofllc• JO~ ~o•t~ ti Ca"'i''° Ro il, t1•72 OtHr Offkn (Mii M~··· m W~1 &I~ s .... t I "l~wpa•t l••C~ IJJJ i.1wl>O'' llo<i"•••!"lll Hw~llfltlOll aracft; 11•H 101<1\ l owl<••rd By J-~REDERJCK SC HOEMEllL 0 1 !fto Oall, l'iltt ~!•!! Bolstered by a $3.UOO grant !ron1 the i.:1· Iv rult ural .1rls fund , lhe newl v fu~nied 1:aguna Beach Comn1u11 i!y i!ist•irici:ll Society i.~ beg inning its lask of e>.plonng the ,\rt Co\ony"s past. \l.'orklng un der the dtreetion of Jlarry Jeffrey, 323 Locu5\ St . a prDfes~or of history at Cal State Fullerton. an ex· eculi\'e comm1ttte has been forn1ed to comp\etf' initial tasks. The group has rece1\'ed non-proh1 lax· f'xempt corporation status and v.3s ont> r,f the new cullural groups ""'1th1n the cit) to receive mone) \\hen 1'uhural arts monies \\"ere allocated by the city council on June 2. Four goa ls for the su1nmer 1nonlhs. ac· ctirding to Jeffrey. are lo promote 13 dif· ferent socitty programs. develop ing a "Youn11: Historian s" group with Jn· termedlate and senior high school students; boosting general me1nbership and eslab\ishing a permanent historical center. The latter, Jeffrey said, is important ~& the society can set up a museum. library and office. "We'd like to get about 2,000 .square feel to call home, Such an historical center would be an intellectual atrraction and Y!'ou!d bentfit other loca l attractions." Distress Cry In addition to the library and museum plans, the society has adopt ed programs for photography, artifact. oral history in· tervie..,.·, movie and memorabilia col· lections: preservation of historical si tes; stud il!s of the Laguna community: socie· ty meetings, and publication of a newslet· ter. Kari Lupton. 14 nlonths, seems momentar ily_ disenchant_ed \Vilh the "Mommy and Me" S\l'imming program despite _comforting arms c;>f mommy. Mrs. Phili p Lupton. The lv.•O·\Veek slint for children six months and up and mothers is part of the Laguna Beach su1nmer recreation prograni. The historical society, Jeffrey re called. grew out of the F'estivel of Issues project put on by the Volunteer Posl in Apri l. Such a society was also backed by the Friends of the Laguna Beach Library, he said. 30-cent l11c1·ease Feared Jeffrey assumed !he role of chairman of the executive committee because of his extensive background in history. In Orange Cou11ty Budget He gradualed from Dartmouth Co!lege \1•ith a BA in poli!ical science. At 22, he returned to his home state of Ohio and ran for office in the state leg isl ature. Jef- frey won in !he pri1nary, but lost in the general election, and then \1·cnt on lo receive his ~-IA in history, He went on to teach for a \.\"hile. !hen to Col umbia University 11·hcre he rccenlly received his Ph D 1n hislor1, 11 i!h a di ssertation on the \Vortd. \Var 11 Cong ress. Ile has tciught al Cal Stale Fullerton since Sept. 1969. Al Cal State. he heads th~ Richard :\1. Jl;ixon Oral History Project. .... ·hich has taped and transcribed 1nterv1e11!'. with 220 persons v.·ho knew 1he President befure he E'nlered politics in 19~6. Jeffrey be!iel"es the h1storic;1l society 1,ri!1 be in business very soon and noted, "!here"s a lot going for us.·· "The broad based support arid intere$l nf nev.• and old residents is heartening . \Ve 11·ere also vcr.v pleaseci to h!lve near l.v 100 people attend our first public 111eeung late last nionlh.'' The nc>xt meeting of the society \\'ll! be held in September, at which time lht first election wil! be held for the boa rd of directors. Later in Novem ber, a cen· tennial celcbrat1or1 i.~ planneC to con1· niemora te the arrival or the Thurston famil y lo !he Laguna area in 1871. Jeffrey sai d the persons 1n1ere.s1ed in becoming membe rs of the societ y should call secretary Adelaide DeKl)nE'. 49i· "2001. Prese rve Okayed For Sa lt Creek By a 63-0 1·oie !hE> ~!air A.~semblv Tuesd;1y <1pprlJ\f.'d a h1!I 1n r~!:ih1ist1 a marine prrser\·e at Sal! Creek !k<Jeh The bi ll. introduced bv Assen1blyma11 J\roberr E Barlh.1111 1\f !\"rwpnrt Bcal'h , 11·111 mo1,·e directly to lhc Sena1r Badham prf'sented !hr bill :is an urgen- ry measure in hope' of ha1"1ng 11 1n rff£'rl b\" the lime the beach is opened to the publ ic th is .~ummer Edrlier legislation introdurrd b ,, B3dham has set up marinr prrserve~ in Newport Beach. Laguna Beach, South La11;una and Dana Poinl. The la11•s restrict the removal of plant and an imal marine life from the designated refuges. By JACK BROBACK 01 l~t O•llr 1'11•1 Slit! The Orange Counly Board of Supervisors today got a proposed 1971·72 county budget calling for a po ssible tax increase of 30 cents O\"er !he current $1 7fl This inerea!:.c. rel!ecting a SI .'.! 1n1llic•n gap bl't11cen re\enue and projectt·d cost:; for the con1111):( ~·ear. if finally adopted, \\'ill niean a total lax increa5e of JU (·ents 11·hen combined 1vith the eigh t-cent in· cre2.se approved Tuesday lo cover a $J 3 million ju nip in employe salaries. Sui>er\"i!lor~ will hold a serits or pu~1!1c hearings un the budget beginning .Jul:> :!:!. Cou n1\' ,\dmtn1.~tra11ve Olfirer Rubrrl E. Tuofnas.~re~ented tlhe budget. _ro111· plete with :Suggestions OD how to cut it. .Skateboarder, Transient H eld After Scuff le . A Laguna Beach youth. a transient and t1 cro11•d of abnut 30 onlookers wPrt l1rm· Jy reminded \\'e~ncsday vllernO(ln Thnt skateboarding ts illegal on u1e ~1reets and 11alk11a\·~ of 1hr Art Colon\ l'oht;t: <.aid lhf' 1outh ;unl the tr:.11~1Pnl 111•n1 1t1 i;iil and 11\c crov.·c! 11:1!' (•rd<'rt·d 1•' <h ... ]lersl' following thr noon 1n~·1den! in tl1r HlO bloek of r len S1 rel'I ~Jlf1r('1 Hick l\ot.tHI hild -..1opp1•d l);,1 11! Bur1on. 21. lnr .dll'f't·dly rid111g a ... i..r11eboard un lhr ~ld1'11a\~ <illfl 113s i~-u !11!: the. man a rll:1l1on i\u1horir1rs rla1111· rd n I i-yea r-0ld youth Ue~an 1nterfcrinl! \1 1111 thr pol1C'e nH1rer ;ind ;Jlll0tl11\l1•d lu 1 0UM' 1nr grn11111g l'l'(J11d r1f } oung ~1:..:e ta tors Acc-ord111g to au!huri lies. lhr )11u11g,1cr co1111nuc>d 10 interfere 011d use pr1Jfa11111 dt"spJtc Kot?in 's w11rni11g.i. and 11;1c finally placed under arrest atrcr a h .. 11·1 o;cufflr. Polire ~aid Bu r1011 11·a.~ ;il~o tah.en to jail \\"hen he could nol producr au~ idenl1ficallon A phonr call lo one of Burlon "" fncnd ~ l'~tablishcd 1hr man 's nam r and fDrn)er ::irldrcss :ind Runon 11a~ released The youth 11·as 1urned over !o thr c-ustody of his parents afttr being booked for Juvenile court on charges of intertering 11·ith a police officer an d rtsist1ng 3rrest. B11ilders Boom Garbenstangel Contest Groivi11g \\!hat stattrd a:i an innocent t xet·cist in doubletalk In lh£> c!assi!1ed :ir!~ ,·erllsing pages of Lhe DAILY PILOT lhreatens to beCXlme a major t\'l!llt ol thi s !ummer's •·silly season .·• South Cna~t Pl117R officials l0<la}' said 1hP.v·re in1ercsled 111 havu1g rhe world 's first Builrl a P.etrer 1:arbcnstongel Contes! and Rallye nl the North Cosla Mesa shoppini;t cenler The question is. will thPrt' be_ enouRh interest in lhP building and prP.S· f'f\'i:ttion of garbenst<1ngels ian)' kind of a Rube (;o!dbcrj.!ian contn1pt1on that does nolhing -or docs an)•th!ng/ 10 make it happen. If you're interested fill 1n the coupon and mail ii ln toda:;. ---------------I I I I Ye!!. I v-ill build a Garbenstangel -or launch 11 starch for on P I c;in pul into ~hape for exhibition al the Rallye_ PlPase tel\ me more. Name Addreu C1ly fl1all to Promol1on Ph~ne z,p r.1.an11gtr. DAIL)' PILOT. P 0 Bo>. 1560 Co~ta ~It's<!, Ca. 92626 -------------- I I I I .. The spending program calls for an in· crease of 16 .5 percent or $29.7 million over th e cu rrent year. The propo~ed total budget including ~pecial districts shov:s spending nf $260 million l'o n1part>rl to !;2.17 million !his ~r:ir. ~\ rcducl1on in other countywidr ~pc11d1 11~. 11!11er than the general fund and in ~Pt't'in! d1~tr1ct.s a1noun ts to $8 5 mil hon. Thoni~s btemes increased cost !'Ir 11elfarr. illetfi·Cal. mt>ntal health. !he cont111ue1l ~hilt of tax bu rdens from the ~late to the count~'· and the continued gr11111h prc5sures in cri1ninal JUSlice pro-- gra 111' ":\11<1rf' of !he i1111:>ending financial p1nt11. yuur hnard issued policy guideline"' fur austerity and ca!led for a review uf nreds from n 7ero base." Thoma~ st<>.!cd. · Thr 1~;1 .12 bud;::el rrro1111nenda tions 11rrl' d1 •\rloprd with 1he abo\'e restnc· tiuns . \\'elfa re. hea!lh, and criminal JU~11cf 1111] be able to meet their responsibilities. hut recommended spend. ln.I? docs not provide room lor f!ex1bility or un\..nrn1 ns. ·All ulhf'r county artil'!l1es 11·i !I either require sut>sra ntial gains to meet gro11'ing \\Or k load.~ or reduce lel'els of ser\·ice." h1• t'r>nt UlU('d The niaJor 1nrreases include ""elfa l"C'. ~'.!~ 9 n1 11l·on· t·ommunit'" ~afet1·, $4 2 1111111011 :111d rctuse dispos~·J. $1 ~ in1ll1(1n. \-. .d1rrn:it11rs Jn a Iii .~ 1ncreasf'. 'l hi n1;1 ~ .-.l'c.c:r •l <'d an arhurar~ Tj>duclion 111 the 1101k fon·r . deferred h11·ing for ne11• po~:!lnn~ Ir~-; "'!111pn1r111 purchases anrl p11\lp11111ni,: ,,1 1 ap11.1l f'\JJ1'111hru rc ', GEM TALK TODAY CHOOSING A MAN 'S WATCH IJuying .1 \ralch ~eems a compli- cated procedure: but It isn't com- plicated at all 1f you follo\v the basic \Vatch-buying rule of ··end- use"" ... the use to \\ hich the \\'atch \1·ill be put in a mRn 's career. hob- by, sport or social circle. To insure 1hat a v. atch 11·i!J gJ\'e last ing pleasure. first determine lhi $ end-use. Once thi s is settled, )'OU ,,·ill find H easy to judge the 1·alue (lf ~uc h f£>atures as shock· proof. v.·aterproof. fashion shapes, self "·inding. calendar /d ate. the chronographs. split-second hands, auto1nal1c n1odels, etc. \\"1lh increasing B\\'arcnes~ o( fashion. m ore men are buildin~ a ··\1 a rd robe" of \lo'alches. ranging fro1n ;c;pcc1aliied "'Btcties for speci· li e uses such as skin·diving. to s'yle oriented lime pieces \\"Orn principalJy as a fashion accessory. \\'hether you ore considering a 11atch for you rself or as a gift, v.•e'LI .i:Jadly help you relate the end-use IO the \\"Ide variety of features t1\ ailahlc in Lhe beautiful walcbes 111 ClUr store. ' . . ... ,-' 'SnofJ Zone' Assembly Clears Coastline Bill from Wirt Mrvi<"ts A hill to regu late coasl11ne de\"elopinf'nt by fonn1ng ~ sy~ten·1 of rcg101111I and slate agencies l·le;ired a key Assrinbiy (.'fln1mitlee Tuesdn~ dcspitf' t·r1t1c1snis lhat the plan \1·ou!d create a ""snob 1,_·oastal wne " The bill hy Asse n1btyman Alan Sieroty ( Ll-Bever l~ ll11ts' cleared tl1e planning and land use C'ommittee after ii was amended to t'xf/ude de v e I op men I s ;.i!readv under 11a1, AB 14il 1\aS !>ent on to the· Asse1nbh \\'a\•S and ~leans Com· m11tee on a split \01Ce vo te. The bill sets up a coastal eonservation cumrn ission and i;ix regional agent1es to regulate {"l)ilstline de\t'IOpn1enr un1il \9i:i 11·hen a plan \\ould be sub111itted 10 the Le~1~lature tor tuture lie\ elo1>n1rnf of the C:aliforn1;1 coastlinr. Lin der prol"isiuns or the bill, the af- fected land 111 Orange County could be anywhere from 1.000 yar·ds to fi ve 1niles fron1 the 1nca11 high l1de line. The sta le co rntn lssion \10uld be niatle up of two nien1bers appoi11te<l b.v the (;overnor, two by th e speaker of lhe Assembly and two by the Stnale Rules Cornmittee. One representative from each of the six rcgio11al agencies to be formed if the leg is lation is approved. also v.ould serve on the state panel. The regional bodies 11'ould include six repren1atives of citi es and counties v.·ilhin the region. Anothe r six \\·ould be ap- pointed by the Go\'ernor. the Assembly Speaker and !he Srna1e Rules Con1· mil tee. Dui;:ald Gillies. lobbyist for I he California Rea! Estate Association. ac· cosed the comm11lee of reac11ng to con. ser\·ationist .. hys teria ' by se tt ing a S:iOO· per da ~· fi ne for violating inter im coastline controls. "If sonic poor guy cul a tree do11·n he 'd be subject to a $500 per day fine until the tree grew back ," Gll lits said. But comm itlce chairmaJl Paul Priol o IR ·Paci£ic Palisades). said no judge 11·ould make such a "'ridiculous"' ruling. Gillies also charged the bill \\'ill result Jn ""n uisa nce suits against dl.'ve lopment " .. In effect. this bill frce7.es developmenl a long the coastal zone tor three and a tialf vears," he said. Prfolo said , ··The lr~1.c is not in the bill ... !'\oting the 1neasure could c<1use coastal "Yes on Unit • 111 Aug. 3' Building Campaign headquartf'rs for the ··Yes on Aug . 3 Committee" opened 1n Laguna Btach this 11·eek at 812 S. Coast H1gh\\'<'•Y and 11·i ll ser\'c as lhe central offire for proponents or the 3&-foot height li mi1ation measure .,.,.·hich will come before the \·oters this .~ummer. The an1i·llighrise group is currently preparing informat ion on the effe ct they believe high rise structurts would have on Laguna BeaC"h. usi ng studies con· ducted in othe r com1nunities lhroughout Uie United Stales. The commilleP is seeking person~ 1o do precinc l wor k nr lo man !he ht>ad· quarters. i\lembers currently invoh·ed include attorne.1" Ra lph Benson, Rl'<lgraphrr Jon Br.inri. \\Tllrr Arnold Hano. furni1l1rr rrf1111she r \\ 1lhan1 LA>ak, t"f'al t slate bro ker Ph~ll1s S11eene~. anthropologist Jo~rph Ton1chak. ton- struc-t 1on f'ngineer .\IPrri u Trrase and lonJ: time rtsiden! ~l:irioric Adans Da ri· ing hind values to skvrocktt Gillies s&id. 1o~o one of n1oderate. rneans 1s go111g to be ah!e to ll\"e in the .:·0<1stal lOlll'.'.. You art making a snub coastal zone.·· The League o! California Cities and the Coun!y Su1:ie rvisors Association also op- posed the bill for not g1\ lOg local go vern· ment enough P4:11ver on the regional boards ii would set up. If appro\'ed, the bill .,.,·ould rxclude from regulation by the regional agencies areas alreadv zoned residential, com· 1nerc1at 01 i11cius\r1al \\'here \\"Ork 1s under \\'ay before July 1971. After that , all r11astal projects \\'ill re- quire approval of the 12--mtniber corn· niissions. Valley Sis ter, Brother Drow r On Ca111pout A Fountain Valley brother and 6ister died Tuesday in a tragic river dro..-.·ning while on a family camping vacation in Tulare County. The girl. 8, slipped off a rock v.·hile crossing 1"ule Creek about 28 miles east of Porterville with her parents and brother and sisters. The fast flO\\'lng \\'ater trapped her on !he fl\•erbed . \\"hile her father desperate· ly trie d to free her. nearly drowriing himself. her 5-year-0ld brother fell in ap- p11.rently unnoticed in the commotion ~-d drowned in the same spot, shtnff s deputies said this morning. The victims v.·ere Tamera Le e Boughman and her brother, Dous!as Clark. the rhltdren of ~1r. and Mrs. Paul Boughman, 16073 Carlton St., Fountain Valley . 1'be tragedy occurred al the Coffte camp ground where the fam ily had been vacationing sin ce Friday. According to Sheriff 's deputies. the Boughman! bad t\IO other daughters 11•ith then1 . Lt. Grant .\1atherly said that Lhe family was crossing a narrow point of the ri\•er 10 sunbathe on .;i fiat rock on the other side. "1\t this point the \Valer is only four fee t deep hut 1t ts rushing do'ol·nhill \\'Ith a tremendous force through a crevice,"' Lt . t>.latherly said. ""The girl slipped off ' rock and became lrepped by the swifl current bc!"·een 111·0 rocks. ··The father leaped in lo rescue her bt1l he was dri1·en unde r by the force of th~ 1ra\er He told u~ later that he felt he \\'a! dro11 n1ng hin1selL Some byslanders 11·e1·e able to pull hin1 out by getting hold ol 111111 .,.,-1rh <1 \ol'.·et. .. Thc~n thev reali1.cd 1hat the hov \\rl~ 1n1ss1ng and. Lhat he must ha1·e failen in 1n the commotion " The incident occurred al 11 a m 'the bodies were reco\·ered by a crew of st ate pri~on<'r.~ from the t>.l ounl ain Home Conservation Camp at I pm. B"oth brother and .~1ster .,.,ere wrdged between the ~ame rocks ' :\\r_ Boughrnan said 11 hen he v.·as in !he 11·ater he got hold of his daughte r bul 1"(1tJld 1101 pull her ouL lhe lorct> \l'SS so gre:11." Lt. r-.1at herl\' said. 1Jne nf ~Ir. Boufi!:hman s lfgs also \la ~ caught in some rocks and "as bruised and c111 .,., hen hP 11·as rescued Lr :\latherly branded tht crossing •~ <1 danger spot. Styled by tomorrow 's ·standards ... .It And lhe uniqllt 1elf·ehanglng dl)'/d1!1 fa&Wre will tell you when lomorro~comes. Th\s 9e!l-windlng Cons!e!lalion l.s Omega~s fin est w1h;h. It Is a cerl1fled chronometer ..• having pasa1d 360 hours of accuracy te•t• at e govtr11mtnt·sllptrvlsed Swiss testing bureatJ, M1gnilft1nl!y cralted. 1 BK 1olid gold Wll•r· 1es111111l ease and m11chlng br1e1let ... S1200 S;ime watch In sLalnl0$s 1leel ••• , •. , ••. $23'5 J. C. ..J.Ju1n1'hriuJ J uwufe,,., 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENIENl TE.RMS 14 YEARS IN SAME LOCATION IAN1(AMElllCARD-MASTEll CHA~GE rHONE 541.14or 7 I 7 ' • Laguna Beach Today'• F lnal N.Y. Stoek.8 VOL ~. NO. 149, 6 SECTIONS, 86 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY , JUNE 23, 1971 TEN CEfllTS Three Laguna Schools to Hold 'Status Quo' By rREDERlCK SCROEMEHL 01 11w1 Dtlt~ ~ilt1 IHfl In 11 .&ludy session \l.'ednesday nlgbt, Lagun a Beach Unified School District trustees agreed to retain the staffing ratio al !he three elementary schools v.•ilhin the district. However, no decision was re ached as of "''hether to hold th e "status quo '' at Thurst on Intermediate Schoo! or Laguna Beach High School. The status quo is defined as programs and ex penditures of the 1970-71 school year. The decision to hold the line at the elemenlz.ry schools came upon recom- menda tion of dist rict staff. so that in- Urns could bf hired al Top of the World Elementary School &ttd other vacancies could be !ilia:! and not cut out for nut year. Trustees were given a det.ailed look at how all the schools in the dislrict might function next year under the new "staf· ting unit" concept, initialed early lhi:s year by district administrators. A steffi ng unit is equal to $11,IOO. the a verage cost of a teacher in th! district. Each school within the dislrict has a cer· tain number of staff members. which gives the total number of staffing unit!!. For example, Top of the World, has 19.5 staffing un its this year. By div iding the number of slll!fing units into the cumber ol student.!, a st.affina ra tio ia derived. 1n the cw of Top of the W<rld the ratio with • liUle less than MIO 1tud~Ls. L!; around 25. For the three element.ry schools com- bined. with a total of H staffing uni\$ the ratio is 25.8. At Thurston , a ratio of 1~.I e1:ist.s and tht high school has a 17.3 ratio. Dr. William Ullom. district. auperin- tendent, said lhat 1 major purpose of the staffing unit plan is to "equalize the all~alion of resource.! to the variowi schools ." He pointed out later I.hat the eltJmen- tary !Cbools have been somewhat behind Thurston and the high school in resource alloc:ation. For that reason, five staf!i.ni un its att Included in the tent.alive budget for the we of the elementary schools. 'lbw. the number or unit.'!" would jump from the status quo 0( So4 to 59, il the board agrees during b u d g e t con- lider11tiona within lhe ne1l sU: weeks . Ullom showed the board what a tour percent c..'ut at all three levels -elemen- tary, intermediate and high school - would mean. Elementary schools would lose 2.4 staff. ing un.iUi or $27 ,000. Thurston would Jose LOI units or $12,000 and the high school v.·ould lose 2.3 &taffing units, equivalent to $25.000. 1llt total amount al money cut would be $6.1,000. However, aince $55.000 was added through the live staffing units to the elementary 1chools and $63 .000 was trim· med , the acl u1.I dollar a.mount lost would be $8,000, or roughly one Cf:nl on the tax rate. 'l'hurston principal David Lloyd said bis innovative program could work with the l~s of one staffing unit, "Two units loot, ~'Ould mean the end of the program," he claimed. At the high school. the loss of 2.3 units ~uld probably mean the end of the language program in Ger man, accordin g to Ullom. Incom ing board member Palricia Gillette said she woukf fa vor holdin& down cost! at the elementary ets ar Coast Realtor Slain Worrmn 's Nude Body Found by Track A prominent Harbor Area v.·oman real· ty executive missing for seven days was found Tuesday. nude and bludgeoned to dea!.h on a marshy freeway embankment near the Del Mar Racetrack. Investigators said ~!rs. Alma Jean Smith, 56, had been dead three to four days when disCQve red 1hortly after dav.·n by a hitchhiker. San Diego police homicide investigators are listing the Realtors dea th as murder, S11akes with no appa rent motive at th i~ point. The victim was reported mis.sing June 17 after she fa iled to return from a visit v.·ith relative.s. Her body was idenlified by slepson David Smith, of San Diego . Clothing and jewelry scattered near the scene about 3(1 feet below Interstate 5 aided in identific11tion of the remains. A cadio delicription heard by Smith led him to suspect tht unidentified victim 1.1.·as his stepmother. "'Het Up ~ A burning tr.nt in the attic and a youngster's box of snakes kepl Laguna Beach firemen jumping \\"ednesda y night when the y responded to 1 small resi den tial lire on Crestview Drive. Firemen 8aid there were no injuries and damage to the tent And wAlls of the attic storflge area v.·as se t at $1 50. The snakes v.·ere unharmed. as wer~ the fi remen. The blaze broke out at about 9:40 p.m. at the home of Frederick White. ~196 Crestview Drive. Fire men .s;iid the fire was apparently caustd when lhl camping tent slored in the atlic wa s moved against a faulty electrical wire . Fire fighters responding to the report v.·ere so mewhat startled to learn of lhe bnx of snakes in the room. bul family reas:;urances that they wert non- poisonous sooth ed their apprehension. The fire v.·as quic kly extinguished . The two snakes belong to the Whiles' lJ.year-old son. Teacl1in g l11t erns to Fill Post at Top of tl1e Wo1·ld Employ men t of fNe leacning interns from UC, Irvine to fill vacancies left by three teac hers who resigned from Top of the World Elementary School in Laguna Beach was approved by incoming district trustees Wednesday night. However. the intern program will be reviewed three times dur ing the next school year and can be revoked by the boa rd al any time. New members to the board. J\.1r1. Patricia Gillette. Capl. Gerald Linke and Willi;im Thomas expressed a desire to review the intem program. La ter this Cow1cil Slates Bus Review Meet The Laguna Be:ach City Council wag scheduled to meet in a &pecial adjourned 1ession at 4 o'clock this t1fternoon in city hall coun cil chambers to revie"". bids for the city bus line 11nd the Main Beach developm ent report. Represen tali ves or four bus manufac- turers v.·ho have subm itted bids for the transit line vehicles were sc hedul ed to outline special features of their offerings. The council was expe:cted to acc~pt one of the four bids. Also due for further txam1nation was the pl anning staff !ltalu5 reporl on the Main Searh Park. along wllh park :archlt.tct Richard Blgter's olfu lo desi gn the ft1cility as 11 rommunity service at one-lhird lhe cu1tomary lee for 1uch servlcea. summer. the board and distric t, 11d· mini.strators will work oul criteria for evaluation of the program. Al Haven , principal of Top of Iha World. said the interns would help prcr vide better instruction to student! and also increase the amount of lime teachers could apend with students. The interns. he said, are 11! gradualt. students in education from Irvine and will be not only supervised at Top of the World by experienced tea chers , but by the university staff BS well. Cost of the program wiU be less than employing thret full time teachers. Th~ extra money, Haven said, will be used for curriculwn materials. A sticky question the board faced wa1 what to do with the interM al the end of the next school year, since internship 01>- ly lasts one year. Robert Reeves, director of instruction, said the "beauty of lhe intern program ii that we can witch 1n intem for a year. see how he perfor ms and then have Lhe option of hiring him 11 1 lull time regular leacher . It we don't want to hire him, we can i;end him orf, and let someone else hire hlm."' Dr. \\"illiam Ullom. district superin- tendent, explained that anoU1er reason for the use of intems and "educational paraprofes.sionall such IS I e 1 c h e r .a ssislants and teacher aides" is lo save money in the district pay 3Cale. Ullom said that thi.!i year. 27 teachers are al the top of the pay scale. "Within four years, nearly half nf all te1chers will be at lht lop of the scale, We juat don't hav1themoi>ey10 &Uord lb.II.." Deputy Coroner Mu Murphy said atlbou&h it is obvieus the owner of Jean Smith Real Eslal.t, 400 E. 17th St., had been beaten to death an autopsy ia bein& staged. Tht victim Jived at 482 Abbie Way , Costa J.1esa, wilh a woman friend, ac- cording to uuciatea. Califarnia Highway Patrol offict ra im· pounded Mrs. Smilh'a apparently aban· donut ar on June 18 , not far from v.·here sbe was found about 7: 15 a.m. Tuesday. A bitch-hiker discovered the body. The JocaUon was about a milt east ~r the ractlrack, be tween Del Mar Hei.&hb Road and Via De La Valle. poli.ce said. The murder shocked Realtors in tM Harbor Area, where Mrs. Smith went inte business 17 years Ago, as!OCialed with Duncan Hardesty. "We started in 1954," Hardesty said to-- day. He said Ibey divided their partnership in the early 1960s. when she was 1 vice president. and she took the present really firm in C:OSta Mesa. Costa Mesa Police Dtt«tive Sgt Cliff ~f<'Bride was handling local angles of the ease today , remaining in contact with Sen Diego homicide detectiV'f!s. "I Used ta date her daughter Sharon 111·hen I was going lo OCC,'' Sgt. McBrid: 1a id. "Jean was a family friend . She sold me my house." Besides tha t daughter. now living in lta!y. Mrs. Smi th leaves an o ' her daughter, f\frs . Fl ora F'rey. Relatives said today no funera l serviC'es have been scheduled for Mrs. Smith, 111·ho wa s active in the Cost a f\1e.sa- Newport Harbor Board of Realtor~ and chambers llf commerce in both citie!. Services Slated For Mrs. Hanna, Lag una Resident Longtime Laguna Beach resident Henrietta Hanna. Who died Saturday· at South Coast Community Hospital. will be honored 2l a memorial ~rvice in the Neighborhood Congregational Ch u r ch F'r!day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Ste phen S. Fritchman, retired minister of the First Unitarian Olurc.h of [.(1$ Angeles. will officiate at the service for the 17-yearo(l]d Lagunan who •·as a ch arte r member of the Art Colony's Unitarian Fellowship. Mrs. Hanna is survived by her hu.s- band , Clende., of the home, sot Diamond St.. and by two nephews who live in Jlllnoi.1. A native ar Ollcago, 1he wa1 a graduate of Los Angeles Stat. Normal School, took iraduate. work at the University of llltnols and USC, ind t1u1ht hialclry and English at Los An1eJes High School lrom 1922 to 1943. Mrt. H1Ma and her husband fir st came to Lacuna Bear h on their honey · mooo in 1117, and made their permanent home here irt IH4. She was 1 member ol United World federalisU, 1 leader In tht Laguna Tnwn Meeting and 1ctlve in the Democratic Woman·• Club, frequenUy revlewlnc book! for the membttthlp. Friends who wish ma.y mi ke memorial contrlbuUona to the American Cancer Soc11t1. , , By Ph il lntorl1ndl "Thia On• H11 1 Typlc•I, tricky L1guna Drlv1way. You Don't H•ppi!n to Oriva a Motorcycle, Do Yo u?"" CSF Gay Student Union Pinn Nixed by Shields Cil in&. the illegality of homose1:ual pr1ctices in Califomia and potential com- munity pressures, the president of Ca l Stale Fullerton has denied campus recognition of a homosexual stude:nl group. L. Donald Shields, CSF' prfliident an - nouoced Tuesday fl decision lo deny th e Gay Student Union application for recognition as 1 campus s I u d e. n l organization. Shields said his decision had the back- ing of the College ~dvisory Board, ·the Faculty Council Chairman, tht student body president and the Faculty Council's E1:ecutive Comm ittee. The CSF Staff Council also voted Tue11- day to commend Shield! for his "logic" used to arrive at the denial. a campus apokeam•n Raid. Twelve members of the student aenate considered 1 resolution C"Ondemning Shields' decision and offering le gal aid to the group. The measure wa1 passed by a vote of 1lz yes. one no and five absten- tions. Brent Romney, aludent body president sald he would veto the senate action, A tv•o-thirds vote of the 22-member student senate would be required to overt urn the veto A northern Cal ifo rnia Superior Court in Februa ry ordered Sacrame nto State College to grant recognH1on to a homosexual group. Randell ~1art1n, 22. of Anaheim. a CSF' junior speech major and member of the homosexual group's steering committee, said today the group would fieek legal ac- tion against the college. Wine Tasti ng Party Sla t.ed for League A wine lasting party to kick off 1 fund drive for the Laguna Reach Junior All- American Football League will be held at 8 o'clock tnnight at the Hotel l...aguna. Five California wineries have donated wine for the free even t, whidl la open to .all peraon1 inte re sted In helping raise money for uniforms and 1afety equip· ment for the league. Crisis Revealed Market Depression 'Close' in '68 WASKINGTON <UPI ) -Robert W. H11ck, presiderit of tbe New York Stock Esctianae . said today that Wall Slr•fs tlnaoclal troubles in 1188 and 1969 broua:ht the na tion close. to a deprwlon "lhe lllces of which we bave never aeen before." Haack, tt.ttifyin( before a Senate. tnvutl11Uons 1ubcommitt~. aafd he did nqt *Ink "the world rtcognized" haw flrklus' Wall Street'1 troubles were in thaL.perk>d. Ht said numerous stock brokerage houses 'were up against a pinch eauKd by hlsh co1111 and diminishing volume in stock e1:cb1nce l.ran1iclion1. "Allol tbeM lhiJ!&I could b.tv1 ruullt4 .. in a depres1\on the likes of which we hive never aeen before." he 1akJ. The crlsl1 led to the collapse of 15 brokerage houM!s, he testitled. and member fin'N of the New York Stock Elchange had to ball out thtir customers to I.he n:ttnt 0( f75 mlUlon. Tht crlll1 Haack de scrlbeli came after a period of treiftendOUll 1rowtb In stock market tranuet.lal'I:! wtilch put a be1vy i;train oo broke.rare hOuses and led to long delays ln the deUvery of atoclr: ctrtificates. Then. when volumt dropped but brokerage house <tVerhtad r-emalntd hich. the exi stence t1f the brokerage houtoes was threatened by lht coat .queue, liaaci e1plained. schoota to Increase money to tht bJ&b school. Charles Hess, di&trict bu 11i ne 11 manager also told board members tbal the budget must include at lea.at a $100,000 reserve above the $\3,000 now under consideration in the tentative budget. He added later that another $100,000 would probably have to be found to meet demands for salary increases by district employ es. The present budget as prepared, !!hows 1 31-cent I.a.I increase. with no money allocated for the pay increasea:. Pentagon Volumes Go To Solons WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on announced today he will make available to Congres& on a "top secret" classific.alion basis the full 4.7-volumes of a Penlagon study of U.S. involvement ln the Vietnam war. The White House said the President acted 1ince lhe unautboriu:d publication of some portions of these documents created a situation in which Coniress •·would necess arily be making judgmenu • • • on the basis of incomplete data which could give a distorted impression of the report's contents." "For that reason the President feels that it is only fatr to Congress and to persons mentioned in the documents that the full report be made available," press e:ecretary Ronald L. Ziegler said. The government, through the JU!tice Department, has been resisting in the courts . newspaper publication of stories based on the secret 1tudy. Ziegler added that "since the documents relate primarily to the J ohnson and Kennedy periods. Pre~ldent Nixon pointed out that he is not in a pos· ition to vouch for their accuracy or th eir completeness ... The documents &re being made available to Congress "on Lhe un- derstanding that the y will be subject tn existing Congressional rules and regula· lions covering the handling ol classified maler ial." Ziegler said. The announcemen t came af~r an hour· long breakfa st meeting Ni xon he.Id with Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield at Lhe Wh ite House. Ziegler made clear that the secrecy '"Taps are !o remain on th~ documents, pending a Pentagon review o f delcasslficalion o! the material. wbich Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird now has under way. supplied will be a copy of a 1965 study of the Tonkin Gulf incident. That was a U.S.-North Vietnam naval encounter which preceded U.S. combat entry into the war. The incident occurred in 1964. Cout Weather Another nice day £or the beach is the forec:ll!t for t.odAy and Thur&day, with the IWl break.inc out around 2 p.m, along the co11t. Highs today 75 to 13. Lowa IS to &'l. INSIDE TODAY Productions in Costa Mtstt arid Fount(lin Vallt~ wind up the 1970-71 lta.t:Oft in local «htoUr. Stt. todo~'• cnttrtaln.- mtnt .section. ... ,... 1 .. 1, C'11,.,_ I Ct,_ C«-II (111(1"'9 "" ' CMllHllll I~ ...... . <-M DN"' tt.fttM t OIV..-Clt t ....... I I"-a .. ,.,,~, .. . ··-· ... ,, --M ,,.,. ... .....,. tt ...... . • I .-• • ' . • • . ' ! DAJLY ' ~-\'ltd11tsdty, Ju111 2J, l't1l $31000 Grant 'Snob Zone' ·Historical Hunt Assembly Clears Coastline Bill Begins in Laguna " HEAD HISTOR IA N Harry Jeffrey New Earthquake Shakes Elsinore, Nixon's Pool A spill lrom the I .esident's S\\'i ntming pool in San Clemente and loss of sleep for residents of e.reas near Riverside and Elsinore \1erc 1l1e extent of da111age from Tuesday·s pre-dawn earthquake. The tremor, rated at 4.0 on !he Richter sca le was centered midway be tween Corona and Els ino re in Riverside County on the long-dormant Elsinore fault which Is 125 miles long. Tuesda y's tremor \\'as the largtsl in Southern Californ ia since Feb. 9. when an euthquake with a m11gnitude of g_g on the Richter scale struck the San Fernan· do Valley, killlng 64 peracns. Caltech seismolog1st.s de !I c r i bed Tuesday·s shaking as a new earthquake and not one of the more than 300 af. tershocks recorded since the February quake. The trtmor v.·oke residents of Elsinnre 3:41 1.m. Tuesday. At 3·4J 11.m., alarm 1ystems in the \Ves!ern White House Ill San Clemente were lrJpped by the quake and a waking .6ecret 1ervice agent noted waler being spilled from the President's pooL l\'o member of the chief executive·s family ,_..11s staying at U1e Cotto n's Point estate. Shock waves from the quake .,.·ere felt In part.a: of Los Angeles . San Bernardino, Orange znd San Diego counties. Police Hold Marine On Prowling Charge San Clemente police 11rrested a young Marine earlv today on charges of prowline: aftiir they found him leaning agains t a door of an residence O\'erlook· ing the pier are&. F:usse!I Abram Fors Jr . 21. a Camp Pendlt"ton ~ervicem:in, \.\'AS arrested at 6 30 a.rn after police recei\'ecl a pro1o11ler call from ~!rs Regina \Vulfeck . Tht arrest took place at 406 B Calle Granada. OIAHll COAST DAILY PILOT 01.uo1G.: COAiT l'Ul t.ISHINO :::ou.!'.lN\' "ol.•rl N. We•d rrtt1dt11t •nd l'wbllsMr J oe~ "· c ... 1.'I" Vkt ,.,.ldf'fll oNI O..,t<tl M"'•ttr Th111u• x.eYll E._11 ... Th•"''' J.. M.,,,h;n• M•""''l>ll fdolOr l .. irM .. ecll CHlte 222 F1r••I J.yo"u• M ~ai~9 •<l<l r••ll ,,0 . l e• 6''· 926Sl * Cl_,,. Offh;ir J05 ~.11h ll c.,..1~0 Rtol, 92671 01w om ... c .. 11 ,_..,.,. 1S! Wttr 1•1 ~Ir"! tt1.,....r1 S11<~: Ul) Ht-•I l•u~~••of H1111tllllllllt a111ll: i,.JS •••ti\ .. ufl••<d By FREDERICK SCJIOE~tEliL ot 1~1 D•llv 1'11•1 't•tt Bolstered by a S3,000 grant rrom the ci· ty cultural arts Jund , the newly formed Laguna Beach Community Historical Society 11 beginning Hs task of exploring the Art Colony's past. \Vorklng under the direction of llarry Jeffrey, 323 Lot•ust SL. a professor o! history al Cal S1ate Fuller!on. an e.~· ecutive cornm11tee has been forn1ed to com plete initial tasks:. The group has received non-profl1 taic· eio;:en1pt corporation status and was one of the new cultural groups 111•ithin the city lo receive money 1o1·hen cul\ural art.!' monies "·ere alloc attd by !he c11y council on J une 2. Four goals for the su mmer months, ac· cording to Jeffrey, are to pron1ole ll dif- ferenl society program.!'. developing a .. Young His torians.. group wilh in· tern1ediale and senior high school students: boosti ng general n1embership and establishing a permanent his torica l center. The latter. Jeflrey said. is important .!OO the society ca n set up a museum . library ancl office. "We "d like lo get about 2.00U souare feet to call ho1nc . Such an historical center \\'Oulrl be ar1 1nte'lcctua1 attraction and would bencfll o"her loca l a!lractlons.'' In addition to 1he library and niuseum plan:i;. the society has adopted progra ms for photography, artifact. oral history in· terv 1e111•, movie ;ind memorabilia col · lections: preservation of historical :i;ite~: studies of !he Laguna con1munity : socie· ty meetings. and publication of a ney,·slcl - te r. The historical society. Jeffrey recalled. grew oul of the Festiva l of Issue.!' project put on by the Volunteer Post 1n April. Such a society "'as also backed by th e Friends of the Laguna Beach Library, he said. Jeffrey assumed tht!! role or chairman of the executive coinmittee because of his ex tensive backiround in history. He gr'Sl duated fr om 01rtmouth College v.·ith a BA in pol!tical !Clence. At 22. he returned to his home sl!lte of Ohio and ran for off ice in the state legislature. Jef· rrey v.·on in the primary. but !oat in the general election. and then we nt on to receive his ~1A in histo ry. He went on lo teach for a while. then to Columbia Univer.!llty v.•here he recently received his Ph.D in history, wlth a di ssertation on the World War II Congress. He has taught al Cal Sta.le f 'ullerton since Sept. 1969. Al Cal State, he heads th.: Richa rd !\I. l\:i xon Oral ~ll!tory · Project, which has taped an d lranscribed 1nte rvie1~'! 1Yith 220 persons who knew the Presiden t before he en tered politics i11 11146. Jeffrey bel\eves !he historical society v.'1!1 be in busine.!l.!O very soon and noted, "there'! a lot going for u! .. , "'The broad based 5upport and in!eresl of new and old resident.~ i~ heartening. We v.:ere also very pleased to have nearly JOO people altend our first publ ic nieetl11g J;i!e la.!Ot month." The next meeting of the soeiet y v.·lll be held in September, at which lime the firsl election 1o1·ill be held for the board of ri!rectors. Later ln November. a cen· tennia! celebration i~ planner:! to con1· men1orate the arri val of the 1"hurston family lo the Laguna area in 1871 Jeffrey said the persons inte re.!lled in becoming me1nbers of the society should call secret ary Adelaide DeKly'ne, 4!17· 2001 . Preserv e Okaved J For Sa lt Creek By a 63-0 \'Ote the Stale Assembl y Tuesday approved a bill 111 r~t11bli~h a 1narine preserve al Sa\1 Creek Beach The bill. introdured b~· ASS('rnblyman Rrber t E. BAdham of Kewpor l Beach, v.·ill move directly !o lhe Sen11 1e. Radharn presen1ed the bill a:i; an urgen· c.1• measure in hope of hal'111p: it 1n cffrcl bv the lime lhe bcath ts opened to the public this !lummer. Earl!er legislation introrl\lced b v Badha m has sel up mar1nf' preser1·es 1fi ~ewport Beach. Laii:una Beach. South LaQuna and Dana Point. TI1e la111·s restrict lhe remo\•al or plant and anlm1I marine life rrom the designated refuges. CA IL 1 PILOT S!•!I l'~ofo Distress C1·y Kari Lupton. 14 1non ths. seems n1omentarily. d isenc:!l~n t.ed v;ith the ··t1101n1ny and tile··. s11 in1n1ing program despite .coinforlln~ arms o~ mom1ny. i\lrs. Philip Lupton. The t\.\'O·\\'eek stint for children six 111onths and up a nd n1others is part of the Laguna Beach su111mer recrealion program. 30-ce11t l11crea se Feared 111 Orange County Budget From "'ire Servlce1 A bill to regul11te coasll u1e development by forming a system of regional and ,;tate agencies cleared a key Asse mbly committee Tuesday de!!pile criticisms that the pla n v.•ould create a ··snob c:oa.!llal tone." The hill by Asseinb!yman Alan SieroLy (D-Be\'erly Hills) clea red the planning and land use con11nillee after 1t v.'as amended to exclude de v e Io p ni e nl s ~~r~~~:YA~;~~b1;arva~: ~~~1 .~·::n~eC~~~ 111i1tee on a sphl voice \'Ole . The bill sets up a COHSta l conservation commi!!~ion and !!iii: regional agencies to re(!ulate C'Qastline developinent until 1975 \.\'hen a plan v.·ould be submitted to the Legi slature for future development of the t:aliforni a coastline. Unde r provisions or the bill. the ar- fected land in Orange Cowity could be any1o1·here from 1.000 yards to fi ve miles lrom the mean high tide line. land values to skyrocket Gillies !aid. "i\o ooe of 1noderate means ts golng to be able 10 live in the coastal zone. You are making a s11ob t•oastal zone." The League of California Cities and !lie County Supervisors Associ ation also op- posed lhe b!ll for not givlng local govern· ment. enough power on the regional boards it 11·ould set up. If appro\'ed. !he bill 11ould e)(clutle froin regula!ion by the regiona l ag encies areas already zoned re!idential. com· n1ercial 01 industrial \.\'here 1o1ork is under \.\'ay before July 1971. Aller that. all coastal projects will re· quire approval of the 12-membet con1· mi.!lsions . Valley Sister, Brother Drow f'. On Ca1npout The !!late commission 1o1•ould be made up of 1v.·o members appointed by the Governor. Lwo by the speaker of the A~nblt...and two by the Senate Rules Con1ffiiffcC'. One representa t 1 ve fr om each of the six region<i! agen cies lo be A rounlain Valley brother and sister 111rn1ed if the Jcgis!alion is approved also v.ould serve on lhe state p;inrl. died Tuesday in a tra gic river drown ing The regional bodies \\'OUld include six \i·hile on a !an1i\y camping ,·acatloa in repren!atives of cities and counties \Vilhin Tulare County. the region. Another six would be ap--k h I pointed by the Gover nor. the Asse111bl,v The girl. 8. sllpped oH a roe w I e Speaker and the Senatl.' Rules Coin· crossing Tu!e Creek about 28 mi les easl n1ittee. of Porterville with her parents and Dugald (;11hes. lohbyist fur l he brother and sisters. California Rea! !::stale Associatton. ac· The fast flO\\'tng water trapped her on cused lhe con1mitteC' of reacting to con· servalionisl '·hyslena'' b y selling a $500-the riverbed. \\'hile her fath er despera1e· per day line !or \ io!a ting interin1 \y tried lo free her. nearly drowning coastline controls . himself. her 5·year·o ld brother fell in ap-- "[f some poor guy cut a !ree do wn he'd parently unnoticed 111 the commotio n ll nd be sub ject to a $$00 per day fine untll the drowned in the same spot, ~herlff's tree grew back," Gillies said . dep uties said this morn in g. But com111ittee cbairman Paul Priolo The \'ictiini'I 11i·ere Tamera Le c I R·Pacific Palisade.~ f, said 110 judge Boughn1an <lnd her brot her. Douglas V•(luld make such a ··ridiculou~" ruling Clark. !he children of '.l!r. and /11rs. Paul (;il lies also charged the bill will result B.'' JACK BROBACK Tht' spending progran1 calls for an in· . . . . l" 1 ., Bouohn1an, 1607.1 Carl1on Si., Fountain in "nuisance sui!s aga ins uev e opmenl ,. 01 1~• 0111~ P•1•1 111r1 crease of 16.5 percenl or $29 .7 niillion "In effect, this bill rreezes de\•elop me nl \'alley. The Orange County Board I} f over the current y{·ar. alon g the coastal zone for three and a Thl' tragedy oc·curred 11! the Coffee Supervisors t..Jda.1· got a proposed 1971 ·7~ Thr proposrrl !ot.11 budget including half years ... he sairl. r an1p groun d· whert the family had heen count:.• budget calli ng for 11 possiblr !ax srv>c·ia l distriels shoii s spending of $260 Priolo said, ··The lrN>zr. is nnl in the , .. acationing since Friday .. o!,cco rding to increase of JO cents over the cur;·cnt ,,. bi11.·· Sherill's depu1ies , the Boughnlaos bad $1.70. milli on compared to $237 million this l\"oting the ineasure could cause l:Oa~l<i l two other daughte rs w!th them, Thl~ increase. reflec ting a $11 million )ear. A reduc1ion in other countyv.·ide Lt. Grant '.llatherl.v said that the family gap between revenue and projected co.~\.~ spending. other tha n the genera! fund and 11as cros~1ng a narrow point or the river ror the coming year. if nnauy adopted. in sprc1a1 d1slr1cts amounts 10 ss s 'Yes on Attg. .~, 10 :;unbathe on a na1 rock on the other 1o1·ill mean a total tax increase of 38 cents 11. 1.J ~Ide_ o,1·hen co1n blned with the eigh1:CfJ)L Jn. -mi ion . ··A1 this pain! 1he 1o1·ater is only four cret." approved Tue.oiday to Cl/Ver a $3.:1 ~homas b1?.11:es 1ncreMed cost "f u • t • B 'J 1• leel deep but 11 1s rushing do10o'nhill with a n11\lion jump In employe s11laries. v.eH~rl'. :-.1c~1-t:<il. menla! health. the m Ill lll ( 111g lren1endous force through a crevice." Lt. Supervisors will hold a ~eries of pu blic co11l1nued shift ol tax burdens fro".' the ~latherl y said. "The girl slipped off :I hearings on the budget beginning Jul~·'.!'!. stiite. to the county . a.n~ lhe co.nhnued Can1 pa1gn he<1dquarters for the ··Yes roc k and beca1ne trapped by the swift County Administrative Officer ' Ro bert gro11 th pressures in crhn1nal JUStice pro-on Aug 3 Con1mi1tee" opened in Laguna current between two roek s. E. Thoma• presented Uie budg~, {·orn· grarns. B h h' k 2 S C fl 1 "'The father leaped 1n to rescue her but eac 11sv.·ee ·at8l' . oasl 1g 1\\P .. • Pl-i:..wlthsu"•estlom.On~t.oc I it. ".-'11are of the i111pend111g financial he 11·as dr iven under by the forre of the gs -....-"!"" a nd 11ill ser\'e as the central office tor I h pinch, ,VOll r board iSsued pclicy guidelines 11a\er. He lold U5 later that ht' le I e \ll'iiS Skateboarder, Transient 1-1 elcl After Sc uffle A Laguna Beach youth. a transient al'd a crowd C\r Hbout 30 onlookers 111·ere firm· ly reminded \\'rdnesday afternoon 1hal ~katrboarding is illegal on tne su·rels and 1valk\1 ay< or 1he Ari Colon~. Pol ice said lhe \'OUth and U1e tran<;1ent \.l·ent tn jail aod. the crowd v.·as nrdered tn ' d1 ... p{'rse fQ!fo\\inc 1he nnnn 1nc1dent 1n thl' 100 block (If CIC'o Street. Officer Rick Kotiin had stopped Da\ 1d Bu rton . 21. fnr allegtdly n d1nF: ;i sk:itrhoard nn thr sidewalk ano 11as issu· 1n,I! the 111an a c11at1on . Au1hnritle~ rlain1 · ed. a I 7·Vear·old vouth be11 <rn inierferlng 11·1 th lh<'. p11l1ce oft1(·cr <rnd allt11l[l1ed In rouse the gr o1o1•lng crowd or ~·oung 51)Ct· ta!ors. AC'cord111~ lo au!11or111r~. !he yollng•lrr conti nued to interfere and use profanity. desp11l' l\otz1n ~ v.arnu1g:;, and 11·a~ finAlly pl11cetl unde r <1rTe~1 aflf'r a hrtef !!cufnf". Police ~aid Burton 1o1·as al~o lllkrn 10 jail when he could not produce any identification_ A phone rail to one of Burton's friend:: e!tabli~hed rhe man's name l'lnd rorn1er address and Burton was released. The vouth v.·as l\irned O\'f'r to the custody of his parents af ter being booked for juvenile court on charp:es of interfering l'o'ith a police officer and rfsi~ling arrest. for au.~teril v and called for a review 11f proponents of the Jti-foot height llmitat1on drowning hin1self Son1e bystanders 11 ere nerds from ·a zero base," Thoma! st&lerl . niea!!ure "'hich 1\·Jl! come l>efore the able 10 pull him oul by Hetl ing hold ol "'ThC' 1!171 ·72 budget recommendations \'oters lhis !!ummer. him \.\'i1h a towel. v1ere developer! with the above restrie· "Then they realized lha1 the boy was The anli·highnse grour is cu rrenll~· h h h II · lions. \\'elfarr.. health, and criminal mi ssing and t at e rnust ave ra en 1n justice will be able to meet the ir preparing inforn1a11on on the effect tli ey in the con1n1otion ., responsib1J1t 1t's. bol recon1n1ended spend· believe high rise structures ivou\d ha ve The inciden! occurred 11t 1\ a.m. The ing does not provide room for flexibil i1y on Laguna Brarh. us ing st udies con· bodies v,•ere recovered b)• a crew of 51ate or unknowns. ducted Jn other communities throughout prisoner.!' from the t-.lounta1n H!lnie '·All other county ac1ivities will either th~ United Sta!e.5. Conse rvation Carnp at I p.m. Both require sub.:.lantial ga.ins lo meet growing The cnmmittee is seeking persons lo do brother and ~1 ster \.\ere v.·edged bet wttn wor k loads or reduce le\'e!s of service." p1·ecinct wor k or to man the head· the same rocks. hr ronlinued. <1u.arterli. l\fen1her!i currently involved ··.\Ir. Boughman said "'hen he was in The ni:tjor increases incl ude \\'elfare. include attorney Ral ph Benson. the water he got hold of his daugh1er but S23 9 niillion : co1n1nunit~ safety, $4 :! geographer Jon Brand, \.Inter Arnold C"Qu]d not pull her out. the force v.•.as so million: and re l use <llspos?J. $1.4 million. Hano. furniture rcfini.!:her V.1illiam Leak. grea1 ," l.t t-.l;ilherly ~ai d. 1\~ alternatives lo a ta x increasr, real Pstate broker Ph~·llis Sweeney, One of :-.tr. Boughman ·~ legs also 1\•as Themas sugges1ed an arbitrary reduction anthropo!ogi.!01 Josrph Tomehak, con-caught 1n some ror.ks and \.\as bruised in the \1 ork force. deferred hirin~ ror new struction cnginet'r ,\lerritt Trease and and rut v.·hen hi' wa.~ rescued posnlons. le~s P:{!Uiprnent purchase.!' and long llme resident ~lariorie Ada/IS Dari· Lt. r.latherly branded the crossing as a po.,,lfK)IHng pf capl!al e:<prnditures. ing . dange r spot. M~ertl""''"' =======--r::::::::::::::::iiiiiiiiii..:iii..:iii..:iii..:i:::::::::::...::::::.. __ .;;;::::::;;. r (;T""""M"""'2 'r""""i"""'·[K-' ~ TODAY by J. C.. HUMPHllU CHOOS ING A MAN'S WATCH Buying a "'alch seems a compli- cated procedure; but it isn't com- plicated at all if you foll o"' the Styled by tomorrow's standards ... Builders B @ Olll Garbenstangcl Contest Grvn:ing I baSiC \\'a!Ch·bUying rule O( "end- U~C" ... the use to v. hich the watch "'ill be put in a man's career, ho~ by. sport or social circle. To insure that a watch will give lasting pleasure, first determine thi s encl·use. Once t his is :i:;etUed, you will find it easy to judge the value of such features as shock- proof. 1vatcrproo£, fashion shapes, sel! winding, calendar/date, the chronographs, .!!plit·second hand!, automatic models, etc. What ."ilArted II~ an innocen! exercise in doublell'llk in the cl11ssllier! ;id· ver1ising pages of the DAIL Y PILOT lhreatens to bet't;11ne a 1na1or e\'en! uf lhi! summer'.!! "silly seat.On." South Co11sl Plata officials today iAid they're interested In ha\•lnK 1hC' \'torld's first Build a Beller GarbenslnngeJ Contest and Rallye at !he North Costa Mesa shopi;lng center. The question I!, will there be enough 1n\l.'re~t in !he buildi ng and pre~· erv1Uon of g1rbenstangel1 j any kind or a Rube Goldbergi11n C(lntraplion thttl ti~' nothing -t1r does .111nylh lng ) to make it happen. If you're in1eresll':d fill in the coupon and mail it in loday. ---------------I I I I Yes . t will build a GarbtnSIAngel -or launch a starch for nne I can put Into shape for exhibition al the R<111l ye Please tell me more. Name ....... .. Adrtrcss . . ..... ... . . . . .. ..... Ph~nt Zip City ~fail to Promotion J\1 anager. DAILY PILOT. P.O. Dox fi.fesa, Ca.. 92626 1560 Cci.!Ota ---------------I I I I I .I \Vith increasing a 111'areness of fashion. 1nore men are building a ""·erdrobe" of watche!, ranging from specialized "'etc hes for speci- fi c uses such as skin-diving. to st~·le orientrd time pieces "''Om principally as a fashion accessor)·. \\'hether you are considering a \.\1atch for yourself or as a gl!t, "''e'\I .[!lndlv help you relate Lhe end-use to the ""Hie variety or features avail able in the beautilul watches ;n our store. :. And Lhl unilfUe ••If-changing day/dale ftahu• wltl tell yO\i whan lomOrro"! comes. Thlt 1elf·wlridJng Constellallon ii Om~a'i nnest walch. II ls• certified chronomel•r.,. having p1ue<I 360 hours of 1ccur1ey te1ta at • gov1rnment·1up11rv\sed Swia1 te1Hng bure1u, M1gnllle1n1!y crafted. 111< 1olid gold w1!1r· r11l111n1 caa11nd matching bracelet .•. S1200 S1m1 watch In slainlou stet I •••••••••• $23$ J. L fiu1n1~firt't1J Jeweler" 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVlN !lN1 lllMS 2~ 'l'IARS IN SAMf LOCATION "HON E 541 .)41!1 , \ 7 7 San Cle111enie Capistrano EDITI O N VOL 64, NO. 149, 6 SECTIONS, 86 PAGES • ar1ne Nixo11 Bares Text Congress to Get Pentagon Study WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on announced today he will make available to Congress on a "top secret" classification basis the full 47-volumes of a Penl.ilgon study of U.S. involvement in t.he Vietnam war. The \Vhite House said the President acted since the unauthorized publication of some portions of these documents created a situation in ""'hi ch Congress •·"'ould necessarily be making judgment! •.• on the basis of incomplete data v"hich could give a distorted impression of the report's contents." ''F'or that reason the President feels that it is only fair to Congress and to persons mentioned in the documents tha t the full report be made available,'' press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said. The government, through the J ustice Department. has been resisting in the courts. newspape r publication of stories based on I.he secret study. Ziegler added th.al ''since t he documents re late primarily tn the Johnson and Kenned y per iods, President Nixo n pointed ou t that he is not in a pos- ition to vouch for their accuracy or their completeness ." The documentl •re being made •vailable to Congress ''on the un- derstanding that they will be subject lo existing Congressional rules anti regula- tions covering the hindling o( cla.uified material." Ziegler 11ald. The announcement came after an hour· long breakfast meelin& Nii:on held v.·i th Richard Toal, Accident Victim, Rites Conducted Requiem t.las!I was ctlebrated in San Clementf' this morning for J6-year--0ld Richard Toal. v.·ho died in an auto mishap lasl weekend in the desert ne::ir Indio. The rites y,·ere conducted al Our Lady ef Fatima Catholic Chur ch wi1h burial follov.·ing at Ascension Ct>melery in El Toro. Lesneski ~1ortuary handled ::ir· rangemenl.s The boy died during a mercy night Saturdiiv 10 !Amil Lind::i University Mcdic::il Ct>ntc r aboard a California Hi !l hll'a.v Palr0! he!icopler. Richf!rd. the son or ~1r. and ~trs. R11:hard J, Toal of 41111 Galle Abril. was fatally injured when I.he ca r in which he v.·as riding overturned during a motorcycle out1ni;:. The driver nf the aut o, Steven Sallot, 17. ()f Santa Ana, had only minor injuries in the mishap. Besides his parents, Richard leaves three sist.ers. Colleen Marine, Margaret Rose and Barbara Ann Toal. all of the tiomc: and his grandmother&, Agnes Toaf ()( Detroit and Beatrice Brady of Sa nilac, \\.'is. Oruge C.ut Weather Another nice day for the beach is the forec3st f()r today and Th ursday, with the sun breaking out around 2 p.m. along the coast. fl ighs today 75 lO 83. Lows SS to 6.J. INSIDE TODAY Produclion!I in Costa M~.~a ond F'o11ntn in Valle y wind up t>u: 1970·11 .!ta.son tn local theater. See toda11'1 inter!ain- merU section. IMllH 11-u Mtll loo kn>itt " C..M!frM-1 • ..... •u C:•·Mt c .. iwr " Mu1'1Mi! ''""' .. C_, .... U• • .... -...... •• C1tn lll .. J)··· Or-(""'1' • c .... ,,, • •~1¥11 "'""' .. Crtuwetf ,. .... ,. U ·t4 Dtt :ll Nelk .. • Or. l lel!IC•tfHI " D•...-<•• • Sii>(' M1r1(t'tl ~ .. •<111:rn11 l't" • ftlrilllff .. IJ<!trltl~"'t~I Jl.)t Tl!••''" tt·• ,,~•~ff JJ ll 'fl'IJ!~ •• • Htr1K -M W.!t•-ANll'I " I.~~ t 1110tn " W-•~'I Nt9' J)·U "" ..... • w .. NI Mnoi .. Senate majority leader Mike Mansfiel d at the \\lhite House. Ziegler made clear that the secrecy wraps are to remain on I.be documents. pending a Pentagon review o f delcassification of the material. which Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird now has under way. Down the Mission Trail Viejo Students Receive Awards ~1JSSJON VIEJO -Departmental awards ha ve been ,,resente to studenLI at ~1ission Viejo High School. Winners include : Jane Ch3dome!ka, business; Donna. Ste ward, English : Susan Marosi and Greg 'nlclmas, a.rt : R<ln Jadach, mathematics: Dave Lundin, social science; Pam Ma tsuoka . home economics; Sid Nutter , drama; Richard Gillen waters, imtrument.al musie, and Sue Shaeffer and Donna C'.onnally, leaderl'ihip. Technical aw1rds w'nl to : Steve Flowers. auto technology; Rieh Parr. met.al techno logy; Allen McCausland , construction technology,; Jeff Strickland , irraphic arts: Gary Gover. auto shop I: Brian Die.son. electronics; Tom Warn11c, drafting n, and Dan Neufie ld. arch itec- ture . • Tee11 Dance Slated LAKE FOREST -A teen dance will he hos!ed by the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club Friday. The event o~n to 1111 Lake forest high schQOI s!tidents. will lake place from II pm to midnight at the club and will feature two bands. "Y..'eot1 ."' 11 Costa ~1r~a band , will klc k off the night and ".Jeromva." also from the Costa Mesa area , y,·\11 concludt. Admission will be Sl Doors will npen al a p.m. • Tei1rt.l•, Dr11 nr.a Ar1yotte MISSION VI EJO -Classes in tennis a.nd drama will begin Thur1d11y at two ~fission Viejo recreation centers. Children's tennill clas!lt's will begin al the Marguerite Center with beginners meeting at 9 A.m. and advanet:d begin- ners at 10 a.m. Fee for members for the fi\•e-week sessi()ns will be SB wlth nonmembers paying $18. Classes in theatrics fM ages 8 lo 18 will begin al I p.m. at the Montanoso Center. The session will last eight week!!. for in- formation on either class call the ctnter .at 837-4084. e Modeling Chu• LAKE FOREST -A class In modeling for teenage girls began al the BeAch and Tennis Club today. The class will take pl11ce from I tn 2:30 p.m. in the card room with Nancy S\sgle Instructi ng. Subjeet matter wiTI emph•slu walking, posture, figurt control. diet. Rood troom- ing, fashions . make up . hair CMe, model· Ing techniques, manners ind aocl1l grace. Lake Forest teens may register at the clu b for the eight week course. • ENtertalner• So•ght MISSION VlEJO -Entert1intrs for ttie Mil!i!'iton Viejo Fourth of July ctlebralion are being aou1i:ht by lhe activit y sponsors. the Mission Viejo Activ ities C'.ommitlec. Anyont wiahinf: to participate m•y c111J Vince Es poatto at 137-6865 fo r information. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 197 1 • e Ill a DAILY l'ILOf Iliff f'~tM Cute Pair P uppeteer li1ark \Villis, "Mr. ~l arco" shows bit of his marionette routine to dancers DeAnne Shank !center) and Grace Etcheberria. All will be part of San Clemente's upcoming Fiesta La CbrisUan.ita celebration which Ki cks off with a d i nner and dance July 10. A parade will be July 17. The events celebrate the first Christian baptism in California. It occurred at a location inland of what is now Saa Clemente. Mesa Realtor Found Slain A prominent HarOOr Area woman rea l· ty executive missing for seven days \vas found Tuesday. nude anQ bludgeoned tn death on a marshy freeway embankment near the Del Mar Ra cetrack. lnvestigators sai d f\1rs. Alma Jea n Snlith, 56. had been dead three to four days when discovered shortly after dav.·n by a hitch hiker. San Diego police homicide investigators are listing the Rea ltor·s death as murder, with no apparent motive at this poinL The vic tim was reported missin1 June 17 After she failed to return from a v1sil with relatives. Her body was identified by stepson David Smith . of San Diego. Clothing and jewelry scattered near the scene about 30 feet below Interstate 5 aided in identification of the remains A radio description heard by Smith led him to suspect the unidentified victim was his stepmother. Capo T1·u stees Autl1orize Re1nedial Readi11 g Costs Trust('('S nf the Capistrano Un1f1ed School Dislrict 7.eroed in on reading this week al'\ the most important skill taught in a school. TI1ey authorized expenditures Mnndav for nne remf!diat reading teacher for e;i.ch school in the district despite statislics for one remedlal reading teacher for each school in the district despite statistics \\'hich show that 75 percent or the chilllren ;.re reading at or above their grade level. On the basis or' tests la ken by children In grades one lhrnugh l"ix . 51.9 percent were reading above grade levt>I. 20.7 per· cent were reading at grade level.11nd 27 .~ percent we re reading below grade level. Teacher's assessmenl of ea ch child changed the statistics ror the at "grade level or abovl'" grade levP] children hut remained much the same for !hose reading below. These figures pl.:iced only :II percenl above grade le.ve!, 4!"! percent al grade level and 23 percent below. "No1 all below "grade." level readers nec<1 remediation ." said Superintendent Truman Benedict. "Some are merely stow learners." Trustee Bob Dahlberg called for coordination to tie the remedial reading program together districl·wide. He said the basic reading program should be strengthened in the classroom through in· serviet! programs for the classroom teacher. Teachers hired as remedial reading teachers should stick to this pro- gram alone . he sa id. "Tr all these things are done. perhaps those 23 percen1 reading below grade level will be improved," he said. Deputy Coroner Max Murp hy said although it i.~ obvious the owner of Jean Smilh Rea! Estate, 400 E. 17th St., had been bea1cn to death an autopsy is being staged. The victim Jived at 482 Abbie Way, Costa Mesa . with a woman friend, ac- cording lo associates. Cal1forn1a Highway Patrol officers im· pounded ~1rs. Smith's apparently aban- doned ca r on June 18. not far from v.he re she v.·as found about 7·15 a.m. Tuesday. A hitch-hiker discovered the body. The location was about a mile east of 1he racetrack. tie1v.·een Del tllar Heights Road and Via De La Valle. pohce said. La Playa Street OK for Bu s Lot Capistrano Beach residents' fears that part of the Serra Sctiool playground v.·ould be taken over ali 11 bus parking lot have been laid to rest. Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District approved an agreement wl!h ttie Slatr Oivision nf Highways Mon- day for the use of La Playa Street for a new bus lol. The slate's agreement specified that the arrangement is a temporary one until the district formally acquires the proper- ty. The school district currently ()wns Ille street t-0 the center line. No ti me lim it was specified as lo wtien the district must purctiase the state's half of the fonner street. School Site Comes in 3s Joe. Wimer. Di recto r of Administrative S~rvice& for the Capistrano Unified School District really dnesn't stutter. Playing Hooky T h r e e . t hree-three·thrtt-lhrtt Street of the Golden Lantern is th e ()fficial addresll of lht new Dana Hills High School site, Wtme:r announced the address Monday to trustees of lhe district. pointing out that the district had its ch<>lce of numbers because nothin1 e.lse Is near the sile. And though the address will be easy to remember, it Jtill might ht confusing tio 1111111e -the achool '11 ad ual location Is on another street -Acapulco. ·' Princi1>als Missing at Workshop School principalll were caught playin& booky early this week. Truateea of the Capistrano Unified School District voiced dll!imay that no principals attended the first day of a week-long workshop to devtlop cut· riculum for mentally gifted 1tudents. "We c-learly slated fhal we wanted the princiJ:lals Involved in lhls workshop.·· .said Trustee Bob Hurst. . John Crain. Assistant Superintendent for Instruellonal Serv ices, assured the board thal altitouilJ no ooe &bowed up Monday the majority ·Of the principals would attend the conferences the rut of the wee k. "One of lhe problems with thia ~ gram b11 been itl lack of le1dershlp." said Trustee Robert Dahlbera. "lfow can we expect teachers ta be in- terested if lhe principals aren"t. Wh1t'1 good enough for the teachers is good en!lugh for the principals." Superintendent Truman Benedict said Ult timing has caused some problems . Prlnclpals are very busy the first week •fter 1chool ls out, he added. Today's Fl••I N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Clemente Holds Youth In Cu stody By JOHN VALTERZA DI IM D.llly l'lllt tr.ff Exactly a year after alt.ending Utt funeral in Michigan of his murdered wif~ former San Clemente Marine Marll Johnson heard formal charges of murdel lodged against him Tuesday in santa. AOll Munic ipal C'.ourl. The 19-year-<lld Marin e. arrested Mono day evening in the stab bing and beatlf11 death ()f 20-year-0Jd Cnnnle Lynn Johnson. was assigned a pu blic dtfende r · by Judge Robert Rickles. Johnson . a lanky, handSClme Vietnam veteran. will return to the same (()UJ't Ju- ly 2 for a preliminary hearing le determine if he must stand trial in the year-<lld killing of his high school sweetheart. Judge Rickles furt her ordered J ohnsoa to remain i11 custody wilhout bail until the hearing. The young Marine remained ln cuatody at San Clemente city jail this morning a1 investigators renewed a meta.1-dekci.or search near the small apartment when Mrs. Johnson's body was found June 17 ol 1970. The digging and scanning of the soil around the small basement apartment al 416 Monterey Lane stretched through tht day Tuesday, but investigators did nof disclose the object of the aearch, at anJ IUCce!S in the djgglng. One weapon in tbt klllinl bas beet log· ged into evidence. -a small 1tod allegedly used to inOid. t.tal bdll wounds. But a kni fe, assertedl y a kabar military kn ife. reportedly ha s not yet been found. The same area -primarily plan ted slopes -was si fted over by a team of in· vestigators 1 year ago with no reported resul ts. The apartment in the bowl area of thl! city near the municipal pier had showil signs nf possible entry through a kitchen window during the investigation Jasl year. J ohnson ..... ·ho reported the. discovery ~ his wife's body, had told officers he Jeff her be fore dawn the day before th• discovery, then returned at about noon after servin~ guard duty at the MariM Corps Air Station helicnpter facility in Santa Ana. The auburn-haired victim waa thret months pregnant at the lime of her death. Her daily habit during the four-month slay al the apartment was to let th' cnuple's smaU poodle out at about 6 a.m. each morning . On the morning of the slaying, however. neighbors noted that Mr t . Johnsnn did not appear with the dog. In months follow ing the murder. con· lact:c. v.·ith Johnson by investigators wert fr equent. The youn_c: Marine made al m()st daity trips lo police headquarters during tht fi rst few weeks following hi s wife's death. In vestigators at the ti me de3cribed Johnson as "extremely cooperative" dur. in~ Ule routine 101\()WUp investigations. The same detectives arrested the blond Marine, assisted by District Attorney and Marine Corps investigators who joined In tbe case several months ago. District Okays Tennis Court Lighting Bids Bids have been awarded this week for the lighting of four tennis courts at San Clemente High School by trustees of tht Capistrano Unified School District. The vote Monday was 4-3 for awardlna the bids: Trustee Fred Newh81t Jr. had suggested tabling the matter unW another look at the 1071·7'2 til.4 mUlloa budget. Trustees Robert Dahlbtra and Robert Beaaley also voted In oppo1ltfon. Newhart had auggeated that spendlnc $10,174 fM tennis court Ugblina m.laht not be in the best interest &Ince Lai:~ face a ~7 cent hike in taxes •nd lhe bond Is looking for wa)'I to reduct the budget. Trust.. Bob HW'll IOld I! tho bid waan 't awarded this year the diltrict mlly as well forflel the project. . The bid was awarded lo Smith ElectrJi;: of Stanton. P11yment wUI be madt out o; the co1M1unity aervicu teclion of lh:! budgeL Z DAil '/. ~ p,ooo Gratat 'Snob Zone' Historical Hunt Assembly Clears Begins in Laguna Coastline Bill HEAD HISTORIAN Harry Jeffrey New Earthquake Shakes Elsinore, Nixon's Pool A spill from the r.csident°s swi mming pool in San Clement e and loss of sleep for residents of OJ'eas near Riverside and Elsinore \\'ere the extent of da111age fron1 1'ucsda y's prc-dav.•n e;1rthquake. 1'he trenior, rated at 4.0 on the Richie,· scalt was centered midway bet11·een Corona and Elsinore in Rive rside County _ on the long-dormant Elsinore fau!L which is 125 miles long. Tuesday's trernor v.·a.~ the largest in Southern California since Feb. 9. v.·hen an r 2..:-thq uake v"ith a magn itude of 6.6 on the Rich ter scale struck the San Fernan- do Valley, killing &I perscns. Caltel'h seismologists d es c r i bed Tuesday's shaking as a new earthquake and not one of the more !han 300 al- le.rshocks recorded since the February qu ake. The tremor woke residents of Elsinr,rc j :41 a.m. Tuesday. At 3:43 a.m., ala rn1 systems Jn the \Vestern W!1He House at San Cle nien!e were tripped by the quake and a \~laking .secret servire agent notl'd \.l'aler being spilled Jron1 the President 's pool. r;o member of the chief execut ive's family "as staying at Ille Cotton's Point rstatc. Shock waves from the quake y,·ere fe ll !n part.~ of Los Angtles. San Bernardino. Orange 2.11d S~n Diego counties. Police I-fold J\larine Ou Prow lin g Charge San ClC'mente police arrested a young ~l anne earl.v loda.v on charges or pr(l\1·l1ng afl"r thC'y found him !caning against a door of an residence overlook· ing the pier area. Rus~e!l Abram f (lrs Jr 21. a Cami) r cndlt'lt111 '."f'r 11crn1an, 1ras arrested al 5 ,)fl a n1 af1er pohce recr11ed a pro11ler call from \1rs. Rri::ina \\"ulfcck The arrest look plare at 406 B Calle Granada. ORAN!;( COAST DAILY PILOT Oll;.O.>jl;;: COAiT PUI Ll~HIHG COMPAWV' Rob•rl N. w •• d Prflkl..,t •nd P~l>ll•~tr J·~~ P.. c ... 1 .... v.c1 Prn 1a1n1 """ c;..,rll M1n111r Tho"''' k•1•il Editor Tho"''' Jo.. Murph:n1 M1n1g•ng fdll<>~ Let•11• a.'"'h ou1 •• lll f o11.+ A~1nu• M ~ilPn9 ,JJ,.,., P.O. l o• 6•'· 916S l 5t111 c 1 .... 1nt• 0111,. J05 North (I Ci mino !1;111, 91 671 Otlltr Otflcn Co••• M• .. l" Wr•I !•f s ...... , f.11wp0•1 •••<~' U 1' ~1wi;ot! ao~:evtrd l1vt1!l"11111'! •tt <.1'1; 111/j .... ~~ IOUllYlld By FREDER ICK SCHOEMEHL 01 !~I 01111 ,llO! lilt!! Bolstered by a $3,000 grant fron1 tht ci- ly cultural arts fund. the newly forn1~d Laguna Beach Community !llstorital Society is beginning its task of e>:plori.ng lhe Art Colony 's past Working under the direction nf Harry J effrey, !l2.1 Lo!'ust St.. a profc~~or of Jiistorv at Ca! Stale Fullerton. an ex- eru11v'e co1nn11 ttee has been formed to l:Omp!ete in111aJ tasks The group has rPcc1vcd non-prof1l la>:· e)l:empt corporation ~tatus and w11s one 11f thl' new cultural groups v.·i!hin !he rit~· to receive n1oney when cultural arts rnorur.:; were allocated by the city council on June 2. Four goa ls for the summer months, ac· cording to Jeffrey. are to promote 13 dif· fertnt society programs. developing a "Young Historians" group with in- termediate and senior high school students : boosting general membership and establishing a pern1anent histori cal center. The latter, Jeffrey said. is irnporlant so the society ca n set up a museum. library and office. "We'd like to get about 2,000 square feet to call home. Such an historical center would be an inte~lectua l attraction and v.·ou!d benefit other local attractions." Distress Cry 1-'rom \'i'ire Services A lJ1l l to rtJ!ulale coastline de1·elopnlf'n t by forn11 11g a system of regional 11n<l 61ale <1genc1es l·lcarcd " ~t·y Assembly l'On1mi!lee Tuescli1v de~p11e eri!it•isn1s th11 1 the plan \\()U!d create a "snob coastal zone."' The bill by Asscn1blyman Ala n Siernt.v (1)-Beverly Hills 1 cleared !he planning and laud use l:Un1n111tec after it was a111en1led to r~clude de v f' Io p nit n I s alrea(h' under 11't1\ ,\R 1471 11as sent 1ln ln tht! -Asseinbl.v \\'a~s anri :\letins Co1n- n1ittee on a spl1L \ULCe 1·ote. The bill sets up a c·oastal t•onsrr1'alio11 com1niss1on :ind si x regional 11ge11t·1es to regulate cuastl1n1· rle1tlopn1e'.ll until u17;, 11 hen a plan would be submitted to the Legislature for fu ture development or the California coastlu1r. Under prov1s1ons of the bill, the af- fected land in Orangf' Coun!y could be anv where frnm 1.00{1 vards !o l11'e miles 1rnn1 lt1e ml'ari high tide !in~. Thi• slate t·<in1 1n1ss1un 1111uld he inar1r 11p fl[ 111·0 n1c111hers appnin!rd b~· the 1;ol'cr11or, \110 b,v tile speaker (lf the Asse mbl v and tv.·o by the Senate Rules l 'orn1nill00e. One represent at i1·e f l'Olll land values to skyrocket Gillit s said, ''l\o one of n1odera te nieans ts going t.o be. able 10 l11·e 111 the eoa~tal zone . You art nl3 klng a snob 1·11.3sla l zone " Tlie Le;igue 11f California Cities and the Counl1' Supervisors Association also op· poser!. the. bi ll for not ii:iving local govern- rnenl enough pov.·er on the regional bo:t rds it v.·nuld sci up. If approved. the blll would exclude frvm regulation b.v the regiona l agencies areus ;i1readv zoned residenlial. CQrn- n1erc1al 01 indus1r1al where 11·ork is under 11·a \' before ,Julv 1971. A1trr that ail c'lastal projects will re- quire approval of the IZ·member co111- n1issions. Valley Sister, Brother Drow r 011 Ca111po11t each of !he six regional agenries !o be A Founlain Vallry brother and sister rorrned if lhe leg1sta1ion is approved . also \\'Ould serve on the sta te panel. died Tuesda y 111 a tragir river drowning Jn addition to !he library and museum plans. the society has adopted programs for photography, art ifact, oral history in- terview, movie and memorabilia col- lections; preservation of historic al sites: studies of the Laguna community ; socit· ty meetings, and publication of a newslel- ter. Kari Lupton, 14 months, seems momentarily. disenchant.ed \11ith the "Mon1my and 1i1e" S\11in1ming program despite .comfort1n~ arms ~r mom1ny. Mrs. Philip Lupton. The two-v.•eek stint for children six 1n onths and up an d mothers is part of the Laguna Beach summer recreation program. The re~ional bodies would iHclude si x v.'hile on a fan1il y camping vacation in reprentatives of cities and counties '\'ithin Tulare Count y. the region. Ano!her six \1·ould be ap. The girt. B. slipped nrf a rock \l.'hi!e pointed by the Governor, the Assembl ,v Spe:iker and the Senate Rules Coni-crossing Tu!t Creek about 28 miles east millet. of Porterville Y. iih her parents ar.d Dugald l:Jll 1es. lobb} ist for I he brnthrr and ~1sler~. The historical sociely, J effrey recalled. grew out of the Festival of Issues project put on by the Volunteer Post in April. Such a society was also backed by the Friends of the Laguna Beach Library, he said 30-cent h1crease Feared Californ ia Heal Estate Association . ar-The fast f!O\\·i ng 11·ate r tr:ipped her on cused the con1n1itt ee Qf rcart in~ lo con- ser1•a!ionist "hyster ia" b.i' setting a $500-the riverbed. \\'hi le her father desperate- per day fine for 11ol;i!lng 1nll'rim Ir tried to free her. nearly drov.·ning l·oastllne cunlrols himself , her 5-year-old brother fell in ~p- Jeffrey as sumed the role of chairman of the executive committee becau se of his extensive background 1n history. In Orange Cou11ty Budget "lf some poor guy cul a tree down he d parently unnuliced 111 the commotion ~h.cl be subject to a $::.00 per da.v rine unt il th e drov.·ned in !he sarne spot, sheriffs tree grew back," <:illies said_ deputies said this morning. But con1miltee chairman Paul Prio!n The victinis were Tamera Le e IR-Pacific Pa!lsadesJ , said no judge Do I would make such a "ridiculous" rul ing. Boughman anri her brolher. ug as He graduated fro nl Dartmouth College with a BA in polit ical science. At 22, he returned !o his hon1e st11 te or Ohio and ran for office In the state legislature. Jef· Irey won in the prirnary, but Josi in the general election, and then went on to ret'eive his ~1A in history. He y,·ent on to ttach f(lr a 11:hile, !hen In Colurnbia University v.•here he rerrntl.v received his Ph.D 1n histnr). 11·11h a dissertation on the \Vorld \Var l I Congress. He ha~ taught at Cat State Fufl erlon since Sep!. 19fi9. At Cal State. he heads th.: Richard ~I Nixon Ora! History Projecl. 11hirh h;1s taped and transcribed 1nter1•ie.,.,·s v.·1th 22:11 persons who knew the President before hi;-Pllll'red politics in 194fi. Jeffrey believ es the hislorical s11r 1rl y \1°ill be: in business vrry soon and noted, ''there's a lot goinfi! for us." "The broad based support and interest <if ne1v and old re s1 denl s is henrt eni ng. \\.'e were also very plea5ed In h.1ve nearly JOO people a!lend our lirst publi c ineeting la!e last month." The next n1eet ing of the society will hf held in Septeinber. 111 which tlme the fir st election will be held for the board <if directors . Later in November. a cen- ltnni<i! celebration is planneC lo con1- memorate the arrival of the Thurston family to the Laguna area in 187J. Jeffrey s11id the persons interested 1n becoming men1bers of the .'JOCittr should call secretary Adelaide DeKlyTit. 497- 2001. Prese rve Okayed For Salt Creek B:· :i 63-n 1ote lhe :;it a!1• i\.~!>em btv TUf':«d.·1y apµrrn·C'd ;:i hill ln r~!abll~h a marine preserve 11t S11I! Crrek AC'Hch ThC' bil!. intr<irlurrd by A s~(>n1hlym11 11 R0hC'rt E. Ha<lham flf 1\"ewp<lrt Bearl1 , v.'ill move directly tn Ille 5enalr. Badham pre~rn!rd lhf' bill :1s an urgl"n- cy 1neasu re in hope of ha1·ing it In etfrl't by the time the beach 1s opened to lhe public this summer. Earlirr legislation introduced b v Badham has set up marine prcser\·es i.n l\'e1rport BcA ch, Laguna Bearti, South L11 e-una and Dana Point. The la~·s restr ict tilt removal of pl:int and anim11I mar ine life from the designated refuges. By JACK BROBA CK 01 11>1 DIU\I ,lltl S!.,t The Orange County Board o f Supervisors today got a proposed 1971 -72 county budget calling for a pos!ible tax: increase of 30 rents over the current $! 7ll This 1nrrease. reflec!1ng ;i $12 1n1ll11•11 gn11 brt1\('£'rl revenue and projected tosl~ rfJr 11ie cnn1ing year. ii finally adop!erl, \1·111 mean ;:i total 1ax increa.~e of 38 cents 11·he11 combined with the eight-<:ent in- cree.~e approved Tuesday In cover a $J J 111illion jump in employe salaries. Supervisors 11·1!1 hold a serirs of pubhc hear1n,e:s on the budgel beginning Jul:: l!. Count'I Adrnin1stra!i\e Offil·er Robt'l'l E. Thoffias presepted the eudgel, con1- plete wlth 1uggestJoru oo hOw to cut it. Skateboa rd er, Transient 1-1 elcl After Scuffle A Laguna Bearh youth, a transient and a crowd of about 30 onlookers were firn1· ly reminded \\'ednesday afternoon that :-kateOOard1ng is illegal nn tne streets and \111lk11;i1s of the 1\r1 Colonv Polit·~ i;airl the youth and thl' 1rans111nt 11 enL to ia1! and the crowd 11·a~ ordered to d1~per:«r followini;: the noon incident in thf' 100 hlor\.. of Cleo S1rC'e1 \Jff1crr Rick 1\1111.ln h:1d sloppt •d IJ:i11d Burt1•n. :!l. l1Jr ;ille~t'dly nd1ni: .1 ~k:i te board t•n !hP .~1d,·.,.,,il~ ana 11a!-. 1~~u - 1n,i: the man a cit;ition Authori11e• elan11- r <l 11 17-\"r:ir-olri vnu1h began intrrrennR 1111h the' pola·c tl.ff1 ctr ;ind attrmptcd !•• rouse the grov.ing (Tfl ll'd nf .1ou1.g ~pcr­ l ator~. 1\ccor<l 1ng t(l authoritie~. lhl' youn~~lf'r continued to inlerf.:re and use p1·ofan1t.1 de:-.p11t~ Kotzin's warning... .ind v.·u~ fin;illy placed under arre~t after 11 hr1cf scufn P. Police ~a id Burtor1 was 11lso taken to j:ii! v.·hrn he c<iuld no! produ ce any 1denlifir al1 on. A phone ca!J to one ot llur!on ·s lriends ei;tabhshed the 1nan's naine and lon11C'r address and Burton 11 as rete<ised Tht' youth v.·as lurnrd O\'Cr lo !he custody of his parents after being booked for juvenile court on charges or int trfr-rin~ u·ith a pollrr-officer and rtsisting !trresl. B o o111 Garbensu11ig el Contest Gro1 vi11.g Whal started as an Innocent exercise in doubletalk in 1l1e classili l'd :'1'1- \'ertiaini pafjles of the DAIL Y PILOT lhreatens to become a major event 11t this summer's "1llly season ." South Coast Plaza offlrial!ll loday said U1e}·"re inter~5trri in havinp; lhe world's fir st Bui!d R Better Carbcustangcl Contest and Rall~'e at the North Costa Meu shopping crn1er. The qurstlon i.•, will there be r-nnugh Interest in thr' biulding and pres· ervation of garbenstangels (any Ir.Ind of a Rube Goldbcrgian contrap!1on Iha! doe! nothing -or does any1h!ng1 to make ii happtn. If you 're in terested fill in the coupon and mail It in today. ---------------Yes, I will build a Garben~tanset -or launch a search for one I can -I I I I - pul Into shape for exhibition at th1 Rallye. Please tell me more. N11me Addrrss City Ph1nr Zip Mail to Promollon r-.lanap;er. DA IL)" PILOT. P Q, Box l~ CosLa r-.te.'Ja, Ca. 92626 ------------- I I I I .. Giiiies also chnrgcd thP hill ii·ill resul t Clark. Lhe children <if ~Jr. and r-.1rs. Paul The spending program calls· for an i;i-Boughman, 16073 Carlton St., Fountain in "nuisance suils against del'elopn1ent." crease or 16.5 percent or $29,7 milli on '·Jn effec!, this bill freezes de velopment Vall e1·. O\.'er the cu rrent year. along the coastal zone for three an d a Th~ tragedy occurred a1 the Coffee The proposed total budget including half 11ears." he said can1p ground 11·here lhe family l1ad been Pri.olQ ~aid. "The rree1.r is nol in the vaca1ioning s1nee Friday. According 10 special dls!ricts sho ws spending of $'.!fiO bil l."' Sheriff's c!rpulie!, tt1e Bnughmans bad 1nd!ion compared to SZ.17 rnillinn 1h1.~ 1\'.oling the rnea:;ure could caust: coast.i i two other daugh!crs with thrrn. ~l'<lr. A rrcluct1on in oth er county\v1dr Lt. Grant "-1a1hrrly said that lhe rarnily .~penri1ng. 01111.•.r than the general fund anrl 11·as crossing a narr<iw point of th~ r1vrr in special d1s1nc1s amow1ts 10 ~!j "Yes 00 Aug. 3' ~~111~unba1he on a nat rock on the othe r million . · 1\1 U11s poin1 lhe \\'at rr i<; only fou r Thomas bl2.rnes inc-rea.<;ed cost f•! u • • B •Jd ' lf'rt deeu bu1 111~ rushing don·nhill wi!h a 11eH<1 re. ~ledi-Cal. menial health, thP. 111 t Ill LU n1g trernendous force 1hrough a crev1re ," LI. continued shLfl of tax burdens from lh!' ~·lather!.\' said. '"The i!Lrl shpped -0ft ~ ~late lo the t•ounty. and the l:On!inued Ca1npaig11 headquarters ffJr the "Yes rock and bec<1n1e trapped by the sw111 i:ro11th pressures I" cr1minill JUStice prn-on Aug. 3 Committee'' opened in Lag una current bct\\'een two rQcks. grains. Beach lhis \\'ee k al 812 S. Coast Hlghl\'l'·~· "The father le11 ped In lo resrue her but .. Aware or the bn pending: financ i<ll he was driven under by !hr force of tbe and will serve as the central offirt for 11 d I h h f I h pinch, .1·our board issued policy gui deline~ v.·ater. e Joi us ater t at e e t e voa~ for austeritv and called for a review <if proponents of tt1e Jfi-foot height lirnit<llion drowo1ng hin1sclf. Son1e by~1ander5 v.ere nerds fro1n ·a zero ba.~e." Th<in1as st;>.ted. n1easure 11•hich v.·i!! come before !he ti hie to pull hinr oul by getting hold ot "The 1971-72 bud#?rl recommen<lati<ins vo!ers this sununer. hin1 111th a to11cl. \\'Crc dc•ve loped \1•ith Uie abol'e restric-··Then lhrv recil1led that the bov v.·:is The anti-highri se group I,; currently · · d. h I I f 1·1 · lious. \\'elfArc . health, and crimin<1 I n11ss1ng an t at 1e n1ust Jal'e a en 1n just 1re will be able to meet the ir preparing infornla!inn on 1ht r'ffC'ct thty 1n the coinnin1ioo."' respons1b11iti t s. but recommended spC'nd-belil'i·e high nse st ru ctures ll'OUl d hal'e The inci den t nrcurred at 11 a.m. The ing does 110! pror1de roon1 for f!ex ib ilil.v -0n Laguna 13eat'h. ll"ing studies ron-bodies v.·ere re<"nl'ered bv a tTew or sta te or unknowns. duc-teri in flfhe r cornmunilies throughout pris<i ner.c: lrotn the ~Jnunra1n Honie "All other county activities v.·iJl either the Linited States. C:onserva1 iun l'ilinri at I p.m. Both require substantial gains to rneet growini:? The commi ttee is seeking persons to do brother and ~ister '.\'ere 11edged between 11·ork loads flr re duce levels of ser\'icr ·• precinct v.·ork or to man the head-the .~anir rocks hC' continued. quarters. f.lembers current ly involved "1\lr. SQug hrn;.in s<11d v.·hen he "'as in The maJor increases include wellarr. inc lude altorney Halph Benson, the 1.1·a1er he got hol d of his daughter but S'.!3 9 millinn : ('Ommunitv safP1~·. S~:? J?eographer Jon Bra nri. 11ri!cr Ar nolrl could not pull her our. the force v.·as so million and refuse dispos~.l. £1 4 n11llinn, Ha no, fur1111ure rrlin1sher \\'illian1 Lt>ak. great.'' Lt. .\latherly said. "'" <JlternaOves tn a tax tncrea:>f', real est ate broker Phvlhs 511·erne1, (.)nl.' rif ~Ir Bough1nan 's legs al.~o '-"II" Themas suggcstrd an arbitrary redurllnn :inthmpolog1s1 .loseph fon1chak . coii-caught 1n some rocks and was bruised in thr 11ork force . deferred hiring for nr1v struct1on engincP r ~lerritt Trea~e an<l and cul 11hen hf' 11·11.~ rp,scued po.."U1<in<:. lr-.c: t•qu 1pr11rn1 purchases and long time resident ~1arjorie Adan! Darl -Lt .\lathf'r l~· branded the crossing as a po~1p1111111~ 1•f rapJt:il e~pcnd11urPs. in,i::. d;ingr1· !'p0t ~~~~~~~~....;...,::~ GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HUMPHllU CHOOSfNG A MAN'S WATCH Buying a ¥. atch seems a compli- cated procedure ; but it isn't com- plicated at all if you folio\\' the basic \Va tch-buying rule of "end- use''. .. the use to "-'hich the watch ~·ill be put in a n1an"s career . hob- h~•, sport or social circle. To insure that a ~·atch \Vil! give lasting pleasure, rirst determine thi s end-use. Once this is s ettled, ~·ou ~·ill find it easy to judge the vaJue of s uch features as shock- proof, waterproof, fa shion shapes, self winding. calendar/date. the chronographs, spl it-second hands, automatic models, t:lc, \\'ith increasing awareness of fashion. more men are buil din. a "y,•ardrobe" of watches, ranging from specialized watches for speci- fic uses s uch as skin-diving, to style oriented time pieces v.·om principally as a fashion accessory. \"1hether you are considering a w;itch ror yourself or 85 a gift. \\'e 'll J!"ladl.v help you relate Lhe end-use to the '"·1de variety of feature ~ a\atla ble in U1c beautiful v.·atchcs in ow store • • Styled by tomorrow 's standards ... ' .... N\CI Lh• Ufllque self·eh11nglng day/dale feaWra •ill tell you when tomOrro~ comes, Thla a1ll-wiridlng Con1tellat1on i• Omega·• tines! w1lch. II ls 1 cerlified chrnnom1ter ••• ha.,.lng p111ed 380 hours ol 1ccu1aey tests 11t 1 governmenl-su~rviseCI Swiss l1stlng bureau. M11gnlrloently cr1lled. 18K 1otid gold w11er- 1esist1nl c1sa end matching btactlet., , $1200 Same watch ln si.inleu steel, ••.•••.•. $235 J. C. .JJ.umphrie3 J eweler.i 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONYlNli.NT fERM S lf YEA ~S IN SAME LOCATIO N RANJ(AM £1t 1C.-~O-MA STf lt CHAltGf PHONE S41.J401 7 l ·o e e " P- O· al e " n· er ,,. ,g in le " .1 " e- g P· d ' e ' ul in e " to d y r r " a I. , fl " e ' e I " e e e h " " t 0 ' d a 7 • • • • I U~I TtlffiMl9 Air West Traffic Gain Told Pa.ssenaer and carao traffic for the year througb May con- tinued to climb steadily over helghtl achieved ln the &imilar five-month period of lt?O, Hughes Air West reports. Mort than 1.15 million fare· paying passengers flew the Wtdnt~.iy, Junt 23, 1971 DAIL V PILOT 25 Complaints on STP Said ·'Fair, Truthful'· SEATTLE - (BW ) -A spokesman for B •rd a h I Manufacturing Corp., one or the nation's big 3 auto additive producers. t o I d California Business, the western business and finan ci al newsweekly, !he consumers union re p o r t critical of an STP oi l addit ive y,·as a "fair and truthful evaluation" of the STP pru· duct. The comments were carried in t. copyrighted story in the June 21, 1971 issut o l California business. regional carrier in the first ~----------------------, five months or this year; a 3 STP 'hares pl u m m t:t e d more than 18 points last week 1from $53.25 to $42.13) when tt was learned the upcoming Ju- ly issue of consurner rcporls conlain<'d an article calling the STP product little more than an oil thickener and sug- gesting its use may violalf' ne\\·-car war ran l y rr- quirements. STP Presidrnl Anthony /Andy) Cranatf'tli i1nmedi2Jely labeled th ,. charges "untrue. unfair anrl completely distorted.·· percent gain over the I.II million in the comparable year-ago period. Pas.sengers logged S 7 3 . 9 million miles in the first fi ve months, or 9.5 percent more than lbe 341.5 million a year ago. Average load facto r fper~ntage of seats fill ed) to date climbed to 45.9 percent from 42.6 percent in the first five months or 1970. Passengers logged 373.9 number or passenger!> flying one mile) r ose to 33.4 percent from 28.9 percent through May, 1970. Following His Nose May Not Help Rover P HILADELPHIA -{B\V) -Time was y,·hen all a dog bad to do was follow his nose to ha,·e a little fun. But Pet '1.f laboratories of Fort \Vashington, Pa., said (June 21) they may have put a slop to all th at. Just a fe\v puffs fro m their new antl-maling spray to a female dog's posterior, and Rover's hindsight becomes no better than his foresight. Pict111·e Liiil' Across Pacific Cargo ton miles flown in- creased 22.4 percent -to 2.9 million from 2.4 million in the first five months of 1970. According to Pet'M laboratories, the new spray. cal- led Snub, distorts the powerful scenl of a female dog ''in season" so effectively that armorous males don•t even bother to make a call . According to the manufacturer, breeders, dog hand- lers and even A major school of venlerinary medicine are enthusiastic about Sn ub. Dog O\vners say it gives them a new sense of confidence \vhen they take F ifi for a \valk. But Thursday, C h a r \ 1' 1 Kirby, president of Bardnh l Products. U.S.A., Los Angeles· based marketing ann of lh1~ privately held company, s<iid the report is "not al all u11- f<1ir" and lhat "it has brt"11 hard to sit by and w2Jch STP ,; advertisin g when the cc11n· pany's producl is not wha t 11, claims to be. l·lo\vard R. l·la1\'kins, president of RCA Glo ba l Com- municatio us vic11·s his 01vn image as \vell as that of 1-lotoichi J\lasuda. n1anaging di rector of KJ)D in Tokyo. as they distuss and demonstrate the first link -up of Ne1v Yor k and Tokyo via Videovoice. The ne1v systcn1 enables business 1nen to exchange black-and-1rhite TV pictures over lhe san1e circuit I.hey use for voic e {'O n1munieations. J\1 a s u d a ' s 'J'okyo-based firn1 -Kokusai Denshln Dcn1va Co .. Ltd. -handles Japan's international co1n1nunica· lions. t.fore than 8,500 tons of cargo have betn boarded so far this year: 21.4 percent '-----------------------' more than the 7.000 tons haul- ed to date a year ago. Counseling On Business Old Tl1e o ries Su ria~e Loss Told Newport Man Elected To Head Accou11ta11ts "STP did a good job of opr·11- ing up the additive market," said Kirby, "but the product i11 question didn 't do what \\<J{ advertised and the result hiii been harmful to U1e publi c \\'hO y,•ill no1v feel additive; aren't worth lllcir salt." Available 011ncrs and managers or small businesses, and pro- spective fra nchise and other new busine 5s owners are in- vited to the ~fanagen1cnt Coun- seling Center in lhc o!d Court }lousr. 21 l \V. Santa Ana Blvd. in Santti Ana, fron1 JO a.n1 . lo 3 p.n1. an.v \Vedncsday. Individual private and con- fidential co u n s 1• l i n g is ::;ponsorcd and conducted by members of SCORE. the Ser\ ice Corp~ of Hrlired Ex- r cu11vcs. in coopcr<Jt1on with the n1an<lgrmc11l assistance division of SB1\. Th<' Small Business Administrt.tion. SCOR!:: men1bers, "·ho arc successful rel ired business- men. volunteer their services lo help solve lodiiy's manage- ment problems and off<'r bel- !rr managcm<'nl 1echn1ques. State of Econo1ny Brings Out Odd Ideas By Company t\e"'P(lrl Beach businessman Newport Pharm aceutical!> and resident E. t.lalcolm \Vesley BelJy,·oOO, president or \Vynn Oil Co., anothf'~ additive m2~1ufacturer, said hA hasn't sren the consumer, union report and can't lell ;i this tin1e 11hcther the report 1~ fair of not. !\E\V YORK (AP) -The curious mix of the present economy -a booming Cross National Product and high unemployment, for exaniple - is bringing a lot of old notion and fa1·orite theories to the surface. The recession. some say, \\'as intensified by consumers "·ho "'ere reluctant to continue buying goods they felt \1·eren'l needed. They were sat11r ated v:ith possessions and silnply eouldn't find use for any more. Nonsense. says a rnan \\'ho should knO\\'. Prof Georgr Kalona of rhc ~ u r v e y Research Center at t h e University of f.·1ichigan claims that consumer desires are seldom satisfied for long. Aspirations always rise; the rlen1and for good i; is insatiable. At a recent forum. Katona explainrd that short term not good enough tomorro1v. Internallonal Inc. reported a Angell was installed as presi- tt., d d l ,. d'd They accept change, strive for net Jou ol $209,593, equal to a dent of the Society o [ a I u es an rxpec a ions 1 ,.,,.,,., or 19 ce"" a sha•e, 0.. California Accountants at the · d d d t · · 1969 d progress. and continually step .. .. " • " in ce e eriorate tn an reve"ues of 130 ,597 for the Society's annua l convention, up their levels of aspiration as • " 1970. and that consume r each higher goal is achieved." fiscal year ended Feb. 28 . held recently at Lake Tahoe. huyin,ll'. therefore was less than You might find people This compared with a lo,s., of He y,•il\ begin his year of v.·hat sellers had hoped for. "buying down" lo small er, $13,150, or 4 cents a share, on service on J uly 1. Angel has He explained ii this way : A less exP<'nsive cars, f 0 r revenues of $13,699 for the: maintained an independent consumer buying to satisfy example. But Katona a~ks previous year. practice in Newport Beach as needs has little choice; he that you nol overlook ll1e The. comp.any has not ap-a public accountant since 1952. must buy . Consumers today continuing trend I o wa rd plied (or approva.1 to market He has held numerous offices hardly buy 111crely to fill multiple car ov.'ncrship. its experimental drug . in the society 11t 1he local, needs. Instead, they buy to Another explanation fnr the lsoprinosine, in the United district and state levels. satisfy \rants and aspirations. mixed up economy is offered States and has not recei ved becoming state president-elect These ;ire postponabl<'. And by those \vho often fellr that suc h approval in any foreign in 1970. · · I'd' countries other than t.1exico f N y k that is JUSI \\'hat the consun1cr America 1s s 1 1ng on a A ormer ew or ·er v.•ho did \\•hen his vir\v of the-toboggan to d is a s I e r . and Argentine. The company majored in accounting from . .,. . ... ...-, -.1 .,,. .. ,.~ .. f Ki rby said the use of ar~· dilive in a new cn r would nr' neces.sari!y void the "'arran! / of Ule car although he addet'. certain specific add i ti v c ; 111ight affect the "'arrantic.; "'bcc~JJSC of the problems thr.y could cause." Lewis C. Eak c1· N a 1ncd Officia I cononly deteriorated : he "American "'orkers aren't like has had no sale:s to date and is NYU. Angell and his \\'ife, postponed. they used to ht'.'' they still engaged in research and Lucille, settled in Ne\\'Port Lewis C. Eaker nf Atl an\ic Over thr lung t er 1n, c 0 mp I a; n. ~·laybc :;o. development. Beach in 1945, after his four Research Corp., Costa Mesa is ho\\·ever. Katona has fe\v Preceding' the recession. the Fl=====================; years' service \\'ilh the U.S. HEADS STATE CPA the new \'ice chairman of the fears. "Dynamic forms or productivity of America n STARS Army Air Corp~. E. Malcolm Angell Orange Empire section of the adaptation continue to prevail industry did drop off, but now Sydney Om1UT is CJne CJf His mother. Mrs. Victoria L. American Society for Quality among American consumers.'' it h;;s regained a healthy the ,\·orld'~ great a1trC1lo. Angell "'ho lives in Ne\\·porl Viejo. He is "' member of the Control. he said. figure. A partial explanation is g"rs. His column is CJne CJf Beach. His son. \Villiam M. Santa Ana Exchange Club and lie join~ •lthcr new off]cl'r!'>, "Americans still feel that that the least productive :~:tu~e~Y PILOTS &Teet Angell, wife Phyllis and son the HoAg Memorial Hospital installed during a meeting: \\'ha l is good t'no:ug~h:...::lod=a~y_:is:..:.:~"~·o~rk='~'~'~h~e=v='~""'=~n~I='"~· d:_:of~f~. ~==========='-=B=r~i'="...:'='e:..:.:re='=id='="=ts~o=l-M:..:.:is='=io="-='=":...::C=lu=b=. ________ _:,recently. • ·~· FINAL • STOCKS!' . ' • .. ... ' .. ' .. .. " • The _, ., ... •• .... DAILY PILOT ~The . .. " • ' .. ,,,; f ·' ., • .. . , ., .. ' .. . . .. . ... .. . -. "' °? I • -... ''T. .d '' · .. o ay . . : ... . ' .. '. : • ~t , ... ' • • ,. "· •i• ' .. . Newspaper . . '' ·, -. ~·· .. ... --' ' .. . ' . ... .. " ... . ' ,. Edition · · -· '1 ·~ .. . ., .... : ' ,. " .;all • • • -...,.. r • J JS L ... 1 .. 1 f .I ' 'l i r.7 J. Your ltfottey_ OVER THE COUNTER America11s Caught By SYLVIA POR TE R 'We are now having our an nual li re sale offering a free llre to anybodv who bu~s the ether three A free llre~ Reall~' Jlow free., \Veil 11 s not Its a prornot on manufacturer reallv free by U1e tire How much would I really ~a ve at your sale ~ot much hor e<:tJv "e set a high enough price for the three ltres \Oll do huy so lhat the free one is JUSl about paid for This ts an actual real con versa.lion Vil th a \our g tire salesman "orking for a \lo Ide v respected tire cha n \1ho did nol know h s rem ark" 11ould bt." the launch ng pad for lh1~ column on the 1nanv and vaned \\il}'S tires are sold to un"ary buyers toda:, WE ARE NO\\' SPENDING approximately SS b1ll1on a !<tar for tires making t res one of our nations truly major indu stries Yet lhere are un doubtedly some t re sale~ whic h continue to lea1ure misleading ads fan c 1 f u ! bargains and the like Jn Wa s h 1 n g t o n Transporlation D e p t 1s reported to be 'vork1ng on a ne w syste m of u n form grad ng designed to ehn11nate the w1desprerid problem nf puffed up tires !cg first line premium l dev1~ed b1 1nd1v1dual manufacturers and retailers the As of this pas1 May 22 all US tire manufacturers are re quired by the f e d eral govemment to launch a massi ve 1 1 r e ident1f1cal on 1ystem under \loh1ch the name and address nf every tire purchaser and the scrlril number or every tire -new or retreaded -v.11! hcncefot lh be kept The aim of the pro-- gram which the tire induslr\ f?st1mates v.d l cost S7 rn1lhon a year is to fact11tate recalls of ti res which may Jatrr be disco vered to be defective AS OF THIS corning Januarv under a not her federal ruling retreaded tires ' '" ' w AUv Mil new rranspurt 1!1on j ~ ~~' Dept regulation r c Q u 1 re s An~• Ho mar ufacturcrs of defel l vr ! ,~ ~ tires intended onlv for back l:~~~ Fh rnad dn\1ng 10 label such l res ! co ,L~d u 1safe /or h1gl way use I! ~ ~~· But unscrupu lous dealer.s " ,., 68<: ha\e simply been erasi ng 1h1s1! :~.,~ m \\!IJrJng and s<'l11n,e: 1he l11e'i ;,!;"6 r.Po fnr nr d1n~rv u:.e F~rn1 use f!.:; rL~0n 1ucs tan be a real h 1rga1n -A., r ~ 1f used rh~t 1\;iy 1 nlv But atl:! F .,~ regular h1gh11 av ~pccds lhcv !!"'Mr.~·~ tend tn gl'ncrale ex{cs:.1ve 1 :;;: w~~v heat wh1c h thev mav nul be "'"~ • able tn \\ !h~t<ind Obvn1uslv a !~::~ e serious crackdo11n on th s con 1; ~' M.,~ t1nu1ng -ant! il!eg~I -decep "~~0i li on s urgently nt'eded ";; i-:' J\lcanwh1le 1f you spot a ~ d~ buffed area on the side of a :'tC" J fa ctory reject tire beware !1 ~~\, 11CC J.,d RECAPS BEING SO I D AS :: dr~ c NEW flRES Retreaded ttres l~ 1 ~ 14 11 1 are widely available al 11~ "~ 11 b d Ad.,~I f! arga1n prices an vou can <1~umr rons1der !ham a~ good as new l ~e:~.M~ 1f the retread ng Job has b~cn 1 ~: ~ 1~\ Per fcr1ned hv a reputable <1 "h 1f • • • (Ompany which appl es the 11 ~ ~ n st nl t s;ifety standards v.hich : , nH cover new tires ~~~ • 1>.~ But as one p ro t P c I lo n n ·~•n " ,, against a retread being sold as ~ new examine the tire for p ~·~ possible d /ferences rn the ap pear~nce of the tread rubber nnQ ~ and the old casing If }OU can "'~ n ~ m r. W~'/ detect a houndary mark the r•mh• N I re well may be a rC'lread ~~n~nn"' ~ r•n•~" '""•~ "'~· EXTRAVAGA/liT-BUT UJ'li: FOUNDED -f'E:RF OR~I AN CE CLAINS If \OU see a 1 rC' •• (;; ~ advertised as safety tc~tcd at ,.. t;,,r, 130 miles per hour a ~k ~•v ".-" c yourself so v.h;il ., Suthlr v1 P~ r l•" claims te!t you nothing unlt'ss r~•n • " thev are backed bv detail s on ~":,.... "~ ' •• ' .. " • ' . .. • • " ,j " • • " tl1e Lesls performed rc~·:·~·:_::'":_c,__:_::::::c F1nall} huge advertised d s •1,r1unlo!lv• ••l•Mltt1•• ..... 11ftl.ft1 t i ,,....,1mettt' i A fol """' W"tD l'ti(,. ••Ml lfl(!w•• "I• t •r "'ltll:W., merit""• tr UllllllllJllfl. NASO L1st1ngs for Tu•sdey June 22, 1971 10°/o NNN CARE FREE LONG TERM LEASE counts are meaningless 1! the nrig1nal pri ces 11uotcd are pure ! cl 1on No prof t n11nrled bu~inessman IS go ng to R vr }OU a t1rr (or ;iny!h1ng elsf') free With tires a~ 11 1lh evcrvtl 1ng ebc 'otl gel jllst v.hat \OU pav for -no n1ore no less Giant Ne'v l y Comp1nv ol>ft&!N (hi" J" OOf IO 111! ooq I ll c1<h IRKR C714 I 642 0590 MAZDA ''ROTARY ENGINE'' FOR INFORMATION ON TOYO KOGYO STOCK CALL 639-3131 835-0404 DIVERSIFIED •••<+. ..... SECURITIES INC ORDER YOURS TODAY! Personalized • ,, '1 " \ LEASING SALES SERVICE lmme.d ale Del ve ry PL! •SE 0.Ll ~O 9 00 1000 Beautiful St1ck·on LABELS lAX INCL Stylish • Effic:ient Order For Yo1.1rself or 1 Friend May be us•d on f!nvelopes "' tefurn addrel ~ labels. Also very li.a ndy .. , 1dent f1c <1t oro labels for mark ng person a/ dems $Uc h .. ~ books, records, photol etc labe ls stick on 9lats •nd may be used for ma rk ng home c•nned foc.d items All labels •re pr nt ed with stylish Vogue type on f ine quality wh te 9umm•d paper. .------------------------, J "111 1" tftll ctvPfln fllll .a•if rnt1I w I~ J U ltl I I ,. 1o1 ,....,,lflt L•kl Dfv .. r o. aoi 1JM I I c.1i. Meu, C•JH nu' I l I J I I I I I I I I L-~-~~L~!-~!~I·~~~--J Fa•le•t in w •• , Buy It. Sell It Try Uir fa~ltst rt\pOnit In tile Wtsl ~9~ n~( yo11r ~ t!ock Ttsl D1mt 11 Unt Alls whert tht action Is In Saturday 1 DAILY PILOT Vcuetable 0 Plant Open I \P) " " n ' • " " .. • " ~ .: ,,. " " " ' . " ' '" .,, •• •1 ' ' ' ,. ' ... "' m ' • " • " " " • " " • ' " • "' • ... • '" n ' '" '" ' . '" • ~ 15'• • " ,. " ' ' . '" ,. " '• . " . ' l'! l) . .. • ' ' • ''" ' ,, o ia . " )7! l1 ' • )5 11'• " .. " '"' '" " . ' '" " " .. •• ., , .. '" ' " .. 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'" " " • ,. ~· " " " • '" ' " + • • -" l11vestors Slam Brakes on Slide NE\V YORK (UPI) tnvestors Wednesday. slammed the brakes on a sh,a.1 p stock market sltde After tumblin~ around 34 points 1n lhe past four sesisons the Dow lones lndustr1al Average sho\ved a ~a 1n of 5 03 at 879 45 near the final gong Other n1aJOr 1nd1cators al"" pointed t11ghcr Slandard & Poor s 500 slock 1nde;ir was ahead 0 75 at 98 34 wh ile advances led decli nes 934 to among the l 6:t5 issues tross1ng the tape l\nalysts g~nerally attributed the gain lo bat gun hunting 1ather than any particular ne\1 s 1tern ~1uch of the recent setback on \\'all Sti eet rol lowed a n1utual fund 1ndustr} report that redernp t1ons 1n l\1ay had exceeded sales for the first hn1e 111 fund history 1-lowever Argus Research Corp an investment advisor y service said that despite-the rise 1n redemptions among mutual funds the sudden shift n the stock market s psyrhology was not war ranted 425 ti1o lors traded narrowl1 fol1011111g rcpo1 ts of lo11 ('f nud June ca sales Steels che1n1cals and oils al so 1noved nvcr s1nall price ranges Ele( t1 onics attracted demand \\hi cl gene1 ally ti aded 1n fracllons Building sho11 ed sn1all changes a1rrraft.s n1aler1als Un Ltd o 1 Un NV UQ Un C•m<> UnC•~d•) Un on c~,, Un Ee 11 "-E unF e •SO uno (I !oll UOC• el>O UnPo (o) U<10 P•( 1 Un P• p 0 U on•"' 811 " o • r Unooo l " noo •O Un il tO Unl!•d10 U Bd o llO U Bdo ]O ~<I I(," l~o0 Un 1 G•• 811 n nd io U<1Jt •II<> I Un MM JO Un Nu< n P~ Mn US F~Gl)() US Fn O~o USFo 5 116a US F ~ 0 US Gvp•m l US Niu lo() US Lo°'q 71 USPyCh !< USPCO p 150 US PCO o 10 us 5,,..,. \I US Sm• u~ s •• USl oD "" " "" " Un JI o! 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" . ,, " . ~ ~. • •• " • -· •• •I ' ' • ~ "' KIDS LOVE UNCJ,E LEN Saturdays 1n The DAILY PILOT Complete Closing Prices -American Stoel{ Exchange List -AB-- ' " , . . , . ,,, 5• u ' " . " ' • • ,. ' " " '" ' ' \ ' ' " .. ' l Ill I ' " " ' " " ' .. .. '" ''" ll s • • • ' ... ,, " ' '7 lllo " . • • ., 7l IJ •l • . ' . ' .. , ' " " ' ' • " • ' " " • ' 0 • " • , • • ' '" ' • ' • • " ' " ' . ' "• ' IO ,, , " " " "" • 10\t • " '" ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' . ' 16 71 . ' ' . ' ' " )~ '' '" . ' " • 'M ' ' 0 lo Jl " . ' " ' " ' . ' ' .. . " • '" ?~ 1 • ' ' " • • • " ' •• • • . " ' . • ' It 11 • • ' . " "' ' ' ~ 1! ' ' • • " ' ' . ' , • • .. ' 16 •• • • ' '" • • . ' M I > ' ' 11 l! " 11 ) I " l ~ . " • ' • ' " • • .. ~ '" " '" 0 ' ' " • • " "' , " • I " , , •• M , 'l • • " " ' " " • " ' •• '" " , ' " " " " • '" ' " • ' • '" " ' " • • ' ' " " . " ' " " • ' . . I > " .. " ' ' " . "· ' • .. " " • ' , · • • • " '" • ,, " ~ S1lu i fldJ ) '" With Lew (loot Cht " .. . " 1' u .. '" . ... ' ' '" '" ' . 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")& l 7 1"1 J"' .1 ,. 111<111 0--0tct•red or Pt rs 111 1tn 1 <.ti 19 71 1~ )I -I • O<:tl d v den4. ..._.-, rs •d •••• ,_ J i ~ ~~ 1~~ -~ ~:1i• ".,~•0<::. ;u; d:"..., '1~r e;~ ';~,~~ .. ~= 1) , I » ~. ~ O• f •-Ol(loted a 01111 10 I• !h • '''?!':;n""n" v•• h~'"'"o P•d •te 1 ,,..1r; •~ 6\ ~ ~ 1.: I 0 d vlrttrd or •P• <Jn l<-Dt<:I• td or P• r ' • • • t. ~ t~, Y••F '" •<C~mu •t ... (Uu• .. '"• •, l 11l J od>dtf'WI• In •••• n Ntw l11u1 ~ .., 10 ,., It • 'I-. "•Id th I ••• d •l(lllnd omltle(I -~ • j 1' "!: ~i.., t !erreo o no •< on t~•n 1! ••t (!Yd.,,,. .loll 1 J0,,. f>"' 0 mte! n• •-Otclt td or Pl d In 1910 p!u_.1 -r Z-•toe• "~latn& •-P1!11 n 1ti:w:1< durl~ .... • '" " • " " 111 . , '! I ", " l~ " • " " ' • .. '" " ' u 17 lj )1 'I ,, '" " l lt" ' ' •Xl tit n'l8 td (·I~ v•t.,. Oft .. -Ulvld....,, ,. or ._..., • •lbutlo" a111 ~ ~1 1 1-S• t i " tu I " '" 7 \\ clG-C•I ta •-l• (l'l'Vlllt"d V-b dl~t ) o d@<>d •"4 u u In !u J ••~l.._E~ dl1trl•" 1j.,,\ ~ ll b\/t!on ¥<'-£• rl•M• •-Wltllol.lf w•,_J 11 • 1•• '" I ., ... _w I~ ...... nta Wfl.-W"'-"' 111 .. J r i.iJ t~ "'-Wh1~ ltrl/"1 fld--Nut !It' J" '• dtllv• " ',h vi-n ll•n~r~O!(v t •1t•l.,H1~ • ,,.. b1! nt ea 9lnl11ta Ullde •~• Btnk1110!(y ~ ..,, or •t<vr I •• •u ''"'" bv •utb -1~ 1 ~ """ t-• ~l-f:• "• ut (!-Ctr!llktlt• 1 , 11 11-l omo•d !-0•~ t n I t i ll-M• .,,,. •I• bonn• Mlltll •~I r mnel fd bY m•lur '" I~• ' ~d-Ne• nev dt "''~ .,_E, w•uenl .. I • t<IV• t • ~" •V .. • -''"' .. .. Wtd11tsda1, Junt 23, 1971 ...... "'·. ~ . -~. ( ' ,...,-.,,.r -· 1 New FilJD Honor Born: Lu~i Award •• . : l:tl 8 lic Jleln )lrry Dliflph,. '• (J)AIC ..... ll11to11w, Smith . 8 DIC ""'1 TOlll Snyd¥. . • ' l • • Allfll ......a Cont'd. 1111'11 !I l"M. Tht Aftrtls 1J11et the Ml!w1u0t: &r1Wlrl 11 Mitw1 uM.. u.. O"Clldi: IMll: (() (90) "1111 Slill If ... t.IMI• (idl'tflllllt) '!iZ -~ucl Wid1111rt 1iJ I"' .,,..,.,_ ... Trt* 9 An..'-W../CUri1'1 Piel C,;)AIMr f11111lly ., !Wckft l4 m DNtii '•KtJ DtJ• Ui) LI Men f1alli1t .. C.ftlUtit ED""" Jill'I H1wtl\or11t, ., ....... If) Jut Jm ''ti1nt Atn!Mnl.~ e hlten fw Uri•r t :OOll([}...._, c.n• (It) A 11~· 41t111'1 '"~ 1ttid 011 • P'f· tholOCJ profmor ltMt: Gannon lit btlitYf thlt \ht bcl(I bt~lriof llUJ h1v1 • phrwU! tlUM. 0 Reruns cot JOU down? * Toni1ht witch the all new Des O'Connor Show 0 (fj all T'-Du O'tMIMf Show Dom Dtllli1t 1ue.111. IJ he Flllffi¥1 O (})Cl)aJL.., .... -..n., (Al "The Ch«ola1e Htn." C.rol 11ve1 Dan 1 d'locol1!1 h111, an• Julie, un1w1r1 el l'Hs Ion hN ctloc· 011!1, (iYtl it lwty, CD r11NJ ~ .. ci al) flrint lifit Wilham F. Buckler. Con1re.urn1n Rori1fd V. Dellurm {O · Calif.) is Mr. Bucklt (s rutst. C[i) XI Min• A ne.,., a11.·ard for motion pie· tu~ stars and producers ~·hich its spomors -1nC'Jud!ng the DAILY PILOT-hope will ipmeday attain the stature of lhe Oscar and the Emmy wa~ "born"' l\londay night in Orange County . Carrying out the mandate of more than a n1ill1on voters \\'ho participated in the na- tional poll to selcc l the peoples' choice fron1 among 1'1otion Picture A ca d e ru y !Oscar) nominees, B u en a Park's /l.l ovielan d Wax 1'·luseu1n unveiled the first <:opies or Luci. The award consists of a silver fij.!ure s I re I c h 1 n g up\\'ard to reach a star and imbedded in Lucile -hence the name Luci for the Lucile block 1A'h1ch surrounds the figure, R e p re s c n tat1vcs from :;evcr<il or !he sponsoring newspa~rs which conducted the poll of newspaper·readlng 111oviegoers were present al the C('remonies. Tht DAILY P I LOT sponsored the balloting in the Orange Coast area. Other newspapers san1pled public opinion l iterally fron1 California to Maine. il was noted by Joseph Prev ratil , vice president and general manager of /l.-1ovie!and \Vax l\IUSCUtll . Prcvralil presided at the dinner at which lhc Luci wai; int roduced lie shared the head table wilh K a th y Sedelbauer. who, at I 2 , became first winner of the na· lional av.·ard offered by the Luci Poll for the best rea'ion for a voter's selection of "best picture." t-.11ss Sedelauer"s vote was for "Love Story'' - as "·as .• 1: ...... l ill Huddy. 00 rnre. • c....i...- ((J CIS ,._ W1!1tr Cro11kitt. (ii Nit ..._ Dtvid l rinklty. m n. ,,,.., .... OllHM...-..LHtt C1.) SNcttd fll11/M~aic1l1 m 0..11 ..,... al) E l'tctdl H s.li. l:JD 0 (])@ €!)I iJIC!All AleoMl- ilfll: Dvt " tM SllMein Tht nt· 11011'1 nul?lber Ollt hHllh ~llm- 1kollolism-is 1i 1mint1d in thi1 hour docum1nt1iy. fr•n' R11nold1 is host for tht protram !ht! w11 hlmed prineip1ll y in Roch1sl:tr, N.V, and feat ures IM candid riv· elalions of 1 1roup of now·!Obfor 1ltoholic. who 11retd lo 1pp111, 111 the hoPt th•t their llorits miflrt tncour11e othe11 lo ltt-help. 0 l1rttr Wucl Nfte Mary Fi11ds Success As Si11gle Performer a!)TIA a> Alt Ntrs 7:00 IJ tlS N,... Wa lter Cronk1t1. D m JllC N-. D1wid lrlnkl1y. @ Ti Till the Trvl~ 0 Wllll'1 MJ UM! SJ MO'lit: (C) (Zllf) NS-cl .. l.lllClkit" (ad¥.nlur1) '63-Comtl Wilde, Jetw W1!!1ct. m1 llw Lwy m CIJ Dl'lptt m TIM WtrW If WillilM 111\1 fil) Dlrist Ult Uwi111 lll'trcl IE A.llctiitN N1(1'•1 tJ) MMit '"'' ID Welfare reform. Who's * Fichtlnc it and why. Gov. Reapn thinks you should know the truth. m Mtiol' ,.,.._"' IE LI Ctw M Mtri• CMl1 mm llOLLY\\'OllD (AP) -For 10 years .she di dn"l have a last name. She was !he husky·voic· ed blonde sandv.•iched on stage between Peter and Paul. known on)y as '"i\Iary'' on a lbum covtrs. No1v, after the final fadeout rif one of the country's mosl successful folk singing groups, !he female member of Peter, Paul and Ma ry has launched a 10:00 IJ (]) H•ni fift..O (R) '4fl trmtd solo singing career as ~·lary lun1hc, who bl1mt1 his b1olh11'1 Travers. dt1th on Dinny. lnv1dtt f'"rYt·O Appropriately, !hough, her '.J:lOfJ MIR.._ U• (R) HinMn"• job i~ he1dciu1r11u wt~ing revtn1r. first albun1 is titll.'d sin1pty, in itop1rdy whtn 1n u -oonwid di· D t@J mfow-in·Oni : McCI••• "Mary." rM. ch111td w11h 1rmtd robbtrY. 1c· I (R) '"A Wilk in !ht Dirt..'" McCloud ··1 didn't want lo be a solo " becomts involved In elforts lo t•P-cuits thr yt111n1 atiomty h1•in1 performer."' she adn1its. '"It hlft • 1'1\lfftr in Cintra! Park. tollciltd 1 b11b1_ bothered n1e when the "'°"P Gued1 111 Hint ro-c/I ind Sus1n 0 m IHn r1 .. S~H-(R) "Homr Siint Jime.s. broke up. I didn "t know ~·hat I lo Methu11l1h." '111 old llltrilf tritk1 1J N ... Sindiu/Morri~. was about. For tO years l had tti1 Vir(inian into htlpi"I him t11t• 0 Welfare reform. Who's ,1n edited viewpOint and I clown thl 1•.t of 1n outl1"" 1•nc. * Fia:htin& It and why. didn 't have to ask m)·sclf if I U Cil til m c..mlllp ti £cWlt'1 Gov. Reagan thinks you was talented." f.atr (RJ ''To Catdl • Thief." Ed· should know tile truth The answer to that question die Mcol!llS inW'Olwd with • rroup fJ Pelltiut "rlfl''"' seen1s already obvious. Mary or boys wMI ut ste1li"1 lrom slaru. m N ... Putnun /Flsl'lm•n. scored a smash in a recl'nl (l)ll!IC!Atltt1 lp~ SttlJ"• nt Q)M1111r1, Al Himel 110,i,. Die~ Hollyv.•ood nightclub stint. and Nudity 1111111 Cluk is rue,r. her albun1 is selling "'Cl! ;ind 0 R" S Wlw~: (2~r) ''C111tle· m M1sft1Ji1<1 Tlleat11 gelling heavy a1rpla~' ""'1 Arr-•111~ (d11m1) "47-Still , the ladv \\"Ith the l;1nkv G1tt:OrJ P1tk. DoroH1y McGuiir. AjlO:lO 0 MM'it: "T•f" h !tit li111il" (mu· blonde hair hangi ng around rtDM!tf ,.OllS 1l 1 Jtw 1o .,1111• 1 tt cal) ']& -Bini Crosby, [lhtl her round face says she had rev11lin1 Mries oo ,t,.nti·Stm+lis.111 . ~!t1m1~ the jitters fa cing an audience mlnitt1wt.Mlt4MMM 0 (3)@ (1)JIFLAdi ... '-Chroni· alone. Al her ll o ll y \\'OOd ID 11lilllln1 n.ief ne of • Ch1mp10~." ft1 tur td arr P'aul Brown, cotch of th t Cincinnirl ntgh!club shO\\'. !>he !old the t1!l Ci1t111• lO 8enii1s. ind 111, !rim tit biouiht audience. "This '" the first U!) C-LIM '9 lec11 to 1 divisio11 hilt. Paul Stmp 1111· time l"ve perforrned at a club ml n.1. r1tes tht story rA tne lt~ra\i' and I have to ~et used to It. ch1mpionship yur. \Vhen two people in lhc au· O .,_: "'?aftit" (dr1mi) '6l-dience start talking to each uther. I forget !he words li1 the :-iung r rn singing, and I 11ant Lo hc;ir what lhey·re talking about." i\-l:irv, 34, savs !he trio which -had such hits as "'Blow· ing in the \I/ind,'' "If I had a Ham1ner." an d ··J"m Leaving on a Jet Plane," broke up for v a r i o u s reasons-mainly because Paul Stookey got tired of the constant travel of road show engagements. ··Three more different pce>- ple never breathed." she savs. ""Pete r was studious. pedant.ic. 1ense. Paul 1\•as an easy·going i\lidv.·este.rner. And a!ihough h<" 11•orked n1ethodically, he 11 <1s loose ·· The group was formed in 191i!. and, though disbanded. their record~ still are top sellers. Bet11·een 1962 and 1967 !hey did 125 concerts a year, later cul!ing down lo 40 a year 11·hen the toll on energy bccan1e heavy. "The reason I think 11·e !:isled so long is th<il the three of us had been brough1 up with a sen se of discipl ine. \Ve were eareful not lo manipulate each other \Vhen you give someone Iha\ freedon1 vou take awa v !he structure !Or rebellion." · \\'hen the spil l came. shC' never e v f' n eontemplated retire1neot. \Vork1ng, she says. "i:i; natural for me . l'n1 no1 ~01ncone v.·ho sits at h o m e depending on crumbs of af. fection from rny children." the n1lJOrily or ballots cast in the nalional poll. She recittd at the banquet her reasom for selectuig the fitn1 : "It portrays the im- portanct of life and the necessity of being honest with ourselves and each other.'' Ali MacGraw. the "Love Story" star selected by Luci Poll voters as '"best actress." was unable to attend the ban· quet. George .c. Scott. v.·1nner of ''best actor" title in the Luei voting, also did no\. al\end. Roth stars later are to be nieasured 'for re-creation in wax 1n special settings to be <1nd his wife portrays a nurst put on display at I he 111 the "Casey" set which IS on museuw's Stars' Hall of permanent display al the wax Fame. They will I a k e museum. possession of !heir Luc I DAIL y PILOT readers st.atuettts at th::it time. again next year arc t:.\pected Hollywood's celebrity t•ircle Lo have an opportunity to vole v.·as represented at the affair on the Acaden1y "s official by actor Sam Jaffe and his ac· nominees. The Luci Poll is tress wife Bettye Ackerman seen as an annual event 1n ~·ho provided a novel op-which newspaper r e a d e r s portunity for banqucl goers to across the nation wi ll be compare the real people wit h allowed to choose '· l he their wax eff igies. pt•ople s' choice" from among After dinner. the stars posed the Acaderny no111inees for awarded Luci s1atoettes and v.·ilh their own figures in a "best actor." ''best actress" will be added to the stars "Ben Casey" set. Jaffe was a and '"best motion picture." 11hose figures are displayed at doctor Jn the telev ision series Each year"s winners will be Lhe niusl'.!um. ~::..::.:_;:_:___::=:_:c=_::_:___:: _ __::___::~~~~~~- s1.irring Michael York· Elke Sommer R~~~1 oavies·Ale"ll.indra Stt-w.i rr ·· Prier Car~ten ·Anion Di ff rin~ ·M.iriu~ GorinR ·Andrew Keir I '" "'" ... P•'>d"'"' t. Roni Id Ge Uy •• , ""'n'" 11r .,,,1 01,.,.. .,,, ~.Arthur Rowr .1nd Oe>n.1ld Churchill ~rnrv bv Owen Cru mp Proo,,, rrl h1 Owen Crump o ·rc·rf'. h, E!rrnne P<"rirr .•. --fi'ir.,:;;:-;_,:;;-·-1 .~......,urn.oiv !UL,,_ ...... -'J•" I SECOND BIG HIT AT BOTH THEATRES "(HISUM" h w 8011: Office Opens at 7:15 p M • Jo .n oyne ;;;;;~ ____ ....;.·....;.·~ Bair Office Opens al 7:1S P.M. 11......... Show Starts r,,,,..l .S."o.+to F•,,1 c._ ... _ At Dusk on ••'"II M l'>\10 111 ·\Alli JUAN CAPISTRANO OAIVE ·I N 837·0345 • f;50 mi C..U.. cl• s.p.-.. Janine Sr1y, Glyn Houston. -;=::::_:::::_:::::: _ _::::__:_ _____________ .1--------------------------------------------- ·:· llf"ews l iH Joh ns • C:OO IJ Y"lftini• C11l11t1 s• Gunts in- ::: cfod1 Jact .lotl11 ind Allnt l1xter. el CHIN ft h,pstitt :: D m (I) m '-"' 2V (R) "P111r lJ:OO D (j) et Nt'lrl .. · .. : Revere Ridel "''in." A studellf dis· 0 I'll @?I) NllWt 1uistd 11 Paul R.,.rl dlsru!lls rri hllh y 11 D .tehool .. ilh hi1 11111 °" pollution. ~ • ., •J'll m r. ,.., '"' 1n11~ o rn m "'ws m MO'li1: "H-. If F1111•111att111• ::.: fD1'1 Frlllrlt CMI (horror) '45 -lori1 Karloff, loll ••• l!i) ne Annrer Ch1111y. -~· '1}Ludl1librt ma.1a..a.n ~; a:l DMlt ... 1'1ti R• Rollu Games.I m "'' ~ ''Sevtn St1tol'l1," ~, \;io I) ([)Te l•t11 Witfl LM (I) '111 P1lw forbtlh. ~otic d111ttr down on her luc• bltl:)O D (j) Mn l rilliR 11wen rtlU(t by lh t [nd~cotts, . 0 tUil m "~""' c.n.R )Dey If· IJ Cl) ClJ fl) Tiit SIM-fi111ly inop ii rutllt host. I ~R) "8111~ 1rid th t Sherill."" 8ntn 0 (D(!)t'l)Di rk Ciwtlt lh!l l io1n1 an old horneslt1der In 11111 R 11 · est llost armed J11nd 1211nst nictioil UJll ts l\J • m Din-id frHC ShN Gu1sls ut m Mo.it: "ki"I ti lfll Undtrnrld" Al,111: Smith, Dotothy Collini i nd\ ldr11n_1) '3~umph1ty l o11r1, K1r Ywonnt O.C11lo. who 111 111 11D¥1 fr11ic1s. m1•1nf th11r l ro 1ilw1J dtbUll in lll:4Sc:J Moni: "Mta.it1R M111~11111" "folh1s" (mystery) 'SJ.-...Geor11 Brin! Aho on hand ur !1llow "fol hes'" stars d111Ctr Gtnf Ntl!O!I 1nd 1ctOI' 12.lO 0 O!ll St., 11,ond John McM1rtin Ind the WMM '1 trt · m All·l'ti(ht Mllw; •1\t CrMt 1111· •lort: p<od11tllf/to·1l>r1ctor 1-hrold ,.,_1tion," {C:) "Alr•f9n," '1"ht Prinor, aon1 writ" Sttplltn Sand ltnf M1111«y'' and "1111111• c..,. h~m Ind book wnle1 llmts Gold 1iwt.• mi n. M11hl1(ht1n1 Ill• pro111m 11t 1M:r11I ~umbt11 f19m th e mu5ic1I Thursday DAmME MOVIES t:Dll m ..,. .. """' w..r (w•sl•rn) '50 --I.ind• DtrNll, .-p11 <4tttn . .lelf Ch1ndlt1. t :lS 0 "1*1 tf tllJ SM" (Jd\tlflturt) 'lS--OoY1l1s fairblrlkt Jr , M1111· rel l.odwcocl. t :lO O '"Tiit l'llllHrtn" (advtnlu rt) '41-RM Camu'IMI. llDf'll MaUfJ. 0 "I) R111 lihdtltiM" (my,ltf'YJ '46-Jarn ts C11nty. Atiabtll1. 10:00 (}) ..... Ill'••• M••" (tOlllldJ) I '62-ftrnindel, Z11 Zs.t 61bor. l:OD m NA IMtiM Sttry" (comlldy) '41 1 -to11n1 Youns. rredric Muell. 2• Q "Tlle SIKJ' II All11 .... Ill• -1111 ltil" (drtm1J 'J,__O!tn All'lf· I tilt. loittla Y011na. \ J:tO ()) (C) ..,. ... ti Cltcy" (6rl1111) 1 '60--Altc Guin111•. Jllln Mills. 1 C:ll IJ (C) "J11111it1 a ... • (1dn11lurt) '5J-R1y Mi!\1nd, Alltn1 D1hl. CJ) St• •• 10 AM Llttinr. No. 1 on the Coast Your Hometown Newspaper h The DAILY PILOT COULO IT BETHE FUNNIEST COMEDY YEP CHA.RlIE'S J\.UNT ~ Jbut11 CC>.i:.t Nr {>t!f/l)rj CoCt• M..-• (71AI 646-tltl .,, 111 Mu111itl A91nciff Wed 1hru Suo · a·: JO l!IDJlDIOJi! •[Wl"OIT l(ACH • 01.J .. J!JO f•r. Show St<1rli 1 1'.M. Conth1111111 Show S1111doy From 2 P.M. FIRST RUN ......... _. __ _ I URSU!A ANDRESS • STANLEY BABERoru1 I DAVID WARNER '" ·--··~· -PERI 0:1• FRlllAr .AlSO ' ROCK HUDSON fl... - "Pretty Maids ~· all ina rr:tfi'' . The only w-pon he had left was ... revenge! GEORGE PEPPARD · • "ONE ItlOllB 'l'1l1UN TO BOB" !ll'l • llPW ..:n" llOICl.Dr e1> ANGrE DICKINSON r oLOR 0 TilJ.Y SAVALAS @~ - OOUBLE·FUN! DOUBLE·ACTION ALL NEW FOR EVER,YQNE !N- IM- flnlil!j will ~I HoW "(l) FRM\E A Fi"; A U~IV!RSAl PICTURE· T(C!IHICOLOR'I EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT• S OWING NOW AT TWO THEATRES! STMMcQUEEN takes you for a drive in the country. The country is France. :\ 't_, The drive is at 200 MPH! l~'.i. "LE MANS" ' ' ' ,I I',\ . ' \: \ \.~\ 1\~~·~\ \ ' ' ,. •,')I , , A CINEMA CENTER FILMS PRESENTATION ::; •l ntten by HARRY KLEINER Music by MICHEL LEGRAND Execut'"e Producer ROBERT E RELYE..; Produced by JACK N. REDDISH ·Directed by LEE H. KATZ IN · A SOLAR PRODUCTION ~~ PANAVISION'Colorby DELUXE . A NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES RELEASE i!:J,'~:.:::'.·_:~-·::·~ "· BIOHIT I "THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" I E DWA R D s . ·: HARBOR ol ADAMS, COSTA MES A. PHONE j 46·l1 02 I I I ·1 I I I ,j I I I Delay Asked Bailey Ouster Bid Continued A second move lo oust Orange County Planning Com mission secretary Stuart Dailey wns dela yed Tuesday at the re- (fUl'St (Jf :1bsent Count y Supervisor \V illiu1n l'hillips of Fullerton. Phillips is on vacation :ind in a leller lo f(·Jlow Uoard n1embers he called for a t•nntinuance of action on the explosive t>Ubjecl until his return Ofl July 6, On ·ruesday's agenda \\'as a request from the planning commission that they bt~ allo\\'Cd to select their own secretary. Previously, action by a majority of the corninission to oust Bailey, assistant planning director, from his post as com· mission SC'cretary \\'as reversed by the Board or Supervisors. 11 \\'as pointed out b,v Superviso r Da.vid L. Baker of Garden Grove that Bai ley h<1d been named bv lhe board and therefore could not be ousted by com· mission action. F'rustr11Wd, the comn1ission then \lo!ed 3·2 last week to ask I.he supervisors for permission. Commission Chairm<1n \\lood ro\V Bui· terficld, appointee of Board Chairman Robert \V. Ballin, has led both moves to oust Bailey. He is supported by com· missioners Fred Jefferson and Arnold f'"orde, appointees of supervisors Ralph Clark or Anaheim and Ronald Caspers of Ne\vport Beach, respectively. Anaheim Mom's Damage Lawsuit Gets Reduction LOS ANGELF.S (UPI) -A $2.2 million judgment awarded to an A11aheim mothe.r and her deformed child in a damage suit involving the drug thalidomide was red uced Tuesday by $200,000. 1\lrs. Shirley r..1. \Vhilehad, 26, originally had hcen a\\'arded $200,000 for her own phv!i1ca l and n1ental sufferin~ while her <lai.ightcr, Peggy J o t.lcCarrick, 9, receiv· ed $2 million. However, a second jury was impaneled foJ!ov,.ing fhf" verdict last week on ob- jections of the drug manufacturer, "Jiichardson-r-.1errell Inc.. thal the mother's suit was filed after the statute of limitations expired. The second jury agreed and struck rio,vn the $ZOO,OOO award lo the mother. 1'he child was not affected because minors may sue for personal injury 1 • tlamages a nytime until they are 2L Oichardson-Merrell Manufactured the (:errnan-developed drug for experiments 'in the United States. Agneiv to Launcli W orldtvide Tour Frorn El Toro Vice President. Spiro Agnew will launch e n1onlh·long y,·orld tour from El Toro 1-iCAS Sunday. But his boss, P resident Richard Nixon, \1111 not sec him off here as originally ex- pected. Local reliable sources said the once an- Hcipated arrival ol the President this \\'l'ckend has been postponed until the early part or the Independence Day y,·eckend. instead. Original reports said lhe first family liad planned to arrive Saturday for an in· def1n1te stay at La Casa PacHtca. Aides in \Vashington said this week that Agnew p!;'lnS to leave El Toro for an Ul· t1ial v1si! to Guam. The Vice President then \vill visit S!'oul. Singapore, Saudi Arabia, r:thiopia, Kenya, Spain. r..1orocco and Portugal. Angew launched another extended trip £rom lhe South Coast last year. visiting v.•ith the Chief Executive before boarding Air Force Two for a trip lo Southrast Asia-including Pnom Penh, Cambodia, jn a controversial trip kept secret untU the landing. Phillips, when the reinstatement ot Balley by the board took place, was vigorous ly criLical of I.he planners action, calling it a "power play" and "in· terference "''ilh the workings or the Plan· ning Department." Hospital Gets State, Federal Okay Stale and federal agencies have a{>' proved the $6.l mill ion expansion at South Coast Community Hospital in South Lagwia, which will add 105 beds and enlarge support facilities. A contract has bet:n awarded to the Donovan Construction Company of Los Angeles. Sub-contractors are Hansen Plumbing Company of San Bernardino and Murray E lectric of Santa Barbara. The $6.3 million contract is in addition to $i08,000 already a\.\'arded for the con- struction of a parking garage which \\'ill be completed by the end of August. The expansion at the hospital is scheduled lo be completed in late 1973 and include : -An increase in bed capacity from 163 lo 268 beds, with more private rooms available. -An emergency suite to provide care lo seven persons al one time. -New administration wing for ad· milting rooms. business offices, chapel, g ift shop and lobby. -A new 10-bed coronary care unit 21. bed intensive care unit and 34 'bed "stroke" and vascular unit. -A total of six operating rooms. The expansion program is part of a master planning program to bring 400 beds lo the hospital within the next I~ years. Ma1ine Staging Area to Close ' i CAr-.tP P ENDLETON (AP) -The staging battalion at this Southern California Marine Corps base. where more than 320,IA)() leathernecks have been processed and trained for duty in Southeast Asia, is closing. With the decre&'led use of Marines in the \\'ar, the special 1~ days of training wilb simulated Vietnamese vill ages and jungle trails is no longer a necessity. Beginning July I. Marines sent to Viet- nam will go directly from their previous assignments. Known as the "Gateway to the Pacific:' the staging battalion al ils pe?k was processing 8,000 men a month to serve 13-month tours of duly In the war zone. Besides combat training and lec- tures, the men received medical attention and clothing, and made out allotments and wills. Dana Operators Can Acid Service Concession operators in Dana Point lia.rbor will be allowed to add ~ervices not called for in their leases \\'ilh the county providing the new services arl' ap- proved by the Real Property Service and Harbor District direclors. Supervisors approved this formula for checking out such service~ or operations as bicycle ren1.at. ice making machines, newspaper racks and similar things not specifically authorized by the lease documents. Fifth District Supervisor R o n a I d Caspers said review of the validity of such additional services was necessary to protect the integrity or the eslablisheit architectural policie.!I for the new harbor. "The Store With Labels of Distinct ion" Wfdnridly, Junt 2l. _,_.,_1 _____ s ____ DA_l_l v_Pl_LO_T~·' Pierced Ivory Plaque DAILY l'ILOT 1'11911 llJ llkhlnl KH/lltt This .~4th cen~ury artifact is one ~f the "living pie· lures that w11J be seen by capacity crowd s in La- g una Beach nightly fo r six weeks doring the 36th season of the Pageant of the Masters. Sho\vn in the amphitheater of woodsy Irvine Bo\\'l are from left Jayme Driggers of South Laguna, Susan Wetzel of I..aguna Beach, Desta Sampieri of Santa Ana a nd Scott Melvin of HWltington Beach. War Hero Was 'Bad Boy' Mesa Medl1l of Honor Winner Now at Bible College By ARTH UR R. VINSEL 01 1M 01ily l'ilGI U•lf They call John Baca, onetime burglar. a hero of the Vietnam war. boy Seven 1nen received the nation's highest award for combat bravery from President Richard M. Nixon last wee~ in Wh ite I-louse ceremonies. Baca, 22, is one of the seven. l ie stood beside Peter Lemon. 23. or East Tawas, Mich., another former First Air Cavalry Division GI v.·ho said this week he won the r..tedal of Honor while· stoned on pol. "Yeah •. , he was there," Baca murmured Tuesday, reading a newspaper report of Lemon's sour remarks. "He was all excited." What about lhe V.'idely-publicized Viel· nam drug problem? "I y,·as alt around it, but l didn't get in- volved," said Baca, who began !'I um mer school Monday as a fr eshman Bible stuides major at Costa Mesa 's Soulhern California College. He does not condemn ex-Sgt Lemon. Men at war must seek their own p2rsonal kind of peace and the Bible says: "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Baca carries a Bible in the briefcase which on Tuesday also contained his Medal of Honor and religion textbooks. Life was not always so rey,•arding for the California Youth AuU1orily parolee until a sl.reet comer evangelist showed h im how it can be six months bclore Uncle Sa m gave Baca a call, What he thought were the last few !'leconds o{ life. therefore, were the easiest or it all, he said. Shy. sandy-haired, John Baca dO£sn't look like a war hero. Bo rn in Providence, R.I., and r aised in Boston. he maintains still a bit or the in· tractable New Englander, despite t~n years in San Diego, running y,•ith the '~Tong gang, One must prompt and probe, coaxing h is story ouL The platoon "'as just in from a patrol S. Laguna Architect Ou SJ1oreliue Group DAILY l'ILOT 5/lff ......... WINS HIGHEST MEDAL John Baca in the jungles of Song Bhc on Feb. 10, 1970, when fame began to find Specialist r·ourth Class John Baca.. Within a few moments he would be a hero and within a year -364 days, on Feb. 9, 1971, in fact -he would be out of military hospitals and a civilian again. "I'm sure glad il's over." he said. A booby trap exploded. leading the lieutenant and four other Gls outside the fire base to investigate. Sudden, shod· dering machinegwi fire. Rifle shots. Cries. "\Ve ""'ent out , _ . me·n three other j!uys," says Baca, who led the rescue m1ss1on. r-.turderous machinegun nl·c finally pin- ned do"'n all ci~hl. one o[ whom had already heen hit in the lace. "Somebody yelled 'live grenade!' and then I was really scared." There it y,•as -:i hissing capsule from liell in the midst of ei gh t men. They had nowhere to run and eternity v.'as terribly imminent. Baca's panic vanished. ''\Vell. then I said: 'Jesus, forgive me all my sins.· And I put my helmet on to p of ii and fell on it. Poof -it blew up. "Next thing, I v.·as laying on my back with my stomach hanging out. fragmen- tation in my legs. But it fell like He was right next lo me." Baca looked down shyly, twisting hi! hands, then looked upward. "It sounds funny, but I was ready to go. I wanted to go to heaven." Did he want to go to Vietnam? Nobody really wants lo. "Someone had to go over. ll seemed a good reason •. _ I don't want lo go again. ··rd like lo become a missionary some- day. f.taybe then I'd go back to Vietnam. ]'d like to go to China. They let ping pong players in," he said with a grin. Baca believes he may also go back Into the Army as a chaplain. "They kind of want me back." he adds, not mentioning what a recruiting gimmick the so-called New Army would have in a chaplain with the Medal of Honor. He w11 an alt.er boy •l the CYA voca- tional training school at Ontario and thought of becoming a priesl. "I would have been a hoodlum priest, working w/lh kids." Wh at ltbout immediate plans involving school, a job, pcrhap.!1 even mBrriage? "I've got one in mind ... I sure hope she • , . oh ""'ell • . " he says, blushing and dropping the subject. Baca is .anxious to get through school as fast as possible. going on into the service of the Lord and his fellow man. "J f everything ""'orks out with my finances ," he continued, not mentioning the fact that returning Gls have it tough now finding work. especially CYA graduates wilh a background of burglary. "A 'bad boy'," he said, lips ty,•isling in an en1barrassed grin. He anti the old gang at Kearny Mesa lligh School would cruise around, finding houses v.'ith nobody home and then break· ing in. as much for thrills as loot. Did it happen quite a few times? •·ummm-hrnmmrn," he nodded, head down, .. ll "·as like evcrybndy," he said when asked why. "Some kind or kick, to be par t of lhe ganp:." And lhen one of America's most recent Medal of Honor winners looked up. "t\<laybe I wanted to make a name for myself." Mobile Park Qu ery Eyed By Planners A query from Laguna Beach realtor Paul We.!ltbrook concerning construction of a 58-acre mobile home park in the hills overlooking Laguna Canyon was re~lved 'With little enthusiasm by "City planners. In a leller to the con'lmis1ion0 Westbrook said he was making the in- quiry on behalf of a client who owns the land, which is presently being annexed In the city. The site is located in the hills above and to the northeast of Canyon Acres Dri ve. Westbrook noted the property wa.!I part of a 143-acre parcel of un inhabited land which will come before the city council for annexation Aug . 4. \Vestbrook said in his letter that the property • .appraised at $400,000, would "be a first rate development" If made in- to a trailer park and would be surrounded with greenbelts. "There will be oo high rise question, either," the letter said. The property Is now zoned for agricultural use by the county, but once annexation is completed, it will immediately be re-zoned as a hillside residential area. City planning director Wayne Moody noted the Art Colony has no provisions for mobile home parks in my zone. He said Ibis cou!d be construed to mean such deveJopmcnts are prohibited. However, he pointed out that a trailer park could possibly come under the heading of a planned residential develo{>' ment (PRO). The city is now considering a set of standards for such developments. "This site does not seem to be suitable for this type of development," Moody told the commissioners, noting the soil makeup of the land would require special construction techniques in order to be adaptable to trailers. Board Opposing County Tideland Tur11over Bill Proposed state legislation that V.'ould allow turnover of county tidelands to in- corporated c ities is opposed by the Board of Supervisors. The bill , SB 1382 by Sen. Ralph Dills (D-San Pedro) would cost Orange County more than $1 million in tidelands revenue, County Director of Harbors Kenneth Sampson told supervisors Tues· • day. Sampson pointed to millions of dollars i;penl by the county in development of Newport Harbor, Sunset Aquatic Park and Dana Point Harbor. "There would be no compensation to the county Jn lhis JegislaUon for these monies 11pent,'' he said. Although the bilJ might be regarded by some as a bonanza to lhe city of Newporl Beach. Carl Kym!a a Newport city coun· cilman said he opposed it. DAR Honors Five For Citizenship Cnildren in the Crown Valley Eleme,,._ tary School have been honored by the Daughters of the American Revolution for citizenship and essays. Suzanne Andre\.\'S, daughter of ~1r. and Mrs. Lee Andrews, and Gary Lepper. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lepper were named the DAR citizens of th e year. Essay a ward winners on the subject o( Americanism were Denise Lou r y • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Loury. fi rst; Sephanie Liles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liles, seco nd , and Sandra Cash, daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cash, third. AU the winners reside in Laguna Niguel. F'refi Lange, South Laguna landscape architect, has been named to the Oicean and Shoreline Planning Committee hy Fifth Di8trict Supervisor Ronald Caspers of Newport Beach. Lange, who lives at 31542 1st Avenue, has been long active in environmental and scenic corridor studies in the Laguna .area. YOUR 2515 E. Coast Highway at MacArthur Blvd. Corona del Mar 673-2990 CENTER WITH Mid Summer Clearance ~3 ., FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL ON STREET LEVEL. • I I DRESSES SUITS COATS PANT SUITS Si1•' 6 to 20 Bryant & Hann HOSE '3.00 :: R•9-$5.,5 per lox DISCOUNT SPECIAL NEGLIGEES BRA~LIPS­ GIRDLES-GLOVES Your' Charge Account W•lcome-Masterch1tg• Av1l1 1bl9-Fre• Parking fn Re1r STORES TO SERVE YOU 2300 HARBOR ~LVO AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MESA OLD FASmON DAYS THURS., FRI., SAT. JUNE 24 • 25 • 26 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA I ' OAILV PILOT Subpoenas Burned Sfx antiwar activists. s ubpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury reportedly investigating the bombing of the U.S. Capitol, burn their uTits in rront of the Detroit Federal Building. -~ judge is considering quashing the documents. Viet Base Su1·1·ounded; Red Swarn1s Cross DMZ SAIGON fUPI) -A Communist bat· talion surroUnded South Vietnam's Fire Base Fuller just below the Demilitariied Zone (DMZ) today and pounded it with 500 rocket and mortar shells in a threat to the entire government defenst line there. front dispatches reported. • South Vietnamese officials said the Indonesian Aide Escapes Bullet, Sources Report JAKARTA, Indonesia lAP1 -A gun· man (ired a shot that hit a car carrying F orei!;n Minisler Adam Malik in the north Sumatran city of Melan today, well informed sources said in Jakarta. The sources reported only one shot hit the car and Malik was not injured. Malik was driving into the city lo begin a day of campaigning in connection with next month's parliamentary election. No other information on the incident was immediately available in .Jakarta. Malik, v.·ho is expected to be elected president of the U.N. General Asse~bly '\\'hen it opens in New York Se:pt. 21, 1s a cAndidate of the government·backed group. Sekber Golk_ar. ll __ is n1nn!ng ;:i~ainst the nation's nine pohllcal parties. The election is scheduled July 3. Officials in Jakarta refui;ed to say the 1hooting was an assasSination attempt. An official of the Special Operations t ntelligence Group said the report was not 'true. Earlier. however. a Defense Depart· ment spokesman. Col Sugiar5n. tnl d tht'< Jakarta daily Pelopor Baru that !he in- c ident had taken plact. Later. annthrr milit;iry spokesman, Co!. Harsono. denied the Sogiarso report. A Foreign OHice spokesman said he spoke with military leaders in Medan following the Incident and was told !hat Malik'& "pmgram iii: goln,R according Lo 1ehedule and nothing is happening here.·• base must be held st al! costs or the defense line along the 50-miJe.long DMZ will be breached. Spokesmen said Tues· day 10.000 to 12,000 North Vietnamese already have crossed Lhe D~1Z into Soulh Virtnam with heavy artillery and other weapons. U.S. F4 Phantom jct fii;ihler·bombcrs 'vere reported bon1bing and strafing the threatening Communi st forces which also have come under heavy attack by B52s and helicopter gunships. Communist tanks v.•ere spotted a few miles a\1•ay six days ago but thc-ir location was not knov.·n now. spokesmen said. Brig. Gen . Vu Van Giai. commander of Soulh Vietnamese troops in the area. said the North Vietnamese had carried out similar dry season otrensives in the north before but this year they appeared to be more heavily armed and more determin· ed. He said the offensive apparently \\'BS aimed at trying to disrupt the Presiden- tial elections scheduled for fall. but military sources speculated Tuesday the North Vietnan1ese were trying to break' through to the big U.S. military base at Camp Carrol, silt miles to the south. and hit other U.S. s.upport bases in the area. Wicks "l\ee/)S si11,:.:i1tg and calling me /\·aricy e1:er aince Sinatra retired!' Witnesses Deny Threatening GI In Medina Case FT. McPlfERSON, Ga. (UPI) -Three witnesses denied today they ever threatened a soldier or promised him im· munily if he would testify against Capt. Ernest L. Medina. charged with 102 murders at My Lai. The testimony came during the third day of a pre-trial hearing on a defense motion to dismiss charges again~t Medina on grounds im proper command influence was expected in bringing him to trial. Col. Henry J . Olk. staff judge advocate at Ft. Riley. Kan .. Co!. Charles H. Curtis, rormer chief of staff at F't. Carson. Colo .• and Robert E. Miller. chief of the ~1ilitary Justice Division at the Pentagon. took the stand today to contradict the: earlier testimony of Sgt. Charles Lacroix of Ft. Carson. La Croix lold the pre-trial hearing Monday that he had been lhreatened with murder charges for his alleged role at r.'ly Lai unless he agreed to testify against Medina. f-le named Olk. Curtis and r.1ilter as being among the officers who eilher threatrned him or offered him imrnunity for his testimony. F:ach or the officers denied lhc char,.::rs tod11y, and Miller said he didn't have the authority lo grant LaCroix immunity even if he had been so inclined. After hearing the testimony of the three, recess was called in the pro- cerdings. Arab Leaders l\'leet, Seek United Front By t..:niled Pres~ lnttrnational Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and vis1hng Kin ,1; Faisal of Saudi Arabia ha\'e a~reed in conferences being held in Alex· andria that al! Arab states should Join the .~tr11gg!e ai;iainst Israel. Cairo nev.·spapers rcrorted today. Once that is donr. they were quoted. !he J\rah stairs should ca!J an Arab sum- mi t conference to prosecute the: battle \Y1!h l ~rael to regain captured territories and to settle the problem of the thou~ands of Palestinian refugees ousted by lsrael. Thunderstorms Taper Off Several Twisters Seen, Fa.il to Touch Down C•llfornla ., UltlT•O P1t•ss INT•llNATlONAL B•1th._,. 1!1v..,. aw•• tr"°' 11\1 -·I Jn .SftYff ot<llon 10.Sl v 11 1 ... C,r .. olflCI dO<JdO ..... ll>O ft~"" holvilv ...... lh• M•c~eo 1nd !ho COi•'"' • .,.. ln...-mtdlt 1t v1ll1Vo In lhf llr>r wotlo. et lou!ht.rl' C•llkl<l'll 'I •~''""". T ... "loll ,.., 10 wlrh Wtrff 11>61,it t';. HllV iwnll\ln1 or1v111... o•t r L" .v.c,elf» -¥1ClllllV •llh ln<rtlOIM loo 111d low cl-• •xllfitM ttn•oM 1n11 'Tlll;ladl¥ "'or11ln•• 1-rt lUrtl c:llll"9td t1•0~11v, d•-lno • tow --Incl r1"1Md lrorn II ~ f1. l~t Me«l'td ovttnlol\I law will bf ,,,., .O, Mount1!11 rM«H 111i.v..i W!lfn'. l>ot wtflhtr pOIMI,,. ln11 11\t IOJ •<Id ,.,_ ..,_tt rutlOfl -"'d ltll1t.,1ncr "'"'' ... •o 11J. Somo ftlf!ho TlltWllV •"II '9r.a1t ""'°"l"'Vm• lodlf 1""1..-. 1,-e'""' .....,, SMtt• Mtllk • 10-n . ............. ..... Ml. WllJef> IO-MI, P•lnMltlt 111·11•. 111v .. 1l<1t fJ.tS. l'11fn Strillti llO•llL a111< .. 111o1~ l01·"· S&n DI-1).1J. ""'• t ••bttl 1).1~ ANIMim 1"11 lollll1 Ant "·11. PR£Vl[W or PIDAA PIATIOMAl W[ATH[ll SERVICE TD 1:00 A.M. CST '"-1-4-71 ..., . '70 lt . .-ellll '"* W(ATMla rotoCASl® WUM t~• (11¥. 1um•olno "°"'"'~ ·~ '•II'"• ''"'· 11.11" ...., ~,n •ct.,.,o•n••d 11•-wlfld~, teltvbitfl '''"''";.,10"1 ''°"' l«.•I ot•!lon• -• •"tt!ld whon "'' rtln ~I! dow"'OW" Ml1ml Ind IO"~td tOblf•. {1bl" ,. • ......,.,. bv l'lt< tltm -tltldM "'' -Vitt ., t!'\f Ul'I Mf1m1 l urt•W ll'.lf' ....... ""'" "''" ~""" ,., .... ¥ """'· T<1mt6"> l !•o Wltf ·-t!tll OYtf ,Off11t(Ol1, "", !u•l ...,.1~ c• Co1u..,b•1. S.C •• rten~tnt ol M11cn Cit¥. IOWI , incl iou111 cl 11111 CU•. ot1n A ,..llllflt"" t i 1'1•11• (lf'f', Mo, (l \llld COl!llcltt•Dlf (rOP d•mtot t v .. · ..... T-rotru•• wor• ''"'0"•~'" ,...~,,., In mo11 $1(f'Ot>• o! •II• (Oii"'" wl!" N"/iv.I" toOI c-1110,.1 •·-•II• l'K lie-Co.ol, flllr!~ .. "''"' C.•t•t Uk" Ind etrtlon1 of '"' NOl'l<lffl•. C:1•a11tal Huy 11t"IM"f •OM•. l l•M vf•>fbll "''ndl nleM •"" mo•,.lnt """" betO""· !<11 we1t •o .ourl\wesl 10 to II l'ICl•I In ol•tr-t !al•• •<Id ll>urM11v. "''"' 16111• "· Co:w11,1 +tmot•llU•u ••"" ,,..., II lo I) l"lfnd ,..,.,.,.,.,.,,ti ff ntt lf'Oln tO IO U. Wiier !•,.,Pl•tlu•t tJ. S im, /llam1. Tides WIONIJOAY ~•(""'1 ~··~ 10 00 p "' •• S•cot>d '°"' l ., ' "'· 1 l THUIU04Y ~"" ~'1~ l)Olo"' )I ~ ... , !Q,,. I 11•"'• ·1 1 Src·n" ~o~ lr.llo 'fl t i &.-C:Olld ION • )'Jp"' 1 1 !w~ '"" ! 1) • "' ioti f Cl o ..,, M-111110 t It•"'· ltll I !J •. m. Ten1perat1cres 1¥ Ufol!TIO l'llllli l lfolTlltl'lolTtO"'AI, Ttm~•••uret ·~ frlCIP•lf l!"" •• ll>e !l·llout H f10d .... In, f t • . .. Mlt~ 1.-l'AC, ,t.1-u•r<1w• " " .l!l•nto .. M "rl(.f>o••ot u • e1~•"fl••d '" " Bo111>r! " ~ (l\1rk)OTe .. M "' C~lt•M " M .. Cin(!nn•ll • ~ Cl••fl•nd ,, " 0 •11•• • " o ..... , .. " 0.1 Molfl•• " u 0.1t11!1 .. " F1itbon~1 .. .. I" Ona lulu " " l...,.i•nu•oh• " .. ICen•n Cll'I • .. "' "'' v .. , • "' • lOt .......... ~ .. Lovl1•lllt • " Ml•"'I " " "' ...... , .. -"' " " •• Minn••"""' " " ... Ntw Yor~ " .. Olt!....,.,,.(lly " " ""'''° " .. ""'"' s,,1,.., '" .. l'~ll.,.•lllfl(• .. " p-~1. '" " "•'"'"" " " "' ·~ • • S•(••,.,.~to .. ~ S1 LOVT1 .. .. ~,It l .. , ,,,. .. " S•~ 0••.a " " S•n ~r•n<•l(O " " St •••tt • " ... '"""""' • .. 1.,.,,.,,, '" " Vl l'CtV•f• " p ~ Wt>hlnf!Ofl " .. Welfare Plan Boosted $2,400 Inconie Floor Approve~ by Hous e WASt!INGTON (UPI) -A h~torlc welfare system of gu11anteed minimum tnoom~ for poor families cleared the Houae Tuesday, pushed -11001 by Prui· dent Ni.ion, intenae White House lobbying and the leadera of both puties. Now it mwit clear the Senate where Finance Committee Chairman Russell Long ( 0-La.) i! reported COflJideriJlg po!tponlng adion until next year. But House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Wilbur D. Mills (0-Ark.), who managed the measure through the House Tuesday, said Long had promised him he would not block Senate consldera.Uon of the meuure. The Pre.sident urged speedy Senate ap- proval and congratulated the House for offering the nation "a way out of the present welfare morass." The legislation is a breakthrough pri> gram for the United States to provide minimum income Ooors under poor ramilies in each state. Other CQuntrle1 have adopted this approach. but lhe U.S. Welfare system now is based on each state deciding eligibility and payment levels with the federal government shar· ing the cosl If the bill passes Congress, JXIOr work· Ing famllies as well as nonworking families under welfare, would receive unifonn federal payments under stan· dards set by Washington. A jobless fami- ly of four would get $2,400. Those adults not worling would bt re- 11uired to sign up for work or lraining or lose their share of the federal payments. Currently a family with a nonworking male is disqualifi~d from welfare payments in mmt st.ates -often causing the male to desert to qualify his family for welfare. The bill pasiied on a 288 to 132 vote, but the key vote was on a move by Rep. Al Ullman ID-Ore.). to strip the welfare sec· Top Philippine Officials Probe I sland Massacre MANILA (UPI) -President Ferdinand E. Marcos sent Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile and Constabulary Chief Eduardo Garcia to the southern Philip- pines today to try to cool the feud between Christians and Moslems in a province where more than 60 Moslems were massacred. Enrile and Garcia new to Cotabato pro· vince, 600 miles south of Manila. to in· vestigate the killings and take remedial measures. Provincial authoritie.s first said 57 Moslems were killtd by grenades and automatic weapons fired inln a mosque last Saturday. Constabulary offlcirJs later revised the toll to 69 and said Ule dead included 2t women , Tl men and 13 childreh. Bangko Sumama, 25, 11. survivor of t:1e killings. said the Moslems were in the mosque for a peace conference 'd'ith Christian settlers \\'hen 20 armed men I r· rived and began throwing grenades and firing automatic rifles, carbines and other rifles. Lt. Col. Carlos Cajelo. Philippine con· slabulary commander at Olt.abato. 11id the main cause of the killings appeared lo ha1•e been a land dispute. The Mrulem re.o;iden~ ha.ve been angered by arrival of Christian ~ettlers from the central and northern Philippine.s with subsequent loss of ~loslem ancestral lands to Christian loggera, ranchers and farmers. Formosa Pullout Diplomatic Key, Says Red Leader NEW YORK (AP) -Communist Chinese Premier Chau En.lai says that !he Withdrawal af U.S. troops from Formosa is a key to the re.,toration of normal diplomatic relations between the United Statts and China. according to reports today in the New York Times and Newsd~y, lht Long Islaod ne:wspaper. William Atl'\\'ood, publisher of News- day. and Seymour Topping. an aui1tant managing editor of the Times. reporttd in their respective papers on views Chou gave during a dinner for three American newspapermen and their wives in the Great Hall of the People. Altv.·ood rtporled that Chou said China Is not interested in a new Soviet proposal for a five.power nuclear conference because ol Pek.ing 's reluctance to join the: so-ca lied superpower club and il.1 pre!erence that any such talks include all nations on the basi3 of equality. Topping s11id the Chinese leader urged seltlement of the Formosa is.sue and declared that no ven1eful action would be taken against the people of Formosa if the i1land yielded to Peking's co'ntrol . Corn in Good Shape WASHINGTON (UPJ) -The govern- ment reports that the nalioc'1 com crop still 11 In &ood \o excellent condition, despite m1Unued spreading of the com blight. The Agriculture: Department and lht U • S. weather ierv\ee 5ak! dtvtlopment of the blight appeared to be Vtr)' slow while "the third straight week of hot. burn.Id weather pu ir.hed com arowUI ln Utt com b<lt." lion from the bill, which also included a S percent Social Security benefit increase and aMOrted other social security and medicare changes. Members relused. 234 to 187, to kill the weU1re reforms. A combination of mid· dlegrounden of both parties provided the winning margin. An unusual alliance of black!!;, and IO-year Struggle whites of holh right and lert unsuc· plan. The blacks said the measur.e \\'as nol real reform and did not provide a n adequate income level or a solution lo cessfully tellmed to defeat, lbe welfare poverty. Conservatives said the bill was a step down the road ll> a guaranteed ~n· nus! income for everynne, from which there would be no retw'n. British, Ma1·l{et .~ ations h·on Out Last Differences LUXE~lBOURG (AP) -Britain and the six Common Market nations came to terms early today on Britain's admi!sion to the European Economic Community. Now Prime Minister Edward lteath has to sell it lo the British Parliament. "We have broken the back of the negotiations. It is a historic day for Europe." Geoffrey Rippon. Britain's negotiator. told newsmen after an all· night bargaining session with the six Con· tinental foreign ministers ended with champagne toasts at 4 a.m. The agreement also cleared the way for neaoliations with Norway, Denmark and Ireland on their applications to join the customs union formed in 1958 by France, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, Ll..tltembourg and the Nelherland~. The last major issues in Britain's 10- year bid for membership were resolved v.·hen the negotiators put together a package that included concessions to Bri· tain's trade with New Zealand. the amount of Britain's first contributions to the joint Common Markel budget and help for British coastal fishermen and hill farmers. Bu! with polls showing 60 per cent of the British public opposed to Market membership and member.'l of both the Labor and Conservative parties divided on the issue. Heath races a stiff battle selling the lerms in Parliament in the fall. His target is membership by Jan. I, 1973. Political sources in London estimate that if the vote is "free." with a member permitted to vote hi s convictions and not as the party majority decides. Healh could win by a comrorlable 70 or 80 votes. But if the oppOi!iilion Labor par1y decides against Market membership and party discipline is enforced, abstentions by anti· Market Conservatives might be too much for Heath. Former Prime Minister Harold Wilson. the leader of the Labor Party, is likely to hold the key. He h!ls said repeatedly he Soviet Cosn1onauls Near Flight Record MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union's Salyut co~monauts today soared through lhe finaJ few orbits 1hey need lo set a record for man's longest space ad· venture. Georgy Dobrovolsky. Vladlslav Volkov and Viktor Palseyev alreAdy have put in more man·hours in space than in any pre1•ious Oighl, and they mo,·ed with in hours nf the 18-dav endurance record established one year' ago by Russia's 1...,·0- man Soyuz; 9 Oight. Secret Papers would be In favor of joining Europe "if the terms are right." but ~e has show_11 signs recently of moving into the anti- Market camp. Opponents of Market mem?erShip. fear Britain will lose son1e o{ its nat19nal sovereignty and fiice an eve_r highe_r cost or living because food prices will be geared to the hi gher prices charged by continental farmers. Pro-marketeers say membership will give Britain a stronger voice in the world and access to a market for British pri> ducts five times the size of the country. They say the standard of living will rise in Britain to offset higher costs. Italy lsla1iders Score Triutnph In Mafia 'War' ISLE OF FILICUDI. Sicily (UPI) The islanders of Filicudi won the battle of the Mafia today -the government an- nounced it would remove 15 exiled Mafia leaders from Filicudi tn an island off Sardinia. Now it is the Sardinians who are angry. The decision to move the Mafia leaders from this liny speck in the Tyrrhenian Sea on Thursday followed protests. an election boycott and the mass self.exile of 197 F i!icudi islanders who said the presence of the 15 was ruining their tourist industry. The 15 men, some of them with alleged links to the U.S. underworld. were scheduled to go to the Isle of Asinara, located about one mile off the northwest coast of Sardinia. News of the transfer brought protests from the Mayor of Porto Torres, the nearest point on Sardinia to Asinara, and from tov,.nspeople. They said A~inara also was trying lo devrlop a tourist industry and complained that !he presence of the 15 men would hurt it Asinara, which has had a penal colony since 1896, measures 20 square miles and hou~es one of Italy's best known tuberculosis hospit<Jls. Premier Emilio Colombo promised the inhabitants of Filicudi. one of the ''magnificent seven·• or the Lipari Archipelago, that he \vould transfer the 15 gangsters. His decision last month in- spired islanders who sailed away in pro- test to return home. The 15 men v.·ere banished to Filicudi in late May under a 1958 Ja w permitting the exile vf persons conside red d11ngerous lo sociely. Rep. Paul McCloskey CR·Calif.) checks his office sare which he says cont11ins secret government documents from Dr. Daniel Ellsberg on study of Vietnam \Var. McCloskey says FBI agents have questioned h im about the d ocuments. C· as r~ re a n· ch "if [~ ar 11 st be by ill rid O- ry. ise ol an- fia oH ho ers ·an '" of the eir ed ere rl, est sis the nd lso try the ny nd wn the the ri the in- ro- in • Jo j 'ADOPTED' PARENTS SHOW THEIR ELATION AFrER COURT VICTORY DeMartinos, Who Fled to Miami, Win Ba ttle With Natural Mother Heat Fells Las Vegas Marchers New York Couple Given Custody of Bab y Lenore i\flAM I (AP! -A Florida custody of the infant four judge has Nicholas and Jean \l'eeks later. LAS VEGAS (UPI I -Fl<>.g· Oei\1artino, v.·ho abandoned t.1iss Scarpetta, a Colombian waving, n1arch1ng Lions from their Brooklyn home after native now v.·orking as a throughout the world paraded New York courts said they secretary in New York, later in this gambling resort Tues-had to return their adopted tried to gel Lenore back. The day and about a hundred were daughter Lenore. may keep adoption agency refused but custody of her, Jost the fight in court. overcome by the desert heat. "Dear God. \\'e won . '' The De~1 artinos fled to Tuesday was the hottest day Nicholas Def.1artino c r i e d Florida with Lenore and their of the year in Las Vegas: the v.•hen Dade Cowlly Circuit 4-year-old adopted daughter. n1ercury climbed to 1 1 1 Judge Ralph Cullen ruled Linda, last month. They .5aid Tuesday that the De/'1-tarlinos they plan to slay. degrees at midday. could keep Lenore. fl·liss Scarpetta"s attorneys The 150-unit parade, in-Jean Dc~1artino hugged said they v.·ould a pp ea I eluding marching Lions clu'o their ~liami attorney. William Cullen 's decision even though units ;>:id bands. lasted three Colson. She and her husband the De~1artinos said if Lenore and a half hours. \V hen the wept openly with joy. v.·ere to demonstrate she parade began at 6 p.m. (PDT ) Sitting just a few fee l a\vay v.•anted lo see her natural the temperature y,·as 107 Olga Scarpetta also broke into mother, they v.·ou\d agree to degrees. \\leather experts said tears. Her child was not her it. if the temperature we re own. Cullen said he decided to measured on the asphalt deny Miss Scarpetta"s Florlda streets it wot.:~d have been f.1iss Scarpetta. 33, put the suit "in view of all the law. '"considerably higher." ctllld up for adoption with a evidence and the OeMartinos · t.lercy ambulances made New York agency four days good reputation." DeMartino. more than 25 runs to the afler Lenore's birth on May an attorney, aod his wife still hospitc:>.ls and the emergency 18. 1970. The Defl.tartinos. then fa ce contempt of co u r t room al Sunr ise Hospital , near Jiving in Brooklyn, look charges in New York. the parade route. was filled·------------------------1 v.·ith patients \\'ho collapsed due to heat. Southern Nevada ~1emorial Hospit11 I a 1 so treated numerous patients young and old alike. Meat Gets Clea11 Bill In Tests \\'ASHJNGTON fUPI) First returns from a r.e\v governmehl resting program show no residues of a con- troversial syn1h ct1c hormonr in the nation '.~ n1eat supply, 11 was learned today. The reports con1e froin a sampling program launched by the Agriculture Depart· nlent in April to detect in meat from beef steers and lambs r.ny residues o i .dicth:ylstilbeslerol i D SS ) . ~ · which )'las been reported tn ·cause cancer in laboratory .. ani1nals. , • A department official said the new program got under way in mid-April. By lhc end . of thal month reports :;howed 95 cattle and 85 lambs had ' been sampled ~·ith no "positive" residue findings. .. The program moved into • ' high gear in ~ie.y. Returns for ' that monlh, which will pro- • bab\y not be available for : • some weeks, are expected lo : • show tests on a 5ample of : • s bOul 500 animals. Now! LAST WEEK Famous Stylist" zig-zagsewingmachine by Singer in "Pdcesetter"cabinet. SAVE"40 Nows14995 ~ Sews stralghl: oriig-ng- ,.....,1ch with a nick ot vovr linger. Get extra-wide • Zig-zag stitches tool Sew Prlctic:9I and Ftncyl 1hismacllineelarns, mends, blindsli!ches, sews bUttons and bt.lttonhOles1 And it emb"oiders 800 appUques! Sew.,., fabric, from chill on to lealher • 'With just !he right 11111chlength. use easy-k>-set control. COSTA MIS.._.rtthl ltflOf S1111llewl'I', '""°~'I l'lata, ... 1'11 COSTA Ml,.._.,."-alft .• M...., , ........ 1(1 ... l HJ MUJfflHG"IO .. a lACM-1!• ..... r •I aNOI, Mlllllllltlff ltfl~ Ct11m', "7·1ftl OllAHGl-JI ~·-ll••I, •'fM 'llr'' c ... t.r, Mi·1HI •••oEN GllOVl"-ttJt '~•pm•11, o ••• ,. ''""''• Plat•, J)I ..... 13 U.S. Scl1olars Arrive in 01ina CANTON. China 1UPI) - The first group of American scholars invited to visit Conl- munist China in 22 years ar- rived today in the southern ci- ty of Canton and was welcom- ed with "warmth and en· thusiasm," one of the students said. The 13 young Americans, mostly graduate students, ar- Gl1etto Moh Rampages AKRON, Ohio (UPI) - Police sealed off a IS-block ghetto area and used tear gas on crowds early today alter Negroes. angry over the shooting of a Negro by a white man, took to the stree1s throwing rocks ancl bottles at passing cars. Several police cruisers v:ere hit by gunfire and one officer was nicked on the arm by a bullet. police said. Scattered incident s and milling crowds v.·ere reported into lhe morn- ing. Al least 30 persons were arrested. rived at 3 p.m. by train from I long Kong and checked in at the Tung Fang (East Wind) Hotel. The scholars, associated with \hP Committee of Concerned Aslan Scholars, in Stanford, planned to spend one n1onlh in Olina. '"We were received with warrnth and great en- thusiasm," Kim Woodward, of Stanford University, said in a telephone interview. "\\'e have been resting in the hotel since we arrived. and we still do not have any definite itinerary. All of us ree l very happy about this (visit ). Al this time, we don't have much to say, since we have been here ror only a few hours." The Commilll'f of Concerned Asi~n Scholars w<1s fom1ed three years ago to influence the United Slates to exchange political, economic and cultural relations with China. The admission of the 13 scholars into China today wa s in line with Premier Chou En- lai's remarks last April to American table tennis players that n1ore Ainericans would be visiting Ch.ina "in batches." Tricia, Ed Believed At Retreat WASHINGTON 1UPI) Close friends of Tricia and Edward Cox said today the newlyweds w e r e honey- mooning at nearby C<llllp David, t.1d . The \Vhile House would not comment on the report, but friends of the President's daughter and her husband said the couple \vent lo the retreat in the mountains of western J\1aryland following their mar- riage June 12 in the White House Rose Garden. OP WtdnHday, Jurtt 23, 1971 DAJL Y ,!LOT 5 Political Trip Nixon Schedules Midwest Journey WASUJNGTON (AP) months hence. His aud~ President Nill'.on, who says cheered. he's wearing his non-political The President dtlayed the hat this pre-campaign year, is deperture of his big jet from a heading for the Midwest to nearby airport for many touch a few more political minutes while he received bases. New J e r s e y ' s Republican Rack in Washington Tuesday county chairmen. after a 5-<lay working holiday tn like vein , Nixon stopped trip to New York, New Jer~y at Rochester, N.Y., J.11.st Fri· and Florida -three key day to participate in a states in presidential contests "CQnference on domestic -Nixon will Oy to Indiana policy i n it i at iv es•' for and Illinois Thursday and fri-newspaper and broadcasting day. exe<:ulives from 12 stat~ and Ostensibly, the motive for the District of Columbia - Nixon 's trip to the Midwesl is then went lo two private fwu:· non-political. He has said he is tions populated largely by C'oncentrating on presidential well-heeled'' comm u n It y duties this year and will not ,_l_e_ad_•_r_s._" _______ _ answer JXllilical questions at news conferences. So, too, was his appearance Tuesday in Atlantic City, N.J., al the annual convention of the American Medical Associa- tion . Addressing the physicians, Nixon pron1oted his own health care proposals by predicting an allemative ~ponsored by Sen. Edward ~1. Kennedy ( D-Mass), a potential 1972 cha11enger. \vould cost the taxpayers $77 billion a year 36 BBITWOOD IVlllS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ GTON BEACH BRANCH~ TUESDAY JUNE · 22-SATURDAY JULY 10 5828 EDINGER BLVD. (comer of Edinger &Springdale) IN THE MARINA VILLAGE FOR ALL SPECIAL HOURS WEEKDAYS FRIDAYS . SAlURDAYS 9AM-.4PM 10AM-6PM 10AM-3PM BEAUTIFUL NEW BRENTWOOD SAVINGS For the ProfeswnalManagemen.t of your Savings ·- ·. • Cluhhou·se Importance After voters lul spring failed to pass • .$400,000 revenue bond issue to rebuild San Clemente's commun- ity clubhouse. the last hope or an easy source of revenue rested on a Supreme Court decision. But the high court recently ruled that a 11imple m.•· l·ority vote does not pass a bond issue -two-thirds 11till s required. Thus San Clemente's 54 percent aye vote last spring remained invalid. Now it is time for city councilmen -faced with what they term on e of the tightest budgets i!l yeari; - to trim what they can from a $230,000 project to cut cost. Among the cuts proposed are an a~ gallery, the furnishings to the kitchen and floor coverings. cation. One question '"'as const antly on his lips. "\Vhal's- best for the children~" His concern for the students in Laguna's schools was quite personal. His \\1ife and their three older ch1l· dren all are graduates of Laguna Beal.'h High School. a younger son is ready to move ur from Thurston and the first of fo ur grand children entered kindergarten in La· guna last tall. This personal interest doubtless \\-'\lJ go on until the last of those grandchildren has stepped up to re· ceive his diploma at Irvine Bowl. We hope to hear more from Larry Ta y lor as a knowledgeable friend, advise r and, if necessary, critic, of the Laguna school s~stern . Parents' Indifference At least two San Clemente organizations are dif'· t ressed at the proposed cuts -upset to.''. ~in_t that they 15eem willing to pay for son1e or the fac11it1es 1f they are restored. The Arts and Crafts Club and the Woman's Club are contemplatin g the donation of substantiaJ amounl!i of cash to back up their v.•ishes. ~lore than 500 youthful music students. represent· ing all Laguna's schools, made their debut in Irvine Bov.·l a couple of Saturdays ago. San Clemente's Adult Recreatio n Association al· ready has committed $2 .~00 as half the cost of ne\V 1huffleboard courts on clubhouse grounds. The free Musical ~1at inee \vas q uite the biggest thing ever attempted by the Arl Colo ny's music in· slructors and their pupils. and the program had been heralded in the press and in notices sent home v.•ith the students. \Vith that sort of spirit being demonstrated, it is f!bvious ho\v important the building is to ma n y San Clementeans. Larry Taylor's Service It listed such intriguing items as the All City Third Grade Flute Band and the Blue Tide Peanut Butter 1'.larching Band. along \~'ilh the high school's impressive concert band a nd a 130·voice chorus. Retiring Laguna Beach school board president I.,arry Taylor collected a lot or hardware and many kind words as he wound up 11 years of service to the parents and children of Laguna Beach. The plaques. trophies and commendalions \\'ere ,,·ell deserved. First elected to the sch ool board in 1958, he wa s l\vice re·elected, taking time out only to work on establishment of the Saddleback Junior College Dis- trict. As a trustee and board president, Taylor'i; ap- proach to his often thankless task was one of totaJ dedi· From a musical point or vie v.'. the concert \Vas a great success. The youngsters performed \Vilh verve and unexpected skill . Unfortunatetv. the effort \Vas wasted in the self· styled culturaJ hlib of the Orange Coast. The audience in the 2500·seat Bo\oJI numbered a sparse 300-nol even one famil)' member for each participating chil d. ;\pparently the folk s had heller lhings to do wit h their Liine than listen to a lot of am ateur n1usie. Said one horn·loting tot. seeking directions to lhe stage. "'My mom just dropped me off and I don't kno\v which way to go." The story of youth in Laguna Beach'? s 'Beautiful Contract' Jtlea1is lnflatio1i 20 Million Results of Union Demands To I.he Ed.it.or: You work for a ccmpany wl'me union doe.11n't do a thing for you ei:cept collect high monthly dues. Every few years their Vt!l"f high salaried leaders have to justify thtir existence -Ml they make a show· in& at fighting for more and more monies and better wo rking conditions. Just what do they aCC()mplish? Tht employes are given a new contract that looks beautiful. It is great except for one small detail . The butcher. the grocer, the baker, etc. each have also rec,lved a ''beautiful contracl" By IM. time the idea runs full circle, you re alite lhat you have t.aken t~·o sleps backward and once again your dollar has slipped in ill buying power. JIOWEVER, EACH Ume another prob· lem hl.!1 to be added . Be<:au.!le. the com· pany thal you work for exists only because. of thousands of investors who in· si.st upon dividends ea ch y'ar. 5Clme cor· ners h•ve to be cu l. The trouble is that this time it is YOUR JOB . The nex l time your union leaders suggest that you dtmand more and more, Mailbox \ Letters from Teadcr.J ore welcome. Normally writers shou ld conve11 their messages tn 300 words or less. The ri ght to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is 1reserved. All ltt· ters m11.5t include sig11af11re and mail- i"ng addrt.ts. but namts may be with· held on Tequ esL iJ .tuff1cie.nt reason is apparent. Poetr11 will not be pub· lishtd. I su ggest that you (I.) kick him out of of- fice and ~2.) tak' a trip to your nearest unemployment off ice and say t o yoursel ves , "There b1.1t for the gra ce of God, go 1." G. J. KOVACIC IJ 11eo11•tl 1 utlo11ol. To the Ed itor. l ¥.'as surprised lo read In the DATLY PILOT editorial (June 14) suggesting taxpayer·s supporl for private and parochial schools. Jn the case of parochial schools, it wou ld be in violation of our Constitution which clearly spells out the separation of church and slate. Countries such as Holland that su pport religious schools. show us a picture of fragmented education. \vllh each dcnQm1nation ha ving its o"'" small , understaffed s\'hooJ. 110\.\' 00 THE tax1>a~ers of Cal1fom1a feel about d1gg1ng ur an additional $40 million lo subsid11.r pn\'ale school pupil.~" Parochial educa1ors have always sought to frighten us with !he threat of fl ooding public schools w11h their students if they could no longer find the support to keep their schools open. In cities where parochial schools have closed lhc transferring s1t1dcn!s have i>E'rn wclcom· ed by public schools with very l1l1le in· creased cos!. \.\"e ean fll'1thrr afford to s11h~1d1zc parochial schools nor would lt be con· stitulional. i\IHS. ~1AHK A. PJN!!;S Some Things We Could Skip Things we could do Vt'ilhoul: '"His"' and "her'' chair recliners. Scare articles on the popuh1tion ex· p\oslon. Gem-studded identity Lags for pampered pet dogs _ Psycholo~ica l rxplanat1ons of why more middle · aged m'n than v.·omen st i l I like to fly kites. New ways to lose weight '"u if by magic" nr to keep trim and "fit as a tiger" by exercis- ing only 31·1 min- utes every day. Any ntw kind of amusement for people under ~O. They are already in danger of being amused to dealh or exhaustion. Any fonn of auto racing. PEOPLE \\1-10 A.RE n1ore stirred to Indignation by cruelty lo animal~ than by cruelty to child ren . Any more night talk 1 how 1 on televlalon durin g which ramous guests 1how bad taste by e1am1ning lheir moral freckl~ on camera. Any more ta1e1 on anythin g. Martini• with a ra110 of more than ~ to I. Girls who wed 1impty because a hus· band ii handy to have around when they want to be zippered up lo go ou t. All marri•&e.!I performed in weird ---- Wednesday, J une 23. 1971 T1lt cdfll>rlol pagt •I th. Dally Pil-Ot 11ek1 to inform and .s111n. ILlak!. rtodtt1 b..-pru1ntin" thi1 M101poPf1"• opinion.s and com- mt:"N.ta~ °" topic• of interest and 1ignificmice, b11 provfdtng a forum f or Ul.e expreuion of our rttxUra' opinions. and b~ presenting the divtrlt tritw- polnU of fnform.td ob1trVttr1 and 1pokt11Mn on topic• of the dau. Robert N. Weed, Publliber r -· ; Hal Boyle . . I ...... U.Jo. ---•-.-.__ .,.._ .. , "•, V places or whllf' lhe participants are doing un11su11) lhings -such :i~ skin di~·ing, touring a gold mine, or "·ater skiing. DIG GAi\1F. h11nters who shoot wild buf. £110. lions and elephants simply in orde r to have in their trophy room a bigger sturfed head th an the ir own. Three-tnne iiport shoes. Guys "'ho bleach a stre11k of blonde in lheir dark hair in the deluded hope this will 1nake !hem look e:<cit1ngly young. Girls who do the same thing in t.he ad· ded belie f this v.·i lt mU.e them look desperate ly attractive. Babi's who wait un til the middle of the night lo have. an attack of hiccups whtn, Gun Controls Press Con1ments Sidney, Ohio, Gua Week: "For loo long now. our permissive sociely has stood aside while the criminal element has run rampant -killing, maiming, robbing and rioti ng -and the only solu lion I.he anti· gunnerll can come up with is gun con· lrols. It ls unrorhJnale. that the basic tool of iiome criminals is a gun, but we cannot expect to reform the criminal by deprlv· ing him of that tool -beceu!t he will not be deprived. Ex perience. ha11 shown that the only people deprived of guns b!' gun control law1 are. the I aw -ab Id inc citlu:ns ... '' Belton, Te1as. Jour11al : "A wise 1ug- ge&lion has been made to move the Paris peact. talks to the Di\1Z In Vietnam. The advant ages would bt obvious. If yo u "'tre stationed In Parll!, with all experuies paid, would you be In 1 hurry ' On lhe othe r hand, ii !he negotiators from both sides v.'ert Rllllnfl'. ou l lh,re 1n lhe midd le ()f things. somehow the talks "'ou1d be #C· celer11trd. Not everythin,11' could be selll'd at onc-e, but it is a Rafe gu~ that a ~Ilse· flre cou ld be arran~ed r11lher protnp!ly." if they had any sense of human coopE>ra· llon or f1l1al rrspon~ibil1ty, they could hiccup 1n the middle of the afternoon. '\'!\'ES \\'110 can·1 read a modern ::;f'ic manual "·1thout then forci ng their hu.~band to quit wa1ch1ng "Honan1.a" and go sit on the sora and rrad !he OOok too Winter t"<Jld~ 1n sun1111er and :-.un1mer folds In 1-1'1ntcr. Golf!>rs who <11lend funerals onl v lo brag about their late~\ score. · People '-l·ho buy something: they don ·t need merely heca11 ~e the price of iL 1-1•ent up since !he d11~· b£'fnre :yes terday -and may t.'OS1 e\ rn more lnmurrow Bus syslcn1s lhat n1:1ke ihc rider~ pul !hi'.' exatt change 1n th(' fare hox. l\rxt thing you kno"' the passe nger "'ill be ell'.· 1:ieclcd to sil in the driver's lap and stee r the bus. DULL. RAZOR blades and duller com· edians. Girls with see-through blouse!) "'ho aren't v.•ort h looking aL If'! alone seeing through. A cat that refuses the food you orfer 1t, then sits and stares reproachfully at you as you eat you r own mea l -as if il thought you were a seH1sh ~lutton . Listening lo a pompous high zchool graduation speaker tell the class to "li ve dangerously." Is thrre any other possible way fflt' the1n to live in this century? ~rom the se and other do-w lihouts, deliver us, Amen. Dear Gloo1ny Gu s Slnc:t the new state law 1-1•as passed making spaying of c111s mandatory. thousands or kilten!I a.re being put lO sleep at the. S.P.C.A. Please. can"! you r ne"''" paptr help us find homes for them bv running "free to you" ads free of charge? -C O'N. Tiii• M•turt rttlt<f'I Allftn" Vl•wt. "" "-••n••O• n.o.. ., .,,. MWVl,.r. kfHI •twr 11! "'vi M GIOll!IW Gu .. Di ll• l"IHol. More Eligible Voters i11 '72 r · Guest R eport Under the ground rules, presidentia l politics American style is quite a polllical blast. In \'iew of the awesome pov.·er of the presidency, the ground rules are such that none but the skilled politically upon v.•hom Providence has beslo~·ed a blesll· ing could possibly emerge with the plum. \Vith the '72 race already \\'Cll un· rter"'ay !he changing election process and the C"hang1ng electorate offer politica l analysts a delectable study. Jn 1972. the Census Bureau report s. ihcrr. will bl' about 140 million peoplr or voling age a~ opposed to a titlle unCer 120 million eligible persons in 1968. the last lime around. FASCINATJNG TO studenL<; or the ('l c1.:t1on prOt:C'SS is the facl that thrrr \\'ill be 25 mll!lon first time young voters in 1972-some 11 million newly enfranchised teenagers and around 1 ~ mill ion youn~ people ~·ho will have made Jt to 21 by 1972. 111,eh on any obser\'Cr"s \isl for study in prub1ng the game of presidential politic~ 1s the C\'ent IC'rml'd a prec;1cfrn!i11I prrfrrenre primary, in which 1n snmr .states under various rules the candutatco: arr pit!rd a,eainst eaeh other. or may p1l lhen1srl\'es against one and annthrr. in tt1e search r0r convention \'oles to gain a part y'~ presidential non1inat1on. ·in 1968 lhl' primary tipproarh to \\'in· T1111~ dclci;ates was practiced in li states and the District of Columbi a. In 1~72 THE lineu p to date of prcs1rlen- l1al prima ries ha.!I <'limbed to 23 slates and the District of Columbia 'fhe new stale preference primary hurdles which presidenti al contcnrler~ mu~t rope v.·ith are · Alaska . Rhode lsland , Alabama, Arkansas. N or t h Carolina. 'f('nnessee. f\-1ary land. Ne w ~fexieo and Ne1v York. All of the orcsidential prim11ry election !ilates and the dates for their elections arC'· Al11ska . February 29 : New llampshire and Florida, March 14; Illinois. t-.1arch 21 : \\'isconsin, April 4: Rhodr J ~land. Apri l 11: Massachusetts and Pennsylvaniti, April 2S; Alabama, lht- Dislrict or Columb ia, Arkansas. Ind iana, Ohio and North C11rolina, May 2; Ten- nessee. May 4: Nebraska and Wesl Virginia. May 9; Maryland. ~fay IG; Oregon. May 23: CaUfomia .. New ,Jersey, New 1'.11.'xico and South Dakota, .June fi; New York. June 20. LOOKING AT TH E elate!! and the geog raphic spread or the slates in\•olved. and considering the num ber of delrgates represenl<'d in the preference primary :1tate..~. it is C'lear to see why successful presidential 11ominees must be possessed of rtmArkable agility, not to mention slamin a. Just one of thl' fasci nating new bits ln !he procrss is the fact that the state or Alaska h11s rlecided to supplAnt New Ha mpshire 1-1·ith the first pres idential primary. lt"~ no accident. of rour11e. And 1t dor$ con11ire up a wonderful piclur, of cand1d11tcs winf!ing from Anchnrage to !'llanchC'strr tn Juneau lo Concord -all for lhP ps)chologic11.l lift of .,..•inntn K State! having I total of 7 Olil O( 538 ele<:· toral college \'Oles! Califor nia Feature Service 'Help/ I'm •bout to be devoured by• mozaterr The Revolution Of Relationships If you lry to look around at each prob lem in isolation today, you can't really see what's going on ; all seems to be con fusion. chaos and contradiction. In llenry James' phrase. the re is no "figure. in the car· pc!" But if you i>lep back a few paces, and try lo oblain a litUe perspective of time as "'ell as dis- tantt, then you be· gin to stt the reg· ular pattern running through the whole: carpel of conten1porary problems. AND THIS JS \\'llAT I \VOllld call the. revolution of r'latlonship5 . Thrre is a revolution going on today, bul it is multiple revol ution. not like the si ngle rev olu tions of the past. The new revolution is not politi ca l, or social, or econo1nie, or moral, but a grneral ttueslioni DX of relalionships. Every established re.lationship, in every significent area, is being questioned today ; nothing is taken for granted. The re.lationships belv.•een old and young, black and 1-1·hite, rich and poor. man and woman. warden and prisoner, church and communicant, doctor and patient, studenL and teacher -in each case. reforms are not merely demanded, but the ~·hole essentia l na1ure of the relationship is undergoing a basic reappraisal. ANO TH.IS l\tULTIPLE revoh.Jl!Qn i~, !or the f1rl\t tune in h1:>tory . a "'Orld-Y.1Ur one-students 1n France and Japan reel ~.4 r-;~·.... . ' ..... ,...,. ·¥:"?-.,...~ t$'f&~ ' ' ~"'> · ~.·s;y. ·du. ~)' ·r 1~ ·.,I· ..... • • 'J.arrt'Fl'~"> ' .. ·' :~~ '· I~,I..,,,,. '_..,-' al one v.•ith their fellow ·studcnt s in 1he U.S.; churchgoers in Hol land and Italy are asking the san1e questions and grap. piing ~·1th the san1e issues as l\lethodlsls in 101\a and Presby terians in Vermont IL is a revolution, moreo\•er. that goes far beyond r.larxism or any other idcoloi::y of our century. ll is existential in its thr ust. for it questions cur r' n l relalionshlps on a personal basis. PeoplP. v.·ant lo belong to themsel\·es. and not lo some abstract system o u ts id e th emse.lves; lo ha•·e human 111 r: considered as an ··organism," not as a mechanism. THIS JS \\'HAT mRkr:s Ille mo1·ement nev.· and uniquely different in lhe history or mankind. culting acro~s all previoul\ Jines of loyalty and .authority and tradi!ion . PC'nple arC' a~k1ng 1hat. for thr first time. they be defined In lerms O[ their esscnlial humanit y, rather than as fu11clions of ~oC'iety. The revolution in relationsl11p.'i has no philosophy. iust a fai1h -that "'e mus!, now and hel'e, re1hink and re11ork lhe ''ery fal>nc of soCJPly. so tha1 the parts run for rhe sake or !hf' Y.hiJll'. and the. \\'hole runs for the sake or the parts. So that we are sec11re a~ persons, but free as individuals-a dou l)Je task that no human society has bt'<'n big enou gll or bold enougb or good enoug h lo tackle up lo no~·. Tivo arid a Half Books \lihen you think of "The Third Man·• you lhink of the zither theme , the :-,ardonic smile or Harry Lime (Orson \\lelles) and the long, long ~·a!k by the girl (Al ita Valli ) away from the fro1.en graveside. lt is a visual \\'Ork, and Gratiam Greene wrote it that way, originally as a script for the Carol Reed movie fl!H9). The producer, Sir Ale:<· ander Korda, wanted a story based on the. rour·power occupation of Vienna , but Greene offertd him a thriller set in im· mediate post-war Vienna. Tht chemi~try worked on film . Greene himself writes that "The Third Man ·• was never written lo be read but only to be seen. He. should have left it at that. DURING A RECENT debauch, a Vt'in· nowing through "Triple Pursuit: A Graham Greene Omnibus," l read "The Third Man" for the first time. LilUe more than a Iona:Jsh story (75 pages), it does not hold up. Harry Lime remains a shadowy figure as t.he penicillin black· market racketeer, complete with tongue. in-cheek sophistries, but the work is the least convincing of Graham Greene 'i! entertainments. He had had the script: the story wa s clearly an afterthought. So thl!! olhe:rwlse fine Omnibus should be labeled "two and a half books in one volume:," not "thrtt1." To make it 'three" the: editors might have added ''The ~1lnistry of Fear." TIIE 011lERS A-RE marvelous Gm!ne, however. "This Gun for Hire" (1936 ) and ··our ~1an in llavana" I 19SO). tM first portrait of 1 prorcssiona\ k.lller that open.' w)lh a line lhat won't let you go ('1Murder didn't mean much to Ravr.n; 1l wa~ just 1t new job,"): the .i;econd i• a particularly comie example of the 1uspen~e genre . Both c11n stand a r'reading ~I'm think· Ing or summ,r), as can ilmllar col- The Book.Juan 11'.'ctions in this "Omn1h11s'" format representati\'e works 1n a single volume by Ross Macdonald. Dashie l llamrnett and Raymond Ch11ndler come to mind. A. debauch indt.ed if one tossed these uncut gems into a low·slung hammock. Even in ''The 1'hird ~1an'' yo u ctin close your eyell and recall .Joseph Collon an d Welles in that Viennese fun park and the haunted look of Valli. You could even whistle the theme (Viking: $6.95!. William Hoaaa B11 George --- Dear George : I have a tendency to be terribly jealou~. A friend or mine, with less job experience than I have, just gol a $35,000.a-year job ~·Hh a huge ex· pense acrount. T"m so e.nvl oll.!I I could k.ick him : How can I overcome lhis~ W.R. Dear W.R.: Develop a more nutgolnc personalily. 8 e phllosopllical. Assume your break will also come:. Co lo your fnlend and with every bit of sincerity al your command offer your he1 rUe!t congratulations to the flnky, smart·aleck upstart. !$~.0001 Boy! Some of thett punks get all the breaks, don 'l they? l (For dlfricutt answers lo simple rrohlem!I. write lo George. Hm. ThA I lltf'm!I to b~ bACk\\'&rd. Oh, \\'ell , •. M does (;eor,:ie.) ., ' " ·' the ly ap- ·sl.' I. "'' gy its "' pie tn ,, f' a '"' ocy ous nd the nf " "' st, the rts the So "' "° nr op me ell .A "' con ton od "" .. ' ~ I ( CHECKING •UP• More Real Blo11de Gals Colo1· Hai1· By L. J\1. BOl'U C0:\1PARE an.v g 1 \ r n number of r,atural blond!'~ 10 the i;ame number of n;itur;i l brunett('S ,\1ore of tho~t· blondrs than those hn1nrllt>S 1o1 ill tint their ha ir. That 's a slati stic<tl fact Recent studies now sho••: v>'hY Blondes ~tnrt lo turn gray al a tar f·nrlicr age than do bruneues. A,\I ASKED \\'HAT Jtsh is apt lo JUtnp hlgh~st whl'n hooked. That \1ou!d ~ the Mako shark ... ANOTllEH THING about i'\ a p n Iron Bonaparte. he had a gold- plated toothbrush , d (In · t overlook !hat TH F: I "':1~ stunned lo find I was the 1111!y rnan a1nonp \"~ 16 1·11uples there Who d1rl not fully expei:t to spend the rest of the 14t't!kcnd vdth "llrnebodv ebe'.!I v.ife . Does your Love a·nd \Var rnan apµruv e''" No. our l. & \\' 1nan lrown~ on th<11. too. 11c·s pre!!~· devout about ln\c, vou kno11'. the rP;1I 11rt1- ('!r S~ys his long associ:ilion ll'illl ~al'\'Y prnfcssionals !rads llirn to belie\'e .v11u st11n1hled 1ntn a philosophical po1·1•r!y pocket of moronic amateurs. THESE GUYS ARE REAL OPERATORS Tom Bopp (left) Steve DaMet1 Plug In R e al 011 e 1·ato1·s T1 vo llf <iles Man Phones Y.Jtdnt~l1, June 21. 111 71 OAfl V PILOT 7 Res-piratory Ills Linked to Narcotics CHICAGO (AP) -An Army litrmany reputedly comes materials on org.1n1 other btrore they can be declared research te111n which has lrom the ,_.1 1ddle Ea~t oind than the nevrious system war· harmleu "as m.any ol JtJ pr«i>- studied men who have used t-.led1terr.1nean areas and is _,._,_"1_f_"_'_1_h_e_r_;_,_'_"_1_;&_•_1f_on __ pn_n_•_n1_•_c_ra_;_m_._ .. ____ _ h<1shish reports a11 apparent readily available fro1n 1lllcit connection bt>t"een continua! sourees. use of the drug and Tht-prire in \.\'est Germany respira1or~· problen1s. 1.s low as compared to the They reported in the June 21 price 111 the t.:nited States. issue cif !he Journal of the the~ said. a!though its use in American f..1edi cal Associa!ion the Ln1Led SI a I es is that JI .voung n1en who used .. purportedly lnereasing due to !he (irug 111 G e r 111 a n y irnporlation from abroad and dt'veloped irr1tc1l1ons of the the increasing social ac- rl'spiralory traf"t. "thereby ceptance " p r1Jvidin~ a rnl'rhanis1n £or thf' The\' found !hat bronehial dl'\'elopmenl of bronch itis and r o 111 ·p I a1nls predon1inattd sinusitis.,. among the hashish users. And Thr rt'port 11as prepared b.v all the users reporttd that Dr. Forrst S. Tennant J r. ur roughing and breathing dif- the U. :l. Arn1 y Hos pilal 111 ficulties began three lo four V.'urzhurg and lJrs. l\1crte Pre-months follo wing reg u I a r blr. Thon1as J . Prender~nst hashish u~r <ind Paul Vl'nlry of the US. Ant1biolies 11•err not E'r- Army l!osp1tnl In Franklrut feclive, the doctors said, and The young ~oldiers stationed onlv a decrease tn the use ol l in \\1e.~t Gern1any "Smoked ii-hashi sh would appreciably 1n1- J1cJ1 hashish 111 cnonnous prove the patients• respiratory! quantities O\•er a period of symtpoms. several n1onths" <1nd related The pat1f'nl s frequently were their habit to l'erlain n1edical disabled from their compla1ntsj con1plaints. thr doctors 1\'rolt'. to the point \'.'here they would The Gls reported having u~4 not v.'ork. and rour \\'ere ed Ill(} gran1s 'Ir more mnnth!y J1ospi1alizt·d. for ti to 15 monlhs -qu;in-1\lany o! the pa!1en!:> also 111ies 1rrmed "prodigious" by rf'porled nasfl ! and lhroal ir- the doctors. ntations. and 01hers report ed Ha shi.~h. like n1ar1 juan<1 . is asthn1a. skin f'ruption.s and ac- derived froni the h<'nl p plan! ne and abdon11naJ cran1ps and but 1s 1nade of the n1ore poll•11l diarrhea. resin al !hl' loµ nf !he planl. Desp11c the 1ncd1cal pro- 11·hile marijuana is n111df' of blen1s tha1 the hash.sh af)- I UNDI!" COUHTl!I MO DILS as low as 1 ~s22a . Cunonl frtchenAid models, not "stripped down" or "sale" model1. Su pply Limited Hurry! While there'• a rood selection! BRAIN SURGEON, 1L·s s;tld . needs less ~kill th t1n the surgeon who .spC('iaJ11e.~ 111 repairing da1nai;.e1I h111na11 hands ... i\lUST ALSl) Nl)Tt: the most popular fla\"or nr sugar-l'oated n1ed ieinal pill 1s orange . . . SI~1PL E as it sour1ds. if you 111ant to lo~e v•eight. JU.St eat 1)~ sa n1e thinq e1·ery da~. That's Jo;in Crawford's counscL Cl!ST0.\1ER SEll\'ICE : Q. '"Didn't Red Skelton learn his c lowning from his lather'' .. A. f\'o! exactlv. Tur rider Skf•llo•1 11·:1~ a ci rCus cln11·n all ri.qht. hut he died two n1on lhs before Hed 11·;.is born ... Q ... Is 1t a fact people aclu>l llv grt heart ;tl \acks as a rrsul1 of ~tatic rlrl'lricity .'lhnck lro1n syn- ll~tic carpels'.'" A. ;\led1coes say it's nflt !he shock. it's the apprl'hen~ion. 1)0;\"'T K.\"O\\' v.h:i l 1·ot1 do. sir. 11hile wait in~ lor ·!he ladvfrirnd to gc! back lo rhe 1:itl!t» but 1 son1eti1nes 1te1nizr lhe labels on rest r·ooms. I .;1dies and 1?cnllcn1en. ;\1en and wornen. Guys and Do!Js. H•.~ ;ind H1>rs_ Herr('n <1nd Frauen Laddies and Lass1Ps. H1a11:1tha and ~l 1nnehaha . Kin g and Qu~n. Jack and JllL HerP she comes. good But .:!id I miss any".' Tonl Bopp and s 1e 1, e spite o! !he "hangup:;." the entire plan! Hashi~h P,.~r,.d•.nt~:,:a~~red1.h .. lh~s:rocs l~~·s. usually smoked in a pipe ll'hllc .. "" ~. u ~ " ~ ~ .. Da ~1etz are find ing their new Bopp is a sophoniore at marijuana is comn1only smok-pressed a desire to abstain. professi~n ot being Lell'phone Orange Coast College and ed in cigarettes. The Arm y doctors said lheir !i40-71J1 opl-'r<1tors in Laguna Bc;ieh Da.\1etz 1s a senior at Cal The Arn1y doe!ors said the ob~ervalions indirate that the COSTA MISA tias lls "hang ups.'' usually ,_S~t':a~te'_'_f~of~lc~r~to~o~.------~h:as~h~is~h'_~m~a~rk~e~te~d:__~;n'_~W~e':sl'_~'~ff~e~ct~s~n~f~h~a~•~h;~s~h~•~n~d~c~e~\,~t~ed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= about 1hree or four a day. THE \'OUNG FELLt)W and his wife <!id11·1 kno1~ anybody in tha! New Jersey cily So the~' wenl lo a eon1pu1er dating f1rrn "h11·h al5o ad· 1·ertised it 111a1rhed up (·orn· palible couplr• already m<1r· ned. Tn find brid,1t e foursornes. To segrt·gale th" raC"ists fr nm the 1n- tegrationisti::. To put lugelht'r bo11·ling tean1s To divide the drinkrrs from the teetotalers. So on. "Tll'n weeks later 11 e altend~d a Friday nighl partv arr1111ged b\' !hat enn1putrr.'' the young fel1011' 11·rites, "and 1\lissoul'i OKs Dl'aft lUeasul'c \\IASHINGTON !UPI ) ~lissouri's approal of the pro posed co nslitutional an1endment to give 18 year olds the right to vote in H 11 elections brings tn 33 the nun1her of states ratifying. Ul\'DERSTAl\'0 a 1\l1ss Tn- rn a in e teaches home economics in Aston. Pa. Rernarkable: \\'ouldn't do 1n nomina!e; her for the Proper Job <.:li1 b. hov.·e1 er Ar\'OTllER {)('CUpat1nnal ~·lrt cf inan 11·ho gets a part1eu!t1rly lov.' rating 111 1hose mascu!in11y lests is sa id to be that pro- fessional panhandler knov.'n as the fund raiser. 1'ol•r qHestions and l'Onl · 111e11L~ arr 1ve/co1nt.d and 1vill be used 111 CHECK/NI. UP 1L"l1 e1·pver poss i b I e. Please 11dd1·ess your letters 10 T.. Al. Boyd, P.O. Box 1875. /\'u;port Beacll, Ca/1· for1ua .92660. The lwo collegt' students are lht' first nl:1lc IJj}('ratnrs 10 11·ork 111 tl1e 1.agun;>. lk:irh Gene~al TelphonC' t'o. rx- change. Some customers, a bit shocked 1rhen a deep male \·nice a n s 1.1· <' r s . "0\)f'rator. 1na,\ 1 help yuu~ .. hal'e hung up 1rithout a 1\·ord Other prople :i.~k "1\rt' th~ girls on s1rike?" and some praise the male operators a 1ang11ards of "!\1en ·s Libera· t1011 .. Hoth Bopp ()f Cori1no del !\tar and O;i.\le!z or ll un - tington Be aeh report lhPy :ire happy 1vith their ntw Jobs. in Newport Grad Kurt Uhler. son of Mrs. Helen U. 11cf'arland. 1726 Candlestick Lane, Newport Beach is a recent graduate of Prineipia Upper &hool, St. Uluis: r-.10. NOW IN ORANGE COUNTY Ted's FOR VALUE Yau will nol be sold up at Ted's. These ore absolute prices. No price lead- ers ... no fricks ... just the wor ld's best values on quality suits, sportcaat~. and slacks. NONE HIGHER YOU CANNOT PAY MORE THAN FOR A SUIT AT TED'S FOR VALUE Fully lined, hand-tailored, modern styles all wool and 2 pant suits. none over $59.99 . ASLDW AS $39 99 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NU SP ORT COA)' OVtR .::::, $39 All sizes, beautifully ta ilored. Full y lined all wool and wool blends, all colors. lotesl sfyle sport coats. Inc. summer we ights. AS lOWAS .............................. LATEST STYLE SLACKS Including 100 % Polyester Double Knit:.,, $ ) 499 AS LOW AS $7.H 11t1111 l!I!!!!!!!!! v.:::.~ liiiii C .':'"i or CASH D~IN DAil Y 12 TD 9 SAT. 10 TO 6 ·SUN. 12 TO 6 RETAIL LIKE WHOLESALE PRICES Holds shape longer than all colt on. Heal reSJs!ant elastic. 011 sho1 t~. If there 's a better value than Penneys underwear, it's Penneys underwear on sale. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sale 3'0'255 Reg. 3 for 2.98. Towncr1tt • T4 shirts, b riefs, shorts or a1hletic shirts of Fortret• polyester/colll'ln. Cut to ~erineys own rigid apecifie11ion1. Arr M~~1"1e washable. Wear longer, feel more eomforiable. Siie prlc" effective through S1tur4t1y. .,,.... neckband• on all ahirts. Reinforced I crotc.n...,.,., l\nne'f• 1 'he values are here every day. C.HAl'tGE THESE VALUE.i; A T YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STO#fE! ' • S -OAILV PllOT 'DMl Asked With Reagan Tax Reform Pla11 Offered SACRAPttENTO (AP) J)emocratic leader, of Hw Aaumbly say they •re "'i\ling to trim another $500 million out or their $1 .6 billion tax reform bill if Gov. Reagan will approve the rest of the massive lax shift plan. cut proposed in<'Of"lll• .l:~x <'red.its for renters by ()rte-- third to one-hall. Republi('"an leaders trying to talk Reagan into actfpling, would also include the spen· ding limits sought by the flepublican governor on local government, a device intended lo keep property taxes down once they are reduced by tax l't'form. Murderer Vents Rage In Court Firms Rally -Ba~ker Pollution Faceoff Near? SAN FRANCISCO CAPl -defeat Prop 18. the so-called v.111 spend milliont tryinJ California's major ctirporate "ch~t\n air amendment." scare Califomian11 into vo pollutrrs are 11:11.thering an v.·hich v.·ould have permittrd agiunst it." he said. LOS ANGELES (AP) -estimated S6 million to defeat some gasoline tax funds to he Stark said he also learned When judge accused him of the Clean Environment Act.on u!!ed for mass transit. rather kl nei1l June's primary ballot , th a'l hintnvays only. mi/Ii.on was already .al\ocat ma ng fate3 and 5houting in "' rt Ch '°ay,, maverick banker Fortney Oil ,.,..,nipan·ies. auto clubs. to a Republican campai "'" , .,1., '!0 •son tore • -. " "'' H. "Pete" Stark. firm, which he did not name t button from bis shirt and high.,.'<lY engineers and other The latest gambit for com· promise ~·ould eliminate all new school finance money rrom the lax rtform bill and The compromise would still raise state sales and income taxes by 1nore than SJ billion a· year to pay for reductions in property taxes. but renter t•x credits and extmptions worth up to $70 per fan1ily each year would be trimmed. But Assemblyman J o e Gonsalves of La f\-li rada, chiel author of the Democralk plan, said Den1ocrats still are firnl· !y against any change in the formula ror granting property tax relief. The issue is shaping up as a special i n 1 ere st s "are conduct a statewide survey threw it at the i·udge. " · f t t. bet major con ron a ion ween f h voter at11tude and pl•n an "We ain 'l started yet," the laq~e c or po r a t e interest~. frightened by the scope o I e Danny, our first star, is back' June 23 thru July 13 The new compromise, "'hi ch Thal is lhe principal dif· fcrence bet\\·een the Gonsalves bill if the latest compromise 1s accepted and a Reagan-backed plan blocked by Democrats last year. The Gonsalves plan ~·ould eliminate all property taxes on a home worth $10,000 and ex· . elude that much of the. value of more expensive homes from the tax rolls. Each following year. beginning with the 1972· 73 fiscal year, the Gonsalves bill "·ould exclude another $400 In market value from lhe tax rolls. " Id wh1'ch want to -nt1'nue <Om-.~C~le~'~"_;F~C•.•v.ic~o~n~m~e•n•t •A•c~t.;..a•n•d -o~p~po•s•it•io•n-'.;;a.,m~p-ai~gnim. iiiiiiiim T I I o)<J"year-0 murder defendant ... v e ep l00C said Tuesday a! he was drag. mittinit atrocities. and the' e\'eryday citizen fighiing for ged to a holding cell. lift." the president of Securi!y Rate Boost Pttanson'.s button bounced National Bank told attorneys har mlessly off the head of a at the Democratic Forum clerk sitting in front of the Tuesday. GiVCll Oka y bench. 'fhe Clean Environme-nt Act Manson W • t d f includts a halt on nt'"' 1 as eJec e rom SAN FRANCISCO IUPl l _ t offshore oil drill ing, a fh•e-cour many times during the year moratorium on ne\\' The Pacific Telephone Con1-long trial that ended last nuclear po~'er plants and a pany wa s granted permission !\larch in death sentences for ban on DDT and other Tuesday lo increase its rates him and three women con· agricultural poisons. It also by $143 million a year, the victed of the se\'en Sharon provides for phasing out l<'ad-Tate murders. eel gasolines by July I. 1976. highest in the utility's hisU>ry. The latest ouster came dur-"California has become the The 9 percent rale increase · h · environmental battlefield of 1ng a earing after Superior was still less than the $19~ Court Judge Raymond Choate the \\'Orld." Stark declared. ml!lion the con1p<1ny had ask· ordered separate trials for ''The 11·orld is watching lo see cd the California. pub I j c Manson and two other men ac· \\'ho wil l win ." I Uli lilles Commission 10 ap· cused of murdering a Malibu Stark , an oulsJklkcn ecology musician and a movie activist, said he learned from prO\"e. stuntman. The other two men an opponent of the en· Increases to subscribers will charged in the ca~e. members vironment act. ~'horn he would · ' I See by Today's Want Ads ~t:id~...,":::;~ • lnvl'S: tha! ~xtTa summer iMl\'in&;s on il 77 gallon Pen1co, Vt'I')' s1len1 ·ttuor· f'SCt'm J1gh1. 11.nd many hsh. •\\"hat!~~ You caii't l"Wim! 111'1-e"s iilll experienced. qualified P.~J Ct"O!~ ·waler sa fl'ly 1ns1 ruc1or ""ho \vill icach you how. Pnva1e or family lesson! in her pool., • Tunt in and Turn on with a !':!erro tape deck l n d i;pcakers1 ! ! ! ! The Reagan plan had a $6.000 total market value ex- emption from property taxes. plus 20 per cent of the value of homes above that figure. it {::( ~ E 111er gene')" range up to SI a month. of ~1anson 's hippie·style clan, not identify, that corporations Higher rates "•ill hit !he are Bruce Davis, 7, and plan to spend mu'ch more than ~S~t~ep~h~•~n~G~c~o~g~an~·~'°".':-·~~~~_':'m~•~l~350:"':·~°"''."..''~P'':".nt~la~s:t2y~e~ac~to~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ average customer in major 1• / DftHMT TllOMft~ waiter popp at the piano I ~ONNI( rorHEJ DIAL DlllECT TOLL FREE P'Oll HOTEL IESEIYATIOHS 800..648-6901 Start your las Vtt:l5 weekend with a r:reat &oursnet Dilitht! SATURDAYS•SUNDAYS FUN BRUNCH All you c111 enjoy witll Ch1mpa1n1$2.75 /10 AM to 2 PM Fund Plans Prepared SACRA1\1ENTQ I AP) -The man 11ho pays Ca lifornia"s bills said today "'1·e might just close up shop" if the state goes past June 30 without a new budgel <>.1d no quick pro· spects of getting one. Slate Controller Houston L Flournoy said he is preparing an emergency plan to cope v.·ith a budget crisis for the tl'ird con~ccuti1·e year. Two fattened versions of Gov. Reagan's $6.74 billion spenrling bill have been mired in the Senate Finance Com· millee "'hi!e !he Republitan go1·ernor a n d Democratic leaders in the legislature haR- gled over such issues as "·elf?.re and tax refonn and spending. metropulitan areas. Telephone company profits will be increased by $73 million a year, but !he com- pany said this would not even provide the rate of return of 7.85 percent authorized by the PUC. However. the PUC said 1he incre2se 1vould pc rn1it the telephone company to raise its rate of annual return fron1 6.9 percent as authorized in !%8 to 7.85 percent. The com· mission said the utility \l'as actually getting 5.8 percent return on its investrnent. It said a 7,85 percent rate of return "'as ''reasonable," and LhaL a rate of return between 8.5 wd 9.5 percent, as re- quested by Pacific Telephone, "'ould have been "excessive." The telephon e con1pany ask- ed for the $195 rnillion rate In· cr.£:asc J\farch 17. 1970 and the PUC conducted a Jong series of hearings before Commissioner Vernon L. Sturgeon and Et· aminer E. F'. Catey. • Bush mills. I •; . ,. The whiskey that spans the generations gap. for JOO years, a \vhiskcy tron1 Bushmtlls has hccn \v11h us. Ch;trmrng us. Bcgu1Hng us in a smoo1 h, polished and altoge1hc1 l1ghthca1ted 1ash1on. Con1ri,1rc •ito your riresent \vh1 skcy. You needn't riurc.h asc a bonle. One si p .11 your favori1e pub '"ill ttill you \Vhy Bushmills has int1igued so m11ny gcn- crilt•ons. His, simply, out of sight. BUSH MILLS < Prove your lot. '\T~se Peri1ney ~----values will help. IO'l7' ~toroge building. RuSl -f:lro!e ct· ed bu•ld1ng of sleel dipped On molten l1nc. Avocado roof ond door~. whdt side pon~\s a nd gable Side gob le de ~1gn w•!h double ribbed woll ponels for odded strength. Penncrott® 4 H"' rotary low" mower. 21" a !um1f\um dec:k, pushbutton lubricolion, fold· .ng handle, gro~ bag. l\nne111 The values are here every day. l I I 15 genrr;it1ons ha\•e relined 11. 15 g<'ner .i11ons h.ivc sipped 1 t. l heve1J1rl r->c.1rper1e( 11011. Bu<.hr11rl 1 ~ r u!I of c.h<J1.:t cler. Ou! no1 hf'..ivy·h,1ndcd ,1bo ut 1t / l.1vor- fu L Bui nc\'('r O\('r·p01\('J111g Bu:-hniill ~. II rrflrc l ~ 1hc p.i~I \v1th J light.ind lively tlilvor lha! 1sJ\l tod,1y. FROM THI WOKU>'S OlOfST DISTIUlR'I. I Available at the•e stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newpod Center • ~~~~~-H_U_N~T_IN_G~TO~N~C_E_N_T_E_R_._H_u_n_ti_n9~l-•_n_B_e_a_c_h _P_e_n_ne~y-'s~T-im_•~P-ay~m-•~n-t_P_la~n.:__~~~~~ • " ~I ., .lh d r ' I I ' • ' \ For the Dissolu tions Of Jtlor1·ioge ,!N.t.L flECllfll 1n1t,...; Mir U l1vl'lf , M1•1f~n J1n1 t"CI llobed oe .. 1r<f lotlt•. JCYC• Dl1~t 1nl1 Ml,f\111 M.,,,,f+, ••t~Y lo,.1ln1 •nll LI'"''•"'' Vlnc.,.1 •c~1rm1n, llottr D 1n!I C•ct lll (, M 1c1,.., Niii•• Loe 1n!I R••lltll ~ C.•D!l"ou••· E11w.,11 ""~ ,.,.,..,,., O Hore••· M•te•I""' 1nd "•!~ti! Ct•Y. Jor"I Juntcr •nd Ml•"'" M11 ... (~.tu. L• .J••n 1"'1 "''"" MIJ "; M••I l •ll•~n. (,;t11 CParl<lll o •nC ll~t>tr! "'11tin111 """"'"' I .,,,,11 I 1n• E•IU I /} Gl<d"IO• ~\'''" V ond L01i1t Ott • C•t ••. ""'""' L 1n•1 n .. ., •• , E 'Yl<IJll•n .. !>~~•n & 1..0 llon,alll A 0•'•11~•11, 1"1ul•"• and D•"'~' JIC'~ Ml•ll>"I, M1•v O. 1n11 Jo•n W &••~ Vlr$1nll A. t nf\ IC•nn·~ Jonn ,..,,.,11, S•t<>~l!<l J, •"" '•I I~ A l 1n1e•. e1.11 1i. '"° W•"''"" Ltt llu•r. O..nn1 !hlO I M Af\1111' 11 llO>U t'en•Of\, Cl>t rYl Lvn" 1...i J .... • O•"•d ooaa. J 1n•r M •~a Jo1 tol'r II! \Yll•cn Eaw•n Ho,.,1ra, J • •nd !ll•b••I Lnnnell• 011. JO!fOl'r Ptll 1'111 Htltn l<•!l'r"'n k!.1n•O• ""'" H 1"1 Go e L. Mtllon, Gi ii I o•!! Jtc.t H IClllftlrflol. /,\l rll'I S!orm! Ind P~•h•p ll!o•ol'r 1r100, l v"dl S 1na '1ont lll G !O,.I••· M•rl•nt 5 end Jerri •.< Bu•\e E'v1leo e.no W1lllt m Ht!' f 01 '' J""n l t nd An~ ~rornr•\ l"•m• C. """Polo~ o ~nb~. Z•ll1n f,ent 1na OtVtd Yaun~ LCt\ M on!I 0" ~I L- (enl~, ll!utn •~II 1a1m En11,.a Junt 16 Stain;••· 1>.1rn~1 M~v •'VI Edwt ra c. , !oro1la'r, L•n~• t nd w~·" P11lv. (1ro1 Li• i••n C~~· '•• Edw1•d ll!·•:or, L•~ ~ i nn 1>nn!rl Poy• L~llert 5notrl•ne Mi r. •~a •<torv "" r,,ul Gul11,,1nn, Eld• I-'•• 11>!1 11!1vmat18 Eo"'"d -l ow1He1a. Eawora o •~a Liit Ann 011"1~. P~vl1l1 lfl ond l t • ~o~ Ha\l/e, (.,al "'"~ •"d ll!Ob••• L L•lal, Ml'Orod C end J•rr. J C l'tOODl~Q, 1(1thl11n "'"" O"d Porter Ver" ~ei~'.'J,50 7~~~.JS ·;~Jy:;,.. ~· Sl'rero. E•11"1 C. IN! ll:aN rr It M~nlr~. L''"I l.r!~ll' 1nd L1 ·11 E'l1n Eda1r, Oonn1 M 1na A!trfl'd O Hotre". Je•n •nn 1na J~t~ l1v Goc,wi". Oonn1 C 1nd ll!o!Hn E 1111 ... Jlo•~ '""~ '"a Jfr•v o~'"' !lol1n. Wllll1m Z 1nd ,s1,.n •. Glr !rd. T•e'• ~ t nd Lou I• W 5ull.-a<>, 1(1!heryn J•ln ond l!•,.ce ~·1-h••I S!•l cl'ton. M•rlo LllU'•• 1nd J1me1 • 'fre1t S'r••nr 1 ~1 ,..u• .,,,, • ••a T•I! t"•• l1•• Lal lo,.•l~e •"<I ''oDnli' W&""" c·~·· 11111,.,.,.,.•g 1 "'"' •••itn• Mc•1aaer, JDI'~ W ~nd ~o,..,.,o,v D t-nlh 1\'alires 1!1.ACl(B lJI"' Joh" I Bllckburn, 116.! ll:o~•I ~.1.., o -'" Co• • l~n• p n n• ~·«I• , • 11 IQll Sur,.,ed II• w1!• M" E,., IV l!'••'h'Jrn, ~n\. Jon" J• ol l•vl~•. J im•} " B••t•11urn, O'lln•", a •utk'"• Oo,~:~v Leo !!!••· Co>TI Mi,., Sl!rvlcel werr ~·la 1od1v, II .,,,,,,If••· I P M " "'""')•'! Cli •Ptl. ''"'~ O,. ••vmen~ I, ~-t~~ll"' '''l'••f•nO 1n1r,ri•n•, ~.;, l'!!\lf!n Memt'•\•I Po•• W!l'<llff c:""''!I Mor•u••v. t><e·•W , o ;r,:'o" Ol'lN"• Fr11<1ef'c< ~. Oc~e'. ~11 t oion"o. No.,. eo•• 80;.L • to • <' drl ~ J • ); ' ' 5·1rv•vea 1w ..-ol• L•"'l -< '· I'll I'"' Oe•er SI'•"" ""O "'""'"""''""· P..•'-~ •n<I Jell Oonr r ••""t'I rnu•·1•• l P 'I ll lov••• Mo·'u"~ c~1·•1 ""r ~~•. "t<ll•r v;, v M•,,...11'101 P•'I< l!'O'•"• Yo•tuo•v, 0 "<""'' f;lf1£, i..o 1 G•••>. ~•rmr•IV al Ln~; llt.1<~ Ct • "' ""•lk. JOJn• ,1. 191\ s,rv• •r1 nv ~·0••1•, Or l e"'I G'le1, el L•G•''I HIP1 c,,. ••!Ide •••v·-~• "'""a1v. l D M. "•<•l•c View ~rl&I Ptrl<, P1dll<. V•ew Mer1u•IY, ~l••<I<.•~. H~•o\,\ H••"•'lo HOIJI~ Hann• ~ Oll<r>Ond ~· '·'"'Jn• R•·~~ O••• o' ~-""· .J1110 \! 1•11 S' •vive<! Dv •11;11>•·1. CltUdt ><,nn;. noonew. 01vl<1 L l'~·JQ~< ".-O ;1••1 . .,,,0~-•. 01vl~ Ill , on~ S•·'~c~ .. ~,,.~ M•mn•·~I •!• .. lee• ... 1'1 !>-~•lo! <,,~,~. June ?.\, ! I> I', 1• tl'r• IJ.,·~~o• ~'I"" Crnor•~'';nnol C"ur<~ ~.,.. '" ,, ~ •'"' !~•!• ""1"f"I •e "'''" "''"'"'"" c~ntrl~vllon•. 111 .. tt •nntrll'tuto •e '"• ilm•r•<•~ Cen•·· <•· · ' HAUSMl!flf ~''"' c H,.,,,...A., """ 11 ,, ic•~ Tuvr. '"". rMt• lv'UI O••e r• d•!•k Jun• 71, 1'11 Sw•vlv•~ hV -'~"· ll:<1h!•I Hou•"'•"• •'"'"" 11";~h!.,, ..,,., v,.,1.,, "'"" C'"' IJ>~·· I•·•• or•""i•~ilctr•• ""' ~'"' o••"n'" 11 O',••v"'"• .,., .. , .. T •u·1~··1. l ,. "'. P•rol" VI•" ... ~..,.-, •• l'••I' "'''" ••v f n~re ... •"~'"'"" •"Ir' •' "'· 1111 !"·•a .. •v ,...., • ..,.,v, "'"' ••• I •'""' J ''&•!"• ~~· " •' •t'! C••'"' <• C·•·• r ••• 0•" o' ,..,,. I·"" '7 U"1 Surv•vl'<! ~y ~ " Du'" '"" T~:,.. o• '/•-" -r.····· ..... "' ~-... "" (':•v••i ••• I· • ,,,.~,, '' • • "'"' V •••• T• -~••• 1' ,.,,,.., '°'" t••· ... r,,,,,. rrol• l'O!• <•• • A• .-, ~··· • r "' II• II•••" • r•·-•• ~·· ••. f•• ... ·-"" '" •••.•• ·····-··· ....... , g,.1 """""" '" r··~ so11 t u •o !'"'"' ' ~'" .,, 6&• •I .ti T'''? .,._. ••• ··• "1fT'' ••101 !•er• C"• •• r.•·'" l· ,. 11 1•11 '>1•v .. -~· '""" .,., ........ "·r'""' !'>--r••t •• v· ,. »•"•n•• •"" J•""'' '.' •'•'"•(• <• ,. "••1• It '_, •I .,,~-.. ,, ••·-• ""'"' '·"'" ,.,, ••• ~•·'• C• ""' F ,,_ J /"•I•• ol < '"e"I """"' r···• ~"""'" .,,. v-• s1••""'''"' ~·"'• '"' ro~·• "' ,."'"' Jvn• n. 1•11 511'-~"'"~ ,.. ~ ...... "~ .. , , ... ., ~"""""' Y'" T•rrV j• "' ~'""'""" ~•u•~T@r', .,..,. E 1<r~ O• \•A•• A••· l!•v••lv I Ho' ~.,,,.. • ..,, """""" M•• ~•r••At . .S•A t11·•~•" I'll'• ~·•n~'""n•••· "'"" •·•'" -, ... ~·i.11~-,., \••vle•• '""'I t • ~··~ ~ '"' c~·~·l ~· '"' c~I"'•'· H1V•.••ra, c-•" ,,.,. . .., •• , c~·••1 &1 .~. r~1 ..... "' ... "'""'"' P••~ W•••rllll C~oc11 MO"~~.-• ._.,_~M'• O•r11<!C" WllllTS 0e"•I~ W''" )llA W, Ellltr. $10•1 ••1 01•• "' •t~ii. ;~·• "' 111• .!>•rvlc11 peAftlAt ot l>tfll\\ \/'It .-' M.c•llll "' ARBU(KLf. ~~ON WESTC:LTF"F' ~10RTUAR V 6Z1 E. l 7tb i:it.. Cfl&llt Me&a ......... • BAJ.Tt MnRTUA~IF.S r.o rnn111 iltl ~11r 117:1.fV~ll Cn~ta ~1taa '4~Z4%4 • Bf.LL BROADWAY i\fORTUARY 111'1 Brnndway. Costa Mesa LI R-3433 • McCORr-nc K LAGUNA BEACH MORTUA R'' 1795 L1gmu1 C1nyt1n Rd. 414-11-tlS • PACJF'IC VlEl" ~TEMORIAL PARK Cfmt'lery Mnrt u1ry Chapel 3500 Pacific Vtf'• Orlve Newport Rtitch. C.lifornh1 M<-tl'" • PF,:EK fA~ffLV COLONIAt. fl 'NERAL RO:\l t 78111 &ls• Avf'. Wtatmlnster Alt:t..SS?I • SMITH'S ~10RTU AR V 127 M11ln St. !'..1&.-65.'.1• I Huntlngtnn ~ach , Record r, I Father Wins Battle Boy's Drug Rap Voided '-•c·~•:.~~i ~*'' DeY•d •"d Mo.-. SAf>.'T A ANA -A Santa Ana lioned at Fl Ord. wu pre~nl tlemenl to abandon his claim DA.IL\' 'ILOT !'J • Fu·e Station Site Wilis County Okay MIU~ 1•"'"' f.!lon -ll-l!<! .. e•d h h th '" • Jh y.,,, 80,eor• ,,,,,, .. t "G ,0.,1 w man as v.1Jn IS fl'P·yf'ar w \1!~1~-~ an agrc!ment at for S3S<l.~ ~ darnage.s from ""'"""'~~ w11111m E '"" t ••G•• botll• to mak Jh G d h d • l l r "' j SANTA ANA a,.,,g• B•ach "'d h• •-•·d in prm "•11 •••· 1.vn.~11 E ·~a l'>eno:a c;. e e ar en a an Ont\• a P OC'l!l';.ungs the school distt!ct. "-" 11' " M1c11 •. ll!OV"1~na E•nt>I ... ,, (0<•11111 Grov e Unlfitri scno ... 1 Oi5•r1ct a.'"'ain·l him and nullified I Coonty , .. ,,,,,,,,, ha\'~ •P· ciple. but th~! lht. ultimat1 c.e-10~. """"•tt• l '"" jo,,,n • He earlier vacated a $1 ... ,. " ''"· v11u~~, c.1or11 ••ti! '"" No•O••• 11drr,il that his son \•:as false ly i·u 1·Pnile court action taken :i protec!Jon was for 1.11e lr'I 11ov,.,on.i -11. 1 1 i·1·• · 1 ' .:t... proved the purchase I or. ,~••I•, i,,.,_., Mt'1• ona "•'• IC •n-11rrPsted And accus,,1 ol l''.111-11 .. ainst tum following the in-mi ion .aw1u t .1...., agatns a \ "'<" J' •• I dustries whic h will occ1 "l tt.~~~~~., Jc•n E on~ ,,,a.roe• c ce11l1ng drug.!! tn hls 6Chool cident. Los Angeles law firm "'he n '-, ~I 1' "' '3~.000 of a controversial site the bu!ldl n~s and not the de MtG1""111w 11i.1m E. 1nd E<il• Leo " locker H • h 1 l 1 h I ··;·-·: 1 __ •.. ~ for a fire station Jn the Irvine Vl!lnner -He urged that 'l 11·•nn•~. •rrv F '"~ Mith••' • · e wa s la ""' en SC' lQQ o -Judge Benyard rul!!d that l I! "l.' ·-1 in~••-C•.,.a ili11" 1"" 0or11 c1n o11 w·t1 · A E I tth d 1· I 11 d Wt · f d t · lc l eoglne. fr om the prese n Jo~~.. ..,1e1,1 Lawronto. J• '"a 1 1am age 10 e a · 1c1a s ca e t'S minsttr complaint l.1cked ml!r it and I n us ria omp ex. .z~.~iiZ."u...,. 0 i nd T~...,11 J. m1s61on from d1slrict offic1a\s police lo La Qu,n:a Ii •· h contai ned insuffici ent evidence k~ ~i · · i County board Ch a i rman Orange D:lunty Airport ita:liOf t1t o""· J1m•• o ona Lrn .. F in a settlen1ent 1ch1e\'ed by School to t'Xamine drugs d th I '" t · l Rnbtrt "' Battin of Santa Ana be moved LO the new ata:tlon. ·~·~"en. r.~"'"""" "' •no r~1r1u tJ to Sl!n e. act on w rta . ~t.~~ii.,;~1'"' J••~ ""~ M1r~••! Orr1nge County Suncrinr Court a!Jt'gedly f:iund 1n the b~_v·s Eagle acc'ls~d Los Angeles -h voted aga1IL~t !hr. mov e , local inn of the 3 2 , I) I&· G•t~~e,'&~ 1.11111n eo•i..r• •~a f l'"" ,Judge Samuel Dre 1 z e: n , lo~k,,r. Laboratory workers lawyer Rn!iemary Merri! of W o Cares? ass er lin g that land ~quare.fool !Ile is on Gilltttl w., •. !'"'"' 111 ••d s~e A'" m'lr'i>n1s btfore. !ll'O 1~V.'£uJls laler sta!i>d that tht c;ipsules defamation tor what ht said l'-'o oth~r ne"•spaper 111 I.hf. de \lelr:ipers-in lh1s ('!!Se the Avenue. north nf MacArlhu1 ,,,,~,.11ttrec~ ... ,,".,no•"'••"-•v l•l•dbyth•ano,yfalhe , •. ,,, l 'ed b pol·· n I · C hold Bol d d tofR·"H•·I Mr•~rvre. l.i•a• J tan •~~ L'""' " " • r .. C'f'n JSCa< Y h .. e co -we.:-e. htt "fa lse an d "'orld c:11.re1 •bout your com-r v Jn e ompany-s u U evar an l!A5 eu ~c~'·~~t'' ~~·~··a11:;:.:.,~~~1~;.''!~~ to gn on lria! tained a whitf', p n w tier y maliciou-;" cnmmen!s tn the munity like your communit.y donale land for lire statiQns Avtnue. Tbe alte w1• •P c~••1e• F'"n" \\'tllia m Rock Eagle , 110 .... , 18 subi;tance that defied analysis. press en lhe subi'ect of daily n""·.<ri11 n~r dni>•. It~ F1f1h Dis:rict Superviwr prov ed on a 3-1 vote b1 Tr 1· • Joi•·"'~ OoV•d ona J•n" the D \f ,. F" ~r gr;>~;.~·~_-i-.ne• J••" .,n 111"'""''' _:•~n:d:_:'~':_::A~nn'.'.'.:)'...'.l~ni~c~k'._'.d~'~i'~'~''....'.'~ta~·'.__'.:E~a~g~l:•_:•~i~'~'"."':'.__i~n'._~lh~•'_~':''.:'-'._~c:'.h~'~'!8~t~A~li~le~d'._''~g~a~•~n".Sl'...'.h~is'...'so'.:n'._'-:=·=='=·="=== ~= '====='._~R:o~o:':':d:..:_. C::'.a".s~p:er~s'._~o~f _:_·':'~"c1X'~'~t-~s:"'.'P':'.'~'~1•:':':'_:Tu_::•:sd=•:Y:· --- M1r1on ." lv··y. Ch .. 11r ~coll, J•, 1<1d Jt•~n• '"•frl<ll E"ttrff J~~· l1 ll:uclt.lf. Oton11a L•• 1na Ro101o~d E vino, H1ln1 l!"eu!t """ J,,.,• P••et E:.,.u, O:uen 0. 1n~ Ro;tr ,. P ML I"•'"' CJ>•r'•' 1r~ I • ''T'lr • S!•w•"· H~"''"'• ""'" •t'O<I c11~.i .. L M•~wel!. P•rricot "'"" 1nd '"""''' Eo!,...1n! UoDflt . J(ll>n lllcll1•d ond .r,.,,,on l•• !!or" "''" •~d ..-..,,,., r l'M~J-!!l•IY l 'T\d A'ldre>' 0 r -•• ..,.n, Mu~£ ord 11cbu1 M. -•!r, I•., t ~It~'<•,.,~ f •11• JU<I• ~ c~. Pt t•icie •L al'\d Gl•n• Ill I • ·11el• M,.;r:,rv M. ond '·'"''""ti ' ( 1'1<. Soro $ •nd Gorv C~1rl11 I C"•1ev. M1De1 I lle• HoD••lr •nn Jo.,..11 \'l;~~oll l~c·rc•Ct lo~well , l!or•y Mour<n1 t nd M~rola "''"n Smdll, J•"ico Dorlont •ne .,., Oen"'' St~Yle•. Ocn•ld lltv '"" Oel>crti. 1<11 S••c"1n1. CieN~I• I" ana •••011 J '"'••dlno. Co,.ol t nd M1rv11n1 ltV!~ ~-lo·o ,• f ll0'"101 -·-~ 5•·1'"~· NOi'. Doler.• f', ond Mir"'" [, Anaheim Approves Center Funds ANAHEIM The ex- prnd1ture of sa million to ex- pand the Anaheim Convention c~n!tr has bf:en approved by th e cit.v counC'il and the A'1ahr1m l '.nion High School District, meeting as the joinr powers Community Cenltr Authority .. s ~nds will be sold and paid off by a five to six percent in- crtase ln !he city 's room tax. ' E;:pansirin "ill inc I u de douhl1rig lhe size of !he large I el'hibit hall : purchase of ad-1 ditional land for parking . and , a new office bui!dfng. Convrnrion Cen1er Director Tom Lei,::Jer said several ma- jor convtn!ion.s have indicared interest in the cente r. but unle!s add lllonal space is prD-• vided. the y will go to Los Ange!!'.s. Physician Faces Suit Bv Ex-boss • SANTA _ANA -A Ne"'port Beach physici'an who no~· nperate5 his o~·n cli nic at 3723 Birch St has ~en sued for m(lrP than ~ 1 3 milli nn by h!s fnrmrr em plo,er and accused ! or ulil11.1nA tr.:irle s1>crc1s and cnnhtien11al 1nfnrn1at1nn .. x- clusr\-e In the lr\'1ne 7'l !!d1ral Chn1r. Dr Wl!Uan1 Dal~. 21!12 flu. p::int St . Irvine:. na mt~ Dr H1ben ~1 duR f'l.\' nf th!' I Skv Par\.; fl·ledl c;i1 {;rnu p, Dr D<ile's fflrmer mrcl1r;il assi- $1ant Sue ~! Pcn'1er~r:if1 11nrt D:· Donald K. Krllv nf !ht'! California t.1ed•ca) Crro11p 11 ~ cn-deJtnd11;n\s in thP Oran11:1> County Superior Cnurt 1;iwsu1! Workshop I At UC Irvine JRVINE A two-wee k v.·n~kshoP, on child develop- ment ""'tll be ofrered by UC Irvine Exte nsion from July S !o 19. at UCT and al Monte Vista Sthoo\ in Costa ~1e~a. Dr. Frances Ilg. a pedia lr1c1an and d i re ctn r emeritu~ ol the Ge sit 11 I nstitiute o f Child Development , New Haven , Conn .. viii! be the Instructor. Deadline for registration for the workshop is F'r,lday. Six academic credits , may be earned. The course fe e is $250. Head Start Fund Slated SANTA A;.~A -Governor Reagan ha.s released a s~n.100 ft>deral grant to Orange Coun· ty Head Start. providing fund• for the pre·school progrtm for 3'.IO disadvantaged youth . Th!" grant .1upporl! lbt year· rnund pro6ram ti! re t In t c\:is;e~ i11 JO Or2n;:I! Count' crn1munltie~ through May 31 19i2 ThP 11U1r-'1!11n I\ ~·mil11r 1· grar ts m11 tie for the pro1tc' ainc£ 1966. Only at Penneys Very special furniture. Very special prices. Both for $319 Both for $299 16" S0fa and love seat.Cleon, sculptured linet, quality cons !ruc:!ron; loose cuthio" 1eot, premifl r grode coil ,,.rh1g1, 1em1-011och ed bock, no 1og •pring 5, J.:il n dned ho rdwotllll f ro m e on co 11e r1. Cove red lri gree n, gold or b'own Hert ulo ,.,'!I olefin 1wee d, 11eold111p1 r1l ely: 78" 101.1 , 1189 Love seat, S1 3C Also ev1111t1!11 : ee·· 1or1, S199. Mr. or Mrs . ch•lr. each ~~ .. 9 S" sofo and Mr. or Mrs. Chair covered 11'1 gold or pumpk11'1, flo ra l quilled fa bric wirh Scot,hgord fil'li1h. too1ir t u 1h ion .t ot, ~rem i 1r g,ode coi! sp ril'lg1, 1em i- o~!eic!ied bock, no-1og 1prtrig1, \:1'ri dr!ed ho,dwood frome on to11er1. II ao ld .1 tp1r.1lely: 15'' Sofl, t22t Mr. or Mrt. chair, 190 ttch. c.rices include delivery w1!h·' :r J ,,,~.,J delivery area. Value . It s~i ll means something at Penneys. Us& Penney• Time Poyment Plan •t tho11 1tore1: Fashion l1land, Newport Center, Hunt ington .Center. Huntington Beo ch. Shop Sundoy, too, 12 to 5 P.M. -- .. J 0 DAILY PILOT Wedntsday, Junr 2,, 1911 Wed11esd11}', Junf 2l, 1971 PILOT -AOIJERTISE R fl Saddle~ack College Names 27 Scholarship Winners Saddltbact College has Robert Gris:t0m or Laguna and Tracy Stice of Laguna $75. Clifford Kelly of Dana Poin t Lana KiiWls of Mission Vie-Nal"l<'y Gil~rtson of South named t1 recipients of Hills and Mark Paulson of Beach . Former Rotarians o! Patricia Creighton or San and Barbara ~fcRae of Scui jo, Division of Languages Laguna, Di\•is.ion of Social dll'baclt College Schol<11rahip Commission. The commission LS repre!enl~ by residents, facutry members. and an°ad· ministrator. 5Cb>Jar&hips ranging from S50 Laguna Niguel, Saddle.back 1.aguna Jlills Scholarships. Clemente, Rancho Viejo Juan Capistrano, Scholarship Scholarship, $15. Science .SC:holarshlp, $75. to $350. announced Dr. Fred Co!lege faculty Wives Club $100 each. Woman's Club Nu rs i n I Commission Awards, f75 each. Larry Pomatto of Santa Jodee Grirnes of South H. Bremer, tiuperintendent/ Scholarships, $150 each. Chris Claw.son of Santa Ana. Scholarship, $200. BUI Matella of Tustin . Ana, Division o{ Mathematics prt.Si~nt Sharon Kipp of Laguna Laguna Hills United Methodist AJlen Fulmtr of Dana P oint Division of Business Scienct and Engineering Scholarship, Laguna · O iv i 1 i 0 n ° f Scholarship winner! who v;i\J be receiving As.soci &e. of Arts degrees will be. given special recognit;on at commencement ceremonie s tonight. students and awards are as •fills, Festive.I of Arts of Church Choral Scholarship, and MargNet Wh.ite. of San Scholarlhip, f7S. $75. Technology Scholarship. $75. follows: Laguna Beach Scholarship, f!OO. Clemente, Saddleback College. John Brown or s 0 u th Doris Eacley of Anaheim, Students were selected for Robut OeBach of San $350. J ohn Zold of Laguna Niguel, Fa cu It y Aas o c i a ti on Laguna, Division of Fine Arts Di vis i on of Science. scholarships, ba se. d on Clemenle: and Mike Tessier of Vicki Kennedy of Santa Ana Out.standing Stoden! Award, Scholarshlpa, '75 each. Scholarship, S?~. Scholarship, $?5. achievement, by Lhe Sad· --iii Dana Point. Associated SlU·1 piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dent Body Scholarships, $125 ~~;~·~.:~~~:~~·J::~i DAVIS BROWN NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH T<11rnutzer of Irvine. California I Club or Leisure Vt.' o r I d Scholarships. S5oJ each. I De811 Honnette of Laguna Niguel. Clancy ~1 e m o r i a I Award, 1150. and Di\•ision of Social Science Scholarship, $50. * * tr Saddleback Sets First Aid Class Firs! aid classes will be of- fered al SaddJeback College during the summer session in both day and extended-day (evening) programs. The three-unit college credit course will meet the re- quirements for "Advanced" or ··standard" first a.id ca rds, . Classes will be offered from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m .• ftionday, Wednesday, and Friday, and from 6 to 8 p.m. fi.fonday, Wednesday. and Thursday. Instructor will be Douglas R. Fritz. Saddleback C o 11 e g e physical education instructor . Registration for the Summer Session will be: June 29·30 with classes scheduled J uly 1 to Aug. 13. Prospective student! who have eompleled c.pplications will be. processed by ap. poinlment June 29. Others will be registered from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. J une 30. * * * Child Class Courses Set ~'O courses in t h e 1 Childhood Education program will be offered at Saddlebar k College during the .summer .session. Nursery School Administra· tion. to be taught by Jane Wingrove, will be conducted from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday and Wednesday, and Art in Pre- School1 to be taught by Bar· bara J . Stolz, will be. offered from 6 to ~ p.m., Tuesday and Thursday. Both are three· unit courses. Registration for the Summer Session ~;11 bl! .June ~.10 ""ith 1 c.lasses sche<iuled July 1 - August 13. I Prospective students o;i,·ho have completed applications will be processed by ap- 1 poinlmenl June. 29. Others ~·ill be registered from lfl .30 a.m. lo 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 30. Dr.Beckman Gets Degree Dr. Arnold 0 . Beckman of Corona del Mar has been awarded an honorary doctor or 11Cience. degree. by Whittier College. The board chairman 4'.lf Bedcman 1nstruments wa~ recognized at the college's re- ce.nt· commencement for his "active participation in higher ~ucahon." He Is chaiJ;man of the boa.rd ftf Caltech, a me.mber of the lay adviM>rY board ()f Cal State Fullerton, Is a member cf the president's council at Chapman C()llege and is an advilc:r to tM Center for Advanced Study at t h e vntwnJty ol. Illinois. Artist Sets Paint Oass -'1ti1t J . Michael Bl'fM.111 wlll conduct a chlldml'• oil ptlnUng claSl j tbit summer under L h e a1'9P1ct1 ()f the FountaJn V-a 11 e y Recreation Depart- -L Monday, June 21. Brennan wtn gi\'e a, demonstration at the Communlly Center, 10200 Slater Ave. which is open lo u.e publ ic. I • DOOR PRIZES! REGISTER NOW! FREE GIFTS! FREE SYLVANIA COLOR TV • DRAWING JULY 2 • FREE GIFTS! NEW 25'' PICTURE* SYLVANIA COLOR TV Sylvania wide screen co nsole color TV with the biggest screen size ever! Sylvania New Dimen· s sional Color with 315 sq. in. vie\.\•able area (25" diag. meas.) picture tube. Famous "cool running" GilbraJtar 85® chassis, pus h button Automatic Fine Tuning and 7" oval speaker \vith variable tone control. Crisp contemporary Jines highlight the deluxe walnut grained vinyl-on-wood composi- tion cabinet. Sylvania model CL-810W. • Diag Measure TV RECEPTION SIMULATED TM-Trademark Sylvania Electric Products Inc. SYLVANIA DELUXE PORTABLE STEREO RECORD PLAYER ' SYLVANIA SPANISH STEREO $199'5 s1399s SYLVANIA PERSONAL PORTABLE TV SPECIAL \Vouldn't thi.o; Sylvania con~()le i;trrPo lw i;rrat for your den? J\f edilrrrsnean styled stf'rPn console mo- del SC205 features !10 \11atts pPak mu.c;ic pO\\'"L Fr.11 Ar<! p[U.c; F'.'11 .c;lrrrn radio. a u1omat1(' rf'rord player &nd SC'aled Air SU!!<llf'nsion sprRk e:r system. Includes con\"enient remote speaker and IRpc jar k. Deluxe portable stf'reo r P.Cnrd player moch•I EXP445. All the convenience of a. portable ,,·ith the .sound or a con~ole. ]QO \vat!.!; Pf'8k music po-.•:er. Garrard record player. Sylvani a Air Su.c;pension speakers de- tach. for that big stl!!reo sound. Convenil!!nt head- phon" jack. $79'5 Sylvania 9 inch (dia:;:. mrs.o;.) ~crrrn b!ark and \1•hite. portable TV. Has built.in VHF' and bo"·lle UHT a n- IPnna. Con~·enlent carrying handle. ~l ode! r.tT6 priet'd to t11 ke \.l'ith you. FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION 1°18 WASHER• AUTOMATIC SOAK CYCLE $21s•• .T~t action 1·18 was her with automatic soak cycle. 1 piece to 18 pound capacity. Exclusive Jet Circle spray system rinses clothes better. Penna Press care. No gears to \vear. no oil to leak. RIP-OUICk lea EJICIOI' ID Jti!!l fl jp th• ha.ndJP and )'OU have iCf' cube. in1.tanUy, eu- lly! lnrludps 2 g~l&l 20- cube rJector lrlU'& and han- dy 80 cube M:rver ! This Frigidaire Built-In Dishwasher has easy-loading racks. • llolds di.~hPS nf many s1zr~ and ~h~pr.o;. Sta.c;h lhf'm Ill P/ISll\" • Suprr.S11ri::P \1·11Shini:: c"t.o; p1·f'ry dish ~hn11·· rr.rlran. I.ill Ir nr nn prr·rlnsi ni::. • 12·sPrl Inn sitvrr11•arr ba~kct can bf' kisdrd "handlr~ ur ryr do11·n." • l•rdf'r in lf'l"l'hsngrahlr frnnl panrls sE>pa· ratrly. Color.; ,.,r Brusht'rt Chromr, • Optional dcsignrr door fran1in" ki t. OTHER MODELS AS LOW AS $16'.tS Di.OSIT THIS COUPON AT ANT DAVlS..UOWN STOll -HUNTINGTON lllACH, "ookllunt ~ G..ti.W: CO$TA MESA, 411 I. 17rto St.; IL TOlO, Lo- t•M Hlls ....... YOU MAY WIN A SYLVANIA COLOR TV FREE! $ $ $ $ IN PllZIS TO II GIVEN FREE! HO O•LleATIOH -WIHH•l'-1 H••D HOT II 1'1'.ISl:HT TO WIH ADDRESS, ,. 95 Come in and register. You may win a valuable prize. Nothing to buy. No obliga- tion: Just come in and register. SYLVANIA CASSETIE TAPE RECORDER ONLY $49'5 Syl vania rull runction cas.o;rl1e la p!' r,.cordrr model CTlOO. Opera!".~ from hooJ~P ru1TPnt nr batteries. EQuipped \1'ith 11 ~p,.risl nlf•\Pr to indiC'Blf' b;ittery i;lreni:;th and rPco1"din~ 1 .. , . .,1. Carrylni:: casr, micro- pho~e and Parphnne includ"d. FRIGIDAIRE 100°/o FROST-FREE SIDE-BY-SIDE ONLY 30" WIDE s4299s 100% Frost-proof means just tha t -no messy defrosting ever! 16.5 cu. ft. of food storage space in a cabinet only 30" \Yide. 6.04 cu. ft. freezer st.ores u p to 211 lbs of food Add-On Auto- matic Jee rvtake r may be installed now or later o plional extra. ' SALE PRICES · EFFECTIVE JUNE 24, 25, 26 AT ALL 3 DAVIS-BROWN STORES! • HUNTINGTON BEACH Brookhurst & Garfl•ld IN.st r. l•cll• Mk1.J 962·552' D•llY 9-9, Sat. 9·6. COSTA MESA '411 E•st Sav.ntunth St. 646-1614 oany 9.f S•t. 9-'i EL TORO Laguna Hiiis Pl•1• IN11t r. !l•••ORI 137.3130 D•Oy 10-6, Thurs., Fri. 10-9. Cluses for childttn age 10 &l'ld older will btgln June 28. P'or further lnform11:tion con· Lad the Recreetlon Oepart- 1 lllOD4 1161-112<. l .. _____ llffiiiiiiiiiiiii 6 Ip on ''· d· ii\ ,,, ial nt .. I • . ' • • • ' ' • • ' • " ' . . .; • . < • ~ " . • ' , ., ' ~· . .. •. " • ~ , .. " -; , . . . . !• . . " " '• ., ., " '• ' ~ I: > " " '• ,. : .. " • .• ! l . ' ' . • ) . ' " • • t • • i ' , • ' ' • • • • ' J ~ , z PILOT -AOV.!ZRTl :ER _______ w_"-'-"-"-''.;•-J'_'_' -'-''·-'-'_nc , . . '"l.' Huntingtdn District Giv es Out 37 Scholarships Thirty-1even graduate.s from ttbf fiVe high sCbool$ in the .Ruatin,gtoo Beach Union High _School District he.we ~n a warded $5 ,500 in tiebolarshipe, according t o District Superintendent Jack s.~. The scbolarahips--$100 ror •tud«nts enrolling in two-year colleges and f200 for ilio6e tnrolling in ~our-year ool· 1 .......... fUnc!'d lhrou&h Ille distri<:t's Dollars for Scholars fund. Since 19112 -.·hen the fund was started. nearly ~.000 In scholarships bave b een dona led to !tudents. The fund ii financed ~ ~Y vo1Untai:y payroll deductio.ls f r o m district employ e s, ~ trlbuUons from the community l!lld fund-raising pro~. Receiving scholarsttip.s thi5 year are: FOUNTAIN VALLEY H.IGH SCHOOL -Robin Ann Novick and Antoinette M~Aulay Cal State Long Beacb; Jamie hlalda. Cal State Fullerton ; Kurt V1n Riper, UC lr\•ine ; Keith Ackt.r, Orange Coasl College; Robin Linda Hill. UC Berkeley and Linda De Hart, Golden West College. ED ISON HIGH SCHOOL - lke Hsiao, Oregon State University; John F l-i her, Northern Arizona S l .11 t e University; John Nichols, Ca l Teeh: Connie Seeley. Cal State San ::;ego: Lynn Krekemeyer, OCC. and Dan ?.1ontaoo. UCI. HU:\'TlNGTON BE A C H HJGH SCHOOL -Crail: Hale, SCF': Richard Gal.le, Ha rvey Mudd: Mary Sharpe, Biola College: Joh n Paup. Reed College: Joan Walli.s . OCC and Cynthia lhll and J)Qlores Fortune. GYlC. W EST A-1 INSTER HIGH SCHOOL -Linda Downty, Cal Stale l.AJng Be a c h : Kathryn Dougherty, Cal Poly . t-.1ary Brackell. l...05 Angeles Medical Center : M I c h a e I Chapman. David N o r den , G1o1.1dalupe Vargas <.>~'Id Linda \Vagner. GWC, and Deborah llw1l and Sa m Wida, OCC. ~tA RlNA HIGH SCHOOL - Shelley Rryoolds, R i c k t-,.h>orbet·k. Sieve Copeman, Andrea Ferrero. and Ann nozas, GWC; Kathryn Craig. Cal Statt Long Beach. and John ~auk 2nd Craig Bague, UCL DAVI' PROWN. NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH DO_OR PRIZES! FREE GIFTS! REGISTER NOW! FREE SO~Y COMPACT STEREO! FREE RCA TRANSISTOR RADIOS! We are proud to invite you to our COOKING DEMONSTRATION FRIDAY & SATURDA-f FROM 2 TO I P.M.I HUNTI NG TON BEAC H STORE , BROOKHURST & GARFIE LD _0 An.1t1no® /~~,·~~4/r ... _ _..., . s .. ........,.., .,.. aAPAatJ'lll ;-. , la ActiOll. ff'\. • Set·t J o .. is. 26. , H~• E.c.c no· .Am•n•' hoW Tfli•t will ,ho"" yo~ ·u,t od .,,. c.oo'k• I • MICROWAVE OVEN * 115volt operation * no expensive installation fo ' lik• th•m, th• way ye~ I/ of th• delic.iouily 111 ~ ~ ,.,.,,\ t ;mol ~ • ~'Cook a 5 lb.Roast In 37 Mlnutes ... Bamburger Con the Bun) In 1! No Stifling Beat, No Pots or Pans to Clean ... Portable! And Completely Automatic! SAVES TIME by eool<illi foods ins~e and out 1t the """' time -FOOllS TASTE amu becaus• there's Se3s *Yilli and loss loss of oaturJI juices than you 1et wtlh conventional dry heal methods of ...,kil!f. COOKS COOL w!th micro fradi°' Ike) -that ctUte hut Ir Ibo food -doesn't waste heat on spact in er out of t he range er on ute nsils. EASY TU CLEAN because splatters and spills can't bake on -oven sur1aee never gtls .,baking" hot. EASV TO USE set the dial, touch the start switch •nd cooking be· &ins immediate ly. A !Gift from AMANA Fill! l ef con Hill Bremen Cry1ta l pitc:h•r a nd 6 h••vy ~1ed 15 01. ic• t•• gla11••· Per••nal- i1a~a nld craltad, h•nd cut with your initial •tch•~ onl ititchar a nd 9la11•1 •.. You can •v•n 1• thi1 fl~• cry1ta l in th• Ra dar•ng• ov•n if •W want C YO RS FREE WHEN YOU BUY A RA RANGE MICROWA VE OYEN !-1•·•·········An Amana XCLUS/VE-···· ·-·--: ! -0-.1-----·· I 1 _, ~'7'."" MICR AVE OVEN WARRANTY j ! .,.. ..,.. -2,... fl9..,. •f....,.. for ... = .. v. ... ..,.. "flllllnfflt • ... ,...., ......._" ......... , • ,....~=-=::;·~=·:": •mtiriM ...... ........ • I -. -. ,...._ . .._.. ,.._ 1 fltlll'Ol!W .. ,,...nalblt tw 11ttr ..,., I .,.... .. _.., ...... •= NJlln11111al ....... NbMI' er PIMtlc ,.._ • fllolbt. .... ----.. ,,,,, ~ " ~ ll9lf"5on Wllll• -Iii -.tr; --""' ,. wllll •Ill ~ II ... Miii); ..nr--, .~ tf wt.I ,.._ .,-tHtiitJoi -..r i -.. *"""· ff "' ,.,.,. -,. .,.... ""' ... "' 1111JHMlHll MIN "'*"' tie • . .,,.,.., .. ...... I It C ...... "lfllTllltY .,..... ti ... ftCIPt . It 4oe1 11tt CO'IW ,_.,· Mtl-. _,_ I ., leVltC It till• ., pert ..-,on. i .......................... .1i •••••••••••••• , ••••••••• ' RCA offers Great buys ••• great values. AccuCol~~Consoles,' color portables ••• RCA's contemporary model at budget prices. A~Tint, Automatic Fine Toning with computer-tested integrated circuit. Designed to creat consistent, dependable performance a nd \l ivid, lifelike color. EPI~ TIM S.rmuda 145 9Q, tn, Pictul'9 Family Size Color Portable largest RCA color screen for under $300 and packed wil h RCA achievements! High perfo rmance picture tube for true-to-life color. This tow price buys you Solid State stabilizer circuita and eHy-to-replace plug-in AccuCircuit sound sys tem. GRAND OPENING I LACK l WHITE T.V. SPECIAL! ,...-... , / $4~' f Up •c \ , To $1)0 Ii \ ,, I . ,..,,_..,,./ Big acroen •iewing, port1biUty m1d btldget pleuing price, plus • practical rotlabout stand complete RCA's winning combin9tlon. Super power grid VHF tuner and ParH}-Ply picture tube with bul tt.-ln VHFand UHP'antennas.. , f49995 Compact, spa~ing table model gives you console &creen size and console-like petformanee. Powertul AccuColor chassis, Automatic Fine T uning, AccuTint end Automatic Chroma Control provide vivid, llfe· Nke cofor. Matching rol!about stand optional, extra. DAVIS-BROWN POLICY 1:?HO NESTl' and INTE GRITY \Ve value each and every customer \\•ith great esteem and handle every bu siness transaction \\1ilh honesty and integrity to create a la sting friendship a nd good \\'ill. 1:r TOP QUALIT l' PROD UC TS We handle onl y "lop of the line" name brand eppli· ances and television, buying direct from the manu~ Cacturer to bring the customers better quality mer· chandise for less money. 1:?EFFICIENT SERVICE Our main concern i.<> to bring the customer the very best service when needed. The Davis~Brown Cleet of radio dispatched service and delive ry trucks are staff- ed with factory trained technicians to br ing you prompt, efficient,. friendly service. ' . We'd U k e fo Be Your F r iend! SA.LE PRICES E , fECTIVE JUNE 24, 25, 26 AT ALL 3 DAVIS-BROWN STORES! > HUNTI ;~-.~N IEACH l rookh"''' & OorllOld IN..t M t.Mlry Mkt.J "2-1521 Do lly f.f, S.t. "4. C STA MESA 41f E S.vtrit•nlh St. 1646-1614 Da y f.f S•t. M EL TORO Lag'UM Hiiis Pl1r.a (Nut "9 S..-0.1 137·Jl30 Daily 10-6, Thura., Fri. 10.t . lntewrlt11 ••ll'De~•lrillt11 since J941 • OAJL Y PILOT J J Mo deling i ·Pi tfa lls j Detailed By .IOYCE L. li.E:"INEDY Oear Joyet:: I am • hig h sehool senior, Ill, and In- terested tn modeling. Plus. give Information, includint lll'bools, how long • model t•an expttt ht!r t•nreer to last, and what sht: can do wbto she sets loo old lo model. -'\'. C .• Houston Rccruitrncnt ads ror somt' modeling schools throughout the country are c~dtdates for Nader's Raiders. You may have seen the p itch : marvelous-looking girls savor- Care e r Corner ing Uie good life in 1 sable· and<hampagne setting .. , exoLic foreign I o c a l t o n assignmf'n l~ •• , adventure. money. glory . Thes-e ads suggest that ell this heaven can be vours -1f .vou·re an attractive girl, an1f 11·ill spend a few hundred dollars to enroll a .. a sludf'nt. Lar~e nun1bcrs of naive girls fa ll for this tioof'y , only to ~ hearlbroki.>n when Job pro- mises turn out-to be unpaid appearances as a croY•d extra on a local TV program, or paid assignments to tiand tl'JI flyers at a 1rade show. I interviewed an executive of one large modeling school last year. and cited several examp!f's of other schools' con job6 on unqualified girls. such as that of a chubby 28-year-old manicurist """ho was bilked out of $400 with promises of grandeur. The ex c c u t iv r assured me that lier »Choo! was "legit'' and highly selec- tive of students. She talked a good gamt>, and I believed her. This year. I note that her school'~ TV commerc ial.! 1r~ among the worse offenders in lhe "dream-world Cl'lrrle-on ·· department. THIS IS NOT 3 >A·hole~alt COl'ldf'mna1ion of mode I i n f schools. The better ones will level with }'OU about your pro- specl~ in a field not \n- trequenlly described as 11 cut- throat jungle t better sti II, ~sJ !'if'v erat free-l anc f photographer!! for an hones1 appraisal or yourself). Or. good schonJ.~ will simpl,v sug ge~t a charm program to 1m pro1·e your grooming l)f poise Just a1•01d schools whose .11p prnach can be boiled down to· "\\'e can make you a Star!•· And check out the school'~ reputation ~hrough your Bttte:r Business Bureau. You need more than (OO< looks. F:1·en if your facia structure is photogenic lll"lf your body is right. thousand: and thous.<1nds of rival!! ma• have more "equipment." F~ instanct', a "silent-actress' talent: the stamina Ir> tiol< rigid poses or whirl around un der bright studio lilfhl$ f01 hours; personality and ex quisite grooming: s e I r discipline to get adequate rest and slay away from liquor drugs and trastH!ating - which takes a heavy toll (11 your looks. A recent trend with some modeJ employen i:"l toward the more shapel· girl and away from. th; emaciated, sunken, panc;1R thin types . IF YOU'RE DETEllMINl.'I lo try modeJ;ng -tho' this 1s an ex:lremely dittk:ul way to make a living, with lil. lie ~ecurlty. Your chenoes o rising to the top are slim ! Eileen ford, who runs a me jor New York modeling: ager. cy, says that 5,000 women see! to become clients of her agewi ey each year : out of that num- ber, ahe slrns perhaps 10. In gener11l, a model's wort ing hfe I.! short -perha:f' ' years, and 3 28-year-ol I often considered "ovtr lbt hill." There 11re, ol counte, e~­ ceptions. and !l()me employer · prefer mature models Q we' as lhOM: wl'lo can wu particular IYJIU Of clothel - lhort, toll, liouL ' • t i.i DAI L' r:co. J •• y J11nt 2J, J,,1 Catholic School Struggles Bla ck Baptists Donate All Profits of Store DETROIT !AP 1 -A black B1ptlst coup!' is turni ng o\rr all profiu fro m a 1:rocery If.ore to a Rom11n (J1!ho!1c r.ade school ln An eff0ri. !n ep the financiall~· strapped IC.hoot opc!r 11t1ng nexl ~ear The prClJtCl is ra ci<1!ly mixed. SI Cas1m1r's parish has Jnvolvro more than lfl Polish. ' Mexic1n .11nd French mo1her!i lending a hand as unpaid ~·orkers in the storr "They're 11 11 beautiful pt>nple .•• the\··re all <lUr friends." SA1d Si~ter ~l11ry Lt><ln~rd, principal nr the Yi'e~1 Side &chool wh ich ha~ 200 .~tudrn1~. 11boul ~ ptrcent of them black. St. Cas1m1r·s. \ikP m;iny more or ~t1ch1gan ~ Jn 3 UtMhc schools. has had OPEN DAILY 9-9 SATURDAY 9 'Iii 6 SUNDAY 10 'Iii 5 I OU~h financial CO!Ojil !O ftC'tOl ) e11rs. 1 he big b!O\\' came t a~l • \'.nvember when the slate 's V(llers turned dO\\'n propo~ed slate aid to paroch ial and pri\'ale schools. Slncf" then. liZ ()f them ha ve dnnounced they \1'1ll close at the end or the pr('sent school year The parish had scv('ral meetings to try tn solre Jts financial pr.-:blcrT1s. M r s . ~!e•if'rn Arnol<l , \1 h'I with her husban d 1Jperi:tc5 1hr .1:rocery 501ore at!rnded thrm. even 1hou)?h sh e ts not a 1nember flf thr p.1rish She ls an organi-;t a1 a BapU~t church . "I "·as just !ill1nl!. at one of the meetings wtien all of a ~11ddcn the idea came to me ,'' she said. ,\Ir~ Arnolrl explained she 11nd her hu\band have had maJOf problems flf their own of late . Arnold was injured seven months ago and his recovery ha s bffn s!O\\'. The couoh~ clo:\- ed th~ir litlle groce r'y store temporarily until he. \lo'as able tn n1an the stort 1'11!.aln The cou ple lives nff th" inco n1e of other property they O\Vn. "I suggested to the pastor, f ath('r Eug"ne \Vojte11 ic z. t!iat H cos~ v.ere. reductd to the core. the .~•11rt l'nu!d m11l:e enough to keep 1he ~chnol going,·· said ~f rs. Arnold l"o sooner did the word i;:et 11round than many of the m'lthers in !he a re a volunt eered In man the store. Jr s stack of grocery. beer. ice crtam snd c11ndy ~· as replenished 11nd the 11ture opened for business. "As soon a!'I pe1Jpltt learnrd that buying at the sto re COJld mcAn the dlfference betwt~n closing the school or keep ing it, open we had a Jot of customers," she !'laid. ''It doe~n'I mR!ter !n people v.·ho .::i·c helping u~ that ~"'mt of them are black. snme wh ite , some Catholics and ot.her.s not , , 1h!"y are v1orking 10 keep o u r communi!y tocrthtr 11nd ou r chil d r en in our own ne ighborhoods ," Mrs. Arnold sha said The A r n o 1 d .s ' &-year-old dau Q'.hter Kimberl~· is a third· gr;ider 111 the schl)(I] and wa ~ b11ptlzed as a Catholic last }'ear. J1i11e Grad1iat,e11 All 1'he distaff side of the Patrone family of \\lestmin· ster scored a cl ean sv.'eep in June graduations. li1other. Gl0ria. lin cap and go\.vn 1 grci:duated from Golden \\'esl College. from left are Glor'.etta, 17 . "'ho graduated from \\1estminster High; Mrs. Pa· trona; Ro~anna, 19. "'ho graduated from Stephens College. Columbia. J\1o .. and Charlene. 13. a gradu· ate of Johnson Intermediat e School. '\"e.!ltm inster. I • PLENTY OF FREE PARKING at JHE GRANT BOYS! ' ' ''Southern Cafffornia's Wf~t c~mp'~i~ G;:'" Sfr:re1 ' OVER 1,000 SHOTGUNS, RlfLES AND HAt~D GUNS NOW ON DISPLAY! • WINCHESTER • ARMALITE • REMINGTON • BROWNING • WEATHERBY • CHARLES o•\v • WALTHER • BERETTA • LLAMA • H & R • COLT ["'• SAKO • ITHACA • RUGER • SMITH & WESSON. • ~'ff.AP!@ ~ 7iUM;t.lGTON MODEL 700 (,yr '~ ~&-N Thi World'• 1rrong111 bo ll ·~clio11 $ 14995 BOLT-ACTION RIFLE rlllt. S.1 ii now ! FROM REMINGTON/ MOHAWK 600 REG . $124,95 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• j RELOAD ;..t>;:~ENTER j ~ 101 JNOl,UM~IJ;;;;;o(011'1~1 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Shot1un Pri mtt1, ltmint· lon-F1de r1l·Alc1n. UST Sl 5.10 p1r M AA Wedt, Wlnd111t•r llf S 12.lS p1r M ' I 1 : I 1 1 \' ~\ { \ COUM.IN LANTERN fOR fULI TIME ht1vy·~uty C1r!'lpin1 1erv lc1. lit~f. ~ wei1ht, 1l1@p1 2 1dul11. 7'•S' ri d~1 tlghl. l ipp1r1d thrt1llold. in1idt 11crm 1119, •t.,..n·i n moi1tur1 proof rip.lfop nylon floor. Total w1ighl 3.25 lb1. Riflt & 'iuol 'rlm1r1, Remin9ton. UST Sl.65 per M 19.00 15.00 llto1ding Pre11, MEC 60 Jr. All G1t·1i1 16.25 '139.88 128.88 19.99 ,, I " I \ I .. , I I' ' J' ... - . ' ' '' ' ' I , I I J 1 I; SINGLI $1 oss HIKING BOOTS MANTLE ,. 11\00lLS $ 1 91 "flllEIALL ----pl(G Of 4 . · · · · · . - Wll.IOM'S IK~tstRUC10,,, --,98' 'KG, Of)_,,,,-"-" I GOLf SKOtS L~DltS ,,. ........ .. '11•1" ~·"""' .: .. 1. ,,,.,, ,,,, .~1 ... , 1•\ • • .. 1 .. , •••• ........... \ ......... . lo••' "" · , '"' •••h, lu<'· "1' IOl1•1, ,, ···tl•• •••"'" ..... .. •••• ,., ... 1 .. HO~ $19 95 WILSON 1·2000 ONE OF TH( flNlST T111ni1 R1c•111 t vt r d1v1lopt d by Wil· 1on1 AU 1t11I in llrm·ll t• or r11ultr·flt•. S•~• Mow l RIG . $.J9.9S •32•• PENN. HEAVY OUTY ........ $1 •• l•o U ?S • FENll YELLOW :,;•5"Q''" $' .91 SPALDING I "COMPETITION" I 11-......... ,., .... , ···~ ,,,,1 11 of! '"''"' ftl•h l'Clolot ti! t i ••• ··~ ... ·, .. i1 •• : .. , .. . ..................... ,11 ..... . •• o IOo•il ••<•It 1..-...... ool ""'"'· •33so ! I l11d Shot, Am1ric1n M1d1 R1min9ton. LIST Sl0.00 s22 00 per 100 lb1, . . . • R1~1dl ng Kir. fl:CIS Jr., A~ C11ibtr1. LIST $4~.~o Powtr 'i1ton W1d1 R1mington·All 1i111 & $6 25 Gt llgt1. LIST $12.3 5 per M • "C L',·i.1,'i~" by /,tfA ll"IO ,, ·:iN!/J! FAM/lY SIZE TENT •<GUl~•lY $ $109,95 • , , , • 39aa o.,, ,~ '• lo ,son For Archtrr "~tn July lO / RANGfR I .,~,.!uf.!•o A•R ows :2'' low ow ::ii'·.:;:.1!· 'i:::0o. s 1 OBI 9!1· $39,95 $22 CONVER t N-o. w' 00 ···~ ... !OINT AR•ows • • • • •i.11 llrt '" Tht R1ngtr I • • "'" ~ ... ; r. i1 1J. SJ 5aa d 1 no.,,-stock d •n 4S poond1. • In 25, 35, 40, fl£l~ A.JfitOW httl •• s ...... t .... ,.. , ... "''' ... :,·~ .~ lt )J, $ 5 •• USE YOUR CllDIT " GIANT.'SI I , I . '.• .. . ·· ,· ;:; .·. .· . .. ... :=· ... ,•, ; .. : ,• . ·. ::: Sandwiches. Old•lfmfies Bomb Searchers Discove1· Potpourri 8)1 LOUISE COOK other pad(11gts thal possibly Cuards In Kansa.-; City s.ay safely" ~~&ff Presi \\'r ittr could C<lllam a bomb or s11nd1~1chcs and other [Ul)('hoon Seeunty ha s been tightened .:.~:. Th f th in \\'a;;hington. D (: l'\Cr YoO ~e~ k.oo1v '4"ha: you'll \\Capon . us ar. nlost ol the items arr e rnost frequent ~ince the i\1arch I bombing of lind ~ 1 inan'• briefcase or • 1te1m follf!d have betn TI\Ore finds. '·You might f i n d th· L' s. Capitol. Ba~s and wons1tf1 handbag~ day• humorous 'thaq hazardous. anything." said one guard. brlef~·ases of all \'isitors :ire Guardl •' federa-1 bu ilding' Guards at the f e d er a 1 "but we'vt never found a che&t'd during off-hou rs Md courthouse in Los Angeles bon1b }'Cl ·· sig natures are required. ac:rGM th• countr.v· a re ~--' d d 1· J 1· 1 · ( h report u:.cu un erw('ar an I· ames ay or. acting pro-:uards a lso c eek bags ;ind d.lscovertns e\'er~·tlung from quor are-. anlOng the things 1ec!i\le officer supervisor at carnl.'ril c<1ses or the thous;:inds comic boo,k! lo $8ndwfc~. unearthed in briefcases. the U.S. District <.: o u rt of lour10.1s \ isiting while 1'le searchu we re insliluted Charles Myers, assistant !Juilding 111 Columbus. Ohio. Congress 1s in s e s s 1 on . foUowlnf bombings an d building manager. st~d some also r<'ported no suspicious '·Genera II~· pC'Ople ar<' very th:re!P agNn.<:.t f ederal of the th ings in women 's ite1ns. "But 11011· and lhen 11r 11ood about it." said Ja1ncs i!O\l,-tho uses 11nd or r ic e handbags ··aJmo:!lt ju1np out find a co mic book or a cop y or Powell, Capitol chief or pol ice . bu'.~.r;gs. An As~oclated Press and bi te vuu." Playboy rnagazine in an 2.1· Not e v e r yo n e is so 11Un·ey lho\\ed most p<>op!e There ~ere no de! a i I s torney 's case.'' cooµe ra!lve. Fivr-la11·yer~ fil· ltalia11s Install Office1•s b ke tM search 111 good ll\'ailable, however "If r lold Tavlor said there have bren cd suit in r\ashvillt>. Tenn., hurr.or , although there have lhc nev1spapers the "on1en 110 ·romplaints over the protesling the search and been some complaints. in· "ould be embarrassed and searches. clairni!lg it 111olates the con· !·!e re are the officers of a nev,r branth o( the Ital· eluding a lawsuit in Ten· refuse tn open the 1n "Some people. curl up the ir s!ilutional right ··to be free ian Catholic Federation of California. formed recent· ne.s3ee. anymore." said Rn ymond ll noses. but there's been no big fro1n unreasonable searches ly at St. Joachin1 Church in Costa ~lesa. Sealed GuRrds are c heck ing Fairbanks. chief or security problem ," he said. "I think and sei1.ure." The suit 1s pen· !from left) Guy ~tasc iotra . Frances Ciaccio. Re\·. Beverlv Donatelli. Ellen Batt1sla; sta ndlnJ:; .. -\nnc $ay,•chl1k, D\vight Battista. Lul'y Dube. Clarence Ciaccio. Salvatore Petrella . :\ngclo C apellanio. Bruno Zanott i. handbags. briefcases a nd for the city. they knQ\\' it's for lhcir oWTI ding in U.S. District Court John f'avera, Rev. Thoma~ Nevin, Or. Frank Flores, ~~--'~~~~~...:_~~~~~~-"-~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' OPEN DAILY 9-9 SATURDAY 9 'til 6 SUNDAY 10 'Iii 5 USE YOUI CllDIT If GUllT'SI sgso *Every Size! *Every Style! Grant's Has 'Em Now/I PEBBLE BEACH SHIRTS Pull.over stripes in 1J· sorted colors. Si1e1 S·M· l-XL. $500 "MR. LEGGS" DRESS SHIRTS See Our Ntw Sefetfiorrl In 1horl 1n~ long 1lttY· $600 11 ••. 1tr1p11 •nd ••· lid1. Si111 1 ~~1 !1 17. ·-·. ';f"'./!:." ;/r;tt.' "~ JI • ) v .! ,. I c.G LESLIE CR~ATES CRAZY CRAVATS ind Tht Gr11nt Boys Sells 'tm likt Cr1zyl from GUNTS HAS THE LARGEST SlliCTION Of WESTERN IOOTSI Onr60 SIJIH ro Cho11 from by Frye, Acme, Durango, Dan Post, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : BOY'S DEPARTMENT : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LEVI'S' STA·PRIST DENIM FLARES Now In Student Sixes! Thi1 "now " 11•111 it 1 mull hr 1!t 1uy1! How in d1 r~ brown, ni YY, ""11 whilt. S!~denl 1i111 2~·l0. Stt 'tm now •I lht Gri n! loy1I s900 '610 $8 LEVI'S~ DRESS FLARIS Si11s 6-12. N·O·W ltU Bottom Cords Double Knet J111ns Reg ul•r ltvl's• 1o-~~~ Nuvo fl ares ... .. 16.00 $4.SO S6 .00 S7 .50 Gr1nt'1 h11 'trn 11'1 1111 rltd color1 $ 398 i nti in 1i111 1-16. ' flil red Den ims Str aight leg l evi's• Cords Stripe Nuvo flilrts S6.00 55 .50 IS.SO S6.50 BOY'S BOOTS HANG-llN "WALLACE IUIYI" l oy1 wHI Ion th111 1hirt1! Short 1le1v1d, 111d 111ort1d color1 . HANG-TEN SOCKS by Keeptr INTERWOVEN SOCKS N·O·,W . 1700 $1.50 I Sc by Atme and Georgia Grilnl't has lht1e boots in all th1 lateil 11ylesl FROM '1095 ~~..;;f$~'k~'~'itt\41':ft:iF~~ ......... -····;~ RING·ALEE·VEEO BIB HOT PAHTS 1 Brusktd denim .. , Gold, oran:,t. red , $1150 ~ •nd purp lt. Sizes S lo 15. , N·O·W ................. ·. Newesf Styles fo Choose from ZODIAC TOPS l•I• t~o "lw•" ''"'' "''/• , • .,. """ 10 1. l ll olrn '"' ~· •••1 ••" 11 •• ,.r •• ,,,1;1,. ~ /Ii ,J~ if ,. 1i I ,, I 1.: ) '• ' I 1 ~ I / .. ' ' ··I \ f I I r " ~ . , . 4 DAllV PILOT 1'/tdutld•y, Junt 2J, 1'71 PIL0f·AOV£~TISE.ll: 15 31 Coast Students Graduate with Honors fr om UC I rvine Thlr1y-one UC lrv1ne: senk>ra lrom communitlH 1long the ~' Orange Coast were graduated • • v.•ilh bonor1 at UCl's rec.ent • comn1e1x:tnltnl. 1124 Verano Platt, lrvint, and (Spanish), 2965 Alpine Wsy, sclenc-tS"), 202 •Agate A\'t.. sciences), 1711 Santa Cruz St., Irvine; RedwOUd St.. Fountain Valley: Fredtrlck P. Vo t It 11 n Laguna Btach: Rich Taylor Balboa Island ; Barbara Jean 1.aguna Beach, !G f o r I e Ruth \\'il kinson ErJdtn glon Hose Cannen Maly i biological (English), 32 Harbor I al and, Mogey (phi losophy,, 2 I 2 4 Anderson ! biological BC!encesl, ~lichael Bradbury (biological f.so<.'lal t.l'Ology '· 2839 Cal<ilpa sc1entes ! , 800 Bison Ave , Newpart Stach. Thurln St., COlita fo.1esa , and 1515 Sa n l a A n .a A ,. e . st·iences), 165'.n T 1 bur On St, Ne~port Beach, Patricia f\c11,•porl Beach : 1-tenry A Pasierb imathcmat1cs). 16611 Lassen S1 . Fountain Valley, Paul \Vcslon Pearson rmuslc1, 1248 Belfast A1e .. Cosla Mesa. Students ..-·no will be Robert B Pf!ar500 , 111 Cost.a Mesa: Oarlent. i\1. Place. Huntington Beach: J. Henson /history ), 268 E. ~10r.i<:hladt l80Cial stiences1. St\'~ wtte given 1 he graduated "magna c\J m tphysie!). 6891 Via Angetlna Bailey ihlswry), 18751 Via Donald Bul11Jn 1 s 0 c i 3 ! 19th St. Costa fo.1esa, Susan 33!1-B Uni~1ers1ly Drire, Co:.l~ universUy's hiKhe.st honor and laudc" art: Drh•e, Huntington Beach; Viena, Irvine : s::1enc-e!I, 7081st 0 n cw 0 0 d House !psychology\. 701 Bellis Mesa; f « i\1 a r y-Lynn Skinner·Klee 1Spanlsh1, 28 1 lkl ~!ar Ave , t.;or·ona d!I i\1ar, a11d Diana l,oulse Thiel 1 bi ol og ical sciences 1. S 2 0 ~ Robin wood Dnve. Huntington Beach. "' were gr11du11ted 5umma cum Annt J . Maclachlan Dow "Cum laudr" graduating Jeffrey A. Berg (~nglish), Urive, Huntington Be a ch ; St .. Newport Beach:· ~11chele L N 1 c h o I s t-laudt'. Four graduattd magna (hi1tory), 227. Verano Pl1ce. studenl.3 Include: 3097 Yukon Ave., Costa Mesa; Elba Ke1ny C a va J I a r i Frank A. Mac U on a I d (French ), 1128 Rlltland Road. f cu1n Jaude and 20 receivtd Jrvint: C&rol L. Lambert ltobert F. Allen, Jr. lsocial Kimball Glen Bond (biological !Spanish ), 1911 Veran(.. Place. (mathe matics), 1866~ Newport Bea c h, Elaine diplomas with the-cum laude•.---'-.:.:_-'----------------------------'-----'----------'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-C.::.'-'--'--'-'-----'------------ designalion. The area summa cum laudr. graduates and their majon; .,.. Thomas Judson Anthony (dance-drama), 1600 Labrador Ori\·e. Cos ta !o.1esa; Helen Catherine Feinberg I c;ocial se1encc~1. 1424 \'e-rann Placr. Ir' 1nf': .\1oni ka :-01 FrE'e land 1C:ern1an 1. 336 Lugonia St, J'\e"·porl lieach: \\'1llian1 .JO<;l'I*' Schwllrli l btologit'al S('ll'llCf'~ l. 3 8 I S In let Isle Dr1\'t'. Ctlrun;i rJe! r-.tar. Oonnelen Locke Sogn I social ecoloi,,~ \. 851 Domingo St , Ne"·port B('ach . Joseph Bennie Valdez, Ill iph)sics), Va lley High H onors 25 Top P upiJs F'oun 1a1n Valley High School honored 25 o ut st a n d ing students during a w a rd s ceremonies at the school . Coronet Awards were given in 23 areas of aeademic and service achievement ancl the P rix d'Honneu r was given the outstanding boy and g1rL Becipients of the Prix \1·ere Greg \\'olford a nd Dia~ Hon· dB . Honored in the olher fields IP.f'rl': Jane \\'1er. art.s anrJ crrJls : l\enne1h Shibala. athletics : Connie Vega. business educa- tion : Sue Maxwell , foreign language; Carol C hristy . GAA ; Patricia Ogden. home e c e n 01nics : Ch nstinn Wezenberg. industrial arts , and Mark Sch i Id ha u er , mathem2J ics. Also honored with Co ronel Av.•ards were Janet Preleyko. in!!lrument<1l music ; Paula Cornaby, vocal music ; Neal Archer, boys ph ysic al education: Linda Greayer. girls physical Pducation: Sher · r i Bcarss. publications, and Ed""ard Pills, .~c1ence. Included as honorees v•ere Frank !l?bcrman. b oys service; J)ianc Honda, girls service; 1\1anon Lancasler. speech; Rebecca Be n l , English; Rick Pacurar. social studies; Casey Shim, student go1•ernment; l'\_vdia Figueroa, v.·ork experience; Tim De!loff. theater arls. and Marion Lan· caster, scholarship. Al.so nrmcd for oul5tanding scholarc;hiu wcre seni ors Lin- da ~Hart , l)1:1ne Honda and Rick Pacu rar : juniors, Donald Grondin, Larry Reid, Linda Saka u y e and ~tar~ Schildhauer. and sophomores Tern Fln"·erday. r.1 i k e \1 oble'" Gary Oshida utd Patricia Spaan. Occitlcntal Nan1es 'f"o Graduates 1\10 studenls al IJcc1 drn1al College from the Oranjo\t Coll~l "ere ;imong :l~!I per.'lnn~ receiving degrees at gradua- tion exercises held recently. The <1rca gradu:iles and their maJnrs are. l\<1ren El1zabclh Sh a r p . daughter 11r r.t r. llnd Mrs James T. Sharp J r of 2M Bucknell n oad, Co~ln r.tesa , bachelor's degree in history. aod Michael Jan1es Van Vr l1.er, son of !\Ir. rind :0.l rs. Vincent Van Vel1.cr. 6282 Shields Drive, Hunl ington Be a ch . b.achelor's degree in music. f\1 iss Sharp plans 10 study for a maste r·~ degree 1n education ;it C I 11 rem o n t Graduate School. Van Velzer wilt pursue a m.as1tr of ar1 5 drgrtt in m~ic at Occidental College. Newport 1\fa n Photo Wiru1 er A Newport Beach mRn 1.~ one of 35 U.S photographers judeed 1o1•inners in th(' sttond annual Nikon lnttrn.ationa\ Photo Contest in \\'hich lU a•ards "·ere made oul ti a tleld of 23.000 eotriu. Jlm Koch wits 1W.ed amon1 four U.S. entr1ntl tllctng third pl.ace honors in the black and wtllte category. Solly Bo nanas Really h ... l anonos, Tho! Is 22 01. GIAMTSlll Palmolive FAIRIC FINISH Wit! Sl1i11 "A11~•·011• • __ Deluxe 3&. position c!lai5e wit~ slllldy 3teeJ lrlme coveted witti pulled plastic, ()pens flat IOI ~ning. •• ,. 11.91 10.88 "ltaler'' •.. WoOO frame w/3 position ad1uslment. Striped cotton tanvas seal Ila~ and back. ,,, ,,. 1.69 roL01Hc Chair '11 01. Si ll Noxzema LADY SCOTT BATHROOM Tissue l~!i''""'~"""=-"'~"'"""e""'"""". --ram·•··-1 COOL-RAY POLAR;,~--il SUNGLASSES )i • ') -~.lL!fft' .-' . ' • .,. L fne ' neN loo~" 1nsu~gla.~es f ' ..• Lhoose r1om nip up:, • ~. t Slip ons, ~nd Cl1p{IJ1~ ; ' FAST BACK , Elu e sle el, 8 00 ; A [g Place To Shop! 6 Ft. Beach Umbrella 24" Portable BBQ 24" Portable BBQ ty BIC BOY -With hood, motor, spit, & 2 11ne spit lorks. Ela tk bowl 111111! 12 89 burgundv red hood. Rrc.14.!I #2402 • 811i BOY -"Hill" -Revolving g11ll. •••· 1·" 6 88 N 2420 • ~~~~~0!.!. ~~!.~~~~;.10 ;:, 53c chtom~ or g~ld ~f tone frames. • ; RIP· UPS For fyegtass wearers l ~. ~;;;::,.'."'· 3.00~.. . f:; ROlDMASITR. 7 00 ~ ti SUN DIAL OR -'- :; SUN SHADES ea. • f;:· ----... ----.--·------~--•••••n· Automatic Swing mt.ISDN "[f:QMO" -lnterla:n~ biltrf appro11mate ly JS minutes prr wind up.. Wi1shable. lfoc~el·IYP' seat, 9 98 lubul1r sleel stand, !olds 2-Ring Wading Pool 17xl0x7" oouetr "HIBACHI " ;: "Twice As Nice " j SHAMPOO compacUy. l•I· 1 D.15 • ·-"TAMPAX" • Tampons ' Samlaty protection ... Iola I • "\..~ frtttlom, complete com!ort 1 29 " retl tool, clean, lre~h ! • l cplar 1r S1ptr· Rtr. 1.49 4G's • SUNTAN AIDS "Tanfastic" • "Tanfntic" ~ ••ttir w1~1cn 79c l1tt1r 21z. "Swedish" T111111in1 Secret ~·'· 111. LOTION DR OIL 1.29 2.19 "COPPERTONE" l111i11 1 43 la•1i111 79 lltttr lltltr c Sl'UT 41t , l!itL "SOLARCAINE" i -tm• s,uy ..:: l u. 1.35 '"· 1.95 = r111f 3.5 tr. "hot pants" 'r." e. •••• 1 '" C1ltf11t '11. 1. 791. 79 1. 79 •· " Cond,l l)l'IS as it deans ... r•••Mo• Ice Chest r•nMos 1 Gal. JUG ~Pf' Jl liirmula for eac~ l)'pe 83C o! IJ11 ••• normal, dry and r· 011-1. Rec. 11!1 •l. -._ .... -~ .. -~-"~~---- 4·1 Ot. capac1r1. Hor11an!~J focliin g ~r.d W/Sho~ld1r Spo~I _ •. ! nJmeled r--,,..___._,.=---=~-•~w--•·•~••j "BBQ" Platter ~andles will! ~nn ~ opener. f1~y w1lll l!rom. Rez.11.98 1775D 10.89 AO PRIC(S PllEYAll: !n~ulJ1rd, ~anibl'J , MED ICATED ® ~!e~I r.onstruc11n~. 1 ''NOXZEMA" 1 ''' • SKIN CREAM Ref. 2.79 #1108 2. 49 .. for a ;moo1r.cr d•Jf"f complt~ton. Al io r~l1ev!!': sunburn pain. R•f-1.3! in or. f "Coets" DUllT!D SQUARES l1eal loi i osmetoc ~.•e : .. 2D~;y or remove rna~eu~. lte•Me~ ... 59 r lo1ion~. Soll and strong. C ller.19c 1so·i I "Q-Tips " COTIOH SWAB S Double tipped. coshlcmed EIKl~. I 11~i1ble s11c~. Baby sntl .. habi t s;ile. _.tor the whole lam1iy. f P1k 11 42Q llr1. 1.1! 99c ..·---··--· T•1rs••r. J1ne 1•1• :;O!!,.,,-,,,,..-=.f'lr1 Sr1•1r, 1111 111• By Whitmon l J2 pa1es nf FUN! Wide v11 ic1y ol ll!b1ects. AlBllm Place To Shop! M•Wl>Olltf llACM 1'2tl lntlfte A~• .. Wtokhfl l'ltJt "UNTl!fCITON l•ACM 11.1,rftt & ll'ft~~y.,I "UNTIN OTON 11.llt.lt s,.1n1••1t & M int.,. 0,IN t AM TO 10 'M 1 DATS A Wi ll I '"·"'47c • 101 "''·1 Story Books I fir loJl & 51111- Clasiics, Adventure, Spcr1s, Sc1tnc~ ,,,t!(ln, ere. 5nc ••r. lk iJ- QUEENIE .By Phn lnterlandi ..... 3 """~.of/.: .CK-. r-~ ~ tm. • ..,. ..,_--""- 91.Appeara quite cnnfident, doeml't he?" Oil Running Out At Signal Hill SI GN AL HILL tAP ) - Signal has it tha! the Pubug-na Indians who lived he re centuries ago lighted fires on top of the hill to signal tribes on Catalina Island 2Q miles across the Pacific. When control of the hill passed to the white man, it became ranch land. I i I t I e noticed as Long Beach grev; up around it and Los Angeles north of it. It remained a good place for signaling. now by sm ugglers. The next signal on the 3bS- foot-high hill was a plume of crude 011 ~ years ago this v.·cek that sett led the de stinv of Signal !!di for an era noW waning. On June 23. Hl21. an ex - ploratory well ca lled A\an1itos No. I ble~· out. The oi! spurted 114 feet high and it too k work ers lv.'o days to control it. Signal Hill became one of lhP n1os! productive t\.\'O· squiire-mile oil rields in the v•orld. A spi ntll.v fores! of wooden derricks sprouted \Vith scarcrly walkin g room in some places. Speculators and Investors came lo get rich quick. Some did O!her.~. a little less qu ick- ly. v.·ent to jail. One promoter was accused or single-ha n- dedly bil king unll:ary investors of n1ore than $100 1n1ll ion Son1t• buye rs received deeds to property not much larger than a posta ge starnp. and other!! boug h! ni ineral rights amounting to perhaps one- SOO.OOOlh of a one-sixth roya lty in an undrilled ·we ll. Si nce Alam itos No. I blew out. n1ore than 2.400 wells have produced 859 million bar- rels of oil and one trillion cubic feet of gas. This activity didnl leave room for much else but in 1924 Sig nal Hill in- corporated. mostly bare earth and derricks and entirely sur- rounded by Long Beach. Now the oil is running out. Mosl of the derricks are gone. The scarred hill is dotted with weatherbeate n storage tanks. Only one new well was drill- ed last year and the old rigs still chugging away ave rage only a few barrels a day each. A new day awaits Signal Hj]J. says 'Vil!iam Stovall, mayor of this city of 6,000 peo- ple and 867 working oil wells. Oil developer.'l and the city are making plans to flood the underground deposits w i 1 h water. This "·ould force mos! of the remaining oi l and gas In recoverable levels "'i th in 20 years. As the oil goes. so will much of the remaining unsightl~· equip ment. An underground pipeline v.·ill carry oil lo a refinery. And behold. the ne"·· ly ba ld, oi lstained hill "·ill be one of the fev.• remaining undeveloped areas around. Signal Hill will "e1Cplode 1o1.'ith a rast growth.'' Stoval l predicts -expensive hillside houses, tall apar tm en t buildings. plush restaurants on the crest commanding the view that brought Indian and smuggler in the days before Alamitos No. L Ba1·riers Fall So lon s Acl ju.st to Girls WASHINGTO:\" !AP l Polished spitroons iind drep leathe r t·ouches n1:irk !hr Senate as a prrdom1nantl.\ mascu!1nr prCS{'r\'e bur 1t.s membPr.'l "havr arli11sterl pn·t - ty v.·{'I)" {(I lhe nffieial presence nf Lhr1•c t1•eo;1ge girls. ··~veo lhnse 11 lu1 11 Prr against us at fire;! ::ire n1re now and al ways srnilt'. ·· said Julie Price, a dark·h<1 1rcd. l6-year· old from llarllcSl'i llc. Okla. "They havt adjus!cd prc11y v.•ell lo us." added Ellen P.1 cConnelJ, also 16. of Dundee , Ill. .Julie. !!:lien r111d l'aulrtte Desell . 17, of Schenectady. N.Y., hrnkP a 1R2-yr11r m::ilr.~­ only tr11dition when they \\'ere sworn in as Senale pages l\1?.v IS after a lenglhy ba!Lle b,v their spnnsors. Sens. Fred Harriss, 1 !).Okla J: Charles II Percy, (R-111.l. and Jacob K. Javlts, j R-N. Y ) The girls say so far none of the problems mcn!ioned by opponent.'> of female pages has materlalizcd-Hk e hauling thick bound documenl boo ks from one desk lo another. "l'\'C hc:o.d lo carry some hea ry loads." said Eilren. "bur nothing I couldn"t ha n- dle."' Julie worked unlit midnight 11hen the Senate voted on thr ,\U)"lersonic transport plane llnd Ellen has been kept on riut y as lair as 9 p.m. but neither is atra1d of walking to the1,· ne11 rby qua rters. "\Ve take precau tion s - ha ve someone walk voil h Ul> \\1hen l!"s !ate." said .Julie. As sti pulated in a Senate vote. the girls wear dark trouser.~ and lies and whi1r shirts identiral to those worn by their male counterparts They perform the same chore.s as the boys. with one exception. The girls are not allowed to enter an innrr sanctum called the Marble Room ""here. senators loun ge. The girl.'l say tourists oc- casionally cause problems. "They point us out from thr gallery." sa id Ellen . "It's all rig ht as long as they're up there and we're down belo1~·. but when they nab you in the hall it delays your work .'' The girls admit the job gets boring sometimes, especially v.'hen the Senate take.'l a (IUOrum call. But when the raucous buzzer echoes through the halls, signaling an im - pending vote, and the swinging doors bob open to admit clusters or figures known to most people ohly through television and newspaper.a - tben its a different slory. "That's v.·hen it'a: really u - citi ng -all tho.'le presidential candidates in one place at OM t im e," said Ellt.n. "I love it then ." Check tho Most Popular New Column Alive .• 'Chocking Up' Medic LONDON CUPll -Two lh1n2s saved the life of a rnan who cru1npltd unconscious on busy 0 1ford Streel One was thr prompt 2rrival of arn- bu111.ncemen. The other w:.s a bracelet he wore wi!h a small disc inscribed "Med ic Alert" on one si de. On the other side ii reported the man 1o1.·as allergic to Alert morphine. II Ult drug ha d been initcted for relief of pain -as 11 m 1~h1 well ha1·e been -he could ha1·e died . Sinf't it re<if'Md E11rvp•• in 1963 r.1ed1{· Alert. a non-prol1 t organ1zauon. has s p r fl a d through 29 countries swe!l1ng its world wide total of some 4 million rnembers who hear on thcir wrists 1ts warning that 5%% has a ring to it. The happy sound of hlgh yield backed up by the security of the world's largest bank. Even the pros know sound money management starts with savings. And when you save at Bank of America you make money the easy way. No commissions to pay. No loss of principal. Nothing to watch over .. You can relax. May we suggest t he following P ersonal Choice Sav- ings plans. Each is geared to a personal need . ' ,• / / DAI LY PILOT J& Bracelets Can Save Lives allergic to !ht-an11tox1n . they suffer from allergies or O I he r condillons requ1rln~ spec1.11I r are. f.l edic Ale1·1 "as found('d 1n 195" by Dr 1\111rion Collins <•f 1'ur1ock . Calif . who s e daughter nearly died when she wa~ g11·en a rou!lne an· t11l'tanus injections :titer an <11ilur11ob1le acr1dent. The doc· tor did not know she was 1'o prevent any r u I u re mishap Or. Collins designed the ~ted1c Aler1 bracele1 and l11en. reahz.inf! the wider im- plicat1011s, established t he ~1ed1c Ale rt round<lllon In the United States 1nore than 325.000 persons "·car f.1 edie Alert emble m~ and n1ore than 4.000 Join n1on!hly 5%% Investors Passbook. Leave your money with us for two years and it will earn 5 '/. % an..1 ual interest. Computed daily, compounded or paid quarterly. $500 minimum de posit. And you can add to it any time i n amounts of $100 or more. 5Y2% Investors Passbook. If a one-year maturity is about right for you, we'll ' , pay you 51/2 °/o interest. The same $500 minimum a pplies, as well as t he privilege ..,.,.,. -·· ........ .,·~ ... •. of adding to your investment in amounts of $100 or n1ore. , ' - Affiliated organ1U1llons art aclivt 1n counttlt 11 rangina from Belgium to Malaysu1 and Zambia. The dls1inctivf' ~1 edic All'r! emblaioned on the fact of the di sc 1s intended to att ract lht- attrntio n of doctor or other at- tendant On the re verse side there is engraved the im- n1ediate medical problem of lhe wearer, hb idenUflcatlon number and lhe telephone number of the eompulerlad central file which kttp1 llddl· tional med1c:il lnformatiori on each mtmber. Members pay two pound•. t'l pence ($7) for tht: bracelet and other expenaes in Britain. Th• cruit is rnu1h ly the: 1ame in all countries . 5% Investors Passbook. Tills is our short term offei: 90 -day maturity. And you earn 5o/o annual interest. Again, a $500 minimum opens an account. Add to it in amounts of $100 or more. Of course, our regular savings account pays 4% annual interest. Put your money in. Take it out. Any amount, anytime. Save with us. You know what to expect . Yi eld, liquidi ty, security. The three best fri end s money can have. Even if you onl y have a co uple of dollars, you can open an account at Bank of America. You see, we, too, started out qui t.e small. BANK OF AMERICA ~· ., I • --. DAllY PJLOT JI U!IGAL NO'l1CE ~AL NOl'ICE LEGAL NOTICE Cftfl'1it4ff .. ·~ _ ... ~~WI.. ,...... ~UM he"tl,nout IMMR JftKT ll'IC"T"lTIOIJt, •lllllilalS c•ITlll'KATt 0,. C:OlllP'Ollt,&TIOll ~ "'...,."" ••• -"" ltwrrt -=--~ ... lllAM• ifl\TIMINT ooo+• 1u11•&11 IJ•DIE• i..i:11.!.t. ~ .:..!! ·= MOTICt: IS HE•E•Y IOl\1£" ll'lll -Tr.. tool_, ... ,...._.. .... Hlnl THE IJN~:!'!'~i:o"~:l"OlllATION ''. •-,,.....,,, ........... lictft1-..... ,., £ .......... -N-1...v.n. llvolneU oo. • ·-· '''"''' .... •--v Cffll11' 111,r h I> cOOO...Cll"ll • .':'.:'.:. ••I ,,_,,, ... , ... ~to.II Olrffia Ill' ~ (e.111!\1, l'tOSll'IT._l ""' UL ,..,_ • · ,..,~ -·-........-.. -.'-:-.. ,.. ~ _........., ""'._ ltl w. 11:1.r.oltof>M. s. .. ci..m.ntt. c.111. t>u•lt>IM to<'"'* ~11n11 •IMI w•~1<1,.. o1 ANVr 11) IJl!Vl..e' Wl40l.~ ll~ AJA.. 0. tlll .. , II """'-1t'1 _, KtNlt"' l'lul liunter , 10) W. -vtfllCln •• Hit Or•n ... ll>Orot. ltSl!lt,. .,.., -..... ~ ""' -• ~:...,. 1dWIM Dlstl"ld 19u1.. l!i.c•-· Saro C.......,t,, Cohl llvtM Pork, (l lllOtnlo. u-IM ·~· Morse Memorial Sorce ry Win s RI Boat Race flf .,.. ~ '*'-••-..._ ., 11111 ~ ..,_ Cft~ _.,, "••N. ll!i-•.-. S,C,r!IM. l•lll Sii•••· 1111...,. firm,..,.,.. ot TOYOTA OF BUENA NEWPORT , R \. f AP) l.n NU ontl ""9ce • ............ n Clo.....W .e oMllO lllN .. \41 llid> WI-~ N v, fl Toni, Ctl!I. P#lltlC •"<t !11•1 -n1m• of •old <O•· .....,, ~ _,....,. -..... Thi• 1ou1ine11 I• boolnt tlftl!Ut1ed 11• •'*"''!Oft ond ltt Ptln<IP•I .-1oc• 0' Spte!lal IA lhfl' 0&11" Piiot t.'<l"tlt'd 'f\lorse 1\1 pmnrIa 1 Sort"ery, ;i, new 6l·loot sloop. y~ .... 1 .... c-, w 11--K IEMC.l SUll',.l!ES ;IMI EQUI ... C:-••I ""'-•"IP. °"';~· " •. 1o11o... . J • Cl l ""''"' °'"' .. ~ ••• , ... Mf_ltT Fronl< $otllno COltOll.A COltPO l!AT ION . I ANNAPOLIS, t.1d, -use Trophy, symbolic of the C'Ol· clinched first place tn ass c.u,..,..,,11. "" -.,. tot toe lo! .aw<1111U w.111 1(.,.-H. Hun"*' c1mwn11 co.--1n00"1. ii.co "'"""'uf of din•hy skippers A r g y I• I . l d' h . ha.in on -rre"led 1·1me in the An· Dlloll C..,.Jti.r., ·-~ .... S~lllenl T!llo .iii-' I/led wllll IM (OUl\tv "'-Sl1t1, Sullf U!, L01 itongol"· "' ~ tg1a e Ing Y racing C • .. u .. AL•E•t J AUIE1t Wlllao _ ..: ""., -. .me•"' -ci.n. tit er-coun1v ..,. Ju ... " lfn. c11110rn11 llXl'7 Canipbt'IJ and J ack Jakosky pionshlps 'of North America. napolis·to-Newporl yacht race 11 5. HIETl EL ~ ...._.., •IC so. 01.ir1ct. b1 •• .,.,11 J, MllMNI<. °"""'' Counrv o.ioo : M1Y ts. 1•11 F' .0 ed h I h Th T · f 1 II th way "' o1 c1llWfll•, er-~· 'tlS7 ""'"-~ •-c""1 -.. c1 ... •, co110LL#I co11P011A.1101o1 n ay 11rov I e o d t eory e roians, one o wo today and was we on e . °" Ju"' o. •m ......... -. • ..... ,.., c.i.....,., l'uDll,,...,. o'""'' CH\! 0•11Y P•1"'· John "'•'1110" that a sporting event is over \\'est Coast learns, were aided to also winning top honors u1 bli~ In .... Mir i.a-111 $.11 .. , --"" IElo('.JI ..:...., """' •ullmlt 0 Did lff01ll Junt 13, :lD •nd July 7, I(, U71 ISI0-11 Pr1ol<1enl L•nl•'] I"' last g"n ,·s fi'red, lh• __ , a""lled by l•'O d'IS· ""H Albwl J. ,._ •N ·~ s lfO -~ ... -1tfiH .,, utl'li•'•I----------Sl ... TE OF CALIFORNI" , ·~ " <llJU i.n; the flee t 1"1 ~-,, ,. .... "" "" "'° .....-cl'Md;.., ~....,. -1 '" 11v1 "' coni LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF 1.os ANGELESJ 0 last whistle blown or the lasl ]'f'0 Io thal bt>fe ll the S lh f sl yacht ,...,,,. '" WDIC1'1-~""" ...,.,. .. f!'ool • """ ialllOU'll 01 "" t11<1. "'"'-on thl• )ST~ d•Y 01 Moy, A.O. 1'11. qua t i..a 1 ns . orcery was e 1r _,,. -~ -•· HY•Dlo .. -..-<111 ,,,. MewPO<l·Mt-1.t ]-------------lt>t•o•~ me, • Not•rv Public in •n<I to• tape broken. • University of Rhcde Island to finish Ute 473·nule rate, al !<I "'' -v..w ... kt>oGI Oh"i<t· "' l'tr!Of'm•nai ,,.,... •~l<I CounlV ,,.. s111,, 1>e .. ono11v •P· 'f'I> ·r 1· do•··ing ll•e 1,·,,a] ,,·, ''"''· The . ICI A.l ~E.#ill lo<'..t ,..1, bt ,,..,uJrMI ol lllt dltcrellc>n of ,1CT ITIOUS IUUNISI r><•rt-a Joh" SnerldOn known lo'"" le t>o e fOjan S81 1ng al'eS " 9:5(1 p.m., Tuesd<.ly. X. ' L...,.11"' J...,,, ,..... oi."1c1 '" "" f'>'ont o1 11uure 10 NAMI ''ATIMINT 1~t oru1aen1 ot Th• co11>0r.r1on '~" '"' f·r11r1e from a dismal four!h DSQs drnppcd URI fro111 first T k By 3:30 a.m. today, wl!h. On· Nol•<• P..C.h•~····.,,~·· ........ into:i"""' ~ ... rrac:!, "'• ~,O<...,. Oj '"' • .--;,,. fN!llOft II Hln1 ll<J•ln••~ ocult<I tn~ wllnln 1n .. rum•nt on non11t ~· I II I . f h'~ I c s a e11 , Pr1n<,.,.1 Otf~~ 1,. tt>o ct>«"-.., • .,. torleilMt . ., In ., .. "', ,,, "'' co•PO•U!ot1 1nutln n•m•<I, ond Pace at 1e cone USJOn o lU I l1 u Pace. -lip ly one other yacht. Amencan L.. o'"'" c ....... rv · -..i "" ..,.1 ......, ,,...._ -..111 i.. s"TOLTl co1o1111Ac1 SEWING, N •<•no-.,1o<1gt<1 '" m• 1n.1 1u<1> co•1>e•111an eight races Thursday lo a But neither the DSQs nor I f · · he I ,,-. M• c ........ , .. -f: • .,,., .. ;riff .. 1o01t1 s~ Di•l•ICI ot o.,,... ll•t>dOl~n. co.1• ....,.,,, co111 "-•<lllMI !11f '""'"· Eagle, hav ng J n I s . ' • ""'11 "°· n1s { "' ,.11.ici• l . s1o~1. •ll Jun1111•0 or1~e. w1 TNEss "'" '""" """ 1e•• mi raculous victary during the the improving weather on S } Sorcery and her skipper. KIN. OUNll AllO CIUTC.it• ~ -.... , W'llM•ow hi! lrltl.., • (0111 Mn1. C•Hl. (OfflCIAL SEAL! final s1:. races Friday. As a Cliesa1~ake Blly hel""d def en· By eatt e D Id ' f ...., •1atll0dt1 ""'1• --• ,..,...11 ... ('SI ll•Y• ''''" In• --in;1 11<J1!n'1.l 11 IJloan• conouc1!d ,,. 1n Mlll<>11 11. Mill.,. ,., ,.~ James Frencl1 a \\'Lil r. N"""" c-..-p.,.., 0 •1• tt• tor "'"_.w., 111 .. .-. 1nci.v161.111 1o101•N P111:111c -c1mo1nl• resull they \\'ill bring home the ding champion San Die go Locust Valley, N. y ., had nad· _, a .. e11. Ci~ .._ n.. 11 ... .-0 ,,, Eduutlot1 ot fM "'""'-'· P•l•ld• L. s1o1u Prlnti1><1I Otll<• ln Slate who y.·ound up fourth in ... MY• ....... Unified $(_-Olotrl<'I ·-Ne> "'• Th .. t!•l•lfl•n• llllcl wlln In~ CouMY lo• An9~!el Cwn•Y LEGAL NOTIC~ VICTORIA, B.C. (AP) eel down hono1·s 111 their class. p.,,.,.n"" O•onw ~ ... ., o." 1 "'.I<:\,.,., .., •eil'tf ,,,,. .,,. 111 ~Id•. '"" '"°' ciert ot O•o,,.• count'I .... J11..., 11, ,.,1 M• commluiOll E•1>l•u the standings. T•·me runs out at 4:52 p.m. ,, )J. JO •"" J"" ' 1• 1111 .v ' ...,c.,. .. ,,,, i<t.,1 IN _, lrid, otMI 10 11 ...... iv J. MMIOO•, D•"""' Coun1, Nov, t, 1•n The L:SC victory eontinued The majority of the major ....... 1n1 1ntor ... NN "' 1 ....... ., . .., '" cien.. Mil TOK 1. Mlllt:Jt, Any, P--<1l1n 011 the last small boat 11."ith a LEGAL NOTICE 1,., t>id rec.._,, 1'1.r.n-Orin .. co.u o .. 1y Po101. ''" ,.,,,_,. "'' ''"'· c1<11T1~1c ... rr: OI'" 1u111111:ss the Pacific Coast domination trophies awarded in the • ----------°'' .. JuM 2l. Jt 71. 1 ..... n lG •nd July 7, H, n11 IJ.l!-11 s .. n. JU FICTITIOUS NAME T h II h chance to heal Sorcery s cor· 1.,,,.. MEWl>Oll T·MES.t. Lu A~tt ... cat1ter<111 ...., Tn• unci.,.,,,,.., ooe. cot1•h ht " of the t.1orse rop }'. as SwHtsure race, a sailing rate rec!l~d time. NOTICl TO c11101To11;, DF v1o11F1fo SCHOOL LEGAL NOTICE t u 1.oc con0 .. u1nv • b\111 ..... 11 ltlll NorwOOd been tossed abOut between I IUllC Tl .A IO,I• OISTIUCT <If Pubhl1'<'CI OrtnlM CN ll 0••1, P•lol, Te,,1cP. lr•l'1'", C1lltornlo, U~~' I"" lhtil had boats alternate Y ArnerfCan £ag\e, a <:On· is.a.. "" -,111 u C.C.I Oro ..... (...,,..,., C•lilotn•• Jun• 2, '· u. n lt11 IJ52 II t:cll!I...,. ''"" n•mt Cl P.A(IFIC use and San Diego Slate for h' h . d d Im "Cried 12-meter skippered hv, 'IOh<I "-""· .,,,.., "'·~ <'!<!·'"'' I Y 0.-otto' _.....,Fl,,,... "·Jltl ]---------------]SECURI TY' SY'STEMS I nd,.,,, t•iO lltm the past four years. hesel hy 1g Wins an ca • '" M.ARGAll ET T ll ES~ElLE lr1n•l••o<. Pvru..ostn• AMl'll PICTITIOUS IUSINl'SS I\ C""'ll<I'"" al '"• 1011-·"" "'""°n. . . s l Brow n graduate Ted Turner ol w ....... """"'2 _, .. , ;, !It FP'"'""°' '-'>1100 NoUrrlt: STATIMI NT LEGAL NOTICE wl!OH "'"''In lull 1nd 1111c1 ct rt•kl•n<• B Division skipper Jakosky seas. are now resl1.11g in ca· d •~• .JOS e .. t>cw Ca..M• ~· O•int•· ~111e 'uofl~Oll 0r1ntt c .. ., Otil'f P•lo!. ,~. lfO!lowln• P••-' It 110ln1 bu~·ntti]---------------·]" ••tallow• made the besl contribution lo tie area yacbt clubs . Atlanta was the SC('()n to et C•lo!0<"''· ,.,., • ....,,. ••1n1to• it tbcul Juno 7J. lQ, 1'71 IO()l·ll II: 81uc• 51u•blng, "Ill Nc.-woall h ' h r,·,,·,h z' hl :45 p.nl .. and D. D. M ~ moor 1<1 C>t.All l0!7E M MJ.-,1.. MEllltY GO ltOUMO PlllE SC>tOOl, F°'US T<rrlC<", l•vino. C•lilornl1. the USe Victory f rirlay. after The premier trOp Y 10 t e ., WFll Tr•n•1.,,.. """"""' &us'"'" ..,. LEGAL ~OTICE •UN. E:l C•mlna 1te11, Son Clemeni.. F1CT1T1ous 1vs1NESS "AMI' 01111l0JYn•, ',',:.,',',", being over the starting line 132-rnile classic was carried Steere·s 55·fOOt sloop, Yankee "'"" , lllll No. 11vm11e1.s1, .t.Pt :io,, S•n]------"C"cc"°------] c1111ornlo. ''"'''-MENT rue ~ rl 30 Gi.rl . fi'n•'shed third 1·usl before , •'"'· ccu~,., .,1 ~·" M•1-S•it• o• ,_.1," v1r1inl1 LYnnt H1mlllot1. 121 ""•· s1.i• cl c111to•nl•, O•~nve Ccunrv: early in one rac-e he $1.arted olf by Hooligan, a Cal 2- c.i,iarn. ClltTIJICA11l OP I UtlM«SS ..... Jdlo, Son Cltmtfllt. Ctlllc-rnl• •• ~h• '011°""1"' p.erson 11 "°"'' b!ll•n•H On Ju,no 11· ','11. b~!D•,•, mt •• No"," last and '"orked h'•mself ''P lo r,orn the Seattle Yacht Cluh l a.m. T~· ,,,_,.., tc ~ tronlt•rted <I f'ICTIYIOUS NAMll This ll<Jslno.n Is bt!lnl tond<Kllcl by on · Puctlc n •n<I o• l&>d ""• l>f'1'1lno 1V • k led ,.,, •••a ~· XII M•'•' .. "'""""' lhlDe• Tn. undfflllMlll ~ cerlif'f ~. b ln<1lv1dutl. THE KONOITOllL 211 For••! .A••·· ooP•~•!d t•uct ~lu•tiinv known 10 m• 10 second place al [he fin ish skippered by Tom O'Brien. Thick fog. ;1'hich b!an "(' '' '"'" <-·n'-ot O,.•"•• S!ol• o1 1 "•-•• '' "" lhku T~l' illltmtn! llled will> 1nf Counrv l1~uno Bue~, (t l•fornl• be tho 1>1rson w~oH n1fT'r ;, svb"rll)«I 1. f lhe II N l '''' Tuesd"Y '"Y -" • c-ucl "' ' "" ·~ warr•n P&l1<•• Sch1ock, 3'1 Clltl D• .. '" "' w;1•1n 111,,,um•nt • n a while Ha-•ard -lhe l''el" •-The !loo 1gan.· one 0 1e CW]}Or " i..o<>!o•n•• . Street, Ce.I• Mell, C1Jllornl1, ul'ICI•< "'" Clort, Or•n•• CounlY. "" M•V 21, 1911. 0 r 1 1 1 " '• ' "-' od b l ~~·" P"•Pe"v 11 oo..:robt-11 In 11•n•r•I fkll!loln firm 11o1rn• 01 LA.1111.ISON ~ v11111n11 lvn,,.. liomlllon Lovun• ••ch, .... , 01111· •cknowlt<1<1e<1 "" ••Kulld '"" ••m•. beal _ finished a disn1al next sn1<11lest boats entered, was night. lilted a bit t ay, u i . Al•""'" in ,,,.,.., ,,.,u,.1, e<>w~m•n• "ssoCl#ITES •"" lh•• ••Id '""' 1, J:,,'!bl~h:'.' t~'.2":.'1t'i10011 0•1lr ,~~;i ... 1~l~dl~~i:~" h being conduC!"" Dr tOFF 1c:z~Ys~~.~1 M.Ortc" to last. declared overall winner on a the ivind \l'aS so light that it •• , ,~win • m•1 twoth •nil .,1n W>aP c""'"°'"' of '"• '°', iowin,• ",','0!'; w,•,·,·~ W•"e" P. 5cnr1K~ Nclarv Publlc·C11;1ornT• f SC 1 ,, h d' b · Sh lso '"On look Yank-G'1rl 45 minutes ·· ~ "'"'• In 11;11 11111 '"•c•" rei e,-• ''----------------] •"•• ,,,,,_,,, 111!<1 wllh lh• co1m1v ,,,1,,1 •• 1 0 ,,,,, '" A measure o U 's ast..._.ay an 1cap as1s. e a .. .." l>v•t1•1'H known •• 811'S tAT>I "NO ',, I '" ~ hl k h f om the G•FT s..roP '"a 1cc1Te<1 1t :io1 M•rlne "~'-:~ E. Lurr1..,, nn 11ker it.. LEG AL NOTICE c1en. 01 o,1nge Couotv en; June 7• n11 0•1"g" count• effort y.•as the facl that I.hey the Royal Vancouver Yac to wor er way up r _..~"""" e•a~ 1, B•ll>Ool tolfncl, County b~ B1v.,1y J. Modae»1, 01pur1 Coun1., Mv CDmmiu ion E~~·••• I h f d' · · IV butterball Rock Buoy lo the GI O••oG•. s111~ .,, Ctlltornl•. CO!Jto Me•i, ,c'·1,11 ]-------o=,-------] c11r"o<. AP•ll '· 1911 were never in !he lead in Cub lrop Y or 1v1s1on I .,.11 LI h• 7n• 1>urk H•n•ft• wll' l>f. con'""'"''''"" 0•'" J~:• E.~'lirrlson ,.nf5 Puc1<0he<1 O•o"q' Ce111 O•;ty Pilot Jun• PuDll1111c1 Oronpo CP•>I Ot11¥ Po let, points until the final race. boat!:. finish line al Cast e n l & ("or ITI<' '"'Ind lllY cf JulY. 1t11, 1! Slt!f ol C•lllornlt, OronN CC..nl'l': f'IC T1TIOUI IUSUfl'S ••·::::"~·~>~>~.C~~'C'~"~·-------------·~«~>c·'~''.'.:'~":"".C'~'·c':':·c~~·~'oo'.:'..C'~°'~'-':·c'~'c"C.._'c"~'~'·~>:>'...._!'.''.'.'.~_"'".'.''...''.'.'.'._'.~'.'._~'.::':__ __ ~::::::.. ____________ :__::::::::C.:.C.-'.---------10 00 A M 1t PllOF£5Sl0N"L ESCROW On Ju,.. u, U71, ti.joro mt, 1 ND!tf~ NAMIE IT ... TI MIENT _: sE 1tv1CES. Hll7 Irvin• l!~d .. Sullt E .. ,.ullllt In '"" llW ttld Slltl. '"torllllly Tnt ktllo-..ln1 porion 11 dalnl biisines' l u<tln. Coun1y <Ill Or•ns•. $!1t• cl t ppt•fl<I Jolon E. l1r<llOl'I ~nown lo mt 1" l'ICKU~ l>AEClSION GE"R COM· '";;'~'"i;,''0, kMwn 10 ,,,. -Yronsfor~. 111 ~bK~lbtdlti~• ~.C:1111~:1ru;:,1,r;:: .~: l'"NY, 1921 Pl1ctnll1 AYlnu1, Co•lt buo•o•u nu•••• 1"" •dd••l'tt und by idt-i.O.ed "' ntc\rholl ll'I• wme. M•~•. Colllornl1 l1•ns'•ror lot 11\f !lllH ,tltl ltJt p1J1 . (OFFICl.-.l SEAl l CHA.ll lE$ VINCE NT PICKU P. lt32 "' ·~· Ot11a Ju~• II, lfll C~•rlD/IP M . Mo>wtll T••n•t .. o• PIO~ESSION.AL IESCllOW llEllVICIS inn lrtlM I I••·· SwlTI I 'V"in. C•l•fo•nl• "*' EXfOW N1 11-t1J.t.I MtN Beltl t/,ortoft Clltf Ori~•. NOWPO<I B•tcto. C1IUc•ni1 NofirY Publk..Clllllll'nlt l/111 &uslnH• I• l>lln• conllucl!d br on O" ' indiv!<lu11. Pr!n1;l1>1I ,.Jct " Sli n!d: Cht•I•• Vlncenl ,.it~UI> Ortnve counlY M• c....,m1Uion fJpirU Tnis ~•1remtnl tiled wllh lf".e Coun•• .._0,;1 t, ltl.S Ci01~ cl Or•nG~ Count• on: J""' " lt71. 1>un11sn..i Or•nf! COis! Oo/11 l'ilo1, 8v lltvt•IY J. M1ada•. Oeouty Counly June "· ll, :xr. •"" J~!y I, J'n t~lf·ll Cl••~. LEGAL NO'l1CE PubhShMI o...... Co•I! 01i!y Pilol. Juno t . 1•. l J. :io. ltn IHl./1 '"' II: LEGAL NOTICE , . ., .. f'ICTITIOUI IUllN!SS N#IMI IT"TIMINT tellowlt11 "'"""" J1 <lain• bu1 ln••1 CAllTll!ll'S C"llPET ClE.-.NING, lllS Port M1r1t1• ~llCt, NIWPorl ll•ac~. C•lllornl1 nuo. l(l!LSE V OAYIO C>tASE, 113.1 ,.D•I Mor11!~ Pitt.. NtWl>Drl I t I < ~ , Calllornla t1"60. T~I• &uilneu 11 bolnt condu{!ed tiv on lnalwldu•I Sl1nocf: !'(ELSEY OAYIO CH.ASE 1 ~·• •lotemtn! 111«1 wl!~ '~• Coun!Y Cit•~ ef Or•nGr Count• on June u, lfll Bv teyerly J. Maddo• Oeouh County Cler~ Pwblh~ed o .. nte COI S1 Ol•IY "''"'· Jun• 1•. 13. lO tnd July I, 1111 l)l .. 11 LEGAL :'\OTICE "''"' .. ICTITIOUS IUllM!SS N"MI IT ... Tl'MI NT '"' tollclwlng 01rson h lloln1 twsln•H 01: V.Alt#I VIEW COM,..ANV, 1ll0 Sc Sus1n Sl•eot. ~anti A.no. C11l101n•• '110•. Gl<nn l llo1rK. 1'1U ~'"to Cl1•1. Fount .. n V~ll••· C1l"0'";1, 1n11 bu•l"eu 11 1>eln1 cond .. cled bY •n Jn<llYld~ll. Tnl1 1111-tn! fll•d w•ln tho Counl~ Cl•rlr,, Or•nt l C0<1nl¥, Oii M1v l l . 1111. Glonn L 11011> ~utill•hocf Orlntt Co111 0•11¥ Pilot, Juno 2. '· l •, ll, ltlr l.,.}-11 LEGAL NOTICE 4 DAY SALE 12'113' !2'115' 14'112' 11'112'1" 12'110'1" 14'115' 12'1IZ' 14'111'7" 12'111' 14'112' 12'115' 12'111'1" 14'11 2' w1u·r 12'111'11" LARGE ROOM SIZE REMNANTS YOUR CHOICE DESCR IPTION r11c1 llG. r11c1 Sky 1111 &arv1• Jf7l11 Pile 159.00 Sp a11ish 1i1ill NyJ11 Pi le 169.01 Bl•t l Gree11 M7l11 Twee• 169.DO Orie11t.1I J141 P1 lyester Pl~sk 115.DO .l¥1ca•• P1 l7est1r Pl1si 165.00 L11kt Blue & Dark Bllft Nyl111 Si1c 115.00 Bei1e Can e• Myl•• Pil e 169.00 Gree• Mix Hyt11 Twee• 115.00 B1r1t Ora11e P1l7ester Siar 189.00 Cia111pac1e MJI•• Pile 165.00 Tre,ic ''''' N1l11 Pile 16 9.00 Mah1gany Nyla11 Ska1 115.00 A1li ~1e li114 Nyle1 Pl1sk 11 5.00 Peach Nrl•• Pile 165.00 Burc111•r Ca"e• Nrlo• Pil e 169.00 Aqua Polyester Pl1sll 169.00 &i111am1 T11t1r1• Nyl11 Pile 165.00 Olivl! Pol yes ter Siaf 189.00 Ve1etia1 Bl1e NJIDI S~a&: 189.00 Bl ae l Br1w1 Mix Ny l11 Tmd 179.00 Mtss NJltl Pilt 169.00 Co111et 'ree1 Nyl11 Si11 115.00 Black. Br1w1, Bei p Myl11 Tm4 175.00 Sky 1111 & Sea lir1e1 Pelyesttr Shar 189.00 Geld l Ci1c1l1le P1ly1st1r Siar 119.00 Gypsy Gold Nyl111 Piie 165.00 N1Uft1g Mrl11 Twee• 185.0D 14'112'1" Bur1t Ora111 l Rust N7l11 Skac 115.DD 1111 Heatker Nyl11 Pl1si 119.DD 12'113' Cbia11ti Re• Nyl11 Pl1si 169.DD Br11ze Carve• Nyl11 Pile 175-DD 12'114" lv1r1 N1l11 Pl•si 169.DD 1t1y1I Bl1e Nyl111 SiJf 179.00 12'11 4'7'' A1tiq11e li1l• Nyl11 Pilt 165.0D Br1w1 Mi1 M1l111 Twee• 175.00 12'11 0'9" P1 rckme1t Nyl11 Pl1sll 165.DD Fl111t Rt• & Ot-1111 Nylt1 S~ac 119.0D ll'1ll' li1it 51llf Tert1r1 NJIH Pile 169.11 t1s1·Be i1e Nyl11 P1tsi 175.00 14'112'1" 8r1w1 Mil Nyl11 Tw114 SIS.OD L1 .. 1 & Of11ce Nyl•• Skac 179.0I 11'111' ll1st Nrl11 Pilt SIS.DI L11U lllj l l,oolsl ;11• 119.00 12'11•'1'' 1111• Mix Myt11 TnH I l l .II kt lly lir111 Pe tyester Si•r 119.00 f 4'114' Su1!11w1r Yelle• Nyl11 Siar Ill.DI F\111e ae• N7l11 Pl1si 115.01 1l'1fS'' t~lll1r11ia C114 l Mai11a1y Nyl11 Sill 115.11 li l~t C:re11 l Tr1pic 'rte• H7l11 Skac 119.o'a 14'111'!" B11r1111•1 P1lyesttf Plusi 179.DI Caramel Myl11 Pl1s i 169.00 f l'1i 2'!" leme11 T•ist P1Jy1st1r Sil( SIS.DI lime Palye st er Skar 115.IG 14'115' -Pa,rlka N7!11 Ph1sti Sii .Di Yell•w ' Mi lt MJ lll Sh•r 119.00 12'114'1" Emer•I• Are11 Nyl11 Stiac 115.DG l1ic1 & Brin NJI•• Siar $15.00 f 4'1l l'I" D1w1 Belp Cart14 Nyl11 Pill 119.91 ltt4 l Black N7l11 Tw11• 179.00 11'1!2'1" Oliw1 Nyll1 Pill $15.11 Sa•• Cam• Nrl11 Pl1sk $75.DO ll'1fS'i' lir111 Mist Nyl11 S~ar 115.11 ••• P1lytst1r Siar Ill.II 14'114' Blttirsnet Myl11 Pin• 175.11 lw1ry Nyl11 Siar 119.DO 11'114' Ill•• & llKi: NJlll Twttl 171.11. Or1111 Nyl111 Pl1si 115.ID 11·11r lll1st Nyf11 I'll• • Ill.DI ••• C1rraw11lt Nyl11 Pile llUI 12'114'1" S11•st11e Cartel NJlll Pil a Ill.II MAlllT, MAllY TO CHOOll r ROM, a UT HURRY Ill •OR ••IT 11umo11 All UIOR CARRIES A llffilM~ GU~ANTEE 3040 BRISTOL' AVE s.~~\,:1~ COSTA MESA 548·8548 • USE OUR CONYtNl£NT Cl£01T TUMS Jensen Ma rine Produces New Ocean R acing Ca l-33 Jensen ~f1rlne. creators of the "Cal" line of racing and cruising sarl'bo.lts, has an- nounced that production 1s under way C>ll their ne,,_,·est ocean-racing contender, the Cal...33. The new boat rr>f!ects the latest design thinking of naval archileet C. \Villiam Lapv.·orth of Ne:wport Be:ach. designer of alt of the Cal boats. Lapworth and Jack Jensen describe the new Cal-l3 as an "all-0ut boat " "\\'hen we say all-ou L." says Our Huge luylng Power $.ayes You More On First -.... _. Quality Carpet Lapworth . ''we mean all-out cruising as well as racing. The sa1ne design features that makt the (.al-33 go fast give her plenty ol room below and make her comfortable in a seaway. A few of the design features of the new boat are : Long waterline, wide beam. a new short and deep-raked kttl, and a ventral fin and skeg which fa irs smoothly into the rudder. These are refinements of the basic features that have made Cal boats co nsistent race win- ners for the past. I I years. ac- cording to Jensen. While the Cal-33 has bt>en designed with the Interna- tional Off shore Rul e (IORI very mucli in 1nind and rale.9 within the One Ton Cup formula, primary interest has bee n placed on providing an extremely fast and seaworthy OCt>an ra«r. r-.1ost striking innovalion ap- parent in the Cal-33's interior is her galley-a new design located forward. It sepa rates !hr cook from the sail- handlers. and allow!'! lull wrap- around seating all. The t w o quarter-berlhl'I below are almool all large all standard doubles. The boat sleeps six lo eight pcrson!'I and features a bureau and banging locker in the forward cabin. For auJtiliary power the boat will have a 25-horsepower DAILY '!LOT J 'l R e turn to Wars Sirius II . the famed M-Cl ass cutter rejuvenated by Bob Lynch of Ne\vport Harbor Yacht Club, is shown 'vinning the California Cup at California Yacht Club last Sunday. The sleek cutter saved her tlme in all three races over .Jim Kilroy's Kialoa II , NHY C, and Loi Killam's Graybeard, Royal Vancouver YC. gasoli ne engine with .a 2:1 Ci::tl..!:...~W'Tl' _~~~~~.&"Al."'"'IJlrlit••n"; 4 reduction gear. A va riety of - DuPONT NYLON PLUSH 100% continuous filament nylon plush. Mainta ins fres~ look with little effort. Nylon yarns ·are tough and Jong wearing. Cleans easily. Many lovely colors. Multi-color yams ~itli a differr:nt casual texture. A carpel that im- pa"s sparkle and practicahty. Double laminated jute back. Excit- ing color comblnat iollS. .All ny!on lace fdndom texture11 hi·!o IDop. double jute backint;: Re· sists fu11ing and pilling. [asy !o maintain. Many smart r.o1ors. DuPONT NYLON PILE Broadloom Soft end curled down yorns for di· mensiono l e ffect. More foce yorn for longer weor. Mony lovely colors ovail- oble. $ 79 SQ. YD. COMPLETELY INSTALLED OUR LOW PRICE INCLUDES CARPET, PADDING TACKLESS INSTALLATION NOTHING ELSE TO BUY SHOP AT HOME SERVICE If yoa tJ•'t co111e ill, jMst p~1•e .1n~ 11r reJresent.1tiwe will c.111 wit~ .1 fi ll s.111- ple s1lectio11. Na 1bli gati1•. CALL TODAY 546-8548 ·-. ·~ '· ~ , DuPONT '·~· TONE-ON-TONE NYLON PILE Continuous filament nylon pile car· pet in a deep, rich, h1·lo textured, tone -on-tone pattern. Resistant to spots and stains. Double jute back .. ing. Many lovely colors. NYLON SHAG 100% DuPont nylon face. Double 44 9 1ute backing, dee11 luxurious pile. [asy to main tain. Molh·11roofed and· non-allergenic. /vi array of SQ. YD. decorator colors. Deep rich shag carpe t made for years at beauty a~d wear. So tough and durable ·it's famil y-proof. large ~election of lo~ely !ash1on lor . ALL LABaR CARRIES A LIFETIME GUARANTEE USE OU~ CONVENIENT CREDIT TEAMS options is offered. depending <:f" w l . on the owner's preference. • e come Vita l statis tics are : 32 feet 3 inches length overall. 27 feet 8 inches waterline, IO feet 4 in· Ab d ches beam. 10,000 pounds oar displacement, 4.000 pounds ballast. and a sail area of 536 square feet. Double Bill Log Race A nnounce d A doubleheader predlcled log race from Newport to Oceanside is scheduled .June 26 by Shark Island Yacht Club and \he Balboa P o we r Squadron. The two organizations will be conducting identical log races and skippers who are members of both m a y parlicipale in either or both of them. Plaques will be awarded in Expert, Novice and Outboard categorir>s in the BPS event, accordirig to Jack Honey, race · committee chairman. The race will start off the Ne"'Port Jetty buoy. First ma rk will be a blind point Al Lat. 33-29 N and Long. 117-~ W . second mark will be San Juan Rock: thi rd mark will be the H-2 quick-nashing buoy off San Onofre and the finish at the whistle buoy off Oceanside. Graves Takes Hobi e P ost Donald Graves. 39, formerly associated with K a w a s a k I f\1otor Corp.. has been ap- pointed vitt pre sident in charge of marketing by Coa/il Catamaran. manufacturers of the Hobie Cat sailboa1 s. , Arthur Hendrickson . presi - de nt of Coast Catamaran. an- nounced the appo intment as a s\fp 1n the /1rm·~ dealer devclop rnen1 proRram. Hen- drickson said 1he U S. and international growth of the l-lob1e Cat sale!'I requ ires a continued emphasis oo a dynamic dealer netw ork . At Kawasaki Gr a v e i'I By ALMON LOCKABE Y With Safe Boating Week coming up July 4, perhaps this would be a~ good a time as an y for a review of the traffic laws of the waterv.·ays -co mmonly known as the Nautical Rules of I.he Road. The Rules of the Road lake two forms -the Int.er· national Rules of the Road on the high seas, and the In· • land Rules of the Road for inland waters sllch as bay1, lakes and rivers. Bul regardless of the rules, in loday 's burgeoning pleasure boa t boo m lhere are two wo rds that .11 re equal· ly or more imporlant than the regulations themselves. They are : "common sense'' and "courtesy." As a matter of fac t. the government rules themselves provide for just such courtesy an d common sense. On ly it's spelled out in different words -the "general pruden· tial rule." The prudential rule states flatly that if a privileged ves- sel the one having the right-01-way-does not do everything in its power to avoid a collision, it ii'I just as guilty as the ' burdened vessel. Let's take a look at a few of the fundamenlal rules of · the road. A VESSEL APPROACHING yours from any point dead ahead to two polnts abaft the starboard beam-which means a, bOal crossing you r course from the rig ht -has the right of way. You must give way to this boat by alter· ing course. slov•ing down or stopping. Jn such a cast the privileged vessel is rr>quired lo ~old co~rse and .speed. But if the burdened vessel fails lo yield the r1ght-of- way .. the privilege.cl vessel is required lo ta ke wha tever measures necessary to avoid the co ll ision. When two boats are approaching either head on. each should bear to the right so as to pass port side to port side. This sounds easy. But in crowded waterways such as a n<1rrow channel. neither boat may have room to bear to !he right. The prudent thing to do in this case is for boats on collision course to slop dead in the water_ The big rule controversy in Newport Harbor and sim· tlar crowded ch1:1nnels is the rule !hat gives saillxlats the right of way over power boats. Jt 's a controversy that could be solved by a little common sense and courtesy on bot h sides. roWERBOATS ARE OFTEN prone to fulfill their ob- ligation to keep clear by a burst of speed to pass ahead . This often results in a huge wake that could capsize: a small sail or powerboat nearby. Be~ move -slow down and take the rag-sailor's stern -or slop. ~!any sailboat sklppcrs are even more guilty of violat- ing the prudential rule by insisting on lheir righl Qr way lo the point that a po~·crboat is placed in an untenable rxn:it1on and powerless to exercise rheir responsibllity to keep clear. There is no re11.son why a sailboat oul for a lelsurely day-sail should ool altar course by tacking or ji bing to yield right-of-way to a powerboat wfftrii mi ght be caught in a jam . 3040 BRISTOL COSTA MESA AVE J.,t Off Tho Son Dleqo Fwy. 548-8548 ASK ABOUT OUR EASY LAYAWAY PLAN . developed 1:1 s1 rong organiza- tion of 950 dealer~ which reflected a growth in three years from 16th to third place: in the highly competitive motorcycle market. Prior lo hii'I Kawasaki assignment Graves headed the dealer development program at Honda and was the dealer manager at General Motors. Neither is there any excuse for a powerboat to go bomhing across a sailboat regatl.8 course just because the · skipper doesn't like those "damned ragbaggers." The wake he causes could swamp or sink a tmall sailboat with pollsible loss of life. SO IT ALL BOILS DOWN lo a matter of coortesy - that is, keeping an eye on the other i ll}' -power or sail -and flguring out in advance what he might do -or even can do or can't do. " . ; " ·• '• ' ' Choose One of the Many Coast & Southern Federal Offices to Serve You: ... MAIN OFFICE: 9th l Hill, LOI Angele•. 623-1351 * WILIHIRI! at GRAMEltCY PLACE:31133Wll1hl19 Blvd., LA.• 388·1295 LA. CIVIC ClNTf.A: 2nd & Broadway • 62&-1102 * HUNTINGTON BEACH: 91 Huntington Center • :·: (714) 8117-1047 •. 8AHTA ANA LOAN l lR\llCI! AGENCY: ~. * 1005 N. Main St.• (714) 547-9257 :-: ;t , * SANTA MONICA: 718 Wi11hlre Blvd.• 393-074& .: .... * IAN PEDRO: 11)lh & Pacific I 83, ·2341 t: I * WllTCOVINA: e .. u.na ShoJ19lng Ctr .• 331-22tl1 i : PANORAMA CITY:MlllV11nNu:yaBlvd.•892-1171 ~· TMZANA: 11751 V•rnura Boulevard • 345-8614 .... ; ,._, * LONClll'.ACH:3rd &L.ocuat •-437·7481 :.. f' * Open Sltwdm -9 1m la J p11 DtllJ Houts -9 1111 to 4 pm •. ~SSETS OVER $800 MILLION .-. ' . ' Art Linkletter Shows You a New Way to Be at Inflation ... Ju st Join &he lnsldem Club With a $2,500 balance in your aavinga account, you are eligible to become a member. Substanllal savings ere avalleble when purchasing many Items lncludtng automoblles, fuml!ur•, appliances, jewelry. Plus many free aeNlces -money ordera, aa fa deposit boxea, etc. ' -COAST 1 ANO SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS Coast & Southern Federal Offers You These Highest Prevailing Rates: COMPOUNDED DAILY AND PAID QUAllTIRLY.• 5.00"'•-5.13"1• Pa11book; No Minimum. 5.25°1°-5.39°/• Three Month Certificate; No Mlnlm'Jm. 5.75°1°-5.92 "1• On•Ye1r Certificate; $1,000 Mini mum. 6.00°/o.6,180/o Two-Year Ctrtlflealt; $5,000 Minimum. • Ellt ctW• Annu•IE•rnfnga • INSURANCE TO $20,000 - There are other times when a powerlxlat may have to go through a racing sai l fleet. If it does so at slow speed Uie sailboat skipper should be tolerant. There are a lot of things more important than winning a race. Two of them happen W be sa ving a life or preventing damage to one's boat. And don'l forget. The Rules or the Road no longer give the right-of-way to small pleasure v e s s e Is over large com mercial vessels which cannol maneuver easily • If you are sa iling in eiUier a power or sailboat in an area of commercial shl ppin(, better give a wide berth lo larga commercial vessels. Decision Cops Isthmus Decision. an Ertcson-35 stoop skippered by P au I Berger of Del Rey Yacht Club WI! the ocean racing winner in DRYC's De:I Rey to the Isthmus Raee, Saturday. Winner in the Paclfk Han- dicap Racing Fleet division was Peter Dupuy'• tehooner La Volpe from Santa MonlCA YC. Bert L«kwood'! Ericson--29 fo'oxy Lady from Pacific Mariners Yacht Club wa!> the winner Jn the Midget Ocean Racing Fleet. l"inal Resu!L!: OCEAN RACING -\l) Decision. PHRF·A -(1) La Volpe; (2) H1gh Flyer, Robert Hayes. WYC: 131 Mat1lc, Henry Pr>per, SMYC: (4) C.Jitq. Mike COok. KHYC: (5) Brioso. Ed Wheelock, CYC. PHRF-8 -(I) Qulaull, John Troege:r, KHYC: t)l Squirre l Caae, Tom Leweca;, eve. MORF'-(t) f<'o:a:y Lady If!. 29): (11 Foxy Lady (Cll.J7J Br uce Rover, PMYC. \ fl JI DAI LY PILOT Wtdnfsdoiy, Junr 23, 1971 PILOT·AOVERTISER J:: 1 ----- E'A1'11LY CIRCIJ.'i bu Bil K enne Area Men • Ill Service Around the World Airman Gre1ory C. Grten, son of Mrs. Al A. Rozek, 21151 Amberwick Lane, Huntington Bear.Ji, has completed basic training at Lack.land AFH, Tei:, He has been assigned to ~wry AFB. Colo., for training Ul the muniti-0ns and weapons maintenance field . Airman Green is a 1969 graduate of Huntington Beach High School U.S. Air Force Captain Patric k T. Conner. son of ~ .. !rs. Virginia T. Lambert, 260 \\I. Alessandro, San Clemenu·. has received his secQnd through fourth awards of 1ht> Air Medal at h1cGuire AfB, N.J . Captain Conner, a pllol. wa s decorated for outstanding airmanship and courage on successful and important missions con1plctcd u n de r hazardous conditions \\hile assigned at Cam Ranh Hay AB, VielnCim. U.S. Air Force Captain Carl F. Knal:le II. son of i\1r . and /.!rs. Carl F'. Knabe, 2425 S. Coast J1ighn·ay. Laguna Beach, has been decorated \l'lth !he Distinguished Flying Cross for aerial achievement in Southeast Asia. He v.·as honored at Keesler AFB, l\1iss., \\here he now serves as an instructor pilot in a unit of the Air Training Command v.·hich p r o v i d e s flying, tecbnical and basic military training for U. S. Air Force personnel. U.S. Air Force Sta rr Sergeant Steve L Rtynolds, son of ~1rs. Pauline A. Kellev, 31281 Holly Drive, Laguria Beach. is on duty at Udorn Royal Thai AF'B in Thailand. Sergeant Re)'nolds. a supply specialist. is assigned to a unit of the Pacific Air Forces, headquarters for air opera- tions in Southeast Asia, the Far East and the Pacific area. Be.fore his arrival in Thailand, he served at ri1ounl Laguna Air Force Station, Calif. He has served in Vietnam. Navyman David A. Wethe, son of Retired Marine Lieut.enant Colonel and Mrs. Wallace G. Weihe of 490 Myr- tle St.. Laguna Beach. w n s commissioned to his present 18-week course at the Naval Officer Candidate Schoo 1. Newport, R.I. He is a 1966 graduate of Laguna Beach High School. Airman Vern W. ~tollan . son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mo/Jan of 2230 ~liner . Costa Mesa, has graduated at Shep- pard AF'B, Tex ., from the U.S. Air F'o r ce medic al administrative spec i a I i s I course. The a irman. who was train- ed to maintain medical and veterina ry recnrds. is being assigned to U-Tapao Airfield. Thailand. for duty with a uni1 of the Pacific Air F'orces. Airman ~follan is a 1971 graduate of Estancia High School, Costa t.1e sa. Vietnam -U S. Air Fnrce Lieu lt!11ant Colonel Rtrnard C. Jones. son of ~1r!;. Earle C. Jones. 301 Avenue E: San Juan. San Clernenlr. has rece1\"t'd the Air 11\edal at Phan Rang AB. Vietn;im Colonel Jones. an air oper<r· lions vfficer, 1\·as decQra\ed for hi.~ outstanding airma11.c,hip and courage during substa1nc~ ;i.erial flights. The colonel. y,·ho previouslr !'erved al H1ck<1n1 AF B. Hawaii. is assigned to a unit ul the Pacific Air Fort•es. head· quarters for air operations in Southeast Asia the Far East and the Pacific area. Airman First Class Dennls R. Harpe:r. son of ~1r. and Mrs. 0. B. llarper, 7011 Bcstcl. Westminster. ha!i graduated al Sheppard AFB. Tex .. from the technical training course for U.S. missile instrurnentallon mechanics. Airman Flarper learned lo measure guided m i s s i I e performance 11·ith . elcclr_onic eqiuipmenl. He is be 1 n g assigned to Hill AFB. Uta~. for duty in a unit or the Air Fore~ LJ:igistics Co m m and which provide.s supplies ~nd equipmenl ror the USAF units. Timothy Bryanl. son (If ~1r. and Mrs. Charles Bryant. 1919 Kauai PL. Costa Pi-1esa. has recently bttn promoted to Staff Sergeant. Staff Sgt. Bryant is with lhe I 100th Security Politt Squad. USAF 11onor Guard at Bolling AFB in Washington O.C. Staff Sgt. Bryant is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School. His wife is the former Wnd• O'Brian of Newport Beach. U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colontl Haga J . Mllltr, son of Mrs. R. C. Evans, 262 Walnut, C.OsUr Mesa. is on duty at Khorat Rayal Thai A F 6 . Thall and, Colonel Atlller, an EB~ Ot a t royer reconnaissance aircraft ntivigator. i~ 1n a unit tf the Pacific Air Forces. headquarters for air crpera- tions in Soolheast Asia, th<> far East and Pacific ar('a. He previously served at Vandenberg AFB. Sergeant Robtrt E. J\tooney, son of i\tr. anrl l\lrs. Edward C. ~1ooney, 3009 Garfield Ave . Cosl<t ~1esa. has graduated at Sheppard AFB. Tf'x .. frorn the trchnK·al training cour~e fur LS Air Force a 1 r c r a f I Joadnu1~ll'rs Scrfi~ant 1\loon1'y w <i s !rained to tf11npule a1r<·ral t toads and to deliver n1att•rial and supplies hy parachu!e /I(' is being assignrd to Charlcstuo AFB. S.C .. !or duty in a un11 or lhe h11htary A1rl1fl Con1n1<1nd wh1l'h provides glob<t l a1rl dt for U.S. n1ili!ary forces. Pvt. "'ill iam G. Hudson, son of ~Ir. and tllrs 0. \\' Hudson, tl8 Hazel O!'iV<'. Corona de) ~lt1r. ~·as rl't.'i!fJ\Jy n:tn)MI Out~tandJng Tra11l('f' of 1,: Cun1pany un gr<idt1at1on fro111 t. ... ~ic 1ra1n1ng at ~·ort Le1l'i'I, \\':ishington. PvL Hudson has 11011· bt'en <tSS1gned to Furl Hliss, Texas. as p<Jrt of the Chaparral h1issile progran1. Pvt lludsor. attended Coruna dcl ~l<ir lllgh School. H()gt>r A. Simpson, s<1n of ~I t and ~Ir>; Jack L. Hl·rrun. 2~032 ~lal 1Uu Lant·. Hunt111gton Beach. h;1s b(•en J)rvn1oted !u :11rn1an f1r.sl cJ ;1ss in !he U.S. AL T Forl't' A1rnu1n Si111p son , 11 hf'licoplcr rn ethan1e. is 1n .1 unil uf the Air \\'f'ather Serl'K·e which pro 1· id c ~ wcnthcr information f n r rn1litv.ry fli ght operations. lit< is on dut.v at Holloman AFB, l\. f.I. li e is a 1969 gradu11le of llununcton ikach Un ion High School . Air111J11 Lui~ S. Ponf'r dt> Lt'oa, son of Fr.·d Ponce de Leon . 9452 Grand Dr ive. Hun· lington Beach. ha s con1plcted basic lrain111g at Lackland AFB. Tex . lie has been ~i.ssignf'd to Sheppard AFll, Tux. for trair11ng in aircraft maintenance. Airn1an Ponce de U.on is a graduate of Hun· lington Beach High School. His 11·ife is the former Sherry Bar· rel! of Hunlington Beach. Airman Ge{]rge S. Muldrew. son of Wil\ian1 E:. 1\luldrew of 149 Del Ponif'nte. San Clemente, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex.. for training in the civil engineer· 1ng structural and ps'olen1enls field . Ar1n y Specialist Four Thomas H. M3c Oon:ild Jr., whose parents Jive al 30'l4 c:rant Ave., Costa ~tesa, recently was awarded the Vietnarnese Service ~1cdaJ 1vh1le assigned to the 213th Assault Support lleticopter Co1npany near Phu Loi, Viet- na1n. The medal id(·nt1f1es the rt'l'1 p1ent as a veteran of duty in V1etnan1. Spec. 1\1 nc Donald is a repairman in the company. Henry K. Iknnett, son of f.lrs. Paul C. Crooks. 1778 Oakv.·ood Drive, ~1emphis, 1'cnn. recently 1-1·as pron1oted In Army Sergeant u pun graduation from the 1\'on- co1nmissioncd Officer Can· didate &:hool at Fl. Benning, Ga. He y, as selected for the c:oursc under a spec1ahz('d Arrny program lhat lo':rants raptd promotions to outstaii· ding individuals. The Sergeant's wife , Rehec- ca. lives at 2454 Vista llog&r. Newport lkach. U.S. Air l<~orce Fi r s l L1eutena11t Dale B. Odermao. son or Mr. and r>.lrs. Samuel Udl'r111an. 461J 11oxbury Road, Corona de! Mar, has arrived for duty at L;iughlin AFB. Tex. Li eutenant Odf'rman, an in- structor pilot. is in a unit ol the Air Training Con1mand which provides f I yin g, lf'chnical and basic military !raining for U.S. Air Forl:e personnel. He previously ser\I· ed at Randolph AFB, Tex. TWIN POLE SPACE ·A· NET . - "MY hands ore CLEAN!" POOL PACKAGE 26" x 6' Chrome ploted poles, towel rings, close-spaced wire shelves. Off. white enamel cabinet. Converts unusable wall space into ha ndy storage. 15'X48" 26" x a· .. 2 .79 26" x 1 o• •• 3.59 26" x 12' .. 4 .29 Comes in various fashionable colors that will enhance your patio roof decor. An ideol item to build partitions, w indbreakers or extensions on top of existing walls. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS EXTERIOR STAIN Now, enhance ond protect the natural beauty of wood siding, shingles, ~hokes, fences, planters and garden furniture. This e:icterior stain is toug h end long lasting. lhree times lon g er lasting than conventional stain~. 5s• BULLETIN & CHALK BOARDS 16" x 24" Handy by !he phone as o message cenier or memo holder. Great for home or office. YOUR CHOICE LITEDYISOR YANITY MIRROR Baftery operated home and auto mirror. Sturdy rear clip offoches to any ca r visor. Operotes on four penlite boneries (not included). HAMPER NOT INCLUDED 13.99 VALUE 8'' OUR FINEST QUALITY PATIO CHAIRS ... This smart distinctive choir is at home on any patio. It• ample size, sturdy arms and solid base provide luxurious seating for all types of outdoor livin g . II'' CORNWALL ____..,..,.,ELECTRIC SALE Your choice of hondy 4-c.up percolator. Ideal for traveling ond home use. Makes coffee for two. Or Electric Bun Warmer that keeps rolls p iping hot for hours. U•\'41 IS ·I·l 3'' HANDY KNIFE FREE PACKAGE OF 42BLADES Here's a g rea t tooi for the office, home, work shop, st udio, etc. A must for the hobbyist, artist, odvertising personnel. 89c Avalon 15'x48" pool hos heavy steel fro me and sanitized vinyl liner. Complete with fil ter and voe uum cleaner. ,;.;...:;;..:_.;...._--.....:;_ ______ '"' 1 S·FOOT COVER 8.99 179'' If ~ought separate ly, would sell for $209.97 4 '/2CU. FT. HAUL IT CART -1 50016 CLEARANCE LIMITED QUANTITIES AU steel construction, 14" spoke boll bearing wheels. Designed lo poss through ony doorway. Designed for unlimited uses around the yo rd. 10'' PYRACANTHA 1 GALLON ThP. most outstond1n g shrub that con be grown in many shapes. Hos clusters of white flowers 1n spring ond lush red berries for Christmas. tJ;\'AIJU EVEREADY "D" CELL FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES STOCK UP NOW FOR YOUR SUMMER NEEDS Ideal for flashlights, toys, clocks, rodios, etc. long la sting and fre sh. BUY 2 SAYE 21' WllTMINITll 6151 WE.STMINSTER AVE. AT COLDEN WEST ST. I I 1712 !AVINA BLVD TU T • ONE BLOCK £.Of NEWPORT AVf .UINA PA.I( 8860 VALLEY VIEW ST. AT LINCOLN AV(. IL TOIO 24392 ROCl<flELD AT El TORO RD. OIANGI 1J 4J [, KATELLA AVE, AT TUSTIN AVf , LA HABIA 2221 W. LA HABRA BL VO, ).T 8EACH BLVD. FULLllTON 2465 (.CHAPM AN AVE. AT STATE COLLEGE BL VO. .189 (. 17!h ST. COSTA MESA AT SANTA ANA AVF •VAN Nu..-s • RIVERSIDE • COVINA • LA CRESCENT A • LADE RA HEIGHT S • THOUSAND OAKS •EAST LOS ANGELES • SIMI • LANCASTER • CHATSWOR!tl • l'IRZANA • RE SEOA •UPLAND • SAUGUS •GOLETA • VICTORVILLE. •GRANAOAHILLS •!>A NB ER NA~OtNO • CAMARILLO • BAKE RSFtELO e HACIENDA HEIGHTS • ESCONOIOO • SPRING VALLEY ' ' l • 3 PILOT-AOVE~TIS(R \Vrclne~t. June 2.l, lqi't Wfod~dar, J1111t 23. 1q11 ________ "-'"-'-'-"-'_or~J~!)~ -------~ Jt1nior S11orts Healthy? 6) Pt ter J. Sttloerobn, ~t.O. Dtoar J)r. Sleinerohn r-.ty husband has gone hayw ire in Ir) 1ng to 131.Bkt a big leHgue r v-"er ou • ..if our IZ·yeer..old ~" For the pasl three ~ears he lias been compl11ining or a sore elbow, but hb lather tr lls him 10 be a man 1'o gri t hb 1e.e1h and take the pa in. I h<ive a feeling Johnny would ltke to give up baseball 1·e·rif &M~1 altogether. Bu1 n1 y husband keep:<> sharning him in 1 o playinf.::. Shouldn 't a young.~tc-r be alJ011.·ed to make a choice? -Mrs. l\I. COMr-.tEi'\T I :tn1 sport~· niinded myselt. If ynur hus- bond reads toda y's column. I hopt" he will rernember this and not think That my opinions ernanate fron1 one who doesn·1 get a thrill nut of \1•11tching footb;:ill. baseball, hasketbHll and other Eanu.•s I 'm in favor of sports for the physically and emotionally mature. But I n1 against too niuch en1pht1sis put on Lillle Leagueo encounters between kids y,·hose physical and emo- tional developn1enl still has many years to go. Parents like your husband should realize th<ll sornelirncs lhe.v sacrifice Lhe hea!lh of th eir youngst<'.rs !o their o"·n overzealousness -whatever the reason.-; lor it Some children are naturall.v glfled athl etes I even thry n1us1 be protected froin Lht'1nselves1 . <1thers -poor athletes bv nature -are often forced tO play against their wishes. The lruth L' lhat competitive sports in youngsters have become a health hazard ~ especially for those in the age range of 8 lo 14. Son1e misguided pa re n l s and c1Jaches believe. ··soys must learn to take i1." The question is : How early in life rntist thev learn to bear frustrations and phys ical injune~? It's not easy to IQOk 11110 the face of a disappoinled father. Forge t t i 11 g :1bou( the psychological impact on the youngs!er. neither is it easy to suffer the pangs and pains of an in jured elbow or knee -or \\"OrSC. Jn an article for !hr Bulletin of the Amerlcan College Qf Surgeons. Or. Nicholas J. G1annes1ras make!'i s o me ~rtinent ren1arks on the sub- Jec!. "Competitive s po rt s organized by l/1rse v11rious groups are now played so universAll}'. and \\'ilh such overemphasi.~. lhroughoul the United States. rha1 !hey have becn111e a health hazard Nor arc the parents \l.'!thoul blame. The possible exploitation of the children. and co rnmunity boos1ers constitutes a concrete danger.·· Jr scctns to ml'. ~1 rs. :i.t .. tha1 ptrhaps ~·our hu sband has inn ocently fallen into this cla.~si fica!ion of exploita tion Your son·11 cnmplain1s abou t a sore t'l bow nred 1nvr.~tigar i0n I t"~ possible that hr n1ay alreadv ha ve u n n ;i r u r al pressu~es on lhc ulnar ncrv r in his clb(1\\ \Vhy nnr t'flnsul1 a n tJrlhOpf'dist ~ If ~·our .~on SUS· tains a serious 111Jury . your husband "'ii! nrvrr fni·g1vr himself l 'm for \vell -regulatcd sport~ for youn~ste.rs. But I reernpha sj ze : ''\\'ell regulated.·· ~l any accidrn1 s :aboul lo happen to children can be prevented by an alert. pro- tective·conscious parcn!. says Dr. Stcincrohn in his booklet, "How To Savr Your Child From Himself." For a copy write hi1n in f"Arr of thi~ ne"·sp11per enclosi ng 25 ce nts in coin and an 8 ·re n t ST A ~1 PED . SELF-A(). DRESSED ENVELOPE. OCC Dancers Awarded $50 Three Orangt' CoIJSI College sludent.~ are $5'1 richer lhis ~ummer thanks to their dance ability during the spring. Each was g111rn a $50 scholarship for lurther study in lhc field of dancr. The y,·inners \\'t're Teresa l'\unam.aker or Costa Mei• who choreo!raph r d "Aesthetica:'' Mar a Myers of Balboa Island. who chor- eographed a modern dance commr:nt on u·er: and Wllli1m Carson ol Huntlnglon Bc;ich wha choreogr1ph!d R ballet duet "Quelgu-un Que ... Final Stocks In All Homo Editions HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE: ,OUNTAIN VAllfY-17'04 MIQ0\0/11 11 11 t •I"" CO\T • Mf}I 11Clo Ht•b(h l •tti ol W ''°''\I FOUNTAIN V•lll 'f llUI Huoo• I I~ .. ra.~... (0''" ..... ,~. t)J f ill~,, 30222 CROWN VALLEY PARKWAY ANO HILLHURST IN LAGUNA NIGUEL l • lO•O-E• 1010 •' •1tt1o1i..:a llNa "UNTINGTON S !A(tl )llJI lttc~ '''°" •I &.I •~•• "1.JNllNGJO..i l[&.CH ~fil Adi"" t i l!•OO'l'u•ll i t..N !t.. 4N• 10 W (G!f\llu •"" l •lllol 1• l!UNll,.t;.lQo,i l (A(tl 11.,,tn t. fa "V" OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK AND LATE EVENINGS, TOO! WE.\TMINST tll .VI Wl'\tMlll>!Of ., GOIO~~ """" ••UNI ING TON 8£•C•1 .,..,~·· & Sp••to~a·•· OF OUR NEW STORE IN YORBA LINDA Chlld1' & Taddl1r's No Iron Cotton 2 Piece Play Sets •5 91 Ladies' Shifts & Hot Pants Sets s5~~ .. 1 idiustable Ironing Boards 48'·75' Famous Brand Electrical Needs • sse t•11•l l a,, ••••~ ., ht1J · '" ,,tt c~•• 1.,, ,,.. .... •• ""' ·JI< 1rt1I• Co_., $4" Solid State 12 Pocket Radio a,._titfes.llevt! Pe mio-Pr-eu cotton s111 for boyw & girll In print5, stripts, checks, .ollda, krilh. CP'Qp • ~ & .-.Orts '°' toddlers. 2H:r:. Bottle GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! Pepsi Cola 15' •. '2"". Mia "'·'~a-' I • t.ondltlon1 cs lt holds. Re-o- ulor, b tro Hold & Ll)Cqutr, 13 ·OI, cons. $2" v.1 .. 1 Slrco Clutch Bags Vi P1Y I pct11it stylts In to\h-w IOt'l·rlght col-I I Or1-iN:ludif'IQ • tl'w "wit look" '2" Alalldh1 Quart Size • Vacuum loHles AllTIOlt In d•· stNCtlbl•. Poly joc.ktt, l1ok- P<ll0f st()pplr. .c l C. II Coot 1l1tvt les.5 cOl- ton piqut thih1 wi1"1 b r l g h I t mbroldt ry trim (j colico pririted shift & 3hort lhorh H tl Wi th sMwf puff sleev1s. Moriy other sty!•~! Your 99e CholH • U•-1 a ... 0'4olleur • , .. ~1 """' w 1 ... • Pri"h M•r Wln• • Geo. Aubert al'lloil- 1,.,1.,n4r •Vot o Spen;oh au1gvA4f • l ti•ult Vh• l011t• Hove o wint 1ou;ng porty~ Be on inlerriottonol wont c.on· r>01sseur ot o Thrifty pnce. '"' 2 ... $1 ca.i. ,.., Blldrila 11'11 rry10l'l/orlor1 o rid T •"Y Socki o,.. Cot• tori/11ylo n. Cu&hiONd for comfort. • Ad ]u$t $ to J( h1ight1 fOf" lortirr, (OOltr lronJng . Widt ·s•t ftelwith rion • 1lip nbber tip,;. Bo k.td tnom• t i flrilth. Women's Back Strop Sandals Diu1u11t Price! Vony1 • In boot , whitt,b 1;1rk ond $)99 rt d -while • blue multicolors. Bron· tooe trim . .5·1 0. • lk Mll 'I l ll H. Im• or l !lcl • tk '"" ,. ... ..,.. Slcktl • 11< 1111 " Vl")'I l rll ,1~1 Pk. " l • •le ~lu1 l•OJ, .,..., 1r IHl'J', r't. -12 • JJc lftfJ Sl•Jl1 ,_,, Swll<' 12 solid stole dr<•CI \ give outdoodirig pt•· fo1monct. Al!rocltvt styl1rig, choice of col· or$. Complet• w111i ~rphorit. boltt ry fr t-.orody corry-c.o$e. Reg. $1G33 Metal 21/2 Ft. Foot Lockers $599 Hot color, wi1h J • ply VIOl t( l rom es cov. t r t d wifll b<lked·tnome! metol. Double" wt<Qhl leather 15ts Multlcolar Area Rugs Lol"lg weorlnll blt lld of 5~% n· Acrylic&"5% Polyl'llt r with rubbor bock1. Women's Canvas 1------...;; __ "'_0_"·-··--~;:;:::::;' Boat Shoes ' Ditcou111 Price I · CuV.ioned orch. Nylon Cuffed Hot Pants Sale Double kriit nybl pull. on .non ~rtt jf'I Mcii•. 8 Ju1, Block, Novy, El""""n, 8 to 16. Folhion raQ• ! D11cout11 Pric1 ! Sall! Wom111'1 Terry Slippers Ab~rblnf, comfy c.ot-· ton 1errlt1 iri ~l·d col-99' _ on & prt tty print1. 5-~~ 9. Use poolsidt, too. IL'. Di1c.ount Price! Mod. of e:x- p lodtd poly b.och · won•t .... s 111va1 .. 1 Ctlm11 Cdlp Fllll Gallon 961 Alum jrium $877 fromt, foo m float,, Holds 200 lb1.! 50 )! 24" '2" Yalu I 2·Ring Wading Paoli 4 \; $)55 foot $10.49 Value! 3 Lb. Po~ester Sleeping Bag • IJ , •. ll·lll. 78' • II , •• 20.Col. 't • 10 'I. IHal. .. "'· .,"''' 39' Insect Repellent lulb28' u .......... ti, .... 1• w- 37!. Flour ~ack ~!:... 4 f S) Mo..,-4, lhe4y I• u .. 10.-1s· 79!. Woolite ~~ ..... _, . '> ~ s 1 • 6•.'. es. p...,4., •I ... ll~wl4 I•~• ll~.,. eh! 57!. Mallory Batteries 2 f 43' Ilse C f., T""oi"""' 2 ,,, 571 Golden Shell Dinnerware Sale .. •Cup • S.uctr • °"'"""" 2:33c Beoulifvl optn 1tock dtlolgri s.collope:d with d1corativt g 1;1ldlon 1 ltil't'I. • a.t l f., 111 S.IM Pll+I w *• I ... , 1 fw JJ• • • .... •fa 10" Ol•Mt ... ,, ., 'I' ......... 1 ... 1, o4Jo • (,._,, 6fc • S ... r ""' C-1. Jf1 • 0.el Me•I Pit!• ' ' 494 11, Ytlul "Americ1111" Ice Cream Glas swart hy I ...... &Oil 3i87c • •v. °"· ......... • f O's. T•llp s.,.4,. ·11-. ......... .._ .. Ii, 5 Pc. Bathroom Taak & Mat Sets • 11o)O .. M•I • ll•lJ .. COOl!eur M•I • U4 CeY•r • 1 '•••• T•ftk C•"'"'",...,,.. Newest de.::o-Ill ro1or colo~ to m ctch no w foshiari towels. 'l"Y11u11 Deluxe Floor Cushions Fodopr00f eE wilh cruthed i . coif. l ook. covt n. loakca11 Sale • $29.95 Valuol Crawn Colony Doluxo Forhornt,of. fiel. Sto ln D & cbroslori. r 11 l1t on 1 Pervonter. 55c Val. -Havoline 20 or 30 Wt. Mofor 011 9UAlT CANS 30' I ' l I ·~1. ,J,,,.it !J. J'il 1 enn~J ALWAV'8 FIRST llWWTY STARTSTHURSDAYATlOA.M. COME EARLY· HUNTINGTON CENTER ONLY LIMITED SIZES, QUANTITIES AND COLORS WOMENS BRAS -·~-: 1 ... WOMENS GIRDLES WOMENS SHOES ::J• c: ; -::·' WOMENS BRAS WOMENS GIRDLES WOMENS SLEEPWEAR CHILDRENS SHOES WOMENS SANDALS DECORATIVE FLOWERS p ... j ·,,1,,1 .. ,B 11':! f'.11·,1··- f ll)1;"r~ ft,r • ""'"'n .. , '!'~ DECORATIVE FLOWERS /•,, ~ n· d r,.,..,.,, ~.r r 'I • ,__,,,., "' Pl•J\! · DIAPER SETS H• •1ht • ,,1,,, 1. ~'"'r1 \,""Id•( ''"d '1'11,r·I BABY DRESSES /.,.,,.p .. j ' .... , "' •i \lfl'!' t .... p t,'"'' f, ..... , ,,, .. j' 1t .. INFANTS CRAWLAB OUTS ~.1 ......... ·, ''"" ,,, t i{"'· \111't'\ FLORAL PANELS 1!11,' ,, 111!'" rl 11• , ... , ... !J•' ,,.,,1.,1~ · r, ,,11 l\(J ''• -J .,, r I ',~" ·:• d i<' 'I•""' FISHING RODS ~l/i' In•"!· , 'H ~ 1,,, .. ,1 ~ /f •• ,. I h(""' n( .,,,.,,.., "' .. ,.~•I""""' GOLF BAGS 5hcd1 '""''' n1'l.r .. 1 l W0 O tll ( BOWLING BAGS AC{_t:,~Ol'f po(,~f!d Henvy VI•« y!. n'ri~ f'\ lhO! fl.Jn ltO.,.,, AREA RUGS 4' round Blu~·Green 5hru1 w11 h fri11g e 011l y 1 NYLON SCATTER RUGS G"'""· rP d, rirn11n" :\6 ' ~ 60" oddl 1he ri9h1 (l(.(!"11' AREA RUGS 5potu'h ldt! d~~i9n ovol 5 1/1' )t( e l/l' w i th l r1'1 9 e, Beig e , only 2 BENILLI FIREBALL TRAIL MOTORCYCLE 50 cc Erig in•. ~ lofl eed lfOflS- m i11ion. Greo r f un fo r th e fomily, o nly J, NOW 111 'Jr, ( "f ... -'·'· NOW 188 NOW 3ss Ori1. l.OO f f 6JXI NOW .88< Orit . 6.00 to 10.00 NOW 3 88 NOW 4 88 Orit. '·''to t .9t NOW 3 88 38s to 4sa (lrit . 1.44 NOW .ssc Ori9. l .OO NOW 1 22 Or ig. 4.00 NOW 2 88 Or i9. S.00 NOW lB8 NOW 188 o.o,, J.19 •• J.119 NOW 2 44 Orig. J.9'1 NOW .99< Oti9. IS.99 NOW 8 88 Or ig.1.99 NOW 6 88 Ori9. l2.00 NOW 1488 • 0.1,. 14.00 Now 1088 Ori1. 16.tl NOW 8 88 NOW 186°0 CLOSED COOLANT SYSTEM Pre ve n11 ove1h eo1111.g ond ri.;11. NOW 7 88 WOMENS SPORTSWEAR 0-.._·,1 .. 1.tt '...•t 1,·1.•, 1'1'!'1i , .. , b.o:;_1i'!'1i, ~.:·~~-~,-~·, o-· ~--::·· c·-= Now 66< to .99< MISSES AND JUNIORS T ,,-:; :--.,-<!: c., -· '· 6'.l/'!':; c··-:: e · it-r . .., ..... -"'.;-; .'.:!-· .,. Now 7ss to 1oss MENS SPORT SHIRTS f·li\', .. ,..; 1-.... , '; t · ., '.:!->; 1.-:1e-, Now 2 for 500 MENS BETIER DRESS SHOES .,,,_,,,." ll.oo LADIES HANDBAGS r··.:·~· • c:· ·i r: •J~·-: r-~·]e V'J" ... I~! r.'.; ·,r1 -::· •j ~~/e!. LADIES HANDBAGS JR. ANKLE PANTS MATERNITY WEAR Ori9.6.00 NOW 4 88 Ori9. 4.00 NOW 3 33 Ori9. 10.00 NOW 7.88 Ori1. 6.00 lo 10.00 8 r>1i•'"' ,.,,,,., dreJl'!S n\1<:1r''!'l 1•·1:e1 n"d fobrii::1 NOW 488 to 511 MENS SUITS AND SPORTCOATS 1 -.to bv'1on (0'1Ven !.onoL o'l::! Covble oreo1·ed, 100 ·1~ 'Nool N 24B8t 74B8 and b e ncs OW 0 MENS TOWNCRAFT PANTS DINNERWARE 8 o.,d 12 pc. p:ate 1et!;ng s l'!' 1erol po "er.,, ,.., c ~oos e frorn 411 LADIES KNAPSACK JACKETS Ori9. l0.00 Vertc 1.le ond '''I sh con be N O'n w •her ·n i•'iout ~-:op· ,..,~ .. CITY SHORTS NOW 1488 Orig . S.00 to 7.00 A11o n ed s"(les -::nd foD r ,1 in J,_, !•l e 7 !') 15 NOW 3 88 to 4 88 KNIT TOPS W-te s e e ve :e o1 :::,1 1. •- \'• C'!I ~ l .,\ 38 J I'\ Orig. 5.00 NOW 2 88 MISSES •.••.•.....•.•••••.•.. 1 •. 00 Po:1e1Te· o~d J e ,~e·1 in lo~h i<:i nofl'e s•y'"'s NOW 7 88 to 1188 LADIES PANTSUITS Vorio1,1 $ fa b ric' "nd ~ty le .i.. The N'e we.1.1 in Comfort. Ori9. ll.OOl02S.OO 888 to 1388 SECOND FLOOR ·YARDAGE D«1 , ... ~:' p P \ '" ·1 f'" • Pr <rll« p,..,n (•'"\I'' 4 ', '•1:.tJ '! IRON ON TAPE l ~1" y,,de ~ 10' rull.i. P in k, C,r.,y, "'ed, o• r1 B<>1'Je BELT AND BUCKLE SET M r•~" J 01Jr 0 11r1, won! p•it''"' nnrl 1~n .. r r,,1,!1, 111..-:n; ~''"" BATH MAT SETS 3 P'ete, Ot1•1 e 011rl 0•'1"~1 ", ot•~l11d Ps lid cn\lf'", c "nlr,,p nnd ril>lnn,1 Decorator Ti ssue Dis penser 'r'"'r dt"'· ;»• JUVENILE BEDSPREAD llirnN ~lylP, Pn<idnb~'1r Pin ~" "' I ll"" 1 ..... ; " ' I " CONSOLE STEREO Orif . l.44 NOW .88< Orit . 3/1.00 NOW .10 Ori9. J/I .00 NOW .15 or;g, 3.99 ''' 244 NOW ltt Or ig. J.00 NOW 1 88 Orig. 7.18 NOW 5 88 BOYS SPORT SHIRTS Shor t ~leeve, buttOfl d o·Nn collar M ochine ·No.i.hoble - penn ("lrest Sl ,flg rjy loo';; ifl $l••pe.s Penn pre~1 ~·zes 3 lo 7 Solid' ond rk• rls M'1 ch;ne wa~hoble Pen'1 prest BOYS SWEATERS P ullover~, ~l e ev e le~~ o nd • '1•d•1f!n<, '''"' B lo 16 BOYS SPORT SHIRTS lnnc; or ~hon <l eeve Pe nn- i''"'' nnrl '""chtn'! wn1hahle BOYS PANTS ff,,,,.hottorn. bu uon fly fron t DP'""' •n rirl-i•n " ,.,..,,ha bl .. THIRD FLOOR Orig . 499.00 4 DRAWER CHEST (,;ptrHd c.honqi?r. Ho "'~ o:;! NOW 299oo (.nn1rocin<> ~!ylmg hoPTJt> f'rl l"rlOJ fl'11Pr1! ~ ... d nnd wh•te, only I TAPE RECORDERS 3" '".,I tn 'l'"I Cor~1cin Dri11e rnnny lon1H 1 al ""1'1yable re· ( l1(dt1Hj\ TAPE RECORDER 7" Rr .. I to Re,.I. Wolnul entle- sur P. :\~p e e d Built in Amp., only 5 SLEEPER SOFA Vec!ra r.over. lhe e ~t rn bed. DRESSER 6 drnwe rt red or yellow extro •pace sove,, only 2 BENELLI COBRA TRAIL MOTORCYCLE 125 cc eng•ne , .t spee d 'Ylns- n1i ~sio n duo l iproc ket for !roil, only 1 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Ori9, 211.95 Srnn1,h nc.c.ent1 11 <><1 Block vel11e• only 7 NOW 1488 SOFA 8' lo••'J, fl•odern ~l'yl 1n\j (,nlrl !w,.,.r1 o"ly 1 Orl1. 239.95 ACCENT CHAIR NOW 11995 G reP.n herculon Great for the den or bedroom only I Ori9.149.00 DINETTE SET Now 188°0 .t Pc., Block ond Woln ut 36 · II. J S" table and 3 choor5, on(y 1 Orl9. lJ0.00 SOFA NOW 37oo Greer1 Orlon 8' long, only I. AUTO CENTER NOW 299oo PORTABLE 8 TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER U5e it ii'! the home, or outo. or os o p o rtc:i ble . Bo lle ri e_) in· cli1d .-rl Orit. 1.66 NOW .99< Orig. 2.49 NOW 3;5oo Orig. 2.11 to J.99 NOW 2/5°0 Or i1. J.SO NOW 2 88 Ori g. 4.91 NOW 2/8°0 Orig. lJS.00 NOW 99oo Orit. 114.91 NOW 66°0 Ori9. 349 .00 NOW 199°0 Orig. 139.00 NOW 69°0 Orir . 139.00 NOW 39oo Orig. J29.00 NOW 159oo Ori9. 79.115 NOW 6981 PINCH PLEAT CAFES A 1~~,..,~ i(:lr}' '> ::· '-~ !- l'.:l 11· '.: r; <:: •J; 'l ~ ·o.::~­ le.,31r.l ~3 • 1. •;.,._ LIGHTING FIXTURES (.~·;~·~ .. .,.s. r"' ; • "-""\ O l'"':i I ·'·:-1' -~··;. 7 D· ... ~·~ e CLOCK RADIOS Al,\ R-:::; "· S"o-<'e c :;·- Ivor/ C<::I'!, ~ '"'l-: . .,-· ·1 Now 28s lo 488 - Now 644 to 2444 : ; :• •; NOW 1488 MENS "GROOVY" SHIRTS Ori9.6.98t&1.91 tcr•1 s1.,,.,.,e , ro fn ·.,.a ~o:io · ~ :;n lG)r> C\'1 r')-~ NOW 5 88 MENS TOWNCRAFT GOLF PANT S '''•· '·" r ._,-,., r ce ~l, wash o .-,d v.eo · be • le~:.:\ ',on:.11en10! :.•y "9 NOW 6 88 Orig. 13.00 MISSES and HALF SIZE DRESSES MENS SWIMWEAR Or ig. NOW Trun ks 1.49 Heeded Jacket 2.98 .88 188 Mens Ranchcraft Twill Jeans Orig. 5.91 Penn pre ~t 65 ~<> Do( re-.". Polyeste r 35-'Yo Ra yc n. a..,1 never iron BOYS SWIM SUITS Oe ni.tf>-1fr,pa 10')-~ crl';'l lots of sumrTH'r fun ci rid s ., GIRLS GIFT MA TE BLOUSES ,ll•I ,..,l>i te -pe:lect rnci1ch \<P'> P<>nn rire<,t assorted srvle; GIRLS DENIM FLARES 70°0 Cot 'n n 30°0 nylon ~lretc."1 p e rfec l lun 5L"THne' \'.'!Or Girls Dress es, Tops & Skirts Assort"d s!yle.1, color ~ a nd NOW 4 88 Now 288 Ori9. 3.00 NOW 188 Orig. 3.S9 NOW 2 22 Or ig. 4.00 to 1.00 rir "ts Fan iosiic scv:.,95 :s 1 ~! l 88 288 J rri 111 NOW to GIRLS HAIR PI ECES ,,,,_ 10 .00 Cci scodes, ln'19 a 'l ~hr.·l lolli '"""Y nolurcil \"'1' :e~ •o GIRLS SLEEPWEAR A ~so11ed g own~ or>d r .:> ~- 1:1ns Moriy styles O"O col-,s .-,.1 ·-1 ~ DINETTE SET IA ·tri 1 j,11, con'e" r r ary O.·~ n•q, hlack on-:! \Vo' i •,or I 1 OCCASIONAL CHAIR F 1rsh Oronqe {.Olar, ..,.,, ,d-, .h '9 I, hn,·~ VPl\i <>! fnf'-ri,-. C'"ly 1 BARREL CHAIR G<:il cl V<>lv<>t, only l DINETTE SET 5 pc., Sp anish s tyl >ng ,,. pri nt choirs, only I SEMANIER 7 drow~r~, blue or red a rlrnwer 'or every doy ol 1he week DOLL CLOTHES Teen doll· his 11 1,J mod!'!rtl keep the l11tle niothe• hoppy 22 Ori g. 219.00 NOW 189°0 Ori9. 119.00 NOW 122°0 Orig. 109.00 NOW 66°0 Or i9. 99.00 NOW 79oo Orig. lJS.00 NOW ssoo Ori9 .. b6c NOW 3/ JOO V.W. BUG SEAT COVERS '''•·"·" Diomond q1.Jdl desigf". 25 vor1ou5 colors. Durable Vinyl NOW 88 4 TRACK TAPE CARTRIDGES •"•· 1.t1 Top hi t~ w ith voriou s arl •~t 99 Greot mu~;,, greo! b uy. NOW• \.\ltdflt~.IY, Ju11t 23, 1971 DAILY PI LOT 2J Williams Will Stiel{ It Out Unles ·s Fired "' ASHINGTON (AP ) -t-.tanager Ted \\'illi11ms said Tuesday he has no plans to riu1t the lowly Washington Senators even though the fis h are biting at his fishing can1p. "It's a good !1me to lea ve ," he said. "I 1·alled up I() my ca1np and they to!d me the fi sh <ire hit ing. Ordinarily. this is riot ;1 good 1in1 e. "I alw;1ys think aboul leaving," he con- tinue(!, ''But il's safe lo .say 1ha1 unless I gel fired l will rinish out the year. I'm going to stick It out " The di:scm:sion '\'ith Wil!ie:ms, and the fishing at his cam p in f\1irimichi, New Brunswick, came up before the Senators took on the Balti more Orioles in a t"·inighl double header. The Senators are mired 1n last place in lhe A1nerican League East. 18 ga mes behind the league leading Orioles. Williams, one of the gan1£1 's finest hit· lers, was lured out of retirement three years ago by Washington o"·ner Bob Short lo managE> Uw Senators. "There·s no fun in this gan)e unless you kecp your head above water," he s:iid. "\Vhen you're playing .500 ball, you're just keeping your head up. rm not h:i ving as 1nuch run as I ought to havC'." Prior lo the doublehe;ider w 1 t h Baltimore the Senators had losl 40 garnes 1-•:hile "'inning only 23 for a .365 fH'eroge Will iams said he enjoyed his fir st season back in baseball in 1969 alter MILWAUKEE'S ELLIE RODRIQUEZ SLIDES SAFELY INTO THIRD BASE •.. Brewers Rap U1nps' Decision On Rainot1t tvl!L\\'AUKE E (AP l -The Milwaukee Bre1vers :'Ind California Angels were rain· cd out Tuesday night , wh icli inspired the pun of the week rron1 Brt'"'ers manage r Dave Bristol : "\\'hen it ra ins. it Soars." Bristol said. The Rrr,~crs had a 2..0 lead when the rains came 1n the third inning with f\1ihvaukee runners on first and second. Jlank Soar's un1p1ri ng crew v.•aited an (#11 1 'Y 1'011igl1t C l1n1111 et :; at 6 hour and :15 1n1nu1l's be fore calling 1t riu1ts. rcschl·duling the gan1e as part of a 111-1·n1ght doubleheader lonlght. Sk ip Lockwood was pitching and had fl rivcn 1n the Brewer runs before !he garne 11 .is called, and the incirlcnl was strik111gly sirn ilar lo one Ma y 21. At 1hal li me , the Brew£1rs \Vere leading Kansas Cil.V 4·1 and V>'ere two outs away fro111 a victory for Lockwood when Soar's crew called that garnc. l•'rank Lane, the Brewers director of baseball operations. had severely critici7.· f:d Soar on the earlier occasion, and did so again Tuesday nighl . being ou\ of the game 10 years but haJ been finding ii difficult lately. "Just being back in baseball v;as fun ," said \Y11liams, y,•ho played for the Boskln Red Sox from 1939 through 1960 and is the last 1nao to hil over AOO. "La~t year, I was up in the clouds because I thought we could do better but "'e didn't," The Senators finished follrth during \ViHiams' first yea r but dropped to sixth last season. "We're-going throul:h an upsetting period right now," aafd Willilln\5. ''Wt're tryin1;: lo go with youLh. When yo u do ll that way, you'vt got 10 expttt 1 lot of games like last night. That was the worst game I've seen in three years. It was ter- rible." The Orioles beat the Senators 7·2 Mon- day night with several of the yoWlger players, including right fielder Larry Biiltner and shortstop 'Toby Harrah, making mental errors that enabled rwu to score. Four Starters Out Injury Problems Plague Dodgers LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gel OUL the rtrst·aid kit, Walter. and pray for son1e hcl1> frorn the minor leagues, because your injury list is grov.'ing. \Vall Al ston, the calm veteran manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers, watched his club drop a 6·5 decision to Joe Torre and his SL Louis Cardinals and al the same lime heard news that four .~larters may be out or the lineup for a while. Torre, the National League leader in baning average, had three hits to raise his mark to .371 and Steve Carlton won his 11 th game as the Cards ignored the Dodgers' "'oes. The injury list gre"' longer when in· fielder Sleve Garvey was placed on the 60-day emergency disabled list following surgery on his left. hand . And BBi Singer re-injured his groin muscle and will miss his second straight starting assignment. That forced the Dodgers to recall 21- yeaJ'-olrl righ1handcr Doyle Alexander fro1n their Spokane farn1 club in the Pacifi c Coast League. He is penciled in as the starting pitcher Saturday in a doubleheader \Yil.h San Diego. Beside s the loss of Garvey and Singer, Los Angeles Josl catcher Duke Sims and shortstop f\1aur y \Vills left the lineup with injuries. The t"'O clu bs meet again tonight and then conclude the 1eries Thursday af. ternoon at I. / Garvey suffered the broken hand June 12 in Montreal bul the injury was thought to be less serious until X·rays showed Tuesday the broken bone.. Sims has undergone traction to aid healing of a strained neck and Wills was ordered to bed by Dr. Frank Jobe to heal a back injury. Sims had been the starting catcher and \\'BS balling .274. Wills, 1he leado[f man, was batting .303 and Garvey .231. "It seems the Dodgers always have trouble with left handers,'' southpaw Carlton said. "I y,·asn't consistent at all and I v.·as falling behind hitler11 the whole game." lie fanned 12, a season high, permitted six hits. The victory enabled Carlton to gain more wins than he had all of last year v.·hen he i;ank to a 1()..19 record. "Last year I simply didn't have the confidence. This year 1 do," he said. Still. the Dodgers had' him on the rope s in the first inning with three runs on four hits. Bul lhe Cards tied the ga1ne by the fourth inning, added two more runs in th e firth inning and then shoved over the deC"isive run in the sixth when Lou Brock tripled home Jose Cardenal who had singled. After Los Angeles nailed Carlton for the three first in nings, the St. Louis a~ didn't permit another hit until tht sixth \vhen rookie catcher Joe Ferguson doubl- ed home Richie Allen. In the. se\•enth ~1anny f\1ola tripled and scored on a i;;acrir!ce rly by \Villie Davis. Jim Beauchamp singled home the Cards' first run in the first inning, Jerry McN ertney doubled and scored on a doubleplay in the second and St. Louis tied the game in the fourth when McNertney singled to score Ted Sizemore. who harl doubled. Sf. LOUIS OOD0•111 .. . ~ ·-· ... ... C••det1il, rl ' ' ' 0 \lal..,!lne. 1• ' ' ' 0 M Alou, cl ' ' ' 0 Mo!•, rl ' ' , • Brock, If ' ' ' ' W DllVI., cl ' ' 0 ' To.,•. lb • ' ' 0 It Allin, lb ' ' ' ' Btucn"'"· l b ' • ' ' w l'•rt•r. lb ' 0 0 0 H•Dut , lb ' ' 0 0 L•l1bvr1, 7b • 0 , Slzemor1, lb ' ' ' Feroui.on, c • 0 ' ' McNer!t1v, c ' ' , Cr1wfor<1, 11 • 0 ' 0 Mowvlll, n • 0 0 OotN n. • 0 0 0 C~rl!on, o • 0 0 Ma.II•" • ' 0 ' Corwin. Pll 0 0 0 l'•n•. • 0 0 0 0 Gr!>l<wllf, pll 0 0 0 Tolol • "' ' Tct~I " ' • ' " L°'il> "' '" ~~ OHt•tt ~ ~' 1001-, ,. " • .. .. " C•rllo" w. ",, • • ' ' • " Ot!~tn L, .. } • l/J • • ' ' Moflll f ' " ' 0 ' ·~· ' 0 0 ' ' T -111' ... -Jl,00-. All-star Vote Moves Fosse Past Freehan NEW YORK tAP) -Hay Fosse of Cleveland has caught -and passed - Bill Freehan of Detroit for catcher of the American League All·Star team. "It's slopped raining right now ." Lane iatd after the game was postponed. •.. BUT TEAMMATE DAVE MAY IS TAGGED OUT BY JIM FREGOSI IN RAIN SUSPENDED GAME. Foss e, who had trailed from the begin· ning of the vote, now leads Freehan 169,743 to JS7,JS8, according to figures released Monday by the office of Com· missioner Bowie Kuhn. "\Vhat 's more . Tommy Ferguson (a Brewer officiall gave him (Soar) an of- ficia l notice from the weatherman a half hour before he called it, that it would rain for a maximum of 30 to 45 minutes and !hen stop. "If he's so happy to go home, why does he bother to show up'.'" Lane said. Bill Parsons and Lew Krausse were. :r;cheduled to pitch in tonight 's twi- ni ghtcr, opposed by Ca lifornia 's Andy Messersmilh and Eddie Fisher. Pittsburgh's QB Averts Disaster LUBBOCK, Te)[. -Qua rl£1rback Terry Bradshaw of lhe Pittsburgh Stcelers Tuesday wrestled a landing gear into position 10 enable a light plane to land safely on a night over West Texas. T~ blond, 6-3, 215-pound Bradshaw, No. 1 pick in the 1970 pro draft and fonner college star at Louisiana Tech, slrul!lgled with the landing gear for IS minutes after a part o; U1e tw~ngine craffs electrical system failed . Bradshaw "''as one of four persons on bo::ird when lht engine on !he righl side of the Comanche surcrart fall t-d. Without lhe landing gear the plane would have h;id to make 1 crash landing at Lub- bock'• Municl paJ Airport R yun, Sylvester Pull Out Of AAU Spike Meet EUGENE, Ore. -Nearly 650 entries have been reet'ived for !his weekend 's Nalional AAU track and field chan1- pionships, but two major American stars y,·on't be competing. Meet officials said world mile rccord holder Jim Ryun informed them Tuesday his hay fever was too M:vere for com- pet ition . Also lhey said discus record holder Jay Sylvester reportedly is in Eurnpe. Ryun recently moved lo Eugene frnm hi s native Kansas and has been plagued all spring by the high pollen count in the area. "He said he tried to run today (Tues- day), yesterday and Sund~y and couldn't do It," said Hal Cowan of the Unlver11ity of Oregon. "lie definitely ~on 't run this weekend." Cowan said Ryun probRbly would at- len<I the 1neel Bl! a spcctRtor. e 1' 11/111 IJ"11ie• Rep<>rl NE\V YORK -Baseball com1niss1oner Bo\\'le Kuhn vehe1ncn\ly denied Tuesday a report that he V!'3S Investigating In- cidenls of guns in major league dres!'ling rooms other than the California Angels. "\Ve oui;ht to nip that report in the bud,'' Kuhn said, "fl is absolutely un- true." Kuhn said he had been in !ouch with the CaJifornia club over an alleged gun incident involving Alex Johnson and Chll'O Ruiz. "They are conducting their own investigation and keeping me in· fnrmed." the commissioner said, "I have made no inquiries or invesUgalions or any other teams. e Ro..,lng Ace Defecl• MILAN, Italy -Ea!!t Gennan canoe- ing champion Wulf Reini cke, 22, has defected and asked for pol lUcal asylum in West Gennany, the We!lt German ron-- sulate here said Tut!d•y Reinicke had been mis&lng from !he Ttali.in Oolotnile resort of f\lerano since Sunday night. after taking part In the world can()('ing champion!'lhip. Reinicke had won a gold medal for the C-1 cla~s. After his disappeaance run1or~ had immediately spread that he wa .5 seeking political asylum. Huskies, T ytus Wrap Up Places On PanAm Team SYKACUSE, N.Y. (AP) -With lhe University o( Washington eight-oared crew and single sculler Bill Tytus of the Boston areas already winners. trials to determine the rest of the U.S. rowing tea1n for the Pan-American Games re!'iume Thun1day. \Yashington, which lost narrowly to underdog Cornell In lhe Intercollegiate R11wing Association championships here last Salurday, outdistanced a Vesper Boat Club--Ptnn shell for the Pan-Am spot Tuesday. · Thr Huskies were clocked in a speedy S minutes. 1.2 seconds and were better than one·half length ahead of the Phllndelphia-based boat at the end. "Well, we 're no! crlleglate champion!'! but we 'rt: nalionBI champion~, Bnd 1 i;luess we.'11 accept ti . '• \Vashington co.:1ch Dick Erickson said later. Noting that Cornell had scratched lt:i eight from the Pan-Am Tri11ls because of an ailing oar11man. Erickson said. "I'm so rry we couldn 't have ;. rcniatch bccausr I'm sure we would have won," Outfielder Carl Yastnemski or Boston continue!! as the leading vote getter, ,,_,.ilh. 350,()46, Tll• i.1C1e<1: FtlUT 11.6.!E -11000 l'ow1ll, ll•llf.....,t. 161,IH; No;m Cl•~. Of!roll. ll1.3't: Gt<1r~ Scot!, 11<>11.,,, •l·°""' Mlk1 E11t1tl". Ookl•""'· J5.iJI: 11o11 on ... 1r. K•nl~• City. J!.151; Jim !;Mnc:t•. (aillorn!•, 10,'80. SECONO 8.6.Sf' -R<ld Carow, Mlnr.u al•. 110,t1'1 o,,..,, J""n1at1, ll•llllmcu1, 1 !4,J71 l Okk MtAu!ll!e. Oet•al!, .0.11'1 c .... u. llolal, K1ftll1 Cll'I". !O.i7l'1 Mike .6.n<lrlWI. (lll<•QO, '4.:111; HMICI Ci.rkt, N~ 'Vork. Jt,1'1. TlllRO llASE -lrook• lt~I"'°"' ll1Ulmor1, 300.:W..1 H••mon Klllebr1w. Mlt111tlO!I. 112,IW: .ll lCO Pt!roctlll llotton, M.10.; Sil t1nda, Ol!kt1'1d, J.o.tlO: lto Rodrl9ut'1, Otrtoll, !4,J11 ; 1'1111 kh11I, K1nt11 Cll1. 10,1'9. 5"40RT5T01' -l ••! AP'!•lcla, llotl...,, IJ1,111• llfrl C"'"'0'1'1!1rll-, 0.tl~nd, t l,U!; Jim F•f110!1, Ca i/!o•nl1 10.1•7 M•1t llfl1r191•, •irtlma•f, f',111 ; Ge"I Mlt~~•I, "ftw Y""', M ,141. OUTFIELO -C1rl T•11tnm1kl, llOllOll. J511,0-41• Titnv Ollv•, Mln.,..OI•, 1>J.1u1 '''"It llotlln1on, ll~lllmor1, 111,ltJ; llMIOlr Mwt •r, New 'l'Mk, l•J.110; l'r~nlt HOw•f<I, W11nlnoton, 101.llll Al Kall~. Oe!rall. t•,1'1: "'"'°' 0111, IC•ft1t1 Clly, l.J,Mh At9· !ff Sml!h, l 111!..,,, n,IM1 •tOVI• J1duon, 01kl1nd, J,)jJ, CAlCHeR -ltl Y l'Mll, CltYflllllt. IM,lt.11 11!1 F•tel!1n. 01trolt, '}1,!J.11 T~urm1n MuMon, N•w T,,..t, t1,tl11 Elrcd "4...clrlct1. l•lllmart. it.J)f; ,.,vi C111J>QV1, W1•hlnqt0<\, :JJ,"'' Gtorot Mii• i.rw11(1, Mln""olt, IJ.!Jt, UCI Gets Baker SAN FRANCISCO -US lrYlnt basket- ball fortunes Look • large surge upv.·ard today with the announcement that highly sought Dave Baker of Warrm High School will atltnd the A.nltaitr institu- tion this fall, the DAILY PlLOT learned txclusively today. The incoming freshman averaged %7.8 po.nts per game tnd was all..CIF first team la~t seaMJn. •le had signed a national letter of intent to the Unlverslly nf \Va!!hlni;on hut reversed that dtcllion today whlle vlsltl n,q this city. The 6.11, 240-poond whiz will pey the post for the Ant.eaters. Johnson I Lashes ' v t Pl1illi11s ' MILWA 1 UKEE (AP) -Alex ~ Johnson, the volatile California ~ Angel outfielder, says he'd rather '{ go to Hades than play any more for •1 the American ~ague team. $ "I've got kt leave this club," \• Johnson said in an interview. "I l don't feel like playing. Going to bell ti v.•ould be an improvement." ~ 1 Johnson said that "!he pitchers j -11 don 't pitch well when I'm in there. ~ They say there's too much pressurt 1~ and are afraid I 'II drop the ball in the outfield. "When I'm playinl!l, the spirit is .. down. We've got a lot or h}•pocrites · on this team . They ought lo be wor- i.l rying about themselves instead or worrying about me. I've lost all 1 respect for the manager and I ~\ doubt if I'll ever get it back." ~~ ·• Johnson v.·as benched earlier this \i ) season by manager Lefty Phillips j~, after the n1anager said Johnson r. didn 't hustle. •· Midway through the furor over tJ bad team morale, Johnson last ~·11 week accused teammate Chico Ruiz _ or pulling a gun on him In the Angel clubhouse. ~·· ') Baseball Commissioner Bowie l· Kuhn has said he will investigate ~J ~ the incident. ~ Ruiz. the godrather of Johnson'• t~. ' 18-month old daughter Jennifer, 11 ~ den ic.<f he pulled a gun on Johnson, .. .,1 Earlier, Johnson lashed ou t al un-'{ named teammates for racial hatred and claimed he wasn 't permitted to !t. "play my game." ~., On June IS Phillips said he was f~ putting Johnson -y,•hose nickname t_ is "The Axe'' -back in the starting lineup unconditionally. 'i Since then Johnson has nine hits ·~ in 31 at bats and has commited 4 three errors in eight games while '• playing left field .. Ashe S1nashes Fre11chman At Wimbledon Wl?<.1BLEDON, Eng. {AP) -Arthur Ashe of Richm ond, Va .. advanced to the third round of the $120,128 'Vimbledon Open Lawn tennis championships today v.·ith a 6-4 , 6-4, 6-4 victory over Patrick Prolsy of Fr11nce. Clark Graebner, ranked fourth Jn the. United States, used his big serve to strong effecl to rout Yugoslnvia 's Zeljk o Franulovic, 6-3, 6·!. 6·1, and i\1arty Rie11- sen, a 30·ycar'(Jld profession;il, didn't yield his service once "'l1ile brating John Alf'"tandf'r of Austral ia, 9·8. 6-2, 6-3. \Vomen 's singles also got under way Tu£1sday nod there were no blg surprises. Top-seeded and defending champion Margaret Court of Australia, who receiv· ed a (irsl-round bye, gained the third round with a 6·0, 6--0 romp over com- patriol Lorraine Robinson. Jn fir"t-rou nd con!r sls, lhird-seeded Evonne Goolagong of Australia trounced Giiil Hanst'n of Palo Alto, 6--0, 6-2, fourth.- seeded Rosemary Cnsa ls of San Fran- cisco handled Rosa D.irmon of France, 6-0, 6·0, fifth·seedrd Virginia \\'ade of f.ngland oust ed ex·UC I student Patti Hogan of La .Jolla, 7·5, 6·2. and si:tth· S£1eded Nancy Gunter of San Angrlo, ~-, lx-al Lita Liem of lndonei;ia, 6-2, 6-1. Billie Jean King, lhe no. 2 seed from Long Beach, received A rir st·round bye and v.·as idle along with scvcnlh·steded F'r Ancoi:;c Durr or Frnnce and eighlh· seeded Mel~a Maslhoff or \Vest Germany. Mrs. King 's first opponent will be Australian Wendy Gilchrist. The pi ck of first round ma!<:ht's com- pleted Tucsrlay w;is the all-American contesl. between Bob Lutz of Los An~le:i: and Frank Froehling of l\liami. fhe Californian winning, 8-6. 8·!1, 4·6. 6-2, 12· JO, Davis Cup roach Dennis Ralston of Bakersfield was another American wln· ner beating 43-year-old Torben Ulrich cf Denmark, H , 6-1, 6-1. Allen fox of Los Angele3 wa!'I America's other winner, beating Sid Ball of Australia, 9-7, 1-6, 6-1. 7-S. Roy Barth of San Diego Jost in the first rnund to Brian Fairlle or New Zealand.~ 6. 9--3, 6-4, in a match which sRw the uin- pire have to correct himself five times. Also advancing to the second round was Valerie Ziegenfu~s nf San Diego who moved up when Italy's Maria Nasuel\I defaulted. DA!l V PI LOT Oile1· Five Downs Barons; • . , Chargers, CdM, Lions Wi11 Four Orange CN1l area prep basketball teams won, another lost to an 11rea team and a sixth didn't play Tues- day n!ghl as the opening salvo of lbe Huntington Beach sum- mer high school basketball le ague was fired. Huntington Beach served notice of future toughness with a comparatively easy win over Fountain Valley. 62-41. Edison·s Chargers moved in front of Garrlen Grove , 6~9 And Corona del Mar defeated Bolsa Grande, SO.::i&. The other victory belongs to Westminster. "M'inner D v e r :. Bolsa Grande, 54-50. ,. Marina 's Vikings were forc- ed to pootpone their scheduled mttt!ng with Ranch.> Alamitos until July 29 because of a con- flict in schedules for one of the teams. Buena Park defeated La Quinta. 67-57 in the olher game. Elmer Combs' Huntington Beach Learn started in listless fashion but picked up momen- tum as the game progressed. Four players were. in double figures including Steve Brooks f18), Brett White (l4l. Jim Worthy (II) and Scott Whit· field 111 ). Edison's Charger! were pac- ed by Rod Snook with 17 points while foolba!ler Mark Harmon hit for 14 and Greg Parker had IO. Edison led all the wav hut had a scare 1n the closing minutes 'M'hen Garden Grove closed lo within one point before a last minute Charger SurJ'le. Tandy Gillis' Corona d'I i\1ar team had an easy first half, moving to a 34-26 in· t-ermission ad vantage. Howe\'er. Balsa Grande came roaring back in the second ha lf to cul the ma rgin to four points at the final buzzer. Casey Jones was the high pojnt man for Corona with 23 on six field goals and 11 free lhroll'S, Don Lea vey's Wesl.mlnster Lions had Terry ~1eisenhelmer hitt ing for 16 points lo pace the attack with Jay Johnson scoring 11. The Lions moved in fro nt early and held a seven point edge al intennission. ri.tarina, under COiCh Jim -----===="'-==~ Slephens, will mol'e to lhe Edison Gym Thursday 11lght to face !he Chargers at 7:1&. Corooa del ,\1ar and La Quinla !angle in th e 6 :30 oJ)tner at Edison. At Huntington Beach, Foun- tain Valley and Buena Park meel al 6:30 with Huntington Beach and Villa Park playing al 7:45. The gam~ at ~1arina match Garcl~n Grove against Bolsa Grande al 6:30 and Rancho Alamito.s vs, Westminster al 7: .ui. • ' ' ' It ,, ID ' ' ' 1 I I/ • l u 0 ' 10 ' ' ' . ' , Two Area Nines Win; MD Falls Two Orange Coasl area en- trants in the Long Beach Police summer baseball league won decisions Tuesday night but tile Mater Dei High Monarchs dropped a 4 • I verdict to Santa Ana in the San la Ana summer circuit. '-Young Paces N utrilite :·To59-53 Cage Victory H•rmon P•rkor r1"'"'"'"'•n Wllllt m> M<Kln"I~ Zirbll C1~°"" Tot11\ H11ft1,.,1: "· . . ' ' . ' ' . ' 1' I~ 10 l.J £dl11>11 '9. V1•11t-n c;,,,.., The Kaufn1an-Broad·Marina nine toppled the Mustangs, 4--2, with only two base hits. The Sea l Beach entry com- posed largely or Huntington Fl"1I: l!:~IH" tJ, v1 .. 111n GrGYt lt. "~"11"11.,. , .. <~ in > Beach High school players, Worll•Y Cru"~ w~lll 11 11 •' 11 handed the Ramblers a 5-4 J 7 1t k , (I 1 setbac . A1len Young scored 25 polnts ·ta lead Nutrillte to a 59-53 vie· tory over Long Beach Tuesday -llight in the Costa Mesa Open :::.,basketball summer league at 3prange Coast College. :. A scheduled game betwl!en -1.a Fonda of Santa An11 and a ~ .kam from San Diego failed to : materialize when the Border : City le.am !ai)('d lo show and :'was forced to forfeit. Nutrilite joined The Grant :. Boys and Southern Plastic -Mold in tbe vict.ory circle in : opening games. Long Beach moved in front ' a1 th e halftime intermission . by a t~·o point margin, 27·25, . but r\ulrilite hit 14 of 14 at- -~tempted free throw5 in these- cond half and added 10 field Pro Class ,;Racing Set At OCIR . ;·: With the fourt h annual : Nitromethane Championship5 : just over the hill on July 3, ; Orange County Jnterna!ionaJ : Raceway will return to : regular professiona l class and : bracket racing !his ll'eekcnd . · ·Class and bracket time • trials are se t for 2 p.m. S2J.ur- d.ay. . Anaheim's Dave Beebe won :his second straight funn y car : title at OCIR last Saturday : with a victory in the l\111rch of ·Dimes Race. • Al!IO the winner of the ,..1ay 29 Funny Car 500 at OCIR, Beebe <'locked a top SPl!ed of ''216.34 mph and turned in a 1.90 second elapsed lime in dumping Guden Grove 's flay ..,,lley (7.18, 20S.47J in the fmals . ;JtJore Sports Page 24 goals for a 34 point oulpul to nab the decision. For the losers, Dave Jones was high point man with 15 with teammates Doug Franklin and Chet Hill each hitt ing for 11 for runnerup honors. Brian Kniff had 12 for the winners. The open league. co nt inues with a pair of games tonight, also at Orange Coast College. Laemmle will tangle with San Diego at 7: 15 and Southern Plastic Mold will face The Grant Boys at 8:45. Fr•MI<" t.iov OMY ,~. f'.'cClu•e ·~~ J.,.,1 • .,., Jolhft Hilt"''" Ptoont Yw~ !.orrnoon Fllr1>1ltld; Knltf '"-l<rt•ll H1tlll-· .. L.oftt Slldl Ull 11 II pf f• !I 1 ? 11 0 0 0 0 ~ J l 1!1 1 l ' ' l G 1 t ' , , ' . ' ' , s 1 1 11 11 f 1JiSJ loly1rm11 Un " ' • • ' , II _, 1• . ' . . ' . • ' ll . , ' ' . . ' 1 11 ' I I ,, lJ p V, NIJfrl!lte """'~' W!l!llleld AA ti to" 1 n e 1• Kirk Ellison . strong right· : : 0 :i hander from ~farina High, 1 o 1 1 pit c: he d Kaufman-Broad· ,: ! : 6~ "larina to \'iccory while alJOll'· FHnltl" v.11 .... !•II 1ng only three hits. He slillck '' 11 •1 ~ out 13 opnncjna batters. '\/'"' 0 J 11 ,.,..... .... 11.•laer 1 • ll Sle\·e ~!ll!er hil a solo j u/Uv1<1 1 0 0 •, hon1er in !he rourtJ. ;i nd Jack AO•m • 1 O l "e,. '" ' 1 1 J ·Dillon C'()l\ected the only other H~·11.iit 1 o o l\.larina hit, a single. To!OI• I• l ID 11 H11111,., •. Hu.,•IPt 'OI'\ Be•<" 11, F.,,,,,_ Brian Slagle had a no-hit ter 111~ vo111v "· for five innings in pitching tcre111 ••1 M•• c~1 Seal Beach to vlctoni . He ga" It I! pl I• •.; Grio•bt J 1 G 1 up only three safeties during D1•1• -l 3 > ' the action and all four runs Sumner • 0 l I Je"'' ~ 11 J 1J \\'ere scored in the seventh. c1m1r"" ' ' 0 •, ~ Paul Fleming had a triple and l e>Wpree ~ wi."""" 1 11 1 • a home run while Gary Luna TQ••1• '1 11 B 4oCI had a two-run homer for the Mtll!lme· CP"Ollt 0•1 ""'' ~' 811111 G••n"" ,,, victors. ~1~11 co.,,,,. .it 1 M•• oo. eo111 l\1ater Dei dropped its first G••ndt SI. w11rm1n111r cM1 summer league decision to '~· Jol'n""' M1l•1n~1L..,tr l lt>•ltY S<:>Jlf\Wiok W1I•~ l1n111f H'"" "" ~ .. 11 1• pt u Santa Ana and is currently 2-1 ' i ,: for the .~ummer. • o 16 The lone Monarch ta1\y , . 0 ' c:rme in the fourth on a walk ' o to Rick Sheldon, a stolen base • t b • o , 1 and a single by Dennis a • l • ?.iurphy. 0 b 1 • Tofl 't '41 lffl- ~ 11 1' IJ Sol """""l'lllt• )4., Vlllt '•'11. K"'lma ... •...+Mtr(u !t l t b • " 1111 ) 1 0 0 F ,.,.,. w.iy..lm•t<' S... Vlllo 1"1rk Jll. 1 a n a J G 0 0 1 1 o a J I 1 ! Baderdee11 New Leader In Bowling Tourney C1m~Dt ll. lb Brow~, 1'b Creto<f, c C11n, ti ll'l!lt r. u H"°v1r, lb Dii i(><!, rl E+lloon, p $tl1, 11 U.O../, If lpUll 7 O G O 1 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 10 ' 7 1 ~m<l! by lnn;~n Mu•l~n;os 1(111f"'•"· Br090•M8rl"" ' ' . 000 0:-0 ()...1 3 ' ' F'or lhe fifth time in a,~ many \•:eeks. the West Coast Match Game Elim inations has a new leader. 1-le's 0 n ! a r l o · s Greg Badersdeen, who bo"·led an 879 series ~1onday night al Kona Lanes in Costa ~1t!a to jump fronl I.he Jlio. 2 spot. Costa Jl.1esa's Fred Dougher. ly. !he leader last Wl!f'k, fel l to third 'l•tith a 789 four-game block. r.1arty Anderson (If Anahe im is now s('Co nd 11 \Th l"~l 1o1•eek ), 25 pins behind Bader- dttn \l·hile dt>re nding cham- pion G:iry Madison (San Bernardino ) i~ fourth , 47 pins lx'hlnd the leader. Nick Stigailo I Nn. 71 Clyde Lacher (t\o. 12) other area bowlers in the top 16. Sfigaflo, of COfita ~lesa , roll· ed an ~ Sl'ries to jum p from the 1''o. 70 position while Lacher (Dana Poin t) vaulted from the 17th spot wilh an 823 series. Only eight ga mes rema in before the 120-man field is cut in ha lf. M•IW fHI II) N•litrt, 11 Vat!. ti Lucio. 7t> S!onbr1, Jb S"olllotl, lb Lendrlon, P Mur,.,,Y. p .&.-••n•huo. 11 Fre"~-~ """"~"''' rt C•tou •, rt .. ' , . ' . ' . , . ' ' ' . ' . , . ' . ' . ' . fproot " ' St~•• bv i"11•n111 • 000 1(1(1 0---1 1(1(1 lOO ~_. 511! lt1ch Ul .. • ' • , Lun1. !• V1"A"''"IMf, H ~1...,.n,. lb l!l1t ........ !t•~,.,,W>~V. rl Te>'....,t, <I T•o••I. c Mll•1. lb Boo~lng!p<1, 7ll Sl~o••, ~ TOlll• "•"'b'•co $111 lhlKh ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' " • " • • ' " ' ' . '" • • • • • • • • ' . • • ' ' ' . • • • • • • ' ' • • ' ' ' ' " rbl ' , ' . ' ' • • ' • • • • • • • • ' ' ' • ' . ' , • • ' Ba.seball S landings DEAN LEWIS !TIOJYIC)!TJAI " ' l\'A TfONAL LEAGUE Pitlliburgh New York St. Louis Chicago Montreal :Philad!!lphia Ea1t Division W L .. 26 " 21 " 3.1 J4 J4 21 37 27 -40 West Dlvls~n 6an Francisco 47 25 Dodcen ~ 31 Houston 33 J5 Cincinnati 32 38 At.Jania 33 <fl "San Diego 23 47 T-•v'I 111 .. lh A•l1nt1 (, Mll"'"1I 0 (.lf'l(.iMlll " ,.,,11..,.1.1111 1 N&W Y-J, ,.ll!IC..>'flt l St" Fr111<!K11 1, C"ICllft 0 ""'111Vft •• ''" 01,..o f If. lit/lo •• l>Mfff'I , TICl11'1 Ott''" Pct. .629 .585 .535 .500 ·"' ·"" .6S3 .5.Sl .'35 .4:'17 -446 .329 GB :JI? £\; ' 1' l~~i 7'\ 12 .. " 23 Al\fERJCAN LEAGUE Baltimore Detroit Bo!'!ton Cleveland New York \Vashington Oakland Kansas City l\-1innesota Angels Chicago Milwaukee Ea1t Dl\'!1\011 W L 42 2.1 " :ro 36 30 31 35 31 J7 24 41 West Division .. 23 35 29 35 .14 31 39 25 " " " TlllHIJ'\ llHlll" t;lt>lt'O!I 7.1, Hew Yprk '-2 Wath!flllofl 1.0, Btlllmo"I 6'l Cl•Y•lt"4 t .O, BOllOll 1..J Ml•nrtollt 10, 0 1-lH'd 1 cn ic • .., 11, II:'.,.,., citv • Atl!ltlt 01 Mllw1utM, •l ilt f°"IY'I OlllM'I Pct .646 .:l$9 ·"' .470 .. ,. .3'9 .662 .547 ·"" .113 .397 .387 GB 51~ 61; 11 ~ 12~1 18 8 101.~ 15 17 '.2 18 \. C~lt-l"l l'fl•I l ·t ) 11 S•~ F"l>(ltt o (Mori, ,_ dl•I "'I Clltvtlt l'Od tMcOcw.11 I°') 11 lc.19'> !Cul• J..!l 1(111 .. s CllY (.k>lll!Of11 J.fl 11 C~lofH IWOOd """" Var\ IC..~!"' ... l ot Pithbl/ro~ tW•lk•~ t,.l, ni."' Manlt .. I (Mo•IOn t •f ) 11 All•MI (J 1rvl1 :J.•f, '"'"'' ""lllClo~i. !WIN 1-t) f l C1ntlnn91! G•lm•I•~ '-1), n l1M Mo!Rlt-1•111ll't-'-1 P"CI WUM>I' S.S' 11 &I• D!fto !I''-""• .Jot t t'ld l(lth .t-.SI, 1, "°I"',."' ''· ..,""" i•wu .. n ,, o..-. ci...11w1 .,.,, ....... 1 "' l•lll"'f>'t ~P•I""' •·J\ ,, w.,~1""""' ''°"""" ~11 n!oni O•"O•• (IC •l-fMV l·l~ " Ntw York ("•lerl!lft 411 •19111 •11tt1t tL11i.r o-o ~ M ...... m ttll •·•) •t "'11,.I U"'"' (P l tMtll .Ml tnd K<I UIM J.a!, 1, !WI• "itM 0.•1tlld IOdllfl'I 2..J) 11 Ml-Wit (l tvi.v ... , .. ,. "11111 lSTH ANNIVERSARY SALEll BIGGEST & BEST YETI DEAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA ~oG.rn I Com pl•t• S•rvic• & P•rl1 D•pl . Modern Body Shop for All Cara 646-9303 540·9468 Orange County's Largest and hfost Modern Toyota. a.nd Volvo Dea.ler OVllSU.S DILIVllf S'ICIAtlSTS ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS '71 COROLLA SPECIAL $1777 ~ Sii 1HI ALL NfW 10YOTA CIL/CA Sl'T. C'L IMMIDIATI DILIVllY ~ VOLVO ~·:"'"'"""!'' ' '""·-·~· ~1 .. • ,/; .... __ J .1:. " ................... .,. 1 1971 DEMO $2998 1 ~1 '"'"" ,1dio, 111111., 111to..,.n, ... ~ .. USIO C.t.I S'ICIAL $1195 1t6t llNAULT K10 ~°"Ill, ~,,.,., 1 lo-Id. Nl<t , /'l'KUOO\ San Clemente, MD, Di.ablos Trip Mesa League Rivals San Cleme nte, J\.1ater Del and Mission Viejo e.Jl posted opening round victories in the Costa Afesa summer recrea- tion high school basketball league opening round Tuellday night. lian Clemente wa:ii a <14-40 victor over Santa Ana , Mater Dei toppled Orange , 33-32 and Mission Viejo downed, Estan- cia, <f2-J6. AU games were played e.l the Estancia High Schoo l gym. San Clemente, getting a lJ- poinl output from Rick Bauer, one or the smallest cagers in the area, overcame a 1$-13 halfti me deficit to gain the victory. Mater Dei. with a 1$-point surge by John H'rold and 10 l•n Cltmt!llo (U ) 11 II pl I• 0..wll"g J l 7 1J 5•11t'l 1 ' 0 4 8•uc• S l 7 13 Cotnlor!k 7 O 0 • Rll!dlt 0 0 J 0 R1ll1 7 0 1 l Gun"IJO<> o l l l W11!rorlh ~ O I Wt.lit 0 , 0 Tt1ll ll 11 10 11 4l lo/1lttlmf' 51nt1 A,.. "' 5on Cl-•ntr " 1'!1111: 5•n c1.,.,..,1! ~. 51n!1 ,..,.. .io. Motor 1)91 fll l 11 II 1! 11 Htft..,.., ~JIU G'"" 507 10 Cucullc 7 G 1 • Pr..-6or1111 l J ' 7 l(lllY 0 01 0 MortlM I!• 0 0 1 0 R•lu 10 07 l t!tlt U I 10 ll 1"!11<!1"'1· M.tler Oii 71. Ot1"9• 17, Fl~/: ~•lot O..I :II, Or1ng1 12. MIHl111 VI•!• UU ,, fl pf I• ' " . , Net..,t ...:111 Citro Sl1c~tr ·-M F•••uton T<111ls Conltr 11-ulllo M"°re ·-'"1•v•• M1l<lt,, 11urt111,,. S."k1Y Ford M•<Gr'110r To••l1 H•l!!lmt: cla I,, ' ' ' . ' , ' . ' . , . • " h lott~Cll IN) , " . " M1Ull>'I " • ' ' ' ' • • • • " V•t lll II pl I~ . ' , . ' . ' . ' o I 10 . . , . ' , ' ' ' . ' . 7 l 10 , , , 6 11 3h l <. Es!1n- from Greg Green, held a five point intermission edge and In- creased the margin to six •t games end. Hosl Estancia had trouble with Pat Roberts' ri.ussion Vie· jo Diab\os throughout, £ailing behind at t11e outset and never catching up. The Diablos were forced to play the entire gan1e with the five starters when no subs showed for the ope ning round game. Thursday night's schedule will pH Miss ion VieJO against Orange at 6;15 in the Estc..ncia gym. Al '7 :30 it will be l\.1ater D('i and San Clemente in a game of winners. South Baseball Tea1n Bids for Win No. 4 The Orange Coast area will be represented by seven athletes on the South squad in the fourt h annual Kiwanis Orange County North-South all-star baseball clash Thurs- day night (7 :30 ) at Anaheim's La Palma Park. Scattered around at various positions, the area players chosen for Rebel berths are out.fielders Gary Simpson of Mater Dei. John Pal mer of Corona de! Mar and Greg Kessler of Laguna Beach, in· fielders Mike Easterling o( Newport Harbor and Doug ~lilne of Wes t m inst e r, Newport pitcher Alvin White and Westminster catcher l\.1ike Dodd. Bolsa Grande ·s Al Hall will be the head coach of the South nine with assistance from Balsa's Frank Smith and Tustin's Bob Valenta. The Rebels have neve r lost the all-star tilt in three previ ous salvos and they cap- tured last year's contest by the shutout route, 3--0. Runnerup to Valenta in the county coach of the year balloting -Anaheim 's Dave 1-fatfield -is th e North head mentor with Huntington Beach resident Jim Reach a n d .l\fagnolia 's Jim Patterson assisting him . Twenly-pl11yer rosters have been accor<ied to each side, although the Yankees will pro- bably be operating with 19 since Anaheim's a\!-CIF' first baseman and county player of the year Ron Knaub recently signed a professional contract w!lh !he Pittsburgh Pirates. Without Knaub, the North still has a trio of .400 hitters available in Los Alamitos' Terry Stupy (.40:?), Sunny Hills' Ron Lee (.415 ) and Fullerton 's Kelly Mahoney (.485). Here are the complete rosters for both teams: Soll!~ Al~~11r• c11t/lt": Ml~r o-\iNu1mi .. 111n • ...., l'red MottM (511111 A""I: ~II· Cllln. AIYI" Whl!• \NtWPOrl Harbarl. Biiiy &olOtft (SA Vtl 1y), II.It/I Simonin ~1~'.!~~~ s~;.::11'li~nl:1'.!.1~c.·1~ •r,,i! l1•l<lft1 . Doug Milne ~W••lmln1lttl, Miki E11!or11,... \N•waorl Harbor , Jtrroo Ml tOJ (P•< tlc1 l, S•ev• Jenn IVordt!n Grovt/, Tpm 1(11~ /St d· <lltbot kl. Scou W!l}<I" (Voroe" Grov•I l nO J~I Dtn11v fl usll11); outllel<le'1' ~1~-:.~eJr::~"~L·~~~~ ~~~~1P.?~~~ j(or""• <!ti Mor), Mtrk l tnr'l<ln !Boha i·.~~~~1ino ~1:'~:11. ~T~~~"')~ .. \,c.ir:~·t 11••0 toacn· Al Hill IBCll• Gtand•l: •••lstant coetnoso Frink Sm'1~ 1Bo111 C.r•rnl•I 1nO BPP v11ent1 (lu•tln). ND<I~ AU·Srtro Catrhon : T1rn-SluP• ( L p • '1""'1101), Brad Hill,.,an (5pno•1) anO II ct c;11""0•• (Fullort..,,); pl1t/'lt'" Mlkr PUlonon (M•wnoll1\, JP n L1<111••on (Ananelml. Gr09 L• "Mn6ela (Wesltrn>, c;,.g Cocnro11 (LPWt ll) and Ari C•>1lllt1 isaY1nn1): ln!1tld1ro· 110<> a,11 !5un"v Hlll1l. 0••• Camobtll <5av1nnaJ. Ktvln ao11 1Sont1r1}, Ille~ Pt 1•rs \Troy\, Allan LIO \la•••I and Al Muri lo /An~~•lm\; pulf old•n: pnll Htn<1er1hot (!"I O«aOo], Ke l ! ~ Klrlshl1n !Mt •r'IOlll ), Ron l e• (5un"V Hlllol. Kellv Mahonov !Fullerton) •nd Malil lf09"' (11.tnt/'lp Alaml!O•l. H11d toocn · O••• H 1 111 o ld !An1/ltl.,..l1 • .,1111n1 co1cke•· J•.., If•••" !5•••nn1) 111<1 Jim P1t11r1on 1Moqne1l1). GENERAL TIRE • Freshman Captures 5 Events Estancia freshman Steve Adams captured five events in the junior high divilliol'I to highlight the first summer all· comers tra<.'k and field meet at Orange Coast College Tues· day. Adams nabbed the 100. 220, .f40, long jump and triple jump. All-comers meels will be held every Tuesday at Orange Coast through Aug. 3 when the champion5hi p mee t will be held. Ji m Mcllwain, Orange Coast College track and field coach is meet director. Competition is divided intc> rive levels -open, high school, veterrtns, junior high and elementary. Any in· terested amateur athlete may partici pate. Junior high field evcn!s start the weekly program at 4 'M'ith high school and open fie!d events getting under way at 5. Runn ing events slart at 5: 10. 0"Ell DIVISION 100 -D~•t Sfg•L ''1 !XI -Oennis M111, 11.9 ; uo -Reid Colt. 49.f; llll -S!~ve DY"· 1.07.0; Mllr -l•"f Lim~. •·11.0, 10 HH -1111 Hensen, ~-'' llO lH -6111 Hl">On. )9.t ; Croo~ coun!•~ tAPpro•. l mllul -Do" Ohlen. 1•,ot.O; M•IO Wi lk -J!t>n Wol~er, 1.U.O; Dltcu1 -HI Pl•v Ja.,..t•. 161-3; St.01 Piii -Hldlf V J9m11, J1.1v,; Hirn lump -C•HV MorrlJ, 6·6; ltng lumo -Mlll••· lt.IOl lrl•lt lll"'P -Dln"I• ZrrY••· 4'- HIOH SCf.IOOL DIVISION 100 -~H11I 11 -Miki Ad1lr, 10.1; !Hf &! 11 -PMI Mt•I, 10.,r 'lrlO -P~ll M•a" :U.I; .UO -Ml~t Yatn1I, JS.11 ,ICI -Rod 8t1•nmo. 1.11'111: Mlle - Sto•r Or•'• •:lJ_O: 70 HM -D•va t>o"'f!!, '·'' lJa CH -Cn11<• Jo~lt. •ll: D••tus -F•IU C:olf,.,l n, l'1,.l,l1 She! 0111 (ll·POU~d ) -T•1rv Albrl!T•"· 6(l.9•., 1!<1-11<>111101 -Al~tl!lon, J0.4. H•t n jumo -Ken (°"Mr. J.t ; l""g iv"'• -Rocco, 1111,; TtlPlt 111..,0 - HontYWfll 31,,, Cron coun•r1 -M.,I( G•n•I. 11-~1.0. JR. NIOH SCHOOL DIVISION 100 [!1tt l I) -S!tvr Ad11r11, 10.I ; (H,1! ?J -C.lrn p.,n~•· H ,I; 170 -si ... e AOtm•. 15.:; 440 -S!•~· Adi ..... 57.•; U0 -Din Em'1flfl<I, 7.7'0.•; Mll- Ral~n Sffn•, ':500: 70HH -Gl•n ll1ln••• 9 I ; lon11 lumP -ShVI Ad om" 11·1I 1 l rlPl8 jump -Sle•t Aaem" l$·O. ElEMllolTAIY DIV l$10M Bo•1 ~ uo -O•~nv Ol1W1~,. 1:11.0; eeo -o.~ftY 011wa,,., l:Jl.o; Mlle -Al•" Mur1 •v, 7:".o. Girl• -.. o -5L>••~ M~•colf, 1 :J:l.O • S,.EC!ili L i!Vl!NTS DIYIJIOH Miio IV•ltr•~• o•or •al -l •~• 11.IAn~. J l6 O: lVUtt0n• over Xl l -J<W ~'~"• J·l•O 6HIERAL TIRE ....... -.. PRE-41h OF JULY 4-PLY NYLON CORD a Dual Tread Des.gn GENERAL-JET • ""'"""""R,bb<" r.ead s 1ZE" 1.1 .. ,.. 1.1>-15 ........ 4 for '18 SIZE 8.25·1'. 8.2>-15 ........ 4 for '86 SIZE 8.55-1' ................ 4 for '98 ·• Tubeless wti11ewalf pric111;, ptvs $1 T61o S2 50 Fld E• T.11 1 P!!!' fire deper1Cfi"Q on si:e. FREE MOUNTING ••. NO TRADE NEEDED ..• SALE ENDS JULY 3 -C1'11C-••• --....,. .. ---.. ,_ ---.... --· - ... ---·--""' _ ... -.. __. ..... ---*'k"<'"•'* *:irH1t 1. ~ :r,..._ <t ....... ,. <t,. .-.-,.,. .11 ~,.,."' • ..... "..-.. • ... ?'-.. 7 -,._. MM Ovt On Gen,,ars Widest Calibrated• Tlie VACATION SPECIAL Expert Wheel Balance POLYESTER CORD-GLASS BELTED ''· 'i;:·~ ~ ~ ..... ' ... . ·~ ~ ~ ' ~ SCRAMBLER BO U-ral • 60 H r14!$ ltr• w11"' bn!d 't•l ld Wt\1t1 •t•ll11 S!df'Wlll dt · 1JQn, Whlle-11.,. •"d '"'h••e ·lener 10 .. "" •ltQ ...... 1.oie lo ft\ tn0•• J)09ul.lr CfU'I., ... ·~"·" f , ... ,,.. ...... ·~· .~ ·~· ~~· ~,, .... , ... ,.,., ..... . ... .. " . -••"l'' .., , .. , ..... .• ,,,~···ti ••& ...... , .. , .. ,_, ..... .......... t ... ·----.. ---...... $251?. ..... I *'1t;t ... ~._. .... '1;'1r"Jl:IO'l1'11'l'r'll:-lt~-r ... 'I;,,. ·~· •• ,. •• ~ ..... • •••• ,,, ... .._~-11 -.i ..... ~ .. ··4 ·•···~ &ENEAAL TI AE 1 nera ire ... -, .,,. .. ,.-;•" c:_ .............. a.i--Charge 'tat Ge Ir· S llO .... ~ .. ·-" .. ~ ......... _ ~;.--· .. .,..1, ....... c.. ............ DON SWEOLUNO AVERY Coast General Tire General Tire Service 18\ Wfft 1 •tt.. c .. ra ,,..,. ,.Oftf' s•O·S11 0 er ,4,·SOJJ '''41 htlch llvd., H11111l .. 1e1 hctc~ '""'"• 847·1811 ~------GENERAL TIRE ... GOES A LONG WAY TO MAKE FRIENDS •------· ' Wfd11esoay, Jllnt L>, '"'" DAILY PILOT 23_ SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! Se liabla Espanol WESTMINSTER SANTAANA FULLERTON 15221 BEACH BLVD.• PHONE 893-8544 120 E. ARST ST. AT CYPRESS• PHONE 547-7477 1530 S. HARBOR BLVD.• PHONE 870-0700 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY .• 9:00A.M.-9P.M. SATURDAY ......••..•• 8:30 A.M .• 6 P.M. SUNDAY .............. 9:00 A.M •• 2 P.M. ·-;,;.. . . ... POWER UTlET 1wo oooy.t0 • .,,. knit ~od1 ... r,i, 12 .,..,bl• ,...,fo<•'- CD·2 Dll llEJlJC[JfT r, .. , U(<k, w.IYo>: <.l e an• and qui.lo lo"' 111 110<111 • .... t~~i11ill TRCAJMEMJ 5 oopo o;I b~•ni~ll <1nd "'"''"-' lif .. lo ~'§= ~::: ~5;1 .. ol~ c "' CMDrct ea. MODELS FOR BOYS ' GIRlS ~~z1~, STURDEE ~-~ HI-RISE r---.~ 1. BIKE •. AUTOMATIC :· .. :·CHOKE \~-~· CLEANER QUALIJT SMOKrlESS ,tUIP '.~ LIGHTER iii ,,..... •!kkM •"""-""' q"i<~ly ond • ..,.11., ,..;,i. t h i• •1>•01 ci ........... '•*!> fO"t «"' ;.., I • 1Hf PBOYI -...,!~~.'! 4o 9,. !)( • f lUIO f<>'" oU U11hl· ,ty ,~ •"· 1'1•o ~oublt• .f.ff..."'1 ;jfr ,,. ""' effecl•VW -· .J~j~ ·~·~~-9' CAN 18 JN, REEL TYPE HAND MOWER POWER MOWER fl•• i>. ... p•dwtp Mo-r ;.. .,...;...,..J "'"" z HI' .. ..,,1. lrio9< -s. ... 11000 ........ , .... . <tart<w, •• l EAOY FOR SUMMfl J01l ll0.1.DSIOE fMEJGEMCIES ROADFURES ••illi ... t ,.., '""G'"••i ..... 11am.-bright •ignol cl..,. or nivlu. a.,,... IJ tnW.llf-. l(Ell" HANDY IN THE GlOVf COMPAITMIENT K.Gv' dtoly hol•t i• ....-of c•l•a ''""'Iii 1.,.,, l<nllnO' n110" """'9 with o....tllr "'"'ol "K'<':-~ -.. I E ltlAOY fOI SUMMf l MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 8:00 A.M. • 9 P.M. SATURDAY ............ 8:00 A.M. -6 P.M. SUNDAY .............. 9:00 A.M. • 4 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY .• 8:00 A.M . -9 P.M. SATURDAY · ••.••• , ..•.. 8:00 A.M. -6 P.M. SUNDAY •••••••••••••• 9:00 A.M. • 2 P.M. PRICE CUTS IN OUR 50 YEARS REDUCTIONS UP TO $14.25 PER TIRE ••• BUY TIRES NOW FOR SUMMER 94 WAS 13.43 670 x 15 BLACK TUBED TYPE AIR CLIPPER 88 '·'°"'· TUSElESS BLACK WALLS 73.5/6.C0a:15 SIZE WAS 19"6 7.7517 . .5() 2067 . " 6 .9.517.JS 2067 6 . .50. 13 7.00x 14 TUBELESS ltACKWAt L 27 MONTH 8.2.5/8.00 2267 GUARANTEE* . " '7B-1' 3082 19'' {7 .3.517 .00 . 14) -+--+-=--=--1 (1.1s~;~~sa:15) 3412 2177 H7B-1-' (l ...5.5/8.50 a: 14} H78-11 (8 . ..f.5/7.60 x 15) 3821 23'' 3635 2344 "36 MONTH GUARANTEE• BELTED WITH DlllACOR~ RAlOll CORD FOR A SMOOTH, COMFORTAllE llDEI RADIAL TIRES THI WIDI ONE ••• 6 PLY TREAD ••• 70 SERIES TIRE A'.ADE WITH RAYON CORD WAS 1519 1644 1944 13'3 $6.98 WHEEL ALIGNMENT . 6.30 a: 13 ••• phoo ftll. lo~ of $1.60-$1.J& AIR CLIPPER BLACKWALL BIG SAVINGS ON TIRES ~OR VW's TOYOTA'S, MG'S, OPEL'S CORN ILL EXTRA·WIDE TREAD ' WHITIWALL•70 SIRIU nRE NEARLY 2'' WIDIR THAN (0NV£NTIONAL TIRES SIZE WAS NOW n o., .. 3646 2500 (7.00/7.50 x 14) G70-14 2600 (1.2.5 /8.00 3854 • 141 H-70-1 4 3511 2700 (8.50/9.00 x 14) G7G-15 3553 2700 (6,70n.IO JI 1.5) w •• 33.32 D7G.1-4 . (6.50/ 6.9S x 14} 36 MONTH GUARANTE~ . I · I " / Ji /'/"/ i/'Nj,~' ALL SIZES , ,11.f(v A·x,/ ARE ON SALE . TRUCK TIRES 11 SUH TO tHl<K WITN US If YOUI Tiii Sill JS MOT SHOWN 'OR PICK-UPS, PANELS & CAMPERS NO FLAT SPOTTING OR THUMP 36 MONTH GUARAN1'EE* GR70-14 BUY ON =~CREDIT 65 ..,., ,. 16'5 l '·''"" 1845 J.,b.d T11tad Type 111'9 NOW (8,'2.5 a: 14) fl70.14 GR70-JS 1.75 a: 14} (8.1.5 x 15) NOW ~/</(/ 8ANKAM!RICIRD HR70.l .5 NOW {8.4.5 a: 1 S} U DAILY PILDT Williams Returns to Area, .. , Will Bolster Pirate Quiritet Oranee COasl COilege has ad.ded another plum to iU gro..-.'ing list of basketball pros- pects for nl!J[l season. and lives in Costa r-.1es:1 Olson playt'd for Santa Ana Valll'y last season. Conroy 1s a leUerman and Nelson 1s a tr11nsfcr lron1 t.'cw Jersey. Skip Williams, the Irvine League player of the year while performing for Estancia High ty.·o sta.9.lns ago, will be a mtmber of the 197 1-72 Orange Coast olllfil, says head coach lferb Livsey. Kazmer passed up a four·yea r ride lu Arizona State to play al Orange Coast. * * * Livsey, who has recruited sorne talentl'd b.ackcourt specialists, feeb that the addlt1011 Golden West College ba~llttball iit11ndoul Br inn Ambruzlch will rltlinllely pl:iy for Brighnm Y1111nR next season, say~ Hustler bead touch Dick Slrlcklin. CRAIG SHEFF Ambroz icb (&.-$1 wiped ou t n1ost of lhe Golden \4'esl rebounding re cords last se11son In helping Slri<'klin'!I crew to the Southern California Conference rhnmplonship and a third place finish in lhe ~tale 1n rr.t. ~lark lHkller. the RustJrri.' S.10 freshm an center in 197(1..il. repo rtedly had grade prob· !ems last semrsler and Is h31•ing 10 make up units this su1nn1er. of \l'illiams 1vi!I boost his front line corp~ considerably. \Vilh Dekker and J im Ander!'<ln rrturninl! next season. along \\ilh a handful or othrr lop le!lermen and Rancho Alam itos star BUI Srll co ming in, the Rustlers could hE tough '"He is cerhlinly going to help us," says <igain. · Livsey, \\"ho will enter his third year at OCC 1n lhe fall. * * * Orange Coas1 College's tl'f'\\' rlf'pnrls for London and the llcn lt'}' Royal Regil rta 1'hursday, arrh•1ng 1n London F'riday al I p.m. \Villiams played freshman ball for Ca l -Poly !San Luis Obispo ) last season, helping the Mustang yearlings to a 19-4 record . The 6-6 Costa l\fesa resident l"cported!y liked the basketball played at Cal Po ly but "·as unhappy wi!h ·lhe school. Coach Dave Cranrs Piral rs ;ire schcdulrrl to work out F'rid:ry 11'ilh !heir fir.~t cumpe.li- tion coming a \\"eek from today in the Ladies Challenge Cup, an ev ent !h;i t \\'as slarted in 1845. Williams scored 397 points as a senior at Estancia (15.9 average), earning a first team .All-Orange Coast area berth and a third unit .A.JJ-rount y spot. There is no second chance at Henl ey . With letterman Steve McLendon ((i..6) back and Westminster's Erle Southwick (6-&) com- ing in, Livsey appe3rs to have the strength be was lacking in the front line last year. The 132-year-o\d rcga!la involves a senrs of h\'O-boat races with rhe 11·inning shell ad- vancing to the next race. The loser is out. Approximately 25·30 boats, are entered in \hr Ladies Challenge. Add four talented guards like John Sey- mour. Glenn Nelson, Kermit Olson and Tim Conroy and versatile forward · guard John Kazmer, and OCC has the makings of a \·ery improved team. Orange Coast 11•il1 also race Jn !he Krn.i:~tnn Regatta July 10 in Klng.~l on. F:ni;::l:ind ;;nd followln.1? that mem bers of lhr crc111 11•111 tour \Vales, Fr:ince and Bclg1urn .. .. . ' • . Seymour is an all-CJF star from Servile They will arrive home Th11r.~<l:iy .. Jul y JS. For Los Ala1nltos Ala111itos Racing Entries Results "' '" "' "' "' "' "' '" '" '" "' '" '" "' '" '" '" T MIRD •l'tl!. l'IO v1rd1. 1 VII• old mlldPn\. Pu"" lltoll. Blo T•~(~le l "~aid !~ A<ulel• ("llhan) 111 Ml11 1111 !l•r !l/8v<i~") 111 P1rr Cle~btr 4W1110~) 170 Bucs Face Fullerton Ward·s Pirates I 0 r <1 n g t Coast Col!rge) bid for the J\fetropol11an l..rriguc h:.i!".rh:ill lead lonighl when thry I 11re the Fullerton llus11e rs jCal Sta toe, Fullcrl on l at La Palma Park at 8:30. Coach Joe !\lill rr's Pirates have a 2-1-1 mHrk in f\1rtro ;ic· li on and tral! Fullcr1on by just • half game. ln another till t.onight , the ~ik Rus1\crs 1 r.old en \\"csn battle Cypress at La Palma at 6 o'clock . Ml:TROPOl !T,l,H Ll!AOUl l'11llff1on W1•d'• P!r1l•I Senl~ Ru11ler1 (yprl'I• LI l'ONll Oorl• P1r1mou"t l 1 "-· Jrl. Orl ftM w l T GI ' ' . I 1 1 '1 1 ' 0 1 7 1 0 ' 7 1 o I 1 1 0 I 1 l i 'i~ l lllldl1'1 ..... , .. Wtrd'l l, ·"""hi l ll """"• 0or>t S. Cypr11• 1 l'ul1«1on I. l • """"" J•1 1"1r1m ouftl I, O•l l>Pt • TN1lt~l'1 G1m1• ::;i~.1v'.;,~?'u7i!~,:~ ~: ~1\"'1 U> Fil'O';!Old (W•r"! Du~'• Doi"! (Sml!~l l"m • Cute •• ((1r<1011I .S~lda {l ipnom ) NObl• C<>PV (Nlllf) NU!Mr Si1!tr (Ptf<itt\ Also l!:ll1;bl• APrOPOI !P•rnerl "' '" ' " '" "' " ' llO l'OUltTM llACI!:. l~ 1••d•. l voor olcto incl ""· Cl•lmln<1 Pur.., lJ;:Q(l. ~~~~~~.P£~ ';~;n••l 1\9 1!11r~t'1 P!stol !M.iit>ua•l 111 lltlCkV Btl<~ Honl< fFog•) llo Dlvldtncl"• ll1r l"<11lrj Ill Gotl1 ll1r Too !WltOJ 11f A Gain· M1n f lan~') )19 "U'TH lt.t.C£. l~ yerd•. 1 ~••• o!d ,...1ld•n•. Pu••• "900. ~ur Col IV111$1hft) 1"0 Tnr"" J1l1 Jr. !C1rdo111 ·~~ Truc~lf n' Win (P••l'•<l 111 Llmil1 Bord.,.,t1 ~~mnn 1 111 Divin' Mon fHordlnpJ 11(1 Mr. M1r1 ll1r !Wt!.cn) lln 11~r1 .. 1v (C•oibvJ !'/ti L• c ... 1c1 !Llo~•rnl 1;on ~nlOr 0~-/Horr) 11/ Rabbit R...O B~r (Alll<onl 117 .1.110 1!11t lbl9 S11<>e,.offd (Aill•nnl 11 1 5111:Tll II.I.CE. i rn Y•'~' l Y''' "Id ond ~P (11 brfd. Cl•lm!nQ. f>ul•f l110D Ctolmlno <>•It~ $11«\ Por!ICl<>&lor !C1,do11) 110 D",.rcv Kov I A~~;n I:~ F l"t Futvrl!v •Ll<>h•m) I"<> R"ll Diet /Mor!! 11~ Ne•t Mov• (~"'Ith\ 111 lndl~n !l!.,VI! !Alli•o"' HI Otdlt'• Bull r11eni\I 1?n (Al! Callee! (l't•non 111 SEVEfolTM ••CF."J'~O ... ,,,,, Dido. ,_llQwWn(e5 Pur'e S1'CO 01~nr., [(,"'IWl Tu llu~ !l•r rntr) J o1"• l ""• Luc~ f.r.111.cn\ l'ew<llle P•rlum• ((ArnotA1 lfl' Miii Trulebto (H9rdln9I ""ell• IW1l10nl C~lc~ Doolin !V•U$hnl Ano,her A"'lel lllo•""'l OOOJblr "lw•m !Adwlr l ~Wl"9inp TeA (Wll>MI l!IGMT"M lt.t.CI!'. S-1• ••·~• l ...... '" '" '" "' '" ... " , "' "' " nro, wnd "" "llowen<r>. Pu••• lJ!O'l Tllo PAI°' Vprc•\ V~l\~nt Price (.r.111,onl Oroll •LIP~•m! Too "'• Oec~ IH•,d•r<>I 1"1Pe••AI llOC.~•! l(•<O')U\ rw~•,,, Ge• f,0<lAlrJ 11 "0"• S""""-v 8~• tll•~••I 'l'~e•,, E~llo II''"'"~' Do"'' B• (;l)OCI 1C<o<ll/\ NINTH ltACE: ~,n ,_,.~, , ond vn. ("•"'Inv PV•"• t;·~· { lnQ r •I•-,.,.,(1 " ' " ' .. " . ' .. '" .. '" For Oov'<l 1~"'"''1 \"' I'll• Oav'd 1llo.,,am1 ~~~~t· .... ~~ \~~:~~;.:: 'llCOI Del Mo• !Modi ""o'""' T"• (M&r.,l!>Cj"I •• , r.1..,••I• •llll••I "" Wolr~ Cud Go 1w.r1o•l '., Sun C.~1! IWrlt M• 1;~ Tennis Title Newoort BeaC'h·s Bob and Dick Miller captured fhe fir~\ l!"nual Sunny ll ill.s ll;;ic l U"l Club fat.her and son l<'nnis triurnament in Ful lerton Sun- da\' The !l·lillrrs dC'ftatf'<l Dr Larry Davis and his son. r..tark, of Buena Park to swttp Ille honf'rs in the. A and B division by a scort of 10·5 in pro set. l'lllST IHI.Cl!: -lJoe •~•d!. 7 v••r old "'~'""'" Cl1lmlng Pu"" )\'>00 ll•ll~ Sl"'1• !"O•lrl ~.IMl l '0 7 1n (~on<• Al IM1l1ud~l ? l!O ) •O C.nll•u• Grod 1w~.,o~i 5 60 T,m• -II 11 10 ""o ban -"''~"""' C.•··"'10• Hollv. C81•h • II~• TruO•"• '"'"· Vilo•on"• Jcw•I, PAllwo F1,,, C•ndv, ll•vou ~''''"h~ -G•••1 1nunaor //tmt•~• l>\oan, Truly M•rv•. Dc1n·1 c111v Ooll SECOND RACE -000 v••d• J •••• ala• & uo C•o•mln•. Pu"• u ooo. Mr Sil• Ber !C~rdo11I •.OO JM 110 (;old tnoot ICro•bv! I 00 •Bil lre1 No•t !W•••t>ll •.60 r.mc 10 lf!O ll l!o Ho"' -Mr f>•t• !I.,, po...,y c~'"G" ~ C!•~•. 1 ... 1. Pin<. lol!ft ~on, Don I 81r l(ltJY. lf1>n1 V~l•n!lnt Scr~!<~•d -T•tld• ll••• Teo, llo• Dovld. f 1nv eov"""'• True l/ftndy THIRD R,_CE.. -J-.i 7 '''' old molacn•. Cl•""1nv l'u•i• il90Q Truly VD T l••~· llld•"l "1 '0 l •O ?•~ M~<l•I"' M•~ Mn~•v lW•h Gn)j 10 J/111 A•oo r •<>rc'< (P~q,) 1 JQ "Ti,.,. ll A W lll·n I?~" P~lr~ D"61u~, 1,n\~'' 11.~e!I•. O•AO"\ O~p<!v. "'"'~"Ull\ Win, f IV•nQ G~la•v, R<>ult!I<· (I,,<•. T•c 5M,•t S<r11,.,r<l -Gloo•r·• c11~1we, L1mll$ S!Mvc, Ul!r••V>'-"'• PAn•n••. FOURTH RACE -~10 •~rd,. J vr"' n'o' ~ uo ~'"""'n~. 1'11"• \1)()0 /lro•1,n" lll~n~,1 I~ •'11'1 JM C.onn• Win IWMlll II eg l IQ P••U\I~ !lo~ lll~111m~ • 00 Tim• -.a 1 110 ~l<o 11," -Eev•• l •...itno P•••••'• 1.-,11• r or ward 8.i!f•• ion ~,q, CA•/lo CPC• I;~ \<'A (lie• Fl ~TH RA C[ -S .. ~A•t. ' ''~' ~"" ' ~o "'IO""a~CCI Pu• • 1'1(111. P ""~··~"' Oun1 IAlll.O"' n •l 11 ·~ , '"" l• "'' R••·-11 IWol\D<" ·~ • 1 1• ,, i••-"i C"•'~ !llo~f'"~ !•~ l'"t -?l t ln AIY. Po• Ill••~"·· P•n-• 1.,v '" r.,.,, o" 1n" ,..,. P1•••, Wftlt~ RO<~.,, W "'" 11~,_,,,1, '" ~,,,,,,,.,<t "''n'v • s~·· SIXTH l!ACE -J'!('I ~··' , .•. ~ •• ~·•nr .. p , .... 11" Cl-'<• /J Ooncy !C•o•r•l•~'ltl ... ,.. ' y,, .... ( """'' \ 11 01 •·• 10 ¥• 1S1•11v11 I ! "'t II J 10. J ,,.,. '"·"•~•n NI!• r ot-t I.,, Otl'~"ltd, ,_nol~U Cutt llM MM1~«~ P _,!f, ~EV£ NTH 11ACE -)~ ••·~< ; y••• ~'~' t Ur Cl•«1'tlng. Pur '" \111'<"> 111,.rd., •Crn,~v\ V ?II • • 7 Ml '~• CoVM I !,O,•ll•Onl • 80 ? /.O v~t"'' D•el ! lld•irl 1 6¢ T •m~ •8 I• 10. r·~ '".i'~'' CtGIHH 11,1,(15. -lj0 vud• l •••• old\ ,\. 1/0 A•loVI~ .. ,~ •. Pu"• U~l\1 D\IAI E•~A~•f IAdll'I ' .. •?\I l l'O 1 ,,., li<tt> lll""•"'I 110 l60 C••<>ft•mo MA>ft• lllord•n•l 1.ia Tome -11 !11! No $CfllC~PI. NINTH RACE -l'>O v••d• l ~•1r Old• 'UP (l~1ml"o PV"I fnt'O Z•ooY H1n~ l\mlll>I 11.00 • 1'0 A :t!1 I.Ir Mln< !Ort ••rJ JI!! JM! c~~···1,., !Ill~•) J 10 f ..... -.\t 7110. 5o•ICT>"" a11 Gr•n<l•dd¥, Fil1r.m B•"· 5h0ft II<><~•'· r>ellpQ a., T1mr SiNcE TkE dAwN of CREATioN .•• advertising people have busted their skulls trying to describe really, great th ings like - SUPER SANDWICHES at IZZY'S DELI wlth ll MUG OF BEER FOR 20•1 (11 . .JO •.m. · 2 o.m.l You·ve just Qot to come In for lunch or a snack and then write your own Copy Excellent Fishing Reported The Orange Co;1.5t is :ilive 11•ith calico and saud bass and passeng<'rs 011 lhe :1rr11's sporlfishing boats nut of tt1e four Jand inli:S rc1>0rt excellent fishing d<'..i ly. "'\Ve had five boats out to- d;ly rruesda~ J and had a suµer good run on bass. The. twilight Mat ts doing very 11ell :Jnd 11·e broujjhl bac k SC\ en ycllowtail fron1 Ilic Catalina Jsl,1nd run wei;::hin:; lron1 12 to 20 pounds.'' Robbie flobinson of Davey·s L0<.·ker r('por!s. Limi ts or bass lo se\·ert pounds are reported by Ari·s Landing 111rh tn11le a few b<>.r- r;icuda and btJnilo of keepe r size. Passcugl·rs ;ire loading up on rock fish and s1.:ulp1n. .San Clemente Spor111sh1ng reports excellen t lish1ng the p<L~l 10 days ~·jth lim its tJf bass. some barracuda to nine pounds ~nd a 2.~ pound ha!1bul la ken . Srin Cle mente is ph'.o nin g a mo\c lo ne\\" quarters at Dana Harbor nn July 1 and as soon as the move is comp!etcd, a twil ight special 1vill be added ro the daily schedule leaving JI 5. &I> McCullah of f{unl ington B!'ach Sp<>rtfishing on the pier says, "fishing is great. We are fishing lhe flats of£ ~runtington Ber-.~h and calicos are biting •.vr 11.·• Orange Coast,.UC Irvine Comets Rip Foe, 14-7 I Post Summer Cage Wins The Costa !ltesa ComeLo; t:x · ploded for :Y.Ven fourlh-inning runs and U}l!:n tame right back with &lx more tallies in the fillh as they crushed the vislUng Los Angeles Haw ks . 14-7, in a Southern Calllor;i.ia baseball assoch11!on sem1pro contest Sunday al Cost a li-1esa's TeWinkle Park. A pair of Orange Coast Col lege. basketball teams and a UC lrvme rr e!hman unit opened the OCC summer league v.•ith victories Monday night. The OCC Pirates downed the Sarldlcback Buccaroos, 100-53, whl!t: a st cond Orange Coast !can\ (Buccaneers) tripped the CyprCl'is Chargers, 101·75. fl·leanwhile, UC Irvine zip. ired lo a 97-62 triumph ove r tbe Sadd!eback Gauchos. In the Pirates' win over the Buccaroos. Glenn Nelson and Steve !11cLendon led the \Yay 11·ith 24 points each. Bill Helm paced the Buccaroos with 20. Dnug Dennis canned 20 points and SteYe Sax.Ion had l:I in the Buccaoet;rs' victory over the Chargers with Chris Lacher getting lG for the win· nets. UC Irvine received a balanc· ed scoring attack to easily dowc the Gauchos. The 1o1rin· ning Anteater., held a 49-31 lead at the ha lftime break. Play r~umes Monday 1v1th the Buccaroo."I and Anteaters meeting at 6: 15, the Pir<>J.es battling the. Chargers at 7:45 and the Buecant:ers a n d Gauchos tangling al 9: 15. 'IJ"ie league colleludes play Wednesday, July 28 with the top lour teams ballling in semifinal and championship games, Deep Sea Fish Report NUNTINGlOH 11.t.CH -,I tntltr~! )"lg IM•·· M,_RIN.t. OEl lt(T -U 1ntltrt: 11'l '"''' <00. 1,1,HT.t. MONIC,_ ·-H 1nv1u o: 11 bf .. , 1!iil r0<• <ocl. l ll•llbul ....... - JI .rnoln 1 10 oou , !OJ m1c~1rrl, 511 b•ue bou . OCl!..11.H,IDE -1•S 1n•ltro: 3 b•r· r•(ud~. /~) hou. J h•llbut. P.t.llAOISE covr -]JS •nt1•'1: tu c1lko b~ ... ?17 •oc• <O<I. • bolllloJI. SAN OIEGO (Munl<IJ•I PltrJ -11• ftr\OI••• 159 Yt!low11l1, I Wiii!• ••• 11 .... ?lli b•rracu01, J7 bcnl!o, 111 c111co O•"· llEDONOO -1:111 ""Vl~ro: I b••- ••tlld&, !.115 b1n, 7ll ••rto. 211 1>lu1 bf», 131 roe~ cod. l••fl -14" anolero: 1 •almon, 12 m•<ktrtl. l,'500 rtl(k cod. S,_fol CL.Ir.MENT E -109 t nt \trs: 1.otO b13'. • h.ilbul. ?JI m1clrtr•I. S.t.fol "l!DRO 11o1..-m•1 l1Mlln1l - 106 tntlt "; l ~•llowtoll, 50 bonito, 4Slt c1ll<o blsi, 11 f4-.ci b.IH. (:r.IOMI StrHI 1.1ndl11) -11 ~""~"' 10 b1rr1cW t , no c1llca b t u. s h1\lti.t, '° blue bin, !.SO •••!II· t rt1e~ cod. POllT HUtfNIMI -n t nt lu,· •ss Cl llCO "'"'JI h•llbut, 1n rock Loci MAl llU -JO 1nv10 .. : :iao rock to<I. 611 c1lico b111, l h1111>\11. l ONll 1£,,,CH (P1dtlc $"9rtll1hln1J -111 1no1c,.: 1 v•llow!1ll, l ""'• 1acud1, l no!lbut. HJ <•ll<o boSI, '1 l>Qni!n, lSO blut b•.s, ' '"'""· ll roe~ cod. (lolmonr Pl") -.SI onglo": 111 bt'I, 1 berratuaa, 1 bo<llto. ••••• -SI ftn~I'"' J ~8$1, l b&rfacud~. 1~ bonlla. ' mockerel. {Pl-Int l •ndlltlJ -tG onv11-.: 11 b•rrecude. 1,0ll be .. , J •ellow!•ll, 1 rock cod, lOC 11r10. SEAL. BE,,,CM -1\l t nGltf$: 100 bAH, 1 ~•llbu!. &tt .. -61 ""VI~ .. : lJ b1rrecudt, 700 Danilo, 15 bon. I ~•llbu!. SANTA IA••AltA -JI 1nt lero: UO cellca be», UO roc:lt. cod. MEWPDltT t.t.n•1 l •Mlnt) -ti •nglero: 711 b~H, • "'IKkt •t l. !O••t1'• L.Ot;111r) -XII •n,1er1: J b•rr1uH11. 1,0~ b1n, 7 v.llo;,w111!. 2 rock cod, 1 ~1libut. 151 blu1 b111, It moC-••el. I Ung Cod• 6' OPOlf~f. llUHtr Sonort cu ... ,_, °"11"1' o<-Mcl ft'ldo'l 101111 k1~n•r Mumphr•v NffW~Y Ofvgn•""• l .... ,. ~.n.,,y,110 Bru•~ -· Flln1e1~ ForH!lf Totol• Hollll/T\11 : S....lm.•ck Yt rklY Mcll'ndoOn MM• NII Mn CO<l•OY fa!0/1 ~,1 ... 1-ltndllV ·-•t• B••'n Sw1 lm Talo•• 1-lo l!!l'l"lf, e.n1 1mln Fellon Preru:Hvlll• K.rtl!tr Helm Ltwl~ FIAnnlgt n To!ll1 Horoutr M••1eroon fJPO•ilo C.11w McClwer Y o.ing 1bbrlw<'1 Slroud Gento'! Cunnlng~1m Tot11J •~u jlftl i. ti ,., .. i I U ' l 4 " s ' ' 10 t ) I l • • i· JO s J J u I S I 11 » Zt 11 lH <~ •• ,., .. (IJ) ~ . ' . ' . •' ,. . " . ~ ' ' ' ' • • • M ,.,, .... 11•1 " ' ' " ' " • " • • ' ' ' ' • ' ' • ' • ' • ' ' • • " • • • 1J 11 " " It ,., "' ' . . I 2 17 0 j 11 I J 17 t 1 2• 0 0 " 4 II HIO Jt n1ar ked the first lt:aguc game of the current season for manager John Saint's Come1., and the team's bigges t scor ini: output in 1971. (tllo ,..,.II <em•1' Oj i •• , ~tbl GHmoro. )D I ' 0 0 Ftrr•I, lb J I I I lll•n<i91. d J ! 0 I ,,,.~ ...... ?010 ... .,111.lv 1 01 1 Coo•.lb 1 1 10 !>rl<OC>!I. If·~ ~ 1 t I Cunft1"9Mm, P l I 0 Q 'l'•nn~•,11 1 1 1 1 Go11111u . u 2 1 O O Rff"d.u. J ?1 0 WiU1•m1, lb ) 1 1 I Ev1rq,.d l12• ll'•o'""''' c 2 0 0 0 Moor1. c l I I 1 •11<-•"" (SJ] Tol1I• IOU IJ U It tt 11 '' 5<1••• •v t~~ltlf• 1 4 7 '° LA Howk• o:IO O!O 00. -, t 4 • t ' n !;;;;';';";';";.";';~;;;';~;;';';';-•";;';;';.', I l ? f I 1 J l l '1 1 I n 11 1• SJ P!rA!" •7, lhzC~l'OO> 11. Gt 1t<IHI• (UI hlft•l1' 1 ~ l I 1 ~ • l~ • ' ·' ' • ' • 2 • 1r • • ' " ' ' , ' ' ' 11 lG " " An1..-1er1 t'11 • ' • • • ' • ' ' ' ' " tt pf '• . ' " 0 l 11 1 l ll J 1 1' . ' ' 2 l 1• . , ' ' . . • • • ' ' ' 15 ,, ,, CHOOSE FROM A CHOICE SELECTION TODAY NABERS ~ cos,. ..... You can get a 4 ply nylon cord tire with 21 month guarantee for 21 00 at lots of places. At our place, you get two. Penneys Survivor Radial Ply tire with a 2 ply rayon cord body reinforced with 4 rayon cord belts. Whitewall design, too. 4595 , 2tor21 90 {1. 76 feet. tax each lire and trade-in, 650-13 b1ackw11l tubeless.) Foremost• Rel iant Blackwan Tubel89 Size Fed. la.11: Price 775-1 "4 .•.•.. 2.1 4 13.95 825·14 •..•.• 2.32 15.95 855-14 .....• 2.50 17.95 775·15 ••..•• 2,16 •....• 13.95 81 5·1 5 2.37 15.95 845-15 2.48 17.95 Whi1ew1lla only S3 mo11. Pl•• feel. hill •IHI •I" tirr, 21 MONTHS GUARANT E( WITH 5 MONTHS 100% AllOWANC~ '•••"'"" '••l0<ll•nGu1•••! ... '"'"' f""''''""' '''° Ornl«UO• _ ••• , .. °'"'"'' •" Fooo"'o>l Pl "."""' '"" !••Upt out'""<'" '""'"'""on .,, ... '"'"" ... . ..... 0Ml·•~1• ... I O'.o/"'' ... """ h., .. d "" ...... . ""~••<. v..., ,,. '"OIO<t.,. "" ,,,. """'• olot•d ;.~~:~:.:1..:."~~::.;.~' 1l~: ... :":.o'':: !:.":"':T !:: oouon. ••••~ ~'''" ""'·.,..""'~'on 0110•-~ ,..,.d ::"..,~;:i "('~';.'; ~·«.","!!,:;,<:~·::.-::~~·~·= lift. -""'" '"""' 100' of ••• "''9'"" .,.,,.,.,,. P"<l ,••<1-... ·-·'°'~'" ~-.. CO<IH T ......... :7! .. !.""$M!°! ~':.;·:,'~,r:·~-.~:-;,~:~'.."'.:.. '7,.~· ~:.:~';;'!:' .;'r.'~:~.;.':"i,,:! ~~~~ .::.~·.!r;"'.:.;;;i ...... ,,, ''""'"'""' ............ """ .... ., ..... -·~· """' ., ,,.. ""'"~' ~· '"' .. ,. ""'' ... .. """""'"'· •O•i l00$T ••OT£{TOQ .. C.VA• •HTC[ t "••T HI.• t-. MOW vov• GVA•,,, .. TtC .. o . ~~ .... ,., .. ,, ....... , ...... ·········· ,, ......... . :~~;.~~!.':'!."!~".'.':. -··········· ......... . ,, .. "'""''"" _, ... :: : :: :: ::: :: : . ; ::;: ::::::: '"'" Llf•O,<>-lj•~.W•DWIO •MO .. ~Y ~<>'­ ! • "'' h•<l•o• '""''·''"" •••v "·'"""' ""'" '"'"' 1' < '"""'" l>O , ... , .. ~ II "''" fl<• ....... Ou! Jo•• '•01 IO• l•<OHO<t •"••-nl) w o ..... "'""' '" Ollo-:~7 .. ".=•d F':.!:':, ':~t.~:· {'.":.'~:::.·~ ·~:~:: 01 • .,.,.. lit•, wo '"'" •ll o" 113 d\lttft• ,,,. '"" ""' "' ll• dml~t•o-Q"" ""'' o• in.""-""""'"'"' '''°'00( ... OdOUI [«Ito ... ""/"',"'"''°"~"'-;;::~n': ,';':~.:".!.~~,'.'"""" "' no ,,__, "' ,,.. '"" •~"'""'" " "'" ,.,.., .. .,,bl•. n" _.., "" n""" _._ ~··•.., P•""'"""' ohtloo> •• ,.,.,,. For•most He1t·Eeter. High powered, low price coolln~. Two front and two side louvers send coo~ air oul alt through your car. Trim, compact slyl1ng, easy-to·operate19 995 • controls. Expert Jnat1ll1· tlon available. •Ma,t Con Nylon cord truck tire for campers, pick-ups and vans. Foremost • Cargomaster II. Other sizes available. NOW 20~~2.99 plus 2.-47 fed. tax 670-1 '!l/6, tube type Tube Type Size R n •a· 700-1 5/6 ... '' ..• 29.99 .....• 650-16/6 ··--···· 23.99 •••••. 75-0-16/6 ··••··•· 33.99 ·•·•·· Tubeless Now 2 4.49 21.49 30.49 670.15/6 .......• 25.99 ...... -22.49 Fed.Tax 2.87 • . . . . • 2.6 1 3!11 2.611 Y cs, you '"'" shop 12 to 5 Sundoys too et any of these Penney Auto Centers: Fashion Island , Newport Center, Huntin9ton Center, Huritin9ton Beech. Use Penney's time payment plan . l i WrdntMl.IJ, June 2J, 1~71 DAIL V PILOT 2.'.i Air West Traffic Gain Told Complaints on STP Said 'Fair, Truthful' Picttrt•e LinJ, Across Pacific f.fo\vard R. lla\vkins, president of RCA Global Con1- 1nunications viev,1s his own in1a ge as \Veil as that of l!Jotoichi Masuda . managing director of KDD in 'fokyo. as they discuss and dcn1onstrate the first link-up of Ne\v York and Tokyo via Videovoice. The new system enables busine ss men to exchange b\ack-and·\Vh ite TV pictures over the same circuit they use for voice communications. Ma s uda ' s ·rokyo-bascd firm-Kokusai Denshi.n Den\va Co ., J_,td. -handles Japan's international communica· lions. Counscli11g On Busi11css Old Theories Surfa~e . State of Econo1ny Brin~s Out Odd Ideas Passenier and cargo lralfic for tbt year throu&b May con- tinued to climb steadily ovtr htlghta acbitvtd in tht similar five-month pt;rk>d of 1970, Hughes Air West reports. l-fo~ than 1.i~ million fare- paying p1s1en1ers new tht SEATTLE -IBW) -A spokesman for Bard ah I Manufacturing Corp., one of the nation'• big 3 auto additive productrs, t o Id California Busine.ss, tM western bw:lness and financial newsweekly. the consumers union r e p o r l critlcal of an STP oil additive was a "fair and truthful evaluation" of the STP pru· duct. rtgional carrier in the firgt ~----------------------, five m<lnths ol thla year; a 3 percent aaln ever the 1.11 million in the comparable year·ago period. Passengers lo1aed J 7 3 . t million milts in the (]r!!lt five mont~. or t .S percent more than the 341.5 million a year ago. Average load I <11 ct or (percentage of seats filled) to date climbed to 45.t percent from 42.S percent in the first five month!!! of 1910. Passengers logged 373.9 number of passengers nying one mile) rose lo 33.4 percent from 28.9 percent through May, 1970. Cargo ton miles flown in· creased 22.4 percent -to 2.9 million from 2.4 million in the first five month9 of 19'10. More than 8,500 ton!!! ef carro have been boarded .'10 Following Hi s Nose May Not Help Rover PHILADELPHIA -(BW) -Time 1vas when all a dog had to do was follow his nose lo have; a little fun . But Pet 'hf laboratorie!!I of Fort Wa1h ingl.on, Pa., said (JUM 21) they may have put a stop to all that. Just a few puffs from their new anU·mallng spray to a female dog's posterior, and Rqver's hindsight becomes no better than his' fore!!llght. According to Ptl'M laborat.<lries, the new spray, CAI· led Snub, distort!!! the pciv.·erful scent of a female dog "in sea!Oll " so effectively that armorous males don't even bother to make a call. Aceording to the manufacturer, breeder!!!, dog hand- lers and even a major school of venterinary medicine are enthusiastic about Snub. Dog owners say it give!!! them a nev.· !!len•e or confidence when they take Fifi for a walk. far this year; 21 .4 percent'----------------------~ more than the 7,000 tons haul- ed to date a year ago. Loss Told By Company Newport Man Elected To Head Accountants Newport Beach businessman Available Nev.']Xlrt. Pharmaceuticals and resident E. Malcolm Nl:'.:\V )"ORK (AP~ -The explained that short teim not good enough tomorrow. Tnternatlonat Inc. reportfd a Angell v:a~ installed l!!I presi· · · r •-t• d d · ,., They a••ept •ha•ge, •t•,·ve ''' net lo.s.s of $209,593, .,,ual to a dent of the Society of cu rious mix o !uc present at itu es an expectaltons 1 ...... .. " "" ~" h 011'ners and 1nanagcrs or prngress. and continually step derlcit of 19 cent.! 1 share, on California Ae<:ounlant!!I at l e economy -a booming Gross indeed dcteriorare in 1969 and s · t • I 1· ~mall businessc:;, and pro· up their levels of aspiration a~ revenues of $30,597 for \ht ocie Y !!I annua conven ion, speclivc franchise and other N::itlonal Product and high 1970, and that c onsumer each higher goal is achieved." fl!Cal year ended Feb. 23. held recently at Lake Tl'lhoe. . unen1ploy_1nenl, for exan1ple -buyin,ll: therefore was less than You might find nl'>op!e This compared with a lo&! of He will begin his year of nc11,• business owners a re in-i~ bringing a lot of old notion "'hat sellers had hoped for. "buying do"·n" to s~;ller, $13 ,150, or 4 cents a share, on service on July 1. Angel ha!! vit.ed to the r-.tanagenieni Coun. and favorite theories to the 1-lc ex-plained il this way: A Je ss ex-pensive car~. f 0 r revenues of $13,699 for the maintained an independent :<icling Center in the old surface. consumer buying 10 !!latisfy example. But Kalona a~k! previous year. practice in Newport Beach as Court Hou.~e. 211 \V. Santa Ana The recession. some say. needs has little choice: he 1het you not overlook the The company h~ not. ap-a public accountant glnce 195Z. B/\·d. in Sanla Ana, from !II was intcnsifie<l by consumers must buy . Consumers loday continuing trend toward plied for approval to m.rket He has held numerous orfices a .m. to :'l p.m. any \Vrdnesda,v. v.·ho \\'ere reluctant to C<>ntinue hardly buy merely to 1111 multiple car ownership. ill experlmf:ntal d r u I • in the society at the local, lndividunl pri.,.:itl' and con· huying goods they felt \veren't needs. Instead, they buy to Another explanation for the l.soprlnoelne, in Ult Untied district and slate levela. fident1al co u 11 s c r 1 n !:: is needed. They \l"ere saturated sntisfy \1·ants and aspirations. mixed up economy is Clffered States and ha3 not received becoming 1\ate president.elect · b h rt r th t such approval in any foreign in 1970 sponsored :ind eo11tluctcd by 11,·ith possessions and simply These are postponable. And y 1hose w o o en ear a . he h M 1 · mcn1bcrs uf SCOHF:. the couldn't find use for any more. that is just 11,•hat the consumer America i!I sliding on a countries ot r l an ex co A former New Yorker who ., h h. f h b t d · t and Argentine. The company ·0 d · t' 1 Service Cor1>s of Retired !':~· t--;onsense, sa)·s a man \\'ho d1 v.• en is view o I e to oggan o 1 s as er . maJ re In accoun 1n11: rom The comments were carried in a. copyrighted story in the June 21, 1971 issue o ! California business. STP shares plu mm el r.rl more than 16 points last week (f rom $58 .25 lo $42.13) when 1t V•ll learned the upcoming .Ju- ly issue of consumer reports contained an article calltn!: the STP product little more ;han all oil thickener and sug- ges!ing its use may viola1e new-car warranty re- quirements STP President An!hony I Andy I Granatt>Jl l imn1edi2.tclv labeled th ~ charges "Untrue. unfair and completely distorted." But Thursday. Charle~ Kirby, president of Bard;ihl Products. U.S.A., Los Angeles~ based marketing arm of the privately held company, said the report is "not al all un· fair" and that "il has hcl'n hard to sit by and Wi'.lCh STP".; advertising 1vhen the CIJlll· pany's producl is not whal 1l claims to be. "'STP did a good job of open- ing up the additive market." s!'lid Kirby. "but the product i11 question didn't do what \\<ls adve rtised and the result h;i,<;. been harmful to the pubhc who will now feel additlve'i aren't \l:Orlh their salt." \Vesl ey Belh1o·ood, president of Wynn Oil Co., another additive m;:-.(lufaclurer. said he hasn't seen the consumers union report and can't tell <Jl this time 11,·hcther the report i'J fair of not. Kirby said the use of ad- ditive in a new car wou!d nnt necessarily void the v.·arran1y of the car although he added certain s!)i?cific add I t iv c s might arrect the warrantic;; "bec2~11e of the problems they could cause." Lewis C. Eakct· Nan1cd Official 'ha!!! had no aales to date and i!I NYU A JI d h. ·r cculivrs, Jn coo•"'rat1on 11•ith should know. Prof. George conomy detcrioraft'd . h e "American workers aren'I like , nge <11n 1!!1 w1 e, ,.., atlll engaged in ruearch and Lu ·ti ttt d · N rt Lev.·is c . Eak<'r or Atlantu: lhe management assistance Katona of the Survey postponed. !hey used to be.'' they Cle, st e 1n ewpo division <lf SBA. 1'he Small Research Center at t he Over lhe long term , c om p I a i n . Maybe so. development. Beach in 1S45, after his four Research Co rp .. Costa Mesa i." -==========::: • · 'th th US H&AOS STATE CPA the new vice chairman <lf the Business Adm inistr...tion . University of h-1ichigan claims ho\.\'ever. Katona has few Preceding the recession. thel r STARS ye ars 9ervice WI e · · h d · 1 D · I r Army A1·r co~s ·E Malcolm Annell Orange Empire seclion of the SCORE member!!!, 11,•ho arc t a t consumer csires are ears. " yna m1c onns o productivity of A mer i c an ·,.. · · • successful reti red business-seldom satisfied for long. adaptation continue to prevail industry did drop off, but now Sydn&y 0marr ii one of His mother. Mrs. Victoria L. American Society for Quality men. volunteer their services Aspirations always rise: the among American consumers," it has regained a healthy thf" world'11 ,-reat a.tlrolo· Angell who Jives-in Newport Viejo. }le is a member nf the Control. to help solve today's manage-demand fo~ goods is he said. figure. A partiai explanation is aers. Hts column is oM of Beach, His ion, William M. Santa Ana Exch11nge Club and He joins o!her new officer~. rnent problems 11nd offer bet· insatiable.. "Americans still feel that that lhe least productive th!! DAILY PRlYt"S trMt Angell, wife Phyllis and 9on lhe Hoag 1.femorial }Jospital installed during a meeting re a turn. 1 Irr management technique~. Al a recenl forum, Kalona what is good enough today is workers have been /aid off. Brian are resident.. of Mi.'lsion ~2 Club. recent y. ~---''.'._'.'._:.:::'.'.:...::.'.::'.'.'.....'.:::.::'.'.:'.--=::.:::_~'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'.:'.::...:.'..._.:=.:::::.:::_::_:::::::_:::::_:::.::__o===========:!__:::.:::::...::.:.::_:.:::::.::::::::_::~=--=-==-~~~~~ ' • ., • I ; . ' FINAL STOC KSf • • • . .. •' . . ; .. : .. '· The~· DAIL y ~.~LOT ~the.·:;;:',';',itid:;-t'r : .... i~}:.~ .. ~-> :~·~ ~ • '; 4 ' ' • . ' . . Newspaper . ' • ' • . , . •• " ,. -· ' • .. j ,, ., -. ... ' •.. -·· • . ' I . , .. • ' ' Hr ,., • ' ' ' ' I . .. . , .. " ~ , ... ... ,. • • --- ' ' . . -' ,, I ' . ' ... ,, '. ' • -' • --. .. ~··. .. ' ~.· " , ' -·· .... , . . . ' . . • ' . ' . -' . ~ )~,, l.~'.:i; 11·.~' ! ~·~\ .,,., : i•i : .. ' -;,,\ ... ,,,,.,,, • ,. , 1i~:¥.ovr~·Uonle-delivered ··Edition · ~l '11 ••••• , • • l \~, . ',, '1 (·•~~.. .t· .: ri . . , .. t .. 1 .-1.. •• , 1 ' 1 ~ :. ;:! ' I ' . • ' ' ' ' ' . . . ' . ... ~ . ., j • • • ' '' !• • ··J :: ' " -' " ' ' ., r ' • '. ' l • 1 I ~·, -I '. -" ~-.. ···~ • • 1•1 I ' ... , -"' ... , . ' " f"•i + .. ff DAILY PILOT S Y/t dnr~dly Ju~e 23 ll!7l ""-~~~~~~~~~- Your ltlmtey A111e1·ica11 s Ca11gl1t 8y SYLVIA PORTER \Ve are now having our an nual tire sale offering a rref' I re to anybody \\ho buys thl? either three A free ti re" Really" llrw frt!e" Well ii s ntJI Jl s a promollon manufa ct urer rea!lv f1 ee by lht> 1 re How much 1o1;ou!d 1 realh s8ve at your sale" Nol much honestly \\ e set 2 high enough pn<:c for the three tires you do buy so thill the free one is Just about paid for This 1s an actual real c~n versat1on with a ~oung tlfe sa!esn1an v.ork1ng for a \\ldely respected lire cha n v. ho d d not know his remarks wo 1ld be the launching p~d for th s colun1n on the m:inv and vaned wa}s llres are sold tn un wary buyers todav WE ARE NOW SPfo:N DJNG approx mately $5 bill on a year for tires ni<1k1ng tires one of our n~11on s truly rn<:1J11r 1ndu stnes Yet there are un doubtedly some tire sales \\h1ch continue tn fealurc misleading ad~ f a n c r f u I bargains and the like In Wa s h 1 n g I o n the Transporta tion De pt 1s reported to be \\Orking on a new S)stem of uni form grading designed 1o chm1nate the widespread problern or puffed up tires e g first hne prem1un1 J devised hv 1ndiv1du;il manufacturers and retailers As of lh1s pas1 fl.la y 22 all US lire manufacturrrs arr required by the f ed e r a l government to launlh a mass ve l 1 re idenl1fica\1on system und er which the nan1e and address of every 1lre purchaser and the ~er al numbe r of every lire -new or retreaded -v.11\ henceforth be kept The a m of the pro- gram which the 1lre industry estimalcs will cost $7 1n1H1on a year 1s lo facil late recalls nf tires whu:h ma v latrr be discovered lo be defect ive EXTRAVAGANT-BUT US FOUNDED -PERFOH1'1 \N CE CLAINS If V(JU see a I re ad,erttscd as sarety tr~tcd al AS OF THl S Ja u d nuary " <r '"' federal rul ing retreaded 10°/o NNN CARE FREE ' r II res 1311 miles per hour ask vou rself so Y.hat" Suth claims tell you nothing unlec;s they are backed bv dcla1ls h r ' ! e tests per ormr F 1na!ly huge adver\1'ied die;· counts are meaningless 11 lhe pnces quotrd art:'. orig1nal pure f1c t1on No t>ro£!l mu11led busine~smun 1s going to ~ \t LONG TERM LEASE you a lire tor anyt hing cl~e I free \\1th tires " v. 1th •r Comp•nr op•r•t"' C.~• n 111 001 It 1 lJ Goe 111 <••~ everything else }OU ,!let Jusl IRKlt 17141 641 0590 \\hat you pay for -no more no less - MAZDA LEASING ''ROTARY SALES ENGINE'' SERVICE FOR INFORMATION ON TOYO KOGYO !mmed ~le Del ve y STOCK f'~t•S£ C>ll ~•O 9 00 CALL ••• 639-3131 ~ Cl"lll' Cov"'' ••• 835-0404 ltf<~ A CH DIVERSIFIED COSTA "4 E$4 SECURITIES INC - ~ o;;\N 1000 § Beautiful St1ck·on YOURS ~ LABELS TODAY! ,f' ONLY ~ $125 ~II NC~ Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Ord1 r For Yo ur1elf or a Friend May b1 us1d on env111\ope5 •~ relur l'l addres s l•bel5, Also .,,ery h•l'ldy .is 1de11t f cat on l.i bels f or ,,,,,,k n9 person.i i l!ms such <IS books, record1 pholos ale l<11bels st c.k on 9 lass .m nd m.iy be u1ed for mt11rk n9 home c;•l'lned loc..d if em1 All l.ibe l~ ar1 pr1nled 'W th stylish Vogue type "" l ine c:iu<11l ly 'White 9 ummed paper r----;.;:::-.. : ... :::-.:d:~:-.:-:-;;::----1 I f'llcot ,.rt~11~, \.•M• o • .. r o •~" 1u1 I I C••t• Mau C.•llf 'ltH I I I t I I I I I I I : t ____ ~IL_~T_PR!~!!~~~--J I I I I I ~~~~...¢-~ Fastest 1n West 8uy IL Stll It. ll')' the f•~ltSl ''11)()"~' In tllr Wtst .ag11 nst your trWl'l ctoct Tul Olmt 1 !1nr Ads wlltre 111, 1ttlon b 1n S.iturday s DAILY PU.OT ) I OVER THE COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List ll t,.-,..,t•I v• 111ur .. 1I•• ,.,.,_,...._. ti •,.....•llMI .. , ' A.Ill ,..,.. NAl• ' it.tt ._ ,.., 11<"''• tt f •• ""'•w• INln<,..wr. • ~•mmtu- NASO Listings fo r Tuesd1y June 22, 1971 AW!>CI wt "'""• •" 20 ............ ,. .... -1 .. 01• A~,... ..nM '"'"'"""'"'"'""'"'"'"'1 '"'""' .. "'""'""'"''"~ '"""'""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"IAVU. 'd llO ~ ~,. ~-:; All'tCOH l Jiii " Giant Ne'v VegetabJc P lant Open 13 /\K I RS~ ll::LO I AP) 1 ('Ill e~o Co Ila~ opened ii \e~('!i!hlr ~rd fruit pa!klng plHnt hlr(' 11h1i:h fl m offlci:;ls say s lhc 1111 gcsl 1n thf' world 1 ht> SIZ{' 11! f'I J,:h1 loo1ba11 lhc plant '"' !c< t 3{i2 1)()(1 !if\ u;i re ~llP~ unclrr one inof -A- " ,. " ' " " " ,,, • " '" ,. ... ,, 1J•o " " ., ' '" .. " ., ' ,, " , " ' " ,, ' '" " ' " " ,,, •• •• . ' '" '" •• •• " ,. " . ' '" " ". " ' '" " ,, , . " .. " , "' ' " ., " •• ' " ,, • .. ' " , ' " " • • •• ' " ' ?I " ?\" ' ' , ' . 1 o II 7' • J7 • l •• 1 • " Jl Jl'o ~ • • 7•1 ?•~-1 11 .. Jl 100\ 100 . .. l • l1 jll.i ~ + • ' ,, . 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'" "' .. • • • • • • ~ • • ; " " • • • • • • ' ; r • J~nt 1911 DAILY PILOT Tues day~s Clo sing Prices-Complete New York Sto ck Exchan ge Lis t ........ ~l it MEI (• Mllw Sno to ,._,, Cp MtcW ,., M•~i. J lt """ lllllffl )0 ~ .. ,.,, 0 Mu aP <>11 ~ Mulbl •11 ,,....,. ""'" 1 MOM Melroma ~ MetEp Jl'O MGIC Inv :Ill Mcl!G•UI M Cl! Tut>< M '"><1$1 10• M<!;.."'11 9l M<J <J I 01 M <IH:I II IC M<lw•OIJ M ••lbl I 10 M t 8 fa &0 M nnMM 1; M nnPL ..JO MlunCP l •O M ~•II vr I•! 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Stocks Nosedive F 01· Tl1ii·d Time NEW YORK (U P!l -l he stock market suffer 1ng from the same problems that battered the hst 1n the l\10 previous sessions conL1n ucd to decline to day ~or a brief time dur1 nt! lhe afternoon it ap peared the market 'vould ~hake. off the i:loom but selling resumed afLe1 mid !'\eS!'l1nn and the Dow Jone" Industrial Average shov.c<I a loss of 2 84 al 873 69 shorlly be(ore the final bell Standard & Poor s 500 Sto('k 1 ndex ";is off 0 22 .al 97 65 "h1le decli nes outsC'orerl advances 845 to 529 among lhe 1 656 issues l ross1ng the tape OIM'n Hl1~ Low Cle • No U~C.1'<1 1>!! to )& .,. tn '' 11• 16 w l t i• •l 1 1 u~ rwN ° lO 111 '" 'IU I l l l 10I" 10 .. ouU1L••D JI I U ll•t •'1 JOI ll M 011 USPvC~ .. u !I l'f II 1'1!.t) 7Mll ?l?Jl 0 ,uSP{~ o$IO T an .oall>n' I" •t0c•• 11•~ n '""'••• vs•c~ o io fl(lu1 ) 1 ?t10 US .Ill-II l on ••ooUS5""'t VII\ 71/JOQ USSnr ol'iO •l S t !e4'oocU\S ot l •C 1----------------\~~TQb~< !~ 1,1. "" , .. ·~ ... UC.I Cp Jt u .. 11co 1 o Uno o 00 UM( Ind J UnC•b ftt ! Un Ce"'P t61M Ntl Un U "' 111<11 I Mltll I.A• Cln• C~1 ~~ ~1 :\ ~ J11t"'1'•1'o U 1.-e;I 'Kt Un•O P Oil Un•• Como UPl"'1n Ml U 1fl <JQ •Q U5L FE 11) USM • r> -UV- "' " •• " l! XI > . ' , " " " I~ "o G< l"'• ' ,. • " ' • • . " Jl l\ ' " . " . "~ l\1-t JI~ + " • " lO>o .... • " , .. " .. ' '"' •• " ,. '" ... • l71.-i-"U\Mo>l ~ J •hCon I~ u .n P 91 Y• en "HOC YC• Co P .a " " " JO• •Y(,l,(pplO •.II >o Y•t<>• oO "' -IY•""o Co tO •• v~ Co P o 10h 0 v ''""' " Y~!(onn IO V•COI"'"" '"1 V•E P,.11 Y•[P oll ·~~ ~:."jl~ I ~~ .. ~~oo •I Vu an M1t 1 'YWll Un n ""' (Mi l Miff! ' "" "' •• H~ " ' ,,. " •• .. " ' ., "' ~ ~ • ' " • ' ' " "' " " " • '" .. "' ' I u " " Jl lo ' " " " . " ' . Jll. " • .. " " " " '" ~. u '" "" Jl\1 " • , ... " " " • "" " " '" " • • r. . - '" " " , .. ' " . " "' ,, .. • "" " , .. "" Jllo " • .. " ' " " ~ Wollll 0.1 E " • .. ~ IM1 I . .. ' ,, • •• • . . '" lt JO )l • '6 11 6 l l ,~ l\ JI .. .. loo1 W.l6 ... -'! s. ~>! ~i' ~ .~ 111 l•" 1J" u i;, -1 Ill Jo Jl o .lo • ' ' l 11 ... . .. ". .o. ••• ""' ' " ' .. l l <J<o + .. ' H I• 9) 'J tJ -1 (\0 H 1'1 t -• 11 ~ ~ .. ~ ~"-': •l'flo7'~l'f .... -• 1))1~~· • I S I I I .ll I t -I JO .II l l 17 tlO • • ' •I II U >o l~o 0 l•I 7' , l • . .. l l-, Jl' • • l• • t 1i1 n "' " " O~• • • ' • - 1 •l . •l ~ I r ' t •1 )\ .. l<'> 00 .1 .. '°~ I 11>.. 1S~ .. lS o i \o ... • • • ll ..... •6. ,, .. . • I '70,. 0/ ' '1 I JI 11' 1 W>JSl~ll .. ,,,.,. Among the items disturbing investors was last rriday s report that the f\1utual ~ und industry s re dempt1ons 111 May had exceed ed sales for the first t1n1e. 1n fund history r1s1ng in terest rates and con cern the economy may not be recovering as S\\Jftly as expected U on C0<• Un n.,.• I> G 1>11><lo. PO GonG• ll G•nD•I o G cb•~K S~• G0t('"' E" Un E ot Ill Un E 1 ror 1 Un E pt<Sll UnO 1(1 I "'7 UOCa PJ7-50 Un Pee Co 1 UnonP•(f l Un Pit Ill oQ Unl.,....m 10 U"lrovo rot I Un •hol» oQ Un A 110 Unfl and• JC U I <l rofl 111 u 11m o11 10 ~" CD 219 U"!Fn (• U~ G•' 10 1100 l' JU Jt.>o 111 !O. JS.I !I " . " ., "~ . " . " •• , " -W X Y Z-• SO • SO &O .. 0 - • • • ~ •1'--1 ~ ll\ -lo ,. '° Jl lO , l1 1111•.11 . JI ~Co lit ~ 11 .U•o "'• •I + •1 JI JI\ JI J7\.o JJ JJ>o 1l ' 1l\• -• I 1• ' , ,~, '- 1 7'1 J., Jl + 11 JI , l A» 7Jl1 1•5 l! 1' • ,, • l IS" ! I . ., ~ . .. • •l Adding to the d1sappo111tmcnt l\f!.S a r eport of a shorp rse 1n the cost of living last month It rep resented a blo1v to the Nixon Adm1n1 strat1on s claim that 1nflat1on v.as being brought under co ntrol Un nc1 10 Un i In ~10 ' • J~ 11 \ I I I , " . " ~ 8~J· J~i >l k o ll I S1~ I 1i., " . . " . ' llO JI )IJ, • • '" ' ' . • . '"' • • o T o•LOd lG ~ T Con .ltv r •on pJ1IO f T Angl"d J(I l QD con• 9? )]:. 1 .II 11 1 J• l• ' ' ' 1• •l • •Q ' " " •• ., . " .. • " • •• " ... .. • " " , . ., -.. • • Un N IK Un Pio. M n •us ~dG 11n •u~ F n OJ< u~r ro <O ~.US Gvro•m l rno IDS I . "" " ., " I Q ll • • . .. ' .. (Ii u .., ... • • ' . ' n ' . ~ " ' " . •l ll . " . " • '"' •• li " " " •• • • .. ' '" " " '" ' " '" •• " • " . " • W•<llCo 110 , W•<ll Pl? XI \ Wachll 1 6/t , Waif t<" 1 W1 k t l'D• W• 811•F •O W~ Mll Y ~ W•Mo 70 W• WO rn Ce 1 1 W•nQ lob• 1 Wo 6 Fl>C'(! \ :: L~~ 6~0 • w a nSwa W• 11 G fllO wun s 10• W••hWP f • w~ u """' NA•n (," W•o" I n •o >t ••n oAli "'•• h Ii~ .. " " " ' ' " " " "' • • • • " • ' • St 1 , Jl , •tO 11)6'4 IOC. . ',., " I 1' JS>• 11 • • ... ( I 11 .r. I !>.. .I-. 110,{"~' J l lo I ll HJ I l"o I ,,, ' • 04 1' l • 1l o I l o 11 • 11• ,,.. 61 J.I>.. l4 • J 0 10 t Jt lt ' • 11 !• lOI t .. 1S>,:. -• ...... .... + ~ 11 .. -.. ::'o t,-: ' . . '" ,,,. . l 21'1 I ~ "' . .. -,,. • • • " " , ., ;1 " • rnt •nae a e~ P •• Co1nplete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stoel{ Exchange List -A·B-. " IO l lo 71 16\ .. " ' " ' " " " " ' " ' " " ' • • " " ' " • " • • " ' ' ' ' • " • " " ' " " " ' " .. '" " "' .. " ' " ... ' • " " " • .. " • • ... " •• • '" .... n IJ\1 " ... • ' • ' " ' ' • "' ... ' • •• " '" •' .. " ' ,J • .. " " ' . • ... ". '" ". " " ' ... .. ' .. . " " " " " ' • 10 n o n 11 • ) ' ' ' • • J ' ll 11 ' 1 n n l l•• " • " "" ... '"' • ,. " ' " ' .. ~ n 1 . " ' 11 •• .. ' . ' 15 I , JI l'• ... .. '" ' • >W '" " " • " " " ,, JJ . "" ' ' " ' • • " • ' ' • " " , .. • " ' .. " • • • ' " ... " ~· " ' " • ' " " • • • ' ' ,, . " ' "' ' • • ' " . ' ' . ' .. ' ' ' ' .. " . . " • • . ' I) II • .. " • " • ' ' " ' '" " ' ' .ll 15 • ' . . )Ct ,.~ 7 A I 1 I ' n i , 1• 1 10 • 1• • 10 ,... t ' I• !J ' • • • l I I /'lo ., l'll 11 )j ' • ' 11 lll<i lM H 10 11 ll 10 ... I ~ ~ ~·• 111111 • . ' ' tvr n n I ll o 1'\ I) A 5 • ll ' • 1"' !l 11 1/o ' . . lO lO • 10\t l'I ! ... l J 0 l'• A• 161 •» " '~ n • I :M l.I .I 11... 11"' nJ"-lll ' ' . OJ H o l< I 0 ~ 0 1 I t ~ ri 11 1• t' I U''I 1! ~ 11 ·~ ·~ • • 'l 1 I o -' J7 l ~ I l ii"' H i. 11 1 ,, •• ) s 'I \llt l • 10» n ' Jllo :lll 'o Ill 1 l • JI ,.. t 1 J I • I 10\o 10.,, 1J lit.) ,. • 1• I°' l o 11 ... " 10 l" u "' j . II ll l1 • -C-D- " " ·~ .. " '" " r. ' • " ,. " ' ' " '" "'' "' "" "' ,..,. " '" .. . " " ' . ' 61•- " ' + " '" '"" " " . -,. -.. .. ' • " " " ,. '" ,,, -" -• " '" • " " " " 11 " -·~­" ?1 1- " '" ... ••• • " " ' " "" " ,,. • ,. " .. I.Aw ci.11 C111 ,. t• l.W•) " "' ' "' ' " ' " n " " ' " ' "' , " ' ' "" " " .. ~. '" " • ... " " ' '. • " .. • • " • JJ 0 VI 11 . ' ,, ..... .. • "' ' '" " ., • • • • l\1 ., ' ' ,, . ' 11 I .. j I\ ' ... ' 10<. •• " ' J1 11 ' . " . " 1• J• ' . ' " ~ " ' " ' • " "' ' " lo 17 ' " ' " ' !~ ~ " ' ' ' JO Q , ' ' ~ " •l 1• ' " . ' . ' .. " ' " ?0 1 I i " ' • • ' l " ll ' • • • . 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OOP or rhr DAJLY PILOT'S gieat rreeurf'.'~ " ~1 • Syn1bols '; !I S• ., Fl• '"' • • unef!lcl11 • , U" 1tt• o h• w •• ""l•d ••1•• ., 111vr S :_: lltnoa In Ila lo••110lt1t ltblt ore •nnual ,! II lb11'1em•n I tla1tll en !~•I••• •u•rltr ¥ 7),.. o• 1ern tnn~•I Oec "'tllon SHtlit 1r •11o '• n t • Olv dfll(ll at l>IY""llll not GI.lie. •~ -""' n1 IHI •• ••1u11r ••• 1$n!!llld 111 '""' t lo ~ 4 h>ll-n1 IOC.ln<ll•I 2l ... -,, l _ _., -.0.110 ••• • or t•rr11 "-•nn•ul '''" ?6 11 PIU• •lo<k d vr111nll C--1..IC!IPIO•I"" •1v1- '"' -II-d-09( I IKI or 1>1 0 n ltll ..... 1~ + 1 oc• Olv oll'ld. 9-Pt!d •••I ~••r 1- 11.,, • P11;J r" 1lodl dUtln• lt11 t1l!m1tld ctilil 2?\o ... •• llt Oii U di• dt!'HI It t• d 11,lb\lll(ltlt 6 , -~· t 1-D1•lt'fll tr 1>• o 10 l•r rnlt t o lo voor 11-0tc •ted w ••Id •H•• •'odl 1; • • ~ olvld111<1 "' 11> I ijl> ~-D<t< t Id ff ••Ill l!-. 1 , 1n • Yt• •n ;ccumu 1 Yt 1•!11.1• wl ~ ll _ \., d ¥iollrwl1 lft • 11 I n Ntw IHU. - 101 -.... Pt II 111 t Ylf llho lcWftd tmlll.cl - •• rid or no tc!IOft •~t" at 1111 lllYIMn<I mo'11nt r-Dt<I• 1K1 IN' •tkl lft 1'7G tlut l: ft t ~ ttoc• al>'ld•l'Mk 1-l'eld In 11Dd1 ...,,1,. '"' ._ .... lt111 H llmtll<I Cll~ ¥1 Ut tf1 t•-41¥ ....... u ,. + -. or P41Jtrlb<.iri.n 0111 .~~ -loo 1-$11H In fl.II l ll t16-Cl lll'<I ~-Ell 0 YldfM 1-l!:lf ...... I~~' dlt1d 11\0 utes 111 11111 u-111...,.1:1 fl,.,. ':'-+11111 tll.otleft ¥•-E• • t hl• !M-Wllhtut ._ It _ \.o '•nt1 ww-W 111 w1rr1>11li ,.,._w""" "'"'" ~ ...,_ ,,_ Ir DUI.cl •1-Wlllft ll-IVtCL lld-Nd ._,, 1"' 0.11••11 '" " " ... ... ' " " . " .. I ZI OA!l y PILOT WtdMSd•r. J1111t 23, 1971 • • ' New Fil1n Honor Born: Ln~i Award ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' W•dnesday Ev•n ing JUN[ 21 1:00 IJ llr .... Jtrry Dunphy (1) UC ..._. llt110f11t. Smith. G MIC "-Ttlll'I Sl!Jd•. g Alllllll 1.-... eom·11. f1t111 5 PM. The Anttll intel 1111 Milw1uk11 llrtwtn 11 Ml,.1uket 8 lh O'o.di Mwil: IC) !10) ''hill aies If Mtfltllll'" (ldYlfltUie) ·~z -llkt111d Widl'l1rli: 0 1 ... !T'M n • .-.. Stir T1M A n.t t. .IW/CUdi1·1 ,'41 C!l fw. , •• 1, -~l4 m o..tti ,.111, .. ,, GI ll Men r1.ili1r '" C.ntatll Q) Jllen Jo"' H1wtllornt l:lO JIRI 11111 Hoddy. (II Trlltll • Ctn-.n•- ([l CIS ,..., Walltr Cron~tt. !11 NIC Nm OM11 ll rin~lfY. tit T'M AJiq; lh11 Cl ........... rtLMp ll!) s.IKtld 'H•/ lllllScalt m o..rt •.-rt llil"' 6)AIC Nttn 1:001JCIS ""'Waller C!onk1l1. 0 m NI(; Ktwt D1v1d llrin~lty. f'6-) T 1 T all tt.. 1 rwl- 0 WMf1 Mr li111? 81 lllMI: CC) (2111) "S-11 91 ll~ (11!venlurt) ''3 -Corntl Wildt, Mn W11!1tt. mr t_ t., 111 (1)-m Tlll W.W If Willi1111 ljj~e CID Qrid th liM11 Witt di ........ "•"" mw•c- 1:M IJ !11111 It L..w (R) H1n,.1'1'1 joli ~ '" tfOpardr •h•" 111 tx-aml'ict di· tnl, ctµn11d wilh 1rmell 1obberr. 1c I Nits th• rounr 1ttorn1r ol ~1v•n1 1ohcitld • brlb1. I Q m Met1 ltM Slli!M (Al ··Home i to Mrtll~.-l1h." M old .tHril1 tricks tilt Vlr1 lni111 ifrt• helpi111 him track 40'lm tM lul: of 111 oulln 11n1. D Cil (}) m CHrtM!f 11 £1141•'• ftk (RJ "To Calth 1 Thi!f." [d· llit btcem11 imo!Ytd with 1 11t1up of boys wtio ·~ 11:e1lln1 lrtim stores. ({l! IH<IMI ••1 ~-S.r(1 nr N.;lty T)l111 0 1111111 ... $ Mw'e: (hf'j -C111't11· I ,. ... ,A~~ ldr1rn1) '47 - •"'·-m lnl Jur .. GtM Ammons."' G Pitt-SH u..+11.1 t:OD 8 (() Mlllk.ll C.Ut• (II) A 1lw· Hnf'I UnJrM!ltd ttt1ct ·~ • ,,,. choloa fl'O(imor le1ds G1nno11 "' lltliM tllit Ille bofl betiriio! llltJ lltYI I pllJJlcll Clllst. D Rtrvn1 sot )'OU down? * Ton i(ht witch the 111 n.w Des O'Connor Show 0 11.i ID TM hi O'C.•11tr '"" Oom Otlui• ,llltsts. en. •11.cfthot IJ ()) (jJ aJ llWI t n I llM"'' (R) 'Ttit Cllotel1t1 H111." C.rol tlYU Da~ • tlloooltl• hi~. 1n• Jul11. ~lll'lffrt of lli1 loft !or cfiot· 01111. 11n1 ii '"'1· l!J ftltlly S•llN fD flri•I liM Wilham f Buckle1. Con11eum111 lo111ld V Del1um1 (0 . C11i1) is Mr. ll11tkley's 1u1st criJ JO Minlftas (I!) EJ Pta• ff Soli1 t!]D 0 (jJ (j) a) I IPEC1l~ I Alclltll- i1111: ht It Vit Sll1dnt Tiit n1· t111n'1 nu rnb1r -heilth Pfllbl1m- 1leoholisrn--is •~•mine-cl in ftlis hour dor.um111t1ry. fr1~k lltynolds ii hort for lht pro1r1m lh1t '11111 lilrned prind1ull)' in llocht,ltr, N.Y .. i nd f11t ur11 I~ c1nd1d rtY· 1l1tion1 11 1 trO!lp of now-!Obtr 1lcoholit1 wtlo 12rted to 1pp1ir, in th1 hope th1t lhtir 11011~1 mi1hf 1ncour111 othtrt 10 w.tl htlp. 0 llllH W11d Ntw1 CD Welfare reform. Who's * Firhting tt and why. Gov. Rea11n thinks you should know 1ht truth. m Ptltkel ,,. ...... II) la Cr. • lll1ri• Cnlas miru IO:OD II (() Hawllii fl,.O (II) M 1rmtd lun1t1c, wllo bl1m1s his ti1olh.,'t d11th on Dinny. in~adts Fivt·O ht~dQu111trs u 1k1n1 1even1r B (1Ql mr•~'·in·Cln1: McCl••4 (ft) ".I, Wilk fn !ht D•r~." McCloud btcomts involved in ttlor1s 10 t lP· tur1 1 mu1~tr in Ctnl r1I P•rk. Gut~ls •re H10• foch 1n4 Sus1n St int Jime~ 8 News S1ndtrs/ Morro~ D Wtlflrt reform. Who'1. * f'i&ht ing rt and why. Gov. Reagin thinks you sttould know the truth Q P1Htit1I PrOffllll CD""" Putn1m/F is~m1n. QJ M1ntu' ,1,1 Hsmel ~011!. Diel Cl11k i1 101s! Gl'IOfY Pl!<k. Oo!olhf McGuirt. ~ 10:3(1 Q Mtvit: "l1p1h11"11 li"l•I" (mu. Jt!IO(ltl poltl 11 1 Jtw lo "Utt 1 JOCll) '35 -S•"I C1o'b~. [lh!I rtv11h~1 MliM 011 Anto·S1'"11ls111. ~l1rm1n m '""' • Ctll•qYtMfl 0 rs:i C•· G) Nrl ... m .. "Ch1on1 ID It Tabt 1 Tllilf rlt o1 • Ch1rn11•00 · t 11tu1ed 1rt fm Ci-a lO l'.1ul So own. t01ch of 1ht C1ncinn11I 8tn(ll1, 1n4 !ht lt.1111 llt ~IOUfht tll ~i.e. "l -11 1 d1wis10n tillt. Ptul Samp 111r· m TU 11!ts !ht llory ot tht Be"11ll" c/'11 mpi11n!hi~ yH r. 0 Mtrit: ""•Ilic" (dr1m1) '6J- ,,;5CI tl!I c..ci11 " S.111.W. Janine Gray. Gty" Houston. A new award for rnotion pic- ture stars and producers wh ich it.!! sponaor.!I -including lht DAILY PILOT -hope: will someday attain the sl.ature of !he Oscar and the Ernmy was ··born" Monday night i n Orange Cou nty. Carrying out the mandate or rnore than a niillion voters who participated in the na- tional poll to selecl lhe peoples' choice from among A1olion Picture A c a d e m y 10scar) non1inees, Buen a Park's f\1 o v i e la nd \Va x illuseun1 unveiled 1he first copies of Lu('i . The award con~ists of a silver Jigure s t re I c h l n 11: upY:ard to reach a star and imbedded in Lucile -hencc the name Luci for the Lucite block wh ic h surrounds the figure. Rep re s en tat1ves Jrom se\'eral of lhe sponsoring nt!v.·spapers wh ich eonducled the poll of newspaper·readlng nwv legoers were presf'nl at the r:ereinonies. The DAJLY PJL OT sponsored the balloting in the Orange Coast area. Other 11c wspapers san1pled public opinion Ii le r a 11 y fron1 California to Jlllainc. it was noted by Joseph Prevratil. vice preside nt llnd ge neral manager of Jlllov1elan<l 'Vax !11useurn . Prevratil presided ;1t the dinner at which lhe Luci v.·as introduced. He shared the head table \1•ith K a th y ~delbauer. v.ho. at I 2 . bec;JJne first \1'inne~ of the na- tional award offered by the Luci Poll for the best reason for a 1•01er's selection of ··best picture.·· ~11~~ Sf>dclaucr's vote 11•as fur ··Lovr Story" -as ll'as Mary Fi11ds Success As Si11gle Perfor1ner llOLLY\\1000 !APJ -1-'ur 10 years she didn "l have a last narne. She IYi!S the hu~ky -vo1c­ ed blonde sandwiched on :;tagc between Pe1cr ;ua1 P;1ul. kno11·n only as ":\Jar},. 011 album covers. Now. after the fu1al fadeout tif one of the count ry's most l!uccessful folk singing groups, tile female member of Peter. Paul and ,..,Iarv has la unched a solo singing Career as 1\.lary Travers. Appropriately. though. her first album is 11\lcd simply, "f\lar.v ·· ·J didn"t want to be a solo pcrforrner. ·• she admits. .. It bothered n1e ll'hen the group broke up . I didn'L know v.·ha! I 11as about. For 10 years I had an edited vlewpOinl and r didn 't have to ask rnyself if I \Vas talented." The an swer to that riuestion seerns already ob vious. l\1 ary scored a smash in a recent llol\yw oocl nightclub stin1. and hrr alhum is selling wr!I and getting heavy airpla)' Still. the lady w11h 1he lank~· blonde hair hangini;: around hrr round fa1.:e says ~he had the J1\lcrs lac1nJ: an audit•11ce i1lonc Al her H o 1 I ~ v.· u 01 d nightclub !-ho1r. ~he !old the audiencf·. "Th is 1s th r flr;;I 1in1t I've perlorn1cd at a 1.:!1Jb ;ind I hAYt' to get used lo 11. \\'hen lwo people in the al1- d1ence .!liar! la!king to rach other , I forget the 11·ords In the song J'n1 s1ng1ng, t111d I 11a11! to htar u•hat they 're tal king about." J\lary. 34. say~ the lt'iu which had such hits as "Blou·- ing 1n the \\'ind." "If I had a ll am1ner." and ··rm Leaving un a Jcl Plane." broke up for v a r i o us reasons-mainly because Paul Stookey got tired ol the constant travel or road ~how engagements. "Three more different peo- ple ne ve r breathed." she say!!. ''Peter 11·as studious. pedantic. tensr Paul was an easy-going ,\1td1o~:csterncr. And although he u·nrked n1cthodically, he w;1~ loose ·· The group wa ~ !onne<l in 1961. and . though disbanded. their records still are 1011 selle rs. Bctv•een 1962 and 1007 they dld 12~ concerts a year. later cutting down to 40 a year 11·hen the toll on energy became he avy "The reason I 1hink \1·e lasted so long 1s that the thr!'e ol us had been brought up 'Yith a sense ol disciphnc \\'e were careful not to n1an1pulRte each olht•r \\'hi•n you 1(111.' sorneont• 11u11 frt>cfton1 you tak e a\\'ay !he ~trurture fnr rebell ion ' \\'hen ihe ~pt11 i'ame. shr nt•vcr e 1• en eooternplatt•d rrl1rrrneni Working, she says · I~ natl1ral for r11c l"m not .~OOlf'(JnC \\ho SI!~ at h () Ill c rl('pending (lrl tn1rn b<; of ar- fet'l1nn from my rh11drcn " : ;1:00 II Ylrri1l1 Ir•~.,. 3111W Gun I$ in llJ Ntw1 llilf John\ cludr Jad Jone1 1nd Annt ll1xllr Cl> C.•111 di An1inti1' (~1. Show S111r11 1 l'.M. 0 rn 00 m ll:oom 2U {II) "'1"1ur 11 :00 n [)) IE Newt Revere Ride1 A11in." A rl udtnl dis· Q @) m Ntws t UiMd IS Ptul Revtr• d•s1upt1 tchool tltth hi1 wtr on pollution. m Te T1H 1111 Trut- (i) D•lh Y1lley l•J' o mm"""' fD Titt frMdt tli•I m Mt'lit: "HtuM II frankt nrltill" (horror) '45 -llori' Klr!off, l oft Iii Th ,,_, Ch1nty. . . ill lltdit LAort CD lie! .._ a.ct {~: el Dwll M P1tl 1111 ~o/111 Gi11111 I fl) a..k ltl! ··st\'en StaJOns," llJ 1 'l :lO fJ Ci) Ti 111111 "ilti lift (II) M l"t!ll forb1tll 1 -~•Ol•t d1nc11 clown nn her lutlr Is ll:l<lG ;J]Mn Ciitlin 1 1•vt n 11tu11 by tn1 I nd•cot1s I 0 ~ m ..• ··--I . ll!tl , .... n•y ..... -Jc•y ••· a rn@ mnt Slftrlh f1•ily &ilop IS IUftt ho~! (~) .. ll riln ind lht Slll11ff "_Br11n 0 (J)(j)aJDic-t•v•ll Boll 101n1 an old holntst11der '" h•! 1 R It · et h 1 u rned .t111d 111i11st t'rictiOM I u1M ts .CU os I m Ofti• lrttt SMw Gut'1i 11• Q) Mtwit: "•in,e 11 tilt U"d1rwrll" Con1J"1,101t1 Sllow "lWl'OtT l[ACM • GI. l .. llO FIRST RUN -. URSU!A ANDRESS • STANLEY BMER.,,, DAVID WARNER " ...... ,, ... Alrw•s Smith. t>l>fa!hy Collin1 andl ttlrtrn1) ·3,_fiu~ph11y So11rt. !1;11 1 YV'l!nlll DICar\o. who 111 111 nol'> fr111(i,, '1*£1lf'Q;'(' FRJDAY' '.'.''~'"l ,~he•r Bro-OW1y ~ebuh 1~ ll:45 0 Mt..ii : "M••~" lohn~~"I" Al<;O folhtl. ..I (mr!!•rr) '53---GllOllt Bre"t .... ROCK HUDSON g·· Al311 o" l1tnd "' l•llow 'foll•t~ ,t1r1 d1nct1 !01111 l'ltl'ICl!I i nd i cier 12:30 IJ DM s1., 1119"4 t• Q.._u.... Maid< . Joh R Mcfr1bl1i" I nd tht .-.ow·, tr! I m A•·Hirtrt !Mw: "Tiit Crttt '"'' ,-r"1:l. y ., 11011: produc•/co .~1r~cto1 H11oldl ",_ltion,• (CJ "At111tn," "T"4 11 · '' ""' Princt, -· wn1t r Step/le~ Se"d t•"I MtlltlfJ" •~d "JURJlt c;,,. a Jn a row ' ~ei111 11\d bot* wnlt1 _..,.,., Gold tin." ANGIE DICJONSON COlOR 0 rntft. ~.. TELLY SAVA.LAS ~"t> - Mifllli rhtonf ttit p11111 rn 111 1:00 II Ml¥il: (Cl "S1~t1 ft ''"'l'"l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 1-11 •umbe tt !rt1111 tht l'l'IU!ittl (w•"•"') ·sS--loh" P1 yn1. Ir Thursday OAmME MOVIES t:• m ..,.. Pltp Wtll" (wn11111) '50 ---UM1 Dtnllll, X-oli Catttn. Jtft Ch1ndl11. t :l5G "hlen If IM SetR (.v,r1111urt) 'Jg.........{)ou1!11 f111'b111-s Jr , M1r11- rel lodl.woH. t :JD 1J.,.. l'l'llllde1ff"JR (1dw11tun ) . ...._,.od "'"'~· !Lon• M1111)'. CJ "IJ I• MMl!1ir11" (my!!tryl '•6-Jem!s C11ne1. M1bt!l1. 1 10:00 (]) "MMI: W1ntN M••" (tOrm,ri 1 '62-Ft1111ndel, Z11 ZSI Gebor. I l:DD m "l hdtl., ttlr(" (comedy) '41 -l1JnH1 Yount frtdric M1rcll. 1 Z:ID fJ "Tiit S*-1 If AlnnM' If• ••111 h lr' (dr11111) '3t-Doll Amr· chi. l t<et11 YounJ. 1 l :DO (() (C) ..,...,. If liltrr" (dr11111) "0--Altc Cuinrlttl. Johll MiUs. 4:JD fJ (C) "l-'tl t•" (1cM:nt11ra) '53--llty Milland, Arlt/II D1~t CJ) s. .. 11 ll AM Ulltlllf • No. 1 on the Coast Yaur Hometown Newspaper Is The DAILY PILOT COULD IT BE THE FUNNIEST COMEDY YET' CIIA.RLIE"S AUN1.' ~ JOuth C:O.~ JP,pcnorJ) C09t• M .. • n14l 848-1363 O• 1U Mutual Aftnc:lolt Wfld thru Sun · a·:JO The only weapon h• had leh was.- revenge! • "ONE mun: 'l'IUU'1 ft>BOB" l!l!'l 1111111'.I m 11a1Dr- DOUBLE-FUN! DOUBLE-ACTtoN ALL NEW" - FOR EVERYONE \he majority of ballots cast in the national poll. She recited at the b<inquet her reasons for selecting the film. "It portrays the im- portance of life and the neces3ity of being honest with ourselves and each olher." Ali f\lacGra"'·· the "Love Story" star selected by Luci Poll voters as "best at'lrt'SS," wa s unable to attend the ban- quet. wax in special setlings to be and his wife portrays a nurse put on display al \h e in the .. Casey'' set \\'hi1.'h 1s on ml!Seurl''s Stars' Hall of permanent dis play at the wax Fan1e. They w1U t a k e n1usewn. possession of their Luc i DAQ, y PILOT re a de rs statuettes at Lhat t1me. again: nelCt. ye ar are expected HoJ!yy.·oocl's t•elebnly ci rcle to h~e an opportunlly to vote wa s represented at the affa ir on tM Academy's official by actor San1 Jaffe and his ac-non~nees. The Luci Poll is tress wife Bettye Ackerrnan seen as an annuul event in who provided a novel op· which new.!lpaper reader s portunity for banquet goers lo across the nation will be coinpare the real people v.·ith allowed 10 choose · · I h e George C. Scott. winner of .. best actor " title in the Luci voling, also did not attend. Both stars later are to be measured for re-creation in their wax effigies. P.f:oples' choice" froin among After dinner. the stars posed the Acaden1y non1iner.~ £ur v.·ith their 011"11 rigures 1n a .. best a('lOr." '·best acl ~ess " .. Ben Casey'' set. Jaffe was a and "best nioti on picture." awi:1rded Luci slHlueues•'a nd u llJ be added to the itar~ v.·hose figures are display.Id at the museun1 . :!: doc.tor in the television ser1e! • Each year·s \\'inners will be """"'Michael York· Elke Sommer •~·p;~, o.,,,,_Al,,.nd,. s"w"' · Pf' I er C•rstcn ·Anion Diffring · Marou~ f.o rin~ -Andrtw Keir 1 .~, "' , ~ l'•l><l"• ., 1. Ron•ld Gf'lly ,, "" ,.,,.,~· 1"""'"''"'' "' •1v Arthur Rowt •nd Don.ild Churl hill ~""V hY 0wf'n (!~mp r•·-i"' ~" ~, O""·f'n Crump I' "' ·~~ .,, ft1rnnr Prrit'r ''' --fr!r ... MH"• '•• "" .<(""",'.r'>."'~ ~ -· ...... SECOND BIG HIT AT BOTH THEATRES "CHIS. u M" 801 Office Opens ot 7·15 p M I • John Woyne · · · lox Office Opens ot 7:15 P.M. R ...... o. Show Starts f , ..... . •' l•,..,0~ At Dusk ~25 3526 M l\,ION \AN JUAN CAPISTRANO DRIVE -IN 137-0345 EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT• SHOWING NOW AT TWO THEATRES! STEVE McQUEEN takes you for a drive in the country. The country is France. , t- The drive is at 200 MPH! l ~> "LE MANS" / A CINEMA CENTER FILMS PRESENTATION •lntten by HARRY KLEINER Music by MICHEL LEGRAND Executive P1oducer ROBERT E RELYE"~ Produced by JACK N. REDDISH ·Directed by LEE H. KATZIN -A SOLAR PRODUCTION ~ PANAVlSION' Color by DE LUXE . A NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES RELEASE [GO ~:!~'.'.:.'.!:'.'cii ' "'"" I "THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" I E D WAR D s . ' -.. HARBOR al ADAMS, COSTA MESA. PHONE ~46·3 1 0 2 ( Theater Notes Season's Last Three Shows Open · .SISTERLY SQUABBLE -\Villa Bou\v ens Oeft) and Debbie Bauer mix it up as parents Nic k Mose and Joy !i1aivill e try to break it up in the Fountain Val· , Jey Community Theater co1nedy 'Time Out for Ginger," opening Thursday. '• la• Blake Edw-Flier Theyweredamnedgoodcowboys, until they robbed a bank. t.lfl fC·GCl.IM'l"ll·MA'l'El'I f'ft:sa1ls" El.ME EDwNIClS fUI • VilLUAM Hl.llN RV-.N o·NOJ.. • !Wl. ~ ~ '";l1lJl fOw'ERS" f.o.51anWl1 l 'l'Nll Go\lllJN Ard RAOe.. R'.&RTS · W!inei'I on!Oillttel~ El.NCE EOWNIJS • F'ICdlml llJll.JJ(f tr:JNN'C6.KDI WALES·liUt bf' .El'IY Ql...OSrlrnl ·lollRlXLClt ·PNfAVfD( @'t=;--G EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT NOW PLAYING RATED G ... BUT MAY BE TOO INTENSE FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN. The picture runs 130 minutes! ... The story covers 96 of the most critical hours in man 's history.' ... The suspense \'Iii/ last through your life rime .1 EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMEN 2ND TOP ATIRACTION I Eric Braeden • Suson Clarke 1111•111-•111•• ro111m~111111111111 THE Flllll l'llllJECT" A U"l'l'USM. PW:TURl • l [CHllK:ll!Jr ~ """"°"' Cl> By ro~t mus Ot .... Dell' "llH II•" Jt's ju.st about tlme to call It 1 season in living theater along the Oran@e eoa.t. and the last three offerings or the 1970-71 slate raise the.it t:ll."~ tains this weekend. For ooe of the debuting theater groups, South Coast Repertory, it's not the end of a season but the beginning of a long summer show as SCR launches an eight-week, 37. ptrfonnance engagement of the vintage c omedy "Charley's Aunt ," opening Friday. For another. lh~ Fountain Valley Community Theater, this wttkend's activity mark! the group's (irst adult pro.. duction after functioning for two seasons as a children's theater. The Valley players "'ill stagt" the teen-adult com- edy "Time Out for Ginger'' Thursday through Saturday only. For the th.ird, the Long Beach Community Playhouse, the opening Friday o( "The Curious Savagf'" is ju s t another show. 'I'his group is in continual operation. play ing throughout the year for six weekerids at a time. The ooly ot~r activity on the boards th.is wetkend com- es from the Costa r..1esa Civic Playhouse, wh.ich closes its final production of the season, "The Beautiful People." * The summer season of- ricially gets under way at South Coast Reperlory Friday \\·hen "Charle~··s Aunt" goc'i on the boards, under the guidance of Robert Bon aven- tura. a guest director from the An1er ican Conser v a Io r y T~ater of San Francisco. The revival of thi!I 1892 Bcitish farce features Ron Boussom in the erstwhile title role, with Steve Patterson and Kim Monich as the conspiring college chums. Others in the SCR cast are DoPI Tucke. Pat BrO\\'n, Heath Park. l>lary Fleming. Mae Robi nson and r..1ike Fuller. Following it~ i n i I i a I v;•t"ekend, "Charley's Aun t" will play Wednesdays through Sundays until Aug. 14 at the Third Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., C.OSta P.1esa. Re!ervalions 646--1363. * "Time Out for Ginger,'' a family comedy well populated with teenagers, is be i n g dltteled by Jay Conklin for the Fountain Valley Com· munlty Theater. Taking the tiUe role of an alhleLic young girl is Susan !>eek, Nick M~ and Joy MaivilJe porlray G i n g er 's parents, \\'ilh Debbie Bauer and Willa Bou~·ens cast as the sisters. Rounding out the Fountain Valley sho\v are Jo Richardson, Casey r..1 i 11 er, Da vid Kilpatrick and John Goodrich. Four performances o f "Time Out for Ginger'" are scheduled. Thursday through Sunday at the Fountain Valley Community Center. 1 0 2 0 O Sl ater Ave., Fountain Valley. Reservations 847-9821. * CGmp\eting it.~ brief engage- ment at the Costa r..1esa Civic P 1 a y house l\'ilh final performances T h u r s d a y through Saturday is William Saroyan's "The Be a u ti f u I Poople" under the direction of l\lary F:astman Rigney . Rill Cullen. Jean SMtt and Ja1nes E. Smith head the cast of the tender comedy. \Vilh Lois Wilson, Clark Farrell, Stan Bell and Terry Phelps rounding out the principal characters. The production is bring st.aged at the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Reservations 834-5303. * "The Cu rious Sa1·agc" opens a silt-ll'eekend run Friday evening al lhe Long Bl·ach Community Pla yhousl'. 1\'ilh Bertram Tans\\'ell directing the John Patrick comecly- drama. ~targie Cate plays the Jesid- tng role in the productiOfl, with Ann Parvarcsch, Glenn Sterling. Ann Fillan. Diana Cameron. Anthony Caslle. Ar- thur Perkins, Jes.<: r>.fay, Mary- lou Dunn, Priscilla Furjanick and Robert Bailey comple!ing the cast "The Curiou.<: Sa\'agc'' v.·il! be staged Fridays and Satur· days at the playhouse, 5021 E. Anaht'im St.. Long Beach. Reservalions (2l3) 438-0536. Ex-'Our Gang' Star 111 Comeback at 43 By GENE HANDSAKER HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Fifty years ago producer Hal Roach started his two-reel "'Our Gang" comedies. As cute kids outgrew their role~ they were replaced by others until, in 17 )'ears, 176 were employed. Nanette Fabray, Eddi t Bracken and Jackie Cooper went <>n to stardom. earl "Alfalfa" So;•;itzer V.'as shot to death at 32 in an argument ove r $50 . Scotty Beckett died at 38 after several brushes with the iaw including tv.o drunkl"n-driving con victions. Heard from now is Jamel Frazier, in the late ·30s one of two Negro boys v.·ho played the sca mpering. often terrified ragamuffin Bu ck v.· he a I . Archives identify the other ;is Billy Thomas. Frazier says he was in 16 Our Gangs when he "·as 10 and ti. Now 43. a park attendant in a largely Ne gro Pacoima area of Lhe San Fernando Val ley. he has retained an agent and is trying to reactivate his in- termittent acting career. llis goal is to establish col- lege schlarships for 1 h e district's restless youth. "l want to htlp theae boys. They'll be running Pacoima 11ome day," says Frazier. organizer and a founder of a l ocal improvement association. A trained drama coach and expert golfer, he conducts free classes for youngsters in acting and golf. Frazier's last movie was "Follow the Sun" in 1963. So far ill his comeback he has ap· peared <>n Steve Allen's TV show and a CBS-TV Hollywood interview. correctly predicting in the latter that Joe Frailer would dtfeat Muhammad All. An Australian impresario has indicated he wan ts to sign Jamel for a tour as 1 com- edian this summer. Jamel -a show-biz con- traction of his given na.mes James Ellsworth -says his father and Joe Frazitt'1 were brothers and that he is a newphew of the late blues 1in1er Be!a:ie. Smith. The late baritone John Charles Thomu uw ~year. old Jamel dancing on a Maryland dock where bis parent.s: wtre 11 h o w b o a t ptrformers. Thomas arranged an Edison ~tudlo screen test that led to llollywood and Our G1111. '·Evtrybody thought I v.•as a midget," says the soft-spoken Frazier. 'vho 's only 5 feet 5 now. "I was lhe smallest or the bunch and took the blame for everything." Buckwheat got his name from the sagging g:irinent n1ade for hinl fnnn a buckv.•heat flour sack, Con- fronted by a snake. bear. chimpanzee or g h o s!. he regislered wide-eyed fright and his beribboned hair stOOd on end. His hair n·as trig· gered. he says, by fine rlec- lrical wires runn ing up his back and operated offstage by a prop man. This sort of coinedy pro- bably \\'OU!dn·r be created now, Frazi er ;igrccs, Rut he says stereo.types helped br('ak lhe screen ice for today's mor e s ophi s !icated performances by Negroes. After Our Gang he danced with Lione l II am pt on 's orchestra. sang in night clubs. served in lhe Navy and played, he says J-lollywood's first colored cowboy in Gene Autry·~ '' S i:r-Shooter Sweepstakes.'' He had roles in TV's "Adventures in Paradise." Lc.r Barker's "Tarzan '' series. meanwhile worked as an aerospace fac tory mechanic and lead man. He 's married to a beautician and has three children, lhe youngest 18. "f figure." says Frazier, "if I go back into pictures and TV, I can at least help start the~ scholarships." Unit Urging Reagan Bid An ad hoc committee to draft Ronald Reagan for the 1972 Republican pre1idenlial oomlnatlon has been formed by member• of the Orange Coonty Young American! for Freedom. Pat Geary, chalrmah, s..'\ld the Student Committee for Rea°'an In '7Z hopes to mobilize support for the governor ralher than Richard Nixon. "We feel that Prt.sidt:nt Nix· on ha1 abandoned the con· servative platfonn on ""'hlch he wu elected," Ge1ry ••id. • DAIL V PILOT 2rJ \ Plaza suite. Through its portals pass the world's most mixed-up mortals. ' . ' ' ' I ·- . I .L_\j" I ]' "FT/ ·I" :__j ' ' L ·~ -,.J !_/ - 'J \"j \j uu L / .J . ' -\ ,,. l j Ut:J j::J lj I \ " )::'. .Lit:!; 'LJ, 'I. -,_ - ' l.! L"l !:"I t:J ~ t:J N IJ • '· .....,..,.ARTHUR HILLER"""'''°'" NEil SIMON,,_.~ HOWARDW. KOCH :~.:r~ t1l1r ~1nt11111ttlor IGPI...=:.=-.-:::..+ A P1r1mo~ot ,iclur1 ~ 'PREMI ERE ORANG E COUNTY ENGAGEME NT NOW AT BOTH THEATRES Please check Guides for 2nd Feature \ .•.. ,, ... PREMI ERE ORANGE COUNTY ENG AGEMEN T NOW PLAYING CWilllamGHolden GRy.ln O'cNeaJ "KarlcMalden MfTRC:W..OR PANAV!SICU ' RO~fRl Wl~f PRODUCl JON r;.;CHlllii.ICHTON I =ANDROM:DA SlRAIN A ur•1VERSAL PICTURE. TECH~ICOLOR' f'ANAVISION' lg] 4lt 01100 /WY 2nd HIT -Eric Breed en in "COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT" (GP) LIMITID INGAGIMINT 0 POllTIYEL Y INDI TUESDAY 6/29 <lltf'1 Wf\l .. IN~l[O """(.(ltOfNWU! .. 1 ... , ... _ C..0.0DC,. (.o()Yt a ~N OllC.O IW'H _ rtflittl (G') WATERLOO Rod ~!~iger & Cl!ri1lopfte• Plummer "ONE OF THE ALL TIM 1 Academy Awards including ./::: ./ GREAT FILMS!" BEST PICTURE! ILEC 6UI NISS ·ANll!OIN ~HN ·JACK Hl'NKINS ·JOSE fl RR! R · A~l11Q~1/ QUAil E , CLW RAINS ·IJITHIJR KENN!OY.., OW SHARIF.,,..".,..,._," P[l[R O'JQOl[., ,,.,""·.--"'-'" -.... ..... ... ., .....,.,.... , .. , .. ,,. C r~i ~OI!~! l(llr $.If Ullift a.-muu SUl'U PWl1SION 109 "!IWICOll)'I• I_ ·' l!!I NOW AT AN EDWARDS CINEMA NEAR YOU! !llLIQ.~I f'(q(! l!UI~ Ali Mac6r1W • Ryan O'Neal 1 ; l iic~c lt:N,)Kt.ARJlt'!IHtlfRf'Jodlo(IQI 'l if'll:r.Mll'lll!.. JohnMll1eylRayMilland . j • "LOVE STORY'' ONE WEEK ONLY AT HARBOR 2 • ••SUMMER Of' '·12"' STA HTS WED •• JUNE 30 • :JO DAILY PI LOl Critic Qui zzed By TV Viewers ~ii Now Playin9 ''FREE FORM II'' PERFORMA NCES : 1:30 P.M. & 9:30 P.M. RATED tGI All Seats S2.50 • BALBOA 673-4048 °"" 6:45 "'E. ..... a.llMN ,.nirinl• By RJCK DU BHO\\I HOLLY\\'000 1 L'PI ~ Telel-'iSLOn criti<:s who 1-'enture into <:OC'kt ail parties that have not hing to do with show business peoplf sozne tin1e! find themselves t.>eing asked: .. !-lo w l':Jn you stand W<it· ch1ng television so mudl?" The people who ask this question invariably don't w:itch video 1or don·t wunt to adrnit it!, and usually have samehow m issed the good shows you mention lo them. On the olher hand, of course, there are limes when one hon- e~1 ly ean 'I sland teh!l'ision. But the essential fact is that a 1-'ideo critic most oflen 1ratehes the home sc.:r~n on a selective basis as opposed to t h o se inexplicable viev:ers \.\'ho simply turn on the lube <1nd stare at it for hours on end . Nl·1;crtheless. cocktail party questions can be a rather hec- 1lc experience, pa rticularly if those aski ng them are seve ral sheets to the 1\•ind and begin to let out their hostilities £or television on a person \\'ho sf.'ems somehow remotely con· Cl •ld' N• h oeeted with il ->ay . a critic. •• s ig t1nare Al any r<tte, at l h i s particular cocktail party the Bobbi Leva (front) is joined by n1e1nbers of ~outh Coast Repertory's Magi<: other night. there we re Theater cast to act out a typic al child's nightmare. The sho\v, which deals 'Father' Tryouts Announced A revi val of the longest run· ning play in Broadwe.y history -"Life With Father''-will be the forthcoming production at the Long Beach Co1nmunity Playhouse, with readings an· nounced for Monday evening, June 2B. Director Bertram Tanswell annow1ced th;i.t auditions will be conducted for a cast of four adult men. one 18-year-<ild boy, three boys in the 8 lo 14 age range, sel-'en adult fem?Je roles and one 17·year--0ld girl. The play, cons idered an American classic, is set in the turn of the century.' Tryou ts v.·ill be held at 7:Jil at the playhouse. 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach. "Life With Father'' w'ill open Aug. 6 for a six.wee kend engagement. Additional in· formation may be ?.cquired by calling !he playhouse at (213) 438-D536. Oou~I• Horto• Shelw! Vincen! P•i(t Slrl'ki"ngl" -"•"erape c.1r..11, several C(uestioners well-oiled direc tly \vlth children's problems, plays at SCl{'s Costa ti.1esa theater Sun- by highballs. and out came the __ d_ay~s_a_l_l_.~p_.m_. ----------------------------) hostilities in the form or touch "OR. PHllES" COP) plus e Viflc•nl Pric• "11.000 ANO LACE" /GP! , Ne .. Ya1~or f COlV"l•A ,oCT(.11!($ ''••-• ···~-·-. _ JACK NICHOLSON . "' :ll~~ nVE ERBJI . -·1;' PIECEB ' .. -~ • ., .. ,. ~ C> AND- "Melvyn Douglas is MAGNIFICENT!" -JUDITH CRIST,_ New York Magazine INeverSang For My Father ~-~ "THE LION IN WINTEl" • .. WEST SIDE STOlY .. queries about video: A lady asked why there aren't any permanent womt!n hosts of the late-night network talk shows. She added that she wasn't passionate about lhe women 's liberation mol-'emenl. but simply thoughl it was a matter of equal opportunity ernployment. A Negro busincssm<in asked why the same network talk programs don't hal-'e a permanent b!ack host. He said: "Griffin . Cavett and Carsen all seern to be out of the same v.·hite, middle-age. Anglo--Saxon image. Cavetl's a little younger. I gu~s. but that's the only variation '' Don11a Reed's Latest Role W orl{ing f 01· W 01·1{1 Peace By GENE HA NDSAKER <:iplc thal war i~ obsolete" Al the same time Asst BEVERLY HIL LS tAP ) -Chi efl y mern bcrs 1vntc Jr!-Seeretilry or State D::ivid ters to congressn1en, and en· Abshire snid the Vietnarn ~~el l~tv:o~:ff ~~~n:~~~k.b~h l! courage others to do so, seek· ~~~c~~~~~sh~~ "0~~s~~sr~ede: " ing an end lo the Vietn<i m p!oration rights and therefore is my way or helping it find wnr. Its current can1paig:n its way back:· asks. ''Are our sons dying is not likely to receive any. Do loc offsl1ore oil?" A drive in 1968. when Miss nna Reed s p e a k i n g ; R d · · h A d A d · · Mi'ss Roed "'Y Aniilher cc JOlned I e Another c<1 emy war -w·1nn1ng ac-... ., ~lothcr's group, raised $21,000 tress and former sta r for eight Mother for Pc;1ce has lc<1rned . Years of her ov.·n lelrl-'isi<in thal South Vietn:i m is l:lbOllt in <:::in,pa ign contributions for cong n'ssn1en who had voled seril•s. Outside of her home lQ grant offshorl' drilling ag;iinst \\':lt' appropriations. life. she says. serl-'ing tht rights to Amrr1c:an con1panifs. "\Vc·d like lo get into other cause of peace now • s It 1\·:.ints pub lic hearings by 1hing!i _ ectJlogy. hunger, ··el-'Crything " to her. Thr the Scnatr Foreign Rel<itinn :-: p 0 11 u ti 0 n. transportation. rewards? "Thr greatest or my Co mn111tee on ~helhcr . 1he ctluc:i tion _bu t 1ve can·t until J1f(•." U .S. government is committed this war ls settled and ov " ·-· .... c_ {1••1 ~·l·ll011 All Color F&ml!y Efl1&•1lliflmenl! "SHINBONE .t.1.1.EY" CG) plus e Bill Tre•o" .,llll'fG Of ftlllGHT '#II.TEii" (C01 All Colet P''""'"'e Eflqdgftne~TI w.iter Matt~•u ''PlA!A SUITE" (Gf'j p1u' e .JdO. l •mmon "APRIL FOOL!" l lrnil.., E"'•temMI .............. '••It A young exer.:lltive. 1n his middle 20s. w<is 1nlerested mainlv in v.·hat he tailed "the mid<l!Caged ,, o in p I e x of television." 11~ ~~1id . ··11ie men who run telcl-'ision are mostly v.•hite and middleaged. :>a il's no surprise that key personnel up and down the line should reflect these basic: al- titudes. That goes for all kind s of programming. Bosses ~ especially corporate bosses - tend to sec other achievers in terms of themsell-'es." Be<:1u!1ful , looking a dozen to protecting oil <:omp:.iny iu-,-_er:_____ yea rs yuunger 1han 50, which vestment~. t;;:;;;;;:;;;;.;1' s he turned in January, Mb~ Scr.:retarv of State \\'illiam Ret.d lo cochairmao uf a r Hogefs suid rrl'cnl ly.I l~e\!erly Hills-based organiza-how·cver . that p o s s i b I e lion called Another Mother for offsho re ni l <lcpo~i ls in the j Peace v i e t n a m a r r a ha v e Ad~l!I tl,l.S-Jr" ll.U.-Clllldr.,. lk l'•t•r O'ltl<)lt "lAW~E NCE 01' ARABIA" .Sturted in 1967 bv a woman "nbsolute!y nn C'ffC'('L on u_s _i screenv.·riter friend of hers. policy" in Indochina. Jn fa (·t,, it claims a worldv.·1de he said, "wr did not r l-'C!l 1 •1 • 0 membership of 225,000 mostly know of th ese run1ors until THE tHRYSTAl "LtlMAGE" .......... , .. ..... "•"'' ... ' 'lfil 1•11 All Colo• F~m i ly E nlfd•i~m•n!i J•m .. G•rn•• e s.,n•nnr Pl .. h•H• "JtY.4N'S DAUGHTER " NEW LO'# PIUCES l'Ollt THE WHOLE FAMILY HO llESEllVEO SEATS MOR. J111ru Tftu•1.-ll:flt '"' Fri. •:Jt Pm S'1. l :)P-M:)O \Vha! is interesting above all in the opinions of 1-'ideo watchers is that. even though they put down the medium sometimes or maintain they barely pay attention to it. they often rel-'eal in the end lh<Jt they arc deeply concerned about televis ion. I "THE 1111 0 WIT>! ~n t~1e United States. It claim!! recent!)·_·_· =-==='-'---d'.:::":':":':':':-::':·•::•:·m: .. ::":'•:·:":'::t.I it is growing by 2il,OOO a,1,-;c.._ ----· month. Bylaws say t he organization is nonpartisan and .. dedicated to the prin· • • "SVPPDlllT YDUll LOCAL GUNF!GliTElll" IGI plu• • Ole~ V•n Dv~e "tHITTY CHITTY 0-•I 1 -5~ow •l O~•k "ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET 01' THIE APIE5" "lUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE 100" 0'9n Al I -SllOw al Dvst OOn ICnoll• ''HOW TO !'RAMIE A f!GCO" "ONE MORE Tli:AIH TO 1101" CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY FROM 2 P.M. ,rlc:ti Unril 4 r.M. Adults and J1111lon Sl.50 Child 75, PETER O'TOOLE OMAR SHARIFF IN "ONE OF ALL TIME GREAT FILM S WINNER OF 7 ACADEMY AWARDS o-At 1 -s~-., o ... ~ B••Dt • S!ro"~no From the creators of "The Bridge On 'Ibe River Kwai " "OWL & THE PUSSTtAT' Ai•.O "THE IAIT MAICEll" ' TEOINJCOlOR" SUPER PANAVISION 7ff SHOWN AT J-5:15-l:lO STARTS NEXT WED. EXCLUSIVE lmE DAVIS-ERNEST IORGNINE 'BUNNY O'HARE" STARTS TOMOJtlOW jw fOnda•donGld IUth<rland .lutti ii J:-1 J'.J~ j fJJkUtl PUX!tcl(lll ..------.. ~--· ... --·---.~ ........... ~.. .. . ... '' .. , ..... ''"" T~Yt•,-1•1 CJMIDOMI Jt OIJ.NG-1 SJl·lJJI ,,.,, ..... ,., _, 1.11 J11un ... , '"· .,.,. SM11,-1•l ·J _,._ . . .. -. ., ...... '·-·.' . -~-- llNCOlN ORIY11N BUENA f'AR~ 521·222) .. ,,, . . .. . " . Ah o '•ul ,.,.,..,,.,. 1 .. .. COOL HAttO ~UICE " 0-1111 \htw~ O! O~•• Costa Mesa Civic Playhou se p••1enl1 "The Beautiful People" by Witllom SaroyoR WEST GATE -ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS l:lO p,m. Aamlu.on 51,~ For rtU•v•!!On• <•II ll•·SJOf NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES ~~~~-~·;.... ( EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT l J~.L".~ allen·s l<>•J ~~l.~H/l)tf bananas'' COJ)~hTDi.~· 2nd Comedy Hit "THE TWELVE CHAIRS" IGI --· Un1led A1'tt$1t • • • • • • • • • • "!I~·~ .. ~· ...... ,._. --~ Ill .... _ •..• I_ .. ,_ ~Jl 1111 MiftDUR DL'- DRIV(.IN w .lll•m Hotdro llV8n O'Nr.,I "WllO llOVERS" IGP) Plu• "ST llANGER llETUllNS" llnd•~ 17 mu•! ()e wiin p.ofent 111'1),M!Ni 1• Hl·WAY 39 OlllVE·IN ''"'' '"• .... . .. ., ... ~ .... ..... ,, Undr• II mu.i b• "''" p.oten! "P~ErTT MAIOS ALL IN A llDW" f lt] "~ ll U• H•v .. on~ lloben wai.e ' "ll:OAO TO SALINA" '"'"~'" "' W••'O''""" ~11 l11J --·-··· ..... ., 'i"~·llll Frtim Tn~ Ye••'• Bots 5ellor llv•n O'N•"' Ali M•tC..r"W "L0V£ STORY" (GP) ~IU\ 0 •vld N•••n "THI: IMPOSSIBLE Ylt.t.R''' probabl y the s c rt'en·~ finest ro1na111ic s t ory sinct ··seventh 1-lea''<'n ." Al i i' the movie~'be~t insti ncti\•t act re5s ~i nct Elizabeth Taylo r. And with rh is. movie Rye.n emerges as a ma jor 1alen1 ! .. THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And the man who knows ;ust how l.o turn t.he phrase to get the most out of the bar!> is DAfLY PlL01' column- ist Sydney l{arris. He has been called the tnodern • day H e n r y Mencktn . IJ you're ready f or his use oj tile acid adjective and t h o u a h t • provoking prose to give you tht 11eed!e . . if yoti want to find something to thi nk about in what you read . __ if !JOlt have a sense of humor, you b elong tcitl~ renders who delight in telling others what "Syd said" in one of the natinn's most -Quoted colltmns. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: "On• of the highest paid jobs in America consists of standing up in front of a mic- rophone, separating the good records from the bad ones -and playing th• bad ones." "It's sad but true that while alcoholics are the best argument for abstinence, so many abstainers are equally effective ar- gument for a little drink now and then." "Most of the so-called 'incompatibility' in marriage springs from the fact that to most men, sex is an act; while to all women, it is an emotion. And this differ- ence in attitude can be bridged only by love." "The sole difference between 8 'dedica- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' c.:on.- s ists in our agreement or disagreement \\·ith his objectives.·· "The most e xp losive combination in th• world consists of sincerity added to Ignorance." .. Whenever l am the recipient o! an ex- cessively hearty hands hake, I suspec t 1'.1r. Muscles is trying to sell something, hide something, or prove something." Check The Editorial Page For This Signature ' '.- Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col.- A Regular Feature of It'll umn, the DAILY PILOT Your Hometown Daily Newspaper . " ,. .· . " :: " '" PJLOl ·AOVERTIS ER Wtdntsday, J1mt 2l, 1971 WtdnHday, Jllflt 23, 1971 OAJL 'f PILOT ."J l Vital Statisti~s for the Orange Coast Area Births 'UM l~. H I! Mr . .i...a Mrs. C+en1> R Wiii••· Jn? So. • V1n Ne•S Strut, S.tfl1• A1>a. bcv. "!• •nd """ J<>hl\n'f C. Mac~••-119 • • Otl Mar. Col!,, M•>L ""[· • 'lfrr. •nd Mn . Jame1 V uoi>, :1~2n • CvlH•"· Sanl.t An,., ,.Tri. Mr i 1><1 Mrs. G.irv ScllOM!S, IJ~ 0 •"•11 sr .• Cc•t• Me••. 11«1. M r . .ind Mro. Wllllam L Fawles. •!91 Kon• Drive. Hun!inotcn Beach. olrl M•-""d M.-s. Chari~• £ B"'""'• nT• W<lll.On A••' Ccslft M••I, boV. Ju,.. u, 1n1 Mr. and M.,, Ch••l•• L•nni.....,. noc L1~e Par~ Lano, Nowpor! Beacn, oirl. . M r. 1nd M'1, Oav1<1 JAtlnen, •Jl1 Ets1 (Mio! Hi91\w1v, Ceroni <lei M.I<. bcv. Mr. 111(! Mn . Sl1nlev Slu1ni3, :110! Mo••• Pl1ce. Costa ~••· OOv. Mr. •nrl Mfi. Oloter Crcnwald, 11191 O l!mO<t Od ve. G8raen Gcov•, 9lrt, M•. •nd M". Rlrherd Me .. or:i.chmldt, ~21~1 Orchid Av• .• Coron• del Mer, twin Qlrl>. Juno 11, 1911 Mr. end Mri. John 11n•movr~. 119l8 M~'l't.~re~;.~o~~!:~~l/il~~~-tf~~'.· 1h D llu!qers, No. II. Co•le IYI•••• l>ov Mr. end M" G•orqe Bryden, l2~ Wo1I JoAnn ~rrtt1, CooT• Mrs•. girl. Mr. i nd Mr.. GMr9e l(rum•i•lc 7!i2 S111er No. B Hvn111191on D••<h, bov. Juno U, 1'11 Mr •nd M" lllM .. I F. You~q. 111 Popov Av rnue. C"'ona dOI Mor, bnv Mr 1n<1 M11 Bruco 0 1!.0n, 1&162 Hedcn•>' Circ le, Hvn1lng1on Be••h, •o• M• end Mr• Glon Collin" 10ll! ~tonvtlrook Orlvo, Hunlln91cm Be•cn, .... Jun• 1t. l tll Mr end Mro. G1rv L C.llbor!. 2•1) Eldon A•rnuo. No. F. Cosll Mu•. girl. M•. encl "'"· Chede1 k &t n••· 911 Wn l l!!h SlrH T, C•"t M•••. bov. Jun• l~. !"l M•. end Mr>. Jol>n l Curci, 111'/I LHw•rd l •n•, No:wwrt lie•<~. ,.,1 Marriage Lice1ises Dissolutions Of Marriage Cllt rlo• Jlm,......1. ,ltoborl Dowlt• t nd (.norlo ICt lhetn lion-. l t rry eria J~ltfl COIT. Oo ... ld [ •nd ~=I t4, ~~ .. YJ~~·w11!1'1m on;::, D K•!MHn lto•• iwtn>O<', Juo11n A, •NI ltk n.,o P Gf.*a.E!~'r,'i..,M~~ :::: =~"~~·t~'"'" Jolrt , ''''""" t nO ll l<>a1n!o E , c:~=~·Hl:;!": J":J'ti~. 1j.,,, N11I Ho/!mt n. Noni ,.,., '"" SldM Y R W•!llle•n, J•tnne l"io• tnd LO'O"tra c~.,...., 0••11. Mlflt n IC. i nd Cn1rlo J. Sino•. Rl<.11.,d l . •ncl Oocrtn S Bu•••'• Mi rr All<• 1ria RO'I' Wl•l•t "' Om•n. Mtllna1 J one t nd llobe•! l ••ov '""'"° '"'"" " Gr~g.r. Poul J_ ind P11r1Cl1 l c'.:akt , Olnt~ Otvla 1na Sonart M , Moul•, P•ul ~•on 111<1 J1n1 B0<•nt0•1. M1r11 Rost t "4 Gooroe LeMo. M1r\cn S. t l\d Wt lfl9 W. Ll!ll•oo, w 111,, M1vnord 1nd eenv , .... L&mb, ~~'""" Jc•c• tnd 5!•v• Ed,.ora HobbY, Ea 11n Jot n 1na w llllom l ot~ tn>N w, ll1n<~ l 1nd Gu• E. l r1a"'"'· Mir• L•n~ end CQn•IO All«d Hul!lnl . Dtml!r• M. on<! Roblro "w Wiiii, Ol1nt Oontorlh I nd Conn•(, Go~1. l ommve l"ra<1 M M•lov. P•llV llutn t nd Merrill l"ronc·• Soll, Cont 'd Holli• 1nd Wtna1 IC!nq•IWrv, J1nnl1 Mat t nd ll otllf! Ki<k Mt •scton. 0Gn Ztlll •nd Clort nct Pro bot IOtlh, Suu n »nnl~ 1<1d "I•" s1u11l Oottn, Ju1,.111 M•• t na F11nk Jo1..,,.. ~ ..... ~ , ............. ~ ..... .,. ~~!~°R::l11~~"D.~n1:':1Wi''O'.':~. 1l vn Bore••••· Oolot•• M I nd Jl:ft~tfd L. li•t d. An"9 M<Mtnu1 •nd JOAn t\0111 M••IJ. lln,...!lf C t <ttl Joro lil!,>ef!o,n. Re"" M Ind IJMlld M, 0.1n, l •ll• M ••lh1 t ncl Mrdln A ~mOIA, M r•• "'!«• •na O•nr.r o, ~t•m•. ,.1thor. Jor•n 1nd "'"" H~lo'l W·lllem>. ~nd•t V ona RotMotl O • ~.,.,,,., Co•gl J 111<1 cnoll~• o ,cn••<I M••<1<>ll, l-<11\n Oti. t ncl lOU•"° M&• llrro:no. Nono M1• '"a Ul<1ur .lle<:cl ~ llCh1r. Lt""""' Jov enc P•u+ Al!n11 81•~•. Ch1rlt• °""'" •INI 1(1thrvn An~ Kol•I'•• Jt moo A •nc! L••Hfo l, E ntortd JuM 11 Gow''· Jootp/l II •M MAVI\ II M•llnow>kl, Cllt lltf J J• 111<1 Sn••nn cn.1"'"''" Miiien C. 00\d £~the• $. l<llcl>, Fr•nc•• A &"<I Wllll~l'l'I 0 l<o&~. D•nnv Emmott '"a M•f l!vn Lorrn1 ~naw. ~n.r1ov .l.nn •nO "'•II••~> Ewrolt 1io•t1m1. teno P •n<I f ~"'"~,. Humoh«• Mot1•n" G 1•<1 ~••v•n II. ~.u ... O••i<I "•IDh •nO °"""" Lvn" Se10fd, Ot•no A And G0< v E \JM lcn. Cht"I Mtfo~ one! l e.,r•"t l W•ll••m cour1otu. R•chlfd T 1110 l Ont Kole1lnPi. ll:cnt ld I" e..a l ou"e Anni Cer~r . Jolln Tnome• •nd MMV 11r11• McCiuHv. Chri•!IM J_ 1na Thom1• l 1 OOO's OF REMNANTS ~~ZREGE 60 % ~~~LL 80 % SAVINGS SAVINGS UP TO •• • •• . UP TO ••• LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, BEDROOMS HALLWAYS, BATHS , CARS, ETC. OUR WAREHOUSE IS OVERLOADED ••• MULTI- MILLION DOLLAR CARPET INVENTORY MUST BE SOLD ••• THOUSANDS OF ROLLS ON DISPLAY ••• HERCULON l 00% Herculon Olefin Pile New Miracle Fiber. Stain And Wf()r Resistant. Beauliful Decorator Colors. 99 SQ. YD. BUY NOW AND SAYE! NOW SALE PRICED .••• SAVE $2.DO DUPONT NYLON l 00% continuous filament nylon 299 pile. Popular tw~level pottern combine beoury, durability. Many colors to choose from. s:a:f· NOW SALi ftllCID........ $1.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL •••••••••••••• ~4.99 KODILPLUSH l 00% Kodel Polyester Pile. Ric h. 4" luxurious ly Thick Pile. New Decorator Colors. so. YD. iav1 NOW SAll PllCtD........ $100 COMPARABLE RETAIL •••••••••••• $1.99 " ' COMMERCIAL CARPETS CONTRACTORS! BUILDERS! 299 HOMEOWNERS! Your Choice: Nylon Or Herculon. M . Y•. • . S&Yl NOW SALi PllCID,,,,,,, St.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL •••••••••••••• $4.99 CARPET TILIS·SA YI$ Feels Like Velvet -Outweors 01 her (orpel.s -Eosy To Jnsroll. 12"x12" • lndoor-Ovtdoor• 10.Yr. Wtor Tn1td • Stn1n R1sistnnf • 8 DetorGtor ColOfs • 100% Nylon P1lt. SAVE ~,. NOW SALi 'ltCID •••••••• DO-IT-lOUISlll 29~ COMPARABLE RETAIL ••••••• $4.99 KODIL POLYESTER 100% Kodel Polyester Pile. 3 Pile 4" Height Pot lern In Grac eful Design. Rugged Durability. Be-outiful Colors. se. Te. SAYl NOW JALI PllCID........ 11.• COMPAIAILI. llTAIL ..••.••••••••• $1.99 DACRON SHAG DEEP PILE 100"· Dacron Polyester Pile. Beouliful 499 New Deep Shcg With A fu ll Dee p Pile. Mony New Decorator Colors To Choose s.. TO. From SAVI NOW $All PllCID........ SJ.oo COMPARABLE 1 ST QUALITY NAME BRAND CARPETS AT LDW DISCOUNT PRICES SELECT FROM TltE URGEST CUPE! INVENTORY IN TltE WEST fVUY ROLL OF CARPET IS MUKEO l PllCED FOR YDUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE (HE!] Cl.--·flg,.,"E.:TRl -COLOR · JHl TISTIO'°'.t..Ml 6H 111(,S [!IEW] KODELTRl-COLOR SHAG DUPONT NYLON TRI-COLOR 100% Koclel Polyester Pile-Rich, Deep, l ullu riou sly Thic k"Pilt. Mony New Hi4 s1y!e Decorator Three-Color Shag To Select From. Resis r Di rt And Soil Sta ins 99 SHAG 99 SHAG 100% fort..1 PolyHl•dvsh. 99 0..p, long Wtoring And Hord To Sorl. Stoy~ Bt0ultfu! Wilh A Minimum Of (or~. Very Rts iliont. Btoulifvl DKorolor Thr11·Color Shog. SUD. SAVE 13.n NOW SALE PRICED •••••••••••• COMPAIAILI llfAIL •••••••••••••• $1.99 NIAGARA~ , __ , ... THE No:srRINGS 3-YEAR GUARANTEE II Phlllipt. fiben gvaront ... this carpet mad• with Marveu Olefin CG again1t rotting, wearing out or th• .tf•ts of w.ath.r. fot ,..jclenflal .,.. Jndoon ., outdoors. Or w. .;11 Nploc. thb cor- pet I-. bd ..... oli-Uatlon. 100% DuPont Nylon Pile. Deep, Rich Ouroble Shag. Beouriful New Three Color Designs. SI.YI. S.lft $3.M NOW SALi PIUCID •••••••••• COMPAllAILI IRAIL •••••• , ••••••• $6.ff NOW SALE PllCID ••••••••••••• COMPAllAILE llTAIL •. $1.99 ENCRON ® POLYESTER Pile of 1 00% Encron Polyester. Deep, Thic k, Luxurious Carpet, Optimum Performan ce, Long Wear, Eosy Core. Resilient. Many Colors lo Choose From. NOW SALE PRICED ......................................... . SQ.YD. SAVE IUI SQ. YD. SAVI 6.00 Comparable Retail ••••••••••••••·••••••••••••••••••••••••.$6.00 COMPARAILI RlfAIL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $15.99 CANOGA PAIK 21031 Slle,_o Woy 347·2334 'w'lll'M'o Fl'W'#OY to (CWIOfCI Aw. Honfl " ~ Woy rt.In rilJht. • 31·11-91 DAYS NO INTUIST • COllY!MllNT°CllDIT rl.Alls AND IANK lUllS AVllUIL[ • CALL fDI fl[[ SHOP-AT· HDllE $HV1CE ' VISIT Otll CUSIOll DUPIRY Din WEST LOS ANGELES ANAHEIM MONTEBELLO 11141 Wilskirt llYll. Mt 11. locli4 SI. 71S W. W•lttlt< ""'· 477.5525 US.7'74 72MU7 SM~ m..., to...._ 'lilllltUMorthelfS....,,_r,.. C,,_.ofMoM1Wo Tllll'Mff. 6 ~ .._, • WI-...., OR ludit .-,.... "-C.W. °"" WMt• M. -.... WEST COVINA 252• I. Work-ATt. fl6-4471 SOii illfMlldino r,..,.... to Citnit St. 2 tllotU No. Clfl Citnit te Worit· ..... HOUYWOOD 1115 II. Ve,...t ATt. H6·145S 2 Wock1 Mol1tt"' Nolywood 11...0. ~ VlfmOM. VENTURA 2501 I. Mllio 51. '41:5041 3 tllotlu Wnt of '""',..,on Motil • LONG BEACH 3001 leliflawor ll•L 421 ·Hl4 Son Dillo ,,._., • M11 a M. Juirn off ................ "· TORRANCE 4236 ArtHlo llN. 542-66'6 Bloc k (cn 1 of H11wfllorflt Blvd Ol'I Arttson PASADENA OPEN 2660 £.Colorado Blvd. 577-HOO SUNDAYS I. L C .. llvd.ot EVENINGS Scwl Golwitl lhld. COSTA MESA SAN FRANCISCO 1714 .. _ .. "''· MILLBRAE '45-3020 Newporl 8l11d. ol I 7rh St. 320 fl CoMIOO •HI H2·255S •, 32 DAIL V PILOT Wtdnt~aY. Junt ZJ, l'lll Wcdne~da1, Junt 2J, ]q7] PILOT-ADVERTISER 3 ------ VOLUME DEALER NO. 1 IN ORANGE COUNTY •PINTOS• PINTOS• PINTOS e 1971 FORD L.T.D. Country Squire Wagon Loaded (1J76Sl74119) SAVE s .. l .. ln3.9 EQUIPMENT TAKE YOUR CHOICE o AM Radio o Vinyl Roof ~lllITTllllUllRltltllUllllUlllllllltllH IUIHllllltlllllll1111UfllUIUll111tlUlllllllllUUtl1tl1UtlUttllUllll!ll!lltll11111Ulllllllltlllll11111111tl!:; • Tinted glass • Front & rear bumper guards • Wheel covers ~~~~ij· ~ THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS ••• ~ Duncon l7o rd will give you }'Our choice of S 180 FREE equip- ment if you p urchase a Bran<l Nc\v 197 l Pineo (i n scock) \vit h Select Shift Cruise-o-n1atic transn1i ss ion and 2000CC e ngine ar ,...,jndow sticker price plus 540 dealer preparat ion, deliver y charge, p lus tax and license. • Disc brakes o Body Side Molding • Accent group • Heavy duty battery • Conveni enc e Group ~irn11mn11111111~1~1~1~11~11~1!~11!1~11~111~1~1~1~1!11~1!1:iu1~1~1?i1~111~~1~1~1~r11n1111u111111~ o White Sidewall Tires o Fold down Rear Seat • Luxury Decor group e Protection group 1971 MAVERICK 1971 FORD L.T.D . 1971 MUST ANG Grabber 2 Dr. Sports Brougham 4 Dr. Hardtop 2 Door Sportsroof Loaded (l K93F206195) Loaded (1J67Nl56156) Loaded (1F02Hl56931) SAVE SAVE SAVE .~!1.1 .. l $1216 $722 Off WINDOW STICKER PllCE Off WINDOW STICKER PR1C( '65 Corvair , ...... "'" ,,.. 5677 '68 Shelby ll.000 odoin"I ant' o"'n•r m1lr1 lmm•cul~le, •UIO Ir.In>, DO••••• •'"'ln!I. 037 AUii SAVE '6 7 Riviera 8e.iul1!ul, !YLT•S01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' 69 VW ~~.~~.~~ .. ~~~~ .... , .. ,,,. '"' 51577 USED CAR SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Riqht-On '6 777 7 • Or • Au•o Po.,er l>lee1on<1, Po,.., ustang '"" ..... , .... ., .., '°" bfl-to, L•nd•~ 1011. <1!1>0, &. he•I•< 1968 IMPALA d·••on•nQ. P<l"''' '1•f'"n~ ' 1><>wer 111•1<1 b•••e•. r~o·O, ~e~•·· Lo .. oPd! IOl•ElL•~• 6 FORD LTD $ '71 M '65 Rambler .;~~:, ·~=~ ~-.. ., ... 5477 2 Dr . Hardtop. Full fa c.t. equipped. (57 JASKl f 68 FORD ~~~~,~~""'m""'" "" <OM"'°"'°' •a!ltO • .,,, ~eaTtr. ()(VF106l 5677 5977 '70 w COUNTRY S9UIRE s3777 I 69 FORD GALAXIE soo 51777 agon .... ".. , .... , .. , ...... l Dr H l .• auto lr~n• , la,.orv .,, "'" PB . hnl..:I !11•» 16ll1 il0U) ll •lloruno. P ~, P Hl1'CI R&H, pu Jlli> '71 p· t 2000 cc 1lr1J, c;llrome trim . ltlt8l8! In O ...... ,o. ...n •. , <Ad••· ""~"" "'"''"'"'''1 52177 I 64 FORD ~; .. A~!2.~ !!~.~.~. ,.,. , ...... (0SJ 11') s4z7 .. I 61 FORD ~T!!'.";~, ~,A'!.Ov~ '"'""' 51277 . . '71 Torino '"" , .... , ,K .. ,. .,. ·~" ~ •• 53177 I 67 D d MONACO 0 ge (on¥. ~Vtllmat!c lr&l'Smi .. 11>1'. rA(lo(I, 1>11wtr Jte1rl"11 . .,.,wer !<1l1r) bra~u. lle•fer, wn1" ,.;, w•ll1. !(ID S~l l r•<llO, ,,.,11tr, ""'H•wlll !lru . 1151· CPGJ 5877 '66CHEV MALIBU WAGON 5877 Automatic lrAnsmlu!on, r~d.,,, he•I· er, pcw1r ''"""' fl!.'Z 619! '69 Mustan HARD TO~ 52177 '71 Maverick ." .. ,, .............. 52277 I 68 CHEV ~~A~~.::' <WYO"" 51777 VI. •vto, ,,.,,. , 1lr •-11'°'1· Ing, linllcl 91•11 ()U i! ... ll•lewall "'"'' <llrom• , ..... f6118lll) g '"" .,_ WI llLIEVE OUll DOWN PAYMENT AND nRMS ARE THE IEST AVAIUll.l.1F YOO CAii DD Al Iii. •• SHOW USI ..... .,., " . . · I -A ,., J Gc cl u '" An pc ch Ha en Ed Ad " d I I I • lea "' .. wi ta m •i .. th I '" we UI er ye p T I un gr Wedntsdlj, JIJf'lt 23. 1971 PJL Of.iDVERTISEllt J J APPETITES TO TAKE A TOUR Rec ipes to Exhib it Tasty Translation ApptlitM will cross many boundaries -Gred. Russian, Far Easl.e.rn. Serbian, Amtrican and Mtiican -at lhe lnterna· tillnal Festival to be presented Sunday, June %7, at the Girls' Park in Garden Grove by St. Luke's Orthodox Church. Festivities beginning at noon will in· elude lhe foreign foods, national muslo and dances, carnival booths and games. An entertainment program will be presented twice during the afternoon. Admission donations will go toward fund-raising for a church building. report chairmen George Hanna and Mrs. Ben• Sady. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dolner are in charge of games and booths : the Mmes. Harry Laffoon, tickets: Alex Lasch, entertainment: Clyde Rasey an d Alex Ediss, foods, and Nick Ekovich snd Miss Adele Khorey, publicity. Here is a preview ()f some of the reci~s that will be prepared on location during the festival. WARAK DAWAU (Stuffed Vloe Leave5l 1 pint jar grape leaves in brine 1 cup rice 1 pound finely ground shoulder or neck ()f lamb and bones from which it was cut. Salt and pepper kl tasle 4 tablespoons melted butter J uice ()f I lemon Use a J-<iuart saucepan. Soak grape leaves in cold water for I hour to remove salt. Wash rice : mix with ground lamb : season; add 2 lablespoons melted butter. Shake water from grape leaves gently, without breaking, and spread out on table. Place 1h teaspoon of meat mixture in center cf each. First fold over the tv.·o sides then roll neatly . Place lamb bones in bottom or Aa ucepan and lay ro!Jed leaves nver them. Cover with water. Add 2 table· 1poons bull.er. Plact a plate on I.op of them and lel come to a slow simmer. Mrs . Nic k Ekovich, seated, and the Mmes. Alex Lasch , Alexander Ediss and Ralph Turney (left to right) harvest th e variety of vegetables needed for St. Luke's lnter- nation ol Festival. Never allow water to boil. Cook in thi s manner for 2 hours. When ready to serve, turn upside down on a platter. Pi ck bones off and drain . Squeeze lemon over them. May be served with yogurt and Arabic bread. Serves 10. SERBIAN NUT ROLL 4 cups flour 6 tablespoons sugar 1-ii pound margarine 3 egg yolks llz teaspoon salt 114 cups warm milk l package dry yeast l teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons warm milk Cul margarine into flour and sugar un· til resembles coarse meal. Add egg yolks, salt and 111, cups v.'arm milk. Combine yeast. sugar and remaining 1varm milk and mix into flour mixture . KneaO well. Divide into four balls. Cover and let rise al room temperature while making nut filling . Nut Filling 4 cups ground nuts 2 cups sugar f\.1ilk to moisten f..!ix ingredicnl s well. Roll out one ball tif dough al a time and fill as for 1c.lly roll. Put two roll s each nn greased cookie sheet. Bc'at one eRg and brush on tops of. rolls. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 35-40 FAVORITE FOR ALL SEASONS • minutes. 1 r ' This nut roll "'as served frequently in the old days because it went so well with homemade wines that were served com· pany_ the new sweet wine to the women and more aged wine lO male guests. Turkey Gobbling Good • Summer Turkey traditionally is a Thank.sgivinf treat thanks to ~ early Pilgrims -a welcome sight at any holiday spread. But the fam ily's favorite poultry is pl~· tiful during the summer months and is the featured food by the United States Department of Agriculture for Ju!Y· Turkey marketings are expected lo in· crease about four percent more than last year. And wit~ tht increase, romes sho~ ping day specials. Take advantage of the buys and serve turkey throughout the summer. It can be roasted and served often in a multitu~e of Ught..f:ating dishes. Because turkey l!I higher in protein than red m~at:; and among the lowest in fat content 1_t makes 8 fine meal for slenderizing eating. BEST BARBECUED TURKEY Best Barbee~ Sauce ¥.. cup chopped onion t 1rli tablespoons butter t "i cups catsup y4 cup brown sugar 1 clove garlic, minced 1 lemon, thinly sliced v~ cup Worcestershire Sauce % tea spoons prepared mustard t teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pe pper tn small saucepan saute onion in butler until lightly browned. Arid remaining in· gredients and simmer 20 minutes. Remove lemon .i;Jices. Store in covered jar in refrigerator and use as needed. To Barbecue Tarkey on Cbarooal Rodsaerit: If turkey is frozen . thaw , rinse and pal dry. Turkeys weighing 6 to 12 pounds are bat for rotisserie cooking, but some roti~ries may roast turkeys of greater weight. sc check manufacturer's weight lllUe.!ilions before buying turkey. Start charcoal briquet fire about 2(1 to 30 minutes before time lo cook, allowing about 5 pounds charcoal for beginning fife. As turkey coob and fire burns, push bu.ming charcoal to cenler and add new briquettes as needed around edge. .Do not lltuff turkeys for rotisserie cook· ln1. Sprinkle inside body cavities generously with barbecue selt or season· lb;, using 2 to 3 t1blellpoons, t.hen pre.pare bird as you would for roa sting, Oattenlng wings over breast and tying tteurely. tnse:rt spit rod in front ()f tail : run diagonally through breast bone. Fasten tighUy with spit fork! at both ends and tit legs togel.ht!r securely with twlne. Test carefully for balance, readjusting spit. rod until bird i! well-balanced. Insert meat thermometer into thlcke..t part of lnltde thigh, making aurt thermometer does not touch bone or spit rod; also, that them:K>met.er will clear charcoal as apit turns. . When ooAls are rtady. knock off gray •~h and push coals to back of tirebot. During cooking add rmre charcoal around edges as needed to ketp heat even. Place drip pan m11de of heavy-dul y loll directly under turkty in frnnl of coal~. Atiticb 1plt and start rotisserie. Cook approximately length of time indicat.ed in Timetable for Rotisserie Cooking below. Baste generousl y and frequently with barbecue sauce the last 30 minutes of cooking. Turkey will brown quickly with addition of barbecue sauce . so do not brush on un- til last 30 minutes. Because of differences in turkeys and in individual barbecues and rotisseries. the cooking times given in Timet.able below are only approximate. The turkey is done v.·hen roast meat thermomeler reaches 180. to 185 degrees F., or when thickest part of drumstick feels soft. Suggested roasting time for v.·hole turkeys are 6 to 8 pounds. 212 to 3 hours : 8 to 12 pounds. 3 to 411 hours: and 12 to 16 pounds. 41'2 to 51-1 hou rs. Perhaps you'd like !n toss a turk~y salad. buffet style. for the most exciting eating of the summer. Toss it right before tile eyes of your guests -tossing nnly a little at a time so they can first fea st thfir eyes on the rnlorful arra\· nf ingredients -then feast their appetlles on the scrumptious comb1nat1on of fl avors. Breasl of turkey. cul julienne style. i~ I.hr. main ingredient. ""·ith a hnst or rom- plementary flavors : grated cheese /ched- dar or bleu): crisp bacon bits. chopped tomakl; avocado cubes : <licc<I, hard-cook- ed eggs and fi ne!y minced chives. TURKEY BUFF'ET SALAD 3 cups julienne strips cooked turkey breast 2 medium tomatoes, peeled 1 medium avocado, peeled 3 hard-cooked eggs \2 pound crisp, cooked bacon \4 cup crumbled bleu cheese or finely graled cheddar 2 tablespoons finely chopped chives 'l'f head lett uce l small bunch chicory or red lettuce 1 head rom;iine Y.t bunch watercress l cup garlic French dressing Cut turkey breast into julienne strips. Finely chop tomatoes. avocado, eggs and bacon. \Vi th a sharp knife chop each of thr greens very fine . Spread in !ayers in la rge salad bowl, heaping up slightl y in center. Arrange the turkey . tnmatocs. avocado. eggs. bacon , cheese and chives 1n rows in prel!y, contrasting colors over the top of the greens. F'or an especially attractive pattern, arrangf' turkcy strips across cente~ and on either end, then arrange tomato , egg, bacon in ro ws on one side of center , v.·ilh grated cheese. avocado and chives on the other : sprinkle bacon on either side ot breast of turkey. To keep the altraclive design wh ile serving. sprin kle part of the dressing across only one end at a time , loss li ghtly and serve from that section. Makes 3 ~~ quarts salad or 8 lo JO large servings . Sen sot iono l summer eating con be round in hot slices of &uccu!ent turkey on fres hl y boked rol ls jobove) or in o tossed turkey solod enhanced by o ho~t of complementary ingredients. ~men BEA AN DERSON, Ed;to• ... fl .... ,. J-u. 1'11 , .. ll Home News Milk: Human s' Ki ndness By DOROTHY WENCK Or•ft .. tounlr HOfM .l.f¥1l¥ Milk is unique... It is the one product of nature that we use only as a food. or all the foods, it is the one. for which a satisfaclory replacemenl is hardest I() find. No doubt about il -milk.._is one of the best foods you can get. Tl l.i especially important for three nutrients: ciilcium, protein and ribonavin. When milk is lack· ing in the diet it is almost impossible tc> get eoough calcium and ribonavin. Growing children must have calcium ID develop strong bones and healthy teeth, firm muscles and healthy nerves. AdullS need calcium too to maintain bones, teeth. muscles and ner ves, help blood to clot and help regulate proper heart lune.· tioning. Riboflavin is one of the 8 vitamins. ll helps the body use food as a source of energy. So it, too. is necessary for Rrowtt. and development and to keep a high level of health and vigor. A quart of milk sup- plies nearly all the riboflavin most of U!I need daily. We would have to eat a do zen eggs. over two pound~ of mea1. or l"'" and one-half pounds of enriched bread to get the same amount of riboflavin . Protein in milk is high quality anrl •·complete"' (which means it contains all of the amino acids essential to the body l. Our bodies use it to build and maintain their own protein tissues -muscles, brain, nerves, organs, blood, skin , hair. The recommended amount of two cups o! milk for adults will furnish one-fourth of the protein needed daily, The three to four cup~ of milk suggested for children will give them up to hall of their recom· mended protein. To keep fresh milk at its best. follow the rule of three Cs and a D -keep mllk Clean, Cold, Covered and D a r k . Refrigerate it promptly. Do not let it stand ou t of the refrigerator when you're not using it. Do not let it stand in the sun as it loses riboflavin and may develop a "sunlight " off-navor -all in as brief a time as half an hour, Many people find milk refreshing and never lire of drinking it plain. However, cooked foods offer many additional ways to get milk into daily food. For more milk a1 brrakrast. use it instead of water when you cook cereals or poach eggs. Use it in cream soups. ca.~scroles. p u d d i n gs , cream sauces for vegetables. gravies. Yoo can step uri the milk va lue of many foods by adding nonfat dry milk. This wholesome dairy product i:o; made rrorn fresh milk -only the water And cream are remo ved . It is inexpcn~ive, easy !o keep on hand and ctlnvenient tn use The m!lk powder can be added lo meatloaf, hamburger:o;. mashed potat0ts. muffins, biscuiL~. cookies, cakes and other dessert:;. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED Q .. _What is yogurt ? Is it especially nutr1!1ous? A. Voi;iurt is a form of fermented milk . usually homogenized whole or low.fat CZ perccnl ) milk. II has a sour navor because ~e milk sugar -lactose -has been chanJ:ed lo lactic aci d by harmless bacteria. Bullermilk also u1 a form of fermented milk. These milks have a softer or more fine-- Iv divided curd than unfermented milk.111. For this reason. they are prescribed for ~ome persons on special diet~. So far as v.·e kMw, the food value of rcrmented milk.~ remains "about the samP as the milk from whi ch they were made. Q. Why are we always told not lo mix old milk with new milk ? A. Mixing old mllk with new milk is not R .l[ood idea (except for Immed iate use) because the. bacteria which cause lhe titlale flavor increase in stored milk. even I~ .p11steurized milk in good storage con· d11tons. Thus, when you add old milk tG ~ew milk you are addinc a larger quan- tity of these bacteria. Q. What is the difference betwetn evaporated milk and condensed milk'! A. Evaporated mllk is made from homogenlzed whole milk. Over half of the w11ter in nuld milk ls removed in the evaporating pra«ss. The milk is sealed In cans and sterilized by heat. Condensed milk is evaporated milk •ith a large quantity of sugar added to It 'A'hl ch serves to preserve it. Condensed milk is used chiefly for desserts, canditS. and sRlad dressings. and is not recom- mended as • beveraae. ; ' ! ' .. ' .. i l ' ' ' . • • : • • • '· • ,, BREATH OF LIF E Hunling<on &>ach Fire De- partment inspector . Jan ~ndE:r instructs ~lrs. Rich· ar d Herme s in telhn1quE:~ of mr1uih·to-mouth re~u -­ citation, v.h1le daughter . .\ngel .l-Iermes looks on. ~!rs. Hermes \\·ill open her home fo r the first sv.·im- ming pool safety program. sponsored by Huntington Be ach Junio r \\"oman·s Club. Your Horoscope Tomorrow Virgo: Be T ruthf u I to Self THURSDA Y JUNE 2~ O\'ertlll~ 1r.ea-;.s r 0 i I 0 .... through o:-i hw'ch 0\ erCf.lfn' petty noUO!lS. St-big in trot By SYDSEY O~tARR St>Me. \\1\a! \OU '4 rJh· OO'Ji l'an 1be solar syst'm can sen·~ bear fru11 1n "rwar future. Ma gigantic clock. provuimg SAGITTA RJL"S ~So>. 22· the stop-and-go signals of our Dec. 11 1: You may be on right li\•es. \\"ha t llM' we make in track, bu1 ~ou are scattering tellmg our personal tune is up your efforts 1n too ma.":: d1rH> to us . Astrology i.s not tioos. Be 1ntcllec1ual!\" ci.1riou.; fatalistic. Free vdll does eiisL without being ""~"ti:>!ul. Don't ARIES l ~larch 2l ·April 19•· expand tr..>0 a u!C k)r Laughter multiplies at homt'. CAP RICOR..'\ 'De<'. ~.Ja n. Gloom is replaced by gaiety. 19 1 Your ;'•t :~enct· re-.er>t \" Don 't take your self or v&.en has bet'n !ned tu brE-ak1ng too serioush·. \\"ha\ has to be --- done is beu{g accvmphshed by efficient indJ\idual TAL RL:S 1Apnl 20-\lay 20 \: Good lunar aspect no\\' co1rr- cides \l'ith change ,·ariet~·. ex- citing intellec-tual experiences. A Canctt·bo rn ind1' idual is able 10 tickle your hmn:· borw'. GE.\fl.'il 1 \la,· 21 -..iune 2()1; AC"Ct'nl on mone·,. ~ou r ao:.n:; to protec: ,aJuables and sagac11y 1n obu.1n1ng \\'hat is required. Family member a~ pears to play prominent role. Be diploma1ic CA~CE R 1June 1:l·Ju)\' 22 \: Highlight sense vf gla.mour. B~ telling e,·erything. ~ou negate your ovon powers. Do \rhat must bf done in vour O\\TI indil'idualistic s t ,: I e . LEO /July 23-Aug. 22 1·· Ob- tain \"a/id hint from Ca»C'rr message. Backing )OU need "·ill be forthcoming. ~!ember of opposilr sex pays mean- ingful rompliment. Don"t start 5Clmethi,1g yoo can't finish . \1RGO tAug. 2..1-Sept. 22 1: IA)in! l !ang on. 1:~e :! en bE' romplaining about achir.g ~our side. One c!:xr;e to ~au feel Some ctuldren are btmg ma: IX' p . .tl'.rng ~OL to too dtopendent. Know whnl to diabohco.i test. \'au w 1 I l drav.· line sur\ l\ e ff' TODAY lS \' 0 t: R ,\QL'ARll!S IJan. 20-feb BfRTIIDAV ~ou surpr ise 1a 1· Pace has beftl such that many throogh your knov.·!edge you\·e recently neglected cf drama. theater. \'ou are f>~~l'flti a!s. Includes :: our what might be termed a hca!:h. bas ic ""nrk pa:terns. s~ret readtr Vour vu1ce is Get bac r\ on trac k in these probably mel!HJuous: your areas Stop foo!rng :-01.Jrself. manner, although diplomat.Jc, PISCES i Feh 19-\fareh 201 : can also be commanding. By Peop:e nov. commen: o:-i ~·our next month vou may be em· t>~es .,.•:::~e :ou Pf'rsonall y may barked upoo ·a nrw adventu~. _:._____:____~-'-~--~~ Life-saving Goals Adopted Stress ts on ho"' \OO ac- complish goats You don·t do so by leaving loose ends. Be truthful \.\Jth1n One you ad- mire "·ou ld return the com- pliml'nt if g1 •.-en the op- portun11~·. \lore tha!l ~ m,1,. in &1:·: Crocker coupois r.;,1 e oetfl collected b: th<> H unt?r.~c,n Beach J unior V..oman s Cl uh. The coupons. art on201n.;:: project for the group. v.1 ll be redeemed at the c:ene~a\ ,\llils Corp., ,\hnneapo!is fur tJ,rte d.a!" ~ -" :r (.r::.:-,~ = T. ~ ":1,.t:.,rt-~ .,;:c'.", '.>'· oor.a'.f1 :o t'."le A r: i f 1 c 1 ;i I l\1<lr1l·: F o o n d a I 1 o n of Cal1fc.rrl!a. Inc. Ga' d t· n <..;r'J\"t. \It~! be 1~a~d 10 u~\· p<L!ltl ·, f1Jr r,1,n\e us.t at 1r.e co~t .,f 51 p~:-:-l·<ir. ri<'r:t :-al \l.~:..S h.:i~ {·.\:C'ndr 1 J''> e-.;c •. ang£· dear!l.·.e ~o [)~-­ ~\ ~o ;;-,e H~n:.r.~·u:i Be alh orga;11..a:.0n \.\1!1 c',nt,n ue 1:s cri!"t::10n <f cvu~·,;.~. \'.rJ.. <;re.cc .\lr.'.at.>. p ro Jc cl t r.a,rma:i. v.!11 reee11e a'lr Cvil:J:a,r.s <it P .Q. J;..:.x JS•Jl, Jlu;.:.:-.~:0n Be;.ch. 9 ~ 6 4-;. J1.J'i.1"Jrs h"';>e to supp!:,· t""C'e mo~e t:12.C!'!1r.es 10 the iou::- da::rin. LIBll A iSept. 23·0cl. 22 1· A creati\·e friend 1~ trying to te!l .\"11 .•r,rnrt)'un~ Affe-cts carC'er, arnt.111r1n~. ul11rn;ite go a I~. .-\lo ng \.\ 1:~ the coupon er.I · lf'I•, .1~1de rJu1.n1oded concept.~. But Where's the Phone? Ject 1on. Jun!vrs \,·ill sr:ion~',r a ~trc~s ind<' per.den c e of Summer P<Yil Safet~ i•.-oi;r.1n1 U1• ugh!. ac:11on. .<\rti.~t (~loria Schumann. \\hO painted President :--·i xon·s inaiurural portrait. \\J!h ~.I r< Charlt's CJ DJ11'H:.I SCORP IO 10ct :?.1->or ~1 ' has done a portrait of !'ilartha ~1 1t chell. }.llss Schurnann savs >li"s. >titchcU bas hl·ad1ng th !.." commit'.fc. l ntu iu\·e intellt"l"t 11· v r ks t onsented to travel to >iuskogee. Okla. t his fall to receiYe. it. . """ !~{-<l.':l'! !~ \I hf'I (J\\·n S'.11fli· I ~:::::::::-=-==-=========-=-:-::::'.======--_: ____ ::_ ____ _:: ____ ..:========- ' .1 "· ' I min:: fl'·"·' \\11 '"'-"' 1nstruc'lli 1 ) .. .. , ' ,• . ON THEIR WAY -~l0rc lhan 3 million Betty ('rocker t:oupons arc ready for shipping. ('olle(ted by the !lun11n);!lon Beach J unior \\"ornan·~ ('\ub. the cou· pons v.·111 bro <:X <hanged for three hnrne cli ;,)\•1S n1<t rh1 l1 l'· ll~l'd b~' kidney pa- tien ts. l...oad1n g the tru ~k are 1 le~t to r1·~h l1 \h(· '.!n1 l'' .J••h n B;u·••n. c.xccu\1\C director of the .\rt1f1r1a! K1dnr) Foundation, 1;raec .\lmt!a.-a nd John Fianna· gan. i.1 1.;;a·~ .•;;i!·'" prer:1u'1•.1, .. 1 <ind l·:nergf'tlC\ prOC!'..'l!Url·~ .. l:"J «n~.1<.u.<;11.n, the Fl~" Dt ;.iart m1·~'! ''!II pre ~:"lt a' fl lrn. ·Tel· H:.-;-:1 of L1f» ·and an l.nur·l·,n;:; dt•rno1..c;tr;,:1vn l' • r l~r!r~g n1ourh · H• mr1uth re..susc1ta\1on. ·\I r~. Richard Hermes \1 1\l host a session at 1 p.m. ~lc•n·I da\', June 28. in her hon1e ;ind ~Ifs Roy Johnson v.·i!I open rer home for anot.heT" meetin~ Bl a la ter date. Junio rs are keeping 1>'1~·.-, during the summer. Tiu-~. assis ted the Huntingt on BC':tl·h Library in i:egistering ch1ld1 l .. 11 for the summer reading prr~ gram. \"olunteenng ser11r Ps ·were the ~I mes. Rand<Jl La:1· I o r d . education cha1 rm .1 n. l~ermes. :\lartin Price, Danif'l Drageset. Cod~· Erans and Richard ~!cDonald. A membership dri,·e v.ill be sta~ed throughout tht> sumn11·r1 t"ulm1nat1ng \\"llh a n1c1n· bership luncheon Aug. 19 and1 a series of orientattvn C'OffC'e"\ bt>ginn1ng Aug 30 Prospect 1•t' 1nembe:-s ll!l\ learn of 1hcl ~oals and achie\·ements of the I club 1 Folio\.\ ing the .June ml'P!111j'.! It wr.~ decided tha1 ii dl'C oralor bilzaar v.·111 !a~··1 pl11re Oct 9 and a f;ish111n 1 show will bf' st;igrd 111 I Th:crmber Thr group pliln s tul publ ish a 2;.th ;.ear ar1·1 nirt•rsary eookbook in the fall I Other proicc ts are :i ll ::!l1J1\N·n 11a~;1dr :i·.'''linJ,!I t'~t· fi rr d rp;irt1ntnl \\il h a l li•fU'f rif ll az;'.r d:. .1'1d stag111~ a ~liss Teenage Citizen con· test. ;>(' tffi:PJ'Z~./fl~f~~ .. ;· 7,lle~Y-oodO~ r 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA Try Chef Joe'• Hot Bar B-Q Chickens Pork Ribs Meat Loaf Maui.,~aui It's Real Tasty C ... 111-Sprinqfleld SLICED BACON 1 LI. Pll G. REF R IGERAT E D DELIVE RY SERVICE ' PHONE 67:1-8310 DELICIOUS Cantaloup ~ FLAVOR-FULL 2 LBS. 2 9c CACKLE FRESH EGGS 39¢ DOL Grade AA LAURA SCUDDER POTATO CHIPS Req . 7lc 1'1<9. ONLY 49¢ I FASHION ISLAND • SOUTH COAST PLAZA e FA SH ION SQUA RE 49¢ i..-----------w-'-'-'-"-'-"-'"-'-"'-•_"'-'o_•_'"-'-'..;o_u_•_"'-"-"-'------------'INEWPORT CENTER • COSTA MESA • SANTA ANA • • • • --.... IL -- HUNTI NG TON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH Wtdtw"\dat, Junr ?l, 1971 Brides' Month Filled \Vith Ceremonies MRS. PREPPERNAU PREPPERNAU-BROWN 1'1r. and 1'1rs. Grant \V. Brown's Costa Mesa home was the selling for the double r ing nuptials linking lhcir daughter, Sharilyn Dee Brown and Reid I. Preppernau. The Rev. G. S. Brown officiated. Given in marriage by her father, !.he bride wa s attended by her sisters, Mrs. Brian Plog and Miss · Julie Brown. Best man was Ray Kill· ingbeck. The bride is a graduate of Costa 111esa High School, at· tended Orange Coast College, the University of Hesjberg in Denmark and the Uni versity of \\'ashington. She now al· tends Ce n I r al Washington State College. Her husband, son of i\1r. and :r-.trs. Morley Preppemau of Shelton, Wash., is a graduate of CWSC and pre s e ntly teaches in the F.llensburg, Wash, School District. HINTON-BETIERIDGE Richard Willis Hinton or Cosla /o.fesa claimed J\fargaret J eanne Betteridge as his bride during rites performed by the Rev. John Donaldson ln St. John the Div ine Episcopal Church, Costa J\1esa. Par~·nls or the newlyweds are to.Ir. and r-.1rs. Richard Bet- teridge of Costa i\lesa and /o.lr. and r-.trs. Floyd Hinton of San- ta Ana. Atlendants v.'ere J\lrs . T. W. Willi<.1ms, 1nalron of honor, and the to.1isses Shawaee Hin· ton. Chrysta l Brookens and He ather Forsdick, brides1naids. Randy Minton was his brother's best man, and ushers were Scott Hinton, another brother. Williarn Bet- teridge. the bride ·s brother and Ti1nothy Williams. Both the brlde a n d bridegroom are a 11 e n d I n g Orange Coast College. They will reside In Costa Mesa . MRS . R. W. HINTON MRS. GARY PIERCE PIERCE-DUNCAN ner lo St. Anselm's Episcopal Church, Garden Grove. Of· !lei.ant '>''&s the Rev. Samlr Habiby. Serving as matron or honor was Mrs. Larry Geese, and other bridal attendants were Misses Honey Leas, Deborah Wanner, t b e bridegroon1·s si:oi:ter from New York. Demaris t.tarooni and Bon1!a Hix. Lisa and Laur a Sh!YJ>Owany, the bridegroom's cousins were nower girls. The bridegroom, son ()( to.tr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wa~r Jr. of New York, asked Bart y Aarons lo be his best rnan. Ushers were Bruce Tripp, Jay t.I e i e r de r c k . W illia m Shtypowany and T hom as 1'1arsh. The bride, a Fountain Valley chr.ngl:' for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjatnln T. Leland of H.usll1ngt.on Beach and the son of Dr. and Mrs. John C. Long ol Plainview, Tel, Maid of honor was !11iss Cor n elia Long. lht" brldegroorn's sister : best man was Hobert Cochran, and ushers Y1ere lhe bride 's brothers. Christopher a n d Jonathan Leland. TI1e bride is a graduate of \\'ashin~ton University in St. Louis . Her husband is a graduate or North\\·estern Univt>rsity and \Vashington University's ,.,1edical School. They viii! reside in Boston, DEVORE-REICH teacher, Is a graduate of Hun -r-.lr. and r..trs. Randy Lee hngton Beach lligh School and DeVort' are at hon1e 1n Arizona State U n iv e r sit Y Nt•wport Beach follow ing their v.·here she wa:oi: a tnember of wedd ing in N~·port Harbor Sigma Sigma Sigma, Lutheran Church and a San Her husband, who .attended Francisco honeymoon . Arizona State University, 15 The fonner Rebecca Reich, ""'as f!K'orted by her la!her to the £eremony conducted by the Rev. Koy Cescl:i. f.liss Karen Reich was her SL::ilet'.s maid of honor while al'IOlh('f sister, Mrs. Larry Langway, was a btidesma1d. Mr. and Mn>. Larry Kausch, sister and brother-in-law of the bridegroOrn, a!lended the couple as best man ;ind bridesmairl. Ush<'rs were Egon Reich Jr and Lang\\·ay, brother ;ind brother-in-law of !he brule. Mr. and r-.1rs. Harvey James OeVore of Laguna Beach ari: parents of the bridegroom. The newlyweds '>''ere award- 11·irming graduates or Laguna Beach High School. artended Saddleback College and lhe bridegroom is pre-law major at California Slate College al Long Beach. LEIER -HINE settrng '>''ht'n Christine Elaine. Hine betame the bridt' of Ray- mond Craydon Leier-. Parenl.'! of tht' <.'Qtlple are ~!r. and ~1rs. DonakJ i\1ertdHh Hine, fonner!y of Lido J.sle. now of Bronll'.11ille, NY., and Mr. and Mr!, ErnJ! Leier. Northndge. ,\Tis..-; Dianne Hine attended her si.sler as maid <Jf hon<Jr .and Stephen Schmidt was best man. Bridesmaids were l h e i\1isses Stefanie Button. Kim Bmwn, both cousins of the bnde, Pamela Cooper. J ill Esme Hamrin ancl Brooks Norris. Mark Upton, John Yaeenda. Jeffrey U 11 m a n . \Vi!liam Pittenger and Ray- mond Iacovelli '>''ere ushers. The newlyweds will reside in South Pasadena and continue their studies .at University of So uthern California. She was an honor graduate of Daycroft School in Connecticut and he served in the Army in Viet-serving with the Air Force. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pacif i c P a l isades stationed at Beale AFB. EgQfl lleich of Ne11-port Beach. Presbyterian Church was the nam. He just returned from a year's1i'o;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;•o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;,,;-;;;-;;;-.;;-.•••·-o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;; duty in Vietnam. 11 MRS. K. M. WANNER Silver Ann iversary Year LONG-LELAND War Brides NEW YORK (L'Pl) -There probably are some silver threads among the gold oow - only her ha irdresser know s for sure. But for certain, this is the year of her silver anni- veraary. She is lhe bride or 1946. one of a record 2 .. 1 mitlion girls who married the boys \Vho came marching home from World War IL As clooc lo 2 million girls prepare fo r marriage in the current year, it is interesling lo look back to find hov.· those World War ll and immediate post-war marriages fared. hO\V the war yean; cut into tradi· tions of the celebration. and how some couples h a v c observed their 25th wedding anniversary. In a sampling of the sil ver anniversary set. only 42 per- cent of the groun nf \\'<Ir brides had the \\-'edding thc.v'd dreame(j of. and almost ha lf the bridegrooms. 48 percent, V.'ere in the service al the time, Even though t1110-lhirds of the brides survryed had a church wedd ing. only 40 Pfr· cent wore the traditional grrwn and veil. ~fare likely, they were wrd In infonnal drt>ss. which meant padded shoulders. spike hei'ls and ankle str;ips. Their movie. heroes were Clark Gable and Robert Taylor and ''Dee p P u rple '' and "Stardust" were their favorite TAKE THE NEWS QUIZ We D•re You .. _ Every S•turd•y ~fu~ BIDTIQUE WATCH FOi DUR GRAND OPENING -SOON! • We will do more than sell knit fabrics S-T-R-E·T-C-ll & SEW opens a whole new wo rld of gewing w ith knit fa brics for the ''fashion conscious'' woman. Young or old, beginne r or expert, there's a day or eve- n ing S-T-R-E-T-C-1-I & SEW class designed to fill your needs and "style" interests. Add a little zest to your life. E xplore the w ide s&- lection o f knit fa brics (pla ins. stripes, prints, or coordina te s). You will find real cus tomer- inter est a nd fa bric knowledge by our .. li- censed'' inst ructors and sales girls. Call Today For Class Information 64S-5120 Out1tandlng Knit fabrk1 S·T·R·E·T·C·H & SEW FABRIC CENTER 2121 Wtstcliff Orlvt • Corner 17th & lrvlnt (neirt to Coco's) N 1wport Beach • Co1ta M11a OPEN EVERY DAY SATURDAYS SUNDAYS 9 A.M. 1til 9 P.M. 10 A.M. 'Iii 6 P.M. 12 A.M. 'til 5 P.M. WIGS HUNDREDS SALE PRICED FROM to chooH from CUSTOM STYLING FROM $3 .00 • SHAGGY WIG (Teviron) • DYNEL SHAGGY WIG • GYPSY (Tevirun) • ELIZABETH (Show Girl Yf1g) WJtli fllh ~. -•••14 nlle .. l.t-,.. tM ncftl., "'""' nlcll c.-hi ,._,. T.-rir" Sw1rW1k sa.....,, D•tc• a.y, oM """' ,. .. 11y. T•"'''•• Sllllfty, .,,.., • .H Dmll loy • .._ .,.. M'W "¥ .... eMI ..,., '°"•'-· wllkll ........ -dflpt.,... '--tllew r--. ,,._. .... ., _.,.,hi"',,_ "4 LOOI AT •lftlr foM•ric ...-."-Mhft. We dlfl 11pply le• tt-"'Y .t H11111n H .. H/T W M/T WI ... C_ .... AU• ,.,h, -" Wlflets. All 1.ieri -..,.....,._ ., _., tt ... A ... elwo -,._. fucy 1 J ollltdt• 9f 1,.1.i..... TOU MUST VISJT OUI STORI TO A,.llCIAll SUCH •.t.NTASTIC $AWINGS J OA!l 'f PILOT 35 GOODWILL Industries GOOD WILLY sEz, Th• kid1 are out of school •gain for summer vacation and, a1 u1ual, they're wearing out their clothes f4'ster th4'n you can buy them. Why not try shopping ~t " Good- will Retail Store for their summer clothe• -and yours! 590 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa Open Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9 till 5:~2479 Your Dollar Buys More At The GOODWILL STORE BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESS s3590 fOA M l FEA THEJ PILLOWS 2 ... s349 WOMEN'S DRESSES 79~. BABY MATTRESS s99s MEN'S PANTS 59c.79c AMD UI" MEN'S SHOES s1.ss .. HARDBACK BOOKS 29¢ ' .. Please Use These Booths In Your Neighborhood c.11 646-2479 For Pickup 5-rvlce . ' . ... -. I • #f DAIL Y PILOT 1 • . • • • • Dad's TV Watching Becomes Nightly Repeat Performance , ' : DEAR ANN LANDERS · Pita.st: teU me ,, what should bt done about a man v. ho 1 has the following TV habil.s ~ He looks al the paper and decides what ~· he will wa tch ror the e1·ening. He oe1•er ~ consult! anyone-a! to what tbe.y might ;. , want lo &ff. After he has made his ~ choice, he .tetUts back and within 10 :; minutes he is sound asleep. If anyone ~-tries to change thf' channel. he wakes up :; immediateJy and yells. "Leave 1t alone " ~ In hve minutes he is asleep again. ,, Frequently the show he .seleclS ends ~·a nd another show conies on whfle he 1s ~ r;noring his head off. I( he 11.·a~es up $ during the new show and sees 1ha1 we ,. are all enjoying ii. he changes 1 h e ~ channel. In lO minutes he is asleep again. ' "' Any advice , Ann? The whole family will be looking for yoor answer -TURNED OFF OEAR TURNED: A guy like tbal t•an rive a family ulcers .. o\ secood TV Is <'he11per. I suggest you buy one . DEAR AN'N LANDERS I am writing th1 ~ letter for e\•ery son or daughter v.·ho ha.~ not spoken to h1~ or her parents for a v•hile. I don 't mean because they ha ve been negligent about visiting or calling. I mean because U~y have h•d tomt kind of disagreement or fight and are not on speaking terms. My older brother haa not spoken lo l\.1om and Dad for nearly five ye1r1. ~1om is 77 _ Dad is 79. How much lonier they y,•i!J live is anybody's gueas. It just kills n1e lo see Mom waiting for a bu! ltss than a block from my brother's hou.,e . I know her heart must ache when she walks by and know s she is not welconie. I should tell you that the trouble betwttn my brother and the rolks l! 1nostly because of nly brother's wife . She is l strong person and what ahe says goes. It 's hard lo live with a woman like that and I'm certain my brother'• life Isn't eiuy, but I think a son should not allow such a thing to happen. Ple:tse tell me what you think, Ann. 1 respect your advice because you try to be fair to both sides. -SYRACUSE. N.Y. DEAR SY: I dou 't cart what b1pptoed between your brother's wife and his parents. A son should not cut bis aged mother aixl father out of his lift. If there is trouble bttween a wife 11od her ln·law1 1be oeed not vi1Jt tbem, but your brother SHOULD lnsl1t that hl1 pa rents be welcome bi. bl.a ho me -and be should 10 to &ee tbem periodically wlt!:out htr. Old folkt are somelimes boring, de11111ndLn1, DON')', bos1y and trylna. If sud!. la the caae, lbtlr children can see them lnfrequenUy, Bui le 1h11t them out completely la un1peakably cruel. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our son is marrying a fine girl who comes from a family that has nothing. The girl's mother called yesterday and asked me to send a list Ctf oor relatives. "Only close." she said. "No cousins." I asked about friends . She said she i5 sorry -they must stay v.·ithtn a llmited budget. .. No fr iendJ." 1 asked 1f we could pay for the extra guests ourselves. She s.aid, •·No . We will have ooJy wttat we: can afford." Al1n, we: are very disappoint~. What should we do? -YONKERS DEAR YONKERS : Abide by lter wls,e1 •nd bt gr1clo1J1. l..ater yoa ca1t give a rtcepllon or diuer aad lavlte anyone you plea1r. Alcohol is M shortcut to social suettss. If you think you have to drink to be accepted by your friends, get the facts. Read "Boote and You -For Teenaatrs Only," by Ann Landers. Send 35 cents in coin and a long, self-addressed, st.amped envelope with your request in care ot the DAILY PILOT. ~ } ;.,' .. f.'<:. .- '~ ,:.. Y'~\ ~ . . . f.· r· :.~ .. Effects of Summer's Lull Being Felt ~ ~ .. 'It~ .,.-,~~·. ~: ~ ~fi'tt~·· ~ I ·~r • ' Orangr Coast ;;rea club members 11re getting together to salute successful projects and hear mus i c 1 I en- tertainment. ~ 1 ..... ...-. '*-~ ~· ~ ~ :: ;; "-~ ~ v, :-;, f J Alta Bahia Alla Bah i a C-Om- mitteewomen or the. Orange County Philharmonic Society and their husbands are invited to a Haw1iial'l-style cocktail party in the Raymond Dostas home Friday, June 25. ~ ~ P!~ The summer evening event will include introductions of newl y eldected officers , the I-Imes. David Ch ambers, chairman: Paul Queyrel. \l ice chairman: William Etchison a nd Kennet h Smith, secretaries: Elliott Perkins. treasurer; Morgan Quinn and J. i\1a son. pro,rams, and Robert Wolf, pubhcity . ~: r. '· ~: ~: ' ~ . ~­~ ' I I , • .. ' • • ' . .-• • ~ t~ f ' .-! ~. ,, '· -· Mothers to Switch Hits Fou ntain \'alley Little League mothers Mrs. Larry Carroll (le ft} and t-.1rs. Art \\1hite kno1v the pop and hot dogs they sell at baseball games are popular bul on Saturday. June 26. they \l.•ill be hosting the sixth annual sem iformal bene· fit ball in Ca rpenter's Hall. Huntington Beach . Proceeds from the end-of-sea- .son party. starti ng at 8 p.m, v.·ill go 101\·ard the ne1v Snack Shack, ex tra equip- ment and field maintenance. '0 SUMMER J) fUMWl1# FOR ONLY $750 ~ MUSIC 0j Children lear11 111111ic nnd l1n c e I•••• ~';i"~-~ 111 4 weftly o,.._howr cloa1 1•1110111 chlldr•11 ploy whar 1t-om to ba 1\mplt, onJovtible 9arnn wilh 1011111161 of 1K1t11rt, tM so1111d1 of our me· cho11lcot 090, wltll '''ordl1191 011d 1lmplt rhyftim in1tr11mo111._ 1111 tM 9omr1 h••• o p111po1e. They',e olm.d ol d•Y•lopl"' lht mu1k ol htttr- ''" and ral•11ts of lh• <hlldr•n. Th• •nrollm-111 fe• ol S7.50 •111111•1 your <hlhl lo hl1 re11boo.!i. retard. 011d four w .. klv <la~. "LITTLE MUSIC LAND" oges 3-1 0 Aln1ost Reads YAMAHA s~~~gL 109 E. 18th, COSTA MESA 1 hr. clostiH p•r wnk-or11i11t or ofter110011 Eve1·yo11c The Xi Mu Mu Mr. and Mrs. Fr a n k Stoltenberg of Garden Grove will host a steak roast and swim party at 6:30 p.m. Satur- day, June 28, lo salute lht suc- cess of the Strawberry 1''estiva l booth run by the Xi Mu b1u chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. At the last meeting of the chapter year. Mrs. Arthur Rambo of Fountain Valley was honored for her 2 5 . ye a r mem bership. Beta Sigma Phi Delta Delta Kappa members will g;:ithcr in th{' Paul Stanley residence, Huntington Beach, at ,8 p.m. Saturday. June 26. for a buffet dinner celebrating Antiques To Return Art nouveau and 11 rt deco items fron1 the J920s will be shown with n o s I a I g i c memorabilia fron1 preceding eras during the fourth Ant ique Show and Sale in !he Anaheim Con1·ention Center. w h 1 ch opens tomo rrow and ends Sun· 1 day. June 27. Show hours lhe first three days wlll be I to 10 p.m. and 1 on Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. I Eighty leading a n I i q u e dealers from the coontry will j exhihit sculpture, c I o c k s, theater relics . Americana,1 music box es. fine porcelain .I jewe lry. furniture, dolls, toys1 and international artwork . Newspapers deliver massive coverage of ALL occupation groups each weekday OCCUPATION OF HOUSEHOLD HEAD Professionals 88% Managers 91 Cleri cal, Sales 85 Craftsmen 80 Other Manual .71 Farmers 70 Newsp•pers r11ch, in-depth, into all occup1tion groups every day, as this 9rtph i"di- cates. But what should be even more intere1tin9 to advertisers is the hi9h precent19• of m•nt9ement, professional end other hi9h-selary-earnin9 types who read a newspa- per every day. They make more money , travel more, buy more, set the standards for others to follow. If you want to play "Follow The Leader," advertise in some other medium; if you went to feed the le1der1 put your message wher e he'll re ad it ..• with us, the new spaper. the first birthday of tht-ir Beta Sigma Phi chapter. Busincs..<.: n1eelings will resume 111 September for J\1rs . Norman Be.ko's Lerm, L!fe Begins Tcr day. Accountants Chris Hamilton ?.1illett , one of the few women criminal lav.·ycrs. will tell how law relates to lhe professional v.·oman v.·hen the Orange County Chapter of the American Society of \\l'omen Accountants meet tomorrow. Also on the agenda of the Brides Go Informal 6:30 p.m. session al Jolly Roger Inn, Anaheim, is the in· stallalion of officers. The Mmes. Arvld Smith. F'loyd Christman and Jay Scherer represented the local chapter al lhe state convention. for membtrs of the Emm.:i Sa nsom Chapter. U nited Daughters of the Confeder11cy. Election of officers will be cond1JCted. Twirleybirds Daughters T wi r leybi rds Square Music Featured On Menu Dancers will sponsor begin· Mrs. J_ D. Spennelta will ners classes each Sunday from open her Villa Park home at 2 to S P·'\!· in the Fountain noon lomorrow for the closing Valley Mobile Estates Reerea- NEW YORK (U PI) -111 a potluck luncheon of the season lion Hall. ~urvey, the 27 percent oflj~~~~g~~~~~~~£~~~~~~~~~~ young brides v.·ho op t for an informal wedding said they\ VJBGIJ\YJA 'S did so for lhese reasons : SNIP 'N ST ITCH SHOPPE financial. lime and fus~. 33 34' E•st Coait Hwy. e Corona dal Mar They either didn't have the Phon • 673 .8060 money for a large wedding or, if they had, wa nted to spend it on something else. The time neces5ary to plan Stars of the forthcoming for a large wedding was not production "Music Man." Art available. The younj! brides l Lund and Cass Daley, wi ll al· were turned off by the pros- tend th~ Lyric Opcra.Associa· pcct of all the fussing that lion of Orange County previc111 goes on in connection with a l' dinner party at 6:30 p.m. Fri· large or formal wedding. day. June 25, in El Adobe ---- resta ur ant , San Juan Llng•rl• Capistrano. 11.o'* Lund will have !he title role and Miss Daley will be seen as r-.1 rs. Shinn, the ma.vor 's wife, during the Laguna Beach Irvine Bow I perfom1ances Sept. 10. tr , 17 and 18. rcpoits Dr. Lester Ludlol'o', opera president. Also attending the dinner v.·ill he Cris Timm 0 n s. 1737 E. Co~•I Hi9hw•y Coron• do! M•r-Ph, •7J-t,50 direclor·choreographer for the 1 SCHOOL'S Summer Fun OUT Begins! Come i" •11d e i'too11 from our 9 re1t 1eletlio11 of p•i11ted •c•ylic1 •nd j1r1ey1 for b,1h;n9 1uih •nd il1ifh. Loh of ltrry cloth too for nt"' tu.ch tow•I• •nd you mi9hl Ii~• • fu" covet·"P ol t yelt! o• I tee , .• Or how ebou! • lltetch lt rr'f Jump1uil t fit, • cool 1wim. For tl.011 n1edif!9 e wact tion w1•drob1 w• li1v1 111letlion of polyo1ltr ~nih 111d drip dry colton• tummer colori. w.-11 b1 happy lo help you find ptHern •f!d f,b1 ic1 lo fit your fr e,.el neto'1. Soe Yeu Soo11 ! JACKIE • terrific in bri,lit lht ri9ht P.S. 811!1 911011! In bright colo" 111d red, wllit1 1 blu• combl111tion 1 -p1ic1d ri9ht 11 $2.50 lo $4.00. e IANJlAMlll.ICAll.D • MA.STiit CHAIUil •&•nkAmld(Ord •M~1!1r Ch~r91 show; David Hubler, con-1~;;;~"~'~";';• ;'•;•~··~·~'~'~"~'"~"~iij~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~ ductor; Jan Ritchel, music director; Michael Devine, pro...1- d"Clion designec. and Bill KIRK JEWELERS Barbe, costume designer. J\lr . and Mrs. C. Sidnev .Johnston oF Laguna Niguel and Col. and Mrs. Herring franklin, Costa Mesa. are co- chairmen of the party. COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH TIMEX REPAIR Authorized Orange County SALES AND SERVICE SALE THE NEW MILL END YARDAGE SHOP FIRST QUALITY yard•g• at OLD-FASHIONED LOW PRICES. W• buy in larsie quentitie1 di· rectly from r•ady-to-w••r manufacturers. Print1 and solid c.olor1 in poly•1t•r woven fabric1, polyester knits, polyester chiffons, voll•s, 100°/o cotton acrylics and bleR4b. W•lcom• to The Mill End Shop! lfTAIL WALUI U.\.I PR.ICE llTAIL YALUI WOILIES -Lk,ht 011d dork '1111• itolk• doh, •s .,. polyost« 59c JS% COfte• Sl.10 ytl. YD. POLYISfllt CHIFFON Lorg1 ll'ilrlffy 111 potffll SI .JI ylf. SEPTEMlll IN J UN IE JllSIY PllNTI SJ.00 ylf. 69c YD. IUMMll POLYISTll DOUILI KNITS fO" .tM 1.,,0,, .... tMy Ll111l1H 9.-tl,.,. flit, ''wttllf ti-" of l\e .,.., ., PM rltht prlcu ..• 011tsteetlhtg ceRectl•11 of be11d.tl fo~lu 9114 f•ll ""'-•· Pl•I*• cMdl• -4 Nllllll col•rs. S4.00-Sl.OO .,.i. 1.00 YD, .........., .. .,, t.dlle• c•l•n I~ -'""· .. "'-1014, t•lfftt '"· checehrff bf•-· • ..,,., c•Mel, cr ... liMn'y, lllGHT HAWAIIAN ACRYLIC Pll.INTS SOLID COLORS IN 61 •.• POLYISTll/JI.,.. conoN wt.It.. Oll'OC:ed•, t •l4, "'--· .,, .. "-· lltht bl•, •d '-leek. Sl.00 yd. 3.99 YD. er l yeNfs fer SIOOO Sl.00 rd. 99c YD. SJ.GO yd. 89c TD. LININ WUYI IN 10~ POLYllTll/ 50% COTIOH S2.00 ~ A!\SDUID LININGS ANO COTION IATISTIS llt ~, tf •olltl c•l•n Sl.10 y4. conoN PIQUE P•INTS N•• f_,.1011 prl1tt1 fro111 l•Gllilf119 dfftl 11101tuf9tl11~ Lo"19 fl•r•h •d tooll!Ofriu.. SJ.00 .,.,. eonoN PRINTS l lt Mloc.rlo11 te 1111t ny tot,. •• color c•mbl...il••· Sl.00 y4. 49c YD. 29c YD • 1.29 99c PD. HOURS : Monday through S•turday 9 :30 A.M .• S:30 P.M., Sund•Y 11 :00 A.M •• 5:00 P.M. 234 Broadway, Laguna Beach, California ' • • ·! •' . ... ::, ·-· . . ,. ,. '· ~ ,. :::; ~~ :: ' ·-:.· " • : . . . . •, .· . ) , . ... ·: '• ~: ., WITH SALLIE SPRING SK/000 . , COMr-.tON SUi11~1 E R Eiccitingest b a r b e q u e ne"s lo hit the patio circles is the grand entrance of the gas-fi red Weber ..• The W e b e r , renowned for covered kettle cooking to do beauteous beef roa.s ts a11d turkeys v.•1\hout a spit in ha!! !he limE" it takes lo do 1hen1 in the o\'en .. Sef' this new barbeque queen in lhf. Gounnet Cellar. R 1 It shop . _ Come s with v.•hee!s for ea sy pushing and a long \'ery flexible gas hose line • • All you need is lava roc ks and gas. If in- stallation v.·orries arise, a tank of butane is the easy a.ns\rer. After dunking, \Yrap your- .elf in luxury ... Fie!d- cresrs thirsty bath sheets, 1o enfold you in sbades of anybody's favorite color .• Bath Shop. Candles .. Citronella is the onl y sure fire to do a~·ay \\."ilh flies, moths or mosquitoes . , Citronella is stunningly en- cased in a hurricane lamp with sta ined g!as_, effects and blr.ck wrought iron .• Sr-.100TH OUT COOKING \VORRIES • _ .in lhe Delicatessen 1i1 ost popular r a v or i le , Barbeque pork loin ribs. We ~tress the loin because there is a diff ere n ce between spare ribs and loin ribs _ . J!"s called meal . . lots or it .The barl>eque <:hickeM have a secret polpourri or spices inside .. the delicate fl ?.vor brings you back for more tomorrow. 'T'he m e n u changes every da y .. Savory ham loaves. w i I h rounds ol pineapple on top _ . Spicy Veal Parmigiano, stuffed C.Ornish he n s Jusciow v.·ith gravy .. A delicatessen iz a delightful change from your own cook- ing •. WondrOWJ bean salad _ . ready baked creamy custard .. Roquefort dress- ing .. tinr peas and onions . . . Hal meals, whole meals, one !lpecial dish _ • The deli has it aU. MEAT IS KING CHOICE AND PRIME .. , "fl.1y tastes are simple. I only want the very be.'!t." Littlt half pound flowers of ground sirloin _ . _ Ground beef, ham- burger ready, in perfect 1'4 pound round patties .. with or without 4 slices of cheese . . . ground chuck or ground round in easy half pound squares .. and lamb patties p2.ckaged 4 to the pound .. \\lhy not hamburgers for a change .. Put tv.·o patties logelhe r. spread mustard in the middle v.·ith ketchup. wrap· a piect of ba con aroun d the outside, you 've \\'hipped up a feast. 7..acky Farms very extra fresh. California gr ow n thickens _ . Legs of larnb , . see the U.S. Prime goveon· mcnt st:>.mp every 3 inches up and down ... Genuine milk led veal for lender cutlet!. scallopin i, Cordon blue. Beef steaks, prime ribs, ,.,·ith the delicate marbeling or fat running all the way through. This fat is your assurance of ten- derness ,.,·ith extra good beef navor ... Look at the fat around the outside .. sno..-'Y white and firm, met iculously trimmed ... Trim ll off after cooking if you'\'e got calorie pang.s, bul e90k ~·ith it on for taste. BRUNCHES, SNACKS AND HORS O'OEUVRES , •. Big zpicy slices of pizza bread , . Beginning, a fluffy round loaf o f Sheepherder a1 only the bakery can bake it ... Voura to ~re and warm in the oven _ . Everybody rips off their own piece. German 1pple fritters -• big gorgeo~ pieces of raised donut dough ril led with chunk& of app!ez 2nd raisins \ldlh cinnamon 1wtmmin& N'Ollnd -. Ah food ror the. mood you 're in, and fixings for lhe lezy days of summer . - Richatd'1. the P t o p I e Store. Newport Beach .. - FlomerSbom SUMMER BEAUTY CARNATIONS All fresh, lovely Colors. Rog. $4.00 do" 1.49 COZEN PHONE 673~3W FOR HOME DELIVE RY PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 24, 25, 26, 27 IN OUR DELIVERY AHA F LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVO.ATTHE ENTRANCE TO LIOO ISLE Or~n Serenades for your pleasu re by Bernice Fay SUIRIR6P GbiGk6R COLD OR HOT ··· GREAT EATING. (DELECTIBL E FOR DIET-WATCHER S, TOO) Califo rnia ch ic ken is best there is! And that's the only kind we have! Plump . fresh , succ ulent . Chickens raised in other states a re sh ipped in ice with pr e- servatives, which often affects the delicate fl a vor. They cost less, but we think only the be st is good enough for you. SUMME R CHICKEN-JUST ONE OF THE REASONS IT 'S NICE TO SHOP AT RICHARD'S meats \'ftd11r1d11. Junt 23, 1971 Bakery BRAN MUFFINS Cracked Whe at BREAD APPLE DAN ISH Pa stry ProOuce OAJLV PILOT • 7 6 for 69¢ 51¢ 6for 31 ¢ 2 for 31¢ ZACKY FARMS HAS TH E FRESHEST CALIFORNIA CHICKENS NO PRESERV,ATIVES TO M AR THE DELICATE FLAVOR SUMMER SPECIAL! LUSCIOUS, LARGE, RED, RIPE WHOLE BODY FRYERS StuffH wHh •c•show· 39~ rice stuffing and brai1e. LB. CUT-UP FRYERS SPLIT BROILERS Season baked chicken with lemon and mint! Rub with Tarragon Butter •nd broil LARGE ROASTING CHICKENS 'For Fricassee CHICKEN BREASTS CHICKEN LEGS Ser ve with flaming Bing Cherri•' Great for Chicken Taryaki CHICKEN WINGS Succulent ,.;th Cockl•H• GIBLETS LIVERS Bar-M BACON Regul" or Th;ck Sh<ed FRYING RABBITS Somoth;ng • nttlod;ff•'9nl! Savta with onions and apples STUFFED Mari nated Ducklin gs ROAS TING CHICK EN 59c ". '/1 STUFFED Plu, Squ•bi, Ph11,ant1 a nd Turk•y,! GAME HEN 59c ••• 49¢LB. 49P la. 59 ¢Le. 98P Le. 79¢lB. 49¢L B. 89~ 69¢L B 98¢LB 98c LI. Delicatesse n Fro3en FooO s C &W A WEIGHT-WATCHER'S SPECIAL ! Chinese Pea Pods KNUDSEN FARMER STYLE OR LOW FAT COTTAGE CHEESE PINT 37¢ C&W Whole Baby Carrots From th. "Speghetti Bender" in N•wport-Pepe loren10'1 C&W Petite PEAS Original Italian Dressing C:.. 59¢ Dole Pineapple JUICE JUICE Mis ' W isc onsin Shredded Dole Pin eapple-Grapefruit CHEDDAR CHEESE • oz . 39¢ Dole Pineapple-Orange Juic e ALEX TACO SHELLS Shanghai WON TON SOUP 1 J C•Ylllf 45¢ Shangh ai Sweet & Sour Beef Alex Taco Season ing Mix ''" 01. 19¢ Shanghai Al mond Chicken KRAFT SLICED SINGLES American or Swiss 12 oz. 69¢ Knudsen ICE· MILK NEW -AN EXTRA SHOPPING DAY NOW YOU CAN BUY ALL THESE GREAT WEE KEND AD SP ECIALS ON SUNDA Y, TOO ! PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI .. SAT. ANO SUN. 60Z. 39¢ 10 oz. 29¢ JO Ct. 39¢ • oz. 6 for $1 • oz. 6 fo r $1 • 01. 6 for $1 14 02. 49 ¢ 14 oz. 79¢ 14 oz. 79¢ t/1 GAL. 49~ CHERRIES LB. 39~ F~SH, TENDER, YOUNG, BOS TON Butter LETTUCE IT'S POTATO SALAD T1ME! WH!T E ROSE POTATOES 5 LBS. 19¢ GREAT FOR SUM ME R COLE SLAW CABBAGE 6toceries M .J.B. COFFEE LB. 79~ M.J.B. COFFEE M.J .B. COFFEE 1 ll. J LI . 1.57 2.33 PLEASANT WITH SALA DS or BEVERAGES-SUNSH INE OYSTER Cracke rs 16 oz . 39¢ Knudsen Lo Bon BUTTER l LI. ALL FLAVORS . PILLS BURY CAKE MIXES ••tMlor Si1• HEINZ KEG 0 KETCHUP JJ CI. MARVELOUS WITH CHICKEN ... M.J.B. RICE MIXES 6 oz. S He11ors-Beef, Chicken, New Orleens , Herb a11d Butter or Fried Pompe ian OLIVE OIL FOR THE KIDS' LUNCH-S & W APPLESAUCE 15 oz. S & W MARINATED • oz. 83¢ 3for$1 49¢ 4 FOR $) 49¢ s FOR$) MIXED BEAN SALAD ,,.,.oz. 3for $1 S& W Cut Green Beans ,, oz. 4for $1 S&W Cream Style CORN 11 OL 4 for$1 • S&W Whole Kern al CORN 1• OL 4for$1 S & W DARK REC KIDNEY BEANS 15 '/• OZ. 6 FOR $) S&W Me dium PEAS 17 oz. 4 for $1 S&W Stewed Tom atoe• 1• 0 %. 4 for $1 S & W SLICE D CUCUM BER PICKLES 11 or. 4for$1 l BLEACH t-"REX y, GALLON ~~MARK ET HOM E & GI FT SHOP LI DO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHO E REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS c:•r_.~ u~ IL y 9-"I, !>UN. ,_, O PEN OAIL Y 9-b OPEN O~ILY, 9.6 SUN. 10.J DAILY 9·5:l0. SA!. t .5 OPEN CAIL Y 9·6 DAILY l :lO -b, SA!. l :l0-5 I I H_ OAll \i PILOT _____ _ Cooking Enthusiasts Trade Vegetable, Desser t Classics DEAR :\AS: I otver mb:s ,·our roluma and ha\'t quilt a ~Ct•P boo1 t1f clippings from IL l.11 readlaJ: your pot11t'.I dumpling rttipt I rttalled oar my Grrman dad likrd to much. ~lakr!I 1 good Du1ch-0\'C'D pot roast sea so~d "'ith onion, bay Ital. • bil of allspict. Or )'OU may drop lhr.m into s1utrkraut, 111•\rutrs -Or rib!>. just so lhtrt is enough liq uld f'.lr thr last hi:ill hour. Gralt 6 uopf'tltd polat~~-Drain otfl all liqu id hut Sll\'t' ii. l\1 gratrd pot111oe~ add I 1·up 1nashtd pol:HOtS. 1 lra~poon 'alt and '• lf'aspooo ptpptr. Pour tbr cltar "'attr oU thr rtstt\'td liquid, add 'ol'halt \er 5larrh has settlrd 10 thr bot- LET'S ASK THE COOK by N1awt., tom .. II.Ii~ in roough nour i>:i !hr mixturt dotsn'I stltk lo ~our fingers. RoU Into Jll inch dun1pliags. aboul I rounded tablespoon. Drop into the roast liquid or vo'balt\'tr. CO\'- er an d cook 5lowly lor about hall aq hour. Don't peek e\·en once! This makes about a dozen ii nd lht ~amt recipe can be fr ied as patties by adding an egg in plact of the flour. Ua\'ing the potatoe~ unpeeled gi\'es a much tastier product 1\1 RS. 00\ALI) II. BISHOP, LOS ASGELES I arn eraZ.\' about German potato panca kes but I don·! u~e any rnashed potatoes in mine They come out lhin, ver_v crispy and so good il's Impossible to stop with one . For all their ordinary in- gredient s they are a true gourmet treat although I kno"' that if an)'one e\·er called my grandma a "gourmet .. when she did these she would have taken the brOOm to thrm with a snappy .. , am not' rm ~ Luth£"ran··· (;rate 6 large potatoes- roarse!y. Drain quickly and \l,TLng them out in a to .... ·el lo get nd ot ;;ll c~tes~ 1no1~turf' Add 2 weU beaten eggs. aboul 1 '-.t table.spoons flour, '• Lea- •poon baking poy,·der (option- al J add J I,~ teaspoons salt. I like a li ttle grated onion stir- red in. Drop by spoonful~ 1nln ~. inch of hot fat. Turn to bro\.\·n on bo1h sides. 1n1~h1rr until ~ugar dlssolvf'o; AtJd 1 cg<'!abli·s dn(.! lJoil 10 m1nufl•S or until barely tendc; 1-'a<'k hnL into hot 1ars. llr111 l1qu1tl to b1oll1ng and pour .. rer p<irked Jars at once Seal 1111· n1Pdi:1tt·I\ Don '1 ::>11bst11ut1· mixed pickling spices for \host' ealled for here. They darken the cauliflov.er ----- • !)~Alt /\A~: !Jo yvu have thr recipe for th" Qld original ·· PlneHpple lip side 11 o w n <.:ake?'" I mean the c111e y,·ith no short('ning in the baiter und plrnlt' Qf the t·a r3m('I saucr th at SQaked ~a~ in to the cul;t'. It ~·as made in a big skilltt. r.?l a squarr pan likt .other5 I have seen. It was the best can ~79.1400 f,,. loco!~ ol itOt"t _... ,._. Call coll•<! ii 1ol . _ • Rump Roast Jl.HC:Y 1i..o.vo~n.Jl i.;f•_ 050 .. C:HOIC!. Wl'lt IN Fresh Ground Beef thing c\rr. Thr llllCb I lry puy, art• no"h1.•rl' r11':1r as gootl c;1-:1·:c;t:E "'ELL..IO;. OALL,\S, TEXAS If I wound up 11·11h the last copy of rhat cake in the ll"Orld I w1<uld gu<1rd JI with a pair of orner)' lions. That's the kind I wed to make when my youngsters were llllle, they fll;'1 er got tired of 1l \\l haterer \\JS left \hey fou~;ht Ol"er at next n1orn1n1fs breakfast. r ou do have to llke plenly of that lovely so<1k-1n goo . not 1us! a puny little g1a1.c. So hcrl'·s hu11 ln a htJ\) 9 or !O 111th skillet rncll • ! cup ~ 1 sticlq butler or n1argarine 01't'r low h+'<JL Take fro m ra11gc. ::.l1r in :! cups bro"n :sugar packed. ,\lb: ;ind spread e\·cuh :'\0\1' lay a riog of dr;;1netl pineapple shces on to11 of that. Sepilrate 3 eggs. In a large bow l beat the yolk.s till light and smooth. Add I eup wh1\I.' sugar along witb •,.cup rescrvPd p~neapple juice and l tea.spoon vanilla, Boneless Round ~.::::· '1'! Top Round Steaks ~~ 'I '! Ground Round ·::::: 95' ·~~~~ CHUCK 55 ' @®STEAKS • lira1 till sugar is w e 11 dissolved. Silt luge! her 11 , cup !!our. 1'7 !t·aspcon baking powder and 1 ~ lCHSf)j.1un saltf Stir into the t·gg mixture. Beat the 3 egg white~ till they hold peaks Fold gt>nlly· into th~ first mixture Pour-ov(·r the f!'u11 Bake at 3W-37~ tor 3.1-4:'! n11nutes. I , :::: =:BEEF STEW i 89 ~ 59 ~ CfN!f~ CU1 01 7 M)Nf IJ~A CHOICf NH Chuck Roast Boneless Roasts 57~ 35c : ,. ... IJ<.I..-·.~! 7~~ I :::. .. v::-' $A::,;"' 1 Dool.-• -,.., <"'"""' l ' ' I <-·-~'--."-·""•""'· ~ I '-"'"·'-'""-•-•~<-Q l----~-~-----~- TAN HAWAIIAN TANYA SUNTAN LOTION OR Oil 2.oz. SIZE ANTISEPTIC 99c LISTERINE MOUTllWAIN \4.0Z. BOTILE 77c {Y/o/N/Slij it.tjj lll1l1l1l :Jifl@ Creametl Spi11ch •••ol 01 1.c1~. 331 Blsnnicll 11nY cRocKER ii1-i ~~~QUICK I ii.,; •. ~' of o;"'""' ~I\ ot. ....., d'f Bo•1r1g1 'IV to';( a in .4. Sing/1 Box us ually start the cake at 375, then when it starts tn broy,·n nicely I swing back to 350. U:nter test ror douene'iS. Take from the oven. to p the skillet wllh a plate and turn oul cake at onCl'. Be sure you have a !Hrgc enough chop plate "r round platter to take the cakt' nicely or yvu 'IJ bf. in trouble. . ; . . . CRISCO OIL! -~~·~·49cl «IUPON Ol'll.T f < __ ..._ I _ ..... ,,_,. .. _ . This makes about a dozen 3- inch cakes tradit ionally served \1'ith a p p I es a u <' r :ind sauerbraten or a good pork roast but for a small cocklall party I once made min1a1urc.~ half that size. Our guests all but founde red on them That does take 90meone standing at lht range for the frying but after awhile everyonl'! was having fun making their own. DE AR NA/\: I r n j o ~· rrading your column so mucb a nd tbou~ht you mli:ht ht .!hie lo help mt. Ivory Bar Soap 'i~'2'.."~' ~~r 4-Pk. 29' Jerseymaid Ice Milk :~~~ 49' Kerns Preserves "~-::~~·" 2 ;:, 65' Top Notch Dog Food s·::::r .. ~·::::63' Peas I Potatoes :.·~: ;;,~~:0~A~~-33' Peas With Cream Sauce :~~1 ::~. 33 j Peas With Onions ,~~1~ ~~~-33' Carrots With Brown Sagar 1~~011 ::~. 33 1 Broccoli S,ears 11101 "'· ,C)..(l, •• ,.. 331 Macaroni &: C~eese "0'''· D111c•ou1. 21' \ I llkt tbt jars of bot pickled ceulinowf'r I buy in the storrs but "'ould like to know OOw to make It 31 borne . B}' .. hnt", l mean bot from hot peppers. ~ll!S. ROY RAPS. IN- UEPE!\"DENCE. ~10. :0.1\' ne wer canning book bv a i'll1uiing supplies (' o 111 pan \ doC"sn·1 inclutle (ha1 ont hul n11· nld one docs so I an1 glad l t11(!n'\ throw i1 a11;·1y A lway~ hans.: onto any outd<ilt-rl l'OOkbook until you sec hnw n1uth l~ not included in 1he new one whic h may ha\·e more on adaplat1on~ of nii:-;es and such but some1in1es skip.• :1ome of the fine old favorites \\'ash. drflin and cut '.! hf'ads af cauliflower into I to :!-inch pieces. Scald. cool and pet•I 2 cups of pickling onion~ i\lix I cup of ~al1 wilh the !\\·n \'tgctable~. Add cool \1a1cr 10 cover . LA:1 stand about <'1gh- teen hours. Rin se and drain well. f VFE I. :K:On • IMl'QtTIO • llti PROO~ SCOTCH '""AO< $4~~. Burgie Draft Beer~99c 12-0 Z.CAN •6PACK ~ MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 3 " s22' I "'""' s 14' C.-.N 1007 JAR ln,tont Son~u 8 -nt Jor $1 .75 (oacliella Valley 1'00/,, ,., 1.0:1. "'"'•I-·~ • DEUCA TESSEN 1·DA Y WEEK·END BUYS! CANNED Taste. and ii 100 salty so11k for an hour 1n cold wate r to remove somr of the salt Add I cup sug11r. 2 t:'lblesp0ons \\"hilc muslard seed and I tablespoon celery seed plus I long hot red pep~r to 3 cups of white vinegar. Slit Lhe pep- per down each side part way or cut in pieres but y,·ear gloves while doing that and dOn "t touch you r eyes al>.st'nt - mlodedly or yo u wilt bt weep - ing all day. Save with Vons Everytlay Slim Prices . Porcelain I 98 When yoo can 't find fresh hot red peppers. substitutr about ball 1 doien of the srnall dritd one! usually found in pl11~tic sac.It$ in the prodt1C't.' department. If the pickle i~ not hot enough to guJt you when fin ished pack :io extra drled bot pepper in the Lop of etch pint )11r. Boll the vinegar Chino 1 • ~w.-·"-· 39c l J~;rs;,~~~ -··. uj w.w-- U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS S.r1$TOO Shri1p Cocktail ~ 331 Kosher Fra1ks :~ '1" Biscuits ..;."=:.:~::..=.. 2i19' o-r Mayw Ovo/ity l"roJvdt JMOICll UNKS 11.or. "o. ............. U • ALL Ml.AT WI .... Ma.-.. ...... 7fll ALL ......... MLNO. ••••••• N' KI DS LOVE UNC LE LEN A DAY FOR THE LADIES AT ANAHEIM STADIUM ••. JUNE 28. ANGEL BASEBALL CLINIC-FASHION SHOW-FREE PRIZES . FREE TICKETS AT VONS SA TU R DA vs IN 10111 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Hunt ington Beach LT_H_E_o_A_1L_v_P_1L_o_T_.,1 J4081 Doheny Pa rk Drive, Capistrano Beach 5922 Edinger Ave ., at Springt.le, Huntington Beach Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro 21082 Beach Blvd.. Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Valle} 11. PI LOT -,1,0VERTISER Wrdnt~da~. June 23, 1971 ......... ,, Jurle 2J, 1971 DAILY PILOT :JD ------- STOREWIDE PRICES GIVE YOU GREATER EVERYDAY SAVINGS Look for This Sig11 ~ IT POINTS OUT !TIMS THAT MIAH IXTRA SAVINGS FOR YOU Th••• o•e •l•rT" ... ~.,. we <H • obi• lo cho•g• len 1h n" our ••gulor Or1,ou n1 p, 'rt-du• lo "'onulor11"•"• ••mporory pro- mo!ionol ollowonce1 or (In e• ce p!ionolly good purtho1e. AT TOTAL DISCOUNT THRIFTIMART 8LUI CHIP STAMPS ON ALL PROOUCE ANO MIAT DIP?. PURCHASIS .'l•:Al' DF:l'ART~IE:\T U.S.D.A. "CHOICE " BEEF CHUCK ·TEAKS c LB. llONElESS MEAT D EPARTM E:\1' U.S.D.A. "CHOICE" BEEF CHUCK ROAST c 7·BONE ROAST .. 95,\ - Quail APPLE SAUCE 303 TINS c llO NELES5 $109 FAMILY STEAKS . . .. . . . . .. . "· OSCA~ MAYER IUlllLE E, HORMEL CU RE ··a1 FOR YOUR ROTISSERIE -BONELE SS 98 c (Rolled & Tied) CLOD ROAST ................. lb. CORNEn"louNDS .... 9 5!. .';~.~'~g~~;:;;~;.·~;.. $I 29 HALF HAM . . . . . . . . LB. •:,·•;Rl"DAl' I.on· DISl'Ol':\'I' PH ICES Y>C • "Cl'O<CI 10,.1 ,,. 98' IJ' D ._ "'C 'IO•(I 69' ROUND STEAKS .. .. . ... .. . 1i.. 7·BONI ROAST ............ 1i.. RRE;\K•'AST 'fHF:ATS DISCOL:\T SEAFOOD COO(EO 0.&.1lY 90 ( PRISH LARGE SHRIMP ....... ~:::::· .. Vea. W ILSON 'S CRISPlllf E 48 C SLICED BACON .................. '.'."; u,c .. '!><OIC• 'S JH PORTERHOUSE STEAMS . .. 1i.. t!SD • "'C.,Ol(I $)SI T·BONI STEAKS ....... 1i.. U I D •""<"OICl-10 ,.1 1.. 98( RUMP ROAST ............. 1i.. ...... "'' 39' SHORT RIBS ............. " 1i.. HEAi, ~l<'l"Ol. PHODl"C l'S Bllf B!(F BEEF BACON ..... 1.~ ~'. .69< SAUSAGE 1•1!' . .'?~1.49' LINklES .... ~.~' .. 21~ O~C A~M.Allt ll 75< U IJ" •HUI>()• 79 < MORTERlY ROCkflSH .. .. .. lb. '"H" "U"~ 0< $) 19 OOYIR SOLi . .. .. . . .. .. .. 1 ... GROUND BEEF .... 5911.. """ ""''~Of 89 ' >00 11 .. '"'"' 79 . OCIAN PIRCH ............... 11o. POMPANO .................. 1i. BLUl SEAL HAMBURGER BUNS ................... '." .. "'.~. JJc SMOKIE LINKS .••••••••••••••• "~· DELl('ATESSE:\ DE l'AH'l'~IEYf Everfresh Longhorn HEDDAR HEESE ........ c "'"''"'~•ffrO 59c o" ><1 69< CREAM CHEESE .... .':~ CHOPPID HAM .... ':: O~NOI• 49c , .... •r<otU.().. 10 99c COOKED BEEF ......... ;:·. SAUSAGE PIZZA • ~'. OL' \'IRGl~IA l .l -~l"ll ~IEA'l'S -.>·07.. COTTO SALAMI, ALL BEEF SALAMI, SANDWICH LOAF, 29c DUTCH LOAF, OLIVE & PIMIENTO, SPICID LUNCHEON, ALL BllF 80LOGNA or ALL MIAT BOLOGNA....................... • • • • • IA. MIL• 3' " . "'''"'' 9 OIC•0 • .. 1U ,•U .. !•' ll<I•\ 77' Wfl!OI 33' <REAM CHEESE ............ '.".'. All Bllf WIENERS ...... .'.'.~. . .. .' .. E\'E R"lD.\l' DISl"OLi'\'I' l'HICES "·" f 'H07.Ei'\ ··ooo 0"10•1•······1 u 1• ... • ... 1 93, CHllSE PlllA ............ ~1.~·. , ........ o.. 89' COD fllllTS ............. .'.•::, O"t Ol Of"llO>ILOI 89' SAUSAGE PllIA ......... '~::. J COIJIU •l f"°'" 64' MORTON'S DINNIRS ..... :~~·. fVfflfl "\/i.0 1•01 •"" 79< BRIA DID FISH STICKS •.. '.'. '.'. ...atllON'I $209 CHICKIN°IN°TMl·BASKIT .1.'~·. l•"''~! ""'°" "O•O •UM•O•H~' •I•(" 0• $I 09 APPLE Pll ................ ~'.".'. \IMOlf 1111'0'° 111 .. (•lfUYI! H o $119 (HIRRY PIE .............. ~'.~'. "~n IU•C••lO 36' HAWAIIAN PUNCH ...... '.1.'.'. r.Ott0"1 1 99c SCALLOP CRISPS .......... .".'. \MUOM!IO!I U <O••U• 6 8RIAD DOUGH ........... '.'.'.'. 6 1 l'HODl CE DEl'AR 'f~I E:\T Stveet l'ellotv Meat PEACHES c LB . SU Mli'.[l YAll[TY 19 C HAAS AVOCADO&.......... ea. OAJl 1!0 SW!!l 81NC"• 39 ( CHIRRllS ••••••••••• , • , • • • . •• lb. SE EOlfSS.f'ftlfn 39 C GRAPIS ••••• , • , • • • . •• • • • • • • •• lb. COOD ~01 S"'lAOS RED LEAF or BOSTON LETIUCE 100<.JIO I 69' WOOLITI ................... ~'.. ~OVU..cMO CU• .. t• • I 99' JANITOR IN A DRUM .... ~.'~. 0111~1 .. , .•.•• •.1 :: . 61 c AJAX LIQUID ....... -.. ~ 79' FAIRIC SOfTINlR ....... ~':".~. «•--·~" 2Tc COME T ..•........•........ 1•1.".'. •tf 10.0• 75' Bil ........................ '.1::. 6Pack 1 12·0L TINS B11rgermeister DRAPTBEER P-'DftF.1111-' W'l~ES • GAl.L0~5 Vi• loso, l•-4Y . $177 c1Nir.l ls1 ·'l"il Ch..,111 lA. LOUIS THI VI II COlD OUCK Ot • 117 CHAMPAONI .................. 'l'!H CASf Of 12 NO.llfUIM QUARTS $400 SPRING •llR ................... . 1111.s DAiil •to 1 J< Kidney Beans ....... : . :.'~ 1•1~ 21 c Sliced Beets ............. ~'~ W/f'Ulf[ 27< Quail Tomatoes ........ '.':': lARSONS 24< Veg· All .................... ".32! SNAl'·f !OM. 14< Vegetable Juice ....... •.:·. Tift 10 1' • 39 C Natural Apple Juice .. '!:·. IRIS 6 oodo. 45c Tomato Juice .......... ;:;:·. WELCH'S 44c Grape Juice ............ ?! :·~ .... ... HAT....... 95c Long Grain Rice ....... ! !b. Chi~ken Noodle Soup.';::· 17< WHIT ! 0 11 Y!llQW 39c Albers Corn Meal .... :~ :: TR!!SW!fl (Hlllf D ~·a Ol 69<) 49c Fresh Orange Juice .. 0::·: f -~ COllOOl'>I S NATU IAl GllA!N 39 C 'C:3" Wheat Bread ...... '. '·'' ~f llOCG"S 51 C Variety Pack ............ '~" SOfl M."'I CAllll'>IE 41 C Blue Bonnet ............. ~ ~·. NAllSCO 39< Premium Saltines ..... !'.'. INSTANT $141 Yuban Coffee ........... ~:·. olll VA.f!(lll.S -RfCUlAt 12< Royal Puddi•g ......... '. :'. ~ i;~t';;•s Choice .. •.:·. $1 85 (HlESE fOOD s r •l •D 18 01. •Otl $112 Kraft Velveeta ........ ? !'. 17 oz. 10<\ Kitchen Bouquet ...... '. :'. 51 c G!BHAtOT'S WITH llEolNS 41 C Chill con Carne ........ :.'?'! 10 • A WHllfl WASH 58< Clorox Bleach .......... ~:'. i .!i!:\ v1v,. 176 CT ~Oll 31' ~ Paper Towels ..... 'AUl llfSS 49• Spray Starch .......... !'.·:. ~~ 37 Bathroom Tissue ... : :•. :·:': c M.EAl ·lAMll·KIDN!l & 11 ... CON Frlskle Dog Food .... !':·::·, 15< MOIST DOC fOOO 89< Gaines Burgers ....... !'::. AC(fNT 39C Room Deodorizer .... .'::. 'V.Sfl( WtAI' 49• Dow Handiwrap ...... :·~:·. flNf SI VfGffAllf SHOtTfN!NG 92 Crisco Shortening ..... ~!'• c DISCOU."'r HEALTH.& BEAUTY AIDS tOOTHl'.UT! fJ..MllY SIZf (OTHERS ) 83C M I CHAI Gf ac eans . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,_°' MOUlHW..t.SH-,AAl.llY SIZE 7D·Ol. ( ~~=:~~) $128 Listerine . . . . .. .. . .. . . "·" S/olAltT Vlf.4-200 I U !OO'o ( Ol HlU) $288 Vitamin E............ c~:~~· SIM.Ill WITH l'UM,-l60l . ( OTHftS) 89< Hand Lotion . .. .. . . . c~::~· l'L.&.TINUM 'lUS OOUllf fDGf -1.5 • ( OlH(flS ) $ 2 • • Giiiette Blades.... c~;:~· m we ll'!llcome RIClll ITIMP i SHOPPERS AT All Ta:lnlMAln ,. ,UTICIPATl•G HILLS BROS. COFFEE l ·lB. TIN 79c (l ·LB . TIN $2.49) POPSICLES OR FUDGSICLES 6·BAR 25c PKG. ORANGE AWAKE 9.01. 35c TIN FOR SAlA05 0~ COOKING CRISCO OIL 38·01. BOTTLE 79c MORTON 'S ~-.... -.... -, FROZEN DINNERS HOj~\L~~tS 1~1:0~1 3 5 C 8 (All \/Allf11l5 I ~' 1 4 c l~C (Pl Btlf\ EA. QL DEODO RANT -----DIAL SOAP ·-22 ?; .:"}:· • ~ BATH C If\ -~J SIZE 1 - DREHER'S-Ol D FASH IONED SWEET PICKLE CHIPS a~::T 49c 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER. HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO • I . I ' l '' I .6 ... -~. ' ' . - ' .. - • :· ·: •, ~-~~ . ,. , .. . • , , . - " ,. '· ~~ '· ' '. :-. . . . . ' .. U.JTllNGIAIN-JfD SHOt.1.DD ~ IOAiT . BOSTON BUTT .......... LI. It LUTllH GaAIN.flD 69< l1NOH IHO!.A.Dll PORK STEAKS ·-· LI. i'f jf P~TTIES 11'1. or. 69< ~lA"t J:'!.u. •Pf 7 3' WIENERS . --------------LI. OSCAIM.AYll 4.UMU.T 49 SilaD'a'cii'.oGNA .. 1-0l. c ~~.ii'vo. 75c SMOKIE LINKS . 12.or. COTTOSALAMI 11-0l. 59< HAM RATH EASTERN GRAIN-FED HOCKS WIENERS SLICED BACON "DELICIOUS TENDER SMOKED ALL MEAT 1-POUND PACKAGE . . c c ·9 39~. 5 l8. ~ut '1~ '7od 'Et«f4!* .usoenoRAvott 4 ftc POPSICLES .............. ·-·· .. PKG OflZ 7 COFFEE MORRELL YORKSHIRE 1-LB. REG. OR 2-LB. THICK 49~. II llV"IT STIOI:~ 73 ASH & CHEESE ................ 12 or. c 12-0l. 79• '~"""" . M:>R10tt 4nc Pll~E~l lJS!l• r.~•Ot .... 7'le BEEFOINNERS ..... _,,_,~ ~-ASHSTICKS .... _., ___ ,." .J- """'ou11 5 s1· ~fswru 4'11:' MEATPIES ___ ,,, PEASORCUTCORN .. "" L llU,IRT1 lll ,~G SJ39 MAS ·~l!lAV-~llA!•Olll SJ29 HALIBUT FILLETS _.... ROUND SHRIMP ---",, 04-901' JJ.OIMCI IOHU!o l'll:G. 89 CHEUE PIZZA _ ...... 6~~ • Sl..ttDST•llOZ.CANS .... , 4 $1 ORANGE JUICE ....................... t"O:; OI"" ~OM IJ,t,~l lf<I BO~ 1 t\c. °" 901 · 311c BRIOGFOROBREAO __ u-BAG-0-PIZZA .---"" ~ MQR10M st)c .K;ltt£SO•l~~IA~M 711c HAM DINNERS ·-'"" L-MINUTE SAUSAGE ... '"°' ~ Gllf,,,G!,t,lollWOl><Al »O ... !li 4oc ""'f•''ll 3 "'' 69' FllEORICE ____ ,,.,, ~ OOLEJUICE ... . ""' GRAVYQUIK LOMAUNDA LOMA LINDA 5_4 .. oz ...... s 1.61 TILLAMOOK CHEESE MLDLI 1\1 •I AllDr"l\I \VIS AS MJ\R,.lO WeRedeen1 USDA Food Sli1mps LB. GROUND BEEF FREsH ··LEAN• DELICIOUS .. GROUND HOURLY Prices Effective 7-Full Days Thursday -Wednesday,June 24~30 USDACHOICEOl1.T.t.lRHOS.CllTIFllDllU 6 '9( ROUND BONE ROAST ........... LI. U50A CHOICI OI' ST ATll HOS. QITlfllD lfff 9 ftc ROLLED ROAST ~1.l:~~----tt _ . 7 - 90HIUUIOUNDSTUIC ••• ~.tfc; 89C " ROUND STEAK llONt-IN ...... , _____ LI. . lAOACHOICIOISTATDllOS.CD.TIFllDlllF 89C RUMP ROAST -------------------tt . txnAUANANOK.AVOltfUl 89 C GROUND ROUND ....... ________ LI. . .. USOAOtOICIOIST.&lUHOS.a.rtlFllOllEF 95c RIB STEAKS ___ __; ________ , ____ u. USDAOiOICIOISTATalltOS.atTlfllDIUF s 11 • STEAKS Q.UIKUllE-SlllOINTIP ____ LI. USDAotOfCIOISTAlll•IOS.CflTIFlfOIEEF . s 143 T-BONE STEAKS --·----------· LI. USDA.OtOQOl5TATllPOS.CllTlfllD•lff s 1 •• PORTERHOUSE STEAK ·-· u . VSD.1.0tOtCIOISTATBllOS.CDTlflU>llEF $179 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK .......... u . 0,. OWNCOUNTIYSTYU•l'Ulf • 39c PORK SAUSAGE IULK-----Lt. CHUCK ROAST U.S.D.A. OfOICEoli ST·ATER BROS. CERTIFlm BEEF 47~. 6-TH . RIB &. 7-TH . . ROAST USDA OfOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 79c MAciITiiiEL6 7~~g~ 51 · jji RICE ... _ .. _______ 42~t.PK~53c Pl.ARTERS DEAL PACKAGE . PEANUT BUTTER_ ... 1~-oz.JAR 59c ORDcHARRDBRIEANKFAsTKDlllN~:r°~~EoR • 4 .7 c GRAPEFRUIT ________ 64-0Z • . CALOASSORlEDFLAVORS · $ CAT FOOD ____________ 8 6~'i~t I iiLL TISSUE ..... ~P~~.l27c iETE.RiENT .. ~ ___ 6;,~~r52 c ALL•DEALPACKAGE . 20-lB. s3s 5 DETERGENT ...... 't~~:o~Y AJAX• QEALPACKACiE 23 ' CL EA NE R ____________________ ~b~~T ~: THORO-FED ?/eAftt& '8e4«fu,~ .. _, Ll"Vlllo.CHICICfN. 7 I01J 11 11 ~<J,.•,i7,':.'I: LISTERINE . Q.T. LOTION 5o~~:~~1N•, ~:~'· 2 tt'ls·OZ. 5 5c r:=-1 MOUTH 1.ouNC£sizr ~.01>10 -@·-· ' "" ·-'~,;'1\ WASK $ 1.29 $1.79 ~ DR.STAN ._,-,.:· :,,.;; . n -•< CLEAN-N-TRfAT ALKA SELTZfll -- TABLETS ~{D ~· $174 ~~:'""79• sif PKG s1 1·9 OF 10 e PROTEIN-29 WILKINSON DO<JIU IC>COI "•OU ;;~· 68c JIKG.OflO .•...• •J.15 .... 99• . BACTINE FIRST AID SPRAY HIAD & SHOUlDflS •·• 5 1 35 OUNCE • PRICES EFFEC. THURS. thru WED., JUNE 24-30 14'00 YI. lt'Mk"'9t '"· w..t ......... • 3430 W. Uitt•I" An., baheltn IUI ~ft Aft .• Glr4en linlvf 2630 14fnttr ln ... Slftt1 AM 1~ 49c PllUIUltY JIG\A.Alt 01 IUTTl~ILK 3~~:2~ in our l os Angeles, Orange. & Riverside County Stores 21 80 tMwJert lfyllf., C..lt• MtN . 1 fOO I , C.llln l ... ,. Orlftfe 101W,19ttt St,. C.lfa Mt.. 2S60 N. TvatUt An., S&nta Ml 1175 lektr St., Cod• Meui 6162 141..., Aft .. "'"""""" l..ch 2S64 w .• ,.. ...... y. AMhtlm 2603 w. 17th, Slnhl AN 1230 ., ........... ,.s.. ...... 14171 ...... , ...... ~nlill 1!22 Wt1tiifn:ftr II~ .......... lft1ttr 14212 MIMt AY. .. WMnler . -. S PJLOT Ar.'5_EF?T1SE~ I N Wtdntsd1y Junt Zl 1<::71 w ...... JI.I• 2.3, 1971 DAILY PILOT .JJ ; Quality A lwciys Comes First At Safeway! USDA Grade 'A' Plump & Tender 2 to 3-lb. Awg. Cut Up 35' lb. Fryers 1~. Fryer Parts •D1.'.n~~:t .",:' s 1b 65c F B t A /,n' ~NT 69' ryer reas , '""' '"' 11 F WI "' ,,, 39' ryer ngs r>et~\ ... 1 oti i.. Swift Butterball ,~ 1 ::';:; 11 55' Armour Stuffed ;r, ''::; 11 59' lit Palmolive Liquid ~;:;; ·~ •:.~.· 29' ~ Dow Handi Wrap ~·~~u;. 'ie 2~:1:1 39 c Q Kai Kan Cat Food '. ',;: 16' !Ji Log Cabin Syrup ':,:· 89' @.Apple Juice , ·: '" ·\ ::, 39 ' • B&M Baked Beans '~:: 38 ' SUPER SOFT BREA ' Mrs. Wright's - In White or Wheat Loaf • 16-oz. CREAM PIES Bel-air-Assorted - Premium Quality Banana, Chocolate, Coconut or Lemon 8-inch each Cragmont (1 /2 Case 12 Cans 11 ") • 12 -0z. Can 1-lb. Bag USDA Choice Grade Beef Blade Cut For Outdoor Barbecuing. lb. Swiss Steaks Round Steaks '".;~;~~!' Sirloin Tip Steaks •:;; Top Sirloin Steaks •,::: G dB f ,,,. ,.,,,, roun ee (J 1b c~ubs1.1n "79' 11.99 ' It $139 It $)It 11.59' 91.1 j i\'f;\'I: t•l: t! i•I 1l 1111 G"ll Bl d ,,,,. •rn "" "'· 99' I ette a es I "flOr o! 7 Gillette Razor '""'"' ··"" "" 11" UI B • l'l'lr>1.,·t•· ' ~ n1 L3 ' tro-rite !! )IJ ,1·f TUSE 'IJ St I H • s "' "' "" 59' y e Dir pray Hord !O l"i!·d ta~ Bright Side Shampoo ':,;;'I" H Aft H lloubie Orv 1;',:" 85' OUr er OUr Deodoron1 1.11 FACELLE ROYAL TOWELS Choice Of Lovely Printed Patterns. Roll I ·] fi{1llJ: i I 11;1I :i'b 1J 3 ! • Shady Lane Butter ,;';.~"( ~;d ::: 81 ' Soft Margarine ,' ... ::; .•• ~., ~:: 39 ' Cinnamon Rolls w:·;, .. , ',:: 27 ' Lucerne Corn Tortillas ;,"~, 18 ' Lucerne Assorted Dips ~:: 37 ' Lucerne Yogurt L ~;·.;~1~'1 ! ~:;:1. 21' Oji J\'Z;\'I i :t1jA 3: I l 1I1J 113 ~''~~~,~.~~,~~ ,:::: 2 2C 8 Bel -air Hash Browns ';,;: 19 ' ii Bel-air Cheese Pizza •:;;• 59 ' I Hawaiian Punch Red •;:: 39 ' Bel-air Cob Corn ;::: 45' Bel-air Peas ro~~;~,~ ;~1c\ S 1 c FLOURS AND OILS Enriched Flour '(:;:",~' Biscuit Mix ~~"~;~~; Bertolli Olive Oil Nu Made Salad Oil ""· 57'· ... ""45' fll, l•·n. $124 JIU ,,.,,, 51' '" DRESSEL'$ CAKES • S1rawbrrry • fl.ld!Jt-31·11. """' ""'""' $ 219 Chocolo!t -Your Choice take HJ li'/Z.\'I :!!£1 Jitl:llflY !~~:~ .. ~r=~c~~~k,~ ... 39c Flovortd. A "H8<1vtnly Coke' · ri11 fi Fresh Donuts :'~1"~1:;~~ :,'t, 39' fi Skylark Raisin Bread '~::· 33' I Apple Pie ~·.::~~~~ I Coffee Cake •;.:.;;::~ · '"' 69 ' ,,, ••• 49 ' • Farmer John • Luer's Brand Smoked Picnics ':::'.·.:·:· USDA Choice Beef Chuck Rolled & Tied Ideal To Pot Roast lb. 49 , 0 B R t "'" """ "· -one oas '''l•lt8t t! Wll Tend~rrooae Roost Por"-$27' R R t ! ~o~ ' fe ' son 'pound. \J ot. ump oas 8!"'l6t'·•!~ Wilson Certified ':;:• 4 ,':, •3" Clod Roast O:.::;~,,·;, ;~" II 79' 11.99' Wiison Hams .H~~~su;~ed 4 t1:.$41' Boneless Roast ~u:-':n~~~;.;".; "$1 1' Center Ham Slices ~~:~:; 11 •1" Sirloin Tip Roast (',';,~ 11 $)" Manor House Premium Quality & Popular Brands 18-22- lb. Awg . Farmer John Bacon':;r .57 ' Bologna .-:;:.:•;;,,:;::, •,::79' Veal Patties .-::::::.:,:~· 11 89' Dubuque Ll.nk Sausage ' '"" 28' Leo 's'1 ''"'"" 1 "'""''""''" 35' e B f s k M"1ss ~:,Ntrer(I~ n ,II -Oned8tel•Do1 0 Ounty llf, utter ee tea s ii 99c Sausage "";',a_,~·~;(l~I :: •t ~:~. 67 c Leo's ,·,\~~:~,.·~ ... ··:~. l,:; 45c Jwnbo F rag legs o.!~0fry l• 99c Iowa Jimmy Dean <;,,":·.,:·,::,,,77' Leo's Ham ~;;,,:::-,:':::59' Perch Fillet ''"""" '"79' Thick 1 lb llin,,p 1•1 s1 · d -. . __, Polish Sausage .::.:;::," 98' Heb .. w Nat ional Fish Cr1·sps ' · ""'"' 89' 21b1ce Pk Kosher Chubs '''·« ''"" · '98' 9· Jimmy Dean J;;::·::, ;:: 11'' Fillet of Sole •,;~,.,;;~<, 11 89' ~·~k·~· ~~------~ Salomi Chub l'i.(11 $1 .09 Wilson Bacon'~;·1;::·.~~:· ... 1l" Bologna chub """ $1.o• Trophy Shrimp .,~ ... ·:::• 12" TOWN HOUSE SOUP Chicken Noodle Or Cream/ Mushroom • lO V2-oz. Can ., STANTON'S DRY GIN AllO K°'looo $298 Vodko 80-Pr. !SAVE 31 c) FIFTH Mac Nair's Scotch ~o;;~ Old Calhoun Bourbon :~ Blended Wh 01skey ••• •·~· 80·•·~· St. Elmo Rum ~rg ~;~f''' tUt• 1529 un,s42• 1111'•35• 1111• s3•1 ! VINE ~·OQ ~ RIPENED ~ PLUMP lbs. ] RIPE e LARGE "AA" EGGS Cream 0 ' Th e Crop Dozen Carton Med ium Size Egg s. 37c doz . Eltra Large 45c Eggs do z. I VET'S DOG FOOD Balanced Ration - Chicken Or Regular • 15Vi-OZ. Can I I ~ I Ivory Liquid Detergenf ';;:·81' Coca Cola £niov CokeW11h Food Serve Coca Colo-Co~e Brighlenes Every B11e1 Empress Pwre Preserves Ao"c01.Bluebmy,Chmy P.01h Plut , Raspberry, Strawh•rry or Orange Morrno\ode 4 ·I~. $149 "' Ch D t I I ll T1mpml o1B $144 eer e ergen He,,,o,1y louod r{ 12·1!. For Color!. & \Vh1te?. •kJ. I Carnation Milk ;;:.:;, :~; 20' .I. Nestle 's Qulk ',:.::;:::.-'<:: 87 • F&p C kt II ....... 6 I" 39' • B c '~·· ·~"'"" 23 · 0C a VeQl!~hlf tlRI * eans or orn Y~ur(~1t111·1L MIXED CAlllATIOll IOUQUITS I IOUQUITS sst. Bun. 69' Asst. Bun. 99 US NO. 1 WHITE ROSI VARIETY 10· Pou~d 8•1··· ~ Honeydews vine·Ripened 15' t~ Serve AJ11 Mode 1•. ~ Romaine Lettuce e~~t~. ... 15• l Mushrooms 0r~::::· 1/2 i~; 39; !~~~..,., ......... ~.,.,.,.,.,. ..... ~ilfii,if,M'1'!$11'i$¥;$<t~ I I • ' l • ) ... .- Wtdntsdl1, J1.111t 2.3, 1971 Sweet a For the past several years a delectable swtet has been ~old in candy shops -candied apricots! They are unusually delirious bul expensive. What fun, then, to make your own version of this dessert. The magic is wrought by cooking canned a pricots in a syrup. But first a few lips. Use a saucepan or a kettle with a really wide surface. This will help the evaporation and make for faster cooking, thus reduc· ing the number of batches cooked. And buy the least expensive apricots because in this recipe they hold up better lhan the fancier ones that are riper when canned or hal'e had more processing. f" i r m apricots are easier to work \Vilh and give the best prcr duct. "lOT-ADvtRnSE• f · Treat . to Make CANDIED APRJCOTS J can (1 pound, 14 ,)WICes aprkot.s in heavy syrup) 2 cups sugar 1,2 cup light rorn ayrup Granulated sugar r or coating. Drain apricots, reservinc syrup -about I 1/3 cups. If apricots are whole, pit and halve. In a large wide saucepot sti r together the sugar, corn syrup and reserved a pricot syrup. Cook over moderate heal, stirring constantly, u n ti I temperature reaching 234 degrees on a can d y thermometer or until syrup spins a 2-inch thread when dropped from a fork or spoon, Add apricot halves in a single layer to the syrup. Bring to a full boil: reduce heat and boil gently until apricots Io o k transparent ' I around the edgea J-2S to 30 millules, 1 With a slotted •foon eenlly remove apicota 1o a wire rack placed over w11Xtd paptr: allow to drain. (COntinue with a second batch If a i a e of saucepot will : n o t ac· commodate all tht aprlcots al one tiim.) Let aprictil5 dry on rack, un· cove~. for 24 hours at room temperature. Tutn once while drying. ; Roll in granu-ted sugar to coat. j Store in a tfghtly covered container. Makes 22 l,o 29 apricot halves, depending on !ile of the apricots in·tht can. Noie: The syrup left after candying the apricots is delicious strained and used over pancakes. You should have between,.1 Yl and I .. CUP/! syrup leftover. INDIAN TREAT UPDATiEiDiiFiOiRiiiSUiMMiiiiEiRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii Meal in Bowl Hostess Ropes Summer Trick Serve dinner in a bowl. The hearty \\>'eslem Corned Bee\'e Salad is: a combination of spring fresh v egetables , topped with chunk!'i of rorned beef. highlighted by a creamy mustard dressing. When the weather is hot and sticky, this recipe should_ be at vour fingertips. It 1s a Complete meal wilh I he addition of milk and a light de!'isert of chilled melon. The word "beeve" for b€ef was used by the Indians \Vhen cowboys were drivi11g cattle along the Weste.rn a n d Chisholm trails between 1865- 1890. The herds of buffalo were pretty well wiped out by the time cowboys from Texas drove herds or cattle to Kansas City for market. As each herd approached the Kiowa-Comanche o r Ch e y ennt·Araphahoe Super Pattern ill Count all U1e changes you get with this SUPER PAT· TERN! I. Shirtdress 2 Ves t :t Pants 4. Skirt ~ Blouse 6. Scarf. Choose carefree kn1rs: Printed Pattern 92.11 · NE\\' Half Sitts t01h. 12 ''1. 14'~. 161!i. 18'>\, 20~~. NEW ~lisse!'i Sl7.es I, 10, 12, 14, 16 . S~FIVE CENTS lor each· pattem -add 25 ctn\l'l for eacll pattem for Air 1t1ai1 and Special Ji and Ii 11 ~: otherwise "third.class d('J\very wlll take three weeks or mor~. Send 14 Marian Martin. 1hf' DAILY PILCYr. '442 Pallrrn Dept .. 232 Wr:st 11th St.. Ne w York , N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, ADORE&" wJLll ZIP, SIZE and ITYLE NUMBER. , Swing into Spring! New. New PaU.ern Catalog has separates, jump!rults, slim· nung shapea, r~ pattern coupon. 60 cents. reser\'alions, the Ind i a n sl threatened to stampede and j scatter the cattle unless given1 one or more bee11es. ~1ostl foremen were willing to cooperate, but they could not afford to be overly generous since the trails crossed over 200 miles of Indian Territory. In the background are sopaipillas with honey. These squares are served as bread or de™'rt and usually "''ith: honey or jam. I WESTERN CORNED BEEVE SALAD ·~ head western iceberg! lettuce 1 I cup cooked fresh string beans 4--6 green onions. ra1v or cooked :!-3 lomato:e. quartertd 3 cooked potatoes. cubed l~z. can corned beef, chilled 1 hard-cooked egg Line salad bowl willr"lettuce leaves. Shred re n1 a i ni n g lettuce and pul into bottom of bowl. Group vegetables around !he base. Cul chilled comed beef into chunks overlapping at the top. Put peeled, almost quartettd egg in center of meat. Serve with Cream.v Mustard Dressing . Makes 4 servings. CRE A 1\.1 \' MUST AR DI DRESSING I 1 ~ cup sour crearn 2 tablP.~pnon m::iyonna ist : \ii Teaspoon prepared ! mustard , 2 drops of yellow food l coloring (optional J Blend ingredients. Ch i l 1 before serving. Makes :!13 cup. SOPAIPILLAS ~~ teaspoon ~Alt I teaspoon baking po11·rl{'r ~ cups flou r 2 e~gs I cup milk :Sift dry ingred i enl sl together. Beal eggs "''ell and: add milk. Stir in d r y ingredients. Add as much flour as mixture 1vill abwrb. Roll as thin as possible, ahout "I:',." thick. Cover and let the dough rest a fev.• minutes. Cul into 3.I inch iiquares. Fry in hot oil 01· short~ning un til golden bro1vn1 on each side. Ser\'e hot with · \varm honey or jam. Flavor Favored This French way or treating carrots usually makes a hit. I CA RROTS VICHY I bag ! I pound) carrots ( 7 large) pared and sli~ 14· inch thick I chicken bouillon cube dissolved In I cup boiling water ' 11:, teaspoons sugar 6 branchfl parsley v. cup bult~r 1 tl'lblespoon minced parsley Into 01 medium saucepan turn all the ingredients except min«<! parsley. Boil rapidly, covered, unli l tender -15 minutes. DiJCard par~ley branclltS. \\'ith a slollf"d spoon remove ccirrots and keep warm. _ I • That's when we introduced our new Cost Plus l 0°/o concept. Which makes our prices lower than anyone's. Absolutely. We mark the warehouse price right there on the shelf. All you pay i5 10°/o over that.* Not 18 to 20°/o like at the ather.i~j "discounters." We do it by closing on Wednesdays and Sundays and by staying open only from 101AM to 7 PM on the other:i , ! five days. Result: tremendously lower payroll expenses for us, and ridiculously lower food prices for you! Typical pricn are'.t": like these: I ~ •I e LAR~E AA EG S 31 l.L l e LIGHT DULBS • • -"*"" ... .. 39• ff e EACH POUND .. '"'" ....... . e ROUND STEAK ...... · .... • ,,, . e LARGE PLUMS , .............. . 79i. 15:. 15:. • 11/2 LB. BREA "~· ....... N ... • 2B• :~; e LARGF. CANTALOUPE .... ,,_,. ...... . • The checker will ring up the warehouse cost first, 1ich is simply the total.' Then, she adds a mere 10°/o and that's your cost. I 1 Just wait until you see how cheap you can get by. ' So fol'ljet about "Total Discounh" and "Double Disci nts." They all mean at least on 18°/o mark up. Come to our "warehouse" of fine food valun. ' And see the lowest food prices in the entire state! "E•clude1 thoJt item• regul1ted by l1w, auch as d1iry and liquor produc • we make Discounters look eGpensive INSTANT SEWING BOOK iew today. wear tomorrow. SJ. lNSTA.\11' f i'S"l"N B0:11\ -Hundreds of fashlon facts. IL Hllil liquid in pan untJJ It ls, !h ick •nd reduced to 1 ve.ryl sr11 I amounl. stirring con- ~l .'lntly at end of cooking : mix in c:arrols: sprinkle \Vith minC:·I ed partley. Ma kes ' ii!f\'ings. !lo•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ii-••••••••••-1 ,, • ~ :i-., . ,., " .. ·• .. ' •'.: !1 t · .... :· ' ., .. .... f: ·.~ ... . '. '~ ., P'tLOT~ADVERTISER N GORDON PARKS LIMITS ENTERTAINING O _ 'ILOT 4,J Wi th Tamales or Tortillas All Roads Lead Hom.e to Pot of Parks' Chili By JOHNA BUNN WELFARE lSLAND, N.Y. -··we were poor and lived off the land, but my mother was a fanla stic cook. She could do 80 things with a turnip; 100 things with apples." said Gordon Parks. \l·hose ex- traordinary talent also seems unlimited, having bee n critically acclaimed in pholD journalism, movies, poetry , n1usic and fiction. It secn1ed incongruous, but hardly surprising that he revealed, "I've learned how to cook," as he talked on the sel of "Shaft," the second major film he has directed, a fast-ac- tion flick about a Black private eye. Park!i v;as horn in dcc.p poverty -the youngest or !5 children t1f a Kansas "dirt'' farmer and a strong-willed mother, His was nol a n1atriarchal family, for his father was a man of great strength. wisdom and corn- II passion . But the sreatest in- nuence on him was l:lis mother's optin1istic , outgoing, positive approach LO life. "l was lucky," Gordoo said, ''not every boy had a mot.her like mine. Every Saturday night ; we had three kinds of pie : apple, pumpkin and !@1non meringue. And they werl.' all mad<' from scratch. "All of her bisruits and com bread, in fact, everything was made on that big old \•:ood- burning stove we had in the kitchen. All n1y sisters learned to cook. And my older brother, Clemmie, is a fine chef. He's · retired now and lives in Wichita ." Despite his global wan· der in~s. his f:i\'orite di sh is still l\1exican chili. "I like it with 1an1a!es alongside. I use good gound beC'f and green !Jl':ppers, but I cook the beans sep!lrately because I like everything fresh." He learned to cook mostly from his mother and brot her, but he dld pick up a lot of culinary trtcb In Europe and he now hopes to learn more about island cooklng from their new Haitian cook. His falher's great dish was soup made from turtles he caught in the Kansas riv@rs. ''f\>l y i,1.·ife's really a fine sour met cook," Gordon said. "She Jived in Switzerland much of her life. (A form@r model. Liz Parks i! the daughter of the late renownl':d cartoonist E. Simms Campbell). "As for me, I do things men cook well: steaks, barbecued things, lhe old cliches ! And mostly up in the country." They have a house i n Westchester County a n d apartments i n Manhattan, Paris and Califomia. Llz and Gordon Parks main- ly limit entl':rtaining t & family -two sons. photograph@rs Gordon Jr. and David, and two daughters, composer Toni, \\'ho Hvl':s in I California, and three-year-old Leslie. Gordon 's nol ketn o n "llollywood" \}'pt; partie s . •·J've been invited out an awful lot, but I choose to be with frien<b (writers, direc- tors, producers). people I have somethln& In common with. Our greate11t sourct! of family entertainment ls tennis and skiine:." Gordon SUfUttstE:.d his wife could provide th• best in- telligence on their toodstyles. "She'll tatk'her head off about food," he aal~. "She makes such a good bouillabaisse and Swiss fondUes.'' Liz did precisely what her husband predicted. "We love to serve a 11pecia l lunch. for friends in earlr summer by the pool or on the patio." They prefer buffet dining. •·1rs especially relaxing if people are coming for lhe first time. You just have a less pressured evening," Liz said. She would love lo ma!ler the Chinese cuisine. "I have a friend wfto cooks Chinese, who lived lh@re for ~ven years. You have to sil and wait bttween courses because you can't cal It all al once. But as you sil. you have lime for conversation. I love that kind of atmosphere.·• Liz praised Gordon's cook· ing abilities . "One tin1e. JUSt afler Thanksgiving, I can1e home to lhi.~ wonderful smell in the house. There on the slove was lhe most marvelous ragout that he had made from the turkey carcass, dressing, onions and seasonings.'' GOROON PARKS' i\IEXICAN CHJ Lr POT FOr the beans I cup dried kidney bl':ans 2 cups cold v.·ater 1 clove press~d garlic I teaspoon salt 1,1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Wash beans: soak overnight. Add more water. if needed , to cover beans. Add garlic. salt . pepper. Bring to boiling point ; reduce heat. Cover, simmer until beans are tender (about 2 hours1. Add more liquid, if needl.'d. Set aside . for th e chill pot Large green pepper, diced Large onion, chopped 2 tablespoons Vl':gl':tab\e oil 2 tablespoons lean ground beer ' 2 tablespoons chili powder JO drops Tabasco. optional 1 clove pressed garlic 1 teaspoons salt ~' teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1,-J teaspoon cumin seeds 2. 1 pound cans tomatoes 1., cup tomato paste ~i l@aspoon sugar Saute gr@en pepper and onion in oil until go\dl':n: ~-·1 beel, cook until meat tum! gray. Stir olten witb fork to keep loose texture. Blend in chili powder, Tabasco. a:arlic , salt and pepper. Cook S minutes. sUrring. Add cumin, lomaloes. tomalo paste and sue:er ; cook 30 minutes; stir often to prl':vent burning_ Add cooked beans, cook !fl minutl':s longer. Taste to correct Sl':asoning.,-. Serve alone, v.·ith tamales, or spoon over rice or 1111 taco sh@lls. Se:rves 8. UZ'S Cl,A.J\f EGGPLANT CASSEROLE 1 medium eggplant, peeled, cut in I-inch cubes cold water 4 shallots, chopped l clove garlic, minced 1? cup butter, meltl':d 11 cu p chopped parsley 1 cup finely chopped ce lery 3 cups bread crumbs salt, white pepper to taste 2.-fresh chowder clams, chopped 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 cups clam juice I cup h@avy cream '·? cup butlered b r e a d crumbs Cover cubed eggplant witll enough cold water to cover: bring lo boil: simmer 2 minutes; drain. Set aside. Saute shallots, garlic in butter unl il tender; add parsley, celery, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Place half the mixture in a shallow. well-greased baking dish /or 8 individual greasl':d ran1klns l. Top v;ith clams; sprinkle with lemon juice. Cover with eggplant and re· maining breadcrumb mixture. Com bine clam juice and heavy cream: pour over top of casserole 1or ramk:insl. Top v.·ith buttered crumbs. Bake in pr@healed 3~ degree F. oven 25 minutes (or uctil crumbs arl': golden). Serves 8. Cake Mix Mag ic 'S , aucery If you've mastered the ,- ''art" or cake-making with always reliable modem cake mixes, then you're ready for innovation.~. Our recipe for Baby Apple Babas. made from a mix, will add Lo }'Our repertoire of in@xpensive yet imaginative cakl': desserts. First, for delightful new flavor, use canned apple sauc@ in place of the liquid cal!ed for on your favorite package of yellow cake mix. The sauce blends beautifully, a d d I n g 1ubtle fruit g:oodness -and it ~lps keep the cake moist. too. Then to maK.e the cakes in- dividually attractivt, bake the baller In paper drink cups - lhe kind you use for ho! drinks. Or make even smaller babas by baking the batter in mul(Jn tins. Finally to glaze and soak the cakes, make an l':xotically navored syrup using appll': juice, lemon juice and rum fJaVQrlng. Zip it up with 1Uvers of orange peel and soak the cakes while they and the sauce are still warm. Save a litlle ror an extra topping when tile c1kes are served . camishf each 111·ith a fluff of whipped cream, If deslre<i. • Utilized APPLE Bf.BAS I package yl':.llow cake mix Ca nned apple sauce ~, cup sugar I cup apple juice J tablespoons orange Pl':el, cut in slivers l tabll':spoon lemon juice l teasJXll)n rum flavoring To make Babas. prepare cake mix according to package direction's , substituting canned a p p I e sauce for water or milk called for. Spoon the batter into 10 well greasl!d paper hot drink cup.'1. Ph1ce on baking sheet. Bake In 375 degree F. oven. 30 lo 35 minutes, or until done. Cool 5 minute!. Tip caktll out or paper cups. While still wann, driule over each cake J teaspooo sauce. Chill. Sen1t with r emaining sauce anb whipped cream,. if desired. To make sauce. combine sugar, apple juice. orange per.t and lemon juice in am.all saucrpan. Cook and sllr over low heat 7 mlnutu. Remove from h@al. Stir ln navortng. Use hot or cold. Maku. 1 v~ cups . ,, I 1 I 1 DAILY PILOT Unusual 7079 ~A&B~ EnJOY making WllJ!.Ua.l quilt via 1;11s tim,·!tt l'ing met/1.~•,' Quilt a~ you !.ew -Jl"!'. made in five thiclme55e$ and · po;n-p.:in l.rm1111,d, i"Jo in- terlining necessary. Pat. 7fli9 . charts. patch patterns, direc· t1ons. }'lltdages included. FIFTY CEl\'TS for each pal· t.er~ -add 25 cenl..5 for t-ach rat;,em for Air ~iail and S1~-::1al Hand ling : otherwise l hlrd-cla~ de livery °"""ill tak.e three -.-.·eeks or m1re, Send to A •<:e Brcoks ri1e 0.<1,.JL\" PILOT. 10~ :'\'tfdl~crafl De-?! .. Sox 163. Old Chels!a Stalion, t · .~· \or~. N.Y. 10011. Print Namf', Addre15, Zip. P.1tt.ern f\·umbf':r . NE\V 1971 ~etdl ccraH Cat1log -mGre I::~lan : fa£h1ons . knits. cre>:hets, quil ts. embroidery , gifts. 3 frtt patterns. 50 cents. New '. .. fnstant Crochet" t ook. Step·by·5tep plcl urts tr a1·h \'OU how lo cmchtt in - s' 1nUy., Plus newest patierns. i C:imp\ete last.ant GUl Book -n~":li"f! than 10'1 gifts !or all oc:asi~n~. a1e s. St. Com ... e'e Afihan Booll -SI. ,, \& Ji;i \' Ru:;·." B::.: k. ~o CeO\! E:~l; o! IZ Prize Afgb1ns. 50 C!iltS. Quill Boak 1 -16 pal· It': .. ''! SO cents. ~;'.ISl!:Um Qui\! Book % -5() r • F ~· l: 3. "Quill• for Tc:.i ~ ·, Uvln&"· I~ p1ttem1. 50 ce.!".5 Seasoning Crunches In Caesar Fre~h 1cebt rg l et tuce . mt'dium to lit;ht &reen in color, and roma lnt. \\Llh it.s firm. da rk i,ret.n )t.il\'f:5 are the cho ice wht n preparing Caesar Sah1d. PackaI;ed herb staso ntd crouto ns. crisptd in olive <ltl then toss!'d lightly v.·it h th e chilled grt.ens. prov1dt a rexlure and flavor accent !or an txcep\Jonal sa lad any hostess can strve v.·11h pnde. CAESAR SAL.AD l garlic clove. splH 113 cup ol.tve or vt-gtta ble oil I head romaine lettuce l bead iceberi lettuce 2 tabltspoons olivt or vegetahte oil 2 cups htrb !i ea so n ed stuffing croutons 34 teaspoon salt 1'2 \.t'aspoon pepper 1 • ttaspoon dry mu, ta rd J tabltspoon Worct:stershire sauce 1, C\lP iflled Parmesan chee se OR crumbled Blue cheese t eag. coddltd I nunutt 213 Yblespoons lemon juict I 2-oz. can ancho\'y fillet s. drained roptlon11\ Place iarhc in the 113 cup olive oil : cover ind refriaera te J hour. Wuh treens; drain and di")• thorouably. Tear into medium 1lu piecta in lar&e bowl. Cltill tbotOu;hly, about l hour. Heil the 2 t1blespoons olive oil in frypan. Add croulons. cook over moderate he•t. stirring aently. until l!ghtl \' browned and oil Is 1bsorbed set uide. lttmove i•rllc lrom chilled oU; 1tir In 1111. pepper. mU1tard and Worcest•rshirt ....... Sprinkle cb.llltd 1r~n1 with ebetH. Pour uatontd oU over a:retn1. tostini 1ently. Add tlJ and lemon juice: loss Usttly u.atU ee:1 dl1appe1rs . Sprinkle croutom over 11Jld: toll •&•in. 01ml1h with r o 11 td anchovies. ae.rve immedia tely UI chll~ 11l1d bowls. Yitld: 3-10 Urvings. ' ' ., ' antastic to a . in this ad, includiAg 63 DOUBLE DISCOUm, HALF OR WHOLE FRESH . SILVER ~sALMON BAKE OR BARBECUE lb. YOUR ALPHA BETA NE IGH!ORHOOD BUTCHlR ITHE MAN IN THE RED APR.ON ! PROUDLY OFFERS SUTCHER'S PRIDE MEATS MU TS YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SEll:V f •QUALITY & SATlSf ACTJON GUARANTEED • DISCOUNT PRICED BREAKFAST f A VORJTE P.1tM1•JOHll SKINLESS SAUSAGE LINKS 8-0UNCE PACKAGE c t lG h I-LB. PACKA GE DUBUQUE ROYAL BUFFET OR FARMER JOHN BACON I-LB. ROLL JIMMY DEAN PURE PORK SAUSAGE 57c 771 BUTCHE!'S P!lDE. ECONO-PAK GROUND BEEF l-LB. PACKAGE ·IOWA MAID BACON c ru:ctPE or THE Wt£K: !ARBECutt: SPARERIBS HAw.a.nAN 3-LBS. OR OVER ALPHA BETA !~!CHER'S Pa!DE BEEF AT EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES' FROZEN FOODS QUICK MEAL FAVORITES AGED FOR TENDERNESS BONELESS RIB STEAK BONELESS FAMILY STEAK CHUCK STEAK BLADE CUT SHORT RIBS EXTRA LEAN YOUR CHO ICE BLUE DIAMOND 8~0UNCE BAG • PEELED COOKED 79~ SHRIMP NEW • TENDER & FLAVORFUL • ALL WHITE MEAT • 11/4· LB. HONEYSUCKLE BUTCHEl'S Pa!DE IN OVEN-READY FOIL PAN FRESH MEAT LOAF CONVENIENT • DE!JCIOUS STUFFED 10141 UISCOUNI S (VlHY UlY 46-0UNCE BOX GIANT SIZE SALVO DETERBE•T TABLETS SOME 79c STOil ES CH,A.RGE 81c ·-------------· 49-0UNCE PACKAGE GIANT SI ZE DASH DETERGENT SOME 93c STORES CHA R.GE as, --------------- I S7-0UNCE BOX JUMBO SIZE ALL@ 'l CHUCK ROAST Bl.ADE CUT . __,·~ TURKEY 31t ROAST ... CABBAGE 79~ ROLLS THESE MEAT PRlCES EFrtCTlVE Tn 0RSDAY th~ouqh WEDNESDAY, JUNE '24 -:il'.I . DETERGENT SOVE STORES 209 CH,A.llGE '2 39 ,' ... i~ ,' .. ,, 3l.OUNC! BO"!?:.!: ~ \!:::::/' LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC ~ 1 °' = g.ou:-icr P>O:-:-LL I BREC K ~ TEXTURIZIHG . SHAMPOO ··Mr:.·~·•-781 :~:..;.-,r :~~ Att SH>.!: t i BRECK Hair Coloring US 1 '° ~ 10:-Tt.! OF \:C. ~ ANACIN ("'' a TABLETS ., I ] JM 111 Yl"I( AL'.;.& Blll STGl'ES Di!COU~T GHAR'.l P~I C[ PU.Tr~r.:11 F:.Js . DC..Jf.~E rr::;i: PACU C: 0~ ~ GILLETTE • ...: ao• BLADES .r.1JU CiJ11Jty • 06-COU!,'j BABY TIDY·UPS ~ Sri.ADES • MAC:-IJP MAYBELLINE ALL·EYES !'.A:~ cc~o.~. A:..!. SHADES FOR BRUNETTES ONLY 112 jgf 691 MS' 1 n ------------------if IU,11; COllOITlONEJ:. 1.o;.n.;c1 l'.EGl.l!.AR & !"XT'-.A I OOY TOTAL OlstOUNTS, • lYlRY Dlf · ~-OU!'iC.E r:.ASr:: E::'.7::.E: L".}--:::~: c.~ o.:. SEA & SKI "°"'! Al"H~ ll(TA !Tt;lt!S DISCOUt;T C~ARC[ ,,llG( ),8(/ i 44 4 cvt:'""O:CO~TAl,H:11 o"~ SCHILLING'S TOTAl DISCOUNTS [V[RY DAY S0"1£ AlPK/. B[T~ STG~£S ll1$COUl11 CHl~GE ,RICI AlPMA BflA • :12.02 J>.A 451 o~::::. Sal1d DrHs!ng sat RQV.1.U • Z PLY • WHIT ~ -""D---. ~-ROU. PACQ.G( 3 9• o .. ::. TOILET TISSUE,596 D :AMILY • lfilJCOUNT 2 51 o.:= GALA NAPKINS l1c 1'.CRlHt.~;; • t·llOLl. I / ... _-,-._,. AFSORT!;O OR \Ill-UT!; o .. -.. TOILET TISSUE 40c • ...... PU RE GROUND ·PEPPER ... 421 I /-=----. :~ '~O~HH PA C ~AGC • R[(;"'LNl "'10 DD ..... , • SUPtR • J::otl:X-PL'-"S • ftMS 71 ' 85€71 1 ..... KOTEX B8t ' ™581 "B'B"nQ"s'Ar.."u"c'E" :!h-ot, J.U .,c.. 5 51 /-;;:--,_.PINCAP!'LI-~!'IAP£fRUrT . ,g.oz, CAN" n• if.~:. ilolE'lhliN'Ks m 33c .".:;::. P'i."n~1 'aut"f(ll'.sat as1 ....= s::;:ii~iisal:'T'm s 11 .• -~I WlLLA BALSAM PET;;R r A~ • l~O? JAR 11-ot. CONTAJN't'll -= nc < o«' 1 " VJi:;~SMOOTH OR C!'l!JNCHY 591 ,..,;--,_, !.A"A'!IY'S 21/ OZ CONTArNrR ~o --11nut BUTTER .68C o".::':. GARLIC 'SALT 39f 291 __ , -· -S-E~------------ 41/rOUNct I Cl!TU WELLA CARE·DO .J!1I I., ·------------------ ~ WELU0 0ARE PJI~ HERIAL ~ SHAMPOO lJ5 98l I PACI• If.Qt NO Dil'CSIT !C.TIW COLA • 1'.00T )ttR • PINJ:: q_R.i.PE'F111JlT -~l:;'"""~ NO CAL r-<::7' BEVERAGES lli 191 .35t 281 l::::. P'itz&··1·1x""°' "ht 351 53 1 .&lt 561 D SHORTCNJNO ... -::. 3·LI , CRISCO .98t 901 i.00M'&'tliln1 GllAVY QUllC 8"('RNATION • ll1/r01. CAN 191 .... rL;--· ·'· T"uii&0 HT xc 641 .kt! CKICDN or THI CLl • L10fn' • ~~·c,,'~1·.c~ .. TUMA 51' 5.,1, l @ol'.ivro'iLTIN j5f 461 N ·--,~ -------------- 25 -0UNCE PACKAGE GIANT SIZE @ AXION PRE· SOAK SOME 49 ITO<ES . C CHARGE "' .. -- 38-0UNCE BOX KING SIZE BIZ PRE·SOAK 101 ::vE STC'IES C'-'A~GE 1 o; -------------· 49-0UNC E PACKAGE GIANT SIZE TIDE DETERGENT SOME ST~U. CHAllGE "' sac 32-0UNCE 60~ AJAX LIQUID DETERGEIT SOME 88 STORES C CHARGE 91' • ; I l ' I I ' • ' ' ' I ! 5-'.Tl!J'ACTIOM GUAlA"'"'l!O ~ V0\,11. MONf" Rf,UNO(O • SALIS TAX CCX.LKTlD ON A!,.L TAXA&l l ITl,l.U • WI l.UEll:Vl TM£ l;IGMT TO ll:ln!St U.L!S TO COMMttc:IAL ...... I DOUBLE DISCOUNTS SAVE YOU MORE . COSTA MllA-1'1 I . 11'11 II, HUN T ING TON &IA(N -.... A~l1'1t HU,.Tl"'')T(N &l•r.N -IHU N. M1hl II, ,tUNT•IN Vl.':..t..~Y -l>l'I Wlrllt• lAOUNA Nit.I.I -UNI C1ti. •• If t.111111 lll:VIN I -1-Cvl•"· U"Jvt~llt ,.,_ JOl'•"' LAOUN• -JC1f1 •. ceu1 ""~"''V TOMMY WALKER ROSE IOWL FIREWORKS SPECTAQULAR SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1971 ot 7·30 PM FREE PARKING • ALL NEW .SHOW. Buy d•ltOvl"lt t•ck.t l'\ at rov• Alpha 8t1a! - - • f ! • Wtdne$day, Junt 2J, 1971 isaaUnts!l!I · ve You s19 79* ·rot.\! minrs Is computed Oii 1i~ -• '"' "'"' """ .. """',;.,..,ii -• -"'" ;"'''''. TOTAl OISCOUNTS EW'l AY DAY Al-MA ltT4 DISCOUNT l'fllCfS I 2-0UNCE BOTTLE REGULAR SIZE IVORY LIQUID 50ME STORES 32c CHARGE J Jc ---------------- . '' 64-0UNCE BOTTLE DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER SOME STORES 14 7 CHARGE l ,59 • 22-0UNCE BOTTLE AJAX LIQUID DETERGENT SOME 48 STORES C CHARGE 63< 22·0UNCE BOTTLE GIANT SI ZE LUX @ LIQUID DETERGEllT SOME STORES OiARG£ 59< 47c ,_ _______________ _ ~ 22-0UNCE BOTTLE ~ GIANT SIZE JOY LIQUID DETERGENT SOME STORES 45c CH,&.RGE 59c AS-OUNCE BOrnE CRYSTAL WHITE ·.· LIQUID DETERGEllT SOME 570RES CHARGE 69c ··--------- ~O-OUNCE BOX GIANT SIZE WHITE :§KING SOAP , SOM• sac STORES CHARGE 79• ------· BATH SIZE A5.soRfED COi.ORS DIAL IAR IOAP , SOME STORES > CHARGE !4c @2oc ,. ~ TOTAL OISCOU NlS EVERY DAI' SOll!r Atl'HA 1£TA STOllS lll5COONI CtwlCf l'IUCC ~16-~CAN ~ ~&RK fi'EAHS jilt I JI ~ 50.COU?,"T • FOOD WRAP ~ ~BAGGIES Jj(u.J' 2CJ.OUNCi': AEROSOL • £XTil.A C!USP 651 llAGIC SPRAY SIZING J8f' """"""'"""'"~PAC< JK"""' PRESlll LDGS "'-· Jo.lB. MG • CltARCOAL •K 191 CDWER'S BRUIUETS - @ SWITT"S • 7V.-0? .• • CHICJ:'.l:N • lU.W • TUNA •EGO WIT'fl BACON 63 "'~ DELI SPREADS JI! CA.TAl.INA. •ZS.at. TJJl -t'IM APPLE BUffiR tat IGI' ~~o;i~\':i\itR'ivf;ti' • 371 MAXWIU HOUSE 2u I (8-0Z ('.I-LB.) CAil • R.E:G:JU .. 't OR l U:C"i'AA l'E11 K COFFIE . l.4f 15-0Z. 0-1.B.).RE"GIJLJ.ft OB DJ:Cl'M ?EJ0C Jrit-Mc. @ 6-0<JAR•COFIEE MAXW£U. HOUSE I INSTANT 1.2% D& 1C.OONCE fJJl l.~ I.st n.-; AlPHllB£111.•TWl1l•IJ.OZ. MIM' .__ TORTILLA CHlPS 69eVA1.. -.or· SUNSHINE • !ctn • LG-OZ. PKG. 35' 1 .._~ ANIMAL COOKIES .4k f'l.A.VORHOU.st • IZ.O::. JAJI DRY ROAS?EO aft.ti PEANUTS Jlf' VIII' 1.at. • DHYROAST'£0 ,,-::-._ CAS;tew.> OR M'!XEO l«i1'S 78 Pl.AHTIR'S HUTS Jlf •·"'-\AR • DRY t&t: .,._ ROAS £D PWlU'l'I .,,...._ _. FllPKll BCTll • ""'·LB. LOJ.l" FROitfER BRUD 45.:VA.L, 2·PA::JC •HAMBURGER Cll HOT DOG :r.~ AlPHR BETJI BUNS VAL. (.PA.CK MEXICAN SWEET BREAD Ill PH II BETll • l·LAYER • 1..59 'AL. GERMAN CHOCOLAlt cm 37; l~PiNT CONTA!l:l':R •31kVIJ.Dt 2"" ALPHR BETR SOUR CREAM U' l·P!Nl'COWJ'A.!NDI. SSe VAWt #c 1;, GA.il.ON'. F'fttl'TT PU1'CH. ow~ •GRAP£ • IIMO~J..Or. •'<Sc: VALUE 2"1 HAPPY DAY DRINKS 11 1i:.:GUUR • 1-tll. 'PA.CU.Gr FUISCHMAHlrS MARGARINE lllPKll SETH • lt~r.icrs PROCESSED IMElllCAN J21 CHEtSf 1Sc V.A:LUE 8-SUCES • .uGl!ICAN • PIWt!JnO •:>WISS O!Er:sE ~ ~AWi .. J.tJ!, PA.CllGt •All. Ml?At ~1l:j OSCAR llATER WIEllUS ~~ u STOil HOUU .'>ION.-FIU. 10 AM. T09P.M. SAT.6-Sl.IN. IO AM. 1"07P.M. ~ u.~ RU·SSET NO. 1 LL IAG CANTALOUPE -FOR 00 LARGE SIZE POTATOES SANTA ROSA • RED LEAF • SALAD•BOWL • BUTIER LETIUCE .2 FOR PLUMS CUCUMBER 29c CJ~iiNiNas II~ lb. SWEET ~A=P=R=1c=o=Ts:::::=; :==CA=_=a=aA=G=E===: CORN 5 i 49c ~~ ~9,:. s ~. so~~JnEAD GUDioius 99c THESE PROOUCl PRICES EFFECTIVE TMURSDAY through WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24-30 TOTAL DISCOU~TS (VERY DAV --~ SA1hozW:mPlf'U.~~A~~73¢ f~il'fftiliLOGHA vli.\n: 661 l lrtrll Bflll, • IS.OZ.CO?rfAlND .!le 37; POTATO SALAD WITH EGG VAL. zz.ot. !2-LB.J COKTUIEB.• &VAL. L5c: 111.Ptll am • 1.09 u . mm: 1" Tl!LAMOOK CllflllAR CJl(ESE •· --------------- JOKNriOf4 A llD JOHNSON FIRST AID KITS •COMPACT •TRA.Vt!. •AVTO ·--------------· 1-0tnfCE ROJ.L..Olf FRESH DEDDORAIT >OONC>!STIC< 1~ 64' .... "" TOTAL DISCOUNT S lVERT o-.v sOMr AIJ>MA BETA STOl!EI llU~OU~T CllAaGI PAIU ~ "°'"'". w.oz .• """"' 21; ~ CORN MUFFINS )5{ BW!BEIKY • !M)%. ,JJC 3h ~ lo.at. BOX • """"' 21 1 ~ BIRDS EYE _TISUFRIES lit ~0.1.UON•GOURMZT'•llilcrVAL. ALPHA BETA ICE CREAM. l?-CO!JNT • nlOZDJ DIXIE DOODLE ICE MILK BARS WE WElOOIE FOOD STAMP SMOPPfRS 111 ur1 lOS All~ IMlSIOC 01 ~ CCIJl'l'I' illllll 1£11 OUR MAN IN BLUE OF THE MONTH H<l's Bob Loeclt, manogor of Alpha Be1a"1 Marlcet It Turnbull Canyon end Galo, Industry. To his customers, It seems that Bob hac always boon there wft1n they Mid him to make their shopping easier aid more enjoyable. Fact is, ha's been the mil\ in charge for the pat five years ••• always ready to offer fril!trldly, ""lpf\11 .... .,.. An Alpha Beta Man in Blue, h• tak• pride in his store end in its poducts. Ho_ Ulps everything working smootllly ••• by making '~"' tl*9 a.. pltnty of shopping carts and checkers on hand. by k81pmg the shtlws fully stocked and the aislH dean and clutter-free, by answering I questions, cashing checks, and help- ing cus1omers find what they art IQC?king for. But most important. you•n find his genu ine intermt in his customers is shared by every member of his staff. This ii Bob Luch, our Man in Blue of th• Month. You'll find 1 man like Bob in ,,..., Alpha Beta Mark•L He'• your Mon in Blue. Tho man ""' """ trust to Ilk• good cswofy<XI. Trust the folkll at Alpha Beta to take good care of you. DAILY PILOT Drop False Charges Yogurt •.. until recently, !he least known of all dairy product~ and most likely to turn up 1n comedy skits rather tlian in meals. But it has come out of the unknown lo m:ike marvels of mcalg for two. Just why yogurt was so long di srn1ssed as a food for fad· d i~!s only is a n1ystery. Sonte• onr some11here must have said, "It's good for you ..• and scaled it.s fa te until some. one else 1housht to spread I.he "·ord tha t Jt tastes good (and is good for youl. The smooth e lega nt versa11!ity of yogurt puts il in a class 1vith its popular cousi n ... sour crean1 . However ... t'lne big differenc e in the h-110 i,oe that yoi.:1ut has on!y one-!hird th e ca lorics of snur crean1! How can anything so good be good for you't Easi ly. It ls a 111ilk product . . • usually niadc from fresh, partially ski m milk. with the addition of nonfat dry milk •.. and a special culture which develops the texture and navor. Yogurt may be just plain yogurt. nr it n1ay have fruits and flavorin i;:s adrlC'd. Plain t'lf flavored. it's a favorite and con\'enienl lunch for many people on the go. If you are cooking with plain yog11rt (it's great in i;troganoff. scran1bled esg<: t1nd chili ). spare the heat and cook onlv for a short time. To ke ep y O.I? u r l's consistency. a!wavs fold it inlo other in· gn•dienls. No1v try it in a gelatin dessert. fl ESSE RT CREAM I lablcspoon (I envelope ) unfl<.1vorerl ge!etin l \1 cups milk 1,! cup sugar 1 ~ teaspoon vanilla 1 cu p plain yogurt ln a one-quarl saucepan, ~ofl<'n gcla!in in one-hair cu p of the milk. Over low hc;"J ! • ~tir constantly unt il gelati n dissolves. Add remai ning milk, !lien the sugar and vanilla; slir unitil sugar is dissolved. Chi ll until partly sel. F'old in yogurt. Turn inlo a small (21'.!) to 3 cups) mold or into five in- dividual molds. Chill until firm. Unn1old and serve wi!h you r fa\·orite s\\·eclened fruit or fru it sauce, ~lakes five se rv- ings. Trim Inches 9055 sins 10Y,.20Yz ""1lf,..;.., 1lfe..-r'- Long scams TRl~l INCl1ES OFF waist, hips! Even if you haven 't been dieting, you'll look as If you had. Choose s!ubbed linen blends, knlls. Printed Pattern 9055 : NEW Half Sizes 10 ~2. 121,-i, 14 14, l6 1h, 18!h, 201h. Size 14 (bu.st 37) takes 2!'~ yarrli; JS.Inch. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each pattern -fldd 25 cents f<>r each pa!lern for Air f>.1ail and Special JI a n d I Ing : otherwise third-claS! delivery Wiil iake three weeks or more . Send lo l\1aria n Martin, the DAILY PILOT, 442 Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St .. New York, N.Y. 10011 Print NA~1£, ADDRESS find ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMUER. Swing Into Spring! New, New Pattern Catalog has seP"ratcs. jumpsuits, sllm- m1ng shapes. free pattern coupon. SO ct"nl!. INSTANT SEW ING UOOI( stw today, wear tomorrow. $1. j • D.lll. V 'ILOT Lagging . Appetites 'Baited' The tart flavor of oranges and grapefruit combine v•ith salmon or shrimp in these two refreshing salads. Sa ! mo n Fruit Salad and Seacoast Salad are just right !or luncheon or light d i n n e r en trees. SAL\10:~ FRUIT SALAD l !·pound can sal mon l avocado. peeled and sliced l tablespoon lemon juice 2 cups orange sections J 17 cups sliced celery ~i cup toasted slivered almonds 113 cup mayonaise or salad dressi ng Salad ireens Drain salmon: break into large pieces. Sprinkle avocado with lemon ju.ice lo prevent discoloration . Re s e rv e 6 <1vocado slices and 6 orange sections for garnish. Cut remaining avocado and orange in l·inch pi e c e s . Combine all ingredient& except salad gretns: chill. Shape into a mound on salad greens and garnish with alternate sllces of avocado and orange. Serves 6. SEACOAST SALAD 11 teaspoon salt 1'c teaspoon dry mustard ;~ cup &alad oil i,;, teaspoon Tabasro l ~nee can froze n grapefru i t juice concentrate. th11wed 1,2 pound cooked shrimp l cup cooked macaroni !!hells l 8-oo nce can cut green beans. dr<tined 34 cup sliced celery 111. cups grapefruit sections Remoul1de Dressing Combine salt. dry mustard. salad oil and Tabasco. Add 2 tablespoons grapefruit juice concentrate re s er ving 1 table11poon f or Remoulade Dressing. Add shrimp and refrigerate several hours or overnight. stirring once or twice . Combine cooked macaroni shells. £Teen beans a n cl celery : mix well. D r a i n sh rimp and add v .. i t h grapefruit sec ti on s lo m11.c11roni mixture: t n s s lightly. Serve. over c r 1 s r .ereens with Remo ulade Dressing. Serves • Remoulade Dre11i n g : Combine 1 ~ teaspoon T11b.<1sco. 1'4 t'llP mayonnai~e. 1 h~rrl cooked egg r chopped \. 2 table~poons chili sauct. 1 tablespoon graoefru it ju-1cP cot1centr11te and 1 te11.spoon horseradish. f\.1akeii 1 ~ cup. \'Ground' Rules Set The art of making good coffee requires that you follow a set of simple auidelines. UM! a clean cofftt maker. Use a coffee maker of adequate: size. Never brew be l ow m i n im um cup matkings. Use fresh coffee. stored in art airtiJ:ht cont.alner. After a can of coffte is opened . il .hould be nttd within a \veek"s tl!nt. For belt oll extraction. use drtp trind coffet. unles5 otherwls.e specified In coffee m Iker instl'UCtk>nl>. u .. 1 rounded or 2 level tablespoons for u ch c u p, preventing any coffee from tantnc into the 11~m . For a milder brtw. use less coUtt. For &tronaer brtw. use more coffee ; don 't brew it IOnl<T· UN only frtJh, cold water. Thia Hts the thetrnOltat and Ulll1'll correct pe:rkinc lime. THE BEST R4ildtnhlp p o 11 1 prov" ''Pf9,nut1" la on" of 1 he world's most populllr romlc atrlp.. Rt•d It dally in the DAILY PU.QT . WtdfttSdo, Junt 23, 1971 Box of Tricks Opened ·- Blender Feat Produces Gourmet Treat . -,I ~ ' ~ ': 1. ., ' -.: • i I Whether you're havin g a pin"-·he'I slices of elegant qu iet fam ily meal or a formal ~1ocha Roll. The cake for dinner, everyone enjoys the Mocha Roll is made v.·ith p&n- extra flair of a special desst rt. cake mix. the fil!in g with in· ll can turn e\'en the stanl choc0Ja1e pudding. Both can be quickly whipped up in simplest meal i n to a the blender. gourmet's delight. The frencb are generally Even if you're short on lJme, credited \vith cult1vat1ng the you can still create a (·on1bina tion of coffee and glamorous meal-topper 111th chocolate we call mocha . They the help of packaged 1nixes ongu1ally served it in cups and your blender. Vl'ith a topping of ""'hipped \Ve suggest you serve cream. -~ ,, •. ,.,. ,,~'(f."'''f!:J" If".~ •• it;; ~.· -· ~ I ',_, I HOFFMAN FULLY COOKm I u .s.D.A . INSPECTED SMOKED I LAMB I HAMS I LEGS I FULL SHA• HALF FRESH FROZEN FROM I NEW ZEALAND ~ I au ii I ,0111011 I S9~ lb. lb. I __________ .. :\10CHA ROLL '4 f!&:gs 1~ teaspoon salt ~:. cup sugar I teaspoon vanilla ;4 ~up packaged pancake m>X Confect1oner ·s sugar 1111 cups rnilk I 41.~-0unce package instant chocolate pudd ing mix I tablespoon instant coffee powder Sifted confeclJoner's sugar Shaved dlocolate Place eggs and salt in blender container: blend ull forthy. Add )>Ugar .ind \·andla ; blend till ~mooth and thick Add pancake mix : blend to combine. Spread in greased and floured l5 1zx\01·1xl-inch pan . Bake at 400 degrees for R to !U. rninutes. Loosen sides ; turn out 01110 towel dusted \I' i th CQ!l· !ectioner 's sugar. Sta rting ;lt narrow end, roll ca~e and towel : t·ool Place niilk, ehocol<ilf pud· <llng mix. and coffee po\\dtr 111 blender cont.a1ner , hlentl till ingredient~ are thoroughly cornbined. enroll cooled eake . spread 11·tth mocha filling . Reroll and i.:hdl At s~r\1ng 1u11e !>pr111kle \\Hh ~ 1 It e d 1.:unfec11oncr s- ~ug,1.r <t!ld top with sha1·('d 1.:hOC'o!at1• ~la kes 10 ~er1·1ngs. EXTRA LEAN IEEF BONELESS SHORT CHUCK RIBS STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR MAYFAIR'S WELL TRIMMED U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF MAYF AIR BLUE RIBBON MAYFAIR'S BREAKFAST SPECIALS TURKEY HINDQUARTERS SLICED BACON I~ 5 9 c GREEN SHRIMP I U.S.D.A. GRADE A 4 TO 6 POUNDS MAYFAE SH .......................... -. --. • PORK LINK SAUSAGE • HOFFMAN SKINLESS 8 OZ . PKG .............. -.... -· - ..... 2 9 !,~JS~o~N !~~9,~ .............. ,.59c Hl~T & EAT BREADED FISH FOR QUICK MEALS PERCH ....... lb . 89¢ OYSTERS .... lb . $1.59 COD ...... , ... lb. 89¢ SCALLOPS .. lb . $1 .89 SOLE ......... lb . 98¢ SHRIMP ..... lb . $1 .98 ,__ . VEGETABLE ©<k01b!~!lS -~r.·1 COCKTAIL ~k! ~(.~~ f COCK O' WA LK 6 PK 6 OZ . CANS .. ' ~-,) VET'S ·:,~ •.•.... ~.1 .. ~.~ r DOG FOOD .. , ,. ~~ REG, BEEF, LAMB. LIVER 151 /2 OZ CAN . bii~~e J ALLSWEET -p;£~1~ ~~G~.~~~···~·~ · ... ~· DELMONTE VEGETABLES 303 CAN CREAM CORN, WHOLE KERNEL COAN, PEAS .. ··,···•···· F 0 R $ c lb. ROUND ROAST ·$··''·139 BONELESS TOP OR BOTTOM . \ R._O.ljil/CJ RO YALE TOWELS -... PASTEL ON PllNT PRINT ON WHITE ' r· ··:: .. JUMaO ROLLS WATER 79c SOFTENER OCIAH U LT IO·ll . IAG .............. .. SNACK NUISCO CRACKERS CHIP,1111, IAC:ON WHIAr, Tll lAHGl..11. TWIOI ..... 47c MEDI UM SIZE ~ .... ARDEN DAllY SPEOAIS IMIT. ICE MILK ·~~~ ARDEN HALF GAl .• -~1 39~ ~.~~NNc~~,t~~~t BLEND 4fc ~~!,!.~.RMILK 27c CERTIFRESH FISHS TICKS u•. {,Aaor A 1• oz l lt I Ol ,,,~~~rn ~H~1IMP LARRY'S SANDWICHES Ill,, H1Uol P&STllAMI f Ol ~OJIO~JJ ON IONS RINGS 49' 79' 63' 4$' MAYFAIR FARM FRESH FRUITS 6. VEGETABLES ' . ,, ETTUCE .... IOL• ....DI ~&n! !~9.~~·~·~· ................ 3 FOi I ; PEA( Es $ . SWEET, JUICY ... ~ ................... 3 lbs . 1 'i :· ~ FANCY GREEN BEANSre NOER .. "29c ~ SWEET CORNr ENDER ..... ~~~~s .... EACH 1 Oc : SPANISH ONIONS8~1~f ............ " 1 Oc HASS AVOCADOS~:~~~ ......... 4 FOi s 1 I ' BONELESS STEW MEAT U.S.O.A. CHOICE OR MAYFAIR'S BLUE RIBBON STEER BEE F ~ lb. CALIFORNIA GROWN FROM FOSTER FARMS FRYER PARTS WHOLI LIGI 69~ BREAST SPLIT OR WHOLE 79,t MAYFAIR"S FROZEN FOOD SPIOALS SWINGER BARS APPLE /PINEAPPLE SHERBET r -. ·~. f~: ~itifll~, .•• ·~ 1.' ~.. ,-· \. \· ~ THEY 'RE NEW 6 PK 39e ~~~ ~.~:~~~i~,~}.~.~ ~J;.~~·2 ,, ORANGE JUICE $1JH .. l!t 11 Ol. 'H 6 OZ. DOWNYFLAKE WHITE BR EAD •$ 112 OZ, LOA ~. . DDWNYFLA KE WA FFLES 11;1·oz. l'~G !l~p~J,YE .WHOLE OKR A BIRDSE YE CUT OKRA 10 .oz. P11 u ..... 51' 35' .. 37' ············· 31' USDA CHOICE OR MAYFAIR BLUE RIBBON BO~ELESS ROUND STEAKS c~~~~7 •. $129 BEEF RIB STEAKS ...................... $12• SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS soNELESS ..... lb $159 CUBE STEAKS EXTRA LEAN .... . .. lb .5 159 BEEF RIB ROASTS ................. lb $119 BEEF SHANKS cENTER cur. ........... lb .• 59 1 ENGLISH CUT SHORT RIBS lb .. 69' FAMILY STEAKS ... . .......... lb .• 111' M ,~0!.~~IR DELICATESSEN . FRANKS ·ssc fulT~~~M~,Y~!s~EfE~£~~~~z TUBES 6 ~49c ALL MEA T BOLOGNA OSCAR MAYER 12 OZ. PKG .•..••.•• , •.•.•.. , EA 79c FRAN KS "' 79 . osc ... " M,,,~f-~.'. .. ., .... '"· c ~:~~NA .. lt ll(f 85c COTTO SALAMI 89c CHfDDA;·~~E'E's'·e"·· 05CAlt "'"'"Elt 12 PllG .•• SJ 09 TlllilMOOll: ll' fl![ PJEC£ ... , MAYFAIR $3.99 SALE :ii BlENDID WHISlllY ·-Wl5!PORl -80 PROO~ _ ... , ...... ou .. ~r .. ..... ..• CANADIAN DEW -· (ANADI AN #K!S~£t 86~• . ll~IM SOUR MASH BOURBON R()Y.t.l OCCA.SION 86 P•OOf •..• , .•. 'lf!H llRWICK'S "N 80PROO~ .......•. ,...... . ........•.••. ,. .•.. cont IMPORTED TEQUILA .JOSl GONlA.lES 80 PlfOOf . .. ....... fl~IM STRAIGHT BOURBON DAVIESS COUNTRY 96PROO~ . , ............... fl! rn ROYAL OCCASIOll VODKA 80PROO~ •. '·· .•..... -•.•.•••..•...... ,.,.. QUA.~I DANT WHISKEY 10 Yf .t.~ OlO CHil,(0.t.l 10 P,00f flfl!1 ROYAL OCCASION lllANDY CAll~QllNllo. '" flf! NCM 80 P~. •......... . flf!M vou1 s3ss CHOltE EA. ADVERtlSEO PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL OAVS THURSDAY JUNE 24 THRU WED ,, JUNE 30 175 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa I' -WedneMf•Y. Junt Z3, 1971 DAil V PILOf 41 Summe r Bounty Yields Refreshing Salad Fare WITH THIS COUPON UMIT I COUPON Sparkl ing fresh oranges add juicy flavor and 'o'ita rnin C goodness lo this surnmer salad. A crunchy chicken and orange salad is rran1ed by chilled ripe melon ring.~ and ne stled an a bed of green.~. fake 'advantage of good buys on poultry for a low-cost source of protein in this main dish salad. P.1e!ons are plen- tiful this summer and fresh v.;estern oranges are al the ir P£R ADULTCUSTOMJR JUNE l •-JUNE JO WITH THIS COUPON UMfT I COUPON PIR ADULT CUSTOMER JUNE 14.JUHf 30 WITH THIS COUPON UM.IT I COUPON PEit ADUlT CUSTO MER JUNE 24-JUHE )0 WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT I COUK>N PIR ADUlTCUSTOMIR JUNE 2•.JUNE JO juicy best ro r good nutrition value, Orange Chi cken Salad on P.1elon Rings is perfect for a spe<:ial luncheon ... but why not treat yoor fa1nily to this cool and colorful dish anytin1e. It's a guaranteed success on a warni summer day! ORANGE CHICKEN SALAD ON l\IELON RINGS t6 to I servings) 3 cups diced cooked chicke11 TRIPLE.41 STAMPS WITH MINIMUM SS .00 PURCHASI COUPON GOOD JUNE 24 THRU JUNE JO ""' -,.., to. u 1"1 ""-•· .... I"" -.., ci..1 .. , ........... ,.. ...... , ,,.,,....,.. ....... "'~'"-1::r.~,--.. 11111 -· OHi COUPON PER CUSTOMEI : ADUlTS OHL y J cup sliced celery 4 medium Callfornla·Arizona oranges, cut into bite-tile pieces (? cups) I teaspoon salt 113 cup toasted a[monda Orange Cream Dressina: Salad areens 2 med i u m cantaloupe!, pared, seeded, cut Into 1 inch rings Con1bine chicken, celery, oranges, salt and almonds. Toss lightly with a Uttle Orange Cream Dreuing t<> moi,ten. Arrange salad greens on large serving platter or in· divldual salad plates. Place cantalo upe rings on greens. Fill center1 witb CJrange chicken aalad. Serve with additional Orange Cream Dressing. Orange Ch:am Dre1tlnC 1 tablespoon sugar i,i teaspoon dry mustard 1,1 teaspoon salt 11.l tablespoons flour 'i-4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice I egg, beaten i,4 cup vinegar 1 cup heavy cream, whipped In saucepan, combine sugar, mustard, salt and nour. Slowly add orange juice, stirring until smooth, Add egg and vinegar. Cook over low heat until lhlckened, stirring frequently. Cool thoroughly . Fold In whip- ped cream, P.1akes 3 cups. Coffee 1Breaks' For Cake Coffee Crunch c.ake is going the rounds. The first recipe for it we ever encoontered ap. peared in a C<>IGra d o coe>kbook. Here's another Vtr1ion or the Coffee Crunch Cake In the •·Our Best" cookbook, COFFEE CRUNtll , CAKE 1 package (1 4~ oonce) angel food cake mix Coffee Cream Frosting, see recipe Coffee Crisp, see recipe Prepare and bake cake in a JO,inch angel food cake pan according to package dlrec- lions . Cool completely. Cut in- to 4 layers, Stack la yers spreading about I cup Coffee Crisp between each layer and re· maining Coffee Cream F'rosting and Coffee Crisp on V>p of cake. Chill until ready to serve. but no lon.11:er than 2 to 3 hours ; if chilled longer Coffee Crisp will begin tCJ melt. Make!! 12 to 16 servinji(s, COFFEE CREA:'tf FROSTING 2 containers (each ;~ pint) heavy cream 2 tablespoorui 5Ugar I teaspGCJn instant )X>wdered or freeze-dried coffee 2 teaspoons vanll[a Whip cream until slightly thick: gradually beat in sugar; add coffee and vanl\la and conlinue to l>e:al until cream is very stiff. t.1akes aboul 4 cups. COFt.EE CRISP 1 tablespoon Inst ant JX>Wdered or freeze-dried coffee i,~ cup hot waler 1 1~ cups !!Ugar ~ cup light corn syrup 1 teaspoon baking soda In a heavy 3.quart saucepan di!solvt the coffee in the hot water: stir in the sugar and com .!lyrup. Over medium heat bring lo a boil, stirring until sucar disSCJlve!I. Continue cooking. stirring occasionally to ketp from scCJrching, until tem· perature reaches 300 de(l"ffs on a candy thermometer or until a small amount of mix· lure dropped into very cold water Rparates inlo thread!! tha t are hard and brittle. Remove from heat. Add bak· inf soda. Stir untll light col· ored and thick: do not destroy foam . Pour inlcJ an ungn1sed square cake pan (9 by 9 by 2 inches): do not spread. CCJOl. Pound candy into 1 m a 11 pieces . ~fakes shoot ~~ pound or 4 cups pieces, Note: If the CCJlfee Criap it made ahead, leave k In llrie pieces and store In • tlthUy covered tin boi: or tlahtly cl• ed plasU. bl(. Pound It Into small pieces thortJy before u.. Ing on cake. STARS Sydney Om•n-I• OM of' the world'1 1r.•t utrolCJ· 1en. Hl1 column 11 one of the DAil..Y PILOTS rre•t f l"&.l11rf!$. .,.. . .. -. ·. . .. .ff DAJLV PILOT Cook I Hooked NEW SUNDAY HOURS Taste one, you 'll keep on munchin(. Thea cookies an: JO full of crunchy podotu and natural antrlY with l'Wfft, 1un.dritd California raillu. to a • t e d wheat ct rm , buttencotch candy bit.. Make up several batches of thHe quick drop cooki es in lhe cool. of the morning (the kids can ·help) lo serve with fro~ty lemonade or milk. They're perfect with fruit for 11n easy deMer1. JtAISIN MlJNCHlNG COOKIES Va cup butter or shortening l cup brown augar I •U l teaspoon vanilla I cup 1ift.ed flour 1,~ tea.spoon baking powder Va ttaspoon 1alt >.ti: cup toasted wheat germ :rJl CllJI California seedless raisins 'h cup butter.scotch chip• Bltnd together b u t t !! r . 1ugar, egg and vanilla. Add flour resirted with baking powdtr and salt. ~1ix "'ell. Stir in ~·heat germ, raisins and butterscotch chips. 10 •.m. to 7 p.m. LIBBY'S NEW JUICE-PACK e Peach Halvet (#303 Cana) e Sliced Peaches {•303 Cans) '. e Sliced P ineapple (•IV2 Cans) e Pineapple Chunks (•l'h Cans) e Crushed Pineapple 1•11/2 Cans) e Stewed Tomatoes ( •303 Cans) e Fruit Cocktails (•303 Cans) e Pears (•303 Ci1ns) MIX OR MATCH RIP ROARING • ' • ''/fl!!','' ~ " Drop by teaspoonfuls onto 1ighUy greased baking !'heels, about 2 inches apart. Bake in moder•~IY h o t nven (375 degree F ) 10 to 12 minutes, until browned. Let stand a minute, then rtmove lo r acks to eool. Makes about 3~i: dozen 1 .... --~1 I • • • cookies. A Princess LIBBY'S VEGETABLES IN =~~TER SAUCE & COOKING 4 I $1 e PEAS e CORN e MIXED VEGETABLES VAN DE KAMP (Regular 89cl 69¢ HALIBUT Norlhorn Fried RICH'S -Pint Ci1rton COFFEE RICH DOWNEYFLAKE IBog of I I ROUND WAFFLES LIBBY'S TOMATO CATSUP Big 20 01. Bottles NAllSCO SHAPIES REG. 45¢ •OXES LlllY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE'g;;, LIBBY'S • LIBBY'S CORN CREAM STYLE OR 6/$1 WHOLE KERNEL #303 CANS 39' JOY LIQUID DETERGENT $ GIANT SIZE 4 I 1 22 FLUID oz. HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS HEAD ' SHOULD ...... SHAMPOO NEW SUPER SIZE 7 OZ. TUIE REG . l .45 AT OTHER STORES SiCRIT ROLL ON DEODORANT ltEG. 1.0f UCH l OZ. SIZE 1,_.-Ii :1 fi: I :J :t·J ·1'!31-..... CUT GREEN 6 I $1 BEANS TOMATO JUICE 10~A. SECRET CRl.AM 9126 SIZES 8-16 i.., 1tf ..,; ... 1lf,...-r'- A SLIP OF A PRll'OCESS v.·ith an exubl!:ranl fling of acarf lo tie or drape a.s yo~ wish. Note elegant, hi·nse nee~. \\'hip it up in knit. Printed Pattern !1126: NE,V 1 Mis.sea' Sizes 8, JO, 12. 14, 16. Siu 12 (bu.st 34) takes 2 yards 4~cb. SEVENTY ·f'TVE CENTS !or each pattern -add 25 cents for eaeh pattern for Air Mail otherwise: third-class delivery will t.ikt thrtt wttks or more. Send to Marian Martin, the DAILY PILOT. 442 Pattern Dept.. m West 18th St.. Ne\\" York, N.Y. 10011 Print N-'rt1E. ADDRESS with ZlP, SIZE and ITYLI! NUMBER. Bananas With Meat? Wpt 10TOtlhi111 to go with meat that ls jullt a little dif· ftrent! Surprise and delight JG'll'..family wllh this delicious ch• n g e from potatoes - Mllhed Baked Banan11s. n..·aweel, 1ubU~ navor of ttril b'IDpicll fruit IOf!I SO Wt.II wttb a .;de variety of meats md..,.ublu. 111..-. Baketl llana111 s blnlnu. peeled a n d -h<d J ~ butt.er or ~ Qnrwncm or m.ee 2 U'' lt'DOI• slivered blanch-.OI(-(opllon•li ~ ......,.. Into 1m1\\ WM1 ditb..Dot wtth butt.er or 11mprtnl. Sha.a cinnamon or mO<i ..., top. Sprinkle wllh -· 9* in ISO dtil'ff oven fOf' • nrinutn." Makes 4 strvlngi;. """ Instead or candied tnlt, po(llott. au gralhl ~ • mtClronl and -I P·OTATOES U.S. NO. I WHITE ROSE PEACHES EXTRA FANCY YELLOW MEATEO 25~ AVOCADOES 5~s1 ' ONIONS MILD BERMUDA # 303 CAN USDA GRADE "A" 3-LEGGED OSCAR MA YER EASTERN PORK SPARERIBS YOUNG·N· TENDER BEEF LIVER DEODORANT REG. asc. VALUE l OZ. SIZE CRIST TOOTHPASTE I I/• OZ. IONUS TUBE GROUND SHOULDER .BEEF PATTIES s La. aox EXTRA LIAN 89 GROUND ROUND ' ... Prices Effective: Thursday thru Sunday June 24, 25, 26, 27 Pricn subf•ct to stock 011 hclnd. WE GLADLY ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS BAR M SHANKLESS FULL SHANK HALF 1un PAllT HAM 69' LI si.icEo' •• o .. -69' SMOKED HAMS TASTER'S CHOICE FREEZE DRIED COFFEE ~~RI. OOD OHL AT IARGoi.IN usan l9 --------BACON LI. OUR OWN ,ltlSH GROUND PORK 3 ' $, ............ ,. "" I IONILISS llOlllD 79' SAUSAGE " PORK ROAST "· Pltl!IH LIAN LB.GROUND BEEF 59'LI. IASTllN •RAIN •ID PORK STEAKS 79' ... WE GIVE ILUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIVE ILUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chapman NESnA I INSTANT TEA 30Z. JAR '~300 IXTOA llU[ CHIP 11 Ill 300 I, STAMPS WITH t PUlllCHASI O• .$10 Olll MOltl Olt . , 100 IXTlllA ST AMI'S WITH PURCHASl llTWllN $11 AND $20 WITH THIS COUPON Will! +hi' coupo11. II• "''";~"'"' pwrch••• ••~ll•ttJ. L,,,,;1 I i•1 p•• c.011po11 -Ol!t 1ou pen pt• c.u1!0,.,••· Veid tfler S11nd t v, Jwll• 27. 1_1,_ •OOD ONLY AT UIOAIH 1.t.s1n VOID AFTER SUNDAY. JUNE 27 1\lrnho.J1c 8f'vrn_i)?r~. frr~h i\l1lk it lltl C1i:11.rc!\rs f~"cludrd I All the brands you know and r want ... at super-saving prices during this past week's big ••• • Pure cane ••• glltterinz cmtal& of nature'1 lweotenar, •• from Hf.wail ••• allCi CAB 40 oz. PKG. ••••••••••••••••••••• Make more than biscuits with Betty Croclcer's f&DIOU& mix •• , and the reaulta are usured every time! S&ve on the big ""·"rt size ••• and know that ~ quality ia built into the famous Kratt name! ·Margarine f\BSCllMANN'S ... tu.cnt 39c ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• You know all the reasons to prefer FreiJdlmann'a •• , now aren't you &"lad to .know El Ra.ncho's price? (i Ci• t v . t . bl fROZEM 3~$1 reen man ege a es ........ . Baby Peas in Butter Sauce, White Corn in Butter Si.uce, Broccoli/Cheese or Cauliflower/Ch-10 oz. Skillet Dinners .................. 69¢ Mrs. Holmstrom' s Pies ..... ~1.29 New! !rom Hunt's ... Choose from five mixes! Bli 9 inch ••• heavy with favol'Od fruital Frozen Patio Enchiladas ................ 39¢ Dole's Juices .... ~ ..... 5 ~ '1 '.Either Beef or Cheese ••• S oz. pk&'. contain• two! Pineapple, Pineapple--Oranire. l'ineapple-Gzapefrt Gerber's Baby Food ....... 12 '1 Choo1e baby'• favorites ill atrained varietiea ! Lipton's Tea Bags ............ ~t.09 You save substantially on the 100 ct. pJcr. Tuna in Spring Water . .' ....... 4?¢ Starkist ••. taste tuna, not oil! No. ¥s cu Dial Soap ......................... 59¢ P&cl<are ot three b&th a1ud b&ra ! Chips Ahoy ....................... 69¢ Big 21 oz. pkg. o! favorite cook,iea! ••• Nabilco Royale Tissue . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. 4 "''1 Two. roll packs, priceil tar savinza ! Cat Food ..................... 8 '" '1 Purex Detergent ................ 69¢ New? Phosphate free! Try the 49 oz:. size box! Nine Lives ••• 6¥2 oz. cana ••• three flavors! Super (;Qrden Patch Specials ! law Plli&o11 5·251 u.a.No.1 Wbita ~ ••• imoothlikinl ••• ti=, cook up beautifully Summer .Squash ......................... 19~ G&rden frelh .. , and 10 tender and flavorful ... love the valool Radishes or Onions ........ 2 ,..19¢ Cucumbers ................ 21o129' Zesty red radishes ••• snappy 11reeJ1 onloJla I Long and green ... cool and cri1p , •• so good I Romaine ......................... 15' Ripe Apricots ................ 25fr. Crisp leaves ••• so fresh u.d tenduf Lam! , , • firm, ripe &11d full flavored! Super Deli Values ! Cracker Barrel Cheese .. 79'. Kr&fl'a f&mou1 quality in 10.., &ticlcal Mellow, Sb&:p or ~I Laughing Cow ..... ; .. 49' Delicious cheeaa from France I 6 oz. Avocado Dressing ... 3r NIW f""'1 Filhenua'1 Wlwfl 8 oz. Mozzarella Balls ........... 89; Fri10'1 ••• from Wilconlllll Sllloothl lS oc. KraW s AIMrlcan .......... 69• lndlvidliAlly wrapPid .Ucei I ••• 12 OL Pies- \ \ For .a deep llelicioos brew! •• , 2 i.. w ••• L57 J.~. "" •. , ZJ5 HUNT'S 14 oz. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rich red ripe goodnau.,.jaat ap!cy enough to know that the recipe bas to be from Hunt's! Choou Chunkl, Crushed, Sliced or Tidbits .. , bettor yet, .. r et several cans ot each! Hunt's ••• 8 oz. cans ... You uae it so m&ey ways you'll be aura to want to pt enough! ' From Our Super Butcher Sho]JB I \. Round Stoak · \ I I U.S.D.A. Choke Beet ••• naturally better ••• no enzym11, no magic rays ••• but old- r~shioned natural goodness, with El Rancho's closer trim! Swiss Steak ..................... 89f. Omaha Roast ............... ~1.09 .. U.S.D.A. Choice best ••• selected to offer more I Thick cut from U.S.D.A. Choice beet rounds! Rump Roast ..................... 89fr. Ground Round .................. 89t. Serve a rout that of er~ so much satisfaction! Alway1 tresh ••• and alwaya so lean! Sllced Bacon ................... 59f. Ei Ran.ch.o's own ••• ranch style slices! Spare Ribs ....................... 691. They're fresh? ••• with so much meaty good.nesa r . Turkey Breasts .... ~:~~:~~.'~" .... 89~ So much aweet, tender wltite meat. "because they're from El Rancho's own plump turkeya ! , Chateaubriand ..................... $2 59 1&. The epitome of diJ:llng deJightl ... U.S.D.A. Choice beef ••• naturally aged! Filel Mlpon ••• $ZJ! 1'. Specials from the 8ea ! Turbot Fillets ...... ~"!!! ...... 79~ ?lfild navor ••• firm flesh ia tender and flaky ••• icy Alaskan waters m&l<e the di!ferenoel King Crab legs .......... ~1.98 Red Snapper ............... 591. From bill Alaak.an crabs ... the fine&t! Whole ... 3 to 5 lb.s .... p~ulne mapper! El Rancho Liquor Values ! Tanqueray Gin ... s~~~~ ... ~136~. The namo apeaka for the quality •.• and you save on tho bal!.pllon at El Rancho! Cutty Sark ... ~~~ .... ~16.75 El Rancho Scotch ~~.'5.79 Save 1.50 on thli &'J'llt Scotohl Bottled in Scotland! Qlllt;.",UI Coca Cola .............. 6iw69-El Rancho Rum .. ~ .. '199 King lilt IS oi. botU. ... plua dellOllt SUver or Amber!... Qu~ •• ~ UI. Bar M Franks ............... Sff Roquefort Dressing ss• Flaherm&n't Wharf ••• s· os.' bottle I All moat! Serve "ch-• dop." Lb. pkt. .. ~ ... u. ........ . 1'ritu {to •ff•cl TAur. !ArouaASun., J..,,. ''-ts, ti, 11. No 1a/u to d«U<r" 0p,,. dailv a to a ••. Sun441 IO lo 7 Pabst Blue RibbOn .... ~1.15 Champagne .~.~~ .. '1f7: C&rton ot lix 12 ounct can.al Pink or Extr& Dry •• or Cold Dack! Illa ARCAUIA . '"" .1,, ,i,, · ,,, "11, ::,i1: PASADENA ::,1 1:. SOUTH PA SADENA : :::i1i, HUNTINGTON BEA CH ::,1 11 1 NfWPORT BEACH '111 N''"""111.1 , , 11fl 11 , 1111 I 1 td•1 ','G Ii · 1 I 111 r, '• £ll v11 f' "' it " 1 1!1' 1111, 11111 llr W.lfh• r +,111 fl, ·r,• 'I 1 I B · ·,. 11~ I 1 '1 ,P1'J'1 \, ,1• r 11 r1, f 1 ''. ii! Viii 11» ,. ,11o' I ' • ... . ' s• DAILY PILOT Wtclne!>da)', Junt 23, 1971 W~ntSday, Junt 2:3. 1971 s PJ LOf-AD\IERTIS(R 9 Simp~e Safety Steps Ensure Super Summer June -the gateway to summer and getaway time. Get away to picnics, barbecues, beaches, moun- tains and camp sites , But don't try lo get away with handling food carelessly. It can lead to a messy case of food poison- ing. Know the rules of careful food handling and fo11ow them. The first rule is "keep food clean." \Vhcn preparing fo od, wash hands thoroughly and often. Keep insects and animals away from food. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. That is th e second rule. Bacteria that cause food poisoning enJOY your food as much as you do. bad nor have off.flavors. F'ood poisoning bacteria grow more easily in son1e food lhan others. 1'hese include: all creamed dishes, puddings pie fillings or casseroles; all types o ( poullry, ham and fish; potato salad, poultry stuffings, gravies and chopped food sandwiches such as egg or ham salad. Sare food handling practices need not be either expensive or elaborate. You probably have every· thing you need ready al hand. Several thiC"kn esscs of newspaper and insulated containers help hold heat or cold. . Use them when transporting food to the picnic or barbecue area. Heat or chill containers and in· sulated carrier as well as the food. Then, put the food into the carrier . refrigeration." It can be in the form of bags of .ice cubes. C.ans or special Jiquid . frozen ahead of t1md and packed around fod in the cool er, are good an easy refrigeration. You can even fill milk cartons with water and freeze. Put them in the traveling cooler when you are ready to go. Save the food preparatio_n u~til th~ verr last minute. Carry salad or san dw1~h ~ngred1ents in .re· frigerated con tainers to the p1cn1c area. Co mbine them after you arrive. Use foods that are not likely to harbor food poisi oning bacteria. even if they aren't re~riger.ated. 'l'hese include most of the summer fruits, citrus, plums, nectarines. strav.rberries and the like. GINGERBREAD WITH PEACHES They develop and thrive at ordinary summer- time temperatures, 50 to 120 degrees. The worst part is that poisoning bacteria don't signal their presence. Contaminated foods often neither smell You never know what may delay you en route to the picnic. You will be smart to carry •·extra Pickles and pick.Jed products are good trav~leri \Vilhout refrigeration. Tomatoes and raw relish.es like carrots and celery are also good keepers. Peachy Dessert Offered Thc>se beautiful California peaches are starting to come into the market.s. And if the first varieties are any in· dication, you can pla'l on lots of good summer desserts from now until Oct-Ober. Peaches are among t h e easiest of all fruits to prepare. Many of the Californ ia freestone varieties don"t t'ven need peeling. The skin is so smooth and fuzzless. California peaches, so natur- ally juicy, are f'5peci ally good in hot desserts. They slice up for a jiffy topping over crepes af!er the peaches have been marinated in honey, lemon juice and a ~uch of brandy. Very ripe peaches cook up Into a luscious hot sauce for ice cream over cake and top- ped "'ith cream. A marvelous variation of the old favorite. peaches 'n cream is peaches 'n gingerbread. Try this one v.·ith a lime-saving package mix . Jt's sweet and hot and spicy -with the surprise of minted whipped cream. PEAC!fES 'N CREAM 'N GINGERBREAD 1 package gingerbread mix 4 California peacheL!i, sliced ¥.a cup sugar lk pint whipping cream whiPPed 2 tablespoons !ugar 1,~ teaspoon mint flavoring. Bake gi ngerbread according to package directions. \Vhi!e gingerbread bakes, slice fresh peaches, sprinkle with suga r, :<>et aside. Whip cream, gently fold ing in sugar and mint flavoring. Cut hot gingerbread into right squares Place square on dessert plate. Slice crosswise as for shnrtca ke. Spoon fresh peach shces onta bottom layer. lnp v•lth other half of gtnJ!erbread. Cri\'er v.·11h rema1n1ng peach slices. Garnish v.·it h whipped rrpam and, if desired , a mint sprig. S e r v t' immediately. J\1akes 8 servings. Secret Covered A reader-requested rttipe, Kraut is added bul the cookie· fl avor won't give away the secret! WACKY CllOCOLATE COOKIES v •. pou nd sLick margarine 1 cup sugar I egg l cup drained sauerkraut, ritlsed and finely chopped l teaspoon vanilla J 1h cups sifled flour J/3 cup unsweetened cocoa J teaspoon baking powder J,1: teaspoon baking soda 1,~ teaspoon salt Cream margarine a n d sugar: beat In egg: stir in kraut and vanilla. Sift together flour. cocoa, baking powder, soda and salt; with t wooden spoon, gradually work into kraut mixture. Drop by I e v e I lable- .o;poonsfuls. a b o u t 1 i,; inches apart. onto ung.reased cook.it sheet Bake In t prei>e•t.ed 375-degree oven a to 18 minutes: do not o~r-baU. At once re.move with wtdt spatula to wir' rack to cool. If dellttd, cover with chocolat~ frosting. Makes about 3'h doun. RALPHS AD Of 6 /24 No prices are lower prices than pnces • EVERYDAY WW PRICES! USDA Grade A FRYING Whol• CHICKENS lb .29 Volume Dean Avg. Waight 7 lbs. ROAST or CHOPS 69 HALF PORK LOIN ~- EVf:Rl'DAY WW PRICES M•ot Mo •ter B••f r..1.39 CLUB STEAKS C•nl•• Cut "' .95 ROUND STEAK Should•r Clad " 1.09 BONELESS ROASTS B••f Ttnd•rloi11 2.59 FILET MIGNON . ., "'• i;Mec•I fo1 y la CaN• lb .• 98 RUMP ROASTS Ro1h'1 .. 1.14 SMOKED DAINTEES Br•od•d -fro••" lb .• 97 VEAL STEAKS . SUMMER TOYS WHJlE rHEY LA.ST ()lloc,al FRISBEES Pa•od• l•odo• BATONS \'<n,I PLAYBALLS -· .n -·· .BB _. .84 • l l!" Hl1\S .1r• m.1nul "1u .. c~ "'Uh lh+· ~.1~in.,:• I'•~" 11 • Frozen Food Kold K,,, .28 CHILI & BEANS .... t . Kaid r ,., .53 BEEF STROGANOFF ..... ,1.,. t nd<;i•fo•d ...... .r •• fj/ WHITE BREAD (h~n K·~o Chow Mo•" ,,_ ..... BB DINNERS G•••" G•O"! Mo"•Y Glo••lf .......... 29 CARROTS o,. ldo ....... 47 TATER TOTS '""' ly• .......... 20 CUT CORN Oownynole .......... 29 REGULAR WAFFLES E~ERYDAY WJJ' PRICES cantlll'IDI Brand -Grade A JR P•n•<t to Bo•h•q"°I 44 • Frozen Avg . Wt. TURKEYS • 10 • 1~~. if H:ro Fmur John BACON :~~.55 EVERYDAY WW PRICES Califomio Growft -Grod• A lb .• 33 FRYERS 1.0., """ Whole l.eg•-lhigh• or ~ .. 59 FRYER DRUMSTICKS FOUR-Li:"GGED FRYERS lb .• 49 OSCAR MAYE1R ... BACON .73 O.car Moy•r -12 a1. Plig . . 68 WAFER THIN BACON form••Jahn -I ar. P~g. .28 LINK SAUSAGE fN1h Fitl•t lb .• 89 OCEAN PERCH INTERNATIONAL SILVER flATURE 01 THE WEIK TEASPOON with e v•ry $3 puN:hos• -· .19 AJu liquid Dish Detergent h•clucl•• I Sc Off L•b.I -J l·a~. bottl• .69 Pantry Fillers ...... h Sto,le .17 BEANS 11-... - ~ ... ~,••"Ch•...,. .... ~ .39 PRESERVES s,.,~•••" s...ll•n llacl •01pb•"Y ''"";.. .57 PRESERVES M~nr'• Slill•• ••• .79 DINNERS <><••• Gia"' G.ld•" ,,_ -.23 CREAM CORN l • ....,.. ""'"'" ........... 33 DRESSING CMI Ct.•~ c.., , ....... ~ .ie CARNE WITH BEANS "" ........ • 29 CHICKEN RICE MIX You've heard our statement a nd you've probably heard our guarantee but do you really know "'hat it nieans ! It n1eans simply \\'hRt i l says: \Ve g·uaranlee that no everyday super· market prices are lowe1· prices than Ralphs prices on identical itemi; or identical product quality (excludes weekly ad,·ertised s pecials }. \Ve keep a constant "'alch on the prices of other super n1arkets and if we (or you) should find an iten1 v.·ith a lowe r eYeryday price than ours (heaven forbid), "'e'll match it. Ralphs feels that it's the everyday prices that atfect your food bill the n1ost. So, in order lo lower your "'eekly food bill, we guarantee "No prices are lower prices than Ralphs prices." EVER YDAY WW PRICES RAl,PHS OWN Award Winning Bakery Butt•rm ol~. H•td•tt, Croc~ed Wh•ol RALPHS BREAD 1-lb ...... 1~1 • 3 5 Ralpht Ap ple ar Ch•rry 49 STRUDEL . "•· o11 • ••.•. 55 RALPHS OATf NUT LOAF "'· .69 Ralph• Appl• n' 5pic• CAKE DELICATESSEN A•maur All M•ol FRANKS .62 1-lb. pkg. SAhLADS Mocaro,.i; Cal• Slo;~:~:t~: •35 s'A'i:Af'.'.\i°cHuss "~· ••• 1.09 BOLOG,N A CHUBS '!;; 1.09 All•w••' 31 OLEO ,.,.. •'•· • Rolph• AU 8••f 8ologna; Carta Salomo; l unch•an Laaf; All Mtot 8ol09na; Pickl• & Pim•nlo laaf •·•·· 36 LUNCHEON MEATS p~g .• DAIRY DEPARTMENT Ralph1 "ZIM 37 IMITATION MILK ~ ... , .• p;,, .29 Aolph1 lmitotion SOUR CREAM Hunrs M Pork & Beans ";:~ .25 Health & Beauty Aids c1 ...... u" 1.,,.,11v i.,. TOOTHPASTE .,_., ..... .72 '•9"" SHAMPOO Joh"'"" BABY LOTION JoM•o~ BABY OIL 5<01>• MOUTHWASH (eppo.+on• s .. n•o~ LOTION or OIL •·th• G~•·d DEODORANT l19h1 w....1 -1 k Off l•Ml ANTI-PERS Pl RANT t .. o ••M .98 ........... 89 ·-· Wfle .84 ,._ ....... 1.25 .......... 1.34 ... __ ..... 79 ...... t20 EVERYDAY WW PRODUCE PRICE5 Yellow Mealed NECTARINES Finest ll!l!l1IJ BANANAS Californ ia Hoa• AVOCADOS Mild, Sw••t, l rowri ONIONS Fr•1h, C•i•p, Lo•g• 5tolk1 CELERY form Fr•1h lb .25 lb .• 10 -· .25 .10 ! lb. .15 / -·· ROMAINE LETTUCE -·· .15 : U.5. Na. I Whit• Ra•• lb .• 05 POTATOES LIQUOR DEPARTMENT Ralphs Catering Ice Cream ~69 Household Needs l a lp"• H•o.., Ouly ALUMINUM FOIL "'· .43 l"' liqu;,j DETERGENT ,,_,....,, .47 DETERG1E.Nf<Offl•MI J-~. 1.99 wi,,,. K•"f GRANULATED SOAP .... ,. •• fl ,_, JUICE SERVERS ,.., .n PICNIC JUGS ' ... 1.99 Cl.-· BLEACH 11-0!. s ... UTILITY POTS .... ..i.~ .31 -· 2.99 No everyday supermarket prices are lower prices than ~qt¢!> ·-MEAT PIES R'HUaAR'i"Piis -·-··· BLUEBERRY PI ES ---MEAT PIES fN""fiEES ---lEMONAD[ SAVE •'2c ....... , .19 .... ,..., .99 ... ,.... l.2S ........... 57 ,_ ... ,27 .... _ .12 H-kUH..n IA1t"So., --.22 --· DETIRGINT Silow -DfTIRGINT -DfTERGINT .. _ DlTfRGINT _....,.. .82 -....... 88 .. _ ..... 83 -..... 31 .............. 2.09 Ho11 .. i..MN ... TAa'trn -...,, • 79 8Ai'SOAP ..... 21 f'A1tSOAI' -...... .08 -•LL .... ~ ... 4 DETEJIG(NT ... _ .... 81 -"" .68 ..... ._ 1.55 Pa,.r•r Fill••• ... ._c._,., .. u .... ._ 55 COOKIES 1 .... ,., • ., • -·A-((AEA.LS •• COfFll "'' COFFEi ,. COfffl -INSTANT COFFEE "" .... 25 ,...,_ .84 ,._ l.67 ...... 2.46 ..... .,. l.33 N••"h & l•o..ty Aid1 ,.,..,,,iii... --u-....... ·-·--· i:UY'FOOo .......... 09 HAirlsPR.t.Y" •k< _ .u -·-13 -·~"'"""'"""" BABY FOOD ..... "" • SAHITARY HAPICINS -·~'1""' 36 ,_ CHUNK TUNA ,.__ -• TANNING IUTTIR ~. I ,_ TOMATO PASTE ,.__ ·-• 6 OIL or LOTION --DESSERTS ( ..... CAT FOOOS 12 c_.,,.-......... ._..,. • TOOTHPASTE 12 -·· ... ·-• NASAL MIST SAV( 19< WITH COUPON ,..., .. u .43 .... ~ .67 ... -.. .91 • .._ ...... 77 ....... 1.09 '"t!;;~;,:~~i~ii.!~~~!:::~ .. ~1 More tl1an just low prices COUPON GOOO JUNE '14 lt!N JUNE JO, 1971 LIMIT 1 -ONLY ONE COUPON Pfl CUSTOMIA ' lftllft~~·JJ'f:J:J: ' .. l-1!..~:!1."!:!:~.! .. '~!!~~!~!.-, .. ~ .. -,.~ .. ~~-~:t\ .. I Sally Bananas ReaRy Is ••• Banan•1, That 11 IRALPHS STORES ARE LOCATID AT: 9901 ADAMS BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH; 15471 S. BROOKHURST, .WESTMINSTER STORE HOURS: 9·10 DAILY, 9-9 SUNDAY '======-'I - I . ~ y DICK TRACY TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF WELL.I LL 8! DARNEOI -ANO GUE5S W~SE PUltSE TIJl'S 151 ~T_l_S _l.1 HU .. Pt!&ARll HAMHOCll!R: m<MJ:R l711A~1 MOUSY Pl..AIN·JAN1'1 SUPOEN~Y IBANSFORME'D INTO AN llNTJReLY Pll'FEReNi l'l:RSON! JUST LIKE IN 1llAT FAIRYTALE! .... YOU l'J.IOW l\\l: ONE',! ••• By Tom K. Ryan Bv Al Smith Ll'L ABNER NOeoD't' LOOKS "[?:'( DE E·L!SHU5 C"£.E.·LIGHTFUL OR E.V.E.N OEE·VINE -- !iALL Y BANANAS GORDO OR WHUTllVf." T14'~D.11'1 MISS. D. e P.OWN'S NAME STANO:.FO'- YOUR SEAT? O. K . IF '>1:ltJRE SITT ING ON A Cf\OCOLATE ECLAIR YOU'RE SITTING IN MY YOU'RE MISTAKEN! FIGMENTS . ' PLAIN JANE "'~ ~ ACROSS ~5 GrouPtd lf5 0lJ(tf~ 1 Bund !td 4& C oncluclim~ colton words b -Brrtan 4q Raccoon likr lO School mammal stAljrc!: of As ia Informal 50 Conc r1ning 14 Sr p1ratr 51 Animal 15 Absrnt ap ptndag r without l11vr: 52 N1!!an1I S11n11 e~sk rtb~ll lit Sound As1oc 1111on: rrllrction Abbr. 17 Ink stains 55 Small 011tn· 18 Or lvrs too ings: Anal. closr to thr 58 Srqurnc t of car •hr,1d sut Cf lSIYt 20 Asi ~n OY thlnQS 21 Comp,1ss1on bO E~trndtd potm 23 Wlnhy · _, l:il Forcr out 2 .,.·a ds· bl Racktl 24 Frlr11dsl1i p bJ --· rroc rs~us: 2b Prltd Klnd of 28 NaffOW l~w ordrr liSI LNt S f,4 ArilOll~ C1 l~ 30 us bS Otnam1notl 1on~ Rrvohrt1onar1 9rn1r1t DOWN JI P11a1ur1 l•~•n in l Nrwborn ont'I wor~ 1111m1I JZ Frt tln95 of 2 ·-brrvt : drvolrd Muli ic tl 1fl rction dirrction }b Prtfr tt ) 0 ('t wl\11 37 Stoppill'iJ place 1ir11ita1 ..3R S1a1r : Abbr. l1ciill !tatl)'fS Jq Obsrrvrr 4 Ad11c\1vr 42 Mar k ovtr 1 sulfit vowrl 5 Notwllh• 44 Synthetic s!arldlllll f!bt1 b Spi1 1ful . -· ···--- 7 From th•S pll Ct 8 Food INldr lrom \ht !aro 11Xlt 11 Ltlltr l () Mosl stingy 11 Orit who t1ktS I p&rl 12 P1oricun 13 Washt d down 19 Ston tmason's """' 22 Pronoun 2~ Bt l119 the part 111 thr ttn\tr 2b Si09 lt iTi1c ~ntss 27 1'~ 0!11tU : l word' 28 illi!'ttrl l .. •• f.123'71 32 "Tht l't I ·- -l!°°"y!": 2 words )) Of 1 NOl'th Atl•11tlc l1l1nd rtpublle J4 Roal p11t 35 Vt l'llclt U5t d ov tr let 37 P1rtl1I 40 Joln 41 Runs 42 Cf!"!lilrt t nllt1 4) Stick: used'°' ctiastist mfnl 45 jack: ol <tubs in loo 46 Stor1ot unlls 47 Un1u!l1blt 48 Su~rn1\161l c1rati.rr •9 Eil'IY worlc of springs Mlcht l•n9flO rr1orttd lo 51 Col!ttn for Cllftl 53 Most tlfct lltnl zq Thing ustd II 5( Er is' bfotht r 1 support 5& Mi lt anlmi l JO Madi! or017t$I: 57 Ftt! r~ frw 2 words 59 Fish rggs l • ' ,,_,,... .. ,...,,,., - " " .· >~ " " • l • SEAT! By Dale Hole MOON MULLINS SCR,A"TCl-I ! ROLL OVoR ANC> PLAY C>o,AC> ! By Frank Baginski J.NIMAL CRACKERS PEANUTS • I I I ' ' " JUDGE PARKER ---1111111 VES,,FOR FEDEllAL !N~lllZA.W(E PUllP0 5E5, SAM •. eiur IN EA.CH C,l.SE THE FUWOS WEIZE TRA.NS - FE~Q.ED TO CH EC Kl ~G AU.CUNTS •• A.NO ™ESE M:COU NTS OEPLE.TE" MART"l-IA Hl!!S HAP S,t,VIMGS A(C011NT5 1N ""'our TWE+ITY OIF· FEllENf &A.NK'j! AT TME n ME OF HE~ DE A.TH , THEl\'E WA51·l'r eur " FEW DOLL />.R5 LEF r IN ""'v ONE OF THEM ~ MISS PEACH ' J I ! • ~E""Y Sc i;oo <.. Pl.AC£MeNr SER VI G!i SUM M Ef2. EMPLOYi\.-IENT SPf:C/ALISi5 MA,CC"t f•Of. • . " • PERKINS .... ~ \};.,.. .......... J 19),JM • WITHIN TWO VE-'llS! HEfZE'S A Ga.?D ONE FOR 'li.?Lt, Il<A : "COMelf"olATION CAND'r'-TASTE2, At.-\US EMENT PARK' CflrijC, AND i-iMIMOCl!-T£SToO:. 754 AN MOUR.• Bv Charles M. Schulz I HATE Nor AAV1NG A LAPEi. WHAT ABOUT F"'NGE' 8E.N£FIT5? ~ ....,. -:w By MeR ly John Miles Wtdnrsd11. Jun. 23, iq11 t>AILY '!L OT 5 f l ·~··o· STANDS F'O' "'DA.TELES$ 'L By Charles Barsotti By Gus Arriola By Roger Bollen :!'. OOO'r Bl!.!. /o.llD COO Ol f~E Fli"S1" DATE.] THf STIANGf WOllD MR.MUM 1------.- DENNIS THE MENACE 'l CAN'r GO Ill 7)jf; oousi; OOIL I GET OFF MV #0\IS llERVES. • DAILV PILOT JANET LEE CHUCK WHOLE WIENERS STEAK FRYERS Tasty Tender A rear good hot dog! Ca11't beat this pri~e. • HUNTS TOMATO KETCHUP • f 14 az. size Reg.24c SAVE 5c f 12 DZ. 6 pack REC . l5c SAVEllc Blade Cut U.S.D.A. Cbaice ar Albertson's Supreme • Fresh, wbole body It's picnic weather and eYel'}'11e likes fried c~icken ! • MINUTE MAID FROZEN • 6 oz. can Ref. or Piok Reg. 1 Sc SAVE Sc NORTHERN TISSUE :·1:::·· 3 ::~, s1 .IVORY BAR SOAP r:;·:,m:\·:.", .4 of~fr 29C ICE CREAM "''""'0 '00''·~··1. 74c .... NABISCO COOKIES rn,. ... , "" 75c CHEER Dm.R11116 .... E.,N •.. T .. ::.·;::.~:·:, .. , .......... 1°B·· · SPIC 0-SPAN .......... ~ ....... " . .-., ...... ggc "'"""'"'""'''"······· ' a ,, ... ,,,,. .......... ················· BAKED BEANS ... • ,... ..... 3 far s1$CDOG FOOD ::::-~·: :::.·~:~:: :;~;. 5 fa r " 21ar.C1a ....................... Only 11~t.,,l1.,U1L .... ,....................... OD ly ...... ANTHONY SPAGHm1 ~~1i:::::•'. ... 19c '; HINESE FOOD ~c:r~::.ll~, .................. 111 .. illi=~«~~~;:::::~:=:~t:~-=::~;::~::::·;:::::::::;::~~:~~::;:::::::;:::~::::::::::::::~=~-=:-::~:-:::~::::~:;:.;-;~-::%~~=~ . ·'"''''".~s,~.,,.,,.,,,".,,.,."_".''"'·'·"·'·'·'·'·'·'•'·"·'·'·'·'·"·'·'·''.'"'·'·'''·''''''''''''''''m'''''"''''~';,:: BIRDSEYE ALBERTSON'S I • FROZEN FROZEN VEGETABLES POTATOES PEACHES • ...... ::::::.:: Peas and Cut 6 =~~-~ :::f~: corn . The~e arl ~::::: two favariles. :::~:~ 10 oz. p1cka1es $1 French Fries, 3 8 ( Criakle CatSy for Tatu Gams only 21b.b11 U.S. ~· 1 \ill lbs.' I.I Refreshi11gBEER MISS BRECK GROUND BEEF Freshly rra1nd in aay size p1ckage ! S111mer is l11r1er time! • RAISED, SUGARED OR GLAZED DONUTS • for S I only for •1;fa BURGIE ::::.:<;:;~ "'''" .99< HAIR SPRAY · BUDWEISER ~~:i'.:": ... Sl.Vl.1.>; .... l" 1.1.12c sac . ALPEN GLEN ~~::!'.'.'.'..':'.' ...... .291 SAVI••• PrlcosEffocti,.Juo23-21 RADISHES & FRESH ::::: "~ Al 111 St.ITM•krst.Al•••i• n~ I h11i. Lu Y•t•S 314! C•••t lli1irwiy. C.ma ..... MUSHROOMS ~. VODKA ar1•,•,,•, .. r1t11 298 BAND D ~~.~!rw ........... 78C 1mthMN""'.T1rt1• 12211c11t11H1li~L•ttwt•~ 11 fsoLFir111111.N1iw11t GREEN ONIONS "'""'"""' .. '""'" 1 •"·''" 1 '"'·"''""" 1 "'""''""•t.•p"" GIN lHr Clltltt EXCBIRIN•c1uttMUl1« 9.c hl1 M.t•1.lll1t111t11 luc• lltl '9st•i1tt1r ""~ West•ll$1tr 7511 Dr1111t•1ry1 ... 11 Part Swe•t 4 forSl 5c ,•,N,.·!~,'" a I c .. · ALLAMERICAN 48c ICETRA s'••kMlllrtl .......... ,~ l4llf.Dtc:1t1r.l.lsYeps U15E.c.1,illlllAVl~Dra11• A2EIC1111 l1tl11l.1"Ct .. n1e u y 99c 1111W. ltltHllS »•~,If.... 11SI St. [IWltfl. lll1tlt(tn ... ,. 3511 Main, l l1m1H l•Jcr only Bunch . lb ~ . PINK CHABLIS Fltt• =~!:!....... 1111w.1P01t1111. Wll•i• 11111,tntAv•~ w•1tt11r 11s c. '"tt1111, ""''" • . :(:.;: Ul N1. lb"9r 11'1•~ l.1 ll1•rt 411 f111 StrHI. Au•tl• 115 L AltaHu Dfhl • .llt.Mtu ·::::··-:-:-·.:-·ffi.,...,.....," .......... *SW@ ...... ......, .. ,,, .... *-°<'."=~·"'~"''f..*'·~··h;.: BOURBON 11Mr111t'i. ·~111. 911 W1 '''' 1 l1r11 s1l1cll11 el lnt• f'1r11il1r1-,. 1 F IHI! I 111 1 1 , , . ,.. , 1 · ~-~=.~::::::::=:·~· .»":~;:::~:::;:::~:~;.: ,.;. · ....:::=.:=:~: .. :-.: •• •=:::~~::;::·::;:~:·.:,, .... ~~::;·~"::::·~::. : .. :~~=~:;:.:-. .. , ... 1-1tn1w i. 1"1tc11 CllliSI l•••ies ltWI Cllilrs l lli•dil C~llrs 1 42 M1111l 1, 111hl1 ValltY . I ''· •• 11 111 "' ltl WM•nl , Ltk .. 11• . ,_.,..,, ''· ..._...,._. :,.:.:;: ·' '•'· ,«MWn:..: •n..v. .. :.-.. . .:.-,. '· '' • .:.. '·'-' .~ '' .~ ........ -.: ... .:.~ .. "'· .. o!o ' ' • lilt firtllt11 llv• .. DIQIJ 2545 [111tn. t11 'ttttl m11a111w 1 :13;1ti,,:,1111~'' 3 ;• ,J bj&1111: • 1 w ;1 te ;111: 1111e • • u ,,1,11111 FRtSH CALIF. PLUMS -. ' I \ -• ' ' ' 'l'llB MESA VERDE $27,500 .Hl"lw many homf"s do you suppose there arr in }.Jcsa Verde under $:.!8,500~ \Ve coun t 3 and the riicesl or the .1 hy fl\r is lllis little sharpie. 3 Bed· rooms, 2 bath~. forn1at dining, pool sized yard and ,l O<;'o Down. For details · 673-8550. PANORAMIC VIEW .'J'he bay, Lido & ocean from this 3 bedr0fl1n, d in- ing roon1, large 26.-:26 living roon1 r-.·c11•port h eights home. 01\•n the land fol' $5!1.950! It's on a large Jot 1vith room ror a pool plus. t-.'ew car- pels, drapes & paint. The ov.:ner is anxious! Call '46-717L ' I·, ' . ' . r.; .... ~.-;.: f ..:· ·~~. t . MESA VERDE GOLF COURSE A top golf course Jocrt11on 11·i!h 11 brrathtakin.:- vie1<.'. 5 bedroon1s or 4 tx·droorns & den. :~ bathF. lt>rm&l di nini:: and b~akfast ruon1. It 1s also thr m ost inex1:M"n.~ivr golf cour~c honie 1n .illesa Verde by far at $48,500. Call 6·16·7171. •" ., l ' ' " llil.0-.... ~-J.1~ MOVE UP TO WESTCLIFF Now is the time. Transfcrl'f'1:1 01vnf'r is off,..ring: this quality home, londe<l 11·i1b ().'Clr_a fC>a tur<'! at a price that will ,..n;ihle you to prr1".idc your fl).nl· tly '''ilh the brst In accon1n1oda11<>11~. lncAl1on. convenlencr anrl snli~fnclfon. 4 berlrnoms. 2',J lsaths, dininp; rO<"lnl. r,..erra!i•)n room. study. Let"' lo gee it! $63,900. Call 546-2313. .. ~· .......... , ...... . " .. , .. TWO-STORY .NEAR BEACH f 8tauti!ul, 3 BNlroom1· -2.14 Bath -very sht.'Jl • b@me throughout. fl'l'ltur4'!! (orml'll dinihg area. •Jitr&e family room \\'Ith brick firep11\~. upgraded :flll,fflCUng Jargt lot. Excellrnl IOC11t1nn nrar all ' "'idioolll, ~hoppln; and ~ach. Price $36, 750. Call 546-2.113. ' DAILY PU.ff G:J NO ONE OFFERS MORE! REAL ESTATERS No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 '" S..-wlc:-l•r.,. •nd •ft•r tM ..... H .,...._. ..... ,..,,. In J efflcff t9 fellow tit,._ In Allw•rti1ln,.....Complot• cow•r•t• .t the tur- .,., ArN ewMy day. 8 MONTHS OLD 4 b.•droom, :l bath t-on1e that looks likr a modrl. A doublC' fircplacl' O/lf'ns to both conversation pit and family roon1. GJ11morous i::arden Sf'rvil·e kitchen v•ith sclf-elPaning nvr n, !';f'pa1·atf' dininf: roon1, \valk-in clo$l'IS in master suite & tv•o ofh{'r bl'droon1s. Front courtyard \\'ith lush landscaping. Quiet cul-df'-sac stree t. Price S.38,950. Call now tor sho1ving 546-2313. ' " BAYSHORES Have you d riven do~·n Vista Drive In thr privatf!: community uf Bayshorl'S? Step into this deluxe home 1vilh center hnll 11\an, forn1a1 dini11g room, u(1f'n bean1, pant'IC'd living roo1n Y>ith ~liding doors to palio. 3 bcdroon1s and 2 baths ~63,500. 646-7171. DRILL YOUR OWN OILWELL! J.ot 50 x 163 on Pacific Coast 1-lighway. in center of oilfield in Jluntington Beach. f\1in· cral rights Included in price of $55,000. Broker 842-2535. YE WHO ENTERTAIN This is the home for you. lfuge Family Liv· ing Room. and kitchen complex. Plus a lovely home \\'ilh 4 bedroom and 2112 baths. Do,vnto\vn Huntington Beach. Room for boat or trailer. Easily maintained yard. 6 _ years old and looks like nc,v. $48,500 842·2535. 3 CAR GARAGE FHA/VA TERMS Across from park and country club. 3 bed· room, family roon1 plus den or 4 bedroom and family room. 1800 square feet. Separ· ate laundry. Block wall fence. Beaulilul landscaping. $33,950. Cal! 546-2313. DR. SAYS: "SELL" lfuge separate family room. Choice '-tesa \'erde corner 4 bedrooms: 2 up · 2 do\\"11, 2300 feet of co1nfortable living. 2 full bath1< • one ,\·ith access to vard. Formal dining room. Close to schools & s hopping. $44,750. Call 546-2313. WIDE OPEN SPACES Jn this age of \\"all to 'va!l house. are you looking for a ho1ne "·ithout that hcn1med in feel ing \vithin \valking distance of the beach & shopping areas. !Ill this can be your~ • plus extra income fron1 the other unit. Con1e and take a look al this 3 and 2 bed· room duplex. You v.·i\I never regret it. Call 673·8550. $71 ,000. CLIFFHAVEN REDUCED 5 min. fron1 beach. Gorgeous 4 bdrm. home, family room w /fireplace. la rge Jiv· ing room w/sharp carpeting. Close to Ne\V· port schools. 0\\1ner anxious! $•7,950. Call 646-7171 . ONE MORE SALESMAN NEEDED EARN MOREi LEARN MORE! Let us show you ho\v • You can rnrn up to 80'1~ • Profit Shnring Plfln e Prrsonnlizrd Trainln~ Prngra1n e f\1orr Sales J-Ielp-Ntw Training Program In Progresll Call Randy McCardl• S•&·2l 16 for lflterwi.w YOUR GAIN-NEIGHBOR'S LOSS Th.is nc1v listing \Vil! sell quickly as thr hunlf' is imn1aculate in and out. I t f~atures ;) lwdn10111~. :.! baths, and fan1ily roon1 plus l)!ltio \1·it h BBQ. Ne11• sha~ earpelinh thruout and bf>aulifully dct'• orated! This lovl'ly hon1r truly sho11•s likt• & model. P1·iccd right for fa sl sal<' at S3J.;;Oo. &16-2313 COLLEGE PARK 3 + POOL Sharp home amonh sharp n<'ighbo t·ini.: l1omf's. Newly raint('d .in1erior, ~ood carprls. J\lany Uuill· in ,;helves for storage, Attraclivc p11tio adjoinini.: a fine pool in tropical Jandsca1:M". A<·! f]lli ckly.- it ,~·on"t last at $31.000. call 541i·231:.l. NEWPORT HEIGHTS CAMBRIDGE Pool hotne at the end of a quiet street. Play area. room for boat. 3 large Bdr. close to good schools & shopping. See 1t! or phone 646-71 71 for info. Offered al $38,500. 3 BEDROOM CUSTOM BUILT HOME DO\\IO town Huntington Beach. \Valk to tile pier. Reduced to $39,900. Jl;lany extras. Broker 842-2535. EASTSIDE COSTA MESA VA · FHA TERMS Clean 3 bedroom home 'Nil.h 2 baths. lrn· mediate occupancy upon Joan approval. G.I. appraisal at $27,800. Call 546-23 13 for ap- pointment to see. THE BLUFFS LIVE LIKE A KiNG A beautiful home in the bluffs ,~·1th a park for a backyard. 3 bedroo1n5, 2 1 ~ baths. I ... ux- urious living here. :\JI n1aintcnance 1s pro- vided for the la\\·ns and tile eornmu111 ty pool. Be~t buy in the Bluffs/at $43,500. Call 673·8550. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR \Vaterfront reduced $10.000. Enjoy Sunset Vie\1' fro1n beautiful customized 3 bedroorn & FR ho1ne with large protected patio. Boat dock. Move-i n condition $b4,500 646-717 1. OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Outstanding 3 Bed-2 Bath units. Interiors recently painted and partially furnished. Excellent rental area. Walk to everything $69,500 646-7171. BAYCREST 1 L ik e ne\v custom home in one of i\le,vport'." finest locations. Completely redecorated with new carpets. drapes & paint. Avalt- able for immediate occupancy $58,900 ~71 71. SPLASH WATER ON WESTCLIFF! From the large pool in t his 3 bedroon1 2 bath Harbour 1-lighlands 1-lomc -Can you picture a 16x23 foot master bedroom with a 13x14 foot ,1:ardrobe and :.1arble fi re· place. Covered pool side patio. One block from the Library. Close to schools & \Vest Cliff shoppin g. $35,950 10 ~0 do\vn 646-7171. "FAMOUS REPUBLIC " Choi<:e !ul"ation: Cornrr lot on ft quirt strl'"I. L u.\:· 11r1.,us 5 b<>dronm. :1 h;ith. fan1ily ronn1, srpara1~ diuini.: a r<·a. and a g<1Ut 1tH'1 k!lchcn. Lot has roorn for your bnal and traiJ,.r and pool. Fantastir: land· scaprd grounds. If you h11v.~ a largf' fa1nily lhi.~ homr i~ greal for 1hr kid.~. Only $•1'1.500. Call 5<16-'..!313 ' .,.. 3 ·• CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX 2 · :! Bf'droom hou.~e~ in one or our best south- of·thl'-high\vay location~. E:occcllcnl incon1c, llnd can hr seen almost anyliznc. S45,950. Call 673·8550. TRIPLEX 3·2 bedroo1n. 2 bath Pride of O\Ynership units. Front unit is separate & has a fire- place and private patio. Rear units have 2 palios eal'.b. $49,500 646-7171. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW Enjoy vie'v of NC'\\'port Bay by day; spark\· ing lights by nig-hl. Spacious home \vith large dining room, enorn1ous family room for relaxing. Inviting lree·shaded patio. $72,500 646-7171 . IT'S A TEAR DOWN 2 bedrooin Beach house on a R-2 lol 10 steps from ocean $32,500 646-7171 . "DALLAS BOUND " \.Vestclif( Pool home "·ith many A1ncni!ics. ldeally planned for inside & outside en· joyment. Lar ge covered patio \V/lights for ping pong; over-sized family roonl. 3 bed· rooms; 3 baths plus office; plus paved fcnc· cd boat area. All for $56,950 646-7171 . RENT AL -EASTSIDE 3 bedroorns, 2 baths. fireplace. carpeted, d ou ble car garage. $250. Call 546-2942. Ask for J\1rs. Street. BEAUTIFUL LARGE DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR ONLY ONE JN TO\VN. Each unit a 4 Bed· roon1 2V1 bath 'vi th approximately 2,000 sq. ft. Only 2 years old. Enjoy top incon1e, excel lent location, and luxury livin~. S79.500 \1·1th only 101 ~ do\1·11. Cr\LL 673·8550. SPEND THE SUMMER FOREVER On Balboa !.~land . Just a fe\v steps to sandy beach completely remodeled · 3 bedrooin 31;~ bath home · ne\\I carpets & drapes. stor- age space galore, bi g double garage \Vith extra parking. -Srie and span ·va cant and ready for i1nmediate possession • rhone 673-8550 to see anytime. NEED MORE ROOM? Tdeal family hon1e~ 2 story \Yith large bed· room and bath on 1st floor. Three bed· rooins and two baths upstairs. Step down family room; step up living room with beau- tiful stone fireplace. Corner lot in ~1eredith tiardens. Priced at $45,SOO 6'46-7171 . LOTS! LOTS! NOW'S THE TIME TO BUILD! 50xl25 lot -R·l alley -just $12,500 84x l04 lot -R-1 -good area .. $24,950 .. 90x125 · R·l ·Upper Bay $21 ,500 • (22nd) 6'3x300. R·4 . 6 units -$20,000 (Canyon) Mesa Verde -R·l -$21,950 (Suva) 107xl01.5 • C·I · Baker SL • $29,950 (will exchange for TD's, home, etc. In l al• I" tho HarfMr Alo.-,rwf ,..tt~ Thl1 11 whoro "Tho Action IL .. WALK TO THE OCEAN This inviting housr has cvrrylhing: Iden! HUn l· lnglon Beach localion, 4 kingsiic bedrooms; ~or · 1nal dining roon1. rustom drap<•ries, llparltlini; clean. All trrms-S31,9~. Btoker 842-2535 RIGHT ON THE BAY Er ii.utifully rt-dccora1 rd, :I l11r:.,:I' brdt·oom~. ~·~ ho1hs, living rUtJm. fonnal d ining roon1. brcak f~l room A large s1111ny kitch"n un lhf' bay, plus ft 1,ropcr s!udy \vith firrplacr & "·ctlmr. All t his coupled ""·ith orr strt>ct guf'st parking, Epace ror a ~\\•imming pool and a large private patio, meke lhis thP niost f'Xrilint: offering of thP. year for unly £16·1.000. Call 673·8550 fo1· details. EASTSIDE SPECIAL Idral Farni!y Nrighborhnod. :t hur;r bdrs. 2 Iii• h11ths, lots of frf'sh paln1 & nc1•' sha.(:" r·arprt. Fl11i::· :-t onr pa Un dcrk & ,1·alk. Lo111 mAint. landsc1191n~. (ln]y $29.950. 646·7 !71 ' .. , 1 BUILDER'S DREAM HOUSE In l}llf' or choier areas of lluntington Beach, with ~o many 011\slnnding features. Four sp11cious Jx-d. r•i1~m~. Brenl1\·0l)d quality. Truly ll plresurc lo ace 11nd a privilege to own. Only $35,900. SUBURBIA PARK SPANISH Located tn one of the most popular a: belt nciQ:h· borhoods in J.lunt.ingtou Beach. (Just ask any of lhe resident.~. i This home fcRtur('I{ -4 bdr. family room, formal dining room, 2.1,li bathg. Situaled 011 1·r"ry large Jot with f'Xlrll privacy. Priced to sell f!Uiekly al S<I0,500. Phone 546-2313 or 842-2535 for additional information. THE REAL ESTATERS NEWPORT BEACH I 700 Newport Blvd. 646-7171 COSTA MESA 2790 Harbor Blvd. . 546-2313 HUNTINGTON BEACH 17931 Beach Blvd. 842-2 535 CORONA DEL MAR 332 Margue rite 673-8 5~0 INVESTMENTS 2784 Harbor Bl vd., Suite 20 11 Coste t.ilesa '5 46-2) 16 ' - • -l"'" •r " . . . PILOT -AOVE RnSER J 9 jlf llAILV '1LOT Wedntid~Y. June 2J. 1971 Everyone Has Something That Someo ne Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Soll It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast-Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results ..... torS. REALTORS 644-7270 Genera• REALTORS-ASSOCIATES NEW LICENSEES * AT HERITAGE, BUSINESS IS GREAT * Second Costa Mesa Office now open and in need of several new staff members. Step ahead. Excellent !raining program for fast slart. * JOIN THE HERITAGE TEAM * Let's get tog1tli1r for details. Call 546-5880, Larry Cempeau or Dave Myhre. General * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. CORONA DEL MAR -$87,500 Luxurious custom 3 bdrm executive home \l.'ith that 1'in the clouds" vu or Little Corona C0nyon & the ocean. Huge master ste. 216 POPPY OPEN THURS./ FRI. l • 5o30 "Our 16th Y e•r" I WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 San Joaquin Hllll Ro•d NEWPORT CENTER 641-4910 Gen1ral EASTSIDE 5 UN ITS A lovely 3 oedroom 2 bath owJ'l('r 's home with a S""'lm· m'nr pool, Jocalrd i..n tronr ol lot. 4-separate 2 bedroom homes on rear o! property. Present income $770. month. Full price $75,000 Newport •• F•irview Genera l G eneral * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. FRENCH REGENCY ON LINDA ISLEI A touch of formality. DR overlooks huge LR which opens to "'aterfrt. patio. 4 BR., FR, study. $160,000. OPEN WED. THRU FRI. 1·5 8 LINDA ISLE DR. ''Our 26th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 San Joaquin Hilts 'Road NEWPORT CENTER 644-~910 General 646-8811 General (•nyUm•) ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;; General Gener al • ,, A BUDGET Lar~e heated pool for tons of summer fun. You ll Jike this 3 bedroom, family room home with all its carpeting, draperies, electric built-in kitchen, 2 baths and it's close to school and shopping. Has existing \'-'" Joan. Reduced to sell now, at ............ S33,950. Dover Shores View J-lornc l·Iand carved imported "BARC'E LLO N.I\" doors 'velcon1e you lo this abso lutely fantas· tic vie\,. hon1e . \\'ilh it s 5000 sq. ft. of unique custom features -too nurnerous to 1nention. 5 R~on1y bedrooms, 5 deluxe pulln1an baths, family room. gracious formal dining room gourn1et kitchen , maid's quarters, 4 car gar· ag~. Exquisitely landscaped. Make an ap. po1ntment to see this most a1nazing home. Priced to sell at $169,000. 644-7270 A"4tu1-Swdd ~I ~ ... -.. , .. )REALTORS i (formerly Delancy Reil E1tate) 2828 EAST COAST HWY. CORONA OEL MAR, CALIF, General I Gener1I HOME ANO HOBBY ;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;I NE""''!y decorarcd and carpet-HARBOR VIEW HILLS ~ Th!'H' Bdrrn .. Two Ba lh f'amil y sile homr w1th doubll.' garage canyon \'1e11' horne plus all purpos,. \\'llrkshop-Spacious enrlos!'d .\al'd 1\'Jlh hobby room add1!1on. ~·e 'r 1wn1 for Jari::e pool and you'll ~J lcve. 4 bar-3 Bl"<!cooms, 212 ha1hs e-a1n 01 $2ii,950, v.lrh f'IJA, f·am1ly room & /1 ft"'place VA ter1n~. Plus brrakfac<;[ roon1 $.')7,300 [\·erungs Cali n~:i-01::3 .......-.-~----EXECUTIVES One of the most popular. Lllluriol.15 living? Large formal dining, separate din- erte, huge fam1ly room with lir!'pl & "'C'f ba r. '4 Large bedrooms! Beaut Jdscpd. xlnr Joe .• 146.500. Ca 11 ;,.1.).R.124 fopen t'Ve~I. Macnab-Irvine 'Really Company NATURAL BEAM CEILINGS C!1ffhavcn warm rus1ie 4 BR •I' lo!~ ol na lura.l wood & Urk. Pool sil!' yarri. Prircd bf'low FHA 11pprai~al. \\:on'! las! long -C'Rll &i2-823.i. Macnab-Irvine 642-8235 675--3210 $23,000 SWIM POOL TIME I SHUFFLEBOARD 4 BDRM. + DEN 4 BDRM .. 2 BATH $12,295 Built On Your Land -1343 sq . fl. living area -All lath & plaster -Hardwood cabinets -Breakfast ba r -Pullman barh~ -:.:;pac1ou.~ wardrohcs JUST $9.15 SQ. FT. P• ... nn 111g. Des 1gn-F 1 nanc tng- "1400 Hon1es &_ Aparunen!s built since '57" CALL 537-0380 10666 \\'rs11n1n~lrr Ave, G.G. OPEN SUN 10 10 4 ' WESTCLIFF SHOPPING CENTER And all 11s shops !or )our r-0nvrnirncl'. Fr o m 1h1! 1'..'.ASTSIDE Thrl"I' Bdrm., Two Ba1h. Fani, lt1T1, h'lmr.. '11lr fam. Rn1, is an a1- tr11ct1\'p high bt'anl"d rr 1l· ing \\llh rloor lo /ll'ak gla~s <1Yf'r!ook1ng rrar yard l\1\h large trers. Tllrly a peace· ftll selling. Le! Lis sho\\' you this slrcp('r. JJnJa Jj£ PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 12 Linda Isle Drive Elegant ne\v 5 BR. 41h ha. home w/formal din. rn1 ., {am. rm., wet bar. Impressive en· try court w/16 ft. mahog. doors . .$179,500. ---7755 -5 --· COURTY ARO ENTRY $56,SOO Cheerful 4 bC'droom \Vesl • ch!I home. 2~ Baths; lge. family rm. wi !h lireplace. Sliding gl; !'S doors lead to impressive yard. Owner transferred. For complete inform1tion on all homes & ~ lots, pl•aM call: ........---__,,,,,..... BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Cokfwel1 Banker G:::,:•ver Or., Suite 31,G:~:·ral 642""4610 ~ ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:= --=-=-=;;.1833-0700 644-2430 VA CANT Montic ello Condo. ,,..S.,T E"'p"'s"-""T"o'"o"'c"'e"ll-N"" & CLEAN in rhoirc-adult srelion. Pop· $26,000 ular2 bedroom balcony mo· JUST LISTED ,\love 1n /asr. aflrr cre<1 11 ap· proval. w1lh your VA or f'llA !C'rms. Ir's a SllAllP & JMMACIJLATE Cos 1 a i\1r~a bcau1y l\'ilh 3 spa l'· iou~ brdroon1s. e \ e c ! r 1 r buillins, cc1T1e111 drivr , block fe nce. covrn-d patio. sprink· Irr.<. and SHAKE FlOOY. You 11·11] say it's !he REST FOR T!-!E Ll::AST ror on 1 .v SZ9.:ioo• All you nccrl is $2000 I rlown ror FHA or :-lO l)()\\'N PAY:\IENT 10 \'els. LET'S 1 1 GO: co: rs · WALLACE REALTORS I --546-4141--I (Open Ev1nin9s) 1lc!, Jn heauliful condition. 3 Bdrni! . Xlnt cond. Call no\v for appt. to see. CAYWOOD REALTY A!king $22,950 2 DELU XE 4-PLEXES Spac:. 3 BR & Z Bs in choice N.B. ;irra. Owner wanls qu •ck R.'11<'. Pricc.>d below m kl. NE\V 80% loan. 7 1~% Murry. 1hr~r \l'Pn '! lafl. $72,500. EACH r@§;i;i·11kl REALTY COMPANY 642-1771 Anytim• $29,950 6306 \V. Coasl Hwy., N.B. 548-1290 General • • HIR[S'I [ OL'O~ '" RE A i.TOPS OPEN 7 DAYS A 'VEEK l ACRE RANCH COLONIAL 4 +DEN + 4 BA "HORSES" WALK TO LAKE BACK BAY AREA "AcrivHy honic." in prime ii 1 '-=,; loca11on, Spacious iuoms, VARIETY!! Enjoy thr view of o<.:ran, hills k. vnlley~ from 1 h 1 s \•ery l1nn1ac .. ]argr 4 bdrn1. 1..iisk home, at S85,98Q Incl. the Jan<l I SWIM POOL Braul1flll homr, J Bdrm & den, (lr lr h bdrm. Entl)' lla!I. 1·rntr<1I /Joor plan. nv· tT:<11.ecl ki!t.hcn extra eating area. cu:<lom carpe1s & drapes. huilt-ln range, oven UnlX'!levable! Quir.t tt'<'C linr.d St. to lhis i;:orgc- ous "old \\'orld ch1.1rn1- er." 'I rnosslvr hcdrnl'/n1s + huge paneled fa rnily roorn: 25' 1iict111·c win- dow in living room \vilh uniq ue flrrplacl". Larr;:e Z50 sq. ft. dream kitch- ,.,n. 'VRJI of glass opens v.i ,.,1,.,vated patio \\•ith ~prr·1;ci1'll lar vir\\'. Z.onrd f nr horsr~. Truly a sho11 • plarr. Grrat arC'll frir children. i\lust sell quick. f'nlry hall. 2 srpararP bath5, park like yat~l. brk open 'tll 9 p.tn. 540:1120 TARBELL 2955 Herbor DELUXE TRIPLEX OPE;.J SAT & SUN J-5 P roperty 11nd appliance~. In op-top cor1d 1t1on. $53,500 Call !or "llninrs & dishwasher. Large pool &· Assume VA LOG" decking & 2 pa1 10 areas. For Living" ~1 aga1.ine "lu.sh" Jandsrapint: No l Bedroom 'l ba ths. crpls. do11n !rrms. 0p<'n 111 '9 P;\l. 675·3000 Ev~nings Call 548-326:'1 drp..-, fll hr .• f1r1erl, <:11sh· 1 .·.w.17to l>.~hr, bluis. lntrnrri. o;·t·v· TARBELL 2955 Harbor pe nry. S28.000 11 S2.i.OOO GI I ICJ!tn S28,750 ===== ----FHA or VA 0 I AL 645-0303 UNIClUI' tiCl ... l'S Rt tl Watt, a1wooQ BUSINESS IS BEAUTIFUL! UNIClUI' tiClMl'S fl•ll Etllll•, e7~-MOO 2Ul E. (0111 Hwy. Corona 0.1 Mar, CaJlf.. 2-STORY ELEGANCE Unsurp<isscrl vu'w -pool - 3 bdrm. plll s convert. den. Grral k11chrn w/adjoin. fanH!y ITn. Close to U.C.t., on quiet Cul de Sac. Fee land. l 79,000. .............. Coldwell, Banker ~ 833-0700 644-2430 -tj -DUPLEX Twri SPpai·ate 2 b<'droom homl"s on I lot. Bol.h units front on slrt>C'I and t'ach has Jnd1viduaJ y;:irds. \Valk to ~hopping, schools and plll"k. ~ ~~Ii.JOO .:.nd owner in a hurry $30,500 FHA/VA w "" c,\l.1. 67;-mo La""e irTegular Jot with plen-I COLESWORTHV& CO.I . ., REALTORS ty of room for boat, camper ._, tue1 """''''·ltM & 1railf'r. Quiet otree lined I ~=~s 27 950 '"'"''""' '"" ""' by ' I 1>choo!. ChaITning 3 bedroom, 2 ba1h home, family room 5 bdrm. +family room ""'i!h B-B-Q. cozy JJrcpl and lluge Family rm ,r, l1replaCf'. ~ 1rt>e-shaded covered patio. entry hall. 1linin~ room. a: }~veryone qualifies to as-bc.rms, bullt·Jn rani;;e, own; sum~ 1h1s Jo\Y interest loan. & dishwasher, Pantry area. 1 Call 5'1.>842.t (open eves.) n::tural ,,.ood paneling. r-;o \outh . (-oast --. do,...·n rerms. 0J)l'n W 9 Pi\1.' 540-171.0 TARBELL 2955 Harbor \ ~~~~~~~~---· • COSTA MESA • I * 12 UNITS ,(,. COFf'EE ~ A LITTLE BIT OF .'..JI OP. corner of major h1gh-1\'ay, S20.000 rll'/v.'n. PARADISE IN * R-2. $j' x 209'. 3 Bedroom THE COUNTRY horne \1'1th plans for 3 mort A llish ~arrleo ,c;urrounds 8 unil,c; $.Zl!,500 rharm1ng 2 bedroom, I batil * c.2, ~· x 251' LOT. 3000 & fien ho1T1C' in 1hl" country. sq fl air<0nd Bldg. $80.000 5 Hugr Oak 1rl"rs growlng Pete Barrett Realty in the fronl givr cnntra~1 to 642·5200 !he Avocado, cirrus & n1any ,--c"°"'===~==--1 family lruir tre£'S that cover 3 HOMES WITH thr halance OC Lh!s 1·7 acre HIGH ASSUMABLE "ftANCl!!TO'·. $29.2~ FHA LOANS Tcrn1,c;. 11) J BR home 12) 3 BR & 1 .. Co1T1c to Fallhrook Country" Fan1i!y rn1 (3) '1 BR & Fam- ! T he SAWOAY Co. 1lyRm. ,\Jl can be purchas- Realtor 714 : 728-8301 erl on low rlov.·n. 01,•ne r ear- Peninsula-Point-- Cape Cod , autht>nll<' copy o! Poy Barry "dis. arc:hl"t'i.:I lrom Boston Beau!. 2-,ry. home. 1 Door rrrim ocean. 1~!/unob1arucred l'JCW. pa 110 . sundl"rk; l)n 01·~r~11~ 101 Truly one or 11 kind homr. 4 bdrm! .• 2 ba·~, mu51 ser b) app '1 S79.~ill0 •)nc'o'ir6c~caft~ 546-5990 3 Bd H I NEWPORT Ll'lri;r lot. p!u.sh Jand~cap1ng. rm . ome HEIGHTS nark-l1kr St'lling, charmtng l 11S Bath ro1·e['('rl paiio, rar. 'BR 2 B r I CLASSIC COTTAGE l 701 S. !>lain, Fallbrook ries 2nd. :\lay lease -Or lease/ l i """"""iiii"'"iiii~--Oiiiiii l op!1nn. f'or appointment - BAYSHORES JEAN SMITH, RLTR Call: 671·361i:l lii:l-M86 E1·r~ associated BROKERS-REALTORS Z02 5 W llalboo 613-]66] MESA VERDE · I 1 · 11 · . a. am1 .Y rni plu~ ---CUTE AS fl<'!.<, dr;ipe.s, qu iet srreet. \\'a king dislancc to a honu:o; rm, Co1y f1r.,11l&~·(' & "" CORNER 1 8 . , Loi 1 1 < $1~.5ro. Trrms schools. Separ;:ilc chlidr:"ns 2 t.1li·ci'l'd f!a llos. Ev('r,vonc l v•\·Tlt'r must sell an.I says, • u.i.: s {)'Ir s (I !'('{'s · Roy McCardle Realtor play y_arrt 11·11h l'l1mb1ug I I I h 2 ,, 1 hl rt•"' qualif1c,c; 10 a.~s11m(' 1his low i1ub1n1t all o!lrr~ LO\'fll}" V' 1 n1,..rpt; ~\'. r11 "" !Sil) ,\:C'ii·n.--.rt Blvd., r ,\I. tr<'r. (,,,...,..1 s11c ronm 11nd 'I'll 2 fi ' ii 1 \I -·' 0•'''" '' " J""" H1h'l"C':<I fn;111 \\'1t h p)nlls of 1 . , , a, 11 ll!i httlll' ]1v '" a n ·X n\ • .,i.,.,. ,, • 543.7729 111,c:: ur11:ht k11,·t1cn ~J """' rn1. hnrk tpl . :.nri :.1( r lrr 1• rArry 1<1 TD. Selli n;; 1 ~~~~~~~~~~ CaJJ &16-i\71 SI,,~ rrr 11111 ·PIT!. Call Ray PLUS FULL GUEST HOUSE ONLY $25,500 1111111 ~ll•'ti_ rMnl •'"i(!'t}~n:t pnCl" 1Jnly $27,50() -=---{o[Hlll. ·.in.IJ:JL. Hrr11ai;e •11111 t•\1•11•"\" l•l••·p~. :.r. CORBIN • * * • * \R TESHTE"RTEEARLS ~'11 r; .. r;i tr,·===~~--.Jl!ST LISTED! SufJ('r h fqr11~ ltl.'I! h;1nl t.1 find pn • Pride of Ownership ,.. REPOSSESSIONS !o1'fl linn. Trur (1ndC' or ''I S " I I ..-.11nr1 i.h1 1•. ]7' n11151cr \ 111') • ·' n1 l()j'. !•I• <'urnrr MART IN '-"Of'~ \\ llh 1h1s n•''~'l.v listl'fl ~ •1•1 •, 11r, ri, · •"" . n.1r~1u1g ~·<'IHI 10n11',c;, somr .. s111!1·~. (,1i::[ln!1r p1rl\I\'{' I 1..,1, o"111ly 2 h111ck .. 10 1111 •l h!'droom .. 1 b:1111 B;iyct'f'st POOL & BEACHES nr"IY p111 n1 r·d /..-t'arp<'lf'<I. 2 11· 1 n d n\i' li vinl?: rriom. ,c;hopp1ng -o do1•n \A or h(ln1r , ~·lasrcr brdrrn. srp-$43,500 :~. 4 8: ,a hrfr 1 n1s. SOmc '\\'Jth Graririus rlinin,i:. Alley 1011 dn ~11A 1rrn1~. !'rn·r REAL TORS ~7662 r r.:i te rrnm J lri:: rrflr bed· 2 BH ~ 1 • l I p•lOls. ~HA-\,\ 1'0nV. !rrms, 11r1'r"" fnr hf)a! a.nd lrall- o11ly l ?.'!.9:1! (';ill :0 Hi-~'\!<O -'-,.0,:.:C:~~ r ms. All roon1" look olit (In ·• ~ 111 · \I pr.11 · ~)(l !nun S~'O.f()O 10 $ rn 000 rr ~ l1rct1·nnm I hnth New Mod1I Hom-;---101w·n •·1·1·~ i $26 500 )li~h J(lsrri.:. ror rn!rr1a111. )Arri I& c~\,'. la,11:11. .x1n1 t:or-I C.'flLL!:-1:-; & \\'AT-rs -1."\C. gur~t 110,usC'. Ovl"n anldl 5 BR, 5 Ba. just completf'd. ' ona 1 rr j ar ocat1011. I S8-l:: tldanl• Ave. """ ~="'' ran.;r. ric<'d to sr . ini ·a lrg 1\•alk-1n "M bar, Hom& Show Realtors ~ =~.JJ,,. •• E·Z !rrm~. SN' today:! ~.-ofS.y• llili" form.U I ··~ .. HArrlGEI 61/,•''o LOAN r td · p•-r -·· 6 03 .. _ -,I\ 11 orm11 1n1ng rm_ none or "Armchair 1-!ou~C'hunn ni;'" U·TE.l..L-£;>.1 • 43-03 din. b~aklaist rm, lam rm • ~ ..... "''" ppo•"lm• , 11•~ SEL'E """' a " n · 3m E. Cnas! Hwy., Cd:\I I ... v !\1 w/wl!t bar, pool. AIM> view l!;ive paymrn1s Jc~s than A Id & F d R • d rno reu 675-72'5 !'nUce to nats -ask app Jots avail -will txuld t• i£!22£ ~ ~ ~ rrnt Pool 5l!l"d ~1arrl, 3 hed-' I $10 000 ~ your needs. FIX 'EM UP roon1~ + drn, N!'1vly car· ~ E. 17th St <.: :'\1 l-.-H-O_M_E_+_INCOMEe ' -., Aciy R-4 ?..on; REALTORS 6-16-il:'i.i -ocean \·1!'\\-, hori-~~ .., JVAN WEU-'> Ir S01'S 3 llou.,,...5 &: barhrlnr unit, pt•!ed, t'(lvrrf'lt 11n1t enrlo~ed _ 4 !;nJl ,c; s.1: •. or.i S6.~ IJo11n. r1d1ni:: tra1!~ ,r.,_ mcado,1~.I zoc . Galaxy Dr. Dover soo,_,-s j near shopping &.: ho~p1 tal. p<1hn all n1odcrn kllchrn. GOOD :'\!0;...'F.Y :\11\KJo:R· Bu: hrdrins ~ f11·rrl~ :'\l('lllrr11 hnnir f,, g:ir 1-1000.1 i;t6-.lj.j(I Open Da ily Excrl!en1 ren1aJ area rinc qu11l11y hu ill-in~. open ~2 RR units, Sll::.:i00. Call LEADERSHIP R.E . 1.1';t·~. Q111nt11.rrl Really _ 12299 Hr1rbor, Costa Mesa A good w11nt ad I& a aooc:I Price . $?.6.500 111 9 P;t.1. ~0-172(1 Vl:O:CO REAi.Tr 2029 S.12·48:'!4 or M2-44fi6 0.12-299 1. 1811 J~arbor. Cnsta '"'.., .. ..,o;; ... ,...~~-" lnvestmtnl Realonom~ Corp 67~6100 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Harbor. C :\I. 6~6--0011. \\'11rnrr l 0Ak, llun1. Bch. ,\Jesa . For be.!11 result!! 642--5678 General General General G1neral General G1n1r1I G1ner1t HIRL\'I l Ol.SO.\ '" R£A lTO RS ~NOWIS THE TIME TO BUY . lis~ your home ~ .. with your fner.dly, loca1·•1•1 Days 545-9491 Colta Mesa Office 2790 Horbo• Blvd. Ni9hts 545-0465 JUST LISTED l!Xl E:. 17th St cr.1 &ifi.3255 2-Sfy. home nr. swlffiming 1 bi'ach perfect for l;:c. fam. Complete children's area up-$27,950 s1a1n;, 11"4 bdrms. &. lge. assume 60/o loan fan1 . rm. l~r. master bdrm , 4 bdrm + fam ily rm. & fonna! area dO\\'n. $83,000 !lu;?c t·11in1Jy 1001n & naturnl __.._. hrir k f1rrpla re, <'n:ry hall. ..........-----............. ! huil1-111 r!ln~e. dish "'a~hrr& 1 O\PC'n, pal1ri. pr1n1(' nr1i:hhor-ColdvveD, Banker hoorl. nprri 111 9 P .\1. ~}40-172() .........._ ---11'1'..,-....:.......111 TARBELL 2955 Harbor _......_ BIG ''D'' 833.0700 644-2430 * MESA VERDE°T 3 BR., ram. rm. 2 ba. New 1 cptg. lmmac. cond. Beaut. grnd~. cov, patio. $36.900. Georg• Williamson REALTOR 673-4350 645-1564 Eves. Turn unu.<ed Hem! into qulck cash. call 6-12-567H General LUSK PLAN n ils murh snui;hr nvxicl has ~ nn .. 2·~ ba'F .• brkf~! rm., lom1a1 din. I'm. Den w/ frpl. &· sparkling parQue! firs 1hruou1. BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Coa~1 H .... )'., CdM 67S.S9311 Fast results are just a phone call a\vay -642-5678 General Fountain Valley Office lreekhur1t •crON from Llnbrook t-lardwar. real estate giant., A STONE'S THROW TO THE IACK IAY 968-3371 Opon 'Iii 9:00 P.M. Newport Beach Office -646-7711 2CM3 W11tcllff Or. at Irvine Open Ev1nlng1 .WALKER & L[E, INC. Huntin9ton Beach Office -842-4455 7682 Edinger Open Evening• S40·S14d 7612 l~lng..-.,po1lt• t-lvntlngton Canttr PERSONAL lUSONS to~ sarrlf!re ~le of txi:cutivt 1ho,,.,·pll"<""-Vacant. "·111 fll.)' $1000 buyt>r'' CO£LI. $35,000 aH ttnru. Broker (714) 842-4455 • Collect. PAT ONLY $153 p!r month totAl for lh i~ 11ulrt '4 hrdrnom. 2 hllrh chsrm~r I01dM wllh ~oodiM1. Al! 1ern11 and no down VA • .S26.500 tot.al. Broker 842-4W ot 540-51'40. LIMPID POOL for d1ytlrr'll' 1un. rvf'nlnrt: fun. 3 rJU"f'n·~i7tri l,...drOl'llTl\. •"'!'Ill· r11Tf' fsmlly rm, firl"pl11c~. 11nd 1,,11 rnor,.. S.li.:100 all tr rms Broker ~2 ... 45fi c1r M0-6J•Q. $26.500 Nr"· on tht market, pirk your IOt'ttinn east nr \\'t~t lid,. ro~tA :\1 .. ~11 A your lr1·n1s. \Vn lk lo All ~rhool~. holh hll l'I' rnn1·mn1111 f\nnr t n rrllin ~ brick ril"f'Plart>$, 3 8t 4 hui;r bC'd- rooms, l ~. balh!. Buil1 ·1n rani.:r &nd 0\1rn. MANSION VA1'llll1 11t1ilinl!, for you to ~11·,. it 11•a rmth, llQ~~ihlr t01 lrl!llcl" nplion. E1·,.n a pool, h~nnl~ courts, boating a nd \,,. h<ivl! oth· f'rs for you to rent. Come in A: we •·ill help you find a rent.Al. $1',500 Thi~ i$ A J1lrr prr in 1::rrar l"astsid,. Co~la Mrsa-homt hrini: 11nld 11 • i~-lnl 6flxl60. Al,c;o anothC'r ~Jerper-2 on ll lot Si.3,~a!l.!Jldr Costa f.teu. STEAL AWAY 1•·Hh rh15 ·I l>1>d11~)nl , \'"r•d1vr hnmf' In 811yrr,..!ot-R,.•ll~· nnly $5."l.~00-no c11(h do11 11 f •)1·r1rr11n~ nn ff'e land $25.950 PRICE 3 bedrooms. 1l"paralt' fsn1ily roon1, 2 beauHrul bitths. puli~hPd hard\\•ood floors. Tnv.·rrin~ shode trees surround thl~ 150 ft. ta.nn-~ited lol. Gov'l 11 ppr11 is~ and apprnved. Not one thin dime for Vrts. Don't drtlJ:: your feet. CAU.. BEHIND IN PAYMENTS $ll,OOO FULL PRICE Short d1s111nrr to OC<"Rn and ghoppinr;:. ;i riuPe:n-s1zrd hfod- fflr'lm~. ma51r r bl'dronm ha~ lu:<eurir>u~ prll'atr h1tth ldr11t floor plnn 11•1th lnrs nf r('l.(>1n. Upl!raded l"al'J'lf'I~ and mn1rh1ni;: dra1"'s ~1~.fiOO V1\ Vian \111h IJUymcnls or .SJ56 Jll"r nionth. An)'ont-Cail bu)'~ CALL PAY TAXlS?7 RENTINCi?7 NO\\·'s thr t1mt' to inveat In a hnmr lo Mve on !RX"' nt-xt ye1111r. Approx. $30 per mo. savings on this J broroo1n beeuty • Gl'll no monry do,,.,•n netded ~·Ith total payment of Ap:rrox. $161 fll"r n101H h incllldl"" all. J.iomr ha$ Rll th11t )'•1U nrr a nd mflrr fl'LL PHICE ls ~22.950. You can'I affrird tn renl. aey loni::cr. CALL TREE-LINED IEAUTY In'""'" i\1,.~a. :'l bl-drMm~ phl$ P'a mily Room "lfARD\V OOD" flO<•t·.-. 0 1111 .'l!'\11.rk!t> 2 J11."<urln11~ blltti~ P11 rk·like \lll'd ju11t crrat ror C11Hrorn•11 livinlf. Ap1lri\1~l'fl 11nrl rrl\dy ir, s,.11 111 ~11.f\'i(I Vf:TS f\;(1 fX •11•n l\nd 1n1n1111un1 d(111 n In rHA. ,,;.,·x101·s· WALKER & LEE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE VIEW OF ILUE PACIFIC & C11.talln11. 3 BR. 1,,:, ba. fplc, cpl!, drps. VA or FHA .S26,9M. Bk r. 7l'1-968-337L GORGEOUS JR. EXECUTIVE .1 BJ'i, 1\. ba . I ml. to l)("Clln. Va r 11nt & d<'sprrR1f'. Srllrr l'laY11 all clcl6lng costs. VA aropra 1!-ttl $35,000. Bkr. 71•1·!"><16-1754. POOL PAD Ul.900 Al n1nst 11ntx>HrV8blr bu_i ltut for this 3 BR pool homt . Bli;: lol. bi; pC1nl. 5ma11 pnct>, small $1'47 mo. J)(IYmtnts whrn bought aubJN:t to rxt11ling 6% VA 1.o&n. Anyone can qualify 50 call today tor a FUN HOUSE!! J '/, YR. OLD $112. MO. PAY~ alt subjPrt ro 6'7,. 11nnuaJ peN'entt\gt rate loan anyont can n11sum!' Supt'r ,c;~nrp with u~radtd cpt11 A: plush lntrrlnr. 1.1\rg<' covd. p&tin \\'llh BBQ. rltc:trle bull1 ·ln11, ht'evy sh11kt roof, br11ut1rul lll'f'A. Prlrt' rt>dUCt'd 51.010 for quirk ~11lr Quick pos.~es~lon. N,...,. Price S17.990. Walker 4 Vr Rll rs' 1'1213 Brookhur5t. 5·16-17~4. ' ' ' -' I. s • ~q Pl l OT AOVlRH~ER G eneral Dinner & Cocktail House . . . -. \VrL111t>d~1 J.tit 2~. l!J i! DAIL y PJlOT aa l~I ---I~ I -IM ... I~ I -IM ... l~ll'~.___·~~~::;·"""""-~~1111111111 111'--~ :_,~~~··~----~!~~.,, --··~·~· ]~ [ , ____ :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Irvine Laguna N iguel Commercial Business Hou"s Furnished 300 Houses Unfurn. ~-"-~~-"-~~~~,-~P~·~•poo;.;•~IY:...~~~~l~ll:l·-O-"-p~po~rto:c""~;cty"':::"°",.,--200-I ~~~~~~~~~ SACHJ t'JCI:: -fkoaut :t ~'1'"1. General Huntington Beach u!1l, 7 br, rt ~cl. :! p;1!111S. XI.NT RUY FOR USE lt Sl:-;t.;1.~; \\'O\it~:N 1>hag 1·p1. ('U!ilo111 dpi. llllus. Corner C·2 woe 119Xll2'. J\1vr~:NTIO:-.I I rvine ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;;; OOWNTOWN WHO SAYS WANT A • • • • Cu.!itucn 1·vtta~•'. 1 &. 1lt11, I Huntington Bead! 3115 pant•! i.::ir, c'On\lil 110<•1, Lll'h tiOlJU l><i It bhh:. Purk1n~ !t<'.td, of ll<1u,1·hul1f~ 1nhr~hp, flll\lll~llf' V!f'W O( ()i'{lnjl;•'. l\.lally llY'~. $S7,~ Lll\'tll'!'t'I'"> • JU>! i;;lllli(~ t11!s & hill•. S;]~,j()t) or hs1 (·a~hlt t'rni~ .. "1.111~ster ltl':ll J.>o \'vu \I.int <1rr. Opt'11 h.111~1· Sun 13~'91 1 .. .s1att-, ~:t.?.100 ~Jr. \\'h•-.·l-,\1-0-'-~.-\' 1\ lo\\'nhouse is nol a Brand new house ? But I hrdwd nr.; c,o· ' 1'-0' 1r•- Or1r or IJ.u·lj(Jr "1(',1, 1·11• ln-1 home? 1'bey haven'l don 'l \Vant all the ,..h;idPd 101, 3111') a1T f1>r 1.1:11 f'al 1(•n~. 1'•".t l~ 110. Plll<~I b:1r. ;,ecn this 3 Bil., 21:: \VO rk or nevr '~ This 1-&· trail ... r. Blk !{! Ctly pJrk. bu1lc.1111~. l1"<1t1r""· uld J1,'(·11 .. • ba . beau ty~ Lge. instr. FHA/VA or r~1n11 • ~•ll1r & ll yr r,'nM·-r1t1r l" r,·•·111-1 Bil. iv/frp l. Fluores-yr . old 'rurtle Rock 1 icrn1s. S·17-ll:i07 RENTAL FINDERS F ree To l i ndlords 645-0111 Executive Horne Room To Grow I' B1!r111 .1 /1.1 , shortv.·al)( to t><·11d1, -t~Jl'l'llll{. i;choQI"'. a.t:<'. 011 ~~·1· n ·1irtnj,'" ·•lh·r 1u 1 cent lighting in kitch., Broadn1oor ho1ne has I ~ )••ar!'I . .$6.1.0(KJ •l1h1n. h:cr1111t brick patio. lmmac. extensive_ Jnd scpg .. on II • 'l' iJ: I f+1.,' Rigg.~. 13"r. '.!16-J{j:IQ n1ove-in cond. Over l-.l .. ••- E STS ---a huge pie shaped lot. • \ • A IDE UNITS 2.000 sq. rt. in this • """ Ttlla1r •Cni1111 Valle) .. r. L1f>'111ur H1t'lne,s Hlgliland.~l 4:l..>-OS:?3. l,NV>.''-.,'OPS b I lnd1·fl''rld~·occ v •~.p1'Uales11"F Ilk C-1 ('Ot'IH'r 111 Laguna ~<1:-y ~r . 100 .100. l l2? 50o G : l::~Pl'f!s fo l!r lr1 \ .. u x • · · •C~rolis t ·111 Yo11 -XLN(BUYS! -o(Jlj W. I ttll, Ce1te M"a I e .\·r lh1• B<';11:·1;-:-,..;~1~ I .u')~•· !1v, rrn. 1v1frpl., fur- n1.d •1111. r1n , 1<:artlt•n kiL, 111..111! !al!lt> :>IZt• fan1. r rn, w/ .... ·1·un.t fq1J. w1•1 bar, dcror- lovely 2-Sl)'. hotlle. s prinklers. o u t d o o r __ 3-2 l:ktrrns. !1n ·pl, h1!a1rd SEPARATE ('l(l<ll. z.,11···! frw 1 rnon' /\rchitect originally in· lig hting & speakers. 24'x22' FAMILY to.:1·n1s. Rraltur. P.O. Bu' ' •STORY HOMES '"'•·1 Proplt• 1.· . ' SJ3 Laguna Bt>arh. 1 Bdrrns • 2 lla ..... $33.!'.00 -Drt>sl\ N1·:11!y I lodl>'fk'!s. ,\11 uni 1)!! s1 :m. ALA R enta ls • 64.S-3900 ttl1\,. ti.·;1111~. rm110. ra1(1;f'(.\ Ill"->! w dl·Ck. Only $350 per r'h• . :11·1111 July ls!. 536-l;t-4~ •1r :-l l~-111~. un11. A"•' 1 , , .... ' .. ~· "''· tended this as a 4 bd· Beaut. \1•allpapers & RM .. "' ~~""ti Wi!h lu t'r!;i(•p + 3 l1H, :! R1\ $49,750. r1n. ho1ne, can e asily decorator colors. 4 K· for1nal d1n1n::: rn1. l)nl>· ,1 Bdrins: _ 21~ Hi! ... $3:i.(~IO Condominiums .\1.1k1· Your 1'01111 Laguna Niguel Realty for sale 160 .\lr.k,~ Lvg1c.11 l>{-c~~1 .. r1~ e :-iTl·;P:-; tu (l1~·,.11·(!>1.y 1 ill', 1·111.'. drp ... t•hddii•u ok '1 1~ .. "ll!"a\ ir6c:.'Rcaftr 546-5990 Balboa Pen in~la 4 RH, <lrn.:; IJ;i. f\r f~a!"CjUf'l Club & lx•a! ran111. $ 1!•,500. :O.J11r~haJJ Hr,,11~· bi.1-1600 College P ark 3 BP..,:! P,,\ J-:\1 1·.1· 1•,.._.1 2\~ lral\r t ~1n•'1 ltd r:~.~iOO 01111rr .·,r,-h~~.i (lj!rn Corona d e l M a r OPE.'J 1!011'", 1-.··· J!;i111r & lnl'•<tr"lf' u n 1 I , j ll-.")]]1:: .).1-.;111111t·. Cd\1. l'ogf'I c... !·,\r'I, '.!(Of,7 E. Coa.-.;t lh1_1, f'rl\I. 673-2020. CAMEO-SHORES- be converted back. "'"' S38.000 INCLUDING BR., 2 ha .. ram. rm., $1.":,UVll. 830-5050 496-5791 \L,kr an l11\rs11nr11I 111 WEEK-END """'""' ALA Ren tals • 645-3900 RETREAT a gar age F'U LL of blt-• 14J-8531 • L ido Isle 'fll E LAND1 The Rea l Estate M art 1 ~.;,;.:;,..;.;..:. ______ I ins .. ..\sking $49.900 lf\1- FREE!! l'r;ii11 \(\II AWARD WINNING ('LUDING Tl-IE LAJ\'0 Plan 4, in Turtle Rock. Droadmoor. 4 BR ., 211.? ba .. for the very spe- cial price of S44 .750 . 11\•('LUDINCi T I-I E 123 Via N ic1:1 Landlords-Owners ·I 130/L\l. :! ha. t:Jt>n .\l<i.r~ C,:,1y 1 lH.•d1Wn1 l~'ltl'h h\l!ll+' Guidr Yuu Sna r, 11uld. kit. l;,i"'· ,.,,,,, Jusl l t~l,·tL .; Bl •. , :: BA lor 11'<'f'kl'n<!l'r.~. 1n\·1•~1nrs. \\"1• 1'ill l<'l1•r 11•nflnls lo )11U ,. ,. " J ':.111po,•r \ m1 I LAND. HONEYMOON COTTAGE Lovely 2 bdrn1., 2 ha , ho1ne. Xlnt Joe. close to pool & tennis courts. Beautifully planted cou rtya rd e n l r y & rear terraced patio. Lo\v. lo'v price of $27.950. OWNER TRANS. EAST bl1n RIO, dsh,ishr. p:ulh">, hon11• on 10' lot 11 1hoat ~,u'd b,u.:lll'lors. Uuly l l·I.~. g, Li~h·n To \'ou 1 FP.:F~: of t•hun:-r ..•• \Jany pnltl. L\'. rni., frpl. uric:<! .t "unde.:I;. S(i],000, ~h:irp a!< :1 1a..:k. :'\i·v.· sh:i}( ..;uar.Hlh'f' rou Our 11 .. s1r.1blr t•·11a111s Qn our i•pt, drps, 2 patius, ht,.h Tip of Lido Isle II "· Val·anr. Tll<' s11•a1 ••f Tu:dl t::ffon To l\.laJ..e I i1•a1t1n;: l1s1. & A VJE\V ' ! :'liE\\1 2 BR. hou~r. 12 blks. lo ho';u•f\; b!lns, epl, drp. 11(19 1-:no;:land ~'36-79ft: WANT PRIVACY? 1and5Cp. gd. l0t'., $~.:.00 Bt>aut. 4 Bl~ .• ~1 Ba. homr 2 a 11i.•11rn1·• fl!.\ 221 ll•nns, You Sth'<~·s,.ful 1 ALA R enta ls e 645·3900 o"nf'r. ~2-GS2.'i. lrrlcs. SG 11. 11•atcr trontai;:e. loii·t~I Jllirn C".ill ,\lt, l\'ll1'(1u I H~t ington-Bea~h---4 Af 1 t 11'>11•inh~., ~'rpls/drps. Then come & ~ee this 1{00111 ror lar;.:c 00111 ~lips. La•w,·n Realty, Inc, ,, , 1. . ... i·~·. ' n arr<1. sr o a m o. ~1l.iSf :-irll~ .i Mdrn1, 2100 >o(I 1,,.,,.,. s·•"' ""'l. ''I .. , I' hi II e · " ,\(,,, ·"111 ~-or Ap111 I · • 4 BR Park llo,11e 'n , "'"''"" · I ~ Hll!t.\1, 1 H 1\, ru•w ''l"lll~ ,t· hl.•-1·,~::. . ft r\r ~·arh F\' St·h IJi·i · •. l\l->1t~1 u1n-1 , nl:!ll c·h T,. tl••u• l·\••ry l),.t,111 --~~~---1 Un j v. Park. ·rruly ,\t~ny x tra~. 'Sutin;rl l!·ri;~,: '"' Bill, .Gru.ndy,.1 Rtt1.~_·1 ·) _ 546-5411 any ~me __ (I! 11 1:~ \(;l[<>l'\anl rlrr~. ~"rdi·nr•·. t. h!l..s lroui Huntington Harbour ,,..,i Oo\tr D1 1•! (;., G ... O I tw.1t·h ll•i 1 1:11;..7,)U:: I -'·fa1n1ly ~ized'' fan1i!y s:i2.;,oo. ~~--Oli!l:! )1••11-F'n ...:·_ -., -Duplexes/Units ~ll l',hll•'I\! ~lpj!IJl'l\ln il.ll __ .. \\ATEH~"H.0:-\T .... :i Br,~ rm., kitchen & pa tios, ~:·l· __ ,\It :i & "knd~; I *.w~T:~.F~ON,TS~ sale 162 1 *DISTRIBUTORS Lido Isle B.1. ~\1nt1r1·k + hoat rlo(•:k. . ..:i7-1ili9. 11 bll ,) b.1. ,;iJ:-;lQ.\ II p1t·1 & . . . NEEDED * I I ··~ I t l . f · \\"1\Tl-:Ht'l{UNT ·I Hr. 11 1 ·'"'~'· •II' ra"f' opl1011. •1~. \V grea :-;epara 1on o ~LEASE OR $l,OOO ~l1J• .I< sanrly hr';t('h $ltlS.~.OO 1\l~.SA Ve1·d(' J)11 pk'"· N•·w .I I I . 1 . I 1 ·ritll\ r ·1 •• ' OFF LIDO ltlt ., 1,.A 1 1 ·' ., • n1111d 11l11l1 lt'1 o Lis -\11,'' Lid" ,\,inl. c1111 1t1 :,·, 01vnrr 6'1-1--11~2 or 6~4-7<0:1,. '·adult.'' & "a1n1 Y i LEASE OPTION . • . rp r, pr1v, )u. L UTOllSll ll 'S , "tll IJll' F,. l 1·1 C-1-ll, Vn('l:lll\ .... $!9~1,;,00 l~lt, 2 B,\ Pr1v. ,vd . \\'/\\' • • iniw <1i. ;i !);{·1-&.I~~) "I' •:?l:ll 27()....1.·,17. Irvine a reas. 1nes qua 1 Y $2."1l1 1110. V<t ea ni 4 HH, sharp 111 your a•l·:o. N1"1' i\1u11i. • -----30-S ~;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:i;;j;I Curu!o '! HJ{, :.! ln1. P.-.1J & 1·p1s lhruout ,I;: 1lrap1•d. i'\1· Houses Unfurn. extras & INCLUDl!:S shrig rrptg, t'lo~1· to Cn1110J1..: i\!1ll1u11 I fQILu· ;1tlv .. r1 1s.·d h1.1al slip u1".11I , ., . )i::l:i,~l()t'l shu1>p1ng & ~elu ~1J.~. :l r ;oi· Tl-I E LAND at S64 .000. Church & ll"arh. LIDO REALTY INC. i.::u·. 1: •. 11 l\lin11•rJ.!rP1•11 l'I .. Puild111g .~, F1111 1 Cups. !;•1lit G eneral MARINER REAL TY .1377 \'i;i Lii!o i;;:i.7.:no i\pl u. l.ki nut llislurb irnanl 1hrou:;h il u11>1na11(' i\l•'""l1:u1. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;:;:;; S 12-~i·l1 '.?!hr. an~. ~<'I'\', 111 Al" A. Pniu-. onl) 1!1s1·1·.~. H <1uahl11•d. ~011 111!! FOR RENT * SU)!i\IER RENTALS * 2 RP..:! Ba. 1nli.~. ;! rnos JU.i :: BR. :! Ba, tnhsr, 3 n1os $31::. • ·1u 1rrLE HOCK * ; Nr11 ;, hr. ;, ha. t 111•1 h~1 r, hSI j)l)<!I , :SS!!."'100. 67::-tifl"il tli..: is eager to have hi s Costa Mesa f a in j I y join him. 1----------1 Comp. lndscp. Less Outstanding Location than I yr. old 4 BR. 2 I BEDROOMS All on I-floor. This one is only 4 n1os. NE\V. T rans. o•Nner is offer- ing this spacious hon1e a t be lO\V its actual cost for quick sale -sec this one today ! fo1fS,-IL_"_u 1\t-.E-.\...:E-L;.;1• YOR ~:•I•' liy lr;·n~l,,t·i i•d S.l!l.fl.'{t ;,ui-:!i~7 hrf11t·r 91\\I IJ" prihiih•d 1111h nil '''1'111' * 2 BR Home •I ho·. 1,.,,,, .,,., l>l l!!<. 1,.,, •. ,.,1 •111nr r -\!1'11ly 1·t>dt·c·"1·al(•d •>r ··ll<'r 9.30 P\I n11•n1 and io)l ·;•\11111,, ;u11! I ~· f 1 t • • ' A I • I I ,,,. I I " . . I :.,:.11. I'll<'•'• l•lt' 1 .. 1 • I , & 1 1 ., JI". ~ >;1. a111 Till, ., u · -~ --• tra1n1•d in all 1•ha . .,,•s "! llus * J BR D I )3n, Cl'plu · ll'Jlt ;\r J)llPJF\: ~F \V P OR'f pe 5145 ~Hit '.? Bd ............ ~ pt'I i I CH 2 B:,: ............ $:;y» Sl'Ai.:.,()(l l nh•rr~h'd p,1rl1rs · ·· -• , 1,,.,.hly I•-.. ,,,,,.,. II"'.,,,.,_. ,, , , U ' brach. \'A loan. Sall' P'"'"' 111·•c·11 1 b " "'"' "·' I I I k I k i·al! 40!1/W!l--i21S ·.,. . r . no,·acanci•'.~. 1\0 ._1-IJINl.I y ~ 1.t•1. 11 11s. '1<s o ·. $200 * IJ:-11\'ERS lTY PAHK • :'!BR. 2 1 ~ ba. 1nlliie ...• $:11.i 4 br, 2 ba. li:c klith!!n cl1n'g r ·1 d' I I I 13a., a1n1 y rm.. in. area, rp i·. witk p:ittn, r rn .. atr ium. In Broad- trrrs, c-orno•r house \\ fs1dr rnoor. Turtle R ock. yarrl for buat or tra1l .. r. 2 UN DER S40,000. n1lnull'~ to n1;1JOr .~l">r's ITn:cr. 1t·1•t•1111}~. JO <ir rc ri ark. .116-:W~tL ~f·h·w·JIS, s:; I ,.")()I}. T644~DARRE LL-.- Q\l"))l'J" :111\11111~ -1111111,1(' .1 b.lrn1 S fnr111r1J d111 rn1 Co11111·:· pJurn hu1-:: Cul''d. pa. 11•1. Pi·orr~ ... l:l1\\"l~ep1t Quick pos.~r~'. Good f1nrirw. "IJob 11rlliL ---1leullor "SINCE 1946" lst \Vt>stcrn Bank Bldg. U111,·f'r~ity Park Days 833-0101 Nights Lorraine Nevens J oh n Peckham Eloise l!IcQuo\\'n ·roni Escobar l\atie Longfello\v Ed Peterson ASSOCIATES S:JR.000. Lsr s:ri0 n10. ,\,·ail $t1,:'ll0 Appl. by 011·ner II ~ ·. '' • till 11111~1 * 2 BR Home $170 • t•• ~2 19°" Mesa del Ma• ·17 "'"'-l>1> rrli:lhlt". havo• a 1:orwl l'ar nus:. , :><} -• .,..,. ::;;:;:;:...:;::;;:.;;:. _____ l,::":.c:"'o·o·c'c· ~------1 a11d 4 hour~ a l\l't'k ~par(' HllQ. Ir~ ):uu. Child ok. Harbor Highlands 4 Br, 2 brt, n1any t'1ll'ln111 Income Property 166 cunt>, and ht• abl•• 011 lllak•· * 1 BR Cottage $150 ~'~~1u7~iA.S:l1:·~~ ~!-~l;~:~ *LAGUNA BEACH-* rn1111edu,1l· u11<'i;t1n1·11l ''' i*Nr ~·-~~ ~·~p!' !~~" 11e>l$1 50 B'' 011·n1·r. 3 bt;"rlroom & 7 u •. I t.l\n S'JJ{l(l 00. f Si'C'lll'l'd I. S•'!ld ;,.nJ-.i027 1111 ~ ->~ ..... ,.., 11<•'• '· ~;1r ·~··· 'fut ok --------1 · u 1 !''"""" 11:1111•·, ;11ldn•s.~. ;uul l>li .. nc• .> 111 s -'"'"~N * 3 BR, 2 BA Mesa Verde Ort':l.nlron ~ 11ur11h1•r, 111: N••11pv1·1 Jn11•r· ~ l'n 11~ _ ~t'i.i,000 nu11on:d 1>1s1ril111t1ni.:: c .. 111. !Rn, 11,·o l.ialhl', F1 pl(". 11<'1•' 11·/11· 1·ar1K'r~. \\'alk t\J )!n1·11H·r~ Park. 1 1 hr R r ~· • ~rhools .r.:. ~hnpp1n~. 0 fll"n l -E-X_E_C_U_T-IV-E--H-0-:-M-E~-I fq11!", ~ill". k1tt.~ llt'I', $185 I ·I rtR. 2''.< ba . lnhse .... $:1:i0 :; BR, 1 Ba. furn ...... S·IOO 3 BR. 21:. ba ••......•••• S~ l BR. l Ba. housr •••.•• S32S i#red hill S.i1 1-\ Sun 1-:1. lHKI Do1('r Dr. J hr, .~ ha. 1701) !I "' c•l1•l:,,11n'I' i'fulo•llt•d ri r11 11 •1f·I h.•r ,\: 1i<>ul 1ahl.-. S.12.!1.'il., Hy 0\\'11· ~ Un11.~ _ s21J.ooo 11;1n~. 01·1·1 i:t ~llA. ::;oo 01ti..,.~ In 1·h1~'·'l' fl'IHl1 i''\1 ··w1111r1 Bl\·11., /'\1·1,po1·1 * 4 BR, 2 BA $235 I 11 o . fl')1I , 1111 1\ ,11· ,,n~l··~ L'n11 . Par).: C••n11•r. Irvine PL,\CI·: /lE,\J.TY ·l'.1 1-:1;04 i'll"''"h. Cul+r. :t~O(',O :!!li.i~l ,.,;.>_ ('0;1.:t I h1 _1» * 5 + F a mily Rm $3SO I C111J Anyt1111c i\33·01120 ~ :-11 . :: 1:11111~ ,,,. l'('I .BLUE BEACON Ii H.lrn1s. '2 Ba'!<····-· sm * 645-0111 * ;: Bl\. 1. Ba "s . alrium .. S:ll"> ;•r.:'11(1-:!IJi: .. :______ WE DARE-Y ~ N;;;;port -Beach 1~1U ,\ll·:li1~~r1y~\v.:::i ro "h•'l'k u.~ ou1 , II;• a1·r ;i .__..,, 11.ty SI, C .. \1 . C;i11 IJuild I·! h11dily rel1'l'Pp(·1~I c·onip.iny, 1 Irvine SEE IT ANYTIME MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 675-6459 e FANTASTIC }.:ASTSIUE. Charn11ng older '..! Brt on R:? !u!, lir•'pl. 1·onrl p;i!io, B-B-Q. rill! i::1r + 11·ork shop + .. 1111''1:!1· '111 + 1.111 11· ell".\' II .,:.1.: S/. ;Ull, S~ 1,."~JO. Bkr tl!.!·l•lt1 ;H;";n;t;in~g~t;o;n;B;;;e;a;cn;;;;;;;;; I Huntington Beach *MODEL HOME* Walk To Ocean Cl1•ror1 ·Jownhou~t'; 4. bdt'Jlll'., 1 1 ~ ba·s., fatnily rn1 .. 2 r111lcs. Lots o! Cl\JS••ls: l!;r. gru·agc. llltn1111;tl carr \c;11T~ !u11e ro r nJ<JY t'Qn1111un1 ty ()()()ls & 1enriis. s:::i.~:>0. $15,800 V .A. LHlllS. 1 o!iler rt·nh•d hollS!'.' l\"e NE!'.:[) NOW: il•'SINll~I -e JNV1T lNl;.;t Br. l'pts. Urps. Anvonf• qullllfu•s sutijccl lo + i.:urag•'S & st11rai.:t• 011 bl1· P1'01)Jr to :-.•·rvh·c hig h f lyd, kids t.· Jlt'I~. Sl lO. . l . I 6" I ~>:JX·l:lj lol. Pn·~1·11t llH'O<><' " I -·• r~llA .Q11 11 11111 4 annu:i • •a u111!' p1vuur1 n1u11·~. l'url ALA Rentals e 645-3900 .\B l{,~'" Ba, f:in1. rrn •• $32) ·1131{., '.!'c Ba, Jain. rrn •• $.'t1."'i ·1 Bfl., :!'·~ Ba. lllm. nn .. $3."I{) 3 BR., :! !Ja. Inc gn1l r .. S3-1~· ·I Bl! , 21, !311. la111. nn .• $32'> ·1 r\I(. 11·: 11<1. [<Pll rtll., Tuillr· Ru•>'k, brr1nd nc·w $.16:> OP~:;.. Jl .\ll.Y ! P.~\ -h :o ::001 f1'r11hr:.lh 1 lJOO B 1k1•1'f I V,\C:\:"T . \h11 r 1ri :l l:Jt '.! BA. Par!\ -:t pool.~ & clbhsl'..,_ S2fi,!t:i() 111r•. 11 ill op•1on. Cnsra \lrs,1 Nr11·port fll1y, &IG-9E;f.6 any11n1c 612-221 BY 011 ll<'r'. :l-Rl~;:;;;:-,\1l'.<a rte! )111r 1ra1·r. Bltr1". C1·r1 ~ & <lrp.;. St9 . ."of)O :i 1i,;..!1:?1S lln) 11 !111'. .1 lli-U\J~!S. 11 •.•. ~":!~-1'1 --------1 • IJY 011 nrr-:: t1r. 2 h11 rnol, <'Rb:111.1 111•~ "" t.· ll'rl tuu :-;u Jllll111h \l::rn,I' 1·u,111111 rea111 r.,~. S·10.fl0fl ;>11;..1~·10. fJoNTiCJ::!.LO T1111'nhou.~r 2 Ir;: 1:11·~. 2 !111. l'vl rci110. Poot, ."o1f,-22fi.~. :i1G-0:.1:i l. f'nn1,1 i:1u• Sol Vis1a lormc1· lllf'llt•J hUn)I'. '.!'" ~I'S tl/'11. ]llJO ~'I fl qU;lllly ]J\·111~ lo!' rh1· i.:101,1n:: fan1ily. ;, . ;.!I· ga.1111<· l:lf"drn1.~. t 1: ha1hs. Lri: fa111ily rn1 •1•tsiu1ie firl'pl. Forn1al dining-. Bo'aUI 1-rprs & drps. Outslldc hghl· 1ng C.'1 ,llffiral ~tylr bt~aml'd ~·.-1l111g.~ 111 bcd rn1~. E:»t.'E'l- 1,·nt lor. assun1r high ha.I· an1.-c t'llA loan. Call for de· r~1l~. Sl2,j()(). JC-.. COATS ~ WALi.LACE REALTORS Open Evenings • 962-4454 • EDISON H I '"TRIPLE A" 3 BR + 2 BA $22,750 :'\oth1n-:: to do here. JUSI 111111r 11i, 2{1' x t ."i' l1v r111 11i 1h n11 r· ror!!d \1·aJ1. b1·ick fpl, \\'/w cr pt;; & drp,,;, bltin H/0. hugp pa ho. subm 11. C a 11 847-1221 SEYMOUR REALTY 171.U Beach Blvd., llti;n Heh OJ*n 't1J 9 P:\1 5 BEDROOMS Elrganr 2 ~1ory, J ba1h. VA no t1011 n or .1our ~0:1111s, Sll.IX!O. ftlll r>l'ICP. /r111uring-: Jorinl l1v fill, 1~· x 2:1· fa1.1 -i)red hill Hl::,\l.TY Un iv. P.11k C1'1l!l'r. II'\ Ille Call Anyr1mr 83:!--0S:W 0 1\INl!.ll • Broad moor Turtlerock. 4 BR. 21 ~ B,\, f;1n1 rn1. din. rn1. ;1tl'iur11, \IOOd p~l!O~. • 0 111 p j. l:111ds1·:i11111g. 19.l~l S1rrr;i 4J 1uJ;i Hd . .S-16.:i(J(I. s~.1-;r;ri.;. -------BB.OAD.\IOOR 1'urllr Hol'k, J t,r, 2 /.j~,J-:\2&1. b11 , :-~1r.L s:r •. sll() rn1, !i<'r rnvar,-drn, cl111 r111. land. C:110111J,t. including I flrl·p!, up>,'l·orlrd rrpl!t & -----------1 clr.1pe~. all f•l('l'I hl1111 H.O, I Laguna Beach plf'nty or 1·11pl•)IU'd~. p:111u , ki(ch, uvrr.~11.rd llbl gar. A WALK ll'alk lo brach. IN SPACE 11 , Sparkling conlrrnporary •l<·- s1g11. \\'/EXTt:HIUR UF JX'rcen1agr r<1tr. Tuta l p;c~·· l :t.l lll. $:\!\,000 by O\l'llt•r. or lu!\ 11111(', Co111p.1ny s•'I ~ 1nenl St Hi prr 111on1h. Sharp :r[Fi:~i l , :,:,7-:.!~ili LI[• hu~11l1-ss 11hys1,-a1J.v .~· ._, .. 1 • L{}\'ELY·:l Br,'.! B;1 , C 0, :; hedn10n1 hrinl•' cl1~11•11ing 2 BIC H ~·· + 4 Un11~. r111 fi•I" <'Ur.·~ i,,,.,111.ins. ('<11111111•1·,·. IM'"l!I !nd.'•'r~I. l\u!.~ ,{·JI<'!.~. 11t1h f!.\l:IJ\V{)()fl ~-I.OOH S. n111n•. Sj 1,000 l11c Sti .. l()jl 1:11 .~· l.iri.11-:0 ~!!HI '.! lu ... urh•us h;llh~. 1111o<h•1n {'l·~urnc 'i ·, (!11n1 T(J~l'\l:T <"\.~!l A LARent a ls •645-J900 htuh-111 k1ll·h1'11 . l{1'ady f11r .~1;-2§111 l\l·QL1ll:J·.ll I . ---I :.11· 7 . s··-,. • 1 :.\l~E l n•Lt·· ol -(Ht v 1 l~r in1n11•U1;11r tlo 1·up.1n1·~. t:J Tl \Jl'I.~:;-.. -'J. blk• ll<llll ••'" I ,·' 1" -,, I , . .,t1.1 ~1· .... 1 .. 1 l<w :--111 r )II, l><1.vr1·s 111'h'orn1•. (':\LI.' I! I s~o-"'I av" H !Pr ~r.ir1 •·••1n p.11n 11 J '.H' 1 ··""' 11\fl lr\('0111\' . ' "" llt'I "; t ' I Walker & Lee s.1 • .,ooO llu;Ty/by 011•11,.r.: ""111 fin1tnt•('1:1•• 01 planno•d ALA R.e ntals e 64.5-3900 ~i:\lf-.ltii4 ,.1.e. ••:1.pa11:;:1011. (:ill rv!l£'t'1 or 1 ----. wru .. chn·1·1 1\ilurli•·lln" IJ1-, ., , . 1 2~ Harhor Bl\'d. H1 Ad;1n1s lots for Sale 170 v1s1on •7 !121:< llawthorn•' • l\v,i.11 NIU\\'--Hr. ~1 "· t•iwl 0 •. , ' ~ ' ~ ~.11·. :-;111_1! .. ~ tJk, 51 .1. •. !;l."i-01fi:i pen h . P.i ./ CllOlC t~ gulf •'OLI!"M' IQ!, l~h·rl, ~orr:t~itoe, Calif. 90.JOJ. ALA Rentals e 645-3900 Condo. $28 ,000 N1~u1•l C.L., L:1tn•na Nim•cl, <ll:t~?l--~'J.X>. ----·----..~ "~ --• l;.irdr111"1"'.~ l lr!i~h!-! 13r~ 0.'IQ\f•2Ht•drn1,'J.t~1 1h.11••:ir 101 '.'(l.~!i'. 01·prJook~ 1 .. 10H~:ss,\I A!\INC; .~ 111!rr•;, .. , I I I Bii BH£1 li;1~, l:irg1• 111 . nn. wi!l1 l1r1•- 11!at."<·, <!1111rii: r111 , 0!1111s, ll!il garagf', r;irio. S"llll Jl<1'1I. Lachenmyer fa1rv.11y &. i::tl'Cll. S:l6,000. 11011s. with 1·nmnfrll' 111. -•~i.:ur. 0\1'Y.\1 · n ""· 4f/'/.-Otitil. 1·<'ntnry t)i::-0111. (":11! !}...-, .1loO -----I ALA Renta ls • 645-3900 Vr !'.:\V Jo!, Carusl1·a110 Hra!'h GO!Nl; COF'FE:f; .s 11 O /' fat·1ng-111•11• hoinrs. Ownrr'. FOR SJ\LE! e 1(1\N('I[ Sitp ,\d·.'ilv tfh·f, _li!G-1:l~~1•s. * • fel7-flfl":fi •" l..1<1~ ,(, Jw l~-.~111i:li·s i•k 31;" Ranches, Farms, • 1J1·:1\llTY .s11 .. 1;--;:\w!;:::; ALA Rentals • 645-3900 11ob 1Jr\til, ---11.r ahor ''SINCE l!HG" lsl \\'rstrr11 Bank Bide Un1vo:n-1ly Park Days 8JJ.0101 Nights Newport Beach THE BLUFFS S2SO Per Month ~ lldn11. -~p1 1 1 ll'\'1•1 -Ol'f'r- J1 .1k1n),'" ;:1··~'11~·1[ -f"a r1ic!s. dt':tJJt '~ >ohutll'r.~. hll ·lrl» .£. r•.-11 ''1·:11!.ihl1· J uly ls!. Groves 180 R1•1Jso11:ililr. \\'e ll ,.~Jal>. Ll·:11s1·; 111· St'll:-i/111. ~ ha~ llurll. "''U('/l In(' ~~·~-bHl7 Bl!n<, N••\\' t'l')ll, Sl:r. 111H, (';11t 6~6-392S ~~\'f's &IG-:iG-19 20 ACRES producing Orange -----· -- Realtor Ill l-11:1:: ttl·l·ll:i:?t) Evt·~. Bier. . G · 1 · · 1 v lnvestme t •1;1~1 1··1.· .• 11!t ('n t·l1', F.V. -* M-UST SELL .-ro\'c HI t1vcr~1cc at an n Buren & Cl,.v11land Q)1d Opportunity 220 »l4l-j~•i::7 BY 0\VNEH I I k C d I . "ilr ur rra1 er r> or sub· , , • • , . orona e Mar H,-aul1fnl JOOO' Bluffs Condo, cJJl'!."ion. Ort m 11 in hivv 10 C 0 N f ID f,N I I AL \1000 ----------- .\fl'.:S,\ Vl'rr!p b_v o" ner J HH. fan1 rn1. 2 Ri\. p11.lio. Ope11 daily S29.~.l0 '.'1 !~1-20;:, CUTt'.:fhr~~ 1,,.1, l.:r .1d, nu·" pallo. i\• .. 11111r ~l~'l 1110 111 111nt ~ ;,1 S2 1 .fJ~l t.1r-~1.~•l ••2-4471 ( ::: , 546.atol l\'OOD. PALOS v ER I)!·: \lif'IV of \\'iltrr ,!,, hghr~. I. :;;TQ:"'J::, STUCCO, r;rc Lo. Gr1·rn Hrl1 llll'. Vo1hulou~ l ~f<u)·, :: Rr,!rni. In:: ~"P Less Than Rent .-a1 ... rt ()11 i.11."·1ous r~..-.1 ~11~' I :!,i,Jl'i •lr11. ,\~ki n;: $.i2.:iOO. AREA 'Jarrh Jitld. \Vr11r Chas 11··11111·r!, ~('t·urrrl. A1!r Ill· l.llSll: Jl;1rl«'f V1r w Jhlls. :: .\\;ir11n. 871! No. flhlln Si. !<'l'(':<I ra h>.~ I ". 'i() •f:iy •·1ru1. hr, 7 ha. /;1111 rn1 Yr. J~r R11'f'r'l'U!f'. 92.)f)J !.\ option f\+·w l 1u.~1 r11•ss. $••I !llu. /\\;Ill Au:,:. 11. c:.11 .11·11,·r "''. t,!1 2~Si. :\10BII.t.: burnt", Lido an-a. x .. aJ'ly IH'll' I BR -+ t11rl1·-a-brd. Ll!r h:1l h. crpts . dq>~. \'rllow hltn~. Enclosf>d p.11 10. j()' to b:.iy & pr!Cll, $215 111 .... \t':il'ly. Ad!!~, no pel,; lil::.-~'i!lG J.tnl n11. 101'!11.d 1hn 1111. {'.\• gl'flUl\il,; ((J\'ER 11.tn'l ~CJ. hll-l1i/)(i Qr -~.1.1-ll17~. I I I I G I Jmma<'ulatr J hrllrnrun t'l<l<" Xlnl ··r1•1t 1·1•f. Jr1trr11I i.1 ·-Real E state kt'"!' o1 .-.11. 1,7; .. ;;.~q. JI '"' _E_•_c_h_a_•c•o• ____ _;_l8:2:, 311Sl\I'!" t'llll ffi"l-SliJi l t:r. "! to.o. lrrlr, "fl''n h·· 1n1 ~ •""flil•j lla .111\l,v lfllll<' ''°' ~T.r,1nfuu•rc·1l}Oll-1:,:u11;1 -;o-ilCI•. !!•111;·· 111 ,1 1!••111 ~1..-;1 fri.in _,~~ui upt i()n, iir rJ{) dn 10SanDiegof1'l·r11·a~. P.nni:: ,,1.1•11,\n. fll l \!. s11:~N1 /l \I , r .1 ·" i;: _ 1011 rtn FllA. c_,.,.1r ;I) your 011n ,,radr and pl11nl Unun11, 4 RDR\l. t. I-'\.\! C LIFFHAVEN ('1\\ll<C! ll 1i,:hL111d,, I•!'~ l1•·1u 11 , ,\ l:iuul} r 1,,1J,..·11 (Jli:. $1.jl, 111•• )r' [,.,,.,. Avail Aui: 'lllr f{ll 1· 1,7-....i;noo l·;,\~TBl.llFF ('or1t!!1. IM'W 4 HI:, ~I~ H1\, 1:1111. rm • ,111~·1. •lr:tfll'~. ponl, 1rnn1~. r11;11'k1•1. ,.,-),on!. LC'Rse July 1 S:~<C· lni ·hntrs 1na1ntenanc,. !ti 1-1~::1 I P.r~IT •. f·'.:"-~··ao 11,~ tw;irh. Full priC'F' SJ~.~.nn. your 011·n h.1t"k ).ird. \·1·1s -'•·1hn.:•. hl!n~. vu'" 1l•Tk I • """ lt\1, floor pl<111. ~r-r1·11·~·o.J li,1 Fou~tain-Va lley uh lu.lt•s land. <lhnor .,198 1110, 11.1.vs .ill ;: [:,\I'll~. J..ntr:-fn,\f't· h:c.' i\1..\:'llV ~:X'l'H ll.-i By 1111·1u•r. :1 1~1:. :! BA. nr11 lirar -air Money to Loan rr·lrigl'r;1T lon l •I 10111, hr.1l<'<f 1 240 •----------MARINER REALTY S9:t-~:i:t1 i!J--Ofi.~ 1.11·~9;2 1 or 1112.f,Ho. OU SE I Ill .. !~ Pl.'i() 'I ILL ~·1.110ft.". ---·--- *A DOLL H * 11 1~-:i:•H ~!hrs.1111s.sl'1v REAL ESTATE t, ni~·11~ t" sr.l'\Hfl·r~~ Newport Heights pool. furt11 ... hrrJ I b!k ]',11111 st TD Loan -~lll'lllt.:~ Shupplni;: Cr-nh·r. ;\ l',H. ~ B:1, .~h,1r/•, f.~XI \loi- 11·.1"'· C.dl -. J;J·,1\l'T. 1111wl. i.1~·nhotL~"· 3 s,T,~ n"d. t ,1111 p.1110' Tn1111a1· __ -----___ · b M V 11·rN t; IVJT!t 21 vr 1.rv. :'.l1H?Jl.\,·011 n<·r· ll 1Jur111!<1eTI BURON CONDO.e Y c ay J:.\I .. tC S T !.I: ~rf~F:-MAKE OFFER $1).(.lll for J.11i.;11na, Cll~l. 7', IN'J'ErtES1' f\1•11[11111 111·r;i. U11 11r r 2 d TD L "·"'"" n oa n J:•dolll !:o.~d 1,;'.',._~~J::(t 1 l;I', '.!1 ~ fia, Jrplt•, p(ll\11, Co I M -I fl'M\l, :.' ';,r gar. 11!1 bhns, -1\•lll 1 I 1 .. 1' ..'. ~1111.v :l 1\1~. 1"1n 1·111. rn 11I I J'l.llCF: 01-' J'AL1 ll' \·;-;;{fl!·; s a esa 1 1·pt~. dr:1f!C''· L<'a~" $~:i. HAFF DA L REAL TY rlin, 11 "' h.or, '11:1 ~ i:i'J)i~ I Le 5s Than Rent ~1'0 ;\ ~:. SE r J' <i!. \.-:-: 0 11 ,,,.r ;"J 11\1ri11~ In ur1 i.:0111::. Real Estate Wanted 184 1 Trnn~ hascd on Nllllly. :>..12-\j(I , 111·, .ill '2 \16 1hn1r1111, ••!r"L· l\•I, a tr-1·nnd, P.iynl<'nl ~ ,JU~I ;iii.: "11 111": \\,I Ll-". 111'••1'l1~Jk 1 1 1~ '"'"r 4J;H,J.H11,rnrr.v t1.1Jl.•'1•1•-I-----------642-2171 545-0611 H Ui=itington Beach 1''1'"rl 11111 10· 1 o::.ir !!ilr, /\pfi. J hdiiil, ~Ii~· li.i"1" l'Ll l · i:t'•1Und~. <'l<"I p;!!1" l.;o n.:•· f1•n,•rd * CASH BUYER * oSPrvin::: ltarhor :1rl'11 21 i·rs. .\II,'.'>.\ Vl-.J{f)I·: !!l·~·r,\L. i ll "1:!.~-1710 nr 81().5991 l!ll\!I•: 11 11 11 :: l"'<i11.1n1.'. ~, "1 "~/\ikn!~--c=~-- !1,<lli·. •·11 .1 1111i.·1 .~tr.·1-i THE BLUFFS )~in 1'11 11 \Ill Fii/\ 1trn1.~. 1 nrr 1111 11 1•1,q .. r ll'a lir r __..... "' UJl r;1 1111xl1·r11 k1!\'lw11 11 lT!I f{ .! lrir 11 1dlf','1' fnr !lll111·r Sattle r Mort9a ge Co. I Air Conditioned i;ii-S.-)()'i~·"·137j '~li,~-l li.~. "P·"'" 1-n: r111·1111 ·1"1·i·ly ci·;P,A\!I C" Tl 'J ,J~. \l,I. '"'111,,1 111mnu·. !'ir :-;111 IJo•>'•l•.·•.1.,,,.1, .. ,,,... :J.'\6 ~;.171hSLrrr-1 1\1 •1il:1hl" .lnl.> ilh ai 1·1:.(i I S325 Per Month fll 'I' l!l" C:ill 1\i.:! ·.11;_1111 . ; ~ lldnn .. 2·~1ury ; ,·;1rp., HOUSE in court~ 2 Br,' d1".J1~·s hlt-111, 1100!. Prrv. crpts, patia. 980 W. r1:d11>. En(! ui111. Val"anl. frpl., pal10, laurull',Y rill. ·' • v ' e N I BUILT-1:-J UA.\lCE, OVI'::-.. 11 ~111~ 1111 qu11·1 l'aln1<'r ,,I ,.,.11 ,, , .. <<.·. y a Ure hl111. kl. l 'akr ovrr l•)I\' 111-.., u ~ I I I ' . pf>;ll\l'SHH. Dl:-IPOS,11., .St:),()I~) S.1\'c lill>', SllVn <llO!lf')', c h f I I Cool f"l!'11n 01·r;111 hrN'?"~ ('l'f'S r111n .. tllOl't• Ill Hll• t:Tc. ,t• fll1''11' lo l:1r<•r f:tf\! CLIFFHAYEN ' as as • n "d "l"I O I" S?~ ··"" A('f ,.. ln1111r<I. f1nn offer. Broko•r ronvr111Pn1 lt1t•ri111111.~· ;iddrd 1 1" ~ -1 11 ·• -1··""'· rn1. 111th ()PE.'J HJ-:1\~! IHn11ly 1'rltln1. Thi~ 4 h, .. d-FAS-:' . ."1'.:11·772·1 or_S!IZ-:o9li. f'l~ILL'\'l;s OF r!ESAl\'N • CAPITAL 1st & lnd T rust Deeds 17 h N D C (~1, ... ,., & 11a1l1ni:. t o. , .M. 548-I 2839. h 1-11 ;;;; •i l~-0.")().-, f:l'r~ Bkr rlf'lfil tlf',11111 ;, ni,1dr ror SELLING \\"OOD. Thi~ "1111c1ous ho111r J'\'1)1. llct1r, arra. ~ /:H . INVESTMENTS • FREE APPRAISA LS S'• ·-11 1 SUPER CLEAN h ,. '1 11 '• 1 111 8 1~-1.-,11 & :..io.:i:;:;u •un 011h· -'····• 11 rr111~. ·~ 1n1m11rul11.1r 1lir11-•1111. fl ~ ;i 1 1 " r · 1 "1"11 1 n~. ~!iiijj!iiijjiill!!iiijj~iill!~~~ill"'~I Costa Mesa Investment ' . 11 I YOUR HOME? 1 I I For n111rc 111forn1at1on 1::1 Srr111:: ii: beJir,•1nr:. )love in ;in ou1stand1ni: buy aT , 1'111'PI' ini.:. lll'J::<' Y ;i r r • 548-7711 anytime I FJ<'I' appraisal . \\'r huy I ~ R11.1.;:;;,. Iii>: lfl\'Cly :l hr1!room for S41,9SO FULL PRICE ("AL I ~·,d•-.4 1i-1 4 t4 1 l l'<IU1li1~. Per~1nal a tlt•nl1v11. 9! Finarw;ial • $12.:Al 2 llUHHY O:'li T!llS ()~F,· l_.OANS'. U>ANS~ 1.0A!\.'i' .i yrs. €'XJK'Tlr'IH'I'. . S!c-s:i::~ ;;r,.or~~ COLLINS & WATTS MISSION REAL TY fl:At.T\' \Ir i:1 1·r !111• n1•)~L f'n";t11" ., J 'J ___ ----.. -1-:!:tx·1\-TO-Br:Ac 11-:-1-:x.. , HI., -ti:. h .. 11 ... -•11' :-l'IHJoll -~' F(.ll'l IYC' , ! · .1; I . · r. RH. 2 DA 's·•1'1'1.1111ir1~ :-;1C1~1 £l·I . n~ .1 n:·1. l'.1110. Sundr('I\. \'1>~ r ly ~ • .> lllV. :1 ;!)I J :>lJ, 1 1 s~ '2' c ~ -,i;._,-,2:!!1 1•:os1• ~ . ...,-S.l "· .)'ll(...~12. ~l'ACll ll 1 ~ J R I f :->P1\CJOliS ;, Ar ('Xrt."lllivr ' • , .!'.) r lOt~lt'. <Ill! I hornr ovrrlnok1nr: <'Ountry 1 rn, :-.. \1 nn. 1)0(•1 1111. nrv.• .1 •• 1 ... 1. 1 .. -1• 2,-- 1 I II I I t Uu •. ,,,, f'aSP . .1-J""" ... 1,, •pg, l rr1s, 1 tn', nrc yr! : REAL ESTATE !lfi:.z,.;23 ~:i·r,.. ti-12-0127 9.~p' hSo 0 . 0 C 9 M1, 7 1 14 11 1 ". 4 '9-,'-" 07 < 3 " 1 11a I 1"f1r Nt ... porl p 0 ,1 f)rrit"• Business dl!!n1!1cfl. Buy. tra1l1<, srll ------~ '!i~~~~~ilil!i~~llllll~j i\'1;1y frllnl ('1111 ('tnlo•r. Fnr 1h.1r i!rm unorr $50. by McVay A 1::'10!1 \lan1 ad-1s7i;:ood -----; Opportunity 2001 212G N1·wrior1, C,\f l ~"Y~~lh~e01~'e~o:n~y~P~m~.-~l~~·~=============~;~"'~''~'~lm~o~nl~:=::::::::::::~ I WOODSY Rtil Estite, I.Jal OIS!l\lllUTOHS Coa~! l'a"·nhrokrr fi-tl-11102 $:l!t:, &1;,..1.~1~. TI\"(J""°'i" UR 's. l\'alkfO hraeh. ('Ll·.,\,\I ~UH . t·11q,.1r~11t.:f 1111. l'r1•r•·r r11ah1rr <'<flllil». ,,u fl''!s. Enf;1nt ok Sl:AJ. 1no. 1\ ll'f' a r"a . , 1.~-~~J 1:, S:lOO ,\lo. r:i .. yrarly leaSf'. r :1y1100.1 R"11l1y ~18-1290 • $(gR~1A-lG£trs· The Puzzle with the Built-In Chuckle O '1eorro"g1t lot1e1s of lhe fou r S(romb!ed words be· low 10 lorm lov• ~•rtlple words &lo P'11NI NUMBf'1ED l[TTERS IN ~ lHfSf SOUA'1fS UNS(RAMBlf ABOVE ll lTEl!S 10 G[T ANS\IVll! SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFIED 700 • - C'nt.} Z !>firm. rolta,::e 11c~1lrcJ ,_ __ G_'_'_"_'_' __ _, NEEDED Mortgages, aninng~1 1h" trf'f's. 111 llltu·-••••••••••••INf:1r rnt1l11-m11!1on <lo!lar Trust Deeds 260 h1r1I Canyon fin t'fll'llt'r lo1. arf\·crtl!-.t'd $Oar!\ pack p1v-. . . , 1.arg•' slorlf' 1•ro1·nrr r1rf'-Acreage for sale ISO itur!.~ NE~:!) N () w , $4!/,f'O'J Isl TD on L-2 rurr rl ph1t r . P111io. Only $ZS.~1:l{) -20 acres for s.a l1• near s;n Rel111hlr n1en or \\·01111•11 i~ Sulrt at $GOJQI S1r .. n~ 1,,1:.rr h•" :-.Ill<' to~(·(' 1111~: Call. i!I <'flrtstrin'!ua: hlrli:::, !1•111'•', Lui~ Rry Do111n Golr Coursc }Ollr artu IQ ~.,r ,•ir " lnil~l'JIJ::. r·tr l'i'}" l!~OO 11·!1h spcct:i.cu lar view of lusrn1ov1n~ n1!n •lpl'rated qrtly, incl, !)';. Di~t·ount P;ilomar 111ounla in~ 11 nrl JJrodurl.~ 111 ron1p any 10., Bkr .. r,n.i i r1~. ocean wa!l!r. Powrr & sei·urr·d Jo c11 I 1 nus, ron1·I~~~~~~~~~~~ lrlC'phonr on proper t y. rnrri·iul or fa rtory. P ARTf S3,000 )X'r acre. Ti•nns OR }'UL!. Tl,\1F. 6 to 12 1 I~ avail11IJll.'. Shf'lt r r Industries hours fl('r week. No Sl'llinn. Housesf«Rent .,e (71·1l &l:>-21120. CASll HF.:QUIRED: S600 10•1~· -----·;;;;·~-2 UNITS 5 ACRES $690 F .P . $1.f.l?i. \Vrlrr for mo1"' io-p Closr 10 brach on cul dr ~~r $:,0 d n .. ~10 mo, 1~~ in!. ~iv· lorrn.illon: IN STANT FOOD Houses Furnished 300 I SUPPLY, P .O. lkiX 31~1'i. 11trf'f'1 , 1 ~· 2 Brlrm~ Only ersii.lr County, N('ar 1nlrr. Torrance>. Califnrni;i !IO:l).'i. General 4 }'l'C\T~ old. s::.1.:ioo Call. I sltl!r 10 f'11·y. (:oo,J \nvr~I· lnc ludr phone nun1hrr 1 ------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1111•n1 for Juturc. 01VfW'r --·· I. 1' 1 ·•01~· * MINI HOME $70 0 ,,,,., '"~ ~... TO BUY OR ....,1 1/ 1ncld!0 u11I . ~larurc arluh.~. REAL ESTATE Comm9'c;•I SELL A BUSINESS I P•oporty 151 HOLLAND BUS. SALES * 2 BR Stud;o 1175 1190 Gler1nryl'f' !'ii. 'Thr B k "th Emil !l y" -4-0tan REAL ESTATE 1100 Glcnnr}'l'c' SI. 49~-9173 :¥19-D~ IG -----Santa Ana Heights _ _ _ _ ---I HH. Crpts, Urps. fl'plr, :: !II:. :!\.>22-r. S/111!;1 Ann I Li::r tnccJ y;irrJ. Ch1l(lrf'11 OK, Slj()/n111. I IJH. ?l\l2-Si1nla Sl7;, nlt1. :tlJ-9!130 arl fi. i\11i1 i\1·c· Jt O:i lu1 0 , San Jua;-CapiStra~ 1n .. pns111 :,r,..1 ... 11 2n1!,Ti~(·1:P1~~·i""tt'11e. l"•kyrd. un <·ul-dt:-S uc. g<1rg. $I S:1 rnn. &11-48(~1 2i31t,"'"c1~1111\1nrn-,.-,-.~,-. -,.-0 J)C1 R. $1 :,.\ :!:{l(' A\'OCHdO. ~118-110:) or 518·8T.il '-----• 4 BcJrn1:-2-An SIJl1t"<' fur IJoml. Nu iw•ts $2'.':1. * &12-;>9fr1 • '----:~ Br housr . Old1•r eh1ldri>n Oh, ('pr .... dhlr gar. IArgr .\It. SlR."1 !!62-111:11 l'Vl')I, /{t;NT~::f·:AS~SELL. Rig l•ni~t·. 3-:i BR . $ 2 £ j , :~1&-016!1 or ,.,.,..~. 6-t.l-:.t.7S •1 HR New Troy homr-Bltns . $27:, inn, 493-30-1 l o 491-!9:lti. Westminster ~ BR. 2 BA. f1'11Cerl . Pf'ts OK, Nr 1/1 Sehl. IN>nr Way, IVe.~11nir1srPr $210. 531..6341 . Houses F ur;:;:-;r Unfurn. 310 ilfH.9173 ;.19-0316 INVESTMENTS , .... ro er WJ a i II/ Hi1. ~1nglN1. lnrl~ pr1~. 1116 Oron1:e Aw-., C.i\I. I RH h~•·. hul:1· yi•rd-,\1uq u; .. hrd JUSI painted, c•al'J)('L~ & dr;ipes. fenced yd . fnn1. rin. rhdtlrTn & J)('t!t ok. S215 r ti\T Smker K-12~1·1:~1. * SJl.900 * \\'ITJI "lttAJOR" 61" '170·, "o.~~ anytime BLUE B I Sl'O ...... ,,. """" EACON mO\'I' imini'( · ., mo, l.•! Tlltf:ll ol lllll! old turn1tur.? SrJI or l{'Ose w loprlron TENA11fl'S·l.EAS£Bl'ICKS \\le need sale~ fX'OPle * 645-0111 * 010 $100. 1970 ,\l;.1pl<' Vl,,11 . cu~ton1 bui!t llf'lmr. OF'F'TCE ---Ir's rrally not Iha! CO\l'IE c L d -t I Huntington Beach-10 !""place J ust watr.h the 1.1'.'vtl ,a1'l'I & llillil'I 11rc;1 •• " R JAL aun roma w agency, "\Vt.:~.U It • -•p" ..• 1 .. ,, .. . ·~ • .-.. h,111ilure & mlsN!llal'll'O'J! Xln!, e/o~r 1n l•)('allon. ,'(,. AP'T BLD"f i.r:: :\'C·\\por1 BPA C'h. $29,9.lO. our th,. trra"irrs t. tr11~h -2 111: h"11•1'. 1111 hlk<. rn roliinlns In th~ Oa.ulfkd Pl,,\C.l-: REAi.TY ·191·9i01 W . R. DUBOIS, INC. <i11tX1 2n1I hir~i""~' flr u101·k l11rn 1nrn cl\~h rhn1 a n :11lv tw'<11 Ii Slj·,. tno + 111!1 Sr~ti.,n 2flG!=I Sn, Con~1 111'} .. !..LI •n Jo' n1·r\kf'1",~I S.l_.1-fl·~l:'I ~turrsf'I! .•~1~ xlnt tuc"!ln",· . i:'!lol C_la~~ilirrl nrl _'>12-;"17S .1\1111!1~. L1•:1!<" ll1•!f'l'f'!!!'!'~ ----0 R•Tl'i l17 fi.12 ·SG - -1~ "11 .. !I OCSJ·: llunthis::·: "'-A!c h lh• • D111ly P ilot \Vant Ads naY1·1 fl ~'·"ii 1\11n! a•1 I' A liOtKI ~r ' · nr ··• ·'· II J."IXlll Wllnt 11d 1.~ • ••rOO ·' -. ' I s I , • I ('t'Vl("t. Directory. Check 11 i.·,1·r•;:i11,. •rn 'orr 1n1r~11 ornl S111! 1111" 11rn1'< rVJ11' 1nv ... ~11ncn1 C':1ll ~:.• ,,,--,, '''''" I I " "r 1 I" c(>r\'!1•r \'llJJ 11nNf .. • , . . ' . 56 D"1l Y PILOT Condominiums '•~ Unfurn. Apts. Fum. 360 \pt. Unfum. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfum. Costa Mes• J201..c~~~~~~~ Costa Mesa Corona d t l M•r ococ·>:.::;,~:;,;. -vViitti:':11i1·:"'i,1i1~i1li1~.\,:;.,;l;;iiiiiji!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill G.ner•I SM ap1 ilhd41.2C ~1nglt. Ulil COSTA ~1rsa To11nhou:.e, 1 pd. Sl lU ,, ""llR, panelled ..Jen & bunk :lllj Eldt>11 Ari. ~ nn, cusi. d~1s . f"or N'n~ (Ir BACllELOR----;n;-:-Crp1s &· sa.11!'. 1~131 ;"t li-9l:t'J or l•l-11 drps.. Utd p11ld S1 20 Call 962-3286. '.>-1~:~4tl or 67:r-O.i'..'O • "t{sTBLUFF Conclorniniunt. ----l N 4 BR T . p 1 $11 ~. A1lrac11ve sn1al1 s1ngll!', . _ew · rnnis,,.,00 · lull klTcht>n, u1 1l rie~. I adull. $.i>ia. ..,...i .... is3~ 319 1)1>! :'11ar. f~M-1212 Townhouse Unfurn. 335 Dana Point H'!ntington Beach ,.,,.CLE TV 1 k 1,-----------1·~ ·' ' • flO"' pt>L'< (• . :: Br. l'·, I),., !l':X•I ,(· n•c l)ana ,\!aruJa 11111, Jllll Broukhur~1 & 1\,l;un< SlOO _Co;i:-_i~·y. _____ _ n111. ut 1! ,_,"_'"-· 6-r~_:<_:,_ Huntington Beach ~p le xes Unf urn. 3SO I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'r"'"'-----La Quinta Hennosa Spanish Country Eslale Liv· 1ng & Spacious Aris. Ter- r:J.cert pool: sun~en ~as BBQ ta Mesa Unbcllevahle L1vi11g -Only 1---------11 Br unf $150-furn $175 :\1~SA VEnDE' RE"'."TAL 2 Br unf $175 furn $210 lfO:'-IJ::: 11 J!h 3 BR 2 BA on AU. UTIL INCLUDED qu11'1 ~lrt'et. Lease or SpceiaJ &nus; a silvt>r- Ynonlh-10-monrh al s2;~. plated candle snuffer is Call 1\i;:-tf:11&-414l. ""°--',--~~--)'OUl's il you bring this 11.d 2'1'131!. Cvupl<· 0111). snia.ll \1hrn you visit our models. ~n'' yarrl Pr!'< "k ·I blks S. ot San Diego Frwy B.'\. 5 \0\1", l'!'lni;. nrll' rp!". HARBOR ilrp~ $250/mo lii~l":> ur tiUi-2290. COM '"'"' "~"al ' Ile. TOWNHOUSE li..'11n1s, bltn.~. p.a.tio, lots of 2'll7 l-larbor. Nr. \Vilson trcrs. $350/mo. A\IULI July 'l BR on l llr. Xlnt row•. -i. ()7::1-7619. v ",,.:.:.7.'=.·~~=~~-1 Li'J:. t:Jose:s. carport. $130 ~ Hr. ('rp!'cl. CLEAN, f'at1u, & Heated pool-AduJLs Only ;:ilr ,,i!ul1s only, no Jl('t~ e No JH'!s-Adj. 10 ~hopping IA·ll~f' iii:l-9Jiic:_ ____ i:i~~":':'!'~~~~~~ Costa Mesa Park-lik• Surrounding QUJl'.:T -lJELUXE D ELUXE APARTMENTS ,\:U\11 A\"AIL,\RLt-~ A•r i "onil. ~1·p!!"s. l ~wu11- 1n111:! /'O')l'I -llr<\llh Sps - 1'1•n1us i 'rt~ -G1:11nr & B1J- Ji.u·d H<~•n1 l S '.! BF:DR00,\1 FR0.\1 Sl30, MEDI TERRAN EAN VIL LAGE :!HlO J111rhor Bl1•d., C t-1. 1-2 &· J sn A?Ts: Abo Furn. Bachelor rr.· p11l1os • Hid Pools Nr shop'g * Adult'! only Martinique Apts. 1777 Sa11 1a Ana Avl'., C:'<! :\11;1 . Apt 113 &16-:i:n2 *** LIKE LIVING IN YOUR OWN HOME .•• :! Br, J 1 ~ UJ unlurn. Cpt~. 111·1• .->.ii·!I020 dl[~S, Pnc•I. pJl 10. --FATRWAY.--1 WILSONA;.~RDENS l'h. Cl~-6,';ll a/1 I pni. VILLA APTS. l====I .S\25frnn Call aft : •. :;u on lll'arh, J blk \V. on J{ol! f;i2-0io::,1. 10 Hi21! Pa;k.:ide l..llll'. I _ 2 & 3 BR's DCPLJ-.:X, '!. hr, b It, n i;. 1114) 8 1·5-HI Privare pn lio pool • lnd!V. * Spanish Elegance 'c"ttit~/drp!', pv! patio. i;ar 1aundry fac: Quiet Adult Living '$170 :>~5-6.'189. ~~REF: uli~i~m1-sRap1 Nr Near Orange Co. Airport & Shag ('Pl • drps • bltn~ lx'ach, pool. S\30 up. Call UCI. Adult~ only. BeauuluJ Pool e AU Util Pd :i;-{j;....3m, 536-72.~2. 53&-13ti6. 20122 Santa Ana Ave. 2 BR, $1i(l l Br. 2 b;i , lrplr. dsh\1 shr. I •.'llODERN t BDR.\l 1 ~fgr. ~1rs. Joachim, Apl 3.,\ Adults only-110 pet!'! Newport Beach Newport Be•ch * St•p• t o Beach * 2 HR. :! b<i ., bltru Ocean v1.-11.. Ad u!L" only, No pets, Yrly $273. Avail, July 1st. • * .. • * l Bfl. 2 ba •• bltns. Olilctttn 1;,-til'Qllle. $300 Yearly. Avail· able oow! Call: ii73·3fi6J ().12.2253 E\·es. associated BROKERS-REALTORS 2025 W l1:1lboa 67l•l66) PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS Bac!u-lor. I or 'I. Bedrooms, anrl Townhouses. Spa, pools, I 1enn1s. J'ro1n S17j. Acl'O!ill fron1 1"';1i.hion Island at Jam· borrt• & San Joaquin Jlills ll.oalis. C714) &l4-l!m. SEACLIF'F" r.tanor Apls. 2 Br. Also 1 Br . .avail July l . Crpts. drps, bl!ns, pool, priv patio. stud io lypc, 11,i Ba. lnf:i.nt ok. [14S-2682, lj25 Placentia Ave. Ask about our dlst"Ount. BREATH 1'AKING VIE\V $2J:.>. JlugP 1 br apl. High on Bark Bay Bluffs w/2 pvt ha!l:ony~. frpl c, heated pool. loaU s of 1·Jo~e1s. Call: 743 l);)m1ngo l.Jr (by CdM 1-1.S.) 6-15-1200. LUXURIOUS bay r r on t dupl<'X. J BR. 2 BA, cpls, drps. No childrf'n or pets. $J.2j_ mo. Refs. 494-&iOB B!k 1o orran. &: stores. $250 BLOCl\S TO BE AC H iiii!!jiij!ii>il&<ii2il5!!;iiiiiiil'Z"ll""A"'·'°'~·,6d~o~S~t.~~·6l•&-09 .. !!!!7' mo yl'llr lease. fi.12-2o20 Pl 10'.\'E 5-1" -961 -~ ----eves. __ -s:_646-G_l_J4'_•'<_s. Lido Isl~ : . __ , . HARBOR 1~~~-~;T~<; i..:.:..:ccB~R-A_N_D_N_E~W--- Ncw SUpl'r 2 BR, 2 Bath, $1~. ] BR. F'rplc, indoor/ --------~/¥/ 2 BR & Den, 2 BA. patio HI TOWNHOUSE lrp!c, "'Cl bar. beamed ceil-outdoor kitchen, heated pool, /\p~ilm..,nt~ '°' Re11t _. 1t•nn is rr1. A\'ail 001\". for .1 ings. panelling, pr iv at e See at 20432 Santa Ana Ave. mo. $.';75. mo. No f'hddrPn patJO. all l'f'<'. facil. Adults. or call 557--0211. l•••••••••••I GI' pt't~. Oprn \\'ed. 61:!3. ?!17 llarbor. nrar \\'ilson No pcls. From $SO prr ---NOcW..:cc0..:P_E_N __ _ Apts. Furn.. 360 -12~ i~:!=IJ:i::i fl)r appi__ ~O~\~~/I~~:;~~ ii~~~~~. roon1,"','"1·~·"-oo-~ 201~2 Santa Ana AvP, Spac-1-----------6 H,\Yf RQ;"\"T ·"Pl~. Un thP '"' 1" * * f ~enecal I I · t • Ht>a l('(I pool -Adul1s only 1-------'---1ou~ '1 BR. 2 BA w/frplc, pd, v t1:·~11· 1. :--ummPr or 1r;;rlv * REGENCY * I p-,,·,. • -··d· •I.,,,,.,,. Hid. l • l l · · · j • No pel ~-:\dJ. to ShllPP"'' "' ,, L.Uu ., " .. .... "" !'<ts•·.~ ,.va1ah r nu w! ?ll lli /d f · r.cn! Bcaulifu! Jo'urn 1111 re -r, 11, crptg rps, sci 1100I . Sl!}J. 5j7.()Zll !-,\to ... 1.n1111um. J-R<!rn1. --• -cit" n g t for a.~ !\tile a., LARGE 2 BR. 2 BA. ,· '. _ asov_en.:_eoc,goc .. pa-OC--,_.•Nf.lto,'·T J Br/2 Ba, 1 Bryanl \\/1r~1 !111r. fi7.'>-:l723 1 -. •0 JGO • 7 \\ \Vt " " ONE MONTH l-c:---------APT. UPSTAIRS 0~·""'''" "·"' • 1500 .: yr ls e. s:t2.-,...$37:i. 2214 w. Newport Beach CHILDREN *GAROENAPT-2BR OcPantr ont. 615-&'.l60, complete with .\JOBILB home, Lldo ar<.'a, WELCOME Sl,10. Bhns, gar, patio. Adil~. ~·~·7;;.~1;·ll~O~~=~=~-l l 10-001 f\'P<.tr!y ne..,,· 1 BR + 2466 Santa Ana Ave. »" pet. l60-G E. :list SI. '·lDDERN 2 BR, P .• ' ba. your 10 !">48-::!J27 " Purchase Option hid<·-.a-bed. Lgc ba1h, crpt~. 642.J131 Af:t•~·n~oo~n~l:w:uc;n;c;o-,;;;;:c;:-,;;:c-;;o;: c· r pt s. d rp s , b ! lin s , Ind. ill'm sf'lcrlion. dr1}s. Yellow b!ins, £nclosrd \l"l::S·fnay "21". J'lc w 2 br SPi\C!OUS Deh.t\"l' I ~r. Bltn dishwshr. Cotiple or mnture 24 Hour Oely. poi!io. :"ii' ro bay & pool. S21 5 a PI s -Pa ti o s-P o o I l.: rani::r., dsh .... ·l1r, rc!r1g, shag 1..:•cd..:'c'"c·..:lc'..:"c·_'..:lco..:. -"-,....~"~'-· -11 CUSTOM 1no, yearly. Adlts, no JX'ts. !lfl;J-gara~r. Rrf1nr(I adult c,·c,pts, •1~12;1·:·, j::ar. Rental t BR furn apt ror "~n Furniture Renta l !ii::-~;~_•~-------l1 1·1n~ in t:w.1ut 111mo!<pherll. ~:i-;1-"·-·-'-·-----Jovrr"' on t~!h St., N.B. S150 517 \V. 19th, C.:'11 ;1\8-~4Sl nACHEJ.01~ 11fpl11\"('r hoa T, No r•('I~. 1.·,1 E. 21~1 !'!. IJ~:r~u:-.~: t Bit, SIJi Nr mon1hly, &12-S380. Anaheim 7;4.2.~ :.'l\" n1a' i::1ud111 :ip1 f'n rhan-bl2-1!-l(f, -.hopp111~ Adul1~ only. <;ar.1-'2C6'--11-, c2:...,b..:,,-. -,-uc,-' .. ~1,-,-. -,-,-w LaHabra 6~-37(18 ni•! 11 /fl(•~i! J1(1f)/n111 "n -QUI E T·N ic t V iewl-Xu 1"'''· Li! r:. :!l~l. api : \'11•w, Jpl. pool. i,,.=-"-------'--'-=1 ~ra rl) l•·:1•'r tt11t pd . . · til1t-ro11i, •-Ibo p · I ..! l~r . tl11•~. n1.1 r•q11J:!. 1:.1k••r 77;, l\111 1.i.:·1~ \\'ay UG a en1nsu a li!J-..:Ot~i:! t\l\l · • " 1c::...:c..:..:c..::.-C"-----1 1.,r1~1r shup·i.: 1 .... 1·h1·d ~ .• r Al -t", 'rpt~. drp.~. S.1nt.1 An• 2 B OR..\!, frplc, bak-ony. ~1;-, (.C:F.l\i'\~·1{Q,,T-:Hr:/:!Ba. Arlul!.~. 1111 IJl'l~. )I 1"1. hl1n~. h""tll 1·1·1 l1n!! Adul1s.1 ::;:~.:_;~------ E. Bay. S2j(} nio. J...ea,qo \ ~r J~1'. s~.2·1-s~i\. :!214 \\'. 61:,..~1:; or t>41-0i 1;:. 11U 11('1~. l""rorn Sl"oO. 197~ : llrated pools yl'arly. Jnqu1rr at ApL C 01· P,. n I r n n 1. 6i~ ~~'\P.'\Clou::-:'\~\V 1 ,r,,1 Br~ ~·a11~·P._-.1G~'U~-·----Lar~e Clubhouse t:1c. BBQ · 673-1521 or ~18-77il. 61:,...1 110 · Ch'Jd C C t Lux Apls. Poot [)/\V, rni·t l5E"T <irl'.J -Adults, no pels. 1 are l'n er • P.ates hy \\'rek-On ON'~n BAYFli°"ONT \'1P11· ~1p!, ~1ni;:-lt' ~ar. bf'auL N't' rni &· laun-1\IOdl·r11 2 Br. Sl:il. Bl!lls. Great new l 21< 3 Bdrms Lo\"l'ly B<1chelors, 1 -Br. . r.1rl. ~undeck, yrly !Sf', s1::i0. dry laed. ~r. oc <.'Ollrgr & ''Pl.~. 1lrr~. ~ml p 8 t i 0. SOUTH COAST l1a1d sl'rv1ct>. Poot. Ut1J. 6i:rJO'iO h·ii~s Adults, 110 /-"lS .. r\8-2i6:, VILLAS • 6i.'>-8740 e -~===~=~---I~----------1101 1"11acAr1hur Blvd. t----------·1 • ~\"INT~;R RENTALS e I ,'6~t2~-~l~l7~0.=~~==~~11 f.t 2 BOlt\l. pool, I child $<16-882.l Corona del M a r Rf'nl NO\\' tor &pr ! HARBOR GREENS ,~" .. ~l',,",". up. 324 t;. :xith St. 1----=C'-'=---- JJACHELO!t APT-2 yrs uld. ABBEY REAl,TY 6-12~?.SJO GAIWEN & STUDIO A.PTS le.-"'---------Apts., clt:in & attracu1·e. ;\Ian 2 Rr.. .vrl ). sun c!I;. ,\dlllls no B<ich. J, 2 3 BR's. from $DO. 2 un. DupJf•x. Rangl'. r~pt'd. Furn. or Unfurn. 370 pn•rd. t;1;>--~i720. /)('Is. Pr{'ff'r tr·achrrs. S200 a ZiOO Pcierson \Vay C.l\1. pn!n). !\o pt•!s. $16.1/mo Genera l FL'H~Bach Apr. Shag rn1'. fi7:1-.:_:2i.______ 5'16-0370 , ft1•<1ltor, Gclo2-_'c'-"-·---- ''r!'!.Sf•lrps, unl"s pd. S l~I() a Ne wporr Heights $l:'l~l.:..O A'li'HAC. ~ Bit .• 1 ;; llH. 1 Ba lu1n1Jy Apt. Costa Mesa Ill" 6!1-7702. BA., crpls. flrp.~. l11•an11•1·1!. Crpls, drps, /JO(ll. l\o ~\f"llAZING Adult J~l vi n g ---· --CL ~:,\:'-/ 1 or 2 Br. Adlts. no fH.'1~. Sli:ilino. :,;17-40~7 e '.\10DEH:\, ( hc.-.dul fL1r11 Pf'!s. Lg-kn .t1 2:,.Sl."(l. 2121 lni.:.!>. p,p1u 1•r1t ry i\11\1 ~ ----~-"C.:.-Beaut. 1 f..· 2 BR furn or uni -loll rhr!nr -SllJO mo, 11111 1n1"I. E ltilh ~t . NA. fi-16·1il01 1111ly-111• jit'I~. Hrl'.•. 2:G l 2 RH, 2 ba, Bltn~. Ga ra;::r, 2 Ap1 s. !-)rll 1·lean. oven.!!, ·)4~2~iti S;1n1a An,1 .\1·r . b7J-O:J~."J. rhildr1•n. i\"o 1w1s, $lli.i. Di \V 1111 ~ BrJ d1~ls, i;hag \'.C~o::•..:t::acM.~.,-.-----1,A_pt_._u_n_fu_'-"-·---J-65 -NICE-& QUI ET-,_tS_l_-l_l_Ue __ l _>_la_<._>l __ s-_sz_;_s._I I . & • • . o•pls. f rr~ . .ricu1.1.1 · ,;au .. a I·----------Ge ne ral 2 R!!, crpts, dq1~. bali-ony, l.\1.\1,\C. 2 BR, 2 BA, blt\n.,,. ba1hs. l·lugr pool_ * SUNNY * Jocki..J i.:ar. :'\r bus 6.: thP-Laundry facl. :'ltei::a Vrrdf'. Merrimac Woods * ACRE S * VENoo·~E .a1re. ;\dli,, no fJl't~. Avail S!GO. ;,JJ...736 1: ~1.)i-2Si6. 4'.?j l\lcrrinu1c \\'ay, C . .\I. * Mote l-A pts. * m .luJy 1-.t. SI 1·,/1110 f~l;i-.3.il;,, E ast Bluff • BACllEU)R, 1 Br, 2 Ba, 'Studt•.~ 1 H·"1'1ruorns l~f.\IACULATE APTS! -+-THf:-C;i\ULl·:S-* -1-----------$1\,, UI'. l'OOL. C a ll L(•\\' P..\TF":-; '"2 2\<'l ADVLT and 12 n r , 1': Ba "' g:ir. si : .. -, NEWPO RT BEACH ,,.. -". s2·, 1\1'f'k-l lli0 :-.111. FA:'llll.Y Sectlcn I ,\dlts. C11t~. rlrp~. hlrn~. frwt v·ll G d A t ~ , l1aily l'~llr~ ,\1-.. ,:. 1 .1 , 1 2 39 1 a ran.a a p Ii. Huntington Beach I " i olor T\". i\1r-C'unJ Close to •hopping P atk I ~· 1' pa llo. \\ rr 111 1 Four bedrooms \\'lth balcon- • r,.,1, 1\.-1! T,1b]1-;, Sp1 r1ous 3 BR'.<, 2 ba ' \)l·;i ngr AI C<. f:. ti31'r-ll20. ic" above & !>elow. Gracious • e =">lunrb *" ~l\1:!1 pool, putl:::rren I Tl:~~~Pi~t;:p;: li\"ing & quiet sw.rroi•nding I 2::i6 '"11p)r1 n11.1 ;, r rril. 1na,1-.1ndry rac·1s 1o11n·. 1:.1rhui: ... 1,sp, i n<1 r~ ro1· fam11y \.\"itJi ehildrrn, i1~-•-;,., 1845 Anah eim Ave. I 1n1, ,:;11. p.dl" :S\l,1. 11tr r~I !\car Corona del ~1:ir 1-ligh :-.,~·\\' 1ll\ ;\F.f-:.111111 , r ('(ISl ,\ :'Ill·::-;,\ 6J2.:J.S21 I ~·lul l~. 11•1 1~ T~. ;»:! ~·tJ1t School. ~-irep!:ict>, Wl'l bar & Nf-:\V .\1 \,,,\\;~.\\l::;o..T I l l.11• ('\I ,\~~l~fof, hu1Jr 1n l\1!rhcn appliancl's, ------I. 11i1;!·. 1 1>1 _1', h:i . ~l·fl -*-TO WNHO USE* SJ:i 0 AJ\_llGOS \VAY 644 .:n<Jl CASA de 0 R 0 111(1 •1.-.1 t.I ( an11 no, ( \1 j ~ I :r, 1': 1:.1, <'pl ~. ~lrps, pa-Ct:lu_\\'ell. Banker ~ Co. C.\~L ',\I , r ;t!1f l.il'1 n~ 111 n ... ~i-401 '.! ll<i, ,\dult~. $1f;J. l·ltl t:. i\1cl-!\1;:1nagu1g Agent 541-52:?1 \l o!i.l'ln ~1<'oh1crr11nl',1n 11tn1t'i~-B Ibo I I d t t -H ~ B • a a s a n "' ,1 .n :ri:-\. J7fi.~. unhngton ea ch phrrc~. .-;p1H·11JU ~ C"l•ltJr ('1.1· urd intl!Nl :1 111~ _ d1-si,:rtl'd & 2 Hr rl'lir. f1\C·r J:!tirai::_.-. Pn1111 :;;1•:\C: :: llr apts. $110. lll<l l'ool PJ:1.•· .vrl. Ct)!.~, drtis. ll1m1sh('d fr>r St}I!." &· f"(lrn-& ·'Ufl(!t•l'k bl!n ,•qr.1r .~ * FRESH AIR fort • i!('illl'd pool • J\irch-n:•fru.~. i·rpb, ilrp~. F,\ t1rat. 1:11ns, pflt10, k1r!s ok. \\alk ."l hlks lo Beach' \•l'J!\ \lfl plr No. l ~~1S.j6f>O Brau!. l11g 2 BR .aPls, w/1\' r ,\ "'/ indirrrt !1g-h1111,i! e A1nd July 1·1 Yrll• I• itS('. Deluxf' Ro. ,\dulls. !'Opel!-. lij3-2lJI. 2211 Col!~'.I!(' "o fi &16-22tl< cr111~. lir11s, bltnst>.Xcept re- l Bl~.-SlW turn 1-------------;--;\'f-r R,\CTIVt::-2-BJt In~. $1.il'l R.· S1:1.\ 1 child ok. Ba lboa Peniniula r-; I ;o.~., i·11 UTILITIES J'.'\CLUDF:n $140, Ul1ns. l!:kr. plltio. Adl!s, 0 .~l!lg' C'S. no pe1s, ...,.,. I ¥1.1 \.\'. \l'ilson £.J2-19il 2 BR. ~undt>ck, A\atl su1n. nu JWI.'. HiO :2lsl St. -children Welcome HOLIDAY PLAzA-1 ni ,..r SJOO rtJo DELUXE Spacious I BP. ----•-~l-2'.l~'--*-'--­ . furn apt Sll.'i. llrar,.d pool. Corona def Mar · An1ple parking. Adults -no Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pe\11;, 196.1 Pomona. C.\I. $tsa-NE\\' 1 hr ap1~. Pit ~·:: JX1lios. g,1r.1gl'. fl!.~! ~ .. ~Pll q,,. ort• ,Adults, no p«!~. \\'•·~1 B.1} . "&U ". 1."11 £. 21~1 St. ON TEN ACRES f,42-490.J. __ t & 2 BR. Furn, ' Unfum. LARGE brrlror1n1. ;\·1idrtlr· FJrl'place! / pr!v, patios. <1ge lady. No Jl('IS, $9j /i\1 0. Pools Tennis Contnt'J Bk.fsL Behind MrsA Th f' 11 1 r r · 900 Sea Lane, Cdl\f 644-2611 ~8-3938. l!Kl:i t"ullerron. (MacArthur nr Coast Hwyl c.ri.1. .-,;~212~. 2 Br. $Jj9, All f'Xlras. Pool. 2 BH, 1': B,\, sh3T'J>, ,~rpl!', Furn. a\"a1I 17:-162-A Kef'l· drp~. l'X(I s11 . 11 A11a1lable snn Ln. S·l2-623.;, !IGS-7510. '"'"· Slii."i rno. !l1J Valencia, $JJ:, _ 2 ~l._ l"o. I, :i:1i-71titl. 1hsPosal, " HF:AUTIFUL I & 2 BR. ApL ::.: Cunlrmporary G:irtlcn Apl!I_ ;i:i0-x,-:? nr.. Crpts, drp~. ~l\1vr. 7701 Slatf'r. Call i74-JJ98 or Patio.~. lrpl1•s ~1.281ibi-----1---. $lj()...$lti:i. Call f>.IG-~IG3 • tn.<, C"rp1 s, (0 rp!1;, Sll:i .::.:::...:::c:..o: :~~-__ per 1110. 1 child o k . • f"A!1ULOUS '!sly, liv ml Tra1l,.w i nd s Rea I ty. \\"/~p1ral sir,., frpl. 2 ll<lrn1, 8~7-Siill. • l'i Ba, 31K~1 1rop1rnl pooLl=.-,----------l·lj E. l~th SL 1~12-4603. SJ i\C l Br, quiet. 1-'rplc, «>ncl . 1:<1r. l"r1ts, clrps, xtra sror. $1l'r2 BR. n~1 pain!, Olin~. All <'1rr. ArU1 s. $14;,. 8177 cpts, ~nr, uppt'r. Adi!.~. no Gurfirlil J.1.B. 9G2-501C. pets. Nr. llarbor & Adams.l ~---------- :..-:;--sruNNING G,\RDEN *COROLIDO APTS* 548-6357. 2 Br, c.lcan & attract. crpts. APTS. Pool 2 & ~ BR'"· In-2 HR Sludios & street levels. -1lrp~. bH ns, air-<:t)n<I nr. !11.nt Qr sml pt>! ok Unf $Ill Sl8.i & UP. Dshwshr. Frplc, SIO.r-7 Bft. g!lr. till"/l'f'f. COU· schools, shop'&: & park.' Kids & Sll:>. Furn s11:, I: S200 , Dht rarpor1. LARGE Pool. plr or l'ldl'rly fl('rsou, no ok No prls 830.15413 pt'!S. ~>43-7237 ar! j pin. ' . ·--6.t.'>-!J5?JJ Lall 673·.l.178. I BR $125, Gas &: \1'a1er incl. fibsrNf:;~s mt'n~ s pr r 1 a I PAHK your car .t· 11alk: nr Sl70-2 Br, 2 n~ Studio apl. \\'/\\' rrpt.•, 1lrp~, stovr Cplll. 1h11s. p11.llo. gar. Adj /\lull 110 pr!~ ~12-l!"S3 ~kl)' r11tf'~ now oHrrf'rl to OC\'an, nr ~hop's:. New ept.~. to shp"_t:. 28.i Oi::lr ~d!t-8301 1 • • • ·'· r vt-ryotll'. Lo""' 11~ s:l6 \.\'k 2 Br. 2 Ba , tx-11111 Ct'il. :'11nny \\'F:STH°AY 21 rn:'\\' 7 iiit 2 nn. pool, r1·pt~/drps. Se11l.ark Mnlf'I , 2301 Npt :ir:·ra.~ 3W-A l\1a1·~'\lcri1r, · _ • 11dulls. rlQ llf'IJ. :'20 12th St. Bl'.'d. 6-i!)..7.\·1~i. liTJ--IS73 or 548-79SJ. apts SISO. Adlls. L1l r •. 21sl < 219 1•11 ,,. S1 &12-490J. . " 1 .,. . $2S Per WHk & Up 2 BR. Crpts, drpi;, stove, -L.1gun• Beach BACllt:I,OR & J Rll. refnR, lrplr, s undt'Ck. 3 BP., fnrn lilzc ap!, blt11i:. TV " maid i;erv AVatl. Mulls only, no childN'n no drps, ~.,..,,. cpl, JAr, nr Nt:Alt BEACH·New 1 br 1 •., : , 4](1 Vlr!orlA. C.1"11 . pels. S225/1no. Y car I y . i1hop'J: ,r, SC"h\~. 9fi2~I~. ha. pool. Adult!, No rw1s. Jt QL'lf-::T 2 lldrtll DtiJll<:"-.:. 673-9234. 2 Hr. 2 Im . nrlultc. no J>('!J:. 1 .... t'. 2ti3 S. Cl'»'sl Hv.y ~ln$, gari::. p1tri0, E/.~idr FOR_lc"c" ___ 1,,.~1,-,-,-,-,-w-;-tt'l 1616 C1trAV.l\Y r>rhc, Custa •Hl-1--l llll or :i2S-€."43 ~lddlr 11gl' 1'1)\Jplr, oo pet' r lrr :2 UR. 1 BA , ~r~i~IO-G lj.;;, ___ i:(;v-;1er ~!u<J!o, virw, frrl. , 361-B O,:lr SI. 6l:l-129ll l inoh~t111~'ll'd v\l'w of hay i 2 Bit !>lud10 apt. 1lrp~. rrpt ... hlt111", SJll.i 1.<r \\"ork1ni: /\'mtAC 1Lm\.""TOv.rihflll'-t', (ll'f'nn Atilt~ (Jflfl' 6iJ-G'.l'lt !10'"'1. utol pd No prl< 110,.11311 nnl~ 4fl1-11~1 l<tsldt 2 nr. 11:: H11. pool Th• f~~~lrr.w 1n-1hr-lfr(\ f,hi·l~7 d~)· i;i:i.i 11" 1'~.L\J ;.."G-\'011 r b011r : "I.l~r'" 1'*1 pcl.~. $1i:>. 646--6610 . , , 11 ll.•ll;,o Pilol Cl11~lllf1l'(J Turn unu~r(I ilrn1 t 11110 quirk 11·1fh u~ .. ~II H f11.~1 . !lady " ••, '124 • ..,~,~ f'~~h. r ail r.~2.~<ii.G: Pil11' Cl11 ~"ifir1l. M24567' C..U kl\4' it•11u1 now! "" "' ' ( ON BEACH! NF:\V 2 BR. APTS From s2:;o f'l1rn11ure Avnilable Carpets-drapes-dish washer 1tca1rd pool-saun1u1-tennis rce room-ocl'an views patios-ample parklna; Security guards, HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 7ll OCEAN AVE., II.B. 171~) 536-1487 Ole open lO am-6 pm Daily WJLL.IA.\1 \V ALTERS CO. Parkltkl' U<'ach Livin~ fo r Adul~ Casa Del Sol & :! BR-fun1 /unf. Pvt pa· tio. !rplc in 2 BR. rlevalol"'i'I, dsh"·shrs, l'r111s, drps. Pe ts :irceptcd. Frain St-1:;, ~1661 Brookhur~t ~t. 118 . * 1714) !Mi2.fi6:>3 • 1 .t.· 2 UR. Jo'rom $125tmo. Overlooking bt11.u!. garden p111io & hid pool. Adults. l03j J 2th SL, across from Lake Park. 536-2692. e OCEAN VII::W-f'ROM $\l-,, 1 Br. furn or unturn. CASA PW\ YA, 14th le \\'elnu1. Call jJ6....8367, Newport Beach VISTA DEL MESA Apartments I I.: '! RR . Furn. & Unf. Dish- 11a.~l1C'r -Sto\'I' and Relrig • Shaf:" rrpl'_t:-Lrg Rec c:tnt~r. RE/'.",. St11.rt" Sl'.'1!"1 Tustin & Mesa Drive * S4S-41.55 * NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD Wrdne~day, Ju,. 23, 1971 PILOT·ADVElll:TISE R Z J Are You Letting Cash Slip .Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD l . Stove 2. Guit1r J . Biby Crib •. Elec:trlc S1w 5. C1mer• 6. Wisher 7. Outbo1rd Motor I . Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Cl.1rinet 11 . Refrigerator l 2. P ickup Truck 13, Sewing M1chin• 14. Surfbo1rd 15. Machine Tools 16. Di1hwash•r 17. Puppy 11. Cabin Crui1er lf. Golf C1rt 20. B1rometer 21 . St1mp Collect ion 22. Dinette Set 23. Pley Pen 24. Bowling 8111 25. W1ter Skis 26. Freet er 27. Sult<••• 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 . B•r Stools 32. Encyclopedi• 33. V1cuum Cle1ner 34. Tropical Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't J6. Fiie C1binet 37. Golf Clubs 31. Sterling Sil ver 39. V ictorian Mirror 40. Bedroom S.t 4 T. Slide Projector 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool T1ble 44. T ires 45. P i.1no 46. F ur Co.1t 47. Dr1pe1 48. Linen~ -49. Hor1e 50. A irpl•n• 51. Org1n 52. Exerc:ycle 53. R1re Books 54. Ski Booh 55 . High Ch1ir 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr1ln 58. Kitten 59. Cl1uic: Auto 60. Coffee T1ble 6 l. Motorcycle 62. Accord ion 6J. Skis 64. TV Set 65 . Workbench 66. Diamond Witch 67. Go-IC•rt 68. Ironer 69. Camping Tr.1iler 70. Antique Furniture 71 . T•p• Recorder 72. S1ilbo.1t 73. Sport1 Cir 74. M1ttre1s Box Spgs 75 . lnbo1rd S~bo1t 76. Shotgun 77. S1ddlo 78. Dart G1me 79. Punching B.1g 80. Baby C1rri1ge 11. Drums 12. Rlflo 13. Dosk 14. SCUBA G11 ' can be tumed into cash with a DAILY PILOT WANT•AD so Don't Just Sit There' DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 These or any other extra tllln91 around tll• houM I 22 PllOT AOVCR TISER Wrontsday J11!lt' 23. 1'172 Wednf sdir. Junt 23, 1'171 ~ DAIL., PILO~ -·-··~·"· 1 ~/L·,. ............. ~~!1 _1 _ . .,_ ... _J_..-5n,_____[ _, ... _~··--']~ :;;;;[ t;;;;;; ...... ;;;;;; ...... ~JrsJ;:1 1--·-I ~[ ...... --J~[ ................ ]~ [ ·-.-Jfm •· ... H•lp W•ntod, MA F 711 ...,...ts., Apts., Office Rent•I 440 P1rsonels 530 Lost ~ Babysitting , Carpet Servic• Hous1cl1i1nin9 - Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Fu,n. 0, Unfu,n 370 BOO"KEEPJ"G A/0 A/P, · MODE"N O FFICES * t'UU..Y L!C"'NS"D • S50 R£\\'AftD ror 1hr return COSTA MESA D nll C 'I 0 " '' .., c.. c.. ianio a rpt'I (Canul( HOUSECLEANING pay roll, Jinan. 111at. secy, Newport Beach Sante Ana * COSTA MESA * Rf'nownetl lluxlu Spir1tuahst or 111!0, 011 r.t blk . 1erri(lt. P RE·SC HDOL Avg site roon1 $8 EXP & REAS. A I JI P. J:Pn"I oJc. 67~1. I .. Sij. s, $110 Jlt'r 1110., So. Calif. l 11ct· 011 it rna([e1·.s . I-I.ii; J\'d har11ci,~ "dh HJ. ~~Cl.ti :-.u1nrner l'roi;:r:tni .rp:nrJn.: C: 111Stii.!Ja1fons e ~71 e RESORT LIVING LU.\UI"}' .1/JI )1 1111;; 11 !1 t1 \il llOn rl'lT<'.fl<On ~1, tn11111 n:'.! V l ~·.rhl N,t110n:il Hank Bldg., Lo\'f' .. \larriai,:e, Busi nes~ ra b1r~ rag No. Hl76. Sa!. la11 /.• :ltonrcwi;i, 1~ day , f'n:~ }';~1. fi.ti..1311 I . I IL A MARSEILLES I H£>adu1~$ gi\'en 1 flays a 6, l!I bt'lw. l\'t-s t &· :spnng-1 1 --------roning BRANO NEW 1::.0 E. 17 th .-."T , C . .\I, 6-11-148.:i ulJ day >.f's.s1nns. Pla11rk'1i LJ tll''01\.\! CARP ET CLEAN ---''-------( ""tk, 10 a n1. to 10 P nt. dalt-, pJ('a..;t call 11~1 -l:t6!l, I l R I " Al · _, A Bt-nrr Tt>n1J}Orary P%1llo11 S PACIOUS UE:SK ~f)(lt"t! ;iva1k1blc S50 ::i:! N. El C:tnllno H.tal, _ __ _ riro1,:riun. tOt unc~s. AicC'~ r asonab!e It.ates, roninr lf'rations 11•1u11~. tuU1.11'd-. ,...11d "11-I \I'll 1 I LOST sniall brn •-"ht 1-ti, hr~ Ii JO A~I • ti l'.\I Tomlin Svc * SS7·"69 At t.ly llon1C" I & 2 Bdrm. Apts. nl<l, i provu e urn1turt' ~n Clcmf'nt r "' lr\ i..:.1.11. lw.il lh r lult,, '>:11111"' Ad It L" . ;tl $:1 lllO. Ans11·ering Sf'r"iC"f' ·192-91'.'.ii. 492--0070 poodlr, i-hai,:gy. A n~ 10 z~a SIS II k-C'~\IJ',\HE · t).l~-~0 . ..t) -. ~ 1'£,, ... ,-Kf.\'.G-.-; __ 1>_,_ .. _1 ___ _ URGENTLY NEEDED e SECRETARIES '., .. bl•"• 1,,, .. ,00 .. , 1·· I u iving •1·,•1i•bl<. J781' .... , .. ,, 51 .. ,1. z I.a 1 -1• '/1° 01• 1·1 liAll \"1·1· 1 M . " "'"·'I\ ' J ". ,.. Fur n. & Unfurn. "11 11 .. 1>11·,, .. ,,H n-:,.O'CI•. ,·/,_ .,,-1 .. rn1-:~'.0Rl;ANCLASS • ..'\a, ~ ~~ " ,, '.. " 111)' 10n1r , .\lr~a UIJ lu ·WO .sq It ':l2 . .iU ••onry e PBX OPRS idr 11·11111 , 1nu .~. pro ~ll"fl ._ " ..,....... ...., Ca1n1no heading To1\Rnl5 dt'l .\111r K;ih1r~ '"'\1·()1nt l;u;,r;u1l•·{~j 1,urk t.~~)..1189 ----------- .i._ 1nu,·h U\fll'r , ... 1n:;;lr.-. I ,( Oi~hl\:l~h('r -color 1.'00rd1nal-IC'Oll)lllt•tr Hr g 111 nt r s f Fairview !Uc .\I. :110-~. X! . I I I MASON F.RY \\'OH i\ A I J e TYPISTS 'l llR ~·iwn l"nfurn P.r n1~ col ar•pll"ncrs plush !;hag Ol.'.:S!\ ~pa<'r av;ul'?lblt $;'J0 Thu1·,;iln}~ I P.\!, pr111.·t1ct Los·r ,-,11 b,~ ..... 11 "°''''· CC'~/ ~t:~h~:~1 ;rfl~I !~~1~~~~~· Carpenter rypts r~f' ~~l. T horoughly fl'Olll s1:;, .\11 )I'.•"' I•' carpt•l • cho1ct of l color 1110;~ \\'ill provid~ furnit~ n u 3\'all San Cltmr111 t u nu -----CARPE R expd. &12-19.IS. e TELLERS e ACCTNG CLERKS schenies _ 1 bal"• ••all at ~mo. Answering service illl nlmond o ..... an s 1 u 0 1 o. \\'hilt eht!t &. J>&""'· rrmalr, COLLEGE r1rl. S.•"k!'i po~ NT Y . • 11111rrd .\lvdrl ~ 0 1>t'll IJ.ub "'' '.I bl 222 F t A • ., '> d k d I I --60 '11"0 P•1nt1ng & s hr,,i ers mirrort>d ward-ava·a t . o~ ve,1 492-1638. -)f.~. oc t a 1,:.., to as ~lo1l11>r·~ ~i•I u n. ·'I< 1-:.EPA.IJ{S. No Job \\'ork "·hen &. ,.,.here 10 10 p, 1,_ d , _ _. L.as,'Una &>ac:h. <19-1-9466 I lbs "l\1AJ0"' Ntf'<ls medica-br ach-jJ1-U06([ Or fij J.-:!li9 Too Small. Cabinet Jn &'IU'· P•perh•nging rove ~rs · UiutreC1 [i.ghl-3700 NE"\\'PORT BLVD NB \\"E i.:uar<1n!er 10 tncrra~c 11!!\J l11;.: in k1!\'hen bN'akfa sl • ON Tl!F.. RI\ y * )uiu· tiu.,r 81 Ira~! 1 i;up ;>ill.f' llon. Rt~rd ___ 64i-_ _.__ "/N'leN'TK'f'S, i\J,;f'S & 0 1 h ~ r c11.binet3. PR01'' priini in&' I:" ll'r I Interim Personnel Serv~t SOUTH BAY CLUB I jll~l l•JI' •111),(i(' 11''1>/ll( I :-i:"11Jl()1'1 u .. a.•h har hU)!e priva1 e lcncl'd ·-· ? . ~ _ '· _ ~·J I r .• lni!r.th 1\alhy Alls cu~toni 3 •'10. o!d l>r nnan ~hept1c1·d EABYSl'rl'INC;-;;-1-, -h1~ ~l;,.~J i.J ii ~!,~er Hleav0e sron-: ~:v u · $2'1;;' 11 /gd 11nt10 . plush land~capln~. lli.>-.lfi~ or ·'1 1 ~-bt'.i l'.'l:i-1171 IHIPI'}, !1011 ra1'. 11l1l lt'lu11 la rt:l' lf nrt'd ~:i n1. Full nr ~is~. al 4J · ' palflt A~·g rm SJS. Alrl('.•S 11'\lll(' .t-hllh hl.,.(l1~) Uri ck n ar-B.Q's . large heat-I Bus iness Rental 44 j I --P.'.H\~. Lu.·I 111 1Jan11 Pi. rir11·1 111111' ~le~.i \'r rdr J\t erson. spraying acoous. Cf'1l1 n~s. '.! crl prinls .tc lanai. I j Hrward. C11ll •l!J2-o:;s:,. :illi---1'1118 ~~10---2;4.\ A.\r ~t JOb. Re!1d., <.:u1 nrn'I, roal~ Sl.l. Roy. 847-JJj,it 778 W. 20th, C.M .; OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 11 l'"'-11"1 111 lllJ.: ~r>\\p!)J'I \6111 s, !1·1·1nr fllr ailul1 ,,f Uc:1t·h S4\'I~ f;ASH! c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ,_, REST 1111\' S! 3101 So. Bristol St. l /\TfRAt ,.~1o:r &0 011,'" [ l o•t .nd fourd J[SJ n1~r;~1;-r~1~0.c~ -uc'C>CHILD CARE-l n1h1~ .. Ap1s. All typl'S PAINTTNG~n ;:r 642-7523 S~7"2 ('~!\ii N Qf So. Coa.M Plaza) ".paces .. ~r ·~· up. wn "n r-.-o. 41b, rrd painted ioe \\u1I... Rea~. }"rer t•;,t . · S.nt. An. .-.an Juan (apt:;Craoo, nr _ fl1:1r1Jor & Ba kt>r. l.'.\I. j .•rs ~lti'-l%l · i:;u11ranler<I 11ork. Llr fl - . nail s. Yic: Cr r1tC'r St. S.Al r'<p. r:rfs. 5'1.i-'ll-1:: __:_:_ _ • lM·al rrf's. Call til.l-5'i4U alt ACCOUNTING PHONE: 557-8200 niiSsion. 493-ll:.J. Rt .... ard 54S--434.\ b-12--931:1, -------Cement, Conc.r•t• ... Co1·p Olfit·r n1ov1ng nl'al''()r... ii OFF'ICE spll!'I' -1767~' Found {f r M •ds) sso -------· ---VE:R\ N'll~. [nf11.nl •'lll"f' 1111 -. ' J I 1 I ~~~~~~~~~~~ RE \VAR D -Ir i ! h Sc tlrr I • ;..,0 \\',t~tin:,: ani.:r lu. ' JJfJrox. UY S . Newport Bl\'t!., C .\t. Avail n1y Jovel.v nrgC' r !ran hotllf' l'ATltl SpC'l'1ahs ts. Ad <ll n''l\llrrs hnghl Jll'l'lKlr~blr f oond 1•er·y ;;malJ fC'111 ~fc_ fe1n11JC', 2 1 ~ )'I'S, Jos t 1ir. ('.\I 646-.1337. <l1~un1·1io11 1u you r ll!nne * WALLPAPER * l[..-5j -_l-'n"d1-'u -,','-,'--;."'l ;..R:iet4-0nt·.'1°_·~2%4'5·0 11 k N 1 " I ll'h'< pol "'' '''h 11 "I .. ' ,111un« ,..irl ru 11"0rk in j .., [ _ _ >aC'· 11 ·'l!ll1f' "-lute ~pots, '1,p Dtl. I I'!< ,, 1,1th a 111~!on1 patio..te1ugn-·en )'Ull ca · .. :1c ... ., R I .,.,"Ill ""' roun11ng dcpL Accountln4 el\til ! J>rkrnf'»r Cd.\!. Flea (-oJlar. _i·l~t. ~.:.. · -----:Carpet Service 1•d r -111·c 111H~· for your hon1e . .}IS-1-4+1 tHfi-!7! I ,.xprr or sonir l'Qllt&'e •<'· 1 ~;;;;;;;;;; _bl1>-o:_-11 I \\'lllTE s ha ~ g y n1alr ; (olu.illl). r: x pt r 11' n c r . PAJN'Tl:"4 ;, prul•'sl'iflnal i'OtHl!lni:, prcf'd. Li!c lypin' I * Newport Beach * YOU/\'G b1"011n female do;:. c:oc:k .. pon 11 (~hort .~;i i.! lo.,1 JOH:\ ·s Cari>"! & t:phol ~tri ~, :-;;..u,l:H·tiou. ~.&sor~ &. Sons All ll'Ol'k . ~uarr1 . Cn!or .i:: i1 bih1y 10 opei'a lr accounl- Rooms 400 NEW M-1 Building Lrg UlJUi'!'d Uy (·ar. Coast ~ hurs tn ;\.B. R E\\ AfiO. Clr anrrs. Exira Di·i •1 Cor1s~c11on. _;~18-0r6!l. __ ~pt.c l a 11 ~ t 9 ti 2-61·1.1, ini; nla(·hinr des tred. \Vil! j ~J[l P1'\Kluc11on Pl. Hwy, IA'lg-l1na Braeh, 6120 li24-1~23. Shan1poo ft•tt Srotchg11;1rt1 • • CU~CHETE. Floors, .i17-l4·11. -----__ 11a1n 1n sonic areas. Ciill I I · •. 10 ~q. . r1·rr11n~. a·r•nliySPC'/\. S.\IALL gr~y P00tllr "J11cl.."Q"' 4Soi J Reta r da nt~\. pa11u<, 111·11't's. ~1dc11·aJks,P RO F E :-i S IONALPi1 1 11-!~l:\1 •l·IB-0191 . f'Lt.;Sl! ~11111111 r111 p1'1 ba. '>l()O 4200 11 I T k I fl 1·r~, 1111. , ,.,1;, {'I<'. no () J J l" I , 1•r·upancy Uy J. 1 t-OUND \\'eddin~ Band-Vi(·. I/it• E'd11·anJ~ & \\"nr11er. D".greasers It. all .-ol0r ,l:d1.,. Hr,1 <. Uon_li11-1(il·_I._ li.ng-l nte~·/e\!Cr. ll_nn<'_~t .:\CC O U Nc=r·=1,=N=G--=.,-"-.,-.-.-,;,. 1 ·1~· ... 111t, n1• ·"'· C.'t Pl;1za. 83J-3:,~.-, ,\Jr. Jt erlrl A.<>t. -.N>. & -11; l & 10 2 9 ~"'" " ' .. 1 '" '· . lnd1a11apol1 s !.· Georgia. Rr"ant. 8-11-9.;.. .. ,_ hnghttnf'l':'i · .11J n1111111C'1CL.\IE'.\'.T \\Oro.;, 1~ ,,. b roo '~1~r ~~-.ic. · ins. "'"'"" '" • .. irl Jo work ;, •II ''''' "' oU~ll\L·~-111.111 pl'•'. s, .. ''"· ('our1rsl' to BrokC'r:o; ! ti ..,'(J ... 01 ~911 nio. :~16-1-.:9::_ _ _I · lh.1111. Beach. I d' n t 1 l y . GOLD E:-S Rttr1cver. \'It", of blrach for 11 iiu• 1 i·a rprls. ,111.111, rcJ "Un.<hlt . F 1· rt -J-, • _ __ ! acrounting dept . Sonit ,.,>:· -NEW INDUSTRIAL :i:\6-IJ14. Ca~ita Capistrano. 2 )'I'S, no Sa1·c yvur m~nry ~y ~R\'lllt: t:~\1111. IL s1ufl\(·k, ~IS-lliilJ. :.;_iurro "' •:~v·'~ S.iO I llt'l"lt'OCt' dcsit'l"d, 11111.c l'dflt ((i \l, :'\1ni:I•' 11'1•111, h111h. 111•1 --r .. \l II le 11 l II I I 1 t'OU:'-iD. l'oodlr-,,,-. -or Jw. hoy's pe1. -lf!J-'1:1·11J. ini-ex ra .,·ips. ' '' QUi\LJT\" t rinr nt \\'ork. Lei 0 C'~e s 111 r n .•. iio _ M kkrrp1ns; hr!plul, 1ypine: <'l1lra 111 1'. l\1 <1 11 .Jul,1 .. \u;.:. SLOGS. 11 .__ Bl d --t11·1ug r1n <lu11 11g 1'111 k hall . , ·' cl r1nk1 11g. ,>1l!--l.>--I!"!. $1i0 + X ln 1 :':P111, $711 lllU, tii.-~t!n:: i'lt'~ * COSTA MESA * _aruu1· \'; nr l;1~lr1·.1 sr <\ $w . I I l oeoq:e d,i ii. L j c u . -------II lllll.~I . ' .. I 1·1<·.r,_1,-,16 , 11,10 ,.,111 ,.11.1. Co.~t<i .\\ci;a .Lall&1de1111fy_ 1 ~ "· 11•1' rni '"'°· !'OU<'J hont!i't! 1>1.,..l6'.fi /\CCOUS. Cc:1hngs, A vg . bcrK'fits. 213/•1-16--0191, "11 ~ "'"' "' " 1 "·I ---11.,. ) '10. t·f,;ur S:i. i:1 1·<.<. exp. 1.~ _ _ • • · · I _ _ _ _ 1" "f rK .. ho111r S70. Also. in1r1· pa1111- LGE fl\ I 1'111 Jo ha )rw l••111 tt lf'. l'l'l\'l:l lr ofl iC(•s. )ll!'nty or .. - . . --1 Instruction ,..... \\'hal ('UUrlls, JI()( 111tlhofl , I Child C.are ln" Ft'et' r~! S~7-·ll 'lS I l'0<ll .~· "'IHll~ l"ni i . Pk, r:irkin.£:. Jl(-;11· ~D Fn•r11·;iy. LADY'S 11Ti~l 1\alel1 on 11un-flo 1>.'0l'k m)3elf, Good rrL ... · -·--Adm. Sales • • I ]l'\lll" h u, JrnJr,\ 111•111 .SIOO C. :\';\'llP..ES.S RE'.ALTOR 1iuglon City Brach. 6121. ;il l-O!O l. Dt\\' C<H'I'.' ?llon.-Fr1. my PATh"TING/paper1ng. lS yrs 111., ~:;::-O.~ll 1 ~0:STA_ ?11ES.\ &12-l~S;J Jdl'n!1fy rlr.irly 1o claim 2!6 1 Schools & hu111r . .Spanish spoken. 21j2 in Harbor &.ita. Lie I.: YOUNG ------<"I \/I 1.,.. IO \\;11n111 H.B • I I' 515 IT'S Beacn hollSI' timt. Bi"-i\:111on11I, C.?lt. &1.l-341~. bonded. Rtf!I furn. 6-12-23.)6 L \/!C l·: i·nnif-0i·i ahlr l'l\IJ!ll I . , -eo~nrr· .1 on . lh __ · 1n1 rue 1on1 .. MEN f.,,. rrnT a .wr.rr \\,irnrr .'-: <\1 , 90 on \\ h1111Pr. ~00 sq f! BL!\ Lah. puppy. vir. &arh Contractor PA 1 l"111'Gfpaper1n;:;. }.~ I bl I ,2-"/ 2 fll d 1 i;:es! seltc!ion tvtr! Set the Yrs. !n Harbor ar~a-Lie & & WOMEN' ~pnnr:r!.dr. !11.!: Beh. Cull i ;:.:. ··JU 1110 bl <l l!:IO. 1 , & S at11I' PVT or fa1111ly :.11 1rnm1ni;:: \\' I I 1 ---------:<!7-~~l06 DAILY PILOT Cl assiJ ied :'-I Y a~. q11J:1 1ty ion1 r bontled. Rf'f'~ !11rn. 612-2:J~!(i, a[iC'1' 7 11111 8-H>-7::11. Rentals Wanted 460 _ li>s . ..ons in niy pool. Exp'tl & rc pa1L .\'Ja!ls, cc11\ng, floor~1 }D~can & nr al painll;;g: RoorO-&-Board •OS G!RL"S f'yr glasses found al <1ual1 ficd Red Cross Warrr uctlon now? r1 c·. No JOIJ !oo ~mall, . . -------------I3 AC HF.LOP., non--<lrinkf'r 177J7 811S1·h;1:·d ,:;1.. ~·oun1n1n Satr ly ln~tnictor . 96S-:l\jO :,,i7--00~~-.&ns. 11crv._ :~\~.:to~a~ ;1~~-n~ .. ~.·.:,a s. L .. 1111-;: ''11 -11 11111\•'r \',u·.11 -iu·rd!' ~111~lr or .-i11al! <lbl \'itll~) ~·1rr Dr p1 -1 I{ t 1 __ _ _ ~• 1Hn" ~ tna 1ure •o!l e g t r11rn o1·unlurn,hrrtl·hlt'0111 -----1 * * i\ctt.11ions * .C'nit>1 rin-.:: *LESCO PAINTING I I I II 1 '''I. I •-al rol'•. 1.,1.11 FOt;ND -~iltrn \' 1 t: * * * * Ger" 1ck k :illn, 1.11· ~ 1u r n s \\I 111:1111 ain pro-_,.,_, 0 /\ 1 fil <>'•"' Te1,·inklt /'11rk, c . ,\1 . 67J.-60·1l • ,'j.1~21j0 .. rs 1 P '· · J-... ~;· p•'rly .~· cicrupy hou~r for 641)...:13().-, lru iMni 1-tulr 111,nr r".~ --------:}l!i-:J.."1SO . IL1c·o t on;11-. Rc111octc\ini; Plaster, Patc.h, R•;>air 1 I. , 1 F.XJ·;ct.:T!V~: f11111il:v adult~ ,.0 ,.N-;-. h ---A 1;·1 Pl I 1 I 111111,1. :L FS1\\'Al!~Cr1 l rl"':l t 1 "·'-' 1'011 11/hlk 'll'hllr T d 1 p d• [1 1on,. ans, ... 1you .>l~-.~.il:l alt :Jp1n .. l\~k for ;·rquu·r f .-. A ii'. i;iu~e 2 (Jn ff!111ale &>11.g!e. V1f Corona I ra er s ara 1se Karl E. r;tndal!, 641-~.~ll . PL/\$Tl::lt-Patch-lln1 Adtl~. ,\ntly or !'>coll ra.~c or ug. ! 1:::1 dC'I ~lu r. 8.13-Hitl e·~1 . 1211 , El c.trlc•I Accous. ceiling~. 5 tu c c o ___ ::;;,.;:•~2. ___ _ e l'f'!1 n. rrrr "s ! i nl 1 t c s . Summer Rentals 420 IV/iNfED !o l'"t1JI! garagr /or 1 . f OUN D .fr n1alc Irish Setl<'r, Ii' nes LIC'D F.lcclnria n. nlainl !1.~--._:193 1 , :~1.->--4:'NI art;,, . 6 rn o. Vic. \lonrovia & \91h , -----II \\\ \II hr<1i·h h~e nn Uahn tioal ~1'1ragr in !""'PL C . .\I. C \l 6.l!Hil-· >f'rv. Also, res1d. 111du~tnaL * PATCH PLASTERl~G a1·r:i 61~ ··~67 ·· · IJ. .:.11 __ ,1;.1. A!l tytv0 s. f rC't e~1 1matcs r-.·or lll Shorr.:! hr, fully furn V-vv v-,,. ~·111·1 11 ~· 1\1 ... [ .l lll> l-S.--111. \\-j\;\fi.:o 2 or '.l BR house FO~XD canary, yrl!O\I', Vlr . ti mes Ga,dening Cllll ~0-68l:i D .\ V Jo: LOOKJ NLiLA lm, f ,\,\!OUS FINANCIAi~ Ai'\/- :\LYST. CALIF. R. t:. RHOl\J::R. IS NO\\' ORG~· 17.1:'-'G Tl/Rf;L o'\/E IV :'bf:- VISIONS ~·o R lNVEsi"- ,\IE."liT COU:'>'St:LLING. HIS Nr·:r:o.-. AR~; ~·on Tiit; t"UTUHE. SO HE'S Pf{~~PARl.~G f'OR PRO· .JECTED EXPANSIONS BY OFFF.RING A C0;\1PLETE TRAIN ING & DEVELOP- i\1ENT P ERIOD. ·:o. \'.1 1rl' V111Tr'JI, PO 131•>. 11/~;1ra~1· 10 (•Jr:i n & fix up. ~';;,~~e;~-~!l~~t.in, Back Bay '\Plumbing .,;:; 11 111,,\,,,,, '.~;~,'II C1ll 6 '? "S"-" ~t> 0 ----~------' ,_-,,,.,..., " d 11 CLEAN ll11 :l P" ,. I 11 l i S l . LEI\' T11ka~ ~· ~l!lS Pluro· I J;!(,\;-,IJ Tl"I\ ~·'r: ll>l !l 1~l1rrl I f OUXD nu1lc l·at, !':Try & 0 ars I I b I w I iihil{' slrip<'S I 0 n i;: ha I t hau 111;:: <>(ti J" l>, nf'w r ncr h1n:.: rr p:i 1r rr·pi11". rr 111nd<'l ;,pl l~;(ltltJ« J• .. 111nou!it . \\'ill ][il' I II 'l""l'l A· ft'P<l•I", rl<'a ~ ... i~-6:.i,,;,_ TH'\\-'"n'1 f 1·•·r "•1 . I I ~ " ('{} :ll' -~ ,......, ,,, ' '\(I 1·'...'\PI::H IJ::NCE nr. 1)1-:<_:l{E~:s NECE::SSARY . .lt,;,.;r ,\,\IB lT\{)U!; HONEST l'EUl'l.J-: LOO KING F 0 R T iii•. C!l:\'.\C'E TO START \ P!t0 t"E.'Sl0NAl. CA- r1·1u !ru1 11 J uy lhru .\u.: .~I . Person ~!' ------------AL'S c.;,,i;o~.N JNG -1;11;.~:;10 1"" p10 111h !"nod •Jnl)-. 1'•• _., Found llll lr poodJp \·1c York· &· 'm •I I -l'LL'lll',l.,.(-,-1',".l'.\/l'.-101>.·11 & l\'a irr bu ry H.B. for gardrn1ng ,-rH'r~ t.'i~! I.~ SALt'. or 1rRd1" ~:JOO sq l1 1-:t:AUT h1 drsr rt ~hrl!rrrd Jan<i scap1ng ~rrvi<'t~. call Nn JOh 1uo 'n1a\l ("l .. f.J\,, lln!·h. il.[11~ ur -1 11111~ Auto transportation S2S il!Cl\llf~.(·~;1~91'2-t')21 \S8.JOO r:n~hsh Tudor l!Olll!' l\J'CU. llon1r & ti a1·, Pf'l'lll 540-5198. Serving Newpor1, • tll'.!-~12.~ • I t :~:t::1t IN Ti ii:: J:\IVEST- ,\l~:NT FI ELD. nil~ .. '-'l rp~ ti1 11 :\?.•/I• k & ............... Found in Cdl\1 Friendly rtd-in Rivf'rsitlt for brach prop. 01. 1>.·k-rnd hv, Val $~0.000 ~di\·!. ~la i\lrsa, Dover -COLE-PLUMBING- "'· :;J j t .. B~ll·"~ Blirl Slud1'n\ ni>rds J'll!t' lo Ana-d f~h brown puppy \\'/tlea n 1·1y. ''I' ll•>·r:o;_ :-·11n A1·1n. ''"'"' """<'h 1,,-0-1·1· L•ll 5ll<lre! \Vt slchfl f "' <v.. , .,. , ,,._... ,,. 3 , _ _,_. --' '.!·l hr srrv1rr. fj.l .}.1161 I' II 'I' I·"~· 'I' I A I ''IRST i;o.':-!¥.ll.1 1ir 11n 11'kdys vw. Euc hd & collar. 01·. :-ilockton 673-10,j() strong Rlt~. lne 6H~-1i:t: 4!ll-4i-lji or ~!19-J :::;l .>:HU\\' )OU 1,,1·c your 1111\'n: . I . . _ · ". , .. ·?_r • HF\co~f'~,-~ .-,.-,I 1.1neoln, <I rr. h1•1wrrn 8 !.· Prcscr 1p!1on n1er.·~ llUngl;-;: \\'11.L lradC' lr.s: l)('JI \·1bra-t all l:an1el1a 's <.;dog Sr i·~·. Roofing I ) ~-/\H EAH.,l,\<.;S S~J,COO+. -'1 ,~ ' .t. !H S30 arn ~ha1'r<''<P 49-1-liJI ft' Vi• Bo" 11' J9l h "< I OOOO S\\'AP -(jreal Dail<'. 'ti8 '-i-. ''' 1.,,11 "li•l•i·r :-I TA l?T l.\l.\1LDIAT~~LY p:i110, rp,1u1v.;i1ra s:m_· ·;_ ·-· >•.," '-", · .... tnror '.!amo~inrw l . ru cur a "" · T.Guy Rool111J:l}(>aJ U1rrct. ·· ~ .. , -;,~~1811 Oiryslr.r, '.!f trave l trailer, r •auit. Re.•. & Conini. l'"rrrl J 1 : ·k 6 _ ·nso ~ l,;LL F HJ;>o.:Gi:; BE,\EFIT::.. \\ '..; lii::-.• 00:1 ••r :!l ::. 1'11 1 n11lr 1-7.-)-1~ lirrs &·rim.~ !nr . . IO n1v OWll 1101 -I.>-. ,. 'Rf" · • 1 . ~r'-11 )~ \~llITF: Shr pherd. on Coast rl -, I 1 Ir · t Bt'sr nJi. B11<:~rt l111ond. 64 C>-1. Afl ;,, ~92-16Hi. :...18--9j!MJ r _.!-. rH AlNING, CO:\'f-·•-·• -' A . ~oo campini:: t'll ii '1" Old.~ .<;;t11 rfire -for boo! ---~ ------· P,\,\'Y C,\/t PLA.~. uc t .. \'.\'fJ:(J.\T "'!'!11'1' .A!Ti I Pe•~on•ls ~ ~194"·~ .. 1-!';oulh L II g u n I . 1 lxl:l. Cnll Alll'n ;,37-6,/.ll -Or .. ,;J !-~10:!7 GAR,DLNJN,Ll, i·lralr:11p '1~ Sewin9/Alterarion1 ~":t~h(1l'I' [J1·. I 111pl1·\. :.: Hr --., ~-],), vw nfl nlp<1 ' '69, --r1011. yan nlaln .. nniicr. :.lip co -CALL N OWI '" .-~ POLY ESTEI{ 1'1\.'fTSl_jJT~ 1Jo11n. llf'\1 11p,,1;i11l> -I Bl:, Lost S5S t\'111. arr. e11~ 1u:-;1 o'l11u1lrl, \\1J! rr.1n,, ;, 1u;rr.~ 11•1or lC'gr sludcn!~. 547.577) 1 D:i Hl.1-11111 1 Personals 530 nt'v rirr-s. nrrds niinor body "111111111 tahin 1n Clci·t>li1 nd l'rrf' E.~1 !1::1-lll·lli Cu.,ion1 Ui•signrd ,\'. H11n•I L/\"J·~~i-B:dtl<l;-J,19,;1/ rh-;:; j l.\:Cr.t:i\-"~: YOUR BU:."T 2 .. LOST/Black malt-l'a r 1"h 11·k. f or $:t,'i00 r quiry in rar, ,,_.at 'J ~·ores!, '• m1. olf Or-AL'S-l.arnise<1p111::. T r rc t 11 11 0 r C' '1 1 0 •1 ~ ~11;;: ~uinnu·r. $00 / .\!O !..· 1 P. \"r<:r ,t· fC'f'I, wranng flr .i <'01. l..,o.i!, plane or ~ '193-40\.1\. l<'t:a J1 11y lor ~n1. housr rf'n10\·al. Ya rd rr·n101lrl1ng 11C1 r ~ ~u~r~""1~ ;.,~-0· --~,. A sk for Mr. Oenv•r \I nn1rt1 u11I\. !i7 or n111rr '1 /lahulou<: new 6• 17 iOO Blk . .-;u mmit L.B. -lhi~ arra. ~>lll-·160 1 Trush hauling, 101 rll'anup. ,.,,1 a .•It ,,1 or . .,1-.JJ ., _, ______ ,__..,""_ l t>ji~:~;i:;. · ,\i.;:llf' h1 :1 ('all D111111. ~9 1-1003. R""·a r<I 4!H-S9~ ~ BP.. :! Ba R11•t'r~1d" ------Hr pa ir sriri nklPrs. !ii~!\flti. \ll~~1on V1r:!'.2:_ _ _ ,,\.\1 Ut.;LA NC £ rlnver, musl '1 •-lll·,,\\'ll,--f•\l.f.(f1 or :,1:...-0 1~• LOST ?.Jin. brown """'lie, hon1r [nr honlr l)r 111111~ ~ P.H ! Bi\. I'.,\!, l10111r . -, l,A l\IN°:-;E:J!VTCE_•_EUP.OPEAN 1Jrr~~n1.1k 1 11g . hl'21 £.\p,prr/.?lluslkno11 13 \Y ·• hr --------·~· Carlstiatl ~-J'!'11 or Ota11gt' sio.!l.iO.-S9.l iQ r1rtu1y. \\'a nt ,_. I c 1 llll I \ I) · Singles Dance Class lrn1ale. 4 1110.~ old. Vic. 44th t"r'1 n1 ,\·arcl $1 (), ]l<'I' 1111111rh. r,x111•1·1 Y 1_1~. 0111 re . '•· n 1ngc Loast _Arra. Sini:l~. I "l'l-.Ju!.' Sil"•, :\it'c: ~\ :.1/11!.. J'I I "I NB fil'l ""I I 6 Cnunly For1 111 Cf), 11a1·r1 '"n. c.1111p!'r, 111111~ 1,-I\<''~ ti • HMO 1 "1 1 I 111--'I'' . cganr aln1•1sp 1<'rr. ., ., · .. .,.-"' a lf'l' bac·k _1JJ nl al'-0. \\'r1·iJ1n:,;, _''1 ·-'1.·:_ 1.:'.:_ _. __ 1..:.'....:.'.I' llllllH'~-·-·' _"_·•·-fii".:-h~!/,\ 1 , 1 ?~/I H.t>nl1or.~ tS J:!-.10/lO cw s11IJ1n11. Bkr_ ti h>-!!666/ I --·'" --~ fi E\l'AP.D' --lil~-2Z21. yard el,,anup, ~lfi1-.11!•1 : A teraflons -642-S84S I ,\THLETI C ry pr ma n tn ;-.1 .\!: J ~I \Ci I I hr, I'. h.1 liUl.1-~r\'rnr-Co:i~;-c[. ~ll~~ing 4 1,k.~. •+n;i ll TnH!<' >'ll b~1ant1.1! '"'1ll 1h 111 -:-__ "''"'-;--1;,-.<n~~ Gar(/t•iITT ,'\r.Cot, ;i1·ruratr , .!O ,\·rar~ <''<fl Ii,,,, Isl 111 11alkini;: <'.~rrci.'"· l '·~·I i\•l1t-~17·, ~ ('1,,1,1 l<il'<'IJ' Bal'l"r,..... ho1nr :-.. I,) \\hat do you have to trade~ ~. ·' · _ ' . . ~. . . mrn1hrr~h ip r.-,r ~al~trnr.~. 11:rav $.: 11·ht <'a l. &12-~1 11. -' ' · 1 . h . 0 Coin pl!'tr ~·d ~t'l"\'ll'" Nrt1t Tit• il.i)~ ""'· S ... :.O h 1. Call al Irr ll •i.i . L"~ 11\-\\\i , :i~)>-1;;;;: 6 12.2.111 cvl°'~5-lll-.i7'l2 -"-------lta, f!'V>I .t· t.r .. 11111111 land-,1st If C"re -1n r1111;:t' ~. . 61., l'~~,1 II :iin -lli-llO ------YORKSHIRE Tel'riri·, \"ii· ·~{·apa1;:-.1'rar!" 1.,1 ~111allc r County'~ lal'"tst read trad. & Rrlia tirr l'!il .• -. · . -' · ' - '' - !'.I \l'lJ\IJ.1,1'.!tir .i p! •• luly A-1"0 1101,ICS Anon\,111"us_ F.a -1bh1!f ~re R '' " -----Cb l~i\\llC lilr nc " ~·ATTRAC T WAITRESS "'-., ·' ~ a. ,C\\a t · )IOU,.. )1.~-1•i0 1 in1,: posr.6~2-5678 ,JI\ PANES!:'.: rxpPrt g;i1'rlr11r r J'C'll10t lrl 1-"rrr ,,~1. Sinall . . • . \\\i. \u1: ~I:,,~ f'I Sll1 pi·r Phf•!l<' :'>12-:217 nr \\fJ1C' £f>-llill or ij\-i \\J ~ · Cmpl id ~rr\H'" \\/ pl<'I' _ ~ I l'~"fll'l", :\or u111!t•r 21. r-;Q 11 ~ 1 ,~_,-.,:-.~•1' P.CJ Bo:-. 1i2:: Co~ln \l,,sa. HOUS~: 1Tuf1t 111g ; \\';itrhtii'"t * * * * * * r qu1p. krrr <''l. fl \~~li~lli _1oh!. ""1<'0111"· .,:\6--¥126· l'llO;>;E . CALL.-\, Apply in Rentals t o Share -4.10 \\ r•1111;:;-jj;:vou--::1•1!' f.12::,r,;,f OPF.:\I HOUSE col11n1n. I SPF.:"CER"S-l.;i\\ 11 -::it'r\'wr Trte Service Jl<'l'M)ll , ~urf & :'irlo1n, 5930 _____.._ -------------~·,.,.,,,,..st [.;i1111 •'.tlr,1lr ;1n-1-,y·.•,-y'_[>,,\l,'[l'"","-i"· \"i·d _\\'.Coast Hwy,J'\.B. IT:I !. r: .. 1 ,\ hd. !~.i!t~.;i 1•! ' ,, r , ·"' v R USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK. WE PAY POSTAGE! "'" '""'""'""'"-"'"""' Cleo"-"'-'""""""'"" i\'l'rt:M "rlV>: g.ri=lo;;;;;k 'I." .I 1 I• .U.;h· I 1111\ lf a II I h;111• 11111 L.\V. N ~!;1n~ll ;iul1n6:. nr11• Hr;,,, idli-."·~1,ll 1'"1'krntl~ 11 ~ ra~h1r r. Apply la\111<:, c:lran-11p, rn·uning, Tutoring al 1:Z:!l F111r\'lr'1' ltd. C.:'11. Frrr r .•I. Call Jl&-7:::~!1 E:..11<'rir111 ·" prl'lrrrcd. No 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN J LINES r1p,, ,1,1, ... 1~1·1111•·n i.-:-.1-~2•.: I 1 -1nl 1 r~1~•n~dd!, ~ 1 1 ;i • ~ h I -----1----1,. ----1 _____ l, _____ i __ 1c1•c'c":____ __ r1 ;1_s_ l_-u ~11'_ ----SPANISH TUTORING phnne r111 1.~ pif·asr. E.\:P~:n. !!a11a 11ftr\ Ciardrnf'r l'''''''n 11 :11<1Pd lo 'll«l'I' ~ f';1· I"" nl~·tbr 11 ll h 11·••1 I ,\IALt; ,..;111d1'11! 11'-l•tl~ "~1tlJ· i 111 .. 1t . '!.l-'!..-1 1" ~1 .. 111' 2 r:r.1 !l\llh" 't."t} 1110 ,.,, : •. 11/\Cll l-:LOH '"II 11 /.,11111r (',\!. a rt .-1. fi.1fi-li2·t-, ~hl\i'I' lit'1)1(' I -1l'C'u . Call • ~I \!.1-:-,,r-f•·n~l~r~ J r \clu.~1 1 r "lllC'rlrnn1 h<1u~r I l'h 6;-..... ~.~t'. ' IV0,\11\;>.; t.- hr 1·1111dn 1•h1l11-16 11/fl'l'l! ~11arr , , !,, !'<'!" (;i• 1h11r,, ';,'\fi-lit!, --------' 1;i1\CllELOJ{ '1 ill ~harr 111'\ 1 RH apl 1n '.\r11 por1 "/nr,n s1nokrr 21/:1(1. 673-1612 afl i; Office Rental 440 DESK <:pacr ~l'ailable s.;o n10. \Viii provirlc lurnilun!' 11! $~1 1no. Ans1vcring scrvi1·r ;1\·ailt1bl{'. :ioa No. I:: I C;i 111i 11 0 Rra l, San C!emf'ntc. 1!1'.!-4420 PROl-'ESSJONAL Sida. 45c: IQ It. Afr~nd. crpt.&, drJ)!'i. ,!rl pArking. Xlnt IOI". 3!i0 E. 17th SI. C,.\I. PETE BAR. REIT RL TY. &12--4:l~i3 [)(>Lu~" Ottict sz. 9" r1. Qlrpel-Ora.J>(!s--P.&.nel Walls Ntwport I: Bay Ccn!tir 2032 Newporl Blvd, CM fAlso 1, olf avail) 646-UJl --+"NE:\VP0 P.T-BEACll •- ,\cross trom Chic Cent<'r. A!r-Cri>l'g-Prk'g, 300 to 1000 ~fl. fl. 35('. " "Tui1 rs I -1 -s-.-,,-0---s-,-.• -o-:-s-11-.,-o-' -s-1 "-,o- ___ ;l. -_-_-~~~~-;1----1·~~~~~~'i----l_ss.10_ 1 _ s9:°•_l-s1'-SO _ ~s22_50- I I I I 1 s6.so · s10.76 .-s11 30 I s27 30- PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 lei , •• , , •• , , , i..,;""'"' ........................... . c1 ... :1:i oli ..................................................... . J-1 ..... ' 0 • • 0 • >' • • • 'I • 0. 0 O • • 0 > • • • 0 0 o ••I• o • 0 0 0 • 0 0 I••• 0 • • •' 0 • > o 0 • • ' 0 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ''' ........ ' ... '' .... '.' .. ' ......... ' .. ' .. C.·lt .............................. '~··· ....................... . I Poi1afe Will Be PaMi by Addreuee CVT ~l•I -r ASTI OH TOU• INYILOPI IUSI NESS ~E~LY MA IL ...,, CJ .. , ,.,._ .,._ u. cw. ,.. ... , c .m ..... lO flGoUl!I COST ,~I .,,,!~ ono wot</ '" ••<h •1>•<• 11.o••, lnc lwJ• vou• •Jdren o• phon• "utftbot , Th• coil ef v•ur •' ;, •' I~• .,,J of lh• i:n, o" .. ~,c~ •~• l•1I .. o.,( ,./ ~"~' o~ io wt;t. to,. A,jJ \ 1.00 plut l 1,".' .,,,_ if ~ ... , ,., .... 0 .. 11 .. 'f "lOT l o• ..-.t~ .... .i • .i .. p!i ... tto• ·' ....... _,.. __________ _ "' ""'*" s1.., ...,_,, tf M&MM .. t~t UN1M J11ttt c 0111plrie r .aril{'n1n;.: ~r1·-All <1~r~. l.i7:~-2.11'0 ,-AUTO-SALESME N- ,·11·(•, l\arnal,1n1. 6-lt>~1r,7r, 'f'UT()ll.li\"(;---l~t-:---61 h I Oprn 1ng~ for 2 saJcsmrn, orx- LxV.-J .'lpJll!{'Sc-(.;,1rrJrm·r-J:!l'ad1•. C;1!1t Cr!'rl. Traehr r J)('r1rnt·rr1 (If' no1 Complete Yard Srrv!te CHU bt'forr II a m 842-1929 • Top 1;01nn11.s~1on -~'~"~"~'~"~'~"~"~';~ll~c~'~"~':'·'~"~"'____jl~~~~~~~~~"'IJI~ 1 • Drn10 plan ~ • /105p1tahiat1011 LA\\'N ('AHt; & garclrn I l[iJ } e Jn~uranN' work. hght haul1ni::. f::X p'd. l"1>!o~ment _ T e Profit-sharing RrnSonahlr. Ca.11 ;}l?,..9jJ."1, ~------~ l\.~k for ,\Ir. Robert, FRf.l:: r sr. Co1np! or-,-,-rn;,;, !••••••••••• Arli1s Chryslcr-Plyn1oul b l;i11n n1a inL & l'lean11p. L. Job Want•d, Mal• 700 2929 Harbor Blvd, ~!. Gnrrlc1u11g. 612-091.-.. Cl)S!a 1\1f'sa SCRAM-LETS -AP-T -\!GR-' B• ho m• I• Ba mboo Village, rent lrer ,Ja p11nese C.ir(lf'n"r F:xp'd. ''ard \Vork C:lrnn-up. Pl3nli ng 64fi-Ofil!"I Gen•r•I S•rvic•1 A.NSWERS In r xp'd ma1n1enance-mu. ti~6-4·l:IO. llun11•r -B11dy -Vt>no1n - TlllNGS by ~loosr. LL rl('C'L, 1:'.'.ezrn1a -,\IU'n!EI~ plumb, lt.IK:e -l1lr • fn!tln~. A111on111t1011: /\ lrchnolo~I· Carprntry • pall!! PIC'. <'al proccs~ 1har dOC'.• all thr -~1; n"'"' . • -~"~:::_ _______ work 1''hlll' you JU>I iii lh<'rf'. Hauling \\'hrn you "rrr• )OUng-e r, !hi~ 1-----------1 procr ss .,.. ... ,. c;1Jlrd MOTii ER. - =~-~-BABYSIT'TER !or lrachl'r's 1·h1hlrf'n. Aftnoon~ In July, [/lime star11n.e: Se:pl. Own 1ransp, ~G-ti706 . a-,-,Bvs-,,,.-F:n,-.--;;s'°""'"-•"'•-. 8an1-j: 30. I blk Jrom brach. Call :136-4239 bfr 8 . .&J! 5. YARD. garage, Remove tnrs , ~kiplo.&.dtr, 841-2600. d~11nup~. d1r1, i\'y, Oackhoe. EMPL. \Vanlcd a.' Assistant BILLING cJ;f1;-, -l~t)(;)k: Apt ~f11.nager, Experlem..-cd kcC'ping. cxpericm..i:d prrf- ~fain1tn11.nct man. Alto car. fC'rn?d. Permaocnt po.&itkln pet Clt'.&ning " Door waxing, lor rf'!111b!" girl. ~ CLEANUP &. Hauling, ITTt 5.11-0101. Call IK>l\\t'f'n l & j:JO only, trim lop, ~move. garagt! Job W•nted F•m•I• 702 --BOYSI O-T4 cleaned ivy le r' n c e ' 1 1"'movai. Jack 546-4743. I ro dcllvtr papcr,s In the San 'T'RASH & Garage cleiin-up, PRAC. Nu ri;es, COmpar 'on,;, ~cn1C'ntc. San. Joan Capt.a. 1 day~. SIO 1 Joni\. t'rte tost. H.~kpni. Live I? or ou1. l•sno and Cap1str11.oo Bt.acll fln y1imC'. J.18-j()31. l\(onlhly rnlr!l. ~n1~ir pn)'s ! ai·ca, 1--"CCC:"'.'.'.:..:c::__::::::;_ ___ I frt . llC'allh & ~ an1Uy Cart DAILY r1LOT L\IOVING, garagr rl,.an -up Agency, J80j N. Broad1'·ay, j -4:12-~12/J 6· lur hauling, Rra~nablc :s. A. ~W7-«iS1. I ROOKl'EE'P"Eor.c. ---1 r rri: f'51 1mare~. 6-4~1-lf,()2. ------Sf:CRt:TARY wanls J or j t"ULl. CHARGJ-: Hous•cl••ning claya 1vork wer.k. All elec-;> yr11 C'»p. lhru llnant'\ll 1-----------1 t.ric cypcl\Ti\ers. ExetUcn1 I s!attintnt.s, At tractive ·~ HOUSECLEANING rcfrrenr.,s. All ortice skills, pearance for front ofc A WINDO\V \VASHING no bonkktepinJt". J.16-6.l22. re"'ption dulie~. Subata~ I I~ . O\•u n 1nn1ni;i: }~Ur "C8sh" .~,11 1t1osn"1 n11 1ly P1lol Cll'~•IH,.tt DccD<'t> • 6i3-'1861 l -.~N~E'l=V POR't' BeR.ch O!luxt' Vlt'w ollice1. Air-eonrl Priv. &. 2400 W. Cou:1 !fwy_ hou~4 11m11 !>A:o:TA A:"A AVt:. C';\1 ftu"tl ! 1';rnm :'IWl ''1/f1_ :\.'ii" ~"' ''· li7'>-21n4 flf .'4J-.ill~2 Oron91 Cont DAILY PILOT P. 0, lox 1560 Coste MHo, Calif. 92626 I 7 :;.13-4-187 • AlDE S f"OR CON· ri11l Corp. in N1!1v p ort r.1eu. Cleani/iiStn~ VALESCENCE, e Id tr I y 1 Beach. Salary optn. Senrl Ou-pets, \\'indo11•s. floor f'l r. catt or lamily ('art , re1un1l' lo P .O. Bo:c 1n6, rl.rsld. &. Commc'I. 518--tlll H(}m<'mskcrs, 5i7-GG.11 Nr1\port Stach 92600. -----• --..!.-Rily t.· BC'ach Jan1to1·1a,l ALTERATION h1dy lor mrn·, I Rll!CKLAYER: jood o n Crp111, w1ndo\1 ~. floor• t lr. /. 1\'nn1r n·~ r lo1hln1;, 40•1\r lll)Oul I.· 11!1 phl.se3 ol brlclt nr~. k \omn1 'I t'i1fr-\\O t wk nn ~111 4¥.1-1060 i1nrk fi~4-71f9:J. •..;;c:..:.::...;.::=-'--='----'---'''--'------------' i • • • Looking For Someone To Take An Order? We're Good At It -We'll even pay the postage to get you to give us an order. Get ready for some quick profits by mailing in your order today. Put a hard-working DAILY PILOT classified want ad to work for you. USE THIS ORDER FORM USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK. WE PAY POSTAGE! S SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES ' TIM(S - $4 .50 - $5.80 -I $6.80 PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 1w~liol. f.,t •••••••••• Jo~r. b•9 :n~:., '"''''''''''''''''''''''''' c t.11;1;<,,;.," ................................................... . "'"'If • •,, o • • • • • •• • • o •' ,, •• •,, o, • • o •• • • • • • • • o • • • o •• •• •• • • o,, • o •, #,JJ 1t 11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C••1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• · · • · • '~""' • • • • • •• •• •• •• • • • • ••••• •• IUSI NESS ~E~LY MA l l Orongt Coast DA ILY PILOT P. 0. lox 1S60 • I , " TI MIS TJMlS Tl.MIS -I --------$7.40 $11.70 $17.70 -------S9.08 S14.50 $22.50 --' Sl0.76 ' s 17.30 I S27.30 TO fl<f.URE COST Pu• ,,.,1,, o~• ,,..0 ,,; ;., "•<~ 1o•t o ~bo••. lncluJ • Y<>U< •dd ,." fH "~"~• numb•r. Th · ,,..,1 .,1 vour .J ;, •I P•• .,J ol '"" l>n• "" "'h ,i, l~o 1.,1 ...... ~ ,,1 "~"' .,, ;, ... ,;i. t••. J<dd Sl.Ol ri!u1 l ''"~' ••t•• ,f ,,..,., d••iro "'" e f 0 '" I~ Y Pll OT Bo( •••vie• ... ......... 1,..:1 ··~····· Coate Mt10, Calif, 92626 Cl1ssifJ.tf D•Jtl. Or Give Us an Order by Phone At 642-5678, The Direct Line to DAILY PILOT Classified Want Ad RESULTS ' " B A ' c ' B h c A ; ' • w I ' ·' " Cl p ' 1. 23 PI LOT ·ADVERTISER Wt<!nr5daJ, June 23, 1971 J[Il]I ~ _.__, ..... ~J[Il] I J[Il] I ,......, ...... J[Il] I J[Il]I ._ ___ m_ ... - rlelp W •n ted, M' F 71 0 ;.telp W•nted, M • F 710 Help W•nted, M & F 710 Help W•nted, M & F 710H ;;;•l;;p;;W;;;;;en;;t;;ed;;,;;M;;;;;&;;;;;F;;7;;1;0 I Help W•n*f, M & F 710 Help W•nted, M & F 710 M•rketing Sec'y. PA.RT TL\1E OFF'ICE Old -SECTY. R.E :--BCK>KKEEPER rhur,r::c Pt"('parc rrt nlf1 rfl', n1u~I r;ood benefl!s !.· resun1e lo P. 0 Newp:irt Beach f u l l CREDIT CHECKER. Plta5· FIBERGLASS I o r 1,: m a n p & .,,,. L. I 1n1 001go1ng girl who l1kf's wanlrd. f:.~p'd only. wrll pOOnp-work. Modern .sm~!l fi42-~1 pay. "'" Sf'nd ofc of natJOnal co. Lltr. lyp. I FOR.Er.U N • Lumbtr yard. 1271. 111~. S111rt S3m. ~lusi be e!ipcr __ wtll qu11!1 BLDG. MAINT. MAN !\lorlern l story ofc con1ple!i. Mlllit ha\·e t llper with pre· ventivt n1a1n1. ()f 1:11r conrl., p!un1b1ng, f'IC'Ct ncal sy.~· 1ems. XIJf1 health X-fl.11li- rary prefrrrt•d. En1ployt'r pays rrr. Tn $650. Al . ..., ~·r·f' J(}b~ IRVI NE PERSONNEL SER.VICES "AUNCY 1711\ Ill /l"\'l/ICI 642-1470 c :.1 Call Sally llari, 540.00JJ fird Cali Jim Gorman CO A,1,i'AL AGENCY 893·.llOj, 2790 Harbor Bl a1 Adan1s 1-----------f'URNITURE Sales. f'.Xper. DATA Sys!rms S~ only. Dt'rora1ln1: e x per . Pt' rm a nt' n t position. nerrss .. ).lfi.-8S4:i. Ur1 l101llcd opporlun11y. ttip con11111ssitm, siock option. Loc11I and Sta1cw1de. Snnie tra\'rl 9 AM -noon. ,'t"\4:) Nrl\porl Blvd, No. :!lJ :'l.'Pwport Bl'h. DA Y-Co6K -maJr DA\' \\I All' RESS -:.n-:i;; Apply in per:.on on I y D<-lanry's Sf-a. Shanty 630 Lido Park J)r., /'\.B. QpPning 1n our H.B. ofc. II ,\OU 11r,. 1nlf'fl'Stcd in work- ing ror a growing u1sur11 n« m. 11.t .'(!n't working ronds. "- llenehl~. t..'all PrNtinnel 142·77!1 l 'n1gard !nsurani·r Group Equal Oppor. Eniploycr ·----......... --------G£Nl::RAL ot·rrcE. """"' i· DELICATESSEN 1'1an .. \lus1 '"'" KEYPUNCH CPR. A, least I yr t:.oper. w/lBM :l'J &. 59. Alpha numeric re<fd. Must be a ble lo de· \'tlop progr11m cards &. punch a variety ol applica- riona. l"or Appointment Call lnrtuslria.J Relations 1714) 494-9401 1'ELONIC lndustri•s Inc. Laguna Beach Equal Opporlunuy Emp/o~er LITE HOUSEKEEPING It Supt>rv1s1on for 2 g1rl5 Hl & 12. Lido Isle. 642..&30. BUILD :!nd inc. M'!J Basic he reliable, lull lime. Sf'e local l'O. In a prestige !i & olher ShakJe-,. Prod. l!aroltl. H1-T1mr Liquors, hu~1ness. Beautiful modern J8till Nrw110rt Blvd. &l6.4:r23 _<_!l.}.. E. ~7th St.~.:~_. oft. Great oppty. S450. LOOKING tor se\•eral ex· C \I, DELIVERY MAN ear 1 \I Call r.ta.ry Lee, 5-IO.~ perienced. niature cleaning I iiiiii ... ..,iiii _____ ...,I morning. marned, i': 0 0 (t I COASf AL AG ENC\' n111!rons fnr high demand Cashier to $450 pay. Call :J-l&-1780. 27')) Harbor B! at Adanis romn1erctal bu i ! d i n i;: , Aulon101ivr r\per. a lll'l'es-==~ Newport area. Part time, s11y in this t1nc l1r1n. Xln'I DENTAL RECEPT. GIRL FRIDAY r vPs . 54~-5322. locat1011 .~. bcnc111s. fee. Call De~k only. D<'ntal exprr . !-' N B d necess. &ln1e Sats. Salary I '" pewporAI 11 ",'"uA _ Agpl d,,_ MAINTENANCE Nancy Ca!'lson. opei., fringe bcnehls. H.B. ~Y .res. & 1 s inc u -SUPERVISOR fr>er & !-"re Job.< nrca. SAr.i -!iPi\I, 8,16.J.l40. 1n1: SH, Sharp loo~~. long $611J. Call Mrs. Schmidt. -------hour.~ i::ood pay 8l3·1670. \\'Ps lcl1 fl Personnel Agency, 0£NTAL, a ~s1.~l11nl, f'X-' ' 20-1.l WestcJJff Drive, N.B. prrirnterl. for Sour h Laguna * GfRL rr1day w/secf!'lil.r· 6•\:,-2770. Management otfic·1-., ,\Inn. 1 h r 11 Fri. i.~: t'XJlf"r, pl-time, C.f>.l. I •'"'"'""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiii X·l'ays. Send resu111t' 10 P .O. area, &12-1544. Box 44.l, f)ana Po1n1 -----------CASHIERS. car wash, lull · GIRL FRIDAY, par! t1n1r, 1·0 Sales r.!;;r. Good skills. r.itah. co. A 101 ol public Seti-eta.rial p:is1tKln 111 aclive Xln'I Co. 1''f'e Paid. contact. Bus1ne~~ i! boom· f..eal tllr's ofhcl!. Beauliful Also ~·~ Jobi! 1ng. Star! $~. new othces In Newport t en- EXECUTIVE Call Jean B1u11·11, 5-~j ler. Co11ge-n1&J s taff ot ma. Personnel Agency COASTAL AGENCY ture f)el'llOnnel. A front o!- 410 w. Coast llwy, Nil 2700 Harbor Bl II( Adan1~ nc,,. (l05JtlOO requiring good SUiit' JI &13-27 16 PART time exper. mPrlical te-lepllone \IOICI', SH & IBM recept Jl .B. Area POOne E.~er. ab1h ue-s, Real ntate *MECHANIC* Expcr. re<JUlrcrl 1n the lollow- lns,: ~tea.m lilting, plunib- ing-, f'lectncaJ 11·ork &. main· tL"nance ml'chan1cs. Good pay & 11;ood benefits. REEVES 'RUBBER INC. 41:'i Avt-_ Pico, San Clrml!ntt 492·1153. llilrs. (;Qnzalez. .\led1cal Sec'y $569 mo Trpr 6D 11• p.m. SH SO 1v.p.m. Kno•v n1ed1cal terminology. Transcr iber $517 mo For hosp. medical pool , Recept. $425 mo /'.lake appts., receivr patients f., fill". Recept. $375 mo f or bu~y pediatl'1cian"s ofc. 41::: day wk , Frnt Ofc Supv $550 mo l'olui11 kll(lw all lnsurancc5, Hadll.'y & Co!Ject1ons. ._A t-:.opcrience not essential. but morn1ni::s ""fore noon, ~-hi'.'lp fuJ. Pre-fer yQung mar. ---------1 r1t'<!, local 1't'S1dt>n!. t'or in- Pa rl Time Pllone \\'ork. ltr\'ll'W call l\lrs. Duhl Exce!Jrnl Potential: \Vestry N_ Taylor Co. 644-~9!0 • 6'16--4309 f"\'e.~ • PAST!:: UP ARTIS'r~exper . Secretary-Exec. 1·eq'd. Call Joanne, f"or pres. of large /ln8.nt1al fi.16.0164 institution N1Cf'ly deroralf'C! PR 0 F' ES SIONAL phonf' sollcitor • Dana Point. San Clemenle , Capistrano area. \Vork in your own home. Be.t deal in area.. P hone BJS.l4G5 belv.·ttn 9:00 a.m. and noon. niodt>rn ofc 1n new bldg. Good sec'y ~kills. Great co. p;,ys fCf', To $j.j(), Othf"r Free & t·e-,. Jobs Call Jean Brown. ~0·6053 COA ST AL AGENCY 2790 Harbor Bl at Ada ms SECRETARY Rec1pt. $400 3 Yrs exper_ Xln"t SH & typ- fun job. fl.ltr! public. Gen'\ 1ng skills. A's in English & ofr. Somf' phones, 1yp1ng, r.lath. Salary 1.'i00-$600 rle· l1hng & hookkeep1ng. f-'f'c . f)l'nchng upon e.~per. John Cal l Nanc:v Carlson. Barry & Assoc., 3020 New. f'rcr i.: Fef' Jobs port Blvd .• N.B. 67.l-J:i:l l. l~ P•R•CNNft. eeRYICaa ACM'NCY 2J23 N. Bro;idway, Sra. Ana 83~3811 Sec'y Consrr .......... $6.iO Sf't:"y Bkkpr ........... 1600 Src':v l..r~al ............ $600 E.~rc. Sci"y IL.A.) ... , $7,)() ,,.,... .. .,....,,.,....,.,..,...,..., Prod. Con tr! .......... $320 RECEPTIONIST Filt Sup\/ .••.•••••••••. SJOO 1\1odern, plush env1ron111cn1 Act'1ng Clerk ........•. J";JXI iv/lively drveloper group PBX Rc~pl. , ......... $-130 lime & part &l,~14j(). time. Call Dl'.:NTAL Asst Exper. !ypinJ:" good telephone per· chalrs1de. 2 Days per 11·k. sonalitY. 495-05.'>0 CEMETERY ~~~7-m future, full timl!. HAIRDRESSER "'anted lull lime E.'(pcr pff'f'd. Eas1· DENTAL Chall' Asst. Expe-r I bluff. Coi tturrs. 644·1572, ~~~l.Ne11.·p:irt Be a ch' HEALTH Food Slon.o neerl.s MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM NOW OPEN Frnt Ofc $500 mo Koow all insurance &:. Had· 1 ley. Do dictaphone. localed in llC'W center. Xln't NEWPORT 11'0rking conds. S·l50. Personnel Agency Cal! Helen Hayes, 540·6055 833 D D N B COASTAL 1\GENCY over r., ' ' 642-3870 FUNERAL voung m11n for perm pos1- DENTAL 0 rt ho rl on I 1 c iion. Apply 1072 Baysidt Dr. MEN WOMEN Frnt Ofc $400 mo Rcce-111 grad. w/some Hadlry exper. ins &:. 21'9o Harbor Bl a.,1C..'.:A~d~•m'.'.'.:'_IJ::Z::Z::Z::Z::::::::::::z::z::z::z~ REC PT. • SECRETA~S COUNSELING <"ha1rsidr ass1. I': x pf' r NB. prr.f'1l. Call "42-777:1. ::_ ________ _ DOC S1r trr, 2 t.11\'able Trr- 1'1<'1~ .. \lorn.~ only, my llon1e- Jll' \Vrstc!1ff ,c,; ho ['Ip 1 n g Crntrr. Phonr 6'12-1:\36. H.S. girl, summrr helper. S10 mo. roon1 k hoard. 67:\-!M}97 alt ~ pm. L A ~ GE rNVEST,\IENT I Ins. Biller $485 ~o COZ.IPANY HAS SF:VERAL lilj.' #_'.\pt'r, "'. mNlicaJ IO.~. POSJT!ONS OPEN ~· 0 R A~""· P1 tlnlp JOb S,,1 &,. Sun. t:XECUT!Vf; ADV ISO RS. $ •. 79 a n hr. Young-co .. typing, local, ca.It Loraine, \\lestcliH Prrsonnel l\f:'eocy, 2013 \\'estcli!f Dr .. N.R. &l:.-2770 Rl'aJ F:sratc Salf's INSTANT MONEYI Join The Professionals • TYPISTS \\'ORK \\11-ll::N & \Vl!ERI-: \'OU \\'ANT ()11 temporary assignmenti; Brau!1fld rac1!1r V1rw ,\frm- nr1aJ Park 1s lncarrd nn Thr h1Us1dr ovrrlooking lhc Nf'W· -,-DO-YOU WANT-A f!Or! Bay area . .'IT ~:ADY PART T I ;o,f ~:: H1ekpr $400 mo ll'ork \ng n1olhrr nf ~ nrl'dS hrlp al homr. I\ knds oH. Employer p11ys rce. Cemetery lnls, niches. belorr chase plan .. crypt,; !.:. need pur- A fas1 .l:l'l'lW1ni:: rompany 11•11h con1plr1e srJ'\IJCr raeil- i11es. f\·lortuary. Chapel. ~lausolPl1n1 ~· Cff'n1arory all w11h1n illr rcmrtrry \\·r 11ar1t 2 rn1n11nri;1tly 1ni1· r111·r ll\f'(I :-.o r \f)f'r. nrcr~­ ~<11'.v hreausr of nur pl'Oll's- ~1onaJ 11-..i1n1ni::. On 001 pa.\.~ up 1rn~ nppnr1un11~. PHONE 644-0212 DARRELL WARD V.P. k Dir. of S;il r s CHAIR~IDI:: a~."1.~1a11! i. prr.vrnti\'r rnnlMl nur~r. Chair r\p. nrr Pl'nplr orlf'lllrrl pra(·1irr. !lli:!-2·1.16. -CLERK-TYPIST- Nr1l'port Brach prop. mi;:n1I nl<', nrrds gd IYPl"1 w' i;tMnJ:: harki;?rol1nrl 10 a1·· rtng. Prrin. po ... Gd lururr Salary ron1n1r11sura1e " P:'\/)f'f. Plra~,,. C111l l71•11 JOB? lnleresling surve-y typr ,ioh from homf'. NO SELLING. \VritP briefly To C!a ss1fil'XI ad No. 145 The Daily Pilol, 330 \V, Bay, j Costa f\lcs11. CaliL 92625, i::ivlng phone number. DRAPERY~- HEALTH & FAMILY CARE AGENCY. 1805 No. Broadway Sanra Ana 341-66.112 llr~mr r . imn1rd. Open ing.~ HOUSEWIVES rra111rr.~. Brach Oriipery ~rv !)()() \\', lilh, C.:'-1. !mmrd1atf' plattmcnt for 5 __ . _ -,----1 lad1rs nf'rd1ng part 11111" Dl~APEP..r OPER~TORS k \-ork r al ) l.111~ !Oda), !ab!l.'r. CLASSIC DRAP-~J7-:IJ2.l fnr I01t'l'\'i1'W . ap- EHJES. 5'16-1 4~1. I IX'llHmrnl. * DRIVERS * ....... H_O_U_SE_K_E..,,E_P_E..,R ..... I No Experience f<w 1101·k1n.: morht'r. z c1 r1!\ Necessary! ,1; & 10 yr~. r.1us1 ht ('t11r. ient -~ood w/<'h1lrll'('n • J1\'l' i\tust ha\'e clean Ca.lit. driv. in. $<\0/11•k. Reis please. in>: record. Not under 25. o R!l7 2····1 E Y-ELLOW CAB CO. ays: · . :i • ., • v es 968-!l-139, ~TNi. Ktt\'11. l•-'IB~SiiE;i... ~l6iil~hiiS~i~ .. iicii.iiM~.iiii•/l-fSh."PRS Emplyr pays fee. Ge-orge Allen BylAnd Ai;:cn· ry 10&-B E. 16th. S.A. 547-{}:l9:l. Eler1ric1an MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN l...lnd drvr lnpnicnl co. loe:il-HOUSEKEEPER ~ d 11 y 11·rrk. L1\'t' 111 nr ()Ul, rd In NPWporl Be-aeh Sl'('kS o;rn'I nia1n1 ... 1rctr1c1an, Po- .~11\1;>n rf"r(s n11n. 2 .Yrs rP- l;iJrrl ""fl<"'r. :'\Jn I "'age~ k 1'.:ldrrl;v ("011plr_ 646-9041. IMMED. OPENINGS:- hr-nrf11 " '' s!able /YJ, Call jY < . 1 k i\lr"<. S;iun\·pin, :...io.0!!9! 1 ovng mt'n · 11omrn oo 1ng hr111·n 8 A,..! k j PM •1r.c<k· nr: • Tra1n1n>: 111 ~our ~1rong-dr.ys ' · e:i:1 aph!udr 11rra 3;}7-79J.i. ask for ~1n. Prier-tXCEU.tNT typl~I 111th snn. nHsr. clrnral du11rs for • ,\,lv;in('f'mrnt. g.-.rwi pa;I' 1.-lrcquenr ra1st'~. t Tra1rl " 30 da)s paid 1·arallon • Sf-runty w/lrer mtd1cal sm111l husincss operatlon In Clerk Ins. $400 Co~1a i\frsa. !lours nrxihlf'. E:'\c1t1ni: r1rrn serk~ clrrk 11 \\'n1 r C!ass1hf'd ad No. 177, kno11lrdgf' of ranng !.· 1'0fl-naily P ilol. P.O. Bn" \j6(l, • Trare.US ,. 11 h 1n;r_ 1-'rrr .\l<;n ~-re IOh.~. Cn.~!il \lrsa. Calif. 92626 hr ·Ar O rn: 1 rse c IJ ~ n(' . (';1rl~..,0 ------1 hrnrf11~ !.· n1any Jll"t'P· I .a ·a ~ Exp4:r . Vocal & Sf'r vour lnral Un11rrl f;1ar,..~ I .JJ=-~~~CNN•L Choral Accompanist A1r °For("{' rrprrsentAtn·r /or .,al ••11tv1c•• AO•Nev nrrrlrd 1n hil!ll Sf'hool lnr rlr!a1;._, or C11ll 232~ :\. Rrr•11rl"il>". ~1a Ana :'>,..pt. 1'171. Mu~1 havc lop (714) 646-3466 I . ~~.>.~S I 1 11h1l11y N s11:ht rrad1n~. Cnn- ·cost ESTIMATOR Fle•twood Enterprises, Inc. Is expanding lh(' corp. ~t11fl II the i\!OOular HQUSIOJ:' 1)1- vision to mccl nt'W il'fl"lh requirrmrnts. An ":'\Jl"r. COST ~~STIMATOR 15 nttd- f'd no"' S11rrrssful ,·11nrl1r1;1tr la('I i\olr~. RP)'nold~ for appt !.: 1nlrf"l.'1l'll', ~>1R-1121 . ~.XP'd lihrr.i;:\as~ l'epalrn.;i n Cl1pfH'r t-.lar1ne Corp. 1731 S. n111·hry. :;ianta Ana. Free Lane:• MARINE MECHANICS Immediate Openings l Weeks' Work E xpe:r. bo .. t mechanics needed to install •n· 9ines & other equip- ment. :R.VINE PERSONNEL SER.VICES •AGENCY Salts Ord Coord1nar. .. • lo S~ Sec'y Ins. lire Sh .... to $601 Bookkl'f'per .,, .. ., . In $j00 Supcrv1M>r ~"ilr., .... tn S:il)IJ AIR Clerk .......... lo S-t:JO :\1achlnf' Bonkkrrprr lo s.;z,o Ar.rountini;.: Clerk ...... $44.1 Sec'y Bookkttpcr ...... S600 Typist .................. S.175 Clcrk/M111h •Plltude •. $.1-lO Grn 'I O!c/Ana~1m .. $390+ 48C E, 17th (at Irvine) CM ·642-1470 SALES,\IEN I.: 0 T ll f; R i\\,\N AGEME:NT P 0 SJ. TIONS. COMPLET~; COMPANY TRAINING. YULL F'RINGE BE:NE i'"ITS, C 0 M PAN Y CAR PLAN. TREMEND- OUS ROOi\1 FOR GRO\\'Tit START N 0 \V UNDDR THE GU IDANCE k LEAD· f:RSHJP Ot ' DAVE LOOK· JNGLAND, lNVES'Ti\!ENT A:-.!1\LYST, T!. E. BROKER. C0i\1i\1UNITY LEAl)ER. TllHEE N f: \\' li~!TS \\'ILL f{E 11'\TF:RVlE\\'ING nAI LY TO FILI .• Tllt--:.'>E POSITIONS Ji\11\11'.:DL'.Tf:. LY. NO Df;GREE: OR EX· PERIENCE NECESSARY. ONf: CALL CAN BRING YOU IN TOUCH \VITI-I TIIE CHANCE t~OR f'INANCJAL SECURIT'I' & THE HEIGHT OF" PRESTIGE. CALL NOWI 547-6771 Ask for Mr. Strand :\1ainlrnantr PLUMBERS HELPER L11nd development r o. }O('alcd lo Nc"'pol"I Bf'a<'h srck~ rna1111. plun1b e rs hrlprr. Po~1!ion rrq•5 J y1-,; d 1rrr1ly rr!a trd f'.Spt-r . Sprinkler ff'pair knoll'lr di::e hr!plul. Xln'! \1ages 6.· 11;1lar1r" w a stahlc co_ Call ~!rs. Saur1\·e1n. ~ 4 0-0 S 9 I hr1l1n ~A;\I & :lPi\1 11·kday~. MANAGEMENT X-:'-111 .ITARY Of'FJCERS RF;n\'~.:i:;N AGES 2j-:'.0. rr YOU 111\VE RECENT- !.~· RJ·;TUnN1':D FR 0 ~I vr~:TN,,i\t \\IE HAVF: A .H)B 1'11AT YOUR LF.f\D. ERSJ!IP QUALffY \\'I Li, FIT RIGHT INTO. YOU \\'ILL ACT AS A RECRUIT- ER FO R A LARGE LAND INVESTt-1ENT CO. INTER· VJE\V PEOPLE \\'HO RE- SPOND TO OUR ADS. CAN'T BE AF'RAID TO r>1EET OBJECTIONS, • S~ary + Bonus Plan • Plush Office.~ • t'r1n;:e 8ellf'fH:it • Start Jmmed1arely CALL NOW 547-6771 Ask for Kent Adams Markt>tina: * MEN * (l'ive) h.:n'r ~.:;-.v rs rr~ide n'1111 housing f>:>;Jlrr. 11~ an r.•ri- maror 11'1th 11-n 11rchltrctur111 r1rrn or huild1111r cnnLr11r.1<1r. \Viii perform mAlerlal 111kt'- nfl1' & pwp11.re ('()mplelr bill,; of materials. Will clll- cvlate materir.l costs & pre· part tinished·product de- llvery 1;o!llts. If you v.·11.ot unlimirl';{I opportunity, Ma1l j )'Ollr resume tod11y! An Outst•ndJnv Pl•ce To Work Call Le• Kelley 17141 546-8030 Or Apply In Person Personnel Office 3333 H•rbor Blvcl. NEAT APPEARING e JEWELRY CAREER op-11 you Are s!ngle, 19·25 & portunlty • Opening I o r would like xln'1 earnings to managcC"-tr11inee w/wor ld'a 111!:1.rt w/a rapidly growi~ lat"Re11t jewelf'.r . X I n ( co w/11n oppor_ lor ad\lanCf'• hf'nefit~. Apply 111 Zalr"g rneot &: can begin imm,.d. FIHtwood Enterprises, Inc. P. 0. Box 76.Jl•W R1vtrtidt. <All!. 91503 Equal Oppor. Emplo)'f'r COOK, Housckt'epcr, li!r nun;ing dul1c1. Wvc-ln, J dll.)'5 11 v.•k. f'"n thru S\ln. Sli a rl11.y. Ages 40-60 only. Rrt·~ rrq·d. 61:\-3528. CooK -DiKh"·Asher. Apply Cost• Mes• ATLANTIC RESEA,CH M•rlnt Systems 01v1 slon 01 The SusqUf'hanna Corp. 11 1 Ori.J:"\n11l Sam's Pizza . ~:qt111I Oppnr, E:mployer ~~47 Ad11ms, Huntington : ______ .,. __ ..,.,.. J""''t>lers, 17 f11..~hlon T51and, Apply lOAM 'til 2P~t. 1540 NB. No phnllfl' c11JJ11 plt'allt'. E:. Ullnger, SUHt> !, Sanla JANITORS. exper. on 1 y, Anr., CAiif. r 1u me nite work in San --'...:CM~A""'s~S~E~U~s=E--­ Clementr. 11 rt a . 1401 Artracli\le girls. Good hours. l\ r a em" r, An a h e i m . Xlnt $. Open 10 A.M. 63/J-lliOl. Call &12.(Mj(I tjlUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 Mature Hostesses TO INTERVIEW NEW RESIDENTS -Par! Tim~ CAR k TYPEWRITER NEC. c.11 547-3095 I HEALTH & FAMILY CARE AGENCY 1805 No. Broadway Santa Ana 5-17-6682 !\!ED l CAL SECRETARY~ part time, lt!g. Bch. \Vrile Classil\rd Ad No. 164, D11lly Pilot. P .O. Bnx 1)60, Custa :'.1r.~a . Ca. 92626. ---~ft;:-.', 11·on1r n 6.· 1·h1lrl rt'n \•an1rrl !or a l'illlrl &. l'Urf rommrrc1al. No f' '.\ pr r , nrcr ss. i2131 46\.JJ,19. :\1 1DDLE agcd Christian 111.dy nn smoking or rinnking IO lh•e-in & ht'lp c art for s1•:crr elderly lady. Lt hsr11'ork. Ah·ac. pr1v home. Send rcf"s to: Class1fiOO Ad No. 1~.l. Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa t.frsa. Ca. 92626. Need A Summer Job?- t·uir or p/!1me. Daysl n11rs. t'ood Serv1ct-. Apply in pr r· son, RIX Roasl BCf!I, 310 I::. lith St.. C .. \t Nurse RN·lnstr. $900 mo In servirr 1r111n1ng 1nsrrurlor. D<'grer prrf"d. rxpcr. necess to $1 200 m o D irector HEALTH & FAMILY CARE AGENCY 1805 No. Broadway S;1nta An<1 :>.!7·61'iS2 OPENING [l!an;ui;rr. R:l~~~i:n . fnr Fond Service Call tor 11ppt. -------OrEllATORS -~por1s11·r11r t-ffg exper. only. Good pay, S1r11rJy. fi42-:'i172 N.B. O PPORTUNITY for you 10 make nlore mooey. Nr{'(! thrrr. pirt timr eor lull time \iccni:rd Rea.I Estate sa!t>SJM'ople, right away. Call for in· lrrvicw Lochenmyer Realtor f01)('n 1 days wkl lREiO Nrwport Blvd .. C.M. Call f>-Ml.l!WI I f:Yl!S r.46-4.'171 Help W•nted, Pit & F 710 SALES VOLT Sales Trainees-men & wo-Instant Personnel me n needed to join highly 31148 C;imp\!s Dr., Suite 106 sueccssful te-am of rral e5.1Nr"port Bea<'h 5'16~7-ll late professionals. Bonus, Equ;11 opportunity r.n1ploye r paai m£'rlicaJ coverai:e. pd, l ::::z::::::::::=====~ vacations, training program s _1 , r . . d . ec ... aT) or . in1':<~rienced, _ rall's l'<l ·dical Sec'y , •••• $j69 mo available 1r you quaJily. H!g. Type 60 w.p.m. SH ~ w.p.m Bch. Ole. o~n. Call ~erry J\now medical trrn1inology'. Grosso 776·2231 Anaheim. HEAL TH & * SEYMOUR * FAMILY CARE Realty & Investment AGENCY RN'!' for LVN or RN rrtief 180S No. Broadway ll 11' 7A::'>I shit( Park Lido San1 a Ana :yj7-6682 * SEC'Y EXEC. $1000 Conv a le~rrn! Crnlrr, &12...1104.\ Equal oppor . rmploy,r -'--'----------li\lar1na <lrl RPy arra . Oppnr. Salrs QI l1!et1111 r Ctll Liz Rc1n· tr PROf'I'.:SSIONAL * <1rr·s PC'rsonnrl Agency, * SALES CAREER * ~&-2118 . .i.lOQ Campus Dr., Starting ~alary plus comm. Nell'JXlrt Brach. First ye a r earnings of SJ2,000 -plus possible 2 yr * Sec'y /Gal Friday tra1n1ng program by century EdiroriaJ & Sales Ore. opp:>r. old na!iona! co. Business or w1fast groll'1ng ed11car1onal sale~ b11r:kground helptuL aud io\11sual co. Lyceum PfO+ No travel/Mgmt, opportun-rluctlnns. Inc. P .O. Bo:.: 122'6, ific... Laguna Beath, Ca. 92SS2. RONALD A. S/'lfl'l1£ ·l~!.62:~1. '=~-~~ 7937 So, Painter Ave-. Sl::CRETARl1\L grn"J c fc. \Vhi1tier ~213J 723-6578 hookkec p1ng. •l Gi rl ofc. t~qua! Oppty. Employer P/time-4-.'i hr., a day. $.l hr Salr~ .. 111.r 11ng. 2:K' 90 <lay~. &lnrl rrsume P. 0. Box 4(}.I , So. /.aguna, Ca. 92677. PERSONNEi. COUNS Ti.NE NEW IRVINE OFFICE SECRETARY 1:h~:st~11.·e &3~1g~~~s~~e·.,.,:;i: Execllent salary, gOOd typ- ing + shorlhanrl, local. Call " proplr. 1'e "'111 !rain you L()r;;iint', \\'r~lcll ff Personnel rn n1ilkr abri\'r avg incomr. Agcfk'.y, 21).13 \VeslcJzlf Dr., Cali ~1rs. '\'arson. 8}3.1i00 N.B. 6.ti-2770 Dennis & Den111s 1-~c...,:,,c~c:_----- P<'r.sonnf'I Agenry SECRETARY, experienced, 2082 ~tichrlron Dr. tor summer mon!hs. South Irvin(', Calif. L·guna. la"' firm . Salary $100 mo. Call 4~-4275. SA LE:..: An aggrrss1\·c man SECRE°TARY.'"'Depar-lm'--<-ol-,-1. ran prndu1·r 11·h1le lrarn1ng Perm Pos1r1on 1n Nr11·porl how tn t'rrHtr oppor1un1ty Crn!rr. lmn1Pd flprn1ni;:. f or lnr 11 (•arerr, no1 Just a Ji;>h. Jnrrn•1rw Call n.11 .... 1100. ·-S-f; rl v-. -s 1-a.A-1 ! r n r!. Call llrlrn H;iyr~. :)-1n--i:;o;,J /'llrchan1cal e.\pec. po·rf'rL cnAS"fAL A(;ENCV S<Ll~ry + Co1nn1. r\pply in 2i;KJ l!;irhnr RI 11! i\dan1R pr rs o 11, IV;1r!r .John.~on's -SalesmanUsed-Cars c""'""· ""' "''"01 · c" SERVICE Sta. S11Jrsn1t'n. r.tust he goorl clo~rr. Grral Neat .t· f'!iper. Apply 1n oppor1un1ty for ri ght m11n. person, 200 \\'. Coast HI.I')', ---· .. • "°'·"·-•l-N_B_. -----,~ '~ SfITER nef'der1 for 4 mo 2100 Harllor Blvd &l:).Q.166 baby, Sept-June. ;\oly home. BUSI.Est ma.rke:olace 1n Rrf.&lf,. --'-'-"------ tc Thf' DAIL"\. PILOT TO\V TRUCK DRIVER wn. O•·rr 21, exp. pref. A.C. Aulo, Clag5iJ!ed 5ectlon. Save 1705 N. El Cam1nn Real. S;in Clrmen1t. mo""y. tlm• • '"'" by * TYPISTS a.rmr.hAir. * Register lor H;ip"W•nted, M &~ Ever Think you'd be good al selling Jif e insurance? a 1emporary JOh today lntcrvwll'.: 9-12 BquRI Oppor. E'mployer Male &. Female Western Girl Inc. 4667 t-lacArlhur Bl\ld, Newport Br.ac h 540·0325 ,____ --~~ TYPIST Mutual funds? lnveshnenl counseling? Or did you ever wish you could sell all Lb.rec? \Vt're one of the frw who Is now In all thrt'<'. And "'e're ready lo offer the right ITlftn 1n ext'cuti\'C 1Alt-s opportunlly. Selling broa.d·1pcctrum flnancit1l plannin1t to indi\lidu11.l:it and btu1ineMK. Repreiotnl· Ing a flrst -ralt' SJ.billion compeny with a training a.alary up lo $850 a month plus opportunit!ca for taddilionAI Income. And prosrrcl!! hif.!h In the fi\lt· fi1ture rAnl:t'· \Vr'll lr11ln r1ul'lllflcd me-n. Cnll ug at 542·5623 rxt. 321 or ll'ritf' 80)1 4:\3Ei, Sanll'I Ana 92722. Wf' wnuld likr lo hr11r from you. Pcrson11hle gal w/id it!n'I ore slrill5. t-.loslly customer re-lat!ons, Srarl $350. Call M111y l.A!e, ~-6055 COASTAL AGENCY Z790 Harbor Bl Al Adama TI'PTST-Mon &. Thura:, 12 to 4. ln1trn1tticlnal POB nl2, Newport Bl'ach. VIETNAM VETERAN Once in 11. ll~tim, oppor. to 51tirt on n11tml career in a. local branch of Oflf' of coun· tnc~ big companie~. Plan- ~ trai111 ng program lets you lr11rn ~·hil~ you f'11rn, F'll(> be.nrfits pkg, Car, f'J(· l""nlir:it Pili/I. S111rt S~IOO. C11l1 Bill Harper, .'}.I0-60:.:J Rt'arh. 1S~LLING Your boir l'I "LUI " 1''\,r th11t Item un.1,.r $30. wllh Ull .. st.11 It fas!. Daily It lhr r~nny P !nc.ht<.r Pilot Classilled, 642-5671 I DON 'T five !1 11.wa.y, a:et I <1 ulck ca~h for It With a I DAILY P TLOT Cl11.:ita1fl~ ..................... .. CO ASTAL AGF;NCY 2700 H11rll(lr Bl Ill Ad1m-. DAILY PILOT Buy a Border to Border Bargai Every classified want ail in the DAILY PILOT appears in every edition every day. Thet means your ad will be seen in papers delivered to homes and sold from newsrecks from border to border ell along the Orange Coast ..• all tho wey from Seal Beach to San Clemente You Get It All • • • Huntington Beach Valley Fo1111taln Costa Mesa Beach Ne,vport Laguna Beach Saddleback San Clemente Capistrano (Plus the daily newsrack edition) For One Price With A . I 1 • • • • • • • • • -. ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ~ • . . • ' • • • ' • • • l • • ' • ' • • • . • . • • . • • • , , . • ' • ; ' ' ' ~ ' . • J • • • • • • • • • • ? I • • l • • DAILY PILOT : I I Classified Ad • Phone 642-5678 I I I • • i ' l l .·· •• '1P:· CO DAILY PILOT PILOT-AOVERTISEllt 2•1_ >: . "<· .__[ _._,,___,][Ir .__I -_.. J[§) I ][II ""~-· JIB [ ~~ l~l[ Mw:"l~t ]~I 3 Lines, 2 Tlma1, $2.00 ~----~;;,~~I f~ lo Yav Help Wanted, M & F 710 Furniture 110 Ml1c11laneoui '26 Dogs IS4 , 8oat1, Power 906 1 Bo•t1, Slips/Docks 910 1--------IYNG " . -·-----'--:----:-.-:-:! COLOR TV. Dl)lr sn .•1•! * AUCTION * L .l,.Q U lDATJNG debt/roll WOULD YOU m iil.U doa .. Shor1 \YAt-.'TF.0; A Silky Territr I t-LA'f bottom arag boat, J yr PHIYATE boat shp availabl,. Ill M iscell•neou• Y\\•in:; 1nsehirn-. bunk bt-1:1~. lt<'u\s by P\'t ply. Z1~ BELIEVE hair .. >clnt m • r k 1 n gs · by )ni msrned C'pl \\'ill old, ll~sh tncine, 4,)j cu Jn July Id. S1d1? lit up. :is·.3()· n11sC', 6t;HS,)B alt .i, FRIJOUANYE7l'SOOTHP .M . ;11,,1on1a11cs. brandnu, 111c-t'REE ORGA.'I LES"ONS ln!cllig£·i\l '= !:tntl,,.. Aft 4, ,tvl' good horn,.. 1n1 tee & ~421 C1iev)J, custoni fv1· ~1.>-0 1:::1. I k II I " 536-1789 ' I I ------- ' WAITRESSES E \\l'd-.'iun. 1Y 1>8<'. f 1 u Jltlnie guar I as Jong a.s you like• No t't'i· n1ut".h lo\•e. 491-7966 or r~c1ng, u1,;e:led ue er. BU,\T sli/I a\•ail, J uly 11!, tor in person, ~u;;..~·~· ~!'.!:~~· ANTIQ_U_E-.-,,,-11-_,-,-,-,-1,-,-,-.-,-,·<~;i~~15.i:·01 d~:.1~1=c~'.11 C;~;;.1 less than i pnce Beaut S.·l 1:.1ratlon Noobliglltion Jui! CAT-pa.it Burn1eSr, :.prf'ckl· ~S.l-J7:ll. ~nderly lnJeclors fl011ed ti0'·10' \\'idc shp. Y+'AITRESSES. ~lus1 bf' tX· perttnced. Vlt'klr Hugo Inn. Laiuna &.ach . H NB reuhvl'-!)'p.", beaut conJ. bi>:1t qual Tru ra.11• find Conic. i\IOndays 7:::0 pin ed, good hunter, i1·000t'rtul Hor e 156 rng1ne by JOc Re a I h li7~-tiGOti _•_Y. __ ._· r.h<'~ls. Cnn1n100es. f:IU!l•·I~. Inspect & a~sure s('!I & COAST MUSIC ulOthl.'r, very arlectionalr .,,..._SS Jla.!lcrafl racing strrn11;, ------~'·I * Wh S t Sl2K S-ii·rif!f'f' $:iOO. :1:17-0tir1 \, i•r·r•<'>. ""'"'· 1\htl<r~>."'· k II I · \/ ,.,.,,, '' " I 8 I S ed & Skr' 911 se upv. o ' v ~ " n1n r o i· •• \ so J big 'i('t) U.ll-2Sjl · 0\'1n.i:. 54&.--036j, HORSES hoarded, trained, "' ~ <·ui,:: r,.,,r )()\, oa s, pe •1·,vol n II ,., SOFA Bl·:o _&_<h•or 1·i0 01111..•r1l1•.,hs.llul11111eunl1•1» , I I h 1 II I -h•••"' d"tY '"'''''' :.:;_:.:::_:.:.::;:;:.:.:c.;c;_ __ l ~ · umr. ~ 1a P J ;\, -,·,:. 11 ~c·rss, u. t. sln ~s. 1e •.• , ADOftABLf;-kltJi·ns rwed rented. C.:o\crcd 1'0rnds. ·' " v •• C!tl.JlSAL01\(;, 1rbonrd n1h , Knowltdiir \l'a.rtholl5e S)'!'« J111rltr srl, ~ cho irs ~ r11~·" l,itJlc S: ctuurs, Color-1J.u(' i'OOk\\l.ll't>, l. 3 price. Ali SALf~: Ne w <."lln:;o!e p1<1.no. ,,_, p,· 1 b statnlrss .~leel hardw:.1·1'. tf'lll!. Cllll Lii Rein<lt>r·.~ other items. 612-5297_ 1>c1 1v·s, SlcrNu;. Rcln,t(s, I unbcllC Vbly beaul •'-hvy wit!nut $~195, Steinli'&}'. i.;,.,. -~~ Va1·1c1y or eol· .uin.t: !C'~liOns Y pro· 1'.1oon 1ank, c·us1on1 11ood l t.11 V111 Litlo Nurr1, Lu.Ju Ptrsonnel Agrncy, :w>-2118, Gar•ge Sale 8ll .S1101~·~. l\ 0 ashcJ"s, Ur)Cl'S .\: rrual . Al<,o SIO ~ilvr ci-rllr~. K11wa1, ll'urluzrr. Allen, _ors.->" I or 836-4493, !~:~l~~·~aliorn:!ir~ ~-::s l :1; deck, llo.ld medal f!akr 1.-k. !!'.:"'.!70-l.»!7!9;H-O!JW. ~[:()() campu~ Dr . 1\e"pOrl .\ lJLll ,\I Ht~• Setnisonilf' sui!cse~. i;:rri, l..011•1ry, Conn. f'roni $j·l5. l\/'l'TENS irre~tiblc, pl:l)'[ul Also olhrr horsr~. Girl wB·/rornpet1l109111.ot'a'gt> 1ri111. Bf'ach. ,\10Vl.'\G S;ilc l\'r1/rwsday, WINDY'S AUCTION •ihle,oliv, IJI". o .. oho '"''''· RENTALS $10/.\lO. ond p1·cny as a p1(•!ure.. Y appt. S vOO/o f ltr, ~ 8 neederl. r:'lp. 11,/ho r ~f'S. ''66()1' 91' · --------June 23 and Tluu'l-~lay Junr , •f'lll ·,i, J , n"". l<'• ,~1.' t'IELDS PIANO CO. 9~·16i3. _•c•""· i=i.'c'-i.·"·c·====-., '"' "'~ Rei.Jwood S!able.", :l 0 2 ~ 6 ' ' 1 1,·,L. '-~~,,~,~.· ... '~.',·,',",~,'.",· ... ,,'1~1, rO,\lt: BROll'SE l'IROU,,'D .~C'r sell. ~l!i2...fil00. C 1833 Nell'poi·I Rll'd. O'KEEF'E &. ~lerri ri ran"e La~una Cn~·n nc1. Wiguna BAY OR FISHING .., ·'" v ~ ,. " , "' -----o.~111 ,\l e~11 71·1/f>.1)..•?·iJ '6'' FI b. BOAT S!'J, buftf't tllblr s~:,, gla~s 1 :.!Oi.J'~_Nc1,1·pou'! Bl\'J \\'fl'J'C!! H.epair S un11nrr -· .... • a eon, norn;:uir•. B('h. 19!-91R2' . . !•1p l'ofl1·r 1L11ilr $:.'.I. lwa . "1111, uny s g · ai· ~ · S.i9.1 S!e1n1111y Kaw a 1 ! . . -----' '· pG\lf'r Sl!t:r1 ,.~ ][§) B ' d 1 Bid \/ I Sprc·1al~ S4 .'I() Clean, ,,,·usl I S,~L_E New Sp111e!. \lalr1u l, Call 646-2977 • • •• s r 11' 11" ll l! L.apsirake Ut1l!ty . \vl\O Camn.rs, Sa le/Rent 920 d , . .,11e, '''"hi stand.' Sl'i Cusl a .lei;.a • Gl6·861JO pol1~h. ~1a11U;11d n101·1•111f'nl~ \\o•lrt C ' All 'tLUtFY, lr1endly k11!1•n, geldu11,; 9 yr old ~addll.'brt>d l · ·· '" • £" 0 1, C r 1.er, onn, en, .. _ 11 · I LIDO SHIPY.\RD '68 YW CAMPER Antiques 800 eadi. port. s!rrro ~:ill, :: UP::::_ ~lLY_9 10 4 Jnri) u2.:~1 Pa1~11 & Lo\\iri· HJ::,\'TALS. ~1auttiu Y .markl.'d, _gzey & ":alonil no 1umprr 900 Lido Park llr - ----------,.,,1,1nl'1 c·1'f'clc nza \l.i t.· F AMIL y VAC ATION-""elf)·, lil6 f\" "'po 1' I. t-'I~ IDS PL\;'l.'U CO v. i1tc. 962-5379. 962-:»14 F.n:;llsh I ll"rstrrn "Oapf)('r · • til'l-S.fil:l · • · • · -.. ~· •2 '\1·11po1·1 B;>ael1 ANDREA'S n11M·. 160-6'.!f'lt'I S1. :-. .. 11port Cabui f,.,r rrnr illan1nioth • · I J/111 Ne111;.-11 1 Bt\d 9 Adorable k1t1c11s l hluck Dan SlrJ 6-IG-lt1 3. --; ... --f'•H1-l'up.1: ,\.If, l1J.llOOn11Jr - NTIQUES '0" or ____ C . ' ---------l~ :S0Ut!ICOAST 111111 l M" k 1· • ' A St1urr~. ti lt-!l.'f1:S Lakf's . Sri' ·rahoc, Virginia I' . .,._REEN L1ntitular fla. o~la :'.ltsa 714/6·1~~7."J(l tJ liger slnped I 1or101:.e BF.:,\ U Tl~·uL S1r1111h(<11) I '1 ') -•-c>VV or rn a " 0 !flJ". t.:oni·j J t R · d --------' r· .... 1-\l'k 1,. · . -tJ ant s "" c I '' l 1 Ii 1 8"' ~·019 nlereep1or en" ·'l•S r .. d10 pl If' 11 1 1 Call af!rr us ece1ve t:STi\Tf: ~al ..... >larlin,,\·Uie ~ 1ry,UU<1l', J .• i3l ·.;3,~ 1 u,-r oor . asrr, llA:\L\!01\'0 S tc.:1:-way s ic r e .. .., . ..., rmn p1nro mare. \~f'll m.1n· B· k .... · ,. "' l r11 NEW SH IPMENT 1 • io 001-l1kr nr11· $10 T · 20 118 ::0 . . red J • 1 <1ll tan • punip~ t.uvJ 6 P111 I ;•; lill9 At..:STHAL IAN, f:KGI.1~1 1 & tllE:"\'Of PIECES 2.::80 Newpon Bl.. C.)I. &t>-1870 P<' 0,,k hdrni ~.,1 , 1111n 1 ..!..!_~·-~ or~ 1. ~ · . • ''o x Yamaha. New & used '11\'0 kiHens left, fre,. to 11e &· 1ra111rd. or Eng 1.<h 1 t\ul(!. s9:io. :ll.1/GW-4~\:_.. • ·• · __ _ rio>tt·r hf'•I•, t'Ul'\'Cd ~l'l'· ,\IOVJ~C _ Drc~ser or bul-]/, Hehr i;lauonary trailrr pianos of mosl rnakes. &>st good home, mall's. shoi·t pleasur••. 611-7118. ---__ "t\)11~1-, -111\r ne1" ·ri~1. t1on11.I. tJinell!'. f .t n c y lei . $30: bookca5(', s2.·, ~t'l· s~h. ~afC'ly glass S9 eath. buys in So. C;\l1!. at Schniidt hair. 1 hlk, 1 !iger 8~8-30!3 e~E -CORR~fOI~ • '69 13£11TltA.\! 2'i' flying 1 t·a1npt>r 11/LXJt11 & h,.11vy 1lu osc1Joscope, tc.sr rquip. :\Ion. spd girls ,.:;nngra), l ·lj. 1669 '.! <'l!ESTS or dra11rrs; lthr •. a!lta Ana. ~nanicl. ,\lovlng 10 J\cw area. 5-\:)..j911 l'i·c~., l.iO Ill'~. 6-l2-:&11 s.· r·ab 01r1·. :~;·.,.so19 afl !I. g!ass11<1re, mini b I k". If'!'. i·rlvr! uphnl. l2U: nr·11 .) ~1..-39 10 -------1 ~lu!.!C Co., 1007 N. f'llain, BEACT!fUL goldcri ('O(·ker RENT -$20 n10. Back B11r b~·1U;:f', 1r1m _ral~s. '! l'(1d1os. I.~ ~u.~r1·n~1011 ~hocks. SS.i{l TUC'~ .~· 11',.d. \j-,j \\' Ball Tusl1n, C .. \I. 1·onten1p, 1·hall'; n1~1rhlrl" CLOSING OUT York "" •·"0" L ' k SS-8 '6'1 TROJAN ;1()~11 ~f'l'P\\. 196zf·ORD-IJ' •·has.~1~-t~I , ~ · ,,.,~....,""" 1vestoc I • • ANTIQUE • Itri. :-.-o.-!, ,\11ahr11u. PRESTO C'tlOkcr-rllnnrr, ,,.,, r11d thl~. :\l•~l'cll. 11r1n~ l.:., r.n1nrl n.:-w l\'urlit~cr pi.'\nos ,1 BLACK & ll'hilr kitlrris. 6 Llk!" nrw, fully r11uippeU. ~ t»1n1f)('1' VI!, 111110. but.111r 1 SHOW.SALE i\\'UC:,\DO rl'frig/fr•·ezer. :11. 21 rruarl t'e\'rr u.•ed. '1>8 llonda 182 nds. 11111101'• l· org1111~. F:J111ast1e deal~. 10 $8:io:J. Pvl n1~·8·1C,...0061J rr f. J~11ns gd. $125 0 .1 Daily 10·.'i * Sun. nocm·.i JUNE 2·1. 2.i, 'lfi. '17 likr ll•'W .'i l.~:1. DinetTr ~rl Cotnplf'le S20 or offrl' 1 "'O~k. , I * j.17·06SI * ~\~:.~~:. iOOd hoin e . 20' Sl\IP .JACK, :.:Jn!~i X~7·16:.<J. 80 Antique e.'<hib110111 S.1,j. Bar slools 4 /or SIO. _?~&-'.JOl:i 'll IO -~~~rr Pl., C.:'11. j H,\,\J.\IOND organ, niod1>I .i 'Jl.l Loaded. Call Ted P.oger$', 1-. Da--,,-.,-,,-c-.,-.,-,-,.-,-. S-.,-,.-11.~ e I Anaheim Convention Arrna Cha1r $20. Redll'oorl shrives, f't:R:-.', \rhil'lrool 11.S:d , an· 1 • AUCTION HOUSE • 1\1-11 I .. \l11r~r p1·c~r1, ll'aliHll At~t~R~ ... L~a:~e:ia7n:~:: ,'1,il· 673-j~j:I, 1 fhrgl.>, a.lun1 windo1\'~. Sun1.: 800 W. Karella, across from Books o! Kno11•l('dge, 1111~(· . . . . .. . . 1\•lbark ""'ii IJlllO E•· · ' , · · 2"9) BUILTRlT -nier ~ ! II" & 1 l1c111c rl <!i., & i::la~.~ 2-7 daily Auctions r\'cry FrL nighl, 1 .• , .... · , es. 642-241{1, days only. I £., i . t_; nu radio, I • ~~ .ae IJ up. Di~neylond. Thurs, Fri, Sal. 833-2249. nr b~ app't :;29 B. Cabnllo, pin 30J'J IV \l'at'rer SI S A 673-.ilZ'J. COCl-\APOO . General 900 I 84 gal, 10.i hp grC'~·. l "COO)l ;,30-1 ,10 l·IOP:'ll;Sun 12-61'_._,._. ___ 1.\JO\ll;\'G-Anl . sa!r, .<\JJ furn,1 C~I. 61&-9~1 13 \\',.·buy s~IJ & consi~;1 ·' BABY gr11nrl p111no. \'ery ho , _pubplpif's to good CAPTAIN I bail. S2tXl t'lt::i j96-96T6 1 '6~ Dod"e <.:11mpc1 SfW'c·1ai ~?.cl .:.. 9 · IV· 9; . ~ B LGE relri~. gd ronil S10: • :i-19-22~1 ~7-Tl:t:l • 1:00( f'f\llf .: ' · arrell, hair. 847-i0-13 or S4i-:i30li. Unlunllrd license. any J:IU~S : I ' 110, 120 .\!ercury 1nlr I Pop Top. Like new conrl IA1"TIQUE Hand c rank app\1 & 111i~· :\o 1lc1n ovrr • -------------· · · · · I I $-00 911 0 nir~. PUJ r aek w/curly '1)8-7-------~ P ho n o gr a p h . R <' cord c·.,,· 61:11.~ .~·,,I 1 1 !jl., 1 o. , I CJ'lb & ma i ti·es.~ .t lO ; sni ___ _ C .. ,l. fi.1&-::600. 12 'IANX ,.,, 3 __ Ion~ JO y,, .. , <X""rien<" I 11'/p11T tr11n. ·10 tits on rn.: 5:?100 or ofr. &124i:i-16. =~~~5:i cost $SO; sell ~40· -i-" :-~-, _,_~. ·-; ~a~Jr + :i l'hairs s1 ;,, Sewing Miechines 828 &,,' le~ale.1 ens, mos, :\lair saii'" &. power'. Pro;;;ssi~nai _x_'lnt cone!. ;,3~3l::. j _C_y_d -.,-,-B ike-,,---- ANTIQUE 19th Cent,r·y Ai_ fIQUf.d rad10--,pbo11<1,I ~\\ .1 1'.)..6{ll9. 8AMLBEOMA88EARYSHCIPLU8 SPECIAL 892-4149 sport fishing-guide; fllex1can Boa ts, Rent/Chart'r908 Scooters 925. ielephont. 11·fhal!ery box. la e, _ map C" hear vuan.1, PT, jt~ Phone &M-1312 I Chrck, oil & clt11n any 6 PUPPIES m/f, p11rt i,• Coast 11.11,ler~ . lnstruc-Cal 25 + Catlina 27 "',, con ·· 1 so a. 1~ai~, OUTBOARD mrr & --j' ,<;,,, Ci>n:raJ Anierica & Pacif. Perfect. Appraised $li3. sell n11«' 11! \1aln s1 II B JlP. Re,.ady.,Roa.-grn 11·00J S.· ~r11·1r1<> machin• ~-. On" DJxir & Poodll'. 6 "'·'· G"'rant th I THIN" , · · · ''. · · d 8 3 " """ " 11011 in boat handling, sea. . ~ 4:, Oll'~St rares _in A $100. 497-108-I. '~ PRICE Salr-Junr Zlrd !:.irr ~;;.:91~7. hne cond &·I Miscellaneous f ii"" .only. 5-l;'>-8238 Good holll" 616-8016 manshlp, Dll & ct>lesllal I ~· Cal.1.t. Catltna cru1s-HQND' B. , P.OLL TOP OF:SJ\--thru 25th. ,'\O FL'P..\'ITURF.. Vt.' ted 820 I Sporting Goods IJO OARLl~G f11 I gr"y rabhy. 7 na1·1;;-atinn. PICK UP & uig club · Locat1011 Ne11'J)(lrt lriC"a. J O.ek-eii:eeU~nr rondillon $3.j(). i\lardan Thnfl Shop. JSJO RANl;f: 36'~d;,;r"ood, an 11·k old malr. OELJ\11'.:R y A~Y\VllER E: ~l'bor. 714/9ti8-~8-IO for in fo. Sii -18" long, 4~" lu6h 67~10.17, Park ,\ir. c ~r. 612.iS:,O. gndrtlr, $:.(). 12) ~1rrl'o I \\',\NTED: ~niall desk. I l\'l bLL lrarl,. largt b,. I I BOX TRAINED. 6-16 :!7~:t captain & "'·1fc available for f BLU E IV ATER Y flCIJ'f ''FRIE"' 'NOER"' Don. ,~ \P.AGE •. ,--,.,-. -Sa-speakers, JO", $60. 61.i-61·13. ;1:17-i!l"JS 1 10• OllOrralor OR ~. aln1ost ne1vl >'REE r \'tendcd rrui.~in,. Extcn-CHARTERS lrUl ...,, • ' ,.,,.,. -11 1·1 ---1 ' , n1ilr 7-1.r-l l tires & C· ·. 1. h bo '"'• teAt"M f""1'. •1 7' HARVEST TABLE Sun. Golf dub~. ~ag ~earl PORT. Eire, O~an. full -'~ Musical Instrument$ 822 ,1 ~ .0 J,JlTEN . .:; ~11r adn1 1n1~11·a11ve expcn· I JUl!>C' or ts al!> to 40' r.~1 . 2'1 ,., -. * TI4/j2tJ.7j87 ofr 6:::0 .t· m~i· ilenl<. ::i l B w/1\nl[1 & cari'}Jll<: l'llSe. . . :r1~ .. a~ ~11s~00<:1 -~·;n1fc':a1"'1 ~.2._lemal!'s. J.18·41~7 ~_:._!i-16-29i7 --·, d;iy/11tek res/call 61U.-9000 1 -~ ·65 • 8 ..... 1Jti6 ll'OO<iland Pl. C.)f. :ilS-l97.1 <.:all :148--1218. ~RU.\!S S~1n.r:erland. ·1 p1c1·r, -GREAT < y NGSI eTHE BIKE SHACK• Appliances 802 -----~-___ .1 ___ ----_ Ziklgan C,\'ntbnls, ninny a{'· Allrn,_j37-6511. IPART LAB puppy 4-nin. .-A I Boal$, Sail 909 NE !•"----------GARAGE Sale-20112 S.l\'· 1· C1\.\lELLJAS 1 ~ pncc, •·r~~-l200. Ca!! lil6--0iOO GOLt~ .--,.--black. Very friendly ro TI1rsc nrw 71 Boar~ mu:.! I W BICYCLES !'iprucr', Santa Ana Jlgts. n1a!urr.pol!ccl. rir-. 111 .. LUSS r.rF:~S goo<lhonir.5-18~1G7 · t),.suldhy,\11i::,Jsl ;\IALIB U •1 u tr i ggrp p,,f{T,-.;e ACCESSOP.!f.S i\IAYTAG i;as r!11·rr, $:J(l. Oprn )!on !hl'u Sun. ~Jj * i>12-2~8'.1 ~ °?'!:>_. ~ imri.~. good c:ond . --POST ~o· ~p1.f1.~h eru1~r1 11/11"udc1·. t;ootJ sail.•_ Sl:ilJ EXPERT REPAIRS ,\lay1a~ i>lec dr)'f'l', ~j(), 1 . ____ CO.\IPLETE Druni ~t't Sl2.), l~l..XI .14.r-8662 TO J?ood hon1c snialJ black nin. dic~el. l!r,· b€~L olfi>r, S.-e al I ON ALL MAKES Bo1h g<XKI t'Qnd. Gqar & MachiM ry 816 \Vi\Tt~n Brei .~19. J'i:i11~ or •AglOOI llUNC coc:k·a-poo Female. ·1h ·" Rb' • d"i<."<<"d . .,,08612, ,.,., 'll.·r. "''""'" · . ING llfflt> -Rrnungton . -CO,\'CORDE .l:>' ~pt.fi:,h 11111. euuoi·e .o 111s Ford. 2060 Open l'.!·SP:\1, ~nl-~un )Q.J ~ v " .,.,.,... -<> Qurcn. :1 .1 r r a c r o r y -a 1 · 3n,...,, 633-.1749 Ha1·bt:Jr Bll·d C 1 i\I 1093 * * 1.000 JI). CLA RK ::-•"<""''". ,1,,.3•. Office Furniture/ u on1a11c v--v<J, 4 x seopr, cat d1csrl. . · os a 1 csa,I C BAKER, CM H0TPOJNT wa~hrr & dn rr. ;;•" "" '~ "'u-vu ~ · 2 5 °P.EF' "/TIE 6" 0010 ·~ FO RKLIFT. ~l'i:.n. j --Equip. 824 rarrying case $1:, 548-4001. '·~ ·"" NS COl\CORDE,:;3·spl-l1sh. '"n .. ·. · • _.:.'rar F;1ir\·1ew e ';)f6.\IJO . Xlnt C'Qr.d. ,\Jov1ng. $12.). lor Phonr 61:\-fi'.1 \i I LlO\\'NFILLt:D davrnporl, \\'JNCHESTE:R i\lo<I. 12, 1'.! 61~-liZ'J~ "!('f'C.' cru'.i,"~s.. ron SAL1' .• l raring ~tan NE\V 'lDXj2 2 BP., 2 b~. ~et . 6i;...i1{12. • -"'""1ng mHl'hlnc, hrdn::ittn1 S.\lALJ~ orrtCI:.: SA FE gauge. Trap gl'ad!'. $280 altf'r 6 pm J~LANU \ACllr !'ALLS ;\l1llrr i-.anbr, 1 racing Ready to mnve in. $11 ,950. SEARS N!fl Heat elec. dryer, MiscellaneOU$ 818 fun11h1rr. 111i~r. 6i:Hl~~~. Good conrlitiQn. $i:l. firiTI 892-6838. ADORABLE 6 11·ks old kit. ]88o Hart.or Jsl11nd Dr1\'e ~' hock ~al101. .\lo\ ill).!'·rn11~1 Ten11.~ C1·r.rnl•'f1f Park i mo.~ olrl, exerl rond. SIOO f1rlt l\.'lass11i;cr. hra\'.v cluty. POOL TablPTimn;:-1,~ l )r· *f>.ll-!600 • TV R d " 11'11S & n101h,.r Fre~ to good ~an Dir.go. CalH, 92101 ~f'll! .t125 ei:ich. 6T.i-IU9, ]7j(J \\'h11tier, C.:'11. S.18-l6~ S3J..l~.'l.i. lj(). Lxcrllr111 L"Ond1t1011. nld, SGOO. Xlnl l'Ond )lus! JH\I tJrct;;;:-Type1\T11f'r, s 'ter:o IO, HiFi, 83, 1 _1it)n1es. :ilS--0813 or 83&-1493 ____ 1 7_::1_2!!1-~~:_ __ 6ll-jiJT aft .'ipn1. 1 1 Cameras&. • 6::7-11:·'6 • sC'll. ~,;-,;..(ij.~(). !Lil 11'.\,\ rEu 10 rcn1, Lido 1~1r e -fJN:"l-si;l1. 1111 by Noi·rlt ou 110:"\V,\ s~;;JO HC i·ani Equipmen t 808 U~. d1\'rr-~1·ul)a-1nfik 1111<1 n GAi. p~~-'ICO, ~ilrn1 ('.,II fil&-I0'.11. I STEP.ED, 19il \J/11:la1n1rd I ll ~i ,. .. .,,.,,, ""'"' "' ""' !or ""' "' """';" "'"" """"' """''" ";"'"' ,,,:1' !,-----------Con~hrl l ti 1·ri:ulatnr \100. j!1an1. flour. Ju .. , 11~h 11;1 )!OlJEl~~oo--:-~WnC:opier lay -a 11 a Y Grrra r d Pets ~nd Suppl+e• 1 sinall snilboa1 C•l'Oll fu1:: 8"-;::· 11111)11, gla-.s ba11cns. l"'?au~a.blr, 1\lakr o fJ('J' O:\!f.GA model E·I rnlargrr \'am;iha SO SlOO. 1~6-ISJS. filrfl:.o~ $100 or in;ikr, o/fer. !urntabJ(', ,\:\llf".\I ~lrreo. ro 6 1110. tii:ri'l.\G J.1kr 11<"11 $9j, 6i3-T2jl. 8!1-l:IJ:;. \1'1!h lens cond e nser 5 LEAVING ~la!<':---r1'<'r~1h1n_t: I GAS rangr .. ~60-:-;a;her. Slj -1 j\!J..4186 radio ,.. rape pla,vrr. Air 101,.-t'IBI::Rt.:CS-boa I, .1hp -. -LIDO 14-£0011,;-:-Si!lJ j 'li!l HSAb,iQ;.,. L1ghtn1n .. bascboanl. Also tilter &t>t I s fl" 11 k "' rs '' /eross-01•rr Pet1 Gen I •so oro d II '" mus1 go. Bar ~roob, lamps. rrh1grra101• s1·, ISr!J 11Jlr.. uems now~ • era o ni. r, o Y. ear lop 10•1"-1 "'SABOT ;,212. s1:;.-1 T1\111·1111: nit11l!•J.A6:Jl., :<n;:I pol)contrasl paper other n,. "I" "'2-8.92 61,, ·oi• Cal' ., 0.t:Jg i;ystem Slill brand nrw, t 1rr Almos I n,.11 s:z;;, Bo h · _, 1 1 darkroom supplle~. :l.i74i207 i.,~. ~ '-·.,.. 1 · I ., . .,... '6~-.... k S..ve• llOld for $,';19 w/11•iuT1u11y. SQUIRREL ,\lonkey, l year.; ~lJll. 1 rac(' rigg.,._, & 111 .\ln1 1111111 '1'. o n11. 'nt rund 1i>'Z7 Oriolr. Cos!a i\1r~a . Antiques 100 Antiques 800 Antiques 800 Pay oil balancP of Sl20 or old, n1ale "'ith r.agf s2:i. 1..·<uldition. 6i3·Cl~-_ l -~~00~. 6 IG-8317 aft :i. \' flSHICA c11mern. sunrr li. m" v I r Branrl Ile\\'. $7:1. fi.jfrfiJ 71 . Furniture 810 RIG c~la tr 1.~ ~lnrf1n-:: ."air of 11 1ll<ln1.~ 111 f11r11. 11·ill rnd. 8' vrh•et ~ora & l01·r s<>;il, forn1al d1nin::: r1n ~ f' T. h1rlr·t1 -hl'd, 1111por!rrl teak•ood 111bl"s. O('C'a~1(111al rhal11'. hr11111 S p~ n 1 ~ h kin~s11r brcirno1n ~"r. 6' CQflP" lahk. '! rurl l'Olll· mod~s. Al~ \\'r~11n:d1n11<:f' rolor rnni;olr, rl~· \\.ill I :cr~~:IJ ~~-; ;:~I~~~* Prom1nf'nt 1n1"r flrf"'ralnr I forcer! 1tt 1·ar•Hr ~lu•lio h~ J u11e 30~ ~ To ::io• o rrllur· tions on quaJ11y hirn .. !a1nps, I p1cturr~ ~ srrr~~ !l·.~!l To ;,,30 Daily JS.31 \I r~rcl1ff nr. ,. r. naui:ahytlr ~nr~ ,f, ln1r~e11!, l'lf'\er u~ed $l:,O. )e•~ th~11 'i or1g 1n 11I ro~!! Ali.o hide-a-i1f'rl . 5' <'fJffrr t~h!r. 2 t'n!1 romm0,-Jrs, Complr1r ~p11n1.•h k111g·sz bdrm se1 ! 213/92:'J...'\622. Kl :\"G Si Bdr111 ~rt incl dresser, dr~k . bkl·a.<r. 1n111- IN'~~. bxsprr1i;~. H11y11ood \\'akef\Pld, S·!j(). 64·1-3468 THIS BflRG .\I~ \\'ON 'T LASf. &aut. $1000 so/a for ~'lro. Likf' TK'\\', hurry. 644-1.illi. -1-po~trr ms!~y-brd 11·/8 drav.·rr 1lre11ier $150; mar. ble f:'nd !able $2:i: 1 rlra"cr de~k $15. 67~7i37 or .34;)-24:56. 3 SEC .. ~forl Liv rn1 ).(Jf;i 11'/4 m111rh 1ablr1< Vrry reas. Lascala. B ro 9:JOA,\l 644-8166. RECLINING naugahyde, <'Ond $35. Ave, Cd;o.1. l"hAlt, b!11.ck vibra to r. xlnt 50·11i J11 s1111ne DANISH lrak bookc:•sc &: desk. chair, rotor TV, ~rm sel, rhLldN>n '1 desk, typev,.rller. 833-2691. : ~ P ER SlM.l\10N hide-a-bed ~. 2 • Scotchauanf OC· euion.l chn SlO. e a . MM:J75. NEAR new rorreou• 11tthon- al cwt snoo. -.. criti~ tor $450, plus hereulan .ala It l~.C. 645-0036 DRAITED-f.w rythini;: c~s. Gn!at btlrpln1! Hur ry. 723~~ W, Wlr110n CM . 5-i&-3768. ~fPL. Se t of ratran furn, Bl r. N 111 ut . !;ofa . IAmp.efmlsc. '44--0317 Oaraie clufterr.d? $1!1J )'(lUr "Elepha.nta" tut .. c&ll Dal· I)' Pilot Qeu•fied nowt -I AUCTION! CONSIGNMENTS-l·OVE RSEAS CONTAINER Andreo'5 Antiqwn 2380 Newport 8oule ¥ard, Cost~ MeM:J SUN., JUNE 27tll-11 A.M. 'TIL 111 .l\ppro>.. $125.000.00 \.'aluation -1\ F'1ne Collection Dealers Bring Trucks Antiques ,, n I 1(p1r r111·n11111·r-/\r'1·»~~'1n,.~ Clrwl1 •-Vll'l1•fllll1 l 0 ph'll1<lnry F1om~~--'100 Chn1r~ t.-P.nrk"I$, 1•111r Bras,-Jrnro1•t.E1qu 11 1 <.:ol lr1·tlon Dealers Bring Trucks frrn<'h-E11i;:l1-h-A11 ... 11"11>11-:i11Rl'l!,l1-Amrric11n PAr:TIAL LJ ST!:'\G · Ca1"1'f'd IValnut 1Jin1ni;: Roorn Tabl"• & Clla1r~. bl'a.11rilul big Sid.-IJo:ird~ 11·1!h m111•ht .. 1ors & lh1t1·h, Srtv<-r~. Elr· l'(ert', ~-E'al old odd Chi1111 C111Jinr1s. Curio Cahln<'ls. 8.....,1k1•11'"' \1·ith ;!a.~s door~. odd 01aroll' top :\'i1d1t S tands, 111~0 f)llir~ nr S I Anrl~. Jll'ir of Loui.• XV .-arvl'd bo111 rnd Brds, pi.Ir "' fl11 •11·1an T11 in Rrd~. n1any, n111ny (lrri\1 Arn101rr~. m11orhlr lup \Vn~h Stand~. Brnt"·ond Ch11i11<, 1n1s ,,f odri Din111c: Cha1rli, Vi1·1orian S r•ltr". Chni~r. Parl••r SP\, \\•1('krr p1rrr~. Rl"Jl'krrs, fin,. Drrs~"l-S, Virtnn11n Chrsts. 10 [L Jia.1 1 i\!irror 111th n1arblr !up Cheli! Ba.~e. Good ~rlf'(.:\lun (If ntd O!!k pircrs .. , CLOCl\S -Grandla 1hrr CLOCK~. s,·h,...,I <"LOCl.:5'. f\1·111111ful rnJHop dl'~ks, Pon·rlain Stn1·,.~. F:ni;:;l l~h ~1d,.l1<111rcl~. Cloth"~ l'I'<'~-. 11 ~sor t<'CI Bf•Xf'!i, fi\',. f'Qi\1PLF:TE fr:E i'\CH & AUST l:IAN Bf.[). ROO~I SUJTF.:S 11·ith T111n B<'Cls. ni i::hl ~land~. Drrs~('r & T\1·in Ar· tnoirrs. PhonOATaphs. "tc .. err. Accrss••rl"~. hundrt'ds of items too numerou.s to list. (A S~i1I Con1lgnm1nt from tht lmporttr1!) OVIR 40CI ASIORTED \V il'k('r Jlir«!'S, UH·r~rAlll., T:n1:krrs. Chnir~. T11blr~. Alt io hi" ~"Id ;t i 1111rlion 11·i1hn11t rrsrr1·r . Lilf'rAll.Y hund1•rds of othr1' (l('~ll.~innal pi~ecs & old accessortcs lo ~o on 11ale. TIRMS: Appr11. 2.S,,. ca1h upen '"''rll el ltld. l1l1nct on pickup. (In conjunct. \l•llh Coasl Au(·lion• ZllO Newport 11¥4., Cot,. M.,. AUCTIONEER ln•,.ctlM ln¥1tt4 IDOOltS O'IN 11 AM.) - Dolly t• tlmt ef 111•. ~n1all pa~·menL~. Credit 962-!!S:I~ Bo.at, Motor &-T-;;il-;r·1 · PENQU !N 1t ':1·•['70 l!Oi\'DA CB·i:,O. f·arnn,t: rlf'pT, 1193--0'101. Cats 852 S:,00 • ti·12-.1.;:>2 ~a1lboat-L1kc ne1r. racint; .t· r"lr"'· ~11M. Al"ll. 'il !9il ZEJ\ITII & Adniir;ill Boats, Ma int./ hard11 arr., lrlr. lrleal fol' flo11 ('J[ l:hall<'ngrr ~ \ J:,. i•lo.~l'-<iu! Slll". Lowr>sl BUR:\IES_f;_ k1llrns, g rraT Service 902 bay sa1l 1ng. ~j9J. 968-122.~. I lloth Xlnl rond. 646-jf16.~. prier...~. 3 yr pict11 rr n1hP. 11 r~~·sc1nal111e:<, Love people. li KITr.;\21-GoodCUnd. 1 0Jr.:r-n1kf::"l~o~-xTnr )r p11r1s & ser1·lcc. An1r11n;i S'l.i. ·'111~1 :<f'll. 6 12-81.)~ pr. i-; VENT 1 VI·: 11111111· .~'1.~.i. 11~ .Jr1de, Ballxl.'\ I <'Olld. C11.~!orn p1f)f':< ,.: sea1. I-rrrrnll<'P-liy li\1 d i c ~ .. 1 I ' in.~t~lled 11/a!! eon~ole~. Dogs 8" j ls anr!. 6j.J..j56~. 'fi.'.1 rnc:, ,\1akr.. oflt r •. ...,. n1ccl111111(.'~. F.:.;~1,.·)! Diescl ABC color TV, 0021 AU11 1Ha. I , j,'11'!". "o. 3,9, ·'L', .• 1• %S-122~. j .\ ;;r111r Scrvu·<', (;42-1610. I •• • " "'"""""""c--.,-.,--~ H.B. 968-::::19. ST. Bernard, l.ol'al1lr, I yr co D o .,.9 v Z' .. N"l'rl l-23 .. ---· old. Oro11n & 11 hilc fPn1,,1., Boats/Marine i\ /Tl . N., b. \V. 2!.\J, pc1•fecl cond.I RS·\V TV , ', E SGl .1. b73-48lli All exlr<o~ &. s er v ! c e 11'/rrn1otr rontml. \Valriur \\'/good n1arkin1?"<, Ow nt>r quip. 904 --------reconls. Dr. :5cott ;tt+.j262 movln" & 1 k C1\T,\:'llARAN 13' s;ulboat. 1~11.<.vJ" XJr11 ('Oncl. SliO. . ", · canno ""P· OXJDJZ EO 1 or 495-134~. I fH2 -3s1 /l,11r all pitp('rs _ niany g ~-~-~ h 11 11 .~, C11l Cat 11·/11'lr. Xl nt ('OnU . -i.,· charnpron.<, H<:1s l'IOl iPI rrstorrd 1n (111;:. lu'f1•r. SllJOO/otler 8~7-i'.:J4. • '71110:"\'DAS e nrc;--Kl.1£ model 1 2 b b d · l\:a;.;Ps th'll rr~1~1 d<'lt:>rarn1 SL~;;(! & SL!Ti I 1kr nrw eru re . Pajd 01·1glriaJly 3 Gl11~s sloops; Cal J•I. · • '· • • 1 ~pr 11k rr~. mii1rhin"' !'~ 1 11a~hdo\\n for" 1110 . .+-, :\!u~t sell 61'2"1 "' ""'"'• 11·111 SI' l 10 nghl family Enl"SOn 3.), Lion 3.:i. ' · · "" l.J I B.117\la.\' calJl!lCI Sl."J(l 10\al. ' .i1.2:. !II $2 Jlf'! r1 :\lnl !-12-ii6:, S~ ;,, 96!1-Jj:;~. rrfrr"ncc~. Cal! .11·1-'&S3 hu ~\vco Rkr. 6ij.-b'990_:__ 1 1~.;~_ IOOcC: BL:LT1\CO Shl'rJ>ll. :!1 " T\"'s S20 _ s23--UAL\!,\TIAK-AKC fen1a1r, J appl e SABaT, racin~ Shuck. ·' (,rood cond. R.a<"' C'XJCI ~nrlirion )f. i\ef'ds largr )Arri Xln1'--.-.-----H•!l hull. Xlnl t'lnd ,'\(I _rra~_:_ l'l!lj ~2-13.Jli. ' -· i··~ 11/l·h1ldrrn. O brd i r nt·r:\IERCLi~) ant.I Vuli·o 111Q_'l. l2i71 be,:\ of1·. 6jJ .. ';;}jj l }~iO ll0:"\'0,\:;,10 <.:1:---, xln1 1 ,-100--"-,-1'.-'c"_'.:.:1~·· • -!r;.unrd n,. a son 3 b I e' ~~,'~; ;~,'.~,!',~~~1,.,,~~. !~fl'~. \'Ei\'TL'ftE:, lllit'd fully pqpl 1 c·onrhl1on, cu•toni.. Sj,';(), Call ·· • COll,<;O " s t " r " 0 812-8001 ...,.. ' v "" f\'>r ra.-1111:. lot~ of ,)< .... ~~.. S.l&-W:l!l. ,\\1/f':\1, 11 /biir. ~p.olll~h -------__ 1J<1I 1·ahl r " 111~11·11111,.11'•, ""'' ~r.1 Ir s2·.o .. '!:10-~9 1 ,\IJORABLE "h11,. l'ckr ... -11 1 n rl sh 1") d < all nr 11 S l~lij 008-96:~1\. 1 '6·1 cn"E"c"·v7F":.7s"2":0~,-,-. c,-,-,-"'-,1 BA;,;,E ,(· rnoh1J,. CB 1'n111pl;;; IJllO!;. llh1tr IOy Ch1huahu<1 Bil1;a1n :.1~:~".Q ~IOD t:L:i;;aih-;,:--S<>hoon"r l nrw i>ni;:, ll"ll 1•h111n. Xlnf I 11/1·r)~lals ,{-2 ,;nrrnnor '\'~ IOyh ~idl~~;1 ~1~1111 ~1SAl3UT ;;;a,.1 & hoo-n1 1·uclrlrr 1.1dio rn111111I , rrady lu sa 1! _,.o~I. l~2::.0· 9(l2--0.·i.i7 SJ'.!;, 01• offrr ;,~8-46!S. ~-.~ ~i>.~'.1 1 •.. oi ,~· lr,.M;irrl. J.1k<' n""' S . .11 B»s! ofr. j.!S-2X.'i4 , "iU Tl·:!U,\Jl'll-Oaytmi;-;.oo FOr. Slllr. KLJI SICrl'O lap•• ..=:..::.: ·' r~ --d~-1,,IS CUSTQ_\l Kl"I E ,\io ,1~'.l ,·r, 1700 n1lles. Xlnt cone!. I t\f"GH :\.'l:S ,\KC B-,\1 -----\lu-~I •r!I tt;'-"_ .·li<"r h S!!'.iO. 4!J.\-122·1 ol1 ·,·k ,t ~f1<·;1krr, hnndlr~. fl"U~lrrl hla!·k~. 10 Boats, Power 906 , 612 "''' · ..,,>N ' fill·OJ.)i ..., 1~71 Yil!nahu-.''61J ~r11 , <>nly 1 wks, li11c qualt1y, \'Cry 1'l'a· '2S S/S Un1fll1r Ft; •Tul~rr 1 .~()[) 1111. ~lu~t !iell Call wnab!P, t('nlls uk. 8~Q.;;.Ji!l ri·ri-.vlhin.: f,,r li-hin~ 1111,1 1 COl.U:-0181'.'" 22, ldte orw. fj7.ri2l:!. I I[' 1BR)TT \N\' s I ~ fan1ily fun i\lusl ~f'r To<'l ].()adrd. i:;,.!J or 1radr. 0 11 n. ~~~-~--- ' Y /J .pan1e pups-.. . ,, Nnwp, I ,,.,,~, I -,, i'\1-IAllA os · •)J\~ I ret to 011 Id A"C • I murh r(lt1in In l1sl S7'1i(l ~r. '" • s LP. ~-"' 1 • • u. ~.JV1..C . 1110 o , " rrJl. :SlJOll" r·· · ·· · --------J IOO milrs Sj:J(l . • dual cha.nip bloodlirtf'•, g00cl .)17·609! \67l-l!l01 c1·r s1 F~BERGLA SS Shock ri.e:grrl l Lines, 2 Times, $2.00 hunllng linr 7l•1/j26-J422 • .--2!' CllRIS C -;.;Abo r-Useit 4 r1n1i>s, $300. • 5·'17-till"i • 1----------·I---. RAfl ·io l"'r, --0-,r-"___ ---GFlEAT Dane~ AKC, w/1 anf1em trai!rr. j ljlj(J. J ("' ~~i. "" HO:-:DA 160 ~'REI:; 1-\itten.., ,, Siamese. 6 I f e Ii~ !lO~DA '10 O em11 e J1111n pups. Chanin Call 17141 ~28-1113~ .ll!RORA 21' fgl~ s,l"lf'Jfl .s11 " · ' lrecks old6.i: ... J 11~ s~?<=k, ~ Sho1v qua Ii I y. 1~;-~flite-110-~lrrc~l /O. !. xtra.~ i\11·p1 .">.lip ll8001of-Call 962-i164-c~= I 9G:l--46:l.1. xlnr l'Ond w/trlr. Irr il1: 494·2911 1-10:\'DA 30\ xlnt rond. SQQ 6 i\lon1h old mixtd bf'~ll' GER:\1,\N S Ii 0 KT fl A I P. SJj()(l, 6~6-6lj4 I Boats, Sllps/Docks 910 or he~I oflrr bro11·n wi!h white marking~· POIN1'~R. l )I', feniaJc . . __ 1 C.<1.ll 962·2J l4 on feet £68-6263. Al\C. · \\A;o;Tf.D· 1railrr fc>r :lo fr. Boat Slip for renl, e l!l70 ~r • .1.iO HON=o"A-."Xl~n, * F k'H 207 P . • • j4g....81ss • 3.00'.l lb. ho 1ide tie up to 30'. C'Ond 1600 S 5 7 5 rce 1 ens, rin. __ _ * * 646-46~ * Call 67j...lt4:i · m1. · rrlon Or, CoUegf: r a.rk. GOLOl-:N Retrievf'ri-.AKC-I &12-~7-11 · .l-IO-J.jJ2. Chanip lil'J('. Show & lirld 27' DRAKE:-Crafl Exp. ~LrP SPACE 1\VAtL '6.1 TRJU:'llf'!I Cuh 200. Good CUTE Htallhy KiHrn~ rl'&dy .).l:l-8.Jn Crui~rr. 27.i hp, Ch r )' s. L'-30' SArLBOATS l'(lnd. I o11·nf'r .i22:,, f<'r ;uloplL<ln. 67~ ~~m~~~';;;~l;~~l~'~''~m~o-~/'~'~'~'-~'·~99~'~· ~6~73-6~~9~r1~· ~::::::~*~6~·7~,__~-~·~·:::::::.,.::::::::::~c~,~ll~&~l&-~2311~:,::::::;.. I &16-0lOO. or S~,\IO YED puppie~. :! 1110·s. AKC, chan1p prd. .1\00. FREE KITTENS Shoes, dcwcla11·s, ~H3-80lil 893-:1867 :::.CoTTISH Terrie r puppy-:: tiftEY ~·1 urry klllrns k 3!] AKC, n111 lf', 3 nio old hli\f'k female l'llL. F'ree. w/sOO!~. SlOO. 962-1j2.), MH87!1. AKC Beaglr~. .i---;k~~""""'(;id, 'i Irish Sett<'I' Pup~ • ."1 \\'ks n1alr £ 11.'malc , $3;i ro S:JO. nlrl lo gd honit. 830-8376, 833-lS~. ;\fis.,ion Vito.lo. 11 ;71-.,,foc,-:0cld,-,P"tc.-,Cchc;h-,-,ch-,.-I h,TrENS, n10lhrr·~ ~Ian.-.:, malr dog. All 1100ts " n1!~crl li11cr, weaner!. boio: llcrnsed. 842-8.129. lr11 inf'd fl \\'k.,, 5"4&-2413. AKC '\.'cim11r1.nf'r. xlnf 1 yr DARLING 1, Su1mc1'f', xln'I nlrl . Outgre" our yard. S3.). tcn11){'r111n('Jl!, .II "'k>', 11·iJl &l:l-Si12. .:lvt sho1 x .. l,l:i-:ioo.i. GREAT-co-,-~-_,,-,-,-,,--, •, L F: AV J NG ro-;;-nlf)-Good yr11r.~. 11·in1n1t'd ,. 1 r ~ Jl imala)'&n-Siarnr se f 1 'C " <I Lovablf!' JM'1. 89~2. malr cal. 10 mo. 61>-li06. 51". HER:\ARD Pupi;, AKC ~·nf:E KrT'l'ENS SJ·IO\\' ~PE.,. QUAL/li' TO GOOD 110 ;\t E CALL l-;,J-Hil~. 96S-SJJ( GETL\tAN ~pht'rd 9 "k~ I o==--------1 old. pups by ch. Bmon's YOL:NG n1ef'l)I ~hafl"d rub-!1111nms CD. :>!7-1 48·1. l>f'r u~e Y11u r!ig:. Sf..'.YF; Tcrrif'r Pups .-Cil3mr ;,.1µ17~ I , s rrd, Al\'• .. S1urdy, )O)il, f'loU~lil nl .. ·ol!l-2:,;; t • l\lj~~92 • • !'Ci·!:\"AUZf:R Pl;P-r ror 1ti11 !i!rrtl 1~nllrr $.j()~ Groon1ir1z. stud J t. r \' i c c try t~ Ppnny Pincher T•1'111~. 8~H)lll!l. 2 ,-; PILOT ·ADVERT !::OE R Wednt~aJ, Ju11t 2l, 1~71 DAILY PILOT 8J I ......... l§J I l§J l~·_ ....... _ ... ~l§J I l§J '~'-""1_""1·~l§l I '""'"''"· l§l I l§J I .._ ... _ l§J I 1§1 Autos, Imported 970Autos, lmporf9d 970 Autos, Imported '70Autos, Imported 970Autos, Imported '70 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970Autot, Imported 970 Autos, lrnport9d iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r---"-T_H_E_S_M_A_L_L_C_A_R_S_T_A_N_D_A_RD __ O_F_Q_V_A_L_IT_Y_!!!,w¥n~1------D-A-TS_U_N-Sl_0_4-DDO--R -SE-DA-NI BELOW IS THE COMPARISON CH ART •.. let Co"• Me,. Dats un show you the 2-door or 4-door Dahun 510. It's packed full of extras ... ALL AT NO EXTR A COST. Features such •s t inted 9la1s, white walls, reclining bucket seats, full carpeting, flow-through fresh air system, disc brakes end fully independent re ar suspension end an OVER HEAD CAM ENGINE ... All AS STANDAR D EQUIPMENT. Come in dnd test drive now while selection is good. A.SI( AIOUT COSTA Ml!SA DATS UNS ' HIGH l ll TllADIE IN ALLOWANCE 1971 Datsun 510 Sedan Comparison Chart Si.re Wh••I· Acee!. B••• Front Overh••d Flow·Thn.1 Turning Winner of the treacherous East African Safari. ALL THIS AT NO EXTRA COST En!illne Lenglh Width Heigh! W.lghl Meke Cu. Jn. HP. In. In. In. In. lbL DATSUN PL 510 0-60 Ind. Reer Disc Lbs/HP. Sec. Susp•nslon Dralle• Com Fresh Engine Air Clrcle Ft. e Reclining buck•t 1eet1 e Five-mein-b1aring 96 HP 2-DOOR 97.3 .. 95.3 160.2 11.4 55.t 2050 21.3 13.5 YES YfS YES YES 31.4 overhea d cam e ngine W• •r• introducing a new hifher t ract.In all owan ce during ou r big expansion pro- gram. 4-DOOR 97.J •• 95.3 162.2 61.4 55.t COLT 4-DOOR 97.5 100 95.3 160.& 61.4 53.1 , ... 21.7 14.0 YES 2120 25.5 13.3 NO YES YES YES YES YES YES 31.4 30.2 e Up to 25 miles per gallon e 0.60 in 14 1•cond1 FIAT 124 SrECIAL 11.0 70 95.3 151.1 14.D 53.1 1H2 25.1 11.3 NO e Fully independ•nt r••r NO YES NO 35.1 suspension GREMLIN 199.0 "' 16.0 111.3 7~• 51.1 2633 20.5 15.3 NO NO NO NO 32.8 e Front disc bre ke1 OPE L KADETT NO. 31 65.1 .. 95.1 111.1 11.t 55.4 1717 30.t 19.I NO NO NO NO 34.1 e 3 1.4 foot turnin9 c:irc:ie PINTO 97,5 75 14.0 113.0 l t .4 50.0 TOYOTA CORONA. 4-DOOR 113.4 '" 95.~ 111.t It.I 55.1 2013 25.S 11.5 2170 20.1 13.5 NO NO NO YES 31.5 e Stande rd a ll-sync:hro mesh 4-s peed transmitsion loptiona l automatic available) NO VEGA SEDAN 140.0 •• 97.0 111.7 15.4 51.4 VWSEDAN 9(1,7 •• 94.5 151.1 11.0 59.1 YES "'° 24.3 14.S NO YES ,. .. YES YES YES YES 31.5 33.0 • Tinted glass, whit•walls, f low-through fresh air. system. 30,1 11.1 YES NO NO YES 31.0 e AH at no ext ra cost. DATSUN 510 2-DDOR SUPER VW 96.7 •• 15.3 160.1 17.4 19.1 1911 33.0 11.3 YES NO NO YES 31.2 VW TYPE 3 96.7 05 14.$ 170.1 Al1 ITT!onn•1>0n t..1.....,., C0<r•;;J 1t hme <.I ll"Klltng Ho-~. at>w1111• ac.:11<~ C•"""I bf: g~•·•nl..,.,, 1nd Ill >1••<11.c•I"',..,, ••r~uo1rc1 10 ch•~ ,..If....,! ~•ll·~ 13.2 57.t ,,,. "'·' 11.5 YES YES NO """" l 1""'"'-' • n• Wtir•I Ot!\ .. 'fl~•· l~g•'>•·ll• ... -:.'"9 .... ~. NO 31.3 s lj ""f ''A.sk a Datsun Owner end Then Decide.'' St; ff e l MILE SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FREEWAY CORNER OF HARBOR & PONDEROSA iti"'"iii"""'iilil'liilw'•· 2845 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I 540-6410 I Attention Datsun Owners! f Ytllr 011tun, In trallt , it -rl!t milrt 11 C11!1 Mt•I D1t111n. tTry \II 1nd '"I .+ l •i & Lie. & 0 I H e SERVICE e AND WE MEAN SERVICE! To Your Complete Satisfaction At All Times! ONI OF THI MOST respected &-recoml!leltdM Dal'lu!I MrTlc• deptL la Se1i1tker11 c.nr. Wltti ~·cilln.d lk--4 focfory trallutd technlc.!0111. "THI FIN EST OF 240Z MAIN TlNANCIE" A.NY 4j1UISTIONS AIOUT StlYICI CALl THIS SlRYI CE HOT LINI 540-0213 I A.M. TO S P.M. ONLY' A COMPLETE WELL STOCKED PARTS DEPT. Trucks 962 Autos Wanted 968 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, lmport9Cf 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 --.---CASHP DATSUN KARMANN -GHIA PORSCHE TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN Cycl••, Bik•s, Scoot•rs 925 15' TRAV brakes, bump!'r. :l36--Sl29. trlr, sips 6, Elec Healer, B i ke C leen, $675. RECREATION CENTER ROY CARVER, Inc. for 11.!ed CB.f'I Ii: truck.!, Juat call u1 for tree estimates. DOT DATSUN OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS '71 KAR.i\1ANN Ghia ronv, Immaculate. 7,500 milt-s. Great present for grad. 5'1S--0769. '56 Porsche European ~s body work. Good eng. necenUy everhauled. New hl'arls. For iiale er trede. $700 nr bst. ofr. 833-0936, TI-IE TRIUMPH VS STAG NOW ON DISPLAY Come In for a test drive! '69 VW ~ug -Going overseas, need lo 1eU. Ex· ce llent condition . Radio/healer, rear speaker. paddt'd dash, fender guards, bumper guards, wood •leer- ing wheel, coooa mats. New tune-up and brakes relined. Ca ll S.1S--61Jl alter 6 p.m. '66 NORTON 7;,Q Chopper Co1nplete!y rebuilt $850 or besl offer. 67:>-27~9 1969 JIAHLEY Davison -74 Show Chopper, fl! u ~I sacr1ficC'. !\lust see to ap- prociace. 635-8116. $3j(). 12' travel trailer, Fully equip'd, Si ps 4, * 5®--1744 * Trail•r•, Utility 947 KAWASAKI '71 .. AJnlOsl SEARS 1 v.·heel trailer ~. 1971 License Brand f!(IW. Low! Lev.•! ;\filcage. 83S-Sro1 • * * 675-4463 ** * 2925 Ffarbor Blvd. Costa J\1t>sa 546-4444 VANSI '69 Dodge Van $1895 '69 Chev Van $1895 '61 Oirv S!C'p VM $89J :!6. School bus, camper ccnvC'r lcd $1695, PTL P.fo!or:s Zl86 Harbor Blvd., C.!\T. &16-""'8 '64 INTERNA T. SCOUT TOURli'\ll BIKB-531 rube Auto Service, Parts 949 lramr, camp, Se"'·up whls, 2.i'!o DISCOUNT on all etc. CaH Jeff 64·~,j.17. a utomoti\'e repair. Present 4 sp!'cd, radio, hra1er. l\\11J- '69 J-I ONDA CB 450. 10" ad for <liscoun!. S{>f'cial ~79 ) Dar" ic:k I in ports, 9!lli forks, JK'!;S, ~1s~y bar, $6.iO, srf'\'lf'rs for r!ec-rric cars. So. Coast H11o·y.. La~Jllll 5.ii-4923. :\ID ,\1.1lo1nollvC', i',114 Ne\l"lon, Brach, :~1G-10:il nr 4~!-9771. Mobil• Homes 935 Costa i\fesa, 642--362:i Ex-pirr.-.: fi/2;>/71. '6~· r·orr!, 4 \\'Ill rlr. \\lnch, 10',l' Trave:J QUC'i:'n, niany CO NTEMPO-i\UTO parts ·~ Chrv Iron\ x tra". Must sell. Scnous of. LAG UNA H ILLS rnd ·;,s Chev {loors <I cloor frrs only. 54&-0079, or eves 2:1.\01 HIDGE HOUTE DR. v.:agon tv.•o straight axles 491i--20lZ. (Corrwr of ,\loulron Pkv.y) pair of JO inch fl1ickeyl~=~~==-~-­ Prestige adul I 1'-0n1r 1unity ad -Thomson til't's 5-1~ 1690 Z201 l 9 5 ~ F' 0 R D ~~ I o 11 jaccnt 10 Leisure \\'orld. S. Hickory, Santa Ana. pickup/long bed. " lhOusand B l·r I ,. all n1 i!C's on rebuilt en~. Nr.erls eau 1 u !Urroun 1ngs, 19-HI ·v-8 flathrad ('ng!ne I · 1 '-Th 111inor body v."Ork. $4;,:1, uxury appoin ITTt'n...,,, er-part!<. S!arier $10. Genera- l ...,...., <"-Alter 5 pm . 5'18--5986. a pcu JC .,....,, .~unas, t xcr-1rr $10. alum. hrads $15. 101' cise gym, 4 billiard tables. pair, \\Pill trade for 40 Ferd 1967 Ford P ick Up Truck. niuch much more! PU. body parts. 836-5672 Real clC'en. LIJ'" mileage. &c beaut. furn models 111 $1430. Call aft 4 pm, GROTH CHEVROLET Ask tor SaJes 1\1'.anaeer l82ll Beach Blvd. Huntin&"fon Beach 847-6087 Kl 9-3.3J1 ANN IVERSARY •SO PINTO W/AUTO. Trans. S~ day, Sc mile, TH EODORE RO BINS FORD 2060 llAlillOP.. BLVD, COST I, J\lESA 642-0010 L\IPORTS \\'ANTED Orange CounUe9 TOP $ BUYER BllL MAXEY TOYOTA 1S881 Beacb Blvd. 18835 Beach BlvU. Hwitlll:'lon Beach M:!-7781 or 5-!G-Of.42 167 DATSUN 4 DOOR roz:; ABCi Bar"'ick J1nporls, 9!!~ :-.0. nast 1111)'., L.11~1n3 B<'ar h. 5-16-4!>51 nr 491-9771. LOTUS LOTUS AtrI'HORIZED SALES & SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS FERRAR~,--JJOO W. Co•" Hwy . Newport Beach '"""==== FERRARI MERCEDES BENZ AUTI-fORIZED SALES & SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3HY.l \V. Coast Hwy. Nc1\'port 8('ach 01 an9e County"• L,1 1 qest Selection N-e>w & Used Mei cedes Be111 Jim Slemons Imps. Warn('r & M:iin St . Sanlcl Ana 546.4114 l-l Beach. Ph. 847-8555 FIAT MERCEDES, nu 970 tires. rebl! eng, Very clean Autos, Imported ----"------1• Complcle Stock ot l 3j()(). '62 Peu,goo1 rehli ALFA ROMEO /IJDBfl """" . """h 1300 · 64 2-416 9 J or 6-1~1172. AL~-A '64 Spider-Re bit eflg, PRIVATE Party. 19 6 0 MW I o p & cover. f.]050. nil• SM MC'rcedC's $650. Ney.• ti res, 67>-9894 Ask "" DavP. "FRIEDLANDER" Rii i, """· Lorn" d Suf)"rinr k P l ace.ntia . AUSTIN HEALEY ""'"'· park-like !!('ltlng, 4-sale~ ! 1971 V\V Super Bug, Ei42-~l. CALL 830-3900 or 830-7~ engine l600 cc, Dual ported 'G8 Ch<vy no wo·_,0,,, ,., 1J710 llACH ILYD. 1%.l 1\frl'ft'des 2'1US. Xtn! h('ads. Under 1000 mi's. "" .. " AU ~JN 11 -• -XI I 'H lfl RA '1ADA 21 00 2 Bf<-· "' 1 e ..... ey .:ivoJU, ' 11 ' ...,_ cond, mony xrras. s,,.cia.J 1• • x , + $4j(), Tom: 549--3558 or aft 7 Push hu!ton radlO, hcarrr, ronrl, Top le lonneau, New X9.1-f.J66 e 5.'7-6Jl2.t Den, 2 BA. Lge porch, pm: 548--1610. ne\v 6 plys. Xlnt cond. 1 ~~~~~~~~-~-1 su!!pcns1on. Orig owner . carport Fully up...-aded ex ~""-"""'°'"'=~===~I •uiOO. 497-1084 tires &. batttry, $ 9 5 O · '69 .Fia t 850 Spidrr, lo mi's, A-12-2779 ' 0 ' -VW 40 HP ENGINE " B-1228. If ,. I ., 1 '----""'=----tr~. ~autiful vi,. w. '----=-==----I 11m m ra 10, x fl COfl( ,t MG 5JO..$W '68 OIEVY LONG VAN Fae 1 BMW $1400. 846-6257. Landscaped. ,..iTl('!!l Aduli 1 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii V8, ~1uncie 4 1pd, paneled, 1----------·l·--------- Park, Below cost~ a 11• "'·i(le ovali;, vent 111:indows. JAGUAR MG $20.S:io. !Sp11Cf' 9:-jl 52j \V. El !§] $1785 er Trade 497-1084. Automotive Exceilenct AUTHORIZED Norte Pk1\y. ~sc ondido .Auto•fol'Sale Q 1 ·,~,-u=sr~.=SE=u:~~.=.,~r~.-ro~v=.-n. & J SALES ,,_ SERVICE l:~'~"~n~·f"~·'~';"~·"'-=--uil1iii 1 .~;;;;;;;;;;;;~·;.~ '68 AGUAR New ti~s, good motor, $750, NEWPORT IMPORTS ADULT PARK • C.t.1. '69 2629 Santa Ana Ave, C,M. Lancer, ~52, 2 br, 2 ha, Antiquff/Cla11ics 953 646--683'1. I ownC'r, XKF.; 2+2. au10, p1vr tinted wlndO\\'S, wtr 1l11r, strir. F'acrory Air Cond, Dir, l\\"O 5x7 11oraee .!ihecl1, fenc-1940 Ford P .U. V-8 flathead, 1952 FORD Paflf'I, most ROY CARVER, Inc. Take small down or will Jin. erl yrl , lndscp 645---07S3 good engine. Need11 v.·ork. psrtii l'M!W m' rehullf. Bert 2925 Harbor Blvd. a.nee Pvt. Pty., Cali 540-3100 3l00 W, Qiaat Hwy. 2 BR l\lobUC' Home.$&!. l°'f'nt. SJOO or hcst ofrf'r. 836--SG72. otle-actep!ed. 543-1334. Coata M1'Sll 546-4444 or 491,.r.,os Call Ken Alt 10 Newport &act. 839--4296 eve11. AU day Sat. l UM CHEVY ~!a Ton P .U. e '70 BMW-Red. liunroor, am. 1----~-----Truclcs 962 ofj!D1' Sun. w/camprr. ~ A.'d/FM, lo m\. Per1ect '(5 JAGUAR J/8 11ednn. 9·y owner _ 20:x00, tel up In 646-8508 aft 1 pm cond. 675-6275. Auto, 0 r i i; in a I . Xlnl ~ THINI adult pk w/skirl\ng ' IWl'I-'$ Cht:vy Van, hvy dty CAPRI mechanical, saioo. 67>4177. ~ transp, flftthanicall)I good Autos Wanted "8 Ing. $6750. 536--0 • cond. $350. 549-4186. -"~" Motor Homes MO ~ y11cht th•t's not a boet. BILL COR\VIN FORD Orange Qiunly'• Condor Dl&. tributor, 230 S. Main St .. Orange. Close to t~e ma· jor freeways. 6.19-ll50 Or Kr 7-0444. \\'ANTED 1~' • 20' T/11.~le .. S.C .• rood cond. 64;;....(1446 or M>-""6 •.;;... FORD ]l).whef:l DU.i\tP °'1Ck. $11XXl or best oiler 837-1753. . JMQ F'ord P.U, v..a flathead, good engine. Needs "1Jrll:. $300. ('I r best offer. 836-5672. L!MO F\>n:J P.U. V..S Oathead, good eng1M. Nttd~ work. $300. or hl!11t off('r. 836-5672. '£j GMC 3/4 ton-heavy duty W/e.,1lrss. Mii. 4--apd. sgg;,, Altf'r 6. !W~5198. 1962 Chev 1, Ion Pick~up. Good ninning cond. $650. 646--5848. -------- ANNIVERSARY •50 AUTOS WANTED Top dollar tor dttn uaed can, See Andy 13niwn. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 llA ROOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642..oo'JO WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP USED CA.RS Ir )'Ollr ear ta: v;tn dtan, -u. first.. BAUER BUIO< 2.l4 E. 17th St. Coeta Meu 54$. TMS JENSEN '11 Capri 20XI auto, lo rni'1. Private 837-9696. am/Im. ---J -E_N_S_E_N ____ , parl,Y. "FRIEDLANDER" DATSUN '68 DATSVN " d:-, auto. R.lH, low mtles, xlnt <'Ond. $1300. 638--9110 or 511}.-m7 eve1. l\'nO Datsun pick-up Xlnt corMl. Ln mllea. 543-7592 Alll'HORIZED SALES :. SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Coaiit llwy. Newport Beach KARMANN GHIA IDJf •U.CM onrr. ,,, 893-7566 • 531.Q:U '67 MCB rdstr. x'lnt cond. al, x'lra.s lo ml's after 5 PIO. 5-16-3393 MUsr sell '69 ~!GB, excel eonct. wirr v.·hef-1.~. radio, blue, lo mil('s, Gfa-5664. MGB '70 DATSUN \Vgn, 11uto. 'fi7 GHIA, good eond, tro11hlt' 1967 MG B cttnvt-Lo ml. \\i N' Am/t'm. r-.l<1k" Ofr. f'vl rrt>t'. lo miles. 1 O\\'nrr. Bsl whl!. Xlnt oor'l(I. \Vhlal price ply: S48-8S32 or 646-8440. orr. &14--120t . 5.17--8717, 5'19-2440' '67 Porsche 5 Spd. Black. l\ilany xlras. Good cond. Asking $3900. Call betwn 12P!\f & 5Pfl1, 968--955G. PORSCllE faclory specialist, 9U-91.Z-356 servl~/repair. Pt'rson11l alt., Edgar !.J6.-5803. 1962 PORSCHE 1600 N coupe, clean. Must sell Im- med. Best offer. 57;;.1570. 1960 CLASSIC Po rs che roadster convert. Xlnt cond, 67.1--2647 1970 PORSCHE 91 4 ll!ag v.·hls, $3500 642-9~'i9 e\"e:J e 19TI PORSCIIE 914. Si!vf'r v.'/all extras. lilust 1cll. 494-5197. SUNBEAM '64 Alpine convt-58,000 mi, new palnl, o·<lr!ve, r.fJ('h-X firez. $485. 675-2805 1966 Sunhcam Al pil'll!, Wire wheel~. good 1>1ake orfer. S4S-~70 TOYOTA co nv. cond. TOYOTA NEW '71 NO DOWN PAYMENT $69.01 MONTH* 36 tnOI. Del. pay price. $2184.36 or ca.sh p r 1 c • $m(l3.55 Incl. Tu • Lie ' A.P.R. .14.54%. SerilJ No. J..ll.l47, •on apprcvl!d credit Biil Maxey Toyota 18881 BEACH BL. 84'7-8555 HUfllTINGTON BEACH Annlvenary ScH 1971 TOYOTA $Im FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E, l.!t St., S.A. 547·0764 O~ dally 9-9; closed Sunday '65 TR4A IRS Am/Fm stereo radio wire whJs, tonneau, rac g 0 rn w/ bk int. Btw: 6 & 9 flfon-f'~ri 67J..9605. '59 TR-J $275 Ei+l-1692 VOLKSWAGEN '64 VW BUG 4 SPCC'd , l'a<lio, hC'ahT. Unlw.. licvabl(', lll'lf!1'r 40,000 aetu.1! miles, Cherry! Barv.·ick 101- ports, 99S So. Coast l-1.igh· v.·ay, Laguna Beach. S.16-1051 or 494-9771 . '65 VW 1600cc enR!ne, r ebuilt '68 VW CAMPER Pop-top, R & H, 10,000 mil~. $Z'l00. or make offer. Com- plete with 1cnt. C&ll alter 6 P.~1 . 1 • 737-6449. REBL T V\V engine5 in 1tock -Repairs Ofl all V\V'1 & Pol'l;('hes. Opt'n eves til 10. 6~2-362.'i or :).18-8667 Mon rt1n.1 Sat 8 to 10. 'fiR V\V C11mp!'r, reblt eng, Xln1 cond, $2ij() or trade for '&I or '65 Porseh<". Betwn 5 & 10: 673--JJ74 "\Villi""· '67 V\\'-Ncw p11inr . Pone™-' r!ms &. AM /Fl\1, New brak<'s & •bocks. .$950. 64)-.5907 April l!L Holley 2 hbl. e 1970 DELUXE Vw·~~a-u~s-.1 Porsche dist. & coil, mag AM/1'~M radlo. !rlr hitch, wheels, cuslom painl, ex- haust & Iota of extras. Best se/\IS or full-length bed. offer or trade tor V\V Bwi. $2150. 642-5731. 548--5380. '69 VW WtstlaHa camper, ,65 YW AMIFM--extnc\or, Perteet cond, $2'100. 968-M95. Diamond button&. tuck inter. e ·s.i V\V delux b.Ji;, new Just rebuilt 1500, Holley 2 engine, trans, & tltt1, suoo. brl. carb, Porsche coil & * 962--3987 * disl flfake -Olfer. C a 11 846-4542 or 847.625.1. "67 VW SUNROOF --='""=..-==--IReblt eng. Lew miles, new '69 VW BUG b""'" suoo. ,.,.. .... '67 VW, reblt eng., new w/mag wheels, dlr. <YXU-brakes &: ba.tt. Go o d 787) $1395 1ull price. Call cond. $850, 64tNJJJ. 494-1744. VW Bug '68. Immaculate. l e VW '6'9 BUG -A.\of/FM, owner. $1~. 9iam-4pm ca.II a u n r o o t , Xlnt cond, 548-5551; eve!I 673-5000, fl350folter. Pvt Pl Y. 1965 VW BUG $650 673-4152. ... 642-9859 * 1:n~~~~ ::: i~~ '69 VW BLUE $1• enc. Spare wbl1 1r mere. Pvt PtJr: IU-7155 <9<""'1 or 67>-2469. Ifft VW BUG .Deulr.mi& W TOYOTA '64 VW, 16,000 Rebuilt eng, Good 11hape, $1100, ~ new til'l!a, paint, brakes, ·55 VW, x!nt cond, RAH ntw 1 -•'-phol_,,. ;:'"°..,;·;:548-9625..:,.;:;;;:,;,· ,--I ttl'P.1 A: br&ns, '695, ~s. 1 '66 VW CAMPER 557-8814 1966 Harbor, C.M, Best oUer ''5 VW $750 675-6053 * 54$-0715 * 1969 Tn)·ola Corona, 4 dr, 4 I "'""""-;iC:,,;;;:;0,.,-.,-.,-spd, r&b, xln 't cond. S1050. '62 BUG, Perfect throughout, .1969 VW CAMP Mobile, mw 64.>-3768. See to apprtciate, $650 firm. radial Utt.. uroo. '69 CORONA, 4 dr, 1tkk M3-2S49 art S:30. 6U.f792 1hlft, A-1 mint. $1,250 or '65 VW Vu for We. Xlnt 1968 LT blue VW 8111 needs make offer. 673-22!50. an!. New ttru, reblt JM:! a good home. Clea:n, $1,000. '68 TOYOTA Corona, 4 dr. 4 'l'W· S1~/ofr. 675.&)6 Call a.ft 6. 551-9117. 1pd, xlra 1harp. Only $950. '63 VW Bua. New tJiU& '66 VW dbl cab pickup. New C1U 549-3620. eng. Air cond. X1nt C(lnd, 1600 engine, .oft cuq>Jng =00= .. =,.,..-.,,JU"sr=--,;WISH=,,.---:.,.oc I S799. or belt 1Jrr. 962-2436. top, paint. 497-2097. furnishings ror ycur home, • '69 VW-21,000 mllf'8. • '64 VOL.KSWAGON find gttat buya In trwta.y'1 Excellent condition! Cood mechanleal cond. Clu1!f1ed Ads. S1485 • * + 546-5158 S-iOO. 14&-&C55 ' . . --• 1% DAJL Y PILOT WrdM!>day, June 23, llf71 Wrdnr~dAy, Ju11t 23. 1971 PILDT·ADVERTJS[R 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~? -z -1§1 '~' ._ .. M .. _-~l§J! ~._ .. Ml_~ ... ~)§] [ A,lool~S.lo ]~ l§J I l§l ~' ·_""'_""'·~)~I l§l I Aulol for s.!1 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Us.H 990 Autos, Used -------VOLKSWAGEN '61 2+2 VII. I'S, r·,11·1 Bir . Xlnl cond. $1700. SJS.-3344 or 6-12--0-llJ. CADILLAC 990 Autos, Used CADILLAC 990 Autos, U1oed ------- CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 990 Autos, Used DODGE 990 Autos, Used FORD 9'fJ •A•u•to•,•,•U•Hd ...... ~990~1 MUSTANG "1----------. * YELLO\Y 'iO VW BUG * •, , l!IUXI miles 49-1-3814 alter 6:30 VOLVO BUICK Largest Selection OF LUXURIOUS CADILLACS l:t?O ELDORADO, l u t I y t•quip. w I CatJ. aC.Tcssor1l'.s, nt•w prcn1iu1n IU"es, $5,9;,(), H'.U-OJ!H. ----------• '6~ E:! C11n11n1J • '\21 "u in, '67 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN '6."i DODGL Dar: llurst, 4 i-rit Poly tires, 310 ('U. in., C1·n., drk gru. 1nl. vin)l lop. C'all il l&-9023 aftl'r:. p.n1 . '• '• ' 1969 SPOftT \l'agon 400. S1Jve1· \\IWOO(I, lruHrr t\111·· 1ng packa~f. :'.Ian}' o!h{'r in Orange County CHEVROLET VS. aulo1nat1c. radio heater 1x.owrr s!eer ing & hr~kes, a1i- 1.ou(Hi1on1ng. CUK\,·152/ 4-spd, Blaek lea1hf'r in· 1f'r1or, Pl~. P/ll, An1r111·ii11 111;u:s. $1000. Da}~; &12-l~lti, l::ves: ~llHI031 .~~--l~liODG ~:i")arr . .$1.)() or of· CHRYSLER 1e.·. ;u;.1"". "' "' options. r.z300 f~rm. Pi:t par· 1963 th,-u 1970's 1001 Chevrolet, less than 300 ty. Ph. 4 to 6 pin. &l-l-SJ9J. :\_ n11. on eng, rac air. s!d 1968 BUICK Electra 24' 4 dr. ~iUCA, shift. Want lo ti·ade for l~c 1-'aetory al1". r1~. Pih, a(~ 111utorcyc!e. 491..-7664 CADILLAC ~--good l'Orld. $11!1!, I 9 3 AUTHOR!l(D DEAl.Lff ~·on SAL/:; York101\n Lanr, C · 1\J · 2600 HARBOR BL., '57 Chevy ~ornad, $li00. UIH ••ACM !HWY. a ; "'-j\QS 1.• 893::566 e 537-6824 ,,...;>-· • COSTA P.IESA 6~6-.\367 I. l 96.S R r Vcl=E=RcA--~FUCl~ly-,-q-, ,~p-:,.10. 9100 0 Pl' fl Sunday 1 ·~u::i~=c-11=c0v E LLJ:; -.\I AL 1 Bl;. ~~:---~--.Y-o!.-v.-o "FRIEDLANDER" $1095 ATLAS CllRYSLER-PLY~tOUTII 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa :'ll rsa ~6-193·1 '69 IMPALA H.T. t Anniversary Sale prd. $2300. Call :\Ir :'.lcKcn-BEAL:T Cortfuian C-o u Pe ~».l •'ond $~ or bf-st vf· f. 1971 VOLVO $2998 dry 6-12-1000 bh1n 8:30 & 5 D.V. l%9, full .....,11 cr, lit>aul ff"r 96l-JU7 1 ~'art Air, k1w rni.. lAarled, 1>.'kdys. ,~ ~---~· 0 tl.r .• Take> sn111ll down or ' .~~~-----~ sh'l'<"O. all x1ra.~. ·Kl,000 n11, '6~1 CIJEVY V;in, bl'.~! nlfpr. '69 CHRYSLER 300, -1 dr h1~tP. full p1vr, lo rn1lt'!i, air, many xtras. $2,J9:i. Erl+ii\97. COMET 1 '36 2 CO:\IET, tr.111~por1a11on . $1 -~J Call 968-1 i7:t good -~CORVETTE-' el L • "6S BUICK :-1>0rls \\"ar•o11, 6 1radC'. Call 5-10.31()() ur ! eaJl. e'91& ,., \1/ne11 tlrrs, ~ho<"k~ \\'ay Vl'l'Y good ('OOd1t1on . Gc-ne. f· ra~s. Clean & good l'Ond. under hluc liVok, at $·119:i or 6l·l-i077 ur 499--1209 _·_l>_l·_7:JOG_,· ,-,---c---c 1'6-I Veue ('pc-,:.1:i.1 un~ 1111 VOLVO :HS-3:«i3, lG&l Tu~tni , C.\I. ti~! oJr ).!7 &lf'l ---------1%6 Cl/EV, 8 l"Yl, l"a rry ;tll 300 h I \ \l/F:'. f --- --.· .. _-_,_. ---• '70 f>lONTf:: CAHLO C P. ·-5fl(. A. .\, ,-""" CADILLAC '64 CADILLAC Facl a1r. & et(' .• \lake> offer. anipei" Equip: ;iir, P.T. n1;1gs. :\lint 1:on<l. S\630. .; l""" Harbor. C.::,1. 646-!J303 a.~l·I, dual gas 1anks, 2 ~pd 6"<'3111 . 1----------lii>-8109 ..... . ~· '60 Voh·o In goocl ('Ond. l!l:i:i YLEET\VOOD -Vl'ry ll"i!llS. xln1 ('Olld. $12'J.i. =~=~~-- 9.'fromp! o\·erhaul. New Rood runnin(; l'Ond Call 1.ik i> rv·1~·. Full pv11er + 111r '61 Dodgf' Da1·1 S-150 01· ofrel". -102~18:i, 4!12-5757 all. 6:00 COUGAR paint & tire~. A~k1ng $450 or 1311! froni 7 1o 5 at l'O!ld. dlr. (\'G.JIB7l $71.i full C:;ilJ 5-16·1~. l..~r. ll! aft pn~ N.t ofr. 64&-564~i. 213/-13·1~708. Jl!'ll'e. C.111 ·1'.H-i7J.I. ~1 P;\J t";JIJ 6-12·8i'fl2. ();\J;; Q\\'Nt:P.~-·;i(:-l!EV. , VOLVO·~ PISOO. Blaupunk! The fastest dra111 in lh<! \\"cs1 I ~9-Eldora~1111 <.'Ond. 9 '1i'.! NOVA~6--Z)l:-i;t1t-·k-. -L<>-f\:c·t">cls !10111(' 11ork. Bocl.v in •' radio. Xlnt t'Ond. Ot·iginal . a Daily P ilot Classilil'd 21 !XlO m1 ., new tires. S:i.000. 1111. Xlnt c;ond .• \lake offt'r. 1·~crllent t.'Ond1!1on. $200. ' owner. 83J....26S4. Ad. &12-5678 I 4'.H-7133, 4'J.l-77!JG. ~.:)7...{i()(;2 638--3.)70, -·~-~~----Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos. New 980 Autos, New • . 980 '69 Cougar £Old XR7. J:lJ .. JV. P/B. PIS. p11·r 1111d11·s. air, au10 !rans. Xlnl l"Oll•1. $2j()(), 6i.')..J J93 eves ,i:, wkrn!s Autos, New 980 IH2-S792 ii II :J pin. ~--1 '&I DODGE CT. f\1·,v engine, 1Jr~k1•s, ~·li11f"h ,t· !In's. Sac $6,'J() 2192 :\liner, C:'.I. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. CO!ll a illcsa t>-12-0010 FORD '&I F1\LCON llAllD·roP. ----------1 BL-.illt1rul )'t•llow, a ir l"lln- 'li:l GALA:\Jl':, ~ dr. hdt11. tl1!lon111g, nt'W "2ti0 V$" Pl'. PIB. R&JI, lo n1i's. engine. New a 11 I urn a t 1 ,, SI~.-._ i;1:t-i7~•:;. lran~1n15s1on, new t11·l'i;, (all I!\ iii ~O~l~<l~J ~,.~,-,,71,-,,,-,~:.oo=. I II' 1 I h 1\ <U'l'u nt r ! 1na 1n1 a inrd Oni;in:1 I t)ll'l\cr. $'Jj(). CaU hy auto tk>alC'r f(;r h1!1 11·ifr. :, L,')-1,,j2 afl •I prn. PhOll(.' bl2-9-IO:i a~k !or t ----;,-,_.;--1c --2-1-1-1.,-1 C11sl'Y· $.l9.1. ft..] Ful'u rawan<' ...(r •lcce"7=CCO--=--= 2119 t'llJi. v1n) 1 lop, Orig '&:' LTD Squu·1· \\'agon. VS, owner. $:1;,o. %!:-6:l:J8. Fae air, PIS, PIH, lla<1 10, -- - -----Luggage ra(·k. L'nd<"r :r.t,OO'J ·.-.i run! S1a \\"ag Nrw 4 sp.1 iran.;. \ltf1 C()nr1. $300. Call mi's 11 /·I ne1> Polyi.:Ja~ 11h 1~('11·alls. Cat· like nl'w. ~i;;f;..~if\!; af~p_m. 81&-2·\W alt 12 pn1. •. '60 Ford S!arliner --1959 GALAX=IE~­ Xlnl t-ond * .l-IS-8!88_ ·I dr, P/s!Cl'ring, P1brakes, Autos, New 980 Air t-01ld. Radio, heatcr. Body & interior 1n good ron- dition. $300 or best oCJer. 549-0214 . .. • . •• .. .. :· • ' • [!J ~ Tlmo M•gu;"' Qu•lity Dealer Award for 1971 '67 .FORD Cus1om V-8 3 s pd synch1'0, stereo, n111gs & \\'ide ovals. Real s!iarp! $91). 892-68.lS . ·55 ~·onu Sia \\la~. gUlll! rond, bd eng &. g()O(I u·an.~. $100, !)(141~ Jas111ine Avl', CdilL NEW 1971 FORD F-100 STYLESIDE PICKUP pwr, .a ir. Xlnl cond. Nu tlres. $2UJO, Pvl pt y. 968-228.1. '67 LTD 2-dr, vinyl top. I o\vner. Xlnt COl1(!. All f'X· o·a~. SHiOO. Eves 49.\-7081 __ ___,.. __ __ 19G7 ,\IUSTA:-.'c; ru~1b11.Ck· hilll~ ~in;. I !Op, :\:'>1/f\I, a i r. !-~fld A~I : :!13f l~ll!-:!Jl'.!, afl 6 p n1 6i:l-bulti )%S~\ '"' --,,-"'-,,-. V~S~.-,,-,.-:-,,~,~,,·, I consul". Les.~ than 13,000 nii. 4 top grade t\lobtl lu'''!, Jess 1tnu1 l(J(} rn1. D1~e hrakcs. tlhnt .,;ond. $Z2."i0. 67~r 1239 ~1 USTli :'\G '69~:! eng. l barro·! cal'h, r1e11· !Jrk~. fa<'\ air , t'i·h, S121XJ. S30 l Hh ~1 . IL/! . ."l::&-2127. :titi-\lliST,\N{;-, ~,-,-.,-\,-;; spd, '\lnt 111•'•t·h l'Or1d . .\J1i:he!1n IU'f'~. Ol'lg 01\ nl'r . $6!1J (l.M-.>lj!J. ~\CSTA~G-.-.-,.-,,-,-.-t~-1-,7,_-,-pd-.1 Ofll't'. Tak•' ~n 1 i!1rl bike in on lr;u!r, .-,i:r!)O."J1i. !969 :\Ju.~tani.: Co111·rrt1hlr. E.-.:cl'llent. P.111. PSB. EvPn1ng:,:; 6i3-3:.?~1. ---·\ -OLDSMOBILE 1968 OLDS Cu!las~ ~ dr h.1 I 11/4 !>pfi. 1\"('11• l ll"r.~. :..ln1 rond. :i.1us1 ~ell \V l l l \\ liulrsa.lf'. s1 21:.. i.i1 2·!l36.1 01" &12-l22J. ·10 CUTL-A-,-,-,-.,-,-"-,-,,,~c-oo-, Air. powrr. lac1 srerro Xln'I 1·ond. :i.111~! Sat'r1fit:e . 61\i-281 l, .~~~--=-I 1!'166 0111.« Cull:i.~.c:. VS ., Ori"'in:il nwnrr. B..~<n11y~ Tip tor t'Ctnd. :i•'f' 1t. drive i! Prival(' ply. :,.\.~j£') . .--1 '6:\ 't'OHONA!)(). like ne11·, $2'230. or 1ra11e rnr la1 eo mo· del pick up. 196-:::isl '6i Olds 8~. •l'1:1r hrrll p. l<1 n1i"s. Ne1v li ft'.~. Air, P01.veor, i\lus1 .c:ell, ~~9711. -PL YMOUT_H __ , ' " ' ' 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ORANGE COUNTY UNDER SAME OWNERSHIP NEW 1971 LTD Brougham BRAND NEW '6~ FORD Torino GT. Orii:: 011 nr. 1~,1v h<>0k $1100. Good !"lllld. tii::-ti7·12. * * '70 CUDA·Unc1nplo~d. niu~i ~"11. :no. <1-~pd . C;ill 612-.6211 PONTIAC . i ' Savings In Every Department OIAGNOSl1C C ENT ER GOODYEAR TI RE C ENTER SERVICE DEPA RTMENT PARTS DEPARTMENT BODY SH O P RENTAL LEA SING ON EVERY NEW & USED CAR & TRUCK FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS rftt~ 50 GALLONS FREE GAS FREE WEEKEND CAMPER TRIPS PLUS $SO CASH SPENDING MONEY GOODYEAR BLIMP RIDES SO VALUABLE PRIZES IN ALL! Come 111 and 1l1"9lst.r Nothl119 Ta l uy-No Obll9otiol'I • df. H.T. •1t·•V ~ng., yJnyl lop, pow1r 1leetl"f, di•< C•l•ts, window•. •HI, p•r-door loc~" •ulo. romp. con· !tol. AM/FM "''"· di~. wh•t! COY· ers. tie. 0117~) (4.ISJ W·Srii:r. S6041. Annlnrsary rrlce S4890.50 SAVE $1150 50 SO GALLONS OF FREE GAS OVER 6S BIG FORDS ARE D ISCOUNTED Demonstrator Sa le! STATION WAGONS-LTD's-GALAXIES- TOR I NOS-MUST ANG S-RAN CH EROS SUPER SAVINGS! ANNIVERSARY CAMPER SALE Torinos Hord1ops-Seda11s-G T's $50 OVER FACTORY INVOICE PLUS TAX & LIC. ON ANY TORINO IN OUR BIG STOCK BE SURE TO GET YOUR SO GALLONS OF GAS FREE. BRAND NEW 1971 MUST ANG MACH I "129 R•m •it 1n9., Spt>rl l~t1r. Grp., Crui1cmdlic. ConY. Gq>., P.S., Pwr. o;,, Brl:i., ti!1 wheel, Ait cond., AM.~M 1lerfo, P·won• dow•. ( 100059) (06SJJ W·Stkr. 'ii5559 Anni~•r~ory Prl,e S4699.50 EVERY NEW 1970 CAMPER IN STOCK SLASHED TO s50 OVER FACTORY INVOICE SAVE s359so llG SELECTION-NO DEALER ADDED CHARGES-JS MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. 50 GAL. FREE GAS We Are Tiie Oran91 Ca11nty Show Case Dealer For El Dorado Campers. PLUS FREE SO GAL. GAS. RENT A · CAMPER-Reserve Today for Assured Dates DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Goodyear Tire Center LEASE DEPARTMENT PAINT & BODY SHOP PARTS DEPARTMENT -~--'7! FORD~: I; .1 I a X 1 I'~ • illu.<-tangs, & Tori no~. l!crli Corp. ~714) 1i2-0jj7. '62 FORD FALCON $100. 6-12· i 31 I 1970 Gal 500 4 dr HT, ps/pb, a ir. new tires, 17,000 mi S'.l.800. 8Jl.5097 LINCOLN '67 4 DR CO:'>iTINE:'\TAL XL.NT COND, BST OfR. &l ·i--Gl84. 644-2942 ---- MERCURY '6S \\"ACON Col Pk-Air, lape drc k, ful! P"'r. Perr cone!. 892-9863 or 89&-3051 µ,·01·k. e 'iO COUGAR. 16.000 rni'.s, F':\J .~1rr'f'o, "ln't conrl. S'69:J. 6i.'i-09 1 L MUSTANG 1967 illUSTANG + Air C'onrl. auto, Pl~. Green. Perfect cond. $1200. 67:;.....1111 '70 GTO Ram Air. ·I-speed, Fires!Oflf'I ,~·idc tJl'a!s. sharp-all blacl.:! Sacrifice~ S·IOO & lake ovl'r paynicnts~ 616-4665 arter ~1 & 11·rl'kcnrls. 196-t LE~tA:-;=$; Bue :<eat~. con~o!e. au10. VS, p/s. Ni>ar per!. ·10:..362:1. '69 GTO Ju n·-,-,-. 7: -,,-,-,~,.-,-,-!'~ g-ood cnndi!inn. $2200 or be~I offer. 518--0918 ---~-·o~J FTHE.E!P.[), a u. p '"' au10 trans. 1 <1 w n I' r ~2-l168 alt 6 \1krla)!-i. '68 FIRF.:BIRD 400, full P\\T, lo n11·~. ne11• tirrs, x!n': rol1(!. S179:J. J3&--11:.:0. RAMBLER '61 R 11 111 ti 1 e r t'01l \"l-Au1n. good eni;:. nf'w tirri> R· bait, a ir 1·on'L S2l\. ~?.6-fi6fl7. --- - -·~~~ RA\lBl.ER, ;iuto. XL~T Be~I offrr ov"r l 12). Call 6-l(i..O!·tl ~-O•e!' I l O •Ital tfth far N iia· bll lty, perfamiarKe and saf•ty. h11 jnt l O '"ln11tes. full wrht.11 r.port h1d.ded. Gaodyear rly'llla11 Custom Wide Tteod1 MUSTANG H. T. V8, auto .. power slee1l119, 1adio. '89" FREE SERVICE DEPARTMENT Service Specials 10% OFF 1966 i";J USTAi\'C Fastback v. 8. 4 spd, xln1 t'Ctndition. Call art 3 pin. 8•17-:'>13!1. T-BIRD ·: i t "EGULAll S,,,5 SPECIAL S7.50 Wl l lol THIS AO 500 / Off Fo<to" S•v- / Ognted re tall price Plu' l'ld. Ex<ll• Tl • + h•u ot! your cor. ALL FORD SIZES ALL TIRES DIS COU NTEO WITH THl5 A P RENT Pinto Whit A11tomotlc Tro111. $S.OO DAY .Sc MILE WITH THIS AO BODY WORK WITH ANY COMPLETE r AINT JOB! WIT H THl5 AO BRAKE ADJUSTMENT $100 WITH THIS AO OF LIST PRICE ON ALL ACCESSORIES WITH THI!> AO 50 GALLONS FREE GAS WITH EVERY NEW & USED CAR & TRUCK SOLD MUSTANG SALE t 5 to c;~oo•• f,o,.. "65 l~ru '70 ..,ode It. Coup•t, htrdlop1, con•1rtoble t fld 7 -l f11!b1~~1. Som• wi th ~ 1p11d1, 1110 "" co,.ditioft •n'iJ .,..; •11lom1lic modeli. EXAMPLE' 1970 MUST ANG F111lv f1cto•J t quopped, ••"•" (899 ACGl OUR PRICE $2050 71 PLY. BARRACUDA H.T. VI , •ulo ., P.S., RI H, 1i• conditjoninq. U..der S,000 "'ii ••· W•rr. •••il•ble. !191CXHI $3350 -.~68~PO~NT. FIREBIRD 2 dr. H.T. 11110., R&H. powe• 1le•rin9, 9ond ..,;i,,. !Y?S7191 $1850 --.,.,,6.,-9 ""FORD L_T_D __ , 2 Dr. H.T. VI . •11!0 .. RI H, ,,S .. P.I .. f•ct. 11ir, vinyl tool. IXSR· 197) $2150 '69 CHEV. MALIBU 1 ch . H.I. RI H., 1u!o., Ait, I P.S.. VI, ~inyl roof. W111. •••dt bl e, IYWlSlSI $2150 '69 COUGAR Auto .. R&H. p owt• 1l1••in9, •ir cond .. 9ood mlle1. !XURt91!). $2150 -~,66--=-CHEV. N_O_V_A _ 1 Or, H.T .. 6 cyl., •ulo. R&H. good mil11. fRZX477) !FLEET PURC HASES EXCE PTED! ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED FORD -lTD-GALAXlt -TORINO -WAGON SAU _,. ... -..,_ ·u......, 'Nllle4.lo.S.-tt-. 1-i., ia. • ,._.-..,,. • ..-.,.11-.. i..~i!Mitllot.•..-...-U.•lt. PAID FOR OR NOT! EXAMPLE : 1970 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOR Auto., POW•• •'•••in9 & b·~kc" r•dio, he .. tc1, t •rpt h , t h•vmt idm. Good mile<. Werr1n!y "'"il•bl •. (1515381 • OUR PRICE $1550 '65 '67 OLDS JETSTAR 88 1 O•, H.T. 4 ll"'d, good mile1. (1S4AUFI PONTIAC GTO Co•w•rl•blt. • 1pe•d, R~H. 9ood mile1. (1 117971 $650 $950 '64 FORD XL 2 d ., H.T. Hdtd to ""d. lm- "'tculel• cond., V8, ~ulo ., R&H. pow•• •'••ring . !ZWA4S0) $850 '71 DODGE Challenger 1 Or. H.1. VI. R&H, •ulo., P.S .. ••t cond., Y•nyl 1001, ~.500 mil c1. f.,,, """"·•••ii, (54877) $3350 ------- '63 '63 '65 FALCON WAGON R.dio, heel•r. •ir co,.d. Good mt!e,. !IOXSJ 8> CHEV. WAGON 9 PASS. l"'pt lt . R&H, •ulo., P,S., 9ood md 11. E•cep!ion1I cer. !OOM91 5l -PLYMOUTH FURY II 4 doo1 oed •n, 9ood mi\11, 1u!e>m•lic. (Pl21!16l $550 $750 -$750 Silt Pric11 Good for 71 Houri. Cen S11bject to Prior S•lt. '68 V.W. BUG Full y ldclo1y equipped, I )04· BSK> $1050 '70 PONTIAC G.T.O. VS. tulo., P.S .. .,;, cond. Good "'"••'!•· R1d io, h••''" Vinyl tool. ~l 1 !AGG) $2550 70 FORD PI CK UP f . I 00 equ;ppad. Good l189J7El $2150 '69 DODGE Charger R.T. R.,d io, h1 .. !1tr, "u!o., P.S .. ,;, cond•tionin9 , good mil••. (671 · AZG! $2350 . 'j '* 3'/a ecros of the most moderd Ford HIH •nd /, ... ;~:·:~~Ttt.eoiao;9 · ~1~1;t1~;. Robins .1 .~o~ _,,,,. "~, F 0 rd SERVING ,, Q ,. ll D.~ -' 1921 '<c*f ,/ / ~~Ii::?. -::.:'f.: ~ SINCE / , ""'' •• ,,,.., j v4~ ~ ~· -I / 11rn ~~ \.,.. ~ .,., , t=) ~.,,,,.,... ... .,... ,,.:·~\· .,~,.__ --~ ,.:,1 2060 Harbor Costa Me;.;~642~0010 SALES •DllE•P•T•, ........ To • ,.. "ON.fll I AM T• I rM SAT HOURS 1t .,. To • '" SUN PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 7 AM To 9 rM MON 7 AM To ' rM TUE-HI 1 PARTS DEPT. ONLY • AM to 1 rM SA TURD A TS • • '69 ~1USTANG CT Fas1back. '6'1 T-BIRD. Good intrrior. 3,'1\ VS-All options. S2::00. J air. P/.~. RS·ll. NPccl.s gom" O\\·ncr-l1nmoc. ~:,...1~ work. $22:1 612-iJS.l / 980 Autos, New 980 OVER STOCKED! 3% Over DEALER INVOICE on any of our BRAND NEW MERCURY MONTEGOS Coupe•, ••dont, hordtOp5~ll brond new ond priced lo sell! Ta ki invo ic• CJnd add only J •/.I Get o yeor end-deol now on CJny o ne of our brond new Montegos . JOH NSON & SON LIN COLN CONTINENTAL • MARK Ill • MERCURY • COUGAR 2626 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 540-5630 642-0981 ~ • • • .. Ir• rrm:~ -~Jr~Jrlr~lrlr• l NEW MANAGERS' ..--EXAMPLE SAVINGS!-------. Deluxe belts, t inted windows, vinyl roof, eir, remote mirror, console, disc brakes turbo, Power steering, wheel disc, white tires, radio, paint stripe, visor va n· ify mirror, bucket seats. Seria l • 34257JZ12426 (2 1242~) NEW '71 CUTLASS SUPREME HARD TOP COUPE WINDOW STKR. $4781 SALE PRICE $3968 $ DISCOUNT -EXAMPLE SAVINGS!--- NEW 1971 98 LUXURY SEDAN Cruise control, comforfron, a ll t inted windows, white tires, tilt & telescope wheel, stereo radio, power trunk lid, chrome door moldings, power door locks, 6-way seet, vinyl roof, d ivided front seat, "isor va n- ity mirror, electric cl ock, power steerin g, disc brakes, remote mirror, power windows. f M485095 ) CAMPER SALE! •71 KING OF ROAD 8 FOOT Cn l:> ovrr ram1K'I". Sl(lvr, rPrriJZ, side dinr!l<', "·i!I Cit~' ton nickup. Price indicated good y,·it h truck purchasf' on!y. #6 s795 ••71 ANGELUS 9'1> FOOT CAI OYER $1495 Sleeps &-Toil et roun1, Dual light~. 40 g!l ll on water tllnks, itc r.-en door. Price indica ted good with truck purchasr only. #22 ••71 ANGELUS 8'1> FOOT $1295 Qlb over camper, ~tove, re.fri era tor, sleeps six, Dual liiz hts. r.ide dinette. ~rice indicated good with truc k purchase only. •'71 AMERIGO 11 FOOT SIDE DOOR $2295 Skylikh t. toi\rl room, stove & oven. All ji bP, JZ]ftits roof, stalnle&s steel douhle sink, louvered windows. Price !ndlcated good ">i th truck purchase only. MANY MORE IN STOCK WINDOW STKR. $6830 SALE PRICE $5430 OVER 120 NEW '71 OLDSMOBILES & GMC TRUCKS DISCOUNTED DURING THIS ALL-OUT SALE $ DISCOUNT NEW '71 HONDA JI -"" 011 appto•.d c:redlr, Total c:adl pr!c:o l11c:litdl1t9 "'" ra1 011d 1971 llc:o11ao '" Sl 599.72. o.t.nod p.ymont prl'• hic:h1dl11t tn, Ile•-011d liltolld eh0:r9n S\893.44. ANNUAL P'lll.CINTAG-! U.TI ti.fl ~'•· $200 47°!. CASH OR TRADE DOWN BIG SELECTION COLORS 36 MONTHS VISIT OUR BIG NEW AND USED TRUCK CENTER! • From U9ht Pickups to Heavy Duty Custom Ri9s • OUR TRUCK EXPERTS CAN SERVE YOU BEST • GMC:· the truck people from General Motors 1971 GMC % TON CAMPER SPECIAL Ti11i•d !Jl•u -Cw1tom Sport true• wllh trim mo1.1ldi11,1, ce111per r1 irro11, H.D. Sltock1 -H.D. Sprin''· St.bili1er -6 1 Atnp. 6 on. A1.1to, Tr•111., P'ow•r 51,.rtn'J, Power Oi1c l r•k•1, 760•16 I pt., re•I liw• c•rn per lruc k. Will h•ndl• lh• bi'J'J•1' 1lid• i11 c•rnp•r. 1~!if ,;..,,, Au•. b1tl1t'i' -C•"'P'' Wiri11t -R•dio, H••l•r. A Powered b'j' 210 hp. -l&O VI, Setlot 11 ZOt6 Our new m1nagement ..._m in· . vites you to come in .rid ,~· the exciting changes that have been made at University Olds· mobile. SAVE extra do llars on the new or used car or truck of your choice dur· in9 this all.out ''get acqua inted '' SALE! 1968 PONTIAC TEMPEST Automatic transmission, overhead cam six with radio. {XEV 375) 1964 CHEVROLET WAGON 6 cylinder, automatic transmi1sion, A $5 9 5 good looking good running Bel Air wag· on. (ONH 596) 1967 OLDS CUTLASS VI, autom1tlc, factory t ir, pow.r ste•r· Ing & brakes. Sharp red w/whit• vinyl Inter. (171 ASN) 1969 FOltD GALAXIE 500 VI, auto., powar lt•erlng & brakes, A r•ally clean 2 doo r hardtop. CXXC 641}. 1968 TOYOTA CUSTOM CROWN $1495 6 cylinder, 4 spMd, factory air cond. Toyota's IMst station wagon. 1967 FORD CUSTOM 4-DOOR V8, automatic, factory air, power steer· Ing. Nic e clean custom 500 4 Door sedan. (651 BEJ) 1967 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR V8, 1utom1tlc, factory a ir. A really good transportation car. (UVD 214) 1970 OLDS 88 2-DR. H.T. $895 VI, automatic, factory air, power steer· $3 2 9 5 ing & disc brakes. A sharp 88 priced right and ready to go. (752 ASH ) 1969 OLDS DELTA 88 VI, automatic, power 1teering & brakes. $2 8 9 5 Beautlful gold cu1tom cpe. with vinyl roof. (XXK 1941 1963 OLDS F-85 VI, •ufom1tlc tr•nsmlsslon. Good trans· portatlon with thlt station wagon. (OJW- SO'l) 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 V8, automatic, power steering & brakes. Good cheap transport1tion in a station wegon, (OMJ 911) 1969 MERCURY WAGON Custom. VI, •uto., factory air, power' ste•rln1 & br•ke1. A b.autiful plumb colored wagon. Extra cl••n. (ZCU 238 ). $295 ! ' • • " 1 . ' I. ' . r j. l' ' .. 84 . DAit Y PILOT Wttmnd17, Jll(lt ZJ,1971 Brand New 1971 FULL PRICE IMMIDIATI DIUVIRY AT WILSON FORD $62 it Total dn. pymt. and $62 is total mo. pymt. in"cl. tax, '71 lk ense and otl finance chorge1 on oppr. credit for 36 mos. Deferr •d·pymt. price i1 $1919.90 incl. a ll finance chorg e1, to1ee1, '71 license or if you prefer topoy cash, f ull ca ~h price is only $2284.68 incl. soles lo)(, '71 license. (1 R10WJ84093) ANNUAl PERCENTAGE R4 TE 12.99 II FORD Wtdntsday, June 2J, 1971 PILOT-A.OVERTISER !B FULL PRICE IMMIDIAR DILIVIRY AT WILSON FORD . . . S68 is total dn. pyml. ond $68 i1 tota l mo. pyml. incl. toic, '71 license and a ll finonce. cha rges on oppr. cred it for 36 mos. Deferred pymt. price $2516 incl. a ll fi nanc e charges, taxes. '71 licen1e, or if you prefer lo pay cash, fu ll cash p rice is only $2137.90 • incl. soles lo•, '71 license. OK91U205532). .ANNUAl PERCENTAGE RATE 11 .01 BRAND NEW 1971 FORD RANCHERO BRAND I 971 ELDORADO '71 T·BIRD s Ser. N9, 1A.46LI 19127 8' C~! .. !! .•. !.~.NIP·• ON A '68 CHIYY 1/2 TON PICKUP long bed;V-11. rod~~ healer, wes./trD·I~ mirror1, h.d. ti,.~ (Ho. 1361 SA). FULL PRICE I LP C A 0 BRAND NEW LANDAU $ WITH BROUGHAM INTERIOR · f11lly e~qitd w11h focllOlfy O•<. uviteomot.t' uonl., JKl•<f• st1 ... lfl§l/brokrs/wondows & 11-woy ~" AM/fM S1tf!'O ... m pow« onttnna. wllo!•· wolls & mu<h mor1. (Sef .c1#< IJ84N I06JJ21 Immediate Delivery 1971 LEASE& RENTAL CARS * GALAXIES * TORINO$ * MUSTANG* PINTOS * MAVERICKS * MANY EQUIPT WITH V-8, FACTORY AIR, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, POWER STEERING, WHITEWALL TIRES , WHEEL COVERS, RADIOS, USED i11 GALAXIE 500 HEAiTERS. 'ffUGl:SflfCTION A.T LOWEST PRICES EVE ,,. 7· Ford Custom VJ,Mho,119eter, 7, •• "'!: .,. ... ·'!"'?"~, ' ., HARDTOP ·f AC TOR Y AIR, Very low ITli· leage, V-8, auto, lrant., pow· er ~1e erong, vinyl in terior, ra- dio, heater. (690-C BW) Immediate Delivery $ ' . ·. ) l ' . i ' ~ ·.• I .\ 1 ~· °' ar v . .1, ••• . , po " !)" Ju bl " ' Ju (o '! •