HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-·· ' • • 1e • • • S.anta Ana Man Res~ued . Fr,o•n Bed 'Fhat At_e . Jli1n Up Hairy DesperBdc Pln~ks Re~eipt~ At Chi~ken Stand . . • . . .. ' . ' . i • l • • If-.~ ' --------------------------------Ll · • • '· MONDAY AFTERN OON, JUL'!'. 2-4, 197.2 • Miners Trapp~d •• . . ' . . . ~. . \ ,• . . . . ' --· -...... $I 'Million Chicken ' Stand Pllicli~a· . . . ' . . . . . . In ·CoCaine ' ' !!i: ll,ai~y Me$a ·Gunman . . . . . . . Confis:cated · . . ' . A i;q~ \ilJnnwi'.wbo uitd -hll locloo . .to·~ lddt _.,fa<ie "1Qi ·one · ~·. Wbl)e, ;w.v111c ·.a .23. 'caliber . .. ,...!lo 1 ~".':' otbtr tKapOd with. ""'liuailq . lii,a Colla M-fried LabQratory ~Yls\s ' today ~ 'stu.' ·chiCkm eullet' ~·· · · ,,.,..--. . dying 11mplt1 of alltgtcl pure cocaine ,.!~~·~~i&,.::::y·:~tt valued at II million, following Its aelzure, ,18nd'era• Kelituckt Fried ~. %900 Saturday In Costa M.,. wllll tlie arrest Harbor· Blvd., bat dldi>'t. notice .: fourth d. six men. ·~ -..i.. bo · Crµiuna1 complalnls were to he llOllght. ji;it;Y~: coot w l""' apt <ri•i •. , Ht said he C0111idertd tsking down the ~-11\!Dlbtl' but didn't g~ around to it, acairdll>( to Officer Berg,· Tbt man -delcrlbtd u about 22, of mtdliml build 'wltb lhouldtr·lmgth b:lir, a full mustache Ille! acne, , but was otherwilt neat Jn -111'811Ct. ' Floods Rava ging River Valleys this afternoon or Tuedsay APinl!l 'tl\ooe Olfk:tr ~ Berg said the young captured by a seven:-man narcotlcl·temn~ IUDPWl .qteted about 8:50 p.m., ,and at 11>• home ot· ooe suspect, :.._11y_ ~ clerk Colette A. Henne, :rl, Jn parol,ed from prison. . ' ' friendly· faSblon. · · · " . , . ' · ' · · ' '"I'hi.s 'ts really a big Ont," Detective· . Ht•then ,pulled the .... and·otdertd her In ·Minnesota Sgt. John Regan said today In Ille ~al<e · Into the kltdlen, .at whicli time a second . · of the largest drug ltizure ln Joca). clerk, Cllarloite A. t.owaen; 17, llW wpat MORA, Minn. (AP) _ A dam 00 the . lilsto,Y. ' =·~~~ ·=~Jilde, but was Knit• RiVer Jn · Kanabec County broke ; 'l1>e ~aid at 31173 Yul<Oll Drive, home of : ----. SI!~ Edward A. 1.ubtl', 33, also ntlltd Confroallng' · -er B~ .A • d\lrlng Ille oliht, forcing aome people to (80,000 In cs$ . aJ!d an lll""al of Scbotnbom, ll, the bindlt ordtrtd her, to . fl .. their homes" ind causing water to weapons, pollce 11id. open Ille floor aale,llld abe did ,.; but rjst In the Snake River Villey, County Investigators tbeorize the nearly 100 . btClmtcouldn't ~~.!¥n~dlllapolil. ce abe Sherill George Andt"°" llld today. percent pure derivative of. the Latin -v--. •lCJ'" ... _ Amerjcan coca plant originated In Peru Coolt Matt A. Mm1oz, II, was at wort There. wu flooding also In o~r parts . .., •-or Equador. In tbt rear ud eacaped.the. gunman't at-of ctntral · MinnelOta due to torrential · AERIAL VIEW -This Is the Blacl<svllle· Number One Mine where Peruvian Indians have chewed leavt1 tent/on, bul the bonclit AW a fllQi youth, rai1Js which l!tgan at midweek and coo- ' ' nine men,,are . trapped by fire. Rescue workers give the miners a 50-llO of Ille coca -plant for ceQturies as a ~ ;1'~•. II, Ille! btrdtd'blm tinued· blto the weekend. . The ma. ti• chance of survival. (See<story, Page 4) 1Umulant to w<irk.ln' the high, lllln at· Poli:. said the .-r ,repOa~l~' periel)clng flooding was ll!O·mlles lonf liiooliher• of th< An<les. . wamtcl eveiyont to stay away fl.'oln' 111e l and llO miles wide, running east to wt1t ~ drug curbs appetite and. also pro-\elephant,' then cill . the eon! with, a . about 75 mil•• norlll of Miootapolis.St. U.N. Chief Says J;Jom;b~g Ruined Dikes in Vietnam \ . ; ' duces a slate of euphoria, pocket knife. Paul. Four deaths have been blamtcl on Criminal cbargt1 anticipated lo Bowing-.~ •'-' .,_ lab ~ . oE the ltd tr band • llurilig Ille holdup, a woman cualomtt. .w~ UOO<ll!)g. ' • • , fS" ., suspec con a m\trtd Ille! watted for 1trvlce, .bu\ wu ·Andtnon said w1ter was •bout ll In- are _possession of cocaine !or Ille and unaware of'tbt lltuatlon'ln the lltcben. · cbes deep in some l.l'tl\I of Mors, a town possibly poasession of illegal weapons. Investigators laid Ibey contacted a of 2,500 siJ: miles below Knlle Lake Dam The $80,000 ln cumDCl' wUJ wind up in llllesman at a nearby car lot w!lo and just below 'the junction of tbt Knlte tbt bands of the Internal Rtveooe reporttd lttiag a IUJPldaus characlt!: Jn. abd Siiake rivers. Service, wblcb always c o n 11 s c a I e s a partta car beldnd Ille tUeout llOlllld Kanabec County Civil Defenst Dlrtdor wsplcioUJ 1WDS In an attempt to the time of tlie 'robber;.. • Joe Jobmon said •:a 40-fQol chunk broke , I ' j " • dttemlne Ille origin. out of tbt dam during the nJcbt. Tbt peo- Ont suspect In the case In addition to ., pit were wamtd, and muy or· tbtm had UNITED NATIONS, N,Y. (Af) -td through IOUl'ctS he would not 1-lly. 1.uher -recently paroled from Michigan s 4 . 'M time to move furniture and valable · Stcrttary·Gtneral Kurt Waldheim· says ·• Waldheilll.noted.llla~hedlail nt11e.d ' &at. l'tlaoa ·w~ he· was :ierving 20 QUta . U~.. • qn ~ lttnurfrom tbtir homt1 •bt!oro tbty joln- bt has rtctlved ·Information· through .,.,,.,.,,. ·during· blo-<~·-·about• ~,for beiJlg captured wllll a ton of ed In Nndbagging elforll to' 1/1 to keep Jjrlvite cblnna11 lllat U.S. bombs liavt publlshOdrepbrts'oilth!'alloiod1ltlnllltnc · -'luana-lla.Latln. 'C ' h' • ' B. d' the water from gotnc·lnlo 'llllch of the c1amap.r dlk .. 1n lfor111 v;o1nam botli by ~ .1!.'! .-111c1 ~ ~ 111,..-.ror • =· ~:.:c ~=~ . . aug . t in. ,e ~ _ 11tt 111ai •·· r111nc •bout dlrtcl bits and : 1!1. nearby UP,los'ims. -· • B• ··~ -•-'-· ""·-Include • Inch fi "' ,,_ " Johnson f Qu Tri · "I am dteplr ~·ill "'1d,PF-.---•.. Lo1J:olp0opltllaym,lied. lalem .Smtl'. -~~-"We•vc1on•ri:1 .~.~:.l..~ .. lt.wUJ ' (See llory on Fi8b\ or IJl8 on "and 1 .OW allP'!li Alalli !Oi&.......... amri., A. w lh, JJ, Del Mar; llobtrt: · r .,... ,,..... ...,.. Pige 4). • '. · \ . of tblo kind nl •bonblnl." . . -~· , c. l'Uul, 41 ,. and ~th E. Vance, 11,. day, but II II WUll't for .the preHnCt of a m::'.:..raon __ ., ·~· i.oi:Su.wu -~. , H• told a news cooference today he bu He said bio 1nlol1ninb illcf-1...u.b bo\h ~.and Eric V. Masterman, fliend, 'I'hoinu Burdtlal might 11111 be In> ~ """'... -N ,_, Ii Del Mar onda ed "when •e ~-111 tblt tbt ~----~ by the U.S. -vtrmlltllt erploalool ,_ the -.bod.,....... • . bed on M y. ' "'""' ...w~ •• And ..... ~--··· w .... _._ --· dam would DOI and It WU • matter -tbal the dikes were not a target, but tbli cracb wlllcb eoald make Ille ...,.,, • ma,-,......,y, ........., """ of time before. It __ ....., ", · g1ve way, Ooodlnt ..-..-·• -· n I B Thuraday. • • -.-.--•WU d .. ply cooarntd by wont rtctlY• lng. heavy Joaol li8. ' LeaJ' uek Home Santa A\l&, Fire ~portment rtlC1IO LBJ ·Goes to Show • STONEWAIL. Tex. (UPI) -Former Prell-Lylldoo B,Jobnai, -Ille! .,...uni lqllh Ulr, attended a pro. ~of the play "A JlllllD Iii the Sun" lllturdar nlibl at ~ State Park Mdllorlum. It "*' one ol the mr public _.... he bu made since a heart attael In April. . "U tbt dlkt1 art cltatroyed 11 wUJ Dilan squad membm. were diaplWbed to an tnomlOUI •••,'•·he docland. .. -11~. V,t. (UPI)' -Peoltl Bue Jlurdtlu' bonit alter tbt IQ!a bed on ' Alttd wbtther lie had any .. evld!ece baa ntUlnod to bor -Jn Danby aftet' which tbt ll'yur-old 'slept....,.,,,. lbtt the bCllobbC WU lalentlooal, be btinc _..,. tJ.. Rutland HOlpltaL eel IQI. · • replltcl that he could a.i W1 whelblr tht flle -~ Jui, I ..n.rtn& from 'l1>e device 101'1 of goblJlecl 1lurdelu attaeb ...... 1o-"bat the ....ita pltu"'7. like a giant v...,.• n,tra, flower, 0t .,. thtl dam• bu been done." Tbt .,,... 111111 or-. w-of """" IOI'! nl macabn medieval lorlurt "Art you In direct cmtect with tbt Ntllll _,. PliUliw lllaiary prllt1, device, altbolcb the Vlctbll -~ burl. Hanoi?" he wu uted. thanttcl doelln ..,.i ...,. when 1be Ont end latcbeil lhut 1"" hll held-au "I do not wlab lo --ucept to -luvkc llr ... lilodl•. llbe ~Id/ lllat wu villble Whoo flNrnen amved to aay tblt my lnllnnltlGD came throllgb ahe bad reoaltetl ~ tllal -t "m rtBCUO him -bpt Iha Giber end from unoflidal cllannill, • lie. IOid. 1le)'Glld Illa mil el.... lutmiDC ID place !GO. Contest: Proves -Fatal ST. L0\115 (UPI) -A U.yur.old ,...ui drolJlled Sunda)' while laklnl port In mt police Niii -a conlell In a ntlchbor'• pool to ... wbo (!>llld bold hll brtotb loactst underwater. Tbt boy, Richard UmOetl, of Ballwin, Mo., -In the Wilow end of Ille pool with Illa 1- yw-old Dtlcbbor at Ille tlmt, pollce aald. . I GiJ~liom . .. . • • . • • ~ . • . . . •' . . ,.. .. .\ . ' ' ... ' ' ' I .,. ' Qnly Kiiown Survivors llllDLAND, Ont. (AP) -'1'n perooai from• two ffialtd·f.mru.. drowned Sim' da1 nla'bt In ,Qtorglan Bay -· tbtii'. ·~ alumlll)!DI boat, Jammed, wllll lJ -· and CllJ!lping equlpmtlll, .... dOiP!te their frantic elforta to ball II aut. ' . Provlndal· police said tlcbt chlldnq and lour adults, all from the' Alll'tll'A llld Holland .Landing area ...-th.of Toronto, l\ad at out 'In the U.foot boot lot a w .. k'* CllJ!I~ aa Saiab ~ , . , • f ~ • '~y ,....._11a11 _ .... lllllllj i rocl<)i, uidnlli-..... llllll .... lr01il llert,•wben 'the beat ..i.., · 'l1>e ooly known aurvtvon were a I" year:.Id girl who staytcl alloot ,.. "*' th:8n t~ ~ without a lUe pr•& ew, arid lier mother, wbo -....., It shore alter ·thrte-fool •W8-ton -c(, her ot,her children from bor anu. 'l1lt other 1tven children and three ..... v. are presimed drowned. I ""~ J . Tl/e l'!O survivors Wl!re ldenUlltd to-. =~l~~dla .Cootoll llld btr daUlhltrr Jild!JPM amoag tbe mtmac were ~ Contois, busband e1 the ....iv: !If woman, and their dilldrm, Mania, I, An.thbnr, I, Nanette, f. IDd a want,: libtlla R)'lll, J. Abo mllling -. n...,. ~ li'olher of .~ aaj IM ·dnO ' cjllldren, Kami,·I, MIUMI, 7, aiid no.' Die, ·4. . ' • . --. .. ·· •• ....... l " , M01Uy IUl1D)' again/~. · w!tll bJcDs ID the !V's at the ~ ... risini '•' ... mlHO'• loland. Low1 loaJPI ezpecttcl around • d..,..e... I . INSIDS TOD-'Y • Broad.,.Y1 ~ mudal .•follUI" ...... lrilltllpllaidls 1Dt11""'1'd .. !Ac lloooprol ·-• • of Lot ~-la' ,... -S~w...t ' Thtallr, SI t lw-......, 'Page 9. I I , ·• '· -II =-~ --- Mondo', July z~. 1972 Taklttg Pri1oners South Vietnamese paratrooper escorts North Viet- namese prisoners to truck after they were qUet· tioned. Prisoners were taken during fighling for Quang Tri City. Irate London Dockmen • Threaten General Strike LONDON (UPI) -Tens of tbouund1 or workers, anaered by the jailing of five picketing lonphoremen. walked off the lob today and threatened Britoin with ill! first general strike in almost hall a cen· tury. TheJr '!11kout halted ... port opera· Uona, deprl,ved much of the count17 of newsp1pm, bit food markets and autOllXlll .. plants. Prime lflalaer Edward Hesth and key pver.-t mlnlstera_ discussed the crills II' )U No. 10 Downing St. office, pMdad by tlrq pollce nlnlorcements. But -lri!n' threats to picket Dowolng 61. dld not materialize. Government offJcials said the cabinet ml&hl proclaim · a stole of emergency II the lnduotrlal crilll becomes worse or II 1 general ~ appears lmmitvmt. Brl~ lain laat had one in 1112&. Heath and other mlnbten acbeduled a meeting tonight with leaders of the 11). m111lonoflroni Trada union Coner.,. (TUC) to dlacuas d.amPlnC d o w n skyrocketing wages and prices. But TUC ofllclab &aid they would refus< to dbcuss this while the lonpborlmen remain in jail. The five were jailed Friday at Lon- don's fortreaallke Pentonville prilon for contempt of the National Industrial Rela- tions Court. They defied a court order to cease picketing and boycotting contolner depolll. Under British law the tonpboremen could slay in jail lndeflnltely until they "purge" their contempt by apolojl.zlq. Police threw strong cordona lll1lWld \lie court to guard against demonstrltionl to- day, but they did not sbow up to apologize and no demooatraton arrived. Worst hit bf the wan.uta were BJ'\, tain's seaporti. Pert a u t b o r J t i e a estimated most of Britain's 40,000 longshoremen llayed off the job. Most loading and unloading of cargoes was at a standsltll. London's newspapers did not appear because of a sympalhy walkout by J>ttU hands, though oome papen printed limited runs Jn Manchester and Glaagow. Coal mines In South Wales and Yorkshire were idled by a miner's l!lytn· palhy strike. - Workeni at London's fruJt, vegelables and flab markets qult work and aet up picket llnea to keep truck drivers away. Some truck driven joined them. Egypt May Fight Israel ·'Alone' Sadat Reports By Ualted Pm1 !Jlternallonal President Anwar Sadat sai'd today Egypt will fight Israel -alone if necessary -to ,,.gain occupied Arab land and called on Arab stoles to join Eqpt ill ending lncreued American in- tereGa Jn the Middle East. S'oon afterwarde bolh maeli and Egyp- tian offlcials sakl Egyptian anltaircralt batteries opened fire on alsraell jets which were on petrol over the Suez Canal. The Israeli military command iD Tel A vlv said an undetennined number of DAILY PILOT Ttit Ol"I• tout OAIL.Y PILOT, wllfl wfillel'I 5-t!lnlblMd !tit H•-Preu., b Pllbllsllrd lly I~ 0rt"llt' CO.ti P111tlhlll"ll C~ny, St~· r•1e eell!loru 1r1 11Ubll11'ed, M-•Y 111roi.gll F•icl•y, •or Co,1a Me11, H""'POrl Beith, HuntlngtOfl lh~hlFtiun!tln V11T1y, L1gun1 lffch, lrvlr1tlS10dltbl<.k •rid Sin Clt'mtfllff a;.,. J,11n C1plt1r1n1. A •ll'!Olf revloPllll "lttltf'I b Dl.lbllll>fd S.lllnll\'11 .... s ...... .,.. TPl1 prlrltl11tl i>iillli1hfnll Plf"I 11 11 UI Wttl ••1 ~lrHI, COST• "''"· c1111vrni., fH26. Rob t rt N. W1,J Prttid.r1t 11'4 Pu1111111tt J1ck R. Curl1y Vkl ,fftklllftl Mid Gent111 M1r111~ Tho11111 K11•il ·-Tllofl'lll A. M~rplii111 MtMtlntll l!fllOr Chtrltt H. loo1 Ric~1r~ P. N•ll AHllll"I Mll'lllt!ng EllllOrl OHi<• CO.II Mts11 UI Wttl 9ty Slrtll N""'-1 tudl: »II N"""""t IOUlfwl~ ~ eucti: m ll•n1 A'ftnVI HWl'lllns1911 t..01 11171 lff<!I Mwl.,.tnt Sin ~l IN Morlfl Et CamlN ~ul , .. ., ••• (714t 64J-4Jl1 . c-'"""'""' '42·1671 ,,_ CfffitlN ""'" ...... "'"' lttdl 4tl""42t '""" ,..,. 0r-c.., Ct1111111t111ti. -122t °""lttit· 1tn. °"""" C..t ,... ..... ~. Me MM 1wi., '"-'""""" .... '-' ~ ., ,,,_,~ ..... .. .. , ..... =. ~ tl*lll ...... ....................... ._..., dut """9 NN 9' Ctd1 #MM, ~ ~-lllt Cl,,.., 11.61 _.,..,, " ""*' "-'' '""'"""'' ft'lllltwy ............... _..,"· ' surface-to-air (SAM) missiles were fired at two Israeli jets but neither plane was hit. Official Cairo radio, however, Said four Israeli planes were involved and one of them -an American-made F4 Phantom -was shot down. In a four-hour speech to the 1,700. member National Congms of the Arab Socialist Union (ASU), Egypt"• only political party, Sadat Hid there had been differences between Egypt and the Soviet Union since March, 1'71. "The decision that faces us now, which is a serious one, ii to fitht ••. OUr ~ ple and Arab nations should know wt will flight without support ii this iJ what circumstances impose oo us. We will not be frightened of flahUng without cover," Sadat said. It was Sadat's flrll speech to the ASU since he ordered 90me 15,0000 Soviet ad- visers back to Russia last vreet. "I prefer that blood pours on the field ot battle rather than we remain in the state or n~war, no-peace. t prefer th11t our blood should be drained drop by drop, d.ay by day," Sadat said. The speech was broadcast 11 v e throughout the Arab world. Sadat &aid Egypt would resume con- tacts with other Arab nations "because the situation can no longer bear the widening and progressloo of American interests" in the area. Sada! dealt at length wilh relatklnl between Egypt and the Soviet Union and lhe United States. He said on his first vbit to the Soviet Union as ~sident, Jn March 1971, there • were dlUerinm between him and the Soviet leaden. Theae we.re never resoJ,.. ed. he said. "I am not soing to dlsclole detallt of these dU/erences be<•uae !bat WOl~d serve our enemy,'' he said . Sadat said of the Sovlet9: "They have thei r own asacssment of the situation and we have ours. The Mlddle Eill crioil cannot be the fint priority for them but for me It Is everything -eating, &leep- lng, Ille lbell . "My Ideology 11 not that of the llo1rlet Union. I believe In the alliance of the WWkln& peopla and they (llo¥ltt leadr.nl belle-lo In Manllm, 111111 .... said I will not. beoalal ans*-" Y ellowjacket Nest Lethal TOCCOA. Ga. (UPI) ..., Sidney Roger Higgins has been tilled when the car in whlcb be was riding overturned Sunday in a yellow· jacket nest and he waa stung repeatedly. Police said Higgins, 43, or Toc- coa, died within minutes after the plunge into the nest. The driver of the car, Gary Dean Davis, 31, of 1tit. Airy, also was • llung a number of )Imes and he was taken to Stephens County Hospital, where be wu 1lated Jn fair condlUon. •• Hiker Near Enil Of Long Journey In Death VaUey DEATH V~EY (UPI) -A 52-year- old physical fitness and nutr1Uon buff, hoping to break a record, entered his tb.itd day of a brisk walk llcross a 11~ Dille 1tretclt of tbe sweltering Dealh V.Uey desert today. He hoped to finWl the trek by evening. Bill Emmefton slept briefly Sunday at a ranger's station about hallway through bls journey. •iyou•ve got t. be crazy to do thit, niy wife keeps telling me,'' be said in a telephone ·interview. '4Tbe er 0 u n d temperature b 200 degreea and when I take my shoes off I ·can see stefam." Air temperatures in the lower valleys of the desert routinely reach 125 degrees in July and August. Em:merton, a native of Tasmania now residing In Los Angeles, bolds the record of running acro5s a similar but longer route in Dtalh V.Uey. He set that In 1111 when be alternately ran and reated and completed a l~mlle stretch in about three days. He also set three days as his goal for the walk over the shorter dbtanct, which be began Saturday morning from the tiny town of Sho!hooe, just outakle the Dealh Valley National Monument. Scotty's Ca1- tle on the northern edge of the desert was his g~I. The previoua record wa.s set by Ken- neth Crutchlow of Great Britain, who walked a llS-mlle route in six days in 1970. Emmerton was trailed by his wife Norma, in a camper stocked with health food , liniment, fruit and a fully loaded revolver to deal with any rattlesnakes the caravan mJght encounter. "I'm not a kook or anything, although I\'e been called many things," Em· merton said at the half-way point. 1"lbis is the greatest challen1e in my running career but I've never gone through IO much pain." Number of Drug Arrests Doubles WASHING TON (UPI) -President Nixon today received an opllmist.ic report from bls cblef dt\11 ·law eit- force.ment officials. The number or ar- ruts fer d"'i violations hal doubled In the pall th,.. years. M7lea Ambmee, dlroctoT ol the Office of Drui Abuao Law En/on:elllen~ lbow· ed N!xon a chart which tabulaled the number of <INI violation arresta In fiocal tm at 11,144 compared to a,1&1 In llaca1 11111. "You haven't of COW'llt completely solved the problem!" NLlon ukad Amb,__ "The problem Is 1 o enormous.•• "Ob. no," &aid Ambmee. But 11t &aid I p-II balnc made In "redudnc the a..U.billtr ond -of 4iltributlon" ol heroin and other = lllep1 •drup. Then Nino b It In lootllaD tem11: "We ""° on the 10.y...t lino. Now we're on the IO yard line and "' have the belf. TheJ bad lhe ball before end now w1 have ll" Nixon to Meet Tanaka • Parley With Japan Chief Set in Hawaii post to succeed former Prime 1tiinister Eisaku Sato. WASHING TON (UPI) -President NIJon will attempt to repair ftralned relations between the United states and Japan by fl)'ing to Hawaii Aug. 31 for a two-day meetlnc wllh new1Y .. lected Japanese Prime MlnlBter Ka k u e I Tanaka. 1'le talks, whlch will cover "the full range of U.S . .Japaneae relatkms.'' are espected to mainly concentrate on lhe 1tance by the two nationa toward mainland China and America's '3 billion dollar trade dellclt with Japan. Announcement or the meeting was made slmultoneously In Wuhington and Tokyo Sunday nlaht; abortly alter N!xon returned to the Wblte House from his Camp David, Md. mountain retreat. were caugbt off guard by the new American attitude. The meeting, to be held one wee~ aft~r the Republican NaUonal Convention 1n Miami Beach, was reportedly arranged by !{Winger during hls three day trip to Japan last month. Kisslnger extend~d Ni.Ion's invitation to Tanaka and his chief rival for Prime 1tilnister, Takeo Fukuda. Tanaka subsequently won the The United States and Japan have been major trading partners ab>ce World War II. Nixon is expected to center hlt economic discussions with Tanaka on ways to reduce this country's huge trade deficit which allows the Japanese to sell some $3 blllion more worth of aoodl to the Unlted States than it buy1. Also Shows Tennis For111 McGovern Lists Team In Election Campaign • uPrime Minister Kakuel Tanaka of Japan has accepted' the invitation of President Richard M. Nlxon to meet in Hawaii on August 31 to Sept. 1 for an ex· change of views on relations between the two countries,'' White House Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler anoounced. "The President will be accompanied by Secretory ol Stale William P. Rogers and hil Aulstont for National Securlty Allalrs Dr. Henry A. Kisl:ingtr." The announcement came just one day a(ter Tnaka received an invitation from Chinese Pmnler Chou En-Lai to vLllt Peking. CUSTER, S.D. CAP) -Sen. George McGovern fonnally unveiled his top campaign team today and vowed "to return government to the people at all levels from the White House to COUJ\1bOuse." In other developments, McGovern taid Sunday he was furious with ·hl1 ltaff about newspaper accounts that former . Democratic party chief ~·~rle~ would play only 1 "titular role In his cam-- paign. McGovern. who has been working aince his nominallon 10 days ago to increase his support among the partr,'• ao-called establishment, called O'Br en 11almolt the perfect link between the younger and newer elements in American polltiCI and the regular figures in the party." Relations between Washington and Tokyo suffered some atrain last year when Nixon made a pair of startling an- nouncements. The first, on July 15, 1971, said the White House had undertaken direct relations with China's leaders and that Nixon would visit the country. The olber, made on Aug. 15, 1971, waa the Prealdent'• new economic policy · Which Included the imposltlon of a surtu on foreign lmJJOrlll.and cumncy controls. · Japan wu lt!fl Jn an awkward position by Nixon's atttmpt to ease 00.UUty ' towar<LI China. The Japanese, who bad been following Wuhington'1 lead in nla· tloos with the Qilnese government., Supreme Court Asked to Rehear Death Row Cases W ASH!NGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court was asked today to rehear the cues of 118 prisoners who were removed from death row by ita historic June 29 decision banning executions. Prosecutors asked rehearing In 13 Georgia death sentence cases, two in Pennsylvania and one in Texas. Texas Atty. C.O. Crawford C. Martin requested a bearing bt the cUe of Elmer Branch; Pennsylvania District Attorney Arlen Specter asted recons.lderaUon of the cases of Anthony Solerl and Frank Phelan, and Georgia Atty. Gen. Arthur K. Bolton filed in 13 cues. Martin &aid in his brief filed wilh the court clerk that the Supreme Cow1'1 an- tlexecution ruling "constitutes a severe blow to the American jury system." "The court has not ruled the death penalty unconsUtuUonal per se, but in- stead baa stricken down the lestsJative grant of the death penalty determination to the jury," Martin ,.Id. He added : "The court bas ruled. In effect, that jurles may not determine on the basi.s of the fact. before them ln Individual rape and murder cases, whether the death penalty Is appropriate." Martin &aid the ruling forces on legblaton the declslon on wbetber to punish by execution. Specter &aid Jn his brief that the two Philadelphia cases he cited are 11e1- cellent examples of the careful and ap- propriate way in whlch lhe dealb penalty has been applied In Pennsylvania. He requested an opponunlty to argue on the lsaue of the constl!utiooality of the death penalty aa applied In Pennsylvania and prepare a record "frcm which this court can properly weigh the imposition of the death penalty tn Pennsylvan1-.." The Democratic presidential oominee listed the roles his top advlstts will play In the fall campaign at a news con- ference at hla Sylvan Lake retreat In the Black HUis of South Dakota near Custer. Earlier, McGovern had a tennla lesson, witnessed by several dozen reporteni, phootgraphers and tourists, f r o m Washington pro Allie Ritzenberg, on the only court in this amail otwn . Rltzenberg hit most of hi& 1holt to McGovern's foreha nd. The senator, who has had only about a dozen lessons, returned most of the shots but had dif· flculty when balls were hit to his backhand. McGovern said Jean Wes t \Vo o d • chairman of the Democratic National Committee, 0 will direct the over-all cam- paign of the national ticket Crom top to bottom making a special effort to broaden the campaign to include more women at all levels." Lawrence F. O'Brien, named national campaign cbalnnan last week, will "give speclal attention to party unity and rela- tions with governors, senators, con- gressmen, mayors, party leaders, and leaders of organized labor and be 1 foremost COMU!tant on all aspecll of lhe campaign," the announctment saJd. The only state coordinator named In the announcement wu Eugerie Pokorny, arcbltect of McGovern'• Nebraska and Wbconaln primary campalgm, who will run the '"-1gn In DDnols which the senator dacri~ u "perhaJlll the most crucial Iii t8e McGovern campaign strategy,,. Gary Hart, the aenator's campaign manager for two years, will direct the campaign organization in all states with George CWmingham, the aenator'• ad- ministrative aubtan~ u deputy cam. pal&n manager. Frank Manklewlcz will serve u McGovern'• top political adviser and head the traveling stall which also will Jnclude Lt. Gov. Wllllam Daugheriy of Soulh Dakota, former Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall, Frederlok Dutton and minorltia coordinator Yancey Mar- tin. Communist Chinese To Buy 2 Concordes PARIS (AP) -Communist China sign. ed a contract today to purcbaae two supersonic Concorde jetliners from tbe French and British manulacturm. The contract, described as ''preliminary purchue agreement,'' was signed by Wang Ya-xlang for the China Natlonal Machlnery Import and Export Co. and Henri Zlqler, presldent of Aeroopatiale. the French partner with the Britbh Alrcalt Corp. In constructlon nr Concorde~ h-feGovem's wanting to his staff came at a closed meeting Saturday and word of the reprimand subsequently leaked out. The South Dakota senator also repeated Sunday that if he beats Prtsi~ dent Nl1on in November he will malntaiA . : military forces in Thailand and at se1 · near Southeast Asia until American · prisoners of war are returned from North VietnatrJ. Aieanwhile, the latest Gallup Poll sug- gests that McGovern's plans for a voter . registration drive among young people could backfire on the DemocraUc presidential candidate. The poll. released Sunday, shows that persons 18 to 24 years old who ere already registered favor Ml'Govern by 57 percent to 41 percent over President Nix- on, but those oot registertd prefer the President by a 46 to 43 pen:ent f1W11n. Stocks Soaring ~ As Good News Sparks Market NEW YORK (AP) -Highly favorable ecooomlc news continued to spark a atrong stock market advance today In early trdaing, Volume was moderately active. Glamour is'1!es were mostly stronger and gains ran throughout the •tock lill The noon Dow Jones average of so Ur d111trlal stocka was ahead up 15.36 at 93.1.81. Advances outpaced declines by lllOre than 3 to 1 among issues traded oo the New York Stock Exchange. One analyst said tbe market was respondlna: to the improved economic picture, which had been overlooked in re- cent weeks because of unsetUed in- ternational monetary conditions and tho Democratic National Convention. Occldental Petroleum still was giving ground as investors had second thoughts about the stock's sharp increase last week after the announcement of the com· pany's wide-ranging' agreement wllh the Soviet Union. At the top of the Big Board active list again today, "Oxy" -as it is called on Wall Sireet -was trading down II at 15. Volume included a block of 60.000 ~: at15~. • The New York Stock E1cbange index of more than 1,400 common stocks wu ahead .56 at noon, while the Ame1, price-· change inde1 was up .14. WE GUAlANlll • ~ EY:t~i:~co ti i ti Costa Mesa ,._· ~ " J~welry and Loan NEW AND UKE NEW MBCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS -~ • Now llk1 Now · Prict Price 6tot'1 llK yallow 9old Omoga bracolet witch ---------•sso.oo ______ $J2S.OO lacll11 14K yellow 1olcl Wyl1t bracaltt watch 215.00 lOLOO ladl11 14K yollow gold coclctall ring, spray d11l9n, V1 ct. centlf dfamond ,nd S 1rn1U dl1morHl1 · · · la4111 1 • pot~ breoch, lotf cl11f9n, yellow 9old ---------- 24" heavy rope chain, 14K yellow golcl - Lodiot 6 1Nlrd P•t101•ux w•tch with 21 diamonds, 14K white gold !Stock •DWJ41 lacl les fl cllamond coc~all rln1 -11 -nc1 cut and 7 i..1u1ffe cut diamond•, IV. ct. totel weifhl, Jot in 14K white 9old ...... S1....,• -tfiost prfco1 reflect a•or19e price of ht qu•llty diamond• il'I 1tock •t 111 tlmu: ~ 14 ct. cllamond ''165.00 $ ti.GO V. ct. '1amend _ 265.00 145.00 V. ct. cllamond 600.00 215.00 -L.wtM' DIMt•rt•• 4119 ht ••k - HU lllWl'ORT aVD. DOWllTOWll COITA M1SA 646-7741 650.0b 2IO.oo 179.00 11.00 165.00 H.00 604.00 211.00 191.00 I 41UI :· • .:~~ . •• .. c more than pr loon For maxi TeMe Gero s 0 I suspi young while eight "Y aw11. l\J y It Convict• Gone Anifil als, Bird~ Occ upy Prison PETROS, TelUl. (AP) -Geronimo, a 4-year-old deer with a tute !or tobacco and pel !or hundreds of convicts, had Brushy Mountain State · PrilOn virtually to hlmaelf Sunday. • And atate oUlclals say they have no more 1c1 .. what will happen to Geronimo than they have about the future of the prison. For the Ume being, the IO-year-old maximum securlly !aclllly In the Eut TeMessee mountains ls closed -and Geronimo can arue on the pri.9on Sheriff Tells Of Suspicions . I n Slaying ZOLFO SPRINGS, Fla. (UPI) - Sherill Newton H. Murdock became suspicious of the kidnap report when the young mother said the Incident occumd while she waa 1trolllng with her baby of eight days. "You don't take a wallc elibt·daya alter having a baby jull to he wallclng," Murdock said alter he charged Mn. June Bryley, II, Sunday with murder. And, observing her at the time, I notic- ed her fingernails bad dirt under them. That's when I first bad a lllllplclon that the baby bad been burled." Hardee. County sherlll'1 oUlcen .,.. rested Mn. Bryley alter flndlng the baby'• body in a lhlllow grave near the home she and' her husband Richard, 20, shared with relaUvea. Mrs. Bryley denied killing the child. · The bulletin asking other law en- fon:ement agencies to watch for a blad:· and·red car with three "kidnap suspects" was eanc<led. Mn. Bryley told olficers Friday lhlt she bad wallced out ol the house c:arrylng the baby and was llCCOlled near the famUy mailbox when a car pulled up. She said three men ordered her to get in, then got oot, grlhhed the baby and drove awq. haaeball diamond without dodJlng 111 ballJ. The vut cell blockl, home o! tOO prlaonen u !ale u Friday night, are empty ucept for U lmnales who wlll help maintain the prloon unlll a decision is msde about ill future. Through the barred but open prison windows tiny aparrowl Qy, their chlrpt echoing loudly up and down the concrete corridors. "The 1parrow1 have it now,'' II.id the Rev. Herbert Corlock, a prison chaplain. "Th.ey seem to like il" Some ceU blocks were le!l In shambles. Burned out pillow•, m1guines and yards o! unrolled toilet psper Utter the walkway a. Culock said the d..tructlon was _,. tn the sectlolll Of the prhon where the in- mates had a view of the front entrance. It was there that atriltjng prison guarda gather~ Thursday to protest dilclpllnary action a11a1nst two guards by Warden Robert Moore. When they refused an order to retW'D to work Friday, Gov. Winfield Dunn fired UO members of the 176-man guard force. A few hours later, Comctlons Com- missioner Mark Luttrell announced that BnWiy Mountain would be cloaed and ill prisoners transferred. All but the U lnmatu bod been remov· ed !rom the prison by late Saturday. Among lholO trana!ered w11 James Earl Ray, sentenced to 91 yean for killing civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Mempllla In 1911. Moore reporta today to the COJTectlons eommiulon office in Na.shvllle for reassignment. One mUe aoulh ol the prison, the tiny mountain community of Petrol ls without !ta livelihood for the flrll Um• In lhta ' century. Acrou the atnet from Gunter'• G<ocery Siore, a llower-<lraped colfin with a figure In it to symboliu Petrol Ilea in state. A sign 11y1, "R.l.P. Dunn Done It." .. Jobless guards milled about the grocery and watched In silence Saturday as the la!t three buaes rolled down the prison road cerrying Inmate. t o Nashville and Only, Tenn. It wu a sudden, sUen4 sober end for Brushy Mountain, lite of recurring prisoner ,.volta and target of lttlllailve !nveslJiatlona alnce the lllOs. Sea Struggle Man Rescued; Three Others Lost SANIBEL, Fla. (UPI) -Rlcbard Van Beber told his Cout Guard mcuera over the weekend that his wile grew delirious from drinking seawater before mangling on. a lile jacket cord and two other peraona drifted away from t h e i r · overturned motorboat b a b b II n g In- coherently. Van Beber, 35, of Miami, was rescued clinging to the overturned fibergl11a craft In the Gulf of Mexico Saturday night. His account o! the mishap gave authorities Utue hope ol llndlng the olher three alive. Van Beber told Coast Guard ln- vesUgaton the boat started tak.ln& water and was capsiud by a wave July IS, after he and his wile set out on the fishing trip with a Fort Lauderdale coo· pie, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Willtams. AJI four clung to the boat for a time, but the other three drank aea water against his advice and became delirloul, Yan Beber said. He said Wllllama and then his wile drifted away from the boat talking lncoberentiy. Mrs. Van Beher hung on but evidently strangled en a life jacket cord, Van Beber aaJcl. He told lnveatigators he cut her body looae from the boat and watched it drift away. Tbat was Friday morning. A eoa.t Guard hellcopler finally spotted the ttoy boat and ita only survivor Saturday even· Ing. Van Beher said he atayed alive by drinking rain water he caught with a piece, ol canva He wu listed In lair oondllion In a Fort Myers bolpllal, where he · wu treated for espooure and dehydration. Showln1 atrain In hll h<t. Democratic preaidentlal cantlltlate, Geore• McGovern retuma·a serve II be plays tennis In CUiier, S.D. McGovtn1, vacaUonlne In the Blaclt Hills, drove Into CUster to pla, tennis with a friend. I , • DAILY l'ILOT ll•H ....,_ s DAILY PILOT 3 ,. Agnew Hits McGovern •. I On Amnesty ; ANCHORAGE, Alaska (UPI) -Vice ! !'reslden~Spiro T. A"'ew cf!Ucl!Od Jen. George Mc:Govem's &11\nOs!Y policy 5uft. day nigh! Ind called for "touah" treat· , ment of Americana who fled the count?)'. : to avoid lighUn& In Vietnam. Agnew, on his first campsli" lwlng , aince "'Inning .President NI.Jon'• en· dorsunent for a second term, told a $1~ a-plate Republican fund-ratalng cocktaU ! party ihat the Democratic ilonilnee'• proposal for amnesty "makes utteri1 DO sense at all ." The vice president suggested that draft dodgers should be put into unifonn even U the Vietnam war ends. "Amnesty, even after th.is war ends, must be on a selective basis," be :aid. "There must be hearinp and we must · he very thorough about ii. There should · be service required." OLD EL TORO SCHOOL SERVED WEL L IN A LESS COMPL ICATED AGE; NOW IT HAS PROBLEMS It Was tho Only School In tho Saddloback Valley When It Was Con1t ructod in 1910 He said the men killed in Vietnam can not be "remembered and re\l'tred" it "v•e are extending the hand of Iorgive..ess to those who ran away.''. ,• It's Still ' ~On Market' The issues that separate the President and McGovern "go fundamentally to the morality of the Unlted States of ", America," he told about 300 penoos. ""· Agnew said the politics of the nation's youth and diJregard for present drug laws would be the main imles of the presidential campaign. Jo aquin District Seeks B uyer for El Toro Scliool He warned his audience that McGovern should not be taken lightly, otherwise the J; GOP v.•ould be "in for a sharp diaap-t pointment." i BY PATRICK BOYLE Of "" Dallr·l'llel '"'" The old El Toro School has been for sale for the past four years, but more weeda than buyers have beaten a path to its graffiti-covered. doors. The crumbling facllity and ils 2.8 acres ol property, owned by the San Joaquin Elementary School District, were of· fered to the highest bidder in 1968 after being declared surplus property. It is located atop a knoll at the end of Olive avenue. Even though the district realized in 1968 that it needed property for school construction, the El Toro property was deemed too small for a modem day cam- pus. Trustees decided lo sell the land and use the money toward lhe purchase of a larger !Choo! site. According to Rex Nerlson, district bustnesa superintendent, the facllily has been offered for bid three different times with a m1nimum bid requirement of $50,lltltl. There 'have been ooly two bid- ders -and the school dlstrjct still owns the unuaed facllity. OriglDally In the old El Toro School Dtatrict, Ji was closed In 1958 an~ ill 40 studenta transferred to the adjacent San Joaquin dlstricl Ralph Gate!, San Joaquin superin- tendent since 1915, says the fading stucco building had 9nlY two rooms when It was built In 1910 and was the only school In the Saddleback Valley. Alter the com- pleUon of construction, the area studen~ moved Into the school from a community church, whe,. they had been attending classes. Besides such ''modem" fixtures as blackboards and~wooden desb, the stnic-, ture was built with a tall tower to house Wind Drives Off Stagnant Air Over Northeast By T!ae.Auoclated Presa Winds drove a stubborn mass of hot, stagnant air from the Northeast today, blowing away weekend automobile ex- haust and industrial pollution lhlt lr- rttated coastal cities last week. Wuhlngton was the only metropolitan area on the AUanUc COl!t still on pollu~ tlon alert but envtronmental engineers said It might he cancelled this afternoon JI the winds koep up. Authorities utended the week-old alert after measuring exhaust fUmes of autos ,.turning from Maryland and Vlrglnla beaches. COmmuters were urged to leave their cars home today If polsible. Wind guats stirred the air over New York City on Sunday and lowered the smog reading to a level deemed "good" by the clly Air lleaources Department. The department forecast ••acceptable" air quality today. Winds were 15 miles per hour in other parta of the Northeast as the week-old •\agnant alr mass, weakening somewhat, blew IOUth and west. However, a high-pressure· hot air dome, = a two-mUe layer of hue to the cooUnued to bang over the Unu, and oUlclals In the two states doubted the tystem would break today. In Ohio, near the wtatem edt• o! the dlsalpatlng air mass, the state Depsrt· ment of Health lilted a pollution alert that had threatened to close 115 In· dustrlal planta with lnclnel'llors. Sunday'• pollutant rudlng In the Ohio Valley llleet cit,y of Steubenville stood at !IS miClOlll'lllll Per cubic melel"Ctlm- par<d with a nonn of 200 and a high of mo"' than llOO Frldly. Venezuela Shudders As Earthquake Hits '·CARACAS. Venezuela (Al') -An earthquake jolter this coontry early to- dly, causing panic but apparent\y no ~ or materlal damage. The 11 .. brigade reported that 10veral ldephone calls wue received reporting that alevalor1 In bulldlnp bad stopped operatlnC u people tried to abandon tbelt apartmen1I. the school bell that called youngsters to family dwellings so he could develop it. class. He made a similar offer to buy some A third room was added to the scbool adjacent property from the YMCA and \Vhen enrollment began to swell and such officials of that organization originally Agenew was scheduled to leave for - Fairbanks today for another fund.raising outdoor facilities as a basketball court agreed. However, that has fallen event. and playground equipment were added lo through. complete the educational facility. Vandling bid on the property nearly a The windows now have been boarded year ago, but the county has yet to act on c s001· ety up. Vandals have scrawled graffiti on the the rezone proposal pending the outcome ancer walls and broken into the building of an environmental impact study of pro} ' I several timis and weeds have completely ecta along nearby Aliso Creek. Conse· Roundup Starts overgrown the school growuls. quent1y, the school district still owns the When it was first offered for bid, school. ·.; Nerison says, a church entered into an At a school trustee meeting recently, The American Cancer Society ts eon-.·: escrow agreement to buy th e school and Nerison reported that Vandling is con-ducting an end-of-the-fiscal year roundup . 1 adjoining land. But during the title sidering turning over his rights lo buy of outstanding Cancer Society Neighbor· .:: search of the escrow process, officials the property to a church group. Nerlson to.-Neigbbor Kits. discovered the district had never fully said this could be acceptable to the school "We urge Laguna Beach residents who .. acquired all of the property from ils district. still have k1b in their possession to can _·. original owners. However, he also noted that Vandlin's the telephone number on the kit 90 lt can " Nerison said that by the time the pro~ attorneys had learned of another cloud be accounted for," says Orange County ' .. lem was resolved, the church bad backed that could be hanging over the title to the residenllal crusade chalnnan J a c k . out of the deal. tiiere were no takers property. He said that in 1890, a portion Engelhardt. "" this second time it· was offered for bid. of th e ground on which the school is sit-The kill, be said are nine by 12 inches, • On the third occasion, Ted Vandling, a ting was sold to the old El Toro School white with red and blue print. They con-"! Tustin real estate broker, bid the District for $1 -on the condition that it taln not ooly lnformaUonal material, but •' minimum $50,lltltl and was the only party only be used for educallonal purposes. also contributiull placed Inside u they '' to show any interest. However, he of-The county counsel has indicated to are clrcUlated from nelghbor kl neighbor •• fered to buy the property only on the school officials that the tiUe was clear, The ltlta alao may ba turned 1n to the '\ condition that the coonty Planning ·Com· so this last compllcaUOn may have al· ~ CIDcel' soci.y Ojllco, 1llN , mission would moue it for multipl~ ready been reoolved. • Irvine Blvd., "''"''" ....._ ~ "' ... .-., i:---r.l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FURTHER REDUCTIONS! fwi!JJb WOMEN'S e VALLEY e PENAUO e LADY FLDRSHEIM e VITALITY e DeLISO e HILL & DALE e RISQUE e WOMAN'S SANDLES e COBBLERS e EHNA JETTICKS 1. MEN'S I FLORSHEIMS $16,90 to $21 090 VA.LUU TO $16.95 WINTHROP L T. WRIGHT $ $12.90 $29.90 v-le $ll. v ..... le $44. HA.ND BA.GS VALUES TO $37.00 TO VALUES TO $30.00 I c;nll,DBEN'S I TRIDERrrE1 • .!_HOE,; • J:AZfNI 11'1>: VALUll TO $17.00 PRICE PRICE OPEN MON., It FRI. NI TE T ILL t:• P'.M. UH TOUl IANIUUllltCAH, MASlll CHAlel, HIM'"IU CllAIU 54 FASHION ISLAND NE\VPORT CENTER-644-4221 • 'i .. , •• ,, .. ,, .... ' I • I • • • • I • . • I . f DAll.<f l'ILOT HopeFading ' For.Nine Coal Miners BLACKSVIL\.t, W. VL (AP) - . llelcue -tried ~1 to drill • live-inch bole Into • bUmlng cool mine ~ nine miners have been happed since saturday evonJnc. Hope for .... aiinc the 'men wu fodlng. There has bHn no wnrd from the nine i ince shortly alter the' fire . started. Of· ficial• of the Coalolidatlon Coal Co.'1 • Jllacksvill• No. I mine raid Sunday oil!l>t chances the men woold bo found olive were ''qWte dim." . "I dm't think I am ·sllltlng anythint ~ but a fact," · old John Corcoran, CooaOlldatloo prealdenl He called Ibo · 1iluatloo a tracedy. Ofllclals raid 31 of the 40 men doing maintenance work Jn the lour-mlle mine reacbod '81•1)' within mhiutes .alter the flre brote out. ., 'Ille bole bole WU being drilJed Jn ID attempt to reaeb the men or polllib!Y communicate with them. Falllng1hat, ol· flciala hoped to learn IOllU!thlnc abotlt • ooncilttooa In the mine l50 feet below the roUtnc bUla ol Ulla West Vlrgi!>la- • Pennoylvaoia border community. An olf!clal of ll1I! U.S. Bureau ol Min .. raid temperatum Jn the Immediate area ol tile llrt prcibably were between 2,500 IDd S,000 dqrees fabronheil . . Cortotin slid at· a oew1 conference tie felt cmdluOm for mculng the trapped · minen were not favorable. llelcue efforta ba•• been hampered by Ibo fire whk:b ~llnues to burn Jn the IOft coal velna Iha! underlie the area. Elforts to put the fire out with loam bave been atyrnled became workera were • lllllble to· pt. beblod.lffe na-. . • , .111e fire started wbea a beavy piece ,of {lDlillng lllldllnery bolng relocated In the · nialn corridor obout a mlle from the lone ~ ~levator lbalt bit ~ live electrical wire, 1 ...,eratln1 lplrka. l. 'Ille fire bad been localized Sonday 1 iilcbl lo ID area of al>out 400 IQuare !eel 'i.. than a mlle from Ibo mine entrance, ' ConlOlidatton olflciaJJ .. 1d. •· cOrCorin told newsmen that aome • ~ of Ibo mlulng men'a families ,-. keepJns a vigil around Ibo entrance !to·tbe mine. . 1, Ofllclali raid· more than 100 reoaio ' • _...., il!Vldi!d Jnto n teain.1, were bi· . ' . . )'illved Jn the ~arch. · I· "'1'llere II alwa11 bope," rald•1-ard f,Pnabvlc:b, vi<e president and _ppokesman !or Ibo United Mine Worker& et America. l , l..... Pnalmvlch placed the blame !or the "'1' ~ with the company. He ao- euiod Cldatlon ol bolnl negllun! Jn JaWac lo ..U.... a state mlnlng liw re-iP*ll'I evaoualloii of mlnera from an 1area ....... beavy lllldllnery II bolng lnovld. ~ • t Coreora Ii.wend, "There la a legal : ~ ••. llllt --do not «i• :-111 by 11111 air ""'""' wbere a machine II ~ moved. II would -r that on : )bl.a part~ OCC&Jion !!Ollle ol the men ~ where .the machine was bolng m6ved. Why they were there, we don't li:Dow." Tbe trapped mlnen were Identified aa Terrance · Stoaeldna. :it, IDd Frederick l'hlllipa. 0, -oT Mount Morrt, Pa.; IDd JUllln A. jleaeb Jr., 2S, Conrad J. ·Belt, 34, Bl1IJ Murray, YI, Roy Sisler, 24, J!oy Dallen, a, Kenneth Haynes, 21, and 11<\bert Trusler, 82, all ol Morgantown. ' Morphine 'C~asting' .Tom Murphine's. •1Just Colatlng" col-phin wiJJ not appear thia week. while he is on vacation. Look for his column next v.1eek. • South Viets AdvB:nce · Allres Recapture Village, Storm Citadel Hot Dogging It SAIGON (AP) -Soutb Vletmrrae troops made major -ea ~ fronl1 today, flCbltnc their 'ft1 to lbt •alls ol Quang Tri Cltadol ID Ille northern counterolfemln IDll recap- turing • aecond dlltrlol loWll .. Ibo - Ital coaJI. In the ... -· -jell bombad the IOUthern MCI« ol Hanoi OD ~ for Ibo ..-lllCCeellve day, ..um, a battery plant Oil IJre IDd 1rtQVlnir a dozen. uploatona, tho ·U.S.. CownlDd reported. ~ uld amoka .,..e 4,000 feel over the Ncrlb'VWlnameae capltaL ASllOCIATED Preaa <iOITeopondent Dennis Neeld reportOB '. fi.,D Quanc Tri that government poretroopera pushed tlroogb a !WI· of Ncrlb Vtelnameae artillery on tho· a~ to the Clladel, ihen .encountered . withorlnf lirt lhroolll> t'lfp breachea1n tl)e ..root •;Ills ol tbo 19th centilry -· . • . "Tbe North VleinameJe are lunnelllnf their f1rtpoW<r toto the gaps in, the•walls, end it's niurder ·in tberf!," one· officer &aid. Officers said the South Vietnamese were taking llUbotantlal casualtlea but refused to say· bow many. · Planting the Soutl! Vleuiamese Dog in . the Citadel would 'l""bollu recapture ol the northernmost provincial capital which fell to the North Vietnamese on 'May I. The South Vietname,. coun- teroffensive to recapture QUin( Tri Province began June II. What coul~ be more appropriate !or National Hot Dog Week than a hot dog eating contest? The Marshall, Michigan recreatwn depart· ment sponsored the event last week and one of the contestants com- peting vigorously (and about to lose his •tube steak') was 15·year·old Gene Lawrence. Neeld said the paratroops louncbed their assault at dawn from a string. of bunkers' within 50. yards of the Citadel walls, moving behb)d a heavy arllll'fl' 3nd aeri81 · bombardment. Tb~ two breaches in the Wans had been made two weeks ago by U.S. jets with ~c!ed 2,lllllJ.pound bombe. Meanwhile, in Blnb Dinh Province, on the central coast, niore than . 1,0oo South Vietnamese. rangers moving on foot· and by 0bollcopter recaptured the dlstri<t town of Tam Quan, Aaooctated Presa photographer Neal UleviCIM°'ported: He said tilt North Vietnamese put up. only light resistance. Vlster Defense Leaders :Threaten to. Attack IRA BEFORE THE 8'SaUI~ u:&: ~ml bombarded the town from olfsbore,djd heavy damage IDd tell port-of the town in Dames. 'BELFAST (AP) -A sniper killed another Jlrttlsh soldier In Bellast today, ' . "hile a civilian diai and four were ~ounded in a crossfire in Londonderry. The soldJer wu shot at an army post on the edge of the Roman Catholic Jlaliymurphy district. Hls was the 472rd confirmed delth~ in the three years of religloua: warfare in · Nortpern UeJand, and Ibo 103rd Britis~ soldier to die. Brttilb troops raided two catholic housing estates i!1 Armagh, southwest of Belfast, and arrested 10 persons for quesUonlng. Sweeps in Catholic areas of Belfast Oil Sunday turned up more than 700 pounds of gelignite and other ex- plosives. The cuualties in Londonderry were passengers in a car caught between British troops and.snipers during one of three gun battles In Northern Ireland's As the South Vietnamese f9fCe moved second city. tn, at l~ast 2,000 clvm.ris emerged Two other battles broke out when guer-cautiously from . unduground · ~· rillas attacked army posts in Lon-The troopl rounded them ·up for pro-cessing. · donderry with rifle fire and nail bombs. Tam Quan is one of four diatrict towns Tbe Army said troops hit three gunmen Jn ~ ll!nh .Dinh ~Vince that fell and no soldiers were hurt. to the North Vietnatpeae . in April and In Jlellast, mililanl Protestal\18 step-May. Jlonl Son; 10 mllea aouth "1 Tam ped up pressure on Britain to· hit back. r:· An Ml~ ~ap~~ ~:-::~ ~ Jiarder al the Irish Republican Army. •~' · · · · · 'p.•IVtl. .. guerrillas they blamed for a weekend of Government f~s wtte DO;t 10 IUC-- bloodshed that left 18 dead.. cessrut Jn the Que Sonh Valley,. :15 mllea Leaders of 'the right.wing Vanguard south Of Da Nang, where the Nc:rtb Viet· Movement called a civil disobedience nameae reporte:dl,y lauilched a Rrles ,of d. 1 heavy assaults. . campaign inclu_ mg refusa to pay rents Field infonnanti said'~.oui~ ,c;alltd and local taxes. Lion was overrun and tw~ .of1tJ»t &!"~ A spokesman for the paramilitary ment defenders were iillfd, 17 were Ulster Defense Association -which wounded and tit' wtre mW:ing,'ffeld 'iD- clalms it can muster 43,000 trained fonnanta said. 'l'be Saigon. ~d . reported the oulpoll wu atla~~· but Wick• volunteers -warned 1t would attack IRA said it had 00 lnformaUoa Ji!tfcatbia it -strongholds within a week. -·-· -.. _liaa been-OVernm-1-""-' · There were signs the British govern· ment was also ready to take a tougher stance against the IRA. Britain's administrator for Northern Ireland, William Whitelaw, and Defense Secretary Lord Carrington had talks with Prime Minister Edward Heath, and it• was believed a new hard-line strategy WM mapped out. The UDA said it would strike back within a week. A masked spokesman, garbed in a military uniform, told newsmen in Belfast: · "We are not naming' the day or speci. fyJng the moves we shall take. "But to the Provisional IRA, we issue this warning: look over your sbotilders if and when you leave your ratholes or stop hiding behind innocent children and women's skirts." ANOTllER BAm.E · was reporlf,d Astranaut Cites ' . NASA R-eppmand As 'N~ry' ... ' I . DALLAS (AP) ,... Alf i)lrce Col. James Irwin llY• space -olficlall bad DO choice but to ;rtJll'knalld him and byo olbor astronauta .. for 1akJnB unaulhofi?d atamped sou~epir t11yelppel .tobo~ ~t· "We did lhis·U.~ -w \0 thpiljh we were doipgl. the ·"°"I 'l\Jlni-.~ .. our families, but. we wer~ wr~t'; ~ ~ the Dallas bureau · of the' Baptist Pral News Service Jn a. telephone .lillerYlfw alOUtld 1.and~I 1.G1>e Rou, and Ddd rfP!1r1s laid llS North Vletnamese troops ....,.. klilad. A dolen South Vietnamese aoldiera ,..... killed or wounded, initial • ' ' J. • repo!tl ,oajd.. ' ' n •• On. 'tho ~-Jront, Fire -e Ba;loine IDd three • other positions cu4nHnc the western qllllb or Hue were blfby qjore lhanJ,JllO .l'OUll4I of 1bellflre. Field llPorll raid U South Vletnamese soldlera were kill.;ji and, n were wound· od. ,,,." ~Ir 1ttacu on lla!Jol'• Van Dien battery i>lant were cairled out by planes 11'<!111 the carrier Kitty Hawk. It was the ftrlt time .tbe piabt bad been attacked since the•~ bombing ol North V~tnam ~ed April I. Tht North Vietnameae Fote I g n Mlniltry said that many lactor1es and other economic installations a n d workers' collective ~ll;t& area were destroyed, and many civilians were kill- ed. .NORTH VIETNAM also clalmed tbat 13 u.s. jets were shot down Saturday and Sunday and at least one pilot of a Navy F8 was captured. The U. S. Command reported only two planes lost, a Navy RF8 reconnaissance jet downed Saturday 35 miles sOuth of Thanh Hoa and a Navy A7 that crashed in tbe Tonkin Gull Sun- day night The Command said tbe pilot ol the RF8 i; missing and tbe'pllol of the A7 was rescued. * * * * * * North Vietnam Civilians . . 'Calm', During Bomb Raids VJENTIANE, Laos (AP) -Civilians in North Vietnam show high morale and good• humor despite the renewed U.S. bombJn41, two Americans who visited there aild today. John A. Sullivan and Dr. George A. Perera,·1taff1mtmbers of the American Friends . Servi<e COmmitlee, a Quaker .....,Ice organization, raid they sougbt the aalety ol bomb·abelten 3f limes during tlJtir aeveo-<liy t;ip to North Vietnam to deliver turllcal . equipment. U.S. bomb- ~;have become a fact or lile and peo-Pll! ..,,ed to. bo taking them to stride, they Yid. . The bombing has driven .all the people Oljl., • of Nam Dinh; a city la mlles ~,.i.ol,H~. Nqrlh Vietnamese ol· ficiall informed them IO percent ol Hp>l'~·po~tion has ~n evacuated to !be C9U!llcy•l!je. theY. said. . . . Of the 700,000, peraons . remaining tn 11aoo1; they raid they, were Informed that clltldrtD. were alloWed to reinain behfud If.their parenls were Ot>J>O"d to ,ending ~awar.;~-. • J?u!b!,r', bombiiJ& alerts and raids, the ,;m.~· ra1a, they, otiserved "no evtdtDcefof people ln panic." . ·~ers . announced approaching pllaes when ·~y were 4f to '3 miles trom..Hanol, pae travelers reported. They 1ald• lhll ·cailsed no change or pace in Jiubllc acllvllies. ~Ofkera conUnued to go about their tasks undisturbed, children played, ~clllta contlnued·to ride, they said. "Wbell the !>lanes approaebed to within Jl ~es of Hanoi, 1lreoa were sounded in a MCODd and final waming. Tbey con-tlnued. .•. ;Worrirs•then began .to troop to base-' ment bomb llheltera where mothers •tuf· fed . their ~en into one-person cylln- diical 'llheltm. gOOds and queues or people are waiting everywhere. But the North Vietnamese smilingly joke among themselves and wait without showing any signs of im· patience. they added. TrilllC •balled and cycllstJ parked their bicycles;and. iquatted near the entrances UPI T..._.. to sbelters. l\'ew•-n :KiUed The Amerlcons said the children they aaw ,allowed ·no fear during the raids. J'.'l""!a told them they had . trouble with ~ who· apparenUy preferred to wlich the ···-· rather than squat Jn CJOied ahel~ they Yid. . Ofl!cl4JI· raid thl; has reaulted in a hllJiel' ;-'""-"••e" of mother and child c....w;r.":"".,., . 'llle 'Amer!Cana raid Hanoi -is plagued by a·lhilrlqe of -. foods and essential -; ·f ·~ . ~ ~ . 1 ! • ' . ~ . ~ Gerard Hebert, a photographer working for UPI and lhe Can· adian Broadcasting Corpora· lion, was killed Saturday by a North Vietnamese artillery shell at Quang Tri City. Hebert is shown recuperating from earlier wounds suffered in Viet. nam. ,"t ., ' 1 I ~ . r ' !J.p~~y ~O.utplays Boris, Wins "Sixth. Chess Game Midwest Gets Cool Respite Sunday. He i1 a SoulherU'JlaP,1111~ • • The other AJJ9Uo 15,utronabts'lnVOlved were Al Worden .irid ~l)avld" I/COit. ,All three decided laal f411 l\O!,to .~ J¥r share ol •re~ $!'!0,00lffrl'l"·~ol the envel-In Well .OOmlllf. · • L Lnt;ense Heat, Humidity Co1itinue on East Coast The Incident •WU re~ted .. about 10 days ago. But IrWln rald'lhe 'declili>!\.I•>. relilse the money came . abolll • eliht monlha.'qo. He is tlie llrit of the tfne'/4 r both tie1t ind smov sunc11v, with • comment Publicly on the lnCl.de'pt. • ' . :I~ ~~~'i'I{-•!Id 111e 1st11 •mos The money would have ~ to. ~ Ski• 1r1 IXllfett'd lo bt lllntf'lllY "·-· &llro08U'"' e••M ·'"~· ............ cle1r o~r most of Swtllern C•lllwnltt uu~ WI ' ,..,'l,_CUllUl1Ri ""'• ...... lllrou;l'I Ttle$Clly wlll'I Ille POUlblUtv 9f 8 trust Jund ArT~emenl ' ". ;. • ~r.d nnJll:t~"' In aoui111em 1be three -,-astronauts ~ .,, 400' v.s. SutntnUl'f# souvenir stamped'envelopel, bo\m •lo Rflltf from "°' ind l'IVn'lld ~·-stamp collectors u postll c&+, "wttb ~:m .::..,":'lC. r ... ·~.':.'::'~.fl'~ them on lbotr moon mllllion Ji .... , n1tlon 1111 ... OQPl'bltd bV 11111 Ind They al9o look ........ •m tlJV IP; lllDPlfl'd bV l'-9rl Ind tttVfto N ~ r ' ' • • ad c1~1~·1n0 N1t1t1s11:1. fl'lunftrikM'rm proved by lJ:te ·~ ~ '.o" 1· ~.:ri~~~i:;:.,'°""' Ml, Spa~ A~~ 'U P11T_~11 ftl :/ 1n.M1t1 ,,..,. lr"'n 10 l11t11n °'' mtmentoi. • , • , "~tell n ""14: cen r11 ll"MS wltl'lln • : 12 Frld11 n~l'll Ind S.H11itly, ·,,.,.i P!"tC Ollltlofl fof tN _,., Ill J11ly It lbo\lf ll'll'H lnd'lls, Mid tM N .. tlollll W11tlllt' S.,Vlej, 111 1111 t1r _,, 1t1unMr1torms 4Gtttlf the moiint1rn ,,..., dMl Ind fOo I -•""• tilt co.tlllne. wllli. .iti. ""rm"' I I~ !rlwn. the M!Joft r from • 11 l.lrPlf"-W#., lo ti I Hdl ... Ctlff, Cncutal Weatller WEATHTIR -Svn Moon Tlda .... $"'11'1'f lod1y. Lloht v1rl11Mto .wli* fll•l'lt 11111 moml119 "*"• ~"' Wttt"1y 11 to 10 knoll In 1n.- • Y'OUll'I Wt1o MNtH I PrOl!tn nect tod1y 1/'ld TUtM1y. H!gh ,.,...,, 1'. lffet' ~¥J.'lt... mfo &Wofr llw 11 L01!1 C011l1I t.lnfltl'1turt• l'flftOI frtm A 'Whcllif~~:-1~ ti IM:r.1i000 to 70, lnl111d fell'IPlr•"""' r....-frolll 1un~Jhlrl t1Mft .... IMI ' •• • .. to ... Wtltr fwl'\plf1Nre 6$. title~ M" 111 I r.: IWdlln -11111!t s U ..,.,a_ IW'I 1on ......,.., 1111 Claln'J~-· un, ,.,.-fHNI,. ... ..et Two NNll lllrWlll res llllr "-"" MbHDAY f::o"~"', ~ .... 'T:m":; ~hip ...... , ..... l ;Gp.wt. '" within In . k<tM low • -21a tt-A LI Sntntlln I It 111'!tl1 iJ~ (ltt TUllOAY ~.,, ~ ~': .,,;:m· I First Miii ............. "',. l ,lfto ~ .. =~viT::l~f'1 wkt -~ F1n1 low .............. I:."•·• ... , wr,*'1i." tor 111~ · 5ocond ,.'9h ............ ':M tt-m. U ~Plf twrnper1 ur1.,. -~•"°' Skonf low .... , ....... i:w ''"" 1.1 ' • ... k $1111 •• J1JI ''""' .... •:• 0.11'1. .., .rT~ ........ ..,.,,. Moo!! ''* ''°' """ .... •ill wn. • f • DAILY I'll.OT t •• ' DEL~VERY· SERVICE.: . . . ' . . . .. DtllWIJ o1 lht DlllJ Pilot ' , ls,_.,.. .. ' .. .... ~ ClliMf't ............... --• ........... , ... ,.. ..... ..... .... w.dll:lill ........ • ............... . llWl Qlfe t tJL ~..... • , S.1-li~O..lNM.. ..... ~"'-..... ····---- I ' "'"' ......... AFTER 41$1' MOVE Flacher Holds L11d •. ' ' • . t I v d t b a Kid~ap Suspect Sought . /He Didn't Hear Honk REDONDO B E J, <; K I (AP) -Kenneth right bec1me a bit-and-run vie-- Um in i place where there RENO, Nev. CAP) -f, man poUce say fefl home with only a gun and his pants ., .. being soogbt In the abducllon' of five penon1 ind commandeerlnl of three cars In C.!lfomla, of ficers said. 1 1 is no auto traffic. · ·, Wrlgkl, :JO, of Whilller, . II nursing severely brulstd . . The third cir waa found abaodoned bere afler the day long aeries of seizures in which no one was hurt. Officers gave thla account: Jay Slorey, 26, fought wilh his wife early Sonday, then stormed out of his home In San Francisco with a revolver and wtarlng only pants after his wile called officers. 1 rlbo ~ alter being hit 1 In the chesl by a seal In cqutal wat"1 oouth of Loi Anaeles. Wrtgb! wu !Cllba dJvjng '&mclay when the . seal smashed into him, li/eguarcll I I I d • Com- .,.ruona helped hint to IJ>ore, and he 11as trea~ and releaaed ~ a hospital here. ' Piettlt'e• Awaited Earth Resources • Satellite Orbits LOMPOC (AP) -Their long·awalle<I satelllle tucked in a perfect orbit over the North and South poles, sclerr tlsta are checking out systems aboanl the ERTS spacecraft in preparitlon for receiving ·11nt plcturel of lhe earth Tue!day. '!lie' $178 inllllo• spaeecrafl WU launched . &mclay from Vandenberg Air Force Base here io begin a year of global environmental measurements that !ICleotlltl hope will usher in. a new era of uslng spate teC.hnOlogy to monitor earth's natural resources. ERTS, which is short for Earth Resources Technology , Satellile, thundered aloft alop a white Delta launch rocket that flawlessly boosted the 1,900-pound spacecraft S O O miles above the South Pole and into a circular orbit. "Everything looka fine -In fact it look.$ excellent,•r said Dr. John Clark, director of the National Aeronautics a n d Space Admlniltratlon'• God- dard Spaceflight Center al Greenbelt, Md. The center will control ERTS during the year In which the 10.foot-long satellite will circle the earth every 103 minutes. Equipped with three televl· Kirishinia Replica sion cameras and a special Mondi.y, July 24, 1972 DAILY l'ILDT IS Ells berg Trial To Begin · LOS ANG~ (UPI) -Six alternate Jurors remained to • be .-n today In the Pen· tagon papen trial of Daniel Ellaberg and Anthony J. Russo ~r. It appeared o p e n l ~ g arl\lllleftts mli)it get under WI)' II early u ~)'. ' The se1ectton of a regular Jury of eight women and four men wu completed Friday after two weeks of questioning of a pool of prospective jurors by Federal Judge Matt Byrne. The judge excused the regular panel until Tue!day. A few blocks away, a bare- chested man held up a Couple leaving a party and forced them to drive him to nearby San Jose, Babysitter Held in Two . . ' radiation-sensing device, the .Oakland marine equjpJJ)ent compaiiy owner Don V. Clair stands beside a \vork· ipacecraft •1ll photograph lhe Ing model of the Kirishima, a battleship of the Imperial Japanese fleet that al · en~~:~~ ~~ ~ :s.the tacked Pearl Harbor. His warehouse contains one of the largest collections in the pictures to monitor natural _U_m_·1_ed_S_ta_t..,e_s,:.a_n_d_th_e_;_.m_od......:~:.'_w_e_re_u_se_d_i_n_f_il_m_i_ng:;:.__o_f_'_·T_o_r_a.'-T-or_a_._T_o_r_ac..~'--­ resources such as crops, A pool or 16 prospect.Ive Juron remained to be ques- tioned to serve as possible alternates in the trial. which stems from the release to news media of classified Pen- tagon documents on the Vief· nam war . S~bbings 1 ~~ll ~hows He fefl their car there but not before taking the man's shoes, 1hlrl · and jacket. The victims were M:lentllfed 15 John Maran and Rosemarie Casey, holh 20. LOs ANGELES <UPI> -A · Bi'U ~hort teenage babylitter wu ar· rested Sunday alter a mother wu awakened upon bearlng her S.yelll'<lld uugbler cry; .. He stabbed me." The woman found her daughter wouo~ed and her other child, a S-year-- old hoy, dead of knife wounds. Qf Passage forests, schools or fish, water supplies and grasslands. They believe the ·pictures, taken through filters that measure radiation reflected from the plailet, can help in U.S. 'Not Like NY City' Ellsberg, II, and Russo. 35. former associates at the Rand Corp., a govenunent "think tank" in Santa Monica, are ac- cused of espionage, conspiracy, theft of govern- ment material and related charges . The gunman quickly hitched a ride in San Jose, forced thi; motorist to leave at gunpoint then abandoned the car within the city limits. \ Donald Chester, II, describ- ed as a neighbor aod regu1ar Later, Glenn C. Bytbeway.1 21 , of Santa Clara an Deborah Jean Jobe, 20, of San Jose turned' •Up on foot at a babysitter for the vlctiml, was · campground in Truckee. \ arrested several hours after They sakl a man in San Jose the stabbings. had forced tbei:n to drive him 1 Detectives said J a n t c e lo the High Sierra and !hen I McLa ghlln h fter dumped them. \ u came ome .a The couple's car was found J a night out to find Chester liiter In Reoo. · sleeping on !he couch and lhe Youth Hangs Self in Jail HOLLYWOOD (AP) Police uy a 19-year~ld youth used his shirt lo hang hlntself in bis Jail ctll. The. 'dead youth was iden· lilied Saturday nlgbt as Norvlc Newlitrry of l.<>s Angeles, wbo offic:tn aald bad beeo booked for Investigation of burglary. lrest of the hou..i quiet. She ·went to bed without rousing hiJ)I. , 1 Mr.. McLaughlin said she Was awakened by cries of the daughte r Lisa, 8. The mother also went to the bed of her son, Allen , and found hint ciead of a stab wound In the stomach. Lisa WU "'ported Jn crllical condition at a nearby hospital. A bloody kitchen knUe was found al lhe scene. Deliberations Re~.mied . ' On Skyja~king in .I.A LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Amerlcaos and other j>rob- U.S. District court jury was Jems. to resiime deliberations today Defense attorneys f o r In the air priacy !rial of Chavez-Ortiz conoeded that Ricardo Chavez-Ortiz, who the unempwyed ooel< hijacked testllled he hijacked a n the plane but argued tha~ he ilrUner "to !ave America and had diminished mental capaci· the whole world." ty when he commandeered the 111.e jury of six men and six airliner dver New ·Mexico. women met for three hciura Friday without reaching a In tes,thn,o.ny last week, Chavez-Ortbl" 81ld ' he wanted verdict and recessed for lhe to tell thf wdrld dr hll' concern weekend. and frustration over racial Chavez-Ortiz, 11$, Is charged d' . U with one count of air piracy in Jscnf!lina on, war, poliuUon the April 13 hljacltfng of a and othe. problims. . Frontier Airlines passenger HWe C$n Jave. the whole plane. The JeUiner landed at world il WI!' just communicate Los A n g e I e s International o u : s e 1 1~es, .. , Chavez-Ortiz Airport, where Chavez-Ortiz . testified. Thal s why I decld· demanded and rectived air ed . to take thelplane and talk time on a Spanlsh·language on te!evl.iloo fo.nany people." broadcast station to complain The jury includes two blacks about treatment of Mexican-but no Mexicao-Amerlcans. Pot Garden Founa as Boy Hunt,s Cat • ~CE (AP) - A hoy looking !or bil 'cat and an ' anonymous tip resulled In officers finding 11\-o backyard marijuana gardens of 6SO plants and the arrest of six per- llOOs; police aald. 1 . Officers booted a man and a woman !Or .ioveaUgation ol cultivating marijllaoa after finding 500 nu!tiJuana plants at one home SUnday, police said. , ~ Pollet found 150 marijuana plapts al another home a short time later and arre!ted Uriermen and a fiOman, of- ficers said. · . An aoOll)'IDOU3 tip led pollct lo the first garden, and the aecond plot of marijuana plants was uncovered alter a teenager spotted the weeds while looking for his cal, ldentUled them fn an encyclopedia and lold his father who called police, author!Ues said. SACRAl.jENTO (AP) - A mapping , spoiling earthquake SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - fU · billion . tu reform-school laull system> and locating "Nothing could be a bigger finance package backed by a mineral iind oil deposits. surprise than the simple coalition .of Deip.ocrats and "This is probably the most kindness or people we have Gov. ·Ronald Reagan stands Important launch of an un-met ever since we left New today two votes short of manned satellite NASA has York . ., passage out of a key com-ever made," Clark said after mlttee-, according to a poll ERTS was separated from the That was the reaction of a taken by the Associated Press. Delta rocket's second stage New York City cab driver who nte count shows five "yes'' over the coast of East Africa. fulfilled the dream or a decade votes, -five "no" voies and "This mission has more by driving his cab ·across the three leglalators uncommitted potential to bring d l re c t land so his family could "see leavln• "· bill two short of benefits to the average man -111 un:: this beautiful country and the seven needed to get it out than perhaps anything we've of Senate Finance Cominittee done so far In tM unmanned learn about the people or the • United s•·tes." tn a bearing Wednesday. space program. ' ... "We need· two votes,'' said Flight oootrollera at God· Fortunato DiMarco, 44, a Sen . Robert Lagomarsino, an dard plan to spend today and native of Palermo, Sicily, who Ojai Republican who ls part of Tuesday checking came to the U.S. in 1950, saved coauthoring the bill with spacecraft systems before the for nine years so he could DemOcraUc Assembly Speaker first pictures are taken Jater drive hla big yellow 1970 Ford Bob MoretU. "Let's say I am Tuesday. 'l'tley will be made cab to the Golden Gate. With cautiously optimistic." a s t b e b u t terfly.shaped him came his wife, Anna, and The· measure faces 8 do-or-spacecreft sweeps southward their two sons, Domlnic, 18, dle heiring iJ) the Senate across Canada's Maritime and John, 12. Ff!w>ce committee a ft e r Provinces. u1 never thought I would see clearing Its first key ·com··-----------------=----- mlttee tesl Friday. µ outgrowth of seven years ef!ort by !he Legislature to come up wltb some form of p'roj:,erty tax relief, . the bill woold hike sev~aJ state taxes · .. ,Jn~ludlng s,al~. peraonnl in· Co!t\e :aJld,btlslness la%es ~by . aboiil $.I billion.a year. ' At the saroe time, II would . • pump $6M;mlllion of new state . mooey; into .JocaJ schools and " provide an additional · $387 mllllon In property tu relief, orran esl.ima.ted $120 cut in the .., . property tu bill of !he avera·ge Califo rnia homewone.r. ... ·Body Found . In Harbor 'l'ONG·l!EACll (AP) -The bod; Of a man found floating bound p>d gaggeO: in Long Beach harbor bas been i(!eo;.. ~ • tified as James Jewell, an ap. · ,pirent murder victim, police saJd. -~ He was ldeotilied Sunday through an FBI fingerprint check. Police aald no further identification wu available. Two fishermen found the body floating early Saturday near a dock . Officers said it . bad been in the water less than fwo hours. Four Plead Fraud Gt1ilt ·l,.0$' ANGELES (AP)-Four peraorui have pleaded gullJy to (r~ .jbefl In Superior Court ln·M auto ·aceident insurmce fnud thllt l>llMd f70.llOO from ~Jnouren. . .. P~dlng guilty were or. Samuel k Collins, 42, a Caraon chlropracter; Willie Reed, 31, of 1'18 Angeles; Lin- da Pittfn, 23, and OU.. Owens, Jr., 27, both of Santa Monica. J1!4e Pit Mu 11 en do re dlJnllued 1ll charges against Mellon Galbmb, 53, · of Loi ~. Snapshot Contest Leading to Kodak lnt1m1tional Newspaper Snapshot Awards (KINSA '72! Competition Rules: 1. "" conted 11 ttrlctly fer tm1t•ur ph1t09r1ph1rs CA11 1ml• t.w It ~1fl...d 11 eM who11 hobby or tl'octtio11 iii pict11r1-t1•i11' 111411 who "°" 1101 ... 1k1 e11y 1111'1terttlel pert of hl1 lh•l11g tkr•uth f•kl11l pichlr11J, • 2. l•i:•·•rtd·whif• •r color plcf11r11 t•••11 tft•r July I, 1971 •r• •ll9lblt . Ne plctur•• '"'' H 111t1rN by '"" 1111pl1y• •f the DAILY PILOT., ~ •llY i!!Clivi4111I wh• p1no111lly is '"f'tM ira th• fll•J111l~ctvr1, 1.J1, c1mm1rcltl f111!1hl119 or prof1ulo111I 111• of phol119r1plii1: g•odt. J. S111p1hoh m1y II• t1k111 with 111y ,..,., of c1m1r1, 011 '"Y bttncl of film. No 1rtwork or r•to111:hi11g i1 p1r111iHH 011 11191• tiv11 or pri•lt -110 CH'lpCltift pi1:tur1s, 111111fipl1 ••po111r11 or multl11l1 prl1tli119. 4. Aray 1111111.lltr of itfchrot ll'lty H 111!1rH. Co11t.1f1rt+'1 111m•, 1dJ ... 11 t nif phone 1111mHr fllUtt 111 •riH•11 cl11rly '" th1 ll1ck of 11ch plifurt. Mill 1r J•liv•r prf11h or tr1111p1rt11clH to: DAILY PILOT S111p1h1t Co11ft1t EJitor, P. O. los 1160, C11t• M111, CA. t2626. fE11trl•1-c111 lie •11W1.J1fi,1r1J to 111y DAILY PILOT offic•, !wt mutt H pltysic1lly h1 h1nJ in t+io11 offic11 lly J11dli11• ••ch wttk.I Co"t11t officl1l1 ''''""' th• right t1 i:•rrv ovtr 1111 tnfri•1 for j1H1'9in9 from 0111 w••• to tl!1 111rl •lld to ni:lu4• from fud9!111 1ltog•tMr 111y 111tri11 rectlvtd lite 111 tho fi••' w1••· S. No llt11:k·1lllf·whilt pichtr•• will llt Nfur••'· Co11l•1l111t fllUd bt tblt ft himllh ffi1 ori9l111! 1119•fi,1, if r1qu1dN by +II• Co11t1at El!iter. Tl11 DAILY PILOT •num11 111 tt1po111 ll:ifliy • for n191tiv11 er prl11t1. COLOlt PltlNTS Oil SLIDES Will IE llE- TUltNED ONLY IF ACCOMPANIED IY A STAMPED, SELF· ADDll.ESSED INVELOP£. 6, Co11t•d111h •N p•n11iHH f• 111bmit pict11r11 tt only 011• n1w1p1ptr p1rticip•fl11g 111 the Kodek l11ter111!10111I S111p1hot Aw1rd1. J, T• ff 11i9ibl1 for I f1C•I grtnJ pr111, I COllfllftllf ft'llllf •l;n • 1t1t•m111t t+i1t tl.t plcturt, or •noth•r clo1t ly 1imil1r pie• tur1 11 t+i. ••m• 111bl1ct ., 1lt111tl•11, h11 fltf "''"· •11d war not he t lll•trtd by him i11 1ny olhtr c•nl•lf •td will not bt off1rt4 for public1tlo11 to I lly puhtl1:1t!o11 11ot co11n•cl1d with thl1 Co11t11t, I . IMrG•TANT: le 111r1 yo 11 •11•w tht 11111111 111d 1ddr11111 of •llV r11:otni1•ill. fllr\1111 •ppt1ri11t ht vour picture. Thi1 it MCllllry ll1c11111, in oNtt f•r ii to .. •11l1r14 111 ffit 111lion•I lucf9tn9, y111 111111t 111 •1111 I• get ffi1 writlt11 so11111t of 1uch p1rso11 1r ptnon1 lor ff11lr 1191! 1111rcli1111, In th1 1:111t ef mi non I to ll•""lt 111 ef th1 fllcfuN fet tl!t pu,p111 1f Jll111lrt • tion, 1Jvtrti1int or pullll11fle11 ht lfll\' llllllMt, Enter Every Week July 2 Through Aug. 26 DeadRne W eclnesclay Noon such verJety in my lifetime," Di~tarco said Sunday. "The plaina and the mountains -so many different kinds or moun- tains. After 20 years, we are finally seeing it." he said . "In New York, when I pick up people from San Francisco. they always tell me to come here, to see their city. And they are very proud of this ci- ty; not like New York people," DiMarco said. "It ls a peaceful , beautiful country," said Mrs. DiMarco. DiMarco told of a citation put on his windshield by a Salt Lake City traffic policeman after he had left his cab too long in a parking ione. It wasn't a summons, but a note saying. ''\Velcome to Salt Lake City. You're overparked. but it 's okay because you're a guest of ours.'' ··can you imagine such a thing," exclaimed DiMarco. HWhy, tn New York you can get 10 summons in two minutes. And not a one of them to say welcome to anything." Byrne limited questioning of the prospective jurors to himself. although he con- sidered suggested q u e r 1 e s from both defense and pros- ecution. Much of the questioning centered on the prospective juror's knowledge of the Pen· tagon papers and their viem on the Vietnam war. None of those selected for the regular panel admitted reading the actual documents, but some said they recalled news <ei><>rb oli 1be -troversy following 111 e I r publication. NOW-SERVING THE HARBOR AREA OF COSTA MESA -------. a · JeAg/it/ uf luJ'J'lt 6~/o~ ' · ••• where leauli/ uf hair 6l1J/e6 legi~. PRICE LIST MONDAY THRU THURSD>,Y Shampoo and Set Permanent Wave Tint Bleach Touch-up Frosting I $2.50 7.50 5.50 10.50 14.00 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY 'RICES SL!C:HTLY Hl&HH ha.ircub '1.50 1695 lrvine Ave.--Costa Mesa CORNER OF EAST 17th ST. -ABOVE LA CAVI· RESTAURANT 645-1050 548-9986 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK And SOME EVENINGS "l'AKE l'BE El.EVAl'OR" POPS: ·co CERT TO ' 9:15 · P. •• AT FASHIO .ISLA • ... .. _, ' ., I . . DAILY PD.GT EDITORIAL PAGE I / - Sorry, .No Two years and $'700,000 after I~ began, a mucll- antjclpated nport on Southern California airporta bu bee ftleued and. dllested. For Orange County It llid one thing: your problems· atlll Ulll and no fteommendatlon for lmprove"'4at II belnt made. . Prepared for the Southern California · Asaoclatloa ol Governments (SCAG), the report did recommend a "&Jo. bal" airport ht utabllabed al Cllap Pendleton tometlme after 1985, but It did llOt addreaa Itself· to ruolvlnC the Issue of lncreulng plWIUle to e~d jet lllrhts out of Orange 1=ounty Aifpo~ , · , Nor did It even tacltle another '1de of the Orange County problem-prlnte aviation. Orange County gov- ernment ts being. aalted to purchase tbe privately owued Meadowlark Airport In Huntington Beach because It 11 threatealna to close;.lf It cloeu, there slmply l.in't room at Orange County Airport to absorb tbe planes aow at Meadowlark. Orange County Airport already .ts one· of the busiest In tbt nation In traffic. Pressure IJ certain to Increase, particularly with rapid commercial and'lndustrlal expan- alon In that area. As a member of SCAG, Orange County had a right to expect more than a sorry·but-that'1-tbe.way·lt·ls report from _Syalem Development Corp. and William L. Pereira Aasoclates, which prepared the plan. That's the Ticket! Yet by Onnae County Alsesaor Andrew J. Hlnshaw, would, by almost ID)'Ono'1 11alldardJ, be a perfect ldeoloalcat l'llDnhl§. male for Wallace and a Memphis newspaper aald S<' mill hu CGaflnned th,et hll name would come up for MCOOd spot at the American Party (AP) con .. n· Uon In AuguA. , We don't think It should atop there. Wallace could pick his enUre cabinet even before the election and have Hwed up an enllre bag of votes. . How about our former Calllornla superintendent of public lnttructlon, Mu Rafferty u Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, for example! And General Curtis Lomay u Secretary of Defense! And Joolt no further than Los Angeles for Secretary or state. Who else but Sam Yorty would flt the tlcltet .. perfectly! The problem II that the cabinet .would be weighted very heavily with Californians. Although he Is now a fellow Alabaman wlth Wallace, Rafferty.bas his 'deepest political roots here. Mayor Sam comes baclt to California every now and then from his g)obal jaunts and General Lemay lives In Newport Beach. Oh, that doesn't rule out the· Eastern vote entirely. If Robert Welch, founder and' leader of the John Birch Society, could be.Induced to take over Henry Kissinger's untitled role In the cabinet, the ticket would have at least some geographical ,balance. Another Swan Song Alabama Gov. George wa11ace:hasn't yet ruled out tht poulb!llty of ruanlog for Pruldent on a third party Ucket, and wboae name do you 1Qppose floated out oa·a trw balloon last week u bis potentW Vice President? · A .tearful chorus of "AµJd J,.ang Syne" if you will, for the death of an American Institution. Who else but Oraiice County'a Jame duck Incum- bent Conareuman John G. Schmltz. !Up. Schmitz, d,efealed In the Republican primary Better ·Not Guild That Lily-Yet (smNEYJ.~ Today'• iron! qab -with -........ atlw. lltlow are II commo!tly • )Bt........,i phruel, from the J!lble, .. knpeore, and d>ewhere. Ste H yoa ail pt lllOrt -hall". them right: L "Alu, poor Yorlct, I knew blm ...u.• f!-1. '1cnonnce il.bllu." . J. "A UttJo kno•Iedp 1s ·e 11an,.""" thfhc!' '-"llLOOD, lll'E4T and tiara." ; S. "AA llMovond· thlnfl llr, ·but· mine ........ · L 0 Pride goeth before a fall." r..!:.'1W1ter, WIW° evtr;ywhere, but not I ~to~'" 1 ,. . a;. 'tTo lild Pae lily." L "Power comipts and absolule J>Ol'er coo'nlptl ,111o1u1e1y." ' a "CON81STENcf la the bobgobllri of Jlttlt mlnda. ,. . 11. ""uaic halll dlarms to IOOthe the llV ... beat. ft II. "MOlllJ II Ibo not of all evil." ~.·u. "When Greek metll Greek then . ' -the lug of '!II'-'' . 14 "Holll ..tth bis "" petard.• JJ. "A prophet la wt-honor In hlJ on country." 1 11., "~, l\Omeo, wherefore art thou, Romto?" -~1WERl1 ' 1. "Ala, poor Yorick; J knew him, , HoratJo." Dear Gloomy GOB All P!!OP!e whi> put those little wire lies Cll plalllc bap erouud a loaf of bt'ead, etc., should be fon:ed by .Jaw to twist them In the same di- recllcn. -Mn. R.K. ' ""'· ..... mMtl .....w ...... "' ...... , ........... "" ............. ltft4I ,_, .......... • • ....., 9111, Dtll\' Pllet. I. "Where Ianorance II bliss 'tis folly to bl wise." ;. "A "IJIUe learnlnl II a danterOUJ thing." . . 4. "Blood, toll, aweat and tears." I. "A pOor thing, 1ir, but mine own." I. ""'1de aoeth bolore .destruction, and a blughty •P,lrtl before a fall." . 1 •. "WATER, WATER.everywhere, ftor 1ny drop to·drlnk!' I. "To 1lld refined 1old, to paint the lily." 10. 0 A foolllll consistency 1J the hobgoblin of little-mind!!' 11. 'iMualc hath channJ to aoothe the aav1ge btt1st.,,... I!. ''LOVE OF MONEY Is lhe root of 11! evil." 11 "When Greeks joined Greeks, then was the tug of war." If. "Holst by his.own-petard:" 15. "A prophet la not wt thou I honor, U· cept Jn his own .country." 11. "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" (There lhould be no com· ma after "thou"; Juliet II not a.skJng where he la, but •by he bu to be oamed Romeo and be a Montague, with whom her family II feuding.) Camp Roberts Economy BY PHIL HANNA ---SACRAMENTO -Democratic con- :natloneen -those with return llcbls -.,. back In C.llfornia, ·moot of tl>om dN!1nined not to 10 baclt to M1aml Buell for any reason. McGovern delegates were bou.atd In tbe Doral Country Club in Miami. about a 40-mlnute bus rid' from the convmrt.tan ~ler and far from the 1ctlan at ·the beach. II has been reported from Florida 1ources that management of the Doral resort 1'()\lld be Ju•t •• happy U the Clllfornia Deinocrall never rttu.rned. BUT TIDS la typical oJ comments from all the 00.telrleo in Miami from the Fcm- tainebleu Hotel (convtntion heed- quarter1) to tbe Dtauv!Ue to the Jockey Club to the greyboaad raclnt! lraclt Even' Dlsne,world manapment dldn•t es- perience a big poot.conventlon buoinas, Tho reuon II simple. and C.llfomla conveatloo delegates ,,... typical of the whole convention crowd. Moot dtlesatea had little U any nlra ._,.,.. Quita a ftw were fmanctd by .their 11o1e delesatioos which dldn' aalhorlzo blf eoc1tW1 perlies, elaborate ~ ovenlo or Impromptu 1 o I f loamements when they wtre plcklnJ up 'the lob. la Loi Ancelea (1960), Atlantic City (1111) .... OJlcago (11!.!) there ...... elabo<ato .a-a ...r balll wilh Ian( .l<Coption .... .......,, carved from lc:o, llltterlal jrnlJJ md tint food. N-of this II Mlllll ._. Ilda 1Uf. l4lllJ ot tbe 4eieplll ... lllllllalel didn't .... --l800UI -... .... the election In t1"1 ......... --., Ille pert)' •'' ~ .... , , ........ • (GUEST REPORT) held In a variety of places. Wllb the South Dakota senator lollowtn1 his Defense Dtperlmenl reduction plan, tbe convention might be staged at nearly abandoned camp RoberU In the Salinas Valley near Paao Robles. A huge lent could be erected on the parade sround with the delegales homed· Ill barracks. Meals could be taken Ill the messballs. There'd be no need for fancy IOUVenln, llowlnl liquor or the cloaeby attraction of recreation tit!$. Or the McGovern-lies could toke over aa oblolete alrbaoe and hold convention mee\lngs Jn a hangar. Alain the bar· racks and m ... ba!IJ could provide houa-Inc and meals al e greatly reducod ~ Ren the d)arter alrplanu could land and take oU. rl&hl on the spot. No need for tuls. , . , ANOTllER llUflltsllon Is to place the convel'IUon at a aite nearest the center of the COl!Otry to make It eesler for delepteo to attend. SUch great c111es .. Centralia, m1ao1s, or l'8ducah, Kai~, coma to mind. Poot ...,_lion tours could take In mcb pi.... u Peoria, Illinois, or Sprtncfleid, Mlsaouri. Democralo hive a lot of aoal-searchlns to do. Tho klda and idealilll are all for worll.- 1,. -a d., on the IJaUff of the day. ,,.. --1e In the per!} lib to ..... tint clotha, drink ..... - and. -and be -by leleYialon and political lladera. Mlwy Is whit politico II ID about. Wltbotal ._ lbert la m Dlmocratlc PllV. ( • • Western Union has dllcontlnued Its alnglng tele- gram. Interstate H?Vice wu baited May 12 and per- mission IJ now ·being sought from Individual states to abandon the melody messages In Intrastate HTVlce. Chief reason: Western Union said it couldn't find telegraph operators wllling to sing. Anti-Soviet Feelings No Surprise Tunney Had Inside Track on Egypt lly MICHAEL D. GREEN • Dllllr Pl• W• ...... C..111: 11•1111 • WASHINGTON -'J'be action tsken by J!lgyptiaa ~~ Anwar Sadat kickinl 10,000.Ztl,000 Soviet mllilary.advisers and tecbnlclaas out· of Egypt may have taken CALIFORNIA'S CONGRESS U.S. stale Dtpartment uperts end other ·· -. . observers by 1urpri5e, but It bears out a rubJ>ed aboulden Wlth him bef.ore . prediction made to Washington-based And,.by way of contrasL Willit Brown flporlera for C.llfomia newspapers over began turnin1 oome In the Celilornia •lx months ago by Sen. Joha v. Twmey, delelation off by the end of the week - •D-Calif. there •u a fHllnl Willle ("Give me Attar a two-week trip to the Middle· beck my cli!esaUonl") •as gett!ng,Just a East, iacludlng both EIYPI and llrMI, et llltle loo cerrled nay with hil role of the !>eclnniac ol the ' • Tw1Dey authority, WU p1MID1 too many people reported to ...,smen that r3' IDCllt atrlk-l'<lllllll Wllllt'1 .. .., trip" a~ l1lO!I Ing lmp-eulon he brought back with btm ,.,.Died b7 Iha other blaclt lleJ.elales was tbe level of anU.sovtet feelq Ill ., · . . . , . from Calilornia. Probably the hardest working and J006t effective leader in the califo"rnia ~elegation: Assemblyman John Burton. But Willie got the limelight. GHOST STORY: While the McGovern deJegation was still trying to decide whether to be polite to John Tunney or not, one of Tunney'& key aides and friends, Miko BaJnlcle, was among the group helping write preliminary drafts of George McGoverri'a a c c '·P t a n c e speech. By the time McGovern got ·through !clitlng, rewriting. •!Ml polishin1 a final draft, three of Mlke'1 contributJoas survl~:ed: a .aentence about tbe:war; a line about the 'nviromnent ; and the quote McGovern used from Ecclesiastes. AS OLD AS ADAM : When McGovern forces were fearful the minority plank Olt abortion might pass, they got about SS. pro-abortion delegates from Calitomla to agree to switch and vote against the plank lf their votes were needed. When it appeared the votes would not be needed, Marlo 'l'homu, oae ol tbe in- abortk>n leaders ln the delegation, went up to John Burton, gave blm a kiss, aad asked il she could have tbe 15 votes bact ~gain. John agreed. Marlo reported bact fo her fri,nds with a wink: 111 used. w.. lie aei: -there." E1l'J'L ' . . ~E;7!r1~~~~~=r~~~ McGovern Hanoi's Choice predicted Dally that Egypt would move to kick !be Russians out at the flnt op- porlwilty. Tunney also 1ave the state Dtpart- ment 1 briefing when he returned on what be'd foond In tbe Middle East. J!ut they don't pay much altenlloa to the perceptions of junior ~ton ov_er thtte. • GUILT FEELINGS -J!y mkkon-vention~week iri Miiml~there were signs that. aome of ' the · members of the California •delegation to ' the Democratic conclave were feeliag a little abeepiJll about t IO~ of the ahabbler personal treatment accoi:ded Tµaney. at that Issi slate-makin1rse11ion In L.A. a week after the Juo4:· primary.· Some . of tbe more militant and pollliC11llY amTi!llous figures In the delegition made ·gl'f:at sport over who could publlcly out-ridicule the other when It came to making aiitl·Tunney remark!, with · the clear winner b e 1 n I Assemblyman Willie J!rown. There was talk among the militant fac-. lion of deliberately_ moving to embarrass Twmey In Miami and of their all 1ettln1 ~~te·~ hi~: the~1:;~ tbintk~ Ing. In fact, one delegate, making sure the TV cameras were on, pinned a "Boycott Lettuce"· button on Tunney as he waa aeated on the convention floor, ln effect "darinl blm to take II off. l!OT TUNNEY kept his cool ind behaved•wlth a good. deal more maturity than' 11101ne of ·bf5 detractors In the de1<1itlon. He deliberately look a back seaL •waa polite Jo all. When he temporarily loll his seat the first night after th• cballengOd McGom members bid to pare down from 271 to lZtl members "'!Ill the ci'ed'ntials contest wu settled, Tunney aen( 1'0fd from the speclator gallery Jn the coaventlon that he •oulll be llad to do aJVlhlaR the dele1at1on felt would be helpful in 1etUng back the ISi conte1ted McGovern seats, Rather than show up In Miami with his asual .. -... of ltaff afdea, advllers, oecretar!a and friends, Twmey come VlrtUal\r 1Jone. J!Y THE Ume he atlmded his flllt caUClll of tbe C.llfornla delqatlon on Tuelday, al least 10me of the delqatea were feellns a bit emberrusecl about the ant~'l'unney sport. There was I momen- tary lilence when Tunney's name was called out to 1et his seatlnf! assignment Jn the delegaUon by Willie Brown, then an ample round of polile appl-and nary 1 1lnrle boo or untoward nnwrk. Even Wlllle J!rown -cooUnc It by -tlmt. Tllnney said he ..... not --about the earlltt treatment of blm, bul -ned that II miclrt harm McGoV01'11 II Callfornle. llall.T_,-__ ........ _ lis;ld ,,,. , ........ ... WASHINGTON ~ In their first' ci>m- meat on the U.S. presldeaiial campaign, the North Vletna ..... 'hive Informed U1 they .expect President Mmn to win re- election, but they woold prefer to deal with C.O.ge McGovern. From •thelr Paris embassy, North Viet- namese spokesmen have sent us an ei:· elusive message that they feel sure Mc- Govera would pull U.S. troopa . out <JI Vietnam u be ha promi!ed. Tbey al!O believe . be · woUld keep bis -not to give more military ba~klng Jo the Sai- gon regime. 1bey,. therefore, aot only would negotiate the POW issue 'With McGovern, but they would ~ve tasi. auggested one North Vlelname» diplomat, to return Amei:ican. Pr~era. BUT THE North Vietnamese conceded, In the ead, Ibey proba~Jy will have to negotiale •Ith a re-el~ Richard Nix- on. 'Ibey couldn't afloid, therefore, to pllce .all their bets .on McGovern, they aald. Hanoi's views on the election were delivered to a8 by an emissary iJbo met with the North Vietnamese thrOe times for a total of four ind oae-balf hours. For diplomatic reuons, we agreed .1to with- hold the nam .. of the participants: • Ail the dlJculsions were iield .Jn French, so we can only paraphrase what the North Ylebia!Dfse said. Tbclr suspi- cion of Nixon &eelDed almost paranoid; · their trust in McGovern wary. . TREY REC?rED Nixon's record back to hlo 195WI term as vice president when he maile saber-ratU!n1 speechei about ID(lochlna. Nevertheless, they WC(e ready to nqotlale with Nlron in 1971, they said, for the total withdrawal ol U.S. forces and tbe Immediate return of U.S. pril0net1. ' • But the rigged r ... le<tion of ~ident Tbleu on OcL 1 and the escalat~ bomb-· in1 of North Vietnam a few days later, they said, uacerbated their old suspi- cions of N.lJ.on. 1 No" they !eared Nbon would 1llalea to Tbleu's appeala for .-....i U.S. ln- tervenllon In tbe Vietnam war. Ao ·evidence, they cited the bulJd..ap et U.S. fore.. In neighboring Thailand • and the Increase In air-naval units al'Qlllld Viet- nam. Tho C!IM!!rial d1Plomab l!Oid llio,J tnllled McOonm. 11' .. llloolll ... .......... _ .. thl ...... .. _ditl'ILI _.... lher ...... mab r.ptd amiiilemenb w11h -to relunl -~ ... _.. ..... _to_ -.... -\IW ........ ..., would make an accOunting of U.S. miss- ing; insofar as possible, at the aame time · a POW se.ttlement is reached. The tlO to lllO ~erlcans beld by the Communist forces in Laos, the North Vietnamese said, cofild be returned as, part of a general U.S. agreem,nt to withdraw from Indochina. They said the Americans held in Cambodia could also be returned u part of a general Jridochina aettleffient. A cambodian communist, who was present during the discussions, said the American prisoners ln CAmbodia are suspected ~' agents and special forces, not combat troops captured during the U.S. incursion of May 1970. The North Vietnamese were particular· ly .emotional over the alleged American bombinl of tbe dike•, wblch Ibey pleaded could lead to two mllllon deaths from drowning "!)cl otarvallon. WE RA VE Seen aecret Pentagon , documents which subsiantlete the U.S. claim that the Red River dikes and dims ar' off limits to our bombers. Thi documents indicate, how,ver, that IOme flood~ntrot installations haw been hit accidentally, because of the close pra. lmity of military targets. The North Vietnamese explained to our emissary that they had bolstered the hillsides above the dams and dikes wiU. trees, grass and underbnish. '!be tor. renttaJ rains last year eroded these natural barriers. Thus, U.S. bombs u~ ploding near the clllces jar the •eakeaed bulwarks and cause severe leaks. Some roads also run directly on top of dikes, and U.S. attacks on the military traffic have blown holes in the . dikes, they said. A combination of air r1lda, defoliation and artlflclal raln-maklnc, they feared, could turn their flood-control system into a huge mudslide. Footnote: lntelligenct reports suggest that Moscow and Peking, unlike Hanoi, ~'OUld prefer t.o deal with RlcDanf Ni.Joa than George McGov'rn. The rtalODt ap- parently, is that they feel more com- fortable with the known Nlson than the unknown McGover~ We · Ask and It Costs ·' lllda1trlal News llevle" Any Politician who1talks of iax reC!u<> tion in the fac9 of rislrlg a>sts. of govern- ment, at all ·levels, Is -to put•ll mlldly- dodging the !eels. ''A number of authoriUes and news eourcea ·point · out that taxes overall are r~g rather t.'ian. declining. 'J'be IncllanapollS, Ind., S.lar reveals 1hat a family ·or four •Ith a lt0,000 Income ~ an average -befoi:e reeent federal ~. reductions -ol 119.90 a week In tans withheld. This year, with the federal reduction, withholdlog 1l'ill be 111.70 -a -+week decllnt. At the ume time, lllta family'• IOcllll llOC'l'ity tu hos tncreosed b7 ID 11111111Jly oo L'>o 1amlly oomes out wlth',a net loq to the tu collector of 141.tlO. . A MISSl&m'PI .... -.. there 11 unlikely to be a n"Hal of 1118 trend toward mm-e '-..S mon lalJatlon In thl foreaeeable i.n. Ro -thal Mlal11lppl aiont rec1hod $1J billion federal dollars In 1rn, more than 11,000 for every per10n In tbe 1tate. He also noted that ... hdlral budiel ....... 11 contain larp -llr •aienla)'a, flood control. Plrl<'n11. ltarbon, jllomlc re1earcb, ,..... lllolrlncatloa, tonn --1-. ---!Piii. jiuhllc Ubrarlot IDI) '-ro1111<11. la eddllioo, there are tbe we!lere 111"11'-. federal aid to -tloa. to ............ ...ti .. -... ....,.. 1H TBIUllBT (If .... , 7 , • I the .public treasury, government bu but a, single course to follow, 1 coune t.l'.at 1 '.was well defined by one observer when he sa~d: ''.So soak it to 011 Uncle Sam, 8114 likewise you stale county and dty officials!" Of course, niany ofilclall lick: the courage to lace the is11U1 this "!l.""i:t" !y; 'Ibey prefer to let Innat!on do !hi dlr--• ty ~Ob f..-them While tliey -1' iJd tbe;J>eoiile Into believing that l•-bandouis ire ,fret. -co,.., DAILY PILOT li.bcr1 11• Weed, ~llslltr TMowa Kieoll, ld!tor l Albm w. Bo1t1 lorfal Page Editor I • I I " l l I : • I j i • • k e l th II A p lo Jy c s st f,. •• ..,,. Jackson Original Party Do..p..a~ey H•ppena 11111, udly, lllat a ·mlsaing aoldltt re- tubu lo f!nd bis 1rllo,~'"'rl , ving thought blm dead. Cllllomer ub 1!lllCll bulbond r!gbtflllly gell tjle lady. 11'1,lp to her, -••¥all>'-,~OW.'Jlo new dilemma, , thl•· Law ot lftclent Babylon P.• '.1lle tirot husband a m .. Ume U... !'I• matlor 1">,r lioithy\ his absence, UJlOll ,bis return, any lllhAquont marrl1ge of llie wile's wu cfu. ' ~lved, and Ille wu returned '1 the .fellbw. , 8WJlll ~pay a~ higher interest on I UV• 1 lags ~l than they pay a grownup. - Mondly, July·24, 1972 DAILY PILOT ( ltteGovern: Tb.at •Niee Kid~. Makes Good llJ UB&Y r. ~ _. .. ....,.._ CDldl. I. clwa In the -Id, In 1111 C<orge and his p 1 rt n er -----IWloa, NCllls tllot opinion, lbat I would have returned many tlm., to w ASlllNOTON _ Al • boy, "1ho -la-Uac tblnr ever COllle to the Unlled Stales Woomocket ·and bested the c.or,. lfcGovem WU that about -~ .... h la Sonata. II WU the one thing Si.gebetg sls1er1 In debate. nJee kid, tho ..,. who pre-friendllilp ... ...,.ptabllily b)' that I could do weU. It rtally McGovern met the girls again fertd the P-...i his 11am,.. Ove')'Ollt. Ho•,.. .. .., parl became the only Instrument.of when all three were frtShmen collecllaa to p1oy1u kick-Ibo-cl aey clique or particular,.,, peraooal and social power that at Dakota Wesleyan. a 50I). can. Ho wu ii shy On. In his !Jut WU mpedeol by all Ibo I bad." ·enrollment conser\'aUve llbef· ne 1 "'•in I·"·· • ...: .. _, kido .• .He, ood his debating al arts college. I • ... c -NN ·--...,____ -~ out to THIRTY •11 L E s north-mHowll lhotl, this. llaw· ,...__ W..mwl,Yt • " • "Al~ that I here was really ipeUJn(, eerlOUI .... .;~• 1 define tho tnith and they did ti west cl M Itch e 11, m no one .etse '"Eleonor recal~. mlnlstar. . , with sucli zea1 that they Woonsocket, McGovern and They were . married by llil'lhyneae llld a convlcllOn ' frightened e.i atudents they Mlzef met the Stege~g McGovern's falher while he that It ..U a flult to~...,: ilebatecl. ~;· lwl111, Ila and Elean!". was on )eave from primary q1le!'til """1Jod • y. o u a c " Th • re were many night training In 1943. .. emercency landing 00 the Island ofVl.s, on a strip barely long ·-1> for fighlera. For his "'l\1'"1>1d spirit, oullt3nd· Ing abWty and rare devoUon to duty/' McGovern wu awal'ljed the Distinguished Flyini Cross. In all, McGovern flew 35 . mission:;. On the las!, bis plane wns bit by fiak, blowing oUt the nose, brakes~ and hydraulic system. For brin g- ing the ship in, McGovern woo the Air Medal. McOovenl iiato' ~ tA RE W~ A· PINE-student, de~ ate I ' '• recalls Ila When World War I[ broke ~ bfglucbool dtbaleMrlth Involved In ICbool aeUv!tles, Stegeberg Pennington, "but . out, McGovern was 19 and In HOME AGAIN, with a farn i- 111 denwids' cm : '-le •nd but nobody remembers blm u ~'" -· that we won. -· his· .. phomore Y"""· He was f ~ 1~~ "'!., the a blg-IDllD<ll>Campus. PrJn. """ -"~ -~ ly to support, McGovern =lit" =.wml -clpat Geo~e Janke, now semi· rel at Io n's h I p with. him serving the first of three years returned to Dakota \Vesleyan . ~ 'retired ID ADtcheU, says he (George) then was pureJy in a as class president and gaining He studied history, with the '· was "clean cut a fine detached way, as a debater widening recognition as a idea of becoming a teacher. AND EVERYTBING lbat U In ....,.. from Mitchell. He was an ex-debater. A speech called "My He delved lnlo philosophy and war must be the 1lll. Before gr1du1tlon . McGovern WU ..... ptld Ii Garrell Thco!oglcal 8fmlnary, near Northweateru Ualverllty In l111nola. At the _,. time • be beeallle 1 1tudent mtnlatar at Diamond Lake, IU. Rower Arranging Contest ·.:... .. ~-, : . .-:.J~~i STlJD~ -IO percent of the tel er~~ committed by lingle men. 23 by · morrted men, 14 percent by separated, dlvlll'ced or wldoWocl. followed apranf'from that ts .am eman ~ every res.,.. ... , cell~t debater, not.only as a Brother's'Keeper" w~ chosen theology , one dliy quietly H by IOIDe tmetf1 plan ' for tQOdest. · aausuming, not 1 speaker, but he was also so one of the 12 best ·of 19'2 in the abandoning his fa ther's fun· Fri., Sat., July 28, 29 ever·widening borlz.om· •Mp-p.llber. ··' · thorough In his pr&"en4ttioiis. United states by the Nattonal dame n t a I i st s \Vesleyan Valuable ·ewi1rds i1nd ' '" . I ~ --A SAJI! '11ANCISCO. pbysjcian llYI his prescill>tlon for' obesity 11 unbeo llevably simple. ·Just dli.cts bfs over- weight palje!\11 thenceforward to est nothing except with chop .lllcks. Govern would lam to ' revile . 1 !be 1Nt ~ yearbook He had all the facts and Council of Churches. orthodoxy to become a regular prizes will be offered to war while fbiinl bombers. be lfltl: ... dUb S ye..-s; ex~ flgurei," Methodist. talented florists in . 'l would lry the _,_,.. ___ , ~-tem--~log 1 Elea!l!lf followed a• her hus- ........... , -..u ~ debl s . ..i. • .;;. d 'Ilte twins were from a band completed training as a As his think ing changed, our first Fower Arranging d l 1 l11 U I IO n e d b~ It.I =i •'W'tlliJk! a:...:-~~ motherless home, reared by bbmber pilot. When he was befor~ his senior year was out, . Contest -pie: Ir: up businesaute·ways, he would be VoCatloal Qub· 1 ·yJar .. ciuS their grandparents. Th eir sent to Italy in Feb~ary 1944, . he told Eleanor he would entry form with deti1ils 8 profeasor for the glve-anct... Doud 1 u and. ' final father, Earl, disenchanted by she returned to South Dakota bec<Jme a minister. Taking up et the flower sti1nd in the . ' ' ' ' QUERIES -Q. "How come 'the Democra~took the donkey u their PW IYIJlbol?" · · • · · take with the )'OWll,1 · 1 year, of :'• ·~ the ups and downs of farm to await the first of their five debating once ·more, he ad-mall, Huntington Center1 And he WOlild turn l ·IOCtal surnmtnc. up · e.orie prices, turned DemoCrat and childreii.. · vocatcd wcirld governmen t, in · Beach & Edinger, A. Somebody.'r.!!ferred ·lo Andrew•Jacbon u a jackasl In th~ c~mpalgn Of 1823 and lie parlayed· the Insult. · . Q. "HOW !!<>el Britain's lai dearwith·bomosexuallty?• ~sCience· to P r !l Ct I c a'l McGo~• ten~_ la Mitchell eventually •-·ame c o 'u n t y the way o. f many soldiers who s o F ' politics f1rst ln·lhe·House'of higb;.WJ11::1-.::W&swuollne: "For ~ . an iego reew•y Repre~tatJvU, 1then , 11 ... 8 adebater-h,e'aanicekid,0 • chalnnan. As El~anor said . LT. MCGOVERN. TJIEN 22, r·~et~ur~n~h~o:i;m':e .~co~n:'lv:"in".'ce".'.d~t'".he:<_ir'.',:::===::======= food.for-peace ldlnlnlatrator McGovern •Pl~ ln·tho,. late.: "I grew up thinking that was captain of n B24 Liberator -PERSIAN RUG SALE A. It's ·1egal, hut liot comp sory, . ' THAT COOK who pays loo mue attention lo esact m04suremenll might consider this. Honey and carbolic acid, one delicious and the other deadly, con~ the oame basic elements. It's just the proportions 1nd iheir mole- cular arrangements tba.t are dlfterent. then an antiwar senator and years :tra1 Eddie: ~el. as the only way one spent a Sifn· bomber calle.d lhe Dakota flrJ,ally-ln· the •'-·-bl~ of quickandcle~.u.McGove.r:n day afternoon was discussing ·Queen. He prided himself on 1963 ChlcatO~f:·ctde w~. d·e.llberate ·and and,debatlngpoliUcs." never missing a mission and · unbesltantJy · thatj tt'li woUld metleuloUI. 'nley began win-Da remembers that George even flew when his fathe r died 2·001 OFF JULT 11 .... !ht /0 OUR llGUU.111: STOCI • ' Ro .. l1t "°"' 5100. to $2,500. INJURY -Am asked what's ·the most damaging ln- j.ty a husband can Inflict on bis wUe's peace of mind. Opinions vary. Think personally It's set an unwashed uni- versal joint do.wa on her kitchen cutting tioard. This ac- cidenlal laceratioti tore Our acatter but once. A long time ago, too. But tbe scar, It's JJgly, ugly. Any man with an unwashed univmal joint In his bands ought to make haste toward the open air. Keep It clear of counter lopl. Elbow through iloorways with ft. Deal with it, tn fact, much as though It were a nervous puppy just fed. ONLY FIVE U.S. presldenll wore beards. Each was a Repub,lican. When thl• fucinatlng fact wu pointed out to Mr. Rlcbard Nlmn with the 111gg,j&tk>n be reinstitute that elderly GOP tradition, be frowned. No beard. IT W AB the Hollywood costume designer Edith Head · wbo said, "A dress should be tight enough to aflow you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." A'ddrtss mail to L. M. Boyd,' P. 0, Boz 1875, NtvJo pott Beach, Calif. 92660. ' Bike Thievery .Soaring; License Problems Told be his year · to lead :a nJng u ~MeGo,vem won a had come a Jong way then of a heart at~ck in December, d r a m i 11 e a 11 y dlff.,.,,t foremlc• scbollribfp or Dakota from the extreme shyness of 1944. Democratic Parly back into W~eyan Un Iv.er 1 it y in his younger days, "I think The Dakota Queen was one the White Houae Mitchell. probably he still hu a bit of of 400 bombers enroute to' 1be George M 'c G 0 v 1 r D , "It reaIJr chanced my 1lf~~ that," she say' now. "I don't blast Pilsen, Czechoslovakia , turning age 50, who stood no question about 11, know if ·he's ever gotten over cruising at 25,000 feet when before the Democratic Na. biographer ~ quotes it." two of its four ~ngines quit. tlonal Convention in Miami McGovern. ~·u I bad not gone McGovern 'coaxed the crippled Beach and said "come born! out for deblte, •there ls not 1 AFl'Ell TBAt one loss, ship over the target, and made ,America," ii the issue and product of small-lown, mlddlt- class Amerlea of .th e Depmslon. the· IOD Qf . a Methodist pmicher w b o followed tbe bard credo of John Wesley. JOSEPH MCGOVERN, the father, had followed I be Dakota-fever pl-. wbo 1etued the DOtll!em-prairies. He was 10 · aicceaful in I. .piritual, but nol llnanclal, way that be !Jullt 1 hall -. churches In North Dokol.I. ' ' KERMAN PERSIAN RUGS & IMPORTS 2165:1. Coast Hwy, (AT t1ELIOTROPEJ Conulo del Mor 675·7l•O Joseph'1 first wife died childl .... lie WU 41 wbm be married again In ltll lo • woman 20 }'Oarl his jllJllor and Frances McLean McGovern bore blm two girll llld two IOOS. Georie, dellvertd by Dr. James Holllnp!forth In the bedroom. cl. -the· A-S. D. ", .. Conserving energy is vita l. ' . I I " LOS ; ANG-ELES (AP) beblnd. ~ wbo.favt ~e-wu .tlie oldeoi -Calllornta ll 'phgued. D."'.~ ~II .WU .. ,• ":Be' ...... brlgbl .mid with the latest thing In major ripoff." curious cblld and 0 fl ea crime: bicycle theft. The 24-year-<>ld thief, who wandered oil from t be There are apparently new b o I d 1 a University ol othen-usually · 1n 'the com. kinds ol rm>tlver, .thieves and Colllomla' degree In. history, PIJlll of ICNDe ~,'' 1111 even cusiomers. 181d be Wiuld plct out a bike Kn. Grace Kleblbt!dl, wi.., Uutll lwo yem ago, bicycle be wanted, cul lbe lock or cblldren pla1"d ·wllh Georc• · , r ..a, 1r ~~· . , •. 1 .•,t>{'i, ·, ~hedemandfo~elec~city ·' .. 1• '' ' · · ' • ' • • .,, ,;'Byusinghighet~il~.Jtage· · ' 1nSputh~.Cahfoi:n!a transmission Jines, we're McGovern. MootlY, ·lllaoe. wllo theft wu a minor problem; chain with boll cutten. ride It knew 1fcGcwerit t b ea, Thieves gen,., a 11 y bad •*Ill'· llafl It In a -ml reneml>er him lllat way: a transportation, nol money, In. ptcklt!IP!aler.; , ~-withdrawn mind. Moat. ...._., be we!, Georre . wu ' wflm tbi Bui In 19'11 1n estimated • "ere " • PP er qilddled~ family moved to liltdien, 1 400,000 lo 500,000 blkel .. 1ued atudents, pretty .• I r a I g b I South Dakota town o1 H,otlll. at up to $311 ml1llm were tlds." He !llld be also .oold to His father wu a lllern stolen. In aome 1rus of the 1 e c r e I a r I e 1 , -t.od>lnc cflsclplinarlin, cme who e......i . ·--~ -~ respect ---loft. ,.., state, the lncreue l1nce 1919 ~jslanw -• ~ quiring that bb -learn. bu~-pemat. Offlclals Ir! t lkpeed hike to read aloud lroiD Ille Bible' THE FIGURES ilEN'f ex· act-and thal's part ·ol the problem. There ls n o statewide hike llcenalog or l1stlng ol alolen blcydea. One advantap lw the thief: the stake• are not u high u In other kinds of theft. One of· !lelal IBYS this bal attracted drug .addlct.s lo the business: "U u addict !ireUI Into a bouJe CIC! 1teals a teltvlslon aet, that'1 a felony. Bike thell la a miJderneanor." StW an o t be r advantage : Authorities have a bard time proviug a bike ls alolen. And anotb<r: there 11 a ready market and ·thleves trJ to fill a rate that often exceeda the suppl)t. "I SroLE 30I bikes, one fonrier ·t b I e f anonymOU5'- ly told a reporter re- cently. "On my best night I otole 15. They were "IY lo steal and easy lo si!ll. I look orders and always ran about 10 that coat $100 lo ,f500 new can even before thq e.;;;;;j be bad for about m "bot." acboot. t ' ' ' "AllOUT41PEHCENTolthe "BIS WAS NOi' a-~ thefts are h)rjuvenllel II lo 18 of fear or a gospel ol rettli..: years old ~ lo make IOlllO . lloo," writes lloberf Sam pocket money," uys Brad Anion. to '1McGoftrn," .a Golitbon, prOslclent ol the biography; , Northem c.llfornla Bicycle "McGovern dwelled INlead Offlcm Asodclallon formed on the meanlni ol faith. lie reeenllJ' by policemen from aw faith u a builder ~ ;; various citlea lo llcht bike charl!Cler. Fear and tempi> • theft. · tlcm, l\e told bis chlldnn, were ,, the aame; both could ba overcome by" &Ith a n d discipline." Few stolen bikes 1 r e recovered. ID Los Allgelea County, where 51,000 were llolen last yeor, fewer than one In seven turned up. There are propooa1J In the Leglllature to llow t be thieves. One """1d Introduce mandatory . stalewlde b Ike llcenshlg and record keeping. The Department of Motor Vebfcles would keep trac1t ol ownersbfp changes. Police say they catch few lhieves except juveniles, and many cf those remain free on probation II convlcled. It WU • In IUCb ali lt· moapbere that the IUlure nominee· 1pent b!I · ,.,,0.. ID the f1nt ·grade, a1lboUgh he could already retie!., a-ce sllled ~m mdlng ~. 1111 teac!her, mlltattnc wlthdrawij for llo'oneas, •almolt lielil blm baCk. 1 :Mt u a high ~ oopbomore, bb lntelllfente and application <llUOld ID Dig!W. teacher to encourage °"'10 to try oot for the debate team. , His blgb ICbool bialorf ' REDD FOXX -& DEMOND WILSON could select 11our child' a ph-Otograph and win 11ou the doubled 1n the past eight also able to deliver rears. ~eth.er we like ' electric ity more efficiently. 1t or not, 1t :will dou hie . · . ;· again ·in the years ahead. To ~nd other.energy-' " . _ saving techni ques, we're · Unli!ss :Edison is permitted in vesting millions · to ~µ,iJd additi~nal.~wer research ing Geot herm al plan.ts.and.transm1ss1on Power Fuel Cells Fast • • ~. , t l111es;1t-may become Breeder Nuclear Reactor ' ' . . ~ . . . ... neeess,ary t1> blackout a,nd.othel;' !!-dvanced blocks;of customers on a generating methods. rotational,basisWithin · • Wie'. wo~k ~n :th two or three years. · · 1 e 1 g WI industrial ahd commercial Yet permits necessa.rY to 'customers to conserve build any·newmajor electricity in offices and plants 1¥ive been delayed . facto ries. Heat from or blocked for the past lights, for instance, can be four.years. recycled and used for That~s an immediate heating systems. proble"1. We're working Demiitd lo~electricity here keeps risina ""' yuf. Perhaps you can co. i:iserve Needed new sources of power must be lloilt. Other' hard to resolve it. wi~e, b!~~~o.ufs may .occur within two or tbree yeirs. energy, toci: Have you . considered \vay s to make every kilowatt count at home? We'll be happy to send you a list of practical The Jong-range problem requires findiiig more ways to con~rve energy and ~use our nation's total en~resources wisely. That involves all of us. In F.dison'sfossil·fueled plants,forexample, we're now able to produce 30% · mdre electricity from a unit of fuel than in 1948. That helps. ' suggestions. Write: . Conservation, Edison, · . ' . · P..O. Box 800, Rosemead, At the San Onofre Nuclear Pollfr Pla~t, fuel pellets which contain uranium are used instead of burninc fossil fuels. This helps conserve oil and ~1tural 11s. • ' California 91770. E E An Equal Ooportunily Employer ,. • • • ' I • \ ) .. • ' -' " $5,000 GRAND PRIZE •• • ' in the 88th National ChildrlrVs PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST Ne"""'-N111111ry ....... ,... .......... ,11 ................ ~. cOt1TDT7 . 4n0oo .. ,o c..--IALI portTUllJ ""4 Ila .. I-• · Bri"I ~-MIU '" """1.r I its'• at die ....... ..,.. Pvtlndl Bllllllo ', , , Jst Floor Hwt ... t•llMll Am1•1• -1 llMlllbt.91 .~ .... ,..._.A111 ktF '110.-•._ ....... ,,, ••......... )1 • '< . , I ' : .. • •. ' DAILY, 'For The l Record :mssol11tions . µI Marriage ,. ..... ""'1• l l•<*Wlll. Lucll" Nlitl"" •l'ld Mfl•n ,_~ ,r ..... e'llllbtlfl M, Ind ICMI Mlllltf', ~ A. llld D1vkl l . WU\'tl', llOlf end Edward H. • WOIK, 11.0.:C. 11\tt lfld 0-ld !"WI • McOwffle. S,.,..,, .IMrlh•n Ind Edw1rd . ,_ • &!.llh. H1«11d w.n.,. '"" Llo;>ll• JCIYCI ' ()vter, DIP•,.,_ Ind Joto~ £. ' Mlotlll111 MMllyn J-end G1ry Alvl11 • ,,,_~ l1rll.ora .HI 1fld Lll'l"OY Droll, Lorttf• end JOIWI c. c n.111.., It....,, JM Mii Carol •- kldn<l"f, Cor1nnt M. ..wi Gary L. lllr?. 0-11 M.. ... c.i. ll, ' Mc(llndall. Jemt1 l....., etld Jo ..,,., J.ul!l'IN', Winltm Tlll'Tl' tnd IC1rt'fl It .. lro111f1Pon. M.rY I(. trlll MlcNtl P. Proc:I.,, Edl1tl Jt... Ind Hiii"! Otlll911t Ill"" #MIDN N. Ind ltllbert C. : ~::'~1~k~~ ~;,,:-:.:.,f.hJ•;:,. M. !"vflllko, k1¥1I-tlld ~ry Lit ~ JNn L tlld l!MI IE. K.....,tr, k urt Nor11erl 11'111 JCl'/<f ..... Him.Id. PtV11 "'"" N H•rold JtmH kted, ~ HeMn •nd Gtor9' .... COrrlt•"' Mtrltpl Mtrv Ind Dermot ,_ . :cwr, 1111<11'1'1 A. and Mwrkt Gt••ld .Ctrv.1111, 1Mbe111 It, 11111 Vlnttrnf F. • KlllM1rcl. Arlo!llt M. 11111 lwtn I. 'llM J11ty 11 , • H1mll!011. JOlln I. Ind lllt'f A. •' DI.Ir*, ltlchertl J. J. Ind Cynltllt II. <w1tMJ, WIYl'lt lr¥1111 tlld Oltllll Dt ' VN :0°'1m1t11 11evmond JGt end C11t1tt1nce •• Mll1111 -'. k o'.lltCI, IW6fry L. afllll HetVW F. ·.Wtfford, Ceridla Merle Mn LlrNI Joe : •Ill/Cle, MldlKI Crtll •nf 0311N LM • lllltW, J11;.,.llnt LH end Wlll!«n J. 'idlllttr.. Doris Ctlhtrlnf Ind RIMrt . ,_ ll'UIWl'llif. llkMt-4 ATvwl •nd Slndf• ..... Wlll:llr, Gr11;1 llld l!mtr Horntr Lh'11t, k11n E', •1111 SUlllll -: Befit• Netins - Education Office Audit in Process SANTA ANA -The OrlJlile Coonty Administrator's Office bu begun on audit of the county Departmont of Educ•· lion, as urged by two separate 1ranrl jurJ.,, County Superintendent of Schools Robert Peterson said he welcomes the 1tudy. Gerry Friss of the manage- ment services division of the CAO wtll conduct the study. Frist told county school trustees he has been given 600 hours by the coonty Board of Supervisors to complete the study. Both the 1910 and the 1971 county Grand Juries recom- mended such an audit. Friss said he would study areas in which county Foreign Students Seek Homes Fifty high school student• from Europe, Central and South America. Africa and the Philippinee are a e e k 1 n g Orange Coast homeJ for the coming school year. During the part five years, approximately 25 st u d e n t s have temporarily l o I n e d Orange coast families, ac- cording to Pat Krone, chair- man of the exchange student program, Youth for Under- standing, a non-profit corpora- tion s.upported by the Slate Department. 1'11te only requirement to begin thl1 family project Is the desire to promote better understanding around t h e world . . . the program ste.sses the importance of actual cultural contact -tbe day·to- day living with a family," said Mrs. Krone woo bu ,been the temporary mother for a Swedish girl and a Chllian girl. For more information, call Mrs. Krone at the telephone company office in Costa Mesa . A family with members of hlg!! school age Is prefemd but is not required. aupervilon could take actloo to chan1e or could make recommendat ions. Frlla said he anUclpat.s complellng the study by the end of the year. Job Skills Classes Set TUSTIN -Training in a variety of skills required for jobs in a .service station will be offered this September to students of the Huntington Beach and Tustin Union High School Districts and t h e Newport-Mesa Unified district. The three-district Coastline Regional occupation Program (CROP ) was launched last year to 'fJ'rovlde vocational skills training. Dr. Thomas Bodetich, CROR director, said the service sta- tion program will offer high schoo l students and adults marketable skills. "A survey of area service stations," he said. "revealed an abundance of jobs for trained personnel." Cooperating in the program are four Costa Mesa service stations and the T e x a c o Corporation. which will oUer its Tustin training facility for the first week's instruction. Half of the semester-long classes will involve on-the-job training for salesmen, lubrica- tion specialists, brake ad· justers, smog and lam p in- spectors and tire repairmen, The remainder of the 170-hour course will be given a( University High School in Irvine. Bogetich said the initial training program will offer in- struction to as many as 40 students In two classes of 20 each. Those who complete the course will be prepared to take the state smog, lamp, and brake inspection exams and will recei ve ~ certiricate of completi on. · Students interested in the program may register up to the opening of school in the fall or call 832-41.22 for more information. Welder Wins Grove Paroke New Champ CHINO -Robert Roark Is a t I o n a I championship, oot· 20-year-old Garden G r o v e pointing other s k 111 e d youth who t o o k up welding tradesmen in the state contest In San Diego. after being committed In May Roark plans to continue 1971, to the Colllornla Youth developing his welding skills Authority here. for the next few months. He ls This month Roark Is the na· expected to be considered for tional welding champion, ac-parole in October and hopes cording to CY A officials. afterwards to embark on a Lawyer Fought Vaticari-and Won By TOM BARLEY Of ttlf DlllY l"ltet SIMt THERE'S A BIT of • brouhaha going on In Great Britain just now about the angry Londoner who won dam- ages 1n a minor court aciloo naming Prince t'barles and who can't seem to collect the few pounds he successfully claimed. It's made to measure, of course, for the Labor mem- bers oC Parliament who seem to see some resemblance lo the lawsuit to the conditions that led to the overthrow of Czar Nicholas in 1917. It reminds you oC the comment made by the man who wisuccesdully tried to sue the Prince or Wales, Prince Charles' great·great grandfather, 75 years ago. "11lere's them as can be sued," he ~ined lofUly, "and there's them as cant be sued." BILL SHEFFIELD, a Santa Ana law· '.;,J/ yer with a pronoWlced twinkle in his eye, ••llLl!Y doesn't agree. "Anyone can be sued," he comments with an air of authority. He should know. He sued Pope Pau l. And he won. Bill had to lake the roundabout path we're going to wend in just a moment or two and he'll be treading that path again in just a couple of weeks in Alameda County Superior Court. Bllt he 's in the black right now and whatever happens: from here on in in his precedent-setUng spat with the pon- tiff, he'll always be able to tell his grandchildren that he scored a victory over the Vatican.. BILL IS AN ARDENT lover of St. Beman! dogs and that's how his troubles began. He fell in love with the brandy carriers when he was visiting the Hospice of the Grand St. Bernard in the Swiss Alps four years ago. Bill wanted a pup. 'lbe smiling monks promised him one, took his $60 deposit and told him his St. Bernard would be romping in the Santa Ana snows in next to no time. Bill waited a long, long time after he returned and then sent a letter to the hospice. BE GOT A LETTER back from the head of the monas· tery which sent him scurrying to his law books. "Sorry, Bill,'' it said in effect, "there just weren't enough st. Bernard pups to go around and we've used up your $00 in trying to find you a replacement." I He tried hard to settle the issue out of court . He was a law student at Boal! Hall al the tlme and he just didn't have the time or the fWld.s to press his case against the Pope. But be went to court after the Archdiocese of San Francisco said it cou1dn't help and had hi s action thrown out by the First District Court of Appeals on the grounds that he had not served Pope Paul VI. HE MADE SURE the pontiff wa s served in the next action. He won by default when Pope Paul failed to show up. Beautiful, Bill said. But how do I collect? Archbishop Joseph McGucken, head of the san Fran- cisco diocese in which the case was heard, again said be couldn't help. After all, Bill says he told him, all he and the ,Pope had in common was their religion. What could h~ do? Battling Bill Sheffield showed the l)affied bishop just what an angry Boalt Hall man could do. He waited until the cathedral coUected its armual Peter's Pence and then be seized the proceeds through a writ of attachment. BILL GOT THE $250 Ulat would nonnally have gone to the Vatican. That's more than his $60, but it very nicely covers tbe cost of the St. Bernard he had to find over here and the costil he has incurred through ·legal actions and general1 wear and tear that should not be inflicted on any dog lover. So it's off to Alameda for Bill Sheffield in August to lace the countersult meet by the archdiocese. "I'll be there," said Bill. "I beat those people in San Francisco once and I can do It again." He is, he reminds us~ a Boe.It Hall man. Go with God, Bill Sheffield. • 3-way Battle Figh.t.Over $5,odo Delayed Further SANTA ANA - A thre....,ay lngton Beach patrotmen with tug ot war between the city of the comment that a feder1 I Huntington B e • c h , the court was us proper venue. Internal Rtvenue Service and hi h a Santa Ana lawyer over the But the lawsuit w c names detllnatlon of '5.000 taken o 111 c e rs Fred B. Loya •00 ORANGE COUNll from .an assault suspect ln Robert Cavender as defe~ that city, has run Into a dants may be ba"ck. At torney t•· charges fi led against Crlt· further delay. James Riddett said he 1~ Orange County S u p e r lo r . . tend en is sc heduled to be C'.ourt Judge James F. Judge believes the county court 11 heard in the sa me west county refused to handle the contempt the proper forum ror the ac-,.....,rt early next month. action taken agalmt two Hunt· tion and be will seek to return . -·---------::= It there from federal court . 1·::=--------, Riddell wanls $5,000 In fees Tnihill Will Lead from client James Leroy Cril· tenden, 28, HWltington Beach. and he wants it r r o m whlche\'er agency confiscated the funds when Crittenden was arrested April 1. Police said they found $4.591 Development In Crittenden'• car when they arrested him on charges of assault with a deadly weapon SANTA ANA. -Lucien after a high speed chase Truhlll, pr~sldenl o! the through the streets of Hlllfl· Orange County Chamber of ington Beach. . 1 Commerce, has been elected They added .that suro to the cha $2 000 Crittenden allegedly LET'S BE FRIENDI. Y I! you have n~w neighbors or know of anyone moving to our area, ph.•ase tt'll U& so that "'C may <'Xll'nd • friendly "·elcomc and help thl'm to bc<:omc acqualnl'11 in their new surroundlnp. So. Coast Visitor 4'4-4579 494-9361 • Harbor Visitor lnnan of the permanent t~ew from his car during the Ov era 11 Ee on om i c chase and came up with $fi,59l Development Program com-that was promptly claimed by!~~~ mittee. the IRS. '4U174 Named to serve with Truhlll West Orange C o u n t y were Clinton Brame, business Judi cial District Judge James manager of the International Smith sparked the action Brotherhood o f Electrical against the city and the two Workers; Manue\ P. Mendez, officers wben he agreed with Anaheim architect and Beau Riddett that his $5,000 should Clemens, management con-be surrendered to him by the sultant, Los Alamitos. city. The city refused and the TAKE THE NEWS QUIZ We Dare You ... Every Saturday The executive committee or contempt action was filed· the group will include the, _ _:A~p~r:!!e~lim~in~ary'!...."hear~~ln~g~on~=========:! named officers and the five 1-1.ntrtiH1M111 county supervisors. 1be organization was Conned to aid the long tenn under - or unemployed. It is charged with developing a n d im- plementing a program for en- couraging economic develop.. ment to provide stable employment in the county. The group can apply for matching funds from the federal government I o r employment-developing proj· ects by the county, cities or special districts. Tormenting Rectal Itch Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues Promptly Relieved In many C811ES Preparation H gives prompt, temporatyrelief from such pain and itching and actually helps allrinlt swelling of hernorrboidal tis- sues caueed. by inftammation. T-by doctoro on bun- dreds of palimta 1lhowed thia . to be true in many ca-. In fac t, many dOctor1, them• 1elves, uae Preparation ff9 or rerommend it for their fa.m.. ilies.. Preparation H ointment or suppositories. Jlr---Elect to Laguna Beach City Council Ju~ 25th.--- Wayne Baglin 6ALTZ BERGERON . . FUNERAL HOME He won first place in a na· career as a welder, CY A of-tionwide contest sponsOred by ficlals said. ...._._..._ __ .._,....,.._ __ ._.._ __ .._ __ .._ .... Corona del Mar 111-NA 'CottaMe11 Mf.Z4U BELL BtOADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadw1y, Costa l\le11 IJ WW McCORMJ.! LAGUNA BEACH ,dORTUARY 17!15 Laguaa Canyoa Rd. jff.1111 • PACIFIC VIEi'. MEMOIUAL PARK Cemetery fttortuary Chapel S50I Paclfk V~w Drive Newport Beach, CalllornJa "4-!7111 PEEK 'AMILY COWNIAL FUNERAL HOT\IE "IOI Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893-lSU SMITHS' ~tORTlJARY 1!7 Main St. UooUngtoa Boacb 13M$31 the VocaHonal In duatr I a I --- Clubs of America. Roark started from scratch with an introductory welding program at the Chino training school. His first triumph came In a Jpcal competition earlier this . year. Bv May he became Cstifomia's entry for the na- New Dean Appointed FULLERTON -Dr. Em· melt T. Long, 48. has been ap- pointed dean of student affairs and coordinator of relations wi.th schools for California's state college system. A professor or speech com- munication at Cal St a t e Fullerton, Dr. Long will work primarily with the state's community colleges and high schools to facilitate ad- missions and cred it traMfers. THE STORE THAT BROUGHT LOWER PRICES TO THE BEACH AREA PHARMACY WE QUOTE PRICE'S OVER THE PHONE ••• ANYTIME -CHICI THISI SUNI SALi SPICIALS-s1191. R•t. I ow Rn. Prtca I CREST Toothp11t1, 6.75 01. ·······••••••·••••·. St.09 15¢ TAMPAX •0'1, R19. or Sup•r •••••••••••••••••••• $1.'l $1 .47 BR ECK Sh1rnpoo, 11 01 .••• ••·•••••••••·· ••.••.• $1.6' $1.2' RISE Sh••• Cr••tn, II 01, •.•••••••••••.•••••••• S I.It '99¢ hit l"l'kl 69c $1 .19 89c 7Sc 2700 E. Coast Hi!hway, at Femleaf, Corona del Mar • AMPt.I PAUING IN klAl HHrt-f :JO • 6:00 D91y C __ _.H•I ...... 644-7575 ne ....... WM111oy, WIJff, Flpti~ Faye "If I have not had a chance to meet. with you personally, may I simpl say my goal is to bo an energetic, dedicated and honest councilm y My allegiance is to the average -citiien, not to a highly disci in:~ political machine. II you ore tired of bitter, d isruptive governmeni and recall campaigns, I encourage you to VOTE fo r me on JUL y 25. Th~ candidate who has gone out lo meet the residents of Laguno." Wayne Baglin stereo103FM _r the sounds of the harbor ~:::::::!S~-"/youve never .heard it. s~goocJ • I I ! ' 7 7: 1 I I • I ' { 1 f t t I t j I TONIGIIT'S . TV HIGIHJGHTS KTL.\ • 7:00-"I Saw Wbat You Did." Joan Cn'Nf~ stars In this 1985 tbrlll..-about mischief . fostered by' two teena,ers. nu. ooe ploys Ill week •on this ebannel. ' KBSC 1521 7:-"1'11.l>llc-~emy." Remember Jimmy Cagney lboYlllC the srapefrult Into Kao.. Clarkf• face? It's part Of thb 9mpter movje classic. NBC 11.a:bo-"Laul)l·ln." TheJOOth ediUon of Rowan-Martin madnw reunltes Judy Cirne, Henry Gibson, Teresa Graves, Arte Johnson, Jo Anne Worley' and special guesla John Wayne and Tiny Tim. ABC D 8:00-'.'The Amer\can Indian: Tbb Land Wu HIJ Land." Frank,,Re)'holds .profiles the American Indian of today In tlliJ ABC News special. KTrV • 8:00 -"The Dod&en' lloOm or Bual.• Hlihlilhil of this seuon's ·lloclCell baseball games nmated by mana(er Walter · Allton. CBS • 11:30 -"Come Fly·Wlth Ke." Huib O'Brian and· Dolores Hlll't stir.In this 1963 comedy about airline siewarde..... . · . . - TV DAILY· LOG . Monday 'Follies' Hits Coast • By TOM TmlS ... DMff ......... '!bore ls 1 ddlcloua SOr\ of lrooy In the Premiere of lhe champion Broad"-Y musical "FouJes•,i at the &Uttering Mw &habert Ttieater In Lo o Ant!elu. It ls set In what re- mail'll of an old New York "1eater aoon to he demoij~. an indication of the gradual e}'OJ:ion of Broadway, yet it marks the premiere of a West Coast abowplaco 1 I 1 e a ·b J e enqugb to swallow up three or fO!Jr Broad••Y theaters, "an ln- d!Catlon that the West Coast Is ont1 Ila way to succeeding New York 11 tbt natioc~s theatrical capital. · One could hardly Imagine a more Impressive production to lnaul\ll'8te the Shubert than "Follies," list year's best musical in the eyes of ·the New York drama critics. It comes complete with the original c~st and more. music than .any mU.sical in memory · - pr6bably 80 to 85 percent ol the. sbow. This, above any other con- sideration, Is the mark of significance in "Follicil." While the show is an obvic>us success for ~ Baroid ----,.:::,"'°""''""""'•·=---- Prince and tbe.,ql.alriet " lum· At,.~....?!.~.~•= lnaries heodq Ila cast, It ls a :.' .11",.';1;1 " ,....., ,,_ .., thund...... triumph for com-kflHt •-"· t111wqr1p1oy w "' ... MlcWI -..wit", .,_,.Id• ti ti. "'"" poser and lyricist Stephen ~ Tl'INl•r. C•Nwy Oty. Sondheim unquesUonably the TH,• CAIT ,.,,,. ~i_, ............ '.AIMb 5tnllh "-t In the bwiineos. """ -.............. ••-"""' S.11~-PWMW ......... ~hV Colllfls Sondbelm earned two Tony 11'"1tm111 llOM ...... JoM MCM•f'lln awarda for the music and carton. ClmPlori • , .• 'tY9llftt o. carlo -~· '" ......... ~ 1"111 ~· lyrlca Of "Follies," to go with Still• ··· ...... · .Mttry ~ ortv !her r.:lle lalkft' ............ t:f!WI llutfa two o s for "Company" the hrl w.i.m."" ....... EllWln s1.t1a , the _._ ............... Mlc;flMI llart+ttt preVJ:OUS season. For '°""' ......... .... .. .. H•rwv Eva ... creator of the "West Side v°""' s.11., ···········-M1rt1 Ro1p1<1 and y_,. 8tfl .•. , , . , , •.•. Kwrt ,.. .. ,_ Story " "Gypsy" lyriCI, YOllnll "tlYllU• ......... Su.-ROQ«11 "Follies" marks his most dif- ficult and demanding achieve- ment for the show I s predominantly music w I t h what might be tenned in- cidental drama. This, however, is hardly fair to James. Goldman's tight, in- cisive script which intertwines -with the. music-smoothly and unobtrusively. After what seems like an overabundance of musical frosting, "Follies" settles .ddwn into a probing ·JyriCal drama as day turrµi in- to· njght fnd night· into morn- ing - a sort of "Virginia Woolf" set to mu'slc as the lives and loves of four people are delineateH. The imminent destruction Gf the old theater provides the impetus for a reunion of the ol~Ume perfonners who sang and danced In tbe Follies under the eye of a Zlegfeld- like bnprosario. Among lbose gathering at the wake are two couples who broke early with show business and have not seen each other since the ear- ly Forties -Buddy and Sally Plummer. (Gene Nelson and . Dorolhy Collins) and Ben and Phyllis Stone (John McMartin and Alexis Smith). It develop!! early that Sally once loved Ben and may not yet, at the threshold of 50, be over It. The situation is com- pllcaled by Buddy's llondq, July 24, 1972 • Ill Triumph disillusionment at his bualness failure and Ben's cynl$n at hls 1ucceas. All , save perhaps Sally, have a ttWnber of ex .. tramarltal affairs 'to their credit. Miss Smith, who copped all the major awardis for her New York performance, is crlsp, cool and bitingly resigned to her situation. Her solo, "coukl I Leave You?" is razor-tdged and her honky-tonk production number in the musical·wlthln- a·musicel segment i9 a show stopper of the highest order. McMartin plays her em· bittered husband with a surfeit of self·plty and the boozy awareneS! of hi• absolute failure in the human race. Of the four, his acting ls of the highest quality,. his character the most clinically projected. Miss Collins, stiU appearing the Broadway ingenUe, is tops in .the vocat department and warbles hauntingly the lone show number to ach ieve popular succe.ss, "Losing My Mind." Her dramatic ability is a shade below that of the others, but never enough to create an imbalance. Nostalgia reigns su preme for an all-~brief number as Nelson displQs the magic feel that propell<d him through many a movie musical. Tim· Ing and style are his In abug- dance, and hi! overall performance Is excellent. A bountiful bonus I n ';Follies'' b Yvonne De ca.t:lo who plays, not surprisingly, a former musical actress who went on to make a name in the movies. Although given comparatively Httle to do, Miss De Carlo brings off the loudest and longest applause of the night with h e r unabashedly honest solo "I'm Still Here." Praiseworthy a I s o are 1'-1ary McCart 'ys r a c o u s showpiece, "\Yho's Th a t Woman?" and another nostalgic gem, 0 Ah, Paris." by the legendary Fifi D'Orsay. These are bonbons to be savored between segments .of the main story as the Old timers give it one last go. Parti cularly Impressive In the stag ing of "Follies" is the appearance, in the black and white of memory, of the younger Buddy, Sally. Ben and Phyllis. their youthful roman· ticism contrasting the harsher · reality of the present. These S lendid 'B b ' t G k Th t roles are splendidly played by AWiJftCli, ...... , "'"'"'' _,.. DAILY l'ILOT f Nichol•• .... Alexandn Evening =.12!'.l7:-;~E p ar er a ree ea er ~~~~·yr.~.~~~~; ~rt~!'.:'~~ . "'1ltlol ~ lllo --· Rogers. • \----====='~'::.:C. __ ·JULY 2.4 ! ~:II .... By TOM BARLEY mortem than the fact. that it stole the show from the lot of endure from the occupants of "Follies" Is performed in its ., °' ,.,. Dtl~ '"""' ,,.,, • lacked competent personnel, them . He was priceless as, the pit in the Vienna State Los Angeles en g age m en l •:ooeeaemm.... ~ ............. Cuesb '" Ask any opera lover which any semblance of scenery and complete with seventeenth Ballet fiasco. without intermission, and it is Clllli,._ lilpf llMlctf RiDtln. lclrtu Sl'ltllJ of his favorite offerings he'd th century priest's headgear and Woi•--L. was 00 top or hi s the mark of its intriguing and ... ~ ,.., .,...,., Kttm w Fbhef,.fahlOI t Ilk to per! ed a musical accompaniment at wtU• ti · ff t th t th .., .... 11611per'W ~. •nd ntro-mos e see orm un-only fainUy resembled the twentieth century soccer score from first to last note cap vating e ec a e (I) C.-.. der the stars and nine times Tschaikowsky score. socks, he pushed a marriage and he gave his artists the break is neither anticipated 1818:,. "::" .,.=rill-=:, °:;·(I) Joell-out of 10 you'll get the'riQging contract designed to put tbe kind ,0f lialson and dlrecllon nor regretted. It Is the sort of (ll)n.._..,... '°" llllllc llki Uttlt cunt whM reply: ''The Barber of Guarrera, that ageless luscious Rosina into Bartolo's that is pai-for the course in show that should not be ln· - -Pin -l"Y -., 1 .... 11 el med at Seville!" strong man of the Met, was in bed. any top flight opera house. terruptcd lest its fragile magic --J ll GI n--1n·· fine voice Thursday· night but be d t ed a ....... Lidie NICU_, lfldtfflny't Mllinm from o Y a CO m O ~s Is Voketaitl! has a superb You can't do more than that es roy · -... .....-flilwl fable of Figaro, Uie razor-he had to be to justify top bill· h d II T d" b 1111' ...,._,, lfl "-111 · ing with Miss Armstrong . Her bass·baritone voice but be also and e di it we . wo resoun 1ng ravos ere £!Jla............. ee·e•..,..PNMna. sliarp barber who'd much winsome, clearJy sung Rosina has a tremendous sense or Thank you, "Barber," thank In order, for "Follies" itself lBlllfll..... u • ~ ...,_,_. rather match a likely couple was the perfect foil for his comedy and he injected into you. You have restored this and for the new Shubert , UBMRll: fq (IO)"Tflt..... tDllW::..~=-~ =1 ·:fu~!'ro~ :~~~ flickering, ingenious Figaro many ·scenes an infectious critic's faith in the Greek Theater. Both should prosper Dim" ,hit I <-'D-JINI "' -·.., ....... -into 1 and their duets were among huhl.or and touch of slapstick Theater. greatly in the coming weeks. "· 1 ~ ..... , _, operatic offering at the Greek hat ll 'th the 1 1;-;:;::;::;::;::;:::=;::=:~lil===:::;:=::======,J --· --Pill -Chttl llliltM - -.,. (m) Theater. the best lhln,gs in the opera. t went we w1 ro e 11 ~lb, Loe* ,.,,., JM leckm. ,.. '1% ''0""" n..f. Nrlci w.,.,.. Director Patrick Taverna Her work in the second act and 'delighted his audience. tridr C!owlt!. r .. ti -•rrlnt Qo.w Soi. 11111 -.. StolY put tog !her 1 did demo-ated most fully the ms artful theft of the snuff ltllow.,...,. ___ , -..,.,..... 114 -. .., e a sp en . cast, f Bartol • uH bo u1Da 1 wllirtwW ff a:tMty w11e1 mML J~ ~ded. by the redoubtable fine soprano voice of the · rom o s sn x was lo •·--1t1et •·••-.-..... Frank Guarrera and the young lady we best remember cleverly contrived and his ren· hhi. .,. ~ (J) Ill ID lllC --= delicious Karan Armstrong, for her Sllperb. "Le COq d'Or" diUon of the famous "Slander" ())Ch._ W•lt• Cnnldl• CC> (Dr) ....._ .... ....-(dr•) and he was responsible for one with the New York City Opera aria was just about the best al...,.,...,. '17 -Dea MlllTIJ, C.ritl, DoNld of the most sumptuous and ef. Company. She has scaled the version of the stanza we've m DI ,_.. Houstoa: Dwillf * RolMll ..,.._ fecttye staglnRs thlj critic has heights in opera a n d heard in many a year· Oii .,_ ...._ """ tiM rl lrltll., ~. 11•11 fl the ever seen at the Greek. justif13bly so but this critic is Full marks also for con-e M I Q•ll I""' jrlbl. trla 1''• tn chic) tht fl.fore 1 m p o t t a n t 1 y , he among many who feel that she ductor RJchard Woitach and IDT_ .. _ -~'~ bestr Iha . ~-ensured lha,t _his dlsl)ngulshed has bad nothing like the ac-an ore a t was m Dustin Hoffm~n in "THE GRADUATE" CLINT EASTWOOD ''JOE KIDD'' Also IPGl 1--iS . ' pr~'badlhe~klngofa claim lhal•should be accorded marked contrast to the, twit· :";!11~ • .-.·-~' <-1'-'·' 111p"'-'•·•' cut that to this gifted artist. tering and tootling we had to ••--•-7 00 ·--r I ~Wl6 t""f-~"• li~~~~~~~~~~11r.~~~~~~~~~·~·~··~--~iiiii~~~~~~~~~ PAUL NEWMAN HENlY FONDA "SOMETIMES A GR.EAT NOTION" lfl......., Eliot ltllfz e.llMI · • . produced It& own bevy of Doll Bernard as Dr; Bartolo, 1:11 8 (])81111 -.... .,... ',. minor stars In a beautifully Rosina'• petty but persistant 8 -IDll "I ,_ -'"I lot; Ila• Pool paced opera that delighted, a guardian, effectively bwnl>led Ill' <•i .._. en.ron. Jalia ,t·Jll .., .., _ ,.,> Joh• '""' capacity audience. ' hfs way thrQugh to the defeat 1 IN-IA ---....... a .,. .,,. -Oo!b ·It was no more than richly that happily•awalts him In the Twe i-.... •11111 r.r"" • " ,.... ,. tM ndtr r:1 • kNtlp deserved for those patrons opera's final scene. And ood, ~., , .. __ lttlpboll -· who had to enClure the misery Robert Johnson was In fine '""' f!_ ...,a I ttrved up earlier thlt week by tenor voice as C o u n t (l)tN1t'Wt1r11•111111 l:f1111: tbe,VJennaStateOperaBallet Almaviva, the lovesick Ill-1-., -~ -Campany. Th 11 brillian_t, nobleman who bas Figaro ·--... I...... .... Pl , 1.-.l-oal -A.I li hi the • -· .,., '--" ..._. g11111VWNY COltUuicu "Barber" so 'dly on ·s side in quest l r=.1:1..... ll_~h.i. n..,11sJ M WU I far cry from a "Swan for the )oveJy Rosina. .... -· lt:ll 8 -""' 1 -oo4 , 4J<e" needing 00 other Jiost Bui Arnold Voketallts nearly ••·M@IO.. ..... fWl'!I HIPer. •1..,...lt ._.. Dlltill 1-~-----~~------------ ~ 1" -ii '1' '° · i .. W,llolowlbr • .... ,,.___ ..... =:="··~·.. :r..az, .... Ult ;. a-<t1-.a1•_. ;-. ........ _. 1· t ···- ... _ 7:Jl8111!l ....... ~.!llil·-. ' ''111a""'!_\ ' ' . -' ' . .,... __ _ 'D lr.-Ulli "Dll\ F~d _......, ----~-i.~·-1 •11&M• ·-... ICIC:ldllt ""'11' .. 1,. .i.i: ~) l j . ~'I• ·-vi""'·""'" 1wo • Coitt iloi; , • r;.-~··~· • lllft ~.to °""" ll .... l • ....... Ml ftll'ICIM ll1wtltln1 .... ,. •• , ... . ~t\.1 · .. t,.t; : I -. Cy I,.,...... . ; !'~"'lllalll '' ' . 11•111!f •.~ " -·-jnl) "'111aC.. ........ ..:.... SMllrila ' .. -(jllj ·1!-4 ii/riil~ . ·. ~.~-°1'1-f""' _!Cl_ ...... !!'.. ••l'L ' "" ("'> 'Ill ---' -ai Lttr .. • Ela • . 1-1 111,1* ....... CC.I "'"'s-CIJ-.... , .. 1111 I ll*·_.. '111 ...... ;cc.._,..,. •••••• =-M _.PIJCtlPU, -~,~-1-*""'""' ............ -")' (I) ·-: (21111 --ll!ll811JC11°1.111-(C) "Cloa! 1:118 llJ It 11 "Ullh" (I) A 1!J -Ml" (-) ·-MOllltllll 1n1n ICCUllll ff tb,.. aJIJ-llert. Hull O'lrtl11. • ""'-'"'""'·m11141dlUIJ, 811119_, --D 1111 ID lMletl-1• (R)Tll -D"" • -""' c-"' 1~ show rtUflitll Judy CltM ... Dr. liW .... (dlll llltlor- Htnrr flilMoll. 111111 Crnu, Arte Mr), u4 .,... (•11t1'i.>. JollMOll, TlllJ Thn, 1o Anne W_,.,, m 1., ..... - 1'4 Join w.,.1 wtt1i D" llonl (j) m M --lflCI b1tk M•rh. If ... Sl+ttttcto I• tftlthu- D W Cll-llilJll . Ila-U.'•Caolar • 111ort-LIM - till "TM An*icl11 IMll11: Thit LIM -II • a-l -···-·· #'PERRYu c..tr ..... hilly flh'J:ll ,.;.: NOW-EXCLUSIVE HARBOR AREA SHOWING AT REGULAR PRICES! Nighlly 7:00 lo '9:30 N()'CA8"4h ~·---..,~. ~ "****" ~ -NtWYork D•llY News .,'CABARET' IS A ICINTlLLATING llUllCALI" -"Mdlt"1D~-' (Eduoello!lli Ed""""' "IJZA 11tNNILl.I --N«W lllU IHOW IW" -!*~ 'UKa WOODSTOCK ONAWAY•' ---Pacific Yiblatio.v . ca...oR~-..... _.;..._ ....... a .,,,,""""""'...._ .............. ..... SURF THEATRE-121 5th St.-Hunilngton Boach J hrframs• li:ll' 11:00 • .,. Sl.71-fti: J.Jl·t.Jt6 --CtNFDtJ+ff l! ' • I I , I j._. ---,, SfAD/UM ,3 ' •11 •• ·----., SfAOIUM ! ,-·~"ll• -- ' ·~ °""" C-Jy • ...,..... hlll ......... !"!', ......,fl:a.., • • AcMtMr ,.,..,.... "lllOOl.ft ON THI tOO,,.,. ..,. ... CANDIDATr' ,.,, ... "COOi. MAND LUkl'"' ,.,, ..,fCYJA(KID,. wll• ClllrH111 "" ... ... ' "KILLY'S HlllOIS" ,.l"OlTNOY'S COMl"U.INT" (Ill •• "CANDY" OCJ ,,..... MCO.- •JUNIOll IDNNEll" ll"OI "l'llTP:UL Of' OOLLAllSH ll"G) ''1111.UKO" l'°G) ~EDWARDS THEATRE S : ••• H•ATR ••• ••••·• 540·3102 ••••• H1111•01111 AT AD#IM•.co•TA Ml:h .. --.. .,, •I •111 M.lf '"" llOl'to ,.,, • Al.AN AlllOM. SAi.LY IClllE~MAfri ,. ---..,,_°' theleidtlol l.cMt!'!" ~ . ..:.. · :..\A l Imo -· Wla Ilia Looi"'-_.,..... 8,T~r,l·T~ • • • r11111 ""'°1* 's!ollta 111o -12:1t a....., "fti a1 Ult" f-> ~1 """" -· Ml _ •• ,... .,..,.. ___ """" ~· Allrfricl. IMI till 'JI. ews t I , *""°'If ktttmt 11111111 ...._.12:11e*-1 "11111 M 1'cW ..,. alt .... 191' ... ,!ld-' ..,.c-)'.31 ' .... .tii-.•~ ::i=;•:s:. ..... ~.:.1'. ,, --o-Wlltlr M> -· -... tiimt11--1:11 (I) •• (J) __ _ • ..., _ l:Jl·---....... (ICI· ·-c...fa ti) ..,......, ,_, Cl""" Patrd. Tueaday • i:I '" • • (lllw) • .. -c.nr.-~ kll·-,.,. (ICl·lt) ·~ _...,.. __ _ l•llJlll·-r.t I (lllw) '61- -~ lltla - •-cri ... ,.... ""' 1-==================I 'tt-1---"'* 1-""' ___ _ ......... _.( .. )1t-............ ,, .... --m-·--.... Nearly. Everyone Listens to Landers ... tit -... -.. ,-=================' ·~ ...... --,_ & OICAI WINNll ' "SENTINELS OF SILENCE" "Tltl CITHR" AND ,,.. • ,,0, "WAIT UNTIL DAlr "llU.Y .IA.Cr' '"' 1LISS ""'' •um MD CMILD•IW" \ "llYJAClll" AND "TMI Ul.IY tRUTMIM,.- .. , ~ CLDll IASIWOOD .JOI KIDD ..,..,., ... \,\~ .. - LOCAL .EDITORIALS The DAIL PILOT Quite Often Fights City Hall \ • • Jt GAO. V Pl LOT s Catching 'Booby Traps' Computer Gathers Data on Home Acci.dent,s By LEROY POPE U,I llltl•» Wl'tltP home, plJYfl'IWICI and llrt<I accldeoll eoch Y•t". the moll numerou1 v1dlm1 ot wbkh art chUdren. out of the ac:cldel report.I Is !or c1-r ~ of crib slats ao babies can't get their heads between lhem. Numeroua reoommend1Uona have bffn made for im- provements I n pllyl"'Und FINANCE NEW YORK -Nearly every piece or furniture and every gadgel in the average home contalna booby lrapa bo111 ror the family that 111t1 It and the company that made It. ALTUOUOH TIU el<cln>nic early warning ty1tem baa been in effect only a few tnOllthl, It hu provided reporil on thousands of ac- cldenls to tb6 Bureau of Product Solely. Of ...,.,. the bureau hp!s been ent•&ed Jn thia kind of rtaearch for years and hu nogollaled many changes ln product design on the buls of the thoo1Nndc ol accident ,_..., 1bt daily electronic surveillance network speeds up and wklens the pn>cea. cldentl Involving consumrr pn>duell within eight montl!a of joining the networiL '"1ll hoepltal'a experience dlacloaed the lnlerestlng fact that inotl such accldentl occur between 4 p.m. anll 7 p.m., and there are more a~kfentl o n Wedneaday the day wlltn lew doctora are avellable In the ofOcts In the 0Uca10 area. equl-1 to keep cblldren , _______ , from being bru.laed or even 1111.s melancholy fact is the reason for being o( 1he federal &O\'ernmenl's home acckSent early warning sy1tem, ac- tually caUed the Natlon1I Electronic Injury Surveillance System. JI gathers data from hundreds of hospllal! about home, pllyground and stmt accidents lo be tabulat~ dally In WaJhlngtoo by the Food and Drug Adm lnl!traUon's Buretu of Product Safety. Tiie Idea Is to make reoommendaUons for product modlflcatlona that wlll reduce the toll of 20 mWlon For uample, M a c N e a l M'D!«ial HOIJ>ltal In Berwyn, JU., a sub.u'b of aiJcago. seot the bureau 1,700 reports on ac- 'I1lo Bureau ol Product Safe- ly follows up 1lle r<pCr1I by COOIUltatlon1 wl111 manulac- turen of the devk:es tnvolved and bY reaearch of Its own. During 1m about 31,000 ouch acclderu actuolly wW be in- vestigated. llrangled on bolls or bandrall• "' flngera In the chain llUage ol awlng.s. Grape Leaf Killer Nears Big Vineyards THE !ITIJDIES bave pro- duceci a munber of recom- meodltiom ror product c:hanget within re<e11t montha. Blbycle accidents are one of the most common causes of lnjutles to children. A llludy at Lu1lleran HOipltal at Park Rldje, Ill., showed M children cut by 1lle knllellke aclton of the apokes ol bicycle wlleels In a two-month J>erio:d· lttst sum-mer. On 1lle buls of Ibis and other reports, the Bureau of Product Safety urged that chlldren's bikes have wheels with shielded apokes, a irac- tJce followed in ElrOpl. ADULTS ALSO are booby trapped Into accidenll and manufacturers ol m a n y devices llnd Uiemoelvet laced wllll apellllve Jawllllta. One recommendation to curb such mlabaps calls f o r an automatic release mecb.mam ii 1lle housewife catchea her hands In the wringer of an automaUc washJ.ne machine. Another urges that electric hedge trimmera be made heavy enough ao they have to be held wl111 both hands. That can ellmlnate many finger cuts. Many concerned modlfloa· lion of lmoba and awltcbes so gas and electric stoves, mh.- ers, vaporizers and other potenlially lethal applllnctt could not be turned on ac- cidentally jll31 by bru!lilng agalmt them. SAN JOSE (AP) -A voracloul mue lnsecl with a pualon '!or grape leaves ha! moved hls front line within strlklng distance of Santa Clara Valley's fa mo u a v!neyarda. The enemy Is the western grape leaf 1keletonlzer, known fo entomolo11111 N HarrWana BrlllllDI. He's wllhln one quarter mile of the Almaden vlneyarda toUth of here, but baa been found thus far only on backyard grapevines and two other p~ts In two areas aoulh ol here totaling 14 square milu, Co u n t y Agrlculture. Commluloer Chet Ho w e reporb. "~ey're voraciOUJ eaters/' aaya Howe. "'Ibey llne rl.ght up next to each other and marcb acroes the leaf like an army, destro1lni evtrylhlng except the velnl. 11All that'• Wt ls I akeletoni'' said Howe, adding that the 1-ctl CID destroy a grape plant In two weel<a. The slat< altudy bu 11pe11t IDllLE PHOIE Pl-& R-lve T1f1phene Callo In Your C•r -• No LlconM • ... CIPll•I lll'lft'"*'t Montll tt Montll Jltlll•I a.1i. 0,..,. c. ............ . .. It. ............ ..... IU-2305 $1 miUJon tbll year, ,..king to atop the sktletoolur here, In Siskiyou, San Diego a n d Fresno countlet, said Howe. A Fresno County en- tomnJoclst said only two Another regulalloo growing := :-J,. ~·~ha:,: Monet1'• Worth commercial vineyards y e t have been bl!. "We're simply trying to con- trol it t b J 1 summer," aald Howe, predltlng lt will ta t e at leut a year to eradicate the pest, wblch Mnllally Is IDll!ld In Mealco, Texu, Arizona Utah, Colorado and Nevada. Since the !nJecl rirat WJs dllcovered and identllled bere in June control workm have sprayed affected vines with tllO pellldcles. They kill the lnlect on contad but pruent low tolldty !or ether opecles, Howe said. The m.11 have no natural enemies, be added and are "very prolific," with the female laying hundreds of eggs and 1lle hatching cycle producing aa many as three generations in a single sum: D)er. f"Tbe larvae are what cause the· ~e,'' Nici Howe. In Ille 1dull Dying stage !be akeletonlaer can be black, bluish or metaJllc green wt111 a one-Inch wtngapon. some aporl a brl(lht red color juJt behind 1lle head. .. They're poor ruen, that'• the best thing going for us," aaJd Howe , but wind currents can stretch their lllght and widen the area they lnlecl. Play 'Success Chess' To Get Ahead in Job By SYLVIA PORTER Is your Immediate corporate bo.ss -111• perlOll dlrecUy superior to you - a i•shelf..att- ter" likely to stay right where he or 11hfl is rather than to move up or be replaced? U ao, you're probably Jf this is so, make a move quickly either within o r outside the company to break the stereotype. Do you, in abort, know bow to play Success Chess? Th e middle-management employment market Is again In a beal1lly eJp8Dlloa, reflec- ting 1lle qultlening economic upturn In 1lle U.S. In the aec- md hall of 19'12. Al. a result, large numbers of you are moving into new jobs aa middle executives in wasting pro- cloua career time, for y our move up the cor- porate 1 ad- der could be blocked in- deflnit<ly by · thb immo- bile superior. ...,.,. ~ aggressive, fut-growing con- cerns. And large numbers of you are moving with the prom- ;.,, ol rapid prunotloo Into the u_. corporal< nnb u part of your deal -u JOlli aa top management believes yo• deserve a promotion becauae of your superior performance In your starting poslllm. AllE YOU traveling the right kind of route to tbe top-il that's wl!<re you want to go in your company? U, for instance, mm In marketing or finance usually l n h e r i t tbe presidency In your cor· poratloo, are you in marketing or finance? Denture Invention Or are you 1n corporate specialities from which men are rarely promoted to the top In your fllld? Thlnll: very bard about wliare you are on 1lle maniiemOnt laddu and aim !or lncreued uposure and vlliblllty. BUT YOU MIGHT b e stymied by such cir· cumstances as I described. above. To help you, here are buic moves in the game of success Chess as drawn up by a top aulhorlty In the field of executive behavior, Eugene Emenoo Jennlnfls, profesaor at 1lle llllchlgan S t a t e University • .... "•Ill•""" ••u...,.,,.,.. ••1.tw ... " The ~ thin1 to ._.., roar OWd teetb ii JX*ible DOW lrltll • pl.UC a.m dilc:oVUJ' Wt eflU• ally hold• botb ••upptr1'" end "lower." aa nevitr befon PQlllble. Jt'1 a dlmcoYerr c:alled FtlCloaftO for daily home UICI (U.S. Pat. fJ,003,988) and It he• N'fUIU· tionilcdcb.ttn•earinc.FWxlBN'I' c. k• , ..... l rawdl MIMttr • • ... ".......,, ("'"' Drlvt s •• ,. - ,..,.,.,.. 1.-tll, C•llfiornl1 J11 T...,._,..1 (1141 '44-UOI ' (am. Ill tlutic manlnne tlaat ..... ·-.. -o(·-mtdchewinl'. With PrlOllUI' manr denture W1Utr1 mar •t. .-t. lt.adt. with little wonyol dellturaoaiq'. locm. OG111ppllcatloo ••J' lat lot boura. Dentura that fit an._... tlal tc> health. Sae J'OUr &.ntl1t ~larly.Gete117°tc>-U1eFlxooiNT DcntinAdlluive.Cram. • Have you upt j>our oplions wide optn ·and y9ur op. por1lmllles fi~ble ao you can alter your corporal< behavior !or your own good, il ao In· dlcated? OR AJIE YOU being stereotyped in your company? ' announcing I I 0 the eppointment of C. Kent Freundt •s maneger of the N1wport Beech branch office of Occid1nt1I Llft lnsurenc• Company of C1lifornl1. Mr. Freundt •ssumes his new r11pon1ibiliti11 after five y91r111 111!1t1nt m1n191r of th• comp1ny'1 Elmhu"t, Illinois, br1nch, whtrt he jolntd Occid1nt1l In 1967. Whllt thtrt ht 1arn1d the in1ur1nc1 industry's N1tion1I S1l11 Achl•v•m•nt Aw•rd, H•alth ln1uranc• Quality Award and National Quality Award for hi1 out1fancllng salts end service. fr•undt el10 w11 n1mecl br1nch man.of-th•· year three times. Ht r1nk1 among the · company'• top 100 repr11entativ11. Also whll• In Elmhunt, Mr. Freuntdt served terms 11 pr11ldent, first vice president ind tre•1urer of the DuPa9e County Lift Underwriter• Association. He wis born in Elmhurst end •ttended Loyol• Univer1Jty at Chicago, C. Kent Freund! wlll uphold Occld1nt1l lll1'1 hi9h 1tand•rcl1 of service throu9h his ••pert, profe11tonal 11dvic1 to Newport leach r•1tclent1 on 111 th1lr life, he1tth and group inturance end pen1lon needs. Occidente! 11 1110 represented in the are• by the 91n1r1l •91ttc.J11 tf Thom•• &ore and Robert H1dloff. • I • Avoid lou of career time by getting away from an im- mobile superior and b y becoming a crucial subordinate to a m o b I I e superior. Wben your boa moves, you'll move, a.Ince you .,. .. Important to your auperlOI' as he or she II to you. • Mite 1ure you are travtl· Ing the right route to 1lle top, ii that ia your goal. The top lour ningJ of the corporate ladder from which uecuUves are being promoted today are: operations·division management. finance, marketing and administration . The least utely specialties for promotions are : public rel•· t i o n s , manufacturing, in- ternational, research 1 n d development. • Keep your optima wide open and practice I I a e I r nomination" for the top Jobs. Do 11111 by letUng thooe who do the nominating for key post! know that you want a bigger job or at leaat want to learn how to quallly for that bigger job. • IF, AFTER Jong and serious dellbtr1tion, yo u decide to qui~ reheane the move ahead of time. Don't be counted among the execullvu wbo have fired their cor- porallon In 1lle altemoon •nd reblrod It toe nut day. Jnateod. mite cul y o u r resignation. put It In a Nie ploce In your dolt, lock the dmk and. lei II leut a -" J10 by hem you take It out.Then i( you really mean It, rewrll< and submit IL • lllal<e sure that when you leave your company, )'OU do IO on your own terms and lhal you alwaya leave on the best of terms. And have faith th1t, If you can 1uceced in one job, you can succttd in anothtr, even without having climbed • •Incl• runa on • COl'(IOme lad· der. The COl'porlllon la a market -not merel1 a place In which slmplJ to wwt I« a llvlng-and the matbt Is !or aJdlJa. Your akUll art best determln«I by your ~ perl«ma-. I I Can We 'Convert' Dollar? NEW YORK (AP) -Almoat everybody agrees 1lle United States ought to do snrnelbing about making the dollar con- vertible, but almolSt nobody comes forth with any ideas about how. One ol the few open pro- pooals openly advanced has come from Harry E. Ekblom, preoldent ol the European- American Banlt c.orp., which Is the American banking agent of a group of big Eiropean banks. M an American work· ing for overseas bank.! in the American en v l ron men t, Ekblom Is pecullarly fitted to be a bridge between American and c.ontinental thinking, CONVERTIBDJTY mear..s that foreigners can exchange their dollars !or gold. It was halted l..t yeer wllen the dollar was under b e a v y pressure. Meanwhile, dollars have gooe out of the United Stat.et but they are little more than IOU's, altbougb IOU's backed by 1lle credit of the United Slates. OVeneas holden ol dollars are anxious to see con- vertJblllty ref!!ored. This Is not so much that they want to .,.... Uiem In for gold, but they like the security of knowing they can get the gold. But ti>! United States cannot reatoce convertibility becauae it has only about $10 billion In gold and there .,. around $60 bllHon in overseas dollars wl>icb could -all lllis gold wltlxlut being eaUslJed. If ooly U percent of the oveneas or Eurodollara were cashed. it would wipe out the gold stocks ol the United Slales. Up to now, the hope of 111e dollar owners bas been that Ille U.S. tnde balance will hn· p,ove '° much that no more dollars will go oversee. 'Iben, as foreigners send dollars to the United Stales to Invest in American business. t b e Eurodollar poll would gradually disappear. TDIS IS STILL Jbe main hope !or the aoluUon ol con- vertlbWty, but Ekblom ouUin- ed a temporary _,. to a recent meeting of the New Y c:rk Flnaocial W r i t e r s Aaooclatlon. Tile main problem of con- verllblllty Is pcycbologlcal, he empliaalud. U tbe Eurodollar owners could be aure of get· ting the oame value for their dollars wilen they ..U u Uiey bad to pay !or them, Ibey would be content lo hold them lndeflnll<ly •. "The Unlted Stales might discuss with lorelp c-al govmunent banlts bow It could help them. in their in- tervention In the d o II a r market," he said. These banks have agreed to mointaln a liI- ed value for the dollar in their own currencies, and they do this by buying dollars when the value goes down. "There might be 30llltllling like • policy statement bY the U.S. govenwnent," Ekblom said. "Maybe the Uolled Slal<s could offer Jong-tmn, higl>lnf<not bonds fo cov« Ill trade de(ldl THESE Sl!CUR1TIES mi&ht be redeemable In dollara or special cnwilll rlghll (of the InternaUoual Monetary Fund) or other currenc:lea, maybe even partlalJy In JJOld. "!bat would give the otller cow>lrlee aometlllng to wwt wtill. A favorable U.S. balance of peymenll Is not enoulh wltllout a aolutlon ol Ille dollar bllilncel: oveneu." 'lbe c'•ntcal «GlOID.ilts ml&bl find problems In the Ekl>Jom pro\JOlll. But In 1lle poycboJoCICal field, It ,, .... ol the few concrete propoulJ wl>lch have been !lllde. · Ecology Sh1died BEi.EM. Brull (AP) -Thi IOVernme•t Is l!Udylng wavt lo -!be e<oJocy of Jho Amuon, lnc!•dlnt lhe ealabllsbment til n at I o • a I reae.rvea, lncreuecf f 0 f t I t me.rcb and spoclal areas for anlmala. I Finance Briefs :euu..€ .. "9e NEW HAVEN, c..n. -Lil· ton Systems, lnc., of Beverly Hills, bu llled a complaint cbarJlnJ that tbe Sta!lllord; baaed Xerox COrp .• Jiu eo1> aplrcd !or yeara to rulraln trade In coonecUon with Its plain paper coplen. Utton, In papers filed In U.S. Dlllrlct Coort here, claimed that Xeror re!uaed to grant llctnSeS uoder l t 1 patents !or uae In coonect1iJn wl111 the plain copiers; that Xernr relllled to aell Ils paper copien at "other t b 1 n =eaaonable and prohlblUve prices," and that the company demanded discrlm1natory n>yalUes · under Its patent licenses. e Shlp11ard 81111 SAN DIEGO -Purchase of !he Sblpyird Division ol San Diego Marine Qmstruction Co. by Campbell lndustriea, also ol San Diego, has been DD· nounced. George J, Soares, Campbell president, said the prlec was about $4.5 million p a I d "through a combination or cash, notes and assumption liabilities." e Bank Suit SAN DIEGO -A class suit in U.S. District Coort oeeks $26.1 billlon in damages for an alleged conspiracy to fix high intel'.'Ht riles for use of bank credit cards. AU.mey Richard Henderson !lied 1lle suit Friday which ac- cuses 180 banks and clearing houses of vlo1ating both the Shennan and Clayton anUinlst acts. e Raisins 'Not' FRESNO -The bead of 1lle Ca!Uornia Raisin Advisory Board says a U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast of the smallest Ca!Uomla grape crop in 30 years indicates raisin }rOducUon m1y be even less than 1lle 110,111111 tons originally predicted. The board's estimate was based on a predicted total grape crop oC 1.75 million tons, advisory board chairman Dick Markarian said wi111 raisin variety grapes totalling about 1. 4 million !OM. • Dlmeu Profits NEW YORK -Bolstered by the operaUons of Walt Disney World In Florida, Walt Disney ProducUnns showed major in- creaaea In sales and earnings !or the quarter ended July I. In figures released by Donn B. Tatum, chaJnnan of the board, net income for the quarter had r i s e n to $10,259,111111 lrom $8,7411,111111 last year. 'Revenue• abot up from $45,563,111111 to $111,172,111111. Earnings per ahare were up frcm 51 cents to 72 cent.s. es.rcllarge LOS ANGELES -San Diego Gas and Electric Co. has been authorized to con- tinue aj>plylng a sun:harge !or gas and electric service Jn the City of San Diego, 111• State Publlc UtWlles Commission (PUC) said. The aurcharge of one per- cent for gas service and 1.9 percent for electricity was aulhorued Oct. 27, 1970, to offset increased franchise er· pellleS In San Diego. e l11S11rance 81111 LOS ANGELES -Vanguard IntemaUODIJ, an ln!urance holding company, has an· nouunced plans to ~ $800 million ol Ille and group imurance now in force under management of rrr Hamilton Llfe Insurance Co., Clayton, Mo. Harry H. Mitchell, Yt/1" guard president, • a I d bis firm will pay $9 million In cub and noles for the pmtollo. m H•mllton Is a subsidiary of lnlernatlooal Telephone & Telegraph Corp . of New York. e NetD Presltletat . SAN DIEGO -Lloyd Scbuoem1nn. a b u 1 J n e 1 1 1-. and director of the Southern Callfomla Flnt Mo·· tlonaJ.llant, wu named -1· c1en1 ct tho Southern caurorn11 First. NatlonaJ Corp. eflecUve Oct. I. SchunemaM, 44, succeadl Alden W, Johmon N )lel4 ol tho --boldlnc company with Southern C.l~ornla ,First National u Ill primary subsldlll')'. Tiii bank 11 lbe n1nt11 i.raest llllOOI U-with Calilornla haltlqlauten and nialntallll.,, alllclJI In San Dlqo. Jobnton. 111, .... to continue u a director and. bud ol aeveral bent CIJllllD!Ueee. FAME-LESS FACES ~flfN!..~ffk • NATHAHMIUD. llW'HC.O<ANS Think You Don't Know Them? ... - You proboby don't recognize a single n1m1 or face in this group and yet, if you're one of the DAILY PILOT'S very well informed editoriol page reoders, it is this talented teem of writers which helps you kiep informed'. They write tho Editori- al Reseerch Reports. Though their own names don't app11r on tho articles which are published under the Edit~rial Reseerch Reports heading, th1so are the real pros -diggers who go alter ~II the. backround f~cls which put today's top mu~s onto perspective -without thought of seeking the lame !hot goes with the name when you're 1 n1tion1I columnist. They're Your IN·FORMERS Y os; they could be your "informers." It's lo tu like Editorial Rosearch Reports which mak: ;: DAILY PILOT much more then ·iust th I , h I ll'l<)S 1mporllnt ometown newspaper available 1 resid_,.ts alont the Orange Coast. The DAIL; PILOT is the total patkago It makos wh t h • 11 • ••var appens on tho world local news" and d n itd ify • h I Vll'S a rig t lo your home. Let this team f ,_ ,. led "' '--" h I 0 ....,,.. e<1 •n,....mors • P you k11p informed Road Editorial R1soarch Reports on tho aditorlai page :-and on the other informative special ftatures 1n ot~ pert• of tho DAILY PILOT . -• • • • • I ' • I ' • ·.· : : ... ·'· . ' ' , I. I • I J ' I • DAILY PILD I Monday, July 24, 1972 IE ''I don't like to make $nap judgments, but I don't like the Joob ct th~ new olfic~ manager." · · · Take,4 Rugged Trip Down Colorado River . . BJ .DeWITT JOHN ~ kllNe MMllll" len'la Clear nlgbts under the stars .... Lmely, unspoiled wilderness .... A fair amounl·ol excitement ~ adventure •••• Some OI )be most magnifi· ~ acenery in the world .... U your taste ln vacations runs al1111g these lines, you ought to consider floating down the Colorado River lhTougb the Grand canyon on a raft. Some people assume that lhootlng 15-loot r a p I d s , clambering up rocky side can- yons, sleeping on a sandy ' beach on a windy nigh! washlng one's face each morn: Ing In the cold and muddy river -tha~ such adventures are only !or the young and .heedless. Not ao. They're wronsr. The 25 voyagers in our :group included m a t u r e 'IUbutblltilel as well air ad-:-veaturous youngsters. Some bad never camped out before. l'ew bad been toughened by CIUtdoor Ille. But all had a 'good time. River-running the G~ll!ld Conyoo is possible !or almost anybody. The raft• are Inflated pan. toon·type crafts 25 to 30 leet lo~ made of huge olasUc tubes lashed together. They're " virtually unsinkable a n d almost imJ>Ossible to upset if properly rigged and carefully bandied. ,. Last year nearly 10,000 peraons made the canyon trip. This year the total ts expected to be about the same. Our trip spanned the entire Grand C&nyon from Lee's Ferry to Lake Mead. By pre-arran~ement, three passengers got off at Phantorn Ranch. four davs down the Hver from our starling Point. !!'hey hilted up Bright Angel .Trail to the canyon's south rim. At that point, nine others ;caP,10.aboard, for the fmai siJ1- )lay joUrney throygh · some of 'the wildest rapid,s in America . Here •are some pointers for anyone planning ~ch a trip: -Do your homework- beforeband. . Our outfitter sent us a list of :books ahoot the ·Grand Con· :Yo~, ils history, geology, and .pomls of snecial interest. The . Nltional Park Service or the Sierra Club also can provide : material. Time spent browsinl{ • through such 900rces pavs off. : ll possible, visit the Grand : Canyon Museum at Arizona : State University at Flagstaff : .before you make the 'trip (or . afterward). -Choose your outfitter carefully. More than a dozen com· panles offer trips down the Colorado. Qualitv counts when tt ·~es to safety and com- fort, the way the boats are rigged, the food, and the caliber and experience of the boatmen. You may need to book your reservation several months in advance. Popularity of the river trips is growing and the National Park Service, Jn the interest of preserving the ' wilderness character of the canyon, has clamped ' limita- tions on further expansion of the river trips. -Choose u angle for your Dip. . Take pictures. Or con- centrate on the amazing geology of the canyon. Or study its flora or fauna. Or read up in advance on the col· orlul history of its exploration. Some trips are scheduled for photographers or others with special interests. II you photograph be sure to take more film than you th.ink you'll need. We budgeted a 36- frame roll of color slide film per day. It tume'CI out to be , adequate but none too much. -Choose your time. Most outfitters scheduled trips from Mav to October. We chose late Seotember, and were glad we'd avoided the summer months. T h o s e !flassive black cliffs lining the inner gorge absorb the sun's heat, and they can make~the place like an oven in summer. Even in late September ,.;th its shorter days, we were often glad to see the blazing afternoon sun droo behind the towering red cliffs. -Choose your immediate group U possible. You're likely to find oon· genial friends in any river group. because you and they wouldn't be there at all if you didp't share similar tastes and interests. Still, it adds special fun to run the river with good friends . -Be kind to yourself. Arrive in the area for a restful dav b¢.ore embarking, and schedule another day or so for relaxation arterWard . -What to take.' Your 'outfitter wiR•brief you on clothes to bring -such things . as a rain sillt with pants (a mere poncho won't keep the water out!) a wide- brimmed waterproof bat, blue jeans, sneakers, and 90, forth . In addition, we found the followin~ items invaluable: A flashlight. plenty of hand lo- tion and suntan cream, woolen gloves (for rock climbing and holding onto ropes while shooting the rapids ), a needle and thread, a supply of DlasUc ba gs and rubber bands (!or waterproof storage of such thin~s as film ), a palr of good field glasses. and a notebook !or camera data an~ dally log . A Real Loser MANILA (AP) -A British businessman flew to t h .e PhilipUines three times - each time c1, the same airline, and each time his lugqage was Jost. "I'll never fly those planes a~ain," he fumed. An airline official commented, "lt certainly is bad news." !"INCH ES-A-WAY" _I MINERAL WRAP SLENDERI ZING LOSE 5 INCHES YOUR FIRST VISIT IGl,JARANTEEDI t 1 0 OFF With Thi• Ad. JEANS INCHES·A·WAY IJ" Nowport Blvd., Coste MHo PHONE M2-USO ' • Char-Vue" TI0°1EN'SEMBLE p JJ+ Open mesh '(expanded metall table top, BAR·B-QUE CiR ILL chair seot & back. , • 42" dia . tabte & 4 chairs. . h' "Absolute Cooking Perfection Everytlmel" • Made of heavy die-cast aluminum. •Deep 8 inch hood makes it easy to barbecwe a roast, ham or turkey. • &Ok,d·on, chip-resistant finish-your choice of w ite or Qyocado. · • • Permanent heat.·proof window lets ·you look while you ... cook. REG. Stf.99 $ 44 99 • Exclusive Oial·O-Vent , top fo r accurate draft control. • • Heavy tubular legs, wooden side cutting board & easy-roll wheels. REG. $35.99 TUES. I. WED, ONLYI SAVE $ I 6.001 Your Choice Super Size . PLANTERS "Use Indoors or Oul -·Makes Your Gorden Porloblel" •Your choice of beautifully styled planters & urns - Vinyl Top BAR STOOL from 14 to 17" dia. • Look. like .they're made of stone -buy several at this special price. dlPlll'Bllilill!,. "Set Yourself Up In Style!" Assorted Gloss ·sWAG FIXTURES "Newl Beautiful Deslgnsl" •Tremendous selection of decorator glass swags. • Choose froi:n green swirl optic, amber flute d or embossed glass. • Complete with cast brass fitting• and oil necessary hardware. REG. $14.99 YOUR CHOICE $899 I TUES. I. .WfD. ONLY! SAVE $6 .00 SAVE·$4.0o ~· TUES. A •WED. ONLYI • . Top ~ll~ . 'LEATHERETTE • Great for pillows, wall caveri11g -t' make an' ~Id piece of furnitur• presentable. • 5.(" wide -choice of colors anJ:i teJttures. '· ' . Mad• To Sell far $1.00 Yd. TUii. & WID. OHlTI The Super Cleaner FORMULA 409 •Th• super all.purpose cleaner. •Made fo get rid of dirt & grime in no time at all, • Stock up at this low price. REG. $1.09 69' 1Ull. & wa, Oii. YI • All hardwood frame with de.an! foom·padded vinyl easy sw1ve seat. · • For, kitchen, bar or d en _ 24 ' or 30" ·h' h 1g • • Co~fy vinyl seat in your choice of cO/ors. REG. $12.99 SAVE $4.00/ TUES. I. WED. ONLY! •• 1 <-Your Choice .. ~~lb\ TIONS ~-You.~ea,d· )t 1r1gh! -C·rations -just like ~m s hom• •cooking -remember? • ~r ~u r'eods spaghetti & meat sauce, , Pcn1ndc~e or chocolate nut roll. • ).Gr~t fair camping or bock.packers. REG. TO 29c MAIN COUUI 12~ .. DISSIRT 7~ .. Delta" Slngle Lever BATHROOM FAUCO ''Modernl.l'e Your lofflroom -Todayl'' • Gl.aming chro"'e-plote ..('' center set. • Just one lever controls amount & lemperatur• of wate'r. REG. $19,99 Na. & W.. ONLTI SAVI $7.00 • ·- • Or in Uv •hi aid " ·~ pl It· . ,. • I I l • f .~ ~ .. • .~ 'Ila , On • •• lrimates Fin I B1 ALIJllON IDDlUI Of llrt Ol4tr ........... \\il\en fOW' n.an ii on the Hfoslde" Jt ii bard lo pay blllt, rei.. chlldttn and keep a family together. · • ?I ii euy for family llel to brelt, lor !'wt to become depreu e d, for tlie ~ to iOle toocb wttll Ille oa the '!out.aide." ~ llrltods Outalde Is a vo l'u n teer cirganizatlon -king with !amilles o! jail and prison inmates 11to fill the void in lives that have known veey UUle bumaJi. kindness." ' Organized In 1954 by hro Sanla Clara Coonty women, lhe group bu nJl8llded ilf work .lo .include 17 countieo. i'rlendl Op4ide In Orange County belan In .!Jnuary of last year and by nut January ~d be a chartered chapter. · Dorothy Rieder, rOglooal ..mtaty and acting director ouillned the goals of lhe growing chapter. UNMET NEEDS ~·11iot all families h8ve the reeources to survive while the husband and father is incarcerated," Mrs. Rieder said. 40Many ~ ~n welfare. 'MJmy don't 'know the mollrccs Ille community "".to ol!er. 'fhey can become discouraged when ~~med from agency to agency aed<lnc-aad. , 0~e are basically women workiiia with WO!Jlen -the prisonera''wiv.ts -.to help them fiU unmet needs." ' ~ ways they Help are numerous. 1 ·1·nere is the Clothe> Ooeet, filled wllll- gi>od, stylish ""ed CJOthing . !or men, women an<I ~hUdren ..... : a elace where ~ In need • msy come to -gannen~ they require. 1 A permanent place !or lhe cloeet, preferably unused storage space In a ¥Ji. is being SOl!iht .. that rquiar hours can tie set up. Mrs. Rieder now operjites the clo.set · at her home. Trartsportatlon is provided when none is aV.a.ilable. Pr~ners are often provided clothing for GOUrt appearances or job- huntihg· when released. EMERGENCY A Food Pantry supplies emergency food •supplies for !amllleo ·1n sltuatloos tha\ can't be met through olhe'r agencies. ''.We don't pay bllJ.s," Mrs. Rieder ex· Jilained, "but by providing· food lhe fami-l~·can then handle olhe• bills." 1 ' ' : A Frieo<lly Mothers Club, made up of wtyes and relatives o! prisoners, is tieing organiz.eil. The women get together In an informal atmosphere to meet and get to know each other, share ldeu and become I i~!~Gem~ s .. . .. ~ DEAR ANN "LANDW: I loved ,our· «:finitlcm of "a real-man" -and I wu ,. . . . . 'clad to belU' YPI' say ,)'OU are married lo .1 toe. I ain, too, and I'd like 1o tell you 'What I like best about my bulband. , , It'• lhe way he gels down on lhe floor d plays with lhe ldds, his big bands their litile beadl u bl llelpa 1 \them do 10mersaulll. · Or 'when be stays with lhe cblldrm !or 'an ....Ing ao I can go aomepilct. And ,~ I come home I aee \he ......, but lender way be has put m ... boby'a dlff>"r and his lltUe u n d e r1111 rt , batkwanls. · I adoro It when be ..-. Into lhe · ldtchm and follows me ....and ad 111111 • me while I'm putttag lhe !lul - 1 \"' supper -telling me aboul hll ~y. ., ,.wng a mile a minute and "'*'iii& a port o1 his Ille that I •'t -I love lhe way be oomes with me to Pr-A meetings even thololh there n • Jy three or lour other dlddlel tlllre. I applodate his -t. 1111 ..,....u. Re ii .... -. ~ and ~ttotllem. Above all, Ann, he mam me leol Do " real -· And I S-lbot'I wbat / --...... "'~1 ....... lhe ...... munlty. "We prortda the place and tbe colfee,'' lhe dlrectAIJ -· "and lhey -It lt'olll there. ,,,., !Ind 'It belpa to - that olblrl n In lhe aame lltuatlon, ea· porlmdal lhe -problema." A ponllel ID Friendly Molhen is youth adf-"We hope to begin thll tn. tbe fall. We do nol oel up -. 'l1lo mothers decide what their children need moat and we try to help In any way we rAn" ~·. CUILDREN Otber Friends Qulllde chapters have organised ounery school plans, camping (IODletlmes wtth mother going along ), blf brother and sister plans and teen ac- tivities, she said, Not a huge corps of volunteers, Friends Oullide in Orange County a e e k a volunteers to !)II a specilic need. Ex· amples are numerous. Friends OUtside was ,able to find 1 driver for a woman in her 50s to visit her husband at lhe Industrial Honor Fann, El Toro, each Saturday. They gave a yowig ·motber In her 30s 0 just someone to talt to" which helped her to work out money problems, find a part-time job and care for her preschool -children ~while her husband served a month In the Tlleo Lacy Secur- ity Factllty In Orange: Mrs. Rieder helped to eliminate lhe red tape entangling a young -who had to aerve a jail sentence, had no driver's lieenie and no one to care for her preschool children. JIEFERllAl8 Tbera are referrals to other chapters o! Orange Coontiana whcNle buabands are serving sentences .In atate prisons. When ........ from another area is jailed In Orange Coonty, lhe loeal group can help, Three' prisonen' wives fr9m this area parttcliiated In a unlque ~roject last spring. An anonymoua donor provided funds for 30 prisoners'' wives to visit their spouses in the Sierra Conservation Camp. Mothers' clubs provided blealdast on the way, picnic June~ for two and din· ner' on the way home. The charter bus cool Wfl leas than public transportation. So\111 'regular chartered• buses '!!!) make vlilting poestble more olten. -· I • • . ' ' ~,1.rtoN . · An Important lace\ .o! Friends Oojlllde II 'improved communication bdween prisoners· and their !amllles. Jn several cases, FrieDda Outside in Orange Coonty liu be\!n able to relieve a prisooer'1 analety over h\S family while helping lhe\ family find lhe proper ageocy with which to work. ' . ""<~ work wi.th tocaJ~agencies," Mrs. Rieder. emphasized, "trying not to .;,erlap. We try"to fill the gaps an agency can't· fill. ·Often an agency's hands are tied by policy and Ibey can1 help. In those cases we are there. "We are moving alow\y but surely. a Cut Ab0ve ' . makes him a "'al man. -BIG JIM'S WIFE DEAil WIFE: II'• • lo>' ta recem • -lire ,_. ..... -ol Ille U-1 'r.tplpestrwwwMare fwD. ....... We -__, )lltlW, I'm ...__lw.,*1'<11'' r.Jlm _.. •. _Mi_ .. ,.. DEMI ANx LAlllll:Rs: U l'a i nut !'J.~ ~ as bl II, llal I IOI wild ...., I nad -lllrla 11 Ille ..,.. pepr1 u.JMa.(ll!af all appeared wllh- tn z:'i.): • 11111 ell • b&leony •bile wttcbiae a btrhMbll .... 0 "YelMld to1 ty Mao .,. et croCer1 cart and ii....., ......... "F~~ll' 'P'uL't "Toddler II llllw8 • "to, alter drldlnc daaaq ..... "Tot IUlloeotel la car ""°9 pareoll llhopped !or lhree hours. . . "Fiv .. yeaM>ld·dies after eating' IO·pllls · found In gr~lher's purse." In every single ins~, aqrnebody Was not doing his job. I know lhe beartaclje and agony lhat such accideots can' cause parenll, grandparenb· or • whoever was supposed to be In charge -but It doesn't change lhlnga. Nothing is !O Important as keeping an eye on children. What's a beby doing In a grocery cart or at a basketball game? What are clean-- Ing Ouid and pills doing where a child can get bis hands m tbeml Why ia a yomgster left In a Jocked car or In a bathtub~ P!eaae, Ami, print this letter ll1d let'! hope and PrlY that every pareot who reads it will ask himoelf, "Could any of tbeae tl'lg<4ieo have oceumd in MY !amlly this past year?" -MIDWEST PLEA DEAR MIDWDT1 a.. to,_-· .. Ill)' -lw wrllllc II. 11'• ... " cwr-.......... ;11rtl111-_. Kll-opattwmlllloo-.,1'• ,......, .... .. s ·Gutsi ·f·~ e ORANGE COUNTY JAIL LOOKS FORMIDABLE TO PRISONER'S FAMILY First, we have to prove ourselves. Agen· cies .must learn we are-not llWe old.lady 00.g~ In terinl.s ahoes but an active, competent .organizlltklo H . . ( . . Much o! the )\elp· Friends OutSlde receives is through women's organiza· ' . !ions and churches. The United Melhodist ·Church, · Anaheirri; Mot n in gs id e Pres~ Church, Fullerton; Costa Mesa Unitarian Church;· Church women Friends Outside like· Rechel ·Miller drive wives of- prisoners to three Orange County jeil fe((ilities end cfty jails. I I • • \ , Dally Piiot Photoa by Loe....,... • Su11n Perry, Mrs. Rieder end deught.r Karlyn son -clothi119 end food the group 1he're1 with prisoners' kmiliea. United and several Society or Friends churches h8ve provided supplies for the clothes closet and· food pantry. CHARTERING To be chartered the provisional group must have an active Mothers• Group, prisoners' wives on the board and at least 50 subsc ribers to its monthly neQtetter, at $1 an issue. A local board will •include representatives o! two or mor e publlc agencies. ' • "We only ask for volunteers for a specific need," the director said. 111 feel the best Way to lose volunteers Is not to use them.'' fl.1rs. Rieder is available to speak to In- terested organizations. She may be reached at 5411-5450, or by writtnc Friends Outside, P.O. Box 4331, Irvine. Ca., 92664. ' ' ' ' ' ' ~men BEA ANDERSON, Editor .......,, Julr' M. 1'71 , ... IS I I • ' ~ . • I Jf DAil \' PILOT Mondi)', July 24, 1971 AAUW Bids New Members • PARTllS MAPPED -Mrs.-IWbert-lllcCartby gels. ready to list names as Mrs. Roy Nall po!nts_9ut the nelehborboods and llfr•. James Murley thinkS of prOlfam topics for membership coffee. to be hosted _by the_American Association of Univer~ty Women. The Newportfosta Mesa'. branch Is pianning four gatherings in August to. acquaint Harbor Area women with functions and goals of the organization. I The Um• wm be ripe nut month for collese-cradual«I Harbot Area w o men in- W.Sl«I in Jolnlnc Ammean Auoclationc>IU DIV e rt l ly Women. The Newport.co.ta M.,. branch la planning mem- benhJp coffees ID be hosted by Mra. Charles KJJpalrlclt of Corona dtl Mar on Aug. t, Mrs. Wayne Armslrong of Costa M..,a and Mra. Thad Montgomery of N e w po r t Beach, both on Aug. II; Mra. Galloway Cheston of Newport Beach on Aug. 26 and Mr1. Donald Tirrell or S&nta Ana on Aug. 30. Their co-hostesses will be the Mmes. Benedick Fraass, Robert Rankin, E u g e n e Malone, William Littlefield, Charles Keenan and Miss Ruth Hill. Mra. Robert McCarthy or Costa Mesa Is in charge ol coffee arrangements. A nationwide organization, MUW has demonstrattd con- cern and tnnuence In educ&- llon, legislation, ecology and community activiUes . Chief among its goals is the ad- vancement of women in all areas of life. It boasts the oldest and largest program of graduate fellowships for women in the United States, awarding 130 fellow.ships arurually for post- doctoral research here and abroad. Local members man recycl- ing centers, study open space in Orange County, and research experimental classes and preschool education as well as attend gourmet, literature and bridge groups. Stones Practice What She Preaches By JO OLSON Of .. !MllY """ llltf Jo Stone thought all pastors' wivea looked tired until she was in her early 20s. · • Then she beclme one and found .out they really are. -11'1 a happy tlrednes• though, abe said. "Being a pastor's wife iJ a many faceted life. It is very ex- citing," ahe told several hun- dred women at a luncheon meeting of the Newport Beach Christian Women's Club in the Alrporler Inn. Her husband, Ted, is pastor of a large nondenominational church jn Bakera!ield which has an attendance of 1,000, and in conjunction she is called upoo.lrequenUy to eowi· sel lroubjed young girls and women with marital problems. She also teaches a class ti- tled How to be Happy Though Married, and 11 a former radio personality whole program "Jo's Kitchen/' was broadcast on seven stations. Yovr Horoscope The red-haired mother of three gained experience early in life in dealing with unhappy girls, because at 13 she "woke up to the fact that I couldn't trust my mother and father or anyone else. PARENTS DIVIDED "I discovered my father to be an aleobolic, and I !ound that my parents were divided. There was a constant un- forgiving spirit In ouf' home. "My brothers left home and never came back. When J was 17 I went to a city near our midwestem town where there was a college. It was an escape." Mrs. Sto'ne feels that many girls go into early marriages because they want to escape from something - a job, school or parents. "I left borne because I eouldn'I find securlly al home, and I couldn't forgive my parents," she said. She choae a :!Choo! ln Manhattan, Kan., and there was introduced to a young minister named Bil1y Graham who was 29 and working with Youth for Christ. One Sunday afternoon while she waf playing football on the campus with the now-famous evangelist and some of the other students, Graham sug-. gested she transfer to a church-sponsored college in Minneapolis for a "change in environment.'' INFLUENCED BOYFRIEND She did so, made a religious commitment, found that her attitudes toward life and her parents were changing, and influenced her boyfriend to enroll. He agreed and went to seminary following graduation to prepare for the ministry. The Stones have ministered in Bakersfield for 12 years and now Mrs. Stone counsels and teaches young women every day. "l also listen a Jot," she added. Mrs. Stone commented that in . a re<:ent colwnn, Ann LaQders said her most fre- quently asked question is "what can I do about my rot· ten marriage?" "That's my most frequently asked question, too," she said. "From kids, it's 'what can I do about my parents?' " "Why don't kids respect their parents?" she asked. "They have been programmed not to respect their parents. The media have set about to break down meaningful rela- tions that are vital for peace in the heart. NO ABSOLUTES "The whole world is being programmed to tear down its moral fiber. There are no absolutes any more about what is right or what is wrong." In her classes, which are geared to young marrieds under 30, she finds women who are disappointed that their susbands aren't strong. "Most women are disap- pointed that they haven't found a father image," she said. Her formula for a successful marriage and for fostering healthy parent·child relationships is to have a family structure where the "dad is the earned head of the home, the mother js one who ccmes along side and is the completer, so children can relax within the structure.•• 1 "Today's genefatlon has no pattern. They are afraid of trusting lasting relatiomhips, 0 she added. "They've never seen one work. "The family pattern Is what God his ordained," she con- cluded. Cancer: Forget Past TUESDAY JULY 25 Gemini and Virgo persons figure prominenUy. Special dealings Indicated w it h neighbors, relatives. You hear By IM>NEY OMAJIR many storl... B a 1 e eon-clusions on facts, not.rumors. ARIES (March 21·Aprll 19): SAGmARIUs (Nov. 22- Accent la on ablllty ID make Dec. 21): You add Io declalons which affect future posseuions. Improve comforts ucurlty. Key Is to be am-or home. Harmonize lamlly blUou1 1nd sell-reliant. One relaUonships. Deal w 11 h wbo whispers secrets actually Tauras and UbrL Income ls trying to extract in-potenUal shows improvement. formatJon . Protect your own Obstacle to progress is remov- lnterests. ed. DiplomaUe approach suc- TAURUS (Aprll 20-May 20): ceeds. , Good lunar aspeet now eoin· CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. cldes wJth ability to campaign, 19 ): Take initiative. Make new to •pread message, to reach starts in ·new directions. You people at distant places. catch are able to 11ee through up on calla, correspondence, pretense. Be realistic. Don't Submit manuacript, fonnat. sell your11elf short. You have plenty to offer. Be sure others know jt and treat you ac- eonlingly. AQUARWS (Jan. 20-Feb. 11): Aetent on organizations, groups, bOspital, charitable project. Accept responsibility. You will be repaiC: for efforts. Older individual does have YOIH' best tntere·sts at heart. Respond in manner that shows appreci1tion. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20\: You are recipient of special favor. Burden you have been carrying could be lifted. Artea plays prominent role. Friend aids in putting p r o g r a m across. Hopes and wishes are featured. Gain Ls shown. To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and while ilossy P.hoto. graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women a De- partment one week before the wedding. Pictures received after that time will not be used. For engagement announcementa lt Is imperative !hat the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, ·be sub- mitted six weeks or more before the wedding date. U deadline is not met, only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed- ding and engagement stories, fonns are available in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be an&wered bf. Women's Section staff members at 642..f32 • Creative efforts pay dividends. -----------1--------------------------------GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Aceent is on partnership pro-~~:ii)::==~ cedures, cooperative efforts. You may be asked to handle • other people's money. Give and receive receipts. Don't take on . burden belonging to another. Keep fin a nc i a I st1tements in order. CANCER (Jwie 21·July 22), Emphasis is on legal affairs public relations. Protect im: age. Be independent without being arrogant. S t r e s s originality. Give attention to partner, mate. l.AXlk to future instead of brooding about past. LEO (July 23-Aug. 221: Trust hunch. Give full play lo intuitive intellect. U ti 11 z e lea.sons learned In recent past. Share knowledge. Teach and ltarn. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sepl. 22): Slress versatility. Move about -ask questJons and ex- perlmenL Take nothing ·for gr an led. Sogl1tar111 co u I d play key role. Travel and - ITS JOHNATHAN LIVINGSTON SEAGULL epeelal message •~ on agen· Tlie CREEL YS' di. Be wllllJ>C to laugh 11 your ownfolbl... BOOKSTORE LIBRA (Stpt. is-Oct. 22): '¥ Gtfttr"\ofts Of Be IWlft of. 1pparent minor t 60li••llkl> 111 c.1Uorni., !Diiien. TllorollcJI opproach Is 270 E. 17th ST. nee.111. Lee aadl ....,._. c.,'-1ie.,. llpre proilliillnUp. '46·1102 S001P10 <Oct. :IWlov. 21): I~~~~=~~~ Travel u alroailr empb .. ized. '- • • EVERYTHING y·ou ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT 'ALMOST FOREVER' LASHES! Co II or come in. Our Adrien Arpel experts will be happy to onswer ell your questions. In our Beauty Solon. ROBINSON~S NEWPORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 MRS. RIMPAU MRS. WRIGHT Summertime Ceremonies Linking Coastal Pairs RIMPAU,CAMPBELl < Wanless. Following a honeymoon in i Hawaii, Kenneth MacDonald ~ Rimpau and his bride, the former Jenny Lyn Campbell will make their home in t Irvine. Attending as best man was Edward Brown. and ushers were Carl Sjastrom, Bob Sellers, Tom Havicllfl, Greg Rhodes, Steveri Hill an d Steven Knickerbocker. The bridal couple will reside in Coot.a Mesa. Parents of the bridal couple, who exchanged vows in Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church, Newport Beach, are Mrs., Robert Neundorfer of Westlake Village, Arthur L. Campbell of Huntington Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rimpau Jr. of Newport Beach. Bridal attendants were Mrs. Linda Daly, matron of honor and the Misses B e b b i e Meadows, Barbara Riehl, Lyn- da Rimpau and Kimberly Rimpau. Thomas Clark was best man, and ushers were Mike Russell, Steve Horne, Jay Wilson and Bruce Wilson. The newlyweds are graduates of San Diego State University where she was a member or Kappa Alpha Theta and he affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. WRIGHT-ALLEMAN Lake Park.Hun t1 ng ton Beach was the setting for the nuptial ceremony l i n k i n g Kathy Jean Alleman of Hunt- ington Beach and Roy Wilson Wright. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Virginia Alleman of Hunt· ington Beach and Eugene B. Alleman of Las Vegas. She was attended by Miss Nancy Alleman. Her husband, 9011 of Dr. and Mra. John S. Wright of Las Vegas, asked John Wright to be.his best man. Ushers were Mike Woelhen and Dan Ross. The bride is a graduate of Marina High School, Hunt· ingtoo Beach and attended GOiden West College. Her husband la a graduate of C&lifornia State University, Long Beach and now Is study· Ing at the University or San Diego School of Law. ZIEBARTH-STRAUB Huntingt(,n-Sberaton Hotel, Pasadena was the setting for the marriage linking Pamela Cee Straub and Gary Winston Ziebarth or Newport Beach. Their parents are Mr. and PASTOR-PATCH Jn a garden ceremony at the Costa Mesa home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lester Patch, Laura Lee Patch became the bride of Rene Pastor. son of Mrs. Giida Pastor of Costa Mesa. Miss Holly Livesay was the maid of honor and Robert D. Schones served as best man. ~ Judge George Francis of- . · ficlated. MRS. BROWN Mrs. Arthur 0. Straub 0£ Irvine and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert \V. Ziebarth o f Rlver11ide. Mrs. Judi Adams attended as the 111atron of honor and bridesmaids were the Mmes. Suzi Baker, Barbara Foreaker and 1{irginia Grahg.m and Miss Kathy Graham. Shireen Baker was the flower girl. Serving as best man was Robert A. Martin, and ushers were Jack Emmons, Ke vin Cochrane, Donald Jump and Robert Adams Jr. Dar ren Foreaker was the ring bearer. The bride is a graduate of Cornelia Connelly High School, Anaheim and her husband is a graduate of Ramona High School, Riverside and Califor- nia State University at Los Angeles. BROWN-SAWYER Holland R. Brown Jr. of Costa Mesa claimed Delilah Gail Sawyer as his bride dur- ing nuptials perfonned in Christ Lutheran Church, Costa M ..... Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of Newport Harbor High School and attended Orange Coast College. GORDON-DeWITT Kathy DeWitt became the bride of Alvan B. Gordon dur· ing ceremonies in the Church of Jesus Christ. Latter-di.y Saints, Los Angeles Temple, Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Kempe E. DeWitt of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gordon or Newport Beach. Miss Heidi DeWitt was the maid of honor. wh'i le serving as bridesmaids were the Misses Chris 1'1alec. hfonic8 St:hwassmann and E I a i n e Chavez. Alan Gordon was the best man. . The bride Is a graduate cl. Costa Mesa High School an~ attended Brigham Y o u n g University. Her husband Is 1 graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College. They will reside In Costa Mesa. Parenls of lhe newylweds1!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Sawyer of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mra. Holland R. Brown or Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Richard Wildman was the matron of honor, and bridesmaids were the Misses Donna and Karen Sawyer, Debbie Bilyeu and Lo r i DTERY Allt STEP-IEltNAltDO -ICtMEL EOWAlt0$ -GEltBEfl:ICH - PF FLYERS-U.S. KEDS O.nc1 w .. r by O.nskln ".:111111lo 01nc1 Sholl Cerrkfl.,. 511111 ftto (Ill.,. USE. 17t\ St. C.... Mnc1 • 541-2nl NEW f:OR FALL BRAND NEW ARRIVALS IN I Jl/i to 12112 OUNCE DOUBLE KNITS A great new selection of vivid fall colors, navy and white, too. Beautifully telltu·r•d, th1s1 knits will make sm1shin9 new long skirts, dresses or pent su its. MACHINE WASH TUMBLE ORY Will not lose 1h1p1 -56"/60" Wld• VALUES TO $3.fl YD • 00 yd HOUSE ·oF FliBRICS always first quality Jabrics ..... C:... "--lrlt .. I et Sen Diet• Fwy. ~ 11--141-lfN .._,.__ 17ttr.•t lrl1f1I ,... ... -....... , 010 11,... Motl -Ot1119•thorpe eN H1rfff ..... ,_. C....-La t._11111 41 $t ....... -NWJJ4 _ .._. ,_. _ tn.6JJJ •11t111 .... ..,._ 12111 1,.1khtnt ffl•ri t. V111'1) -IH!ll41 Hl••"lotf'""'HM C....-Mlftf•' at l•eefl 11•4., MWllltlw .... -lt7-M1t I ' I - DICK TRACY Mun AND JEFF WHAT'S WRONG WrrH -HIM , cHIEF? OH, I THINK HE ATE , HIG NAGGING Man!ER- IN·LAW! FIGMENTS NANCY IT IJXl<S LIKE I'll. 60IN& 10 HA1E lb HAIE \OUR n\TilEJ;t TALK ro \W A!laJT 1)()5£ ID\PER TANTR\1115 AGAIN ! = By Cliesltr Gould "™"'T IS,IF 'IOU OOll'T llllD NIE TO M!LP, M!M: YOU Mt:EN? ... IT DIDN'T HE~ 'THOUGH/ SHE 6TILL Ol6AGREE6 wrrn +11M! By Tom K. Ryan = By Al Smitti /:I Ot*·H·H·· I CAN'T ft, BELIEVE I ATE "ftlE ~Ol.'E·S·E 'n!ING! by Emie Bushmffler I FEEL. MORE LIKE A CENTIPEDE 11-IAN A HORSE - I DAILY CROSSWORD •••• , ..... POW" I PEANUTS ACROSS ) lln'Snmt· .... 5 Nlmtl\IH : 10 Htalil'l9 uteri al . 14 Tm11ln.tkrl of ll'IOUcxi l5 Tatt--: Trrrel: Z I _,, l' ~•tic I l!fvllllWJl 17 Scope: 18 AlllJltd dilltrentlr 20 F1111ily I inmbtr: Informal 22 Destroyed 2l Destiny 24 Odds lfxl - 2S-Clty, Nf'rad& ,,._ displl)'S ,,,,_ *I"' n •t11 tiolt J5 &Ctttf PffSPltatlon Ji Vlt\119 lt.cltr also krMJWn as Rollo 38 Arii~I lhelt«S , 40 lalffy livid Cflt.I : 41 Prteldl119 ifl "'" 4) Dotlrhw 45 Fox t«rirr 4' ~hiding ......... 48 Tuns SO Htl'ffilfy body 51 Facltl txprtlSkin · Sl lrtneh """'"' 59 Dellcat~"' ltf!!I: 2 wonts •1-:-llaurtalns. Russian lytle!ll 62-se•M &J Exel!! feelings &4 Lasso &5 Existed Mi Ft1111! llcnts &7 Noui tnding oon l Clllf Z~lilll ol ccutes1 JOut offlt ·-. """"' 5 Scornful " The first squid: 2 wsds 7 Al lllllUS : lnlomll I Glse<M •irhlrt , Got out of prison: SI .. :io Cutt11111 '°°'' 11 ConsWllatlO'I 'lz Mort~ 13 Assured of ·-· l• lcu'lt.;il1 ..... 21 MIMS fll '*"''""'" "(-.I 25 Finds fmlt ~ Venmlt 27 llfMtnlo &Oii ... ,.., 21 Dl,.lnish gl'ldualt, 2' Rtq1.1islln )Cl Old 11.111111 . .,,.,, .. Jl P1rtlts for ,.r=...., VIP 37- 39 Produtfs and fllllts 4Z Bind il'lf'W 44 MIAllfl'ical pr!fi•ts -0 Blcycl1 built ...... .n Mat! safe. V• ~l Rupl119 sa.nl 5Z Strite bttilt« 53 .. _ -surt" Cert1!nl1: ·-54 PHSOn's ""'""' 55 Fruit ttte ...... 57 Oozts ""' Ml M"""""1 leg Is· lati'll MWlt- ltlJ'. "'* Nearly Everyone Li tens to Landers ,., ,,t , ... JUDGE PARKER INSISTING THAT KATHERINE 6E PRESENT FOR HIS QUESTIONIN6 BY THE POLICE, JUOGE PARKER SUOOENLY RECAUS HOW THE I NCR1MINATING PICTURE MJGt<I HAVE BEE:N TAKEN! ~ j I I • "//;<:"°'" ,. If/ ?.,':';";.' PUKINS l-~ ~ rr I . THAT'S THE YOUNG WOMAN, l'M SURE! I WAS LEAVING THE UNI- VERSITY CW& ANO SHE TOOK IN! ev THE ARM ,,.SAID SHE HAO TO 00 IT FOR A SORORITY IHrTIATtON~ • GASOUNE ~WY SALLY BANANAS ~ GORDO ANIMAL CRACKERS ly Charles M. Schulr By Harold le Dome ly Mel rrs 'rHE llEST MY 110!.E ~TM&: CA~. IS A TM!V OON'T SifM CIN<Jol, 'TO !<NOW THEii!: DOCT'Oll:_ 1.IN!'S .,..., " E\<. t-4,. iwr. ly Jolin Mllel Moodq, Ju~ 24, 1972 DAILY 1'11.tf J§ By Gus Arriola ly R09er Bollen THE GIRLS '1But, Florence, wbtn we get to Cape Cod we'd jut be mon fodder (or girl watcbtr1." DENNIS THE MENACE I I ! • ' • I \ • DAJlY PILt.i M~, Ju!y 24, l 't •~ Bribe Attempt Labeled Prank by Reds Eo·ss CINCINNATI (AP) -!llsmlllill( 1 te- JIOIW --bribe lttompl ... -of bio .....,... M I prank, ClnclnnaU Reds ........ ~ Andenon ...... today: '"II* -lhlac lbows tbere'• llOlhJns • --baaeb1ll." " llocll pltelier W11110 s""-reported , ft<elvlog • lelephone CllJ Saturday, bo- . f ... be piicbed Olatmi the Plrafoa II 1 Pllllburgh. Sim-llld be waa 111«4 "i....-~ a man named ••1.ou1e1• to .. blow ii. ... , .. rrr llUllll game." ·~:Hard Times . ~:Jolted Him, ... ::Says Yancey AKRO~. Ohio (AF) -."I gueu maybe mlutn:g those two cuts tn 8 row wu a blessing In disguise," Bert Yancey ta'I!. The former w .. t Point cadet ·bad ·just outluted lllrPl'blnc Tom Ula... Jn a sud· den-death playoff !or the title and the $30,000 !In! prir.e Sunday in the . . •~American Golf Claulc. ~:· He was dilcuuing a recent slump ! ;which hit rock bottom _when: be !ailed to : ;quallly /or the !Ina! two rounda in recent ::tournaments •I Chic•&• and Cleveland. _ •.· 0 It jol_ted me,•; aald Yancey, for years • :one o! the oteodlelt players on the tour. ~·1 aald to Jll)'ltlf, 'Rey, you better ·111ar1 , getlh)g ...,. bllaten on your handl, : •tart working some.' · • -.Hf just hadn't been investing enough \ time in my profession. p ''I'd been trying to,apend some time 1t 'bome, then sneak out ()Ct the tour and win • a couple of thousand dollars and go home. That was line, except that I W ... 'I Wlnni!ll the couple or thousand." ~ • So .be went oa a ngiplent of practice, , wort, prldlce, work. It psld !>II in the !-_~allllc muggy beat that aettled over '-""' 7,IJO yard ll'lreltone Couotry Club , Course W a bot, wet blanket. • He blew a lhreHtroke lead on the !inal day with a lw<Hlller-psr 72 and !ound $ hlmaelf Ued at the end of the regulaUon ;n holes with UlouJ, a If.year-old tour sophomore. Eacb had a four-under-psr : 'total of m, Ulozas alter a !inal roilnd o! ·ea. • On the firat playo!! hole, a 230-yard par ~three, both~ reached the green. Yance.y 'lagged up two !eel short. Ulozas, puttiJ1g ,lrom about IO !eet, boldly ran h!J lint putt three Itel ps81, then mi!sed it com· Ing back. The 33-year-old Yancey tapped his in and the slump wu over. "I never wanted to Wt& a tournament more than I (lid this one," aaJd Yancey, who had scored the lut of his previous six vjctories some 11 months ago in the 1910 Bil1& Crosby. Fin.I .corn •nd ltldlfll tnclNY wlnnl"Ot lllftOt' •n thl A-'Un Golt Clhllc. Ix' -'#llfl sl.IO!Hn dHlll pltvoff): --8trt YMCIY, D,000 Torn Ul111t1, tl~,100 Halt lrwln, 110"50 ~ ICriudson, $1 A» .Jim WIKl\er, U ,150 Chuek Thorpe, "il'"' cenr Slfludo, ,100 ·Sttvt MtlM'ck, ... ,w 8obtw Colt, S4.U7 .J•rrv _HMl'd, U,.00 Arnold Palmer, tl.4CO BobbY HkflOI!: .!~fOO Ray Flovd, ~ K•rmlf Itri..-. ~;toO l 'lnn'I Wtdk[,., A,«IO Chi Chi Rodfllun. 12,.tOO J . (, Sllffd, ;f,«lO Frid Mtrtl, 11.M RoY P..:t, SlAOO Ron Ctfnido, 11.IOO Dtv• Elc/ll'!btf9fr, U.IOD Larrr Zle;lfr, 11.ll!OO Gtr Brtwet, SJ,~ Otve Mtrr. 11,m Ltrl'Y HIJ'IMl'I, fl..33 Mlkt Htll, Sl,11(1 Loll Grtn•m, ''I"' JOl'ln TOINI, $1 10 Gibby Gllber1, 41,110 Georot ArtMf', 11,100 J111lw 8orOI, $935 Dtvld Grtham, Stl5 Don 81ts 19)5 cri.rlH CoodV, sm Mlkt JlN1on, $111 Rod,.,,.,, sm aoo s101W. sm BHIY Mll~wtll, f111 CMrltl Sifford, $777 B!RlkY HfMY, ST17 Torre,A~on -Seek All-star Drought End ATLANTA (AP) -Joe Torre and Hank Aaron try Tuesday night to atone for poor past perfonnances in the aMual mid-summer baseball classic between the American and National leagues. "I've been a lousy Ail-Star," said Torre on the eve of the game's 43rd renewal at AUanta Sladillm, a home run hitter's paradise dubbed the 11Launching Pad.11 Aaron, who bu launched many of bis career homers here with the Bra ves, abo continues in a perplexing AU-Star slump wbiCh be can't explain. "I don't know what It is in All-star games ••• I just haven't done much in them,'' said Aaron, 1 National League slugger for 19 yeara wbo has a unim- posing JIMI batting average in this star- studded affair. Torre, the lhlrd ~ picked by the fans. and Aaron, one of the outfielders, are among the National League swingers who hope to psd the leDlw clttull'1 ad- vantage in the lelitl !hit begin in 1933. Tbe NL leods 23-lt with ..,. tie. Tbe olher National Loque llarlm In- clude calcber Johnny Beacb ind leCOl1d bueman Joe Morgan of the Clnclnnlti Reda, and outlleklers Robel1o ~ and Willie Stargell ol the Plttsbur&b Pirates. Lee May of llollston will be 11 nni -lllld 0on Keatncer o1 the Cblcap Olbl la the abortstop. • ••it didn't even t:ae h1m." Anderton said. "He called n>e rilbt away. Tl>ot'• the way we do I~ We died< the1e tbJagJ out, lllld that. lbow1 --1e nol to !ool around becauae we'l'I golog to ttpOrl It wbethtr you're joldnc or not joking." The Reda """ the Saturday contest, W, but Simpson waa not Involved in the dtclllcn, leaving the came alter Iii in· olngs. Was the '1.000 b<lbe attempt a prank? 1'SUre, I think it wu," Anderson said. "The only 1bJoc Iii ....... you roport everythlog 11'1 OK. 'll>al't what'• ao •tronc about ~ "I've alway1 llld there'• nolhlng clean- er than bateball. II AndenlOll llld despite the (act thal pro- lessional athletts are .....,..U.ble to many -1< Oii the llreet penonal -tact> to make bribe attempta m un- likely. "I don'l lhink !hit anybody flOU]d IP' pr.ch you, peraonally, oa -U...." ... uld. "Nobocly wanll to go to Jail. Nclbocl7'• goJnc to co up to u athltto lllld do...,.. lhlllg like !hit, becauae they don't want to go to jail. "I've been In_ bueball 10 years, and I've never been approached In my Ufe. I'd say •·t percent ol pJayen haYe never been joatlid with." Slmpooa, a U.yeaH!d rlcJ>l-llander, say1 ball pl~ are eaq to contact In · UPI T ....... THE DODGERS' LEE LACY GETS FIRST OUT OF DOUBLE PLAY IN LA'S 2.0 LOSS TO THE PHILS. Area Paddler Earns Berth In Olympics ROCKFORD, Iii. (AP) -Former Olympians Andy Welgland ot Newport Beach and Mrs. Marcia Smoke of Niles, Mich., were assured berths on the training teams Sunday for the U.S. Olympic canoe and kayak squads. Canoe and kayak trials ended at Lake Pierce and 32 persons will go to the training .camp which will be conducted the next two weeks. There will be 17 persons chosen for the Olympic Games in Munich. Included among lhose assigned to the training camp are three Newport Beach residents, two of whom are fonner Olympians. Tony Ralphs (11164 Games) and Pele MUNICH ___ 19_1_2_ Weigand ('68) •re joined by Bill Leach. The latter attended Corona del Mar High and UC Irvine while Ralphs prepped at Newport Harbor HJgh. The Weigand brothers migrated here from Germany. • The trials' biggest surprise Was Rob Mitchell of Catherine, Ala., who upset Ralphs, defending •one-man hyak na- tional champion, by winning two of the three finals. Mrs. Smoke, a bronze m~alist in the 1964 Olympicx, won two !Ina! hea!J Sun- day in women's kayak singles, giving her a sw .. p ol all three final heat.. One !inal beat Wa~ held Saturday in each event. Wt41land, who competed in the llle3 Olymlcx, quall!led in lwo eveni.. He f1nllbed fll'st in' two Canadian singles heats and, learning with Roland Muhlen of CinClnnati, scored two more victories in Canadian tandems. After Blanking LA ' Phils Nearly Get Away With Practical Joke By GLENN WIUTE . Of "'-O.lly l'li.t '''" LOS ANGELES -Dodgers manager Walter Alston spoke so softly you could hardly hear what he had to say while on- ly a few steps across the way the Phillies nearly pulled off the practical joke of the year. That was the scene at Dodger Stadium Sunday afternoon after 21,288 had witnessed Steve Carlton's 2-0 mastery of the Dodgers. "We didn't make any errors and we still lost," uttered Alston. Down the concrete hallway and inside the Phillies' dressing area the great practical joke was unfolding. Noting that the Southland writers entering were not the scribes who cover the Dodgers daily, the Phlls went into action. It was obvious the writers were seek- ing out the unfaniil.iar face of Carlton, who had tripled to drive in the only runs of the day and had twirled a 5-bitler. his 20tb career shutout and loth career vic- tory over the Dodgers in 13 decisions. As the writers, most o( them from suburban area papers, scanned up and down the dressing cubicles for No. 32 - Carlton's -helpful Willie Montanez directed Ira/fie. He pointed to the chap seated on the stool in front -0f No. 32 and waited eager- ly as the writers moved in to interview Carlton. Montanez smiled and continued to poin1 as the group moVed closer. And the ploy might have worked, except the real Steve Carlton came 1n and spoiled the show. A 20-game winner with st. Louis last • season, Carlton says he is throwing bet· ter this year than ever before. "My slider ls ,one big reason I'm doing well," be aays. "Bl.it 1 ·have confidence, maturity, bet- ter conlrol and I'm gelling the out when I need ii -all the positive things. Besides, I just turned ZI (last December) and that's when you're supposed to be 1t your peak." Carlton has had up and down moments -like m Sept. 15, 1969 when he fanned 19 NY Mets at St. Louis for a major league record. Yet he Jost the game, 4-3. Until this year, inconsistency bas plagued him, be says. He threw only 107 pitches against the Dodgers Sunday and ol those, Tl were strikes. Aaked how be enjoys such domination of the Dodgers, he says Jt11. eome- tbing he can't answer ..• except that left. handers seem to have something over them. ~ Tommy Jobn ol the Dodgers also pitch- ej well, continually working bis way out o! trouble as the Phlls got their 1 .. do!! man on ~ in three of the !ir8I four in· olngs. 1But the damage came in the seventh With two out and two· runners on base. Jobn bad just recorded a pair ol strikeouts and seemed to be on h!a way out of another mess. _ ~- Especlally with Carlinn aflhO plate. But Carl!on clobbered a fast ball off the right field fence fer a triple lllld lwo nJDll, Yet the key play DJ8Y bave been earlier In the inning when Ibo Phlls sacrlllctd. Jobn fi.elded tbe bunt, besilated, then ·tried to · throw oul the man at IM!COlld. It wasn't close .and all hands were Ille. Had be gone to !irst for the certain out, there would have-been three outs before C&rlton's turn at bat. l'MILAD•Ll'M14 alt r It 1111 Mirriloft. 2b l 0 :r t t.Ky, 2D LOI AMl•L•S . , .... •• t ' t ' .. ' . •'• l • • 0 • • l 0 1 • ' • t I f 4 I f f l I 1' O 1 ••• ' 0 •• •• 0 0 u 0 •• ·-· •• 1 •. • • w O.Vlt, (f ~.lb · • 0 0 0 Molt,tf D J.Wllon, lb 3 f, 1 t F lllobl-. rt Hulton, lb 1 t t f W l"•rtl•'• lit LlltlMkl, If 3 0 J t V.ietill-. .. ""llloblmcwi, If 1 1 •• G..-..y, lb Mcwll•l!tt, d l 1 t O Ol•IL c Ft'Hd, rf l 0 t f Johll, p lltt.(Nll. c t I o t Grtlltwltr, -:.rioon. p 1 t 1 1 lllCMrt, p Tolll 31 J • t Totll T~:OO. ~'1 , •• botela when OD road l:lps. "By the Ume you .. I 11 nJcbt Iller the pme1 II he sald. "lt'I very late, aod yoD lllUl!ly aleep durtoc tile day. 'l1ltll you can lllUl!ly 1.ach -ball players In the room during the day." Slmpooa aald the callor Wad !hit Pltlaburab'• Bob ~ be allowed to • bit 1 boml run In the a1xlb inDllll· llob- enton aingled In the limhl(, but was thrown out u he l:led /or 1 double. "I tbought about It -the ltlepholle aall -In thal lnDln(," Sim-said, lie said Johnny Bmch. ClnclM•ll . catcber, wbo alao wu contacted by !hi call'er, jjsald be looted up at the acore- board In the sixth and tbougbl It WBI comln& up." Slmpoon says the call "didn't fue me. If lt bothered you, II he uJd, 0 mtlllou of people could call and bother you. "'Ibis la a am for me." Aft,er Beating NY Wright Unloads On All-star Snub NEW PORK (l,P) -CJyde Wright or the Calllornia Angels lm't on the American League team for Tuesday nigbt's All-star game but you couldn't tell It !rom the goings-on at Yankee Stadium over· the weekend. The New YOflt Yankees battered Nolan Ryan, Cellfomla's All.Star represen- tative, for seven runa in four innings Saturday but succumbed to Wright lor the '1iJrd time this season Sunday by a 6- 3 score. "I would have liked to make the All· Illar team,• said Wright, who bas an 11-5 record, 0 but Nolan deserves to be there." Ryan, 11.a, bas dropped his last three 1tarta since firing a one-bitter with 16 strikeout.. against Boston. "Earl Weaver (the American League All-star manager) took good pitchers." Wright said. "You're supposed to take players who are doing well at the time." Wright's performance Stmday wasn't a classic. He yielded nine bits and five walks before Eddie Fisher came on to retire lloy White, the potenllal tying. nm, on a final-out grounder to second baseman sandy Alomar after two-out singles by lion Blom!>erg, Horace Clarke (his fourth hit) and Thurman MWISOll produced New York's third ,run. "I had pretty good stuff on my fast ball," Wright said, "even in the ninth in- ning. And I Clldn't think I had bad con· trol, although I walked five men.0 C.U.l,O•MIA N•W YOllC AlotMr,Jb c.,...~ .. ICGKO, ff lt0Hwr, 1b McMu11.,.,a ..... " st.men. rt Kvsn~, c s~.c Nrltl'lt, P e FhMr, p •llr"lll •llr llllf s121c11rtt1,:11 '''' •t11MUftlCll'l.C SOJI 1121Whlte,tf •••• • f t t Mwc.r, cf J t t t 411'3..-Aklu,lb 40ff 4 t 2 t Swctioclf., rt 3 1 t t •OtO MlcNtf,n 110t 2 2 1 t Ltni.r, 2b • o J O IOfOKllCldl,p 1111 JflllS.nm.1,ph 1010 OfOOll-,p ltlO JElllt,plt 1 o O o Lylt, p I t I 0 8lol'n'*'f pit 1 I 1 I 31 'n 5 Tot•I · 3' a ' J .i10 no OOl)...4 202 llOO 001-3 01'-C:.llfornl• J, Ntw Y~ 1. L09-Ctllfol'nlt j , Ntw Y~ t. Hlll-McMulltft ,, ICoteo 5. Sl-Atomtr, KOKO. l-Wrl1tlt, IClkldl. ll"M•l•ltlO Wrltllt W, 11.J t\!i t 3 3 5 f E. F!Wr YI 0 t t o t K.itldl~H • 7 S 5 1 3 B•ne 221100 Lyi. 3 10fl3 ~. flalW 4. WP-Klll;ld'I. T-2:2L A--10,7'i, The Angels, who bad scored only two runs in five games in New York and only, eight tllM in their previous nine contests. jumped on loser Mike Kekich in the firs t inning when Alomar and Andy Kosco singled and Ken McMullen slammed a three-run homer. In the second, Art Kusnyer singled. took second on a sacrifice and scored all the way from second on a wild pitch. Kusnyer walked with two out in the fourth aodcame arouwl on singles b~ Wright and Alomar. Kosco homered 1il the filth off Fred Beene for the !inal run. Clarke accounted for New York's first two nms with a second inning single ll>llowing· a pair of walks and a sacrifice. U.S. Tops Chile; Criticizes Calls By Linesmen : SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -The U.S. Davis Cup tennia players kept an eye out today for the result of the Spain- Czechoslovakla match In Barcelona 1" learn their next opponent in the Davis Cup toomament. The Americans clinched a victory over Chile in the American 1.oot final wben Stan Smith and Erik Van Dillen beat Patricio Cornejo aod Jaime Fillo! In ·.the doubles Sunday. Smith and Van Dillen had to go five sets to down the Chilean pair, 6-2, 6-4, U , 6-3. That gave the United States an un- beatable U lead in the best-of-5 match and made today's two singles matches meaningless. "It was really close," commented Smith alterwards. Van Dillen became II' ritated at what he considered some bad calls and, at ooe point, threw a ball at a canvas barrier surrounding the court. "Maybe in tbe beat o! lbe malch -WI were wrong," said Van Dillen. "But I still felt that some of the balls that were declared out of bounds were good." Hulme Still Too Tough; Captures Can-Am Race WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. (AP) --The Galf·McLaren Team cara paraded at Watkins Glen again Sunday, sweepiJ1g both top spot. In the third Can-Am nee of the seaaon and giving Denis Hulme his secon<! aeries trlmnph. Hulme, the 37-yeaMld New Zealander who now llves in England, made the 60- laps around the roll.,......ter Glen Grand Prix Circuit In 1:41:!4.IM4. His race speed was 111.44 miles per hour aod the distance ..... 202.11 miles. . Pete Revaon, the 1911 C an • Am tttlebolder, lrailed Hubne home by I.I -. as the threat presented by George FollmeJ's turbodiarged Poncbe eva~led early In the rice. Follmer, who had won the Can-Am II Atlanta 1 ... ·....u qo while subbing for the injured Mark Doaobue, llarted the race In· third place. Bui be wu losing ground lleadilY even be/ore having to Co Into 'the pit Oii the 2l1b lap to repair • faulty part on hll 1urb!>dlarger. While Follmer wu Idle on pit road. the two McLareoa put him two laps clown and the gan>e wu over. Follmer IDIDOf" ed to finish fifth, aJmost seven miles ofl the psce. Francois Cevert of France, driving the ~e McLaren that Hulme campaigned m last year, was credited with third place. He was the only other driver to complete the 2tl2 miles . Fourth went to David Hobbs of . England, driving a Lola that may yet prove to be a threat to the dominant Mcl.an!ns. ' Hubne, who already had taken $612 545. In Can-Am prize money back to Engl.llid w~ paid $17,900 for Sunday's efforL Revson, who last year became the firtt American to win the series title added $13,000 to his bank account. ' It n;quJred three pace laps to get the :lkar field under way -Revson U...ls!M in getting the I-on everybody !roin his pole position -and Hulme raced la front when the ireen !lag !inally drop-ped. He never pve up bis advantage and at one ,point bad Revson n """1<13 down But the bachelor member or the Revklii "°""'etlcs f.,mly. waa closing last as the race neared an end. • Steven Kelly of New York, John Van Dyke of Washington, D.C., Jerry Wellborn Of Vienna, Va., and Phil Rogosheske of St. Cloud, Minn., "'epl all three beats in the four-man kayak emit, auuring them of pla... on tlie tralnlllC' roster. Jn the women's kayak tandem, Naney Purves or Camp Springs, Md., and Linda Murray ol Oxon Hill, Md., dominated the evenl and claimed training squad berlhl by sweeping the fmal heat.. Wil( Wants More Dough-May Quit The men'• kayak tandm went to Allen Whitney and John Broolu.I, botb o! Washington, D.C. They won a II three beat.. The 17<nember Olympic taam which will be c:holen in lwo weeks will include • ....,._man kayak team plus an alternate, a three-man canoe taam, plus two altematts, and a three-woman ka,ak team, plus ID altemai.. • • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Wilt Chamberlain's attorMy said Sund1y the Los Angeles Lakers' giant center wants a new contract and may become a 1 full-time busioeAman and actor II be doean 'I get ooe. "Wllt would rather play basketball bul he doesn't bave to do It for a llv-llic, especially ii he's In an unhappy ~e." attorney S e. y m o u r Goldberg told I Loi A n ( e la a -per. Qiamllerlaln, who came to the \ Lakers In llMI, •lined a t-yeir ...,. tract last September, believed .!o be . for $2511,000 a year, Tbe ce-wlDltd, more tluin that salary, wbldl-the sime be hid ....ived lhl-""" two seuons, but couldn\ pl a r11a.a bec•uat ol Iha w ... -. Gbldblrc said. "Will """' had I r-aJnce bl joined the Laken and .... _..., tblnt he'• llltlt1td to one " the • torney llld. "But .;p.;:jiiji11eo - ..... -bo1llr lor bbn. Tbla .,.. hi ean tqllll In -buainou oP-portunlU.. Whal be bu llllclt in- oll<:ourt --the ta.i It yun." ·Ownbori,m, who mUtl .._., ·trocn -· .. --• 'l'-!blrtl, baa llao --OICbed for leldinC 1'Jltl In I -lllcl a telrflaloa -111, <loldb"1 Mid. Clllmberlaln .... ....a.ble lot -Laken .....,. Jacll Keat Coolla, ..... llU alpd Olamberlaln to hll two I"•--o..u, said the ,teom'a ' new genenl 1111nqer, Pete Newell "is In charge ol all De(OUatlo .: Cooltt decUnOd further "'· ·~ --· ' 11Jt'1 blm w.. poUcy of the lAkera ~ llOI to nnoiOllalt COlltncta," Newell • said. The 7-lool-I Cblmberlaln holds N .. Uonal -Aaoc:IahoD -: ~ ~:':~"!~: -u the IAbn won their lln1 . ::A dlllnploMhlp alnce comJnc to : .. , .. ... ... ,• ·.· ... 1 -I · .. Pi N St. "' .p ,l.l Sa Sa " .... Ho Mo Ph< !'"' • • •No I i~llo • l. • I• " .. .. • Sports In Brief 'Young Matador Alamitos Racing Enn·ies D,l!L Y I'll.Of J l Says Fears Offense Stifled Kills Five Bulls ·. By NFL Rules TIJUANA -Rafael GU, a ·matador who ctlebrated his 17th birthday two weeka ago, -. killed live out of alx bulla at fhe downtown bullring after two matadors were gored in the first two fight.. Marlo Sevellla suffered a groin wound in the first fight Sun:.'.ay but wu able to return to klll hJa bull. Ma.rctUno Lldrero of Spain was gored under the right arm by the second bull and Gil replaced him for the klll . The young fighter went on to kill the next four m a row. The two injured matadors were treat«! at the ring in- Heall-Bids ,· .. For 18th Unbeaten lightweight Jim- my Heair goea after his 18th win in a row when he takes on ·Mexico's Nacho Castenada in the 10-round. main e v e n t tonight at The Forum. . . Healr, having stopped seven .'..out of his lut eight opponents, '·bas rattled off 17 straight wins ·' 'since tumin& pro last August. Castenada will be making bis California debut. He could · ·prove ·to be ooe o( Heair'a • loughest opponents as the former Mexican N a t i o n a l Golden Glove champion is Working on a knockout streak of six straight. 1 The six round semi-main p It 1 Wldefeated "Schoolboy" Bobby Chacon against Raul C8J'Teon of Hennoslllo, Mex· ·JcoJ in a featherweight match. , Chacon bu won nine in a row and hu registered eight KO's. Rounding out t h e pro- fessional card will be a six· rounder between I I g h t • , · heavyweights Hlldo Silva and • Jesse Burnett. Undereated . ·.lightweight Renato Garcia will · fle after hla fifth straight win · 'When be batUea David Ar· rellanao in a aiJ:-rounder. -. ., Amateur bollng opens the program at 8 p.m. Armando ' Muniz continuei to train daily at the Teamsters Gym as he ·"j>repares to defend his North · ·American welterweight title . . again.st Me:r:lco'a Ruben Vas- quez in a 12·rounder Monday, July 31 at the Anaheim · ·convention Center. Also on that cant will be a 10-round lightweight showdown between No. 4 ranking Ruben Navarro and N<>. 7 rated RodoUo Gonzal.._ Santa Ana ·s RodoUo Lobato meets Jose ·.Valdez In a lO·round lightweight o.crap to complete the All-Star card. There wi11 be no television for tbe Munfs.Vuquex and Navam>-Oonzalez bout.. Tickets are prleed at l'/.50, $S and $.l and are on aale oow at The Forum box omce, the Anaheim Convention Center and all Ticlcetron outlets. flrmary and taken to I T~ Juana hospital. Gil, wbo became a full fl4dged matador only last January, worked cautJoualy with each bull and was award· ed an ear from one for his ef. forta. ""' KANSAS CITY -Amoa Otis. Kansas City Royals' centerfit:;lder, will miss the All·Star Game in Atlanta Tuesday night because or in- juries suffered when be crash- ed into the fence in the first inning of the Royals' game with the Ballimore Orioles. Dr. Paul Meyer, team pbysl- clan, said arter a series of ei:· aminatioos and X-rays that Otis had facial bruises, a cut between his eyes and a brui.s- ed Iefi knee. ""' LONG BEACH -Running back Wiiiie Ellison and of· fenslve tackle Rich Buzin sat out with minor injuries Sunday as the !.<Is Angeles Rams worked on their punting game and held a dwnmy scrim- mage. Ellison, who led the Rams in rushing last year, has a slight· Iy bruised ahoulder. Buzin has a stretched knee ligament. Dave Chapple, a former M .. OA> 'IRIT IACL )SO_y~rft. J _.,.., okM. c11tr11111t. '""" 11.-. cit1m1nt l'rk• READING, PA. (AP) -N• r:£l'-'· 8.~'''°" 11; tlonal Footblll League rules V611 Dtlith1. Jt ... \'..i~ 1 1 ~ are one-sided in f&vor of the SOMw Gil, O. "'')T.(f j7 ~r::J::: ~,;~,. 111 defense according to Tom ~-:W~~H~¢~1W LIP'lolm H; Fears, offensive coach or the iro>t1.,11. c. ,..,...t\J 11, Philadelphkl Eagle!. CNnt Town. :.~ · ~!bit 111 The orfense ls b e I n g stlf· f:f': '~~ l · ~'~' i!~ Oed, says Fears, one of the =.; i1, ':)':=,, c. l"wllll" 111 league's a J J. time offensive greats. Fears was one of the s1coND uc•. •ni \'Anh. 1 -~ best pass r-1·v·-m· the old• & lll>I Cllllmll'fl. PurM 11 ,91». ..,,..~ ~" ct11min. ,, (l 11MO. ll7 hi.story of the game -and ii a 1'ett 0.llCIY. -~"""wi • I Hall R"""''~ Reciu.• , J. 1... member of pro footba l's GYSI F .. , L W• I 11• Shl.lc:k •em, J. A "-rdt 117 of Fame, Cllar•1r lee C £."' 111 TM veri.1\ itt."'°' ,','•' "The average team doesn't Arrriecl Cll".11 · L and Jet's $1,111, "' Peff 117 run ror 100-yardS a game, AIM........ thin Forwen:I a.111ry, IC. Harf 111 passes for 106 or some g THl•o •.t.ca. a yanla. AJlow•nc•. like that,·• Fears notes . PvrH i1.1DO. ,,, "That's not moving the ball.'' S.UCY Moon. J. Ard ho I ed . Mf•~ ~-~ o. All!1on 111 Fears w pay rune years ~: C~~·.r.c~ 1~ with the Los Angeles Rams, Gci snoo1c Go, A. Ad11r 117 hed 'th f teams as an Mlis Monk•, c. Smltn 111 coac WI our Fr''"°~ Glr1. o. cen1o1• '1' ass•'slant and was the first TnilY Tried, Tt Llpl111m' ''° I'm An Nllll oo. J. w lton 11 7 head coach of the New p;ou•TM ••c• . .sn ""'"'._ , .,..,,, Orlenns Saints. is particularly olds &. l. AllOflenCI. PurM ll ,to0, UpseJ by the f'uJes or line play, Go Mh Jo., s. "TrM1ur1 119 D'Arcy ev. c-. P~rn•r 119 "Let's take an ofrens ive Clllroe m, J. Alch1rd1 111 1C1c~pu r-L. wi1~n1 l:~ tackle and a derenslve tackle g:bA':°'2i.ind ~~enli Ill or equal ability. 'J'he defensive POP'S Trouble, 0. C1rdo11 /," nd = t~~~·f:~~'i.i 11i n1an can jump arou , move . Gr1nii. 'HO!'I;'. R. v111t1nn 1n inti1nidate, cuff on the side or becauae wt're loslftl tht game'• appal of the f1n1," Pean uld. Fean aay11he beat athletes In tbe NFL are the backa, and he insists the rules take •w•y the hacks' sreaieot lkllll. "We don't even Jet them get started, becouae ol die une- qual situation ln the Uoe." Feara observes, 0 And that bump and run stuH bem.. the receivers and defensive backs. It deprlvea lhe ....iver or an area he i! enUtled to. "'!be big thlnr bere ii to help our game, keep up !he U. tereit," Fears said. "It's been my lire, but I realize we have to make changes. 11le answers aren't easy, but we've got to find them." BasebaII:s Top Ten the head. pull push. or ..... ,,, , ,. • .. Flnlt ltACIE. ,, ards, 2 vfer Old~. 'J'h r ~ATl~AL 'L9A9U• Allow1nc.. Pur11 s . . ,,, anything, all Iege.lly. e O • ,....,.,. CIR ...... • Al a M '~n Certton.111, 0. All lton bi k b t Citdl HI 711 llb •I 110 COPY wetcl'I, o. Knt1111 1,',', tensive man can J oc , u 1.w1r.T1,... "chi " w '!. "' · OLam«ICI O'Arles, R. V•uthn k h' h _, ff "~-'• ff •• H Bamalol, C P1rntr 111 must eep IS 811uS 0 . n'llU MOTA.... -'f!:~C: J~ FK~"fr•,f· 0•'v" /g do you think ls going to win ~~.1-";,C!lh :f 'f? ~ ~= J: Rhodll's itlblt. c. Smith 1,,", !hat battle'. The deferue or .:·oo; Pgh 11 ll1 " 114 .Jlt Chou C'llol.I, R. Banki 1Wock SIL 11 ~7 45 121 .lll S..m'• Wondef" Min, J. Ward l:"O ""Urse." GMr Ari et SO 106 .J11 ... u 1.M SO " I 3S 7' .)IS SIXTH RACE. iso Y•rd1. s .,...r old~ Fears admits he's aware ci.rne.u1 Pih 'i us 41 1' .>1• University of c.allfomia-Sa.nta --------------------------------Barbara kicker who i s 8:l~l"':-o·.,.:i:1ff.11·-tH"911• Purw n,ODO. that there are more high-scor· ~11. c1n!:\::'tt. ":/, 1.w1111.,.... C·-·· -P··-r In he C .... 221 Colblrlf $M1 D .. tt1 "'"' 1 1"' ' .. ,_ ing games, but be says t se men. Sin l'rlllC '"I 211 H.AlrMo Rhodfflan, 0. 1Cn1tn1 111 I f A 1, 1111 L.M1y, HOUf °""• Jo. i~~ndbJ. 'ft1c:i~~~~ n: re!U)t not from powerfU 0 • ·-.. r. .. 11 spa.ct Nolf, . cerdol• 119 renses, but mistakes by the of· •:,r.~-~~ ~J,M11~~J--121chk''t'M!'~"; challenging Pat Studstill for the punting job, booted Im· presslvely Sunday u the Rama drilled on a phase of their game that hasn 't receiv· ed much attention at training camp so far. Chapple, from ArCadia, ha.s had teyouts with the San Francisco 49ers and Buffalo Bills. ,,, BARCELONA, Spain Juan Gisbert and Manuel Orantes scored a doubles vie· tory Sunday to give Spain a 2· l lead over Czechoslovakia in European 1.one B Davis OJp tennis play. The Spanish pair topped Jan Kodes and Jan Kuka! 11).12, 6- 2, 7·5, 6--4, in a t.bree-hour match played in 91-degree temperature. Mo!'lff Rocktt, Llph1m 11' f b --• -... Vain Tanel.cla, J. W1rd 111 rense taken advantage 0 Y C WI. Sen Oitte. '°'1 Y• D S s-OK\, IC. H•r. '" bl HCllQI .. , ·"~ !• --· eep ea Mo5t Ron1Lo. All 11111 119 the defense. He cites fum es, ...... ~, •·~"· ·~-", Truly UP T1thl, R. Adair 117 intercepted passes, things that r:1;~ • 1 • , SEVENTH llAC•. MIO Y•rd1 s Yffr give ~--~--team field ftl\lli· "' ·-· • • • • ' olds a. up. Allow1nc115:ul"M &2.MIO. TM ~ \RUA. r-l, ,JS01 -· F• h R Lonti e cti Vient c1 slit!IDn, u. 1 • 1 T T 6 B l IS eport Ya Got1~'*1b.:f T. L '1m 1~ tion. P~I~-··· 1~ ,., kV-... 0 Op 1 Ow ers ~~"r.~(1~\ A:51."l:nk, 116 "On a day like that a team Fr At ·~M~ltlC.tN LWA.U• Jun111 l=1th11rlL. WRlthl 11' gets dejected and the score ll•1td on 21s •I bib. a • " ,. DAMA WHAlll' -211 •nvltr•: 336 Nue"<O MuchlCl'IOP D. Knl<;iht I I F "!' ,...,., Clff 01 A c. J Marblt M1n. J, rtvtr :1; SllOWbaJJs, 1 !18YS ears. m Sdlflnblllm KC 7S 1W ,, U .~4 bl11, 61 blrr•eud1, 1 bonlio, 3 hlllbul, A:lc:1'1 Gold, H. tOSbY kl bo t ho t t 0 P'ln1itti ICC 17 3CM1 JI 107 .:117 It's nail-biting time for the Ton-ance's Jer O'Neill. 11 wn111 n•IWI••· t1 ~ck1re1. Klpty's Moo ... c. P1rntr 117 ta! ng a u nes °''' KC " :ns .cs 102 _, 1 , W t Coast M t h Game B t alte lb t ·t•s touch and M•WPOlltT tAr1'• L•Mlrttl -1s.s EIGHTH uce. 110 v11rdl. 3 ve1r goodness offense.'' •ran 11,,. 11 212 47 1s ,11o es a c U r a 1 •r>Dttrs: 1 111rracue1a, su t11s1, u rock o1e11 &. IJP. c111m1ft11. Pu"' s?.600. Fears feels that league of· 111:11111 o.k 11 .111 ia 10. .m Eliminations. l K go. ~t~tf.n111/'>"'· .,.Je...:11'." l;~!l'·t ~~~ml~:i"~.~.r.'°M!rr' Ncrih s.11~11 ficials are aware of the prob-..,.,., c11 ., lit Jt " ... , Tonight the ennua ooa Bob Ramirez of Anaheim, ~~. S.2~~~·: 4 blrrac •· ~;~F.T~~1~g',,,k, ll! !cm and are looking for ~lri:n Mt~1 t j/: fi :1 ;1"$ Lanes bowling tournament in . SIAL •••CH _ 20 1,,g11rs: sis Anru1111c:.c. J. orn-... 11,• H dm"· th t he' 11ompson Min 1' W H " · c:osta Mesa will be trimmed who captured Elirns titles m nlClc cod, 21 mKk•~. t 11auDUt. 30 ~! ~e:,,~·11.IC~~nn li~ answers. e a 1..., a 1 Roi•• ICC H-. 'i-11 • from 60 competitors to just 16 1961 and '64, ls the leader :::~t.•;,.•_ c.i~1r .=::..?·~ s:,~ ~:~~c~'.c:~·~ Ptrnl' ll J not sure just what should be 1,~ .... ~~irnc1n1~tt:' 1~1"t;(J~-=: nd th • ted to be und H rcaud1. 2 bonito, 17 1111111 bffS, 4 done Olfl.l•llCll. !' Fl•h. losNll. u, a ere s eipec going into tonight's ro . e tMollbvt. NINTH ltACI. 0 v•rd•. 3 yur o1d1 "M·a be they should take 1 Kt11ttw.w, M """'°'•· 1s. quite a few nervous bowlers has &,-P'"•, 1·us1 18 ahead or oc&AMs101 -2n· 1ngl"'' 7 !Mr· & 111>. Flin" & nwirn. c111mr111 pUt11 Y • ..,. ......, I• hand hen h fi · beg' ,,,., ..... rlCUde, 310 bns. t tMollbul, 1 toct: cod. n,.,, c111m1,.. ,...1c1 ""°°· ,,, little away from the defensive D.All1t1. Clltuf!O, "' llJ~ on w t e rmg ms Long Beach's Doug Johnson. . 2" mactllt'ef, Kk•i>U a.e. o. cerOoi• l1'ne as to what It can do In ~kl•~1 =I. ICJ;:"' .. ~ at 9 Another Lo Bea b bowl MOllltO IAY (Vlrw'I ..... Int) -145 Errt'I AHdle 1111111 IC. Hart 111 Olkland. ~ . ng C er an;lll"I: 20 llna coa, 1"50 rock; cod. ~~~~1:f''j, Rkhlrdi \1~ comparison to the orrensive P 0.. Cl DKIWMI The 11 top bowlers appear to -Bob Knipple -is in third !t".' 1!~:= ~,'~ n!~':'i :;,,::_ ~rTu1:'~:"if Zt.~~11n1m ll: line. Maybe the ortensive guys o!1:~H~ ~~ J:~:»~1, have a lock on qualifying for place, 80 pim: in back or ,,,..._., -47 tn11l1r1: lD 1111tc:.or1, 312 Thi Runnln1 On!, c. Smllll 1,',', 5hou ld be allowed to hold. l~ .7 ... ; ,.,-t,.,0-~"i"KI~ ~I'# the finals with 31 pin s Johnson. rvc:t cod, 12 nna cod. Flflll'lt P11n, H. ,.... Somethi'ng should be done .;!'-ldl, . 1 WrW!t, c.1uor~,1., .. bowl HUMTIHOTON llEACM -1A •n;,~ "'11 Flllllll Plan, H. P111 j~1 .Wio • ...,.,.,, ~ IH, .... separating the No. 11 er Area bowlers have had a ~"~' ~u~"'~"~"O:.· '-' ~ .. ~"'.!"~"''!:.·!.'.!'""~"~""·c__!T!!!ll-~_>CT•~·':'·,5<:..· !'.''"".:rn~~'..-___ ..:.!''.-:::..:::.::::.:.::.._::;:::.:_::;_::; _ _c _ _::::...:::.::.:.:.:.;::.;;;:::::;..;.;;.;;.;=--Slantoo's Ron Dietl from rough time this year and it.'s Elims to Be Trimmed Attlesey Falls Short possible that nary a one will .- make the cul 'l'bO top area kegler is Costa Mesa's Brian McMahon who has koocked down 6,390 pins, and is currently eight pins behind the No. 16 bowler - Reseda's I:.amar Keck . H you answer''YeS" In Qualifying Attempt Two Olympic women track hopefuls failed In an atlempt to meet Olympic standards in their events at a special AAU tract meet set up for them Sunday at uc; Irvlne. Kim AtUesey of Newport Beach, ·who qualified as tbe tblrd best long jumper in tbe United States at tbe rocent Olympic trials, w a s at· temp~ to meet the 20-8 Olympic standard but leaped only 19-3 Sunday. She fouled on several longer jumps, however, w b I ch otherwise would have put her over the 20-root mark. 1be U.S. record holder, Marlha Watson, won the event at UCI with a 20-9 leap. San Clemente's world·class hurdler, Patty Johnson took third with a leap of 17·~. Ano.ther Olympic hopeful, Vivian Turner of Los Angeles, who placed second at the trial! in the discus, took first in her event with a throw of 161-ll, 19 feet abort or the Olympic standards, Monette Driscol took second with a 153-8 and Sherry Calvert toot third with a 125- 10. Another almllar s p e c I a 1 meet designed to help U.S. women meet Olympic stand· ards will be held at lhe UCf track Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Costa Mesa's Fred Dougber- ty (21st), Huntington Beach's Bud Rose (22nd). Westminster's Fred Riccilli (271h) and Mesa's Charlie Sihilling (30th) all could move up with good four.game sets tonight. POI. lowltr City PPinl1 1 llob R..nlr11, Atllhtim •.na 2. 00.... JohnsGr\, L-IMCh ''ill 3. llob ICnr•e· L-llNtll ,,. A. Daw Fr1m1, Al:llSI •.S .S. Georte $horf Pico ll:lvtrl ,,Uf '· Joe Wlllllte, G~rclenl !1-.?I 1 Fred eern11. TU1!ln ..... .: G1-M All lson. Pleva del RIY l,SU t. Chrt1 LOWN, Rlvtnlde ,JOl 10 Torn Thurtle!', Sen Dlt911 '-"' Othffs -11. Brian Mc:M•hon !~" Mewl •.3901 71. Fred Doutlhlr1Y II Mell 4361 1 22, Bud Rose (H\11"11 ne BMCh) 6.360: 27. Fl'ld Rle<ll I {Westmlt11terl 6.3-Mi JD, Clllrllt Slhllf. lllQ ~CO:!ltl M1:11I 6.3231 0, l>weYTM Hfck1 (Mls111111 VNPlo) 6.lf.1 41. IC1vln ~!~~ l~u~1~7:!""6,Z'Ji'f1 ,,Hl1 85, Clyde l.Kher (0.MI Poln!J 6.0U. to any of .these questions, you may neea this new oil. 1 Do you have a late-model car • with automatic trammiulon and air conditlonlna? 2 Doyoudo,muhlona~ • high·IJl88CI freeway drivina? 3 Do r.ou occasionally tow a Baseball Standings DEAN LEWIS •trailer? · 4 Is your car modified tor high •performance? Nalloaal LHpe Amerteut..gue Eul East w L Pct. GB w L Pct GB Pittsburgh 55 33 .625 Detroit 51 37 .580 New York 49 38 .563 51\ Baltimore 50 38 .568 I St. Louis 45 43 .511 JO Bos too 45 41 .523 5 Oiicago 46 44 .Sil 10 New York 42 43 .491 71\ ),jontreal 40 47 .460 141\ Cleveland 36 51 .414 141\ .Philadelphia 31 57 .352 24 Milwaukee 35 52 .402 1s1,s West Well Cincinnati 5S 33 .625 Oakland 56 35 .615 'Houston 55 41 .554 6 Chicago 49 41 .544 61\ Dod1en 47 a .llZ HI\ Mlnnesola 45 42 .517 9 Atlanta 42 49 .462 141\ Kansas City 44 45 .491 II San Francisco 41 52 .441 161\ All(elea " IZ .Ill Ill\ San Diego 33 56 .371 22\\ Texas 37 33 .411 181\ ••• .,.. lltw"• _,.,._ ,1ttlburoti 3,•CIMIMtll J C1lltornlt I. Ntw Yft J o.Jttltnlt J. II. t.wl1 t OM;ltl'ld ........ , HOlllJOll 6, (Ille ... I MlllNMll U. Mltwl'*• N MentrNI i-t, Stn Dlltt J..1 l•ltlll'tOfe I. Ka,... CltY 4 PhHtdtlpl'llt t LM Mftl• f T111t1 J. Dltnlt 1 ""'" Fr111Cm. J, Mtw YM'fl 2 Chtulo M. ~nd 14 • ·---·---: No pmn Khtduild Ml .. IMI~ ' T 111..,.. .. "" --{All.519' .. '"'•I At1tnt1, 1:11 ,_in.. 'OT AB-Sllr 111N: at Alttftta. l: 11 ""',.. 'OT i t ' DEJ(N LEWIS ,. •· " 1966 HAUOR BLVD. 'COSTA MESA 646-9303 S.rvlce llld Pim for All l";lljrted Can Mlldanl lledy Shop for I C.rs Orange Count>"• Largest and Most Modem To10la and Volto Dealu OYDSIAI D11.IVl!tY IPICIALllTS '72 TOYOTA COROLLA (+ T. & L.) OR I $3930 Mo .· FuU cash price $2,096.30 lnclud· Ing tax & license. Down pll.yDltnt Is tour hundred dollan. $39.30 total monthly payment including interest, tax A license. $35 pay plus balloon payment or $80(). Total deferred pay price $2,575.50 A.P.R. 11% On pre.an-anged credlt (300785). VOlVO "Dean Lewis" We lease more Volvos in Orange County than any other d .. lership. 'EXAMPLE SAVINGS: S88W MO. All theeestreeses ohnodem drMnc make your car run hotter. 'The hottA!r your car runs, the thiri.,., your oil &IU • , • and the less protection it giwe. That's why Union 76 io iDtroducing new 20W /50 ~Performance Engine Oil 'The 'fH' iD 20W /fJJ means extra prot.ction at high operating temperatun!a, while the "20W" means easy'ignition wbm ti. engine's rold.. Ask for new 20W /50Derloil chanae. OneQuart o1Union7120W/ID H..,_ ,_..... ... OI FREE _,...Ord .. ., oft chlnge ming ..... _ ... e111w.-. ..... ~ ... Union 71 •lorlt M fll LM Mte1itt-. oit.r QfMel ll(llNINt a, 1t1r. "*"'*-,......... ....... • I ' DAILY PILOT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NO'l'IClll LEGAL NO'l1CB SU,111:1011: COURT °' THI f'ICTJTIOUS BUSINaK stATI °'" C:ALlllORfillA f'Oll NAMI STATIMINT THI COUNTY Of' ORMlll : Tiit fOllOWll'lll l*"Oll It 001111 fllutllllt& *· A·~l M ; NOTICI Of' NIAllN• CH' PITITION QUALITY VIDEO INOUSTll:llS, 11712 f'OR 'Rc>eATI OP MOl..OORA,HIC Wnlern Aw.. lox 15. a11nlon. WILL AWD POil L. T'. R ' Cflllbfnlll NII, TISTAMINTARV .._ Jerry LM W•Ulf'I. 2"2f oc Sir.... E•l•lll of MARY •• \l'AH WINl(l.11, •k• l.emlt1, Clllfomlf MARY IEA:NICI! Al.DllA:MA" VAN Tllr. lwtlnn. It ~ W WI Ir.-WINKLE DlcHMd. 4Nvl\'lllai. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thlt LOIS .JE•RY le~ WAUGH MAHAN Ml "led Mftln ii l'llltlon for Tlltl 11.i-t Wll flllCI WI"' 1111 COUii-Pfobllll of Holooraialllc: Wltl and for ty Cl~k of Oranot CountY on JUiy 20, 'Y:'· luuranu of Llttfn T .. lementary to I ,. ... .., cetflty ttlflt."" '°"90lllO' It P.tlllonfr, ~ I• ""!di is mlcle for • c:orr.c:I copy of tM orig!~ on flll In f\lrltll1' Nrtk11l1r .. and tnar fPlt tlmt •net my Office. 111et ot l'INrlM TM um• t1111 llfffl Ht Wl1Utm £, SI John fot AllllUlf .. 1'72. .. f:M 11.m., In "" COl.lnrv Clark courtroom of DIPett~ Ne. I f1' Wld IY ltvtrly '· ~ court, ill 700 CIYic: Cfllttr Drive Wttt, In Oepul't' ,11\e CllV of S.nt1 ~ C.tlfwnla. aA'-'tt KAl'!.AN O.ltd JulY 11, 1971. ... N. Jullll Ave. WILLIAM E. St JOHN, • ..,... I Mdl. Ctllfenll• counrv c1er1t Ttl~ f'R·•I I DWA•D A. TllAllN l"·l"M 11$22 NI...,,. IOl!lfflN PllMllMid Orlflll Coast Oally Pilot, Terr1nce, C:lllWll&I fttM J\lly M, ,, -*I ,t,ugUlt 7, 14, Im ,,.n T•h !U l7W50S ;..._c_;.;.:._;-,:_;..:,.....:.,cc,,,,:.-:....: I An.t1tY ..,, ,...,llMr ' LEGAL NOTICE Pllbll.iw.d ~.,~ Dally 'llot, l"ICTITIDUI I USINISS NAMI STATllMI MT Tilt .follow1nt Ptrllllt 1rt Hk'tl bualllft• 11: C Ii M ENTERPRISES, 111 1111 Sll'Hf, Newport 8tach, C.Hf. ~. Jamil A. Clark, 111 •41tt Sll'ft't, NewPOrt llKl'I. Patrlct w. McGi.llrt. 111 4'1tl SlrMt, Newport Buch. Th!I buSIJ\9 .. II belnt c.onclllCllld by I 8'111rll parll'lll'lhlp, P1trlt.k W, Mc:Gulni This lf•lemtnt WIS flied wlll'I .... ~Olnt­ IY Clerk of Otlf\91 Countv IHI Junt •• 1972. OI NI I. OORNllY IOI S. Llkt S.111 -,., .... 1111, c.11'9mll '11n , ........ U11)~ ..... Dalty Piiot, 11ll-12 JUIY 1~ 1t, 2', 1m 1•n ,Phone 6424321 For Week~nder ' ' Adve~sing We know you're tired of jumping up and doing the i, DASH· AND-DIAL ' every half hour just because your newspaper doesn't list aH the TV channels you can receive The DAILY PILOT Lists Them All ••• SAN DIEGO, TOO · , Every Saturday ' \VE and in daily IOcjs, too DAILY PILOT ,. ... ltclAlt ,.... ) 300 Enter R ~gatta • 41 Classes Vie Mi.dsummer Race M0tt !ban 300 sailboats In U classes swarmed over Santa t.fonlca Bay Saturday and SUnday in the Midsummer Regatta sponsnred by the Association of Santa Monica J!l!y Yacht Clubs. The regatta replaced the an- nual Midsummer Regatta of ' the Southern California }'aching Association. Winds both days blew in the 15-20 knot range, contributing to a number of gear failures in the smaller classes. · Some of the highlights of the event: Don Bever of Southwestern Yacht Club, of San Diego, won the quarter-finals for the Mallory Cup, men's North American s a i I i n g cham- pionship, in Soling Class sloops at California Yacht Club. BOATING Hutton, MYC ; (21 Grt•I Olvldt. Brian Modi:, MYC; tll Erven!t, Everl!t Parker, ORYC; (~J S11<1nade, Mike Frelles, SONSC. Harrv ,,.Ill(, f'MYC. -c ... w-Wtsf (llJf (Klllllllall •' _.. I•'""*' YC CDRD~t-.P.O-lJ (6) -01 SlloottYo T Ll!llc)jU"(. WYCI (iJ Dacron Jungl .. R~(~l -h~'t!filootll. Ala" S!'llltll, Ar,vc· 1,~ ChHP T11r111, Mtrc H81,~w$AL1Liil l•l -IU J(l'IOtlllMI, Norm Coltl'l\ln. SFVSC. FINN 161 -Ill N' ""'""' Jim Boret« Jr., GIYCJ (2) Piii Minto "'" '"'" cc . ~y ~ .. 0 1GHYf)~ rt1m zuc~rn~. ~Id S11rf,.r, , D • SMALL 8.0AT ARBltRARY ~I -Ill PhlUer,. Joel Cornolot1, PVS • (2) No name, Mllrl AllM Slmen11.PM (. Kint HlrW YC a/Ml 'ill .. verat YC CORONA00-75 (t) -(l) 'RtVlrffco. c111 eer~n. WYCJ (21 Jullst II. 5ol snulm•n, SFV$C; Ill RalnboW, Cor,... Ladd SMYC. "" coLUMllA CHAl..LENGt:R ~·1 -t 11 AnQll, Slln Cook1 KHYCi. 12 Fllle 6t Vti'lle OOn Broiln. SBTR I (3) Kulla, We!l•r LODIJ'I< SFMYC., II •. ~ CAl.·20 (9) -OJ ii~• -1.. KHYC1 121 T , $111 A=·t. W'l'CI (3) Hell: JIKk llder, Wl§i..UMBIA·,. C•J-tl) SkO'fl II, ktlt Alce WYC1 (21 1..umllrln, 8111 ROldt. wvC. y J CAl..°"3' Ul -(IJ I SJOO, lmlt vaslllon. PMYC1 (~ S.a saw· 11, Jordon Savnde.,, DR C. PHRF·A !10) -(1 Antlst\11, Chuc:I Fowler, l(,HYC; (21 J•nner, Jlm Fove~, WVC; (l) Sen A:1mo, G. Morlanittlt ci~Rf·B l')-!ll St1 Estehtr, Franlt MOO!\, KHYC; (2) Thunder, .Ml ... SUR~ING FINISH ~ Rats, (right), skippered by Evan Dailey of Sl Francis Yacht Club, stands off Guy Doran and Andy MacDonald in Haleakala ., they surf t .. ward finish in .windy Baxter Bowl Regatta. Irving Herman of Venice Yacht Club won the Donaldson Trophy for predicted log rac- ing with his cruiser carol Gee. MORF (121 -(1) Ph1m Nuts, Bred Godfr•V• KHYC; U) Baccl\llrd, GeOl'll• Kaneko, PMYC; tJLS!lu, Paul Slanton, PMYC; (4) fOllY adv, Bruce Rover, PMYC. ERtCSDN-29 (SI -(I) AUdaclovs, Gerry Goldfnan, SMYC; (2) fc~y Ladv, 8urt Lockwood, PMYC. 5';~1;:~8~~c. -cu onerltl. 8111111 Crene, o~c.tt•v Y.clll Clul ERICSON 2..:J'l {~) -Ill Blue Mill!', Biii Lewis, WYC; (2) TrtkllfVOI, I.ff W;ird, SMYC. EIHCSDN l.J5 (I) -(1), P1nace1 II, David FrankHfl, PMYCj (21 D«:ltlon, Paul 8trotr, ORYC; ( J l)ofllee, Doft McFarland, SBYC. Three Firsts Gi ve Dailey Star Crow n Evan Dalley of St. Francis Yacht° Club, San Francisco, aurvived the heavy going In Newport Herbor Yacht Cl•b's Baxter Bowl regatta for the Bard.arson Captures Third Title Veteran International·l4 sailor Baird Bardarson o! COrinthian Yacht Club, Seattle . Won his third national cham- pionship in the class Friday at the conclusion of a five race aeries oil Marina del Rey. Bardarson and bis crew Glen Moore posted a record of 2-1·1·1·1 for a low score of six points. Runnerup was Bob Reeves of Annapoli1. The defending champion, St. John Martin of Annapolis, did not defend his title. There were 14 entries in the regatta sponsnred by South Coast Corinthian Yacht Cla b. Summary. (I) Baird Bardaraon, CYC, Seattle; (2) Bob Reeves, An- napolis Ye; (!) Bob Petmon, Seattle; (4) Steve Toechl, San Francisco; (5) Alan Laflin, San Francisco. Star Class Sunday by posting three straight firsts. Westerly winds of 18-20 knots both days contributed to one dismasting and several gear failures as ihe Stars rac· ed over the Gold CUp course off Newport Harbor. Wind ·and seas were such that the second i:ace on Satur· day had:to be thrown out as the weather mark bad drifted and the reaching mark disap- peared el}tirely. It was in this race tha't LUH Swegles of Latiajna Yaclit Club was dismasted. Runner·up in the regatta was Haleakala, . co-skippered by GuY . DOr-an and Andy Mac- DOnald of King Harbor YC. TROPHY WINNERS -(I) Rats,' ,Evan Dally, l·l-1 . St. FYC; (2) Haleakala, Doran and MacDonald, S.2-2, KHYC; {3) Griegin, ·Skip Elliott, 2·3--5, NHYC; (4) .Generation Gap, Kent Edler, NHYC; (5) Han· nab Hard Hearted, Rocky Beek, NHYC. Don't Overload On these warm summer days, everyone and his dog .may want a ride in your boat. But be careful not to overload your rig. Check the OBC plate _on your boat for its capacity. Johnson Motors News Bureau reminds you that seats don't indicate capacity. :!13 Boats Buffeted 4 Classes Compete In Fermin Four classes sailed in Hun- tington ·Harbour Yacht Club's Point F e r m i n Invitational Race Sunday. Trophy winners in each class: CAL-20 -(I) L<real, Don Michaelis, ABYC ; (2) Gitana, Up, Don Levine, SI BYC. MORF -(I) The Spirit, Gor- don Larson, SI BYC; (2) Ali- yah, Jerry Blantstein, LSC; (3) Lorelei, Steve Jost, CBYC. PHRF-A -(I) Sin Miedo, Jack Phillips, OCC! (2) Wair dered, Dick Daniels, IIBYC. PHRF-P -(I) Snoopy Ill, Dick Roberts SI BYC; (2) BYC; (3) Red Baron , Bill Hartge, NHYC; (4) Alkaselt- zer, Peter Ives, LBYC. The event was sponsored by Venice YC over a 34-mile course in Santa Monica Bay. Bud Shank of California Yacht Club won the IOR division for large sailing yachts in his new Morgan-42 Xanalyn. Charles Hathaway of CYC won the Columbia-15 class in Gem. Following are trophy win- ners in the various divisions. cAL·tt (10) -111 conoe. Jim Grullbf, CYC; \2) Puff. wans •nd ThclrP'. CYC; 3) Flutftr Too. B. RosenkraM, WYC. CAL-~ fl) -Ill Aloh1, Al Freed· man WCYC; 12! Qunt, Dan McPiwl'$Oll, SBYRC; (3) Gel With II, PC (9) -0) Finl Fldd14kHllyal"d, fl rown SMYC · (2\ SU1111l k. RIV Jare<k'I, PMVC; 13 La CUC:llf'Hl'MI, Steve GumfY, PAYC. Wooden Hull Boaters Set Meeting Saturday C•llfonil• Y•cl!f CluD od R 1011:11) -111 xan11vn. Bud SMnk, The t b tr d organizational co-comm ores. ear eom-c~%LuM81A·SG-<ll -10 Gem. meeting of the Wooden Hull modores are Harry Wills of c11artes Ha111aw•r· eve. ERICSON-39 t5 -<ll Tloa• u, J11ek Boat Owners Association will the Del Rey-King HarJM>t BurDav, SBYC,. CAL.....i (111 -111 v1v1 Gor111m be held Saturday July 29 at Ned P rter Santa G.lcllaU WYC; \21 HolldlY TOii Garv ' , area; 0 ' ~::',,,'!· ~:::e_; 13 F11m11oy;in1, B1rnev the Long Beach Yacht Club, Barb a r a.Oxnard; Eric · M111111.1 Y1erit c1ob according to Clark Sweet, one HOBIE CAT-1• noi -nl WlnctsPHd. of the ~mmodores of the Ericson, San Pedro; Andy Biii Scll111t1, MYC1 (l) Blu, Dldf; ...,...._u Do!\Ah!1'1 MYc1 (J) MaQulna 11e1 M1r, Dossett, Newport Beach-Dana Jet! GJIOlson, MYC. group. HDBIE 'CAT·l-' "' -o> wet Orum, Purpose of the meeting 1·s to Point·, Dick Dupuy, Loog Sieve McCroskey, MYC; Il l 8u1n11, f.i1: ~;:m~, ~vv'i!.. tJJ P•IHI Ehl•, select a suitable a n d Beach, and William Presch, con~.3~1!~ v<i.~A5!1utJ permanent name for the San Diego Oceanside. t.EHMAN-12 oo) -n> P 11dd1, group. Other officers are Johll Jumper, Dav• CrosMre, CYC; \2) No At prev1·ous meet1·ngs of the c f • • B b Mme, Andy LOCkton, CVC1 (3 Evll arnes 0 l.Alng ea C t Et:iN~l':~ H;%i'ci'+ cv11o1 _ l'I group Sweet and Ray Wallace treasurer, and Pegy Gregory, ln•vltabl•, cave Klatt, Ana Ye: 2 of Los Angeles were elected as Long Beach, secre•·ry. Au, Scot Tmiesla, Ana YC1 Cl) Noli;;;:~;;;:;;;:;;;:;iii;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~W~=;;ji n1me1 Mike G111t1wayi KHYC; l•I Term !e's Dell11trt Br an Folxman, KHYC; (5) Cl1co kid, Mark W!lllam$, CYC. NAPLES SABOT (') -{1) No n1me, Andy Ayale, UC; (1) TurktY's R1venge, Mike Stein, CYC. SANTA MONICA YACHT Cl..UI and PACIFIC MAIUNERS YC ERICSON-21 (9) -OJ s1urmVO!l'll Jim Paul & G. Klase, SBYRC· (1 8aby oumptlng, Jon eorau, seYA:C; (31 Zephyr 11, Mike Brad~, SBYRC; Meet the Man Behind the Safeco Smile. State A • t cAi,.2·it 1•i -111 Stas.a Rider, ppotn S J•t:,.Tai~~·J-~i;c.:. 111 sumhlM, J im e AUTO e HOME e YACHT Russell, SMYC. New Lihrarl'an NEWPORT·l1 (3) -IH H11rrlc1ne, Irv Weinberger, WYC. TEMPEST {5) -Ill Scr111ml'll Yellow Zonket', Ken Weiss, ABYCi U Muchcl Gusti), Mike Dunmire, SFV~C. SACRAMENTO (AP) CAL-:n l•l -OJ Gremlin 11, Hally Arf!Otd, PMYC. Mrs. ~ S. Crocket of San B:i;l:,, l{J,.vc. 111 Santa Mllrl1, w. e INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e. BONDS F~-·-has been appo'~ed SANTANA-22 01) -111 S®Jrr11 .... .......,.,..,. ...... Ca11e, Tom Lewec:k, SMYC; ('11 Fancv, • W1lll1m Martin, SMYC; (3) Novl1clt1, ·A state librarian, replacing· Mrs. Mrtin atn11er, SMYC. TORNADO (U! -(11 P1tlllc: fox, Carma Leigh of Sacramento, Rov s1amant.M'l'C1 \2> so11 wind. sk111 s Hawley, MTC; (J Climax, Grev who resigned. T b·e an-l)::'ir.;i',l~~v~y~~> Full Tiii BooDll, • 474 E. 17TH STREET nouncement . by Actm· g Gov. P<AT 14( -Ill Turtle, 3ob Biiker, COSTA MESA CBYC1 (2) Banshee, Ken eartlelt, •A Ed Re. k ABVC; Ill Wll!1ker, Ned Merritt, a FECD 5 mec e said _Mr~, ~~~~'. C•> Miu crir11, W1rr~ Mmu, INSUAANC& 642-6500 -546-320 Crockett, a Republican, Would. _.!:_'-CA~T~• _cc~"'._I :-:_"."'._I :"~"~"".'':_1• ~<~""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~~~~ receive a salary of $24,200. r \ Wind Whips Summer Ra~e r Thorne, BYC; Hinshaw, LIYC; Toepel, BYC. (4) (5) Ted Fred MONTGOMERY-12 (5)-(1) Jerry Anns\rong, VYC, GHOST-13 (11)-(1) Don Ball, PVSA; (2) Mark Rhodes, SFVSC; (3) Brian Larsen, PVYC. Outside Classes !OR (6)-(1) Primera, Phil Modgan, · NHYC; (2) Sirocco, Tom Grettenberg, BYC; (3) De Core, Cal Preston. NHYC. PHRF (13)-De COre: Cal Preston, NHYC; (2) Queen Anne, Dean Durgan, BCYC; (3) Litue Bird, Robert Budd, BCYC. • SOLING Jack Dallahite, SSSC; (2) Fred Mitler, SSSC. RHODES-33 (7)-(1) Mislres!I, Bill Taylor, BYC. EXCALIBUR (8)-(1) Bob Alcumbrac, NHYC; (2) Ftint Smith, BYC. LUDERS-16 (7)-(1) Ben Hromadka, LYC; (2) Keith Dinsmoor, BYC; (3) Bill Long, NHYC_ ' SHIELDS (10)-(1) Bob Searles, BYC; (2) Larry Baum, BYC; (3) Robert Koll, VYC. ENDEAVOR (7)-(1) Roger Meisinger, NHYC. RHODES-19 (8)-(1) Roy Wiegand, ' SSSC; (2) S~e Fuller, SSSC. 1=== MARINE HOLDING TANKS NEW SYSTMI Oil USI I JUnlH• MIAO THI HOLDING COMPANY 12'·-""'· lcL .... u t . .. " I. °\ . , 1\ •• -. Night Racing 7:45 Mon.-S.t, Now Thru Sept. 6. Of all tracl<s in catifomia lost year, Loi -had tho hlghoot"""' -of wiMing taYOrit8s. The percentage of favorites In the money topped them· al, too: A whopping 71%1 so. "°""'out and ......, tho nightimo of your tife witll· tho chart...-nart set For _,.. r-.vations: Catt (213) 431-1361 or (7t4f527:2Zlt. 3 Exadas I TUlf'Almlce Dli*1g 34 ' ' ., • .. Coast Area Vital Statisti~s Births WANT TO UP ON YOUR CWll OUT? FOR FAST! FAST! PILOT IAID OEp:J. D I A L D .I R E c T 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 Mondo)', July 24. 1972 DAILY PILOT DARYPROT CLASSIFIED • , __ l~I _ ...... • a. .. , .. WANT TO LIVE •••• • , , . comfortably -where the work is done for you ... or, where you can just turn the key & take Ute trip you've wanted to make. Here are 3 excellent values: * THE BLUFFS -A must see -for the economy minded. 4 Bdrms., 2 ba., $39,950. * JUST LISTED -Choice 4 bdrm., 3 ba., with 2200 sq . ft. of living space. $48,500. * SPECTACULAR VIEW -of the' entire Newport Harbor. 2 BR., 2 ba. Your own gar· age space plus ample parking for guests. Pier & slip avail. $64 ,900. Conven1ent parklng -~asy to be a ''DROP-IN" at Bay Ii Beach Realty !% ** ** ** TA¥LOR CO. $1 ,350. DOWN* General 10 UNlfS EASl$1DE * TRIPLEt * l'l'tme ...a»ll'ont; -s.IlR. 2 Ba.: ... unit 'BR, 116 Ba. $160.000 • SUbmlL Cal], m.J663 ~ Ewl. * OCEANFRONT * Home. 4 BdnN.. 2 bat.hi. wtlh 40 tt. b'ontap. 11* older home hu ~. lJvlnC rm .• frplc.; dlnlnc rm.. a- tra lge. kttch. Dbl. prap plus extra partdJc. Bnt area. nr. NewpOl"t Ktrbot Yacht Oub. Euy to aber# • 1100.000. NEWPORT ISLAND Charmin( Provlnclal home on M lot. 2 Bdrml., frplc •• patio. In xlnt cond. VacJnt quick poueuion. $49,SOO. Call ' 673-3663 &ii-= .Ewa. associated 8R:()Kfk S >tffl.T w": i .1:', W [>,I•-~ '1 Ct, SUIURllA PARK 4 I.I.+, POOL $46.tOO If yoll're parUcular about and want a beautitul swlm· ming pool ~·1 )'OW' next home! Feature• tam l l Y. room, fonnal dininl roam. 211 baths, and a l&x3S pool with j a c u z z1. Great neighborhood for f&mWet. and_ children. ~ _dole toL-_ elementary ICbool. park. tennis courts and linch. For additional lnformalion~ pleue pllOllO ·~ .... ' " 0 . ··1' J .., I,, ',' SHORECUFFS Local professional hu IPfllt thousands of dollars to create what we fed ls one ot the roost outstandln& homes in our &rea; from the mauJve brick entry to the secluded rear yard, you'll fall In live with tt. See tt. even U you don't bu7; tt? $89,000 lncludlne land. CORBIN- •AITIN lllAL TOlll '"-7"2 GcNt. reposseuion. You mould 1ee the "sparkle" or tbla d•lllhtllll re!urblshed l>o!n<, 3 BR, 1% BA, .... carpets, new kit • ha fJoml. tng and other goodies. Large enc. rear yd, Great starter borne. •plus costs &: im· ]>O\IJldl approx $600. Hurry on thll one, lndlvlilllal -.. 1lO'lllOO' lot, Xlnt tax I &helter and terms, w:lth good leven.re· . Fully rented, with a oauil-A truly 1lne bome 1Ull ot tent income of $1660. a mo. nww· ictft features. Spot-sil 58 • ,...., ••. Hu Wp .... •I ' • · yd inc. block wall fence and patio alab. Rumpu1 rtn. i• Cll1 -(()pon eves.) zr x 24'. all ahas cupeted. Lrg bland kltch brlaht and cheery. Bednna are crptd Palrvlew tool Price $.14.950. OlllY ll,1IXI. down. Call tadoy. Newport .. SUPER HOUSE, IT ISi SUpe:r condJtion and super pric<. 3-Large bedrooms, 2 baths, heavy shake roor, family room, overalzed llv- ln& room and double garage. Bfautlful location ln North Calta Mesa dole to all acbools and 1hopplna~ Priced only ~.9!0. CALL tor ftD'the.r det4ils. 546-5880. .. ,~11 · ll (mytlme) -=-..-==-- - ASSUMAl.LE "!/A An)'one can auume thll high balance VA loan.·No qualify· Ing and "" loaJ> .points. ·Sparklin& 3 bedroom home 1eatures all buHUn garden i • kltchen, a large bonus room ~ and enclosed patio. Askins I :::::··=~=====~11 $33,500. For detaill -I! / Call 540-llSl (Open Eves.) WANT GOoO YALU& U '°• See this home in tho Back Bay. Good floor plan with Large B/! Gu Kit· • HERITAGE . REALTORS chen wtth Dllhwuhet. 3 ~!!!!!!!"!!!l!!!!!!!'!!"B!'!""' -· 1i< eat ... 1.1v1ng 1ayfront Condo with Brlclt Frieplace. Dou· 3 Br, 2 ea, pool, pier .t slio. ble Garqe. Shale• Roof. Dell&l>tlUl $'19 ooo ~000.U.~438.-, EY<n-EMERALD IA Y COLlJ.Jf:LL f'RtlPl RTll .., tNI RE AL T(li?..., Immaculate 3 Br + tam rm. Octan atde ot hwy, View, llmt ... I $149,000 Ted Hubert & Aa-. !m Via Lido ~ 531·5111 ( =J 131-5111 =-=-- NEW umNCi- BAYCREST \Vllh Individuality -Thil 4. bedroom•bome la at tbe ODCI or a cul..._c 'iritb a garden to ,tun ~ pine ..._ you can 11mtll the moan .. tain1! Th11 all·wood home ls nestled behind a fence for complete privacy. Ottmd at $78,500. PETE BARRETT -REALTOR- 642-5200 SERIOUS SEWR * CADIUM YELLOW * $27 ''~ Indian red Zinnia• Cleoorate with realiatic price for todaya market. Offen 3 quetn-1lzed bedrooma and 2 baths .. sparkling clean aid ready. Assume VA *n with total payments ot $118 per month. Large comer lot with tralla gale. Full price la l26,950. &lbmlt ~ --tto Assume 1514 % LNn kitchen tn 3 BR, warm Paymenll lea Utan rent. The waJnut den. Mucb love here. reu yard bu beautiful trult $391500. -•· -patio,. and REAL ESTATE !"""" I -. BBQ area. 3 )le<lroom.I, den,' TREASURES Real-0pee Ews. iii 1115 built-in ra.nae, oven. 1831 Weatclif'f,! N.B. &f5.6170 dllhwuhtr., naturat brick TRIPLIX llftplaC<, "° down terma. * "DOLL HOUSE" * Bri<, 541)-1)20 i i!R. + den, llke """'I Stepa -~ • O- to beach; pools, tennis ' : :.;, ~ .,:i: TARBELL c!ubhou,.. 133,900, Bb -•·~·-J Ba., I CAYWOOD REALTY · --•w.., --· Coota )I-* 541-12'0 * ll"plc'1, blO>l,y -I ill~ -cpU .. drpo. Otber 2 u -TIME IOMI t1ellch11111. i er .... AD -~-103 LINDA ISLE DR. N.B. per plumb., <nd. Pl'a. with a lbort ,.~. ol $17,900. 3 81\, 211 BA. 66' lot.$' boat polios, low malnL IMW411 Tab a look at Ob beau1y. allp. 1149,SGO. f -~~ a ~~ Low price alto lnduclel 2Ql llAYSllOR£S DR. N.B. "'max. -~·v __, wul)tt A dcytr. V4 llO t BR, 3 BA, $' lot. 1141,IOO. wltl1 """""'t !fol> p1ll ....,. and llflO _,, K.L. Hartman R.E. lml. counyord. A ddlcht '° behold. Soutl1 Out RAIO! with total paym ... ol -646-26111 Eltata, !Iii 842«. ( 0 p •• ~ Wb¥ -T Cll1 -* NEW LISTING * Em.l. tar'-tiolL PRIME BALBOA LOi:. =::::.:... ____ _ 4 ~.-Walk '"" e !03 LlJ>da Isle O. .. N.B. ) -....... .......... ()pm iML · BY Tiii BEACH _.. I BR, 2 BA. N.B. $14.l!llO. Cll1 961-$ 52 l , r.31-!KI. C &W '-•• apts. to ""'' BR. 211 8A, 66' lot, $' 1loot tiny, 0<.-ean A pler. 1 "• -$62 500 1 Jp uw,-. BALBOA BAY PROP. e 2430 -Dr .. N.B. C * ,..7_ BR, l BA, 511' lot - ........ 1 * KENNE'rH L. HAl\'l'IUll. M--l-"IA'-VE_R_O_l_4--'PLEX R. E. ~ ~ StD ... •lldlaop ...... ~'*-c.:.:.._26111=-· ----- uoflll, Oran&• Soll Ibo aid -. "' .. FORnK n,1.1 • ::,rm nt.w •tidf. -"-=----'"-- ' I I • i Everyone Hes Somethin g lhet Someone Elie Wanta DAILY · PILOT eLASSIFIED ADS You Con Sefl It, Find It, Trede It With a Want Ad ·The Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results I-· .. l~I -· .. General Gener•I - 4 lJM()(Jf tOtf NEW LISTINGI Beautilul Listing! 4 bed- rooms with 3 car garage. Beams, shag car-l"'ts, sµnny & bright lhroughout. Located ad· 3acent lo 2\fl acre park in the harbor area's most desired community. · · PHONI. UNl9VI HOMU, MISA YIRDI, !M6·1ttl I • , UPlllllVUI: tl()Ml:S 1 Ofll~OF ™E REAL ESTATE MARKET WITH THE NICIST PEOfo'LE SELLING THE NEATEST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR, 676-l5000 • MESA VEADE 54UltO • NEW'.'<JAT BEACH, 845-8500 • CALL u$ -·------- Macnab -Irvine LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 BR, <1% Bath, FR, Fonnal DR. Mqnillcent 1 move-in condlUon. Nt>wly carpeted and decorated. Sparkline pool amidst profeuionally landscaped Gardens. Call for appt. 642-82.15. $109,750. BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT TERRACE Get your suntan In this beautiful terrace by the bay. 3 BR, 2 Bath!, Pool, Boat slips avai l able" fireplace. $84,500. Frank Peralta 642-8235. TOWNHOUSE Newport Beach -5 Min. from ocean & bay. Faces pool and greenbelt. 3 BR's, 2~ baths, dbl gatllJ!:e. $32,500. Gener1t HEYll SWIMMERS HERE'S THE POOL FOR YOU Cameo Highlands. Architect de signed-New carpets & drapes. 4 Bedrooms,. convertible den, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings and 2 used brick fireplace!, family room, built-in kitch· en & B-B-Q, PLUS MANY EXTRAS. Enter· lain around your own POOL ...... $76,500. WHO LOVES A VIEW??.? -far- G1n1r•t COLWELL PROPERTtfS. IN C RE ALTOR S IMMACULATE BAYCREST 3 BEDROOM- $59,000 FC!Uot•ln van111 PRIME l;G;o;ne;r;•;l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Go;n;•;;••;I;;;;;;,;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; BU 1 l DI NG S IT E On quiet cuJ-de-sae street of WE All DO Just remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath, dining room (or family room), fireplace , cheerful buillin kitchen with inviting SUNDECK for your entert.aining p1easure, overlooking the canyon & view of the ocean. One-of-a-kind in Super clean 3 bedroom, 2~ bath home which has just become 'kvailable. Double fireplace, kitchen eating area & in-house laundry facilities. To see and preciate call 646-71n. ' of the home features its own Roman step down tub. The other 3 bedrms are on the oCnJa J6/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ·-n1iiil8f1f0briv1 Beautiful new 5 BR., 4~ Ba. home. Water- front living rm. & formal dining. Handsome oak paneled tam. rm., frplc., wet bar. Large master suite bas frplc. & cozy lounge area. View of Bay & the mountains. '179,500. For Complof• lnform•llon Oii All Hom11 & Lots, PIH,. Call : BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 B•yaW. Dr,, Suite I, N.8. 675-6161 CHnorol G,eMr•I TIME BOMB beautltul homes. 2 1 3 5 Bona.ire Way. J ack Howell, ~ Macnab -Irvine ' Realty Compony 642-8235 ~200 CAPE COD OPEN DAILY 383 Santa Isabel good Eastside loe, lrg tam rm, tonnal din, 3 1rg BR 2 ba up, 1 BR 1 Ba down. Perfect in·law boti.se. CAMEO HIGHLANDS ............ $69,500. LIVE IN THE LAP OF LUXURY ON LIDO ISLE .•• in Ibis beautiful 2 story 4-hedroom, 3 balh home with many extras and builtins. Carpets and drapes, fireplaces, huiltin kitchen. On extra .wide Jot, so you can store your boat or trailer ........................... $79 ,500 CHARM, COMFORT, VALUE TRIPLEX, CdM ONE-OF-A-KIND; 2-2 Bedroom, 1-1 Bedroom. Clear. Owner may carry. Close to shopping This will go In a hurry .............. $71,500: "SO RARE" DUPLEX SOUTH OF HIGHWAY, CdM ~ AHOASSOclATtS REALTORS 644·7270 \o 'THEREAL ~ ESTATERS • ~I,' , .... BAYFRONT VACANT 2 Bdrm. condo, close to the beach. Walk to shopping. $21,500. Frplc., all bit-in ap. pliances incl. dishwasher. Patio. Carpets & drapes. 2 ear garage. $1100 Down. Pymts: less than rent POOL TABLE Will flt with room t.o !J>8.l't in 15' )( 30' den. 3 Bedrm 2 bath, fireplace, bltins. Xlnt in & ouJ, $32,950 • Roy McCardle RHltor sa.mt 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. OWNER d6perate m u st leave home, 4 Bdrm + Family rm. Many >.1ra features such as a complete separate laundry r o o m , family room + a rumpus game room, paas thru breakfast bar, dlnlng rm., 1-0) THE REAL \'."'\.( ESTATERS , . '· . ' built-ins, Brk, $ 3 3 , 5 O O , -'=''='"""~~"'-===-I ~91. LOOKING FOR Gardon Grove A TRADE TRIPLEX _;.,,IF~Y,.,.,O;_:.U;;.;..;;..,,..,..--Owner has large custom 4 Three 2 BR. units in 111< .. new ARE A bedroom. family room . condition. Upper unit has a. YmRAN: large covered patio aitting lovely view. Exiating high And looking fDr a bargain, on 3.14 AC RD S of VA loan at 7% can be as-here it 1&. Tbe owner will GORGEOUS VIEW awned with Jess than ~ pay part of your closing overlooking the mountains dn. Asking $49,950. costs on thia tour bedroom, and desert and at1ll co~ CALL ~. '''·1414 2 bath home just to make a veniently near major ahop-\:1, I ping mall. Will trade for A ~ aat ..ie. This would make w .. .-.... the TOTAL COST TO YOU smaller HU#Jllton Beach KE AL TY about $500. Total sale price home. TERMS TO SUIT, Nt•r Ntwport P•1t orfltt ONLY $25,750. CAU. NO\V. BUT HURRY! SAVE TIME 0 WAllilf1 /\ lff OPEN EVES 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. I' 1ll,1ge Re;il Est.ite ,,2-4471':::.154'"8103 Cook, watch the kids & talk to Dad. 3 BR., 2 ha., tamll,y rm. $29,500. FllA/V A. REALTORS 842-4455 REALTORS 842-4455 Huntli19fon h•ch BmER THAN :::.1,1111;/';lfl · HERITAGE REALTO RS tAPISTRANO COUNTRY ESTATE . Nearly new, secluded ranch home; 5 BR., 50' pool, cust. arch. design. Acreage, many trees, norses O.K. Great family living. •165,000. George Grupe OPEN DAILY 2-5 **2106 E. BALBOA BLVD. Estate size bayfront lot. 73' Frontage. Marcia Bents 305 LINDO AVE. 5 Bedroom Peninsula home. Bill Benls BEDROOM TALK If 2 bdrms. fill your needs-this ls ii! Very nice University Pk. townhouse. Well locat- ed, priced to sell , $29,900. "Chuck" Lewis GREAT VIEW-THREE ARCH BAY Charming 2 BR.. DR, patio, BBQ, new kit- chen. Lo w--maint., sprinklers, hardwood Doors •.• and more ... $64,500. Bob Yorke DOVER SHORES-BEST VIEW sr,aclous 5 BR., F .R. home, with good floor pan. Fantaslic view from L.R.. kit., DR & mstr. BR. Lge. rear yard & pool. $125,000. Charlene Whyte UPPER BAY VIEW C lassification 150-184 1.__'""'"'_;.1 __JI~ Classification 200-260 I Gen1r1I Buccola • Built G.I. APPRAISAL· $39. 900 $42,500 Be sure to see all of this Cooperative seller h a 11 charming provincial style agreed to sell this spacious home in immaculate con-2,000 sq. ft. home at the dJtlon . throughout. Features government appraisal. 4 3 spac1ou1 bedrooms, famlly huge bedrooms, 2 luxurious room \\'ith used b r l c JC baths. beautiful atrium oU fireplace, country kitchen, master bedroo1n, J a r g e . . .. $28,300 4 Badrm, + 3 Baths Beautiful farruJy home, entry hall opens to spacious iivi:r.g room, dining room, naturaJ wood cablnets, park Uk" yard. Bric. 540-1720 TARBELL 295.5 Harbor, Costa Mesn fonn&!-dining room, workshop und sewing area. Balboa Island beautiful garden and yard, 3 Located on quiet cul-de-sac -----·--- car garage and many street 5 minutes from the XLN'T LOCATION custom features. Very close beach. Classic ls1and. home, 3 Br + to the beach, school! and bunk house. Distinctive ex- shopping. For appointment ter. Many unique features. and additional info, please Quality construction. Patio, phone 54&-2313. Realtors 646-Till Sundk, lrg 2 car gar. 1st O THE REAL '"'\.. ESTATERS 2043 Westclif( Drive Public offering of thi!I Open till 9 P1f home. By Owner _ $72,500. 673-8241. ·. ' I _,,"..,, JlieJ VIEW OF LIGHTS! NEW bayfront home. Pier & income. Open Sat/Sun/Wed l-5 Classification 300°3i'.i5 A sweeping 180 degree view 337 E. Bayfront, Little Tsland WINTON, ReaJtor 675-3331 --GEMMi-- 1610 W. Coast Hwy., N.B • REALTORS 642-4623 BY Owner. Custom home, just J'lfdecorated. 3 Br., 2 ba., !am rm., frplc., all elect. Extra lrg. rooms. Near schools. Days 646-7741, eves & wknds 646-4568. MESA Verde "T" Plan w/POOL. 3 Br, 2 Ba cul-de-sac. 1 blk lib & Mesa Verde elem. schl., $37,900. 1657 Palau PL By Owner ~1. MESA VERDE Large 3 bdrni, 2 bath, den, din nn/tam rm surrounding a Caill. patio. Deluxe crpts & tile. Move-in cond. 3260 Michigan. Owner 549-2688. BEST Ccllege Park area. S Br., 2 Ba., encl. patio, block wall, near achools, $28, 7&1. on speei,al terms. Principles only. Call 833-1103, 642-2312. TRANSFERRED -Must Sell 4 br, 2 ba. $33,350. 32'!0 Mlclrlgan. 540-9347 ·Owner Wa--NEW! ••• • 5 Bedroom beauty -upgraded Action! completely. New plu1h v VANT carpetillg th r 0 u' b 0 u t. ~ Professionally landscaped. For only $29,500 you can en- joy living in a 4 bedroo1n, 2 bath double car garage home with a heavy ceflar ahake root. It's close to the new H.B. Parle: with au the little lakes. Call 842·25.15. \-01 THE REAL \'"'\..:' ESTATERS ' r P ~/ Perfect down to the las' detail. tnc ludlnr an assumable VA 5% Joan, $35.750 and we'll even otter AU. terms. Hurry! Call 847~0. ,-o· THf: REAL \'"'\. ESTATI:RS " NEAR THE BEACH: YOU SA VE BECAUSE IT'S DIRTY .••• Thia fine 3 BR, 2 BA, home needs cleaning & painting. Includes bit-ins, And what a home! ' FIA heat, king size master bedrooms. 2 baths, built-Ins, bdrm's. Located on shady carpets A drapes cul-de-sac strttt. Close to throughout. lot! of room for schools A ahoppt,lg. Below the children in the fenced market at $27,000. All back yard and an euy walk terms. Call S E y M o u R to the beach. Full price REALTY, 847-tm 0 r $29,500. We will take • 541)..4712. smaller home in trade. LUXURY HOME -;,...;WAll\IH ~ 11! I 'ft] from your lovely covered Ap#tmtnts forllfll'lt la patio and barbeque center T highlight this charming 3 lassification 360·370 bedroom, 2 bath home. Rustic fireplaCE', builtins, dishwasher and dining room complete this great but at only $28,500. HURRY!! Sal11 Opportunity Well setablished real estate oUiee (16 years) needs sales people. Private, desk and phone. Top commissions. Floor time. Good leads. Call for interview. 1860 Newport Blvd., C.M. Ofc. &16-3928 Eves. 673--\.577 Balboa Penfnsula -BY OWNER..21n Rural PL OWNER leaving for Idaho, 3 BR, 1 BA. $26,500 Low quick sale needed! Stucco down. 714:524-2511. duplex, stressed garage. Nr. _F_O_R_"'1_e_/re.....;.nt=by-'-owner--. 'l'bi8 ~xecutive home has 4 REALTORS 842-4455 ·gpacioua bdrm&, blg family ,-;-=c;-==~~,_;:: I rm. Immaculate! This n;. 1/:t MILE FROM BEACH level features Parquet entry Clamming, surfing, l!lwim· hardwood floors, Ige patio: ming! 2 BR and den. water aoftener + other nice Massive custom patio. 28' to have xtra.i. Prtned to seU Gourmet kitchen. Sh 11 '---R"'-"-b _ _J 1..s1 Cl•ssification 400-465 I ---I~ Classification 500.510 .___,..,..'_""' __Jli] Classification 525.530 Lott""'r-j[g) Classification 5SQ.fi55 COATS & . WALLACE REALTORS -546-4141- (0pon Enn;ngs) VACANT Lachenmyer. Realtor SEE CATALINA 4 BEDROOM & NEW! beach. $45,500 Agt 675-0144. $23.500/$200 mo. 3 BR, l Corona del Mar BA. Avail now. 540-5318. LOVELY LUSK HOMES We have two popular tour bedroom models just offered for sale. One is a beautifully BY Owner Mesa del Mar 4 at only $41,950 Call & see thruout & tots ot custom BR, 2 BA, shag, drps &: ex-962-7637. ' ' built-ins. Oean, cozy and tru. 546-'11l6. OWNER mu.<t oell S!>eru.h only 211 yean Y<>l1lll-* CAU. 54&-Tl'39 * deirJgn. No down, tenn8 $2S,!KJO. Dy owner. 536-3645.-~ " 4 BR repoo. (l-w3/car avallab!• or -over ex-REPOSSESSIONS gar). Wllls &alty. •---ist:lrw FHA J01UJ w i t h For infonnatlon and location ~~~! ~!"!! :. i:::':m~ :!;.; :,,~~ ~ Ii VA bomei, ! BR~l\1$~nd~. XIII! ::.ci,.1:;"".!:~Pi:,.~0;,! KASABIAN • cond. Prine. only. Call .,. home, Brl<. $28,500. Rtal Estate 962-6644 Charming, customized Ivan Wells ; 3 BR., could easily be 4. Oversize family room w / parquet floors. Two story entry & living room. Immaculate. Eileen Hudson LINDA ISLE Elegant-but economical. 4 BR., hayfront, designed for happy living. It's a beauty for only $139,000. Call to see it today. Jim Mul- •I Wlru<tl~n I~ / Classification 575-580 No down CI Loan available. 5 Bedrooms and family room. carpets & dr1tpes thruotlt plus many extras. Owner anxious, must sell immediately. $34,000. NO DOWN GI. Custom built 4 bedroom, ~% landscaped Montecito, with bath huge family room an outstanding tropical or home with formal dining, Oriental theme. The other 15 huge lot with ample room a brand new Sandpiper, in 8 for pool, camper or boat great location high on a hill, storage. Great view of \vherc you, the new owner, Catalina a~ water. area can do all the things you from upstall'S. Built In want just your own way. stereo, sell cleaning oven, -Call 675-7'225 a,nd all the finest finish ing • owner 1142-2657 tor appt. P-256!-Stratford Home El Toro CHAMPAGNE TASTE FOR 4 bedroom, 2 bath quaUty 3 BR., 2 BA., cpta, drps, I.. BEEi\ :~ET. • • .3 BR. built home In Fountain VaJ- patlo, lgt'. pool-size lot 2 BA. rtar lMng room ley, Submit now while terrna enclosed by block waU, 1 with fireplace, w a.In u t and interest rates are low close to xlnt 1 e boo I a , panelllng I: CUBtom built bar only $33,500 AU. t call ler WALK TO BEACH 1-•ndR-l~ Classification 600-699 Call 540-1151 (Open Eves.) touches a custom built homl" has. Buyer has choice of color ot carpeting also. All this tor $59,000. To see, CALL 646-7l7l. ·c ·a L UJ E L l : PROPERTIES. INCi REALTORS markets, new m at I , 1or the 1amlly who enjoys 847-6010 Now' ermt, Reuonabte. 8 31-l 7 5 3 , living. $30,!IOO. • • .AU · ' Corona del Mar, So. Hwy. R-2, ready to I [fl] build unit. Sharp, redecorated 4 BR., 2 Ba. £,,.,._. I J f I .,..,.. ... ..., ... ...,..,...., Sunny yellow kitchen. Covered patio. Move-t LARGE YARD FOR- -•. ~. · HERITAGE REALTORS -o THEREAL \'"'\.. E~'.fATt;~S 49WU6 alt 5:30 & wk-ends. Tmna. CalJ SEYMOUR REALTY, 847-12'll or -.i. * DELUXE + Cu!ltom bit. duplex-. SO. of, Fount•ln V•llty \-Q)THE REAL I'.'\:'. ESTATERS ·' ' Hwy. on extra-wide lot. 3 , BR & 2 ba., & a delux• 2 OWNER mOJt .. u tbl1 -·· OWNER leaving.-b'aMf"" GOV'T OWNED In condition. $59,950. Trlona Bergin Clonilicat;o• 700-71 O LITTLE PEOPLE BEAUTIFUL BIG CANYON r,-----,1~ l Pleasant Patio and many DEN FOR DAD Golf course, open space, complt. sec.; ele-Mtn:hMdise .V Fruit Trees adorn thla Plus tamlly room, fonnal gant 4 BR., formal DR.. fam. rm., 2 frplcs. . Gr<at Yard tor your dining, • BR. 3 BA. Room Call for details. Paul Quick Classification 800-836 Children. 3 Bedroom1, 2 for boat/trailer. Walk t.o I I~ Baths with Brick Flrrplace beach. $45.500. FIRST TIME OFFERED ht.I and s.w;,, ~ . In thO Living Room. F.A. GINNY MORRISON ln EXCLUSIVE BROADMOOR. A family · · ~ Heat. l)rigbt Bil Kitchen. * REALTORS-- home w/4 BR., formal din. rm. & fam. rm . Clessificetion 850-858 Cloee tO Shopping & eA!r'' •** *** -1505 Mesa Ideal CORONA DEL MAR Joe. Community j -" J~ ~~"· $27.000. .l'.M •Verde Dr. Ea•~ pool, too. Call Bud Austin lil&rlne£qo;pmoi~ •if .. ,7.~ ' Evenlnp, •'M!'~* Costa Mesa I. . 1':, ~ -· ••••• 557-4130 ~ Clauilicat;oo 900-912 TIME FOR '3U7'0 ~-.... [ T-&tlon Jlr11I QUICK CASH 644-WO ......... . c1 • .,;11cation 915.949 THROUGH A 5SON!W""'RTClENTIRDR NB 11 --Mo 1/i;,) ~-~u!:'C.ut..~ D:~r,.:gT ~ ., · · I · 1 "'buckl". Call o. 1s11ied !l!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!•••!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Classification 950-990 m.ant 642°5678 _.;..;...;.;.__~~~-·-~-~~~~- • • Br. Storage cellar; prlv. 4 Bdrm + PoOl elegant ala.te red, f bedrooms, family • patio. 2 Laundry areas. Ex-entJ)' hall opens to central room, den. dtntng room, ~S&Cd homes. Lqw tra bath in lge, 3 Car floor Plan. 4 ~nu:. buat ~ muter bedroom, rtar .,., .. ,., Govmunent pays garage. Good financing. family nn., 'bullt: .. tn range, living room, c Ir cu 1 a r clolina co1ta. Call 96S-CH1. MORGAN REAL TY .....,, dbhwuber, enclOted drl.._. No """"-T..,., * Crest Realty 67~2 67M45' patio. Assume s" % 1oan. !!'"u•73b1e. , Brl<.,' 12, so o . OWNER.:--''-I -*-BARGAINI * BRK. l24.900. -· -TRANSFERRED This may bo Ule buy >OU'tt e SAVE-BY OWNER, most OWNER -•lftd, 4 bdnn 3 llednn, l" bath, bc>ot er looking tor In a dtG>le:t! One popular . mode I prot ' + family nn., surrounded camper gate near btacb l 2-BR. " l ·l Br. North or lncllCJ)d, decorator hit, 4 11 by· be<wtllul trees, • ochool. · 5% oown. Only Hwy. Remodeled bath It BR, 21! Ba, water oo(tener, bedrooint. ~ matter 124.500. Celi 962-Tl71. kltch. OU<red for $47.lOO. shag t. dros-OVE11SJZED bedroom. blturol b r I ck RED CAJU'ET llEW.TORS Hun:y on this onel LOT. ~.900 11619 Lo & llireplace, family""""· din-2" 3 BEDROOM V MORGAN REAL TY 1-St. llll-l.197 an s. ilW ""-• built-In ""'°' nr poo1, Red -"""~ 67U642 67M459 ...._ dill••-· B r k' dn.-mow ln.l!COtattd. ISGO. OPEN HOUSE TIB1JRON TOWNHOUSE $36,000. -· J AClCSQN R~ 2516 ~de Ottve RESALES. larwln Mlty, lnc. BY °"'*'• Spadous new 3 FOR Salt by Owner rat Fernleaf) New~~•-2 '""-BR. 2 BA. H"'-• din, tam, bonus...,. • •--' 'llll. BR. 2 Bath· ... unlt.c~t -(JI In.) l'*1>d-S!t.llOO. 962-280C oq. It. ioo,ooO: = - BAY VIEW! Sal I< Sun 14 llal1Y Piiot W&lll Ml baw H0USF. llunUJWT Walth tho! 06lly Piiot Wont Ad& - Agt. 518-2121. baJlllm plan, OPEN HOllSE oolwM. barp.lns aalort. • In U 21! Co ye ""' Joi< rent •ti • M~y • .hJly 14, 1972 £.~LY PILOT I-.... I~ I -.... l~I -· .. l~I .............. ...... Lido 1111 ~:::::~~~--11~1·~ .. ~·~ .... ~~P~·;··~·~,.,,~~~::·~"; Mo111y .. LNn I ,. l::-=::"."""'"'-=:u::--~*-1Hou:.:::::"::':..::U::n"':::;.:m.:::__:.JOS::: Apt, u•m. *CUSTOM HOME Now 11 ,till tlmo • • • 'BR. VICTORIAN OWNER LIQUIDAJESI 1 I JD l 1,c_..,.... __ • __ • _Mli_• __ •1Nowport BNch General 481ocbln!m ocean.• small To lilt )'OW' property. We Yoo muat ... lhla cuatom1so • g Comm'! Units· Groa S oans ** DUPLEX BRAN1>1--------- BR. 2 BA. lllalce root lo .,. have qll&lllltd eu1tomtt1 ed muterple<o. 3,.... old, 3 ITIO per mo. TuOI 1101'. NEW. H11Ce dJx ownor'1 THE BLUFFS ed brick trptc .. all blllnl. In wai ting. bib to Harbor Hl1h . U!U ISO/mo. A*1ol $12,500. 8%% INTEREST un!L 3 BR., 3 BA.. ONE STORY -kltch. LI DO REAL TY Owne.-A&t ollera ..,,,.. " ... Old Newport Blvd., NB 2 d TD L :nr.~--blttns. 1800 ft. Rolion1 I. Co.-"2-.1511 3l77 Via Udo, !<.B. lmmed. piu. $0,500 . e 17 Unit-2 bib trom BlJ n oans + 3"d:d;,. w/>Mw 01"t.,., Llke.new3 BR.,2ba'a.; priv. VILLA MAR511LLIS SPACIOUS 1 II 2 BEDROOM l#f. Fuml1hocl & Unlumillhed MUST Sell • T.O.P. on GI --:--'*"-.,.,0:.67:..:).:..:70:.300=-~-ii-iii~ii5ii2iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Corona. Gross l7100 per mo. t.owoat nt .. -·-0.. ..... 6 bin.. Walk lo bch patlop ' Mov .. ln "'ady· $3'15 &, A1J ~ lael. Tuel $3SJO pe1' ' v• .. '5. I er monUJ -· l9ilO down. N-work. Mno Vordo '-"•· ·-ooo "WE BUY TD'S" A aboi>lltnr· 1 YI' IJ<, $3115. ' Adult LM111 Dishwasher color coordinated appll-• Plush shag carpel • mirrored wardrOlle door• Indirect lighting !n tltchen • liredfllt lllr • huge private fenced paUo • pllllll I~ Ing -brick J!ar.be-Ques • larie hell.ii ~ 'a1!..":irn~11~ ~~: •BR, Jg 12'124 game room, I --li1ll'j 1~ut::'Uon,' CdM Sottlor Mt9. Co. Rcla....,ulml.&TS$00, &:~t ·~~!.1\~f!.t' Brookhunt It Atlanta, Ill ba, bltn klL, cii>ts. drpa, ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:;;;:i• 10 Units (5 baes It 5 &J>ts) '42·2171 seMll Cotto Mlisa water softener Incl. ""',700 Ela.Ide, C.M. Gron $1050 Serving Harbor area 21 yn. GREENBROOK RESAL£<; ,... T $1400 H 1arwin reeJ l 551-9194: Mobile Homta per mo, a.ic-es • aes WE make Joans oa proputy, • NEEDS Love! 2 Br., fi¥:d : -iy, ,~· hrl.) Newport B11ch For S.lo 125 ~":ienAsA':'. f:88M.SOO. Alao buy TD'L McClure, ri'.S: encl gar. Kida/pets. • '.' rea ty I rvl... HARBOR VIEW "-t M bll·~-Ex • 2 Duplex ea -lirst blk ft'om BIO'. '9U332 or '9U<U. ALA Ront•I• e 645-3900 2'14 v;~a Del Oro & !anal Air contllUonlnJ(. 3101 So. lrl1hll s1. s...11 ~ 117.ftGO COLDWELL, BANKER A CO. o..u:u empo 0 g.,,ue po an Gross $600 CASH FOR TO'S Nl'\\'port Beach MANAGING AGINT HOMES * Grand Oponl111 * : .;..IL on ,..iJ"',.:: Private Party, 6'42949 e HEAR Thill 3 Br .• I Bs. 644·U33 ANYTIME llllCOMPARABLE Tb!. beautilul !aur bedroom See Orange County'a neweat 185 000 per dupla ~l/drps. Wahr/dry Incl. e VACATION Yr. Roond. 2 Apts. Furn. 360 Ap!L Fum. - VALUE !wo story bom• ~a...,.,. •n llmllahed model mobU• ll & 116 '5th si., N.B. Mortg-1, A-LA· R I e ,., _ Br., at bef ch. Kids ok. Yr· :.;:;.;;.;..;..;;~--:----I Jn Univtnity Park. 3 Bdrm'a. Palermo model that bu home diJplay, Open da.Uy, 9 • 11 Unita. (8) 1 BR.. (3) 2 Trust Deeds 260 enf1 • ~TIN ly. $150. , Balboa Island Newport 8Mdl 2'ifi batba. family room. bttn decorated by the am-dusk. Take San ~go Br. Zoned for 14 wUU:. Gross $40,000 _ 2nd T.D. lO% Int. 3 PVT. A: Clean 2 Br .• foot. ALA R1nf1l1 e 645-3900 YEARLY ftnt&J. New dptr. 2 Completely bricked front & CU.to~ Shade and Drapery Frewy to -Avery Pkwy exit. $1,760 per .mo, taxes $2700 ""' due date --Bonus yard, crpt/drps, breakfat. * DOCK & PIER * br, -mo. 3 br, $375 mo. -~-tile Sho f 2112112 Camino Capiatrano, -'y. •·~-$180,000, ,. , -•·-Ideal •--child e UOO l'1v•ly • 2 Br .• 2 Cha . I hr •·-t ~,. 0 -:-: r:r ... ;:iy SJJ.~l.lc 8e~ wl~ ~ie ~:: 0~eldra~, La&una Niguel, 131·1900. "''187 'E.nat St., C.M. well secured, 640-1S15. ~· wa-• Ba., frpl., crpl/drps, encl N. :~nt. i ~·~:. ~ :.i•bciabe :.:. ~:..T:;. 0: joy our unique planned com-shade and Jight fixtures. ll>C55 1 Br Mobile home. • 1 Duplex· Nrwport Shores. HAVE 2ND T.D. S6:D> AT CLEAN small I room house gar. $265. mo. lease. 673-4099. 1 yr leue 673-Q526. munlty, 4 swimming poo!s, The beat of wallpapers and $3,2000. See Sat.Sun, BQ &: Gross $560 per mo. Frplc's 81h~ WilL DISCOUNT. stove &: re frig SI~ util pd' ALA Rentals • 645-3900 BALBOA Island H 0 t e 1· ..:..:c:,;:::::;,· ;:::.;;:::.:._=.,- lennif; courtJ, shuffle board, upgraded carpet&, all in aott Beach,. 'l3H Pacific C.OUt Jn both unit.I. l Br, 2 Ba'a PVT. PTY. 545-8625. No 4ogs. 548-6Gso · · · $210 .. Lido Isle waterfront · Suites, lips 4. Rrns. Kitch: ~IATE Vi~; paddle teMll, tot lotl a:a. blues and veens, givt thia Hwy, N.B., Sp. 16 · ea. Asking $66.500. • cozy Cottage • 1 Br. nr very lrg. l Br. Util. Pd. facil. By Da/Wk/Mo. llT ••P<1f1otim Model'• on ree lore, ' miles of bicycle great hbme a cool and calm 213/3.tf-833.l or 536-~ aft 210 Fern, Newport Bch I ~ ~ 3 Br 2 Ba trplc Agate 675-3613 pallll. atm-p•-. Call~ -<pm ' e Duplex • N~rt Beach -~-1-"°"''· Stove, relrlg. ISO. tudl-·• ··lo ., ' • Wxf, 644-8831. -·~· 0 ·~·--~~ •• ncr ALA Rontal1 e 645~900 ' 0 w1gar & pat · NO Down, Lido Waterfront on water, 7000 &q. ft, SUb-1 ';;;;;;iiiimiiii:i:;~ $285 • Nwpt lights 3 Br., 2 Balboa Pen1n1ul11 * ~ block. Bay 4: ;eeacb. Park. $3,99'5. Dbl. wide, telT8.Jlean pl'k'g, 3 1ty, Ask· I e PRIVACY! t B r -. Ba., gar .. yrci., deck. 3 blks PENN Pt 1 l b I Bachelor Spt, S125r. J BR c:-01we·tr ( I ~ 11 I 1 I I ' I i ii . ·---I l1 111ll11 r "SlNCE 1946" lat Western Bank Bldg. Unive.rs.lty Park, Irvine Day1 552°7000 Night. Bettor Bollovo It I We have a 4 Bdnn. home in University Park for only $37,500! New pat lo, sprinklers fr: a great loca- tion. near sct.:>ola, parks & llhops. ired hill 1\EAI.TY Univ. Park Center, Irvine Call Anytime 833--0820 Office Hours 8 AM to 8 PM Turtlerock f BR, family room a: atrium. Nr schools, patlc, pooll. Prine only. 139,500. Owner. 1133-146'1 PROPERTI""<; INC RfALTOf<s $5,995.. 22' Sail boat. 1ng l2ro,OOO. HouMS Furnished 300 Bunplow. Pref. single man. bay! I • r~ r, w w a.pt, $275. 645--0123. 673-3817. 4401 Seashore Dr., N.B. $85. NU·VIEW RENTALS crpt, pvt patio. Yrly lse. e WINTER RENTALS e •n Levitt modular No.l.IXXI. Ph. 642-1520 for Info. General ALA Rent1ls e 645-3900 673-4030 or 49-1-3248, Utll incld. No pets, Single or 1 2. ! 4 BR. Reserve Now! 24x46 cpl only. $195. Avail 711.1500 AsuEY REALTY 642--38!iO PARK & POOL , 2 BR, 2 BA, cw lot. IJDlllrn 2 BR. Crpl's, Single 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, Harbor View Mlram.r, Balboa, Down· Ocean breeze, 0 w n r NET LEASE $165 • South La&. 1 Br. Util. prage, 2 amt children ok. Holl\e, near Pool &. stairs unit. 673.(llli, 2 BDRM, 2 BA. or 1 BR. 1 1 Seldom available, Park IJdo 493-31!'11 Free atandlng market pd. Child/pet ok. No pets. Must have ref's. Clubhouse $430 mo. lease, • $4;) \\'K I: Up-On Ocean BA. 2 blk! to beach. Yr Y townhouses. Park.} t k e 8 x 42, 2 BR, patio, lndscpd, on long tmn lease $115 • E/Slde, Attrae, 1 Br. $140.mo. + $7S dep, 646-5637 Garden..."'l' tncluded, Agent Lovely Bacb-l Br .. Rooms S30) A $Xi(). m-4430. Jing pool.. Channing 2 BR, 2 rec room &: pool, \Valk to Excellent return hse, gar, )'I'd:, pa.Ho, pool. alter 5 p.m. I-----· -----hta.id &1vice-Pool-UtU Pd •-n Clom·~ grounds &: carelree spark-shoppg. $65 mo. $22XI. Full price $385,000 S220 • CdM, 2 Br over 1ar. 2 BR. ts d e Call 67S-8140 e ~ ..-n• Ba., kit. bltns, patio, dbl 646-.8464. Ternu Available Quiet & private. quil!t tj:I. 1 0n:;.s· N~'. HARBOR VIE\V HOME $135.00 FURN OCEAN VU gar. $30,SOO. Or, a 3 BR. 211 10x40 PILGRIM. $2,700. ~l!,;~IEW RENTALS 1170/mo. 548-82,51. SJS.14-05. -3 Bedrm., dining Corona dol Mar APT. 3 LG RMS, PARKING ba. for $31,995. c""' F-·~--c v1-.w or 494-3248 __, ...... «Lii. Dr, .M. * • BR bo ~-rated room •'l95 mo BACH apt, 2 blk• s1·g Corona, * ADULTS 492-1209 * Hl'ghland F1'1ng "'" •••• • me, ·~--· · .., · · ~=: 645-00l9 Bolboa l1i1nd Older cnuple. $155. REALTOR, 644-7270. I adwt, no pet•. Yearly. Apt. Unfurn. 365 Have a fling ln this sparkling * 642-1101 * $125. Util pd. 642-8520. POOL, on Highland Or., in RMlhtatt. I r.iil CHARMING 3 8 R 1 den 3 br, fam rm, bltlns. $265, LOVELY new S Br home in Costa Mesa Coron• dtl Mair- prime area. 4 BR. 2 ha. A -""-'11 -. ~ REALTORS waterfront home, Au K lat A-lut mo rent & clean-Harb Vw Hrna. Close to _... ~~;;~~~iiiiiiiiiiil family rm. Kitchen bltni; SINCE 1944 lit-15th, $500. Winter 1775: 1ng d-'t. 540-4403. schls, bch & , hop,. LOW WEEKLY RATES • "P· laundry rm., stone 673-4400 mo. Avail. 918• 64&-llS.I. ·~ Lie E~ocutivo Sult11 lrplc. All A·I sharp <OJ> AcrNgo for 1110 150 C ~-I "-4 BR, 2 1/y $300/mo. Avail Clbh!e/pool. $550 mo/ ' 2080 Newport Blvd. diHon ..$44,IXXI oron• -fTMIF now. Drive by 31381"644-QO'f...;.;.=-·----~ CALL. ·<D • '''·J414 60 Acrn South of Rivenlde, *~=RO~BE:i~H* $U5 util paid, 1ar unit, abo Klllamey LD, Call Jim at Ocean View· setttnK on bay Co:;~2~sl 9 •.. ~ _. adjacent to subdivision l2XI 000 Down. ~ b,. $85 N'pt Bch. 645-4040. ~BR.~ ~A. Gar. v;7;n~30 SPACIOUS 1 BDRMS. .......... caterin& to equestrians. tio' 30 IXXI Sq Fl. !tee1 & Rent..A·House 9794430 4. BR, 2 BA, frplc, Jux new ent-• ouse • • FREE Linens &IALTY Thia property must be seen n. ' ' ' !!hag cpt, nr elem IChl & YEARLY 2 BR, lncd yrd, dbl N••r N••••rt •••* ontc• to be appreciated. Priced at muonary construction. Newport Be1ch mkt. Crnr. $245 m 0 • gar. No pets. $260/Mo. • FREE Utilities Merritt Pro....-es .eM1 MM. e Full Kitchen RAPID CITY $4,000 per acre with l!nan-~" -3 BDRM, 2 lrpk1, bar, 646-1871. 673-0957 Eves t. wknd•. • Heated Pool FLOODS clng avallabl•. Call for ap-lndu1tri1I p,_rty 161 bltns, aulo gar. door opener, 5BR, 3BA, Mesa de! '·Mar U-1'. 2 Br,. 2 Ba. Bay e Laundry FaciliHe. polntment. soft water. $425 month ts drp W·'" :~Ad"'! D ••• 1194 Have forct'd ~ -OW?lt!l' of Eckhoff & Assoc,,. Inc. .SELL or trade yoor vacant avail. Sept. 15th. 646-5291 • area, new cp , s. '™" vd!W. '41 s. a,ys ~ , • TV &: maid M'rv avail ..,_2621 M·l on le---.1 M·l bl'-. to achls etc. $325/mo. 1st &: eves. 675-6106. • Phone Sel'vice .... ~!~ ON TEN ACllES Apts. lurn./un1um. LeaM Fireplaces I priv, petlol. Poob Tenni.s Contnt'l Bid.It 900 Sea Lane, CdM ~ MacArthur nr Cout Hwy thl5 beautiful Colta Mesa i1'U ._,,. "6~ lMf. Kl\ 675--0ll6 •,... ~. ·-•"-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!"""""""""i-'.Sulli~~van~~~Broke~~r_:540-4429~~ WATERFRONT d1x 3 hr. + -· ~.. HARBOR VIEW HOMES-2 & * $30 WEEK I. UP * home to ••• e up e.~,, ..... '6 d Ix. G lndry doc he hu berr, to go back to Cornrnercl•I Mount1ln, DeMrt P ar., , k. * EASI'SIDE lge 2 br, cpts, Den or S BR. $380. Uc_ or • Studio & 1 BR Apts : Lotun• Bo1c11 NEW 2 BR, 2 BAnt Bayview Duplex. Top loca· Uon. $400 ~li!!ase only. Bay Mesa Morteaie Co., 548-2121. CUSTOM BUILT Just listed! Big ocean view home in beaut. a:arden set· ting. 3 BR., 3 ba's., spa.c. dlnlng I: family nm.; well pWmed kitchen; lge. view deck I: patio area. Many extras; wet ber, tinted glau, prap door opener, self. clean. oven, etc. Very fuDctiona.l, well planned home. A jewel for entertain- ing. $89,500. * f99.2llOO * R~ ~ ~l? ..... ,_,.., .... 4·PLEX f.2 Bdrm. A l-1 Bdrms., In quiet hllhlde oetttng. Ex· ct'llent income potential; partially !unllahed A fully rented. Lquna's best buy at $'13,500. ..../Olan REAL ESTATE 11~ Glenneyre St. 494-9413 549--0316 3 BR. & Don $36,950 Unique, white brick exter, gated entry. 2 Ba .. bit-Ins, lrplc., carp. Yant needs work, but a real buy for the handyman. Call' lllISSION REALTY 494-0131 · OCEANFRONT- Panoramic view beach A breakers. Pool, Security Elevator. Furnished. $53,7SO. BIO'. (nf) 499-3005. Lido 1111 ELEGANT 4 bedroom I< lamlly room borne with • baths " 2 fire. placu. $92,500. Rapkt Cityt Located tn Property ISi Resort 1 1174 ~~~-673-7116l; (BU;) ~~~~~le, pr, )'d. mo. to mo. 645-2552. • TV & Maid Service Avail Mesa Del Mar, this home -e Phone Service-Htd Pool teaturts 3 bedrooms, a CANNERY vn.t.AGE Ltue WOODED % A-3 Bd cabin HouHI Unfum. 305 $135 -Vacant 2 Br. Hu gar· S.nt1 An• e Children A: Pet section ~ dinin& room &: 2 BR. bou&e $300 mo. + util $22.(DJ. General age. Kids pets ok. l·.-.-,-B-R-.,-2-BA.--T -mo-,-. -old. 2376 Newport Blvd, O.t beautiful beamed c:eillng WIESI', Aaent 675-2'123 CHALEJ(Shell $Ul,950 Rent..A-House 979-8430 1010 w. Alton. $265/mo. 548--9755 or 64.>3967 famllY. room. Priced tor an Commercl•I HOBBY SHOP · $69,IXXI 833-l103, 675-2018 This Ad \Vorth $5 on Rent immediate sale at only p rty 151 LAKEFRONT Homes ~ from El Toro l135 mo. Deluxe. mobile $34,500. Call 64S-nn. ._ $36,500 RENTALS Condomlnlum1 home. Nice n•tlo, Comp. 2 BR. Pool. So~ vleWL Near beach. $210 AGENT 644--4848 1 BR apt, $175. mo. Avail AUl\&lt 1, leue,. Call 64fo6l77 * FOR SALE * Godwtns AU'INE Real'1 3 bedroom, 2 bnth Design I 320 ~ * Unfum furn. w /\V carpets, Mature Cost1 MeN 5,650 Sq. fl. lot _ Lll(una Box 11!111 (n<) -'15U . Houle• . Apia. Home. Vacant. immediat•1 ____ • ____ Pond --................. ,,.....,.....,.-1 ~ (~•i ·-·-6 ---2 drlldftn O.K. Mroob!luplee, ~~peta.. N-= JUST THE "~CTSI ~TH[ RF:l\L Near Foret! lo Tblrd st. ~~ ~ -• * 145-0111 * ~,. ' Huntlftl!Oll -_, r1 ··~· ,.,. Ideal for LOT 1n famoml Lake H but oo pet.!. ~ a mooth.1.,..,,.-,,.,.,,_.....,,..., __ avasu, 433 W 11th COSTA MESA O:!i .. U -. Inc < Br, 1li ba, patio a. ··-Blvd. 646;!313. Attractive Ml ult campln for ,..,_ .. relall bldg. home al the world -• ··~·-· -~-llhoul IPANORAMl.C VIEW REALONOlllICS, BROKER Lnndnn Bridge. Located -586-0'l22. $2'l5/mo. e TROPICAL POOL. 1 Br,. )'Our bom .. w _, BeauL malnlalned home * 675-6700 * close to all '1Choola lo dty. $95 • cozy ~ 0.tlage! Hunlin~on Boach e 645-4. 513 Garage & Water turn. 1145. * 3 .~~ 2 Bedroorm le lara:t tam1J)' $9IXXt or w1ll trade for Costa All uW paid. Matw'e adults. "' do per mo. No. 151 145 E. 18th * 1-n u•uua • rm. Pool $64.500. Duplexe1/Unft1 Mesa or Newport Beach to-* • BEACH Pad_ Spac. Bach. C~n • Fum. or St., 548-U68. * Private p1Uo Goort0 WllllamlOll ulo 162 come,...._.,, $110 -OOOJ..ITJ Huae Bach !uni. srnJ. pel Util 1nc1.1 __ u_n_fu_r_,._. ____ 3_15_ 1Br1rg 1140 & 1135, S/pool. *Pool Realtor 10 Units (5 hie + 5 Apta) 2 Lot.. .ecluded $2,400 w/Pool. Nr evel')1hlna, $105. Newport 8e1ch Adlts cn.ly, ideal f o t * ~e llvin1 area with 54M570 645-1564 E/slde, C.ld. Priced 1o Mootlrldp cabin $15.750 * , ALA R1ntal1 e 645~900 -bachelor! 1.993 Church, CM fireplace $55,900, Fee Land. Harbor sell-Askin& $92,SOO. will 1.4-cabin $35,000 11pri40. SAVEtlolllOBI~· 2 Br,. • LUXURY! 2 Br., 2 Bs. ***BRA* *D*N*Ew*** 548-963;1.. 8:.' .riur relaxed -of Virw Homes. Carmel, 3 BR, take offer, Gross $1.050 ptr Call 8fi6..4&41 or write: ~ ,e, .. ~.. ~ crpta, NI VERY Nice 1 Br. dplX. l lot B ~-••• --al ~~1e p 0 .... ~ .... ~ ..... encl. gar, kid.9/pets. Nr. OnSo home w/boat slip b FR. ux. crptg, prem . mo. y vw~. -· Speoeer Re ~~ , i.d.,' ' * Bcb. $165. SUmmer or leuei avail Quiet Sep, Y gar, Adults FAIRWAY VILLA ~ =~n': 1_,,. Pnporty 1'6 ::i. 2828, Big Bear • ll60 -KIDS WELroME! 3 ALA R1nt1l1 e 645-3900 f4ll1 w.' Cout lllat>way over 30, no pets. 541-1021. APARTMENTS anytime. SEVEN HOUSES VIEW cabin, labulous loc. ~~.::_OO:y':'/Pool. 3fe~•'yi:-'..'.. "'!...":'m~_::< *Coll: 675-412Q * i:;j:~~. ld'.~~~~'. -~Sant AnaA ·--· FANTASrlC dplx for sale on Running Sprp. <BR. newly -~· -.... * • ·~= ~. -•-· -.... Townhoun Unfv 335 No pets. Call 5«-1539. --a .. -5-2 BR Ir: 2-1 BR. Individual dee. $22 900 646-1355 Close to beach. $240/rno. m . p k Llk S ndl Ba.Ibo& Penin.beHugetlull br homes on 1arp corner lot · · $175 • SlJ.PER DelllXe 2 Br., 2 Call Eves A wk n d 1, G.ner•I 1 BR, new. $150. m> Elden. •rQ·UIET• uELrrouUXE "I owners apt W· aui new Needs 10me TLC and Real Estate Wanted 114 Ba. sunken UR. Shag 536-2789. Adults. 644-5544 Qr inquire ft ._ 3 BR-DAPl'S !urn. $'15,000 F .P. Worth ts trpl Sing! srnJ 3 B 2 B th within. • ~ $8»90,000). 114. E. BalOOa general cleanup. Never e PVT pty wants 3 or 4 BR : ok CL es $13S 2 Br, bike to beach, Va· ,.._, ~., tic, : lrpl Prv. patlol * Htd Paola Blvd 673--0026 vacancy. $875. month 1n-ho e Call Harry 133-1129 , cant. Kids ok. ......l',s, ""I"'• w-pa c. SUS I: Up. Nice 1 BR. Nr shof''g * Adultl OnlJ' . come ~• 000 dn. '•"'-m . • * R I A H -••-Wahr-dryer A re!rir Incl. trail•-1 ·•·"t ··•·· 132 W EASTBLUFF, spacious 11plJt 119,506. CAu. i;u.1m.._ wkdyl: eves .l wkndl 1225-SPACIOUS• Br,. 2 Be. on· • °"11 ,,,...,.... Nr 1ICbls •shopping, Acee" w1..;;;,,~ C::: M;;;: • Martinique Apts. level, xln! cond. 5 Lg Br, 3 0 642-2312. RIO. crpta, drps, lamlly or $225-Lri mod 3 br, 2 ba. to pool & t•nnls courts, $212 I Br, cuport, very quiet A 1171 Santa Ana Ave., C.M. ~.lo:~ i;:~~~~ nr-lil. "IV 1 l[i] ling!LA~~L~RDSI ·~-r.,~: 8i,!;69~pel mo. 962.f89l eve•. private. No pets. Mlts only. Mgr, Ai>t. 313 841 llllG tacular view. Walle to ~_15tl llU9'1'21 FNnc~I • 0o)'OUhaveavacancyT We Irvine HuntinAton Beach Utll pd. Nr.17thA:lrvinc. 3 Bedroom, 1" batha . achoob, parks. For sale by $150. &f2..0538. Spack>us rooms. B t I c ll 500 can fill iL Many desirable 3 Bt, 1% ba, garaa:e, snack bar. Carpeted. 1 blk owner. $58, • 644-0485 tenants on our waiting list. 3 BR. 2 Ba., f&Jb. rm. ,, $325 p:>ol, 1A ml beach. ~~ spacG iurn. sa:l. to shopplng. ch 11 d re n OCEAN VIEW• 20 UNn5 Bu1ine11 Absolutely NO CHARGE. 2 BR. 2 ha. Otolce! •••• $300 $215 mo. 536-48.13 on .. er, entleman welcome. One month'• rent DUPLEX Opportunily 200 BEACON RENTALS WE HAVE OTHERS Duploxn Unfvm. 350 exec. lrplc, privacy, s. Hwy. requlml. No de..,.;t 1160. Brand new wood I< g1.,., Owner would like lo uchan&e the * 645-0111 * 6T>.48511 351 Victoria, Apt. 3. huge. Only 186,500. Dave, down • 'l'bll la In • &OOll WANTED, Man In •nter LANDLORDS'. Huntl111ton Booch I BR, $125. Studios IDS. No * * $llO * * AgnL 675-1972 day 1, rental area. No vacancy. wood 1inJsh Removing Serv. chlldttn or pell.. 2135 Elden 67?;.7'9'1 eves. Price $227,500, Call the In· Remove all t;ypee ol wood Wt Spedallze In l<ewpori I DELUXE l BR, cov patio. A ... See Mar. Apt. 6. 3BllBr, Ill Ba,Vnedrpewty palni.dl vestment DlvWoa 546-1600. lin1sbes from furn. .l Int. Beach e Corona del Mar e New drps, crptl, bltnl, dbl tns, crp , e n c HARBOR View -.Somenet . • · panelling, kitchen cabinets, A Lll(una. OUr Reli!al Ser-gar,. lovely private -~l"llon Bloch patio. Nr sch1a & sbop'g. Model. 5 BR, wet bar, 2 dens. etc., on «1% basis. vice ls FREE tD You! 'I'l7 Water &: a:ardener pt. -Children ok. no pets, 880 trplc'a, Ma., extru! Own· Can net $200. week -NUoVlewl Responoibl• married coup1a LoQUINTA HERMOSA Center St .. CM. 64l-a340 ,.. er 64f.5Gl7, ruarantee. $1SOO. ...,.._ NU.VIEW RENTALS lit WOl!em Bank Bldg. (Adults) 1165 no pets. Spaniab Country Estate Liv-548-268%. 2 Le dupleu, next door, "' 32 GARDEN TYPE UNITS to enter 22 years oI estab. 673-«J30 or 49t-3241 University Park, lrvtnre BU-3276. 1nc 6 Spadoua Aptt. Tft'l.EASTS ~==10~E~;-W~oodl~and~-S-t.t ' • I'• ' 1 .. ,,,11E:RS blk lrom ocean beach. 20 • 3 BR, u _ l BR • bus'ns. 11.000. On. starting SPO'n.ESS' Days "2·7IOO Nights DUPLEX f,.. ,.n4 $135. 2 need pool; IWlken au Adult. only -2 BR, Cfllts, boc&laRll laweon •11. $85,000 ea. Agt 613-8563. 1'17 000 per ,..... Income large Interior paneling job 3 bdnm 2 bnths · dining Dr, cpts, drpi. 624 Geneva, BBQ. Unbelievable Llvlnc -drp1, bltlns, 1111>/mo: 3 I ""1 Idle II Call All• u'.,._ • private pa"_: In Hawaii, Ail(. 10, 1972. -4 BR. ~' ~ ·-Apt • H B n-•1 Man••er Only BR. 1~ BA ~·-bl"--J molCOA ~ em1 mw! Dau .. • u\• (tt4) 689-3)(11) exL '8 room, 1amily room -ooe ' •11 -. •••••····· -°" .. ~ -1 BR• FURN. $175 .,., • -...... w .. , I 3416 Vla Lido 675-4562 64~ Now! + pool + greenbelt, A fine ttme ' • mile from ocean and near 3 BR., 2 bath.I ••••••••• $340 894--sal •' • IJTILITIES PAID $ 2 8 0 Im 0 • Call MR. ' •,:;;;,:;;:;::;;,;,::::====-"======== proven property ln Eutside &ny • Newport Beach. Adu It' S BR 2'iii b&tha: $350 $165 2 Bt cPt drps. ~ FREDERICK. Her It a Ce Colta Me:-~ :!'~) =~· ~~~~· e· ·ed····h···· •• 11 ~ .. ~!~ ~=ln (f blka S, of SM Diego FrW)t ;:~~S :~~l~ Br, ·91/w • . • '· • ' S©t\~}A.-l&t.trs· The Puule with tlie Built-In CliucMe 400 E.17.FOI All HALLMARK Card" SHARP ( BEDROOM I 1 ::' 1:l~.:i.:. 't:.)Ilolt at>ts, new dl'Jlll, •leo. bltns. I C.M. ~ uw Gilt Sxip ALL BUILTIN KITCH. n ) 7-Mfl l1' .... Prlv. patio. Nr. ~ (clean ud at .. ey) · l ll•l ( 4 84 lrwys t. lbop'r. No pets. --... LIQUOR S!orea (I !oc'i) QUIET CUL-DE-SAC REALTY ...._ ... _ 545-4393. HOLLAND Bu •-•-,270. PHONE AGENT Univ. Putc Center, Il'Ylne 1145 -1165 DANA HARBOR '" _,., 54().1151 JACK Call Anytime -Bach<lor A 1 BR. patios. "THE GABLES" INCOME HOMES (NEW) 645-fl'lll Olllce boors 8 AM' in I PM JM lrplc'~ priv. Car a g• 1. l Br, 1\1 Bs w/gar. Adib. 4--PJexei •. $66,950 to $11,950 Money to LNft 240 BRAND new Harbor View Apts. Pum. Div~ bath le Jots of Crpt/drpg. bltns, fncd yrd Duplex .............. $S2.SOO HOMEOWNERS! bome,.:.,:-"1"'"' f"'~ F Latuno BNch .:;-rll clnoetJ. 'l\e<: ball, PoOi A w/patlo. Wll' pd. 83Ml20 8 Units ............ $132,500 BORROW ~~--1144-l;,:i u n g 11~ ~•n•~• PoOi tablea. aauna bolhl. :M3T 0... A .. No. C SIM. Alcazar at 1.4 er.its, DaJia •--· · " • ~u•G 1 Br. l!ee for yourteU! 11301 :£/aide 2 Br, 111 Bs. adult Pt, WEBB (Bkr.l 642-183'1 Balboa Plftlft1ul1 ~;,.,_;:o. ""1. Quiet a A K .. 1aon Ln. n blk w. o1 -· Dx:I patio. 11&5. $1000. $10,000 Up 2 BR, l BA, oceantronL Hu 1215"-:lllr. lndptex.New lokl New Cone:-Beach, I blk N. of Slater). ™ -Ln, -.. ·:.·:I L 1 P P u I it •e••·•• Low MONTHLY -· .,.. w.rm 5• _ 1111, .... . . .. eeythlng. Gar. Kids. at>Udrpa. Gar. Bal. Vu. UPPE!\ r..nt 2 Br - I I I :i I INCOME HOMES PAYMENTS Ront..4-HouM t7t-lqO $250 ·200' ocean. Dix 2 Br. n~mr RENTAL •over • atAIUIING 1 Br. duplex. &.NEW DUPLEXES $4.'lllO LOANS on ANY HOME, &I'!. All tea lures + Pool. n•a I 11111: Ing lalc• patlc It beaul new Cl1>ta. cf1111, • paint. , f.NEWTRIPLEXES $01,950 PAIDFORorNOT CCM'011o dol Mor NU.VIEW REN tnclooed patio It pool J..owtrpn1<a111n'01tn1!1..._ : I R At L N S I ! °:"~. ~ ~~ ~ :;".!:, COldPAl\E r=. C 0 ST S $220 -2 Br. over gar, Stove. !7HJ30 or ~ : ga. ~Ill ()ptloa ~"."'" ~i ~ ~ ;f, ~tun adults on!¥. :. I I I I' Pharlnoclsl: A guy who Complc. 811, Pb' 642-4837. FlRESIDE LOAN =~·· 20:.~. ":!~~~. 4 BR. 2 Bsth, lam nn home. * 1lltlo-. 5.J&.2632, SP~ 2 • 1 Br, apt. $140.., Id .... cu•n•~1:0 Deck w/180• canyon view, ~. ..,'Kl fl1i:t , _ _,..,_ I waa Was fo , rnero's gold (JO) 2 BR-Deluxe Bid( .• 6 ~"=' gar,. ynl, cl>lld/pel fenced yrd, N•wly * --~ •---_ .. "~" Pool. q>t/drp, llltns, lb , ·~-------In thom fhar -..• .,.. cld E/alde C.ld. 1'111> If JOU can &el the SAME $3115 -3 Br .. 3 BA. trpt .. bllnl, decorated No 1 me ll Br,. ttdec. Cpts., drpo, Nr. nk 11 A P E T I 0 I 1• 2t dpala ooly. 6f2.ll21. LOAN from &l'1Y ontER 3 deokl. VIEW! cblldren. $.1007• i ~-· 2i.°r~ 1ca10 . m Coll ... No. ••• SO.llm Ii I I I I e c-i. .. "'"diuclla quoll< TIME FOR LENDER In Callfom1" at NU-VIEW RENTALS L-uno Hilla u ... ~ ~ " 1996 M•Pi•No.1 ... by lllilno In the m"""O wo.d° • RATES l.E.SS THAN WE 613-<030 or 4~ ~ ~ _ ~--1.aiuu 8-11 .. 1 2 BR·M.,. Vmk, SI .. Doc • YoV d,..lop ''°"'•lot> No. 3 Ii.loo &I< OFFER, return tlte .• _ ' • PRINT NUMl!l!O lfmas IN 11 r I' r r· QUICK c-H MONEY within lS days. and SHARP A d••n. I Bdrm., 2 3 Br, 2 .... bltlna, carpetll1s .... LGE "'"' p. •I h 0 u... bltns, encl pr, '"'· ......... TH!Sl lQ\/Atl$ . ..uROUl'!.H A YOUR LOAN with US la both -· lop llOUth ol l drape~ Pool lacll!U.. Sit W • ...., OI -PanorarnJc v1" o! village Adulll. No JM!ts. 54Mm. • -·-1 n w FREE! R.C. WERNER • Hwy, location, $3IO per Maintenance In c I u d ad . ml Mal SA !111-4,11• A ....._ 2 br, den. frplc, l BR, unlum. QpCll, .,., 1 DAILY PILOT Pmldent month. cau Mr. Bally, tisl-3954. a.1._ -..._ ' 1ncloor B ~ Q . ro,.cloven. Nll1&. !lo peta. ' m.t5(!0, Apnt. < BR, 2 BA. bltns. !tJlcod Ill... -1. ' $140/mo. 9111-14$ t WANT AD JllftESIDE DrlfC Sl,.ie.h'omIDta. 2 BR. lun1 )'lint, patio, txc<Utnt Iota· ATl'l\ACrlVll wl-ftl1tal, 1 BR. newb-tum.. ._. 2 BR. un111n1; tt1'll. drlt. • ~ ANSWDS IN CWSIFICATION 700 ~~,,·~7B ~·.::·: ···r,8t..~114. :-.= ; ... ';"~ 1'llcd;7M430 :-~~~~:per !...~S:,~ baJ, $1 :WA.!:~= ""'" = ~ .. - ' ' ' ~ DAJ1. Y PILOT ,..,Mf!!')'. ,,,,.,. :!", 191i [ -• I h--1~ I •' I..,_, ]It) [ .. ---lltl I Af/I. Un1i1m. ¥1 Apt. Unfum. !~.;._.---- Colt• - HARBOR GREBIS Fumishtd & Unfvrnl1hod from $120 to $215 mo Bach1lor1 • 1 Bdrm& 2 Bdrm• e 3 Bdrms I~ or 2 Full Baths Master slu! bedrooms w I hl.iih beam ceilings. Juste livinS room w I au or .-burning fu<plnce, Co.nvtnlent laundry area oft kitchen. Enclosed pa· tioa. 2 sw.imml~ vo<>IS. sauna. recrt&tion tacili· tJes. Security guard Model• Open 'Iii 9 pm. 2100 Petenon Woy, CM nr Horbor Blvd I. Adams 546-5025 Spnc Townhouse. 2 BR, 2 BA, Vaulted ceiling, garage, poolB, alr/cond. $210, 54<1-4119/:;<6-20<\8 CLEAN 2 Br studio, 1% Ba. bltn~ gar. Acllts, no pets. $1$. Nr 19th & Pomona. 54Ml57, * * BEAUTIFUL l & 2 BR. Contemporary Ga.eden Apts. Patios. f r p I e.. pool. $15;.SJTO, can 54G-fil63, SHARP unfurn. 1 BR. & 2 Laguna Be1ieh Mts• Verde Br. w/st~. Close to CCC ---------& UCL 1135 ~ 1165. DELUXE 2 & 3 BR. 2 Ba, 551-7768. cncL gar. Sl55 up. Rental Ole., 309S Mace Ave., 2 Br. Adults, no pets. 54G-1034. BA'( MEADOWS .AP'J'S, 381 W. Bay SL CM 646-0(/'13 2 BR unturn apt. $145. No cttildn!n, no J>'ll. m C.Cnt'r St .. CM. 64Z-5848, LARGE Yard-2 BR, 1 BA. nu paint, crpl'I, drps, stove, displ. $150/mo. SfG..-0469. 3 BR. 2 BA. nr. OCC. Upstairl. New crpta le drps. $169/per mo. Call 552-9786. NEW 2 Br, 2 Ba. dbl garage, bUnl, dshwhr, c r pt s , 1190/mo. 66-4213, 83.1-8447, SPACIOUS 2 BR Apt, $135/mo. Carport. Older preferred. 673-8145 t'luntington Beach ON BEACH! 2 BR, 2 BA Uni, Fr, $251 2BR. Furn Fr. $308 ADULTS ONLY Furniture Available C a r p eu.drapes-c'llshwasher heated poo)-aaww.tennis rec room-ocean views padoNJnple parklna: Se~ty Guards. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 7ll OCEAN A VE .. Jt,B. (714) !536-1487 Ole open 10 arn-6 pm Dally WlU.IAM WALTERS CO. Newport Bl•cn PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS on the bay Luxu1y apartment flVin&' OV• erlooklng the water. Enjoy $750,ro> heallh apa, 1 swim- ming pools, 7 Hahted ten- nis courts, plus miles of bicycle trails. putting, shut· neboard, croquet. .Tunior l's from $174.50 monthly; aJS> l and 2-bedroom plans and 2-story town houses. Elec- tric kitchens, private patios or balconies, carpeting, dra- peries. Subterranean park· Ing, with elevators, Optional maid service, Just north ol Fashion Island at J amboree and San Joaquin •nus Road. Telephone (714) 644-UKXI for rental information DELUXE Condo. 2,000 sq. ft. 3 Br, 2 Ba, 2 story. Bltns, crpt.'i, drps, pool. children ok. $.160/mo. Year lease. Avail 7/25. 2430 University Dr. (SllO\\'n by appoinhnen!). Owner 963.-1674. LIDO ISLE -3 BR~ lll\TH. Ad ults, lease. 101 VI• A n t I b t • 714:75U719. Trader's Paradise ARROWHEAD golI ttiuri;;c tot m frontnli[t:: w/lllkt: vu; by clubhsC. Clear. Trade/ or? ·• Ann1" 1'"'arel \VaJkr.r. Realtor, Gao8'lfl9/6t6-7414. '65 Mut:tang w1 1~·ire whla, Sharp! II' 'fiO abhrvvlatt.d Corvair Bch. RUgA)', trAdC ·or VIV Bua. JOO! Jacaranda. CM. * * * lines times dollars * -~----~ -I~ I '-'•-llSI 1-.,j• 11511-... _.. I~ l _,, .... ~. • ' ][Il) [ ~ ......... ~ ][Il) CAN'T FIND THE JOB YOU WANT? TRY OURS! IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT FOR: • FIGURE CLERK These jobs are varied Ir chal- lenging! JI you're Stood w/numbers I: ;, l'an type a little yo u may quality. • TYPIST CLERK Good 111dll8 necess. Insurance exper. helpful, but not es- sential. l Position. rtqUires lite steno. lNTERVIE\VING Mon thru tTi 9 am-12:30 pm ON SITE OF OUR NEW BUILOJNG PACIFIC MUTUAi: FASHION JSLANI) (Comer Santa Cruz ii: Newport Center Drive), • 5 •' . : • ' ' . ' . ; ' : ~ ·' ·' . II pl pu w " ml hi _ l N Eq Exp 2: p C, T 7 for cerl Air dlin deU Mooct.y, Ju~ 14, 1972 l[ll] I 1"1""1w J!IIJ [ . II! i"'; "" l[Il] I j f J 1. 1>01 fl••• l[ll] [ l[Il] I .... ,e I~ ._I ;; ....... ~. ·~,l ~iiiiiii >ill~ Wontoo, M & , 711 Help w...w, M .. , 710 Help Wan!M, M & I' 710 Help Want.i. M & • 710 Help w ....... M & I' 711 Help Wom.t M & I' no Mltcollo-• ... ;Ing Good• • uo}H,;; ..... =~~= DENTAL Aat e xper. --------------1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; -------,.........,_____ *A-''UIMll cbalrllde. El Toro-La& llllb Flnonclol Soc'y HOUSEKEEPER. Uve In or NURSING IU11tant cue for ;o WAITRESS Exp • good a ~: Un c I a Im e d WANTED: O'Blitn ,..tmkl .-.-, are&. Sol. Open, 830-lll0. Good lldlll, a cc o u n ti or not. Small 1arol!y, Ill• cook· .. ml·tnv.lid lady, OIUll be SECRETARY O>dttall. n.a Blue Beol, 1Dt il)o.My, Garrard t apoed In good eonc1. & a !rock tape 3 YN" ~ D ES I G NE R /Draltaman kmwJedrt. tnc. m..3098; !5IW«L •xp'd, Ute boulelleoplng. :n.t Pl. N.B. alt 4 Plf, <hlr<J<r, a Ir llllponllon dttk w/FM, 616-100. ,...._ ... w/exp tor Ar<hltect'• of· Call Lorrall>e HOUSEWORK-II <la)< Tueo. A ~~ 1: = =· :.: WOl\IAN tor 1actary machlne l(><Oken with '"u It IP I • TV, ft;dlo Hlfl, CALL lice, San Clemente. WES'lO.Il"F ni. Newport Beach. Own $22:5 hr ,~ ~A~ q, t operator mme exp helpful crosi·ov t r network, Ste ' 136 ==.;54~0~·;·~~·~ -· l'ttlonncl Agency traNp. Ex\l'd. 675-3"5. · • , will tai._ 545-040l ' AM/f'MIMPJ< r-and roo • 20'-'WestcllUDr.,N.B. , -NURSES. pvt duty, aU e If. tr re . l&Dft d«k. Still bre~ oev.r. STERID 1972 Garrard GENTLE horw, ,,,,_ D 1 SH WAS llER-Monuna1 66-2770 Huntington Booch typeo all lhllla LelCOl!lli 11 YOUNG man to work swap Otlrln&Uy $(19.97 pey otr equipped with lull olnd pro. ed, kkal 1111' cYI .__ Apply In ponon, 1105 E. Cat ELCO High Scfiool Dl1trlcl N.,.,.;., Reai.irr 351 meeta Sat l Sun. Must ha .. llJlllll bat""" or $191.118 0 , lo.sJonal chancu A}&IFM bellMln& ..-. fl&....- J{Wy, CdM. Equal Oppor. G AT TOUCJl-UP hu an openlna for Equip-Hospit.!ll Rd NB , Summer Time, Winter Time, van or l)lck u.p. Salary + payments of $5.25 monthly. atereo rttelver, ,.·al·' aJr. Ana Hgtt, 51&-'111 Emp~-r. FIBERGLASS MOLDERS ment ~-·-otartl.... ~A .. """"'.. ~A.; NWOJ All The Time, Earn -·· -mm•·-1on • --· a-. -~ ~· ..... '""""-""''",,---,,-.,...,..~-Corud Recreation, Inc. v~ ... "'' "'• V'M>"';r.J<N or ~ pa.v the Kelly Girl WQ:".,._ "" iw ' Ull.;M 1;1. • USA Stereo E 11 u I P • 111'1)enaion apeaktn, tape 908 stall ~-: • DRAPm¥ workroom , 940 Welt 171h Street Wary $655. a month phD lntervlewa 9-5 MJF J t S.. Far appl 9(i3..;1674i. Warehouse, 179 E. 17th St., d~k & head phone plug-in summtt p&c:lrlip •.,.a. exp'd. t8bler, will oonilder ~ ex c e 11 en t b e n e I i t •. OFFICE girl I/ti UI Costa Mesa, 6-15-2442. Jacks. Brand new ln box & F~ . ·f1t.IC]1 • E!~i1:~~oc~~~ G:~~:W\;,~~e~~~: :~~~:fn:'.~'"c;'J; :'~"'.n. pre~~\,ii= ..Jl!li'I ~,.f ( ....... ]{~I ~!i~IERU~: 12 t'~~! ~a:n~~·.~~1t~p~ 6~~uH<nl rn ~'IPl.OYMENT of variety. Pleasant local room 136 in Hunu ...... on PAYROU ':::J' recol'<k'r: Pan a 1 on I c cash or small payments. make oUer. Tle aftl. ft,: ~ ••-Co w111-= ,_1 ..... _ '" .. ' Ati.1/FM amp; Olivetti Lay-a\vay De Pt, 645-11)15. COUNSELO• •~•· · "~n •~ w•~ Beach Hlrh School, 1900 '""'RSONNEL 714/89' ~1 -=~~id';;;;,.;;;;;i;;;il If Ilk t rk "'1th can type. Start $400. can Main St., Huntington Beach. rlii Then Pick 'n1e Jtoun, Days, Antiques IOO type~·rlttr; All ltrms like .rwv · * 6 yr old Sq taw•ed )'OU e o WO w peo. Pat HaU, ~. Coastal RapkUy expanding co. needs Length Qt: Emp)oyment ---------new. Reas. 756 \V, 19lh, ZENITH k RCA Color TVs gelding. Belt 0 ff er. ppulebli~ ~~ ... had .... salper~-~ Agency, 2100 Harbor Bl. at ~~~lneeCEneeded8"'keraa1orepartof· you to acreen & hire key That Fits Your Need.I ANTIQUE Cotta Mesa 548-631.S. at less than tht> discounten. 6#-l.195· &1W192 ..,. •• " ~ ~~~ Ad c M -"" pie Som -n You'll Work For U1 SHOW & SALE * AUCTION * "°'' ·r. models in •tock. ' we ~lrain ........ , In an l.n-ama, · · time work, oome ~~. • peo • e pa,,~ ..... exper. Anaheim Convtntio Cir J W M ........ _ + a lot of peraonallty puts On Our p~ n •• '72's at drastic savings! i ~------,r-:'11 'm';'.'_, 0 ·n .c aSalar e:, rp.rovCol'.'_'.·. GIRL Friday, Yo u o g ~'~. exp. need ed. you ln lop $$$. Xtra lmlg In Our Customen' Of:tlcn, acroa Dom Disneyland, 800 Fine F\imiture •·!'('(' color antrnna lnstal\Nl ......, m: "J ui; w/peflONLllty, Ute typing &: V'fV""OO.lU 1 •--· 1 we·n Plan A Work W. Katella, July 211 28, 29, I: Appliances with nil corooles thru July iii~~ earnl••s. 16,-lll,000 b'~. like 10 w o r k i;;;i;ii;i'-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii enn a51loa''"""n · --30 -··-/FrlJ•·t '1 PM ID A c:tio Frid 7 •• Call &" ... \Ml' ""tl5 Irvine 540-4450 Sc:bedule To Sult You · iw.u-m .-• • u ni ay. :.JU p.m. 31.51. ~yr. piclure lube. 1 yr ~':.iU:;~ · G~icp~~~/Bkkpg. IPMN£ PERSONNEi. NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO One That 11 T~ PM, SUn. 12 noon-6 PM. W indy's Auction Barn ~1s 0~ t=~~Aiibas~1: Generil M 2700 Harbor Bl. at Adami TEMPO To Your Ab tv ADPllencH toJ 20751,. Ne\vport, CM 646-8686 EXPERIENCED SAVINGS & LOAN TELLER lmpttial Savings It Loan 3366 Via Lido Newport Beach 673-31.J) Equal opportunity employttr Exp waitress, hn 10: 30 am· 2:30 pm, ltlon-Frl. Larry's Pantry. 1894 Harbor Blvd, C.M. Aft 5, 00-3663. FACTORY Excellent summer \\'Ork. Trainee &: experienced. Im· mediate placement. Weekly pay check. No fee. KELLY GIRL 2J61 ·Business Ctr. Dr. Irvine QJ.1441 For Architect's Office, San SERYlCES,.AGENCY Temporary Help Your Time Behind Tony's Bldg 1.tat'I TV, 90Z1 Atlanta. Jlun-8' Arthur Marine dli:chY· Clemenlr, 492--9600. Ex •·-•= ---'-===-'--="'--Your TranBport&tlon "!A~'G --~an has lington Beach. ~-FIG Lapeltralm destaned. ec ~reta.ry ~ Real Estate Sales 11 ... """' ... .,......1.1..1 STEPLADDERS -a1sortC'rl u.~ GROCERY Clttk -full time ~:...-..... Secy to 1575 Call Or Vlslt w-·"·-$35. to ~M. Can LEAR Jt't stereo 8 porta.ble $195, 3 lfP Johnaon ouuu., ....... """'"'"' L"k rki in T .......... ---· .......... sizes -WOODEN ONL v -days, m~ man pref'd. Secretar)' R.E. to "61:> Be~:h? '7mm~~te ~ni; Irvine 833· 1441 deUver w/1 )T. guarn. also 2-28' Ex TEN s r o N lnPf" Player. solid state. c$::.:75::.:·..:644-5836c..:.=::.:·--~-,--1 Contact Mr. Adams at The F/C Bookekeper to $&iO for qua!Uled 11 c en a' e d ro61 Buslnea Center Dr. ~11{8. LADDERS -had been used r-.todrl p.510. Plug inlo BRITISH Doty 13. 40 h.p. goai1t S~i Mar~ 3l4T ~ Bookkeeper to T.B. $f60 person. Ask for ruta My'en RECOND. Kenmore wuhers by retired tmlnllng ain-~igarc~tc Ji~h~~ or uses 6 ~ Johnson, American In.:: oast wy., na d PBX Receptionist to S'.'11Xl at Sandcastle Real Estate, 5 Secretarles to $620 from ,$50485. Free del.. tractor. Priced for QUICl< 1~ttcric~, !! Y ~sed. Pa aide rails, cowr. Mar. Clerk Typist $475 l786 s. Coast Hwy., Laguna 3 Stenos to $500 trades acceptrd. 546-8672 or S'ALE. Only $2.00 and up , · 5 -se 1 ..,..,. ~ 1734 eves-·'=6'15.-~1245.~~~----I HOUSEKEEPER -live in, P/Time/Gent Ofc $2.50 hr Beach. 494-8025. 3 Const. Sec'ys to $650 347-8!15 Burke's Appliance. 1212 South Ross St., Snnta "'C'Ckends. Boeta/.Miirtne nice home. 25 to 50 )"l'I, t88 E. 17th Cat Irvine) CM 2 FJC Bkkpn-Constr ot $900 *LARGE, white GE refrig-_A_na_._54_W_t_):)_. ____ ACOUSTIC 150. US RP.1S. !quip Costa llfe1a. 545-8395 after 642~1470 Reil Estate C•rHr 3 Statitt!Cal Typists to $500 erator, older, cheap, good BOOKSHELVES and 2 snlall Like new. Price:t to sell. • 6. New or experienced, join the Liz Reindeer'• A,ency condition. MS-7042. deiks Suitable for exlrn 642-3963 after 6 PM. ISABOTS.:"°"=~_,Lol,,_t_our_...,.le~ ... -. H 0 USE KEE PER/child KEYPUNCHERS---Cbmpany that'• growing. U 4500 Campus Dr,. N.B. storage space in your Fiberglau hulls, 165. O.B. care. Uve-ln, must love Needed Immediately. All :"e:on":ur have 8 UcenJe, Fee Paid 8Y C.O. ~ o~~e~tonwash~r;; ~~~: garage or tor c:hildrtn's use. [ J(. Fibergla&s Co, 8601 Edilon children. 2 Boys 1 &: 3. shift.a. must have exper. $49 SERVICE Station, pump Priced for QUICK SALE. Ffff to You Ave, 11.B. 67>7718 $300 month. XInt earnings. island salesman. CdM area.1.:54c:S-<17110:....:.:=·------1212 South Ross SL, Santa ~-------=I HOUSEKEEPER. for Npt Call Sue Exper. reqd. Top Wage1. REFRIGERATOR. 15 cu fl 2 Ana. 542-3120. 3 Llnt11, 2 T irMS, $2.00 Boah, Power ... Bch !am. Mature, Exp in KELLY GIRL Real Est1te Phone 675-3648 or 67S-0533 dr, auto detro&t, 5 yn old. -HAN--~-.-ai-·r_co_nd_iti-on-,-,-,.-, ••••••••••ll.970, 16' lnbd/outbd care of tntagts. Live in or 833-1441 Licensing CourM for appt. 89J..9060 car. Excellent cond10on. Hydroswilt-90 hp l'ord out. 644-4i635. 3)61 Business Center Dr. Full sales tralnlng program SHARP R.E. s a J e 1 man. WASHER. ~r, color TV Also assorted parts from 6 \Vk. old kit tell!. Weaned A Cartlna, Cathedral h u I l . TIME fOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD Irvine -oo c:ost. Management* LI.sting Oriented. Sm a 11 conaole, re a Ion able· 1961 Olds Station Wagon. trained. (5) 'Tabby striped. Walk Um.1wtnd1hteI4, portunili~ A.sk for Mrs. CMLS) office. Takti 1.(1% S18-4900 Reasonablr. 531-3885 after (I} \Vhite w/blk tall. Nee-cl custom tarp, 4 llrr jaCket:s, 4 LEGAL Secretary w/lltiga· t:ion experience. 645-1550 MACHINIST To $5 Por Hr. NO FEE ~~for tn!onnation at The rest>1s yours. N'B. Write Rent WaaMn/Dryers 5:30 PM, aak for Lynn homes de1peralely. 837..5003. l&fety cuahlons, tire-n~ T ben R ltors Classified Ad No. 423. Dally $2. Wlc. Full malnt. KENMORE wasber " 1u t kltteno, 6 wtu old. ~'· oea anchor, Gr ea Pilot. 330 W. Bay, Costa * 639-1202 * dryer, 6 mo'a. o Id, 3 males, 1 female. horn, compqc • all .. RECEPTIONIST: Pleaaant Me~ Ca. 9263;, Frtg:ldalre ntrfg. Lr g. , 642-2307 proved by Cout a..d. oo•'""-gal for Uris front SITTER nttded immed. my Cameras • 808 m1een sz. bed, 6 mo's old, s U M I 6 I" xtnt cond. $2415. Moond • ~·-·• E I I -.-ma a e puppy, mos, .. Ba!~-1 ~ •Ht O"'ce ............... with local hom. e, daya, .2 pre schl qu pmen Schwinn bike, girls. uuo. a. vi......_, • ~ ~··-·· ___ ....., _____ ,, lbs. Well mannered. House-1--='""o--=--•I •••••••••••••••••••• \Ve have over 25 openings for top machlnlsll t b r u o u t Orange Co. We urgently need' country dub. Typing, some children, own trans. 540-9251 KOBENA 421 Super 8 movie _OOZ""589_="'~· ==~~~-broken. To gd home. 847..f411 15' Glass flat lite bookkeeping. Start $450. SKILLED TYPIST camera. lnltant -~•-SUMMER SALE • OONVDllDlr- SEWIHO CUIOE fOlt THE GAL.ON THE CO. For an Ml In Wom1n'1, World Coll Mory Blllh 642-5671, ox! 330 Tops for School! Qulc:k·S.w Trio e Engine Lathe ()pt':'I • J.filllng Machlne Oprs • • "'"" Lathe Opn. • General lttachlnllita Some opening1 nqul.re set· up. some do not. All open· ings are w/top firma generally free from layoff. P.P.S. Pacific Personnel Services 11Z No. Tower Union Bank Squiin Onn&e. Calif. 547-6446 A1k for Rachel May MACHINisr, lathe or mill. Capitol Machine, 1642 E. Edinger, UnJt A, Santa Ana . HaU .,..,,, L!hr.J!. ._. ... ~.. GENTLE German Shepherd Call Pat . • ~· To learn the mortrage loading. Power telephoto PERSIAN RUGS Co Jal Ag 2790 II bor need~ good home', niale 4 Bottom Ski Hal as ency, ar business. Min. &:I w.p.m. wide ""'"'e lens. Almost 20~ ott..July 15th lhru 31st Ad C ,1 ... ,.. years old. 673-5458. Bl at ams, ·". Mun be able to learn. new. $75 or make otter. Call KHman'r; 10:30 to 5;30 RECEPTIONIST • TYPIST. Corporate offices. 50-60 WPM. No agencies. For appt. call Dick Beau· champ, 546-0370 weekda,yl. Irvine Indus Dist. Thl' 542-1734 eves &: weekends. Corona dd Mar, 675-7340 Whlle/metalilake red, Ill hp 1'feab's Co., 833-8340. PETRI Fr camera. Seldom HAVE C.f) tickets r or 968--08.\'l .Mere O/B, tUt trailer $UOO. Switchbo.ard Opr. used. C. C. auto. 1:1.8 f-55 Pageant of the Masters, ~~~~~~~~~I IJ36.l9S4c.-,-;:==~~-·I Kelly Girl :'.:~;n':'."':oo W.:~ !!: :;;i;:r1:!.z.~~ ~~eA:;.'. Jl-L.J -33' LUHRS '72 otter. SU.1734. eves & J. 637--0268. Pitt and...,... r, FREE PIGEONS "Q,'ftkends. Fresh water cooled _________ 1N~ you for shlrt term ?t!EMBERSHrP: Newport ChryAlen RECREATION DIRECJ"OR temporary as&llPlUlentl. Fumitvre 110 Bch. Tennis Club. °"'nl":r ••A KETTENBURG City of Fountain Valley Must have exper. Xlnt relocating. Desires to sell. Pets, General ~ D p I Ma I Salary: $13,644-$16,!l'J). worlting com.. Top eam-~? ..... JEVABLEABLYr 835-3252.P.O.Box841,Ran. Tho Tropic Ione ana ,..'!_~ rne Degree Rec. or related ingl. Weeklyp1.7check . ~N cho Santa Fe., Cal. 2064 S M . • 0 N ..,.. W'9" field; 5 yrs. exper. Person-Abllolutely no fee. ThomasvUle kl.ngsize bdrm AVON Sale '· slock ~ •--i ·An ~ ~-aw, lr Ski A Runabout. Dffp Kelly Girl Rt, 9' velvet 901.l le • •· • ·~·J .;)(l.11 a as neweft °' .... e1 v. !' depth. 1' ..._, 8 nel Dept., Ul200 Slater~~~· 10 v e 1 eat, I u x u rious reu. 1Q..5 Thur/Sat/Sun., Tropical Filh Slon. Un-c.• o1A .. n.-.i..1-. ~ .,._ 9'1708. Ph: (TI4) 962-~ 1001 Businea Ctr. Dr. ~ 1t•7• Santa .a.... .. .-. _..IWIQ" -.. ""~ Apply by 8/4/72. Irvine 833-ll41 naugob)'de o.ofa .11 -~ "° r ( • ~ • --bellevoble 4" 'liq' Oown det' JD Jn ll>cl lllp, Ila 6' oocktail tbl, 2 end com· C.M. Locbeo 15.95 • Last time~ jlClrets -Amir Ilk lie REPRO TYPIST. TECHNICIAN modes, bunk beds, Spanlah ALLEN SYNCROGRAPll, yeor .ClownLoc:hetlorll8c. $28!0 fc.21111 ' Experienced tape deck &: game set w/matchi.Qg bar, MODEL E lOS HD J7F, 2 oz. filter wool 69c w/tree • • Hla:h Starting Salary NO FEE _541=·.::c265=2· ____ =~ 1 z..tust have: IBM magnetic MAID, full time, 7-3:30. card-composer exper, i(>Od. wkend rotation, exper. pref, v.-ork record & hith. skills. Penormel Office, South v~ry modem work i na: stereo equipment, take over hide-a-bed. (213) 866-9339. DISTRIBUTOR MACHINE. alr stone. Eureka pum,p, 1~ 1971 NEWPORT, 9% operation ot entire repair&: SURPLUS Salt:' Dinette ~t 542-1734 eves & weekends. $1.49. 5 gal. tank w/hood $~=•qaJpped, installation center. Salli')' w/4 chairs, $lS. SURFBOARD, ~ $3.99. 10 gal tank w/hood · : ~ plux. U.S.A. Stereo Equip. Upholatered c!Wr, $12. Cof. Honeycomb, cuotom gun, $6.99. Call !J'l9.Flsh. iO<lfl, Ront/CINlrt'r iii Warehouse, 179 E. 17th St, fee tab~s. $4.50 to $10. good cond. SSO. Call * "Sherry's" Grooming 10 ~=--:::~::-::-~,;..,,;..,,;.:..; Costa MelO 645-2142, open Reftleera-$100. Btwn 9 548-#IO. yrs In all br...is. (Frio 27' AUX, SLOOP 11 AM. &: 12 AM. Z131 Grace Lant', BRUNSWICK VIP .8, alate pickup). Boardln&, poodlt Perfect for wttkend aw.. Coe.st Comm. Hosp. South condl:. in Irvine arae. l.aj:una. •1311. An equal P.P.S. opPQr'. emplr. * * TELEPHONE A p p t C.M. !J'1M43t, n") pool table. $550. xlnt puppies. 54&-2848. ·to Catalina. Fully equipped. MAID work 1n exchange for apartment. 2376 Newport Wvd., C.M. 548-9755. MAINTENANCE MAN -Ole bldg, Nwpt Ctr. Gen'I knowledge of plwnblng Ir: electrical req'd. AllO, lite janitorial dutlel. Pleaaant working condl. Pd in1 &: vac. Write s;peclfying al@, rxper & refs to Clu1Wed ad No. 465 c/o Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, O>sta Mesa, Ca 92626 Pacific Sec'y -PART TlME, s.9 LADDERBACK CH A IRS, eond. 54&-1128. BABY MICE 5;" ,rodio, RDF, II .... '"'- Personnel Services PM, Corona dd Mar. Xln't Need at Je11st fOl.D' matcblng 25c each -6 2' headroom, COln:Jllete 112 No. Tower sal + bo11W1. Req'd: A high, ladderback cbatrs. LIMOGE Plata, new 963..()833 &alley. Cub ratn. Lots Of Union Bank Square p o t I a h e d unemcumbered handmade quilt, blue chips, J)a!'ldnr. Call tor info. ,,_,,.. ~ .. ·i.ness woman \v /the gift Fin. or un11n. Must be imp. rua. alnk. 6C-8989. C1t1 152 557-9046 alt, 6·.30, Orange, ._.u. ......, aturdy. No antiques. Free or -===::.:::::..:.:::...::=-547•6446 of penuuion. ~ or ,.aoonable pr\<e. Pb. Mike BRAND ...,. Searo deluxe PEltS!AN lclttens, CFA '"'" looto, Soll "' Ask for Rachel May 6'15.l089. at 897-rnn after 5. ~!.' ,!!!.~"1132· Cost $100, all pepen, champ. lln ... e. ;::;;::;:;;:-:::~--=~ TELEPHONE aoliclton. Top BE OO no:u .....,. • ~. S50 4 up. A1ao black MARINER 31 com p le t e REJ'All. clerking &; part salary & comm. Pl. ttme NTW D FUCHSIAS-FERNS·MISC. anokeatudaervlce 892-2970 GEM. Refrig .. ateertn1 time kitchen work in evea. Exp. pref. Call aft 5 CHAJRS 50 anorted alzea «le-$1 · • vane. ready to p, py tC, hospital store. Full time, 5 pm only. Ask !OI' sue, N"~ !t_:eastwoodt tour_~~;,.,« un-291 E. 23rd St .. Colla Mesa Dog1 iS4 slip 342, L.B. Private Pt;y dayl , 8 to 4· 52'l-2Sl9. 557-2781. ......_ ~ u.w.q,;o. A~ AKC Pu--9 wk old r-an (2l3) 59S--296l RN&t. ' & LVN'a 11·7 & 3-11 •·•· . Sell pearance not important, but LOWNMOWER '6'. 0th er ,......... U1:"4•u mrniiiiu""'o;---=.,,--:-1 • TELEPIIONE ...-.s. must be in &ood cond No mile. Garden tooo11. ahOrthalr show &: tleld, 5 wk COLlJMBIA 22. p11J sh . Hunt. Bcb. area. Call Southern Orange County'• 11.... ..,,,___ • * 557-3111 * old great dane1, belt in head, aleepa 4. Balboa - 0 ., •551 tro an .... ues. ~,._ or reas. ---n...-tw.-aelf oow-..1 • Favorite Newspaper m price Miltr 897•7791 aft 5 GIANT Destsner RauedY temperament &: 1 how. ...,_,,. •"""""· .......,.. ..... SALES your home. Make as much • ' • Ann 'N Andy•. 4 ft. $15. 1•" Martt n c re 1 t Kenrwll evea, 675-«>16. MILLION DOLLAR Progressive arowmg o.c. u you need. Ge..,... com-1:,\;;~ .~·.~!.?.."d,, doll• 15. 612-QB9. 541HJ989, Coronodo U.Gcl. Concl. Manu(. co. req's sales ad· misokm oo eacb sale. Call V}I"<'• _.._ ma.· OBEDIENCE Oaa To Start Pvt Party 64f.e537 mlnlstrator/engineer. w e 557-6739. tress .l springs, ~ 9 Ml~cellaneou1 PROGRAM OPENS IN market exclualvely tbroulh TRAVEL AGENT drawer .U.sser . w/muror, Wonted 12D :::.ed.~::.~~ ~~ Columbl~~TMork II QUICKIE vests are perfect reps & require exper. Exp only Imme d J at I! $250. Octqon dinmg nn tbl, BENTWOOD Open to all dop over 5 mo'1 il/:;";-7.:::::'.::-=''"T.=--=I for oow and back to school! ORANGE COUNTY salesman w/strong tech openina •. Good pay. Trant ~a~e.:1'~ CHAIRS old. 546-4928. P:C8t. very fut, 15 nces, U Crochet ve111 tor !he gtrla bckemd· to in 1 er face Globe Travel, c.o.ta Meaa. • • Need at leut four fin. mo un· * D Obedl-* firsts. Trlr., IPinrlaker, J • join hc:xagons tor top style w I re p r e s e n tativet It MS-5()06. ANTIQUE Victorian c u t fin. Bentwood chain. An. T thlsog ,!!'ce aails, Exttaa. U47otoUtt !hold Ion cu!tomers. Travel reqd. velvet couch, chain, tables, Im 1...': ry proven lllVe method 548-.1917 alt 5. • or choo!e po er vers · e Account Executives ltxYk Jndustrial market. TYPIST, must be accurate. lamps. 962-7057. pearance not portant, U\lt Cius starting La&una Use knitting wonted. Pat-e District M1n1ger.1 Petro ,...__m ba.,.i,._,_,. \Vestmilllter area. must be in aood cond, No San Clemente atta.. • 14' SURFBOARD ea.Uboat. tem 70C5: child'• 11u1 4-6 : You'll brighten up the "'""' ~........... * lf93..8329* RUGS, love ~at, TV. coUee antlQUe:t. Free or rtU. 0ay1 ~· evei• 563931 Centerboard, rudder, all&. girl!' g..10: 12-14 included. scene In lhil sunburst· E'<eeplional opportwUty for helpful. Reply tD OanWed tbl. end tbls, dbl bed, price, Mike, 897·7'191 aft. 5. John Martin,' Profl Trainer Betit oUcr. 67J..G/4L SEVENTY ·FIVE «JZN'l'S darted pantsuit or drW age groups 18 to 23 to make ad 467 c/o Dally Pilot. P.O. ffilSJ dres.sen. Mlle. ~1456. LADDERBACK c H >. l Rs p u R E e RE D t.abra.t...:... KITE No. 121.. Good C101to add ~ Ith ~-f I le-r' •-• ~ NOW' H · Box 1S60, Costa Meso, Ca. ' ~··· dltlon. u~ tor each p1.ttern -.w w a ••• ~ .. u '"""' 11\JUf\ ......... money . ave 926$. FINE Oriental dining room Ne& at leut four matching black 5 k .-. cents altw -~;1'Specpette1almH1l>.;' .••1 11t.c wa!Pull-<>1 n pants have fun and 1~ where it's hap. SALESGIRLS • asslatant aet, ro~~., ~ .. ot' "?r hl&b. Jadderback ch&fn. No paj,e:n: ~. 644-1732 Air M I """' •r as 1 • • penin&:! t 1 permanent em-ei: oriental tum . ..__._,, nn. ar unfln. Must be SNYPE f"- Prl ·• p 9063 -. Creative fa ab lo n ~ ~~ ~ l * 548-0159 * · · · """ new, with dllng; other;wlse third-claU nf= attern : NEW ployment and fut promo-~... 9 PC. BASS~ Ftu\twd. sturdy. No antiques. Fl'ff or allp Sacrifl - wtll !ak ~ M" ' s•--8 10 12 11 ·-man'1 ·-ar Top -•--· e 'I :r r..i' ffiISH Setter female, 10 59• ;..,_ ce. delivery e 1111..,., 111e1 u.ca , , , • tiona:. wv "., • ........... ,,. .. din. rm. set. 2 Pc. oa.k br. reuonable pri~. Pb. Mlke ~ weeks or more. Send to 16, 18. Size 12 (bust 34) Exp req'd. ~ until 11 aet. 7' pool !bl. SS?-58$. at 897-'lm aft$. month!, AKC, Io v 1n1'1;;;;;;;;;;;--.,.· :--=--~- All.ce Brooks, the DAILY pantsuit 3% yards 6-lnch. 213 433-6711 kd am , dlspollllon. 6464109. ' HOBlE 1 .. wry pod a:in. N •1 _,. : wee ays Typist tempo"'.., All <lxper s· SOJo"'A .t love seat, oever Office Purnltvre/ dltlon. -., Pll.CI'. 105, eeue .. ~· llflVENTY·Fll'E <JENTS (collect) SALES. Several poaltions ·-·· · E I ltt OLD E""llsh Sheep °"«· Call m.3172, -~- Dept .. Box 163, Old Chel• for each pattern _ add z '114:838-289:3 evea/wknds. avalable from wholesale to considered. Top earnings for Uted. Both $150. Sewinl flU P• Beaut. male. U mos. AKC. ;-u;;n'-7;;;..;,;;~·:;,·~::;:::,..1 Station, Nevi York, N.Y. cents for each pattern for retail. Abo no investment top tkllll. Let Krlly Girl mach $2S. Pvt Pt;y. 968-m.O DRAfTlNC table, older Qf· $350. 54$-3588. * LIDO 14, $!GO. ~ 10011. Prlnl N•l'Mt Adcl.ret9, A1r Mall &nd Special HOJJdl· MODEL-part tlme, fitting. po si.tiom. Envirormenta.I start YoU with your best foot PECAN coUee • end tables flee deak, Ule cabinet. MINIATURE Da..i.-. ... ,, «-aall• I: UDUald lebodr: cm. tt N w forward on the work a11lgn. 275 •'··tte t ""0 """·•,.. .....,. vu aowr .. Ill• Zip. Pa ern um • Ing; otherwile thlrd-clau Jr aJ.ze 9, for Jr swimwear Products. 1t1r. G or d on . t l ho! Start $ . Deoontor w.uo:: ae 548-4900 l&le, 7 weeks old . .$35. ·- NEEDLECRAFI' 'T2! Qo. dell .. ry wlll take three mfr co. 35\1-2411-36\1, 833-U7T. men o your c ce. $135. 561--'llll. I Plonot/"-•n1 826 * ll30-a4 * 14' HOBIE CAT, I .. all chet, knit, ~le, Flee d!rec-weeQ tit more. Send to 5'8"-5'7", 3 am'• or pm'• work immediately, Come tn LOVELY wWtut dining set -•r ADORABLE Excellent OMldJU. tiont, !Oc. Marian l\lartln, the DAILY per wit. 3>2> W. Chestnut SECURITY GUARDS 1•• clall ' ' ' w/hutch, 6 chairs. LlvinK fRE£ Poodl i.. With tn.ller -""'°"' """me -. PILOT, 442, Pattern Dept., Aw, S.A. 543-3043. Oakwood Garden Apts. needs l'Y ne 833· 1441 rm tum. etc. 548-4900 n»JO • pupp Ms-733:1 Booto, Slfpt/DMb fli ttn'll. $1.00. 232 Wt1t 18th St, New a pp I i c ant 1 immediate-D1 Buslneta Ctr. Dr. Garage Sile 112 .:". ~~e:':.;"'.:.-:,::; ;~ N.Jioi:i .. 17:"~ "~~:~~rg:y ~!:.i .. .!ia be:;~· ~~: wAiTR1s-sE·s Good stulf. Fllnl. -· StO'~lN'o: ·~~rs~ T ":.r~tw l"':.1'~~::,: *1'!. ~ ~~~ mak•. $1.00. ZD', 81Zlll and ilTYLE $5Gl-$651 Per Mo. 1 am-3 pm, wkencls 1 pm-5 Lunch t. dlnoer wal......,, c!othet, etc. 537 "A" °"' HAMMOND STUDIOS to good home1. Ill••• * ,._.,, 11 -t O'o<:" ~ ,-IRJMllD. Full Tlmo am, coclda\l wai"'-A nl!lht nan! St, C.M. Bamboo vu. Adu! :':C Cla 5.lT~O. &o.11, Slw... 912 Learn by P ::' •,· SEE MORE Sprtne Yourc men--mec:Mnical n.p. hosteu. ApplJ' tn penon lage. 4 t e ues YORKSHIRE Ttrritt, AKC. Buie fancy a, Pl· Fashions: and choote one tltude helptuJ, but ?W>t re-~Jy In Pmon U pm. Mon·Fr1. • Bealnner. perfect eolorina A: site.1662 DRY lfOl"l.P on ba7 , '""~ SJ.Ill. pall.,,. 11<• from new quired. MUii be 11 or O\'er. Tho Dorby Mochlnory 116 • Secondary NpL BJ. No. JS, CM. 646-1713 sallbooll from U to D', 2 llOmplele , ...... Gift llooO Sprl,,..,SUmmer C.W... AU Able to start work Im· DAKWODD 1262 S, E. Brlatol told Pall· ALLEN SYNCROGRAPI!, e Th<ory ELEGANT Aro!IANS pot t. hollts. - • mote than IOO llfll -1\m! Only !Oc. medlate\Y, If accepted. F"or GARDEN APTS. ...tcsl, Colla Meu. MODEL E 1415 HD J"lF, e Workshop obow pupp1'" A all '-··"-l'!!!!!!i!~!!!!~!!~I, n.oo. INSTANT SEWING BOOK Job Information ---DIS11llBUTOR MACHINE. can for lnfe<matlon ••"""'"lj [i] Oon•plol• &tpoa llooO • oew toclaf, weu tomorrow. Coll TuolMloy WAITRESS, EXP ER. 542-1734 evts A weekends. 644-1930 stock. All colon.-· [ T-1111 $LOO 11 10 4 llO Irvine Ave. Not un<l<!r 71. No Phone 2854 E, Coa1t Hwy., CdM S TUD S RVICE-. _ 11 iury Rai --ilOc. r"N ST ANT FASlaON o~Msstm· Newport Booch Calls. Apply In peroon, SUrf Ml1collo..-1 ~li PIANO SALEI Black Lab, AKC rea. champ-I'--------' .,_ flf JJ Prla A,._._. BOOK .. J{undredl 01 A Sirloin. 5930 \V. Col.wt ~._1 "'-1 ion background. m.3341. roe Equal Cl1>por. Emp\eyer H N ~ Bcb. Electronic ow.,ux -e: P.C. Plano Uled In t"chen Compen .... , ...... q,;llt -I -16 pa!lerN. lasbion 1acQ. ii. NUn.,ES Alde Tralnlna;. A wy, ........ boordt, capacitors, ralalnts. ltudlol; l\OOr mod•~; 411-* AKC tt<g, SUl<y Tml<r • IOc. heal<b core .,.,..,. oppor. SEC'Y ESCROW WAITRE!;S. EXPER. oollo, lrantlonners, ..U., .,..tlnued modela; damaged Female Pups. Odorleu alil96S96i'cCllOY)';:;;JiilliiT:"4c.::0:;1irnl r.r_. q,,Ut -1 , v...-coat money! Rtnt Elnj>lo)'mtol 0 11 u ed. w-you lllco to pt In the e BLUE DOLPHIN • cqulpmmt, .tc:. 1uty 29th. -. They're all ~ere A on She<t~11. $lOO ea, IJ0.8333, Special w • W-.p 1111 IOc. )'Ollr -· 1pt., 1toro P<ttOnne\ °'1flv Ho a g high paid ffCl'OW !le!d' This 33511 Vta Udo. NB PRECISfON W1ndbJ Co. Ille at dlaoounta to noo. HorHt IN coot e!Ul\por. Low ml. Ji1. Qolffl tor TocloJ"• Lhtoa • h14r., etc. thnl a Doily Pilot lloltp. II.II. co. w111 tnln fbe a.i wl1h WAITRESSES. bu 1 b 0 y 1 ~ 2247 S. Grand. Santa Ano. Wolllch1 Music City tru. NW12?. IS to<atltrlul l>'lttnnl. 50c. 01•lf!aol Ad. 6IMm. NUl\Sl!!S Ald<s, e • P e r , eoocl lkllll. Start IOQO. Call Wa!t•n, Kitchen H ' I P • (W1mtt A Gnmd) lM!MlOl Souui Coast Plua Good Ridint "-'Ill Cllw. El llonla Air ' lftf'd. AD obllls. Park Udo llel•n I~ 5 40 « 6 0 u. Dlabwaoh<n Apply In GARAGE lull ol mllc 1oola A 54().:JD) ID). * MM'l'll """'· Relrl(. -· -••••••••••••••••••• o.n.. !Uop., tc111 l'laphlp <butal Aaeney, 21'11 o penon alter UPM, 695 So. II<. Lot. ol borplnl. rut multa ,,. Ju•t 1 phonl ror that lttm tmoler $111, "7 extru. Xlat -. Olla M .. 11.e. -. -81. at Adlms, CM. c..st Hwy, r .. ,. 8cb. 54M900 C9ll a...,. -· the "'"""Pincher. I ~ ' l ' IWl.YPll.Or 1§1 1 ~1 -----~1§1 [ --~ l§J c.mpon......,•••• Tlsd1 Ml Aut., r,,. ,... m ....... lll••rted "° ~ l111p1... m Aul-. ., .. 11_. m -'-· "'°l'I "° ~~;;; . .;.~-'.C~·o=~=r-:'.y!:'£::n:E-:-"°-·· ~-~~. ;EPS ~ • l~I --. Uiiil ..... ___ ,,,_-__JI§] I _ ..... 'I 0 1. TRUCK/C.mper 1lfodll 'ft 'II Cllny 1f2 Tn AUA IOMIO ... ' JA~M· POUCHE TRIUMPH CAD,ILLAC • • . ··-~~J.;~ ~It --.~. "-« '!ti,~~~~:;;~~ .J~~ ~~~" ~· ~ POCORICHENDIT.ION " •• loaill., '~Sed w~:e.: N: c!.:~ ==· .. '•72 JEEP ~15 .,,bd--..., -1GO?I ..-FIUTZ-~l\~'£N ~-g~ ., ~~· _ ASKING i~ a Ur< .. Pvt pt,y. lldow book. Nred latl:er car. 541-&182 4 Wheel J)rlve, V·8, Powrr 1~...,-.....,=--or_a1t_,.l"'P"';;;;.,. " • ' l'IM'"'illl .._~ C Con Alter a C2UJ 59&-59iG. $1i00. ~ ·-$2695. Fin avail m-me alt COUGAR Steering, Radial!, Conv Top. Cycl11, au..., -O.A.C. lt'l-02lf. ~ •• ar tor •10 ~ ""' win.. '63 Poroch•, """"· Reblt ..,. ..... s pm. , ott the road tire• Conly S-llro ns Allf9 l.111... ,... 710 & ht. S.A. 5'7--0'IM • t, -Best olltt over '1SOO. Dr. 1 3700 miles) (566E11Wl $3596, • ..... •ii ·uo1 .:n.:xi ,..:'· i.: .;~"i CuaJ<IY, 54&-$319. ~ !~ =. C:HEvROLET '69 Cougar XR· t _:::d"::.· :::83&<535;:;;;;;·==--I ~~ "'~~ 1:: hJUll 2wZ. 1972 ... KARMAN•N G. HIA 1968 PORSCHE. new lltt1, 800 S. a:;" lllll>-Immaculate, V-8, Auto Trani, t • IMPERIAL -afttr 5 or ~ "12 Audi 100 ·13, 4 dr, 6000 · xlnt oood. must A<rifi«I Lor\lnl Beach Hl-3100 1910 Chev. Coooourl Esta!<, P.S., P. Di"' Brakes, Ai;. ""-233. • Aalo •• air. magi.' (it3!92l ml. ~ metalllc red, '67 KJlmlami Ghia (213! 43UO:I> alter&. '6' SPITFIRE $1299 s Pao. Sta. Wp. Pwr. Concl, Vinyl Top, 100% Flii ---~:--7"':--I '10 Rickman -.. .. -$108 . leathorelt•. air, AM/FM, lo ml'•· ''7 PORSCHE. s u .. r Radlo-Wlreo (509aQEl ~~!i.,~s;!:'";!":. Avail O.A.C. 397.om. '70 Imperial· eroa. !500 or bnt.'19. 11cc !4450. 98Ml'lS c.u 962--0569 . Good condlt1oO. -FRITZ WARREN Factory Air, '"""age rack, DODGE LeBciron Indian Boy -· $111). + Tu Pl" mo. IMW MAZDA RENAULT Sporto Car Center new tire•" brakes. Panel· ,71 Dod...; Immaculate Condition, Sacri· ~2127. . ill mo. open <!Id , . ' • lU & lit, S.A. 541--0'IM In&. Aikin& $3100. 557-4861. .,-fice, Must SeU, dlr. 897-0224. 8~·=1oo.~ ~· Slulllem Calfd1 ~k:M~gf'A~~s. ROTA.RY'S RenaSeumlt·,. o.moA•nl!•5l'1' VOLKSWAGEN '68 Impala CUstom Charger 500 LINCOLN ...,., L""I I --" le ~-II Immaculitte, V-8, Auto Trans. _ _;;......~--~-~ $10. 548-4440. 1st 11.dLO-I ....... DJ: VER'( m,,_a ... wry '"·mo~tr·.._ ASTRA -"· B ak Mr -IUUllMll M• t-Da..r. ri...:iM" ......... &.IW n• .-rvw-'69F CK. Immal;l.l.L&te. COUPE Factary Air {VZU· P.S., P. Dllc r es, . 'fi6 Lincoln Coot. Xlnt c:ond. 3(6 Honda ' ~. nu LUW -· rn11111.llV 1um .... lf.ICll ~·-······-Sale Auto, AM/FM. air. 30,000 M9) JI49s dlr 836-65ls. Cond, Yinyl Top, 100% Fm F/pwr .. a/c, nu tires, new btka., nu btt:tel7 6 lftl. L • ""fl' -ml Sell Blue Book ' ' Avail. O.A.C. 897~4. brks. By owner. $1095. xlnt cond. $350, .. __ easinc . Up To.' This Wffktnd wholesale. 844-219'l 0 r '57 Ch<vy V-8, new "'""· FORD 67S-011l9. BIKE, girl'• Bionob1, $ ..... 48 Mo. 'l:enns 64().1136. Xh\t med! "")Cl. Good .:::.::..=--:-::--adjuatable & ...... ,,..,., :ml Butlneu Center Drive 11 Unbeatoble Prices ,71\ YW C ' tramp. $400/best olr . MAVERICK Fair rood. $25. 511 till. Irvine, Calli. -ALIL Im MODELS ">• . amper -7· · ... im BSA soo. New Dame 71~ 213/627-4.187 ""apptoved crodit IN STOCK FOR . Immaculate, Bubble Top. '71 Chevy Impala '70 LTD ... '70 MA .. VER. I.CK paint. Immaculato. Miii! ooll ~ DELIVERY avail o,A.C. 897--0224. (lMCXV) Full Power, dlr, P.S., p DI"' 'Brakes, Ab" . G IMMEDIATE Ready to go, 100% llnanclnr ' Immaeu!at< V-8 Auto Trans. • beat ofter! ~ ~ • . INST•MT '"llEDIT '6·8 YW IUG ~~aft· LowlO amm1;~·~~ Cond, Vinyl Top, 100% Fin sto"'" Radio, Healer, Nice Motor -· ny our ,, ... -tar . Ai'P,llovAL • -··~ ~~ A all 0 Ac 897-0224 ne S•l•/Rlnt ,.. Savlnp -Baflal.IOtlon .-SEE u~·~u'r 'BANK FINANCING 4or'='o~~~· $995 '70.Tdinsman Wagon ;96l ,WAGON $1495 ~iz.uE.Ai.t.·POPULAll 'Ove~M:•t Dfllv•rf COAST _,66 VW Squareback Wagon · V-$, auto; air oond, R·H, AST tmM;Ua:SATCOllPETJ. .CREl/lllR MOTOflS · Good 5<1odttlon. 'Radio, VS, AutomaUc, Pow<l'_Steer-$150. Finn. 543-369l U "°' co tTIVE RATES.·• . U W. l11t St .. Santa Ana beatn. Good tire!. $750. inl, (403BHL). $:1995. dlr. home, call back. cilJ v,,_ Reid ... · t3s-311i IMPOR:TS -= · .~, .. , ft HP • ·63 Ferd • °'· hrd ... F/P. turtblr dttaU.. .. Vil.it oUt new home! '70 vw bu&'· Yellow, black -u:..:v . ,'.),'.) 396, 3... • .. xint cond. E v e ryt h in g IMPORTS RODINS·l'ORD . 1000-llOOW.Padlloc.t.Hwy. mac ·oood. Alt6,'45--0445 xtru. $1750 or T 847-4267 $114'9. · ' THIODOU & . int. Michelin x tires. Im-spd. Craear, Hurs!, posl, work& ~ or best ? O ;....,,· ... .,,, 218 Bubar llftl. All extras incl. air cond. N'ewport &,m, (U4) 642-0tOG •n 411 W••. AJT, radio. Vin eve& -re..<" ,...., om. M -'64 FORD Van Econollne, 1000.l»l w. Pacific Cst Hwy. MOTOR'HOMES na eo.omo ' (#6l&l) Renault S•let & Setvlce seats. Lite yellow. 2300 MUST sell •57 Chevy. 283 good cond. Many xtras. Newport Beach (n4) 642-0406 1181 Gorden Grove ·Blvd. Autoo Wa,,... • ·,HI ROY CARVER, Inc. $6650 foT over • decade In ClranK• ml'•· $3200. 644-2386. eng./good oond. 1225• Pb. 11150. 648-4838 d a Y s. 546-4529 Garden Grove • DMCT9 -234 E. 17th st. County MUsr Sell '69 VW Bug with 646-6094 548-6326 eves. &LtMr Home Rental• REWARD Cost& Mesa,. 546-4444 or leue Serv. Dept. Open tll I p.m. air cond., Extra Sharp, '66 Cbevelle, SS 396, mags, 4 •n FORD Wagon Coun try '70 Maverick · 6 cyl., e.utom, A;.;m;i,le kr dalJ¥, weelcly CAPRI Silllthel'I) 'California 1lm Sle=Rl>nault ~lSSl ~'."°"'· $950. Cail Squire, 10 pass.' !act air, ~~ rond. ll400. can :n.im;i:i '::~i!i :: WILL P-AY ·OYER •. '71 CAPRI 1st Nat11111a' I -Bank ~ .:· = ofs.:ii::: ·~Bi:· ~ . .,..7 5"o": '65 Cl\evy Van. new brake•, ps/pb, Hauolo,R$3395.NET847-1040 ;M,:.:A VERl='=CK""""'·70=,....,..1 -owner-c.1 tut HOma. all ,equ1pt with .-.-Service n.partment ~4 ~'1006; 5573 new$!000 tires0r be• atgoodotter~~.!'~· . ~.500 miles. Auto . Xlnt. · Ka11u .... _--. __ ._ "(" 557 .... _ ~...... Radials. ;1699. 675-sm . ....,..fot"., rool a1r, one! , ••r , --. 4 Spd, Air Condi~'·• L . Sale1 Deparbnont -5242 ;'7,Bug. ~bit eng. ,66 Chev. "c.-~" radial Brand Now 1972 llWl,Y ' 0--All . ' • ~~... . easing ROYER New paint. Top cond. ~-· HORNETS MERCURY Olacb<s aJj :tm . mode).. F .. late """""'.' cl11n, RJM!lo, Map. (284JIUI). t915. 644-0021 tire~ See to appreciate. We hav11theall1tffl Am.lao low ·mllea.. cloml"" $1995 2022 B)l.!ineu Center Drive ~,6-9-R_O_V_E_R-.ic .. $lS9t •70 vw SUnrf., lots or xtras. $1000. 544-3417 LATE 1970 Coug8.r. Private allo. Pleue call 839-9580. tlct,. lmpoa;tt,, trucks or Irvine, caw. ~ "Immacula:te! .. CXHW342). Must sell. 645"-0222 before s 1970 Monte Car~ SS 454-full party. Full pov.'E.'f &. air. At VOYAGER . BOAT. • • c•mP.erL· COAST n4/833-861l • 213/627-4367 FitiTZ WARRE?j pm. · pwr., air. Sacrwce, make low Blue Book. 4S4--0122 • • Powered l>1 J-'15 Cail and u1c for Buyer so0~SDll~PMLAEYRCN~S Sporl1 Car Cenlor 1970 vw w .. 1pbalia Camper, oiler. 64&-3911. '68 Mercury 4 dr. hrdtp. ~i'= ~:3?:i DAVE ROS$ 0 IMPORTS "'" 710 E. lit. S.A. 517--0764 $2400. Good rond. Low 1958 OIEVY·Reblt engine. Under w.rrn. Nu !Itta. Call LuM Nft( Morcedo1 SUBARU mlleal'!· 546-1919. Xlnt tranoportatlon car. 968--0174. $1lB8au·ca CITY •E· .111111m•c . . sna.11 Monthly '68 V'lV Bus, 7 -· xlnt 1115. 847-. . . MUSTANG ru1u111 l:fOUS,E OF IMPORTS * SUBARU * '."~,.v~.-~~.;.... Famil.Y CHRYSLER 100).1200 W. Pacific est. Hwy. 6'6}:-Mancheater, Buena Pk uwncu ,...._. ~ '68 GT 2+2 FASTBACK 390, air, P/S, disc brakes, auto & stereo. $1£00. 968-9124 ,2480 Harllor Blvd. Newport Beach (n4) 642-0406 523-7250 on Santa Ano Frwy. •·Low l'"M '60 vW Buo $500.-* 7 pass ata wgn. Alf, pwr. Cott. Mou 546-Mf7 516-4!!29 ~ " -•, Runs good. $ZIS. 283 Lilac 65&5 Beaeh Boulevard HuntinJton Beach (n4) Ml-26!0 *Manin Pearce* . c:nROEN FRITZ WARREN'S 548-<827 Lo, c.M. 548-5287. WI •AY TOP := Car Center '66 vw Bug, ,,.11ow, two new C: OLDSMOBILE CASH OMET NoW Available with =•c!:,"j,.~= RAN~~NTY'S =. .. :.. :~':'k.;: SHARP l966 Comet Cyclone. AIR CONDITIONING '69 OLDS 98 . ' Matar llmaes fDr' local • European 'llO E. ht St., s.A. Sff..()764 •Musr SELL· NaV)' blue Bucket seats air con-· b -·-'a·,-, • dellwry. TOYOTA 1969 VW. Clleap. Ca 11 dltioning. 1 'car owner. AJ NO EXJRA CHARGE Power. Windows, Power Sales • 1Rentals eon ..... a.~-Jim Siemon• Import. 840-1449 aft s,30 pm 84&-0718 • steenng, Power Brakes. GROTH lillfYIUlEJ mt Sb, Main, Santa Ana '72 TOYOTA * Dm'ERATE! * CONTINENTAL SpeclallJI equip! cars now Factory Air Cood, Power 558-3222 557~ Open Sun. 1971 MERCEDES ··:m ·SE, '69 V"!/. auto. $950. available In 2 Dr 4 Dr and Seats, Like New (YFF424) tm s. Village W•y, s .A. Allt l!Jf Ill. ..._ DATSUN_ . fully equ1~pe<1, AM/FM CORO(LA aft I pm * 873-3466 1969 Continental lpOflabout w...,;, model• $1995 MO~~~~. . . ' lr'fui:;" ::! ig oatsun' iii!* f:;"~ :~ "'"· $1966 '84 ~ ~~c;nollc;;~D. E=I ;:'m.I'rll~ IMMElllATl DD.IVERY COAST Okla front 'Wheel dr!W. 1/111-lfl,4111T • Kl 1,1111 '63 Moroiclea ~ diesel ( + T. • L.) , ~ alt 3 l"" * 1969 Continental. 4 dr. mate in luxury• ef:ftcl.flfeJ. WE be•&ll mlbl of dwl Hard Top A Soft Top. c Spd, Newtv. Painted. er '63 vw liUI' . reblt erw ' Xlnt eond. $3250. Pvt. pty "Wt .. ~ S Lee Only 9,tl)O mlleo. -· --.-. Pofd kr Radio, Heater, 41,000 fdUal $800 962-7067 $39.30 • ::.".'" ~'."'~.~ -.:: 546-1128. • -~-. n....:.... n IMPORTS Ront A-· H""'' ... •l Pl-<!rivt In"" mlleo, (WTY584L ' MG C:ORYAIR ---- fo*r Y!'! ~1cat*""' .._ _..., I · $109, :I -."':.~l M"Go ~T'i100' FUllL cub_prlce $2,lllltl.30 In-'61 VW Panel, $)8'5 547-5126 ...,....., H ~ C'J.udinl: tax A lice-. Down Like New, 675-0745 U64 CORVAIR 1234 So. MaJn St. best "· Mm.Offer. :Most'Sell.Qulcl<! paymem 1s -hundred VOLVO Good Condltion,'$295. santa Ano PLUSH Sbuta mtr hm. far mit. 18', 11"9 6. Setr cont. Pvt pty. Alt '· 497.2384 or oucr ' ~ 9 CM-3192 9 . dollan. $39.30 total monthl,y * M6-41S1 * COAST MG•& payment Including lnleresl 0 GREMLIN . . • i>. tax I. llcenae. 35 pay plus 1972 VOLVO C: RYEllE · e 72 UFETIME M.H., 23' • 11111 W. Hw1, balloon payment o1 $800. ' ' Br•nd Now 1'72 :1!~~·:,,~:.i;'~; N-r2-MOS-IMPORTS · ·~.~~:!=: ~~-~-e1~:ia,P8J%~~ L•;:o .. T~::.·• '&&Conettefastback G'REMLINS MS -~.....:,;;:,,~:....--$650. 646-92'.i11· ed d It Tralloro. Trovol . WE PAY TDP .DOu.AR pre· arraDl< c r • • $11.74 Ptr Mo, 4 Spd, AM/FM Radio, Extra FOR TDP USED CARS 1000-UOO W. Pacl11c Cat. Hwy. ·MGI (300785), O.A.C. AM/FM, Auto. inns., Clean, (YGU358!. m=~~:ton u~~~~~· ;;aef~~ :~;g~-~-.. -1'-00.-~-12-,, -.· ~y\t ;!;.t;!:::u:~.· MACKEQAOFFERST cabana. Frame comp1etely Costa Mesa· 979-251» RI.dial!, LOADED, n ,000 Sports C•r Center ---UWY rebuilt to CarrY 3 motor-IMPORTS WANTED ml, Must .. Sacrifice $4200.' 710 E . ht, S.A. 547--0764 1968 H~. ~-~ ·. "6-m , , .YOLYQ cycles .• ~';!58Cie0•," Oranco .Count!el .Private party 530-tSSl. 1967 MGB Roadster. Top TRIUMPH IMPO' RTS ....,.~ TDP $ BUYER '71 DATSUN PICKUP mechanical condition. Low 1911 Harbor, c.M. 1146.9303 over 15 Gremllnll In stock Aft. 9 P.M., 54G-~ SILL MAXEY TDYorA mileage. Must 1ell. $1005. '65 J • nh Spitfire A .,_ 990 NlMROD Dix hdtp Low 18881 Sood> mvcL Sll-12111 atter ·5 pm. 1111111 .. , ut11,. · 1000-llOOW.Paclllceat.Hwy.' ail models,• oolors avail· Pro!lle collapslble•trlr. ffips H. Beach. P!I. 11745511 w.· /Gem Top JP ..... n.ir .:::.c:;:::..;:O::P;,n::::.. __ , (Mn•-) . ,. CAPILLA~· NewportBe~\;14) 642-0406 IMab~IATr' DRIVER. y 5. Stove, , ice ~ $1050. We Pay Top Dollar utllltpui ~-lftUI '' 545--0330. For All Model< Speeds 4 Spd, Radio, Heoter, Low, ....... ,-70_0_P._,..El-1-90_Q _ . $645 YOUR ONLY '71 Cmtte F....i.....L * 24' Aintre&l!l, AC, cpts, We Buy Motorcycle• Low Mileage, {350CPH). FACl'ORY •~UMWl 'IT~ -.I S.Lee 1000.tJX> W. Paclfic Cst. Hwy . Newport Beach rn1i 842-0406 54tl-4S29 PINTO 'Tl PINTO. 4-lpeecl. 2-door, 6000 mi, R&H. $2095 or of- fer. 979-0677 PONTIAC: MUST Sell This Weekend! '66 Pontiac G'l'O. Low miles. Flawless $ 8 2 5. 646-0355. ·n GRAND Prix, pert cond., pwr wind, Rally whll, vinyl top, tilt strg, beaut gOld, priv party. 673-7587 eves. 1966 PONTIAC Catalina 9 passenger Station Wagon. Air cond. 962--9832 VEGA '71 VEGA PAN._El_, couch, Breakaway laica., Cars, Vam and Trucks $2095 COAST .AUTHO.RIZED Power Sleeriow, 'power H Qll,L clean. Barg8.ln price at WARREN AUTO SALES RALLYE" llADffi[ Brak A lo T $1700. 6S8-tl2llO Hem<t. 82'7-0543 . • c:UILLAC: ••• u r a n • ' Amllloln Maiten n Co A fJ . lbE.uza AMIF:M. Low MUeage 4 Spd, Mr Condlllonlng, lllag Auto S.rylct, Porto 949 ~ ~~~':i, ~ HJ 'misr.'~ ~H':;;:;• ~:; IMPORTS Larseot oelec&n ot C.dll-$4988 1234 ~-~St. :~".:.ne~.Rack, ~rereat!a~fc~..i.~ =-=CoutHwy. IMPORTS Inttrlor (30"1BHLJ, tooo.uoow.~c.t.Hwy.~ .. e..,i:-Couney. COAST . SanJEEtaAnap $1995 =r SL. Santa /Ina Aulol, Imported 97q $1495 . Newport Be=4) -a Mabe" . A~~u~k~~ ~~~~---~~~o·· =~=,f'~ COAST ·'.'-. *.Ji::=~~*. -~o~:;: .. IMPORTS :::=::~'.~~~ IMCOPOARSTTS 541-1734 Eve• & weekeods. AHa Romeo '72-·n Datsu• 510, AM·FM I IMP-ORTr . smTF!RESAlll.OW AS$2399 540-9100 ()pen s~ 1000.mow.Paclllceat.Hwy. '69 Ford Branoo, 4WD, 2 Chrome vw slotted rtms 2000 stereo, alr/l'OOld., tap• . . . ·I J GT-6 • SAVE $500 "lllLL WlllTLlDGES" !>lewport Beach cn-0·~ ..-~""·~ extru. a-tires. s.ooXls, Fair cond. player, Radial tires, maa: • ! · , , J'R1TZ WAIJ,JlEN'S l'l•ton ••RS · 5tM529 • 11'.lS dya. lCKXl-1200 w Paclflc est ff ~1~25~-~548~·~5380~.~~~~I whls &'VI~ lop. $2250. 11J00.12lOW.hctllcCat.•Hwy. SDOlt Car Center ·-• 11111,111 Agoodwantadla•goodll> Sell the ·old alµlf.·Buy the NOWJJOrtlkach(n4)~ NOW IN STOCK 875-5887 attS.30. NewportBeocb(THJ6jUj(l8 ORANGE COUNTY'S vestinenL newatutt. 516-4529 For Immediate . '72 Datsun P.U. Only 1800 · ~ · LARGEST ORANGE COUNTY I. _,,,.. Doll .. ry ml. Lease return.' $2000. '.70 OPEL GT. 719.E. lit, s.A,' 547.-'"' c::f'.1~, ..:... :::::l!r---'.'-------:-.... . I I I c -•11 543-ll55. Pocai Leaamg. eom~•"-. ~--. Black -TR • . . $2599 "" ...... ~ .. no on r---·-·---..... -v•-.•• '" • ............ Loaded with,..,., 1nc1-BANK FINANCING '70 DATSUN Bucket S..l f ·opil dlr.,Ex· AliltFM, "one owner I" lact. air, tilt a td• wheel, ..........,cra11lc• 953 COAST . •• condition. ~"" .ft. (tltl38EW).. pldded top, cl-uioe -1ro1 • :;lOlfD ... ;.,;. Woody, 8 510 small ttance private paliy (Jl>l[). FR1TZ \VARREN eh: Lie. WFU7&1 ~ 204). Call 494-681111110 am. Sflorll Car c,ntor . Phone .... 71 = ;!!. ":" :.:::: ~-Auto Tran, Low Mil••. Ra· 546-8736. ' no E. lat. 5.A. · 547--0'IM 1970 Hart.or ltvd. -IMPORTS dlo, Heater, PEUCHOT '7' GT-6 .... ,. ... $1999 cOofa• Mna . ·5fCld! J *· llnllp. Clmn $1388 Must Sell! (230BSll), sPoI<e w111a. Oi11f. 783 '69PoUtt0!4M'Sha!'Pl' FRn'ZWARREN ESTATE SALE -c.11; -1(0).1200 W. Pac111c Cit. Hwy. One Owner .. Autn:.<ZNY!ilOl Sflorfl C•r C111ter ~· El Dcindi>, lmmac., T~-m Newport Beaeh rn1i -·COAST ' FRITZ WARREN no E. lit, S.A, 5fl-Ol61 3900 mlles, Inlpec. .,_ -no & lat. s.A. 647--0'IM la """™ GT' I! tion"' ~of .. a1e<1 'SI Fald l!iT new""' -Alfa Romee IMPO s 540-2512 Ull 11111.,... 'W ~~ ;:i:;.J:., ~it! -Paint etc. 11un1 -RT . PORSCHE " roa1 Jlet.ii<i<. Tbls 11no ..r oi America. 34j() VIa Lido. ..., a --· muatbe -to opjftClate Newport lleach. iii'M f-n. 300 cu. In., I 1B65 Porsche, model S!ll (WNS!l:Ml '67EIDClndo1'y pvt~-Hu c;r. -oll1ll. 11,125. IOOQ.llOO W: hclllc CJt. llW)'. Cahrolel For Ale bf orig. $1499 been~-~ to~ Jllce '10 ... I NewportBeaehfn4J6'2-0lltl ---.. _ ~ o.• -•~ .,..., -· ~·~--.-~ ~. modeL -.... ijlrli:lo Am HiiiE -i; Ton 546-1529 New ·top. 52,000 actual ml -._ mn..,. of ,_ ~a. lllIIO-HILLMAN °""""' wbl&., old nd<. co & ('T El Dorodo -wt. m.«iltl • M ••• * -Oii DISPLAY AM/F:M. lettthet ...... " IU 'fl°"'· ........... 213. = ~Sm! .. !DU.MAN VAN • COMMER cluolcl !3!00. 111-W. '69 ELDORADO Ol..a -... -. or.. COAST IMPORT~ · 1962 Equil>ped wtth ohelves XLNT. cond. fll-T Porsche, IMPORTS FACTORY All", lull ,....... _,. Ill 111-UQ. Ind overhead •lee! rock. •-Fully ~ :Mull <tMCl'l'l $311111. Dealer. -•UllD W. -Hwy. Priced tar QUICK SALE. ;!;;in.,.. -o 11 er. , .. ~e~a~·;...,.....,_~-~I '11 roRD -'V-1, "--lll-0406 1212 South -St,. Santi' tlMl50. · ~W.-Oo1.9"J.l9Cod8edaodlVWe 38000 ...... ._, --· bo.•t sl.J'I ., a;; llltpl Ana 542-3121 '68 Pmche 912, om/Im. ,,. 11o,,.n_ (114) -ml °"" own. xmi" ..:..i. ~=-....... ~o~· _ ...... Shi p Selltile oldltUIIBuytbe---u'••· .. -All/FM -$3195 . --' ' -Ill rtul1. l»at. -• ..,...., l'la. .... , Ml-OltlL • ' I ( I 7 San. flemente • - .voe. 65, NO. 206, 2 SECT10NS, 24 PAGES . -ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JULY 24, .1972 • • Capo Council Sets Hearings on 3 Rezoning& San Juan C.pia\rano city councilmen tonJ&ht wll! hold public bearlnga on three rezo1.1e requests, conaider a proposal to sell the city's sewer plant and consider two , ordinances that would delegate powers of Contempt to the chairman of the planning and the parks and recrea- tion commis,mns. · These and other matters will come before the council al its regular meeting, acheduled to begin 11 ·7 o'clock In city hall. . The first puhllc bearing acheduled am. cems a request to rezone 241 acres from Covington Brothers Development. The matte came before the council.al Its last meeting, but WU referred back to the Plannlni comm!Jslon for more ~y. Commissioners have propooed aeveral coni!Jlionl, whlch the council will con- sider, fol: the plumed community <'!" • • visioned by the developer. The land Is located !Jr the north part of the city ad- ·jacenl to Mission. Hills Ranch and the ret00e. first lntrodoced In June, bu aparked mocb debate and controversy. The olher-' property mooes Involve eight acm near the oomer of Del Obispo and Allpu Road-the~ Ille ol a mobile home · park -and 30 acm ·at Ortega Highway and Ganlldo Road. The llll acres woul be used for constructloo of • • Ie Many Problems Ten Drowned As Crowded Vessel Sinks Winds, Smells MIDLAND, Ont. (AP) -Teo persons from two related fanillles drowried Sun- day night In Georgian Bay wllen their Blast S. Coast llllllll aluminum boat, jammed with 12 )>erlono· and ·camping equipment, aank A combination of a strong west wind <lesJ>lle their frantic efforts to ball It out. and backed ue oewage lines at the Provincial police said eight children beaches Sunday caUJed more than ·an and loor adulla, Ill from the Aurora and · llolland ·Landing areo north of Toronto, odor problem for South County boaters bad set . out In the -!Uool boat for a and sun bathers. week'• camping °" SnUe lllud. The wind, blowing u stiff u 28 knots ; '1'lier wm ibOut ball :ny to tbe Island, ~y eiu:ly .alternoon,, copojzed 111/'"Y boata 1 roc:ty .,..biled uu 1bout a mile !hit ·bad.aalled out ol'Dana Point-onto a 1rom...;.,wbellthe---.,.~,tha~ ' The ·..i, -u ;twi. wm a 10. Aad . tha . ..,.... ~ bod<..t up by ,.....id lir! fti ..,.~ flltlliore' ~ cl ii •Pllllfi· 'flliNDllld San than two-wlthoial a llft ,...a-, ·aene• ·Ill...-. to cl••• tha· and her mother, who -111e1y lo restrooms en tbe ~ beach for five lbore' after tJree.!oot . .,...,. lll'e ..,. of houri -during • beldi. ~ttenclarice. her other children lnim ha' inns. The ~~ U:e:':~~ lot' of mad people• other oeven-cbildren andUW,. IMmlll ore commented IJI-·· ... Capt Phil StubbS. prelllllled drowned. Jn add! • .,._,., 'lh ' ' Ttie\ twi> surVlm ...,e ldenllllod to-lion to oonlellding "' poroons day 11 Claudia Contois and her ......,...., 111111ing to use the rest rooms, Stubbs Monl 10 · . aid bis men were kept busy aiding the 1nc1'!d.ca. -. the milllnc _.. Harbar Department In helping ... Richard ~· busbencf of the -· ~ ....=~-line .. ~ -Ing WOllllD, alld their c:blldmi, Martin, I, ...,. .... and ·~ at '.tbe beach .).n!hony, 1. ~anetle, 4., and • ward, ·became clOQed . wben .a pump broke Shelli R~,!; ..,,. Cont ,. <1own at about 10 a.m., cllY. officials said. Alao · -• were · ..,..ene •~ ' • tn the ~~ of Richard lild. bis u.-J ~ty cre..S .~rked en tlie pump to ~ _ • early hours of Moocliy morning and cblldren, Karen, 9, Michael, 7, an<l,Dan-~t it was llnalfJ repaired when. nle, 4. iiiotber leak developed. 11 · 'waa com- The· body of ·Eugene Oontoia' wile, ')>letely repalml by 7 a.m. tbls momtng, Patricia, wu recovered tocfly, officials. said. Santa Ana .Man ~Caught in Bed' Some o1 the rest room ladlitlos were nopei\ed at 2_p.m. during the repalr proc. esa and the· wastewater wu diverted Woman Minister Loses Position Loil of peOple ally In bed late OD Son- day, bul U it wasn't for the pr.....,. of a friend, Tbomu Burdelas mlgllt at1ll be in bed «1 Monday. COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -The con- And maybe 'l\lesday, Wednelday and gregatlon of the Kathwond BapUst Thursday, Church voted Sunday to resclJid · the "Santa Ario Fire Deportment reacue ordination of the Rev. Sblrley carter oquad members were dispatched to Lee, the second woman ever ordained as Burdelas' home alter the oola bed on a minister of the Southern Baptist which the IS.)'UNid slept IUddenly fold· Church. ed Controversy bad beeo brewin& Ill week up.'-· ed'-'l'be device oort ol pbbled Burdelas alter Mri. Lee reveal w a DeW8PIJ>OI: like 1 glut Venus' fiytrsp Dower, or inlervltw that abe was tb1te montba iome sort ol macahr< medieval torture pregnant at tbe time of her marriage In device alllloWlb. the victim WUD't burl. May to an er-Clthollc pi'lelt. One ~ latched lilll bat Illa held -all ' The Klthwond Bo1r4 cl Deacona voted that wos visible when firemen arrived to eorller SuncfaJ to · legueot • the con- reacne him _ tept the other end from e,i:•tion to reaclnd tbe ordination ol Mn: flltenlng In place too. Local coqregi-In Iba Sou~ Baptist Church hive tbe ,._ to ordain ~ ministers, IDd U they pleue, to reJCind their ordlnlUoG. ..... , Offer "' AVCO . . around tbe affected porUon of the fine. The strong, winds suDday copslud about 25. b!>ats and ·dlmwled two. ic- conll"8 to Sgt. Dao Brown of tbe Harbor Departinent at Dana Point.· Brown added thal there were DO injurlel in any of the lncldeDll. ' The slllf .,,...., ~ponied by ••• hoovy dlop; did Dill.~ unlll bit. Ii tiio m I I 'C •oller·m..J --llad· iIIUdf;.... oil for tbe cio:Y."' Aid. No, llllllll craft Wll1lingl. were 1'liJed, u .a iesult.of the ... <iondJUooa, ' Sen. McGovern Unveils Top Campaign T~ CUSTER, S.D. (AP} -Sen. George McGovern formally .unmled ·bis top · compalp ~ today and vowecj. ·~o return government to tbe people 11 Ill 10\'els from the While H~ to courthouse." The Democratic presldenUal """"- llsted the roles bis top lclvll<!rs wW Pin. in the fall campaign at a news con-- ference at bis Sylvan Lake retreat In the Black ,111111 oi South Dakota.near CUiier. Earlier, McGovern bad i tennis lesaon, wltnelaed by . 1everal . cloun reporters. phootgripbera and · tourists, Ir o m Washlogton pro AWe Ritzenberg, OD the only court in tbls, llllllll otwn. Rilsenberg bit most of bis shots to McGov.m'o loreband. The .... tor, who bas bad ooly about a 'c1ozen 1.....,, returned most of the lbots but bad dll· ficulty when balla were hit to bis backhand. McGovern said Jean We 1 t woo d , chairman ol the' Democr1tlc Nallonal Committee, "will direct the over-all cam-. • palgn ol the national llctet from top to bottom making 1 apecial effort to brOaden the compolgn to tnclude more women at aD level.I." Llnmnce F. O'Brien, named national compalp chairman 1111 weet, will "give special attei!tlon to party unity lllCI rela- tions with govemon, teDlton, con- gressmen, mayon, piny leada;s, and leaders of organlud labor and be a Sea McGOVERN, P ... I) ........ • MOIUy IUDDY 1galn,. ~ay, wltlj blgbl Jn the 70'1 II ,tbe belc)!. es, rlUI& )o ·tile ml<Hll'• Inland. ipWI. ~-expected alWDd '° dearees •• Capo·r.rustees To Discuss •· . ._ ·-I INSJD'E . TOD~ Y . Br"""-'t cllamplolO ·muslall .,FoW.." come• triMmphontl11 w 1t......S .. tire. i"4ugvral .. -of Lo• ..A"o<l•s" ...., Sh@<rt Thlater. S 11 'Entertcrinm.17tt,.- PllQt t . L.M, Mn 1 ....... ,. "'-' -..... -11 ,,._,.. .. --I -I --. ........... , ' ,..... "'" ,., .......... •aura 1t AM ....... 11 -' --. =-. -,. ... "''' ............ , ==· : -. .._,. .. .,.,. --. . -. , Donation. of School Site . ' ~ Ti'mlMI "' lbe ~ Unified an e1emen11ry ICllool f!lla Ille, Cllkd Iha ~·D111r1e1 . ...t1•c , .,,,Jf:u · ~-. 1'l'-"1owned1oy tbe c1to- s.m Scbool --'.._ '" 1rict In Ille Ntca.l '¥hids mi. · ~~~ Dovolopoa1 pnpaul for • IChool II the gift Ille '.'liifkctpted and tile lnltlally propaoed 1boat 1 month 110, •lomentlrJ ocllool clll'*' Jld, A~ the de......,._ Cflllllllll1 /f1p0fl!S to c:ould rernove.twe othor IC tum -lbout • -land Diii' lllel from Its -C.0... Valley P-., imd Niguel Road The C0111plllf1 inl !hit due to I to tbe ICboot dlllrld. AVCO wlllil tbe cbanct adlooll they wlall to di.strict to balld 1 -jm11or bi,11 ICbool relllOft lit 11 -Illa. there. The .. bUlld 11-1vt 1n ltPll'lle cllJealllan lloms-wm lit 1 homa 1n tht , wlddl It clalml tequot by AVCO tbll Ibo dlllrlct bulld will not 1-* a IDI Ii ICllool cblldrell. single family homes, U hie rezone Is pusec1, by the council. The sale of the aewer plant bu been In the offing for the jiast year and its purchase bu lfready beeo approved by directors of . the Southeast Regional ljec!Am1Uon Authority (SERRA). The city will be paid $808,000 for the facW11>, but · will contribute, ·through SERRA, another $4.12,000 for expansion ol. tbe. plan4 ac<ordlni . to city. officials. . ' ~ • • I ' ' ' • J ' l The net gain to the city from the sale will be $3751324, .officials add. The delegation of con tempt powers to chaimw;a of city commissions has ·been di.sawed at pa.st council meetings and grew out of a June 6 plaMing com· mission meeting that &Orne officials feel nearly "got out of hand." If adopted, the chainnen of the commissions would be empowered. to bring charges of contempt against persons ruled out of order at • . I UPI 'T•'l•rn . • " • . -. • • .• 1. ·" • ~ ' , ' .AERll'L VI~.~· Tfill.'ls ·the 'BJacli.svilJe Number One 1!f!lie wb'ere njiie .. m~' Ire \!"~PJ>Oti b~ f!i-e. Reicue workers give the m1den .a ·~50 cliance·of· sumvif. tsee· stoty, P•ge 4) . . .. .-,. . . -. ' ' . . . . ' . NiXon S.ees ·Drug A.rres't ' \ . . ' Char,t ·S~wing Increases . . . WASHINGTON · (UPi) --Preslclent Nixon today received an oPtimJstic ftP)rt from bis chief drug law en- lortement officials. The number of ar· rests for drug vlolatlonl. bas doabled In Bad Weekend For Clement~an · Ever have "just one ol those days!" Well, David M. Clrdenu of Loi Angele1 had "lust one of those weekends," Jn San Clemcn\e. · Negotiating "'"eel terrain along tbe Crestlite prope,!y Friday Jn bis new lour-wheel drive vehicle, cardenu IUddenl1 fcund hlmMll and tbe car rolling, llcleways. When Ibey stopped rollln&. tbe car •II' «1 Its roof. Conl!!ia biked lltct-to dYillza. tJon mid' ........ 11111, dQe to u.. rouib le)'rllll, • ;wrecker coullkt'l reoch the qr. . . • . Clrdenu left, .... rel..,,.. S.turdaJ to ptet•11p -..... from the ftblle, 11111 ......... 11111 Jelt 1galn. ·~ ........... ..... tUt the ....... -... DO loopr up. ~.-.... llllla • 1:hl'-• ..... \ the past Uu0e ·ywt.- • l" • Myle1 Ambrose,• clliedOr ol tbe OllJce of Drug Abuae Law EnlorCement, ahow· ed Nlson 1 chart wblcb llbulated tlie number ol dru1 vtolatton .mst. In fllcal 11'12 1t 16,144 compared to 1,465 In fllcal , 11189. "You liiven't of course completely aolved tlie problem?" l'lxon -All>l¥;0ae.· ''The problem la I 0 enoi;mom.• "Oh, no,t• aald Ambroee. But !Mt aald p""'°" Is being made In "redlldn..~ the avaUlbWty IDd eue cl _ .. ct l!et'oln and ~ IClcllctlnl UJesal cin.p. Thell Nillon exprused It In foolhall · tel'IJll: 11We were (iQ tbl 10-yud., line. Now we're an the 50 yard line ud we have the ball. They hod tbe ball balore · and now we have il" Ambiooe told Ni-lhlt bet'oln oelsures .bad doabled llnce the' ad-. milllalratJon bepp jja Wit OD drug ped- dlen. 1 ' 'W ")'W1·need mare . JDODe1," Nlxoa ~ .· . I Ambrose slid 'tji8 dloulh\ afthoilgb . tj>tre slready will "' pod coopo~atkln, Jl!Ore public support Wll ~-He ••Id however !hat people were cooperaltng In re porlinl drug pu,...,.... The llureou ct N1n:otlcl 1 n d Daqerobs Druc1 mtlhe U.S. Bureau of Customs reported 111,M pounds ol drugs, tncluding beroln llld morl)UIDI, wtrt 1eilod ,In flocat JUI' 1111, compared to .__'"'T"_..,....,..~--""'"' ·*.• ~ lhe 11!1 llscil yw. public meetings. II oonvlcled, tbe I*..'... would be subjlcl to fines ol up lo - imprisonment, or both. • Other matters on tonlgbt"a 1 .... In- clude : · • -An ordinance letting $5 u the - datory retlrement age for city "": ~A request from the owner ct 11, home part to Install a tr!llllc .atpol o! the lnlersectlon of Avenldl ·AevpCWito and Camino Clpbtrano. • I Waldheim Cites Great . ' Flood Peril • UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP} Secretary.Genersl Kurt WaldhellD. - he hu received ' information tbr1s; prtvate:clllnnel; that U.S. boml>a laft d1maged dikes in North Vietnam both 1iJ ' . dlrect bill and by neorby ~ (See otory 'on Fi&ht for Quanc Tri· .i Fage.4), · He W!d.1 news conference .todaJ. ~ been -by tbe U.S. ~ !hit the -.... 11111 ··11rse~ but.""' ho-olalPW II l71l'lw-.ird. ...... .fll~ I-law.aid•~· ... 11111 .. &ti' . ·= ~.: ....... • hlll. j • ; • •f ..., .llD..,., ~-be ....... "anOJ -...,. apln lao' lhe o1oPl*ll Of tllii kind fll. bmnblng. '* I He illd hla lnlonpll!ta.ald oome ~ exp....._ ..,. the dltea bad a"'!"( crocb wlltcb c:ould make 'the benlan! give way, lloodlng Viii .,... and ...., ing a l!aovy loM ol llle.i • "H Ibo dltes are desin>yedit wU1 ,_ an enoJ'1DOU8 dllUter " he ~ •, All:ad whetlier ' lie ' bad any evlclenOi that Iha bombinf -·~. hf repUeoMbat he coodd 'not 111·wbelber·thl attackl .wm lnlmlloal1 "but Iha nialta .,.. that .i.-ge 1111-..-.. \ "ArO: . y.U in direct' · COllllct w1111 illnol!" )!O WU ulied. t • 111 do not wish ·to cornnint · acept te uy tbat my lnlonnatlan <mm tbnlP llDofllcJal -. .. bi aid. . . \ . . ' San. Clemente I Market Robbery ~· Suspect Seized One 'ol two men wanted In .tho $1,IGI Alpha Beta Mortel armed robbery Is In C1IOiodJI cl Mllpltaa police todly «1 a ' , '2$,000 felony W11111111 llaled by Sall. Clemente police. Held Is Gu.r J01111b Dolcbl, lddreas· tllknown,.., 1111e.,,.wanm11rom Slli Clemmie po11ce, 1-1 alllc<:rl wW pick up Duclli todl1 and. b ..,...i him ,back to San ·~ llilptll .la localed wt sin J-in cennJ ~ StW It, Iarae jl tbe --In ""' tu tbat IUflrflld ...,_ "' Iha ra. a-...-. -..... ., tlam, llld-tba ...... _ .. _t!'" Ille. '11le robberJ OC<llltad' at -it!tl a.m. J111e .. 'ml -tba ~ daylight robbery ol. Iba -tllil ,.,. Wlekling 1 ,IJ caliber -,atal. .... robbet -'"" llelllod -manqer, Lean ROe;, 11111 thm both 1111*· raonded up all nv. _.,,.. .. m.ty. ! 1'nla emJ>l9>"'! ,,.. -1" •,lion' ....... where all but the ..._... -bOund band mid fllcJt -... • Aller lordnc Riley to -the ..... Ille bancllta 'ltldlod Iha tW1enc, fDll • brlelcue. ~ lllleJ to lie .., Ilia D>ot, bo&b .. • • • l DAILY l'lLOT SC Y ellmvjaclut Nut Lethal 'IDCDIA, CIL (WI) -lldaoJ !!-.' .. ? -'IW ..... the Cit Jn 1'lllch be WU riding overturned &mday Jn a ydlow· jaclcd neat and be WU stUll( repeatedly. Police hid Higgins, 48, of Toc- eoa, died within minutes after the p1un&• 1n1o the nm. The driver or the car, Gery Dun Davia, 31. of Mt. Airy, also was stUll( a number of limes and be wu tobn to Stepbenl County HOlpilal, w1J<ro ho WU !hied la fair caalltlan. ,,.....P .. el McGOVERN e e e fortmoll ccnrultant on all upecll o1 the campelp," the announcement Aid. 'Ille only stale coordinator llllllOd Jn the llllllOUlallltnt WU Eulent Potomy, ' archltect or Mc0overo'1 ii-. l7l1CI Wltconala primary campal&DI, wbo will l'llll the campaign Jn llllnolt wblch the &enltor described II "perblpe the molt crucial In the McGovern campal&o 1trategy." Gary Hart, llie ..,.tor•1 tampai&o mana,.. for two ;roon, wlll dltect the cllllPlllD --la ID states with Georp 0 ..... h .. , Ille '!'!"tor'• ad· mlnlstrltlve .,.,., u ~ cam· paip ....... Pnok ~ic> wUI "'"" • McOo91n'1 tap polllbl advlaer and head the traveling staff wblcl! Ibo will include Lt. Gov. Wllllam DaucJ><rty cl South Dakota, former Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall, Frederick Dutton and minDrlllel ooon11aator Yancey Mar- tin. ln other doftlopt11enll, McGoYern aid Sunday be WU fllrlout with hJa staff aboltl newtpaper ICCOUlllt ·that formtr Democratic party c!MI O'Brltn would play tlllJ I "UCUJ&r role" in hll ca. palgn. McGovern. who hu been worklnt llnce hil nomination 10 d1y1 aao to inertaae hl.tZ:..-tho party's -Ueil etta it. eaDld O'Brltn "almolt the porlect u.it --lhe yollllltt and newer elementl la American politics and the ..,war ft&llNO la the party." Mc<looom'• nnllaC .lo Illa staft ...... It. doled m 1 r"ns llturdl1 and word ol tbo nprlmlllol .........,uy loatad out. '!lit -Dakota -tor alto "P'stad -.. lllol u ho boats Prell- donl NIJllll 111 l(ot-be will maintain m111WJ -ID 'llltUand and II au _. 8oallielll Am anUI American .,.-.. of war are returntd flUD Hcirtb v ...... --. tilt lllaal .OtJlup Poll .... pall that llcGonrn'I ...... Jor I Yotel' ,......._ dl'ln ---'• maid Nckflra OD tlio lltmocrallc ...,....I Cllldlclota. Tllo poll,,,., ..... Buadl)ot ·"""' that per-11 to M 1..n .., who are alrto4!' ,..-favor Mt0o¥orn by 67 pOrcent lo 41 percent over Pruldant Nlx- oo, l>ul u-not rta11terea irera the ~by I 41 la @,poraml maraJa, ' . Driver Injured In' San Clemente A Loa Alamllol mao ac.,.a wllll"'~ mlaor lnjurteo aller •. -·y wblch lolalod Illa car and anolbor vehlcle eorlJ llturdaJ la San Clemate. Tbomll Harold Pray, M, of 11151 WllDl>ley &14, .... ~uaed afW treat- ment at Mlllloo C<mmunltJ ,Jlotpttal. 'Ille accldeDI ~ wlMO Pray"• car slimmed Into anothoi vahlclo parked along the ~ or ln!C1taje 5, Juat north of Pico. Pray was trwpOrted 16 the hospital alter officers on the scene were unable to stop bleedla( -• boad lajury. I it Boys Admit Arson • &N ANTONIO, Tu. (UPI) -Police nj>orted three boys con!-durlnl the •tend to 1ettlng a fire al a moltl a wtet aao that kllltd five -· The = • • • 1 are qtd II, IJ, and II. They were by juvenile author!U... IC DAILY PILOT ~ °'111'111t C.t DAILY PILOT, 9'"" Mlldl ' ftfMlllM tM Ntw1·iJort1 .. h ........ lit et... OrMllt c .. ., """'lilllrll c.,.,.riy, ._.. .. ,. ecllllllll.,. ,_.,.._... ........... , ~ ,.,INY, tlr QtM MIN, ,,..._,, ... lttl.. ~llnsftfl leldl/P'~ttlil V11itl'.1. U9'N MenicY, '.Jutr :M, ltll ' Egypt to Battle • Israelis Alorie? By Ualto4 Pnu laterulloul Presidtnt Anwar Sadat said today E11YPt will ~lilt !Jrael -alone ii nteesatrr -to resala occupied Arab land and ..Utd on Arab 1tatt1 to join EQPI la ending lnc:reaatd American ln- lemta In the Middle Etst. Sooo alterwat<la both !Jratli and Eil'P" tlan o(flctala said Emtlan anllalrcralt helltriea opened fire on llaratli jtts wbicb were on patrol over the Suez Clnal. Tbe laratll military command la Ttl AviY uld an tmdetennlned number of l!Ul'face-to-ab-(SAM) ml.tsilea wore !ired al two IaroeIJ Jell but neither plane wu hit. Oflldal Cslro· radio, however, aald lour Israeli planes were involved and one of them -an Amerlcan·made Ff Phantom -was shot down. In a lour·hour speech to the 1,700- member National Congreu or the Arab Soclallat Union (ASU), E1Ypt'1 only polltlcal party, Sadat llid there had boen differences btlwten EIJPt and the Sovlet Union •Ince March, 1971. ''The decision that faces ua oow, which is a serious one, is to fitbt ..• Our peo- ple and Arab nations should know we will IUihJ without support ii thLt i. what clrcumJtances lmpoae on us. We wlU not bt frt&btened of fisbtlns without cover," Sadat Nld. It wu Sadat'o tint apeech to the ASU since be ordered IOIDI JJ,0000 Sovltt ad- viWI back to lluAla Wt waek. "I pnfer that blood poun on the field or bottle rather. than we remain in the state ol no-war, no-puce. I prefer that our blood obould be drained drop by drop, day by day," Sadat Nld. '!lit apeech WU broadcut 11 Y t throuiboul the Arab world. Stocks Soaring As Good News Sparks Market NEW YORK (AP) -llllhlY favorable ecwmle newa conllnuecf tO spark a otrq slock marlral advance todaJ In el1'17 tradlnJ. Voluma WU moderately active. Glamour 1-""" -Uy olrODger and lalna ran lilrvtlplul the stock !ht 'Ille noon Dow J..., avera1e of SO in- dllltrlal otocu wu abeacl up 15.M at 935.81. AdYoncea outpaced dtcllnea by ..... than I to 1 amonc '-tradad an the New Yori: Stock Excbanp • One analyat aald the llllrlral WU ~ to the lmpmnd -picture, wldch bod -.-111 ... cont weeu -ol Ulllllllad Ja. temalfoaal ~ --and tbo llemoctaUc NatloGal Caa-llaa. Ocdclontal l'ltroleum still ... llYlnc il'OUlld u lnnltorl bod -thoullltl abolll the stock'• abarp lDcreaae lul weel: after the -t al tbo com-• Pllll''• wide-raiJclnc qnemeo1 with the Soritl Union. At the top cl the Bil Board actl'" lhl 11ala today, "Cbty" -u It ·la called on Wall Street -'fU ll'ldllla down ~ at 15. Volume Included a block of I0,000 llbare• at II M. The New York Stock Excha"'° indtx of more than 1,a common stocks was aht•d .!t ot noon, whllt the Amel, prlce- chaltg• ladex was up .II. Zoo Tries Hand Pwying Stork To Sea Turtles PHILADEPHHIA (AP) Tho Philadelphia Zoo Is trytn1 to halclt IJ4 aea turtlt •11• fow>d 10 dayo aao on a New Jerle)' beach. The ne1ung area, a crowded beach at Ocean City, N.J ., was farthor north than ever spotted before, and hardly the place where the endangered, 250-mllllon-ytal' old 1ptcies could bt expeded to 111rv1 ... said Kevin Bowler, uailtont curator ol 5adat said Emt would resume co~ tacts with other Arab nations "because the situation can no longer bear the widening and progression of America n interests" in the area. Sadat dealt at ltnith with relatio111 bttween EiYPI and the Sovltl Union and the Unlttd States. He said on his nnt visit to the Soviet Union as president, in March 1971, there were dlfftrtnces between him and the Soviet leaden. These were never rtsolv· ed, he Nld. 111 am not 1olnJ to dlaclose details of these dittertnee1 becauae that woold serve our enemy," be saJd. Sadat aaid of the Soviets : 1"I'hey have their own uaeument o( the situation and we hive oun. The Middle East cri5ls cannot bt the llnt priority for them but for me It 11 everything -eating, &leep-i.Dg, tile itself. "My ideology ts not that Of the .i)oviet Union. I believe in the alliance o: the working people and they (Soviet leader1) believe in Man.ism, but I have said 1 will not become a marxiat." Se Coast Water Rate Won't Rise Despite New Line The tu nit la the South Coast County Water Oiatnet will not ri8e th1a year, even thoulh '700.000 la needed to finance a w1ter tranmti&sJoo line along Pacific Cout Hl1lhw4y. Dtrectora ol the cliltrlcl have aarted to maintain the tax rate at its current level ol es cents per llOO uaeased v1luatlon. A 14.4 percent lncreaie in the asseued valuation of the diltrlcl wiped out the need for a rate increue, oplalntd General Managor Ray MUltr. The new U.tnch tt•nsmlqk>n Une will replace a 11-lnch water main which has boen detarloratlng ovu the past few yeara. '!be fl00,000 cost, Miller llid, will be financed over a five-year period. The new llne will run from Cardinal Street to 11th Avt1111e, South Laguna. Aloo lacluded In the '673,000 buditt for the 1m.11 filcal year are func1' toward a ll00,000 gallon l'Olervolr near Laguna NllUOV Terrace and a IOll,000 gallon reaervotr at the rear or the Alpha Bela ahopplna center. Cost of the two proJecta " 11111.000. .Alleged Cocaine Studied After Raid in Mesa Tbe 2 a.m. capture cilmued a leJ!lthy probe by federal, state and county nar<ollca IJeDll, bul WU apearbeadod by city delictlVOI. Laboretory anaiylsta today wm stu- dyll>C oamplea of allqed pure cocaine valued at fl mllllon, following ill ,.1zur. Saturday la Costa Mesa with the arrut "'lilt ..... Q'imlnal complalnlt were ,to bt oought thll al-or l'uetdaaY 1plnlt thooe coptured by a aav111-man aarootic• team at the home ot one suspect, recently paroled from prtson. 0 11111 ts really a big one.~ Detective Sfl. John Regan said today in the wake ol the tara,.t drug aeizun! in local blatory. The raid at 3073 Yukon Drive, home of suspect Edward A. Zuber, 33, also netted '60,<XX> in cash and an arsenal of weapons, police said. InveaUgators lheoriu the nearly 100 percent pure derivaUve of the Latin American coca plant originated in Peru or Equador. Peruvian IJ>diana have chewed leavu of the coca plant for centuries u a stimulant to work in the. high, thin at· mospbere of the Andes . The dru1 curbs appeUle and also pro- duCH a state ol euphoria . Crlminal cbargea aoticlpattd loUowlng lab anal)'lll of the suspecttd contraband 1rt poueulon of cocaine for sale and po1Slbly posaesslon ol lllegal wtapons. '""""' ..... ..._ ........ "'"""'.., JWll'I c:.Mt.,.,.. A tl11tll rllltMI It It '*91 ...... ~p ..... IWIWf)'L .. ._ ,,,-lnc!MI •IWllrlt _..,., Is •I ,_ Wnl .. , jtrMf. C.le ~ C..llfllhtll, •106. lle'-'t H, W,.4 • the ,..., repUle houle where the •W have been buried in damp sand. The '80,000 In currency will wln4 up In the bands of the Internal Revenue Service, which always c o n f l 1 c a t e s sUJplclous sums in an attempt to determine the origin. ,., .............. ... J••k •• c~rl•y Vkt l'mlflftl llM Otlw .. MIMlft lhelfl•1 Ktt.,.I ••ltw lk"''' A. M,t,JiT111e MHllllll 11tw h1tlft. H. L••• klthtr4 r. N1U At11\t111t MMlltlrle lfllWa a S.. Clt ..... OMM 9 JOI H•ttti ll C11111h1• l••~ t217J . --• C..I• MM•I U1 ~~1.,_. • ".....,.,, •••di: uu ...... a HIMtllllMn .. Kt!: 1"1S I ~.,. • uti-IMUI: 221 flf'ttt AWIM ttl ... 111 C71•1 '4Mlt1 = WW .._,.I I Ma-1171 S. Cl11:a1 ... Al D1f••••+i t•l1fl1• 4tl-MH ""'· '"" °'Mii c.... Pull!ltlllftl "'t ... M'lft ....... """"•'*'• •• '"'..., ... ""' "i41111fl" """" .. ,....... ...... .... 111 ..,. ...... ., ..,,llllf ..... . S-..c=..'1."~ -'I .. 1NM A.It ......,_, ..:..:: -... .....,,, ' "It's lucky the eggs ••re round," ht said. "The baby turtlea, II thay llad hatchtd, could not have aurvlvad the oruah octh beach where the molllar laid theln before waildllnl back Jato the 111." Robert Goodman, IJ, uw the S.lool· tone, :JllO.pound Loutrhead turtle llttlnc In the aand and wmt down lo look. Thon be calltd police, who called the IOO. Police Chltf 13eoJamtn Dungm had h!J men put 1 ltnce around the nMt whlle they waited !or zoo worken • ·The old neatlng place• cl. tho i...,. aerhtad, In the Sooth AllanUc, hava ar•dually dluppeared 11 man tool< over the privacy of the belChOI. Lo11erhe1c1' have been known to travel from Araenllna u far north u Nawfoundland, but Bowler 11y1 no neata evir were found north or Maryland, and tholO were discovered onlJ recanU,. Bowlu scoppad up the •11•, and broucJ>t them back to hla reptile houll in tartllenware poll. He Isn't llUte bow many or the •II• were lertllbed. •r bavo my flncera ""'8atd wt'll have I cl utch OI Ill halchllngs," be uld. Ont IUlpeCI la the cue la addition to ZUber -N>Ct11tly paroled lrom MlchJa•n state Prlaon when ho wos serving 20 reera ror being ·captured with a ton of marijuana -i. a Latin. Jorge E. Perts, 40, 11ve hit rasldence u limply Colombia, South America. Remalnlac man flclaa charces lacluda Olarla A. Jobnaon, 31, Del Mar; Robert C. Puu~ ti, l7l1CI Kenneth E. Vince, 37, both transients, l7l1CI Eric V. Masterman, U, Dal Mar. Pearl Buck Home Run.AND, Vl (UPI) -Ptarl Buck baa returned to her homo In Danby alltr belnc dlaolierpcl from Rutland Hoaplt11. She wu admllled July 1 aulfarlnl from pleutlq. Tho IOo)'tOMid aotllOrw, wlarllr or tho Nobel and l'ulllset literary prinl. thlnlrld docloN ..,.i nuraea whoo aha wu leavlnc for lhillr ~. She •Id lbe bid received cere that wtllt "fer beyond tho ..u 0( duCJ." Siatnese Smile Miss Thai1and, Nipapatr Sri.suk, smiles brightly as she passes an armed guard in Dorado, Puerto Rico, where security for contestants in the lt'liss Universe pageant is tight with girls kept under the \Vatchful eye of guards. Joaquin Trustees Seeking Growth Study Task Force Tru5tees of the San Joaquin Ele.men· tary School DI.strict havt calltd for the creation of a task force of 0 rapid growth" school d1stricbl in Southern cauromia. The action grew out of a rbm. mendation made in a recent report to the board from its own task force an the prob.. lems or rapid population growth. As proposed by trustees, the inter· districts in the state are Jcated in passage of Jegislatlon at the slate level which would be beneficial to di.stricll faced with unusual growth probletru. Of. flclals noted that a major portion of such districts in the statea re located in Orange aiid San Diego counties. At a trustee meeting Wednesday, board presldent Robert Dameron suggested that the new unified school districts rather than the San J01quin di5trict should work for creation of the task force . However, director of facility planning Dive King told the board tbat now was the time to bt laying the aroundwork for Oregon Forest Bw·ns OAKRIDGE, Ore. (UPI) -U.S. ForHt Service olllciaJ. said they hoped a Ji'l- acre forest fire tn the Willamette Na· tional Forest· would be controlled today. More than 545 m~ fought the blaze and four air tankers dropped 53,000 gallons of llrt retardant on the !lames. tbe 19~ legislative ~ealon. King said creation of the assoclaUon u aoon as possible would both aid the unlfltd dl>- trlcts and help work toward changes in present laws which could help tbearea . Hughes Airwest May Seal Exits To Foil Hijacks Hughes Airwest, major carrier at Orange County Airport, may follow the example set by other airlines 1n sealing the rear doors of planes to foil bl· jackings. Lee Pitt, SPoktsman for Hushes Air""·est San Francisco, said a study baa been initiated to determine the best method of closing the ventral stairl on DC 9 jet!. The stairs, according to a local Airwest spokesman, c a n be lowered in fiight despite high wind pressures. Similar escape routes for parachuting hijackers have been sealed off by Pan American Airways and Pacific Southwest Airline!. At present, sealing of the rear door ts nol required by the Federal AvlaUon Administration. The FAA is, however, studying a rule change to require that rear doors be opened on the ground but not in the air. S.Laguna Man Sought By Court A bench warrant was Issued today for the arrest of South Laguna trftsh ex· ecutive Thomas Trulls when he failed to appear in Orange County Superior Court for trial on rape charges. Presiding Juda:e Bruce Sumner fixed the warrant at fl0,000 and ordered the SIZ,>00 bail previOUllly posted !or Trulis, 38, to be forfeited. Trulls' codefendant, Eugene Imondi Jr., 35, wa1 granted a three month delay of bis trial on allegations filed when a 17· year-old Fountain Valley girl told,. Newport Beach police of allea:ed treat· ment received at the hands of two men she believed to be movie producen. Trulis, who ~ the Ownei-of the South Laguna Dlspo.1al Company, and Imondi were arrested after the girl identified : them as the two men with whom she : participated in sex acts carried out in the · back of a parked car at Fashion Island. The attractive blonde told Police her· !'lexual cooperation was demanded by Trulis and Imondi to prove her ability to respond to overtures that they said would be part of the candid movies produced by them! Both men were immedia tely booked on charges of rape and sex perversion. Olarges were later filed against Afrs. Lena Imondi, 32, when the defendant's wife was accused of threatening the prl»' ecution 's key witness during mooicipal · court action against her husband and Truli5. Those charges were later dismissed fn Orange Qiunty Superior Court. Hiker Near End Of Long Journey In Death Valley DEATH VALLEY (UPIJ -A SZ.yta!' old pbyalc•I fitness and nutrition bull, hoping to break a record, tote~ b1J third day of a bri!k walk 1crou a 11$. mile stretch of the sweltering Death Vality dtsert today. He hoped to finish the irek by tVtning . BW Emmtrton sltpt brltOy Sunday at a rangtr'I station about hallway througil bl.t journey. .. You've got to be crazy to do thia, m1 wife keeps telling me,'' be said in a telephone Interview. ..The ground temperature 11 200 degrees and when I take my shoes off I can aee steem." Air temperatures in the lower valleys of the desert routinely reach U5 delftel in July and August. Emmerton, a native of Tasmanl.1 now rtsldini in Los Anlleltt, holc1' the rteord of running across a slmllar but longer roult In Death V•liey. He aet that In Illa when be alternately ran and rested and complettd a !:JO.mile strttcb la about three days. He also set three days as his goal for the walk over the ahorttr dlltanct, which he began Saturday morning lrom the tiny town of Sboaltone, juat oulslde the Deatil Valley National Monument. Scotty's Cu- tle/n the northern edie of the desert wa his goal. The previous record was set by Keno neth Crutchlow of Great Britain, who walked a lJ.5..mile route in siJ: days in 19'10. Emmerton was trailed by bJa wife Norma, in a camper stocked with health food, liniment, lniit and a fully loadtd revolver to dtal with any rattlesnakes the caravan might encounter. "I'm not a kook or anything, illhougb I've been called many things," Em- merton 18.id 1t the half.way point. "Thi• is the greatest challenee In my ruMing career but I've never gone tbrou&h so much pain." WI •UAUNTll ·~ m-An~~ · ll Costa Mesa and Loan NEW AND LIKE NEW MERCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS • ' Ntw Ullo Now Prlc• Price Gent's IBK yellow gold Om191 brec1f1t witch----------$550.oo ___ .,,.H.OO Led;., I 4K yell<>w gold Wyler bracelet witch -· -215.00' 105.00 Udles 14K yellow 9old coclr:t1ll rl11g. 1pr1y d•1Tgn 1 1h ct. ce11ter di1moncf In~ 5 small dlamond1 610.00•---2IO.OO L•dl•t 16 p••rl broech1 le1f design, yellow gold 179.QO,___ 11.00 24" hoary '°/1 chain, 14K yellow gold --· .. 165.00•---fl.00 Llcflet &rrar Perr•g•ux witch with 25 cfi1mond11 14K white gold !Steck •DWJ41 -604.00, ___ 211.llo L1cfle1 11 cfl1mond cocktail ring -11 round ctrl encl 7 b11utfft cut di1mond1, I '11 ct. tot1I w•ight, set In 14K whtt1 gold . . i..11• hll""• -th111 prfc11 rellact aureg1 prln <ti lot quality 4!1mond1 In llock 1t 1l~llm111 y, ct, d;amond ' 165.00 V. ct. dl1mond _:._ JU.00 V. cl, dlamood --·-··-----·-· 600,00 -La-~· Al• In llOdr - IOI NIWPOIT aw. DOWNTOWN COSTA MISA 646-7741 , ~I 7· • • 'ft.to 145.00 US.GO ' Hl.00 __ 491.00 It DAILY PILOT SC Mondl.Y, July 24, 1972 ' Catching 'Booby Traps' Comput.er Gathers Data on Home Accidents · By LEROY POPE u... 11111-. W'rlltr NEW YORK Neuly every piece of furniture and every gadget tn the averaae home conta!nl lxloby tra111· botll for the f1mlly µi.t ""°' ti •nd lhe compeny that made It. Thia melancholy fa~ b the. , reaaon for being of th& federal : government'• home accklent · tarly warnJn.e sy1tun, ac-- tually called the National • Elecl{onlc Injury Surveillance Sysl<!n. It galhora d1ta mm · hundrnda of ho!pltaiJ about home, playground and lllreet accidents to be tabulaled daily in Waahlngton by lhe Food and Drug Admtnl.stratlon'1 Bureau of Product Safely. The ide1 Is to make recommendations for product modlflc11lons that wtll reduce lhe toll of, :io million homo, playfrOUlld and lllreet 'accldenls each yeu, the lllOll numerous vlctlm3 of which .,. cbUdten. AL1110UGR 1'llE electronic early 1'Arniol system ha• been 1n eUect ooly a few months, It baa provided reports on thousandl of ac- cidents lo the Bureau o! Produot Saltly. Of courae lhe bure1u has been eJllqed In thls kind ol reaearch lor yearo and bu necotlated m1ny cban1es In pnxluot deslp on lhe bull of the lhousaDds of ·accident repor!J. The dally electronic t u.rv e 111 a nee netwwk apeed4 up and widens theproces.a. · For example, MacNeal Memorial Hotpltal in llerwJ'n, Ill., a auburb Of Cblcago, sen~ the bureau 1/7«1 reports on ac· cldenta lnvolvlnc conaumtr producll wllhln t!ghl months of joining-the nehtork. Thi! hospital's ¥P<fience dl3closed the intere1tlng fact that moat auch accidents occur betwten 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.1 and there are ~ accldents o n Wedwctay the day when few doctors are .avaJlable in tho 0Hlct1 In the Ql.lcago arta. The Bureau of· Product Saf&o ty followa up the ttportJ by consultations with manufac-- turers of the devices lllvolvtd and by w-ch of llJ own. During 1172 about 36.000 such accldenll actu11ly will be In· vest!Jated. Grape Leaf Killer THE STUDIES have !""' duced a number of recorn. mendatlom for p r o d u c t changes wUhln recent months. Blbycle accidents are one of the moet common cau.ses of jrtjurles to children. A stUdy at Lutheran Hospital at ~ark Ridge, Ill., showed 64 children cut by tbe knlleltke action of the spokes (){ bicycle wheels in a two-month period litst sum· mer. On the basl! ol this and <lther reports, the Bureau of Product Safety urged that children's bikes hive wheels with shielded spokes, a prac· tice followed in Europe. : Nears Big Vin~yards SAN JOSE (AP) -A voracious Utile inlect with a passion ror grape leaves hu moved hi1 front line within striklng distance of Santa Clara Valley's fa mo us vineyards. · The enemy 13 the weatern :grape leaf 1keletonlw, llnown to entornolognta u Hurtslana Jlr111lllJl.I. He'a within one quarter mile of the Almaden vineyards · ,outh of here, but has been : found th"" far only on 'backyanl grapevine.! and two oUler plants in two areas south of here totaling 14 square miles, County Agriculture Commissioer Chet H o w e reports. "They're voracious eaters," says Howe. "They line right up next to each other and march across the Jeaf like an army, destroying everythlhf except the veins. . "All that's left II a skeleton," aald Howe, adding that the IMeetl can deatroy 1 grape plant ln two weeks. The state already baa spent MOBILE PHOIE Pl-I. Receive Tole""9ne Colla in Your Car- o No Llcen1• • H• Qplft;I lllWlllmf!lt MOlllPI tll MOnffl lt9'tl1I 111111 Or..,. e. ......... , •••• 4tl la, 1Mf1 Pt • a.Ml AM 135-3305 $1 million thU yur, setklnl to stop the. akelttonlur hut, in Siskiyou, san Diego a n d Frtmo counues. aajd Howe. A Fresno County en· tomologi.st saJd only .two Another regulation growing square miles near CloviJ have JH'o-~y's ..., --th turned up the insect, and no 1r• •~ n v• commercial vineyuds y e t ' have been bit. PJ s Ch ' "We're aimply trying lo con-ay UCCesS eSS trol it this BWnmer," llid Howe, predltlng it T G Ah d • J b will take at least a year 0 et ea Ill 0 to eradJcate the pest, which normally is found in Mexico, Tun, Arlmna Utah, Colorado and Nevada. Since the insect first was diacove...i and ideulllted here in June control worken have sproyed alfeeled vines with twu pestlddea. Tbey kill the inlect on contact but .,......1 low toxicity for other spedM, Howeuld. Tbe lmecta have no natural enemies, he added and are "very prolific," with the female laying hundreds of eggs and the hatching cycle producing as many as three generations in a single sum- mer. ''The larvae are what cause the damqe/' sald Howe. In the adlllt llybig •tace the 1keletoolaer -be blllcl<, blul&h or metallic -n with a oneolnch wtngspon. Some aport a bright fed color Jiii! behind the held. "TbeY'tt poor Ole111, lhlt's the beat thing going for us,'' llald Howe, bul wind cumnls can lttttch tbetr IUght and widen the uea they inlect. By SYLVIA PORTER Denture Invention Fer P11pl1 with ••u,,.,.••.,.. ,...._.,, ~· neaRlt. thinc lo b&vffts ,-out own Wt.th ii JX*il>le now wllb a plutic cream dilCOVUJ' tll•t ada· pllJ" bold• bolb "upper•" and "krwen" • ntwr btfan!ll J)l)lllble. It'• a diKovuy called F1xooan• f9t dailJ" bomo UM (U.S. Pat. 13,003,988) and it has rewtu.: tionia:d denture. •tlrin1. FWlOIH1' e. " .... """"" •rMdl~ .. ,._,.,. Cttlllr Drl¥1 ...... .. ..,.,. a.tdl, c.,,.. ...... ,, ... T"""""1 cntt ...,.... • announcing • • • the appointment of C. Kent Freundt •s m•n•t•r of th• N•wport B•ech brench offic• of Occid•nt•I Lift lns1i1r1nc• Comp•nY, of C•liforni•. M;. Fr•undt •ssumes his n•w r•sponsibl\itits after fivt y••rs •S a11ist1nt mtn19tt of th• compeny's Elmhurst, llllnols, brench1 whtr• he jol .. d Occldontal ln 1967. Whil• thtr• h• ••rntd thl in1ur1nct industry'• N1tion1I S1l•1 Achl•v•ment Awerd, Heelth --ln1ur1nct Qu•lity Aw1rd end N1tion1I Qu•llty Aw1rd for his out1t1ndin9 s1l1s •nd 1trvic1 • Frtundt •Ito wes n1m•d brench m•n·of.tht· yur thrtt flmts. Ht renlc t.lii mong tli• J.•mp1ny11 top 100 rtpr1sent1tivt1. Also while in Elmhurst, Mr. Fr•undt t•N•d t•rm• 11 pruident, flrat •ice pr•sident end trt11urer,of th• DuP19t County Lif• U"cft"rWriter1 A1soci1tion. Ho w11 bom In Elmhunt end attondod loyole Unl .. nlty ,, Cliice90. • c. Kon!"•"""' wm uphold Oecidonhl tifo'• hfth tt1M•t41 of 11rvlct throuth his t•p•rt, erof111l1n1I 1dvlc1 to NtWport IMch resid•ntt on 111th•ir11ft, he1lth 1rwl 9roup in1ur1nct end pension flt.di. Oc.c,cftntal is 1110 r•present•d f11 the It•• by th• 9tn•r1l 11•ncit1 of Thofntl Gort end Robort Holfloff, .. COMPLETE-NE~ iYORK STOCK UST • L \ I , • . • • .. I TONIGHT'S TV mGlllJGHTS KTLA e 7:00-"l Saw What You Did." Joan Cnwford atan Jn thls 1965 thrilll'f about mla<hief fostered by two tffnagers. This one pl.,.s all week on l1ds danel. KBSC (521 7:30-"Public Enemy.'' Remember Jimmy Cagney shoving the. £:pefrul! Into llae Clarke's face? lt'a part of gangster , movie clas~ic. NBC D 8:00-"Laugh·ln." The lOOth edition of Rowan·Martln madness reunites Judy Carne, Henry Glbsoo, Teresa Gr.aves, Arte Johnson, Jo Anne Worley and apeclal iUHts 1obn-Wayne and Tiny Tim. ABC fJ 8:00-"The American Indian: This Land Wu Hls ·Lan"d." Frank Reynolds profiles the American Indian pl Wday in this ABC News special. KTTV ID 8:00 -"The Dodgers' Boom or Bust." Highlights of this 1eaaon'1 Dodgers baseball games narrated by manager Walter Alston. CBS D 11:30 -"Come Fly With Me." Hugh O'Brian and Dolores Hart star In this 1963 comedy about airline stewardesses. l'V .DAILY LOG Monday fD~jltJCLYI Artllur ht111 - •-W V.nutt f•atttred 1t1 -· Jut/ 24, "" 'Follies' ·Hits Coast in Triulnph - By TOM TITIJ8 Of .. o.iJt ,I .. ll•H Tb<re lJ a dellcloo1 sort of Irony In the premlero of the champion Broadway mu.sical .. Follies" at the glittering new Sbul>ort Theater In Lo s Angele1. It ls set in what re- mains or an old New York theater soon to be demolished, an indlcatlon of the gradual erosion o( Broadway, yet It marks the premiere of a West c.oast showplace s i z e a b I e enough to swallow up throe or four Broadway theaters, an in- dication that the West Coast Is ont its way to succeeding New York as the nation's theatrical capital. One could hardly imagine a more impressive production to Inaugurate the Shubert than "Follies " last · year's be.st •• musical ·in the eyes of tbe New York drama critics, It comes cOmplete with the original cast and more music than any musical in memory - probably 80 to 85 percent of the show. , This, above any other-con. sideratlon, is the mark of significance in "Follies.'' While the show is an obvious succes,, f for producer-dlrectar Harclcl , ._.11,.. dlsnlualonmont at bis business Prince and the quartet of lum· • ...!!!!!'"' ., ,_ ~-~ fllilure and Bon'• cynicism at Jnartes beading Ila cut, It ·11 a ~= ~'lll'::l:'~;.;i bis ,......,_ All, 11ve perbaJ>ll thunderlnr lriumpb for com-a ~-~r= . ..:,-: . Sally, have a number of ex· poser and lyricist Stephen "'·~Ci~. tramarttal ollain to their Sondheim unquesUooablY the PIWt .. •1-~.~--~~-.• ,... ..... ~~ Smith' ho ~ II best in the businesa:. r,~ ' -...... "· .o.n. ""'°" MJolll , w co a ndh Uy ttklrnrner ......... Dw_.tw ct1u.. the J .~. ~ N So elm earned two Tony ft'!Jtm1t1 ,,._ ...... Jolvi MtMtr11n ma or awm\q ivr ew awards for the mus.le and c;.rkl'• ~. ,\ .. v-.... Ot cw York performance, la crisp, 'ot~ LI FJttt-, ....... ,,_F_!!l .rr!n.!! ......... 1 and bl .t _, _ _. lyrics of "Follies/' to go with ft~• =: ............... llti.T\h:.tt: """"" Un.,y '~ to two others for .. Com})3Dy" the err1 w.t'mM.":::::::.l:M 11...: her aitultioa. Her solo_. "could previous season. For the c=: iu.;y··::::::;:M~,.....,.'t~!: I Leave Youlu ls ruor-edged crea~,r ondf t:oeG "W?l1.~ide ~= =:1 .. :~·::::.:·: ... ic:~i::: andberber!W~-tonk,P~al llhllon Story a ' ypsy' ,~,cs, VIDUflll Piwuns ......... suhNW R.,.. num 10 u,.. music •W n- .. Follies" marks hla most dif· · a:muaical segment ls a show llcult and demanding achieve-tbe old theater provides the stopper of tho blgbest order. ment for the show t 1 impetus for a reunion of the McMartin plays her tm• predominantly music w I th old-time perlormen wbo sang bittered husband with a surfeit what might be termed In-and danced In \be Follies of sell-pity and tbe boozy cidental drama. under the eye of a Ziegfeld· awareness of ·bis absolu~ Thi.s, however, ls hardly fair like bnpresariq, Among those failure.In tM human race. Of to Jame~. Goldman's tight, in-gathering at the wake are two the four •. his acting ts of the cisive script which intertwines couples who broke early with highest quality, hi.5 charecter with the music smoothly and show business ahd have not the most clinically projected. unobtrusively. After what seen each other .since the ear-~ Colllns, still appearing seems like an overabundance ly Forties -Buddy and Sally the Broadway ingenue, / is Of musical frosting, "Follies" Plummer (Gene NellOn and tops In the vod.t d~partment "settles down ·Into a. probing Dorothy Collins) and Bon and and warbles hatintlngly the lyrical drama as day turns in-Phyllis Stone (John McMartin Ione show number to achleve to night and night into morn· and Alexis Smith). popular succesl, · 0 1..osing My . ing -a sort of 11Virginia It_dev.elops early that Sally Mind." .tier dramatic ability i.11 Woolf'' set to music a!I the once loved Ben and may · not a shade bf;low that of the lives and loves of four people Yet, at the1 threshold of 50; be. others, but never enough to are delineated. over It. The situation is com.. create an imbalance. · The imminent .destruction of plicated by B u d d y ' s Nostalgia reign:s supreme Splendid 'Barber' at Greek T ·heater for an all·loo-brlef numb<r as Nelson displays the magic feet that propelled him lhrough many a movie musical. Tim· Ing and style are bis In abun- danct, and hJs overaJI -performance ta e1cellent. A bountiful bonus In .. Follie,," is Yvonne De Carlo who plays, not surpr~ingly, a former musical actress who went on to make a name: in the movies. Although given comparatively little t9 do, MJJs De Carlo .brings oif the loudest and longest applause of the night with h e r unabashedly honest solo 1'I1m Still Here." Praiseworthy a · t s o are. Mary McCatt'ys r a c o u s showpiece, "Who's r h a t Woman?" and another "Ah p ·15 .. nostalgic gem , ar , by the legendaQi Fifi D'Orsay. These are bonbons to be savored between segments of tlie main story as the old timers give it one last go . Particularly Impressive ln the staging or "Follies'' Is the a\>P'arance, in the black and white of .memory, of the younger Buddy, Sally, Ben and Phyllis, their >'.outhful roman. ticism contrruiting the harsheF realitY of the present. These roles are splendidly played by Harvey Evan!!, Marti Rolph Kurt Peterson and Suwnne DAILY PILOT 9 ASMI Sl'IUill· -"" """''" rRQl)lltlll)ll Nlcbolas ..... • • ' . Alexandra ~ lNONZOM fUI ._ C!lUMllAl'ltflJMS. ' iiu.llS....,,,.,_..,1uJllllttallilDU , ,_,iljl.UIW"'lo ~ "" -"'I llYll Wit fOI Ml lltlltl" ~'" Gltl!W.C:IUIWI •aYIHOOUGll.5 Ev mtrpts from P1t11n'1 films ind cot1· eninf v1rution with tht noted dlrtdor. JULY 24 GI ti lhWid• '° • '""' By TOM BARLEY mortem than the fact that It Rogers. 1---..::::::=;=::::_::__ __ ' ( fE £ltldtl Cfllhf Of 1t!t D•ll)' rllot Sl1H t l:OOllJl.D.•ca.m11m._ ~•m11m '""" -Gueits·~ Ask any opera lover which Jacked competent personnel, ~ -CJ) 9 h slnitt Budclr Roren. actras Shelly of bis favorite offerings he'd any semblance of scenery and ' an. .... ,.., Wlnttf1, ectreu Gill Flslltr, f1shioll mo~t like to see performed un-a musical accomyaniment that I Cl) c..i.n , d1sl1ner Rudi Gemrelcll, •nd •dro· der the stars and nine times only faintly resembled the ~ • 1" r....., lopr S)'dlMJ Om1rr. t f 10 'll t th . . Tscbaikowsky sCore. Ill - - 1:00 fJ CIJ ... 'I t1<J (~ J1c1< ~-OU 0 YOU ge e ring mg . ni ........ ,, reply: "The Barber 0 f Guarrera, that a g e. I e s s (II Tiit DMllt Y-r •nd mimic Rtda littlt rutst wfllft Seville!,, strong man -0f the Met. was in • .._ ,. ""'*' Lucy drNlfll UJ •1 plen •imed It J II G fine voice Thursday night but •. "•••i.IQI mcvlft&uncllHlny'1fllnin•fr0111 o Y ·Jaco mo Rossini's !,> 11......., lfl lmpel'ldh11 t1_HuN. , fable of Figaro, the razor.. he had to be to justify top bill .. e II -r.-D ill GI llC-_,,,, .... sharp barber who'd much Ing with Miss Armstrong. Her •nnt..... wit: (C) (Ziii) IMll "'r-~ rather match a 1ikely ·couple winsome, clear:Jy sung Rosina • . . ..,.. (drt)''~ilft C.bot. than scrape chins, was an was the perf~t foil· for his 1:)18MMa: (C) ('IO) "'1'tle WllMllr ~ llrM, ll!bl" P•rklm. ~ ideal choice for this season's flickerir)g, ingenious Figaro ......, hrt, I (""') '63-Jama pit 1Wllti11& lltW Nti, lllM' Into 1 ti ff · 1 th G k and their duets were among stole the show from the lot of tndure from the occupants of them. He was priceless as, the pit in the Vienna State complete with seventeenth Ballet fiasco. century priest'i headgear and Woitach was on top of his twentieth century s o c c e r score from first to last note socks. he pushed a marriage and he gave his artists the contract designed to put the kind of liaison and direction luscloUs ·Rosina into Bartolo's that is par for the courst in bed. any top fiighl opera house. Voketallis bas a superb You can't do more than that bass-baritone voice but he also and he (lid it well. · has a tremendOus sense of Thank you, "B8rber,'' 'thank comedy and he injected into you: You have restored lhis many . scenes an infectious critic's faith in the Greek humor and touch' of slapstick Theater . "Follies" ts performed in Its Los Angeles en g a gem en.t without intermission, and it lS the mark of its Intriguing and captivating effect that the break is neither anticipated nor regretted. It is the' sort of show that should nOt be lir temipted lest its fragile magic be destroyed. Two resounding bravos are in order, for "Follies" Itself and for the new Shubert Theater. Both should prosper greatly in the coming weeb. . Gamtr, Lte,Relfllck, Pllll Kink, Chill 1.,,·~d home. ~ ..,. c•~> opera c o ermg a e ree thing W"" ~· Theater. the best · s In the opera. -LU Nrt • .._ lackus. P•· ''If GeofftlJ °'°91, Pitrici Wayne, o•-lo p k Her work 1·n the ·-nd act · tridl CrtwleJ; r.._ GI .,. amv. David Sou~, Kit. Jasort. SttlfJ in:C r atric Taverna ,,.. ..... that went well with the. role rr=;=-========::= and delighted his audience. M Mtw YoR1to ""'-tot11t dtlb •Ml •bollt tntten:yc1t •n4 lloclt cir put together a splendid cast, demonstrated most fully the ~ UllllS • 'llllthirin4 ot dvftr whe11 """' headed by the redoubtable fine sopraDo wice of the hi. bllYS '9)1hin1 thlit dltplt11tt e"""" IMll&· Frank Guarrera and the young lady we best remember film. • . , D (fl()) m AK MIMfJ Mnf•: delicious Karan Armstrong, for her superb "Le Coq d'Or" CIJ CIS ._.Watt« Cronklt• (C) (Zllt) "J'-WUa: Qlttn" (dr•) and he was respoo.sible for one with the New York. City Opera 8 Mltw llffflt Slllw '17 -Dj)n Murrty, C.rlt1, Dol'lllld of the most sumptuous and ef.. Company. She has scaled the II Tiit ™" "" Houatoft. Durini !ht Rom1n occup1-fective stagings this critic has heights in opera a n d J ·all~""'-... t1on ot ·811Qin, S.11111, quHn d lh• ever seen at the· Greek. justifiably so hilt this critic is ~ I~ ' lctni .lribt, lrilS to hold in check th• More i m p o r t a n t 1 y , be-among m~nv who feel that she T,... .. ..., ttbellkius Dnllds. r·~ - -ensured that bis distinguished has had nothinir like the ac- , G !::'!;" 1i~111 ·I."-~ ,... -., principals had the backing ol a claim that sil!MJ!d be · accorded 81 ·strong supporting cast that to this gifted artist. ji • ......., lllol Min~ ......... produced ita ·own bevy of Don Beman! BS Dr. Bartolo, ·~ I"'....,., minor stars in a beautifully -Rosina's petty but persistant f l ' • I ! I i I • ! • • • I • • • • • ' • • ' I ' • • • 7:118 (}) B m llM 11 -do '"' paced opera that delighted a guardian, effectively bumbled • -= tail ., "" -'" .,. (dr1) ''5-Jotl Cr..,ord, John f'.JO ' Der1s.., .. (Iii) John B1nl'llt capacity audience. . his way through to the defeat )l'llW. 'I.elf lrlebon. Andi Qlf'Tltt. tuutl n 1 butler who dupes Doris It was no more than richly that happily awaits him in the T..,,_.....,.. "°"' ,fif UM wtlJI• .,. polinr • U. ruler of• lottlp deserved for those patrons opera 's final scene. And tllili "''" 1 ~ teltphont pri•ciP.llltJ. who had to endure the misery Robert Johnson was in fine 111M. W a.... 1 served up earlier that week by tenor voice as C o u n t (1).,..liC.•1•11n1' • •""' . f:he Vienna State Opera Ballet AJmavlva, the Io v es i ck Cll illioool 1:::. i:--· -Company: This brilliant. nobleman who has Figaro I·:':!:~ llflilt e ......,.. gloriously costumed "Barber" solidly on his side in the quest .,.._.-,..._ • J '9llcllf fi'tlt ""'"9lf hit was a far cry from a "Swan for the lovely Rosina. .,..... lt:ol8.~,..,..... .. Hl&heran4 1_La_k_e_"_n_eedln_..;g:_n_o,.o_th_er......:po'-st--B-u_tAr-''-n_ol_d_V_o_ke_tai_·_u_s_n_ea_r_o.ly .1M•1a..r...,..twJm Hilblr. AnolNJs It Law" Dustin (Iii) 'ftle•11191tiltt 11 t: wt-Hofflu11 tN S.UJ ~lltrman ttlr. of tM !"' _, -•• """ .:::.:::~ ·~11.;"=-·-.1111 11!1-o:> -.. 1111........ W.1('"" • m .... ..,Plimrfl' • s •11"11ai 1)tllre •-'-7:30 fJ-"' .. -l'lin ~.... u"' -suesta. , e .,_ ....... W... .. Work" D Dr. -Lido "Dlfl< F"'1•" Gil-..... Atttt Mfrin1 11r .. fol' "'°"' mu-ti lA ~ ,. ..,.... s11111htw from an acddtlt INt 10:30 8 Tiii W kJUtd his future f1t!Mr-l11·I• two m·• t.., ... Y••ri ap, • min returns to Dixon CJ..1 s.t.kll Mills wllut his fl1nctt Is w1llill• 9111N: ..,_,.WJ4'* tot him. &J C1all•1il ~ Cl)T• 111 lhl lMlt ll:OO DD U E GI Ill - (I) I Dnlo.tl -· CIJ C1J ill-. II Mila.$ hit: (21w) "l1la c.. g..., Mn Dtmos Shakari•• .._ .. -(d•) '63-&-(I)-- phi1 Lonn, Maxlmilli1n Schtl~ Fred-. D lllN: (C) ""£6f·•l4 tilt .ill( rlc March:. , ~-Ol Lart ._ I DMI (adv) 60 -Join Collins, Rlc,,.rd m Ht111'I "'"" E11ft. . mll'lllo•C-.-mm""'" ..... , .. Lii, @11 UM Spetllpt Qi) De...,.~ and S.. ==rttt eill ftllJIP IMr CD M""llto ·--·-1111-1 Iii-· t21w) "Pu>lc ....,.. Iii_.., CR) . ll:JO 11 CIJ Cll 1.111 '""'' tc> ''Co"' 1:00 tJ Cl) filllllltlt "'llj•h" (R} lo fir •1 1111" (com) '63-Doloru moun11in 111111 aceustd of tllrtt Illy· Hirt, Huitt O'lriln. lnrs hces • hln1ln1·mlndtd Jury. B i11 c ..., c:.11111 Bobbt 0 Qi m l..lqll-11 (R)Tht •rlts' Darin II s11bstitu11 host. G11tsts In• IOOlh allow rt11nltes Judy C.rnt, dodl Dr. llWin StlllnMn (diet 111111ot- H1nry Gibson, Ttma Grms, Arte it)'), ind Krulln (tntnt1list), Johnson, Tiny Tirn, Jro ~,. Worley e Miit L DlrlM Slllw •nd John w,,.. lri~ Oat _,, fJ (}) {lj QI Dkl ~ Robert and Didi M1rti11. Citl'OI of tM Sll'lltllsonl1n lnstltll• fJ CIJ (j) -NIP! Ip>-tlo~a Ctnllf 111 Sltort-U..d Pltlno- cill "Thi An11rltln !Adi11: This land mtM Is • llllfl Was His Lant' News conupoftdent ID Te Ttl .. Td ftfM. Reynolds profilu the Amwlcall 11.-00 G) ._. "fll af Lfft" (com) '57 lndia11 todrr. lib MPllltiol fl'Olll -My Hollldl)', Rictlanl Cont" malnstrum America, 1"4 tht ff· m ........ 111rt111Ct1 of inttrest ifl !ht tr1ditiM· IZ:• 8 ~ "1111 lrNt Ykllt Mit- a I Indian t11ltu11 1nd "*"' ....., (mus) '39-All•n Jones, M•IJ G)!IHC@:l Tiit Mpn:.... M1rtill • ., lllt Kialllldrts of ttlis IHSOft's 11'1 tMtry M• TI• Dodpr baMNP 11me1. W1lttr Ali-ID ......... '" "'"''"" 1:00 ma o C1J at_ ., ..., _, t:!O fJ-: "lltl .. ...,,... (Id- • ...._ C«lie fl) '57-Joh11 ,tfar, C)'nthll Pttrlck. • Tuesday I- ----· 1 Sometimes a Gf'(Jat lfotion ' ' . Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers His. artful theft of the snuff from Bartolo's ·snuff box was cleverly contrived and his rerr dition of the famous "Slander" aria was just about the best version of t.he stanza we've beard in many 3: year. · Full marks also for con. ductor Richard Woitach and an orchestra that ·was in marked contra.st to the twit- tering and tooUjng we had io -.w •• ..., .• i'PERRYi' Cootl-hlly frem.f:OI P·•· . NOW-EXCLUSIVE HARBOR AREA SHOyilNG AT REGULAR PRICES! Nightly 7:00 & 9:30 ' . ~o'CAS.ti~ "'~"****" ~"> • -NtwYorkDaltyNews •'CAIMlt' IS A 8ClllnLLATINGI llUllCALI" _,._.= ~ ,l'*ll "LIZA llHIE) 1-1* NEW -IHOW lllZ1" -ri-• ... "LJZA-OLIJN 'CA86 Rlr -A-ITNI 1 1i1011NF•••••''* ....... '& OSCAl Wlllll• "SEfqlNELS OF SILENCE" Dustin Hoffman in "THE GRADUATE" Sliew'SNrts'7:0t p.111o CLINT WTW90D "JOE KIDD" AIM IP5) PAUL· NIWMAN HIHIY ~NDA . "SOMETIMES-A .GREATI NOTION"·, 'UKll WOODSTOCK ONA·Wavm· ·--Pacific YlhGtiw --CCl.OR.;.--.. .• -..,u..:., ___ • e1t11 ...._ ....._...., 'lclw9o. IN. SURF THEATRE-121 51h St.-Huntlngton Buch 2 r.mr.-• l:tt I 11:00..--.W.. $1.7......,.. IJ6.fJf6 ---CINEOOMf 20 0. • .-: L I". 1' L, --[INfOOMf lf .. • • 1 .I f _ LJ ---., S 140/!!M I .. __ .,.. ----.. S 140/U!I l .. --· ·~ ... ,. -----,, S/40/UM J 0. '• 'I I ----,, Sl401UM J .. ---.. " -- "'1ltl CANOtDATI" (el'J .... "'COOL H.\ND t.Ukl" (eP) "PORTNOY'I COM,l.AINT" (ltJ ... "'CANDY" (XJ ' . "11ll nArl Flln IUUY 1&nin•, Ill Ci{llEllCW. AllllllCAl Ill•. ::' llGST llUTAI. Allll 1111118 . CllllDlllRU IF Lii ma lllllB llllllll Tiii Llml lf.l'lnUll EITUYAlllalT." '' -Vlnctntt.nbv.NewVcmTime• "'Tlll IMfA,...' 11 A IPfCTAmll .... Ill Of Tiil , flllY UIUTll .... na llAIEI" - ~EDWARDS THEATRES ' Al1rlon • Br11ndo : "" : "'1 ....,_,_' .... _ . 11•1* . lPIJ cuwl IASIWOOD .JOIKDD M·'AU\NtwfMNll! "SOMfTIMllAtlUr T1W' LOCAL EDITOiilALS The Dit.ILY PILOT Quite Ohen Fights City Hall ,, t • • co .• Oood bOr Tlrt \ -.. ~t· Monday's Closing Prices-Complete New Y ork Stock Exchange List Stocks Register Sharp Advances NEW YORK (AP) -With !nvestor eonlldtnce bol.lteNd by hl&h1Y favorable economic rePOrts, the lloclt market acored lmpnNiwe piDJ llonday In moderately acUve tndlni. The advancea ran lhrollsboUt the lllt. At 2 p.m. the averages were up 15.SG. Monte Gordon, analy1l tot Sartorius a. Co., said the improved economic picture wu now play!nf a • rrealer part in Investor motivation than prevloualy, when inlernaUonal monetary conlideraUons and concern over the economic policies of Sen. Glori• McGovern, the Democratic pres!4enUal nominee, beld'swa . ' · eAatltr.,t SAit PIWICllOO -'1111 d- 11 o1 sen J'ranci...i bu 111111 •• alllll!lllt octlan In ltderal <llUl'I = a.. lire mabn wllh ct rtulnt and -ly In 9IPPl1 ol llrll for lnllllt -· Tiit ll.I. lllllrlcl Court 11>- llon complained lhal alnos IMO competition bu bteo 1ttllod by lht delenclanta - Oood7Ut Tin! and Rubber Co., ,,_ Tin! and Rub- Qoodrlcb Co., and Genetti b1r Co., l1lllfvJll Ille.. B. P. 'llrt end llublltr Co. I. ' • I DAILY PILO I Mond<y, July 24, 1972 QU&NIE By Phil lnterlandi . if Klis~,,..,..._ ...... 72. ......... _..... I. "I don't like to make snap judgments, but I don't like . the looks of th~ new -0ffic~ manag!ll'." Take .A Rugged Trip Down Colorado !liver By DeWflT JOHN ctirl1t11• Sc~ Meftltier Stn'IH Clear rugbts ·under the stars •••• LOnely, unspoiled wilderness t • • • • • A lair amount of excitement ·and adventure •••• Some o! the most magnlfi- eent sc~ery in the world . . . . : . . If your taste in vacations ru,ns along these lines, you : 'eil.ght to consider flQating down the · Qllorado River . :through the Grand canyon on ;a raft. . Some people assume that :•hooting 11;-(oot r a p I d s , clambering up rocky side can- yons, sleeping on a sandy beach on a windy night, washing one's face each morn- ing in the cold anH muddy river -that such adventures .are only for the young and heedless. riYer trips is growing and the NationaJ Park' Service, in 'the interest of preserving the wilderness character of the Canyon, has clamped ·limita- tions on further expansion of the river trips. -Choose an angle fOI"· your trip • Take pictures. Or ' Con-- cenfrate on the amazing ·geology · of the canyon. Or study its flora or fauna. Or read up in advance on the col- orful history of its exploration. Some trips are scheduled for • photographers or others witli special interests. U you pbotOgraph he sure to take more film than you think you'll need. We budgeted a 36- frame roll of color slide film per day. It turned out to be adequate but none ·too much. Not so. They're wronjt'. -Choose your time .. · · The 25 voyagers in our Most outfitters scheduled . ·group included m a tu r e 1r· 1 M · :suburbanites as well as ad-ips rom av to October. We chose late September, and :venturous youngsters. SOme were glad we'd avoided the : :had never camped out before. summer montQ.s. T h o s e . ·Few had been toughened by ootdoor life. But all had a massive black cliffs lining the oood time. River-running the inner gorge absorb the sun's e. . heat, and they can make the Grand' Canyon is possible for place"like an oven in summer. almost anybody. E · I Can be /th The rafts are inflated pon-ven 111 ate ..,..tern ' 'I: toon-type crafts 25 to 30 feet J~ shorter days, we '(ere long made of huge plastic often glad to see the blazing afternoon swt droo behind the ~~s fashed to~ether. They're towering red cllffs. vn1uall~ n~1nkable a n ~ -Choose your Jmmedfate almos~ 1mposs1ble to upset if . group u possible. properly rigged and carefully You're likely to fmd con- llandled. . geniaJ friends In any river • Last year nearly 10,~ group, "because you and they i>ersons made the c.anyon trip. wouldn't~be there at all" if you This year the total is expected didn't share similar tastes and .~ be.a~t the same. interests. Still, it adds special : Our trip spanned the ent~e fun to run the river with good :Crand canyon from Lee s friends. ' :Ferry to Lake Mead. • By pre-arrangement, three ;passengers got off at Phantom :Ranch, four days down the ·river from our starting point. :They hiked up Bright Angel ·Trail to the canyon's south '.rim. At that point. nine others · : came aboard, (or the final six- . day journey thro~li!:h some of : the .wildest t~j>ids in America. :· Here are .,,.some pointers for : anyone planning such a trip: -Do your homework befouband. Our outfitter sent us a list of · · ·books about the Grand Can- :Yon, its history. geology, and : :points o! SJlOCial interest. The · : :National Park Service or the -Be k1nd to yourself. Arrive in the area for a restful day before embarking, and schedule another day or so for relaxation afterward. -What to talte. · , · :Sierra Club also can provide ·votir out'fitter will bri(!f you on. clothes to bfing ·-such things as a rlin suit ·with pants (a JD(!re poncho won't keep the water out!) a wide- brimm~ waterproof ha~, blue jeans, sneakers, and · so forth. In addition, we found the following items invaluable: A flashlight. plenty o!' hand lo- tion and suntan cream, woolen gloves (for rock climbing and holding onto ropes while shoot.ing the rapids), a needle and thread, a supply of nlastic bags and rubber banrfs {for waterproof storage of such thi11'l'.S as film), a nalr of "ood field glasses , and a notebook for camera data and daily log, · :material. Time spent browsinst :thMUJ!h such sources oaus off. · ; If possible, visit the Grand :Canvon Museum at Arizon:t ·State University at Fla~staff :before you make the trip (or : 11£terward). . · ~boose your outfitter · carefully. A Real Loser More than a dozen com- panies offer trips down the Colorado. Quality counts when It cornes to safety and co1n- fort, the way the boats are rig!ited, the food , and the caliber and experience of the boatmen. You may need to book vour reservation several months in MANlLA (AP) -A British businessman new to th e Philippines three times - each time 01, the same airline, and each time his lup;"~ge was l~t. "I'll never fly those planes a"ain," he fumed. An airline o[ficia1 commented, ~1lt certainlv is ba.d news." J advance. Pooularitv of the •;;::=:;;:;;::=;:=;:;:;;::;;:;;:==-==:=;:;;:;;::;;:;;::=;:=;:;;:;;::;;:;;:~I • I "I NCH ES-A-WAY" ·-' ' ' ' MINERAL WRAP • SLENDERIZING . . . • LOSE 5 INCHES YOUR FIRST VISIT I GUARANTEED I $1 o orF With Thi• Ad. JEANS INCHES·A·WAY 1799 Newport Blvd., Coste Mua PHONE 642·3550 ' , ~ ,1-! 'T '-• PRICES HONORED TUES~ & WED~ OILY! HURRY!. SALE ' . . Faidi~N1SEMi·LE PA TIOh (exEpanded metall ·tOble ,top, ' •Open mes chair sea.I & back. . • 42" dia. tab~• & ~ cha111'~-. h-your choice of.white • Baked-on, ch1p-res1stan , 1n1s or avocado. REG. $(141.99 $44?!~ TUU. & Wl~:·oN~YI' Your Choice Super 51.ze PLANTERS "Use Indoors or Oul -Malces Your Gorden Portable!" •Your choice of beautifully styled planters & urns - from 14 to 17" die. • look like they're made of stone -buy several at this special price. . $)95 ~AVl$4i00 ~• VALUE TO $7.95 ruts:' i.. wfD~ON YI la. '·' . Char-Vue" BAR-B-QUE GRILL "Ab~o/ufft C110/dng Perf•cflon fveryt/mel" • Made of heavy die-cast aluminum. • Deep 8 inch hood makes it easy to barbecue a roast, ham or turkey. • Permanent heat-proof window lets· you look while you cOQk. •Exclusive Diol..a-Vent top for accurate draft control. • Heavy tubular legs, .. wooden side cutting \-:;~! board & easy-roll wheels. REG. $35.99 TUES. & WED. ONLY! SAVE $16.001 ' , Vinyl Tap · BAR stoo;L. !l!lllllillllllll!I• "Set Y I ourse f Up /n Sty/el" •All hardwood frame with easy ' dean · faom-oa.i.i.,. , ·· ..1 • , ' • " . . ~: hat.~ •r..~·-1(!~?'"'""" ....... 1* .c.-~ i.J.;t •"l""'l"'.• ... ,.,... "'"11.9'1>"'~ -- . 24·" or 30"· f;· h' J • •• 1g • • Co'!'fy vinyl seat in your choice ~f colors. -' . . REG. $12.99 . .·-' ~AY,E}:4.oot : '·'ilia. & WID. . ' . ~t' : . . ' . r T • . Qila" llty . . ; t • • Assorted Glass . ' .. ' . .J' '·LEAtHERinl: . . ' . ' tlAil~fis· .... -· • •You.react It r}g'.ht -C-ratioi;is ·-·j~st li\i ·~.; • . ' ';t .l,\o.m's .home cooking -'re(!'lember? r ·t '.·SWAG FIXTURES ' . • >• • I . •!'.(;_rfiat. fOr· pill.ows, wall covering -make an old .. ,. ' "N•wl a9 auf/ful Designs!" , . • Jrem•l'ldous se\~ction of decorator ; glass swags. . · • Choose from green swirl optic, amber fluted or embossed glass. • Complete with cast brass ,fittings and all necessary . hardware. . :uo. $14.99 , 'YOUR CHOICE TUES. & .. ·W1D. ONLYI .. SAVE $6.00 • r . · pieCe of furniture presentable. ; · ·:. s.4° ·wide :~ choice of color. 'and~teXtUr9s. .• ' ' ' I ' ' . . Mod• To Sell For $1.00 Yd~, tun. a WID. OHLTI The Supftl' Cl•n••. FORMULA 409 1 •The super all-purpose cleaner. •Made to get rid of dirt & grime in no time at all. • Stock up at this low price, IEO. $1.09 6~. _ • Our .me.nu. reads spagh.ttt1 & meat sdvce,,• • .Pound~ake 'or ch~alCit.e nut roll. '· • Great. !or ~om.P.lng or bock-pqckers. ' \ . RIO. to 29c l ~ ., . -co~-~ ·:l.~c \ <. ··.f~.J l 1 ~ ~~ ': • c,:,,._ ( ......... ;o . " 7'... Dftlta" Slnglt L•ver BATHROOM ! f~Q~ET , .. ''Mocfentlz• Your lath'""' -todayl'' • Gleaming chrOm•plaie 4" center set, • •.Just one lever controls amount & lt1T1perotur• of water. RIO. $19.99 nm.·---" SAVI $7.00 fl • . \ • • I 11 I d H w a I y I I s • . lag•···~ " . vor. 65, NO. 206, 2 SECTIONS, 74 °PAGES . . . ORANGE COUNT'(, CALIFORNIA • • -· • ·• •• 1e Suit. ,Leve~d .. ~Laguna:ns . ,Battle Road Extension Village Laguna, wttich successluliy fought for tht 38-loot height limit, too~ the city of Laguna Beach to court today to block construction of Campus Drive through Boat Cany~. . . Attorney Barry SinoJ!$, npresenting the group, WU in SUperlor Cour! In Santa Ana to seek a temporary restraining · order halting purchase 9f right of way_ «otL~r., .2 KUJ,s · for !he road. n 1s ~ u an ex-n~ (W i.nalon of Campus i>rlve through the. ' o I . . hiJls between Irvine and Laguna J!tacb. Esca, ""e 1.n1·,ury . . The-.1111 charges iba1 the ·c111 did not r comply with the Envtronmenlal Q1ia11!>' A'Lagima Beach womsn and her .Act.. of 1970 by. not provlljing an ... two -sm.U children'escaped aerious vlntrunentol Impact •laltmenl delalle4 injury SUnday wben the mother lost tho effecta of comtruction of the road.' control of ber car and the. vehicle . SUch a statement wu pr<pared by Ille plunced about 200 feet down a 70 city staff in regard to the J~ of the percent hillside grade. property, but -not the co clion of the Poliee said driver Viola S. ·road, said Attorney Barry Simons. Phtulpe, 33, of 'lilt Tempie Hills Tbe environmental study concluded Drlre, was descending Swnmit thit the purchase of the property would Drive With her baby OR the front cause DO damage to the iovironment. seat &aide her when the tot'i in· 'tw'e feetthls ~ be a needless ex- lant ,.., i.Upped to the right u the pendl-·wilholll.analysls of the impact car .rounded a sharp curw. ol .the road,• Simo115 aaid . When she reached o..r tl>ward Plilntlffs · In the case, In addition to tbe baby, the vehicle went out of vui"e Lag\Jna, are Rober! c. an<\ Jae- • 00.trol, left the roodny and rolled quetynne Mollett, 415 Pinecrest and down the steep~ Wllllam.W.,uat, 500 Broadwa)'l ' Mn. Pbilllp.· sull · a. minor A-Oecood -o1 the'llllt charges the • t1J1, but the baby and·her,2-year.old city <lid not follow~ oel forth in · ·aon. wbowu,in·fbebock seat, al" u.ltftl•G11f¥=-.&de ,JB J>lllll!l1 • Ulllllrt;~ eald. •• . ,.,. ~.-MIMI-lilt~' ol • • .. '. ~ ..... .;· • ' ) --•. 1\:b..::lplii in &bi ' 1'1111. ' Snoo:in'. on The Green . . There's an QCCasional complaint that•the Festival of· Arts in Laguna' Beach has become too formal with tbe success that the years• have brought. But that'dllhl't' seem the . case when. wandering jlholog· ' \ . MONDAY, JULY 24, 1972 DAILY f'ILOT Sllfl Plltll raphtt's lens alighted on these young people t aking their'e as e in thO' late ·alternoon warmth. They seemed fully relaxed • ·' • I Waldheim . Cites Great Flood Peril ' UNITED J'iATIONS, N. Y. (AP) Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim says be has received informaUon throulh private channels that U.S. bombs hav.! damaged dikes in Norlh Vletoam both by direct hlta and by nearby elJ>loslons. (See story ·oi\ Fight for · Quang Tri on Page 4).i · .He told a ~ws conlerence today he has bee• uiured by the, U.S. government that the dikes were not a target, bu~ thal ho WU :cleePiY CoDcenied by. -~ ed uuiiugti -ho,WOllld nO\ ldmllfr, Waldheim notOd that be hacl'e1p1"-d concern during hJ.s Moscow vi!l.t cbout published reporta on the alleged bombing of the dike:s and had made an appeal for • halt. "l am deeply concerned," he said, "and I now-appeal again for the stopping of thls kind of bombJng." He aaid his inlormanta said some bomb explosions near the dikes had cauud cracks 'wlilch could make the barriers give. way; flooding vast areas and caua- ing a befvy losa of llle. . "ll0 the dikes are deatroyed•it will mean an e!IOf\DOUI dlsastor," ~ declared. Albe(• Whefllw• ~ ~' 1111 • ~ that tbt ............. lrltlllllrei\ "" ,'~lllllltil 1f1~·-·*' IE · tbt 'o 'p"· ''.. ·1 · TL...:~ .... 1 ..• :..r.;,,~:1=:~ 1 . eop e ~l.V1Jll said,. a biiaring "' !118t"1' would be set .sn~}ieer;F~~ ro Appe~ . . . . Recµ.q. Campai~ :Bfl<Ckers Report · H atassing Calls ~-,. . ..,...;~ ... ..... ', ... 11111." .............. . , within · 10. days. Al that bearing a As. Tm· y y ...... .;.1 prethnlnar,y,1n1unct1on would be aought ~ with the cl!Y m hand.to <qntest. If. ~ prlimlnary lnjuctlon 'were hand· ed down, any octloli on· ~ Drive woQ\d .have tp be delaf.~ UDlil a flJ!81 ~ WU made OD a ·permanent .U>o jUcilon -· l . prOCSI 'Illa! "'!llld take aeveral months. . Sinks in Canada MIDl.AND, Ont. (AP) -Ten persona from two related families drowned Sw\- day night in Georgian Bay wben their llDlll alumlniim boot, jaDimed wUh IS penons and dlmping equipment, aw: despite their ·frantic efforta lo baU 11 ou~ ~ial police said el8llt chlldren and four adulta, Ill from tho Aurora and Holland Landing w north of 'Toronto, had sei out in . the IS-fool boa! for ·a week's camping on Snake ·lJland. '1'bOy were about hall way to tbe Island, a rocky, uninhabited area abOut a mlie from here, when the b6at sank! The only mown survivors we' a 10. year'.old girl who stayed afloat for more than two hours without a li/e preserver, and her mother, who swam safely to shore · alter three-foot waves tore one of her other children from ber arms. Tbe' olber·seven chlldren anCI ~ adulta are presumed drowned. • Tbe two survivors were ldentilied to-"'7 u Claudia Contob and her !laughter. Monica, 10. s·~0cks So~F,ing AS: Good News . . . Sparks Marlcet NEW 'YORK (AP) -Highly favorable eoonomlc news continued to spark a atrDDg stock market advance today in ear\y trading. Volume wu moderately active .. Glamour issues wett lllOll!y stronger and g.W !'Ill througbollt· the atock list. 1be noon Vow Jones average of ::-o Ur dustrial · iilocb wu. ahead up 15.31 at 935.81. . n.avances · outpaced decllites ~Y more than S-to 1 amoag lasues traded on the New York Stock Ezchange. one analyst said the :lnarket was responding to the improted ecooomic picture, which had been o ... loatred In ..... cent -b because of unsettled IJ>o ttrnational mooetary con!lltionl and the In Court for. Rape Trial A bench warrant wu issued today for the arrest of soirtb i.a..;na 'lfaih es• ecutive Thomas TrUlis wben be lalleil'to appear in Orange County Superior Courl for trial on rape charges. Presiding Judge ·Bruce SIDMer find tbe warrant at 110,000 and·orderid the· 112,500 ball previously posted for Trulis,. 38, loo be forlelted.· Trulis' codelenciant, Euiene Imondi Jr., ·35, was granted a three·month delay ol his trial on . .Uegalions filed when a 17· year-old Fountain Volley girl told Newport 'Beach· police of .Ueged treat· ment •received at the bands of two men she believed to be movie producen. ~s, who b the owner of the South Laguna Disposal Company, and Imondi were arrested alter tbe girl identliied them as the two men •with whom she parltclJllted In se~ ac!i carried out in tbe back of a parked car !t'Fashlon Island. Tbe attraclive blonde told police ber sexual cooperalloo wu ·demanded by Trulis and imoDdl to _pro\'e ber ability to respond to ov~ that thj!y said would be par! of the candid movies, produced by' Shem .. ,.,--' . Charges were la~ l'tled against· Mrs. Lena Imondi, 32, when the defendant 's wile waa accused of threatening the pros- ecution's key wliness during ·municipal court . action . against her bt!Sband and . ' -·"·. ' .. ~. ' Thooe charges were later dismi.!sed in Orange Cowily Superior Courl. As Laguna Beach's reciill-councU •lee· lion campaign ·moved into ita f~ .lays, members Of Citizens ifor .Good Govern· men~. the org~tion.ba~ ~·recall of Couiicilman Edward C. torr, reported receiving a flurry of )lar,all!ng phone calls from crities of their action. Bea Whlttieaey, chaimlan of .the group, said she was arouaed at '5:30 'a,ra . .1by a wom"ll caller taking ber tO tislt for ber role In, the ncall move~~ · . Sii;illar coJls . were received by three Affe. r Le. ap ·.From Car other signers of the ncau nolice, Bill . . Wood, Mary l<>unsberry and David Paul. Woman Barely Hurt · A La Crescenla woman who leaped The lllth signer, Jon Brand; b abaent. oO from a car traveling at 40 mli.S. an liour a sabballchl to the Soutli Picllic. on Laguna canyon Road-Saturday even· Mrs. Lounsberry said she received Ing, escaped with minor cuts and three calls and was particularly - abrufons and was released , after cemed because she was awaiting word of emergency treatment at South Coast her mother, wbo ·is aravely m.~ Community Hospital Laguna Beacb Wood said his caller "just wanted to police report. ' . express . her opinion" but the l'aul · Offlceri said the woman, Joan 1. household reporled receiving repeated. Mayfield, 38, apparently. open~ the car coUs at lrequent' inttrv!'ls lar. into the door and jumped out alter an argument night, un\il 11\ey took their phone receiver oil the book. :th. her ~le .companion .. who was driv· : Anotlier· target of the phone 'campaign The 1ncfdent Occurred · 1n· the i.o,ooo • was Arnbld Hano,who had sbpJiorted the block of tbe beavUy traveled road ahor!ly reclll, though ho · was not a signer of the Included · llDOlll the mislinc were Rlchard Contois, Juband Of the surviV• In& woman, ..a their children, Martin. 9, Anthony, a, Nanette, 4, and a ward, Sheila Ryan, 2. ' • Democntic •Natlonal c.omau.n. , ~ mer: were'linmedlately booked on ~<>!rape and sex,P,erVenlon. before I p.m, origiDal iio~. · .. OcdilmtaJ ~ atll WU giving ground u investors bad -thouglits . about the stock's· aharp lpcrease last week after the anDouncemeiit of the com~ ~ Also missing were Eugene •eontota, brother ol Richard, and his thr'4 children, Karen, 9, Michael, 7, and Dall6 nie, 4. wile, I pony's wlde-J'llllilc qreement with tho Tbe body· of Eugene COntob' Patricia, wu recovered today. Soviet Union. * * * ReCall Election Tuesday An Editorial. Johnson ll~st.for. ~iJy. . . . ' • I ' Polls Will Be Open From 7 to 7 in ·!Jaguna · ' ~ ' ' Polliwill be open·lrom 1i.m.to7 p.m, Tllelday wbeil Lagui,a • Beaft voters 1 dedde ,whether or not 'ito' ·~I City Councilman i'Award C. l.orr: .. I ; Voters .a!N will .be <i«lcllni'·w~ of . ,tour Cadllalas.lor·hla aeat·sbOl1ld tej>lace ... ~ Jl·lle is rec.iled. • · ' ' ' I ' . . A ~ IQ,Ha. registered vpltn will '"be.''1iglble 'to CM1 llallota 1Tueoda1, 2,000 ; ~ than were reJislered in tli< ctty at · Uie t1me 61 the' hl&b rt.se inltlluve elec- tion In August. 19'11. c.ndldalts ·ieeklng • the ·councll post are: . . . . . Research Djvlllon and chJilrman of the Laguna ¥h PJaiming Coqnnisslnn. . -Beth.~, 3,0,ol-:SQJ~ y;ay,a · community . con.wltant who . ran 1 unatc> <esslllUf'. ~ lhll_cjty cOuncU in.April. ' . City <1'tk ' lJOrOthy 'loludelt .toc1ay ~~ . ~tera thal ;tbeY must cast' either ,a ·~1uu ~··:no" vt>te on. \be ques-. : . i .. • " 'f I , l • f I • Two Lag\ina ~~roups . . . . . Offer Voter Service -Wayne Biglin. 29, ol 241 Chiquita St., a personnel administrator with the Fluor Two Laguna Beach organizations an- Corporation. nounced today they wlll p r o v 1 d e -Laurence A. campbeii; 42, of 115 transportation to the polls and lree baby Anita SI., a member of the Lacuna aitllllg !or penons requiring these Beach Planning CoDlmlsslon and recenlly services dur!ng the Tuesday ncall~ retlred Marine Corps major. di election. -<:art t . Johnoon Jt:,,,IO, of fl& Myallc·· · Voters 11101' tall CllizeM fOf' Oood View St., a senior retnrch ...Clate Go)ol!lmnent; 4'1·1313 or the Committee with the Cbevroll Oil CGml*IJ. Field to tlel!t cart Jolmon, •-72. I tion of nlCall to mate a volt -for a C8Jlo dldate vllld. . City llallt 1115 Forest AV1. will.ser'(&u· "eleCt!Ob.. contra!" Tueoday' evening .. Prednct votes will be pCllled ill'~ city cOwlcU cha!Qber1 •or. ~'l!IY call 494-1124 lot~ ~~~JJll" lallles should be completed \& 18 p.m.,.. Mrs. Jolusfelt added. · • · o.. • · ... · I ~ 'f ·' • • l<>rr, who. baa .._.ed on thi.~,cou,,. ell •Ince AprQ, 19TI1, baa flll/lmllted his resignation dlectivt J•IJI SI -tho date the resulta of the elect1on will be can· vassed and certified. L<>rr re~atedly has slated ht will not withdraw his l'llignaUon, even II the recall election comes out ID hla lavor. Ci· ty attorney Tully Seymour hal ruled tho resignation can be wlthdr1wn. If the ..all II llll8llCOttlfu! and Lorr reslcm, the rernoin!nc mombera of the "'1"ndl mUlll appoint a anccesooi:1• w:ho dOet IOt1bitl to be one Of tbe-CanGlCllMI , in U.. llet1ioe. . "Art ,.. fie dine!,_ wllii Hanoi!'' bo -........ "I do llOI .-to ••MIMI' Heep! lo say lhat · my ln!OnnaU... came througb unolficlal channels, .. be. said. S. C.Oast Water Rate Won't 'Rise negpit¢ New Line · The iu rale in the South·Coaat County ~ate~ Djftrlct will 111}1 rfae · this year, even though 17\l0,000 is Deeded to finance .a water tranamlsalon' line alq Paclllt .Coast Highway, • lltrectori of tho dlitrtet hln·'qned ... mainlain the las rate at Its current level • of 83 centa_per 1100 a...,aed valuation., · A 14.f percent increase in the uaessed _ valuation of tbe dlatrict wiped out tho need for a rate increase, explained General Manager Ray Miller. The new 21-inch transmission line will replace a 16-incb water main wbicb bu . been· deteriorating over the past few yeani. The '700,000 cost, Miller said, will be llnanced over a five-year perjod. The • new: Una will run from Canlinal Street to 11th A venue. Soull\ Las\J,na. .(Ise ~uded In tlie 1573,000 budget for lbe 111?2-71 llacal year are Iunda toward a 500,000 galloJt ~ near Laguna . Niguel Terrace ml a lll0.000 1auon ' resemlr at• the relr of· the Alplia Bela ' , ~~L,~ter;,.Colt of the two PJ<>jeda ; :'. ...... . c. •• ' ' . ...... MOJllly 1111111)'. again,' ,..,..,, with ~ ID Ibo '11'1.at Ibo bead>. es, rls!ng to tho. mlcMtl'• lalaad. 1'owt . ldligbl especlod allMcl • .......... . . -.. -. ~· 'INSIBB ,TGD.t'Y !Br"°"""'a eMiriplo• milllcal •follit•" -· in-p11a11, IOU!u>ol'd .. Ille l"'11'g1mli ~ of Los A11Qflct' """ SA11krt Theater. S 1 1 !:ntcrtaimllnt, Poge 9. L.M. -' ....:,_ . ClltMi'tltt • ._.... -~,.-... 11 " 5i":"':. ' . ...... ; -... ,., ........ . . ~ ,.. .. =-,__ , -=. =--a -~ It • • No Blekering Council Hopefuls Hold Mock Meet A "mock" city oouncil meeting held Friday by Wldldete. !or the post of Laguna Beach Councilman Edward C. Lorr hardly matcbed the real thing. Of J:S resolutions adopted, votes on all but on~ were unanimous. There waso 't any bickering between ••councllnien." The ~stint parade of persons to the • IJOdiwn '"' missing. · Cindideta C&rl Johnson, W a y n e Bnglin and Beth Leeds made up tbe "council" which adopted resolutions c&!I· mg for a "common sense" approach to the city bUdget, equal and ~ir treatnient of :iii croups wilhln the community and preservation of La111111s ecology aod en· vironment. Cendidate Laurence Campbell did not ettend the forum because ol a Babe Ruth Baseball commitment that evening. ,,,. only wte that !ailed to get • 3-0 vote was a retOlutian calling for erea.Oon of a "yobtb commission'', to ~lier com· ment on matters coacernmg young peo- ple In Laguna. Beglln voted agaiDSt the molutlon, clolmlng that it would open the door !or Y ello~jacket Nest Lethal TOCCOA, Ga. (UPI) -Sid .. y Rocer Hl1&ins was killed when the ear In Wllleb be waa riding overtumed Bwtdey In a yellow· jlcket . lldl and be .... llUDJ repeatedly. Pol~ Hid Higgins, 48, o! Toc- coa, died wllhin mlnute5 alter the plunge ln!o the nest . '!be driver of the car, Gary Dean .Davis, 11, of ML Airy, also was atung t rrumber of times and he was taken to Stephens C.ounty !loepltal, where h• waa llsted in lair condlUan. ·School Program . Elimination Try Sparks Conflict ....... (kins to a IU(IOltlon thaf tbe Tof d the Wcrld Elemantary School pro- 11'11!1 llo el!mluted·-e felt at.a recent m.dpf ot the Lquna B e a c b <BooN ill Education. - Two llrq state .JJ¢rtlnl lbe .bmontlve procralll• )ftft made, even . though board pr<11ldent Wllliani' Thomai ,ha4 Ilia recommendatlilri to aerap the Jl<Gll'IDl removed from the agenda lollowlOC a. oerie1 o1 dlsc1ilsions with ranklns dlatrlct administrators. A llatament endoned by all but one. of the teacben ~t Top of. the World aald: "we believe· that any inajor change in any ..-ocrmn in any school that is im· poaed wltbollt due proeea can only be d<iljrucllve In Its effects on the children in <Mir' cbar1e." · '!be· statement offers support o! ad· ·IJllDlstraUve leaderablp "both at the building and district lev~" and that .. due .-~ be qoed in school program Im· ;provemait. ; . Tallle Parrish, preaident o! the Top of the World PTA, noted the school'• in· novative program is supported In the Educational Priorities Study C.ommittee report, •• accredltatlon report and by 93 : pertent of the parents of children who at· fttnd the school. This figure. ahe aays, : wu baaed on e PTA survey conducted thi• oprlng. • '1t'by .do. you continue to disregard """"•YI whlcb say the ICbool is basically ·ucellent?" Mrs. Parrlah aaked board -Idell! William Thomae. "No comment," 'lhomas replied. None .IJI the other members of the board . rtllionded. ·. ~ ,; ' ' . ' OIAllft COAST .. DAILY PILOT 1'lt ontlft C..t C».ILY PILOT, wftll Wflkfit la con-... the N....,.,..., b PUblllllat bf .. er..., CMtf Pi.lblbtllf!e (Wnpltl'(, s.pe. AM .i1ti.,s erw PllblNNd, Mt:llWJ1y tflrtutll Frldfy, for C.OS!e M..-, Nrwciort ,ffdl. Nuntl"""' htdl/"wr111tn V•llf)', L.,11111 •e.tdl. trvlM/kddllb.Jct. •nd Stn C!Mlft,i.J SM J\llfl Cepi.Jr1no. A s lngl1 ntloMI •11ro.. II M !llhtd Sl111!'1111Y'I •rid surw:11.,... fM ,,IMtffl JIUbtblOn11 Pia"' Ii 11 3lQ Wftt a.y Slrtd, C01t1 "'"'· C1lllornl1, f»U. R1t.ert N.., We.4 ,,..,.. l"llllll~ Jeck l . Curl1y Vic• "-ld.nt W 0-.1 M11111er Thom•• K••.,il ""'"' 1\em•t A. M11tpfli11• Menltlf'lt Edltw Q•rl•t H. 4•• Rich•" f , Nill Alllllent MIHlllne IElfltora Lot--Oflke 222 For .. t A•"'"' M•iR111 M.tr .. 1t P.O. ha '46, t2612 --• C...M91:•w.r .. ,s,.... ~I #» Nt'WPlf't IOVftotJ!'lf MWI tecfl? 17111 INUI lout-tf SM at~ ll C.m1119 ltlll T.t ...... t7141 '4J""4J2t Ca..ll'W U.trtl1 ... '42·1671 i.t-..... Al P.,&IMHb: T1lsfl111 4f.4.f4'6 ~ 1'11. °"NI CO..I Mlfll'llftt ClmMfl•. He ,_. 1*1tl. llMtr1tltN, ........ t fNtt. • ......,.IMnllll,. l'ltrlllt fl'IW ... ....... ........, llflldtl ..... ,..........,...,......,.., ---...... --CdC:l/'ML t6-W1a+ ., Q,.,... .... ~ ., ...... ,. ""'"""' Mftftlno ·---............ . commisllona manned by "aenlor clU.ens, the Womtn'I Llberatloa Front and •h• gay group. "It's a never ending thing," com- mented Baglln. "I'd like to think Laguna · ls small enough that we c1n bear lr01n everyone lnltead of small group1." "All' government lt •· never tndil:lg thing," re!pOftded Johnaon, who with Mrs. Leed! suppiorted the resolution. "And l tblnk that's good, We need to broaden our representation. "l would welcome a senior citizens· group, a gay group and the worum liberationists. When we sign up for this post, we obligate ourselves to a Jot of Ji.stentnit'' added Johnson. ~·1woWd1Upporl th1I resolution," com-- mented Mn. Leeds, "because someday the youth are going to be nmnlng the ci· ty." . . In tho rHlin of city -· the can-dldeta adOpted a plank offered by Mrs. Leeds that the budget be looked at with ••conunon 1en1e." Tbla, she Hid, would not precluda a tax rate increaae, if it wu conaldered necessary to support existing city services. The mock council agreed that a $'12,000 Item for the purcl>aae of rlgbl of way for Camp111 Drive be deleted !tom· the budget. · Johnlon dispelled the notion the council had only the oltemaUves of "cutting servlcel" or ura1a1ng taxes," saying: "We -be lncreaalng rev..... or decrwlng eipendltum to balance the buda:eL Tues are ooe form of revenue "The IJudiet WU propoaed," Jobmon added. 'lean be trimmed.'' Biglin =I -might be cut !nm the et by reducing the abO of the city ataff gb "altrltlon." Mrs. Leeds agreed that expenditures must be cut, but aald cutUnc out jobs woold lower ataff morale. In other concema, the mock council unanlmoualy agreed that the Paclllc Coast Freeway should nOt be built; tbllt a greentielt uno one eould take aw1y11 11bouJd become a reallty; that recrea· tional facilities be expanded, and that Laguna's history be preserved for future generations. Recreation Chief Combines Sclwol With Business • Laguna Beach RecruUon llftector George Fowler bas auccesafully com- bined bu!lness and education. Fowler, who recenUy fteelved hts master's ~gree in Recreation AdminiatraUon, did his master's thesis on "A Feasibility Study for a Bicycle Route System," a atudy of bow !uch trails could be developed in Laguna Beaeb. That atudy bas been turned over to the various department beads In the city. · The thelta also outlined ways In which gu tax · funds could be used for lhe development of trails. In meareblng the matter. Fowler visited Davis and Palo Alto, two cities where trails have been developed. Fowler baa epent six y..,.. working toward the degree in his spare time. Mrs. Pusey, 26, Dies in Crash; Services Slated A memorial mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. 'lllursdey In Sta. Simon and Jude Catholic· Church, Huntington Beach, for Mary Lyon Wlneke Puaey, 211, of 2300 Q-estvlew Place, Laguna Beach, who wu killed early Saturday in a llalnlng crub on Coast Highway in South Laguna. 'Ille California IDghway P a t r o I reported Mrs. Puaey, wbc\ waa driving alone in a pickup truck, crashed into the rear of a parked truck and trailer 50 feet north o! the 9th Street lnlersectlon, The vehicle. burst into flames. Mrs. Pusey ts survived by her Jruaband, Theodore; parentl, Mr, and Mrs. Byron Wineke and two brothers, Donald Wineke of Kansas and Byron Wineke Jr. of Costa Me!a. A native of Connecticut, sbe had lived in Orange County for 14 years and work· ed as a practical nurse. Marcos Leading Flood Efforts MANILA (AP) -President Ferdinand E. Mal'COI moved bis office hm Manila to the North Luron flood dlaaater area temporarily to supervise rl!OCUe and relief operatlona pereonally, a 1pokell'lllD said. From his beadquartm In a police •ta· tloa in UD11ayen, lllO miles northwest of ManUa, the presldant m e 11 a f e d legislative leaders uliing them to ap. propriate nearly f7S million in calamity funda lo.!tesd ol the W mlUloa be re- quested earlier. Mal'COI and aome ol bla cabtnel mlnlaters mada a plane survey of flooded 1reu for the fourth 1tralgbt day. . . ' DAILY PILOT Sllll '"'°' Right On Target Board Sets T·oughNew Standards A tough set of parliamentary rul~s now Is formal policy of the Laguna Beach Board of Education. The standards were adopted in • 3·2 split vote, over the objections of trustees Norman Browne and Jane Boyd. Browne argued that sections of the rules, which have been imposed on a temporary basis at the past two board meetings, already have been violated by members of the board. He cited examples or private con· versatlons at the board table , board members not addressing the chairman and the ~an continuing to conduct the meeting afler it has been adjourned. "Either we have a policy we abide bY. or we don't have one," said Browne. "What are you suggesting," asked board president Willlam Thomas. 0 1.'m suggesting the motion be defeated," Browne replied. Parachutist Dean Westgaard .Is right on target as he Below, obviously exhilarated by their jump, are City lands on Laguna's ·Main Beach Saturday during life· Councilman Hoy Holm, In front, and former Laguna Browne added that he felt the rules were being adopted to control the au- dience, not board memzers. guard demonstration and competition. Westgaard Beach City Planner Alvin 0. Autry. The y para· was one of several parachutists duric_•.::g_t_h_e_e_v_en_t_. __ ch_u_te_d_in_t_o_lh_e_oc_e_a_n_. ---------- He pointed out that the rules made no allowance for board members to speak directly to the superintendent or the assiS·· tant superinte_J!dents , unless they first receive permission from the chairman. McGovern Lists Team In Election Campaign CUSTER, S.D. (AP) -Sen. George McGovern formally unVeiled hi.s top campaign team today and vowed "to return government to the people at all le\'els from the White House to courthouse." The Democratic pre!idential nominee listed the roles hi.s top advisers will play in the fall campaign at a news con· ference at his Sylvan Lake retreat in the Black Hills of South Dakota near Custer. Earlier, McGovern bad a tennis lesson, witnessed by several dozen reporters, phootgrapbers and tourists, f r o m Washington pro Allie Ritzenberg, on the . only court in this small otwn. Ritzenberg bit most of bis shots to McGovern's forehand. The senator, who has had only about a dozen leaso~. returned most of the shots but bad oil· !iculty when baUa were bit to bis backhand. . McGovern said Jean W~stwood , chairman of the Democratic Natipnal Committee, "will direct the over-311 cam .. paign of the national ticket from top to bottom making a special el!ort to broaden the campaign to include more women at an levels." Lawrence F. O'Brien, named national campaign chairman last week, will "give apecial attention to party unity and rela- tions with governors, senators, con- gressmen, mayors, party leaders, and leaders of organized labor ~ml be a foremost consultant on all aspect! of the campaign," the announcement said. The only state &,ordinator named in the announcement was Eugene Pokorny, architect of McGovern's Nebruka and Wisconsin primary campaigns, who will run the campaign in Illinois whleb the senator deacribed as "perhaps the most crucial in the McGovern campaign strategy." .. Mrs. Boyd maintained that the rules were "too restrictive" because they limit the manner in which persons may ad· dress the board. The rules require that persons wishing to address the board secure the pennission of the chairman,. confine their remarks to three minutes and refrain from addressing individual trustees. One section, based on tbe Cslifomla Education Code, provides that any person who willfully disturbs a boarc;I meeting is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not less than $10 nor more than $100. Santa Ana 1l1 an 'Caught in Bed' Lots of people !lay In bed late on Sun· day, but if it wasn't for the presence of a friend, Thomas Burdela! might sUll be iD. bed on Monday. And maybe Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Santa Ana Fire Department rescue !Qliad members were dispatched to Burdelas' home after the sofa bed on .which the Ill-year-old slept suddenly fold- ed up. The device sort ol gobbled Burdelas like a giant Venus' flytrap flower, or some sort of macabre medieval torture device, allhough the victim wasn't hurt. Capistrano Trust,ees To Study Land Gift Gary Hart, the senator's campaign manager for two years, will direct the campalgi\ otganlzltlon In all 'llata witb George Cunningham,· the senator's ad- mlnlstraUve assistant, as deputy cam- paign manager. Frank Mankiewiez will serve a.s McGovern's top political adviser 'and bead the traveling staff which also will include 'Lt. Gov. Wllllam Daugherty o! South Dalcola, former Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall, Frederick Dutton and minorities coordinator Yancey Mar· tin. ln other davelopmcnts, McGovern said Sunday he was furiou.s with his staff about newspaper accounts that former Democratic party chief O'Brien would play only a ~-Utular role" in bis cam- paign. One end latebed shut but bis bead -all that was visible when firemen arrived to rescue him -kept the other end from fastening in place too. Solons Urge U.S. Hijacking Action Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District meeting tonight at 7:30 at Serra School board room will discuss an AVCO Developers proposal for a school site glft. Initially proposed about a month ago, the development company proposes to tum over about 25 acres of land near Crown Valley Parkway and Niguel Road to the school district. AVCO wants the distr ict to build a new junior high school there. UCI's Catalog Even Cheaper Tha1t Last Year By GEORGE LEIDAL Of "" ui., l"ll•t s11n UC Irvine 's publications office today unveiled its new academic catalogue . This one Wa!I published for $21000 Jess than last year's rock-bottom, recycled paper and cardboard edition. This year's catalogue features sampl- ings of the memorabilia collected by county historian Don Meadows. The col- lection recenUy was purchased by the UC! library. Reproductions. of posters, newspaper advert.laements and historical documents relating to Orange ColD!ty's paat II·· lustrate the otherwise dry 3111-page listing of professors• names, courses, degree programs and other facts about ' the university. Robert Goinp, publlcatloos manager, said ibis year's ellort wlll result in •. $2,000 saving.s despite an increase to 23,000 copiei this year. Last year, 23,000 were pttnttd !or 114,500. 'Ille 1111-n catalogue cut costi by means of recycled paper. This year's book usea paper that was ,i,000 less than estimates for the recycled stock, Goings aaid. "There ia no recycled paper on the market that ii aa cheap aa the paper we used which \I one grade better than • newsprint," he added. . Further uvtnp were realised with the . selection of "plain cblpboard" for the cover. Chipboard reaemblt1 '>-I b • cardboard found at the back ot ordinary writing tablets. In •eparate discussion item. will be a request by AVCO that the district build . an elementary IChool on a site, called the Moulton site, presenUy owned by the di.>- trlct In the Niguel Highlands area. McGovern, who has been working since his nominaUon ·10 days ago to increase his support among the party's ~ailed establishment, called O'Brien "almost the perfect link between the younger and newer elemeiits in American politica and the regular figures in the party." WASHINGTON (UPI) -A group o! 30 1enators and representatives want the· U.S. ambassador to the United Nations to push for lmmedlate action that would punish nations which give airline hi· jackers refuge. II the gift site were accepted and the elemcnlary school ebange okayed, AVCO could remove two other planned school sites from its master plan. The company m'tintains that due to a change in plans, the schools they wish to remove won't be needed at those sites. McGovern'• warning to bis staff came at a closed meeting Saturday and word of the reprimand subsequently leaked out. The South Dakota senator also repeated Sunday that if he beats Presi· dent NiJ:on in November he will maintain military force.s In Tballand and at sea near Southeast Asia untiJ American prisoners of war are returned frOm North Vietnam. r ...,., The members of Congress sent a letter Sunday to Ambassador George Bush ask• ing him to sponsor a proposal in the U.N. which would make it clear that "there can be no compromise on th.ls issue." The company plana to build expensive homes in the vicinity, which it claims will not generate a lot of school eblldren. "The issue of skyjacking should be a top U.N. priority," the 'Jetter said. "Enough tragic deaths have already 00o curred to warrant effective and im· mediate action on the part of the world community." WI GUARANTll ' ,. MlYTHINti • J WE SILL Je,,.relry and .Loan NEW AND UKE NEW MERCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS Gent's t8K yellow gold Omeg1 brtcelel w•I~ ------------ 1.odits 14K yellow gold Wyler br1celel w1tcW·1---''---~---­ Lldie1 14K yellow igolcl cocktail ring, 1pray dl'\1gn, ~ ct. ceftt•r cU1mond and 5 small cli1moncl1 . ·-'----------- 1.odin 16 p11rl brooth, 1111 dtsitn. yellol\' gold -....---•· ""'"-.--- 24" h11vy rope chin, 14K yellow gold . ...,--.,..--,,.,-.,,.--.,.,------ Lodlts Girard PerTtgovx witch with 26 dl1mon<ls, 14K whit1 gold (Stock #DW34J Lodies It dlomond coclitoll rio9 -It ro•nd cut and 1 b1gutlt• cut dl1monds, I Yi cl. totol w1i9hl, 1.+ in 14K white geld ' _ ......_ w ..... -th11e pri<H rollocl 1vor1go price ol hi qu1lily di1monds in stock at all times: ~ <I. di1mond 165.00 $ n.oo Vi ct. di1mond 265.00 141.10 1/1 ct. dl1mond • 600.00 211.00 -Lwttr' Dlai••• Al• Ir. .ltldc - New Uh New Price Price ssso.oo.·---f321.oo 216.00 IOI.GO 660.00·---250.00 J.19.00 11.00 165.00 '5.00 604.00 211.00 195.00 ... _ .. _ .. _ 4H.OO • . • 11131 NIWPOIT m.YD. DOWNTOWN COSTA MISA 646-7741 • 17 7 r -· I . . •• • • Saddlehae • vor.:. 65, NO. 2°'· 2 SECTIO~S. 2'4 PAGES ORANGE•COUNTY., CALIFORNIA MO,NDAY, JULY 2'4, ·1972 • TEN CENTs McGovern Unveils Campaign Staff, i AdviserS CUSTER, S.D. (AP) -S.n. George Mt-Govern formally unveiled his top campaign team today and vowed "to return government to the people at all levels from the White House to courthouse." The Democratic presidential nominee listed the roles his top adv!Jera will play In the fall campaign at a new1 con- ference at his Sylvan Lake retreat in the JU.Ck Jlllis of South Dakota near Custer. · Earlier, McGovern bad a lennis leaaoll, witnessed by several dozen reporten, pbootgrapbers and tourists, Ir 0 .. Washington pro Allie Rllzeliberg, on the only coUrt In. this amall otwiL ru--, hit -or his &bots to McGovern'• forehand . The. aenator. who bas bad. oabt about a dozen lessont, ~-·of the &bots but bad dif-=t:-bllll were hit to his McGovtsn said ·Jean Westwood , chajrman. of the .Demi>criuc ·National C.Ommlttee, .'1wlll direct the over-all cam. .. pa1gn of the national ticket from top to bollom malting a special effort to broaden -the campaip to include more women at all levels. 0 Lawrence F. O'Brllli, named natiooal campaign cbalrman tut week. will "liv• special attention to porty unity and rela- tions with govtl'Dlrl, lebBton, coo- .,._, ma)'O!I, porty leaden, and leaders of orgadiod llbar w be .• foremost conoultant on all upects of the c;;ai:npaJgn," the ~t said.~ The only-atete · cootdlnitor named in the announcement was Eugene Pe\orny~ arcb11ect of Mc0overn'1 Nebraska and Wlacoaaln prlmorJ campaigns, wbo will NI the .._Ip Jn 1lltnots wblch the -cleecrtbed u "perhaps the mosl crudol ln tho McGovern campaign atratea:• Gary Hart, tho aenator'• campai,n ....... ,... two years. will dlrect the Cl!-"'1 orpnlatloa in all states with Georst C&Ml'Wham, the aenator's ad· mlnlllraUve ualstanl, as deputy cam. pai,n ~er • .l'•'Jtjk ~ewle1 will · ~•'P ·McGovern'1 tqp political adviser and bead the travellilg atalf ·wbtcb also ' will Include Lt. Gov. William Daugherty ol South Dakota, former Seqelary of Interior Stewart Udall, Frederick Dutton and minorities coordinator Yancey Mar· tin. In other developments, McGovern said Swxtay he 9as furious with his stall about newspaper accounl.!I that former Democratic party chief O'Brien would play only 1 "Utular role" in hJs cam. paign. ' ?iicGovern, who has been.working since his nomin~t.ion 10 days ago to increase his support among the party'• so.called estabU..hmen~ called O'Brien ·-, the perfect link between the younser and newer elements in American poUticl 1111 the regular Ogures in the party." McGovem•s warning to bis staff came at a closed meeting Saturday and word of . the reprimand aubsoquenUy leaked out. The South Dakota aenator also repeated Sunday that U be beats Presi- dent Nixon in November be will maintain military lorct1 in. Thailand and at aea near Southeast Asia until AmerR::an prisoners of war are retW'ned from North Vietnam. Ten in Boat Drown, Two Others Okay U.S. Raids Scored ·Dikes Bombed in North.:...Waldheim MIDLAND, Ont. (AP) -Teo peraoo1 from two related families drowned &... day night In Gl'Orglan Bay when their •mall alwninum boat, jamn\ed with 12 penons and camping ~uipment, sahk despite their frantic ellorta to bail It out. Provtnclal police aald eight' chlldreo and lour adults, all from the Aurora and Holland Landing area north of Toronto, had set <>Ut in the a.root boat for a week's camping on Snake Island. They were about ball way to the island, a rocky, uninhabited area about a mile from•· wllen the boat 11111:. The only. known survtvora were a 111- year-<>ld girl wbo stayed. afloat for more than two houri without a life preserver, and her mother, wbo awam llfely to abOre after tbtee-foot waves tore one of her ojher cblldrm from )!er· anru., Tbe other aeve11 cbildren and Im. adults are eddrowbecl. . P?elUDI . ' ' ' . Tllo two _,i..., were ~ed to. day u Clindla·CGal<lil llllllllir'#11ble" Jdanlca, 10. " . ' Included • amonc ·the m!Jllnl.. were. Richard Con!ob. buibond of ·the ouryiv· Inc woman, ind their chll.U.O, Mattltt, 9, Antliony, I, Nanolfe, f, and a ward, -~·-a · 2 • ~ yan, .· A11o misaing were· Eugene Cootois, brvtber of Richard, ' and bis three dilldren, Karen, I, 141cbael, 7, and Dan- nie, .4. Tbe body of Eugene Contois' wile, Patricia, was recovered today. Number of Drug Arrest Doubles · In Last 3 Years WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon today . recelv~ an optimistic uport . rrqm . hii chief drng law en- forcement offidats. The numbtt qf ~· rests for drng· •lolatiOlll bas doubled m the Jl&'I three years. ~es Ambrose, director of the Olljce of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, show· ed Ntson· a chart which tabulated the number of drng violation' arrests In fJJCal !!ml at lS,144 compared to l ,46$ In fiscal 1981. .. ... ..... . ... ' • VPIT ......... • • . ' } \ ' ' • , ' -r . ' , AERIAL VIEW -This is the Blacksville Num~ One Jlline -wbere · nine-men.are trapped !Jy fire: Rescue: workers give the'Illin.ers. a.SO.so chance of sllil'ival. (See story, Page 4), , , ' ,. ; .. ' ' • . lJCl's Acad¢w~c Calal~g·: • Has Student fuf ormaiion' ' . . By GEORGE LEIDAL Of .. °""' ...... ,..,, ' ' ' was Improved with tbe marriage of tho former 'Kathy Pearse to .Jooes, Golnp UNITED-NATIONS.-N:Y;-tAP)--=-Waldheim noted thal he l!iiij expressed llecretary.(leneral Kurt Wa!dbelm AYI ~ dUrlng his Moicow visit &bout be hu received lnlormJ)loo tbro""1 b"··-· rta the au· bomb private channels that U.S. bomb& have pu -~ repo on •led Ing damaletl dikes In North V\etnam both by ol the dikes and had made an appeal for direct hlta and by ·nearby exploo\onB. a halt. (See atory on Fight-for Quing Tri on· 0 1 am deeply concerned," he said, Page f). · ~·· 11and I now appeal again ror the stopping Ho told a ~i ~erence today be hu ol this kind of bombing." been assured by the U.S. fOVernmenl He aaid his Informants said some bomb that the dikes ,were not ,a target, but that explosions near the dikes had caused be wu deeply cancerned by word receiv· cracb. which could make · the barriers eel ttirougb IOUl'cts be would l,'Ot idenilfy. give way, flooding vast areas and caw;. Joaquin Trustees: Seeking . . G;r~~:.S~~Y, ~ask For~e ' ' • .' .!..-·;,_ -. .. ~~ ,if'.\he. """'~~ ......,:. ,_,., ........ Dlllrk$ i-.. called lat lbt, M.~1 a filll< lctCe .. of ''.raJ>id. . ' Hughes AH-West · May Seal Exits To. Foil Hijacks H11111a Alrwest, inajor carrier at Orqe County Airport, may follow tho · example aet by other alrlines In aeallng the rear door& of planes to· loll hi· jacklngl. . _ ---" Lee Pit~ opokeimip~ fitr· • J!"""', A.Invest San Fhncisco, "'"1 • lludy hu been 'lnltlated to • detei'mlne-\ tbe best riietbod of cloolng tho ·ventral stalra on DC I jels. , . '!be staira, according to a local Alrwest · apokemian, can be lowered In fllgbt despite high wind preuures. Similar. escape roulel for pataebutlng hljackera have been sealed oil by Pin AmerlCan Airways and PaclfiF Sou°"!eat Airlines •. Al= aeallng of the rear door la not by' tho· Federal Av)aUon • AdmlnlstraUon. ~ FM is, bowever,. 1tudyint( a rule .cbinge to require 'that rear doors be OIJtDed on the ground ·but DOI in the air. • pPt.b' ICbool . diltrictl 111 ........ Clltlanda. / •.. ' . ' Tbe action grew out of a ""°"'" meodatlon made in a recent report lo the ,bOa.rd from Jts own task force an the pro!). !ems of rapid population growth. ~ propoied bf truatees; the lnter- dlstrlctl in the state are lcaled In puuge of leglalatlon at the state level which would be beaelictal to districts laced 'with anuaual .growth.problems. Of. llclals noted that a major portion of auch distrtcta in !be • Italia re located in Oranp and Son Dlt(O counties. Al a trustee meeting W-.day, bOard president . Robert Damenm -1ed that the new unllled ICbool dlltricts · r'ltber !hail the San Joaqutn distrtct · sbould •wort for,crutklnl al the task force. ·· · · However, director ·of facility plaMlng Dave Kint told the board that llO)V wu tbe time to be laying. tho groundwar~ for the 1173 ltlillatlye -1on. • King lald creation • of tho UIOclallon u aoon u pllUihle would· both aid the' unified dls- trlcts and belp ·work• toward changes In preienflan.wblch cduld belp thearea. 2 Irvine Panels . . Schedule Meets Ing-. wvy Joss of llfe. "II the diku are destroyed It will ,_,. an enormous dlluter," bt dedand. · Asked wliethet lie bad rttty - that the bombliJg WU Jntentloilal, bo replied that he could not oay whether the attacks we.re intentional 0 but tbe results are that damage has been done.'' "Are YQU in direct contact wllh Hanoi?u be was B!ked. "f do not wish to =ent except to say that nty infonnation camt throu&h unolflclal channels," lie said, F w;ulty Seeking 5.5% Pay Raise In Sf&,(l l9'1'Ju.in . A~l!llllll·Jlr a U ....... ~ ~ t' ....... id ••• -~ •iC••'•tf:a. ... '°"''' ~ ....... Bdlalll. Dlltrlc;I. The bMrd -Ille Nq-ander 111Ji. mlsstoa al a .-It aieetlnc and then ado Journed• Into ex--on to dlsc:uaa the mallar. The taacherl, repreaented by teadtlr asaoctatlon president Patricia Downey; are IMklng a raise in the hue llartinC saliry from f? ,IOO 'to f? ,912 per year, Under the propo11l, •each year of a: per1ence In teachil!C would mean anolbet lfSO•tn: aonual pay. Tllo faculty Is aiso -Ing a dental planed -8dtq ot -beaellta lboC could coot the district a -ot '7M M em(tloJe u approved by 111e,-.i. •; . Miii Downey, In -to • -linQ, aa1d the leacber'• aaodollon bad not calculited the coot to the district ot the eallre propoaed pay and benefit JD. Cfellt. I '' • ln·llle lmllli•elJ _...,.. lllllllat fir llln<73, ... ~-.... --.~. -ln teacbera' .alarles, there is a ,W.plua of'IOIJle leoo,ooo In bud(et. The teachers received a five per· cent ..-y bike al the start of the 1171-'lt acbool yur. . . • Pearl Buck Home r RUTLAND, Vt. (UPI) -Purl Buct "You haven't of course completely solved the problem?" Nixon 8'ked Ambrose. "The problem is • 0 U€. Irvine's , publications office today unveiled it& new academic calalogue. This one _WU l!llbllsbed for $l,llOO less than Wt year's rock-bollom, rec)'clOil' paper and card)loard edltlon .. noted. ' With tbO belp' of Roger ,Berry, UC!' special 'collectioos Jibrarian a n d Meadows,' the publications ,... crew had a wide range of bistbr,ic!al Items of interesl· about Orange Coui\ty from, wbtch. to ,.ect tho Meadows coneciion aampllnp, ·A ·1o1a1 O! stx lliJackm have survived leaps throlicb ·the read eJita of Trl1. All but one were captured. Two ·Irvine ac1.:i...,. comnittlees have bas returned to her home In Danby alter scheduled meetings tooill>t.' beiQs discharged from Rutland Hoopltal. enormous." . "Oh, no," said Ambrose. But he said Pl'Dl'W Is being made in "reducipg the avallabWty and ease ol diltributioa" ot l>er<.in and other -ctlnl Illegal dnlll. Tbis year'• ,catalOIUt feolures aampl- ln(s ol the mernorabllla collected 'by county historian Dou Meadowi. The col- lectton' reCenUy WU Purchaaed by the Thero haft been no b!Jackings or at• · l~pta it.Orance .County Alrpoit. ·Tllo recreation commlltee meets at a . s~ admftted July l IU!lerlng from o'cloclt ln1 Crawford Hall • on the UC P Tbe io.}'NNJld •utboms. winner of Irvine campua arid · the urban dellgn _ c:tmm!U.. will Jtieet at 7:JO In city ball, tho Nobel aad Pllli'"'!' ll!erarJ prizes, f20l C&mpua Drive, Irvine. · thanked doclon and mine wllen lbe Tben NW>o expresoecf It In ·lootlialJ tenns: "We were on the JO-yard line. Now we're on the 50 y&rd' line aDd we have the ball. They had ,the bill before and now we have it." UC! library. • , lleproductlms of pollen, ne-per 'llvertisemenll and lilslortca! documents relallng to Qrallge COunly's pas\ II· luatrate the otherwise dry 313-page llstipg of profeuon' names.. courses, degtee -l'lllm and.other. !acts about 'he &aid. ' • These ,_from the.cover acene•~ ' an old pamphlet that baWked the county as "nature's proliffc· wonderland."1 to a. page from a 1922 Oringe County S)'l!lphony Orchestra program. Thtt con- cert featured America'l Bird Wli¥Inc . AioioN, Ohio (UPI) -myor Jojin B,allArd called top aides lolmtr today to· decide · what can be donO atiout a two- Tbe only other cltlzena advisory 'pp WU lelvlnl for their ldadwo. Sbe aid meetlnl thta -.11 the public hl11iway1 · lbe bad ....tvecl care .,!bat -'1ar and tranaportallon committee meetlng at · beyoad tho call of.duly • 7:JO, p.m. Wedneoday In the Verano Ambrose told Nixon that heroin seizures bad doubled llnce the od- mlnlstratioo begao Its war m drus ped- dler&J the university. Robert Goings, publications ·manager, aai.d !bis y,ear'1 ~fl.Ori will ruull In a Santa Ana Man : 12,000 AVillP. despite an .Increase 'to • U,OllO copl'll this y..,. Laa! year, 22,000 (Ste CATALOG,.Pap 2) • • , -'\<>I~ city woikera.llrlk• that has left • more .than • JD1!lloO , p&mds of garbage P\Jed ·up."' the /trOe.tli. • • Recreation Center, 3300 Verano Place, ucr. · , i All advisOry lfOUP meetlnp are open to the pulillc. . ·.2 ·s~c;ent ' Bus Fare· Adopted '(:auuht :n Bed' .· ..... printed r.r 'lf;iod. • . e " The 1i71-12 cataJocu< cut , costs by _ , 41i;u~m;..~~~~~ =?i~~$i£~~ ·co~~t~-Tr~~~~r~~r~f~ff·JJ'ii :~a~ .for:.~Uh.rs :: trtMct, Tbomu llllrdelu'll>llht llUI Win ... L.,...,. is no,.-.cftfeil l!lQJer oo tho _· · · , • • Under bed en Mcnday. • • ' ' market !Mt is u ·cliolp as tlli,ptpir we , A._ single, Ila~.' 1.r. '<if.,• 25 ,.(.1!rib .Nil! 1llkllnl l!iPd adoPtlon ofitht :!$. the . ~ •. ~. ;wW1:, Ille And inayt>e Tuetday, Wedneoday and Ulld"wbtclt ta me srade better than regardless of the distance oftM bui'/ido cent fi1t 'rate, ~ -fares .fen: · district 111blldl!li\c, SO per...~ -1d Tllaaday. DeWljtriDl," lie added. was adopted by the Oranp ,Co!mlf va""'l!~groupo. ,~· eomptlca~ PJ:, total.__. for .the nm 1"0(.,Tbe,Cal s,anta Ana Fire 1lepartmeot rescue Fut11* Av\Jlp ~ realized wllh the Transit District , directora today_ • . operauoa of "°.II ~,.... ;·A. :lkent n ,, , Stale IWdent aovenunent 'lllltlD*" , 1qud membm were displtcbed to aelectloft · of '1plaln chlpbOlrcl" for the · Board' members did pgree, ~or, to a rta1 blrptn In today 1 tnnsporlatlon, . payment of '1l.IOt to fH,000 1ar the·- Burdelas' llome alter the Iola bed m . cowr. Chi~. -mbles the consider reduced fares~ 1..,ior. btJ!.~·-r~;w:c:Up.;.o1·. yeartrtalperbl. which the 11-)'lllNtld alept IUddmly fold-cirdboard found al tho bock of ordinary cltltens, lludents, bandtcap · _-!'! nnall .J.::I,;" a-~ ,.;;.._. furthet coo--Agrooti•to ecimolldotlm of the Santa _. up wrttinc tableta. children at thelr'Aug, 7 meet • t n-,.,.... _,. ·-•'"' Ana cl ... ID -...... tho··~~ and ""Tllo'~ eort of plllied Bllrdelaa M did lall yur'1 calalolUe, the book · Reduced charges lot '' '~I al ..... d a ,...fare operatton; but '' ~,.,...,. """ --~· ll:1 a 11aii1 y.,..• fiytrap !lower, or wbtcll ..US ua to 11:r;r• lludmts, calfaorles probably would be = =~ ~-~ -~ . ~ e::. ~ = ~ ~ iome m of -in medllftI torture ollerl _,. comic • For tM&e, after U-cbargec\ by the qalna cllarPll --~. '1111 f..!on1 .......,...i Is plcidnl up tlevlce althoulb tho vldba _,hurt. GoinP credita tho-·· creolon, Kallly Calllornis Rapid Tranait District, dlroo-In other bullnaa today, the tnnsll lwo-tlltrds ot tht tab fllr the new busa. • , One~ iatclied shut i.1111 bold -all and Mike J-. ......... a n d tors acreed· The RTD charges ....... .ur.cton: .....W.,... a buqet of '3.t millklll fllr that 'llU vlaiMe wbm'fk-arrlted to pbotoCrapilel'~ ..... tl•tlJ, aad lllrrlet dllzens a t_,..I ~ lllldeDta II_,, -~lrmnedlate studies di a Cal tht mmtll ,_ wttlt .. 11,sfl of the tolal ....... blm _ kept Iha athor ml from Flellcller, • Aa • Clllllalue pro-and the blind Ove . ..... L-, ... _ for lllldeall. ollael ,_ ,ladnl ...... rutnac 1n p1oct too. ceede1Ubl1 ,...., tht allllldo of !lie team District G<oeral Mwcer Gontoa ~... ... ,._ ., .. - . Cleat: • I DAILY PILOT IS ...._, .1vtt 1•, 1t1a J'..., "8 S•d•t Egypt. to Battle Israelis Alone? BJ UIHed Pms lateroa~I Preoident Anwar Sadat said today EIY]>I will fi&bt Israel -alone ti necessary -to regain occupied Arab llDd IDd called on Arab stales to join • .. ~eged Cocaine Studied Mter Raid in Mesa Tllo 2 1.m. capture cllmued a lengthy l>('Ol>e by federal, · ttale and county ilirootkt qenta, but wu spearheaded by clly ~vtt. ~boratory .•llllyllll today were 1tu· dylnf lll!lpltt ol alleged pure cocaine valued at $1 mllllon, ,loDowlng Ill ,.1zure Saturday In Co.ta M.,. wllb lhe arrest of six men. Criminal complaints wert to be sought th1I afternoon or Tuedsay against those capt'und by a seven-man narcotlct team at tbe borne or one aua:pect, recently paroled from pr!-. "This 11 really a bla one," DetecUve Sgt. Jobn 8'g1D uld today In the wake of lhe Jargeat drug aelzure In local • biltory. Ei!'pl ID ending lncreued AmeriCID Jn. terellll In the Middle EHi. Soon aflerwordl bolb l1taell and EIYJ>' tlan officials &aid Egyptian antiaircraft bollerie• opened fire on llraell jela whlch were 00 patrol civer the Suez Caoal . The Jsraell military commlDd In Tel Aviv said an undetermined number of surface-to-air (SAM) missiles were fired at two lsraeli jets but neither plane wa.s hit. Official Cairo radio, however, uld four Israeli planes were involved and one of them -an American-made F4 Phantom -waa shot down. In 1 rour·hour apeecb to lhe 1,700- member N111Dnal Congreu of the Arab SOclalllt Union (ASU), E11YPl'1 only political party, Sadat aald there bad been differences between Emt and lhe Soviet Union since March, 1971. "The decision that faces u1 now, which ta a aerlous one, ii to ll1ht • , . Our peo- ple and Arab nations should know we wtll fight without support if thla ia what circumstances impose on us. We will not be frightened ol lighllDg wllbout cover," Sadat said. It was Sadat's first speeth ta the ASU since be ordered some 15,0000 Soviet ad· vlsers back to Russia last week. "[ prefer that blood pours on the field of battle rather than we remain in the state of no-war, no-peace. I prefer that our blood should be drained drep by drep, day by day," Sadat !aid. The raid 1t 3073 Yukon DrJve, home of 1UJ1*; Edward A. 1.uber, 33, allo netted *·ooO · In cath and ID artenal of I The speech wst broadcast 11 v e weapons, police said.. throughout the Arab world. • +.-ilOfln.,v.,eatlgstoro tbeorlU the nearly 100 Sadat !lid El)'Pt l>'Ouid nosume con" .. t-pure-dtt'lvlllve-ol-lbe-Latin-tacll wllb other Arlb natlona "beesuse Amerlun cooa pi.nt originated In Peru lbe 1iluallon can no longer bear the • or Equador.. · widening and pro1rwlon of American Peruvian Indiana have chewed leaves interut.s" in the area. ol ibo coca plant lor centuries u 1 . otlmullnl to -k In the bl&b, lhln 1~ ~ dealt at length with nolattons lllOIPhtte of lbe Mdel between Egypt and lbe Soviet Union IDd Tlia drlt8 curba appeilte and alto pro-the United Slal<1. clucu 1 ttata of eupborta. He !aid on bl• lint villt to the Soviet Crlmlrial char1ea lllllclpaled following Union u prea1dent, In March 1171, lhere Jab IDllyall of lhe auspectec1 conlraband were diflereoces between him IDd the de poaeukxa ot cocaiDI for sale and Soviet leaden. Theae were never resolv· -1bly ~of Illegal weapont. ed, be uld. The ieo,ootf Jn currency wUI wind up in "I am not going to dlaclose detail! of the ' handf of the Internal Revenue thBSe differences because that would Setvjce Which always <: 0 0 f Is c a t e 1 serve our enemy," he said. ~ SWiii In an attempt to Sadat oald ol lhe Sovlela: ''They have determine the origin. lhelr own auesament of lhe situation and One upecl Jn lhe caae Jn addition to we have ours .. The Middle East crisis 7Alber ·-r4!1m1Jy paroled from Michigan cannot be .tbe lirat pnorlty for. lbem blll State Prtloli where be was serving 20 ~or ~e 1t is everythfug -eatm11 sletp- yearo for being captured ' with 1 ton of U!f.i,i~eiJ:I'...;. ii nol that of lbe iloviel mirljllllll -II a Latlll. Uni 1 bell~ · the aJll ' lb Jorge E. Peres, 40, gave his residence on. eve m anct Ol e u tlmply Colombia Soulb An),rlc-. working people and Ibey (Soviet leaders) Jlcnal•lng me 1.C1ng charg .. lnClude believe Jn Marxism, but I have oald I will CllarlN A. Jobntoo, 12, Del Mar; Robert not become 1 manlst." c; Puut, 41, •!Ill Ketmelb E. Vance, 37, bolh traMlentl, ind ltrlc Y. Masterman, ~Del Mar. • . FromPflfel CATALOG ••• .. . Cl!orlla.·~ by AfDtt Wood)W11rd. ·Mlli:Janie Helena Modjeaia garlled u 'liary QU-~I sc.ls ta recalled In a ~1ph IDd several 1bota of tum of tbi century ~= at Newport lkiocb lncllcata ly loDf -... wwe opproprtate for women ol the day. A oectlm ol.aldUme .acl! mds the book, . Ullng opaco that olberwile ...Wd have beell blut, clue to printing preu r .. qiltemenll, Goingl oald. ~ -i.o an ad for Santa Ana Hoopltal boalllng lta ~bed <llJ>ll.Clly IDd rriodtm convenJencu: while noting uno cmtag!OUI or lnfectlOUI calff admitted." :Anolber ad urps people to 1ublcrlbe Iii: IO cml1 1 monlb ' lo lbe Evening Blade neWlpaper of Santa Ana which pl'.liclalmed · proudly tt Jl)lblllhed "eight pages ... all with SODJ.ething bn 1'em." The backward glance1~t Orange Counw ty conlrost witb lhe modem llsllngs of captpus offerings. such 11 counes in comparaUve culture, Jtnage processlng by colnputer, phyalcs ol tbe environment or m"11cal microbiology. OUN•I com .. DAILY PILOT !"TIMI or..,.. COHt DAILY PILOT, wltti tltllcll h ~ ftle N._'1tls. IJ publllNd 1W "'-Of"•nee COlst f'ullli.11111111 COfftl)il'IY. ,.,.. NII 111tllloll1 ire JIUbtllMd, Mond1y 11\~l'I :Frldty, fW CMI• Mtw, Ht'#pOl'I 8ltcl'I, ~:;:.:::.c:::=~·~ v::~c~';!U: ~Sit'! JV.II Clpblrtno. A slntl• tttlonll .. n!M it J!Vlll•hftf lltvrd1y1 W Slllld1.,.. '" """"'"' Pllbtllhllll plat'\! " ., 3.JO \Wd a.y Strett, Cost1 M•t, C1fifoml1, nt». A1b1rt N. w.,4 Prtt.lllfftt and F'Wlltl'llr J1cli: R. C11rl1v Vitt Prtshllll'll arod a...tr11 Milntttf lh•m•1 IC1••il Edll9r Th1•11 A. M1r,hi111 Mtl'ltllllt EtHtw a.n .. H. "•• a1ch1NI P. Nill Aatlltatn Mttla91ng Etlllll'1 0- C•it• M•1 J» Wflt l1y I,,_ -........... _. ........... UflMI ... di: 1tt 'Wn1 AYlfll.lt tfvnlNton lllC:fl: 11t1S IMdl "°"""''" 6M CliJNllttl W H«'9I I' Cl~ RMI , ........ (71•> '42-4121 a..ww A'-th ... '42.Sl71 s.c_ ... ...,._..,, Tel JO 1 41Jlo44H ~ ..... .,...... Cllll l'WJhllMt Cti7Wfrf. "' .... .......... '"""'''""" -·-~· ........... ~tt ,"9Alli 'NY W ...... ....._,. ...at&..,.. ......... ~ ...... · ....... -..!'5-\i ... ., c. ...... 01_. w1e. 111¥' arrlilf' N.61 ::=.' ., """ , • ........,.., ffthl..,,., -:-""' .... ,..,.,,, Supreme Court- Asked to Rehear Death Row Cases WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court wu eaked today to rehear lbe caaea of 15 prisoDert who were removed from dealb row by Iii hlatoric June 29 decillon banning e1ecutlOD1. Prooecutor1 uked rehearing In U Georgia death sentence caite1, two in Pennsylvania and one in Texas. Texa1 Atty. Gen .. Crawford C. Martin requested a hesrlng In lhe cue of Elmer Branch ; Pennsylvania Diltrlct Attorney Arlen Specler uked recOQJlderatioo of the cues of AntbOny Soler! IDd Frank Phelan, and Georgia Atty. Gen. Arthur K. Bollon filed In IS cues. Martin uld In hla brief filed wllb lhe court clerk that the Supreme Court's an· tiexecution ruling "constitutes a severe blow to the American jury system." "The court baa not ruled lhe death penalty uncoru:tltutional per se, but iJl. stead hu stricken down lhe legillatlve grant of the death penalty determination to the jury," Martin said. He added : "The court baa ruled, in efiecl, that juries may not determine on tbe bull of the facll before them in Individual rape and murder CUH, whelher tbe death penalty is approprtale." Martin said the ruling forceo on leglslalor• the decillon on whelber to punilh by execution. Specter !aid In hJs brief that the two Philadelphia cues he cited are 11eJ:· cellent examples of the careful and ap- propriate way In which the dealb penalty has been applied In Pennsylvllllla. He requested an opportunity to argue on the issue of the constitutionality of the death penally as applied in Pennsylvania and prepare a record "from which this court can properly weigh the Jmposllloo of the death pellllty In PennoylvlDll." Fires Contained In High Sierras, BISHOP, C.111. (AP) -TWo bl'Uah and timber fires havo been contained on lbe eastern slope of lbe Sierra N1nd1 but a third t'lfled out of control llyougb tbe night and COl1J\Ulled ID etllmlted t1J11 acres of bru.b 10 mllea wut of hert. A l~c:n fire wu contained Sunday during the nJsbt near Mammolb Moun- tain wllb lbe aid of five borate bonlllers and ISO butlly·lllmmooed flrtmen . No atructures were dlmagtd, and heavy winds blew the nam.. away ll'Ol!I the Mammolh Mountain Re10l1. A ~acre lire near Let Vlnlnc 1lon1 the Tlop Pan road 1llo w11 contained betot. It could do aerloul damop. DA!L.V PU.OT 11,iH ~·• Indian U1tit . Donates To YMCA By JACK CHAPPELL ot "" O•Ur p1i.1 Stiff One Uttle, two UtUe, three little ln~a~ and their dads tOo have been whooping it up in the El Toro territory' and the Sad· dleback YMCA 11 happy about it. The big Indians and little Indians of the Chirlcahua Indian Guides recently gave the nfCA $1,365 raised through an at time.a stormy fund·raising effort. That's the most money ever given to the y by an Indian Guide group and made the Indians members of the "President Club," ot' is it "Great White Father Club?" WAMPUM DELIVERED-Chlricahua Indian Guide$ lineup to deliver funds to Wilson Gilinsky, director of the Saddleback YMCA . After one flop at fund raising, the Indians and dads got the knack and rais~ $1,385. From left to right are Frank Nickel (a father), Hartley Phinney, Paul Nils~n. Dann.Y Nickel, Dick Patenaude, Tim McCarty, Ricky Bellis and Gllinsky. The fund-raising effort starte:d off with a barbecue. The Indian Guides spent about $1 ,000 on all the fQOd and took in $800. Not a good beginning for a fund · raising , tbey all agreed. "[ spent the next day frying to peddle the left • over ribs and beans," Marv Nilsen, the tribe "loud t a I k er'' Hiker Near End Of Lo1ig Journey In De'ath Valley DEATH VALLEY (UPI) -A 52·year· old pb,)'slcaLlitness. and-'llllritlon bUU, hoping to break a record, entered his third day of a brisk walk across a 115- mlle stretch of the sweltering Death Valley desert today. He hoped to linisb the trek by evening. Bill Emmerton slept briefly Sunday at a ranger's station about hallway through hla journey. "You've got to be crazy to do this, my wife keeps telling me/' he aaid in a telephone interview. "The g round temperature is 200 degrees and when l take my aboes oU I can see steam." Air temperatures in the lower valleys of the desert routinely reach 125 degrees in July and August. Emmerton, a naUve of Taamania now residing In Loa Angeles, bi>lda lhe record of running across a similar but longer route in Death Valley. He set that in 1968 when he alternately ran and rested and completed a 13().mlle stretch In about three day1. He also set three days as his goal for the walk over the lhorter distance, wbJcb he began Saturday morning from lhe tiny town of Shoshone, just outside the Death Valley National Monument. Scotty's CU· tie on the northern edge of the desert was his goal. The previous record wu set by Ken- neth Crutchlow of Great Britain, who walked a 115-mlle route in six days in 1970. Emmerton was trailed by his wlfe Norma, in a camper stocked with health food, liniment, fruit and 1 1 fully loaded revolver to deal . with any rattlesnakes the caravan might encounter. "I'm not a kook or anything, although I've been called many things," Em· · merton said at the hall·way point. '1This is the greatest challenge in my ninning career but I've never gone through so much pain." Nixon to Meet Japan's Tanaka In Late August WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nil:on will attempt to repair strained relatioM between the United Stales and Japan by flying to Hawaii Aug. 31 for a two-<lay meellng with newly elected Japanese Prime Mlnlster Kaku e i Tanaka. The talks, which will cover 0 the full range of U.S . ..Japanese relations," are expected to mainly concentrate on the stance by the two nations toward mainland China and America's '3 billion dollar tr.de deficit wilh Japan. Announcement of the meeting was made 1lmullaneously In Walhlngton and Tokyo Sunday night, ahortly after Nixon returned to the White House from his Camp David, Md. mountain retreat. "Prime Minlsler Klkuel Tanaka of Japan has accepled the invitation of President Richan! M. Nixon to meet in Hawaii on August 31 lo Sept. 1 for an ti· change of views on relaU°" between the two countries," White House Presa SecretarY Ro111ld L. Zlealer announced. "The Pr.aldent wUI be accompanied by Secretary ol State William P. Ro11or1 and hi. Alalltanl for National Security Alhlr1 Dr Heney A. KIU!nger." ' The AMOUnCttnenl came just one dly after 'l'baka rt<elved ID JnvllaUOD from Cblnele Premier Cbou· En-Lal to vtalt Pekin&. Rel•UOot belw .. n Wuhlnglon .and Tokyo · suffered !Orne slrlln lasl }'111' when Nixon made a pair ol startllnfl ..,. nouncement1. The llr.i, on Jiiiy IS, 1'11, aald the Whit• Houae bad undli'llbn direct rtllUons wllh China'• lllderl and that Nbron 1\'0Uld visit lhe t'OWlllT· The other, made on Aug. II, 1171, wu lhe Pre1ldenl'1 new economic policy which Jncllldod tbe Jm)IOllUon ol 1 auttu on forelln lmporta and currency controll. Irate London Dockmen· Threaten General Strike (spokesman) said. ,, Now, starting over with a minus $200 balance, the mighty Ch i r i ca bu as sponsored another fund-rai ser, this time a contest with prizes donated by local tradesmen and \Vere successful in bag· ging enough to recoup their losses and make the donation to the YMCA. When they 're not raising money, the dads and lads embark upon trips and other activities together. LONDON (UPI) -Tl!lll of tbousanda meeting tonight wltb leadm of the 10-Indian Guide officers are B I ch f wo ken.•n•ered-by-the-jalllng ol five-·~ Trades -~~n Conjreis Patt:!laude, chief (president), Frank 0 r • -.. (TUC) to discuss Clampmg--do~el, wampum bearer (treasu~er): picketlllg longshoremen, walked off the skyrockeUng wages and prices. But TUC Hart Phinney, old wise man (historian); job today and threatened Britain with its officlall sa.ld they would refuse to discuss Dick Bellis, medicine man (sergeant-at· first general strike in almost ball a ctn-Ulb while the longshoremen remain in arms ); Tom McCarty, tally keeper tury. jaU. (secretary); and Nilsen. . Their walkout halted seaport opera~ The five were jailed Friday at Lon· "We're just a bunch of very active and tions, deprived much of the country of don'• fortreaallke Pentonville prison for very g~vy .people and will consider ap- contempt of the National Industrial Rela· pllcants, saJd lbe group loud talker. newopapera, hit food markela and ilODS Court. They defied a court order to automotive plants. cease picketing and boycotting container Prime Mlnlaler Edward Healh IDd key depola. government mlnlstus discuned the Under Britiah law the longshoremen crisis at hla No. 10 Downing St. office, could 1tay In jail lndellnilely unlil they guarded by strong police reinforcements. "purge" their contempt by apologi%lng. But workera' threats to picket Downing •""Police threw strong cordons around the St. did not materialize. court to guard against demonstrations to- Government official! Hid lbe cabinet day, but they did nol !how up lo mtaht proclaim a state of emergency if apologize and no demonstrators arrived. the industrial crisis becomes worse or if Worst hit by the walkouts were Bri· a general strike appears imminent. Bri· taln's seaportt. Pen a u t b o r i t i e s lain last bad one in 1928. eatlmated most of Britain's 40,000 Healb and olher mlniltm scheduled • longshoremen 1tayed off the job. Most loading an4 unloedlng of cargoes ..., at a standstill. 1 Floods Ravaging River Valleys In Minnesota MORA, Minn. (AP) -A dam on the )Cnife River in Kanabec County broke during the night, forcing some people to flee lheir homes and causing water to rise in the Snake River Valley, County Sherill George Anderson said today. Stocks Soaring As Good-News ·-- Sparks Market NEW YORK (AP) -Highly, favorable economic news continued to spark a strong stock market advance today in early trading. Volume was moderately active. London's newapapers did not appear because of a aympalby walkout by pr.,. handl, though some papera printed ·-limited runa in Manchester and Glasgow. Coal mlneJ In South Wales and Yorkahire were idled by a miner's sym- palby strike . Fishing Derby Held at Irvine There was flooding also in other parts of central Minnesota due to torrential rains which began at midweek and con- tinued into the weekend. !'be area ex· perieocing flooding was 150 miles long . and 60 miles wide, running east to west about 75 miles north of Minneapolis.SL Paul. Four deaths have been blamed on lbe flooding. Glamour ilsues were mostly stronger and galna ran throughout tbe stock lilt. Anderson said water was about 18 Jn. ches deep in some areas of Mora, a town of 2,500 six miles below Knife Lake Dam and just below the junction of the Knife and Snake rivers. The noon Dow Jones average of ;i0 in· dw:trial stocks was ahead up 15.36 at 935.81. Advances outpaced declines by 1nore than 3 to 1 among issues traded on the New York Stock Exchange. One analyst said the market was responding to the improved economic picture, which bad been overlooked in ~ cent weeks because of unsettled in· temational monetary conditions and the Democratic National Convention. Irvine's first fishing derby at Bonita Canyon Reservoir drew 200 analers Saturday. While the anglers are all talking about the ones that got away, city hall sWf members are wondering about the prize winners, most of whom seemed somehow to have slipped away from the six-hour event without registering for their prizes. Recreation coordinator Brian Clark to- day waa able to name only two winners, Scott Terrell and Mike Conway. Terrell lured three fish to win first place while Conway caught two. Kanabec County Civil Defense Director Joe Johnson said .. a 40-foot chunk broke ' out of lhe dam during lbe nlgbt. The peo- ple were warned, and many of them had time to move furniture and valuable items from their homes before they joirr ed In sandbagging efforts to try to keep the water from going into much of the town. Occidental Petrolewn still was giving ground as Jnv.,tors had oecood thougbta about lbe stock's sharp lncreate last week after the announcement of the com- pany's wide-ranging agreement with the soviet UnJon. "It looks like that water ts rising about one inch every five minutes," Johnm said. HWe don 't know how long it will rise." Assistant City Manager Paul Brady said more than 50 fish were caught by the 200 who fished for bass, catfish and trout. Anderson said the warning was sound· ed "when we began to realize tha.t the dam would not bold and it was a matter of time before it crumbled." WE GUAftANTIE ' MRYTHING a :.J WI Sl~L ·ti Costa Mesa aacl ·Loan • NEW AND UKE NEW MERCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS Now Llkl Now Pric•' Mee &1nt'1 1 IK yellow gold 01ft190 brocolot witch --$550.00•---$325.00 LadlH 14K yellow 9old Wylor bracol•I watch -;----. • ~15.00 105.00 Ltdltt 14K ytUow 9old cockt1il rin91 tpr•y d1119n 1 Vi ct. ctnfer ch1mond ind 5 smoll diomonds -·---··----650.001 ____ 2So.OO Lodi" 16 p .. rJ brooch, 1 .. 1 dHi9n, yollow gold 179.00_.___ 15.~ 24" h .. vy rope choin, 14K y•llow 9old -165,001___ tS.00 LadlH Giro rel '•rr191ux witch with 25 diamonds, 14K white 91ld (Stock •DWJ41 -·-·-• ··•·--------604.001 ___ 215.00 l1die1 11 di1mond cockt1il rin9 -11 round cut aft.I 7 baguette cut clltmonclt. IV1 ct. total w1i9ht, sot in 14K while 9old WI• s•mw -the•• prlc .. reflect t1Ytr1g1 prlct of I 1t quality dl1mond1 in it.ck 1t 111 timt1: V. ct. dJo.,lftd -----------$.165,00 Y, ct; diamond 265.00 Y, et. dlalftond 600,00 -Llf'llr ~ ..... ht lttl:t- tltl NIWPOIT II.YD. DOWNTOWM COITA MllA M6·7741 ~· A•WAYIPID . ...... :, ... ~ MONMIAT. $ H .00 145.00 215.00 ' ' 895.00 •.•. ___ 491.00 I . ' 17 l 1 l i ~ l l 7 -" . • Huntington· lleaeb untain V · Teday's l'hlal - YOI:. ~S, NO. 2M, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFO~NIA MONDAY, JULY 24, 1972 TEN CENTS Para1nedics Could Mean Help • Ill Five Minutes ~, ... .. ,. By ADCHAEL GOODRICH Of ,... o.i~ ,, ... t•ff The Huntington Beach Fire Depart· ment may soon be fighting heart attacks as wen as ftres. Coronary and other e m e r g e n c y medical treatment would be the job of a .. 24-hotlr ~edical w1il• that Fire Chief Ray Picard hopeS to establish by July 1973. ... · Paremedlcs are highly skilled m,edlcal t~ans· who bave been trained . to . Thousands Quit Jobs In Briutin LONDON. (UPI) -Tens of. lbousands of W.rkm, IOlere'd by-the J•Wnc of five plckelinc longshoremen,' walked off the job today and threatened Britain with Ila ftrsl general atrike In almost ball a cen- tury. Their walkout baited aeapori opera· lloruo, deprived much of the country of newapapen, bit food markets and automotive plants. Prime Mlnisler Edward Heath and key government minist~ dlscussed the crisis at bia No. 10 Downing SI. office, guarded by strong police re!nlorcementa. But worken' threats to picket Downing St. did not materialize. Government officials aald the cabinet mlg)lt proclalnl a state of emergency II tbe indwitrial crisis becomes worse or lf a c~I atrike •-Imminent. Bri• lain last had one In ll!ll. 'Bealh 'ud otbet m!nWln ICbeduled a ,_iq loatiht with -of the 10. mllJiaHtroal Tl'adel u"'°" '-"'"• (TUC) to dllcua damjliltC • ·d o w n 1Icyrockellnjt .._ and ~ 11111 TUC ofil.W. lllil lhe1 Would '""-fO .... _ tbia •bile the loophorcm ..... In jail. . , . The five were Jalleo Friday at Lon- don's lortressllke Pentoovllle priaClll for contempt of the Nalloaal ladllllrial Rela· tiom Court. They delled a court order to ceue picketing and boycolllnc coota!ner depots. Uoder British law the 1onplioremen could atay In jiill lndellnttely witll they "purge" their c:oatempl by apoloiI!zlng. Police threw stroog cordons around the court to guard aplnsl demoollratlonll to- day, but they !fid not show up to apolocize and oo demoostraton _arrived. Worst bit by the 1'a1koutl were Bri· lain'• aeaports. Port a u I h 0 r It le I estimated moot of Brii.in'• 40,000 !""""°"'"en stayed of! the job. Moot loadfug and unloading .of care .... ~ al a slandsllll 1.oodoo's newapapers did not .appear because ol a sympathy. walkout by preu hands, though oome papers printed limited runs In Manclielter aod Glaqow. · coal mines in South Wales and Yorbhlre were idled by a miner's S)'Dl· patby strtke. Mansfield Bill Loses Test Vote On TrOQp Pullout WASHINGTON . (AP). -Senate Ma· Jority Leader Mike Manlfleld (0.Mool), lott a test vote, 4M4, today on hll amendment to forte an unconditional withdrawal of U.S. forces from South ' Vittoam .. Other roll call VOies were still to came, however I before I nnal ahowdown on hit and other end·the-war amendments to 1 $1.8-billioa fortigJ>tnllltary-aid autborlla· llon bill. The 4M4 vote blocked Manlfiel~'• move to cblnge from Aue. 31 to Oct. 1 tilt date foe a pullout ol Amertcan troops llr South Vlelnam regardlea ol 1'tiether ~of war have 1-releall!d. Uunfltlll bad wanted the Oct. I date becauol lltlD1 have ll1d ii ,-1111 be lm- ,...i.te to ~·U.S:·forcel oul 11!' Aq. U -Uoul ftYe ....etl IQY -If the 1i11 I*""'· mul Earlier, ••. r.billloll tary pro-anment lltll .... brou&bl up to the l1oor with the d1alfiun of Iha Armed Servlcel Cammlllft, Sen. John -(0.Milsl.), caJ11ng It the mlnlnlum needed for delenoe. Sternwheeler Cruises PASa>; Wub. (UPI) -'Ille lut re-tmtnlac e-•u•wrdll •••t I llfl' m the u.._.. 8tatfa, u. 11Pw 1Fr '," ZDllde a mil ..........,. aoodl!ll ....... up tile Otilumbla River dur1ll Iba •nbnd. •1a1t1n1 -.a1 c:111ea 1n w °'-u1 WullqtGn. deal with emergency silualloruo. They hours or !raining at the Orange County would opera!< from a vao equipped with Medical Center. all the moc\em medical facilities that The paramedics would be ~ble lo might be louod in the emercency room of diagnose eerialn vital sicns of a pa· any hospital.. llent's condition and lben relate them to "The !def behind the paramodicaL qnit the county hospital •by means of a i! to extend the intenatve care room of a telemeter. hospital Into the field tbrouih the· UH of A te\emetar 11 a machine that cao modem technolol)\" saya Picard. measure a patient1a heartbeat, biood . Under the program p_.i by pressure or other bodily ltmct1oas and Picard, each vao woold be 1D1111necl by -transmit it to the bospital•wbere-. doctor two par~cs who have .recfived ~ . can monitor the !nlormaliolh ~ can tbeo pmcribe tbroocb radio communication a treatment for the paramedics to ad- m!nWer to the patient. "'The principal Idea 1' treat the person In the • field rather tbao losing time tramportbia him to the hospital Often t1mes>tbe aLoct and excitement of'being rushed 'to the ltolpltal can al!o harm the pitlent'I condltl<il," oaya Picard, Aeconllng to atatlltlcs ·ptbered by the American -ero., •· pen<in who is treated within fiva minutes altar IUI· fering a heart attack will have a 25 per- cent chance of recovery. But his chances drop to one out of 10,000 ti the delay 1' more than 12 minutes. 1be paramedic program was set up as a pilot program in Las Angeles County in 1970 under ,the Wedworth-Townsend act. It was recently expanded to all counties in the state. orange County auperv1&0rs have approved the training of 54: firemen as paramedics in the county. Picard hopes to send nine of bis firemen to the five-month class, enouglr' to set up a fUlltime uni~ "We should bO able to reach Ill percent of the city witbid five minutes with one unit," he says, · The lire cbier1 goal 1' to reach any spot within Huntington Beach · in five minutes. Tbil would require two units and s!I more men. Since tbO county finances the training of the paramedics and the men will come from the cumnt n .. force , the onl1 ... . (Sol MEDICS, Pal• J) Graves Imperiled Indian Cemetery May Be Destroyed ~~-Smile By JOHN ZALLER Of t11t DllW Pffilf SWI Amiteur arebeologtata and IOUvenlt hunters may be deltroY1nl ao aocient In-dian burial ground oo the blulls overlook· Ing the Santa Ana River In Huntington Beach. Mike Ablering, a eonsultant to the city, aaya all. to eight boles have been du& on the site located near Ellis Avenue and that "the whole site la going to loae its value very rapidly if thia keeps up." Six Arreswd At Big Party Near Beach ' .A -..,. Al mlllilal lli!:Wlnl ftl.-rla.11 ·met. team of~ a.-......... ¥' ..... JIOlleo dilll Saturday Dilbl.. --~·' Jqud porl,J of 2IO .... ,... paopie. Crlminal charges tn61udlllg auault on 1 police ollicel' lace llii amsletl tociay, In the wake of .the !ncldent. The situation that developed at 32!' 11th Si., WU the third tbia month inVOlviOC reslJtaoce iga!nsl pollce 1'ith rocks, bolo· Uea, cans and other mtaslles. Investigators said more tbao s1a would have been IWn Into ~ but they didn1 have the naopower to do It, with a total o! 23 oHicen and t1'o dogs. • l . :Ml-5 Thalland, Nipapati: Srlsuk,.smil .. brigbUy as she passes an armed . . guard Jn· Dorado, Puerto Rico,.whereqsecurity for-cobtestalita·in ilie ~~~page all! Is tight wJ,tb girls kept l!Dder. th~ ••tcbful eye Not all' ~ presml at the party . fought efforts to dlJperse them, pollee l!Oted. Sponaor1 of the · party had COll(ac!ed police In advance, asking' I<> be notified by phone tbemaelvea ti gueata became too noisy. Fi,ness E~per~ Neariµg "W• did call them early in the evening but later complaints kept coming in and their phone was always busy," said Lt. George Renek. "The people who put on the party couldo't do anything," be ad- ded. . . ' . . . Guests Invited and party .... ~ eventually began roaming out Into the yard and streets, drinking and leading to additional complaints and a 10 p.m. decision. 1" order dispersal. Reco17d at Death Valley DEATlfV~ (UPI) -A 52-year· old physical fitness and nutrition buff, hopint! to . break a ,..,.rd, entered bis t1J!rd day of a brisk walk acna il' 115- mlle str.t<:b of the IWlllerlnc Death Valley -today. He bopec\ lo llnlib the trek by, twnin(. • Bill ~slept briell)' SUnday al a ranpr'1 !latl!lt -ballway through bis journey. "Yoa've got lo be crazy io do tbia, my- • wile keepo-lelllnc me," be aa1d In a tel~ ltdervle1r· "The ground l(Jpperatunt JI 11111 ciearees 'and when I take my aboa off 1.,. ... 11eam." Air tamponlura ID lbe Jo-valleys • • of the deaeri roull!lely reach ll5 decrees In July and AaiUat. Emmerton, a 'niuve of Tasmalita now residing in Los Anpla, bolds the record of l'llllDlnl acroa ,a/slmllar but Ionier routi In Death Valley, He aet that In 11111 •hen be alteriiataly ran and nltad aod comPieted a J.30.mlle stretch ID abobt lbrff days. He aloo set three days as bia loal for the walk over the sbortar distance, which he began 5aturday inorniJw -the tiny ' town Q! Shoshone, JuJt outside the Death Valley\NaUonal Monument. Scotty's Cas· Ue on the northern edp of the desert was bia goal. Police on the scene had already tried to reuon with the crowd, Lt. Renek ~. before oflicen joined ranks and bepn clearinl the am. No all1cen """' Injured by lbe bor· rage of mlallel, nar were 1Q7 part, .... -by tbe -German l1lepllerda. "People don' arcu• with a doc," tiulp. peel LI. ReiJek. "They juat 1e1 out of tbe- w1y." On the Fourth of July weekend oll1cers had to dtapene a mini-riot ·In the pier area altar a f1rtworu d1'play and last weeUnd they . were pelted w I th paper cups packed with mud and sand when surfers ol!jected to orders to leave the ••tar. ~-5~.~~n;t · Bus -. ·Fare Adopted -·-· .......... ' ::i • ' County TrlllUit .'Direciors OK Flat Rat.e for Riders A !llJtllt, 1111 ' faro of ', JS '~ ....,.._of t11e 111-., t11e ... ride WU ~by Iba 0niwt County Tramll ...... loflt, --................... to COllMer ,,, ....... far Mnior' Ctt-, ..,..._, • '1 ..,.i and small dli1dren at tWr All. ' •ttnc. R .. !Olll~ ~ ~I ............ ,._ an.r ..... .,. .. 8outbem CllllarlM....... .... '°"""'"·""" = ...... dll-a-fln+lll' 11•-and the blind ...... D111r1ct Cr Ill M pr Gll'dlll "Peta" Flelding urpd ~ tl the~ Under Iba jiUjWI, ei>ltl,. with the cent fial rate, AYlnc lliwer lam !or district -~ IO peroeot, 1'0Uld various groups 1'0uld complicate the total fll.»11 for the first year. Tho Cal operation of bull n-"A -fare II a real bargain In toda1'• transportation," State lltudmt government guarantt<S he oaid. payment of $12,511) to $11,000 for the-. Distr1ct director Rmald w,eupen otr-Year tda1 period. • Nnport Beach urcW fiirtbar ""'1 , ~ to comolldation or the Sacta llderatlon of a no-fart -•lion, ·liut Ana dtf bUI system with the dlJlri<I and Depuly County Cc-11aa1 Qaytoo. Partier u• /loo of !he port-of llinl ""' Aid the state act Cl'I I .. tbe dlllrlcl.. lltw al I Olal of ,124,IOI to the dilirlct. quires cbarPW -fan. ' 'l1le "'1lrll ....,,....i II plddmc up In other bo•l-IOllJ. Ille trahlll twq.dtitda of Ilia tab for the ..., -· dln!cton: · --A1!11ld' budpt of ~.t millbi for -Approved lrnnwlla ........ ol • Cal Ibo....,.. JIU' wfili 1811,"7 of tlll IDtal Stale Ful1utGo blll .,...._ ... ~ • 6'& 1iJ flln1 sranta. ; He bas asked city officials to patrol the site with the Huntington Beach police helicopter, and Tom Severns, Director of Environmental &esources, bu made a formal request to police. · "I makes you very cyntcaJ," Severns said. "You publicize the site because you want to stop development on it, and you wind up just attracting people who destroy it." Ahlerlng, director of the non-profit Archaeological Research institute Inc., of lets Fired On Costa Mesa, ls especially unhappy with a youth who dug up the bones of a woman believed to have died 2,000 to 6,000 years ago. "The fty tbla .site ............. l!lld the cln:umatancea mata u almoa& useless to ua," he said. Up to iO percent of the !nlormatlon about the habits and living patterns ol a people 'is derived from the position of the body In the grave aod the position of the (See AMATEURS, Pqe I) Egypt Vows to Go to War Alone· to Gain Lost Land • . llJ 'Ulllad Prw .._u ;' Prtsldmt ·Anwar Sidi! '814 1 lodof £opt wijl flcbl llrael --able If: ~ -to regain occupied Arab l!pld and called on Arab states to join EcYPt in ending Increased American in· teresta In the Middle East. . Som afterwards both !Sraell and Egyp- tian officials said Egyptian antiaircraft battariet opened lite on Israeli jets which were on patrol over the Suez Canal. W al.dheim Says ' ' ' . He Has Report Of Dike Aiiacks UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - Secretary-<l<neral Kurt Waldheim oays he has received lntonnatlon through private channels \hat U.S. bombs have damaged dik .. In North Vielnam both by direct hits and by nearby exploaiom. (See story on Flgbl for Quang Tri on Page 4). . He !old a 9ews i:onlerence today he has been assured by the U.S. government that the dilti!s were not a target, but that he 1'18 deeply concerned by 1'0rd rece!V• ed through sources he would not ldentlly. Waldheim noted that he had expressed ~cern during -h\s· MOS!O<>w vliit tbeut publlahed reporil on the illeged bombing of the dikes and had made an appeal for a bait.. "I am deeply concerned," he aaid, "and I now appeal again for the slopping of this kind of bombing." He said bia informants said some bomb explooloos near the dikes bad caused cr•cka which could make tbe blnien give way, flooding vast attn and caus-- ing a heavy loss of nre. "U the dikes are destroyed it 1'111 mean an enormous disaster," be declared. Asked whether he had aoy evidence thal the bombing wu Intentional , he replied that he could not 11y whether the attacks were Intentional "but the resultl are ·that damage baa been done." . "Anl JOU In ,dlred , cootacl with.. Hanoi!" he WU asked, "I Clo nol wlah •to comment acept to oay Iba! my lnlormatloo came tbrooib· unolllclal cbanneta " he said. I Valley Councilmen Name City Treasurer Evelyn Grippo ha been appointed as city treasurer and deputy city clerk by Fountain Valley city counclimen. Mn. Grippo r~ot came to won: for the city ID September" 1917 u a receptlon!Jt. rn October IJ70 she ..... appolntad ...my i. the city clerk. Sloe wl1I bo carrying out all of the acl- matialrallve fuocllom of the city clerk'• ollloo wMle City Manager Jim Neal ~ talll llrt olllclal UUe of city clerk. • • 'l1tt l&rllll m1111a17 • rl In Tel Am l5ild ..... ~ 1t1•-t ·• i'I al aurfllt.IHlr 41Ul> ., .... -flr9d at tWI> Wilell jell blll illllllor plabe ...., hit. Ofljdal ~ radio, howevor, said foul' Israeli planes were ln\tolved and one ol them -an American-made F~ Phantom -WU tlJOt down. • In a IOUl"hour speech to the 1,700- member National Congreu of the Arab Socta1llt Union (ASU), E1YJ1t's oolf pollUcaJ party, 5adat said there had 1- dtllereoces belween Egypt and the Soviet Union linCe March, f9TJ. ..The decision that faces us now, which la a aerloul one, ta to licbt ••• Our P..,:. pie and Arab naUClll should know we will fight without support ti tbta· la what ciroumatances Impose oo u .. We will not be frightened of licbt!nc withotlt cover," Sadat !1ald. ' II wu Sadat's ftrsl speeali to Iha ASU •il!ce he orderod -!$, .. '""* Id-.. vlaen back to RllSl!a 1ut week. "I prefer that blood pours on the field 1 of batUe ·rather than we remaln in the state of no-war, no-peace. I prefer that our blood should be drained drop by drop, day by day," Sadat said • The speech was broadcast 11 v 1 thf'OUl)lout the Arab world. Sadal ll1d Egypt would """""' con- tacta with other Arap nations "because the situation can no longer bear the widening aod progression of American interesta" lo the area. Sadat dealt at length with relations bet,.... F.cYI>t and the Soviet Union and the United States. He ll1d Clft bia first vlsll to the Soviet Union SI .president, In March 1911, there were d1Herence1 between him and the 5oviet leaders.''lllae were never resolv· ed, be said. ...... ..... _ =... F. =---- ' " I -• ': I f?h••••• ' -.. .. ,., ....... . ... ... .. --" =--: :::e ........ ! E=-;; -' =-..: --. •• DAILY PILOT ll.tf l"Mft Sleepy Time ' Leading players from the combined Marina·Edison high schools pro- duction of ''Once Upon a Mattress" rehearse the final scene from the mUJical comedy. Diane Poundstone dozes against David Boyer while Kathi Miles and Tim Derby look on. The play will he staged Wedne .. • ~ through Saturd,ay at 8 o'clock in the Huntington Beach High ool audltori11m. Minnesota Dam Burst,s; Town's Resident,s Flee " • llOllA, Mlon. (AP) - A dam on the KJ1i1e Rivel' In Kanabec O!unty broke Airing the night, forcing some people to ~ their homes and caustni water to ,, Hughes Airwest tfay ·Seal Exits. jo Foil HiffickS" • !fijil\ff Airwest, major carrier at j!i~• eoUoly Airport, msy follow the pple 1el by other airlines in sealing . ~ rear doors of ptipica to foll hi· ~Ptll, apokemniii for Hugbel ilirweo! San Francl>co, Ilk! a aludy baa ~ lnlllal<d to determine the best ~ ol clooing the veotral stain on pc. jell., .. tE: llaln1 acoordlnc to I b:al Alrweat Ollllan, can be IoWtred in flllhl Ile b1lh wind preaurea. Similar escape rOutei for parachuting. hijackers liave been sealed off by Pan American jiirwaya and Pacific Sou~! Airlines. i: At present, lee.ling of the rear door Is tiot required by the Federal Aviation ~tration. The FAA is, however, 4 udylnc a rule change to require that ' ~ar doors be opened on the ground but QOt in the air. :·A total of 1ix hijacken have survived laps through the read exlts of ms. All lalt one were captured. )There have been no hijackings or al· timots at Orange County Airport. OIAN61 COAST Ml DAILY PILOT T1tt Or•• CM&t DAILY PILOT wlifi wtlk lt ii Cllfftblftcd ftlt N-·Prns, 11 Pllbll.t\td b., #It Or1119e CN1I Pui.111111119 C.mi-y. StN• r•lt tdltlona •r. Pllbtlll!ed, ~., ttifOlll!r. Frld•Y• for CO.II Mfll, Ntwporl Be1cll, 1 Hunll"9lorl 811CP!fFoun111t1 V11!ty, Lag.,.... • Bud!, fl"llMIS.ddlt!Ndt •nd Sin Clemcnltf • Sin J111n Opl1tr-. A single t9910!'Mll • •llllM It ~!IU.ld Slh1rd1ys 1no sunc11ys. The prlrlclHI P11bll.tll"1 pl1n! b 11 lJO Wtsl Ill' SI'"!, Cotti Mt11, C1lllorn11, tatlt. Robert N. w,.~ PrMldtftt lflll PlllDllW.W' Jeck I. C11rl1y Vkt·Ptwllltnl..,. o.ntr11 M1M11tr Them11 K11vil I.fl tor Tii1rn11 A. M•rphint MMltlnt 1!.dlrw Cllttl .. H. L.e1 ~Jch1f4 P. Hill ANJltoM! Mltlll1nl Edl'Ofl Terry CtviU1 W•I Ot.,_ Cwntt Edllol' ............... Oftka 17171 l11c~ loul1v1r4 M1ilh11 "41''''': P.O. 111 7tO, '1641 ~OHie• U0UN INCi\' 1n p., .. , A""""' Colle MIMI: UI W-:!if! Slr"I N...._.n l11du »U N lou11~1 .... ltn C""'91Mr as N"'"' 1 C1m111a ... , r.i.,.... c11•> 64Jo4JJ1 Cl-.llW A-kl" '42-1611 ,.-,..,. Nw1ll or..,. C..,,.,, CtltlnllMtliet Hf.IZIO ~ltilllt. lm. OrMtt c..11 ~, ....... ~-... _.. .eltrlft. lll111tr1IMM. ...... 1 "'9tlw: .. acl'l«ftNIMl!ta lllfllll -y ... , ......... •llflcM ti"(~ .... "'"'""., ~ ..,.....r. l«Mf ctMt ""'-..... .i c .... """" C.*"""I&. ~ !IT unltr PM llllCWltll'rJ W ll'IAll U .lf lnOl!tfllYI mlUlllY *"11'11"-GM ....,,..IY. rise in the Snake River Valley, O!unty Sheriff George Anderaon aald tcday. There was fioodlng also in other part! of central Minne!Ota due to torrential rains which began at midweek and con- linued into the 'leekeod. The area ... perienclng floodlnl WU 11111 miles loog and 60 miles wide, nmnlng east to west •bout 7S miles north of Minneapoll..Sl. ~ijj~~lba hive, been bl~med on Anderaon aald waler WU about It in- ches deep ln ao~ areas of Mora, a 'town of 1,500 six mile• below Knlie Lake Dam and Just below the Junction of the Knife and Snake riven . Kanabec County Civil DefOOIO Director Joe Johnaon .. id "a 40-foot Chunk broke oot of ihe dam during the night. The peo- ple were warned, ana many of them bsd time to move furniture and valuable items from their homes before they join- ed in sandbagging efforts to try to ~p the water from going 'into much ol the town. "It looks like that water is rising Rbout one inch every five minutes," Jolmlon said. "We dm't lmow how long it will rise." Anderaon uld the w~ wu sound- ed "when w~ begao tO reallze that . the dam would not hold and it wu a matter ol time before It crumbled." Planners Issue Agenda Packets Agenda packels for the Fountain Valley Planning Commtssioo are now avallable al the Civic Center Library three days prior to the commllalon meetings. The packets contain bacqround in- forroation aod elhiblts concerollll each meeting's individual agenda items. They are also available ln the city clerk's office and at the planning deparl· ment counter. The plaMing ·commission meets 1t 7:30 p.m. on tbe second and fourth W- days of each month. The meeun,1 are presently being held in the Community Services building until constructloo of the new council chambers la completed. Women Voters Set Registration Drive Th< 1..,gue of Women votert will haw registrars available from 7:30 p.m. to t p.m. Wednesday II the ·Edi.son lllch School cafeteria. Residents may also re1ister at the Huntington Beach and Founllln Valley City Clerk'• oUlcea and the Orange Coun- ty Registrar of Voters office in Santi Ana. All mldenll mull be registered by July 26 In order to vole in the Sept. 19 high school bond election. 01·egon Forest BW'ns OAKRIDGE, Ort. (UPI) -U.S. ForHl Servi .. oWclalJ uld they hoped a ;91- acro fomt fire in the Wiilamette Na• Ilona! Forell would be controlled today. Mon than 14$ me~ht the blue and . four 1lr tankers d 51,000 1aJiona ol rJrt "lardant on the names. ( J Ten Vacationers Drown; 2 Saved ll!DLAND, Onr. (AP) -Ten pel'IODI from two related famlllea drowned Sun- day night in Geor,ian Bay wben their amsll aluminum boat, Jammed with IZ per,.oa and camping equlpm1nt , saok detplt• their frapUc elforll to bail it out. Provincial J>()lice said tight chllcDen and four adults, all from the Aurora and Holland Landing area north of Torooto. bad set oot ln lbe U-Joot boat for 1 week'• camping on Snlke .laland. They were about ball way to the laland, a rocky, uninhabited area about a mile from here, wheo the boat sank. The only known survivora were a 10-. year-dd girl who llayed af10at for more than two--'boura without a life prelel'Vtr, and her mother, who awam ufely to ahore 1fter three-foot waves tore one of her other children from. her arms. The other seven children and three adults are presumed drowned. The two survivors were identified to- day as Claudia Contois and her daughter, Monica, 10. Included amona the missirli were Richard Contoil, huaband of the surviv· From Pagel AMATEURS. • • artlfacts, Ahlering said. The site was found by a youth pok.ing around in the bluff• area. He apparently found the grave, dug up the remains, and took them home. "Some ooe like Ibis does just u much damage to a site u a bulldozer " Abler· ing said. ' ''So many people know about this site that the publicity could ruin it. If the public waots to do anything to help, It can just stay away." 1be site has been known for many years as an Indian burial ground Ahler~ ing said, and thele have been fou~ or fJve sets of artifacts removed . Most of lhe work has been very unprofessjonaJ be said. ' "I think there is much left that i~ quite significant," Ablering said, "but the ex· cavaUon must be done by someone who is trained and competent " ing womao, and their children, Mlrlln, t, Anthony, I, Nanette, 4, and a wlJ"d, Shella Ryan, Z. Also mining wtre Eugene Contois, brother of Richard, and hlo lllrea children, Karen, t, Michael, 7, and Dan- nie, 4. The body or Eugene Contois' wife, Patricia, lias recovered today. H untingt-On Pier Fishing Derby Slated Tuesda)· Huck Finn confined bis flahlng prow.., to the Mississippi River, but a bunch of his young descendants, in spirit, will dip their lines into the Pacific Ocean Tuet- day morning off the Up of the Huntington Beach pier. The 20th annual Huck Finn Fishing Derby starts at 9 a.m. Youngaten 6 to 13 who think they have a .flair for llabing to match Mark Twain'• fictional river hero can sign up for the contest at the Tickle Box ball abop, any day. The llabing derby ti co-aponaorod by the Tackle Boir and the city recreallon and parka department. The young llabennen will win prtw for: biggest llah, moat unUJUal flab, best variety, beat Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher eo1tumea, amslleat flab and fint f11b caught. There i.s nc entry fee for the llablng derby. For further Information phone Sherry Shipley of the recreallon and parks department at 538-5486. Supreme Court Asked to Rehear Death Row Cases Abiering believes that the bluffs site w ASHINGTON (AP) _ The Supreme was a seasonal village for a wandering Court wu uked today to rehear the tribe of 30 to 50 persons, and may have been in use as much 81 8,00> yean ago. cues of 18 prisonerl who were removed He said it is ooe of the only known buri•I ~roeclalm dea~-~~ by 111 .. ~c Jwie JI •l\eJ in Orange County aod could alntatn on --uecu.....,. , vital infonnallon for understanding the . Prosecutors aaked rehearing in U early history of Ulls area. Georata death RDtence cuea, two m · · Recenl")IUbltc!tt loJ>llihlle' 1itlr111t1ed • Pennsylvania and ·-111 Tull. "" largely from bearings before the Hun· TelU Atty. Gen. Crawford C. Martin . tington Beacb illlJlnlrig Commission on requested a hearing ln the cue. ol ~ plaoa to bulld·.:W bomea on the site. A Branch; Pennoylvanla Dlltrlit AttMn.y hearing before the clty council is Arlen Specter asked reconsideration of scheduled for Aug. s. the caaea of Anthony Soler! and Frank .Severns said he will make several Phelan, and Georgia Atty. Gen. Arthur altematlve proposals for saving the site, K. Bolton filed in lS cues. including the purchase of the laod for use Mlrlln aald ln hil brief filed with the as a park. court clerk thlt the Supreme Court's an. tiexecutlon ruling "coostltutet a severe Fires Contained In High Sierras BISHOP, Calif. (AP) -Two brush and Umber fires have been contained on the eutem slope of the Sierra Nevada but a third raged oot of control through the night and consumed an estimated 600 acres of brush 10 miles we.st of here. A ISO-acre fire wu conllined Sunday during the nlght near Mammoth Moun- tain with the aid of five borate bombers and 150 hutlly·summoned firemen. No structures were damaged, and heavy wlndt blew the names away from the Mammoth Mountain Reaort. A SO-acre fire near Lee Vining along the Tioga Pau road a1so was contained before it couJd do serious damage. blow to the Amerlcao jury ll)'Slern." "The court baa not ruled the death penalty unconsliluUonal ptt ae, but in- stead baa stricken down the leglslaUve grant of the death penxlty determination to the jury," Mlrlln aald. He added : Huntington Trustees Postpone Meeting Due to summer scheduling, trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High School District will not be meeting Tuesday night. he trustets will be holding a special budget meeting at 8 a.m. Aug. 5 in the district conference room. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Aug. 8 In the Huntlngtoo Beach High Sebool cafeteria. DA.I\.'( PILOT SllH ,_,. PLANS PARAMEDIC UNIT Flro Chlof Picard From Page 1 MEDICS ... pense to the city would be $181000 for the van, according to Picard. The chief is exploring different avenues to ait the coats of the proposed program . One la to apply for federal and state grants available for such programs. The other iJ a joint powen agreement to ex· tend the service to three other cities which would share the costs. Acconllil& to Picard'• estimates, with three operating paramedical untla aoy apot ln Hunllnatoo Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster and Seal Beach could be reached within five minutes. The four clUea already have a joint communicaUons center in HunUngton Beach and are scheduled to combine their training and fire fighting operatioos ln September 1973. So the paramedical pro1ram II a natural extension of present cooperation between lhe cities, according to Picard. Young Beacl1 Lifeguards Win Huotlngton Beach Junior Lifeguards swept three out of the four top spots in the 1,000..meter ocean swim around the HunUngton Beach Pier. The to2 awlrnrµera from Huntlnllon Beach weh: Mike Lucas, flrst place with a time of 13:17 minutes; BW B•baaboff. second place with 1 lime of ·l!:Zf minutes, and Merrlll Riley, fourth place with a lime of 13 : 44. Twenty-three junior lifeguards from Saeli cruz to Sao Diego competed In the event which wa1 open to boy1 between the 1ges oft and 17 years old. The Huntington Beach J u n i o r Lifeguard program I• conducted Monday tbrou'b Friday for eight weeks In the summer time to train youngsters in the fundamentals of ocean 1wlmming. Valley Directory Ready for Public The Fountain Valley CccrdlnaUng Council baa published a community directory which is now avallable to the public. The community directory, a pocket-size book, llsts information concerning Foun- tain Valley schools, civic organizations, hotllnes and clty government. An additional sectk>n gives the names and addresses of county, state 'and federal representatives. The directory can be obtained for a nominal coil by contacting Mn. William · Ponn at 962-4385. Louisiana State Bird 'Imported' TAll.AUASSEE. Fla. (UP I) -The en· tltt pelican poput11tlon of Louisiana. ''The Ptlican StJlt." consists o[ 250 pelican~ Unportfrd from t'loridn, acrording lo a · suite 11nw ofllcial . "'!be naU,·e population disappeared romplt.ttly a ft"' ytllr! 11go." said Earle Fn·e d1rtetor of tht l"lor1d11 Ciame and . . l-Ttsh \\'ater f"\.sh Com1niss1on. ·•\\'e can't ttally ~ it oo anythin~. but 11 mort or IHS CQlnC'Mied v.·1th a big fish kill a~ a b1J pesuekif. tbing in the Missaslppi R»...-." "Tht U.'IWiaol olficiab calll!d us 1nd said. 'Usit:G. tbt ptbc':in "' our state bird. C&D you I'" m JQmt birds!' " Frye recalltd in u lntvview. "So we've beee Wine young birds lo Louisiana and wt\'f got a breeding col· ony established thttt. They've bred sue· cesslully Ind 'tli't:'rt optiml.slk about it." Frye cited the ca$t' as an txample cf . the sorry stale of the country 's pelican · population. He said the biro . \Vi~ the pciuch in its beak faces exterm1n~t1on in Callfornia . Texas and South Carolina and isn't doing too well in north Florida. "The only place in the whole country v.'here it's doiog well ls South Florid~.'' Frye said. There are about 6. 700 active nests in the area. he uid. The main reason for the bird's decline Is the general degradation of the en- vironment from such activities as dredg· ing and filling, and the use of pesticides, Frye said. "We look at the pelican, at all wildlife, as an indicator," he said. "When the wildlife population become• unhealthy, how far behind is man? He's part of the environment, too." Driver Injured In San Clemente A Los Alamitos man escaped with only minor injuries after 1 freeway wreck which totaled his car and another vehicle early Saturday in San Clemente. Thomas Harold Pray, 34, of 11451 Wembley Rord, was released after treat- ment at Mission Community Hospital. The accident occurred when Pray'• car slammed into another vehicle parked along the •boulder of Inter.tale S, just mrth of Pico. Pray was lransported to the bospllll after officers on the 1eene were unable to atop bleeding from a bead Injury. Pair Married At Re1;ruiter's NEW CASTLE, Pa. (UPI) -It was a traditional July wedding in almost every respect. The bride wore white. The groom 1lso wore white, but it wa1 a U.S. Navy dress untrorm. The Navy llecrulUng Command In Wubiqjton, D.C., aearcbed ill files and said the vows taken Satur- day by Seaman Apprentice Ray· mond C&rungi, 11, and Rita Kuczynski, 17, marked the fir•! wedding ever held In a U.S. Navy recruiUng office. Carungl explained that he had received order1 for Naples, Italy, tust three weeks ago and there wun't enough time to find 1 chapel for the ceremony. So he took 1 shipmate's advice and arranged for the wedding to be held In the Navy's post office recruiting head· ~uarters. The couple will honeymoon in Naples. WI GUAU.H'llE ' ' • IYllYTHINti • J WISIU Jewelry and Loan Geu StflU! P••' • NEW AND LIKE NEW MIRCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS &enl'• llK yellow gold Omo91 bt1cele! wllch ---------- 1.atii" 14K yoft,w 90lcl Wyl .. l>t1cel1! witch ---------- Ladl11 14K yollaw 9olcl coclit1il ring, 1pr1y dt1l9n, V. ct. c1nlor dl1mond ind 5 1m1ll di•mond1 -:--:--:-:-c:----.-:---:·.----------- l1di11 16 p11rl broach, 1111 de1i1n, yellow 9old ---------- 24'' heny rope ch1in, 14K y.llow told --,----,---,------ Ladio1 &ireN ,_1uxw1lch wltt. 21 dl1m1nclt, 14K white 9old !Stock •DWJ4J ----·--·- Latll11 11 dlamonJ cocktail rlnt -11 round cut end 7 b19utffe cut cfi1moncf1, l'h ct. total wolthl, 1.t ln 14K while 9old I.Ml• l•lttllr• -tht•• pricn reflect tver19e price •f I tt qu1llty dl•mondt rn 1!oek •• ill tlm111 New Uh Now Pric• ...... $550.00 SJJl.OO 215.00 101.00 650.00 JI0.00 t7'.00 11.00 165.00 11.00 604.00 __ 211.00 lts.oo _. __ 4tl.OO Robert Sanchis, 36, of Corona del Mar1,assistant superintend· ent ot U1e Fountain Valley School Dlrtric~ h11 been ap- pointed to an advlacry panel on educaUona! research by 1tate Supt. ol.Publlc ln1trucUon WU· aon Rill$. Panel malt" l't(Om· mendatlons · lo llate Depart• ment ot EducaUon on educa-- Uonal re!onnt. 14 cf. '11mond ·---fl61.00 V. ct. dl1mond _ 261.00 'fl.to 1~5.00 211.00 V. ct. dl1mond _ _ •oo.oo -"-lllo-Alie In I-- 1111 lllWl'OIT m.YD • IOWNTOWN COSTA MllA 646-7741 I ' \ I r • I d r J I 0 l u t ll fa Ii u m Nixon to Meet Tanaka Parley With Japan CliiefSet in Hawaii WASHINGTON (I/Pl) -Pre1ldent Nlion win atW.pt to rojllll: 1tnlnld rtlallona between the Ullltad Slate• and Japan by 'llYlnc to HawaU Aue. ~I for a twe>day mtetlnc with oewl)I •lectad .:Japanese Prime MlnlJter K 1 k u el Tanaka. The talkl, which will cover "the full range of U.S . .Japanete relations," are expected to malnl)I concentrate on tit• atance by the two nailona towud mainland China and America's $S bllllon dollar trade deficit with Japan. Announcement or the meetlng was made aimultaneously in Waahtngton and Tokyo SUnday niJhl, abortly after Nixon returned to the White House from his Camp David, Md. mountain retreat. "Thl Pruldtllt w111 be .... mpanled by Secre1aey of Stale Wlllllm P. llcctra a b1I AHlltant lot Nalloaal 8ecllr1'r Alfafrl Dr. llonl')' A. ~-· . The announctrnllll ca!IMI Jllll oaa ~ alter Tnalca rteelvad an lnvlt>.llon 11.n Chi-. Pnmltr O!oll El>Lal lo vloll Pekin&. Ralallona batw... Wuhlnrlon aod Tokyo IUllortcl 101M atrafq 1ut )'tar when Nixon mada a pair of 1tartlin1 an- nouncements. The first, on Jul)I 15, 1'71, 111d the White Houae had • undertaken direct relaUons with China'• lOder. and that Nixon would vlilt the country. The other, made on Aug. 1$, 1171. was the President'• new economic policy which Included the h11poalUon of a !\ltllX nn foreign imports and cw:reney controls. Japan wa1 left in an awkward position by Nixon's altempt to eue bostlllty lowarda China. The Japanese, wbo bad beltl followlnl WalhlnllOD'• 1114 in rela· tlonl Wu.b till: Qll'SM IQvtrnmentl, wwa cauchl oU ....,.r bf tlte new American atUtude. Tiit mttllnr. lo be llold .... -altar tlte Republican National, OonvanUon In Mi.ml Beach, WU nporledly -eel by Jt\UID(er durlnl hia tltr<t ~ trip to Japan Jut month. Klaainfm: uttnded Nixon'• Invitation to Tanaka and hll fhltf rlvel for Primo Mln!Jter, Tabo Fulluda. Tanaka 1UbuquenUy won the poat to succeed former Prime Mlnlater EIS&ku Sato. The United States and Japan have been major tradlni partners elnce World War 11. N1IOn ii expected to center hil economic dilcuuionl with Tanaka on way1 to reduce this country's hu1e trade deficit which allowa tbe Japa11911 to aelt aome " billion more worth of goods to the Ullltecl Statll lhan It buy1. ''Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of Japan has accepted the invitation of President Richard M. Nixon to meet in Hawaii on Auauat 31 to Sept. l for an ei: .. change of view• on relation• between the two countries," White Hou.se Press Secretory Ronald L. Ziegler announctd. Firm Cuts Power On 150,000 Hot NY 'Customers' Nixon Sees Drug Arrest ChartShowing lncredSes NEW YORK (UPI)--At leut a half mllllon peraona went wl!hout air con- dltlMlnc, refrtaeraUon or lilbll In parts of 1wellerlnc New York tod1~ aa lhe temperature be1an another climb Into lbe llOI. ~ tbe cl~t wave conUnued, tbe Colillnental Co. Pld It WU forcad to "pull tbe pluc" t<I aome JI0,000 cuatomen In a wide araa of tbe borqbs ol Brooklyn and Queens to save eqUlp. men! In clanler of a ~Ive overload. Munlclpll offtc1411 notad that whllt the uilllty WU refmlnc onlJ to "CUliomerl" there wore at leut a hlll·ll\llllon peraona Uvinl and mtdm, In the allacted araa. Robert Manti, prealdent of tbe borouch ol Queena, demanded a metUng with Mayor John Llnduy, wbo wu In Denver. "We cannot continue on the roed of electrical brlnk1m1n1blp, where realdenll and b"'lneaamen must con- stantly fear tbe cuttlnl off of electrical power.'' Manes aid. Con Edllon, meanwhile, evldenUy aw&M of the mualve 1poillp o! food with the refrtseratloo hall tblou1h numerous blaclloutl In virtually rnry part of the Glty !nm time to time -~ 11 • ........,... that It 'llOU!d.take appllca· tiOlll for relmbunemeot. The problem, Con Edllon e1plalned, In· volvad '11,000.vo!l 1-.r calllat·JMdfnl into a IUbatatJon. Durlu tba nJcbt, the hNYJ. ~ ca...ct failure o! m of tba a biWi'-lout tbe 'utility ..., able to keep roinl on the remaining 11L .At 10:30 a.m., however. a 110Venth line failed and power wu cut to the other live to prevent a total burnout. WASillNGTON (UPI) -Pre1ident Nixon today received an optlmlJtic "'port from hi• chief dnig law en- forcement ottlctala. The number of ar· reall for dnlg vlolaUona hu doubled In the put three yeara. Myles Ambr:oae, diftctor of tbe Office of Dnlll Abua Law· Ealorcement, abow· ed Nixon a chart which llbulated tba number of dru1 violation arreate ta lllcal im at 11,114 compared to 1,411 In llJcal 11181. 11You haven't of coune completely aolvad tbe problem!" NIJon ulled Ambrose. 0 Tbe .ptablem. ls 1 a enonnou1." "'Ob, no," said Ambroee. But he llid Sant,a Ana Man 'Caught in Bed' Lotl of people stay In bed la!e on Sun· day, but U It wun't for tbe P-" of a lrtend, Tbomaa Bunlelu mtcJtt IUll be In bed on Monday. And maybe Tuesday, Wednelday and Thurlday. Santa Ana rtre ~ ....... aquad membero ware dllpotcbed lo Burdelu' heme alter tlte aola bed m whlcb tlte 18-yeaMld -1o,pt .-deienl1 (old. eel up. . e The dnke nt of fObblt4 ·Burdelu like a stant Vanm' flJtrap. flower, « aome ~ of m,acalx:e medieval torlurt device, althoulh the victim _, lturt. One end latebacl abut but b1I hud -all that wu vWble when flramtn mlvad to reacue him -tept the olher and from flllonlaa In place too. UCl's Academic Catalog Has Student Information By GEORGE LEID.\L ot tM Dlllr Pl• ••tt UC lrvlne'1 publications olllce today unveiled its new academic catalogue. This one was published for $2,000 Jess than last year'a rock·boltom, recycled paper and cardboard edition. Th1I year11 c1talope featurea aampl· Inc• of tbe memorabilia <Ollectad by county hlltorlan Don Meadon. The col· Iectlon recently wu purchased by the UC! library. Rtprocluctionl of pootm, newspaper aclvertlHmanll and hlltorlcal documenll relating to OraD(e Clounty'a past 11· luatrate tba otberwla dry nt-pa1e llaUng of profeNOra' namu, COUJ111, degree Jll'Oifama and olher facta about tlte unlventty. Robert Gotnc•. pubUcatlona manager. said tbll year's effort wlll ,...Ult In a $1,000 1avlng1 deaplte in lncraue to 2S;OOO coplea thll year. LHI year, 22,000 were printed for $14,600. The 1971-'l:Z catalogue cut cosll by mean1 of recycled paper. This year's book use1 paper that wu fl,000 less than estimatet for tlta recycled 1tock, Goings said. "There 11 no rteycled paper on the market that ii u cheap aa the paper we UHd which II on• grada better than newaprlnt," be added. Further savlnp were reallud with tba aelactloo of "plain chipboard" for tbe cover. Chipboard reaemblea I ht cardboard found at tba back of ordinary wrltln1 tabletl. Aa did Jut year'• eatalocue, Iha boot which ..U. UC! to proapacUve atudoot!I, orten IOl'fte comic relief, For tbiu, Golnp crtdlll the boot'• crtttoro, Kathy and. Mite J...,, deallner a n d pbotoltapber, r .. pacllval7, and IWTltl Flal..,bor, adltor. Aa Iha eatalolut pro- ceeded thil year, the atlltude of tl. team wu Improved wllh tbe marrlac• of tlte lormer Kathy Pune to J-, GolAp notacl. With the help o! Roier letry, UCI apeclal collectlona lhnrlan a n d Mudowt, lhe publlcal!w emr had a wide ranee of blllortcaf "-et 1n1ermt about Orange COUnty from wltle!l to aelect tba Mndowa CollectlOn 11111pllllp, he Pld. These ra111e from the cover scene from an old pamphlet that hawked the county as unature'a prolJflc wonderland11 to a pa1• from • 1m Onna• County Symphony Orcbeltnl Pt'Olflni. Tbol con- cert featured Amtrlca'• Bird Whillltnc Chol'UI, conducted by Acnft.Woodward. Madame llelena Modjeata prbed u Mary Queen of Scola ii recalled ta a pbo!Qlraph and ... era! obota Of turn ol tbe cent11r7 buch(Oon at Newport Beach Indicate almllarl1 lor!C *- were approprla!e lot -of Iha. daJ. A 1teUon o! oldUma ada lllCla Jl!t boot, mint space that otlterwlle rilld hive been blank, due to ~ pr• re- qulramenll, Golnp 11ld. Amoni tbaM, II In ad for Santa Ana H01pltal boutlnc Ill SO.bed capacity and modem convenJences while notln1 "no, contqlOU1 oc lnfectlOUI ..... admitted." Another Id ur1• paopla to IUbocrlbe r... SO canll a, month to tlte Evanln1 Blade newapaper of Santa Ana which proclaimed proudly it publllbad "elghl pa1et ••• all wllh aomethlD( an "am/' Tiit backwtrd slanc• at Orans• Coun-ty contraat with . the modarn lllllap of campua oflarlnp IUCll u COUllll In comparau .. oulturt, 1mqe ~ b7 computar, pllJalca of tba llivtroamen1 or medical mlcroblolotY. Communist Chinese \ To Buj-2 Concordea PARIS (AP) -01nmun111 Cl!lpl'lllcJ>. ed a contrect todaJ lo purcUae two aupanonlc Ooacordo leWMn from the French llld 8r1tlab llllllllflelurtn. The <Uitract, d a 1 c r I b e d i1 =~~·~-= Nall4nal ~ ud &a..,n Co. and lllnrl • ...... of Am11pallllt1.1tba_ "-II PllW wtt11 the llrilllh iuran Oaip. lo _.. of~ pro.,..11 I• being made In "reducing the avaUablllty and ease af diltrtbutlan" of heroin and other addicting Illegal drugs. Then Nixon e1prellld It In football tenm: "We were on the l~yard Un,. Now we're on the so yard line and we have tbe' ball. They had the ball belo"' and now we hive It." Ambroae told Nim! that heloln aelstlnl bad doubled since Iba ad- mtnlalrallon began Ill war on dnl1 ped· dl•ra. .Alleged Cocaine Studied After Raid in Mesa The 2 1.m. capture cllmued a lengthy probe by federal, state and county narcoUca agenll, but wax spearbeadad by city detectlvH. Laboratory analyllll today were stu· dying xamplea of alleged pure <:Oellne valuad al •1 million, lollowlnc Ila aelzure Saturday In Costa Maaa with the arreat of sis men. crtmlnal campla1Dls ware to be aought thll afternoon or Tua!lUY qllnsl 11- eapturod b)' I ---Ilea toln at the home· ft one IUlpect, ncently parerecl Jroril')rtaon. • 1"lbfl ll nilly • h1I cmt," Detletfve set. John Re1an uld today In the wate of the larpal drui aellure In local blltory. Tiit raid at J07I Yubn Drive, borne Of aulplCI Edlfat<l A. ZUllof, U, afao netted NO,ilOo In caab an4 an araanal of waapom, pollct uld. InvesUgatora lh«>ri2e the nearly 100 ptl<IDl pure derlvaUve of Iba Latin American coca planl origlnatad In Peru or Equador. Peruvian Indiana have chewed luvea of tbe ·coca plant for centurltS u a llln!Ullnt to wort In tbe bJsb, thin at- mllll]Jlme qt the -.. . Tiie dnlt curbl appeUte and al!o pro- duces a ttate of euphoria. crtmlnal chars• antlclpatad following ·lab analyail of the IUlpectad contraband are poaaeulon of cocaine for .. le and poulbly polMUlon of Illegal waapons. 'l'bt N0,000 In currency will wind up In !he handa ol the Internal "Revenue Servlct, which 1IW•Y1 c o n f I a c a t e 1 1111ptdoua IUJlll In an attempt to determine tba orllln. Ona •lllJ*l. In tlte ca• In addition to ZUber -r-tly JllfOlad from Mlchtcan !Illa Prllon wfie?e be WU lltl'vllli IO yearo fnr belnc captund with a ton· of marij~ -ii • Latin. Joraa IC. P-, 40, p" hll rt11dance u almPIY Coloalbla; South America. llamalnlat ,... factnc cbarlaa lnclude Charlaa A. Jolwon, 31, 1>el Mir; Robert ,C. Puut, ti, and X-th E. Vance, 31, both tranatata, an4 Eric V. Mulennan, II, Del Nar. Utah Newspaper Publisher Dies SEA'ITLE (UPI) -Eldt n Earl llawtu, H, publllhor of tba D-i News of Salt Lah City died today altor a loni lllntll. . Causo of dealh wu lllled as !Mart and kidney !allure. Hawkes, a former executive with lhl' Hearst newapapera, aerv<d u publisher and general manqer of Ute Salt Lake c~ ty afternoon dally •Ince llH and was ac- Uve In many Utafl civic and cultural organlzatlona. Dr. John BroYlc of Ute University of Wublnston Madlcal Canter sald llawke1 dlad after blltory·malllnc altempll to aave his llft with heart, 111111 and kidney tnachintl. !Iii llomach and most of hil lntlltlnal tract wn removed alter ha wu atrlcten wllh an lntHUnal blood clot Aug. 3. &istalned by lntraYIDOUI faeding, Hawttt slaytd I ntltt LatllMlay Saints Roapltal In Salt Late City. Ke walked. txtrtlltd and hpt In touch with hil 11tw1papar and olhar lnltrata. Mondq, Jy~ 24, lt7Z H DAILY PILOT :J . €andidate Vacationing SJ1owing strain in bis face, Democratic presidential candidate, George McGovern returns a serve as he plays tennis in Custer, S.D. McGovern, vacationing in the Black Hills, .drove into Custer to play tennis with a friend. Agnew Hits . McGovern On Amnesty ANCllORAQE, Alasu (UPI) -Vice Pre1kleilt Spiro T. Agnew crldclxed Sen. G<orse ·Mcelovern'a UMHIY poUcy SIDI· day nllbl Ind callecl ""' "tough" treat· ment ol Americtnl wbo fied lbt country to avoid llsbtlnl In Vietnam. Agnew. nn hlJ .flnt campaign swing 1ince wlnglns Presldeot Nixon's elf dorsement for ' ....,nc1 term, told a $100. a-plate Republican fund-railing cocktail party that the Democretlc nominee '1 proposal for amnesty "mates utterly llO sense at all." The vice p"'sident suggested that draft dodgen shoUld be put Into unllorm even if the Vietnam war ends. "Amnesty, even after this war ends. must be on a selective basis," he ;:.aid. "There must be hearings and we must be very thorough about it. There lboUld be aervioe required." He aald the men killed in Vietnam can not be 0 remembered and revered" if "we are extending· the hand o(; forgiveness to those who ran aw'ay," · The lnuea that separate the President and McGovern "go fundamentally ta the morality of the United States of America," he told about 300 penons. Agnew said the politics of the nation's youth and dlsre1ard for preaent drug laws would be the main Juues of the presidential campaign . He warned bla audience that•McGovem should not be taken llghdy, othorwlae the GOP would be "In for a sharp dlsap. polntment." .. Agenew was scheduled to leave fol Falrbankl today for another fund·raiJlng event. McGovern Unveils Staff CUSTER, S.D. (AP) -Sen. George McGovern formally unveiled his top campaign team today and vowed "to return government to the people at all levels . from the White House to courthouse." The Democratic presidential nominee listed the roles his top advisers will play in the fall campaign at a news con- ference at his Sylvan Lake retreat in the Black Hills of South Dakota near CUster. Earlier, McGov~rn bad a teonis lesson. witnessed by several dozen reporters phootgraphers and tourists, f r o ~ Wuhlngton pro Allie Ritzenberg, on the only court In this amaU otwn. Rltzenberg hit moat of his 1boll to '1fcGQv1rn'1 forehand. The senator, who has bed ·on1y about a dozen leuona • _·, r I returned most of the shots but had dlf· ficulty when balls were hit to his backhand. McGovern said Jean We s t wood • chairman of the Oen1ocratic National Committee, "will direct the over-all cam- paign of the national ticket from top to bottom making a special effort to broaden the campaign to include more women at all levels." Lawrence F. O'Brien, named national campaign chairman last week, will "give special attention to party unity and rela· lions with governors, senaton, con· gresamtn, mayors, party leaders, and ltadera of organized labor and be a foremost consultant on all a1pecta of the oampaign;11 the announcement said. The only atate coordinator n1med In . . the announcement wu Euiene Poliomy, architect at McGovern's Nebra1ka and Wlaconaln primary campaigns, wbo wip run tha campaign In llllnoil which lhr senator dncrlbed as "perhaps the mast cruclaJ in the McGovern campaign stratelf." Gary Hart . the senator's campaign manager fCI" two years, will direct the campalp: organization in all atatts with George CUnninJ:ham, the aenator'a ad. ministraUve wlatant, as deputy cam- paign manager. Frank Mankiewicz wiD serve u McGovern's top political advlH11- and bud the traveling atllf which allo· wtll Include Lt. Gov. WllUam Daugherty of South Dakote, former Secretory of lnterij>r Stewart Udall, Frederick DuttQll and nlinarltt~I' ~Yan<'eJ Mat; tin. FURTHER REDUCTIONS! .,,IJJJ WOMEN'S e VALLEY e PENAUO e lADY FLORSHEIM e VITALITY e DellSO e Hill & DALE e RISQUE ~ e WOMAN'S SANDLES e COBBLERS e ENNA JETTICKS I MEN'S I FLORSHEIMS $16,90 to $21090 VALUIS TO $36.tl WINTllROP l J. WRIGHT $12.90 $29.90 v •• te $22. HANDBAGS VALUES TO $37.00 TO VALUES TO $30.00 I CHILDREN'S I truoERITE1 Ji,Zf ... B tl 'll-: VALUll TO $17.00 PRICE ' PRICE OPEN MON., & l'RI. NITE TILL t :JO P.M. UH TOUI U."Uillltc:AID, ilASIH CHAI ... HlllPMtLl CHAlllt 54 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CINTIR 644 4W · .. M&.YPltOT Dope Fading For Nine ,Coal Miners • BLAOOVILLE, w. Va. (AP) - '"""' -.. tried today lo drill • tve-lncb hole Into a burning <OaJ mine 'lrbore nine mlnen have been trapped lince Saluiday •veiling. Hope for m- ~lng tbe men wu fading. . ,,_ has been no word from the Dine 11nc<o shortly alter the fire atarted. O! • tlclals of tbe· ConsolldaUoo Coal Co.'1 BlacbvUle No. I mint said Sunday nlgbl chances tbe men would be found alive . were •1quite dim." "I don't think I am staling anything but a fact," said John Cormran, ~lidation presldtnt. He called lbe liluation a tragedy. Officials said 31 of the 40 men doing malnlenance wcirk In the lour-mile mlna ttached salety· within ·mlnutff alter tbe ~re broke out. / The bore bol• wu beln& drilled in an 'ttemPt-iO 1UCh the men or possibly · c:ommanlcato with them. Failing that, of· licw. hoped to lesm oomelhing about ~-In the mint 15!1 f .. t below the i'ollmc hlu. of Ibis West Virglnia- Pennsylvanla border community. • An olflclal of lbe U.S. Bureau of Mines Aid temperatum In tbe lmmedlat• area of the lire probably were between 2,500 • ~ 1,000' ~ lahrenheit. Corcoran said at a news conference he felt oondilloos for rescuing the trapped mlnen were not favorable. lletocue eflortl have been hampered by the lire which continues to bum In the . iolt <OaJ veins that underlie the erea. 'Efforts to P,t the lire out with' foam bave been ltymied because workers were llnlille to get bOrnnd the Dames. The llre·llltled w11en a heavy piece of ~Ing machinery beln& relocated In <lbe ~tn corridor about a mile from the lone Mator shift hit a live electrical wire, riling aparb. · The lire had been localized Sunday t In an area of about 400 square feet · than a mile from the mine entrance, lldatlon omcw. .. 1d. ~no told newanien that some _,..... of the milllng men's families --~~~ 1 vlgll around lhe entrance OfllcW. said more thon 100 rescue n, divided into 14 team!:, were '!ft: Yee! In thelelrch. "There II llwayi hope( IOid Leonard vlch , Vice ~t and ~-an for the Unlted Mine Workera America. Pnllovlch placed lhe blame for the ~y with the eompany. lie ·ac- . CGmolldation of beJec negllg'ent in. G;1ftc*°· enforce a state mining law re-• evacuation of niigers from an where "'8vr machinery II being .... l'Od. • answered, '"lbtre Is 1 legal .•. that-.,, do not RO ti! by atr current where &\1118Chlne l• ti]eg moved. It would appear that on this particular occasion some of the men 11.ni where the machine was being ved. Whf Ibey were there, we don't .. . ~ tripped mintrw we~ ldentilied as -Stoneking, 29, incl Frederick pl, 42, bolh of MOWll Morris, Pa.; J!nd Justin A. Beach Jr., 123, Conrad J, Belt, 34, BUly Murray, 37, Roy Sisler, 21. "°Y Dallon, 42, Kenneth llaynea, 21, and Robert Tressler, 32, all of Morgantown. Morphine 'Coasting' ')Tom Murphine's 11Just Coasting" col· mnn will not appear this week while be_ is d:t \l'acalion. Look for bis column next Week. ' Hot Dogging It What could be more appropriate for National Hot Dog Week than a hot dog eating contest? The Marshall, Michigan recrea!Wn depart· ment sponsored the event last week and one of the contestants com· peting vigorously (and about to Jose his 'tube steak') was 15·year·old Gene Lawrence. · Ulster Defense Leaders Threaten to Attack IRA BELFAST (AP) -A sniper killed another British soldier in Belfast today, while a civilian died and four were wounded in a crosafire in Londonderry. The soldier was shot at an army post on tbe edge of the Roman catholic Bailymurpby d~trict. Ills was tbe 472rd confirmed death in the three years of re~glOl!i warfare In Norlhem Ireland, and the 103rd Brlwh soldier to die. British troops raided two catholic houaing estates in Armagh, southwest of Belfast, and arrested :10 peroons for quesUonlng. S-a:eepa in Catholic areas of Belfast on Sunday turned up more than 700 pounds of gelignite and ether ex· plosiyes. · , The casualties in Londonderry' were passengers in ·a car caught between British troops and snlpen during one of Wick• three gun battles in Northern Ireland's second city. Two other battles broke out when guer· rillas attacked army posts in Lon· donderry with rifle fire and nail bombs. The Army said troops bit three gunmen and no soldiers were hurt., • In Be1fast, militant Protestants stei; ped up pressure oh Britain to hit back harder ·at lhe Irish Republican Airey guerrillas they bla"iiied for a weekend of bloodshed that left !!·dead. Leaders of tbe rigbt·wiJ!g Vanguard Movement called a civil disobedience campaign including refusal to pay rents and local taxes. A spokesman for the paramilitary Ulster Defense Association -which claims it can muster 43,000 trained vollll)teers -warned it would attack IRA strongholds within a week. There were signs the British £ovem- ment was also ready to take a tougher stance against the IRA. Britain's administrator for Northern Ireland, William Whitelaw, and Defense Secretary Lord Carrington had talks with, Prime ·Minister Edward Heatb1 and it was believed a new bard-line strategy was mapped cut. 'The UDA said it would strike \ back within a week. A masked SPQkesman, garbed in a military unifonn, told newsmen in Belfast: "We are not naming the day or speci- fying the moves we shall take. "But to the Provisional IRA, we issue this warning: look ever your shoulders if and when you leave your ratholes or stop biding behind innocent children and women's skirts." · Midwest Gets Cool Respite Intense Heat, Humidity Continue on East Coast Tempe.-.tures HAllONAl W1A1Mtl lfl'llCI rOlt(ASl I• 7AM Ill 7 -JS ~7' . 30.00 30,00 3 00 2917 \ Sc}uth Viets Advance Allies ·Recapture Village, Storm Citadel SAIGON ' (AP) -South Vlltnlmele lroopl Jlllde ...,., ... ....,.. .. two front• today, fllb!lll( llletr ••1 to Ille wall& of Quang Tri Otldel In lhl norlhern eounleniffonllvl Ind ncap- turtnc a ....... d1ltrict -.. the ..,.. tnl a:ut. - In the atr war, "-lcu jell bombed the !OUlileh -.ol HIDOI an -y for the -IUCCOJlllve day, settmc a battery pllnt on ' lire Ind triggering a dozen uplosi6ns, the U.S. Conimllld reported. Pilots said lllDOb rose 4,000 feet over the North Vietnamese capital ASSOCIATED Press eorretpolldenl Dennis Neeld reported from Quall( Tri that government parwtrooper1 pushed through a "8H ol North Vlelnlme<sl artUlery on the apjnldlet to lhe Citadel, then enccuntered withering l1rl througb two breaclios In tlie' 41).fool Willi of the 19th century lortreu. "Tb• North Vl•lnamese .... funnelling their firepower Into lhO c1ps.ln the walll, end it's murder in tbert.," cne officer said. · Olflcers •aid the South Vietnamese were laking subst~Ual ca1Ualtte1 hut refilled to 11y bow many. Planting lhe Soatb VietnameM Dig Ill the Citadel would symbolize recapture <JI the northernmost provincial capital which fell to the N<>rth Vietnamese en May I. The South Vletnameoe coun- teroffensive to recapture Quall( Tri Provine• began June 21. Neeld said tbe paratroopo launched their assault at d1wn from 1 string of hunkers wilbin 50 yerdl ol lhe (:lladel walls, moving behiDd a heavy artillery and aerial • bombardment. Tbe two breaches in the walls bad been m1de· two weeb ago .by U. S: j•I• with llJier.iulcled 2,0llO-pound bombs. Meanwhile, In Blnh Dinh Province, on the central coast, more than 1,000 Soqth Vietnamese rangers moving on foot and by bellcopter recsptured lhe dllllict town cf Tam Quan, Associated Press photographer Nea!. 'IJievlch reported. He said lhe North Vielnamese put up only light resistance. BEFORE THE assault, U.S. destroyers hcmbarded lhe town from olf.mre, did heavy damage and left· pari or lhe town in names. M the South Vietnamese force moved in, at least 2,000 civilians ~erg~ cautiously from 'underground bUnlten. '!be troopa rounded. Ihm 'up for pro- cessing. . Tam Quan is one of four district towns In northern Blnh Dinh Province _!hat fell to tbe North Vietnamese In 'April and May. Bong SOD, 10 miles south o1· Tam Quan, m ' ~lured Saturday, and Hoai An -and M Lao ore the nexl ob- jecUye1. ' .• Government, fori!es were not to suc- cessful ln'lhe~ Sonb Vaile~. 25 mu .. south ol ·Da Nang, where-the North Viet· naineie reportedly launched 1 .em 'of heavy usaiilts. Field informants .. id an outpost called Lion was overrun and twO er the govern- ment defenders were killed,, 17 were wounded and 11 were rilllling, field in- formants said. The Saigon ' command reported·. the outpost wu allackecl hut said ii had no information lndie1tlng it had been overrun. ANOTHER BATl'LE was reported Astronaut Cit~~ NASA Reprimand As 'Necessary' DALLAS (AP) -Air Force Col. James Irwin 10Y• space agency officlall bad no choice hut to reprlmlnd him Ind two other astronaull for liking unauthorized stamped aouvenit envelopes to the moon. "We did Ibis ai lhree men ·Who thought we were doing lhe best thing. tor OIB' families, but we were 1'?'0D(," ~n told lhe Dailu bureau ~l the Baptilt Pre11 News Service In a ~ .lnlerView Sunday. He is a Soutbein· Baptilt. The other Apollo IS astroriaills Involved were AI Worden Ind · David · Scott. All lhr .. deckled )Ill fill ncil lo 1ccopt their lbore of a reported '150,000 from salel of the envel-In West. Germany. The Incident wu npdrlad ~ 10 dly1 ago. But Irwin said the cleclllon lo refuse the money came .111ou1 eJcbt months ago. He ts the Ont of the three lo comment publicly on the Incident. . The money would ha.,.-.... to the three Uln>Mall' eighl chllciren lhrOUlb a trust fund arrancement. The three astron1uts Cll'ried 400 scuvenir Ramped • .,.._, 11mwD to stamp collectors u postal covers, wllh them on their moan ml-a yur ago. They· also took aJooc m~ ap- proved by the N1tlooal. <1 and Space Administration 11· p 1r 1 o D a I mementot. DAIL\' I'll.OT DELIVERY SERVICE ' . Sa~V Mii ~f W .,.. • • NC\911119 J9llf cow .... ··"" ..,..,, ... •·"'-SIMdliy, au w • ~ 11411 Ill ......... • yeu, C..111 aN -.. •flt 1' •·~ I T•~.i- ,., around l•qdinl 1-a-, and field f-10 Uid.IU Ncirtll VWnl.._ troops """ llllod. A .._ Sooth Vi.tume11 ---llllled .. .......W, laltlal ":1' u:1" norlhem -· )'Ire ' Bue --Ind. three Oilier polillonl IUMdlnl the w..iem flanks of Hue were i11hjniorttlu'1,2G0rouniloillshelllire. l'kld reporll raid 11 South Vletnlmese 10ldlera were killed and':D were 1'0Ulld- td. '1be air attacks on Hanoi's Van Dien battery plant were wried out by plane1 from tlie carrier Kiily llawk. It wu the llnl ~ the plant had been attack¢ alnce lhe full·scale bombing ol North Vietnam raumed April I . The North Vietn1mese F 0 ~ t 1 g n MlniltrY said that many factones and other economic installations a n d worken' collective housing area w~e destroyed, and maoy civilians were kill: ed. NORTH VIETNAM also claimed that IS U.S. jets were shot down Saturdly and Sunday and at least one pilot of 8 Navy F8 was captured. '!'be U. S. Command reported only two planes lost, a Navy RF8 reconnaissance jet downed Saturday 35 miles south of Thanh Hoa and a Navy A7 that crashed in lhe Tonkin Gulf Sun- day night The Command said the pilot ol the RF8 ~ missing and lhe pilot of the A1 wu rescued. ~ * * * * * * North Vietnam Civilians 'cahn'During Bomb Raids VIENTIANE, Laoa (,ol.P) -Clvlllans In North Vietnam &hoi' hlih morale and good hfunor despite 'the renewed U.S. bombings, two Americans wbo visited there Uld today. John A. Sullivan and Dr. George A. Perera, •ti.ff memben of the American Friends Service_ Committee, a Quaker mvlce or1anl11tion, Slid they llOUlhl the lllfety of bomb &helterw 34 Ume1 Gurlng their sevtr><lay lrlp·to North Vietnam to deliver wri1coJ equipment U.S. bomb- ings have become a fact of Ille and peo- ple -ed-to be llklng them In llrlde, Ibey Aid. . The bombJnc bal driven 111 the peoi>ll out of N1m Dinh. 1 city 48 milee IOUtbeut ol llanot. North Vletnilmese of- l!CW. Informed them 50 percent of Hanol'spopulatli>n bal been'•vaa11ted lo the countryside, Ibey said. · 'Of the' 'I00,000 jJerlons remaining In Hanoi, Ibey said Ibey were tnlormed that children were allowed to remain behind ti lhetr poreats were ~ to oendlng them away. . . During bombing llehs Ind raids, lhe Americons lltd, Ibey oboerved "no evldenoe or people Ill panic:'' Loudspeakers IDDOunced 1pproachlng planes when Ibey -were 44 to 13 mileo from llano~ the travelers reported. They said lhil couaed no chang• of pace ill public actlvilleS. Worken conllnued to · go about their tukl undiltuibed, children played, bicyclists conllnued to ride, Ibey said. Whep the'plana ippn>iched le> wtlbin 31 milel ol 8-1, ·-..... aounded In a·-audtllnal wlmlng. Tbejr con-tinued. Worker& then began to troop lo.*"- men! -bomb lhallara where mothers stuf- fed ,their children Into one-pel'IClll ,cylln- drlcal &helterw. Trlfllc halted and cyclilts parked their blcyclos and &QUiiied nur tbe entrances to &helterw. The Amerlcanl uid the children Ibey . saw showed no fur during the rlids. Parents told them Ibey hid trouble wilh children who apparently preferred to watch the planes rather than squat in closed shelten, Ibey lltd. Officials said this bu resulted in a higher percentage QI mother and child casu11u ... Tbe Amerlcons said Hanoi is plagued by 1 abortage of oome· foods Ind essenllal gOO<ls Ind queues or people are waiting everywhere. But the North Vietnamese smlling1y joke among ~elves ~ wait wltbout showing any signs cf un· patience, Ibey added. Ul'IT ....... New•ma• Killed. Gerard Hebert, a photographer working for UPI and the Can- adian Broadcasting . Corpora. ti<m, was killed Saturday by a North Vietnamese artillery shell at Quang Tri City. Heber.I is shown recuperating fro.rn earlier wounds suffered in Viet- nam. Bobby Outplays Boris, "Wins · Sixth Chess Ganie -REYKJAVIK, lcellnd (AP) -Bobby Fischer lorged·lnto the leld In the world cheu champiolllhlp milch Sunday nglht for the flrit time alter outplaying Soviet defender Boril Spoulcy ~t their, 1fxth Jlme and forcing , Spwty to, re~ Tliey 10 Into the 1evenlh gome Tues· dly Wlth Fischer le'acllng 3\!o to 2\!o. With 11 1ames &till 'to be pl1yecl, Flache\. needa a total of 12\!o polDta to take the U· tie, while Spusq -only 12 to retain It. A. will -one game polnl Ind I .... .. a hill polnl ,._r bod ...er 11eaten Spa1U1 before Ibey Clme to Reykjaflk, but he clld It lot the !bird time 8uDdly, winning ...... of -wi-. fmm •bollt 2,000 ..,..,. lllon. Playing with the 'lllllto che&smen, the American cllalleoser opened with 1 move he bal rarely uaed. ArriVlng 18 minutes Iller hll doct '!Al llarted, Fllcber mov· ed hll queen'• bishop pawn two &qUlret fonmd. Ill ail of hll lmportanl 1ome1, Fischer hid oeldom opened with uylblng bat .... ldll('• pawn. . ~rll were turprlled. Many.uld this muat have janod Spl'*1 but the -dklDOltllOw II lt·llhe'-rat- tled. . ' illterDllJoDal .,..-.r 11 I I C ,,_ llid, In an IMlysil !or Tbe A...io'"'1 ,_that "It W11 Fllcbor aD tie....,, .......... ol Sta*l''• l•...ite- ollellllYll, 1lmwD u IM Q!Men'1 Gambit lloc!IMd. . • ,,_ Ille .....ui ...... Tisdier .... 11bJi .. lialld • ~-In I iarlel of ........ !bit loft l!pmky with lllnglng -Ho attaCbd Spaak;y'• Weai 'I'-*" pll1IDI, then 1wlldled the 11· tack to tbl ldnpldo. . Fllcller .... -lo esdlenp bis bJPI ... 1111Illa1lllbop ... od.-d _.,. a tho ldDs'I side. WHll ,_..,, -.. bllbiiP elllo • _.. Cll l1!0 .... d'EP"li 8pulky WU IOJOO nduo- ld Ill Mlflo•-, K•!M• Aid. After Flldler'• 11th -. th·• ~., roob jojDed \he atlldt. • UPIT ......... AFTER 41 ST MOVE Fischer Holds l.Hd Spusky slowed down bis moves and.ex· perts laid be bad .lost bis chance of .. draw! ' · · • · • • · Wllh 20' minutes playing time left after' his 41sl move, Spassky stopped bis cJock' and gave Fischer bis hand, meanJni ho> WU COOcedlnc. •: The American briskl)I aigned t1'e acol'Olbeet Ind left the atap while Spuaky', looking dejected, chatted a few lnomeota with tlie referees. s.m. of tbe experts felt Fischer bal• now sucteeded In out-psyching SPlllllY. In the war or nerves •ccomeanr1n1 iMl milch. ·I The lluulan champion hid apped genial and coll<Clad In the esrly 11Me1 Jt: Iceland, when Fischer delayld the IMtdlj for -days to clemlnd more ~ money, lhen loll !be lint two cam .. , l!iei' lint 111 1n error llld the ~ bf forfeit wbillo ptOtattnc llillWrc of tho eompeUtlon. • • I ~ 17 • : I , ' ! -• ~ast.- • • ' ' . _voe. 65, NO •• 2 SECTIONS, 24 ,PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ., MONDAY,. JUL'Y 24,· '1972 NC ' ' . • TEN CENTS . .. . .. ' . ' . . . I I .. • • • .t .... _,.., ""~-·•---. E0stb~l1 Yit!W;; llollllils,...Last Big~ Ill whit WU likely the flna1 ~-In Ult. Jldl 1...U field Oil the blul&· -of Upper Newport Bay, amateur/ paleOo- lolaclJlo UDCOverocl a vertebra, a piece of a Ja• and whit may be a ..ery Jars•. animal tooth Ibis weol:end. . None of the latest !Inda bu·~ ideo- tlfled, but Mn. Pew Montgomery, O\>" .r tbe organlzers.ol-tbe paleontology pro. ll'•m used In Joell schools, said the thrte piec.s1 lri11 be turned over to the Los Angelea County MuselDD of Naturol lllltory for ,analysis. AIJde flOlli their ldedlllc alplfleance, the lbidl are lm'poriut u' the lul major .U-Veries to -«ij ol'the 'Ille ...... Easthluff that butto dille yleliledlefttll portlona of ... ,.,..,_ ...... llwll partiOllJ of. '. -11111 /I dolplia' and . camel teeth tl!al dale to the Ice Ale 11C1111e·l ~·)'WI ICO. • ' • Mrs. Molnlomory said to d a y bulldozen,hlve.,movtd Into lbe ·field to · start .,..ding for a _, housing develop. • --.. ·' kcpnllnji 'to Geou• 14-llollltjn and Sons, develoRer\! of µ;.ip~ tj1e nb "Jl'ladllw -••1Mmal1 ouch al the· ttact will ha,ve'M Mmt,i oo ·:io atm In wblle 111111 delpbln -land anlmals Ille new Nbrth Bluff trai:t: ' · IUdl u the --bolpecl give us a In adjli!lon to the Jarp ".'l'lebrale re-.,._.i.,. tbot we bove not been•able to mains found ·u.er.: the Deia ha ylelclecl • get lr<fn -of our olber lite• In countless rt.mains· of. ......u.r . marlne Soutbln Caltfornla," be llld. 1Dima11. • 1. : • ., • • Tbe acavaUon .,{)I tbe alte has been . Dr. David Wbl!tler,.aenlor-curator of canled Oil -.~luslvely by vertebra le paleOlltbolocY for the Los . amale<lr ~ aJicl students. . Angeles m-·~ UW the 111e · Ol ·tbe •21-·s 7leJd ol lossils, Mrs. bu been~ !!>::~'1!>0-i:ol":. M\JUIFiDi1Y 'aid lbe beBeves Ult tionship of land to sea animal> C1w1nf the verterbra may be the most Important. Ice Age In S/JU~-Calll~ , . (See~ Page l} N atute'S ··. De~t:F~ction ' • ' . , ' • . ~ I ' .. • l , ! 1 • I I • J I f l ~ t StUdy ·S~es · Army · Proje~t's :Ef'fect,s By JflANl'!E llE)'NOLDS ' ot .. hilY Pll•'li.tl About thrte per<ent of the bottom fia<a and fauna oft Newport · Beach will be kniec!;' the 'beacbea wlll bicOme iteeper; lho ·water 'Will-become murkier and per- manl!nt ' rip. lidea lri11 locate aJong the beochol.. . Tbat .nOl·too-cbeery future awolts West . . . . Bawy Gi1nman I I ' ' Plucks · €ash ' . Fr.om ·Drive-in A lonl-balrecl , (ll1Ul!llll 1lllo. Oled bll loclla to parllaJly bide h1a lace with oae liand wbtle wavln1 a _.It coliber iutomailc wl\h .the other eocaped with 1490 Slmday ni(ht;ID i Q.y, -lrlOcl chicken oUtlet 4tlckup.' · !Jmltlplon .-i tbe, ~ mu~a.r.aibed ,uni ._. ~·eot ~.KmlllckJ,. . ..~ ~· - llarbar'Bl'i<J., but ..... , -·· -employe; a coOI: 1illo Jual· bpi ...,..._ polke1llkf.. • .II • • ' Oll1cer lklbert . Berg • said tl!ie JllUlll'. -entri ·-,,50. p.m., ud (l<e'8<f clefk Colette A. llemle, 3'1, In lriendly lasblon: He lhei. pWJed the! p and,orc!ered her Into the kilchoil, at wblcb. time a aecood clerk, Qlarlolte A. Lowden, 17;uw what WU happening and tried to blclo, but WU ipotled1 aild herded along. Coillrootlng DJallllger Bifthe A- Scboellhom, 19, the bandit ordenCI her lo • -ibe :llcior sale' and die dld .... but became .. distraught Ille told police ..... couldn't reCiJJ inything after thal Cook Marc A. Jlluaoz, II, wu al -'< In the'ttar and !"'(aped the gwunan's at. lention, but the baildil ..... fifth youth, JOl<pb T. Lencllloo, 20,>aiHI ~Jllm along at gunpoint. • " POiice said the robber r.peatedly warned everyooe to stay away .from the telephone, thc!ll cut the oDnl with a poclret knife. . During the bolc:hip, • -.Cllllomet entered and witted for .ervice, but wu unawlln! of the situation In the.kitchen. IDveatipton aold Ibey -a uJMman at a nearby car lot who ..... rled seeing a --characler In a parked car beb1nd the takeout around the time of the -ry. i(.; said be """'ldend taking clown the ticmae number but dl!ln't get around to It, acc0rdlng to Officer Berg. . 'Die man waa cleacribed u about 22, of medlwn butld with .-Icler-lencth balr, a · full muatacbe and acne, but wu ~ neat In apptaraDCO: · .. ....... • c 11'•.•tller ' • Mollly suim'y afaln, Tuetday, with b1gbs In. tbe 70 I al the ~ .,, rialn( to tbe mlcHO'• lnliocl: • Lows tmlgbl upectcd around IO' degrffs, • • • • • I •· asmE .TODA1l'' : Broad1DC1y'1 champion mUllcol. "FoUUa" ...... trium)>hatlUy, .,.,tloord .. lhf ""'ugural '"""' of Los Angd11' ,,.,. Shubfrt Thtour. S 1 • Entfrtaimnen~ Pope 9. L.M. Mn 1 ..... ,._. W .. ,.. , ..... ~ 11 ~ . ...... ' .__ 1Mt .......... .. CM*t II .,_ _. I ~ , ................ ==-i =-=i 1 ... 111 I I , l!!!!!!!!9 t .......... ,, ..... . ..... -·~-r .. NEWi Y.ORK (AP) -. Stock' market : prlcea 1obot Jqber· today,· 1 c·o r La C · their Wrpeat P.lm ln <!1111 .JtlOOU.•ln . • •• • . . . Sprinkler Code 'Cha~es ~ eig4ed . . . . ' . . P,_cl chine• In itbe building code that -1cl r...,.. lpriJ)k1en In big builcliil11 'oltl1 'be• "l!lllcle/od tonlgbt at 7:30 o'clock by Newi>ar:I &acb eouncll- hn. ,. ' . . • SPrblJtlinl ..,...... wmld hive to be jnllalJed ,1n. iD bulldlllp baV!ng "usabie Door area ,_. • It feet .hlch and in a!J .pm-.*'1b lllG!'e ,t11arr5,llOO'oiiuar• feet ~.the __ ....,., l\'Jre,•cifliclals lald. ti.I ""*"' .II)< ""!I• Is sm,ncled to require api1nl!lers, all property "1'Defl .In· 111e city can eipect an increUe ln'llrt lnlunni:e rat ... 2:s~~:~~~-··.~~·s · ·f ~r~ ~dop~e_d I t ~ ' I ' ""· ... .. . . ~ . . . . . :c~unty ·Traillii ; Director~ (:)_'( Flat Rcae for Ritkrs • ~ 1,,1 , l,.,.......... . .. l • 1 • • ' • • ~ . ' ' .. ' DAILY PILOT ~ ....... THIS IS SECTION OF BACKBONE FOUND IN BLUFFS AREA Upptr Newport Bay Site Givts Up Moro -Evidence from rut · •. OWindi~B~alGroW;td ' , . . _..:.., -' l-!...·"' -~ .. ' ~ , f • ' t • I 'T 'f:lµ-~atened by ]Jiggers? . · .By JOHN ZALLER , Of ttle Dafl1 Plitt It.ff ·Aliiaipur , archeologists Bod souvenir ht}nters-riiaYibe "destroj,~g an ancient In- dlan b!lrial .,.Ound on·the bhlffa overiook- lllJ the San\"_Aiia .River la Huntington . Beach. "j • ·--• Mike Ahiering, a consultant to the cily, says six· to eight ho!!" have ~n duti on the site{ lOcated' riear ~!li:s ~YeR\lt; .and that "the whole site is going.to Jose its volue vi17:raplilly il this keeps up.'' lie _._ cily officials to pa!IOJ'tlie site with the l!'untingtoo Bea~ police helicopter, and Tom Severns, cllrOctur of . . . environmental resources, hu made · a · fohi1al jequesC\to police. "I mU:es you very cynical," Severns aald: "You publicize the sile because you want to stop development on it, and you ' wind · up ·ilist attracting people wbo destroy it." . Alilering, d1'ec!Or'. of . the non-profit An:hleoiogical R"9earch inllUtut~ lnel, of Costa MeU, 11 especially llllbappy Wllh. a youth who q ·up tlle<bones o! i wonuilt · believeil to bave died' 2,000 1o.1,ooo years ' ap. . "' . "The way lhl. aite wu reli1oved and the circumJtinces make ll · almost · use1ess to us/' be said. . Up to 'to percent of the' lnlorination abo!Jt the bablts and livinfl patterns of a peopi~ Is derived lroin the poaitloo <>I the • bodY In tbe grave and the poaillon of, the • altifacts,· Ahltring said: ·· .. The sile was' found .by a .youth poiijng" around In the .bluffs area. He ipparently found the 'grave, clulf up the ·rellllinll>and took tbem,borrte. f t , ! • "Some one like this .does Juat a mllej damage to a lite u a bulldozer." Able~ ing Sflid. ' . t • • • "So many people lalow about this site that tbe publlcily could ·ruin It. II the publl~ wants to do ·anytbjngl to. help, it can just ltly away!' . • .) . ' . "I thlok'.there Is much left tbatlfa quite siin.ificant/' Ahlering·said, "but the ex· cavatfon must be done by aom«.ne wl» is .tr~.and ci:n.1\pe~t.11 . Al11ering believes th.It the bluffs site was a aeasonal--village for a wanderinc t~ of )ll ,to 50 persons, and may have been in use as much as 6,000 yean ago. He sai!I' ii la-ooe of the ooly known burial sijes ln, Orange County and !""ld·contaln vital infonnatlqit for understanding Ibo earJy'.blaWl'y1lf 11!JS ·arei;-.. ----· - Recent publicity for the site ~d largeb' (rom 'bearinp-before ·the Hun- tingtoo Beach Pl"1Jling Commlaaioo oo pi.,. to bu!Jc1 J1! bQlI(el on the lite. A hearlns· before the dty ~ II acbeduled !pr ~: $, · • • : ~ . Se.vel"' .aaJd .. be willo make.. -1 alternative proposals for saving the site, inciucllng•the purchase of the iand for UM as a park. · ' ' . . ' , W.a/.dhei·m Says ii~. H~ Report Of Dike Attacks • UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - Secretary'General Kart Walclbeim says he bu, r«<:ivecl ' ·lnlormatioo through pr,lvale cbannels •that·U.S. bombo hlff dlmage(l·~ea .Iii NOl'th Vietnaln bplh ~ ~ bits; ll!d' by ~by ... .,..... <§ee. story ,on fight .for ~ Tri ., Pp:ge4) .• t.1 1 ·t .H6 lokl a newa confmnce todlylwhill ~ot USilttd ·by the U.S. govei- that 'the dikes _. t»t a target, bill tllol he .... d~piy' """'"1nOd by -nOe{v. eel throuah aotlrcea 'he ... Id t»t idealUy. Woldhelm noted that he hld'expmoed cdncem .. d°'iN ,hla M~ vilil,,.boul pilbllshed ,...,...,_on.the alleged bomblnl of tbe dil<es llld hid made in appeol for a halt.,·· . ." 0 1 ,am ~PIY concerned,''. be 8'ld. "pnd 1..W appeol again for the~ of• Ibis kind· ol bombb\g."' • · The site · bas been known for many yean u .an lndi&!·burill ~· A111er-• inc said, ancl tbero !iat• bc!!m re.r·or fi~e. aeta of artifacts removed. Moot of the work !lu-been 'veey un~,.)le· •·•d. ' .. ~··1' '. <He said his lnlorm111ts said -bomb ~ioalooi near 'the dik'" Jiad t...,s cncks wblch could ~ the bln\erl ' g{ve -.iay, l1oodh)g ,VUI .,_ ...i .... ... , I .' • 1 •. ' Pea:ri-'. '.B~ek.' lIWie '. · Ing a heavy Joa ol Jifo. . ' ' . . t"ll the dikes a(O dtsb.,.i II 1!1ll ~ RIJll'LANDi Vt. (UPI )' -PoarJ Buct · an enormous disuler," be .-.od. has retumed to lief bOme lll'Dnby·r!W .Aak'ed WllethU i. hid .., .. (II ke belnj d!*'harPd~ ~?,'.,RU!~ ~~~_!: ' tlpt tbe bom~ 'I~ inl,111 T Ill .. Jie Sile wa ~Clm!uo.· • .., 1 •~•erlni .,_, r+pllecl thal•be eclold.Dllt 113' ,....._ .. plftriay, ' \ I ' ' ' ' a1tacb Wtnl lntontloall "b& Ill ..... '!'lie 11).ye&Hld autllolus, •'Winner of ·Al< tbol damage boa boeil dallt." tbe 'Nollet and PuJltaer; Ulerary prim. , .. ~ >"" ill dlncl he' ... thanked docton and nuraea whoo she Hanoi!" be wu·abd. • 1fu.'Jenb\s for 'their klnc!Mli. She aold "l ·do not -Ill wi• 1111-.. It •he hid received care that went "lar • qy \Ila! lllY fa(omollao -11!11111 beyond the call of duty." uiol1Jclal ....._.,,,.•.iii. J DAILY PILOlil' NC Hiker .Hopes To Conclude Desert Trek DIATll VALLEY (UPI) -A 52·Y•"" old phylical fltnw and rwtrltlon buff, biplng to break a rtCOl'd, entertd bis third day of a brisk walk acrou a 116- mil• strelch of the swelitrlng Death Valley de"rt today. He hoped to flnlalt lb! trek by evening. 11UI Emmerton slepl brleny SUnday at • ma•;., station. abollt hallway Uuouglt hi• jouraoY. "You've got to bl. crazy to do lhll, my wife keep& 1telllng me," be aald in a ltlepboae Interview. "The g r o u n d teinpertlm'e la :1110 degreea and when I lake tbOel off I can Ht altam." • ,IDY . Air 1tmper1turts. In the lower valltyl of the <lelert 1"Utlnlly reach 125 degreea IJt July ud August. Emmertoo, a naUve ol Tumanla now ruldllt( in Loi Anctlu,.boldl.the rtCOld .• of nmnllt( ..,.... a limllor but longer mile ID Dutll Valley. Re Ml that ID 1111 whltt Ito 11t1rnate11 ran and rested ud completld a J.!O.mlle strttch In about -· lit a11o Ml three daYI u bis goal for t1to "1k mr Utt -d!llaDce. wblcb Ito beptl S,lltrdaY morning """' Ille Uny town ol -... just outlide Ille Deith Valley Nolkltal MotllllMllt. Scotty's Cal- tle .., Ille nortllern edl• of Ille delerl -bis pl. 'ftlo --""""4 WU set by iten-ne1h CrutcbloW of Great Britain, wbo walked a J.U.mlle route In liJ; days· In li'IO: -WU trailed by bis wtfe Norma, In a camper 1tocllad with ltollth food, UnhMll, fruit ud a fully )9aded re-to -.i wltll any ratUMitakea Ille ....... mllht -· "'I'm DOI a aok or anyihlnl, altllougb rYe bllD called many tbinl•," Em- nttrlCll said at the ball-way point. "This .11 tlto -test cltallen(• IJt my runnlnl ..._. but t•n never ,... throulh 80 much pain." New Re1wurants 'lo Be Erectied (n Newport Beach 'Four more iutaunnta are llated to join Illa more -IO exlatl\11 major eat- -•Newport Beach followitll a recenl ptannll!I couunlaion meeUng. ·At that -ting C01J1111laloaers pve =. Cr,. 1111>1 to dtqel In pllDI for restauraat: opplOftd a aub- lor two iutaunnta at Ille aoutb-Mll eotrance to Balboa Island and aP' plpnd a 111e permit !w Uve eotertaln- --at •c,r-o1 restaunnt. • :Tito.cm_,-II to be built on Lafayette ~ ... Ille Illa of Ille ~ ,,_ c.-rt cannery. Cyrano'• wtD i. the ll01IO)lt add!U... to Ille restaunnta q( Newport Ceotar. ·Plam for' the Cannery were approved Ii Ir/I -H Wil lo be built U .part ol Camtery Vlllaie. • Arcbltecl ROlly Pulukl, wbo prt ... ted plall alterittlau to comml"lonel'I, uld -pllDI-ICl'apped wbeo the proP' ttty wu !Jouibt by Burgeu-Diillovan Aa-119date1 •• , ·The new owners decided to remove ~vlllonl !w tpeelalty lbopo from tbelr Plans and enlarl• Ille rutaurant and kltcben. ' :AJ currenUy plaMed, tbe re1taurant vlblch lacu on the Rhine Qumnel, wlll stat 250 guuta II\ a building which ii a replica of the old Cannery, built to reven· eflhths S<lle. -Pulaski aald the plans call for an ob- ..UV-atlon deck, a bulkhead walk at the water'a edge and guest dockinc facilities. He abo pointed out tllat the end of 30th street wlll be closed to can and turned lltto a mall witll access to the waler. --~!ruction of the restaurant II scbed- _. to begin In October. . DAILY PILOT TM ~ CNlt DAii. Y ,ILOT, wtlft .mlcft ~ llf COl'flblnlll t11t N..,.,., ... II ill!Mltflff llY · tflt omot CM1t ,..Wtlrlt ~. a.. ~ ,.,. .i1tt1r11 an _.,.,., IMNIY 9lll'Olllh -,-My. 11t C.te Mui, N......... llM;ll. .J Hllftllflttwi l•Khl'-"'" vau..,, utuM • 9MCft. lr1ilwlklldkltldl .,. SIA Cltmlftl_, • .... JMll Qpbt,_ A 1111111 rlllienll -•I'*' Is JlllllUMIO S.tunl~ IM hftdaya. ,,. TN ~'r!CINI M li.tllnl ,i.,.1 II illl D Wiii . aey '"""· Cosl• M .... canflnllt, ,.,.. Robert N. We.4 ,,..lffnl and hb1Wltt Jeck k, C11rl1y Vkl Pra1ot1nt W °"'*81 Mtnltff' Th•"'•' K11Yil E•11W Tho1Pltl A. M11r,t.i111 ""'""~ l tltot ! Cli1rltt H. L101 kicli1ril P. N•tl :j Auil!MI MIMtllle lil\IW't • I ' -c.tt M9: ,. Wtrl lay '""" ~had!: im ,.....,..... a"'......ni U9wM IMcflt m F9!'ftl A-...W ...,......, ... UI! 11171 tNctl l ....,..rll llJJ'"°""""91 .. Nwtll II C.mlM ft ... Tlllfll•• (714) 641 ... JZI O 11.,,.. .U.At ln1 6414171 ,,.. ... _,.. ..... utllM ... 4"'44H ,,__. ...... a..trC wnt 1*1ZJI ...,~. Hn. ONllft c.t ,.,,~ ... ~ ............. lltwl rtl"""-............... ., ... ,,, .. _" ...,.... t Mlf .. ,.,.,,,, .. .,.. --... ..... tt .............. .. ......... ,..... ....... ~,,.., c.9ilnl ... I tn11il111M W c:t~ ,SIM ...... , ... Md ... , .,...., """"" ................... , v..., ...... Egypt t9 Battle . ' Israelis Alone? BJ . U-Prau --•I Prllident Anwar Badal u1d today Egypt wlll filbl larael -alone If -ary -to' ... ,a1u O«llptad Ara~ land ind' callad ... Arab -to join ·~ In eodln& lll<reaald Amlrlc:an 11>- terella • 1n Ille 14ldd!e !Wt. Soon aftarwardl both llratll and EiYP' tlan of!lclall lild Egyptian anllalret.it batteries ope'*! 11re on Iaraill jlta. wblch were '"' patrol over Ille Suei c..aI. Tito hraell rnllltary commaltd In Tel AVlv u1d an undetermined number ol surflce.lo41r (SAM) mlwl•• ...,. fired Park Sites, Police Vnit at t"" Israeli jlt1 but neltller plane WO~ bit. Offlcial caJto ndlo, however, ... ld tour Israeli planes were Involved and' otle of tbam -an American-made Ff Phantom -wu shot down. In • four-hour tpeecb to the 1,700. member National Congrets of tbe. Arab Sodallst Union (ASU), Eifpt'1 onfy polJUcal party, 1ad4t aaid there bad been dllf......,i>etween Ei!YPt and the Soviet Union •1-March, 1971: ''111e .declaloo that faces us-· which Is a aerlous one, II to 'flgbt • • • 0Ur peo- ple and·Arab nations should know"' will llcbt W!tllout support If this ta what cln:umltancea lmpoae on us: We wfil not be frlgbltned of flgbUng without cover," Sadat Ille!. It WU Sadat's llnt speech to the ASU sliiee bO ordered some 15,0000 soviet ad- visers beclt to Hussia last week. ·- Gets St•te Port " Face Council "I prefer that blood pours on tbe field of battle rather than we remain in the state of oo.war, ,~peace. I prefer that out blood should be drained drop by drop, day by day," Sailat said. Robert Sanchis, 36, of Corona de! Mar assistant superintend· ent of ihe FoUlltaln Va 11 e y School District, has been ap- poihted to an advisory panel on edu cational research by sta te Supt. of Public Instruction Wil· son Riles. Pinet makes recom- mendations to state Depart· men_t of Educ:.tion on educa· Ilona! reforms. Siamese Smile Miu Thailand, Nlpapalr Srisuk, smiles brlghUy u •he passes an armed ·iUml in Dorado, Puerto Rico, where security for contestants in the Mill Universe pageant ii Ugbt with girls kepi under the watchful eye ol guarda. Irate London Dockmen Threaten General Strike LONDON (UPI) -Tens of thou1ands of workers, angered by the jailing of five plckeUng long1boremen, walked oil the Job todlJI and tbreateoed Britain with ita flrSt general strike in alEt half a cen- ttlI'Y. .. Their walkout baited auport epera- tlCllll, deprived much of tbe country of newspapers, hit food marketa: and automotive plants. Prime Mlniltar Edward Heatll and key government minllten dilcuued the crisis at hil No. 10 Downing SL office, guarded by 1trong police relnlorcementa. But workers' threats to picket Downing St. did not matertalhe. Government, officials said the cabinet 2 Wild Rivers Measures OK'd By Senate Unit SACRAMENTO (AP)-A tough wild riven protectlori bill wu approved by the Senate Finance Committee todlJI, btJ!·tlle commlttee alao endoned a 1 ... stringent measure on the same subject. The committee's action 1ent both bllll to the Senate floor. . Tbe tough blll, by sen. Peter Behr, would· forbid dam coDl!rllctlon on Ille Eel, Trinity, Klamatll and Smith rivers and a stretch of the Amerlcen River. A similar bill be. the Tiburon Republican was killed an the Senate floor last year. Tbe other blll, by Sen. Rondolpb Colller, would not provide automatic protection for the Eel but would require legislative permlasion for a dam on It. The Yreka Democrat's measure would also allow cowttles along the Eel to take water far domestic use. Environmentalists have said the North- ern California rivers should be kept in a natural and free-nowlng but representa- tives of water users have aald Behr'• bill would lock up the rlvera against needed development. Bebr'1 bill, SB 107, waa approved 7.f and Collier'•, SB 4, on a 12-0 tally. Boy, 5, Escapes Wheels of Auto A small boy who witnesses said ran Into tbe pa th or an oncoming car escaped death Sunday in front ol hla Costa Mela home when hit by the vehicle &od slam-- med heedllrll to the pavement. Allen M. Brotzman, 5, or 225 Knox St., landed between the wh .. ls of the car, which pasaed over his body and came to a stop beyond where Ito Joy. Investigators 11ld altbouab tbe boy II In 1uiOU1 condition at Hoeg Memorial H .. pltal with a concUUlon and bock •bl•· slon1 the tires ol the car didn't run over hla body • lnveatlgatlon of the ac:cldent lnvolvlnc motorllt Peter H. Brown, 11, of 1007 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, 11 contin- uing. r might proclaim a state of emergency If the lndUl!rtll crllta becomes worse or if a general llrtke appears lmm1nent. Brl· taln last bad one In 11126. Heatll l!Dd other mlpiaterl ldtedllled a meeting tonlgbl with leaders of the 10- mllllon-ttri>rlg Tr. Union eoncr- (TUC) to dlacual damping do w n skyrocketing wagei and prtcee. Bui TUC officials aald they would re!Uae to dlacual this wblle the longshoremen remain In · jall. Tbe five were jailed Friday at Lon-, don'• lortrwllke Pentonville prtaon for . contempt of tbe National Indullrlal llila- tions Court. '111ey defied a court order to ceue picketing and boyco!ting CClltalner depota. Under British law the Joopltoremen could llay In jail lndellnltely untU Ibey "put1e" their contempt .by aJI019l!zini • Police threw strung cordOlll ariiimcl tbe court to guard agalnlll ~ ... day, but they did not· show up to apologile and no demoostrators arrived. Worst hit by the walkouta were Bri- tain's seaports. Port author it J e 1 estimated moll of Britain'• ·40,000 longshoremen stayed oil tbe Job. Moll loadlJtg and unloading of cargoes WU al a llandltlll. London's newspapers did not appear because of a sympathy walkout by pt'lll bands, though aome papen printed limited runs in Manchester and Glasgow. Coal mines In South Wales and Yorkshire were idled by a miner'• •)"mo pathy strike. Car, Two Men Sought in Deaths Of Mesa Couple ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -l!ued on ln- fonnation from a w!tneat, autborlUe1 are rearching tho Southwell far a car and two men who murdered a former Cotta Mesa girl and ber hU1band. The vehicle 11 a 1M7 to IMO Mustang, light-colored with aark Ucente plaid, 10. cording to Annett M. Seaton, 19, of Redondo Beach. Tito cllltraugbt girl !)ad beta r!dlJtg lo Boulder, Colo., with Thomu A. Markle, 21, and hil wife Katbletn Sue, 20, daughltr of Mr. and Mrs . Eugtne Mytr of Costa Mesa. Sleeping In the back of their car wblle the young couple buddied IJt• lltaplnl · bags outside, Mlss Seaton wu awatenei about 4 a.m. Friday by lbout.s and shooting. 'She peelcld out and saw two IOlll' haired men forcln1 young Mrs. MIR!t into the cor, wblch roared off toward Albuquerque. Horrllled, lhe climbed out and fOUnd Markle abot to death .b)' four 1111111-• caliber pistol II~ In the cltoll. , His wile's WU found Saturday near Bernalllle, .M., wltll ftYt bulleta bt the chest. , Autborllin to I• bavt dlldooed no poallble motlvt far Ille doubl1 murder. Tbe Markles and Miu Seaton had -. pod for the nllbt alaopfd6 lm...tato IS near CooblU Pueblo on tba trip to Boulder, where the Redondo l!tacb cou- ple planned to mab tht1r home. 1 I Newport Beach coundlmen tonight are acbeduled to try to find • way to come up with enough call> to finance construction ol a new police ltatlon and to acqlllra whit have been labeled 11endanprtd" park sties. Other major iltms on !be agenda In- clude: -A waterack!own propoMI to· try to cut density on Balboa Island. -Ali appllc1Uon by· a TUl!ln .,.. bul1111<:e firm to serve·lbe city. -Formal tcbedullnc ol a public ltollJ'. Ing for Aug. H en the CClltrovet'Jllal $!IS mlillon davalopmont propoaed on Ille ColUna Radio Company property DNr OraD(e County Airport. -Dilcussion of a proposed ordinance on "truth in real estate salu" that ~ require aelleH ol pr ope ty to-Inform buyers of au~ Ule, OCCUPIDCY and zoning clw:tncaUon. --consideration of 1 r e 1 o 1 u t t o n establtablng niles of conduct for coun- cilman that, •IDOlll otber lltlnp, would require them to get permlUlon to leave tbelr aeata durllt( meetlnl• and forbid them from dl>clllllng the conWtl .of "ex- ecutive" ae11Ions. -DllcuBllon ol the clesJ&n of the pro. poeed tennis and -tic eeoter on the slta of.Martnaparl<; Ille city-owned tra11er court and Ille acbedul1ng ol • public bear· Ing Aug. 21 C11 Ille ~· -Roq-by staff to reject all blda for tlto llablllty lnlUrance fw the Pollee Deparbnonl hellcopten. City olllda1I refused to reveal the lllDOUllll of the bldl. There ta $1,!ilO In tbe budget for the policy. ConstrucUon of a new polJce llailon bu been prvpooecl for tevenl :rears but volers last yur turned down a bend issue to finance one as part of a civic center complex. City Manager Robert L. Wynn bu pro- posed conllnlcllon ol • police -· in Corot>a de! ~. poulbb' adjaceiil· to the new fire beedquarters en Jamboree Road. Carrie McKinley Rites Set Tuesday Services will take place 'l\le.tdaY· al S p.m. at St. Jamel Eplacopal Cburcll in Newport Beach for carrte C. MeKJn. ley, 14, who wu killed by a car wblla crOMlng San JoaqUill Hllil Road F!lday. She ii aurvlved by ber mother, Chris- tina; brother, Otar!•; •liter, ~fare~ all of tho family llomt at 131 Topu Ave., Balboa bland; maternal grandmOther, Mrs. M. Heap of Santa Barbart; matern- al grandfather, Joint Harnllb of Leilure World; and paternal grandmother, Mrs~ Eddie BerneU. Burtal wtD be private. Tito speech WU broadcast I i V e tbrouihout the Arab world. Sadat said El)'pl would reswne con- tacts With other Arab nations "because tbe lituaU... can no longer bell the wldanlni and progreulon of American lnt~ts" in the area. Mansfield Bill Loses Test Vote On Troop Pullout WASIIlNGTON (AP) -SOnate Ma· jorlty Leader Mllu! MIDllield'(J>.Mont.), JOit a test vote, 4.M4, today on his amendment to force an uncondJUonal withdrawal of U.S. fortes from Soutll Vlelnam. Othtr roll call votes were still to come, however, before a 'fmal showdown on bir and other end-.tbe-•ar amendmenta to a $1.1-bllllon lorelgn-mllltary-ald auibortza. tlon bill. The fM4 vote blocked Mansfield'• move to change from Aug. Sl to Oct. I the date for • pullout of American troops In South Vietnam reganlleu of wbetber prllooen ol war have been relwed. Mapdleld bad wanted the Oct. I . date ltocause many have aald It would be tm- poallble to bring U.S. forces out by Aug. 31 -abCllt five weeks away -11 the bill -· Earlier, a $20J.bllllon rnllltary pro- curement bill was brought up to the noor with the cbainnan of tbe Armed Services · Committee, Sen. John Stennis (D-Mau.), calllnf It Ille minlmmn needed for delenae. Prom Pqe I FOSSIL .•. 0 but of course we won't know for IUre untll we take it to the m111eum," lhe uld. Mro. Nancy Tllles Of Irvine discovered the piece Saturday wblle walUng for a geology lecture to start. "I went down there with 1 friend," Mn. Tllles aald, 11beea1111 I'm ,lntarettld in the ecology of the area. 11 She admitted Ibo ba1 bad no prevlout experience In paleontology, but started digging when the lecturer was late. "I just started scrabblbg around, and when I uw It I tbouiht, 'Ob, lt'1 ju1t going to be a rusty tin can.' I never did hear the lecture," the aald. Winds, Mishaps Batt,er Newport Harbor Boatiers GUJt~ wlnds,_an anchor chain that am- putated one skipper's little finger and an object that eight speedboat occupant& bi~ thinking it was a strand of kelp, made It rough on Newport llsrbor yachtamen Sonday. The outboard ski boat went to the b:lt· tom, Fred Long , 49, of Azusa, went to the hospital and eight !allboats went over in the breezes, dumping crews into the water. Orange County Harbor Department Sgt. Dean Cordell said only Long, wbo was given first aid and taken to Hoaa: Memorial Hospital, suffered injW')' in, tbl series of mishaps .. Long got his left little finger mi~ off when it apparently became caugbi in the anchor chain of his 20-foot cabin cruller a ball-mile off Corona de! Mar. Fate of Balboa Fun Zone Slated 'l1le !alt of Balboa'• colorful and blt- tortc Fun 7.one will be on Ille Une tonlgbt, day night. Newport Beach councilmen wlll be . asked to overturn planning commillion rejection of a proposal to bulid a 47-unlt condominium on the bayfront parcel. A public hearing on the appeal by tbt JAK Construction Co. will take place at 7:30 p.m. In city ball. PlaMers dented the proposal on a 4-1·1 (one absenlion) vote Jwie 15, acting on a .staff recommendation that such dense residential development would be out of character for the commercial center of central Balboa. Tl)e Pn>Poaed structure would be three stories (41 feet) high. Comrnluionen heord mbced testimony during their hearing. The project was endorsed by tbe board of directors ol the Balboa JmpfOvement Association but w11 opposed by Newport Resldenta United officials. 'Ibe deteriorated Fun ZOne, a mecca for youngsters for more than 25 years, bas been subject of growing criticism, The property is now owned by the Santa Ana Valley lrrl1atlon Company wblch wtD sell It to JAK U the rezoning ls approved. WI GUAUNlll . ·~ m~~· ti iti Costa Mesa ~ I , Jewelry and Loan NIW AND UKE NEW MERCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS 6eot't llK }tllow 9014 Ont.,. i.;.calti wotc~ --------- La41M 14K y1l1"w 9014 Wylor bractltl•wolch -------- Ucfle1 l_.K yellow t•ld cockttil rln9, sprty design, Ya ct. center diamond end 5 amen ditmonds .----.... ~ ------- Ladl11 16 pHrl breoch, I.of 411i9ft, y11low 9014 ---------- 24" h11.y ,.,. chalo, 14K yo..., 9ol4 -----------· Ladl11 81raN Parrtfaux watch with 25 dl•M••d1, 14K whlla 911ld (Stock #DWJ41 -· -----·-- Ladl11 11 41omoo4 coclcl11l dilt -11 round cul ••• 7 ba9u•ll• cut dlam1nd1, I V. ct. total w1!9ht, 1ot lo I 4K white '"" ...... 11~•• -1i..,._..,i.., roflacl aur•t• ,.,1 .. el Jtt ..,..uty ·.llamo"'4~ In tlock at ell t101111 14 cl, 41a"'°"' flH.00 $ 91.00 V. ct. 4111110..i JH.00 141.00 V. cl. 4laM1n4 600.00 211.00 -Lar1Jr ........ Alie I• ltedl- Ille l!IWl'OIT avt. DOWllTOWll COITA MllA 646·1741 • t Now Ulla Now Prlc• Price $550.00 ___ .,.zs,oo 215.00 IOS.00 610.00 ___ 210.00 17'.00 11.00 161.00 fll.00 604.00 211.00 195.00-...... _ 4H.OO • , ' .. Re an Hu w pl Ii w ba d m· I ' " .~ Re m fol $5