HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-01 - Orange Coast Pilot' 7 • -• • • • • • • • I • erson: • ~as • ----..~ New Wil1d· Pattern . . Costa Mesan Shot-. . ' • '""'+ ,_ __ ,..,_ ,....J. -.• ........... • ·-~-----........ ' ............. .,. ,----· ·---·- E~~ted . to u~eak . . ~· ---· Qy .. Bearh ·roli~e - • • • \ . .. -~ . . .County Jl~at · W av In Ex• Wife~.s Ho111e-, .. ,•l';' ,, .. ' "" . I " •• ... ---. .......... ~". . TUESOAY AFTERNOON, AV~UST I, 1972 YO&... .. -. alfi. I ~·totel. M PMU ,, • . I • •• -· . '. • • ., A,.....~Git1~ -.-_...; . ~Door Still Closed · • • 1 • r " I ..:;;:;,f~ • ·,. ,·, _._ .. _1liUL.y._. ........ l CdUPLI MA,Kj THllR 'OWN SHADE ,_~T L~UNA'S· HllSLIR PARK. WOii..,_ Sop 'Catollno llwJ' wHI lo')ne 119).lof 1.-n Hut ·~ . ~ . ·' . . ~ . • , 1 • I ' \ Wi~ Patt,ern E~p~ct,ed .To Brea~ Up Heat Wave • Anderson Says Sto.ry Wrong WASHINGTON (AP) -Columnist Jack Andenoo today retracted biJ claim to have located evideJoe that Sen. Tbomas-F. ~·has a ·.......t of ar- mta.flr drunken and-recklai-<lrl\'lng. · · Anderson said his rttnctiOn wu "UD- qualified'' and "bi total.'' He ~ the retraction at an il>- formal Dews conference o u t 1 i d e Eagleton'a· olllce alter talldng for about hall· an hour In ,private with the Mllsourl . a....i..-, who'reslped formally today ·u tbe Democtltic vice p r e I 1 d-e n t i a 1 DOnl.lnet.' . , . Eagleton,' 11bo originally tab el e d AnderJOD'• charge . a "damnable lie'• after· 1ho --ii lut 'llluraday, today commendeol · Andenon !or courafe . and called him a "dlstlnguisbed joumalilt." Eagleton aaid be wP lltllfMid" with' · • Andenon'• retrac!ion.-'"lbe·boolii-1.-do&.--·· ed as far u I'm c:oncaned." --~ aaid be' had located photocopi<s of -"'°"""'Eagktm had -arrested • hall doz(D !!ma In the llleOI !or dnmkm • recklea drivlog. Later, Andfll'IOD aaid, be hadn't .... theae recordo: bill had only been told about them by a "former high· M-.;. d!!iclal," la.ter identJllOd u True l!llvla, DJW a Wuhlniton banker. . Davi> uld be didn't have ~ reconts. but had only be& lbown them once 11y • man be dldn'·-and wun1.,... If they were gtnUlnt or not. Mesan-Slwt : by Officers • . . And Locked' W ASllJNGTON (UPI) -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy today repeated biJ rejection of second place on the Democratic tlcl:et · • with presidential nominee George S. McGovern. -. In an lntervit11 11ith UPI, ·Kennedy · -·aaRruw-doOr hatrill1r•· race"1bnllt1ooa1 Office this year is "just u closed and just -81 locked" as It WU 1ut month when be refiied to make himself available for the party's vice pruidenu-.a nomination. , Keonedy .acl<nawledged be · had talked wUh" McGovern. slnce the dedslon was made Monday riight to drop Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton from ·the ticket, but he declined to aay whether McCovem had a.keel ·him to tile Eagleton'• placo. "We ·talked .generally aboul tbe cam- paign and '1ho election," Kennedy aaid. "He ondmtalllls my position and I tblnt be respects my declsioD." Earli<r this rear. Kmnedy aald· repeatedly be would not aeel: tho Democratic nominatk>o for ei\)>er Prell-· dent or Vice PreJldmt In 1'71, dUng "personal" reuOns. ire . skipped tho ~~sked ·Burglar, Trapped hi Ho~~' Terrorizes Victim In Former ·wife"'s .. Home :-· · party's July conv-In Ml11111 Beach, appearing-only II· the end to lntn>duce McGovern to make biJ llCC<Pl&nCo apeecb. • . \ . ' • • • • • • ' In anotber 'lntervlew, Sen. Bircb Bayb (D-lnd.), al.so ruled hlmlell out u • pooslblllty • . ' ' C.allt WeatJler Tbe . weatberlady AYI It might be a HtUe · cooler on Wednead1y, but DOI enou&h to make I dlller- ..... to coast .... 11erera. Highs fo. morrow 70 to the mid-90's. LoJ'l_-r ""IQ.;fO; I .. ,,. ..... _ .-... • • • • , DAll.Y PILOT s ~.~t 1, 1971 . Governor's Wife Named BATON ROUGE. IA: (AP) - Gof. EO<lo Edw-tadlJI ap- . polllted hil wilt Elaine .. -plole Ille WJ6pired lerm ol U.S. Sy. Allen J. Elleodtr, Who died list Tburoday • • . Edward! 11kt be wanted "to Ult. (Ills eppolnlm<nt u an opportunlly to make a mcanlnaful, .,mboUc • aesture tn the women of Loulalan:a, who have for too k>ng been un- derrepresentl'<i in the balla of Congrt'SS. '' Ellender, a veteran Democrat and president pro tempore of the Senate, Y.'&! camp1lgnlng for re- election "ben be died. • Kissinger, Red s Meeting . ,In Secret WASHlNGTON (AP I -Presidential 'assistant Henry Kissinger Is meeUng to- day in Paris with •North Vletnil'IH!se negotlaton. the White House said. · Like the 14 other mettlll8s that Presi- dent · Nixon's assi~tant for national security affairs h11s qe.ld with C.Ommunlst ,negotiatars. today's st!sion wu ar- , ranged and cond ucted secretly. . The brief announce meht by White )louse press secretary Ronald L. 7.Jegler 'said Kissinger was meeting with both Le l>uc Tho. special adviser t.o North Viel· """pa.m's delegation al the Parb peace 'talks, and delegation min!.ster, Xuan 'Thuy. • Jets.Leave Shipyard In Flames SAIGON (AP) -U.S. NaYJ Jell have attacked 1 sblpyi.rd In Haiphong harbor for the flrtt time In the war and left It In flainea, the U.S. Command onnounced to- day. . The target wu lbe Haiphong Shlpyerd No. i on the eouthwutern edge of North Vietnam's chief port. PUota from the .carrier Saratoga sald thty lett lhree large, sustained Orea In the yard, whfch build!! ind rtpalrs shallow-draet vessels o f \larious aizes. ~ The U.S. Command said the strikes made Monday wen: not near the deep. draft ships ln the port. and "there were no foreign vessels" In the area lhlt was bombed. Spokesmen said 27 foreign .ships were still ln Haiphong 's deepwater channell, trapped by the U.S. mine. field planted last May 9. They said these lnclud~ 10 Soviet ships four Chi neSf. three Bntlsh, two CUban. ihree Polish. four Somali and one tiil Ge~ Overcast skies reduced t~ U.S. strikes Monday to a little more than 200 raldl acroaa North Vietnam, compared to .-e than 300 the day before. The U .s. cmnmand reported that !ta planes also Clestroyed or dama1ed 12 wJter supply craft, 12 trucka , eight bridges. 1S storage areas and warehollleS and two fuel pipelines. In South Vietnam·, Communist forces made the ir hca.,.lest shelling attack of the year so far against a U.S. lnst.allation, pouring more than 70 rocket'! into the Bien lloa Air Base 1~ miles northeast of Saigon. One Am~'can was kUled, 1~ were wounded . d 13 others were injured while trying covtr. the U.S. Com· mand said. South Vietnameae sald 17 Ul"IT ...... Bigger Than Life · tttichigan Attorney General Frank J . Kelley approves oC the decora· tions as he views a huge portrait oC himself at the opening of his Senate campaign headquarten in Delroit. Kelley, l Democrat, hopes l-0 unseat Republican Sen . Robert P. Griffin .. I VP fltle!t ' . • • McG!1vern Shops ---For ·New Second ~ . . WASl!INGTOll (UPI) -Sell. Geora• S. McGovern, willi lbe "poln!Ul" laslt of dropping Sen. Thomu F. Eagletoo belllnd -blm, ·,.~ loday lor a new 1Wll11nC male •ho : can help &el hia praldenllal -palan bade .. lhe fut traclt be had hoped would lake blm lo victory over ru~ M. Nixoa 'ln November. M<Goven, wllo pmuaded Eqlelon lo lrtep.clown al .a 11"Hlaur con!.,.... MOI> day night, Slld be had llOI yet decided .. a replacement. 'lbe D_un o c t 1 t I c p=lal no,,,_ llld he would make a Uoo 10 Ille o.-noUc Nat Commltt.ee 11wlthln a few days." "We are golng to be very ea.Jlious ·and very careful ln nllklng the vlee preslden- llal DQminaUoo,'' tald McGovern, whose .,, plans for a fut atart /II \he camoalaJ> aplnol Nixon went """ked by Iba week· 1-0nf conllovmy over Eagletoo'a heallb llacqround. Speculallon lmmedlalely centered on · some ol tbe urne men mentioned u vice ~deollal prospeCll al 1111 month'• Democratlc N a t ion a 1 C.ooventioo - Seol. Edmund S. Muolde ol llalu and I Gaylonl Nellan ·of Wlaconsln, 8aJ1enl Shriver, a K<nned)' fn.law, and former Party Oia1rman La......,.. F. O'Brien. Eagleloa, .who met ne....,.. with McGovern to announce the deciaion, said today he would make no recom- mendations to McGovern on a successor. ' McGover11 TV.I"> Session Set NEW YORK (APl -ABC and . CBS aay they will carry llve television coverqe of an in. nouncement by Sen. G e o r 1 e Mc<lovorn ocheduled fer lOlllghl al I p.m..l'DT. I NBC, which firal said ll ..... Id follow lull, de<lared later lhll a decision on Uve coverage would be made wjJen it learned w~ tbe Domocrallc prealdentlal ca le had to say. Aklts sakl McGovern would lilt about Ille campaign bul de<llned to be more opodll•. Tbey aa l d be would not announce ~-repl.tcme:Dt lot Sen. 'lbomas F. EaJ!eloa, wllo wilhdrow Monday u lhe v~ presidentW candidate . r • I debate ovtr Sen. El&lelon'I pUl medlcaI hlt»ry contlnuos IO divert allenlloll from the pul .. Uonal -lhal need lo be dilculsed.'' ~ "Ladlea and &'llUemen. I o o k at Ille news," McGovern added ln reply to a question. "It has blotted out the war, It hu blotted ool Ille economy end ll hu blotted out the eentral issue." Kiainge'r last met secrelly with the .North Vietnamese official! on July 19. Durlog the prevklus lhree yeara, he had .peld more than a dozen sessions -none of whlcb were disclosed until this year. \ Vietnamese were wounded. . The Ameriean killed wu a Marine up before daylight tcf collect c:lonaUons for ' Vietnamese orphans. He was walklng from <>ne building to another to pick up collection boxes when the rockets began r8ining In about 5:2{) a.m. Funeral Licensing Issue "This ii a decision that should be en- llrely up IO Sen. McGovern," he said in a teJevision Interview (NBC.Today show) . Eagleton, lronieaily,, perfonned the du ties of the viee president Tuesday morning when he pie.sided over the Senate for a short lime after Its openJAg.- Vtce President Spiro Agnew tin<t'Pml· dent Pro Tern JamesEasUand (D-ltll!!.), Reactlon wu mlxed. California Slate DerMcratie · O\alrman O..tles Manatt said "this will allow us to quk'ldy refocus on the problems of the economy, the war and the lack of leadership In lbe N- -:-;=-;.,."'iaoiugci' t!1 ~r-e~e:J to return irom l'aris Tuesday night and 1mmediately .report to Nixon. , The public ~ris pence ta!ks res~mr:c' .00 July 13 apd ~!her public session 1s • µheduled for T r~ay. Ziegler's brle an'tiouncerr.ent, read lo ·reporters in his office, was in ketplng ·'"•ilh the new White House poUcy of disclosing Kissinger 's meetings with the North Vietp1!mest after be alre~dy reaches Pal!is. The pres:i secretary would not say when the presidential assistant left Washington. but ){jsslnger conferred with Nixon {or 25 minutes Monday morning befOre the chief executive flew to Louisiana for U)e funeral o( Sen. Allen Ellender (J>.La.). This would ind1eate Xlsainger apparently new eb Par!' acme time Monday .afte~n. ' . Red News Agency Publishes List Of 4 Prisoners TOKYO (UPI) -North Vietnam's of· fieial news agency today publl&hed the names of four AmerlCtlD military ]JUota it aakl were captured after lhtir planes were shot down last Saturday and Sun day. • 1be Vietnam News Agency (VNAl said the pilots are: -Capt. Jam.tS David Kula, 25, based in Takhll, Thailand, ptured July 19. -capt. Melvin Klluki Matsui. 27, ba!<d al Takhll, 'Ihelland, , captured July' 29. -Lt. Col. William John Breckner. 39. based in Udom, Thailand. capturt'd at Hanoi June 30. - Lt. Larry Donald Prlee, 25, based at Udorn, Thailand, captured near Jlanoi July 30. All appeared to be U.S. Air Force personnel. In a .seperate di!pateh., VNA reported downing of two American planes July 29 and July 30'. Many bombers operaUng .over North Vietnam carry t~man crews. The men named today may have bttn the crewmen of the two planes, but the agency d1d not specify this. OlAM•I COAIT IT DAILY PILOT TM°""'" c..t DAIL.V PILOT, .i111 'tlllNcft It ~ ... H ... ~ 11 ~llftff 11Y ... 0...... C.1t ,..bNlll ~. s.... , ..... " • .,., "* ...... ,,.,_,, ......... rrW•r. tw a.11 "'.... N..._1 M9(J\. H11111~1'1n ~Niii \lllley, l~ 8Mdl, ,~,...~ -$Ml '~''' S.., hM a.flMM, A l lftQll , .. ~I ICll11M Ill ,..1 ............ ..,. .......... n. n.',.W!flltt ........ •llflt II 11 U1 Wt9t "'1 '""'" ~ Miii, C.flfonllli, tHM. .-.~t H. w •• 4 ........... PWlllMr Jt•\ I, Cwl1y Ylc:it ........... ~~ n-•• .: ... n ·-n.. .. A. M"'1't11e M• ate 1i111w Q..tn N.--t.... Ricli•"' r. Nttl ........... ~ ....... -· J Cl$ .......... ...,.,... """""' ~ ............. lolllfWftl ~ leMlll m. ...,., " ..... ........... lmtdl1 J"'1...,. •.• ,, ... ,.. IM CM 7 .. ...,.. I' """"-._. TI ;DI I C714t MMJlt Q t'W .Mlz1' U 6G.M71 ........ ,.,.. .... ..._ .... ..,..... .,...;.' ,.,_ ............ c..y c ,. _. .. °"'... ""' ~ e.. ,. ........ =:::·..::..-:-.;::.~: ........... , ..., ,.... ....... ;11-· ...... ..... --~...,. c.. '::' ~7...----.. '!'11r11Tt"' ..... -::: Ml?lt.11 .... ...,,...,., ' • • • The U.S. Command said the rockets damaged the headquarters of Marine Air Group 12, a post exchange warehouse, an empty day room in the hospital comp1ek, and dld heavy damage to two A4 attack bombers. The runways were closed for a lime to clean away the debris, but operaUona were resumed later, and jets streaked ool to attaek targets acroa.s SOulh Viet- nam. Rioting Erupts F~r Second Time At Church · Fiesta A Catholic ehurch fiesta 1n Santa Ana was the seene of rioting · for the second weekend in a row early Monday, poUce reported. · Security guerds hired by the church lo keep order opened lire on a group of 70 IO IO rioUJli youths who W"l throwing rocb, bolllea and other debris at Ille guards. No ... was Injured by lbe gul>' flre but several guarC1.1 suffered minor / injtaies. Fifteen men were atTated on assault chllrgea. Father Vincent Stnutoe of Our Lady of lhe Pillar chlll<h, 1133 W. !Ill st., called the trouble makers "oul!lden." "They don't patronize our c:arnlvala, they come beH dl1lnk and oo drug1," he charged. The fi~ ar< being held IO relae lunds for Ille "!'""'h's parochlal !Choo!. Ten Santa Ana police ofllcers, .awn· maned by lhe priest, pul down lhe riot end made Ille UTeall' early Monday mornlng. .. Okayed, Held for Review SACRAMENTO (AP) -Low-coil funeraiJ or body dbposal may become unobtainable. crltie1 say, under a bill ap- proved by the Assembly bul kepi from final action by a technleal move. The Assembly gave the bill by Sen. Jack Schrade (R&n Diego) a 41·25 vote Monday, the minimum for passage. But an opponent , Assemblyman Alan Sieroty (0.Beverly Hills), was voted permission to bold the bill for reconsideration later. It must still be returned to the Senate for concurreoce In Ammbly amaodmula before going to the governor's desL The blll was earrled 1n thie ~mbly by Robert Badh&m, (R.,Newporl Beech). He said it was intended only to require that all persons who dispose of human remains be subject ·to the same licensing and cOntrols:. But Assemblyman John Vaseoncellos CO.San.Jose) disagreed sllarply. "What It really means is a rip <>ff.'' Vasconcellos said in floor debate. "What' this bill says is 'J can't contract to get a low-O>St, nonfaney disposal of my body'.'' "The question . is whether licensing serves the interest of the people of California, or iI it serves lo protect the mortuary industry." he said. Sieroty .called the bill "one of the worst .pieces of leglalation thi!: year.'' . "This bill is tntendtd to put a certain group of ~Diego Count~l of busine!:s," Sleroty said. The San Diego group, which test t a hearing on the bill, is the Telopba Society. For $15 reaistrallon and S250 let. Telophase provides for cremation and seattering of ashes at sea. Executives say 2,500 members wish lo have "lhis -· mJnimal service." The Telophase Society says lbe bill would Tequirt It and 11 or 12 memorlaJ funeral societies, which also compete with mortuariea, to provide an. em- balming roorn and a chapel, which the members do. not want. The bill, it says, would put them oot of business. Meanwhile the Senate coneurred 29-<I Pitonday on Assembly ame.ndmtnts to another Sehrade bill on the same. subject. it would require, rather lhan pennit, the state Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers to '.uunine and pus upon the quallUcaUons of funeral director ap- plicants be(ore pauing upon the' physicaf status or plans and speciflcatioms of a prpposed funeral establishment. 'the qualifications include' charaeter, ability and erperience. But the re- quirement that applicants have two years aetual experience was deleted. The bill now goes to the governor. Tliief Takes Free Advice LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Belh Price: gave tree i~al advice lo the thief she caugh red-handed car- rying !30,009 worth o! her jewels and a revolver. "So far thls is only a burglary. If you 'point or use that gun, it's a robbery." &be Informed lhe lhiel In her home. Robbery carries a harsher sentence than burglary. "You win, lady," the burglar said. He then fltd with tour S&P"" phlru and lwo dlamouds. _ · were abs_ent. At the Democratic National Com· mittee, where the succesaor to Eqleton .... 111 be formally chosen. officials said the first task would be to clear up a series of credentials challenges agalnat new members. Alter that, an emergeney meeting will be ealled by the. new na· Uonal chalnnan, Jean Westwood , to select a new vice presidential candid.Ate. McGovern's recommendation - u it &>residency... • "The net effect will be l'Pbsitlve one," Manatt said. But Missouri Democratle Chairman Dellon Houlcblns said "ll was a real deoi_ • •• they ~ count Missouri oot as far as I'm coricemed this fall ." Colorado Chalnnan Bill Leavel said_ Eagleton was "a fine man who got caught in a tough situation." Floods Cripple WU at the Miami Beleb convention -is Phili. . c· expected lo he «¥1ln>Ulng. ppme 1ty·, Al the While lloule, Press Secretary · 'Worst Disaster' Ronald L. Ziegler said Presldenl Nliao hu not conlacted Eagleloa since Ille aenator wu dropped Inn. tbl, ticket and has no comment on the-matter. Ziegler llld be rolled Ille development MANILA (AP) -Fed by lncmant In conversation with the J>fttident and monSoon raw, flood waters swept back "he said we really have nothing to say on over much of Luz.on Island and ·the that." greater Manila area today. It was the Eagleton signed and sent oil his ronnal worst natural disaster in Philippine Jetter of resignation Mooday momlng, h1 saying "there Is no rancor In my heart." ~~nel.y ~nl of "·-"· was report~ The letter contalned much .of what he r-· ~--· mtULua 1:\1 said In his wlllltrawal slltement Tues-flooded and abciut 80 percent of the labor day nliht, adding: "I therefore resign as: force did not report Cor work. vice presldenllal candidate on the 1172 Three.more deaths, Including one from Democratic Uckel" cholera in Pampanga Provtnee, brCJuCht In jolnUy announcing Ille decision, lhe unofficlal loll IO 31111 since July I. J.fcGovern hid said he has made "no Much of 14 province,, was under water, decision more painful or dlfficult." and at least 2 million peraoos wue af. McGovern and Eagleloa 8llllOWICecl al leded. a .. ws con1,....,. In the Senate Caucus The Nellonal Disaster Coordlnallng Room Monday nlghl their • • j o I n I· Center aald the floodJ ,..,. wone lhan deeision" that E11leton step down from· those laat month; the nten bad begun the ticket. It came only six days after the ' lo rteede when new lDOOIOOnS came. .a.year-old Mlasourian dlsclosed at an Pefsans in Pampanai, north of Manila, ·equally dramaUc joint news cooler<nce bad IO climb lttes IO ...,. ... drownin(. In the Black Hills of Soulh Dakola lhat he The Wealher Ouru• aald a low had been bospllallud Ulm Ulnes for preuure area llO mllea llOUlh ol Guam psychlalric ........ , lbrealerled Luzon wtlli more ralu for lhe Eagleton b lbe lint -pmldenllal next 43 boon. candidate ever to aecept the nomination OU!cials appetltd to the U.S. govern. and later resign from the ticket. me.nt not to withdraw 14 U.S. Marine "In the joint decisk>n we have reached, hellco~rs I r o m the carrier 'flipoli health was not a factor ," McGovern said which have been flying dally rtllef filgbta A similar riot broke, out durlng a carnival at. the same church the weekend before. Olurch leaden are meeting today to determine If a thlrd seheduled carnival will be held llexl Sunday. in a prepared statement. 1'But the public since July 22. Democrats' Chief · ~~~~. ~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pastor Gets 5 Years' Pro.!>ation For Molestation Urges Shuttle Contract Probe WASHINGTON (UPI) -Demotratie National Chairman Jean M. Westwood has asked a congreuional lnvestl1at1on An Anaheim pastor convicted of ehild of the awarding o( the · space &huttle con- molettiJ\g by an Oranae County Superior tract. Court jury which rejected related alle1a· She said Monday that five directors of lions of .aex perversion bas been placed the finn that won the contraet. Nori!' on five yeari probllkm by .the trial American J;Wekwell , eon~ibUted to PrtSI· judge ,. dent Nlxoa s 1968 campaq:n. Judie Byron K. MeMllla~ suspended "The award of this con~act to North the state prl~ term he could have American Rockwell ••• raises questions of etbicr," abe said. ordered for Rev. Fred Robert Diehl , 61, But Sen. Alan Cranston CD-Calif.), pastor of Ille Anaheim CllrlJUan Cllurth, defended Ille awerd ol Ille $2.I billion and ordered . him not to be In the space contract. He said It was "not any presence of minor children ~lhoul other boondogale." Cranston said be did not re~ponsible adult.I bein&: on hind. know if oni' of the purposes In awarding He told Diehl tblt he will additionally the contract to the Downey, firm was to impose a flne when he bn revie\ved help wln re-election for President Nixon. further reportJ compiled on the convicted "I have no rtalOll to asswne that/' he putor. Diehl was ordered to mum to said. "I Ju.st don't tnow:11 the courtroom Sept. I le< lhal determina- tion. Diehl was convicted of moleJlln& an 11· YtaM>ld~I wllo wu 1 atudenl list jNltl· mer In cburth'a Cbrlatlan 1A1111111er aclx>ol. child told lbe jwy tbal Diab! commllled Ille olf.-bl i camper parked by Dlebl neor Ibo llClloal. Mine~s Pick Leaders PITl'SBURGR (UPI) -Mem'*1 ol 1116 Uniled Min< Worken ol America btcm nomlnallnf ~lo w. A. ''Tony" Boyle ind •ilhl Giiier toP iolmlallonal olllHrl o! lbe union loda1 In a preluclo lo • C(IW'l«der.d December election. • Service Station Hit By Greedy Burglar A wlndow-lmashinl bur&lar atrVed hlmlell al a Newpoc1 lleadl ""'lee ata- tlon Monday, de•ntni oul nearly 12,000 In lOOla, tlrel, baueri.., ..,.. ol oil. •liarollea and oilier valuablea. Mike Kaplan, owner ol M I k e ' f Palisades MobII Service, SSSS E. Brlatol Sl.. oalled police when he d!Joowred lhe brealt·ln. Illa loll Included !ht cash ttl!bler and anoth4r omce machine, accordlq lo i... mtl&alon. • , • • SESAME STREET ' J SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE .ONLY STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN 'T HAD·A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN 'S. • IN OUR FIFTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE . CA RP ET ED THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN, COSTA MESA, NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND HUNTINGTON BEACH. ONE NEIGHBOR TELLS ANOTHER UNTIL WE HAVE WORKED IN EY.EllY HOME ON A BLOCK. THE FORMULA IS SIMPL.6-~ TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER HAPPY. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPETED HER H\)ME. UF WE HAVEN'T, BRING HER IN WITH YOU.). ' • r ALDEN'S CARPETS • oRArEs 1663 Placfftla Aw. COSTA MISA· 646-4838 · • • HOURS: Mon. Thrv Th ...... ,'" S:lCl-PRI .. ''" 9 -SAT. iao ... 5 • ' • . ' ' , I I c I I I ' ' • ' ! d t I l I ' I ' 1 a c • d b • " • ; '· " l 1 I ' t • t ' ( I I •I I l . I I • • • • • • .. -s OAILV 'llOT ii Nixon Plans • U.mpaign Start Here Trustees _Study Double Sess ion s ~· • . ' • • •• ' . • WASHINGTON (UPI) -SOUn:tl dolo to Pnoldenl Ni>lln 11y be will lawidl Illa cami>olp for ..-loc:tloo In caulcmla 6ains Llbar Doy -c.ut.mla, Nlson!1 lllllve llale, Wiil he • .,,.,w heltlqround In the """ tietw..., NIJo!I and Jlemocfll a-1e s. M~ II bu 6 e1ecton1 votei, Ibo moot of any llala. · The """"'"' uld Monda1 that NlmD would llllM aboul four cam!'llln llOj10 eadl ...-whio 1111 rHl«tlm dilff niov.. Into lll&)i geor near Ille ml ol Septimber. . . 'Ille Presidmt Is upe<ted to give clelaill ol Illa campalcn pilnl when be bolds what be bas dtloibed u ... jOliUcal prtSS confere.nc1" at the Western WbJle HOUie In S.n C1emeote alttt the Alli· 21·2' Republican ..... ventloo In Miami Beach. Fili. Nixon will fly from caillornia to llawaU for an Aug .• 31.sept. 1 ineetlng with new_ Japanese Pmnltr Kakuel Tanaka ~ . . The IOW'Cel Ibo aalil Nixon ....iii! ltl"ell hil role u "President" during the campaign, pleading lhat the "demands" of bla ollice were keeplnJ lllm from the dail1 fray. YOUNG TifESl'IANS 'GET OUT OF TifEMSRVES' IN IRVINE CREATIVE DRAMATICS WORKSHOP K•therine Conilon, Kathy Cl•rk ton floor} end D•mion Fulton St-ve lmproviNtional Seen• • In the: past two wee.ks, N"ix.on . hu become more openly poUtkal, moving away from a prevloua: prohibition agalnat discussing poUllcal qu..tions before the convention. At a July 27 news confettnet, Nfibn uprwed the O\)inion tile election .,..-,Id be close. arid "bard fought right down to the wire." . Acting Really 'Kid ·Stuff' . - _.---u .S. Report ~ays PrOducers Fail To Me et Claim s 'Ibey sometimes giggle a lot, talk all at once and stand with their ba~ to the audience. ' · But they al!O think, Improvise and act -which is what the creative dramatics wcrtshop in the Irvine recreation pro- gram is all about. "I give them basJc orders and then they mus! build on them," oaid teacher and d8ncer Hal O'Neal. 'lbe five-week workshop ii div1ded into WASIUNGTON (UPI) - A government three age groups, four to sevm-year~lds, report saya manufacturers of can, etec-8 to ll-year-olds and teenagers. 'Ibey trlc razon and television sets have fail· meet daily at University H!gb School to ed, upon demand, to prove all the claims create improvisations, pantomime and they make in the advertising. plays. Sen. ·Frank E. Moss ( o . u tab ) , O'Neal and Gene Wilkes, txith of whom chairman of the Senate consumer sul>-dance with the Laguna Beach Civic amm.lttee, said Monday in releasing the Ballet C:Ompany, direct the classes. . week of August. All three age groups will perform stlf-ereated plays or improvisa· lions. . . Perrormances, along with displays . or arts and crafts from summer workshops, will take place in the Uni~ersity High mulU~room. "Establish who you are to each other." O'Neal directed from tbe back ol the small auditorium as a group of 1actors walked into an imaginary abandoned building replete with monsters. "Was that supposed to be me? Oh. no." O'Neal groaned as aner a young boy lumbered across the stage during an assia:nmenl to study and copy someone's walk. O'Neal had litlle time to speculate on the impersonation. A k>ng line of dramatic stumblers, atriders, tiptoers, trippers and saunterers was waiting to go on. A recommendation that double aeulona be used ln!tead ol leuln• more portable cla'ssrooms and a public hearing on tbe 1m.n budget will be Ille major Items facing San Joaqulp school dbtrict trustees Wednelday. .. 1be regular meeUnc of the board will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of La Pu lntem\ediate School ln Mission Viejo. ·If lhe double session recommendation is adopted by the tll:Mtd, it could mean 2 Teens Nabbed In Defacing Of 26 V eliicles A four-month investlgalloQ. by Orange County Sherirf's officers into the defacing of 26 cars parked by MiMion Viejo residents on Marguerite Parkway has en· ded \\'ith the arrest or \t'O male juveniJes. Sheriff's ·Capt. James Btoadbelt said the t~·o youths, both or whom live in the area, have been turned oVer to· juvenile court authorities for further action. The two boys, ages l.f and JS, are ac- cused of using sp ray paint to inflict damage estimated at $1.500 on the 26 "autos . They are also charged \\1ith spraying the same red paint over laundry equip- menr cfnd.;Jlle walls of a nearby apart· ment bu ilding. Neither boy is linked to the damage in-- f11ctcd three weeks ago on a number of Ca rs owned by Laguna Hill! Leisure World residents. Broadbelt said. , Jo"ourteen cars owned by residents ol the retirement community wer~ the targets or Intruders who sprayed obscenities on the vehicles and also defaced walls and laundry equipment in the area. Broadbelt said the Leisure world in- cident is still under investigation. Ii • ! that over half ot' the dlstrlct11 11,0lit student.a would be on *10\e form fl modified achedullng during all or part ii the ltn.73 school year. Thia would 10. elude nearly all of the .first and .......a , graders; students at Aliso, SanUlgo, ne Portola, O'Neill. and Jrvine EJementart Scliools; and students at La Paz and AlilO lntennediate Schools. : In ~ recomm!idaU.. to the boa..! associate supt!rintendenl Richard Welte isaid the undesirability of double sessions is out~·elghed by the problems involved ;n leasing and uSVt& Portable classrooms to house the overflow ot tiludents. To avOid double seuions°'Or a form ot modified scheduling. Or. Welte says ln his memorandum a«0mpanying the agenda that al lea.st 20 more portables woald be needed. The rirst year lease, in- stallation and ritUng with fumishinas v.·ould cost about $181,000, school officials have calculated. Besides being expensive. officials leel that the wear and tear oo a school cam· pus is greater with overcrowded reguJor school sessions than with leas crowded double sessM>ns. Officials have noted in the past that the choice between double se~iona and a · form of modified scheduling will be made by the principals of the individual" llChools . The public hearing on the p~ 1972·73 budget is scheduled for late in the meeting rono .... ·ing consideration or the regular board agenda. The $13.4 million spending program calls for a property lax rate of $2.71. a 2S cent lax increase over the last fiscal year. · ,, If the school board approves the budget as recommended and decid<>s to levy the increased property tax rate, a surplus of nearly $900,000 should be lert in the district coffers at the end er tht school year. Othei Item! on the regular a'end.a Include: -A res»rt on the slate reading test scores for first, !eCODd and third grader• in the district. -A request· that the sale of the old ti Toro School to a developer be finalized. nport that it showed uthat 1 substanUal _The sessions art noisy ~ en~lptic number of ad claims are backed by with manr would« 1besp••n1 repe1tedly .nothing but bot air." volunt.ering lo< duty oo stage. The report could bealme the bub of -~'nlil 11 the ,.venth year O'Neaf has -''G your . o new car false adverli!lng <barges made against headedthe clU9ea under the community the manufacturers by the Federal Trade recreat1011 program. Commission (FTC) · As in other years, the dramatic efforja About a year ago: the FTC'• Bureau o[ this . summei: will culminate in ·a lite · Consumer PrntecUnn ordmd 32 flrml to pUblic performaoce during Ille aecond back up with documentecf proof m dalms made for their products In ad- vertisments. The bur...U-Staff,-analyiing---ibe material submitted, saJd, "serious ques- tions a. to the adequacy of data to sup- port the clalma they purporttc1 .to cloci>- ment arose in about 30 percent of the responses." ~Y clalms were documented in a IDOlt impruslve manner," the report xald, and aboul :IO perteot of the documentation wu ao Wchnical .. tbat it would take spoc:lal upertlle to evaluate il Colll!ty ···AccidentS Claim Two. Li ves Two men were killed ln separate Orange Coonty traffic accidenla Monday afteroooo and early today, the Orange Coonty coroner'• office noported. Herman Sbamley, 5, ol lfl E. Peanon St., Anaheim, loll· bla Ille In a twc>ar -al Ith -and Orangethorpe Avenue in Garden Grove M<nday. Police said Jean K. Ronnie, 21, rt. Anaheim, driver ol lbe other car wu only lllghlly Injured'. Moss, -..-11ae ovenees ~lion " the lrulll In advertising law. submitted the noport ID the manufacturers for their commenta . . The f1rm1 cballenged the bureau's Shortly after I a.m. today Douglu D. evaluation. They aald the bureau had Stone, 31;cif '1516 El Ferro! Way, B~ .-Oll"1ooked --• of the documentation. Park, died .m.n. bla car, eaatbound on For"'-eiample the Ford Motor Company --u..-~ Freeway at Ille Rlvenide claimed In.~ ad that Ila low·prloed Pinto ··Freeway interdlqe went out ol c:oolrol \ ••never needs waling." • and plunged dcrivn an embannneot. 1be Fl'C staff aiid the tclOle tuppOrt" from Ford for that claim WU U URJlo lion that Ford ..., quality . painla "capable ol maintaining an acceptable a_ppeu:ance for an a:teOOed number of years." .• Not an, aald Ford. In a letter to Moss. it pointed to "ezposure tests" made oo painted panela to Florida sunshine for al least 12 months. "Ford's engineers 1f1! ol the opinion that 12 months' eapoouno In IOUlhem Florida la the equivalent ol three yean. exposure to ultravlolel aunllihl lllldel: av.-rage clin)llllc coodiliolll in the United ,, &ates.". Ford aakL' D~erous Soup Cans Hunted by O_fficers ' KANSAS CJ'l'.Y (AP) -The aearch by federal ageota for 450 cans of potenlially dangerous soup missing from an aban- doned dowoloW. building ii beinJ lo-· . lensllied. -• .John Pierpoint, U.S. Manha! for ....tem Mlloouri, said Monday a deputy dlacovered OD July 7 the -had - taken. It -not dlllClooed until WI Salunlay. F .rasier!'Js Dad? Zoo Says Lion's Sire Going Stro1ig ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. · (UPI) -tor Is cmvlo<ed that Leo wu Frasier's Frasier Ille -lion Is dead but the lalber or even gandlatber. Albuguerque :r.oo bpllem it bu ., even Frasier arrived at Lion COuolly with a ,,.,tt -"1-bble animal ID Leo tlie liooi;---::-:.~"":.ter~u!; ~·= -SS or "' and ltill Coinl llroq. belltwd he had ....,. !tom a Merion Frasier, famo111 lor bla .... 17 lo ao. dn:us, he oould ..... ....,. from the El and bis oep-.. copadllel at Mil Pw, Tu., -wloeN the dealex ap- -. advanced .... died ~ at Lilll parmtlJ bouglit ...... " lions. o..illy Salm. ta X-. lllllL He hod "Since ,.. "'" ~ El Pull with --.Sol dibs aod -In 1111 lioo <Ubl at lbal time, WI u-be that attemt>ll -. • the day belme Illa ~ came !tom ...,. ..i -llltd deJoth. ' " b1 Leo," i!lftcor aalcL Leo la al leall 23 101rs old and ltill la Leo, wbo lias Jll'Cdlced •-..•• o1 procluclni cobs, Dr. BrllOO Strlnier, <*. bu double catarlels In bis .,.. -of the -. aalcL and 111l)ritis, "but he 1111111 able to ,_ "Leo came to the soo In 11541 and be pnUy •••d.'' the dlrector uld. WU II least l year old then," Stringer 8lrinpr said IOO Item ....,alJT 11 .. lo aa1cL "Very~ alW that be,~ , ahaul 1$, mM!D1 l.eo a mt lloa.1111111 , produ<lllC cubl." • . la equal ID -t20 bwnan ,.an. 5trongtr believes Frasier may-• Leo la a -, Hon, aa allacl CLYDE JOHN$0N P~esident BILL HAROLD Sales man ager BI LL. TAYLOR • herlled . his taocevftJ' ..... pro<licitrity, breed .... lor ........ 1 •• 8Uqer fl'NB DllDt OUlel' UllD i.... •. __ .... ~ -----'------,-~------...! ' • -, I TEAM Meet the team .that has all Orange County talking • , , Never has an auto- mobile been asked to meet the rigid requirements this stall demands for the "Golden Touch" seal awarded to all the Lincoln-Mercury products who ·pass the test. You've been wanting this service, all your---n,w car buying life • • • Come Into Johnson and get It , ._. ) •EXPERTLY SERVICED . •ROAD TESTED . e IROUBLE FREE DRIVING _ TOM HANIGAN WARD LEE ·son .' ' . • • , I ' . DICK JOHNSON Vice Presiden t CHARLES WOODARD Serv i ce _manager K·AY NEWMAN .. .,.._' • • •• (, DAil Y PILOT :N"ow Is Time I For . .\II Men .•• . • RICKY TICKY POLmX' Well folks, the-Democrats just fired their vice pnt;idential candidate and the na~ left breath!~. waiting day by day lor the ne:a:t disaster that the Party will visit t.1J>Oll itself as it careens I.award ' Notember oblivion. ~en for Democrats, the spectacle ha1 been hard to belleve. Flrsl, they reacll in1' their political buclu!I and pull out thil freshman senator from MiS30Utl and tel[ the ·world be is going to be the next \'ict president of the United States. 'l!fom Eagleton ."\-. people mumble. "Who in the world ii~· Then the senator stands befort the con- vention and start.I talking and indeed, he sounds like a nice enough chap. Maybe he'll do, folks said. After all, who ever beard of Spiro before the Natklnal GOP put.him in a place where h;e could keep his mouth open all the time? NEXT, rr IS divulged that Senator Eagleton had aeen psy~hlalriats in 19SO, 1964 and )966. Now, there att a lot of people who believe lhat a lot of · politi- cians should see psychiatrists, particularly some vice presldenll. But anyway, the notion that ~nator Eagleton had visited one ~·as too much ·ror the Demos. Now the wb:lle Democratic Party needs to go see a head.shrinker. We seem to be a country that likes to see vice presidential candidates in hot water. So there is the veep candidate, (acing the television cameru and telling the nation that his polllical expenses really were legitimate. That his slush fund wasn't a slush fund. That his wlfe doesn't wear a mink coat but just a plain old cloth one. That the only thing be ever was really given was this cute Uttle dog Checkers and he sure isrl°t going: to gi\'e that back and break his daughters' hearts. OF COURSE, the vice presidential can· didate who bared his political soul in this fashion on teevee Sept. 23, 1952 got away with iL Senator Richard M. Nixon of California became Vice President NiJ:oo of · W uhlngton. He even woo another . election later. After watchlna: the Democrats oVer the past few days, you get the notion that J..1r. Nii:on may even win yet another election. L Maybe he had a little slush fund, but you can bet he never saw any headshrinker. - \The Democrats, however, have 1hoved psychiatry back lnlo the 18th Century. ClEARL Y, TllE . Republican and· Democratlc conventions are a:oing to give us a slice of natlonal contrast. The GOP gathering ii going to be abool u ucitlng as an old lad1es' quUtin1 party. The DelllOI, on the other band, ran a circus in which the final act wu to aboot 1 South Dakotan out ol a cannoo and then Ort: the Mi""'1rian who pulled the trtuer. The Dtmos are just about u lltely to try for an encore. George McGovern will probably pick Hubert Humphrey as his Viet presidential candidate. T h e n McGovern 'will 1tep·down "for the 1ood of party unity so be can discuu the real issues." TEDDY WILL THEN 1tep forward , 1aying be1l take over now for good old George who really was a fine fellow to step down "for the good of the party so we can ·really dbcuss the lssutl." Absurd? Sure. But so is everythln1 else that '• happened wllh the llemoerats since they bad that clambake off Ml•ml lleach. Actually, you shouldn't let the Demos fool you like UliJ. They actually planned It lhb way Ill akq. They ffaur< lo bave the GOP people lauKhlng so bard thol they'll forget to eltber C1111pai&n or ~te. It's an old. old, Democi'atic tacUc. They call it victory throujb confusion. • 1'undq, AutuJt 1, 1tn Bremer Said TQBeSick --Attorney· UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (UPI) -A defense attorney contend.I the man a~ cused of obootlng Alaboma Gov. C-ge C. Wallacf: w11 "weird'' a;nd probably "alck the day he was born." Allorney B<njarnln Upoltz made the statement to 1 jury of alx men and als l\'OrTleD ?tfonday u the triaJ of Mthut Herman Bremer, 11, a fcrmer Milwaukee bulboy and janitor, began. ""'8remer sat in the courtroom smiling endl ... ly. Once be lluck h~ tongue out at a . spectator, .ruled brotdiy and chuc1<1«1 to l!!lmeu. Lipsitz argue4, there wu not enough evldtnce to ahow that Bremer wa1 the man at a Laurel. Md., shopping center last May 15 who fired the 1bota thet wounded Wallace, a Secret Service a1ent, an Alabama atate trooper and a woman campaign worker for the Democratic presidential canWdate. Wallace still ia ball poralyud. Under the directk>n or Judae Ralph Powers, the court picked lbe jury In one hoor and 15 minutes and 1tarl<d the trial on assauU to commit murder (har1e1 that could result in the sentencing of Bremer to 12S years in priJon. The defense won a p:ilnt early by hav· ing Bremer, 21, seated in the crowd of abotlt JOO newsmt.11 and spectator1 when sil successive wllntaaes were uked to pick him out Three, inchxlJ.ni a police officer who said be knew the two plainclothes d e p u t i e 1 seated bellde Bremer, .identified him. But I.he other three stared fuWeJy as they wandered about the audlence tryinJ lo find the delendant. Bremer appeared in the Prince Georges County courtroom drmed In a modish wit, dark shirt, and yellow striped tie. He sported a beard and a rull head of bJond, curly hair, in contraat to his closely cropped hair style when he Was arrested exactly 11 wee.ks ago. · ~ in hit previous public appearance, Bremer smiled endl~ly. He olten turn- ed in bis chair to look out at the spec· tat.ors, smiling almost u: if he were po!· ing for a picture. He 1poke only once to say "thank you'' to i prospective juror who said the news coverage or the abooting convinced him Bremer WU guilty. LlpoitJ dtl!d -......., why there was inluffident evklencf., and aa1d be would call an FBI technician to llhow thet' -Ballistics tuts d1d not positively trace the bullets taken from the wounded governor to the gun. -The gun did not have Bremer'• fingerprints on it. -Paraffin tests of Bremer'• hands made the day of the shootlna -faUed to show Bremer bad fired a gwt. A3 expected, Upsllz said Bremer wa1 insane -but not just at the time <>f the shooting. He said be would produce thrte elpert' wilnes!es to show Bremer waa schizophrenic. "All tine," be added, "will lell you there is a 1ood chance Arthtir Bremer WU stet the dey he Wll born -and maybe before be was born." He described Bremer u "a boy who was weird the day be came into this world." · DAILY PILOT \ DELIVERY SERVICE Otlivtry of the Dalty Pllol Is guarantttd MOl!d•'f'-Frld1y1 It '1'1111 •o flOt "-w 'J'Olll' 1Mper b'( i :Jt1,.m., c1H 11111 ~ copy wilt IM bfwthl .. WV. C1lt. lr9 tl~tn unlH 1:00 p.rn.. S.tllTclll' 11'111 SuMty: It YIU do Mt r-"'t yevr COf'Y b'( • I .II\. hlvfOly, tor I 1,m. SUroOay, ufl •"' 1 cepy wm IM Dr"0\191'11 " "°"· C1lh ,,. •~• 1111111 1' 1.rn.. Ttltpbonn M"t 0n"'9 ~ ~ .... -......... H-"'-1 H1111t1111• IMdl llNI Wlllfl'IN.., •...... , ........ •1m Siii Cltmlnlol, CIP""-lftdl, Safi J\Oltl t.1.i.1r-. a.... Ptlnl, loll!JI i....-. ~ """ .... .,..... • AffOnfl of War A crying woman Ls comforted by another during a mass funeral for 110 unldenWled civilians ldlled on lllib"1•Y One In Vietnam as they tried to flee Quang Trl An estimated 2,000 people were ldlled by North Vietnamese ambushes over a thre&<lay period. Security Breach Blamed In Slwotout at Prison ' BOSTON (AP) -Cornet ions Com- mis..ioner Jolll 0. Boone aaya "an ob- vious breach or security" led lo the slaylna: of two prison emptoyes and the wounding ol two «her pmlOllS by 1 con- victed murderer who later, according to authorities, took his own life. Walter J. Elliott, 30, servin1 a tenn for murder at Norfolk Prison, apparently shot himself through the heart and serioualy wounded his wife, Katherine, as the climax to a six-hour drama at the ( IN SHORT .•. ) medium security institution Monday. His wife died today a1 a result ot her ID- juties. UllnC bandl\IDI prbon ollldala uy they believe bis wife mmlQl"1 lcto the prbon under her Ione dml, Elliott earlier shot two pardl and a prison in- structor. e IRA DeKfal BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - The lrllh Re)llblican Army denied today that it aet the bombs that tilled six penons and wounded more than 30 in a vlllage near Londonderry Monday, but ii vowed to retaliate for the British Army's occupation of Catholic eoclaYeS. Officlala of tit( IRA'1 Provisional Wing charfl<d In Dublin that the three bombl thet wrecked the main llr<et of Qaudy were planted by British troopo lo divert attention from their Invasion of the ioo,. barricad<d ·~go" artU Monday. e Doektt Deadllllf! LONDON (UPI) -The British gov..,,. meal will give strikin& dockworkers unUl Aug. t to settle thellii!.pute belon! declaring a state of emergency to ufeguard food and other vital SUPflll<S, a:overnment sources laid today. The decision was reachecflti\ a cabinet meetlng called by Prime Minister ~ward 'Heath to late a serious look at the nationwide strike now in its firth day. e Bat.cit Act WASllINGTON (AP) - A thr ... judge panel bas cracked open the door to partisan pol!Uca by federal employ.,, but the worten have to wait fot a Supreme Court ruling before they crou any cam- paign thr .. bolds. In the 1.-1 rulin( Monday, the panel lield the! ,..v1a1cm of the Hitch Act .- which-ban parti.l!IBll politics by fed.era) worken are •1tmpermiulbly vague and over-broad," and violate \be free-speech clause or the Ist Amendment. e Laird Hecfcled ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) -Antiwar demonstrators stnltlng "we don't believe a word you 'l"fl saying," Monday i.n- lerrupted a 1peech by nerense Secretary tl1elvln R Laird about America's efforts to gel out or Vietnam and return to a peace time economy. Laird temporarily silenced the ap- proximately 50 demonstrators by prom- ising to answer questiMs after his apeedl. U.S. Skies Partly Cloudy • Cool Weather, Swrms Cover North -central State'l MA"°"41 WIA1•t Urita l'Oll:CAlf .. 7.U. llf I • l -7t 06 .J0.00 3 ·" ... ·" .., ·" _.., • ~· ·' TWA's fabulOUI Ambasu.dor Service lo the Eut Coui. lt'1- oo ee1y with1 litUe h~pfrom Golden West 11Golden Otter" commuters tjp you lo L.A, Intemational, right next to TWA's terminal ... and that mean1 : • No f....,...y tn1lic • Noparkiftfhaaslea • No expenaiv8 tui& •-No bagga1e.Jw.ng41pg. - at.raight-through checking. TWA ' ' . • 'Elite Force•' i , Egyptian. Troop. Rebellion Told LONDON (UPI) -Dlplomallc nparll ..... blfts here Nld today • -ol the Eoptlan 1nny rebelled aplMI l'mf- detit Anwar Sodat «> May 25, but the _...(l'lb falkd. 'Ille dlploliiat. llld ...,. I , 0 0 0 ~om Cll·lha .Ute "opectal forceo" W> der Jlrie, Gel. Samir £1.Tannl look port hi the nbtllton. • 'Ille reporll from the Mlddla Eul could not be lmmedll,lel1 eonflnn<d by pvemment IClltCll here and abrMd. About 10 of the rinCleldtn, lncludlnJ Tlnawl, were amll<d, the dlplomall uld. . The diplomats aid the move wu bell .. <d to be one of the ,....... fad&t decided to •l]>d Soviet mllitory advllen from Eifpt. Detail> ol lbe fncid<nt are lllll not clear but diplomats aafd there were two ventons abool the obj<cliva of the r<bel troopo. • One vmion uld they planned to overthrow Sadal The other llld they planned to placO an u!Umotwn before the prealdent that be should coocede I list of demands. llud or the list wu the remov11 ot the Soviet advlsers.. U Sadat refused the plan wu to unseat him from power. The diplomat.I said that early on the morning of May 15, about 50 he.licopters, each carrying 10Tne 20 fully armed com- mandol of the "special forces," gathered in the Belbels aru, nortbeast of Cairo, where there ls a m1jor military airfield. ll<!ports uld the troops planned to land at two places -near Sadat's home ln the Guizeh suburb ol . Cairo, and near the radio staUon. War Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammad Ahmed Sadek was appai'enUy notified of the 1ltuation at Belbell and hnmedlalely took charge in a counteraction. There waa no detail how the rtbels weri foiled but the diplomata said Tanawi and the ringleaders were ar- rested and secretly referred to trial. Tanawi was .subsequently replaced by. Col. Mahmoud Abdulla. The diplomats said Sadat obliquelf referred to the power move In a majlir speech July 24 when he lol!l.<d aboot hiJ d1£feunces with the Soviet Union. Sadat said be considered, alter Presi· dent Nixon's summit meeting in Moscow, that a "pause with our friend (the Soviet Union) ii neceasary to talk and be frank ." • He then added: "°'4' dill--. tlnlM!d from March lt7l IDIUI today, The dlf!mncu were cooculed, llthoueb they cauoed me domelllc: troub~." The diplomat. lllld the ll1llY move ,... • factor In the apubloo de<laloa but Rualil'• !JlocllDC:e lo tuPl'IY· F.mll with .. advanotd weapom wu sWl .ibi main ......., Sadat ordered the .-au1. Bugging Suspect Had Vote Check In Bank Ac'Count WASHINGTON (AP) -A ~.000 check. aPf>U""IUY Intended for President Nixon'• r...iectlon campaign, ended up in the account of~ of five men acamd In the breol:·ln and bugging attempt al n.mocrauc headquarters bel'e, the Washington Post aaid today. 1be check waa made out by the First Bank and 'ITilSI Coolpa1JY, of eOCa Raton, Fla., to K<nneth ff, ~. ol Minneapolis, the Nixon campaign finance chairman fDr the Midwest, I b e newspaper aaid. Jt later was deposited in the bank ac-- count of Bernard L. Batter, who 1Vll ar· r-with four olber men lnllde the Democratic National beadquarten on June 17, according to the newspeper. 'Ille five men were charged with blqlary. Police aJoo seized a quantity ol eleclnmic bugging equipment. . The Poat said it confirmed the ex· lstence of lbe cl!eck with Dohlberl. II was depo&ted to the Barker account in April, although the eJ:act route taken by the check after it le(t·· Dohlberg'a bandl was not known, the Post aald. - Rockefeller Gra ndd.ad LITILE ROCK. Ark. (UPI) -Former Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockd.Uer. bu become a grandfather Monday when Andrea Davidson Rockd'eller, seven pounds, WU born at SI. Vincent'! in- firmary. flOM ORANCil COl,fNTT AiaPOaT ./ GOLDIN WIST TWA • .• GOLDIN WIST TWA Lv ·ArLA LvLAX NIW TORK 7:50A 8:25A 9:00A 9:15A 9:50A 11:40A 1:45P. 2:20P 3:0QP S:OOP 3:35ir"' 4:15P 9:05P 9:40P 10:45P IOSTON 7:25A 7:50A 8:45A 10:20A 10:55A ll:SOA 9:05P 9:40P ll:OOP Lv Ar LAX Lv LAX PHii.A. 7:25A 7:50A 8:45A I2:40P I:I5P I:50P 9:05P 9:40P ll:OOP WASH. D.C. 8:25A 9:00A IO:OOA 11:50A 12:25P l :OOP IAU~ 9:05P 9:40P 10:401' fOl OIG-cAU. lllll~AnONI MIOHl TOllll TUYa AGINT oa OOUliN Win AT• 714·979-IOl)O · SERVICE TO DIE EAST COAST (with a little help from a friend) · . v.s. s-..,...· · :::---i.::...·~.-:;-:; ... ..::J':l'I ~.: :rc.:."l'ft;."' ... -er=.:.~... -'.l':lr;iill'l!r.:.:-.-..: ' TWA ' I ~.:&l:'l.11:1 ~.., ..... ~ . , • • • • • • • • I \ ... ' ... .., ' ' DAll.V Pl~OT I> • Antipollution Tax Benefit Reject,ed • Cars H alt.ed. 1 Old n111, ·iwew Ute , . B . ~I I • . utter. y n Tax Plans ReVIved official Insect Adop~d For Probe t SACRAMENTO (AP) -A ytWaod -more thall llGI cepl tht blU 1IUlllber and bis iu llllllon acb>ol n-wr mlllfoa ·a ,..r In oew .we name• author. reform llfOPOlll baa a new mcney into local ec:bo6ll. "R'a 1UU my blU, and I will Ufo. a MW -and a oor II -1d abo -llalo In-coodad U Vf&°"'"" an effort -name ~y. but it'• the same comt. aalet, vehicle ~ u I have In the past for it," plan a Senate committee kllled bUllnm taus bY more thall Dilll Aid alter the committee tut week.1. fl billioo a year and Ul6 up "YOle. . TltlJ Um• tht -·• com-• about ..,..tblnl of tht slata'• Aaked how he could 1Upport prom!Jo belwem Republican ..timated $411 milllm budcet lhe plan now after beJni • Gov. Rooali! Ruaan and ourpl111. . 'OrOllllntol. member of Ille Democratic Ntembly Speal<or Other provlaloNI of tht tu Senato oppooltioo a wee!< aao. Jlob Moretti Is in a Sonata bill meuure would ""ll'ln _,. OW. ctled on Item which In- and .... th• backing of • approval ol -lut1lro -mucd '""" am million to .... tor wbo played a key role erlJ tu rota -and Sl'/I million tht sbaro ol tho In kllllng the propoaal WI the pve ,..i.n mra lnoome tu new ICbool lpOMY wblcb will Senato Finance ~mmlttee credits of IZS to 11$ a yell'. 10 to Improve prosram1. Lut wee!<. ·'lbe meuUr. -belQ( ued That would QI! Ille portion The proposal was revived by 11. the vehicle ror Ille tu bill ol tht ICbool m0oey to be u...i t b 9 AIRmbly Rovenue and Jo a llCbool! bDI that tht for properly tu nle rollbacU Tuatlm Committee Monday Senate nn-e . ~mmittee to IZ40 mlllloo. , u amendments ar a rival and then Ille full Senato pas> ~ D111t plan, u approved octiool finance bill ·that the eel wt week after the FinanCo by the Smafe, ont1 nlled Ille •5en1te passed Jn place of_ Ille Commltlee Md killed the salet la• 000 cent per dollar •M.,.ltl-Rugan plan. R<aaan-Morettl ~· and gave all the new money to '11le Assembly committee But Dlllt, wbo authored Ille local ICbools. It contained amended the entire 200-page rival meuure, uld be still nooe of the e I 1 b or• t e tax bill sponsol<d by Jloigan 1Upp>rts Ille bill, even thoUgb bomeowner and renter r<lief and Mo~u into 1 l900 mlllloo . It contains almoll nothing -11 ol tht Rdlgan- •<hool finance bill by. s.n. from hll orlgJnal propoul u-Moretti plan. · Ralph Dills (().{;ardena) and _,_ _,_ * -k 1:1: -k then approved the new version H ~ re df the bill by an 11.J vote. G IQ T · H • That ... tthetaxplantotho roup est.s . it,· Assembly Ways and Meals . . Committee 'tor a n o th er . ~ . ~~=~..:~rbably New Quizzes Backed &.CRAm:m'O (AP! -Tho cawomJa q./l<'Od but- terfly-a ydlow, oronce and black beluty-llN Dutlered to oew bel&hts by De<omlllll tho olflcla1 lnaed for Iha Golden ) LA CRESCENTA (AP) -. lAI Alli<la County llbetUli deputies baited about 1 •• SACRMlEm'O (APl -But aitlcs chataci...ued the rootorlsl1 at a t w o-b 0 u f State. ·-Gov. Ronald Jlaiu aDllOUDCed MCllday be llgned a bill, prompted by the fourth arade -al r ........ Dalley School, to p-the do&-taced butterfly lllllOlli the Calilomla l)'mboll. Calllomta Industries won't be measure u a "tax giveeway " roadblock ln an attempt " able to claim prope:rty ta~ ei:· to big buslrw:sa and said even a turn up a wltnfsl to t M•-· f 1 1 plant air conditioner could be eni.............. Ot a Pe c a an-constUttd u a &.a.1 e J e m P t murdtt of a sport.1nc. g liPollution eq~ipme:nt because antlpolluUon devk.'e. store owner. The -butterny, known formally u 7.ero11e eurydlce, joins other .. rrlclal <)'mbols thot indude a otate llowtt-the Colilomta poppy: Jtate b!J11-the valley qUIU; lllale llol>- gota.en trout; state trtt--coast redwood and state animal -4;6Ulomtl gnu.t)' bear. ol Assembly action. .1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The proposal was ,.Je<ted by the lower house on a 36-2.S vole Monday after several le&lslators •J'llled lnd111try 5bould pick up Its own an· Assemblyman Kenneth Maddy, a """"" Ropublican. sponsored the butlerily bill. . Bill to Feed Elderly -Poor Goes to Governor UuUoo tab. t~ ,.. ...... by Sell. Walltc Stiern ((). Bakenfield), 1equittd 5 4 votes, a two-thirds majority of the BO-member Assembly, for pLacement on the November ballot. "~ have smoke situaUons which\ have become ln- SACRAMENTO (AP) -'lbe A.wmblyman Leo T. tolerable. \Ve ha\•e noise sltua- half-million 'elderly in McCarthy, dlainnan of the · h'-" California who live below the Legil~ture's Joint Committee t~ v;· iui have become in- J)O\'etlY. line and SttOO.nge to on Aging, said in an interview tolenble," said Assembly"1an make ends meet would be his bill ls a must and he Ls Jonn Knox (D-Richmond), » eligible for at least five hot confldtnt Gov. lfunald Reagail sembly sponsor or the pro- meals week under a blll sent will sign It. posed amendment to the state to the governor's desk. "ln this country m.iUIOM oC ConstituUon. The Assen}bly gave the bill elderly ~ 1ocia11 y He termed his proposal "a LOSE 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS! . F1mour. U.S'. Women Ski Team Diet During the .-m-.snow orr season the U.S. Women's Al· plne Ski Team members go on the "Ski Team" diet to lose %0 pound! ln two week!. That's right -1 20~pounds in 14 days! The basis of the diet is chtmical food 1cUon and was devised bf a famous Colorado physician especi@lly for_ the U.S. Ski Team. Nonna! energy is maintained (very important > while reducing that way. It's a diet that ls euy to follow whet.tier you work, travel or stay at home. • This Is honesfly a fantastically successful diet. tr It weren't, the U.S. Womens' Ski Team wouldn't be perm.Uted to use it! Right! So, give your!elf the same break the U.S. Ski Team gets. Lose weight the sclentlflc. proven way ~ Even if you've tried all the other diet!, you owe It to yourself to try the U.S. Women's Ski Team Diet. That I!, of you really do want to lose ~pound! in two wee.ks. Order today. Tear this out as a reminder. a 6+-0 okay Monday, .and the iaol.ated, slip lnto loneliness very llmited grant ·of power" measure's author bailed the Urough depression and lose to the Legislature to gtve tax Smd only $100 ($2.25 for RuM Servict)-Cash Is O.K. bill's final passage as the first their Interest in preparing incentives for cleaning up -to: Information ReJOurces Co., Dept. 19, P.O. Bo:r 173,. nte ta:r bill is intended to cut the average bomeowner's property taxes by about $200 a real helping hand t be 1 de qua t e me a 1 s r 0 r pollution. He com"""-1 the Encinitas. Calif. 92024. OOO't order unles! you e:rpeet to "-•'•and u by"· IM4-75 '-· I t •----•~ to ••----! '' ..,....... lose 70 pounds in two weelul Because that's what the Ski w.n::ic, ........ we '" ..... &is a ure , ... s e.-.1e1iucu w1':11~ vn, the San Fran-meas.ure lo """n space tax --•-1 Id I •••-loo -i--Team Diet will do! ~AIU year. 1__:o:::_~peop~:e~~:.::· ~"":::::_·~~~~c~i>oo'.'.'._~Democn~~~t~sald~·~·~~~~btt~ab~!passed~~l~n~r~ecen~t~y~e~ar~1~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Salesman Held After Kidnaping SAN PEDRO (AP) -A 4&-' year~ld salesman is I n custody today booked ror in- vestigation of kidnaping a 4lfz· year-Old girl missing from her San Pedro home for 18 hour~. Carolyn Pele was reunited with her parents Monday when she was brought to her home -by a man in a pickup truck. He told Carolyn'• mot!Jer. Sima, 32, his name was Jack and then refused to wait Jor . police, saying he bad no time, o[ficers said. Moments later, using a description of the truck, polict ll!Tested Martin Jacbon of Conu>Jen on a nearby heway. Corol)n was wunined by a doctor wbo said she was unbanned 8lld in good hmltb. Group IQ tests u Ibey are presently given in California public schools havt taken a one-two punch in the -State Senate. By a .27-2 vole the upper house Monday approved a measw-e by Assemblyman Willie Bro'iftl (~San Fran- cisc<>), to junk group IQ Icsb and purge test scores from lcliool re<0!l!$ by July I, 1'118. "Th.is myth about IQ testing has really dOne more hann than good/' said Sen. Clair Burgener, who sponsored the Assembly-approved bill in the Senale. * Mandatory scholastic achievement test! for second, third and sixth graders and high school seniors has won endorsement from the California Sen.ate w i th o u t debate. The bill by A>semblyman Leroy Greene (l).Sacramen- to), orders tho Slato Board of F.ducaUon to come up with lestlng methods to assess performance in grades two, A minim;! public school teacher salB.ry of $7,200 a year ln CaLifomia has won Senate approval. ''Some small districts are not in a position to ketp up with this merry-f::~round," Sen. Clark Bradley, an op- ponent ol lhe bill, said during Monday's debate. "I don't know of any other group of emplbyes In California which has a provision in state law that they must be paid a cer· lain amount ." *· Persons convicted of first degree murder would have to spend at least 14 years behind ban before they would be eligible for p a r o I e con- sldera\ion under a bill wtnning easy Passage in the Senate. - The measure by Sen: H. L. Richard!lon, an Arc ad I a Republkan, went to t b t Assembly Monday on a 25--0 vote tn the Senate. PrHent law allo~ perlOM con:ricted of murder to become ellgll>le for parole after seven years. 2 State Agen~ies Under Fire By MARY K. §RELL Capltot News Service SACRAMENTO -Two state agencies came under fire ln an audit report flied recenUy by the Joint Legislative Audit ( Committee. development and Im- plementation of t b e system because of operational p~ lems, Thomas said. The add!Uonal expenditure Is estimated in e::rcess of Jl00,000 annually. Waterhouse wu more than ,14,000 over the highest bid submitted. The auditor general's office ls continuing to review con- aultlng contracb, which have "l"'"ed BOme 132 million in the past few· years. .. And the Joint Legislative Audit Committee promises the •• . ~11&-Fal'go Bank would like to save YC!U up fo$100 on your n~xt loan. If you've been considering getting a boat loan, a home improvement loan or a loan for some other purpose (excluding the purchase of an automobile) these special Wells Fargo Bank coupons can save you anywhere from $10 to $100 worth of interest. Have a look: • COUPON VAi.US CHART The McnYoullclllw, 1bo McnYOll S..01 .... ,....__ Ceupon ....... -... Ion $1PCl1 er-. $100 $100 $100 $100 . $100 $100 $1,0Cll lo $1,000 $ 75 $ 75, $ 71 $ 75 $ 75 $ 71 $1.001 .. $1,000 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $1.501 .. $1,000 $ 25 . For ••••• , ••• 36-. 41-. 60-. 72-. 14-. ,. ..... Not" Coupon bu thed!..,.11< ... odna Ibo.._ JOO pay. For--the amount financed is s.c,ooa.oo, with a monlhly i.ftRalbbc:ota ot. stol.ll C9Ch. toealin1 $4,959.U , it bu an ANNUAL n.RC&NTAGE llATI of 11.'7", But Dy-:tai:r!.J'lhll coopoe. WOfth Sjg.OOi rour fint :IDOlllhly--payment ii only-$.5~ which lowenyou.rlotll p&YmenlltoM,909.14,and reduca J'Otlfactull ANNV PERCENTAGE RAT1' IO 11.44'-'"· lo 00 cue will c:oupoa be booorcd for --- The report · dlsclo!led a private consulting flrm, Price WaterboUJe and~ .. ""' paid 300 percent mo,. than !ta COD-than amount of 6nt pafmcnt. ~-~d~ . I • - . : •• • •• ' ' •: " '. -· .. •• .. •• . tract price for Ille design aDd lmplementallon ol a boopltal cost r<portlng system for the Department of Mental H)'ll9>e. The Deportment d. Mental Hygiene, charged with the respoll!ibility of adminlstertDg the contract, ea.med the wrath of the audit committee for its efforts. "gather dust." -------------------------+--· It i.s now in the hands of the --------------------------- Aasembly'• committee 00 el-COUPON V Al.UE CHART V-. . . - ALSO UNDER attack is the ficlency and cost control, -· 1.1 ,... also mted the amount paid over the bid price WH not subject to competitive bidding. Office of Man a~e • n t headed by Assemblyma.n Mike TbeMon>Youllorrow The MoreYouSa .. t Services, which d the Olllen (().Long Beach) ho Is authority to reyiew coo-also a member of oint troct and exercise trol over.~Leg::=:=l.11=•.:.tlv_;_•_A_;_udl_t=~,.,mml=-_,'<-I • _,..._ c..,.. wfll loo-..i fon $6,001 ........ $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Ille budget. . A~RDING TO the com-Thomas complained this of-1----=~==---I ~ fi • I 'ced ••CTITIOUI •USllll•ll m I t lee cha I rm an. lee • mere y VOi concern NAM• ITATIMINT A 1 1 em b I y m 8 n Vincent that the contract was beCQm-.. ~ followlng ""''°" 1111 dOlne tiWll'IHI Thomas (D-San Pedro). an ing expensive." MUSTANG EM,L.OYMENT AG!NCY, •• •· •-· bm'tl....! t..:.Jo. 1N N"""""'1 11\td., C111I• ~. audit performed by the office .x:ven 1.1.111~ su 1 u=u uiu:i Jull• Vlroin1• 11111N11. 1t110 111:8"111 I Of Auditor Ge .... ra) William E. to the state on invitation to urw. Huntlno1ar1 e-11. I ·-· the Ramone J11n AnMlror'!ll• 1nso I.In 1tferrifle1d indicated the Price design pd implement Ma1o1, 0-11. F.-t.in v.n..,. ! Waterhouse firm won the COD-bospila~ ~reporting system O::: .. ~~~"' ~ .., • Note: Cousioo has tM ctlu:t ot redudlll the intermt r:.r.Y· For uamp1e, wbclll tract with a low bid of when 1t was decided better ll-J-AnMt,._ '1IC amount ft.nanced it Sli$00.00, with l6 moalhly menu ol. $8147 each. TN• '"'-' 111111 wllfl """ c.,.,,., lOtalias $2.961~7 it bu an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE ot 11.!29'. But I $1%7,000. cost accounting met.bod.I were C*'-., °'~ c.....,. .. : Jiiiy 14, 1m. by""usina th.ii · wortb Sl.5.00~ )'OUt ftm monthly Plrmart a. only Sj7.~!i I By tbe time the firm's con-needed in the state hospitals. ~rn.---•r · M9ddolt. ~ °""""' wtudalowenyou totaJpmymcaisroS2,94l.9l,1odreducayouractm1ANNUAL I sultant left the project, · Menifield sakl, "It ii our ' tttM PERCENTAGE RATE to II.ti~. IA oo cue will coupon be hoaored for more I 1..-ver Price Waterhouse oplnk:n that when the st.ate tJ. NlllllNd °""" c11111 o.11r ,r1o1. than amount ol fint PIJDICDll. I $4,001 .. $6,000 ·$ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $3.001 .. $4,000 $ 35 $ 35 $ 3S $ 25 $U $2,00l 1o$3-$ 25 $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 ............. u ......... 60-.. 721tot. 14-..120 .... ... ..,.Wto .... l'Olll ,_...,_,.Oii.MiU,_ HOME IMPROVEMEN"I' LOAN l..,....IC 1 £1... . Jvtv h,. :ti •nd lillf\llt 1 I, 1'72 1171-n lladcollec!ed '390,000!or •~_/Cal!lomla permita coa1ncu1~-:t'i;;;;..,o;;;;;;;;;;-...:c.~1.~~~~-~~~-·--~~~--~~~--~-I-· job becoWIO ol contract au)») '!1'f".1' have been awanled on · LEGAL NOTICE ------------------------------ plements and ameidm<nt.s. tile lwls of compeUUve blda "CT'T""'' '"""'" COUPON V AJ.U~ CHART '\ 1 ·. Thomas a1Bo noted the COD-to be increased in time and MAM• 1TAT11M•NT I tract ca.Oed for a eompletion cost to the extent that thll .1:-':.~ ~ .,. u,. 1beMoreYouBorrow, TbeMoreYoa.Sawt I date tn late 191'1 or early lMI. contract was, laJ.ity ln hlddlni .::"'.!~st" cat"t::;.~~.E;! co.. I tt was 1970 when the con-ta eocouraged. 0-111 F, ''"lck. 1.a w .. ''· 1 sultant withdrew. He called the practlce "u-'ti!:..~~ 1.c OMM LArlf, 11 tftme)y unfair to thole ~ Mlll'llllltllfl IHdl, C.111. HOWEVER, ms departure sulUng firms that submit bids ,~~ 11 1111"' C8ndUc1td iw • didn't mean th e l)'llem im· b a 1 e d on more a c-oo.ald F. N..ii.us I pltmented wu IUCCalful. The curate esllmatts of Ume and c:: J6,~ C: =~Jo;": 1~ I department bu' bten forced to coat." '' ,_,, J. MHdoil. °''*"' ~ I apihd "a cooslderable amount .. C""-,,,.. I or ·money" '° complete the THE AMOUNT paid Price J ... ":":l"# ::...~·~ =" ,;....~ t NO'~: ~ hu tbe dl'ect of m!Qdq tbl lnlerCllt ~«Prof.le. when ~.~.=. i:!t~~a·~~AGE RAn'!.'i •.• ~~ WOO;DBUJl ... X .. , ~~hi_~G,,E ... L ~~~~·:>1~~.::r.:~:..::.. ... ~!i I ....--• -.. ,.;w -l'ERC&NTAG& RA.TS ro 14.t"'°, lD DOCNe wUl coupoo 119 booond tor-mon I ...... ., ........... F5Ss•IWlll11t-t1'uantilWIDlollrltpa,_L • MXX:ll.MNi • Hr-.: DDIGH I -· .... ~'IO w.Ml'l'CI.-NSJ~Oll • .nu flfllllll ...i fmGTIM _,,., IO'f, Cll ICIS -.._, ••• --.;.:~DSIHG~ ·~lDW.---- , • 9JAC5,$ MJn:Nil Ql,-.if • MAmltG • CJ)MMUCA1'Q4 • OfftCZ MlMNSllAllON • fi\SttOH i:a3t4 • llAQB IDUCAlOf Clip llM8 coupons nGL'JI .......... .. ............ -. ...... fl' ••• ..._, .... d ....... T ....... ,_ 'a,._ ......,c. .,................. • ..... I !t ... 08cs .q ........................ .... ......... ,,... ............. ~... .s.o ... w ·•·••1 .-.r..,.._...~....,_.,...._._ -_111111•111rtr1 ..... '' .•w n'&'J ,, ... • Tuck the.m away some safe place. Then, when you're ready to applyior your loan, bring the appropria~ coupon to the Deare$ Wells Fargo Bank. .. .. .· " ... . : ,. ' 102'1 WUh, , a• &..i. ,.._.. ta111=-... OU MA9: ti"> NOIMADt& r '",..":"'--:.._ ___ _.~---.....-----1 Wells ~has OWJ.280 offl-lhroughoul C.11\omil. eo.ui M88a Otf\oo: 462 East 17th Street, 92627 /Asseia over $7 ~lllon/Member F.O.i.C. • , • • • • ,. • ' • • I . . , • • • • • ' ,, • • -• ' .. • . DAD.Y PILOT<E~ITOBIAL P~GE . . Ag~_:for -.Best · Learning .. ~ • . Part or lbe revenue package bein& debated lbla week in Sacramento la 1 $~ million proposal which , if it beComes law, will mean parents in Callfomia could •tart sending their four-year-olds to school In 1973-H. their children In aome form of pr•llCbool education aJ. ready. The economically dlaadyanuged aliO have lbe opportunity of pre-school ln•trucUon through lbe fed· eralty.financed Head Start Program. Al ~lea p0lnla out, "It la time for l\le majority of lbe peopl.e who are In the middle to have the same opportunity." Moreover, the ·plan is entirely voluatary. U parenlJ feel their child would benefit from starting school at The proposal comes from Wilson Riles, slate supe,... tntendent of public '"Ths~ction, and bas generally re- ceived medium to strong support from state legislators, including Governor Reagan. Orange County Assembly· man Robert Burke ls a vehement opponent of the plan, but a majority of his fellow assemblymen have voted approval ol the bill. · age lour, Ibey are free to participate. H Ibey object lo . the plan , all they)lave \o do la hold their child out of school for another year. Innovative and Imaginative, the Riles · plan would have a tar-reaching effect on California education. It also wouJd mean changes in tbe life styles of millions of Callforn1a parents. Many ol these parents are going to agree with de- tractors of the Riles plan who maintain childhood is a fleeting experience as it is and that imposition o! the education regimen at such an early age "'ill mean that &chools virtually take over the raisini of children from the ages of 4 through 21 . There also is a substan1ia1 ele· ment that believes CalifOrnia schools are too burdened as it is and imposition of still another load of youngsters Is simply too much for the system to handle. All in all, though, we btlieve the Riles plan's merits outweigh its objectives. Alost educators agree that chil· dren have a much greater learning ability"-during these early years than they have later in life. Parents who can afford it almost invariarbly 'enroll Politics Forcipg. . . ·Peace · This · Fall For reasons they keep to themselves. U.S. officials at the highest level think a favorable break in Vietnam peace negotiaOon.s may possibly come in September. This tentatively held expectation goes a long way to uplain President Ni.Jon'• vehemence in ecold· , (RICHARD WILSO~ mechanisms for the aetUement later of the political issue between Saigon and the Viet Cong provisional government. It would be to the advantafe of a majority of Cali· fornia's parenu and children I the Riles plan can r1>- main part of whatever finance program comes out of the Legislature this week -that ls. a.suming our lawmaker• are successful in finding an acceptable proposal. We Gained an Hour A belated birthday greeting lo the U.S. Postal Serv· ice. It was one year old on July 1 a.nd somehow we flllssed a chance, to send someone a ~a.rd. If-we had sent a card, however, it might just be gel· ling there. By the Postal Service's own figures, it now takes. a letter one hour longer to travel 258 miles than it did before. lbe U.S. Post Ol!ice Department became the semi·public Postal Service one year and one month ago. Ma:•be the timin g isn't that far oft. So we will offer a happy SECOND birthday greeting ·-'and· hope it gets there. 'If tbat disqualified 11 pel'BOD from ·public of lice 11VO'd ban few .politii:ians left to l'W2 the coUD.try!' . c Dear _Gloomy Gus Bravo to tht mdn from Modesto who buys food in large quanUtie!I and stores it in his thousand-pound free7..er. Let me have his address and J'll personally thank him some night. -Fairly Hooest John llll• l11tur. rirtlkts reMSerT' ¥llwl. not MCes ... Ntf' ~ ol 1111' --· 5-.id rout "" _.,, to Glclomr Go.It, DIHY Piiot. • Guns in The Crowd? A Haunting Campaign Fear By HELEN B. SHAFFER ••IWlef ·~ • ...,,. A special fear haunta the campaign for the American presidency in 1971 It is a fea r that somewhere on the campaign trail, 'ol'hen least expected, another ~ "'ill flash and once more a smiling con- tender for high office will be transformed In an inert, bleeding body. 'l1Je horror of such an event goes beyond tbe'penonal tragedy to the vic- tim and the loss to the nation of a U.S . CIVILIAN FIREARMS TOLL, 1971 Murd•rs committed w ith guns ............... , . . . . • 11,300 Deoths from gun a<cidents .... , .......•••• , • • . • • • • 2,400 Poltcemen killed by gunfire in line of duty •• , • • • • • • • • • 120 Sukldes by gunfire ....... , ...••••••••••••• ~..... 10,000 Accidentany wounded .......•..•.••••••••••••• , • • 20,000 Aggravat.d assaults invotving gunt •• ; •.•••• , • • • • • • • • 921000 Persons robbed ot gunpoint ...••••.•• , •.•••••••••• , 160,000 s:w>litical leader. Fear ot assassination) • ' . ' . • • .. • Uuutens the Ame,icaa way of cboollri&. SOU~CUL '" prelimitlar.p f-'pcwtl·IOr l971, t'il_~iofQl Sof•ty ""*1·~ . -f elected officiall. Jt m<:ja unwanted tJu... 1 • L __ -::.....:.... ·-....:.· ..;.'.:.· ...:·-..:-:-..:~~"..,:;;.,.,;,···.;_;.v.. ".:.·-"i:' •:,1-;;,--"~~.;::i,...-.._...;.::·--~·;;.::,~.,.i~>o rien between 'candlda1il and ~ elec-• Ing U.N. Secretary General Kurt Wald- heim on the dike bombin1 quesllon, . and txcorlaUnc the Senatt doves I• tbe llOf>lhe-wv l'80hr !loo!. INSIDE that simply stat.cl !onnula ii• the most complu que!tlona, including the status of Pnsidenl Thl.eu ill Soujh VlebWn. "NO!wltbslanding, the Idea of 1 ~ble 8eplember break is current 1t the lllghetl level. conceptJ as merely another akip down the garden path, or another Nbon decep- tion. The slal<es are too high for that kind ol analysis. Nixon haa the last chance of his first administration to end the war, as he tolemnly promised to do four years ago. lo aaylDg now tbll be hu the "best chance" to do so, he mw:l have something in m~: or, If not, to be prepared for renewed chargea that he deceives and mlsJead.s the public. torate and ft can dlscourage ~ ipola> • >< special" measure. MANY PEOPLE who have no laYM[ ~ tial leaden rrom NMillc l<>r omce. Gun control is an old Issue and the guns buy them ror p!<llectton f!I!'lli;Jn. • The Presldenl la trying In bold public and congrusiooal opinion In line while he plays out what be considers the best ever chance for 1 negotlated settlement. HE TBINKS his band is weakened by election year maneuvers, Including the Inference of lhe George S. McGovern candidacy that Hanoi's but bet Is to·wal1 until alter the election. Nixon wanta Hanoi to rullzie that It~ can get Its best deaJ befatt the electk>n, ·a 11eat tblt wtn'TUlly-11op·the w1r. The tout McGovern pullout woo't necessarily 1top Saigon from conllnulng In fight. A settlement with Nixon would. .. The direction in which 1 set.Uemeqt UI movlrti ls toward the separation of military and political. questions. This is not 1 new direction, but It UI one which evidently · now abowl aome promise of 1'ading nnewbere.. Jt involves a cease-flre now and 11-who ezpress lhe Idea hedge it abQut with the W'Ull cautiona about oot ,. uquing unjU1tllled expectations. But, nevertheless, they eiprw the Idea and have relsona for doing so. Among these reasons must certainly be the cootinum,: attitudes of the Soviet Union arxl the Chinese People'1 Republic. Transshipment of Soviet supplies for North Vietnam through Chinese Ports is still nol being permitted. Soviet Presi· dent Podgomy's vWt lo North Vietnam after the Moscow meetings with Niloo is st_UL seen as a restraini.ng lnOuence. Together these t~clrcumstances lend credlblllty to the impression that Moscow and Peking are giving Nlxon a chance lo reach a settlement. These attitudes are reported herein not for the purpose of giving credence to the likelihood of a settlement, but to ii· lumtnate the kind of thinking which is presently moUvaUng President Nixon. EASY CYNICISM could dismiss such One ·explanation is that Nixon is now in the course of making a record on hia la.St and beat chance which, when later revealed In a brilliant briefing by Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, will eeem IO plausi- ble and ...,...bie that lta ,.jectlon by Hanoi will be regarded as irrational. As usual, Inherent-contradictions In of. ficlal statements arouse doubl Nixon Is tak.Jng about the "best chance" while unnamed officials in Saigon predict a new Commimist offensive. Preswnably there could be both, but it does not seem likely. Security measures cannol guarantee argumenta have not changed over the toting pimlnals. But lncreu.t.,.~ lwi political personages aboolute safely from yeara. Eventl have 'rarely .budged fiud ....._...,. atwa-to be lo'~''"' in: malcontenis. President Kennedy and his ,. ,.. "1 opinions. Wallace, for eumple, bas given creues ftt gun deaths -. mqrdefl, ac-. EDITORIAL RESEARCH no Indication he bu cbimled .ln bla op-cidenU.and auicides. "Thole pirte ol the , position In more gun c:ootn>I. Pro-gun country with the hlgbsl levels ol gun adbennta generally attribute revived ap-ownership alao have. the higbeot. levels ol · pea!IJor more cootrola to .. hysteria" tn offensive violence with pm," it ii the Wike ol a llartllng crime. They count reported by Franklin E. Zimring, wbo on public emoliOll to suboide. waa director ol mearcb for tilt llational That happened after the murder. ol Violence Qlmmission · brother Robert wele slain, and, most President Kenne41-Polilical Hsaalnationa thus . rePr-nt recently, Alabama Gov. George C. The situalloo may be changl!I(, nnI,y: a tiny percentage of. the many Wal~_ waa severly w~ed despite the , -however: The amutnations_ot...&ba"l ~ .. MIOdated w!Yl~ the pr.....,. ol -Secrel S<rv1ce men iiild Kenne<ly and . the Rev, Martin Luther -Uiiiled States. But Poul\<11. _.om.: bodyguards. King In 1988 did result In new law~ lbe lions are pro!ouqdly d la~··~~ tn g •. WHAT THEN is the answer! Should llrsl significant federal leg I 1 lat i o o ~Probably no olher1 form of -lo America tive up ita traditional practice restrict.in& gun acqulsltion ln 30 yeara. vioterice-aaveclVUwar-CilllSmori or having aspiran!J ror high omcemlngie Public oplnloo favors carrying the angulsb and un1venai cllm>ay,• Iha with crowds, · shake the hands . ol pment contn>ia a step !Urtber, accqrdl!I( Violence ·C<lmmlalon COUUMlled. strangers! Must the candidate In the to a Gallup Poll conducted lo May. II in-So, unlike the general tollol•gun criml!, flesh be replaced entirely by his shadow dlcoled that 11 percent o1 lbe people assapmitiOlll provide the tmpetua for on the TV screen! Some think the answer wanlRTttw ID require 1 police pertlllt gwKoDlrGI.......,. Ao In !Iii,_ lies lo gun control. for buying a gun. Among gun owner> electicx1 ·yea? · marlled !Jr a political They would strictly limit the tight or there abo was maj0<ily (II percent) ~" tbe isaue.li ...... be!<n Iha In all fairness, and the naUon'a ln- lertst, it would seem only reasonable tl'lat Nixon be permitted to play out his last best chance wilhoorenl .Payola Spins the Discs ·ordinary citilenl to acquire a gun to · support. American people. reduce the chance it mighi fall Int<> the hands of an amain, an ordinary criminal or other imsponslble penon. 1be Wallace uwsinatk>n attempt gave new Ule In gtUK011trol llllla that had lain dormant In Coo&ress. \I Impelled the I Salt Away That Smile • Record promoters offer d r u 11 , whiskey, prostitutes. Lu V e.11 a wlngdm,a, TV aets and autoe: to get their records on the ''top 45" ntinc charts. But bard cash remains the favorite payola medium. · As evidence, here's the anatomy of a typical payola case from our slx·monttt- ;ong investlg1tlon. . Rebel llecwdlng, a bold and brassy Maryl.and company, lw been poshinl the record . ''The Leg· """ ol the -Rebel Soldier." Jt appemct oo the ratlns chart.I of 'fil-$tate Dillrib- uton, .Fort Wayne, as one ,of the "com· era" ln the country mu&i< neld. · Such clJarU" ace usedb)'bn>odcaaten for d-1nl reconll to play.' T1te dtarta. therefore. can make or brtU a new -. ;· TllLSl'ATll'S -is Oil! A1!n .~ •• -thne ......i1os -· wbo bu now -Int<> the ,...nl P"" molio11-distribiJUon boalneta. • Out ol the blue, o.t.nn.,.... llrtd on a Idler lo Rebel'• pmldmt, Olarln • Fneland, about bla .... bit -'J'be• lotter modo no-. about bow Freeland -.., "Tha Legend " the Rebol _.. -the ntioc -• ll --. -<llllenneJer. "100 __ .. md '100 lo caab lor -.,,_ ... w---. wldl 111, Trelland1111de a call ---to~lo ·-tt lun -the Pa,.tA Id-• leF - -ff oaJd. lien is I patllal • ,_." ............ all: QllaJI CCJN!llllATIOH-Frttland: • (JACK ANDERSON) 0 "We think the thing wlU go. What would be tht fee? •too and 100 records?'', Ostenfleyer: "Yeah." Freeland: "Where would you be worl<- ing it?" Ostermeyer deleiled wbeft be would pnllnOle the ,...nil, then they came bod< to the COit. The ante hod g""' up. Ottumeyer: 11That's 100 ~ in m. diana (Ostermeyer'& home oUlce) and 100 In Nashville (The Tonne-branch), oh. and 1100 up the .. and 1100 down heft .•• You'll get your money'• worth." rmtand: .. Well, we have IOlDe money to apend." Ootermeyer: "It'll COOi you some inoney •.. " Freeland: 11What'1 chN'tca of movtnc it up 00 the dtarts U we IPODd I little more money •.. 1" -~r: "F;..,,,-ftoo, we put it up in ,--·-•• Ge...,e --.... Dear George: Could ,.. uplaln to llll the -tlleary tllol blil>llricod perfUme wlll aomebow inike • fanale more attractive to maleol SAM llelt Sam: • sam, I don't even 1 .. 1 UP 1'1illc· 11•1 beea 1 hard dly. Go mm 11 a Clrl anc111,n -·1-~ ~~ oisb. the Top '5. I'd give YoU a 36 spot (M the , Democratic Party tO wrtl\o a stn>nger • •. Top 4$ ralings), Then when Miss COtt than usual eun-conln>I plank in the plat-. Th~ ~ <:elwnni;rl ~t. never know [ )' from Billboard (a national maglU.ine ca~ fonn it adopted July 11 at its con.vend.on if be didn t ope.i his ~il: H In Miami Beach. It lw put pressure on You uae sail not .only becauae your · AL JJOYLE. rying charts) calls me , then I can bnck it the Republlcin ParJf to take a stai>d body needs it physically, scltntiats ay, up." 1Nben It meeta .w.. iJ.23 In national COii-· but because it a1ao helpo mat<~ you feel '-----------Fretland: "That would be moving up.'' vention. · good ,tm90ona.Qy. But dQo't try. to Alt " Ost i your way lo happiness. You're mono llQ. -esp, ls• btlnl way to mike I U... enneyer: "It' 1. coot you another SO li'AR, tbe NillOll edrn1nistration haa ly to wind up with high blood prellW'O. · 1ng. A llucty found that two-tlitrds of all $100 right away , \Ve 11 have to move a ....,.,..bee.rt reluctant to puab for new gun con-_ p~ parents have their troubles 11 ~stage actan fllnJed Jesa tblD ii,soo • client oul or that spot." tcoll. The President ud John Mitdteu, wtll aa huipaa parents. One o1 t11em 11 year at the1r cnfl. Onl7 ..,. Diii of :ii F ... tand : "Whero should I send If?" then Att-y General, told. conference that at thne -I baby pei>guln... ..... ..... than ut.000. .. Ostermeyer: ''Sood 1..., (hundred or 11.....Cortement olllcen, J\lne I, mt, .... half ill body weight al • ll!l(le meal. Pntdi&iou: ~ ..... led ~'-ii dollara) 1n Tri-Stile And one (hundi\od) that they...,.. oppoeed lo !"rtper fedml Le1vin1 baby behind In a day nursery, · 111a llntglel II • •-nf 0t the t N••'vlil r :t tba . il.. gun C<llllrolL Admlnlstntlon •spokesmen ·papa and mama have to 1l7 q 'mlncttloitl -.....,., b)' -. OI 0 .-'· ~ t amna · at rectnt hellinp oo run legillatlon djltances to calclt enough shrimp' to leed part ol Its d a i I y routtno, F<r o~uoplt, The conversation lndlcatod tbal lhe have sought to dbcoura1e COfOIJ'<SSional it. When they retum, Ibey often haw Ilia 111!f1J lovolvtnc eacti day la U. .....-d's rating would be detennined not action. -trouble idenU!finl whlch chick is tlteln.· normal· MtlG<llion ol •-ftom • Uli by IU popularity,_with lls._;.ers but by Nevertheleu there ii reasOn to beUeve This-~ mean they'ndtllnb. Ctn you eorth'i -lo al ~.UO,Otlt -ll!o cash on the bamlhead. ' lhe President would not veto a pending ten one pe!l(Uln from -1lerl 'Ueotlre tlectrlc' ~ capadlJ cl Iha Blllboan! . . gun<Olltroll rneu<n U c.n,r..s ap-The ~cmtpllcalod the bualom Dllod Slates. magazme denied that ll ..., proves IL 1'hll ii 'the bill lntn>duced b)' world the easier tt la to ...., , Ostermeyer's charts. And Ostmneyer, sen, Bitth ~ (ij.Jnd.l In outia• the bm1e. Security experjl-tlllmala tllol ...--·;:...--------'-.;;, confronted with the transcript ol hia...,. sale ol "SatunteY n1lbt specials" -the embm.len now loot U.S. !Irma cl IS _ .,..,t• -r venation, Insisted that money could not small, snu~, alloddlb< mid< gum mllllon·a daJ. ' - '"'" 1 ""11'd'i way noto bla Top '5 tisl. that aell roe IS to '25 and are laYOred by ' ·~~·~ now _.. al--' .., the small-lime boodlum and hold\lp man. --..--· ._ u ''I! I aald that, I'm wrong," ~told my It la elllmated thal one millllln ·entered much oo ~ -u they do on allllciate Les Whitten. the markel last {ear, •tldlni -to do( !~ GI_.., Ibey lpend far ' BLUE CROSS CllrS-Blue er... and America'• private 1rsenal ol ll'<>lnd 100 "'°"' on doi food than they do Oil baby million flrearma . , . food,. ,,,,. ,.. would all bl up lo our Blue Sllleld, the-nonprofit he1lth 111-. • , annptll ln tnrants. __,.. ~~ eecrtlly CUI back M • Aller five.~ ol hcarlnp last fall, tho • Yon think the Ml reeia boll W beneOta to fiaent employe1 ii· the Baib bill . bcame moribund IDllll • llghtnln(I bolt can ...,....1e • n same time they were clamorlntl for a 1alvlllis<d by the WaUIOll tncecb'. Two lmlpent,... 0.. -holler Iha.. wbopel!I( nte 1ncr<aoe. days alter the' aa111&1uUno altempl OD ....i-o1 tilt ..., ' Tha nll boosU will COOi tilt little peo-May .11• tt --_.vtd b7 a Sailte Qoolloble'-..;. "Ii is the vettb- pll at tho bollnm nmp ol ptrnment Judicwy aubcommllllt ind on Jome 17 -GI belntl ~ thol ,... ba'n to ~ from 111 mJlllon In 115 mliiion the Ml committ .. ,.ported it for ""'" live with rlcb peoplo."-1-Pelrull 111 UnJustlllt;r pmnJums lo tl'lt atone. lldenlion. on the Senill Door. smith. Bl"" Croaa blpigs went before !he TUB HOUSE Judicial')' °"8ilittee, Anothar American !Int: T....-i, qvU .$mice CominiM!oo In June, 1971, which had .. tiler planned 1n sltlp -ocair more f10quenlly lll tho Ualltd with 1 requat for a II per<fOt lncreue 11duatlon ol the gun illue lo !hi&,..,, Slain than ain•hen elao In' •ht -W in the Federal Employea Health Benefit abo opened lllbcommlttee ~ no i acconl.lnc to lht Na-t ~ D~llY PllOT llokrt N,, W~ 1'111<11&~ -. :1'-"-.ui,aor 'j Alhrt 1'. ,_ ' Ulloriol,... - ., • Procram. 'lbq1mlly IOUW for 1 -. llWllber ol IUft biiis.llldudln1f-.... 'Society. • · - ~-----...._ __ ___, modClt II pettent bike. comprehensive than 1he "Satunllf nlpt POVERTY S1'AGI: ,\di ~ .. t11!111of 'l'llead.v, Allpst 1, 1972 I I ) ~ f. • -·- . . • • • , . • ... - ' • . ' .; . • - • mJ Jv'!I\ I~ ~ .....1 FoOd Food I Imo~ West libl"l chah ' abooi .... local 7." ' ...... i 1 men IWO b)' I } • • • • InvestOr • ~ Reaches • L Jff. ••pl 4,831 · Tattoos r -. World's -Record Heights ' . . WJiot•, -11 -... --.r,. poedlc:I a.rm" Kief u "'""' ii -· Wbal'• /Kit -.. liow. Aoo 'IO ·u;. -...... ,....., 111e nanwi of $allGr lot,._., a'tllt'who with 1,131 needle -on !>II body WU 1-.111 ........ to be the wotld'I - tattooed 111111. ~ IT ---.,..,.. tbe, hlltorlcal Bowie knlle ' -1 TeUI au-8"" lbe ~ -boys . .wld -""' U>al!.,,,.,: uy • tnJe Bowie knife wu ever ·~made. ..,..i.n·bul Ill~ YOUNG J"Eu.vw', wblcla ..wd ,.. pmer for a bride, a ptelty penl-i..strt or a homd)' rich pi! PoJl. llen pat lbll _., to lllllJlel'OU9 1*W!cn ..uoawldo. Elactl1 If pa>- oool 111 lbe1'd nll!er bave the prel1J , -llol i-. And ZS .,.....1 llld theYd · . Joijl .. --the rich but llOmely. '!be .... -Wug ...: • • . , dloli .Mother.... . . . oi QUEIUIS -Q. , .. Wbo'I JUlft ~!•; . · .... ' • A. Tbal'rwut the money man cau. the ... ,lclnc "'"" down aJoog lbe ~ border. Juap II Ute .lbe ivan · •iVllQ!>Ylll:ll of-Of ,lbi·JGO .J:>oam of Cl>i(8go. And JlllD )• not .......... mJcbt -· • q, NAME Ibis OOUDll)''• 10 larlell food -·N A. Al lalt re~: {. SWiil %. ICl;olt. '-"'-"'· 4.' Gf!I, !<8'-l'oodl. I. -I. Ralllm PurlrJI; 7, Omolldlted Foods. I. Olea Colo: t. CPC lnlematbiiL '10. llealrice Foodl. . EVEarimNG, I mean eru)'1llllll. II> dlat flD(Y cafe mown · u the Boctenhetmer Scbkterhm tn Frankfurt. Well Germany goes m ule dally. Not just the ...,. .. tlbles. But plalft, lilJer. gqblell, paintings,, 1'1181. tables, chairs, lhe<wbole acbmeer. AJll1A)NA -Hue'a"whll the dry w!tJ <i Ariiooa ,.., about their ltate: .. People who save for 1 rainy day around-tbele'pert1·never .,mil. tbelr money.11 "Numttous local lrop. llllll don1·-bow to mm by the ac• of 7." ''Our chlcbn farmen lllip In cracUd Ice oo the hens ..001.lly hard-bolled -··. . . MOST n.owEIS dlspalched by wire are sent lo dead people. HOW WOULD 1"11 llke yar -painted Ill "Govern-ment Wall Green" wtlb "Bladder GrRli"' trtm·f Tbete are two <i the ollldal dellpal*W uolped to tarlous .....,,. by the Nallanal Bureall <i '$andardl. . ' Addrt11 "'4i1 to L. JI. Bof,'d, P. 0. B.,; 1875, N.,._ port B<OA:h, C4Uf. U640. . • STARS .-·sydney 0mur 11 one ot the Wt>rld's great utr010- 1en. His column It one of the DAILY PlLO'I"S crut fatura. "sYLV:AllA POl·TABLE . COLOI ·TV .95 • Color -118 ,.._ -.... ___ ,....''---ff ... 1 ............. ••••• 119 ......... .... ......... ...... . • ,, a ........... ..... __ ....,.c:enu. 23" !':. Table Color TY • ' ·:~ !42995 ' • . . . ·--ae,._.__ r ·• ....... "9-... --~· ••••er. : I .. -~--.. --. ··-..---.. . _..,.. __ .......,_ . Sf¥~ Coll.sole Stereo ' . ....... . • ~ .. ~r .:;... S:1t79ts • ........ •. ~£ ••'• O•Y . • __ ... ,....,.... ..... M6 ._........ '•j ' .ti \'t!"ri •I l•tesrft9 le ·•epe•••Mllt9 ' EL TOIO S..Wlollod< Vanoy ) • ,.,. 14. • ....., ,_ ...... , -·w.-. ....... . IJ7-J130 !!AP(O DISPATq!ED FACTO · AUTHORIZED TV " APJ>UANci!sERVICll .. .J • i , • • ~ , ~· ' . TUt~. August 1, lt 72 DAILY PILOT • f . Medical Det.ectives Find • ' ' I _· Link ·To Cancer Victims , I RecordZoo I ? . , . . .6.<lO?(> per,.... oa t~dtpooiobdd ""'1"" or ..O... S.7S%p;r·,......, t100bdcpooi1shcldoaeio nro,..,.. S.25% Jfer yeu on 90-da, anibta S.()()%pcr,....oa']lUSboolrocrpQ.i;"""P'"'..Wdaar. ~ Execvtln Olll~3388 VII Udo.llewport a.c!i;'(714l'17W130 .. ~it Center Olftce: 550 Newport Ce , r Drift, Newport BNcll, (114)-844-14t1 • · · . Other olflcn I Puadlinl (main office: e1 .8oulh I.alee Awnue) Attendance· I sAN DIEGO (AP) -A ~ numbtr of J!!!!ll>~ -3, t3l,240 -vwtea• ffit "'" Diego 7.oo during the 12 months that ended June JO. a zoo spokcnnan said. It wu the fourth year :hel ati.ndance topped :hree million. The old ttcOrd o f 3,1189,731 Wll 1tl lasl year. . ..,., Free! . • Safe Deposit BoxeJ (where available) e Money Orders , • e Travelets Checks • • Trust.Deed Collections And many otlW" extra aanlcu -ask for delailt • • • E~st Paaadenll, Qlendora, Rtdlonclo, Woodland Hiiia .A wi:;;:LL Y OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF 2 BILLION ooLt:'Ri~Rl~dRPbRA~~ ;.i-;:iT;;:iO;";:~f;;.(;:iF";:s..::AM;-;-~eR'&;;:::i:;-8=j~il~1i . . . . , . • I • • " . - • • , • . .. .. :., '" " Jfl .. ... -~. \ ... • ... . ~ .. ' . ,,, ' . } .. ' • • • I J • - r -DAILY ,ILOT Ili ff "-"' Dig Hard, Girls Big Al's Gals, some or U1e yo ung ladies who man the facilities at Disneyland 's Bear Country and on ,.1ain Street were first across the line in the women's division or the ninth an nual canoe races Monday. 200 teams and 2,000 oars- men (a nd oarswomen) participated in t~e trials which started more than a month ago. For The Record Cuts Mosquito Unit Board Travel · Money • • • Water on .County's Brain UNltA 1$,,LE BIG . CANYON.. w. Dollvtr-. Fine O~ries, Liquor, Fr1ah11t of Produce & MoMlnt• BHf 673·3510 COAST SUPEh MARKET 33'7 E.COAST HW~ CoftONA DEL MA IF IT IS TRUE THAT THE A VERA GE FUNERAL SERVICE COSTS SOMEWHERE AROUND $700.00 WHAT DO THOSE PEOPLE DO WHO CANNOT AFFORD THIS COST 7 by EUGENE O. JERGERON w ...... , ... , ...... 11.,, .......... ,..,.. wftllM ... ,, .......... ., ........ . ...,. ...._ te.,.... ht• ........... ef ... ......., a:l'I I•"...,. c••pllN ,_.,.. ...._ '9 ·aa fHke,...... n.....,..,... ...... a,_... ..me. iii ..... ~ tlKWM. " ,.. ...... ···-............ ..,.... ,.... wth .. ul. w....... ........ ~·""'-wll .. ww•:a4 • Mall it.ti-. SANTA ANA -Trustees of the Orange County Mosqui to Abatement District, In an economy move have cut the sum paid to board members Dissolutions for monthly meetings by $3,000 a year. · KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN Ba(t:-Bergeron E'unerai Hmne COSTA MISA 2 LOCATIONS COIONA dol MAI 0, M i The cut amounted to about nrr nge 30 percent of fbe monthly l'IMAL o•c•••• travel eipenses of e a c h Oulllf, a.tty MM el'lll JC1M11f1 l"'"mtl', inembet from $35 to '15. HttTtr•. Lkll1t 1nd 1atvec1or There are 27 membeis al <1f"I· Lf!~t H. •nd Mlo,.y IMl'Mftl "·&~r"·11 EH11bt111 11111 Fr1nd 1 the dJstrict's Board of MCCoiIOm. JKk Al•n tind r..nc1r1 Trustees, one named by the G1~f.,~1e:i'111 wnnw\•r'ld J1.,.,., Pitrlck Board of Supervlson and one ··~· KONrt w111M.1m 1ne1 •u\'119 representing each of the court- ... ~.~ •• e1rbtr1 •rid LK1rwo•d T. ty's 26 citie.s. Mdni, Ctrtll V, tlld Abtl Lopt1 Th di ~.,,u1o,1. J1nlc! 1. 11111 R•l(f\I A. e strict's budget for r!\ Allcp~~I Ind l'rlllllr. )972·73 is ·~79,70) pJUS & ';;iru. ~~rliO S;.. aM Mtri. ~ ""e~ird » 111 . 1nc1 RONtd reserve amount or $150,000. ~rMtt ~~ LOii! Moutl11e 1n11 The tu rate for the coming A1rnat1, knclr~'"l •nd Allen L year is less than one cent ~Ge"'·-=.~~TM. •L. (.0089) per $100 or assessed Officer Named l;;;:::.llo ~ J-11!:ffi",. •l'ld valuation, the same amount as l.'t!iL-'lt=t'Jr ......... '°'1'CI G. 1971·72.. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -"'..,. J..,,_ EJ _. ""-•<91 .. ,,.., Veteran San F r a n c 1 s co 646-24%4 6n·M50 :=.:::, K~= £:. ~·.,,.. Al:~:n ci~f =~anLo~ policeman Edward J. Nevin • ~~ C«MH• o.i. _. OoMld current president of the board has been appointed chief of 0iw11. J~eg· •nd o-1t1v a.. bavino served as 8 board Sa Fr , __ • a.1::h. ~~Jttwwi J. -~ security at n aoc..-v ~~. a'"' "3. inl'11::.i .... e.t.:'ni member-for the past 12 years. Intunational A.lrporl Tb e Sl\Ndla. l!•ttwr J1Yot n Jama w. John Kanel,. cypress coun-e-;...~.w.i S1itrM L 1nc1 GHr" D. • cilman with almoSt"ii.i year:s declsion to fill the '21,138 post <>¥.,.rMn. J1n1« •lld Artlllff' w. Jr. service ~ vtce -l.l:ent, and was made by the Alrporb Doull'lett, ... _. S. ~ S.tl'I M. t''~ "=I•• vivi.11 MlcflHI .,,.s E••• Robert P. Langer, Placentia Comml$Slon and Involves .the m,.~rr: i~':iiic.~ L'1.,:'l~ "· councilman, secretary. He has tra lnhig of 55 airport security R~:"E·..'!:r'r.~~~tJ.1: i:~':r,, been ~the boa~.!~r two officers, and coordlnaUon with n1,,1, v.,. F. •NI w111i.1T1,.Jl~ • years seven mou""'. the FBI, Sari Mateo C.ounty ::i~n R:J.\':'~ J!';..i: J, s.. Representatives of Orange si...•rtsri ... 1c1 'ir.:: tM rft"' 11.-Coast clues include Hank sherlrr1 department and the ~r!r,· 11.. ~!"A~ '"· ' Homsveld, Costa Mesa, two Federal Aviation Agency. llCNIL P1.trld11.A. • M ~· I weeltr .. DofffflJ.,,:.w:;:111~ A. ...... ________ ioii_iiiii _____ ;.~-1 k.klnllOl'I, Tob'I' WI.,,.. tnd l!l'Wlt l . C4..~. 111rW1 li,~ .nil WHbl.w • 0wOM ~~~'1.J.?°..i,ln'o: •• . THE PRES. 11 ENT w.~ ....... ,,,....,, ""' Mid l:•r1 Tllotrll• 0. Pr .. lf. C•nil II, ..... J.,,_ Mct>ow.it, JlfMI II.. eM II.II• M. · Death Notitt• oF FAA MST aeRV1CEs. 1Nc. 8ALTZ BERGERON FUNERAL DOME Corona dtl Mar 113-NA Costa &fen '41-!C.f s~L sloADWAY MORTUARY 111 -J·~~ .. M<CORMK:K LAGUNA BEACH ulORTUARY HIS DECLARED Southern California an area· of celebration in honor of the nation 's greatest ilaklng achievement ••• VI'S PIES {of course) • During the entire mpnth of August all 5~ and '~~~~·~ restaurants will be offering Vi 's Pies (Eam $61.80 on each ~,000)~ You can earn this high interest on $5,<XX> minimum two year certific.ates. The first year your $5,<XX> certific.atewilleam ~309.15, and more for each consecutive year ihatintcrest is added to th\: a~t You can earn $5917 on $~<XX> minimum oneyearcertific.ates,and as muCb. as $5L26 on a tegu]ar passbook savinga account bf $~<XX>. • · · · More interest Jb8n banks ... more ~than stocks t1'l Lqm C:U,.. RL Ul-Nll PACIFlt VIE?. MEMORIAL PARK Cemeler)' -HorllJl'J • Qaaptl • IO JAKE HOM~ . REoUfisfticES Plus free services ... safedepositboxes,notary Plus penonAl serrice ... experienced and . , service, travelers cheques, trust deed ana· note compe,tent savings coun5clots in each office -_collections,and.many.morefreeseMces.are.avail-_to assist you in planningyuur.savinga_propro. 1111 Picllle View Drive Newport Bead, Cllllonla llU70I -. P!Ell fAMJLY . COLONIAL FUNERAL -'111 llGltoAft. W-laller 1111111 • JMJTlll' . .ii~TIJAl!Y ---II. n 'l;.:S-- ask your waitress! . PllTICIPITE II THE . Gll.llE MllmRIUM I --. I ablewhcn youhavctherequiredmininnmr-You will find a wium, friendly attitude on balance in your account at.THE BIG M the part of everyone at Mutual Savings. • MUTUAL SAVINGS WIOM-1l1VM c;pro.na dcl Ma.r: ~''' Eut Cout Bl&hway/ '1J•JOU • O~ olllw Ill Corioa, w..t~PMIA!c.oa, ct ... clalo .u>d Cmophtlc·di.tlnulll 1 .. .. • ' , , . .. I - .. • ~ ' I : .. ~ . • • • • • • • • l ' ' .. ~ , .... u:i:~ -- ~ 0 • G NE Somo 8olllj! Bui petlDj the fl clly. c .. ..... , Aln Autlx pllDt Rem< tmbl: lionJ vertlJ ... atl Evt pear< about nam< = "Peal YQI wtlb fel~U watcl lhrou dart• ' mesa and I Thi such ficW agalli of 'P, Thi '+!!-t l.11 I H D PR Brig! w~ this ' ::.i Thi from Oro with modi accei alien ""' . u.I lo bil SIS Jeana ~ wear II« Mo coari •bo~ moul ~ Put DWR On Wall Graffiti NEW YORK (AP) Sometlmes It'• an erpletive. SomeUma an oplnlon. But often It's a wiy of tnJrn. peUna an i~entity for ...,. <i the !...Jess thousands In a big dly. , GnflltL Ev<rywll<re. AD """subway cars and statlool. Almo8t .. las\ .. the Tranlit Authol1ty's crew• a p p I y · callono of DWR -Dirty Word Remover -new GraffiU emblazon the can, the Illa· lions and the poller od- vertl.semenf.J in· rain b o" awoills. · Even "Kilroy" hu rea1>- peared. Although obooenltlel abowld, -graffiti are names !ono-1 by a street at echOol number. u In the pertpotetlc "Taki Ill" or ••pear ut." Yautbs ro8m the aubwaya with cans of spray paint and felt-tlppen1. Pa11enger1 Witch helplessly as they reach through open windows and dart ·through lralm to -mesaages across atatioo walls and subway trains. The mischief has mched such proportlom that """' of. ficlall have called fcr a law apJnst carrying an opm can of spray polnL The private comment 1 : ·+11++117!1 UniverSfty- Has Tough Dress Code PROVO, Utah (AP) Brigham Young Unmnity, whlch •espects an ....Ument this fall of 25,000, hlis - !Is annnal dress and grGOIDlni atandanls. ThlJ year's are 110 different frorri 1ut year'I, offlcjaJj llld. Dreises, nrtaterl, blomes with Uirtl, culottet, allcb or -pant llUila .... the only acceptable Women'• wear for attendance at claSsel. Jeana .... llUl prohibited foll gtrll. Hemlbles this ~. too, .... to be of '"mOdest" length. Slacka poliJbed ..-or Jeans wtlb , awealora, _sport sklrls, ties, 9pOrla ..... and bluert are acceplable lll<lll' wear for clasles. Beards m unaccoptable. Mustache• ate DO t en.. conraged unleas tr I m m • d - above the """"" of the mouth. Llmg or b U I h Y ald<burnl ari DOI acceptable. ' . ' ' ·10 Million Still aungry ' . U.S. • Ill lly LOIJll CA.$SEI ' ................... BY THE SEA • ~T..,_LS .... _.coma __ ....., CM•Mtla.Ca"'"'• "" cn41 t1t..u11 • 968-2929 962-1371 • ..n1 ............ .. .......... CaLNM ... 17141 77Wltl Ayres Since 1905 t .. • Its a comfortable,6-cylinderAmerican compact that's actually priced_ below the Yolkswagen113. \ ' lfJ111C111dri1~D3-oralllost ldf llUle ~-)'Olleulfina~Looli: ' ""4:;1 « a,JAl.• 92,15'.• IJ,119.• '1,JM.• NOTE: Peopleuk .. -... canallordtootru a roomy, 6-qlind<r compact at aboul the wne price os the little. lmporlL Fuu, we've been makioa ....U can lil>ce 1908. E.iperialce bdpL Secood. we baven,chanpd Mavcridt-<XCCptformecbanical lmpl'O'f'tl»enu-tinc:c we first introduced iL Thal tiDcl of continuity lielps to control OOIU. 1bird,ncaitcumn<Ymalualionlanddevll1J&tlomhave llelpodmtorotheonmpetilh•-olAmerlcan 'I)''"'™"""" -Apo4carforlH1 ~ Most little 1...-11 abtJllll+CJWer aglaes. ~cktJftiJlll . . • 6-Q!Weraiai•; 1r1aiiootlt.1r1~1e.111ets :you accelenle ioto turnpike ttallic with confidence and hold'°"' own on sleep hills. And it delivers surpdsinglygoodgasmiluge. Mal••uee: Elel lllQler, -COl'l'tllelt .... tile little bQorU. . vw,toreuinplc,m:ommendsnormlloerriceeoay3000 miles or threemooths, whichever comes lint. OnMawdck, 11'1 6000 milesdrsix ll!Olilhl. So Msvaict'l ICOXlllN!Dded ICMce. interval iuwiee is long u Volbwagen'L - We also daigned Maverick to be a .rlmplemaclline to care for. In fact, ~·ve even prepmd a manual which tells JOll bow to do many mlinttnance jobs y.ounclf. One DIOR convenialce: there are OVtr 5,600Porddealen iii thecountiy. Volbwagenlluabout 1,100. MavcriCk's'iear traCk Is 2.9' wider than Volkswagen'1. lts wheelbase ls 7 .7• Joager:1i'iiae'1 a bil more wei&Jll.10o. BydiOmselws, lhose diftemlces IRll'l veiy big-but they can add up to a bia dif!emice in --a"ftyMt'iCrictildvesin41LuidJcs1boopcnwroetL-'"-,,----Eoao .MAVERICK FOllD OMllON ..--• . ... _ S••" v1e- Some11ma a bl& pa-rade can mate you feel awtlllly small, whlcb 11 how lhla.Ulllclentwed little pl mual ba..e fell u Ille dllllS lo a ~ upt polo al a lllnneopolil pande. • • ' . • ' - • .. It 1D1Y just be the best carvilue iii America tocialt ) . I -See )'OliFont,Dealer. • • . . ,. Tllffdq, Aututt l, l tTZ DAILY 'II.OT I LEGA'L NCll'ICE l- • ' ' • r ., ,· ' Jt DAILY l'l~OT, $ T~, Aut&al 1, 1•71 , OYER THE COUNTER ORDER YOURS TODAY! . ._ ______ _, -~ I \ ·Penonallzed • Stylish • Efficient Order For YovrNll or • Frfon<t May\>• us•d on envltoptl •• ,.turn eddre11 J.bel1. Also very hendf .. , idenfific1tion ltbtla: for mt,r•ln9 ~•rs.on1I items su~h ts I.ooh. rec:ord1, photos, etc. &...beh stick o,. 9J.11 •nd may H 11std for m1rldn9 home conned focoH!emtrAll lobolt •to prinf..11--' w;f •. dylW. V...-type enJloo ..... tty whHo gum.,.., p•ptr. . r--;:;:;:=_;=-~=·· ... :;---,, I ""' ""'""' l.llltl ..... PA ... .... 1 1 C....M-..Wt.- 1 • I N-'1'11111 lUl"I\ -f'ollowllll i. • 111 -.., _ ~ E1:.1r~~"' I 1 ~~~~'~ I I .. PILOT PRINTINJ\: . . I l__________ ----------~ r ,, .. ' • • ..•. ,., / • • . . . • COMPI;EfE-NEW YORK STOCK IJST •• •• -... .................. ,. ,,. +t -- - =---:. ..... ( -' • ··. -~-. • • .. . .. .. - ' ~ • d• w: " re al m •I - ·:·. :cM•OI .... ... .. .. • . JI! Toi tho lb net or ... ~ ~ '" sba mil ' '• .. :·· '• ' • I • ; ,, -) • .. I ttn I ' DAILY I'll.OT JJ w THE BEST Rud<nblp poll• _. "Pe&nuta" 11 one of the world'• m01t popu.~ comic t trlJ)L Read It daU7 In tbe DAILY PD..O'l'. Finance Briefs • • • .. ' . " ' \ Shuttle May ·Benefit 10~000 Co111panies .. -· Reagata Signature .Ai giggling teenager, on a tour of the Sacra mento capitol bujlding, spoiled Gov. Ronald Rea gan in a hallway and dashed lo hi m for an autograph. I Study Concludes Amtrak Should Make Cars Safer Sage Fuund In.State ' Capllol News Servlc< SACRAMEN'ro -Meadow sage,' an evil-melling weed, has been found in abundance In dry grassland! near Grass Valley .. Chew! For greatest-~o'7th greatest safety_! · Plan a pr~rotis future.for yo~lf by pick- ing one ·oqporc fast-growin·g GUARAN· TEED INCOMB certificate ·a~couiiis at Laguna Federal while these. all~time-high • + • • • interest rates prevail. Interest on all accounts Unpalallble to livestock, the weed emits an unpleasant odor when a person or animal walks througJ! a stand or 11.1 Native tQ. Europe, me8i:lo.w -~saa:e 'ls found all over the United states. is compounded daily, paid quarterly. *90 day interest forfeiture (or earJy1 This particular stand ·was lound by. Mrs. Llllion Mott, botani s t and natur e photographer. ' . , ' llfs 1£· FllNl.Y . Jr )'OU hive ntW hCl&bbon .. or know oC anyone movlni to our atte, p&tuo' tell ua .ot.hatwem11~• ~ wetmOe and help --.. -·~·cd In lllelr --- · withdrawal. HmtI! WE GROW AGAINI -. ~ NEW BRANCH rN I,AGUNA mus • OPENING SOONI , _..... .. , Watch for Grand Opening of this flll" LFS ollict• -located ar Pasco. de Valaicia and Calle de la Plata. SI. .._ Isl'-OraopCpunty's Laraa!, • with wllll, taD ...S t.elqo constructioal. Ser•leeo ID COiver (llJ,'10;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-., P111ppo _... -1 libar, II q1._. w ~ 00 Tomplo of ~9•• C..lor for rsydilc • --lllel1 "' profit II ·-AlrlJ-. wblcb worl<ed all llaitc wlth Rockwell In~ Its pockage to NASA ...S w)>ldl probably wUI be.-., to lend Ill alrllM opertlse I D dovtlDPlnl the· shuttle. .• • .._ North Amerlcu'a Roclre!- dyne Division 11 Conoga Plrlt, -~ baa wqn the _. ... fC50 million ... ard "' de::f the Uq111d lueled englO.. eel for the allutile <raft:'O>o- ira<tora for the huge aolid fud l>ooattr rocket engine· ha .. nol been selected. ...,. d -end 0c .. 1t 'il'IH-,_.ah •• , . P111PP1 1A1D be bad • • "111( FIST llCCllT llEYIYAL" empioylt of his own In ltlt A 0oo Dor & I w - :WtodrGpdoWD &olpot tMlt::., P-Pa; 0 's _,1,1r1tw1T_.,. "U 11 dllllealt to pt poop1e , MAIC UYMONT to-beck to wort -' ty..• .. •-hlao oo T.V.I tho)' -afraid tho)' will be l>tiroed .11Plrl.")le 1111. "And lmNCAlllATION 1ICHlllqUIS, thll .Idea of mro1n1nr fer • ' YOU HAii LnD •Oii i other blahly •kllhcf !"'> ACH-19 NOITATION, . 1...-Ii malarke):.. , I MIN ""Cl OP --ND I .. , ... bad IOIDI " my men DIVaOI' YOUI LU. INOW .OD I go lnlO otllor Jobi all rl&IJI. I INTl•UT Y!)lll DUAMS I One ls an lnlurance salesman. H....._ TMlou.tl CQl.O& AND MUSIC, Another """' •. .'ik,IY Up " , llNOW THI l'UTllll I service" -llO c le an a 1 .AIM A DA D ll'lllTilAL apltlmentl: I tnow ,111111 who UNDllSTANDIH Ofl Ufl I • woa 't put oa t!leiI Joi> ap-· · pllcatkb the Uc! thoy":liive -SATUIDAY,.ANUST-M.· Hhto ....._. .. ·6 P•• eiig.,.luc <leer-became LA~-MOULTON ft,AYHOUSI tbey ... tnow <~ kind of job ...,_ ,... 1 ;11Cllk m••• ..-...,,_. .._...._ isn't .,auabie... . • ..... ·~-~-iiii!iiii!iiiiiiiiiii~iiiiC -HAMS • • • • (If~ have It in s1oc:k,,ou pt It on Sale.) ----· Last year over 6000 Chevy dealers all across America had one big Garage Sale. It was a big success. . · Because evecy new car and truck they had in inventory, they also had on sale. · So they're doing it · again this year. Right now, in fact. · . And it's your best chance of the year to save on a new...Chewolet.. Because your dealer • ' . . ' , .. has to move out all his '72s to m:lk~oom for the '73s. (He gets·;i. chance to clean bouse. You geta chance to clean up.) You'll'find a good selection to · choo;;e £rpm. In all shapes and sizes. ' And all priced to go. , ' · . So see your fr:iendly ·.neighborhpod Chevy dealer now while his Garage Sale is going on. . See how much you · can ~ve. Then go and see. . some of the, U.S.A. • -"' F.ntlDd""'n~ti ............... tFedcm • 111t ........ 'T" -.....---lltlr Ylitlr SANCl!llBITE9IWICK ltOMEOfl'ICI! lAGUNANIGtm.llAAllCll ••1c11 • better ..._ t1te' u.s.· ...... :=~~.=~:Cllllms2s!ti.~1:.~17 I ngaway wS;ee 'A;.. • -- .. _______ _,I 1-:492·1115 T-414-7511 Tolopilooll 491-1201 1-----....:-----;------;_-~--------,------"---_.:._-------'--' , • ' . . ' • • ' • , ; ' ' . - " \' ' • ' ·. • . . , .. • • fl • " le n k ~ I' -·--ci b rl Is 11 D •• w do 61 ro kl Pl .. la ., B p; IC ti• pl .. W• s. ~ fo w ... "' cir wl "' gc w: SU "' .. El lo s. wi ·~ co re m Tl • • •. • • • I • -• Designs Ta~e --Plunge 111 KAIWI CllDllll'Y .- '. Estevez'• designs either feature a 1wim1uit bodice (right I or a 1wim1uit with a wrep-on · ski~ • . SUPREME COMFORT "Hipp!.. in their blue I e 1 n 1 have forced iware women to coosider a new kind of outdoor dmslog baled en II!" preme comfort," be 11)'1. CUban-bom ~.whose lither wu one of Havana'• weaJthlest sugar plan- tation tycoons, cerlalllly undmllndl every facet ~ the new woman. Ilia wile, l!etty, u .... JPlendld-bot-eolllaf1 llfl Ill Parll. Estevez ftS!clet In Loi Angeles. 'll>e two 1et together Ihm o~ four times • year. About the lmpooed -lion: •1Jt'1 a modem marl ta 1 pheoomenoa. . Totlethemm d O e I n ' I aeceuarily bmd happiness ... 'Ibe man al5o understands t h e n e w woman'• fashioD tastes. H!s flnt swimsuit colltctioo,. dubbed Women mt their bare lee! 111 lht Sea Ddrlin=, are glorified hathlna IAlita ground cr lhelt beldl In the doudl." ~t conv lo~ JelJure clotbes. For the latter mood, Estevu bu laJl- 'li>ey zoom be .<OOC<pt"QI dOtlies winter 1172, '°""' In the bat ol for so-called water babies. ---:...~ ~tiaft. Tlwj·~are ,loltded WRAP-ONS with "wow-lnspirinc" clecOllelqe, ...... M~ . ·--·"· ha . interpreled fn>m dingy matte feney. -· on .. p1ece IWm~w,. ve IDIPPY MOii of the gowns have !opt cul llR - ""'""" m:>xi 1klrts-that suggest the what elael _ awlmadll. wearer ii atUred in a seductive 1 o n g dress. Teeny-weeny ~iklnla .have 1beer FASJIION REVOLT . ;· while lace caftans that 1llp on and ~·--.. ~.. ·-•·M •··••-••-·"" ~·~-. .an .. _ _.. -· become a·klnd of seductl:ve ...-~....... revolution 11 ~now. gown. It '1 all very llUJlOI. Omale clothel o1 ,ltie IOI brolllbl Into About the optical llluaioo of wearing focus by the revered beautllul people are what is bui.cally a bathing suit fashion at dtad ia!ues. "All ol. a IUdden wemm lllCb indoor fwict!Om u resort luncbes, want limple dothoO· lhlt IUnctioo with a cocktail basbel or at-bome partlel: opeeded-up llfl lllyle -but are lllll "Don't forget the bralesl syndrome·hai --11. -II lllll'CIOll of lubicOI," ...Uy caught up .with fuhlon," saY, sayo,Esleftl: "Jlut H bal -IJ'UilY Estevez. ·"No modem woman wants 1o ahn~ified for dlJ#me. . look or feel coneled any mott. "Jacm 0..-uaed to be called the Swlmsuill ellmlnate underwear. And, Qaeeii ol J!llprw," he -t OL "Now with tlie inltal& •dUtl.on of a .&•---tlle·wd_,..,.._ skirt, c!r<llln( ~ 1a a 11mp1e ~--hcBl.:;;W~· <OllllllOll.deoom-. t . . It -...... -..,.,,.,.. "We're in tbe midllll ~ a IOClal · blllL • . '· revolution,'' .. ~~."Women do-. ~---me and J -mud either ....U eladi!il or ball -. tWrd>adJ!ml." he 1111 "llr•~ · '11-are the two e1bemes ol. fullioo; trlllul&. ' ' . . .. -- Towering -Dr.ies ~D.ish~ •• • .. • . ~ . . . : ~ : . . ' . .. ... . ,.~ . . Here'• a 111ggeatlon for mat· In& 1 auper euy, super look· Ing m-t. or . bucl\ cover up. All you will need are six dllblowell. lrlJh linen ones ore lo.ely, but fringed towels lllo can be uted for a pretty deo;oraUft toadl at-bent-and ' ' • ........ cul.fa. ~ 1. PllN Ille jllm towela u at~'!:!-llld "'=all~ lideL • ... JO? Ill. I cat -·fa aJlow- -IDa.f ... 1• -··-1. Slllcb !lack • e •DJ an4 "'-to body aedlon. 'Sllldl aides A·A. &B. C-C, D-D. Bot- tom atet<h allows ftn1abe4 'WVrk. A· aub can be made from any leftover fabric. I • I .. .• • • ,. "' I c:: Basics Form Fit .. Tailo 'r~s B1 JO OLSON Of .. 0-. Pllf lllfl Marte SweD101t'1 aewina clWa 11'8 more than jual duael in bow lo eut oul and aaemble· garmenta. They, are c:Om- plele leumil In fasbloo. -Thi> perhlpe & ... ......, why ber ' couture duael at the Santi Anl YWCA JU'& COlllialenUy among the mOll popular flier•. ' lo!1111e, a Colla M.,. ...sident, became lnlerelled in color and line when she IOlll1d that Dl9ll of ber lllud<nta were buying the Wnlllg eolon In labrlol for their atJn ..... and penonalJU... . She took ·a coune In~ fn>m a San Marino teacher and exp!Oftd the conctpl of "amuner, winter, sprbJg and fall" u applll!d to a woman'• atJn and hair colon and the ClOlon llhe abollld ...... Now, lbe teams lbll knowledge with ber 30 yean of uperleoce u a pro. fm!mal dftmnaker and ber lllud<nta "'' •. wboppin, dole of lubion. Some rL her .tudonts evei get Inspired to go lo a baJnh:aaer and bave their hair restyled ,.. lo go to the dentlal fer oqJecled worll on their leeth. NATIVE OF UTAH Marge, a naUve ol Utah wbo WU railed Ill CalJlomla, )tuned the 11:1111 of -.king and tallorlnl fn>m ber mother, Ibo wu 1 profe11lonAI dra@nlker. She bu aewn for other people lince abe wu 18, and teWed for officera• wiv~ u she lived In vuiou>-Jocales dilr· Ing ber bolhend'1 Marine C<>r)l8 aerv~. '11>11 wu ll period of Improvement Jn ber wort, she aaid. "I aaw my gannents coming and eolnc." 11>e uplalned. Any mtsta1te1 llhe made on the garments were readily vill- ble lo ...... lllld .... became ...., cm._ -ofllL ' -'· ., ·, ••• • .. - j .. . - • • . . ~men BEA ANDERSON, Editor ,.......,, Aut. 1, ltJI ''" 11 ' ' Tack New Marg.a Swenson empha1ize1 fit while giving sewing instructions. Aller !iii' bnllliDf•1 clildWp flwn Uio Marine C<>r)IO, lbe -leaclitns netcbbcn to-. then --• claa at Iba Mmnm Qurch, lllld flnallJ llarted t-i hlnl 'a dUI at the Y, where -• ........,. bid 11em 1e .. h~c-She practicei techniques on · ll-pantsuit she is making ~ aAS1 Her lint claa bad ftn llludenll, and now, If yean laler, lbe leaCbel mora than llO ....,,.,, a weel:. The acbedule tncludet • baste dw for daughter Beven. ' , wlllcb 11 required for all other dauea, "Mllle ts nn. taDorlng, bot I've · boosebold dlltl.., sbe feels, ind 1 - _ lntn ~ -In couture and llnaUy--ellmlnai,d ~ tot ol the ledloUI ~!Mer ~ aress tn el&htnoun. · . ---Proper INtructioo In lltllnl II the bir-' lier -..:tlola llmael ful ........ ~· A """""1>aker'1 lime ta u ge1t !act In the -aklnc -· There Ii no ~ er -.. but pndoul u • prolealonal'1." lhl ...-<Glllended. lbe p.-lllllare llnely llll'le-• · A llamemaker lliou1cl be allle to mete ·"'hllollll maid lie loll," a •llld. a luli ID • -. """' with her nonnal (Seo NllW TAat, .... H) . ' -. ~ ' ' ' '· • I "" ' ' ' ,J • • • OAJLY. PILOT lveldfy, A119Ust 1, 197? , Their Name 's Mudd, But Youth Wants .fo ·Eotrect . DEAR ANN LANDERS: R ... nuy you a.ald some nice things about the younger generation -how commltted-1h;!:y ve and ho"' concerned. You ev~ utied the phraae ''better educated than we were at their age." And then you said somtl!llng . about thili "ide.aUsm and dedication to good causes." I'd like your opinion on tbe cur- rent crusade to "F'ree Dr. Mudd." ~veral atate 1:1nd county medical groups but · now be, wants the President of tho. Unlted States to 1lgn n statcn1ent ex· VUJ18lng the blot on the ~lud<I falnJ..ly ..mo. \ Dr. Mudd is the country physician who, __ 107 years ago, was sentenced to life im- .;-prisonment for setting the broken leg of :;.i°i!~h:~"fl~h, the man who shot Kids all over the country hav'e t"lc;en up this "cause." Bumper suckers are pop- ping up everywhere. There are "Mudd Clubs'' 4Jn several campuses nr.d mock trials are being held as practice tra1n1nl: for street law. \.\'ouldn't you think thi.'1 younge r generation. of which you ist't'1n lo ho ve such a high opinion .. could do son1etlung better with, their tlrnc·: -ESTABLISH· ME~"!' SQUARE • • It seems Dr, Mudd's grandson ·who Jives in Saginaw. Mich., has spent l>EAR SQUARE: 111~· researchers bu\•e delved h1to this fascinating 11lury and it 11temS lhere are Z80 dl:'Sl't>ndants of lhe good co untry doctor "'ho are unhappy • countless hours and thousands of dollurs to get his. grandla&hcr's ,,ieputalion cleared up. Tbis ''crusade" has been supported by .. Being Realist ic. A Must for Leo WEDNESDAY AUGUST 2 ARJES (Mar<'h 2l·April 191 : Expand operations. lnvest in own tolents. Fine for vacation planni ng. Participate in special social· event. See and be seen. Come out or shell. Money situation will work in your fa vor. Know it and be happy ! TAURUS fApril ~~1 ay 20 1: Take initiative. Exercisr in- dependence. Be original. l)cal· lngs Indicated · wtth I. e o • Aquarius and Scorplu persons. Wear bright colors. Imprint you r style. Refuse lo be in· timldated. Judgment Is on target. GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20 1: 1'-1ake paints in positive man· ner. Ask questions. Don't ac· cept superficial answers. Dig for infonnat ion. Be a good reporter. Do plenty o f personal investigating. Somc- ooe may be trying lo con· ceal facts. CANCER {June 21 .July 22 1: Friends help make this a lime of contentment. Entrrtain at home. if possible. Stick lo :ir·cord111gly. Capricort is in fJJf'!Ur1•. LJHltA tScpL 23·0cl. 22): Atet'nl on joint c f f o r t s • 01scu!'is rnoney with mate, partner. Get rid of burden hQt rightly your own. Sympalhize with one \vho confides prob- ll'n1. llo11'eV<'r. refuse · lo become lncxtricably involved. You u·ill undersl:ind. ~CORPIO fOct. :l3-Nov. 21): Tnkc new st('ps io diffrrcnt dir;;ction. Review past \rithout brooding. Look ahead t o future . Take time to decide - refuse lo be pushed into cor- fll'r. Spotlight is on public rela- tions. legal ag rC'emenl. SAGI'M'AfUUS I Nov . 22· OC'c. 21 l: Follow throu~h 1111 hunch. Pacing now i~ of special importance. You receive offer. Strike "·hile 4J[l- portunity is bright. Teach and learn. Look beyond the im- n1cdiatc. Perceive scope of potential. Aquarius is in- \'oh·cd. : · \'.'hat is famili ar. Remember CAl'RICORN (Dec. 22·Jan 19 J: You experience elation due to more freedom and because membt'r of opposite sex returns affection. Conte out of emotional rut. Get going \Vith creative project. r..1ait'I! chRnges and test 1 de as , • special anni versa r ies. . • • . • . ' • • Purchase gift for family mem- ber. Taurus, Libra persons figure prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid tendency toward wishful thinking. By analytical. See persons as they actually are, not as they could be. Means be realistic. Outline ambitions. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22): Accent is on long journey, education, s p e c i a I cor- respondence. Relationship is intensified. Nothing QOw is apt to occur halfwa y -it is all or nothing. Know it and prepare theories. . A,QUAR!US (Jan. 20·Fcb. 18 ): Action occu~ around home base. M.ystcry i s unraveled. You get in- formation which helps solve dilemma. Scorpio and Leo in4 dividuafs figure promincnUy. Be thorough in examining any legal docume:nt. PISCES (fcb. 19-March 20 ): Obtain hint from Aquarius message. Be versatile. Avoid meetings for purpose of idle gossip. Get plans in order . about the way thtlr notorious a~tor was trtated. Although be wall pardootd by Prtsl· dent Andrew ,Johnson four year1 aftu bis in1prisonmtnl. be was never actually ex· (lfK'rated. 11 is a m11Uer of record that Joho \\'likes 0Boolh gave a phony .name and "·ore a false beard and wbta Dr. l\fudd treated the man he had oo idea h1J patient was on the 1:im . The following da y wbe:i ntwl of Presl4 dent Llll<'oln's a!sa111 loalloo became koowo, Dr. J\tudd oollflfd lhe autltorJlles ..,., lnOYblr, marV<lO<LI OC'll!lg, bul full of vloleoce ind bloodsb<d. It left me ""11JY lhalten. . tiistory . liY 1'>-1 lllUr Wflo, welahl 170 powllls {abe'11'4'"), eata lib lhe Ru.'9lalls art In i:;ew~k and .. ya "My buablnd likes mo thll way." 1111 Uko a good down-'....artb lnlWtr In the paper.-BETTY llEAA BE1TY: Did lile .,k you to jay 10mt1t.bial! She dida't ask lilE to l'm beploc quiet. Yoa cu be Hre yoor lh11 he bad sel • ma1'1 le1, ud that the "!'Ill ma)' well have beta the persoa they · were lootlng for. ~Since all this lau /beta ~lrf:fully documented it 1ttm1 gi'os'1y unfair that no offtclal u:o1ttallon ha1 bef:a made. Dr. Mudd'1 1ame ts •till mud. I say It'• high lime they gave tbetlnaoceat victim complete vlndk:•Uon. So llgbt on, Udt? I WU dlsturbed by tbe r<aellon of lhe audience more Lbln J was by the movie. I< frtel many 1>00!>1• Jau&hed ool loud during the ...,,.. of vloltnce and death. They 1llo l1u1hed during the s,i pil'tl. Why! J can't figure it out. Can YoU? - BAFFLED 1N1llNGHAMTON-• DEAK BING; lmm11ure people, wbo are tut1ure ot bt• tt rtac&, oftta l1ua11. They can'i lliandle deep t.motloa la the prt11ent:e •f odten, to tbey dqrtd1te th•lr fe<Unp by laogblag. • 1ifta' 11· onblpry with ll<ntlf 1od lltr Ro111rlll'ue·dtftastv .. n. cbll1tlblo and ke<p qald. ID tense alt.uaUons It ll not uncommon to wHnus lnglltu -even at funeral•. Comedy ud tragedy ue eft.ta dJvlded by DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I just came home from seeing a movie which was extremely \\.'eU dOne, • lint lint. ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Whal can I l• in upcoming wedding ·driving you bananas? Ann IA.ndtn' comprehensive booklet, "Tbe Bride'• Gu1dt," gives you the fact.I from the initial announcement IO tbt last bill and wbo should pay it. To rectlve your copy, write to Ann Landers. ln care of the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a ~. llamped, sell.addressed envelope a"'1 35 cents In coin • , I ! . Secret Com.bination Keeps Her Locked ·Up By ERMA DOMBECK DEAR MCYI'HER: I am writi ng you from a restroom in a restaurant just 4Jutside the city. While I am dry ing out, this seems as good a time as any to thank you for the pants-- skirt you made for me from a new pattern th at requires no . ripper aod a minimum of sey,•. ing. What will they think of next.?. \Vhen I first received it, t must admit it looked like a slip-cover for 'a pyramid. But after I figured. It out, it really looked neat aod I decided to wear it out to dinner this evening. Shortly_. after we ordered; I excused myself to come to the j>owdcr room. I untied the belt 4Jf the pantwkirt. and. voila, the entire gamienl slid off of me and unde r lhe door like a coral snake in pursuif AT e WIT'S END toward the door, (b) became so hysterical I dropped my contact lens down ttie com- mode, and (c) sprung a run in my pantyJ)Ose. I peeked through the crack in the door and said, "Pardon me, Madam, but you are walking on my pants-skirt." The poor woman .was ter- rified. Her eyes searched upward looking for the voice from nowhere . , "Where are you, dear?" she . asked, holding up the garment ·and starting to walk away from me. "N4J, no," I shouted, crack- ing my bead on the purse shelf. "Here. Over here!" She slid them under the door, look· ed around suspiclously and left. Meanwhile, back in the booth, I began to pull myself together. First, I shinnied out or the pantyhose. then coaxed the bodysuit down. I started to assemble the pajamas on me. I snapped them around the waist, took the rest of the material and heaved i t between my legs and into the commode where it proceeded to sink. I have been in the restroom for nearly 35 minutes now while a steady stream of tourists have filed by to look at me . . . a nearly·blind person, with a cut on her hand. hanging limp over the ·sink while the hand blower is trained on her backside. I've been thinking. Mother. ln the time it took me to 'come to the ladies' room , Detroit has turned out 1,372 cars •.• and they think that's a big production! As I leaned over to retrieve the · skirt, the bodysuit I was wearing gave way and rolled up me lik~ a broken blind and cut (lff the air to my windpipe.1-r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,. This would have . beeo a II humorous situation had I not (a ) peeked under the door and saw someone dragging my pants-skirt in their h e e 1 Fttt11rin9 lncllviclu1l 1ttvict, Ytl· u• incl 111•1 l.cli•1 who. c•r•. Your c.htt9• t c.c.011nt w•lcomt. IMrlilnQ 119hlnd 1to.-.. UMON MERINGUE PIE . CHOCOLATI MIEl lNGUE Pll t "SID 89 hp.l /f-.... S1.4f c ;}) A ITALIAN DELI Ucc; • RESTAURANT • e £ BAKERY 8911 Adams at Magnoli•, Huntington Beach, OM If ltlt l.ar"llftl Dell o,.r•llollt hi C•ll!Oml• • G1rlltM ()Yer 21 YNrl . HOUIS: DAILY 104, Fltl. 10.f, SAT. 104, CLOSID SUNDAY From Page 13 .·New Tack Shirk ing Work Thro,ving '''Ork aside for the summer are members of Las Btizas de1 i1ar AUJ:· iliary or Children's J~oine Society, who h ave invited their husbands to join them on a , Hobo Holiday Saturday, Aug. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Courtney or Los Alamitos will h'ost the evening of fun, for which Uell to right) the Mmes. James Ackley, Arthur Caplett and Larry Ko- priva are bound. .. •• "Sewing classes are being taught all over the country, . but very fe)lt' of the teachers know how to fit.'' In her classes. the students make outlines of their figures and measure the proporti4Jns to see if they have long legs. " long tor90s -or other figure cbaracterlstjcs to consider. "By analyzing the figure we teach a gal what line of clothes to sew or buy," she ex- plained. One student, she recalled, , b e c a m.e very depressed when she found that of all the clothes In her closet, only three outfits were the right color and none of those flt .correcUy. fabrics such as wool, co tton, silk and leather. ESTHETIC REACTION These look better, last longer and are easier to work with, she said. "The.re is an esthetic reaction that v.-e get from natural fibers," she ex· plained. Teaching is a big part of Marge's UCe, since she teaches a college-age Sunday school class at her church to round 4JUt her week and she loves to play golf but doesn't find much time. Hickory· Farmsoo:io· ' has gon.e . bananas ~ • "By learning how to shop. you save money," Marge add· ed. "Most women's closets are stuffed with junk." Her five children keep the household bumming. and her O\\'n sewing machine keeps busy to match the pace. Marge is a good example of 1;====-=-, ====;I ~ FRANCIS- '\,,ORR J' OX CART over banana chips r . The petite seamstress. who b a "winter" classification and wears pink, blue, black. white and yellow to com- plement her silver h a I r , prefers to work with natural her 4JWn philosophy that ''a woman who looks her best is a happy woman." "·Every woman can. be beautiful," she said. "It isn:t the basic equipment you have it's what you do with it thai counts." CHRISTMAS CARDS 20°/o OFP f'-liJtcl -Mlfl\ftt Qu1u1r -Winn hPl'tlalta• llU (.CIAll llCdAI IU-1111 'llllA Ill l~I · tllYfll!IT 'AlllH ,BURL TABLES Ollw I ltecfwoocll 20°/o OFF h1trod.etory Prb HS& M11t1l'*t fl ._... .. lt1Mlillt .... ·-· Ht-2* A unique, tropic tmt 1h1t't good so many different Wl'ft. Try aa·naw NI Chips on ice cnam, Cll'lll « ris#tt out of the box. Pl1in or fancy, 111 ... tonty<risp flaktl of Phlll~ pine bans• •rt unblltlble...ao gtt on down to th• Banana O'llps boft. """today! SMlt .. Soltadll / : ,SEIKO COMING VERY SOON ~ . BUY ONE FOR 59c • ' ' 1 I i I ' ' ' / Lti'v f•t11•tt. s11:ot .JJ.011Ja '1EWELERS. ' • ~MCUES-TA~ OFFER GOOD UNTIL AUG. 6 TRYlHISUNIOUElSLAND DELICACY AT-"1WT\1t . . BY THE SEA fl •atd~· ''· ' cartns~ DFDNID loafb Coist Jlua . ........ ·968 -i929 OPIN DAllT ...... , ..... cllWdl "tll • "" Ptt0Ml-J4Wttt 96~ ~ QtT1 urr·1 ...w ....-.. M.n ·~• I ~ 41-11""-----'------1-11--.11 ~---••al• .... s.. Dl11e !MIJC!'S lmlG CHDSE STORES . . Ayres Since 1905 . . • I ! • .. " • • .. .. DICX TUCY TUMILEWEEDS HILPE6'ARP HAf,tHOO<e~ UHHAlll1 Ml!J l'M NOT" 60~ MMif:'( 'tt)U! Mun AND JEFF RGMENTS i;er Wl1H rrLSOOAl\l .•• 1HINK 1 APAM ANP fvt:! 1HINK ROMEO ANP t!U~lfT! 111/NK 1),RZAN ANll I JANE!.. •. ,,.-----.r---nli I l b ~-n--:--:-1 j 1 ~~~j • .. • • , By Tom K. Ryan o .O -·--· ._..._ . .---· - _By Al Smith ~a ,;;;.-· ~ ~If \\~ By Dale Hale GASOLINE ALLEY SALLY BANANAS GO:tDO S·I MOON MULLINS ® . . -• Tutldi)', Al4Sl 1, 1972 - GO otJ ... GIVE! HIM YOUR CHOCOLATE C~. DAILY l'ILDT-15 By Didi M-.s •7 ., •· Ii 1' .I 11 ,I By Gus Arriola MV .S'(STJ=Mf c:;..Jif!J1-1-....::=;:;:;.-1 By Ferd Johnson • NANCY by Emle Bushmiller ANIMAL CRACKERS By Roqer Bollen -- I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• ~y •. A. POW'fR I AGltOSS 1 AuctlClt 5 Pin .e- 14 F•lnlt!e ·-15 Chinn. "'""' 16 i11ta.e lan;ltrcl 17 ....... •lel'lll U N191Jk:al lt ~ aloog lht 1 lbll' 20Chqes dlrtetlon 2Z Conwtytd Z4 E$1rone 2' lmllonal 27=-· '"" """""" -"" 2' cn111a1 ·-30 NHL., NBA « llFI.. llllY« llC- '' llrd ll~l­JtD-.U. ""'"' ff NH-VJ •lfllltr """"' 4Z Airline schtd- 11!1 tfttries 44 PosJ1t1sfng gm.I htlf 45 Golftr's II• t&alttal 47 Fl_..part 49 Walked witll dUflcull)' SJ Stilt IS one's -57 l'l11ngt Into ... ff sa -tt1t "1IY 59 """""person 61 Bt• constrllatlan U Cut Into piKtS 6) UK* ill cttt1in way M Nuni•leo1I s11ttir 65 Called t111 ll'lt intfft• Ml Rt1111irMfftl 117 fMillt 1111.11 111> ... l hllclnal ,e<,.., JCIDlts 4 Rldlcal .... ~ · 5 Roll tf foldlllg .-y 6 Grtw old« 1 F•t Mlllebllt I Harir!IJ ttwff .1 ... ' . Ytsttlday's Punlt Solftd: 9 Cowsdly 10 Mort uu:1tlsfactory 11 •. S&minsky 12 Sl111plt lJ Lost blood 21 Chtf's pride · 2J %."~'\.i- 25 E.lcploslvt """'"'' JD Go farth "' 1..,_ Jl FlO!Wr ll Doll• bills: w ... 1 n 11MJow Jlalt J4 luslcal w• l5 A flUlt: ... 1,,, 36 r.i11:SI ... l1 Fooll~ lioisrP«* "'"'' I .CZ lnforNllon .Cl Eltcltlcal "" 45 Plmed down 47 British --.... 48 Lnel o( roe••wil19 50 r.:.. 51 Gt111at c.fty 52 Yll's 111. o.i ........ 01lflou5it 53 llolst 54-IW:ln: • liowltYIP ''Of grnt -"" 56 !JitM91o,llllellt ... -M) Its out 19 .... Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers SAFETY PEANUTS ~---..... ~-11) "!ME WRON611 WE A6o\IN M JUDGE PARKER ' I W I • I , YOU u.N BET ONE LOOK, TANYA ••• I HAVEN'T THING! W£\1. HAVE SEEN THAT BEVERLY KIP THE POLICE AAOUNP 'FOR THREE. fOUR PAYS! QUESTIONING US! . CAN I HELP IT IF SOME~ OHE KJ;()CKS HER OF>? MISS PEACH · S°PECTA<l>LAR,' V1EW-+ 'F"O~ P.£N T. 5 of; fl-. ~Oot . M~~(JA / rt11P~ • .PERKINS HOW WOUL.P TH£ MAV8E SHE. COPS EVEN KNOW f<.EPT A OlAR.Y SHE WA.S EVER: OR: $0ME • IH TH!: OFFICE? THING! MARCIA, YOU DoN'1" OWl<I T~A1" VIEW! N01WtOo OWN A GJrE.AT VIEW OF MY Fl$'!' IN YO<IR eve . WAHT "TO SEE IT? • -.. _,~,...m-e....,!_W_H._.,..rr-.. FUii ! Wl'OH :t liJ.t> . ~!WOW!-XT suin: IS FUN ! By tlarold i.e Doux I ' ' I ' I\ I _By Mell By John Miles • THE GIRLS -·--- ,;~'ell, &ood -J Jost completed tbl1 ldeal·"omu quh: and J'm 001 tbe bo11y 1ype." DENt..'!S THE MENACE ... I e • • " . j l * I t--~~~~~~ ...... 7"'~·~1 •' JI DAILY PILOT ARTHUR ASHE WINS TITL E. Ashe Breezes; Seagren Tops Sw£_dish Ace LOUISVILLE -For Arthur Ashe Mon· day's M , H victory over Mark Cox of Great Britain ln the finals or the $50,0CIO Tennis Classic here was just another day It Y.1ltk. "Sure J'm pleased to win the toorna· ment, and I thought l play~ well ," said flshe. "But on this pro circuit you've 11'!•11 got to .k~p looking toward tomor- row." . "" lW\lSfAD, Sweden -B!>b Seagren worl the pole vault in an international tract and field meet here Monday night, ~learing 17""'~• 13 inches lower than his pending world record. . .... Seagren and some other members of !be U.S. Olympic team competed in the meet here. -. Sweden's K}ell Isakbsen a1so cleared 17-4~ but Seagren wa.s declared the win· ner on fewer mlases. · Jn the dlscua, Ludvik Danek or C:zecboslovakia had a throw of 214-7 1f.z, beating Jay Silvester or Ottrn. Utah, and Ricky Bruch of Sweden. co-holders of the world record at 224-5. Bruch was second at 213-7 while SUveJter finished third al 20$-S'n:. "" THOUSAND OAKS -The Dallas Cowboys had both good and bs'-news Monday wttb running bscks Involved In .. ,b. An OJ)el'ltlon, expected to be minor, found tbat 1 staple Inserted In the 1houk:ler ot No. 1 draft choice Bill Thomas bsd become permanently lodged 10 major surgery wu necessary. The staple had been ln&erted two years 110 to help correct a shoulder disloca- tion. Tbomas wu et'petted to be out two tO µu-ee weeks but now will be out seven to {line. He halls from Boston College. Qn the plus aide, Robert Newhouse, the N0o 2 draft choice fn>m Houston, sprain- ed :an ankle Jn the College All-star vs. eoWboys game, but the injury was di~ u not serlcus. He '!Yorked out Su!tday and again Monday with the pro- feMIOllll champions. · ' "" fl ASHINGTON -Ralston B. "Rollie" Hensley, a catcher whose major-league batebalt career spanned II yean with aefen ball clubs, died Monday of a heart attack. He was 65. enuley broke into the major leagues wi Pittsburgh bl 19'2!. He went to the. o Cubs Wly in the 1931 season •nil moved to the Cincinnati Reds In 1933, Alttr ltlnt. wltb the st. Lcui• Browns. thi Cleveland Indians and a brief return with the Redil, Hemsley wound up with tbi New Yort Yankees in 1942. He went lo(the ml-. for the 1945 ......, and came batck to rtnisb hi• flnal t"·o seaJOnS wft the Philadelphia Phillies ln 1946-7. ~ ,,, ROOKLINE, Mass.-lsmlal El Shale! ~~~ and Haroon Rahim of Paklstan nln-lntemrptM voctorie! Mooday the Weather washed out the rest of ldMilUJe ln Ole $5f;OOifU:S. Pro ten· dlamplolllhlpo at ~wood Crtc:ket O.b. J I Shald trailed W In I decklJnc third 0.-.. aod lou&'lt olr tine matoh ~ l!efon! !lnally o-inr Frank ~ o1 New Yor\: f.t, M, 1 ... El S6/el ..... tha U.breolrtr ... blm, .. kins Illa ""' debut In thla men&, vtlUJed a 11.rona eervice lo tllmlnote Gtnld Batlrtct of iel 74, '"'· w. • ' "" .(NOEL!S -'l'li< 11e1tc11 Wilie ·Aacelu Juolor Chambtr ol Com- llld ......, Oltn Campbtll !or I --:-=~-: .......... ended. • iej -'flltlld tbe ftly5era CaunlrJ .... Ill ... _ ol lbt Loi Awela ·~...it-J 7, .... -... , • • t Chargers Roll • ~ Dice, Arid • • • Now They OWn Duane Thomas \ THOUSAND OAKS, Call!. (AP) - Duane Thomas, professional football's biggest mystery and one ol its mo!lt talented ruru1ing baek.ll, has ~n traded t.o lhe San Ditgo Chargers. TbomlS wun't avLU,lable for comment. lie v.•as scheduled lO report LO t.be Chargers today at UC Irvine. The Dallu .cowboys, whose troubles with Thomu in 1971 have been renewed this year, deall the third-year starter to the Olargen Jttonday night , shortly be- fore the midni!!hl int er-confcrenO! tr.~ Ing deadline. for wide rec<> Iver Billy Parks -another controversial player - and running back !ttlkc ,.1ontgomery. The trades touched off a flurry of deals by the two teams.· The Chargers dealt Jeff Quet'n. a regular fullback Jut year, to the Oakland Haiders for a third-round draft pick in 1973. and tl'H! Cowboys fl\\'appr-d veteran wide receiver Gloster Richardson to Oakland for an undisclosed draft choict•. But the 2.'l-yea r-0ld Thomas. a swift, gtrong back from \\lest Te1as State, was the central figure . Chargers coach Harland Svare described him Bi 118 rare talent -an exceptional football player." Asked about Thomas' history or of(-lhe- field troubles. Svare said, "I don't .Pro- pose LO reform anybody. We just tig to provide a good atmosphere for people to play football.·• His reaction \\'hen Co\li·boys president and general manager Tei Schramm of· fered the trade Jt1.onday night was "to take a chance," Svare said. "You have to roll the dice ." Thomas. the National Fool b a 11 League's top rookie on offense two years ago, gaint'd 793 yards in 175 carries lasl year as the Cowboys won their first NFL championship. Parks was drafted by the Chargen two seasons ago but was injured in the presea.son and chose not to come back until last year. lie caught 41 passes .for 609 yards in his !int nine games, leading the NFL's receivers. then broke an arm and was sidelined for the rest of the year. Montgomery gained 228 yards in 60" carries as a rookie last year, caught 23 passes and even completed three from bis halfback position. Dodgers Host Giants After Atlanta Loss LOS ANGELES (AP) -Time Is ruo- ning out on the Los Angeles Dodier•. The Dodgers. preseason National League \Ve!t favorites, enter Augus~ I~ games behind front-running Cinclnnau, 31,1. behind second place Houston and only 31h: ahead cf fourth place AUant.a. The Dodgers open a brief home stand tonight with the first of three games with the San Francisco Giants. Al Downing, ~ 6, will pitch against the Giant.' current ace, Ron Bryant, 9-5. · Since they led the division in early June, tbey haven't played wtU-and in """· 1 "'""· 2 ""'°' > A1111. ' Dodgers Slate All GI-Ml K,1 lMtl l:U JI.If!. 'll p.l'l'I, 7: J p.m. 1:5.S p.m. their latest loss, they didn't have much luck, either. Their .f-3 loss to the Braves in Atlanta Monday night can be traced to two plays, in both of which fortune waa frowning on Walter Alston's charges. Jn the fifth iMing, the Dodgers, leading 2-0, loaded the bases with two out and Bill RusseU hit the ball on the no!e - right at third baseman Darrtll Evans, who caught it to end the inning. In the seventh, the Braves trailed 2-1 and had runners on second and third with none out Pete Richert relieved Claude Qe:teen, got Marty Perez to ground out and st.ruck out pinch hitter Larvell Bianka. That brought up Oscar Brown, who hit the ball on the bat handle and lofted a ny down the right field lint. '.l1lo softly ljlt ball dropped in front of F r a n k Robsinson's dive and slttpped away for a two-run triple. Brown then scortd on Ralph Garr's single, and lhat proved to be the winning run because' the Dodgers scored once in the ninth. Bill Buckner homered for one Los Angeles run and Osteen singled home the other against DeMy McLain, who won his first game as a National League starter. The loss \li'as the Dodgers' fourth straight and dropped Osteen '• record to 11-8. Atlt11ll It) After last season'• Super Bow1 victory, 1bomas ended a Jong silence and told roporteia: be thought his problems w11h the Cowboys were over. But they began again thls year when he walked out of training camp on the Ont dAy M'ld returned a week bier, saying ht hnd ••personal problems." Oil his final day witb the team, mlsalng two meetings aod 1 pract..lce and in- curring a fine. The problem items from a three-year contrect Tbomu slgned with the Cowboyi before hit roo~e year at an estimated $20,000 a season. "" Last year be de.ma.oded a ntw COD- tract. The Cowboya rdu.!td, u WU their right under pro football regulatkmr although many fans tboulht the young · Again thtre was a press cooference at which Thomas said he was happy with the Cowboys. but he was back ln trouble • Rhome Out After Injury Fighting Fire at Home Nero may have fiddled while Rome bumed but Jerry Rhome, quarterback for the Los Angeles Rams. went into high gear when names engulfed the garage ol his Huntington Beach home Monday night aboul 9:30 and as a result, suf.{ettd secopd degree bums on his back. His left sboulder is loandaged and is preUy llOre todly, according to Rbomo. who remained.at home ovemtght. "I will go back to camp today and find out what they want me to do," he adds. Will he be able to play Friday night in lhe Rams' opening elhJbition game in the Coliseum with the Oeveland Drowns? "I don't think so." he says. "They told me at the hospital here (Hunting- ton Beach .lntercommunity Hospital) that It would probably be about 10 daya before I could get back into full PracUce. But I wW have the Rams doctors check It over and they will make the decl!k>o." . Rhome was expected to share the signal calling duties with rookie John Walton Friday night wilh Roman Gabriel sidelined with a collapsed lung. Rhome was Gabriel's backup man a year ago and figurecf'prominenUy in ex- hlblUon game plarul of the Rams. "About 9:30 we (wife Sharon and Jerry) noticed something corolng from the garage. I ran out and It was oo fire ," Rhome told the DAILY PILOT this morning. "l threw open ihe garage door and yelled at her (Sharon) to call the fire department and then went to the car that was houaed in the garage. Some- lhlng must have fallen oo me because lt burned all the skin off a five-inch area of my ghoulder." Perhaps It was an act of destiny that Jen')' Was at home at the Ume of the fire. He had gone to the HunUngton Beach house from the Rams training base in I.oog Beach to pick up his car after having It repelrrd and was about to return to camp. The fire was caused by a piece of aluminum tubing that bad hem installed about four years ago. It vibrated and broke loose Monday night ~ sparks apparently caused the fire that completely gutted the garage which is attached ~ to the house but protected by a firewall. , "The quick response of lhe fife department an~ ,the fact.w~ ~a fn hy- drant directly in front saved the house," Rhome said this mommg. . A 1971 Mustang that was in the garage was completely destroyed and a secood car wu severely burned although jt was on the drive in Jront of the garage. Fishing equipment, gol! clubs end other pmonal e!leda were also destn>yed In the , ... Jorry -I ln1o the garage lo try end back the Mustang. out when lit threw the door opell. '1t wooldn't start and l jumped out right away and ran .outsjde. Al the same time, the car was completely engulled in names." . _ JERRY RHOME, BURNED IN FIR.E. Allen Tearing 'em Up') I MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL (AP) - R1chie Allen is racing to what 01\cago White Sox Manager Chuck Tanner thinks will be the triple croWn in lhe American League -most home f\liOS and runs bat· ted in and"blgbest average. Tanner even alluded to· horse racing's triple crown to make a point about his liflt baseman who ran his way into the major league record books ltfonday against the Minnesota Twins with two in- aide-the-park hOme runs. 1'He's better than Riva Ridge," Tanner boomed after Allen drove in five runs In an •1 White Sox romp. "I think we cao win everything, If he geu better tltan two out of three, that's pretty good." Riva Ridge was this spring's top 3- year~ld wllh two victories in the three big races -Kentucky Derby, Belmoot and Preakness. Allen's perfonnance Mondaf shot blm Into good contention for bsseball's lhn!e jewels. Tbe only other player In modem major league hUlory to hit two lnsld .. tbei)lrt• home:n in one 1ame was Ben Qwpman of the 1932 New York Yankees. He bit three homera of! Detroit pitching tn the ltCOnd game of 1 doubleheader JulI It, 19.!Z, two In pl'1-. • rumlnC"" back WIS btin& grouly wt-, derpa~. . 'l'homu In tum mllltd to report to camp, denounced team omclals to the press and wu traded to lbe New Engl&lld' P1trlob. The deal was quickly annull<d -acconllnr to the Patriot.a, • becaUle Tbomaa refused to take a phyaJcal ...... but accordlnl .. Tbomu, because be WU t<Nd there WU DO place for him on the team. He rejoined the Cowboys after the 1tuon atarttd, IOOfl murned to the ltlrt1ng Unaip and was the key to tilt powerful DtUu pound 1tt.ck tbat llttped the Cowboys to the Htle. During the aprtna, Thomu waa con- victed of marijuana poase.sa:ion and sentenced to three yeen• probation. 1be contract lnue remained unsetUed this season, although Thomas and Schramm had been talking about a renegotiated pact There was an indicaUon the difficulty might carry over to San Diep lo. Svare's statement that the €hargen have a policy of not ""'fl!ollatlna contract.. Beslde1 'Ibonuis' differences with the Cowboys:, another reuon for lbe tr.de wu lhe return of running back calvln Hill from ofr-aeaaon knee IUflery, giving Dallu a .capable replacement for Thomas. Schramm said Sid Gillman, former Chargen coach who now directs Cowboy scouting, recommended Parks a n d Montgomery. Schramm added that Thomas' absence from Monday's team rrieettnp and prac- tice "had no bearing on the trade ...::.. lbe interconference trading deadline was the important thing." On the San Diego side,fx,mas ii ez- pected to team with Mike Garrett or Cid Edwards for an explosive running attack to complement John Hadl's passing. The presence of wide ncelvers Gary Garrison, OnJCk ~~. Jerry LeVias and Dave WllllamS made Parka ex- pendableM Parks also got into Svare 's d<>ilJouse tills year when he missed a week of training camp to have a sore hamstriOI muscle l r e a t e d by acupuncture. Van Lier Leads Blacks' Attack Against Poli¢e U'IT ........ Wtiu l t Huntington Beach's Jock Bro- hamer slugged 1 10th inning home run Monday: to give h1s Cleveland Indians mates a 3-2 victo{Y Qver Milwaukee. It wu Brohamer's third homer of the year. J Halos Mimic Dodgers With Four Errors For the second time In as many starts, Poor Roger Nelson was looking down the barrel of someone else's no-hitter. But Poor Roger 1.sn·1-ao poor. For the second time in as many starts, Roger Nelson came away 1 wioner Moo- day nilht, firing • lhree.Jiltte~ and •trik· ing out nine as the Kansas CitY' Royall edged Nolan Ryan and the Califomla Angels 1--0 on ·an unearned nm in the f0urth inning. The Angels committed four errors. At Chicago in his last start Tbul'lday, Nelson broke up a no-hit bid by Star& ..... I "'"°· , ..... ...... ' ....... s Ange ls Slate All C»mM "" KMI'( 17111 ' S;SS '·"" 11:10 1.m.. S:.U 11 ....... J:H '""-lt:H 1.rn. Bahnsen with an eigh~ innlnl single and the Royals went on to a l.Q vlctOry. Ryan held the Royals hitless !oc ,even ~ Mcllday beforre Steve Movley ' s.toked a dean single to center fenin1 : up the eighth. , .. • . . .,. nut the biggest play of ti>O rught ..,: ' curred· in-the fourth when neet Amos MIDLAND, Pa. (AP) - A man police Otis, the Kansas City centerfielder, ltole identified u buke~ player Nonn Val . bome on a 3-2 pitch ~h two out. Lier of the Chicago Bulls YI.as arrested "If I ever put a steal.,_s"lgn on at a tirpe early today for allegedly leading a group like that, I'd ge~ arrested f o.r • of fist-swinging youu~ blacks in an at-manslaughter," deadpanneU Bob .Lemon, ~mpted takeover of the local police~~ the KC manager. "I'm glad John May ... Uon. ~ ~ --c -~ ._bercy..(the.hitltt) didn't.1wJni U he.bid.. Police 181d V111 . Lier, 25, a Midland he would bsve plan'ted AniOs tnto t1te native, was charged with ~ty of lhe bleachers." peace, assault on a police ofm;er, inciting "I beat myself -what can 1""' aay '' to riot and obstruction of a police officer. Ryan wondered aloud after h~ nlnih Van Lier, ~II> lice ~ "received a de.feat against U .vtctories.-His third e.v 1 minor scalp lo the melee, wu II'-ror of the night -all on pickoff attern~ts · · nlgned be!0tt 1 mqistrate and at first base -allowed Otis, whQ '!lad ftleased-oo 12,500 bond to await 1 hear-·". opened th< rourtb inning wjtb 1 walk, to log. Wet to second. He went ~tb thlrd on a l'Olice c:hlel VIDcent Ditrl said'. the gnlllll<k>ut befono his. dartng 'nielt of dispute •. dtveJoi>ed, because of ~ gripe hotne. . -· • · ~ · Van Uer had with a ~~ "I . was trying to get a jump all the Charles Sallis. ' ume I ,was at 'l;tlird " Otis said "but I · Dltrl said V111 Lier came to the police c:ouldn 't. On the 3:2 pilcl!'T"gol a 'Jwnp ao · station shortly before rrudnlgbt Monday I took' off. ~ yelled at M'ayherry Ill the and confronted Sallls when be reported way, 'Don't swing; don't swing.'" for duty, Mayberry didn't -taking ball four - "Van Lier was ~ry nasty and and Otis scored with 'a deft slide. boisterous and ~ _acaised officer Sallis ~ loss snapped a five-game Angela ~ spread,lng stones around ,'!1'-t ~ <Yan winding streak. California bopped a plane LI~) bsd been selling dope· Dllrt SaJd. imm«liately after the garpe and Dew to They were talking pnvately in1l1.itUe Chicago for ~ir six-day seven-game office room and Van Lier got so carried road trip ·he&lllQ!,ng tooif!bi against the away he snacked Officer Sallis in the White Soz. . faee," Ditrl added. Clyde · W(ighl (11-S)'"loill fa"' former The cblel Aid Van Lier, who helped -~el Tom Bradley (11-9) Jn the series the Bulls to a lleCOlldiJlace linisb m the opener •t Chicago. Midwest Division of the N1tlooal Basket· . ball A.ssoc1.1t1oo wt ......... ,,., • .,...ltd· U * after be llleged!y struct the offic:or. "But be ran out ol. the station after • ._, 1, ~ <•) they arrested him and returned with .. r 11 ni • r •,.. about 10 blact youths, between JI and 25 ~. ,, • o 1 • P111tor1, rl • , ye an old and all hell broke loo!e," Ditri ~~ d tt1 ~ ~ : : ~:~~" ; : laid, K1r11Hlrk*. c • t t t KllKO, Pl'I I 0 "They ••-in •-Wltb "-idea tbat Pll'll<llt., II ' t t I t lt.01,._., 10 2 t ......,...,. lit:l'C lo!JllC ~ytltrry, ltl J 0 0 0 Sl~IOI\, c J t .......... •·· t ... -Van IJer and klwMI. • , • 1 • McM1111tn. • > 1 ·~ yas go .. ,. o .. ,.,.,. ...... " , , , , '"•rt;•. 11 , o they puDcbed the two otficert that were ll.H.iton. , • • • t AIN!W, a 1 o oo duty around pretty good," he added. •· :=.· .f" ~ : "They were adually ,...,.g to take over H.llVtlfl, 11 t • .. ,,., Hlttt, Ph 1 0 the poUee station, but one of the two of. l!'.f11111r, , • • ficen manqed to push the emeflenc)' Toltlf » 1 J t lottlt n 1 btlttoo." . KMMt cl11 * '°' oot -, C.llltrftOI .. -.. • 'Ibe ••emer1coc:y buttcm" trigH'ed the \ - fire--'-"' --..1 --'thin m1nu•-about 28 e -N. *YM s. MtM.ii., "°' -IWI-. Ott •uau BiN "' -t. Ct~ a. ,. -Mt:Mv"-1, Plfllttlli, ld'INL firemen and off-duty polkemm Wt.re at st ...... .,...., °'"' 1,, " • n •• "° theocene. .. ,,,. show of !Otte cooled th1np on aDd we dldo't have any more trouble." Aid Dltrl. t J t 0 I I lllttll I 1 e t I t . LM °'"""" UI ..... ~ .. , .. ,.. &.Ky,• SllOOl.11'9Wft,l'f•lll •-::;~·"• If • I t I Gerr, If • t 1 1 W.u.vta, d J 0 t I ""'''°"'• Ill ) t I t ,, • ......._, rt • t 1 I E.~1"""'-r: ) I 1 t --W.11'_.,, ~· 1 I I t ~l (. I I 0 I Parrish Couldn't B~ck C~ty Hall ltldW't, t I I t I 111111", tf I t I .. "•-""'~"' c 01 o0 ', ' 01 M.,..... "• o' 11 11 !\, .. ... 11"!111, » ) I t t M.~tli M J I 1 I °""""• .1tl 1 I I t MtLllll. I t I t t QI...,,, , •• , ............ . O'I_,..,,, If t• I I J,H1r\l\11, p I I I I Tottll » J 1 i 1tt11J lt ' I ' .... _ A,llfl\10 ·001 100 °'' -) °" .. ·-' f -H, Aill'Oll, Of' -,tili.lt 1. l.Ot -lAt ~ 10, Alllftll S. ti -l:1tt11t, • -OI • .,....._, Hit -l«ltlllt (I). I• -'"· 0 'itf,, :i.. lll'M•.a111 t ll0 o..tW u •• 11•> • 1 , • 1 t ··~ ,,,,., McUlllt tw.J.lt 1 ) f • • • .l,Mwftll 11 eet ..... -......... fl). It'\ -Md*. ,.... -a.a ~ -to.ta. J LOS ANGELES (AP) -Linebacker 9Don Plrlsh. who never hu atarted a • game !or the Los Angtles Rams, rooy not start lhls 1ta10D with them. Tho U....y.ar National Football rogue nieran lrom-:s1nrorc1 was IUSpended lndellnltely Monday after an argument with 111 assistant coach. Held cooch TCl!MIJI Prothl'o wouldn ·1 aay mui:h abOUt the Jnddent but A~ the Rima would try to trade P1riall. 'l1ioQP Prolftnl ~'I I Im I tha ' ..acb or aay wUt Iha ..,.,.,.ont 11 a •Monday momtna meetJoc wu about, he did ch1n11:terbe tha jocfdtnl as "aot cooalst<nt wltb dllclpllne In the Cl)llcll- pl<.ycr l'clatlonshlpa." lie said Parish "Is 1 very~cal fOO\lilill. plif•r but'lle -·rawi'iC!i he1na ....-. " ' Parioh, SI, 'fhe SI. Loula canllnals' top roolde nu. -qo, wu traded to Iha 1111111 to midlaa .... • laat ,_ IOd playod anly bric.Qr bdon ......... tnee ....... I • ' u beal!iv, he .... ~lo COlllpda for I llllrtJnr &pol this ,.ar II I poaltlon whero tha llama laclt uperleaoe. But after Mondayt1 al le rca t ion, Prothro 11ld, "l re.i tt wooid he belt !or the team llldl'aliih If we can trade him. ir we cao'Clrade bliit andnls iltiliii!i chaog , .. 11'*1 """" to ...,,. ....,. meat. lllW on." 11te Rama also cut t1'0 -_and traded two -,, Sll<l!' llany llOwvd fr-Ofdo Sllle llld Dan v allerJ ol Qllllnl . Wubtnglon ware ploced oo walve11. Otis Slstnmt, I free qmt -.at"' Md who clldll'I p lo collqt and &pall the last three ....... wltb the •minor ·league Norfolk Neptunfa, was 111d<d w1th a liiWre-.rilf<liiliilO'._--...- oatlaod Raiden for • blilltr --RuM1ng badt J..,. T'11or ,lrvm tha Unlwnl\Y ol Ciodmltl WU -t to tha ' Sm DlocO °"""" ,.. • !utun -Jl4I*. I I ' . ,,,, ' 5,850 See M_uniz Outlast Navarro B1 DOlfAllD I. BANDY .... .,..,. ........ ·Armoodo·Munl& -hit North American wtllerw~I Ullt aod Rodolfo Goozalei of Guadalaj1111, MnlC<> cl<fe1ted Rubtii NavUTO to headline the lrl~-boxing $how al AnirlM:lm Convention Ctnter M.00.1 nlgjll. A· crowd of 5,850 wllllt5'ed the action that also saw Rodolro l..obato ·wln a spilt v'rdict over Jose. Valdez of Ti- juana and young Bo b by Olacon gain a KO over Alfredo de la Rosa. in the at>- ' breviated finale. Muniz, a member of the 19611 U.S. Olympic team, retained the title with his 21st victory against two losses and one draw. His OOut with Ruben Vas- quez (3.'Jo.7) was the best of the nlgbt and found the two . fighters winding up in a blaze or punches in the final rounds with Muniz appearing to have lhe best of it all the way. He was awarded a unanimous decision, wilh the judges· vot;ng 7.S and 7-4 and the referee, John Jordan, 6-4. Muniz, like Gonzalez, has been troubled by the heat in recent tta'.ning •sessions and admitted !ii;i came in under his -preferred fighting weight of 148. He-'tipped ·the scales at 145\h at the noon weigh-in. "I tried to knock him· out in the lirst sii: rounds before my manager talked me into boi:- ing. \Ve boxed for tbe next four rounds then I went back to trying loc a knockout in the 11th aod iftb, .. ·-'Muniz said after the bout ... Ume but bt's kind " awlcward and I wu C<>nfidecl ol tlclory aU the wa7." In hll ca pnvlous vlctorle<. Goozalez had knocJed out 40 foes but Ute Muniz felt thf! btat bad taktn llJ toll on bis -.Ut punch. "I lost tine pounds In the heitt Jnd t got a little tlftd in rounds I, 7 and a," he ad· mhted. "lt1aybe that's why I couldn't knock him down. I'm confident I could have put him · away if I had bet'Tl heavier." ln the live television bout, 1. ob a to was awarded an unorthodox split d e c I s i o n . Referee Hassett gav e \be verdict to VaJdez. 7-2, bot the two ringside. judges saw it dif~ ferently and awarded tho decision tc. Lobato , $-4 and 5-3. \'aldez was disgruntled and his flandlers were loud in their displea3Ure but the verdict went in the book! &! I.obato's 20th win and Valdez' tenth loss. .i\..lamitQS Racing ResUlts M_,•¥· Jiiiy \I, 1m CIMr & ,111" 'llltST ltACI! -3511 'fl•ds. t YHr old.._ Cl1l,,,l119, PUtM 11ICIO. Angel's Kiit tLllltl•ml l.olll 3.ill 1.60 Jodl1 Salin Ber (""-IMnba<ll) ,.20 1.IWI DH-P~ Wlm !Wrl91!!/ 3.IO Dlt--Get litHdy (~I 2.60 r1 .... -11.t.:1. AllO ,.,. -C«Yna Bl1nco, KlllQ 111 lit..S, Argo Val Twist, Jim Doolln. N111'11r"1 Ur. C1H Ml CO-. SCr1tchld -$1111tlno ,,_ Bir , l '.,.. ' J...,11, ·-1. 1912 DAILY PILOT Jf I •I ~ Outlook Improved For Deer Opener "Get me another tight just llke this one ,'' the welterweight champ of the conlinent ~lnled. "I !eel I am ·physically mature enough to handle a world champlomhip fight but would like a couple of more like this one to get com- pletely ready. J~ \11leftf1M, lilll'fl!Wll Men, \llftdl -----------.:...------------------------Llrldl. • "He made me look bad , _ . several ti.mes and I could tell from the crowd reaction they felt be hurt me but they were glancing blows on the side of the heed and he never did stagger ml'." In the opening b o u t , Goru:alez and Navarro met in a abowdown match that had bttn billed as a l.ightweight contenders battle.- .. • Gonzalez won the nod of Judge Rudy Jordan, •4-3, and referee John Thomas, 5-4, but the other judge, c h u c k Hassett, saw it as a M draw. ''He-didn't )lurt me at all." Gonzalez said aft~. "He caught me with a right hand W estmi11ster In 4-2 Win W e s tmin.!ter's American Legion baseball lorces gained a second round berlh in the Anaheim Invitational Sunday , with a 4-2 conquest of Sad· dleback at La Palma Park. The victOry sets up a test with Palos Vertles Aug. 12 (6 p.m.) at La Palm•· · Gary Rungo was the lone Westminster player to gamer an extra base blow, b'ipling horfle Blll Whileley in the first ~·winners l~ked it up in the fl.fth with a two-run out· burst. WftllftlMI« 1~4} t II l'M Whlttley, 2lt 0 I l f =~~II ; ·, 1' o 1111kt11Y:J.' l! I 0 i=:::lli· " I 11 ~="J' ! 1i ,i TmP ,: 4 ~ Of SC9l'9 ll'f h111.ll111 R H E $lddlfblCll 101 000 -2 J 1 W•tml1111tt lOt 120 -~ t I DH-Dlldhllf. It Elllcll It -A .... 't kbl a 1 -,_._ S1H11 l1r. SICONO lilACE -a00 y1rd1. 1 ye-· eldt't. up. C1Uf.-Bt..,. Pur!ll l llOO. CIW Cllu 800 (Smltlll 23.IO t.IO S.60 kk•Pll 8ee !Wit,.,,,,) •.oa l .20 Trt,,.i. 4 Oec:k CO,.."'rl 4,40 T!"'e -10.n . Alto ran -Gold lf'lllOI, M!" B•I "''• Gr'9"<"111, Hlfble IOf, \Ifill-Gold. NO .cr•tdln. -' . TIOlilD 11111.CI -!SO y1rds. 1 y11t olds. Cl1lmlng. p...,... 111100. ICkepu t..11 CVaughllJ U0 3M 2.60 Mlmmy Bir !...,_) 3..0 t.111 Ooubll't DuO CAAIMn) l..60 Tlme -fl.$0 AJIO 1'111 -Penny Downey, •-'• Fortuo'll, ·Rid Mld'llM, Little Cl'lu Olu, Wer Cl'olc Anni, Wl'lltH'll'I MIM. Scr11dlld -T-lhf, P .. lto MIU, U\11" Doll, Jullblttt. • • FOUllTM aAC• -40CI Yards. 1 yur olds. Cl1l"'lllO. PurM tla 81r Tootw fAIHIOll) 11AI Jl.20 9.20 F•Y'• J lo\' fBanllll ~•.tO •.tO w1r Prlnc:n111 ILlpMml •.ao Time -20 •• l.-• · Aho rift -0'0111. $*' Noli, Ature lilockl't, Sltflt-8ar, CorcNton. No KtllChU. P"tnH ltACI -l70 y..-d1. J ytat olds " up. c111m1,.., Pur11 tlt!IO. Go Flo51!1 Go (AllJIOl'I) t .IO 5.IO 3.20 lilvlNll (L~m) 7.20 O,lt lil«k•I J1gu1r tC111li) l.IO TllTll -... U.. Also r111 -Tr1511'• 81rred, Finey wm-. GYO Flt. ,..CISP«OW WI"' Brau Lind. SCtllCllld ~ MrVCID 000, Full-Moor! M" SIXTH RACE -.oo .-1!"lh. 3 yHr olds. Cl1lmlnf, P11r11 tllOO. Tn.ol'f Up Tl;lll (A,Mk"l .•Al 2.111 2.1& s-1 Marl (AUlt.Ol'll I .GO s . .o l!Dbby 8Lo0 (Wiit.Oii) 5.61) Tlmt -20.10 Al:IO rift -Pitt Dick. Mr. Alll'"o 1:estff, Rackl11' Lllcty', Roy1l'1 Rtclllftl, True._._ 0 ..... 1 Tllund« 2. / No IO'ltdln. tS EUdl 2 -Tnllv VII TllM • t - $Wiit 1Nr1, ,.,141 tlUAI. t•V•NTll UCI -Mt y1rd1. 3 °"'' olds & up, Sl1rt.n Al1-1ric.. 1'11n1 1191. Jllllllt1 Pwo<rll IPtm«) 4.20 UO 2.IO G1rv111 C-ly {L\pl\ltrll t.IO U0 Go Ml11Y JOI ITr..-el 2.20 TllN -a .o.&. Alto tall -ICllOll, Trlpl1 Rftll, "°"' .. rblrlen. Cflll!'M Em, l\ilOllo Rock .... Su1fdlld -Fiiiy Grand. ll•HTH llACI -ICIO y111Js. 3 'l'fff" o1ci. • up. c11u1fled 1lio.1t1C1. ,...,... UIQO, Tri. wi-Ind Stl!"llfl. Y1 Got T~ (Mlfrl 1M •A SAO Ollll EKllt"'I ($11'1(1") 4AO 3.IO J111111I• Fl;llter (W1'19h.I) 7,., 'Tlll>I -20.». 11.llO "" -No l•lrlllll, Rlc1'1 Go4d, N-Mud'lldlo. HY f ll'"ll'IM!", Ho ttr1ttfln. NINTH R.U:I -«Ill Ylrd.._ J \"Mf' Sand Bass · In Wild 'HB Bite Spawning bass bov• lumed Humiogtoo Beach 11alen Into a fremy u limits of sand bass are being. taken y of every area landing. , • "They're ·catching limits In no time at all right out of Hun- tington. Lee Clark of Davey's Locker reports a surge of legal barra· cuda, mackerel and halibut this morning. "Everything from San Pedro to Newport is coming our ways, it's really been fan- tastic. Jn fact, the-limits ftave been caught so fast they've had t.ime to kill before return- ing," says a Mccullah Brothers spokesman. 1be trip to the spawning area is about 10 minutes out of McCullah Brothers. Davey's Locker .and Art's Landing out of Newport Beach report the sand bass haul is the best of the 7ear to date. Art's San Clemente Island lrlp Is abo paying handsome dividends on calico bass and occasionef 7ellowtail. But the major story is the sand boss in the Huntington Beach waters. McCnllah Brothers In Hun- tington Beech; Newport's Davey'• Locker and Art's Lending and Dana Point's Dana Wharl r .. iur. ball and 11 day boats leaving dally. ~ & .,.,_ Cl1lmi"', .......... 0000. J_ ..A.. ..A.. Ui0111'1 DS.I (lll'Obl lJ.00 t.00 S.ot )..( )..( )..( Gott• .. , TOO IT~I 7.00 l . .O. __ __ Roclllt llff" le'( <Meir) 3.» -F. h R I:',';, ~~-'flf liloc;bt, PrW!o. 18 ePort P9'1tr 1C1b. llY Wtr ClllC, Otto T-. fl:I, M......, 011\dy.' NO ICl'llCllH. ., •net• • -""'._ Dltl a 1 -Oetf• ..,. ., .. llllcl .,.. • llld Sll'lft•~8 llm11 a day. • Things are fooldngupint..nglleadt"Wlll1C11tsmiit..--++-I Ing, smoktfe9s jets and cheery, low fares, happi- ness and San Francisco are Just lllcund Iha comer. Ulolwlff, Sacramento and sen Olagll. ean 111 0< '/f:AJt amlling mel llQenl. NA ..... ,_ • llL • ' . .,. • .. T ...... 1 .... -·-...... Area Teams Triumph In Metro Hostilities / All three Oranife Coast area representatives in M e tr o baseball 114gue •ction were ·victorioUs Sunday in their ·pursuit of league l e a d e r Anahelin-Fu\Jertoo, • Ward's Pirales and the Senile Rusilers are tied with 7-· 4 marks behind. the leadei-'a f-_. ..,_l.111 .. Sl~I W ' L ·T ta .. ' ...,1 4· ! '"' -, . . ,.,., • 4 • 0 I 4 4 D I • J ' 1 '" l I o S\lt Who Cares? No Other De'WIPl.Pft' 1tl tht world caret about your com- munity lib your ""1UllunflY dailY "'""Pll><T -lf1 the DAILY PILOT. .. -·--• MKIUlty, 2ll I DoOd, ( 3 HOdllNf, II 1 c.--1. :111 l 811~..,... J Hemllfl. K I Clloet"; ID t $1-.d • SMru, l'f l $! .... ,.., rf 0 Wllsoii; .• 2, 0 ! •' l.lltldO....,, II ! Wlllllr!IL o 0 1 • !O £Kil1'11U, 11 I ! ParkM',.p,. o P!YSI• • . t t To"f· •( · 2t l 3 ''~.Swr1•l~1t· HIE ,_,., lN 000 .. ,_, j j · ituu• ... • 010 ooo 02x-l . . NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh New ~ork Chicago SL LOUIS Montreal Phllad•lphla Cincinnati Houlton Dod1m AllAnta EaJI Dlvl-w L '60 3S 52 41 51 48 48. l2 so 3161 West Dlvllloa 57 37 M44 UM San FrancLoco San Diego 48 so 44 M 36 59 Pd. GB .832 .559 7 .SIS JO .489 U\I .457 !&\I .3$1 ' • .608 .551 .Ill .m .449 .m 5 111 u u ·21\1 AMEllICAN lEAGUE East Dhlaio. Detroit Baltimore New York -Cleveland W L Pd. 55 40 .579 52 l2 .553 47 45 :511 47 46 .505 42 52 .447 Milwaukee " sa .389 Weal Division OUland 59 31 Clllcago 53 4! Mlnnelota 47 45 Kamal City 43 4t Aq<ll 4412 Tent 39 57 ........,.. .... "' C..........., J-1, Mi-1011 ' Cllkffif I. ~· I ,..._ YOf'lr. S-1. .. Ull'llOrt l•l Detrtft .s. .... 1 Ollr.\fflllt 1, TU•• t "-CllY 1, C.ltenll t T ... Y't ·- .608 .552 .511 .184 "" .406 GB 2\1 6\1 7 12\1 u 5\1 9\1 u u 1911 ...... Yll'k (SIOlllM\Jrt 1 .. 111 1t .... (Slfl!IUI .. , .. lf\ITll:n l.MCHlllY lMI It ( ....... lflf (Pit',., ~I CW.-.. 7-tl ..el TtUf. Cltobf111 C.J;"~lll (WJ1ttlt IWJ 11 Cltlc.lt9 (lrlClll'I' 1M• . MllwM .. (lldt...,.. ~-o.hit (~ IMI ,. ...... °" , .... nwtf ,.. .. Olltl#!d (Hottt--"'' DE"N LEWIS l_t66 HAllOR ILYD., COSTA MESA s.m.o llld ,_ for All 1-..I ten .v.•am iedy Shctp for ~I Can 646-9303 Orinre OoUDIJ'• LlrCll! aad 11o1t• Motleni Toyota IDd VoltO Dnl• ovDaLU 1111.IVDT -IA.LIST9 " Mesa Girl -- In Swimfest .. ;: '72 TOYOTA COROLLA I+ T. & L.) OR $3930 MO Ni cull price 12.096.311 lndull- lng tax A license. Down payment i!I rout hundn!d dollars. $39.30 total monthly payment lncludln&: Interest, tax A license. $3$ PU plus btllloon payment of $800. total deftrred pay prlce S2,575.50 A.P.R. 11% On prwrranp!d credlL (300'78!!), VOL-VO "Dean Lewis" We IHso more Volvos in Or•nge County then any other dNlonMp. I '" ~I " ' 'I ., ,- " " i • .. • • JI DAILY PILDT tutsd.tt, AU1JUSl l , 1972 s CBS 8 7:30 -''The Johb Byner Comed7 Hour." The fint of five summer programs starrinJ. cOm· edlan-lmpressionlst Byaer. Guests include Bill Blx· , by, Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. KHJ 0 7:30--"The Iotems." Michael C~llani Cliff Robertson aad Nlck,.Adams are .fealured iq this c<>medy·\IJ'ama •bout hard-working (aad play· Ing) young doctors. NBC D 8:30 -"The Sojourner." This dr1ma about a man in search of his identity stars Elrem Zimbalist Jr., Vera Miles, Herschel Bernardi and Howard Dull. ABC 0 8:30 -"The Eyes of Charles Sand." A young ..man's power to see vi!lons from beyond the ~ grave brings chilling consequences to Peter Haskell, Barbara Rush,. Sharon Farrell and Bradford Dill-• man. ... · . KCET Ill! 9:30 -"Doin' It" Tbe political evolu· tion of the black man in prison called "Victory I Will Be My Moan.'' TV DAILY LOG Tuesday Evening drtma tboirt • mtn ln su1ch ol hit kten\lty. 0 Mlril: (Zltr) "The Ulliiwtttr (mys) '44-;Rlf Mil11111I, Rulll HUS• siy, Gtif Ruuell. By DA VE SlflWllNGEN MADISON, Maino (AP) - Actor ~ Stadt. who once s~ In a vloleol televlsloo serle.:, aaya modem televblon censorship Is "insllne" ln Its attitude toward vlolenie and t1 driving the American public rrom it1 living rooms to even worse films at comer movie theaters. ''The tighter TV become•, the looser motion pictures will be," Slack aald in an lntervlew here.· VONNEGUT! \IONN EGUTI fa.Happy: CfJ~rthday: ~\%nda MlfCOMTMf.MlllllJi MOW ,..LAYIMO une •• 'lllltal CM..l' """'°*' tun -.... -"' ..... Uh "''" -01. Ml!• """' •"*-" "JOI llDD" P ill! Mt:Wlftltl ''SOMnllllll$ A GR.U.T NOTION'" , Stack. who II ttbwllni !or • prpduC'dao of the dn11na "Remembtr Me" at t II e Lakewoocl ThtaU!r In Madlloo. sakt he believes u an- Uvlolence lon:t1 push agalnlt television, "the """" God· father• we're aotna to eel" • •:Tht Godfather Is 1 very dangerous show," Stack 111d. ''There's an implied empathy -people root for t h e criminal.'' •' Stadt llYI the . televlsloo I er le 1 '1Untouchablea'' &. which h< atan<d u 1 !Hen! •rent flll>tmr organized crime In the prolll,blllon era of Cblcqo·bad a "point of view. The only way to ihow evil "" to show what tbe crlmlnals did." ''I've always betn dubious of people who try to prolect the public's morals," stack said. 'JTbat'I what happened in • • A bley Role H()U.YllOOD (UPI) TV's crltb have become • itlslbolb AlhloY. nc<ntb' dlvoreod fn>m -Georlt rmbrolled In their 11 C h I hpplnl, wW Illar In •"lllo apiDll -.. the llr lltlst." • ---that nobody's ''w1tehlnc the movie. nwnher of undtrqe lddl•1 ----------standlnc In line al the movie houlea." Stacie uJd. • What lhooO crlU.. should do, he aaid, ls equilte .. theater IS the1ter.'' He «lllCeded that lime slols on eor:nmm::lal TV art im- portant and said family P<O- fll'8Jlll lhould be olltred in the hOlln whe!I --le are normally v1'wtnit. And, be aald. more cttttlve -and thus controver1t1l -Loggers· New Movie -Heroes . . do ,J~ . ' · pNIRJ'lm8 ilhoold be alri\ed It oome ··--shooting at be(an writlnc the script 10 odult audi..,.,.. later in the WRANGELL, Alasb (AP) -The largest Ol>location movie in Alaska has gone lnto production nea.r here. lo what the producer calls an effort to give loggen "their righlM plae< in bj,<tory." Chuck Keen. the producer, says he has fl.5 million and six "name" actort to aid in the historic effort. • Entitled "Timber Tramp," the · film Is to star Claude Akins as the tramp, with suir Porting act.ors Joseph Cotten, l Cesar Romero. Roose v e It Grier, Tab Hunter and Leon Ames. The aetors, Keen and a 100- man crew began work last week at Sykes Logging Camp ,.on Bradford Canal, and plan to Wrangell and JUDUu. -·-wlllle wor"'•• for ,3--• _.. ....'6 eveni ..... "'nUJ movie," the -y........ n:--st""~. He's com-... --· __ , -Tho N•blic, said Stack. must old Keen ·said, "ii about pltltd sev....i documentaries ~ 1 breed tJ. m-......... nev-and .....,_, the 1,1.:. • .:.lon be told lhe 1 tor y of bow '" •-·--.---~•~ flrlOllllzed crime invests illicit been given th<lr riflbtlul place work. "No Substitute for Vic· dollars into I e g It Im ate In history. You take loggers. tory'' with Jolm Wayne. business, but It muat be done They were here when ctvlliz.a. Keen sa1d. be plans to in perspective: "People -tend lion hadn't ewo come in yet. prtmiere ''Timber Tramp" in to think that it Js all a fairy "Tht)o've . .always been two-1_J_unea __ •_in_J_a..,_ary_:_. ___ _:la::le::.•::_and::_::ll_:isn:::::'1:_·"--.,--I fisted mm, and that's wbatl my picture is all about.'' - The story concerns two oldtlme loggtra who.port \HYS ?t'ilh the r.e la tl v e ly so- phlsllcaled habits cil Seattle camps and head to AJuka to work for a former girlfrle:od of both. Much of the film depicts the l~o of loggera and, In this case, confrontaUons with mill owners Cotten and Rom~ Keen, a fonner logger, ---CtNIOOMI 20 ... __ ,_'J_; f '"::1'-:1.-i ---... SIAD/UM I :; .. _ ..... ··-~·- "'TMI CANDIOATa"'C0') ... "COOL MAMD LUIC•" fO,., .tSAMftat.. ..... , --NlchOl•li .... Alex•nlln AUGUST 1 Hll00011)1!lEl)Nm mag - ON A wavm_· '"l'O•TNOT'S COMl"UINT"' 4., "'cA.1cH TH• ,._ IU•9LAIS .. .nMH0.4. PClci~~J _-;.~:::~:I l'°I ·-... ~-o rnrn muc """".., 1~~~~~~~~~ w ... : <C> (90> "1N E,.. tt Chinn II S.lld"' (sus) 7Z~eter Htmll, 11,11. btrt RUlh, Shtro11 Ftmll, Bradlonl Dlllmen. A 70un1 m111 unwillinalJ' inhtrib 1n t WllOITHI l ift. tl'll 1bllitJ to ., vi&lorts from blyon4 the ow ....... ,.. ...... ,,.. ..... n. Rtl1 Sol •l Chlt119. rn -.. GJlbo-lllDnlol-Ill! ....... fl) .._ hn 'tlflllla fll)-tM .. a.......,., mi._ .. ._ mn,., ...... 1:3G D Mttlt: CC> (50) "Whtt ' W•r " ~" Concl. (com) '64-Slll1lry Mtd.Jiin1, P1Lll Nnmtn, Roblr1 Mlldlum. (J) cas .... '#1hu Cronkite OJ .. .,, l rllftl ... GJlboFlJ .. •• Oji Americal ftll ... fD M!Mtdm llledltlliH @mTrMI lie W.W ([i]ll'Mt Aon . - a:!""" ............... , m-.--m ....._, Holl; Elllol M1nll. 1:tll 8 Cll D111-()) T• • c...t- (1)-0 WW1 Mr Ult? m11 ... ...., ID I It!-If J1111111t OJI LMT11t11ll IE la """ S11 hf m n.. AMcatn "Should lhll Stn- •I• P111 1n4 tilt St1t11 Rtllfy tlll Equ1I Rlchb Amtrldllllftt IOf Worn· '"' IE V• DI Ntvil / a"""= ~) "T)il ...,.,. .. ....... m....., Crlffll a.. flil OJ EMIJll II Ptps "A Nl1hl In Old Vllnlll-flober11 Plftri." ~oomnn,... fEU11 ¥111111P11111ct"8r &I la Cltldt lln eiw. QI! Ibo "'"""' a:! i. .. _ "' .... ~-----·-~_ ... _ ... __, ,1~~;..;;;;;;:::;:;:;e;o~;'~~~;·;"•;;;"~';~~;rn~-;;.:;;;;~.;;;~~~'l:-:-~~~~~~~~~·~·~··~·~·~~·~OON~N=<•:":!:H:I::~~~-~~~ ~~.'c:ll" -..._::_i_ ~ .'i:-.:'· SURF THEATRE-121 5th St.-Huntington IMch ~ 2 hri'Of'MD•• 1:00 & 11:00 A"& 11 .75-Pll .• , .. ,,,, '"' a..,..in ,, laqHI Witkll Y11l 1ty.., ,''FUZZ'' -Al-. Dk• Vn DP• "COLD TURKEY" HELD OVER! 2nd BIG WEEK ~O 'CAS-4-9, · ~ "****"~~ -"New York Dal ly News •tc.UAJin' ti A 8CINT1LUTIHO MUllCALr --AMllK • D\tMt _ (tdllcllOoftlii ~ "LIZA lllNNll.iJ-lHI! NEW Mlll-IHOW 9W"' --- Olllf ..... , •• BY·FAR ,. •• THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN ••• FOR .ALLI \ Comfortably Air Conditioned From -the Master of Shock .... AShocklnC Masterpiece! A d~Ml/VMW. twi$f f rom rM original Hitchcock. A UNIVCRSAL ACLt...SC • TECHNICOLOR• ;i PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT STARTS WED. AUG0ST2 AlY~s NEWPORT TIMES AT BUENA PARK 2:30-3:30-7:00-10:00 7:00.& 10:15 "-Mi~n!Jra~la lil'iliil . ~ ~tiDD Jim!! ~II ~~i~ ~11111111 lnnfl ~m~ 1"r: ~l1rli~I &JU11 J~~a Mill~ iicU~ ,tolll iae1 wU. .. ®• Tht Oily or .. 11 C•Hly ""tttMllh • ~ '•. • • BIG .NEW SHOWS START WED; AUGUST 2 ATTME EDWARDS CINEMAS The lirsf-ac res e of ·tbe UnHed Staies. First they s~ore him ·in. . Jh8111hBY-SWOre to . get hilil;- . .... ...,MllWAUMI..,MfMl.00 llWj &llS\ll llm ~f!!'f!IMD.BR.Glssm ~a'i\ iir ·--EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT I , • STARTs~ WEDNESDAY AUGUST2 ~EDWARDS THEATRES • • • • • ••••• ••••• . ................. . • • •E.<>C" •LvD. •T •Ll.1• • • ••T. o;O#llT .....,, • --.0 ~­ '&'tP--09 • MUMYOIOTON •IU,C" RICHARD lf.H.JAMIN IN • (' , • • • ... • • • • • • • • • Campaign Managers Adding Up Vo!es ( • • , . .. • ~-- .. , ..1';.::.'C:. -· "Aw, Doddyl That's the fourth town we'v• gont through without seeing a good place to stop for ·lunch. We're HUNGRYI" • Rape ~AR Declared . / B~ Women in Iowa llEPIJllLICAN apokel-, in their ptibllc relations bursts of eotbuslum, DOW claJm nearly all the Ill electoral votes for Pmldent Nixon and concede only the Ihm YO(es of the Diltrlcl of Colwnbla and pnmthly the lour from tbe honie state of South DUola Seo. George S. McGovern, 11¥ DemocraUc nominee. ~bllcan leadm a re ~ting on a iweep or ntaf.. "'aep by Nixon ol the once aoUdly Democratic S e u t b , although McGovern denies he wlll Ignore JI. The Democratic leadenhlp In the liruth look a cold view ·or the . McGovem nomination .. A BARRIS POLL publl.shed July U lnd(cated Nixon will benefit by a net pin of 5 per.1-=======--":1 cent nationwide because there IOWA CITY, Iowa (UPI ) -the guilty parties and oiler will be no C&!Jll"lin IOI' A group of houRwlves, work· them the opportunity lo be George c. Wallace, who cam· Ing wt111en and University of questioned by female office'? palgned lot the Democ:rati. Iowa coeds here have declared lmtead of ~ aubjected to nomination before he was war 00 npilts. "humiliating lnterrogatlona" partlaUy paralyud by an at· Sparked by three rape1, two by male officers. t<mpl on his life. attempted ·npet and threel~~-~~------....:..---------~~--- otber assaults on women in the, last three weeks, Women Aga!M Rape ·cw AR) was founded at the University of Iowa Women's Center. The center ii the lradltional local point of women'• rights ac- UvlU.S for the sdlool and the commwtlty. WAR 1pokeswomen s a i d SUnday they plan to prdent a lilt of demands to the city <oW1CiI tonight In onler lo pre- vent attacks and protect women who ·have been .... u1ted . . " ...... ' j --~ 'lbe demands include waivini: charges ag1ln$ women . wbo kill their attacl<era, provldlng pibllc )ransporlallon Io r women at night, detcribing rajllsts and their methodS In detail in news.reports in order to keep women ln!Ol'IDed, and alerting elllzens to b·e 1 p -.omen who are attacked. · Jn addlilOD, WAR apoltesmen said' they' 1flllll the Iowa City police to quit treating rape -u though they ..... aJNlirof tires 6 Japanese Test Effects Of Ocean TOKYO (AP) -can man ltay alive drinking sea water? It bes been commonly ac-· cepted that · ncessive con- aumpUon ol sea water will cause fatal dehydration o( the body. . But lilt Ja-men, ·still curious, eet out on rou&h sen today In a tiny rubber lifeboat with thne days' tupply ol food and about '° plJalll o1 fresh water aboard, with plans lo make tht rest· of their rations with aea water to check on the results. The six, led by a documen-tary movie · director. were to dr111 If daya from an island o!I Okinawa lo Mly!W'ke, a prefecture In southern JaP'l!l 400 miles north ol Okinawa. . Two ol the lilt planned .. drink. in a pattern, .ra water IOI' two or three daya and then fresh. water for two 11< three daya. Two plamed to drink a -of lr<sb water and aea water. The remainlnl toO were to drink fttsb water nnlf. Men Mob· Minidress .. RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -Brazilian men. cabn at the: sllht of blklnklad bel\utln OD the beocb, mobbed • -· _,,.. wbo...tmtd-la I 1oOM knit mlnidrea without I •In -th. Pollea -up the crowd and ...cued her unacath- td. •CAT SAIS Clllt • ftareat rt...,. ·AUG. 21 TO• 810 Bl.AR LAXE llO'l'S & GIRLS 1 TO 17 ··--AIL CAMP AUWlll8 ..... I~--.. ---1°"9 ---1---_., --·-.. ___ ...... --· P.fl• 7M11tM1n Ai1g11sl Value • An economy tire with four,full plin of • sturdy 11r1on cont • A good • MCOnd car'' lire )or around- toWn driving, l Atlas Grip-Safe. 2for $al~~-~ Jlfu'$!.15Ftd E• l•• torMCfl~l)lwDtln• till"~ .... • Low, modem silhouette. • lnlerlocklng treed to grtp lhe roed. Atlas Pacesetter Belted. 2for 557!! .. .11.)4 r1111. E._ T11 lol'lllCJIV.14 ......... --• Modem betled·blu construction. • Two llbllrglan cord belts 0W1r two poty- esler cord body pfJea. • Computer-de"grted • tread helps mist tklddlng. Wheel Balancing. • for 4 wheels • $2.97 for 2 wheels. •Kn ping wtieeta In bile nee helps correct • eommon cauM ol lriblaiion and prem111.1re lirt weat • • ... ~-­_,,. -·· 1 • llneWllrstoO.p It most YllllieCtzla$. ' • LEGAL NOTICE . I , 1.111. Y PllcrT II Dgily ~ilot . Classified HERE COMES SUMMER Slip lnto the old balhiQI suit and enjoy the 1parldin1 pool. Othrr ftalurtt inchxkr 4 bedrooms, 2 hath!!, dlnq: area. trx L'O\-erM patio • hd~-d Door1 &-ownlttd di prqre. J111t remodelal 6 vacant for )'OW' inspection. Call ~ Optn (twt1 :. ~ HERITAGE REALTORS ABANDONED IRYINE RED TILE ROOF IRVINE'S LOWEST PRICEt1 Wrought iron 1atn unlold Spanish courtyard. Kini s1u bedl'OOln1. 2 paUoc. PCK>LPLUSCABANA!Only SZi,900. Call fut • M.5-0303. . . IOl!l\I I Ol\fl\ ,., . . . PENINSULA' PT. 2-Sty. S BR., Octan Blvd. homt. 3,<XXI Sq, ft. 2 Ftplct. Vacant -absenf!e owner uklng $87,500, will carry lit T.D. Call: 613-3663 673-a:a Evff.. associated BR OKERS-RE.AL TO~S 202S W 6cil boo 67l·J66J * WATEf!FRONT * NEWPORT S!IORES 2. BR (can be 3-4) tam. nn. l ba. Xlnt cond 155,000 or trade for amalln-same artL CAYWOOD REAL TY * 541-1290 * • 1 I • .. %t DAILY 'ILOT Jl.IHdq, AUfl,llt 1, 1•7l \ Everyone Has Something That Someone Elie Wonts DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS . You Ca~ Sell It, Rnd It, Trade It WHh a Warrt Ad The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results -"' I,., I -·w. l~I I __ ,. A UNl()llf tot.: BY THE WAY -Unique !tomes sol d 48 fine homes in the 31 days or July for a. s~les volume of bver $3 ,000,000. Unique lS bl~il~Jng a solid reputation that 'vill produce s1m1lar, no doubt greater successes in the months and years to come. In order to maintain this sales record Unique 1s actively interes~ed in associating wit~ three addi tional sales personnel. You~ exper1· ence 1s not as important as your attitude. CONTACT JIM WOOD U 11111 IVU I: Ji()Ml:i ON TOP OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET WITH THE NI CEST PEOf'LE SEl.LING THE NfA rEST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR, 675 6000 • MESA VERDE, 54&5990 • NEWPORT BEACH. 645-6500 • CALL US General Gener el COLLEGE PARK G .I.--A...,.PP:"'.'.'R""'"A".':IS-:-A-:-L BUZZ-BUZZ.BUZZ OVER TO THIS ONE Enchanting TWO STORY 5 bedroom 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, FAMILY ROOM, formal dtn· ing room. NEW carpets and dranes, tsla~d kitchen. SOMERSE:I' model on FEE land 1n HARBOR V!EIV HOMES ... , ...... '72,500. M·M·M NICE IN EA5TBLUFF SEA HARBOR LIGHTS from this newly dec- orated POPULAR MODEL 4 bedroom, 2 bath, dining room . rock fire lace, carJ:!ets & drapes. built-in kitchen. Saf fenced·1n back yard for the lit es. $55,500. INVEST IN YOUR TURE 3 BR, ~ BA, 2 brick fltr- places give this Kenkoll Cambridge modf'I hOme an x!ra flair fur Calif. llving. Jumbo bdnns makr Ul i!I a most livable homr. CAIL TO SEE. CORONA OEL MAR TRIPLEX ONE.OF-A-KIND · 2-2 Bedroom, l·l Bedroom. • $42,500 Clear. Owner may carry. Close lo shopping. Coopcnt~ St'llcr hall agreed This \Vii i go in a hurry ............. $71,500. $31,950. Newport •• Fairview 644-8811 (1nytime) SCjlUEAKY CLEAN LEASE· SELL OPTION lo sell this spacious 2,000 sq. H. hOme at the govt'rnmcnt ELEGANCE AWAITS YOUR appraisal. 4 huge bedrooms. BAYFRONT, PIER, SLIP 2 lw.-urioo• baths, beauw,1 ON THE PENINSULA . WITJI PIER & SLIP a!rium off mailer bedroom. 'JmmacuJate 5 bedroorn 31h bath, gorgeous large "·orkshop and i;ewin~ kitchen, formal dining room. For the discrim· Hrea. Ux·ared on quiet cuJ· inating buye r ..................... $195,000. d1 .. sac street 5 minutrs from th l' be:ich. THIS CONDO WILL C WALl<ER & LEE Realtors 64&-7i11 2043 Westclilf Drive Oprn till 9 PM. $27,500 3 BDR. & DEN ailii!IUme 6%% loa·n . Payments lrss than rent. Central noor plan, natural brick llreplace, hanging lamps & flrtplace eqUI ment included, dining nn .. built-in rBllJl:e & OV('n & dishwasher, brk. 5'10-1720. "TURN YOU ON " IN BACK BAY AREA -3 Bedroom . 2'1' hath. built in kitchen. stone fireplace. F'AJ\1IL \' ROOM . community pool & REC. ROOMS in- cluding billiards. Fee land and close to every· thin g. . ... , .................. , ...... $32,500. •• A"4Ull-Smtd. tJOIUltA# --REAL TORS 644-7270 • IF IT HAD A MOAT YOU COULD FLOAT YOUR BOAT It's even on a street named after a fish (Bass.- wood). All of this 'because we !eel a ma·n's home is his castle -check this -5 lge. bd- rms., 3 baths, 2 tubs, 3 showers, Jge. family rm., formal din. rm. This is our newest ofter· ing, sell at .. .. .. .. .. ............ $61,950. MORE WATER WE MUST BE ALL WET Sea shell s by the seashore is not what we 're offering -we do have an outstanding duplex on Seashore Drive in N'pt. Beach, 8 yrs. old -in N'pt., this is young! You can live at the beach & have tenant's to help you with the paymts. J\1ove in before school starts. Offer· ed at ................................ $62,300. GEORGIA'S WEEK TO BAWL . You didn't buy her Douse in Harbor View last week. Really a view o! the harbor - a Cree ice cream cone if you can't see the water from the living rm. See it at night & enjoy ~he t\' inkling lights. Thrown in, 4 bdrms .. swun- n1ing pool, huge yard & all of the extras not usually ;:i vail. so near to the ocean. Offered et .......... $64,500. OLD FASHION VALUE One of r\e"'port lights. outst~~· g small ·homes. set in a yard that looWike garden- er's drea1n. Mstr. bdrm. set 8:€parat y from the other two; iI it's a nice home you de~ire & you're on a budget, this is it!·Only $42,000. ·WATER; AGAIN. · T\1'0 Jot s on the ocean side of the 1-lwy. (CdM /, for only $82.500. The following includ- ed at no additional charge: older custom ho1ne & guest house. "I thought this was the fnrmer 's house ... because of two of the cut est daughters I've seen in a long time" -NOT included in selling price! Call for app't. to vie\\'. SHORECLIFFS Outstanding 3 bdrm., 2 baths. with lovely old brick frelc. in country kitchen; cathedral beam ceil 's, Walk your own prlv. beach. Of. fered at ............................ $89,500. STILL AVAILABLE Two separate lots in Laguna Beach. cau for details. Call US for your real estate needs -WE have lots of good thin91 to tell you about I VACANT LUSK HOME Spy Clau llW! ~llcnt lo- cation!! • BR. Sandpiper - Ju.st annplrted! ! llUrT)' ••• at ii'ti,OCW> it won't lut! ! i..u<lo Slwlwty ..... >lO. DISTINGUISHED FAMILY HOf.IE Sparklin& awhnmlni pool sur- rounded by beautiful walled in 1anten & play area. 5 BR, • 4 bath • l'"R .• formaJ I OKI \I I. 01 \0\ ~· £ ,, . , ... ·DR. Nt"Wly decorated & cu. ................ ;;o;iiii ...... "'t"". In move-In condition. FIVE PLUS FAMIL y Dave Cnok 642-8235. A HOUSE IS NOT Ovor 2200 aq. It. New shag A HOME carpetin&. walk to all ACbool1 un1~ it containl thr spark-and shoppin1. Only $38.500. li Wow?! ng warmth, dlgntty A: pride Of OWnenhlp that this 3 BR . COATS w/a REAL FR. lhowa YOU. ~ & aa,.,...1. 16'.9'0. Lo;, Mil-WALLACE !er 642-8235. REAL TOR DISCOVER -546-41'1- DOVER SHORES 0 · I This gracious Jvan \\lcU'11 t. pen Evttungs lrancl New Home A dlsappointtd owntt cannol move lnlo hl• IJHuUNI four bedroom, Lusk saooplll't"r ~-II~ want• to find • family who wtU ('tljoy The hi&}\ t"athedral t'l!Uifws with heavy beams and panf'lin& tn thr llvlng room apd fam· Uy room. and enjoy the sparkling kitchen, great bt>d- room arrang~ment and all the othn-fea!W"f't ol tlus fine hOme. EVl'ryth~ is new, yoo Nlll add all ttme flnishlng touches to make vu. )9Jr homt'. cau m.72Z COLWELL PROPERTIES. INC REALTORS R-2 South of Hlghw•y 2 .t: 1 BR duplex on rear of extra wide, 45" lot. Trft.lln- ed, dead.end street Lota of room to build. $59,500. Call 6'75-600}, Realton. WELTON & COMPANY Co1t1 Mesa home ii now available • 41 ::::::::::::::::::::::== BR., 3 bath, FR., OR. P.tag· * SPECIALS * ;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;/ nlficent vi.w. Beoutllul for entl'f"lalnin.g. C h a r J c n e Reirhmann 642-8235. RELAX IN COMFORT Enjoy a coOJ pool & a like- able, livable family room w/stf'pdml.•n wet bar, f't'frig. erator A: fireplace. Light I airy 3 BR. in Net.\'J)Ott lf e I & h ! s , \Valter King 6446>XJ. Macnab-Irvine .Reali)' Company 642-1235 644-6200 Extra Room For Extra Uving In The a1uHs ~ e:xpanaive bon111 rtlOrn isn't the only extra in this Oct?anlrorrt triplex BalbOa Pen. triplex BaJboa duplex Penln. Point home N'pt, Island home 1100.000 JJ25,000 '68,500 S6l ,51Xl J<l,950 associated BROK ERS-REALTORS 2025 W BalboG t..7l·l!bl FIXER UPPER JUST LISTED -Best 1.fesa Verde Joc11Uon! -3 I-fami- ly. Needs Jots of work but make offer now and save! Vacant. CUJ-d&ac, walk to schools. Call 546-5880 OPEN EVES : .. HERITAGE REALTORS Bluffs concbniniwn. Two •-:::~-::~~""'~~ IU'denoatlol,avi...or the Bl ffs B l broad ""''""" .,..,.n ,,." u es and just the Tight di!tanet' to lbe communHy pooJ, Four On the \\".ldnt, most beautlhd bedroom.t, 2% bo.thl, !annal greenbelt, this lovely ENO dinl:hg area for eltaant UNIT 3 BR., 2'1S ba. condo --COOL RETREAT Complete with waterfall, fountain I: loveiY ld9cpg. In the rear yard of this lmmac. 3 BR. CoUege Park dream· boat, with open gpecious feellni. AU for $.12,500. BAR HARBOR 5 BEDROOMS On 11n&le level, with 1 yr. old shag carpet & family rm. w/ frplc. Many upgraded fea. tures. Covered rear potio & P1'81e work bench th.It h a man'1 dream. 6% A&Mn· able Jo&it Ir: klw down • only 1.111,500. 675-3000 m llA\' .\ llE,U'.11 Sunny bright and squeaky clee.n this beautifully ?'t'decorated townhou!lt! is nothing less than t1egant. 3 BR,.2 Ba .• fla1~deu grounds and you Mmr 1he tum1. $48,::a> or 450/mo. Call "'1-85>}. 295.1 Harbor. Costa Mega t in! hu many extras -wet bar, CORBIN MARTIN '"""" "" P'"' ram"' . · RAPID CITY 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY · room and eating attain the eiec. kitchm., pnv. «> ft. CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. • • • all built-in lcik..,n. ThU patio. N,.. ll•Ung at $55,500. FLOODS \~THE REAL '\.: E§T ~If'.~.s Don't eive up the ship! home hu been adult oc-HELEN B. DOWD ·Have fora:tj 1M-owner (Jf "11'1"" mdas!lfl<d, Ship-,. I" """ "llu "I REALTORS 644·7662 cuplodandbeautlfully REALTOR 644-0134 th~ beautilul Costa Mesa to Shore Rel!Ult.s! 642-5678. General GeMral Newport .. Corona del Mar· Costa Mesa deco,!!ted. Priced rl&bt al /iiiiiiiiiiilililili_lli_il_iiim-/ home to gtve up everythjng Gener•I Gener ii •-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;['!"...,..C~""""""""'~""'='='i"""'""'"'"""'""'""' I $54,......,. R • he bu here,· to go back to • l"----------------1• Genor•I Generel c. F. Coles~orthy eposseSSlon Rapid City! l.oootro In * BAYSHORES WATERFRONT & POOL* & company =~~:.mi'. :-!:;:..';"'1 3Mar,,;.::,:m: · ..J.. * * * * * 640·0020 down. $23,750. Call 642-1771. Ia,.. dining room & a Custom home, 4 bedroom & den or 5 bed-7{ Ontu I I BEACON BAY Priv.• community • 2 units $651000. Beach & tennis priv. 2 Bdrm. ho.me, guest rm. & bath: also a one bdrm. apL Mary Lou lt1arion CAMEO $MORES CHARMER \Vood paneled famil y rm. w/frplc. & \Vet bar. Formal dining rm., 3 bdrms., 21h baths. Beaut. kilch: & brkfst. rm. $85,000. Carll! Tatum NEW LISTING ON LIOO 3 BR. & fam. rm. home on tip of island. An unusually beautiful home, priced right at $139,500. Kathryn Raulston 4 BR .; 3 BA., FAM. RM. + POOL $66 800 -Still occupied by original owners. Cle~n , bright. Show~ like a model home. G.r_eatest front &J>ack yards plus patio. See •this now ! Al Fink LUSK HAR BOR VIEW HILLS 3 BR ., "Sausalito." fnm. rm.; F'ee, $-73.500 . 3 RR .. 3 ba. "Tiburon:• S72,500 -fee. 4 BR .. 3 ba. "Sandpipe r," $7)1,500. Call for details. LaVcra Burns EXCELLENT LIDO LOCATION l·BR. cottage on best road near beaches & club. S46,SOO. Vacant Jot next door also available, $361500. Edie Olson IRVINE TERRACE CHARMER Brighi. cheerful patio off large fem . rm.; 3 BR .• 2 ba's .. formal dining rm. Choice lo- cation near beach. Just reduced -now only $57,950. M. C. Buie BAYFRDNT-NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB -Fabulous 42' com«_.lot, pier & •li!! for l~e. boat; beaut. courtyard & Jge. bayside patto. 4 BR. Good for small or lge. family. $199,SOO; Eugene Vreeland SUPERB TRADITIONAL Englilh 1ard•D1 dominate your view from 3,300 sq. It. home. Grut "divided" llvln1- ' bdrms., den, lg•. rumpus rm.-Mll!t see! '811,500. Mary Harvey 133.0700· -- 644.2430 --ColJtt:irJtl. .... ........... $50 NIWl'O_RT CINTllt DA.. N.1. _,_..,. ____ .,... ____ ___ b th T l·t tin d ABSOLUTELV beautiful beamro ceiling r ooms. 51h a s. op qua t y carpe g, ra-TAYLOR co 1 . "' family room. Priced· for an peries, wallpaper & fixtures. View from most • EVERYTHING! ~"21 immodiate ""' at on1Y rooms. 87' lot, big shade trees, lovely gardens 'Ih1I one year new home 11 $34,500. Call 646-7171. & large pool. 2832 Bayshores Dr. the most e x q u I 1 1 t e J y ~~!!l~llll!!!!'!!!!!J!!!!!!!' I BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR PA!NT~~~Bg~/o'it~~J~TL.;'t Pi?.'r~Tls your :::!~ ",:t ~':::':'~ OWNiRtra naterrod . chance. Charming rustic Provincial with 3 Meticl!Joul atte.ntiol'l t 0 Aaume 5"~ loan. 3 l1lenders Building 341 B1y1ide Or., Suite 1, N.B. ,-Q THEREAL \:._"\.. F~STATER.S ' 3eneral CORfANDER 4-PLEX Not Ml! but two beautifully mnlntamed 4-plex unlt:K side by side. Each has 3·l Br. 2 Ba Wlils and one 3 Br • 2 Ba OV.'?l<'r"s unit with patio. Costa !\h."SR's best suited units for ~occupancy. \VD! coru;ider selling one or both at $74,500 each. Call 673-8550 for tnformatkln. . JUST REDUCED $2,000 O DOWN Cl Loan available. 5 Bedrooms and famlJ.v room. Carpeta I: dnt>" Umlout pllli! many ex.traa. 0wn"1" anxious, must sell lmmediale:ly. NOw priced 1.1:,000. Call :;t).llSI (Optn Evn.) ~.-, ~ HERITAGE ' • REALTORS 67~161 u "nerel IRVINE COVE Light & airy home private community beach in exclusive Irvine Cove "U" Floor plan Around private yam 3 Bedrooms & family room Quiel S'lre<et $165,000 REALTORS SINCE 1944 673-4400 bedrooms, dining room & 2 baths on a prime every detail, makn Jt tm· bedrooma plU1 den. 2 bathB, corner s ite in the prestigious quiet area of possible to improve upon. natural b r Jc k fireplace, peninsula point ..................... $75,000. An adult occupied 4 BR natural brick t1rep1,.ce, built· family room. 2 bllth home in range -own -cfishwuher · ~r 27th Y tar'' with deep shag carpet, COYeft'd pa Ho. fruit Ir: ahade WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors deco,.tor drapea • ....,. brl!.111,950. 540-rno. s@U-de~ oven. terraced 2111 Sen Joequln Hiiis Road landacaping with ed&inl "Ovetlooking Big Canyon Coun.try Club'' curbs and l)Jrinklen, front NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4'10 andftar~cutaintople..,. ,,,-----.,.-------,-,,,---.,.------1 the most diacri.m.lnatinc General General beyer. $48,000. Call~ WHAT'S TOO BIG? ro ·· THE REAU \"1' ESTATERS ... • ' • 4 • JUST LISTED Single 11Qry 4 ·bedroom Patt-- setter. Xtra wide lot wHh fenced aic¥ yard, great for camper, boatJ Of whatever . Quick pollM!lllon. VA tmns. ISS,000.. , SOllI'H COAST REAL ESrATE, SCS.WC. TRADITIONAL LIVING - WEST CUFF \VE pttfer to think that 2400 WA'IOI 11IE SHIPS 1•--I IQ. 1l lt spack>Us-oot too 2400 Clut Dr. Million$$ vie. a. --•• and By original oY.'?len. Gracious big! 5 bdnm, 3 ba.thl, ot Udo, Btlboa I: Catalina; * NEW LISTING * MESA VERDE $30,900. Be sure to 1tt this! 3 Btd- nn and friendly family rm w/firepl! Separate utility rm for mom. and areat patio fat' entertalnUw. You can't ·beat the area or the price. CaU for det&ils 979-1050. . 9:f21 TRIPLEX home -3 bedroom, i .. -... formal dlnlna. huge famlb' hand10JDe bcMase bf the '"· CHOICE DUPLEX . ~b" room /f I 1 ·-oo1y •u kM Three 2 BR. units in like-new livirtjt room \\rilh firt'platt w ll'ep ace. ........ ....,,_,.. 3 Bdrm: a l·bann. Owner and bookcase t.•oall, spacious come.r lot w/boal or trailer REAL ESTATE llquidatln&' _must tell! condition. Upper unit has a I ~ ....... WA11C TO BEACH. TREAS.-. RES ~ .... --•-a. •".~. loYely view. Exbttng hl"' •~~~!"!':~~~-/ forms dining room. Garden "' ~ uou '""'" ""' oloN VA •--1 be -Only 145•500· 1831 Wutclltt, NB -DAVID D CARLSON ,....., at % can as-* OCEANFRONT-* patio entertainment centrr GINNY MORRISON • sumed with leD than ~ llomc. 4 Bdrms., 2 baths, "ith ~llt·ln B-B·Q nnd ~ *** -REALTOJtS.. 103 LJnda Isle Or. ~ REALTOR 8"-9293. dn. Aaki~ $49,950. with 40 ft. front~. This frigernlor. Pool slze yard. ,.• *• 1505Mesa 3 BR.. e&' Jot. !56' aUp. NEW baytront home. Pitt&: CALL I!\•' •4•·1 414 older home hu lge. llving Portr Cochctt owr drive-•GM •Verde Dr Eut $l49,5(IO. iDcomf. Open SaUSun/Wt'ld 91"-'-' rm., frplc.: dining rm .. rx-"'·11.y pi:rmits v:tn parking. •--• Colla Meta ' 2430 Bayshoff• Or. t-4 wt ..... tra I.gt, kit ch. Ohl. garnge $75,500. '* ~ 1' * * M7..fl.30 4. BR. a BA., 55' Jal $le,e>.:. S37 E. Beytront, Uttle Island Al AL TY plus extra parking. Rest PETE BARREIT K. L. Hartman R.E. IDY. WINTON, Realtor '15-3331 N1ar N••••rt •••• ortlte atta, nr. Newport Hnrhor RE L TY S TE PAD 642-0760 ...._ Balboa Penln1UI• BY Owner: Bouatit ntw Yacht Oub. Euy to """" -A -TAR R • BROKERLESS HoMES """'· muat aell. Nloe 3 Br. l100,lm 642·5200 $15,500 Alllt YOUll BEST BUY OCEANnlONT. c BR. 5 Be. bouae. Rfd'°"" l3IXXI. Shae Call: 613-3663 00-225.1 Eve•· J!!!!~~-----"!!!!!.J L For plc:tut.s, dnc:rlotlttN ol I.sin nn., wet liar. e1epnt 2 . Cl1>t. hup '"'111. Iota of -THE-MO~T FOR POO ~.bomfffor ule "'°""" ....,.. Pll.farappl.~ . ....., Cov'd. patio. Room to $30,500 IT'S TRUE! A!!Nme S9G. Jlt't mall Sl lo DIRECTORY OF Corene •I Mar 1 bWJd. Stow, drpa,·~ 5~ 00\~'N!!! 3 Bedrooms, mo. or BUY FOR SD>! FINE HOMES' Box 5(1, •• lamp lncl'd. Aaumt fllA J•; &th•. Dinlng. Uui!tt RA>only, INCLUD~ W.ASll· -llun~ llad>. 963-llOO. * *-.Jiii!~ ~ Joaa l1IL I* mo. total. ' associated than norm~] Llv1nit Room , ER, DRYER AND R.EFR.IG. a.EAN 'B 2BA ~D,y DUpla W • built, So. ot Xlnt tt:rma. 5.1Ml87&. $25,500 ~ p Brirk >'lreplaoe: BlLGaa TORI Bool ph•..patlot ·-~ -u..,., l-BJl.r2-... .-:i-BR. 2 Sl'OltY Mn: p NO DOWN arty Pool House KH chen. Ooobl• can,.. c.n at ...,. -&e«I03. ;,."";. "";;;..-t 0 ~~:s. ..!~ .. '"~: dial,. 00oa of beadl. ai.w. a DAOKEAS-AEAl TO~S Z02S W BalboG 67]•]66] terms a v 1. 11 a b I t!. Low 2bi:CI tie.led A fillttl!d poet Shake Roof. Boat Storage IChooll, lhopptDa, y .A. ap-•PM•o U<;ml1I \.'QI I ~ IJCbh:. 'I'bll I yr, nN" homt monthly ~ntl. !:ntry IWTOUnded by )'U'ds ot Ania. Call 646-0565, Evtn-prallt'd $30,Co:>. ca 11 Jtaln. Pllnl In olnct · \Mt 11 cnJ,y l bit from ::;, ~:e, ... n.c;m.;..;;::: = ~":°"wt~ inrs -. =~alter &:l!J 0 M':OAN REA'L TY ~~~ i:"'~°'W:: 2 bath<. part< Ulm )'U'tl, oarpet. """'lry kit_... A VISTA DEL LIDO 6n.6642 67UUJ $29,ll!IO. C•nt••Y n, OWlltt -· ltrk. •• ._ pain~ Ort,. 1bru ...,. Luxury Apt. 0n lhO ltQ * OPl;N DAILY 1-5 * ~-"'.,551=1 ·=..,.-,,....~1 ~l'IJJ. !tie llni• for bo • t CAPE COD 111aanl11o"9t View 41S 'ORCHID BY OWNER, tryof<md. 3 TARBELL --.Ct>ota--+NEW-LISTI i>RIME <BM.BOA I. • C 1'llm. apt.a. Walk lo ltQ • 1m7,-..ap1er. 162.llDO BALBOA 8.AY PROP. -* '4:1.74'1 * -It ,today. Ooly Allndfft C -\S<Jt. SUp Available Duplex. 1-BR. .. cb u!Ut ltr. l!I ""' Ip bid pool. VA !ll.ll!O. 1-..__.--:--nt-C""'"o-nclo-:-• 1 tra Jarp>. s bau., t>nnaI 0:-,. Wlln•m--. ~ ... , """'° ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ,.... dilllns + "'"' -..... RNllor , lo!',500 I Br. 2 Se, pool, pier a 111,. "larp ltltcti. SM to-MMS7I MS-U64 Sctnlc Pl'O'>ut>es $31,~ .!;!. daJq A -~ Dtllelt.tl\11 11u111 tbtsbttnt•~laabo!,-n--=---· ~ 67$.57.26 ~-:.:=~ ..... ""3 Wtotdttt Drt"'-··EMERALD IAY c.ai.°"'11-6Da11y. 5 IG ID1t1MS. CAii'Eo-811 biandl. BYOWNEIWl='n'='a...i~Pl.,..1 °"'1 'IOJ 9 PM bnma<'llala 3 Br + tam nn. Sball>. dHn home With larp ~ c BR, atne 3 BR. 1 BA. -1- BJ <>wn<r.1 er. 2 e., frpk, °""" """ot 1no7. View. 411ll.'r.' Ill Ill WnllJ """" Jocat..i 111 sm!en .. ttiiw. LR, DR.. 2 down. nt:Dl-Zll...-:~-i w/w crpt, -.int 1oc Muat .,., 118,00ll CA lliM Newport -· 155.£01. BA. crpld, 1' acre Jot. ....,. <> CALL 5IWlll * ~. sz.ooo Orm. Tod Hullort & Aa-. *l'ULLlll REALTY* •ltw. P11v -Owntt a •~BR-O w!Ol l "" I It«"'"-· 146'41110. 14?1 Via Lido rlHIOll -~ flMC1I. 11'-"°' -). WW. Rell"" . = : .. -.11 I Hf; I fl J • • • • DAILY l'ILOf J . I-..:.. .. ,... ~I l~l _ .... . _ .... I~ I _ .... ·1~1:::;1 -=~-.. ?!~.:·!~ ':"'"':-._:" :-:-lrM~11 -1~1~1 ~-~ ... -~,~~1~1;;-i!iiim .. ;;-~J~~I CosteMeie Huntt"""" -'"""' I ii:".,.., Hlllllllll Duploxn/Unltl Buslne11 1.-___ Fu_m_lshed ___ 300_ Ho<lhi Unf\lm. · 305 1 ~~~~~~-1:...:.......::..,..._~~-I:==~:-== .... 162 ()pporlvnlly -100 L ·--· 1· WANTED ,_;:;_.....,.---=J :;;~.;;.;:~ •• -:.~ •tun• -cl! Costa Mua =~:: ~se:~ "Spacloe-1'1111 Sf.o~!.~..::~ y..,. 1-.......... by._, Bdrm. -_,...,. l~tll pd. Cba<rulna e PRIVACY uaW"ed-1 br, HUGE DEN Pt.VS s bednoallt t blths, FOR. $22,500 Rllh•1cl lV hnl oa 9'lew aide.~ Bil. ~ tomeWbtft. Call ,di. lnunac., well lt.nd1eap. Bach. Bia patio. N . stovr/n.-t. all util lncl SU>. Walklothebrad>bomll>b loftD •-" J BA-. -~ os ... IM.,,_aml<I"' ed.$60,111>.-D' 'b md. ALARentals e 645-3900 -· -Excellent •••dlllon. spaclow S bo<lroom 0o),...bt.,..alutoWn111' Rod<llillo.-aft.IPM !lndlloatbo><r ... ,.. 8 y,... old, 3 BR'1, up. 2 1str1 utors lltiS-UUI pd. So. Wa"""· l .urkkle townhoqw. fl.e. or....m )'OG. netd a Jarp: letUN lt_ldt Cill. ~I!\. «_6·Jfl4 00-'I\ 2 baths each. ~ut. Br. OiUd/pct ok. e NICER! 2 br, 2 ba_. crpta/ $32,950. Roy McCerdle RHltor 54S-Tm trlc buUUns. dlftiaa ...._ tr ,,~ ~ vitt:AiiilOU.t:-~ I: fL • ... i2so-.:r1ir. Ocean view, Nie-dr(:ll. l'ncl &:ar. lncd yd. S115. , .. plaoo. 2 ... -· :::::ib::-,.:"" ...u.sr.: CUSTOM BUILT ........ Income ·Property 166 1or HIS area •IY furn. In.• p!J<. ALA Ront•I•. 64s.3900 Owner will r.pa1nt A '°play tn and 1eeve )'OU 1n .ru.t u.tod! Bia ,ocean vtew l1A1..TY Now avail•ble: A new, u · NU-VIEW RENTALS J UR. 1 Ba., Ira. roM'lt'r lot, f!.:\t~ ~~ Ca fi pHN? Would )'OU UU to borne tn beaut. prdrr.n ttt· Near Nc.-,ert P•JI Offlte rttlns 1tl•n'IQl'OU9 oppot111n. 6T3-4030 « 494-:tMR romp. l't'<k'~'t'll'l1lt!'d, Rtl. 1110 Newport Blvd., C.M. --cIEAN 3 BDRM. 147 ... 1221• havt a larse trtaht kltcbm. til\r. 3 B~ 3 t.'1., spec. 4 BR. Vlt'TORIAN EASTSIDE Uy Jo~ a dependable m1tn i:ir Nawport Beach r«1 . S:!fO irlO. Set• oy,ntr ~ la.rle tMtclo'ard and )Qll' dlnln& 4 faMlly rrns.: wtll Yoo gotta Co i.n to SK' thl.t 4-PLEX \\'Om&n. lfurl11.1: t!Hy, X9.'I J\rt'Jlnnds 2 Baths. Fimtl,y rm., new carpet.a. Lee. <..'Or'ttitr lot • . $29.950 • 10% Ji'JLVVA GEM . 1610 \V. Cout Hwy., N.8. REALTORS "2-4621 El Toro a..EAN 4 btdroom. 2 bath, 1ully carpted h o m e • ~autifu! ~ant Nice area. CU. to ~hoolt. ahoppln&:. Lelue $275. Call 586-"2918 anytime Sat-Sun after 5: 30 v.-eekday. Fount•in V•ll•y GI NO DOWN SuptJ" aharp I ~rm In best FOUtltaln Valley are a . Schools & shopping are close lot convenle~. Larae 1850 aq ft home with hll&'e yard compl fenced. OnJ,y $31,950. CAlL for ~ details !J62..SS2l a: 537-5642. COUJNS A WAITS. C&W 171U !kach Blvd., H.B. See What We've Found ' Tut .. ully ""°""'"" thrOup-out. Thls 4 bdnn home ii iocatM ill HuntinrtOn Beacb and priced at mly 128.900. No _,, to G.!. """8s and }ow ~1l to non-~ta. Qlll 847$0. '-0 THE REAL \"' ~STATI:RS $20,500 3 BR 2 BA. 60'x10' fncd Jot, oversized dbl gar, elec bU- frts, eating bar, dln nn. fonnl liv nn, try wardrobes. plmty ol cupboArdl, w/w crpt• Ir: drpa, patao. Good Joe. $1,025. dn. Paymta less than ttnt. I' HZM7J.(:)54M10J QWNER S a c r I r I c e . .f ,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J>edroom•. family rm ., Wanted !;:;::1.,'::;'::!n.: Unhappy Renters rm., country kitchen wtex-Thia 3 bedroom condo. an tra eatlng atta and double be bought for only $22,!JOO • ·"· payments less than rent. 1.o-ovens, extra concrete w ..... , ltnfshfd garage, b r k • , ca.ted neat lbontnc ~ten. 842-669 Call IXM' tor an appt. to tee $36,500, L • 847-60lll. · OWNER Jnust Aell. Swlm pool, 4 bedrooms, dining rm .. extra baths, rear living room, natural b r I c k \-o·TH£REAL ~ESTATERS n'L ', ,~ , •, t ',' fireplace. bul It-In -~D~L~D~L~O~V7E~~R~S-­ i: an g e -ovelMilshwuher, Beaut Condo, lowly park, brk., SJ0.500. !J62...55Gti. front entrance 2 Spac BR, OWNER desperate. 3 bed· 1% BA. stall lhower, ftplc. room, 3 bathl, family room, Newjy decorated, son tones. m-w thick shaa: carpeting, Poof avail. Nothing to do, dining nn., bulll·ln range, ready to live in. FUm oi un· Oven, & dishwasher, palkl, fum. Owner 9fi2.Di2 for chlldrM '° walk to ICbool? pl&ntwd kitchen: I&•. vl4!w p I 111 by Cn1lhed • v~\'rt World's f1Ull.'t1t . ~wlna SZlS-2 Br. hOuR. &!boll. J.sl , I>r. nr roll ,. v,. ~ , How abold: )'O'll' bou.8e to be: deeil: A pe.do &rM. Moy value. 3 yn okl I beltcr 4 BtaurU\.11 l btdroom units pantyhose i'Ompany, offl.'ring Cl'llld ok. 213-.\11-12!11. dolt 10 a bHUUtul JOU· ertru; wft bu, tlnted-Jlaa, than new! 3 bl.kl to~ :m~=l~:o~arQ !!~: a 1ucc:uahU, tested methOd sm..C 2 ~~·k 1'!"1 ynll 11 ht•ach . i0rl81t, 111ucly TV rm _,,...and-"'"""' ~'----1-. i•~•a --. _ ... lllch. Principals onb -........ ··~ 1 -·~ lh ar ...... "C. N ff y rum. d·,. 2 "\ • ~-·'bl. ........ .,._,, .,......,,.... . .., --... ......,._,. ~ 1hoppln£ 8.ttU. Qwntlr wtD or 1<"11 nc pan'T'"'""' n1 ,.. •'l=-2 s w.e 1 .. ht 1 " nn. ,., · ··~ Y U ...... do, thftl thil boute dean. oven. etc. v-66-2562. $49,500. !all •'•"tlt-1• No se.111 .... l"I!'--r. r,_ un M.ni · som• f11r111Jhl""1L. Nr All ·---• S help "11ilh f.ina.Dcing. \\'ant. ...... -. ...... All blfns. • ..., loo a perlect borne tor you. fllncllonal, ...U planned SEE THI I l.ut ..i.. AotWw 155,000. qu....,. c.m...., · pnwid<d NU·VIEW RENTALS """°"'· $325 Mo. Ind""'°'· At a tnlb' r8lllUc price ol bame. A jewel for cntfrt&ln. Custom bnllt 3 BR. 2 BA Call St).1151 (Open Eves.) act."OWlla. lnve11ment of S8:50 St-pt . l·Aug. J.11!, 1973 135,9!'!0, Clll now I0-2SlJ,. Inc. $119,500. homt!' In dHirable area. to s~ dl'Ptftdinc Upon full '73-4033 or 494•3248 Pf>rlf'Ct nof1 ""'IUl.m.I. P * --* Charmt,. Inside .. o.it. ~ or part-tim•. J c-~R, 2 &. ~ blk ~h. ~\·I! ,-c°"'+Y·_>~l!h156!1~·~~~~-I -0 THE REAL ,'."\.. ESTATL RS nE OFF • ___.__ lnmcpd A well ma.lntaidia. Nation Wide publlcly-ov.·nro .xpt. J.5.Jul'lt' 15. .,....a ........ 15 Unfum 2 liR. Crpl's. Single ,$ ~'\:Z"~ By Owner '46-7530. cor,>oration, •JlOl'l90J' ot 1972 Bruce Crescent {LI do prageo. 2 5ml <"hlldren ok. ~ "'!''!!"~~!!!!~!!!!~!!!I ?tllll'I cawomla -w 0 r Id SAnd•) 2l3 : G10-400l No pcla. f\fusl have rcl'1. !!!!'----.., Sant• An• = _... cut C-2 Zoned, Rentals. ·on double 'Beauty Pageant, now a~pf. 1 hr mobile hm $175. + bftch . Sl50 mo. + S75 dtp. 64&5637 ExecUtive l bdrm. home on 2nd. Fairway of ~adOwlark GoU Count. Beautltul :l~ po I n t mmts thJ'ou&holll. Imported Italian tilt!' ln balh, 2 flttplacea, formal dlnlna room, beauUtully carpeted A draped. No 1reen ,...,.._,.o.-lot. Sm.all down. and owner lng applications trom am· S95 util pd. uflcr 5 p.n1. ONE OF A KIND REDUCED $2500. will help llnance. c ... at ru-hltl>us, 01pable lndlvldua~ Rent-A.House 979-8430 -f 'BR . DUPLEX- 4 B<lnns. plus hll;l'e family rOom with cln:ular, stone flrepla~. Thia brand new sparkler ts 'ready for im- mediate occuPancy. $82,950. fll!H to pJa.y eoU. Only ~ .S<l.950. For appollllmeot to ..,/T'O/an, ""'· uti REAL ESTATE I' U90Gi....,,.. 5ll·5111 I :J 531·51H -!H7l 5n<l31< i BR. & Den $36,'50 SPANISH un1que, white brick """· TWO STORY pl<d entry. 2 ea .. bl~tns. lk> frplc., carp. Yard needs 5 Bedrm 21,S baths, fam v WOf1t. but a ml b.J;Y for the rm, formal dln, elec ldtcb, handyman. Call: wet bar. lrl patio. Priced MIS.9'0N REALTY t9f...aT.l1 bl'Jow GI appralgal. VA· --=,.-----CANT. ean 968M56. Lagune Hiiis •• "TRIPLEX'' Live ln spaclou1 ownen unit (3 bedroom wHh flreplaceJ and rent out 2 bedroom unit •anc1 1 bedroom uni!. llave a home plus lnco!TI•. For moN! lnfo call 842-2535. Priced at $52,000. -o·,THEREAL ''."'\l ESTATERS ' / '·. . . 3 BR, 2 BA, beaat. view, rugs, drapn, reflic, m8")' xtru. 6 mo. old. New World. &37-365%. Owner. * PIER IE SI.JP * 73 It. bay!ront. $Z15,000 Trade commerc. or lndust. •90Ft.LDt •, 4 Bdrml .. • .. ~tha. IArl< rumpus nn. ~u;:i.(XX). LIOOREALTY 3377 Via Udo, NB 673-7300 Lido Isle Xtra lharp 3 bedrm 2 bath lure potenltal. deslm.1!1 of 11ddllional In· 1019 \V. Balboa Blvd. SIJ)ll Crpts. dl'J)!' ,(: b\111,. near Mac Arthur ol Brlstol. CALL ANYTIME ~"''Ith• cha~ for 1~ 8. SIOO per v.•k. Aug-&>pt. % LARGE FENCED \'ARD Only 6 yn ~·, oonvenlt:nt ~3921 or Eva.131-9068 mf'ndoul fulute &MWlh. ln· blk 10 beach. !Q.-0349. F'OH Cll!LOREN & P1'.."TS to frwy1, major lhopplne ve..11tmenl fully secured by WATERl'"RONT 4 Br. 3 Ba. J>vt_ garDJlr. S154. and Orange County Airport. i~~o'r"'f:i';rmntiOn, v.Tlte or Beaut.lfuJl.y tumlllhed. Aug· 811 Pau1arlno, C.?.f. 519--1746 Hu n ...... lace, sunken tub "'' 62 °·n-n Bay EI T And ali ·;xtru. RedlJCt'd fo phone, 1lvlng name, ndllreu · uo.: ....... • oro 130,500. by uWowi aller --===c-===-=o-and phont!' to Mr. II. Brock. ·Hout•• Unfum. 305 0..EAN 4 bedroom, 2 bath, who may help with Gl'a NEW DUPLEX ' PANTASTIC CORP., 1 fully cUpett!tl home , ckllin& ootlt, Hurry, this Dll San Joaquin Hills Rd., Genar• lkautilul yard. Nice U'ft. one wun't last. CAIL Dcluxe 2 ~ I 3 bf.d. Newport FlnaoclaJ Center, Oose lo !i('hoob:, lhopplnc. 962-S5Z3 A 5l7·!5642.. COLLINS room Dupln in prime East· Nt!'WJlOr1 Beach, Calif., 92660 l.e:IM' $275. 0\11 anytlnw I WA1TS. RJde k>catk:Xl.. Jiu f~place. 714.fi40-0200. Sat...SUn 11ltror 5:30 v.·tt.lr:da,y. C & W bullt-inl,dtR:i9i·ubt!r•auto-BAKERY-loc•I Fountain Valley ma.lie prqe ~· S56,!IOO. REDUCING t•lon 12) ~:::n~r:=m~ CARO & GIFT th:p * 145·0111 * 4 BDR~1. 2'S BA, all el« · HOLLAND B 5 I kU ., dishwhr. y,·attt pd. Nr. U1. • ea w w. 1t1h COSTA MESA school. $285. mo. 96l-99'U. ln6 Oral!ge, C.M. ~ 70 Sant• Ane Heights -o~THEREAL \'.')< ESTATERS 3 BEDROOM HOME on CANDLE Sl"'O !or wo. large lot. Assume FHA Acrou from Mtsslon ln San , ' " ~ ., . . "'' loan with total pay. · 0 Sat & Su Juan Cap.,ln.no. For Ill· menti of $201. per pen • n. formation call "93-141L month. $25,500. BKR. 1 ·5 wELL tttabli""<I 5ervlc< 546-0814 anytime. STUDIO duplex. SJURp 2 StaUon. lnYlmtory only for University Park Bedroom.a, b u t l t -l n 1 , aale. T~aco · Harbor & Wll- fireplace each unit Klug JOn, CM. 548-Sll6/M.>5373. idze ya.rd. 14S7D TiJden St.. 10 CANOY vending machine• We1tmlnsltr. ONLY $32,500. for ttnl S5 month 545-Sl80 ''CAMBRIDGE'' (b)ice 1-levll!I 3 BR .• 2 be. + atrlton. Sw'p; new pain!, qual carp. Almost frff- stand. end unit, lltePI to pool Xlnt valur>, S34. 750. .. ,~ :f!'A. lAD£.RA REAL TY °" &<&"'"·· . Bu1lne11 Wanted 210 96M4» 96M433 -,;...i Tax Ded""'°n'-1st TD Loans By 0.""M Unites on 2 lot•. 1 Blk to OO!an. Newport. 6~ % INTEREST R>dee. In/out Comple!Ply 2 d TD L furn. Swnmer-Wlnl<!!' ,... n oans tat. S125.000. m 45th. cornrr brl<., $24.950. -'~••~t~. ~====~· iV. MILE FROM BEACH Huntlntf°" Beach 4 BR. TOWNHOUSE Oamming, surling, swim· Tr•dition•I l•yfront One of Lido 1',tonl'• most charminl homes with 8J ft. frontap . .f BR., bure ~ stain %nd Uv. rm.; fUll bar. 2 patlol, elevab:r. Just liltf'd nchmivetY at $21).to:I. {;st ~f-f2.!utr ~~ Balboa 81. UJok lint, then Latrnt rates On.nae Co. call to,.. """"'· 6'2.9955. "WE BUY TD'S" A Rare Meredith "The 9'lant.' A ,huge famlly room witb a ftreplace, a &1&nt· aiuntry kitchen with acrrs of formal dinlna: room and foUr big bedrooms. Air c:onditioned, ·-""'yank. with block wall fencs. Ftnrt time advertiJed at $45,950. 646-nn. Pools. tennis courts. Close to mln&! 2 BR and de.n. beach, ~ baths, prt•, Massive custom patio. '11 l*tia; doub&e ~ Gourmet kitchen. Sh a I Quick Uhf priced $28.950 tbNJut I: lots of custom built-l.na. Oean, cozy and cnJy 2~ )' e a r a yoq. $25$>. By owner. 5.16-3645. REPOSSESSIONS PICKET FENCE aurrounds For tnfonnaUon and location your tenitory. An old of these FHA 4 VA homes, fashioned "cutie"' with big Ill _..__,.. --:.:vi:. ~ ... l.:m-iiiiiiiii-m;;· -~'~''•'~·] • BR. lg l2xU pme ...... • "' ba, bltn kit., ....... -Mobile Homh water IO!t""' 1Dcl. 134,700 For S.le 5.57-919.f '"ro"'R"'°'SALE-·"'.-0.-1...,--,-8-R-. 2 ' -o THEREAL 1~ESTATERS contact -:\~.'·=~ n!';: KASABl'N Mlulon Viel• with new cllpets. Perfect Real Estate '62~ REAL F.state, Sale or Sold, ba. Golden West ~. Plus enclosed porch, &d>, dt!ltlft appllances. Fl>cd., ""'-· located 1n de.luxe park, San Juan Caplltrano. Beautiful clubhouse, swim pool, ahuf· Deboard & many other ac- tivities. Call o w n e r , space & prl~ for small Call Whit, 837-9S50. Forest . OWNER IJDdous. Assume family. You name the temu. Irvine E. Ol.lon. RA!alton. 6% loan, .f bedrooms. 3 BKR. 962.-5.Sll. · J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==== Nrwrx>rt Beach baths, h.,.. .family room. * FREE * YALE dining rm., extra bonus rm, ~frestunenu at open Hou!<e 2500 Sq. ft., charming 2-lty. built-lm, di1bwaaher. SUNDAY ONLY, 12 to 4 home, just lt:epa to major fireplace, rear livlne: room, P .M, thtte (3) popular floor greenbelt. 4 Bdrm1., incl. lrl:., $32,950. 962--3865. plans to chooR from. 3 A: 4 huge ritm/ suite w/trpk.; GOV'T. OWNED B<lrma. 131.950. to ·134.500. "•· dmlng nn .• lamlly rm. at 9512 Innsbruck Dr. Lri us make an •pp't. for Repossesat!d hornet.. Low (N/Adanul • E/Busbard). you to see lh1s home now. down. Govmunent pays RED CARPET, REALTORS-INCLUDING THE LAND closing costs, Can 968-4441. 962 ' ' r/ :1,i, I', lid. * Crest Realty -CL~;;'=x=u=RYO':-:H=o=M""'E=-$54.900. OWNER T1tt.. NSFERRED Th.ls executive home hu .f "" ......... bdrma, big lnmlly 3 Bedrm, 1% bath. boat or nn. Immaculate! This tri· camper gale ntar beach & level features Parquet entry, schooL S9'. down. Only "~-'wood ., •-•· I """" _.. 1..u·u i.IOO!'I, '6"' pauu, $24,500. Ca I _,,,... water softener +other nice RliD CARPET REALTORS to have xtru. Priced to sell ENiov cool ocean breeze • 2 at only $4.1.950. Call I: see, ---I: 1'11 ll 11r "SINCE 1546'' lit West~ Bank Bldg. Doys 552-7000 Nights University Pa.rte, Irvine sty, 4 Br .. 3 Ba .. fam. rm., 962-7637. 2 )'?'!I. old. Assmne VA ln.1·0~WNER==.~Trans.~-~.~bedrooms-o---;:z::z:z:::::::=C:: $39.SOO. $2500 dn By Owner PriDC's only 8 3 3 • 11 0 3 It. den, 2 baths, dining nn., master bedroom has c&Dll,Pf!' a.nu. &: large mirror. book UNUSUAL 3 Br, lam nn shelves & built-ir bar in the Spanish home. T\1e roof. den. tam.Uy room. near Uv- flany extru. $42,500.. Call lng rm., brk. S 2 7 , 5 o O , owner """'150. IJ<6.0604. LOVELY 4 tr b:lme wfpool 1 'o_WN_ER--lu.-vltw-.-.--.--- 1 lal'I" fee room. $42,m>. il huge family room, newly Principles only, 5C'1·7Sll "DI dttorated. built-in BBQ, S: 758-0127 a.ft 6 I: wknd:I. dining rm., built-in f'atC"! il FOR Sale by owner. 4 BR. oven, 2 baths, p at I o, bonul room ol tam rm. 2P> sprinkler system. b r k. , Jq. n. $50,000. MIHIClll. $27.Cn:J. 962-1373. cozy CHARMER This little cutle Is only 11' years old. 3 bdma., 2 bl., a.ir-conditionlfW and 1prink· kn. all for only $31,500. ired hill REALTY Univ. Parle Ctnttt, lrvi~ Call A.n;yt.lrne, m.M20 om..bounlAMto8PM S@\\.cSUlA-l&~trs· ' Tire Puu/e willr I/re Bui/l.fn C/rucHe O,_,., ... ~-.. lour 1C1ombi.d 'M)l'dt ' .0. to form four almple WOtch. ROT RAH !· . Formula For Newport's Best --MOBILE Homt 1968, 24x50', luy 2 Br., 2 ... Located 1n adwt Start with a good central k> park. 1 blk from ocean. cUion, build • VII!!')' fUnc. Mw:t see to appl't!c. $9500. tlonal tlutt bedroom two S36-0276. 21351 N e w I a n d bath home on an attractive Aw .. H.B. Space 140. split level plan, otter a larp on Lt-viii modular No. JIQ). IJvtrc room with ftnplace 2.f x 46, 2 BR, 2 BA, oor lot. and hlP ceillnp, throw In Ottan breeze. Own r a• modern kitchen with In-493-3191. formal eating area. add a 1 'M~O~B~llE~-H-0-ME--.-Co-hnn-bloo large utility room and a 2Jx40 Xlnt cood. It: locatk>n. three car gara.(t!, Cl'l!at• Sacrifice. Must 1e11. llOl'ne JovPly land9C8.pini and a IWimming pool, and fee ~1529• land; then giye it away for l2xS5 l BR Mobile homt!'. $33,950. Call 815-7225. N.8. lncatlon. $ 3. 0 0 0. 213/337..mJ • ..-..... Mgr. COLWELL PROPERTIES !NC REALTORS 1910 Biltmore lh62' furn.. 111' bL 1etup nice adult pk. -- --......... Sattler Mtg. Co. ----642-2171 S45-0611 INCOME HOMES "°"""' -area 21 yn. 6-NEW DUPLEXES $4.~.950 4-NEW TRIPI:.EXES $67.950 ~y to LCN1n 240 Be&ot new 2 I: 3 BR units. HOMIDWNERS! JS! E. Bay St .. Calta Me... BORROW Ph: &t2-t837 ' C-1 ' 1 · r , i 1111 I' I: ii. ---·1i1·1 il ii lf' -4,SC~M-LITS AN~ IN CLA_SSIPICATION • J I • j .) l ·, , 1 I • ; ,. I~ II I ·-.~ -. • . . . . . ..~ f I _.__ J~ I •-,.-1~1 .;;[ ._u .. _ ..... ;;-~Jftj~1 .;.! ;;; ____ .. _,....;:.J~.;;_•l:~i--.i,.;;;;'~·''"'~~~l[IJ~jl!. -H,-j '"•* ]~ [ Loot.,._ laJ\l_-__ ....... Jl'Q r~"""=·-=-~u-...;;;==--'Jll5.::.1 Aptt. '""" • Apt. Unfum. ai.s Apt. un1v..... ai.s Apt. u-... * Rontai. ,. -a _,. .. ,...,. <tna .. ; S5' llHylllllrol c-.. -,.-Ma-.. ----_-c-. dol Mar Cott• -Na•port -SHARE wllll .S --.. • liSCAPE GR£Y • While -cat GRAND,.. ___ .,Mt)IHER,..pla)omala.=~-... -G-:1"°-.,..d·I LOVELY,,...5 1lr....,.I• --------1---~----1 Park•LlbSuneundlnf flt, 2 '*7, l la.-·-bortbo •vall w/-a.. collar. E1t-m..1.AconlO,....dUld. l•·m vw !1mL o... to * $30 WEEK a UP * $115 I BR. Front dplx. trpt, QUIET· Dl!:LUXE VERSAILLES Fountain V.U.,,. SU» -w/........,W...., oo 5 dl.Y pectut • ....., mochtt. ~-6 Rob...._.. ,d,u. bch • ' ho P'. • Studio A 1 BR Aplx Cold ""'· no pet/c:hlld. S A s BR APl'S EHcutlve Aparfmenla Ill a "' lf7-3l!IC. • C.llllno trlp a-~· Vic S"'1hw ., tllo. H.B. .:':I •-v=I . Qbblelpool, s.®O mo/l.M. e TV I: Maid Serv\ce AvaD SeU ~ nc .. no front rd. Pn'. JI~ * fftd .~ Over1ook:.ll:ls Newp:irt Beacb. a>NGEMAL wcaaJa t 0 SctM>oMr "·Kelpk". Vklt lfT-IUT. -nlll -rv ca 644-QITI. e ---Pool as lril; -· &tt-33Sl ..llubt>r'.J * Adulr. --.., vlewL Luxuly oltan! "!>!-Pn. la., all !Iii¥_. Avalon, llthmuo A C.talloo DID. F""'1 bull_,.... Plannlnt I Mappl119 •a.•_.,,..._ m:wser.2&.1Ja>•tew MartinlqH Apts. ,_,""'-.11 ........ m S.A. Ha\'-ar••· -......,. .. u. i...m ... -dl>ld1toa...u.r.Ziiiilfti•pliijiiilnl"..-;n; BREN llomea, M o n a co mOOel, waler pd I _.... Ideal loo. ,1-f45, ...-. 3 Br, 2 Ba. family rm, l!lec kilch, W/W Cpll, dr'ps. $400 mo. ll!ue. Shown by appL n4: 494-M64. 213: 797-7487 S.n Clement• BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm., 2 ha., living room, formal dlnin&: nn., Jc. kit., fam., rm., en- C'\oSCd A t r I u m , on Golf CDllnf', Shore Cliffs. Rent/ lease. $325 per mo., Appt. only, 492·2033. Santi Ana H•lghtt S BEDROO~I. $2.?i. l>('r month. BKR: Ph 546-0814 anytime. Sunset B11th SngJs or tam -2 br hrn, trplC', everythlni:, gu, ocMln. Rent-A-Hou•• 979-8430 Houses furn. or Un furn. 310 :im N.wpmt Blvd. or -Too toc. 1375. mo. rm ....,, -Ave.. C.M. 8. On HooJ>ttal 114. oU 16'1-mt. navlptlon, _,....,,,, a Vic 11.vper!te ""'7 a ..,.. ror --ID ~ OI' 66-3961' oaW...A&t54&-2121. Mar.Apt.ID M45t2 Newport Blvd. or SUperlor ROOMMATE WQftd to ..ui.. Outdoor type• Ctronimortd.,Mltslon.VS&-clUta.ltlOnnce~.Weals 'I'hll Ad Worth $S on Rent J BR. Pool. Some viewa.. $1'7'. l1l'IL. incl., .2 Br •• l~ Ave. • ahatt. bowlt 1rl Lqum pttfd, CalHomla ena-. Jo, Tues nlte. IJT~. apedt.Jlze la KW.con Bue HOLIDAY Pl.AIA Noor ....... '210 ea., •ncl. car a potlo. 343 SEACUIT MANOR ...... 2 9'adL Slll.IO pluo 1' utll. 5'Ml92 cr llG-U22"""" WltJTE. f'8Ulle dot. med, -963-L!llQ. DELUXE Spacious 1 BR. AG.Dn' 6'4-48d Cabrillo ApL C. 548-2933. Br Unfum $160. Pool. $.5259 ews. •FUILY J.JCENSED* looks like poodle wtlh brown Carpenter twTI apt. 1135. Heated pool. Cotta MaN 2 BR Mesa Vent.. $!40. Elec c.;.., dl'(>I, bit.., (Olrb. YOUNG odalt • 2 Br., 2 Bo. ~= ~"= eotJu. Lquoa Nia;..l. Call -"-------1 Ample pvklnc. Multa. no bUrt1, encl pr, nr. &hop'&· dllpL U2S Placentia Aw.. apt-Oakwood Ci&rdeN, N.8. d&l11· lO AM·lOPM. Advke -..sc2I. . e CARPENTRY e J>OI'. I iiiiiiii~ Adult.a. no ptta. 543-63S1. ~ about our diKount. $140 mo. ~761& alt 8 pm. &tven Cll all rnatttn.r I caa QIARMINC Maltt11 (die Rqh I: nn1lb PatJo. Tool 1965 Pomona A\-.:, CM. __. 5M-268Zort42-&340. wn.L lhare 3 BR condo tn .,__,p --.. ~) 11m1Je kl.tttn. Vk:. I c.'tnlftlt. 641-,9Tl, HARBOR GREENS Dana P@lnt ~ ,-. st&--UM. 1 • 2 BR. Pool. 1140 Up. NEWPORT i.i.nd, lluut11"1 H.B. "'' ,..,.,. ..., 21. m N. n Conrlm Real ~ • :o.t. c. 14. _______ , Unfunl avl. Chlldml'1 led. * Brand New Ocun: View new dupltx, S BR. 2 BA. Call ~ ' Su Qemente &• 5.'IK MINOR home rep&in.. pturo-- ELM GARDENS Apb, 177 Fumlshad I Apia. 2 Br From "'5. 3 lrpfc. "'" dttk, 1325 ..,, Gar-for Rent 435 4!IMl3I or et03t FOUND: llladt 6 _.,, blnc • .,.,...,,.,. • potoU,.• E. 22nd St. CM. w.3645. Unfumlshad BR. $225. Collect H toll, )ttrly. ~l!J. PAUi 6 CAAD READINGS .WO """""' vie Col}4o -Call -. BEAUT. FURN. 2 BR Sl75 n<: 96&-3563. DELUXE N.., Untl.trple't• • WANTED -A belp ID 11t111J mat· Park. 56«ITI. Carpal Service up Incl util. I.lid Pool Adll1 From $120 to $215 mo Huntington Beach lllr/eond., 1pa clou1. Canae for •tln&'e ~Colla trra. 1 tNe qQRtlm &1111. Lad 555 no pets. Abo 2 Br Unf. , __ _;;_ _____ I Wt1tclllf loC. !§41..lm. Mcu. m.9G9. OYtll' J)honf. Receive fUll w. JOHN'S Olrpl!t' Upldattty "2-9520. Bachaloro e 1 Bdrm• $175 . Nawporf Halglm GARAGE tor ront. -1'ftd11W lor SS. w/od. (Zl!1l;HELP:==1,.Am-"llk'"•"'Mr,,_.,.._,...-Drl......,poo free Sook!> 1 Br 1,.. St40 • StlS. S/pool. 2 Bdrm•• 3 Bdrm1 Children W elcome only. $21 mo. / •uso. NlY lie. La wl-t m,; ...,_. loot., =.: • T"~ Adlts onl.v. Meal for 1\12 or2Full Baths SPACIOUS 2 br, smartly c.n~m Habra.Call tor~ Scan Con~ towd l:Jri&tit.enrn A 10 minute booh,.on. 1993 Church. CM New Family Apts. dee. Frple, beamed ... m... Office Rental 440 PROBLEM ~. eon. dept. July 30th. wlrO lromn bleooh tor white """"'"· 54g..!l6J3_. -----Muttt .. _•lze bt>df'oollln m1 w/ 2 Bdrm. Color Coo rd. cpt, drps. Quiet bldg. AdJt., tsdent, • Y m D a I be t I c w/irrJoor.ootdoor mrrtetlw Saw )'OUl' money by aa·.1~ .. hlgh uo:am ce , .. large no pet•. $180. 2100 Haven P1. •-=-"""""""""-•I preananc7 COVJllelini'. Aber-ten... •-·-~ ~ -··~ s:~de-;,,°;,~t~.1:.r~Ad::~ ~:J ~'("I: wfl~a~~ TENNIS CRT., PU'ITING W.3781. · ~~~~WY/HT~~ ~ = ref. LOST ·2s:•ix~· ~~ :1:':n.~:U~ui,,:~e~ no pel1. Quiet. 646-3764. Convenient laundry atta ~!LI>· POO~ ~~· ** 2 BR. a:arap, ICbool \~ --~ w / w b t t e: _........ ha11 $15. Any nn. .$1.50, oft kitchen. Enclosed pa· ""• J'1J[t ~ hildtt OK. n70 PALM CARDS A SPIRITUAL .......... _. couch $10. Chair «. 15 ""' ** LTKE new! I & 3 Br. tlqa. 2 awlmmin& pooll. DAY CARE CENTER age c n ,,.. . &IP!lAN'DCWA.ltlC.@ READINGS Brina:adlDr 'lt;Vr.I vie. Newport .., ,,_ Pool. Ree area. 6(5-5530. 710 aauna. recreation facW-S SfORY. REC. BLDG., INC. • 67l-<6f6t evtt. ------.-· ....... i.... 1 · ~ Helchta. A n • w e r 1 to op, Ui what counts. not w. 18th St. c .'M. ties. Secwity ill,f.l'd. GYM • PARTY RMS. Sen Clemente Ct, "'::'~,..:"J::i: :.:-:"',...... 08lll m .. I ... IOUthBlvdol., "Baby" & "Joshua". Call met.bod. J do Ml't ~ VERY d Ix THE u1at .,,.. .,, ., .. llrMrJ ~ -· aft 5 pm ~ "Good rer. 5.U-0101. Nice l Br. P · Models Open 'tll 9 pm. DESICNED FOR BRAND new, l\i B1ock1 • llltJI ff"""'° Mllilt-.. K.hott'1 Farm. 527-3405. ,7.""';::::·,;.:;:..:::,;=--~~ t. • .:a:Tlliilnt=•"":::..:=c.....--=t°y,~ ~~~~~ 2700 P1t1r1oil Way, CM ==· ~~~ · from pier, Dduxe 2 BR, ~ ...m1M :w_4 DARUNG, our aUalt II LARGE, thin 9 mos. <Nd, Ao:mt1ca1 Cell'"'-b1oWn Huntl119ton BNch nr Harbor Blvd a 6'401 WARNER AVE. ':3 B~':..., ~ •• = ~"""'~-_ = ..:.,!°~ Ldt ~=-~ ~i:': maclllno ap,,u;r. Free Ademo !Corner Warner A Edwanlol •~ cond.. turllle ocean BAY VIEW OFFICES LoYe, Sylvia . Palm, Hntan Bcb. Slll mtmatH. Goar. 614-'1183. L.QUINTA HERMOSA 546-5025 ProjectolUrbtnetics view. _s:m '91 "3242 o.t .... atNoadttlooed ALCOHOLICS Anonyn-. Reward.5J6..G389. . Camon!, Concrate _ • _ 49'2-llao1. J,ledeoorated. Udo &lft Pborw-,...5U-721T or write 2 ~ Bulet/Bugle dop · ---------I 3 BR, 2 be, 110me crpts A Spanlab Country Estate Uv-Aph., RealononUcl, Bier. -m:6700 P.O. ·Box,._ Co.ta Meaa. from W~lft area. 1 PATIOS-SIDEWALKS dl'(>I. Frplo-hrd""°" ""°"' Inf • Spaeloos Ap ... T.,.. $235 -B Ano. O CEMENT CON'mACl'Olt Sml yrd. 546;9057 aft 4 pm. need pool: irunken pa W'OR-' .. -•Ung 1-. ~"t ~ Fum. or Unfum. 270 DESK IPK'9-avdable SS0 Soclal Clubs $» rown. to " f!O." 1 Call Max *** ~ Nawporf Buch 1 n wa.1 ..,. ""'! CHILDREN WEL.a>ME mo. Wl1I ~ ftlmttun B1k "Augit." 646-516L ~· Cond<>mlnlum1 BBQ. Uobellevahle Ll"'ng • noOOdy did! LotJ ol folb BRAND NEW FAMIL y Co1ta MaM • CUSTOM CEMENT WORK Unfum. 320 Only ab-.:ady have moved in -at SS mo. .&nnerhW Ml'\lice FIND YOURSELF LOsr, male Siamrse ~a! Drivn, waJka. pe.Uoa, 1 BR· FURN. $175 they too1dn't wall ~ ., to TOWNHOUSE APTS, FABULOUS 2 BR. .:~r-.-:. ""', IN !DMEONEXLSE. :'!~._:bite the• Reward. poo1 declcl. Don, ~" Costa Me .. ALL tmLITIES PAID ,,_;_.. _ .... 1-J -~ -DISCOVER ............,u Viejo -are a. ..,,_, eve.I"'"• at am-3 BEDRMS. + FAMILY, $130 Up. Fum/Unfum e . OFFICE SPACE. 444 Old 5116-3i86. PATIOS. ~ drtvta. Saw, bol'ft. lt'1 too late lor a relll 2 BA. TENNIS er.. You won't llnd .. a 1.-, N-Bl•"' s --~No. ol DISCOVERY I ~="'.'--~--~ break, mnove It -1--•NEW 2 BR. AU. EXTRAS. NR. SClfLS. MUsr SEEi ~/MO. ,.._2069. Huntington Beach 3 BR. 2 ba, 11.ll appllancet, patio, (Tptl/rll'f)I. Pool & tennis cru. $210. 545-7403. Condo. Furn. or Unfurn. • Newport S.•ch 325 -****** * BRAND NEW * Ccmdo home w/boat .Up SWnmer, or ll!UH avaiL 4401 W. Coast Hili:hway * Call: '75-6ll0 * C4 blkl S. of SM Diego Frwy on Be11ch. 1 blk W. on Holl to 16211 P11.rk!'lde Lene.) .. (nj) 847-5441 • $1 45 -$165 .- Bncft<olor & 1 BR, patlo!!, frolr'1. pr1v. g 11. r 11. ge •. Divided bath .ti: lot~ ot closets. Rec hall, pool &- pool tables. sauna l)aths. See for yourtelf! 17301 KeellOfl Ln. 0 blk W. of Beach, 1 blk•N. of Ss.ll!r). 842-7MS .. P2S · 1135. ""'· modem 1 Br., rtdec. Cpl/drps. Nr. ettan 210 Chlcac o 5J6...2268, 847-5169. "GltAND OPENING," bul ........ ,.,,,_., • .._ --·,..,. HGo: .._ · LOST Mes1. Verde Uver .. ..,......,.. PUTI'ING GREEN. nicer apt for leu. Beaut. RW)' L. 3l(j 911• ft. $95/mo. ·n-...~ ... 2U,1381.J393 _,...:_~ ""-an .. ~:-concnte. 5t&-«i6S tor at. we're ready now with the POOL, BAft.B-Q'• garden afft. padoa. QuMrt MB-5300, . -Tr•vel 540 Ull\.m"-' .......,.-"' ~.._.. COntrictor best Adult Apartment In ClUL '") PLAY AREA dead-end •!reel. just So. of female dofr. 3 'mo'L 7/ll. Cmta Meaa. Private patio DA y CARE ·CENTER Newport Ave. Adultl, no OFf'ICE, ground tloor. 1648 Pleue Call 545-37JJ. GENERAL Bidg. Contract.or or balcony, flreplacea, beam 3 Sl'ORY REC. BLD. INCL. pets. ~ Fullerton ·Ave., Newport Blvd., Costa Mna, SET SAIL SMAIL, thin beige/apricot Ray w. Sturtz ceilings, walk-In clo&e'ta, GY111 & PARTY RM$. C.M. CJ 111t E. of Bay) $55 mo. St&-6212; 644-1001 TAHITI female poodle. (Go 1 die l Additk>ns -Remodellnr \lr'OOd paneling, carpetlnJ, DESIGNED FOR TI-lE 642.-8690. eves. Grand S Muted Schooner, 7/3. Nr Coast H-,, _. ~-uentlal • C.Ommercial drapes. Furn I 1 he d I: GROWING FAMILY TWO ADJOINING OFFICES c::nw I: peru lh, ooat&. Reward. 6'1'5-4616. 1 • Free Cit. (n4) 5.37-3475 ~""".!:~;.. A ..,;.•bul.::;1'. SEE FURN. MODELS lfe8ti.BJIU 20-iiJii'. oorner, Costa Mesa. (211) 371-12:19 REWARD, Jlll. Lott "'8Y JACK Tau I a -- Bachelor & 1 BR"• from MOI WARNER AVE. Sparkling New Adult Apls. uW'• pd. 642-8560 mlnl&ture 'poodle. Blind one ftmod., addtt. 20 yn. n:"° _ $1.35. 140 w. WO..On (Just w. (Corner Warner I: Edwa.rdt) • 1 BR.-Unfum SIOO. • DELUXE 1. 2 at! room I ![SJ eye. "Poppy'' Nr H.B. pier, l.Jc'd. My Way Co. 5f1~ Or Ne·-Blvd.) C.o<lta p . t I U b et" • 1 BJl,.lum Jl90. ol!lc:ff. Belt deal Ill o .c. Loot .. -SJ6..8146 . . Draftl-.. _. -7 ro1ec o r an 1cs • 2 BR.11' BA untum $210. Airport us. 833-2840 · ' ... Meaa. •;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I TINY Tan Terrier. acrearm ---=------1 • 2 BR, 1 BA Furn '225. DESK 1pue ·-ISO heo i.Jt aJooe Rewud. DRAFTING WHAT'S A VILLA? ON BEACH' Prl .. t. """""· 1 .... -mo. Wiil ---F_... ,,,., add 550 "' • -:i:r.ii . ""'au. job. 557.96!1i • 1etttng. ~· 1u paid at $5 mo. Aiwwe\ic mrvlce Poodle Electrical 2 BR, 2 BA Unf. Fr $251 ll4 E. 2)th St., C.M. MS-0137 aftllable. lm5 8Meb Blvd. DAU4ATION ·type female. ~~ii& ean.' .~: ---------I A l[l'Mt ~ of life ll )'OU mo. the F AlRWA Y VILLA. 2 BR. Furn Fr: SD * 1 BR. CPT, DRPS. FNCD R~ Beach. &G-C21 7128 vie. 19th I: Irvine. N.B., ELECrRICAL WORK. AD ADULTS ONl.'f YD. $8!1 6 Jl'O. -1'51. .... .... , Rollfat 441 ~~ C< Dr. --$25 reward. Sa 8381 • ldndo. Blc °' omall Llc'd 6 r...u-Avallablo Huntln11or.--. C.D~ Ins. Freo .,.. 546-<ml. TownhouMUnfVm. :m FREE Util'L Fum. 1 BR De&ant JS'\v&ey at a 1'rice apt. nr. beach. Pool. $135. )'OU can attord -complete 1 ,.:U::•·c...::-=::..:~l:.:53&-=...'1182:=:..· _ wtth a tinkling fountain, pUt· OPEN H 332 "'-·-• -1 '. tine and poolside living. ouse ........... i.a., L•csuria Be9dt Cost•Maaa Newport Riviera, trom 10 to 1.;;.:..;.;;;.;;:...;;.:..;.;:;;..___ Adult living with 3 bedroom&. 5. Aug 5th A 6th. 4 BR, 214 2 BR, view. bulll\ns, JIMI, 11,i bftth11, gpactous and 11"•· BA. tam nn. patk>e, frplc, telTllce. $215 me. Lse. clou1 livln& areu to share -1860 sq. ft., c r pt 1 , Adults. 4~1905. with your friends, Including drps, bl.tn1, 1torage, 2 car N~•"'w=oo.=.rf.:.:c,ll;.e:.:a=ch~---I your own prlvate patk>. gar, pool, rec center, nr Come and see! achool1,. children OK, leue OCEANFRONT ! Br, 2 Ba. $400 mo. Avail now. · ****** Newport Beach Channel front 1 JJR. sundertk. FAIRWAY VILLA APARTMENTS C ,. •petMro~ FREE Month'• R.,,t. cOmtt FOUND: Calloo/Penlan I 111¥1 ELECTRICIAN, lieellOed, tu·alt'd pool..unu..tenbts 3 BR, Crpta, drapes. bltns, 1 1tcft, Boutiqueish, redwood longbaJred kitten. White flea .. bldlrwi bonded. Stnall Jam. mamt. rec room-ocean views blk to ahopplnc center. Sm1 Inside I: out. crpt. $15/mO; collar. Vic. Bal. hnfn. . • a: repatn. 541-sm. pa&w.mple pu1rlnc pet ck. 7731 Ellll. Apt. D. $100/mo after Feb. '73. Anidi! St., N.B. &'iS-8149. F=u-m'""'ltu,...-,.------1 Security Guanio. mgr . ..W.U51. Selling t...., key, $1000 FOUND W School I . HUNTINGTON euh. 2603 Ne"""'1 Blvd. blppet dot fem. I p-64s-6190. vie. S-1e and Waroer, lnotrvctlono 575 FURNITURE Sir!-• PACIFIC ! ]~ H.B. Pl•ue t d ••II ly. Rellnlahfna. Freo Plekop Rsntlll & 1136-1738 Anaheim, C.M. 84T-5tl0. INTER.ESrED IN A and Delivery. 6C.5--0866. ru OCEAN AVE., H.B. ,_, Ground flOOt1 near 17th 1: FND ui~-~_. •. u•t .. t. ... -REAL ESTATE CAREER? ' tn<l 53&-1'87 · Frwy Partdnc restroomo • ~ ·-~· po~.. <n•> 518-ll92 :i•rltnlnt . Ofc open 10 am-8 PID Dd1 etc. Scbwort'l' m..2654 Vic. TUltln I: Santa lube!. Academy -Re.al Estate AL'S GARDENING W1LL1AM WAl.TERS CO. Room.I 400 C.M. 6U.4l58. ~-~ct • •·· ·~-• ~ --•- AvaJI Aug._!. Side tie fot mnall boat. Summtt er yriy !!!''!!!.,..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I===_,,-,-..,-~ OFFlCE/STORE ,...-41·p1. FN!f. Blk•i.nmat.n=1 ~··· • -~ ~_......,...... a _uo.ell Sia AIY-Aph °'llS--WORKING te...i.. lowly~.~-~. 467 oq. It. Good H ~ Vt Coll ':::'. 32S Otd'NO."Nwp<. -et:,"NB lioi!ICip111s oervt-eaD 20122S&ntaAnaAve.S46-6215 home In Unlvenlt)' Park, p&ridn&.$130montb. . ou , c ege ..--...... R.E. Education Since l96t 540-Sl9I eVea.. Ser•t111 DELUXE L,.. 2 BR, Crpu, dropos. hll· prlv. rm. •·ta. Klkhon 6 Grahom Realty 64&-2Ai4 C.M. Pl.,.. Call 541f..51'9. . Newport. CdM, Costa M .... APARTMENTS Ins. 1 hlk N. ol Adams. oft I undry rMI p 1 NR. 11th A Newport. Y BE AN Dover Sboros. Westcllfl. Air Cond. Frplc't. 3 Swim· Beach, 729-fi Utica. 536-70'10. ~00/mo. ~ 00 1 0 O~:,,:;:-:: ~ o.ba':: Ca.UcD Ft'ml. cat. Very= INVESTIGATOR AL'S Landacaplnc. Tree n!ntal. .. Ph. 675-0253 or 83l-92l9 ming Pool• • Health Sp. . SPAC. l Br 1t-:Uo apt. Fncd ROOMS $18 wt ·kit· HB Lane ~1301. ty, affectloM.te. 54S-61.47. Recorded Message Tcllt How removal. Yard tt!modell~. Tennis Courtl • Game and yard. $lilS mo. Infant ok/no Pl k A up "2376 ocean, KI1TEN '9ic. Hillcrnt Call Toll Free Trash baullng Jot cl GeMr•1 eves. B""-~ Room. pets. 1T2'7'2 Ash Ln, HB w up pt.. • Office..8XI aq. fL avl DOW'· ' area, -(11 ._ -L _.,. 0-.. 1-' eanup. .c...=...----~-uuan1 S42-45«9. . ~~ B I v d , CM. e Qt aq, ft. lndult:rial Shop Colla Me~-......., ..,,.__""'., ~ sprinklen. 613-ll66. NICELY rurnl1h•d 1 •WlNTERRENTAl.!l e 1BR.F'roml1!0 -00~ vt -*LANDSCAPING* BEAUT new 3 hr townhle. 35' BOAT SLIP. BAY VIEW. Bltlns, d~ gar w/eltc dr Opl!nel'. Xtra pkg. 646-WS; 64S-4385: 838-5035. Duplexff Fum. 345 RARE 2 Br., 2 ha., Park Newport $350 mo. 11Uble1..~. 836-432.'J days: 6 4 4 -6 16 5 ~room, alngle ......... ,, no 1, 2. l. 4 BR. Rnerve Now! 1 BR. il Den From $1AO LARGE 2 BR 1 story ~plet. ROO a At11. 6*-Zl.Jl. ....,... •--ABBEY REALTY Cpta. drpa, r/o, gar, fncd, M with k.itchtn, laundry, lndu1trlal Rental 450 G~ Shorthair puppy. f"• l~ New lawr.., SP r l n k 1 er~, pell. 644-<Xl30. 642-3850 MEDITERRANEAN ohtld OK: 1135 8'?--0245 pool privp. F•male ooly. VM:. M ... V.,.,.. Call to -""'-decks, ot.anup. State lied. Newporf Buch * \I Blk Bay• Beooh. 11,... VILLAGE ==~~~·---·-64J..MT.l, H.B. oreL COSTA MESA ldentlly. 51S-m4. 536-U2S. , .. ;....:------·I BR, ba. ~ relrlg., $125. 2 TRIPLEX, 2 hr., garage, LUXURY, Pvt. entr. A ba. 1'40A 2811> Sq It. Mole Collie T/21 FRONT-Yard-Lawn BALBOA Pe.nln. 3 br, 2 ba. Br., apt., $265. 67>-4600. 2400 Harbor Blvd., C.M. ca~ts. drapes. Xlnt cond. Kit. prlv No smoken, ma1d CABINE"J' MAKERS-Vk. 0ranp Park Acn:I Add-A·Room SID month. Baclr;Yards ai.,_ nr Market &sket. Annual Newoc:'t Be•ch (n4) 567-803l $150. Call 536-4'7Sl. ICJ'V, SG-n97: 675-03l0. FIBER.GLASS 538-4408 Yard cl~l!.i-"! e e'd 1n1 , ~.win~~-=~ NEW apt, 45th St. N.B. year-o::roAL~~!1~M 2 BR studio, 2 BA, ct,lll, ROOM $25. up. Overlooking Ni'. Nwpt Frwy" S.D. Frwy. HIMALAYAN kitten ~elinc. Patios, Roots, =ho=-==·~-=~---w ' ' drps. l'l!!trig., bltlna. Pvt. Harbor I: Ocean. "' bJk 2931 Grace Ln. Uniwnlty Parle area. c. &: Bonded. Goodwin I: EXPERIENCED Ja--644-3303. ly rental, $350. mo. 3 BR. 2 SPAC. 2 le 3 Br. apt. $140 up patio. Agt: 536-7Ei6L. ocean. Z'JOO Sea.~. CdM. (So. ot Baker, E. of Fairview 552-8899 Son, 846-~ or 847-83TJ. Gardener. Comp, y;-;d, DupltxH Unfum. 350 B A • d w • fr P 1 c • Pool, cpt/drp, bltns. klds Laguna Bw£h "~EN ~·"' M -% Mi) Representative there Babytitting MainL ah?'ub"-', ~ washer/dryer, w/w crpt1, ok n.&t....-. .,..v .. egeL s.n I am-12 noon. Va~ COil money! Rent~---------_, ·- 637-375.3 aft &:30 pm. 2206 Collete No. ••• &12-1035 UPPER Duplex, 2 Ige. BR, 2 ooly. $60 mo. 2161 Mintt St., (n4) 91!MG4 or mmt )"09I' boult, a.pt., atore DAY NUfle?)', babies to 5 Frtt est. 645--0347. Newport Beach:.;_ __ OCEANFRONT upper 3 Br, 2 WINTER Rental • 1 A: 2 1996 Maple No. l , , , 642-3813 BA, 'f?': J.ae. llv rm., kit, C.M. 893-5370. · Rent I W nted 4'0 bida., etc. thn& a Dally PUol yn. $15 per wk. ~ or EXPERT J a p a n ~ 1 e ba.. Newly rec\ecor. top to BR'a. Gar .l Water au~ * S BR, 2 Ba. AvaU about . stow, ftfr., lge sundeck, Guest Home 415 a 1 a CSuaiOed Ad. 645-4302. Gardener, k: now -how, bottom. $425 Mo. on &Mual plied. Summer Ren t a· l 1 Aug. L $185 per mo. lit I: w/w cpts, drps, frpl, pr, UCI ltudent wants to rent~ upkeep, pls.nt. ~ peet. trim., lent. Irwin c.o., Realton Avail. 3009 Balboa <213> lut In advance. 150 dl!s.n. mountain \'Sew, part ocean, *PRIVATE ROOM* room..!r'Om .Sept. 15. (ap-* cll!anup. 961k1486. 6'><111. , 9IJ.:l928. ,,.,,..,ll_only,m .......... -.sbJpo.ll!blklor ambulatory r.<ty. Good ,....) ID J ... ll. * * * * * * ROTOTILLING* I~~~~~~~~~ ISouth LagvM IM 21st St C.M. ""'"6985. 1.'!~ No !l"!:...!'2' mo. ~~AvallchemulA 1..,... Fmhmu. mol• Caucasian. $.'!$ ,_,. ... .,. Levdlnc a r; ~ ..... ~. ·-·· ue. .-hair. """"•htdmrt '" . .,...... S90. SJ6.U2S. . I I~ EFTIC1ENCY apt-Utll paid. $125/mo. Luse 1 Br .. w/w * 2 BR • New. 1 blk to * Call 54S-f1'5.1 * GPA), relft'enCft ff'om PROFESSIONAL Japoneoe-c.r.i.ntnc Servloe Frte Elt. * 646-0619 JOHNOONS' GARDENING Yard M ............. , Planting ,._'b••ltl fwlWI: ~ Newly deooratt!l:L $165 mo. cpl, stove, mH&"., drwpes, beach. View! $HJ A up. SumrMr Rentals 420 IChool ' businewn. Rent l:mmi;immm~· ~~ I t.eue. 499-2927. newly decor. Matuf'l' cpl. No ... -eYtl. suaranteed. Intl!!'View • m.. pets. Quiet, leC\lft. 1991 -* * * * * W Apt. Unlvm. 365 Newport. 64'"8313. Mau Verda * -tion rrqufttod. ..,...,, 1Ap;;..,h_._F_• .. m_.____ * BRAND NEW * 1329 Flanden 114., La •"' B1tbM Penln1ul• Shady EIMS and Pool DELUXE 2 a S BR, 2 Ba. Condo bome w/boat 1Up Canada. Ca.. 910U. (213) J;eneral 3 BR. 2 BA, 1 yr leue, inckh 1 2 BR, $140 up. encl. pr. $155 up. Rental SUmmer, or leUH avail, I -'l90-l100-~;,· =~~~- 1 br, $171.50: 2 br. $155. N@w· frplc, din nn. l baleoniel, 1 Furn. Avail. Children'• l@Cl. ore., 3005 Mace Ave., 4401 W; Cout Highway NEED FAST • ty dee=.= Pool blclc from bay•""'"'" Aug ~~~c::~ llT !14frllll4. * Call: 67$-4120 * Need' f&, 2 bdt. W>fUrn. .... avail. • · lit occup. 6"-U41 dyl; SPACIOUS .1 br, ilr, hi.ti-Newport 8Mdl 0CF.AN hont n!n~. By the orduplexlnCmlnadelM&r. IM~CUU.TE t bedroom, ~eves. u-, week or month. 5 wkl ln Must have small to med. , dra,..., lfngla saroae. II• 5 NEW unl"' 407 Harding. ept. l l&S mo. L15 Albert Pl, PARK NEWPORT Aue. Lrg. 1 BR, apl Comp. yard and .... doe o.tc. Not Trader's Paradise lines times dollars pot~ 644-<lllll. Oc:cupaney •orly Aue. I BR ~'i_ Mr. Wblle, (W) APARTMENTS !Urn. l1SO "" wk. 2214 """ $235 mo: i.... O.K. B lboa I 1 nd l\ii Ba $235 LI! Oceanfront, N.B. Tor lnfor. Re:ft. llUPPUed. Need by O I a . ~·or ,.._;;, .... * * BEAUTtFUL 1 • 2 BR. Oft the bay oall J"h Wfrbt 64&-TITI « A-11. ~ hetp. Ph. ARRO~~WHEAD~·----,,----------...1 ATTRACTIVE Wlnttt ttt1lftl, Contemporary Garden Apt&. Lmury apu;mem tMng ,,.,_ ~709 or ull: at loc. Jor Mike at &46-00D after &. kit 12>' fl'oatqe ~nu.~ N. Redondo 3 BR., iOx150 Jot, 2 Br., 2 Bl .• % blk bay. '185 2 Br, 1% Ba, patio, balcony, Patlol. fr PI c, • pool. t'l'lOoldnc the water. Enjoy NEEDED Immediate'··. 3 by' clu"-O•··. ~dot' fenced, room to bnlld, For _ <~') --315 E. Bay. $Zl5 -thly.., IJ55.$l'IO. Call 546-5163. -ooo •··'th t ~-BAY VlEW 2 ~ ., --u• 4 BR -dilt>tex er 2 on 1 ..;."-;o_;..;~"'=--.;...,..-·,---)'l'ly leue. Jnql.lfrt. at Apt C. • ••-. i-.a spa. •wuir ww:oom, BA. home on Eutllde C.M. or T "AM,11 Fa.rel Walker, CelllQPI • · tQ-2035 COMPLETE Lawn &: Gttnl<nlnc ouvlce. Haullor • clHJMlp. Jim - JAPANESE GanleMr Con!p. Yard-'r 6 0.-. Free eatima1ea. 60-3102 HOU.ORAN'S Lawn Servke. Quallty Worlonanalllp. ...... est. after f pm. 962-8103. EXP. 11a-. Garde .... Comp! ... ..-.inc ""1oe Kamatont,.-lalboll Pllll-la m.1521 or 541<-Tm. DELUXE I BR. 11' Bo. mine poo1o, t lfrhted .... 11..., 4 eompletoly fumUh. Pre. Hor~ HI allot 64U9119/146-Y41~ a~· 21111 Roi> Studio. Cl'pt/drpt, pool. nl.t c:ourtJ. plus mllt!I of ed. Avall 1una to Sept. $750 Dlalricl R' a 10nab1 e. ' inlDri! ...... , .. • PENN. Point. 2 BR. ll'I Blllll. pvt potloo. JIM, 1 bteyde trailo, prttlng. lhul· Jll" rmnth. Adult& ooly Rellahle :» yr, .... -. HAVE "8.000 bl TD want 10 UNITS In Gardeo Grove JIM'S Ganlmlnc, .....,i.to • it< \\'II a Up-On Ocean Loml7 Bacl>l Br •• -·IWll -J'oOl.UtD Pd aindfdt. $1.90. -ddld.ck, no pela. &ll-04l8 -fteboard, crotuet. ,flllllor 1'1 qent. m-t930. 646-f138. unltl er mobile put. AQ w/pool, aood 11"11 l.Doot'ne. lawn 6 ,a.rd care, deaJq>L ~----AV~ -• E/Slde, I Br •• tromlt1~50moothly; alsol LAGUJ<A V1lla, 2 llr., 2 Ba FAMILY -I cacJ.im: _...... . Wttl"1r.n!• "111117 ltr'r.1111. ... -oltSpm. """"'"9 •I M.r 1~ Ba. Blbw. dlhnhr, and 2.bedroom pla.u and fmon. Pvt. bdL. Pool& w._ home « 8P\: turn. I..oc. S. ~ unltl or?! ta .SO.. COQt va. nO'l'OTJLLtN'G. new la.,.,.. - c;pt/drp, •ttel...Pt~lf. t .~ ~ El!'_: 1.nla. WkJ>: .... ., !<-. ~ ...,_ Beclll SepL I. * SCI~ * Maril ff llumt Rltr --...... lllrubtl $!'15. '45-42» •~ •·-....., ,. •• at•~-!W&OlllL 51'f.O'IM. \IAGNIFICENT h~ vu i1!41'1' ... 12 -~ l)9e at. fll3.3a 1 • 2 Br.~ Gonpt. 1-~..:: ON Cano! Slf!' ~ 0 u t b rd BadMOjr with'"° llDID doCI -lblmo. U ac:m. No. ·31a, 1115' 1ron1 w/ttt.r a. SPRINKLER REPAIR pvt. -$135 a \If. Utll Inc with ·-Optional dodc..LrJ -Aur SJt. -1 bdnn. .,l or l.D. °""">', -· °""· ...... Ill. All qi P1r1 1or Auto A Manoal. Sll-1215 In<. lllnt ••all M.,..... maid -. JUI! -u, of J450 cr $250 wlc. '1Mm. bottao ......._ I'll. "'-= ~-Jll"lm• --:ar, mtr. ltn!, mob11o im.. Ganaral s.rvt- • caJl t'TM?• • - SS1"'5GI, -· hlllloo lolutd at Jam-tt m:Acit APT!, 111,,. c. all I p.m. ' sn-. boat"'' 916-"'6. JBR.,nrUtha-udSonJoaqulnllllla~ $1ZllOS11S"'17.Aal/S<Pt GARAGE """od Ill°"' 185,000httNI!_'_ tAVEland,lob,-•'J$ JACKSOK"·'rllt~l5 • 1 1 c:ll1ld OK. '1ll. T-fl14) .... 1900 m.ftlror IJWllO. w..., W.W,... .; .... ..U -~ tw <C.-.... ) lo him min. of .,.U 1>1ndr. .,.p: •. j" * 511).Ult ._ * !<Jr ttolol lol"1n1tloll BIG llnl' 1.o11e .. bin, --will ,._ --"1mo lncan< Jll"0"°"7 !1p1np or-. Wont ""-'°' ch-polilao, IL ' • -· • ll' tT blllllwll GI' anft•-N-~'91-'-'"'m.::::'-~----2 Br • .Adolti, !»_pl&.·~_ ! BR, S BA. frple, tloood In W.. Ylow, ...... s;u, Doy, FURN t or S .Bit t.o •-....., 511-"' ~.~--,;:....;:;~· INSIDE ~. BAY ~~ i>llJO,-iilOCli Iii bfidi P00: ._. .. nMllh ..... -. ,_ Blll1hw S.pt 1 ---~ -' -..,.~ Rl!pl.11'. w. "1liY9t. otlll=QJTS-'>'Hr. V•calJon llMfits =af .. fOR. • ._ .. ot_ ::;;::-an. ~ J 2BR,NtWIJ-!?_114 3 BR, 2 BA. \Pie<. n,t., HAWAll·!l'AlKlKI BEAQI WANTED,·-lomn In~ W"pt = ~ ;BIJBoarLW.$8,000oq. Hau01t1 o11. m --· ..., bltlna. dlhwottr. NT. Hoos ,....._ dd""" ._ 1 flt •M eo.-do! liar ..... ,_ .,_;::< ~ '!':' ...... _..t land, '"'1"' 1,,,.,,......;,.-,_-.....,_ 660t'D Hosp. Adlta. 64M387.. ~-~C: m.n ews. _ l:AIU-'\J' ": • ._ Wfi'" car, Nbntit. Owntrf8l(R. TR.El: • &uaw DI a" t Larta2BR. ~ -IJllO ea,. J..rs. 1 er. car avail. AlaJ..U or-db Ulotton.clet Ollf'lndS'o Ml-392!; Eno: --ll.ototlllln1. (I.JD -. tpl. N.,.IJ d<alr. Opto I 2 hr w.-Bladt opt "' l'anldloo -lo air )'Oii * i1r * * * * ~ Ysr4 dt± 61 c MS-'nlll .,,.., ... l>d>ls.r•· --:· -.. s 11 ..... 5 toi-o lnr s -Iii ... , ........... _ ••• ..!:ia,!!!-~1!!!•~·'-llaoL--Ooll--llllft.t _ i '" -• • \ . '. . ·-·- ' • r ' • DAILY PILOT • i(dJ I . ' [ llIIJ I l[Il) ( ]fll) . I -:..--ll5l "'"'•' ' &•"8••• I ;It; ot " Ii~)! •• ' ;' jltUJt I t I I~ c. .... , .... ...... H•ullnv JOllWenhd, F.,,..le71:t Help Won.-; Ma P l10 HOlpWanW,lll&,F710 Help W•n1141. M&l'11t HolpWonled,MAF710 HolpW•nt..i.M&'F710 Moclllnory Ill . ~ -cl..,.,po. RllDO'VO trtea. dlrt. i\I)'. Drlve wa)'•, ~q:. W.2666. y A.flt> tc c.rqe Cleanup. ' hft! Ht. T days. cau • a.u;vilml'~ "4L.5DJ1 AIR COND. CONTRACToR can fr>r estimate -6G4il5 R ~ Hu.a:il1$-4M Newport, NB Housecleaning PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING AllO wtndowii Ir Floor Cart: Call Dutch S37-1SDI ....... 24 Hrs. ~IESA Cleaning. Carpel.I, windows. Doon, e l e . Resid/com.'I. s 51 -6 1 4 2 • 548-<UL HOUSE OF CLEAN noon:, windows, ~rpt, waU.. G yrs tn art'&. 642·6824. Prof. Carpet Cleaning Al90 windon & tloor c"att. Call Dutch 536-1:108, 24 hrs. Excellent HoUS«lcaning by day. Own traM. * 83t-0648 * DEPENDABLE LADY TO DO HOUSEWORK • 642-2314 • 1-~~-~-,--Dedicated Cleaning * WE DO EVERYTHING * Ret11. Frtt eat. 646-2839 HOUSECLEANING ExPf'l". Couple To Do Housecleaning 6-t5-4J64 NEED help at home! We hB\'e Aides • NWYI • 110W1ekpn: • Compa.rdooa • Homemakers -Upjohn M1-G>81. H•lp W•nlod, MI. F 710 A BEAUTIFUL IDEA J need 10 ~'001~ to train BA professional beauty co1U1ul· !anti. J.ligh eaming potential. Executlv-e positions al'° available. For intenr-H call 546-1835. Accounting • TYPIST CLERK Coed akU1I MCflll. lnsW"al!Ct! rxprr. btJpful. but not et- ..nt1a1. • SEC'Y /STENO Good typinr. ah A communl· cation lltill• tlttdt'd. Some insurance eiper. necess, •KEYPUNCH 6 Mo',1 "''Or'king exper. on Keypunch, Key tape, or Kt-y Oise required. Day ahilt. 1NTERVIEW1NG Mon thrU Frt 9 am·li::!n pm OM SITE OF OUR NEW BUIWJNG PACIFIC MUTUAL FASHION ISLAND (Corner Santa Crut Ir: Newport.;Center Drive) ·Masonry : t=-o:::'."-'.""'.'-~ EPAIRS, plantef1. brick, block, stone. Quality work. Ken, Ph. Resid. 642-ltro. Plaster, Patch. Repair NCR OPERATOR Newport Beach • • · • The Irvine Company needs ex· per, NCR operator whO can type SO w.p.m. A.use 10 key adding mach~ or calcula· · tor, Potltion involves heavy ma<.'hine bookkeeplni & posting jow'na.I entrys 10 the general ledger. Some for. maJ education ln accounting desirable. Xln't benen111, * FREE daily b~ transporo talion lor work in Loa An. Call Mrs. Smoot 644-3389 ACCOUNTANT for cost ac-geles until move 10 Newport, counting position In Santa _Se~pt,. . .,·n~. ~~~""!!"!'"' Ana Manufacturing Co. with 'Cu:ANmc lady, 1 or 2 days exct'Uent opportunity tar ad-11 wk. \Vork ~461. Horne, vMCement: expel in cost ac. S46-l41.3. HB * PATOI PLASI'ERING -All types. Free estimates Call 540-6825 ,ainting & . Paperhanging .. · No Wutine: :· * WALLPAPER * :· When )'OU call "Mac" 548-1444 646-lnI ; .. f' ROfusIONAL Painter. ' H o n e s t \\"Ork, ru.s. Lie/Ins.. lnt/EX"t. Fret esl Refs .. 548-2759. ~~ Professional Painting ·,. Inter/exter. Quality \\"Ork ·· Reas 557-7455 PAJNTING -Honest, clean. gUaraIJteed \\Wk. Licensed :. & Jiisured. 675-5740. -FOR clellJl & neat painting, interior. reas.. rates. Call' Dick.~. CQ.untir!g systems necessary . .,.:;;:..;.=..o:=----- Sen,d resumf!' to Cringle, ClerlcaJ . Swill. Grimley, CPA-.. 888 CLl!RK TYPIST N. Main, SWte 900, Santa Newport Beach flnn attks Ana. 92701. clttk typist w/mln. 3 yn Actors Actresses ('XJ)er. Typing 50 w.p.m. $$ NEW FACES $$ Ability to work w/numbers fl.lovie&. TV and TV com· &: keep accurate records. mercials. All ages and Xln't co. benefi111. types. Interviewing now. we Call Mrs. Smoot ~· 644-3319 are not an . arency. ..w: 464-3121. CHEF wanted. Exp. ADVERTISING SALES $1000 mo. Call 67,5-4241 Former Yellow Page or mag· aft. 4 P.M. Blue 8Ht. azine space exper. Mature COOKS male or fem. Commiaaion Breakfast Cook. Fry Cook le O!Jly. Call for appt. 646-Ui36. Pantry mlUH.11 w If l n e A Respom:lbl(, f I fi in e .restaurant eXJ>er. c.aD Chef, maintenance skipper for K· Frid,. Newport.er I n D , ·g,• sailboat "Grdg". 5 days Nl!"1t'Jl0!1: Beach, 644-1700. 'fk. $a]. open. Call Roger CO()g, exp. Full time. Apply PROF. Painting, al!o roots. Mcltfimon 644-1931. in person. 340 Victoria St., , acco!t5~ cell., int~~~e:!:r1. ARE :you look:illg for more CM. Beverly Manor Con-~ PERSONNEL . ' LiC/1.nll. Free est. U'J.,..,.,,,l,;I • than just anothe1' job? valescent Hospital. SERY1CE5•AGENCY : DISCOUNT on han&\llg if Beautiful ld('as Div. o! Gen. axJK • Exp, Wheelman :. buy on \V.C. Licnns. call Foods needs 5 peopl.-to e BLUE DOLPHIN • A!8t Bookkeeper S.550 ., -· H•~n 547 "o.00!, teach ftft'\t malreup tech. NB Acctng Oerks to $500 •• .., ... -e.···~ -~ .. ~v •• 3355 Via ~do. r---1 om $6<10 .. ·· • p·--'G EJirec. pos.. Avail Mi-2.664. ._,..,...., ce :ui"!41..a COOK wll yr exp. for-local Exec. Secretary $650 •. e GENERAL REPAIR, ASSEMBLERS of small elt"e-nightclub. Apply 1976 Secretary/G. Ofc tQ_$560 '. ee estimates. nu. 6734.l71:-tro mechanical devleadN& Newport Blvd., c-M. '12·5 pm Social Secretary to $550 exper. neeess. VWon I< ex· ~7 $500 ;-1 PAThiIING & PAPERING. terity important. No smok· DE NT AL AuL·lnterest~ Typlris· · to 19 yrs in Harbor area. Lie &: ... _.. 0 & \\"Orkirig in Chri!tian ofc. P /time Secretary $3 hr bond~. n-r·s furn. "2-""'~. ing ~lu.l:u. ean I I M ·~~·••-'' Oerical lN """ '" ~ pleasant small co. Call Nttd chainlde g r • any ..,..& .. """" WALLPAPER HUNG 642-8584 ror appt. s.R. Certified fot.x·rB.YI. BrieQy Positions ••••••••••••• To S400 CaU Rebco 64fi...U49 Engineering, 834 Production describe quallflcations 488 E. 17th (at Irvine) CM Claasitied Ad 468 clo Daily 642-1470 Plumbl~ .P:,:I.:,:· M:.::·;::8·==-..,-.,,.-== I • = r-ta ··• ATTRACTIVE gals to learn Pilot, P.O. Box J.5w, '"""' • PLUMBING • &: teach professional cos-Mesa, Calif. 92626· Jr. Accountant $800 Insttin·Remodel-Repair metics. Flft training. Vi-* DENTAL .ASSIST. NEED-Scc'y/Comm'l Ins S700 Free Est. Llc. 548.mJ viane Woodard, 642-6449 for ED. 2 OR 3 DAYS PER Sec'y/~ $550 PLIDimING REPAIR appt. WK. EXP PREF. 6#-0683. Steno U75 No job toe small BABY SI rI ER, lite hskpng. DIESEL IJ'k mech. need for Clerk Typist S4SO * 64.2-312! * Live in or out. Reb. Call Sat. only to help with maint. AIR Clerk -1500 1-c"'o"'LCOE""P"L"UMBIN~ betwn. 10" I or 6" 9. Hn. Sal. op<n. 64!;-(100. I Girl Offi"' S52S 64>1161 must be flexible. 5t6--078L ;;ii;o.O...-~.---.-. Thventory Oerk to SSOO 2-4 hr. service. Display Trimmers F/e 8kkpr to $700 1SA'-'-'VE-"-O-n ~P~lum~b~ln-g.~P~am~· °"ti~ng-, BABYSrTTER needed part Exper, peeded for f/time, 40 NEWPORT •··tallal>··n•. ~ ,,ttmales. time wflite housekef!'Ping. 1 •-•· ';,."..... 1u : • .:::.,.,.., child, c .M. 548--1927 aft 5. hr wk. 9-5:30. No wee i:uu• Pereonnt:I Agency uuu...-rt er, ~·~. + tuJI company bmefi.16. 133 Dover Dr., N.B. Apply 10.12 I. Z-4 , 642·3170 ' Drains uncloGed • $1.50 Sewer line to 100' · $15 * 54S.1S02 * Roofing LEE Roofing Co. Roofing all types. Recover, repairs, thenno roof coatings, white & color. Lie/bonded, since 1947, Free est. 642-7222. e T. Guy Roofing. Deal Direct. 1 do mv Own work. 66-27!0. 54&-9590. ----Storeo Rapalr STEREO equipment !'l'pairs, complete facilities for all makes Ir models -discoont rates: I track tape deck, clean & adjust $8.00, this: \\-eet Sl.00 off to Oall,y Pilot t e a de r s. (Replacement needles Ii: cartr~g ~ off). U.S.A. St'n!O E q u Ip. Y,"Al't'hou.se, 119 E . 17th SL , Costa Mesa,~ ewino/Aft..tr•ibm• _ _ .,,_,,._ .. _. -- SEWING-DESIGNING Men/Women. ReU. Rates O min. -c.ll 146-1'51) .-All•r•tM>ns-642·5'41 , Neal, accun.W. ~ yun OP- Tli. faqlt; BANK TELLER Commercial Bank Expet. Min. 6 mo'• required Newpor;I Beach ArH Call-~·" . (213) 67'"*"' Equal Oppor. Employ..- BANK EJCperienced Proof Operator UNITED CAL(FORNIA BANK 6 Monarch Bay Pl11a Laguna Niguel , 496,1273 Equal Oppor. Employ.r MAY COMPANY So. O>ut Plua 3333 Briarol. O.M. Equal °"""""'"" Employer DRILL ~"Operator trainee. $2.25 per hr~ Apply at 18170 EucUd, Fountain Valley. ' KEYPUNCH OPR. All ahiftl. F /time, p/time. Temp0raey. To $3 per hr. No !ee . p,..,.Temp/T•mpo 17802 Sky Parle Suite 101, lrvlne S4M4SD -~K~l~tch .. H~.1-.,.-r-. - """"' Call 545-2253 Large Financial Organization IJ'I ~ewport Beach Has Im· n\edlale Openings For The Followinll 1'>.<ltiom.,. • • RHI E1tot• Llconslnv CourM Full lllles train1ng proeram -no coat. Manq:ement op. portunftff!I. I Aafl; for Mn. Jones 1Dt tnfarmadcm at 842·r;;BI. TarbeD Realton RECEPTIONIST I Secretary. Apply, 7m C W. 17th St. CM betwn 9 am Ir 4 pm. RESTAURANn- Fabulous -new restaurant opening llOOn in Orange. We are klOklng for exper. help for this noteable new dinner house. We will start inter- viewing Aug. 1st for Wait- rftSet, J-kl8tesaer;, Busboys, Bartenders, Broiler Men, Pantry Men, Dishwashers Ir Cleanup Crew, Royal-Aa- For RestaUran"N>enonnel 3848 Campu.s Ori~ Suite 199, Newport Beach 557.m) • ' ) AL<. E II SYNCROGRAPll, MODEL !; ltlS HD JT!o', DISTRlBUTOR MAClffNE. SC-1734 evq. Wttkt'ndll. Ml1cellaneou1 111 canop}'ll. easy cou\'rrsion $350. ~l 1scelh1nfl0ua iteru11. 2761~ Santa Isabel, C.M. *AUCTION* Flno F\lrnllunt ll Applti.oct1 Auctloos Friday: 7:30 p.m, Windy11 Auction Barn 20751,ii Newport, CM 646-8686 Behind Tony'• Bldg h-Jal'l * GREAT BARGAINS Thor Ironer $25., Sewing · machine $15., Baby Bed wjth mattr•11 & po1d $6. 480 .Broadway, CO It a Mea.a . Lovabl• But Lonely Friendly, furry, Gray female kitten, a wks. Box trained • 673·6162 f.1.ake • nf'w fr1.-nd \rEOGEWOOD, cl'\"an1 on lavender. Setting for 6. Nf'w r Ul!('(I. C o nl p I to I r . G'Th-6480 att R prn. NORGE 220 t'll'ctr1c ~tovt>, 4 hum·~. O\'r<n, broil••r, 2 storag'I"' dra11.'(>rs. S 2 5 . 675-0600 l!lfff'r 6 rnn. ---1 UNDER\llOQD TyPf'"'titrr Slane.lard. nt.-ct!~ :cmall ad· juslment. S.'lO. 67 3·4 5 02 . 673-5.170 John --------1 * llATCll COVERS • SandbltL~letl, from S l 2. 5 O ~aeh. l\tinnry's, Z,).11 \V, Coast l hway, N.B. 548-4192. , Mi•cetlaneou• Want.cl PIANO -GOOl l cond. 400 Signal ltd. NB. 646-8693 $100. 126 A CONYDll[Hf SHOPPING SfWrNC CUI{)( FOlt THE CAl.~HECO. For an ed In Woman'• World Call Mory Both 642-5671, nt 330 Attract Attention Fashion Wrap-Up! I I • • I • • t li "- QMI. V l!ILOT ~ d l~I !llwd I I Sl&rlJn& -k ol AUllJll 1 ORANGE COAST ,HAMMOND STUDIOS oil"" ' Adult Ev<ntnc Clulrl • s:eatnnen - • Secooda<Y • Theory e Workshop Call for lnforrnatJon 6"-1930 2854 E. Coast Hwy., CdM 50 ORGANS 50 Yet, 50 Orl(&IUI on the floor. J{anunond Wurlitzer otben. Floor models, diacontinued models, new & uaed. Bey or rent at most attractive rat et. W allichs Music City South Coa1t Plaza 54().2830 WURLITZER SPINET Walnut, beaut. cond., $«)0. * 673-8701 * Sewing Machine• 121 WHITE, ZIG ZAG, SEWING 'MAOIINE $35. * 54!).-0623 Sporting Goods 830 3 Complete aets of matching pro-lined goll club8; woods, irons, baas A head COVE't'I. SlSO. to $250. 552-7699. TV, Radio, HIFI, Stereo GERMAN Shepherd puppies. fat &: ·healthy. 116 Del Mar Ave., C.M. 548--4639. 1 ............. l!B 1~111, AUfllSl 1, lt72 .............. ( • ' I _ .... 1§1 I ---I§! I _ .... 7 • . ' ' i I I vc - l 1 bal lllX Ii ""' wll 1 Ed Ele the Coo bar "" - I c .. 1 •!ti loo• Am lion Ii. tlox mdl , .. , ao. .... 1 Sl 'irba P.ri" ~ Tl ven1 2,GO ~ the atto lbd """ fro< .... M -deli tlal ..,., Ii. ..... lilaJ bla ·Ji T _to l:;k ·Sl • di tbei ..... fina D are tw ""' ..,, '] • fl -s eel ... fol D = dep II dep SU ... s. .... °"' .. =.; .... I • • . • San Oemenie r • TedsY'• l'blal • . f;apistrano EDtTION N.Y.·Steeks Utilities. 'l1le two electrlcal utllJlleo p!Amlng the hlll-l>lllm.dolLY -lion of - --at San Onofre Maodly pys<d their lut llate . test bdore 1olng to the, Atomic F.nero' Q)mmlqlna for final ponn1ts. but ,two IO>'tim- wlklllfe agenciel are r.r from ratlllled. 'l1le utilillel, Southern C a I If o r n I a F.dloon Co-and San Diego Gu and Electric Company, won permllaion from °'!' San Diego Regional Water Qulllly1 Control .Board, td periodically "boll'. out' barnacles and -foullng organhma . from outfall plpei at SU OnoU<; . . Pass- •• ?IJESOAY, AUGU.ST J, ·197.z._ __ Last State ... Tesf\f or 'Ibey aald the bot water wu certain to kill 6ab Jn the immediate discbarge area, Eld! beat --could claim Iii tons of marine Ii!<. But spol:esmen for the utilities aald ~ there are only two effective waya to unfGul the huge pipes whlcb w1ll eject m~ of gallons of warm water · a minute after the brine is used to cool at.earn condensers. · 'l1le firms cu either kW the organisms wjth the bot water, or use hqvy doles of chlorine. . The board agnod that bol water . " created the leul dimJge of the two -· Spo> ....... f<r the llate and federal - pine a&enclll......,. that lludlet have ool yet been -pleled on the travel of tbe warm water. Marine blologtsts testifying for the utilities Aid their lludles show thal an .... of 50-lool radius around the '3,l(IO. foot-IOna ...... outfall WllUld esperience the bot water. 'Ibey abo admitted that an "unknown number" of fish and other organimns would die Ill the warm water. . • JEN CENTS Onofre two mllllon ~ of eleotridty. Utility a!dtl 1r-Mooday'1 aeaalon aald that the bill for delay1 In the ractor scbodule amounts to $4 million a month. 'Ibey·~ the need for amoolb \ranallion of the lppn>YaJ procou. If the AEC grants the liceMu for tho ::i '::.:'i:. = ~ii;: generating plant would ai.n neat Mordl. But that Ont addillon would ool send ®I Ill f1rll k!Jowat\ until aometlme in 1171. 'l'be aecor.d of the lwinl would 10, Into aervlce In 1979 • overn-s' -or Presidential Nod: American Party Favors Schmitz · Ju.nior. Baseball Teams Win Big two South County junior buebaII ll'OUPI are ~ cbamplonS' niinll<s lollowilig a ...... of competition. .. San Juan Little Leape Stars captunol a district cbam'picmbip and are now on their way to the -~-'l1le tournament -w with the linals to be held Salunlay. .. Del Obispo Cllampo for the third ,.... .... the memhen of the Cout Plumbing . team. 'Ibey defeated capls\rm» Beach Plue by a ~ of M Ill the Del Oblapo lnlllCO Loque Pll.Yofl.I. peeled to be incori>orated Into the party's platform. Tile plallona COlllldiltee _. .....i -., nlgbl ..i II ICheduled for addillanal -througb Wednaday. Ca.Po Officials . . ~~cus;_: Bridges P.eople Liften By PATRICK' 110VLB Of .. ""' ""' ..... San Juan Capistrano ' resldeni. - nther than the city --'! -did moil ol lhe listening Monday .lli&lrt 11 a public bearing Oil the,cilJ'• pn>pOled 1172-73 budcet. .. . For nearly two l...n ............. and dty llalf answered ~ and ex· plained many of tbe eqiendltura listed Ill the $2.4 million _.., to the aome • -• the bearirc-Of the ..... residents ""° apoke 1:oa<m11ng lhe budge~ only one e>pressed any aiilcism of the plan. However, .i lhe end ot the meellna. coe woman criticized the" manner in wblcb tire budcel bas b<eD presented to Ille Wbllc-Jean Di!!<tor, wbo llid she was a ...,.. resident of the city, aald It . .... difficult .. wade through the .... fUslng aplanalioal of· the dty manager and other dty·offidal1 u reported In the press. - Holding Dp ·a· copy of I San aemente newspaper, Jin. Doktar aald, ".When I aee this paper come out with 'San Juan In Financial Crllil,' r want to pack up my bap and nm away." Mayor Jim Tborpe. wbo at past budcet atudy-ba4 ~press In &enelirfor .lls-.._ijila .olthe 'liudgel proeeedlnp, II.id bet 'c:riticlsn WU a "nic<ly llated. port of the pi\il;lem. .. Part of 1111! -Mn. Doktor referred to stemmed from the lnlUat budget proposal being amended with '121,IOO 'In .additional upendltures, thereby ndadnc .. apected J.m-'11 ,_ aurp11rs ~of m.11111 1o .. ... peeled clellcit of ,....... • Willllm Hieb, • -IDllrumental (See •lll!G!IT. Pqe ii . ~Lawman ·of Year' Returns . . • . . ' ' . . , ~ . '\... • , , , , . •· . , , ~M..T,PH.e1'.I .......... HORDES-WERE VISITING THE BEACHES TO COOL Off llUT THESE WORKMEN HAD HQJ J06 Bill Eahlor Hoa-Hot Aa'phalt In Sa n Clomono te Alloy P•l<h~ Pr0ject.Near Callo Mlrlrta ; Steamy Heat Wave to ·End? Catalina Wind Patt.ern May Break · Grip of Ho t Air Formation or the typical Catallna eddy wind pattern ·is e>pected to crack the mu1 of bot ·a1r over Orang .. County tonight, -g·a-nine-<lay beat-wave. eledrlcy COMW!lplion of 3.113 million kilowatt&. Tile previous peak use r"""1 or 3.44 millloa kllowatts was •el nn Sept. 13, wt year, during a sltnllar belt wave. Despite the lncrqoed bbmidily, Im 'l1le National Weather Senile< prtdicts temperatures along the Orange Coul will drop allchllY with blglis Inland on Wed.-.y about "' Toru,hl'1 low alq Mee. (s Ea dJetoa the coast ;,w-be in the !Os with a hlgl"on l!I Wedne3day about D. Toru,ht'1 low illoog ·' Angeles County ftttmen , ba\Ued• three blaiel In brulhy areaa, coolrolllnc. Ill with minol' amounts of land acarred by Damn The lariest,... ln c.martllo,_ COO- sumeil 10 M:m' ml WU belleved,lo have been llll'ted by • fleotna, mental pati<DI. Late nlglit. ···Learly morning .. v J k A:..... ..J ~ . ' --!"' -Opectecl·to drape · • ac 1urerson ssues couta1 dlies toolgbt and Wedne!day. . Tile Catalina 'Eddy is I aoulherly flow . of winds bet-the coast and the ...... . . . ... blands. It " the typical -pattern ·C le R . . • ~.::.m~of ~'%fa ..... !. . omp . t,e etractl!Jn New Mate · To l)ndergo , ~Screening' WASHINGroN (UPI) -Sen. Georae S. McGovern. with 'the 11paintul" tut of ,dropping Sen. 'l'boml1 F. EasJeton behind him, aean:bed ~Y for a new nmnlnl mate who can help 1et bis presldenllfl caml'liiD back oa the fut \rad< he bill! boped WllUld take him to victory over Richard 14. Nlzoa 1ll November. McGovern, who penuaded Ea&leton to llep clown at • hll>lrour eonf.,.....·11on- day nllbl. aald bt bad ool yet~ .. • rep1.,.,,..m. ·'11ae Dem e cta tle ,.-llal llO!Dlllet aa1d he 1IOllld make • recolJllllelldation to the .llomocratie Natlooal Committee 0 wlth1n 1 few dlyl." . "We are lninl to be very cautious an4 •trr careful In making the vice preslden- ilal · nomlnatlon," u1d McGovern, - pWia for •· fut llar\ In the campaign apllilt NWm were wncked by the week· IOilg Cllotrovmy over Eagleton'• bealth background. · -Speculalloa-lmmedlately centered Oil some of. the same men menUoned u vice pmiden\lal jlroapedl at lul month'• DemocraUc N a I 1 on a I Conventlon - Sens. Edmund s. ll111kle of. Main and Gaykinl Nellon of Willwwln, Saraent Shriver, a Kennedy In-law, and former Party <lralrman Lawrence F. O'Brien. Eagleton, wbo met; ......... willl McGovern to. announce the cledaloa. aid today be woold make no recom- mendaUons to McGovern on a IUCC:tllor. '"fbls Is a -the\ llbould be .... tirely up to Sep. M~.· he.aald In a leleviston Interview (liBCToday lbow). Elaletoo, lronlcaUy, pej'formed tho duties of the vice president Tueodar momlnl when he presided over tho Senate for a alrort time after Its open!na. Vice President Spiro ~ and Pr<sI. de!\l Pro Tem James·Eullsnd (D-Mla.J, ftl'e absent. Al the Democratic National Com- mit!.-, wliere ihe llllCCeSSor to Eagleton wW be formaDr clrooen, offlclal.s uld the f1rll \Uk would.be to clur up a -ol credential.s . cballenges apinll n e w members. Aller Iha~ an emer1enc:r meetln& wW be called ~Y the new ... lional cbalrman. Jean Westwood, to aeled a new vice preslden\lal candldate. McGovem11 reammeodatian - u it WU at the Miami Belch coavm\lan -11 expected to he c:oqtrolling. . . . Tile eddy. a wind movement almllar to . water draining out of a ,blothtub, Is WASlllNGTON (AP) -Cl>Illlllllilt the nm-allc vice pru•lden\lal Weadler .· mated by the deflectlona of typical aack Ande""° today retracted llis claim nominee • winds froob the DQrt!J u it lilOln around 'to have localed evtdellce that lien. · EqletDn. wbo otlg1nally lab" tie.cl 'l1le wealherlldy aaya ·JI mJcbt landmarks jn the Southern Callfornia Tbomu F. Eai1efon baa a r--.1 of ar· · Anderaon'1 charge •·"'domnHle lie" be a little cooler .., Wedoadly, To San Clemente'.s Foree ' • " .. geography IUch u the ffilalands. mti for drunUn and rocklesa drlviJll. arter the co1umni11 broadcul II lul bot ool eD01Jib to make a dlller- 1 r.!!:.:"· eddy of.:..~ .orms11 ,:,~ Anderton Aid 1111 rdradloo. wu "111> Tbunday. today commende<l Andenon ence to coast awelteren. lliChl to- -I-,.t onr lhft, 11111-wwkinc lnland, ... ~u; ~· qualllied'' and "lll1Clil. ---· ...;.,e ...r ~. --imn:o• 'It lo lho-mkMe's..Lowt - ben," Mim. llkl. l.U• . "~ joumaliat." -"I know lhil dly .,,,[I -the -By Wedneoday, temperatures are ... He a1111ounciinllo -at .. ~ .I. ~ peeled to be from five to II clegJ-..s formal news eoar....... o a ta Id e • • E;qleloo Alil he wu •llllied wnn pie." he added. cool«, the Natlooal ·weather Servl<:e Eaglefoo'• ofllcie. • afta UWn('. far .---.·a rt1n1c11on. "'11rt I!ooll 11 cloo-~,,. eloded • "Olllelr of the -· eel u far, u I'm . .--nod." · r--ball an bour In prlnte with the MIJooarl ·-,- Year'' lrt r.o-............ *IV lhil Ligllt winds from 10 to :Ill koola from aenai.r:·w11o i:aiped f«mally todlj .a . MdltlClll trlcllloll1 lllkl lie Md loeoted ,.-, and -P' nmtid wlllu plaqile by the ...-will fan Ille Oranc• Cout ·,.......,..... If -lbo~lac EqlelOI the .,,.,.,.. CllJb. _; • early W........,. • • lrad -arrellerl I lloll - -Ill Munro wu -• -San Word of the ~-·~ l'I the beat wave l 1 lhe 1• for clr)llllloa <r '"'*\oM ~-a..-te ofllcQ ""° lift Iha f«tt brlnp.,....... t.. tJro ..a of a atrin& or FlOoding Ki ls 100 . Lat., ......,_'said lie <JioilD'\ ..,. wblJe ..... ..,_ -...... Ill ......... doya la ' lnlarld clueo of • a-.,..,.., "'11 ' bod ~-told tJro .cllJ. Be,,. Ille -Ollleer of Soulllonl CoUlonda whlclr lmnued Ore NEW DEIJIJ (AP)-Floodirc In .the obou1 Ihm by a "bmer - the.Year lo..... bawds and bnruPt pook ilfm•nda for three eut Indian llala of Alum, Wal ·ofllcla~" loUir -• llllvla, Deteclln&nllohyaiple, the other top electric pOWer. ,,__, nd •••-bu •m~ 1 ,~ IM -a IVuhmcton bailMr. • <OP, left to .. --of Paradise • On :l(ondi11,0ijh .__.. aacl to -a -~-1 -w DllVk aald bt .• '\ -tire-· Valley, Arll., ... bod *-teaed to Ille """"""' humidlly ._,. tilt Ille of air -'t, wybed lbouAnda of cal\le any bOt bod onlf ··--onco bJ a tJro c11J for .._ -omtlmo pay condl~ ..i tlle Loi Aae1le1 o.part.. ..i btoytly dafDIPd crops, o{ftt!ail Alli man lie dido'\ t.. ....r--'I ron-11 -....... """""'--• men! of Wiler ond -llged ~ todq. lllCJ ..... pNM tr aot. , ' : • • ~smEWDAY ...... -' c:et:..... I ---.. O•a1ri ' ti --. --. ,. -,..,, ............ ... . " • • ---" r,e,::,.. ~ __ .. --. ,.,, =--•u .,...,.... . -. -. _.. ....... " ' • DAILY PILOT SC Capo Se"8 Rezoning He~ring .,.,, , San Juan c;aplstrano plarmlng com.- .,. missioners will hold a public hearing '" tonfght on a proposa l to rewne 90 acres t1 of hillside property for the consll'UCtlon , ~f how1. • Tbt laod Is located ofr Vl1 Agua in the " south part of the city ond i.s near tho Leadership Homes tract. The same ftrm ts St.>ek.ing the rezone lo build more. homes, PlaMlng offi clals estimate that with a • ' density of a1most lhrff homes to tbe acre about 250 single family r t s i d e n c e s ·could be buil t on the property. . The public hearing iJ scheduled during the regular commWion meeting, which will btgln at 7 p.m. al city hall. The prop- erty i1 zoned U·l (unclassified ). Single famlly residentlal (R·l ) zoning is sought. , · The reione Is the most r e c e n t of scveril 1uch proJ>O!hls whlch have racro .: the commission In the past rew months. Nearly aU of the rezone proposals ha ve sparked controversy in the community and have been opposed by homeowner , ~rouPs 5eeking to halt development until , the city's general plan can be updated. .. The city council has included funds in the proposed lrr2-73 budget to hire a planning ..consultant for the purpose of revising the general plan. :. Democrats' Ouef . ·!.Urges Shuttle · Conb·act Probe '. WXSHINGTON (UPI) -Democratic .. National Chairman Jean M. Westwood · • has asked a congres.sional investigation of the awarding of Ille space shuttle con· , ~ tract, . She said Monday that five directors of the finn • that won lhe contract. North -American Rockwell , contributed to Presi- . dent Nixon's 1968 campaign. "The award or this contract to North American Rockwell ... rai.!es questions of ethics," she said. But Sen . Alan Cranston (0-Calif.}, defe~ the award of the $2.6 billion space oontract. He said it was "not any boondoggle." Cranston said he did not know If one of the purposes in awarding the contract to the Downey, firm wu to help win-re-election for President Nllon. "I have no reason to assume lhal," he said. "I just don't know." Treasury Agent • Loses Hand Gnns A federal treasury agent who thought the underaide of his .llvlng room couch was a splendid hiding plaCil for his two hand guns is looking for a new hiding pltte today. But Paul Charlu Burke, 41, of 14801 Deerpark Drive, Irvine will need two new guns to put in hls new location. His orf&inal weapons were carried off Mon- day by burglan who may have been aware of the federal olficlal's gun cache. Orange County Sherill's officers said thttt was DO evidence of a breakin at the Burke home. Investigators art ques· tionlng part time ·help used at the' premises In a bid to recover weapons valued at $240. French Ignite Blast PAPEETE, Tahiti (UPI ) -Fronce has carried out a t h i rd atmospheric nuclear test in the Mururoa Atoll area 800 miles southeast of here, unofiiclal 80W'teS said today. 'Ibey said the newest blast In the cur~ rent French testing campaign came either Frtday or Saturday and may 1lpal the end ol tbe lin wiea. DAILY PILOT 'nw 0rtf'411 C-1 OAll.V I'll.CT, wl!ft -.flldt I• ClfMlntll Ille N-f'T'fH. h ,W.Ulol'I• .... IM ~ll\lt CM•t l'Wlitllil'I C.._llY. ~ ''"' .II ...... ,.. MlhMlf. ~r ..... ..,... l'rhl•r. fw c..i. llltM, ".......,. kttll. H1111tlflttM lffct\fl'-t1i.i V•11ty, ~ 8ffdo, ar.IM/S*hllM.ll .. Safi '*-"" a... JllH c .... 1,.,., " 11,..i. ,...1o11t1 edll}'ll .. ) ....... "''~Y' _.,.,. llN•P. • TIM ll'klsMI •14-hlflt ..... h •I 211 Wtll ••r '""'· Cttt• MM. c.111tmi., "'"· ' ••htj H. W•N "'""""" .... hllll!Mr · J•1k a. C4itrl1y Vkt l'r•lillflot encl 0.-11 #MMlw lh•ll'l•I l(, • .,jl 141i .. Tli•111•t A. Mwplli11• "'""""' lllilW c;ll•tltt H. t.11 lid•r-4 r. H•ll ~·---hltwl S-Clrn 111s Offlle Joi Nlrih 11 c.""i" •••'· i1•11 --· a. .. ,_.1 ,. --::.:r ltrM ::::C: 9MCll: am fll ~ .a; -..: IJWI ltlkfl .....,_.,., . ~ ..... : . ,.. "-.,,... Ttl ..... tno MMUI ~l•NW 'ti I I ..... JI . S. Q 71 All ..,0:5 Sl'M ' ......... C#rrWot, ,,,., -... c.-.......... I (..,.,..,.,., ,.. .,..,. t•ln ..,..,. ...... ... ,.,.., INtMf' ... .....,........ ...... ., • ......... ••ll'IWf ..... ... ....... "' ...,., ....,.,.. ..... dlM -= •. "' c.. -· C.'"'""9. lb9'111i .. • a,rlll' ~ .......,., .. INi ... ,. ~ •• ........ ~. • · DAILY l'ILOT It." .....,. Safari For 'lleaders A special safari for Capistrano Valley and San Clemente youngsters reading more lhan 10 boo ks this summer will be held Aug. 17 at the Sa n Juan School. It wiJJ include a slide sh ow on Lion Country Safari and a Jive lion cu b. San Juan librarian Erla \Vetherell previews the cub fo r Gregory l-lcncg han and Kathleen Buckley. • Mesan Slwt by Officers In Former Wife's Home After he refused to drop hlli rifle and rammed the bolt home, a Cosla Mesa man was shot twice in the head Monday night by a Huntington Beach police of· ficer after the anned SW!lpect was discovered hiding in his former wife'• apartment. James Sanders, 28, is ln criUcal con- tlngton st.. at about 7:45 p.m .. coolrontatlon with Officer Ed w a r d . Brister, according to police. Officers reported finding Sanders' .22 caliber rifie fully loaded and cocked with over 100 rounds of ammunltlon Sta.shed in -"" bedrqom. I . Brister and ellow officen Jdf Arnold and James Ccaver were called to Mn. Xathleen sanders' apartment, 19132 Hun- tington St., at about 7:45 pmm. Mrs. Sanders, 23, told the officers that she had seen her former husband's car parked on the Btreet and feared he was inside with a gun. Indian Guides Choose Officers The Juaiiino Nation of Y·lndlan Guides or Sao Juan Capistrano, San Clemente. Dana Point, and Capi.strano Beach has selected neW officers for the 1'12·73 ye ar. Nation chief is BUI Edington of San Juan Capistrano. Others are: Dick Baker of San Clemente, loud talker; Bill Thompson of San Clemente, war chief; Ken Carr of San Juan Capistrano, sand painter; Don Clinkinbeard of San Clemente. wampum bearer. Y-Indian guides is a father and Son organization for boys in first through third grades. . They found the apartment front d o o r had been kicked open and began to in- vestigate. Bri.ster o p e n e d the bedroom door and found hlmseU startna: down the baJTtl of Sanders' rlne. Brister twice ordered the man to drop the rlne but sanders began to activate the bolt forcing tbe ofrte« to -· ao-cordlng to the police aC<OWJt. Sanders wis taken to Pacifica Hoepital for emergency tnialment and then tranofered to Orange County Medical Center where be wu booked on burglary and ..... u with illteol to commit µiurdi:r char( ... Banner Turnou,t Seen by Cliamber . For 'Dana Days' Three dlys of e1citement and activities wW make Dana J>llY~. Aug. 11 through 13, bigger and better than ever. That's the word from Marcus Rye, prtsldent oi the Dana Polnt Chamber of Commerce. - "We are anticipating a larier turnout Utis year fqr the Dana Daya ceremonies than we have bad in the prevloua four years combined," he said. Events on tap for the community festival include a flea market with an- tiques, art and a:ange sales; square dan- cing at the Marina: MW" Dana Dl_)'s beauty contest; and pancake breakfast!. Booths for the F1ea Market are still available for the weekend: The Dana Point Chamber of Commerce can provide further Information. Funeral Li~ensing Issue . Okayed, Held for Review SACRAMENTO CAP) -Low-cost funerals or body disposa l may become unobLainable. critics say, under a bill ap- proved by the Assembly but kept from final actioo by a technical move. The Assembly ga ve the bill by Sen. Jack Scbrade (R-San Diego) a 41·25 vote ~1onday, the minimum for passage. But an opponent, Assemblyman Alan Sleroty (D-Beverly Hills), wu voted pennl.ulon to hold the bill for reeonslderaUon later. It must sfill be returned to the Senate for concurrence in Aasembly amendmepts before going to the governor's desk. ' The bill was carried In ~ ,.,..mbly by Robert Badham, (!\·Newport Beach). lte said It was intended only tn require that all pmons who ~!>pose ol human remains be. subject to the same tlcenslng and controls. But As!emblyman Jolln Vasconcellos (Jl.SanJoM) d1"'groad sharply, .. What It really means Is 1 rip off," Vuconcellol said In floor debate. "What this bUI 1111 II 'J can1 contract to get a iow.-, ...rancy dlJpooal or my body'." "'l'ht quatloa 11 wbelhtr llco111lng -the -of the "fllOllla of Calllomla, ar lf It 1ttVe1 to protect the mortuary Jndlutry," he said. Sitmy cal1ad the bUI "00< of tile wont ptem ol leflllalloo thl1 year." "Thll bill II Intended to put a certain group of San Dl'lfo C<Nnt1 out of bu1lne11>." Sleroty uld . The San Dltfo croup, which t<ltlfied ot a burtnc ·on lbe blll, II !be Telophast Society. Yor llJ ,.lll!r&llon and SllO fee. Ttlopllue pn>Vida for cremation and • scattering of ashes at sea. Executives say 2.500 members wish to have "this minimal service." The Tdopbase Society .. YI the bill would require it and 11 or 12 memorial funeral societies, which alJO compete with mortuaries, to provide an em- balming room and a chapel, Which th< members do not want. 1be bill, it says, would put them out of business. Meanwhile the Senate concurred 29-0 Monday on Assembly amendmentl to anqlher Schrade bill .on the tame sub)«~ lt ~d require, rather than pennJt, the · state Board of Ji\lneral Directon alld Embalmers to eumine and pus upon the quallllcatlonl ol l\lneral dnc>tor ap. pllcanti xr ... passing upon the pbyllcat status 0t. piano and._l!*illutlonl ol a propot<d funeral establishmeot. · The quallflcallOi>S U>Cluclo cbarld«, ability and experieooe. IM the ,.. qulr<menl that applicants have two yean acfual uperlence wu deldtd. ni. bill now gou to the governor. 22 Killed in Crash ·.SEOUL (AP) -Twenly~wo pmons' """ ldlled and ll lnlurod~ -a ,_ bu• chanertcl for a picnic: JllllnP<I off a •root dta llllo -a -.1'0)r near Clwnchon. .l$ rnllu eut d Seoul. Police aald 11 of the -were memben ol two families. ' • JtleGovertt Fall1 Teddy Repeatso Rejection of· Joh Mc.Govern TV Sessio1i Set NEW YORI( (Al') -ABC and OBS ay lhtJ will CfJtf'f live tlJevidan coverqe of Ill .- nounceD\f1lt bY Stn. G e o r & e McGovem ~ !cir tonight at 6 p.m. POT. NBC. whk:h fJn' said It •·ould ----1-follow suit, declared 111et that a wASl!lNGT<lN (UPI) -Siii.-Eilwiiilllli!lM diiiir liirrlng a reee tor national dtclslon on !Ive <0vera1• would be M. Kenne<IY today repealed 1111 ,.Jedloo oroce thl1 year II "lull as 9°'«f and made when It ~8fned· what the of aecond place on the DemocraUc ticket Just u locked" as · 11 wu Wt month Oemocratlc praidlntlal ~ndldate •Ith pre1idenllal hOminee Gtorge S. when he re!UJtd to make hlmalf had to say. Mc:Govem. available for tbe party'• vice prtlidenlial Alde1 sald M~vem would talk In an tn!uvlew with UPI, KeMedy nomination. about the campaign but cteollned to Kennedy lldmowledCed be had talked be more speelflc. They • 1 I d he wllh McGovern llnce the decision was would not announefi a rtplace.rntnt made Monday night to drop Sen. Thomu tor Sen. Thomal F. Eagleton, who Police Slate F. Eq:loton from the lid.et, but he withdrew Monday as Ult vkt d<dlned to ay whotbet Mc<lovtra had pr<Sidential candidate. Drive w Get New Reserves wed him to like Eacl•ton'• place . "We lilted ,...,.al(y about the cam- pafan tnd lbe •ltctloo.'' Kennedy said , "He W1d<ntands my pooltlon and I thlnt he ,...pec1a my decllton." State Wat.er · Board Okavs ., . Recruitment of at leut 31> new reaerve police orncm who will bed up a fO<Ce .ervtng Costa Me1a and tbe new city of Irvine ls under wab. The reserve tr& program lJ ex· Earlier this ye1r. Kenntdy said repealllny he would not ...it tho Democn.Uc ·nomination for either Presi· dent or Vice Preafdent in · 1m:, citing "ptrtonal" reuons. He sltJpped: 'the party'• July tonvenuon 1n MJaml Bea<:h, . Reclamati·on appearing only at the end to Introduce McGovern to make his acceptance speech. peeled to begin in Se mber. Aug. 17 is deadline for receipt of applications from candidatea lor the new force. A tOtal of 20 men will st.alf Irvine law enforcement needs, taking over from Oriful:e County 1herifrs depuUts upon completlon of inlllal tralnlna:. 'Ibe remlining 10 men will help betf up eo.ta Meaa'1 own reaerve staff, wblcb had dropped below the required level. ' Applications spelling out the entire pro- gram and quallficatk>ns for participation may be' obtained from the Cos~ Mesa Personnel Depirtment, 77 Fair Drive. Essentially, the key requirements in addlUon to paqing a penonal interview, agility test and medical e1 am!naUon ~ dude: -Mal<. Amertcu dtu.n, 21 years old at the minimum. -Hlgh school graduate, mlDlmum five fed, nine lncbes tall with proporllonate weight. • -Eyetlght of~ corrected and ll).70 uncom<ted and Dvina within a l~mlle radlUJ of the Cclta M,.. Police Depart· ment. • Raerv" donated 16 houri to the department per month mlnlmum, but quall(y for IU'I per hour pay on lssli!"" ment beyond that and are badge-carrymg policemen. The nucl<UI of the future full·tlme Irvine Police Department will be formed from the reserve.a, who will work in lptCial lhllll out of an Irvine subltatlon. Pastor Gets 5 Years' 'Probation For Molestation An Anlhelm pastor coovlcted of cblld mcleotlng by an Orange County Superior Court jury which rejected related allega- UOlll of 1U pervmlcrl bu been placed on five yun irolJaUon by the lrlal Juda•. Jud(e Byron It ~MCMiilan IUlp<nded tbe &tale prillon term he ...id have ordered for Rev. Frod Robert Diehl, II, pl!tor of the Anaheim Qirlstlan Chlrcb. and -him not to be In the presence of minor children wlthcut other re1ponlible adulb bein( oo band. He told Dlebl that be will addlUonally Impose a fine when-be bu reviewed further reports compiled on the convicted pastor. Diehl wu ordered to return to the ccurtroom Sepl. I for that detmnlna· lion. · Diehl was convicted ol mol<!tlng an II· year-old girl who was a student last sum- mer in the church'• Cbriatlan summer ochool. The cblld told the jui'y that Diehl committed the ollenses in a camper parked by Diehl near the ocbool. In another interview, Sen. Birch J3ayh (D-lnd.), al.so ruled hlmseU out as a possibility. "Nope, I'm not available," Bayh told UPr. "I'm happy with what I'm dolt>(. LightnJn&'• not goltl( to •trike. I've put It out of my mind and my heart." FromPage'l BUDGET ... In bringing the poUce Issue to a vote of the public, criticized the manner in whicb. the expected ·deficit wu handled by the cwncil. Hlw ,.;d be questioned putting money Into an "unneceuary'' . public 11fety department and "tak!ng It out of capital improvements, which we feel are very necessary.'' Jn erasing the reported deficit, the council put one of the unexpected e1- penditutes, an $80,000 11 tr e e t im- provement pro;ect, lnto the capital Im~ provements budget. Thorpe explained to Hick.!I that street project. are funded with gas tu monies and those funds could not legally be spent on the public safety department. To a quest.km from another resident, of- ficials said that $198,000 in funds would be available this fiscal year for the capital improvement projecta. This will be enougli. to fllnd two of U projecta that will be undertaktn over the next few years. ln fbcal lr11·7Z, S171,000 was spent on capital improvements. To a question • 6'om John oildlley, represenUng the city's employes, .Thorpe 11ld pay lnaeuel are still be:ing con- sidered. , "The lack of lhal Item here does not indicate that there will not be any raises this year," the mayor told O'Malley. To another question, City Manger Don Weidner said the toll! -of the poUce department, Including~ frlnge ben<fl"', penalons Ind !We ot ii fa"clllty, would be $2911,000, 'Ibis compa.., with 1180,000 that the cltY eipects would be charged' by the SberUr1 -for police aervices during the fiscal year. . OJfldals have said that $2911,000 In- cludes a $44,000 "start up" cogt that would not need to be expended to subse- quent years. Black Gets 2nd Star WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Daniel Jam,. Jr.. the Air Force's second b Jack general, bu received the second star of a major general. James joined the Army Air Cc'Jll In 1943 and became a fiahter pilot. He was promoted to brigadier general in 1970, Tbe fint black general in the Air Force waa Benjamin O. Davis Jr. SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN'T. HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S, In a decision termed "historic" by South Coa!t waste treatment officials the San Diego Regional Water .Quality Con- trol Board agreed Monday to allow a full-scalt program of water reclamatkln in the Irvine,. Saddleback and Laguna NigueJ areas. Such a proiram as outlined by the Aliso Water Management Agency before the bodrd could mean a vast network of lakes and efn uent lines which could become a system providing 25 milUon gallons of reusable water a day. Carl Kymla1 manager or the Moulton· Niguel Water Plstrict and chairman of the A100 Agency boanl, made the presen. taUon Monday of the master plan show· ing the reclamation ~Ls and said that the eulhuslastic approval by the board was the first suCh act.ion in the West, "a,nd perhaps the nation." The board decision allows member agencies in AWMA throughout the south county to upgrade their ellsUJ:ig upland treatment plants and swing over from ocean dumping to reuse of sewage efflu-ent. Several or those · entities already are doing some reclamation work, but the bulk of their lrt!ated waste still rt.aches the sea. 1be board agreed as well to allow th8 construction or two new regiorµll ocean outfafis to serve the agencies -one at Aliso Creek and one at Dana Point, but under the proposals for reclamation, very little effluent would be d~ed through 'those pipes in summer months. Instead, a "land outfall" would be used to carry the reclaimed water throughout the AIOO basin, ·transmJtUng reclalmed water to storage lake!! and to customers wbo would purchase the Irater for ir· rigaUon. • - The bulk of the reuse or the w1ter would take place during the aummer months 'When irrigation is m o st necessary, Kymia said . In the wetter months of winter, the highly-treated effluent probably would be dumped at sea. But wa).er quality board e1ecuUve of~ ficer Dennis O'Leary said at the Monday meeting that because of strict new waste standards, any effluent dumped into the sea during those m6nlhl would be of very high quality. . "It prohably woold be the best-quality effluent ol any on the west coast " be aa.id. ' Funds for the aggressive reclamauOo plan would come primarily through &tale and federal clean-water grants and from profits gained through the sale of the reclaimed water. KymJa's own agency, the Moulton. Niguel Water District, already sells reclaimed sewage to two golf courses and stores much of that effluent Jn Niguel Lake, which eventually wlll become a county regk>naI park. IN OUR FIFTEEN YEARS, WE.rHAVE CA RP ET ED THOUSANDS OF" HOMES 11'.'1 COSTA MESA, NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND HUNTING TON BEACH. Ol'IE NEIGHBOR TELLS #.NOTHER UNTI~ WE HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A ALDEN'S • • .. BLOCK. ·- THE FORMU~ IS SIMPLE-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER HAPPY. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPrnD HER .HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, BRING HER IN WITH YOU.) .. CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Placentl• .... ()OST~ MllA 646-4138 HOUllt -· Thl'll Thurs., t le S:JO ,-Fltl. t let-SAT. t:30 le S ' • • ( • • , I . • 1 . • " . . ·, .I ·. • • .. t • r JO DAILY PILOT SC -' T~, A111115l 1, 1t71 .OVER THE COUNTER • ORDER YOURS TODAY! •· \ .Perionallnd • Stylish • EfficMnt Order For YourMll or a Friend May be usff ol'I en ... elop•s •• retum flddrius '-.bel .. Ako ,,.~ h•ndy •• identifi~tion Nbelll' or nMflin9 p,wson1I items s d. •S IMo tKOAit, Pl'ofos, c:. tib9 S s ic on 9i,s• •ff m•t be used for marlcing home c1.-ned foccl 1tem1. All l1\i1ls •r• print.cl wit•·~"" Yot••'YP• °" ffoo quolily w•ilo-· , ........ ,., ... • • • • MUTUAL FUNDS I ' .. COMPIE.l'&~W YORK STOCK UST • i l . • ""\ " .. • Put DWR On Wall ·Graffiti NEW YORK IAPl Sometimes ii'!! on expletive. Sometimes an opinion. • Bul often it's a way of trum- 'peting an identity for some of . the faceless thousands ln 11. big city. Graffiti. Every,vbere. All ·over subv.•ay cars and stations. Almost as fast as the Transit Authority's crcv.·s a pp I Y "gallons of OWR -Dirty Word Remover -new Graffiti emblazon 'the cars, the sta- , tions and the poster ad- vertisemenls in ·r a i n b o w ·swaths. Even "Kil roy" has reap. peared. Allhough obscenities .abound, most graffiti are 'names followed by a street or school number, as in the peripatetic "Taki 183" or "Pear 136." Youths roam the subways with cans or spray paint and felt-tip pens. P asse n g ers watch helplessly as they reach through open windows and dart through traill! to banner messages across station walls and s~·ay trains. The mischief has reached such prop<>rtiom that some _of· ficials have called for a law against carrying an open can of spray paint. 1be private c o mment 1 : ·+!!++!!?!! University · Has Tough Dress Code PROVO, Utah (AP) Brigham Youn g Unlvenity, which expects an earollment this WI or 25.000, has issU<d Its annual dress and grooming standards. 'IlW: year's are no different from last year's, officials sa id. Dresses, sweaters, bloU9eS with Skirt!, culottes, slack.! or modest pant suits are the only acceptable women's wear for atlendaoce at classes. Jeans are still prohibited ror girls. Hem.lines lhls year, too, are to be of "modest" length. Slacb polished cottons or jeans with sweaters, sport skirts. tieJ, sports coots and blazen are acce*b!c mens' wear for clwses. Beards are unacceptable.'· Mustaches are n o t en- couraged unless t r I m m e d above the corners of the mouth. Long or b u s h y sideburns are not acceptable. ... _ S..UVleacn &>metimes • big P•· .-can malte you feel _10 Million ·still Hungry By LOUIS CASSELS u.11'11 ,,_ 1 .. .,..., .... A recent report frocn the Department of Agriculture reveall that about 11.5 million America.'11 now . are setting lood stamps from the govern- ment. reprueots an lna"UJe of 1bout I mUUon penons me. lte9. Both Pmhlenl Nl>on and his Democr1tlc challena:er, Sen. George S. McGovern. are liktiy to claim campalan credit ror this rapld e1panslon of the war agairut' ht1Q1er In. America. And both can make ExctPi tor a (ew extremely poor people, these stamps aren't given away rree. Reclp-a case. lent.s a r e charged according The Increase took place to their ability to pay. But under Nixon's Admlnlstr1tlon. even Lhose v.·ho pay top scale But It was forced largely by tor food stamps get a bargain. McGovern's specJal Senate In addition to the 11.5 =- Committee on Hunaer. Un t 11 McGovern'• mm.. m.tttee 1ot cm t b e I r Mcb, bureaucr•l• m the Aartculturt Deplrtment tended lo view food dlJ!rU... Uon programa primarily u a way of aldlng fannen by cot. Uog -rid-of ""m.m.o dti y 11urpltue1. Fetdlng the hungry was, at best. a secondary co~ aideratlon. Now It bu become a primary objective. While Nixon and McGovern debate who's entiiled to crtdlt • • Ill -COMING VERY SOON U.S . ' • million Americam gt t t Ing stamps. about 3.5 million are receiving packages of food distributed by the AgricuJture Departn1cnt. Each of the na- tion's 3,000 counties has the right to choose v.·hich program it prefers to rome unc!tr. The two food dlstrlbutlon programs together are sup- plementing the diets or 15 ~ hA GUESTA ~, million hungry people. That is an al l t im e high and it - BY THE SEA a ANTHONY SCHOOU HAllOI CINTll tM M•...,. c-tw CHI• Mn., Ca!il.,..la .... 1714) t7f·2l5) ' 968-2929 ' l 962-13.71 ln T S, •IMlill""I SI. All•Mlm, C•l HIM "'· 11141 n•-s100 Ayres Since 1905 Its a comfortable, 6-cylinder Ainerican compact thats actually priced below the Volkswagen 113. If JO• caa all'onl a \blksnge1113-or almost uy little import-you can alroti a Maverick. Look: l'Ollll MA VEIUClt Uoar H1•• S2,140.• VWll3(-a.tll) Uoar ...,_ Sl.lst.• TOYafA COROLLA 160t Uoar ..,_ Sltl",• DATSVNft.51t Uoar ..,,.... $2,306.• NOTE: People ask us how we can afford to offer 1 roomy, 6-cytindcr compact at about the s1URe price ll the liltle imporu. First, we've been making small cm since 1908.,..Expe:rience: helps. Second, we haven't changed Mavcrick-exc~ for medianical improvements-since we first introduced it. That kind of continuity helps tocontrol costs:. Third, recent currency revaluations and devaluations have helped restore the competitive 1tance oC American rnanuCacturerL A good car ror 1011 trips. Most little Imports give yoa 4·cylil4tr e1glnes. Mamlck she~ )'Oii a 6-cyli1der englae. It's smooth. It's relialile. It Jets yuu accelerate into turnpike traffic with confidence and hold your own on steep hills. And it delivers surprisingly good gas mileage. Maverick"srcartrack is 2.9" wider than Votbwagcn's. Its whCC!basc Is 7. 1• longer. There's a bit more weight, too. By themselves, these · differences tren't very big:-but they can add up to a big dilfercnce in tbe way Maverick drives and handles the open road. Mal1tenaice: Elf• D,ier. more comllelt ~tile UUle 111,.a. I VW, for example, roc:ommendsllOfllll! service every 3000 miles or three moaths, whichever coma linL On Mavcrlck, it'• 6000 miles or six lllO.liths. So 1.kverict'1 nwnmmcfed .mo. ·interval istwiee uloag u Volbwagen'I. WQ.alsodesigoedMavericktobea.rlniiUmachlaetot11e for. In fact, we've even prepated a m1111ual which ldlsyou bow to do maDY maintenance jobs younelf. ~mQ!!lcoaveru-:tberetre~S,600Fcrddealen in the country. Volkswagen bu tbout 1,100. FORD MAVERICK • .9ouu idea forlllcty ••• liuo:tJ. upl It may just be the beSt car~ m America today. • --· awfully 1m4'1, which 1+---...1111" 11111 unntentul1!d'4------------- lltthl Slrl muat have lllt u Ille clung to • e)'OUl'FonlDeale • • ltnet llJlll Pl>I at a Ml"DMP"'if parade. • J • • 1-·-""" I.IQ&!, NOTICS LEGAL NOTICB LEGAL NOTICE . .... MOTtCI TO calDtTMI sun•IOll COU•T Of' TMI ITATI Of' CAUflO•lllA .. Oil Tiii COUllTY Of' OllAllH ... - 'DAILY rlLOT ! LEGAL NOTICE F 1t1W ~JIMll OrtNt COllt O•llY Pl!Of, J.,. l'I' Jl. ~ .W.Vllt 1. L 11, ltn l«Jl.l'I LEGAL' NOl1CB ' ·• I 1 ' ~ • 1 • t • \ ( l Ir I • • - Ntll' .... .... m~i Ntl 1 ..... Ntlllll am g~ ... , ••M =~ :c, . ~ HAM ·-. ... .... ·-· •• il Nott ..... ~~ • .. G-1"' ,., '"' ·--· _,. ........ NWStl Nwst f :t::" wttll Nwstlt Si t::!;,.• NVF ( ""'' ~ .. , ... ·~· ~" ... °""t' PKO. Ptc t.~ PK'-' "K'°"' .... _ ... ,. p" Tit ~~ ~'m P.-i~ •• .. _, ...... ~~· ••kP' ~. e:~,, -.... b ·-·-~-· ~· " ~ ~t l ~=~ E5F ·-":Ii' p " .. ., '" P•tlnt ~:m.' ~i E <W ~m~ ;~J i~ .. PllllV' ;1:.'ll : fl~ . 'll'll . ~· • ; thll :· ... ~ ·= ·:111 ~ ~,.,, I ~ ;,.., ~ •• '£'::. ... .... ' I': . lw ,. j ri I " " •' • • I ... 'lS :1 = . • . • ' • I 'I . \ • • • -.dq, ... , .. 2, 1'72 • • DAILV lllLDT JJ Phone 6424321 For Weekender ..... ..... I I I • • Shuttle May Benefit 10~00~ Co • pan1es WI ANGELES (IJPl) - When the n e w 1 came that Nartb AmerlcJn Rockwell bad woa the $U bUlloo apace lhullle contract. the 15-y..,. old daughier ol 1 comp111y ex• ecutlve was moved to write a .......... lo Cldwr QIJ.1r------~~---------;;;;; ....... ajlnt labor, .................. -.-.. T-plo .i JC-Wge, C.,.tw for P1ydllc •nd Oc"'H Wt..t-~-••.• PlliPl'll WI> 1ie bod 100 '1llE FIST llCCllT IOIVAL" .. ..,,,.. of 1111 .... Ill lllt " °"" ... , , • .. ... . . :i bod to *ap don to ZI Gr .. Mo i'ly ,_ p.,-... Si I ff ... - "11111 clllilcuJt to ett pq1e MAIC . HYMONT lo....,. bodt lo wwt -ly .. 'n , .. ihlm oil T.V.J ....,... ... --tllor • .. -,__ --=-~~==f--~~7""-r-r '¥'.O -........ be ..,.. "And llllllCAIHA1.-tldl ldu at relnlllla( far . YOU llAft LIVID •Oii t .. -j Reagan Signature A giggling teenager. on ' a tour ol the Sacramento capitol building, spotted Gov. Ronald Reagan in a hallway and dashed to him for an a~tograph. St~dyConclud~Amtrak ../ ShQuld Make Cars Safer WASHINGTON (AP \_ -side of the train at an · Passengers inside a train that estimated speed of 45 miles an collided with a truck in hour. neither acceleraUnR: or Oklahoma in April. 1971, were slowing down as it approached spun about like tops in their the crossing. seats or thrown out windows, The board noted that the U. the National Transportation year-old truck driver, father Safety Board aaid Monday. of two children, was a churcl) The board ·said an in-leader who neither drank ngr vestlgatioo concluded Amtrak smoked. He was a man and the Federal Ralll"O·ad -without unusual financial prOb- Admlnlstrallon should bring !ems, J'el!&rded by the . .com· . about safety Improvements in munJty as being of el:cellent · ral'l'Olld·passenger-car· design. character, it aald. . Two I-year-old girls died un-. "It ls reasonable to conclude · der an overturned passenger that he did not attempt to take . ; coach; and 21 others, among · hi! own life," the board said. ·the 27 passengers and two A privately obtained autopsy : crew members on the three-, report indicated that the : car train, were hurt in the ac-driver might have been in- .c:ident near Collinsville, Okla., capac!tat~ because several : April s. 1971. The tnici. "dtiver · chronic disease p r o c e s s e s ·was killed were present, the board said. . : 'De saietJ board 1 a Id Jt added, however, that it was :damage to the de r a I I e d doubtful that the truck would :(.'(laches showed ·that the car have remained in straight • : Interiors failed · to conform course on the road at comlant : with modern concepts 9f safe s~ for any. significant : design. per1~ had the driver aetually : '"'?be windows allowed ejec· been mcapacllated. • • tlon of passengers, protruding The board recommended appurtenance• injured persons that. ~ahoma include a thrown agallut them wiD-frelictm1ng m e d I ca l es:· dowshade guldes b e ~a m e amUiatron ID Ur dltrent pro. nails, seats rotated and some gram to develop m~re ~lb-­ became d e t a c b e d and ~he~lve commerel8l-dr1ver uDreSlralned luggage w a s licensi~lli!_!P~rocedures~~=·--_.!=========I thrown about," the board said. - The report recommended that the FederaJ Railroad Administration review t h e ftlationshlp betwH:n fatalities "and Wlndow design i n passenger-traln accidents and draft reguJatlollll requiring cori'ecth>n of injury-causing features in future co a ch lDBnufacture or modificatlons. Meanwhile, the board said, .... ·Amtrak. the Nallonfl Railroad Passenger Corp., shouJd cor- rect lnjurj-causlng featW'ell as tt reconditioos Jts passenger cars. ~ board also caJled for developmeni by the Depart· •ment of TramportaUon or techniques for I m p r o 'f' e d driver awareness of grade- . crossing hazards. At the time of the accklent, the train was moving at 71 miles ah hour in a zone authorized for 75 mph, the ------.... -" board said. The truct crashed into the =sage .Found ln State CapJlol ·Newa Senlif SACRAMENTO -Meadow sage. ·an ·evtt..-nellinc weed , has been I~ in abundance In dry lf8Sllands near Grus Valley. llnpalalable lo llmtock. the weed emllf an unpleUant odor when a penoo or animal 'walb through a stand ol It. Native to Europe, meadow -1a· r.Und .u o..,. the United Slatet. , This partiodar stand was lound by Mrs. LilliAn Mott. botanist and nature pho(ofrapber. . lD'S IE FllllllY Fer greatest growth greatest safety! Plan a prosperous future for yourself by pick- ing one or more fast'growing GUARAN- TEED INCOME certificate accoubts at Laguna Federal while these. all-time-high interest rates prevail, Interest on All accounts is'compounded ·daily, paid quarterly. , •90 day interest folfeiturc for early withdiilwal •. HERE WE GROW AOAINI NEW BRANCH Jl\.LAGUNA HILLS OPENING SOONI Walch tor Grand -Opening of ihi.o .... I;fS olfioe- locaiod at Paxo de Vlleocia and Calle do la Plaia. Ortngo County'• Luzcat, Frtst w sueoam lndependcJu Ft4ml r • otbs loilblJ a tilled pro-ACMmft -MDITATION. ,....... la inaluby. Niii PIACI OP -I "I've bed -at my men -.or YOUI LU. INOW ~I to lnlo -Joloo all rlPl INlllPllT 'JOiia W•MS I Ont la uF-r.:,._lfcnu lllAUlll THIOV•H GOLOI AND MUSIC, Anolher a • .., V9 • 11110W 'IHI l'VTllM I Servi.,... -be • c ... n I •AIN A .,.. a srtllTUAI. aportmelllJ. I -mea 'lfbo' UNDaSTAllDlll9 OP Llfl I woo\ pot oa their Job ep. TU pllcatlom• the fact 1beY haw 5" RDAY, ~U9UST M. 10it0 && 19 6 ,... ~ deer-bocau1e LA.UNA-MOULTON PLAYHOUSI they Dow thlt . tind of Job .............. -. c.llJ ft ..... ...., ..... --...... Jsn't 1vaDatile." ns.• IM ._, • ' • (If we have It lnstock,)'OU get It on sale.) Last year over 6000 Chevy' dealers all across America had one big Gatage Sale. It was a big success. Because every new car and truck they had in inventory, they also had on sale.-· -So-they're doingl again this year. Right now... • in fact: · · '\ . And it's your best chance of the year to save on a new Chevrolet. Because your dealer • • . . has to move out.all his '72s to make room -for the '73s. (He gets a chance to clean house. You ,get a ch?Jlce to clean up.) You 11 find a good selection to choose from. In all shapes and sizes. ·An all priced to go. So see your friendly ~ neignborhi>od Chery dealer now while his Garage Sale is going .on. See )low much you can. save. Then .go and see some of the U.S.A. .. • • • SAN ClDl£Jn1 lllWICtl ,.--,_ ilfflC£-IMtJNA NIGUEi. -n;--=ild• ~ be • ' ' ' i ' ' I I 1 ' • .. :=~-= ~=t:m~ ~"::W~ DUI lllg alhw WaY to seethe U.S.A; .... ______ ,.II T""""'*4111·~115 T-:414-7141 r...-: 41f.1201 1---------~-----------:--....:....-.....:------------:----:------ • • t I • ( ... • ' ' 1 • ' • L Fe< ~ hoq Gal iodl J in.l by - E wil; ma toil i ... dnl We the w~ ~ "-1 .. I £ ' • ,_ • Today's Final aBeaeh ' • voe. W>S.-N°"'214, HecTIONS, 24 .PA6ES TEN CENTS...- . . . . ' .. Sawdust Fest· Has E_nougb to Buy Ho1ne 'By BAl\8ARA KRElilCH • Of tlle o.ltf' , .... Stiff La,W,. ll<acb's rree-whe<linc Sawdull Fe.Uva! bas sold enough lktnt ad- mialoo Uclcets sinct its July 14 ~ to make a down peyment oo a permanenl home, officials or the Laguna Artistl and Gallefy Owners .Association announced lodoy ... -· · n.e'· sawdust Croup, bu completed l!'(otiatiolls to purchase the 2.kcre site in.Laguna Canyoo that has be<n occupied by the outdoor art show for lhe past five years. Alfeed purchase pr1 .. for Ille land 11 IZIO,lllJ6: with I 10 percent down pe)'!De!lt due at Ille end or thla -· five rean ol' lntettSt-only pe)'1De!lll oo Ute tmpald bll.anoe and a 111-jear pa)mtnl plan to complete the purclwe •. So far thil year, aid ._lallOlt prt11. d~nt rom Lellle, lll0,009 ~ hive purcbaoed Ute ~ adm!alan tlclteta that allow unlimlted grounds.-,r lor a week, and It ls aotldpattd that 'ill lutidl lot the land purebul .wtll be covered .... y, ...... ..,. .... COUPLE MAKE THEIR OWN'S1'1ADE"AT ~°""A'S HEIS~Elt 'ARK -· WHtharman Sap 'Cll1lln1 Eddy' Will BrillJ·Rlllof I.-Hut Wind Pattern Expected T.oBreak Up Heat Wave FarmaUon of the typical Catalina eddy · wind pattern is expected &o crack the mass of bot.' air over Oringe County tonlgbt, easing a nlne-dly heat wave._ The Natlanal Weather Service predicts temP<ratores alOl!I tbe'Oraoge Coast will , drop !lightly · with higb5 Inland on Wectneseay about,118. Tonight's low.aloog · the coast will be In the 60S with a high on Wednesday about 18. Tonight'a low along tatt night and early morninl low douds and fog are upected to drape coutal cities lollight and Wednesday. . The Catalina Eddy is a southerly floW of wtnds between the coast and the chan- nel islands. It 11 the typical wind pattEm obaerved .at the end of swnme< beat waves in Southern calllomia, a forecaster said. The eddy, a wind movemOlll similat to water dralninc out of a bathtub, • 11 • created by tbe defiectlons o(' typical winds from the north u it blo11s'around Jaedm1rks-In .Ute SoUthem Calilorni. geography such u the channel islands. Wiien tbe eddy or winds forms, tbe -foteailer esplalned, marine air Is blown Inland, cocl\ini land Deat the ocean. By Wednesday, temperaturtS are ex· peeled to Jllr'fniin five to 10 degrees coolu, Ute National Weither .SU.ice . pridids.· Light winds from 18 to 20 Imo~ ltom the ...uiw.st wtD rao the Orange Coast early WedoOllday. , Won! of the bn!llk 111 the beat wave . b\1111• promise to tbe end of a ming of lllMqroo dllys In Inland cities or 8outbern ca1ilornla which lncrtaled 11re haanlt aod briiiJilit peak -fclr _ _..._ 0o Mood01, bJ&h lemptntum and IO ~ bumldlty spunad the -ol air conclltlonen llld the Los Aaples Depart- -of Wlttr ad.....,., Joaod .-.! e1ec1r1cy coaanmplloa of us million llllowllta. Parking Lo!8 Closed PITl'SllUBGR (UPI) -Putin& lot 11· t..,.... Ind ~ecs we11111..u1" !!>- •1 In a -~ilputo. dollns m,.t of ~··downtown lits. -said trafllc in the downJowe Itel WU • ., Ms lilbt-" 'The prev1oua peak use reeord of s.« million kilowatts was set on Sept. U, Jut year, during .a Jlmilar.beat wave. · Despitt the -'Jimhldlty, Los Angel1'5 COOnty firemen betUed three blazes In brushy ....,, c:ootrolllng all with ininor amounts of land aesmd by !limes. 'The largest, In Campillo, ...,. s\uned 10 acres and was believed to have been siarled 'by' a Oe<ing mental patlenL WriteP. Retracts Charges : Against . Sen. Eagleton ' WASHINGTON (AP) -Columnlst Jaclc . Anderooo toda~ re,'b;acted hll 'claim to have located evidence . !bet - Tbomas-F. Eagletod hu-.-reconl of'ar• resta !qr dtunbn and ~ ... driving; Anderson Jaid bls' ntractioo .......... qualified" and "in total" · He anDOWJCtd the ntractlon a• an in- fonnal , news ~erence o u .t s I de Eagleton'• office after talking for about hill an bout In prlvfte..wlth the Mlsaoutt senator, whi> resljpled lcirmally tOcta, as the Democ:r1tlc v1de pr t'1 Id t o t la I nominee. -• . . . • Eagleton, who orlgiuliy labeled Andenoo's cbar1et a "damlllble ·lie'" after. Ille_ mlumnlll ..--It laat 'Jbun41J, todar commended Anc1enoo lot ~e and called him I ··dllUfil\lllbld j(Nrna1ilt., '! • • . . ~ .Jald bl -•tidied with Andtraoa'• -'"Die -ti cJoo. ed 11 far as J'm cwxerued." Andt! ... 'orlllnallJ llid "' w locatod pbotocoples ol """"" Dwinf l!lclttoa bad beee ......... bllf~ -Ill the ltlllt !or -or -driVIJtl. Loter, Audailllt llid be badil1 - --bul bid toly -told about them by 1 .. _ hilb Mi-rt .. mcial, • later ldentlfled..u TM Divis, .now a ,'il'uillnitGLbimier .. _ - Davit Aid bl didn't bave the reconlt. but bad only -"'°"" them once by a mao be didn't -nd """'t "'"' II lbeJ ... ..-ar 11111. • ., whl! p!Ao ncelpl<. Leolie Doted that the martpp Oil Ille P«'P'<l1 will be bold by the ~ ownen, Mr. and Mn. Walter FUo1t ol ........ Beacb and Mr. and Mn~Wllllam Van Ry of Sta e, volved in • "Tile will' -to• "' operated b7 and for the uhlbiU., utisb," aid Lalie.· Acqulaltlan ol the land. be added, will permit --ol Ille ultlbit .,... lato pod and tile nowly ~ed Sawdust Festival 'bpeoed Its show on the North Cout l{lghway lot oow occupied bY. t.guna's third art festival , Art·A·Falr, mated by 1 "°"" ol tradltionll 111iltl wbo broke away from the more ad-- vontll!'OWJ Sawdust group. For the paat five yOlll, tile Sawdust arttsta have been leasing their Lquna Canyon . uhlblt Ille, which lllll yur 11 ezpocted to lttrld up lo I tllird ol a mlllioo vlaiton. . . . Lagun,a' s Se.wage Plans Funds Threatened~, Waste . ' by Phil lnterlandl Plant Seen as Decrepit 117 JORN V ALTEllZA Of .. o.wr .. ..., lltff Plans. by the city of Laguna Beacb to opgrade ill Rist1ng downtown .ewage plaot fell farther from grace Monday aa 'tho San Diogo Rqlonal , Water Quality Cootrol Board str.ssed that unlesa tbe old plant is al>andooed, Laguna abould upect no grant funds for impnlvemeota. Tennln( lbe 1134-Yintage wute trea~ ment plant "decnplt;' offldi!s on tbe. board ·tlll)lhubacl that tqilOSI Laguna ~ "" ·-t ·f!Ollll!nl lhnJacJt • ngionol .,,...cb, .. - llmdt Will loo r.rt ........ ' ' EaenUally the bolrd's piilluon - to leove' -altoiDallfts "' Lqlma -. . . -It eould 'johr other Allao Waler Manage'""11 .Agency (AWllA} memberi In -of ..... .,. outtall 11 Allao Cr.et. This would· lllOaD pumptns raw -ag· ther< for -~11 could allo join with Emerald e.,. Community Service District and Irvine Ranch Water. D1strict to ndalm llOWl(e for _~ oo tbe ltvlne -· Both of the!e plans presuppose abOahle flnanClaJ asststa ... liom gr1nta.-- --Laguna eouid try ·to bring Hs own system nf treatment up to required atan- danls wlthout outside uslstance. - Board · E:reaith'e afilcer Dennis O'Leary pointedly nolerred to tbe u· tsUng Laguna plant u "decrepit" several times during M'onilay.'1 dlsctWlons. Those talka ealentlally lmOlmted to an lnqulsitlan ol Lagulli'i w~tment oaosultant Dr. Jao Sberfic, who Ald that be would ft<Omm<nd to city CIJUllCllmen Wednesday 1tveral altemaUve COU1'9'S to take. . . Dr. Slterllg, . a consultant for Lowry .WOClate>, outlined :tho Interim Im- provements accomplisbed in recent months at tbe plant.and Aid that fllt,000 more In Improvements an proposed - embellislunents. that would "' tbe forerunner ol a c0mpletely upended plaot tltat coul~ perform oo a pen!)8DOllt basis. • But the boanl and O'Leary wm far from convinced. "U tbe dty .. tcbes up that decrepit trutment plant," be said ltemly, "it -"'"' -of gettin( a grant .• His -were echoed by aenlor El(glneer Leooatd Blirlalan, who em· pbaol'<d that "tbe.dty .can demolltb !ta dowiltown.,... and build i -treat· -plant, ar not demolltb downtoim and build an improper Orie. n . - Laguna oflldlll hive been 'l'tluctant to abandon tbe old plant.. Then! are lllill abouU7110,000 In bonds to' be paid off !or plant ~noYtUons and ~ ocean out.fall put In several rearS 'ago. '!be -tUfl agreed th.it although the·cily -cqnmUin( a larJ• amount • of lunda toward lmprvvlnr the old plant. it u yet bu Clll tack.led the s:r•ve prob- Im> "" odorL "ll any ol YQI blve vlaltod the Festival of Atta tltls year YQ1 -what I m~," ~aid. · Dr. Sllerflg • J>l'Ollllled deaftr dela!la for the boon! In ...,.q weekl on tbe c~y'1 plans to <oral>l1 with tough, new mi. atandlrdl. iaDd boetd ,..nbon agreed"'!!"*.--.. at lbe -· atal(IOetbtClll ·~ Jllll 11111 -~nifp'u,.t .., .... _...~ "v ,,. ...... latinl plant ... -lnlftilt:!I--~ llllt ~ .. ·i -''1.,.iatial" .... prvacJ>. . :rl\lt _.,..., ........ win led<ral and llate lundl. .Dr. Sherlll' uplalned that .... (See ALIIO, Pap I) * * * Edkt. by · Board · 'Disappointing, Not Vnexpected' Any "ultimatum• from the San Diego Regional W1ttr Quality Control Boan! that will Vlrtu!ill1 lor<e Lq\1111 Bead! to join .. ....~ •tewap treatiiitnl pn>-• gram WU dilappolatlng but "not UllOll- ptded," Lquoa city 1D11111er Llwxence Booe said today. . . i,,~.::!!!~!::::-==-::::~---,,... . "WJth. porlclnt what It 11, any buslna .. thlt goes thro .. h the buslnatt of doil111 off Pltld!!1_lol1 whln they're not dolnt bulinan doesn't · have ony ·buir,,..--dOlnt business In Llguna and won't vet my butineul'' · · Amendm~nttoBanBusing . . Forced Onto HouseFloor "I hid noal hope that Ibero ....,. IOllle oPtJons IYall1bJe to UI," Aid Role, ''and I felt the Qty Council tbOuld baft all the noal optlana before It ml 11•• them clue allllldentton before maklnf a ded.slon. but apparenUy we're not eoinc to be able to do tbal" . 'i'be WQCB -bas O)llde,lt perfectly clear Lagwua wW have IO"ablndoa its es:· lstlng sewage treatment fldllty by ll!Ao 1171 aod join a tegioaal ladllty, be ad- ded. WASIDNGTolf (UPI)' -'l"8 HOUie Committee tool< aw1y· from Ute JUdlclary • Committee and -to tbe -rtoor Tuesday a p r o. p o 1 e d constitutional omendinepl .to. bao racjal .busin(. unless the bill bas been cleared by Edu- cation and Labor -a likely proopect - lhey might alao elect to !Aoke juriadlkion aod send It to the rtoor. U It bas been cleared, tile moralnrhnn bill llkely will be aent to tbe fioor as a StoPflap to hold the line until the permanent atandardl can be put into effect. Tlie dty'.m111qersald be Mil no tn- djcatton. tbe dty would not. be permitted to complete · ill curnmt lludy Of a)tema~ tteltment --~ to bit n!Cel)it 'ol'a J~ 17.letter-Delt- nis. O'Leary, l\'QCB ......U.. dlnct«.• 111e ·a1w..u ... Under~,,...., -Ilulldloc aD ·intttCeptor llilt -to Allao to' jaln a ...-pllllt. ....Jolnlnc a water ndamatloa project with tbe ltvlne Randi Water Dlltrid;-,. . -Tola! tipgradlric imd. coiltinliOd ,.. ol tbe •dttln& Locuna plant ad outfall -Partlaf. treatment in the · Lquna. plant and ~tloa ol'llludp -· to AIJao. . . ' "Jt now appean: tbat the last two--are · ( ... IEWMlE, l'lce I) 'Ille .... -.it>!tJ<e declined 1t tltls time to tUe 11ml11t actlcm to dislodge from tbe Jlldldary panel Pfeslden( Nb:· .,, ••. lqltlallan propotin,g a • one-year montoriUm-11!! ... ccurt busing orders. • Jlill memtiJ., Aid tblt IAue will be ra1'od llPln -wtelt with ptospecll lbt>-atoriulh ·bill allo will })& Milt to Ille -rtoor atthat Uint. n.a--to -the .~.,..,. lllltutlonal bin to the floor WU t lo. ~. ·n.e polllponemenl 'of ictloa oa. the --.torlwn bill unlll nm 1'tlacJ&¥ WU --· 11 to 4. 'lbO --wlll tl>en •comider _., actlcm bas beto taltal by the F.ducoitloo ~ Labor com- mittee OIJ 11111 a thltd antlbdslnc meutire -tltls one to aet pinnanenl mtrldlona and ~ on the use of bul!UI to. achieve ~·tlon. · . --~ momben-llinlod thet '· • 'M>e conatituUQnal amendment on which the cximmi!tee acted ia l)>OOIOl'Od by lresllman Rep. N<rman F. Lent CR- 1!.Y. ). . It doeJ not -buJlng dlrectly but oays: •'No public echool &tudenl lball, because of hll nee, creed or color, be ·assigned to ... required to atund a particular echool. • Orange WeaCJaer ~ OAILY l'ILOT LI K~nnedy Voivs No VP Spot ,.. WASlllNGTOPI (UPI) -Sen. Edward M. Ke....ty today rtputed his rtJe<llon cir second place on the Dtmoc;ratk Ucket 'Wttb presade.nilal nominee Georre S. ),!c:Covern. , In an lntervltw wllh UPJ, Kennedy »Id the door barring a race for national office this year i.9 "just as closed and jll!l as locked" u it was la1t month Wbtn he refused to make him.self Jvailable for the party's vice presidential ),)0111lnalion. Kennedy ac-edged be bad talked 'Wilh McGovern since the decblon was piade Monday night to drop Sen. Thomas )". Eagleton from the ticket, but be .dedined to sax: whttber McGovern bad .a!Ud him to take Eagleton'• place. _ "We talked generally about the cam· ,palgn and the electlon," Kennedy said. ,"'Ile understands my position and I think he respects my decision." · Earlier this year. Kennedy said ~ repeatedly he would not sl.'ek the })emocratic nomination (or either Presl- jlent or Vice Pre.!ldent in 1972. citing ·"personal'' reasom. He skipped tho ,.party's July convention in Miami Beach, 1ep'1fRrlng only at the end to introduce ,McGovern to make his acceptance •peech. In aootber intervieY.'. Sen . Birch Bayh 'D-Jnd. ), also rule.d himself out I! a .possibility. ~ .. l'romPageJ PLAYHOUSE • • • i,.guna are involved too," Vedder said. , He recently, toured the ?o.toulton f'layhouae wit& an Irv!~ Turtle Ro& .resident who wanted to volunteer help. . "I told bJm, just put your telephone number down and wait for a ttlephone call." Vedder said. , Volunteer workers need not be members of lhe playhouse, he &aid. ; A3 for the bell·llgh1'niJli the playhouse underwent, Vedder said, "the present board feeJs that there has been a logical and needed adjustment lo community needs: and desires." • -· ' .............. , .. .,. \ Prefldetatfal Nod'l American Party Favors Schmitz LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) -Rep. John G, Schmitt (R-tallf. ), a member of the •rcb-eonservatlve John Birch Society, loomed today Q the front nmner for the American Pany 's prtsldtntlal oomina· lion. Althouah Georgia Lt. Gov. Lester Mad- dox wtis still 1 possibility, party sources indicated that Schmlt:i: was the twrent favorite to fill the YOld left by Alabama ('r0v. George C. Wallace's decision not to aeek the party nomination. ~ SchmitI, a lame-duck congressman who was defeated in the RtpubUcan primary this year, was expected to declare hls candidacy in Washington. The three-day American Party con· vention opens here Thursda1 with aome 2,000 delegatet Crom 45 1tate1 upect.ed to participate. The onJy annoonced candid.ale& for tbe party'a pre1ldentla1 nomination are attorney Rlcbard B. Kay of Oevtland and Mn. Locy Maybmy, a .. yeaHld woman who hitchhiked to the coaventiOb from Washington to draw attention to her candidacy. - "laddox was scheduled to 1ddreu the ronYentlon f>'riday night .after the dele1ate1 have nominated tbelr preslden· tial candidate during balloting that af .. temoon. • Although Wallaco. ttQJperatlng lrom \\'owtd1 from an attempted ~inatJoo May 15, will not attend the convention, his positions on major luues were ex· pected to be incorporated Into lbe party's platform. 'Ibe platform commlttee con· vened Monday nigbl and Is sd>edllled ror additional .... ions through Wednemy. u•t ,. ........ Sering Spots Prince Edward, 8, of England has contracted chicken pox •nd is confined aboard Ute royal yacht Britannio. Skyjackers' Ransom Casl1n Confiscated McGovern Renews Search From \\'lre Service ALGIERS (AP ) -Algerian authorities seized toda y the $!·million ransom col· lected by hljackers who forced 1 U.S. jet lo fly to Algiera. The airliner landed with the hljackers and the crew later flew the plane to Barcelona en route back to the United States. In Washington, a Slate Department spokesman said the United Slate.{ had asked Algeria lo return the ransom. Allan Davis, acting head of American diplomatic m.laslon here, said he had nol been told wt)ether the ransom would be returned but added, "We are encouraged by what hu happened ln-lhuall." Two DlOlltha 110, 1notber U.S. plahe was hijacked to Algien and government authorities later ntumed the '500,000 ranaom to the American airline. Algerian olficlall questioned .the hi- jackers for two hours at the aiJport, then took them away. 'nie three men who commandeered the jet were accompanied by two women and three children, U.S. ToFindVPRunningMate WASIDPIGTON CUPll -Sen. G<Orge S. ~1cGovern, with l~"painful"~ta1k of dropping Sen. Thoma• F. Eagleton behind him, searched today for a new running mate who can help gel hll presidential campaign back on the fast track be--had hoped would take hlm to vict-Ory over Richard M. Nixon in November. McGovern, who persuaded Eagleton to step down at a tl't'(;hour ~nference Mon- day night. said he had not yet decide<J on a replacement. The Demo Cr al i c Cliess Struggle Resumes; Bobby Arrives Late presidenU.al nominee said he would make a rec!ommendatlon lo the Dvnocratlc National Committee "within a few days.'' "We are going to be very cautious and very careful in making the vi~ preslden· ti al nomination," said McGovern, whose plans for a fut start ~ the campaign agal.ns• Nixon were wrecked by the week· long controversy over Eagleton'• health background. Speculation Immediately centered on some or the sanle men mentioned as vice pmidenllal prospect.I at lut month's Democratic N a t i o n a 1 Convention - Sens. Edmund S. Muskie of !.tali! and Gaylord Nelaon of Wlaconsln , Sargent ShriY~r, a KeMedy in-law, and former Party Chairman Lawrence F. O'Brien. Eagleton. who met newnnen with itcGovem to announce the decision, said today he would make no recom- mendalloni to McGovern on 1 successor ... FHll-scale Etlort l S. Coast Water Re~laiming OK'd n a deClllon tenned~4'hlilorSc" by South Coot "'8ste trtabMl!t ol!ldall lhe Son Dlea<> Rectonal W•Jer Quality COn· tnll Board agrted Mcaday to allow a IUll«aJe procram ot wa!B reclamation In lhe lrvlnt, SaddJebact and· Lquna Nlguel areu. Such a program •• oulllned by the Aliso Water Management Agency before the board could mean a Ya1t nttwork of lakes and effluent linea: which could become a system providing 2$ million 1aUons of reusable wltcr a day . earl Kymla, manqer of the Moulton· Nifuel Waler District and chairman of the Alilo AJency board, made the pre- tation Monday of the master plan show- in1 the recJamaUon proposals and said that the entbulllasUc approval by the board WU the lint llUCb action Jn the West, .. and perblpa the natlon." The board decision allows member agencies ln A WMA throughout the IOUth county to Upgrade their emting upland treatment plants and swing over froiit ooean dumping to reuse of sewage efDu- enl. Several ol those entities already are doing tome reelamaUon work. but the bulk of their lruted waste sUll reaches FromP .. el SEWAGE .•. out and the onJy re:al option we have 11 building lbe interceptor line ...,lh to Aliso," Rose aald today. In the past year, be aald, the clty has invested some $80,000 of a ata~federal CJear Water grant on uJllf8ding the u- isting plant wjth cblorinators and other equipment, on orders of the WQCB. "We have made the corrections they ordered," said Rose, "and we have an additional Clear Wa!B grant of 1181,000 now in the process of being: approved in Sacramento, which we planned to use for further upgrading ." One problem, he noted, iJ lhot lhe Federal gov~t bas not completely funded all ita authorized grants and there still ls doubt that sufficient money will be available, ao prior!Ues must be e!tabllab- ed. lbe --=-The board 1grte<I as well to allow the constroctlon of two new rqk>nal ocean oullalls to serve lhe agencies -one at Aliso creti and one al Dena Point, bot under the proposa!J !or re<lamallon. wry lilUe e!nU<nt would be dlscbarted through those pipes In summer months. Instead. a "land oot[all" would be used lo carry the reclaimed water throughout the Aliso ba1ln, transmlttlog reclaimed water to storage lake& and to customers who would purchase the water for lr· rigation. The bulk or the. reuae of lbe water would take place during the summer monUu when irrigation is m o st necessary. K}'mla said. In the ~Uer months of winter, the hi&bly-treated emuent probably would be dumped at sea. Bui water quality board ei:ecuUve or. fleer Denn.ii O'Leary said at the MoMay .meeting that because of strict new wot• Standards. Any effluent dumped inte> the aea during those months would be of very blgb quality. • "II probably would be the best.qu.allly effluent of any on the west c:out " he said, I Funds for the aggressive r«lamatlon plan would come prlmartly through state and federal clean-water grants and from profits gained ttlrougb the sale ol lbe reclaimed water. Kymla's own agency, the Moulton. Pllguel Waler D!Jtrict, already lllla reclaimed sewqe to .two goJf counes and stores· much of that effluent . in Niguel Laite, WhiPt eventually will become a counly rejlonal park, FromPegeJ ALISO ... · alternative to the city is to permanently Improve i!J old plant and lrut everything bul 1luc!ge at the downtown tocalio11-The city then WllUld haul lha •lurry to lbe regional plant at Aliso lot aopblsUcated lrealmenl. When the board took oflico a $50.000 debt wu held by the playhouse. That debt bas now been paid oU. Vedder said. . oUicLal.s said. REYKJAVIK. Iceland (UPI) "Thls is a decision that should be en- tirely up lo Sen. McGovern,!' he said in a television interview (NBC-Today .show). Eagleton, ironically, performed the duties of the vice president Tuesday morning when he presided over the Senate for a short tUne 1ner its opening. Vice President Spiro ~.,. and Pres~ dent Pro Tern James Eastland (IJ.Miss.}, were absent A second problem ls the fact that. cities must live up to the new high standards set by the regional water quality aut.bori4 ties, whether they 1et grant.I or not He said that perblps that comblnallon could be interpreted as "AlionaL" But the boan! and stall agreed lhat they pro!> ably would not buy that interpretation, Time is short for the clly. "By a reduction of paid staff, tighter controls on expenditures, a return to more popular 1bovis, lncreuing use of volunteu workers and employing a managing dirtctor. the playhouse was able to make a smal'. proOt at the ·box of. flee." Veddtr said. Suspect in Art Theft to Face Trial in County A man accuatd of stealing palntlnp .. valued at neatly •too,000 lrom a Laguna Beach art gallery after he trussed up the gallery owner and four patrons has been <mSere<lo to face trial Sept. 5 in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Wiiiiam Murray set the trial date for Douglaa John Eyraud, 36, of Los Angeles. Eyraud ls charged with anned robbecy, kldnaping, assault and burglary. Authorities allege that Eyraud is one of two men ~·ho took 16 costly pa.Jnth)gs last Oct. 30 !Tom the Larry Kronqulat GaUw. 382 N. Cout Hlgbway, in a dar· ing robbery that left Kronquist and four patrons tied up on I.be gallery noor. Efraud was arre!ted in [.()I Angeles as he allegedly tried to sell some of the palnUngs, among them 12 Robert Wood originals. Lawmen are stUl seeking his alleged a~plice in the Art Colony heist. Eyraud ls held 1n Orange COunty Jail wllb ball set at 1100,000. DAILY PILOT Police also questioned the eight crew members of the Delta Air Lines OC8 before leltlnl the airliner begin lbe flight home~_n..:.cre will remain o¥emigh\ .in BarctlonC' The plaqt, fllght 841 which carried a total of lOI ~ when it was com· mandeered during a Detroit to 1'.11ami flight. landed in Algeria at 12: 19 a.m. (PDT) said a spakesman for Delta Air Lines in Atlanta. \Vhen a plane was last hijacked to Algeria, a favorite haven of_Amerlcan radicals, the Algerian g o 9 e r n m e n t returned the $500,000 ransom to the United states but refused the U.S. re- quest to extradite the hijackers. .. The DC8, four-engine jet was aelzed by the three men and two women -who had two children with them -as it ap- proached Orlando, Fla. When it landed at ~fiami Intematlon.al Airport., two FBI agenb dressed only in s'oQlmmiq: trunks at the hijackers' orders brought a sma.11 suitcase containing lhe ransom hurriedly aathered in $100 and ~ bll!J lo the Jet. M the craft aat at the remote edge of a nmway in the bluing Florida sun, one of the agents tied' the suitcase to a rope dangling from the plane and the hi· jockera bo!JJed II aboard. World chess champion Boris Speukf opened the ninth game of the '250.000 match with his usual queen pawn today, then rtland lor 10 min-wbllo waiting for American challencer ljObbY Fllcher to arrive. · Fischer. Who has been'l te for every game, nodded curtly to Spulky, studied the board for 45 seconds and moved his knight to klng bishop three. . Spassky trail• Fiacher by two points, 3- 5. The Russian needs 12.5 points to his title but Fisehe• needs 12.5 polnts le> win. Spassky postponed Sunday's game because of a cold. "It was a slight head cold, but enough to disturb Mr. Spa.ssky's game,"· said Nikolai Kroa:lus, one of Spuaky'1 four seconds. "Cheas is-not like another sport or occupation. You have to sit in the · deepest concentration under h e a v y pressure for five hours. A sneeze or a cough will disturb that. "Mr. SpaMky bas recovertd suf. ficlently. He will play.•• However, the illness that struck Spassky may have been more than a cold. It may a!JO have been a not un- precedented malady for Rwslans wbo play Fischer. Twin Nuclear Reactors' Clear Last Stare I'est The two eloctrlcal ulUllles plaMlng lhe created lhe lea!! damage of the two hall-billion-dollar construction of twin processes. nuclear reactors at San Onofre Monday Spokesmen for the state and federal passed their lut state test before going game agencies stressed. that 1tudles have to the Atomic · Enera COmmluion for not yet been completed on the travel of final permits, but two government the warm water. wildlife agencld m far from 1atllfled. Marine biologists testifying for the Tbe utillUu, Southern C a I t for n I a uWitiet said their studies abow lhat an F.dllon Company and San Diqo Gas and area of SO.-foot radius around the 3.400- Electrlc Com~, woo permluion from foot-long ocean outfall would experlenct the San Diego ·RolJODll Waler Quality lbe bot water. Coatrol Board to pertodloally "boll" owl They also admitted lhal an "unknown barnacles and other fouling oraanJsms number" of fish and other orraniams from outfall pipe• at San Onofre. would die in the warm water. But the propoaal to surge 12$.degree Editon apokeamen characterised the water through the ocean ouUalls for malttr before the board Monday u short perlodl at aix·wetk intervals drew "somewhat routine." 1<1me sharp criticism from the Stile 0.. But when the Atomic Energy ()om.. partment of Fllh and Game and the mission conducts ructor llttnse bear· Federal Burtau ol Fi.sberles and Wild· inas aomeUme ¥xt Octobtt along the Ille. South Coast, the Issue Is boUnd to dr1w Spokmnen lor bolh agencies 11ld the out opponentl. . 1pproval wu PCtmilure and lhat lh~ Envtronmmlal lactora .Ow are in. should &e allowed more ilin. to examine ooia In the 1 ...... wlilCh lhi AEC must cbartl sho""1g the extent o[ lbe hot cons!~ ln no1clof llctnslng. waler di.schlrge wblch w!U take place !or 'lbal rtlallvtly now crltwlon alnady perloda o<, perblps lilc houn eveiy llu callled the atallln( or »lllli to bull4 month-a~. .. the two new racton CalcUl1ted to lel'Vt: They oald tilt bot w1ler wu certain to 1 ... mOllon coosumera of eleclriclty. kill fllh ln the lmmedl.lte ~e .,.._ UUllly l!dlS at Monday'• Miilon .. Id Each heal -.j caU!il clalm llx lhal the bill !or dlloyt ln "tho IWCtor lolll of 1Urtno Ule. acltedule amounta to 14 million a IDOlllh. Bui --for the UOllti• Aid ''!'bey W1d<neoted tho naod for ~ lhat i-. ... ottly two ol!tctlvt w111 to lraN!Uon ol llle aPl'f'OV&l - • anlaol llle ..... ptpao -will •Jtcl If the A!C VUll the llcenm !or tho -or plJolll ol ,,.,,,. ,..i.r • two -nacton, -on the =le .. :..:. briaa ,. !"" to ..or -::r.~~t..n.""= = 'l'lla lll'ml can 1llltor kU1 the otSanllma But lhat !\rat addlllon -1cl not - -tlll llot Wallr, or -huY)' -or out tls lint tllontt 1111lU _.ime In chlorlot. 1m. Thi -or lbe twins waold ao Tbt -qroed !Ital hot WllB 'Into -In tm. + ta, 4 • • • At the Democratic National Com· mittee, where the succeuor to Eagleton uill be formally chosen. ofriclals uid the lint tuk would be to clear up a aeries of credentials challenges against n e w members. After tha t, an emergency meeting will be called by the new na· llonal chairman, Jean Westwood, to select a new vlce _presidentlal candidate. McGovern's recommendation -as it wu at tbe Miami Beach c:oovention -is expected to be controlling. At the White House, p...,,, Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said President Nixon has not contacted Eagleton 1lnce tbe senator wu dropped from the Ucket and has no comment on the matter. Ziegler said be raised the development in conversaUon with the Presideni and "he said we really have nothing to llY on that ." Eagleton olgned and sent ol! his ronnal letter of tt.Slgnation Monday morning. saying "there is no rancor in my heart." The letter contained much of what he said in his withdrawal statement TUes- day night, adding: "l ~ore resign u vice presidential candidate on the 1972 Democratic ticket." At the San Diego meottnc Monday, the WQBC made it clear that it would not en- donoe further granta !or upgradlna ol the Laguna lac:iliUes. Senate Rejects • Defense Cut Bill WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate rtjected today a vroposal by Democratic presidential nominee George S. McGovern to cut President Nixon '1 defense budget by 14 billion lhls yoar. The vote was 59 to 33. It was the first leaislative test of one of the major campaign issues raised by A1cGovern. The South DakotanJlas pledged that if elected President, he wtll trim more than $30 billion from military spending over the next three years. That would &Ive the country a derense budget of about '55 billion. In a noor speech on behall of hll amendment, the Democratic candidate told lbe Senate lbat Nixon lw "told Congrels that we invlle inflation by anythlng we do to bulld up our own coun-. try, to care for our own people and to im- prove the quality of llfe in our own society." . SESAME STREET · SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN'T. HAD A CARPET -INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S. It currently ii studying the chanca ol Joining the Irvine llancll Waler District and !ho Emerald Boy Comn)unity ~ Dlstrl~ to apply !or gron!J lllat would pay !or reclamation of water to serve the Irvine Ranch. A deadll!le !or 15\lclt a grant appllcaUoo is Ocl L · 'Ibe city'• other alternaUve mettlng with board approval is to commit ltaelf to helping to construct a joint ocean Ot.tt· fall at Alilo C<eek and pumping all ita sewage to a large regional plant In lhat area. Both those alternatives would have to ~ accomplished under the blanket of the Aliso Water Management Agency. Raft Surfing Contest Registrations Taken Entry forms are available f«> the Laguna Beach Recreation Department's third &Mual raft surfing contest to be held Saturday, Aug. 12, at Main Beach, st.art.in& at 9 a.m. . Awards will be p....,,ted to the first lour llni.sben In elCb of two dl"rislona, one for boys 12 and under, the otbtt for boya 13 and older. Rafil 10< ""' in lha contest wlll be provided. Forms may be picked up at the lkmatlon Department, 175 Pl. Cout Highway. f IN OUR FIFTEEN YEARS, WE HAYE CA RP ET E D THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN COSTA MESA, NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND HUNTINGTON BEACH. ONE NEIGHBOR TELLS ANOTHER UNTll WE HAYE WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A ALDEN'S • ILOGK. .... THE FORMULA IS SIMPLE-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER ~PPY. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPETED HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, IRING HER IN WITH YOU.) . ' ' CARrns • DRAPES • 1663 -l'laceldla Ave. COSTA MISA 646 41SI HOUlS.-. Thrv Thun.. t to 5:30-Pll. f to t-SAT •. t::IO to 5 ~-I· ( 7 ,, 1 c R A Salllllehaek YOC U, Ne;>. 214, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES JUESDAY.-A'UGUSJ_t,~~-- • Toda~s F l•al N.Y. St.eeks CautiQus McGovern Seeks New Running Mate . . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Georae S. McGovern, with the "palnlul" tut o1 droppln& Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton behind .bim, eearched today for a new nmnJnc lll4!e wbo <an ~ &ti bl.I prtSldentw eampal&D bid: OD tJie fut Irick be bad hoped woold IUe bim' to victory over lllchard M. NlxoQ in N11V~. McGovern, who persuaded Eaildoo,!@ step down at a i-hour cool....,.. ldtii\- day lli&bt, ald be had not yet decided on a replactment. 'Ibe D e m o c r a t l c presldeotlal -llld be would mate a: -lion to the Democralie National CommiJtee "wlibln a few days." "We a,. going lo be very caullous and very carefuJ in mating the vice pr<Siden- tial' nomination," uld McGovern, ..- plans for a wt atart in the campalgD • aplnlt NI-. '#Oft -by tho -t· loll( cootrov<ny -!qldao'a health bactpoomd. . Spec11lalion Immediately --OD w oL tbe .ume mm ..,,,.loMd aa m pregldeotlal I"-" It .IMt maalh'I Democratlc National eoo.totJon -sen.. Edmund S. MllU!e of l1laln and Gaylord Ntbon ol \>-In, Sarient Shriver,. a .llamedY lo<law, and former Party Cllalrman La ...... F. O'Brien. Eaglelon. who met ........ with McGovern lo ........,. tbe decblon, uld today be would make DO ncom- mendailons to McGovern on a IUCCeaor. "111is is a declaloli thal lhould be en- tirely up to Sen. McGovern_," he aid In a television 'interview (NJ!C.Today &bow). Eagleton, iroolcally. pedom><d the dulles 'of Ibo vice president Tuesday morning when be presided over the Senate !Gr a short time after Ill opening. Vice Pr-t Spiro Agnew and Preal- dent Pro,.... JllMS Eastland (D-Misa.), were ablmt. . • At Ibo Democ:ralie National Com· miftee.' wbett Ibo ouccaacr to Eagleton wW be formally cbooen, offldals uld the fint tut woold be lo dear up a aeries of cndentiall challenges ·against n e w memben. Alter that, an emqency meeting will be called by the new na- tional chairman, Jean Westwood, to select a new vice presidential candidate. McGovern's recommendation -u it was at the Miami Beach convention -is upected "' be controlllng. At the White House, Press Se<retaiy Ronald I. Ziegler llld President Nixon hu not contacted Eagleton lince the l<Dllor .... dropped !rom tbe ticket and bu DO comment CID the matter. Ziegler aald be raised Ibo development in cooveraatlon with Ibo President and "be uld we really bave DOlblng to aay "' that." · Eqleloo liped and aent oil his formal letter of resiCDIUol> Mcmay momlng, saying ''there II no rancor in my heart." The letter contained much of 'what be uld In bl& withdrawal llalement ru ... day night, adding: "I t)ier<f.,. r<1lgn as vice Pt<Sidential C3t1didate OD ·l!!e .1m Democratic ticket." In jolnUy llUIOllllCin& the decision. McGovern bad said be has made "no decision more pain1ul or dilllcull" ' -s· ·ad--d···· 1~h··' ·a· '-ck· . Ie McGovern and Eqltloo IJ1DOW1Ced at 1..,.. coo1ermce In tbe Senate caucus Room llonday nlgbt their " J o t n t decision" that EaJ1tioD step down from the tlctel It eame ooly ais days after Ille U.year-old MWiourlan d!scloaed at an equally dramatic joint newt conltrmce lo tbe Blact Hilla !If Siluth llatnta that he had been boapltallted tbret Umea for psychlatric ........ Eagletoo is the !Int vice presidential candidate ever to accept the nomination and later resign from the ticket. "Jn the joint decision we have-reached, health was not a flCtor," McGovern said in •. prtpared 1tatement. 0 8ut the public debate over Sen. Eagletoo'a past medical hi:.:ory cootinues to divert attention from the great natioDal Issues that oeed J.o be discussed ... H.' 1re-s ''Ladles and gentlemen, 1 o o k at the news," AtcGovem added in reply to a questioo. "It has blotted out the war, it has blotted out the e<'OllOlllY and U bu blotted out the central issue." Ruction Wll mized. Calllomia Stale Democratic Olairman Qiarles Manatt said "this will allow us to(quJrkl)r refocus Cll the ,problems of the economy, tbe war and Utl lack of ieaderahip in the NW.O presidency." "The net effect will be a positive one," Manatt said. But Mislouri Democratic Olalnnan Delton Houtchlns said "it was a 1-eal deal ... they can count MWouri out as far as I'm conce~ this fall." Colorado Chairman Bill Leave! said Eagleton was "a line man who got caught in a tough altuation." Z~gg -F'ledgling District Approves _Tustin ,Chief , 3-2 By CAND~CE PEARSON Of .. Dllltf ,., lt•ff Willlpn 1.ogg, superintendent of the TUstin Un.ion HJgh School District, was hired Moaday night as superintendent or Ibo new Saddlebact Unilled School Dlstrlct. Saddlebact trustees made the decision in a S.Z vote, folowlng prolelis by members of tbe audience and a tbrto bour and »minute uecuUve aesalon. TbO 11)-member reinseatatlve council Writer Retracts · ~Cbaxgea ~ainst ·Sen.· Eagleton WASHINGTON (AP.) . ~ Columoiat J ack Andenoo today r<tracted 'his dalm to ba•e IocaJed -evldtnce tbet Sen. ~ F. EqltioD baa a reconr of ar- rest& foe drunkett ·and rectltu driving. AnderJOD said bis retraction WU "U. qualified" and 0 in total" couPL~ ~ICE TH~•R owN s~Al>E ·A;··LA6iiN,;s-u1"isttt °PtRK .Waailitrman SaJ> 'Catalina Eddy' WlllJlrlng Rall-' from HNI He announced the relracllon at an m. formal news · con:lerence o u t 1 l d e Eagleton'• offioe atter talking for allout half an hour in privite with the Mluouri senator, who resigned formally today as the Democratic vice presidential nominee. ......... -~ . --- Wind Patrern Expected ~ . . ' ' . . Eagleton, who originally I a ~ e I e d Anderson's charge ,a "damnable lie" after the columnist broadcast It la!l 'llntnday, today cnmmeoded Anderson for courage and called him a ·''distingulsbed journalist." !f(}Breah-Up Heat Wa-ve 1Fo;,,,.tlon of the iyplcal C.tallna-eddy wjnd patitm is eipected in crack !lie mlW of bot air o"'r Orange Cowrty lolllgbt, eulng a nlne<lay beat wa.e. The National Weather Service predict5 temperatutts aloog the Orange Coast will . .rop allgbUy with hlgbs inland OD Cliess Str uggle · Resumes; Bobby Arrives Late REY!t.IAVIK; Iceland (UPI) World <bess. champion Boris Spasoky opened the ninth game ol tbe $250,000 111111cb with his ...W.queen pawn today, then relued lor10 minutes while waiting for American "'-1ien&er Bobby Fischer to arrive. Fllcber. who hu been late fOr every game, nodded curt'1 to Spoosty, studJed the board for ts ..c..da-moved bl.I · tni(llt "' liq bilbQp -, Spuoll1 trails Jj'Jlcber by two point&, ~ $. Tbe Rmatao need& U.i . polnll to ~ llut -~ 11$ pok1ll "' Sfull:Y poolpoaed Sandq'a - ---ol • cold. ,._ "II -I ll!PI -cold, llut _,, to -Mr. Ill' 111'1 -· -·Nlblal ~ -ol Siio•'*I''• lo..- -"a-la 1111 lib -.,rt or occupotion. Y• bava lo lit in tho • d 11, 1 tt ao:;eSratlc8 under h e I 'f 1 p 111 are for Ow: boura. A ..,.. or a ..... wllldllblllltllot. • •fir. Spuol\y bu ~ lllf. ~-Ile will play •• lloweva 1 U. m... tlllt snct lpa1 II) JDIJ Ila" --.-lhu • ...i.i. n -a1oo 11a .. -• 1111 ..,, pl-1lllfady f<r R•eel• who piqllldler. • • Wec!Qeseay·about II. Tonliht's loW along the coaat wW be in, the IOI with a high on Wednesday allout 11: Toittght's low aloog Late night and early rDorning low douds and log ar< expecUd lo drape coastal cities tonlg)lt and Wec!De3day. The Catalina Eddy is a IOlll!>erlY flow of winci< between the <out and the c!JaD. nel !!lands. It is the typlcol w!n(I paltem observed at the end of mmuner beat waves in Southern Californla:, · a forecast.r aald. The eddy, a wind movement lhnllar to waler draining oot of a balbtub, is created by the deDectiom ol typlcal wb!cis f<!>m the'norlb .. lt blo"' lll'OIQI lanclniarta in the Southern Calilornla geography such .. ~ -lilands, (See COOLER, Page ll . Eaglelon llld be wu aatislied with Anderson'• retraction. •"The book 11 clos- ed as far u I'm ccmcetned." Attdeuon originally llld be bad located photocopies ol records abowln& Eagleloo had been arrested a ball doun times in the 1•. for drunken or recklm driving. Later, Anderl011 said be hadn't seen these records but had only been told about them by a "former high Missouri official." later Identified .ui True Davis, . . now a Waahlngtoo banker. l)avb< aald he dido' have the records, but bad only beetnbown them once by a man be didn'. know and wun't sure if they ...... ,_ O< not. Officers. Sought to Serve In 11esa, New Irvine Area . .. . "' - Recrullment of al liaat 10 new merve addition te pautnc a P"rlDDll interview, ""''--.!ficeu who will heel-up -a force qillty 1aat and medical eaaminatlon in-· ......... cludt: . lll<ViDI Colla M ... and Ibo ..,.. ctty o1 -Malt, American c1t1r.en, 21 yean old !nine la under way. • · .at lbe minlmlllll. Tba ..-.. ~ --la .. --Hllh lchool gradllate, minimum five peeled lo begin In ....,.., Aul. 17 11 feet. tilDI IDt:ba tall yilb proportionate -for receipt of appUcal'-"""' wtll!hl. cmlldatla lor Ibo netr fllr<f. , ' -E_,.,.,.,1 ol :111-.!0 camcwd and 11)-70 A 1o1a1 o1 :10 -wlD atall Irvine law ~ and umi. 'llllhln a. 111-mile ealorcematl -· tatlni -from.. radius ol the Colla ~ PoUoe Dep&ns =....County -· . ...--ment. . ol tnltlaJ tralniQr. Rn am ~ II botn . to tbe 1llo ~ 11-wllfllelo beef up clipc-per month minimum, but Coata . ._,, nwn ......... 111111, wtitch qua111J-1or M.S7 ptr·botr .Plf on llllp- had mopped below Ibo ......,..i 1m1. meet beyond that and m bldfl.....-ylng Appltcau;:~::.-tho --pollcemelL . ' gram ..i tor por11e1p1u.o Tbe nucleat iii !lie · lutUre ruu.ume ...,. be obtained ..... 1he Colla ... _ lnlne Police Departmmt will be formed P11-Dlpoltuient. 77 1* O.W.. · lnm tho ·--who will woit in E1111U1Qr, lbe ile7 ,..._II In opeclaJ llllJla out "fan Irvine -- • of the Tustin Secondary Educallon Association today declared a 15-3 vott of ''.no confidence" in 7.og. · The teacher council criticized 7.ogg's "'lack of leadershJp" in the TUa:tin diJtrict in ; statement issued through ca.lifomta Teachers Association ollJclal John Smith. The Saddleback Valley distrtct won't beiin official operaUot> tmtll Joly I, 1m. At that . time the . Tultln Union High School District will be pbued out under terms of Ibo suc:ceslful lllllfk:atlon tJeo. . . lion JIDle S. The decision fo hlr< 1.ogg, 45, of 24.!31 Cataluna CU.le, Mission Viejo, is subject to the signing of an official contract. Immediately after Saddlebact board Chairman Ciel Briner announced the decision, TNme Dennis Smith objectod that the "selection WU not in the best in- terests ol the young people of the com· mwilty.". smith anc1 George Henry voted •ralnst 7.ogg'• a<lectlcm. Briner, V n c a Who Pays -Fees? 'S'/idale May oiie • The Saddlebad< van., l1nllled Scbool Dislrlct miPI bave·to poy ll,$00 !Gr tho election that Cftlled It and chiloe five trustees. Dewey Hlllrilan; Oran&e C o u n. t y Department of F.ducation administrator, told the bo1M of Otis posalbWty Mooday night. Dave llltcbcoct. COWtty registrar ol voters, has asked for a county counsel'• opliiion on "wbo pays for the election ol this board/' Hillinan told trustees at La · Paz3cbool in Mission Viejo. their dlstrlctJ UDtll July I, tm. The unlllcalion election and Ibo map- ping cil Ibo new district& a.. paid by· the CDllllty gepml fund, Hillman 111d. • But wbo is mpooalble for the -of board'• eltdJon la unclear, be added. --directed IllUmaD to ....i a. lttter to county counoel op- poatng the cbargt. McCullouglt and Joe Pet.non voted !or It. Smith said he considers Zogg .. very capable," but criticized the lack of public input in the decision and the "excwlvelf rushed" time schedule. 7.og' said today be is "very pleased" by the board's selection. He declined to comment on the split vote. "I would hope that unity wUI DOW prevail lo the community and we can 1et (Set ZOGG, Pare II State Approves ~ea Program Of Reclamation In I decision termed "historic" by South Coast waste treatment officlalt tbe San Diego Regional Water Quality Con- trol Board agreed Monday to allow a full«ale program of water reclamation in the IA>ine, Saddlebact and-lfiuna Niguel ...... Hltchcocl: is diarilng about $3,000 lo tbe Irvine Unified School District and 14,000 to tbe . Tustin Unified Scbool ~trlct, IllUmaD &aid. Qlalrman Chet Briner qUestlooed what wou!d have blppened it ''unlficaUon fail- ed -"'we lllll woold ha>e bad the bolM and DO district lo pay for it." He aloo suuested -Uto.deparlnteot that called the tlectloD -Ibo county educa. Uot> . department -""llld be mor< ~blc for the -is. · Such a program as ouWned by the Albo Water Management Agency before - the board couJd mean a vast network of lakes and effluent lines which could beccme a aystem providing 2$ million ~gallons of. mmble water a day. Carl Kym.la, manager of the Moulton- Niguel Waler District and chalnnao of the Aliso Agency board, mado the p.....,. talion · Mond~y of the owler plan ahow· ing. the reclamatloo proposal& and aald that Ibo enthuslutlc ·approval by Ibo bolM wu the fint such action in the West, "and perhaps the nation." · Costa vary according to Ibo mmtbtr of ballots used in each area durihg ~ unification election June • when the three new unified K-12 dia:tricta: were created and their boards elicted. Tboae boards won't IUe control ol IDtcbcock said the districts didn't have to ·request the board t I ec t l o n a slmultaneously ·and therefore 1 r e mpomlble for having dooe so, IllUmaD aald. . Develnpment w· Benefit . . Santa Ana Sclwol Area A proposed St3S million development of the IT7,acre Collin& Radio Corporation property near Orange County Airjlorl will benO!lt the Santa Alla Unllled Sd>ool DIJtrict. Dr. Jobjl Nicoll, superlntendent ol tbe Newport·Meaa Unified . School District salo tOclay the commercta1 development "IUl<lY wW bave ID Imped OD the development ol oUter commercial ·or m. du.strlaJ p,_iiea within the Newpmo M-distrlcl ' "But we bave no des!ina OD any llftlll- erty In the Santa· Alla district," Dr. Nlc01l aald. The Collin& parcel facea approval Aug. H by the NeW[lOl't llcich ctly. Council ol I IDOe 'cbang• to illow the_oommerdal orllce and ~ ...... tbe parcel that ' once Wll planned for Ucltt Industry, Newport llcich ofllelals bave uld tbe project will bring an additloaaJ $145,000 a yeaf" In ta1t1 to·111e· lleatb dty wbltb mate& up half ol Ibo unll1ed scbool distrl<t serving N.,;pott lllil COltt Md&. Baaed Oil .lhe tax ralt projecled by the Newporl-lleaa Sdllol D1atrict for the cominc year, tlte $1JI mlllJOD dmlop- ' Exchange Mc;et Set Tbe Eldtanp Club ol the Sllddlebadc ~~willo11: ~= Jame& Jt Dalley Srltttl I -~ ~r •t the Jolly°" 1n Misalon VJe.· Jo. Dalley wlll ........ ~ dub "' the IUbjoct ol "Elcballp lil"'1vtmelll In Yoar ,_.vtr.• " ment would have added 11.$7 million in tax revenue to the dlltrict. Instead, _.... uie property la localed wilhlo tbe Santa Alla Unified (Set TilEs, Paga 11 . Architect Hired • To Study School Use of Bllildings The San Joaquin Scbool 1listrld baa hired ID ardlllect lo deltrmJno ll I llOW- vacated indull11aJ buildlng CD be UJed U I blgll scbool bJ tbe DOW' Saddleboclt Unified. SCbool Dis1rlc:I. · ' The BurTouaJ>s Plan~ .i:ms J~ . ' Road, M!!§i<a,,,V~Jg, la_!•allable for_ ~ or ale, Dave K!iii._sc JOaijijlii ladl•lel-ptlmner, tOld Saddleb·ack lnllletl llmdaJ Dlcht. llurn1ug)I official• list their inftltment in the IU l<ft llte llld SI0,'11t lqlllre foqt bnl1dltts at • mlllloa, said Klnc- He estimated I pdltllNe pardtaR price ol SUS mll)loa, bued on ""'"'"'""'I v~ua. • lie added tllal tho coat ol CODlertlnl uit !lillll IO cluirooiita mfllll ........ In $1 lo $1 a foot. Lee Klint, lbt" ~ ordllt«t; will -the bulldiDI 'l1lllldl7 _., II t 1.m., I!Jttc aid. Board -Ila'" -~ . KIJne'~ aUkly 11111 'llto COICOilldiller-llllnl tho plaot . u -.ma. -' .. ..-.... • The board decisfon allows member agencies in AWMA througbllUt the IOUth county lo upgrade their existing upland treabnent plants and awing over from ocean dumping to reuse of Jewage e!flu. ent. • Several of those entities already are doing ...,,. reclamation work, &it Ibo bolt of their truled US!• lllll !<aches • the .... The board agreed as well to allow the comtructton of two new regional ocean ouUalls to serve the agencies -one at. Aliso Creek and one at Dana Point, but under the proposal.s for reclamatloo, very Jj!Ue effluent would be discharged through lime pipes in aummer months • Instead, • "land OJtfaD" would be med to carry the reclaimed waler throughout the Aliao basin. tranmtltUn1 reclalmed water to storage laket and to customers !See RECLAIM, Pap 11 Orange Coast We atller The wealherlaj!Y aayo It mlcbt be a little CXIOLtr on Wedntlday, but. not enough to mate a dlffer- ftici'lo tooJI aweltewa. Hlgbl io- =ll\!llTOW 70 lo tllonlicl-IO's. L<iwi 80-70. -'- INSmE TODAY . Jm"I/ llhome, l>od<•p ~­l>od< f<>r tM z..,. Ano<les Raw,· rufltred ,.cood cUQ" b•rna lB his H•nlioglo!I Bench . home lfottdaJ wfghl · For dltaila, H• $par!$, /'llflC 16. UL-..... : =-"'""" : :r.:T.: . --·-.. ......... _.. ... :::-. , -I ............ .... t•tf ...... ,_ ................ , 1111 rt a N I I' Ml ---.. .... -.. -. ...... , 1' _. -U.M • '• ..... -• :I_ DAILY PILOT JS ~ets Leave Shipyard In Flames American Party Kenn'3dYi Vows No -. Favors Schmitz VP Spot SAIGON fAP) -1..1.S. Nnvy jets have ).ltacked a shipya rd in HalphonG h~bor Jflr the first tinlt: In the wnr and left it In flan1es. the: U.S. eonuuand announced tt>- clay. :· The target was the llalphong Shipyard No. 3 on I.he southwestern edge of North Vietnam's chlef port. Piiot~ from the carrier Saratoga said they left tl'lrte large. sustained !ires in 1he yard, which builds and repairs shalloy,-tJraft vessels ~ variou s ~11.t"s. • The L' S. Command s1ud the strlkes madC' ~1onday y,·ere not near the deep· t.:rnft ~hips in the port, and "there were l)O fort>1gn vessels" hi the area that was bombed Spokesmen said Tl foreign ships were still in llalphong·s deepwater channtls. trapped by the U.S. mine field planted }ast l\1av 9. They said these included 10 Soviet ships. four Chinese. three British, two Cuban. three Polish, four Somali and one East German. Overcast skies reduc.'f!d the U.S. strikes htonday to a JitUe more than 200 raids across North Vietnam. compared to more than 300 the day before. The U.S. Con1mand rl'1)0rted that its planes also dest royed or damaged 12 water supply craft. 12 trucks, eight bruJges. 13 storage ;1reas and ll":lrchouscs :uid tv.•o fuel pipelines In South V1etnan1 , Con11nuni~t force,; niade lhl'1r hl':t\ 1est shelling attat k or the year so rar against a U.S. installallon , pouring rnore than 70 roc);ets Into . the Bien Hoa Air Base 15 miles northe<tsl 0£ Saigon. One American ~·as killed , 15 were wounded, aOO 13 vthers v.·ere injured wh ile trying to take cover. the U.S. Com· maad said. The South Vietnamese sald 17 Vietnan1ese were W<>unded. The Arncrican killed ~·as a Pl1arlne up before daylight to collect donations for Vietnamese orphans. lie ~·as walking Crom one building to ;uwther to pick up collectlon boxes when the rockets began J'aining in about 5:20 a.ni. The t: .S. Command said the rockets damaged th~ headquarters vf Marine Air Group 12, a post exchange warehouse, an empty day roo1n in the hospita l complex, and dld heavy damage lo two A4 attack bombers. The runways were closed for a time to clean away the debris. but operations v.·ere resumed later, and jets streaked vul lo attack. targets across South Viet- nam. LOUISVll.J.E. Ky. (UPI) -Rep. John C. Schmitz (R·Calil.), a member of the •rch-conservHtlve John Birch Society. Joomc.>d today as the front runner for the AmcrlcWl Party'.s prcsidenilaJ nornlna- Uon. UJl'I TtlfltMl9 Seeing Spots Prince Edward, 8, of England has contracted chicken pox and is confined aboard the royal yacht Britannia. · Kissinger, Reds Meeting In Secret Masked Burglar, Trapped in Home, Terrorizes Victin1 A ski·masked burglar, surprised by a Newport Beach woman, terrorized her brieny in a Westcliff district home Mon· day and when he tritd to nee he found himself trapped by a locked door and menacingly turned on l'ler. The victim told Officer John Furrow ·the long·baired intruder, peering desperately from eye holes in~e mask, orderi;d her to the floor . His voice was low and frightened. the • victim recalled alter police arrived at the Nottingham Road home. "Please .•• just leove," she... told the slender man, described as being in his 20s and wearlng dirty khaki pants. She said he thPn unlocked the sliding glass door that had blocked bis exit from a bedroom where the victim surprised him mom<!nts berore. He fled and she called police, who could not . determine how the masked burglar gained entry to the home. WASHINGTON (AP) -p,...1dentlal assistant }lenry Kissinger is meeting to- day In Paris with North Vietnamese 11cgotlalors, the White House said. Like the 14 other meetings that Presi- dent Nixon's assistant for national security affairs has held with Communh1 t ne11:otiators. today's session was ar· ranged and conducted secretly. The brief annvuncement by White I louse press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler Sllid Kissinger was mcettng with bolh Le lluc Tho. special adviser to North Viet. nam's delegation al the Paris peace tnlks, and dcle~alion minister, Xuan Thuy. Kissinger last mel secretly with the North Vietnamese vf0cia1s on July 19. During tbe previous three years, be had held more than a dozen sessions -none or which were disclosed until thi! year. Kissinger is expected to return from Parls Tuesday nigbl and . immediately report to Nia:on. The public Paris peace talks re!llmfd on July 13 and another public session is scheduled for Thursday. From Pagel TAXES ... District, that tax revenue wUI be lost to Newport·Mesa schools. Amen~ent on Busing Forced Onto House Floor _ Dr. Nicoll, however. today said he Is not concerned over the possible tax revenue being provided to Santa Ana. "I oim sure there will be every opportunity along the coastal area for parallel developments 0£ commercial propeny. There Is potential here. We're on the edge or • sharply increasing e<.'ODOm)'." Dr. Nicoll said. He noted the NewpOrt·Mesl cllitrlcl en- joyed lbe greatest Jncreue In property lax: bait -assessed valuati0nt -of any district in the county. The boosted valua· tions of property -both resldenlial and commercial-industrial -funneled an ex· Ira '3 million-into the ·l!n2·73 school year budget. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Th< House Committee took ewa'y from Ute Judiciary Committee and sent to the Hoose floor Tuesday a p r o po 1 e d constitutional amendment to ban racijll busing. The rules committee declined at this time 10 take simllar .actioo to dislodge £rom the Judiciary panel President Nix- on's legislation proposing a one-year moratorium on new court busing orders. -~murmembers said this is.sue will be raised again next week with prospects lhe tn0ratorium bill also will be sent to the !louse floor at that time. The vote to send the propc»ed con- stitu tional ban tv the floor was 9 to 6. The pOstponement or action on the moratorium bill until next Tuesday \\'as approved 11 to 4. The committee will then consider whether action has been laken by the Education and Labor com· mittee 011 still a third antibusing measure -this one to set permanent restrictions and standards on the we of busing to nchleve desegregation. Rules committee members hinted that unJess the bill has been cleared by Edu- caUon and Labor -a likely prospect - they might also elect to take jurlsdiction and send it tel the floor. If it has bttn cleared, the moratorium bill likely will be sent to the noor as a stopgap to hold the line until the permanent standar~ can be put into effect. The constitutional amendment on which the committee acted is sporuored by freshman Rep. Nvrman F. Lent (R· N.Y.). It does not mention busing dlrtttly but says: ''No public school student shall, because of his race, creed or color, be assigned to or required tO aUend a particular school." Dr. Nicoll said he did not believe that the intense commercial u.ses plaMed by 1he Don Koll Construction Company for the former Collins Radio industrial prop- 1trty would slow growth of Newport Center. That Irvine Company development is )ocated within both the school dlstrli!! and Newport Beach on land the Newport- Mesa district aMeJed in a swap of tel" rltory that involved both the Santa Ana Unified and Sau Joaquin Elemenlar)' districts some years ago. "As you 'll recall, lhe property near the airport was to have been develvped be.fore Newport Ctnter was ," Dr. Nicoll noted. "Now, it isn't really within the prov· ince of our school district to challenge the development vr that land," he said. ~finers Pick Leaders Twin Nuclear Reactors PIITSBURGH (UPI) -Members of the United f\iine Workers vf America began nominating possible succeMOrs to cl L s T \V. A. "Tony" Boyle and eight other top ear ast -f rwte inst International officer• of the union today . U,I, c;, in a prelude to a court-Clrdered December t>lection. DAILY PILOT T'll.-or ..... c-1 DAIL., PILOT. wllfl .,.~ f, CM'lll'"'"' ~ N.-l"T'ln, II ..,ittllllad by .... 0•• .... CO.ti PuMllfllnt CltfT'4NftY, ~ r•i. ... ililM •re MlllllM. MM111y lflfW91'1 F1id1,, for (Ml• M...,, Nl'#l*l ltK.11, H""Tlt>O'-llfklllll'-l1ln V•llty, l~ e11<ll, lt¥1nt/Sf«llllitdc end S.n C....,.,,111 S... Ju•n C1J111!'-· A •Wal• rttloivl .cl'lllOll a Sl'*llWM<I ktW111y1 INI Svnd1y... ,,.. ~ J1Ybll4h1"1 t*'nl It .11 »t w.-,1 ••r s1rtt1, COs•• ~ c.n1on11e. , • ._ ltelttrf Ni Wt~ Jl'rosldtnt tnll 1'111t1w..r Jae .. "· Cutl•y Vitt "'91dW ~ Owwftl ·~ T!i.111•• ICtnil l!eltw n-·· A. Mwphi11e • MMltfNI Ultw • Ch•tTtJ H. loo• 9ticliaN P. N•ll AMbit1111 Mtn'9'"" EdiMrl °""" C.Ste ~ m w..t..:r "'-N"""'1 ktcfl1 SW M .... ....,,_ \.lfWWI ...01 m ,_, ""'""" ,..,..1119* Mtd'll 11'15 llll(fl ........,.,. s-(lllNfltll -....... ~ .... , ... ,, , rn•• '4J..4>11 Cs..tfW .w ... ..., .. '41·1611 S.. C.. are Al h,or•11t11 • T•'r•h s 4f2-44H ~tm.~C-1 ...... .. ............ --...... -.. ,..,.... ,...,,.,,. .. Mtt"111M!tfth Mt'llll w f le ,.,......, "'ltMW .,.WI ..,. ~ ..,_., ._.,c._ ....... ..., .. ~.-., CMIMnlle. r 1 ,,..,.. W ~ ..... ::r ..... ""' .;:i·..:::".Wlfilrl ~~..,., ·- The two-ttectrical utilities planning the half-billioD-dollar construction or twin nuclear reactors at San Onofre ~1onday passed their last state teJt before gving to the Atomic Energy Commission for fi nal permits. but two go\•ernment wildlife agencies are far Crom satisfied. The uUlities, Southern C a 11 f o r n I a Edison Company and Snn Diego Gas and Electric Company, won permission from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board to periodically "boil'' ·out barnacles and other fouling organisms from outfall plpes at San Onofre. nut the prvposal to surge 125-degrte water through the ocean outfalls for short period& at aix·wm intervals drew some sharp criticism from the St.ate De. partment of Fish and Game and tht!: Federal Bureau of Fisheries and Wlld· life. Spokesmen for both agencies said the approval was prematurt and that thty shoulct be allowed more time to examine charts showing Jh< uttnt ol Ute hot water dilcli.arge whlch will take place for periods of perhapa six boun ••try -~(. They aaid the 'bot water was etrtain to kill lllb In Ute lmmtdlate diocbarge am. Eaclt hul trutment couJd cllim Ill tons ol marine lilt. But lpOUsmen !or Ute utllltlel llld that there In! only two effective w1y1 to unlouL Ute buie plpe1 ·which will eje<t mllUoni of aalloos of warm water a minute alter Ute brine ti WI«! to cool lttau1 wudunsen. The llnm c1n t!lhor Jdll tho orgmlllm witl> Ute bot Wiier, or ... buvy dolu of chlor!ot. I The board qrt<d that hot w11'1' ·G I rreeted the least damage or the two processes. • Spokesmen for the state and rederal game agencies stressed that studies have not yet been completed on the travel of the wann water. Marine biologists testifying for the utilities sakt their studies show that an area of 50-f(lf)t radiu:I around the 3,400- foot·long ocean outfall woold erperience the hot water. They also admitted thnt an "unknown number" of fish and other organlams would die in the warm wattr. Edison spokesmen characterized the matter btfore the board Monday 11 "somewhat rout.Int." But when the Atomic Energy C«n· mission conducts l't4Ciof license hear- ings sometime next October along the South Coast. tho Issue is bound to draw out OP.pontnls:. EnvironmHltal factors now are ~ eluded In Ute luutS whlcb the AEC mu.st consldtr In ... ctor llcenslnf. That rtlaU'l<ly now criterion alrudy has Cluted tho stalUni Cl pllJll to buJld the two new ructon calculat~ to aerve two million eoosumen of electrtclly. Utility a:des at Mooday'a llWlon 111d that the blll !or dell)'I In the nlCIOr ac:hedule amounts to $4 million 1 month. They undencoretl the noed (or smooth ~Uoo ol the 1pprovll procos1. II Ute AEC gnnll tho -!er the two 11tw ructon, construct.km on the nnt companion to the extaUng Onolrl 1cntratln1 plal)t -Id ltart n<lt"March. But that Ont lddltlon ~ not - out Ill llrlt ~alt unlll _aomeUme In ll'IS. The ol the twinl would co lnto servlct In 19?9 • • .i. -'\.. Allhoulh Gecqla LI. Gov. I.titer Mad- dox wu 1Ull 1 pos!lblllty, party sources indicated lh11t Sdunltz was the curttnt favorite to fill the void left by Al1bam11 Gov. Gtor1e C. Wallace's decision not to ... k the party nomlnlilon. Schmlu, 1 Jame-<luck ~ngressman who wa11 defeated jn the Rt!publica11 primary this year, was expected to declare hi.s candidacy i.n Washington. The three-day American Party con· vention opens here Thundly with some 2.000 delea:1te1 from 4.5 statu expecttd lo partlelpatt. The only announced candidates for the party's presiOentlal nomlnatlon are attorney Richard B. K•y of Cleveland and Mn:. Lucy Mayberry, a a&-year-old woman who bltcbhlked to the coovenllon from Wuhtngton.to draw attention to bet candidacy. Plladdox was scheduled to addreu the convention Friday nlght after the delegates have nominated their presidtn· llal candidate during balloting that a(. tcmoon. Although \Vallace, recuperating from woundl from an attempted assassination May 15. will not attend the convention, his positions on major issues ¥i'ert et· pected to be Incorporated Into the party's platrorm. The platrorm commitltt con· vencd t-.tonday night and is scheduled for addlliooal seWoos throu gh Wednesday. Rioting Erupts For Second Tin1e At Church Fiesta A Catholic church fiesta in Santa Ana ¥i·as the scene of rioting for the second · weekend in a row early Monday, police reporttd. - Security guards hired i:ly the church to keep order opened fire oo a group or 10 to 80. riottng youths who were throwing rocb, bottles and other debris at the guards, No one was injured by lbe gun. fire but several guaros suffered minor injuries.. Fifteen men were arrested on assault char1es. Father Vincent Senutos or Our Lady ot the Pillar church, 1633 W. 6th St., called the trouble makers "outsiders." "They don,'t patronlu our carnivals, they come here drunk arxl on drugs," he charged. Tbt fiestas art being b_eld to raise funds for the churdl's pirochlal schoOT. Ten Santa Ana police officers, sum- moned by the priest, put down the rk>t and mad{ the attests early 1'-tonday n1orning. A similar riot broke out during a carnival at the aame church tht weekend before. Church leaden: are meeting today to determine If a third ICbedultd carnival "·ill be held nut Sunday; Inmate Uprising Ends in Vermont· WINDSOR. Vt. (UPI) -lnmat., of the Vtnnonl Stl.te Prison b av ... overpowered two guards and releued 60 fellow prisoners trom their cells. The situation was qulct!y brought under con- trol after inmates presented a list of grievances Monday. The incident ocetJJTed 11 men were returning from an Alcoholirs Anonymous meeting, but apparently had been brer· ing fo r some'" ti me. The prisoner• rttumed to thelt cells early Monday evening, after re.leasing the hostages unharmed. UPIT• ....... 'NO, NO, NO, NO, .•. .' Non-Candld1te Kennedy FronaPageJ RECLAIM ... who ~·ould purchase the water for ir· rlgatlon. The bulk of tht rtUse of the water would take place during the summer months when irrigation ls m o s t necessary, Kymla said. ln the wetter months or winter, !he highly·treated effiuent probably would be dumped at sea. But WIW' quality board executive of- ficer Dennis O'Leary said at the Monday meeting that because of strict new waste standards, any eflluent dumped into the .sea during those months would be of very high quality. "It probably would be Ute best-quality effluent of any on the west coast," he said. Funds for the aggressive reclamation plan would coinc primarily through state and federal clean.water graqt.s and from profits gained tnrougb the sale of the reclaimed water. Kymla's own agency, the Moulton- Niguel Water District, already sells recl1imed sewage to two golf courses and stores much of that emueot in Niguel Lake, which everitually will ~me a county regional park. From Pagel ZOGG ••• on to the bU!lness of what ls best Cot the young people/' he said. ' He said he doesn't anticipate hiring r.ny other staff members immediately and doesn't know what date he will begin work wilh Saddleback. Prior to golng into executive session the board heard complaints from two teachen and one parent about the lack of community involvement in the selection ptoceas and what was described as the apparent lack of choices. Speaking were Pat Downey, president or San Joaquin teachers asJOCl1Uoo; Jim Wehan, president of the TuJtin Secondary Education Association and Loa Young, Laguna 11ills resident The boar( made its selection from three candidates. Applications were opened only to residents or employu of 1he a~a. The other t~·o candidates were Dr. Richard Welte. associate superintendent of the San Joaquin district, and Dr. Robert Reeves. associ1te superintendent in the Laguna Beach Unified School District. The majority of the board defended its actions. McCullough said he believes the board chose from three or the top people in the country. SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HA~BOR AREA THAT HASN'T. HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN 'S. W ASlllNGTON (UPIJ -Sen. Edw1rd M. Ktnntdy today rtpealed hi• r.jectlon of second pl~ on the Dtmocratlc ticket with prtsldentlal nomlnee Geor1e S. AicGovern, ln an Interview wtth UPI. Ke:not'dy 11aJd tbt door baning a nee for natiol'lll orfice lhls year Is ''jU6l as closed and just a.s lock<'d " as It w11s lasl month "'hen bt refused lo make hlm.selr avai1abl~ for the party's vice prcsktenli•I nomination . KeMedy acknowledged he tuiid talked with McGovern since the decision was made Monday night to drop Stn. Thomas F. Eagleton from 1he ticket. but he declined to say whether McGovern bad asked him to take Eagleton's plact. "We talked generally about the cam· paign and the election." Kennedy aakl . "He understands my pos!Uon and I think. he rtlJ*'lS my declalon ... Earlier th ls year, Kennedy aald repeatedly he would not aeek the Democratic nomination for either J>nsj. dent or Vice President In 1972, citing "personal " reasons. He skipped the party's July convention In flfiaml Beach. appearing only et the end to inlroduce McGovern to make his acceptance~ speech. In another interview. Sen. Birch Bayh <D-Ind.l, also ruled himself out as a possibility. , "Nope, 1·m oot available," Bayh Wld UPI. "I'm happy with what I'm doing. Lightning's not going to strike. I've put It out of my mind and my heart." From Pagel COOLER ••• When the eddy of windJ forma, lhe forecaster explained, marine air is blown .inla.ncl, cooling land near the ocean. By Wednesday, temperatures Are ei· petted to be from five to 10 degrees cooler. the NaUonal Weather Service predlct.s. .- LJgbt winds from 10 to 20 knots from the southwest will fan the Orange Cout early Wedne"'ay. <word of the brtak in tht heat wave bring• promise le Ute tnd of 1 1trlng of 100-degree d11y1 in inland clUe.s of Southern caurornJa which increued lire hazards and l>rooibt peak demands !or electric power. On Monday. high ttmperatures and GO percent humidity ~ the uae ol air cood!Uooer. and Ute Los Angela Depari. ment of Water and Power Jogged record electricy i:onaumptloo of 3.13 mlllloo kilowatts. McGovern TV Session · Set NEW YORK (AP) -ABC and CBS say they will carry Jlvel television coverage of an an. nouncement by Sen. G e o r g e McGovern scheduled for tonight at 6 p.m. PDT. NBC, which first said it woul d follow suit, declared later that a decision on Uve coverage would be made when it learned what the Democratic presidential candidate had to say. Aides said McGovern would talk about the campaign but declined to be more speclfic. They s • 1 d he would nvt announce a replacement for Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, who withdrew Monday as the vice presidential ca.odldate. IN OUR FIFTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE CAR PETE D THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN COSTA MESA, NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND WUNTINGTON BEACH. ONE NEIGHBOR TELLS ANOTHER UNTIL• WE HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A BLOCK . ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES • THE FORMULA IS SIMPLE-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER HAPPY. ASK. YOUR' NEIGHBOR-WE PRo8ABL Y CARPETED HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, IRING HER IN WITH YOU.) 1663 Plac:elltla Awe. . . COSTA MUA 646-....tUB °' 'HOUltS: Motl. Thru Thun., t to St30-PRI., 9 to 9-&AT. 9:30 I• S . ' - 7 • v - ] te: dr "'' lb '. • I ~ "P the Clt I tlol .... ... I bu! ~ , I ' ! 1tt for iia . da! 1 No vw <II la!: bu! "of 1 IDI :1 hex I ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Huntington Beaeh Fountain Valley , '!'Ql:JS,,ljp. 214,-l-SECTIONS,..2.4.li.bt.:>------ORANGE.COUND',_.CAUEORNJ,..__ __ _ Today's Final T.EN CENTS N~w Wind . P ·attern May Break Up Heat W a~e Tbe eddy, 1 wind movment olml1at to water dra1nlng out or • bathtub. 1' outed by the deflectio.., al typical wind& hom the north as H blows around landmark& In the Soulhun California g_.apby IUCh .. the channel iJlands .. Wbeo the eddy ol winds fom\s, the lor<caster explained, marine air Is blown Inland. cooling land oear the ocean. · By Wednetdly, temperetur<s 'att· U· • • "' l peeled lo be from five I!) 10 degrees cooler, the NaUooaJ Wta'lber Service predicts. Light willdl hom 10 lo 20 lo>ols from the IOUthWftl wUl fan the Orl!lie Coast early WednetdlY,. Word ol the brP'"k in lht beat wave brings promlle IL" the end of a string of lllO<lcgee !l>Yl In inlud ciUea of Southeru Calilomfa which lncr<ued fire hazarda ud broucht peak demands '"' dectrlc -· On Mooday, bfgb lemperalurea an1f!O peroent-iiwnldtty spumd the .... ol air oondltionen ud the Loo Angelea Depart- ment of Water and Power.Joged record electricy comumplloo of Ul mtllioo kllowatll. Armed Man The previous peat we rte0rd of :S.44 milUoo kilowatts was set on Sept. 13, lut year, during a slmllat beat wave. Despite the lncreued humkllly, Lo.s Angeles County firemen batUed thrM blazes in brushy areu, conlrolllng all with minor amounts of land scarred by fie.mu. The largest, in Camarillo, con. · sumed 10 acres aod was believed to have been 1tarted by a Qteing mental patient Shot Beach Lawman Opens Up on Suspect '----" .. • J.' . . ~ ... .. Aller be refuled lo drop hll rifle ond rammed the bolt bomt, a ec.ta Mesa man wu Ibo! twice In the bead Monday night by a Huntlnglon Beach police ol • .Ocer-1.fter the armed suspect wu dllcovered biding In his former wile's aportmeot. Jama Sanden, 21, ls in eritic:al coo- tington sa .. at about 7:45 p.m. .coofron~Uon with Officer E d w 1 r d Brllter, according to police. "Officers reported finding Sanders• .22 caliber rifle fully loaded and cocked with THIS WllS Tlil WAY IT WAS ON 'SANDS OF HUNTINGTON llEA!ill.CIRCA 1921 . . EmbrJ"!dc Hlstoi:tcel Socletf W• •.b · °"""''" Vlow of Cl~HI .Light Turnout Seen in Beach School Vote • .... . 1·---Ea~Ix" :Days to Be Revived Earey returm ladl~tOd I llgbt ·-toaa? for the -.eled .. '1l~Bon­ linglon Beadl· CiiJ <-'mea1at1l Scbool Dlltricl.. I . . . A dJeck of four polling placos lhortly· before noon showed Ieae tlW! 15 pemiil of the reglstmd votera had cut lhelr ballQts to pick a new man lo fill the unexpired term pl Trust.. Ivan Liggett. . Huniingron Hiswrical .-Society Lists Top Goals · Llpett resigned In the spr_lng In a . ' It Wu .. oU ~ lo"'l In tbt l!lO&. Before that they called lflllitingtoo.Beadl "Pacillc City" and ei:pected it to rival the East Cout resort capiial al Atllntic City. In the early days, cme wet. muddy seo- lion ..., mown as ~I S"81Dp beeouoe it became" the «11ler for great terival CllDp meetlnp. . In the ·1-1qaatlert"pilched teels ud built ahacb during the 111mmer months aJooi Bolsa Cilica BOacb. The Utter Ibey tell behind gave ii ·the re1"'11tion ol "tin can beadL" A cleaner, legal "tenl dty" bloaomed along the sborea ol what II oow Hun- tington Stale beach. · Tbe bbtory of Huntin&""' '!leach II lull al rlclt' lalea ud colorful~ settings unknowo to most of the cumnt llll ,000 • reaidents. To pieserve this history, ... era1 · cilium have formed the iluntlng""1 Navy Jets.Leave Haiphong: Harbor Shipyard Flan;ring • SAIGON (AP) -U.S. Navy jell_have attacked a sblpyud In Haiphong barber for the Orsi llm< In the war and left it in ilamea, the U.S. Command lllllOUllCed to- day. . The target WU the Haiphong SblpylJ'd No. s cm the to11thweslun edge o! Nortll Vielllam'• chief port. Pllola from the carrier Saratoca aald tbay left three larJ•, sustained !Im In the yard, which builds and repaira lhallaw<lrall vqsell 'of vartoua al7.ea. The U.S. Q;MllDd aald the strl):es made Monday were not near the diep- drall ships In the ~· ud "there were belore daylight lo colltct donations for Vietnamese orphans. He wu,.-walking trom one building lo IDOlber lo plcl< llP collection bona when the rockets began raining in about 5:20 -a.m. Tbe U.S. Command aald !be rockets damaged the beodquarten of Morine Air Group Jl, a post ncbange wartboule, an empty day room In.the bospltal "'mplu, ud did ,..vy damage lo two A4 attack bombera' • The fU11n71 were clot!d !or a time to cltan away Jhe cltbr!I, bcil C!P«ationa were resuinil later,. and jdJ atrta.ked out lo a~ larg.to """" Soulb Viet-nam. Beach Hlltorical SOcitty. furor over aalary ,negotLttiona with the Tbey organlzed the society In July, dlltrtct's toachen. Four mon are oow aays Waller Johnsoll, city librarian, ud 8e<king bis 9chool board seat which will are jUst beginning to mold Ill goa!J. be up for election ••aln In J\pril Patil DiZa= II the acting chatnnan -and the nucleus of the IOciety includea or the lour polling placea checked only such citizens as Public Worts Director 106 persons bad ~ of 5,4i4 registered Jim Wheeltt, city historian Delbert voters. ' • _ "Bud" Higgins, and loogtirne residents At one polling atatJon a !pOkesmaD said SbermaJ1 Denny ond Jim Sbepberd. red Johmon said the society has three im· only II ballots have been cast compa mediate goals: • . to 200 at the same hour during tbe June ~To obtain some sort of blslorical primary election. monument, such as the old Newland There are 11,500 registered voters in l>ome "(northeast comer of Adams the school district. The polls opened at 7 Avenue and ·Beach Boulevard, to serve a.!!!:_and1 won't close ~ 1 P1 .m.Li tt' u an hlstorical center. 11J1C our men nmnmg or ue 1 -To gather hlstorica1 documents and empty post are : K. Da!e Bus~, 39, an at· artifacts for display in the new central · torney; Eduardo A. Da Silva, 45, a city library wbe'n it is built. certified public accountant: Roger . L. -To collect all the docwnents publish. Garceau •. 3.1, • teacher. in the Cypres.s ed by variouS city departments in the School District: and Lewis G. Kidder, 51, past, send them to New Yor~ for president of Cout Music in Costa Mesa. microfilming and inde~g and file them as a permanent .record of the city's past. "Our purpose is lo accwnulate those lhlngs In HWJtlngtoa Beadl which can give the people a sense of ideqUty,'' JohNon explains. The IOCiety Is not yet official. Its bylaws, which have been written, must still be approved by the city COUllcil, then tt will be opened lo general membership. Johmon aald the society'• foundera are llOW aelectlng the finl board of direciOl'I. Residents who ""' lnlerelied In joining or wortlng wtth 1be bistori51 IOciety, or w~ have dOcumeots' Or artifacts of poasible value, abould caDlact Johmon at the dty librarjo. CHESS MATCH ENDS IN DRAW REYKJAVIK, lcdand (UPI) -U.S. challenger Bobby F~ loday ..,. copied a draw from wnrld champion Boris Spwky of the .Sovld Union cm the 29tb move ol the ninth game ol the world chess championlbip. Ftacher retained a two-point t..d In the matdl S*-111. no 1oretgo veaaela' In the area !bat was ~ 5:~~~~ n-w 1 c d ~~§:~:n:~= eac .· we lers hallenge Overcast aklea reduced the U.S. -, :::1 ~ ll~ than ~-,,.. o.-iaUc ·<Vdldat.e f1r 'IOth "rre.,:r may not . tie tlie answer." ....., than • tba *1-._ u.a. ~ -lyman baa cbollqed Burke · "But a straight deletion or C)!mnwid 1..,....i 11111 ., alle --... Beach natdenll lo rise In op-the freoway, .without any aolulloo. won't . lbe Assembly ondl'ifall Sdiale - over 100 roundJ of ammunition 1tubed In the bedroom. Brister ud ldlow olllcen Jell Arnold and James Craver Wft'e called to Mra. Kathleen Sandera' apartmen~ 19ll2 Hun- ~ St., at about 7:45 pmm. Mn. Sandora, 21, told the offlcen Iha! she had -. bet former hUJband'a car p&rked on the street anst feared be was inside ~Ith a gun. They found the apartment front d o o r bad been ticked open and began to JJ1-o vesUgate. Brister o p e n e d the Governor's • Wife Named BATON ROUGE, La. !AP) Gov. Edwin Edwar4J today 1p- pointed hia wife Ela1oe to complete the unuplred term of U.S. Sen. Allen J. Ellender, who dled lut Thursdav. Eclftr!da ·aa1c1 1!o rilled "to -· thla ,appilDtrnent u · aa -'""11J io -a meantr>CIUI • .rJllll>Oltc · ltibft tt the WGlneD ol lMdd'nl, who bave lo<. 1oo· loaf -,... dentpreaented' In the haDa of Congrea." Ellender,' a veter~n DetnocrAt and preaident pr0 ~m o! the Senate, was campaJ c for re- dection wbeit he ell • · ,... Kissinger, Reds Me.et in Paris On Viet Peace WASHING TON (AP) -Prealdential assistant Henry Klastnger II meeting to- day In Paris with North Vletnameae negotlatora, the White House said. Litt the II other meetings !bat Preal· dent Nixon's assistant for national security a!lain baa beld with Communist negotiators, today's session was ar .. ranged and' conducted aecreUy. The brief announcement by White House prw secretary Ronald L Ziegler said Kiulnger was meeting with both Le Due Tho, apeclal adviser to North Viet. nam'1 delegation at the Parts peace talks; ud delegation minister, XlllD Tbuy. Kissinger laat met secretly with the North Vtttna._r offk:lala on July It. During the ... vtous three yeara, be had held more than a dozen .sessions -none of which were dtaclooed until this year. Kissinger II expocled lo return from Paris Tueaday riillit ud imm«lialdy_ report lo Nixon. · The publlc Paris peace talks resumed on July 13 ud aootber public aeas1on ia 8cheduled for Thursday. Zlegle<'a brief .............i, read to reporters in his omce, wu Jn keeping with the new While . llouJe . polley o! dtacloolng Klaslnger'a meeUnga with the North Vletnameae all<r he alrea<f1 reaches Paris .. The preaa secretary would .J10I aa,y when the l)rtlldenttal usllta'ilt !tit Washington, but Ktntnaer conferred with N~ for 25 mlnutea Monday monung before the chief uecuUve _new to lold1lana fer the fUneral ot Sen. Allen. ' Elleoder (D-La.). Thll -Id Indicate 'Klllliiier •Pl'l•"'lf7 n ... 1o Paris ..... limo M...say .nor-. -..,..i or _,. 11 ..-P-lo the Padflc Ooul f'reewal'. do It." cnlt, 12 trucb, liPt ::WC 12 'l'mJ -to. In aa open kller lo Burtt'• propl*d five-year moralor!Um arus and w•rb-two ... ~l~lr. lh'e.7ear on COOllnlclicm' ol lhe Pac:illc Coast MOlbeoko aald a -uon o! the Burtt bill alloWI the rotate Public Worka DeplrtmerJI lo eorotlnue wltb I b e purd>aM "' rr-ay rlghl:of-way. 'Big Al!-Sues Hurt, Burka ...,,ited Iha! the -allowa 51:1'nea. • , on MlllileWQ 11e;111d by Freeway LI curmrtly lo the state Senate -Soulb 'I'& r, C '"'""..,..... ~L' . ~ ~ Finance Commltlee. lt-wu afllll'Oved byl JDllClo their bentao1 alrallol ollld: al tllil -(R-liuatJncloa~).· -·• .Ille ~17> ,_ ao w qa1111t a o.S. IWeD:":; "lt-11 dlflicWl. lo or faltllT a lllf nieiaur. COYtn<lil!y the Portion of pourtq ,.... Iha 'It rocUla lolo .......,.. (Bnrb's ) that .. -the freeway that 111111 -, the Loi lllen Hoa Air 8-15 m1lao mrUreaaC of opoadtng $100,GOO ol Iha lupaJtl'I' Angdea County line lo the Santa Ana ~ . .._ lllODOl' lo atudy, ond tbra kteD alivt, o River. He aald It could be amtnded lo In- One AmtrtclD --. 15 ....., freeway that .-oo lluclY.'"MOlbenko elude other areas, U lbeY wllhed lo wounded, and ll otben wn lnJorled charpd lhll ..t. "Nobody wanla It." become a port ol • tr._ullon study. -trytns ta lake ....., ... U.S. Qrm. '"l'hll II lypleol '-1do 01MI hell-Billi whtdt -Id loltllt· dlmtna mand aid. 11io South -said 17 lnrlh." Burlre reptled, !...,, b I 1 llrtlchea ol the r.....ay lo N•wport --. wounded, -uflce. "1111 llOI a ,lludJ' of lleoch, 1--b ud othaf coutal no "-lcaa .slled ,.., a -up 1 tba r.....11 bot ot ~ -... eommunlUe{-alao-. lfl'l•nd bJ r • .. the ourdoua ol MICb land oolJ' Irr ··borclsblp .._.. • Ro.hbed by Muggers ldoebeitko aald he hopea ~ wil1 " • urge the Hunlln&ton Beach City 'Council COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) -Allll bl, lo Ilka an olllctal atand agalnat the . ''Bl& Al" o1 ttleviaion'a "IAu&!o In," told lreel!IY ond Burb'a p r o p o ~• d poUco Monday hlfltrl lomcied OUI two moralorlllm ond tronoportitloo atudJ'. ol hla ~cut !di lip ond -Iola car. Twn -kl ago, the cilJ' council re~ S!la, In -..i llero fir a plaJ, aid tt ed 14 -a molution aupportlng hippebH llullday •l&lol u ba -lo loll Burb'a bill, bot-Iha council alao refuaed>..,..canur"the theaW. lo :,a ..-Jutloooppcllllli IL "-·N Jo-~ aplllat llmen ...,. orpllt, with aome sup-the 1tar ol lllJ nect. • a.a Mid. "I iloo't (lea l'llDWAY, .... J) • -whelber It WU a fill or not.• . . ' • • • liedroom door and found hilll!dl staring down the barrel ol. Sanders' rifle. Briater twice ordered the man to drop the rifle but 5anders began to activate the bolt forcing the officer to shoot ac· . . cord.Ing to the police account. Sande:rs-was taken to Pacifica Hospital for emergericy treatment ana then transfered to Orange County Medical Center where he was booked on burJ!'larv and assault with intent to commit murder charges. Drunk Driver Claim Nixed By Columnist WASHINGTON (AP) -Columnist Jacl< Ande,_ today ·retracled hll claim to have localed evlilence that Sen. Thonw ·r. Eaglelon baa a ncord of ar· reals for ctrunbn ud reckless driving. ~·11id hi! retraction was 0 uD- quallfied" and "in tolal." He anoounced the retraction at an in- formal news conference o u t 1 J d e Eagleton'• office after talking for about ball an hour in private with the Missouri senator, who resigned fonnally today as the DemOcraUc vice Presidential ·-Eagleton, who originally I a b e I • d Anderson's charge a "damnable Ile" alter the "'llllllllbt broadcast It last Thursday, today commended AndtrlOll for cwrage and called him a "distinguished journalist ... Eagleton said he wa1 aali.s!ied with Anderson'& retraction. "The book is clos. ed. as far u I'm concerned." Ander IOD originally said he had k>cated pho~pies of records showing Eagleton had been arrested a half dozen Umea in tbt 19603 for drunken or recklw driving. Later, Anderson aaid be hadn't seen these records but bad only been told about them by a "fonner high MIB!OUri officiaL" later Iden tilled as True Dlvl.s, now a Wuhington banker . Davis aaid he didn 't have the records but bad nnly been shown .them once by ~ man be didn't k.naw and wasn't sure if they were genuine or not. Parking Lots Closed . PITl'SBUROH (UPI) -Parking lot al· tlndants and caahien went on strike to- day In a contract dispute, cloatna moot of Pittsburgh'f <lawotown lots. Police aaid traffic tn the downtown area was 4•unusua.Uy llght." Oruge Coast Weat•er The weatberlady esya It ml&ht be ·.• lilU. cooler on Wednesday, but not enough to make a d~fer· ence lo coasl aweltoms. HigN to- m>irow 70 to ~ mld-1811. l.cln I0-70. INSIDE TqDAY ltr!'ll Rlootnt, bo<l<up q1l4TtD> batk for Ilic Lot Anp<l<1 Rami, suff"td '"°"" dtpce b•"" I• IW Hunllnplo!\ Btoeh loom< MOlldor ftlQhL For dttails, ,., Sports, Pope Id. ......... ' <•~ • .---~ ll .. --. ......... ~ ... ' ·-..... ,." .., ......... · .... 1111 ---.. -.. Mt:NI ,_. 11 .. ............ .. = ClM9fY ... ,; ,,.._..... ... ,, .,......... . -. -. --- • ' - I I ' • ·, DAIL V PILOT H -- Plane Ct·as h . ' -• t Takes Life f Countian -A Wmminlttr man and hi• paucncet ~ a crosKOUntry trip lo a vintage plane ~~·In burned to death Monday v.·hen their OO:.,_T-6 trainer crashed at Klngman. Kans .• )ust after takeoff. Investigators aald the pilot was Clifford ~ttman. 37, a Traru: World Alrllnes. ~TWA) pilot since 1988. Hi5 passenger \\·as also said lo be from /Jt..'llifomia but further 1dentif1caUon \\'BS .anavailable. J Engine trouble wa! blamed for the f,as~f the singlHngine World War It nl tralning plane, which had taken f rr Kingman Airport a half mile v.·ay from the scene. The trainer no!ed O\'er and slammed ~~ the Kingman 1-ILgh• School parking tAuthorilies said it exploded In names om fresh re-fueling prior to the It am. keoff for l nd~pendcnce. f\1o., In a !light \.."J!h three other old planes. '· One member of the cross-country ~ying party satd their llnal deslination "'as Oshkosh. Wis. Su mmer school was not In session at lh<' campus "'here Pullman's plane went do"·n and a nearby honie escaped damage from the gasoline-fed flames . • Democ rats' Chief .Urges Shuttle Contract Probe \\'ASlflNGTON' (UPI) -Democratic Na tional Chairman ' Jean M. Westwood J1as asked a congressional investigation or tile. awarding or the ~pace: Jb~e .con- tract. She saiid Mooday"that five dlrtclors of the firm that won the contract. North l\n1erict1n Rockw~ll, contributed to Presi- dent Nixon's 1968 campaign. · "The award of this contract lo North American Rockwell , .• raises questions Df ethla." sbe said. But Sen. Alan Cranston (0-CaliL), defended the award of the $2.6 billion !'!pace contract. He said it was "not any boondoggle." Cranston said he dld not know if Onl!: of the purposl!:s in awarding the contract to the Downey, firm was to help win re-election for Prl!:sidl!:nt Nixon. "I have no reason to assume that," he aaid. "l just don't know ." Suspect in Rape Oeared by Jtlr'y . . A Jluntingt.on Beach man whose first trial on rape charges ended with a dead.locked Orange County Superior Coort jury . has been cleared of the 1llegations by a West Orange Qlunty municipal court jury. The panel clear«! Robert Dick!on. 45, 10261 Maikal Drive, of multiple allega- tions stemming from his alll!:ged n:la- 1 ionshlp with the J.$.year~ld girl friend of his two stepdaugbler1. Dickson's cue was returned lo the local munlcipaJ court after a jury in Superior Court Judge William C. Speirs' courtroom could not agree on the guilt or innocl!:n« of the deftodant. Huntington Beach police amsted Dick.ton alter listening lo a higli school girl's account of alleged incidl!:flls at his home between February and July of 1971. Thi!: girl testified against him in both trials. Flooding Kills 100 NEW DELHI (AP) -Flooding In the three east Indian stall!:.! of Assam, We st "''' T...,._,. Seeing Spots Prince Edward. 8, or England has contracted chicken pox and is confined aboard the royal yacht Britannia. Laird Praises Dou glas Plant For Fl5 Work • ST. LOUIS, lo.lo. (UPI) -Secretary of Defense li.lelvin R. Laird, touring the McOoMe.ll Douglas Corp. plant. said lo- day the company's FI5 fighter, the Eagle, is "'a won.by aua:essor lo lhe Phantom Jet." Lalrd, tbl!: nation's I.op defense officer for four years, was making bis first visit to the sprawling McDonnell plant, which has nlanufactured tpe Phantoms for use in Vietnam. "In the past 31': years the country ha! -moved steadily closer to the goal Presi- dent Nixon set in his inaugural address." Laird said. ''That goal, or co u r 111!:, is )&sting peace. We need the Eagle, the FJ5." He addressed ?i1cDonnell's 3 O, 0 0 0 employes over a p_la.nt·wide publle ad- dress system after being introduced by the company's board chairman , Jame~ S. McDonnell. McDonnel( said Laird had come to. "see for himself the progress being made oo the Fl5." From Page l FREEWAY ... • pocting and IOTM opposing the coast freeway, but-nearly all agreeing that any council stand on the ~e is futill!:. Mayor Al Coen said: "I rl!:ally don't un- derstand this whole situation. J'm going to abstain on any vote." Burke and h1oshenko will tangle for the 70!.h District Assembly seat in the November gl!:ntral election. The district covers Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Los Alamitos (where ?\loshenko lives), and parts of Fountain Valley, Gardl!:n Grove and Costa li1tsa. 8285, Cards Stolen An unlocked door Jed to a loss of $285 and four credit cards for ·William H. Stephens, 71, or 20S5 Glenneyre Siree~ Laguna Beach, Monday, police said. The theft occurred while stepheiu was takJng a morning walk on the beach. Property was removed from h1s dresser. • American Party Favors Schinitz LOUISVILLE. Ky. (UPI) -llep. John do• was 11lll I poalbllily, pirlf-IOUroel G. SchmH.z (R-Ca.llf.), a member ot the Indicated that Schmitz wu the cumnt 1rch-conservatlvt John Birth Society, favorite to fill the void left by AJabama loomed today as the front runner for the Gov. George C. Wallace's decision not to American Party's presidential nomlna-ljffk the party nomination. lion . Schmitz, • lumHtuck concruanan AH.hough Georgia Lt. Gov. Leiter Mad-who wa1 dtleattid in the RepublW primary this year,· wu expecttd to --uedarl!: his candidacy in Washlngtoo. 2 Deve lopers Figlit Home Building Ban Two Huntington Beacti developers v.·ho claim the city council and plannln1 com- mission acted unlawfully when they ban· ned the building of 25 Mmes on a five- acrc site near Meadowlark Airport will take their argument to court Aug. 25. Orange County Superior Court Judge James F. Judge has set that date for a ' hearing into lhe application for a writ of niandate by developers Robert L. Stellrecht and Anthony Bartoli, 16521 Graham St. City planners rejected ttie· Stellrtchl· Rartoli proposal to build Qoml!:s on the site v.·cst of lo.leadowlark last May 16 af- ter noting the objections of the Airport' J,.and Use Commission and thl!: Airport Commission to the proposed Sitl!:. The plaMlng commission ruled that tht arl!:a was "unhealthful and unfit for human occupation'' due to airport noise and the fact that the developen were unable to assure public access to the area. The lluntington Beach city council backed the plannin1 commission June 5 by also denying the Bartoll·Stellrecht ap- plication. Both decisions are violations of ~tale codes govcming zoning of areas· falling within the R·I rating applied to !heir land, the developers argue.. They state that th111resent market value of 1150,000 . could be adversely affected by the ruling. Red News Agency Publishes List Of 4 Prisoners TOKYO (UPI) -North VJttnam'1 or- flcial news agency today published tile names or four American military pilots it said Were captured alter their planes were shot down last Saturday and Sun- day. Tbe Vietnam Nl!:ws Agency (VNA) said the pilots are: -Capt. James D:iv\d Kula, 25, based in Takhll, Thailand, pturl!:d July 29. -Clpt. Melvln K81Uki Matsui, 27, based at Takhli, Thailand,. captured July 29, -U. Col. William John Breckner, 39, based in Udorn, Thailand, captured at Hanoi June 30. - Lt. Len'y Donald Price, 25, based at Udorn, Thailand. captired near Hanoi July 30. All appeared. lo be U.S. Air Force personnel. In a .. parale diJpatch VNA reported downing of two American planes July 29 and July 30. Many bombers operating over North Vietnam carry two-men crews. The men named today may hive been the crewmen of the two planes, but the agency did not speclly thls. The three-day American Party con-- vtnUon opens here Thursday with some 2,000 delegates from 45 stat.ti eipected to partlcipat~- The only announced candidates !or the party's presldentJal nomination are attorney Rlt:bard B. Kay of Cleveland and Mra:. Lucy Maybtrry, a 16-year-old woman who hitchhiked to the cxinvention from Washington to draw atttntion to bl!:r candidacy. li-laddo1 wu scheduled to address the convention Friday night after the dele1ates have nominated their presiden- tial candidate during balloting that af- ternoon. Although Wallace, rtcuperating from "'ounds from an attl!:mpted assassination M11;y 15, will not attend the convenfion, his positions on major issues were eJ· peeled to be inc;orporated into the party's plBitfonn. The plaUonn commlttt:e con· vened Monday night and II oc:beduled !or addtti<loal ...,Ions throu(h WedneJday. Aerospace Raise Level Gets Okay From U.S. Judge WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. Dlatrlct Court Judge Geofle L. Hart bu ruled that a M-cenl ,hourly pay hike for aerospace workers tut January should have be<n con.sider«! by the Pay Board as part or their 1968 contract. The raise, [or 91,000 workers, was ap- proved by~ the :t'wBoard on Jan, 13, but the board sa.i d ditional 17 cenll in a 51-cent setlleinent;.Ud to be deferred un- til the second year. of the three-year ci:n- trad signed in December. The declJlon WU challenged by tile lntemaUonal Association of Macblnlsts an" the United Auto Workt:n who said !hi!: 3f..oent hike n!presentl!:d a oost~f-liv· ing agreement nacbed in 1968. Judge Hart agreed Monday with the unions that the worken were entiUed t9 &be in~ase Wlder the old contract which erpirtd in 1'71, but be 81.id it WU still up to the Pay Board whether the worUrs should gel the 17 cenU: dWerence. Sources on the Pay Board Indicated they would appeal Judge Hart's ruling. The Pay Board's disapproval of por- tions of the aerospace workers contract was the first time-it had taken suc.h ac- tion, and was amoog factors cited bJ four labor members for their decision to leav1 -tbc Board last Marth. Inmate Uprising Ends in Vermont ·WINDSOR. Vt. (UPI) -Inmates ol the Vermont State Prison h a v e overpowered two guards and released fiO fellow priaoners from their cell!:. The si tuation wu quietly brough~ under con- trol aller Inmates pmenled a lift of grievances Monday. Twin Nuclear Reactors The Incident occurred at men were returning from an Alcohollet Anonymous meeting, but apparently bad been brew- ing for .ome time. The prlsonen returned to their cells early Monday evening, after releasing 11. .. \,..,. ..... ,.~ 1~11hn~OO. .... . . ..... .. . - James R. Kelzer, 33, will be the new principal of Nleblas School In Fountain Valley !his faU. He formerly was prin- cipal or Cabrillo School in Gar· den Grove. Assembly Okays .Measlfre Setting Funeral Curbs SACRAMEftTO (AP) -tow.<o.t luntrall or body dlspoal m.oy become unobtllnable, crtUes uy, undtr 1 bill ap. proved by the M!embly but kept from linll aetloo by a technical move. The Alaembly gave the. bW bY Sen. Jack Schrade (R.san Dlej:O) a 41-15 vote Monday, the minimum for pauage. But an OPl*lC:IJt, Assemblyman Alan Sleroty (D-Beverly Hilla), was voted permission to hold the bill for reconsideration later. Algerians Seize Cash !nm.Win~ ALGIERS (AP) -Algerian 1uthorfllt1 aeiud today the It-million "'~ col-· l«:tfd by h!Ja<ktn who forced 1 U.S. jtt to fly to Algiers. The airliner ll!lded "Ith the hijacktrs Ind the t:rtW \lttr flew lhe plane to Barctlona en rOult bat:k to ~ United States. ln Washington, • State Department spoie&man sakf lhe United Slltu had aak.ed AJ1eria to return the ransom . Allan Dav11, actina bead of American tlipl-Ue miulon hettl said he had not b!<n told whether the rll\IOflJ ...id be rtlUmed but added, "l\'.e are eacourqed bi w~t has bal'i>ened in the ~~ T\fo rilontha ago, ani>tber .S. plane wat hljat:ked lo Algiers and tnl aulhorlties later returned the $500,000 ran.,_ to the American airlJtle. AJierian officials questioned the hi- jackers for two hours at the airport, then took ' them away. The three men who commandeered the jet wen accompanied by two women and three c:hlldren, U.S. officials: said. Police also questiooed the eight crew membm of the Delta Air Unes Del before letllng the airliner beglil the filght home. nae crew will remain ovemigbt iD Blrctlonl. The plane, filgbl Ill emled • total of 101 pert0Da When it WU com- mlJlCieer<d durinc I Detroit to MlunJ lllgh~ landed In ~ -.t 12:11 Lill. (PDT) said a spokdm1D for Delta Air Lines In AUanta. When a plane was last hijacked to Algeria, a favorite haven of American radicals, the Algerian I o v e r n m e n t returned the !500,000 nnaom to the United Sta tes but ielused the U.S. n- quest to H tradite tbl!: ~Jacken. Jt must still be returned to the Senate for The oca, fOUMnglne Jet waa seized by concurrence in Assembly amendments the three men and two women _ who before going to the governor's desk., · ·bad two children with them -as Jt •P' The bill was carried in the Asslinbly proaehed Orlando, Fla. by Robert Badbam, (R·Newport Beach). Wben it landed at M!ariiJ Inlemltlooal He said It wu intended only to require Ailport. two FBI agents dressed ooly in that all )>er90!la wbo diapole or human llWimmlng lntnb at the bljacktrs' ordera r<mains be subject to the ....,. lleensing brought ' small sultea.oe contalnlni the andB coi:~· bl Jolm V __ ,,__ r lMOlll buntedly gathered In 1100 llld ut ~m yman ueo~~ ~ bills to the jet (!).San J.,.) disqreed sharply. AJ the c:ralt At 11 the romote edge of "What It really means Is a rip off." a nm way in the billing Florida sun one Vueoncellol said in noor Q<bate. "Wbal of the agents ,tltd the sultea.oe to a 'rope th.la blll aays is 'I can't contract to get a dangling from the plane and the hi· . low-cost, non fancy disposal of my body'." jackers hoisted it aboard. "The question Is whether licensing Only then clid the bljacktzs let . the serVes the interest of lhe peo,ple of pessengen get off. They had brusquely Caliloml1, or il it serves to pn>tect the rejected the FBI aupestklo that they mortuary Industry," he said. take hill the money, releue the . Sieroty called tbe blll 6'0nt of the worst passengua, then get lhe other hall. p1~es or !eg~l~tion this ytar." . Som afterward, with the bljacke.n, the This bill 1s intended to put a certain children and the four-man three-woman group of San Diego County out of crew still on boaTd the f~ur-englne jet busines!," Sieroty said. took oU for Boston.' The San Dll!:go group, which tertlfied at nten , while ·FBl agents and police a hl!:arlng on the bill, is the Telophase sharpshooters · kept their distance, a Soclety. For 115 reglstraUon and #50 fee,· worker In swimming tnmks pumped Telopbaae provktes for cremation and 13,800 gallons of fuel onto the plane for pUering of ashes at sea. EleCUUvts later the plane toot off for that North !&y 2,500 membus wish to have "thil African nation where Black Panther minimal servicl!:. '' Eldrldie Cl elver · and several othe r The Telopbase Society saya the bUI American radicals have been granted would requlro It and 11 or 1% memorial the 3,300inile filght to Algeria. An boor funeral IOcieties, which alao compete political asylum. with mortuaries, to provide an em-Tbe FBI in Detroit Identified the hl- balmlng room and a chapel, whlch tbe jackers u: Melvin and Jean McNair •. memben do not want. 'Ibe bill, it aays, Larry Burgess. Joyce nllenon and Har- would put'them out ol bwlneu. ry Singleton. The McNairs' child and tho Meanwhile the Senate concurred 29-.o Tillenon woman's daughter Kl!:l\)'a also Monday on Assembly amendml!:nts to wer'I!: on tbl!: plane, the FBI said. another Scbrade bUl on the same subject. All of them had !>ten Jiving in a bare, It would require, rather than permU, the one-story house on Detroit's East Slde for state Board of Funeral Directors and about a year, nelghbon said. Embalmen to examine and pass upon Jim Moss, who lived next door, said the qualification.,: ol funeral director ap-the black hljackers "were very slrange plicants ?>efore passing upon the physical people but very intelligent . • . They statua or plana and specifications of a weren't prejudiced. They believed that propoAed funeral establishment. inoney destroys people." S.ngal and Blhar has killed at least JOO cz·ear Last Sta" *"' T·est J>!Ople.. wuhed thousands of cattle away IA:/ :ind heavily damaged crops, officials said SESAME STREET today. OIANH coi.lr-•• DAILY PILOT '"'41 ~ C'.oett DAtl 'I' PIL.of wfflt Wllidl It cornb1M11t it,. N .... l"rft .. It flllltllhflM trf ~ Dl'MO• CO.ll "*11111 .... COl'r\HflV. "- rt!~ tdl!lotlt ••• Pllblillltd, Mor.is.y fhrwtll Fri01,, tw Cini• Mew, ,.........,, ~~ M""t!...... fle11;!1/"°""*'in V1!1ey, laoUM l!IHth, l,.....l11tlS1ddltbtck «111 S..11 Cit..,.,,!•/ ~111 Jllll'I C•Pblr-A •lllQte r'91i!MI ..OjtlM It llllbUtlMd S..t\IJ,IVS 111d SllM1""" lilt prlncl!NI llllblltllllf'lt Pllnl ~ 11 Uf Yfftt l1f J"-1. Cotti ,,.,_, Cll1fror11ta, U.1'. R1lt1rt N. W•-' .. ,...kltfll INI hOlllll« J1cli: R. C11rl1y Ya ,r.IOlnl lftd 0-.1 MIM9tf Thom11 k11,ll ·-n.,,. •• A. M11,,Jii111 -·-CNrln H. i.." Ric'-•"' r. N1R Aulittftt ~ U1*a Ti ny c.,11~ .... °"""" CIM!fy "'*" 'H•i.,.w .._. ~ ~717S 1 •• ,. lo1l.,1rii M1iU,.. ~ilr1111 ,.0. 1111 7to, t 2641 --u... -.wi· • ,..,... ........ CMll M4Mf a w.::.:r '"-' """"' ..,._, JNO .. --~ .... , ..... , ......... ,,~,. ... T.,,,,,,, (7141 '4J.4JJ1 a.-.w MNcru.1 '4t.s•n ,,.. ... ~ c..., c. ..... ~, ... -·"' °""""'" ""' °""" a.11 ~...-.. ~ ..... ....,. 1111'111, llMtrfl-. llff•lltl N !Nr tr' M\'9t'I'-• ,.,.... =-............. Wllllwt .-dll Mfl' --~---· ...... '"" ....... ,..., .. t..M• ,... ~...,._ ... ~ ... ...... .,., .., fNll U,IJ ,.....!YI mlll,.,., ......... ~. The two electrical utilities planning the created the least damage of the tY.'O hall-billiotKiollar construction of twin processes. nucltar reactors IL San Onofre li.fonday Spoke.mien flX' the state and federal passed their last state test before going game agencies atreued thlt studies havJ to the Atomic Enero Commi11sion ror not yet been completed on the travel or final permit• •• but two governmmt the warm water, v.·ildli!e a&encies are far lrom satisfied. Marine biologist! testifying for the The utilities, Southern C a 11 f o r n I a utilities said their studies show that an Edison Company and San Diego Gas nnd area of SO.foot radius around the 3.400- Elec:trlc Company, won permission from foot-long octan outfall would uperience the San "Diego Regional Water Quality • the hot wattr. Control Board to pe.rlodically "boll" out · They also admitted th.Rt an "unknown barnacles and other fouling organisms number" of fish and other organisms from outfall plp!!:s at San Onofre. would die in the warm water. But the proposal to sur1e 125-degree Edison spokesmen characterized !he water through th~ ocean outfalls for matter before the board Monday as .,... short periods at .11ii-wee~ intervals drew "somewhat routine ." some &harp criticism from the State De-But when lht Atomic Energy Com· partment or Fish and Game ind the mluion eonducts reactor Uctnae hear- FederaJ Bw'eau or fisheries and Wild-lng1 IOmetlme next October alon1 lht IU•. South C:O.st. the Issue is bound to draw Spoktsmtn for both agencies said lhe out opponents. approval wu premature and that they Enviroomental factors now are in- •hould be allowed mon time to eumlne eluded In the lsrues wh(cb !he AEC muat -el>arll showing lhe emnt or the hot consider In reactor lieenslnf, water discharge whlch will take place for That rtl.Uvely new crlterlon alrl.ldy 1><riodl or perhaps •Ix boura every hu caused the ltalllng ol piarul to build montl>.--11. the two" new reactors clleulated to sern They said !he hot water wuurtaln to two mlllioo CONUmen of de<lricti,. klli !Lth in Iha IOlmedl•\e clloclw&e uu. UUllty lldes at M~'• ...,ion uld Eich heat t .. abnent eot1ld claim alt Ih1t the bUI ror delayJ Iii thO reactor toN ol marine IU1. aellodule amounts to fl mlllloa 1 month. But spokesmen !or the utlllll.. 11!d lbey uncltneartd the need roe .-th ~I there a.. only t"" erreeUva Wa)'I to lranslllOJI or the approval -· unloul tbe bu&• pipes wblch "1IJ eject U the AEC 1'11111 tho lice.-for tho mUllona or ga11..,. of warm waler a two .. ,. reielon, COOllnlcllon pn Iha minute aller f1>e brine II used to cool rtnt Q>mpanlon to the ulsUq Onalro 11tom eondW<rL . eeneraUna pl111I woold 1tart nul MlRb. -'llll·llnna CJn either·ldll the qlllllms But thal"11nt addlUon """1d-.ot""- wlth the hot w11er, or .,. ~'1 -of out Its Qrll kllo•aft tllltD eomeume .In chlorine. 1171. Tiie -of the twtm would , • The board agreed that hot waler Into -lee In tm . • I, ) • SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY . STREET IN THE HARBQR AREA THAT HASN 'T. • HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN 'S, IN OUR FIFTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE CARP ET ED THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN COSTA MESA, NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND HUNTINGTON BEACH. ONE NEIGHBOR TELLS ANOTHER UNTIC WE HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A BLOCK. THE FORMUlA IS SIMPL&-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER. HAPff. ASK YOUR NEIGHBO)t-WE PROIAILY CARPETED HER HO~E. (IF WE HAVEN'T, IRING HER IN WITH YOU.) • • • " ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Plac9lltla .Ave. COSTA .MIU. 64MIJI I f I I 1 ' Ted ·Won't McGOVERN ANNOUNCES EAGLETON'$ WITHORAWl'L C1ndid1te'1 St1ppl111 Pown Unprecodentod In Hl1tory McGovern Renews Searcl1 To Find VP Running Mate W ASIIDIG1QN (UPI) -Sen. George . S. McGovern, wllh the "painful" task of droppinc Sen. 1llomu F. Eagleton behind him, searched today for 1 new J:UM.l.ng mate •ho can help get bis pmidenUal campaign back on the fast track be bad .hoped would late him to victory 1over Richard M. Ni1on in Nov~ber. McGovetn, who persuaded Eagleton to step down at a t•-o-hour conference Mon- day night, said he had not yet decided on a replacement. The D e m o c r a t I c presidenti•l nominee said he would make a recommendaUon to... the Democratic National Committee "within a few days." "We are going to be very cautious and very careful in making the vice presiden- tial nomination," said McGovern, whose plans Jor a fast start in the campaign against Nilon were wrttked by the week• Jong controversy over Eagleton's health background. • Speculation lmn\ediattly otntued on llMM of the same men meotklned·as "rice -idelitlal prospecta at· last month's Democratic N a t lo n a I Convention - Sens. F.dmund s: Muskte of Main and Gaylord Nelsoo of Wisconsin, S&rgent Shriver, a Kennedy in-law, and fonner Party Chairman Lawrence F. O'Brien. Eagleton, who met newsmen with McGovern to annouoce the decision, said today he wou1d make _ no recom- mendations to AfcGovern on "l successor. "This is a decision that· should be en· tirely up to Sen. McGovern,'' he said in a television interview (NBC-Today show). Eagleton. Ironically, performed the duties ol the vke pmident Tuesday momlng when be praided over the Senate for a short time after its opening •. Vice Pmldeot. Spiro All'<" and Pm!· deol Pro Tem Jlllll9 Eastland·(D-Miss.). were abseot. At the Democr1tlc National Com· mittee, where the PlCCtlSQ1 to Eagleton will be formally chosen, officials said the rint task would be to clear up a series of credentials • challenges against n e w members. After that, an emergency meeting will be called by the new pa· tional chairman, Jean Westwood,· to select a new vice presidential candidate. l\fcGoyem's recommendation -as it was at the Miami Beach convenUon -is expected to be controlling. At the White HOU3e, Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Pmldeot Nixon bu not contacted Eagleton since the senator ,.., dropped from the ticket and has Do comment on the matter. · Ziegler said be railed the development in conversation with the Pruident and "be said we rully have nothing to say oo that." - Eagleton algoed and seot off bis format letter of mlgnalion Monday morning, saying "there la no rancor in my heart.•• The letter cootained much ol what be said m. bis withdrawal statement Tues- day Digbt. adding: .. I therefore· resign as vice presidential candidate on the 1m Democratic ticket" In joinOy llJ1llOWlCUii the decisiooi, McGovern had said be bu made "no decision more palntul or dlHicult. •• McGovern and Eagleton announced at a news conference Jn the senate Caucus Room Monday night their ' ' j o I n t decision" that Eagleton step down from the ticket. It came only !ix days after'1.he 42-year-<1ld Missourian disclosed at an equally dramatic joint newi conference in the Black Hills of South Dakota that be had been hospitalized thfft times for psychiatric r:eaJODS. Eagleton is the~./irat vice presidential candidate ever to accept lhe nomination and later resign from the ticket. "In the joint decision we have reached, health was not a factor," McGovern said in ~ prepared statement. "But the public debat. over Sen. Eogleton's put medical bl,:ory --to di-1tt<ntion from .. u.. creat nali!>Dal issues !hit need to be -· "Ladies ~ eenttemeft, t ~ o k at the neWs,,. McGovern added in reply to a question. "Jt bas bJotted out the war. lt has blotted_.oul..ibe economy and it has blotted out the central issue.'' Reaction was miJ:ed., califomia State DemOcralic Cba1nnan Charles itanatt said "this will allow us to quirkly reftXUa on lbe problem of the economy, the war and the lack of leadenhip in the Ni~ presidency." "The net eHect will be a positlve ooe," htanatt said. Jl_!!l ~ Oe.roocraUc Chai""8D Delton Houtchins said "it wU I real deal • . • they can count Alissouri out u far as I'm coocemed this fall." Co1orado Chairman Bill Leave! said Eagletoe wu "a fine man who got caught In 1 tough situation." 53 Major Cities On Jobless U st WASHJNG1QN (UPI) -The Ila! of major U.S. citles with substantial unemployment of I percent or more declined by one to S3 during July. It matched the lowest point in the past 15 months, a Labor Department uport lhowed Monday. Dropped from the list when their jobless rstes fell below I percent lut mootb .,~ Canton and Youngstown. Warren, Ohio. However, Boston was ad· ded when its unemployment rate went over the mark. . It was the first lime the list of msjor cities bad been u lo• P $3 aince June, 1971, and it wu the loweshlnce U eities were on the list in April, 197l The high point of 6$ wu reached last October. -Frasier~s Dad? .·. . Zoo Say s Lio1i's Sire Goin g S tro1~g ' ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (UPI) -tor is convinced that Leo wss Frosier's Fnllier the ...,_,. lion Is deed but the lather or even grandfather. Albuqllenrue ZOo belleva It 11u_1n e•"!!__ Frosier arrived at Lion CGlmtry with 1 - ----~-ble --·--· . • -~ ,. shipmellt col-llonl brought '""" -more ~--ID --IOll by m lllimal dealer. AJtbouch it WU -Iii or IO ml 1llill 1'1111 """"· believed be bid, .come from 1 Mesl<aa Frasier, famous far bis qo, 17 to 11, clrcus, be could 1i1 .. come from tb6.EI IDd bis reprab:tl,. eopadlles II lildl ~ Tu., -wbel:t Ille delltt ap- an ldvlDCOCI oe<. died ~ II lion parentl7 bouPt 1 ,..._ o( lions. Oolllltry Soflri, In Lopml HB1s. lie bl "Slnoe w. wert "'Plll1inl El r-with aired -0( culll llld --In bis lion Clll>I at tbll llme, •• -that attempla ...., m the doy before liis Frasier came lroal bin llld wu siAd de1th. 1 b)' Leo,• Strint!er said. Leo II 1! lelst U )'<IR old 11111 11111 i& Leo, who bss produced "dooins" ol pn>duclng cubs, Dr. e.-Stz;npt, cube, bss doable Clltaroctl In bis eya director ol the ,.., uld. and llthrltls, "but he 1111111 able to roor "Leo C11ne to the ... In 19!0 11111 be prttty pod," the di..ctor uld. WU 1! least I )'<Ir old then," Sir""" Slrqor uJd 100 lions pneroOy lift lo _ __.,..·., "V eQ shorOy ll1u that ..be. starlal alloul.ll, Jllablc Leo I r..-( lloo. ~ l&I " produc:inc cube.". is eq .. I to -I Ill hlal!WI years. Sb-ooctt bell..., Fruier msy hlie ID> Leo Is 1 8ul>ort lion, u .alhteL berlled his lonc•vlly and prOductlvtb', breed u.ept for ,.. anlma1', StrlJlier _mm -othe< thao Leo. The ,.. din& Aid. -•• • ' ' - .. H OAJLV '!LOT 3 -'Bail Ollt' • Democrats Nixon Plans ' Campaign _Start Here WASHJNGroN-(UPl) -Soun:es close to President Nixon say be will launch hi.s campaign for re-election in California durio( Labor Dty wetktod. . C.Utornla, Nlloo't native state, will be a crucltl batOegiooncl in the raco betweeo Nizon and Democrat George s. McGovern. lf bas 45 electoral votes, the most of ll1J' slit.. The IOW'Ctl said Alonday that Nixon would make about lour campaign rtops each weekend when bis rHlection drive moves into high gear near the end' of September. The President is expected to give details of bis campaign plans when he holds what he has described as "a political press conference·• at the Western White House in San Clemente after the Aug. 21-23 Republican con- vention in Miami Beach, Fla Ni.Ion will fly from California to ilaw.aii for an Aug. 31-Sept. l meeting with new Japaneae Prtm.ier Kakuei Tonaka., 1be 80W'Ces also said Nilon woo Id stress his role as "President" during the campaign, pleading that the "demands" of his office were k~ing him Crom the daily fray. In the past two weeks, Nixon has become more openly political, moving away from a p~vious prohibition against discussing political questions before the convention. At a July 'l1 news conference, Nixon e:z~ the opinion the election would be close and "hard fought right down to the wire." McGover1i TV Session Set -NEW YOllK.. !AP! -ARC and CBS say they will carry live te1evtslon coverage of an a~ nouoctme.nl by Sen. G e o r g e McGovern scheduled for tonight at I p.m. PDT. NBC, which rin~ said it would follow suit, declared later that a decision on live coverqc would be made when it learned "\what the Democr'tUc prelidential candidate had to say. Aides u~ McGovern would talk about the campaign but declined to be more specific. They s a i d he would not announce a replacement for Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, who withdrew ~fonday as the vice presidential candidate. • Rioting Erupts For Second Tin1e At Cht1r ch Fiesta ' A Catholic church fiesta in Santa Ana was the sceile of rioting for the second weekend in a row early ~tonday, police reported .• Security gua~ nired ily the church lo keep order opened fire on a group or 70 to llO rioting youths who were throwing rocks, bottles and other debris at the guanb. No one wit injured by the gun- fire but several guara.s suffered ll'J inor injuries. Fifteen men were arrested on 8SMUJt charges. Fat.her Vincent Senulos or Our Lady of lhe Pillar church, 1633 W. 6th St., caUed the trouble makers "outsiders." "They don't patronize our caniivals, they' come here drunk and on drugs,'' he charged. The fle~tas are being-held to raise funds fC'!I" the church's parochial school. 4 Ten Santa Ana police officers. sum- moned by the priest, put {!own the rMlt and made the arrests e1.riy ~ionday morning. Kennedy Vows No VP Spot WASHINGTON IUPll -S.n. Edward 1\1. Kennedy today repeated his rtjeetlon of second place on the Democratic ticket "'ith presidential nomintt George S. McGo\'ern. ln an Interview "'Ith UPI.. Kennedy said the door barring a race for national office thi s year is "just as closed and just as locked"' as it was last monlh ~·hen he refw;ed to make himself available for the party's vice presidential nomination. Kennedy acknowledged be had talked with 1\fcGovern since the decision wa! made Monday night to drop Sen. Thomas f'. Eagleton from the ticket, but he declined to say whether P..lcGovem had asked him to take Eagleton's plact. "We talked generally about the cam- paign and the election.'' Kennedy said. "lie understands my position ind I think he respects my decis ion." Earlier this year, Kennedy said repeatedly he would· tl)l setk the Democratic nomination for either Presi· dent or Vice President in 1972, citing "personal'' reasons . He skJpped the party's July coilvenUon in Miami Beach, appearing only at the end to intrOcluce McGovern to make his acceptance speech. In another interview. Sen. Birch Bayh (0-lnd.), also ruled himself out as • poss ibility. "Nope, I'm oot available," Bayh told UPI. "I'm happy with what I'm doing. Lightning's not going to strike. I've put it out of my mind and my heart." II Ultf T ...... M 'NO, NO, NO, NO, ••• ! Non·Candidate Kennedy , Co unty Acciden ts Claim T"'o J_,ives Two men wert< killed in separate Orange County traffic accidents Mond~ afternoon and early today,' the Orange County Coroner's office reported. Herman Shamley, 5, of 327 E. Pearson St... Anaheim, lost hls life in a two-c&r collision at 9th Street and Orangcthorpe Avenue in Garden Grove Monday. Police said Jean K. Ronnie. 28, of Anaheim, driver of the other car wa11 only slighlly injured. . Shortly after 2 a.m. today Douglas· O. Stone, 39, of 7546 El Ferrol Way, BuenJ Park, died when his car, eastbound ort the Artesia Freeway at the Riverside Freeway interchange went out of control and phmged down an embankment. ''G your o new car .. CLYDE JOHNSON President BJLL HAROLD Sales manager BILL TAYLOR TEAM • Meet the team that has all Orange · County talking ••• Never has an auto- mobile been asked to meet the r igid requirements this staff demands for the "Golden Touch" seal awarded to all th e Lincoln-Mercury products who pass the te st, You've been wanting this service all your new car buying life , • , Come into Johnson and get It . , • •EXPERTLY SERVICED • •ROAD TESTED •TROUBLE FREE DRIVING • . TOM HANIGAN WARD LEE ••o,.,,,~ Coa,.ty•s f••ily •/ fi•• e•rs•• ' hnson son- • • DICK JOHNSON Vice President ' ' CHARLES WOOD~RD Service manager < • ' • • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ( ···- I , ~ (" < ~ KAY--NEWMAN--i I ' t 4 DAil Y PILOT . Now Is Time For . .\II Men •.• IQCKY TICKY POUTIX: Well folks, the. Democrats just fired their vice presidential candidate and the n1tlon is left: brtathleu, waiting day by day for lhe,iext disaster that the Party will visit Upcl!l itself as it careens tow1rd No~ber oblivion. E:ven 1or DemocratJ, the spectacle bu been hard to believe. First, they reach into their political bucket and pull out th is freshman senator frOm MWouri and ll'li the world he is going to be the nert vice president of. the United States. ··tom Eagleton."· people mumble. ''"'ho In the world is···he?" 1'hen the senator slands before the oon· ,.,.ntion and starts talking and indeed, he :-.ounds like a nice .enough chap. Maybe he 'll do. folk s said. Aft('r 1111. "'ho c>ver heard of Spiro before the National COP 11ul him 1n a place "'™-•re he could keep hrs mouth open all the time"! NEXT, IT IS divulged that Senator Eagleton had seen psychiatrists in 1980. 1964 and 1966. Now, there are • lot of people who believe that a lot or politi- cians should see p1ychiatrlsts, par1icularly aome vice presidents. But anyway. the notion that Senator Eagleton had visited one was too much for the Demos. Now the whole Democratic Party needs lo go see a bead.shrinker. "'e seem to be a country that likes to lice vi~ presidential candidates in l}ot \1·ater. So there Is t~ veep candidate, fncing the television cameras and telling the nation that his political expenses really were legitimate. That his slush fund wasn't a slush fund. That his wife doesn 't v.·ear a mink coat but just a plain old cloth one. That the only thing he ever \Yas really given was; this cute little dog Checkers and he sure isn't going to give that back and break his daughters' hearts. OF COURSE, the vice presidential can- didale who bared his political soul in this fashion on teevee Sept. 23. 1952 got away with it. Senator Richard M. Nixon of California became Vice President Nixon of Washlngtoo. He even won another election. laler. Alter watching the DemocratJ over the past few days. you get the not.ion that r.-1r. Nixon may cYen win yet another election. MaYbe he had a little slush rund, but you can bet he never saw any headshrinker. The Democrats, however. have shoved psychiat17 back into the ·1atb Century. CLEARLY, THE . Republican and t>emocratic conventions are going to give us a slice of natk>nal cootrast. 'Ibe GOP · .. Jiathering is going to be about as exciting as an old ladi<s' qui!Ung party. The DemO!, on the other haod,-ran a clrcus in v.·hich the final act was tq shoot a South Dakotan out of a cannon and then fire the ~lissourian who pulled the trigger. The Demos are just about as likely to try (or an encore. George McGovern will probably pick Hubert Humphrey as his vice presidential candidate. T h e n 1'1cGovem will step down "for the good of party unity so he can discuss lht! real issues." TEDDY \VILL THEN slep forward, saying he 'll take over now for good old George who really was a flne fellow to step down "for the good of the party so v.·r can really discuss the issues." Absurd? Sure. Bul so is cverythlng else that's happened with lhe Democrats since they had that clambake off 1t1iami ncach. Actually, you shou1dn't let lhe Demos fool you like this. 'Ibey actually planned il this way all alopg. They figure to have the GOP peojire laughing so hard that they'll forget to either campaign or vote. lfs an old. old, Democratic tactic. They call it victory through confusion. • . ' T-.-1,1971 Bremer Said To Be Sick ' -Attorney UPPE R MARLBORO, Md. (UPll -A defense attorney contends t.he man ac- cused oI shooting Alabama Gov. Georae C. Wallace wu "weird" and probably ''sick the day he was born." AUomey Benjamin Lipsitz made the statement to a jury ol six men and alt: ~-omen Monday as the trial of Arthur Herman Bremer, 21, a former Milwaukee busboy and janllm'. began. Bremer sat in the court.room smiling endleuly. Once be llud hiS loogue out at a spectator, smiled broadly and chuckled to himseU. Lipsitz argued there was not enough evidence to show that Bremer was the man at a Laurel, Md ., shopplng center last ~1ay 15 "'ho fired the shots that wounded \Vallace, a Secret Ser\'lce agent, an Alabama state trooper and a woman campaign worker for ~ Democratic presidential candidate, Wallace still is hall paralyzed. Under the direction of Judge Ralph Po"·ers, the court picked the jury in one hour and 15 mioot.es and started the trial on a.ssault to commit murd« charges that could result in the ·sentencing of Bremer to 123 years in prilon. The defense woo a point eerly by hav- ing Bremer, 11, sealed in the crowd of about 100 newsmen and ipeC!al«I when aix auccessive w:lbleslel wen uked to pick him out "nrte, iocludi.ng a police officer who .said be knew the two plainclothes d e p u t i e 1 seated beside Bremer. Identified him. But the other three stared futllelY .•• tb-Jt ~,,.,t about the audience tryiiif-to~rmd ·111e defendant. Bremer appeared . in the Prince Georges County courtroom dreued ln a modidl suit, dark shirt, and ytllow striped tie. He sported a beard and a full head of blond, cirly htir, Jn contrast to his closely cropped hair style when he was arrested er.actly 11 week! ago. A.J in his previous public appearance, Bremer smiled endlessly. He often turn- ed in bis chair to look out at the spec- tators, smiling almost as lf he .tiere pos· ing for e picturt. He spoke only once to say "thank you'' to a prospective jur<r who said the news coverage of the shooting convinced him Bremer WU cu.ill)'. Lipslb cited -......... why tlHre .... -~ and.uld ho would Clll an FBI tedmlct.n to ohow that: -Ballistics tests did not poaitively trace the bullets taken from the wounded governor to the gun. -The gun did not have Bremer's fingerprints on it. -Paraffin tests of Bremer'• handJ made the day of the shooting failed to show Bremer had fired a gun. A.J expected, Lipsitz saJd Bremer was Insane -but not Just at the Ume or the shooting. He said be would produce three expert witnesses to show Bremer was schizophrenic. "All Uree," he added, ''will tell you there is 1 good l'hance Arthur Bremer was 1ick the day he was born -and maybe before be wu born." He described Bremer u ••a boy who was weird the day be came Into this world." DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtlivrry of the Dally Pilot Is guaranlttd • M-ly-F"rllhly1 If V0V ff not 1111~ '°"'' pe~r by 5::111 p.m., c111 1nd ¥OUr ~Y wiii be bt"Oll!lhl to yaw. r:1111 1r1 t1k1n unli'r 1:)1) p.m. Se!urdlY l'ld Sunday: " VOii do Mil r~~l¥1 V01tr (OSIY C'f f 1.m. ikllurd1y, OI" I 1.in. SUl1dly, ull ind 1 COCIY will tl9 l>r"OllQht 11 vou. C11l1 1r1 •~tn until 1t 1.m. Tt1tphones Most Or1no-t-.ty At-. .... -•• '4MIM Nortl'IWISI H¥11tlrll• ._,. 11111 W111m1Mttt • , , •.••••••• ,. ••• '*'lnt '-n Clemente< Cltllt,,..,_ llff(fl, Ml" Jt,IAft ~lrlM. Dtlll "°4rlt. $Wiii L.19WM. L1tYM H191111 •••• ~_... • , Agony of War A crying woman Is comforted by anothe~ during a mass funeraJ for 110 unidentified. civilians killed on Highway One in Vietnam as they tried to flee Quang Tri. An estimated 2,000 pe<iple were killed by North Vietnamese ambushes ovet'\ a three-day period. Security Breach Bwmed In Slwowut at Prison BOSTON (AP) -CotrectloM Com· missioner John 0. Boone says "an o~ ul-·"' --..h . .d.~u" 1...t,Jo..the -;laying of two -pt1b empro;;; and the wound.Ing of two other persons by a con- victed murderer who later, according to authorities, took his own life. Walter J. Elllott. 30, serving a tenn for murder at Norfolk Priaon, apparently •hot blmseU through the heart and seriously wounded hiJ wife,· Katherine, as the cllmai: to a six·hour drama at the [..__IN_S_H_O_R1'._._. ·__.) medium security lnstitutloo Monday. His wlfe died today u a result of bet in- juriea. Using handguns prlJm olllclals say they believe bis lrile 111111(1(e4 Into the prison under her long drm, Elliott earlier shot t1r0 guards and a prbon in- structor. elRADenlal BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - The Irish Republlcan Army denied today that fi Rt the borill» that killed six persons and wounded more than 30 ln a village near 1.oodonderry Monday, but it vowed to retaliate for the British Anny's occupation of Catbolic enclaves. Oflldals ol tbe IRA'a Provisional W1ng charged in Dublin that the thm bombo that wrecked the-maln-llreet ol Caudy wero planted by British troops to divert attention from their Invasion ol the long· banicaded ''»go" areas Monday. e Dock.,,. De94ll11e LONDON (UPI) -The British govern- ment will give atrtkinl dockworkera until Aug. 9 to settle their dispute befort declaring a state of emergency to safeguard food and other vnaI supplies, government IOUJ'CtS said today. The decision was reached at 1 cabinet meetlng called by Prime P..tiniste.r Edward Heath to take a serious look at the nationwide strike now in its fifth day. e Hatch Act WASHINGTON (AP) - A lhree-judge panel has cracked open the door to partisan pol!Ucs by federal employes, but the worken have to wait for a Supreme Court ruling be!Ort they croa any cam- paign thresholds . In the ~l ruling Mooday, the panel held that l"lvil100I ol the Balch Act • which ban partisan politlca by federal w:orkers are "lmpennisslbly vague and over·broad." and violate the fr~b clause of the 1st Amendment. e Laird Heckled ST. LOU1S, Mo. (UPI) -Antiwar demonstrators shouting "we don't bellfve a "'Ord you 're saying," Monday · in- terrupled a speech by Delense Secretary Melvin R. Laird about America's efforts to get oot or Vietnam and return to a peace time economy. Laird temporarily silenced the ap- proximately 50 demoostrators by pro~ islng to answer questions after his speech. TWA ' I. Egyptian Troop.'~ Rerhellion T.old LONDON (UPI) -Dlplomatlc nporta, _.,,I .. ~ said ~a -ol Ibo EIYptian army rt~ qalolt Preal- dent /tJrWlt Sadlt an May :15, but tbt power crab Wied. 'Jbe diplomall aald oome 1 , 0 0 0 memben of the elite "special forces" un- der Brig. Gen. Sam1r El-Tanawl toolc part In the~ 'Jbe reporll from Ibo Middle East l . He 'then added? "Our dlffereaeet CXlfto llllied from Mar<h 11171 anw. todlJ. 1be -"'"" -led. llthouch thoyCIUIOdmedomeltlc-." 1be diplomall Aid the mDY move lflS • !actor In the expulsion doclalon but Rmala't r<IU<tanc< to tupply EIY!>l lrlth advanced weapons wu still tJie main ..-Sadat -the advlaen out. could DOI be lmm<dlately coallrmed by B . s ~1.,r:ri:-iu::.·:r-...... uggmg uspect T111&1'1, ,,.,_ ai:nstA!d, Ille ~ J · ~ diplomata •Id tho _ .... Hail Vote Check believed lo ho ... of .Ibo -Sida! =~pel -mill~ a<1-. Jn , Bank Account Detalla ol the lncldeot an lllll DOI • ' ' cleu but diplomat. aald then! were two WASllJNGTON (AP) -A 925,000 ' venlona about the objectlv .. ol the rebel cl>ect. 'apponlllly lntmled !er l'Hlldeol troops. Nlxon's fHlectioo campaign. ended up One version said they planned -to in the accoont of one of five men accused overthrow Sadat. The other aald they planned to place an in the break·in and bugging attempt at ultimatum before the pre!ldent that he Democrat1c headquarters. here. 'the should concede a list of demands. H'ad Washington Post said today. of the list was the removal of the Soviet 'Ibe check was made out by the First advisers. lf Slldat refused the plan was to Bank and Trust COmpany, of Boca unseat him from power. · The diplomat. said that early on the J\aloll, Fla., lo Kenneth H. Dahlberg ol morning ot May 25, about SO helicopters, Minneapolis, the Nixpn c.ampalgn finance each carrying aome 20 fully armed com-dlainnan for the Mid.west, t b e mandos of the 1'spedal forces," gathered newapeper .id. . in the llelbela ...... -ol Cairo, • It later -deposited in the bank ..,. where there IJ a major mill~ airfield. count or BernanI L. Barbr,-wllo wu ~ Reports said the troo(ll planned lo land ttSed with --Dien Inside tha al two places -near Sadat'• home In the Democratic Natlooal beadquarl<n on Gulub '11burb Of Cairo, and near the Jone 17, aocordine lo tbt -· 1be radJo station. five men were cbaried lW'tth burglary. War Minister LI. Geo. Moblmmad Police also aelud o quanllty ol eleclrUlic AJuned Sadek was apparently notified of bugging equipment, , the situation at llelbela and Immediately n.. p..,t said It coo(irmed the .,. took charge in a counteraction. tsttnce of the check wlUi Dahlbert. It There. was no detail how the rebels was deposited to the Barker accouqt in were foiled but the dlplomatJ said April, although the exact route taken by Tanawl and the ringleaders were ar· he check r It 1 ft hi.._..' io. .. ...1. rested and secretly referred to trial. t ,a ter e De "'"& S.JKU- Tanawi was subsequenUy replaced by was not kooWn, the P01t aakl. Col. Mahmoud Abdulla. , The diplomats said Sadat o~liquely referred to the power move in a major speech July 21 when be talked ·about his differences wiQt the Soviet Union. Sadat said he consldmd, alter Presi- dent Nb:on'1 smnmH meeting in Moicow, that a "pause with our friend (the Soviet Unloo) IJ necmary lo talk and be frank." Rockefeller Granddad LmLE ROCR. Ark. (UPI) -Fonner Arlwt!u Gov. Wlntbrop Rockefeller bas become a grandfather Monday when Andre.a Davidian Rockeleller, seven pounds, WU born at SL Vincellt's IJ> finnary. U.S. Skies Partly Cloudy TO THE EASI COASI FROM lOUR OWN BACKYARD. Cool._ Weather, Storms Cover North-central States M.t.llOMM wtAf"'l lltVtc1flOltCA&f .. 1AM 111 I• t •11 Tet11perctt1res " ....... ,,, ,. " .01 ... ,. a n 0() 30.00 , :;,;--r:J.-...-, \ ~ I : II ll .., :!: • • TWA's fabulous Ambasaador Service to theEut Coast. n·.- 80 e&IY wiih a Utile help from Gotden West. "Golden Otter" commuton zip you to I.A. International, right nert to TWA'a terminal ... and that meana: • No &eow.y traftic • No parldng hulles • No expensive tali.I • No baggage hapg-upo, atraight-througb checking. • ROM ORANOI COUNTY AIRPORT obLDINWlST TWA GOlDINWIST TWA Lv .Art.AX L•LAX L• Ar LAX LvLAX NIWYORK 7:60A 8:25A 9:00A · PHU: 7:25A 7:60A 8:45A 9:15A 9:60A n:40A 12:40P 1:15P 1:60P 1:45P. 2:20P 3:00P ' 9:05P 9:40P ll:OOP 8:00P. 3:S5P 4:15P WAlll..11.C. 8:25A 9:00A lO:OOA 9:05P ~:40P 10:45P ll:60A 12:2liP l:OOP IOSTON 7:25A 7:llOA 8:45A WT. 9:05P 9:40P l0:50P 10:20A tO:MA 11:30A 9:05P 9:40P ll:OOP •• · fOlt O*..cAU. .-vATIONS Pl-"TOUl TUVll. AOIHT • Ol oot.MN WIST l1T1 714-979·1-. ' TWA AMBASSADOR SERVICE TO THE EAST COAST (with a little help from a (riend) • • .. ' 1 • I I •I I ] 1 ' ! I ' I l I l l i I I l I ~l I I I I I I l I l I I I I J I I l , I J l l 7 i • VOC. W.S, NO. 214, 2 SECTIONS 2:t~P_AGES_ --- District Five By JOANNE REYNOl'.J>s next 'lllelday. . • • 011tJ •• 11111 • Tbtte are two vactnclet on the board Four ol the live candldales for the -aoe aui.d by Slnllls' rttlnment District Five seat on the Newport·Mesa &Bl ' -Jn)llstrict Sir aui.d by the • Today's Final N.Y. Stocks ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORN""-~--_TU~OA AUGUST m _ N Sc;hool Tbe !ifth candldate from District Five, Walter Lazar, did not .attend. Lazar IP- . parenUy filed lor the' election &Bl then left town on an extended vaca.tion. • · Hopefuls Air Views cally iealJble and or eduactiooal merit. munlty supports II," be aald. narrow oolutlon at beat and I think the Cbandler aald be b opposed to lbe Idea. Oa Su Ed-: ':Tbe rllinc venere-problem ought to be receiving a lot ol at- "! doa't feel year round education Is lbe al dlleue rote ls perbapl due in part to a teriUon at dilf.....,t level~" be aald. for Newport Beach unW lt'1· lack ol ae:r educatlod, .. Candler II.id. "I Ashe and En.sign were not as)ed to re- board ol edu~tlotl ~j • to milnatioa ol Selim Franltlln. Candidates -air ifiili'~ .n.ub)eClf'niiTJii !tom loriiai eW'm.er.<fiil 'YOWlin year round x~ to .. , educitlon. . lbe ICllOol dllltlct. · • Several luueli were covend !lurink lhe . two-hour orum. ere a saiiiPllii&--.r- Uie Wldldatez' vielvs: 0a,........illdooolo: :>on>;;aastai!iftew.lde basis.. -would tlli!!k lbe best .. lo -~--spood to qu<!tlooa Oii -education '." ~dia. I• on a v ~ illa.iiil bring up ves. Ill, &Bl I think 11 rully bas to Tbompooa, a ~ and obstetrl· 0. 1 .. c11er effldeacy: Tbe ineetq, attended by about Ill poo,. · Tbe lour· Dfstrlcl· Fl\'e c.ndldales -· pie, toot pJace at .the Lido • Ille Com-Dr. Atth\lf· '1)>ompioii,. :Tames··E!i'qn, munlty Clubbouae Uxf -spoosoHd by Bnice Cblndler &Bl MIU Mbe :-briefly • 1bompa0a c a u t Ione d again.st · be4dpjbt.d wbelher we uae 11 or not." , clan, aald lie ls bopeflil bis expertise u a Aft noted lbal.a law:: wW go 11» Ensign did not~ in tefllls of Y<V medlcll man would be helpful to Ille vtoideesHect1_ lsomn th0e acodm~~-f'.:'ve;eyvearalua"""11on • Donald §trouss, the retiri!C ochool board• · dbcusae<! ·tbeir views .. ~Ilion and 11gressum, t.oward innovation." He recommended Uie matter be thorouchlY atudled &Bl institui.d only ii economl· round prognuna. ' Summer achool could board in this l/N, :·Tbe fll'oblem Is that -·-be ttpanded and upgraded If tite needs of 1e1 education Is not the problem. S.1 of teacher. quality rather rt!Jmis a · member ·w-&ell goes on the block tbOn answend qaHtJom !tom the lloor. the students warrant it and If the com. education II port ol lbe IO!ution. It Is a (See CANDIDATES, Pa1e ll ... . ·, . BanMulfud " ., On Parkin~~. ByRyckoff · -Fr-eeway Blast-ed Mesa Mayor Urges Reagan · Bill Veto ' NOWJ>!rt Beach City Councilman Paul 1 a,.,toi1' aatd Monday nlgbt that the best aolutloii•I• parking problem& on Balboa laland )lould be to ban -parti!ll altocetlier. RyckOll: a Balboa Island mident, told a joint ,...ting o~ the City ~cil and planning comm1sa1oo Iha! ·be Is unalterably opposed to a new planning Jl!l!!9' which permlb garagei in crowded arw ol Uie-city-to come·rlgbt up lo-lbe lid• property lines..;· . . '"lbeae prages are' not used for cars &nywayt:' RyckoH said. "People store bolls, bave wortsbops and everything else in them and then park their cars Oil the atreeti ... Rycl:dlf iald that lhe parking problem cauaed li1 tourlslsAs already bad enough aqd t~ addition" ol more 1~ea or partla( spocei would. ~ drow more Winding up an llU..innlnf pitch to keep lbe Pacillc Coast Freeway through Newport Beach In the S o u I h I a n d tranaportation game, Costa Mesa Mayor Jack Hammett let Oy at GoV. Ilooald Reagan M(lllday. . He fired off a lllf·word lelegram to the Capitol, urging Reagan to veto a bill by Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (R• Newport Beach) which seem& beaded for approval In the Legislature. Badham's AB 1322 would kill the Drunk~Diiver Claim Nixed By Columnist can to Ille Jslanil. · , ''One -..ay -and perba~ the -. W ASWNGTON (AP) -Columniat 11111, Wiii' -lo lltlp ....... tl!t ~~ . Jaclt ,....._ ·~'-retiacliil<tfls -' .......... -... ~-~-:-v ,........_...., . . ltril!tl « -iUeJI.'' bit ~"1il· "TbeD -c-, ... • -• -. -T ....., ...., ., .... ,._ , to have loccted e~ tblt Sen.· ..,_-..i be_. prapu!Jo." -SWIMMEU. WADIRS ll!AT•HEA:r-t~WPO!tf llM:H··---· Thomas F. J:agleliin bas a reoonl of &r- "Tbe f!oblem Is~ et peo,ple and · ·Th11"""" Waa Taken a"5llftlll Monday rests !or diunken ul redles driving. cars,'" }\yckolf added, •:w I thlnt the -' Anderson said h1a retractlon wu ••un- tourllls j,ould bave to pert off the island qualified" and "in totOl,JI and,,;.""Jo~:'. ~~k poliey for w •nd p. · · · E · · ted He announced lbe retraction 11 an Jn. . ,.,.... '1 IUch ireaa u West Newport, 'f, . at*-nrn· xp· ec formal news conference oulalde Balboa ~iDaula ail<! old Corona de! Mar ' " . · ~ . , . Eagleton'• office after ta1ting for about also dirt praise flim moot pWminf hall an bour in private with the M1aaour1 -and cOUncilnlen .. .... valid aoltilonn to parting pr'Gblems. • T B k u H w senator, wbo resigned formally today II ... ~1~~~~ttolhe ._.':'. · rea " p e(tt ~Ve :! .. "'.°"'•tic v1 .. prea1dent1a1 freeway route through Newport Beach. A similar blll clipping Rau~ One through Loog Beach out ol lbe Stele Division of Highways' plans was recently signed by the.governor. State Sen. DeDnls E. Carpenter (I\· Newport Beach~.a!Ao:. bas a blll in tbe worb to get rid of the entire freeway. Costa Mesa olflctala are strongly back· Ing a separate measure by Assemblyman Robert Burke (Jl.H1mtington Beach) wbJcb would force a re-sludy of. the en- tire tranlpo~tion picture. City councilmen in Burke's ovm city rejected aupport or bis AB 1137, wblcb oonetheleaa passed the Assembly Iii to o, with lbe lllpUlation each city involved would pay 1%.500 to finance it. An additional 1100,000 would be donated by the state in an attempt to find a solu· lion to pouring thousands of can from the e1lsting highway into communities (See TELEGRAM, Page I) -Party Choi~e' Joh11. Schmitz for President?. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) -Rep. John The only IJ1llOIJn<ed candidates for G'. Schmiji (R..catif.), a member of the the party'• presldentlal nomination are arcl><onaervaUve ·John Birch Society, attorney Rlchard B. Kay ol Cleveland loomed today aa lbe lronl ninner for Ille and Mn. Lucy Mayberry, a 66-year-old ~-~·a pt-'drs'1•1 11sW, won:ian who bitcbhiked to the convention tloe.· --_ ~ -_ ~ '. I-Wosblngtoll to drow at=tlon lo ber AUholih G<orgta U, .....; rotter -C30didacy dolt WU lltill I -™1Jly, 1*'1· loUrceo 1'faddo1 •WU tcbeduled to addreSI the indlcai.d'tbat Scbmlll wa1 the cumnl conTeatlm Friday nlght after the favorite to fill lbe void !ell by Alabama delegates bave nominated their preald..,. GOv. G<orge C. Walface'1 decision DOI to Ual candidate during ballotlni that al· ... k the party nomlnatlm. temooo. . Scbmlll, a lamHuck a!agl'ellmaD . Althougb Wallace, recuperating from · wbo waa defeated in the Republican WOWKls from an attempted wusinatloo primary thla year, waa . upected to May 15, wW not attend the convenUon, declare bis candidacy in WIUblngtoo. . his polltlona Oil major lssuea were el· Tbe tflree.<lay American Party ...,. peeled to be Incorporated into the party's vention opens here Thursday with some platform. 1be p1atfonn committee con- 2,000 delegates !tom 45 stales llpecled to vened Monday night and b acbeduled !or participate. -additlonal 1Wlons through Wednesday. Kis.smger, Reds , . ' . Eagleton, wbo originally I a b e I e d Formation of the typlcal·CaWlM Odey ptcted to be !tom five to 10 degrees Andenon'1 charge a .''damnable lie" N J Le H • h = ~;u: ~ U:or:... ~~ ;.:ts.lbe National Weather Service ~~~' :.m;n:~ ~ . .: · avy ets . ave a1p ong tolliCht, 'Wini~~ i.,.t wave. L181>t winds !tom 10 te•20 knots froin !or courage and called him a Meett in Paris · On Wet Peace Harbor Shipy~d Flaming Ttii! Nat!Oiial "eatlier-s.Mce prOdklJ !he-.outhwesi-WiltWri!M! Otaligo.-Cout -"distinguished journalist." ~peroturea along lbe.Orangeeout will early Wednesday., · , Eagleton said he wu satisfied with drop aligbtly with highs Inland on Word of the break in the beat wave Anderson'• retraction. "Tbe boot ia ctoa- W~ aboutt Tonlght'a lo,,-atq brings promise I<' the end ol a string o( eel.as far as I'm concerned." wAlfHlNGTON . TAP) _ Presidential 1be COlll will be I!! Uie elll_wllh a hlgh.oa lllll<fegree 4"Ys . in JnJand citiea _of. . AI!dl!!SQO ~inally aald he had located aaalstant H•<n'·Kisslngtr Ill meeting to-W~·abrut 81. Tonlgbt'1 low along Southern Calilornls which increued lire photocoplea-ol i<cords showing Eagleton SAICoN (APi -U.S. Navy jets bave atlacUd a ablpyard in llaipliong harbor for the first time in the war and left it in names, the U.S. eoinmand announced to- day. day In faris w1lh • Noith Vretnameae Lale nilbt 'llld early morning low hWrds and brought peak demands for . had been arrested a hall dozen Umea in negottatOrs; lbe ,White Iloule aald. = ~¥;;,,:rw""~~ape electric JIOWer. the 1960s !or drwlken or reckless drivmg. Like lbe~I Wier meetingl that l'rtsl· Tbe Eddy 11 a 'aoutherly !low On Monday~bigh temperaturea.and Ill dent NW.n's aaillant for national of winds een the coaat and lbe chan-percent hwnidity spurred the use ol air aecorlty affaln bu held with Conumm1al ntl lslanda. It II the typical wind pattern coodltlonera and the Los Angeles Depart,. CHESS MJ.fCH negotlaton. to4aY'• sesalon was ar· observed at the end rl. summer beat "1ent of Water and Power logged record '!be target waa the Haiphong Shipyard No. 3 on the aouthwestem edge of North Vietnam '• chief port. Pllols from Ille carrier Saratoga aald they left three large, sustained fires in the yard, which builds and repaln ahallow-drall veasels ranged and conducted aecreUy. waves in southern california, a .i~ru.v -... .... _ ~1-ol 3 63 milli' Tbe brief announcement by White forecaster said. . ~~it.. ;""'~P~• · · on Iloule preaa secretary Ronald L. Ziegler --....... ~-' -,_,. __ •· .,.._ -. t d f 3 .. said Klssbiger wu meeting with both Le ·~.....,,aw-. '"~ ~. . ""' .... VJOUS. pe1 .. II" recor o -~ Due 'Ibo . ipecial idvlstr to NOrth Viet.-water draining out of a bathtub, Is million kilowatts was set on Sept. 13, last ••m's c1e1' e•atlon .at ·~ P·•ls -"•ce aui.d .by 1be dellectlons o1 typical }'<ar, during a simllar,beal waV.. ,_ • . ·~ -~ winds lroin llie,Jllirth •11 bloin -Despile-lbe. increased bumldlly, Los lalka, ·and delegation minister, Xuan landmark& ift, Ille Southern California Angeles County firemen battled three 'Ib~inger ,_J met' secretly with the g"°'"'plo)r IUch u . lbe channel islands. blues in brushy areas, controlling arr -WliOn the eddy ol wlncla !onm, lbe with minor amounts of land acarred by North Vietna.-olllciala on July 11. forecaater ~,marine air Is blown • flames. Tbe ~gm, .in . Camarillo, con- During the~ three years, be bad lnlul, coollntr land near Ille ocun. 1 zumed 10 acrea and wu believed to bave ~-=-,;.,. ~ O::':z y:.e By Wednelcfay', l<p!W~ "!'·"!'· ~started by a,~ menial palienL Klsslnge< Is npeclod to return !tom " . . .. .. .;::. ~~..!.. nIPI( and immedialel1 • · Flfttllt Red..CtiO..' · Puhed · ENDS IN .DRAW REYKJAVIK, Iceland (UPI) -U.S. cha~eiiger Bobby Fischer today ac- cepted a draw from world champion BOris Spassky ol the SoViet Un!oo Oii the 29th move of tlie ninth game ol lbe world chess championship. Fischer relalned a twe>polnt lead in the match 5\WI!. of vuious aizet. '!be U.S. Command said the strikes made Monday were not near the deep.. drall shipo in lbe ·port, and "there were no foreign vaaelJ" ln Ult area th4t was bombed. Spokeimen said rt foreign lblpo were sUU in Haiphong's de<pwater channela, trapped. by lllf· U.S. mine field plapted Tbe publlc Paris paace talb resumed • • • . , • . , Jul U and oothlr l!llbli< session Is ' · • ~.red_~non6aJ. Copt~r · Foes~·Join· F~r~es last May t. Tbey aald these Included 10 Swiet sbl~ lour Cblneae, three British, two Cuban, three Polish, lour Somali .and •• Govenwr's ..... Ne~ Beac)o ...,.;.la 'llllO object to Orange _County Airport ' jet noi!e are W'f N"-' d the111eolpollcohe.,....1;1>ntfcrmed '-'--lefiOU>lvcompromlsedbytblscon-1. e ... me a -caDed llellCojite\.i Llnilted bl 'an . ·"""" " . , • ~ to f«<e reductiCID of a1r~--tradlctory policy of the city of Newport .uui.~ Beach... .-~ -)lltnl time. . -.bJ Paul Freed 61 ml Sin.,... Tbe commlltee Is looting for volun- qola Blllt !load, Uie ~ Iii l"ll!erllll tem·1o htlp circulate their petlliona, be one Eut German. • Overcast s!des reduced lbe U.Scll\rlkes Monday to a little more than lf!IO· ralda actoa North Vietnam, · compared to •· · • I • be Id more than 11111 the day before. Tbe U.S. uana<>ny appea • sa · · Command J<P,>rted that Its planop' alao "11>e petition Is just one· facet of our dellroyed or damaged It waler lupply program. We will present our viewpoint aa!t, tt1nlcb eight bridpl, IJ uqe at the bearing, ~· lhe J!!UUwt to "IP'. •· ~ ~ and twO 11111. port our views,'• F'reed ad.ltd: ' ' ptpellnei. At the time that the bearing WU In 6outh Vietnam, Comm\miol .foroeo schedUled, PoitcO Chief B: James Gla.vas made their heavleat shelling allicli of the · wounded, and 13 others were Injured while trying to lake cover, the U.S. Com· mand said. '!be South Vietnamese aald 17 Vietnamese were wounded. 'lbe American killed was a Marine up before daylight to collect donatlona for Vietnamese orphans. He wu walkin& from one building to another to pick up _ collection boxes when the rockets began raining In abou~ 5:20. a.m. -.. The U.S. C'oounand aald the rocket& damaged the headquarters of Marine Air Group 1%, a post ezchange warehouse, aa empty day room in lbe hoopltal complez, and did heavy damage to two A4 attack bombers. 'lbe runways were cloled fer a Ume to clean away the debris, but operaUons were resumed lat.r, lnd jets streaked out lo attacit target.I across South Viet-nam. Orange ·Weatller · The weatherladj says 11. might be a little cooler .. Wednesday, but not enough to make a cfllfer- ..,.. to coaat IW<itorers. lliahs to- morrow .70 to the mid-to'•: Lowa •70. INSmE TODAY . = f« pet1limll ~ will be , added,. • • l!IPI-11 dmioc,. .,.daL City "OU. lf'IUP Is an amalpman .. ol .. n defended lbe need for the bellcopteri. · yur oo far against a U.S. lnilallatlon, · !'I~,. Ibero are aome people In PCIUl'inr more than 79 nrcbts 1n14 .u.., J•rrv llllome, ba<:kwp q>artcr- bock for lire Loi Angtl., R<ims,. 1vffutd ucond dtocc bvmi in hil H•ntfngtott Btoe~ home ~ bearing. . Informal collection ol people and an -.S lo Freed, ''We -.,. of orpobatloa formerlJ lmowD u Cbopper lloUeopten for ~;ollcie potrol. Wt ·~" Fretd eaplalned. · aillDlllt a _,to lnv1dt bellcopl« FrMc1•1 group, which 1ei( an· anllo, _.,. when needed, to lie shared by heli<opter latiet ....,.,._ts ......... to tht dt1el of ll<opart Bucll, Costa Maa. the_. Jo11 ti,"°""""" ol resldeota 1"lne and lllmtfal* 8-h. ol Corona del Mar, llarllor View HUis and • "Wt bolleoe that -lion ol the \ Balboa. Tbat letter l'Sllted in the llellcopler pllfol, 11 ...-!Y Uled, ls an lchoduling of tht ~ He aald tho Joo 'Ir of pr111 I prtracy ..i ii>-~ ~ _... fflidentt of the -· willl ~I et •'1 ........ llrand area !tom West lltoprst to 1111.• ~ Balboa. Pr1111 lddld1 "lllllrla to Cllllrol "We're bopeful Ibis drive wll bave a • • { lbe community wbo are ctlsturbed by the lllen .!Joa Air Base IS mil•· --of .noise ol the ·~ ••• he iald:"'"J Saigon. • -. . ...... 1st alto that Ille bellcotr* as a 0oe "-idll WU ldned, Ii _. police pal\'OI ~ ""8 loand wide ac-' ceptaoict in ' .... --clrdf9 ..... the-.· .. ,, " botb ecoaomlcil and effective," Gfavu added. "'It woulol bt "lftltable If -people who ...... oaiot1 .., ~ ... 1118 coovnuoliy ..,, .,... out for tllll -=...,-i,: lo -lilolt ............. Parkiiig ~is Closed · • • Moftdow n"1hl FJl't ,dalGU.. .... - Sfl011t, p-JS, .... -= -Ci a rf ---·- ' • ... " u • • .. ,_. ,.,, ,., .. .._. . ""'" ~ ... - • __ ....... , . " --" __ .. 1r·~~ -- • • • • I I 'J DAll.Y PILOT N ~erians .. ize Cash romPlane . ' 1--,:C..-,,_ Wlto Smlce ALGIERS (AP) -Alr<rton aulhorlUes today the SI-muJJon rlRIOm eol· led by hijackers who forced a U.S. J•t le> Oy to Ali!len. The airliner landed with hijacker11 and the crew later new the to Barcelona en route baCk to the ed States. ;,n Washington, a state Department *->"esman said the United States had ed Algeria to retum the ransom. • DaVll.-acting __ ol Am<rk:an_ lomatic ml.a.kl\ btre, aU:I be bad not told wbether tho ranaom would be but added, "We ire encouraged wbat bu bappmed in tbe past." o months ago,. another U.S. plane s hijad<ed to Algien and govmuntnl ties later returned the SS00,000 to the American alrllne. gerian offlclall questioned the hi· era for two boun at the airport, then k them away. The three mm who f$.mmandttred the jet were accompanied if two women and three children, U.S. officials said. Police also questioned the eight crew members of the Della Air Lints DCI before letting the airliner beiln the ntatit hom e. The crew will !'!main ovemJ1bt in Barcelona. · The plane, fi ight Ml which carried a U>tal of 101 persons wben it wu oom· mandeered during a ~troit to Miami ·flight, landed in Algerli at 12:11 a.m. (PDT l said a spokesman for Delta Air Lines in Atlanta. . When a plane wu last hijacked to t'Igeria, a favorite haven of American tadfcals, the Algerian Io v er amt n t 11oturned the ISOO,OGO l'8lllOl1l to Ille .!JniU!d Slates but refused the U.S. tt- quest to extradite the bljacken. . l'be DCa, fouHnglne jet wa1 at!J.ed by the three men and t•o women -who 'bad two children with them -u It ap- . proached Orlando, .Fla. Whtn it landed at Miami Intematlonal Airport. two FBI agents dre!Std only in swimming trunks at the hijackers' orders 6rought a small suitcase containing the 'fansom hurriedly gathered in $100 and $till bills to the jet. As the crart sat at the rtmote edge.of a runway in the blazing Florida sun, one of the agents titd the suitcase to a rope dangling from the plane aod the hi- jackers hoisted It aboard. Only then did the hijac:Urs Id tbe pas.sengen set off. They had brusquely rejeded tho FBI IUJ!lestlnn that they take ball the mnney, rtleue tbe passengers, then get tbe other ball. &no afterward, with tho ~. the c:hlldren and tbe f<lw'.man, three-,.mm. ' crew sUll on board, the fouMn&,lne jet took off for Boaton. 'lbere, while FBI agents and police sharpshooters kept their dlstance, a worker in swimming trunks pumped 13,800 gallons of fuel onto the plane for later the plane took olf for that North African natlcio where Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver and ieveral other American radical.a: have been sranted tbe 3,~mile !Ugbt to Ali!erla. An hour political uylum. The FBI in Detroit ldentllled the hi· jacken u : Melvin and Jean McN1lr, Larry Burgess. Joyce Tille.non and Har- ry Singleton. The McNaln' child and. the Tillerson woman's daughter Kenya also were on the plane, the FBI Mid. All of them bad been ll'ring in a bare. one-story house on Detroit's East Side for about a year, Jlti&hbon said. Jim Moss. who lived next door, said the black hijackers "were vuy strana:e people but vuy intelll1ent . . • They weren't prejudiced. They believed that money destroys people." In the living room or the hijackers' communal home, posters adorned the walls. including Olle #h said, "Fly Della's big jet." A black mound of dirt symbolizing a grave was in the middle of the living room noor. On top of the dirt sat a small, white, rubber doll stabbed through the middle with a red-bandied knife. A bead.stone at ooe end of the mound bore a Bible open to chapter three of Isaiah - a chapter which speaks Of destruction and corruption. OIAMM COAIT • DAILY PILOT • Bigger Than Lile Michigan Att~rney General Frank J. Kelley approves of the decora- tions as he ".ews a huge portrut of himself at the opening of his Senate camp1J.gn headquarters in Detroit. Kelley, a Democrat, hopes to urueat Republican Sen. Robert P. Griffin. Newport-Mesa Trustees Plan to Reduce Budget The $34 mnlion Newport.Mesa UnHied School District budget will be cul a bit tonight when board members rrieet for final approval of the spending program. Word of a $111,302 re(h1ctk>n in ex- penditures for feQe.raJ projects In the budget came today Uom the oUic! of Or. John Nicoll, district superintendent. lleWls oo the cula ""' upected during tonJcbt'o board meeting. Accoti!Ing lo lllcholl's ""'6on..,,, Ille "'1ljcllon ,Jlill pt in a ~1195,IOt general fllnd budget and tbal, in tum, wfll result in a tu rate reduction. Tupayers in Coota Mesa paid 15.1007 per flOO assessed valuation in 1971-72 and in Newport Beach the rate wu '4.7205. District officials figure the rate in Costa Mesa will be $5.07 and in Newport Beach the tax rate will be $4.67 this year. The major part 4ilf the rate reduction ls the result ol. an $80 ml!Jion increue in\ usessed valuation this year. Tupayers In the district are not likely to see smaller tax bills, despite the tax rate reduction, because of the increase in the a~ value of property in both cities. 11ie assessed vaJue increase was large Inmate Uprising Ends in Vermont WINDSOR, Vt. {UPI) -lnmates of the Vermont State Prison h a v e overpowered two guards and released 60 fellow prisoners from their cells. The situation was quickly brought under con- trol after inmates presented a list or grievances -Monday. nie lncident occurred as men were q!luming from an AlcotKilica Anonymous meeting, but appar<ntly bad been brew- ing for IODle tlmt. ~nen rtturned to their cells early Monday evening, after rtleaslng the hostages unbanned. Pincher Nearly Pinched Himself A ~ housewife bent over pulling weeds ln tht yard of her Mesa Verde home a1moat plncbed a pincher Monday, ac<ol'dlng to Costa Mooa police. 'l1le 26-yUN>ld womaa was engrossed In !IOI' yazd • Wwk. lht said, wben the pincher struck. "When l fWly realized what had hap- pened. I ocrumed: 'Somebody help mt!,' and grabbed hla ann, '' lht told in. vestlgaton. . She oald the teenqed boy's upr<Uioo ...... changed until Ibo -In tum - gabbed lilin, at wl>lch Ume be blanched, jerked &WIJ and raced ol! 00 bll blcyclt. 'Big Al' Sues Hurt, Rob~il by Muggers COLUMBUS. 01\lo (UPI) -Alan SUu "Die Al'' ol ta&nakll'J ••uqp In," totd police Monday_. knocked out t"° ol hll IMlll. cul hll Up and stole his car. &la, In rtllelnal hero Int a play, Nld 11 hlippeaed &mdlY nlabl u lit went to Illa car .....-Ibo theater. "Soma 1111 jammed aom<thlq aplmt lbt "'1' of my neck," S... aald. "I donl know' "bet.her it WU a Ost 01 not." • C'nough to financt aft Increase In the district'• ~udget of just under '3 million whlle providing a drop in the tax rates. A public hearing prior to final adoption or the budget is scheduled tonight at 7:30 in the Forum at Estancia High School, 2323 Placentia Ave., Cost.a )i.tesa. Harbor District Will Consider 35 New Courses Thirty-five new courses lncluding a course in sex education for Estancia · High Sctiool in Costa Mesa will be con- sidered tonight by Newport·Mesa Unified School District trustees. TIUed, "Health Educatlor:, u the new course for ninth through 12 graders will include family life and reproduction, ctlmmunicable diseases, e m o t i o n a I stability, nutrition and diet, and the ef- fects of alcohol, narcotics and tobacco. According to a state law which applies to courses in human reproduction students would have to obtain parentai permission to register for the class, ac- cording lo Norman R. Loats, associate s~~rintendent of instructional opera- tions. The proposed. course would combine material previously taught In biology safety, driver · education, and physicai education, Loats said. "It Is really nothing new. We are put- ting It In a differ'ent course context " he said, referring .to the proposed in- struction on human reproduction. "We are putting it under a bigger umbrella of health education , • , as it should be known." Asked if he anticipated objections from ~ard members and parents lo the use of films and books in. sex education in- struction, Loats said. "'"Not rully. We have not made a great big fanfare of this sex thing." He cited a pilot course taught at Rea Middle School during tbe wt ICbool year, "The SWdy ol V.D." "It WIS really identified as a con- centrated, six-week unit ol lmtruct:Jon and evei'Y parent WIS notified. It was un- believably well received," he said. Loats claimed the Orange County Department of Health has been em- phasizing the growing nted for com- municable ctisease education and that the district believed the schools should be the vehicle to meet that need. "We are a part or Orange County and we feel It should be taught," he said. Tliey Beat Heat But Not Thieves Rhonda Hardy hardly bad I llOQcl day on Newport Be.ach11 turf and and Mon-day. . Mill Hll)ly, 17, ol Yorba Ltnda, Ind h<t' fliend Kam PhllUI", IS, of Anaheim, -tbe inland beat bul not tbe a>UtaJ criminals. 'l1>ey told lltWjlorl Beacll pollco ...... """ stole • lhopplna i.., contaJninl clotblq and other Items tiCludlnc Mia HAl'dy's cor li!nlUoo key from wlia't they had 'been IUlllting. • llet•minl to the J)61'ked lpOI'\ ~ they found a car buraiar-lllina 1 t'Olthanaer to 1aln entry bad alto 1tolm the rest of tbelr belongJnc.I, lncllldJDi a key ·to Iha trunk. Lett.er te PufJllc l'roaP-.eJ Burke Opponent Seeks Route Cut TEl£GJlAM .• • I wllbollt f!<,ewaJ Jep. "We feel SWW11 bW apptOYal would ~1 clv. us a11m11u ... we may bt -IO ""' -. " tlQw HI.• 'Ii ......... -....... Ula talolrllll lloodaJ l/lenml. lie -eatliersll Ula day with Slat• ~ ol H1111wQa tlllclalt In a 8esalolt canceled abnlptly about two 'Ille Delllili:raUc Cllldldste ror~'IOtb Dlllrlct Aalemblyman bu challqed Huntington Beach resl<!tnll to rlx In op- position IO the PacUic C.OUt Freeway. Terry Moahenko, in an open ·Idler to the public, attackl the f i v e • y e • r moratorium nn tbe freew•y pro_.i by his opponent, Auemblyman Robert Burke CR-Huntington Stach). ••Jt Is dllfituU to eaplaln or justify a meesure (Burke's bill ) Ulll propoeu &pending 1100,000 of tbe iul"yen' money to Jtudy, and thus Utp alive, a freeway that needs no study," Mosbenko Charged th.is week.. "Nobody wants lt." · "Thil is 1yplcal lnnutndo and half· tnrlh," Burke replied, Crom b 11 Sacramento office. "ft ls not a study of the freeway but of transportation needs:." "Freeways may not be the answer," Burke sald. "But a. straight deletion of the freeway, without any 30Jutlon, won't do II." Burke'• propoaed ·five-year moratorium on construction of the Paclfic Coast J<~r:eewa.y is currently In the state Senate Finance Committee. It was .!PPfOVed by the Auembly. · ._ His measure covers onJy tbe portion of the freeway Utat runs from the Los Angeles County llne to · lbe Santa Ana River. He said It could be amended to u,.. elude other arus. If they wished to become a part of a transportation study. BUia which would totally eUminate stretches of the freeway in Newport Beach.-Loog Beach and other couta1 comm.unities have alto been approved .by the Auembly and await Senate ect.ion. MOlbeflko said a oectlon of tbe Burke blll allows the !late Public Works Department to continot with t h e purchase of lreeway ~-.way • B<rke roplled tbat tbe aectlnn allows . the purcba" ol such land only In "hardahip cases." f'rom Pqe l CANDIDATES • • clus.ively on the ttnUtt system. He .said the new law is a step towards improving a system of teacher eYaluatlon that does not rtly on the teacher's seniority. Olandler uld he doesn't believe the school board should be ''breatblnc down the neck" of t..chen but be odded ''I'd like to have aomet.hine to 11y ~bout what's tau&bt in the ciwes In th1s di.strict." ' Ensli!n suaested amiller l:lw ilze aa .a way of Improving lffchtr el!lcleoey He acknowledged that lowering the cl~ · site could be costly, but be aald "We're going to be producing better edu~Uon." . Thompson dld not speak on this sub- Jecl. On Budget Reductions: All candidates were aaked "lf. there were a major budgetary crisis and you had to substan. tially lower the district's budget, where would you make the cuts?" Alhe said he would not cut any educa- tional programs. "But wages and salaries make up 6S to 70 percent of tbe budget so I would have to take. a Vf!rY bard look Ibero," he said. C!andler aald he "would let the equip- ment go. I would work on keeping the books and teacbers to ·provide basic education," he said. Ensign nld I>,. woold start with tbe athletic program. "It's a very real way to put a budgetary crisis before the public," he said. He alto llsted deferred maintenance and Jmproveme11ts and su&· g...ted tougher bargaining over teachen' saJarles. Thompson said he had no rtal answer. 1'My firat errort would be to seek oot means of alterpate financing to keep the budget in.tact and then I'd have a look at the soft artU of the budget.'' ' --.,. to -Colla ...... -Alll-be ~-... . mllll~-:--.,-_,:._,;..,~-urge tbe Huntlnaton City Council CllY olltdall have beel dellJlna tbelr to takt an official stand aplnlt the own dedtlon on what eourte ..,~follow nn freeway and Burke'• prop 0 .s e d ~final detenninatioo ot 11'e"1on moratorium and tradaporlltlon atody. 1 l'fteway ""'te tbn>up Costa Meaa 111Ul Two weeb qo, tbt city COWICU r<f... that crucW .,..tJna, ed to pua a molutlon .,J1POrtlnJ . Mayor Hammttt uld twn -.,. ll\lrko'o bill, but tlit council alao roru.ed that hJ&hw111 offldall vett ~ to to pau a resolution ops>Oling il indtcalt how fir °"' ntlcht go ID belpJoa c.ouncl.lmen Were spilt. with some lllP-t the-city work out pottsallaUy aravt traffic portihg and aome oppo$1ng the cnaat . problemsJelt by cnaat lreeway deleJion. lrttWay, but nearly aU ~ that any , One'""-bU -a series ol off· councll llmd oo the il!ue Is fuUJe. r-IO carry -tbhound Newport Mayor Al r.oea aald: "I rulJy cjon'l ... Jl'rtoway trallk oil onto Newport B<ocb clentand lhll whole llt11atloo. I'm IOinc , atrftll In a lltlldy, ordttly Dow. · to abtlaln oo Ill)' vote." Defeat ol Badbam'a blD and auppori o! Burke ind Molhenko will talll)e Int the Burke's ....,ttt-~ would be _. '10th Diltrlc:t AuemblJ · lfat in tbe tlol to tbe latter poulblllty. 1' November gt.Dfl'l.I dectlon. The dlltrlct 1 ''Tbtre's no t.omarrow with , covers Hunlinilon lleadl Seal Beach, Badlitm bUl," Mayor Hammc1l dec1*ed Loi Alamllol lwhart M~ Jlva) 1JllondaY alternonn. • ' f .. and parts of Fountain Valley, Gll'de~ ,• 11lt'• Ute the Workl Series," .. Grove and c.o.ta Meu. Hammett. who happens himlelf to r a Assembly Okays Measure Setting Funeral Curbs SACRAMEN'ro (AP) -Low-coot lunerala or body d'-1 may becnmo unobtainable, crlllcs say, lllJder a blll ap- proved by tbe Alaembly but kepi from . final action by a technlcaJ move. Tbe Auembly gave tbe bill by Sen. Jad< Schrade (fl.San Diego) a U-25 vote Monday, tbe minimum for pauqe. But an opponent, Auemblyman Alan !leroty (0-Beverly IIUls), wu voU!d permluloo to hnld the blll for reconalderatloo later. It mll!t stlll be roturned to tbe Senate lnr sem~profuslonal bueball •mplre. "You throw all your batte.ra and pitchers into the game." he continued of his laat-dltdl appeal to Gov. Reogan In which be outlined ecooomic and develop- mental problems. "Assemblyman Badham's bill could ~muculate any opJJOrtwlil.)' for dev•lo~ meot of any' alternatives lnvolvinc Calta Mesa arid lta fretwayt and tbel!i termini," he wired. He said taking a knife to the vital Pacillc C<Jast Freeway would allo forever preclude Mure -Mlona ot freeway problema most acceptable to an cities concerned, plul tbe COWJfy. Oolltinuation of planl for downtown Cosio Maso ~ .. 1opmen1 11. alao ataJJ. ed, pendq rt00lutloa of tbe long lreewayqu~oo. PARKING ..• . concurrence In Assembly amendments before going to the governor'• deak . property owner and he should be able to 'Ille bill waa carried In the Auembly use valllll>le land to the belt advantqe," by Robert Badham, (R-Newport lleadl). aaid tommlsainner Gorden Glau. He said It w .. Intended only to roqun . "Many of tbe garal'I In tbett ortal tbJt an penons whn clilpole of human were built a lnng time qo whoa cara mnalna be IRlbjecl to !bf 11111e llcenllng were mnaller." said Plannln( Com· and controls. mia:icn Qalrman Curt Dosh. 111Now But Auemblyman John VUC011C<Uos homeownm need that utra spaee for (0.S.n J.,.) dlsagoed lharply. garare purpooeo." '.'What It r<ally means Is a rip oil," RJCkolf apln brought up the laue of Vuconcdlos aald In floor debate. "Whal pragu being llled for other plllpoRll thia bill says Lt 'I can't contract to 1et a but drew fire from Glass. low-coal, noalaney dJli>l>lal or my body'." "Wben one of tbete varlanc8 Is a11o .... "The guellloa la wbelber llcomlntr ed, tbe approval conlalnl a roqulrtment ....... tbe mterat ol the people' of that !be '"!I" be UHd Ollly Nr c:ar caufomla, er if It senra: to protect the storage.'..,GJ.alt lliia. 'l.".f!11,,., mortuary lnduatry," he said. "Then l wOil1d 'll!Qfll our pollcomen Slerpty caJJed tbe bill "nne ol the worst gel out there and enlorao It becalile I'm plects oI leglslatlon tbls year-" tht only one on my block who hil both "This blll II intended to put a certain garages !llled with cars," Ryclloll group of San Diego County out of countered. business," Sieroty aald. In other busineu, the city ofOclaJ1 The San Diego Jll'OllP, which teslllled ar received a aummary of c:oosultantl' JJnd. .• hearing on the blll, Is tbe Telopbasa _lnp Ind a progroa nport fnlm tba Society. For 115 registration and !ISO fee Community Develop!D"1t Department on Telophase provides for cremation and the clty'1 1entra1 plan. scattering of a!hes at sea. Executives · They were auurtd by plar)nen that aay a,soo members willl to have "tbls although certain pbaaea .,. blblnd minitna1 service." schedule, Ille entire Plan 1bould be rudJ The Telopbase Socltly says the bill by the J&me 31>, tm tarret date. would requlro It and 11 nr u memorial The oflictals were also told that tbe funeral IOcietles, which alto cnmpele planning Ital! would be preparod to with mortuarlea. to provide an em-discuss the fealibllily of annuJnc the balmJng room and a chapel, which the downcnut area between Coronw de! Mar members do not want The bill; It uya, and La"""' Beach by tbe flnl oouncll would put them out ol b1111...._ meeting In September. · Meanwhile tbe Senate concurred 2f4 Monday 'on Auembly amendmenta to another Schrade bUJ oo the aame subject. It would require, nlber than permit, Ille state Board of Funeral Dlrtctors and Embalmen to eumlne and pass •pon tbe quallllcatlona of funeral director ap- pllcanta !>eloro passl"i upon the physical stat"' nr plans and lpecillcatlona of a pro_.i fwieral e!labllllunent. Flooding Kills 100 NEW DEUII '(AP) -FJoodlntI In tho three wt lndlan !lalel ol Aaaam, Well Bengal and Blbar bu kWod at lwt llIP people, wubed tbousanda of catUe away and heavily damaged crnps, ol!lclala Ald tnd8J. -.... SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT TH( ONLY . STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN'li HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S. IN OUR FIFTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE CA R P ET ED THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN COSTA MESA. NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH Al)jD HUNTING:TON BEACH. ONE NEIGHBOR TELLS ANOTHER UN1'1t: . WE HAVE WORKED· IN EVERY -HOME ON A BLOCK. THE FORMULA IS SIMPl.b-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER HAPPY. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR-fWE PROBABLY CARPETED HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, IRING H~ IN WITH 'YOU.) . ~LDEN'S CARPETS • DWES -1"1 IM --1663 Pl•c1.ri. Aft. COSTA MelA 64.MIJi ---- HOURS: Mon. TllfV 'l'1wrL. 9 It 5:30-fRI. 9 tt. 9-IAT°' 9:30 i. S l )! ' 1 ~ bl al ~ ~ Di ~ ' ~ ] -~ 111 a .I N< VI I .. i.1 I 17 ~ ~ J tll "" If ~ .. ~ <'ii de ' "' ' ::J _I "' ~ 1:1 SI ~ Ip '1 bi VI Iii ~ ( j 1 n • DI Ii ... ~ • a ! a 0 u • , ~ • : ~ • I ~ I I l t I I I t I , • • YOt:. 65, NO. 214, 1-SECDONU4 P.A6£S ~District· • Jets Leave ....... Tard .SAIGON (AP) -U.S. Navy jell hno altlChd a lblpylnl ID Roi ....... barber -for .lliO l!nt time In 1he -Ind left it bl ~,,the U.S. t<mmnd aanouncect ~ day. ' ~ "Ttie lartel ..... the Bolpbooc SlllpJor4, No. s .. the IOUthw..t.m edCt o(North Vlelnun'• dliil port. Pilotl from Ibo -shlilp aid Ille)' left three larie, IUSlalned fires In the yard, which builds ........... llhlllow<lrall - of variOus slus. Tbe U.S. Comm•nd aaid u,t strikes ,.... llondO}' were not oesr the cleep- chft ... la Ibo jut, .... "there ...... "" fonlp _ .. la lliO .... lbol w• W-boil ,S,W-,ald %1 -~ sblps ..... 11111 .. '""""'"°'' doopnler ......... ~-Ibo U.S. -lleld --._ . ...,. .. .,,., iiW ... • n I ! •• -....,.. foqr.~ ... -Jlritllb. two 'CINo. -p.u., ,_ lolnau ml oneEutGermln. . ,OnrQll llldel reduted the U.S. 11r1ka Monday lo a Utile more than :11111 roldi aciooo North .Vietnam, -pattd to more than 300 the clay before. The U.S. QMDmllld ~ that. !ts piaoel also destivyed er cJamapl !.\ lfaler 111PP'1 craft, 1.1 trucb, eilhl bridgtl, 1J ....... ..... .... w-.... two fuel 'pelinel . pi IA so.iii· ~ Qlmmunlat lcrces iiii& thilr beavlett sbollinl attacl:. of the year ao far against a U.S. tnstallallon, pouring more Ihm '19 rockds Into Ibo !lien lloa Air Bue 15 --ol Saigon. one American wu tilled, ts were wounded, and 1J othen were Injured while teyln& to lake cover, the U.S. Cool· l!!lQ!i aal4. Ttie ~ Vielnunele &old 17 Vietmme.e were wounded. · The American killed WU a Marine up . . before claJJJcb! to collect donalm for VJelnimne orpbans. lie WU WaJklng from -liulldlnl to another to pick up colleCilon, boxa when the rockds began talniD& In iboul 5:IO·a.m. Office r ·shoots Armed Mesan In Huntingron After !JO .. ~ ~ drop bis l'lf!t IOd l'lDUlled Illa boll -.. a Costa Mesa DWI WU shot iwlce in Ibo heocl M'°'onclay nlgbt by a Huollnglon lleacll police ol· ficer after the anned lll!lpocl wu discovered bldlnc ID bll former wife's apartment. James Sanders, 2'. Is ID criUcal con- -today alter be loroed the bedroom ~ootatlon with Off-E d w a r .d Five :school I 'l1le flfll cand""'te -DilU1ct Five, Waller Law, did DOI attend. Law al'" ~ -for ibe -and then left -• an.-ncatlon. -·-were COYOled clUr1ar the two-bour !Grum. Here ii a aampltilc of the Cllldlclates" vie1!1:. °" ____ , . notnpson caut.loned agalnlt t~ t.owanf innovaUoa." He recommended, the -be thoroughly -IOd inltlluled Clllly jf -' .. l . • ' ~Y.PU'Pt ...... '-..... SWIMMIRS, WADllS llAT HIAT IN °NIWP'ORJ llACH , ,"D•la P~ W• T•kl)ll at SunMI Mondoy . I; • I • • Wind ,Pattern· ·~xpecte,d 1;o.Br~~ Up lleai Wave Formatlon·.C the l)'PlcaJ Ci!.llbw eddy -psltem · 1s ~ lo crack the ma,. o1 · bol air ..... Orone• County .,IJlld, ...... a,nln&<laf ~t wa~e. Tbe NallcJl!al W•.il"!"'Servi<e ~' temperatures aJooc·the Qr-Cqaol wUI . drop. :lllibili . With blglls lolaaf ... Wed . •'-•'II( T,...,.,,..'I !Ow •'-•" JJetflY """""' ............ .'"\"""' .. the cook w111 be 111 the 111 w1111 a bl&b ... Wedneoclay, -& TGlllibl'~·low .ol<qr· Lale nigh~: .... ,....,, IJoornlng ·low · d. and log ... ·~·lo drapo· COUfl1 citlel tOmiht aDd Wedneoday. The Calallna !'.ddy, Is a aouthtrly Dow ol wlndl between tlie cout and the • .._.. nel lllands. 1111 lbe 1JI>1ca1 wlnd-palt<m ol>oerved al Ille end ol lll!llJlltr beat ...... In Southern Calllomla, .• lorecuter&ald. The eddy, a willd movement oJmilar lo water dralDin( aut of a bathtub, Is """'"'I ·by Ibo -ol typical -from the noi1ll ia tt blow• around 1andmarb in the\. SOutbtm C'.allforiUa gqropby -• the ........ illandl. Wiien the eddy "' -lcrms,' the I~ ~ained, -air II blown Inland. coolblg land oesr the -an. By Wednesday, temperatures an ... ' " peeled lo be lnml fiff .lo 10 ~ cooler, the Nalloool .w .. lher 5erYlct predlc:ls. • ' L1ibl ..um li;iir 10 lo 20 knoll from the oouthwlSI wiu Ian II!< •CJlanae Cout early-Wednesday; ·Word obthe break inthe·wt· wave brlnl> pronllse le the' end of. llrinJ of ilJo.<ltgno . d<ys In lnlapd . clUcs of Southern. CalJlomia w)lich lncrea!ed lire liazirdl 'and' bloUght peak demalidl tor electHc power. On MoOO.y, high .._ratures and eo· ·pertenl bumldlly IJllDTed the "" of air condltlonera and the Los Angeles Deparl- ·ment of Water and Po-loggcd'record el~ consumption ol S.Q .mllJloo · klldwalls. ' The prevlous peak uae record of 1.41 miiiJon kllowatll WU Id Oii Sept. 13, last year, during a similar beat wav'" Despl!e the Increased bumldity, Lot Azllleles County firemen battled, three ,bliies In llniiby ...... ComrollillJ all -miner -ol Janf ICarred by. llamu. n,. lar(cst, In, Cam.lrlllo, ..... sumed 10 acres and was believed to have '*," ~-by a ~ mental psllenL • )Today' Fl••I -· " ...-...--~-~,UESOAY,-AUGUST t, )972 TEN CENTS - Hopefuls Air , . Views cally fwlble IOd ol eduactJonal mtrit, Olaodler sold be Is~ lo the01dea. "I don't feel year n>UDd education II the thine for Newport -unlil U'I -adopled'ura ---A.me advocated lludylnJ the Idea. "It'• "'" -111, and 1 lhlnlt a realli' llU to be a:piared Whether we UJe it or not." i!:nllco did not speak In lemll ol year round pn>Crallll. "Summer acbool CO!!ld be <xpandOd IOd upgraded If the needs Of the atudeDtl warrant It and U the com- munllf_IU!Jl'Ofll U," he &oJd. Ow ,Se1 t.ilocatloo: "Tbe-.iilili•miere-. al cUseaso rate ii perllapo due to part to a lack ol '"edue1Uon," Cmndler aald. •·1 -Id think the bell ...,. lo lwJdle tt-11 oa a voluntary basis." Thoalpooo, • gynocolaclll IOd obstetrl- cjan, &old be Is hopeful bis ~ u • medical man would be bilpM lo the bj;ord in this -· "The Jl!O.bltiD Is that ... education la not the ~tm. Se• ~tlon Is port ol the aolutlon. It Is a narrow tolutlon al best and I think the pro em I fOl>i recelvlntJ a lot ol at• --- tent.ion at different levels;' he akL . A.me and Ensip were nor ubcl lo ,.: spood lo questloos Oft '" edllcatloct and~ did not bring up the subj<et themalves. Oe loacher eflidcllCJ ' A:she llOlod that a law which will go 1,.. lo effect In .the comlng 'rdloo! year pro- vides fer aon\e admlnlltraUve t v4}uaUon ~ of teacher quallQI rother than re!Yftl& ez· (See CANDIDATES, Pqe I) Freeway Blasted Mesa · Mayor Urges µeagan Bill V etn . Winding up an 11 It.inning pilch to keep the Paclllc Co'ait Fr<eway lhroqh Newport Beach In the Southland transportation 1ame. Costa Mesa Mayor Jacl: Hammett let Dy at Gov, RoDald Reagan.Jfaaclay. He llrod off a !If.word telegram lo· the . Capllol, W1inl Reagan lo veto a 'blll by Alleinhlyman Robert E.-lladham (!\- Newport Beacll) which ....,. beaded for appn19al ·in the Legislature. · Badham'1 AB 1Jil would kill the Drunk D•er Claim Nixed ~y Zumnist ·,(AP) -·~· ~ ' todaJ retraclell bll dalm lo bov1 'located evldeoce that Sen. 'l'llomuF.~bua.-.dolat­ mll for clrunlien and rec1:1 ... dr!Ylng. 'Andenon aaid hll retraction wu '"\JD. quatlf.ied" and "in total." , .He enntimced. tbe retraction at ~an m:. formal news conference o u t i Id•- Eaglelon'• office Iller talklni. fer. aboul hall an bollr In private with the MWourl senator, who resigned formally today as ~ l>m>ocralic vice pre1tdentt1l nominee. . Eagleton, wbo originally. I a b e I e d Andenoo'1 charge a "darp.nable lie" alltt the oolumnlsl bn>adc:ast It WI 'l'butsday; today coDimencled · Andenoii for ·· courage and called him a "dlllln&ulshed journalist." Eagleton &old he wu alllfled with Aodenoa'• retraction. ''tbe book Is clos-· ed. U tar II I'm concerned." And.,aon orlginolly &old be llad loated photocoplel ol reconls showing Eagleton bad beeo arr.md a hall dozeo tlmu ID the 1980s for dnmken « rccl:lCll driviog, Later, Aoderaoo &old he hadn't .... Dlae records but had ..., been told aboiut them by a "former hi&h MissoUri official," later identified u True Davia:, now a WublnJton banker. CHESS MA.TCH ENDS I N DRA.W REYKJAVIK, Iceland (UPI) -U.S. cballenger Bobby Fllcber today ac- cepted a ·draw ·1rom world champion !loris Spusky of the SoYlet Union on the 29th move of the nlnlll game ol the world cbeSI cbamploosblp. Fllcber· rotalned a 1 ..... polnt lead In the lllltcb 5\W\I. freeway route through Newport Beach. A similar bill cllppinc Roule one thnJuilt 1-Beach out of the Stale DIY!sioo ol HllJ>waya' plans wu recently algncd by the governor. Stale Sen. Dennll E. Carpen\er (Jl,. Newport Beach) allo bu a bill In the worts to get rid ol the enllre freeway. Costa Mesa offidals aro 11ronJIY back· big a separate ........e by Aslemblyman Robert Burke (Jl,.H1mlinglon Beach) which would lorl:e a rMIUdy of the m- Ure transpo~tlon plcl ..... City. councilmen in Burke's own city rojected lllJlPOrt of his AB 1117, which nooctheless paased the Astcmbly 115 to 0, with the allpulatlon each clly luvolved wOald pay $1,500 to finance It. • An addltlonal fll!0,000 would ......... by the state In an=lempt'to W a...., lion lo pouring "' ... ..... • • the existing hlghwa into o•m H' · (See TELEGRAM, Pap 11. :tlodel Fire Plug Coast-built Hydrant on Dis play AT THE SMITHSONIAN Thi Flrepluv as Art BuJld a better mouse trap and Ibo -1d will beat a path to your door. · BUlld a better fire plug -er · Wiler bydranl -and you may wind up with it 6n dloplay In Iba 8mlthsoqlan inllltutlon, -ooe pio-·•ofW'llJe Costa M ... ' Caanty Water l>lltrlcf Is today, ·The bydront· _....,llUve ol - I \ de~ by.the CM£WD and •. private . · designer for South Coos! P~ ii Jn. . cludcd In a deslp show it the Smltbaon- , ~ ian's Renwick Gallery. . Costa M..a City Cooncllman Alvin L. Pinkley, a dlre¢o< of lhc CMCWD, says the unique piece of eo-called. street furniture was developed btfore en. vlronmeotal design was a major Wu<. . "We'r< gJ'taUy plcuod that tho Smitb!onian Institution bu llnJled out the hydrant we lntroduced u a clauic e:tample of good 4~1in and lunctlon," says CMCWD General Manager Doo Stearns. Tbe bydranl wu suggosted I n preference to the older, more ungainly style by the Segerstrom and Soni land developmtut firm, ownera Of South Coad Plaza. Tbe-lndllllrlal deslgn·ahow of wblcl> 11 ii a part will mnaln at the Smlthoonlan in Washington, D.C., for two yeen. Schmitz Fr ont Runner '\ , . . For Party's Nomin ation . . . ) LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) -l!eP· Jobn Ual candidate durlnJ ballolini that If. G. Sdunltz (R.calll.), a member of the temooo. srclH:onservaUYe John Birch SOclecy, Allllougb Wallace, recuperating from loomed today u the lronl Mll!DCl' for the wouods fnlm an attcmpled amulnalioa American Party'• presidential nomilla-May 15. wUI not attend the ..,....,lion, tioo. · his J)Olitianl co major iuues were ex- Allllougb Georgia Ll Go•. later Mall-peeled lo be .inco!p!rated lnlo the porty'1 . plalform. The pllUorm commlltec con- dol wu tllll a -lbillty, party aourccs .Yelled Monday nlgbt and 11 acbeduJcd for Indicated that Schmitz wu the current addilloool ....ioos throuP Wedlqlly. favorite 1o'nu the void left by Alabama r---·-·--------. ~~~!~ · Hot :Nig~t C~11~s .U·nder Fire ~v. George C, Wallace'• dedalon not to ..et the party nomllllllon. Sclnnlll. a lame<lucl: .congrmman who . wu defeated In· the Republican l}l'ilnary· Ulla ")'tit; was eipected to dcclaro bis cOndiclaey In Wuhqtoc, Cease ' and Jama Cra•er _.. called to Mn. Ka-Saaderl' •parl!Mn~ lllD Hun- -SI., at -7:41 p.m. lira. -. SS. told Ille -that lbe W -i. ,.,_. !w•rt r, car Noue, Nudity · Na rc otics Attacked by · t:ou ncil men. The threc<lay American Party con- •entlon opena ben! TburadaJ with ·..,.. Z,000 delegalel from 15 statq_upccted to partlclpale. The only ll!lllOUl!Ced candidates for . the party'• -ldeoltal nomblalioa are attomer Richard B. Kay of a..eiand and Mn. IAf<J' Mayberry, • ~ye.oH!d The wealberlady sayz It mlgbl he a little cooler m Wedncoday, but not enouJlt to make • dill ... .... lo coul tweltmn. Hip Jo. -70 to the mlll-IO's. Lon '°'"'· . · INSm E T08.t'Y perlied .. Ila -aad -Ill WU Jmlde will! • -'""'-.. ---.. ··· .. ____ .._lo .... ......... .._ ., •• ~. lite -...... -..._ -1111 -ti ~ .. r1lla. ____ 1111_ .. .., 1111 -bot -...... act! .... .. boll ...... lflo-to-. ... ~ta lflo pollct - ---ta l'lomm lloapllal ... -· ' .... _ .. lllln tr? ta .. It On1et ca.a, Mdm' Coats_ .. ___ ....,.. ad -wD lalml tt w1114 ..... llL ..,_ • ' .. . • oth<r lnlractloos, lia Oil tho di)''• west aldt. Papa Joe'1, tt appeara, bu ...,. ... u-advetllllni oJim. acardlnc k) Wtlr'1 memo. "I checl:ed bulldln& ..-.! lllol ml -fiDd DO ponnils tter --toj'apa Joe's for -or olterlnrl ol .., lips eiomo11J In _,, Weir ,_tad. Ill &old In .addltJoo tcr -...... leriolF -olpo. Piii"' :loo'1 ......... palltled .. btadrad out wjadows = ..... ~ ........ 111o "'!'be -'Nude'._.. .... ibon allfllt (I) --an -Olh•• 11" ........,_.,,.,.,u:zvNltotDof tlio --., the ••. wMcb Illa e:IAClll>OWtC, ..... I) - -blldlhiM<l lo Illa -m.n WUflla&lm lo draw -to lier C'llllticlacJ. Madilos -aCbecluJea to ....... 0.. -FllClly lll&bt alter Ibo deleplolbave-i.Gthelr.,.-. Parking Lots Cloeed . PU ISBdRGB (UPI) -l'arttnc lot al- lendaoll and --. ""'t .. fll'lltl Jo. day In Ii coatnd ....,.., cloll!ll -ol Plllaf>urlb'• -11111. ~ llld tralllc ln Ibo dn1 lllln --...... "1 ....... , • ....--· --Q • ----' • -.. " • • • C-:: •n .. ---,: ---... ---. __ .. --. ::: ..... = -. -. -. --- • • . . .. . . . . .... .. . . ...-... . ... DA.ILY PILOT c ,..,..,, ....,.. \, 1'71 '· • ~ rench Put in Works . Burke .. Opponent· • Seeks Route Cut Fr~way Rouw May Upset .De.nsity Plans Gro0ns erupted Monday nl1bt at a ta Mesa City Counctl-Plaoolng C<>m- k)n 1twdy-uu\on when a n»Okty nch was harltd b1to delicate works lvlng future northlklt denslty ~nd afnc now planf. Curren Uy. the city has seven alternate density proposals under study for future velopibtnl ol a 300«re sector. llet>lb of a new, proposed &<urved "nnedor 10ad to carry lncreaalng traf· throu,gh the area and proposals to ke Paularino Avenue into a cul-de-sac two spolJ bad also just been laid out. lidure di1<tisilons proceeded on the I of eight stud.Jes ln progreu for 90lv· rnulUple problems ftctd by M,.. oods tract residents and 1urroundlng woen , however, the bad news me. The Stale Division of Highways ii con- , mplalini four allgnments for the future nge Freeway (Route 57), linkina; the ta Ana,· San Diego and C.Orona del Marntewayf. Coe ·would ram Rotlte 17 "•Ill lhr«leh tho currenL Mua w~ 1tudy 1ru, virtually wiping out moat of It ln seven yeara. "Aiid J think it's the state's favored route," remarked Plaonlne DlrectDr BUI Duoo. A chorul or moan.t followed, ~t DuM wu quick to polnt out no recom- mendaUons have betn olfered yet and a whole series of additional studies and hearings are to follow . He said tht so-called Bristo1-~faln Cor· ridor ht envisions u the state's favored Route 57 aUgnmeot -at tm million It would be se«>rMI most eostly -ii purdy his own prognosUcation. "And II you look at the 1eheduUng on this, it's 'w1y down the line," Dunn con- tinued , notiq the Oranae Frttway 1tetor involved has a 1.f7MO priority rating in Sacramento. ScPJth Coul Plaza, which Is doubling lo lllt, -w be Jell alono. Ono Rwte 11 .u,nm.nt would follow Harl>oF Boulev•~ ...U.1 Q .f million for rJahl..C-way, 5:1 rnJDlorrror """ alruCIJoo and would total 111.1 mlllloo. . The -would run right dowo the Slnta Ana RJver, cotUna: $29.i mWlon tor rlght..r·way, '91 mlllJoo 10< comtnJctlon and tota11111 fl2$.4 million. The Briatol-Matn Corridor concept would COit $f7 mllllon for 1'1Jbt-of41y, f1$ millloo IOI' COllllruction, addin& up to $122 million. The lrtate has one variation of the Br~tol·Maln Corridor wbl<b would •port the arta under study 11 the present time. Duoo said, bow1vtr, bt tblnU hit proo jectlon nivealed Monday night U a variation of the fint route allpment is probably the state'• pnf.,.,.,.. City offlclob ooted it Is Ironic the state's projected Route 57 alt&nments were developed by Gruen a& AJJociates, a private conaultlng firm. ~ • -~tic cilii!Ji!ite !or ~ .. Dllltrtel "-1\bl)'llWI bu cballe111ed HuoU111too Beach realbent1 to rbe In op- position to the Paclllc Coul ll'ftew11. Terry Moobenlm. tn on -letter ID the public, attacb lbe f I Ye· Ye a r moratorium on tho f..e...., propooed by bis opponent, Auemblyman Robert Burtt (R.ffunU111too Beach), It la t!illi<ult to explain ,... jultlly a meuure (Burk•'• bill) that - S(>llodfng 1100,000 ol the tarpay••" U~I ,........, ~ -n\()ney to tludy, and thut keep ilJyt, A freeway that Dttds no 1hldy," MOlberito c!tarted thll weok. "Nobody waola It." Seei119Spota Prince Edward, 8, ol England has contracted chicken pox and ill Confined aboard lbe royal yacht Britannia. "This ii typical tnoueodo ,_.i half· truth," Burka -ln>m b I 1 S.cramentO otnce. "lt II not a Jttily of the fr .. way but ot lrlnlporlatlon need>." " ~-itii•ay, iiltliciil ani iOliillOn; won1 do .It." • • Burke'• propoeed nv.,ear mora~um oo COllltrut:llon ol the Paclllc ,J:out Freeway II currently In the mi. Senate l'ioance C<>mmfttee, It WU a_..i by the Auembly. ' Hit ....,.... COYen onty the porlfoa of !be freew•y that ru111 from the l..os Angelu County line to tht Senta Ana River. He lli41t coutd be ant<Pde4 lo Jn. elude ---. If they -to become a ptrt ol 1 tranoporlalflm llludy. Bllll whl<b would totally ellnilllate -ol the.Jmew17-ln...!1._i Beach. LOllJ Buql and othar -commllllitlts btn a1ao been approYld by tht -Y anil await Smate aclloo. Molhenl:o Aid a oeclloa of the Dartt bill allows the llett Publ!c W0tb Dopartmeot to continue with I b • purdi.ue ol frffway rllflU-<11-W.y, IN'ewport-Mesa Trustees •' Gruen & Associates also submitted a propoaed roadway realignment carrying increasingly heavy trafnc in t be northeast area from Randolph Avenue to Dear Street on a gentle curve. This would reduce surface traffic on Baker and other street!, ffi addition to ending Paularlno Ave.n~ at two cul-de- sacs on either aide of the Orll11£e Assembly Okays "Freeway1 may not be tht anrwtr," Burke said. "But a straight detet.k)n of f'roMP .. eJ llllrtt replled that tlie IOCtlon allows the purchase of such land only in "hardship cases.·· Moshenko said he hopes rs!ktenls wlll urge the Huntington Beach City Counc.lJ to teke .an olflciaL.staod qalmt lbt freeway and Burke's p r o po 1 e d moratorium and transportation study. Plan to Reduce Budget Freeway. . Elimination or Paularino Avenue as an arterial highway would presumably end a long and bitter outcry by area reakle:n~ for lessened and slowtr traffic, Measure Setting Funeral Curbs CANDIDATES •. cllllfvtly on the -system. Bo said the ntW llw II a otep tow.,i. Improving a oy1tem of tacber evaluatloo that does Two wee.ks ago, the city couocil r.tful. ed to pau a resolution aupportlnc Burke's bill, bul the council aJao i<IUMcl to pass a reaoh&Uon opposing it. "': The $34 million Newport-1-feu Unified School District budget will be cut a blt .tonight when board mem~ mett tor 'tmal approval of the spendirig program. Word of a · $1&1,JO'l reduction in ex. 1>tflditures for fedtral project.I in the i>udget came today from the office ol Dr. * * * ~:Harbor District :;. Will Consider ,:35 New Courses Thirty-five new counes Including a course In se1. education for Estancia lligh ScJiool in Costa Mesa will be con· sidered tonight by Newport·Mt.sa Unified School District trustees. Titled. "Health Educatlor.," the new rourse for ninth through 12 graders will incJ.ude family Ille and reproduction, communicable dbeasea, e mo t i o n a I stability, nutrlUoo and diet, and the d· fects of alcohol, narcoUca mi tobacco. According to a atate law which appllet to courses in human 111producUon, students would have to obtain parental permiMk>n to register for the clau, IC· cording to Norman-R. Loats, auoclate superintendent of instructional opera• Uons. The proposed course would combine material pn!viously taught in bioloCY. safety, driver education, and pbyalcal --education, Loats said. "It Is ieally nothing new. We "" JIU" Urig It in a dllferent coune context,'" he aald, referring to the propoa.ed In- struction on buman reproduction. "We are putting It under a bigger umbrtlla of health educaUon , , • as lt should be known." Asked if he anticipated objections from board members and parents to the UH of films and boob In sei: edu~tion In- struction, Loats aakl, "Not really. We have not made a grtat big fanfare of thlJ :sex thing." Re clted a pilot course taught at Rea Middle School during the last school year, "The Study of V .D." "I~ was really Identified as a con- cen\rated, si:1-Vl'eek unit of Wtruction and every P\[enl was notified. lt was un- believably well rtct.lved, '' he said. Loats clalmed the Orange County Department of Health has been em- phash:ing the growing need for com· munica ble disease education and that the district believed the achool11hould be the vehicle to meet that need. "We are a 'Plrt of Orange County and ... feel lt should be taught," ht said. OIAM•I COAST • DAILY PILOT n.. ~ c-1 D41L Y ru.or. wt1t1 "'*' b (.,...,..,. .,... "....,..._,, .. ,.WllMI "' ""'OAflle c...r "'*llMlll ~-..,... Rllf •111'N •ft .......... ,...,,.., ...... l'"rthr, 'fW c... Ni-. ,....,.., '-"'· """'""*' ..,..,,_..,.. 'Vllky, llllUM ••di. tl'\'fMiSMlll"'-dt: ....... '*-ti/ SN .l•CIJI c: .......... A ....... ......... "'""" .. MtllllM St""'*"* ... SwiHys. Tll9 ,.._.. ~1111 iNlnt le_, m WW ''' """" c... ,.,, ... ca..,._, ,.,... . l•ktt N. W•-4 ~ . ..., ........ J ••••. c.1.., Vkt,,.........,.....,__... • lMnt•t kff'l'll -· n••• A. MWpMM --Cli•tl" H. a.... llcl.eril P. NeU .Wlllftnf .,..... ..... ,,_ __ JJt W..+ ..., SfrMt M•initt Mtlmt: P.O. ks l&H, t1l26 --""""' .... -........ ~ .... U.-..... I• ,.._,.II ..... lt.Al:i ... •a.dlc.l ............ _ • ... ~ ....... c:..-. ..... ,., ,. ••en.••..._..,. 0 "11 Mt:d' I '411 .. =~:: ::' .:.--..:-· . .:::ic:: ......... ~--.......... " ........ .., .... , , .......... .,.....,.... ....... ,,,~--· -~--'""'!~ ·==£.· .. ,. ::....=*.-.; ..... ......,,, John ·Nicoll, diatrlct superintendent. Delalla on the cuts are u~ted durinl tonlgh1'1 board meeting . According to Nlcholl's spokesman~ the reduction will result in a '33,995,801 general fund budget and that, in tum, will result in a tu nte reduction. Tupa.yen in Costa Mesa paid $5.1007 pe.r $100 usessW valuation in 1071,72 and in Newport Beach the rate waa M. 7205. District officlail fieure the rate in Coat• Mesa will be $5.07 and in Newport Beach the tu rate will be $C.f1 this year. The major part of the rate reduction is the result ol an $80 mllllon lncrease ln asst!St!d valuaUon thil ~ar. Tu:payers Jn the district are not likely to see smaller tax bills,. despite the tax rate reduction, because of the lncreue in the assessed value of property in both cittes. The assessed value Increase was large enough lo finance an increase in the dlatrlct11 budget of just under $3 million while prov,,i_ding a drop in the t.11 rate!. A public'1learing prior lo final adoption of the bod&l!l ii ICheduled tonight al 7::!> in the Forum at Ettaocta llJah School 2323 Pllcentla Ave., Costa Mua. f'NMPqel TELEGRAM. •• without frttway legs. "We feel Burke'• bill approval would possibly give us alternatives we may be able to Uva with," Mayor Hammett declared alter dilpatcblng the telegram Mooclay al...,_,. He met earlier In tbe day wltb Slate Divtalon ol HiabnYJ officials ln a session canceled abnipUy about t"'·o weeks ago to diacuss Costa Mesa '1 tr.eway problems. City olflclsll have been delaying their own decision on whit course to follow nn 5eek1ng final determination of a Newport Freeway route through Costa Mesa until that crucial meeting. Mayor Hmunett said two weeks ago tl\at highways officials were upected to indicate how far they might go in helping the city work out potenUally rrave traffic problems left by coast freeway deletk>n. One suggestion has been a series of off· ramps io carry southbound ·Newport Freeway traffic off onto Newport Beach streets in a l!lteady, orderly now. If the original Grueo I< Auoclates Brlsful-Main Corridor alignment for Route 57 ls shifted as Dunn suggested, it, ~·Ill wipe out the firm's re-designed traf. fie pattern for the Mesa Woods area. Reserve Police Recruiting Set For Mesa, Irvine SACRAMENTO (AP) -Low....t . not rely on the ttacber'• oenlorlty. funerals or body disposal may ....,,,.,. O>tndler lald be -~ believe the --~-blil IC!lool board lbould bt "lnatlttn& down unobtainable, criUcs uy, Wiii.ia-a a~ the neck" of teacben, llJt be added, "l'd proved by the Aslernhly but kept from like to have oomethtn& to ·aay 1boul final action by a t~cal move. wbat'1 taught in the c1&uel in thia The Auembly gave tbe blll by Sen. dillrlct." JacJr. Schrade (R·San Dlqo) a 41-25 vote Eoal&n sug..ted mtaller clan •!Jo a! Monday, the mtnlmum for pwage. B.it a. way .ol Improving teacher ellldency, · Ile acknowled&<d that low<rinc the clsaa an opponent, Auernbl,ymln Alln Sleroty ilu could be cootly, bJtl be lald, "We're <D-Beverly Hills), wu votad permission going to be producing better education." to bold the bill for recolll!deratton later. 'lbomf>llOO dlcf not ~ oa tl1l.I sub- Jt must still be returned to the Senile for ject. · · COllClll'!<llCe In Auembly ameodmeote Oll Bad1et lledadlam: AD caodldata were aaked "U there were a major before rolng to the rovsrnor'• ~ , budgetary crisis aod you bad to 111bltao- Recruitment of at least 30 new reserve The bill wu carried in the Auembly ":!!ft lower the dlstrlct'1 budget, wbtre police offlcen who will beef up a force by Robert Badham, (R·Newport Beach). W d )'OU make the cutl?" He aald It wu intended only to require· . A!he said he would not cut any educ• serving Costa Mesa and the new city or tiODll proeralN. "But wagea and Irvine is under way. that all perlOna who dispose of, human .salaries make up a to 70 percent of the The reserve training program is ti· remains be subject to the same licensing Wdget IO I woold have to take a Vf!IY peeled lo begin-in September. Aug. 17 Is and controls. bard loot there" bt llld. deadline f~ receipt of applications from But Assemblyman John Vasconcellos Clwxller .. ~·be ''would let the equip.- candidates for the new forct, (D-San Jose) diaagreed sharply. meot IO· I would wort on keepinl the A total or 20 men wW staff Irvine law "What it really meana is a rip off,•• boob lDd teachers to provide bulc enforcement needs, ~ over from VasconcellOI ~ in ~oor debate. "What education," be llld. , Orange County sheriffs deputies upon this bill says la I can t contract to get a Ensign aald be wwld start with the complelicin of initial training. low-colt, nooflDC')' dispollJ. ol. my body'." atbleUc proeram. "It'• a vtq real way ·The remalnint 10 men will help hoof up "The qoesttoo Is -~ to ..,.i a budgetary crisis belon the Costa Mesa's owo reterve 11t1ff, which aerves the lntereol of the people of public," he aald. He atao ""'1 defen.d bad dropped below the required level. • Clllfornia, or if It serves lo pre~ the maintenance and improvements and sug- Appllcatkw spelling out tbt entire pro. mortuary .industry," be sa.Jd. gested touaber bar1ainin& over &ear.hers' gram and qualifications for participaUon Sieroty called the bill 11one of the worst salarle.s. may be obtained from the Co!ta 1'1tsa p_ltce!I of legislation this year." Thompson said be bad no real answer. Personnel Department, 71 Fair Drive. "This bill is Intended to put a certain "My first effort would be to seek out Essentially. the key requirement.a in group of .san Diego County out of means of alternate financing to keep the ad~tlon to passing a personal .lnte.rvie.w, business,'' steroty said. budget inlact and then I'd have a look at agility test and med1caJ exanunahon nr The San Diego group, which testified at tbe soft areu of the bUdget." elude: --. . . a hearing on the bUI, is the Telophase -Male •. American clluen, 21 yean old Society. For $15 reglstratlon and $250 fee, at the minimum. Telophase provides for cremation and -High ~hool graduate, minimum five scattering of ubes at sea. E1.ecuUves feet, nine inches tall with proportionate say 2,SOO member• wb:h to_ have "this weight. , minimal service." -Eyesight of ~ corrected and 20-70 The Telophase Society says the bill Pincher N e~rl :y Pinched Hin1.self uncorrected and livmg wi~ a 10-mlle would require It and 11 or 12 memorial radius of the Costa Mesa Police Depart-funeral societies which alao com-te A 1H"lll•n• boUlewlfe bent over pulling ment. • ,.. ,,..,._.~ Reserves donated 16 hours to the with . mortuaries, to provide an em. weeds in the yard of her Meaa. Verde dep1rtment per month minimum b t balmmg room and a chapel, which the home abnon plocbed a pincher Monday, qualify for $4 .3? per hour pay on ~ members do not want. The bill, It says, aceordlng to Costa Mesa police. menf beyond that and are badee-carryl.ng would put them out of buslneu. Tbe 21-year-old woman wu e:n.grouect policemen. Me10wblle the Senate coocurred 2t-O In her ysrd~k, Ille aald, when the The nucleus or the future full-Ume Monda) on Assembly ·Im~ to pincher atruc Irvine Police Department will be fonned another Scbr~de bill on the aame ~bject. "Wben I reallud what bad ba~ from the reserves, who will work ln It would reqwre, rather than permit, the pel)ed, I acrumed: .'Somebody help special ahllts out of 10 Irvine subatation. state Board or Funeral Directors and lDel,' and grabbed his arm," abe told ln- Embalmers to examine .00-pau upon vestlgatora. the quallllcaUons of funeral director al>' Sbe sakl the teenaged boy's exp"essk>D 'Co L• • d' ' plicants ~lore pasalng upon the physical never changed uot.11 she _ tn turn _ Pters llDlle status or plans aod specifications of a grabbed hltn, at which time ht blsnched, proposed funeral establlshment. jerked away and raced off on his bicycle. Councilmen were 1pli~ .Jrilb aome'!t.Ep-portln& and IOIDO oppoelng the freeway, but oewly au ognetng 1111 council stand oo the lsaue ll luU!e. · Mayor Al COen said: "I reaJ\y doo't un- dentand this whole 1ituaUon. I'm going to abstain on any vote." Burke and MQl!benko will tangle for the 70th District Auembly ... t tn tbt November general election. The dlltrict covers Huollngtoo Beach, Seal Beach, . Loo Alamltoe (where Mosbenko lives), and part. ol Fountain Valley, GM'den Grove and Cotta Mesa. l',....P.,,el CRACKDOWN •.. total approximately 115 aquare feet of area," Weir noted. "Illy., this ii sinful," quipped PlaMtng Commi.Sliooer Nate Reade u be read I.he merno. Weir theo repeated tbe fact no records can be foond to lbow city aut!QizatJon , ... the 17 slgno. . "ll this WU Foat« • Klet. we'cl throw tliem In jail,.. declared ' eow,. ' ... Robert W!ll9<t. lllaYOt .Tacit Hammett pointed out - poaible problem tn .proieculfn( lbt ol· lending . .-- "Do w:1:e'the legal mees, aince we have no sign ordinance?" he ubd CU1 Attorney Roy June. ' 1lte city attorney nmlnded everyone that Councllman Plnk!e7 wu once IOl'<.'ed by the state bivtslon of l!Jabwaya to remove hlJ_. drugstore maeaztne racb. from the sidewalk rtgbt-of-way. Councilman P1nkley recalled lbtt former oouocllman W!lllam L. st. Clair was also peoalJsed for painting a rlgbt..r. way pole with red, wllltt and blue ltrlpes to pluc his btrber shop. • Depending upoo city Building Deport.. ment action on placement of u:oeu atirw on Papa Joe'• without a permit, CltJ At- torney June noted the state could at llllt lon:e removal ol the Pa(>ll Joe'• portable cardboard signs. Tbeoe, Weir's mtmo polntacl out, advertise a nude dance ~. a com- pet!Uve event f .. turtng up to four llbtpo- ly entrlinla OllSlai' It ... time. ''Wt.:re 20.-minutet -late,~Wpped one city official looltlng at the coalerenco room clock. Study sessiOlll end at 9 p.m. tradllitJo.. ally. Defeat of Badham's bUl and support of Burke's counter·mtasun! would be essen· tlal to the latter possibility. "Thert's no tomorrow with the Badham bill," Mayor Hammett declared Aionday afterooon. Formed to Oppose,,......._._._._._._._._~._._._._._._.._.._._,.. "It's like the World Series," added ·Airborne Police Hammett, who happens himaell to be a Newport Beach ,.,ldenl1 who object to semi-profeulonal bueblll umpire. tbe .,. of -n-bellcopten have lormed ''You throw all your batten and ~ pltchen Into the game," he continued of • group called Hdlcopten Limited In ao his last-ditch appeal to Gov. Reagan In dfort to loree nduction of airborne which he ouUtned -· aod develop-Pll:.f:d'~1· Paul Fmd of 2'1'11 San J ... mental problems. "Aasemblymu Bldbam'• bill eould quln ll!llt Road, the group is 11thertna emaaculai..any opportunity for develop-sl&natum for petltlOllS whl<h will be ment ol any al""11Uvu Involving Costa presented Sept. 11 during a •peclal City M... and Ila tr.ewayr and their Council htarln&. ttnuJnl," be wirtd. Accordlng to Freed, 0 We oppose use of lie said tak!ni 1 ltolfe to the vital htlicopten 10< niuttne police patrol. We Pacific Clas\ f'rff!way would also advocate a facllty to provide helicopter forever prec,lude tutufe ruolutkms or support, when needed, to be shared by freeway ;roblem.1 .most acceptable to all lbe cities of Newport .Beach, Costa Mesa, clUfl coocemed, plus tbt coun\y. Irvine and Huntington Beach. C<>i>ttnualflm o! pllftl !or dowolown • "We believe !hat cootlnuatloo of the C<>lta MMI redt~ol II a!IO stall· helicopter patrol. 11 presently used, Is an ed. peodtng -lutloa of the long invoslott of pmooal privacy aod Jn. freeway questkln. terferes with enjoyment of one's proi>' erty," Masked Suspect Nabbed in Tree Freed added, 4'Etfort.I to control Orange County Airport jtt noise art being lltl'1oully _........., hr thll COii' tradlctory policy of the cltJ of Newport Buch." Tbe committee ll looldn& ,., 'IO!un- te<n to help cfn:ulate tllelr politloat, be -•10ur l'f'OUP b an •malpmaitlon 'ol an lnlonnol collecllott ol people and an orpnllalflm former!J -u °""'* Q_. " Frud ~lned. . . r....i-i . -wlticb 11111 .. ant~ llallcoptar lttter carry!ll& II ......... to the council Jul7 :M, -llled ol ,...identl ol ~ del Mar, Hartior v~" ll1llt llld Balboe. Tllat Jetter ...w1oc1 tn the ocbtdullnf ol Ilia biVl<I(. He Aid tbt Cboppm-Stoppon wtra !'Oii-of lbt lltralld artl lnlm Wiii llewparl to Balboa. • .. I SESAME STREET -SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARB.OR AREA THAT HASN'T HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S. IN OUR FIFTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE CA R PET ED THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN COSTA MESA, NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND HUNTINGTO~ BEACH. ONE • NEIGHBOR TELLS ANOTHER UNTIL WE HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A BLOCll THE FORMULA I~ SIMPLE-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER HAPPY. ASK YOUll NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPETED HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, BRING HER IN WITH YOU.) • ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES _,,.., IM COSTA llllA ' .A l 66J Placlllflll An. COSTA MISA '46 ... HOURS: Mon. Thrv Thuro., t le ':JO-,RI. t to ;-SAT. ft30 le S .- • • • • - ' ·' j 17 \ •. ' •