HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-23 - Orange Coast Pilot. - •• . . • • -• • • •wears :of CriJDe~ ~ --' -- :Cited in Non-use . -. -.. .. -. -• O~ Rapid Tra,n ;sit .. ~ ' WEDN ESD>,Y AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 23, 1974 \'OL, f1, JIO. 2ff, I l•C~fO!lll• t4 PAO!"I, -- --~ .. ,. -' "1~--_.. ;:...,:...._ • , .. "..:.. ~%" ~ .... _Oiltr .... , ""°" •v F~Cll Sclloeltlllll u:o;, --. L •'. •pz-.;,;c.--:...-:-:• • .i" • . a ~mp~IA ----~~-·· ' ,,. . -· -~· .. , ..... _ ~-~,,, Craig WOOdil1,<2, of Lagu~a Nig uel_...linds b is eye for a' Halloween p~rqpkin .mayi be , bigger ti! his muscles as he makes tough choice -_t itn Orange, Coast pum · _patch. He found one he could carry, but, oh boy, WOuJd' tbatrb gger .one make a swell jack-0-lantern. • ew Crime Fea1· Cuts Use Of Transit? By \VILLJAJ\f SCHRl!:lBER or ''"' o.u., l"HeT st1H !\1any prospective riders on Orange C'Aun1y Transit District veh;cles may be avoiding the · use ol MasS Jrarisit because they (ear the possibility 0 r violent crimes. Eugene Covelli. vice chairnwn of a citizeru; committee studying the impact of future transit plans, said today safety concerns will be one of the ctistricrs toughest obstacles to overcome. "The single most important aspect or transit system in1pact is a need to change the attitude of !he population regarding fear of violence.'' said Covelli. a ptofessor at Cal State Long Beach. Covelli 's task force, one of three set up by the Citizens Ad visory Transit Committee. recommended that t h c district conetntrate on intensive service in disadvantaged areas th.at usually have the highest crime rate. • "To make the service work and attract riders, the disttjct shoold establish a• direct line of conUnunicatklns with safety agencies for protection of passengers in high crime areas," Covelli said. CoveW's task force made no specific recommendations, but hinted at the possibility of special transit sec urit y patrols or bus guards. Ill Crash -· . ROCKMART, .:ca. '(AP) ->. train backed Into a 'ill!'ded tehQ!>l bus at a railroad crossing todar.. killing at least se'ven chi ldten, au th o.r i tie 1 reported. • .Poice said the.re were about 3 o children, mostly lO 'to 14. years old, aboarc\ the bus. Beside the dead , most o( the· others on lhe bua "wel'e! lnjurcd, some seriously. \VilJlCSSet said the n!palr train bad been called to the scene ol a derailment during the night and was back.Ing up along-the tracks wneo u hlt lbc bU-'l. The train dragged the crumpled bus several hundred reet down the: track, police 1Aid. When tbe train came to--1---h'alt, the- lhal the bul driver, Billy Kellett, had been killed. But police later ·said he was hospitalzed in critical condition. A spokesman for Southern Railway No' Oil lntlepend~uce in Washington said the train was moving about eight miles per hour. Th.e accident occurred between the !owns ol Rockmart and Aragon, about 35 miles northwest of Atlanta. , There were railroad crossing signs on each sidt or1the road , but no nashing signals. Darrell Smith said he was pumping ga~line at a service station about 50 reet rrom the crossing when the collision occurred. He gave th.is descrii:>- tion of the accident: "The bus was stopped , and ii started on across. 'Mle train was backing up, lt seemed like It speeded up and ltll th< bU-'l ... • caboose was derailed and on top o( WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Energf Administration has tentatively concluded that the Unitl'd Slates cannot be independent ol imported oil because no substitutes for oil are in sight, the Washington Post said today. The agency. In 'a draft of its Blueprint ror Project Independence, contends that coal is no substitute ror oil because it Is too dif- ficult to burn and mine-and that atomic J)OO'er ls only a substitute for cool, noi-olt. tbe Post said. Smith said one or the workmen jumped' off the train and ran to the front ol the train yelling at tftc engineer "Go baoi<cGo bac"-"------ the overtumed bus, , lf'lie-Polk"caanty C'Oionerlb1t 1tp0rted f ' ' ' - - 7 Children Die , As Train SlaJDs Loaded s~hool Bus • • 1ens , !Hotiey Dotaated Prisoner's Bail Drive Opened By ARTHUR R. \7INSEL Of the 01lly Pllol 51111 A campaign to gilher $$,j)OO b a i 1 m9t~Yl most of it oon1ing in Rickels and dimes. n1ounted today to fr~ ac· cused killer James Ray Russell . charged \vith an Oklahoma n1urder he rnay not have comn1itled. Today was his 745th day in jail. waiting for something -anyth.ing -to happen. ''I'm v.·ore out," he said Tuesday. Russell. 27, a former Laguna Hills resident, finally had his day in court Tuesday, after some 15 fruitless ap- pearances. including an appeal to !he California Supreme Court to be released. Los Angeles Superi:>r Court Judge Ray- mond !\t Choate set bail at $5,000 finally after Russell's l\~'o years and two weeks heh.ind bars. a sum requiring one-tenth of its face value as a surety deposit to secure release. ' His fumily. including his deliriously tearful wife Karen, 23, vowed to have the $500 deposit t.ogether by "Tuesday night. so he could co1ne home to Bell Gardens. Grove House wife Beaten, Raped; Suspec t Sou g ht • A Garden Grove housewire ~'ho ac· cepled a ride home Tuesday night from a male stranger she met in an Orange bar told sheriff's officers she was beaten and repeatedly raped after being driven to a rural area near the Saddleback motorcycle park. • Det>ulies said the 24-yeaN>ld victirii was driven in her sh<iuctor 's small red sports car to an area on Santiago Road near the park. They said he then began to slap her across the face until she submilled to his sexual demands. 61'ficers said the rapist then drove off leaving his victim on the ground. Deputies drove her to the Ornnge <Av1nty Medical (;enter for treatn1ent after shf waJ rescued by a passing motorist. The woman'11 assailant is described DS a portly, balding male. age about 40. with blue eyes and addressed in ~ar. by the first. name_ o( '"l'Om.~· · . . . . They failed to scrape up the sum but a bail bondsman who saw t h e youthful ex-<.'Onvict on television Tuesday ntgnt o~;c, .. ..: iu ; .. ;.... ~ a .. ~ :. M .. ~ the.m for the rest. -. lle'd like a celebrity client. The Oklahoma family v.'ho came \Vest looking for something better couldn't even come up with that much on such short notice ho~·ever . lollo\l'ing tv.·o years of travail. One Orange Coast resident , Li n d a Hughes, called Santa Ana a l lorn e Y Russell Agajanian today to offer $5 and said she was trying to organire a radio campaign to get 1,000 listeners to i>ledge $5 each to help the Ru~lls. His aged grandfathe r, Samuel E . David, came out from J{askell Cciunly. Okla., for the pretrial and l!X!radition hearing Tuesday and pledged equity in his paltry property holdings at Stigler. Okla., to go ,his grandson's bail. Still another sympathizer. S u s 11 n Hakam, of 11wilington Beach. vo~·ed lo loan them the eccond ~ frotn her savings acCOWlt if the bail bondsman will slick to his bargain. Russell. an ex-convict who se rved four years in the Oklahoma Stolt' Pcni1cn!iary at !\fcAlester for a burglar~· romrnittr::l \l'hen he v.•as 19, 11as expected to be bailed out of jail somehow toda y. (Set ALIENS, Pag' A21 -------- PIT.OT PI CKEROO IN SI X~Tll JVEE K Pigski n PickC"roo '74 continues in its sixth week as Dailv Pilot readers com- pel!! for $130 worth-of prizes eRch \\'t't'k and a chance lo '>''in a color television set. Sports fans who besl predicl !hr out· comes of 30 football games to be playrd 1hls v.·eckC'nd will be awardtd ZenHh radio 11nd tel e\'islon products. Fllnher. first place '>''t'ckly v.·inners art• elig1bh.> 10 . compete for !he grand prize color set. Details and an enlry blank nre puhhsh- cd in today's cdition!i. Pigskin Pickeroo is a regular feature of the Daily Pilol spart~ pages and Is co-1ponsorl'd by ABC Color Tele1•1sion of Huntington Beach and Zenith lnr ------------ .. J • j ~- • IC • • one New Policy Admitte(l By Patrol By JOHN VALTERZA . 01 1111 01lly Pilot 5t1ft A new federal policy ~·ttich practically concedes defeat in the battle against illegal immigration from Mexico has been launched throughoul so, u th c r Tl California and it asks many p o 1 i c r .!.:j;~;-:.:;;:."":~: !: :'.::".~!:· ; :; ., ~ :-~ im- migrants passing through their area. Senior agents al the San Onofre Border Patrol slat ion confirrned today that a new policy is in effect throughout tht' Snu1hv.•es1 . And except for police dcparlments in areas extremely close lo a border patrol station. the suggestion sim\lly calls ·for officers•t<J leave the al lens alone. The orders come from Immigration Commissioner Leonard F. Chapman. "'ho has launched a ne\I' concept of fighting the record "·ave of illegal immigration from ~fexico. Recently he said that new federal ap- propriations will come next year so that he can hire more agents. but in the mean1ime. h.e has deployed his man- P<l"'er where it will do the mosl good. And that is on the front line. tSee ALIENS, Page A!) Orange Coast Weathe r The usual night and 111on1ing hnv clouds along the coast Thurs- dny. Acco rding to the \\'t'llther srr1 ict'. "'i1h sunnv sk1£'s 1n lhe ,:iflernoon. Beach highs of 67 "ill f15e fO 72 inland . Lo\\·s tvn1ght 57 to 62. l :\'S lllF. TODAV 7'1r!l X-ratr<l 1'lf)t•1es l1orl u /1npof1 e111/111u fnr a pro~rr11tor 111 1Ve 111 l/111111mltue u://o .~fiJJ.·ed Ins /)(l/il1raf rn1t1}lfllg11 OH ocq11it· !al. Stury. 1'r1ric A·7. Al '1'&111 St,¥!Ct '' ''"""" .. LM, Mid ~11 t.i;ttnlit Al [lrHt (ff'lltf 111 [ll H!h<'d Dl•1l [Mll<C• [\) Cro11,.trd c 11 OHi~ Ht!lft' All Ed1lfH'•l l ,_ Al CMtrt1l-11t ... , ,, ... "'' •i-1 J8" C1 ·'4 .Wf"lll{Olll [l "''"' "''"""'' 0 Ml!ll(l.I ... .... w... 11 • M•I\>" ·~~~· II Malo• .... ! H "'' Al. I or111n c"~"h 1111.11 ,o~ol• Cl·I l~fll •1·1 Or ltt!llC .. ~~ 11 Sloct "'fr11fh Bi-1 ffllY(~olfO •• TIMI!,., If·' Wt lllltf Al W.,14 NfW1 M, I ' • DAIL V PILOT 1 _____ w_.,_Mld"'""""'c.":.:':::'°""=-=21::,~1 •::...:1• At Your Service 1 1\Sund :a)', i"ilonda)', \\'tdnesday and 1-'riday Fr:a tur~ Of th1· UaiJy l'llol DEAR PAT: Since I grew up with one of the mos\. ~Jar names in my age group at tiat time. I 111·ant 10 a\'oid choosing en overly popular n:Jme for my ~xpected child. I've checked aU the source! l can, including hospitals. coun- ty offices and my hbrary's reader'!! ' guide. All l\•c learned is 1hat my phone bill has increased due to all my toll calls. P.C .. San Juan Capistrano No published material is available on the lllOPit popular curnnt first names being given IO-babies, according lo the Garden Grove Regional Ubrary'a adult reference depanment -and yoor in· quiry \\'8~ dtecked out thoroughly . It seems that only "afte~"' a first name has been used repeatedly, it is noted as a "~r" choice. Ava ilable materials do ~te that you'd be bet!er off to choose 1'Mary" or "Ann" rather than K.iinber(y or Tiffany if your bab)' shouJd be a girl. The same advice applies to boys. The "commoo" name choice is out of vocue at Utls Ume. ' DEAR PAT: A neighbor has told me about sa ving empty ciga,retle packages and turning them in for a wheelchair. rt1y brother-in-law needs one for his wife and he has saved moie than 5,000 pack· -ages. If tlris renlly can be done. where should these packages be redeemed to get a \\'heel chair fOf' a deser¥ing per· son? S.O., Costa Mesa The same answer applies to this in· quiry as to .a recen·t question aboul \\'here one could tum in cigarette pack- ages to buy time on a kidney machine. There is none, and there never has been. 'fo repeal -this story aeem.s to pop up eevry few Years, and it haa no bam ln fact. You might tell your brother-in-law to oontact the Rehabilitation lnstitule of Orange County rega~ding the ' possible loan of a wlleelchair by phoning 633- 7400. or perhaps, a reader v:ould be will· ing to donate or sell a wheeldutiir to him .· The Institute Is currenUy requesting per· sons to donate Betty Crocker coupons to , 1800 E. La Veta , Orange, caiif. 92666, which can be redeemed for cash to rur· chase needed equipment, such as wheel- chairs, ror patients. Mall to tbe atten· tion of Carolyn Carrell. ' DEAR PAT: 1 bought my <'.aughter a toy called "Sy,·eet April's Playground" for Olristmas. There ·was an excessi\'e amount of dirt and glue on it and one of the parts didn't work. She's played 'll'ilh this toy only about six limes and other pieces now have broken. I \\'rote to the company twice \\ith no answer rueived. I'd gladly return the complete toy in exchange for a new one, or just the parts thal uecd replacing. ~.;-., r:"uu"~"i11 Y"1:1iii::y Your only recou rse in this situation "'OU.Id be lo shop for a new toy because the manufacturer, Remco Industries, 'll'Cnt out of business in JanuA)'. Al· though several largr toy suppliers were contacted in an effort to find a "parts'' sour~ for this item. none could offer assistantt. TilC existing :.toc k of Remco toys is still being sold by some firms , especially discount outlcls. ORANGE COAST s DAILY PILOT th. 0tM91! Ceol1t 0.11, Pilol, ""Ill IOll>ltfo llC- btne<l 1'-H1'W1•Pttt1, "CK>trl1111fOb111'1JOr .... Co.t•I PuOh..,.lftQ (<>""''"'· Sfo••ttfdltlbll!I.,.. ,..._1il>td IN""'' tllto..011 Frlely, 1w (MCor ....,.,., l<f•P<I'• ~""" '"m ll"Q!on Btutll/~ 11111 ~•llt,, lt••ll• \•OOlet•n • V•fl•• ,._, UQuM 8<-iKlllSou\11 CO••I • ""Ill• ,.....,.. t<11ll.,..11 Po;l)O•V'•d ~•h"d•1' 6"" ~n. T'-' P'•l'IC•pll publ1\l\0119 P'•"t 11 •1 lOt) wt,i IWJ Mrtort. Cou~ Me ... C•'""'"'' tl!Q. Robert N. Weed p,,,.,,.111 1r>e1 •'unh..,.., J;:iclo; R. Curley "''' .... ~"""' '"" Gtllf"'•' ..... l\IQH Thomas Keevtl fOlto; Thoma s A.. Murptline M<lllf~'ll0 £dUo< Charles H, Loos Rlch.trd P. Naff A11•1tt111 Ml ... Q+f\4 Eot!Or\ Offices {~If MoUI llO Wt 1I 0""''1"°i'I ~<jPO"li.19fill ll))t<o..,,.,•lilo<t"•''O '-'"""" .... II 11MC..-1't'e$t-l """''ncil°"' Bt•('I 11111 Settn ttou .. •••li !•Hldlf~• \l"lt• l UOI LI P11 lt"'3 f l !>of" O'"IM •• .. •fW Telephone (7 14 1 M?-4321 Classified Advtrtlslnt '42·5671 !..IOCll•O.W ~ \l t lle• Ntwt Oltt<• 511 .. 310 ,., ..... S.tl '''"""" 495·06JO C".oll"JOj'\l. \tll o ...... , ... ,, l"utrli1'1tft0 Clfrr-r ""° """'' 11.,IH, llltn!<ll!Ofli .. + ... I•• "'•ti•• 9' •Ow•t11W,,.ftl\ "'''Ill ,,.., .. ,...,_ ... "'""°"' •llH161 ,., .... "loft ., «0¥••Qll'rl t •IW• l«Ofld CllH .. ,1_0it N ld 41 c;.o,i. Mot•. -(,o,11~"''f SYOO<"D"°"' t1V ("'"' ~l 00 mo111,.iy, -"' .,,.,. i..i ao -•I .,.,,~,..,, ~1INl-~«lm&r1l"I' Ul'I ftlt11llttt 'NOT A FORTUNE HUNTER' Finance Michael WlllOn Happy's Au11t Deterniined to W ~d Barman '4 LONDON iAP) -The London Evtnlnfl Newt reported today. t.bat l•wyer1 for Happy Rockeftller'• awit Rachtl FltJer. offmd Welsh barman Mlc!lael Willlln $481000 not to marry the milllonairess nearly 50 years his senior. The News said Wilson told It he refused -"J got very angry and told I.hem I am riot a fortune hunter" -and that l\fiss Filler said at her home near Philadelphia : "I ha ve no intention of changing my mlnd. The more they press me, tbe more delennined I am to marry 1'1r. Wilson." The newspaper said Miss F i t I e r ' • lawyers ''were expected to make ooe more attempt today to try to have the couple call it off." "I think il is because I am I' miner's ton that they feel I am not fitted to marry Miss Filler," said Wilson, a hand.some· ~year-old who is visiting his mother in the Welsh town Of Llay. He said he would 'be telephoning Miss Fitler today. ·; .. " Yes, reversed charges," he told a questioning newsman. Wilson said the difference in th eir ages is irrelevarit because their rela· tlonship ts based on companionship. "Is she 77?" he asked. "I'd never have thought ahe was u much aa that and, of coune, beJng a genUeman, I never asked." The tall, ruggedly bullt f o rm e r choirboy announced through a newspaper in Llay that he was going to marry the aunt of V i c e President-designate Nelson A. Rockefeller's secood wile, the former Pi1argaretta "Happy" Fitier. !\fiss Filler and 1ifrs. Rockefeller are' joint he.ireSSC! to the Filler fortune, at one time vaJued at more than $8 mlllion. Reports Ofl 1'1.iss Filler's age have varied from 61 upwards. Two members of 'her staff at her borne in an ex.elusive Philadelphia suburb said she is in her ... "I would never have dreamed she was much over &I,;. said Wilson , who met Miss Fl.Uer while be was working as a butler at the ex.elusive Breakers llotel in Palm Beach, Fla. "I_ learned to respect her intelligence and -!\er judgment, and we established a tremendous closeness. ()Jr relationship was built .entire.IY. o..n... companionsblp rather than on love," Wilson said Tues- day from' his parents' modest, thr~ bedroom home in I.his small W e I s b viUage. He said he hoped the wedding wou1d take place by the end o( tbe year, and said he plam to continue v.·orking afterward!. "I could never be a kept man," he said. In Palm Beach Tuesday, \V i 1 s o n ' s father said he was surprised by his son'!! announcement. "I didn 't know anything about it," said Richard Wil son, 57. "\Vhy do people think it's so funny? it happens all the time all over the world. If it was the other way around -a 21-year-old girl marrying an old man -people wouldn't lhink about II." Wllaon '.s father has been a boilennan at the Breakers since July. He said ~ met bis son's fiaoce , who stays m Palm Beach during tbe winter seasoo when be and his .00 joined the lleireis: her nurse and three compeniom for a cruise to the Garibbean and South America last Marth. "I guess we stayed with her about three weeks," the elder Wilson said. ~'l\Iy ~n aod I Ji tayed in the same. room." He said he'!! not giving his son any advice about marriage -"He'.s old enough to take care of bJmsel f. He knows the facts of life." From Page Al BAIL, .. ' ' He and bis brotber Noah are acculed of the r-.farch': 1m Murder'"' of" Invalid Albert Christenberry; tt, who was beattn to deatb in his v.'beelchalr and robbed of l200 In his little home In Leoti. Several witnesses have Died affidavits testifying they were wttll James Rusaell that tragic night at the LoOg Beach Nu-Pi ke Amusement Paik, when be was supposed to be engaged in a savage murder 1,000 miles away. Defense evidence Includes a pawn shop ticket signed by Russell !hat night In dov.11town Long Beach. where he bought a jewelry trinket for his new wife Karen \\'hi.le they \\'ere out on the town . "l'se just like a kid ... ," he said somewhat sadly in a jailhouse interview with the Daily Pilot last Friday. "We rode all the rides and me 'n David shot some p:K>I." He uid that night the •amusement park was one of the first he and Karen enjoyed t.OgeU>eT, since her son by a previous marriage, Nolan Tracy. now 4. was spending the v.·eekend with his natural rather. A. court in Napa Cowily, f.al.if., subse- quently ordered the child taken away rrom James and Karen-; saying it \Vas an unfit home if the stepfather stood accused .of murder. Sirica Raises Possibilty TH,1T SAFE'S REALLY SAFE Russell's brother Noah-also charged In the savage slaying of the invalid-was in Departmem 100 or Uls Angeles County Superior Court himself Tuesday, but only as a spectator and member of the famil y, Nixon as Witness. Hinted FRESNO (AP ) -Safe<:rackers who v.wked for hours in an unsuccessful al· tempt to open a motel safe here had only one thing to s.ay: He is Cree on his own recognizance without having to po!'lt cash bond "on the Okla,homa homicide charge, f 0 r which no trial date has e\'en been se t yet. WASHINGTON (UP[) -U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica raised the possibili- ty today that former President Nixon may be called as a witness of the court in the Watergate cover-up trial so none of the lawyers Wt>uld have lo vouch for his truthfulness. Nixon 's name was raisl'd in an ex- change between Sirica and a s s i s t a n t special prosecutor James Neal about -the credibility of some of the future witnesses. The jury was out of the courtroom at the lime. Sirica ea rlier told the jury t h a t whenever the prosecution or the defense calls a witness, those lawyers nonnafly vouch for the truthfulness of h I s testimony. From Page Al .L\LIENS ... Thus, roadblocks at two So u t h e r n California points are llO\V on a seven-day- a-week schedule and oft.en stay open on a IN-hour.a-day basis. "We're feeling the difference down here at San Onofre," said Senior Agent James Muth: "We're open all the lime now. and because of that we have had t o discourage most police agencies from picking up one or two aliens at. a time and then calling us to come lo their station to · pick up the immigrants," he added. There are only a few exceptiorus, he said. "About the only jurisdictions where we sli ll do the pickups are San Clemente, Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista. .. There are seve ral reasons for It, and distance is the most logical. U it's only a matter of a few mUes, it really doesn 'I hurt much," Pi1uth said. But the farther away the police station, the greater the problem, he added. -~::ny police agencies holding aliens overnight bill the patrol $15 a head for "'hat is officially termed "main- tenance." "for a service that already Is hurting terribly for a budget, those charges are just too much." ri.-!uth said. The\policy has been in effect all month but was only publicly announced loday. Chapnian on Tuesday spoke before an audience in Texas and hi!! comments reflected a feeling of futility . ''\Ve are being overrun by I 11 e g a I aliens. v ar coming in y th e millions is little can do to ha , At the Onofre eckpoint, the air prehension rate seems to be dropping . according to the senior agent. "That seems to be caused by lhe longer operation of the checkpoin l and t~ policy about other pollce agencies. But we know that the holding areas do"11 south are filling up fast &nd the all ens will have to move pretty quick." "There jusl seem le> be more and more all the lime, " Muth said. • • • But Neal said there wu· ••some con-name, suggesting that the former presi- cern" among the prosecution that their dent might be called a.s a court witness witnesses might oot be telling the whole · to avoid credibility problems. Nixon has tzvth. been subpoenaed to testlly by both the ·He said It may be a case· In which proaecution and the defehM . "85 percent of what be said i!!I true, "That could happen," .Sirica to Id but we have serious conce.ma,. about Frates. "I'm not saying it will happen. the other JS percent." · Jn that case, nobody Would have to "Your honor knows the history o( vouch for his credibility." Watergate," NeaJ said, "and" It's not When a witnes.!I is called by lhe court, been a history of everyone telling the lhe ae1ense and proS"ecution are allowed same thing about the same event." broader quutkining powers. William Frates, a -lawyer for defe!}dant Neal. said the prosecution wahts to '"!bat's one hell of a safe," was the message police found scrawled oo a blackboard next to the unopened sale. , Teen-ager Robs, Stabs Oerk, 64,, In Mot.el Fracas John Ehrllchman, then raJsed Nixon's call >as witnesses all persons who have Watergate-related .intormatJon. NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A teen-age Badliam Su~g!!~t,s Bright's Ouster "We want a full, unlimited, unmodified girl stabbed and robbed a 6f-ye&M1ld bang out," Neal said, playing on the motel clerk, then waited on customers, worm attributed to Ehrlichman i n describing the Watergate cover-up. making change with stolen money while ~Meanwhile, colwnnf!!lt Jack Anderson the man lay behind tbe counter bleeding, asaerts that a soorce at Nixon's San police say. geJMPte home reports the former presi· Detectives gave this acaxmt of t~ F 'q -' U • dent is "at the point of .emotional col-rom IHJJtt n.tt _ lapse." . , Mooday night tncideol' •"' ·~ 7 '. ~~· ; 1--.:..1 ... , ~ said ~ JQ Evanlrille, The gjri, described a!! being about 16, By GARY GRANVILLE · Tnd .. "The American peopte1s faith~ in entered the motel, took $90, and pointed Of ,.,. ne11y , .... s..et government has been s h a k e n by a three-inch JmiU at Joseph c. BWTOW!. _ . Watergate. People feeJ they were 'Iben she said, ui am onina to spill .;..,. Dr. Donald B. Bright •b.oald be remov-betrayed by Nixon. •¥--o ~ .. - ed from the•'s<Mti. C:O-* R 1e g l on a I '1Nfxon will go OOwn in history a.s gull," and slashed bJm twice in the Co as lllne Com011sstoo, Assemblyman the nation's worst president because of abdomen. Robert Badham (R·Newport Beach) said Waterga te." Burrows began wrestling with the girl Tuesday. Anderson sald he still has a "reliable for the knife and was atabbed in the Badham~s call , for the coastal com-sOun:e" at San Clemente.' mission chainnan's ouster because of ''He wa!!I an extremely reliable source chest, anns, face and neck. He feU to his poliLicaJ fund raising activltlea came in the past," Anderson said, "He says ·the floor. st a Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club Nix.on is at the point or emotional col-While he Jay there, a customer came IWlCheon. lapse. His friends are resisting putting in and the girl registered him into the The Newport Beach a.sseinblyman him on the witness stand not ~ause 1 k1n "" ...... labeled Bright's aborted plan to hold a of his phlebitis, but because of bis emo-mote ' ma g "'""16e from the stolen $100.per-person fund raising receptlnn for li.onal condition." money in her purSe. She handed a room Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed-Andersoo said his source "said Nixon, key lo a second guest and checked a mwxl G. Brown Jr. "a blatant misuse If required lo face cross-examination third out. , of power." nn the subject of Watergate, a subject A fourth pel'90n. heard groaning behind His brother has been held 745 days ·without bail , arraignment or tr i a 1 • because in his case extradiUon Is in- volved and an extradltiOn hearing is not tedmically a trial. Sanf:a .Anit attorney Roger Agajanfan, who. is representing Russell free of charse, claims.:)tl.s client has been sub- jected to double-jeopardy but so far, apperate courts and the California Supreme Court have yet to agree. Oklahoma authorities, meanwhile, claim ~y })ave new evidence ag~t Russell 1n· the patbet.ic slaying -of the crippled old U'lan; but retuse to dlscuss it any further, Russell was arrested OllCi!: in Orange County and eventually freed by Supiarior Co\lrt Judge William AiUfTary on the basis of a polygraph test that stroogly indicated bis· innocmce. Ooe f.ictor Oklahoma authorities claim to have i.s an alleged Call by the defen- dant to his brotlier Noah In the Somer State, in wb.ich he claimed to ha\'e bragged that he sure did beat that lie detector test. LA Board Votes Hike LOS ANGELES (AP) -Acting under the authority of a new state regulatloo. members oC the Los Angeles Board of Education voted them&elves a 33 percent pay hike Tueaday. 1be members voted &-0 with one member absent to lncreaae their pey per meeting from 175 lo 1100. Not Mayor's Best Friend Purportedly invited to the reception wlllch obsesses him , a subject on which .._ lhat was to have been held near Costa he's become irrational , might very well ~'Kl counter, looked, and uw the clerk GLOUCESTER, England (UPJ}- P..1esa tills \\·eek were developers and do a Queeg on the witness stand and holding down the girl. She shouted the A Gtrman shepherd gua rd dog bit others who regularly do business with break down." . man was raping her, the clerk cried out Mayor Fred King dUring cere-- tbe commission Bright heads. He referred to the fictional Captain that the girl was robbing him and the moales marking the 'opening of a The fund raislni reception was called. Queeg, who broke down under cross-ex· frightened customer dropped his key firm's new office. off when a sth of critic'l!m descended amlnati~ tn the novel "The C a i ~ e The mayor had agreed to pretend on Bright and a conruct of interest Mutiny. Ande~ w~s at an Evansville and nec1. he was a crim1nal as part of a iaue was raised by Brown's opponent, Press Club gridiron dinner. • The girl broke loose and left 1n a pl.ck-detnOMtration of the firm's equip- state C:OOtro\ler Houston Flournoy. up truck occupied by a man. Police later menl Badham said tbe coastal commission fl Ow S bb d llll'eSted George L. Baskin, 11, and "! lllooght I'd better let th< dOfl chairman used "stationery and olher ar ner ta e booked him with being a prioclpal to smell me be(Gre the demonstration, commission reaources" to promote the • an anned robbery and atiempted mur-so I reached out with my amp~ poli tical re<:eptlon, SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A !M>year-d l tected hand," King ''Id. "He bit "If he (Bright) was an elected official old Tenderloin bar owner was stabbed er. Po ll'e were searching today for the me.•· "\.he would be recalled." Badham said. to death Tuesday during an attempted girl. The mayor required one stitch 'I don't see why an appointed official robbery on the steps of his apartment Burrows wa!!I ln satisfactory condition in his hand and a tetanus shot. who mJsu1es his power should be treated lb~ui;lld;ln;g;. ~~~g;~~~~;;~~ln~a~h~IOl~Pl~·t.11~. ;:;:;~~~~~~;==,:;:~~;::::;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ any dilferenUy." After his apeech, Badham said he · w+ ma r -:• ....,_ has written Gov. Reagan to ask him to demand Bright'• "immediate resigna· tion." The assemblyman aa.id. "lt'1 obvk>u!!I lo everyone" that the coastal commission chairman's ill-fated venture la fund rals· ing activities served ''hi.s own interest." That self-lntertst, a cc o rd I n g to Badham, is Bright's hope of landing the state director's post in the Depart- ment of Fish and Game, 5ixlu1d B~n be ele<:ted next month. ...... ' . Lyon Hort HART'S John Hort • SPORTING GOODS • BICYCLES-ARTS-TIRES -ACCESSORIES 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA.-646• I 919 CLOSIO SllHDAY 'Fees Go Up, Up Skateboards & Wheels Shuffleboard Sets Barbell & Dumbell Sets : .. Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Boat ,ff.ooring Noiv More Costl y BOAT OWN ERS "'ho lie up illega lly to somebody'• else'• dock or mooring hl an Orang' COU11ty Jlarbor will now have lo pay four limes aa much to ~ claim their impounded vessels. The Board of Supervisors voled unimlmomly Tuesday to hike the dally impo\lnd fees from $1 lo $4 1n Newport lfarbor and $3 in Dani Harbor. Harbors, Beaches and Parks Director Kenneth Samp«>n told the board the $1 per day fee provided no incentive for !»at owntr1 to recla.lm their pro~ "'>- •'TYUS FREQUENTLY rtsults ln 1 long-term llOrl(e rate that ts much less than tfie ov.'ner 'll'Ould pay at a cofnmercfal mria," ·sampeon uld 1n his rl':port to supervi!;c>rs. . The Clgure supervisors arrived at Is the same pak! fOI' guest dock spaca 11rthe1W1:t ma}or county harbors. SUPERVISORS ALSO approved S.mpson'I r<qutst to ln-se. ll'om 11 to $2 a day lbe charge levied by the county for IU II offehore tuNt moorinas. Sampson noted Newport llarbor 11 the only one with guest mooringa but he said Onna Harbor mA)' have some in the near lulu.re. Croquet Sets Slant 'loards BoxlllCJ Gloves Judo Suits Karate Suits T elllli1 Drlsse1 T emis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis S~eate" T 1111111 Shoes f, ' • - Tennis Racket StringlnCJ Racquetball R11cquets & Balls Handball Gloves & Balls Warmup . Suits Sweat Suits Hooded Sweatshirts Adldas.Conve"t-Spot Bllt 1'19tr-Brook .. Bob Woffe Shoes Leather Footballs·Ba1k1tba1t .. soc· cer Balls ' B .. 'Rtpalrs-Parts. Tlrts· Tubes 646-1919 . ' , t I . I I I l I up ' Ni co inc iff' an I Or t wa ha so se st E IS il a .. pi lo wi ist ge mi th 0 di SI ag co an b se ta tri li I en r .. • • Wtdntsday, Octobtr 23, iq74 s DAIL V PILOT A 3 . South Cou~ty Civic Ce~t.~r Growing·-Slowly . Uy FREDERICK SCllOE~tEHL Ct Ille O.U~ Pll~I Sllll SIO\\•ly but sutely. The phrase sums up the expansion pattern at South Orange County Regional Civic Center in Lagw1a Niguel. First !he home of a branch of the !Xlunty municipal courts, the center today 1neludes a fire station, t.emporary sher- iffs substation, consumer affairs offi<.>e and a county supervisor's office.. \Vithin' the next few years, as the south Orange Count1 area continues to grow, the facility at 30143 Crown Valley Park- way is expected to include more court- rooms, a permanent sheriff's station with a small jail, and, an o!fice structure for building and safety department lnspec-. tors. Plan11lng also calls for branch offices of the "·elfare, health and probation de- partments, and, possibly, a bruneh oounty library. The man charged y:ith planning ror tile regional civic center is Clair Ennis, ·space control and planning chief for the county administrator's office. "There have been some rroblems," said Ennis. "The growth pattern in the area has not been what we expected." Nig11el Depa~tments Following is a list of the county departments housed at the regional civic center in Laguna Niguel, the services they perlonn and how they can be reached. ORANGE COUNTY !\fUNICIPAL COURT: Services include traffic, civil, small claims and criminal court. Phone 495-4100. ORANGE coirNTY SllERIFF: Emergency service is available by calling 834-3000, or, call the operator and ask for the sheriff's office.' ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: To re~rt a fire, call 5:!8-3501. DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS: The county's consumer af- fairs office ls located in the court building and is staffed on \Vednesdays by Stan Weintraub. The phone number is 495·1650. ' SUPERVISOR THO~tAS RILEY: The fifth dislrict supervisor has an office in the court building. Phone 496-1650. Outfall Treatment Coast Board Delays Dana Point Permit Regional Coastal comm1s51oners have delayed a decision on· a pennit sought for the Dana Point outfall serving several South Coast treatment agencies. A suggested condition made by ihe staff and supported intensely by some commissioners would cost the South East .Regional Reclamation Authority (SERRA) -and ul timately the residents it serves -millions of dollars. The proposed rule deals with th e arrlOUJ'lt ·of ammonia compounds which WouJd be allowed to exit from the huge pipe planned for construction from the San Juan Creek mouth deep into the ocean. Although state and federal standards for the ammonia discharge-are well \\'ithin the current capability of the ex- isting Serra plant in Dana Point. sug- gestions by the staff would cost $2.8 million extra just for improvements to the present plan~, plus an annual extra operating cost or $250,000. The regional group's lawyer Alexander Bowie argued strongJy against the con· dition Monday, insisting that the staff recommended a standard for ammonia discharge which V.'Ould be the most stringent in the nation. Scientists, he asserted. are far from agreement on the effects of ammonia c:ompound discharges in sewage effluent, and many assert that the substance breaks down quickly when diluted by sea water. Economic trends and e n e r g y ton· servation goafs, he added. should be taken into account as "·ell . Bowie said. Bowie said that extra costs for elec- tricity would be extreme if the condi· tion were to stick. and if the rule af- fected the plant at its ultim:.te size. the entity will have had to spend $9.6 mil· lion to install the necessary equipment. Current federal discharge standards ·set the amount of allowable ammonia in effluent at between 30 and 4 5 milligrams per liter. The staff suggestion sets the maximum at 2 milligrams per liter. S{Klkesmen for Serra stressed that the staff standards were the most stringent in the nation. Reinforcement for the Serra position on ·saving money on the costly outfall came from Lad in Delaney, the senior engineer for the San Diego Area Regional Water Quality Control Board. And Delaney took his knOcks from the com- mission's stron.gest supporter of the stiff ammonia rule. Commissiorier Rim Fay, the paners C'hampion of the stiff rule. accused Delaney of interest conflict because the , engineer appeared in an ad.vocacy role for Serra ~'hile in the employ of a state reguJatory body. · Delaney denied any conflict and in· sisted that he appeared primarily to reflect the board's support of the Serra project as proposed and the discharge standards as set by other government agencies. The showdown at the regi.onal level on the oUtfall will come in t\\.·o weeks and Serra spokesmen promise that if the commission rules in favor of the ammonia requirement, the decision would be appealed. On the other hand, an appeal is loon1- ing fro1n the Environmental Coalition of Orange County if the requiren1ent is deleted from the permit. O•llW 'U•I Sl•lf 'Mtt ~AGUNAJ>IJB.L~JIAIUQ' .BDElS\.!.8.-CljECKS PUMPS Sin Juan c.1pittr1no Retident Stltcttd •! •'Employt Oflruirftr ,- r I 'i'he major reason it hasn't, he ex· plained, is because or uncertainty sur: rounding the Rock\\•ell lntemational "zig· gurat" now ov.'ned by the federal gov· ernment 's General Services Administra· tion. When Rock\1·ell began y.•ork on the plant, there was talk that it would house thousands of employes "'ho \\'ould live in the immediate area. And Rockwell officials predicted that thousands more would have to live in the area to provide services for the ernploye population. Those predictions faded \\'hen the bot· ' tom fell out of the aerospace industry and Rockwell planted a •·for sale:' sign on the spra\\.'ling complex. '"The plant stlll is sitting empty." Ennis said. ''The GSA says it "'ill have the building in fUJJ occupation in Se\'eral years. That will spur growth." Because ol the ehru1ge in the popu· latlon forecasts, new projects at the center have moved more slO\\·\y than originally expected, he said. In operation today are three munici~ pal courts, supported by a district at- torney's division, public defender. mar· shals and clerks. • . . 0•11~ ,llol Si.ff ''-'• A fourth courtroom that was used by the public defenders now OOuses the sheriff's temporary substation, pending coostructlon of a separate 18.cility. TilC public defenders are now in a ternpor· ary building. ~loney for design of the pennan~nt station is budgeted this year and con- struction funds are expected to be set aside next year, Ennis said. ·•u \\•ill be a very complete and ample facility. including a small detention fa· ciHty for prisoners," he said. \Vithin three years, the 11laMing aide said, work should get under way on an· Reverse Bias? other four-courtroom complex. ''Ultimately, \Ve wlll h<1ve three build- ings, each housing four courtrooms, sur· rounding a central plaza," Ennis said. The tentative proposals to move various S()('ial ser\'kles provided by the county to the regional center are part of a move to bring the agencies cldser lo the people they serve. Ennis said the Building and Safety Department, no\\' houSl..'l(i at 26051 Getty Drive, Laguna Niguel. will ll'IO.\'.e Lo an office building in the com'®F \Vithin the nexl few years. About .W Inspectors \\·ork in the south county area. • Minority .Hiring Joh ·'Difficult' By DOUGLAS FRIZSCHE 01 th• O•llY 'llet $1111 Affirmative action plans currently do more to help \Vhite males than \\'omen or minorities. maintains Ramon Curie!. the man \\'ho authored Orange County government 's minollity hiring plan and has taken the job of doing the same for UC Irvine. Curiel concedes that there is a lot of resistance to affirmative action in Orange County and says "there is a great selling element to this job." After a fe\v days on tht-job at UC!, Curiel is still trying to find the place to start in the complex uni•;ersity hiring system which has drawn complaints of discrimination over the past year. But Curiel. after four years as Orange County's affirmative action officer, has no doubts about what Angl06 in Or no doubts about what Anglos in Orange County think (If such programs. "There is still a lack of acceptance for this sort of program," said Curiel, pointing out that affirmative action and the equal opportunity programs from \\'hich it sprouted have been Jaw for more than a decade. "Orange County is stil1 a relali\!ely conservative area," he said. "A lot or people here see it as re\'erse discrimin· talion. 'ANGLOS HELPED, TOO' UC Irvine's Curiel opened doors for otherwise q u a I i f i e d \\'hile males. ; ' , . . . "There is no d6ubt that it is preferen· tial treatment. There is no doubt that it is doing n1ore for a guy who was discriminated against in the past. And obviou:;ly it is going to have an effect on others." Cmiel described affirmative action, a progrti.m in "'hlch en1ployen attempt to ~it minority or female emptoyes, as ·"accelerating the chances of certain groups.'' \Vhile be was in charge of the counly's n1inority hiring program. Curiel said. the percentage of n1inority employes jumped from 6.5 to 15 percent of county \\'Ofkers. TREE·PLANTING PRO~E~'.);.,U!iDER , WAY IN ~ENT!V-1,. LAf:lUNA Bill D•ck•r Puts In 1 re11 Funded by Cham~r Don•tlon , '"ffie ta!Jnty," he said, "still has a conservative image, but it can cite pro- gress in this area." .. Laguna Council Defers ''A lot of white males fear that they won't have a chance. They feel that (employers) will only bl? hiring \\mnen and minorities for the next 10 years. Because of the relatively high minorit y population in Orange diunty--aboot 2n percent -"there is still a long y.•ay to go." he said. Heritage T1·ee 01·dina11ce ·'Actually. it's helping the Anglo male at this point more than anyone else." Part of the affinnativl' action pro- gram. he said, has been the effort to make hiring and promotion standards more objective. The biggest proble1n he faces at UCL he said. is determining \vhat parts of the widely diffused employment systeni are responsible for discrimination and ho \\10 correct it. The Laguna Beach City Council has deferred action on a proposed .ordinance protecting heritage trees u n t i 1 com- plications over administration Of the new la\v can be resolved. The Heritage Tree ordinance was held over until the council's Nov. 6 session. The la\v would establish a heritage Burgla r Nets 8500 , A burglar entered an Irvine home through a door that mav. accidentally have been l~ft ajar ruisday, stealing nearly $500 1n valuables. including a microwave oven. Yirginia Seapy, of 19082 Bethany Drive, said she aso lost assorted jewelry in I.he break·in and \Vas taking an inventory today to determine exactly what else \\·as missing. Investigators said there \Vas no sign al all of a forced entry. E1n plo y e Laude<l B v Public W orlis "' For His Initiative • •tarry Boessler of S..1n Juan Capistrano, an en1ploye of the city of Laguna Beaclr for· IS years. has been selected as the pubUc works department employe of the quarter, Boessler on his own iniliative rebuilt mechanical and electrical eciuipment in n vilal sewage .Pump station and saved the city 35;000 in doing so Stan Scholl, public works director, said. 'jHarry is n very ded icated employe ' and one who can alv•ays be counted l ' on to perform well." Scholl satd. Boes.,ltr,' his wife Juanita and six chlldttn live Jn San Juan. He previously worked. with tht city or San Cle1ncnte. Scholl 1aid Boessler and o t h e r , maintenance personnel in charge of lhe city's sewage llft stations are roquirt'd l.o "rtspond like firemen " ln the case of a pump breakdown. A failure v;ould mean sewage backing up and pcissibly flo,ving into residen<.'ts and lbc beaches v.'ithln as Hiiie as 20 minutes, Sc1M>ll said, There are 26 such lift stations. He lauded the employc·s initiative In rebuilding lhe Anita Street s t :i ti o n , saytng lhe actf()n v:as not something 00 wus rtquircd. or asked to <kl. tree list, an~ trees on the li st would be protected. No one, not even the owner of a heritage tree could cut, remove. severely prune or build within 15 feet or the tree without getting a permit from the city. The criteria for inclusion on the list is that a tree or stand of trees be historic, have taken on an "aura ol historleal appeal " or have a trunk size 55 inches in girth. Any Laguna resident could propose a tree for inclusion on the list and trees would be form,ally-..pl.aced on the list by action of the !Soard of aj9t1stment following a hearing. The O\\'ner \\.'Ould receive a certificate and his name in· scribed on an honor roll al city hall. Violating the tree ordinance would be punishable by a fine of $500, a jail sentence of six months or both. TODAY BY J. C. HUMPHRIES • PEARLS IN CANNED OYSTERS? The canned pearl oyster \Vith a cu1tured pearl inside is av3iJable at a \vide variety of retail outlets. and it is presumed that these c ull urcd ·pear\. cont a in in g oysters a1·ti those in \\•hich the implanted seed has not yet had time to develop into a pe:trl of possible .e.cm <1ua lily . Although such "career ladders" have been formed, he said, "there is not that great a pool of minorities and "·omen who are prepared to take ad- vantage of the system." Citing the case of an aerospace engineer with perhaps 20 years of ad· ministrative experience, but no college degree. Curiel said that when such people have been laid off in recent years they have been unable to find jobs. Tbe reason. he said. is not because of inability to perform the job, but the lack of a diploma . "On the other hand. someone with a degree in egg cooking or basket \\'eav- ing could get the job," Curiel said. Employment requirements "·hich do not apply directly to the job in question, he said. are illegal and much of the affirmative action effort has, in effect, Eac:1 ·· · ~ol and department on the campus. i·\! said, does its own hiring. resulting in n problem \\'h.ich is hard to isolate. The school. he said. is undtr pressure to increase the number of minorities and woinen employed. Failure to do so. he said. \1ould result in loss of grants to the instit.ution. An entirely separate area , he SJid. is student recruitment . Aln1ost 15 percent of the student body are of one minority race or another. he said, but !he figures are deceiving. ?i-fost of the students. he said. come in under special programs and a hi(lh percentage do not co1nplete t h e i r degrees. Additionally. a high percentage arf' enrolled in ethnic sludies and o t he r courses •·1,·hich are not in areas \\'here parity needs to be achieved," he said. ffJJl }'fl{ R \',o\/ l'o\RL,_ JFllF/,J.!Y 1\'/) 11 .\T CHF~ /I ·II (/ (l\f T<I rr1t· A\ lll'R l;f<JRF, W'll t:RF rii ~ (111 .\' c~<\f-'1'\\i f,, r ·1Rr t=Ft 1.r nu r 11 r 11(1Uf\ /'\'nf R Of R P/;R(()\ ·II (l'PFRl'/(10'1. ............ • F11w watch repair • Diamo nd and prcCtous gem setting •Fine 1ewdry care and repair ............... Over the yenrs. many tests· have been made on the pt~arls from such canned oysl·Crs. c-1nd one such recent test disclos ed not a cultured pearl, but an outright imitation. Origina l jewelry design and creations Gem and 1cwdry :1p11r:iisab ........................ llU.H''\'I !'RI < r\ l'.<\10 FflR l'llf'flRf -\Sf f1F'llS ·\\'n fFl+J.'l .Hl' Pl-1{<.r{ fXPF.Rfl.r .\l'/'R,\l.<£.n BY l 'I. Although the enn opener search for cultured pearls may be an amusin iz :.1rn1 chair prelude to o~'sl.er ~tc,1,1. there are only lwo \\1a ys to obtain cultur ed pearls of j?cm quality: either dive 'for them yourself or go to a trusted retailer your local indepenjleni jcw lcr. 1 J. C. JJu1nphriej Jeweferj 182.J NEWPORT BLVD, COSTA WES A CONVENIENT TER:.1s :'7Y(AR ~ IN THE SA~lE LOCATION ' , .. I If DAIL 'f PILO t Wednesday Oclober 23. 1974 Takeover Plot lust 1:'-· Coasting 1~J .......... ,, ..@ Ex-Greek Leader with Tom arphia~ Arrested, Exiled Dig Deeper . For Transit A'l'lli':l\S, l;recti.· tA t~i -l"orfnt1' dictator (;eorgc Jlap1HIOllt'lll]OS I.Ind four of h1s l'li)$C:.t a~~ut·h1tt•s havt· been <.1 r rc:.tcd 11nd 1:.xdcd tu 1.1 r1:n1otl' purl uf Grct:tc: ou ch;.irg(':-,l)r vtottlnJ.: tu regain PO\\f:I', the guvt-rruncnt an nounced lod:1 r 'fhe anoountement s;ud tlios(• ;.ir r~tcd "·ith P apadopoull'):. 11'l•re his rurmt•r deputy prt•mll'l'S, St,1·liano:. 1'<1l:.1kos :.1nd !'\1l'h<1l ;1s J\lukareZ•J'< oni: nt !ht' hard.tine ministers in hl~ l'l'gimc, loannis L<idas. :i nd th(' fnr ~Gt:TTl.\'G Tllt:Rf: t-'llO)I 111-:Rl':: Oll'r t hi(•f r1f 1hv l'etltral inlclllgcnr:i· ·rhe Oran"c County Rapid Ti:un ~il <agt·ncy . '.\li t·ht•t·l Hourng;ilis. "' 1\ulhoriL<.1 t1\l' ~(111rt'1.·~ said the r11t· District is much in lhe ne\~·s thc!>e men v.·l·rt• 1;1kl·n lo lhC' ~n1all islund nl d:.1ys. First, bcc;.1 usc a lot of ficopll' l\e11. :ibnul 1;0 n11~t:~ southca~1 ol ;.ire riding the flTD IJuses Sl·tondly. the clislricl needs niorc IA1ng (i-rl·C·n. ,\!hcn:. Tl · d I m 1 1 11 -1 0 'l'hr ~01 t•r 111l11·11\ ~ ;1111u1unel·n1 1:11t us sc·t·on e c en ~ iuu ( n c me " ~ • ·~ For all . ghosts and goblins Mil~y ~ Way Life Savers Fun Size Miniatures Bars . Bag of 28 nt. wt. 16 oz . bag 69¢ 1~ ' :.:ud l1~l ad1qJ1Jlil11.~ :1!.!!J lh1• o!l!!,;r Juul' a s any monument;il :.Ul')lr1:re·. )O .. undertook l.1,11 ,,,1Hl'<llul'L<il ac\1\1l.1 . llt-·oplc who have been around 'll erc;Jting a nxil·l~ and the C'iindttion~ grocery counter lately. E\'erybody condueivc Lo tht· disturbance_ of puhhe ~;: ~ if; needs more cush. ·'.'!: -l>t'<ll'l' :ind rirdl·i·. at :1 ti1nt· 11·ht•n th1· Thus it is lh:1t o ur tr-.nsil d1:-.triet . 1n 1 penplt• ;.~re bt·in:! ~11n1nHJ1ll:l lo cxer -it>c vust planning for hov.' \re'll gel t1.-.t' thl·ir :-,o\'l'rl'lll.ll rights for l hl· around in the future, has to up the I 1· l:on1pletion uf dcn1oc ralie ega 1t y. · -estim ates or what it 's going tu cost. The transit people ure like the guy who bud geted in 1970 to buy a beef· steak in 1974. The bock he put av.·iiy back in '70 just isn't going to do the job. SO NO\V,-..TO GET us a full·rate rapid trans it sys tem, it's going to cost $4.52 billion, or roughly double \\'h<.1t the transit people had figured on \1•hcn they budgeted \1•ith less·inOated dol- lars. 'When the \\'ondrous system of the f uture is completed. some time around 1990, the Orange County tran· s it !folks figure that people \Viii be making 10 m illion trips a day .:i ll around our county. TillS \\'.\S ,\ ltEFl~RE;\C'E to lhe parlia n1e ntary election -Greece's first in n1ore lhan 10 yeurs -that the refor1n rl"'in1ro of Premier Constan· line C.:ir<ir~anl1s h.:i s schcrluled ~ov . 17. The announl·emC'nt also indic<.ited that more charges \1'il\ probably [J(• ·riled again~t the fi1·t· mt•n. It said lh<'ir contint'.'mcnt made it impossihle for thc1n lo l'SCa pc from (ircerc \\•hilc !ht• le;;iders <!f the n1ilit:iry <lic'l;1tors h1p a rc being in\·esligaled. The guvernn1ent \l'al'nl'd that it 1:-:. prepared \1J eounter "\vilh deter· 1nin ation any suspicious movcmenL'i of those rei;pon::;ihtc for i;e \·en years of dictatorship " The. govt>rnm c nt unnoun ccd UPI Ttlf,i.et. CONSPIRACY CHARGE George Papadopoulos ·ruesd:1y that P apadopoulos has been under house arrest for the last three \leo;oks "for m<.iking cons pi ratOr1a l rnoves." 'l'he1·C have been persistent reports that leaders of lhc ousted n1ilitary reg inll' \\·ere plntt in ~ to rnake a l'on1 ellal'k S l ~C I~ lllS (JV ERTJIRO\V Uy another mil itary junta a year ago, Pa1radopoulos h<.id be('n living quictl.v 1n the sea:-.ide \'ilia 50 1niles from At hens that he rented fron1 shipping, magnate Aristotle Onassis. The experts on all this, of course. t alk like experts. They speak in terms 0£ "person-trips generated" and ·•ridership" and things like "auto use disincentives.·· 'Paid Baek in F11ll' Auto use disincentives, you ask, just \Vhat in all or Orange County are they talking about? Columnist Confirms r' Hershey Milk, • Hershey Almond, , Reese Peanut Sutter Cups ~Box of 30 Bars Reese Peanut Butter Cup Juniors nl. wt. I 0 oL ba<J Candy Corn nt. wt. 1 lb. bag THEY ~I Ei\N THE reasons why you'd rathe r leave the old family heap at home and go by bus or rail to Disneyland or Knoll's Berry l-'arn1 Or C\'en to \1·ork An auto disinccnlivc 1s a flal lire 11·hen you ha\•(' on your good suit. Loan From Rockefeller 1 · 149 •l.•,, -----=--:-,..,._~ 95¢ 53¢ \Vhcn the kids sprcad'chocolate rip- ple ice cream all over your driver 's seat and steering wheel. that's an auto disincentive . \Vho wants to sit dO\\'n in that? So is the priee of gasoline . oil. t irl':., ~nd anti·pollution devices. t\ny\\'ay, the Orange County transit people a re a ll steamed up these day!;· about a one-cent increuse in the sales tax which they a ssert is needed to get t his srtem built SO 11·e can there from here. TIIEY ARE RUNl'\ING scared toward the November election in a sking the vote rs to pony up an extr:1 penny on things they buy these days . T hat's ,because everybody is asking the vo\c r s to pony up an extra something. Then. of l"Ou rs t·. the penny ta'.\ qu estion is fair g a me for the politicians \Vh o can come out aga in ~t 1t. Assembl'yman Robert Burke, the Republican from Huntington Beach, did th al just this week. Every politician knov.·s you cannot m ake too many enemies \Vhen you come out agains t higher taxes . THE LARGER QUESTION. ho\Ve\·er. seems to be if Orange Coun- tians will be willing: to puJ up another penny in i;ales taxes to get the S4.5:? hillion l'apid lransil system bu ilt lx fore the end of this century. -People \\'ho today :i re gtuck daily 1n 1ong lines of smoggy traffic \\'ou ld ~ccm to be the bc:-t l'andidatcs to vote y·ca. So come No\·emllf'r. ,..,e·re go in g tu find out ho,,· strong our auto di sincen· 1i,·es arc around th is pl<.1ct·. \Vi.\Sl-ll'.'\G1'U'.'\ \L Pl l Colun1nis1 Ton1 Braden has confil'n1ed that \'itl' Prl·s idl'n\ia l nominel' '.\'e lson Rockefeller reluc tantly lent hin1 money 20 ye ars ago to help h~1n bu.' the Oceansid e Rladr -l'ri bun e ne\\'Spa 1>er . Braden, in a t·o lu1nn <listributed by the l..os ;\ngcll:S Tin1cs Syndicate, said he thought the loan. long sinl'l' r epaid, \\'as none of the public's business. But he said he 1vas "tossing a side old prin ci ples" of privacy rather th an be sus pc>cted of "hiding some dark and mysterious influence or crime ." Braden said he h:1s knO\I n Rock{·fC'l- ler 33 \'('ars. once \1·ork('d unde r him and nlarril.'d his onc·limc economic assista nt. "\\'e ha\'l' often exchangt•d Chnst mas gift s. lie lt•nt my \1'ife som(• mone\· for a televis ion pilot fil m : hl· has l>Ccn generous lo m~-oldest son I•> ,vhom he is godfather," Braden said_ IJf: S1\ID Tll1\T in 195'1, he h~1d Sl5,000 saved to buy the ne\VSpapl'r. but ne<:'ded more :.ind asked Rockefl·I· lcr for he lp. "And so he h('lped. r:1lh1?r re\uet:1n· tl\·, as I ren1ember," Braden sa id . "·JJ C' didn 't buy a nc1\•spaper colun1· .nisL lie m<.idc a loan to a friend \l'hO paid 1t back \1 ith interest. a nd \\'ho - on t\VO occ<isions \1 hen he ran for !ht: presidl·ntial 11ornination ~ supporll'~I. candidates fron1 the other party. 1:31'adc n suid . ;\Jc:i n 1\·hill'. BOl'ke felll'r h;i.~ pn1111iSl'd to relt•as1· n1nre inforn1at1on 1h1.s \11't'k (Jn his gifts :ind loans. hut hl' has c lan1ped a lid on re 1>orter~· · que::tinns until he rPsun11's con grt·~­ :-.ional te~tin1n11~· on hi s n•uninat 1011 I;\ A T \VO ·P :\G.}; s l:.tlem e nl Tut·sday night, Rockefeller ~aid "it h;1~ hccome physica\l,v irnpo,.;!>ihlt· lu do 1he resea rch a nd obtain all the in· formalion requested by the 1>r1?ss" \\hil1· ;1t t h<' san1e lime fulfilling !'('Spon:.1bili1it·,.; tn his fan1il ,v :111d ('011grc ssiun;1 l in \·e:.ticators .. 1'hert•fore. I an1 dt·ferl'ing an- . ..,11·er1ng furlhe1· questions until I ap-t 1x•ar in person bcfor(' the eongrC's· sional con1 n1 it ll·t·s. · · hl' sald. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Delivery of the Doily Pilot is guaranteed Ncndl'Jy.Fndoy: If you do not hove yo.x ~ by 5:30 p.m., coll and your ocpy will be brought to yr:AJ. Calls ore tchn until 7:00 p.m. Satl.Kdoy ond Sunday: II yrN do. not roceive your copy by 9 o.m. Soturdor,. "° 8 o.m. Sundoy, coll and a copy will be txooght to you. Calls ore token until 10 0.m. Telephones Nost Orange County Areas ·. M7-4321 N::n~s! Huntington Beoch ord Westminster .. s.40·1220 Son Clernen1e, Capistrano Broch. Son Juon Cop1s1rono, Dono Point, !:ooth toguno, toguno Niguel 495-~ Arizona Fears Flooding Thu11derstornis Widespread; El Paso Pelted l '.S •. fit11111111n1·11 1"u<>d't"11D•m< ""''' '<•llrrO<I II(!"•' _,,.,.. ,~..,,,.,1n-,1 IO<Mv ~,,., '"'n•DOt tt<lcll><'• ~(t•o~\ o• !he n•l•rn 1114' Nall""A' ¥.c•l"ri """"" •••d ~ 1'i<tll !!;"~ tl<>Od l'~t~n!,Af <'•!<l'<l .n ""''-"'~ l~t •d•"~'""""d!tOm......,1'1t'•n C•l•lo•nl• ln!o .,..v., ,11 i>I "n\ .i~tr'. ~"""""'~ .1n(I lnund~"!C•m• •>W) •1"'' <hrd trom !'1t' I ~"" P.•"~fnd•" '"''' "'" -d•l '<•n••" In (I l)•"l, T,·•, ~Ml t"" <ti""' m~!I 11•.ino"' ·-·""'" r• •' J • ·~•"•• ><I "'~""'", <I'"'""' <I "'' '~I f'IO...,., •nd ""'""'°~'It>. NO «>•u•" • "• rt ••'II'" l•'<I P•th a• New Yet~ .1n<l I"' -..:>•~"""I ·r (IU<l<!111 Fl.,.l<I•, lll>o "''" >O·•-l'd ~· "''' l~<l'(IS!"'""· <.••~• wt•"< loud•""'• '"'° r .• ,.,11 ! •• ·tO>om ,INJ N~w I nor•nd ll~l 1"'-'" 1,< ...., "~""" Q<",..,«•Th n.o c lr~t ~,.- '.f «•tllJlf'l•(f t II l"tt \: ..... I ("t1li I',,,. JI;,, LOW (k)\>(I, w•ll '""""' .. o•r1 (0o"l"I <11tft> of~"*~'" t •••to1n1 .. '"'°"""' n~d -"~· b"I olne~ ,,., l•On) w+ll n.1 .. • '"" ... ~1 ..... T~ N;i11on.1• W<!•tn~• So-<• vie~ ..,.,o !11'• htql> !" oo...niown Lo, An~lto~ '"'"con ''""" "' '"" low 10•. Ei.•w""•~. n+'1'' w•ll II"!"' 11\o' <>Pl~" 60\ •IMQ \r>f! to.Ht, •!! t ... -Nh '" '"'""" ·~•+••« '" '"~"""' '""' <h .... ....,,..,,.,,,., ''"" '" '"' '°'•"Kl Ii)>'"'"' ''"'"'" ()'"""'<1"1 lu"' "''" '"""" "o"' t~ uo ti<'• ~ ,11 11>1' C.•~• '''" •n l"". 10,. ~1>0 '"tU *·~ '"'' "'°~"'~'"' ('••nst11I tt'1•11tl11•1• , .. Allon1<1 M e.,...-11>e1<i • "'"""'-<' " .... ~ ., 1111114•0 ~ "' " " U" Wl•llC.t IOIOC.UI . 1!!&••1w j: .• • .jsMOw m":'l .._ ... ~1.110W111 '""I 11ow N•qM ~n(I 1110•11!11<1 11\W t !.OU(ll. W•I~ "~" '"'""Ill» '~" .1th·•11oon L•~M .~., .. 01~ "'"u' n1aro1 ~nu rt1or n .. 111 11~"'' "'°lOll«llQ ll>t>•llY '<1.,111 I n ,0 .. 11> .. ~,1 ''''' •~·•n 11 •not• 1n" l>tQI!>. "''U l.)O tn lft" IO* 10'•. (Ool,tJI '~"'ll"'d!11•0• ,.,11 •.:moe lllllwti~n 60 •!11!1 Oii !""""" trltlflolt1'1o"~' ... 11 ''"""" i.;.,,..,.,'I ~o .. ~(I /I, lfto W/llr • IUITI• I•''""'~ W•ll !;Ito •\. .• ~1111. ,ll••••••· 'l 'idc• CllJ•IOll'" • ·' " °'"""' ~ c,~'""'h .. CltlOeldnG " 0.H~ " ,,._, .. °'"'"'' " ,.,,,na " •11i.>n,, .. -·-.. ""-(H• " ---· --------- ,, ,, " " " " " .. " " " " I " v, ' " ...... ~"'' M1ho"'1~- ''"""""llll'" '·~"' 0•1t.111. ~"' Yo1~ 1)1ol~""""' \d• ti"'•"" 1\1« .. , .... ~. ,,, . .,,_,,, .. . ...... .. • .. ,, ., • •• ~ " .. .. " • • ~ .. ' "'' """l" " p,,,11,.,,<1, O•e. ., ~ .• " !lot~-·""· ., ...... """"'& " " L1>11" " <,,1!1 I~~~ (Hf " ...... I 14'!(1'-!0 •• 1"t•l1"' • • ,,__, ~ " WlONlSOAY ,, " "'"~a ~·11n .. " " " ... '» ., ~ ..... <11-11.--'I l).!h, .. •• f!IUllSOAY " ' '"' "'"" ' ... • '° ~ .... " .. ... ,,~ !)"pm. " y, M<I n1Q11 'II pn1. " ' ii-•....,,_ 11 '' f) "'· .. • ,, """"'Oj>' o. .. "' '"'''' 10D m. W•WIWll;)IO ., ,, """""""'' ooon• Smarties Candy Wafers bag of 101 77¢ -- Hershey Mifk Bars Juniors bag of 18 Sugar Daddy Junior's nt., wt . 13 %oz.bag 89 ¢ ' 97¢ . ' I ' ,o Fle~rs Pubble Bubble Gum bag of 101 Tootsie Roll Pops nt. wt. 15 oz . bag BUEN• P4RK: Beach at Orangethorpe • Qpe.n weekdays 10,o 9:30. Sundays 10 to 6. ORANGE: Coty Or. al Ga rden Grove Blvd .'• Open weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6. SANT A AH.It: 3900 So . Bnstot-No or So Coast Plaza • Ooen weekdays t O to 9. Su ndays 1 o to 6 ~--·--------I t, . . • ' '~ ,... • ., 1 ' Man Gets Life Tenn In Mttrcfer LOS ANGE LE S IAPI - James ?\lito e, 57, u Sci(. :c;tyled r~lig inus lcu<lur <1nd k:.1r<tte maslel', hus drav•n a h£c sente nce in pri~on for m a~lt·rmindln g lht• dcuth of <.1 \\Ptdthy S:tn (;;ihru.:I \';ii· le.v stra\11h('1·ry l:.ir1n t•r !\I 1!01'.>c \1 a ... :.cnt(·11ccd 1\ic· .. day in Su pt·r1or l'ourt afh:r tu ~ con1•ietiuu 011 a <·har p,c of (JJ'dcring a ~'tiung "rlis<:iplc" to kill ._. Sa n Dimas former. 'f;.1king lllJlc (~ __ s_1a_1e __ J TA RG ET OF LAWSUIT David Carradine . - Trial Set In Geotek Fraud Wse Debate Slated SACRt\i\l l<:N·ro 'AP) 'fhe ril'sl race·to·f;iC'e ch:butc IJctwccu the U.S. Scoa t e candidates SAN l''RA NC ISCO IUP I) comes tod<'Y after <l -Op e nin i;: argunlents d isclos ure that Sen. begi n today in a federal Alan C r a nston ha s t r1;1I ror lhc former raised $800,898 Cor his prcsidl•nt or an oi l drilling l'lllllpuign. fi1·1n \\'ho i:.o charged u·ilh 'l'od:1y's debate in San ~ccur1lit·s fraud ;1ni.1 n)ail Jo'runcisco is the first of fraud. three this \VCCk b('t\\'ecn J\ Jury \\' 3 s picked the four Senate can- 'l'u<>sd:..y forthc trial of Joh11 did:1tes: Cran s t on, P. Uur kt'. 48, of La f\Jes.;1, Hil'hardsnn, <:aylc ~I. former JH'L!Sidcnt of Geottlk, .Justice of the l~t.·acc :111\I who al so is charged by the Frccdon1 party and 'Kpn,g Fu' securities and exchange Jack !HcCloy o f the t·ommission with filing raise Americ<1n Independent stt1lements. party, Star Cued Allorneys Ar\hur ~-Lem-._ _______ __. tl1 pcyt, 42, of San f\1ateo and Robe.t Rose, '" or San Boosts Told or his age, Superior Cou rt J All k Haf·ael also are on trial, OAKLAND <AP) Judge l.c~lie \V. Light said fl ac charged with conspiracy lD Kaiser fo~oundation officials in handing do~·n the S"n-Hie fal se s tatements -.·ith ' LOS •r<GELES <•Pi h SEC ' h:iveannouncedawhoppin" t enc:e "th is undoubtedly ' ''· ' I\ 1 e · 15 8 t h'k · 975 ·means he will spend the Televlsio!l's. "K u~g f'"u '' ·rhe indictment a gainst . pcrce n . i e . in l r emainder of his llfc in st;1r, Dav id C.irrad~n~. has Burke involves sales or hea\t~1 pla.n c h.trg:~s for em· prisOn." --bet't1·!tued-fol'-$l .1.1n1lhon by-sccuntics--,\•orth S-ll.T.-'.:J-mH~J~l oy_crs a ~I un1on-sp-:_>n· f"rank Namim;itsu 65 a\voman "•ho cla 1ms t~eal'-liontoli-l:!in\'estors sored g~oups an~ a 10 ~r - callcd the strau•bcrry 'king l~r allacked her d uring a 'l'hl' ca:.c could figure in ~~~~ ~a te .boost . for .1n- of the San Gabriel Valley , b1zarr~ sequcnC'e of events thl· ~talc's Nuve nibcr b>-11· ,iv• ual custo~~~s. foF~nk wasstrangled lasll\farch20 lh<it. ine lu d~d t~e ra1~-Joting for attorney gener;1l ~-~one s: Ka iser v1~e d h'· 'f y h'k .. sacking of his neighbor s as the result of assertions 1res1dent a~d health p~.1n Floods. llailsto11es Tornadoes Slam Desert Country By lhe A.s.~ialtd Prt•ss Desert areas fro1n the l\texicJn border north lo Ne~dles \11e re battered by minor tornadoes and hrier but \•iolent thurldcrstorms ~·hich left several homes damaged a nd a nu.mberor roads flooded. One or the tornadoes 1'ueSday yank('d till·!> rron1 the roof ur t~·o s n1a \l l'acation homt~~ \1 c:.t of Jo~hua ·rrct' bul no injuries \\'ere reported. ··rtie fun nPl ''looked like a tJl~1 t k i-.tr('ak l'Oming uut of the sky ," sa id slate Di\'i:-.ion of Fol'e~try 1-'1rc f:apt. H:nll Tremblay. "I've SL't.'11 bad 11u1ds, but nothing like lh;;it." · TllF. SECOND T \VI STER touchCd down in Yucca Valley but no da n1age was rcport<:d. 1'ornadoes ::tre a rare occurrence in the area. About ::i h::ilf·inC'h or rain <111d hail the ~L tl"of golr balls fell in Yucca Valley, louch1n).! <111 ., minor flas h flood and numerous calls to firenll'n f1 ••Ill b~lcag ucrcd residents for ;issist<incc. l:llythe, Cathedral Cily anClt>ailn Dcsl·rl t ('()Or-· led some floodi ng from more lhan a half·iitch of rain. Authorities r eported Californi a llighu·ay 62 -.•as closed from Twentynine Palms lo \'ucca Valley. California 111 from 1'1 ecca to the lm1lCrial County line and a section of Califom.ia 78 north of El Centi:o. Wednesdar. oetobef' 23. 1974 DAILY PILOT ;1-;) WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY co~~!i!E qfu!~W. C AllfORHI A'S lARGfS[ LAW $C H 00t.~ .,_ •oFFERS A NEW PROGR"'ftM• OF SPRING-ENTERING FULL · TIME LAW STUDY '---'·w·"-'.'.''.·.· .'".'.'.·.".'.'.'.".'".'."'."_ ... __ ''."'.'---· A CHOICE OF fOUR ,.ROGRAMS OF-LAW STUO'f JS Ar AIL A.Lf! e IH fl1HfR 11/1 or J YEARS ol FULL·TIMf i.i_. 1'-ll f {15 J6 (io11100.., it0<1•, per .. eal), "'' • II./ f /THtR J'/1 °' 4 YEARS ol fART.T/"4E dlY. "'"":.· 1. ~r "ee•~•d /.Jw :l~Jy iJ (I.:;,.,., pet "'l"t'•, J 4 'o•,', p~• cr:::~J. • You•::"....,,., yoor JURIS DOCTOR (JD J cl;•.+ "'<i o--.om-:-t .'1pblc lo Jal. .. J~., Co/,fo1,.io 8.Jr f10,n:n1>rort. Wllft 01 "40NE ,01 CATAl.OGlJf' 800 South Brookhur5t Aniheim, Ci . 92804 17141 635-3453 APPl Y NOW FOR DAY, EVENING, OR WEEKEND CLASSES BEGINNING FEBRUARY 3, 1975 PIOVISIONAU'I' ACCll01Tl0 • ., TMf COMMtTTtE or IAI fX.tJ1UNllS Of THf STATE IAI OF CAUfOINIA i"rt r1s uJ e,d o~ tho •. "'.as canyon house. by \Villiam Nor ri s manager,sa1dthe costh1ke e "d No·r .ea ,· ut .orit.ies Anri ck l\laric Kilty said Democratic candidate for is due to rising operational 531 am1ma su \Vas going . h S . C rt . . costs. to report Mitose for bilking 1~ t e uper,.ior ou suit the office. ..-'""'""---------------------------------'----------------------- him by selling him SI00,000 filed Tuesday lhat the 37· No~ris has contended that inphonymcd ical cures;. year_·old a~tor ordered her the incum bent attorney to !~kc ofl a ll her clothes ge neral, Evclle Younger , Can1poig11 1~rt1he LOS A!"\GF.l.F:S <AP I Des pite a flu rry of cum · l)laints nhout 1·:1mpai gn funds irrel-(ul:.iritiC!s, only one candidate fr1r ~late of. lice is under .. atti1·e" in- vestigation for alleged can1- paign rePorting violatio~. Atty. G e n. Evcl l c )'ounger said in <1n inter- vic\v 1'uesday that Assem- blyman Joe Gonsalves ID· C.:erritos J, is the only can- didale under investi gation. ~'etc Presid••11t LOS 1\\"GELES fA P > Lee 11. J)a\'it'~, \\'ho has guifled J\lodt'~to as mu~or for the past eight years, has hecn cleclc:d pres ident of the l~caguc nf C<.ilifornia Cities. The elel1 ion uf Oa\'ies came 'fuesday ;it the 7tith annual conference of the Jea!::UC. .Denlh A<"eident I.OS ANGELES IAPl The dc;1lh of a 10.ycur·old hoy follo\\'ing a n EV('I Knievel-type bicytlc ~tunl has been ruled accidental by a coroner's jury. I IO\\'CVl'r, t \l'O of the sc\·en j uror s 'fut.·sday found ··sonlc degree of ncg!Jgcn- rc" :tt <}ul•cn of the Va1·1cy llos11it a\ in \Vest Covi na, \\'here Pr;ink Perry u•;i s la ken t \\'it'l' for I realment. Sunday is rnaE>Ar d.~r1n g.the attack. !Hi ss fa iled a s l~os Angeles l\1Jt ysa1d sherefuscd. Dis trict 1\ttorney to t.:<irr;1dine races ;.1rrJign-properly inve s ti ga t e n11..·nt 'l'hursda}' on three Gc<Jtck. n1i sd c mcanor c harges ~tv r11r11 in g frun1 the Sept. l ~ incidl·nl ci t the home or SLA s·i l\li chal·I Lolincr. Carradine I e allegedly s mas hed windows :_it lhc house. l'ifled a Q d d mediC'ine c:ibincl, played r ere the piano and Je£t a bloody tra il to his o\vn home, Demoli"shed authorities said. · i'tllSS KILT\' said ·in her l'i\·il suit that the actor leaped fl'om a C<i r "naked :ind bleeding" as !>he \\'as \1 ;1lki11g 11ith fri ends. She C'lai1ncd he screamed that ~hl' \1'as <i "\\'ilt'h." hit her and tried to pull he r clothes off. Sht> said the attack left he r hruised. emotionally upset and unable to sl~p. 'T'hc s uit sl·eks $100 .000 gcnt.'ral d amages.-un- specifie d medical ex 1lCnses and SI million ln punitive t!i.tma~cs. Fire Razes " GWTWSet CLTLVER CI1'Y tLl'PI ) - \Vhcrc the grand :1 rmy or lhe republic and a cast of thousands fa il ed. a small bru s h fire succeeded ·rucsday night . The set for the Atlanta railroad station seen by mil- lions in the movie "(Jone \\;il h ·rhc \Vind" \1·as go ne 1\•ith the u•ind and the fire· tod uy. The g rass blaze S\\'CPt through the Beverly <.'ulvcr Studios. LOS ANGF.Lr:s (AP) - The site o r las t J\tay's bloody s hootout \\'ilh the Symb ioncse Liberation 1\rmy h as bee n ordered razed by the City Cou ncil . The council ordered the Oepar tml!nt o f Public \Vorks 1'uesday to demolish the South Los An geles house at city expense estimated at SJ.UOO. 'l'he modest residential arc:_i has been a haven for curio5ity seekers and souvenir hunters since she SLA me n1bers, including leader Donald "Cinque" I)(' l''reezc. \\'ere killed in the 1'1a y 17 shootout wit h police and the cnsuin i,e fire. 1\ fo'olsom l'rlson inmate l\'ho died this past \\'eckend \\·as \'isiled four times last year by a nicmbcr of the SL1\ killed in the !ihootout, prison officia ts su y. George l·faynil', an ad- ministrative assistant to the \\•arden, said 'fuesday that SLA men1ber Nancy Ling Perry visited inma te Raymond Sparks at the prison l\vicc in .July 1973, once in Augusl and once in December. "They were apparently tryin g to get n1embers" llayn~e.sl!~;... __ UNBELIEVABLE PRICES 2 RACKS ONLY LADIES SALE SHOES NATURALIIER -LIFE STRIDE COVER GIRL -KEDS. -CARESSA BERNARDO & OTHERS LIMITED SIZES 3 DAYS ONLY to REG. TO $28. 1052 IRVINE -WESTCLIFF PLAZA -NEWPORT BEACH 548-868 4 -· South Coast Plaza CostaMeu ' .. 641~ E Sn""' lO!"lf'l 8J>/V' \ ' >(. /• •• • . • • . • • • I • 116 DAILY Pll~OT EDl'fORIAL 1•AGE Misplaced Econollly? Sohtllution ol donatiOns hy the L:.t gunu Bc o1t h Police F~rnployes' A:-.soc:lution for ;1 slud y of thC' dep;1rlm t·nt hy L ~:c·,\tt. Tom Rl•ddin's firn1 , raisl's son1t· u nco m fort u bit• <1u1.•st1ons of propr11.·l r . It U!)cd lo be that a lt1\\'n's n11.•rt·ha nts und bu:..t· l\t~~sm\•n \Vere ;innunlly .prt•\'ailcd upo n by n1t:mbt.•r:. j)f the local p()li('e forel' to purcht.1 :-.t.· t it·kt:ts to tht· poll t 1.:men ':. h.-dl, or to the polit·(' bt'llt..'\'oic ut fund or :-.ume:-.uc h. Sut·h ht·ha \·1or 1 ... pretty v.·1.·ll :..c·or111;:d by proft•..,. :.tona l ~ 111 la\\'1.•nf111'l't.'mcnt \Vho \'it:\\" 11 ;1:-an unt·lo:-.cd <101..u· to po ... :-.i lllc Pl't.•J ucl 11·1' ~i nd fa \'01'il1s m by men1· hL'l'S of tht: fnrcc l O\\'Ht·d ~cn1.·rou!-l ind1\'1C\ual s. \Vtule t lH· police ;1 !\:-i0Ci;1tion i~ st.•1n11·>1tl• tind rli!\lt1u·t lro rn thl• poli ct• dc purtnlt.•n! 1lsl·lf. the mPnl · l >t.'rs of the il !\!->fll'ial1un l·un 1pri:;l•_the front line of tilt· cit)·_, tc1\v 1.:nfurtcOlt·nt. 'l'hl· l .a~un;1 l'\cuth l.'11 v Council h ;.1~ r efused the· S7.5UU n cct·~!\(1ry for thl· ~ti.id ~·. thus prompting the d ri\t' fur (lon;.it ion~. )"l·t it i!\ lh(' council "'hi('h is res 1>0nsihle for mu111!;11 n1n:;: <i n effccti\'l' ;.ind obj ct·· I ivt• l)()lic.:t• fOl't'C . 'l'hc count· ii 's cco11nmy co uld pro\·t· :-.hurt sighlt·d· Ca1npus Cutback A st a te dec ision \vhi ch could cul ol'f <ill s tale aid to building a t S(:lddleback 'College rene ws an o ld clcb<ile ; °Hpw_ t<t n the t·umnus be constructed <tnd still kept w1thtn re;:1 sonublc building cost s? . ~Pt . Jlo b c rt Lomba rdi suggested lhat inte rnal pol1L1c s of \h.c state cducat1on<il sys tem had something to do \Vilh Saddlcb<ick's sudden financial drought. If that is true, adminis trators of the district should hurry to Sacramento to do everything t hey can to change th!! formula. Mcan\\'hile. trustee:; n1uy be forct•d to c a s e up on their initia I approach tu campus construc:-tion. 1'\\'0 e xtraordinary buildings have been built - attracli\·e structures equipped \\•lth the. lalesl of ('\'erything. State mulching ;1id ~1lso hilS been okayed for "' S3.3 million fine arts building and a centr.al utilities pl ant. 1'hanks to inflution, howe \•er, low bid on the fine <.1rts structul'c c11 1ne in at $5.4 million, 79 percent OVCI' budget. These inflationary r ealities gradually are nur· ro1,1,•ing Saddleback's a ltcrnutives. 'l'hc approach \\'hi ch seems to make C('Onomic sense is the one which c·alls for s in1ple. functioni.JI buildings. Business Needs Tonic San Clemente City councilmen. commissioners and downtown merchants 1,1,•ill meet in a special session neXt wee k to explore propos<.1ls for a tonic to cure the gro\\•ing ills of the city's business district. Although the problem is not as severe as in many of the clownto\\'ll .nreas. concern is gro1,1,•ing that incre<.1 s ing com pet it.ion fron1 ne\\' shopping complexes might kill the relative!~· small strips of corTi mercial establishment s along r\\'enid.a Del l\'lar. Some critics s :.iy th:.11 merchants have been slow -[i}'Clia nge an re uc ant to SJX•n extra cash for improved parking and <1ttractive s torefronts . The strongest suggested solution is a pedestrian mall to replace the main street le<.1ding to the pier e ntrance. So far, the young idea has drawn mixed reviews . A strong e ffo11 by the city and the business community is needed to generate more consumer interest in the doWntown area. The threat of heavy <:ompetition gro\vs each week as new businesses esta blish in the San Juan Capistrano and Mission Viejo area. 1'ime, indeed, seems to be running out. s 'And they used to call us racists!' How Kissinger Dear Gloomy Gus He's Ahead of tl1e President Wielded Power WA.l".)JllNGTON -For the pa!.t f1\"c ! ~f~~s·t ~-t~·,;~.o~~~in!7~~cb,.~:e ~~~. 1 Dr. llenfy A. Kissinger. ln si<le sources. ""ith secr·ct doc uments to hack up their s tory, have told us hov• he manipuJatrd ·the diplomatic strings. Throughout the Nixon years, Ki s· singer steadrastl y maintained t o inquiring repor· lcrs that he never reco mmend e d policy to the Prcside nl unll·~..; lus \'tt'\\'S \\'Crl' ~oll c il ed. lh• m t'rl'ly presented "'op· ' IJ ons." he \'O\\i•d , and left it to lhe <'hie f to nla kc t ht• decisions. IT \\'1\S S,\11) President Nixo n ~·ould retire 10 the solitude of lhe Lin- coln silting room 0 1· to his secluded of· ~ fice in the \Vhite I-louse annex. "•hert• he \\•ould pore over his options. Afler much agoniz111 g and scratching· on yellO\\' legal pads, he ~·ould eme rge a nd a nnou n ce h is mom e ntous decisions . ·rhis i.~ noL. accordi ng lo our soul" ccs. ho.,.,· it h<llJl)l'nC'd. They sa~· K i~­ s1n~cr 5'!ldorn f;1ilcd to gi ve !ht: President his pe rsonal rccommen· dalions and Nixon seldnn1 f:.11ted to -f":lkt' the <1dvice. t\s a former i\is· s inger a ssociate put it succinct ly ·"Ni xon agreed \\'llh llenr~· on lhc things he knt'"' about. and he tru~!\.·cl llcnry on the ttungs h~ did n't k OO\~ a bo ut." . ·r11E PATT .. '.HN "'aS !'t'l tarly '" 1969 "'hC'n Nixon ga\l' the l\'.at1onal Security Coun('d :-.t;1ff a pt·p !:ilk. Af· ier a fe "' ~t.'111•r al rl•m:irk!), accordi n~ to Sc\·cr:1l C';.c "1\Tll'!'St.'S. he nodded IO\\';tr<I l\1,,li1ni.:e r ""llcnrv and I ar c i.;oing to end thl' 11ar," ttie Prc~1lk·nt s:11d . 11 it h ;1 :-.ly s rni!e •·\Ve \\'ant yo u fellO\\~ tu take e;u·l· of Lhe rest or the \\"Urld ... Our :-.ourr~·-. .,,1\ :0-1-.:nn t hC'n laun· t·h._.d in to a fur1ou~ and \Ul~ar .1ssaul\ on lhl' St;tll' l)(•parl ml'nt. Foreign poliC'~ ""1 ~ ~11111g t1J ht• h:1ndl l•d by \ht• \\'IHl {' llnusl'. ht• <h·<'la rt-d. :1n<t 1101 hy !h(• "stri pl·d p:1 n1~ f:..~~uts" al Foggy Uo\t11n1. 1·ht·rl' "J~ .1 1··1llv<·111•1• J.!:i~p rro1TI 1h1· l\10 do1.1·r1 .\'St' ~taft n1em tx•rs l'res1dt•nt ,\·1 \Oil. 1\ Ith his pcnrhant ror s:i~ 111,.: tht• "ning thin ~ at the •, ~roni.: t1m1·, h.1d fnr~ollcn th;1t lhl' ' tll;)JOl'lt~· 01 ht~ •tlltllt'lll'I' had C'Olllt' (11 ' lht• \\'h1te ll 1Hl~1· frnn1 !ht~ fort·1i::11 ~et· I lt'l'. Tllf.Rt:.\tTl-'.H, h'.r;;,1ngt'r 'll'l up his ll\\'n pn\ all' !'.'late llPp:1rtmC'nt 1n ' lh1• bascmt'n\ uf l h(' \\'h11t· ll1)u,,l'. \\·here h<' rl 1r\.·l'l 1'<I t'\t·r\ asp1:t'l uf !he 1lt•cis lon-m :i k 111,.: rn ,1clun\.'I'\' li e pres idl•rl o\'(•r the. Na t ional Sct'urity Co11 nt·1I. \\'hl<'h fli;'lf•rn11n1·d ov1.•r:i ll po h l'\ llt' t•11r1trolll'rl !ht· ~u pc rst•('rt•I l'nn1n11ttec of t'orl~, .... hir h pl ottt:il ('11\ert ru.~t1\1tic:<1 Ill· <i li<o ht•itdl'd thl' \\'a..;h1 n(!:ton Spt•('n1\ 1\<·t1on Group, "hu·h ;1S:'oen1h1l·d lo 1llana)le er•~<'~ '!'ht• sccrl't n1 1nut1'!'> ~hO"' that N1,11n :-:e ldo n1 at lt·ndl•d t htse c r ul'i:1I mC'l'lin~s but "'Jllcd for K1.~:-.1n~1·r to fd l him in 1'hl' I \\'o men confcrrl'<I toi.:ethcr frequcnll}. ; SOl'RCt:s 1\ ho occu!'>1onal1) ~C'rl' ·'«·ailed into lhl'1r pr1\·att> m(•t•l 1n~s !'.'1\' ' K1:con !lnd K1 ... ~1n>!c r ~•ppnrt~nlly did n·1 enga~l' Lil deep. lfllCHt'ClUti l dl~CU:I· ,ion!> 1'hf'\ \;1lkrd .1hout world 1.11.!l ut·":> Hl t erm ~ ·of pcrsonoht1c~ :ind they v.C'rl' ufll'll \'lll~ar , r11'J11n,.: Into rort11j!n 1,,11rl('r' v.11h crudl'. somct1ml':i crul'I, rl•m::.rk :i.. (JACK ANDERSON ) \Vhen Kissinger tfavclled abroad, he kept the President informed with cryptic personal messages. Only the t"'O of them understood some of the references. A typical message from Kissinger in the ~1iddlc East. as recalled by a source who saw it, reported: "ri1et ~·ith Number One. Discussed options. lie agrees in principle." · !\10ST Of' Kissinger's rccommen· datio ns lo the J>rcsident .,.,·ere submit- ted formally in secret memos. "'hi ch were guarded a s closely as nuclear secrets. Very few of Kissinger's as- sociates are aware such documents exist. We, ho\vevcr. het vc seen some or them. A ty pic:il Kiss inger.to.Nixon memo would be typed on White House lette rhead a nd stamped SECRET. Kissin ger \\'Ould begin with terse backgr outrd information and then outline his ··rl·<'ommendations.'' At the bottom of the page \vere two blank lin es. the Jcflmost marked ·•Ap· prove, .. and the other .. Disappro\'e." Almost nt•ver , according to uur sour· ces, did Nixon initial the •·disap- pro\·e··.-,pacc. USUALLY, a series or "labs" fol· 1o~·ed "on plain "'hite paper. These took up spe<'ifi c issues. expressed in bl unt. candid language. Each tab con· tained "apµrnv c" and "disapprovl.'" hncs. 1'he crown1 n~ touch would come "'hen Nixon called in his Ca binet or other associates 10 brier them on his rnreign rx:ilicy dec ision. t\S he-spoke lo I.he m , he invariably cons ulted a "talking points" paper prepared. of 1·011rse. by· the ubi<iuitous J)r Kis- ~1n~l'r KISSING t:R 'S Pl'rsonal memos a nd 1.alking p:ipt•rs ~uided i\'ixon on thl" \'1('tn:im \Var, the invasion of Ca m · hod1a. 1hl' South Viclnamt>se in\•asion uf L;1os, and scores of other in it 1ali ves around the \VOrld. (lur sourl't'S could recall onl y onl" major issue on \\•hi ch Nixon \'etocd Kissinger 's r eco mmendations. That "as the d{•t•1sion lo bomb ff ;i noi i.Jlld 1111nt' llaq>ho n_g ll:irbor in !\la~· 1972. In lh;i\ in~t;111ee. Nixon O\'t•rrult'd all •)f !us <·hief adv1sci:s. in('luding K1 s- :-.1np1•r . l\1ssingcr·s domination of fo reign po ht•y has ~·nn11 nuC'd into the Ford Ad · mini~1 rat1on lndet•d, PrC's ident Ford h11d sc<i rl'l'I~· bl'i'n !'i~·orn in before he " <1ssured lht• \I orld tha t llcnry Ki s· s1n~l·r \\Ould st a~ nn. Like ,._1xon heforc hirn . 1-'ord l(':1ns hc;.1vi ly on Kis· s1n_gc r frH' f1)!'t'1~n poli ry _guidance . llur su11t·1·s sa v, i11 fa «t. Iha! Ford has nul fl\ ('1'rult·'I k 1ssin ~l'r ,\'l'L ffH.l'rNOTE : K 1ss1ni:t•r h a~ some hnllt :uH diplomatic :ich1e,·c1nent~ Ir• hL!» t·r1•d 11 , ~nt· I ufl 1 ni: ll'm porar~· IX':l<'l' 111 tht· ~hd <llc 1-:asl. dcl<'nt(' "'Ith tlu.· S<J,·1t•I Union :i ncl r,1pprochen1ent ~·ilh nl:11nl :1 nd (.'hina. But there have a lso hecn a few clls:istcrs. such a~ the In· d1a-P11 kistan "':tr, Chill', Cyprus ;.ind the nborted ··Year of Jo:uropc . ·· Quotes )IN!. t . R . l"ri iborowski . Clcnrlor11 "'rh 1:-: t·nun try 'i; st~1bilH\ does not hang 011 the th in t hread or .mere per· sonaht~ . by :tdher1ng to truth a nd pr1nci1JIC' as lht• only rettl values, good ~O\'frnm(·nt ln('\'1tubly mu~t follow Let's teach dogs to read! \Vhen it comes to observing leash laws and other controls. it's obvious their masters are illiter ate. ~1aybe then our beaches, s ide walks and gardens ~·ould not be fouled. Difficulty With the Decalogue G.W. (SYDNEY HARRIS) In any discussion of "'orld problems and m:in 's fate, somebody sooner or later is bound to proclaim, with s\\·e~t smugness, "Well. if we only would obey the Decalogue, everything would be fine. After all , the Ten COmmand- mcnts i re s{ill Che best rules to rol· low." Yet , Ir we took such a man seriously and questioned him on only one or lhe 1'en Comma ndments,. an~ perhaps lhc most iriiporiaiit, '>''hat \iioulcr be the result? ··1'hou s halt not kill." A plain. flat statem ent, ~·ithout qualification or modification . What does our friend of the Decalogue say to this? Docs he ac· cc pt it. completely and unequivocal- ly ? Or docs he try to get around it in one \vay or another? FIRST OF ALL, he .,.,·ill say that \\C ha 1·e a "rig ht " to kill in self· defense -even though lhe Decalogue does not sa y. ··Thou shalt not kill, ex· rcpt ln self·dc(ense." Then he "'ill say th:it society has a ri~ht to kill offenders. if their offense is deen1 cd grievous enough-even though the first killer, Cain, ""is not C'xecutcd hy Goel but 1,1,·as branded and scnl into exile, Ne,1:t, he \\•ill insist that a nulion h;;is the "ri ght" to kill enemies in time or "'ar : he may deplore such a necessity l and gene rals are the greute:;t deplore rs of all J. but he does not doubt that the Lord is on the side of the "just" nntion tie "'ill also point lo m any (lid "l'l•stan1 ent pass:1gc11 which St'('m to confirm hi s position. S4), t~lNl\1.1,Y , v.·hat ~s lhe com- m andml'nt . ··1'hou !<ha lt nol kill." amount to? II amounts lo ~·hMlevcr \\'(' "·anl lo m ake it. Nobody but a "t'r:i nk " t :i k('~ lhl' commundme nt litrral1;.·: nearly e\'('rybody believes th:it under ce rtain conditions it is rl~ht ::ind prope r to kill. liardly ;1n)·onc excCJ)l SoC rotcs. Jesus and a f('v.• saints has eve r truly bche\'ed thnt it is better to surrer pain than lo inflict it Tht' diffh·ulty "'it h the Ten Com- m andm1•nt:-1 ~ nol thut unbcliC\'CrS flout It: it is lhal C.\'cn ··bcllcvcrs" do not bcli<·vc 1t . do not :igrec on II , do not act on ii A il lln plc sentence of fou1• .~nC•S)'ll ahlc words. ··1·1iou 11ha lt not ktll," has confo unrle<I Christendom for ~.000 ycaril for 1~ bloodic5l w;.irs or oil have been rtliglous '>''ars. . . \ Tips on Saving Energy To the Editor: I am waY ahead or President Ford in energy conser vation. Since the car· penters' strike in July, 1. I gave UJ1 any vacation trip. 2. I didn't buy a new color TV (and the TV I didn 'l buy was a Sony). I did· n't buy a new pickup <it was a Mazda Rotary) .... · 3, I dido 't drive too much. .-t'." I didn't buy many groceries. <The grOceries I didn 't buy were roasts and steaks and chops mostly.) I HAVE only worked 18 days since the strike and the wife can tell you that I have conserved a lot of energy around the house. Of course, there have been about ten strikes sinCe July. The wallboard m~n are out now. Two or three more strikes a nd I ca n go out in the graveyard and dig my hole. JAMES W. BOLDING Tax Prote•I To the Editor: It was interesting to read that Nixon's taxes had been increased by 12 perce nt. I live in San Clemente, and my assessment was jumped 2S per- cent. Believing this to be a[bilrary and discriminatory I filed a protest. ~ly only response Was a duplicate copy or the original OOtice increasing my assessment by 25 percent. B. L. O'NEILL lleallh Co•I • To the Editor : Anyone who takes even a brief look at governme nt national health programs "'ill come lo the conclusion I hat the government wUI go bankrupt if .,.,.e institute such a program and ex- pect lo fund it out of tax revenues. CASTING a g la nce at social security, we see that the number of recipients will grow rapidly in coming year s : in fact, it is to quadruple in the next 25 years: but \\-'ilh the post war baby boom over and a zero population growth, there will not be a growing number or contributors in years to come. With social security con· tributions running over 11 percent of payroll now (5.85 percent from the employer and 5.85 percent from the e mploye, it doesn't seem possible to e:itpect four limes as much to be col- lected from these same people. And yet we are going lo add a national health program on also, You can·1 make something out or thin ;tir; people will have to pay for lhis medical service -either through pa yroll taxes or through regular in· <.'Orne taxes. But with the government bureauc rats involved It wUI cost more than health service does now . EDWARDH.JJOSEKER, M.D. l11for•l119 Vtoler• To the Editor: In the aftermath or Watergate, the public, more than e\·er, h's a right and a need to be informed about the candidates and the Issues with "'hlch it needs to deal on Nov. S. I am incen- sed by the limited coverage g1ven to such candidatei\ a s those running for Sccra tury or State, especially when the office or Secretary or State Roverns the election laws and will be roncerned wllh restoring a morality to politics al ;.i time when that ( __ M_AI_L_n_o_x __ ) U!l/ers from readers are welco1ne. Nur- nwlly . writers should convey their me s· sages in 300 words or less. The righl to con· dense letters lo /if spact> or elim1nare libel is reserved. All letters n1ust include s1g· nature a11d rn qiling address but namer rriay be withheld on request if gu//icient reruon is apparent . Poetry well not be pi.iblished . morality has plummeted to an all· time low. 1 AM disappoinled lo sec political reports about the least significant happenings, the lack or appearances. the reasons not to vote, rather than the who, what, where and V.'hy that truly informs. One such example is the race between Brian Van Camp and March Fong for Secretary of State .. When the press reported on the Oct. 7 KCET debate between the can· didutes for Secretary of Stale. more mention was made of J\t arch Fong's reasons for not appearing on the sho.,.,• than was made or Brian Van Cam p's highly articulate views on the Issues relevant to that office. I, for one, want to vote as wisely·as possible. I want to vote for the things I believe in and not just (or the fa ce or the gimmick that is scnsa'tional enough to make it into a back·page news article. Let 's h~v e mor e rrequent reporting of the candidates whereabouts and views on ti\~ issues, and lets get the voters' a ~atbelic.., . 'ChlnS tiurof their hahtis and their ey s onto the news! ALL ISON \VELl.S Claim Forfeilt'd To the Editor: The chairman of the South Coast Regional Coas tline Commissio n . Donald B. Brighl. has forfeited any claim to that position of greal pubhc importance through his sorry perfor- m11nce in soliciting dc\'elopers to con· tribute to the campaign fund or Ed· mund C. Bro\vn. J r. I le should resign immediately or be forced out of offi ce by publi c opinion. or by legal ch;1nncls. for a gross con· flict of interest. 'rhc commission he head s ha s 111 o r c than enoug h problems \\'ithout ha\·in g 10 operate under the c loud of being used for par· tisan politics. a s !\lr. Bright has placed it through his unbelievable tac· tic. HOBERT LEE 1'o the Editor : As a regular reader or the Daily Pilot. I v.•ould like you to know bow gre at it was to see a good story in the People section suc h as the one Oc- tober 7 on Joyce Riley. I do not know her or the reporter : ho"'e \·er. I feel It 1s about lime the ,reading public find out more about nutrition and \'itamins as related to illness, emotional as ~·ell ai> physical. l>OCTORS DO J'fot lcU pi..'Ople the ef· feels of rood .additi,·C's, excessi\•c suga r and refini!d1 foods because they do not themse\ves1knov.'. A ne"•spaper reporting suc h raCts docs a grea't ser· \'l('e to its reade rs. ~l :1 ny people just do not underst and the dangers and arc 1)(1l motivHled--t~~arch-QUt the an- S\\·crs Also \1 an t to t ell you Mille Bell's <'O[umn on cooking for one has some sound ad\'iCl'. (>f course. I cook I\,. 111u1~ li1u11 11\al ----lhreC-groWing boys-but I s till rl'ad it. I can adapt any recipe if I v.·ant by making six lin1c~ as mut'h. I a m not a hcahh food nut nor do I c\'er ~·ri te tu ne\\ ~p:iper:s. This is a fi rst Plca!:i<' kcc 1> u1' the fin~ job and let's ha\'C more fint• art icles alx1ut feeding our ran1i l ic:-. "holt·:-.o me. n<i tural fonds free of atld it 1\'CS. Cll All LO.l'TI:: EJ\tr.10NS Memoir of Hollywood llOLLYWOOD. Dy Garson Kanin. Viking. 393 Pages. S8.95. In 1937. G<irson Kanin went to llol· lywood to "learn the busin ess" or n1ovlemaking a nd in this sometimes touching. often funny <1nd al"•uys well·written memoir he tells not only what he learned "bout the business but about the people who made up that business . PEOPLE, ror example, !Ike Samuel Goldwyn, the first ol the mighty for whom Kanin was to work over the years, a nd who greeted the newly nr. rived playwright with .. Sidney 1-loward tells me you're B very clever genius.'' that's the first Goldwynlsm to surface in this book. but not, by a ny means. the last. Another: "If you \\/On 't give me your word of honor, will you give me your promise?" Kr'\NIN also has n wealth or stories to tell .about s uch other major fi1tures as -to pick a few al rantlom-llarry Cohn. Darryl '7.ilnuc~. Charles Laughton and Martlyn Monroe, and he tells them all well. ... Ills book, it s hould be noted, ls not jus( a collection or stones lln<fvignct· tcs. however. While il docs contain many or these It contains them wilhin i c3rerully built framework to which their s ignificance Is subordinate to the structure Kanln wants to build · his years in lioll)'wood, what they ("THE BOOKMAN ) mcii'nt to him and what it nteanl to him. lie succeeds ndmirably. Phil Thomas AP books Editor ORANGE COAST DAllY PILOT Hobert N. IV11ed, Puhlisht r Thomo! KeevJJ. k:ditor Ba rbara Kreiblch. £difor1al Pagt Editor .. The f}iilorlAI J)Dli{e or thf' Ua \ly Piiot !W<'ks tCI Inform ind sCh'nulatc readcr11 by pre!lcntiftg on this paJ:,e rli\'crsc commcn1ary on topiC!I of;~. lcrrst hy S)'ndlci:itcd columnist~ and cartoonists. hy providing a forum fOf° rcadci;"S"'\ltews amt by PrestnttnJ this news paper's bpinlons and ide11s on current topics. The cdllorti.I opinions nf the Dall)' Pilot. *PPt•r only in -the editorial tolumn ;it the lop n( lh Pllt!C. Op1niQtl!i cincpreued hy thr colomnuns and t·arloonists :inrl letter " riler!'i art thcir O'>ln and no !'ntJot3l'mtnl o( lh1tir Yiew,; by the 1)11ily P\1111 should bt' 1nfcrtt'd Wednesday, Oc:tober 23, 197• I ' ' Kissinger Arriving In Russia From Wl~ S.,rvlces h10$CO\V -Secretary or Sta~c l~enry A. Kissinger ur~1ves 1n "1oscow loday for anoth'cr uttem 1)1 tu move the Soviet und Lr .S. govern. ments toward an agreement to curtail the nuclear <ir1ns race. Rut f '«1it1fi11g .4tpe ll Western ohscr\'ers <Wubt any dramatic breakthrbugh l\largaret 1'rudeau, \Vife islikely: of Ca nadian prime President ·sex Fi~ms-Happy Ending Heats Up Campaign NORTH llAVERIUL.L. N.11 . IUPIJ -A Eame:t had appealed his $1 ,<nl rine 10 a county prosecutor v.•ho !'ihowcd ··oee)I Jury trh1I in Superior Court. tlis brother 1'hroal .. and "The l)C\'ll in ~1iss Jones" 1n •• Jerrrn111h . 31 . rat'ed sin1il:1r charges. theater O\Vned hy h1s ramily has bct'n 1'he Jury dcliberal1ons lasted II hours found innocent uf 'iolalint: a state ob-into early Tuesday bcrorc recessing Cor th<' sc('nity lav.•. nii::ht . llcncwed dclibC'rations Tuesday · An all -male Superior Court Jury Tuesday reached a verdict by lute afternoon . \VASIJJNGTON IAPJ -roundGraCtonCuunty ~ittorncy .J ohn f~anlcs Ouring the 13-day lriul, the jury viewed President Furd, s tepping up und his brothe r innot·i:nl on six of ei1:1ht th e two X-ratcd films at the Eames theater Ill., 1--. On" I cam11"1"n for I I · I l " l t b ·1 I in Lillleton where the films were shOwn in ...... , .. ..,., ci:u·gest1cyv1oacua s aeo sCt'llL)' aw. lle1lubliean candidates. is JI overturned an curlier con\'letlon In J uneandJuly. arguing that a bi g Bethleheml\tunicipa!Court. Eames' lawyer , Louis Elliot, eitcd first Democratic election victory d amendmenl protection for showing such ·rhe Superior Court jury dcadlockc on r·i cou ld threaten the peace of 1 ms. the "'•orld. t"·o other coUnts against Eames. 33, "'ho J\ssistunt J\ltorney General Robert has based hi s campaign ror re-elc<'tion as J h ho " fl 1 1 1 ·d 1· Arter painlin" lhis dire o nson, "' ura et sac gu1 e 1nes on " countyallorneyo11theoulcomeofthetrial. h fll · US s Picture 1'uesday al a GO I-' p1:1rnugrap Y o owing a . . upreme New llampshire Attorney General \Var· c l 1· I l h' h 1· d rall y in Oklahoma City, our ru 1ng as year w 1c app 1e -~om - Wednesday, October 23. 197"4 OAIL Y PILOT fl 7 ~--SALES PERSONS-- MEN WOM EN The rrosr beauhful shop 1n this country w•ll open soon 1" the labulOus South Coasi Plaza Shopping Cenie• II vou YoOUld lrlle to work ~n theSe elegant surroundings. lull or Pilf'!·hme, w1tr,_ llberal emplOyee d1!>Coun rs, QPPCl'1Un•ty kif' advancement. elc., phone E1nes1 Sands for aoot - 54&674 1. Kissinger is believed to minister, fainted and 'have sent the Kremlin new col l apsed 'l'ucsd ay propo s ul s to get the \Vhile \'isiting exhibition strategic arms limitation of paintings in Paris. talks f~ALTJ moving again, She recovered promp· Including a schedule of sug-tly. Ford stopped in Cleveland rcn Rudman had ordered Eames suspen-munily standards criteria lo obscenity before returning to the ded from criminal prosecutions following cases. argued the films were in conflict \\'hite I lou~e and said : _:•h:•~P:'~e~v~io="='='=•="='~· i~ct=io~n~·--------~w~•~lh~c=o~n~1~m~u=n~i~lyc::''=•~n=d=a~rds=·------'------------------------" I c;.11! on fi l'publicans inr Ohio and the rest or lhc gested limits on lhe pr.oduc---'---------- lion of offcns1 \'l' m is:-i1Jcs. country to turn out lo vote in Nov . 5 like you never ha\·e hcfore. Confound the doom- :-.ayers. Foul the pessimistic poll slcrs.'' 1'tlarn1011 fl11i: SALT I.AKE c rrY -1'he pres ident or the trlormon t:hu·rcti ha s bl!en SUll- poenaed to r evea l al l chu rch policies and prac- tices concernin g blacks, who arc denied full par- ticipation in the 3.J·million· member religion. l .. awyers for the National Assoc iation for the Advan- cement of Colored People subpoenaed Pres ident Spencer \I/. Kimball. 79. leader of the Church or II\. Jesus Christ or Latter-day Saints (J\tormon ), to appear Nov. 14 t o gi\'e i;l deposition in a federal court suit against the Boy Scouts or America. Orl>go11 Threnl PORTLAND, Ore. Authorities have discovered a second letter from an ex- torionist who claims to have blown up 11 hi gh voltage transmission lines in the Oregon countrys ide a nd threatens more explosions unless he is paid $1 mi!Hon. The FBI s aid the Jetter rontai ned no clues to the author's identify, kno\vn only as "J . Ha\vker." TV Prol esl \VAS If I NG T 0 N l lO\\'ard K. Smith's ABC television nc\\ s shO\\' '''as interrupted briefly by l\\'O men and t"'O \\'Omen a p- parently protesling the treatment Of prisoner.c; JO Northern Ireland. The interruption Tuesday was seen by those \Yatrhing the 6 p .m. 1\BC evening ne\YS. FBI Grab s I Su_m ect /rt Heist CltlCAGO !APJ -A nalion\vidc alert issued for 11~·0 men and a green van in connection u.·ith the $3.8 mil - lion burglary of a n armorect truck company has ended \\'i\h the \'an found, a'.nd a l'Onvicted hijacker :1r - l"<'sted. the FBl reported toduy. Captured \Vas Peter J . \\'lllTE llOUSE repor- ters \l'Cl'~ alerl cd JUSt be fore Ford :-.poke in ()klahon1 u City lo eiq:iect an importanl fo reign 1>0licy :-.tatemcnt. Ford announced no new foreign policy nlovc but, in whut Press Secret ary Ron .Nessen sa id wa s a reference tu congressional voles Lo soon cut off U.S. aid to ·rurkcy, the President s;.iid : "I am concerned about , he breach or this bipar- t 1 ~:1n s hip bel\~·cen a Hcpuhlican president and a Ocn1ocratic Congress .... Gushi , 45. the FBf said. Still being sought Charles J\larzano. is "I i\1'1 CONCERNED that if we get a Congress that iS 'eto-proof, a Congress that The alert was issued after has the ,vrong philosophy ~ a company security guard hoth domestically and inter- fail ed a lie detector test and nationally -t he possibility "'as suspended, the Chieago for the next two years when Tribune reported. I-le <IP· our country faces t he chal · peared b e fore a Cook Jenges in the ~1iddle East. CountygrandjuryTuesday. the challenge s in the t he newspaper said, a nd J\f editerrancan, the chal· denied involvement in the lcnges in the Caribbcal) and theft. in Lalin America. the ch:.il- Thc FBI refused to con-lcnges in thi! Pacific -a:; firm that any guard had \l'C trv to 11·ork to broad(•n failedthe liedetectortest. delenlc. as 1\'e try to (•on- The newspaper reports tinue the normalization uf said about 25 current and relations with the Peoples former Armored Express Republic of China, as we, in employes \\'ere tested. the \\'hite •tousc. and those Police said the vault was in the Congress \Vho under locked at 9 p.m. Saturday stand bipartisans hip <i nd <ind \\'as not reopened until \\·ho believe that parti.c;an- the .c;tart of business on s h ip s hould end at the l\londa~·. \1atcr·s edge -ir we ,::ct th(• They.said the burglars :->tl \1·rong kind of Congress. fire to t~c inside of tl~e pt.><1ce could be 10 Jt.'Op;;1-. \'ault. hoping lo co1·er their dv. ·· traeks. using gasoline-filled rr=·============tj plaslic ".lon.cy bags and an (Good Deed People) aulomat1c 11mer to touch off '·--------~-·'H the blaze. A Ja ck of oxygen make the . scene snuffed out the fire, and Sundays 'eight oft he 10 gas-filled con· in the tainers 11·cre fo und unbur- ned, police said. ~r1ontn1, 1f'l••pesl poc1u•• olu1, p.;11>-b\<tlo" Actu.,.l!ot 111 coto• ton!•ol, Au!Dfl'l.iic F•"• Tunong. • 100•. •O!•<I 1111e CftlH•tl .,,, ..... ~ " ....... ~--~ . ' ........ , . '" • ' ~-' 'd RCA'S famlly-size XL ·100 portable Th11os1no1flM 1or1 te11u,.~g Ille Acclll•ne POC:ll>ft 1\lbe 1y11 ..... olll ll<t pet!O,,,.,...CtOI RCA I 100, IOh<I 111!1 Cf'IUlfl, pU ... ·bul!On olccuMal>c: Ill co!Ot control •nd •~·net lfl•I'• • d_,_1o< .• o ....... CALL FOR _,,_ PRICE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• r• i ~\iij;J~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RCA'S biggest screen, a great value CHECK OUR LOW PRICES Supeib Splfl•tll tlYh"!I by RC.Ito ctbll'ltl1 c•alisl'llf'n. hou1rng ell ol lf'lti 100·- sohd 11&111 teo111•e1 !ha! m11-e RC.Ito 1110 colo• eet lo buy Su IHI• AccuColor bl1clr Main~ p1c1ure luba and A111om1t.c Fme funmo XL•100, 100°/o solid state. Don ·i ~ettle for less. • qROOK HURST TON BE ACH DAllf J 0.1 SAT, 10-S;JO. suM. f~J OHM MOM., THUi. i ,.Ill. 10-t 968-3329 SANTA ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA STARTS TOMORROW SAVE to ON APPAREL ftFOR TH,,~ ENTIRE FAM~LY "" ' ~ } I , SHOP SUNDAY, 12:00 NOON TO s:bo P.M. Shop tll 11111 l.1y 1hr11 S.u u1d.1y, 111:110 .1.111. 111 9: \0 p.nl • -t--. S\1111f.1r . noon 10 ~:1)'1) r nl. l\iil lot k's S.1n1.1 An .1, I F.110hion St1u .1rt·, ~SOON' i\L1in !\tn'\·t. ~,U)t ,1 1\n,1, 1(1lJ'h11ot·. c; 17-72 1 l i11lfi~ITTourh C.o,,q Pl .11,1. '$.i nTil'!!nTrl'f.'\\',IY at 1rn\1nl, t.7'1,1~. TI.·r:.rr;;lll ·;~-r.~.-11~(,-1 _1 ___ _ • ·, I 9.77 Men's skin diver watc'h. Calendar, sweep second hand. 60-min. elapsed time feature. 6.99 16 Pc. Ironstone Starter Set • . Ovenproof & dishwasher proof. Several patterns. 54¢ ~t .:~~~ 24.99 ~· General Electdc Digital Clock : Radio. AM/FM compact with '~slee p switch (4315) 26.99 7.·99 030F Permaneer Fumifure Contemporary furniture ot Trea su ry's old fashioned prices. Gleaming chrome with pecan and block. Permoneer vinyl finish. Many pieces to. '"choose irom including desk, home entertainment center, choir and bookcase and more. 3.99 Reg. 79c Champion Spark Plugs. Non-resister. Lon g lasting quick .starting. G"reot for hot or cold weather. Wrought Iron Assortme nt. Many lovely pieces to choose from. Reg. S.99 Women's pants. Polyester fabric. Assorted sizes ond many lovely colors to choose from. 2.99 Girls Jeans. 100 % cotton. Machine wash. Sizes 3-6X and sizes 7-14 . PENfzOll ~ .. , T-"14 f-1- MOTOR OIL H«»rL02.(1us.QT) I Reg. SSc Motor Oil. 30W from Pe nnzoil to 12.99 Reg. 17.99. Workshop light. 48" light with two 40.Won floure~scen1 bulbs-- and chain. UL listed. Reg. 1.99 ea. Deluxe magnetic photo album. In a ssorted solids Reg. 4 .99 . Me n's Pant. Polyester, cuffed. .99 Treasury X101 Camera Outfit. Instant drop-in loading. In cludes film , Mogic ube. Uribronded Film 12 Exposures 4/'1.00 .20 bpowres J /'I .00 • . . ' 33 1/3 Off ALL TENTS IN STOCK ssorte sizes to choose from BACK PACK EQUIP. Great Values! ·9.99 Reg. 12.9.9 Nylo n bock pack 5.99 Reg. 7.99 One Doy Hiker 1.22 Reg . 1.49 Stuff Bog ' Casual styles. dressy styles, populpr pan core fabrics and blends that mr~on less Wom~n's and Junior sizes. Piclr::•rourself JC Penney Charge. 69.9'9 Re<J. 99.90 fotMy Dfluxe 27" 10.Spffd. Derailleur gearing with s tem Rival Cr.Oc•t:Pot. SI cooking for·uteWs, so roosts ond rr1ore; Sto (3100) munted shift levers. Small addiflonal charge for a~mbly. Reg. 9.99, Menttr jocJc;ets Unlined C.P.G>. sty'le .. Assorte plaids. S-M·L-Xl. 10.9'9 Reg. 14. 99 Menls<L;ned • IUEtU.-PARK: Beach at Orangelhorpe • Open vie a)<days ORANGE: Coty Dr. at Garden Grove Blvd • Open, weekda SANTA ANA: 3900 So. Bn stol-No of So. Coast P.laza • . -----.. l ·-, I I - EN'S ... ss ANCE ON . CTED .STYLE r·P.Ont dresses too. ln lots of easy n less work for you. Misses. urself one and charge it on your ot. Slow .Ws, soups, pot re: Stoneware. c.kets. ssorted :ined Bed Pillows. Dacron polyester filled ond now pri'ced to put your heod at ea se. Standard, King and Queen. Boy;s 3~99 Reg. 4.99. Boys Jackets. Un lined C.P.O. style. As sorted plaids. Pr1e-school si zes. 5.99 Reg. 6.99 Boys Unlined C.P.O. iack~t. School-age sizes. 3.99 Reg. 4 .99 Men's and Boy's fabric oxford. Crepe soles. Assorted sizes. ' ays 10 lo 9:30. Sundays 10 IO 6. ekdays 10 10 9. Sundays 10 lo 6. laza • Ooen weekdays 1 O to 9. Sundavs 10 to 6. R:eg . SOc P·anti hqse in popular" colors ot a popular price. 100°/o nylon. Women's Sleepwear. Woltz len!=lth beauties of 100% nylon. Machine washable. Pc:istels. Sizes S. M, L. 1.99 . . . . 14.97 12" Electric Skillet. St'oin -resisto nt, dishwasher-safe. No stick interior. Butters while it pap·s! 4 qt. coVer with built-i n cup. • • 12.99 Marx Big Wheel. Plastic and steel pedal bike. Its low slu ng stability makes it safe for kids. -~· ... • ,l';;• .. ;it; .... . . ·~ ~... . ... 12.88 Fisher-Price Village. Lots of fun for the pre-schooler includes people and ca rs. 2.99 Men's long sleeve shirt. Bonded waist, solids or prints. Sizes S. M. L. XL. nylon . Assorted colors. S, M, l. Women's long s·1eeve Shirt. Polyester ond cotton blend. Solids ond 10.88 Reg. 15.BB Women's iacket. Mode of rayon/cotton with the el egant look of .4uede. 8-18. Special Buy! 9.99 Selected group of Jobie lamps originally 12.99'to 16.99. Many styles from which to choose. "Road Food'' by Guess Who TONIGHT ONLY 3.67 RCA Stereo Album ''Back Home Again'' by J. Denver .TONIGHT ONLY Reg. 179.97. Lloyd's Quadraphonic system. Features AM /FM receiver, built-in 2/4 channel 8 track tape player. Slide controls, and more. (SS 1300-7624) 7~99 . Decorative wall and door mirrors. Woll mirrors antiqued gold tone frame, choice of shapes. Door mirrors are pre-drilled, 4 styles to choose from. ncnp usSY CATS ······································· ' .. , HARR'/ NILSSO tl .JOHN LE HHOH '• Also on RCA Stereo Albums ·"Sally Can't Dance'' Lou Reed TONIGHT ONLY 4.27 .. . . . • 3.99 Reg. 4.99, Infants' Oversl~e per. Full -lengih zipper, toe cops, non-skid safety sole~. Modacrylic polyester. Pit'lk, blue or Sizes S·Xl. LARGE AA Eggs 49~ ... With Coupon Reg, 72c ----·-----~--- I • I ' • • • • • • • ,, 10 DAILY PILOT" Wednesday Oc1obe1 23. 1974 l -Tire, Muffler Curbs I Do Your -LEA SE 1975 CHEVYS AND OTHER FINE C.US AND TRUCKS! <Check Into Chevrolease HOWARD Ch""rol"t's in· creaiingly papular low· rat" way to drlYe that spaidinq n"w I '75! We will buy your old car if you 1 Moscow Women 1 Fear for Lives ~lflSCO \V 1UPI I -~ly .,1.,tt·r·s husbund tultJ mt! lo ht• carl'ful,'' a "omun office \\1Jrkt·1· :.;utJ . "l 'rn li<lLll~ ht1111t· t:arly tl1nighl -iJOd takint.: :1 L:1.~i " Sht· \\a:. inu.: ol a gro11•1ng 11un1ht·r uf .\IU )'i l.'O\llt·:. l1ould1·ll h v p1 ·r :-.1:.t1:nt r t1rH01;. 111 the t·;qut..il ;ihout ·• 11.,\r hup;1 th1e killer :-\,dl..111:,; ll••lllt'/l IU .\lu!>tOIV. !ht· city. ·rhc rumors going around the cilpital j,lc nerulfy say the killer has ~luin ut h:usl seven wo1ncn in l\1oscow. 'l'hc stories say the murders h;i vc takl·n 11latc in d11rk lohhi t's or clc\•ators or apar!tTil·nl buildings. ! FALSE TEETH Dow,.... I Drop, Slip, or Fall? I f..! Don't lltep • nr 1bo1.1t •ollt 0 n e f11M \et th dt~C at IM 'll'tonC ti111t. A dl!nt\l.f1: Uh.Iva un heln. Trucks Told to WASl!INGTON IUPll -noise pollution," t:rA of -l'roposrd slundard<s to FASTEET-H'ci"' denl\u._ 1 loGr- er, fittntr, Readier hold. }talr.n t~t>­lrie: '"°"'"joyable. FOi' more .ur1t7 ed eomlortr -1"ASTt:t.'Tll Of:114 \11r1 Adhe11v1 Po•der. De11t11.rt1 th&~ lit l te -ntl1\ to blall.b. see JC111t deau.i recW&rlt• The t;nvlronmcnt:1J Protec· ricials tountcrcd lh;it 1lu.~l·f· rf'dUl'i.' noise J'rotn porL:.ible lion Agency has ordered fort "'as the best 1hcy c·ould ;ur t•omprcssors, seeond 70,000 heavy trucks lo in· come up with, and s<1id the onl\' lO ll'U('kS US a SOUl'CC o[ stall quieter tires and muf. trucking indus try is not noi~catt·onstruction sites. ners llli P.3rt of a $455 mil-satisfied \\'ith the rt•sult '-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==="========="'ii Uon ant•ipo\Sc can1paign either. I · Jflr. C!Cbrtsttan's lh4t it' said will eventually • , . . result in trucks that make , EfA ~ JC~~ons t:ons1stc;' no more-noise than an ac-of: ·· celeratlJ1g car. 1'he An1erican public 1"or Ji11i11.t: Jlld JJn ciH,t: ,1n1on.~s1 1l1r rrUcs of Jint o/J • s.1ilin,~ Ji1ips. \ wi .. 'Ill!< .\ll fll)EI( "ol';1rc is :;n.11 in).! 11.1 11ord ~ii 1nouth 1n lh•· .d1:-.('lltc of hard lle\1 :- 111 1h1· uff1c1~il mt"tlla 'J'hl' ..,fl\ ll'l prl·:.:. l'lrtually 1.i.:· n•1rl"• 1·rin1l· neY.:. unless U~l·t ! Lo 1>11111 1 up a moral. (j 11 c U f l h c Ill 0 r c grue:-.omc \'cr s ions says So1"1ct ;1ulhoritics found \ht: <lismcmbcrt:d ht'ad or one of the \\'On1cn vitt1n1s in a l\lo:.co1\' pond. ·should begin to notice a ··ralrly perceptible change'' in hi'ghway noise levels within 12 months as a result of the regulations, a ssistant EPA administrator Hoger SLrelow told a ne1vs con- ference Tuesday. -A final rule, cflcctivc one year from now, under \\'hich the 70,000 noi siest or the 2 n1illion hea\'Y trucks traveling in interstate com· n1erce 'H'Ould ha \·e Lo get c1uieler tires ;ind exhaust systems, at a cost or about $135 per l'ehicle. SPECIAL THIS WEEK LOBSTER DINNER $6.95 \ f r P\eosr a1lr; for LUSE SPECIALIST! • '1'111:: RU!'IORS tend to be fl11t• ~lore 'CitHe \:1i:ue. One ~a~., the 1nurrlcrs hU\'C takcn pl ace 111 the capit al's 'J'agank<1 IJ1~trict. Anotht'r rnl'nlions the t\1tl'Skii rL•gion Ulht·rs 1hi11'1 holhcr to mrnt1on :iny l\1talion. Tht· last f\TOS'('o1v n1unlcr J\lickey Rooney has been s ued for divorce hx hi s seventh \\'ifc, Carolyn, in Jo~lorida . l\lrs . Rooney, 31 , mar- ried the Sl·year-old ac- tor in 1969. . A SPOKES!'llA N for several enviro'nmcntat groups_, ho"•ever, criticized the new rules as loo weak, claiming they would ac· luully result in "lcgali~d -PROPOSED Rl.tES affecting motor homes. delivery vans. trucks and lractors over 10,000 pouno., gross \\'eight -but nol hus ('s -undl'r \\'hit'h ColiJ. LobJltrs sdttttd from our tank /or your dinne r, f.unchronMon.·F'ri from //·30o m. Drnnt'r sr!Ud nightly from~ ·oo p.nt • Su nday Chan1pcig1Jt Bru111·h Jrorn /0 :30 o tn · -t:111e110111menl- Do11<·mg \\'td.·Sun. nights .. Edgar llO!Jf!S l\1011. & Tut/I, l'lit'lllll93 HOWARD CHE-VROLET ~1;1·1cl )'>0Uf C'C!> :-,~·. hu\\1•1cr, that µOllCl' h;11c 1 h1lcd <1 nurnher of t.i c l!lrll'S, offil~i1nd S('hC)(Jl."o 111 lht• eupit1:1 I to 1rarn 111irnt•11 :ind l'hilr!rf'n not to J.!O out afoITT·Ti! n1 J.!fiT .... t·:l1't', ho'H·cvcr. h;1d :.umc ---------- ha:.ls t11--rt111:-1'hc run1m·1' pret:L·dcd the urrest of a 1nan in 1964 for fiv e ap1>a rent l y se n s e les s slayin gs in the capital. decrea ~es 111 noi se "·ou1d •. . .. · have,to be bu1tl in fl'O IY\ I Ill!' -Tisht's, K1t4 ts, O)'fftr BtJ;;NiirMI Jfiif1J: ll'lts and Spirits 1977 through lhl' !98:J model ' ·;r • > • • . • i • ( DoYt & Quail Sb. ~ewport Beach Hr, M•c.lrlhwr. Jomborer, 1n~1o1 833-0555 1\n ufl11.:1al s pok l'~man s;i1d J)(liit c :ire looking for u hlond man, ;dJoUt 25. for (iUl'Sllonini; in ronnl'l'lio11 1v 1t ~ the murdt•r of one \\OITT<Jll . Moths Found W omart Goes Too Far In Killing Husband years. B v 19'3. ol '°'d . illttr /1Tl. .. 1" m1· ttW"' r;:';t !~ucks run'ning al low speed 21!\ • ~·f~ ~f' ;,Ql& .Pjl_' would en11t n oise no JSJE.Coast Higlul'ay 1 • g reate r than :~ mod~rn Ntll'JIOrtBracli ."fr:-·1 1 a u t o m o b 1 I c 1 n , ti~ r 'acceleration " P.,tsrr11atwns (714} 615-5)20 ,, ~ . • ~ r. Sf)\'IET sou nl·r.s ~aid BA-KER s FIELD (people /Quotes) th1•1'1• :.el'rn:. to ht· mnrl' than "' · · k b 11 _ _ .~at1\'C pin o worm KARLSRUl-11':. WEST 11~u;1I 11ol 1t'l' <1 t·li\ 1ty ;11111 h h b makes Sunday n10L s ave ccn GER!\IANY (U Pl 1-Aw•·f"' 1h1curTicnl c hc <·ks in the d . d · t · • 1s covere an raps in b e ing bea t e n by h e r cas l'l'n crn oun Y· en husband may r;ght back, prisonment for a woman 1,---.::;ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii~, ·', :· \J.\, ,.i ~ \\'ho stabbed her husband.to ~ 1 7, •. death while defending her-U E FL1aDAY' rap11al. Uut a \\'~slt1 rn t K C t · T • tr;1\l.'lt"r s:iid ht• notice d moths \\'ere found in cotton 1 h · h k"ll h" • n 11\h1ng unu!'>u;d during ;i fields in the Cantil area lU t as no rig l to I im, ' ___ _'''.""_J".'<_1ic:1f;!.j~[ t!!l~~':j [':':1 }~j _!_"." ''..'."':_:"'._' .:_to'.'....'l~lo'.'.'.:'."'.'." ;~"'.'.'.":.· ..'."'.'.e:><'.:_'.'.of'__"_e.".'..:~~~· :''~:...---: Lhc \\'est G er m an Su pre1nc selfaga;ns!h;sattack. ARTIS"l'.'E ~E l:.A R The woman had taken '!-C· ' .• I. ~t ~ __ -·---· __ near Bakersfle . : Court has ruled. I The court confirmed a sentence of 30 m onths im· lion beyond that necessary to fend off the aggressive • • ' • • I • • • . • ! • • . • • . I I • ' I • I ' • ; ' • . I • I ' " ~ ' ~ • I l ' , i ' ' a • • t • l I j • • l E/edro_phonic Whether you 1·. T't t.1 rock on With today"s s0uncls '' :1 ",Jh the fitt1el or relax \\11ft) Bc(•tl' •• · 1/-ie soL1nd is better \\tl:i a four~·~ .• :;1nel quadri- slereo. So. BJ,(".i.·~-~:·1ch 1s cffer1ng an [leclrc~1h0nic s1..."'i1t1 st :1e quadn- stereo unit con1rl•'lt"' .\'1th AM ~M and FM mvlliplex stereo 1od10. deluxe BSR oulon1a l1c 11.:."'C'l'rci chnl1ger, 8· track lope pla~1"'r r 1'«._i . 1 speakers. And. you con st. 'rt· th"'-. ltf~1t in the home stereo cl1n <t 0,...,-·nt cabinet included rn the P" 'kulJil. You will also receive 1 pre ~crnded tape. 1 record. and stereo h• •cidphanes. So. come to Goodrich no1v and save. ' 0 • REGULARLY $230.70 YOU SAVE $42 ' · Hurry ... sole ends October 31' B.F.Goodrich we're the other guys 4 ways to charg• Rt~olvi"IQ t.hotge, BonkAmcrlcord , Mostrt Charge, American f11press B. t.,. Goodrich Store 2049 HARBOR BLVD. lat bayl COSTA MESA _ ........ .. \41 •101 .......................................... Al ~O AT ...................................... . SANTA AMA CYPRESS /J 182 LINCOLN 8211·401 0 • • ANAHEIM S24 W . LIMCOLl'I 774-7578 100 50. MAIM ST 547./155 - · husband, the court said. Sears u· LOCATED ON THE LOWER LEVEL ' . ·{'"' Women's Feminine Nightwear Lighlweighl, Long Quilted Robes Sort and feminine robes of acetate t.ricot wi1h polyesler fiberfill. Hand washable . I n sizes sma ll, medium and large. Cozy Flannel Gowns and Pajamas Warm, 100% collon flannel pajama·s and long gowns in assorled color prints. Siies small, medium and large. Prices Effec tive lhrough Saturday, October 2& Use Sears Revolving Charge • • '· ' 5~pth :~(oast "1~ra " . ' )'. \\ ' ,. '· \'' 5uu . ' • Orange. l 2100 N. Tustin Ave. Phone 637 -2 100 .... I • • • • • . . Wectoc5dav. Oclober 23, 197.C OAIC y PILOT /I I I ' on , S~le 4 80 Reg. $1. Dreamy nylon shift length gown~1 with embroidered yoke and lace t m. Turquoise, ivory, and pink i sizes S-M·L. Sale· 560 ' Reg. t7. Glamorous short shift length nylon lrlcol gowns in the {'lewest prints. Various colors in sizes S·M·L. Sale 560 Reg. $7. Shift length gowns of ny!on tricot with sheer overlays. Embroidery or lace trimmed. Pink, blue, maize. Sizes S·M-L. Sale 3 20 R99. $4. A selection of shift length gowns of 1 OO'k nylon tricot ~ith sheer overlays. Lace trims, some with ruffles. Assorted p~~s . Sizes S·M·L. Sl1e1 XL •nd XXL, reg. $5, S•ll $4. We ~CH rifectl•• ......... Mo.def· Use your JCP1nn1y ch•ra• caird. > • ' t \ ' t \. "-s;\ V \ \ \ ' ' ·.~ j ' ! Penney Days ~les • • -Big-Savings on our own super stretch Flexxtra® pantihose. . • At ~like this\ It'll pay to stock ~P for tl1e 1n11111. ChOfal&OUr Aexx re' pantihose from two ever-popuhtr llylol. Fllloll Top Wl1l1 nude heel, reinlorced panty lllld ~All Sheer ~lexxtra with sandalloot. Bolh .-in lots of great lasKfon colors, sizes short, average or tall. ThefN a great buy every day. Right now, they're terrific! • Flexxtras Subtle Shaper pantihose, sizes S·A·L. Reg. 1.89 a pair,, Siie 4 for SS. Queen size Flexxtras pantihose, nude heel, reinforced toe, '•izes OS·OT, Reg. $2 a pair, Sale 4 for SI. Cotton /spandex top Ftexxtras pantihose, nude heel. reinforced toe, sizes S-A-L, Reg. $2, Sale 4 tor SI. Conl•ol top Fie••!•• panlihOse, Reg. $2, ~19 4/M. Total support ponlihose~ nude heel, sizes S·.i\·L, reg. $4, Sllt3 for SI. Sizes OS'uT, Reg, SS, Salo 3 lor .. 11. w. ...................... 4•••·· . ., • ,.. .• FASHION ISLAND. Newport Beach (714) 644·2313. ' . Shop Sunday I I a.m. to 5 p.m. at the following stores: fiUNTINGTON CE~TER, Hunti'ng tcin Beach (714 ) 892-7771 . HARBOR CENTER . Costa Mesa (7 14) 646·5021. • -----·----------• ' . . . . • 1' I .2 DAIL V PILOT UCI Names Viejo Ma1i · Wedne!day. Oc.1ober ?J, 1974 Board Uy WILLIAM SCHREIBER John Ii. L:i\v son ur i\t 1:-.· ~•on \'i c jo, r 1·l1r c d ae ro!i pace exccul1 \e, haS been elected lo memhcrship on the board or tru~tct!s ror the UC Irvine College uf 1.ledicinc. pro\·als ond conditional pt•r· 1n1l appro\•a ls <J r C munfiu11l' S.·\N1'1\ A'.'\1\ -Amid' chores that could bff, h;i n c h a r~cs th e y wo u ld. died out.side the cu1nm1~­ "ema.sculale laod use plan·.· ~on. n i n g. '' -O r ange County Uatl in said scVer111J: the · Supervisors ha \•c rejected formulation ~!age uf J;ind proposed changes in the use policy fro1n its 1m- counly 's plannin,tt function. pl c n1 e n tat ion, • ·" ou lei •·JT IS VITAl.L\1 irnj>or- tanl 1 hat lhe body wh11·h se,ts land use J)Olicy St..'CS ' • The announcement was made by hoard chuirman 11ryanl .t:ss1ck following l.a wson'!i approval by UC ltci:cnls and the college of medicine 'boa r1I. The altera tions, sug-emasculate land use plan· gestt:d Tuesday by Super-n1ng in Orange County." visor Ralph Diedrich. voould have included po~siblc creation o f a specia l hearing orCi cer or a second pl a nning co n1miss ion to handle d ay ·to ·da y a d· nunistral1\c ltl·n1:-. ·rhl'n Ba lt111 turned on l)1c drich pC l'~u n a ll y bY <'harging the f"ull crlon supervisor is proposn1g tho chunges, "lo niake ;1n end run around Shirley (Jrindltt -planning l'ommissioncr, from th e fourth !::i upe r1 visoriul Di.st rit l." ~ lllt-:DRICll S AID hi..; proposa l was only for a study of the situ;11ion to pro\·idc lhc board with 1nor·c udc<1uatc 'infefr - mation. La.,.,·,011 rl'll l'cd lasl yc:ir from /us po-.! a' C\l'Ctttl \C \'lt'c prt·-.11lcnt ur l'hileu- f o rd '-. 1\e ro:-.p a l'c :ind l>c fe n :-.c s~ :-.l e 1n:-. a nd (Jpcr:.1l1on'> afl<·r a 2l·yl':tr <·arccr \\ 1lh Furr! :\lotor f'o rn p:.111.v :.i nd 1t~ J'htl<;IJ - f"ord sultsld1ary. IJ1edril·h ar got·d un~uc­ Ct•:-.,.fully he v. ;1:-. nnly a:-.lon~ the board lo order a study of lhl• propos:tl by top plan· n1ng offi cia 1 ~. Official's Trial Set "IF Tll E\' CO~I E hal'k nnd s ay nothing can be tlone lo relieve the logjan1 in pl<tnning commis~ion ac- tions then so be it." he said. "But I think this ho:1 rd ha s lo give some direction.·· .SAJ\'TA !\NA -Federal Diedrich swayed only rel- «-'o ntr act ad1ni11i str11t o r~l~ Supervj__s_Q r David --:J ollilW-clU.r of-~t·\\'port Balter, who said. "I suggest Beach has been ord1·rcd lo this kind of s eparat io n 1';1ce trial J)cc. 2 1n Orange \\'OU!d not only streamline County Sup1Jr1or t'uurt un the proceedings but would Lu rg l a ry a nd c hild. Save overhead as well." m olcsting ·chargcs filed by The final, vote was ~ Costa ~I t:~:i police Scpl. 11. against Diedrich 's plan. \Veller. 51, or 2908 Clifr Supervisor Robe rt Battin Urive, pleaded innocent at took strongest issue with h is arraignment before Dicdrich's contention tha t Judge E.\·ert:tt \V, Dickey. functions such as use per- llc remains free on lnul. _mil approval, variarice ap- ··-··················· ······················ ······················ ······················ ······················ .............. -...... . ............ -........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -.............. . ·····················-······················ ....................... .. . . . . . . . . . . -...... -.. . ............ -.. -..... . ::::::::::::::::::r:r·::· ~ ,. ~ .... ~ . . . i re: ,,i .. i.'l '(Ji •. ' ::_:_ A'::.-' '.. ¥,' -,,..r;····· --) .. :., ~· ~I ~ ~ )._:.Jr.# , ' . I l I I '< i 1 .. ,,~ " I 1 .. • • I • 1 , .. I .... ' i ' -. \~ .. • ... ........ ! • I • ' ~ • : < ,. ,. , ---. • SOME ENTERTAINING IDEAS FROM KORET OF CALIFORNIA Orl'S~ wil t\ pl.1~ o,1 r wt\('11 vou WNr lhC''lo'I ll•l'·""ol 1:un1.s ot Q1anJ" n1·lon an,! .1 <oo.H~1.n,; S+lw'I rib I·"" \,,,•Jter ~I. t(orrl's ver'o.l!•;•! llohdily ~p<11a1r~ ""II m,1~\" yOu !he l-'lk of !hf PJ•ly. lhfy co"'e in wt\11" or ll',tk . .Jnd .)rr am~z1n.-ily w.~~~ble. All'" )1:,·. S· lt>. Sltevtltss V·neci; Swt 1ter 18.00 V·net~ C111l1gJn Swe~ter 25.00 Pr1.im~ Pariti 32.00 Newport, Newport Center Vlestminster1 Westminster Mall --· .... '"-., llE ARGUt:n that the time sa v 111~s \\' 1 IJ onl y rt•,ult in crc11t1on of new \VCakHl'" scs In a problc 111 -ridtlll·d flJ'tl('t•:.-.. ""l'h1· pl ann1n~ 1·111 nrni:r ston "'uuld pre p;1rc the i.:e nc r:d pl a n ;u1d zo111ng r ejl ul :1l io11 :. ;111U a n ;ul · m 1n1slratur \\'ould dc('id1· p1:rm1l and \';1r1ancc ap· plicalions," Da ltin :.aid . lie sa1d l'i ll Ch an ar· . r;in):cment \','Ould JJOSC lhc immediate thrcal that the decisions on 1nd1v1dual l<1nd U:'>l' cuuld be at cro:-.8·PUr· poses with lhl' po li cies ~tated by the com1nission . " If decisions l 10lll'l'rn1n g indi\•idual l:i.nd u.sc do .nuL reflect those poli cies. then , the g l·nvr;.il pl ;1 11 und ORANGE COUNTY that the policy is carried uut." lialt1n also charged the ar rangement would remO\'l' pe rmit and variance dc.cbJun:i...Jro.m c (fetlive- public control. lie snid ther . :irl' not minor rn:itll'r.1; 1111•1 r DI EDHICll :\N l.J ~11':'> (irindle ha\'1.' hl'l'll at odd-. in the past 11 vt•r \\)\;it Diedrich clai1ns is the pl :in- ning com n1 iss1on's pr:1C't1 cc of forcing de \ l·lopi·rs lo delay their projects U\'l'I' and over again bc<·:1use uf comm iss ion indl'c1siun. ''\Yhat a n1a :..s 1 v ~ reorganizatio n e ffort to defeat one stroni,: v.·oman like a cannon to kill a mosquilo." Batt ill' s:dd . "\\lh y not ap1)oint a fc11' u11 - ~c.astraLc.d male comn11:;., siont•rs'! It \\•ould be a l1it· e;1s1<·r." Sale10.39 .... -~· Reg. 12.99. Boyt' •ork booll . Ceaar brown glo~e lealher uppe1s-. PVC sole and heel. Junior boys· sizes, Prep boys' s•zes. Reg. 13.99, S.19 11 .19 . . 'fhc niajority on the hoard th:cidt·d to ~o :dong ·\1•ith.:1 ":.talus 11uo " motiun IJy S upervisor Halph Clark. \l'hO :.UgJ(CS ll'd lhc Il l'\\' county Env 1ro nn1 cnta l J\lanat!emenl At!cncy "as rormcd lo handle just s uch a ~m. f~~1A. Director li.G . ''(ieorg e '' Os borne, in "·hose domain the µJanning dt"partment now falls, said he undt'rstantls the concern uf sontl' of Lhl' s upcr\'isurs. hut :-.aid it \1'ill l:ike about :-.i.x n1 011th~ iu ;i ns11·cr lhl·n1 11ith POSitivc action. "·' ·i ' ~'· .... . ·· ... SAVE ON CHAIN Ll~~FABRIC 509/o OFF *' FAIRICWHEll IMSTAL\.EOIY WARDS •G•te1,•~t..,.a.flH .. orid i111W..~ .. ,,d,~.tow ....... iow pricea. Call fw frff ttl't"r toda~. WOOD '.4.MD WROUGHT IJOH ALSO AYAll.Alll HUNTINGTON CENTER 1111 1.t; ,. lt .ei .... _,,. -11J.tt11 ~ _j J:?~~.t~~ _,., .... , .. ·.. ' + ., . ~·_ ... " Sale 7.99 Reg. 9.99. QJrls" 111-colOf 111ede o•IOfcl1. Bold po1l-ho[e aetail. Brown/ beige/ 1ust suede leather uppe1 s 011 cushion crepe ouisole ana heel. ·, L· ' . ' -•j ,· • ' ·sale 7.99 ,. .• " Us• rour JCP•M•Y ch11ge c1rcl. . < -.;' < f..v• ' ' r.'1 R•g. 9.99. Glrl1' wlng lip ., c.u11I 1ho•1. T a1\ anlJqu ea gram vinyl uppers Honey creoe OUISOIOS and heels .. ' We're.' kicking ··20% Off Our . sh()-es for g· 1·r1s ~-~~!~"!---.. :2~ "r. Toe OllOrdJ wilt\ PVC so ti aind heel. ln1ection moldel1 consuuct1on. d b ' ln 01own. an Ous now Preobo'/S's1zes. . , ' . . .. .......... , ... . ' •• There's a big selection of kid-pleasing styles for ~J?~Jl> ~ \, ·~;r -· .... girls' sizes 81/2-4, boys' 8112-3, young men's 31/2-6. -___;;; " " .. . Sale9.59 Reg. 11.99. Boys' 11hlele 1lyl• 1hoe1. Brown or t>lur. ~uede llPflC'rs on ln1C'C!•on molded sole . Junior bOys sizes. PrC'p boys' S•lCS, Reg. 12.99, sai. TO.Jg Sale 3.99 Rig. 4.99. Boys' laDrlc shoes. H".WY r.n tton upp,.•s. cush1onrc11nsolo . YUIC.\fl1J;ed Cl'.UISlruc t+on. Bluo or b1own. Sale10.39 Reg. 12.19. Junior boys' h1rne11 boolt. Bro"'" lc.11hcr l.>01. vinyl ahatr, P\IC 1ole and heel. Sale 7.19 R'll· •• 99. Cr 1n~ lo: p;!f~n1 o• IOHJ ''" r1t1!s l c.11•1.i1 too~ Yon\.! ""I"''~ W•l'1 con!r~sl §lo1cnong l'•~V'"'Y' • rolo•ode sole ano heel Stll"Y Ill~~~. n•wy ~nd •e<t 1 • ., • Shop Sunday l I a.m. to 5 p.m. at the follow in9 stores: • FASHION ISLAND. Newporl Beach (71 4) 644·2312. HUNTINGTON CENTER . Huntington Besch (7 14 ) 892-777,1. I )"lARBOR CENTER, Cosla Mesa (714) 646-502 1. ,...,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,......._ . ' Sale 7.19 Rtg. 1.,9. Girls' P•l•nt ·t, slrtp 1t\011. Shiny v•nyl uppers Cushioned nylon !ncor lined. Molded ola1!o'm outsolc .1n<J heel -~~.1~:~~~9 c11ual boo!• ler boy1. Brushed suede uppers, plan\alion Sole and heel\ F1&hlon colo1s. Pr'p boys' siics, A't. 11,ff, 5111 10.31 ,. -· -' _Journalists To .A.ddfess ' .. Workshop . .AN'AH E 11\1 :-wo noted joufpalists Will be 1mone lhc media txperls ilddres· sin& the. 10th annual l>ltSA f Publi c Relations'So6ietyof America W'rkshop tit the' Royal Inn ht\re Oct. 30. Jess l\Iarlo'>''. KNBC·TV news anchorman • .-.nd J,ack Smilh.·long-limc columnist with tile Los Angeles Times. Mil speak to general as· semblies at ttie con£ercnce. ?i.1arlow is host or "The Is· sue Ii," pro1r1tm -and is a permanent panelist on the Emmy·win'ning "KNBC News Corferencc. '' For The . ' Record 01 ........ "'"" Of 1'111rri11f1f! f'1.JlDIECltflS Emet'tt:!Ot•• 10 "-'lttt, SMrlilv M.t11d Edw•rd 14. 1:11•*"· IMlly LDll~O•••I MlrlaNI MlfdaMdo, Mlrlt Vit;lllWI -'.1 .. 1~ .... c..rftr, LlnO .. St;t '"" U.ry MlltOlrn Halcl\, C..rDI Ann•l'ld 01vld EU9tl'll! Vtr-, A doll ... C. l f'IO JOHphu\ A. Brom!1y, 011v1h A.'"" 81rti.r1 L DiO..on, k1r1n L y11t•t Ind Gor""" JDl.tpfl HiMllll, R ...... I E. ll>CI' Wl'H JM>l(I Mlhlff, ()!..,. JNn •NI J,..,.,, .- loollrrl,, Wlm.,.. -s,".., "· U ro-.Mtrteneo.-vo .. -F. Ac>wk.Gotr•lollM F • ..,d Giffin L. ~\11, Do<Ol!ly E. ond Aobt<!W. Hf""""·"""tynJ .•n4 c;.0•90 0. Do U Row. O...lel ..,d ,,...,,,,,,,.. 0.tun,OltSlor A. Ind \tilS-y V:"' Gf.....,w1ld, A1111,,...e1fld c;.orQtO. ,,.Ht i, A-Id JCIStP!I Ind S-y Milrlt RolierQt. FIOto"ll 1...t E.SO .... rol Hlrwr. J ... 11111 Lt nor• -Willll Jee,.,,_ -· ic:..,.,IQ, Cll1rle,O. •NI \tlr~nll E. UF11 ...... e, v.1 .. 1. A. Incl Aobf<l l . Nl!il, Monll• H . ..,d Mk ... t l A. 111.erlle'°". Aot.irl ~•n 11"' MIH'Oque Hu..,p111.,, e .. io.r• s. '""CJ.,.,. o.~111 U""t"<•M lt ... le 8. Mid lll<P!lfd IC. Frtd, Ul>lll 0.rltne 1nd RUhlrfMorlly Muu1,.1ua,N1dH,1nd llu!llS, T1....,11:a.r ... rd E. 1nd Helen (i, Q•Mitlt, P1trlct1 ltl 1no;t Tl'll-1 WO!· ·~· B<>~r, Lton. C. tnd Wlnf"d H. U!WIU, AntllonJ J., J r, 1ndS111<111 L Encl nit ,, S....llt O. end • 1"-rl A. IClflQ, NOMY Mtrtt '"" c;.r1ld Aor,r Smi!ll, l.ffnO M. tnd J 1m1' R. !tin F .. ,..,, ~rDn 0. tnd OonlldW. Sl .. 11H, P"riclo K. Ind P1111 D. Ma110n1r. Frtnl Tnom1s 111d Otnh• _..., .. .,.,..,...,., Altlltrd lo. 1nd Cn1rllnt....,, o..t•-•111, G.lry Ind Marr .c.iu, Enlcl H.lfld S.111•,.,ln Bllllf'd, Trittt!.A E. incl ~lt•trlHll-d 11Nr1i11, Botlble -t.Hll•n I. ,,_..,,Tirri LYfl Ind Oof'llld lllllil Alklft, Wilm.I A. Mid LarNn f: . ._M, Mtr~r•l 14•llffl•l'MI L1rrr Mk lllt l Pett~ .... N1ncy A.Ond 8.t<IO!O M. Grll'lll, He1t11r Jr. i nd C:lllllletlt C. 5nlith,G10t11Jt1n I nd C!ilfor11 En.Ht C-y,J1~t.111d l.IM1 5. llW,..._IOCC1LH-Ci•rr LH Deaths Elsewhere PORT AU PRINCE, ltaili CAPI -Elie Lestot, 90, i,1ho ser\·ed aa pres iden t of this Caribbean nation fron11941· 19-16. died Tuesday at La Boule, Haiti. lk'ltth N "llr•' I County's GOP Toehold Slips By WILLIAM SCHREIBER OllMOtllW l'llM l>l•H IN 'fHE AR'i:;NA of modern politics. there ha\'C been fe,v partis:.n strongholds ;:1s rorn1idable as Orang-e County -Republi C1i1 n cnpittil or th e United States for a qu<1rler of a century. Preserye Shrinks Irvine Witlidrau1s Pri11i e Land SA~TA AN1\ -The Ir· \•i ne Compa n y has to1 4 Orange County Supervisors it \\'ill \\'ithdr<tw another 568 <1.eres or prime lwnd from an a gric ultural prese rve created five years a go. 1'he parcel is on the bor· dcr of 1'ustin, bounded by the Stt-nt·a Ana t'rcc,~1a y, l\l yford Road and Irvine Boul evard. doi ng this C\'C ry yt•ar "'hen :.i.::ril·u\lur:d laud r.i!l1 cr I Ur$!cd to ha\'(' all lhc lhanrt•s i d('nlia l profK'rl ~. preserve c a1I C(')Cd la:-t l . Dicdr1t•h ronter1d1·•I rno:-1 Yl'<I r . ' ' s a id s u pc I'\' i SOI' of lht"IU,OUU :t1· 1· ..... 11r1~1na 11} Halph IJicdrich. plac1.·d 111 ~ht· p1 l't>l.'l'\t' \\ 111 "I still m :lintain thal the IJc dt'l'l•ln 1~cd soin t dill "l i '"'L good .. -d :Jll)'\V:JI .. o 1\ :.hould .ill 1,.. agrccn1 c., s.. ..... " this 11·ill hi' the history of on t.h1· lt1ll tux roll., t111l ;1~ ·1 "I Id t · S111t'l' t!11• 11r 1g 1nal t , 1c :1t c <. :igrccni (•nl \\a" l'fl'l·1·t111• llicdr1ch lost on 11 3.:! l'Ol c f L·h 111 . l!Jti~I. tlh· (•On1 p:i11~··:­ tast )'t';.ir 11·hen he tried to l;i\t·~t to ,11•;11 1\a!1 1n g ca nl'Ci the agricultural IH:riod 11111 l':-OJllrt· Fl'IJ IH. pr ese rve .on I r.11 in c l!IS.1 Hanch. I ~ .\t:\1\1:\C: 11 ... r1·qt1\'~l for \\tlhdra11;!1 . lht• 1·on1 DAIL 'f PILOT 1 I :t Absentee Vote Deadline Nears S1\N1'1\ A:\,\ \'uh·r:. 11hu pl.HI Iv h1· .dJ:.('11\ lrum their p reeillC't 011 l'll•t•\ion da~ :\o\ ~. h,1\·1· unti l lll''l 'l\11·~,lay to i.!t•\ th1·1r ulJ:-O:l'lll'-''-' IJo.allol 1 cqut•..,l 1nt1) lht• eounl .\' Ht' i..:1:.1 l"Jl' of \'oh·r:. offtt'". l! rcqu 1•:.t1n~ ,, h;cllu\ li.1 111;~d. lh1· 11111·1 n1u:-11nt·lt1dl' 111:. fu ll ri :1 m1·, l'1"-.1d1·nr1· a~hlrt•.,:.. ;1ddrt''!> l•• \1h1t·h 1hc ballol i~ to ht• n 1.11l.·d. !11 :-.,11.:11:.turr ;111d a r.·.1snn "hY hcl\'011 '1 ht•1 1111 11).; Ill 111:..l:-.,l;!lltd ll!'••t'lllt'! '!'he rt'iP~lrar 11\ \'Oler:. Olltce 1:-. lot·;1\l'd .it 1!111 E. Chc:.tnu t ,\1 l', S<1nt.• ,\na. '!'he n1:.ill1n ~ Jddrt•i-:-1s P.0 Bo~ ll :!'JK:0-,,111la1\n,1 .~1:!-;11 A slight varialion on an old political s loga n wou ld have described county politics perfectly -"As the Republican Party goes so goes Orange CoUIJl y." Voters here c'onsislently have gi\·en the majority of their ballots to the GOP candidates -1.1,·hether or not they win in the end. E\•en the county's [)em()(rats added heavily The n e~v withdrci,val brings to nearly 9,000 acres the amount of land the con1· pany has t aken out or preser,·e status s ince an agreement was signed with lhe county. The a eccptanre hy super· vi sors of the co mp<1 ny 's notice n1 cans the land t·an be del'elopcd into homes or businc~s areas ~tu rtlni;! 111 Februa ry 198•1. pany s11irl 82 perJ.•ent of !ht· L----------------------' sc:"11a11a11 to the landslides. SO\'f THE PIC'.l'URE or Solidarity is fading rast. erOdlii g in the acid of \Vatergate, ;i c'rumbling economy_.a.nd disgruntled voters. ~The G-01' nicti'gin -is still consldcrab'lc -about- 3'1 000 out of a voter total of more than 812,000. But it is likely th at m a ny registered county Republicans an~. probably m ore wou ld S\l:i ng awa_y fron1 the party 11 they had a reasonable alternative. Frt>m a ll appear'ances, the r anks of independent ,·oters are soaking up as many defectors as the Democ~als but thal "other party" is making sig· iiiricant headway into a political scene that has known litlle other than the GOP since the early 1950s. BACKWATER ORANGE COUNTYI of the 1930s and SUP E RVISORS, WHO cannot refuse to accept notice from the con111any under terms or the 1969 agreement, didn't let the lates t \•:ithdrawal pass 1vit,hout commen_t Tu_.e:sljay, "I knew they '"'ould be TllE AGRt:E~I EJ\'.T sig· ned b.y th e count y and the con1pany "'as unde r tcrn1s of the 1965 \ri\lia n1son 1\t·t. 11·hich permits dcvelop:ihlr -ltl nd to be-put into a preser 1•c. where it 1:. t<ixcrl :1:. 1940s belonged to the Democrats but only because of SANTA ANA -Orange expense of bonding. Franklin Roosevelt, the Great Depression, a world County Supervisors have Th e o nl y o bst acle to 1.1,·arandapopulationofunder 200,000. voted unanimously to raid Di edrich's proposal was Interim Registrar of Voters Jim Pifayer, who has unus ed fun ds iil othe r Super\·isor Ralph Cl a rk. been around county politics for years, said the budget accounts to pay for "'ho protested the use or traditional Reptiblican edge has been 50,000 to 75,000 co mpletion o f two shell $200 ,000 earm a rked for a voters. floors in the nC\Y county ne1.1,• health building in hi~ That margin has seemed greater, he said, be ca~se courthouse. distri ct. many county Democrats adhered to the conservative Supervi s or Ra Ip h Diedrich said the monev phil~sophies o( most Republican candidate!). ,Diedrich Tuesday outlined : \\'as for design of ~ nc\\· various budget ar eas that building, but that it is likely .THE GOP Ml\ltGIN or 50,000 in 197Z·has been couldbetappedforatotalof the county \viii buy an triinmed by ne arly 20,000 in t"·o years. Liberal more than S2 million -existi ng building rather Democrats have come out of the closet and put on good greater than the estimated than build a new one. pres;:r\ l' 111:-11 o\'C'I' 111.UOO aert•s i:-still 1ntat·t 1'h1· ro111p;1 11~· 11 ill h1· :ihle todcvt•lop 1111· f1r!-t p!'t':>l'I'\\' l;1n <I :l ,4Mtfl ;u•r1•s \111!1 ctra1\ 11 111 l !Ji I 111 :-:~·\'ell 1·1·:11'~ ·rh1· :.1·t·11nt1 111t h dra\1 al o1 Ht•;o r'I,\' 5 ,CHIO aer1•., QC('urrr<I in !!.li'.l 'J'h ;1I l.1111t 111 11 h.e-;1\·a1J;'.1.b1c.,..IUJ <l;.·\'1·lopn1t·111 111 1 :n~:1 s hows at the polls, Conservative Republic<1.ns like $1.8 lnillion cost or com-But, he said, other funds Floyd \Vakefieldhavebcenbeaten. , . pleting thenoors. could be gathered so th e Tllt\T J\IOr\EY 1\·a:. to There are still many Democrats who don t fat the The board voted early in hea lth bu ilding mone y 1>av for a ne \1' computer traditional mold of that party but there are even more :-the summer to sell bonds to could be left in the bud get s~·Sten1 but the council has Republicans who aren't rinding a great deal or dlf· raise the funds. They chose "out of courtesy to !oilr. obtained federal grants to rerence between the major parties any more. to complete only two or the Clark." c.;ovcr the costs. four empt}' floors in the C O U N T \' A O . Diedrich said a nothl•r SOME CANDIDATES and l?(>lilical observers courthouse because there is J\llNISTR ATI VE Officer S286.000 is :.i \'<I ii able in believe Orange County may again be an indicator of still not enough demand fur Robert Thomas said the mOnies set :.i sidc for ;1 the GOP trend nationwide. all four . $200,000 could be ti1ken out second juve nile hall in the lbey claim the GOP is ·no longer the conserva· of the $500,000 budgeted for south county and SI 15.000 in tive banner c arrie r -that Ronald Reagan or George DIEDRICH S1\ID the interest on notes and "':lr· a fund for construction of \Va llace may ultimately draw conservatives to a new £unds should be taken from rants held against the coon· a n o th c r b u 1 I cl in J? 1 n e~twardGJlo Gl'lowt & ~a~ino . . . : . . . .par.ty, Je a\·ing liberals and mode rates to the the budget if possible to ty. Anaheim that \\'on't be l·rt"c· Demdcratic or independent ra.nks. li ~·~':·o~id'.'_'.Lh:c~a~d~d~ed"_'.tr~o~u~b:le~a:nd"__~o:n~e~o~f~L~h~c~b~;~g:g:c:'·t~c~h:u:n:k~,-~"~d~.----------~====================~ It is possible that simply because llemoc~ats no\v 'dominate in 10 county cities and in at least a third of all le&islativc districts does not mean the GOP is at the lend of its string. . . , But J im lit ayer and others feel fairly certain some kind or big political turnaround is in il6 fotmati\'e stages. llin~enburg Will Burn For Movie Sears SAVE 850 Mass transit is 656,2 2 us riders for 6 D11y• Only Senrs De#l SANTA ANA -The llin· denbll rg, history's famed and ill·starrtd diri gible, will burn again ·in a mo\'ie · ·,,.111.,ett . •lo be filmcd..aLlhe Santa Joclt S~rMn, UHi Jellrty Ro.Ml,,,..,,,.., • C A' amon • o .o.1eo1c1t11n0t1otttru,,.1i..s..¥1-Ana 1'1arine orps 1r Directional Hearing Aids .., .,k w11e u i,; one "'"'"i.., 11euy ol' Station starting Nov. 4. PKlfk Pt ll!.Hlt: -wn. Robtrl"' L.of Th f 'II b _, ""Ofk•; toro1r.tt, L1•~d e1 1 •• , .... Melftor!•• e era t . \VI um a11u. wnlu• ... u be,.,.. F,;.,,,, 0t10t>e• ntn crash again thanks to a 3-0 11:11111oM. s1. Anc:1•••1 P•e•bYtefl., c""'· ruling by the hearing board ell. •ltW(Hirl BIKll lolto ... a lly UHNtlon • •""burl•• •• I.fl by P1cillt Y-Mlmor11I or the Orange County Air P1t1t.1r111euo1 1iow ... cc1n1r111u1""''""'119 Pollu\ion Control District . ..,.dt to Tiie #om•rl(ln Dlltltllf Al· . , 'MKl•llC111. i11u !rvine 11vd .. 'ul!e •Mo, trol D1str1ct. . '"ff) .:.. ~ ..• ~f""'.)1. a;_l,, _ ,.·"''ifl. 01H.t2..o. P•tlto< viewMO<t-•, The board granted a L 1i)rh~~ •·ec:aucKLI a 50H ;aud\:S"~esi~ou1~t~~~~[.~~~ lttt.~f;·:(·~·~· ~:~ ·: ... i~~,~·~~kr,~~. tion o( the giant airship , ·~1 .\. .f).y , '.,-·'. WISTCLIFF MOITUAlY using a 400·foot model in. the , . r i 427 E. I 7rh Sr .. , Costa M.io setting of the huge bl imp. ,·)·,~~~:···~'/''f!. '; ~~~.,'~.,'f-··. f . • ~/· 646.d&a hangars at the Santa Ana ,, ( ..;:f f -•-base. , J IC ""' IALT'Z--IEltGlaC)t( Last month, t~c APCD lf' 1 (t,:I. \'!II';'"""-" FUMllAL HOME told m akers or the $8 million ' v· :""}; Coror<o del Mor 67J.9.f50 mov ie starring George C. IL~ .. _,-r_ .. -.~ •. ~""··' rrJ~1#,, f Cotto Meso -646-242.f Scott that the destruction ~ r :.o-r;--·-llLL llOADWAY MOllTUAAY 1108r~.C01;10M.isa ~2·'H50 -·-DILDAY UO'IHDS MOllTUMY._ 17911 Beoch Shod. H11n11n91on Sl!och 842·777! 244 Rtdon~ Aw•. Long Beach (2 13)433·1 145 -·~ McCOIM:UNA HACH MY ! 79S loguno Conyer+ Rd. 494-9.tl5 -·-McCOllMICK lfllHIOH MOITUAIT '28812 Camino COl)f11,ono So11 J\IClll Cap!llrono •9l ·ln & . -·-PACltlC 'lllW\. MtMOllAL PAIK c-J.SOO Poi:ific Vofr# Or• ... NcwpDf/ Stach. Cbl<lor~10 644-VDO -·-PllkfAMILT COLONIAL fUNOAI. HOME 710 t &oltn AVfl., Wt11min~ 693-J.)25 -·-,,,__ SMllHl .. _TUMT' 6"'11-*"n S•. 1111111!•11~ 136·65.N scene would violate air po\- 1 u ti on regu l a tion s prohibiting open burning. But producers of the film argued that t he Marine busc with its prc-\Vorld \Var rr hantars is the only suitable site for the filming since it rpalehes the terrain or LBkcllurst. N .J .• 1.1,•here the German dir igible bur· ned in 1937. The film will include original news reel footage meshed with the simulated· destruction, which will 1·cquire names shot from hi gh pressure hoses suspeft· ded from cranes .. Studio orricials said the burning will on'ly atcur on obout ,eight days between Ndv. 4' and Dec. 4 and wind 'I'. machines wjll help dis· sip,te smok'e rrom the ~imulated disasler '° no nuls3nce will be! created. Your Choice Oirect1on11 aids ••. three mode ls and four power level&. Come In for a hearing test and a direc· tlonal aid demonstration A d G or phone lor a home ap-ge ranl pointment. There's no CtpltetN~wsServlce i obligation for you to SACRAMENJ'O •• A buy. arant ot $321.iSO hu~ bttn I Prkn [((t!'('liive lhru awarded to ht lp t ldtrly , S•lnnl•y. Or1(ther 26 reSidtnts of f'rcs nn und , ~ i\111t Abotlt Stan ~I acfcrn cOunticir l'nntinuc n r f .on,·t>nlt·nl (:tt(nt Pf11n• nut r ition prOJ?r am at 111 ; , ... ~ ... A6'tl.A,..A•ol'•w.. ~l·~ Offl:anlird th1'ou~h the 1 h-.. r~·· ... r-";':...!':"" C?niforni:.1 Offic~ on A1dnJ'. ! , . ......,,... 1\-f•"•"'-" ()ffice l)irct lor J .i\I, SlttlJ• I ~:.:::t· ~;j...,..,. blt•binc xuhl lhl· ~rant "'"~ I ia .. ~z;; 11-11t•"-"-'" t:1kcn fron1 funl1 S tt1llCt'll1-t i,,."' .. "'"' . .,_,_ ... tnult•r the Older An1~rlruns I ..._ .... 111"'" '•"", -.... 1 ~ ,... J\ct. • r AUGUST 1972 AUGUST 1973 AU GUST '197• And ii's here . These bus riders hi p figures le li lhe Slor y. 25,000 riders in Augu sl of 1972. 236,507 la sl year. 656,242 a monlh lodoy. And rising. Tha1's a lot of people in Orange Counly depending on OCT D. The orange and while buses cr isscross lhe counl y belween 1he L.A . and San Diego counly lines. Serving riders who ore a cross -section of Orange Counly. Commulers who musl get to and from work and find ii a greol convenience and econom y lo lake lhe bus . Teenagers. Molhers shoppi ng. Sen ior (ilizens who hove no olher way. Rid ing OCTD is eas y. And compared lo what it costs to ru n your car, it's cheap. A t twenty· five cen ts a trip, no matter how many times you lr?nsfer, you can I fi nd a bette.r way lo fighl inflation. II s sltll aboul lhe bes I bor garn around;· The numb er of ro ules and buses doubled jusl a lillle wh ile ago . Sunday service became a reolily. And now se rv ice and roules expand again 1his monlh . Pork-N-Ride, lhe firsl regional mas s lransil stati on in lhe caunly, opens in late November. And lhe Senior (ilizen s Prog ra m is effeclive on lh e firsl of November. Suppor1 your Orange Couniy moss lrons il syslem . Ride OCTD.11'11 gel you lhe re . ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT ---........ _,.,_ ---~. , • "I I DAILY PILOT We<tnm1y. Octoi. 23, 1974 QUEEN IE By P~il lnterlandi . ' r;,..1 ........ ~ .... ~ .... 1 ... •~I• w .. w ... ~ ........ ,., 10 -2/ "You can't leave us. Price fixing, consum er goUgi ng, excess profits-they're meaningless without vo u." 4-part Series Astronomy Class qjfered by OCC An in-depth look at the fall, winter, spring and summer skies will be part o{ Orange Coast College's new four-part lecture series titled .. Astronom y.·· The series meets on t'riday C\'cnings. beginning No\". I , from 6:30·8::.> p.m. in the OCC Planetarium. There is no tuition a nd per- sons m ay regis ter at the lec- ture. The series \viii be il - lustra t ed by OCC's ne"' Apollo Pla netarium Projec- tor .. The projector has the In Service capability of placin~ more than 1.050 s tar images on the 24 ·foot planel<irium dome. Leclurcr is Joel Lc\•inc. an instructor in physics and phy s ical sc ience at l·lawthorne High School and a forme r lecturer al the Cleveland Natural Scienee J\1useum. He has also lec- tured at the Griffith Obser- vatory a nd Planetarium. The opening lecture u•ill look at the fall sky and Y.'ill cover many or the new fin- dings that l\lariner has sent from the planets Venus and Mercury. Thf' Nov. 8 ses- sion examines the planet Jupitf r and u•ill look at the u•inter sky. The orbiting space station, Skylab, will be the featured topic on Nov. JS, u·hi\e the fin al lecture will look at conste llations, mythology a nd the spring L./tl. Boyd Why a Rabbit Has Long Ears J\l a y bl' ) uu didn 't kno\Y lh<.1! iJ se;.111011 ha~ ;1 bout :is l'}'l'~. ON1': ll UN ORt~ll \'1':ARS AC:O in u•hat'$ nOYl Eth101Jia. it y,·as the custom fur :.i husband a nd y,•irc to sll't'P in ;1 single ni.:htguu•n. IT'S Bf~tr•:\'EO by those v.•ho should knov.· that the civilians hcrcabouls o>A·n at lc<ist 30 limes as m any !!mall arms as doc!) the V.S. military cstabli shnJcnl. /\P PRO XIM ATEL\" eight percl.".nt of lhe grownups need no more than fi\'C hours or sleep each night. AOOut 15 perct:'nl nt-ed less lhan six hours. As many <JS 52 pcre('nt need bct>A·ecn Sl'\'t!fl and eigbt hours . And 15 pcrrl·nt need as much a!'i nine to Ill hour.~ RABBIT t:.RS 1(11,(jt: I)() .\'Oll know why H rahbil ha:-r Joni.; ears'' \\'ail, don't c;ill that a ridiculous fp1 er .v. ,\ :-choJ;ir at thl' l 'ni,·l·rsi1) of \\'iseonsin h<.1s dt'\'U(C1J fllUl' h ti fill' lo H study or the n1attcr. No, a r:.ibbit 'sears do more than just hear. 1'hey rl<.1tten out ai,:ainst said r<.1bhit >A'hcn it 's ,·cry cold, thus to kee p the beast u'arm. And they extend into the air ~·hen it 's ,·ery hot thus to r<.1dillle its excess body heat. !low a rabbit ha~dles its cars depends on the temperature. sort of. Q. "\YllEN broiling. ~hould I lca\'C the o,·en open or closed'!'' • /\.With electricity, sh~htly ajar. \Yith g<.1s , closed. Set'.!ms the gas burns up the smoke and tends to dry things out. but the electril'ity does othervoise. Or so the experts report. 1\\'ERAGt-: Americ;in "·oman now has her last child at age 26. SPORTS GRUB The baseball fan SJX'nds an average of Sl.65 on rood and drink in the b;illpark. That's more money than is spent for such by the fans of football. hockey or basketball. 'rhe football fan is said to be the n1osl af- nuent. Peculiurly, though. the football ran spends the least on the tomcstible extras in the stadium. "SIGHT ED SUB, sank same." Are you old enough to remember that famous radio message of World \Var II'! Donald Francis J\1ason \~1as the pilot "'ho sent it. On Jan . 28 , 1942. Ne<.1 r the toast of Ne"·roundland, he spot- ted some oil on the y,•ater belo"'· turned loose ll couple of bombs. and radioed that report. Fuct is the German submarine l'SCap('d. \\o'as n't until about :1 month late r over the Grand Banks that he really did sink a sub. llold on. no negatil'C nitpicking intended. l\lason's magic message me<int more to the v.·ar effort than one sub. so it turned out. bind11. Hall. daughter or rifr. a nd J\·lrs. J ohn llall, 23796 Sal \'ador lla y, Laguna Niguel i s <i fr es hman student at Stephens College, an undergradua1e ~·omen's college in Col urn hia !\lo and ~u mmer skies. """"' ________________ ; ''I never thought I cou'd afford such a knockout ouHH this year. Thank You, Singer.'' You can make it, America! Singer will help. A Think of it Any look sm iling, all the way. And it's on sale ,-. P you want. For less to save you $70 before you even sew than you'd' spend on dinner out. All it takes is a good sewi ng machine. A Singer• sewing machine. Because ' we make them to make thin gs easier. Our Touch&Sew* machine for example. It sews every· thing from knits to what· .1kull'•·l2ff> 1<1ots with 15 different stitches. It has a built-in buttonhol er so. you c;m pi ck button -up patterns 11;ithoul a seco nd thoug ht. And it's got all-dial controls. Does a.II its tricks at the touch of your fin ge rtip s. And would you believe a push-button front drop-in bobbin? Fabulous' And ex · elusive. &cause we inve nted it. ' With this sop hi sticated machine you can tum out even the most com- pl icated designer number. And keep • •A Ttaclrm.1!1c 11f TllF. !'11\r.~:R Cf >~IPANY a stitch. Free instructions come with it. In fact you get hours of free in· struction with any machine you buy at Singer. Incl uding our great zig-zag machine, on sale at $88. Really ef· ficient. Among other good things, it's got an exclusive front drop-in bobbin. And .a blind-hem stitch you c;m barely see on the right si de. Now -if yo uJ1aven"t turned your old ma· chine into a planter, just bring it to Si nge r: You'll get a surp1i singly gen· ero us trade-in allowance. On Sale Now: SINGER Sewing Center.; and 1>1~icipating Approved Deale"'- ' . .. 11 OZ . SUPER SIZE I Head &. Shoulders SHAM~OO 1.19 , 1 az. "Command" .. . ·ggc ... PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia BOX OF 70 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 20 OZ. SOOTHING RIFRISHING ·BAND-AID CEPACOL ---. PLASTIC STRIPS MOUTHWASH & GARGLE . . .. .. , \ f • • • • 13 OJ'. _BEAUTIFUL HAii Mi,ss Breck HAIR SPRAY SPEC:IALS AT FOR HALLOWEEN ___ . . • • Milk Chocolate ,.-?°_ ....... T PEANUTS : ;~·~;~-::~1 Bl& DI 3211ji1idHI Pals '~~::::::-----• Milk Chocolate Tray at 30 l1di•id•1l 81rs •Kracke! • life Savers MINIATURES 69C 28 Rolls ol l i~e ' llavors ! . ... , ·" Cape Costumes With Mosk Be a princess, a 119 ghost. a clown. a witch, etc. • ea. KERN'• Preserves & Jelly to Designed nol , S~••llY Pr11trns lfricot/PiH· · '"'' Pr•se.r"s ;,.,, JtllJ r r ,,, . ' .! ; •I to cut you! 99c 3211. 88~ ID PRICES PREYllL: WED., OCT. II !kit SIT,OCT.21 ....-- 22 OZ. GIANT SIZE LIQUID JOY for DISHWASHING Armor All PROTECTS l BEAUTIFIES Vinyl, plastic. 1 98 rubber an~ leather. 4 oz. • 12 OZ. CANS Dr. Pepper DIET or REGULAR 200 TABLET llOTTL£ Of ANACIN Fast. Fast. Fast Relief! KAL KAN . Cb11k 1111 By Prod11cts Oi1111er ..• Wilk Chieko, Wilk ...... With Eu & Ch111t 11 WiO Ep! €t ·,"'-: I . -~ I .. \, lAtrrA AMA-3'1 I -· lrltltl 51, .• .. 1lfG OAJLYP1LOT Wedntsdly, October 23. 1974 EPA Says Collars. Not S~fe Doctors Reporte dly Let Guard Dow1i 01i $ypliilis New York Denies Alimony to Man :\I!:\\' ''')HK jl\l 'I f\ m ~in i ~n 'I 1·n11tlcd l•i ahmC1ny fronl hi:. t')I 11·1ll' unclL·r !\c11 Yori.. l;i11, ;111 ap· peal :. eourl h;1 ~ 111lcd unanunou~l). pluyt• of a Loni.: Isla nd firm 01vned by his \\'ifl''s futher. STEINBF.RC; \VllO IS h1·111g ~ucd for divorce in \a~suu County by hi s "'ife, J)l·lnres. indicated he Y.'ould furtht•r appeal. SAN FRANCISCO <UPI I -'l'hc fede ral E nvi ronmen- tal Protcclion Agency is- ClllCAGO !UPI I -Dot.·· tors are letting thllir intl·I· lectual 1::uurd do"'" \\'llh resp€'cl 10 s}·phil is, an edilorial in Lhc Americl111 !\h't.lical Nev. s sa}'S. 'l'h c editoria l c r1ticizl'd eardiologisls. psychiatrists a nd int e rni s t s Cor overlooking or not recog- sued a warning against the r--""iiiiiiiiiiiii~ hum:.111 use of fl ea coll ars. '1 Flea colla rs intended for u se on pt•t s ''m ay be 1JC.11sonous" "'he n worn by hun1ans, lhe EPA announ· £"cn1ent sa id Tuesday. NEW n1zin~ lhl' 1T1<1rllf1.'Slalions or S,\·phlliS. "\VP h;1\'c hl•comc so con- fidt•nl in our 1·he1nol htr11py th;it the pr(l(t·ssion has lcl its int(•llectual i.:uard ~~V.'!! \\ ith rcsl>el'I lo syph1IL'i, Lhearlil'll'iia1d. . . Vcnt•rtal tllscasc IS al tpidemLl' 11ru1101·tion_. l ~e <'ditori:il said, much hkc tn th · time or Sir \V illiunl Os lt'r '>''ho cc1>ortcd th~ cJi~ase ·y,·a:o; run1pnnt in a llil fJ€'r to lhc !\l t~diea l Socil~ty or London 57 year:; ago. "'rhc us ua l ci;l im aies vl ace the r c p o1·ted in· cidcnce of venereal diSl'ase at abo·ut 10 percenl of the actual," lht> cditori;1I Si!id1 adding l hal ont' federal 1·cport stales that "t~ VIJ int·ldenc'-is llkely thret• 01· four lin11.•:<1 as high In reallt~· ns rl'µo1·1 ed t'aM"s ln dic~tP. · · 'l'ht• ctBturiu1 praised tltt· Bt11't.•au o(. J.o;pirlc m iology re}JOrl \\'hich b\an1crl ~XU<ll pronlis('Uity ror lllU<'b Qf lht• problcn1 11•ith syphilis and gonorrhea. 'The ruling of the f11l'· jud~c Appellate 1>111~1011 11·as made on :.in appllcu\1011 tor SJuo 11c•t•kl~ t•.:mp11rar~ ;1l1mony ~ought hy Bt•1tra111 Steinberg. 45, :.i forn1cr e1n· S laye r, 21, Sente 11ce cl For Lif'e llis );J\\'Yt'r maintains that Sh·tnht·ri.: had been lhc in· t1·ndcd :i uccesso r of his fathcr·1n·la\\', Isadore 1-llm· rnc l ~tein . as head of the lamily's l'l cet rical suppl y bUSlnl':tS. ,\f\er llirnn1c ls tc in 's 1\{·alh lhrl't' years ago, the l<1\\'Vcr ~a 1tl, Stt·inberg \\'as froz.c n uul of thi:·busincss by tuii 11.1f{· ;ind m<1thcr-1n ·la\\·. k1c·kl'd 11ut of hi .. home ;ind rl'dut·cd lo ;1 SIUO·a-1\'t.•ck Joh as a I 1-;1cln·r ·s al de ii'i th~ !\{'\\'York school system. , P ET STOK t: O\\'ners ha\'e been quoted in newspapers as saying people arc buying flca·t·ollars ror pcrSbnal Ui,l'. 'l'hl' F.PA noted that fl ea collars arc re quired to ('arr~· 1\•arnings agains t huinail use. and that a study of "·hcther they a re even s;1fe for pets is scheduled. WAREHOUSE HUGE ·INVENTOR¥ ltED\\'0()0 L'ITY tLPI) l!arry B 1il11·n. 21. has been scntcnrcd 1n lift• 111 pnson for the murder or a 1 lillshorough rnatrnn :.1nd an l'X·sailor. lie v.·as Sl'OIC!ll'Cd later in Santa Cruz lnr the ~layin~ ol' a quick·foud :-.lurt· <·lcrk lie ple:HIPd J.:Ullt~ tn ;ill three sl;,i ytnl!:-. unrtt•r :.in ;1 g r e c 111 1· n t \\ h 1 1· h l'hmin:1ll·•l lht• po:...,1h1lllyof a clcath !it•nl1.:111·t· :i.tr!'>. Carol l·;1n1ptw.·ll. <t i· lcgcdly Bro'' n ·.~ t'un1pan1on 1n the slaying!'. ha ~ ple:tdl'd i nno ce nt 111 n1urdl'r chargt·s. i\ probation r1'pf)rl s:tid he described him "l·lf ;1:-. a nar· colic user :-1nt:1• hl' bt.'~an !'>moking mar1Ju;1na :il lhc ;1ge of 13. Il l· :-,a id he had hccn a hl'a\·~· u :-.er and dcall'r in drugs in rl'ccnt years. Prison T e1·111 HE DDING t.<\P i -A 74· )Car-old v:om:1n. P(•J!gy Let• 1-layes. got a pri:-.on term of up to 15 yc<irs for \'Oluntary mans la ughter in the ease of a man \\'ho police :-.ay \1 as stabbed 58 limrs with a kit· chen knife. She 11·as convie· led in Scptemhl'r for the death \asl '.'l.l ar~h of James '.'l.loore. 50. of Reddin)!. Tll E R E l.E \I A!'\T la'>'' stall'!> Iha! "the court may dirl.'tl t he hus b a nd to pro1·idc suitably ror tht! :-,up1JOrl of the \1·ife ." I he la\\' ou ght to he eh:1n~cd 10 :-.ub:.litutc the \.lord s puusl', said Stein- hl•rg 's Ja 11.·yl'r. Ger:dd ·ruekcr, 1\·ho said or his client's \\'ife: "If she's man cnou.i:;h to have his job," ~he should be man enough to trc<it him like a \Voman. ·· UP I TolfpllOt<I , •.... ,,,,.,, Sop h ia [.o rt'n is :1ifl y looking in m iniskirt a nd boots for her r ole in ll t.!\V mo\'il'. "'!'he G~1ng­ !'>tc1"s Girl.·· c:o·slarring ~l :i rtt•llo .\lastoi:1nni. It said it had r cporls '"'Of 11H.:11lt:nls invol \'i!lli:: JlJ:l illnesses 10 bolh cal<; ;i nd 110:.:s" fro1n t he use of fl ea rullurs. Tll E f;'pA S AID the pestic ides in flea coll ars ";1re r eadily a bs orbed by the human body through the skin or by inhala tio n." It said initial symptoms or r:ca col la r poi so nin~ ~·ould be dizziness and nausc;1 a nd said medical aid s hould l)e sought if these sy mpt o m s occur afte r wearing a fl ea collar. Rape Victims Word Sufficient '.\'E\\' \'OHK <L' Pl I -A he ussaul ted her . the first in which a con vi e· 23·year·old man could be Prosecutors said the man lion was secured solely on sC'ntenet'd 10 up to 25 year:;; told her his first name and the vietim's testimony. 1n prison under u new la\'' \\"here he 1\·or kcd. Police ar-Previously in New York \\'hic h permilsconvictionon r este d \\lilli ams <1 s horl stale, t estimony from a cor· rape in !'\ew York stale time later. roborating \\'ilncss or ud· solely on the testimony of \Villi an1s fact's 1 2 1~ to 25 · d ilional corro bo r a t ing thcviclim. ,·cars in orison \vh cn he is evidence was required. 1·he defendant, P eter \\Iii-sentenced Nov. 25. !lams. \\·as convicted this Prosecutors sa id they '7 $ \\·eek on charges of r aping a believed \\'il lian1s' trh1! \\'as k 4 50 2ti·~·car.old New York City '-=========:;-ii ~t~ • '>'"Oma n Apri l 19. less than a Ir J'JUJn n1onth after the la"' took er-O n p rice a lo11e... Pt.._~-. A -P JJ . fet·t . i•itt• .. -•,,..·,•••c•~•-T~ :J-U/l'\..ll..V Police sa id a man ac· •h• 0 , • ..,. <-•· !/J A Plant lJoulique roslcd the \·ictim as she gol ·~· o.;i, 0>1et off a bus and forced hCr at ••--1 .i.,. • •••• IQ.S r.tain Streri knift:!poinl lo accompa ny D.ol 4nfi,.,,.11o.1i..1 64'2-43'21 Baiboa.Caii/orruo him unde r a bridge, \\'here fat I ool oJlheBalbuo.Pieri Low prices make easy cleanup a sure bet. 109.97 HOOVER Canister features 13 quart bag for less frequent changing. extended suction power. Push-button control. ($3001) HOOVER "Dial-A-Matic" con- verts to canister in seconds. J-position rug adjustment and wrap around fur- niture guard. ( 1136) 119.97 EUREKA Canister features motorized beater bar brush lor carpets. 2 motors. 9-piece tool set. (1255A) EUREKA "Dial-A-Nap" fea- tures si x-way rug adjustment and 2 motor speeds. 12" beater bar brush. (2033A) THOUSANDS Of YARDS . H.UGE . CHOICE OF STYLES AND COLORS FINE QUALITY PADDING . AND LABOR AVAILABLE AU WORK FUUY GUARANTEED TERMS AVAll.Allf NOW YOU CAN AFFORD TO CARPET THE WHDLE · HOUSE! LEADING NAME BRANDS HUGE SELECTIONS SHAGS "'"' : ~r~:.:""" $400 • Pl11V. Shog • Toneon i one • Sc:ulpturel ::'. • In Colo<" s.hogr. ,,,.. VALUES TO $9.95 NOTHING ·, IN STOCK OVER ' $6~!.Yd HOURS: M. f W. S. 9.(> f ...... &fri 9.9s..,,17.5 "'"' •CNP~• $)00 • Hi·lOW\ • Solidr. • Commornol "• • Nylon 'IO. • Twttdr. 'lollll VALUES TO $1>.95 LAYAWAYS AVAILABLE ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED! BANK FINANCING BRING IN YOUR ROOM MEASUREMENTS IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION! ' . .· • -:: ~[W"(l•I et~O 8 .. ~~"'T"'"''-.-."""'-'---tio g : •--.MIKE'S i ' IU~A ~ARK: Beach at Orange1horpe •Open weekdays 10 10 9 30 Sundays 10 to a: -' · OllAHGE: C11~ Dr. al Garden Grove Blvd .• Open weekdays ·to 10 9. Su nday SANT A AHA: 3900 So. Bn slol-No. of So. Coast Plaza • Open weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 lo 6. -• ' . • 10 IQ 6. • g I s a h b e s I I t c d h s t w ci s Ii b th t s y d B -M m I • w ci "' w a n M th n di cl li th fi re w y It to c c g d, or hi a ~ m dr th B al s yo •• he be fol th ·po di Yi '"" c Ju ha ,., I f · "' u i d i w re .. - Smo.kers Igno~g ' . Dangers? DOCTOR -IN . . THE HOUSE Jn spite or our advice. In spite of the few words or waniing on each pack of cigarettes. <J wonder how tQMY smoker s read these words every lime they buy a pick? How many have never read the warning?) What it all comes down to, Mr. R., is that hundrOO, of thousands will suffer un- necessarily from heart disease, cancer of the'lungs and emphysema. They will prematurely close up their coronary Lifelines . They will "cough their lungs out." They will fight for the breath or life. All because they couldn't read? No. All because they wouldn't lislen.-BelhallkluJ you've quit smoking, Mr. R. It gives you a better chance to improve. DEAR DR. STEIN · CROHN: I have three children. Our boy, age 6, gE;ts car sick: th~\. others don't. ·He has ruineo many of our trips. We do"°'t scold him 'for it, but tsR~t there an)'tJJing we can do to prf:vent these .upsets? - Mrs .• U. COlllMENT: Call on his pediatrician ror he,p. He may prescribe weU·kno'l(n drop that help OVe.rf'0"1e this tendency to get sick. But the trouble may not. be all :10 the ·ear canal In· stability. I hav e known some youngsters with overlooked astigmatis m who were helped by glasses. Or by being temporarily blind· rolded on long trip~ to keep them from lo0kil}8: out at 1>0les. houses, trees and other scenic object• that or' dinarily strain Lhe Ctiltorted Vision o( some asligmaUc ipersons. ' ' DEAR DR . STEI N· CRDHN: ll began with one lump oo my forearm. Now I have many lumps on bpth arms and on my belly wall. They are the slie !JI small Marbles. They don't hurt. Is tt likely they may be can· !ftrous? I'm .too arrald Lo flndout. -Mrs. 0 . COMMENT: l can oncy 51 it is likely YO.JI are get· ng ratty tumors we call mas. They are not caa~ P,rous. I do not know how lo Pieve91thcm. Perhapa they wjll slop co ml•&· Leave It up to a d erm a tologlst·~ judgment. He will mal<e the di a gnosis a nd decide whether · they need lO be removed. ·- 7~ 4" NO-llOll DACION 54172" IUUCLOTll Beautiful Diicron pol'(ester Collon ldQ~ WUh :I'' ""'°" lace. Choice Of SOiid snadet. ,, CHOICE Of 12x24'' or 16x20'' •• j . ·1 ' : •• : •...• ..J. ' ,,,..,~ iJ,··~: . <-~,,. '• ,, ·" .\ . -~··· -• --·1' •• ...... -··-.. . •• tfJe -1~· 'BIG VALUE' ASSORTED CHRISTMAS CAIDS Charmcraff's big box Of .so cardl tome in nsorted si1es end _themes. Buy l'Kl¥f and save. ------: ... BIKE ACCESSORIES :. <::: .... 2.39 1 •9 C:.S ti I PENNSYLVANIA TENNISBAW Ruggfd, ~per tough nap lasts longtr o" asphalt. co"cr ete courts, U"ltorm size and -ight., :;:-79~ ::·54c :~·39c YAUJ.PLUS Ml. PLUMlll • YICl'S ~. IUG SHAMPOO ,DUIN OPDlll VAPO-RUI 'AllACIH TAILm VITAMIN E 100 1.U. Bottle of 100 capMJ le&. '~~~~~~~~~~ • 2.91 'llwlfty o.111Gf IUYOllD VITAMIN c 2SO ... lottWof250 ..•....... , ................. 1.tt o 3.91 Thrifty THll1'1UTIC-I COMPllX Wittl YnAMIN C, 100 C.,..I ..•...................... 2.17 , 2.79 TI!rifty VITAMIN .. ,, so.,..., 100 t.W.ts •......... 2.19 1 1.19ThriftyYITAMINA,10,000UNt, IOOtablets ........• Uc o 1.74 Tlulfty DICALCIUM PMOSPllATI, loottto 91 250 ...... 1.17 1 1.19 BOllRO 'HIGH POTIMCT t.COMPllX with llON, Botti• of 60 tH .. ts ...................... Uc r 30 ... 1ao l ~'® ~ l~i 'J.*. 109 SELF-ADHESIVE MAGIC COYER VINYL Assorl!d pal!er"s. A rolls of M!ll adhnlve vinyl tor draw. ers and shelves. SQUIBB 431 Reg. 7.16 THERAGRAN-M REG. 14.81 SCHICK MEN'S mLER/DRYER Hardy & powerful. QulcklV dries wtti1e lt bruShes, 9ivl"g hair a soft, full Ind natural.look. No. 336. No rub.:=no serUb.I tJn(togs drains IHI. 1,3.0t. Site. eona. °' 100~ Paci!. Ol lOc Stock up l 1s .01. lotion , ~.October23. 197' OAILY PILOT 8 I The T-shir t look In pr-ints and jacquards dod em . broid'1'ies tooo wilh everyday jeans. Choice ol 11sn- 1on colors in acr ylic or paly. esler and colton. Sizes small. medium or large. REG. 5.99 411 LADIES' POLYESTER DOUBLE llNIT PANTS 1"9'/'•/ Reg . 4.39 WESTCLOX BOLD II ELECTRIC ALARM Westclox's newest best seller - compact 2-15·16" high. sweep secOOd hand. • S.Jt Westcio .. Minikin Dlllil• E1tclrlc Alarm .. J.44 • 6.Jt Wtstclox Minlkln Drowse Diallte Alarm . . 4.44 CarlrlQge ol S DlldH . • Slte&tt-...... • Dt.;!1 • CiMolftllf Your 89C Choice . o IUDS IUTTllSCOTCM, ... ,, 125 ' CHlllS CANOY UlS. ... ,, 40 o MAlTllS .... of 40 o PIXT STIX CANOT ... of 91 • lllCMS CARAMELS. .. •f 101 o llllll'S CAllDY IOI.IS. a., of 101 • ANIMAL COOll:llS, I 4-01. 49c YtNr pet WU! love It! CostaMesa zn L 1111t st. 1406 w. llristel Fomllaln VaUey Mrp1l1 .. T.._. aro Ely..., et Roclifiold HuntincJton Beach tl61 Adalftt at lroold'a 1t Huntington Beach 21131 liachll•d.elA-., Costa t)4esa ZlOO-.tW'- •' Sa11la Ana l32Slristel.t-- Fomllaln v allty 16141 ti.llol .... '" Weslminster Wu-.ltt-et GoldH Wtll \ Huntinqton Berf tS llwA OCJl°" C"""'. Huntington Beach SlllW....,. i • • ' Moscow, Lake Placid Get '80 Olylllpic Games \'IE'.\\1\ t1\I '> .\!11 .. •o\1 Jnd l.:1\..l PL1 t·11l. ,\ \ , v.1·rt· ~ h11 .. 1•0 toda 1· l• ~la).!1· 1 h1• I !Jl':lll l JI~ 111 pit' ( i .1 rlH':. 1\:-1•xpt·rlt·1I. th1' ln1t·rn:1t1onal t>l 1 nq11t· Con1111ill1·1· c·ho .. 1• ~lu .. ro11 1n pr1·r1·1t•ut·1· t~1 l.o .. ,\11;.:t·l1·~ tlu· 111,11 1·0tnd1tl;1tr- l.al.1· l'la1·ul 11 .1 .. 1111· 0111 1 :1ppt1~·;1111 l'ur lh1•\\"1nll'I t •• nnv .. l.11r1I t\1lt!1n111 pt1• .. 1dv111 ut lh•· l(H'. CtrlllOllfll'l'(t !h<' 111·1·1 .. 11111., !11 lht• t'l"O\.\dt•<I n1.1111 1non1ol\11•1111:1·., ('1l) ll;1JI Jl1· II ;1" h,1tlilt·d :I ~l'J(l•i! !'ti '•·lope hi OJtl .11d1• 1111 l' 1t ''l"'ll !UHi ;111 llQUll<'f'll th .11 \l""I'"' 11.Hl IH·t·n t•h11 .. 1'1l f1H lh1• :0-.111111111'1 t;,1!Ht'" A11plaui;c brokr 4'lut :1n1I ptoph• '1111rn1t·d :irounrl lh(• llu:-lli:1 n 1lt'll·g:1t1nn with t•o11,1erululal1onll J\I :1,\ ur '1'0111 Hr11cllry of I .os AnJ:f'lrs, a 1; 111111 11 rormcr <111 :11'1Pr miler ;,111d ha:-1-.i ·lhall 1Jlaycr, 11u-.h1•d his "'av lhl'ou.:h.thc lhrons tostu1kc the hund:-. ur ! hl· ltussi:1ns. ,\:-lht• hubbul1 rlu-·d do.,.,•n. Kill-anHl ;u11111u1H·~·d lhut l.:1k(• Phtcid had betu ;ippr111·1·tl. tvo 111..· ~a~d lhl' vo11og \\'3.\ s1·crrt an1t no f1i.:ur1·:-. 110111<1 li1..· ,:i\'£'11 Uut on(' IOC ~nurr•• ~;ltd llH· ,·otinA "'as :19.32 for ~lo-.1·u1v u1·l·r Los Angclt·s. and 1111a111n111u:-. Ill I a 1·vr ur L<lkc l'lat'HI !\Tn~ro"''l' ''iclclr) \\1t!i ltw> <'hmax of six }'l'ars or :tl\.out e;un 1)ai g111n~. 'l'h1• So1·ii·t l';JJ.lllul urnl Los Angel-·:. both lolil out (nur ycur s :1i:o \\'hen ~1 ontr('al v. as t·hosen l'or the 1976Ga1nl's . 'l'hc ltussiani; hud i;tepped up thf'ir t·an1pai}£n in the last yt•ar, seeking the ()l ym1iit•s us the bigge~t event ror tht·ir na tional pret;lige .sinre lht• rt•\'Olut ion. Lo:. Angt·les. 1nca11whil{', pil.rhf'd ils (·:nnpaq.!ll in a lov.· key nnd plC'di:Cd In :.t:1ge ;,in Olyn1p1cs in tht> spirit or 111· lt·r11;1t1una l rru:ndship, emph11sizin)! that :.ill 1·isitors a nd press "'Ould ('njoy t'l1n,pl('ll' freedon1 in California. Pack Offer Too Good • To Refuse, Say Rams l-'ur the Los Angcl~s f!an1:-.. a ··1011 ;.: l1111t'" is 2·1 hours. \\'ilh lht· t•n1t•rJ.!l'IH'l' ol J:inu~s ll ar· ris as a bi g \1111111·1' 111 quarh•rbat•k1 n,i.: l.Qs Ang('h"' tu ;1 l11Jt-.1dt•d1·ietory 01·cr San t'ranc1s eo Sun1t:1y. 1!;11ns 011·nt'r Carroll Rost·nhloon1 11as ;1skt·d aboul ,·ctcran John l\:1dl. the All·pro hen· t•hcd lasl y,·eek ht•t·ause of a stuttering Hamsoffensf• Rosenbloom rallt·<t tht· 13·~l'ar 1iro ";t i,:rcal quurtt·rhaek" and :-.;ud ... \rt· t·xpccl John to h1· 11 1th u:-. for u long tin1t· " 1'h;it .,.,;1-. i\l11ndoi1 fin 'l\1t•sd:i1· shortly bC'fort• th t :'\FL trading d£•adlinc the l<ams unnount·t'd that ll adl. 11·hu lt•d thl' Hurns 10 the r\1Hional Foothall l'onfcrl'lll'c litle '\\'\th a 12·2 m:1rk la:.t :-.l'<tson, had been trad<'d tot ht• G r1·t·n l\;,1~· P;..ckcrs ror a parcel or drn fl 1·ho1t·~s . In relurn fo r IJ;1dL t h1• NFC l\1osl V:a lu able l'l;1\l'r l ;i ~t \'l'ar. Los- .Angele$ r <'cCil'C.d (irl'l'll ·Bay's first round pi cks in 1975 .:11111 J!l7t;, the Paekers' third round t'h1111·1· in 197."i ·8nd ·second round p1t'k 111 l\J;1: ;ind llaltimort•'s !'\o. 2 pick for 1~r;;, ;. Cotpridt'tllally. ll :1dl 11a:-r1•ll\(J\t'd ·a s a !ttartl'r ;irtL·r the Ham.-. 111•1 t· up- ¥t 17·6 by thl' Pat'kt•rs t11u Sund;1_\':. ago. It y,•as lht> Sl't'ond los:-. 1n f1\'t• games for a Los Angeles l('an1 lhal . Jiitored only 22 points in the I 11·0 games before l larris bec.;i.m e the ~tartcr. lladl, who v.·as unavailable for com· ment, has bct'n incffcrt11·c passing this season but Ln~i~ts his arm is JOHNHAOL Traded to Packers ,,ound. llc ha s nc1·t"r n11s~cd 11 game h<'l'UUSl' of i11j ur .v. Ill' 1oins ii Grt•t•tl Ila~· le:im that is 3.3 aftt•r .losing 1U·9 to ('hicago J\lon· day night and is lookini:! for something to boost its offense. 11·hich has SC'Or('d just thr('(' tourhdov.·ns in thc last 17 quarters. · "Green Bay came to us 11·1th an of· fer you can 'l re fuse." ll.ams J{encral m<1nagcr L>on Klosterman said when Superstars S\vapped Trade Shocks Murcer; Bonds Calls It Great SAN FRANC ISCO IAP I -Bobby Bonds, who begnn last bas('ball .season as Ille lop star and team leader of the San l-~rancisco Giants. had a onC·\\'Ol'd r eaction to his t rade to the J\'ev.• York \'ankecs: "Great. .. That Y.'as in contrast to Bobby J\l ur- vcr. obtained b.v the Giants for Bonds 111 Tuesday's intcrleaj!UC tr.11d1?. 1\tur· <'l'r said he ""'<l!i shn"""" .,,,,1 ,,;,..," Gal to l11 v ade Lock e r Roo1n · ChristHll' ~\,·anson , fir:.\ fl'n1 :il1..• sport:-; t•rl1t1H' nf 1hi• \'nl\l'r:-ity of \Va~h1ngtun IJail.\. intend:. In sC'orc auotht•r r1r:.I Saturtl;1~ by _going )nlfl th<' llu:-.\...~· dl'f':-.-.in~ ro<Hll 1n1n1t•d1;1\l'l.1• l ollo\1111~ thl' ,::1 mf' \\ 11 h {)rc~nn If sh1· d11t·.-.. :!:!~pound 1h·f1·n Siil' l.n·klt• f\11kl' firt·t'll of Pnr· 11:1nrt :.ays hL· 1-.n 't J!tl111~ In ht• h'>lht•rt•d h~ a \\11m;u1 standing 1n 1\ith lh1• t'f'~l or thl' :.port~ \\rlll'l'S for pn-.l ~an1e 1nlt·r· \'IL'\\':.. Tht• 11l\{'r111•1\ s or~ltnan11 arf' t•Jndurtl·d 11 hi ll' the 111:1\'('rs ;ire Ill \ .11 l(HI .. :-.L1J:t'' 11f undr\1:-.:., :.h1111t•t'lnJ.! ,111tl 1·h;nigu1g ln1111 ff~•1h:tll 1111!' 111\0 1h11ir :-.lrt·l•I l'lt1\h1•-. · l ht•l11·1·r :.ht• ~uid !>ht' \\'asn'I l.'•110,; !o h£· l·n1h.1rr:i:-~cd if 11(' 11+•r1•n't " (;rt•e n lnlrl n :-.1xirl· ,,1 ntl"r~· 111n c:l1 'l't1f':.(t:1y. "\\lrll, I l..nu1v I 'rn not J.!.Olll).! 1o I>\' l'nl• h.1rr.1~:-.ed . J'n1 111st goini; I j!el drl'~~rd :ind go hnn11·" pointed to leave ;1 ·rank<'CS cluh he hclic1•cs \\'ill bt' a dcfini te contender for the 1\meric;1n League pennant in 1975. Both outfielders arc 28. Both ha1·c pla~·cd six full seasons ror their clu bs and arc figuring in their first major le<1g:uc trad('. And both con1mand salaries in ext'ess of SI00,000. Bonds left Tuesday night for Nc1v ,.ork . lie 11·as fi shing "'hen his brother brought him the ncy,·s. "I'm dclis,htcd." Bonds said. "I kne\\· I 11·as J?oing to be trad('d. I just \1·i ~h they'd t raded me after u good Yl'ar instl•ad of this On('. I'm glad to be going lo ·a contender. I guess New 'Ynrk is lhl· only place to play basC'bal· I .. L~1st s('ason Boncls hit .256 11 .. tth 21 hornc runs. romparcd to 1973 -hi.c; Ill·-.\ scason -whC"n he hit .283, had 39 honte runs. dro1'1' in 96 runs and stoic ·I:! ll:1~e:-. :'ilurc•t•r :d~o f11ll off this year, hit · l111c .:!ii 1vith 111 honl('tS and 88 runs h,1!1t·d in rornpared with ;:a .304 :11 t'raµ,f'. :?2 hvn1crs an rt 9S r bi in 1973. Y;tnkt•l'S prt•sident l•abc l':iul said h1 ~ <·lull ncedt•fl spt'cd and a rii;ht·ha n· fit•d h11tt•r and J:!Ol that in Bonds. y,•h1 lc c:1:1n1~· prcsidl'nl llorare Stoneha m lik1·d ~111rcer anrl 1\•antt'd a lefl·han· dt•d hitter. Bonds :-;<i 1d , ··~I u rC't'r is one fi ne ba I· lplayl'r. Tht> c;iants ha\'e a lot of tnle11i ••nd .... ·on 't lose anything in the outf1t•1d by losi ng me." l)uring last ~t'i11'0 ll Bonds had some outs poken disagrt•cmcnts with nlanagt?r Charlie Fox and Fox' sue · r('ssnr. \Vcs \Ve strum. "'hu, hl' ~uid ··didn't 1vant l.n pli.iy rnc toward the end ·· ;1~kell :.i bout lhe trade ror lht> :t.t·year· old llatl l. "1\s c·arro ll Rosenbloom h;i s ;1h,·ays said . \\'e strive for continuity. 'l'hl:' dr:1ft choices leave us in excellent ~hap'"" \\'ith the choices, t he Rams no1v ha 1·t> three firs t round picks in the 19i.'> drart : ·rhei r O\\'n, Phila de l1>hia 's ;icquir£'d in last year's lrade that sent 11u;1rtcrback Ro man Gabriel to lht' Eagles. ;_i nd Green Bay's . l\loslel'man sai1l that llarr1s. thr rir:.l black to quarterbal'k the Hams, "t•crtain\y displayed all the ability and tal<'nl lo be a "'inning quartel'· back" y,•hen hf' thrc"' three tourh dO\\'n passes a nd ran ror another score in beating San }'r ancisco37· l'1. l ie admitted he was in a slun1p when he "'as benched. but said his throy,·ing arm. v.·hich needed special exercise treatments in the ofr.season. was not bother ing him. The t rade came so suddenly that a fe11· hours bli'fore it was announced. Rams coach Chuck Knox gave no hint of it during his weekly meeting 1\·ith reporters. l·le only said that Jla rris \\'ould be starting again this Sunday at Ne""' ''ork against the J ets. Knox m:i intaincd there v.·as nothin,:! Y.Tong 11·ith 11adl, but he y,•as stayin~ 11·ith llarris beC'ause his runninJ: ability he lped the Ran1 offense. Hadl, 6-feet·l and 214 110unds, com· plctcd 53 or 115 passes. 46.J percent. ror 680 yards a nd rive touchdo11·ns this !\Cason. Last year, he completed 52 percent a nd threw for 22\ouchdo~·ns. The balding Had!, a University of Kansas product, spent 11 seasons \\'ilh the San D!ego Chargers before the Rams acquired him for defcnsil'c end Coy Bacon and running back Bob 1'homas. lie has thrown ror 229 loue h· downs and more than 29,00J yards in hispro('areer. It ""'as the second time the Packers tried for •ladl. · \Vhi le he was still \\·ith San Diego the Packe rs discussed a trade but the Chargers asked for' more than Gree n Ray \\'&S "·i11in g to give up. 1'h(' Chargers re portedly soughl ti ght end Ric h l\tcGeorgc, gua rd Gale Gil· ·1in gha m a nd a No. I dr.11nchoil'('. In Green Bay, Dan Oel'inc, the Packer~ coa('h a nd general m anager, said he ~t ill pla nned to start J ack Con· tannon at quarterback this Sunday et.gainsl Detroi t in place of Jerry 1'ag· ge. "I in '"' ... ,.v w~nl In m.ikf' .Jerrv th~ scapegoat ro·r the 1losi; to ~icago;"'' Devine said before the trade for •lad! \\'as annount·cd. Another Injury For Trojans . I.OS A'.'iGEl.F.S (A P) -Southl'rn (;ar s orfe11Si\'e line is 'a Red Cl'nS~ c<1se a,i.:ain. a~~cnach John l\lc!\:1y pencil s in a con\'ertcd linebacker named l\l elvin Jackson at weakside I :1<"k l<'. '"rhis is our 477th line chani;l'." larncnted ri.tel\ ay Tuesday. 1\:-> thl' Tt'OJil ll !i prepared for Oregon Stall' Saturda y in !\1e1nuria l t.:oli scun1, fl1 e f\av said .Jackson. origlnally a lineb':;ckcr "'ho "·ork('d l;1 st ""'eek as a sccvnd string guard, has b('1•n mo1·f'd to liill Knutson·:- lii ckle sput. Another t ackle, !\1 ike Cordell. suf· fered hruis('d ribs at Oregon Satur· day. llis status was questionable. i\l1·Kay said that he hasnl planned lo n1ake Anthony Davis the workhorse I hat 0 .. J. Sin1pso n WIS at USC. J)avis t'arricd the ba ll 38 times a ga ins t, ()r<'gon. Ills 12:J L•or ries arc 89 nlorc lh<i n 11ny other Trojans b:ick. llradll',\' ;111d tu:. aides :-:hook hun<l ~ 111th 11nt• Hu :-.~1<111 off1t•i;d aflt•r :111otl1l'r . 'Th:1t IS I he sp1r1t or lhl' Olyn11tics ... :.an\ Los Ani.:1·h•s (•ity roun1·1l11l<1n l)on;,i ld !). l.u1't't1Zt'n ·"flll'l'l' (•t>ultl onl~ b<• one \I i11n1·r. \\'t• y,·ert• jll\'t•n u fair hP:1ri11i.:. :111d 11'l' think "'c t•undul'tetl our l'aSl' rorrl·t• lly. "\Ve sl ill lhink 1hl' C>l yn1pu·:-. ar1• 111 ~!anger o r IJt•ing O\t'l'\\'h('hlll.'d h~· i.:i&;111t1sn1. and "'1· 111•rf' right 10 plo.111 l11rthe111 on •1u1t•lt•r line,;,'' 'J'l1t· l.ak•· l'l:u·id tl·a1n . althouich \ 11·1u;1lly t'l'rt;nn u( Stl('l'l'S:' :'il1 ('1' lht>y r - I • • -' had nfl riv;il cantl 11l;1lt'. :uhnillt'd tht·.1 h·lt 1'f'1it·1·1•<\ 11·hen I\ 111:111111 a11not11H·cd I ht• rt·sult oft ht• 1 u1111 J,! "Aftt•t' all , 11·t· t·oultl not ht• su1·c"" ~:1id !'it•n11tor Bonnld St:iff.1rrl. Ont' ot till' l.:ikt• l'lat·hl ~t t•ll'{!al 1un. '1 'hC1't' ha~ h(•('n a lot uf talk iu lhc IOl' of :.1·r:1ppi11 ~ tlh' \\'int(•I' Olyn1pit•s ;11l11µ1·th1..•r, ;11HI 1\'t' bt'l out to t't1111·in tf' lht• l'Ollllll'ilh'\~ !hat \\'(' ('OUld l'Ull lilt' t:;1illl'S \\"t•ll." .l ;irk ()'Shea." thiu hlc IJ0\11 llll'tlali.-.1. 111 ~pt•t•d skatln~ \l'ht•11 lht• \\linlt'I' (;;•llll'S \\'f'l'I' las\ hl•ltl in l.;1kt• Placid 111 l!l:t2. s;.ud bL·l1\'£'en IO 1nul 1:! 111Hlion ' U~ T"""'91• l\.1ISSES REBOUND -t'ormer UCLA star Bill \Va llon (32), no\v \1'ith the Portland Trailblazers of the NBA . misses a rebound during action "'ilh Golden State Tuesday .ni ght. \Vallon scored 15 points in a IOi · 106 Yictory. 1ff11ria11gh Seco11d Alston Runaway Pick As NL's Top Manager NF.\V ''ORK (A f') -\Valter Alston, lhe l.os An geles Dodf(ers' unflappable - g('n('ral. "'as named The Associated Pr('ss· National League ~l.11nager of the Year today. The stoic Alston, \\·ho guided the Dod gers lo the National League pen· nant this season for the se\'cnlh time in his 2l ·year liig league career, won 111 a rout. Alston outscored Danny ~1urlaugh. manager of lhe fll,alional League East chan1pion Pitts burgh Pirates, 290 votes to 87. Voling by the nation's sports writers a nd broadcasters took place prior to lhc league's playoffs. H.ed Schocndiensl. whos(' St. Louis C:irdinals battled Pittsburgh down to the end for the ~ast titl e, finished third in the hal lot ing with 26 volt's. Fin ishing behind the top lhrce were. l)anny ()z;1rk of lhc Philadelphia Phil· lies \\•ilh s ix \Oles; Atla nta's CJyde King y,•ith lhrcl' and C inci nn ati'~ Sparky Anderson 11·ith t1vo. Al ston took <t r~lat i\·c l y young team to the heighls this year. It .,.,·as his ten- der. lo\'ini,: rare that made champions out or the IJodgers. ··1 kno11• tho.Jt tht• players have r nough to think about on the field. so I t ry nol tu gi1·c lhcm too nlany 1i1·ohlcms in tht' rluhhou:-.c."· says the c·;.i sy·!:Oing Alston Known as a suprrh handler or men. Al~lon 's tc1npcrccl prrsonality g.11vc the l)odgcrs 11uict confidence throughout the tough National Lc;1 guc \V.ss t battle with the Cincinnali Reds. If! m odern t.{'rminology, Al ston kept the Dodgers ship ··rocking steady.·· Once a sked his philoso1>hy, lhc dean of major league m anagers noted : "I pat most everybody on I.he: back and kick lhe rarC' ones that. need to hr kicked." WALTER ALSTON NL Man11 gerot Yea r Calm on the surfaC<', the Dodgers ' quiet man insists that it is somcllmes a camoufl ;_igt_o for mor(' intense fl'elings. "People don •t know 11·hat 's going on ins ic_h·." Alston says. "l.ife isn't easy." Alston wns horn in llamillon, Ohio. 62 years :1go :ind onre .... ·orked a s a hi J.!h school hus ketball coarh and •science tcucher, lie e ntered t he· l>od gcrs orj!nnizutlon "'ilh their Tren· I.on. N.J ., lean\ and ;1lso m~na ged a t f\'lontrca t before being: na me d the J)oclgcrs fie ld bo ss rurthe 195'1 season. l\l stun si Rncd :1 onc·yt:ur contract thal S(':J son , 11 nrl uniquely has kCpl up th1· pattern throul-!hvut his glamorous 1\11ll:1rs 1r1ll li:1\ l' lo Ix• ~l>\'111 on 1111 · J)fll\'tni; I ariht 11·~ St:1frord pll·•lct·1 I' "\\'r \\ 111 makt' th1• Ol\·1npi1· 1 i ;11111·~ a :-.1111pll·. t rlt>ndl~· l'' l'lll 'in :t 111uu nl ;i i11 ronununil~ . "Of ('OUfSt'. \\t! :irl' tlt•li Ahled 1111h th1• rt•sult. \Vt• ha1 ,. put 111 a lot ol 1101·1;. but \1(' rl.-';tl1..:f· \\'(' IHl\'t' a tot Tlltl\'t' \\ ork :ilH':HI of llS 111 thl' llt•XI ~1, .1(•;.1rs:· 'l'h(' l:1sl l i11n· lht· \\li11t1•1· OJ.1·m111t·s 11t"l'L' st:H,~<'ll in th1..· Unitf'cl Stutts 11·a:-. 111 191.iO in Squ;111· V;1ltt'.1 . t:;1lir. ·r11, . 1Jnitt:tl St:llt'S has not hostt•ct th1• S11111 1ncr ()lyn1pil'S Sllll'l' Los Angl'l1·~ stag('d tht•n1 in 1 ~:I~. Kings Fall To.Flyers; QB'frade LOS ANl:t~LE S -J)ef1·n ~t>n1;111 i\n dre Dupont lil astcd a 3.'>·foot shot at 5 :08 of lhe finnl pt•riod. i;:i\·ing l'hiladelphir.i the "'inning go;il in a 4·:? National Jlockey LcagUl' 1·irto1·y over the Los Ange les Kings 'J'u('sday night. It "·as the first lnss ror Los An geles after three victorit's and thrff ties. ·rhe Stanley Cup champion .,,Iyer~. \vho lost to Los Angeles at thc start o( the season. domin<.ilt>d the gaml'. 'l'h('y fired 4-t !ihots at Kings ~oalir Gary Edy,•ards. 11·hile !ht' Kini.::. n1ana~ed only 26 :-;hots. Bob Ne1•in i;:ot the Kings off to a I ·O lead at 6:42 of ihl' opcninJ;? pt·riod on 01 po11·er play gual \I ith a bac·khand(•c:I s hot frotn 10 feet nul t o beo.Jl J>hiladclphia ~oalie Bernie Parent. Philadclphi;.i came ba ck to tic it t110 minutes later on a 15·footcr by Orcst Kindrachuk. The Kings pulled ahend 2·1 in the second period on Don Kozak's shot fro m 25 (eel out up the middlc>. ,uor1011 TrndPd DAl~LA S -Quarterback Cr:1ig ~torton , a IO·yl•ar Vl'tcran for the Dal · las Cowboys of the National Football League, got his wish 'fuci;day and "·as trad('d to the Nt>1v ''ork Giants. "'hO in turn shipped \'Cteran Norm Snead lo the San Franc is co <l!k:>rs . The Giants ga1·c up their No. I pick in the 1975 Nationa l FOOtball League draft for Morton a nd \\'ill get two tli gh draft choices, one for 1975 a nd the other for 1976. from San Francisco in exehange forSncad. ·Reed to Lions SAN FRANCISCO -San 1-~rancisco 49er s quarterback Joe Reed was tradcd to the Detroit Lions Tuesday to make room for New 'i'ork Giants sic· nal ca\l('r Norm Snead. Reed. a n 11 th" round draft choice from !\t isslssippi Stale in 1971. started the fi rst three l'cgular season games with the 49ers but has bet n lnerrec- tive. C.dpTrnded KANSAS CITY -The Kansas City Chiefs traded Curley Culp and a No. 1 draft choice to the llouston Oilers for .John l\latuszak Tuesday. Both Culp :.ind J\I atuszak arc def en· :-1ivetackles. Culp and l\I a tu ~zak both have sir,;· ncd contracts \Vith the \\'orld Fool· ball Lcagut', Culp \\'it h the Southern California Sun and l\latu:.zak 1vilh the Shrcveoort Steamer. Ashe ()p sPI TE•IRAN. Iran -American Arthur Ashe, S('cded SC \'Cnth. \\'US upset. 1·6, 6·7 by Andre\\' Pattison or llhoclesia in the second r ound of the SI00,000 Aryamehr pro tournament Tuesday. Brian Gottfried beat ('ighth·seedcd Jan Kodes of Czechoslovakia, 2·6, 6·4. 7.5 in another sccond·round match. In other second·round maicht>s , Bjorn Borg, S1\'edcn, beat Anand Amritraj. India, li·<I. 1·G: Raul Ramirez. J\lexico, toppled Jou11uin Loyo.J\layo. t\1exico. 6-1; 6·1: Eddie llibbs ousted i-:ziat Nemali, Iran, 6· I, 7·5: Jaim e l-'il1nl , Chile, do\vncd Shir· 1ad Akbari, Iran. 6·3, fi-1: Vijay Am· triraj, I ndia, eliminated Ja iro \:e1.11sco, Colombia, 64. 3·6, 6·11 : J uatl 'Gisberl. Spain. d efeated J . f\)rl, 7·5, 6-4: Tom Okker . Netherlands, beat, P<1trice Dominguez. France.1; 2, i (,, l'iPJ>Pr IJi••• CJllCACiO Pat Pieper. the Chicago Cuhs· 1>ub lit· uddrt"ss announ- <'Cr from the time \\lrl~lcy Field ~·;15 bui lt in 1916, died 1'ucsdet.y. llewas88. Pieper, the only ~nnoui-.ccr the Cub~ ever had, fi rst wurkt:d fo r the Cubs oi!i a pea11ut vcn1lor in l~J.l . • Ii i ~ v1iicc wus familiar I~ ('hicaJ;oans ns 1hc one thnt 11nnounrcd lhc s turtinJ.( lin1•·11ps ;JI the bc~gi nning of Cubs' g:1ml':" <ti\(\ intr11du(.'.ed lhc players as th(!Y came 10 bat. Sun Bids for 8th Straig4t Win l':tr<•c•r. "(ln('·)c<.1r contr;1ct:-arc 11 m~ttcrof 11rllll' "ilh n1 (·,·· Al:-.ton suys . ''I y,·ouifln't \\'ant lo 11•ork 11nywherl• 11·hert· I '>'':isn'l 11•;1n1cd.'' Officials at American llospil<il i-.tud Pieper. who was hosp1tali1.cd ahou! ;J \\Ct•k 11~0. died of hcnrt diseast. llis per~on;:i l phyllici<Jn added that "dealt\ was mainly due lo adv;inced ag('." Alston·s ac"1~ompllshmenl stamps q• -. The \\'oriel J-'001tJall Lf':lS(U t' :i- lt!adin~ pass('r.c; ar1· matrht><I ton11:h1 '''~ll Tony Adanls ll':id~ th(' Soulh1'rt1 Ca l 1forn1a Son "'gn1n:-L lh1· Phlladl'lphia Hell :ind Kin)! t'ort·oran "' The .:~1n1c kn•ks off at !I o'clocJ.. a1 i\n:;ihl'llll Studiun1, :incl lhl• I:? I Sun, t•hamp1r111 or thr \\'"'trrn f)l\l"!flll !'\~Ck.I\ it,. l'l~hlh t'Ofl1'('C1H II c \ 1rf11r j an1l IOlh in It ~ ltt'(I 11 ~•ar!.; • 1'ho Oc ll. 6·10. ha~ 10.-.1 t11r•·l' 111 ,, row. 1nf l11dinl,l ;i :'IO·i?S 'i'.<.'tbac·J.. :,~·"""' - ~hrc1('por1 l:t~l v.·rrl.:. lht' lcam 's 'l\lh rlf'rcat by !('S ~ than a tout·hdo\\n. l)lll' of them "'a.') th1• 31 21'1 lo:-.-. to the ~·n l:i1ol i\uau1il 111 Ph1lndt•lphi;t. \d.1111-.. :. rookif' fron1 Utah ~ta1r. pa -.-.t:ll lor 316 ynrds in a 29 25 \ 1ctory 1111•r fl lrn1inl[h:1n1 la:tl 11'ef'k lh:i1 rnablrd th€• Sun to rlu1c·h the d11·1sio11 .Utlt· lie hus conq.ilctcd i2G of 106 l)U· ,,., fur :l,:?lti yard'<. n1ovin g aht"A<I of { 'ort11ra n ':-. J.002 )'a rds 1111 23!. or t l'.I 'rh.-fl111nboyant <.:ort'or11n d1rcl·t~ a ' rar.1.le·daiilc ofrense ror roach Ron \\lallt"r's Bell, whose main iA'eaoon on the .:round i~ John J • .and. 8e$ides cat· thing 5.1 passts to lead the te am, tie nccd~ only i9 y:irds to g3ln 1,000 ror the season. Adllnls h:is throv.'n 21 touchdown paii!'eS. anti his hackup man, Gary V<ilbuena of Fountain Valle)', hus ud (}('ri i;ix more. ltunninj( bat•k .l~rncs ftlci\hs lcr u<I~ lhc.Sou1hcrn.<::1I receivers w11h I 57 C'lllche~. ~e\·en more than \\·Ide reteiver L>ovc \Vlll1arns. \\'ho ha.~ takt!ll nine or his for touchdowns. lkr llarris has cauj:thl ·Iii passes and Kr.r· mil Jotln..,on . \hr lr:im'!' lradinc rustler wllh 815 )'arcls, has gr<1hbcd '10 oaerlal s. Dcspitf' lhe fh1ll ':. fi·IO r('cnrrl. it t'I i-lill in !ht• running for u plarorr her1h undertht' \VFL'~ t~partdtd plan to in r ludc l'ijihl o! Ille 111 •JpcratinJ; lc<im~ in IKISt·!ICli!oO/l j(anl!,,')I. him as one ur the most sutc~~ful tnfts fo J-r•~f s . manai:i;er.; of 1111 timC. Only two m('n--,J.>JTTSBURGJI -The P1tl&burgtt have manap;cd one team longer than ~1rates hnvc ~r aded rc~c,rvc out· Alston has. Connie !\tock managed so fielder Gene Clines to the New York years '>''tlh lht' Philadclphiu Athletics !\fclc; ror catehcr Durfy Dyfr. ;1od John l\.1c(.°raw had 31 years with lh<' Nrw York Gi:ints. Alston has won (our \Vorld t.:ham· 11u1n.-.hip1'. :1 real sur1>a~cd io the 1>;<1ml· h,v only thr~·t• other manaJtcrs. And only ruur mana1:tcrs in lhc history of ma.ior ll'llJ:Ut' 1Ja.11e:bul l hitve y,·on 111orc p1•n nanL-.. ----· Sl...:k (}t1dP<"i d <'d . SEATTtt: -Pitching coach \\'c!ii S1ock of the \Vorld Champion Oakland ;\'s has been ofh:rcd :t new lwo·yer1r contruct but ~u~·s he \\'hn'I makf' a decision on the nrfcr bcro1'\! next rnnn- th. \; - - ' Diahlos' Schmidt Tars' Backfield Gets Boost Holland , 'l.l!ldntsday, October 23, 197,. DAill Y PILO t 8:1 '· Returns Steve Fol ey will relLrnlo last week 's 17 -lu vi ctory hCtd a JJ .:J t'd j'.:.c •1t1d las l dl·l'c·nse in t·onla1ning \\'v:-.l· full dut y f"riday night and over l...os Alamitos hut it I week lA:1S Al un1 itos \v('nt 111 nunst('I' and V.l''lt h~11,~·-10 that may be an ominous wus. an Important carry. lie (ront 10·0 in the r1rst c1uur· pl :1.v rootball to\\'ln. ·· warning to ~1urina's scored the winning touch· ter. 'l'hc 'l'a rs 1H1lh·d lht• l'iz?.i t':t sa .vs he 11ill 11.~1· surging Vik ings when they down on a Lwo·yard scam· Edison ~;un e (JUI. 17·lG, un d lhc s;11nc st~1rlini! lineups tani;le with Newport J-ta r· per. won ove r Los Al, 17·10. :n.::11nst the V1 k111~s :.is l:1st Ahssion Vi ejo lligh foot · borinSunselLeague4Jction One th ing Pizzica isn't llow docs Pizi ic<.1 look :.it \\'•·Pk . ball coach John fl,1urio is on the We5t nlinster 1-fi gh looking for lhis week is a J\l arinn.a tcum thath1.1sal · ·rhis m(•:.tns lhal Briun taking his usual stand when field. third str:.dght pe rformance l·I record inc ludi n~ :.i 7·7 tu.: 'l'h cr1ot "'Ill get the c<ill :it di scussing his team's next F'olcy still won't start at where his team has to como v•:ith\Vt?strninstcr ·! tailback :.1fter ~uininc l:'iG opponent-that is he 's fin · tailback for coach Dill Piz·. back front a lO·point dericit. '"rhey did a Hnu joh last vards ;if::_iinst tu:-. /\lamitn.,, ding it difhcult to believe ziea 's Newport ·rars but. "\Vti 've s potted sornc \Yt.'f!k," Pi;:zic<J says, "'J'h1·y ;l'ofn lh1zJcas. the mi~ht r· hi s Diablos will be able to he's r eady to plpy, lle's. people 10 f}(lints and come hnve some people ha ck :if· n11tc1 of thf' ·r:ir~ ha<·kfil'ld survive. coming orr an ankle injury, b:.i ck but that is n't very ter being injured und thl'y ;it 110 pounds. \viii star! <1t . D~s pite l\turio 's pes'. sutfcredtwoweeksago. smart footllall," Pizzica looktomelikcthcy havl·<• fl:ink<·r or th t> up·ha <·k s1m1sm, the Diablos are says. ''\Ve\·e 1nade some little conridt'n<·c 1n thcrn IH1S1tiu n. Iii· i.::11 ru:d 101 favored to m<ike University The husky tailback car· remarkablecomcb<.icks." sclvcs rightnov.·. )<il'd:-. 111 f1v1· 1':11·1·11·:-\:i:jl their fifth win in six starts riedonetimcfortheTars in 'J\\'O \\'Ccks ngo, Edi..;on "They did ;1 t'itl" Jl>h 011 v.l!t'k , and a second South Coast ----------------------- JJeague victory . The key to l\1ission Viejo's offensc-quartcrhac:k f)ave St:hn1iclt -fi gures to play for the Di;iblos fo~riday night ut Tu:-.tin lli~h aftl!r missing l;i sl week 's 7·6 win over Laguna Bc arh. Edison Cautious "I kno\v one lhini::: £or sure ... allows i\l urio ... ,ve·n Over Foe : thro\1' more than the past . I': couple of \.\'Cc ks .. , ----.Alission \lie-j0--gaint\d-30--r-unn.y-w.h al .~a wock..'.s 1..., . Yards in lhe <iir against results can do for a guy's f ·.t;; La guna Bc<ich . outlook on life . As for Uni1•crsi ty. '.\lurio Edison ll igb footba ll says, "Looking: at Univ('r· coach Bill \Vorkman's per- sity Qn 'paper , I don't see spective has taken a drastic how we c:ui heal them. Jt 's change £or the positive fol· <'Xtremt'ly bi g, strong and lowtn-g-hi S team 's 36 ·7 fa st in the backfield ." thrashing of Loara, coupled San Clemente s hut with Sunset League leader University off "'ith an 8·0 Westminster's 7·7 lie \.\'ilh t riumph, but ~1urio says Marina last week. BRIAN HESTER San Clemente did an out· Now it's Los Alamitos TWO•Way Stars standing defensive job, kept looming Thursday night 'at Univers ity in ha d field \Vcstern Jl igh for the ------------- JIM POETIGEN pos ition and ht1d some Edison Chargers, who are breaks. back in the thick of the race Universit y h:i s thri,·ed on for the title with a 1-1-1 the running game as much record only one game off as J\tission Viejo h<1s relied the pace. . on passing. \Vo i-k man, however, is ex · Poettgen, Hester Don't Fit Mold "Uni versity isn"t thatbad ceplionally cautious for a in the passing game," says coach sending his team t.furio. '"It 's just that they ag8instal·2 club. don't try. 1\nd knO\.\'in g their "It's hard to believe Los By CRAIG SIJEFI-' Poettgcn \vou ld likl· to situation with the running A1 is only 1-2," says Work-OftMo.i1,·ill1ots1," play in the· Pacific-8 and 1s gamelcan sce'v.·hy. man, "until you see who It Jim Poettgen and Brian even think ing about pl'o "We hope to pl~y a be!ler ha~ played.,_ . Hesi.er are rare in today's football. \v hile !lester "'*·\·' game than \Ve did against ·And their tackle Jim mold of the college football ~e's more int e rested u1 Lagun<i Beach. bul \\·edon't Main (6·4, 240) has to be the player baseball. ex.~ct to do much d_ifferent. be st tackle ~n high school So p ito more s at Sad-'"I'd like to bi.: ~\ ll·~lis..;1un . La ~una Beach 1s ~lle_r rootb~ll. lie s superb ~nd dleback College, the t\.\-"O are Con fc r L· n c 1· :i g a 1 n l h 1:; r than. some people. give 1t ce!'1~1nly cap.able of mak ing rated as excellent defensive year:· ~ays Pncttgcn. ";ind credit; Laguna ,.,,hipped us USC s traveling squad as a back s by h.ead coach All.,.\mcric:1n 11 I e<111. ,\11t1 and. I ''.~ told .our pc?ple, I fr~~hman. , , c;e-0rge liartman-:inda!so J"cl like tu set u~ \rin the don.l ~ant lhat to happen . \Ve aren t,. ho\l.ever. arc t\.\'O Of the better wide conference :1 n<I ~o tu !11\' again. . _ going to S:J:Y h~ s so good v:c receivers in the l'il ission state playoff,. Brad ~11\:;1 (20.01. 1·c_turns can't run 1n his area. We H Conference. "'.\'l y long r:1n gc go:1l 1:-1 111 to the ?.1 1ss1on Vt~)~ lineup give it a. tr~. but yes. the )'es, that's right, they go play pro root hall and I "<1 likt• at tackle_ af~e~. 01:1s.s1n~ two other,?pt1on 1s run the other both ways. . to go to ;1 Par-K sehool. but if gamesw1th a1 1b 1nJUrj. way. , Pocttgcnis lhcGauchos ' I 'm not nff L·rcd a But. he replac~s Jeff .Workman is als.o w!ry of leading candidate for All· ~cholars.hip 1·u ILk~e t.o play Roletll (180). wh~ •.s h<im-quarterback Craig Cham-America honors. 1n the Southern ~alifornia percdbyanelbow1n1ury. berlain. "ije pl~yed quar-tic 's Saddleback's <.i rea orlhestalc. says the ter~ack and 11n eb.~c ker leading receiver this season • 5·11, 160 .. ~ounder. No Oumge In Plans -Schaff against us last year, says with 26catchesfor378yards l-lcstc1 (5 ·11 . 180 1. the Workman. "I-le only ca~c and five touc hdowns. He Ga'-!chus' second baseman out for a couple p~ays. II~ s al so has five intcreeplions·, rtur1n~ the bas~b;ll I .season, ;i very hard k1d to 1n-nne J?:oing for a TD. i\nd the doesn t know 1f he II pl.ay timidate. ''. _ former J\fater Dt'i High f~_tba l_I r;iext season. The Edison coach_ is e~· standout needs j ust one I lik e baseball b~lll·r· tremely pleased with his mort•pass th.efttobreakthe than footbal l, probably qua F-le r ba ck-Nathan because J 've played baseball Chi ng. "Chi ng's r unning Saddlebackcareerrecordor all m,v li fe. I \1·ou!d take a \vas superb. ag~in st Lo~ra 13ttester is Just as ''ersJtUe :-.chol<1r:-1~i.P .in !iase ball over andhls pass~ng1s beeom1~g, as Poettgen, although the foot ~ul l 11 1! 1s offl'l'cd Ir) mor~ eff~et1ve due to his latter has a big statistical me . . . . runn1_ng.' sa)'~ \\'orkman. edge . A \t i I I a park Hu1 n~ither is th1n~111 :..: \Vhen de <i ling ,.,.ith ;1 Edison conttnucs to ~~ke graduate, !lester has two that rar 1n. the future.r1~1.1~ yo ung football team loo many errors. hO\\e,er. interreptions a nd has 110\V. The ir thoughts .~r~ mistakes o.irc so mething 1\~·o tour hdo'v.ns and n t\1,10-caught three passes this gc_::ired tov.·ard 11_1e ~aucho~ whirh can usually be expec· ~.int conversion \\'ere nul· season. mid .season _ l\'1 1ss_1on Cnn- t d . hficd due to a!1other out-I-lester <1:lso plaet•·kirks fercnce. crucial ~1th Gl'Os • eT.obesurf'.SanClemente break of penalties, a facet ror the Gaurhos. lle's al-smonlSaturday n1ght . Jlighhaditsshareuntillast that has . b urn ed ~hetem1JtedlJPATswithouta \veek when the Tri ton~ etiargers time after time miss ;ind also has field Secondary Gets Test -Boswell , Fri<l:-.y nii,:ht 's h:ickyard hr;.l \\'l bet,vcen \Ve:;lminstl'r llig h's Lions and 1-~ounl aiu \':il l('y 's Huruns ;it Clrange Co:ist Co ll ege figurt·s lo h1.· of n1onum1•nlal importanc1• in lhc desllny of scYc-ral Sunset League football teams. And \veslminster coach Hill Bos"'ell says his squad is not onl y aware or the situation. it's a lso been brought back .to earth fol· lo\vlng it,..., 7.7 lie \Vilh Marina . ~ "[ have not hcen VL'I)' pli•a:-.cLl. ·· says the I.ions ho:-.~. 11 ho :utn1its that. mrs· :-.age i~ ;in underst aten1ent ··(Jur offense j ust rum pletely fad<!d 1vith one gu~• ;ift('r ;inothl'r n1ak1n~ mt•n tal errors. 1\n<t \VC 1at1i:ed cnlhusi:ism for i\'larina ·· \Ve slminsl<'r 's secon1lar.v ha s prove n tou,gh through the first fi\'c weeks of the 19"'14 campaign. hut Boswel l says it 'II get an arid test this week. "\Vith Chris Dove 1n llH•rt· :1t t1u a rt c r·hark . ·· s a ys Bos\l.'<'ll.-'"f"o untain \'al ley h;is gonu to Lhc pass in~ i.:a n1e ~13 I irncs in fotit" j.!ames. and \Gofthose h:.1\'P bt'en dr:111' play:;. '"l"ountain \l;t!lc) 1, ;, lhrowing hall club "'ilb more passing and dra"·s than ;inyone \.\'e'vt• seen this year. .. Yet t hey still have people li ke Steve Thomp· son, ~Iitch Chambers and Dave Kruet7.cr in the run- ning game. "Our sccondarv ha::; bt•en one of our better ·points. but we'll be tested this timC', I hat's fol' sure. ''1'"oun 1ain Val le y's defense 1s ;1 problem, 1.00. They tun :i slant Okie and huve cx tremell''' quick l~f­ poun dl'rs rnaming 111> :.1nii dO\\"ll the line with a Aood \inebarkc r in Jerry Gi'Ull· dy e· Offensive gems for Wl'S1 - minster to date have been runnin g back r>cn ni s Boswell. quarterb;il'k 'l'inl Det.1ase and rcce irtr 1'onv l\.Iaddocks. · posted a shocking 8·0 win thcpasttwo seasons. goals or 26 and 20 yards oYer University. One of the --the latter coming in the n1ain reasons for the upsf't fi nal seconds to beat S:.ll \\"aS the racl that San Est"anc1·a D\egoCCnearly four\veeks Saddlehack To Face Clemente had very fe\v ago. mistakes. Allhoui;h the pair a re Coach Allie Schaff will be ideJ'ltical in style on the foot· looking for another error· E • ball fil'ld . their per· ff('e performan ce Friday xpectmg sonalities a rc a great deal _ night v.·hen lhc 'l'ritons take different. on El Toro 1n u 7:3U South ' "llester is very quiet." Coast Lea cue ea me at ~lis-says l-f:1rtman. "He won't sion Viejo lligh. Wild . Tilt say 20 \11ords during prac-.. \\l e'l\ br in ttbO\'(' our tice. And Poettgcn is just h<'ads again ." !'Stys Schaff. the opposite ... sometimes "HO\\'C\''°r , if 11·e do11 ·1. make it's hard to shut him up." any major mis lakes and Thursda y nighl 's Century The Gauchos coach rntes pluy like \\"C did against League Co0tball game bet· Pocttgen n<•arty on a par Uni\"e rsi ly , .\\"C ha\·e a ~ \.\'Cen Estancia Hi gh and El with Jludy llolmes. an All· l'hancefnranothcr1\·in.·· r.JOOena 1-lii;:h at El ?.foclena Ameri can al Saddleback a Schaff fl•el~ Unl\'erslty could well he billed as a few years ago ,.,.ho is now and E l 1'oro arc ,.l'ry s tudy in o ffen s ive for · \vit htheAtlanta fo~alcons. similar and tht• Tr\tons \\"111 n1ations. ''Poettgc·n and Jl olmcs carry a11 ld l•ntlcaL gan1e Estancia is 1·1·1 In circuit arc about in the san1e class, p\an int0Frlday 'sgan1e .. action. but a win over El but I think Holn1es might "\\l e hav e to s top El fl,lodena (3·0)wouldputthc have an cdJ;to," says the Toro's l'unning: gain(' just Eagles back 'In t he thick of Gnuchos coach. like \\'C <1i<I a guin ~t l Jnirer· the race. Hester's vcr~atili1 y lakes sit y .·· :-a ~·s ~('hafr . ··1r CoachKenKiefcrhnshnd n back seal tu 110 olhl'r rJ ;1r irl Oomi11guC's. ~1.a1·k his ~agl es running out of a Gnuchos play1•r'. f'ajt11n and Pondo Vl c1s1dcs unique rormation all yeur "lle's the best ~il l-round dC'f<'llSC th1• run this "·eek as and his lntest innovation is Player we h:ive. He can also ,,·ell as the~· rtirt against s ure to have opposing pl :1y linebacker. quarter· LTni\·ersit~·. \\"C 'll pl'obably coaches baffled. back pnd tight end. lie can be in the ~H1n1 c. Kiefer feels he has an ex· play anything. He's one or Sun C\C'1n enlc :iguin \\ill eel lent center in Brad the most ronsistent fool ball be girinJ! t1\1·ay plcnt~· o( Green. Green completC'IY player!i \vc·v~ evct' had," )(l:te. but it t'lidn 'l Sl'<'m lo upset Corona del r.t at"S• sa\'S llt11·tm:111. mutlt'l' ngnlost Un i\"l'1·sity. d ~fc ns lvc s trategy last :.And he's as good a Schaff reels the 1'ritons week when hl• wns found strong safety (IS we've !?\'Cl' niust 11top Chuck V:n1 Lie"·· pulling nnd leuding several hnd. \\'ho i~ big :ind hn1·d to bring pl:iys. "Rofh llei.tcr 11n<l Poet· do"·n. El ~1odena, however, hos tgcn u1·e out~t;_1ncting t·ol· Schaf( points (Htl th;1l El its O\Vn irtea11 on dar,1.ling the legc p1'0!'lpeets. but I <lon't 'r<11·0 lik('s loll() n\01 '(' ,.tun· apposition. Ahr:ul of'l'ustin. think lht!Y'l't! bht enou~h to 1lnjtondeft'nt1:e th:inUni\'el'• 27·0. in the fourth quarter. pl ay \on a major college' si11-. Led b~· Hu111t~· J\ti11111s. tht Vanguards went Into • level, 'says ~lartman. "·ho pirkel'I u11 .10'1 ~·urd!I on punt formation und rAn H1c J:1"0t•n1t. San (.'\l•n1enle pln:vs from ii .. Kiefer admit· "~·~ abll' to mJ1\'t' ~he b111l tcct it had he und his $Larr \\"l'il n~ai nst Un il'<'rsil~« tx•rng£c'I. . 'T'hr Tritnns hU\'C fnt1r s-tO\IJ'ing I:~~ ~10'1 C'na a JC Polo p \ :1 y e-1':;. \\' h u a 1· c 1·ei::ut:u· fnr mut1on should be 1111l·~l ion:1hlt• fnr F1:i,la.\'·s u 1t111i;th l'tloui,:h la~k for 'k::>~,~~';.';.i ;::un1r. l"t•ntrr l"rnnk Hii'./il E~tanrh1. Thr \'an~ua1·ds '"' Mon<to • o· 1 , 1 h:i.~ :in t'.\'(' h1J ut·y. 11ffl•ns1\l' cnn thro\v nK WC'll as puss ~14:11 ~;~. •car11t; ! ~"'!-~,• ~'. t;ll'~le f,;1rr>· Pnnrino hu~ ;i ;1ndC'XC'tllll'. \'Cl'Y \\!ell. "•'•U•n J, C•nll<' t. F•bl•"· 1<0~~\ .. ,,, .... ll rnhll'lll. slnlburk "Th<'V ha\'l' 1111 <'~cellcnt •1nll· .... A.'" ,.,_ ..• C-"' k_ .. ,_.,.., Conference's Top QB EL CA.JON -<:rossmont Col l ege ha s th e hf's t lhrowin.i;: quar!erback in the i\ol ission Confcrencl! but it s foothall l'o:u·h Dave Jor,l:in kllO\V$ it w11 1 t ~1 kc mort' I han p::issin .(.! ror his Griffins to heal Saddlf'back '.~ G01uch11:-; Saturd:1y ni ght at J\fi~l'iou Viejo l·ligh. "\Vc 'rc goin g lo h.'l\'C' 1o balance our offense," Jor- dan says. "\\lc'1·C' got .'.'1 <>olict passin g g;i rnc• hul \\'P have to establish a good l'11nn1ng game." So far, lht~ Griffins h:i vl' survived \VHh 1H1~sing. Thl'Y a re 4·0· 1 overu ll nnd :!·0· 1 in eonfcrf'nce ~clion . C1·l rrlns quartcrh:ick .Joe J{ol h ha.i: com plctcd 84 or t~i.'i posses for 882 yards :ind e ight Lou chd owns, to1:is in the conference. Freshn1 an 1·cceiver Don Kramer h:1s r;1ughl 27 passes ror 287 y.11'• ds, also best in I.he cir·cuil. !l!I 1J2GAL. -· \'in r l' 11 t· r n1 a n · ha~ a quortcrback 1n Sli.•vc ,,..,y °'...,. <.w\1 ~ • 1 • u :o:hllllldcr ;1ilnll'lll anct nl.id· nnd :1n ('Ut!'lt11ncti11~ilbuck kit• •11~6 t ·n' 1 1s 1 ;,,,;: : 1 ,._ _____________________ .. dlt• ~u;11·d \'il'l~idl'1' is lltll'-in ltO ~C'I'" R t·c~ ..... ~:f)'S \ °!!~~:11.11:: .~·:;:1,! 1, l<1"4 J. NDCDISTRlBUTORS_~,NC.•60PROOF•lOO ... GAAlN llillJ: 11 mu!'lt'lt• in it11·y. f{il•fcr. frt111t111. c-, f.......,,,,,, . ~ I NEUTRAL SPIRITS • NATIONAL OISTILLE RS PRODUCTS COMPANY --- ·- Blames Defense l>avc llnlla nd bl:im1•s Co rona del i\tar's slow Cl'n· lury tl'a gu e s t;1rt on a dlsappo1ntin)! d ('( ('nse. "Our dl'fensl' hasn't really JC'lled." s a ys the &•a K1n~s football l'Oach. "ll just hasn'l come together . Pt•ople havf' been able lo 1nO\'c thr hall on tht• ground :1 ~a1n:-;t us. 'l';icklin1:; is ju~t attitude and \VC arc trying to 1\nrk on th :1 1. ·· 'l'hl! Sl·a Kings\\ ill try 10 :-nap :1 l \1 o i.;:inl{' lu:-.1111,! :-.l rt'ak F1·1da y night. \\'hen they nl<'i·t Cost;1 i\tesa at J\'C\\'po rt I I arbor 1n a Century Le•1i.:ucgan1e. After beg inn ini,: 1e:t1':Ul' :JClion \vith an impressive 42·1.'i victory over ~t a ~noli;i, th1· Sl':t Kin gs ha\'c lost tu \1 111 ;1 Park. 21-7 • .ind 1o 1:o:stanc1a , 27·1<1 . Ovl·r:lll , Corona <lt'I ~I ar Is J .. 1 . (.;nst:1 i\IC'sa's i\lustan~s h;1vc ;1 similar I ··I mark ;u1d arc a lsn l ·l in h·aguc pla y '"l'h{'y hav1· hl'cn able to move 1hc ball," says 1-lol· land . "Ag:unst Villa Park. they 1>la.ved good defense." It sccn1 s tha t defense is the only word in l·lollantJ"s vocabulary this week. "'fhe key In \\'inning any g;nnr-is to pin y ~nod drft·n· :>.'t'." he l'ays cn1phat1<'ally. "1\nd we arc goin!'.!: to stress defense in pral·lice. ·· Estanr ia gained 367 net y;1rds agui nst Cnron;i dC'l i\l;1r ;ind Villa P<irk lll'ltcd :11 1 'fh rough the air. f':st;ine1:1 picked up 152 yards against lhe Sea Kings secondar·.v and Costa !l;f esa has a ,good p:isser in Tim Rosaucr, ~1ho C'omplet~d ts of 25 passes for 152 yard ~ in the i\lustangs 2S to 10 defeat to \'i lla Pa rk last \\"erk Wo1nen's Results GIRLS TENN I$ V•llSllY \•11 Cl•"'9111• l•I itl litv,.. '¥"~ llGill'lt 5 I• 11 Ci m ... SINGl..f:S M11ney !SCI 0.1. ll;o~'1W" IL8l l-J, \nyOft !Lil "'I (1111!11• ISC!•• 0111nttom (\C)'"'· l•vmUtld !LB)••· ~ (l8)0.I. G. ~sc• (Stl•l . M. SlM:• lSCl oel. C1r1son IL8 l .. ._ Sot-HllOl'I ISCI o t I, Smith (L 81 t-S, DOUeLIS M•tC~•lll·HvlU lL81 d•I. O•kl•v· WlllOl'llSC)t-1. P1vl....,·V1<1Qhn (l8l Gtl. (opt.Clon ISCIS.•. W11!11tl·Mt te hit1I Cl61 dtf, H1nlon· Ltnoe~SC!•·I, GorOOn--lill,,.W<~ I~() (IOI, MlllOft· H,1,rlo ~l J t-l. 'iml1,,_l(n-11on !LIU <hi!. 8•wm,...!I· lOf!Q.tlll (5() S.J. l-·C.-($() lle1, T•YIOf·Ci<!lll!I ... ll81 S.I. . . Jt _,,,., Our ••!M"'-' ctd ihstt of pnrlt,1tonolt •i• 9 .. , '°" on r•otf 011d t111- bio1•d ono1,,h. II ,,.jll bt , .......... bett4 .,. ...... you Mt:d for ,ot1rttlf Oltd Y-.,...,,,, lov C:Oll tloYt : "9\ ..,_It wltttovt co•t or : OO!iqgt\Oll. ., coml119 bl or : ,...... '" todcry. • • 71" WTGMOR fl ·! \!; 1Nsu'ii ;\NcL1 :: 2t10 HCN'bot'" lhd. W...211,Co•tilMtlCI ·-... -.. c... ............ , 979-6543 • • • • • • • • PRIZES WORTH '1500°0 WIN _7¥.""-TV w..lity p;g.kin Pickeroo '74 winnen will be •-f• .., pri1" by AIC Color T•l•vition of Huntll'IJ .. " a.acft. Fi"t ploc• •inn•" will 'floiv• o $9 .II Zenith 12..Jnch, ctlagonal m.atuf9, block ond •htt. .,.,..W. t.....,ition Mt. Second ploc• winn•" "' o $16.95 Z.nith tobl• model radio orwf third pl~c. priMI -l•nith "blltfold" pockot pottobl• l'ClldlOt w.rth $12.95 -ch. All prilM o,. volued occordln9 to n.rwfactuf9t't tug ... ted 1'9toll pric••· lntriM A;!: be d•potited until Thunday oft"'"'°" at tt. Col0t Tel•vi1'-" Plt•kin "cko,.. '74 I h...,.ten or at Daily ~lot offic•• in Hunti!'lton ...._ N.IWpCMt hach, Cotto Meta, Lagvl\O IMch or Son a.m.nt•. . w..kfy winn.rt wUI IM notifiitd by mall ond INry picl up th.if pri1" at ' AIC Color,T•levi1ion 19046 aro.lchunt St . HuntlngtlN' a.och 'lllaifdt for thl1 Pittldn Pidie,.. '74 plo.,.,. fttnn Mch WMk In the Dal\T Pilot ·~ Mdlon. Cln.I• the '-" you think •ii win in flGCh polri nJI in the list .. 30 oome• ond .. net 11'1 the plo~· '°'"' •n-!.'Y ....,. or a ,..Mnalde fanimil•. Then wotch the Dillfy PHot •pott• pogM fo, •och •••II'• Utt of th,.. wil'IMl"I. . N the conclution of th• IO·•••k co1t1pe!ltlon, judges ...,;11 lnvit• fL"t ploc! winn•" to t~. for t~ ciwrall grond prit•; o Zenith col°' t•ll'Yl11on. lh;e- l•inch diagonal mfl01ure tobll' mod•I color Mt 11 ..iwd 'at 5291.11. It 90M to the Pi91kln Pick•roe '74 com.t.nt who M.t predid• !he outcome of __._,_. prof.ttlonol footMll ~m" the w••k•ncl "'J•Uowi"!t the clo.e of ,...ular p1dtff00 centnt. To t. ~lgilbl• fOf the grand pria•, yov hove I• win .,.. of th• weakly "Pi9tkift Picli•roo '74 COlft- petltioN. a.low a,. the ruin, the ll1t of .. ,.,. anfll entty blank, Good luck. · RULES 1. ........ ......,-..... ........ "'" ..... '-""'"el it .,. -l'hlt -'· "'•« ... 1. ,._i...+ie" ;, Ml""" .. •n ' ~-_,.u.,.,H '"""" -... """'-... ,,, ...... .,.. .. ~ 1 ...... 1 .... ""'" .... lfh .... , fllflt-.111 .. ....... ~. 1 ...... II .... "°PIN f'ICQIOO, "7•, ~ ~nt, P.O. ... IMO, C..i. ,..._,CA. ~1•. J, CW, -_,... "'" ,.._. ~11....i _,, ..... c.nt ..... ,., -.......... ,... _, ... elficMtlt ...., ,_,.,. ..... , ... ........ ._." ............................. _., ~ '"' "'fi.11 ..... _ .. .,...... th"-lllwot19'. ~ ............. thk '*"" _... .. __..., .. flMll ~ .............. '-......_ """""' ... _,..r.....t.:9' -i.tw then n, ....... , A.M . ., -..... 1_...i No ,_ 0..ilr ftiltt "'*IM ~ • •.M. ftw,.. ... .S. ~iftt ..,_ ..... !heir • ..........,_ ..... 0.ily Pii.1 '"'"''* ...i ti.if'-*'"'"' ,_,m.,. -,.., .u11w. •• -· .. 1'I 111AD1 IU.NI MUST &I Pll,&IO IN 01 INTll ti 'VOIO. • Tl( lllAKl• .: My gu_.., on •k• totol n.,mber of pofnt\ •«ot•d In oll lO gam•' i-• ---- Pil)Y:i" Plckeroo ;, o f'C'qulor ftoht~ of Hit Deily Piiot •port• ttction •ach Mo11day, T11t~oy ..tWMMMf•V• . • • • • • • . • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • . . • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • ' .. • -• • • • • • • . • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • -----------~' .............................................. ' ..... . • • •• 84 <>All V PtlOT Wednesday' October 23. 197• Prep Offensive Stars GARY GUISNESS CdM Offense CHARLES HICKS El Toro Offense BILL HOLST Huntington Beach Offense JEFF EVANS Mission Viejo Offense MIKE PARCHEN Unl'versity Offense TIM ROSAUER Costa Mesa Offense AL LIDDLE Estancia Offense CHRIS KIESSELBACH \ Laguna BeacJl Offense. TOM BAZACAS Newport -Har~or• Offense STEVE THOMPSON FV Offense Three More Artists Sidelined for Year \ll'l':.HI \' hurt b,-tht· li!:-'> )!real g:ime :..1 ga1n:-1 i\h:-.:-uu1 Hf :.t a r ' t;11l h.11·l. .J11hn \'icJohcfor1'\os1ng.7-6.and i .irl~n u, La ,e.1111.1 H t'.ll'h :1p1X':irC'd lo ht' J!Cl1Lng on lhLh.!'\:11'~111 111.1th.dl!t•;11n lhl' 11i,-!ht traC'k . \\'J!h lhl' 11.l't•i1r1t .11u1t h1 ·r o;111h;u·k rE·r(•n\ St'tha('k~. the• .\rli:-ts th1 ..:111•t•k\\1\hl h1•111•11~th.1t Tlt111 ll1U!'I ('•HllC up 111th ;t 1hr1,.•1• n111r1· pLJ ~1 r .. 111!1 he -.ul)er i'l'rorl to knock off 11u11111 tho•:-.1•:.i~1n Jl.inalldl~.sa .1:-. l l :ir~11nc \VhL·n llH' 1\i"t1 ~t .; 1.1J..1· Th•· ·t>an(I II ills is h1 gJ.!1•r 1i1•!d F11d:1v 1ugh1 .11 i :1010 th:-i n ~11 ~s ion \1\('jn. hut' t,il't' JJ,1u,1 \11 11 " .1t s~111 1·1cr~b111l~11L'lll ny1sh11..:J.!L'r ('!t•llil'lllt' jJ 1gh 1h•f1•1l ... l\l' \h.111 II'. 'Ii. \\'l' 0 i"l' 11 "<'1 1 111 .. t.ir\t'!'" Jnhn 1-\1.111\1'1' .11111 1h:tl.1 • .. ;11!' ll ar11111 i.:- l ).111· l\11.q1p .dnl\J.! 111 lh ll;111.1 11 111..;. al.,n h;1 .. tllot'l' .. 1ar11n i.: ll.1n~• r ~11111 .. ,-....,·d 111 ''" h;11•kf11·ld h111 f{11bt•rf .. nrl II 111 11111 h1· 1!1 ~l!f':..H11l \ 1\'iO p1'oll;1hh h.1:. 11nilo11u. h<'tt 1·r 111 •'I ;di !-p1•1•d · · f\rJnlt'f.••l'P "l lh1·i..1 ·1 .. lt :11 .1·u11g 11;1:-. 11·r v In I .;1gun.1 ·., tl1 •f1·1l'-•' ;11 111111· p 1 t·:i '-t'd 11 i I h I ht' 11 a Y rlli· i.:u;11 <I. :--111 f1·t'••d t••rn l,aj.!1111.1 rontrollt'd llh· h;111 t·arlilal-!•' 111 th•· \11 ... ,,h\ll :1~:1111:-<l '.ll 1s.;1nn \'11.•10 ::inti ,.,('IO j!:inll' ~R ft•I\ l\11appls \\1111)4.! h11p1nJ! tnr !ht• ~:in1t• nul fur t ht~ 't':1,on 111111 :1g:111l.,tDan.J llill .. nmnonuc lco:rt~ .1nll llulk'rl . "'OanJ 11;11~· ~\t•f.,.u~c l'- ..;(J!l hr~1ke h1-i anklt' 1n tht.1 11ti.1h:ihl' :1 llttlt• ht•ll••f' lh:i1' 1111 \\ilh l\l i!i1s1on \"11·1u ~11~~u1n \ 1t·ln .nut 11 n11~l11 Nin11 l)t•I lt10 n1n't'S into 1~· 1nu.l!h1•r in t•nn!1 11I thL' tlu• rn1(!cltt~ ~11 :1rtl .::pol . lt;1ll .1~.1111,1 , ,,,\, -..iC'kt•\' ,\lh•n lttk1•, fl\t>I' 11\ ll.1r\t111 1i1 \\·,, 11 h1• tr1111~ n:1nkt•i· ,11\(! ('tl,l('h l lt•11111 ~ 111 l'\<'l'll\•' h.1·11l'I' ;1nd holol ll.11"\Ulll! 1111 1 pul l\l1J..1•:-\t•1 th1•fo11l h.1ll 1ao11 ,11 i.;dt·I ~ IOI' !ht• !Ill\•• \\1th {',11 J,,,11 j 1111t~ lht• \111 .. 1, ••••• tl1•p1·111t111 14 ht Ill)! 1111111• a11d m111•· 11111111th.tt'k Thc.111iurieo; ('01ll1ln't h:11<' • l'"''n 1'1!-.1· lo 1111~ u11 ~o.1 1 ('llllll' ;ii ;t \\ !ll'~c· I 11111• ftll th{' 11.l~l'. At'll~ll(, f.llR\lll,I \)hl\'t•1\ a NICK YOCCA Dana Hills Offense • PAT PRITZL Mater Del Offense RON CARRICO San Clemente Offense • JIM RANKIN Ma rina Offense This Week's Grid Odds llA""'"""' H•* Yo•• O•• 0.n•t• owrr (ltveldM bf I M,,_...,1~0••• H~• E.n<1ldnttl1>l' W~'""wt\Of\u•Of S• LO\I" b• 11 • ... l,1D11"l~ 0•"' T Cl.I b• 10 Aul!urnovrr f •0•1<1" Sl"t~ b• t1 C•ll•o•n••<i•« U(lA. '" 1 M"'°"" ov< f lnlOtd<IObf l"' '*""""dOW• O••tm<>ulllb•\ 'IOl""°o•t•O,.••b•~ '<Ott• 0dffW' <I>"' M , 1m! I! 1,. > 13'" Ill M'(no<l6f' 0""1 M,nn,·•OM bf 1 \ 1 P,H<.llu•ljl\Ovt• N •••bf 1 H~Ot•••" ovtr O• ••~om" St•!I DY I M."fl .. Ml"t' Ho {A• ><on~ S1Mtl>fl l.ISC ow• O•P1111n Sl"lt ~· lJ P,.nnStAltO•~• W• '' \1••1•n,~ 'ly I Or •nqci CO',tO•"' M• •~C bf I c;.oo.,..., W..•I O•r• S.!nl.• Mnn1c41)• I "-M!Gltb.>C\ O••f (,1 "" f\M~· l\f I' l!MDOl'n,,o<'t'•[•'·" •r ,~ SI Pd\llO•e• M.1!•'< (0,., r • ' r<1<-.lhl•flO•~'•'"''' t"<~ (gr -"'°' Ml!<• h>, r (.o,,, I." '-•b\o 1 1'tl''"P<I'! ~M<\lO• O•H M-'' •··~•I l 1 To•o O•r< ~"" ( '"""'"" D• ,. -hnQIOl'O Bfoa1 ~I •'I ~ ol• llA ~.I' Wfl\Uf\1ft\l~< ovN t ~u111,un \.,,,.,Ill>' l 1).1"'' Htlhnvrr I ·•QU~~ 11,~<novt M•·-"'"'•IH .. t• vn •• N"'' ~·. Pro Scores .... ltlMt••\-O!ball .l\•91•.-i•"' llul!Ai.1\4 N• .. l,h!•~" ''I '""*Ya<• llO. Hn•l'IOll llltl /l!l.t"!l In .... ,...,,.,I.,"""' l'l'l•Ol,llQtO!l 11J • ( (l,..~ft·• I)\ ,.,,.,,,_ 101 1'".e1a•n ''·"A 1rw. 1,111,._..., •I. ( ~" •<tG oO ameru•n •••~•,b•11 .l\\0<0.t1•• ~I l~"llR V"'J·ft•.Oll) ~..., O>f'QO 1,,. M,r.,.,.~ .. •<'> NAl• ... AI Nori•• L•"'lll" ~'l'tlt•"M"!1""/ ~''·'"'·'' I''"' IP"•~' l 0, ~ •r• i f)"tlflll .1 ""·""'"•ll/lh ~ Mi,..,,..01~ l, Von< ... v•I I Volleyball Results Katella Struggling .c,~~~a~ Fooltwll•Elot.,,Wi 11 ElMNMi11.lll. f:OhOll lfS Lt' ... lon'lit"' M Wn!OfR !tt '>I. PfW ""*"'°'" .. $.\ ......... CrKtC-kr-COftNdtl M.riltCMY GlltLIVOLLl1'•&LL YAlt111'1' ......,••"'1 H1rtiart•I. F•...,111<1 WMM' l~I, U·J, ~l.INIOlt Vl.JISIT¥ Ntw,er1 NiflMt .. I. F•lllllltll \l•Htf lt·I, 1 l·l. Vl.ASll'f' w.11m1111ICf' .. I, f"""d ' U·S, II U. Jl.IHIOAVA•SITY Wt>ll'lliittlff .. I. Ell111<11U·l,t-U,1~1. Vl.11$1T1' C..ll Mew Ml. Edh.,. ll•J, H-1 .. Jl.IHIOll Vl.llSITV l•-d". Cll ll M,., 1·11, l~IJ. 1~U. \IAllSIT'f' """""""" ... clld•I. lollrhwU-4, lM. JUNIOR YAllSllY H\1•lllntlt01 k•dl HI. Mlltl111 U·lt, U·IJ. YAllSJfY o....l Hilh .... M•t~•ft Yltjo lW, I~). JUNIOIJ ·~rv, 0.fti +11111 HI. M .. i ... (."'41o 1/14. IJ.U, O·•· Y._ASITY ,. ...... , ...... 8tK ll ttl. s ... Cl-•1e 1+1t, I~ I, II·'· JUNIOA Vlllt$1TY l..tt--llHI. W.. Cl•n .. ~lllM, 16.J. ' . Hob Lampshire doesn't pretend that his .Katella lli'l h Kn ishts arc a good football team. "\Ve need ta improve on cvC'rything:" ·Lamps hire ~ay:o;. "We are getting a lit· th· bit bct,tcr each week but there is a difrerence in just playing and playing well' enough to win." So far the Knights have not pl:iyed well enough to win a single game. They are (1.5 and faC'e •luntington Ucach 11·41 f'riday night al I.a Palma Stadium in an Empire League game. In order to record their rirsl win, the Knights ''hayc to stop l1untington Beach's run," says Lampshire. ··Their quarterback Bill ltolsl looks good running the option. "And their passing game has looked very good. They "'cren't making many mistakes last week a nd were doing everything right offensively.•• And Kalella ha:; done a lmost everything wrong offensively. The Knights leading ball carrier, Brian Stern, has gained only 112 yards on 35 carries. As a team. Katella has rushed .-w. EU&rKI• ti El-.... HwnUflllMt for 335 yards. , 81«" .1 "•i.111, OM1 Hill••• ~ And, in only one game 1t.tt11,u..1ver.i1r•1"'1"1o11v1e1o,E11°'0 h h . d M S.n O.meftM, Edi-•1 l• At.tm&•-. ave l e Kn1ght·s score WH1m~1tt•t,•1111t.r11v.111r,,...._.. more than six points . ...,_,...w•IMl•ll•11nsi. 0 II lh · Fri..tlOc:t.UI vera , ey are averaging footi..n-eo. ... u.1M1r-•C..i.M1M1 eight points per game. ill Htwpor1 H11110., fo""''"" v.iie, vt Quarterback Lance Gore WHtm1R,1t• •' Or•nto C••it c.i1t~ ......per! H••W n -rln1 ot Wt$1..,;t,.. is Katella's top orrensivc $1", '*"'"linglOll lle~ll vi K•ltlll. ~ lh l I l, 38 r 87 P1lm1P1rk~tt11t1. rea . romp e 1ng o Foot11;111-Uoun1ee"'11v,o-Hi111ot passes ror 489 y41rds and s.ici•mtnlt.S.n tlem1nllv1f.ll-• rour touchdowns. Gore can 1o11~1on v1ei0. M1"1"" vi.Jo v' l.lnlvertn' at"{~!n~•O•tl ::llt), a lso run, picking up 1281,,:;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;1 yards on 11 carries in thel Knights' 27-20 l oss to .!LEASE A '74 DATSUN Orange. ' 710'2. dr. 119'' "'°' Katella, also has a good· .,.,,-.o.u.. receiver in flanker J e ff COSTA MISA DATSUM Knapp, who has caught 16 Jl4S HAllOl ILYD .. c.M. passes for 250 yards. 5404410 SPECIAL VALUES WESTMINSTER FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY S. habla Espanol FULLERTON 1531 $; 11U1011 U . • PllGil 17M7IO . SANTA AtllA 15221 BEACH BlVD. • P1IOll£ 193-8544 · 120 l fllST ST.AT mtfSS•,_ 547·7471 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY , •• SAlUROAY SUNOA¥ MOHOAY THRU fRtOAY., •• l :lOA.M.·9 P.M. SATURDAY _., •• , ••• , ... 1:30 A.M .. 6 P.M. SUNIMY .,,; ••.••.•.... 9:00A.M.·5P.M. MDHMYTHRU FRIDAY ., •• 8"JOA.M..·9P.M. SATµROAY ............. l:lOA.M.-6P.M. SUNDAY ~ •..•. ,, ....... t:OO'A.M.·5 P.M. Bl.\CK TUiUESS SIZE !78.1 3 C78.1J f78· 14 f78· '" F78.15 G78.15 G78.1' H78· 15 ~., Sl.71•• S1.12111 ol•"""~ •• '"' 78 SERIES 4 PLY NYLON·CORD CORNELL • 2 FIBIRGl.ASS BElTS OVER 4 PUS OF POLTESTER CORO ! • A TOUGH. DURABLE TIRE IOU CAN COUNT ON FOR ... TRACTION ! MILEAGE ! COMFORT! RA/SID Wlfllr 1mm llG WKIE b Pl'1S stioMG tN 111£ 11llAD AlllA I H78-l .t G78-15 H78·15 SIZE 30 MONTH GUARANTEE * <.rty HYIOH <OIOi.uo 1Ulll.US r~.1---'''0'°7-·'co'_ :\ G71).1• !Hf ,l, IOTS Gl.l ... •AN I t! COt N(ll t lllS ro• A. 5'!(1,.fO NUMl fl 0 1 M0Nfl~5 &.G ... INST All 10 &0 11 AlAl05 tN NOt "'"l '"55tNG l l C AI US! 0 AM.t.Gf0 Tiii Wil t $( ll'l ... C ll'I Wt111 PI O IA.110 MQ NIH LT ._OJU51 MfNI (l-I AIG I IA 5 10 Q N l!C.l.l lAI 51\l!NG ,II(( At I I"'! QI Pl.11(11,t.51 t'f---'~:;;-1·-----<•'--"cc""·c":....- BUY ON CREDIT 0 0 TOfOTA 'S, M.G."S, Olfl'S, DATSUN'S ANO MANr OfNft '°"'"' (Ats S.60xlS S.OxlS f\/Mfo•• l lotkwolh 27 ~ONTH OUA•ANTU , ,.oo.rss1 69B\ is.~o. 13 $14118\ I ,.00.12 s1644\ T0\11 010 TIU 1((1,111 •l<l~•l\Ul 0t CO .. ~!ION, •H ,t1Ctl tlWl 11111•1 ll(IU Ill 6 Oil lltl. • , ...... , ...... ....,. ........ ... , ~ ...... 0<. N•lp1_ loop .,.. fin• •l.o~. ,,91..,1, ...,;...m •. I OUNCI CAN HEAVY DUTY iUAlflllTATE DETERGINt MOTOR Oil ... -· ..... 1• O•' pulat•OR<• '••.••• ""'"· 1 ..... ; • ~-1··-,· c ' ... ' fACH >..· 6'"1; l41(f:S'/3"'~~ ti4m"] Hi.lo '1••1itr ,u ............. 49c · •IT.CAI "' ltll llll 'Ml .._I I I• 1PU •un --u w '"I.I"'• CM.L U•i.5. llU• ....... ~l""I t•lldtl I t•&llll ·"-41~-.:. •• -1 .. .i • ..i, • • c_ .. .,.., '"' _,..,. i.-i ,.,.._, ,.,""",.,,.,-•• ro • .i , .. Plltl &Ill llOOCll •• 1-STllli llOll 3S' 'Yi l..\k( UWl-111 ltHl 111 Pl." lo••••• oH o•4 ...... ,,.;., ..... ........ , ... 11.1 •. ,.,. •• 11 .... _., "'"' ofl S• •••r. & It '""'-''· H Ol. t4H WD·40 LUIRIC&MT UD RUST PREVENT& TIYE ''" >P••y P••J••" ••••. 1 ............... . ......... • 4;'P.'···· .......... It ... u ••• ~ .... ,.;.,, ,1 ...... ••W..., lolori<.. HYDRAULIC MUFFLER ~-uRAl(E REPAIR FLUID , .. "':····~········· .. , IO\/, .. ,.,.. ,.;, ... 1 \:.. "" ' • ""~ ......... l ~···· ··"··-: "" ! . "~· "··~~ ;:;· ~"-··:~-;.;~;;· --~~~ .. 59c ,.,,':.~ .... 59c' tli•1neiu ·~·•\\, ••" WOO•· lutH1-10> tultt..t, -•ol, plo1••< ., ........ SOL CAM 69c r.:"--" _ ......... .! ..... .,.;-. . ....... " , ... .-pro.M-· ~'-•- """' •• ,i-·111,. GEAR OIL ' "~"l·r."'-l,ll>1l. <••' "' iolct\u•I •• ... ~d••tl ....... ;,. .. ............ , ...... . 11.11 ............. . • ,,.,.,1, ...... ,. 1;1 ...... ..-i. 69.~ _ .. ••••·••·• ... id=··~' •• .;1,, 1., ,...., '""oil••·-., ••PIO<•-'· lll'IACI 0111 WDIN CASTltS llOWI M•••r ""• h···~ ... 1 ••• l>e•k "•""'' t ••• ··" ••. , .......... i.. SP!l,AY0 0N ENGINE ENAMEL ASSORTED COLO•S Sp.or 9fh i..10 rll•· 8 8 ... .......... bni1ht• c ,..,., roach, Mcittt ontif>o look li'oo fttW, I•. G•ou, 22f.J2Nfi , ... ," .. 27-21f 2. 188 WITH OlD IAflltY 1N T•AOI! lijl~lll\flll l -~,,.,,,.,!.,O.! ll.•t"I'" IA~I""' ,_,.., 1~.Cl1<ot~ll'"'ll~n lfll ''"" t1 .. tto '"°'" ·~ """'''"''"· It•• 1"'10.•v•R l'" ••1~°"~'1 """' • ... ,. 1,..,,.,, "f 1111 ••"'• 1¥1* "'"' 'l"""'' ,,.~ "' '~Molt II o 11,..lol '"'""It ''""'I•! l,1,1 ("•1 ~..,,~.., '~'' ~•h·••ll •""' Ill" 'II.I •l•f I"""''·"''""'"""''"'~,,_ "'t•I• "" "'"""' :::~I~~~·,~ ~~:;~~~ \~::::~.~~~~~~ .. ~·~~·!::• .:~~-~.·~~~~\'•"~~:-::.:::•,-,.::·,~.:;·~t~;1;,: "'Ll!Oflt~• i•llLI lo~ "'""*"'ft ITI"' "'"' l\ll•Mf IHotl~<•• -- • I I s r p s ~ d g ' • .. . . • -" ....... "<'; • •• ""'~ •••••••••••••• ,,. •• v ...... ,· •• ' ••• • ~~11y Oclober 23. 1974 DAILY PILOT • ff.'i .. Defensive of Week .Gauchos • l'iraCt•s' t 'ot• SaC11rda~· JOE CARTA It' Toro delense . ' • MICK·EY ALLEN · Laguna ~each Defe'lse MARK CHAGOLLAN Estancia Defense OAN ~ACKO Marin'a oetense JOE CASTORENA rewport Harbor Defense 1'lnst Win Situation ... ~?µfro~ts Mater Dei .. ' Cpacl!GaryCarrsays his Cacr thinks St. Paul )\lite'" Dei Righ J\1onarchs desC'\(•es its top ranking. f~e' a m~~l win l'iitualion "I ~·ou don't m a~e any Tli~5da,y n1ght at thcSanta mi st akes, !'OU have a Au.Bowl. ch<1nte against them," he '" ·'bur ~acks arc against says.1'''They arc a great . RICHARD RENZ Dana Hills Defense WARREN TAYLOR FV Defense DON WATTERS Mater Oei Defense DAVID DOMINGUES San ttle 'wall ,': Carr sa)·s. ''It is footb*fl team . They are alm~t a mu'st win situation very physical, \'cry fun- fOr.us. We will have to play damental and \'er'y '"''ell a'tserfect football gamo-with coached.·· BRYAN CHAMPLIN AL DiSIENA Edison Defense Move ~p Saddle back College ha:. moved from sixth to fourth und Golden \V est dro1>ped from second to fifth in this "'eek 's Dally Pilot rankin~~ or the Southland junior col - lege footba ll teams . Suddle back 'S Cauc hos!5· O)face seve nth ·ra nkcd Grossmont 14·0·1) at ~1i:.· lsion Viejo ll igh Sat urday night. M ea nwhil e (;\v c ·~ Rustlers, '1·0·1 afl(:r a 27-27 tie with Cypress last week , attempt to rebound at Santa 1t1o nica CC. And Orange Coast 12-3) a ft er a \\·eek "s layoff. ta ngles with tlost l\lt. San Antonio (0-3-2) in the South Coas t Cpnfe renc~ opener. Bakersfield continues tu lead the rankings. Southland To1110 Pos. College Rec. Pt. .... !-:-Bakersfield !5·U-0) ·10 2. El C:.i mino (5·0·01 ;14 3. Pasadcnu 15-0-0) :rl 4. Saddleback (5·0·0l 2!I 5. Golden \V('SI l·l ·0-1) 2.1 Ii. Citrus (4·0-1) 20 7. Grossmont (4 -0·l l 13 8. East LA t3·1-l) 12 '-' ·"' ~ 9. LA Valley <3-0-ll 6 GREG NITZKOWSKI _ 10. Cerritos 12-2-0l 4 Huntington Beach-Defense Others-Rio llondo 13-1- 01 3; LA lla rbor (3-1-1) and Santa Barbara 14-1·0) I. Ambush Awaiting Rustlers? SANTA 1'10N ICA-An ambush m ay be ·set up: at · Santa Monica City College Saturday night \Vhe n the· Corsairs entertain coach Ray Shackleford ·s Golden West College Ru stlers in Southern Cali fornia Con- ference football act ion. Mt. SAC Backfield Green \\'ALNL'T 1\n 1nex · pt'.'1"Ll'nl·ed offrn:-1ve baC'k· f1t•ld and a dt-fl'nsc th•1t has g1vC"n up the ln_g play t•arly in lll O S \ l'.;illll ('S ;1 1:e prohll'1ns eoaeh 1\1 al Euton hopt•s ha\•e b1·en cn1u111t'r1·d at r.11. S:in 1\nlo1110 C'olll'l:(e this week. Thi• J\ll. SAC tilountit•s ho~t Oran_gc Coast College's Piratc.·s Saturd:.iy ni g ht, ht·rt•, in open in g South Cu:1~t Confl'rt·ncc football action and the hon1e tean1 n1ay be re;1d.\". tor II:-. fu ·:-.t \ iclory of the t'arn p:1 1gn, ;11: cording to Eaton. '"If \\'C could l hro\\' out the first quarter of l'\"cry g:.ime ""t'vl' played. our defense \.l.Ould be toug h. I don 't kno\\' \vhy . but \\'e've had a tough 'time e:irl y in all of our gamt·s. "Perhups il ·s the l:irge number of frC'shmC'n \l'e have on th t' te am this year,". Eaton sa vs, '"It's just a t.·ase of gclti;1 g a good ~an1c together un both of- fense and defense. •·our offense. has coughed up the ba ll a nd left thl' defense in the hole. \Ve haven 't co m plemented each other \'Cry \.\.'e ll ." Mt. SAC is going \\"ilh a backfield that is composed entirely of freshman in- «hiding quarlC't'h:11·k 1\111 1 Port er .ind t:iilb:H·k Bink y &•nton. In prt•-ronf<'t't'n1·1• ..1t·l1on , l~·nton i ~ tht• lt•:11!111i; rusher a1non~ the cirt·tut ':-. h:n·k:.. lie has c1.1rrit'd 1h1· b••ll 118 t1nlt'S for 498 ~;ird,., .111 :tvt'l'a,Lli' or 4.2 p1·r try. lie h:1s S('ored I \\'O touehdQ11 ns. Portt?r ti:.is «ornpl1•t1•d \•i of 122 pass UtlC'n11>l" hu1 h.1, had nint• inlt'l"C'1·11111~11 :-111 fl\'l' (;UITit'S !\lt . S:in Anto nio. l1kl' Or:1Kge Coast, ha:-had 1110 \1ecks to prep<il't' t11r th•· ~on fe r l!ntC' opt'llt'I" u111I ~:aton say~ all of his Playt•r:- ar(' in f!ood physicu l t'On• d11 1on \\1th th(' extra "'eek of l'l':-1 Oran~c (ua~t <ind ti.It. San Antnn 111 lt·.1d 1 tl"l ua 111· c·1·t'r1· 11fl1·11~111· d1·p.111 1n 1·n·t in th~ l'111111• r, · 1H"1' ill'ntnn i s !h t· leading rusht·i \1 hilt· !):1 1 r \\'h1tc or (I(.'{' h•p:-lh1· t'll"l.Ull Ill p.1-. .. 111:: ,111d t1)t.tl 111ten-.t· tll't', \1.1rl.. \\ 1•\hl·rU.·l· 1-. llH• lt",llliti~ I l'l"l'ilt'I" ;ind \\ u1Hl,1 ·1 I ,.,,.[1•r IS !ht· l1 ·;id1H L'. -.1·01·1·1" II Ith :!7 p .. 1111 .• nn •1\ l1C'lll go:1ls <ind lllJll' l "H!l\ l'I 'llJll:'> PARAMOUNT ·SPORTS f:verg.lhing in :Jennu hpHt StrilHJMMJ ~ R.-iin 333 E. 17th St., Cosio M•sa IS..no..a Tne 1n..,.,..,..,,..i i'ioMWI o• P•nc.o~•I PHONE 642·6886 · ~Ion. fue1 . weo. ,.,._., S.! t.;; f to IHI S..n • 1 I ' Golden \Vest is coming orf a shocking 27 ·27 tie with Orange Count y riva l Cypress and Santa !'t1onica coach Pat Young is n't ready to antagonize the Ru stlers further by saying the wrong thing. "I thi"nk Golden \Vest is a \"Cry typicar football team for this conference. "'They have· a lot of fin e . football pl ayers and I think t h ey h ave qu a li ty throughout the ir lineup. You really can't pick out one particular area that is ·weak. It'll get y0u more than ·you got before. · -t "That 's the ty pe of foot- ball that makes this con· ·fercnce so tough.·· Santa r.1onica opened the campaign \\'ilh a pair of vic- torieS over non·conference foes but since that time has lost three straight. i nclud111g a 34 -24 thrill e r to Los Angeles City College last week. The Corsairs operate out of a multiple pro set offense and try to balance the pas- sing game "'ith the running attack. · Abel Diaz is the main ball carrier and at 5-10, 195- JXlUnds, he is tough to bring down . For a limited time only you conj save $1.00 ) on o half-gallon of ArTi erica's best se lling whiskey. Seagram's 7 Crown . It"s Ameri ca's wh is key. ~· ' 'il1tt. --""' ~""'*~ ~tanrnttts a ldtof ball control." Carr respects St. Paul University Defense .And .i:!ven perfect football runnini \bac.ks Hick Gib· __ __, _______ _ may. not be good enough . hons a rt~ G ii Lopez .arid sV\ce the-~M.on archs' op· 'kno\\'S h'is J\lonarchs must pohenl ·i& St. P,aul, the Cl F's tackle bC,tter than in recent Quarterback .John i\lc· Laughlin likes to throl the fool ball but doesn "t carry ll on the option play. 1 •lrl'rn7Crown \~[RIC;\~ \\'II IS KEY .\ DL['O NOvJ 4·A team. M'atef Dei is games. ' r~~;No. 8. . '"If you,.qon!t attaC~)'OUr ·m Monarchs already opponcnC.1.~ou a re ~01ng to ha_V~ on~ loss i"n Angelus· get beat , f·~ sa ys. J#op!e play and another Carr hopes lo attack St. ~ practicall y e·nminale Paul offensively and says t~em from an) litle hopes. that fullbaC'k Jin'l RidgC', .P>us X shocke d J\f ater \1·ho has mjsscd ~I ater Dei 's D&,1-35-24, last \.l.'ttk and last thred games · Y.'ilh a CBtl'"S':lys , "\Ve "'ill have to bi·o ken hand. may sec some play 500 percent better than action T hUr!iday. ·Mater we'pJayed last "1't!ek to beat Oci's rushi'pg '.has nol been , too strong hi ll;C~rtl games St.'· Pa ul. We didn 't pl ay due to inex~rience a~ ful - "'i(h. e1n otion, didn't block. lback. The 1d}larchs-o nly didr't>l'f.tackl~ a n~ gol the rushed fort ly)rds against gR -e taken t(> us ." Pius. ' • • .. ~ ' .. ' :· • . .. ii ···~ .. ~··· ' •• ,,:. • ' ' • . FROM Fash ion Newport I Islah d Beach -·· .... Refs Need ed Ref recs arc in need for junior soccer league games on Sat'urdays in the Irvine, Tustin and Cos lu ~1esa area. Interested parties should contact Don1in ic Storto al ~""\"· You con Charge ·DAILY PILOT Classified Ads 642·5678 . - ••• " ..... t• He usually puts t he ball in the a ir 25 or 30 times in a game and h as had reasonable success lo date. The Santa l\lonica offen- sive line averages 207 pounds per man "·ith thel defensive unit geared more I to quickness than to size. ![J;uu DIS!!lll'S C(j~'PINY. u.~ c AMIRICAli flll~klY-' eur.J. !I rRW. ~l.lt,i ,£,r,lfd,, .. ,,i,,.,r1,,, 1'11'¥ .d ;,.//;/,,.,.,,.,/ r~lf l1g,r r(J,.,,,,,,,..., 111\.:V'.i. ... • :.,. .. _ .. #,, ... ' ~'" !(,•· ; ".. •:•··.'. . ~ ... -·~"' •• ~. ,. ·'<le· STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HAR·BQR -- .. ' ' ' I • ' • • ( .. ·-~ '· Uf; DAIL 'f !'!LO! W•dnesaay. Oclober 23, 1g74 At11erien's Cup Bid England to Ret111·n F:n~lan{l 11 1111 r1' :1t:.11n for lh t•t\1llt'l'i(';1"., (\If' Ill l ~l';°i 1\n1111lHH'('n1vllt 1ha1 lhc lir1t1~h h .11 t• l:1unc·l11·d 11 l'h ;d l l'I\).!!' Ill 1 ht• J11h>l'- ll:11l on<1I L! rn«\t·r 1•la.;~ 11as m ad<· 111 ll.1r1 v 1\nd1·r.~on, 1·£·~1r 1 11rn rn~•do1 .l· ul !Ill' 1\1·,,..· \'v1J.. Y:11hl r!uh, :1t a di n· n 1·r U)1·1 •l111 ~ "t 1111· \';1t·ht li:1r1n).! ''"'"e1:111111t 1il I.on;! 1 ,1~tt11! So11n1t \nd1•r!';un :-:iid t h•· f'h:1I l•·nl.'.t' 11·11!" r11 ;1d1> !11 J11hn ;\L L1v1nc-.1tu1 un b1·h.1lf 11r !ht· ('11rin1l11 ;_1n '.n·ht <·lul1 •ii 1·:11).'l:111d. BOATING t);pires lh e middle o r November. Livingston's bid is tl1 e 23rd challe-nge ror the tup s ince it was "'OQ by the famous schooner America in a race uround lhe Isle or \V ight in 1851. Origlnall )' it wus known· as the liundrcd Guinea Cup. The British l'hatlengc is expel'tcd to be "'ith a new aluminu m J2·meter which Livingston said was ''half built in the Camper and Nlcholsen yard '' in England. ALAN BOND, heatlor the 1974 ~ustra lian challenge. said 11rter his defeat that the Aussies would be back in t·i1l1(·r the Au stralians or.the J977. Earnings . Up 158% For Gulf o.u, ............... TllEll I·:\\ i\S :-. l!l"i·I ('/\al• lcngc IJ.\' lhc ll nt1:-h bul il '"·;1 ~ 111t hdt ~111 n u hout 11 1t";1r lll•fo1 1• 1111 · nl:1t(·h. The i a~t{·halltn).:1' h.> lhl' llrtt1:-.h \\;1:-. 111 l!'ltil \\hl'll !ht· 12· n11•tcr ~1·1·pl 1 v 11 ;is o.,ou11dl .1· li\•;Jt l'n hi ( 'i11l'-!1·ll:1l H•l\ ,\ndcr:,.()11 ~.ud th~· .:\e 11 '"1h. \';1rll1 l 'l11li , Plllll'l'uf lhl' lruph1. h,,, !H•l ,\'('I r(·c·1·11·1·d !'h.dlt·n~t'" frunl l"r cnch but that they are ex· Reports from Newport P<'Ctc·d before the 60-day revealed that Baron Marce l llL·;1dlinc from lhc last race. Bich. who has mounted t\vO -__:___ ~U.niuC.Ceisf.u.Lih.al.Lenges. 'NEVER HELD BACK BECAUSE l'M A WOMAN' ~outh Coast Plaza Bullock'• Gloria Johnson TllE Cl,UB \r ill not or. has already reserved dork fi('ially disclose the chal· i;pace al the Ne viporL il·ngcs until the lime limit Shipyardfor1977. St. George's · Reef Races Set Distaff Manager's New Job 'A Natural' Drops Lighthouse Soulhl:1nd :.l\1 pp1·r~ ri nd n;i11~ator.~ t•rtH.~1ng nnrth <Jlt1·r t ht · (ir.~t of th1 ' ,vL•a1· 11 Ill nu ln11g1•1 he ;1hlL· to <ll·pC'nd 1i n !hl· o ff ~hor1· hg'hth11t1!'<· !hat h a~ n1a rkcd lh r tr l·achl'rou :; S t . Geor,::c's Heel' tor the past 75 year:.. St. c:1•1)rge's Rc•c f Light. northernrnost of the state's lightho11SC!i \\'ill go dark and be repl atl.'d by a giant buoy y,·ith Un a11tu 1n atctl liizht sig· nal and fogho rn in the s pring. The lighlhou ~<· stand:< 1-16 ft•t't :ibovc .-.L·;i IL'I l'I f\n 01 rurk.v uu t<·r·<ipp1n g 1:I 1nill'S off t'rt·~<'<'nl <'ii ~. 1:1 111il c~ frun1 the (ll'Cgon hnrfk·r'. In \11nll'f :.\Orm~ 1\ i.-. ltllt' o f th l· 11ildl'r f·o;1 .~tn l pro monl or1es 111 lhe 11·orld. 'Power J\lust Southla nd ya('hli;.mcn arc atcustomC'd to looking f(u' 1 hl· light on rrui ses to Sc;1t1l1-. llritis h ·Columbia and :'\las ka. It \V ilt go the way ur Blunt 's Heer lightship off thr ~l cndocino coast and the San t'rancisco lightship :1l the westernmost point of the entrance to the bay. The S1)anish first marked St. George's Reef in 1603 wilh the name Caho Blanco de San Seba~tia n . The name \\•as changed in 1792 by Rl'iti sh c .-;plor er George \·a n(·ouvcr. St . lil·orgc's tteef is one ot lhc 010!-il treacherous in t·o;.i~t :il u·aters, along v.'ith Sacramento Reef off Baja C;iliforni:•. Win eh New Model Introduced A n<'\\' t>lel'tri c ally pQ\\ercd ~o. ;is \vi nch has been intrndurf'd by Barient Comp~1ny, m;inu facturer of s om C' ot' the most .sophistirat(•(l )!l'ar for han· dling ru nnin g rigging on sailboat:;. The nc\\' winc h 1s moun · ted on a s p ecial base slighlly higher than a stan· dard \1·inch. The drive motor is positioned below deck. For fu rther information consult any Barient dealer. or write Baricnt Co. 936 Bransten Road, San Carlos, Calif. 94070. In Douglas Cup Action Top m atch r al'ing skip· pers from eight colleges \vi ii begin compe tit ion Friday in the ninth rene"•al of the Douglas Cup com- petition Friday in the ninth renewal of the Douglas Cup competition al Long Beach Harbor. The series will con- tinue through Saturday with 28 individual races in seven s ets of two-boat match races. 1'his year's Douglas Cup v.•i\I be sailed in 30·foot Shields Class sloops instead of the Cal·2 5 s th at dominated the series from the beginning. Each crew will be assigned one of the boats owned by par- ticipating Soulh~rn, Caliror· nia collegiate sailing clubs. Schools participating this year are UC Berkeley, Universit y of Britis h Columbia, Notre Dame, University or Oregon, USC , University of Washington. U.S. J\f e rch a nt Marine Academy and the host Cal State University. Long Beach. Headquarters for the event "''ill be Long Beach Yaohl Club, t20t Appian W1y, Loni 811ch fl.1 arina. The nC'\\" 35 is Barienl 's s<•c·ond production model in po11crc rl "''in ches . The Hrsl \\':.LS :1 No. 26 introduced to th<' n1arket in 1972. 'rhe ne,1• \\'in ch can be OPl'rated t'iectrically or 1nanually in t1vo speeds. 11 \\'i ll haul 5.000 pounds in 1011· gear at a speC'd of 71 2 feet llt'f second. Speed in second gc:i r is 121 ~feet per second. Finn Offering Students For taking up slack in an· t•hor lines or s heets it ,1·il\ lli rn as fa st as necessary \\ it hout being limited to the n1o torizc d s peed of the d rum . It c ;1n b e hand t·rank ed \1·1th the same cf. fieiencv as a standard i'\o: :15 y,·i nCh. This is rnad<' JXlS· si ble b y a con1plctc mechanical disengagt'ml'nt bet"'e('n n1 otor :.ind drun1 \\'hen a lol'k·i n ha ndle \1 ill operate the \1·inch. T he s tanrla r d No . 35 po\\'ered v.·in ch includ(•s a ~lainless slCC'l drun1. ty,·o foot sy,·itch<>s. a tock· in han· die aod is v.·ircd for 12 volt s <l (' all for a price of $2,150 . Boat Building 0... Ora nge County hi«h school students can learn the arts and skills involved in fiberglass boat building and be paid whi le learning. The new educational cf· fort i s the result o f coo pera tio n between lhe Coastline Regional Oc· t•upa tional Program and .Jensen J\t arine of Co sta J\lcsa. 1'he 1'ro1?r a m provides for students lo lour the Jensen tllarin<' facilities to deter· mine their level of interest ill boat huilding. After lhc initia l' tour, they are hired \hi• 1tv11 lh•m a bl1 Jump In rlndln1employmtnl11\tr ar1du1llon. ti . Students selected ror the proe;r•m "'ill continue their normal classroom activity, according to Paul Snyder !iuptlrlntendenl of CROP. Tompkins Sales Chief The adage about the third time be ing the charm seems appropriate in Gloria Johnson's career. On he r third entry or em- ployment with Bullock's sh" ""a s nam ed ge nera l manager of the ir South Coast P l aza s tore. a position held hy only one other wom an in the eom· pany. PREVIOUSLY SHE had served as publicity director tor two othe r Bullock"s stores and she is immediate past director of Associated fl.1erchandisin g Cor· poralion, a retail service organization to which Bul- lock's is a membe r store. Allhough she left the com- pany t~·icc, she said, "You really could consider this as a promotion from \l.'ithin'" (because of her "'ork with AMC). r.1rs. J ohnson does n't view her po s ition as $8 Million Loss Told At Cl1rysler DETROIT CUPll - Chry!Jer Corp. has r eported a third quarter loss or $8 million, the first indication rrom the automotive "big three" of the seriousness of the current sales slump. The gloomy figures came amid speculati.on the No. 3 auto maker plans a new series or layoffs because of rising costs and s lugg ish new car sales . G e neral Alotors will report its earnings next Monday a nd Ford next Wednesday. Their earnings •re expected to be sharply tlOwt!'r from a year ago, but perhaps not a s seriously dow11 as Chrysler's, Chrysler s ales in the July- September period totaled $2.8 billion. up 21 .7 percent from $2 .3 billion in the year- ago quarter v.'hen the firm suffered a $17.4 million loss which was due in part lo a national s trike by the Un ited Auto Workers. t o ,vork f or v ario us Jim Tomp-lnl hal been diviidons o( J ensen for a fu ll appointed f1 11,or)' 11Jes scmei;ter. During this time manager for the Weit Coast ---s tuden ts \vii i work a l a facility or We1t11ll Corp., variety of jobs among the 1638 Placeqtla Ave., Cctlta !'evrrul divisions of Jensen i\lesa. in orderto beexposed tothe 1·o mpkln1 wlll bo in co mple te bu s ine ss o f ch1tr1e or the ••le• force Oberglass boat buildinu. which includes Paul Schin- ''1' ... iberglass boat building dl cr and J~enry Sprague Ill . is st ill a relatively new For the first nine months ol the year, Chrysler sales totaled $8.5 billion and ear· nings we re $21.4 million, 'Compared with sales or $8.4 billion a nd profits of $181 million in the same period last year . The rirst nine m onlh s of 1974 were Chrysle r 's lo"'est nine· month period since 1970. Tliree Stale Banks Cut Le1id Raies production method," _said Westsall also announced Charl es 1'homos, president the a\Jpolntment of Bot> of Jensen. "Trained person· ~1ullowney to a ssistant nf'l are difficult lo find . The sales manager. ~l e will be in ('Hf)P e nables us to bring charge of all dealers and )oun~ 1leople into our plant We stsail reps acroS$ the ;i nd teach thc 1u " ~rade country. · SAN FRANCISCO <AP> \\ hit·h is in de mand while -Three bunk5 have cut Oirv :ire cont i11ui ng their ;:;;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;;their prime rates, leaving cdilcution. California banks ch0rging "ltpon i;raduvtion the Se lh b ·ght three difCcrent inte rest s tuc\cnls rtccivc :1 cer· e e r1 er levels to their ht.st business uficntt' (or their ~u<"ttssful "d ·f l'f customers. romplt'lion of th(' rihcrglass SI e 0 I e Security Pncific Bnnk of h11a1 hullding rour~<'-l feel along the IA>S Angeles cut the prime from 11 v~ to 11 1..; percent, Oran.... Coast 1·n effective Tuesd:oy. b". w e ll s Far,go Ba nk anything unusual and believes that the current pattern is to promote more \\'Omen to this level. She feel s tt.at the reason (or this gro"·ing trend is the t endency to view th e general manager as more than m aintenance. "WO~IEN ·CAN MAKE a Old Recvees significant contribution to merchandising," a field she h as been in all or her working lire and a field "'hich she advocates for women. "It's a woman's business. Jt"s a natural because of the commodity. Based on my own personal experience. l never felt I was ever held back because of being a "·oman. '' . As general m a nager she has lull respOnsibility for every operation that exists in the .individual store. She oversees about 400 em-, ploye s and in th e framework or her duties is s elling standards and delivering profit to the organization. Now Unsafe. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Camper units on Inter~ national Harvester recreational vehicles built in 1971 or earlier may be un· safe , the National Highway Safe ty Administra tion \\'arns. The NHTSA says it has round that brakes, axles, springs, tires and rims on most lHC truck beds three years old or more were overloaded. The agency ad- vised owtiers or the: cam· pers to take advantage or IHC offer of a free inspec· lion. Ronald D. Caplzil has jolned Cochrane Cltate incl Company, In~. as account executive. He comes to the Newport Beach·based public relations firm from Kelly Capizzi Corso Advertising or Newport· Be ach. Previously, he was an account executive with Design Vista, Inc. of Irvine. He and his family will reside In Mission Viejo. • Changes in management at the Unlgard Jnsarance Group's Fountain Valley office include the transfer of Reginald C. ~lacDonough. and Gerald D. ll1ttleld to the Orange County facilities. MacDonough has been named marketing manager and Hatfield has been appointed administration manager. CAl'llll Mt.CltAI Gary R. Ferguson has been appointed branch manager and a!lsii;lant vice president of the new Costa rtfesa office of First Federal Savlngsors1nt1 Monica. Ferguson. who headed operations at another Oro11ngc County savings association, will host Grand Opening celebrations at the office, located at 1455 Baker St. * Ralph R. W1tlll, Jr. has been named director of public relations and advertising for the Electronics Operations of RockweU International. The Brea resident was formerly manager of communications for Rockwell's automotive products croup in Michigan. lie will establish a public relations policy in the newly created post. * LaRuna ltllls resident Wllllam R. Booher has betn a ppointed Los Angeles district sales manager ror the Mallory C1pacltor Company. lie was rormerly a sales engineer ror Mallory in Southern California and has been with the aluminum and tantalum electrolytic capacitor manufacturer ror 16 years. * Kenneth L. Booth, prMldenl"of B~ P. John f'dntlt1rt1 lowered its rate from 11 %c lo 1 Orange Coast 11 v. percent. also errectl'e R -~ immediate!)'.. 8aJl ... k or has been elected to the board of directors or lhe National A ~soclatlonol F\Jrnlture 1'1anulaeturers. Booth resides in Newport Beach. OUnuU California ar1ni:>unce-a a 11":...:;;.,_::::.:;.::;.::ic.... __ __,I similar reduction;-effective ll'llSSIO VIEJO IMPORTS O kto Sli""leatures thit ""'u"!~k .r America and -MERCEDES BENZ -ma ·-1 United California Bank .'nlr~ ·service · t .. eosing rlltleAY eurlicr hac1 1nac1 c $imnar '"28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY mo,•cs . * Murdotk N. MacR8:e of Newport Beach ha1 bee.I\ elected a director nf The Caplt11.J Group, lnc.1 t>arent organiiation or a group of l1rm5 i;peclal i 1nc in nnanclal .scrvlc.e.5 . • , •• Over The Count e r HI.SD Ulli"'l• • fMw Yqfll -FOi 0..Jttfl! 1 • 1 .• JP G-.1~ 1 09 1.1\ Yoy~ 1.12 1,11 '°""'"'II II • Ult OI OllllYP'US OllP J•-Fd U,1! u .n """""' F, 1.00 1.00 bid -·~ pr1. Oryt ,... '·" t.Oll ~t" lS ... U. A<l .... r, 4 ii •,IQ us CHI MubHI !'41y FO l ,lJ l.1' JOMM "AMC:OC:I(: Slltt E(l ).Ui b.I• F!Mllk e! qUOC•CI bt ~ LW 10.••11.n 8nol Fa U.1111 . .os.i, ...... ·,·."·· 4.1• h NASO Inc. Drrl LA 10.01 ... ~Grwlt• •.M ).)ll U ltl • --So Ill("' •.n 6.11 Sl9NI 6.~ ••• , I"'' lllw 10.U !Q 17 ,..,., Jrd CIM 7.11 1.11111.EYSTONE; Mat lb~ 10.Cl 10 01 Ocklber 22 IYU E&E """ 2.SO '·j() c~" 01 16.10 11.•1 B•laft( 11.JJ 11 ]S "411 Ai• El,IC (if S.61 6.U ~I Bl 1&.Jl II," fom I 1•, 71 6 11 Acl!!I Gw 3 40 l 13 EA 0"1 & C..,I B4 6.IJ J."1 ~Pt<~ .M) 1160 "°"' '"( ,· .. J0U llOWARO· (..,I 1(1 $.1t 6.11 le~ 3.M •.ll Adr!'I I...; 1:11 1:11 8111n Fd ' .... 7.61 ~I 11.2 3.t'I 'U SlCUIUT't FOi: Adwlter J.'1 J,11 6""~ F 6.11 J,)l Cull §I U,H IS.II '-"lty JtJ,Sl 1.IS MINI Fd S 1' S II ll'ICIM 6 .. S" c .. 1 ~l 6.•l 7,H lt1Wil ' •.tJ S 60 A.trt. lfl 10: .. 11 :ta ~ .. p .:s1 .:,. c..,1 SJ SOI s.si U1tr• F 4.ll 5.!I Afutur~ S52 SS2 sto Fd 1,d. s.n (US! St 2.'8 1.~ ELECTEO l'OS; AGE Fd 3.'6 3'a.EO!£Sp 12.•211.•2 A~llo 2 14 J.00 Am Shr S.66 l.U AHslett 1:1. ,:,. Eoret "' n .11 9,JJ Politi 1,1• 1 •• Opp Fd 6.•I •.•S Alllftl Fd 1.:11 t ,ot Ell\lfl Tri 10,:rt ... Kr>k:ll, •.U •.M 'iOJ_S~os 10.6J 10~1 Arne ... F 3 21 ) U E""flY t .U t .ll lln-r Gt~ •.ICI S.26 !Intl 6,U l.~O Am 8lrt11 '9:61 10'.u F1!r! d $,ti •.tl lt><l,,....k. S.32 1.11 ntry F t.10 IC.I• Arn Dwts ._J I & fm Burt. 6.21 6.llLD E.s;e 11.:1311.U StiAAE"LO GRP ; Arn E<H1 ll• J.11 FHfAA• 5.llO ... LEX GROU .. ; ·Com<.1 2 '11) -l:Xf>ltEis . ,tOELITY Co Le<lr 11.1>' 11.21 Eti1fP! • !6 l'UMDS: OllOUP: Grwtll •.It '·" l'litl I'd J.11 C.,i1t •.M S.01 8nd dttl 1.11 I.IC Re"ch 10.JS 11.Jl "1411)( •.•I ... ll'ICom I .II 1.11 C<lipl1! &,16 1.~ Liit lnlw 4.11 1.11 U961 l 5.00 •.• 1nwt1m 6.CI 6.tl Ci:wilr• J.Js .~.Linc Cl() •.)2 •. ,. P•'•" ",,•·," SJMCI • •.ll J,06 Cw SS..c I.II ,,., lOOMIS AIJ\ OS ; $1otk S.U S.•9 Oly '"' I.DO ,,.. YLES: ADPrc 11.1' 11 46 ""' Gftl'I ).U •.02 Ot•t SJ)l ... C.p Ov e 20 l,1Q !tKq.ryi (/) ltf Am i111ln 3.SI S.M El1ot• 1.36 • , . M~lu•! 10 41 10 '1 lt1,_.il, 1 Jl I on Amlnw11 3.69 ~ ... E-s1 I.It t .12 l0ROA88: De1n 11.41 1!•1 Arn Mui IS. 7.11 F11!00 11,,S 11.tJ AIUll! !.'1 S.k >lie fd •-O 1 <IS Am"ll ~ 1:11 1,ts Purllfl 1.&S 8.36 Am a~, •1.•0 , 60 IOMA ,Utt OS: • AMCKOlt $.o~m I' 2.'1 J.11 Brod 0.b 1.16 t .OJ C.I) $ht •.6, ~ 1l OROUP1 T11ni1 U.ltH,_IJ LUT"EAAN &RO: inv 170 161 Gtllflh S.tt ~.n .. NANCt&L Brah FO I II I.to T•~t ' 6.11 b.11 IM:Ol'fl 1,tl &.>9 PltOOlt&MS: Bro Inc 1.W 1.63 V•"ltJr •·'" I 41 ~Ml"' 10,JI 11.311 Fin Oyn l .tl 2,., Bro US '9,t110.M "'!Ill 8 111 I ~I SoKtt ).U l .U Fin 11'1!1 , It 2" S5 co: • l&Cil I.a. a .~ F'!'IO In¥ I·'' S.lt fin" h..: •.98 •-"fl F•Htn 111 6.~ Gtnl' 8.IJ ~ \l W• "1•11 .oo '·" Vffll 2.11 1 n lncl~ "" S,1' I,, •" Inv 1.U I I~ Auila• F .... S.31 h •Fa V• 1.11 I.Ml Miu F l,61 9.11 oi tnv (, J 14 4 o. AXE "IRST SS PNCL: vr In 1.1'> t.11 ltOUOMTON : l"IWl5101tS: Mii l.U IM IT• l .01 l01 Fllflel A J,t] 4.11 015< f d l.H 3 ~1 Ml(, 7 1J l"S l.P lflO 4 .. • ~ ,....., B t.lt •.U Orth F<1 S 16 S.63 MIO \a 6111.4) STATE INO Glll P ~ Sloe• •.It !.JJ IMom •.•• 7.11 MFO • •S • n Com f(I l , IS J .. A•• Sci S.31 J.61 !>!ocl F l .'1 6,61 MCD t.tS 10,11 Olve'>ll J,U 3 ~~ lllC C.111 7.•J 1.111\1 Mulll t .M 6.M ~I•\ Iv l,J~ !,U Pt?irs J,'6 l.ll 81bl0t\ 1.IO 1.IO Flm ~r I.IS , .• Millloet I '4 6 .. I "' Gr 314 l l6 lllllYrot •.IO 1.u '°"UM GROUP; IMo(I Am l ll 4 OI I Ft !fl( ),00 1.00 ........ ,, J .... •.10 HlO FllCI I .JS •.. MQ.nt~ M l 00 1 00 t.ie Str lO.IJ l! 1S &Men HI &.H .•. 101 l'ft(I 6.J.4 ,,, Mo"y Fil 1J1 100 TIAOMllN l'OS· lie.con 1.Jl '·" Colum 6,1& ... MSll fd 9.'14f '·" Am I"" 1.1' 119 &.,It~, 2,St 1.lt 71 "llfl<I 4,1t ... Mii ll11G 6.Ml f,U A.Ho Fd ,,) 9) llO&I Fon 1.JJ '·'°FM Gt l .11 l.MIM!F F<1 •.21 6.1, :n~u 1.01 1 01 !It-J.11 J,ts FOUMOtlflS MIF Gto 1 .. 111 Oo::t.on J.ll I t1 llr-1.n l.n OROUP1 MuOm Ill s.u •.oo TllN lflO• ,OS: CALVIN ruNOS: Gtwt~ 3 M •.11Mu0m r11 1.11 1,1' B•l•IK uoo t•.00 !lull Fd 1.1110.n liw:om 9l•10lJ'Mut !tllrl ll lJU.67 Clplll •.OJ 6 0l C. Fd 1.11 t,t5 F Mlull l.•I l ,IJ """" lti 1.10 1 I~ Sloe• •.•I t .61 Olw Sllr 1.44 tll ,_ !.oet il t .•t 9.ll "111 ln<lu I.II 1,11 IS GltOU~: JQI""' J.lr 1.01 l'O«•MI F 6.0 6 •S "IAT SliC li'DS: Gnrft~ 1.IJ 6,1~ "l't Yen ILJt 9,ot FRANIC\.IH • B1t~1K 1.J1 t..'M '"'°"' 6.1' 110 CG I'-'·" 1,0 GROUP': IW!d ~r J.a 4.l • ~mtrlll J M 6 •O CG '"{I' 1.U I.I@ D"ITC: •• ,. s.,I OIV!dfl 2.tO J 06 let~f\f '91 I •! c..p p,1,,. 01 trl Gwt11 Sr •,'IO 1.ll Pre• Stk 4 'l'D 1.)6 '"'r F ''" 1 •• C.nt 5115 1,11 1.tl Fr lnuri I.II !,11 lfl<Om J,111 •,16 ftl'lP G Ill 6,9? OWIJ Inv 6,lt l.S) US Gw S t , 14 10.01 Stoett ~t ) )'I J,lt r1" (1p 1.11 6 81 CMANMIM• U!lllUt l .16 l . .IS Gt"'!ll '11 I Si lr1vl Eci I 11 I JI l'UMO$: l'l•t CIP 1.01 l,'9 NI W EHO LP: Tll(lot H 1.q 1 98 ..,..., ... l,G) Iii f<llY tit l.!l Ectulh U.1111,19 II ((j l,ff I !R l .aflltd. 7.t1 t ."Fltl llfQ I.II 8,)1 Grwtll t'JO' I.SO II (I J 11 ll~ BM Fd ~·lll l .Oi' Fd Ml ai:> •.U 6 12 lncom 11,Y ll.11 U!!1l~d Crl !1 J flltt i;, ..,Mi S.M PUMDS IN(, !.i"" 10,56 ti.JI Ullllllf'\ll ~ U 6.03 EQ\1 Pr I.ts 1.11 GROUP: EA Mt 6 S6 I.st UNIO"I Stll'tlC:IE j Fno •m S.Js 1 .. 11 c-m 6.:lt '·" Ii C..M •.JS ... ltOUP: ' Gt'wl~ '·'l ),I! 1.,.K t .SI • 01 H9"""11 &.)I ••. ilto S lw t.1110 '' '"'°"' 1.1' l·'' ll!d!n Ir I .I, '·'' Hlwlon •.1110.44 !<MU '"" •.I! I»~ ,.,..,v In l.ot ·r. Piiot '·" t .U N:'W hr\ 11.tl 11·.1~ Un C.p! 6 •I 1.orr ~I I IS I 6 r.i. ,.17 4,li -Wld t,4t t,21 UfliOl'I In 10 l)J 10 ti ~tur \ 0 (11 s:1s l S. ,. '"°' ... "ll(ll!IS I.II 1.$1 U"lllED 'UMOS: iii•I Fd l,,t t. G.11 C !·'' ... '-•1 !YI~ 1161 U,t2 ll<tu"' 'll S.lt ASIE GI" ,Affl .'1 ~.1' 6.IJ 6.IS 8fld" Fii ~ '' 1.11 TO"I : • 0t111 111d lj·" it.n Nt 1 fd 10.is 10.ri Cotit v.. & 6t 111 , .... Bo~ •,ts 5.6! Gultf 1 ,,t11.7t Wiit 11.tl 11.M tortt Ill( 1,10 7,lt Ft.i CP 3.Jl •J.62 KAMl\.YGN 0111': PPIM"M ,0: t~ 160 t .62 !il!Tr lh i.43 J,t l Flll'ld J,OO 1-H Alm Fd t,IJ 1.2) k"!nc •.It s OJ ~(I 4 It, 6 11 GfW11t 4.11 •.st ()cl "'"' 6, I S.tt VM>Qd ) 1J 6 l)'l. Chem Ff 1:11 I.II lnctf!\ S.02 , 0 /lcfly 8 ···•·tO,., Ubl S°V(F 'JI 'l1 CHA MMO POS: Hlrl Otjl J.» 1,U Tl'"'° F ),tS •.11 USAA C.4 •.11 111 llbrty 1:~ .t 6\ ~ Lv 1·•! 6.0 TC Ste 1.19 t SS US GvtS •, 11 t )1 ..... ·j1 1.1.1 Mtdtt .O!I ... "'"~amt S.01 l.S• USLIFE ,U"IOl1 X llut, t. i >·"'H1rll9f ,I I •.. P~uol ltew 4 \I 6 99 Atll:'O' F ),ft 1.1~ ~""' SP 1.M ~.01 110r•t• u o. u 11 POoo'>u\ " t 91 l 7• a.a F"° 6 11 4 tt COl.ONl•L ll'l'IPl'I Co 1,7f 1.11 f'ttin M! I JI 1,Jl tom Sl~ . 9.01 t.t1 l'U .. bi; l'"P Of J,SI t ,Ol ~nn ~ ~)I S )1 VAl.UE LIHIE fOS.: ('.ofNtr J, .. f,U Ille Alf\ 11.U U 16 Phi!• 1-d •.61 1.01 V•1 lnt •.ll 6 66 1:111111r 1.• 1.os '"' !loh• '·J' J .11 PNtn1 ~ c 6.11 1.ll V•l IM: 111 l -•• ,.Wit J.t\I l ... tllCIFAm 1.t •.• PILGRIM OP! Lt•C.111 4 14 SO& 0,"1111 )," ,,)6 I"'"'" I.II l,QI Pll Frm t.lS .,. V•I SPt 2 16 J,J/ IMom 1,1) '·" !ti 111 ... $1 (..oO!•l ,,,, ,,,a 'JAN(l Yttillll' 1,1) 1.t1 •1S.• llltS 111(0"' i 00 1,t} s.A"IOEltS: 9 4• t 49 lft¥t'ft G J.)1 S II PF19 l!"d ,,1f S,U l",,_SI S.:JI S ... WL°TM . t,.. et 4 t , J 11.'6 Pint St J,O, •.ol v..,s COf1'I ,,OS s.tt lflY GltiO ,,10 ,I Pin T~ h J Ill (! •.Jl ~Ir A&• .11 .t)lf>w11'1dl( ,rt ., PIOHl:Ell ,o, Vno11111 ;1 40 J,6(1 C lt.10 1.lt lft¥ lot '·" t.JG PIOl"I Fii t.tS t .11 'J,111~ Iota •-Iii "" i;. ,,13 • J1 tNYlif PIOl'lt II ?.lS I 0, ll•'Jtd I 1.lJ 1.88 · •1t4(U~U,••IL Pl_,.., •S~,.ttlfl•'IOGt l.•S l9S lld t:u 1:s1 ""' •'.•) , OS Pt.1'1"(;'110 t ,1110 in Wiili-O• ')Q '., Fa )fl'·' eolt lw t.~ t .MPll lrn SOl S,49W•\~M11 •11 10,1) rd I It 1 ! c.toll Wt J Jt J,tJ PlfllCI: ROWE ~ ~no tq 1,JS J,Jl OM tnw .:11 r:ll IKYtSf Oit0UP: Gf'wl~ l.JJ '6.22 WELL!l<IG70K Wiii ow 4.tl • lt IDS Gth l to . llKOfl' 'ti 1·H GIK)lil!: -!EM! t" •.lf 1:11 10$ "10 1:14 J.i,l Mw E,1 11.l l) EoPIOI' U.UUM. l•r •C '9,01 •. ,l 105Pf 1.lt l.IG ""'Hor Sll })I 1,,.11 JI\ ~11 -0.11 1.11 •. ~ Mutwl • t.ta J s• Pto ro '·" ' • "'4•:r 1 v -n ·c-°'" • ll • ' ~IOC' 11·" " .. ""°"'"Gt !i.t'f • SS llu• I,, '·" 0.!1•1 t.'° , , S.iol(I , 11 1.8" ...... ~IP 6 II I Ml•lx •II 10 11 Clol"'dl . )OJ 10S 11•• P•~ 49* 1•1 l!'UtH&M """Ill 111 111 .otUWA•I ' • l~v P4\ 4.11 t'.M FUN0,1 t ·• , ... :i'!!": I!~' ',,'! OllOUP: I S I' c.n"..er ""' ·~ '"" lw F 1,11 t os lfll.OM 361 '01 ('Aor9 ,10,31 11 ,.. \..,.,.. .-S .. 495.1100 MI SSION VIEJO 83t-17•0 IQ the ~om lY' C.ali rorni R btinks l~l!lllii'""mm"m·,.,.lli.'li"~'li· ';•~·~;il....,llii"ii"'iii·ii"il"ii'ii"~"'iiiMiiiMii•ii""'iiiii•"ii.••I r€!maincd "'''the 1 l o/f pcr-11----------' ccntlcv~I. fftt joined the. Capital Group in 1970 a's vice president andrhlc t financia l offi cer and wn s cltcled senior vice president in J91J . lie 1s also a vice presidtntof Capital Research .And Man-agamcnt Company:--- 8:<flr I.Oii ti) t.t.,,'111 4ot 4 66 IQ11lt1 l 3t t.~ Wtw •1,',..l~-~ !! ?otr. Otll• T .11 J &O 1•11 VI Jlj : •• l(,itw!ll 1,11 ••~""\<""' l tl • • -a: ~ l.lf .• H.!• l"'t'l'!' t.11 I 2• t;i I t> LJl Dn<U , \l,-fld1l .. 11~l11.,.~I 611 ·~• • OIOCIC.. 11,M ,,,,. h• ·-J Oil ~ ot V\~I" F •.I) •• ~.---- • • . . . • • :Picking an Executor .Don't Rely on Friend to Settle · Estate " By SYLVIA PORTER When we recently asked a friend how the widow or his lifelong partner was faring, he remarked bitterly that he rarely saw either her or her children these days. He had been appointed exeeutor or his beloved par· t.ner's estate; he had done the best job he knew how; despite this . they had lost all faith in him and the relationship had deteriorated into squab- bling. Then he quoted the final stanza of an Edgar A. Guest short poem : NO!Dwhtn/di</'ll....,ask A frimd to ca,-,, 111Ch a task: l 'U IJ)Ctre hfm aU auch onguiih1Ctte Mdleavtahiredeucutor. ,, 1t•s rottep. poetry but an. aC:ellent warning, for If you ····pl.et In executor for your at.ate on tbe basis of friend· . _ lhlp and loyalty rather than · •blllty, you're ask!n1!Jor trouble. The lime to leart how to 1elect the right . Sales Up AtBertea Gal"'" and ,,.,.,,.,. cxeculor is now , 'when you're healthy and · can• reach an appropriate decision. . Simp•y s la.ted, an executor is the person yt'Ju Money's Worth name in your will to handle the job of settling your estate. Your executor may be your wlfe or husband, a friend or a professional executor, such as a lawyer, a bank or trust company. You may select an in- dividual executor or have several co-e xecutors to share the responsibilities - one a member of you r ramify or a dear rriend. and the other a professional to furnish business and other advice. . Tueeday'• Cloting-P~ • • ,.,.,_, 1974 DAILY PILOf NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I • - BB OAILYPILOT \Vednflo;dav Oc.1obl'r 13 1914 ~ .. t TONIGHT'S TV HIGHLIGHTS KllJ 1~1 ) 7::iu -":o;parl~•<·u ," 'T'h c> <·O n· t·lu .... inn u! the· l~H ;u /\1r\.. ()ougl:1 ... 1·p1t· \\i1h .l t·;.1 11 Stn11111111:-l'tH·1 l.":-.l1nt1\ ;.ind ·run.' c·urt1:-. c·1,:-. I:!~ s:oo -~on and lJ :1u~ht1·r:-.ll·tf'-. 111 " 11 ).!hl :-1111! !11111~h! 1\h1·11 h1:-. 1(1rrn1·r ..:1rl lr1t·11d 11!t (1rn1 ' h1 Jt1 'ht·"·· pr1·gn:111I \l't · 1i1 ,'\::111 lt1d Hon~dll ·· ,\ t•·L·ll ·:t t.:l' ni111rt1 ·11·t -.1.d).; .... 1 larllll) \11th 1hr1·1· d;u1g h1t·r:-. \I hn nln\ t ' 1tl11 • ,1n rdd huu ... t · S1·1i1 t .r ;n·olJ\. K 11l1 l lunll"r . l 'qq1.1 ~t'ol1 :ind .Johri J.;1r1·h ;1t't• h ·;dlll l'd TV DAILY LOG Wednesday Eveni ng OCTOBER 23 ,:00 £f WM, CONRAD MEANS * CANNON-EXCIT EMENT •:oo i ~ ~~ ~ m ~ cp,_ ~~,'·s 1 (t ) loninu · Wl"l'I MJ l int! Pu,1ld11 fullily Mod Squi d Mulical C.111tdr Show llo. s.!•1 Trtk l)(ft,-3i(f)C..11non "The U· (h~ng~"' ~nnan·s lonrtime lriend· ship wilh a lotmer politt tom1-<le plunges him inlo !he midst ol 1 leirotisf~ vrndHU iliillnsl !he po· hetman, LI, lyle St1ce1 (Edwud B1011$). 0 LUCAS TANNER Dis· * cusses Sex Openly m Eltct1ie Comp•nJ (I) Spttd lhctr In His Class Which Threatens His Career! O ~l 6l 101ml1rc 1s T111ne1 "'lhree Letlei Word"' L11e1s fices Alllly 'rirtilh 1 m1io1 conflonUl<Oll w•th p11en1s l ;lO 1•11moftd l urr S~D" , lNm! dnd !ht schi;oJ bo1rd when one ol j :J' , 1 •I D.!aJu's GllD11:• h•I ct1ssr01Jm 1111rnments p•ompts m JM l'itnttrs :~ nerd tor ii !unk dljtUslion al m Little RtKllS aJ Plttrt Otmt fMlb.111 Hlfhllctib '"° ~OOlmiJ@EDCD NeWI £D Cumin1 IMl'l•ftC !Gr Doll1n I t!l NEW TV DRAMA DEBUT MN Stillilll * BEST THEATRE IN LA Tnilb "Con1tQ11t11c•1 Hollywood TV Theatre! 1 ll'llL LiKJ n.. rtl fD Hollpvod Tt1tvi~Dll Tht1t11 l(j) Ht111't Mt1ocl '"!he Chinese Primt Mir11stt11" 011M [I-aid• lud1t1' Anderwn li1trs in Cnid 811· 111 Viner nold's play 1bout tht lascin1t!on Cbftl I• C~lll(e ~nd d1sa•ler ol grow1ni: old. ( (j)) loun11 9:30 0 Nnr! °'"'" l!lil D1'11111 Thrtt SlotCh 10 00 7:>0tJlonit Crten1'1L1litat1111 Witd1 0 MANHUNTER IS TV'S (>)'""' l'Jlt * NEW ACTION STUNNER §H-Th1tlune O ~@@ M1n hunl11 "Tht ltt1p ,Illy H..trtibor Ooam5day G1n2" D•~e ~ur5ues 1 It! (IJ Ltf5 l1bkt A Deal 111n1 ltd by 1 demented, bomb· r1) lfJ) l]) Tt Tell tM Trulll thra..on~. delroc~ed m1ni.11tr (RUelil c:J M111i01L $ Morie: (C) (2h•) Monte Mirlthim) when he i$ hi1t11 ''S•1rt11:~s·• Coi'K\ \dia) '&o -by • umon olfit11I to rind tht real ~irk 00..1l1s. kin S•mmon1 cnm1nals 1tsC10ns1blr llH the mu1· ut l'riCll Ii Rl1M ! d!I and robllt ry !or •h1ch hit union Cillld!U tn Prt u CtnltlfRCt j 0 ~ "J lg m P t I 1 t t I 11 I 01htf Ptotlt, Otllet "•u1 1 '"lne f.ter of Evol'" A lathlf· Celtbrity ltw1iar d•~thtrr 11latlllflsh;t1 rlniti ham 'Pnpl•r /floon' Stnr Connelly Wins 'His_ Role' H~· V l·:lt~O '' S('fl1"1' llOl.1.''\\(lf1D 1l 'P/1 ()ul,v l'hr'J!>lnph1·r t'<111111·U \ uf tho· f1l'l).!Uliil ''l'1 •\t11l1 f'l !H'I' lt•ll•\ l '>ltlll .,,:r'i t'l'> t·;1-.I t'<lll !u• 111111111 11111 ~1\ ll\t' \t•:ir., lat.·r .. till ~l.11 l'lllJ.! 111 H llt•1·J...I\ 'h1111 111:-. 1:-11110 · • 01f 1h1· tiv.,1 r11•rl11r111;1111·1· ... ut lht • 111'11 ..... ;,.,,,!\ ti\ \Ill'' 'l':q11·1 .\!1J11!1 .• 1ht· h.ilt htotll "I' u;1111111 l"lHYl 1•1l I I l'l"'l<•ll ut !111· ... u1·c1•,,,11it 111 ... 1 it· l'•Jnnt·1J~ h ;1.-;n ·1 1·1~11 h\·t1rdJrurn t1lh1•r :ilun1ni uf "P1·}tun l'lae1·." the !>O:lP i. 111~:ra th;n 1·11J11)1•d ~· run rronl l~l&l ·f;~ .\I I .\ 1: \ 11 R IJ \\" h :1., hPt"!llllt• <t "0/Jl(•(1nll' ll\t1\lt' ... 1;1r. 111 Ill.I! 111 1-:ui.;l;uul 111lh l1u ... 11;111rl \nrfr1• l'r1·1111 :111d ll 1·r 1•h1ltlr1·11 IJ11 1ut h1 \!,1h1t11· 1111 • ... Ill '1'1•\;1' ;1 1Jd I ;d•..t'~ U!'l ;J~ l•JILd ;11•! 111 ).! J'llft'S-- H:irhar:1 Jl,trl.1n:-. rn111.11'd ,, nurr,1· ;1' ;.i hu"." 011111t• 't:u· und 1' 111111 ap11t·.11 UIJ.: 11· ... :-rr1·qu1·111h 011 tlu· 1.i ~ "' 'l't '\'II ~:d .\t•l :,.•J ll , ... ,,1 i11 :1 \l11rk1ng ;.11•\u1 l';,il :\101 ro11 1' .. 1ud11n).l lor 111•1' l.1 11 1h·~r1·1 ·' .ind tn.11 1·nt1·1 1•1li111 · ... Supcr .... l<ir H,1;11111·;\t·al • .., doing ht>."l uf .Ill ,\ntJ lh('l'l'ill ht·:-. ;1 l'Ul'IOU:O. t·h~un uf l.'\'t•l11.' ()'\"1..•:i l pla~·t·<I ('Orlnel1) ·.., l)ro1ht·r in "Pc.\'\On l'l;.iCl' "'/'h1·y l\'Cl'l' llo2nt'y unll i'\urn1an I larrington. 0 ' :\ I': i\ I. 1\ .'O D 1,11 S 1 l;_iugh L1._•t. 'l';_i tu n1 , :-. larrL'<l 111 lht· s 1·r1·1·n 1 t•r:-.1n n ol ·1•;ip1•1' :\!nun " l.il tl1• ·1:.11 UIH \\'IHI 1 ll t' ( 1. ... r;11·. t11r h1· ... 1 :-.1111porl 1ni.: ;11•1r1•:-.,.., \t1\\ [J1;1l ('o tlrlt•ll~ I" J!/;11111;,: lht• roh• of i\lo.'lt'' l'I ;1}. l•fl i.!l lt <d<'d h~ 111:- t't'~I 11 !1d1· ro ~! :1 r . t h1 ·r~· :1r1· l'Plllp:t["l,1111'-111 tllt'lt 11 \'I' I 11 I' lll ;1 ll t ' t' :-. . 1 ht' I! • 1ppcar :1111·1·:-. :1ntl l'<ll'•·t·r:- · · runn} 1h1n g.· -.:11~1 ('onnclly. :..trok1n)! l he \\·ispy n1ust:1l'ht• he ha:. t ulli vated for t h1· sl'l'll'S. "About four \C'a1·:-a,l.!o I l'{';l<t I he bo<lk . : Add 1c· I 'ra1· .' on '''hil'h 'Pal)C'I' i\toon " 1:- l>as t'd . I 1li s rov1·rc1l Par·:1 1nnunl 0 11 n<-•ll film rights :ind had ;1 ... 1\·f1gure 1ritC' t:.ig unit "I touldn ·1 p1111hat on n1' 1·r1·1lit t·;1r1t. I g:11t' u11 1\11;1 \\ h1•n \ht· pit·! 1111• 11 a ... n1:1d1· I though! t h:1t 11 ;1:-I h1._· •·nd 1 ,1 11 l'hcn :1 ~1·.11' .dlt·r 1ht· 11111\ 11· l'an1t• out I hcal'tl .\Ill' 11 ;1s gu1n.i.: to ha:-.l' ;1 'I'\. :-.ho11 on lht• .... 1or.1 . "JUGGElMA.UT" 'UST lUM" IPG-1 SHOOTS FOR 'MOON' Christopher Connelly "111.\1> i\IY ;1).!1'111 t·•u1t:11·1 l';1r;1rnuunl an d lh1• 111·1 II orl\ I r1•;1 I II ;111 \'( q pl:1 ,1 ,\!11 ... 1·:-. l'l·:1,\ J II a:- l'l'Jl'l'll'd h.1 l';1r;1rnount So1n1•hod} 1ht•l'l' d1d11'1 hk1· tll1'. But J rnt.'1 :1 l ';1rar11ounl 1'Xl't.'Uli1·e al :1 party ;111d hv :1s kt.•c1 Ir I l'Otdd play ;1 :1;J·)"t'il r:o1d n1;1n \1ilh ;.1n 11,_\•car-o lcJ girl .. Connrlly got l h<' mes.'\ngt·. But he bll'w hi:, rir.~t s1·rcen lest. ·rtlcrt•<iflt•r ht• 11•«nt to Sf't' )h t_• lllUViC Vf'l':-.ion nf "P a per l\luun" ~111rri11 g Hyu n ()"Neal. "f lhoughl 'l\1l un1 11·>1 s g1·1·ut . · · ht• :-.aul. ;·nyu!l 1vas vt•rj .i.:ootJ." 'l'h1· "l'Contl h!sl fur I hl· part turned uul sonll'\l'hal bel t cr. And :.aft1•r ;i susp1._•ns1·ful l \\'O ur lhrl't' 11c1·ks he 11';1s i.:irl'll lhc series. '·I K N E: \V I ' I) IJ e t·on1parrd t o H .1~n.·· Connelly sa id. "Anti 1\ 's n101·C' tha n l1\o ;.ietnr:.. pl;,i.yi ng lht> :-.11 n1e rolt· bet·;iusc or our uss11t·i;11 i1,11 111 'P1·~·ton l'l11r1• .... , ('11t1nl'll~ is delig htt·d 1111h llis rolt· and lh1· pupularil• 11[ lhi· .'ICri1·s 11·hil'h i.. dt1H'(I enlll't·I~· on oeafion 'fht• lir .... l i:I l'pisodcs 111•t't• photogr;1ph1·d 111 ll;1.1·t•:-.. !\an '!'ht• lll'X I. 13 11·ill IJ(• shol 111 "l'1•x;1s . '"\\'1 • 11111.1· h ;1\'t' ont• pr11l1l1•r11 .· Cunnt•llv runt•l11dt•1I "\\'1 "rt' •lll)>us it'c· ·'rh1· \\';iltons ... 'Sanford' Top Show In Week's Ratings \E\\" ,.l!l(I\ , \I'• 111•1\l'l':-lh;1111•1l·nlht•1nust .'\IH':; "S :11i1t1rd ;ind S4on" \11111•1\ 11alt"ht•d 11fthl'th1'l.'l' 11a :-lht· n;1tion ~ llllJ.-.1 \\'urlti S1·1·u·,.. ~;j11l1'." !\BC p11pul:1r t'IL'llLrli.! T\" -.h,111 1t•lt·1·i . ..;l'd ;11nig ht1:1.'\ 11ct·~. la:-.1 \\l'l'k ;1ud .\Hf' ... ·Thi' '!'hat gan11· on 'l'hursifav :-;t·11· L;1n1r 1ht• h·;i~I 11;11 ni ght, lht• la:..I 011t• or lh~ {'.h1·1L ;1 t'l"11t'd111µ t11 ,\. C. s ,..r it•s. s t ill ~col'l'd h igh in :-;il·l~1·11 r;11ing~ for llt't 1·1 the rat ing:-.. a s did the 2U. ·rue ... da~' ancl \\'(•cln e:-day 'l'ht· r;,il 1ni.: .... 1nadt· pu!Jl1t· nigh! g<unC's. 'l'lll'S(la~·. :..hu11 l'rl 1h:il 'l'hetup ltl s h1111:-.l"or lasl con11..•di:in Flip \\'fl:'on's ab 11t·ck 11·1·r(" sC'nl't,-fl'om ;1 \l"l'('kl .'· s1·rit·" I. '.\'Bl'. Sanford and Son has n ·1 hurt his p111)ulant.1 .. \ '' l'BS. All jn 1h1· F;1n1d \' unt"hour \\'d!!tJll sp1•t•i:1I 1111 :f CBS. Hhod;1 · ~Bl' l<1 :-1 F rid;ty 11:1-. I C.'BS.i\l;u1d1· rank l'rl 11th 111 111 1•r;lll :l ('BS.(:uns n111k1 · 1'011ulari1 ~· of all 1·1·1·r11ni.: !I C BS .1'hl' \\'allon:- pn1gr;un..; r;11t •d 1:1s l \11·1·!. j ,'l\Bt'. \\'orl1l S~·nt•:- ·•('h11·1• atHI lht• ~t :1tl "l'hur,,d:t) '\'Bl"~ t op ra11•1t ~·1 nl.1 1 I( ('HS. t '1111111r' \lu:-n· n1 i.:ht 1•01111·11~ ""I II'"· 11:1~ \11 :1rd .... prt"t•n1p11·1I !1~r th•· \\"11:-.nn 111. ~JU ', \\'orl1I S1 •rtl'' ' • ' ' ' I . • • .. • • -. IJ:.1 111t• .Judith /\nclersnn porlr:1.\:-. :111 ;1t-1 rt•:;s ~111 · fronted \\'ilh !ht• r1·:ili ~.;dif1n 111:!1 ... h1ls t!r01\-:ini:: 11ld in '"!'he (_'hincsi.· J>rin1t• ~Ii111::.lt·r· Jn111;.:h1 i,t ~I u'dotk on KCET. ('ha111wl cX , I . • • • Gr.to Garbo lobert T aytor "CAMILLE" l. .. Es· A: -·.::~~. 1M . "6-1s11a "WHAT IF IT HAPPENED? WOULD YOU "CRY RAPE'' liwp;d ""ran Al~ , c,.,.., '"" "LOVE OBJECTS" "GASLIGHT" Rirtt•d 111 1 ~~:::~~~~W~ES~T~C~O~A~S~T~r~l~E~M~lf~l~E Best Foreiqn ptoy Of T,he Yror \Comedy Awar~ "THE REAL INSPECTOR HOUND" ly T-Stoppcird I ,, .... .._,,, 11 • , "'~'~'""''"' "''"' lh" "'~' ...... ~~"'~"' ~·" ""' be {•"'""'""""~n.,',.. ""~' _,, ~"• ""'""'' N ~ ,..._ TH~f ttr11 S\MCkly -I p.M. I fl,.ojtc:hff 1 men 1re llt1ng tali.tlr itc:U\ed. Llttt1 lttl(.lls m1111116ed 11neros1ty to prob1bl1 •:OO €) [jJ (fl (j) $em ' 0"1rh"rs lflU/dtl, IS Ptlrocrl!1 deffftdl !ht '"The Prernancy" Jell lletd'l lormer spoiled d1u11ht11 ol ' •tilltlr; bu5i· Riii h11nd Mtll him out. s1\111s lll!Slimlft ll;m wdh !he ne·~s th1! !Jle'S St 0 m@ News cre!lr ore1n1n1 1nd ptea-s lor his Ci) T~e Bold Ones • 1l4E GlOOVf TUIE" "WHElf DOES IT HUlT7" tll • "DEVIL'S TllA.MGLE" "CLOHES" IPGI sp1.·1·1;d 11 h H·h tlr1·1• n1ur1• 'l\Jt•stla.1 FRIDAYFINITT'1rne:m-! I~~==== help. Both k!IOlll lh11 Jett c1nnol 0 (li' l])) (3) cr> Get Christie ooss•~ly be 1ht b!hrr. bul he fetll l1tt "for the family Hono1~ Ch1i1· compelled 10 help-•1llloul conf1d-lie helps pHtnu Joe CuulO face 1 ma 1n An1U •ho is bolll (()lllUSl!d pa1nlu! d1lemm1 when 1 m1 ll1 ind wo111cd 1bou! Jet!'s ill!etf!I in th1etta!n otteis to 1p1re the 1111 1 ~111 she hardly kne\11 eusted. of the detechve"s l•lher in return 0 Jj ~1 )Q; a;) litllt House tn fo1 tile freedom or ii syni!Oca!e lifu· tflt l'T1!11e "It I Should Wike Be· tenant whose tr1t1mony would wipe !ore I Die' Pa ln«tlls helps an e! I oul the tlLieU1in and his org1nlz1· d"ly nelahbor 511E~ her own 1111~ke , !icln. Robert Alda 1uests. When Amy Hern (Josephine Hu!th· @ TM Untouchables 1nson) •ants lo 1et her diit1nt lll:lll Jou1n11 It Ad~ntu11 o!lspuna. she 1e1al~es to have them\ W1ndtrlud •n.,ted to ht:r w1ke. , La Ciudad ;nu 0 Mo'lie: (C) (2hr) 'fi1«1tel" : tnnu Y1siou 1 .. eli) '&a -J1me1 Ste-..1rt, Henry• · Camedy rond1. lni;tr S1e~en~. 11:00 @ 0 Cf) m €D CD Ne.1 OC l u1 t i ;rOll(h& ' )O' ED ,Jl @ Plu1S 0 l 29 (111 liJ CD Th1t'5 MJ Mi· kit ol 'Jou tho 1111 '"lhe loin" ChfloP'1 ltud w•1h , 6 NTPD his b1otht1·1n 11•. tton1rd, Qecomr1 • Mc.Vle: tC) "M1y1~ {ldv) '66- il l1mJJy hrhl -..htn 11st1r lfacts II)' North.. S1/1d K~hn. Chnl W1lkt1. lwJbllMI lle!IMI S50 fl1)m--(ltttl'nr-m MiUlo~~lliijoniblt ind forrrts to pay him b1c~. @ Klihl '1llery I Oe•Ltr's OloJce ll7 f31 Pe\tr Cunn It T1~1s A Thiel o& Wild Wild l'u1 Vuitt, ED Yo11 lor He1!U. Cf6' MOYit: (C) 12hr) "Tonr Rome" ("(I_) W1n,Wf: Dt1d fl Ali't !d1tl '67-fr1nk S1natr1. 11:15 fI) Cinem1 n E!l Aleelloli1m A•11111tu Wttk 11:30 f) J1 (3 .,, CBS l ilt MOYie: "Ji "l1itr by tht T•1I"' A document1ry Hours" 1su$P) "65-Jamr~ G1rntr, on the trt11ment and 1th;ibihution Hod T1ylo1, E~J t.'lr1t Saint. of two 1lcohohcs. Dinny O'Bri1nl ~ ii@ l\O m Johnny C..rson ind kie Gllllifr. Both llt being fr1cturttl fllckrn tre1trd 11 the Tucson Genera! Hos· 6 Mwie: "Till l11re1" (dr~) '51 p•lal Orto11fk1!ion. llell1billlation -D1tk l'o .. e11. f'du!1 Raymond. Jnd Rese1rcll Center. 0 Wide World Special! m Ch1mplonship W1tstlln1 * Playboy 20th al llpanrM L1n1u111r Pro1ra111 Anniversary Party! l :l0(6')Mlkt D<luz!1sSllow . O <~CiJ)IJ)G)W id eWoi l d 0 ABC Wednesday Movie Speci11 "'20 ~rus ol Pl1rboy: A * BAD RON ALD Comedy Salute" He has killed before-ID B!ll Cos~~ . .11 h k'll . 1 €DV1deaV1soon1n1s WI e I again . 12:00 0 Movil!: "Ro1ronr C11J" (mys) (J ("'9 O ) (:r CD ABC Wrdnes., ·~1 -Hu&h Bt1umon1 d•r Movie: (C) (90) "Bild Ronald'' m Miwit: NTht ;ood Humor Mi n" (su$p) ·7~ -Scott JiC1lOJ, Kim (coml~·~-Jatlt C~ri.on. Huntt•. P•PP1 S«lt1 . .iohn larch, 1:00 M 10 lo1111111ow hd frclei, C1~dy fisher, Cindy l1_r l! }':l@Nt"I (1\btcht1. l•SJ folbachtr "1le11 l:lO All·Nifht Sflow: "first Min Into Cor11ot Oabnry ColemJn. A bm1ly ~l(t," "lldy Withaul A P1uport." •1lh 1~1t• ~1u1httr1 mo~ti into 1n "Sips 11 St1" &Id houie un1~1re th1t it his 1 1:45 O ~,o'fit: "Souttl St1 Wom1nN se<1et 1oom t>Ccup•rd by a 1ttn12t l (com) '53-Burt l1nc1s1tr, Ctluek mu1dert1 •ho 1nt•nd1 10 m~~t !hem Con110rs. Virg1nl1 Maro. • 01rt ol h11 1'11n1e !1nl1sr Wllrld I l :IO 0 Mo~1t: "Tiit Windaw" (dr•) '49 m Mrl"I '11U1ft Show -BJt~ar1 Hi lt, Botby Ol•stO!!. Thursday OAYTIMf MOVIES i :lll O "follow tllr H~n111" (ld1·) '54 -Charle• Ch1phn Jr. ':00 0 (CJ "GunllChl Ip Abiltnt" !,.t~) 'bl-Bobby 0111n. Lnl1~ Nitlsrn 10:00 O (C) ~M1n•u1 111 !ht ll1cl fo1t1!" (drd -Camerr~ M11Che11 An!ontll1 LU1•Mt. "l'r111ie Moon" (Wtl) 'Jll -Grne Autry "VlfU1n11 111111" (1111•5) ·~'-Wold B1H {II.cl 12:00 m ''Act ol Y'~ltnu" (d11) '49 - Vin Htlhn, J1net lt•th. t:ooa_. "The E111 W1(' (com) '52 - Cary Gran1. Behr Or1!ie l:lO Q (C) "Fo11i1e" (d11)1'55 -Jtl! Chand1r1, Jane Runtll, Din Ou/)'tl. 2:l0 Li "O"•hom1 kid" (;o,cs) 'Jg -· H~m~h•~y Bo111rt. limes C~rne1. 1to (C) "J~e lpcrcn Jilr" tmyi) '65 -M.rharl C•m~. Nl1ttl G1e~n. J:l L6' (C) "A Co~tnlnl With Ot1!h" !m1s) 'G)-G!Ot~e MahillS. 3:30 ..._3 IC) "'ort111t In Blick" (d11) '60 -1 an1 I urntr, Anthnny Quinn 0 (Cl "follo• lh•t 0111111~ {mus) '62-ll .. 1 P•n'ev. Annt Helm t\ttt' .. '., t'll \.'\,\El. :;o tl1·;1ni,:1· l'o 11n11 ... l 'llF \1._'lt•11 ... 1on -.1.1111•n , l\(Jl'E 'I'\. has :'C'h1 ·1h1l1•1t thC' lt1llo"111i: :o<l}Cl'till Jll'Oj,:r:nn:.. 101la)' lh.~1 !11 h•fl h ... 11n~' ,,f ( 'h~1nn1•I 54.l ':o: prui,:ranl' a I'•' I' .1 rr1t•1t 111 th1• l):iil1 /•1101 ·:-. 'f\' \\ 1·1·k c;11·h Su111l:i.1 11 00 S.CMOOL Dl\T Ml(T NEWS IC1 I' MU\tC 1 .. WLS.~t "" tUlTUllL 1(1 II 11 llMl'.lll(lo 1C l Md •"'Q ,, < '" R ..,lut•~fl l ••I' •JO l tlC11111CC0MPlo"T !CI 1111 fMl G0¥Lltlf01t lllfC Tl't( 'I'll \r~IM [~"Tll'l [f !C I S.1U0l"TS.l(t l•ll fQOM [Hll NI TD (HA .. (l I 10 MA TH 'Att(lll'I' !Cl 1MU\!( 1" WLS.T lll" CULI UllL oCI "9<'> ,, ...... ~1 ... 1.1~ ....... ,,... ' 1 I~ ll'0,10l.0UT \(I I '~' ~,., • 10 A~ M•N ~[HAV[~ Cl '" ,, ,., I et COMMUNITY O• tlVllfGti'llNC~ tCI ·u., .,~J •·rl•· ~"" "'&' 1 ... J·OO lltCTll!(COMPAN'l'!Cl 1 )I VILL,\ ,\L(Gllfi 1(! ~ f, lo Ir"'·""•' I!•'\ tuJ tlHO!fn ' "'1 """oh ' ' " J H ,\ TIM(. 10 01110"" >tU"'"" OlV(L(lt'MINl ((.1 1t r, l,rq•n•h '"'~ • J1JI '""'"""0 l .. 11 T(HIN(. +(l "k-1<'000!~\h 4:H F•OM (NAM1 10 CHAN (,l • I llO ca .. ..-1r 5 (l01H!NG (011Nll •(I ',I o I OJ'• I• I JO vo11;11,· P!Pl.LINI! ICI I ·1 • , l'11· '"" I 0~ I TIM~ I() (.llQW MUMllN 0 1¥[\,0P ... <N l <(! If l ~~l~r MA .. 11 11r1 1 ti IHf ,\fLlt 1(1 ~· ' ! ~. ''I, I I' .... ,,.. I! A\ MAN II{ tt•ll-&.i..t(I +1N•H• '"" (kw>n/AQn '"'''" t,JL1 ~'" <, 1! bun " " 1.• Jo.) """' •~•w Tnur "' r ~.,_., ,"• THE CITY SHOPPING CENTRE ORANGE •532·6721 \ ._,r:ITY (I Nll\f C.lNlMAS S.A . FRWY (MANCHESTER EX .I G.G. FRWY (CITY DA. EX.I "RISH GOlDOM"lll & Sftorf Subi*r. I '"THE DEVIL'S TllAMGLE" "CLOMES" IPGI IA IHI DOVI:" ..... "'IAHG THE DlUM SLOWL T" A --"DOMiY NllYln" Vi{ H.UOLD & MAUDE" IPGI Sor«"""""' ,, :io "''on""' l••<f'l>I Sun & Hol>o.,,I " ~~ SAN DIEGO FRWY ti BOLSA EX. 893·0546 "DEVIL'S TRIANGLE" "CLOMl:S" IPGI THE:---•~·-SC:~~­ SCREAM AGAIN :~ ''THE DOVI:" IPGI "STl:Rllf CUCltOO" "DUDDY ltRAVITI" "HAlOLO & MAUD£" IPGI "DEA.TM WISH" "Sf:lPICO" IRI ALL SEATS $1.00 DOORS OPiH AT I I: 1.5 p.m .. s...roa1~o<;t>11>•~•"' 1ro., ... te•(«ll Sun A ,.,>1,n1 ... 1 Sl 2~ 0 en Dail 10.15am ,.,"I -..... _ • Y. . • ......... , • , ... , ..... , ... . ':-"- (,\H Dll II Ill \ 11·11 lllMD~~)OK . IUI Ul.'1111'\MI ... ,, P.: l'J I R(M(A~ "IT'S ALIVE" IN MISSION'Vle'..JO ....................... EDWARDS CINEMA VIEJO ........ ' ' .. ............. .. : ! JamesCaan "The Gambler · DAILY: 7:00 & ':00 Wl:f:ICEHDS: l:JO, l :lO, S:JO, 7:30. ':lO Class or114 1,GI ·' .- I' I ' . ' - • A 'Comeback' for _Jennifer Actr<>ss Plciys Car1i eo iii 'lnf·e,.no' By \'ERl'\O:\ S(,'0 '11. \Ja11:..'>t'. 1!1·no1r and:.ido1cn •1thf'r~ r1·prr~1·11tctl on t hl'1r 11 ;.iJI.., ;_111tl 1111 ~1;1nds und t.ihlt·~ 1-101.LY\\'OO ll 1\l PI J Jennif('r Ju111.:s livi·!-. ;.11nurn: treasures not l' \en d r1·a n11•d by. million<iirt·:-.. qUl'l'll:. or ~ or1enlal 1>otcn t<1tt·.-.. •' A s. th e \1•ifc 4,r ,11 'l'ht:rt· ;11·1·. 111 l:.icl, mo t'l' n1>J~l1~r p1 t•t't·:-i n lht:ir ;\J11l1hu Bt·at·h d\\ cl ling th:.irl Ill !ht• .J. P;.iu,I C uti ,\' n1u:-l't11n 'j fl•\1 n1 ilt·s <1011 n 1heh1gh11111. dustr1alls1-llh 1I:.1n1 hrn1)1 -.1 Norton Sin1un, l ht· IJrunt·lll' hea~ty is sur,.uu nd t·d h\ ;1 veritable Malli•rv 1,t fine ~rl s Sim on hrlri~s hon1v Jl·::\:\IFIO:ll con1phrol'nls \Jteral)y S t·o n·~ of p:iintlnc:-. ll1l' '>lu1111111g '>lll'l'uundings. and sc ulpturt· t•1t·r1· 1't·ur. Slit· 1-. ;1:; hi:<i uti[til Ln 'l'he prieclc:. .. 11111:k .. • ;1Jt• n1;1\t1r11.1· :is :-.ht• 11as in l!J.IJ housed at lht·1r l1~·<1t•hfro111 \\hl·n :-.l u: 1~011 \ht· Ae;1dem1· ~ .. horrie Pt'ndi11).! 1exhibit1t1n :.it 1\11<1rtl frir i\•:'\'hc Song Or x:m use~m~. llt•rnad<·ltc ." ... ··"'}-At an) ont· t11nt· tht:f'l· J1 •nn1ft·r ~1t'll·d as guide ·~·may be a Ct·1.annl· \':.111 101' a ,·i:.llor ;it noon the '.'!: Go.gh, Pica sso, H1od1n. othur d;1y, prqu<ll.v pointing r ··~~~~I .•. ~; ·'' '· '·· LIMITED EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT FOR ACADEMY AWARD CONSIDERATION NOW! Eves: From 7 Contin . Sun . 2 p.m. 00 Hit single 'You Blew If' by Som Cdslow and sung b y Danny Street ~~.;. Sound track alb um and book distrtbuled by K· TEL •• " .. •;·: • 1.,·r~t;;,t , .. .,i .. ·..,,t-•./' .·~~. Plus PETER SELLERS '· •• "WHERE DOES IT HURT?" IT'S SURVIVAL OF THE FIERCEST. JlNDTHE FUNNIEST. '/ "THE LONGEST Y ARO " i1 a 111Dtit ftlllt cNK:hl a lot of ;cws. Md a Jot of bottt,, l11M aey11old$ 1tor1-to119ll. ' ta11.,.._...d lflwoy1 that tlrt. R1y11old1 i1 al hl1 rno1t ,;,;i.. ~ wroftl of a wornofl teorMd 1lorl1 1111 lroubl•. Ho-•rr, .,., pf S.OIM wroth of hi1 oW'll. A11d th• 1011 45 ~ of IN 111111 i1 unlikr ~ ya.i he1•• t•rr 1e11n. It will h••• yo11 he1 wli11q ond ·dlffri"'il Ilk• no 111e1•ir ••er ... UTR£YNOUJS '!THE LONGEST YARD" ElJolE ALBERT ' ..... "'' ED LAUT£ll MIKE CONRAD •••••••• •• ''"nit 1.0f19tll Ye1rd" it o Aftct, ......., lllO•lt:. For """' for wo111e11. for 1•1ryo11t ltu..,. tM wiry yo11119I . out ~e 1£'tl P 11·ai-~11~ in ht·r dressing roorn . ulon).! \\'il h a funky lhcatr1t·al postl·r of her:.ul r und f'h a I' JI on lt~·:.tun in "Ruby (ientr,\ ' Scr"ant:. p ;1d s ilc ntl.1 around the hnusc. Thedcl'OI' 1s arrl•sllng Cl'l'tl hv llol· ly11•ood s ta11d :11'(I~. 't'hc tur· niture an1I rugs ti re ur1e11tal 1norc Ar;1b1an n i~hts than lhl' F:ir Eas t. Ancient ;utd pr1rcl<'ss oril'ntul r ugs eovcr thl' floor:.. Pl:1nt s <111<1 no11•cr:. ;tl10ll!ld Ill filtL'l'l'd sunlight. l 'ht·rL' t:-1·1'c11 ;.in Eg.1 IJ· \1;1n :-urtuphagus in one ru u 1n, an invalu;.ihlc hrightl.v p;iintc d relic thJt ontc ht Id I hL· 111 um rn y ol' an t:gypti;1n 1111hle1n ;1n. Jf<:SNIJ-~ER, i\N ~·nor · rnousl~· lirig hl \\'om<in \1·ho 1levotes her 1 l nll' Io \\'Ork i ng 11ith youthtul \ictim:. of \ht· drug cult.ure. iS attuned to problems of the da.v 1rhen. she is not ~ lobt· trn\I i ng \1 it h · her hush;i nd in ~e<1reh of paintiu g~ or vi :.tt1 n g museums :.iround the11urld . 1~·1\l'd. I 'd u\'""YS a ssun1cd I I'd ''ork ;.1gul.n, but no1 In l'l.llTICO 1·9 \t>S • .J ohn C;u\lcy,' \\'h'ti Is bend of production at \\'urncr Bros .. talked mt:! into it. lie s:1id m y a p· p('<trilnCC in the picture 1Wr)Uld be .a cullinµ; card to le t people kno\\' I ;1m 1,1,orking. Norton hi.Id mixed t'motions. But he's hilPJlY I 'n1 acting again. ••( l)JDN'1' t'INU ii d1r. fic ult to pick up pcrfornting . If vou huve the basic talent I tk)n't think it goes a\\·ay. "I '<;! Jo ve to pla,\' !\ltiric llrassh!I' roles 11011'. An :.it" treiss is ,an' actress all her life if she \\'lints l.o be. !\l:uiy <ll'l:rcsses had their best nioments alter: .the uge of 50." .J cnnirer has passed that n1 ilcstone. She looks more Lhan a decade younger. She crr dits y1,:ars of yoga fo r her yotithful appearance. ' LefJnl A ut n~1011ist s ·.· Uarr.v I\'t·\\·n1an i r1i.:h1 1 :ind ,l!lll':-1 ~t.ir l lartild (;ould pl<I .' ,,·ary IL·g;d uppunl'tl\:-011 !\'t•\\ n1;11t's ..,_,('t l'OC:l'l li " :-cries lonig ht a t 10 o 'clol'k on :\Ill'. Channe l 4 She is \\'Orkin~ in her first movie in fi ve yeurs. '"l'hc 'fO\.l'ering Infe rno." \\'ith Paul Newman, Steve !\le· Queen, \Villiam Holden and f'red Astaire. '"1'111· ~1 rlul<.1tion is gone . or cuur~l"" .Je nnife r s:.nd. laug hing. '· Jtut Norton lovl'.'> to see me s in g o.111<1 duntc and clown around. lie likes me to be giddy. lie is ~in in1.r------------, .. ..,..,..,..,..,,....,..,.,-...-...--iii' pressivc audience of one. ~·t11.1ut ... 'fhat·s ii.II I need." ~, •• ~ .. "It 's just a cameo role," ,J en nlrcr .suid : nlhblin g- duintil.1· on a luhs\(•r souffle 1!onr lo pcrt'eclion. ··1 'vt· returned to movies l.>el':JUSl' i llC\'l'I' ha \'C Sl.'L'I\ rn .\'St'lf "·' ;.1n~·thing but an :1et1·t·s~ JENNIFER, wealthy in , ~ ~·.:.:;: .. °i:"..:;•· FAMILY TWIN CINEMA ''\l 1\·;i ~11 ·1 1·olu11tar~ retire ment. It JU:.l h ;1p C'iiliiUMI lO her Ol\'n rig ht. married the multimillionaire three years ago. "I'm .:.1 ~ur 1·11·11r ," she ~:11d ":\:orton lias 01.ened 1111 lirt• 111 n1a111· ;.1rcas. Ar·t ~uid polit it·s :u·;. nt:11· lo rne ;JJ1tl \ 'n1 fa :-"eina1t·d 11.v both.'' "'THE GAMILER" Ill • ... ~ •-• . ._. "H1GH PU.IMS DRlmR .. "'THE LONGEST YARD" wltlt Ill IURT REYHOLDS "IUSTIR & llLUI"' Ill • "LAST SUMMH"' "'DEYIL "$ TRIAHGU .. • "'llOTHEI OF THf WIHD" IGJ "'CAUFOlHIA Sl'UT"' .. "LAST DETAIL" Ill ...... UMIELIEVAILE! THE DEVILS TRIAMGLE ·'~ NORTH COUNTRY Geo. ~blot Gould California Split ·-· -·~ THE LAST DETAIL Ill FOUN TA IN VA LLEY 'lb2 114@ • 17 lb I BROOICHURST • HELD OVER! EYel""l'Y'""ibOlll""r IOY8s a Winner! eAl!tR~T "ON A WAR DAY" cplMA 11 HELD OVER , FIMAL WEEK ! "WHERE DOES IT HURT?" 111 Plus "LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL" stort' Wtci. "THE EXORCIST" 642-4321 Direct or Collect 10 subscribe to the Daily Pilot PAlll!<A~ ""1'J~f, •"' ~>l.Hl"U~f'll,\U'J;;TiQ" ...,..., "THE TAKING OF PELHAM ONE TWO THREE ' .. _WALTER MATTHAU· ROBERT SHAW HECTOR ELIZONDO· MARTIN BALSAM EXCLUSIVE COASTAL AREA ENGAGEMENT •SdMETHllllG HIT US ... the crew is dead ... helpUS,p!eose,pleoM help u>I" An an NEW film inspired by the nnvel, "AIAPORTH by Arthur Hailey. I ,~o.l> ._,.,....,_,'fllj. '""' , ........... ,,"'' ...... ·"" " L ~ "" "' .. · ' ••1 '~ J . (Plil '""" "~"" ·w .,. MolL.fT-i.-6:10·11:]0.1 0;30 Seti. A-Suil.-Go11t. frol'll IJ:JO Sp«icil Midnijjhf Sl!aw rn. a Sot F•lfl1on h1•nd • Nt~n Co11t•r NtwfKll't 8tttl'I • 644-0760 I UEH A PAik ORIYfolH ' . . " ' ,Wednesdaf. October 23 1974 ·" . .. Bii . DAILY PILOT Smothers Bros. Due Bacli on TV NE\V )'OHK 1/\1'1 ·• :'\B(. ~;_t\'S it \\'il l laU IH'h ;1 l\l'll' \ll:ckly l11 l l•Vi~Lll ll \:Jl'H 'I,\ :<hO\\' starring tht· S11111thl·r~ llrolht•rs Ill rt•p l:.n ·l' "l~orll Frt•t•," a Ill \.\' r;il1'cl !\lonr1:1,I' 111ght Sl·ril'~ lh:ll \1 d i ~o n1f l ht• ll it• 111 ./ ;1 tl\I ;1 I',\ , 'l'ht• 1 II(! IJru t h1•1' h:1d thrt·e lop l':1 11·1t :-1':1..,,.n.., \\Ith lhl'll' \\'1·1·\..l1• \,1l'l«ll ~ho11 un ('BS 111,tui.· t li.11 11<·!11ork ca1H'1·ll'tl 11 111 .l\1111· J~)(;9 fo1lu11·i111! 1ti~p!ih '' 1111h tht· l'l\\l'r\:11r11•r.' U\'1'1' 'llllll' ufthcir i1lll·n1!1·d 111~1\t·n;tl . '·rhl' C<l l)('t'll:11H l!I ol "Ht\11\ l!ur11 IJ1·1·. 19. lo n11rl ·~l .u· 1·h . II Ill.I~ bt•('!>rllt' ,I I l').!111'1 I' 't'f ll'S Ill'\ 1 I al I, ll;1v1 ,.· pr11 ;..:r :1r11 11111 r1•11la1·1· ··~11·rr:1 .1 :-1'1'11'" •hat Niil' h 11tt :dr1·ad 1 :-1•h1·dul1·tl 101· r;111rt·ll :1t1u11 1\111(_' ~:1 1d ltl !\l•r1•h lht· 1 1;11·1~ ~li•I\\' ''lo j)l' r1 •pl:u·• ·I h,1 l \\" h:df huur 't'l'I•" · ~un,ti11H·.·· :1 l)Ollt :1 ~·1t111 ;: 111tL'l\'!;111 11ho 1~ r ;11-.1n" "'' nrph:1 11 )-'11 I. and .. ~·1•111ul S1;u·t. -.t.1rr111 g Hob ('r,+ru ;1:. ,\ :-llt'l't>~i-l u l lllSlll .!!II'• 111;1 11 \\ho )..'Ill'" llJI h 1· hll~llH'!-' l o l'1•l111'1l \11 ('Oii<';:• !·'rel'," ii s ho1v h:ist·d n111hc :1 11d ~t ud,\ 111l'<l11·111e. hit n101·il·ol'll11·s:1n11·na111c1. :--:nt· h:ul ~chcclult·rl l1••lh ra iscdtofi\'l•!ht'lllltnl~ror :-.lin\1-:.; fur l ht• 1!171 7;, ne\1' S('l'll'S .1un k1·tl hy th1· ti·h·1isuu1 ~c:Jl'<Hl, b111 111!lt nct11·orks ~in1·(• lh1· :-t:irt nl dri·i1 lht•n1 11hc·n ;1 f1·r!.•r:il 1111 · Ill'\\' 11•11•1·1..,1<111 "('.l~n11 u1 i·•Hlr! o r1il•ri·d 1ll <' l·\·d1·1"ol l·,1rl.1 Sc,..Ul l·11ilo1·r. -,__ 1 ·~·1i1ln1-111-11r:111nn~ \i1fni1if..:-- .\B\' :tJ..,1, ~.1 1d 11!:11 .. T li·· !--IUI\ lo ""~11 .. 111 .. urllll 111'\I :\lat· 1):1 1 l' :-.\l1•>1r .111 h1 u11 :-.vp11·111IH ·r r l'\ 1:-11111.' 111 11~ long rnu,,11· 1 .1riv1~ :-h•111 pri1H1· 111111· ;11·t·t·"~ rtd1·1h;i1 1hal 11 :1-. .i :-11111 111 1·r :-t't'I<'" l'~lu!hl' 1H ·l11111·~ ... \\ill h:.i11· :1 h1'11·t ·r11ursll;iy "Bi ·n Fr1•v" ).!<11'" 1111 lh•· ni~ht 1·u11 011 th1· nl·t11ork r:.ifl r1t,..,.J:in .1:1 :-h1111 . "UkE WOODSTOCK OM .. "JJlt" -Enter1a1nmen!Today "PACIFIC VIBRATIONS" (G) Plu1 "SOLO" -O"'ofl'lltt SIM>rt fih11 2 f1111 Shaw' !ach E•niwq 7: JO & 9: 30 SURFTHEATRE,HuntingtonBeoch-536-9396 -SURF'S UP- IREMEMBERI THE SUMMER OF '42 HOW ST.t.RRIHG GARY GRIMES JERRY HOUSER OLIVER CONANT DEBORAH WINTERS Wl!.STMINSTeR AT GOLDEN W l!!ST BfTWE[~ :!:0o~:'o°o"~:,~ 192·449) ·-· -... ·-·· NOW AT TH~EE CINEMAS THE ULT IM ATE EXPERIENC E FOR EVERYONE! "OISNEYS GHEA T PIONEERING VENTURE IS THE SEASON'S HIT REVIVAi'" N'"'""' "AN INCREOIBL Y REVOLUTIONARY FILM ... THE MI NO CAN RUN RIOT !" TM NYU ""'" "A WILD, PSYCHEDELIC OISPlAY...REALLY TURNS YOU ON!" P1ttsbutfh Pres!> 'A MUlTl·MEOIA MASTERPIECE!" loo> "A TOTAL EXPERIENCE IN SIGHT . SOU.ND A~D COLOR MAKE FANTASIA A MUST!" 13ob Sill!r>ugc• G•Ol10 \\I NFIWO• • lnd AT CIMfMA Tiit hqflt'' Allil!IOfiOll "YELLOW SUBMARINE" ~ EDWARnS ~ CINEMA """'" """'""'"" ... ~ cuu11.1 ...... 5"1\ .l ~oz 2111d AT ORANGE DRl'tf IN "SNOWBALL EXPRESS" • 10 ().tJLV PILOT Military Schools Av ailable • LIKE 1'1A~Y v•ho deal "'ilh career information. I keep forgetting that with the C\'enl of the All Volun - teer Fofce, the five militurv .o;ervice.o; to ge th er orre·r .o;o mc half-million entry level jobs each year. And that's certainly worth men tioning. The Army, Navy. ~larines , Air Force and Coast Guard have, in effect. be come largc. diver se national public service cm p\oyers that offer some of . the best available trainin g for v.·ork. Moreover, many military jobs have civili an counterparts, an attractive feature for those v.·hodo not wi sh to make military work a lifetime career. • Aecording to the "Statistical Abstract of the U.S." (1971 ), occupational groups in all rive services were divided : 14 .1 percent in ground comba t oc· ~pations, 14. 7 perceut in e lectronics, 7. 7 percent in other tec hnical jobs, 18.4 percent in administrali\'e and clerical. 26 . l percent in mt'chanics a nd repair. 6.8 perc('nl in construction. :;hi pboard operations <ind me tal working, 12 percent in such ser\'ices as motof lransporl, food service and ~crurity , IN OTHER WORDS, six out of every seven persons in the armed services were repor1eC1 to be in oc- cupations other than ground combat . Because or the r<>du ct1o n in n umbers of military personnel, the OC· ('Upational groupings ha\'e probably shirted some"'hut sinl"l'thi:-1 study v.·as madt'. lnclt'cd, an indi\'idual can learn 1ruckdrl\'ing in the 1n 1l 1tar~. and a l.:1rg<' num- IX'r or other occup;1tions ;1s "el l. ,\s \\'ith ·all types of t~mploymenl. military v.·ork ha s it s dra"•backs. hut it's 1lt•f1n11elv ,,·orth ehecking into a., ,; training ;1nd cm- pln~·n1l'nl n1>tion. • • • .,.nCI <•••~• Q"'"'"''" •er II••• column to Jo•~· l ••n l(fnneCI• •1 1~<~ ,,..,.'11>1"'"' So•••."° ~fW<l~I replof\ c•n Ill' QIYfn lly ~;·It/I 1.'(N•u11n! S>'•O•c•lf. In( All ••i;t'll\rtv.-ed '"' , ... o.a, '"•• '•• ,...,, ... , 1-.... .i ............ _,,,, <1o11..,.n1 , ... ,. ...... • l Wednesda . O<:tober 23, 15174 THE WEST'S LARGEST DUPONT NYLON HI.LOW 100% CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON PILE. POPULAR Hl·LOW PATIERN THAT COMBINES BEAUTY ANO DURA· BILITY. BRIGHT TWEEDS IN A VARlffi OF COLORS 99· MOW SA Li PRICED •· COMPUABLI llTAIL •.. $4.99 SO. YD. $AVE $2.00 DUPONT NYLON . TRI.COLOR SHAG HERCULONit SCULHUIPD • • • • judged in comparison "'ilfl other "'eekl.Y t"·o.year college ne"·spapers. It \\'llS rated on CO\'eruge a nd content , writing and editing , edit ori al leadership and photography. ', Last April the neYlspalfe'r receivl'd a fh·st plaee rating rrom the Colum-bl,a Scholustir J>rt>S.s Association al Col umQ.iil Uni\'etsity for s1iring Mid fiijl 1973. • ... !·11\ June, th e Brundi'QS Iron "'on a national secoQa Rlace for d~sign and layoµt in another CSPA contest . Cl.elANEse" iPoRTREl TRI-COLOR PLUSH . 100% FORTREL • POLYESTER PILE. MANY TRl·COLORS AND SOLIDS AVAILABLE. LONG WEARING AND EASY TO CLEAN. NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPAIAILI llTAIL .•• $7.9' 88 SO. YD. $AV[ Sl.00 HERCULON ® LEVEL LOOP 100% DUPONT NYLON PILE. RICH, DEEP DURABLE SHAG IN NEW THREE·COLOR DESIGNS. ELEGANT STYLING TO BRIGHTEN THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR HOME . LONG WEARING AND EASY TO 100% HERCULON• OLEFIN PILE IN A TIGHT LOOP WEAVE FIBER THAT RESISTS STAINS AND WEAR. AVAILABLE IN MANY COLORS KODEL®DI HI.LOW 55% HERCULON · OLEFIN. 45% NYLON PILt EXCELLENl FOR HIGH AND ATTRACTIVE PATIERNS. loo% KOOEL •Ill POLYESTER PILE. A CLASSIC PATIERN WITH A CONTEM· PORARY FLAIR. MANY COLORS. MAINTAIN. ' • ··~··· ........................... c TR~F'IC AREAS MANY COLORS ... , ... _ ............................... . NOW SA LE PRICED ••• 88 NOW SALE PRICED •• II NOW SALE PRICED.;·. COMPAUILI llTAIL ••• $5.99 SO. YD. $AV£ $2.00 COMPAIAILI llTAIL • $5.H SQ. YD. SAVI $7.00 COMPAi Aili llTAlr , •• $7.ff . ""· , ................................ , ...... .. ....... "'" .,,,,.,,,,. DACRON ® SCULPTURED HI-LOW 100% DACRON· POL VESTER PILE CLASSIC DESIGN IN A THREE LEVEL PATTERN MANY COLORS NOW SALE PRIC ED • , • COMPARABLE . RETAIL •• $9.99 88 KODEL ® m DENSE PLUSH LO OP SQ. YD. SAn $].00 !00'>, KODEL· Ill POLYESTER PILE. RE SILIENT. COLORFUL. LONG WEARING AND EA SILY CLEANED. I I NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABL E RETA IL •• $11.99 SO. YD. SAH $4.00 KODEL® m HI.LOW SHAG . 100 l\ODEL · Ill POLYES TER PILE. A NEW, ATTRACTI VE SCULPTURED EFFECT. COMES IN SOLID AND TWEED I I COLORS . NOW SALE PRIC:ED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL ••• $12.99 SO. YD. $AVE S4.00 ' • IST QUALITY IAMI IUID CAIPITS AT LOW DISCOUIT PllCES •SELECT FIOM TIE ·UIGES.T lllVEITOIY 11 Tiii WEST •EVERY IOU OF CAIPQ .. IS\MAUll" All PllaD FOii YOUR SMOPPlllG ·COIVlllllllCI -. •All LAIOI RCOll!fl'l(lllAUY GUAIAmED REMNl·RT SALE! -• ' llUGI sa1m11- FIOll THIOW IUGS TO WALL-TO-WALL SIZES LAllGI llUI IM(lf.L lml FOi \!YING IOOMS, DINING FOR HALl>'IAYl, IATff· I OOMS AND l!DIOOMI. IOOMI, CAii, ITC. SAVllGS UP TO • • • • SAVllGS UP To·· •••• ·O/o O/o HERCULON® WOVEN PATTERN 100% HERCULON • OLEFIN PILE IN A TIGHT LOOP WEAVE THAT COMBINES BRIGHT DECORATOR COLORS WITH A UNIQUE DESIGNER PATTERN . .NOW SALE PRICED COMPARABLE RETAIL •••• Sl.99 ... ~ ...... >O•OI•••• ... ~····"' ·-~ .,.,.,_,_ H t ...... •-.......... ••or• 99 SQ. YD. SAVE $3.00 ·11 SQ. YD. SAVI $3.00 NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPAIAILI llTAIL ••• $1.99 DUPONT NYLON - PLUSH SHAG 88 SO. YD. SAvt- $!.OCJ !OO'lj> DUPONT CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON PILE. THICK, DENSE SHAG IN A MULTITUDE OF EXCITING COLORS . • I I SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE. •• NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL .. Sll .99 SO . YD. $AV£ S4 .00 DUPONT NYLON SHAG 100% OUPONJ NYLON PILE. EXTRA DENSE, ·LOW PROFILE SHAG IN LAVISH MU LTI · COLO R COMBINATIONS THAT WILL BRING HIGH FASHION TO ANY ROOM . NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL .$16.99 BB SO. YD. ~YE H.00 INDOOR OUTDOOR CARPETS BB CARPET TILE-CLOSE OUT SALE BB DO -if-YOURSELF . CUT AND CARRY 100'• POLYPROPYLENE. IDEAL FOR PATIOS. POOL AREAS. PLAYROOMS AVAILABLE IN MANY NEW EXCITING COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED ............... . COMPARABLE RETAIL ................. $3.99 SO. YD. SAVI Sl .00 1003 NYLON PILE WITH FOAM llUlllR IACK DO-IT· YOURSELF -EASY TO INSTALL 12"x l 2", COLORS AND SUPPLY LIMITED, FIRST COME · FIRST SERVED. SOLD IN FULL BOXES • OF lOO's ONLY. N OW SALE' PRICED ••• , •••• OUR REGULAR DISCOUNT PRICE •••• 19'ea. FULL IOX SAVI $9.00 -f----5"'" ..> ·---• COllVllllEllT CllEDIT P!AllSlllO IAllK TEl!illS IYAl~llE •CAIL FOii flllE -·AT·HGlll! lllMCE • ~SIT OUI CUSTllll, DMP!11 ·11'1. NO. HOLLYWOOD VENTURA 7001 lot.1re.I Canyon 2501 E. Ma in St. Blvd. -981 -2200 648·S041 W. LOS ANG ELES TORRANCE WHITTIER LONG llEACH HOLLYWOOD MILLBRAE , FOUNTAIN VA LLEY 15911 E. Whittier Blvd. 3001 lellflowet Btvd. 1122 Vine Sf. 320 El Camino Real 15945 Harbor Blvd, 943-4161 4214934 462-6232 SF (41S I ft2·2SSS (714) 139-1700 PASADENA CANOGA PARK MONTCLAIR • SAN CARLOS CAMPBELL 2660 E. Colorod9 llwd, 4119 Holt louleYOfd 930 El Comll)o lfidf sn.1900 (714) '26-3517 ~F (4111 St2•.5621 GRAID OPElllG COVINA 280 E. Arrow Highway 966·4471 --• -----·~ ----~--~-~-~ t I • eop e BEA ANDERSON, Editor W~d""diy,O(•otMr tl. 1'1~ 'A big· man can c ar ry a hea vy load , but a good soup. can carry ·a dinner.' Coun!r-y-f2rovert>--- $teaming Aromas Always Appreciated B)~h~i~I~ T(~~~~~ Cs2!~1\S ... Soup's on" can mean someltiing very di ffercnl lo each cook. . For example, to one lady in the Je\vish community it means bor· scht. carefully made from the first coarse grating of the beets to. the final dollop of sour c;ream'' , · Borsch t ranks with the ,aristocrats of soUps and is the national soup of botll Russia and Poland . I t .can •havc man y variations. ln a tiny Russian restaurant in Richmond . ~f ainc. I ate Borscht that contained mixc'd vegetiibles with cabb;.igc predomiriating. Ac· tually, it was not much changed ~ from the vegetable soup my Yankee mothertised to pr~pare. Anyone broughl up in rural New England mu s t ba\'c tiad corn chowOer fairly often. . \Vhen I was in e leme ntary school. local mothers took turns in pre paring hot meals for the schoolchildren during the winter months. Corn chowder was on the nienu at least,once-a, week. Like many other,deli~ious Down East soups, corn chowder s tarts with "trying out" por~ scraps. These a lso giye a spe~ial navor to Jl.Iaine fish or~cla!Jl ctibwders, PORK GIVES FLAVOR Pork.scraps, too, were the basis for Pork Slew, an ~Id ravorite made with rich milk, onions, and diced potatoes. Some of my earliest soup recol- lections include a neighbor. a 'motherly, French Canadian v:oman, who·introduced me to real Canadian Pea Soup. It was very hearty and made from Yl'ho le dried pea's, soaked o\·etnight. and cooked with ham bone and onions. I liked i,t So well that she a lways remembered to make extra for me. HOwever, when my Greek mother-in·law ta.usht me how to make Lentil Soup, I s.hifted my loyalty to qi.at ancient legume. Greeks usually add a soupeon of vinegar. Lentil soup also is a Mid· die East favorite; on cold;winter days in Syria a·nd Lebanon it is the principal dish of tbe meal. Savers Off se·t Prices, Hung~r • ' ily Ci\ROL nooRE O.ilr Pilot Food E.:ior A !.';·month supply of food requires about 90 cubic feet of -space ~ and can be easily "·al- lpapered, , I\1ostly as a hedge against in- flation , food storage is on the in - crease. Just who are these savers or hoarders? Ray Brown. dehydrated foods distributor, idenfified several type~: . Some arc ~1ormons. keeping a year·s \\"Orth of food on hand accor- ding to religious doctrine. Other customers have dangerous occupations a nd feel safer knowing that th·eir famil y will be fed. Political be lie fs cause ullr:a ·COM· servali \'es to s tockpile food as in· surance fo r indcpcndcnceon doom- sda y. · Specut;1tors. too, 1>urchase mass quantities. 1'he pri('e of the 64-can recomme nd ed security unit has jumped SIOO to 5470 this year. Thul price· buys four cases of po"'·det·ed ntilk . l\110 cases each of textured vegetable protein, gr;1in niixcs. dried fruits and vegetables and one case e ach of potato flakes and dessert mix cs. The assortn1cnt also is populur 1vith boaters and backpackers who like the light 111Cight advantag'e and 11·ith Europc<i ns 1\lho have l:K•cn depri\"ed of food. Evcin Bro"·" isn'L sure of the ullimute destination of some or the rood that leaves hi!> slightly ri?motc w1:1rchouse on Grahanl Street in l·luntington Beach. Son1c people are so sccrelive about the ir sur·plus rood tha t they US(' 0('titious IHLJTieS and 1:cqucsl dt·li vcry to drop·ufr tX>lnts. A few savers t'V('ll flantd or 1v<11lpapcr theil' Ci'.iChC'. ;t 1.i11 IJrown 110\V pliSJ;CS alffn-g U) !'icOllltl'ltr'!iOlall· a pa1·1 111enli; "'ho "'Oode.r "'here they ro11ld :'!lore their supply. J\lurc altruis\it". Urown docs"'\, pay n1urh hi>cd to the tlandcstinc :.iflcrnifllh~. 1-lis m11in concern is lhal l>t'Op le cul helter und feel bl~ttcr. lie ~nd tu s wifr, \'i, s tarted selling in their home' but moved to the warehouse whetJ tne hanacart cr ea ted havoc "'1l h the shag carpet. , I Jn an adjoining sl;iowroom, they demonstrate how to cook with dehydrated foods and recommend that (amilies start using them gradually until they can adjust. "Peopl e may ha\'.e had a bad experien<•e camping and think dried food s -ick!" he said. "But actually, rriun y of our everyday foods, beverage 1nixes, gelatins and boxed dinners are dehydrated. "Used in 1>ure. b_1.1lk £orf\l, they are so econon1i cnl and easy to cook "'ith. You use all lhe ~toduct with · 'f "'asle and less ""O[k '"he said . .News pape·r c lippings posted between the s helves are hea,d lined. "\Vorld f'ood Reserve Just 21 D;1ys" and ·•J<'ood Prices Double in 2~ Years." 1\long with thrift, the ' Browns , !ilress thoroughness aS' .a key • to savin gs. security and nutrition. ''Whole !l rain \\'heal isn't just (or milling into bread," s he explained. "f'ry it; con1bine it into casseroles, baked bea ns or carrot cake; l'X perin1ent \vith a wheat-za (piiza). And don't forget to· use the glute n." -- Skeptics c an ·taste from her buffet or nibble banana chips from a sample can. Who can pass up a !·pound loar ol bread, homemade for 20 cents'? ' Ray Bro~n fills wh eat order. . Bulk buying. and ' . food ·storage are increasing. -.-----·----- One of my nonfavorites is Turkey Soup made from.the carcass of t he Thanksgiving bird. hut n1any • people count this a speeial holiday treat. . J\I o s l of u s ha \'e sa mpled ·minestrone soup \\'ilh its many vegeta~les. Sometimes it even con· tains zucchini blOssoms ! ·J\.1ine strone, too, has n1any variations .. Elbow macaroni. or other past<t or rice, can be added-to the stock instead of dri ed beans: s wec"t sausages, smok·ed s pareribs. or asparagus may also be put in at the end or the cooking process. WON.TON AN ENTREE Those who enjoy Chinese food of. ten start the ir· meal \\:ith \Von ·ton Soup, although in China soup ap· pears .at the end of. a meal rather than the beginning. And Won·ton isn 'l ser,·cd as a soup there, but as an entret•, a lid· bit between meals. or an <1ccon1· paniment to playing J\1:1h ·jongg. Won-tons, so like the ral"ioli of Italy, are squares of dough, £illed with savory mixtures of meat and l"egetables poach,ed in <i fragrant broth. Fruit soups <::in he served eit her hot or cold, and at the ht.>~in ning 0 1· t'nd of a n1 eal. In llOlla nd. a f;i vorile soup is made \l'ith soaked prunes. ~ 1'his dish is l'<1uall~· popular in S\;iv a nd Balk an eountril·s 1\·here it has been kno1v11 for centuries. Ger- many has its elderberry and black· berry so up . And no people enjoy fruit sou1>s as muc-h as lhe Scan- dinal"ians . 1\cluall~, the earliest rererence to fruit soup dest:ribed as a kind O[ S\\'Cel, plt•;1Sa nt broth madt• rich 11'ilh fruit coml'S from Engl<inrL The heavy Chri st m<1 s pudding ;.t<ir- t<'d as a thick. spicL•ll s11•1.:t·l suup. KNO\\IN T ll ROL!G 11 lllS'roR \" Eve ry counl r~·. c,·c1·r e1\·iliiat1011 has its soup. S111et• tinit· 1n1· memori·<ll. country pt•uple h;11"l' • kept the sto<"k pot l'imrnering all da~·. rluring periods or d1~lre:.s ;ind disaster, soup kitchens h<J\'C ser- ved <is an l'fficient method nf feeding and boosting !he niorale ot' largp n1a:.:-;es nf hun g r~· rx.·upll' In big hotel;.. to bl' n1aster of !hl· :-.oup pot i.~ ;1 high ofrit't'. nt·Xt 111 that of the s;JUl"l' r heL J ~ tC'aspoon ore,1?ano 1 -1 teaspoon lhyrne 1 ~ ('ILJI clbO\I' lll:Lt'JJ'Or\J 'i rups 11"all'r Gratt•d P;1r111esan chee!>e Onl'e ;i IJO\l"I of soup \la.~ a llll''-'1 u1 itst'lf: a sa ti~fyin g c!i~h of ml'<Ll und l"E'gt't:ibll'S . As people ht•rame more 1.·ultured. the\' turnt:'d :t\1·a\ from this simpll' i·are hetausc ·it \l'as neasi111l 's food. forgetting that pt>asa nts kn('\\' 11·h<1t 1ras good~ Cook bacon until trisp; remo\·e rrom s ki!ll't lirl)\1'n meat in bacon rat. i\dd onion. celery and garlic ;.1nd cook until soft. l\O\\' suth sou1>s as Ho u1llabaisst'. Viehy:.soist• 1 French pot<1to anrl lt·ek soup). and Frt·neh llnion Sou1) ha\"C gonl' ··µournlL'L'' Com bine b;.1con, meat mixture, tomatoes, se<isonings, and \vater. Bring to boll, reduce heat and si n1· ml'r. co1"t'T"t'd. for 15 minutes. Add zucch ini. s pinach . beans and 111;.1e<1rnni. !ii mmer 15 minutes or until mac:.1 roni i~ donl'. Ser1·e hot toppl'd 111\h c·hec~e. !\lakes l'Lght st·rving;. nf one cup c:1eh 1\nc:I in spill' of the ;1\·ailahilit~· of t«1nned and dch.vdratt·d packaged :-.oups, n1<in~· still appreeiate the :.ll•;iming aroma of the hon11.:·n1ad<' \"ariet y 1{hich l\"C learnl'd to eat in !he homes of our p;.1rcnts anrl g ran· ~lp<1rcnts . ('R E:A!\1 \' ClllCKE'.\ rt.IT I 1 ~ ctips diel'rl cooked h:int '~ l'UI) sl iced onion 1-1 l~<ISJ)()Oll :O.<lj.;L' llARVEST 1\111\"ESTRO.\"E 2 sl iCes bacon. diced 2 t_;1b l cspuons butte r or m;irg<1 rlne 1 ~pound ground beef 2 large ton111toes. peeled and sli ced or 1 l'<l ll 16 ounces) tomato paste 2 mediun1 onions, thinly s liced 1 cup sliced celer y I t"Ull !I I ounce;.) ('Onde nscd trc:in1 of chicken ~Oll ll I can ( 11 ouncl's/ condensed L"hic ken noodle soup J 1 ~soup cans water I e\O\'C garlic. minecd 2 la rge zucchini, .sliced or 1 can t 16ounces' zucchini l package <JO ounces) frozen mixed vegetables. cooked and drained 1 cup diced cooked potatoes. In sauce pan. brO\\'n ham and cook onion and sage in butter unul onion is lender . nle nd in cream of c hi cken soup. Add re m<iining ingred ie nts. 1-1 cat ; stirring no\~ and then. l\l a kcs four to six ser\'ings. I pound fres h spinach 2 pounds fresh bro;1d or lin1a beans, shelled, or l can ! 10 ounces) lima beans 1 teaspoo n salt 1,2 cup parsley, choppt:d Chillers Solve Menu Mystery ' If rou·,·e nevcr 'tri(;'d the Scand1n<1\1 ;1n bl'rr1 soups. treat yourself. In these rec:ipes. the ust• of fruit gt·l:.it1n :ind lhe l;1st n1inut c addition of sour crean1 el1111111;1\e rht· usual tritky step nf thitkcning \11th r(1rn~1 ;trr h or tapiota. _j 1'he resu lts eun he cithl'r :1 rl'fl"l':.h111g ;1p· IX'lizl'r cour!'ic or a novel dc:-i:.t•rt, l\"Pl'\·1:dl.' for fes\i\"c n1 e a ls. O('E ,\~llEllllY FlllTf .'Ol I' I puck;1gc rtl"ounccsl ra:-.plie rry ~l'!:1t111 Ii c:ups t runhl'rl'.\" juice cock\ ail 2 pack ages ( IOounccsl frQ:t.l'll r;1~phtrr1t•s '.i apples. pt1el ('d , c.:orc d :.incl <:hoppt"d l \t'<ispoon cinnan1on 1 :.! te a s poon nut n1eg Suur crcan1, if desired J)issol\'c gelalin •in 2 tup" of the cranberry lllll"l' hC'<.1Lcd to hotlin~. Stir in rc'nlaining cran· bt·r r.\· juiCt'. ra~phc-rt'il•:.. appll''-;111d spiC'es . Chill (J\\1rnight or uni ii !'ioup i .... ..,~ rup~. Ser ve in ht1\('l s Loppt:d \\1th .... our l'rean1. St·r\ v~ 8 l!'V 111.FElll-:llllY sou• I <:up:-. ~rl'"h hlU<'ht·rril'S '.I l'up;. hot \V;tlvl' I cup dr~· \1·h1t e 1\ 111l' I tup sug;u· 1 :.! linlt'. thin\~ .... 1u·t·d 1 :: c1nn;n11nn st u·l- G.cup:. :-our 1·1\•a n1 l{lllSl' blui:lll.'1"1'11'" l)l.1t"t• Ill :.:1U('L'P11tl c.:o\"L'I' \1'11h hot \va1c1' :ind \1it11· :\df! :.ugar. hint• ~lit'c:. ;ind c·inna1non :.ltl·h. llr1n!.'. lo hoil . 1h1·t1 :.1 n,n1cr :.lo\\'1~ ahn111:!O1n1n11l1·" Put through cHl.111clc1 · l11li 'il \I 1th t·hct''t'('lolh l.1 •l so up t11ol tlll'll 1·hlll 1h11rn1Lghl,\ 111 r1 •frigft;,11 t11 i\1 ~l'l"\'lll ~111 1\\ :-1 11 Ill '1\llf' 1 !1'.!111. fl''t·f\lllg l'll1111 gh for ,1 ~··ll•'HH I" dnllup .i\up t 'ilt h ho\\ I s~, .. , l':. n • ----·---'----------------~ -~--1 1--------pa-ullne Grecco Curls-Hairdo Home Inventory: Real Beauty . I - By AJ ,l,JSON DEt:ltR OI "'-Oi•IT •1t.1 SUH Yuu can b~· beautiful \\LI hunt spe ndlng a b11ndle. In (U('t , lht' inj.\rttlients for u rnorl' pll·11 :-.ing self nlay be lud1n~ und er your sulk, on ~·our clrt"ssing table, f'1·t·n in the rt'frigerntor. P:1ul 1ne Grel·t·o v.•ouid like ll• 11•ugr :1 nnt'·11·oman 11ar aga 1n~t lhl' h'1gh cost of l.it.·auty c:1ri'. lll'r \1·t·;1po11"~ Tt-;1thing 1111111 1•11 tu use product~ on hand rather th<111 fall for co.!.n1clil" sales 1>1lehi.'.!.. .. \\"l· ~PC a bt•aul1 fu l \1on1an on tclc\'is1on and v.·e i:o u11t and buv her make· up, ('yclal:.hel:., ·\>Crfumc. ex· petting to be bc:iutiful. 1"hcn "'e 're cli sa1>1.KJ1nted v. h(.'n "'e arcn ·1.'' J\lrs. Grecco, a fo'ounlain \'alley mother of tv.o sons, "a~ one· or nine l"htldrl'n in a Santa Ana. fan1d\". She can rclalr to light rTioill'Y· ··Too oflcn produ(·ts :.ire pushed just Lo ~ell products. People ran ·1 afford 10 spend that n1ur h nioncy. Jr you teach wom e n whaat "''Il l "\\le simply don't learn \li'oman can afford to !pend !iilyle best 5uits·the way s ne helping people. 1 have whul \l.'ork best for the m, ana hO\I.' to u!ic a product, often ~ :1 \VCek. or $5 a month. for lives, \he time.she has. I want. I jus t wunt to sho"· lhl'm \\'here they can bought on impulse, or even n ho.11r t•onditioner. Thut SS .. And, advice doesn't shjl.re." buy it at a djscount, then if it is s uitable to our life C'Ould buy mea t for the necessarily mea n changing ~~=~?==~?==~::i thcycanmakeends meet." style. s kin. ha ir type or family table. But her hair the w<1yyouwaritloappear. r.Good ...__ .. <1gl'." stilt ncedscttre. It meuns letting you know~!:!;:!~-~~:...:...:::: \\'llOTOTRUST l·ler solution \!.'as to in vile ''She ('an, however, use all or the alternatives. Women s imply don't her regular patrons and that old r emedy. mayon· "Whenyouknowyoulook know whon1 to trust when il the ir rri e nd s to unearlh nai se, to give her hair some as good its possible , you feel comes to beauty care. she creams, lotions . astrlngen· protein and shine berorc a just that good. I want every asserted, so we all Call for ts. eyeshadow and polish shampoo and st>t." woman to ha\•e that the ads. from places of dis use and \\'ome n go wrong by feeling." An exa mpl e is hair 1· t · II h bring them to an c\•ening of 1s en1ng to over·the·coun· she adn't i::one tq co loring. ··t 've been h · t d · · b t b h I h I h s ar1ng. er a vice 1n eauty supp y eauty sc oo , P a uline t r oug h se,·e ra a ir li1r s. Grecco and a houses. ''What is your Grecco probably would coloring courses. and it is specialist on cosn1 elics took guarantee tha t they've had have been a 1nursc. ··tiJy almost impossible to deter· each woman individually to any training? If thew have work npw is a way of • mine \vhal the color will determine what s he could had tra ining, how do you ~ look like on your hair by use and what shou ld be ios· know it wasn't 20 years .--.-----==---"' using the charts at the sed . • t ago?" JO_E CARLOS s tore." "We found that "·omen The product they recom· PLUMllMG CO. S he reels that beauty could use three-quarters of mendmay notonlynothelp, s hops should act as com · the products they brought but could dall)age your hair s uiting ser\'ices for \!.'omen, rrom home. They just didn 't or skin, she added. offering overall beauty ad· know how to apply' them Is she, then, s uggesting vice along with shampoos, properly." that every woman pay a sets and haircuts. · COSTSSPIRAL "·cek!Y visit to a beauty The problem . said li1rs. ·E ven in this a reriod Of · sal?n! . Grecco, who ov,.ns a small s pira lin~ costs, Pauline Notnccessarily. shop in Santa Ana , is that Grecco believes that <1ny "Wha l e \•ery woman we buy a product, use it "'Oma n can be bea utiful ro r needs is advice on what oncc,thenrelegatc il tothe litlle n1oney. make·UP ca n m ake her bathroom shelf. "These days nol e"ery more beautiful, .what ha~r· lie. Mo;21r.in--5'18·5~;& 1675 Superior Costa Mesa FOR APPOINTMENT 54&-3446 . ·'.Host Has Too Much Gall? ROUND . SHRIMPS OE/\ll /\'.'\\° \.A~l)Jo:RS Thi:-.. ni :1y ..,uuncl 111-l' 1h1· .('raz1c:-.t 11·11 c r yet. hut I \mean 11. J'tJ llke ·\n \\arn t.'\"erl"On~ \\ho l ~ c on isideri-ng an opt>r:.111011 for 1 JJall stont·~ to pll':t"l' ;i..;k tht . -~doctor to sa\·c !ht· :.Ion!.'!-. !'to ~he (the pat 1cnt 1 t•an per· 5sonal!y bury lhem, flush fthc!ll, Qr put them in the 1 trash. 1 \\'h y the oc\d request "'.' !Because last night I \\'as 1 trca lf"d to an ('Xhibit of l ''ltlrs . Sv.·anson ·s gall · I ~~~nhe;~:~;t ~~ns~~:J!~~~t~-~~ : had remO\"(•d them . Thi'~· l \\·ere In a pl:istic container • and simply hidco11io ··Thesf' :ire lhe larg('st I stones I h:t\"t> e\·cr sct'n." ; boasted th(' doctor. as if he , had seared some sort ofpt.•r· f son:11 triumph. 1,\11 this • I l . i Tradition Toppled 100.,_ plat·l' 1luring lhi' 1·u('kl;nl hour :.i nd 1t lolled 1n y il JllJl.'lllc ro1nplt>tcl.I". 11111 11Al) rur lhe hor:o c\ OC U\l'C:> but 1he1hnnl'r.) I don't knO\\· ir ":'llrs. Sv.·<1n son .. is ;,i\\ art· that her J.!;,ill :-.tonl':o are h'"·ini: used a.i; c1>t·J..t;11I p;,irt~· entertain· n11•nt. but I certainl v 1\ould- 11 ·1 \1ant m ine diSplayed. \\"11\ ~-ou please pass the \\"OT"d ~ STILi.. N01' lfl'\"GR\', THANKS ofo:AR STILL: That doc· lor is a clod. To entertain itue sls "'Ith a palienl's gal· l::.tones Is bad enough, but to idenlify lhr palif"nt is ine.t - cusable . So here's your leltf"r, and · f'\"f'll though it's lunchtime, somehow I'm not hungry eilhl'r. IJt:.;\R A'.'i~ LAt\DERS: r (::olorado State l 'n1\"ersi\\' 1tudt>nls ha\"c e xiled the { 'radillona1 f11othal\ c1u('en J9i-I Jlo rnl'ro111 1ng '"J)l.'r~on "' Thrron .·\bbol1 . ~m ill'~ 10 thl' ('ro1~·d :1ftl·r In~ t•ro1\n1ng ,\t l l'fl , i~ h1 ~ t·~cor1 . l;ail (b ier· ft'lt. Tht· tca111 honored lhl' }Le\\· royalty \1·11h a 66·17 \iC· tor)O\e r'.'ic\ad:i . SEAFOOD SPECIALS! All Prices Are full Pound Prices! COMPARE! How about Steak & Lobster? Yau provide the Steak, wt have LOBSTER TAILS ...•• 59¢ .. ;ocKCOD/REDSMAPPER ... 99¢ •· '""' Locaf IOMle11 SWORDFISH STEAK HOURS: D.llL Y I 0 Jo 6 CLOSED SAT. & sun. The FISH MARKET Ji"' ond Sondv Carnmer 145 E. BROADWAY . COSTA MESA 64S-S22l I Som£'0nc should ri'sf)()nd to the man u·ho said after ri \e ~car~ ;,i m arria~e h;is go! lo r--------------- grow ""'e a nd he ·d bclhi, Ann Landers right eye there's not u man L".S. u·ho hasn't cheated at '----------------".. least once. That lt!tter must ha\·e upset a grt•at n1a nyl yo un ~ peop lt! u•ho a r e hoping for a marriage v.·ith fidelity a nd trust. I'd like to tell that sap th at I \·c been married for 28 years and have ne ver cheated . Our mar riage is not without problems and I 'll admit l'\"e been temp· led, but something always ~topped me fro m making might seem empty, but lo me she is special. She's the one' who ga,·e me five children. listened to my proble ms and made me feel like I was the onl y man in the world for her. She"s the one I laugh v.•ith, play wi th , lean on and Jet her lean on me when s he nL>(-ds to. She ·s the one I took '"for MRS . FRIDAY BREADED 'EAT IT ALL' ND WASTE LIMIT 3 PACKAGES PER CUSTOMER that mo,•c. \\lhenever I look closely al another \1•on1a11 I decide she's like a thousand others -e\·e n if shc"s be;i.utiful. she's empty. P('rhaps, to som eone el s e, m)' '4'ilc better or "''orse. ··and it gets .-----------'-= belier all lhe time. r(~-:;;:::;:~----Tiii"f~SiPriru:i'""r.iiiiiriiN"CiiiiiiNi'W~iN'iAAliA-;mifmml'---1 1 reel sorry ror hushan«s THESE SPECIAL GOOD IN OUR NEW SANTA ANA STORE ONLY \\·ho arc runoing around like fool s. But th e n , not ('\'eryone can he m:i rrieO to m y wife. -J UST LUCKY DEAR J UST : "Lucky" m y eye. You t"·o ha\•e "'~"'":"" \\"Orked al it a nd that's why il's good. A successful mar· riage is not a gift, it's an ~ achievement. \'our mar· riage ma)' ha\•e been made in hea\'en. Bub, but the maintenance \\'ork "·as done right dou·n here. DEAR ANN : This is an open le tter to ··Nervous Nellie," t he youn g lady \1•ho bcea n1c n:iust>at ed \1•hene,·e r she \\"Cnt out 1\•il h a bo\' she iikerl. I had the s ame problem "·hen I was her age. I suf· fe red with it fo r many ' years. hoping the problem \1·ould solve itself. You were so right, Ann, "'hen you told her it u1ouldn 't . She needs counseling to find out what is a l the bottom of her nausea. lil y onl y regret is that I didn't go earlier. I urge that young gi rl to seek he lp im m ediately. Belie\'e me, it y:ill cha nge her life for the better. - BEEN TllERE AND KNO\VTl-l ESCENE DEAR B.T .: I\ word from 1'omeone who has "Been There" carries a lot more clout than advice from /\nn I.anders. Thank you ror writing. Is pol a drug:' Can LSD 1·Mt.....,._ and pills op~n new v.'orldc; BY THE POOL SPORTSWEAR '75 You are cordially Invited to attend the exciting first public showing Of new Head Sportswear tor women ... and new McGregor Sportswear for men. Enjoy 1975 fashions, models and music by the Promontory Point pool. savor conflnental refreshments in the Villa d'Arrilci. If you like, we·n be happy to conduct your personal tour Of the new Promontory Point Apartments, with their own special style-Interiors by the southland~ foremost designers. It starts ver¥ promptly at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, October 71 , In beautiful Newport Beach. RSVP, adults only! (7141 675-8000. '• m Promontof'V Drive "'5t Just nortn Of J~mbOr'ee Road on Pacific coast Htgnwiv Newport Beacn, callfOrr'Ma ..; 3798 S."BRISTOL AVE . Dri•tol lown & Co11nt1v t'Pnler ONE BLOCK NORTH OF SOUTH COAST PLAZA "Just adiacent to thC' I r<•asu1•{' SMOKED c ... 1 .. Cul~ PORK CHOPS 1 39 WILSON lb ClRTIFICD HINDQUARTER of BEEF 9 9 i'" Custom I I'd 11 Stf"t>r Beel. HINDQUARTER plus beef loin Double up on thl' FRONTQUARTER of VEAL I lnr~t USDA Cho1rt \1t:J1 ' fresh .· LEG'O VEAL h;iH nr gg •· ,, hc1I•· lh SLAB BACON 69 1i. T-BO NE °' PORTERHOU SE ~~~~~~oice l 6i~ FILET MIGON 1o• LOBSTER Your 299 Choice lb ASSORTED COLO CUTS Kl\R fl.~ f l\MOUS QUALITY INTRODUCTORY FREEZER OFFER . SIDE of BEEF l\U our Beef i~ USD I\ Governm ent Inspected .ind uoronditioo;illy GUl\RAN T[LO ... We. Ceotf'r fl.·\f'at Co. uncoodition,1Hy ijUilrilnlf'.'f' t'vcrv ounLP of n11;,1\ sold to your \Jtisf,1ction or' your 111oney \viii h~ r heerfully refunded. USDA GovC!r nment lrl'IX!lll"d l·l,lnd Pickrd (u~tom 1 t.'Cl S!e~r ill-ef ... Au1.4. Wt. 325 lo 360 lb~. . I I· ( I I I I 1, ca bi pr n 20 r e yo w ca 22 pa re lo co H re M to yo 22 s h El pr yo N tu ti yo '" an 21 a ry es is la yo D lh sa to pl • .r.i lo co a 18 th fe SI " st I t • , :1 I I' I • Your Horoscope Tomorrow Aquqrius: Cycle's High \ actually past experience will besuccessfullv utilized. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIR· THD,\V you are creative, building ror future and it is musical, a natural diplomat brighter than you might and psychologist . You are now imagine it lo be . ' THURSDAY OCTOBER 24 By SYDNEY O~li\.RR ARIES (J\1arch 21-April r;::::=============================-1 19): Path is cleared of ob- stacles. You get gr:een light · and friendly reception. Key now is to consolidate, to push ahead. · TAURUS I April 20-1\olay: 20): Accent now is on career, how to fulfill am-. bitions. how you relate to professional superiors. Be flexible. GEIUINI 11\·l ay 21-June 20): Spotlight now is on per- ceiving potential. 1'ru st yo ur 'ESP. You are seeing v.·hat can be -and what you can make of yourself. CANCER !June 2l·July 22J: A-loney y.•hich relates to partner, mate has direct ef- fect on you. 1'he rc is need for ehani:c --and greater communication. LEO 1July 23-Aug. 22l: Home . family , serious relationships a rc featured. ~Take intelligent concession to one "'ho m eans much to you. \'IRGO f Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Lo\\' key approach s ho uld b e e ontinued, Element of deception is present. Don't prescribe yourOY.'n medicine, LIBRA CSept. 23-0rt. 22): Nothin g is h alf\\'ay or lukewarn1 for you :it this time. Changes occur and your affairs of hea1t are sv•elled , bruised, put upon and caressed. SCORPJO tOcl. 23·Nov. 21 l : Are you concerned about security·~ Don't \1•or- ry ! Your concern is natural, especially today. Emphasis is on how you relate to family and other s close to you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 l: Short and sy.•eet - that is the pace and the mes- sage for you this day. Key is to pul ideas on market place. CA PRICO RN ! Dec. 22- , J?in. 19): Arc you prepared for scrutiny whe re budget is concerned'.' That is apt to IX' a majorc1ucst1on. ,\Qt;,\RIUS ~.J an . :?0-Feb. 18): Lun ar l'.\·r!c is such that \'OU can bl'cak down fen ccS and r un opc.•n-fi cld style. People Jove you and \•otc for ~-ou . PISCt:s !f'cb. 19-t\l<trch 20): \'ou n1ay think ~·ou arc startinl! fron1 scratch -but - c .... c.,.. .. • ELURAS 522.50 'SICIM s31 50 TOP ..... • malhe~ Truly the most beautiful .time in your life. Black and white check cape ot ~1c ~ from a muc-and match coortlinale group. $33. Also 1n sohdnavy. South Coast Plaza Upber Level Near Bullocks • 557.5734 Al&O available' af our PAGE BOY BOUTIQUES IN ROBINSO N S. Anaheim. ~ewport Beac h and Gerntos. CHILDREN'S I GREAT VALUES I Buster Brown ... Keds .... Clogs Special Orthopedic .Group Dress & Sc~pol Shoes ALL FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK • to ,. j, • • REG . TO $20 . LIMITED SIZES l DAYS ONLY ' ALL SALES FINAL ' .. • r&~rm --- " DOORS OPE N· 10 A.M. THUR SDAY 250 E. 17th st .. •I t<JST.l MESA H--t--54·8•3446 -·\+lt------.30 FASHION ISLAND• NEWPORT HACH • . . ' ) Wednesday. October 23. 1974 DAILY PILOT f:3 It's a Picnic "Duke" s niffs but l\1rs. r.·tclvin f-'cldn1 un, l\'lrs. Sheldon Ber:;cr <.ind l\·l rs. L..1 \\•rence Klein (left tu right) jus l pe11k at une of the .~up pers whic h \\'iii be <Jlll'liont·rl oll' during: lhe lloe-do\\'ll J3ox Sl1ppc1·. sponsored hy l1he .Sisterhood ol lhc S hir Jl a-1\'Ta '3lot Jl:irhnr· Refor1n 'f<'n1pl e beginning at 6:Jll p.m. Saturd1:1 ,v, Ott. 2ti. in Ill<' l·lalecrest Club. \Vestern n1us1l· a nd s quare duncing \\'i ll he reatured after s upper. 'TENNIS GOLF WHERE CAN YOU FIND at •Continuously 1enewed ORIGI NAL designs -OUALI TY ma1eria1s & workmanship •Monogram1og SER VICE •Matcri1ng ACCESSORIES •YOUR CHOICE ot labr1c, lrtm. pan!s s!vle. leng!h, etc, al J"IO e.11tra chg. •CUSTOM fl T or ready la wear HO. WE'RE HOT EXPENSIVE! 30 · LO Ve Couturier for Active Sport.swear ,.. Mesa,, Verde Ce n1cr F-2 I iarbor & Aoams l'i w w. ..... ,,.., Ice ,-~u••"'' Costa MeSll 557-7206 Tues. thru Sal 10 'Id 6 . fn. ·111 9 Oosed Mon. BOATING BIKING You 've just started to yearn for fur. .. and 've're having a des igner showin g! See whnt a nice. warm winter you·1e going to ha ve <I I our Freedman Levy showings • Mr. Gerald will be here lo presnnt the colJcc11on at informal sessions Thursday. October 24. Fnday. October 25 and Saturday, Octobe r 26. 11 to 4 p.m. Robif"!SOn 's .fur S<'t lon, Newport only I I ~ .. l F A S l-llON IS LAND .!c.!HC'.; V\'f.'.ON CS OAY . Tl-llJ R::,OJ\'¥ 10 00 •, 10 6<14 -2800 • DAILY Pll OT Weddings . . . . . . . . . .-. . . .. . . . . . .-. . ~ . . . . . . ' Wednesda , October 23. 1974 Fund-raising Attracts A~tention I I and Engagements 'l'o a\otd <11-.:.appointn1cnt. prosµc(·ti\'l' hr1dt·' i.ll'l' rt.•n11ndc·d Lo ha\·e their "'edding :-.111r1,·!'o \\ ith bl:tt.'k :.a nd '''hite g lossy phol ui.:r aph:-. \o the IJai ly l>ilol People J)t'p;irtnll'lll un11 \\t•ck before the \\'C"dding Girls Club llt·lp111g 1n the forn111l1on ol ;1 V1rls Club in 1:0t111tu111 \'Hiil'~ llu11\1n J!IOll l.k:iJt'h ;1r1• South ('oa:-.t .Junior:-. of f''uunt;11n \'a llt:} Part>nl :-J\.~so1·l!llh)n \1lll ha\·i: ;i l'htldrl'n's 11 1'11· kJ\\l'Cn purty frun1 l ·:l p.n) ~und:t ,\', Oct . 27 , in lhl' But>n<.1 Purk ('01n1nunit1· l!c·c1'l•a\1on Ct·ntt·r · A ~crnorrs • 1'1tt url"' rt·t'l'J\ l'd <lll t•r th<1I tin1r \\Ill Jllll ill' ll"l'tl 1-'ur l.'ll g agt•mC"nt ;.1nnouncem<'nls il is 11n p('rat1\·t· th at the story. also accom · pa111cd b~· a hlutk :.and \1·hite glossy_ pit· 1u rt:. U1 · :-.uhn1lltl~d SL\ \\'Ceks or more l.11..·lore the \\Cild1ng c.latc ; othcr\\ise it \\·ill not bt• puhlisht·d T o hrlp fLll fl'qturcn1cnt:-. on brith \\"t'd· rhni:: and t·ngai!t•mcnt ~torit•s. form,; arc a\ai!:.ablc 111 :.all !Jail\' P ilot offi<:C'S. Fur· thcr quc :-.l1on~ \\'i ll be· un~\\Cred by People l>cparlfl\t·nt ~t;.1ff n1cn1bt·rs at 642--1321 . Zonta Honors Seniors Feted l.1.:ad1·r,h1p. !·1t11l·n,h111. schol;1r ~h q1 ;i nd ~1 ·r\1c·t· ha\·l· l'arru·d "l'\ 1·r;:ll <.1rC'a hi gh 'r h1111 I ~t'JH•)r, the :\'l'Y.IJOl't fl ;•rho r Zonia Club'!-. till,. or l:J rl of·thc- month ·rhl·~ i11 i.· 1\11 11 t.oftu .... <ll·lvgt1l101l l't1 :11rman iJflCI :i 111en1hl·r ot the \·ar:-.ily t rark team Ai the ~·nd uf thr year. all thl' 1·011nc C-•omen selected y,·ill choosl' one y,·hom they enn ,1dt•r t o be most qu<il1fir-d iJS Zonta Git;I of the·\ t·ar Juniors ill'C l"11rn 01un11·a1 ini:t !ht• needs ut lht• f'luh to uthcr 11r..:anizaJions : th<'~-ore hC'lping in lhe huild1ng 1lrivc, und they h;11l'1·outrlln1\i•d n1orr than $::!00 to t·~t :1hli:-.h 11 tr1·<.1~ury fur the club Alpha Chi Omega '.\Ir. and i\I r s llobf'rl S\..1nnl•r':-. t\'L•11·porl l~·;irh ho!lll' 11 ill hc· th(· :-.1:1t1ni.: lnr 11 111nt··la~ll11 J.! p;1rl~ ·al 7 ;jlJ p n1 . S;1\urfla ~. ()(·t 2ti 'l'ht: l'\"(•Jll I~ :O.l><IJl~lll't'd h) !\lpha l'h1 <JmC'J!:i:-to ra1sl' fund :-. fnr I hl·ir phd;tn· thrup~. t h<' ()r:nlJ!l' l 'ount) f'~<i:-.lcr Su;il Ht~ha)11h\;1liu11 l'l·nter lor frip 11l t·11 Children and /\dull' CM Fr ie nds :\ book s<i le is planned by · Cu!-ila l\l t"su Friends of !he Librar.r ·Saturday, Ort. 26, 1n' fron t of the California l'l'der1:1I Sa\'ings and Lo:in building. A membership coffee is planned in conjunction 11,·ith the sale . Speakrr y,·ill be author Ellen K. Lee. . Adoptive Parents Orange County Adopti\'t' Forum Sophomore, junior and senior high school student s from San Clemente. Dana Point, San Juan Capistr;ino. and Laguna Beach 11·ho are interested in attending1}SC arc invited }\"ith their Con>n:i d t·I :\J ar . :\ll·gh,i n ~fill t•r .\'t•\1 purt llarhnr. Linda \\'olft•, .f''..,1;1111"ia . a nd su .. ;innt· l.;u·l..1•\ 1·n-t;1 ,-------------------------------1 1 )h.·~;, :\II, .. l.11!1 u' d .111).'.hl l'I ot llr ,cnt.l \t r, Br1 ;1n l.uf\u :-.. is l'h ;iu·pt'f'-fl n of thl' S<·houl'' lluoirrl 111 Appt«ll:-. and ;1 n1l·n1 hl'r ol lhl· l l·11n1 ~ le:1m :\!i s~ :'llll!t'r . d ;iughtC'r of Or ;1nd i\lr!-i. John Pa lincr .llill~·r ;il ~o nf Xt•1111o rt .Bet1th . 1:-a \';;11onal :\l1·ri l ;;em1-f1nah :-.t <i nd :-t'C'l'(•\ar1· 3)f th« Gt •Ol'l:l' '.\lc·IH·~ Filin <$oct('l1 :· :'Ill ~~ \\'11!11·. 1t.1ui.:h11·r 111' ·Dr and )Jr, D.111 d \\"11lf1'. ·c·o .. ta :'1 11· .. ,1 '' 1·nn11n1., ::;101i.·1 .. 1 t1111· .ir!' .ind .\FS pr1·-u!t•Jlt DELANEY BROS. RECIPE! ELEGANT . DINING STEAK 5 OL KANSAS FILLET MIGNON $149 ~ & ..... • 1, LOBSTER COOKED AUSTRALIAN . IOLLOISTERTAILS KANTALOPES BEL PEPPERS 'RUBI RED ·GRAPEFRUIT BUY. 8 GET ONE FREE· . ! f SPORTSWEAR .• :\11.'.' l.arh1•1 d.1ui.:htl·r lll ;lotr Jnd '.\[ r' lJ 1111;1ld I. . L11r kt'.1 l'u,ta ~11·~;• 1~ 1;1rl ... .LrJ l!ll(' 11rt·~1d e11t S1ud<'nl Edut·:111on:1 I l)L'I f'lnp nlL•l\1 ~~DS ... L•D-byAlmad•• s323 \':: 1 California htra Dry Chan!p09M ......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' -D.-Y Ito~ Sfffood • 2100 Lofoyttt. • Howport IH<h, '73-3450 3rd TRUCKLOAD 1PUMPKINS HAVE ARRIVED! LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN . ALSO PHSOHAL CHICIS l'OI THE AMOUHT OF PURCHASE . , • . - , . ' , , . '• , ,. •. • _•WE ACCEPT FOOD STMfS• come by sea, find exqui- site shops and elegant dining at Lido Village. We're docksid e in Newport Beach, comer of N'ewport Boulevard and Via Lido and the sea, with plenty of room to anchor your schooner or your station wag on. I Lido Village prom- ~ ises seventy shops to browse through, ·~-~-.-..---·--• -L4 I • S Gteat Grand OpenlncJs -~ _:;;, · u Speclal Events: _ ~ - Mo"st Stores Open Six Days 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Ample Validated Parking. We are already here (or watch for our opening soon):. [n'1 Devereux for Lilly PulilZer (boutique), Jade House \~ Uade jewelry), Laguna Originals Gallery, Pappagallo's ~''we're already ([ine shoes). Jannelle's (ladies boutiq ue), Blackman. Ltd. (fine jewelry), Prin!S and Paintings, Lemons Us, Inc. (girts & cards), Turquoise Tee Pee (t urquoise jewelry)., German Home Bakery, Ligh t or the World (gi ft shop), Maninique Beauty Salon, Simply Us (custom made jewelry), Sea Treasures (sea shells, etc.), The Children's here''·.. Shop (child ren 's appare l), Mione's Old World Delicalessc'I, The Garden (leenage/ college girl apparel ), Custom Clothes by Ann Douglass, Yard Arm (fabrics), A Little ~ ln1rigue (ladies bou1ique), Birds Eye View (art gallery), Lido Book Shoppe (books, ,\I) D I T I0:\1\L NE \V SHOP:, , magazines, prints), Hatteras or California (marina, yacht broker), AnythinrQoes romantic board~ walks to wander · · (,,; along, landscape · ~~~-· patios to lipger over, and fan- tastic fare on which to feast. Stroli down , sail down , pedal your bike or drive -shopping hasn't been like this since the reign of the square-riggers. Lido Village is a wonderful place to spend .time discover- ing the rare, the .. 1 {. t unusual, the'ti.!)..s beautiful, and UJ ~, the new. . 'l'l"I, :- " . ---·-·-- TO BF. LISTED SOON 4 (cu~lom made clolhes), Flo's Boutique (fme.clothes), Sydney (ladies boutiqu,e), · 1 ~ · Stuard 's Men Store (men's cloth iers & outfitters), Ju11ensen's (gourmet store), I >< GJ{1\ ~ 0 01'£~11\ (; \\ EERl Lord Jim Barber Shop, and Carousel Flower Shop, I J '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,....J, ~ ... 1 I • ~ I ' .. , ITATIR•IOI. M-Y BACll GUARANTU Oii CIUALm MIATI RICES QUALITY SERVICE BLUE CHIP STAMPS CHUCK ROAST BEEF • BLADE CUT STATER BROS. CERTIFIED FRYING CHICKEN U.S.D.A. GRADE 'A' WHOLE BODY 39! IVUY,llQOf MIAT IS \MCONOmONAU Y CiUMANTllD TOllUAil YOU ... Olt YOUI MOHIY Wli.1 II QtllRfULl Y llf~ ""'" s1 os SLICED BACON . ·····-····-·"· FRESH e DELICIOUS ANY SIZE PACKAGE CUT ·UP F11YERS ••• LL 45c FRESH FROZEN FISH OSCAI MAYfl . gs• BEEF FRANKS ................ ·-·····"· OSCAI MAYER 90$ ~ -, -REG;-WIENERS .......... ........... 0--- osu.1MAYEI e 8-0UNCE 49• SANDWICH SPREAD ........... . TURBOT FILLETS .................... (a. 79' $ 9 · BITS·O·SHRIMP ............. La. 1 .2 Hl(;H IN PROTEIN AND NUTRITION OSCAR MAYER e 8-0UNCE 49• BRAUNSCHWEIGER ............. . LB. HAUBUT STEAKS ......... La. $1.89 ' . """"'" 0 '"°''0 $169 HAM SLICES ···············-···--··'"· iouifi"'Boii ROAST .... 89c lllfe lOHEUSSIOUNDSTIAIC ... Ll.$1 .29 s 119 ROUND STEAKeoN<-IN .... <•· I fllSHe HUTllTIOUS 3 9 c BEEF HEART ............................... , •. BEEF FRANKS lfff c;HUCll CUT e GUAIANlllD 9 5 c 7·BONE ROAST ................. LI. iiiF"iiuM'P ''ioAST Ll.$1 19 blln~SUQD s 109 SUCED BACON '·····---···-··'"· lllf CMJCI( an e IOHllHS. TtNot:I s 129 ROLLED ROAST ·····-·······-·· ... lllflOUND CVt e s1.t.HltlOS.CllT•llD $169 SIRLOIN TIP o:':~:n ·····--... lllOfA&M~OISAGf 79c PORK SAUSAGE ........ 12-oL iliG'uLAR w1ENERS _ ... a9c • ....... $598 CANNED HAM ....................... . WILSON e 12-0Z. PACKAGE 59c Riii CUT • CUAUNTEED s1 69 BEEF CLUB STEAK .. " WE ll JRIMMED •TENOER s1 n BEEF CUBE STEAK . ·····"· . . . ..sl 29 FRUIT COCKTAIL ,, ..... ______ m 38' STATtR BROS. 3 6 c . PEACHES:i::.D __ 1::- APPLE CIDER m""'------~88' HUNTS KIDNEY BEANS _,,,DL 27' HUNTS PORK & BEANS -""' 50' FRUIT COCKTAIL:: ·~31· iiLLERSLICES 1~i43c ·:==~-.uL46c '• · CO.LUER BRIQUETS 5:.85• · SBTATERRBROEs. AD SPLl·T-TOP 24-0z. 59c ~~~~:E~~l~g~=~~.:~~ ---LOAF • HUNTS TDMATO PASTE __ ,,,,_ 24' PERFECTION. LARGE ELBOW 3 .5 .. SANALAC DRY MILK _ .. = '2.65 MACARQ .... l 1S:z.· f KALKAN PET STEW ....,----'<-0' 50' DI _____ ,J(G.~ --9-UYll ~.§C . CAT FOOD-tM.LCAN .... COMET ~ft c PEANUT BUMR ~, ·~ 81• c LEAN SER G~,.,.. CHOPPED ONIONS """"'-""' 74' ·= · .. · E GARLIC SALT""""'----..... 73' 'p'LLS81UREY•11c·OUNRCE u ·sT MIX 29c ~i:~~~:m~~s:::===::~~ BALLARD BISCUITS ___ ,_,,,, 15' ' ·wDALTEORKENGDALLe 26.-0UNICfs·cu11s 33· c ~::~:r;.s~~1iif~~=::~I~ CHEDDAR CHEESE ::.:. ____ ..., 78' SOUR CREAM ::.".~~---''"'41' j:\y AX SPRINT~~~ $1 98 :::•::::._ ... ~L41 c MARGARINE ...,'""' ·--·-· _m' 67' ~tALDf,& a'ea~ ~ ~ . DRISTAN ~Lo -H~ TABLETS $108 ...... ~iff PKG. OF 24 ..... =~ •1:39 ClOSl·UP CLAIROL SCOH TOOTHPASTE •ALSAM MOUTH. WASH .. _:....59c ... $169 ' $121 --· coo.a. ,..,_l MIDOL CAPLITS ''::::' 78 c ARRID::,,.. · . SCHICll SUPIR II DIODOllANT ILADIS .... 61' .... 88' +.-79c . A&W ROOT BEER __ .&,,"' '1.19 NABISCO CHIPS-AHOY __ ,....., 88' LOMA LINDA PROTEENA _ ,.., '1.09 DINNER CUTS,.,..--···-""' 93' DOW SARAN WRAP ---'""'· 69' WHITE lllNG 93c DETllGENT--ot."o BAG 'N SEASON ~i.:i. _____ ,o,39' PILLSBURY FLOUR :.'!.. ........ ·-····''" 84' PILLSBURY FLOUR .. o ........•. •u• 84' DRY YEAST"'""'"""' .. . .. HU 23' POL.Y STIK • · . ············""' 71' PRIME $221 DOG FOOD n., STATfa MOS. CfRTlfl~D 79c BEEF CHUCK STEAK " ![ff lOIN CUT •tENOfR s1 es T·BONE STEAK .. :::.:_ .... IEfF CHUCK CUl e TEN0£1t $139 FAMILY STEAK ..... .. " 8E[f lOIN CUTe NO TAllS $193 PORTERHOUSE STEAK .ta. WfU TRIMMED TENDER s129 BEEF RIB STEAK ..... ··"· 8f[F IOIN CUT •GUARANTEED $199 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ......... . .t-.&.,, ~ 7-t AtuL . lllOGIOl:O OfMl.UU.VU 5 2 c BREAD DOUGH ............................. ~~·; 00¥\'J<tTP\Ml c f LARGE WAFFLES _ ······---_:~~ 30 JOHNSTON AHOllllO , 1 2 3 FRUIT BOKAE YOGURT .... ---·~;~~: .,...,_,,u $114 CHEESE PIZZA ·-······-······-1~~ W'fl(;HI WAIOlln • '151 v .... l'l ,'4 7"' ' TURKEY DINNER ___ ....... POPSICl.ES ____ MOOO·" I. l'IAJV!~I Of 11'111 MA 98' A IA$" Illa! 79' COOIED SHRIMP ._-·'"' IVDGSICl.fS ___ ,...,.., PORisAUSAGE _ •.u s1• co61fllETs . __ ,~z.'1 35 11 YARDLEY ORANGE JUICE ....... ·---··-.'.~~42 c SOAP _,,... 88 c :::53' YOGURT BARS ....... ·--·····--•.oz.. , IATll&D: lllflOPCOHCINYUn 64c APPLE CIDER·-····················-·····~~!< l !."!l{.::~ FOR EXTRA FANCY· ~10 RAPES :.~IROR ·······-······ 3 LBS r FRESH TENDER CllS~ . ~!!!OTS .................. 2 ~K':s.29 c CANTALOUPE ...... 19c oN'io'NS.'..~:2 .... 29c COFFEE~LIGHTNER __ 81' t°"'HOClla-MT 73' PIE FILLING .. ···-· . ,, .... _,,,u-• 75' i..flP PLUS MEAT ............. ·-····· .. •.~•. STAIN REMOVER ____ .,_ ,_73c LYSOL CLEANER _,, .• L83' BABY FOOD IEECN·NUT ASSORTED s~i··12c JlRS ll. • RICH 'N EASY . . FROSTINGS (ffl! PRICE~ EFFEC. 7-FULL DAYS• OCT. 24th·30th . •••oos..•• ·r ....... w ...... 111ooh•tC.-..A .... o,...., 111s1o11.,.st .. c.u.Mt .. CHERRY· PIE PRESS FILLING SUBSTITUTE 73c = 78c :c:: 89• • -- PILLSBURY 64c IS.OUllCE ' ' I ::.·= 707 W..t .... laatA St., C: .... ~ 1522 Wtt ......... llN.. w., ....... 2·110 H•wperl ltwl., c .... M.H 6162 ....... A .... tW ..... NiS..C. )4JOWettu.c.a.A.,.,.A....._ 14171 ltdHllA"t .. T"_. :-..::. 260J WnfS.•1•1111M1iSt .. S....4-26JO l..,..A,..,.5-teAM 14212 M5wtA.,.,. WWttiar UU c-._ A.,. .. ~ Gftq 12JO Mc,..._ Aft., SW• A• J462 ICot ... A'l't,. Lot "'-lttt JJ60Hdr...••• .. S••AM 2564W•st ........ llOll M .............. v • (M DAILY PILOl Souffle Without Eggs? A superb Duk ed ·run<1 1'""onduc is Y.'l'll y,•ilh111 u cholcslcrol-lirnited regime when lhe dish is made with the cholestc ro l-fr t'c c~~ substitute !hut co mes in fresh. not rroz c·n forrn. The produr t is 1n ude v.•1th fresh CRJl v•hil cs. Only the yolk of the t'AJ: is rcpl<iccrl by oth1..·r food prod uc t:.. 'l'hc yolk of a shell egg 1s lite highes t sin1:lc sou rce of cholesterol in the daily tiirt. You ean m a ke unolhl•r appcal1n J.! m ain d ish v.•ith this egg s ubs tit ute that comes in ;1 pint t artnn avo11l:.1ble in the d;nf'y case ·or yo ur supcrmarkeL A delectable mq in dish. rather on the fancy 3lde: i:-. Spinach 1~urf. This c:i!.,\ ·to- make, lower-caloric m:iin dish is helped along by the use or the t:gg substit11t1.' "'hich has only 42 llCrce nt of the calorics of s hell cJU!s. BAKED T UNA FONl>Uf: I can 17 oun ccsJ w:i tcr· pack tuna 2 cups day -old hrc<1d cubes ~ cup cholesterol -fret: egg substitute 2cups nonfat milk ~teaspoon salt I teaspoon onion powder l.'.f teaspoon dried dill weed '-ii teaspoon white pcp~r ~ 1 tablespoon grated Par· r. mesan cheese • Drain und fluke tuna ; : .. place in 11 1 ·quart h:iking • dish. Sprinkle bread cubes ~· ove r tuna. Co m bine all :. remaining in gredients, ex- :,;. ccpt cheese. mix well and • pour over bread. Sprinkle ·: top with cheese. : Bake in 350 degrees F. :-oven 40 minutes. j ust unti l ~ mixture is set in <.'t•ntrr. If J. des ir e d , g arn is h \\•ilh :: sautced or broiled diced • mushroon1s. :: Makes 4 or 5 ser\'i ngs. :: SPINA Cll P Uf'F' • 3 tablespoons m:1rgurine •' •: I tablespoon fin ely chop- :. peel onion 3 tablespoons fl our • 1 1 teaspoo n salt # a 1 cup nonf;1t milk ,-t packa ge ( 10 ou ncl'SJ frozen chopped s p1n:ich. lha1,1.·ed and draineri : I cup c ho l i:~tcrol-frcc ' egg substitute ~ Jn medium saucepanmell • margarine. add onion and :; cook until tender. Blend in .. fl our and salt , Hcmovc -from heat and gradually : stirinmilk. :., Return to heat and coo k. ; !tirring constantly, until } mix tu re t h ic k e ns a nd ; comes to :1 boil. Sli r in :·s pinac h. Rem o ve from :· heat. ~ In s m all bou·I beat egg : substitute 2 minutes at high : speed or e lectric m ixer. : Gently stir into spinach • mixture, ;.. Turn into greased I-qua rt . casserole . Ba ke in 375 -; degree F. O\'Cn 30 min ut es ~ or unti l kn ife in serted in center comes out clean. Ser-, • • . . ' . ves4. Peasant 's Broth : Bountiful .. Substitut e 5 c up s •homemade be ef broth. if you likr. for the canned bouillon. Pf:1\SANT SOl'P 2 lablespoo ns pe anut 01 1 11 cup choppt•d onion 2 tabl<'s poons n1 inced pars\l'\" 6 c'ups s hredded cab· • • TREE TOP CIDER 1/1GAL VITA CRUNCH AU •••llTllS , 66C e;:;DR~IV~E ·~ c•i•i Ilk • • I . &~t~RGENT $ 39 · KING SIZE REG. $1.90 NIW .. AE JEMIMA ' FOLGERS COFFEE 3 LB.CAN ALLGRINDS . ,, HAMBURGER HELP,ElS .. 59~ '~...;._~~Jl-M-'S_R_A_N_C_H~F~RE~S~H:"--...... ~-:::::-"'. " GRADE .AA EXTRA LARGE 'f EGGS .. CRISCO SHMIElllll FIRESIDE S,ANDWICH ' JU. ' CAM • 81/10Z. COOKIES ALL VARIETIES •DR. PEPPER• DIET DR. PEPPER •ORANGE CRUSH• GRAPE CRUSH • SlRAWIERRT CRUSH-TOUR CHOICE 'rAK 120%..CAHS BANANAS At IEW OW. PRICES! ,... ____ iilliiiiiiiiiiiilllll GRADE A LARGE FRYING CHICKE _S FRESH GROUND BEEF • BONELESS PORK ROAST FRESH SKINNED BEEF LIVER EXTRA LEAN . . PORK STEAK BAR M POLISH SAUSAGE . KIOCKWURST BAR M u.· ··9~ 98~ 69~ s10! -SMOKED HAM HOCKS ~ ·98~ 79~ RATH ASSORTED LUMCH MEATS , ~9C BOLO-SALAMI-PICKLE-OLIVE ,Jill LI . TURBOT FILLETS 69~ 12~ 98~ s5~ ARMOUR STAR BACON . 'f} DOLE JUIC6EOZ. CAl:IS 5/$1 I BREAKFAST SARA LEE PECAN COFFEE CAKE BUTTER $TREUSEL COFFEE CAKE TREE SWEET ORAIGE JUICE '0LCAHS bagc . .ibout I po und '\ L--'":1 2 med i um pota tol's. : pa red and cubed ;:., 2 !1 0 1 ~-ouncel ca ns bcrf ~broth j bo ui llo n ) di luted ; with 2 soup cans "·atcr ' I teaspoon's;1lt ,. 1 ~teaspoon pepper 1 i cup co mmcr<·ial sour •cre am mi x<'d \Vi lh 1 ~ teas poon c a rau·a ~· sc('d .. Jn a la ri:c sauecpot heat : oil : add onion a nd parsley and cook over moderate heat ahoul 5 n1inut C's. . Stir in cabba~c . 1>0tatucs. ·!broth. s ail a nd 1>e11prr. ' Bring to a boil : simmrr un - til vegetables :ire tender about 30 n1inut£'s . 1'op bowls or soup u·ith doll ops of sou r crt>a m . ~·JI.takes 6 servings. ' ·-------f. :· I • CRISP DELICIOUS APPLES THICK MEA TED 19~ BELL ·PEPPERS EXTRA LARGE 2 TOMATOES " IOc ~ SWEET "N" JUICY ORANGES LI. . • I ,, ' Store Hours: 9 A.M. to •9 P.M. rrittt '!t;td te atock •• 1teH Daily lncludi119 Sunday Pricn lffecHw. n...y tin W ..... , Oct. 24 thru 30 · -AJtlttD EITli DRY gJ. "' ANTI-,., . PBMRANTSPRAY 8 WI •L4DLY ACCIPT u.s.l> ..... fOOD COU'°MS ¥AC~SSIUCT s319 SCOTCH -WHISKEY ANCIENT AGE s499 _ BOURBON ~ .. WHISKEY So•t40' KtNTUCKT IEAU s319 COSTA MESA, 19th and Placentia STUIGHT -IOURIOH s ••• 20' Placentia 'WHISKEY PLACENTIA, 710 W. Chapman \ I • I· fa lh de • m m m B " sp ,. sli ,, " p sh cu PI m s I la Se dr ov pl lo ba mi eg M pl ov 4 . N B 0 • Supper . I r Menu Brews \ ' \ Here is how to build ~ur family Beef ·n Beer BASk-els that are an attractive and delicious way lo s.erve both ground beer and eg~pl811;il Your co n s truction mateiials are e'jgplant, cooked until soft, ground beef si mm ered and seasoned with tom».to sauce, spaghetti sauce, .3nd lhat secret in gredient t6at sp'arks up the flavor 'or foods. beer. :~ Dreadsticks, fresh fru\t for dessert and mugs or frothy beer, the beverage of moderation, will ma~e yo1.1r 11Jeal complete. \ BEEF AND BEER BASKETS · 2 lar ge eggplants 1 pound ground beef Butter or marxarine I pa ckage (1 \.'l ouncetj- spaghetli sauce mix l can 18 ounces ) tomato $3UCC J teaspoon salt 'h cup beer ' 1h pou·nd Mozzarella, sliced lhin Cul eggplant in half'from stem end. Remove pulp rrom skin Cleaving a p· proximately •-~ inch thick shell ), Cul pu lp into small cubes. tn skille{, cook egg- pl a nt In butter o r margarine until soft and s li g htl y brown ed !approximately 8 minutes). Sete~~plant as ide. Brown beer in skillet, drain from beef, and while over low heal mix in egg. plant. spaghelti sauce mi x, tomato sauce, salt and beer. Place 4 eggplant shells in . baking dish. Divide meat mixture evenly between eggplants. Place thin slices Mozzarella over each egg. plant. .Bake in 350 degree oven 30-35 minutes. Serves· ••• Beer that adds flavor to meat filling of stuffed eggpl ant also goes well w ith rest of meal : bread sticks and fresh fruit. Save I<r on Roman Meal when you buy Webers. • Now you have a special reason to buy Weber's, the Great White Bread. Every speciall y marked loaf contains a coupon that saves 10¢ on your next loaf of delicious Roman Meal, the light brown .bread '-ith natural whole grain goodness. Just take it to your grocer. Webe r's. the Great White Bread. UC ll1El'StRt_e 8l'MOS COl'PO'Rlllll • • Wedneed!)I, October 23. 197• • DAIL V PILOT C7 muriel stevens takes the mystery out of mousses, the sighs out al soulfles. the dold rum s out of dinner ... what's her secret? she cooks with love. t he mur iel stevens show liiicoMMUNITY 3 CABLEVISION Ntwport Stach Monday, Wedn•sdav & Friday 7:00 to 7:30 P.M. Tuesday & Thursd•V 10:00-to 10:30 A.M. 6:00 to 6:30 P.M. Only 9 Days Left •.. Get. Ready Now ....... ~:.:.:.::::.:.:~:.::"~~ .......... . W·1th Over 14,600 0·1scounts.' o e~~ .~~~:~'.~~:~~~~~~.1-~: :,~ !:'.~ •MtseVtrdtCt , Adoms,Cost•MtM I - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ROUND 1 STEAK LEGO' LAMB 11922 lroollh•nt,GordtnGro.,c •23811 EIToro,EITol"O ' Hal£ Gallons! Scots Mist Scotch Pride 0£ Canada Thrlftimart Coupons For Guaranteed Savings! l · • (:8 DAILY PILOT I ' Calories Sliced Away ' By BARBARA GIBBONS Avoid borin~ lunches - skip the hre<id and add an ... apple! lnstcJd of the same old sa nd w1th, v.·hy nol combine ltic fll/1 ngs of meal, poultry, ,searood or cheese wi th a crunchy cup of juicy diced apple , pl u ~ some s li ced celery or other greenery for extra dash ~ l\1 ix 1t a ll up wi th a eream y low·r alor1 e drcs· sing a nd yo u'"c got a del icious meal-s ite s alad with stayin g power, every bit as easy to m<1k<' as a san- dwi ch and muc h more 3atisfyini:' , Cris p fres h fruits a nd \l egetablcs provide more bulk fQr fcy,·cr c<ilories and they t <ike a lot !Oni!Cr Lo eat ! Appl~s arc rir h in natural --rruil.-.u~il'(eri ng From- refi ned table suga r, natural fruit sugar provides more s weet ne ss f o r fe we r calories, sweet -toot h types. •lake note! llere 11rr som e uf our fq,vo titc qu1 C'k·and·c:1sy ap· pie salad comhin :i tions for lunch. l\.1ix the ingredient s in the order give n and your apples \\'Il l stay fresh and Ylhite for hours. eve n in a n insul ated jar ror desk ·lop lunching~ Do ubl e , tr iple o r fl uadruple th£' recipes for fa.m ily·size lunches. Or, use our suggestions as a star· ting point for dreaming up your own apple salad com· binalions! 23S·CALORIE HAM AND CHEESE APPLE SALAD For earh serving, toss together: 1 cup diced unpeeled a~ pie 2 leaspoons le mon juice 1 tablespoon low-calori e mayonn aise 1 cup thinly sliced celery z ounces 12 th ic k slices ) lean boiled ham 1,2 ounce shredded extra· sharp Cheddar cheese ~CO·CALORI E APPLE · REUBEN SALAD For each sC'r ving, toss together : l tablespoon low.calori e mayonnaise 1 t ablespo on pl ain or lemon yogurt ~teaspoon dry mu stard J r up chopped unpeeled red apple t 'cup shredded cabbage (or bagged colesla w mix) 2 slices (2 oun ces) Jean oomed beef ro und, shfcd· ded ·~ ounce shredded swiss cheese 183·CALORI E APPLE· SEAJ'OOD SALAD For each serving, toss toi;:ether: 1 t a bl e s poon l e mon yog urt 1 tablespoon tow·caloric mayonnaise •;~ t easpoon c u rry powder 1 cup unpeeled cubed ra w i:ucchini or cucumber 3 counces ('anned erab- meat or tiny shrimp, rinsed and drained I cup un peeled cubed ap- ple Booklet Helpful ''The Wond erla nd of ttomemade J ams & Jelli es '' is General Foods Cons\lmer Ce nte r 's l atest pectin booklet. • Nothlnf tastcs so good as homemade jams and j!'I· lies, and no gift is better received tha n a pretty pa('kage or your own ban· di work. There is a quiz for jam and jelly-makers, a section on the use or containers, a host of recipes using fresh fruit, bottled or canned juices. dried fruit, frozen fruit, freei:er (uncooked ) jams and candies. Cop ies a re available for fifty cents each. Just send coin along wit h your name, address, and ZIP code to : ''The Wo nd e r l a nd o f Homemade Jams & Jcl· lies." P . 0 . Box 4045 , Kankakee, Ill. 6090 l. ., Wednesday . Oc1ober i l . 1974 All SAFEWAY STORES OPEN , y,,, .... , Doy ... Oct. Zlth • • I. wt .,,1cnr11 JOOO SUM, SHqPPlll LARGI 'AA' i...;;.;.._ MONTEREY JACK EGGS CHEESE i \of•wo'I' Gvotonlttd P1od11<t 1 c ,tom O' tht Crop c ; DALEWOOD 1MARGARINE . , ~::o~i·39c ' 1 ·pound Cln . ~!::TUNA •c~~~~,45c 6 \li •Ol. Can ~ Detergent •;;;·~'ii' 69c @ Softener °;.'.ZOO ::: 99c i Prune Juice ~ ·::· 691 i Fresh Snaps · ::~ 'I.;'. 991 i Chill w/Beans "':-:::::"'49 1 @ Wrap :.:-::: ii:.ft. 4 9c SIUCTIOMS IM OUR Dairy-Deli Case (.' RANGE JUICE Lucerne Pure Tangy-Flavor. Half Gallon 79c COTTAGE CHEESE ~ Lucerne \i;J ~-:.:~~ ·· p;.,, 5nc Curd Ctn. ,. Cheese Potato Salad .::;; ·~~· 49 1 Corn Bread ";:." ~:: 391 c TOP SllLOI• STEAKS USDA Choicoi SJ09 Bonelts• Beel loin • lb. Porterhouse Steakss 99 U~OA Ckolfo Grado •~•I loon lb 1 Boneless Roast USDA c1o.e ... a..1 c .... •·b c~~·~ s1n .. • Small Rib Steaks s1u .. Lamb Chops Ground Beef . . • •t •tlCOIPft fOOCI lllllr IM0,,111 ·~ ~ ~ WHITE.MAGIC DH~!!B~~~~' 30-SLICE KAT NIP CAT FO.OD ' All Vor;.fi•• BEEF RIB STEAK USDA Choice I $ 149 Grade Beel · Larve End Cul lb. BREAD FRYER BREAST Economtcal.All· White Meat With Ribs. lb98~ Beef Fillet Steak llonele11-USO A Choi<t 8111 loin • e Eallf1n Pork Cot r.om 5.1 09 Pork S1rlo1n Chops 1 c:;··~tc;~1''b lb· Skinless Franks 5,,.r;.,! '""d \.lb. 6 9 C F1o.,.orfu & Juicy Pltg. link Sausage H T k s..1 •• ....,.10.1c.1i.. 69' en ur eys ........ ., • C d H ...... , J ·•.$4" anne ams .. o..i.w,.w• c. .. ~-' "19 ~ • '. 11·•• ( SIKed Bologna "''···• "• For mt< John Pork or M<Coy Bttf ~ '·'""'' 39c Po<koge Gallo Salami .. ::":~ .. , ~~ 651., Corned Rounds .:~~:7~:. ,s 1 •• F• h F'll ., ... s 1 °' IS I efs ''" •• """ "• It Worli.s li"• Mog ic With Weshdoys, ~ ' Ullf & 'WAftAtl"S ~ol111l.e1 fllCYClOPEDIA . Z·ZD VOLUME I ·2 9 C 'I" 011 SA11: • -· ~ .. RIGHT GUARD Attoial \'---., :.=·esi ,~ ·AIRWICK SOLID L.....,...f;;:M49c Sh H•rbol . 1 .. 1. s111 GnlpGO &""'' It!. lotlo ........ ,.,..,....,.1s .... ,1 .. n C.r•. ltl\._ M I be s,t. .. ~ 3.c, .. ,1,. ag Cll s . 12 .... ,,,, ... - Cold Talilets c.n.w;, :,s 11" LIQUOR & WINES Ill OUR ... ~ BOTTLE SHOP! ~GIN or VODKA Winn"" CuR S J 6 9 ' .... ~Dtstil~d Groi q . , ~ 80-Proof Ouort TABLE WINE loM••o SJ 99 (Except Port ) Gallon · WHson Franks ":::.· ::: 79 1 Cod Fillets ~::::::::·. '"s 1 H VIN ROSE s2· 19 WUson Bologna Z'pp B f T I 11,1~".swrnco~"' .... HollGoiloo Fancy Quality Firm & Golden Ideal For Your lunch Boxes. ..... •··"'"" '"M'"•· 49c ... ~.,,,~ ... ~~ ... ama es "" 99' BOURBON s3•• 1------;......_----~ O•••• , Northwest Grown Red Del icious Crisp And Crunchy. Ideal For Snacks or lunch Bags. Delicately Flavored lb. lbs. -· FLOWER SHOP BUYS! Velvet Yams 3 .. ~1 6.htch M101t PLAITS ... .... '""' • o.~. s3•• v ..... ~ •• ,, ,__ ... ~ ... ... Mariutrite DAISIES ::::~7.~ 7 9 ( US. No 1.ei:ikt:. 11011 or fry Yellow Onions "~:..:,' 2 •. 25' Grapefruit ;~~ ~:~.:.·, 11i 25c Tokay Grapes ... ,;:::~ ..... 39' I 000/o WHOLE WHEAT ·BREAD Mrs. Wright's e4 I c Freshly-Baked 1 Yi ·pound loaf I Donuts M ... Wright " c Baker's Doz en ..... , Pack of 1369 i~~~.:!.~~~-0~:69( BISCUIT MIX 40·••·69c Pkg. . Mr,, Wright's Multi-Purpose •···· (an1 MEAT PIES Monor Houtt $ ..... ,., .. , ...... "•· Bel -air Cut Corn 2 ;:, 91 c Green Beans ... !::.·; •• ':>;· 79' @Strawberries ~: ':>;' 89' Bel -air Waffles 5 ~; s1 THE ·l'tlc., Hi.elk• Ocl. J4-2', lt7• lo Lt1 ltllfle1, v,. .. , ...i •-C-11 (Imo• Celollttotl EXPERT' • 1000 1.,.w. 0,., Mt•pori lt11eh • 614 H. Ctttl HhJh••y. L.,..e ltech • WltMll & Fiiifo•!.w, Coit. Mt•• • Z 11 f , I 7fh Sf .. Cotfti Mtte • • J4 MOMrell lky ftlM,: s.. ........ s.. .... """-r.t L9 , ......... ft. • 101 e. ec .... ..., s .. c.._... .144 11c.e..0r ... w..-.1rrW •J40l~tt0r.r_. • ., .. ,,.._t: I / • I ,,,...,., •............. ~ .... . -. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ' ' I ' ' '" .. . . .. . . . ) ' . ' , I . ' All Ralph's Will Be Closed Veteran's Day, "'nday, Oct. 28 ~hop' Early ' '.;'J,r The Holiday .;. f' •• " ' I• ' · .. - I -. . 'I \ • ' , . Me~t Master Meats Meitl um Size \. 1 Pork · · - Bpareribs"t .78 .. 1tJ i... , v .• -: Beef Rio ;;pencer Cut Wiess ·Rib lye Steak . ~)i~8st~~ks LeenCUqes · Stewing Beef Beel Pl•te-Lean Culs English' Beef Ribs ee•f Chudk-Pot Ro1sla lb.1.99 lb. 1.59 1.19 f lb. lb .• 89 Round Bone Roasts 2 Lb. Box-Frozen Ground Beef Patties ... lb .. 99 1.49 Beef Loi,.-Bon el••• 1 89 London Grill Steaks lb. . Pork Sh~lder -Butt..Cutit ~ ·. 1 t 1 09 Boneless Pork-Roasts ••. • Pork Shoulder Pork .&maks Sklnle114;;;; Sliced Beef Liver Pork Loin -Center Cul Rib ~s~~~c~. Smoked Picnics Kol'ntel-,Mlly Cooked Cure 1 Hams Ralphs M Id Flavor-Point Cul eonwt·Beef_BrisketS. U.S.D.A. Grade A-Southern Fresh Fryers whole 38 lb .• Beef Chuck Clod Cut-Boneless Rolled Shoulder Roast lb.1.28 Greal For Soup Frying Chicken Backs Young Turkey Wings Lb .. 49 lb .• 10 .45 Turkey Drumsticks lb. Fisherman's Cove Fresh From long lsland-1 oz. lo 2 oz. 1.00 lb. 1.28 Little Necls Clams 10 For NortheU1 Cold Water Fresh Perch Fiiiets Super Spirits Juan Valdez Imported Tequila Lakeshire Gin or Sandra .'k>qka Santa Fiorita-Light or Dark Imported Rum """ 3.99. lllth 3.29 """ 3.59 Super Bakery R1lphs Exclusive-Full 1Y1 Lb. loaf Super Bread .. , .• 43 Ralphs-Fresh Baked Cinnamon Rolls Ralphs -Delicious Orange Tea Cakes Ralph s-Delicious French Apple Pies .45 '"" .89 ,.. 1.·19 size 7 oz. pkg. Super Deli Beet or Meat Ralphs Wieners Ralphs Chunk Style Swiss Cheese Swift-Canned Hostess Ham Dorman Sliced Jack Cheese . Buttermilk or Country Style Pillsbury Biscuits Second Nature 120< .59 pound 1.63 41b. 6.98 80< .85 8 O< .14 Egg Substitute pint Onion, Bacon, Clam, Garlic or Bleu1Cheese Rod's Party Dip , o• .89 .45 Parkay-1 or 2 Tub Soft Margarine ·Ralphs -Non-Dairy Hi Poly Creamer 1 lb .• 69 pint ,27 R.t;;h;'lfc;;,ry SmOke'd -12 oz. pkg. WafE1r·Thin Bacon . lb. 1.09 lb .. 79 lb. 1:49 lb .. 79 lti. 2.09 lb. 1.39 ••. 99 Ralphs Selection-Moselblumchen GennanWine All Flavors """ 1.~9 Ralphs Yogurt quart .79 Prices effective October 24 thru October 30 Palphs . ·bid Fashioned Ice Cream ·~~~~. 79 . S-uper Buys Treesweet-Regular Grapefruit Juice . ··,~~ .49 Ajax Cleanser 140 '· 19 pk!l • Pantry Fillers • I Health fJ Beauty ,. ~ .. -Frozen Food • •• e1by W11hcto11is 36 cl 59 Desitin Dabaways •• ; • Modessi...!Sile.er or Aeg uiar • 24 cl 88 Feminine Napkins ,.; • • " Minute Maid -Reg. or Pink .29 6 oz. Grapefruit Juice '" Johnslon·1-g·· Size pkg. .45 Pie Shells •" Assorled Flavors Hi C Drinks For Whiler Wash Purex Bleach Scenltcl ,or Un1cente~ , 13 01, 119 Protein 21 tjl1r Spray "" • Slly ~ee , 1 . • • JO cl. as Mlni-Padt • •'•· ... Ant1-Per1pir~f1:t . 14 01•. 1 73 Secret Sj>l;ay, , ' ••n • Wld Fore1t-Llme·Menthol·Ae!iJ. 11 oi. 88 • Noxzema Shave oon • Wllh lmiletion Blueberries 11 01. .53 Eggo Waffles pkg. Bake-In-Box 16 01. .33 Bridgford's Bread pkg. Minute Maid-Florid• 1601. .79 Orange Juice • cen Jeno·1-Sausage or Pepperoni 6 01. .53 Pizza Rolls pkg. MJB-Regular or flee. Perk Ground Coffee Betty Crocker Pound Cake Mix MJB -Large Size Instant Coffee B ln B-Slfced Mushrooms • Ralphs Everyday Low Prices !'!Iii iollk ' Vaseline ~ 1.'!:; .as MC~~frof ... Fruit Drinks Jor M•""'' hf1 'flOI .. Coolt;Htrflr Jergens LoUon !';i .97 H1w1Uan Punch 11t~· ... 49 Nl\HKO-•<o'"'~"' Saltine Crackers G•ft•lll .. llllC•r••I Lucky Charms .... 61 o•.1 • " 0 ' 82 p•g • Sotll~!i"!l-.-G'°""' Black Pepper W1ltt• K1..,oll-F,.•• Dog Biscuits Ollf -lft!IN'-Dtr t ' ,or. Bl C•lf"Ofl'l•-F•o•.,. 1 Breck Shampoo "'" • Orange Juice 1 .~~ .43 ltttr C•oe••• ·Soll• C•••"' f'•Og• '" l~,.o• Frosting Mixes ,. i o• •'• .67 Gt"9•11 Mills Ce•elll f'.1>.S.-f!W.•••··~ 1 G1 ... 11Gllnt-flo1oft ~ ttoi. 39 Feminine Deodorant i°:ft 1.27 Cut Spinach ,_, • '• w.w, Wall Washer •Asterisked items not available ....... ~ "'"" ......... · Glf•d•le, 1~1 f C·-''' a.,, in the following stores : •• ., ..... ,,,,,...,_ ... Holly•DO<il. •9•1 N ......,,,,.. ~Nl~ill. ?!II ~oo\ftill llW~ Le•. -ft·~·~· '•'~ ' .,,, . .,,. lll A"t•'"• llJ.IO W W."''"'"l' '' • • 10, """" ...... .,,. ........ ~ .... "'or!!> lfllll1woo.I l~}I I !ft .. •.• I c;'"'"'· ·" "'(,, ....... < "' &oq•I•• , ••·•• '"'""q•+•,...,,., ···l' Cocoa Puffs w1t1 .. 1 tnien""' Co,. Bath Beads l O• &00'"''' •. IO>&"'lt>••. >\'' • ••· ' l 0, '"qel•• ., w lft••••tlP• 4·•,W I• ' ' • o• •no•••• · • ' ... ·~·· ' . ... , .. ... ... !201 ·~ .. .. ·~ .61 .55 .76 . 79 'r•••rfilfA·---.; r--·-,~ff!>·---.. I Haniiisaver with CoOpon ,.,, • I I ~ Glad=iilastic""" Coopoo "" ~ I Goodies for Goblins I Pla~x : 59 I ' I Sandwich 29 I I Glovils •• • I I Bags -wJ• • I .1 Llrni1 Orie ftem ll'ld0ne ~Upon PerC\lttomer I I ,Lhnll One Item and One Coupon Per Customer I " 0 ' 1 79 1ar • ' 0 '· 39 can • '''"'"" -M fd'~"' O• I<<• .. Fabric Finish ...... ,.11 ""'"'' Hawaiian Punch Co,.•lo<' -llufl>•••' . Pie Filling flutt• -Gol..,.~ Shortening to•""~"'"' I' ... \O• '"o•'•• ·\~ B••f•I> 1<,11, .. • V•"•'•"' ' Ralphs has tons of great pur:np- kim; lo choose from . Perfect for carving into jack-o- lanlerns. and just o NICKEL Super Produce Halloween 5c Pumpkins p .. lb. ' Medium Size -Vine Ripe Tomatoes perlb .• 29 perlb •• !9 $luffing Size Bell Peppers Crisp. Long Green Cucumbers Mild, Sweet Brown Onions Thick, Yellow Meat Banana Squash each per lb. per lb. • . .15 .10 .08 Super Flowers Colorful Halloween Bouquets buno• .97 Exotic Blooming Zygo-4 .. pots Cactus Plants Blooming -4~ pols cyclamen Plants each each 1.27 1.27 $uper Household Values Decorated-Plasllc Coated-9" Size-24 Ct. Pkg. Ralphs Paper Plates .45 Stackable-Assorted Designs Ironstone Mugs 64 Count-With Sharpener Crayolas Fluted-Aluminum-Ass"!. Colors Bundt Cake Pans Assorted Colors Dial eaoh .57 pkg .• 99 eaoh 1.49 Bar Soap baih .28 size . Pantry Fillers Mini Pak-'Ii Oz. Packages pkg. .49 Sun Maid Raisins ol 14 Kosher Oitl Halves 22 oz .49 Del Monte Pickles jar J1l -.Creamy 12 Ol. .59 Peanut Butter , .. Belly Croc ker -Bluebe"y 13'•) 1.JZ .69 Muffin Mix pkg Lu• -l iqurd 32 oz. .93 Detergent boll le MJB -Regul111 or £tee Perk 3 lb. 2.94 Ground Coffee "" 11 01 .59 l o• W~'1t• W1•ft '" "" Purex Bleach llo!I • .85 •Ii 01 .59 W•~ftt W•!Cft••• •t ct ... Ory Milk ... .85 ,, 01 .75 ••«'"o e, G•""'' food• •o" 2.19 ''" Gaines Dog Meal ... ::o.. 1.89 '°"'' M,nu!t L•n•• 1001 .. ... 1.49 Jones Link Sausage .. r ... , .... ~o _o ... r.n"'P'O" " ' • .. , ..... . • • ........ '~ .. "'· ..... SOutft Go•t 1 • .... ,,, .. ,~ .... , ... 'fll1f • "''""do•• , ... l•••"OCHI 1•01P 1·1~1w"•~·.~ . It. Coupon EtttcllYI Otlober 24 thfu October 30 JI llrtit.. Coupon Ellectiwe October 24 lh1u October JO 1' L COUi:tON I L COUl->ON I ----------~ ----------~ It's a treat to shop at Ralphs for your Trick or Treat Goodies. Come io and choose from our complete selection of quality candy, gum, cookies, popcorn & disguises. Toge.ther We Can Whip Inflation Now •• I : I . ( ' . . I I • ' ' • • • • 1 . . . .~ ... ~~ ......... . .......... , .~ .............. , .. .. . . .. . .· . . "" . . ~ . • ·. CIO DAILY PtLOT Wednesday. Oclober 23. 1974 . ASSORTID lli r::uf~~d ................ ~~-1 3 c LIQUID m Dove 62c m WISCOllSlll 'AID m SOITID, LA YER m ~;~:1:::::e~'..~ .... ·::: 2 8 c ~t::::.~ .................... ~$. 149 ·f :C!°t:i:~~~.~~ ·~:.··6 3~ 22·01. •HOLi su• •ROZE• m u•lllT IASX'! ·; m' . \WI.MEN RADGUA"1E•s" Or!lnge ..... 20c Macaroni & . , ..... 23c· , ..... aRs . . RIGULAR OR 1un11MILK :r~!=r~ ..... : .... ~.·~~·13 c Detergent ........... "" ' . :::.~:!~: ................. ~I. 38 ( Chief · m 29c Juice ............................ . Cheese Dinner..... ·Baby Ruth or ij!asc ~,-~~r;so1111• fLAdS m Butferfinger ..... ~'.· . estwoo ,,, ..... 7ac Chiodo R!59·c Ice Cream ........... mo. C d C ..... . an or.n ............ . • 16°01. Spaghetti .............. , . ALL OPEN YETEIAN'S DAY STOIES MONDAY, OCT. 21, 1974 PllUS EffECYIYE WED .. OCT. 23 TlllU TUES .. on. 29, 1'74 ... SALIS TO DIALllS ..... llSALI •• tO-llCIAL ·us11 If' ~--~O~DED WITH QUALITY I -~ FROZEN FOODS RH 1'P m · 10-CT. m ~,Pie 61 C .._,.. .. , 51 ·C I_~ :AIR:~~~ !I! I '- ~=~5.~ ... ~: 69c ~:l:~~~·:.:~41 c,,/ - -. ~· FRYING CHICKE Cider .......... 'IN Waffles.'.\"~: . APfU, ~, .... _, ~ ~ ,.,,. ...... ,.,.. VI!' Oll·IDA = . , ,_A• ... U IMn'ATIM m LAii TO LA.Kl aulD ~ ·' ~~:!m ..... ·~~41 c ~t:~::.~ ... ::::79c ......... ,.,11 , .. n CIT-UP MIXED PAITS . m . MAIKrT IASKIT ~ Chiffon. ·:-.:.·72c Real ~r•a~ .... a7c Margarine.. To. pp1ng ...... -. = AUSTllAlil AlPS SllCID ~ ~ Swiss 65c Jerseymaid79c Cheese .... :.:::: Butter ...... ·:.:~· · -FIESH BROCCOLlm ' ¢ .. Ap~f~:us.... -~-~~-89 C ~29c Candy Apples ........ ·~~. llOWll ONIONS ¢ JUICI ' ~~ ..... 99c Oranges .................. ••• OCIAll SPRAY ~~ 29 ( Cranberries ........ :.t:: HISEY MAID If you <•n'I find our Ad .. erfised Special\ as .. lor a ... CHECK ....... hi .... h ...... _ -.. -..... _ ....... ~·· , ... .-. .. --.. ,.i-_....,t .. -i..--....... _ f"&RMIR JOH . SHANK PORTION ili 89 C Smoked Ham ...... · .. , •. 14 TO II US. fARMIR IOHll WHOLI m 9 8 C Smoked Ham .......... . MARKET BASklT ~ 5 7 C Burger· Pro ........... u . FAIMll JOHN IUTI POITION 9 9 ( Smoked Ham fil ... Bllf IOlllLISS a:~ $1 7 9 Cube Steak ......... '.:'. ,. CINTI• <UT ... m$ l 2 9 Pork Chops........ LI. :fff ROUND BOlllLISS !~$179 Sirloin Tip Steak "· fAHH SHOULDIR m 9 8 C Pork Steak ............. LI. ,,,_lf •&(K J.UI ... -NUii ·~ 9 9 r•fll -.an 1C111 .. Willi .. (AH m c Breasts .......................... . FRESH SMALL SllE HIK m 9 9 ( Spare Ribs ................ . . ,.YU,_ WITJI IACI PtlTIM el 2Jt!' c , ..... , •ACll S-1.as ... Mil lllW .. *1., 9 Whole Legs .............. . POik SHOULDIR m 79 C Fresh Picnic ............ . FllSH CHICklll HYER m 5 5 C Leg Quarters .......... . WllOU 16 TO la.LI. Siii m 9 9 ( Pork Loins .............. LI. •11111 c•c••• r1t1• i:lJ.. 9 -' WIMS ATIACMD ~s c OtA•n• HM LOIN SUtlO INTO s 1 09 Breast QuarterSll. Pork Chops ........ m LI. I ~ "'·-Cat 25_. •• $) 09 Liller ... ••• Listerine1::"~9 7c Antiseptic!l! QT. ~ tAIAFES ---- ~g~ct~~~~~ I 0,stoU•1 Leonardo ~~$499 f \t\tlS Brandy ... 11L • Ii ~:~b~.'.:~Ji $999 Seagram's~$))99 7 Crown 111·,AL. l'L. Kamchatka$899 Vodka !!!,, ..... ·-11·--"" .. '"'' .. -.. ·-· Turn~ · 69c Hashbrown34c Overs ...... :·~ Potatoes•:::- =~ ..!t,nLI ii RICH'S ~' Green -29c Coffee .... 27c Beans .. _ .. L Creamer .... . Oii IOY 2-PAat m . m Cheese $119 Pictsweet 69c Pizza ........ ',\",'· Cut Corn>:::· !·!~~~ s119 Lamb Chops ..... m ... ~-.:.sa... s 1 s9 Lamb Chops ...... m ... flllll.....U.•--....... ._. $139 Lamb Chops ..... m ... 1.1.t.A.CllMCI ~ ' • ' '' i;~bNecks .............. 4 9 c fRISH ZACkY fAIMS , m 79 ( l••1tla1 Clilckeas ... ll. lllf IONELISS TO, ms 169 Round Steak........ LI. BHfCHUCk m99c 7-Bone Roast ......... . IHfCHUCk ms 109 7-Bone Steak...... "· fRISH SUCID m 89 C Beef Liver ............... LI. MAlklT IASKET lllSXET m $] 1 9 Corned Beef ......... LI. BHf LOlll ms 169. Porterheuse Steal! ......... · IHF LOlll ij!$299 T enderleln Roost .... LI. POllk LOlll m99 ( Rib Half Roast .. .L1. POIK LOlll It s 1 09 Loin Half Roast ... ClllTEI CUT LOlll !I s 13 9 Pork Chops............ ... U.S.D.A. CHOICE / fllSH AMlllCAll SHOULDll ... .... ~ ,_ .. l•thr S•Hwlcll......... '.;':,~ <~•!I Clot" ;, Ct .......... 1............................ ... ~--"~ Kr9ft <...._.. With: ................... ··• ................. •-<• <•ffM Lltht'Mt ...................... "'" _ • .,.... OGI c .... t <IMt•I•.,:....................... ..., Fidler IMM1(1f'ffl ................. '~' 'Pli'i:IM.ry l11J11dt' Cii'-............... ",;~0• •"t"'itell Ml11 ............................ "';,,?' "~I" ""-OI' W• Rut lrew•I• Ml11............... ooo '""i-"' • ...... lr•w•M S•l'f'••• ......... ' :.:' .. M MM•I fl•• .......... _........ ·:.~~ -··-· ' Qf ...... '"4 , ... •111 .............. • .. ~ """"''""'' OL ..... ,.-................................. · ... ... .... _, ...... ,,_.,,1. J•lc:• ·-··· .. --......... · ... '"'• .. .,, ...... •• Chier............................. "!' Dh~·c;:,,,.1............................ ''.!' Mtltf• ••• ,1_...................... ·~.~· SMWf ll1•il .. -·-···"'"'"""... '"oo 0 .' ii.:tr-:;.1 ,,,.,.,,,.,,,,_,, ..... ,.,,,,... '".;:,L "il"I''-.--• 01 L •""'•Y S..p ......................... •·• i::"'~i;';.1tfe1t ................... ·:.::· ••••• on .............................. '~;~· I'°'''"..,.. "o' ., ............ , .. ,1.. .......... ··~ -·-,, ... •'•0' ,.,. ... ,... .................... ,_ .... --.. "-'""' ... .............. , .... _ ............... ';.".: Jlf Pfftlut htter .................... " .. ~~ -··!!"-·;r. ... .. IN, ••• 1 ................................ , ••"'"?""-·-·~ ... ••• ....,....,..., Mel,.r ................ ,, •:.:• "'""'' , • .., ...... , •• , ............. "!'..: ...... ,.,., s-c. ................. . :: ........ s..c: .......................... ~"' _,)"'Ill, >tn• . .... ,............................. ··~ s 1 '' 19' 55' 43' 98• 54• 99• 99' s1•1 13' 65' 63' '1'' 93• 65' 46• 83• 64' 30• 99' •11, 61' 59• 51 ' 61 • 43' 59• 23' 40• 49< 43• oli!-.. ....., -'""''"'· ..... -ol -.., ........ _ .... """' .i...,w "'°""" 1o , .. 01~., ,.., ""''of!~· 1., t •1111 CtlfCI .-.,, 1-t... '-"· ltl".Of Pit ,,-.. • .. 1 ... ""-"Milt"" S...U.1t. ~·"'· .. \llt 11 °' "' I ~tlll"-'<;•~~IMtl 1101 "'• H •1 l.r\l.,..,.._Slit ... S...\ci..,. llO! "'t ........ , ........ ·-............ ,,. .. o1 ..... ·-....... '""' _,1_ ·-........ . 11 1t ArLoM S.111to•t ''• 0. tnr. /,pp. ......... lri lli """' C1o1<. I~·~ 01 ii., 11 •• g..w,,__.._ _So!"""'~Ml•\Oli'i l O!,"& --· ., .., \ ' . I [ ' ' + Homework Kept to Minimum ) Dinne·r Fixed With Class By MILl;I!: BEIL 11.1, teu~poons dry white 2 slices or peeled fresh pods into boiling \\'Uler for u n d cor ns l arch . 1\1 ix lowering heul if oil begins lo Now that school ls back wine, such a s rice wine or gl ngt.'r sliced ~" thick, or one minute. The pods "'ill thoroughly, lht·n add the, smoke. Put In mushrooms, into full swing, many' of us J)lledry sherry use cqulvulenl or pn.-:scrved tum bri~t 1trec n. beef cubes. Toss thE'm until peas and water chestnuts. are going to evening col· _· lteaspooocornstarch gi nger Drain them and rinse in eachcubeiscoated. Cook. stirring, over lege. 3 waler chestnuts, rin· 1.a t easpoon &ult fop· cold water to set the color. Set dish aside, near oil. moder1i1te heat for about 2 For some, that means &ed, dried on paper towels tionuJ) 1 U you use fro zen pea pods, ging~r and salt, close to minutes. until vegetables. rushing home from work to and sliced '1-" lhick If you use rresh pea pod!!, tollow directions abo~-cooking it re a . are roated with oil. Add nx something quick ror din· l 'h leiispoons peanut oil snup off the tips iiRd remove In a small bowl, coml>Jne · Pour 1:.i teaspoon oil into salt . if desired. then remove DAIL v PILOT ('I I Single Servings spoon. Pour In r<!maining teaspoon or oil a nd add the ginger. Turn the heat to high und drop in the beef' cubes. Stir con stanU:.· and fry for two or three minutes. or until l'ubes are lightly browned on all sides. Remo,·e the glngerpiettS and discard. ·Return the \'egetables to the pan. stir· ring con1tantly for about ten seconds. until they ha\·~ rehettted. Remo\'e the m eul and ''egetables to your plate. Ser,·e '4"ith steamed rice. ner so we can gel lo cam· 1or oU\er ve.«etable oil the strings. Then drop the the sugar, soy saute, wine wok or fry ing pan and he'!it, vegetables with slotted pus. Usually there is only,::::..:::.::::..:.=:.::::.:::..:::;_..:::;:...;::::::=...:.::::::..:.:.::!:..::::::.. __ _:_: _ _: _ _:_ _____ _::..:._ __ _:...:...__::_ ________________________ _ about an hour. Borrowing from the Ollnese, the stir-Cry method or cooking for those nights when Ume is so limited is an ideal method of preparing a ~lanced, nutritious meal -In a hurry . In general, all that is needed I.or stir-fry dinners is a bit of meat and a few vegetables In variety. The most work ls in cut- .l ing t he meat and ve1etables into bite-sized pieces, and even that is I -~-quick . The-actual cooking takes less lhan ten minutes, -All LUCKY STDlllS OPEN VETERAN'S DAY As the originator of supennarket discount pricing, LUCKY has lllways been deeply concerned with keeping·your food costs down. Now, more than ever, we are doing everything in our power to make sure our customers are paying the lowest prices possible on each and every item. " normally. lllltlndrt; Oct 28,' 1Sl4 If you wish to have rice, here Is an easy, almosl- never -f ail meth od o f cooklne It. J ust remember, you use one part rice lo two parts of cold waler: That applies no matter how many servinas you make. 9 a.m. -6 p.m. Nie•• Alt• OIK0\1111'•• ••c•n Oii •All ·"l'U.Ol0"4111D ........ ,,.. .... COll"l'IOLL•D t"l'•MI "OU•flllctrtontnolfl'OllCfMAUtffmfnf'tlQlfO NlfflCTIW .. .....,., OC10lll no"'" Tllatlf oa•• ""· lt H''. STEAl\IED RICE Jf.i cup uncooked" rice ~cup cold water Sall, if desired 1.4 to ~ teaspoon butter or margarine Copliona1) Rinse the rice in cold water, using a sieve. Put the rice into a one-quart pan (or s maller), that has a tightly fitting cover. Pour in t h e wat e r , add th e margarine or butter and a dash of salt. Al ow mlllt is "BONDED" for quality and flavor. Rib Roast 119 . . . ..... tll tAJIGE END, HEF ..•••.. ~· ...•....•...........•. ... 87° Chuck Roast ILADECUT,IEEF ••.•................••. Bring the water to a boil, • cover the pan and lower the heat to its very lowest.(()(. Boneless Round "10s !~.'!. .. ~i'.~()il'I ~~f>.~~ .. 1sa ten, because many stoves don't have a si mmer bur· ner, you will find that you will have to slide th e pan part way ofr (he fire to p r event th e ~team ~scaping). Do not let t he steam escape from the pan. Cook, covered. for 20 minutes, un- disturbed. Turn off the heat and let the rice sit for a few minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve. · When you fix a sUr -fry dinne~'I put the rice on to cook Defore you start the stir-fry1 portion of the meal. In preparing stir-fry din· ners, use a wok, if you have one. Otherwise, use a frying pan or wide-bottomed sauce pa n . Wo k s are ide a l beca use of t h eir bowl- shaped design. The cooking oil is in the bottom of the pan, and as the food cooks, it can be pushed up onto the sides or pan, out of the oil. to finish ..cooking. Other bits of food can then cook on the bot· tom. llEEF STf:AK ••••••.•......•...... , •• . . ............ . .... 59¢ Young Turkey FRESH, POPl'Y, U.S.D.A. GRADE A. 10.13 LllS . . . .... 87° £!.~~!luc.Rib fl~IJ~~ .... 119 7-Bone Roast IEE1 CHUCX ........................... .. Rib Roast Rump Rout Smoll Etld,IHf ..•.... , ...... ;111 31 lonele11,1MI •••••.. : •...••. te121 Lamb Chope Smoll loin ......... , ....... lll 2'1 T,.Bone Staak 71 Porterhoun .steak 71 a..f loln .................... L111 hef toin ........•.••..•..••. ti 1 Pork Shoulder c Picnic • , . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • •.•.. LB 78 !'~~'1Ci ...... 111 ~.~~ !~~f ....... "W ~ .!o.~ ~~~~a• Top Round Steak .. Link Sausage lonel.s11fff ................ ll 1 O.CorMoyw ........... 1-ll...CG!lr Sliced Bacon ""M M.,.. . (Thin, 12<il 1.37) ....... l·lll PKG 1• Stir ·fry meals ore a good Chuck Steak Lamb Chops :ra:v~nul~1t~1!!~:.f~e:aJ~~ e..t.l kidlC\11 ............... l lllf Rib ..•..•....••.•........... te 171 ~~~ ~". ........ , .. carrot, slivered into thin Rib $teak •1 Cut-Up Chicken Sllced Bacon 1 " strips, for instance, will ..,. ,, 1• 47t Fo •·•· ~ r..,,;;..,·~"~"~"~"~'~"~··~"~"~"~'~"~·;.,;;~~U~W;A~G<odo;;:,::;::.:;;•·~'°"::;;"'°:m;;.:.;F~~~:.;::·":.:;~..;.:'~-;'~~;;;;;;~"~'~"~"~"~"~l<~l~PK~G:..::...1 produce mbre than enough ot that vegetable for stir· FJ Food. Pi Food rry. razer. s . . . . et s ... . st;:k~o':'~~::~~r .~e!~~ .rPl.CTS~~ET.~~!.~0~~ ... 2'0ZPK089C .,..~~UV~UEEN CA!.F~~o ... OOZCAN26C r,,:r~ ~~~~~Ii~:~::~::: .,.-CERTl~FR~~~O~EAN P.E~~!l,,,.0 95c <f"~~.~J0E!IJ',~!DALL FIVE~. ,.,,0, 1'' thigldh or dhrumsttickAwrill o"~~,~~N.l6 .CHEE~E ···· "°''""59c o"~~.~.~~~AT .F~OD ·······••"ozCA•13 c yie enoug mea · ew MORTON HONEY BUNS shl iimp1'· ord a couple scalh· If"...... . .. ..................... ooz••o 630 Canned Foods • • • ops, s ice -not enoug :,.:i.~~~u~t~~.r~~~aJ~m Household Items. • • • .,.._..~~~ON~ ~A.L~~.o~~~~!~?an71• Usually, one type o1 meal o-4CL~~OX ~IQUID ·B·LEAC~ ..... ozer• 49c o"'H.U.~!'.~ KE!C~~P .......... 32ozan 590 ~~g~::b~es a "Ju .. her:;:~~~ ... L ~s.o. L. TUB.' .!IL·E· ~~EA·"·~~ oz CAN 79c ... ~~uw'!~~~fil!~Y.c~ .320ZJAR99c ~~,'?'~~~~~n ::g~(!~~;:; o-4~~~'~ ~LO FLOOR.SHINE 41oz.,, 1'' .,..01~ ~DORE 8.EE~ ~!~,.ozCAN85C ::::·~~~~~~o;:~~,~~~!~ ... w.ET .~N~s. !~~~Le:r!E.s ... IOCT CTN age ... H~RM·E·L· ~~1~1 .............. ,,, oz CAN 85 c ~:~~.u~·;p.~.~~; :~~ ... ~~~J£~.~0~m.,, ····· .... 50ZCTN 49c .,..s~~Vl~C~M ~~~!DE~ l50ZCAN 47c beans, all can go into a stir- Treesweet Juice 48¢ cf4 NAtUllALGIAltFRUlf .................................... 460ZCAN Harvest Day Bread 42¢ ~ Sl'llTTOP ••••...•....•...........•..........••.•.••••... 2A0Zt0Af · Chiodo Bulk Candy 69¢ ~ 12VAAIFlllS ..................................... , •. 160ZPACKAGE Lux Uquid Detergent 78¢ ~ .•........•••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••.•.••••..••••••••. 320ZllOTTlE Health and Beauty Aids ... ~~s~.~ M.A.V.E·R· \VIE~ER.s ........ OZPKG 95c ~'~~~~.MA.YER FRANK~ ....... " oz PkG 9sc ~~~~v~~~r.~R.BOLOG~~·····'°'"0 64C OSCAR MAYER CHUBS 59c BRAUNSCHWIEGER OR SANDWICH SPREAO II OZ l'tlG S~IFT. SLICEO P~P.~ER~NI ... •oz••• 75c ou.BUQUE ·H·A·M·· ................. LBCAN 739 JONE~ BRAUNSCH\VIEGER ··· ,0,,.. 59c KRAFT AMERICAN CHEESE .._ SLICED, S~EAO ......................... l lB PKG ..,-- ~~~~.~~~.~~.ER.I.CAN .. c~.E~~~ oz ,.0 113 Packaged Goods ••. a-4!~1~~£~,~EAL ...... eozBOx 54C o"'N~BIS~O .RI~ CR~~~E·R·S·"ozBOx 77c .,...sw 1ss ~ 1ss .cocoA .Mix .. ,,°' BOX 87 c <f"~,'!ll,~!fil.~U PREM E MI~," oz BO• 97c <f"BANGO YELLOW POPCORN 49c ... MISS CLAIROL HAIR COLOR . 97c LiPTON TEAiAtis""'"'"' J>OZ 8'G c CREAM FORWUlA . . • . . . . . · rt"'4 86 .,.-CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE 27_ f · .................................... crllOX .,..""'°'o'o"'°""""t.w.""'" noz1 .,...TOPRAMEN NOODLES 23c o-4CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE 79c , .. ,,... •. c .. c•eN.eee"'°'' .... "°'"'• CRE••~•SE•AEO.OREJ<Tl .. BOOY ••. IOZ HERSHEY MINIATURE,$ CANOY 101 <t'"AIMTOOTHPASTE ··· .... · ............................ ozPl<o v.AGeSIZE ........................... o.•oz73c M 6 M FUN SIZE CANOY 111 <t'"CEPACOL MOUTHWASH c ''"'"°",,...""' ....................... nozPKo ................................... , ..... 200Z 99 ...A.LBERTO ~~L~~M. H.Al.RSP8~roz 99C Dairy Products •••• LADY LEE BUTTER 81 c 1STOOAllTY ............................ 160ZCTN ~J!r.~~JPE .c.R.EA~ ......... " .. , ... 94c LADY LEE SOUR CREAM 39c IMITATION .....•.•.....•.••..••...•..•.• IOOZCTN Beverages -Spirits ••• OAKMOUNT BLENDED WHISKEY 8'' 110 PAOOF ..•..•..•..• , ..•. , ......... HALF GAL I TL ~iim voa.~ ............... H<lFGALBTl7 44 HARVEST DAY PINK CHABLIS 1•1 WINE ..•.•.•.••..•• -•..........•.••• HALF GAl. I Tl ~~~~.~8.~ ...... :. c.,,,l~:!69C Bananas 14c ldeol lor th• lun(h bo• ... , ......•• , .. • .. lll Cranberries 29c It'd, tlpe ond frHh .. ,., ............. l·l l PKG !~~.!.!P.~!m'?, _, .. 29c Apples 24c J-ll'IOn fNorthwetl) ............ ,., .• , .. lll fry dinner. The variety depends upon what you have on hand, and is almost endless. THESE OEMS AVAllAB/.E ONLY AT DISCOUNT CENTERS! Yo u must be careful, though, that you don"t use too much of too ma ny , Otherwise you will end up . with a large pan£ul of lef· toverfood. As an Oriental friend said one da y1 ··o erorc you -realize il, you've got enough to reed the whol e neiah· borhood -if you're not careful". STIR·t'RIED BEEF WITH VEGETABLES 2 fresh mushrooms. 1 lo 112-lnch diameter, quar- tered 2 ounces (or small hand· ful) snow peas, fresh or tho r oug hl y d e fro s ted frozen. p11tted dry In paper towels . '"'to 1:1 pound lean. ten· der bee.C. cut into 1-inch rubes (from a small steak. or use top si rloin, ten- derloin. round, etc) • 2 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoonsoy1auce. • . ·. _ ... ~ .... . Cheracter Costumes Mt.iltl-tolcw bold. ~lome r.1ord9fl1. Spl,,.. 147 tlngllng de1lgn1. Pl•lllc l'umpkln1 thne pumpklM 0,.. th9 ,.rt.ct condy torrien lot Mtrldl OI' tNO ..... M .• M"' 12", T1lpplM Go-~y Allod ln G-•-222 1trol91Y gome. IOl10 Texaco Motor 011 Tl'M quollly motor 43 A o!I yout cor \' d.,.,....._ 30.w. lM Oii filter Simonis Cleo-/ ford SpJn.en W•• '9k rypt. OIMr 2,7 Cl•nt I -•M In OM 183 Pl'loct.L. 11.,_ Wiii r'IOt 1"'-'"r, $.Mol. IA Tiny Tot ·Cott um•• C11te kiddie dMlgn• on 1oft flom• r•...-dont toyon 99¢ with lo<• mcnk. (A Drink & Wei Doll 11n1 '"""'' A ' " ' II ~ t<wly -.. -111 • ........ - "'It. naw. <tum•* --"'"' '"" " •nu,...._._ I 411 luny.IH Solid wood~ bff molt" ''buat· bu11" IOUnd. 12Pt aa .... , ........... -----"'" ....... "'"' ........ .. I l1\Mtl ··-!Milt""'10ICllYIWI --- ovo lloble. Af.1 II del•tv-rit proof. Litt er · · Simonize Chrome 222 Wo.40 Lultrlcant WD40-12 173 llreYenlt NII. l11brlcolfl. Cont lifner Cl .. N r A ICHp 11\e hlghway 2,1 Cleon1, pollthff 53 .... ond Yo'Yf tor free GM r•l'TIOft• n.111. ol litte r, 'to:-2 · ft1S ....... ..... k.luf •1" C*1 .... '' '1 ''I UU'l..,..,l -u-• -......... ..,..on-. '"' . .,. ..... ,,.. DISCOllllT SUPlllWlm --11•1.-..•n. tK OUNGl COUllT'f •• t. OllPll• ., .. , ..... IMtl •• um wna" ,,_ MIA TO lllYU041 .... Dft M.11Mml 111111 ~- ' . . . ENJOY ONE-STOP SHOPPING CONVENIENCE eW ..... a,,..1 e Lolln' lhllori• ........... 'It -Ill & IJMna ell.~-· & -. . e '"'· Bomlcol & Fts lM1 AccetNriet e GnM&Ptlll-. eT•J• & r..t• e .. .,,_ .. •ia--• "' •. Mill ffMlt _,,,_ 1'111_,....,. UMlllMM.•-••a. ........ ........... f19n n<llD OPIM Af t i• A,M. ' --' I •Cff -.VPILOT MIXED SINGLES .. by Wm. F. Brown and Mel Casson ' . . .DOOLErs WORLD " Ol'I Tilt rA(N), &m\E~ LISTEN ! Tll~<l·~e PLA<llN6 DUI SOHi! / CllA~L1f, Wf VDN'T llAVE A 50116. llfv'E~ i-IAD. ANP. NEVEi<: WILL, Uf'lllE~~AllO? ~l'I SOMEOA'I CAN we i-IAv'E A JINGLE , ·~ . ,....... . . " 5«'1'tNG.5 ~ "'IME R :r 'HON6 A MT~CEOltE.SE. ~ FIGMENTS '--......... - ~_.....,._,_ .. I NANCY SMUT UP, OR I'LL GIVE YOU A SOCK IN TI-IE MOUTH TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLE ACROSS 4'W.....-1 t Uebllty Cllmpellliol• S Ovbidl~P,.h 51 W.illt~ 09 5"91 S4 Folowed ~ Slforbid 14 Beige 60 Apple ci-t 1s on..-..1r1 &1 ''Ther•······· ~ ....... ; Thlt'• tlS S.-tlvof all! ~ c'l a • .._, .... _ 17 SOINttlirlg 6' ~°"' ~mt; plt:a-1 66 fenniftltn ti P11ty officYf fi6 Unasoi"'" 20 •··• SM,,....d: 67 C0<recn Amer. 68 Oei:•s!V91Ti.JI UttdMut 89 Oti.ef~ed . 21 Large dew DOWN 22 GiYts I lnterdic• tioi91111tty 10 2 Fre!fleh w;hool 23 E"'1COU"Nls 3 HIPP'I' 19 NO.p.t!M 41 Clke frost~ 25 01fet' e1preMion: 2• Fumiturs 48 l11119n illlnd 27 SlllQgllh 2 WOfdl pieus 48 !ltilatll 29 8M: Willy 4 Unde1Wlt8f 26 MK hiM UIOI 49 Proceeds 30 V9M•bMd Pl'Ng• 28 TOOPM'I along: ~rt 5 Ri¥1r ot r.tltiv9 Ardl.C 34 Limb EurO(lt: 30 Pronou" 50 lqlh ~ J6 Pl'9fer1bty 6 W111ble 3111intl'lll 52 Uable 39 Wu rediant 1 Cl\ristfNI red: 2 words 53 Did 39 A.l . teMI: dinnerbonu1: 32 SOOfl ~ 3 llWOl'dl 2 wo•d' J3 R1h1rtnc:1 SC Happened 42 Punctures 8 P.J!h: Sulll• boo« &S Hastened 43 Por1ion 9 ... · L•119: 34 Oull N in !:i6 Ol>POliteof: 44 Adjee!Ne London MN 36 ROM·fed: Prefix • suffi.111 10 C11e11 grass P11fo• 51 Pril'lttf'1 45 Par~ 11 T•Mat11111W1 37 L_,iau ttrm 46 BM!d1Hd9f ·-12 C•nt ci;11;h 311 filch 59 c~ of 8~ 13 The "A."ol 40 IOOyu11: onwct1 47 food "B.A." Abbr. 62 l.slemb&ed ' l U I .. " J • .. ' .. PEANUTS by Tom K. Ryan G#ol\ VDU'RI A CAILOllS ONl!! .. :TlllNK t1F WH,41"11W f'OOll ••RP MUST H: C901Nli 1llllllll6H ! -· 15 A RIMI IJJHO KNOUl5 IOll 10 11\KE 1"E eou.. PR 1"E l«lRN& ! by Dale Hale DR.SMOCK GORDO ·-~. ·····~-· ····-·-·-·· by Chai !es M. Schulz r'u. l!H 5U1MCMN-C~ Ol<EN A CUTE CHICK SET A 6LASS OF UM<>IAOE ON HIS PIANO !! JUDGE PARKER by Harold Le Doux MISS St.AIR, I <15 THERE AFTI:R MAYING Tl4AT CAt(T THINK TAAT 'fOU HAVE A THING ANYTHING ARGUMENT WtTl4 MEL KI TO WORRY ABOUT! THE NIGHT THAT ELSE 'tOU THE RESTAURANT, I MEL CARTER WAS KILLED 'fOU WERE 5+-IOULO 8E COULDN'T SLEEP ... SO eACK HERE AT MIDNIGHT! ?17"--'id TELLING NC? A60UT ONE O'CLOCK, l&N'T THAT RIGWT? I WENT FOR A RIDE! WHERE 010 YOU GO ANO WHAT TIME DID ~ RETURN HERE ? MISS PEACH DICK TRACY ·; . r TrlPP!O O'iEJl A SKATE A 16(/NHE'.0 JI:'</ k NEE. 'l'Hl!lli ! llOW 'l'llA T'S VflN AMUSIPIG!! IT'? ,, . ._ .. ___ _ -- I by Mell bY. ~09" Bradfield ------, f# by GeorcJe Le--' __ ._ - by Ferd Johnson GIMME A REFILL oN iW PP.IN Kll..LER ... by RO«Jer Bollen .. , don't know how he ellpects us to ~spcct his inlecriCy when he t harges SlO a plait ror salmon t roqucttcs. '' ! DENNIS THE ;,,;M;;EN_,A-.C ... E--. ___ _ ~-10 ·1) 'HEVEIUllNO ... l GOT IT. NfT tlllll N /IGl!e.1' • • 'Home·News and Views Consumers Will Switch to Fight . By DOROTHY Wt;NCX :i;torc br11nds':' °' .... tt.Mt"_......._ In ttie mindit of many cori· Consume.rs aren't the irume('I, "hou se" or "1ttore'" ~ly ones concerned about brund~ urc lower In quality, h11h food prices. The food ·si mply because they urunot lndl18try is equa.lly concer· ·advertised und do not carry ned. · a well-known name. Theindu~ryiswondering ·Th e house brands ·- what chanaes consumers because much Jess is s1>ent are coi n~ lo make in thei r on advertising and f~ .buying to counteract promoting them -· inflation. generally givit a costadvan· The c ritic ul problem tcigeof lSpercentor more. facing the food industry is And often, there is no dif. the price-valu e relation-rerence in quality bctwet:n ship. At what point will con· the house brand a nd ad vcr- tlscd brunds. In C111d , the hous~ brwnd l!ii llkcly to be manufactured by the s~mc l'Ompany thut sells thel ud· \'l'rl.i sed brand. Some products arc !'iO much ;dike that you can't· tell the dirrcrt.!nce between the known br11nd :.tnd the house brand. These include nonfat d111 ntllk, peanut butte,r. jams <1nd jellies, m argarine, grade AA butter. hre;1d : egi;s. su ~<1r. flour , s<1lt, ~ine.:ur. s1.llad dresfiing. and !iulud oil. Caoned und fryzen rnUts and VC'gctubles leave more room ror product v;uiation. llcre you 1n u.v find that lht•rc arc qu:.llity dirfercn- ces bC'l wt•t·n I ht· lov•t•r eost house brand and u J>rudo<'t texture ..ind fla\'Or. What you shou ld do is try the house brand \11th un open mind und sec for your- :;ell if lh\•rc is a 11u tthlv d lf- feren1·c. And . if :-o. 1~ the d1ff<'rcn1·e "·vrt h • 1 ht• highl•r pric<''! fro m a v.•cll ·knov.'n com·~---------,1 p1.1ny. But the nutritional \'alues of hou~c brand and aav<'r- li scd brund foods v.·ill be to,mpur:Jblc. 'rhe differen- ces wil l be prima rily in :11» pearOAncc <1nd possibl y in Sunday is raa&Ar Splr•I Sllred M'laole or ff•lf DAILY PILOT (' f ;J HAMS "So Guod •.• ll Will •Hounl ' Yotl 'til--ll!ti Gon " A..._, --.4 Ke. it S. ~000 " ... ...._... fM 'HI tt'• ,.., ORDER HOW FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN PARTY 1700 L Coott HltJ!w•r. C-4f¥ M .. -i7i-f60o ......... olot•C...-l<- lll2 S. ......_.,,of Iott 14.. A111i1MJM 6l!i0:Z461 sum e rs decid e that the Price of a product is too high in relation to its value, and therefore stop buying it? A simple example illust- a.tes this question. My son has been a great consumer of snack-type crackers. He has watched the prices spiral on his f1i1vorites with C"onster· nation -but he still bought them. Bow to eat a whole lot better But yesterday he infor- • med me that the priC"eof one wheat craC"ke r was now 75 cenls for 10 ounces. Al that p~ic.e h e will get along w1lhout·them. He's priced out of the market. And I'm on the verge of buying butter again because the price or margarine and butter are now so close. When butter was twice ·as expensive as .mar.i;:arine, I was willing to forego its "better taste." Th e butter ve r s u s margarine situation is somewhat backv.:a rds from what usually happens when pricey go up. . Generally as prices go up, consumers will begin swit- ching to lowe r quality products -or to lower cost products which they think are lower in quality. And the food industry is wondering when -at what price -this will happen for a variety or foods. For example : when will consumers switch from the higher priced, advertised brands, to lower priced Poultry Prized Especially timely in the • fall when apples are plen· tiful is this prize winning: recipe from South Carolina. APPLED CHICKEN 1 broiler-fryer chicken, cutup , . 1 teaspoon monosodium &Iutamate 4 large cooking apples, cored and pared % cup apple cider or ap.1 ple juice 2 tea5poons sail 112 cur. corn oil 1 tab espoon brown sugar 1. cup coarsely chppped cashew nuts · · Sprinkle chicken pieceJ with salt and monosodium glutamate. Lightly brown in oil which has been placed in large s killet over medium heat. . Cut apples into thick slices; place in oblong baking dish which has been lightly oiled .. Sprinkle with brown s ugar and nuts. .Place chicken pieces over apple slices ; pour cider or juice over chicken. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or Until chicken is -tender. Ser· ves6. Teapot's Tempting Jr wine tasting seems too expensive ... maybe yo u can become a connoisseur of fine tea instead. Tea tasting is considerably Jess costly, and can be Just as fascinating a nd educational as wine tasting. Ir you're willing to rorego the Convenience o( baggtd teas. you'll find many ex- citing and exotic sounding blends available. f'or example, there's For- mosa Oo.ling, a bright and clear beverage that Is . neither green nor black. and ls often called the cham- pagne or teas. And from the slopes or the Himalayas comes Dar·, jceling, reputed to be one or · the finest in the world. Other Interesting type!i in· . elude: English Breakrast. which offers a distlnct.ly dlf· rerent taste (or black tea lovers: Jus m)ne. a tea or fragrant sweel blossoros \\'Ith a dellcete flO\\'er scent; 11nd L1tps1r1ng Souchong." tea with a heavy ~moke n..,vor for the true ftOUrme.I.. If you're hif\'lng comp;:in~. 21trve t\\'C\ or thr.ee different kinds in lndlvlduul kettles. and ('t)mpurc notes. You'll rind 1m•ll one aind lY.'O·quarl le• kettltis In mosL kllcffcn'~"are departmen~. · . . .. \ •· J ... --NATURE'S FRESH PRODUCE FLORIGOLD,INDIAN RIVER 1 RED GRAPEFRUIT • ..-. ,~UTCBER'S PRIDE .. ·'. ·;,,·~~ MEATS ~/·· .,,... .. ~ ·>.-. ~.' -. ..... .. ' . . . . ·-::::-~ -~9.,. 00% USOA GRADE A • WHOlE SOUTHERN GllOWN JttCIUI ftlU aEff PATTY MIX -. FRESH FRYERS BUDGET BURGER OUHXJOOHAVO<o•" • GARDlll , .. 49' · ...... · MUMS POT ra.. , ~ ' --GowGEOUS AUTUMN COlQRS , a~ ~CROP. IRISl-1 LAR GE •CRISP CELERY 2 :29' PERSIMMONS LB. t:IO'S r AVOWt'll • LAii(,( 19~u POMEGRANATES GAll:OEN fllfs,H 29~. OCfAN SPRAY 1 . LB 39 MIXID •99c BOUQUET 1.1.. BEEF ~ 79 ST ANDING RIB BElf ROAST ';:;;,' 1.45 .• 8lAllNEY CORNED BEEF BRISKET 0t.eU:M C_.NMf.D • l-ll SANO !Olt BROCCOLI CE.LLD C CRANBERRIES PKG. .. •. KIO"S FAVORITE •o •.OZ CHUCK ROlST • LB. BONELESS ,.~"". 39 CHUCK ROlST I " BOlllUSS TOP :~; 2 19 SllLOIN STEAK , 11 ROYAL BUFFO HAMS •.lfr.t. SU...!SS lN:S • 1-0l. rw:G. "TRICK OR TREAT.. llllGS WINTER NELLIS 19~. T·IONI STEAK ~ RAISINS .69 PEARS' ~~£; Grocery Double Dlscounca ~.59 SO<.ID llUI BOY BOWL a •AlllR HlAATY MEAT STEW • IUAGER QlEESE l•,..s;ez. .25 RICR'I DH FOOD - 1S-COUNT 69 SOX I CUTS & TIPS 5 7 ._ All'llA llTA ASPAIASUS '/;;S.z., . llUNT'S TOMA TO SAUG llUllT'S PORK & IEANS ... llUllT'S K-Y llANS ~ COMET ~ CLEANSER 1~.25 3~z..50 1$50l 27 CAN I · ";:'~Sc AAIHT RllTOWIU AEGVL.JJI • THIN LA ROSA Sl'AllllTTI 12-0UNCE CANS LIPTOll Kl TIA lOHG GAAJH MANATMA llU CUNG f AEE FABRIC somNll 44 l ·SO FT. 44 ROLL I "''· 46 PKG. I .. 'c.l.10 ~g 1.33 AE~iol 195 SUCED 43 llllNZ HAMBURGER DIUS '~;~z., MOP & GLO SPAAY LYSOL DISINFECT ANT 3~~· l.21 ~~~;g~ 1.23 DEOOOAllJNG CLEANEA • Zl·Ol Btl .II MOIST WIT OllES TOWIUTIIS SCOTT'S UQUID IOI.II tG-OUNCE At.llOSOL t.ff 70-COUNT 93 PttG. I , &·gti:fE I • 3 9 WHAT'S IN STORE ••• PLEASE PASS THE SKINNY FOOi>~ Thl' lnvt'ly f:ill l·lottK-s havt' rc:i l "dai.:h" lhis yr:ir. bul so111t'how the lung S\1-caler luul.. and clingi111 jerSl'ys .:ire nut cun1patiblt' with "'pudgines.~ ... ThoS<' of u~ wilh lhis problt'rt1 are alw:iyi.: luul..in~ for painlos~ w;iy.~ fo ··.sh.11lt' up:· Salad.~ and i<'an ha1nh11rgt'r p.:i lli<'s ~ufficr jusl ~1 long. lhl'n sutnething 111orc inlrrr.~ling is dl.'sir.:ihlr. f.ly r11~ Hoefer. wife of ont' uur P.lt'n-ln-Bluc. has givt'n 11lt' one of her t'lt~llt'nl low-c;i.lortt' t fi:ipes tu htlp in the "balllt' of tht' bulgt'." I "''" snkon• .-B,.~., ,111mh, '· •·ur ... ~ll···~ollr~ '"'""" j11n '"cur ""I"' 11 ..... •Ml nlllpfll>C' I <'U "'"'~ I <'111' llR•'"l'C'll"Md •ru;bt\l '_. ,·ur """"(•I ~·r mol~ I •~•f'. lrm"" ;...... piMlppk. d~inrJ ~Ii.'( gr.1ha111 rr:•d•er cn11nb.~ :ind n1:irgari111.". Re."'1"vt J/J i·up C"n1n1b nli:\lure. Press ren1aining crun1b n1i:\lure into ungre:ised baking 1,,111 (~":\lf",.!"1 . In 111i xi11g bowl. lx-:11 dry n1ilk . oraugr juice and <'&II while on high SIK'C'd fur .1 111i11u1C"S. Add len1un juicr. Beal J 1ninules n1ure. Blend in sugar 1111 luw SJ:lt'l'd ~ n1inu1e. Fold i11 pi1lt'appk. 1>1111r in111 JJ;1n. Sprinkle-wilh rt'~rvt'd C"r111nb 11Ji:\turr. Frtttl' :11 lr:isl X hours. Makrs Q .-.n-vina.~: 11 0 C"alorit'li eaC"h snving. Uthtr Cr1111tt Dittclor of Conwmcr Arfai n1 So. H .. ~ Bl~d. U Habn, Ca. 'Xlf>J I lAllENOfR •HERBAL YARDLEY BAR SOAP "'·OZ 53 '"' . GOlOEN GAIOOlE 99 PANCAKE SYRUP 1:;~~-1 CAEAMV. CHUN~V I 25 SKIPPY PEANUT auma 2~~iz. I OElUllE 72 WISNBOllE FRENCH DRESSlllG ':;'1'.·, ITALIAN DAESSIHG • 11 Ol. BOTTLE .n LIPTON BLACK TEA I BUSHEL SIZE •&·BAG 76 SOX I HOVN> 86 8011 I 8-GAllOH WASTE BAGS • ~COUNT BOlC .71 HEFTY LAWN BAG HUHGAY JAC11; INSTANT POTATOES • STAAWBERAY SMUOIER'S SYRUP BOVSEN8EflAY • 12-0l BOTTLE .71 C110COlATE lllSTU'S Q Ull ft[YNOLOS llOWN.ftl..IAG 3»0Z .• 28 BOX I '2·0Z 67 BTL I 3~f:· 1.48 l ·COUNT 40 "'' . SRA WIEIRY PRESERVES ~~9.z. 1.11 OISJ-IWASHER 59 IUCTROSOI. DmRGDIT "tgf 1 11-COIJNT 49 s.o.s. PADS BOX I _,I 6 \IARltllES• EVERYDAY DISCOUNT KRAFT SQUEEZ A SNAK '· 0 ' 57 TUBE 1 1:~ 1.09 I UN Sil! BUTIERFINGERS IO?~·OZ 89 B•G t l'llfSl S JUNIOR PEANUT BUTIER CUPS 11rqs,.rv s J 17 CHOCOLATE KISSES 9~or.•' , HERSHEY 'S MINIATURES ~~~CC: 1 95 MIL"f Wl>.Y sN1c11~1~S ·J '-'uS~t a[A.~ 1 c I 19 MAR S FUN SIZE BARS ~~~ 1 •?Cl SN•C~El>S 1 It i.llN!•TUR{S NESTLE'S CRUNCH Bil( Sil(• l.IOUNO!. OR ALMOND JOY ~A'd 1.09 "·Ol 93 ll•G t Non·Food Double Discounts \IAN<l l A . CllOCOLAI[ OOU8t£ 69 KRAFT CARAMELS OISCOUNr i;~iz 1 o.oz 99 l fl, I 1.(MOH • HEA8AL • STAAWBEAflV . IYIRY lllfHT SHAMPOO .. oz. 99 BTL. I EVEllY NIGHT IAINWARI RMI • lllEG. Ofl UNSCENTED u AHTI-li"EPISPIRAHT ~ ~ 5-0Z. I 15 BAii IOU·G_ll ill'i-etc • AEG. Ofl UHSCEHTEO • AHTI• UL ta A IAN "'"Plrwit e a-oz 99 $IPll: Dlf . .-AEAO, I 1'-00NCE M'.~OSOL I 29 AIRID n ANJl.PIRSPllANT • COMPlEtE 1(1T CLAIROL FROST & TIP 3.99 DIMURE PACKETS ~0J ,97 DEMURE LIQUID DOUClll ~~t .84 SCHICK • INJECTOA • 8·C1 P~G. I 17 SUPER CHROMIUM BLADES ~7 • CARYL RICHAROS • ll·OZ. 73 BALSAM C-TIOlllR on , AEQUlAA. WITHOUT TALC I 8-0l I 13 BODY AU DEODORANT ·c AERO O .. VI'• ,,.,.,... UI• ri«!'lt lfl r.f1110J u'\.• lO -t11ff'l''-i ff•l•n. s ,1,,. t•• fntl...-"'11011111 t•••bl. I•~••· 11.u.r.rti.... M ,. .... , 111n11•r ""111111 ... 1 l ·,.,,.,·(fl/V /ft' ,11,..., /Ir'/" ''""'"""'' .IH >'!M~I• ,..__,.W, Sl ORE HOVRS MON -FRI SAT .930-800SllN • Delicatessen Double Discounts AUX TACO SHEW 11-COUNT 51 PMG I PROCESSED 81 BORDEN LITl UNE CHEESE ~~t , HEBREW NATIC>ttAL I ''oz I 50 MIDGn SALAMI "' , MEAT ()'I BEEF OSCAR MA YER BOLOGNA MACHIAEH SALAMI• l ·Ol P~(l .II VAAIETl' PAI(• 11-0l PICO 1.11 SMOltEO. • POLISH WILSON SAUSAGE ~~J .&& ::;g 1.65 p.11Nr1tJOHN SAUSAGl.4J r ... ltQUN • 9.Q£ ~G . CERTl·fRISH ftSHSTlOC.S Atu.. 1.98 .• .71 SO~T GOLOEN RAlNllOWL • 16-0l TUB MRS. FILBERT'S MARGARlllE , ... 90 Pl(G I MEAT OSCAR MAYER WIENERS Bakery Discounts ALPliA BETA• DOUBLE DISCOUNT NAMBURGER BUNS ALPHll BETA CHERRY PIE "'°""' 32 PICG. I lN~•I .95 SCHAT'S •DOUBLE DISCOUNT FISHERMAN BREAD ,..oz 63 LOAF I A.LPHA BETA BUTIERHORNS "OZ. 69 TAAY I ALP!-iA BETA • CHOCOLATE ICED SPANISH CAKE '"oz. J 69 BOX • PLAIN • ALP!1A BET A KAISER ROLLS !>·COUNT 55 BAG I SESAME ROLLS • 6·COUNt BAG .M Frozen Food Double Discounts SLICED BIRDSEYE ZUCCHINI '~oz. 29 80.IC I PEPPERtDG[ fAPl.IS •APPLE BlUE8ERl'IY 71 TURNOVERS 0" (l"t(RRY '~ :'S·Ol 60 lC I SAUSAGE • P(PPERONI ARRIYEDERCI JR. PIZZA FtAVOl\LANO APRICOT HALVES •»Ol 88 so~,,.• ...oz :&9 BAG I BOVSENBERRICS • 16·0Z BAG .&J CHOC ECLAIR•WHAMMY •CliOC Cf.llP Cl'IUNCHI 03 GOOD HUMOR BARS 6"'ai~"' I MORTON MINI DONUTS "·OZ 60' BO~ I COFFEE RICH "oz 29 CARTON I OR AN GE JUICE ''" .59 Everyday Discount Prices HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE '0' 24 CAN I •oz 25 JAii I SPlCY BAOWN GULDEN MUSTARD Cli!Cl(EN H000l[ • 101.!ATO • YEGET•BL[ Al< 49 cuP-A·souP MIX ~e~)( • CUTIX STRONG NAIL 'i,~' , 5 5 S1111oeo STAONG N&Jl . 6 511A0f!.. 3)-0/ BTL .jJ CRE ME •~ SHAO[S CUTEX NAIL POLISH PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALPHA BEi A MARKETS ........ COSTA ..-:s•-241 L 17MI St. LA ..... Nl-1.l-2Jl41 c• .. "" ..... HUNTIHeTOH llACK-Zl411 ln1 .. a1t fOUKTAIM YAUIY-1110 J...,. HUHTIMG UACK-to4S A4-t HUHTIMGTOM llA<=K-11611 "· MtM S•. l•Yl"l-11041 c.t...w, u.t•tnlty P.t. SOUll4 LAGUHA-JOIZZ $. c_.;. H••9Y ·-) I • • • J 14 DAILY PILOT Wednesday, Octobe r 23, iq74 >i ' • • Spirited values in. our Liquor Dep 't! CABIN s1o•a STILL 1':. · Weller's atraight whiakey! Half.gaJlon Vodka-,-.... s7u Bottled for El Rancho! Half-gallon! Scotcffu. _, •••• S691 ~ BotUed in Scotland for us! Quart ' Ancient Age •••••. s4tt Straight whiakey now reduced 40c fifth! V• R s21' mya ose ••••• lmported from Portugal! Fifth Weibel Wines . ._ s279 Buzgundy, llD6e Sec, Chablia, Rhine! SI.II Offl · . ll RANCHO'S TEQUILA Be thrifty, and enjoy quality! Quart Chills and thrills in Frozen Foods! ORAICiE ·· JUICE Minute Maid in the big 16 ounce can! Chow Mein . • • • • &9c Chun King Chicken or Shrimp! 15 oz Turnovers • . • • • • 59c · Pepperidge Farms -choice of 4 kinds! Morton's Pies .•• &9c Choose Apple or Pumpkin! 24 oz. size Stouffer Entrees 12 .. 55c Spinach Souffie, Potatoes au Gratin! Sara Lee Streusel ggc Cinnamon or butter ... 11 Yi·dt"'J~;. This week let your jack-o-lantern guide your footst eps ... and don't let any goblins si~etrac~ you. You'll find treats ~t euery turn, with never a trick being played on you, when 1t comes to outstanding food values!. O• own Sliced Bacon Slli:od ranch aty le ... just a little thicker! s1•? MEAT LOAF 89! Oven ready! Made with fmh egpl HAM LOAF Oven ready! Ham, pork, fresh egp! CHILI CiRllD 79~ Freeh! Coarsely ground beef! Lean! Sausage,..,_ • • • &9i El Rancho'a own •.• Freeh, lean, taaty! Sausage ... SIJlo • • • • s l 2! We make it the old world way! I I Ground Beef:.s ·69! Here'a the quality you e~pect from El Rancho, at a budpt minded price! . Ground Beef ·:O 79~ Freahly ground beef, lean and tender! Chooee bulk or patties! -, Ground Beef= 89~ Our most popular ground -see for yotµ'lelf why! and chooee bulk or patties! Ground Beef = 99~ We prepare it fresh, for flavor ... chooee bulk or ~hopped steaks -3 per pound Ground Beef 111111En • s12! For the diet conacious consumer! ' U.S.D.l · ·CHOICE . Ground Veal 111111111 • s1 4! Freshly ground ... genuine veal! Steak lovers, take note! And who doesn't love El Rancho's loin cut of better beef ... naturally aged, ·carefully trimmed, priced for value! FRESH! ~ U.S.O.A. Choice beef ... boneless! ... and we give you a free package of Wyler's Onion Soup Mis. to aeuon With! whole or half. Aged Steak • • • • • s2'? Loin cut of U.S.D.A. Choice beef! Split Broilers . • • • 59f Beef Rib Bones • • 69f Young, meaty Grade "A" frying chickena! U.S.D.A. Choice -to bake or b·b.q! Chuck Steak • • • • 89f Center Cut! U.S.D.A. Choice beef? Scallopini Slices • • s2s? Cllre 81 Ham •••• s21! Slices of veal rib eye -and bonelesa! Hormel's .•• Boneleu! Whole or half Super Fresh Produce! Avoc1dos JUMBO m ........ 81~ · Really big! ... but you'll have to flee 'em to believe 'em! Come in, and compare the value! California'• beat! Pears ........ 29~ Apples .... ~ .,29~ weet and juicy! Full davored Bartlette! Jonathon's from Washington! Extra fancy! C!!TOts . • 2 tor 29t Crisp! Tender! One pound pliolilm h..,.. Treats to delight our Super-Shoppers! Buns ..... ~-: ..... .-... 33c Cottage Cheese .... -.53! With Ground beef at special prices, hamburgen are in order-Hot Dogs too! Springfield Smooth and crea my! Compare the quality and the price ..• and be glad for Springfield! Apple Cider HALF-GAU.ON Tomato Juice 46 oz. CAii Doe9n't Tree Top belong in your Hallawt'en plane? Save on the gallon site, too .•• 1 . .(9 Springfield • made from red ripe tomatoes! Compare the quality • then love the price! Seven-Up ..... SllPACK •••• 9gc Catsup ..... 14ozBTL£ •••••••• 29c The Uncola makee a welcome treat anytime • great at parties! 12 ounce cans! ~ Rich flavor -thick and saucy ~ 'cause it's from ripe tomatoei! Springfield Paper Towels BIGROLL 39c So ronvenient to wipe up thoee spills that &re bound to hap~n -get several ! Coronet Margarine .. 111.m •••••• 69c · Imperial Soft-Spread! The flavor you favor -and it 1pread.s 10 euily! Save at El Rancho ' ' ... I .. ' . .. -.. 111 wu OISllV£ mmrs NY • OCT. 21, 1Y a.OSllC • I Pacific led$109 Snapper • Freeh fillet.a for your pleuurel · Halibut Steak ••• 1119• Center cut for greaWr value! · Fillet of Turbot • $9c. From cold Greenland watera! Cooked Shrimp • s11'. The right size for shrimp cocktail Stuffed Clams •• 5 tor s.i MaUO\lo''• .. ·. net weight 2 ounces each FRESH . TROUT 69~ From Idaho waters! Nt. wt. 5.oz. each. Delicatesse n Tregts ! BEEF ·a9· .. FRAHS ::.\ c. . . Official at the Worid'a Fair! 8 per pis Cheez Kisses • • • • ggc For-"trick or treat' no cavities! 7 oz Cheese 'n' Crackers lOt Kraft's Snacks! (Cue of 100 ... 9.49) Cookies CllCIUn a. • . • 59c Pillsbury'• -ready to bake! 13 ol:. FLAVORED6·9c JACK-· In 4 flavon! Smiling Cheeseman! 8 oz. Shrimp Coektail ••. 39c Laacco in 4 ounce aerving glU&! . Danish Ham IUlll • • • 59c Oak • 4 oi. pkg -two convenient sizes! · Bag Pickles . • • • • 29~ Crisp and K08hert ... from Van Holten CHEESE .$179 CROCKS .. - wispride ... 12 oz re~~ble1'rocia!"' Prices· in effect Thur. Oct. 24 throuah Wed. Oct. 3V Closed Veteran's Day op<n daily 9 to 9 • Sunday 10 to 7 No aalea to dealers Spaghetti ulOl.I • • • • 39c Hamburger Helper 59c Muffin Mix • • • • • &sc Dash Detergent •• s215 • Regular or thin ... 1 lb. package Spaghetti Sauce •• ggc Ragu -32 oi. jar ... choice of 3 kind&! DOCi - FOOD ~ Chicken Dinner or Pet Stew! 14 oz Betty Crocker'• • your choice of varieties! Triscuits • • • • • • • &9c N~biaco'1 great snack crack.en! 91h or. CAT FOOD - Kitty will love Petun•I 81h oz Betty Crocker'• Blueberry •.• 13 ~ oz Hefty Bags • • • • • 69C Toll • kitchen can aize! « qt-16 ct. APPLE JUICE Springfield, in the half.pl!oo Jul! Jumbo liae package (includes 30e of!) Joy Litlid . . . . . . 62C . For the miaQr look! 22 oz. (inc. lilt of!) TOOTH BRUSHES Tele, for odul!ll aofl, mtdium, lwdl ARCADIA: PASADENA: SOUTH PASADENA: HUH TINGTOH BEACH: NEWPORT BEACH: !Ill Ne.poi! Blvd and Sunset and Hunt :nglon Dr (£1 Rancho Cenler) 120 ,·;e~I Colo1ado Blvd Fremont and Hunl1nglon Dr l'/111P'r ·nrl AIFonqu n (80J'd,., 1i k C1 rd, 1 • ·,·i 1 l 1~1 :,1, 'I Dr ([a,tblulf ~·llaJe Cen ter). BAND AIDS ••••••••.••• 69° Sheer strips-choice of 11us1 BABY ASPIRIN • : ••• ; .• 39° St. Jotieph'1-pkg.of 36 INTENSIVE CARE •••••• 79° Vaseline Herbal LoUon!6oz. Reg.86c . • POLISH REMOVER ••.••• 45° Cutex.3oi.tit.e (40&.1iic .•.............. 55cl SANDWICH BAGS •••••• 39' Glad-pkg.of ~~kg.of l50 ..•......•.••. 69C) PLASTIC WRAP •••••• : .56° Glad ..................... , •• save on 200 f\. roll f f!1~J!edq2._f;f .~E .. :: .. :.:.: .: .' .. : ~}!~ INSTANT COFFEE ••••.• sp• Maxwell House 6 oz. (10 oi. •.•..•.•....•. 2.02) t~~~!!i~~~~ .. :.:.:.:.:11:?~!. OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA 69° Choose Beef or Meat •••..•••.••••.• ,8 oi. pleg, ( ' • . • • I . TOP PROD.UCERS •. amy BURKART • D.t,N CARLTON •JOHN LA MONTAGNE •BILL LLOYD •CAM MERAJ ALMOST HEW ALL UPGRADING DONE Manicured yards, wide entry, lots of cup- boards in ultra modern dream kitchen. Offers lhe spacious open noor plan that is todays way of living. POOL TOO! You 'll agree that YoU cookln'l ask for more for $SO.i5Q. Call to see847-6010. GI HO DOWM $31,500 CUSTOM-COTT AGE Manicured lawns. Great area. Huge shade trees. OPf~N BEAl't1 CEILINGS EVERY HOOM ! Large family room. Light airy & coty fireplace. Can't duplicate U\is with NO DOWN PAYMENT. Take advantage and call now .... = EXCLUSIVE! $35,500 Assumable 7"k YA loan. Payments only S2t2 . month. Hunlinglon Beach~ Family siz..e home in desirable neighborhood. Close to schools. Priced low for quick sale. Call right now! 847-0010. , "VETS" HO DOWN 4 HUGE BEDROOMS 91/2°/o INTEREST No down to vets. Formal entry with large. living room. Huge formal dining room. 4 family si1.ed bedrooms. Covered patio for · California living. Shake roor. Garden and \ fruit trees compliment large lol and help be<1t <.'OSl or living. See it now. Call 963-6767. 3 BEDROOM-2 STORY LOW DOWN PAYMENT $29,500 Alisume payment under Si!OO per month. En- closed patio. Bike lo beach. Playa;round -2 oocits. Clu bhouse. Gkrden like eommunity livirig. Owner will assist. in finance. 'Won't last. Call today. 963·6767. FHA· VA BUYERS • 4 BR POOL Big ramily home. 4 to 6 bedrooms. Convertible bonus room plumbed for wet bar or bath. Convenient location to sthools, shopping access. Beat the · tough home and money market with this one. Call 546-2313. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING BLUE COLLAR PAYMENTS Fresh N' clean. New paint. Need fast sale seUers bought new. 3 Bedrooms with family · room opposite convenience kitchen with entry from garage, Queen siud master_ suite. Choice Mesa Verde location. Call.' 546-2313. . . "THE CORDOVA" MESA VERDE 5 BR • 2700 SQ. FT. Exclusive hst in~ ! An elegant, spacious . home features a large sepitrate family room with rireplace. formal din ing a nd huge master suite. Lovely landscapin g front &: · rear. Outstanding location on quiet street in choice neighborhood. Priced at 182,500: Exceptional value In today's market. For addit~I info., please phone 546--:'2313. ' SUBURBIA PARK EXCLUSIVE LISTING! What an opportunity! Live iri one or the most desirable nelghbomoods in Huntineton Beach. Ever popular 4 bedroom model with_ formal dining & family room. Outstanding area for fa mily living. (Just ask any of the residenllli.J Price 158,900. Please phone 545.2313 ror additional info. ' EXECUTIVE 2 STORY BRAND HEW ', OWNER HAD TO GOl T11ke advantage o f owner11 hardluck. t..oad1 J)f upg rading. Priced below ne.w. J;ievated parlor. Sunkel'! formal banquet roOm. 21' x 18' f'iesla room. Massive lltone rireplace. Garden kitchen CATlfEDRAL CEILINGS. Sweepin1 staircase leads lo enormous master suite. Take adv1ntaae ·call now. 842-2535. -·· . • .. .. 'Mldnesday. OctoNr 23. 1974 OAJL y PILOT D I WILCOMI HOME PAITY CARIBBEAN SEMINAR SUCCESSFUL A w,elcome home party was. held in ·Newport Beach ror The Real Estaters' managers and wives upon their return from a Caribbean Cruise aboard the MJS Nordi c Prince. Randy McCardle announced that the Real Estate Seminar was one of the most successful they have ever had . Whil e cruising 1 the Caribbean the managers and wives visited Nassau. San Juan Puerto Rico, and St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. TRl·LEVEL BACKS TO PARK Prestigeous tri-level iii prime location. Ideally sluated backing to park. Impressive entry. Huge living room . to"ormal dining. Banquet kitchen. Separate den. 4 huge bedrooms inc ludes mammoth master suite. Separate laundry room. Secluded patio. Well deccwated: Llke new &: ready for yoo. f\111price169,900. Call to see 842:2535· MINI RANCH MINI VALUE BEACH AREA OrcWar drive to la rge fa mily sized Jiving room with massive stone rireplace. io"ormal dining is served by huge country style kitchen. Spacious grounds are perfect ror growinf! family. Hideaway master suite. Generous sized childrens suites. ~r anxious. Submit terms. 963-7881. MESA VERDE HILLSIDE TRI-LEVEL Just try to duplicate lhis one. Pres tige community_ Quiet tree-lined street. Gracious entry to broad living room warmed by crackling fireplau. Spacious formal dining room . Garden view kitchen. Large separate f11mily room with wet. bar and fireplace. City view from back. Best schools and community facilitie!. Call 546·2313. ' GARDEN HOME UHl9UE CENTRAL ATRIUM live with nature. A garden, a pond can be your everyday view. This single level is over 2000 square feet o( deluxe spaciousness. Prestige neighborhood . Only 153,500. Don't hesitate. Call now 847·6010. COLLEGE PARK RARE 4 BEDROOM Used brick fireplace , super covered p11.ti.o and park like atmosphere. Pr1('ed to sell 11.t $43.950. Call 646- 7171. 2 STORY COLONIAL EST A TE 4 BEDROOMS - 3 BATHS PLUS HUGE BONUS ROOM Huge 2 story + cool pool ~ Also \l•alk to bea('h !'or sur·. fers. Loads of cupboard space and clost'ts for mon1. Also new carpets thru oul. 4 hu~e family sized bedrooms+ J baths. HUGt: HONUS R001'1 WJTJI P(X)L TA.BLE~ Lush landscap1n~. 3 car ~aragc for boat or exlril l'ar. There's more !~ Co1ll to sec 96J. 6767. YOUR FIRST HOME? Whal a dandy! It's thret' bedrooms. plenty of living spare. Lovely cozy kitchen. close to the beach, and mly SJ:i.IXXI! Boy are you \ucky1 Call now to see. 847·6010 , BY THE SEA .3 AC. ESTATE Form<1I e~~l~~JaS'l~i~~!!~i~ towering cathedral ct'ilings +dramatic balcony form<1l dine. Ole.f's delight kitchen. Spacious ramily party room with v.·all or Jtlass overlooking covered pavilion & \l'OOded ~rounds. Huge :;epi1rate master suite. Sweeping stairs to childrens win g. Separ ate rmther·in-law quarters with living room & kitchen & library & bath. Assume 611':1~ FHA loan. No new klran costs. $i?65/mo. pays all ! Hurry call 963· 7881. CORONA . .DEL . MAR SEL'ECTIONS DELIGHTFUL MONACO OH FEE LAND Lovely home for s mall ramily. 2 bedrooms plus convertible den. Authentic ceramic tile entry and kitchen are'ii. Great location near · pool. Split level wooden decking with outdoor conversation pit. Upgraded carpetlng and · drapes. Call us 673·8550. SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME "· Lovely 4 bedroom 4 bath home. A great buy in [nine Terrace. 1-fuge comer lot-2 separate yards. Don't miss this large family home with big living room, dining toOl]I_\._ screened limai-many extras. Call now, 873~. TOP BLUFFS LOCATION Great three bedroom plus 2\.\! baths home. large patio. Addilional sundeck-overlooks one of finest green bells. This home has been ~graded with new vi nyl noors, new fixtures & ne w kitc hen appli ances. Ca ll u s for appointment to see 673·8550. FAMILY SPECIAL OCEAN VIEW 3 lkdroom hnme in Harbor Y1cw !l ilt~ · nine blocks from beach -view or ocei1n · a warm. v.'l)()(l<;y open home fo r speci;il fa mil.v who enjoys indoor & outdoor atmosph('re. Priced at only $19,500. Call 673·8S50. FRESH &-BRIGHT. PRIVACY + VIEW A rure view home t1l ;i rcason:illlc prire. Three bedroom und den 11!us ;1 larJ,!(' tam1ly room. Two baths and powder roonl . I-fas ii l'ull view or Jasmine Creek & the O('CllU. superior privacy . Call Jor more details. Only $95.500. 673-8550. TRIPLEX · HEAR BEACH CORONA DEL MAR With everything going for 11. Quaht)'. loc:H1on. private financing, and \'1ew Onl' or the ver} few honest tri-plexes 1n Coronu dcl Milr Pnmc location fo r winter & summer rcntill:-1 or owner-occupant. PncL'd at SIJS.000 ('all for mn dclails. 673·8550. ENJOY-EAST SIDE COSTA MESA-$36,950 3 bedroom 2 bath. covert'd patio wlth. a very large v.·cll fen<'ed rear yard. It's brigh_t- rhet•ry 11nd t•lean and on a n1ct' slow trarflc Sin.~'\. 646· 7171 CRISP AND CLEAN LIKE AUTUMN SUNSHINE Sp.1t•11lUs noor plHn offt·r:o plenty of elbow roon1 for ~ou r family . ~ h1g bedrooms. c:ourmet kitchen . Comf)any si:i.e h\·1ng ruim All 1n t1p·top <-ond1t10n.'Lovely del'Or. Vatant. St.'(' now. $43.950! 847·0010. 5 PLEX-BEACH SHOWS SPENDABLE l'nde of ownership S plex. Close to beach. \NCLUDt:.~ 3 Bdrmn, 2 b<1th. llon1e Yt'Llh 4 units. Bt>autiful lundst•apc. Enclosed pnv.tte oourt)'ard·Jtarden. 21~ x size lul. Exccllt•nl investment. 84.2·Z53S CUSTOM POOL ASSUME VA 711> ~AR BEACH Cul de sac street. Prime location. ~xcellcnt floor plan -formal dining. Bright kitchen. OVER SlZED custom pool. Assume 7'J VA of <1oorox. $26,600. Seller wants io'AST ~ROW. Take advantage calllM2·ZS35. ASSUMABLE 7'12°/o $286 PER MO. Sharp 3 bedroom 2 bath home v.·1th ;itnum e ntry wall of pannellng and cus tom cabinets. Huge · f1replact'. Bright cheery garden kitchen over looking waterfull and . pond. Large rirepit and BBQ. Boat and trailer gate with concrete apron. Walk to beach • schools and new city pa rk. Call to preview 963-6767. • 2 STORY BARGAIN POOL $27,900 -LOW DOWN Deluxe -EXTRA SHARP -2 story bar,e:ain ~ Pride of ownership abounds. Dt..>eocalor deli,e:ht with gold veined mirrored · walls. L>ine ovt'rlook1ng red bnck patio y,·1th bubblin,e: waterfall. Sparkling blue pool and BBQ area. Low down payment to. buy. t:entral towne localion. Take advantage of Uus bar,e:ain. Call 963-6767. 4·PLEX ASSUME $44,000 PRIME AREA Pridt• ot ownership 2 bedroom units v.·1th tu~h income. 1';st11blishcd & steady lt!nunt.s. f>:xcellenl spendable. Take over 7'' Fll A loan. NO NEW COSTS. S4l0 1mo. pa)'S all. Submit terms. Owner must sarnfice! FirsL to call ,e:ets this BAHGAIN. 963· 71$111 . ARTIST CHALET AT BEACH POOL $35,950 SccludL'<l entry to enormous studio ]1\'ing room with 20 ft. \'aulted open he;im Ct'1l1n ji!s & sun terrace that overlooks pre1l1,1nous harbor. Studio loft & librar~· + y,·et bar. Gourmet kitchen. huge master with OCEAN VIEW. Abundant use of Yt'oods & glass adds to art1s11c atmosphere. !163-7881. ESTATE SALE 4 BR· 2 STORY· BEACH ASSUME $28,900 Fnrmal entry to a new world of elef:!:tnrc. Stately hving room y,•ith 20· Vi!Ulted ct•1lings &-dr<1mi1liC open st.airs lh<1t SV.'l'CJI lo childrcns and guest suites Gardc•n \'u;w kilrht•n. Dine. Ppacious family room \11th t'fl1 .. v 11replace & comm<1nd 1ng \'ll'\I' of terrace & Krounds. llidea\l'<IY ma ~ler ~111\e. T;ike over 7'1'' FHA loan /'<n new lo;1n cost s. S28J 1mo. pays all. Hurr~· o~·ncr sacnf1ce. 963-788 1. LOOK MOM HO ST AIRS Unu.,ua\ on<' floo r condominium in Costa by gracious llv1ng are». \\',dk tn al l sllopp1ng. 538.500. C<1ll 646·71il THE HAPPY HOB BI EST ARTIST OR WE LDER SCULPTOR OR SEAMSTR E You v.·1il el\joy lhe.;e :1 spac1ou.-. IM>d rooms plus c ustom bonus room ;ind O\'er~1 1c ~arai:e. IA1C<1ted 1n coll('I!<' park on qUll'l cul de sac street. S49,!ISO. 646-7171. • SPECULATE YOU ASKE D FOR IT "A FIXER UPPER" J llt'(!rootn almfl:.l Nr"''IXlft llt'll_!l'll.~ L••ri'• s:ix l35 R·2 lot . You Can make money on 1h1s one. ~.!J.'JO. C;1ll qu1<'k. fi.16·i171 THE REAL ESTATERS Nt~WPORT llEACll'. · 1700 Newport llld. '646-7171 \' , COST A MESA 2790 H-llhd. ~JJU OPEN ' Tll 9 " HlJNTINGTON H£i\C H 17U1 11-h .. d. 21010 llrooli"""t 6014 Weme< An. 142·2535 '63-6767 147·6010 ---------'--------- I ('ORONA DEL M.\11 ll2 Mor9utrlt• '73-1550 1:0 l V I'\ I\ \ \ 1,1 ,I·; \ 18109 lrookhurst 963·7881 INV EST~I ENTS 18662 MocArth11r llYd., S•lte l 01.. lrYlnt 752· l 700 •• '. \ ' .. •.· ' ' •:t DAIL V PIL(J I Lawrence-ah Welk Is Re~l; Television llllag-e Not Front fl~ \I..\~ Hl \Cl-: 'h••1•••ll \t!to\C~ M9""'°' !w• '"" BOS1't>N L;11\rcne l' \\'l·ll.; i Ii n1ou'."I ru· ":ii. hunk 1 nf,! :it ml' "l\o •l\t'I' :-.11 r·k "11h u~ ... ~Olllf.'CJIH.' C<J!l(·d 11on1 tlH· \\ 111tlo\1 "or ,IOU ll nl•\'l·r ).!cl thro ugh A ('fCl\I d h:id g,11 l11 •rl·d Ill j flJ/11 of I he ltol111,11 11111 aurt 11 u~ v.·a t(·h1n,e 11Hlt'· 1·.1t•1l u• !11., l:in1ou .. "mu .. 1c:'ll f.1(ni1 ~" piled 11tt ,1 bu .. 1l '1l· !>(•en 1·n1 u111l1t• f.&111 r1·nr1· \\"1·lh ~h1111 ," lh1· tJw1111 :in kt-pl ft j)l.'.1l111g~ I \.\.i:-. 11:.iit1n g 10 r1·101n \\'t·lk uflt·r t:i111nJ!: a !a ll. ... 11011 111th him that m'll'· nin~. ;i nd 11 h1·n he t·hml~·d 0111 of ti n.· rar h1:llho1:-. d r11p11t'<1 th1·1r b:.i.J.!' tu .,ta'r an1I ~-.,t) ~tr11c r ...... 1r1'lt•h(•1I th1·1r 111·1·1<.' '1'11 1 hl' 1·h1·1·r-.. \\' cJJ.. .. 1111 l•·d .111!1 \1 ;;1l·d polt111·,1l "'~ 11·. tl11·ri ... 1t·p1~·1 I 1n1o a il1hl,_1' p;11·kl•tl \1 ith 1·n1plo11·s "ho had :-..loppe<t v. nrk 10 be on h:1n1!. !\Ion.· C'h1·<·rs. rnort· 11:111•" Auru~r:1 1Jh hound-. -.tuod li.1 \\hilt· the 1nnkel'fJt·r ;1 hl'~•m1 n.L! 1111d<lll'·:11.:cd 11·01n:1n brt•u1hll·-.-.l.1 1nl r11fiurf'd ht•r:-t•ll \\'(•l k put h1 ... :1r1n :1round hl'I' .,)luuldt·r:-... 11 lill t• 11rt'"" 1·;1 11n·r;1 s r1 a .~h«1I I f-'()1,1.(J\\' •:I) h1 ~ g rou p ot ~1·1 l'l1 lhrouj.!h lhl' C'ru:-.h ;1., they n1:idt· ii to the cll•\;llor, up lo tht• ci~hlh floor, into his plus h, rt·d C'a rpct«d !'.!Ull1· There 1vere copies lo sign of hi., n"'"' book l "Ah·Orl('. Ah-'J\1·0": Prl'nllre lla ll. Si.95J, phonl· ealls to rl'ce11·t·. last-minute {"hani.:f'., in µIan.<: t~o. he \l<i S sor ry but tu· 1·ouldn't ~n 10 th1· local T\" !'.!l:1 tion I hat :1ftf•rn1Mfll too 11r1·d1 .\nrt 1u-.1 II ht·n I lhoUJ(ht ht• II .... mine. 1n ru:-.hl'<I ·;1n(Jther :n1l1·. ·rhc· ~l ayor 01 Bo ~l on and l'ntour;q.!1' 11Pr1· dov. n:.la1r-., hop10).! 1o t·n1111· up and bl::-.\0\1 on \\'i•lk 1 he k1·,\ lo ~t·t :11mth1•r t•1t.1·. fL;1tc·r. \\'elk l;1 1d 1t i.:1·ntJ ,1· 10 r1·~1 next lo a ~Hinl ba:-kl·I or purple grapes prO\'ided b y I he n1 o tcl J i\t las t. it \\'a s j ust \\'l•lk and I in lhe overs ized room, a nd the fir:,t thing I ha d to knn\1 \1·a:-. s 1n11>IY \\'hy he keeps ii up -thi.;; t crrihly ri gorous husin{'SS of one-night sta nds, lra\'Cling to <i dif· fr r<'nt cit~· e:u:h d:l.\' ror lalk :i ho\1 s. au\o)ilraph s ess ion ~ ;1\ hook -.torC's. <ind'a thou.-.and other prt·!i~Url'" of Iii(' road. Jlcre hl' 11 a:-. :in 1n1men.~{'i~· :.ut·· cessful 'f\' l)l'r~o n;d1tr ol ii -i'Ul'rt·n· lly rnarkini.: IH!i 501h .l'l•ar in musi(· yct loarlin,c \v r1rk un h1rhse1f 111 :.i 11 ;,~ re1\' o th('r :-tar~ ;1 \ hi.~ lt•\'l'I 11uuld dre;1 m of. \\"h ~· dol·s hl' clo 11 '.' LAWRENCE WELK-HE'S MARKING HIS SOTHYEAR IN MUSIC Agent Says He's Second Strongest Draw in U.S.: Presley No. 1 "'TllF.R E ll !\S TO H•~ :1 1:um · n1un1cat1on 111\h the peo11le."' hc began expl:1in1n~ tn lhP fam1har \\"elk <iccenl. .. tt ·s a ll ttll' !JLt like a nlinistcr /fl C'hurch. If he d()t'i;;n'l MmmuniC'11!e v.ith hts <1uthcnt•c -once Stllnt·onc r:tlls :i s lccp out tlu•rt• hf'' .. 1n 1roublc"" l...:111·rt·n1·e \\'t'lk r1·a ll~ is l.;n\t'f'll('(' \\"t•lk . I rea Ii zt-d ;1s hl· !->pok1· 'l"h;i l s.' n ropated !>.lll't't·h :-o oflen 1n1mil'ked and tht· :-ine1·r11.1· 1~ not a proh·:-- sional fronl :11 :ill l ie fi xes _vour l'Yt' ror ;1 \un i.: nHnnl·nt 11·h1•n s haking han<ls not th1· <1uil'k sq11ec1.e ;i nd flashy _gnn ~11 man.1· t'l'h.'britics hand out. And if hi<. 11ords \l"l•rf' ._. l111le ni11rc 1~1 borl'd !h;111 on "['\'. thc1· :dso had an u nt am iii :tr int rospl•rt i \'c ·ed gt• "I h::n " trouh]{' \\'Ith thl' l~ngu;n:~<'. ·· he r<'n1 .1 rk 1·d \11 -.1rully. loo k1ni: :-hl!hh'r ;1111t nPl a :-:-n11lt·y ash(' dot's onscrrt•n "It n1.1 ke-. 1t h;ird ror ffif'.tO "ha! seemed C\'l'ry 1hrel·t1on. peopl{' v.·ere pouring into lht· Boslon Garden a \'asl turnout holding hometown SLJ!llS aloft • .. Natic k"), <.'haltering e~· cill'dl\• 1 ··11 e y,·as doy,·n <i t l>oubleda~":-. ;ind my sister had no trouble at <ill getting right up next to him"), oblivious l o the Garden's steam-room c limoilc. llS 17,000 scats v.·ere rilled Y.'h<'n Welk s tepped on- stoigt> to rapturo us applause and began lead ing his orchestra in his tr<i.den1<1 rk .. Cha mpagne ~tusic. ·· A G l,1\~Ct: f'RO~f hint to the rov.·s.. of St'als 1n baC'k of the orchest ra drew glt·cful roars I "II e's notici ng us"" t. \\'hC'n ht' s tepp('d front !he sta~e to dance bri('fl~· \1·ith :.ill comers. won1en strl'amed d uy.·n lht• aisles fo r ;1 n1nm(•nt th1·y y.•ou ld be te lling their friend., :1boul for yc:irs to(·ome. "Hi.l!hl nov.· he's v.·it.hout any douht the :-(·cond ~lrun j!l'Sl al\raction 111 Korth Amerira . ·· claimed !kn Far rell. one of \\' l'lk · s a gents in Nash\'illc. ·rcnn .. "'hen Y."f' spoke hy phone.1 "Thl' Hight 111111· th,•y nre. 111 a grf'nl f:"xl e 11t. '' ·11t11tl1Pr0 111rdit"1t(0 t•. n11ff bt1 th111 I 1ne1111 lhe 111other of 1#11• f11111il !t is '''!I 1111111fwr 011e s11pp11rler. 1'111HIH>r t1c o is th1• f11tl11•r . 1l1 r 1•1• 1he t•hildre11. n11d fo11r fltP fl"PJl•it gf•r~ ••• •• 'P • ~·-.;flt t'""' 11 h;lt :-111 rn1 h1·arl .. Hl'h1 nd lh1· pr11t 1·-.~1on;1l 1:1 lk of ;1ud1rnl'L° l"ll\· 1.n1. I :-•'tl"P'I ,111 1•rnot1on:d nl'('lt In kt•i·p f11 , 11111·-. "HI t o tht• nfl~·n 1l1t·1h•11l..1·1 I 11111111111 .. 11hn ha11• nl:uli.• !.:i11 r1 •111·1· \\ e lh .in .\nlt't'll':J11 1n- ~111 u t 1t•n "'I t 111d !h.11 1'l '!!l'l1• 11 ho <ll'l' Oii l1•l••\l.,l1•H n1·11·1 "..1 1.11·1\:ith 'l' 111;:t•I1ilf :ind \1,11 11i1·1r ,1ud11•fll'1· :1 11d aulucr.q•h IPI' I h1•rn 'f lu •\ ,.,. :-l•lih.nl ,.f'r.1 IJt•1't1L11 111 rural ron111111n1t11·s . Thf'1· J.!t'I llt!J•til.1r 1n n\h1·r pl:ir1'S, hul <1t1rr 1!111·1· 01 111111 11>.u .. 1111·~ '\'""'tu !'!:I ll thl ll~ O!l l , Jl1tl 1l1llt' I Oll ~l't PUI :tnd 1,111.. I" llH• 1•1·11pl1· lh1·1· h1•(0Plllt' 1·10 .. 1"1'111 \1111 "H.\:-"lt .\I.I.\ 11111 .111!111·1111· ,, p11·11\ 11111 ,1~1h1 •11 111.-1 11·l l 1h 11ti.ir 1111 1 hi..·· .111.t \1 h.n \h1·1 don I ,u11l 11 "\1h.d fh1·I ~tiltl ( 111..1• 11t,!I \II' h,11 1• Lil 11 ,I[\ !1 I 1111\d h1• ).!\ 1· 1111· .in t'\,J!!lph • t1f ,,1nh·llun;: 11 1 •. 1 .ti du t hi..···· ";\1;1!l.\1 !l);ttll' thu1i.::-. ll ut JU-.\ fron1 lh1 .. l.1 :-t 1r1p. I tnnk 11111 ·s1n,i.:1n~ the lll11l'"·· 11 ll1\11'L1111! 1.11111 111• or nun1 - her I 1•1•ul~t \t·!l thv 1u lk~ d1.!11 '1 •111ile. 1111d1~rs1 .• n.t 11. • lln" did hl' pt'l'"nn.111,1· hJ..v 11 .' l l111 1•1 l 11 In t.11·1 I 11 ould h;i\1' !ht• ~·rrh(• .. 1r;+ f1ll 1•d up 111lh that t_1p1· 1•1 1n11:-11' .11111 1 ·rt h.1 11· .1 h.dl "hi• ;uln111 lt•d, 111 lh" 111 .'f 111 'l'lt'l',d \\,.II; :-UI' pn-.1·-. '1111 .. 1·1· f11 1h111.1H·l~ I !1J..1· all I.i nd' 1•f n111 .. 11· 'l'h, 11111,11· 1h,1! rt•:d l1 1:11.. ... hnl1I "! 1111· 1~ l)1\!l'l,u1d llut !h.1• :n11h1·n1" 11ould 110 \ 1·nult• 1o 'l't' tlh' ;1 n1111t111• \url l \1uuld :.:1·t :11l1ff1•r1•t11 "la ~-. nf .111d11•11t r "'RIGllT ;\'O\\ t h1''' :1r1'. lo :t i:r<'al C'"t"nt, :i ·n111th1•1·' .1ucl11'n!'f', 01ncl h\• that. I mt';rn ttlr mn!l11•1 11( lht lan1i1;. •~ n11 numh<•r unc· -.11ppn11t·r ~11n1l1t•r 1110 1~ lh•· falhr1 1hr1·•· th" 1•hdcl1·1•n, .uu1 f1111r th1 · 11•1•11 .1:.:1·1' ·· '''I'" ll111 IJllllL'." ~111111 \ll' h,1\t' lllllr •' t .111~ I h.111 ",. I"' I' I h.11 1 IK"•fun• ,11nn11~' 11•1111:..i·r 111·111•!1· Hui thJt · 111011\\·1 ,1111!11 111·1" 1" h1-. n1 ,11n~ta1 :.1111! :11i.1 11111· .. 111•11 ~1!111111 11' fl dl•hl \ 11 ,1-. .1u~11.; 1·1 •·ii \1 h1·11 I \11·111 !1 ~ !i('t' 1\1)1 1111• 'hu" lh,11 111~!11 V111n1 on!.\· attraction any s tron,e:er than \\"elk is thf' king h in1 sl•lr ·· a pau ... t' fur t•ffctl ... ·' l':l1·1s l'r1•sl1·~ "\\\· ha\·t· a n1onstcr uf a v:1nt•t 1· shrnl" C\"t'r_,. kind of artist t'Xt'l'l;t rnl'k . and rh y lhn1 and hl11rs. lf1\'C h ad Ont• of I hos('. il ~·01Jld h(' :1 little hard 1 O hold those 8U-and !llJ. ;ind to(l.y1·a r-uld 1'<1 ns." fl is lhc> arid fans. of (·nurse. \l'hOSI' :1)!e (1111 ~·oung ), l1fc ·Slyle ISfJU:ll'l'Sl O( the squares), and ta s te for hi s brand of perk~· tt1ncc n1t1sil' have m adt• La"·rf'n<'r \\'t•lk 1\mt•ri ca·s C'a!>.iC~t tari::(•t f11r thr yuung 1·1)nlit 10 :-.l·areh 01 a l'hf';lp s hol Sul'h fans 1-.111 rccllc a tlcta1h•d histor y or his 1'\' sho1\• "hr n Anacani 1 .. l hf' little !\ti:'x1c:in sonJ( -.tress··i jo int•d up : hnw \\°C'lk fountl l11s dance tean1 Cissy and Bohhy 1··Th'-'Y 1nay just h£>." says r·atrf'll. p<iusi ng fur another tr<1 nscontinl'nl;1I :-HJX'rlativt>. "tht• grt•:i tC'st danrc learn 1n :\'.orth ,\mcr ir:i"J: y.•ho'.~ married 10 u horn ::imoni; his roughly 20 singers ;111d danC'ers. \\'ll t:N ARC-TV -in a <lrcision lhC',\ h:ive p rohnbly rued f'Vt'r i;inrf' •·hn~1· a ft1·r If. .1·£>ars 1o 1Jrop th1• l.a11r1·rH·1• \\'1·lk ~ho111 lrnrn 1\s 1H71 f:dl l1u1'UP Ill' n1t·1·1 1111 Fl'(' dt·n1and f111 rl•t hlt't'(t JH'ltlll'·lillll':-ho11 :-l.1I Y.;J)I l h.'.i l .. :11nl' ;iud lt•nt't' lhHI 1'1'1•:1tt«I an u111·oa1· of ht .. ltll ll' µ11f))llr!1n11 s '!'ht·,· ll<'fl' tlll't'll,~t'd ;It lhl' p!'t'!-<l't.'I'\ 01 II;! lung1•r 111•111~ abl1• In S('I' h1111 1·n11•rj.!t· 11t•,.kl'' (1·11111 IJt"h1nrl a srr1•t•n uf huh lil.·s, i)(1pp1n>: h t~ niuuth llkt· :i botllt· rork In one of !host• oulr:ttll'OllS j.?in1 m1c ks tha t only he st~e1ns to get awtiy \\ Li it °''°' /\fr. \r1~11c I "Ah·Onr. Ah·T,1·0" quoles a fan as Yiriltng l: ~l.'t'r11S<.1111r- 00111119lll /or '111• J)(ZJI l611ror11my 1111/t' and ' I lia rt' had o rla/1' 11·11/t )loll i'/111 .11·1.~ up 111,· mrd tnhlt' 111 flltr ll r1nQ rnn1n irith 1'fH1dll'.~ Q1Jrl fU14-.•r3. 01id teC col ou r ff1mtf"r 1h11r1' "'•f prr11·11d 11•1~ "''' 111 thi: /-\1/lf1rl111n1 /Jul '"~''" Ir! //til/1111v11ll II 1"rt' ""' lllllUI!/ tl'(I/ 11, .. r,• hul 1•1·1·r11 l1 nto ' ""11ror('/h:,,/ru Jlull1.~ 11 rl1n11 ,. fr111t• I 0111/1' /:,·r It• d,1111, I 11.·o"" 1ilrllSt' -d11r; I lul,t• r!IH ,.;11/11r,f,u111111111 d111t" 111t'lllJ /r1111r 11s ' llt· fl'l'1•11 1•d ;i n 1ncrl'd ihle one 1nil-' lion letters and l'<1rtl.~ likt• that 1n lhe spact:" of a (('v.' \\£>eks. IA>e;1] st:ition' y.·<'re ('nJ!ulfed \\'1th phone ca lls (the Los Angeles oullet recorded some 7.000 in one Y.'cf'kend/. (;rouJ)s ehi1>· ped in a nd rcntC'd hillboard s1>:.1t·c to · ;.1dvert1sc l hc·ir indi.l!oation. J\1otices ,,·t•nt up on t·hurt·h hullt•t111 OOarrls ;.1cruss t ht' land. 'fhe shO\\ ':-. t1 u1ek r·11n11·rs1on lu s~n die:nion t1o;1{"h slallon bu~ 1ng the pru,cr<1 m s cparntely 1 1 .. ~1n epic suc- c·c~s storv in 'f \' ;:1 n n<1t~. ··\\'t•'rc sct·n on n1ore t<'le,·isiun station.~." says F;1rr<'ll . "th:in a n,· olhi:'r s ho\\" in :\'.o rth Amer1ea. Our :iudienct.' is t'!>.lt1nall'd at 37 1 ~ million. It 's mUl'h IX'ttt•r than it \\':IS on thc> net\1·ork." Putting togethe r the progra m 's musical ra mily ~::in C'hullicnt, bright · l'.l'<'rl company y,·ilh :ilmosl ·fixcd smill'S o n their atlract i,·c ract.'s :ind \'oief'S that sound as if pi!dded in \"Cl l"ct -is one of the St.'{"rcts or \Velk 's !'UCl'<'SS in re g ain i n g that T \' prominenl"e. "I l l A\'E Al'\' inborn lalen1.·· hee"· pl:Hns. "I ean size up a 1>Crson, <1 nd al lhe end of se,·eral month~ or \e ars it SC<'ms I have pretty much fi~u-rcd jus t \\'h<ll 1\·ould happf'n to him . I donl seem to make n1any m1Sli1kes. l\la ny or our·proplt-I hu\'C l'-Otn(•l,,oy<'"' onl ~ talked lo for four or fi\'C minute~. It's the t ype or j)l'Ol>le they arc, whul kind Qf philosnphil's the~· hnvc . As a rule 11'hl'n U1t•r ll'll .1·011 \\·hat lhl·1r pa rt.'nl s ;u·1•1t.1i n.l!. I kn111\ it'1'gnod "If n1~ au1licn1·f' Sl'l'~ :-.omt•ont' and lht·~· ::;;1y •(;t•1•. th:1t hny rl•minds mr of "ur ~on. ur Lh al J!Jl'I n1~· dauj!htc r. · 11·t'H . th a t ·s :i l'l usl•-knil lhin.u . 'l'l'lt•\ 1!'.11011 i.;; ;1 \·t·r.v er1fi{'a1 111 s1run1cnt. ;111d it's ;1m;11.inJ! ho y.· lhe p1.·oplt' tan an:11 _,·z1' someone 11 nd t onlt' ve ry c losl' lo 1\·h<il they r11illlY art· ··1 th i nk 11·1· 1·ou ld impro \'C . trll'\ 1-.10 11 and ust• it for erlucation, tn ht·lp turn 1ht· n ;1 t1 on around. I tli·finitt~ly fr('l that fnun yf'al" lo year \11· ha\'1.' golll''* ;1 liltlt· hit uul or h:llanrc in m :1nv difff'rt'nl Y.'OJ\'S. I 1l11nk th1.• go1·ern.n11·nt 1s too biJi :ind !ht· Pt'UJl]l' too s tnall. :ind 11 should l1C the oppos i1 1·. ·rh1• unions art? 100 1M111l'l'ful 1'h1.· "l'huols arf' nut of h.1L1 11cc. ··To a l;1ri;:1• t•x t t'nl lht·y h:t\'C takf>n (;od oul of the :-1·hools. 1'ha t ·s lhe most JMi\1t•rf11I t hing !hf' wnrllj h:1!f ever h;ul. Fo r those or us folks that live Ull In f:od 's laws -y,•e build :1 ve ry good natio n. But "'he n y.·e go oul and 1•\·1•ry hody h as his ny.•n formal. \llC b1•t'1Hllt' !l inful You ean ll'ltlk a1 th{• P<llll'r$ ;nit\ "l'l.' \\'h ill hap1x-11s. "Tll 1-: Kl llS r\ l'l I·: rlol t:.n1 J:!h1 l'arl~ 111 llff' th;11 hnn1·sty is !ht• l)l'Sl polfC'Y So \1 hen th('y go a h\'ad and ~l c·al :1 hi Ill' h1l. tht•\' r1·ullv think lh1·1·\1• j,lul :-.utne1 h1n~ for no1l;1ni.: ·· · llu\1 ;11Juut rn1·k"' •· 1 th ink ii ·, d\•\ r 11111•11! .d 11 S('t·n1" In hn ni.: p1·oplt' to u:-l' dopt• and oth(•r thint.::' of thal ly p!· and pern1is sivcness or n1any d ifferent klndi.. ll's no t a healthy C'ond ition for the nation. l\ly f:t\'tlritc snn J,!s :ire lhl• one~ that hJ \'C a .nice mt'"lody tt nd nice chord st rurture. "l \•t' brl•n brouJ,t hl up in n1u~il' and kllOY.' :11l 1 ~·1M's. 11 ·s som1•thing I lear· 111'{! h) pln ~·1n ~ c111t· nlj!ht ht•rc and one nlJ!hl lht•rl', I ft ·rl l \'I' lx't'll :1 fnr· l11u,1t1· n1 :111 l11·1·:111~f' 1·1\·1· h.u l the 111·111h•)!1' of ht·~nJ.: 1-.101· I >o1111 11I,\ li:ul tu 1101 I., :11111 I ha<I :i 1·h:H1t'l' lo 1t·:1r11 day .1r1 t·1 d ,1~ '!'hat k1111I of lt':1r ll lllt! 1 ~ \t·r~ d1 frl1.·1dl lui.:rl 111 :-.<·hool ·· " .. Being poor" in his terms is no idle .o;tutt"ment. It m eant birth in o C-arm- house m ade or :iod, which his Ger : man-immlgrunt rather had carved into bricks with his own hands, Crom the· North Dakota prairie soil near Stras burg. Welk can remember bowls or bread and milk for supper -"It's back on my diet now," he told me. laughing, "'That's what 1 had this morning Cor breakfast" -:ind long hours in the fields lhe once set a 15- hour recor d for pitching wheat) .. •lis real mus ical career probably" sta rted th'e day he got up the nerve to ask his father for a staggering $400 loan to buy a professional accordion, promising four years' work o.n the farm and all music<il earnings in return. From then on, his waking lime was divided between begrudged field work and playing music at the festivities that "'ere constantly taking place in that Old World· New World .S.QIJl · munily. It was dinner music, waltzes and polkas, polkas, polkas. People cel'ebratcd all night as the marathon music poured from the stage where Lawrence was pumping furiously away, a tall 17-year·old with dark hair parted in the middle and slicked down. · T"·enly.one years old a nd deter- mined lo leave the farm, Lawrence had to face a sternly disapproving f a ther who predicte d -in a stereotypical scene -that he would be home in s ix weeks. hungry . defeated. and r eady to resume fe1rm lif(' 'fhcre v.·erc t 1 mes O\'Cr the next fe y,• years w hen he a lmost decided his father h ad been right. For one thing, he had to learn English. and didn't really s peak it until he was 21 . Paydays \\•ere often overlooked in the bands he joined. In the bleak little "inland •' ('·far·from-lhe railroad ") (owns they toured, he'd rap on a. fri endly-looking door and ask to set his cot up in their backyard, ofte n get: ting s upperin the bargain. E\'en after forming his own first small band lcalled "The f-lots y·Totsy Floys" at one poinl l. he subsisted lar1:cly on m ilk and nickel lyes . nic kl'l I han1 hur~c rs Some hnlls were so c.'Old the <1p- plause had a ghos tly muffled sound - bee::iuse the audience was clappinJ: v.·ith mitlf'ns on. ANO ins BRIEF tour of Texas was !!trai g ht out o f a TV Western. Sometimes \Velk and his boys had to hit the floor as bullets whin ed o\'C'rh cad l'l"om gunfights in the danc<' :irca. There \\ t'rc triumphs. too, such a s the time ht' a rri\'ed back at the !arm in a shiny touring car and a pocket slu!fed wilh bills. About those "'ho still scoff al his homey im<ige, \Velk says, "I've h ad more t han my s hare of people poin- ting out the good things in our life, rather than people lha l might make Cun of m t• 11·ith the y,•ay I talk -· · the 'ah-one. :1h·t"·o· business or the 'y,·unn erfu\, y,·unner r u l .' It's som ething r can't do anything about. ::ind I really don•t y,·a nt to." Those also happened to be the seo- liments of the Dodge r.-lotor Company. As TV sponsors, they decided the Welk-ah voice-a h y,·as just what they wanted. and on June 22, 19SS. his net- "·ork show pre miered as a summer re_e l 11 ~r-mPnl . Its ratin1ts rose sle3dirY. and' that fall Dodge spon- sored it :is ;.1 regula r-season s hOI''. DUR IS(; T llE NEXT 16 years. that intuition ;i houl performers e;ime in handy for inst ance, the lin1 e son I.arr~' broug ht home a quartet of .~chnoli..:i rls \vho c alled lhemsC'lvcs the Len non s i.-.t ers and insis led Dad :1 11ditio11 lht·n1 nn !he s pot !they bctarnc his biggest stars fur several years). "I think if m or e orcheslras would piny music that people lik<'. ~·e would ' ha\'C as n1any orcheslras as y.•e have movies." \\.e lk eluims. ""l'ha t 's ;1 n 1ntcrf'sllng point. It k1ntl uf lakes you around to An1crica. \\'hy don't we t•ontinue to build America · the y,·ay it used to be'.' \Vhen 1~1e cam e -O\'CI' here lhe ra mily y,•as a ve ry im· portnnt it1·1n . Children "·ere a llO\\t'd lo 11•o rk 111 those days. No111 "'e make l<tws lh:1t the y aren't a llov.·ed to work until they 're 18. \\'c say •\Ve can't help ~·-0u . r hildrC'n. \'ou go over there to st'hool and Lhey 'll teach you to-make a living.' ··nut 11·hat they t each in school is not as valuable ns learning it in a f:i n1ily syslcm. 1'hey never have a <"hantc '\' \l'_nrk and find som elhinl! lhl'.\' t'Pal ~ ltk\· lo do. I rea lly feel \lie IHl\'t• to J!U batk ((1 tht: f;_irnily :;yslcm ··"fhi~ 1s Y.'hy I fl•CI so strongly aboul \1hal 111•'rt· 1lo1ng 111 our Ot'Ches tr.:i th{' r1'1'hlll! v.'e h<i\l' and 1h.., mus iral (;11n1ly I r1:u lly ()(•lit:Ye lh!J syslcrn <"fluid bl' us('t l c1'l'l',\'whcrc . In a ramilv y11u J(l\'t' lht·o1 lore. :-h ;1re th~ business with thl'm. and they get"µaid on whut th(>y earn. not 1ust, on an hourly or weekly basis. "The re~son 1 brOURhl in f3ccor- dlo nist ) ~t yron Floren and George Cates (musical dlrtttor J. • .'Is that I'd like lo crr111e an orchestra -.-nd thi~ 15 something that's ne ver been don" · thul 1·01ild confinue In CMSC ~nl t'"I htni.: hap1x;netl to mt . '"fh1• only probhnn I hu\·t•, .. l1r ,..,;11d, \111 h ii Ion~. rC'flC('\ i\'l'-l:Jugh, "1~ th<i t I •-.111 ·1 f 1nd ;i 11.\ n1lc \\•ht1 ·s hcen out 1.tw>rl' :~1 .\ l·:ir:;; bc>111i.t k lt·ke(I arounrt •• • PUNCH #<Jrwu thanks to you chat my first marriage was a flop and it's thanks to you tMt this on•'s • flopl" So1ne 'Gift' Woman Cleared In Pot Pickup LEESBUJ{G , Va. (UPI ) -ti.1rs. ~1 ozella Abney, G4 , had just p icked up the · "gift" at Dulles lnte r 4 national Airport when it all started to happen. Somebody lold hl•r to go i nto a b ac k room. A policeman arrested ht·r. She was t a k l'n lo jai l. Som ebody to ld ht·r tht· ·packa gt' c11ntained "Nigerian hmOkl' .. 0 'NIGERl1\N S~I OKt:", poli ce said. is a l>O"'erful \'aricly o r m arijuana . fltr s . Abnev said ~h 1• agreed to go to lhc :iirJ>Qrl lo pie~ up what s he thought was a 'gift t ab le from Nigeria-from a frie nd of her gtand dau g htc r, Yvette . Ransom. She said the fr iend. Christia n lffjokowl. 24 . o f ·Takoma Park, ~1d .. gave her $354.53 to pay s hipping costs . 1'1 R S . A B NI·:\' \11:1-. (·harj!cd \vith inlt·nt l o dislribute the mariju<1n;.1 and was jailed overnight in. 1 the Loudoun County J ail in Leesburg. police h<1Vt' i,ss uc·d ;1 Kibbitlz Relitru I Tf<~L AVI\' (A l'' 1\n Israeli court ruled that " woman \\'ho di vorces ht•r husband on :1 ki bLutz cullc1·· 1i1·c rarn1 and moves ay,•a v is f'nlilled to :iii mony pe1id collectively by the kibbutz. ~l£>n1bers of i1 kibbu\1 usually have little mone,9'of 1h(·ir 01111 . 1-:\·1•ryt hin~ 1:- 011nrd and paid rnr l'Om n1u n;1 ll~ -... \\:1rr:1 nt for ihl· :irrl'~l of l ffjoko1v L ~lr s. t\bney dc sc ribed hin1 a s a \Ve ll ·dresscd boy ··w ho secmf'd like a ~ood boy lo ntc." She said he o ft en told her sh£> rrn1i ndcd him or hli; i:;randmolhl'r in !'\igeria ··1·n1 innotent. 'fht',\ !ricked ml'. I li1 c 111 a good nt•ighborhood <tnd I dun"I kno\\ 1\•h al !hf';.'\\ l'l'c try iu~ t11do.··she~;iuJ ,\U T ll OR J 'l'l•~S 1:-..: Loudoun t;ounly agrc\·d that ;\11'~ ,\bnf',\" \\':1s :111 innocent \·iC'1 in1 of a smuggling schc n1e. Martini, Not Whey, 01i M e11u l '(lLt.t:c; E PAHK. :tid i L·P11 -!\!other Goos1• ~aitl Little P.l iss l\luffe t .s<1\ on he r tuffel eating her l"Urd~ and y.·hc) bul Univers it) of l\laryland SC'll'nliStS S:l,\ :-.he could ha\•c ha d OJ mar lini instead Dr .. Joseph l\l a U1 ck: s:.ud !>.t'ienlists a t the ca mpus ha\" producf'cl :1 1 asl.\' and 1·1t;1niin.fillt·d "ll'llh11l11· ht•1·cragl' fr11n1 \1 hl'1 ''\.f)U ('A.:"-< ~l :\1\1·: a ~ood martini out of ti .·· ;1dded Mattil·k. a dairy scientist at the unil'ersity. Whey. a biproclu t·t of eol l uge cheese prorl ut li1u1 , can be n1ad c into a p:ilc y('llow \1 ine that l\T all iek s;iid is ··rath<.'rdry, l1k1· ;1 el11:111ti" lie added th at \\llC~ is hh!h· in pro1 c io . laetu:-.f' l1nilk ~ui:::i r l n1111cra l-. ;111d r1bof1 a\·1n 417 Pounds Shed 'Big Bill' S111all e r l'llH·r l·I U HON. J\lirh. li\P l "'Hig Hill '. LCl't'r ton could ne\1er squt·cze inw ;1nylhing: until h1• bc('ami: one-t hird the n1an he used tu "". "I couldn't go :1 ny,,·here. r didn 'I fit. IJoors, c·hairs the "'orld around me \l'i.1" too small." !i :lid \Vill iilm l.c1•crton. 57, after s hf'dding 4li pounds in 31 n1o nlhs "I look in a m ir ror :u1rl 11 ·s likc> l ook i ng a t :1 stranger," said \ht· G-foot :1 l.t•verton . eheckini.t in al 2Zl pounds l ... :Vt:RT()N, i\ i\lif'hll:•nl llighy.·a y Dep<1 rlm rnl in spector . "ei~h1•d 1~10 pound.-. oo April :1, 197 2, :i nd u a.;; told by h1 )1 1·11111111.vf'r 1" rechJce. "~l y job \\';JS a l sl;1kt'.., said Levert.o n, \I ho has ~t'I ._. rinnl we ight i.;o:d of 200 pounds. Leverton said hP l r1t·U n111 n y n1<>tho 1l s to 1 0~1· Y.'l'lQ:hl ev1'n h.,:ri nosis "l !nd f'I' h.\'llnos ii;;, I drunk 12our11·cs nf i.;ra 1Jc JUi<'(', un. ""'(•et cnl·d . ror Sl'\'<'r :il Y.'<'l'ks. 1"od1r.11. I t•un"I i'\'t.'11 louk <11 a ).!rupc" .. h1· )1:1111 .. \'Oll ("1\N 'T 11n 11g11u· y,•hut I 11 c nt lhro111:h. \\!hen I weiJJhcd G40. I had a 7•1· inch waist. It '5 now 42 in ches. I liter:1\l y wore lhc-- blggt?sl p3nt5 11nd s hirt In the \\'Orld. I had to ordl'r llrlem from u fit·ull storr 111 l:hirugo lll S~O u 1'et. And lhO!'!C Wt•rc jus t ~r101..v lookin~ "ork t:ln1h,)I. \I> nrrk w:is 22 il1C'h('s f"oy. 1r ... lt1 1nl'hcs .. Mv !>Oil U!.l•cl (II lltl\'l' lo pul. 11!1 m >' s<11:k,.; and tif' n11' ~h0t.·~ I 'd Y.'nlk 40 f111·I anti be out or brt"ath I 11 a.-. ,, 01isonofCC1t.'" In ~1ov.-rnbcr l!li2. l.1•\t·r ton joi nc>d lh(• \\!t·ighl \\"al 1·h1'rs pro).!ran1 lie bt:i;:an In cal three t·ar.c full.v sclt.'elctl :ind mt•:isurecl rne:tls ;1 da}. \V h i 1· h in t 1 u 11 l·11 u 11 t' l<ihlcs poon of rnayonn1J1.,t.>. \·egetahlc oil o r murg:1nnc . 16 ounces or skim milk; rivl' fruit!'! or fruit juices : ro11r e111>s of ra11' or I \VO C'llll'i of 1·uokcd )?rt'l'll 1·c.l!t'lahl1·.-. tour ounres or ;1 1t·1luu 1egetahll' and four siir1•s ol bread . lie lo~t an <l \'1·r:.1gt• ol :1 3 1Xluntls eut·h 1vt•ck 1.•:rf:K'fO"\'S \\'1-: .. :Kt.\' (hf'I nn1\ 1111.'ludt•.; ll\1•1 UllC{'. fi.,h fl\'1• timl':-, lx•c f I hr1•t• 11 nlt'"~ ;111d four' i'Hl!~ '!'ht• \V elizhl \V:i1 t·hl'r.-. 11rga niz111 ion s:i ~ :-Ll'vf'r Ion's Y.'Cii!hl loss 1.-. ;1 l'l'('ur'd. topping t'lort!nce J arr~"' of Ne w 'li'nrk , y.•ho 1Jt·op1kd ahout 335 po11n1ls in lhl' l:1tt· 1 nGOs. Judge ·Hll ~ 11 Prob le 111 FUl\USll l l\l 1\ .• l;:1pan t1\P1 -1'he t·hic r jud~l' .or th e f'ukus hi111a distrirl ('ourt w~i s l'orccd to rC'slgn t1f1e r ht' "'Lis euught sho plifllnA $3.1 'A'Orth or t:ood ~ frOn\ u s upermark e t th rce u·ccks ugo. p0llel' !j;a id. The Send:1i hli.1h "uurt '.'!Ui d 1hr indi.tr "a<;, nol pl-Olietul1•d hcruu:-r hf' "Hs 111rnl:lllv 1listurl.11•d rrun1 (11er"·Ork a l 1h1· Ii mr nr I he in<'idt'nt •• ' 'Middle Man' Gets Jail Term r\nnt'llr J-'unicellu. child ;1clr(·ss 1n tclc,·is ion ·.., ··~tickey 1\luusc Club .. , J:li:l\'t' birlh 111 Uurbank to her third child. 3 )on n;.unctl J a5-un iUichaf'I (iilardi. l\liss Funicello, one of the origin:il "~luu~kelccr)" of 1he Dis nl'Y telcl"ision series and a ft'aturcd :1<·t ress in :i ,_core of movit'S. I) the \1·if•· (Jf a2cnt Jack Gilardi. • Ca r o lin f' K r nned ), d espitt· a ,,c rie s u1 traum;,itic t·\·ents in hl'r · .\oungt•r ~l'i.lt':-. ha~ tx-con1l· .. an L'Xlrcn1cl y nicl.'. l ':'\ 1reml'ly 1nl£·lli ~cn1 ~·oung "'oma11 \\'ho or1ly \\;.I.fl." tu lead a 11orn1al lift· ... says :111 .:1r1 1cll' 1n r.JcCall ':- l\J ;1g<1zine Carolin<·. 17 . \\ orked a:-;i n · unp:1!d intern l:i st sun1mer for he r uncle, .S('n . Ed"·ard Kenned~·. "If vou didn't knoy,· \\'ho she \\·;i:o;, ~·ou couldn't tell.'' a Kcnn~dy st aff ml'mbcr :-aid in the article. "]'l;o one made a particular fuss O\'cr h e r . .~he did \\hat el·eryonl' e\:o;e did. laking part in ull pro~rams .·· • Some 350 p1t'C l'!' of ·rub "TllE t 'RLrr OF my e:'\· pcrien<:e has this bitter .:.ii tcrtast('. th.:.it I do not no"· belie\'e that .:.i n y one of the hundreds of executions I t:arried out has in any u·ay at·ted ;JS a dt.·terrcnt <ig:iinst future murder. Capital punishment. in my ,·it'u·. achieved no lhini; cxrepl re\'L'ngc. lie still believe:. hanging 1s "the ntost humane and lhc most dignified method of n1 cting out. dei;th to a d e lin<1uent. ho\rc1·cr justified or unjustifi<•d thl' ~llolment of de<.1lh ma~' ht'." But he· s-.id he ne ver fell ··1he :-li g htl's t pl'rson:1I :-ati:-faction in the judic ial (•nding of :1 nolher m an·s life," ' PI ERREPOl~T. 68, livcs in Southport. a resort on the west coast of England. Both his fat'h<'r and a n uncle ..,.,·ere executioners. and t\lbcrt ht'c.ime one "·hen he u·as 2·1. J~e hanged 433 men and 17 u·omen. earrying out nlorc j udicial d eath sc ntt'Jl<:t·~ than 01 ny cxccutionel' in British hfstory. Rt•c alling the famous ki l· \<'1'-" he led to the scaf(old. he \1rote: "'l'he thought thal ktpl occurring to ffi(' later Exa111 Fraud ('apilol l"e\~os Scr\'icc SACRA~! F.NTO -The :.talc Board of Optometrl" Department of Consumer :\ffairs. h:1s re\·o ked thl' license of llarold Tower of S,i{l Di~~ ~w• f\ul:l'tlv/l ~f the Hu:.incss and Profes s ions Code. '76 Possibilitv • High Court OKs Ruli11 PUBUC 1'0Tll'E • 1J1:-in bel on gin~ lt1 lier. mann Go l'rin g, ,\dolf tlitl"r 's right·hand man. ;ire up for :-ia le and tht'r('·s hardly ;.1 S\\'aslika 1:1n1ong 1heni. The objects ranGt' from delica te porrrlain h1 nuT"sery rhymes. 'fhc pril·atc otrl c.:oll<:ction · of Goering. m;;i r s h:1I of th(' Third Heich ;i nd heild of the );azi L11ft\\':tffc , ,,·ill be !ht• 'Walter Undecided' to Run. By DI CK \fF.~T n1ain :.ittraclion :1l an :iue · tion in l\1un1l'h Friday. 1'hc :-l:t lC o f l!a,·aria \\'ASl-II NGTO~ ~UPI\ Anyont• \\'ho kno\\·s \\'alter F. ~londale knO\\'S he is run· stort•d c;o1.•rit1.Ll 's 11·.irtin11· I I ·r ning fnr pti•:o:idt·nt. boot.1' :11\( 1 il' gi l:-J!lll'n 10 1 .. 11,, 1roublf' i:-, outsiclc h1rn h,1 lop '\;lti ~ 1"1' 111" 11f ~1 u111t•so1a. l11 s hon\l' <lt'~·;i de... t h IJ istncl or "\\\•it• ).!lll tu u:-1• IHJ\I ~~~\1l~~1 ~~~'. \llhl~·l't' he i:--g:tin· fllf !hi:-ruhhi:-h.· :-a i 1 ol 1 :1 fu\Ji· ('nlplOl't'd a:-a l '.S :-p okt•:-.nl ;1 11 foe' 1<' • • Ba\;i 1'ia n l\lini .,lr\ .,r -:-t•n:1tor , o nl y ;1f)'!u1 10 f•ultui't•. pt.'opll' kno\\' \Vallt•r ~. \\\011 :\.flL'r hi:-Snake Hl\'l'I' C..:<lfl\'1)11 fi:i sc o, •~\'f'I Kni ~\'f'l 's n ext cl eal h · dcf~·ing leap will be by prox~·· t\ Japan t>Sl' proniotcr nn- noun<'t•cl thal Knic\·<'I u·lll tour J a11:in n<'X l April :lnd l\la\' :11111 \1°hil L' lhert' \1ill t1':11'11 ;_i .lap:tnl'St' ~luntrnan 10 .111mp a ,·nlc•:1nn, .ll'I ltl h1· St'll'l'll'CI l\tll('\•t•I. tl\1':11111 hi11•, II di rnnftn1· h1n1 .. r lf l11 iu111piui-: 1•11r .. :incl 1r·u1·k:-, 111111·~:-: ;ir rnn!:t'llh'nts (':tn ht• 11nl'kt•r1 11111 for a :-k~ 1·~ l'h• 1;iult111·t·1· lh<' IX'ak ol ~lount 1:1111. • Qnf' o( f1>;1ne<'':-11oml'n (:ubin<'l ITi t>mllers rli!"russcd ,,·omen':-i r1g htl'I in thr \\'hitc• tlousP "Ith I h<• to1,.ro1nkin,:t \\'Om;Jll Ill Jhr ll.S . J:O l't'l'n 111C'rll. U111h t'Xj'l't'l'l.,<'d th<' n Pt'<I l'r11· j:('llin ~ mort• 11,~nl<'ll Tnto p11Ji1.·~ niakln:z \1fl,.\t1n11:-. Pr<'s 1d l' 11 I 1;i I l 'n11 n:-1'lt1T' \nnt• ,\r111 .~1 rn11~ 1·nt1•r 1:1111t'<I •·1·ant•ni:-r t11ro1ul, >ll'('l't'1:tr\' nf St;\11· l11r 1111' .('(ut(lit1oi1 f1t \\'oni.·n 1n lh1· .-. t'1·1•nr h t •;1 h1111•1. dalt'. {;ivt•n the pr€'St'lll pubtit att 1! udf' tow a rd 1>0lil h·ians in gt.•nt·ral, anunyn'l'ity rould he a big help in ~londalc's c.impaign. BUT llE FEt:l.S that hy and large his C'h;Htt<'l'I of ~'inning \hf" {)cn1orrallt: 11on1h131\on \\Ou ld he bt>th•r if mort' voterl'I \1 t'l't' a11•art• of his <':<islcnel' Sn hi' spends a.-. n1ut•h Hmt• <.il'I po~s ihlt' n1akin,i.:. puhh1· a ppt•a r~1nt'1'S 111 :.ut·h 11111 Of·lhl' 11 :1,I lll:Jf'Cl'I :t:- Nl'W ll:1m1>:>h1rl'. \~'1:o:t'o11s1n .ind other pr (·std1'nli:ll pl'in1ary ~tut t'l'I \\lhich is doing it the hard way. An c::isier w::iy lo ovf"r come the reco gn ition problem was s ug,i::rsted b~ a l't'('t.'nl G:.iltup Poll ratinA the populnrily of \•ariuus Ot'mo<'r a t1 c prc:c;idPntial hopefuls "nt'r ~cn;ltur Kl'n- llL'(ly \\ ilhdrc1v fron1 lhc rat'('. T iit: P lc:R ff:NTAC. .. :~ lht'I\ :-l<H.KI ;u~ follo\\S' \\';ii l at'l' 2i. ~1 (•(:1)\l'rn Ii . 1'1ur-.~it' ti, .la ('.ksnn 111. ~Ii· ('arlhi. i. l1roxn1ir1• !1. ~h)n .. da le 2: u1ictc<"idl'd 11. So if I \\'f're J\l ondalc nnd "·nnlccl to u1>grnde m.v runkini; 1 \l'Ould :;imply go to c11urt :ind h:ivt> mv nanl{' c'halij:!t'tl lo \\':d1l•r ·..-t:n cll'{'idt•d . 'f'hL' iln1n·o\ l'lllent 1\ould bt• 111stanlancou:-. .. 1s 1·0111 part•d lo lhl· J.!l'oidual huildup he 1·<111 f'Xl.lCl'I to ;1t•hiC'vc under his pre:-.e n1 ll:ltlh', 11'11'1EDl1\Tf:L\'. a:-~ou can .-.cc. h(' "·o uld vuult inlo, riflh p lace a head of J\·lcCar- NAME CHANGE? Sen : Mondale lhv. fJroxmire and his old scif. And that is only the beginning. As \\'<iltcr f-'. Undc<'idcd, l\lond:ilc \\'Ou ld have i"o things going for him. ·rhing i'\o I /\:-:i can1· p;.ugn \\t'ars tin, n1ort• and nior(· \'Oll·rs h ;1ve trouhte \,\GHT£/f SIDE ·rhing No. 2 is the well· .,. k110,1·n band,~·:igon eff('rt. \\'hen t ht• ,·o tcrs :-ec L'n- AUIO CAii(, 'q~o H;tfbcl• 81•<1 , Co1ti M~~·· (AhfDfl'Ui q1'16. ~O~!I& 5<hUll, •JI~ W. l:fl!h ~I .. ll~W!"<>fllf', C.•lllO<n••1 90110 cl c• c iii{' d '~ popul:iril y ~ll':1rh lY rii;in g, n1a11y of thc1n \\'ill say 111 lhf'lll · :-cii·t·s ... llf'y .1i1is f:U~ n\ust l'l':tlly h:t\'l' so n1t·ll11nf! ·· Th" b11\•llt~\ I~ tonciu~l~d llv ~" iflll•.,tlu.1! lt°'41ta .xnull lh,, ''•ten""I "''' 111•t1 w•lfl .,,. tountv Cl,•> 111 !;)••nn~ (nuntv on OtlOlll'• " 101 , PUBUC NOTICE MOfttli O' IMTllllDEO ll(l,lllTY IMTf!•IOST AG•f.EME'lt 1s.u. ,,,141u u .c .c.1 ~e. I~ htfftf iflff" IO C~<llW ... "'-_,,... ~ -·· '"" . ~ 1111eo1f I' II\-111 • m..c1C ttl """'°"'' "'-"" htrtltolllff del>Cflb-... 'fht -"'4 .... ~ .... lo llddre• iot "" ~ ot111or1 "'' EblJCATlONAl OATll. 'S.T,STl:M~, INC., 11'11 Sty Pi•-CM'd~. t<•int. Calltofflla ttto1 T ... ,..,,,.,. t.lld ,,,,,.;...,,_, 4:Nll''.S OI lllol lnl•-~~"" '••ty ••e TRAN~ wi:sr Ol~COVNT C0111:P ' '1SI Wosht•• lllV<f., BfYtrl, 1111 I •, c.i1~r11i• ,,n1:. 11\i.t "" ~'-"" "e"''"'~' hc!<'clf I~ ~Kri~d In Ol•u•I ,,,. 1,1•'ul•h· ~u~,,. .. ,.,,...tn..tldl~1. \. qy •11m 1 "'. m.i<:Pllr11"'• 1..,.n11vtt, llllutr>< a!c. 11n:I k IO(fk~ et: Hfll Sii~ P.llr~ Cltd~. ''"'""· c.111,,,.,,. o:C11. l M I ci.o W!d !.t<.!JfllY mt!"ra::I 9IJl'ff> fnllftl 16 mleM!ta lo De ""'~,...,.,,..~,.., a11i.. otlke o! !RANS \'IEST 01!.CO\JNT CORP., ~}~ W1!,.,l•o Blvd., &e-IV Hillo. c wi11.,,.r. 'it?11 on "' •lt•1 Ne-~. 1914, Sa I~ •~ L •.--G..,, 1, c.old lnlf)nded !.<!cu""<I p.,..,,. ~•"' '·"<nota Oebt(I ulf<I lhe k>llewl11<1 ..i.tit!()o\l>I .,.,_..,_ narnes untt .-••. -Wllft,ft 11>$ lhr(G ~wn l~<! 11.:1. NONE ll•lt<I Ocl'lt>er U, H1' Tl<At:~ WEST OISCOUNT CORP So; F··~ F uc .... •h Tr•~ IMcl'IOtd ~U•«I P111v P lltll!:hea O>ur.g>e C'.r;J 0•1lp P•lcl, 0clGl~U 2l. )91' .216·16 PUBLIC NOTICE ttOTICli 0' NON·•ES"OflSJ~llllY tolo!kf is "••ebv n•~e" •n.01 '"" .,.,. de'rs;9""<1 Wiii IOOI be •e>Pi:o"lt;l>le IOI' 11nv <ltblS or tl~bl1itle1 CO<olrK•tS nv 1nv""" oiner ,~.., m\">ell, on <.r •lftf "''' <l•I<!. O•led lh~flh ci.v ~I O~!Obtt, lf1', llETIV CAll SON Jll Collet" Pl.o<e Co•t• l.lt•i · Cal,l;)"ni1 •1'27 Publ<>lo<a 0•-~ Cg~~! Da•ly Pilot. OC.t'lt>er 1~. 11, 2~. 191• Ji'l'1·11 -----------P UBLIC NOTICt: NOTICE 0' TlllUSTEl:'!o SAi.i. l•~ .... ··~ii T.S. lite. 111/f_, Wlldnesoay, Octobel 23. 197• PL'BUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS l !JSIHl!ll N•MI IT•TlMllHT .,.,. ti>lltwl""i! per-..,. Cl. I fl 0 ""'*'"' .. ,~ THll GREEM 'TOE, '"~ N-1 e1w , c .... ""'*'· '•· "m wwrw. w. Fircv. n~ •lJ1 c- COfl• L•-Hlllllil'IOIDll IU(JI. Cal, ,,.. DoMI L...-l'hly, 10Cll1 (ttl Cot• ,..., 1.-. Hllrllln11°" 8e.1c"-c..i. n~ Jllllft •. Ollllfd. nu ~Wi11 Cit-,. Cott• "°''"' C•I. •ltl6 L l"4• M. O•IOrd, li'fJ Hil< • .l.11 (1t,. Co~lt Mtu. c.11. •1111 Tl>!a buoir>Cth •• ~!:d 11V" ~·t•<"I PIUl~r>hlP. Llfl<lt M. Odoro TM• ,i11tm1"1 .,,, '11f<I l"•Tn 11.~ Counly (.Ju~ DI ;)r.,i,,c. L•llftl>' on Oclot>v 1, 1~11, F.l"U Pub~,t>~d ()<....,~ C' I t T!~·l• p,,.,, l)(;.lllt>U ~. I/;, ~l :o. II,. ¥1.:J /4 P11t>l1•1>r<! °'"""~ C•1.t OC.IOOff '•I~, ll. :;D. 1;1~ FJ1'-ll o. ly , . .,,,, .•110-1• PUHi.iC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 11us1·1;;:ss NA ME S1'ATEM ~'IT l "t to!!o"''"ll ~., '"" ,._ , ,,,., t~:·~t~$ "' F Utll'll "'"lllllE "'6~1 l'''l>C Ldo~n· N1f1<'CI ( ,,,.,., .. ' •l61/ Jo"n H I ..,11, •. ' ~!C J""10n M•,..•on V"tO, C"'<l(·~td "'t'~ r.d .. Th,. ''""'·•.·· i· <o~au,l•J t v ~" 111<1•.,dU~I J~hn t• r vllrr ·~ Tht' .,.,,.,.,,.~! ,.,,,, h lia ,._,,~ Co""" c11,1 1-r cr .. nce CotJMv u. !IP1tm~r 11. UU Publ;cMd Cl•'""" Cel I Oc-r 1, '· I•, lJ, ltU FllKl o •• tv Pile•. Jo/~·11 ftR<;I Cll.LIF0t;1NIA TITLC COMPAN Y ..,. "'"' <1ppolnted hu•lee Ul'<lt• I~ 1<1110.,lft.O ~"tN!O Oeed DI tru1t Will SELL AT PU8LIC AUCTI ON 10 Ht[ HIGl-IEST StOOt;fit FON CASH !~p.Milo •I lune ol •~le in •aw1u1 "'°""'' ol tt>e Un11oa ~1at~•l .oil "9"1 · u11• - ir11t•nr <""""Ye<I co """ now .,.10 11\1 ,, uncle< ~"'" Oe•d "' 1 .. ,.. '" Ille ,,,_.,,, ""'•'"•''~' ottc"l>f:a_ 1----:::::::-:-::-7'=:.~;::----I TRUSTOR J ..... ~. T 11 ...... -Pt<tl PUBLIC NOTICE qy _,.an 6ah~, nusb,,nd -"'•'t ti!OIMte-n.lon~ 8ENeFt(.AJIY· Op,i f L•l<IUl'l RetordeO Or.I-• I!, 1•11 o6 .n11r Ii<>. 11'1>1 '" --•O'l•l. -676 OI OH<cill RtCorll• 111 tnt DltKf OI h Re(O<OI!• "' 0 •.onll" C.0unty: W•<I ~ 111 l•u>i atr.c"~' 111r fellow•"!! PFOl"'<ly; ft'ICTITIOUS •US1llF.SS , llAM! StAT El>'lli~T The :o11'"'"" peflOf! b "°'Ilg b\Mlll!!$ ~· TALISMAN CREATION~,• 131$ Lotf'"• Coslt Mt .. '1"1' l ""eld Ge~ s,.. • .,, St• Btgonl1, Coron;, .... M••· C611!a<nl• Tftll bl.ll•nll.l. l> CondUC:led bT en lndu•;.iuft Ron.1ld O Sw~n Thll ~·~l<r•~n+ w11s +i~a ,.,;oh 1ne Co..n!y Cltrk of Or1nge C~un1, Qn 1>e11•emwr ;) !91• Puttli;M<! O!i~ CO..>I ()clolltr 2. ,, 16, :IJ, IJ/~ Oitily Plir.1, l~lS·1' D"IL Y PILO t 03 PUBUC NOTl,CE f'11t>lh~•d Orll~ C·••~I Octor.<r <. u. l), .11, 1~/l PUBLIC ~01'lCE P<rhli•toe« ora"'!~ co~ • ;'.K!'lll<'r ;, •, 11, 11. HJ• Fl7$M Cl•IV P•IO!, .,., .. " PUBLIC NOTICE --- All llllil ctnain t•no •nualtd ;., Ille ~lilt 01 (,,l .. orn•.o. QIUl'llY Ill O.llO<)t. Tile E.o>l 1\o l!<"I o• t.,. S..Wti 31l lttl o• Loi •• ti! F,.,.,.1..,,. J-arms, '" ll'lf C•lv ot (H,ta Mil••. .... _ I>"' maD 111'!'••<>1 Ff(OtOtd '" Boo• 8, Pag,p /\ ot M;1c"liflCIOu• M•P•. •n ,.,. Ollie• ol I~• Counlv R•C<lfder 01 '""'" O<ang.o Counh [.'I CCPTINGT H [ R LI JI O M !nt NO<lh 710 If<! ll>fr•Qf ----FICTIT IOUS •U,1i.1£55 ---------------1 NAME !.TAT£MENT PUBLIC r'\OTICE T~e IQ!lol'""11 per .Of! " dQ•f!g bu1!..r.1 Ncl O!t••• Of>lqn•!oon "".,"'"lo l•u1ttt "UI • 11'ett """''°' o• tomtnofl de"9' natlO"l IS 1no .. n •Do.,.., no '"""""I• is ol,.tn ~IOllS(OM(>let•nttlc.< ro•••<lnt"') .. Tiit t>•~l<C<,,<V und'f W•<I °""0 ol 1•~1 . by '"""°~ of o t>••a<ll or ~t•u!I 1n , .... ot>l>Q.OhO<o< '0<U•('<1 I h f r ~ 0 y . he-rt!Ot<lf• •••<utrd """ othve•tO 10 1"" """""ignfll " "'"nen O•"'"'"u"" ol Oitlilll! •nd 0.-m•nd 1 ... Siii•. - W<•ll•n notice of b•tacn ~" or •l"<hcn IO <.OU"' !~ <Jnt!•"SICtned ID ~II "'""' Pfooo•!v lo Sit•1ty s;,td obl1gau~. - '""'"""•' II>! -""l"l<f, •aUlul ,..,., noh<• of b•"a<" ~no 111 t lKllDfo 10 °" Rtc0<0ta J<l!v 11. 1914 "' '"'"' ND. 111:14 1n 1>oor 1119J p;igo, lJO.l, Cit »id Ofhuat R••otd<. F ICflflOUS dUSlll£SS llAME SfATIMli!Mf The foll.owl..; ~"""" ••• Joll'l!I bv.J. .....~ ... 0 .. 11 PAINTING 17~2 'I. Ger•l<1:100 ~! .. tl""tlflf!On Otach. C•lilOtnii 97 .. 1 ' D••ld W. StOIW•'-1.Qj,] Willow Lane. WtHlmln•ll•. C•lllontle l'llOOlll H. fl•rlnklw. I 1S•1 8 Gertldlne St.. ttunn,.1on Be• c ti, C.i•larnl• nu7 Tl><s 1>1n1...,u I• cond111;1'd bv • t•m'•ed ~·-~hlo. O.•ld W. S!-tr~ Thl5 st•l-1 Wi• tl!•I) \:.In fN>t Co""'Y Cl<rlo Ill O.enge Co..n"' on ~pt1mt11tr 11. HU ~ Fl7$1' l'ubllV>l<I O<anoe Co.;'1 o .,;1y f'!lo1, OdDbet l. t, 1•, U, •V/4 Jl>1t./- s.&!<1 ~·· ••If ""' m-. bul w.thaut 1 ·---.......... cc ..... c-cc=-ccc---'o_,..., O• "'"";,nt,, ·~1>r•s1 11< ,mp1,...., PUBLIC KOTICE ••c.nai<w;1 hi"'. l>D'«••ion, 11 , ,.,. I·---~ <utnllfiln<e, lo IM' IM rem;iif,,1111;1 Pfi"" F l~f,flt':>S RUSIJ:of~S <•Pol •~m of '"'" nOl•!sl >e<.U<ed 1>y llA'.!ll r.T•1a;.r:,t;N1' '"''d Off.ct Cl T<Utt, will! if1ffH'JI a~ TM fc.ltl)Wing Pf""'" IS Clllif!9 DV•i<leH in w1<1 "°'" provided, ---n. U ..ny, .,_.. !hf ierms "' saoa C:.-ed DI lrurt. 1...,1, c;t>;i•~ """ •~-­/JI ~ ltll!;IH ~nd ol Iii<! ln1>1'1 u N !td a, i.o1d 0..ed ot Trv.1 ~1d ~ .. 1., W•ll ti.. ""la .,,, Froa•Y. NII..,,,""' IS, 19/1 •I 11 00 A.AA,. "' lrw> o!l•ce e! I . o . Se•vlt" Ca~nv. 811<\k ot A-rita Towe r, One CJh BIY<I West, S"'lt 1110, O••nge, C•lllom•d. 0..t'· Ottobft U , 191• l'i'5t C;ili!orni;, Title Comll'lfti ""'said Tru1lr~. (!y T.O. ~•vi<e Comp11nv.•001nt 8y l'lulhE.8rown, Ar.s'\. Stnellrv · • ot·u · ~iV>t<I OrtnQe Coast ~11, PllOI OttOber ll. JO. No.,..mt>e' '· 1914 llll·U I I : PllC C1s;oN ;1o r cRCYCLE SE"llV1CE~. 1'5' Pl•ttM<I Avr., Coil• /!.\''-"· (1111. t}f,2/ .O.'lch1tl R. CN'l~lt'ft\CI~. 1(119 .\'.cnrovi1 ... ~,, CO!I• Mru. Call!. 9lt?I Tnls buol,..u i• con1h1<lod ty •n in0i¥odu.t. Mlc~el II. CM!sff•IO<' Tnlt s••"'mer>t wn lile:I w;"' IM CouMy Cltr~ o~ Or•n~ C®nh Oii O<Totlllr '· 1914 P~brl,hoa O<UllJI' (Diii 0(10Mr t, 16, ll, JO, It]( 'l7Ut o ,11v Pilot. J/62·1• PUBLIC NOTICE " ll!I OY·B~OO~£ CO\IPAtiY, lJ)I we~I H•·•••~ ""'''• An., CJ;.,01n1.,. (awer<I JG~n l<4..l~ln1'. < o M~. L Poeo lHI P<.l"! I.lei•<.<> Pl.. N~"'"°rt llt~n. C•li!0tn•.o Thi~ r.u>i~.. o< <DflC:hKlf<I llY lft ln<J1vldllo!I, Ed..,i•d J 1>c1re1n• Th;, •1•1omcn• ¥"#~ lllod w1lh 1~ COl.<"1V Cle.. o• 0••"91' Co..niv "" Oc::/_.,.. H, IW• F1;nt Pvbll.i.M Or~""" (Q.o:I D.>i1p P•o1, Ck;!c>l)ef ... ~l. JG ....... l'H~· .. 191• 31.11·7' PUBLIC l'\OTICE ~~ -SUPIERIOI COURT OF TMIE ~T•TE OF CALIFOINIA FOR THE COUNTY 01' O•ANGE NO. .t..tlJ,:U NOTICf' O• HEARINO GF .-ETITIOM FO• •ROI ATIE OF "'ILL •N:> 11'01 LIETil.1$ n1' .. OM!N l~flltll.TCON 'fOTM·THli·WILl •NMIEJ.€0 (~••le 01 WINl~REO 0. RAIOIDCL. 0ec .... 11 NOTICE IS MEllEBY GIVfN IMI G•LllEllT AlllMUlll NCL~ l>H 11i.<1 ll!:re•n • Po!lhon "" P•Dbllt ol w+11 •'Hi IN h•llilr><C o! Lei te •• d Admini•!r.r1><1 wl•~·t.,.. ... 111 • n" I• e d rore..,nce lo wn•tll >< mectr lar lurtr.er 1Mr1ltuli'I, ~"" !net !he lime end pl''' ot he&•l"O Me ~•me hes t.•eto :el la< Oc!oot• 1'. 1fl" 01 • Jll <1,m . '" •~e cwt1ror.m 111 Ceo;,l'lment llD. l ot ••ld cour!, at lllO C1vk ce-.1er O••vt Weil. '" 11'.e (ti)' O! ~Intl An1. (~l~Q<n••. Oe!P<I OctoOC!' ll. 1~1' WtlLIAM Ii. S1 JOHlll, Counly Cl'"'' C1"POLD. HEllOllt10'1 ANO DINSMOO• Alllt ... Y5 •I l•W UI Ei" Ill~ St'"'' Srr!I• Ill Cesl• Mllw. Ca!ohw<>il Ttl: 010 541-nK AnorM~ W : •ei;r;-r PU1>1i1.11«1 Or•ng.e CN;t 0.1ty ~11o1. Ckl""-r H, 17, 2J, 1t74 lll1·11 PUBLIC NOT ICE PUBLIC ~OTI Ct; ' F1CTlllOUi $U51""''5• ...... E ST ITEMll:"<IT T~~ ltll~ ... ~., ~rt)Cn~ "" C10inQ ...... ~ t~ I .,.l-11.,\ u= ,_ C~\I H•O~"''· l ·•O>Jr 1 I!• '• •1~ ·1 ~· ''••I J l urn• IUO n ra,. 01 l-, ". 8 .,~. f..,o'"""'' 9/1 I JI.HI"" >I lt .. ~•·, \'oJ) """on-l~Qu• , I' n, l 1ht ,~ , \,'• I 1n., -"....,"'---' •· <Dll""'1c.i tw 4ft ln<l••·J\,OI ~''"" ' I. Tu•.,.... -T•" · t "' ·~··•I w" t!"lf ""'~ c~u""' c..... of 01.i1lll! c-11 .., ~l>l,,."1111'< .~/, f'~·.llt:1 °''"'le' ~ Octot>c• 2. '· ! •. lJ, 1;11 ..... 0..•IT Pitot, ,.n.11. l't.:BLIC NOTICE "· f:!CllUOU' IU\1Nli!5 ~A ... l ~TAT IMEllf •'"'J 1>'""" ,, 11<!>"'1 bu\1- ,. ,.. c,o., II ' -. 1 tned ,.,,~ '" ' ll•~~~ Cllloll•T~ t;! ,)t)O;.(• I. ltJ4 I "''"'' • •n n. """" r n ,• 0<t~;,r• • l,1., lo, A HI' ,.,,,:,, ci.11,. "'""' J"' ,, . -..... t •• . . --. __ 4 _!_"IL,! l"ILOT WtdntSdl:1, Oclober 23, lfJ74 . -1002Gtne"I R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 Coron.11 def Mar 1022 Costa Mesa -·~-f,i,or1I 1te•.---1""""G-,1"°n1"•cc•I R.~. 1~ ,':G:':"':':•:l:R:.:E:. :::::1002:::G:':""::":l:R:.:E:. ::::;;1002;;;; Generel R.E. , d 3355 Via Lido, __ .. _la_lboo __ lay~_Pr __ opet,__rt_ies_* __ 1 . LJlntar SuUe 295• N.B. LARGE fAMILY NEWPORT DUPLEX llALTY 1171 Harbor Bl., This is for you! 6 BR Near everything. S BR., REAL ESTAil . SALESPERSONS Don't CaU Me SUPER DUPLEX A D::r: 11 3 8'droom t>wnm1 """· New I carpet A draptS. 2 bdnn I'm a dd!ch 2BR and d<':n renla.I llJlit, Jusc recenlly owners • ·ak: ce with beau-palnl«t, 'new .,,,11ter hea~n. Since 1946 C.M. 642·29'91 2 b & h · ' + lam. nn. + olc. for a. garage, eac ~.;• Linda ls!.• Just Listed Dad. BJtn. music bar & unit; one unit avail. at ' 45 000 -cheap al that price -plenty of much more! $150,000. $350 mo. Fu 11 price .. 'boat docks -4 balhs - spacious & beautiful 675-7060 $89.500. 642·7491. ~ :beyonodd just \\'Ords -let rwlr. Closson ShO\V V.A. REPO you I ay. CORNER ON THE MARKET iASTBLUfF Sharp Fountain Valley Cherry. Lake. View . Mini. Estate .That's right. the corner Is on the market! Super clean 41111. home 3 BR, 2 ba. home. $1200 -4 bdrnt, fani rnt. Loft Jiv rn1. vacant. fmmed 'fho strategically beautiful corner of Ocean Huge fam./din. rm. On., '775 costs & irn- poss_ approx 2600 sq. ft. _ open green, belt und Carna{ion in CdM and the spectacular Newly redec. Owners pounds, p~ts. '847 vie\v _ consider lease oplion -Back Bay duplex that occupies it are on the market. anxious! $70,500. mo., P.J.T.I. Full price area _ S89.500 _ sinall dO\\'n -9% money. Two enormous, 2 bdrm, 2 bath units built 640.8484. '35,250. 55&-8800 around a courtyard and overlooking Ihe beau-rn RE., 'TORS 3 Story -Ballroom · Pool · Forest Plus -3 bdrm & den -2/3 acre -2 street , fronts -vie"' o( 1-farbor, Ocean & Bay - truly stair"'ays to happiness -trees -trees tiful Pacific. Massive beams, hardwood "" Doors, delightful new kitchen and an out of st.ate owner who will do whatever necessary 4 Local Offices To Serve You to assist in financing. This is a first class 1 & a landscape delight -$198,000 -entertain ~ere on the cliff. Ask for Pegg Smith. OWNER MANAGER -• CHAR LES QUINTARD, REALTOR Now Number One in Newport-Costa Mesa 1002 General R.E. 1002 DUPLEX 514 DAHLIA South or lf \Vy.; 3 bdrms., 21f..: baths & 3 bdr1ns., 2 baths. Xlnt use of brick lend s char· acter & char1n . Both units rented -excel· 1ent investment. Drive by & calf for app't. to see. E.RRORS : AdvtrtlM" should check tMir •d• d•lly & report errors l'.rrl m • d I• t e I y. The ·DAILY PILOT •numes lllibillty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. General R.I!. 1002 I YR WARRANTY INCLUDED CHOCOLATE DUPLEX Rich lirown carpet accents this n111gnificent Co rona del fl1Br duplt>:1:. Quiet street. Clo!IC to tennis l.'Ourls and jr:.l park. Pcck·a·boo view. Call ~ . ,....,;;. "'' "' •o• • '"' "' '"" '·• ' \ \IJ ,E"\. 1002 HE \l'.I"' A BERG E~TERPR1SES CO property at $210,000. UNIQUE HOMES, Realtors, 67s.6000 2443 E. Ce><1st Hwy., Co rona del M•r 1002 ·r1tl R.E . 1002 LIDO ISLE Like new 4 BR. & lge. family. rm., f) baths. Pier & float . 30 Ft. lot. $260,000. ' Family home; 6 bdrms., 4 baths. 36 Ft . lot. Pier & slip. $295,000 Attractive 3 BR., 3 ba. single story home on 60 ft. street to street lot. $152,500 40X90 Ft. $250,000 30XI05 Ft. $165,000 WATERFRONT LOTS BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy'>•de Or1v4· NB 67S 6161 General R.E. 1002 General R.E. I===::;. Lisi Your Home II ere ~ ol Charge Phone 67:H400 Jtarbor Investment Co. 1002 · Bachelor Pad [ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Corona del Mar 1 THIS OWNER I ~ ... ;::-=::_;::_::;.__~-i:;_.-:;!:i:;__.~-~-::::: .. With Paol WILL SELL V.A. IRVINE TERRACE Olli us about tills dl'slrnhle ~~ebed:i~1~·P.~Y 1:00~~~ 8j~ 8:;~~~1J_S 22 i!,t~ ~~~1.~~ Corona Highlands 2 br 2ba ...i-.. """-" ... ~· pool homt' Yt'ilh 111. r g e & out. Good crpts & ... .,... pool area. DclighUul plan masler suite private beach lrplc. liv. & din. are a· for cnterlllining. Fa1nlly .-eceu and very •pedal Delachcd garage, new CC· room and dining a r ca f .in ancing arrangements. menl dr\VC'Yt·ay from street overlook pool. $69,000 -$&1,jOO to garage. Sprinklers front PETE BARRETI Lachenmyer . Call &14-7211 ...... ''"" '""'· I ' . C.R.V. Appr•""'-$34.0XI -REALTY-646-39'28 or 545--3483 642-.5200 675-4060 be ~ COLLEGE PARK Realtor . * ACRE ESTATE This beauttrul Collei:e Purk $129,500. Sale oi· t>xch1t.nge. l l::===~====: j home is just waiting to ' 0 -" 5 b make yo u happy. ·oo.. .. uroon1s, a th s . E h. f h I Sezvan\'s QuHrtl'rs 0 \' l' r rEASTSIDE veryt mg ro111 I e ~ u1ke J.,'ll111ge. 20'x-Hl' pool. Out· 4 BEDROOM ~~~l;o ~;~eh(~'-;1""~~~~~~ .Ll~r Recrelltion Ar c <1 • Ask about listing No. UTa5. l~m for TPnni1' Court. C;ill 545-9491 ;L~Quail l lii•Place : Praperties · '. 752·1920 ~ 1"00 QUAtl~I. HIWl"OllT llACH " NEW LISTING associated BROKERS-REAL TORS .. OJS W Balboa &7l·l66) Brokers Only!! i\lnin!ain indC'pcndent status in fully staffed delu : offices l::x1X'l'ienced I professional :ippro:u·h essential. Flexible ar1·11ngcn1en!s·negotiate. CaJl General R.E. 'r 1\I Blnck, ~J.8424. Associ-11100 South Q:.ast Brokers. 1002 General R.E. 1002 ~ macnab I Irvine realty . LINDA ISLE ·- I\e\\' 5000 sq. ft. ho1ne \v/tiled pool & jacuzzi. :fl·Jaste r suite \\'/his & hers baths & sauna. ;4 addit ionaJ bedroon1s. Hilliard room "'/bar. :Pier & slip. $425,000 . Cathy Sc h,veickert ;642·8235. ( U68) ABSOLUTELY PERFECT Char1Ti ing 3 bedroom. 2 bath Bluffs cond~ 1ni11iun1 w/brick patios & VJE\V, S94.500. Lois Miller/Barbara t\une 642·8235, (U69) NEWPORT HARBOR VIEW ! h11maculatc. cui;lon1 built 4 bedroon1 . family r1n. honu~. 13oat & traile r access. $130.000. Lynne Roi he ll 641-6200. I UiO) LIDO NORD 491,;,· on the bav~ Con1fortable 5 bedroom honie u·1 3 patios· & terrace. Ne \V pier &_slip. SS00.000. 1\ppt. only. Dona Chichester • : 642-8235 (\;71) ; ~ THE BLUFFS -OUTSTANDING VIEW ' . I :o.;.· LQcated on U1e point -3 bedroom home w ~ view of Upper Bay. On qu iet & popular Ave. Cerritos. $98.000. 'rom 9ueen 64~. (1)72) PROMONTORY BAY Prime Bayfront lots w/pler & slip privileges from $1121500. For further lntormatioD - Charles Arnold or !lob Owens 64U235. (U73) 16•• MaeNl/'t\jr g44.g200 \ €:~>-HERITAGE • • REALTORS Carona del Mar DUPLEX \\'alk 10 r11a1·krts and shop- ping frun1 this 1rell loca ted oldt'r rlupll'x 11·ith o c " ri n vle1v lron1 spacious upper unit. \\'irio11' O\l'fl'-!r art..:lous. 1 A~kin:,: S82.:i00. Ag('nl 6-16-3~. ~ Cold\Ve.11 . Ban~~, EASTBLUFF VIEW Beautifully decorated 4 bedroon1 home \Vith family room . Close to school s, shopping and freeways. $84,500. 2 PLUS 2 PLUS 2 2 Bedroon1 home plus separate 2 bedroom guest quarters off or ga rage plus 2 bedroo1n garage apartment. Exce llent Corona de! ~Jar roc atlon. $85.000 . WHITE WATER VIEW One of California's nio st beautiful lots \\1ith forever ocean \•iew. 701 Frontage in excl u· sive Coronn del Mar. $150.000. 1974 HOME GARDEN TOUR 4 Bcd ~OC?m family 11om~ has ever~thin~. For- 1nal d1n1 ng room , family room, 1ri:es1stable patios, 'varm decorator colors. gorgeous gardc11 . waterfall, pond and much more. Special at~l68,500. POPULAR "PRINCETON" University Park favori e ! 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath~. fo r1nal dini ng room. Ca thedral cell. ing 1n Jiving .room. Lovely covered patlo. N'Vr park & pool•. $55,900. DIAL 644·1766 '1161 San Joequ1n Hills Rd., N.8, A COLbWELL BANKER CO. Gtn1ral R.E. 11112Gonor•I R.E. 1002 WLSI t·:Y N . TAYLOR CO. Hl·:A I .T Ol\S si111 ... l ~J ·IH BEAUTIFUL LINDA ISLE-$250,000 Most elegant 5 BR Bayfront home w/pier & slip. Fam rm w/wet bar, DR & 41h baths. 2111 S•n Joaquin Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 Gtn1rol R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 ~ dtu1 prfvtte nou,nlja Cu be 110ld 1Ubieet to low Nttd A New Oullook? PLUS .,.umable 8% VA to"". A Fr11h Startt Cail 64G-77ll Deprestedt A channlnc lf : rental \\'Ith Walker & Ln \Ve~are lntervlewlna men an6 private yard -:unently PTI> Real Estate women, txperl•noed and In-ducllti 'm/AmLo.L EHtbluff 1030 expcr.lenc • f·r &a:les poal· ---------1 l1ons ln our Corona del Mar on a generou1 4WU lot ln CONOO/PLAZA ottke. Earn and leam in a the bei.' aoulh«·hwy loca· 3 br, 2 btl, SS0,000. Owner dell&flUul atmosphere o1 Uon. $89,500 nrm 532-4543 SSS.9367 antiques and nauUca with Call 644-72ll El Toro 1032. helpful , compaUble co- work e rs and indhO:dual 7<1'i Interest broker as3l!llllllCe. 2·Slory YOU WILL NEVER HEAR Country Side A DISCOUR.'.GING WORD!! Beauliful 4 BR, 2 full baths. Call Nla:el for apprlntment 1---..HA=v"E'Y""o"u'--1 Sh&g carpets, b It · In a. 644·7211 An.ytime Dishv.'IJl.hcr. G o ra: e.o u • /Jn NIGEL nAIL[Y !, ASSIJCIAI ES OVERLOOKED custom drapes.' Large e)(- pcmed aggrer:ate patio &r: v.·~·ayt. It'1 a REAL BARGAIN at $44 ,000. Thi! opportunity to own this 586-5950 Principal• only. I -~~-!"!~-... -really loVety home situated Fount•ln V•ltey 1034 Prkle of Ownerthlp only l~i blocks trom1 :::;.;:;;;;;;;;;;:::::::;I NEWLY LISTED. Enjoy UW Implratton Point in Corona l• ·•·"""" lamfly home. • del Mar on ocean. ,,.. Ml Mi' le Square Bednnl, cozy frple, and tbe 2 story heme la )'OUl'1i for whole family can enjoy the $li2,SOO . OR your b e 11 heated pool around the lllJ'le negotiable oiler! 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, 6 mos. patkl with bltn BBQ. Th ill: 675-8600 old C.ondo · with upgr1dcd \\·on't last at, $-11,500. carpet, tile, dr.&.pe1, patio V,51.N deck, gar door opener. Pool Rancho L• Cueste & recreation area. Walk to "El r at..n".rnodel. 2 St......, •IALTY stores. Owner ·must aell , -•• ,, __________ 1 leaving c ountry . WUI v.>ith 4 bcdrms, 3 full battui,1-sacrifice, askll\f price din rm, fam 1·m, mos t $34 000 rooins with vie\v or heated 1 I YR WARRANT Y INClUDf D pool and onjoy the flre rlng. Prof. landscpcl. \\'alk t o schools. Close to bike way to the beach. $74,950 •. 641-7270 ' -f . 2~-- 1 Sun/Ev••· 546-9794 • Wfdrttsdl1, Ottobtr 23, 1'174 DAILV PILOT H u-;ttngtou o-'ch 1040 Laguna Blac 1048 Newpo::rl:;-;Be;;::oc:::;h~-;1;;;11'9:;;;-;:N;:ew::::po:::rl;ollM::'.c:ih~-l;;Jl6;r.9;-;A~«::•::•::g::e-Z:or::-; .. ;.,::.-"i1i1200iiiiiIT.1n;;c:::o::m::•:-po,,.=:po:::rty:::-~;;x;;:--;:H;:o~u::,.::,:-;r:u::r::nr.•;:hed:;j""ir"'-il1to,;;;;u;::,.;';,-fii;n:ifu;;r;;n;;l&hed;;;;;;;-1-;Ho;;;::•;;,.;:;-,-;U~n;;;l;;u;;r;;nl&r.C5-"'i .....::;.;...;;..;;.;c;;;.;;...._;.:..;.01 ---~----1 . • . , . • Enjoy a Pool Today + 3B. i*rtY p{llio OVC'l'ibtd f!ln'liJ)' roonl • lt'Hh paint thr\lout nlA 6~~~ loe.n. -Country Quiet In CUy pvt. lot-<:W!llon1 d c 11 I g n e d El Cabon La Cue1>ta • careful.I)' deroratl'd 4B-Jl'Wttb '6S-<45G For a Perfec!lonl1>t Ril exlras .. tlrst cabin'' Juah paradise l1.11dscpng 5Bd+Bonus cull .Ellie 842-!lJn PALATIAL PALACE WITH POOL Ocean view, jacu:al too. 3- cur garu~ and bo 11 us room'• new , Spectacular ('mpcror size bedroom and sitting room. A Iantastlr big li"Q~::;'. l""m" lii•P1ac:• Prap•rti•• · · 752-1920 1400 QUAJl Sl. N(W,OllT ltACH THE OLD GRAY MARE ''SHE AlN'T \VHAT S ll E USED TO BE". And nelthtt Is this VACANT & NEGLJ::CTEO, cun-tcm~rary styled ho m e . Detailed 2 level architec- ture, w/exterlor of rowrti plaster, Del PlllO tDe walkway, SPACIOUS SUN PORCH WITH S CE N IC OCEAN VIEW. \Vell designed 2 BOJU.1. floor plan, servl ced b)' l 'li BATHS. 2nd OPEN BEAM CEILING .tr EXPOSED RESA \.VN WOOD. Stcpsavcr kitchen, with snack bar, hfls BJLT·IN RANGE & OVEN, CDISHWSliR. THA'C'S BROKEN), ceramic t 1 le countert & hdwd. cabinel'I. The b>use has 2 W/\V carpets thruoot, THAT'S BADLY. \VORN & SOILED. The en· tire home NE EDS RE· PAINTJNG & SOME MINOR FIX UP. \Vlth a little know hoy,• & elbow grease, you will have "A HORSE OF A DlFFERENT color", for only $42,950 FULL PRICE GET IN THE SADDLE, -----------·~~"';";'\ '::." _!:,?.l BEACH DUPLEX I ;C::•::••::•:..:M:: ... :.;;;.. __ .;;3.;;12"'4'i·eo.'--''-'...:<\e"M·:....---'322=-4 N•wporl li.och ~~269 Valley Realty Presents T·,~~••"'""trade'·.!9!0i«1 ,_""'., NEWPORT-3 D• Condo mcotly 1"m, l.ARGE < hr. 2 bo. "P· ,, • , ,._ -tttllo 'IV 1 u; empty '... w 1 1 h t' t , fam. rm.. Bar II arbor Bountiful Blun~ actct, ciln.lll ot il.g'lioJlture. $32,375 dtytir, dbf aar, pool. $265,. hon1e. $425. Incl. v.·lr. le Near 1hopplng It pool~f.Avt:I)' BIG FAMILY HOMES $900/acn.'. Tcrms OC' trade. Gor;t'OUS % Ito()' Nev.-port 2M8 t.tlnute ?it.an 540-.DJ6 &ardener. ~ 0160 3 bedroom. 2~ bath Olft- . rs~nl~lh V:,f:,,~~let~~~ llcAt'h duplex! 500 ft. In Laguna Beac"h 3141 Dana Point 3126 ~~ma.;.'~,~:. SUrf and Sand! Ju.sl $32,375 I Ut3) CORONA DEL MAR into 3 80 acre parcel11 . buys h (~·n) or submit NE\V OCEM'VJE.'\V Hom e ,>'· l ~ $600/acn?. Your term-. Tax on yoilr \('mls. N ~ \V ! • P:~1P:RALD BAY Lell.st' optkln. 2 BR. 11, Jeunne Nowman " tr you 'van t a "one ol a kind " new borne rather lhan a subdivision location. we have a l9vely two story home, one block from the beach wilh a beautiful floor plan that allows YOU to determine Ute bedroom arrangement and use; 3, 4, or 5 bedroom. $139,500. SIX BEDROOM The only six bedroom home available in C.D.M. today! One year old, colonial details down to perfection, outstanding view, avail· able on possible lease/option plan. See it today. $147,500 ree. MEDITERRANEAN VILLA High on Spyglass Hill a lovely Lusk bu ilt home awaits you! Red barrel tile roof, lush wallpaper and paneling, and beautiful land- scaping. Flexible floor plan allo\\'s YOU to use as a 41 5, 6, or 7 bedroom ·bome. $149,900. sh('lter, a.,_'lic:ulture, or Ca!hcdr-al et-illn«t, II~ IWll lumW1ed or un-Ba.llSO. mo. 640-ft078 small ranche1. &-1020 '" Ill"! 3 Br ., 8a OCt'IU\ F • Macnab-Irvine fircplat'\'s. ttl'llmlc I I I c vleW, bta~h • iiltte'. $550. ountaln Valley 3234 Cemetery Lots/ kltc}l('ns. 4 car garage. True 6TJ.--tl69 Realty Company Crypts 1500 delux1· units. 4. bf!droom plUll l!UGE 3BR + rumpll5 rml,,,.'!."!"'!'"'!'~""'~""''""'i Q\\'NER hM mowd t r 0 m Stt1te & wi¥hea to sell burial plots A & B of lot 656 In Vlst:a de.I ~11\J' plot, Pocitlc: View M e n1 o r la I Park. CdM. $450. for both. Ca.II Law Ot1k.-e or Duvid P . Dc4ncy 675-ZT11 Commerci•I Prpty 1600 OWNER WILL CARRY 8V29/o 511' x 105' lot oo Newport Bl\•d., Newport B e a c h . $5.J.000. 10 '1'> down. owni•r :? bedroom. Good term•. Newport Beach 3169 TO\\'nholLo;e. l HA;. 2 c:ar 4BR .. 21/2 ha, dbl car Full price jU!Jl $129,'5()0. $te &~r, all, bin!,:, 11\\'lm. pool. garagt, 1'.'ll'Ct gar door to LQve! Call now ln•ll Kids OK. ~2SO 1uo., no fel', o{M!net, wet bar, new ;, '152-l?OO. HARBOR VIEW ~· l\al. 842-4421 crpting ~ drp11, pool tac, lNVESTl\1ENT DIVISJON J &'tlroonts 2 bo. 1 ha 3BR \\'/i>'>'-1m. !)(')QI, s c r v O\ff'rlooldng golf co u r s e , I, '' ~ t'URNISHP:ri a.t $515/Mo: furn'd, Lrg bonus r n1 . close to schools & chutctw.~ } Comrnunity pools & tennis $-l.?5/n10. Nr. schls. 546-9097 & Faahlon lalnnd. $4 7 5. ii . l courts. CU20) Huntington Beach 3240 Eastblult nrl!a. Call r or / Joyce Edlund &C-8235 ;1ppt .• 5-18-3750. ; THE REAL ESTATERS TRIPLEX $S4,9SO Pridt> of ownership. Q\\·t'K'r's w1it has fireplare. Privat(' patios. Ex1..'t'llent Costa ?.lesa residential area. ' Macnab ·lrvme 2 SU PER SH,\RP 4 BR, 2 • Ba. P'rp!c. Crp1s. Dr p s . NE\VPORT BEACH, tr u 1 y •• covcrecl pa ti o, bhrllO, bet1u l ilul S<!lttng-!11rg(' J ReaJty Compe.ey cl l 11h11 ;1 ~her. Bt<autllull)' lkdroom, l11n1lly 1· oo m, ,..~..,...,.~'!!"""~""~I la 11 d 'caped. No f1"1' Poli~hed \\'OOd floorM, IJc>am Houses Urifurnlahed SJ.)6,/36j, 1110. Ask for Bev t'l':i!ings. Years Le as c. or D!il\•. 963-151i1 or 11ft.j $5771.00 1nth. General 3202 & 11·knds, 963-1786 963-1786 Cole ol Newport Hltrs ---------LJ·:ASE 1101\tE for $350. (X'r 675-5511 n1on1h. u1cludi ng ga~ner. - VACANT. CLEAN, & NE\V-HARBOR VIEW HOME , v.1ll carry. Call lor in-Ktl fonnatkln, p RE s TI GE Quail l i~"~o~MES~~...,.....'7"'=-"""'""~-1 Plac:• . AU. .UNTALS 2BR, Eastside Cosla P.1esa. PrDp•rti•• · ~ lot 50x200, C-2 Zone. Near 752_1920 WI !1'!C!.t:4QI IH """"• L \' Rf.PAINTED. Faniily,.; 3 BR. 288. $1~ • nnly, referanccs rl'qUired. S1rps aYoay front )).ar k, Custom Fami~ Room AND SEE TODAY MISSION REAL TY 985 So. Coast Hv.'Y., La~na Phon• 1714) 494-0731 HARBOR VIEW Ralphs, 0 \\' n e r • $39,500, uoo OllAtl St NIWl'Olf &IACH 833-8693 Income Property 2000 VA ASSUMABLE, FOURPLEX f fijl HOUSH Call <1~e111 546-41~1 EI cm Scbool, SW\01mlng • 1 UIS. j BR corner lot \\'/boa1 Pool & Rec. area. "'• ... ..., .. ,..._.._~---... OUfl.1. gale.' Nr BeA.ch Bl,·d &. R. C. TAYLOR COMPANY ··; Plus 4 bedrooms -one mile from the surf. Prlvutc ll'n- nis and swlmn1ing facllitie.'! are availabl(', Over 1700 sq. It. -and only $38,500. lPljt.JUC. l"LACJI; ............. .-· AMERICAN \ '·HOME .' ... R[ALTOH ,,• .......... IUIAl.Talm ~ 842-7461 OCEAN VIEW,..NEW l~'!."!~""""""""""""""'IDramatic 3BR. den, 3 ba, 3BR, 2ha, noor s c h o O I ' 3 tpl's, gourmet Jdtch, load- $42,000. By appQinlment on· ed with wood & g 1a 811 · OWncr will carry at 8% l)'. O\\'llCr, call 963-185G contract of sale. Sl45,000. ll'Vine 1044 SAVE INTEREST Turtle Rock Hilla FABULOUS VIE\\' ll 0 ME with pool. 3 bdnns. -3 baths -family rm. -3 car garagr. Just !'l'duced t o $l19,00), INCLUDING LAND hi Western Bank Bldg. Univ,rslt)' Park, Irvine Day• S52·7000 Nights SUPER SHARP Lovely solorium view from entry, dining room and master suite. Pane li e d family room and no-traffic living room. A h I g h I y upgraded 4 bdrm., 2Y.t balh home in desirable a re a , Priced at $69,!n'.l including land. CALL 552·7500 •VISION.• REALTY a red hiU company lfriiv.,Park Center, Irvine 2 BR, den, l * be. Terrltlc view of ocean. Assumable 7% loan. Asking $51,500. Act oow! FOR RENT Beaut lBR condo, 2 ba, furn. nr ocean. ;350/Mo. STUDIO apt. furn. $165/Mo. I n c . util's. ' \VE HAVE OTHERS American Home Realtors 494-1513 or 494-1001 875 N. Coast H\\')'. BLUE LAGOON VILLA Prime location, view, 2BR. 2¥.. BA. all appliances, decorator fumillhed. Serious seller-First time oUered. Onl)' $69,500. tenns. IRED 1CARPET, REALT4)RS 64G-8672 or 499-4211 University Park Laguna Hills 1050 CONDO E)(J>anded La Salle model, THREE LEFT '1 bedrm, 2\.1 baths, 2 sto1')' OM1icc NE'N WORLD hlllsd. w/huge ma s t c r bedroon1 ' 3BR, 2BA condos. Assume with fireplace. Id c all y 71,ii% FHA. $34,500. located nea r recreation Denison Assoc. 673-731 1 fncil & schools. All, the room Laguna Nigue' 1052 of a large separate home I -~--~-----· I \\'/condominium advantages of c.&relree living. $62,500. TURTLE ROCK BRftf~~R Luxur iouz living. Im- maculate m I n t condition from !hake roof to shag carpettng. Owner m u s t move. SPECIALIZING IN LAGUNA NIGUEL VIEW PROPERTIES SEA TERRACE PRIVATE GUARDE:. AREA OCEAN W townhomes, ·2 or 3 BR. $49,500 -$75,0CKl * $64,500 will buy this lovely upgraded garden 00 m e w/atrium. 2 BR, den. * BUY this <1utstandb1g 4 BR Beautiful Palermo 4 bedroom tu•o story. With a great back yard featuring the largest pati() in t.own. View 0£ Big Canyon. $86,495 lee. BAYSHORES The largest lot in Bayshores. 4000' rambling family accented home. 1' .... ive bedrooms, live baths, and parking for five cars. A lovely courtyard with large trees is a highlight. Asking $195,000 clear. CALL 675·7225 LIDO RE A LTY < 1·. \ • , I .. 1. ' ti *673-7300* HOME LOVER'S DELIGHT An enchanting and ru1istlc modern 2 story home on a lovely site. All t h c amenities are contained in this 4 Bcdrm, tam. rm. & dlr OOme. Lowest priced PALERMO mod e l in Harbor View. Reduced to 111,500. 675-8'00 VISleN RIAi.TY FINAL CLOSEOUT * MODELS* and * NEW 110f•iES 1' 8" % FiMncii:ig avail. HARBOR VIEW HOMES Donal.I L. Bren Co. l829 Port Sheffield Newport Beach 833-0780 I YR WARR ANTY INCL UDED BOUGHT A FARM! The owner of Ibis qWlinl Ne\\1>0rt Heights c o t ta g c hall bought a fann in the mid·west. He'll be moseying on back soon leaving behind this rustic home with beam· ed ceilings, fireplace, panel· lng Rnd new carpet. f\1aybe it's just the right hon1e for you. Call 646-0555 lo have a look. It's only $37.500. '"" c o·~· ............. ~· ..... . \'.\LLE)- HE \l:I'Y A BERG ENTERPRISES CO S11n Clemente 1076 VIEW LOT Build your dre11m home on this large b!ull with S\\'eep· ing views of !he Pacific, Offt'rcd at $9'.,500. GRUBB & ELLIS RcaJ E s ta te 675-7080 Santa Ana 1080 VA DUPLEX UL TR,\ i;harp 3 bedroon1, 2 bath, 2 bedroon1 1 bHlh unit. VA eppraisal ortll'red. \Viii i;cll either no do1\'tt or low d o w n . Beautifully landscaped. Sprinklers. Air co n d i tioned. Luxuriantly cnrpetl'd throughout . $45.950. lll"WQuail l liit •Plac:• Prap...ti•a · -752-1920 1400 OUAILST. NIWH>llT llACH Bargain beauty In a private walled conununlty w I t h private beaches. Beautifully decorated charming home with flowering vines adom· Ing roof and patio. Complete wllh guest house in the rear for teenagers or grandma. Plenty of parking and all for $64,950. I !lllQuail ~ liit •Plac:• Prap•rti•• , 752-1920 1400 OUA1l ST. NlWPOIT lfACt Ullv Interest & high spe n· d&hle. Only 4 years olJ. Sell or exehangr.. lll"WQuail ~ lii•Plac:• . Prap.,.ti•• . 752-1920 1400 O\IAILSt NIWl"Oll &lACH HOUSE AND 2 UNITS Lag u n a. Beach. Sell or exchange. $83.500 lor all~ Rita Myers ReaJ E s ta I e , 494-5-t!(); 96().-1701 2 BR hse+3 units, E. 18th St., C.M. Great invsimt, al $75,000. Seller y,·/carry 1st TD. Yeager Realty 5.J6-filTI C.l\1. Triplex Prov. pn rJos. lrplc. & den in owner's. Sell or exchange. Fortin Co., Rltrs. Industrial Prpty. 6l2-JIXXI 2100 LEASE 1,000 sq. ft. w/olfice 110.220V. h~·at, hot \\'Ir., new bldg., gd. location. 645-224'1 Lots fo,. sale 2200 H~ • · Sl;iter. NPiv pa.int & rrpts. Rt:ALTORS/DJ..:VELOPERS •"..va' & IAY, C.M, 142 llll $:)!G I nJiflcd 7".>2--0460 si;tJDE~. barh $100/$135 f;m1lr.~l:°>iu ~r ~2--l·lil. LARGE 2 S!Dry '1 hr.. ~ 'our choice, all ill'Cihl. Ros.,. ba din rm 2 lrrilc's one CLE.\N l Hr dplx $140 MB · .. 1 "1 • "-J -Stv/rel, C&D, bt!1:u.:h close. 4 Bit lownho1n1>, 217 Ba. in. l\ 11sl~r su te \\/ua.con~. SEVERAL 1 B NB &. b!tns, irpll'.', pool, Aardener. Li,:. p<lllO lead~ to. \~a!t>r ll Laguna .$165/$195r.yrly fw·n Near OCt'fVJ, Good tenants edg~ .. Tl en n I sor:~~ I pool ·, & gar. ' ~y! $315. mo . (213)3-17-~78 g~~ e g e s .,.,.,., rasc. NEAT 2 Br '1·Plex $180 UUI 3 HR, 2 Ba, crpt.. drp11, ' pd., pct OK-avail. bltins, dishwasher. Fenced YEARLY dupt;x. 3 ~'it'$ • •• MOVE In 2 Br hoW!e $185 yd., gar., newly dee, no from beach, I·. hr, l~2 ba. Nu crpts, fncd &: garage. petll. $295. 847...Sll5. S'l75., 1-3 hr., 2 ba. $375., -'' SINGLES 2 Br house $200 4 B 2 B l I both w/fresh palnt ·&: tlle, Chld & pet -pat1o &: gar. r, a. c ose to schoo s, fl'pl. & gar. 979-lm:wknds. FA~llLY ~p1 3 B 2 Ba 1375· \'ery clean. fi75.l8li 6T:r4910 \\'kdy• '· -, .,.. ex r, or (213\ 592-5768 eves. · •. $ro5/$Z'l5, applns & xtras . FOR lease Lido Ji o r d e 1'~RPLC 3 Br. 2 Ba $285 -I Br, trptc, fncd )'.d. bltms, \\'alcrfront. Beaut. 3·Br, sn HS 'Stvlref, kids &: pet ok. patio, crpt, ~,_ m1 to bch, Ba, family or ~ room, HUG I-.: 4 Br. 2 Ba ~me $350. mo &.12-»11 t trplcs. Dock ~ boat. S32a F'rplc, a pplns, big 2 Hunt. Harbour 324'2 615'-5998 after .f pnT~ 337-.... car 5909 '· SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS TOV.'NHOUSE 4 br, 2~~ ba, NE\VPORT Bea!..ti \Vliterlront A.LA Rentals 642.1383 pool &: gar. Avail. lor 8 ,,._ , 4 b ho • 1 • - '·-h...,· , Oct ~ lk °"au . r me Oil)· cana . .. • VACANT 2 Br b>use, III'. w...,,. uq;ln g._ · g,i, v.·~ Newly C'rpl & painW. Ten· Nel\-port Fwy $90 •• country to beach. $315. mo. 968-4545 11is, pools elc. incl(L Steps setting, kids, pets, &Ingles. aft. GPl'il lo ocean. $49.'.i mo. '&48-0143 2. Br house Costa !'.feu., Irvine 3244 NEWPORT Shores ., Br 2 .. kids, pets, singles. 2 Br., •· ,,._ _., •t_.:,_ 2 Ba teahouse N e w po r 1 """• near ocean, ......... """""· ·"'" Beach, $195. vacant. 2 Br * RENTALS * ms. mo. 61>1706 Huntington Beach, &inglea Univendty Park 2Br w/Crplc: 1¥.. ~ to \~ ok, will give option. 2 Br 3 BR., 2 be. ............. $385 Ocee.n .• OIJI aft l;.S> pm. T\VO LOTS total 1041209. Balboa, $215, singles or 3 BR., 2~ be.. .......... $380 12131 274-3692. •;, I Choice location, Huntington fan1ilies. Agt. Fee. 979--8430. 4 BR., 21ii ba .•••••••••• $410 Newport Heights' ·3270 Beach. Zoned bu s ine ss , LANDLORDS• The Terrace _ ; .. , Professional or o f f i c e s . • 2 BR., 2 be .•.•.•... $375/S38.i 2 BR, niCi! yard incl. ,ltove ,;;.. S'll,000 each. TERMS . w~ Specialize in Newpor: 3 BR. 2 ba .••..•.•• $395/$425 ref .. ga.<1 & wai."r. NO pets'. write: KANPAK, 1993 Kihci Beach e Corona del ?.far e Greentree Homes $190. yrly. 673-2256 .. ~..-u ' Rd., Kibel, Maui, Hawaii & Laguna. Our Rental Ser· 2 BR., 1~1 ba ........... $315 S J -.. : or Ph. hl:S-l!79·Ll:l:t vice 16 FREE to You! To· Turtlerock •n uan ·::; , PR=o~,~,~O~NTO=R~Y-~S.-y-Lo-t, 1 Nu· View! 4 BR., 2!-i baths ....... -·150 Capistrano 3278 • finest location, Will sell or NU.VIEW RENTALS 4 BR., : baths ......... $.475 .- trade for house or sml apt 673-'0JO or '494-3248 l BR., 2 ba .•••••. $475w/gdpr NEW 3 br, 2 bo . duplex. biding. 213-m-9966 - ----College Park Lg. pvt. yd./dbl. ga.-., f'l\1. "' NEWPORT Beach b a ch . 4 BR., 2\.1 ba •• , , ••••••• $450 comm. park. ~. ~92.9a.'j(). •: MounYn, &.@rt, d.uplex $135., near beach, Culverdale Eve. 492-2181 Resort 2400 c:i~esr..1'!a 1 BR, fenced 5. BR., 2~ ba. .......... s475t'SP_AN_ISll-~ •• -p1-,-,-. -,_--,-er-.' util pd $175 einuje ok ' Udo Isle 2 Ba, drps, &hag: cpl, dbl VICTORVILLE-Hunting\on &;a~ ... pool: pvt 4 BR.i:it8'L ·552:7500 .. $600 ~49&.~a~~ ana. ,._ BARSTOW horn" 3 Br, 2 S., $265. VISION • Liquidating Sl,859,001. 11mth,_H~o~m7"'ef~i~nd=e='~'=*"o-6'~2-·9900~-.I • NE\Y 3 BR. 2 Ba Condo, v.•I I I -• 1140 ~ I 1 ~ dbl altach. gan~. Drps, O Bnu ,.,,,.,, n l'Om· RANQ{ STYLE 3 Br. boal crpts & bltns. $310.. .mo + mission!! & or disrounts. n-1 -A all N REALTY acreu. '"" .• .,. v · ov. S50. cleanino-fee. 831-0109 Near Hilton Inn , freeways l ""o" mo 557 31'"' -·.. ,-& got! courses. l''rom r>..50. ' .,.,.,... ·. -. ""· a red hill company Santa Ana :.· 3280 - an acre. Free 23 page color Balboa Peninsula 3207 Univ. Park Center, IITtne . ~ ........... B nu brochure. K lnvestn1ent Co. ~-•• ~u :ltl &10-8300 Co Lse 3 BDR.~ &. 2 BA . .t large ' • YEARLY RENTAL 2 BR ndo •••• $%35/mo lot $300. New crpt· 'paint INCOME HOMES \VT NTER or yearly rental. 3BR 2 BA downstairs unit 2 BR Condoll ••••. $2.65 &: S27S $290 Lots of trM .$290' : • NEW TRIPLEXES $84,950 beautifully fum. condo at -·Urn $325 1 A 11 Oct 3 BR Condot ••· · .$265 A $275 C.C j 21 546--9521.' ' -1 • Beautiful 3 Br, 2 Da, O\\•ner's Indian \Veils. \.\-'rite P. O. ~ · ·yr y va · · l BR H)tre!. $300, $325, S33S n ury ' • . 'I: unit, frplc, private )'ard. 2-Box 914, Balb:ta 92661 or SAME BLDG: 4BR. 2BA un· 3 BR Hornet • $360.$375, S395 Santa Ana Heights: 3282 2 Br apts. 2675 Elden Ave, _6'13-0!~"°19~1~a~te~"='''·~· ~--,,-f t i $4c· yr\ 4 BR Homes •. $335,$395, $425 t (near Mesa Dr.), Costa ~ A""'11"'N" "1· mo. y. RANCH REALTY 2 BDFL\f house on• 1 acre, . LUXURJOUS 3br, ?tlamn1oth va · av. · * 551.»MJ * horses O.K $175. mo., ~·~':'"'~·~642C'--4~905:-:....--~-I Mountain Chalet. Adjacent (Bolh have t'!l,JlS, r'rps, garb. RANCH REALTY 541}.4519 ,, Builder Desperate to lifts, $45,001. 642-i630 dlsposl, D/\V, tpl.J Calle~. * 551>-S!IOO • , . \ Must S.11111 PAU.1 SPRINGS Co N D O 673-3770 or 675-Z'l"A TUSTIN REALTY Hies Furn/Onf'Utn 3300 , , Brand new 4-plcx near Hun· GOLF, POOLS 3 BR all Corona del Mar 3222 • 332.1;111 • C 0 M CUT1'1t llngton )-(arbour &: I h e new $200 week S'ffi-5039 IRVINE RENTALS • • • g; bl'ach. $ll4,COO. Call for 1 =R-.. -l-E~,-,-,,-.-E~x-c~h-g-e~2-870Q7 $275 UTIL pd unique & 2 BR ........ , .......... $325 O bed s'" details&: an app•t. lo sec. secluded t Bdr., all v.'OOd 2 BR , .•.••.•.•..••. ,, •.. $350 ne room PLU ~ south The Real Estate Fair & glass hse. 3 BR .................... $375 of1275hlghbway -b ~w..1~arpets - 83!Hi133 536-Z'a.'H 17 Units, close to \\'ater, In $350 4 BDR .. 2 Ba, frpl, 3 BR, FR .............. $-125 - . ut SU ll\Jl uuen:. Carlsbad, trade all or part _. t' BR. FR uoo INFLATION-TAX of $63.im equity 1or yours.~" ~RG~ 1 ;· + Iott. 2 45ThWSON:i:)6Nii'REAi.fY-.... PROTECTION L11ido or kNf..,,.rtH ~ r ea Ba. trpl, sep. dining nn, 552-tim ·ome, As or arr1 s on d - 6 · b ~ 2 & 3 B•'-. -•923 g!'l', Y TOWNHOUSE, 3 br, 2 ba, 1'wo bedroom, rwo Da th, unit5 , rauu new •"-' '=-" $450 3 B~R. frpl, dbl garage frnl, Univ. Park, pool, ten· large wndeck, m•iet street. Ur. cpl, drps, frplB, bllns, Real Estate Wntd. 2900 Near Ch1n11 Cove "" r>'r: ••c 4 ~~ •-att. g11.r. patioa. indiv. )'dit. NU.VIEW RENTALS $i..:" ..,: .. a. mo. /1..1 ~. 2449 Orange, CM. 117',!XKl. WANTED' 4 o• 5 b<dnn ., ''248 WAJERfRONJ' 644-7lll 6T.l-4030" ·~ TURTLE e~·. attr ho-housc near OCC. \\!ill rcnt, ~ "'" 4 Plex Needs Work IC'ase, buy or trade 3 lx!(lrm Harbor View Hills So. %BR, din rm. lg f11m nn, Huntington 81'.'ach houllC!, 2J blocks f.Outh of For lease or buy, beautifully vac. pool priv. $465. Bkr Beaut if u 1 3 b CO:ro om Large J BR + 3-:l bedrooms, S. A. Civic Center. Hom(' landscaped, 3br, 2ba. fam &12-0000 tmvnhousc, prh•ate:~81 !dip bltns, closed gilr., s \\' i m ph . 54~1221. 0m='·~"'=·~11~0~1~~----I •NE\\' ·I hr, College J>ark, -furniture optionaJ~:f5~. C.D.M. TENNIS · l,..Quall ~ lii•Plac:• Prapft'tl•a · ". 752-1920 ocean vu on contract w/ $10,IW dn. Move in tomor-row. 1400Qua11st.NlW,0Rr11a0t Enjoy Tht Good Lift e TURT'....EROCK e Call 4SS.2513 BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE HOME For Sale or Lease or Lease Option. 4Br, 3 ha, po o I , view. Valued at over $200,COO. Reduced to $179,000 due to emergeney &ituation. CaJI 644-5345 or 640--0771. pool.Easy termsavailahlc. WILL BUY YOUR C11ARMING l br \V/p vt 2 Im, tile roof, A/C, $425/ CHANNEL DMf Hurry Only $59,950 HOUSE patio avall No\·, 15. $425. leas<>. S11·S974. l\q. I~ First Pioneer Realty Foreclosure o.K. c'~'-'~211~'-'-'~'~'-~-'°~'~'-· ~~-t cL= •• =u=n=1=:B~e=,=,=h--~J=2~4~8'1 . pip 842-4421 SC01T REALTY :i36-7:"J33 NEW 3 hr, 2 ba, bltns, frplc, Cdl\1's n1o:c:.t h ea u 1 I f u I iiiiiii;;::;.~1 1 s~S"U'N=i=T~S",-,-e~r"u-r~b~t's'h-e~cl".1 UP to One million in pro-gar, SUPER VIEW! $485. $175. NJCE l BDR apt, bltns, bayfront \~ation .• v cry --673-2925 or 67!'>-2024 corport. large two bedroom furnish· Pt;csldent Home. 4 BR, ar ' -L-,k-e~F~o-,..-,-1---1-0~5~4 J & Den, A.C. prof. dee. beaut. ld&cpg. On quiet cul· de-sac. Fee Land: Good Terms. $89,950. 64.2--0'288 0-vacancy. 10% Spend-perty ne€'ded before cnd of 12Hl 1 + De · te cd S600 Mobile Homes year! Apts & 0 r (.'O n1· Costa Mesa 3224 · n. view, ~ P5 · • able. Owner finance, 10 OC'Can, Victoria Beach e BY OWNER e ASSUME l'h'l'o LOAN Brand new. 3 BR, 1.! o 1 t desirable, In demand University P a r k location. $51,950. &~ BY OWNER Laguna Beach 1048 ePRICE SLASHEDe $3450. Vacant Very Serious Seller Tu·o :ctnry Colonlnl. 0.:elln view. Palatial, 4 BR & f$m. rm ., 2% BA.. JO' l!vlng rm with stone fireplace, all bltns, dshwshr, ceramic tile & indoor-outdoor carpeting. Sh!LJ carpetlnit nnd custom drape11 thruoul . Huge patio, oversized yard, d o u b l c lij:aragc. $69.~. Tt>rms. C'.AltPF. ', REA L TORS ~or-i9£1.<1271 EMERALD BAY Great white "''ater view; 4 bdm1s., 4 baths, den with f'rpl c,, formal dining rm.: aeclu~ rndlnnt he11ted ter- race. Central Joe., nr. tennis CU. $L~.000 TURNER ASSOG. 1JO$ N. Coast II"?·• l.a.guna 494-1171 INCOME UNITS! Your tenants help you bey thl$ · j(!v."t"l And )'l)U «tut Nunting. Take 1i1lvnntl~ of leaal loop hol'8, See this bl.t 111W:lle.r .. at onl)' $75,000l 49t·1''6l Red Carpet, Realtors 7•/o INTEREST SPANISH 4-PLEX for sale 1100 men:'ial. Sick properties ok. 1 , ________ _, ...... n. 2 noo ocean city vie\\' BAYSIDE OR'.· 81/4 %. Santa Maria. 'i\t• c· ,. 640-8~ •~ ~ , . · na CAJV 11pt~ bltns, garage. Call Bkr. 968-3318 local.[~~~~~~~~ NEWLY DECORATED ~100. UTIL pd, 2 Bd•., !rpl . • 2 STORY 8' x 40' 2 Br·, This coach • 2 Bedroom, 2 bath uni!$. would make an e x c e I , COUNTRY SIDE Prime residentls.I ar ca· ~'kend. home at lhe River. LAKE FOREST Spanish exlcriot. Bl t n s, or 00 your own lot. tJ9i n .. tilul '"R 2 1 .. ,1 bath e n c I o 1 e d ga r a g e s . Tl'.'rm!I avnil . ....:"au "° ·· w s. Sp r I nklcred, landscapi1•". Shag carpets, b u i I t · I n s . "' IM"=t=E=R~!=C~.\N='-,..,,.--,=55="7_-91911=."° Dishwasher. Go r g co u s Only $ll5,000. APT size mobile hon'lt'. in custom drape-s. Large ex-, .c ••• ".'.".'Y_2_1_64_2••1."_1 _ 1 adult park on the bay $18. 750 posed aggregate patio & 1 • ' 54(}.3672 walkways. It's a RE AL 1 =:=======~~=;:=~~;:~===== BARGAIN at $44 ,000. 51l6-S950 "''""•"'' ooly. C.l'rl"O 41.,. ( -fr 'C ~C::. ~ NE\\' LAKEFRONT HOMES ~~ J.""tJ ~). ~ J..J <J" ~ """" 154.950. lll"k." 20% That Intriguing Word Game with a Chu ckle dn. 3. 4, 5 BR. Oub & lake ------• '" ...... UAN priv's, A/C, w/w crpls + l dito" t T • r"' many more features. O l!eorro"110 '-"e•s of '"" Hawkins Renltors S3(h'W2,j 1011• K.1o'"bl1d wc•ds be· Mission Vieio 1067 4 BR, 2 b.'l Deane hon1c b)' owiil'.'r. Upgraded. Elcc g11r. <loo•· It more.~. 3 Bdrm. for gale by O\vllt·r. La0011caped, view. COJ"!l('J'. 116.!XKl. C.11 ~. Newporl Beach 1069 fiOO Newport Cenl(!r Ori~ low 10 loir11 four ~·!!'pie word1 PP lllT f, '.'l(P(0 l(Trl t \ 1 ti.J,~nr~1UADrS • l I • -. LIM. Pattnershlp-2 yr old I ~, ~ 1 -Bedroom, den \\'/sun house. nr. Divers Cove. Tuo bedrooni •11\Ct-dl"n · -30 unlt furn RPI.'! In San I Rent• ] ;Ii porch & )'f1rd. Near Stlnta S365. LARGE 3 Bdr., 2 BA.. ~t.~vix:n $~rt'n t :ifl7 ~n{ur- Clcmente. S8j(){) cash ror tn'< I tlii!iiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiijiii.~jiiil Ant1 Country Club. $250/Jno. frplc, bllns. dbl gar, yd, 5 \I.'(· "· '"'1""" I" c. MANAG>:-1 , (Ul9I ''00· c II 675 7225 ~I ENT r~ P. }'~ E. < 7 1 4 l HouHS furnished Pfi11\a Balley &l:?-&235 $100. UTlL pd. 3 Br. 2 Ba 3 · ·· . 492-272,j 1----------1 rrpl. beams, \'iE'I\', fi(I' rl('("k __ 1_6_U_N_l=T~S----'Generol 3102 · NU-VIEW RENTALS 673-<1030 or 4!M-32~8 $225,000 12°/o CASH FLOW 16 Carden type units. Quiet o ff s trert location. \'Vood· burning fireplaces. Terozzo entries. Enclosed jl'.arnges. Sparkling pool. Large 2 bedroom units. Enrns $30.tO 1no. 12% 11pendablc. tl.lX Gro!{s. Good terms. tlurry -<'B ii (n4) 75'.l-17\0. & A11oc. .. . ,•" "' <O.O •••II fU•••" "••wl \".\LJ ,~:1 · IU·: \l:I \ A BERG ENTEAPAIS' '> CO '"' ... •n• •••II r~1 ••I '"''"''" :\'\LLE1·: "'.HE\l:l'\ .. A•ftERG ENl£APf!IS• S CO • ' , r ~' l •, 0 8 OAILV PllOl,1 J "!tdtle;ld.91 Oct*r 21, 1'7~ • • · • • .. ._1, .... t~ ~. ..,,., ·-• • ·~ ,. t f1>.· rl....,11 Fum -»Oil Aportmenlt l'wnt-1100 Apertmonta wnlohed rtmantl . · ,.-. Untum.: Apia V'{ft/ k'"\e'' ~ ~·, 4111! ,Olflc, ~ -• ,· " ·- -port S.ach 37ff 31124 Hvntl!'f'!" -~ !'!!~ -~ . '' . T T'<llOOMMl\'TES ' :=:::i:~-::~".::::._-::::: I ·===:!:=::i:~r~ I !~,~!?!:::..::::,;.:.:.::::, :, ·----~· • SAN'DPtrtR. INN W•iilla 'tO Wre beautilul WINTER RENTALS -~ CHEZ ORO APTS UN1UKl'I Apta. 2 Br .. 2 Ba, ~!IDNA O.ElJ )ilAJt" I •btircoJJl fiitnt&brd or un. Oct. '1o Junt ( 1%34 Atlanti . Wntcliff area. UQA)l 'Pft J~ Utt' at Oe.P·ood .. • 2 br, Bffchtront apr. Jm. 1.2.l S DR.. Priv pr, p)OI. OK. call &Q..21$: 6's-a:r.o. \VALK TO tti .. r;•;: ,J f''\}J.'t 0, 0 0 0, In Ut11. pd, J5t &>: lt11 mo. ·~"Uher. drytt. Cole to tBedroom•~Adu.ttNU)\le, ........ ~~HION ISLAND r•Fru·t\.en faclllt.,. • rcfundabh! dtan'1. dep. bet.ch,, $36-0336 no petL Near wat" rnvaq-·PtaotfUl.,~ · ,CompJJ:n)mui.ry'' tennj1 FINE ,.FURNITURE ' , , I ·-. • ABBEY· RENTS FURNITURE FOR YOUR NEW APARTMEHT ·- :: \~ .. t~lar Orie~!~ ~ ':-Junt a..ch . ~ _, ~on leul. '12""110_,,;_. _,: t-i. \I ~ ·~t!:Fstl~u~~l2 6P:369I • qcEAN VIEW 2 BR' l N rwwport "•'•"''' ....,. LUXURY APT. t'..lvlN,6 • ·ume •etivllft lor ">hq .. us BRISA.S APTS PINl!CRl!i"K .,c, I""' -.!'f. th~ NEWPORT HEl"'ui' I ·• ,. ... ., lUrn. •lll...-·or ·plJpa M•• e e 9:''. . •· 5M5 River A\'e 6-12-2566 · -. . . Uhll epara(e t.rOin Wln 1'7~ un.tilm-.Wto;.. J2;85.1 to $C50. ;We'U.~_#.'eft~.MID ~·find . " ... r ' . ~ ,. ' At Abbey R~nts.Furnllure, you ran luntish a I bedroom ,aJlll!lmepl !or as lllUe as $35.00 Emtat.lr bkta on beaeh. ~2 LIVES UP . llldr. $29!51mO • .fiM.1~ or Nf!'W' Duple:<, 3 br/ den, 1 · .. , . . t i ,r«nnm.te .. Soi'ry. JM>~ •, • -" -1'!.t•ot·1 l >t"-t BR-Pvt Mleonie1, htd pool. TO ·ITS NAME 1 .._.'6(12.ve. . 'iii ba., trpl,• t car ;1.,.: 2 SWlnu:nfna: ~ 2' nr. 'under 2t.• no pets. ~11 OFFICE SPAtiii t..a tt;• • ·l \ per month . ' · · • Rent as mucb,l)r as litlle as YOll \YMl "". on a 1nonthfy basis. e All rent appli~s toward purchase. • Prompt. courteous delivery. ' ' • Office furniture. e Decorator-trained ccnsultants. e A1ove and A'bbey moves with you. "' Vialt our rOom idea showroom •f 1925 H•rbor Blvd., Costa Mes• 01 ... Cftlt (714) 645-4m Ste_urlty. Adults. Ovd" t.oo tall U'ffS and 10 SMALL· APT SlZ lncl irtn :na Palmtr, $31S per mo. ""11obbrd .. u.t)li. pd., elev., ~~ da!1Y '10 Ito T. See ~~I servtces. -~ ~WK UP. t 8(1r., 2 ['1. •lrtatnu _!; i t1h ... _terfa.I!! Neat \' l c tor la Beach ea,, 8.Kf. 833-2014 or &!6-'l(lt ,9!lL, ~-~ .. ~ atparvt".,.' lltir.,· °"!'~~ ..... !'1 tq the •Pf!J!· P C''f°J f'tr'c ~·aH/"Profeuloni) ! Wo .. A.· Bach. '"blor iv. makl cr•a t a ... -ax Ill H .au" 494.30Sl/f2t!l) 412-3837 6116-TC14 ' -'' -'"•''""'..,• ro ...... aecuuu. • ~.,..., lioen.ted;tt~estatc brokfa ~ • ·-' ....,., your apactout new ]. w bliJcya.,~.m~h more . .-. · ~-" •' • M1 Pool"' ,,_M .... _ terv. _... THE MESA, 415 2-btdrooni apartment. From 1 BR 1,;. .ltlk , to htt ch 2 BR. ~ ba. ~-J!-:!lo· . -'• . , , • . . OAJd\.:o6p~:CARt>EN '14.P!'S f f;itlru{-<":ff~' 'WUllta ,.uaa I ~~wport Bl., N .B . $ 190. Furniture avaUable. ADULTS $225/mo. ''14\ s. ~ .. ~~ultf, no .p:ett, a mat<f .aerv .. o~t. ~eonla, . lfi14-at,lrilne • ~· I ~itla~t[UJe of~ e~ j Office open 9:00 to 6:00, <hast Hwy, 1...1.runa Beach • · - : · '. · 0 ·1 ·• ; $..gt't\) · .. 1 ditbJ!l~t~'iU~n _ ~e I ' 1 BK. StePI to beach, $180-~3001 FPU..ho ~ ... ~~ta L19ype.:NJ1vel 395) S.~ C'!IJ!!''• 3'76 f021~ LE.~;STOR 1.n~~;, FEMAl.Z R~lJM.le ~/$ ' Aiioaaied t•South Coa ,-t • •1 mo. lnc\d utU & garage. ,. eu. ne. iltir~. -'QiJ ... v.... .n,,. ~. ' vr. ,to ·sft&l't nloe 2 ~,.~~ .~-P.O.' Box 1595, 1• ~~~ ~ntal. M-1-6899 or JJACIENDA DE MESA SP~L Of'F'ERJNC S!rCR.11~!~· O~~ua~a~'f7u1 u~ LjA-IHTA HERMOSA ~. ~mQ. ~75r~l! 0 N~'1frl&Jpi: ca. 9266l: ,.. , • 160 \V. \Villon. C.AI. THRU OCT. 3111: rree rent hr apt ln s. 'aem Octan Sfianish O>untry Ettat•r:'t .reav~.meU:age for Dolig. WAT.ERFRONT lf~t'~':°~te:ts.to d~'nc~ BEA~~ N~R~e':"DS mo of Nov. 3 Bdrm condos vw w/clt1 ll&lits;. t rP r-·. in, J =~ tpta. er-QCI,studebt needs roommate ·• NE'Yl,ORT_t:•Ei\CHt.i ' . $200. mo. yearl,y leue. Bar· 10 minute• to oetllll. '!.a. reduced to S325., Oilldrm drps, dishwasher I .lawld ra.c 0 '· aun en a I to ihr CDM :apl $ll2.00 ~M'boM1' f ~ t ]leaJt)' 6«2-'-153. 1 & 2 Br 1 r -ll;r over 12 in ad~ll pk. u~r racll. Adul~. no. Jlieti.'..-ms ~ n~~~ ~, -ca.4 Mark..~ . ~~~ JllJ\e. '.t ~ BOAT DOCK'· 3 en, 2 BR $191).~th Patio .... !15'. ll ltP. bu.t ~ con\pleic:. ~· "9MOO), 492.7577 art· II. 1 eR FURN~... . R~ l\faJe; ~ br I ' • :-a:..w.m-· ... Tenn.II It. gol( mmabersbip . ' . ........ ·• 11 ~: 'S le p I t:·ti'"•b ch '· ·~ • """"&~ I • sundeck v.1lh v I e w . Gas &: Water inc .. &Tall New liE dlx view REDECORATED '2 hr, 2bli, 2 BR.. ruRN $%)5 • ·~bl {1]') ~ . •· ' I . . -· wtntet or )'r'!y. On the Draperies. · carpets, &: as 3 br 2\i ba 2 PoOI' tnl quJet neikh\icrbood, close to srunto UNFURN;-up · · • e._ ~ · • · • -,..., '4'&ltt •• 67S'.169/774--4384 heat. . cu stove.. a i r air ~nd. rpi. ~fr~ · ~-erything,i.I 'cNlcf OK, $195. AU. tmLITIES, PAIQ ' ~·r+t· ~; 1 1'9~--;iA DUI 1 I v,· 'L·H(e it!.ch "fvl,..? condl~onb\i.-•.fl I m m I n & Dr\ IOU ~ va l'1'e1y , «n-080J, G3-09ll. &:4795· · · Adults. No peta. . 1 , . -", \ t , .• ··.' 1 -.M • 'FR.Ee ..r •• 3 8', l bl furn or unturn. ~~.1 room,, wuben~ ~). CTJ4) «;:.l'JM Offioe. NEW lfe 2 ·,Bi(·_ 2 BA . t~_.A:t~tnLane<) "·7·HS4.,,_'1 ~1=ar C~ 0r\t'l2tt1 No ·'~ • .r,:tJ,. ib.'.~ofllCft ·"- ! ~days. 60-37S3eves. ...,,....... If no ann.-er, 49&--Um Prtstlae area. LPool,.encl uii.g--.oew.._... 11'1 • ! Stir BSlboa.QlvcL-SZJ:·lTlo. adj.··Atr;atttt Hotel Al /I~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~, ... ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!".,.!!!! .. "!, OC'ElNFRONT aptL aV..u MEDITERRANEAN Lido Isle· 3iS6 ~5ntut1C , view.' SZIO. ~~. ~~ ·~~.~~-6T'~18'18~. , ... ~-~ 'fQJ2ll S~;f'6"' $1~ • ; Condos Furn 3400 ., Ap.rtments Furniihed winter/yearty, plUJh 2. J Vf LLAOE , · ' l bk>Cic. . · ' SINGLE CAR SPACE; . .Ji? of ' J~ ~ • Room 8 '1 .r,, t & 4 Br. 6'15o-14CM. 1 Bedroom , • ' $200 LRG 3Br., 2ba, b}tfps, ttP.ts, SPACIOUS 2 BR •close to · ' c:ara·~. \\'est Ne\Yt>Qi::t , •·· 1f$-9;223· ~ JI. , _....,.-· " PAL.i\t SPRINGS 2 Bl} --2· C•1t4 MIN 3724 Sa" Ci.m..tte 3776 1 Bedroom & Den $251 drpe, 2 car gar. AdltJ, $-100 ~.·beach. NO PETS, . Pe-nln.ula: m...c,oo BusifteH ~.ntel 4CSf ~~ • • Ta°tuz~1s. ,~,~~. sa:i;: =' -"$30'"-'~WE=-ccE_k_&_U_P::.:.;::.; ---'-'"'-"-'---::.:.::.: ~ =:s Townhouse . ~ M;:· y1,~r alt 6. P~r ~1&1-3880 . . • • ~ -, . \'\)\ NTEP ,enc~ garage -3.mc~·'~ ~OJlF; ,,. _1 i ~ :-. " ' ~l monthly. !213)M7--021;19, or : $6.SO·Niehf & Up. 1 $89.50 MONTH 2400 Harbor Blvd .,. • 3163 n • n .. , lrl~bv • ft ,_ at~fer ~~~ '•: ~..or.v,q.>•sq..Ft~ ·~-·i .~ ... ~"' 831-4870 . $tud'6 1: 1 BR Ap_ta. Costa ~fesa n14) 557--8020 e HOME ATt.tOsPltEJu;. 1-BR. tn"plex, 1u°· So. Coast ·''~ Ort# e i"f ... .,..,..... ,. ex, . New."tJiM·ciP.t&:.,p,,vqd . , ' ~ 2 BR. 2 BA. \\lest Nine. e· TV &: if&ki SerVice A\'tlil. ~hi~· ~~:.~a~dt U:e~.: NEW BREED APTS. Deluxe 2 6: 3 BR. ~rital Plaza. Cpts., . drpt,. Jllflh , . • " Offac. Rental · -"'°°" lug, 01\ .~.(Orner, 4 mu ,. . . Laguna Niguel. '96-Qsrr or • ~ne Service -Htd. p:io1 park'g. loclud~. ·Comp. l BR. frPlc, cpts, drPs, P"M>!· 0 f c. J .o.9 5 ·1'1 ace ·Ave . Gerace. $135. 833-i!h~ 2 B,R. Tou:nhouse, . frplc; • · • ; ; from beaciJ,·l#Wll.~h.-t~ ~-. ·-r . t 5:'fr-1TJ2 -·-· • • Children 'I:' Pet Section .Security. Seo I'll~. ll4 'Ave. jacuzzi. encl. pr .. All util ~1034. I ' Apt• Furn/ilnfutn 1900 !lOin ~ .l;BR [l'om "195. cn1 IEASE ..... ..fOl" :lntUrr,.noe.;RAI Estate!·-, -1 . Condos Unfu r"'-"• •W -·J316 ~cZ ~~ de! Mar, 'SC. 492·8«.W ·· paid. No pets •. Adults only, Mission V'-i• 3167 , : ·~ ·~;""1t""~.-;, 'contlnefttal . ~· . 1 !f,., ~ ' . CIU Shp.-,etc. ~'Ex'!:. -T SPACIOUS 2 BR clo.e to $1!0. 393 Hamilton, 6;ti-+Ul _ .-·1 • ,. • " breakfut.. SePltlte. ,tamll,y . -· L 207• i-:1 Wkd&Y.t, •. '""' ' t ~I FOR Lo•"· moje"lc ocean '-bo ch VIEW NO 0' 642-!960 N~W 2 l!R Co...,, Ah'°"""· OAKWOOD ' • ""'Ion -Oooo lo ""°P"' ·•· ,l'\CflCE$ .. · ' · · ' ~ view, new Jbr, 21..t ba, lnclds 1 BR FWn $165 PETS per!. '9s-.4764.' CASA VICTORIA AP'l'.S Pool. SZ'>O. mo. Very nice, . ' ·I ' rti1e ·beach. 644-261.J IVllll, ~. ' ··' '!.M.,.,"E"' ,., .... L1 • Ctntt!'~S..!f .~i~M1llt • clubhouse, goU, jiool, ndlts, Lota.!!, bltins, ,pool, walk'i ''-147''-,.==-"'o.,U~I;:...-A'dultl " 3 BR w/patlOI 830-3092 FIGHT' i · -· -'" ""' "'" ... lOflO !ij 'Ft -a nope11, lullcrpts lJ .t1rps, tos ping, i,;. ml. beach. Pl rMr\h """'· :rram $is'.9.So NoPeti Newportlffch 3869 -· ........ l 1" 1 ••• _ .. , ···:··•rRtfAIL•:: .,i ·~·ot "frc.-· .. ;:.;., !?. 2 car gar, $38.5 mo .. Smos: 931 W.191:~~ BilbOl lil•nd 3I06 Pool. rec rm., elevators \ • .~ n.:.i·. -r . • ~ 'Qn D:_r;.,rptnoBeilJ."'i ~l Ire~ San Cl•11tente, see.pte.Gas&.v.-aterpd INFLAT.ION ·~ rr-1m~Hunt.~on ·B'•1ir"h· Elcce~ntparldfli:,. " . 71~~127 ,. GRAND Canal 2..BR. B.ltns. 521 ViCtoria, ~· 642-8970 OCSAN,RONT . . ocrr.'mr'cm"' ' ... ~=..~~~i~~;:; " f '. ·~r ,'92-1i33 :.'-· - N.B. Larg~ l BR, :1.; ·Sa.. •1 El ' ~f'.t0.1 M.,O \\'/D, Frplc, $300. nw. )'Tly. APTS Unturnuih~ 2 Br • 3 BR, 2 ·ba~ Yrly $550 . . llllJ'UlfSll(UViiilr 0\~11,tlllO""«lf 1 ft. of ren-COA-t'MERCIAL~' 1• n&e '· .: , F~c. Refoig._. d~~· e~I 1 & 2 BEDROOMS No chlldttn/pets. 673-3328 $195. Util pd, pool, lndry 2 BR, 2 ba, lurh $400 \\'ntr. Thegolnprlce Nof """'°'o •kw'¥ dd ftMMl. "".rCtM.t-tat;Je an&l'n.t i u ll 'f'n'g' :1.2 s-1.ce f'rbrn 2.ic 'l" "'lot . .' It. ~ i patio, pool. Nr "~· 8 Jbo p I I 3I07 facll, cpts, drpl, dm .. 11r. 2 BR.12 ba. winier. !'>NI g up. °'?' 00 • , •.• '.'IDe"' ... e ';:euklnal Suites 3""Roo >::..c,1· •-J ;i . · "' I "'".Adult11·no rs. 2·'""'" No.Children.Non...•-a • ennsua i--• N hUd -G-~,. Apt• h-'pa 700 •~L__J___ ...,.. mo~can1.n1 A1UC. ...... ~ .. .,.... c.....,.. gar. o c /pet. BAYFRONT iu.1.1 ~ •.-"9tGB SSOO~fo. full tactll\,!es'· • · L.fboe:. Sri' ·. ~J : Townhouse U rn··-25 Pool" Recreation SUPER Dl!LUXE Haotnda Harbor Aptg · ll&ht ln1latk>n by offenng '•1Tll 211:' Pl Q!Cl & rftai.l'rP&ff $240-.mo. ~ • -' 11" M4tplt Ave., ,C.M. 3 BR, 2 BA, patio, '-le. .. , '8J9..747S 3 BSRT.E, 'psba.T, 0unr8. $475,yrly. 1u · •o.dU&ive "No· Rent '& · •-~ ,,.,,,.,,«1., ... ..,. tt~·at .. t... ~·.15 ~ ~ · ' . ""'" ~ACH Raille Guan.nt,ee". •211 0... . . UVllll fl'!" i ll'tu _,. • ....... Store"spacc,frym $!S0 m6:'· r. :or; TO\\'NHOUSE 2 lr. ·~r. So. BAlCHEl.040 ,·. l~l'A!!'"· e'lla1~~· Da\Vtst ·-~ A\'e, 2 Stary..,...2 Br .. 1112 s .. ~:~Slnandgle ~ BR. 2 bli, winter. $175 \\'-e gua.rantee that )'Olll' rent F-'Nm $175 .. U'tt ·Goodlt. Jin ~~toe ~~~· Nolan '~~· D:tt«e ·49'.~ ~~ . An C.oast~!;_E!ma: &1i.lioo._. ........~ )IS.......--.w; eve car . I" near,_.~ 2BR,fum.,yr!Y$Z75 wilt not ,be raia:td for l , ' · ~ '!Setallsand~ouu.;, ~r·,-CL..E¥Ef41'E'"ltell ('. .....,,...,,~ "°~'.. ~~J'=·'1~/n:t&655~~t CORONA DEL MAR full year and~ 1till·h&ve Mitsov..lelQlt&AclorM 1 fffij r;>t-:,oo.1 ; . · , ~ !Qtlll~.~P.:<in 1A\'tnue~MI ; • t•. Aptrtments ~foilhed Huntinttt1n Btacfl '2740 OCEANl'RONT Yeat1y: l Bl{ l&th. Dti\•e by ·.then'~ call 4 BR, lint. houae. tam. rpi.. . th! n~~hl!ltY (!f m ~th-: S40· 1aoo· · · ..... :·IN.fr~ flt'VtsJdN . J.~. , 'E:)C C__t.l 1 -;or ·i!iY -· ~ · · Engienook, \\-et bar, BaJ. 644-72ll Agt ).f' Bail 2 ba. $500 IM! or 1~ .. /opt. moifth occup&nc'y · '• ' 1 ,~ ~ bllflJ1l!IS., $~. ~.;.w - B•lbui lsf•nd 1 ....... !"06 LOW WE~KLY RAT.ES oony, cpts, drps, bh1ns, cai· · r. ey. NEWPORT CREST r Pl\16 you get a ~t more Room1' · · -· R I 'M#. ll4 Att. dl;t '~at;~· --- l 1_ !! -. Executive SuJtes port. 675-1536. LARGE 1 Br on Weat Bay 2 BR, 2 ba.'c.ondo. $525 forytiurmoneyat0ak\\1Xld, · · 11~11 ·~ 492~· f. .,. : · l @s:_!i__ ; J\tODERN 2 br, t...Mr..O... 727 Yerktown Blvd. NEW ll:tta Js-e 3 BR. 2 Ba.. St. Q>ts, drps, bl~ $15S. COMMeR(JM. including $1 mllllon in COLLEGE student ~ne .e'i:li \ \ CM. ~ro~~ Ii omtl(* ' to Bay. $300. Call before Beach•BJvd. at ·Yorltio\\11 Ocean(ront ,Ape w/dbl gar. Incl, ulil. No pets. 675--5800. om~ suite N' . t'emat~ Iaclli~fs.. a 'fllll "fuOri\_, .firf; ... Vidnlt)'. 'ot 'OCC ~ : isoo 'l!1 J.t~ ...... '1111111 (;,., \ ~~ 6~[, 6·1i·9030. I , • •. 536-Mll ssoo. mo, 6U-2lS4 day s; Broker, no [ee. ~lr!ie A!=l•vitlesD1rector who .in, eiCbangl for rent or . • 2r:i0 ft .. leJ.\'\' tiftt'.fraUiC'j ~, } 11 I B lbw p f I :1707 STUDIOS & 1 BR 645--8549 eves LARGE Eastslde 2 Br, • plant partles, BBQ's. Trips xeferl,bly. yard \\'Ork. Pvt O'ESK ·1pace a~lable $50 C·L . . t:1"64fc1.246;;;, -.l!: .. ennsu• ~ '•· · ~pts,drpt,bltns,pool,$l6S • I ,.. I & more-! Free Swid..ay enfN.n~Deth dealred. ma.\Vlllnrov:ldt,_,,,._iture-SP'CE .. ,..tJ,.'•ttl-lea ii , 8 O .. e "111 kitchen ., LARGE 1 br, 1 blk. lo bay ~ulu, no pets. 675-5800. Brunch, ··-" ~ 6#-4390 .. · • . at '"'; mo"! irnf;:';~"l9'g 'ti'...'!~i_~J'.ljtAp'Cg ••"'~ , AYFR NT WINTER e Heated f!C?OI or oetan, utils. incl. $19.i. n-i. l . LQ·-~ • ba t'" ..,. . oq.,,.,,.W'dv> ~r~ · Ctf.7"'I I 1 BR $190. Bachelor $f9o. e Llundr)o faclllties mo. 67~7876 evea:. ""'°-er. no ee. · SinoteSt "'1 & 2 '"-"""'.z. ·~··"' . • ·"I ll!ivice '11vi.Uible. "J 7·87'5 Hilnt. };ll:it. J..WI: 84&-2366 ~ J. r Ufll pd. 9'26 E. Balboa. • ·rree utllllles NEW J b r ba f-1 3 BR, 2% ba 1ri liv rm bedloons. ·Furn. & Unful'T( ciofiel&. tv, pvt ent. gar, • &fl!Cll Bl~';l. I Huntiiigton s -I • I fl'50 67H533 o Free linens r, • ,..,, c~. & faJ11 rm. Adlts/M pets. THE MOSl Wth·llll the extra&~ ·paun, iae, oo kitchen fac, Bea.di; cn.-tu1.. .-tor• .. ·• I• 1 -· ~ • • drps, dbl. gar, nr, Ocean, $'Ull. '°'" "'M ' ' · nr•!Xt $95 pet Dl0 557-9560 I ; ' ' r Lux . turn . be y f r on 1 ta T.V. &: ma.rd serv. 'l.Va!L' S350. 673-3™ ........ U'UrV'fllJ.. • . EXCITING VIEWS open daity 1t;J to ~· ~· a(l. 5 or' \\'kends · O~ Ci:.SJJ AC ,E F O .~ CO 1.l ME J.tC t AL •!'ce· · bachelor. $2j(I. 1mo. PVt e Bar·&Que ' · 1 BR Furn/u""·-yrlv, util Oenai Point 382'6 IN NEWPORf ·--· '· .,......_._dlildrtn. } "'ROM -so Pri ,..ccm.l.fcs'a,,HarbOI' ~ ~~· ~t!r.'!ri -~-·· beach. e Phone service , .. ,,.. • ., ~ . , • .. .1 • 1 -~. ,_ r ..,... · v rms &: at Adorns. Be au t ~-, tt I· 1 : ....... ,.; .. ~·A'VailablllN>ii!'t.so --• 673--7161 ' e 1 mile to ocean :!'aci:1in-'tii9 ~::-P 0 rt PANORAMIC OCEAN VIE\V Luxury bayhlnt apartme~t Oaawooa · ' <A.Pia ·for seniors. Llncm; mo d'e r n . Al r".~'ltl u ale, ;M;;:I""~ 4 · • •• .- BEACH APT BEAUT furn. apu n65 &: c d.' Ma . Le 3Br duplex, 28' !iv rm. living, Boat slips at )'tlur . Garden. . wdd set\', . Xlnt 11ecurlty. janitorial. Cass A. JY_~k~ Notari '.R'.tal E~tite I~.· 1 BR on Big C.Oron.1 . $250 mo. i11a, Spaniali style buildil)g, orona .. r 3922 ~· Adlt&. 493-7557 or door. Wlillc to thops, rHtau-, ~ i~: :,r; ,!: ~ ~1~B~~:.<~ ~A~A l~\!D,-B.lyfront yrly, tncl. uti!s: & i:nmce. :~na. Ja=-~t. ~)lOOI, E.URA la.rge l Br, -2~!. ~&, NU· 2 Br. 11); Ba , twnhse, f:tB~,~~~-eryoetpa~~at:. _.._....,. Ki'\chcii: S30. -'wk up 8pt. l!?,I WESTCLll'F'1>R. ~ce q.r :Sf.Ore ~J~. 673-8057 /if! 6 -... .,1."n , ·-· 't hlk ,B .... Brand new! F'rplc, 1 ha c pl ha! .,.,._ . 548~:» or 66-3967 N ,, __ T ~--~-t C 'f~ "lO · .. . I BR' It°'. mo.'Yiea"y, "' ""' ..... u•: """' c~I lully dra~ all f c, shag, cony. s...,.,. 2-bedroom. . 2-M.th mt.it& with lrvineand.Jllh ~rl.¥'-"' .. _,,._... enter . ~''"" "" n ol Bea"~ off "1ater. ~!"•• ... • ~· new '"" "A"' "'" '""" 64' ~so." ROO'I -· s-~ L ' Olli · c-.-" "'!'' .............. Utll pa.kl. Stovo, Tl!fr'lt:. -"* _ ....., l!P~· ]tJo. JO mo. or ye&r mo.~ or -.. ... --uuu spaclOUS terra~. pool, ..,...,,., ..., .. " ou man, 1u, mon y. e••¥W ce ..........,. LAGtj~A Jl(if ~· f prb. disp. 61>71f.B AD\JL T GAROEN A~T lease from S400. 673·0030 ·. 2 B1t. 1. ba. cpts/drapeS, subturanean 2-car Jljiidng. -·· ..._ .•. 275 Flo~~~. ~ta~ . : ~LL. QN·SJTE li~"'GftR. nce&:Jor ~~ ~---;· -ll-. 1~~--~-~-~ It BR ~· $1A't/MQ'. Pool. DUPLEXES, 2 hr l ba. l290 -Ocee.n View. $200 mo inc All adult. full r.ecur\ty build· ....._ · _"&l&-el36,, • ~ - -(ni) ~~lll ut~~. ..... Prlrfll! Qial H\I. · .c97..2t7 ~ t ~. • :t Corona del MM . 3722 Nr. Lak fto,;J' !'"""' ~<>.L • • Ill ·-~·-Ing Now' ~-t ...... • ' 16th at IMn. 1.110 APT ·---· 14' 18' .... ' .......... r ')', r ... "" ._. u ui 2 br 1 ba $270 u . _,.,,."" · " ... "" • ,,.. ~ A.'-., •170 , .,.. on ....,.....,.. x N£\V Plwih.'Ollice Bldg .. :a or 494.,_,,, ... ·-· . • . LARGE 2 BR turn apt 5 St. 536-7447 aft 5 & wkndi;. 2 ba'. $:)25.' AJi .:.;1~ LARGE Mod 2 br ., ba, built-Ins. dfocor. Leases lroin ~-v rn1. and ldt¢hen and bath. to (j lti\t illit~s ·c.onierence , · · · , min le bch, gar, tta ti o, I\IEN, sm~ .beaFh hot e 1. &: recent I y rt'decorated: gar., Oceanview, ~y~ $225. S:tKJ per mo. Ci'fb1CE Ne_t,$0rt Beach_ 673-124L Rm. >:4!fox' c0Pfer.: 'Near lndu\tr;Jal Alenftl 4$00 . w a I kt n c Io s c.t , bltns, Rooma $2L50· 9.'etk. Apts. ~or 644-7326. · mo. 34Cll'.i Granada {714) 615-8551 LAKE FRONT Guest. Home 4150 O.C.' AitpOrt< tll-3640. dsh,,,·shr. Adlt.s. no pet s. $95.mo, 536-7006' 2 Bedroom $250 "'°"\ 1.,,.,1utt . 3130 Newport 1&.v 'fowtrs v· ELROCSAATllONLL''ES LOVE.LY IA--ivate • OuLXtll~ :!....°'.....!~!~'' i>d«........ .~·~·-* _cM,l ~t $100. rm WallaCe, .Apt. B. BEACll Single, lum. 0f1 ' Patios, glll'agl!;'· ... I 310 F ~ St N 8 ..... 'J!OC ... -_,,...,,_, .---~ .,......,. S.16-JliSQ. 1tttet perk'g. SUS lst & tut. M&-9303 or rn-oo93 ' e· DELUXE e ,erna '' · • · ~-Ptiv~ms. '• 67a.69!l0,' 23» E. ~t.lhl')', llOO~iq-~ ~195. Co1t1·ft\e1• 3724• 8\'CJ. 551-1~~ 426 Acacia,· Cdt.f ... 3 BR, ~% BA apt for lease. PAiiil. NEWP.ORT . : .".... . , . ~ .. CdM ~ , ,~ ~ ol(c, plent;y .. 1;1~ 1---'-------BACH"LOR, n~ mo :a.-• lncld· , ........ master suite, ' APARTMl!NTS ON THE LAKE -. V•c1tiof'! ll•-"'•I• '.A2SO. OFFJCEi ·SPAl;'f:' r ~~: ral ... 1700 Sq. F.t. $245 ... : • • a:. • ,....... : .rw-.., BR, 2 BA To\\'Jlhraute. ..-' w; """"rl ~' N .Saft-DI Frwy , LG I '<U · pet& or childf't!fl. Rehafile, S"'8.clous &: J\.fodern So f din mt It dbl a:arage. Auto ~cbelar 1 qr 2 B~/l1a At S.uth.Coost-,Plam ·· -, ncfo , ~ ,lociat~ !}...' '·-r. ~ ~., ·1 Pl;g.1 hsfso.' poo De;a ltto .!'1°,~: employed adutL '~79-17 u·"'"'" 1~90 mo. ~ ,;.,';..0 1, door' opener avail. pool &. : 'and Townhousti . •. Pool • .A?puJ~ _Aquai .Bar ,;. 1 :~ent · ~y CO . 11 bp..,m w:i ~ 4 •. , • " 1 "!I'll• ?Pl~ -"" ''" .... ..1 t• 'J .,.,.,..,,u RecttaUon area. Adlills .Fr. $224.SO, • tlpe' n "'6 Dally A · JaciDZl., Spectacular-j ~rge,.I BR apt Wlth Ww nOl.ah llteJ"Satate1tnc, ,. .... ;.,- dable lo respo Ible clean Hu'nt. n•rbour 3742 ' 833-ll'« only, no J?f:lS. . Spa POOis . Tenril• A~·. J...a¥e ' ~,...ITawefUil ¢ ln9Uf1~ and, OVl!~k· -!SC. P.&a: s~~ 'f •• _ ~ •. -. ~· I. ' ~:~·s.~fu'.s.I ,1881 r.1on· SPACIOUS BAOI C d . 2 1or 3 BDRM. l bile. 1x:4.; • $322 • Across from Fashion Island Fountains·-% Mlllk>n DoHar Ing pM>I. ()lo!~ PAL Pd lSl?· WEm'CLIFF _NB'~ 1 ~ , • o,st llew ,!-I·?. , . C w/sunken fly!.. i.lcoo~;. ~·A~~:·~~or100F share. .1165 Amigos Way. NB ti.t.JamOon!eOn·San·Joaquin Qubhouae, Gym.· Sawia, DESERT loce.Uon. Nr~-~man AGT: Mt-5032 ; • ,. "f. h . S~tl!R{:; 1;s. • EU! ARDENS APTS New furn. Kit. equlp'd. ;.!25. ·~ _., Managed by ' llilll Road. Tota! sl!cur:'--. &lioppine cehtet. Wttlllf or ' · · t '" t"': 614·2361 40 ~ • FtJRN. 1 &.:. 2 &R apt in S57-4577. e NICE ~corner lBdrm? 5 u n \VILUAM WALTERS co (714) 644-,1900 ImmedWe. OCcupancy mon~ly rafes. For 1·n ! o BANK ol Costa .ti,esa PLa:zl. 1;iq SQ. FT. .office .. 01' adult ~tion. ¥ noC:pets, L •-h 3741 deck to.1ingle refined lady. Huntl-.ton S.•ch 3UO Vl•ta · Del ·Ma.-, ADU"' TS 642-0596ors.56-8868 . -~ce t,_u rd ts_h~d . Nice istci~. Plf'nty ·of ~ J77 E. 22nd ~.. ·Al · aguna Dt1•C 1 Iw... $190. 673 6274. 644-C ·19 .... • ·-• Sony, No~.-• P.u.M SPRlNGS/DESERT '"'-Pl· fn!lip $85. ~· $12a. ~~~ ~ ~· Gll-SS.ta. I 1 BR GARDEN APT. frptc." ~otft Mesa 3824 CASA 'de LINDA ADULT GARDEN HOJ\1ES . IK:helor, 1; 2 1-::J'l 't•s. Sha'&W ?.1ouhtain ResOl't ~DELUXE 2 nn. 'ottice: East.· Call·~ • .. , ; . L99 Fully FUJ"'fj 2. Br 1 blk 10 beach, util. paid .. $50 OFF IRVINE ·AVE. AT MESA from .$175 "''-i lM, ~cw,e~ Clu~~ 10 champ .. ~ .H~·~ C&l-1..~_,:,Ft.._ Stof·· .:.. @ · Bltns. \V/W. <lr'Ps. ·pool. s:m 497-l157. CHILDREN OK .\\iith,•Thls Ad . Near Newrrt m\'d, Frwy : S..ita AMI · ~ feM!i·murts,)uxµry ~rp. JtealonpmlC!!, mas. 67;;:..gm) " .. 1 , : !' ... _ Adlts. no petl:. $J!la.. oo-9J20 N BeKh Lee 2 Br· $170: 3 Br 1 i,r. 4f7 YorktoY."A, HB. . I: Irvine Industrial C.OmpleJ!: 3700 {st..a..-4. 0 . ' . Cat~. <7.J~~ . -. MOOERN o~ '°!. r ent • , OPEN. STOR.AG~. ~.'lit. '. STUNr.:tNG 1 br i ttrden apt. ewport 3769 Ba $190.. Duplex &: 4-plex, BRANO N'Ew . Avail Now. k!-1:-~1:'11· w/..:-,2BilU~R ~·. , · · . ..~~ •. r: ... Rent-ls. ,.-:illtre 43'0 ·.ROQ(I · ~hon. ·.s.»· tb 0'· J n.-graveled Jirta, N~ · ~ pool, 1'E'C rm., $185. Adults. DELUXE DUPLEX, \\'ntr., 2 pools. crpts. drpg, 642-Q382 2 B.R. Unfum. From $205, Q;j0r T.V. fu:;j' .... J.~.. 71f" »9We . er;-.~:: y -·~ .. :. · . Bl., J'lS. mo:,-~ ... ' ·· Tia \V. lBth St. Ne"llOrt Oceanf!'Q111, 2 br 2 ·BEQROO,M! NEAR NE\V Ample parking, encr. iar, Secwit p l'.:'l n ......... •--..,.Av 1 u .vµ NG. ~f~lhtt 8ui1Mis 'RWM ~*51 Bcl1l~·-•1 .• DUPLBX I BR, f~rf!o'lill.C.1\1. l!i ba, $325. mo. 5301 .Sea· Cpts, ,...,,. forced air heat outside JmQ. 96q-2907. y a ~of.lo<' .. ,.. u"'. • . · . &. SOf'• ~s warm. rtspon. ' , . --· •. '. ... · ~~~e;~:. <~iJ:.'I! or mo-~'~"°C""'c-· '-'¥1"-'"""·~·-~--$185 i ·.,"¢an "'kdays 10:30 * LA·;:~15{~~NE * • 'NE. w • ~~ 88hl~@;-eh!;;'.~ · -' ~ ·-~-· ON the bee.ch. ba,.•.,,lor ,to:::_;t;;' ::~;,.'4>-0395:;:. ::..::·=·,_· ~--"-" 2 Br. untum. ·All electric. apl. ·Hiive bustnes1 bkgmd. ~'~~c~!t;~. ~tJr•Aj~~ s~~~D ·f~'QR:.~nl ~:~ ~8~~~ i'.oo lie L~e ie;: .rti.w . ·Fireplacf'_.,1·1i~ated Pool. YOU'LL BE GL:AO & recently n10ved to NB Adull.ll. $185.·i 'Up, · . fron\·Wesf U\, nevf.' 1993 Cburch 5-18-963] . , Faddfn. 67a.U6S Dishwasher. disposal, patio, ~-919-1268 YOU WAlTEDI &Urtss'g. b o \V dlscourag'g. PRESTIGE LOCATl(1~ FOR cOstA Mesa ' ln4 Costa Mesa 3724 raraee. szm. 6"-0878 ACJ'OSll fro,n 'golf coune Introducing new bach, and jOb Opportunity & s&lp·lei :c.:.=;....c.:.C.--'---"c:.;._;c;.:;..:_;;..::c:;c ___ _:::::; LAftGE 2 br, l~(i b11.. "" 2043Z Santa A>ia Ave. l bdrm apts .well wortli are here. We have· excel.! Who~ the new kid °'1 th~.b~ck? ,\Vashr/dryr rm. Patio, "--n Sat/Su.n 12 to c. seeing. Refined · y·et 'af. refs., look'g. for a gd . drps, crpts. Cklse 10 schls ""..,... of forduble • Gre1t BEACH homf', pre~rably In achool OFFICE OR STORE & S. Cst Plaza. 546-86S8. 403 Orlon. CONDO n e a r en\!ironment 1 • furnished dist 'ot Corona de1 ?,f@T Hoag. 2BR.. 2 BA, Utll hi)'. aaj unlurnlshttt a . ~ · Hlih SchoOI. ol°' · wllf, S:har. • EL~! GARDEN APTS Unturn. 2 BR 11pt in family Aeetion. Pool no pel1. · 477 E. 2:!nd SI., C.?o.I. &12-3645. J\IESA. KORIB J Bedroom. 2 bath. $320. n'IO. Includes "·ater. 5t&-S880 ask ror Bob. LUXURY APTS Patio "'''· ,..,,,, c1 .. ,. Im • $185 to $215 • = apl, i;<l-4022 .. • ' Just· beina completed, ·1, 2. mo. O\\ner 64t--5583. t & 3 bedroori'ls, lirepla-,·, ~. EXECUTLVE A'P•r , 1!.AI& 0153 GAL-Sate U. Long BtaCh .... ~ r. ·..trf •Q11 student e~yed in Laa-una · • . .,,,, :Tc!rue;u1GRi:i~ ux:0A~ °&!~" s1~· ~~ ~~~ Ti~ · · ; , I ~~c~@O~ !~l: ?:n1~ · .. :;·1._ .. ·~··R&T~.-1l JIU.·~~ .. ~. " .. $~.·, .: ..:~,·~~~. TION IN TIIE BEACH Fernando. apt 102. See t\lgr, ~ ·a beautiful home m Laguna. -'Ille Bb ,,kl Cif. ~O&la Mes:~Z.,u rent 1,_ , AREA. Call 960·3221 or 615-7~ or 6Ta--6'551 Pleue call MS~ / · • · • •u 839-'133 ask for Ailel'll! or y EA R·L y ?o.f o DERN n'f\p ... a.:tfd.M s 0-UY •23 delirea •roommate p~l me· 1oCations for 'Tetai·I . tor.e to:: ~n. SPACIOUS l Br .. blk from ~;:1' AP"" maJe· or female to share merc~~nts.Jf~siring..tr.emC.o'_dQitS trarrio AMB SSADOR INN · BRAND NEW . $1.SS EASTSIDE 2 Br df>b:, )'a rd, . CJD. frnh p a I n t . J«>gponsible adulta a p p I y . ~2612 or &t;;..9030. WALK TO BEACH . ..,, .. & baY •voil Nov. --· 2 B 2 .. Apt So . Willl .putchasmg· l'Ower.-.Jdf)(l,5-,ft'. ;n'erti l ly $250. 673-1909 . r, . ,near , • '!• ~ .. · 1, 2 & 3 Br. crpt, .drps. ·on · 1433 Sv-rior Avenue Coe.It P1aza Call Roe er 1 stor;e·. '.Will lia,lter. ,lO. 'rJ.ift~tiUsi~es ~ r :::.i::::~i :. s29so & UP -, ....... I.a; ' ,..._ ...... """"°''_... r s,...r.......,_ I • U.-1fwntl....W . •ikMti feclNha ;.;.._ ..... ~,~··-w .. ... t ..... , ... . DfrKJ di.I ., ... Jec.imi .G .. 119'S •tc"-'""'•-w • .awr&Dryf'l'••liil. 2217 HARBOR BLVD. COSTAMHA ' 645-4840 . .• EXaPT'l.. clean 2 BR, c~1. new dros, bllns. No pets: S160. 786S ha 11 mar. 64i-B907 . 1&2 BR unfu'TI Garden Apia. 1-'rplc, TJ/W, prlv Pafiq, St7S to $200, Nr. ltvlne lndui>lrial at-ea. 557-2841 STUNNING 2 Br, 2 bu, Isl ftr . garden apt, pool. SJ9j. Adu'.11. no \V. 18111 St. E.TI'RA Lrg del·'Xe 2 Br apls, cr,111, dl'J>ll, bllins, No pela, SlOO. ~U81 2 BR upstalrs. Cpt1, clf'P8, bltns, a-arngc. Near OCC. $175. mo. :;:;7.03,;0 3 br, 2 ba. 2 gar's., nr. atoru & ofli~. Adu 1 t •. $.lXI. By Ov.•ner. ~ 2 BR. Adult., no pets, Ea.st· side QlslA ~!.'!la $160. • ~43 bltins, gar. 2:?1 16th S'L or YEAIU.Y 2 •Br, 2 •Ba, ... · N ..--11_ •alter S 11m. 545-81&1 "' --~..i • B k tu ,. L--...,. 2IQ 15<h St., Huntington NewpOrt . Sh<iu. 2-. ~u.... twport·-och .. WANTED» A gal to.,.---311 • W<'"t"" tn a n . rJa~fBuUdini(. nexl.tq Bch. 84.7~7 ocean. $260.' 548-89\2 or . ti ahr. 4 br, xtra. fe.-d\lplx, ·~Main Ofnfe-gf-.lJ,an!r:rtz,..,.. : .. -:i ·; •. j ......... , DOG RUN ST>-3600 ". b1k to oce1J1 &: ba1, ', ·•·' ·-. ~·'i 1 • "' ' ~ \ r.~ :.:.'\ 1 Spac. 2 br, ·apt. A11 xtrai. 3 BR, 2 Ba. ,blk to Beach MESA -NB. .cau; Gat:y or Joe r . ·-· ., -·~· -· . •• .· -~~,i~~~ '~'a ~; ~~1i~1"' ,...!t'£s1J: (#Alt~°iPT~ ,~~~'.'~:~h"";:-~t .. ' ~ ~'. ?oFFICE ,S~A£f ;: ; :-.,;~ .. , '; 2 BR •P• """'IY !"lated DELUXE' or 3 BR, "' . '· slprage , 979-8891 .. '~500~q :·fl·.-i.lil'll•b~fl99;',ont~ilf .'. new 111ulg cpl, arps, 1ot8 LldO s~ ·1 beach. Cj:lts., 2 &: ~ Bd,nns., crpt1~ dtpJ. 61,\\'kends ·· . y1_'1)c~ Qf. S~nk of. Costa•ri.1esa..-Cao' dt.VJdC:' or cloiets, garage , No 1~dYhr~h1:e ·61,a:,..~:;;.• iau~~~. ~itti., t~~!i CHJl.lS,TlAI'.f.l\t. ~·~ht. On to Su11.'I~~\ All Q~$ p.ii-c~ntl. J4ea1;·,: ··· children or pell. 42a A 12th v · .ru.n.>· roo l\•/pOol . Jat>.ts; iYm ·glff.; OW'n roo1n • s J 2 s.. for pror~s nal man. Also 1500 •;..ft ~ tn Strtel. PARK NC\\'porl Apl, 2~ plan, roo:: llHUn~ "fi .. t >Mutts ·6?J-$. or 75Hl00 1\ r. -llaflk:J>ta· tf-'81iifdilli{~TywiA 'ii,·•. 't"1"d " CONDO 3 hr 2 be. CP.lS onJ.y $329 nto, tenn11. etc on! ' t' 288i' Brh:t 1 Helley. r ·\II , , f(.1:-d • ,... -r._ .'_':l'qva e • d · 'W/D ·· • &.to-am n'°mln:is or e\·es c y, 'r1_ pe •· , ,0 • ltOO~"TE --·•ed ~.,hr ., ',space· 1~11-te to man1tam\·firSt rt\te •. rps. pat10, . retna:. Ollta •• 1111 • ,.. ....... ~ •l<.'nl ..... .... 1 b e f ·"" e r · &. stove. No tee. sm mo. BAYYRONT 3, Br, 2 Ba on 7St--41t7. .. 3br ..hf>\lit, NeWPQrt .. ~ch. ... ct 1. r . o ...... ·.£~ n 'teJf:fbtS: ... Air !OP~·-... I AAk ... Bev or 0 a Io maln baY. P"!. bch. W/_PI'"', ' ,. '( ' $µ1.11\o. 673·"51 .~ t '" -~Utnlf'li\fl,<, WOQ l la~l,IOl\il'-C'll,Jl'.t!>ilRY for : 963--1786·96lo<:.67. 97'&-19.~; 6-14-45 ;-· MALE or female, 10 !K_e •. 3[lpwnllilcpta. '.· ' ··~ l ·-. EMERALD LANE OC>;ANF,RON'T ........ PA{""M·M'i~~~TS ll, ............. 1ie;;.·"I!> ,. ' , ... C:AlL 17141 t7f,,,oo " , •. , ~ hr. untum. n56. UDU1Ual, i 1c 4 Bt, Winter • "'~ • locludes util. 9681233. • • .J i:.·:... • 1tt1 _.... ~·~ .a •A ~ or )'tU'iy, 675--1461 MINUTES .TO NPT. BCH. WANTED mature ltraftht • · "'-. f':V" A • .,. - ,N.E.AR.. l'll!w I BR .upptr, 1 BR apt; sman ~quut. ~-Ba.cb. l It 2 BR. from SJ~ ' male to ~•hart lge 1 home Bert Smtth or John Watab :-nr ~. $150. mo .. N 0 bUt ~ water ~..no JM!la. • Mulls, No Pets. ln H~i-4150 mo. 962--11668. t • I • • • ~ ... • • 'l • ' ,• -.,. R I-• 11: ,t. re v;: I!:.• I-._ i i-. '" I it. '\!• ••• . .. ' ' ·l'l"I "' lll • S. .~ ' , .. ... -. ':i' ,. ~'"'· ·'· \;• ' ' :!!'_ " • --- . . 2 BR DPL.'\:, 11.d\11 only, no pets~ SZ10 + $73 rerund ~. le clg dep. &Mi-1389. PETS.841-00?0or~ $185..~ (Sblks~"~mvd.l~1rt1]it*n1ah'iire.1wtttl .·1.,~,• "'t~;:· '1·•••0.:·. ·r-., ..... NEW deluxe large. I B.r J"° 4BR btac:h duplex. $400 54&-1116(1 ,., •\ lalfle' ... ~n mobile.'~·' • • .... F'l'JllC", dthv.tir, ca.rage.-325 ye a rl)', Datklson Realty. 2 80 2 &, F\u'n" Na lJll..«i6( lifter 6 P,.m: · ' .-~.} • fl~ 12th . 53S-0031; 960--l22j 645-'lST.r s-~ . . , niMAL£.. mkl 20'1 ·"rhes s~:1:;:,;,tftN, Jli br. $160. l.ARGE 2 br, gbag cpt., drps, YEARLY lovely 2 8R, 2 Ba, 2 Bi>. ~ ~. Unturn. N.8.' u,..me to~hch,1u"W! N2a.°~ 6~31 pr, nr. S1a1er/Bt'acti. $155. l)'ple. 2 blk! beach. s.;oo. • • ; _• .. --:,.!" · _ rM. 847-6243. $289. mo. ~ 3 BO. ·2 Ba., Uoturn.;Odo l'.DllAbE 1'00f'Dmate wanted. :O.IE$.\ V 'de 2 Br + den, 2 BR. free C*lll l water. :t BR. 2 BA.I blk 10 beach. $4n. • 1 ! Br, 21~ °'!-fi'Pl. ..2. bl~' frpl, nu cpl, dl'f*, blby ok, Cp!i, ·dtps. 0.ikl ok, no \'early. $300. ,• 61~, bet\, CdM $163. + S'l~ _ no )ltf.J;,l $210, 97'9--3432 pets. $l'ro. 8•2-16$2 &G--700.1 u1s1eH _ .. Sii.ARE 3 BR~hotne LA~rtf, -$200. l BR, 2 BA, fBDR.r..r. .cp.:l .. orp-,., EAST J'\~\~"POf't Jaret 2 er, ·y Rills $150. Respon. tQ&tµrt '"""1• unit, rtdtCOr'd., no Car11ge, •'ilk to J{ u n t. stern 10 be9ch, garaae. J.Tl,y, a•.& I 'PV man prt.f. ~1-589:! •• poti. 97'-9172 Center. S:ta:J. 8'2-007. • -S2'1l. TM. 6'134t0· "" aA•I' L ' ~:::.=:ill..:ld:::i,,;•..:l"to'-'n':!'..:·.:;··c:.·:.:":!Oe<::l-667ll~~I·-"'-'=----'-~-=..:-..:::'-:..=.-"-"-'=:;;="' I 1 ' " • . .. ••• ,, ., . --~"t . \' " ··~ r ... .. '., .. . ,, ; ,, ·I " 1,~~F~~;~~~·~~~~~;~~~~ Wtdftfld11, Octobtr 21, 1'174 ~ 1 ... i!oo• o not ~ 1114 11'\o, '.-~.-... -Hol."-oo....... • ,MF" I F 7 11 p o , .. .. :::? 1 1A fDsANn ....... ·:·iiliu w _. c~~~~~;,:=.~& .. $Ab.DmONA\,J ··, ~ndey 9nly ·p~L~'r!~c~,,...~~= \Vllr&•t r UUUllll.l l'fPOln, ~.No Job 1'Jfa~dabl<J ...-bk. HOJband• ,,....,. '"" ..,,, OF DAILY J?iL-OT-TOCARRIERS. RE-llJ'OUp.A$-4$lO, Mn. A"'"' '""' \n '"')IOH,..,.,.. .. :) -111 ··~ ,, v.::r;,.,;. •• i. Ft.14-~ .... i..u iru~o • •·u." tu~. ~Ill»,;!~ r:1 :.:i . ~UIRES T&E USE OF',A LARGE STA-I 7L"'•"'G"'A7L-,;l"'c"'•"'•"'T"A"R"'Y"'1 ~~~Let ...... """..!';.. ,... : . . n..~' 11 I ~· •• ' .... "' ..... • o'l'---r ... ,,.,'"' ' Ills °"' • malntllft ofll«, ....... job. c.JJ .. ..,...... ION1VAGON OR VAN. CONTACT MR. Min ' ,.,. ·-· In -· call PhJI >loN•m .. ---• ~.,,. · -• apr, -.or ,....,,w.. A !Oam. 3pm • 5pm , .BENTON .WILLIAMS. 330 WEST BAY "" ~ •""'"' 'l'ypina 10 · '"'IW llffl Estalo ~a llrf> Rf;MODtt, -I ar "EX1> Rd. 5'S-&I03 · SS>-""7. STREETlOSTA At&SA.'TELEPHONE w.~m. """'"t<!y. Sh "°' ll.eol ,,.,,,. 1 '. 1 · · ~~ . · ~i>n'i ..... '4 ~:: Polntt!!!!/l'opor~·11171 AQVERTl$1NIUAi.E l &43-4;3Zl R fU'POINTMENT. =90.Faohloo hlaod' c,:;eri.!..~:.,.:,':,! "It Is cl~111 . !Ar.;;~ges. I, 2. pw;, ..,. nt, &l!hU3t ' Former . .""'!'<' .... o < An E I n....~-lty E .... quh.>a ""'"""'''· ""'"' or f can pla · Ol 'IOO·a~M aren't CO~i ~EN ' .mawme .... .,. •xp•r. ..,.,...,_, m,...yor LIGAL SEC'Y '""""'end''"""'""""' t111111U'1 for ldeo Games. "-The Wall Stree· t '!'L\1.-odd •I• b" Fu~ CUSTOM P'AINTiNG 'll.iful. male or '''"· O>m· Hal, Wonted, /Ml' 7100 Help Wonted, M&I' 7100 n.<I IJ ~· ho." 2 -Applr_Y,'~"!°'_l!!illY, '7>8600 ~·-al ~ ., .. , -....r...tn. -1-Leod --!alls! Slafe mlulon.<N\fY. Call lor·appl. ,.-Char~ ~.-.akb. """'" • -, 0•~ "1"'3ll0 , tt~. ,.,_ ....U. Bond· 6'fHl036 . ., .....,,,, • IOOKKE&PER ·EXI C. SECRETARY "'I""·"' '"" "'"1="7"~""'~~--'6,s PROYIDI OU , r,,..,. z:,i' td. u&bru.t)r·IN.·rnt Color ARE' A' t>&itrlbulot v.•uted. ~r !fl ·all ':..ues ot ote 6S w.p.m. to do li&ht book· thl• 11 tor )'ou! Plea.ant Real EstatA_S8le1rinon v-·: Y PJtOV1DE t * ~RNN I~.. COnlulttns ,4. •·Estimates. Oppor. to eun up to 19'IX> bi9'Jln&; O>nlraetl"f exper. keepln1. Must bit pleuant ~lncj:ee~<>bg hn. WA~ ~~~I? ,1. All L..aa~ 1. ~ ·1lncere detlre to .. ..i.Xlnt. ~ ~., ....... Cotnpetttlve Pricu. ~r mo. p/dme. We bin. p~fd. Pem111nent full time. I:. able to cteaJ withe public. Jesen l.ett .&-ency $~. Ucen!li~ .ScbQol .,.,.'9 , yeur. ,_" l'" •etl · RObtt]r 53&-' ~ · • . · ~11 tor ·interview 639-6123. Reply· lo Clas~10ed • ad no lo.fusl ha\•e ~at a.ppearance.. Jl400 Brookhu~ F. Vlv R EALCQ:, REJ.L TOltS ~If., ft/t IM.t1lne11. r Clim"OM n~.~ AP..trtrnent M.n .. trt 2'ii 4:~~1..0&.ily Pilot. P. 0. Reply to Claslifl~ ad no. Suite 713 . . 9GH~ 4*-183:> or 831-2'lib 2. 190% ,hcurHi 2• A f.W hOws of ~ I:' Qi,c:. Declal PROJo', palnter, ,l)oneit WOl'k., f'uf\y quatlflei:I and •X· ~ l;iw, Costa Mesa. Ca. 211, eto Daily Pilot, P0.1 ~;,;;~;'.':~~~,.,~1·-~~~~r.:~~r-1 '-fmtthMttt c.lltctl-WMklt · .r•-·.-t.'46-..198 S.~ · Hill .. · lut-Jt~~ frtt ~~.Pij(ei!Ckll'lal rt&t• -. Bo:< 1560, Co1ta f\teu, Cal . ~ RECIPTlunlST J.,;aa:pom'•1t , A' .m!nl:...'!,m ..... 1 '. ~M . ~.· of 1all eatlmate. Re&: 5'&-2ra9, dent mhlf c.oOtn~!e -itb pro, 900~K£El!ER .. $62S fJ62G " LIVE-IN lfelper for elderly Exper'd. Good typl!Jt. ~ "' "' '"" ~ e11~~~.:..A : q~ty &l.2-39U • ven abUlty in &:dlnjnl&tratioq II pays to remember! Us~ FAR OUT ""Oman. Room ln mob 11 e Tele.'<. Irvine Q)mplex. ' _,....,."\, -lftw1.tment ef $lttJ.. conetetC. 962-196'! • R.B. P.alntin(1ext. Mo 1·t IL maintenance of tarp 11.L'<· a 2 memocy ea I c u'I at 0 r E·Z MONEY home, bo-.rd & salary. Non· Call P.t~I . 546-6170 ·,.'i"· Por com1'p•'•1'-·sn· s1''.._··'·1Cool3I or'..•1-~.. '' CAI\PENTRY • PAlNTING home• ·isc Ml· ft., paint' ury adult apts/mlrina eom· n1alres l1 niott fun tor sharp 1''or )'our verbal c:11pabllltie1. mioker. should have own RECEPTIONfST p/tlme in ~ __ , 8.Q®DEL A REPAIR lneld, alto int paintine. free plexlnLACounty.~ceUent bookkttper. Great beneills Earn SlOO +per ll:etk tor tran 1portation. Pilon! btlsy salon. C~l l 548-4179 $7.hr: 646-307'9 eat.' 613-3658 alt 5 cpportunitle•. Submit detail-~ locallon. Olli P.I a 1' Jon part·lime, lpm·5pm ,or 5pro· da~hler •l 67l-!124 c r ask for mana;er. ' • '-"""-~=~-....:.. ;;..;= D '"-J P"'-"'--~ The ed resume le 0.,uilled Ad Ma.rut. 83l-2i00, Dennis £: 9 • o I m1--·bl 6'6-3139 ',AlJ. T'YPH ' • · ~ ... ,. · No. 264 D&ily Pilot, P.O. Oennls Pel'30nllel A•e-cf · : ~ pm n 00 w .. e t---• .,,..,---1·---------I 4511 L•t & • ·-••Bia • Sinall•• Penonallty painters W·l th Box 1560 et.ta ltleu., CA '"""'· IW\<>'> Micbelson'-0r'. spacious cm~ a.crou the lVN REUBEN'S ~ -~2"1 the •pel'IOll&l touch. Slnee m _., slrett from ~ County c.u;w:· ANIMAL 00~ ' . U11 BOYS Airport. For · penicnal ln-INl·WAR IE OUSI H\mtinitcn Beach 'Shelter L. ·'l'f!!u~ ~CXJNfI!-. J 'i:, u·11 I EJrT ER IO R .P>dN'TlJl,'G. teMew. Call a.tr. Keyser, 3-11 Shift DIUm-ntia1 S35 Jocked ~ .1311 EdisOn St. ·~ ,'!"':l'ti.,,InUDftNY, f n lah Uc'd, Ins'd, Rera. Terms. . or 833-8098. ' 11-7 Shift differential S36 uni.ta.. tM .J7,5Q Baek l!l(.Jfu-Society Ccupenty,.Mlke.557w3098: Richard. ~ An)'tirne. ,.._, 1Apt. M.nager1 I GIRLS &f\;e\\• Conv. Hospital ·~ , '.CE AmMAL •. ASslsr .. lpGUE •rpet S.n1ce .. ,, PAPERHANGtNG &: pain. ~Jie ~ f/Je"tt,e ~ Par.r Rou~n F/C BKK.PR TO $1200 'C0.8ta r.fesa 6-t:!-1500 1 , ~r~ ~ · 1 .~&n.bt;~flllO..~ JOHN'S Carpet & tlohelstery ~.· .. ~!..~ .. ,~~.,~.; unit adult apu:tmtnt com· In -.vna , in Ouutand~ oppor. for indlv. LVN 3-ltPM . Y/V . ANlM~IMPOUNDED Ori Shnmpr " cScu ~ ~ell JWTI .......... _,'"'"' ~ plex, Ofanje I ii.A. Q>un. Many Lout~·· llt/iflCd \l.'Ork backgrotmd l.r. C'.ood Salary 549-~061 Now Hlrr,. IUSIOYS ~ . T.....i..r B I k I ,. tardanta.) Deireajlen &: ht CLASS·EXtJ1nt Palntini. tie·i;. Xlnt ·tenants. Saluy C•ll Mr. Lambert a~~:CE'""s 011,!!~F· REE ' • INKJ~~' , ~;ie w.,t, all color brlibtll0Gral1'.11 J!~Q&ina. Airl e ss. +bonus. Call 213-92&-t-&07 '°"4321 . """""' -~"' LVN, con\'. bol!:pllal 3-.lL fl .~ORA.GE ""NITS Lab, mk," Fe. minute blaach .tor whlte Spray, 12if)T1 e:.cp> 97S-52!U .,.,·eekdaya: Equal Oppor. Employer Bureau M rb~it. Xln 't beneiits. Call Ix P: . • ~tneu. ~"" Gum. Shep Tan/\Vbt: male Carpet•: Saw )'Ollf ' money * 10% DISCOUNT * . BOYS & GIRLS Emplo~nt ~ency COOKS P/TIME IOOKKEU'ER ot.ci!. stotaae. ~Jo'rom $8: Codcer mix. tan, temale by &aVJJllt me otra .fflP'· Wallpaperin&: It Paintin: A.PPT. SECRETARY The .QAILY ~~ has Col;ta }.tesa ~uoo MAC~INIST ll".i am~ Ii: San Pit:°ll'D free. CockaJ19o,treYIWht.. .,male WUI clean living rm.,~ Free est, C811 5J6..().}48 Tel ~ /tlm "9p route& open m OOSTA 2708 Harbor Blvd., 'Suite 207 Letha Operator . Al?Ph·' 3.j D~ly 251 E: (out HW., Ne'wp,rt le•ch Equal Oppor. Employer \ .~ : y. ,Call 979-0150".-1. • Bull Terr. mix B t X',/ W ht, rm:;' -A hall $15. An)' rm. *W ltp. H e.,. .... ne, P e. .r m, MESA COu..E'G"" PARK & Ar.abm 600 N Euclid 776-8120 ...... Intl Wa-. -rnale · $7.00, couch SlO. Chall"~. C. .!.u0 per •"!!~-~'!1' oMce Cdt. .. 1. X~n 't EAST'&. \\'~sT cosTA Org2,CityBIEs;;it 6.14-tlll Mt!et~l&~~ud~g P. r~'r~: '""~::fF;:;,=:.;:..:.:;.:;:::::.;.• ,...::=: ~agle Tri Colet Fem. . ,15 ~ exp. ii .what counts' ~ ._,..2'"., -.ary to penua ve ~ MESA· 64Z-4321 .-; ·•. ~ • Poodle, srey mile ·ri:it · thtthod. ·I dtJ ~k ·Plisttir/R9P•fr fll17 w/PR or Alea e x.per. Equai Oppbt Em 1 sharing & ovtf'l'ime. rill. ~ to RVlt, .. tir .lite Cocker, i'iiOnde, fem myself. Good rtft 531·01Dl. . 833-36$. . poyu LARK ENGINEERINGjiii;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&j ~ . .··Jlnall house ~iMp lAb. black, mate st~~ ~l eatit n·z PATGI ·PLASTERING ' 4SSEIJABLi R ' IOY:S & GtltLS p a~i:l~ 11~~~~·1:~or fur 866 ~N,B. RN's ~ . ' ~ In ·~ lM e .... 1 e~*~~~~· '~· ~~ All Typec!ii~~atirUtes ·-s;:.~·:rre~i. s:~~~l~~i N:..~·~r ~ ev::," Bal~ ~telnl-1'etired pel'IM. No ex· t.fG~rr· tme 21~30' Sl::.O "'k * CCU'S ~J ESPERATELY need ,man . Plf?'l ·.ereamJBlk. tnale ,.~-.,cob! 1Jriibten," Ptvmblng ·. 1 ! '.'°ll benefits ine~ude profit ahar: P#ninllqJi. ~.contact ?.it .. ru~·~:µ~~:R'btt~ver:. fiam &!-Collea-e prf'd ?itr. > , apt. or ·trailer' fer Tempoo, tilaek1 fem. , . !J.e~ kiUeir' incld. Gtl.alll & , ••. • "' 1, 1 ·I~&: overtime. "l:1ad0t:troir .al thf: •DAILY Jtll:'S preferttd. chards, n.S/~ Full ~Ume. ~11 lc.11·7 ~1:1, ~?iiother ~th 11.gted ~e ~ mix. btowntblk tns d. ~-· Mll t;.R. 'otJS .. P L UN" B J NC> L~~~ ~~GtNEERING PiLOT' or caµ 6:2 tm & Call Collect. !\fr. Hall Marketing Rep Excellent' Benepts : • $100-.Sl2S. Mz. Irish ,Setter Red. temale Ceil~• RJmpdell • R,rie,irs. W.iter. . ~ ·~ N.~. . leav,e_~~ca&:l. , {713) 937-GSl Int '! -,·.,$1ll1er'~. ,.. •. , ,·,. ~c05f1:~£S:Uerll ,JUL a~ · NCe·' · ~TS h ,, era. df"l"pos la', · Bq\lai vypo1·. l:mplo)'er ....,., .. v ,. j.!litJiboil; 1140 tent. .2· 0 7' Bl baittd dom. BI / w b . ACOUSTIC c•1c.1.k-s furnaces, dahwahn 6t2-'i26.1 ATfENDA..VI',. CXJ'!f:r· fo r BR.\KE & Alflninent aetvice. Food S.rv. Attend. di\'. 11.'/buslneu re.lat·• d . ~.,,.rial Hoapltal ttmore, Apt. A Ji.B. .1 mile MIC f< . BIA · Complete cr:a\'eyard shill. Good pay, Salary + comm. Ne .... <p:1rt 6Al\l-3Pi\I, i\fon lhru.. Fr t. degrH:. J.'anfastic e8rttr 0~ '42-2734 · EOE ;y woman-,.o.,ld Tabby 14tt-male -~y CALCqJSTl£S ·Plum.bins Service L ie!. frings .e ~t..'.:-'App1Ny'BShell Tire Center, &W-8022. lrvtne lndWJ. Coinplex. Gall por.·providii;ll xln't> iUO"'th i':::::::::~~ :n='*"10'•:'::· l board in.~ _Dom~,~-ba.Ji. Or~ male APP!n.'O,, PAIN'I'ED fl'26S.I ~... taoon. ~ •. .-vine, . . Ctsfilt:a I:. CASH l ER for appc, 63.H214. .8~.J~~~ne~'.tsi>e~!I• &tRJ)mo..~ s~~.dom. B lk /Wbt ~~~ RAYsrfmmmo ·~RVICE AUDITOR/NIGH,! HOSfE~ ·Exper. desired. *G•rd•nt:rl Wa~ l:.DeMis Personnel Agency RN ,. E:DBL. or '5 ~_s. Sh.·~ dom 8lk. Fem .~·OFFFftE!=~UI'l$R .... . ~pain.Jnstallatioll;i Experle~ NCR 4 .. 0 0 . ·Salary according tc exper. Guam. customers. Earn or Jntipe; 2082 P.lichf'lson :~. only,.: nied"' ·fin· " ' . -"' ~u 11llS nu 2t'hr. aervkle . ·~ Full-time. Apply. in person, Contact ?ttr. Hajen, Ham-nG'4·, pay later: lrl&h s·1 t>r. Afed·Stlfl:'. untt . 11·7: '19--l:M-t wkdp, :., ', 1"0(JND )11l&le caL Bir: Red· . 645-,. • '. ' Remollel Ir Repair 6081 Laiuna Hills Hilton, ~ bW'Jer,H~et. 1S4S Adams., 534-7181 534-3144 P.fEOL\NlCAL Eng:illti!r or &hlft, f/Lime. Xln't bmefi«a . .. -.. -• dilib. brire. Fie.a C9llar. At· . La Pu ·Rd. Laguna.Jli?ls. tM <Bi1ni PP,to) GENE_D a I OFFICE . ·Dr'aft•mnn. !nale or ft:maJe , EOE.: Contad Mrs. Jensen, i!!ll:I~~!!!!'!~!!!!!~~ ~13'~~~d J , ~:*~CX>_~~ * 'ADD·A-RM·t~lfODEL &: cfl~.d~·7:1&-3:30. Need mat~girl With~ sorit~~ experteTi.,e. '$600/$800 Costa 6.le~ P.te111qria,I ~ I [i)' FOUND. · Ul!:J ·.I"e.-..-~repalnted REPAIR,.~·yrs. exp, ).Jc. •. AYON .. f91fli!>b'1 live m. N.B. 'phorie \'Oice & appe¥'aooe per month to start. Calj ~tl.'Pi:1• 301 Victorif,, QI __ Gray fluUy ~~· ~-.,u.11 . lex, Ml-5775 No. 238-014 !:MITH CONsr M+4033. Mr. Prioe.~. to "'Ork In 3 iirl office, li~p~,.~,l~Omo~~h~o~od:,ror,; ~~~00~;1=:::::::::;:::'::':·:~ . ' ~~spots· or ~ ,_n. . rtt9 6019 4!'.J.3414 ,, Commun. icatiens CJlirk . to do typina, tiling & M t SSEN·G ERISU'PPLY "''~"'" T r a 1 n~ t · Roofl '912 Need ·Cpish FOr ans..\·er1n2 phones: \\'e oiler Clem. nttded tor eStabllsh· ~~f;=;;;;:;;;;~;;;;~;;j ~1~1h ·• · cUsrOM Cxti.t.rt Work · "' Chri•tnias? .. flu"'"'"".·. ,._~'!..~~dwt•ood .paid ll""'P · h•llth. . .-•• rd""".,°"''"' coumy. . RQBIHtllllt', ' • -?itt'.105. \\1allts,'.DJ1vt11 REPAJRI'<:: an fypea. Re.as. "!' ,~::.. h \'l:lcation::i, Pt'Oflt sharing, 40 No exp ~;Call ?ifargaret oiiJUIN ro•~~ w·el mar · . •-Sa · ' "'"""'...,Li'd 'kt If .,• w-'bi•"""'··•-p"10ne~..,,.-ty80Ugtfor hr1r"""'k 1150 per <.<'•m.,"•·-,•-DIL T~CQ "'I''""·· an er • , • "'Ulg ., .-.:e est. c , 'ttS ot )'O~ ~ .,,, ~ .. en._ Dusy Ofl!C, ln ~ new ... , · mo, ._. ..-~ • , feM¥e. Limping. Hurt. Flea ~NAB LE . 61.>-85U \Vali. ~ anytime thusl.astic, you cen l'J.·• T ti u 1 Ld l hJ\ • f.f!Mt enjoy to start wilh rat.es. Call NEED 3 \torne,n '1mmed. to F•1hlen )1l1M w '. f'OR SA: E ' coUar. Santa Ana Heights. CU4ENT Work ol all klnds, Tift , ;; 6091 earninz money h1tm.,tiate . Jlft:iisure ":Si&\ia'tion &: , ltlink ~~~! . ~ppEt~ ~~~-. . c:llstr;ibute C'tlristm~ pro. 1"1'iEllll~orm~aUon, c.nWt: ~ ~· G e n l 1 e · ~ble, free Htirnate1, as an AYON REPlt.ESEN· · ~ feet. !\lw.1 Fee Jobs. Call , duct; . .Full{kl/t. ?ilr. Levi · PIX, EXPER. ij}' KENN.Y :CX>RP. OaIJ 638"'3325 CERAMIC TILE ~~lcs, ~ •. ;A~. ~~r' ... , "".· ... H•,rve Lynn 1tt ars c Ii. 833-2700, :m~i:.n~r A~,~~:,,· Sf6.M55'. r62 MulUp~ ~7811 . •LQS'f., lrale cat, 1 yr, 6021 bath, entry, ~ .pan 'u~ ......... · "w or "'a s: DeMlS Ii Dennis ·Personnel EOE . . ~~m~~~~ ~ck "'/white paws. Anti C:OfttraC~r repair. F1ee Est-ic-&M-:llfi 540'-7o.IL ' A'.Piicy ot Irvine, 2 o 8 2 , NEW. F.A(.TORY SE~TRES:S. Fl'JTElt to Lemont. Jut seeza: ill Vic: ~7 ~1. 271 Stte4elfcn Dr. • QUARDS 8raJ1tb ouUet11. just epening Experitnced • 'A: . ~j!~ar.-1 ~~al Palm &: Baker. HO?ifE Jmprovements-Addl· 6.itA~nC' ttLE NE\\\.'Yli :BABYSmER, needed ini· coo~s, men or w,o m ell . Immed. Need ~ Ir: p/time In ana nee4a tl)e following: ......,.. -~ • · ticnt, R.emcdel, sun11hade remodel. Free tfttima.te&. ~ ined.. Part Ume for my Bldast exp, Top wq:es, A~ guards for Or'anze Cb. area. !t!imt Tme, $].&:; wk Ei~!Mnt Benefits 1' '.ort Bea e h , J'OUND, r~to.ale ·lrlsh Set· patio <.'OWn, ben1;lies, etc. Sr• i...i.,, -io:elcome. 53&2426 t.:...i--rteri pr'lnces11. Vic: ply lo .. m ·,'Ca·trow '"s ?il ·f2131 . ~. Sam· Semnen l21 •' 13.hr Ubft:al•Dbcounts· . ~ 00 Brick I ai.lol fire JVVO ..... "'"""" a pm, hton · thtu Frl.1 Sak"!zntn · 1 Open ~·-=au~~=::· rin: ... ~f'~·~·Ofk: fair ·. *. .. 547-M7' * . I ~G~:y:=:~m Sehl. :::.~~;Pl Co tumOU l.a\l.Ten« Secur'ity; ~ilc. Pref Ovt 2l 1married, ~-A~~tt!ra~ j99!2600. . ~··· F'l"ff dffir:n & eaU-Kitch, .,,.ntJy.vays, Bathroom&• BABYSl'ITER: 'Hn .,.,itdys COOK, p/time. Short order. HAI RDRE$SER All.bebefits, ~ po1WOna. No. 2 FUhlon laland,.NB wsr: .. "iORKlE q, CdM mati:. R!!f~. State Llc, Top Solt 6ij'2 7 to 8: mt.I, &a,t 7' to 9Pi\I, bu r a: er 11. e t e . coach's EST AB LI SHED ~auty: &a.Ion 1 ;:;;;;:;:;;-:;;:;l:;OU:;:;;:;;;;~Eqt>:'.. ":;"'~-~;· ~·;-~;~"=m~/:'1 Uft SUn. eve. Male.-Blk No. ~ •. ~ .. ,..~ ~ ~· 4 . . I ocCaslona!' twl. Need t 0 Cctne.r, So.. Goa.st pl a z S·. in So. Laguna has 1 station 6 Sliver:· D---' <l 2;i · \\'etkends, Keft_&U-1110 • rc>P·SQIL :It, CO~i'II•. 'HO'.ll't '""-lldNin lo•'" 1100 "''" .,.."" ror rent >Clli"t ~. Must ' ._........ • . *MULCH' ... RED\VOOD* "" "'"''L . .,IV",....,, "l"V"" ROL"f 613-8008.: Gfd~~~~~~I~-~~ ·Call ~930 J>l'...:....h~:.6n;~SJ9 COOK. full-time, matur e ha\~ lollawing.·6H(O). \VUI Train, iaJ~Comm. LO!fl': ruck Lab \\ilb white . 613---=-n. ~2i"O TC.-I .1.--. BA BYSl'ITER Desperat•ly u'Olrulll. E.'\,,er or-"Yill train. llAIR styUst· wfcllentele · Bonw. Vellicle F\lm. AU oil BlilclC 'neck wearing red __. i .,, .. , "I ~ Needed. · My home nights. 1-lesa Verde. Conv .. Hosp, needed in busy new aalcn. Exp. Pdi E!tab. bus il ~a¥1U . with Jai:, if found Electrical 1 .6022 HS. .,_ 1_.:; f.fature "'Oman pref'd. \Viii 661 Center St, CM 54!-558.J Higher perceotare. tem1..-,_ Med. cove ..... e, ~"1~1~-~~118~0 ~~~~~ I ~~~~~;:~~ · ~acu...-tutors ewn .... ,.o, comide:r other 64&-6CM9 * 493-2362· ~ft 7: 30 pm * •V•J • ..,. ELECI'RICIAN * Old pey11c:s, 'Oiemistry, Math. 1• . · .. C9'Jff!.liR ·"4ELP Profit Sh11.tt. Rttltt at 57. J-New Jobi. 'S.Nlc• ·$6/hdur.·•..,,1113 .&f..,.6. BABYS TfE~ Dayo. Ma~ adw't, 11 or HICkORY FARMS . No Str:k" LaYofbo 75 ~· r·~!!!~~~!!::!~~~f!! I~ calls Anytime-Anyplace. Sch0ol1& .. ,\ ,Po&sltilehve-tn. ·'OVer.rU-J & 11"'2. s~ S2 .... . ~3ll0,MJ'.Tucker,.'J. M , ' 542--9829. • , , . _ : ' ll · ~2-~15 . . . ~. ~. Urnf'Fri_. ~2314. . Equal Oppor. 'Employer in/f ...:.. 41'1tit&.. . ..,.,~1= "--·-e n o _Jnstru,ct!on 7w5 BABYSI'M"ER for 1-r,old , C·US·T"'D 'AN, ho•p e....., \\'e are tra.inilll:' p /t l me S•IM R•pr.es.m•tin Miil · -· · · ~'.n. '-l.l'U"'l'""'-wni • J• ~! ff. ,. .. ,.. sa.le1pecple ·tor Olristmas & .].J ·~S UP JO IO% ' · 2331QJ. ··Small. jobs .. malnt t'Ou.ECE. sttic¥.nt 1 t v't n r Hrs. 7:30 AM to 2:.30 •. PM . prefer.red. Itn,ned openipp perm. job.I. JW\Jqfi6le work. Lf.adina:-11peclali11t represen- t ,_,.,'TD L P•.e;z· lo+ .. , JUO '&.Rpain.-M8-5:203 plan'o .tklcnt: Bqihilers Havto"•n:trtns .. 64Hl09 ,!or p1u1·tlnre 7-3:~ .. &: 3. Dq·s .only. Ple&s, Call At ting .Nation'11 t...tr1e11 ·1 2 H '. oa.ns ·--'----F. ml . . 6041 'arid lnterri1ediate11 .Ca l l • BABYSIITER ·rra.nd-ti:t.o San.Cl~m~nte Gener,.i li!ckocy j'arm11, So. Cou t NEWPORT ·lfl'•estment Co. ·e~pandin; · l · 1 ·"· tur•· ' ~ af _1 512.-:..13 23 or mother ·tm 1u~ern aepa· ~pnal. ·t'IU). ~1122 ext Plaza. Lower Mall. · .irJ .. qi.IA. ~ '.~ 'is • n •;·:.1 ·ro oans MRS REEDS ruRN l TURE R•••'' 54fHIJ!. .. .. •pl+ ....... ~ omoll ' . . . HO.USECL!:ANER·w .. 1rd Pono""•l Aton<y i'OWld """' opportuni\y,IO •.• ~·, • Service. Oi~ itre~hen-1 N ST R U C.l' I 0 NS ·IN sal!Jr)'. ~ gi,\·11 J· It S. ~rllllh DELIV£RY' tEif, early k\l ?>ton. \Ved, Fri 9.J. $2.75 Newport Boach '42.J170 :i:ig~~:'m p:~~~ ftt. r.t .. n..•iz• C.. · ·SPIRTU-Al ed &: rez!ued. Free eat. SP~IS{i· Fer Information, spei.klnr must drl\'e, 6"0--0482 TimN ~le, C~ta ?.res11 hr. Own trlllllp. Ref 8 . basiA. J.'ull ·or pert time-. ' -1 "EDIU .. _.. 646-6988 l .flail: BABYsrM'ER. l&:t h.!kpflf area: No ?>il~fin~ •w}.tust 67"";>-8248. •--------•I Investment e)'N>r\ence ..... ~ littler u.... · e. M m · · 675-0047 · · ' have depend et1.r :H!i-&121 ~~""'~~==~~ .. ~ •~ .,,,, ""r,tMul·I ·•~"--an· ~,,,..· • G•rdenlng 4045 Room & bo6rd t~·~vaa:es. oi-54&-1780. ·. ,· HO JJ S •E•hEi:PlNCl NURSING , . nee~. We Train. For ~ , --~~ -· ~~ 830-<373,allj;. '""""''°'· 3·l l ' 30 pm. SUPERVIS.OR fWl Wo""811on abo"t t!U. '.•Harbor ... ,. )'N. Ps~c Card RH.ding, Ad· 1r-i-JJ BA!l'fENDER, expd, nights, D~AL ASSIS'r. Orf:bodo~· ~·fb>fp ·exp nec.,~sc part· . , _opportunity call 641>-tiOO or m e 1111. T.D. 'oh~ vtce 09•.U probl.enil, I.ave, BAM.AGAN It AGU1LAR. I: el )HAil ·-Top wiges Sains Seafood tic ehr. side. Approx. 4 da)S ltme· pm housekeeper. San ICU CCU 752-;1341. P.1. P. KRUSE & L").:=" lite do\ta10WJ. s.r Marriqe, Buslneu, Health, M.e;ig~. ~enera with 5 . •No .. 2. eofona.,..del .~far, a wetk, Ortho. exp. req'd. aen1eole Gf>neral Hq.spital • CO. l:iO Newport Center Dr. $350.. per mo. Tralisactions o1 all kinda. :rn. Exp. 6ur Service in-sr;>-0000 • Star1 ~-to. $4. per hr., 1n.u 496;-1122 e..xt 2".A. IO:NH:i::--------I :m due 21 !mo. ~ OpenUNoontolOP.M.by clUdfS \Yl·nd•••· r.an hlt'Wu.ttd,Mlilo ~ BE OF SERVICE TO ~ •. r~ ... e~~."..,~ .. ~,.!o H OUSECLE·ANING, Salea o.ntr, ~' d'-oowrt . &ppti cril)I'. (n4l ~~ . MS-,,. from~~ 8 p~1 . vN •R COMMUNlTY .., . l'6 .--.;.J.-... QJUJ ~h &·lndustr:loua . .aat. m..115.1 . ·_ .. ; _ SPIRITUAL READER ~)1 know. floW ma 1 n t, YOUNG man."f:Xp!rienceod 1n , .1""" . . . . .· r . .DD!TA~·ASSISTINC, e..xper. Isl "'3.tetfrqnt. 0:v.'1l trans. DAYS. n.Jll,TlME 0 JO AM to 1n-PM eJlfi&n b~•. 1trlmminr, pa.ln t in~. apar:tment &; Get t:ald For It \\eteom· oftt~.mannger. Buiiy ·Hun· 1-2 da,ys per wk.. $2.50 hr. XlJl,lT BENE f'JT iw-Y~--.12 "for ~ . r: • .,._;:t~landsdpln&, ma ln,t en an c e JM con. 1 n g Ne';1(comers. Fl~ble tlna:ton Ben~ ornce. F'rlnge 8:'.3-31-15. GRAM w,~.·~.·.all ·rt1.;~,~k:. :.~l '~3486 sU'Uctlon setks permanent hrs. N• car, typewriter b.e·n•1·1ts, salary open.""""'""',.-,--...,--~~~ · <1 , N,1~ .~F·~at' . ,,.-n:.~-VICE _ job, Call G-: S79-9&2l , & happ_y d I_, po.a It i 0 n • 962-3329. , JlSKPR. Carnronlon. Elderly SALARY NEGO. <X>ST UNDER. BEAUTY SA· ue... ~ 'cr.un.t'i'I: ·~· :;.i1 3&J5. lady to ll\·e in & COQk for PERSONNEL DEPT. LON FACIAL. l . • • ·DBPllIDABLE Job w.m.cr, Fmelt 1050 -• Q~nt•I Chairsd Asst. sa1ne. $200 o. 675-1~. I HOAG MEMORIAL For Demonsttatioo -·"or · . -· · ee~t .. t..:. 9 Cleanups · BE.&UTY OPERATORS Des.irable So. Oran ... Cc . ..... • Cl · -.s;:_ ~.. 642--8901 "l .. ~ JACK IN TIIE BOX, lmmed HOSPITAL Infonnation call: ,:;.. ~ ' .~ ··\, z:•'ll"" "'r • PROFESSJONAL ,Survey }'ulJ or p/lime !or ne"''Y location. Some eve. b,r s. openi~J;:!i 9Pl>f . mldnite. 301 N Bl d ORIFLAME INTER'L, i• ~· 'j $6J. ·! '. • WWWJ'.n;; Sa~n-Complete Interviewer-Orange C t Y. decorated lhop in N. B . 645-6631 befwn 11 & lgm. Also. uAr..t-8.UI. 1205 Baker ewport v 7141545-1408 ~(.V i "'", . ; .rella~eJ;; ~G~~f(tan -up ' Tree ~-~ \1P1 "°'or ~~~ .. ~)'613-8121J, area. 548-5212 days. 54~11n5 DENTAL Recept. for busy St. Costa l\tesa Newport Beach 213/3924566 " ST93 ...., \ 1 Trim~~ Firewood. Ben. ""' ~"'""· eves. ' : 'Ole .. At ·lea'.st I yT exper. ·. JANITORS . '.. aft, 6 PRACTICAL Nun;e, x c Int $600 min. Very go c d NEEDED: EIGHT C®D ''N~URS=~E~S~Akle7, ~&~L-VN~-Sales Al1Ta!}'s_t ~~'e(t ~. Mow It n!f. i.fter 3~~ fl" With BOAT benefits. Some Sat.s. H.B. • ex· RAIN EE ... ,. , :.i.i...-.er.· pl care. Rea3. w 0 n d e r I iJ \ .p a-t I e rt>t. 8~ QUALJTY PERSONNEL Pfr'd. Bayview Con\'. Hosp, Sharp figure. orten"ted indiv. , ~ ,,.,.,...:'Mt. f1H)67S-8J.ZJ, EX 141 . I For full ,. part lin1e \l'Crk o~ 6(2...JjQ), Who Ules 11) key IOU.ght lor ~ ;Mepfuit• ~ ~ ~t: . it S Gardenfng:, ----" -· -.........-:-r. r DEN'Jl,\L ;u;llistan!. At lea5t at a modem fadlil;y In SJC. NU1tSE.5 Aides, 7-3 &: 3-ll. wper-r I r m w/fantuf:ic 642-4136 'EUROPEAN •GARD~"'"" ~:-~;NFr:ie1:~~~' CARPENTERS ~c;~:d~.;:"~~ Goodll . .,.,~a~dm• 8 '--Exper pref'd. \Vill train . gro"1h. rate. Call ?llarlon A'~'Womari 5'6" · ••. _ .. __ . · .__ .~:r:..n.. noaamoke r, drinker. , dentistry. t..aguria, Niguel. 21 ~•ld 8n.·-h•u"3 Xlnt \\·age & ben. 642-2410 l':fann. 833-1100. Dennis · FACRIFT PRO. WITHOUT SURGERY wo~ke •to meet a &ood ~apmg-... .,., .,..,Y,ce. -642-!ICl6i/'°"8--0502 . , ~or 831·1321. iua ll, .. -a I'll Of'FICE GIRL Denni& Personnel A.j:ency Iii .lo m· •• , a-. '"'S8. """""bl•, 6ft..s:m. 68>142.5 .,. · 31 Js.nilora. 4-tl hrs t-"ne -· Ml~-1-· Dr • NH ·-o.·N~......." .. i. ~ ... lJllDSCPK.1 . .\R.Dt:n.itp•INT EXP'D HSKPR.. WUJ. pean \~l_needk ~riencl ed .. '-'~ DENTAL:-.Exper. front of· Call 979-36j::! f'or lar&:e H.B. drug store. ,,., , ""°" ,.,..,. ..... , . 'tJ$.'~~!!i:.~~~=~1 .. ., " ... ~ ... .,,. ~...... -Y\OM1> yoUr home on \\o1tlytbL.Y.·ld1 ""·""ta I p ... e; n. t "e.,.r n(!!_girl. l\l'IO""\edg>e ,of in-.. "','_i!;D~;.Exper. pref'd, Call SALES 842-MSL Sod, Sprinklers; Qeanupe, bu.IL 968-4lil alt 4pml.i \l.'Ork. 10 "-ork on d:el~e 1>urance. Good pay. 548-884-t JANITORS _,,,, REAt;.&stat~n.tninc. Indlv. Soll ed. 642·3331 64&-49(1.'« -pOv.-er sportfishen.. In a Pitt.me eves. Nev•por1 lkh Offset P ress Treine• ESTIMATOR ..... •i" .• -~t lnstruction. Penona1 a ttn. MOW &: tdrt, borne, apta MATURE practical nurse company wiltt a future. DISIN'ASHER \\'ANTED -a ·r ea , A' P pl Y 1 71 8 2 TRAI NE E Sal" -broker exam ?_, & IM: Tree b1mnilil&: tr .eekf part time pogition/ TOP \\'AGES & BENEFITS GOOD lfOURS. Qirmel's Armlltnl A SA "-hi 40 lfr. \\'eek. $2.50 per hr: <?.;';::c-;:;:f:::"'b'ii"=d ,.. r"' .,.rd clea1' ""'Jim.., ..... = .. • l'<elicf d1Q11. &i2--4m. · .PACl•ICA Dlnina; l:•Ple--Sboppe,628 N. ng ve, · · """ 'n + Incentive!. Apply. in tor -nt .... r l'g. '-. 8,,., "'ks.Academt'548-U92.· J • ~ ..-""I " •· Bech 4 & 5:30pm. Phone : .. -·n ~n-• 1 4 5 w •• mm * P-·-·~~ ~-.d-... ' BUIX cow MANURE ' PM.CT: ""'NGRSE/c;.'91\Q'AN.'. . ev K. IPPED ...,as ·~v.-y, ....... guna .a 540-7813.' . '"'" . , . .,. .. ,l a\-er. ;) l>fath., En::. il. bk.ground . ...,,w"-U-u n.c: "" ,.-..-....... f "i D l S 11 WAS H'E R W nted Ne"-port. CM For a,_,.,,inlment ""'ll: Arl ·Raluctlon 10831 &?ach Bl, ·EAR'TltWORMS ·~ .. s .. JIOI, ""''· area. re s. 928 W. 17th St, Coll'& i\teSa , ~ J A.'ilTORIAL \\'ork·a val l, l'l"" .... Stanton. S27-.3411i * T51•1S70 * if req1d. Hn. open:·4M!Ml'l ~70 Daya.' Beac+icomb -s Cof· also s ub -contract '4'Cl'k PART Ume home delivery n4-~9161 ""?.i'::...:':0-"fS:-.b:<:l,:::;:ck · H II iiil ·EXP NCR Bbokkeeper ·rt--1""' Shop, 2633 W, Coast a\·1til. f.>2-aJSS pa.pr, f<>\lte . .Exp. ,wi.th small SALESdERK m11.1uf.c for Sh.Jt·ln hafr s~lna in your au !'f , ...... ,~ fiilltlme .,.,wk ,_...,. M ~ N « .; -r4 Hwy, ~· Sf2..8475.' car. S22~$25 dill)'. BUJ, drug store. f;,ul tfnic,' CaJ\ homi!-l'lf:ftobierts Hat ti ' .'t~ • ... '"!"'• .,.. .. -•• ·•9N -w · 1 · JUNIOR SALESMEN ,.._4903 Loi"Bljls.ia/t49M.1211 · LOCAL MovU\i • li!'u!""' -~0011,om< :;.,"I-Ml B6okk;.porth .. ·P>C toW.O DISl l\\ASHER A~pl y '" n;;;;;-7=:' ====C'l~""'~';-20<~~--~1 byatudtnt.LaJ1ttr1'clt , ·ct~INGJY''DAY F/CBkkprtConstruct ·SS50 ~n .an 4, $ids Blqe PBXAnswerintS•rvict:sECRETARY to$61S , reason,.~e, &ny Sll-1235 eXQerience .,.,3th ret , Progrnnimer RPG2/ • I. 1111 2lat Pl, N.B. Age 10.IS. Earn $20-$40 per D1tya or e\·es. F'ull or pit Sh so 1)'J)C· oo [ 1 . 1~ 'CONnRUCffuiN ... or :TtMh • · ~81 ~~I 3 ssoo DOCTORS ASSISTANT "·eek ge tting n"""· cu"tomen Exper pref'd. EOE :Hl)..1962. Plush of~s. Sch areL ....... .,..._ 0 tiaullna\ lite demo, t r·ee Help Wanted, M&F 7100 14'al Secy/~te $150 Young_ lady £18·28) ~ ~-qrk for the D";/LY PILOT alter PRESSER . W E STC L IFF ~------ =· !l!!iiiiiiiiiili-li'iilJI remoyiua: etc. l'ftl. MS-3512 , $eCy/Publ\Ahln'; s&so a fi doc l',OT 11 ass is t11.nt school an Saturdays. You flJ Hr-5 day wk. Steady. Pcr!!onncl A~ncy •!, . ·HAUUNG '& Yatd Cleihut>. . Dental Frnl/Btk Ole to $650 /recept. tn health spa. No must be 0111 l. • sci)()(J) b~ 642-3472 8prts mfg, NB ~~fark 111 Center! "5ii;:o.;i":';7,'i;';;';;';;:'.;::] AC~Jnti 6001 11 mm al {ate, dependable A Better ~mp. Position Re<.-ept/A/Payable to $&.Q exper. necess. \\'e tra1n you. 3:00 pn1 11.:f be able to "·or Production Worker t&>l i;. ~;dinrer, S.A. ·t. II · -Ma l e•(i e r m.a•n • • ' • ae~.,reu. ~ ''PAYDAY Ke:tlJUnch Operator $100 ~~l~tn =:1d alt~ or e\'e. ~:l~~.~~e3!! a:pel'~j!~i1~~ lmmed. opening for niature --j.t?w~~ · ·;It all bfuWii SlOO A~ b,r.' TH LT b::Jokktt~~ tfe.ltll'lll & Air Cond 60Sl EVERY• FRIDAY General Offloe. Trainee · ar ., f. TrllmipoM:atjcn prov Id ed. perSCfl. Some factory exper. *S•c'ya, BOOMkoepert . ~ ' antce lad. aD tuts :b. , :::cc * , lifanual type 3S wpm SUS OOT Etcher \Vanted, for (' 'I 968-4811. helpf'ul. 4 Da)-•140 hr '-''ork Liz Reindl!h Aaency PrttcrtpUfn Glaaet.. l'!!porta. Gordon W a r r e ' GRAHAM BROS. 54IH.653 ()peninj:s Jtor: ~ ~ possible Pl a n 1 expansion. Equal Opponuntt)' Emplo)'et' "it. So I a r Lftlioratoritt, 4020 Birch St., Suite 104 ~ ~ So;" U!iut Plaza/ ~675;336 Furnaee rep4amnt, wall CCD\IV"'CC-.i.rr._tr'V 543-4713_ ~ubiildlary of r.terek, Sharp f\ev.·:xirt Beach 133-3190 bi. 10/J• fiS.6350 ,ld4.A.RMim 6002 ¥at~ ..!'£Cr A dwn IS.Cr1j.rM1 JWV~-~...._, Dry Cleanlnt Pre1s•r KEYPUNCH t Dohfllt, 2990 Redhlll, O f. D ial A J olt m.tlSS , ~ 00. ARD t..... SED ~\s, &n-=j tumaos /Sr. 1'.ypll'I 488 E. 17th SL (at lJ'\.1noJ·C\l Combin~~· Xlnt "''llges. Eq,ual Oppor. Enipl~~!r _ No Cher .. To y_, ·1~kr mlk. ".\ifiei'; ~~. ~~u:~tMj ~:!nt 011'1 tor $2. IR.,,o T,ypl1t1 Svlto t24 '42·1470 Wodem ... p1on1. ~anent R..E. APARTMO."T SALES; £jtablb;bed 196:i c.·:.&Glllil/642-9$11 tradea.SouUICoutBuikkn HoUMCJMnl 6054 ./R~lonlst.1 .,. be"'"' • ...,. •'\ll ~p.loyment. e .OPERATOR S'OWll •·11rirs1ive ofcsER\'lCE st Sal I: •, BL v• '"""'• mixed 963-46SI "I ./LoL·rors E lectric (arts A specialidng In lnve1~nt 1 .. _ Tll. emian ,_ ... ~·-~· · -BOOKKEEPER. Sta prop &: exdwlgts needs UIJ'lt' man. op pe,y 6 lrlna:e trrier.~ i:."l ~'IAtilll:if ... ..i. •• ~G_.. IAtt emWy 1Tralnees tor • ~ied-t-C&re ~~ G~: ~a.!.~'lenance Ptumi S-Tpm. itonday thni 2 hlrh!)' mcti\'ateti R E benefits. ~pe.r. man /mtd. ">l-l-,::;-i.1 .. a~".~~~ , .~ ...->O•~ ....,.._... AND mNY f.10Rt! Xln't \\'Qt:, beM. 64)-2417. _. ....,,-vvtr F'rldll)'. Salesmtn, \\'Ill train ..• ~ Full or ,Pit. Shell, 7th I: :· 8lJ( &: ,1 .. ,. ·ltd~'"lla~ hOmt. ! MO?';lli.\JirIDAY I ' 1. 1 A.Pl>lYO:!'!t ~ b Call (1141 MS--2'/JJ. ~ 267 appt., !)56...6TI7• ln.1ne. ~.B. ~~M~fr ~ a:.~~-~ ·~~...a'!..Se~"'°' nter ~ A DAB 01' PEIROLEU~I 1so0'&' Coast Jly,-y, ~.a. . C~ f:vAAppnLLntCmeO"'. j)."'fl'1 t·~ up the Mlp! s~~7ia,:1i1~1~~_7i,·.c·~ ...-.1.1. ~ -. · ~· ... ..!."? """"'"'' rs P'-n-• -Ice JEU..Y RP'lllett 10 1 • --~ ..,.., ...., .... ~ ......... D 2 Oucka. WlU Sab)'aft.. M1 home. an Efc, DW Est. 557--67 ._,_.,, .,. ',, threads of fitlCematl poliJil'I ELECT R ICIAN 17th&: Plactnlla, CM ''t.i~t" I tn cla~ificd, Ship •l1t1')' -+. N.B. ~13(.) Maltlhl. maie or~ a.geL Oocd rttA. ~ ~'WWte pephants .. ovtflo 17$11 lrvlne and &1ue bottfet wtU kftop WANTE D tqual Oppor. Em.JM<>)·f'l' 10 Shl'lf't' R~ul!!! 642 ... 'oSi'S. Shtppint Dept, Supv. Jain C1 it • Plaza •I!•,·~lhJ, ~ 1-unl\\q,l'!Q' hbt11t7 TUrn •115 Tu.ti" the Jid• h'om 1ttck1na. Tr)! ritust havt 10n1e oonstruetkm tor NB t.111 nu:r,.c•t1Irtn1t O>. Small ' Mba'oyDt )'bl&LddM., My tbenl l:aidl> ""Cllh" ••• Kil aJ.460 ' • ~ Pilot OauW"ed Atl uper. TQp pa)' .+· btn<'Mt•. Sell late 1tems with a Dally •• , •• ,,, oin,,., <•11.U -Pay cOmmeruurate wlth 'lleh Verde · .durial 11111 ~ ,tbh" thhl • O&IJ)' 'Pilot T.c11iat ·.Oppot, Eril~r to ,buy, att1 or rt n t Tl) S9 hr dependina on e:c· PIWf Oaulf.lf:d Ad. Cal.I _.;'::'~-":'.::::._ perience. Xlnt Co pct' bent. ~.' • J. ?. Ol\.F'rl:-r.H.110. -cla11lrtec1 ad!'\ • · -10TMthina. per. 6S&-313jl. ~71. ROSA.iv INC. tn~) ~. .. ..• • •• ,. l •• • \ ' • .. - . - .. .. .; . •' =· ;. ·-.. ' ' .... . . . ~ .. -. -.. .- -.-.. • .. " ... : . '• ,,, ' .. . . .. .. ' -- . ' • * Wfdnts.diy, Oclobtt V. 1'174 ... F 7100 Help Wonted, M&F 7100 Help Wonted. M&F f100 DoV• -I M<lehln"Y 8078 Ole. Furn. & Equip. IOI.I Boato, Morino Eq. 9030Boato, Marine Eq. 9030 Autos Wonted 95\JO 1-~--'-'---"--'-" SILK 8'fton PrimPI', Part WINE MAN EXPER. e PUPPY WORLD e HEAVY dwy Vacuum pump COM>IERCIAI. ~ Z..kled---TOP DOLLAR rime tvet to a.:l.trl. Fully TELLER JURGEN5EN'S 81111 Ttrrler!. __ 1!Ab , w/J\.t hp, 3 phase tlectrtc mer&! 11djustnbltt sheMng. PAID f':q) In llCr"f(>fl maktng. M't \\'Rntrd cxpcorirDCtd TeUt:r, 3-l31 Via Op>no, NB \Vel.marant:r, BuJl OQCS. Sib. motor fJ25. RI dial O\-erlw11d Xlr11 fur d I ii P I a y Io r up & pMminJ:. Top "'' 1.,.. full lime. Coll for Info 6'13-1"2 """"'· °"""""'ua'· Tiny ""'Irr for wood " "'" ~......--. fn1< of new MARINE JUNK SALE IMMEDIATELY rlJihf prNOO, All r ,. p 1 I r • P!f';.-Appl.,r po o d l et . PU 8ull•. 1neta.I sz:io. Melal rack wllh COit. Guy (714) 5'1Hl.2Z. . ro11fldentlal. Our cn1plo~e..'a B•nlc of Amtrlci \VllO ri~A ~\:!ORK! Cocltapoo. 100 Mt x E o 8" ca1te11, %1" wide. 26" LEASE UP! Offit'C' turnlsh'gs FOR AL L know of th•~ ed. W r l t e lllti!Jl M . St 11 8 C! IOOSJo: ycur holltt. work PUPS $iud Service M~t d~p. 48" high S$0. Genr for Ml•. Exec. desks, 500 Lb P' 'I I ••· lb 16, P CJ1VC11lf1NI Ad 1111 311, '·• Conta.C't £iji" 'G.:CCn Jor yourseU. be y0ur own lirff<l1. Rollfr CanllriH, tt<tuc:Oon bo-'C w/~ hp 110v El(e<:. d•lkt, ~~. chni. s Brass 1pe F tt ngs , W\,; .-ort~ FOREIGN CARS Deity PJ)Ot P 0 Bo:ii: oo. Or run Peterson boa. l\1cn or \jo'omon. Ot.n Reptiles &-Turtles. Open nwtor. Light metal 11he11r eic. Xlnt. conrt. fi75.37%J holes, $20 ea. -Liberty Ships llatchboards, CALL OR COME IN Ci60. C'<11ta. l\tl'ID..Callf m1li f',11URI Oppor. Emplo)'tt be ll!Q:hll,v bandlcop(lf(! Eves. m-<S027 21>·· clen\'er. Cllll, Osror nl EXEC. DESK & CREDENZA, $8 ea. Rope, Pulleys, Classic Marine Tollet TO SEE US StuUeot:s l7 & n\'C'r. Neat • Oean Appearance. GREAT DANES t!-:i· ru:;~. m ~s. C.ontemp, Oak .. Leather, (?.1akes a Salty Planter) $25 ea. Marine NEED 20 TELLERS P /TIME-Vts., retlttd. Age 25 to 70. ChRmpk>n Unt11 ~<>r used. Sac "49. transmissions-Vec--Drives-Slainless rails NEWPORT · IMPORTS l\t o nda y 1 hr u "~ r I du~, Hrn11eh ofc seekl! 2 bondubk! ~plement your llK"Omc. Adu!! l\f11lc Fawn, AXC tlSO HOT ARY nwwer, Se a r 11 67"3.8300 -All types Motors & Generators. 3kw Oman ~;.~9\\~~~· ;111(1~;':,: f1~1~; t·or:e~~a"l:c sJi".f'~f day": a;p~blye ni ar ~~ !~~i;::~J·~.s~~ii ~~~~,~~~new. Sac.Tlflce Pets 8087 1LlgbCt Rlanbt ,(slck) $95. Boat davits, rudhderds on CJ\'h: Proj('('I lor Nun rune lor vn cutk>n rcli<>f. Ytllow Cab r.o .. 186 E. lGUt 30' CAPTAIN'S GIG, $2.~. M lic•ll•neou• I080 AQUARIU-P.lS w/fiilh. 10 « or olum ia Sailboats (everyone ,s oul l'rofll Or~11n11nll:1rla11. \York t-:x~r. p~l'd. Contact J in1 St., Costa -P.Jesa. 4 o • u TI LIT y, J 4, 5 0 0 20 gal. All e~lpmnt Jnc. carry a spare), New for1nica tables for sail· 3100 \V. Coo.st HIV)'., N.B. 642-9405 In our off1(•1" No dr <' 11 i1 f'nrtc, ~+-7255. W c 11 t c r n \VOOL & SILK PRl!:SSEH w/Dle11el cng. s 7 , 5 oo . $50 or bit. 61J..2064. · b:oats, ,10 ea. Bring cash & your truck. n-vulitlions. Apply frnm '1·!J r~ral &1vi1~11. 2744 E. Expc!'rlenccd only need ap. 675-8945. SCRAM LETS Ernie's gone mad at thi s annual 10 yr house.. t·/1~'. 1~zt~/1.kll(lll, t\lidw;iy ~~stE~l· Cd!'.1. Equal Op-ply 596-5124 LOVABLJ:: Old Eng I j II h ' -Pianos & Organs .J090 cleaning at Minney's Ship Chandlery. Many WOHK AT THE MOVIES! sh eepdag Puppie.11, Cham-ANSWERS Jten1sfor free (or hauJin~ away. Now through CADILLACS Largest S.lectlOn Switchboard Operator Now acctptin~ application • .; 11ion5hip background, $195 &: • PIANOS .Sunday. 2537W. Coasll-llgb\vay. NB. 548-4192. for Conct'uion & Doorn1nn up. 4!16-$5.\1 aft 4 It. wkends •. ORGANS positior11. ~!usl be 18 or Free To You 9045 Benign -Poath -Poked -. Needs You Now.' . "'~r. ""t •P"""'""'· ... Cud"'' -PINCHED Re .. Als fr $5 ply ofter 7 P.b-1. ttt SOtrrH Old )'OU read about the HUI * File Clerks COASI' PLAZA THEATER ADORABLE streaker "''ho ran lnto lhc In Orange Coun ty Coupe DeVIUes • Sedan [)c.. 1·-~-~-~-~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~I ~~~. E_!l~r=Y. o~ Boats, Safi 906G Motorcytles/ .elect Co.d:Jlac .,...,,lie-Ins. 1--~----Scooters 9150 ,..- Open Nl9ht1 'til 9 HOBIE 14' IJft'll ye I Io w. *TEMPO* 5 J & S ~o. 2. 685 Sun'1o"'•er. C ;\1 &.•~. "11 -h_recd2 nllxturt5, 7 wks. poUc.'C and ont P INOIED'. * ecr.etery r r ............,., av ll~!ru11J l.11l10r1uor\P1 li.1" 1•n * Typists WANTED lmm1'fl1uh· n1lf'11~u~ fur 11111 * Accounts Clerks Set: 'tll 5:30, Sun. 12-5 New. tramp and rigging. T,gr '7'l YA.~fAHA 200 Stree t BEAU1' all black-male cat, *Pi•nos & Grind•* ~~tm<r . ., incl. $800 &t&-09.l2. Bike, Xlnl eond. Elee. start. e' P" r1cncM S\11ll'htlll;•rcl Your lime is \•nJuable Invesi Opt•r:uor. Ht'ilUlrt•ml'nts: it wisely \l'/high hourly If A.. J about 7 mo old, verv aU&.·· TOP CASJt OOLI.AR PAID Al 1>. $500 751-4181 • tianate. 6-1t.to52 e\'Cs FOR YOUR JE\VELRY, ~~:a~~~~~ SAILBOAT l 7' Fiberglass, =,~.~KA~-~Wo;,ASAKI=""'=-~oo'"""'srn=~EE=·1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili:~~ [LABRADOR Retriever. 5 WATCHES, ART OBJECTS, • Knabe. M!!.:on & Hair'''l . :<lnt'. cond., all ac c e 1 s., BIKE.,..,, 41~12051. accessories Xlnl WE BUY IMPORTS -e '.!·:l )'f'fll'!' r'([M•ril"nrt> e \r " 1 k 1n i::-kll')\1 lt"<lge or G(l.i.:a n s"ltl·· 1oard e F11tn1har1I,\' lll\h \\'nils :u11l Tio• L11"-' ll)'Slen1s • \Just h.,,.,.. :ih11hy ancl 1•:.pertencc Qll busy :;wtlCh· br~1r1!. ES.t't.'llf'11! \\nrklnh t'Ond1tl()ns 11nd sl;\Mln~ ~11l1H)'. Apply In l){'l'liOn or t•flll: Don~ IA>VCnllt l714J f>l!).5(Q} ~t. zo HYLAND Laboratories • 3300 llyland Av('. Cosln Jl.fesa, Cali!. 92626 An Equal Opportunil )' En1ploy<'r rates. Cttll Sandy.~. NE:VF.R A l1'EE AT TE~{P() Tempo Temporary Help mo old fem., to gd home GOl.O, sL·::..n SERVICE, li-1\l&St'lt • Sofuner • Stein-mcld g. trlr., & 3.6HP mtr. .,.., orr- Antlques 8005 w/fenced yd. 586-J298 ::'iJooFURN &: ANTIQUES. way . Storey & Cark. Win-$850. 644-5606 Motor Home•, Top Dollar For Any P.1uke ·-I ·rn==EE~~he-al_,..,11\y--p-,-p-pl_es_t_o er • Wurlitzer • Y8.lllaha 26' CLASSIC Wood Racing I 9 6Q ot i'olodel. OAK -OAK _:OAK kind homes. Assort ed Custom drnperle1 Xlnt NewS"lnet.lt.. ..••.••• ~Sloop. Luder. Spinnaker, S•e /,Rent 1 JIM PANOS Typist-Receptionist UNLOADING shapes and oolars. 546-3125. cond. oft white "'1M!n 2 U5ed from ............ S95 (213) 396-2600 or 392-2860. ·10 WINNEBAGO, 27' Chief. MAZDA pr 6 yds x 80". Great old Pl · " "'"""' 52900 Ckci1lcntlll Llf<' has an lm· SALE Furnitur• 8050 O'Keefe & ~teriitt 5 burner ay(rs ·•••·•·••• "°""ho'~,--..0--...-.--,,= lain 2 'dr. Model. 413 eu. n1t-dia tt• opening in one or Gl'IUld& " ........... $31*1 Boa ts Slips/Docks 9070 In. V·8. Auto. trans. P/S. 2001 S. Manchester the 11i<.'t.'9t locutions in N.D. at chrome top good e ond · *°RGANS* -' Fm/Am. tape deck, ni r Anaheim 636-6000 \\'<> 1K"Cd n girl \\'i!h a SANTA ANA MATTRESSES ,., 1 ~'="~-971l=~-~----Baldwin. Conn. Hammond . SLIPS AVAILABLE <.11nd. Bll·in vac. Luggage WE PAY TOP DOLLAR pleuMnt phone manner lo ANTIQUES Bedroom Furniture L.EAING Slate Th.ls \\leek~ Kav.'lli. l(iniball. Lowrey . For sn1. pwr. boo.ts In NB, rac~/ladder. Trlr hitch, 20· FOR TOP USED CARS \VO r k 8: 3 0 -5 p, n\' 5 Queen, Full & Twin Sets Musi Sell or trade 23' Cabin Rodgers . Thomas:. Yamaha up to 25'. 67".>-7156 awrung, Xlnt. oond. See to t"OREJGN DOMESTIC days /v.·k. Contart Evelyn 2650 N. Main St, PRJCEO TO MOVE NO\V!! C1·ulser "''/slip. Also 2 3' .A ... Wurlitzer Gulbransen . Boats, Speed & Ski 9080 ~P<'-<""•n" $11,500. 673-28U or or ci.ASSJCS , llnmilton, 644--5600 EOE Santa An• ALSO a r:unous line of beaut e~clascd utility ,fr a i I e t ~~en. &I u Your car is extra clean Sta rt Kin & Q '''/ramp. '&I Chevy Van MOTORHOME TYPIST g ueen BR tum. ta $400 Pr. t Own C ti Opt,igan •.••••••••••.• , • $150 18' Chris CrftJt Super Sport see us fin;t. . , mature, part tim<>, S Oc 26 lO AM. .. _ --'"~-' · ,_ . 1va e er. a Lo S R bo ~ h 1 ~-~ IHY home. Mmt b I' UC· 1t., t. , , ..,.,, sau .......... .._. with.., next 45 827~. for Merrill wrey pl.net ••••••.• $195 una ut, _, p n,,.,,., .. ,., RENTALS BAUER BUICK days. \Vurlitz.er Svinet, new •• $499 radio, compass, all xtras, DALE'S a3a..otoo 2925HarborBlvd. ~urate. can 963·5275, 10am· American Oak from Virginia 649-8686 & 833-9625 I BUY!! l{arnnw.W A-100 ... " .. Save CndUlac of Bay B 0 at. -Costa. Mesa 979-2500 ·pin Round & SqUlll'e Tab 1 es, Goad, used turniture & * WIN FREE * Sacrlllcc. MZ..957~ T railers, Utility 9180 WE BUY . TYPIST pt. time, fle:it. hrs., 8 1 Dre S 1 ROCKER, upholstered, $100. appliances or wlll 11ell lor you ORGAN LESSONS '72 STINGER. never been IM.PORTED AUTOS ~'~. f:!;inen~rport. Box \\~~~st:ind~~Sll 0~aer:sk ::~l~~.le~~le(lw/f°J~ MASTERS AUCTION FULLERTON MUSIC in water. Needs drive & T~~t51tch~y~g~,L nrT~;: BEST PRICES PAIOI WAITRESSES Ou-s. Rockers, Vlctrol!a, \Vhlte Velvet chair, $ 3 5. 646-8686 or 83~9625 18191 Euclid, Fountain Valley seats. Trlr ind. Of 1 er tires. Box 4 · x 6 •. $65. Dean Lewl1 Imports llos:!~r Cabinets, Ward-11890) Love Seats, e u t aft. 6 or SundJ.y 839--0974 557-4836 5-t6-8l9l 548-498-1. 1!:66 l lubor. C.P.f. ,6f6.931r Exper.2Neat ~ppea.ra.nce rotx-s, Drop r~ront Desk, ~~~L09$500. Recllnet, $15. Hea"" duty Vecuwn pump 871-1805 150 SKl BOAT 650 Mere. Auto Ser. & Parts 9400 WE BUY USED CARS 1 Or v>'t'r Trunks, Etc. ......-v• ·~ 122 N. H··~··, Fulfert".. eng. Vf!!J'Y clean cond., extra A I Sw1 irl BET\VEEN GARDEN l='o~=~=~----1 w/ I ~~ llP 3 ph. Elee. -----.-=~~~-----1-".p,_,ro,,,..,,_,mi=~· 9"'1\f-"-'31"94"-----AND TRUCKS -PPY & S oin CROVE&"'•~A ANA DINE1TE SET, swivel, molor$1~Radl·'o"erhead FREE l\1AGS·STOCK PONTIAC.....__ Tax R eturn Preparers 5930 W Coast H NB "31U•' ~ cu • SKI Boat: 18', 400 Olds. Dual · · · • .. uuie in for a tree aflp1'8~1 · wy.. FR\VY, ON MAIN ST. upllol. chn. ped. N<'Vamar. router for v.'OOd or ~o ft Ad I O ~-e ""~~ ... A~1th hre, 4 for 10 GRCYI'lI CHEV. •nu:r, P/linll'. 1-~or CPA off i cc. \VAITRESS A I in OAK _OAK _OAK tbl ~= 7· N h h tat ~ M ta! k t h u I rgan Cla11es Quads, fiathottom. S 15 0 0, _, ......,.,.,..., ,-, pp y person . ......... aug . rouc , me .£........ e roe wt I ~~'b' ~ol~l~5~962~7196~~="""""= I Ai;tt.iiU;;;'"&orniiCfl~ll821l Be;. eh Blvd H t Bch N.B. Joe: .. ltt>ply stating cx· alt 4. Sid~ Blue Beet, 101 1 °"°""""'""'=--o---,-.,---, I removable pilla'*o'S. s Io o . 8" casters, 25" wide $50. No•Y accepting: reservallans.1: ca · -.Antiques & Classic 9$20 847-6087 ·_ " ~.33Jl per., etc. to Cla.~ificd ad 21st Pl. N.8. BE AU T. & un us ua I ~3166 26" Deep, 48" high. Call For lnfonnation plc'lSe call F1JRY SKI BOAT, 75 HP no. 239, c/o Daily Pilal \VAITRESSES, e.xperienC'Cd. haajcarved antlq. carousel BIG CANYON HOME Osc.ar at &12-4321 Ext. m 642·2851 in Costa !.!esa, or F.viiifude, lg. y,·hl. trlr. 1948 PLYMOUTH CPE PVT Party looking .for tn. P. 0. Bo" 1560, Cosla l\1esn, A t • C • horse. Call Gn.1.308 eves. days 544-3 · ; niahts. 963-6733 In Fountain Valley. $.CJ2i. !162·5618 6 cyl, 81,.,.k. New e"-'-& .,._...expens71ve transp. Caf. Cash. ,._ .....,...., PP Y in person. arrows Home Fum1"ohingo ~ O In lru t ts th 1l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii I " ·~---:::~;:';:-;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; [ Restaurant, 620 Pico, SC ANTIQUE Boston r ocke r Di••-, "" 1,. Profe-.,· __ , *HALL ow EE N cos. n1"' ths c_or req1u~ a 11 clutch $450. 586-5950 -· Telephone Sales . Cos t• Mt1• Are• Work From Your Hom• Top Comml11ions • $7311 * Equal Oppor. En1ployPr $650. ReprOOuctkln Gov. I.I C<! -.... '"" TUMES• 0 Y osesincereymtei<!st· l--".4~7"'FO~RD~',0;_'.,~b:::::Co~,-pe-.-00-,l -•AliUTffi05"sSi1iilMilPiiO'liRiTfEEODI \VAf\'T TO BE MORE THAN w· 11 d k 1100 6-9176 derorntor items. 644-5345 & ed in learning to play the I I ~ A SECRETARY? A financial 1" ,mp es · ,,,,. · "AIL"""". Somt>thing unusual? Lrg'st. o ... rill running $350 rr Org . II I F h . A I' 8010 .,...,..., '' stock of antique & o Id rgan showd take advan. Trwport•tion I ·~""""',,_·~7''--"=o=~e~r~. Alfa Romeo 9705 anWI on n as 1 on pp 1ences SOl-"A _ dark -n .,;nyf . tage c this free ofJer. . . 492-3109 or 492-0647 Island otters In1med. on. ... ~... •• cloth'g., ncc;elVil. in lhc \Vest. ~~~J};~~~~~~l ~~~~~~~iiilliiiiil portunlty. challenge & resP. w/queen sz hldeabed. Super Star's apparel, old linens. '"'. oast Music Service Rec Vehicles 9S30 far a mature, sharp gal CL 0 S E-Otrr. Commercial cond. $250. Mrs. Young, materials, crochet, laces .tt PRIVATE PARTY WANTS Campers, Sele/ \\'ho iii IX'Qple oriented, likes heavy duty Eureka vacuum 644-752'o or 556-1043 furs. Military &: etc. 11038 TO BUY PIANO FOR Rent 9120 telephones & has good cleaners. Reg. 5189.50, now FURNITURE, tbl. desk, gun G:!rden Grove Bl., GG. CASH * 547-9445 * 1---------- fol I o\v u p &. follo\l·-thru. only $114.50 .. altachments cab., lnm!>i, Teak-din. tbl. _636-""7.~1583=="°"===c--, ~H-a_m_o~d-M~72-0~--1'71 ~ Tan CHEVY V8 Typl ~ to lhan $19.$. 929 \\I. Baker, C. & h bl f nd tbl • HEALTH FOO "' m n • rgan Pickup, Air oond, auto, hvy ng S1"'""" no wer c rs., ue so a, e .. * o~Natural 1395 Lik' N 50 w.p.m. Sh no1 essential. -P.f. 54f>..4i211 eoUee tbl., annchr. 833--0818 Vitamins, Health e 0 0 k s , e u 646-2360 duty battery & shocks. trnrui Alfa Romeo Berlina : (demo) • Good groonting & patience FR.EIGHT DAMAGE SALE * SOFA & Loveseat e very etc. Stock up now, SAVE Sporting Goods 8094 cooler w/1971 10' Alaskan Teletype a must. Co. otters ii total New Hotpoint Refrigeroton, gd qua I., cstm made, never to 75% OFF!! Factory 1$'.! ----1 Camper. 1 Side d r a w e r · l IVE WIRE I benefit pa c ka g e ineluding: \\'ashers, Dryers, D l s h -used, usually hm, 968-7910 E. F.dinger S.A., 1 Bl k 2 NE\V fiberglass Surboard overhead cupbrds, am/fm CHINOOK·TOYOTAS round tripper now on display ... Ready far vaca lion b1ps. . , Buy oow! ... lnspect and drive out . . . Reduced lo $.'1499 at Bill htaxef Toyota, 18881 Beach Blvd., Hunting· ton Beech. 847.SSSS. Priced to Sell $4952 ~··hi for hot ''"' , .• 1,,1 ... ...,,. elll"Cer ensembles. Call Lin-..,'ashers, New warranty. MOVING 1 d' Newp't Fry, \Vkdays 9-5, 175 or ..,.~1 00071197 0',· radio, $4250 CASH. S.~. ~uo """°"' da 644-4360, ext 47 Credit, Bo'" 3623 W :con emp;>rary m. Sat. ~12 !163.= """'· JJ4r '66 Ch...,.. Custom Pick up (#Zl.4) 4 Wheel Drives 9550 ro. F\m &. b""" off le~. .,., BR & br'·'·t -1 -•--1 new -"'7=='CO---c-~~-~ '~ '"' Tr e mend;;: 5 benefils. \VANTED, married man 25 \\'.11.tner Santa Ann. near 1'U ""'" AUUV:> TRADE 6 mos. old \\lhirlpoal ' with Lake & Shore Pop-top FOR SALE '68 M3&A1, top Concl. Call aft 5, B«autiful Joe. Call Barbara or ovl'r. must own truck Harbor, m.2921 494-225.3 aft. Z:OO dryer, like l1l"W for Slereo, Store, Rest., Ber 8095 Camper, includes ice box, Jl.11lC', S.:U-.2700, Dennis & &: 'be avail. on call. 546-(1104 GOLD e 1ec1 r i c l'IU18'· FRJGJDAIRE $75, Stove $20, record, &. tape player ol 3 burner stave, ave n, 837-'862 . . . T!lr;1 rh jh11p1111~i Denni~ PeNIOlll'lf'l Agency ol Call aft 8pm Frigidaire double oven $7S. Blue Divan $25. All in Xlnt equal value. Pd 5 2 6 9. 6 GLASS Showcases, x Int heater, sink, fresh water lrvine, 2Qil2 P.ficht'laon Or. WAREHOUSEMAN Maytag washer, whrte, good, ,,,c7ondl=l"lo="-=6'2cc'--<963.~'=-,.,--,-~ ~1078. cond, 3 are shallow, jewelry holding t.Bnk. sleeps 4. Call 1967 lntematklnal TrJvelall heavy duty, super 'clean, +~ . _,.,,' .. " . ' ' ' ,,_,., __ .. ....., "'·'" ~ 1 'WALNUT D' T bl I ="''===-=~-~-~I type. 3 are deeper w I 2 548-94-t3 or 546-2080 Don't £Ive up the llhlp! Hrs l-5pm daily. Student ............ ...,... U'IVVU" inelle, a e eaf-DINE'ITE SET, 1 w Ive I . glw>:<> shelves each. $60 ea. 8 , CAB Cam ~·- "'List" it in classifled. Ship acceptable. 52.50 per hr. F RIGIDAffiE Retligcrator. ~ 4 ....,~ Contempol'al)'. ti:phol. ehrs, p e de 1 ta I 645-2200 over per. "' .... .,.n Jots of xtras. $1850. 557-4.T:>ll "Dilectly llCMSS hm lhe '71 TOYOTA Landcruiser, gd Balboa Bay Club" to Shore Result.a! 642-5678. 5.,)6-.~I runs good. $7:>. 1\1 UST ••a. ~. Nevamar. Ible. USO. 10" 1'. Ry -1\l ASTER French =· ~":e ~~· ice lj~=~~~~~~==~~!!~~~~~=~ SEU.! 8' 1'"LORAL coUch. Mediter· Radial arm saw. S2 00 . }"ryer. IS \.!! lbs. capacity.. • $500. co-nd. Low mlle1. Sales • Service SJOOO./best offer. 494-3792 645.6406 A CONYl'NIJNT SHOpPING .a.NO - SEWING CUIOE fOR THE • GAL ON THE CO. For an a d in Woman's World Call P199y 642·5671, ext. 330 Nine for Now! 9084 2-8 r : ,. : N!~F! Fnn NO\V -1 1.1~ •1r ... a1u~o1nr-1 rno• \\11rdrobt> 111. .-11111•'11 1wlnc••1111 dr•Rll, , . .,~,. .i 11 k-,.t, 001•·1'"'. 1u11lr, roi1n!1<, ~l,,nll', t•l"·k•. "'ll11r"111•. \II •11•y ~··•in 1h1ifl > bl•-n•l l'rln1,.,1 l'11U .. r1• l•fl• 1 • I 'l"!olp rf !'II'"":. I R, ~ !Iii·· ti •Ir•·•~!'\,, r~nl~ 1,.1nr11 $.entt SI (Ill for r;irh p•tlrm. 1'11\d ~ tt'l'll~ (or P~('h plltlt•rn rorfiNt cl11~1 m1ul tnd1>flll'('11il ht111dlln 11 . nt hl'rwbe lhtrd· clll.'i) d('hvrry ,,.111 I Ak~ lhrrt: wcc~'Mn101·l' Se1tdto)l11nnn f.l11r11n . 4.42. lhe D11nl¥" Pll<Jt. P;1tt1-m l)(<pt., ZJ2 V.'t"il 181h :;;t. l'l'w York. NV. 10011. l'nnt ~AM•:. AOl)H t:.')S, 1.11', ~11.~~ and STYLt; NUM RER. OS1': t'Rt;~· l',t.TTERNot )'nur rhllirl' tovnd ror. OM ftff pal· lo•rn 111Mrl1• \, t~W SPRING· ~UM\lt:n l'ATTF.RS t'ATALO!i \00<,tylt~.lilllltfJ, l"l°f"' paU,.rn roupon ~nd 'k f\U\lo' st:w .. i.;srr Rooll: 1>.11h hilJllth~~lll'Plllf'rn ., .SI 3$ l""t11nlt·.i~hlonllook . lllJC llblllintSe1>.•lni,: "°"* .. , SI® Fashion's Topper! i·r~1·rt llr$l rl~~• ln l h(' 11m~1 t •••1. <'r,.,..h<'l"d IOPtll'r~ II"~ ,.,.,,r}thln~ -"-ldP T"' \en., do11bl1,1·bn•:utr.d, b11110011. ~""lf'l s~1>h. bh: llO<'~e111. Cro- rlu tor kullLJn" w"r~r('d 111 l\\0 t•ul111·~ !11 ~1 ... 11 ~tltrh, rat• t•·•o ':'i·111: ~111·~ s.1~ lnrl, 75 CENTS fnr t'at'h p9\l('m. Adil ~ cents for t'arh p1111t-rn tnr f'lnt rl:.~, mall nnd s1~cll1l h.lndl1011. olhrrwist third· 1'1:1,.i;; d~fl~t't.~ will lllkt' lhrt{' .,..e<>lc~ or mort . .!i'.tnd to Allee Brook~. 1~. the Dally P1l(I(, Ntt<ill'tr.aft Dept., Ho.11163. Old C'ht>lsta Stat/On, l"t'""' Yorlc, NV, 10011. Pnnt Name, All· di .... ~. Zip. Pallt'f"n Numbtr. Nrw' ISO most 11op11lar OMiin' 11'1 our 197• Netdlttral't C11t11log! All t rait&! 711R£t; t'rto<deA111n11011dr: •.•••• , 1Sc Nr:w' St!w • i.n1t Boolt -1111 R..~1cT1~ueP1Ul.'m •... SI 2$ Nl'w~ Nl't'dll'po1nt Boolr II 00 Nrw• ~'lnwt't trflfhtt Bk SI~ lla1rpln CrO('htt f\(lol(.. $1 oo ln•t~n! C'rf'll'ht't lir.(tk •• SI 00 lml•ol ~11rrr1 mt' Ak ,. SI oo fft!i\S111t \ll)n• v ~ • $1 oo rom.111r1rr.1n: Hn>.lc fl oo CM!pltll' \f1h11n .• •ll . SI no IZl'n1o>At11h~n••l2 ..... :.0C llookuf1i.l.;u11!s f1 ..... ~ Mu~tuml,/11lltlMdU ... $lk 1~Qu!ll.'1 (Of'fod1••l ••.•.. ~ lloollof t6J1fry Rit1• ...... 50c: 496-9789 ranean style. Good eon· 34f1.3166 545. Ph: 67:\-5920 8' Camper, sleeps two . '7·1 G.E. Side by a Id e , dltlon. S50. 968-5676 * PLUSH TV R Ill Hlf' S 8098 Sto~e ca~lnets, ice box. Harvest Gold Refrigerator, PAIR black leather recliner CARPETING * ' a o, 1 ~ $200. 673-3658 oulside water & ic.-e disp. lounge chairs. $50. pr. In 250 Yards 2 tone g I' e en. TEAC 3340 Reel to Reel. '71 VW CAMPER. $·199. 673-6622 gd corxl. 551-2082 aft 3pm. Super Buy! Shores Jnterlors 4 cbnl. Seldom used. Sells Xl.nt. oond, Rfli, $3200. NE\V Ptbl DI 11 h w at her, GAMING , table w Ith 4 642·2255/548-4654. $USO. Asking $800 or bst. 492-3507 Jl.1obile or Apl size. Insured naogahyde chairs. $12 5. NEWPORT Beach Tenn i 8 645-3583 & 645-0324 aft 5. Mobile Home1 2yrs.Sac.5125.842-7971 548-5436eves C lu bFam ilyT ennis SANYO 4 channel, 4 9140 Trucks 9560 Austin-tiealey 9709 59 OlEV. " T.P.U. Heo,,, AUSTIN HEALEY Jood susp. Rebuilt V8. Gd. cond. $250 or trade fur 53. '64 3000 «•37= 96S-4660 . '""""":::·=,....,==-'7-C"'~I '72TOYOTA H1LUX ·71 AUSTIN AME;R. Xlnt ' cond. _ Jlknpg. Stick. 15,000 w/shell. AM/FM. tape nil. 51000, 531J...4437 ~· $2450. Runs good. BMW" .. , 1 9712 GAS DRYER &: ELECTRIC DINE'M'E Set, 4 uphl'd swivel Member 1 hip, Sacrlilce, speakers, playback de c k 5 Star Adult Pnrk. S J C • DRYER S50 EAOI, Xlnt Chrs. 48" rd pedestal tbL t 714) 833-1815 (213) ear phones $61JO sell $300' 24'x60' Domus. 2br w/mlr· cond. 646-5848 $100. &.:5-6889 m-5700. 848--8477. ' ' ' rored v.•all lo wall 1didlng '11 DATSUN PICKUP T H R E E av a ca d o 48" round solid oak table M=07V~IN~C~! ~G-E--w-.. -h-,-r-& ~FO=R~SA7LE=-S71~-.-wood--8900--A-, 1 dr closets. 2 b a w/lovely 46,000 ml. Asking $1400. ·~ Call .~.. _.. mirrored dressing roorrls. * Call ~95-1709 * MfTll ouut fDI reu1gerators, like new. 14 lop. J""'V. 644-Slll 8-4. dryer 5225. Admiral re!rlg. Uuuer \Vn1Tanty, xlnt. cond. Wet bar, new w n s h e r, d. S155. &12-3790 Make offer. $115. Other ml s c, 212 $360. or best oUer. 968-8967 dryer & re!rlg. IO'x40' car· 1912 r,~ TOYOTA PICKUP. BA.VARIAN R t W h /D ROCKER l hai " Detroit, HB "B" SHARP 71" R. C. A. Color l I -"-d nin-.18,000 Mi. Musi sell. l\iake M & i en es ers ryers ounge t r. sea port, oo '"""' . a1v ..... <1S~· offer 58l-5810 · $2. \\'k. Full J\fainl. two. Fake fur upholstery. TV SEARS Sllvertone Color T.V. H and so me YIOOd Sunporch, lanctscape(I. \O\v ·.rr.50. 'Gt ,.....,.."" El ,... __ ,..,. C '' , *639--120'1• $40. 83!H737. 25" console, now pict. tube. Cabinet. 646-0885 ma Int en an c e . SZl.500. ""' l,.nc.v • v.wi .. .., a HANDSOP.1E MEOIT. · style Sn>. Shell 8' Gem Top.$100. 493-88ffl pkup., sm. eng., b U"e k e I REFRJG, bar size. Beaut. Call eves. 642.1775 seats. 536-fi646 ooppertonc. XJnt cond. SllO. cocktail tbl., re:il 'ol'Ood, ex· I II• ,e l Motorcycles/ 646-3882 t:el. cooo. 646-088.J LAS VEGAS M.::'~ tC... Scooters 9150 '62 OOOGE ~. Radials, Ta· KLN~IORE Dryer 4 yrs old, Garage Sale I05S CARD TABLE ':· iiii!iiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!~ll ---------1 6~~ ~~i. ~P~7ck. $700. Now IJI Stock XJnt cond. 545 or best oiler. FOR SALE 54&-0'.l.ll • e 74 3;3,ii ~ BIG, BIG GARAGE SALE! ""£'5ihi'fifii~;;-g-dci"i'ji l ~B~oa~to!!,_!P'._!ow~o!!r:_ _ _!'!!l'I '62 O!EV. ;, ton, 8' ~ · : I. 3.0 CSA FRIGIDAIRE KIV. \l'/dbl. overhead ov~n. Gd. Cond. 612-008-1 645-6936 B icycles 8020 10 SPEED 23" Custom LambeM. $2.j(). Bet 8 & 4, 836-6.196 call Larcy MUST SELL! Brite yellow boy's IO sp. good I' o n d . $87.50. 646-2766 l'\'eS, Cameras & Equip. 8030 e \VATSON '.l5rnm "Daylight .. hulk film IOl!der. llrirdly used -Llke ne\\"! 6-16·3612 VIDEO tape machine and ca1n('ru uJI xtras, record TV pJ'OR1~1ms or 1nake y o u r Q\l'fl, 6"2-937<1 Moving from area, m~ seU A S S 0 R T E O Go a d 0 I d pkup. Radio. $459. 0 :,rm. A 20CrJ TU lots o( good junk. Furniture Albums. About 70. 45 cents 21' CUSTOI\f Built fiberglass 645-2399 • '74 B;\VAl'.lAS 4 speed Bike' Cu'.ld ,.,,., b 0 d y ea. Center Console I n board .67 RANCHERO A.<:.......,. • • '74 BAVA!UAI Auto. · · l\1ike 646-7616. s ~"·"•· d ' ...,,V\N ong. • '74 3 o S • SA'o Guitar wlsm amplifier, sm po~...,.,. ...... & or iv i n g ml'• •= ca11 "" ~ .. or · K old nlilk bottles, fruit ja". ll"xl4" Color Ph 'ographs boal 40 + MPH. 70 gal 6~:2346""' ............... ·XI.NT LEASE PLANS· A v a n bottles, depression maunrcd or unmounted $15. tuel, uphols. gunw!ile & & glass, co 11ec t 1 b I e 5, & Call 5:18-6295. e<>mplete walk around for '56 FORD P.U. 330 Olds eng. EXCELLENT SERVICE clothes. 4 Tires & whlll, Large Surfboard Iishing. Fishing ch air , Bucket11. chopped top, needs e tncld. 1-lub Caps fmm '72 $20 radio, etc. Over SI2,000 in· trnns. S300. 646-3168 5 yrar-50,000 mlle Warrnnty LTD. sz 78.15. Much more! Im-~ v<'!ted, in this 1 of a kind 1966 FORD ~ TON, auto It~::~~~t~~~ll~:;'·CH~R~;,.7N~1~-.-,~-~--~~.~-:"'-.. ~~71-.. 7,~7i~~~: I1~n~~:td!~e iWc;~f~'. 2 S<XXJTERS Like New J::" ~.nai~· 1st $9~: ~c: ~ ~m..1 lhe Sea. oU Bushard, btwn 113:.i-o729 tiTa-3662 or 66-2200. Cond. 1 VESPA. RALLY ·n. ------ Banning & Hamlllon) GREEN SHAG, Gd, Con<!. 22· RESTORED l\Iercury 180cc. 1 LAMB RETA JO FORD ~IN~TE=REST,,.,;;,,!N=c'"""'G~..--,-. ~,-,~1-e-, I Clean w/Jl8d. 40+ yds. $50. Clnsslc, twin screw Inboard, SILVER SPECIAL 'G 9, '>OAM u .. -...... le P&rkw•• !l.1ike 646-7616 Bimini tap, full covers. l50ce (600 mi only) Pvt ~ ...... ., ..... , -., anlique11, furniture, designer I :'.2,,,.=-=~,..----Perfect Bay launch. ••::=. Pty. 979-4/;,4 & 5Bl·2306. E 2 V Mission Vl!!jo clothes &. at.'ttll. Sat & Sun. DEWALT radial arm saw 6 _ 792 "~" ~·~· .....,....... 00 an . USE AVERY PWY EXIT. 10 10 4, 44 OVla Lido Nord, with lalhe al\Jlehment. Xlnt 4:HI or ~ H 0 N 0 A 1974-200CL. 200 6 cyl .. auto. trans., radio. 'ill·XMO e 495-4949 NB cond. 6·i6-2885 eves&: wknds TRADE 58000. EQUITY in miles, $775 \v/xtras. + heater. Lls"'i"""588No, !a~ ·~~~~~~~~&~~! HOUSE 136 YARDS light beige v.wl 2 BR Paint Springs Condo 11.fuslnnt::" '66 nut'). n • w I· SOLO, grn. Vt'lvet in top Tennis Club art>ll. upholstery, mint cond. Sm. & chn., pool tbl. & etc. 5191 carpet. $1~ for 30-40' pi:n\'er boat. Call r:iU owner S9~-0.lJ'i or Cats 80" H 8060 )""table RI k--. head • 1973 21' BAYLINER Cabin 1m HARLEY Sport!lter. height. $90. 846-4764 ru ser. Less than 80 hrs. Black 8 in extention Pull zu~~ ciill· fa~~=tio~~ 1 ·,-,0-S7P_f_T_A_L_B_E_O __ -,u-,-,y-.~d· collttl. SOt-752-5417 89S-2220 I w I Ls 0 N I -----N 0'9H -.... c I * 1-~~~,.~ SALE HORSESHO llcad. galley, stereo. 70 gal backs camel seat si&.'l)' bnr • SIAl\1ESE n1n1e kittens. 6 EING & TRIM· PIANO, Dak Library Tb!, tnnk. 4 y,•hl Vanson trt.r, Highway pega Will consider l\'ks old. $20. each. f.tING Joe Lifto 24 hr child's antique oak desk & Many xtras. $6300. 1493-8&l2 trade. $1800. 54!l-1690. * 1·'73 3.0 CSA OGS-2572 answering s er v, 494-0737 chr. 557-fil.7_, Aft & <'vet .. Ext 625 1971 SKIPJACK '69 CUSTOM ll.D. Sport!ter. * 1·'74 3.0 CSA SlAME~E Registered, 1 wkt;, Misc, Wanted 8081 20' Open Loaded, 1 6 5 Hp Mint cond. $1850. irrveated, 18256 Beech m. Runt. Beach SAVEi beautiful. 327 6th St. Apl 1 _H_o_u_,._h_o_ld_G_ood __ , __ 8065_ -__. -P.lerc Crui11er, I/O, L 1 k e best offer. J\1ust aell this 55&.1070 842-6611 • J, llB 968-91·~ 5-8 eves. \\'ANTED: OLD DOLLS w A NTE D' new, $5900, 642-9'l59 week! 962-3482 • ·n Dof'!C Trac'A \Un JOO Dogs 8040 J\Taple or Fi'uitwood Hutch. JJLEAS::: CALL S390. eeoutlful 44" r.rudio. '1'2 KAWASAKI 125. x In 1 Van with custom Surfer Crevier BMW Reas. 962-7989 492-6651' tnb/0t.1tbd Dulek V6 on.Lido l'ond. Dirt, Huve st r ee I 11peclal Interior, air cond, 208 w. lit Slrcet SHELTIE/l<Er ~J IOND mix J lisle dock $2500. 675-1483 or equip. lnclds xtra eng, $275. wide oval!!, mag wheels, Santa Anl' Slr;.3171 puppiei1, II \vb, $!'i 10 good t welry 8070 \VOULJ) like to trade l?WI 6_ "w'. 673-3-Wa SHARP! Gai Mvhig 3 •pd h '")JP. 104 dryer for electric dryer. ·.o•;,:-;~~u~,,~==--=-=IM""ii'"'ooooo>.,, I on1e. . ... • WANTED Xlnt oond. 751-'1927. 1%8 TROJAN 22· Cabln 192 MU ST S E L L I '7 :S vrlth slant 6 l'ngirw, \Vi~d & & Pf.i'oJBROKF. \Ve1sh Co r •I -ii--C,="'-=""=~==I • V •WASA KI 500 Lo l for aound. $3195 (8111Jl TOP CASH DOLLAR PAID Musical lnstrum't1 8083 llP ?-.!ere VS interceptor, ~· · · m · • Robmtclli h-fotors -4 • P4,,1!,P_l!l,;,s7. 1\KC, Champ. lloo. FO 0 xtr11s, $2,900. !\lust srtll; 615-Xlnl cond. Best Offer. 111641 Beach Hunl Bchi-,,,.&.:;;:-.,,;:-;;:;o.;;;"'"" I >U-WU It y u R JE\\'ELRY, 87('..l * 548-5012 • 848-1255 I BLACK LAB Pu \l'A'T'<l-IES. ART 09.JECTS, FINF. Ar.r:ordlnn. amplifier I ::-,,,='.7.~':",--.,-.,,--,-I ORANGE COUNTY'S G \jo'ks old. AK~~· GUI.O, SILVER SERVICE, and music. $1$0. 2060 ELECTRIC LAONCH ·r.i K;A~ASAKI. St. ~· 73 Dodge Van, 3 sp.-ed slick. OLDEST 6'7J..Q35 afL 5 FINE rURN & AA""i'IQ~. Newport Blvd Space ~ I , F:OTSON 20, Clean. Quiet 2000 mi, Xlnl Cond. A5king "·Ith h.lgh camper top, new &iS.2200 64Z.l!CM!I. 1 Yr Old. &4&-4181 ST:iO. 350 KawasakJ Dirt 2 tone bro\lo'J'J paint j o b , ADORABLE E •kl mo Pup. I ·Lo+. =~~---~= 2216;c.,-,BAWiR:i'TEENDNiiEERRc~N;;-;.;;: •• ,l~B~Ik:;;0:,· ~O~":,· ~!163-~6680~."'"-=-1 empty back. Runs &: looks pi~.s, AKC~ A: \\'Ol'nl'-'<I. tYestock 8075 0~'7:°~tT ~.Ill~.~ I,~ dbl. ender, very Sf:1t~. ·~M H~i:. TRAif.;i 00 f;OO<l. $3000. •t'TS9 \VHITF. IQy poodlt'll, AKC. GENTl.1': \V fl 11 train td best otff'r. R.'\3--0'72! $4 ,00). Excel. eond. 644--8172 * -P.la~e Offe~~ :~si * 1f~~:Ct!t ~~. 20)) mi. 6 \~ "ck II. 5125, • ent·h. :i~::~ '500."'0r 6~.o·u~;: JUKE BOX. ~bntg modtl, 18' S'.)UTI-f\VIND Inboard Jet '74 KA\YASAKI Mach n , 400. 66-WO F<>mril<'~. 830--08TI S9J..8424 5150. Swini;:-Jn~ 40's era. ~boat, Tandem TralJer. S950. Xlnt. CUM. I ~~=.,,,;=-='--~"rSALES-SER.VlCE !..1-~ASTNG JRISH M'ltU, male lD Mo. 646-388l 55r-0018. , 64.2 Ol?l. 67 OOOOE v11.n, new 318. OVER5£AS DELIVER.y old c M __ •_eh_l_no_ry-'----80'-78 COffN aitvor 1n1mpe1. """' • 72 R r NELL c AB r N SA -. • 84Sa1~1~ su95. Pvl .....,., ROY CARVER, Inc. . AK • . ,.._., Xlnt rond. CRUISER full)' equip $11)$ KAWA .~I 110 Dirt Bike. ..,. "' ~~~=D ~~~:.N~1t1 81\arpe ~o. l!ti &46~mo C.-P.f. 5.DD na Point slip.f.!.o00 dwn ~~~ ~:~r A 305 Street 1966 DODGE VAN ROW%W~~?Tt.h St. BM\V ' • _, 1 ---. ,...... ,_ .. ,,, Die Furn & E 1...,.••5 ttnke ovtor U500 497.2370 · -P.flnt conrl, $995, 613-(,62'1 C .... n p,f~ • ~ •••• t-miut, yr,. f'l«'d1 i;:d. r... n"\I .... .,. P.flr. & • • qu P· vvo '67 YAMAHA 80-$100 "'" ~ ho~. 4lJ3...9135 ElcC. ""'""' Bo•t1, Sell ~ Cnll &45-92-46 A utos Wanted 9590 '67 BMW 1800, am/fm, quad GR.EA.T DANE SJi KENT -0\VNENS No. 1 ·!1.1 ~.,.c SV.'VI chn $1512'.i, =r tarie, xlnt cond. ' I 4 o o . GOOD WITH KJOS llofl,( Mil w 'rlSI' & Fall aecy thl'I $8/24, Ob, ai;cs. Tl' ALBATr.0~. gnod fl_ri)' '72 llONDA a;;o Four, m)) CA.gf F'OR ~1823 dll:)lti 60-4410 eYn G48--0'l97 a.ri.tr ei>m Coolant, Mtr. & Elect. Ple"""e, 8m \\i 19 CM. G45-74U 111ll~r--n rcnl Q1'1n, sro0. ml. sa.;o. Xlnt cond. YOUR CAR Caprl 9715 9' LOOAN Llll_he \\•/it J3w ~11tni; nn}'lhln.g wilh a o 4nY 673-1232 960--2814 549-1010 SO. l~AKuczir~nfSRIPulll'C l Clnick l\.ff'r. Ir Eleet. Pilot Cht.t!ilned A8 I~ " SUNRISE 13, $.'JOO. ;'9 KAWASAKl-650-~R-u_n_I AUTO WANTED '73 CAPRt w. Air, AMI ~ .. • ppett. BURGMASTER ?otodel OB 11\inplc matter , •• Jusi. Like new. ){Jot, Looks Gr eat . Undt>.tSlOOO Slitreo,Sunroof,auto. !>46-7820 714-99&-3883 rR.11 &U-G67tl 673-1328 $."iOO &ll-1149 '-----'6":;o..'-=t9"-'16'---~-=SO'-'l•-''11"'1"~----- • l •• . : .. ... .. .- . '. -t • • • ... • . . , • .: I Coprl f115 Me.....i.1 a.n. WetntldJJ, OclOb.tt 23, 1974 DAILY Pl!.OT D r ...-.it;•• '740 Toyot• ____ _,,97"6~s-v"'o"'lv-o-----,~n=2_,,c-.m-•_ro_ ----,9917-C~i1ne:::n:7'.1a"1--~99=30:-of.-o-r-;d-----'i9940~""p:r'1y::m:::ou::=.:thi'-":.:..c='-c99=60"'l'"o,-n""'t;-l•"'e:;.::.:.._...:c:.~9965- '74 VI CAPRI. Sunroof. an\/[m, lmtnaculalt, 7000 ml, -· 013-3202. NEWPORT DATSUN MacArthur at Jamboree OYER 35 llSED M~EDIES ­ ON DISPLAY '71 T 0 Y 0 TA COrolla. Ex. cellent oond. SI~. &16-8991, g.3 111 875-:3608 aft. 5.. '&':' TOYOTA Corona 4 t.~I. 3 1peed $399 (29103) dlr. -9767 WE ARE Na. 2 ln Orana:e Countv, But Only YOU C1n Male• Us No. 1 '74 Camaro Cpe Au1omatic. pc1v.·er 11eerloa, .brakH, 1lr cond, Ra I le y \\'.heeb. ~ceplional, c o od mil" {8Yl95"1\ ..... BMW TRADE-IN '74 MK IV Only 1,700 ~Ille~ New! 1\iJI po"·er, full fa c I or-y equipment '\\•Ith t•ve1-y con- e e l \'8 b I t extr.i except liunrool? Pric«:I lo s e l I ! -------'73 PLYM. '61 t"ORD <I dOor, 11t111lll V.S, relllt ~ng I tnuui, X1nt body It in1. $"150 or otter 492--3109 or 492--0647 SATELLITE "1m'°""""v'7A"N-c17.VA7cOr.!cN~.-,~,-r, I Stbrtni-l'actoni ulr, power l!IUIO, .. ~f'ftn, 4 new rad. atetrin& It .brAket, IOI\". low tires. $2000. • g..g.135 mll<"J. £949lit'L I "<J FORD. N«do a llttlo $2788 wurk. Gd. 1lrt>s, int, palnt. 1!MrS PONTIAC s I a I I 0 n '-\'ag0n, !oft'l"hanlcti llpt_>elal. Rurui. $1%1. 6-\.J-4a31 1 Thunderbird '970 '56 T-BffiD Near perfect body. Craa;ers, port hole to 81,000 origlnul _; Newport Beach ~ 1 ml!.l So or San Dte<!<> Fwy, l\IEW 1974 PICKUP See U& }~irst or Last ~ \\"e'll try hartler for YOW" best deal ·only $4295 Howard Chevrolat Dove and Quall Sts. Nr. A1acA.rtbur. Janiborec and Bristol {d\r.) 831-2040 Bst ofr.612-72tl. :~:::. 66. ""'o. ~~~ '·WILSON I mlle1. \\'bite v.'ith nice black :.r '• interior $2000, will coruikk.>r •,.• I , trade. 549-1600. • ' $2115 NO DOWN PAYM.ENT 100% FIN, OAC FREE RADIO WITII AD NEW 1974 8210 1970 >q:l\CEDES 300 SEL Sedan. orl.a. thuroot. AU ex· tru. l.nclud'r sun r o o l Sl0,500 .. See at-3JO W. Coast Hwy., NB. or phone &tS.-2182, aft SPM. 61$-8'l69. (Will Consider Trade). MG '742 $1579 NO DOWN PAYME?rr 100% FIN OAC NEW 1974 710 DATSUN 2 Dll $2199 NO DOWN PAYMENT 100% FIN OAC NEW 1974 •to OR 710 'tatian Wagons 1------9-'74.;.;.7 NO OOWN PA.Tht.ENT WAD~ PANTSSE,::.:. FIRM 100% FIN OAC LEASE SPECIAL 2l3-830-"189l 260Z -$128 + Tax f"orsche 6W -$85+Tax 9750 8210 -$ 68 + Tax '72 p he Plck1.1p -; 14 + Tax OrlC Pr.,.nt tht~>d '"FREE 91 .. Roadster ' AM r::.dlo l..aJ'ie· Select:on or 5 spd -Af.l·FM radio, low New le Used 240Z'll miles • Showroom Fresh NEWPORT DATSUN (BYJ9'l70 l ... 888 lloV< St., Newport Beach nly $4595 Between MooArthur • Haward Chevrolet Bristol at Jamboree N 0 C Airport Dove and Quail Sts. ear ' ' Nr. AfacArthur, Jamboree 133-l300 and Bristol WILL llU"f YOUR Nowport Beach 833-0555 DATSUN, TOYOTA '73 914 1.7 OR VOLKSWAGEN . , PAID FOR OR NOT. \\'ILl. Silv: blue met le., brand new PAY TOP [)(Ju.AR CA1J.. pamt job, Appr. group, KENT AU.EN ~ AM/FM tape, terrific cond. . • _. -$5,200. 61:.>-0469 . '72 240Z, f..cp .. air. AM/FM, ·oo PORSCHE 912, Reblt '69 US Mags. on new Steel engine & trans $3800 or rads,, Xtras. 11.iakc oUer. trade for ~ .. 0ung .. plus 556-615? cuh. 546-"1293. AtUST Sell this Week! '73 ' Datsun 510. Cust. pa 1 n t , 61 PORSCHE, rebll e n g , mags. FMIAA1. 8 1 ra e k. ereat condition, Must_ sell, Immac. $25.95/offer 833--0729 546-92'20 call days or rughts '73 DATSUN Wagon, fully '68 912 Am/FM, Burgundy, equlpped w/rack, radio , Good cond~i air. sUck shift, new tires.1=~=o-"O,..:=-~-Call aft 2, 837-3600 1971 9llT, Xlnt. cond., new Fl•t ms tltts, alloy rims. AM/F~I _ radio. $6,200, 542-3662 THINk aaun SEE HI 118 'Tl CHEVY VAN VS. % ton, lliOOO mi., like ne\v. Reas. --Renault 9755 " Wtltuli& VOLVO Newpo11 Bearh 833-.QaM ·n Camaro. a/rond. Radio. Lo mi's. $2750. Or I g l na I Chvnu, Call 673-9570. Chevrolet 1966 Harbor, c.~1. 646-9303 I 1970 VOLVO Wgn. auto . 73 Monte Carlo trans., A/C, 43,500 mi , Aulonullit', power st~ring, --=~~--~-I Beige, new cond. int., ext. hrakcK, air concl. J)O\\'Cr v.1n· '73 Triumph & eng. tl.495. &!t>-8510 or dows, Ult v.·httl, RAiiey 4!»-2643 v.•heels, vinyl roof, etc. T.R.6 . Roadster '72 1-12. Aulo, nir arn/fm Extra nice (B\'1937 ) ... Both Tops -4 spd -Al'it·Fi\f stereo, green, 70,000 mi. Only $3995 radio -Only 17,0XI miles • <..'\ean. $2800 963-3615. H d Ch I Like new {BY1950J . . . Autos, New 9800 OWGr evro et Only $4895 Do,,. and Quon s". H d Ch I ?--"r. P.lacArthur, Jatnboree owar evro et anc1 Bristol Dove-and Quall Sts. Ne~')Y'rt Beach 833--055.'i Nr. t.1.ac,•nd· .a ... n··,,'0'1 mbol'ft! NE\V CAR SHOW •74 Monte Carlo f1't'E' tn Huntington Center's Ne111porl Beach 833-0.»5 Alai!, Beach Blvd & Edinger Automatic, powl!T Steering, V lk 9770 at lhe San Diego Fwy Thru brakes, air cond., vinyl roof, o swagen h1onday . etc .. outstanding <BY1938) AUTOS USED Only $4495 AMC 9905 Howard Chevrolet '68 YW '70 Z..tARK Ill, all ;..: tr as . Very id cond, $3"150. call evenings, 644-76!5 Corvette '71 Corvette Stingray upholst~ry. mini rond, $715, + Hondtt 19"1,l-'..!OOCL. 200 1nlles, $n5 \Y/xtru. Call Qy.·nfr 89t-.!f.13"1 or 898-2220 Oldsmobil• 9955 '69 OLDS 1825.l Beach Bl. Hunl, Bf'11eh 55/>.1070 842°6611 ATLAS ChryUer I Plymouth --------=I"' • •• Vega 9974 ~~-------1 .. : ;. '72 VEGA G.T. " 1i!M!ed. nidlo, hcatet. Lh·. ~o. 49'.lGJl-I $1588 ,•. ,, '· :· . ' . ,... '' ;. !· !· Automatic trans., po \I' e r sh~eri n&. brakei, air ('Ond. Power v.1ndcr.\·s. Tilt \l'heel, A~l·1''l\f. Lo\\· lo n1 i I es . Re[Jeds exC('llent ca re (No. BYt.956\ .... TORONADO O~n U.1ily & Sun. 'tt! 10 PM WILSON • I Auto. trani;., fMclory nir ('Oil· 2:)29 llflri·1r 61\'d., dillonlng, pov.~r lil('('rln~. Custa :\f Psa Must See Howard Chevrolet Dove and Quail Stll. brakes. pov.•er y,,·indu11s. 546-1934 radio. heater, 111111'<1 gl:u•s, --- Nr. lt1acArthur, Jamboree and Bristol low mttc1, extr.i nice. I.I{' I ~!UST S[LL '70 DustC'r, 6 No. 553D2B cyl. Good 1:nnd. $ 1 3 0 0 . $1577 . 6~~-Z7S6 aflt'r :1pm. 18ZJ5Beach Bl. Hunf. Beat·h SAVE SPACT \VHEN 55~1070" 842-6611 FORD ,, ... Newport Beaeti 833...(655 • '74 Corvettes Choi<.'f!: of · T. Tops & Conv. • Automatics & 4 spds • Fully equipped · All near J)('Y,' • • • FORD Make Offer 1825.J Beach Bl . Hunt. Uca~h 55/>.1070 842-6611 Howard Chevrolet '''"' • ,,..,.,.,. .Dove and Quail sis. OLDSMOBILE Nr. ~tacAr1hur:. Jamboree GMC TRUCKS I ~fOVING by \1' ra pping =-~~,=~~=~=~I tli!>h~ and oth1·r fragi\,, 19c3 \EGA \VAGON . GT .•-:""•; irc1ns h,.Y.•ash <'lnrhs. tn\1f'l:; R:llly, ""' h cc I s,. '.! doo_r _,,:-... aud othe1· lin~·ns. yo1. b"'' 1 A1'\/l.;.1d10 .. 21'.nJ n11lcs CU;'>· nuw1• Sp.oil~ in thf' g\lragc I T0~1 inff'l'IOt' ! Bl:. f\ CK I • nnd t·loi>t>ls hy ~(>Hing idlf' S?~:_0371 _A_!-_!'~PM.___ . Uenu; Y.ith :• Daily P1ln1 '71 Vt~GA llatehhllck. Silvl•r •., C1asi.ified Ad. Call 6~Z-567S y.·/blk vin\ 1 inter. Au Io . oow! f~Hlio, 11in1,: 11·hls $122:>. !'>?il-5j(Jll aft 6 pnl .~ \\'knds. 44'1-4321 Direct or Collect Have SOllll'lhln" yo"u \Yant to ••• • ......... u •• .., ••• Do·•· .,... .. ttMi• -c_.., __ se\17 Classi!led ads do 11 • · v:rlt -r11\I NO\V 642--5678. ~-::.-,. , 9800 , Autos, New 9800 ·: " --~. and Bristol Newport &uch 8.13-0~:hl HONDA CARS ' Autos, New "69 CORVETTE 421 UNIVERSITY OLDS ENGINE. 4 spd, PS/PB, 2850 Harbor Blvd. $36a(), 968-0315. Costa Mesa 540-9640 '72 SPORT COUPE, XI n t cusror.-1 CRUISER '73. rond, Full Pll"''er. 536-9&16 All e:..:tras, lo\v mi. or 645-8812. 644--0719 Cougar 9933 '66 DODGE ·n XR7, Full PowC'r, Air cond, stereo. Ne\Y tires. Lo mi's. Bst olr. 6+1-~ Dodge 9935 CORONET 2DR . H.T. VS, automatif', pCl\\'l'r £leer- ing, bucket srats. IRUJ950) 1975 CHEVROLETS PRICED AT ' . 10°!0 OVER INVOICE COST Automatic, Al\f·F~1 radio · 18255 Bciich Bl. Hunt. Beach l\1ust S<'C!. J::xcellenl (BY· 55~1070 842-6611 1914) 1~~~----~~ Only $2395 Bu;ek 9910 Howard Chevrolet R"~ c!. SKY~. C..h Dove and Quail Sts. 673-5269 UNBELIEVABLE '66 Dodge '68 IiWALA VS Au!o. Air. ~1onaoo. New rad. I ire~, R/H. Lo11" n1iles. Xlnt cond.. P/8, PIS, air, xlt. niech. °"$89;3~-·cc~T-=''---=~ 1 oond. 6'13-88 Chrysl•r 9925 Ford 9940 $777 WILSON I f'IO GIMMICKS . I MONTE CARLOS e CHEVELLES I I ·, .. ' ... ,. ~ ' -' ' '· . h·' ,.· <lo '. !• •• • ~ .. 11 .. •• Nr. MacArthur .• Janiborcc 'Tl LA SABRE """"" . and Bnstol , ""lV\N mi, Newport Beach s33.05.l.'i ::;.~;,~r~ 64~~1r1. s: 30· '73 V\V, Ltd Edition, FM • stereo, wan·nty, 1''ili trade c_._d_,_u_._< _____ 99_15 ~ebird or 111u.st 8('11, CADILLACS '68 NEW YORKER '73 LTD '59 vw CONVERTIBLE, Largest Selection • FORD 18255 Beach Bl. Hunt. Beach 55/>.1070 842-6611 Pinta 9957 YOUR CHOICE IMPALAS e CAPRICES I' THEY'RE lt\A-.CED -. j .~" ... ye\lo"'"blai:~ top. 67 engine, In Orange County gooa cond1t10n. 54S-029"1 aft. Coupe DeVllles • Sedan I 6 DeVllles . El Dorados · VW '70 C:.1n1p<>L', Po~o11, Convertibles. Also Many $1088 2 DOOR HARDTOP V-8, auto. trans., factory air rond!Uoning, po we r steer- ing, power brake!!, poY.<er \1-'indows, power s n a I s , rudio, heater, vinyl roof. tinted glns.!I!. J115t like ne't\'. \\ICT911 4 DOOR HARDTOP V·8, auto. trans .. factory air conditioning, po we r sleer· Ing, vinyl roof. low-miles. Sei-ial No. Hl12126 $2877 '72 PINTO WAGON NOVAS e CAMAROS LOOK FOR . THE YEHIC&:ll MARKED 1 O'Mi OVER new engine, reblt t ran 11. other scleet Cadillac Trade--I ~peed. 1ad10, heater. Llf'. • • FPlfDlAIWlR J'~;:: 8EAC.H St VO ; ::·:-:: I,' • ' ~D ·~~"Ji~~~ ~::~~~~::::":.o "d. r'~NiNAiiiBEiiltSlJ;. ijiiAic:" l.;.· 1 LSO N l 1.w I LSON I No. 20627$1877 V2 & 3/4 TON TRUCKS I -:-•: • '• !f;.. I. .. W t••lmon<lo·r '>l 1 blJ.!4 Very Clean $1,2:11. .2 too H.lhf lllftl.l Rover 9757 968-8950 Comt Muli MO..t1 I w I Ls Q N '69 FIAT 124 Sport C.oupe, '"13 \\'hite V\V THING, 511pd. 28 ~IPG, low mllcaae. '67 ROVER TC aioo. $800 .. _h II Lo 'l 1825,'; Beach Bl. Ilunt. Bealh XJnt cond. $1"100. :62-"1629 or bell oUer. 646-"1637 or "'"S~i;!re~_w49!l~1~~e. Cadillac 9915 556-1070 842-6611 • '72 FIAT \VGN 124 Sport,J~"'!""~1'.!1TI~5..:·----==I ,,,..~vi'iw~.'-Hii"io~o5oo~.'iLiE~F,TTl:.13;;_:--;c:;;A;;D-;,-.,,.;;::-_-;;c .. ::--;De;::;;V, 18255 Beach Bl. Hunt. Beach l9TI LTD 2 d I nd Super clean, l'lw mi. $2400.I Saab 9760 1''ENDER. R. DOOR & Exec. car. Deluxe. cond.. 55~1070 842·6611 P~ & air~"sd~ceg~scoin;· btst ofr. 673-7431 aft. 5 MISC. PARTS. 544-341"1 5,;7-6"155, l\1ort-Fri. 638--2181 rhe fastest draw 1n the West. on reg, fuel. 18255 Beach Bl. Hunt. Beach FORD I OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 'TIL 10 PM SUNDAT 'TIL 6 PM GROTH CHEVROLET 11211 leach llvd. Huntington leach . -. -· . {•' . Honda 9n1 Brand New 1974 ., sue 1~Sa=• •o.· =;s"c:"·'---=~ ...• o.u, Piiot ci._., .. ,., 64t>-Slll' 55i..1010 842-6611 AM/FM * Gd Cond Autos, New 9800 Auta1, N•w 9800 Auto1, N•w 9800 cA-u-to-,-.-N-.-w---~-= Autos, N•w 9800 A t N 9800 · ' ' SAAB 99LE . Sll50o,ol,. 64M027. ~~--~~~~-;;;;;;~;;;--~;;;~;;;;;;-~~~;i;;iii-mi;i~iii;uo~•·~•i;ii,w-iiil;i~ .c'·'; 1973 V\\I 412 SEDAN, 2 dr, • . .'. ·' ';;. -..1 XJnt. rond. $3,200. '' - -. " .. .-THl!ol K Jag uar '>ti HHa "FRllOlANOER I Jl'>O .. ocll l hd '>)7-6114 Pricwg to Sell 6"15-13·10 $4384 <•13861 T!h-;1rh ]hup1111~. .J.J. ,,... ... " Kq ... " n .. ~··' ..• ·..i·,•ll• "Dlreetly aeross from the BaJ:.~ Bay Club" Sales • Seniice Toyota 645-6406 " WE ARE No. 2 9765 '6"1 V\\' Bug, ,.:r,.:it cunct reblt rr.g, $1 lilO or offer Call days 675-.'¥10.1 "65 VW Bus, 1600 engine, very good cond. Paneled, crpL 84"1-3322; 8'12-"1320 '"10 .V\V BUS, gd rond. Nt>w engine. $1@. best o I f c r , 61.,...9196 '69 VW Bus, 41,000 miles, &ood condi!ion. Call 548-2683 '"11 V\\' Bw~. Rchll engillC, Camper equip!. Xln't cond. $2400. 55"1-4086 u.ft 5pm. ·n V\V Bus-Undt'r 11·arrllllly In Orange-Counly, Xlnt. cond. Luggn~ rack But Only $3.SOO. 57;,.6662. YOU ·71 VVi' BUS, Xlnt cond. CLASSIC JAGUAR 19 5 3 45,000 miles; $24:'i0. Mark VII, 4 dr. 1 e d • , Can Make Us CaJ\ eves 642·3602 aunroof, mtr. overhaul. 1New N 1 brke1., & tires. $2.200. O. '66 VW. Good Shape Terms. Ask for Frank: See us First or La.st and we'll $900 Call 968-1443 .,. 646-.7711 645-25:9 e,-s. lry harder for your best 1966 V\V Bug. vCl'Y clean, 1970 XKE, 2+2, Tan, auto. deal. Xlnt cond. $800. 673-9142 b'ans,, pw-r. s lecr·g .. wire t\ftAM l1iin:! SAVE TI-JOSE APPLE whls. 26,000. ml., c I ca n . -Ulf\ '4ll'UI PEELINGS and boll . in · • ·' $3,8jl). 846-7510 TOYOTA aluminum pa1u1 ilnd pots. '72 JAG 2+2 V!2. Lo nil., . Tt.ey wilt brighten !he ' ·' '· recent tuneup. Air, auto, 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 n1etal to u "like-new" u! 293 968-2300 condition. I-lave anything lo p-wr. ""· · C1 Hied Ad! Call 642-5678 .sell~ Use a Dally Pilot '71 XKE: Coupe. l ov.•ncr, tl5ey! Classified Ad. Call 642-5678. low 1nilc.q, & nltt. 831·20·10lcAo==~N,-----=-::= dlr. utos, •W 9IOO Autos, New 9800 Mazda 9731 ·n l\fAZDA R..Xll, 2 dr ('pe. ~-4 Spd lrftns. Wiii sell wholt'!sale. 546-8688. Marea<ial a.=n,"'"""~~7""40°1 1974 EXECUTIVE CLOSEOUT Se'.1!:1'81 low-mileage, fully equipped '"14 l\fert'Cde•Bcnz 450 SE's ut unusually roni- petillvc p1ice1: 450 SE (Ser. No. 3301, 36-mo. open e.nd lease at $221.80, plW! !rut. 280 COUPE (Ser. No. 3201), Dk. red, t'ereo, pov.·cr. windows. 36 mo. open end leamc al $1TL15, plus ta.'(. Jim Slemans Imports 1001 Quall NewpOrt Beach 133-8300 tNT£R FROM MacARntUR MERCiDts Deni 4 dr w: m,, Ptrt. cond, 18 mo'• ncW ~r w•rrant_y n-ma.lnlnz. S95(11). 84iMJ168. '74 LUVS 25 ' speed, l'adio, tinted glass, dlx. bumP!rs, whitewalls, VEGA #1251. »Ml.71 I• tM ....i nKtt price iMI. hue & llt. fNt.. Dtftm4 ft"M. 'llriu h '4116 .IMI. t11. & He ..... & corryll'll cM'I" hr 41 montht en .,,,. .. 1 tf your crfflt. A,,,l,. fl,fni e MON. TMllU HI. I AM TO 10 ,M e -.. SAT. lo JUN, 9 AM TO 6 'Me -GROTH CHEVROLET Hunthte,.ll IHch . '65 t.fBZ .23()..S. Cd cond. ' ,_ \Vtll not •tart. Call 640-- 'MBZ '8T 250$. Xlnt oond. (!12 A.111) smo. or bat 1.lfer. 6'14·001~ nfl, 8 P.M. 549-3331 Brand New CAPRI DOZENS TO CHOOSE FROM FROM at OLD PRICES ALL ARE Johnson & Son SALE PRICED \ Immediate Delivery We Still Have A Nice Selection of Brand New 197 4 CONTINENTALS •.MARK IV'S • MERCURYS • COMETS To Choose From - Home of Mi!'I Ni-w Cor "Gol<iei Tou~'i" l t1-:o-• QI "11" '~e...,.. ()• "C$d~" T c..c.n··- 2626 Harbor Blvd. of Cars, Costa Mesa 540-5630 1 --. '•. ' ... ' I '•' • ._, .. •·' .. '· ' . . ' . ' .. .,,. ' " . ·--. ; ; . ,, • •• " -.. . ' ·· .. ~ ...... ' :,• . ,, .. -" ... --; -·- .. . ~ ... . ' ~ . "~ -,. ........ . .. ... -. ._,,, ···~·-,~- " . , .. . . • This is an actual photo9raph of ap· proximately half of our Honda Car Inventory. One reason we are num· . . ber one in the West and in the top Five Nationwide. Low Volume Prices, Comfortable terms, and a complete service facility devoted exclusively to economy cars are three bi9 reasons you should visi~ the leader before you buy . cinywhere! · · · ~-~ Brand New '74 2 Door Coupe !llSBA·2174-295J $ '$6'977 IMO. For 4B mos incl T &l ~!erred pmt. price is S3420. 73 A P.R. Is 13 S 1 % the all new • STARFIRE! TEST DRIVE YOUR '·1975 STARFIRE Today '73 FORD SQUIRE WAGON · ~£ii~'.~~;~~~'.~i~~i· $ 3177 root rack. 1240234 l '74 CHEVY Y2 TON PICKUP :::""?::.~~ $ 3377 ::~"' '75 CUTLASS '73 OLDS . CUTLASS §~.~~'~'~!""" $ 3677 r adio heatp1 o o wE>r str...-nno oowe• brakes. a•r con.ht•onorlQ 12 13GY0) '73 HONDA CIVIC '73 DODGE DART A"lom•l<C '"~'m"""" $ 2977 r ad!O hea t er, c o w er steering. cower br ades. ..,.nyl loo <1ir cond1t1on1nq - 10 000 miles (713HVP1 --. ORDER YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR $ ORDER YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR $ ORDER YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR . ORDER YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR ' '• TAKE, YOUR CHOICE :~!ci~i,~~UAREBACK '70 CHEVY MALIBU H.T. vs. auto .. P.S. (062ANKJ '69 FORD LTD H.T. VB. auto .. air cond .. stereo. (6360LN) . CW.~ Sl@olot lll l~I 11 tar 36"'°"' ~ P'>Ot ll!IN.71...:1. Tll.Oft-.C~· MJAL PERCENTAGE R ... IE 16 3~ '67 OLDS 88 VS. auto .. vinyl lop. air coni (200KLC) '69 DODGE H.T. Coe. va. auto .. vinyl 100. air cond. IYXA088l '68 CHEV. IMPALA . VS. auto .. air cond .. P.S. - c.li ll'U MIOO Dlo11 Tll S37 ,, tor 2• -a.tw,..., PflCOI •911• 2' NICI l l l Oii -~ ANHU"l P'EflCENTAGE RATE 18 IR • , ) • • . ' • • • - • ' • I ' • • . ' ' 'Nedne&cl.ay, 0c!OD9f 23. 1974 D ... , .. ,OT •If By CHRYSLER CORPORATION Brand New )Jut( DART Sport 137 IN STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . $ OYER ORIGINAL FACTORY INVOICE WITH THIS AD PRESENTED A:T TIME OF SALE 111SE THE .RB Of YOUR CHOICE. 'n.eY Do Not Require· JM ENID GASI 1915 DART SPORT ""4. Y PACTciflY EoulPPED (LLHC5G10..1fl • BRAND NEW brand 1975 Dod9e PICKUP MW LOADED : Au to matic transmission, power steering, radio, heater. oil guage. increased cooling, tinted windsh ield. much more . (B11AB5X015427J LOADED: 318 VB engine. avtomallc transni1ss1on. power steering, radio. heater, increased cooling. oil guage. (014BE5S000196J '72 VEGA HATCHBACK Ado, heater. bucket seats. (118ESGI . CW,. MO tor JD-0.---~ 119'0 lD ....... 11 ll'"' '73 PLYMOUTH FURY ve. automatic. 1ir conditioning, power steering & br'akM. 16600.XTI 584 OK 584 MO. Onl¥ N.tf0r31moo °'*'*'.,.........""°" '310o111 ..,,.,. 1• ~ • "SPICIAL" · , . '12 PLYMOUTH FURY I t\ ''Special-Automatic. 'rldio, healer, power steering.· lactory air cofld1tioning f731E BPl • ' ~~~:.~~·--q~~~~~~ FULL ,RICE FULL l'lllCE 51476 53976 '69 MUSTANG OLD FA SHI ONE D YANKEE )A.llS & SER VI(! RadlO. heater. vinyl rool. bucket seats f016GBK ) '72 PL YM. SPORT SUBURBAN . Auto .. air. rool rack. wood sides, power steering. di• 1ntenor, soht seat. loaded. {873EM0 ) 5770K 577Mo. FULL PRICE + T&L FULL ,RICE • 5976 ML PllC. $1076 FULL PRICE 5 1976 t-li1i .. 'i:OO-iCiii="·ii·•t~~~"~ii.~o .. ~--r-:_,~.8-.•-.•-.. --:-,. -:--""'I""--:-. ·10 cHEv. MONTE cARLo ~ .:-"' ....,._ --. •-ML Air. automatic, v1nv1 top, loaded (1708FOJ ,. !7 e...:..-~ti .. :·· s1fi6 ~~~:.~~·--q~~~,~,~~ FULL PRICE '72 CHEV. KIHGSWOOD WGN • .. _ •• u-i.. -r,;"1 "" ............ . ndo. -...... I WSW' to...a f 1 Ofl. , . FULL l'lllCI '68TOYOTA WAGON Air, redlnlng Mats. (828CHS). s40 · DH. s40 : ·MO. • FULL ,RICE 5776 51476 s73.,t ' •73MO. 51876 0Wtt11••-~__. ....... .,, .... ,.,,. )t.OK '72 CHEVY NOVA .. LARGE SELECTION "Spec:iar· Automatic. radio. healer, power steenng & FULL brakes. air cond1honlng. (915FEZl " P'RICE · USED VANS & ' SURFll CONVIRSIOMS 577 OK $77 MO. 5197 6 HOT SATISFIED WITH SERVICE? Try VICTORY "You're the Winner" Sfl't'ICI HOUIS MM4hr 7:)0 .. f• t :OO ,_ , .... .fri. 7:10-.. 1:00,. We accept oil Worronly Wort. on AJI Chrysler Products DODGE •CHRYSLER •Pl YMOUTH • Motor Home Servi ct Tool RIVERSIDE r • SAN DIEGO ::: WRI YOll FACTORY •Ea DEALER I , 1 • I; • ; E Ill ,- "' - ' ' • • . -- OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE' Eoet. c• dhptoy1 -r od.11 r..oic. ,,_ ... _...., Oii tM ...... 'DOES HOT INCLUDE HOLD-1.t.CK OR FACTORY INCENTIVE dClil• Uftlil 10 P.m. '73 PLYMOUTH SPORT SUBURBAN '67 PLYMOUTH COUPE Ya'~~m~ltc, r adio, s35~ .. V8~ng1ne,automat1c lran-$695 he"e" oo we• "••""'· "• .. ..: ,m;,~;oo, "''•· he""'· ,.. i:ower brakes. white wans -7 ~ wwer steerrno: Wlil!e Slae · · • • - air cond1t1on1ng, luggagP wall tires. !VCJ591) rack !217 JNCJ '74 DODGE CORONET CUSTOM <0.Sedeo VB '"!om"'' s3395 rao10 iieater. power sleerin9 cower brakes WSW. a11 cond11+on1ng \llrlyl c;16e m109s. vinyl too f 748K8AJ '73 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 2 DR. H.T. VB a"'omo1oo. "''•· $ 2395 heater cower steeung, ~r brakes. while watls air oondlt1on1nQ vinyl too [068JNBI '70 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE va. automatic. AM/FM radio. heater. p o wer steering. cower brakes, WSW. air cond1l1on1ng . power windows. power door locks. power seat. t5368EO) 51195 '67 CHRYSLER NEWPORT CUSTOM 4 Dr Sedan VB. automal1c, radio. healer oower steering: power brakes. WSN 11res. air cond111on1ng V!nyl lop IUMY051l 5695 ALl l'llCES PLUS TAX AND LICENSE A•E YAUD 'TIL 10 P.M. SUH., OCT. 27. C,A.IS SUIJECT TO P-1101 SALL I I • • ... HUGE .SELECTION Of THE All NEW 1975 INTERNAJ'IONAL TRUCKS, TRAVELAUS AND , -scours ~ BEAUTIFULLY EQUIPPED 1974 TRAVELALL . · Serial No. '4HIHODHB36006 . . . 7 j Is d c r i • c t r f' t p a I' i c s • • , • • • Laguna/Sont1' Coast EDITION Today's Final N.T. Stocks VOL. 67, NO. 296, 5 SECTIONS, 6" PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOB ER 23, 1974 TEN CENTS • GSA Denies ·Zi1ggurat U~e for Nixon Library WASHINGTON (AP) -The General Services Administration says an office building it acquired in LaW1f!a Nigui;I, was "never contemplated to be a presidential library for fonner President Nixon." ' The building, about ·10 miles from Nixon's San Clemente residence, was acquired F~b. 15 from Rockwell Intema- lionaJ Corp. In exchange for property in the siite belonghl,g to the Air Force. Sen. JQ.Seph M. M,ontoya (0..N.M.), chainnan of a Senate . approprlatio'ns subcommittee, aslled GSA AdmiJ)istrator Arthur Sampson. &)>ut reports that the • million square.foot building was to be used for·Nixoo's benefit. He quoted .Sampsoo as replying that "the property was not acquired as a presidential library or ,a p e r m a n n t depository. for Nl:ion's recoi:cts." But ·he said that "temporarily storing Mr. Nixon's records In a relatively small pcrtion cl. the Laguna Niguel facility is similar to the courtesy storage pn>- vided other former presidents. Sampson also wrote that "this ex- ctiange was not a 'bail our for Rockwell International." '"The Laguna Niguel facility \Vas ac· • quired because it was and is in the very best interest of the federal govern· ment to obtain a building at a reasonable cost to meet present anc! future space needs in the Southern California region," he said. Montoya said the General Accounti ng Office advised him that the GSA would have to spend about $3 million to put the building in condition for use, and 1nalntenance costs and utility bills would run about $500,000 a year. In h!s statement, Montoya also said he h~· property records in the vicini ty of the building checked to find out who the ownen were and reported these showed that Herbert Kalmbach o f Newport Beach, Nixon 's former attorney. was involved In the acquisition of two small tracts. Montoya said records furnished hi1n showed that 3S acres were bought Qn May 22, 1989 for about $300.000 b y Gallvan Investment Co., represented by Galivan Properties Ud., and that lhe address of the Galivan firm was in· dicated a& thal of Kalmbach's la w firm. He said ·~t one acre is O\l'nl'd b~ ~loulton·Xlf!;ll('I \\'atl'r District and i1s addrl'ss \1as li<:tc-d as Suite 900. at 550 .\e'.l porl Center OriY e, Ne"'J)Ort Be.:ich. "This i.~ also th<• add ress of ti.t r . Kalmbach s office." ~1ontoya said. · Kahnbac h no"' is in prison. i\leanwhile. U.S. l)istrict Judge Charles R. Richey issued an amended ofder ' Tuseday relax ing slightly th~ freeze he put on .'l'ixon's presidential papers. Richey kept his requirement that the papers and ta pes be kept in Washington at leasr htmporarily but opened t~em up to fonner \\'h11e House staff members be ing tned or investigated in t h e \\'11tC'rgate case~. The Judgl:' also said the papers could be opened to gn\ernn1ent officials "for the p~rpost'S of cu r re n t &ovemment · bu,!:iness " y,·i1h President ford 's consent and notification of Nixon·s lawyers. The origi nal order. issued Monday , blt)('kt-d at lc<ist ten1porarily the ar· ra ngt'inen! reached bt:tween Nixon and Ford on disposit ion of the tapes and clocun1ents al the tin;Ie Nixon's pardon 1\<is negotiated. 1e,n IC u an us e r CofC Backs Meter Fee; Nixes Park Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce directors waded into two controversial Issues Tuesday, supporting a proposed freeze on parking meter fees and op- posing creation of a dO~town mlni~J;>8rk. The Olamber board approved in prin- ciple an initiative being drawn up by downtown hairdresser Richard Willelts. who previously fought . meter fee in· creases with a referendum. The initiative ' would freeze present parking meter rates, direct that all parking meter revenues be put intact Jnto a special parking fund and order that only parking fines be used to finan ce parking·related city costs. Presently. a special fund is sel up to receive parking 'meter re ve nu e s. However, the city is allowed to charge parking related costs such as meter maid salaries and meter maintenance against the fund. The city also takes $30,000 from the fund yearly to rinance general expenditures. , ' This proce§ along with. purehaSe: or new meters, created a $27 ,000 deficit in the fund last year, whi ch the city o.111'-~'-l!ett' n .,~ _ advanced against this yea r's revenues. 191 s•r , ... t. VOlUNTEER PARENT CARYL TRITTIPO HELPS S UDENT Second Grader Mike Stafford Studies Math at Aliso sC:hool PumpJJln Picher - ~ . -r -' -Hick Balzer, a tDember oTlhe chamber parking committee, criticized the ad· ministration of the fund Tuesday. "It's a bunch of fancy book shufOing by a very creative finance director," Bal1.er said. Parents Helping I • Craig Ylci°<!<lilf. 2; of Laguna .Niguel. fimts:his:eye 'ior a Halloween · ptimpkin ·may· be bigger than his mttsctes.a< hi! 'lnakeA .tough choice at an Orange Coast' pumpkin patch. He (ound ·one he could carry, but, on ~y, would that bigger on e rPi\ke a sweJf jack-a-lantern. Larry Hunt. past chamber president. questioned where the city would make up the general fund amounts. 68 Aiding Aliso Scliool T eacli~rs Community Flagpole .Idea Grows-Qespite Council !nteml )II the COD!lnlcllon of a giant community flagpole to -mark lbe com- munify's and ·lhe nation's 100th· birthday is growing in San1Juan Capistrano destilte a lukewarm reception of the idea by the City Council recently. Althodgh the Oagpole will be sponsored by the Bicentennial C.Onunit~, chamber p(ficials ~ are drawing plans a n d in· vestigating costs. Toner said the council (See FLAGPOLE, Page A%) "How's that little vacuum going to be filled , increased taX"es?'' Hunt asked. "The answer to your question, Larry, is 'yes',·• Balzer replied. In opposing creation of a mini-park or landscaped mall on the appendage of Park Avenue. chamber directors snub- bed their own· beautification coTnmittec. which had recommended approval of the project. The area proposed for ·1he mall is on the stub of Park Avenue left over alter the county library was built across a portion of the street. The stub connects only to an alley from Coast Highway. 8y JACKIE HY~fAN Of tll• O•llr '1191 Sl1!I There was a time at Aliso Elementary School in South Laguna when parents rarely saw thC Inside Qf a classroom. Now 68 parents of kindergarten and primary grade st udents are assisting teachers with projects in such field s as cooking, sewing, gymnastics, music, art, reading and math. rn kindergarten, for example, teacher Judy Neeve said. a half dozen mothers help the children lcam sounds, such ;.1s the letter T. by teaching them to cook foods which begin with that leller. John Toner, manager of the San Juan Chamber of Commerce,-said be . has received phone calls and letters from individuals and organlJ.aUona pledling support of the project. Badham Urging Bright's Another ha lf dozen volunteers help the kindergartners with gardens "''here they raise vegetables lo cook. The vegetables also feed class pets. including rabbits, . guinea pigs a n d visiling animals fro1n the SPCA. • ---·--------- PIT.OT PICKEROO Ouster on Coast Panel Other parents put their special talents to USC. IN SIXTII WEEK By GARV GRANVILLE • Of 1111 O.lly 'lhl lltH Ftgskln Pickcroo "14 contlnues In its .Dr •• Donald B. Biigbt should be remov· sixl h "''rtlt M Dalfy Pilot.. readers com· ed · rrom the South Coast R e g I o n a I pcte for ~130 worth or priz.d each week co as Uine CornmisSion, Assemblyman and a chance to win • color lelevisioo Robert Jlailbam (R~cwport Beach) said I set. · Tuesday. Sports fans who best prtdlct the out· Badbam.'s call for the coastal com·· comes or XI football gamu to be played mission chairman's ouster because of t~ls weekend wt!I be awarded 7.tnith his political fund ralsiog acUvitJes cittne radio and: television producta. F\lnher, at a Corona del Ma'r Kiwanis ClUb first place weekly wlnntn are eligible -luncheon. to compete tor the grand prize color The Newport Beach .:s9emblyman set. labeled Bright's aborted plan to hold a Details and an entry blank are publish-SIOO.per-penon fund raising reception for ed In today 's editions. oemocfalic gubernatorial candidate FA· Plgskln 1P1ckeroo Is a rt!:gUIRr feature mWKf (i. lJrown Jr. "a blatant misuse. or .the Daily Pilot sports pages and of power.'' Is cOoflponsored by ABC Color Television Purportedly invited to the reception of lfuntlngton. Ocach and Zenlth toe. tlla t W1f9 ~ bl\ve OOen held n~ar Costa '" Mesa this v.·eek were developer• 11nd ' •• -· •' others who regularly do business \\'ilh. lhe commission Bright heads. The fund ra1sing recepiion was called orr when a stonn of criticism descended Marine 01arged With Burglar)' on Bright and a connict or interest . A Camp Pend leton ~tarlne w~.~~cd I ·~b =·-• 1 into Orahge County JaU. on uw-g ... ry ssue was rat • y .D111w11 s ·opponen • · cha~ ·~y 11\ght Mily alter he atatc Controller oastoq noumoy. : allegedly broke; ~th l ~utli Laguna Badham said tbe coa_sq>I comO>J..,.,. ""'1 ""'i.l!IOl•a q(&ajlllt# ot ie,..lcy. chalnffan used "'stationery and ~r \ Sheriff's-1 · rs c Marine Robert commission rcsourees '' to PrGmote ~ · .aruct Calli , 2 ~ irrested by political receptl~n. ' 1Califotnla hwa llf'tr-Olmen and "If he (Bright ~ wa1 an elected ofOClal .'relleyed~( jew '' l;JO,"X; and Je"'eJry he \\'OU!d be recalled," Badhsro said., he tlleg h~ tiicnr earlier frorn "I don't see wey an nppaintcdl offlclar" the Om · De Malton 31 716 Pacific v"ho mi.susca hls 'povrcr should be treated 4, Coaii l:llg~a IAath 1J.Suna . ony dl!fcrentty.~' -91 '' Cl)tpen ·~o.&lioott broke the 'Nftt-- Afler his 1peech, ~•dllAln ,.Id he <low cl Ille ·'* )IOQr •I !he •We. h88 Written Gov,• ~agan to tsk' htnr I reached rn tto Uftl~k 1110 doot ;ind I hen to demnnd Bright'• .. immediate reslgna. took the valuables fu)rn tht· d1i;pln)' llon." · case. ·I_ I r..tarcia Bametl teaches gymnastics to kindergarten students to help t h e m develop coordination. Another volunteer. Stilly \Vhiting, plays the guitar for first and second graders and brings in musiral instruments from different countries. Timi \Villiams. also a volunteer. guides the student s through art projects in such for1ns as ~till life and collage. And many of the parents. all of them mothers and many of them credentialed teachers. donate tin1c IQ working vdth etu.ldren individua lly in such fundamen tal suhiects as reading and math. The pa.rent volunteer p r o g r a m , coordinated by voluntrer Kal hy Blue. began last ~·car "''hen Aliso wai; selected as the one srhoo! in La.i:oina Bl'Ach to receive Early Childhuur1 Education tECEJ funds. ECE is a stnh~ pr11Ar:i1n to l>QUr fu nds into in struction for kindl'r~artrn through third grudP stud1·n1~ Previously. 1hl.' !'lt•i!c t'Qnr('ntrarcd on remcdi:il instnH lion for ~!udl'ntll who hadn't l('arnrd th(' rn:iteri11l in the first pl;.1rr, L.vnda Sh;irp. Allso ECF. direr!or. c:<olntllt'<I. I! is. hopt•d lh.1 ! ECE Y.dl pre\'ent !he net<I ror ren1ed111t cducat1011 1>he S<!id 11W' p.1rcnt \O!unteer TU'!r:un 11 ;i~ ru•r('<..snry ~ausr ECE i:: hr.1!~ mu<.:t h:l\'t• Ollt' adult In !hf' rl.1v•roon1 fnr r;irh 10 children. ~\rs. Blue ~ ticl l.Mlt!nt wert' !iQOL to lh1fl'll\S ask111g for 1he1 r h('\n and i::pccinl tnh•nl"J. . "The t'l11hUSl:l!'lm i s unhl>licvnblc'. \\'e·re dr:i"·inl<': from a An>Up " in· ttn.•stl'd edura1L't.i 1111.rrnt~ ... ~lrf" Hlut• sairl . She snid 30 par!'nt~ voluntf'1•red lo-.t year an<I. us ,1 re.Qult of thPir \\Ork. Ahso ~ .. fl.Q nttn1t;I flrs1 ifl th<" m:ite for Its \•olunt11?.r Jlr~r~ \\~ 11!! F.CE prm!Mllll \\Ii.IS rfltt'l.i. { Slh1.0l~ mu~1 nehtt'\'<' .l hi~h Rll ·ilround i!\tc rAltE\'l'S. l'll).\t' A!l ' -' New Policy Admitted By Patrol By JOJIN VALTERZA Of ll'le ~IY Piiot 1!1H A new federal policy which practically co~es defeat in lhe battle against illegal immigratioo from Mexico has been launched throughput s o u t h e r n c4Womia and it asks many po I i c e departments to si mply i·g n o r e i~ migrants passing through their area. Senior agents at the San Onorre Border Patrol station confirmed today that a new policy-is in e[fect throughout the Southwest. And except for police departments In areas extremely close to a border patrol station, the suggestion simply calls for officers to leave the aliens alone . The orders come from Immigration Commissioner Leonard F. Chapman, who has launched a new concept of fig hting the record wave of illeg_al immigration (See ALIENS, Page A%) Cable Unearthed In Laguna Bench; Potuer Shut Off ' A buildiflB contracl-Or dug u.p 30 fl.'Cl of und£·rground telephone cable i n L.1"u11a Reach 1\1esday. cultinJ:! serv ic{' to 41~ custoniers. includin g police and fire agencies. The ~rvire brt•:i k occun·ed at about J::JO p.1n. ;ind ;.1 ffected residents of the c1tv's Top of the \rorld section. The Top or the \Vorld fire stat ion telephone strvicc \1•as cut. but eme rgcn· l'\' numbers 1\·rrc unaffected. · TJ1e cable also carried police radio signals. to ;1n antenna on the Top o[ the \\'nrld fire station, however. the deparlmt"nt rct.'Cnt ly S\\'ilchcd to an antenna near the \1'atcr rescr\'oir oo thr north s1dr of 1,.,1puna Canyon and ra1!1n ~t•r1·ict 1\·as not cut. <,l'll1'ral Telephone spoke.'!'fl'lan s ai d ~en·icr 1\·as rt'storcd \I ith :l temporary c011net11on to all customers by IO p.m. 111\h pc nnaJl{·nt repairs being completed 1oda1 Orange Coast Weather The u.~ua l night and morning 1011 clouds alon~ Lhe CO<l~l Tht1rs· d.:i~ at<"O rding to the \1'1•:1thcr :-t'r' 1<:>c, \1 ilh sunny skies in the u1ll'I noon Be:ich highs of 67 "'ill 11M! tu i2 inland. Lo\\'S ron lgh1 ;,1 !O li2 l:\Slllll TOD\ V 'f,co .\.rarr1r n1uv1t·~ /u11.I a l1apn_u c11•/11'!/ (or r1 pr111>1•ru!or 111 .\·rw llom11.~l1ir1· 11 l1n .~1u~·cu I• ~ pul•tl<'Ul cqmp1ug11 011 acqull· /• 1. ,\!lHf/, /loge 1\·7, > Al Y~•• S..-VICI A1 114'•11""' M l M. leyd Alt (•!!ltr1111 AJ C1rttr (Orlltf I ll Cl•uflh•d D11l C_i<, (11 CAHWttd en Dtllll Miiiet• AU l!llltwltl '••• Al l11f .. 1fl11me111 ~• • FllUl!ltl fl•·1 ,~" (1·11 HontcoH C.I Ann Ltll!;•'n c1 M1Hbo> A• Ml•lfl U •t M11tv1I Fwllll• M Ntllon11 N1w1 Al. 1 Dr1n" (DUlllY Ali•U P-1t Cl·I ~part1 IJ.l IH, 511111<r01111 II Sit(~ Mll'lt.111 1 ... 1 '''"''~" .. Tllt•lff\ ll•t l'/O~llltr Af w .. 111 Ntw1 Al, J ,, • .4 2 DAILY PILOT L/SC w,k-. day Octobtr 23 l q74 At Your Service _..\ u.nda y, i\fonday, \V('dnesda)' <1111d f'rlday t't'a1lu'e ...., 0( tbe Uaily PileL (;,,1 11 riro h/em" Tl1('11 u n/1• Pru /Ju11•1 l'ol u;1/l f ul r1 d rup.·. 9'-'I llil• 111Mu~·rs onil ~ /l.!1·~11, (',\ fl:!•i!t>. !ll.IUr te/t•µl1o ni• run11t11•r Whnl's ita n J\'11n1e? '"'DE..\R PAT : Since l grew up with one of the most popular names in my i1gc group <11 th:it 1lme, I \l'anl 10 &void choosing an over!~· popular name for my expectl'd child. I've cticcked all the .source.~ l C<in. il'ICluchng hospitals, coun· ty offiC1's and n1y library's reader's guide. All I've learned is Uwt my phone bill has increased due to all my toll calls . P.C., San Juan Capistrano !'\o published material is available on the most popular CtJrrent first names being given to babies. at'COrding to the Garden Grove .Regional Library's adult refert'flCe depanment - and your in- quiry v.•aJ' checked out thoroughly. It seem11 tbat only "after". a first name nu.. been '\1900 repeatedly, ii is noted as a '.!pdpular" choice. Available materials do indihlte that you'd be better off to d"'6W "Mary'Lor··Ann" rather than Klm~y or Tiffany if your baby should be a girl. The same advice applies to boys. The "common" name choice is out of \1>gue at this time. Cigare tte Pack• DEAR PAT; A neighbor has told me about saving empty cigarette packages and turning them in for a wheelchair. My brother-in-law needs one for his wife and he hns saved more than fi.000 pack- ages. If this really can be done. \.\•here should these packages be redeemed to get a whecl chair for a deserving per- son? S.O .. Costa Alesa TIIC same answer applies to this in· quiry as to a recent quesJion about 11·hcre one could turn in cigar'ette pack· ages ID buy time cm a kidney machine. 'M>ere is none, and there never has been. To repeat -this story seems to pop up eevry few yt'ars, and it has no basis in fact . You might tell your brothel"in-law lo contact the Rehabilitation Institute of Orange County regarding the possible loan of a wheelchair by phoning 6.13- 7400. or perhaps, a reader would be will- ing to donate or sell a wheelchair to him. The Institute is currently requesting per- sons to donate Belly Crocker coupons to 1800 E. La Veta, Orange. Calif. 92666. which can be redeemed for cash to pur- chase needed equipment. such as wheel- ctmirs, for patient s. r-.1ail to the atten· tion of Carolyn Carrell . Defective To!J DEAR PAT : I bou ~ht my (faughter a toy called "Sweet April's Playground" ror OJ.ristmas. There \Va s an excessi\'e amount of dirt and glue on it and one of the parts didn't \\Ork. She's player! wilh this toy only about six limes and other pieces now hal'c broken. J \\'role to lhe company twice \l'ilh no answer received. I'd gladly return the complete toy in exchange for a ne\.\' one, or just the parts that need replacing. D.P., F'ount:iin Valley Your only recou rse In this sttut1Uon \.\1)1JJd be to shop for a new toy because the manufacturer. Rcmco Industries. went out of business in Janu;iry, Al- though several large loy suppl iers v.·erc C'Ofllactcd in an effort to find a "parts'' source for this item . none could offer nssistance. The existing :.tock of Hemco to ys is still heing sol d by soine fin11s, especially discount out lets. ORANGE COAST U!oC DAILY PILOT TNOf"-,.,.,. 0.Uy f>ll1>1,.,;111wMU1l\c-ltloMd lht ,.._,_,... ... ,, 1, publl\l'ltcl b'I' 01tOr#IQI Ctwl•I ft\lbllllllnt Co"'11'11J, Se'* .ie ""'"""' •f llUDlhl!tcl. Mo"IUly IMQUo9h FrtOI~, 1tr ~i.. ...... "'"'"'-' S..c:~, H11!>1~"" 8'~· 11"1 V•Uey, J"•one. $1dai.1M<t Yllley •ftd ~ .. ,,.,... &tM" Soul" CoeSI • ••1191• '*1,....1 ""''""' 1\ pUbl""KI S..turO•r• -~Yl l"lle '"''"''~' puD11'lfl1"'1 pl'"'l '' •! XIII wt.\! 8.lr ~1. ~11 INW. C:f h!Dffl•t ~~) ... Rober! N. Wef'd . PrKIOf"! • ...., Pubh-• Jac:k R. Curll'V v;c• P.•'"'''"' • .,,, c,.,,.,.1.....,..,111', Thomas Kee11il Thoma~ A. Mur ph1ne IH"'~'""' ED<IO< Cha rles H Loo.., Richard P. Nall "'Ui\lt1'1 M&nfQ•tlQ Ca.too> L.19una Beach Office 11 .. c."'......,••S1 ... 1 M••llnQ "'dart\\ P Q flo)o -tlt\1 Other Otticts (.o\I• Mew JJq W~•! ... !>!rt•! ..... -1 &r..:"' '"l«t •-1 L'li6oi•••••d Hu"10"0IM 8'•<"' 1117~ ~«"' '°""'"•'~ S.OCIWbl'< • Ill"• 1 U/01 o...o P•1 Jko.w ti S,." 0•"'10 F•-t• Telephone (714l 64i-432T Classlfled Advertising 642-5671 Liiquna Be~ch Alt Oepartmtf'llS. Telephone 494-94Mt r1am WI Cl•,....1>1t 495·0630 toor.,Qrl1, iti. 01•11• Co•\I Pu111''""°'° ~-· ...., ........ •lat.... •tl1111l••t10"' M1W•tl -Ito! 01 '°" ... ""''"""'1• Pllttlll "'") tw: '"'"""'tel .-1•1'9111 1-IM .,.,..,.,_ 01 <OlllTlfQl\IOW ... < Mtono ,1.u POl!f~ llOl•O •• ~ Jilt ... ('•llf0nt1•. Sl(t!'l~.,p1-~ ~.,..,.. "tCI ~•NI', lly_ "'''1 "'Oii mOl!lfWr. m1111.,. Onllfl"llOl'li 1J IOITICl'll~lt ,. G1·eenhelt Group Sets Boundru·ies With new ent'OUra£e!lleflt from the Orange Comnty Planning Con,roi55ion. lobbyists for the Laguna G r e e n b c I t n1arthed onto the Moulton Ra1lt'h this \\'('Ck lo draw boundaries for 100 percer1t prl•servatlun of a hotly contested buffer zone for the city of Laguna Beach. Hcpresentatives ftom Lagun<i Greenbelt, Inc. a non-profit organization striving to create the buffer. lef l the l'xpcdition feeling "positive,'' according to volunteer consultant fllichael Schley. Hut representatives from the private planning finn Of Chapman, Phillips, Rrandt and Reddick, v•ho represent the six property owners on the 9,700-acre r~l'h. left. in a. ~ of r;loo'J1. ·There JUSt tSn t much compromise v.ith these~." Steve ~lalefyt1 proj· NI manager for the Moulton Ranch, said disconsolatedly. Original maps for the ranch showed about · 60 percent preservation of the gr~nbelt. Later maps showed 80 per- ceut. Laguna Greenbelt supporters still were not satisfied. Then, in the face of persistent lobbying by the grccnbell team; the Orange Coun- ly Planning Commission directed county planners to draw a new map--sho"'·ing 100 percent preservation of the embattled natural area. That direction came after months of negotiation between the Laguna Greenbell ,proponents and prop e rt y owners anxious lo maintain profitable residential densities. So Tuesday's meeting was called to try to detennine what the boundary lines of the greenbelt \\'ere. The area of greatesl controversy within the greenbelt is Wood Canyon, a thicket of sycamore trees surrounded by picturesque ridges. Greenbelt officials object to a "scenic loop" road systei:n shown on the plans through Lower Wood Canyon, and to the 1,100 residential units shown 1n what the Laguna people believe is t h e greenbelt. If those units are eliminated, they will be moved to a fiat plain along El Toro Road. aCcording to COWlty senior planner Jim Tso. "We're going to have another meeting next week," Ma!efyt. said. "The green- bait people are standing pat, and I think it's going to be very hard to reach any detennination." "They are feally concerned about get- ting their own niche," Male!yt added of the Greeflbelt troops. "They are not ready to change their policy." Schley, the greehbelt sp:ikesman, saki it appears the Chapman-Phillips team is compromising. "We're still holding the line that Wood Ganyon is an environmental entity and th~re's no reason why it shouldn't be preserved," Schley said. Asked if be tbought the Greenbelt organization would endorse the tot a I ranch plan Ir they got 100 p e r c e n t greenbelt preservaUon, SchJey said, "Well, we'd have no reason to oppose it. We'd have reached our goal. "We think i! the greenbelt is preserved it would help alleviate many of the potential prob!~ from the rest of the ranch." From Page Al PARENTS ... rat ing 10 keep their ECE funds, ri.1rs. Blue said. This year Alisa's funds v•ere doubled. to $34,000. That pays for :i resource teacher. teachers' aids, field trips, audio visual learning aids and suppftes for cooking, gardening and other projcds. But it v.·ould be herd to place a dollar value on the time gi\·en by the 68 parents. who each donate between on(' and three hours a week. ~!rs. Sharp believes the volunteer pro- gr:1m h<ts also been good for the parents. "I think the crux of wh.al it's clone at Aliso is gotten parents in11olvcd in ;in iinportant part of their child's'Muca- !ion. And not only their O\.\'n child but children as a whole." she said. She said reacher cooperation is essen- tia because the teacher must be \\illlng 10 supervise the parents and assume n1ore of a management role than in 1 I\(' past. ' "Previou; to th.is. teachers were al most th~atened by having a parent in rheir room." Mrs. Sharp said, In addition to parents. sixth graders h<'lp 111struct younger students. And even ~1thln a grnde, a child \\'ho has mastered a concept is asked to help a classmate \1'ho has not . Th ur ston Pupils. .. Le ll vc Satur day Fo r Yosemite A group of 31 student.s from Thurston luternlcdlate SChool in \.a,!!Wla Reach- 11ill leave S8turday ror a v.-·cek's study at Yosemite National Park. The ~venth ancJ eighth gr<idt• S1 udcnts 1111\ st udy zoology. botany. Keology and anthropology under the direction of lhc \t.aff of tht Yosemite ln!titutl", which cunduct.s programs !or colleges. hiJth sehools a n d junior hlth s c h o o I s lhl"'l'.J'lgho\lt the statt. Sllldenls wlll hike and bicycle through p.1rts of the park to study lichen. lnclia.n caves and rock formati on! nm hand. The student& will be chnperontt1 by Ari f1..ntr. a 'lburat.on science tcachc-r. "nd three pare'!\ Co6t of the trip, which Is paid by fndiv\dual students Fees .~·~-Up~ Up Roat ltl~i~g Now More Costl y . UOAT OWNERS who I~ "I' illtplty to oomebody's el.!e,'1 doctor JnOOr1ng in"" Oran&• ~u:;ru nqw'tlave to P'Y four liine> a. much to,.. chum their Un _ L.:-Wt.ls.. • The Boar<ltot · ,,.. ~usty 'l\J<sday to hike the daily Impound fteS from $1 to '4-fn· Newport Harbor and $3 in Dana Harbor. 1 larbor.!i, Beachet and ParU Dlrectoi-Kenneth. SRmpson told the board the SI per day ree provided no locenUve for boat owners to rttlaim thelr prop- ert;. "TlllS FREQUENTLY result$ in a long-term storage rate that is much lrss than the owner would pay al a 0>mmercial marina," Sampson said in tus report to supervisors. The figure supervilota µrived' et is the same paid ror glle$t dock spaces m the tv.'O major county barbl.ra. SlJPERVJSORS ~ approved Sampson's request to increase rrom SI to $2 a day lhe charge leVJed by the county for its 18 offshore guest moorings. . Sampson noted Newport Harbor is the only one with guest moorings but he ::>aid Dana Harbor may have some in the near future. OC Rapid Transit 'Fear of Crime' Seen As Reason for Non-use By \\'ILLIA~I SOIREIBER O! tl'lt D1llJ' h.i .... • htany prospective riders on Orange County Transit District veb!cles may Frotl& Pag_e 'A'1. FLAGPOLE ••• didn 't actually say no when their ap- proval was sought. they merely declined to support the idea at this time. The idea of a flagpole was brought to the Bicentennial Committee b y longtime San Juan resident Bill Speer. Speer figured out that a 75-foot flagpole with a 30 by 46-!oot Oag could be seen . several miles if placed in a n elevated p:isltion. The location be . chose was one of the two standard Oil gas stations which are located on lhe Ortega Higbway on both skies of the San Diego Freeway. Speer, who retired after 52 years as a Slandard Oil distributor, !bought he might talk the company Into donating space for the flagpole. But the location was one point wh ich aome . coomdlmen found objedlooabie. Councilman Doug Nash Aid he feared the flag mlgbt become a commercial device to attract customers into the station and said every gas station in town would also want a flagpole. Coun- cilman Yvon Heckscber said be was opposed to the Idea altogether beca""' it would draw excessive attention to San Juan and the city didn't need any more people in town. "Are you against motherhood, too,'' asked Councilman James Weathers. "ln some circumstances," said Coun· ci~i:~=· :~~~~ to support the flagpole . idea but nobody seconded it. The city council Wll.! brought into the flagpole project becall!e the council is funding the Bicentennial Committee. Toner said, however, that some groups have indicated a willingness to fund the project through. donations. Toner said two items are b e I n g researched. A 'T>foot steel pole with two 20x3G-foot flags would cooet $6,600. A 65-foot aluminum pole with two 10 x )f>.foot flags v.-wld cost $5,385. These fla~ wio;.:~:! ::.:~ be ilh:.-ninated -at night, but would be taken down and stored in a loclced box at the bottom of the pole. The cost estimates also include an eagle at the top. lie said if the pole became city pro- perty, the city would have to assume liability insurance and the cost o f maintenance. Forrest Dunnivin, former chamber president and owner of one of the gas stations, said he would see Owl the flag v!'aS put up and taken down each day. Bill Speer, who originated the Idea of a giant community flagpole, suffered a heart attack arxl. was taken to South Coast Community Hos(tital Monday. He is In intensive care. 'The ?~year-old resident, who resides with his wife Sarah at 31472 La i1atama, San Juan Capistrano, came to the area in 1929. .. be avoiding the use or mass t.ransit because they rear the possibility 0 f violent crimes. Eugene Covelli, vlcc chairman of a cltli.ens committee studying the impact or future transit plans, said today safety Concerns will be one of the district's toughest obstacles to overcome. "The single most important aspect or transit system in1pacl. is a need to change the attitude of the population regarding fear of violence,'' said Covelli, a professor at Cal Stale Long Beach. Covel!i's task force , one or lhree set up by the Citizens Advisory Transit Committee, recommended that the district concentrate on intensive service in disadv antaged auas that usuaJiy have the bi&be!t crime rate. "To make the service wo rk and attract riders, the district should establish a direct line of communications with safety agencies for protection of passe.ngers in blgh crime areas," Covelli said. Covelli's task force made no specific recommendations. but hinted at t h e paislbWty of special transit s e c u r i t y petrols or bus guards. Victim Thwarts Arson Attempt Orange County Sheriff's officers are hunting a woold-be arsonist whose efforts to destroy a pickup truck in the Dana Point area were Coiled by the prompt action or the vidlt_n. Deputies said (he canvas cover on a pickup truck owned by Jamees P. Erickson, 33252 Palo Alto Drive, was destroyed but he was able to douse the fire berore it damaged the rest of the vehicle. lllvestlgators believe the lire w a s started when a lighted cigarette '!as tossed ooto the canvas cover by an wiknown intruder at the Erickson home. Rug, Stereo Gear Taken in Burglary Stereo equipment and a l}lg_ were stolen Tuesday night from a Laguna Niguel Mme by burglars who may have had a spare key to the premitles, Orange County Sheriff's officers said. Deputies said the property, valued by Interior decorator Marvin 1. Strusser. 47, at $220, was reported lost when he returned to him his home at 24005 Windward Lane from Nevada. .....i:· Money J)o1an t ed Prisoner's --Bail - Drive Ope·ne By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 11\t O•llY "~" Slffl A campaign to gather $5,000 b a 11 money. n1ost of it con1ing la nickels and dime!S, mounted today to free. ac· cused killer James ltay Russell, charged with an Oklahoma n1urder be may not have committed. Today was his 745th. day in jail, waiting for something -anything -to happen. "l'm wore out ," he said Tuesday. RusseU , 27, a former Laguna H.llls resident, finally ha.d his day i{l court Tuesday, after some 15 frultltss BP" pearances, including an appeal to the California Supreme eoUrt to be released. Ul6 Angeles Superior Court Judge Ray- mond.A-I. Choate set bail at SS,000 finally after Russell 's lv.·o years and two weeks behind bars, a sum requiring one-tenth of its face value as a surety deposit to secure release. His family, including his deliriou~ly tearful wife Karen, 23, vowed to have . the $500 deposit together by Tuesday night. so he could con1e home to Bell Gardens. They failed to scrape up the swn but a bail bondsman who saw I h e youlhlul ex-convict on te levision Tuesday night offered to take $250 and trust them for the rest. He'd like· a celebi-ity client. The Oklahoma family who came west looking for !00\ething better couldn't even come up with that much on such short notice however, fol\ov.ing tv.·o years of travail. · One Orange Coast resident, L i n cl a Hughes, called Santa Ana a I I o r n e y Russell Agajanian today to offer SS and said she was trying to organize a racl.io campaign to get 1,000 listeners to pledge $5 each lo help the Russells. His aged grandfather. Samuel E . David, came out from Haskell County. Okla., for the pretrial and extradition hearing Tuesday and pledged equity in his paltry property holdings at Stigler, Ok1a., to go his grandson's bail. StiU another sympathizer, S u s a n Hakam, of Huntington Beach, vowed to loan them the second $250 from her savings account if the bail bondsman Will stick to hi s bargain. Russell, an ex-eonvict who served four years in the Oklahoma State Penitentiary at ~1cAlester for a burglary comm1tted when he was 19. was expected to be bailed out or jail somehow today. rrom Mexico. Recently he said that new federal a~ propriati<>M will come next year so that he can hire more agents, but in the me?l1lime, he has deployed his man- power where ii will do the most good. AM that is on the front line. Thus, roadblocks at two So u t h e r n Califoniia points are now on a seven-day· a·week schedule and often stay open on a 24-hour-a-day basis. "We're feeling the difference down here at San Onofre," said Senior Agent James Muth. "We're open all the time now, and because of that we have had t o discourage most police agencies from picking up. one or two aliens at a time and th.en calling us to come to their station to pick up tbe immigrants," he added. There are only a few exceptions, he said. "About the only jurisdictions where we still do the pickups are San Clemente, Oci!amide, Carlsbad and Vista. "There a~veral reasons for it, and distance is the most logical. If it's only a matter 61 a few miles, it really doesn't hurt much,·• Muth said. But the farther away the police station, the greater the problem, he added. Many police agencies holding aliens ·overnight bill the patrol $15 a heed for what is officially termed "main- tenanl'e." "For a service that already is hurting terribly for a budget. those charges arc just too much/' h1u th said. The policy has been In effect all rrimlh but was only publicly announced today. Chapman on Tuesday spoke before an audience in Ter:as and his eommen1s reflected a {eelitlg of futiijty . "We are bei(l,g overrun by 111 e g a I aliens. They are coming in by t h e millions and there is little v.·e can do to halt the Oood," he said. ' ' ' Sa.11 O.tofre·"Nuke -Plant, Park ' Annex Bid .Taken The first rorrrial step toward annexing the San Onofre nuclear generating sta- tion and the state park around It was taken Tuesday by the Tri C i t i e s Municipal Water District. The boaii:l of directors of the district serving most ol San Clemente, Capis- trano Beach and Dana Point directed its lawyer and engineer to send a list of terriu and conditions for the annexa· lion to the California Department ol Parks and Recreation. l Raymond Woodside, the dist r I ct engineer F-expfained that a I t h o u g h negotiations for ttie annexation had been under v.1ay for the past four or five months, no formal bu sl tl e s s com- munications have yet been exchanged. · currently, the park and the power plant are not within any water district, but use water'brought by trucks and through tempora~ lines from San Clemente. The state' 'pal-ks department is one or several agencies affected by the an- nexation. Other groups include the U.S. Marine Corps, wbicb is the lessor of the land on which the generating station and park li'e. oth$_!r parties are Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric companies, which operate the power plant. AnnexaUon will also fall under the jurisdiction or both Orange and San Diego counties and the local Agency Fonnation .Commission in each, because the water "district and proposed annexa- tion area are in di!!ereht counties. Woodside said the district Is Interested in annexing the power plant because of it& major taxable value. ,. Arrioog the tenns and cootlit!OM to be sent to the department are that the state pay for its' own pipeline! and the legal costs in I.he annexaUon. Plea-Bargaining For Stans Told CfUCAGO (AP) -Piea·bargalning negotiations are under way betweeo the office of special Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski and lawye~ for former Commerce Secretary Maurice H. Slans, the Chicago Sun-1\mes reported today. Lawyers ror Stans are reportedly seek· ing to have the fonner top !und-raiser for Richard M. Nixon's re-election effort d'largoo only with misdemeanor offenses in connection with illegal 1971 campaign contributions, the newspaper said. In a dil!lpatch. from Washington, the newspaper saJd It could not learn what objective Jaworski's office was 'pursuing in plea-bargaining beyond a guilty plea nor could it learn exactly what charges might be filed against Stans. • "This flagpole bas been ~ dream." said his daughter, l\trs. William S. Webb. :·He has a great deal of patriotism." """ . ... 5.38 CE~TER STREET-COST A MESA-646-1919 CLOSID SUNDAY . Meeting Slated Toni ght at 7:30 On Broken Home Sponsors of a new program aimf!d at helping youngsters cope with broken homes will h>ld a meeting for volunteers at 7:30 tonight in the Capistrano Uni· fied School District board room. San Oemente Fire safety Spedall!l Doa Hodpon. ooe of the leaders of the effort. s1k1 there Is a Deed ror volunteers willing to undergo screening and trainlnc for the program. 1be proposal, alrtady a p p r o v e d unmimouslY by school trust«•, ca.tis for flnditlg youngsteni "'1\h probltm1 within the ochoo~ In lhe ciiMct. The pf'Oll'lm wUl use adult volunteen to work with troubled youngsters on an lndividual or group basis siml~ to the Big Brother proaram whicll baa -•ted In \J>t COWllY far many :tton. j • .. Skateboafds & Wheels- Shuffleboard Sets Barbell & Dumbell Set~ Croquet, Sets Slant Boards li oxing Gloves Judo Suits Karate Suits Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Shoes Open 9 to 6 Closed Sunday • ., Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Racket Stringing Racquetball Racquets & B11lls Handball Gloves & Bans. Wannup Suits Sweat Suits • Hooded Sweatshirts . . Adidas-Converse-Spot Bllt ~Brooks-Bob WoHe Shoes Lealher Footbails-Basketballi-Soe· .cer Ball~ , Bib Repairs-Parts-Tires· Tubes ••' 538 Cjfl!ter 646·1919 • • I -I • ' I I I • ' ~­ ' • • ,•· W!dn!!day. Oclober 23. 1974 DAILY PILOT 81 .Sewbtg Up ·Earnings Weda~y'• S "1 ff · -f L • S Cloaiag Pricel l' .. ,., Hl•h·Lowo Appear Everr Saturday NEW YORK STO CK EX CH ANGE • econu o7Wyma-on J o r evi-trauss '-----.;.o-,~. ,;;; .. ~--~ ..... --.. ---... -. -... ~..;.;.~ ... --~-· ~-~..,,-. ~~~. ~--:: ... ~-~~· Nl!W 'l'O•lt (Uf't) -N = 0.. Old. f ·I ttQI tloll (II; ,. I (taf 0. CJ.) •I (IOI (lw (liq P 11"-"l Clo<# ("'J ~I (..,.I 0-{J~ ~kltM•Mtllltw~· SAN FRANCISCO -For more than a century the 'riveted denim blue jeans !first sew n together by ;Bavarian immi&ra nt Levi ·Strauss ro r Ca lifornia's • gold·rush miners have set the pattern or growth fo~ the San Francisco compeny bearing his name. But 124 years later, the youth of the world are lhe .trend-setters and fa shion ,leaders, and the casu1tl men's and wotnen's clothes made by Levi Strauss &Co. ,today are very fashionable indeed. The circle has ~en made complete, too, with Levi's now a big seller in the com· pany rounder's Europe, as Z,~;t :t:c.r.':~.:;.~ " I J .-.--,. E~ •·• , s 11"-"' 1111 CClnl '·" , , 1,41. ••• ''''*"'"•c . .io 1 ,,, u111 -\o 11w1;o05 iJ • ,. 1lt'i .... l••t'llf' 1.i.o ~ jt u1ot-·• well as elsewhere 8 -.. -.1 o... (I' ,,..,. "' '""' '""St , 10 t \O .. , 1n1norsci t • • 11• u\lt-011 Mo<..i,. , .o u ..., JO'"-t. """" ,1)0 ' '' • • -. T•~'"" 1... •• • 21»-u t l"'-UJU t I ~ tftttlllll .Ml ' J1) \)~ ,., IM'0\11 .• f .i I , MO<rtlt 1>C11 , 11 ll'--... ~ IJO 11 11 f llill-1._ Tt•l•pl 1..0 ,. II U -lo :lhe world. The popularity """' • f;, _ •.11 ...... ,.,. £NV11F .:a l 1l ,,,._ 11 '"""'-c ·" 1 JO • -"' M9ne e.1" 1 11 11o1o-w.. .,._ .l'O , 1• 1 -11o ,'!!!!'..,•, ..• N,•, '.," ,",'• -'.• dd dr L I'• ........ ~ 0.. t I.» JI ""&¥1.ohc~ I I 1~-1.. lflil.colDJ.liO' 1 )I -14 ,,.,l!oll .21o I U 1"'-"" At-.ii IDI) 16 I) -il't """ .. ·In ema n or ev a 11 ao JtJI , .• " If"-4 E.,i...,k ·• s 2 11 , .,., lflloi r..v .• 111 , 1 1~, o,:, "'""'' ..,. 1 1s Jv.-"" ,....,. p11Jt . , , • ..,. • TholtltR -~ 1 • '"", ~. •re•t that o·n some lore•·--· ,-:i",,7 .,._t• aw.·· ' 1~ •·• f~i 1 . .0 ' 1 1•\lo -"' 1........, ,,. • 1 s... .. ""'"'-.• • IS 11'1't-1.o ,.., '"" 1.• / YJ ·~.i.-... 1111111wo . • 1,1 1~ •• • • ...... ,..,._ C,.-i.f•• t14'-•"'f(llHt 111df Hllho~lfMrtol, .. ~ Hin -"'1 MSLIM1 .<IO• ............... ,1 .. "'''•·· ,, ..... _ .. ,t(M,1.<IO• ,,_,, :cities -particularly in Rua· ~1 t 13 w .~ tM • t• lli.t •• , E.-rk1n 1 s ,, 1•'~-"' "'"'""'°" 1 )I 1V1 ... N1Diwe11.1o u 1u •sv. ... 1-. 1te11"11Mt11 t u1 "-"-YI Tl•MI•.~ • ts ttv. 1. · d E ~-M 1" *'' 1 .. \lot \Ii E~trll~ .:MI 11 II,;+ \lo ._!Mot I ' U 1JYI • .. MIF ... 1 . .0U 1t U \lt--. "-'Ml"''"'·· 2t •I --lloortU.ollW • IU J~ '• 't_ta an Eastern urope .._. ..... 1 ;i ..... 'iA "",,. y· • '"' "' Etttyt c 1.JO 1 21 11 " HIM o.-11 , u .. , 11 -t~ 1111si1t11.1t , • ''h ... ~"' 1.,, •• , Joi ... ,,. 11-1"'t • • >I""-\. 1--·• .• •. Levo··s· sell for two -.. :. W !! ,••_• ~ ,·.n" n •'••" • .-.. E"'''" 1..0 .• 11 111 ••• , .. 1n1,.... .Hd J<1 1u ,...._,.,.. -.d .u • 1 t\o-"' "-""SK .;o • t '"' , "'"'' M.SO • 1,~, •111.-i • _ _,,....ll """"""' ,.. .., t E,_p .•Sii 1 lhl 1 -\\ ~ ll'Mo S 111 IM-YI -a 01 .tel .. 1 • Ilk# C11 .llO • 10 11--It. Tl_,, l.llM I ,..._ • '• and three tim es thei r.-.....u'f.:i ·1.,, ...... l:ILIMI tll -\'<I E•C•NOIS ~IH~ "'llllHole .tM .. 16 , .... -ll(ol 20~ J!Jlo 1.1111; __ ... )<111\~·-Tl-. .oa .. U1S1'-li ........ C. ; 6 ~ fl'S l.:rt 7 .. 16'"' •. . E•<I-t.. .. • '' -'°' lftlMOI 1.M J lll .. lirt-t~ ~pl'l()I .61 ' 111 t11o ""' lltcl'wMd .IO S 1' 11VJ-V> Tmlll Sfliit'ld 1 11 Ho • '• ;original price new. ..,,,..,., .ll • n 1 -·~ ~ 1;11 1 • " ... E•..,, 1.011 J '" .. '"-'"' 1n111 Milliflll , '' •1to-"' 11i11u1r, °"' 1 i s 11•, ..., 111«er P .• 1 " •ll;.-l'M 1-ElfJ 1 n 11~ 1. 0 I 1 1 •• , .W....lllW»• 1 U'f-\'<1°""1'W1.>lr "11111 -"' _,,,_ lnliMulll.lli S 6 1t"°-"'~1.11 .. 1t 1'-llo ll•lflll•l.J113 nnvt-~T....,•C. . .Ol t '"" · . verseas sa es 0 LA:VI s :::.:i:.~ 1 ,. • -I ~ ~II ... , .. ~ ... Flllttgt .... l .. Ill-.. lfllNcl 1 . .0. • l'll I• -YI M1<9n L ... , ti '"' •.• A'IOGt In .60 l, u ·--1. Toot•llH . ..oa • IVJ . '. Will repr.s.nt abo t 32 )U "" Ml I 16 11l!o-'-' ,.!rc..tn .110 • l•t t11to-""' INI "-' t I US :>t._-ll!o -N-RIO(;t d .Ill .• 16 1 .. -YI lr-Co ·" 11 II '• u per-"J '"""'" ,, 1-.-. ~ •t • M 16'&-._ F.lrclnd ,lQ • I I .,,., -\lo lftllt«t ,1)11 ' J .... • '. ...lliltc:o1.:IO 10 IS l• -1\1• AIM Al4 11 t 11 )1-.-\(, ,,..,._., ,,, • 211 S\io cent of rlscal 197.f 's sales, or ...._ 1,21 ·4 1 u111-"" 1 " 11'4-"' F.i .... 1F .M s • ,.,,. • ""' 111111&1 1.u 4 1u. " -... ""'k• °' .u u " .. ..,_ ... 11 .. i.t1.t ·• 1 '' n11t-* ''"''" 1.sw .. · u 11•• • '• I I ... ....C-..1'911 ft IHft-'°' A011 .. ~ ... '•111.tN St .. 11 1h -llol f&i'!H'·· I J'l't ,,, ,..r<•Sc .llOI •• }\, ... Jltim.lw.-,'IO I 1) loYo-llo T"'K~l11 .•SS 1t Sh-I• of th th ....... ~-LM di 14 11 • " IJ\to-" f".t<W\I Fcl I ,. •ho \/i Ir& "'J •.. IO JI -YI M,tllJrkl .!iO J 191 10~-'• ltooiMH .1• IQ IJ lftl;i•"' Tr ... U+ll.J4 IO n JI ••• . . e. more an -N'oN mil--..... Mtlll :; " ·~·;,.; ..,. 1 • t • i.. ,.,.,. w1 .. .. sv. ... 1 ,.,, "'" • •• " J.111o-.,. ""'1'""' .M . ,, t ..... 1tocr.v 1.1to1 1 11 11 ... t~ ,,,,, ... , 1.• s ,. 1a11» 1, approx mate y ~~million 1UP• u. .. .-'' -1 ~.ta s 11 u~-1.o F..,.i .... .o • !i 111o-,,. 1 n 1 ,..., .• 21 :>tt1o-1o11 "--C .n ' t,. ... 11111:it1 ... 1.lO , J 1~ ...... r.-.1w • i .... .lion 1n expected total .._.,,111 ·" • '• ·~· ~ .::·" .,. •'•' •,s,~-"~ """" .Jni .. 1111 ,,..,_ 11o 1 "f"' 211o •• u1 21"--:w. _, ~ .u • 2s 1\, ... A1cr1 r.i .i• • t.l ••-... '·-w Ai• •• in •"'--'• '-""C .. II I ~ .. --•• •• f"tdtftlC. I • . t 11h ..• IT& fl() S .. I U ,,. NI C... I\••.. I ,..,._ \• !lot"-.Jo l I t • ~. TW...,,. 11'>4 •. ) II -'' , J 'volu.me. Al its present rate """""• .JO ' Joi 11.-,_.. 1 to 1114-1 Ftc1 Mo 1.to 1 ~21 ui..--. --1.10 s • 1'\11 • , • "'°"""".Mu .. »11o-"" 1toc• ..... n' 1 • n1 IQ -:w. 1111w,1 . ltd • 100 "• • I h L • s .,._ O » ~ .,., 2411-lllo 0W.0-N'I' 2 S ti fl .. -loo f"Gtlt!MI .M t )11 Uh -\lo 1-jl«pf l .. I ... -IV'I HI Cllft...to 1 :Ill t -~, Ao<.M pl '"' •• l SS -1 r1\flrt 1 .• J UI It ... -'• 0 growl ' ev1 trauss next Mc."";.. If JYI ... Olllf"fld .n .. 10 II• t '"' Ftt1P•1 I.JO l • It -\Ii ll'llaulll Gr I • , .,,._ 1'11 HIOelTI t.S1 I • JI ..... , .• Ao<• .. L JS •• 1 II -·~ l•••I" pl t •• u ti~-.. • OWi"'• ~IHK• Mtl!IW,..... IM'wkt $1 BILLION A YEAR SALES SEEN NEXT YEAR Levi's Shirt 'n' Twill Outfit Popular Sawhill Admits Ford )'ear should break through -.u. .• J) ',···--··. ~.t,...io ,!•'!' 2t.•._-... "[£1.J'(I .. t If •.. 111t•Pw '·" I J Ullo-1'11 '4111 Dj•UL I ' ~, !flt ••• llalwnH I 11 • ~1 .. .,,~ v. TRE Cit SI . •J S1•-'• --.. \J .,._.., • -Ftcl .311 S t ' ,., 1•1 U1111 .i<I J M JV. ... Hll,111 Gt t l ' 101•-•·1 ~ INI .ll;I ' 7• 10-..-~ lr1Coll f.Ud ,, 61 1610 I the $1 billio n·a-year sales ,..._ 1:.... 1 11 JYI-\lo er--AOt J 1 1:14-11o Ftc10 1.tt t 111 ''"-.. ..,.. lltf Wll t lt ''""-"' ""' Gv• 1.•i • •> 10•'>-1-11o111"'1" u • .. ,,._ ... l•IC11 p1 ,,., . J 111.-'• I . ~.-ii ! Jiiii °"""'"' 1 • 11 1t~-.. FtfN(M•I ' JJ 11111-YI ._(I I.JI IO 10 IO"i ••. '4111 -· ,. IJ J~ , , ~ Ho I ~ 1'"'• \, '" !oD 1.1111 J It 4~~ .evelforthef1rsl time. MtiMli.61 ·; tt a•~-·iifi O\'!IHYUI s u11~-"' r_,_. .... :n n ... i-nc;1 ... 1 11 u,,. ... '411-.201" 11o.. '• lklcit<c1 .io • , u _.,. lr1M11111.t0• .. 111.-1• I I r. 1 d """~ 1 s 12111o OWsP1t 1 J• n 101 Jtil't :w. r1c1 f111c1c. 4 • 1-. ••• i-Pt. 1.u • i i.Y1-°"' /ru.1 11111 111o . . 1 101~-•, lbtr ... 'IG , n 11 -v. l•l.t ""'" ·'° s s 1•, · • n ts IS Ca year en ing in .... ,.. 1.J:J ., 121 IJ-. -(h!Ut iJO J !IS JJ .. =l<l!o ,...,.. ,.... . . • ,.. . .. '-"$ 1.n I 1• i. • ""' NIIMI' 1.151111 IG JYI . '. Al:ooWhO .• II \IJ 1'"' • •. Tr1oM1,111 .IO • " 12l<-•• November Lev i will record~'° s 1 '"" OlllH • • nu~. YI ,..1<1v1<t.• s • 1s,,. ... 111Col4Mfllu ~ » 1 ... N"'"'·* • 111~)• .,, Aro-;ttcc .w • u 1-.--T•lti<11t1 .1111• 10.0 •~•· '• th h• 'h 1 • MlltllOliYI .f ti. JI -iiifi CNIWlw •Cp J II 11'11-\lo ,ltlllMll.tel • 11 It -''-ITEl .... M S 1'S 11 \lr-OI, HllSitmkofl I 2'I t -'• Riw!O l.llcl J 11t J• .. --lltWlnl.11 4 I~ IJ -1. . e 1g est earnings and AllllMtn .Joi i 1 1JY1-.. °"""'"° p1 .. 1 1011t-v. FU1r .. c..t0 • • 11o11-i... 1• """"" .. 12 • -" ""S.•~ .n s • '" • ~. Aov11 1~ 10. 1 i1 f TRw pf •~) .• a ,,.,,_,.,, I I I I h.. • ... -.,' 11 11 -1111 Ol"'-1' tt 21'/•-'lll FlflClfi'~)I I )I 1'11o-" IV lnll .~ '1'9 IOYo-.. NI Sl.tnd .IO I JI 0"• \lo RfECp .1• • 11 4 .. TRWlll'•."tO .. f '''fr • ;sa es n ls ong 1Story. The .t111.&"i.,. • H 111'\-1111 Ool Aoc• Ill .. I t:W.-"" FlolM 1.10 • HO "I~-YI IV 11111 Cp A .. • JI _, "11511•(11 .1' IJ 10 )tVr-"' R-Jo ' 11 II -.. T..c;MlllG ... s JI 1~-•• Alie ~I IW H I -Ill OI 111<1 HW .. t .,,._...,, Flt 0..rl )I • Jll i\11-1ol, --.J >--.... ISIHl 1vt s 111 31'N-1. Rwci..t Co • 1U ,..,_ ~ '"'(fa .lid • 1l 1111-... •............ .-.. .-.. .-.. ,,. .. ~/l.Nn(Jw .•·I " ....... 0-• f" )t 10 ll J\\ot V. Fst (hl(.'IG t 116 HYl-1,,., Jtn\afl .l'O ' } I~-14 '4111 lee Co lO ll•-<o RIMlOQ .I• J !1 1<• TycaL.t-t. I .. lh- ....,.,,,. .... $1 J Joi I*-"" OW11 (1111 .. 11 1~ .... filll~ktl II JI l,l'o-l'M .-F4 1.1111 .... 4\lo ,,, '41.,-,,_'.'' ', !!!! •,·.~ :•, R..Sf ~.·.~) Tylllr (Ii .• ( 10 16'\-~ • •••• ,,_ Hlal.,-nal ...,...Pl .n ) 1 ,...,_."" aw-.l'O • II '""-,,,. , ....... 'IJll •• 20 l\oo ''' M!Pillllt ... II Ill 2• .. v. .... n .,... .. -U v-.. "" "" Aloil \,)I f IJl Sll4o-1111 Or-Jill I ,, I SI •.. F\Hliot. 1 .• • Ill 2' '-II J o.Ppl t.llo .. 121 12 •I .... pl_ .'I) 7 I I ~A .• 11 I JO-"\ ••• VALlflC .Jld I tff 11'i I • ' I I It ........ Sut f.t • IJ JI .. -It OW'l'll• I ... • 1"1 tvo-1 f"MNS 8* J t S 2CI -" W (~ I .• tlOO .. • , , Hfv p.., l.<IO • lO 11\11 >. Sio19t<d IN! • 10 Ho , ,. UAL IOIA .tel ,, II 11'•-I'• appe a 0 -..ev • AW.JI I.IS • Ill )I -1 ... Or\'llll'r '"' .• IJ I~-\4 Ftfl.tC. l.Jt ' •t lt \lo-v. -Cl'Ult •.. I.SO ~ ••• Nevl'pf '·'° .. dlt ,. -· ........., I.to I u JSl•-1 U.0(0 l.IO • • 111'o -•• " d ...,._.:IQ•' f*t<l!oC IMlft .61'11 Joi J -V. FtflMlt.U•• 1' Sito ... JtMICl.JOI •Jt11J-V.HE1>9El\,ll l 11 14V.-l'o SllC)ll COl'Pl11 ! 1J SYl ,.l'oUGl(li l.)21 )I I'>-'• IC a ff e r e b a r -Amtorc1 .tf f" l'll-v. c11111.,..wi .. 1 ........ Fttu11:11E .•11 s • • ~•.ltMlcor .,, 2 "',,,.,_\Ii NEGsE1 .u s "''•-I'• si-.Mo..-11. '" :111\11-\o UMc•""u'' '•1·-l• M'M• I.JO f s ""' .. "' Oii &.II 1... • 10 ,,... . . . F~IV8• .• lo! • • nw-" Jl...w.i1 .IO , " 1111-... NEgT l 2.lf • u 141< "" SUoL1P 1.17 10 I 10 .. . UMET l\.d l II l' ·-•• r i eo r. 0 f a n e ...,,,..... .Jill 2 -" -!:WO ClflGtl I .... I 12 Uft•"" Fl'Mt(l.1111 ,u ll"'-... JlmW .. .,,. I .. i20 10 ... -ll .• 1 u I -v. Sl~F1•: I UV.-* Uft¥go .so . I llh i. ' A HU pit J\lt .. 1• •I -1111o ClflG pit t .N ., 110 .. -+ 1 fl"*" F .tel I If ,..,_ .. ~ \,llO .• a2 ttW.-Yt "lomYll I.Ml l Jlol lt\IJ-<. 51.P .... S ... •1 101'•-,,., VlllNV 1.M • t ll'-1 I I 111 ..........,Fl .61 S 31 ,,,._ jlto 0.. GE pit • • , 1400 •I -I Fl"'-S< .JO t H S\t ... JHr1 IS l,lJd •• lf lfll-II> "l'l'JEGl.1'11 & 14 1'~' .. S1"'9~ L M) t .. ),..,._,.,, VII Qn(. .MQ • ID II• 'o t"(!'0fl01tt ~ II fta 1111 ....,"'°'W.U IU llllo-lt CWioil1l.tel S II U4'-1" F-lllt .24 .. tu , ... -~J H.a-111.-.. It""' ... HYIElll l.• .. rlO 11"-v, w..tc l~ 1 11 ,_,,. l.ICfn'lll ... I 'I .. 1~ - ... -00 ... &T Fin J • I 'IO ~ l'o F1tml111 .10 t • t'llo ... ~ 1.10 S •S I~-"i H'l'•EDI J.IJ, J 11,,_ ,,, 5-0Gi 1 ~ l JI 11~ ~ .. UnCM•1.lO I f)I •I~ t a ud I a 11h ion.' ..... _ ,:;; .• ., .... -iioi It.of"• :. n ""° ,.,,._ ... Fi.•I v ... SI s ,.. ·~ ... JamLlll .. » 2ft ll'lli-J.. 1<1119Ma 1.11 • 13' "• .. S.URM. "" t t l \lt-"" VII""" I.)) • )Q I""-\o •................... .-.. .-... ~.....at<· .• J m 14---OISrv J.q • " ,, -I f"ll111loCl .16 • • 1J -Ill ..... ~ .IO 1 1JS ,...,_"" Hl•Mpl J.40 ., rlOO JO">• I\~ S-.r "'"° .. .. J"T--.. I.WM (Mp2S ll l~ . \ record net profits or $27.2 million on record-high sales !of $665 million already :reached in the first nine months this year were ,greater th an in any prior ·full-year's operations. I As impressive as those jgains are, the company has ,not been without recent 1problems. This year's im· "provement, in fact, reflects a turnaround from a rocky ,1973 that saw Levi close the ·year with a Joss in the final "three months , the rirst .quarterly deficit since the ·depression years of the 1930's. That also was the year :Wall Street's love affair ;with Levi unraveled. For more than two years after reluctantly offering its . stock lo the public in early 1971, Levi Strauss was the darline of the stock market; its shares nearly as popular as its world-famous blue 'jeans. Over the years, the ~universal appeal of Levi's Am CM 2.JO S «I JSfo-YI ~11 .t2d I 1) J -~ Rlfllll Pl I V. . • I U1'11 + \'a .lot'll S'I pit 1 . . l !tYlf I'> flll•Mpl l . .O •• dO 31"' • \lo S..U El< .10 I 1• •loo-.. VII Ei.< 1.JI I 11 11 -~ • ... (llMt .J}ll . . IJ S'llo-.. So t .llld I JI •tio . ... Fii e CM" • • 1•1to-.... Jol\LllQn .tO l. '' Siio-"" "ll•Mpl •.ts . . 110 •JI) . . s..r:: +n 1.IO s It 1•~·-... VII I!! • ) .... '' r/O " "'0..ln I.JO • It 141'o-"" ,,., ... J IJ'(I ·~-... Fii G9t .llO l .. I Y,-Ill Jone l I.to • lJ 1t"'-.... l<l•M91 s.n .. 1100 .,...,_1,,, Sf'eln pl -~ . I~ I + "' VII El pit •v. . ' 110 '°"' .. Nne>I .. \YI , * Ullo-YI .,. lfly pit 2 . .. IS -... Fllfi'wr 1.tS , UI IS" ... Jorp IJOQ • " ...... I ,.j.Mpl 1.n .. 1100 •s .... +'1 S.Ftlnll .l'O II )C<I n -I VII Fltttlll.,. u .. J • '• NflOl•lll .J01S t t\11-\lo Cllf ~~ ,, I J:W. ,,, Fl1"-L1 .• f J.IJ llV.-\;o JmilflS . .0 t IJ 11111 ,,, Nl•Slll ,)1)11 ,, 10 IJ\'o-'lt SWQ-,31 • ll t'lt-V. \JflOCll l.• 4 JU ll -II-. ..co.r ... D 11 )II U llo . • • o.n E 1.611 I Iii 1J -.. Fl.st ... IYI 3 • u -1'11 .J/IJ ... , ,...,, II 101 n -~ HL lllClutl ' • U1 l•llo -"" Sal 8 I.Gold • JOO Jiii-.. UllOIC411 IYI . . 11 •1'"' -1·~ ~ vtt U ,..__ Yt OWi< Oil .» J U ' -\lo Fl-Cp .JO IS IU 1t -1111 .MMe ,I'd 1 I IVJ . .. ~'!._Cl00o .• ~. >, >Wit !]~!-,···· Sa\IEIP 1.11 I JI IV>-l'o \JI! Pt.t. 2.1111 10 110 •ll<o -1t• 11.NjJIMI . I 11--\t 0.CNll .:11 l 11 • _.,. Fl-:f:3 .. i .. v.-M --«k-,_..,,. w ,.... sw .. St .11111 ,. n IVJ ... U~IOl .•I .. I 11\oo-.... .ltrlf.1<"-l t '311 lf-.. OtYOll J.tel ' 6 Hl<O • . • 'MC .t2 I 'J I Sh-'iii Ui$« NN I I Jll1 ISfo-1 ,_lo>Ctl II\ I • l•h-\'a S.O.Ot .1)11 6 1, J>o; + "" ~ ,10 t ' l -.... &Fimll,'.2' • 'JO •tlo• "o OI¥ El JA ' 31 Jl\\t "" FMC J\lo .. I• ti -\lo k/1.151. ~. I '6Yl-1 ... "'9rrlt 1.11 • • 16\'o-\!+ 5Man lndu!I l 11100 t .... -"' Llftlro\fll .l'O S 111 I -\• .. Fll!Syt ·"° 11 IO •Yt ... (loros(6 .J2 I ts '"'-"" ~ "'.JO • n I •. tt.ttltfO .» • • l\lo .. NA CHI .IO • 1J J•I,;,. "1 SCA Se<°Yl<e • 1• Jh-.. UftltOT•llll ••. li!iO 11 -I & I'll! pl !\It l200 ll -\'o Clllltt P .50 6 fl l--Vo Foo!l'(8 .llO • 1 1"--Vo KawMll . II I • lftlo o \.'o NA Ml l,lld • IW •vi-I krwiftf .Ill ll ltl 11•,.-10/o Ulll Alrcrl t S "4 Jl'N-1 • "GM l.•SO n 12"' °"'"' ,,, I . . I 1'4 . .. FordMD I.fl! 1 ,,.. JI V.~l'l'I K.C:Pl.1 f.'Jll I • H'llo-\'o NAmP!I l.H • ll 1'YI-.... 5'.hlill II ... 10 ~I Lt•.~-'" VIII Aire oft .. 1.ioo IO -... /l.GnSit 1.0I ' IJ\11 ·' CM! Imo QI J ., 1'4-"' For Mc.-.• • '3 10'1o .. ICCPl. pf 4YI .. 1JO •J -"' HCnAl• .IOd ' Jt th-\~ kNt.mtl .n lO "' ... -JW. Vici a.-1 JJ l'•. ~. AGlllM .to 4 1111 .,,. "'CMAFfl .2'tl .. IJ ·~. FrMp11.llO , • JO -'Wil(CSoln .JOi:I •.• n ... "loCllAl•lwl .. s ..... -n SCMQl .50 J ISi 10 -'"' llnllf'Pll.l'O .. :16 •'•-\• ... Gii. 1.IO n ""'-"" CHAO! \,IO '° ... _"" FIDllll I.Old .. IS llt'ot ~""'GE \,jf , ,, 1lll'o-... ""'"'VI 1.02 J 3'5 1\11-"' SC/JilillWI .ta s I) •h ... VllCorp.lld .. 1• s~ •.. 11.mHolll JO f I 10 -Ill CH/I.II'(: I.DI .. II 10..-<llo F«tH.a . .011 }1 1''it-'4 "-HI.DI • r l•VI• '°' HoClllG-s . .0 1 I ·~ ... .k01 uct .!ii• LI tV. , .. UldFlltH .10 4 11 t'"'-'• ..,...,,,, .IO I• Sl'S JJ'llo-1 CHA i.-111 .. • 1 ... -\'o F•-1 I f! 11 -Pili IC.lllPl.l 1.J2 ' 11 I.I .. -\'o HtlllGs l.t'I • 1' ''""° ,,, Sc.or!Ftlll' I • J• 10 -\'o UGl.fl\..IOd J US J\•-'• ~ lQ JI »J 21 -I~ 0... SI Gs l llt Joto . .. Fo•llaro .Kl IS I• 16\lo-\'o l(lty ·-• 11 Jt. . . . HllG4~ 1.to .• It 'lOll ••. Sc.ot!For .ti J 11 I'll+ ""' Ulllllllll t.JJ f 1' 11 -~ M}']jj J'4 .. Ql$Gtllt1."·· J 11Yl-'il't ~=MM .:10 ...... -~ IUl'l"fml••· I U ,, Holft l.lt Id l•VJ • lo ~PIO .ti• 1,1 U ...... llnl ... pf .G.j.·t ;t: :• .t."'9111<1 .II f ~··· Ol$Gol l.O .. 1 1~ \'o '·-•'o·-S If,' 11\lo -YI ltlWi 111t .M . ., 1111>• I~ NoH!Gsl.10 S Ill .. Vo-1\lo Scoavt J .10 I t 1 -\'o UW 111,M .IG I OO -,• ,t, tolllllkorp 1 Iii C..te'lil t.13 IS )tit SI~-.. ,__, ·-4 I llt'o-"° ~ A S I 10¥.-V. HoHGof •.M .. 110 llV!-li.:o Sawtl1M111 I • I IM t '°' llnJt, I.ell ' lf -• M1Mat J011 11' \lo Catlflotl . .0 I I.II •Yt .. \'o f"-lndu 2 31 ,,.._ Yt ~ill M S t ·-i11o HoStP.. 1.M I 0 11\lo , .. Saw11 fJ1 tvt .. 1 7t t \Ir VII MM I.to J 2t l•'Jo -'• """"Gt I.Sol t 11 301o\o--1'\ c.:ii..811 .lf • t l\lt ... • ---C G-~ , 10 S t J"'°-\'o HoSPpl 1.to .. rl!O •Yo ~ Yo SdoddtrO II •• •l ,.._... \\ lln Huell•• .• IOI 1~1 ~ \·o ,t,m 5Nllfll .. ' Jftp ••• ~" .06 •. tt lh-\'o GftW llWlll J 12 ' -Vo ic.lltrlll .50 4 l l-'4i + \'o MoSPlll•.10 .. 1110 .io -1\ 5c:ulld .i0Cc •• 110 111:10 19 utdPll(MI! •• S ll11 .•• NII~ Al !4 10 t -'4 Qolr::t .U 1J 1IO J1Yt-1:W. GAC Cir' 2 14 1\'o ic.!'°90 M 1J U i.11o-\lo Hr!~ .tld l S1 ' SbdO.lo J.10 f Jot 21\IJ-YI l.Wl"rJ:·'° 2 l~ lh-1 ~·~ ! l~ 1:V.! ~ g:,::'~ ; l: ;~-; :Z ~~~.lo -~ ~ 1i1o-·~ =::'1:: ~ nf 1~,,._:,;:: =:\/l.r.11'.~ t 2: ~~~= = ~ .. -;, : ~ 1~= ~ ~~si.\i::.~ "'~ 1~~=1~ An6ldpl .,. •• • .u ... "' Cll Pttwl .JO IO 102 J'(I -"' Gt!ft" '·"° • • 10 ••. "' UIH I.If I n tsvi-"" Nwe., ,_ .. I SJ n -.. Swr1GC .• 11 '" ..... _ \lo vs Gyto 1 ... ' .. 1•1,;,-~. Nf611/fll ... t 6 l\f + '°' Clldl; 1.10 S U "11--1'11 6-itll .61 IS tl ""'-~ llllT M<G I 11 )JI ll'lt-1il't NWlt 111 1.21 1 \Sol ll\lt-\'I s.tr1; 1.i.o. 11 IH •1 .. -l \lo USGff>l 1.IO .. S 10 -'• ~ 1 . .0 f If :W.-1 Qlll lrdul I 1 IS i U lolo-... 0.dDlfl .16 Ii tll U llo-~ ~ W . .O J JI tYI-:-. Hwtt Ind"".. J 1'4o-\.o SM!rain L ..... It J ..... '°' ~.It S tO JV.-\o AmTIT J.«:> t ttl •Sl't-:i,, QlllplA \.. .. J 1"9 • \I GM1lflll ... ' JI I~ .• l('-91 J.l'll •• 4 J4,,,__ ~ N'Wlt 111 Ill S., l .. .,.,_ Ill SEOCO ,10 n 111 11-l<o-IV. US lfld -* J 211 l\•-I• AmT&T pl • . . 1•s ""'-1/1. Oii Gmt I.ti • l•I I~ .... °"' $...: I.It ' • 10 .. """'*'° 1,6" • UI 1.t -" ,,...illplt 4.l'll . t st -1i.. s.r.iuc .IO 4 ' '"' • '. VSU•",14 I II ,,,,_ •• An pl A 1.lol .. , UYI .. , C.Gl pit 1"' •• U SI -'II Ge/I. (.or. J S IV.-l'o 1(1,.0S .'II J IJ •'Ill• \lo nwllllllltC S.. f .. -1 S--.Ml • 10 1'" ... V$ 1111' .'IOll I 11 •l!o-\• ATI1!18 J.I• .. 1• '11'>. \lo Cd l'k'lwwt . • ll ll!o-+ ""' Gtl!llnl C.p • 10 ' -\lo Kindl c ·'° • u 1\<llo-"" N ... Mu 1.l3cl • II ,..,, • v. SNllnp .ll s 11 s•..:. •• . 1,1$ 5fllM .ts s 3• th-\!, .t.mT&T wt •• lU 1 -Yt =(Ill ... I .. l•t't-\\ GtmlnllflCl , 3 \lYI-~ KL M Ak1 •It -Yo '"•Pl<t .oiOO • •IS\/. ... ~I ,10 J J~ t1'o-V. VSSl.-ll.-Ml S Stl 3' -I'·• --M J JI I wM 1.2~ t • ..... , \lo (i """I l,:tld ., " 1:\11-.. l(fliGf'I N .11 t .. ll'lolo-f'.o ,_.,511 l.'°" I 2• ll'n-\0 5'1fll011 1..0 } Ill •I -2111 VS Tll6 .ID ' 11 14 + '• -.'IO • 11 II •.. E 1.IO I 1\( Jl:w.o-1111 Gll.loQll ,l09 II tj *"-"' ltolh'e .n. } J1 S'9 ... Nr\n Co 1 . .0 ~ 3' JJ • \lo V.llt<G ·"' ' JS s .. -\lo UnlT•I •.• I \.I IJ'h-\_, ....,.,,. .IOll J S J\'o-'°' c.idiv 1.1' IO S :M -"' Gtn/l.T,1.• t II 1'1#-1 "-° l.C S M •1-.-1 Hot\llSl .JOil f JJI 10'"-"° =:~JM .. I 11"-\lo IJlllT.t .llfl$,, 11 ll·lt-\o -.10 S 1J 11:\11-\lo ~pt .ta . . JI 21 -1 GllAT Pl lYI ., r.100 JI ••• Krioha 1.tJ t IJ ll~-1111 NrlSI Of I.ill.. lO 1"11 + \lo Wt t 11 )0'4-.. Unlfpf,t, 11'1 •• l It .... 4- '"'1# WI l.f4 s !otl th--en.Ed 1.JO I JI """. ... Gtllllflt• .• s 1 I~ Yo ~ .n " ~' n---N\ltlf'Cp .t• J t u '.. Sletr•PC .n I 1t ··-\lo LWtrom c. ' I ~-.... IWI• .10 J 1J llil't-:\11 Ome.lllf'I .. I JO',lt-V. ~.lo<I J 61 t ···IC,_.-I-It t )ti 1~-1(. Hll FC.111 U )Q -¥1 Ygnl(ll,mci l .. 17"'-"' ~ .tol) ll IS -\.o A#l"IM .Utl :111 2JYo-:\lo c..£• 1.4 .. • 1116 , .. GllC.-1.20 • ' ll lolo-V. ""°'"'.to f JS I -V. ---0 0-5t9\11mlDl1 .• • 16 • !°'! ~~ 2 S t tS\lt .. ..,.._.,. .'II J , • ... ~ 1.tll •. • 1111--v. Gell Chw .t<I I lJ lt'o-'°' ~ L-0.-ll'ICI .<IO J 1 I -'"lo SI 1 t Jt llllo -'!lo LWvlOll .ta 4 ~ IJ-.. ...... Cp J n ,..._"' .... .. I 11'11 ... Gii °' ...... J ll J:\11 .. l,.:Gmf, I.» ' • IS -.,.. Otcid ""''I J .... 101<\o-.. SlmPrt . Oct J s I • "' ~ ·"" m •J"-1 -...eorp l 1 J:i.i. ••• 0.-01111 J'°2. -1"' GlflOyMm • .0 1J'4-lll lMnlflSrt 10 J 'Ill'•-"" O«IOfltd• .• t •IYt -IV. 51nwiteo .•. 1•·l2'Yo-'!'o VSLIFIE .2f sm 111/o•llr ,.,,.... J.to • •I )lllo-1\jo CwOUpt 1.12 .. JO 14'"°-l'M Gfl Ett< 1.111)11 lSI JfV.-'ii t...&ry .n 6 SI 1~-+ I'• OttPIOI ) . .0 .. t!i 31~-,,. $1mpP,t.U t 197 t V. , ... VSLf"lflC .9' .• JI 10 .,. ~, ~ ... .. ' .... ... 6lmm Slot I • Jlo 16\/o-;y, Gii~ 1.<IO I SI 1t'llo -Yo llMtt ..... 1 1 1~ ... ()((Plpl t.""' s 21V. . . si-rc 1 .... m ""' • " ~Corl.' .'. ", ',',""-IV. 1.111 S l )I ftp-Yt C..... Sci 11 U Jlllo . .. GsilGt I.OM 1' .. U:W.-\lo U11n1Dt .Mii J I ... Ogdtn(p .IO • H 1•'111-\lo Slt'll>fSi§IYI , , lS 11\'o • '9 ._.. 111 Am111 Ill .JO • 11 1:\11-II (an.-... Ill . , IO 1"'-lfl GllHol.1 ·-) •1• J\'o ·· i...S11f1 .ti 4 JI ,,,._ ~ °"*'t. L.11 . . I 2'V. + Iii .<IO 5 I t'1oo-\lo 1.1W1 fll .Q 14 US •>1'11<-1'4 ...,_ .11111 ) U11 IS\11-1 °"*"' 1.21 • S IMll • \Ii Gtll IMlt ll ' IJJ 1'111-~ la«'S pl 214 .. • ltil't-\lo ()l;lo d l.M I 11t llYI-.. Sit JO 1.111 I 72 ,....,,_ Ill llttflfll. 1..Jo I 3' 11"' • \~ A11tN4C 1.m J JJ t•tlo+ '°' C#rwM. l.IO t .. \J"'t ft Glfll::r J · · ' 1lo • •• l::!::Li~ S J 1'1'o-""' Olo~l.Ool . . l1ll •1 • 1 Jlo.11 CorPll JS I tY, . .. VV lflduM I l 11 11111-ll"o -~ I , ~ i;\lo -I \lo ~rdc ~ ~ J2; If:-:: ~11 1:;: 11 )~ .~\Ii;,~ ~ 'so } ;~ ::: ~ ~~~~ l:!: ~ :: ::~: :; ~lijg J: 1: 14~ 1~== ~ V\'l llClpl ~· "~ J.lllo-'• = a-·~ : u ,,~ .... °""'Ed Pl • "' I a2 ~ \lo QnMot J,Jj,d • \61S lJV.-1111 I.Mii P!C :. • JS 10 . .. Olln Cit 1.10 s n ,,.,.._ v. Srnlllllnt .14 lJ '°' 11:-.-1v. v.i... .20 • u ,1,1,_ ... "'*'9( .JO s J) 11'111-.... ONEd pl s . . , JS -v. Gf!MolOI,... .. I o v.-.... Lift v~ Ind • 11 11-lf--1·1' Olln!l.r•n I • lg IS + .. SrnU.,.,llM 111 '° .. ...,_,\(, -I 1.1211 t HI )1 111-'" ,t,pc.o011.i .. 110 -111 CanE.fll•.u .. uoon +1 G9nMo~plJ .. 2 Ul~-\lo l.iwn 114d 1» ,,,.,_ .... Omtt-111 .SG • 10 t •"" irnilhsl .•S4 11 t\.\1-1'> "IWd)(a.IOIO • ,,., .. ...,.. (Mp • . 1• IV. f Yt QNJ'cl I.JS J 1'2 lf ... t \lo Gtn Po rt .llO It 121 J'llo .•• '--" C. ',j 1J J .. • \loo CloMIML .11 • ' 1YI-V. s.n.c-er .IO t I IOl'o . , . Vonk.-1~ .JO l 21 1 -~-APL 0..jl • I ·~-:\lo Canl'dl:ll 4111 .. JI '1 .... -1:\11 GMIJl.M J 1'1 llV.-~ ~~HI 72 t J Ullo OpMW.. MI ) I 10 -lot 51111 11••.to J •• 1"1o-'llo V..ir 1.llld .. l} IJV.,. ~;. "-!led Mii jf J 1,,. , .. Ccwl ,,,_ .l'O IO IO 11\lt , .• Glfl~lltlrt.t.t S • It SYlo ... ltlY fc1 ~ • , 10 S\'o-· ~ ~ . 12 4 f '°"-:-Yi §ofly (orpt11 ' .. 0 4V. ... "°'"" Olf5l'I It U I JIV.-lV. k shattered barriers or age, 'Outspo en ·ra~h~~-mic status and Says He's But Wall Street romances ·-WASHINGTON 1AP1 -And Sa't.•hill whil e are fickle and qui ckly cool Federal Energy Ad · reading a ptepared speech when earnings fall and ·mlnistratorJohnC.Sawhill at a co~vtation of the m.anageme.nt mak es said Tuesday he is not being American Gas Association, m~stakes. Levi Strauss ad· pressured to quit his job but " inserted a .r~affirmation or_ rn1ts it ~ade Sl?ft!e ~ad he added that the ad· his dedication to energy decisions 1n a~rninistenng ·-•minislralion seemed· lo conservation,., _the ~ompany s runaway have "a little concern that I s~les in Europe, notably the was a little too outspoken T A L K I N G WI TH d1srea:ardlng or its usual about lhe need for energy newsmen after his speech, :~mancial. and i:nanagement conservation." Sawhill ad'mitted he was .eootrols 1n a r1s~y attempt . passed ovec. in the appoint· Ito corner a maJor market Sawhill made the com· menl or an executive direc· ·share overseas before com· rn en~ in res pons~ to tor to the new Cabinet-level 'petition moved in. quesllons.aboul a pul:Shshed E R re Co ·1 . '-· ., report that President Ford nergy esou es unci The wild success of LeVl s • chaired by Morton. r r· hi Secretary or State Henry A. Sawhill had understood in Europe_ a te~ 1rst s P. ·Kis sin ger, Tr eas ur y h Id b M t • ments arrived 1n the ear!y Secretary William E. Simon e wou 1 e or on s 1960's led to carelessness m dep ut y on a si m ilar I h and Interior Secretary National Energy Board, inventory contro s t al Rogers C. B. Morton want established only three days :resulted . in the debacle Sawhill refJ'\OVed. before it was sur· erseded by .reflected tn the 1973 .fourth· the new Co unci created by iquarter loss of $7 .2 million. TH&/REPORT, "on De ·1 d I I t Co ngress. sp1 e recor sa es as Newswjek magazine, said Instead, Frank zarb an !year of $6S3 million, net in· the administration was official of the Office of comewasonly$11.9mllliora, angered-bY SawhjU's pubt1c l'itanagemcnt a~d . Budget less than half of 1972's $25 •dvocacy or a new gasoline who has been assigned to million and the com y's ta:ic and other toug h energy. fempor a r y enei'gy pos ts lowest profit in six ye sa\'ing steps. before. has been ~elected as The fourth·q "I ha ve given up on the the Cou ncil's executive from overseas rations gasoline tax," Sawhill told director. continued in this year's first r e p o rt e r s Tu es da y, "I guess they jtfsl felt the !period, but by the second "because the President has FEA Fede ra l E~rgy Ad· .quarter of 1974. said there would not be a ministration was a full -time After a strong 1974 third ~gasoline lax as long as he is job," Sawhill s hrugged, by quarter, whicti saw Levi's in the White House.'' ...,·ay or explaining ,the swil -earnings jump to $13 million But Sawhill said he still ch. from $7.1 million the year favors a horsepov.·er ta:ic or But If the admirilstratlon before, it appears now Wall ·similar m eas u re to wanted him out of t FEA, Street and the company stimu late improvements in Sawhill Indicated, it ~3s not .may be heading for a automobile fuel economy. let him know it. second honeymoon. Uplifting U.S. Productivity A 'Must' in Inflation Fight ARA Mo IA IO •I Si\lo-111 c.o.HG 1.MI 1 IS ltYI • 'ill I 16 t "6 11h-\lo LeV Irr;: IS. I I~ t Yo Or Adil 1.111 1 23 ... + Vo '8o Ln •.Ola S tJ 1''4-~ VF (Aorp .It • I 14 -\• Arutmff .JI S L• 6'¥o-\lo QIMon Pw 2 1 In llV.-.. Gii 1ild J .)0 2'16-\lo I.Awl 5tfi .• 'f M 11 -·~ Otlt El 2,111 J IS 2lYI-~ S0S Clls .)0 I • 4'IO-\lo "*-1M S ti )"lo-• 1 Arl:.t pt ( 1 .. 1 JO , .. (,11'1 fl pf fYlo .. 1• .. ...,,. YI G T IE I.to I 250 2ffl-tio '-""U Fiim t UJ 11,t,-11 CM-1.21 t Jl "'°' ... SC.EI 1 ... • •1 110..-\lo V1atrCC. .SO • 4 tl'o-._ Arl:,_0 ,U I JI !ti'>-~ QlllPtll J.O .. HO HYl-YI GllFlpl l.)O .. r.JlO I• ··· LFE QwiwL t 1' l\lt-\lo ~Kl' 10 !!>"'-.. SGJlndl .SI • J 11\o-\'o Y.tEltcl.11 ~1 411 11-.-... Mlle Elllp .. • 1141-Yt Qlfl ...... pf t . . I Sl\lo.:.. \lo G Tire I. 10, 3 Jl 12"41-VJ LOF' l.JGI 6 "11 11111-... o.....n(:F :. 11 11 11"-Vt Slllut-n J ll I -¥1o V•EPpl '-10 " rlO .O • II• Nhl.t< .n • '"' S -\lo (.clMI Air L11 t 111 s -:\lo GotMKa lfl< 4 IJ •l'o -'l'I lDF pt'" 1 JJ -'lo °""Ill 1 . .0 ~ •t » -:\lo 50wfl 1111.111 .. 1 11v. ••• Y.tl!/ Jiil 1.is ., ,100 •1 Arlt PS 1.3' f •I ll--"'° (II CM 1.llJ f 1'1 11111-Vo GlnulflP ,1' II 111 1Jllo-""° IJ'1b1 MtHL -~ 21 ..... \lo °""II pf .... i .. • 1 ~1 8-.llJ t U I !IV.-liO V•E!.f. 1.l'J •• .:10 t s•,,+ i .. ...,_ '"" ..... 11 • , __ 'Ill Croll'-.• 2 IO '"" . . GI Ptc ·r,\ • · "' 71 -V1 LJtwt1'Cll .«I • II t:W. .. -... Oxlonlln to 1 ' I V. ... !iotltPS l,)t !i • til't + Vo V•Er~ 1.1'1 •• •I'll •2'11-., NllLIG 1.111 6 1S ltYI-'Mo (Qlp pl Ill. . , 111 llV.-I'> ~~ .... O ·,· ~ 'o'o Liii L11f1 ,UJll •• I J-. .. V. ---f' ,_ S(l<IEO I ... ' t1 11'--~ Y•E pl l.M .. ''° 16 .• ......... RllOY .. 111 !YI-:-.... OIMICp I.Ml I 1• )ti -.... ....._, -Ul>L pf '1fl • • .... _ YI flloc/l.111 I.JO .' «I lJ\lo. \,\ SoutllCo '·"° I Ill 10... . . . --Int l 11 ' -\0 NffMlllCP• Ill I OllCpfflt\lt JUYI \lo GIU'f'l.:IOct ll 161t7 -) L1911MJ'1 .... J 2121<1!1-4 l'KGlsl .•• )Ult •.• ~Af>t.•S •llf\li-'I. YSIQwp ,llO• 1 t'4-"' AtMl.S ! ... 4 llJ 2Uio• •ii; Qllll(p 1.JO ., 61 )O\lo= 11 GF 11111 .H 4 It 1'111 o V. ~ pf ~. no 10 -\lo Pie Ll!I I ... I .. IS -\lo SNET•I J.IM I • H \to . . . Y1MnM 1 . .0 S 1• 16\lt • ""' -.. I.IQ .. • '""-1ol, CDIMP l.411d ' II ..... . . . Gllifl!PCm I J • 10 ... UllY al I ~ n• t St'o-J.... ""'"""" ·" • " ll'Mo-~ S.P..;11 1.2• , » H~-\lo -·-...,.,,.. 0. .'2 1 10 11\'o+ \lo OllMll IJDlll J IOot JYlo-:\lo Gllw ,1111 JI J ID ,..,_ \lo UlltNa 1..0 t fl 11°"'-14 Pll:Pwr IAO 1 I' If -" SO A:ill J,11 1 lOJ 41 -OI, =. .I• t 21 llt\o-°" ,.,_!lit 1,61 I I \Mil •.. Ccwll lllwtl •• SI --l·U Gl4lll IAWll S t l'llo-Yt lJlltHU pl J ,. J .O\lt-Ill PC. T&T I.JO I tj U -\.\ SO~llpl ,SO .. 20 SV.-'4 t.JO ,. J UV._, Vo /l.tylf!Jl'lt .SI 11 11 ""-Yo c..M1o .e I ... 1'111 , . , Gift HUI .H 3 ) 10\'o-\lo UflHFd I 14 JJ 16\lt--1 '-T111 .IO • I l'llo , . , Soll.tll Pl J ., S .flYI-'lo Woe I 1..$llll I 11 , .... _ ho ASA \.WI ,, 1n '1111 + 'II CiwittOll 1.m J lit •"'""IV. Glllt!N I.SO t UI Jl .... -Yt Ul10fllfl il'll "' HO ,_... ,..,_ W.. .. 11 tlllo-\'<I SOUnGtl . .O I t 21\'o-'4 Wlf..-1 t 11 11\o-+ °" ~on IA • " 11.,.,-1 O:lflllfllTtl 1 1 JM 11111.-:w. G/flOI l11<or s 11 1t'o-.,.. UM cv.., 1 ;: 11 1>11o-·;,; ,......,, 1.so .. ( 1 t\9-"' Soutrild ."°IJ t 11 U<l!o .. . W01911iH ,_. 10 , l'V.~ "• ~ tA ,, 1 Jflil-+ I~ Qlnlrl 0.. , I" IJYI-\,\ Gltttn .l311 JO 1 1'111-Yt Uftoflln pf A ·' 2' Silo-.... l"tlm llh .U l l J'Mo . • • SoW•IFr .10 2 10 J<l!o , , , WMI 1!M .lS , t ll -\'o Alf>rJG I ... s .. 11:\11-... c.... 1 ' J n -II Globtl ,,,.., I ., •:v.-1 Lt.f.kJ'ltod 1 . ,, • .. .... ......... Ille J 1l J111>-II S.ll'orPI 1\1) . ' ' 1111)-Vt WitllM.lr .to 1 I 1Vo-.... ...,,.,, ... , 1 lt\I .-•• Ololi!Jfl..JW. n JYI ... GlllloolVll.IO• 1} I•-\/) 1.-.c.IJOJ ti 1•:W.-V. P•Mi"'r • .'UI 1tio-"'Sewl'PS .'IO I u tYI ,,, WolMlrl .1011 111·~-.. &llllMf A ) 7J 1tll-\II C-kl 1.fM I H VIII-I'> =It~ t !} I~~ t? i.-1"1:Jt1.e J4 J t Vt ,...,,..,,.. 1 • IQ l•-.... 5-M1C111 .10ol I 'JO 1 .... -+ °" WW"41 L .CMll I •I t"-1'• Allee l.lSd ) 7 t'°'+ "" °'°""" Lill •• St '"" · •• ,..___._...,_I I I .. UYI-.. LDM!t l.W S .. l•tio . .. p_.(tl .to ' 12 '4-\lo 5-f .... Hlll 1 ' 6 I~ t \to w...f ,,_ . . 1 1.... , , AllCtl'EllV.. n 1Mll• \lo C-Tin ... 5 1 I -II ~~ ••. 1\lo-11 LMl!WftMlll J I S:\lot" ,...,,. ·"' 1 IS ..... II $f1 bflll .11 I,.. 21"'-.. WtrNco .Ill J 1 , .. _ '• ...lillldlf!Yo IJ llt .. ,,.~ '-lpl ll'o .• I 18"-V. ~SIMI I I to t'Mo-~ Pit'IPr 1.f' .. I 141~-14 SCl't9UI El l ll I -lolo W9rr1Cm .'II J ~ 1\11 -I• All'k•t.1111 .. m JI -t ~.IO• • th ··-g:::::;1,.!!s '°, ",,,-~ ~S0t4 ...... I so _...,""""""'·°' J I !Jllo-'1115-"9Ml .1S • Stl°""•"" w.Crnptl'M .. l lt"1-1 MtRcfi,,11 ,. ti• -s C.00 111111\ltd 1 ., J1 -v. Gr•r•W .~.. 1 ..... L-Sl:GIYI. 4t 19~1 1(, 1'111'-•P .JOg s 1 1S ... SIWMOl.1010 JI ISl'o-"' Wtr!wCo .JO. ~o t>t~ •• MIM CMpH •1 1"11 ... C"""'4d 1.111) 4 3't tt'l'o ••• Gr= Vl.:J 1:; ~::= ~ 1..DnQlt..1 1.'6 t .. 11 \1& .•. P.tSCO Inc: 7 llO II -I S(lulbb .M 16 )11 :111>4-I-Wlr~ .IM 1J :wt )J•,,.-1•• AlO IAC .10 J '' •Ill-"' Cor-• QI .. It l'lt-"' Gr ..... 1:so l lS 1JV.-.. LIL pt!( •.••• •lllO JJ f l P•lt\s .JD s s • -"' Sl.tltf 1,.0 • .. 31V. .. ,.... Wtr...S 1.20 • • u •o .• &ul Ott .10d It 11 >0"'-1 C.ornG 1.1 .. 11 It • -l<l!o Go"lifl!W .3DlllJ IJ Jlolo + 'M LIL pl IS"'.. 1 JI +I ~ ... 1 l1 10Mi-l\<o SI 8rftd 1.IJ IJ It .... _ .. ~ 1 .• 10 • l)\o ~ "" Aulwlllll'llh .. I 11'11-'4 (nwo4Eq .ol0 I 1 1111 ... g:-.:i,:?,7-•I • ll'o ••• ~,0..M10, ,•,•,•.Ill ... F'wYI c.ntt .. ti IYI ... SllP.t!nll .111111J 30'4-I ~-IO J 1J t •, •. , A...:o CM• • ff J\;o-\.\ C.cou1ifl l.•Sll J ll J11--.... ...-~ C.p ,.,..,., I. It IJ a:I •1'°'-J~ SW 011Cll1 f Ml t• -Vo W1Ht pit !Vt •· I JJ\, .. AWUC.wt1 .. t \1141•16 Olaalls .IW' IJ Jo.... ••• I .•1d I 1t Jlllo ••• Lil..Mlllllol t toll t2 j~ Pln'IOb .14' IS S • \'o SldOlnaJ,)Q I Joi 11'111-l\lo ._..Sil 1.t ' 1 1~0.+ le AW. pt J.O .. •S U -'Ill C-8"I .JS } IS 1M-\lo GI A&P .Ud , 11 IYo-"° Lil'licllt'.U I IU ltll= 'lo ,..,..,fl\. t• t 16 l6'1t• \lo V(llM)'l l.•n 111 U -YI -W 1.• I I 11'"• .. A...-,Pr .•H • nlll-YI CK lnll1. IOI 2''4-W. GIUO.l.JI .. I 11\ot"' ~, .. ' • 21\li-'llo PP\.OILIO •. dlO 1'\lo-t\o SldPIMw 1.t2 .. •1 n _.,., w.MtMrlol 1 .. ··~-\:r Aril lfl( ·"° s Jl ' -"" o--c I.tel J ~I JO'llo-"" GtNHtli 1.IO 4 • n11t-1'11 ~ ... · I l I 11"'• "' P.tN.l ,.. I .• 1100 n -J Sid PJSll ·'° • JI ' . . _..., . !Sci • •S 11~ ••• A-'lllC .• l ll S~ '4 CNclll Fl Al ' )J ·~-Ill Gt#'IFlll .6" 6 JI) 111'6 + 'II LTV (Otp I !fl 10 -\lo P fl\. pl • • .O •• llO 43111-\It Sid Pr"" ... I U lil't-\lo ~ G .to 1 10 , ,_ '• AWlflPr I.Cl 10 141J tJV.-1111 (lv(lllr l.M t J1 11.._. Vt gt~W.11 Liii I 47' 12 "IV. LTV Cp J f11f • "'""-1" I' Pl. Of .._JO . , 110 .. -1 St"""'• .SI • J t ,.. ..._.,VII Inc: . , 11 3•0 .. /l.l!KOll&GIJ tO u -IV. (Nfnpl(.IO. I • -\,\ x;::p1 s.11c .. to ....... v. Lllbr-'iiii 111 ll\lo-1•.1. Ptlll'lwl 1.11 1 lJ Ifft• .... SllllWkt ... ' 7t 1l"'11 ••• WM!het ·'° •• •l'il-'• ___. I -0....H ,10 • oil I}\/•-\lo _;r,, Gii I .• 5 f IS\'o-,,., LIK~\'S I 11 1\'o """" pit I.Ill) . . J 11Ylo ... !>Yn"y .Ml • 11 JV.-\!o WlltlbOtl (Ii • 11 l '• &lll&'Ml .IO S 11 U'h-'lo 0-Corti I SJ U\lt->lo I.Git • 2I• 10""-* L11111ow 't. I I , .. _·;.,;; Pemioil 1g S f5t II • l'o St11rrttl I f I Ut'o , •. W•ulMc:L ..0 1 }I l"t> <o 8«.Plt , 11111 "· ti J'lil-Yt er-.... ll I.to J JU 11111 •·· =" wl •• 4I llli • · · L\1111.111 SU I S 11 lt -y, ,,.. Cit .JO I I •'!lo-V. StMtl• l,Mld • Jt '"'" \lo lllftj""*t .JI t IO "\' , lo all!• In .20 I SO 6h-"'-c;n QI .SO J II IV. ••. Gtwrwi ·1..,111 ·4 •"> ,:.--•. L V O c;or.,1' lot 11'o ••• ~ J..Jo t lf 1t-'Ill SIMtlS( .9'd .• 1• IOI•->lo -OIN ep .. 1 "' •.• atbr'Oll .JI 10 .. ft:\11-1ol, Clllllpifl .«I • II ..... ... .. Lrti.es'I' .tJd I IOS ,,,,.,_ "" Ptp,ICG 1..io II 10I '1 \lt-1"' Sl.tuller J J'(I • fJ ., ~2 -" ~ ... • " u ... -,,. BIH OH .«I J } tYlo-'°' °"*"' ... f IO JI-"'° Gllw9 I Jr.: i ~ J!:-· \\ L1U fl/f t.... . . Ii Hh-YI PMLlnEl .J.I II 11• lllllo-1\oo StfO'cl>i ... 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U 1.11 1 106 ,,.._Ill MK, 1.10 S IJS IJ'l't-1\lo PoMrl J ...... 11 11 ... Sl-WD'td 1 If JIV. ,. WlS-1.liO IM lf\0-•• 111111 'It .• 4 II •\ji-lllo --0 D--.-l&Vfl, .ta • U f01'll • •• Mey pf,t, 4'4 .. I.SO 41-->lo Pli-Ill .It U 2tl JI-..-"'° S«ill'-Sholl I • I ll'Mo-Ill WllmCo HI 11 J].O ~ • • • lftlr11113 s •• JS -I 0.0-Cp • , .. """ ... ="'!: ;:, .. ·: .;llo _.ii; 111114 f4 AU .. JI l llo-:w. Pl'ejp 0 l.10 J ti ll»t. ,,., Stort• 11•11 I • II llYl-1 ~ Pt< ...,, ~ lO 1\'o-\~ "'11<>11.toa .. J tl\!o-\lo OMA:..., .to l JI •11o-\lo Goftlfl'i-"i I I-. ,,,... ~. .. • S"lt-\lo PllUtEI I ... f llS II -YI SlrlOeAll .•S S J •~• ••• _."""",If J 101 t'\-'• Nfcl CR.2111 21 l•llo• -~l.lt • U l._'4 11N91<:QI .. t 11 J~-.... Pl'lllEIOI W. .. JIWI 1"'11 ••• StllOeWl.11 J I 11~-Yo -Itel s 190 10 -1• lltrfttl l.60ll I tt JYI •·· Ott! 111 .60Q • SI 1''11o-\Ii --K-,,,........ .1}11 llo JJ •Vt-'°' ""El pt 1.IO .. 1110 '3\lt-Ylo SluW pl I ..0 ., I II~ ... WlUrtpl •.to ,. S J1i •• Biik In .tO J • '"' ••. o.rtlfld pl I •• .. nYI-.,., H«11,w,1 .• ' I t•.ro .. , ""'-111ryC.' J IJ ll -\Ii ""'IE!"' ,,,. .. dO u ... Suoi..e Sl>Oe "' • l V1 •. Wt$ttl El ·" t 1-IOJ • -\~ .... , Mf .ill 6 l U -14 Olll Glnrll IJ IOI IJYl-IV. Mill .61 I M '" • 'A INllMH .. 10 It 1114-v, Pl'lil El pit I .. 11110 12 ... SU<t!PrOP .II J t LJ-..-\lo WLIEllll J.IO , . 1l00 '4 + \ft l:::'f:.".'..J "i 1l 1;:=: =•11 ':J! -~ t'j 'l~-·~ :t::1':'n ft 2~ 1l11~~!1i: =::=-:: 'j .; 1~= i;; ~~;1~ ~= jj ~~ ~:~-i~ ~·S,~ :~ "j ! I~~.: ~ = /:: ! '1 l;~~= ~ 8tu""'L .• 11 ... )I -\II Oi1J1onl'l ·"' • 1 • -.... ~P.t I • 1S 111111-"' ....... Hfl 1.11 ' ,. 2tv.-'Ill Pl'lill~ln ,JO 4S 1• 1 .. -'"' Sul! on le I 11• ...... + .... Wtl"fltl .Ill II 131 llV.-J"' ltlMr L.11 ti '"' Jl'lolo-1"' OtrP!,.1 1.M • H Ullo-~ -"""' .. ' II IV. • . • M/l.fl(O ... n 20I Jl<\fo-1\IJ PNl"'1 I 60 • "' •lit-I\\ S\lll()llpl Ji,;, •• ,.s .0 • \lo l'<WF.-,e ...0 1 JI ,,._ '. 8i'fl*Co .nu 12 ,.,.,_ "" OPWl!d ,,.. • • ISO MV.+)V. ~ -: l : t~=. t: ,,..,.....,,.. M .. IS •11o-Yo Pl'lllYH ·'°'" • 11 J • \lo 5'.r>Oelm 1 I 110 n -.... ""1UE• J... . 110 ii • s lffrlnlti .st I II 14 -1111 Oe .. Wlr .«116 It t :W. ••• • -""'-<0411•1 1'1 :U\.'Jt .... Pk:l•llll 411 J SO t -.... 5'1MlrflCl .IO S It 11'111-1'11 WIWPSI .Hd J 10 JL .. -l't Ifft Fih .n ' lit IJ Oetrt .... 1 1'1 ... _ ~ ~ I.JS ll IG n .. \lo Mllful-1..C I • II II*-,,., ~ I.JI s . 1 •Mi-.... Sunsirol Jh .. 1 11't-" ....... ISi"' •.. /JO S• •I Bt1F• pf•.. •J 14 • . . Otlfl&L I.to t 111'11 t-.-4 Kif<,, 1,12 t • llVt• llo ""'-rcw pf 2 .. M )ll'o-Vo Pieri 1"""1 S lS l 'll-\lo s..nv.-. .O I I 41 f4+ \\ 'Mw!5t p1 s . 110 ·~ -~ llKknwi .JI Ml ll J2:W.-.. Oii Miii l.lO S SO lt\li" II -I .fMll · • JJ l'Mo-.,_ ,..,.,._ to • 4t Ito-11. Pllt'illry l.llJ I 1' IJ'n -1 S...., Oil t<IO l• S2 111\lo-f' I _._, .10 t JSO IJ\\ , , • BtdMO .tel 11 llO ,,,.,._,"' Otli.Alr ... ' UJ .. -1¥1 _,o I Ill • It n1o1o-\It ,..,.,Mid i IO s 101 1•--h P!ClllNGt ... I ,. IJ\lt-.. ~·Gfl .JQ ' H Jllo-.... _, °"' .Ill J )0 •"·-.... tr ... "tn..'et 1 ni 2;:\11= :: t::::. .~If 't 1~-.~ =~ i'.~ ~ .! :~= ~ ==t..1:"::: I~ ~~= ~ =:~a.~ "i JI~ :~--~ =~:r90 ! s: ::=:-~ ~-~ 0 ] .~ ro:::.: ~; ... ,D ... 111 5 s u-.-YI °""'...,'"'. 4 I IA. 'O.: ~M 1• •, ", ..... -."",,,..,_.,..Kl' 1• 11~-1\I• Pi!l'9on .lll)g101J' nv.-"'• .. rnM .•!il'I ' 21 Jh-~~ Whltt.v Co' 61, ••• lltlcltfl 1.20 S • IJ"'• V. 'II .11 J IO I -..,. ._,....,. .a -,..,.,.it 10ct • J t -\Ii Pi>P HUl t 11 14\IJ-tnl ... 3 11 JV.-,.. 'Mc.lie'l Cp 1 S t 10""' + ·~ ll9'dlH .... ' l ... . .. Otllhcllt .J. u .. ~-\lo HerlotHll .111 • 11 '"" + \jo ,..,.flott jv,i II " 1111-"" Pttn Rtvcll I ' 1--"' Syllton .n • •1 lS'lt-v. 'MlllDlllt .JI I It ,. ·-.. lltll ltwl ... • .. II .. + V. OlwrPJI .15 II 12t lft-~ Hllfln l.ICld · · J1 U -\I MmnllF 1.2• 1 :J6 u .... -V. Pl .. Dc>y .11 S II lil't-Yo SYt>rnPI 1.<IO •• 4 lJ'"'-1'. WllllM-& .Ml ll Ja. ·~'II . , . Btml1 C.t ' lt 16-.-v. Oli61ol11 .toS • t ... "-El l.ti, 12 11¥o ••• ,..,.rt Ml.111 S .. IJ _.,. ""-1 .lt<I • 1111;.-.... SJill'CWIOotl U IS J-t '°' WIUCO\.tt l:W 4s'llo '"' lltfldl• 1.1111 } UJ n>t-"" Otlhl$1.•S I I .. II*-.,.. ~All! I S l .,.,._ lolo NII (Up .Sol S 6 U ... Pl'f8M 1.1':1 ' U ''°' ... -T T-'llllnQlpl llO '" 10 ff -..... ol J .• l ,,.,,, .. YI OttE pl t.J1 .. "' 's -.... Mtftlllllt s H J -\lo M9K.C.. .n IJ 111 2t~-.. l'Ol¥0ocl .J1 ,, 1.io1 Jl>j,-* tlftB<s! llO • i ll\lo -Ill W!M(h i.JJ i4 114 )JI\=: .. lllfl Cp f.H • Ill ll<llo-YI OttE pf I ..... lllO ...... ,. · HCA l11l«ll11 ' t tl'O • V. Mll-'lt .U I IU "VI-\i """°'row S • l'Jt ,,,.,__ .. T.tlllf In ... • 1• 5 .. ,. V. 'Mlw>O. 01 . , 1 •1>41-I~ •.•.. l•S •Yl 0ttfpf 1.3' .. 1HCISll'lt'h "9C•l11C .11 4 6 -•1"9 M9sMy.tOd• llH,,.-Vl Pl:Clfl .Mlg l Ill--\\ Tali.fr. I .. 2 • '"Wlnrotl>Mo l1 4\1) , , 1JG J9\lo-h Ott£ pf IYI .. I •. n, .. , H9CllM11 1t If lU 16-., + "° M!o(pl I.Sid , . JO u~ .. >t °"'1( tnc 11 • II 11"' • t. T...,,,.. ... I •7 10 .... f .... WIJEIP i.M "j ~J9 .,:~= ~ ... .ltd 2 1J ·--~ Ollllr tp _,,. 1 I II"'-.. Hl!llnfl ... J u lllo-~ M1 lntv 1.. .. JI n -\'\ ~GE I.! ~ 7S \IV, •.• li!'ldY Corp • " IS -.... WIKPS I.st I 11 n:v.-'• !ltfllt•.llt' JS ) o \'o Diii Fllt .54 1 J I V, •.. HlllnrH I.It t I• Jt -I MMll,1.nd I IS 11111., \lo Alli.it I.tel 4 11 t•v.-VII l=(.t(I ,, 21 S ••• Wllco C 1.:111 S tl 11~-\w •..,.r••Y _1!d 2 '",, ,•• ..... """"='",I.! •, ,!', ••• •• -~ ~ ... ',":'. ,•, •'• .·.·-•• MmtwE ·"" s )Q 1111\o ... Pill EIP 1.1• • .2 1 .... ,.-•• ', ._,•~ •• •, ·.-~ WblY Wor1d f 10 '"• •.. ,.,_,,_1 • -·-, --.._ ·--""'-l' OS I.Kl 6 61 H~ -i11o PlllEI pt '"" .. ,,_ 4 -t(nn Oii • -"" Womlt Ml ei1~:: :s ::::,5 m{:fi:i :: ~~~~ =..=: . .!~~ ,~ ,!r-.~ =~'.:;t i E~-=~ ~a~::·t·1; ~~s-:~ i~=.'! * ~;:=.~ :-,:::: J 1it·:'.~ •lllr'.1" ... f 4 •YI ... . .. 1 ,,, II •IV. ~-.I01t 3" )J -IYI M.,. x L . J Ill? •.• """'M; 1,llJn'" ll -J Ttllz C11r11 .. 101 J~-.... :'11:1"' ... l~ "i l~ 1~~.::.; •Mti.L I.IOI • 2 11'--Yt .... 1 U U llo •.• ....,,,., .llO 1 10 ....... MCA lflC ,IO 's 11 JJ .. -Vl 11'1-W~ .l'O • t& !I'll \'o ltne<o I.to J 1'1 10'--V. ...,,,1111 l to. t ' &lo(llttill .AIJ I "' 10~-.. OiGflr'l'..M J 11 , .. _Yo "'"""" .<IO J l• 1• -Ylo M(.(llfd ... • t '"' .,. """"1111 I~ J I& 10t'o-\'o feMK A•I " •S I~ .,. 'M81!J 'Co l u .. "• fllul .. U .IO s '' 1''4-\ot Oltilll •uuto !0--211\o ._.,,I I t4 u:i..-t1o M(.(royl ,JO .. )S ...... P 5 ~ 1nc. IJ !\'o-V. ltntCOISVl .. II IS _, ,., •• 0) • 8olllt!t 111'-I .. ,, '"" .. 1"9 OllH ..... ·"° 4 11 J -"" """'II II .JO JS J\I "Yl-l\lo McOtft'l t.:ro 11 ftt IO>lo -• PuS (GI 1 n ' SI• 11\o-.... lt~ p .u l JIO 11'6-.... W,ly Ctto . . )0 1 ' ' • NEW YORK (AP ) -buying power. It a\so danl· Productivity may be the pens infl ation by prdvldlng kty to solving many or a greater supply of goods . Ame ri ca's economic Productivity h8s been probl e ms. say many ctccl.ining recently, and businessmtn s urveyed 'price gains have been out· nationwide by The As· stripping wage increases. soclated Press. .. !"I C.to•"' l•'Ml -'io Ol10"111'1!'1i .. '11>'1+,,., ='£"' I,,,._,,. MtOotllcl Cl)ll1W ll -J "Et.Gin . Ill ll -\lo ltUtalM2 J .. 0 JIYl-11'11 -•vr-prO\'ing our capacity to8o11tCM .SOJIJ)ll1'1-\ll Dll1M I. II 31' .•. ..a. 11Jl't-Yt M(OOf10.<IO) .. ·~ .. PSEGpllM),, tlll'•, .. T••CB\lo .llOtl 111 -..·~ ICet'O•(l)11,IMt~ I Bond lnctwl .. S I -1olo oi-yw ,1 U t<ll 1Jh-1 HU'°" Nil I • )J I°""-l'o McGrEI 1 .... I 'II 11 .. -V, PSEGc!I 'J) ,, ISO JI •.. lt•Elr 1.10 f SJ U \o-'-Kit.I IM lOI J J-10'•-,, Prod ce ~ 9IM Mo 11'1 ' • l)\11-" ClinlWL .11 I .. s -Vt -lflClvl • I 2"• ""' M(C;r HI so s II •« ... PSEGpl J.O:S .. 1» •Jl't •.• ,_Tr I.II J 11 1• -"' 'l"Mft I"""' • l• I•• " Their theory holds that "The problem of produc- ans more Inventions, new li\'ity is one of the things ideas, a nd harder "'Ork. that will stay with u11 until "There is no ...,,8 ~ to people rea li ze It is at the fnlarge th<! pie for labor, root of tho problems we lace busi n ess and society. todny," says Rich ard &tar· v.·lthout an Increase in the cu1. presldeht of Dallas' key laclor: productl\•lty," Ni e man-Marcus depart· ".ays c. J ackson Grarson, men~ s tore ana one ot one of former Pres1dtnl ~uest1oned by AP t portera. Nixon 's econdmic advisers. We ti lmply have n<t been in his book "The °:J'C\· .. inge~lo u s en9u1 h In slonsofa PrlceContro er.• devising w1ys and the Economists roughly rom· technology to .~.eep the COil pule nation ti I productivity per unit down. by comparing pr·!ccs v.•i!h ''An yt hin (; whleh "'il#<'J. For txan1plc. if r<'!itricla pl'oducl•\m crc1te1 "'ages inc:rcased S_R!!!!nt a a !mal.Itr_o1,1JpJlt .for WJ to \'ear. and price5 2 ptrccnt a share •.• AQyS Orville Mertz. \'t'ar !hen produclivily can ch:iirman or a ~tll11'Hukee i>t )iitt'ncci to th<' 3 pl'l'CC1nt hc11vy munuf1-rt11rcr. "So dilltrence. PrtsldenL ford '• palicles _· rut sl nlpl)'. inrr('it~cd nu1;ihl lo ht" dlrtcled l(Jwurd produtli\lty gi"'" the: impro,·ini;:thcOov.•or)!ood!l· 11·orkl't'5" Jla)'Chcck morq :1nd Al'r\ le~ t hroui:h im· u . ..,._ 1.:11 , 101 " -I Dlt1llS... .IO 14 •S 12~-1ol, .....,. c .n I 10 11~. ""' Mt Gr.tr ' 0 s " th-'. PS.EGOI J.lt .. ll'O U\lt-v. loGslplt !YI .. 10 l • 'l""l\SIOr .to s J 11". .. ''The government '5 llertW1.H• ltHl'o-lll oiw.rtlldl11• .. , ...... ...,...to . u ... _ .. Mc!Myf'•M JUMl tt _,,., PSEGPl l.tll .,l/OtJ 1, •• ,1,,.,11110 111 ... l...C0.P1't1••11 I 8ooriftlft!, Ill It I 2111 ... DhMI I.Md I tS 1:W.-Yt Hitt EIKlll U U ' ... McltHA IO • 11 11 \o PSEGpl l.Y .. 11'0 U ... le• ln>1r I It lfCI 6•'Mo-'6 l.tllOl!>f .IO . 1 10" 1,~ p:J)i Cy ha S been \0 foster lllllil ld J.t<I • •l ltl'ot 'lirt Or,.., .JG 14 Ill lllo-'A Hllll 111111 ,1;2 I 100 •fli-Yo MtU_, ·,n S 11 21~, • \f• P!>EG!lol l,IO .. rUO lo<l'4 • .,.. T1lflC)l1 ,01 IJ UJ """ t "" ~I• .41)o:t • If 12'• ,. I N ed ~ I*"° S 1 11¥1 . .. oen.Mf! ,IO 14 •S ..... + llOt Holl A 1.10d · · 10 Ul'o-V. Mc:LINlll Sii • '1 IS , l• PSEGPI I.Ill .. iHJO tl•,<o-1~ l••!ftU I, II • ltt 111'--V. bly<w Corp 1 lb ) .. con11umpt on. ow we ne .. 111111 .\Oil s 311 6111-\lo OOfll ... u .io •. 11 2111 •. . ....., Suto' t • •1 JOv. • ,,., M<N9'1 .111 , 10 11, "' PSEGol •.1o1 .. no 11 .. . ,,.c;..,111.:io • ~ 1• -" b!fli1~A 1 u , 11~ 11,,, , \• I that rod lion •lttS I.tot 11 .aa 1'illl-1 Olflntlly ,It II II ~-V. HDIMI••• I 14 UI .ioYt • \'I Mt.it (, •• 3 t) u •,, \, M IN! 1 SI I 11l lO"i -Vl Tl,ll lnOu'I • I J ,.,,,.,, llWI JI / I) ! '• ... torecognz(' p UC .. l!Mpl.Hll I» l't'!o-Jl!o e;:ea .10• 11'"'-" """"""'·'° s 1112' -I Mold(lf t.IO •• I ,. PSl"""''""··tlOOJI -1 must be increased." •'':R;p1 1 .. 1s 2t111 -111o oo .. r • • s -\.\ ..,..., 1,11 • 111" -1 Mt1P111 ..... 1 u P!>lfllllll u~ .. 1100 ,,"' ... !'~.·"'·~··I~ ,•,Vt_ . .,-&'··.~ 0s •l J,._•,~. Har!-Cpl 10 1--\loo MtOIMl'll J 1 ,.._ PSHriet ... t 1111'~-llo Ea.Ing th. Cost Or money ....... .. ....... " •• , • HolllplllAH 41 s I •YI-.... M E I c.. J II 1•1 ... ~ 1.M t • n .. -.... ...Ut'IGt I, } ~ \)"'-"" ~1 .10 II 7llt '°""-tV. HMPllQI .It S •1 1-l'o M91 S11M .... I n , ... '' P\all(\ef" S. J JI J .. • I• and changing certain tax ..._ C... j t0 11 -"" 1.to 1 '° llWI-"" HM! 1nt1 -• s 11 '"' ... ,,.._o , s 1\~ • ..., PuHM11 .ll)ji 1 21 ,~,,.. . ...Gr.1,.0 ft UYl-YI I.IOI! 113 •S -2\!o MlluO.tlll.IO • •I t -V. MoO<'CSt,.IO • l :Mo\>-'1> Pl.QtsP 1-• ID"°"°,, Jaw!! to aid in vestment are .,,.,.,u,JO 1 n• 1 •"' 1.1'11 .. n .., . ..,_,'lfo ~M .• • • ,,..,_" ,,_,."~ 1.iot> 611 ,1 ., ... M..-,,,. , "' 011o-1v. seen as major way11 to in· ".,~,,.••w•·.~ •,";it:""• pft .• u •1v.-1111 HwtF,,ou ',,. s't-v. ;w..,.;111 .10 • 1 •.v.-"" O\n•CA • • ,, 111o-•, -l.t<I ·· 't i.:w.-'II l-'tt\IMFillc I U It Ullll -"° Msrllllf .S. • 11' t 11y '.'J ,..,...1.., 11 • i: 11'1 "' crea se produ c tivity by l!t~·rf 1l ~ J:!.. ~ °'*"""'~: 1 .. ,~::-.~ =.r1~: .,. ~ f.i:= ~ :::" ,;r.,~ tr, 1:~:':; 1Vo111• ~o-" -11o many businesses. lllllfll c. _. i 211 1111-111 Dlllkt 1ttLro .. u'° u • 2,.. HlllHIGt .eo '° •1 u"" . . . M 6 M 11,.011 s 1 1,... . . OJ,lltOoM l!O .• s• ,...,_ ~1 · •llllllW 1·"" 1 4' 1·-• e L!O .. 1Ut I) t l't HIHG Ill l'Yt • 10 .. ->t JMlrom ,SG s 11 t'• -,, ~O..pl J • , JO ., , l ''There 1 11 a general 1w1ow1w .11 s ' "'... .. ... n •u n -\lo ~.JO• 111 ,,_._.., Mtlt:llf •n . 111 .11 •• 11. !MololoOI w 11 s 11..., v. 't"nthaltoiogh"""" .. 11 ,«11 1 •\11-,,. C.lt 1t10o-"'i.-t11•t1tUl4•1'llMG1C1n·.1o~Jtt•-~·o..-.w . is• ... times are l'.l.h e ad a nd Pi .. ,• .. ~•,·. •, "'., ,.""=•~ ("'•"n ···· •, ",•,•.,·:: ......, .. 1.t1M 1 • ,.,.._1 Mi(ll$lue1 • 1 u 101 '•""'"(Ill ·'° is "»·~-1'" '" .,. H lllW8 .toll J , II -" Mk:nMIOI ,~ ) ?0 •1> \< ..,.._ 11 • "l JYI-'\ everyone hat to pitch ln and ~!!!..sit .s_.",· •, ,•,•·-···· 1, • ,. 1'11o ... .....,...., .so 11 u1 t• • '" Mk..-'4 ) 1 •.L.i . h 11""'0 '"' ~ , , 10111-• ., recogn1 10 flllolA:pf1~ .. s 11Y1-Y1 ~ ... 11 ..,.1_.,111 ~1 ,60 • 1 u>t •.. M1c11Gs1,M • 2 101.. ___.,_ Willi F _ .. _, r:" '''' ,..,_ • .,..._ lflC. l-4 1--L\-\'I --···"' '' ,,. ·-··-' • ~ ··-. help," says . am oster, '"",... ~· • u-.-1"' .,. :: 11w "' -1 ~ C11 ,,, u n u,,._,,.. Mi&U,,. , n• 11.\: .. N;Nn Pi l •• 1 """ , Id t rM .1 .• 1 C-IS 1a o1·--1t.H\lllor!G,'lllHl'llo-... _,,.,., ,, ..... _ •••.. 1 ,.,,.,., Pres en o 1 nc .• a· ~·1-•. ••-• •·•J , ,··, • • ...,. -H\lyt'Cp .IO 14 I ll<'o •· MIClllMt IQ J U 11'• '• 111.1""'1 IYI ' 4 Ullo-YI Haw Iii I n garment c-'tW:: 1i I~ -.~ £ .. ~"'·"'. ';-1 .... + 'Mo ~.JI •,_._J t -... ai:ar':J:: 1f: 1l~ -., =:i~1 : : ~ ,~"'-·;, manufacturfr . ··10 c.nrf"lflflflct ts 2111o-1oi £•1e1<1 .• • t• 10""-'" 1Qj """'"'·· Jl ,,,.,'"' 1.11 11 ,.1 s. "• lltCAC.PI s ••s 11 -111o business. all of ua ha\•e to ~':-1 ~1~ '• ~ ·~~: ': f::&';.~·• ;~~ 1:::~ =~,,~ ~ ~ ~!~:~ :'k.1·:' ~ :~··· 1' ~":r! ·: ~ 'r.:' '' •·com· e more err·o·lenl and ..... "" • >J ~ _,,., E11tV1111i,,, • 11 11Y1-,,. -..11111 ..... 1 MIYI •,,., M1t111l<1 '.11 s 10 t''l "<i"-'G 2J11 • ,., ·• U'C .. , llU •11 U JJ .. • '-E .. tJC11.,.1 .... t4t\-1t'o IMMfl'f 4+ • It )1'11-''t MIUlll-1 4 If !I•• t.old~lll JI) t t•S "" 1''° incr~ase the produetlvlty of c... s ,_,." » ,. .. • " E1111ep 1.• ) 111 1J" ... 10$1111 1.-. • •• 1,,,.,_,,., MO "•t ", i u1. '"' .. ,..,,,..., II)!! • •s , ... " (Mf'« .tN I 0 ll:il,-" ldlllflM .• U I lQ -,., lll(;oolln I .SO ' 1' !l\t-.. Mo"'!( I tO ·; t 1•1', ', llM<;t ,.. ~ 11 10'·~ our re&0urces. Ii.. c 1 1 211o11• " 1..M .11 .1410 1Jta , ''-"'. "' 1r,Qfl II!• • . ooo " -v. """'""" "" , , l', ~ """" laoi " .,. n " ··•1therourproTitmar111n ·"1 '"• ",•,,-, '• ~c;a.G·:!!..•_ n,, ·~::i..,, 11c....•>'~ .. 11 »l'l•1Y1 Nrobl•H •Oli . ' •• -.... ito 1 s ""' • ~ .... ~ I"' tH f'W 1,1' • -'' _11111-: \' MOollllOl.l.11 J "° l!o'• 1;\ llfl<;/'IQl(I Ill) l t1 u ... ' ~· ls "Olna to Shrink or your :.'i,,.,.. 1) ""' • "" .u." " 1 "'-YI 11111iii"' ~1' .. ,.. rr • , MIOll1ol;1 ,_JO ) "' 111. .. ~Yve "° i J ~"'· ·~ • '• I t"t-\lo t.<.t J IO '"' II IMToofW ,)II 11 • )4 ... """"""'DI )I Ito ~ £11'1. IQ S W lJ\t 1oo hu,·e lo fin~ a \\tuy ti\ otrset • • U -"' 1M11llf .~ .. • sv.-v. ~111 eo • 1u ,,,._\lo """'1,c, 0111 j iv ,, 1•. 111-•lltt 111 , , .... , 1 ll •• R I I • QrOt.Cll ··'* -1 111!'! .,....,1 • 1~-..,, IHAC.t.lt. 1* ''""-" MOIWd\.IO ' , 10'• . Jlr1("f' «I JI .... .. • say~ a t mort s Gwtot~''"A • 1 1l\ •. 11.,, 11111 3 ii ~---11<1A.lti.1>t .... ·~-""' ~·1m J • \'-., ,.,.0p11io 1 11 , '• Don.Id l)'••k •Jr lrr•su-r 1Ao0 • .. u~-Po'"'•• r 1 1'\-" 1ncrnea . .w .. 4 ,,..,_,,. ""°"'°' .... ~ 111 1 ,. 1, i..•r·"' '"° u 11•,, •• .. • " '" IM t t1 llYl t \t 1 ~1» I 2• fl!,(,-'Ito ......0. t S I U -'4 Mofl1-11"1t0 I J.11 ••'-''• """""t< Cll ) ,, I'°'•'• nrMtCormick&Co .• 11bout .)llJ ft I\\ •• ,,..,, 1,.11111 ttl'o •·IV.lllOll'w\.llO I •1• lllMeofl\f/I~ ,,., '"""""'i"5.UI I' CMr0 .OH , J '"" . l'"'1' r .. fl o Jl'1-n. ....,.....1110 I •• 1111 -°'JOI • » ... "-M) '"' I J a dilemma (Hrtd by many ""'"*.IO 1 n 111~ .. •• &:-.•,,.,.,.• t 11 •• 1, 111to<• OH 1101 .~ ... Motl""'''° n ,1.. ~11.u •ll n b •I lod ""1MlllOll 'Ul•-... ("""'11.lOI . "II I \o .... lt"'l'tllU"' /I .. t·. "'°""\lllO JOO II ......... ,.. ID . ·~. ul neJSc~ uy. . Glor'IW~ ..... 1:S ~. l..Mlll ,IMI ,. ·~ ,,,lnqlllp1J.». ;11·~ 1. MOflwM)ldl JO 1\. ~!~··~·"''•JI\ • " • Simon Warning LOS ANGELES fUPll -Talk of thC' United Slates entering another depression Is danger-Ou~ because it en- courages remcdic$ that aggra\'~lc th e real problem -!nrl<itld'h -Treasur) ScC're:tary Willi11m f:. Simon 11;11d Tuesday. "Granted Iha.I Lh economy has iti. "'eak spots, let me re-e mphnsi1.c. however, that we arc not headed for a dcprcs~lon." Simon lold :.i meeting 1)f the Electronics Ind ustries As · :;ocia.Uo n. Peru Oil 1.l~li\, Per u (API -About $2.4 bl! lion will bC' !'PC'nt durlnii the ne;\l <lti,cade 1n de"etoplnit the pelrolr11m resources of Peru's northe.~stcrn jun11:le, according to th head of the stutc ()IJ ¥gency Pe:tr0Pen1. Gc1t. 'i.1rlri~ llobbln ~aid in an inlcr- vie:w th"'t fi~urc include~ ;all ~pendin~. Private; and public. al :ill sta~e!I from ~xplor:.tlo n to in,·csclmenl 111 pctrol,·um -rclalrd 100u.,tr1cs . r • J ,J ' } Wudnti~ay, Octobet 23. 1974 . . .. . . ' . ' ..,,] •f>nper /ff 0011' .'tt "r TONIGHT'S 'ff TV HIGHLIGllTs _Connelly Wins · is Role' l\llJ 19l 7::111 -··~p~1rt:...<·u:-." 'J'h(· <·on · t:l.u:-.1011 ur lht• l!H:IJ t\irk I )i.111i.:l:1:; t'j)I(' \\ 1lh ,JL";111 S11nn1on:-.. 111·\l•r l ":-.t1nuv 01t1d ·runy l'u 1·11~. 1\l\C ' li l ."1 ::111 -''B;ul J{h11:ild ,\ 11·t·n agi' U,1 \"l•:lt\IJ'\ ~( 11'1"1' IHJl .t.' \\tJIJIJ t l l'l 1 llnly L'hr1s l11ph1•r 1'ur111vll\ 41f 1hl· 111"1 ).!lllill "l't•\IUI! l'l :it'I' • \t·h•\ IS ton .... t"l"l l'' 1-;1,l l';111 ht• luund l(ul.1\ h \1 • Yt•at'.., lah·r :-.1111 ~1;1t' r111 g 1n,. 11 l"t•klv ~hu 11· Ills i:-. fHH· · .,, !tu.• h1•'t p1•rlu1·1n;111t'I'" ••f 1111· 1u•11 :-t-:1 :-0 11 Ill ,\Ill' :-. "I ':qu·r /\luu11 . 1 h1· h:1lt l1••u r l'llti<llholl l'l)lliL'dl \"l'f 'lllll fi l th1· '!H'Ct':-1'/UI Jll.11\ 1£•" lt.1 1li:11 ;i l'.11\..111 •lilh'>d ,t llUtf,I ,1 .," J.11 ~1 111•1\t• :.t:1r aud 1:-11011 "l'l" ·11111: It''' ll't•qU1•tHh 1111 llu· In:..: -.1•rt•1·n. 1·;11 :-...-1 ... 1111 1-. 1111 .• \101"~1 11 ;! ;1t'1"!' l'.d \l1111n11 ,.., :-;lu1t1111 '..! t <Jr 111·1 l.111 d ••Jl f't•t•. ;oud tl1.1 \ •·1111 •1 I~ 11 111 t·.., ,4 ('onn1·lly ~Ot lht• 1n 1·..,,a~1· Hut he hl1·11• 111 .., fir~t s1•rt't't1 h•st. 'l'hcrL·aftt•r h1· •1·e11t l11 l't't' \ht• lll Ol'it• \'f'l'S ltHI 11 1" '"f>apt'I' ~·l oun '" s1;1rr1 n g, Hy11n O'N1·al. "I llu1ui.;h t '1':11t1n1 11-;1~ gr1 ·:1t." lu· ~:•iii'. '"lt.1an·11·:is 1't·ry i:;uo1l .. n111rdl•rt•I' :-.l;1l~ .. :1 1:111111.r \\1!\1 th11·1· \l;1ui.:hll·rs \1110 lllO\{' Hll11 :11111ld h11tt,1· ~r·ott ,J;u·uli.1, l\inl ll t1nl1.:r . l '1p1J.I '.'ict it1 .irul .Jnhn /,att'h ;1r1• ll·:1turt•d t·1111n1·ll\· h ;1-.,n ·1 1·1L·n ht•<1rd fr11nl olht•r :ilun1ni •if ''l'1-,1·1on l1l.1r1 ·.·· 1/11• :-0;111 t.. 11p1:r;i thJI l'BJll~t·tl .1 )'till fro111J!)fi l ti!I " Supcr :-l:1r Ii 1 ,111 4 • '\1·.ol 1~ •lc1111 g ill'~I ol ;Il l \nd llil'l"t'in l ie.., :1 t'lll"l•\ll•, ha111 .,f 1·\'t:nls () '\1·;d pl:o11·1l l.;onnl'l l y ·s hrotht'I 111 ··pl".l lun f>IJl'l' ... 'I h1·\ 111·11· lludn1·y a 11d .'\1111nau llt1rri11gtun 'l'ht• Sl't"ond t<·:-1 for 1 lu• Part lurue d out son1c11 hat helll'f . And ~1 fl 1•r a SUSPL'O St'fu'I I \\ n or thr"l'l' 11·1·eks ht· \Vas i.;r11•11 1hc ~cries ' ' I K !\'. t: \\' J ' II h t' t·u n1p:.irt•d t o ll!-:111. ·· (."unnt!ll y s;1id, "1\11d 11'~ 111orl.' lh a n ,,,.,, at·tor:- IJl:.iy in ~ 1 h1• :o;a111p r1•l1.· ht•<'aU:oit' of 11111" ;t!'.!'IUl'i<ll lUll 111 · Pl•yton Pi a re ... TV DAILY LOG W ednesday Evening I': WM. CONR AD MEAN S *CANNON-EXCI TEMENT I 0 f1 l •18 Clnnon "lhe [I;. 1 C~lnie" C~nnt:m''> long1m1e hitnd· '>h•Q W•lh ' fotmer polite com,.dt ..,, I 0 ~} '.fcj1 ffi !!HD N I plung•'> h•m into !he midst cl • ' r • ' · 1 tws l!rMrosf~ ~•od!tU a,11n1t the po-'.,IJJ tl_I 6 113 Ll) Ht•I C'J lon1ni1 ho:tman, Lt. lylt SI.ctr ([dw"d • WMl'1 ,., l1111? B1no1). '•rtod1e r111ut,. 0 LUCAS TAN NER Dis- MOtl Sq111d * cusses Se1 Openly MuM•l C.•tdJ ~o• In His Class Which OCTOBER 23 1)6 Sl11 T1t-fD Uttlric C.mp1nr Threatens His Career! fl) Sitetd lh ct1 0 2)" ~) u;i a;, l ~c11 T 1111111 l :JO I ltir,..llCI lu!I Shi• "\1111~ leMH Word"' luus lien An" 'rillilh I m1f{lr co11!1011lihon •11h p1rents loe11t! otnd 1ht school bolfd when one ol ('7': (I,) Otaltt' O!ol his clasvoom 1ss1111menh prompts m "Titt ,..,.,,' ,, ~~:.need fof i ll.1nk dr.;cunion ol li) Uttll ll1x1ls t!) Hotrt D1111t rootbaU Hichll1hts '"' l rnoo\lJ»@mm ""'' m c1r1111n1 l t1W1i111 lor Doll.rt. . rm NEW TV DRAMA DfBUT • MM SfiuN · * BEST THEATRE IN LA • ~~: 0~!;11"Qlltnccs Hollywood TV Theatre! Tiit f ll ffi Ho!lpood Ttltl'i$lotl Tllt1t1t (!1J CIJ Hor••'• Her•s '1he Cli1ntse Prime Mi111m1" Dame ED Esme11ld1 Judith Al'ldtr~n 1t1rs in Cnid B11· i l l1 Y1UtJ nolcl's plar 1bot11 tne l1scin1tion thlnl lo Cll1nct I ind disa~lef of iro,.in& aid. f CIJ) lcrnan11 I ':)(I 0 Nun f!i D111111 ~ Dnm1 lJ) Throo S1oocu llO:DO :1 '11111•r l")le 1 * NEW ACTION STUNNER '"°ilon1t Cr1tnt'1 l1st of tllt Wild IJ MANHUNTER IS TV'S • N1111tTkltlu"t 1 1J lm(])(j)M1nllun ler "l~• Http TllJ Ntl111btof Doomi.411 Gani " Oav1 pu1su11 1 l;J CiJ ltl's Makt A Deal 1 aana led by a demente d. bomb· (I (l~(})To Tttl Utt T1u\ll I throw1nE. dlfroc~ed minilttl (1uest 0 M1t1ioft S Movie: ICJ (2111) Mon!t lo:arUram) when he Is hired °'$p.ut11::11" Conti. (dra) '60 -1 bJ • umon o!litial lo liM the re al Ku• Dou111s. k!1n Simmons. criminal1 'tlponsiblt IOC' lhe mu1· (10) l'ritt h ltl1hl 1 der and 1obbtry lor which his union I l twitclltd men are t>tona l•lstly 1tcultd. Ca111"d1te1 ,ftH Col!ltrtnct Q fi ~ ']9 m Pt I 1•t t 111 OllHT '•'Pit, Otllcr l"llt.!!1 "1he foKe of E~1I" A ilther- C.ltbrity lo<lilin1 t1iuahte1 rel1hcnst11p r101111 !1011t Uttlt ll11all mis1uided 11enero~1ty lo probable 1:00 IJ @ (J) (iJ Sons l D1~1htt!S murdri. js Petrocelli de lends tM "'The Pre;:nincy" k!ll Rud'1 lormt1 }PQ1ltd d1u;:hter o/ 1 wt~ltny bu1o1· 111t lritnd ~eeks h111t out. ~1um; nes1m1n. him •ulh tht news \hit 1he"1 st ft m (i) NtWI a 1tly pr11nant and pltads !01 h11 ("6J lh~ k id Ones help. Both kllllW 1h1t Jeff canno1 0 t'l'f l! l (1) Cf) 'et Cllri11i1 oon1blJ '' the il111H. but he !tels L_ove '"fo1 tht family Hono!"' Chris· tomp.l!lltd to lltlp-•1lhout con!id· tit helps plnnt• Joe C11us.ci llCt 1 inc on An1t1 wl!o is both conlu!itd paontul dilemma when a m•!•• 1nd wo111ed 1bout Jeffs in!ere1r in ch1el111n otters to spare !he lilt 1 1111 ~he hardly ~new exis1ed. of the dfltclive's father in return 0 l:I: ((l tQl m tittle liOUH Dft lor the fretdcm ot I syndita1e Heu- tht Pr1lrlt "JI I Stlould Wi ke Bt·\ Tenant whose te~timony would ,.;p1 lort I Dot"' P1 lnR1ll1 helps 1n el· out lhe chieftain ind his or11nlz1- dcrly ne1&hbor 1t1&e ner own w~kt. l 11on. Robert Alda ;uesl.s. When Amy Htrn (Jouphint Hutth· QJ' The Untouch1btes •nson) w1nl1 to see htr dist an! 10:30 I lourntJ to Advenlu rr othp1111g. she resolves 10 have lhtm W'nder1uJ! 1nv1Te~ to her wake. l1 Ciud1d Grit1 O Mol'it: (C) (2hr) 'firtclltk" 1nntr Visions !wes) 'E& -James S1t•af1, Henry · Comedy lond1. lnitr s:evens ll:OO §@ O @ alrnCD Ne"s (6) lts1 ti 'r111cho • ~O fi) ~lo @ News 0 ('! ({') (-l) (D Th1l't Mr Mi· Bttl ol ''°"'ho •• "!ht loin" Chlton"s feud l'lilh (6J HYPO hosbrothtr-ln 11 ... lton11d, beccmes 0 Mol'it: (C) "Mayari (1dv) "66- 1 !amoly fli!ht ... hen 1osltr l11cy'1 lay ~ortn. S1Jld Kahn, Clint W1lkt1. ftulb1nd borro.,..s S~ hem Chllon Q) Mi»io11: lm~ouibl1 i nd lo•1tls lo p1~ h111t b.1ck. t (E) Ni1ht ''Htry I Dt1lt(1 Dloitf -!l"T. 1 3) ,tiff 'vnn It l 1t11 A Tllitl :J• Wild Witd Wtsl V1ritty £ID Yo11 111 Ht1ttlt Q6o Mavi t: (C) (2~r) "Ton' Romtri (,29 .!. ) W1nltd: Ot1d DI Ali-t (dr1) "67-f1.1nk S1ou1t1. ll:IS €tl Cine•• .1' t!) Alcobolism Awareness Wttk ll:lO 0 Ji J' 0C CIS late Mawie: "36 "lo,e1 by lhe 1111 ' A dOC'Umtnlal)' Hours" (susp) '6>-hmes C1111t1. on t~e lrt.imtlll 111d rth.1b1l1t11ion Rod Taflcr, Ev.1 Muie Saint of !•a 1lcoholiq Du1ny 0'8111n 0 ~@ 'fo· m klhn111 C..n.011 anti Jct G1111~er B~th 11e bti~& Q fr1d!Jrt1fn1ctlh tre11~d 11 !he Tuc-.on Gtn~r•I HOS·' l!. Movie: "Till T1r1et" (dra) '51 p•!1I Dttc.,rrc1l•on. Rth1b1Matoon -Dilk Powell. Pau!1 Raymond. md RtM~rdi Ctnl!P 0 Wide World Special! €D Ch1mplon1h1p Wrtslhn1 * Playboy 20th U) l1p1nt1t L1niUl £t Pro1nm Anniversary Party! l:JO 6 Mo kt Doui;l11 Sho..-. 0 (~ (i)) iJ:J Cf) W id 1 W ofl d 0 ABC Wednesday Movie Speci1I "20 ¥tars ot Playbo1: A * BAD RONALD Comt~Y Salute'" He has killed before-t!) 81U Cctsb~ . "II h k"ll · ? €!J Video Vl11on1oe1 w1 e I again. '12:00 O Mwie: "Ro1rin1 Citr~ (m11) 0 !19 r11) rn tl) AIC Wtdnts· '5 l-iluin Beaumont. d1J Movi e: (CJ (90) "8'11 llon11d"1 ID Mm t : "Tht Cood Hu11101 M1n" l1usp) ·7~ -ScoU J1eoby, ll i11t fCOl!tl '5G-Jatk C1r~n. Munttr. Poppa Scotl, klhn l11ch. 1:00 0 10' lomo11ow ltd (er.Its. C1n~v f11hu, Ctndy 0 fJ1 a· 0.i@Nt•t [1!b1cht1 l•!>.i l 1lbactiu M1r.1 1:30 ID All·Ni1M Shll"JI: "Fill! Joli n Int• (O!)IU!, Dabney ColtmJn A l1m1ly S(!Kt,ri "lldJ Without A '•»porl, ~ w•lh th1t• d~u1Mus mo~ts into an "Saps at St1" n ~ hc~~t Ulll1"1fe l~I! It hli I 1:45 a ~.ovie: MSoulft Se• Wom1n" '''"t 1oom occup,ed by 1 !•tn11e (cem) ·53 -Burt l1nc111tr, Chuc:k murdtrti .,,o •nltnd1 to m.1~e tht'll fonl\Ors. vne111•1 M1yo. • 01'1 ot h" 1111n111 t.!~1111 •orld 1:10 O Movit: ''The Window" (dJJ} ·49 (D Mtrv li11tl1n Sho11 -81rb1ra Halt, Bobby Dnitol!. Thursday DAYTIME MOVIES l:JD O "follow the Hunter" {Jd1l ·~4 -Ch11i.s Chdphn 11 t.DO 0 (Cl "GunliEM 1~ Ab1!rnr"' (,.fl) bl-Bob~! O.r.n. l~\ht N,.:s•n 10:00 0 {C) "MUIH!t •ft the Blirl forest" (d111 -C!~tr"~ ~•t(~' • ~, •. ,,1•a \~,1:d1 "Pr1i11t Moo"" (~111 "18 -Gr"r Autrr "YiJ1l1ntt Ttrr~r~ \•t\I ":.4-W Id B•ll (l:,~t 12:00 (D ~Act of Y1oltnc1" {d11) '49 - V~n Mt01n, Untt Lt1&h. 1:00 .,. "lht E•1, w1r" (com) '52 - Cary Grant, Brhy Or1~e. 1:)0 0 (CJ "fo•lirr" (dr.1) "SS -ltll Cn1ndlt1 lint Ruutll, Dan Dul)'e1. 2:10 I "Oklahoma ll rd" (wn) ·39 - HL1mphiey 80~111, James ca~nry 10 (C) "lht lpcrtu filt" fl'tlyl) '65 M·rhael C11111e. fi.oiirl Gieen. ;ij 6)(C) "-' Covrn1nt With Ot1th" lm1~l '67-GtOl~e Maha11s. l:lO l (C) "Por1r1ll in 8!1cl" (dra) ·60 -t ~na T111ntf, Anthony Quinn. 0 (C) "follow Tl"t Ore1111" (mus) "6£-[lvis E!eslev, Annt Helm. K(l('J·:. f l I \ "\ J-:1. ,;o f )1 ~1n~1· f'1111ul \ ... l !IF h•l1•\1 ~u111 -.t.i\1(111. t\(ll·t-:-l'V, ha .. "t'h1•duh·d !h1• tulli•\\lllC. -.111·r1 ;d pr"0Lr.1n1:-toda,\. !)f1 ,1 ii, d h-.1 111 i.: ... ul \ ·1i,u1111·\ ,.. .... prni.;r ,1 "'" .1 rt· l'af'rlcd 111 !hr ll.1 11.\ 1'1 [111 ""!'\ \\l'1 'J.. ,.,11 ·h Surut.1~ II 00 SC"OOl Ot\T lll(T f"l.,,.\ !Ci 1/ It AMl.11 1(1 •C o ,,,. .. '"''""·" ' ,, ' 11 •O '"( GO VLll,.011 ""0 l"l \TUOl"IT'•C• 1 lt M•TH f4(T 0 •l !(I .. ... ,,... ' '" I lS INSIOl OUI •l I l I 611 CO"'"'u .. •1yor1•Y1 .. c,1+., .. {,, i(I I , .~ '~ , >· • I ' '" I Cit llf(Tltl((.OMl'IN'i O(• : JO \ftllA AllCilll 0(1 .. ' 1• ~ ••• n» ' ' .... " ~·., J tO il Tll,I~ TO UllOW 11 1,/MAN OtVlL0PMlN1 IC! 1•. 1 ,, i:;~~·"" •· ' ' )JO ~ll~IHANO ~•IT (HIN(, 1(1 'I l(ln(/ .,, """' ~;ff •·llOM (.l'IAOIT 10 C11ANCI I ... USlt '" Wl~TlllN (UllURl i(! rl.•I !•JO fL r(Tlll((OMPA.,,!CI I Of \(~AMl Stllll I 1(1 I • 0< rgQM (MIMI 10 (l'llN(I[ i "'US!C !" WlSI LllN (ULTUllE t(I • JO A~ MA" Bl HAYl) 1(1 ""l"•Oll"" I 00 '"'"'' ·s (LOIMiNG COllNlill •(• .rl! d!'>' ",, "''""~ ) ~ 'iOlfrl~ PtP[LI N t ICI • ,.,, f'•• 'o~ j, !IMt. 10 C•ow HUMloM b•vlL0"""""'' ''~ 1~ .. l o44"'' ' • 10 ... A ~l,llP!l (.r THfi Atl• ICI ......... "' " 11><-•• I JU ~-MAN 111.HAv•\ !(I lltrlOlh., I "·n• :\II ,\ t'.•\Hlt41\\ ha-. IJCl'Oml' :1 :.ulllt•\lrl\\' 11111\ I•' ~l:tr . Iii 111~ Jrl Eni.:lanrl \\'1th hu:-ln111d \nit(,. Prl'\ 1n :ind h l'r t•hil<l1 l'l1 J1 ur .. 1h1 .\lJlont• h1l"" 111 'l'v)l.a' an;I l !lk l·~ r1t"l':J ~l11n;il -ill'11Ug rolt•s. 41 ' X 1·:1\ I . ,\SU Il l~ d ;1Ull_hlt•r . '/'al u 111 . :-l:1rr1·d 111 lhl· !-l'l"l'('ti \t·l"~l<lll .. t ··11:1pl'I" :'lluon ·• Liltl1• '1':1t111n \~1111 lht· (l~c:ir fi.1 l>t· ... 1 :-t11jporl111i.-;1cl ,., • ..,,_ \0\1 th;1t t 'unnt·ll\ 1 ... pJa~·111g l h1• role of !\lo~1·~ l'ra.\. Of l ~ltl ;J [\•(l li .1 IH ... 1•r"-l\1'hilt· t•o ~1.1r, thcr1· ar1· 1·on1p;11·1 ~"11 ..: .. r 1h1·tr p 1·1·forn1 :1J1 t·1· ..... lht·11 :q1p1•;1r Jnr 1·s ;11111 t·;1n·1·r-. SHOOTS FO R 'MOON" Christopher Connelly "I 11.\ () .l l Y ;q.:1· Ill tuntaC"I l'dr.i1n(•11nt :ind t h1· 111·t1111r~ I f(•.dly II :111\l'<l lo 11L•.1 :\[11,1·-., Pra.\ I 11·as r1·1t·1·tt·d L .1 l':ir:iu1ouul . ~una·!~ul1 ll1er1• d1(ln"t likl' Ill•' llul I. lllt'I al l';1ra1nnu nl 1'\t'l'\1111 1· ;1 t ;1 p:1r1 y <ind hl' a"kl·il 11' I 1·uuld pl :.iy a ;i;, 1 t·"!I' .. lei J" ;1 n 11 ith an ll -~1·;1ro1ld1.(rl ·· ' l·1,11r11·l l ~· is dl•liµhlt·d \I 1lf1 t11s rule ;t ncl lht· 1x1pularil!' uf lht· st·r1 cs 11·h ic h i .. filn1cd t•nli1'ely on lot:1ti1•r1. l 'he firiit 1:1 episodes 11·1·rt• phuloµr aph c d in l~<l)l'S , l\:.in. '!'he next l:J \\'ill bl.• ~hol in 1't•.-..::is. ''\\'<: onl .v h :l \'t' unt· p roblf'1n. ·· l'onncll~ eu1H:luded. "'\\'c"rc uppusilt' 'The \V;illon .... ··· • ' Aging .tlctress IJ:J nlc .Juf/ilh Anderson portr~i~s an al'lrc~~ Cilt1 fronted \\"ith the re;:llization that :-,Ju.··s _cro 1\J 11i.:. old in "'l'he Ch inese l'ri m<.• l\l 111is ll'r·· tonighl ~·1 ~· ··ru1111~ thin g.·· ,,;i1d ('011111•11~. ""lruk111,t! lh1· 111spy n1u:-tarlil' h1· ha ... <·ulti\'at1·d for lht• ·'''l"IC~ "1\bout l'uur ~t·ars <1 ).!0 t rt•J1l lht· hook . • ,\clilie i'r:1.1 on \l"hi('h ·1•;q1l'r !\l1x111 ,.., ha .~cd . I 1l 1:.l"f1 \"l'f"1·d l';tf;1moun1 o\..n1•il 111111 rights :.in1I h;1d .1 :.t.\ ll;.!urc• pri l"<' ta~ •111 1l . 'Sanford' Top Show o 'c lnt:k on Kc~·r. Channcl 28. " . • ··1 t·ouldn"t put th:1\ 11111111 l"rt·dil 1·urd l g;o\1' up ,\nil II hen lhC' PLl'lUrt• \\ ;1:. 111:1d1• I th11ui.;hl I hat II ..... l ht• ~·11d ut it J'h1·n :1 i t•:tr ;1tt1·r lh1• 1110\'it• t·an1 ~ ou1 1 hl•anl ,\BC' \\·a , .cc1111g lu h;1 ~1· ;1 'I'\' ~hµ11 un lhl' .... tur.1 In Week's Ratings 1561 W.SUNFLOWER W. OF BRISTOL C.M. 540-059& • M JUGGERHAUT'" '"UST RUH" ll'GI \E\\" YllHt\ ti\P1 \"II(.~ "S:1nfol'd ;ind Son ·· \la~ 1he n;1liun·~ n1usl IMJl)UL1r '1·1 t•nini.: 1'\' .... 11011· la.~l 11cck and ,\Bl''~ '"l'h1· \"1•1\' L;tnrl '" the lt':Jl'l ·\l:tt l'hl'1l. ;1t·c11rding tu I\. (' Nil·l:-l'n rating:-; for (J1·t 11 :..'U. '1'ht· rat1r1;.::.. n1:tdl· p11hl1t· 'J°\1t•~d :t.\'. ,hU l\'t•d l h:t1 l'l.Jl\lE·dia11 Flip \\'ilsun's ah· st•1u·1· fro1n ;1 \\'t't·kl.1 seri1·~ h;1~11 ·1 hurl his popul:irity. ,\ Otl\'·hnur \\"il~on S1ll'l'i:1I n11 \"HI' la:-\ F r1d:1.1 11a~ l"<lll~l'd 1 \lh 111 O\l'/"·:dl pupulartl~· -of all e\"t•ning progl'an1 ~ r:1tl'd l;1,l \ll'L'k ··\h1t·n and th1· :\1:111.·· \"B('"-. IOI' r:llt•fl Fr1d:.11 rH i.!111 1·111111·1 1.1 ,,•r11 •". \\ii' pr1··1·111 p1 ,•d f11r t ht· \rtl-.ou ... p .. ,·1;d 1\ ltu·h 1lrl"\\ n1ur1 · lll'\ll't"S than t·\t!O lhc rnost \lidt·ly \\:.Jtched ur the three \\"orld Series gan1e:-. NUC tell'\"iSl'd al night !:1st 111.·ck , HOW THRU THUR SD A y '!'hat i.;:.i rn c on 'l'hursd<i\." Gr.to Gorilo ' "''WHAT IF IT ~HAPPEHED1 WOULD YO U 111 ;!h1. t ht-la!'.'i l one of lhC Robtrl Taylor ~t'ries. still scor ed !u gh in "CAMILLE" "CRY RAPE'-' lht• r;1\in )!s. as d id !ht' ·rucsd •IY a 111t \V c d nL·:-d<i.\' ·~·~~;r" night gatn1•s . "'GAs•l11~HT" Rcrte-d IRI 'l"ht• to p 111 sho"·:. for last.1 :~~~~~~·:~~~~~~~i;i;iii~ii:iiii:iiiiiii II l'l'k \\"l'rt• ~ I.\' Bl·. Sanford <1111.l Son." WEST COAST PREMIEIE ;!. CBS. 1\ll in the Fan1ilv. lest Forei9n Ptoy Of The Ye or :J. l'li-"'. Hhoda. . Comedy Award I CBS, i\L.1ud1· Aho . "LOVE OBJECTS" ;1. t"HS. <iunsnioki· ''THE REAL INSPECTOR HOUN.D'' ti. C l~S.~l'hc \\.'allU11~ (•l•°'l\loi"U• ~ .. ,,. O\Ol<l•.!'nt .T:: ... ~fOftp~~~ r1'f"\ ,><·~nU~'"~nl ~'"""'to~ 7. XBC. \\'orltl Scrit•:-_........., • ....,,,_,,._l>lt"n~-1. .... a.,,,,., NY,,,.,., Thurscla .1 T•e-Jdciy Hin S..doy -I p.111. :-t l'BS. <"u un1r.' ·\11 :.ir1b; HJ ~ 1u ·. \\'ur11I ·rul·sd:i.' .A "THE GROOVE TUIE'" V"'W'HER.E DOES IT HUIT?" Ill "'DEVIL'S TRIAHGLE" '"CLONES" l,GI FRIDAY NITE! I (> '> "' ' ' ·•' ,•(· """' ...... ,, ,,, ' ' ,,,fi ..• ' THE CITY SHOPPING CENTRE ORANGE 0532-6721 ~C I TVC!N T Hf CI NEMAS' S.A. FRWV !MANCHESTER EX.I G .G . fRWV lCITV OR . EX.I "fUSH 0GORD"OH'"lll & Sfto.-t Subjec.I ''THE DEVIL'S TRIAt>IGLE'" "CLOHES" IPG I IA ''THE DOVE" "V°MIANG THE DltUM SlOWlYM "DUDDY ICRAY1TZ" HAltOLD & MAUDE" l,GI SAN DIEGO FRWV at BOl.SA EX . 893·0546 "DEVIL"S TRIAt-IGLE" "'ClOHES" IPGI THE SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN ''THE DOVE" IPGI "STalllE CUCKOO" ""DtJDDY KRAVITZ" '"HAROLD & MAUDE" ll'GI "DE"ATH WISH" "'SER PICO" IRI ALL SEA TS $1.00 DOORS OPEN AT I I :-15 p.m. °""'!•""" ~•O•~A "' iron"' '""'"" ~fi ii Hnh1•'<'' II '~ •llPI • "'"""-" "'""'' LAST SUMMER Mi 0 en Dail 10·15 am MOHOAT TMl!U FRIDAY OPf"' AT 6:00 "All!POl!t '7§" 6:lO·l:JO-t O:JO S.rlTU•O.tT-SUHOAT OPEM Af ll:OP "All!PO•t '7S" t l;JO·l:l0.t :J0-6:JO·l:l0·1 O,JO P'\.U! & i '!Cl&l MIOMllOHT SHOW f .I I ~&1 "0 •a\U\ THCI , .. G.&G.t .. iHI •Ila\! "\()<oOl!..,..c; ... II\ ""S.- .... .,-.... ->oil' ......... ~01 ...... j,Oll WOMI". •o-'"'''OM' 111ctn THI •ttY JC)4.llol4;t 11'1 tll ••1•at 01 IHI -Clit "'"° fHI 1-U " -·-... . .,.. ...... . -·~ lrlo•-· .. ... EOWAROS CINE MA VIEJO .... , " "' "~" " "'' ············ ....... . "SUMMER OF '42 Class of~AI ALIVE" ~ I ;Iliii:1 .... 1~1""· 1"'1"'. 2 . . . ' ' . . . ~---. 3 : .. ,~··· . 4 ..... ··:~~,A ...... C."M 1111 -~~ 11\l'I< 11 ll l'\ J' • 4UI-" ... CllfOUIUA tlllllJ ' JamesCaan "The Gambler" OAl\.·Y: 7:Q$t·A•":".:) ~., · WEEICEHOS: l:JO, J:1o, S:lO. 7:30, ":30 Class 0144 IP~I .. Ill ._.:.. ·=-L .. l'ltt. ·•ca1 •~r• ' 7 t • , Saildleha~k '.foday's Final EDITION N. y . StocliS VOL. 67, NO. 296, S SECTIONS , 64 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER23, 197~ TEN CENTS Bail , Drive Launched for Long-time Inmate By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of U. O.Uy l"liol•Stfft ~ A campaign to gathe~ $5,000 b a i I money, most of it coming in nickels , and dimes, mounted today to free ac- . cused killer James Ray Russell, ~barged with .an Oklahoma murder he may not have committed. Today was his 745th day in jail, waiting for something ~·anything -to happen. ''I'm wore out," be said Tuesday. R1,1ssell, !7, a-former Laguna Hills • • resident, finally had his ciay ln court Tuesday, after some 15 lrultless ap- pearances, including an appeal to the California Supreme Court to be re leased.. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Ray- mond M. Choate set bail at $5,000 finally after Russell's two years and two weeks behifijf bars, a sum requiring one-tenth of its face value as a surety deposit to secure release. His family, including his deliriously tearful wife Karen, 23, vov.·ed to have Ie 0 , the $500 deposit together by Tufsday night , so he could co1ne hon1e to Bell Gardens. They railed to scra~ up the sum but a bail bondsman who sa\v l h c youthful ex-convict on television Tuesday night offered to take $250 and trust !hem for the rest. He'd like a celebrity client. The Oklahoma family who came west looking tor something better couldn't even come up with that much on ort ' , 'Seared to Deatla' 400 Ho11ies Addict, 13, Tells Suggested Of Drug Pushing At El Toro SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) - A fright, ened 13-year-old heroin a&:ict with tears in his eyes told a federal jury of being a drug pusher. Jamie, now under treatment for his habit, testified Tuesday at the trial of three San Antonio men accused of pos- sessing and selling heroin. The· f>oY first was asked 1f he knew drug enforcement agent James Lewis. "Yeah," Jamie replied. "Have you sold heroin to him?" "Yeah," was the answer. "How many times did you sell heroin to him?" "Four times," the witness said. "Who did you get the heroin from?" At that point, the boy hesitated, He A 127-acre parcel in north El Toro was recommended for development of 400 single family homes Tuesday by the Orange County P I a n n i n g Com- mission.· A plan which would bring an estimated 1,400 new residents to the parcel was presented by Roy Cohara. representing Citrus Investments, lnc .. the landowner. such shorl noticl' ho11l·ltl'. tollowing two years of travail. One Orange Const resident. Li n d a Hughes, called Santa Ana a l to rn e y Russell Agajanian tocl:if to ofier $5 and said she was trying IQ. organize a radio campaign to get 1,000 li.steners to pledge $5 each lo help the Russells. His aged grandfather. Samuel E . David. ca1ne out frorn Haskell County, Okla .. for the pretrial :ind extradition hearing Tuesday and pledged equity in hi.s paltry property holding~ 11! Stigler. Okla ., to go his grandsoti 's boil. Still another synrpathi~er. S u s a n Hakam, of 11untington Beach. vowed to loan them the st'cond l)'2.i0 fro1n her savings account if the bail bondsn1;1n v.•il\ stick to his bargain. Russell. an ex~on\'icl \vho ~er1·e<1 follr years in the Ok(ahom;;i State P.cnit~ntV-11·~· at ~1cAlester for a bur'glary conuni!teri 'when he was 19, was expeeted to be bailed out of jail sorneho11· tod;1y. I ff' Jnd his brother Noah <ire accused of the ~lnrch. 1972 rnur<icr ol inv~lid :\ll;~·rt Chri.stcnbcrry , 92, who was beaten 10 d1·a1h in his \Vh<.-elchair and robbed of ~:!Oil 111 his little 00.ne in Leola. Scver:1J witnesses have flied affidavits ll'Sl1l~ing they were with Ju1nes Russell ihat tra gic night :11 the Lopg Beach .\u·l'1ke Amusc1nCnt Pnrk. when he v.a:, ~UIJ\>OSed to be engaged in a sava~e niurtlt•r J ,11(l(l rniles :.wa·;. 1Sec BAIL, P:ige A2) ' rus ratin ' 32 Vyi11g For 5 Seats 011 Coi1ncil By JAN \VORTil or rh11 D•llY Pl~' sr1fl \\'hars it like to be a candidate In ~1iss.;on Viejo 's first local election? "F'rU]llr_i!_ling" is the \\'Ord most often heard from the 32 candidat.es competing for the five seats on Mission Viejo's lt1unicipal Advisory Council IMAC ). The county has denied them a state- ment of qualifications usually includ~ for local public offices in the sampl<' ballot to voters. refused earlier to testify because, as a -defense ~18.wyer-satd, "He's o5VlouSly frightened'1o death."' The plan now goes to c o u n t y supervisors for ial action. 'lbe parcel.--W · -has ~~;iltf?ltrus~~ groves, lies on 'e southeast side of . Face~ with 32 candidates. the press ~-bavmg problems trying Lq, ·L'OYer in· di vidual plaUorms wlth ' ·J,)'pe,,__oJ balance of thoroughness ~imply De.ca.uu of volume. ~ 'Fear of Crinie~ · May Be Halting . Transit Riders t By WIWAM SCHREIBER Of tlle 0.llY l"llot Stitt l\Iany prospective riders on Orange County Transit District ..,eh!cles may be avoiding the use of mass transit because they fear the possibility o f violent crimes. Eugene Covelli, vice chainnan of a citizens committee studying the impact or future transit plans, said today safety concerns will be one of the disbict 's toughest obstacles to overcome. "The single most important aspect of 'transit -system •unpact 1s a need to change the attitude of the population regarding fear of violence," said Covelli, a professor at C.al State Lang Beach. Covelli's task force, one of three set up by the Citizens Advisory Transit Committee, recommended that t h e district concentrate on intensive service in disadvantaged areas that usually have the highest crime rate. "To make the service work and attract riders, the district should establish a direct line of communications with sa[ety agencies for protection of passengers in high crime areas," Covelli said. C.Ovelli's task force made no specific recommendations, but hinted at t h e ~sibllity of special transit s e c u r i t y patrols or bus guards. Orange Coast Weather The usual night and morning low clouds along the coast Thurs- day, according to the weather service, with sunnY skies in the afternoon. Beach highs of 67 will rise to 72 inland. Lows loniiht 57 to 62. INSIDE TODA\' Twtr X--rated ..... movie.s lead a liappy ending for a prosecutor in New Hampshire who staked his political campaign on acquit· ta!. Story, eage A·7. ' At Yeur Sff'llC• Al .. lllM •• L.M ... yd All Cl!HOl'nll • AJ c:1rHr C:Ot"Mr l lf Cl1ulfted 01·11 c.,,,1c, en trenwtf'd Clt 0.11~ NtllCH 1UJ ldltorl1I '•H "' •11"'1•1111'1Mt .... ,lfllfl<I l .. f , '"* _,.,, .. Hore1c-a A111 Lllttltn Cf M1Uboll .U Ml•i. ..., Mllt\lll Ft111" I• N•tltll,ll NtWI A4, 1 Or•-CO!lflt"t AU·ll l"-lt Cl·• s"m 11.s Dr, $1t(llC!'Ol'lll II S~k M~rl."11 14-7 Ttle¥ltltit N -Tlltatt,_ IM Wt 1llltJ_ 44 WOrlCI Nrwt .1.4, f ' I ' Agai; the questioo was asked, This time Jamie answered in a faint voice, "From Jimmy Perez." Perez, 22; Gilbert L. Garcia, 26 ; and Pedro J. Almaraz, 42, all of San Ant<inio, are on trial before U.S. District Court Judge Andrian Spears. Jamie at first refused to testily be- cause a woman spectator had been motioning to him from the audience. Spears said he "was not accusing any- one of trying to inOuence the witnes.~ but I'm giving a fair warning -if any- one does try to influence a witness, they are going to be dealt with harshly." The dark-haired woman left the court room as soon as Jaime took the stand a second time. The last question on cross-eir:amina· lion was, "Did you go to him (Lewis) or did he come to you to sell the heroin?" "He came to me," laime answered. A 14-year~ld who stands a bead talle r than Ja~u1eci oe wiU iieroin lo Lewis thfee times. 'lbe older boy, named Oscar, and also being treated for addiction, adrrjtted he was scared to testify. Spears told Oscar he would not be prosecuted for his testi- mooy. "Who did you get it (the heroin) from?" Oscar wlis asked. "Jimmy Gleason Perez," h' replied in a low voiee. Lewis testified earlier that his "pri· mary objective wasn't to get the chil· dren -there had to be adults behind the children." ·Trial of the case contiiiues today be- fore a jury of seven women and five men. Grove Housewife Beaten, Raped; Suspect Sought A Garden Grove housev.:ife who ac· cepted a ride home Tuesday night front a male stranger she met in an Orange bat told sheriff's officers she was beaten and repeatedly raped after being driven to a rural area near the Saddleback motorcytj.e park. Deputies said the 24-year~ld victim was driven in her ahductQr's small red sports car to an area on Santiago Road near the park. 'l'bcy said he then bcgnn to slap her across the face untll she submitted to his sexual demands. Officers said the rapist then drove off leaving his victim 'II!' tbc ground. Deputies drove her to the Orange C--·1nty "fedicaJ Ccntt!r for treatment alter she was mcued by a passing motorist. The wo1nan't assailant is described -as a portly, balding n1ale, age. about 40. with blue eyes and addtesse<t in the bar by the first name or "Tom ... J Tero Road across from a sand and gravel plant. lt runs from about three-quarters of a mile northeast of Canada Road to the gravel operation , according to Orange County planner Dave Maynard. The parcel is bounded by the Mission Viejo Planned Community boundary. the \Vhiling Ranch, and across EtToro Road. Rancho de los Alisos. All three bordering p I a n n e d com· munities also are scheduled for develop- meOt in the next few years. Planned community zoning has been approved for lhe Whiting Ranch and zone changes are pending on Rancho de los Alisos. Maynard said a condition for approval from the commission was a provision for a landscaped strip between t h e deve lopment and El Toro Roat!. El Toro Road has been designated a s c e 11 i c highway in the county general plan. Most of the citrus trees along the .property are scheduled ~o be cut do'vn soon, he added. ViejQ Home Hit For $2, 719 Loot Cameras, television sets and other personal property with a total value of $2,719 were stolen Tuesday night by burglars 'vho pried open the front door of a Mission Viejo home, Orange County Sheriff's officers said. Deputies said the theft at the home of salesman Lester Michael Leber. 25, of 23602 Via Navarra, occurred while the family was absent from the premises. Deputies in the Mission Viejo area are also investigating a breakin at the home of printer Gladden Francis Evans, 51. of 22682 l\fodesto Drive. Burglars unlocked the sliding glass door while the family was absent from. the home and took cash, a guitar and an amplifier with a total va lue of $210. ------ PIJ ,OT PICKEROO IN SIXTH WEEK Pigskin Pick('J"OO '74 continues In H!l sixth week as Daily Pilot readers cont· pele for $130 worth of prizes each week and a chance to win a color telt!vi~ion set. Sports tans who best predict the out· con1es of 30 footbnll game:ri to be played this weekend will be awaroed 7.enith radio and television products. Further. first place weekly winners are eli~iblc to compete for the grand pri7.c color set. Details and nn f!ntry blank arc publish· ed in todA.y't editions. Pigskin Pickeroo ls a regular featnrt of the Daily Pilot sporti pages and ls co-sponsored by ABC Color 1'etevi5ion of Huntington Beach and Zenilb lnc. ' .. Craig \Voodall, 2, of Laguna Niguel, finds his eye for a· 1 la!Jo,\'een pu·mpkin n1ay be bigger than his muscl es as he n1a kes tough choice at ao Qrane:e Coast yumpkin patch. He found one he could carry, but. oh boy. wout'd that 'b1gg'er one m3ke ,a swell jack-o-lantern. . Superviso1· Riley U1·ges 'Re pt1 blica11 Leade1·sl1ip' Orange Coun ty Fi fth District Supervisor Thomas Riley has called for increased leadership from Repubtieans in ~ealing \vilh environmental cootrols. Speaking in El Toro to the Saddleback Valley Republican Women's.Club Tues- day. Riley said. "The Republica1~ Party must address itself to problc1ns or the environment. The problems are real and they aren't going a1vay." Riley. a Republican appointed recently· by Govrn;or Reagan, said "If we fail lo act. others 11'ill. .. "It is my fear that a dl'n1and·typc of aclivisrn is likely 10 con1r in Jl 1nannl'r which would be most detrin1e ntal to our >A'ay of life -as wou!d our way of life alter greatly if we \\'Pre to allow our environment to detel'iorntc ... Hiley's speech was lit!cd "Prop('rtv Righi!!, The Environ1nenl and Th c H('publican Par ty ." He addressed himself priinarlly to !he connict1 bet~'Ccn allo\1ing uncon!rolll>d development and what hl' t a 11 c d ··ovcr1.eAlous; cnvlronmental!~m." ''On one hand 1vc wish lo preserve for ourselves and for our f e 1 l o w Americans rights to full and free control of per!<onal property." Riiey ~ i a l c d . "\Vhile on the other hnnd we "''ish to protect our living envlronn;ent for out~IVtt lul(I our chjldrrn ., Riley a.id h,e rcu comph·llon of the county.,. gtn&.lt ~llin ~hould r:ike nm prlorlt)Vln county .supen·1~t<t· huslneisa. l~c said ~ hM ht.'t'fl ~arin~ frJful a steady stream of htu\dcr.'J, !andov.11ot;', • homeowners association rcpresent ative:o;, and environmentalists since h i s ap-- pointment to the board in August. Commenting on the recent first amend· 1nent to the general plan giving develop- ment approval for 4,000 acres in north El Toro, Riley said •·1 felt very com- fortable ·with ii -;ind what I was able to con!ribute paid off. "El Toro Road is designated a scenic highv.'ay -but you know a.~ "''ell as I do that it doesn 't look like it,'' Rill'y said. '·In the rush to get the firsl amcn d- n1ent pas.sed : all consldcrations of El l'oro Road as n scenic highway V.·erc disregarded," Rlle~· said . "I blame my co1nn11ssione r ( Bart Spendlove) and the others for this. Thc v folded under the pressure of gcttin~ a plan out as fast as possible." Through Riley's efforts, a stateinenl u·11s added to the .ainendment saying the scenic highway pruvisions 1nus1 be met before zonin~ 'is approved. He also contmcntcd on poten1ial traf!1e problems on the S<tn Diego Freev.•a>' und the Saddleback Valley. ''All the new dcvelopmen~ proposals involve a lot of land and a lot of people. \Vith the San Diego Frct•wav alre~dy at l';':~thtrdl c.ipncll):.. traUiC I~ one of ' my biggest concerns" Hltrv said. ' · "So •',we 10 ov'r I~ develo4)n;cnt plans. we are lnslsllng on excellenl 1rilf· lie circUlaUon u'il hli the 'ttren \~t·lf and adequate neighborhood ~hop p In.; Cl':nteta. '' • - Casta de! Sol. a private communitv within Mission Viejo;-' has denied acces; !or door to door campaigning to all candjdates. Even candidate R i c h a r d Lowcock. resident of the enclave, said he is not allowed to go door-to-door. Groups sponsoring candidates forums have been forced to allocate only minute~ to each contender-or else the forun 1s would last until dawn. ~lost of the 32 candidates are on their fi~t political venture and most are on shoestring budgets. They ha ve been finding rxposure hard lo get. "\Vith so many of us runnin g, i!'s just a m<iller of v.·bo ca n get the mosl exposure... sa id candidate Ch a r 1 e s Shre1·e. 26991 ~·lallorca Lane. !Ho st c<indida tes have resorled to dMr· to-door can1paigning \1•here a 11 o \\' e d . Some have produced fl,11ers. 1.0 be mailed. lefl on car windows in parking Jut! or dropped on doorsfeps. F'or !he most part. the carnpaign has been ca rried on in living room coffee klatehes and by tel eph one. "11 has been \'Cry difficult ," s a l ct Preston Howell. 26495 Naccome Dr ivf'. "1\ly eampaigning has been ver11 quiet · ~'lostly I ha\'e been talking with mv fril'nds .. , ~o t'leur slates have n1aterialized In lht• rarnp11ign. The only sla te that was SOll'C'll"h<il organized fell apart after ne\';'s ~tones about it "made those other guys run scared." acco rding to Casta dcl Sol candidate Lowcock. Lowcock sent a mailing to 800 residents in Casta del Sol and Aliso Villas, pc)inting 10 five candidates .tie sa id "represent the interests of homeowners associations." Follo\ving a barrage of criticism from orher candidates and residents. \\'ho ob- jcctf'd to the fact that the c<11npaign st:itemrnt \\'as sent 'vith a billing. t\\.'O of the five candidates listro dt·nied an v 1nlert•s\ u1 being on Lov.'coct. 's slate. · John Noble. one of 1hc hl'o. said he has found an additional obstacle in hi.~ can1paign. ~Sec .EFFORTS. Page A!l Ca 11didate~ Ji ie /11 J'iejo For1111 1 •\ ca nd1dr11e-. fr'lrun1 for !111· 3'.! (':Hl· <l1d,1!('S for the ~11~!lion \ H'J"' 1nuni,·1p:1l .'lth1~or,V council !~! \('• 11111 hi.• hC"ld nt 7 311 tonight 111 1he 'li~~ion Viejo lh~h :-,chool mul11-µ11rpo~(' ro111T1 1 h.:· forum. sponson'<l by t , League of \\on1('n \'nh'r~. 1.., puh i11 L\\ \' pre,~1dcnt Jlld\ '" il~'tlt' ~aid :HI ut Lil" lai!I V.l'!_ll. 211 1·nnt1id:l1l'S ht1d .1<'<'Pµtt>d 110 1nviralio11 to appe11r E:ieh \\111 \11: i.:1 11·11 11·.\) min ute!' to present .. his c>r ~· r ·1ualifir:1hon;;. In .11:1' '1'" t';+cb r:indi<late has be<>n rn\-it •cf ir M,.,ir1 :i booth in the h~h ~1·h1, 1 '•1 1<t'!llt'r presenting 1 h e Ir QlJ;1LI•, .. 11~ ;111d \1e\\S, I • A 2 OAILV PILOT " WPd11tMiay, Occobfr 2l, 1974 • At Your Service A Sunday, lllonday, \\'tdnt"sday r.ind J·'rlday t-'f'a lurc Pf lhe 1>11ilJ' Vil ul _ - Gof a prob/en1' •r/11·n u:nto• ra1 !>111111. /~al. Will t'Ul rt•rl /fJ/lt', !/11 !lit' ,,,.," ( I '•-'I·~'• lo ' ;1llP1ll' /111111/lt ' 1111d • lt1l1nf's i11 u Notnf'? DEAR PAT: Since I grew up '>'"ilh one l•t the m«;t popular names in my age t-roup at that lime. I want1 to rivoid thoosing an overly popular nnme for my lX pecied child . I've checked nll lhe · '-Ollrt't's I c:m. including hospitals . .('(lun- t~ offH.'l'S and my library's read er's o:uidc. All I've leamed Is that my phone bill h:i.~ increased due to all my toll calls. P.C., San Jua n Capistr:ino No published mnlerial Is available on the moe1t 'popular current flrsl names bl'ing given 10 babies, acconllilg to the G·arden Grove Rertonal Library's adult rt•ference department -and your in- quirv ~·us checked oat lboronghly. It setnls that only "after" a first name tia5 beeq IUtd repeatedly, It Is noted as a "popular'' choice. i\\•ailable mnterlal11 do indicate that yoo'd bt better off lo choose "~tary" or "Ann" rather than Kimberly or Tiffany if your baby should be a Jtlrl. The same advlct applies to boys. The 'tcommon" name choice Is out ar ''ogue al Ibis time. Cigare tc e Pa"''" DEAR PAT: A neighbor h:is told me about saving empty cigarct1e packages ;_ind tu ming them in for a wheelchair. ~h· brother-ill-law needs one for his wife arld hr has saved more than 5,000 pack· ages. If this really ·can be don e, where should these packages be redeemed to get a wheel chair for a deservin g per- son ' S.O., Costa Mesa The same answer appUes to this ln· quiry as to a recent questiora about 14·bere one could turn lo cigarette pack· ages to buy time on a kidney machlM. There is none. and there raever has been. To repeat -this story seems to pop up every few years, and It has no balls In fact. i\"ou might tell your brother-in-law to contact the Rehabllltation Institute o( Orange County regardlng the possible loan of a wheelchair by phoning 63l- 740t, or ~rh&lt!. a reader wnuld be will· in& ~ 0...te er tell a wheelchair lo hlm. "'fit lnstltute ts curren11y rtqotstlng Jl'f• ~ons to donate Betty Croclier coupons to 1808 E. La Veta , Oran!e, Calif. 9%666, which can be redeemed for cash to pur· chase needed equipment, such Bl whetl· chain, for pailenl1. ~hi.II to the atten- tion of Carolyn C.arrell, De f ecn "e Toy DEAR PAT: I bought my C!aughter a toy called "Swt>et April's Playground '' fi* Christmas. There was an excessi\•e amount af dirt and glue on it and one of the parts didn't wor'k. She's played 1\ith th is toy only about si s: times and olher pieces now have broken. 1 v.Tole 10 the company twice '4'ilh no an.'l\\'rr reeeived . I'd gladly return the comple1e tor in exchange for a new one, or just !he parts that need replacing. O.P .. Fountain Valley YJM!r onJy recoorlle jn thi s situAllon ll'1)Uid be to shop for a new toy because the 1nanufacturer, Remco lndustrl!!S, wt>nt nut of business ln January. Al- lhouJ?h t'e\·eral large toy ~uppller:o \.\'ere t'tint~cted in an effort to find a •'parts" ~ou rl't' for this item, none co1ild offer as~ii;tanCf'. ·n1e existi ng stock (If Remtt1 10,'s i~ ~till beine: sold by some firm11• eti-pccially discount outlets. ORANGE COAST sa DAILY PILOT \ l '-0 ·-'"'" 0.1,., Pl10t ,wl!l\wl•k ll l1(QOol• -1'-~..,,·Prn\, 1\ 0~01!-l>o 1-.0-.,,.. CM•t Pul)ll>lu~ eo..,..,,, ~~··-"""' ••• 11'11>1•-Ma"ll•~ '"'&J(lll ~ .. .,.,, "" Collll """"' fi~,.-1 !!••<". •1u11\ll\Qt"" &.11<11 ,_, '"'" Vt "•• l•~on• !>•OOl•tM<• V•ll•'I .... ._,...,..., .,,...,~ ....,«\~ C.o•" • •"Qlt re~I Mlt1n11 \I" n• ~·o ~••u•o•"' •"Ill ~"-0•1"1 llw> •"<'IOI ~·· f'>~'· ' 11q Pl•M ,, •t m -~I a., '1\f ... \, ( 0)11 Y•W, ~ 11 •IOI ~·· t:•)I. J;obcrl N. W<>ed ,.,., ,,, .. 1 •"<I ""I>''""' J a<k R. lurle y 'Vo(t Pt•••0.111 •ftCI l><'~"'fl lrM~ Tnomds Keevil [O•IO• Thomas A. Murph1ne Mlo n•tin(I f.d•t"" Charles H Loos Richard P, Nall ,.\\,\l•nt ...,,.ntQ•"t £on .. , Saddleback Valley Off ice lml LI Pt / Ro ... al i..11 0•""° ~'-"' Other Offices (o,I~ M••t l)(l W•" tt.• ~lrNt ....... pa•1 @•.Kii JJJJ ... '"'llO~ lloui•Y••d .. U'l!IMI&<> ll••I ~ tJI/~ 0...:11 &o..lt•,...d Lt.,...&t.tell, 11 .. Gltl'IWY'TSllH! Teltphone 171<1) 6't2-4n1 Ctassifltd Advertising Ml ·St71 ...,,,..,,.w~• v.ot I•, 'I•""" Ofl\Ct Sl 1·6l10 .- ''""' S.n (ltl"'<lflff 4•~-0630 ' ' 'Let Aliens U.S . Edict ? By JOHN VAL TERZA Ot ll!f 0•!1'1 Piiot SllH /\ n!'w f('d!'ral policy which practically c'Onn~<lcs dcfc nt in the battle aga inst 11!cgal inunig rution lrom l\.!l'xico has 0CL'fl launch«! throughout sou t her n t ·:1l1forn ia and It 11iks many po l l c e rl1•p..1rtment~ !o simply Ignore \m- uugran ts passing through their area. Senior :i gcnts at the San Onofre Border Patrol station conf irmed today that a Hl'W polity is in effect t.tiroughoul the Sou th\\'CSt. And except for po lice departments in areas extremely close to a border putrol station. the suggestioo simply calls for ofricers to lea ve the aliens alone. The orders coine • from hnmlgratlon Commissioner Leonard Ft. Chapn1an , who has lallncbed a new conctpt of fighting the record wave of illegal in1migration from l\.texico. Recently he said that new federal ap- propriations will come next year so that he can J1ire · more agents. but in the 1neantime, he has deployed his man- powe r ~·here It will do the most good. And that is on the front line. Thus, roadblocks at two So u I he r n California points are oow on a seven-day- a-"'eek schedule and often stay open on a 24-hour-a-day basis. '·\Ve're feeling the difference down here at San Onofre," said Senior Agent James Mu1h. "\\le're open all the time now. and because of that we have had to discourage most police agencies from picking up one or two aliens at a time and then calling us to come to their station to pick up the immigrants," he added. There are only a few exceptions, he said. ''About the only jurisdictions where we .still do the pickups are &JI Clemente, Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista. "There are several reasons for it, and distance ls the most logical. U it's only a matter ol a few milea, it really doesn't bW1 much," Muth aald. But the farther away the police station, the greater the problem, be added. Fro .. Page Al a(IL ~ .. Del nM lttMnct tocludu a pawn shop ilcloot lipod by R..,.11 !bat night in downtowu.!l.ol;ll BHt'h, where tie bought I jewelry trln* for his new 11.ife Karen while the ...,.. tut on the 10"11. "l'le tool lib' a ..kid ... ," ht •a Id 9"'1~t tadty' lb a j4.Uh0Ulf: inlerview -orlth M, l>lilO' Pilot lut Friday. "\\'e rode aU the rides and me 'n Da vid ~hot aome pool." He said ttult night the amusement park was one of tbe first he and Karen enjoyed tQgether, since her son by a prevloua nlarriq:e, Nolan Tracy. now 4, wu •pending· the Weekend with his natural father. A court ln Napa County, Calif., sulile· quently ordered the chlld taken a11.·ay from James and Karen, saying it was an unfit home if the stepfather stood accused of murder. Russell's brother Noah-also charged in the savage alaylng of the invalid-11.'as in Department 100 of Loa Angel es County Superior Court himself Tuesday, bui only . as a speetator and member of the family. lie is free on hls own teoognitaOCe without having to post cash bond on tlte Oklahoma homicide charge, f o 'r which no trial date has even been set yet. His brother has been held 745 days without ball, arraignment or t r i a I , because in bis case extradition is in· volved and ao extradition hearing is not teehnically a trial. Santa Ana attorney Roger Agajanian, who is representing Russell Cree of charge, claims his client has been sub- jected to double· jeopardy but so far, appelate courts and the California Supreme Court have yet to agree. Oklahoma authorities, meanwhile. claim they have new evidence against Rusaell in the pathetic alaying of the crippled old man, but refUse to discuss It any fUrther. · Russell waa arrested once in Orange County and eventually freed by Superior Court Judge William Murrary on the ba1il of a polygraph test that strongly indfcated hi• tM<>CeDCe. , One factor Oklahoma authorities claim to have 11 an alleged caU by the defen- dant to his brother Noah ln the Sooner State, In wblch be claimed to . have bragged th8t be sure did beat that lie detector test. Nixon Hinted as Witness In Trial by Judge Sirica WASHINGTON (lJPI) -U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica raised the poss.ibW- ty today that fonner President Niioo may be called as a w1tn'ess of the court in the Watergate cover-up trial so none of the lawyers ·would have to vouch for his truthfulness. Nixon 's name was raised in an ex· change between Slrica and a s s i s i a n t special prosecutor James Neal about the credibility of some of the future witnesses. The jury was out of the courtroom at the time. Sirica earlier told the jury t h a t whenever the prosecution or the defense calls a witness. those lawyers nonnally \'ouch for the truthlulness of h i s testimony. But l\eal said thcrt' was "some con- cern" among the prosecution that their \\'itn esses might not be telling the wbole trulh. lit• said it may be a cast in W'hich "8~ f)f'rC l'nl of \Yhat he said is true, bul '.I C have serious ronccrns abou t 1he othPr 15 percent." "Your honor knows the history of \Vatcrgatc ," Neal said. "and it's not been a history of e\•cryone telling the same thing alxlut the s<imc event." \\'illiam f'r ates. a lawyer for defendant John Ehrlichman, then raised Nixon's nan1e. suggesting that the former presi· dent might be called as a court \vitness to avoid credibility problems. Nixon has been subpoenaed to testify by both the prosecution and the defense. "That could happen." Sirica t o I d f'ra tes. "I'm not saying it will happen. ln that case, nobody would have to rouch ror his credibility." When 1 witness ls called by the court. the defen1e and prosecution are allowed broader questionl.ng powers. Neal aa1d the prolleCUtion want! to call as witnesses all petlOnS who have Watergate-related informaUon. "We want a full, unlimited, unmodified hang out," Neal said, playing on the words attributed to Ehrllchman i n deacriblng the Watergate .cover-up. Meanwhile, columnlst Jack Anderson aS!lerts that a source at Ni1on's San Clemente home reports the fonner presi- dent ii "at the point of emotional rol· lap8e.'1 Ander800 said Tuesday in Evanaville. Ind., ''1be American people's fstth in government ha s beeo s h a k e n by Watergate. People feel they w e r e betrayed by Nixon. "Nixon wUI go down in history as the naUon's worst president because of Watergate." Anderton said he still has a "reliable eouree" at &:: !:!::;::::::.:. "He was an extremely reliable source Jn the past," Anderson said. "He says Nixon is at the point or emotional rol- lapse. His friends are resisting putting him on the witness stand not because of his phlebitis, but because or his emo- tional condition." Anderson said his source "said Nixon , if required to !ace cross-examinotlon on the subject or Watergate, a subject which obsesses him, a subject on which he's become irrational, might very well do a Queeg on the witness stand and break down." He referred to the fictional Captain Queeg, who broke down under cross-ex· amine.lion in the novel "The C a i n e l\.1utlny." Anderson was at an Evansville Press Club gridiron dinner. Teen-age r Stabs , Robs "Alote l Cler k , Escapes Ni':\\' ORLEANS (AP ) -A teen-age t:trl :-;ta bbed and robbed a 64-year-old rnorel clerk . !hen \vaited on customers. n1aking change with stolen money while the man lay behind !he counter bleed ing. µoli ce soy, Dettctlv~ gave th is :iccount of the ~londay night Incident · TilC girl. d~cribed us being about 16. enl.ertd the motel. took $90, and pointed a lhr1*-1~h knife at Joseph C. Burrows. Then she. said, "I am going to spill your guts," and sla shed him 1wlce Jn the abdomen. Burro"s began wrestllng \vllh the iirl for thr knife :ind was sta bbed Jn the cbelt, anns. face and neck. He fell &o the Ooor. Whtie he lay tbtte, 1 l'UStomer came in 11nd the girl registered htm lnto lhe motel, making change from the stolen money ln her purse. She hanc!ed a room key to a second guest and che<:ked a third out. A fourth penon heard groan.mg behind the l"OWlter. looked, and saw the clerk holding down Ille girl. She shouted the man \\'II raplna he.r, the clerk crll'd out that the glrl was robbing him and the frtghtoned customer dropped hb key and lied. Tho 1irl broke loose and left In a pick· up truck octt1pltd by a man. Police later arruted Geor1• 1.. Bukln, 17, and booto!d him with being a principal to an anned robbery and at.empted mur- der. Polklt were se.archln& today for the girl. 8urrOWs was ln aatl!fectory condition In • horpltal. ' ' • Die in Bus; T1~ain Cras h HOCKMART. Ga. (AP) -A train 1>;1eked into a loaded school bus at a railroad crossing today, killing at li·ast seven children, au l ho r It I es re ported. Poicc said there were about 3 O children. mostly 10 to 14 years old, aboard the bus. Beside the dead, most of the others on the bus were injured, sonic seriously. Witnesse!I said the repair train bad been called to the scene or a derailment during the night and was ·backing up along lhe tracks when it hit the bu.s. The train dragged the crumpled bus several hundred reet down the track, police said. \\'hen the train came to a halt, the r;i boose }YaS derailed and on top of the overturned bus. • The Polk County coroner first reported that the bus driver. Billy Kellett. had heen kllled . But police later said he was hospit.aized in critical rondilion. F rom Pnge Al EFFORTS •.. "People do not know what a MAC is." Noble said. "Il ls totally amazing. People are ignorant about it." He has held four coffee klatches and plans four or five more before the Nov. 5 election. Some of the candidates have tried to publicize their complaints about the "arious problems facing them in the campaign. James Bounds, for example, issued a statement protesting the decision by the county counsel to deny the MAC candidates statements of qualifications. "It seems to me that with the high cost of campaigning and general suspi· cion or political rontributions that de- nying this opportunity to MAC candidates is putting them in the position of either ra ising large sums of money to pay for publicity or asklng the people to . vote for someone they know nothing about," Bounds said. The county rounsel said the decision was based on the raet that MAC can- didates are not public officials because they will serve only in an advisory capacity to the oounty Board of Super- Ylsoro. There Is no provision ln the election code allow1ng the use of CQW\ty money to produce statements of qualifications for advisory officials, the rounty counsel uid. At least one cand idate has challenged the Casta de! Sol policy or keeping candidates from campaigning door to door. Inst Arsan said he believes the policy is "tyranny" and objected that political candidates should oot be treated the same as house.hold goods o r encyclopedia salesmen. So, with less than two weeks to go before the Nov. 5 election, the 32 can- didates are busy concocting inexpensive gimmicks and hoping for a break. Most have found that is their only choice. Parents to See Educational Film The film "Mommy, Daddy '?ind Us Kicll~" will be shown Oct. 30 at a meeting ol jirents and students in the special eddcation programs in the Saddleback Valley Unified School District . The meeting will be held al 7:30 p.m. in Lomarena Elementary School. 25100 Earhart Road , Laguna Hills. Dr. Joseph A. Platow, director of pupil personnel services, will moderate a question and answer session following the film . .. 11 1 ° • I ""' Ttltttlltt9 'NOT A FORTUNE HUNTER' Fiance Michaal Wilson Attorneys Offe r ft.finer .$48,000 To Nix Wedd ing LONDON l A Pl -The London Evening Nc~s reported today that lawyers for Happy Rockefeller's aunt Rachel Filler offered \Velsh barman l\lichael Wilson $48,000 not to marry the millionairess nearly 50 years his senior. The N~ws said Wilson told ii ht refused -"I got very angry and told them I am not a fortune hunter" -and that ~1iss Filler said at her home near Philadelphia : "I have no inlentlon of changing my mind. The more lhey press me, the more determined I am to marry Mr. Wilson ." The newspaper said Miss Fit I er' s lawyers "were expected to make one more attempt today to try to have the couple call it off .. , 1 "I think it is because I am a miner's son that they feel I am not fitted to marry Miss Fille r," said Wilson, a handsome 29-year-old who is visiting his mother in !he Welsh town of Lisy. He said he \l.'OUld be telephoning l\fis.5 Fitler today. •· Yes, reversed charges," he told a questioning newsman. Wilson said the difference in thelr age11 is irrelevant because their rela- tionship is based on companionshlp. "ls she 77?" he asked. "I'd never have thoughl she was a:i much as that and, or rourse, being a genlleman, I never asked.'' The tall. ruggedly built former choirboy announct>d ttlrou gh a newspaper in Llay that he was going to 'nlS!1'f the aunt of V i c c President-designate Nelson A. Rockefeller's second wife, the former Margaretta '·Happy" Fitler. Miss Fitler and Mrs. Rockefeller are joint heiresses to the Filler rortune . at one time va~ued at more than $8 million. Reports on Miss Filler's age have varied from 61 upwards. Two members or her staff at her home in an exclusive Philadelphia suburb said she is In her ""'· "I would never have drea med she was much over 60," said Wilson, who met Miss Filler while he was working as a butler at the eiclusive Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, F'la. nI 1earned to respect her intelligence and her judgment , and we established a lremendous closeness. Our relationship was built entirely o n companionship rather than on love,'' Wilson said Tues· day from his parents' modest, three- bedroom home in this small W e I s h village. .. GSA Denies Ziggurat For Nixon WASHINGTON (AP) -11ie C.noral Services Administration 58.)11 an office bulldtng it acquired In Laguna Niguel, "'as "never contemplated to be I presidenUal library for former Prealdent Nixon." The building, about 10 miles from Nixon's San Clemente .residence, was acquired Feb. 15 from Rockwell Interna- tional Corp. in exchange for property in the state belonging to the Air Force. Sen. Joseph r.t. l\.1ontoya (0.N.M.), chainnan of a Sen.ate appropriations subcommittee, asked GSA Administrator Arthur _Sampson about report• that the million •square-foot building was to be uM!d for Nixon's benefit. He quoted Samp90ll as replying lhlt "the property was not acquired as a presidential library or a p e r Q1 a n n t depository for Nixon's records." But be said that "temporarily storing Mr. Nixon's records in a relatively small portion of the Laguna Niguel facility is similar to the courtesy storage pro- vided other former presidents. Sampson also wrote that "this ex· change was not a 'bail out' for Rockwell International.'' "The Laguna Niguel facility Wiii ac- quired because ft was and. Is in the very best interest or the federal govern· ment to obtain a building at a reasonable cost to meet present and future space needs in the Southern California region," he said. • A1ontoya said the General AcCQW\ting Office advised bim that the GSA would have to spend about $.1 million to put lhe building in condition for use, and maintenance costs and uUUty bills would run about $500,000 a year. - In his statement, Mooloya also sakl he had ~ records in the vicinity of the build{11g checked:. to find out \\'ho the ownen '>'"'ere and reported these showed that Herbert Kalmbach of Newport Beach. Nixon's former attorney, was involved in the acquisition of two small tracts. Mootoya said records furnished hJm showed that l3 acres were bought on May 22, 1969 for about $300,000 by Galivan lnvestn1ent Co., represented by Galivan Properties Ud., and that the address or the Galivan finn was in- dicated as that of Kalmbach's law nnn. He said about one acre Is owned by Moulton-Niguel Water Dlstrlct and its address was listed as Suite too, at 500 Newport Center OriW!l, Newport Beach. ~lission Viejo's Weekly Paper To Close Doors The Good News, a weekly newspaper published in Mission Viejo, will announce some bad news to its renders Thursday. It is closing its doon_. First published in~ptember of 1971, the tabloid communlty newspaper was started by Richard O'Neill, Orange Coun- ty Democratic Central Co mm l t tee chairman and owner o! Rancho M1ilion Viejo, and Paul I decker, who now owns a public relations finn. They 80ld the paper last July according to ldeli:er, be- cause of rising costs and demands upon thei r time. The publication. which was distributed~ in rommunities from capi!ltrano Beach to El Toro, was purchased by Larry Hill. Good News Editor Pat OchGa said Hill intends to drop the newspaper and convert the business to a printing com- pany. She said he had hoped to sell the J)aper but prospective buyel'!I have been hesitant because of pending litlgaUon against the company brought by another weekly newspepcr. Lynn Hort HART'S John Hort SPORTING GOODS BICYCLES~ARTS-TIRES-ACCESSORIES • t ~ ....j38 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA-646· 1.;..9 .,.19....,.~.:0-iiii..,••'•I Skateboards & Wheels Shuffleboard Sets ll11 rbell & 'Dumbell Sets Croquet Sets Slant Boards lioxln9 Gloves Judo Suits Ka rate Suits Tenn is Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters' Te nnis .Shoes Open 9 to 6--Closed Sunday Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Racket Strin9ing Racquetball Racquets & Balls Handball Glo,es & Balls Warmup Suits Sweat Suits Hooded Sweatshirts Adidas·Converse·Spot Blff . TICJU-Brooks-Bob Wolfe Shoes Leallier Footballs·lasketballs·Soc· cer Balls Bike Repairs-Parts-Tires· Tubes 538 Center 646-1919 I I l I I • I r j l 1 • • ' • • ' . • 1 ~ ' l • 1 •h 't " N :si ' '· ' •• : r ' ,p •p ·t ,s ;ti ·" ' ' ! "' " : fi h y a 'd ' ' ' • si p d t si .t •H " it . l :t I : g , :s1 • r I : w " 0 ' t , \ t " ll • p ' f "' • A • n • fi ' t , : r ,, " f ' • . t • • • 1 l l: • 1 . • ' • • DAI LY P I L01' EDIT OR IAL PAGE Less·on in Politics . <.:o!lsidering that il is lhe rirst local political cam· pa1gn an P..1ission Viejo, it is not surprising lhal the MurtiCiJial Advisory Counc-il canlpaign has laid bare the pohtical naive te or several or the 32 candidates. What is surprising, ho\vever, is that the Mission Viejo Company allowed a letter naming five can· didates to be sent to 800 Mission Viejo residents in a month'ly hilling from the tracts' managing agent . 'l'hc result l•as been embarrassing for everyone involved a nd made it appear the company "'as somehow behin d a n endorsement . . i">robably everyone involved has learned u few bas ic lassons: that letters m entioning candidates· names will be taken as an endorscn1ent whether that was intended or not: thitl citmpaign letters should not be sent in billing statements; and that a.II such letters should be signed by exactly those behind them. The company has m<iiled a letter saying the letter \Vi:IS not intended as any kind of an endorsement. Though it did not explain the incident, t he letter proved that company officials we re a\vare of tht· s lipup and chagrined by it. 1'hey should be. And the community and the company s hould benefit from the lesson in future cle~tions. Ca m p us Cutback 'A state decision which could cut off all s tate aid to bui lding at Saddleback College renews an old debate; l--l9w. can the campus be constructed and still kepl \v1th1n reason a ble building costs? Supt . Robert Lom bardi s uggested th at interna l po l itics of t h e s t a t e e ducational syste11J ha d something to d o with Saddle b ack's sudden fi na ncial droug ht. If that is true, a d ministrators of the d istrict s hould h urry to Sacramento to do every~hing they can to c ha nge the formula. Mean"'hilc, trustees may be forced to ease up on their initia l approach to campus construction . 'l'\\'O ext raordinary-buildings have been built - allractive structures equipped with the 1ntest or C\1erylhing. State-matching 01id...ulso hasJ>ecn okayed for a S3.3 million fine tu·ts building and u rentr~d utilities plant. Thanks to inOati~n, ho,v ever .. lc;>\~' bid . on the fine arts structure came 1n at $5.4 n11lhon, 79 percent over budget. 1'hesc infl4jlionary realities gradually :.:ire n.:1r- rowing Saddleback's alternatives. 'J'he approa<'h \vhil'h seems to tnake economic sense is the one v.•hi('h calls l"or s imple. functional bui ldings. Consu1n er Pays The consciousness·raising of rec~.nt inflat1011 has bl'Oug ht out at le:.istone point : The consun1e 1· pays for t.•\·erything in the end. The question is. how n1uch~ lrviui.:'s purking man<i.§cment plan. p~11·t or lht• En\'irotin1cntal Protection A:g_ency·s efforl to imprO\'l' :.iir qu<ility. is a case in Point. The plan is tu bt• an u\lcrall sche me for how to di\lert dri\'ers fron1 their O\Vll l'urs to other transportation methods. 1\t a recent c:ity touncil mectiiig, an Ef,A offi('l'I' ~a\'~ the (_'OU fl(_' ii the "pleasant prospect" of tapping dc\·t1lopers. mcanin~ lhc l r\·ine Company. 1"01· lht• costs of dr;.1fting the plan. (Jn the s urface, the prospect is appeal in~. But it is less so \vhen ten1per('d by the \Va~· consun1crs ultimately \viii pay. To recoup it s added costs. the lr \'inc -or an,· other in this situation ~\\'i ll pass t hem a long to ils customers. \Vhen t he cost is assessed to business, the cost of the product or service goes up . \Vhen tacked to hon1es , morlgi.lg1;•s and interest a lso go up. So, v.•h ile it is a beguiling bit of bureaucratic soft :-;oap to talk of "tapping the de\leloper, ., the r:ict is thut \vhether you wind up riding a bus, or li\'ing in <.tpartment or s hopping in a store, the bill will get to you eventually . . _..__ SB 'And th ey used to call us racists!' -.. . ·- How Kis~inger Dear Gloomy Gus He's A het1d of tl1e President ; • 1 Wielded Power I \\' AS HINGTON -For the past five years. U.S. foreign rx>lit'Y has been l nlmost totally dominated by one man J -Dr. Henry A. J<issinjrler. Insidt.> sources. wi.th secret documents lo ck up their story. have told us how ·he m a nipu lated 't h e d iplomatic ·strings. T hroughout the Nixon years. Kis· •singer steadfastly ;ma intained to inquiring repor- !ters that he never :reco mm ended 'po l i cy t a th e· ;President unless his \'iev.'s ""'ere ~solicited. He merely presented •·op- •1ions, ·· he vower!, and left it to Lhe ~ ·hief to make the decisions. : IT Wi\S SA ID President Nixon : v.·ould retire to the solitude of the Lin- coln sittin g room or to his secluded of- :fice in the White House annex. where he would pore over his options. After much iigoniz ing. and scratching on ! yellov.· legal pads, he would emerge and a nn ounce hi s momentous : decisions. ! This is· not, according to our sour· ces. how it. happened. They say Kis- . singe~ seldom failed to gi ve the •President his pe rsonal recommen· dations and Nixon seldom fai led to take t he advice. As a fo rmer Kis· singer associate put it succinctly: "Nixon agreed with lfenry on the .things he knew about, and he trusted .-'-ltnry on the things he didn"t know about.·· TllE PATTE RN was set early in 1969 when Nixon gave the National ~Security Council staff a l>t!P talk. Af- : tcr a few general remarks. according lo several eye v.·itnesses. he nodded toward Kissinger. "Henry and I are , : going to end t he war:· the President , 'said, with a sly sm ile. "We·v.'anryou ·fe llows to take care· or the rest of the 'world." I: Our sources say Nixon then la un · • ched inlo a furiou~ and vulgar assault on the Slate Department. ForeiJ?n 1 • policy was going to be handled by the • \Yhite !·louse. he declared. and not by the "slriped·pants faggots" at Foggy , Bottom . There was a colll!ctive gasp fro m the two doze n NSC staff members. , · President Nixon. with his penchanl ' for saying the Wrong thlng al the v.•rong time. had forgotten that the majority of his audience had come lo lhe White •louse rron1 the foreign ser- vice. • Tlt ER EA.FTER, Kiss inger set U.P his own private State Department In 1 ',t he basement of the White llousc, where he'dlrectcd every aspect or t.hc dccision·-maklng machinery. I-le presided over t he N11tion11I '1 i security Council. which determined ·overall pollc,y . He controll ed the ' t supersecret Corn n1ittee or Forty, r ~which plotted covert activities. lie 1 ~lso headeCI the Washington SpeclAI Action crroup, which assembled to · \ m:inajte c.t1ses. 1'hc secret minute5 show that Nixon seldom attended the~c crucial r meetings but wRited for Kistoinger to f •fill him in. Thl' two men ronterrcd : together Crcqucntly. SOURCES "'hO occ11.sion3IJy were l'alled into their private meetings say 1 Nixon and Kii;s1n,llcr R1>1n1rently did· • ni. engage in dt.>cp. intellectual di~cus · • sions. 1·hey t11lked about world i~sues ~ in tt•rms or personalities 11nd they , 11•t•re often vul)lar, rip1>in g Into foreiRn l cu der !l with crude. somelimt!s cruel, remarks. (iACK AN DE RSO N ) When Kissin ger travelled abroad. he kept the President informed v.•ith cryptic personal messages. Only the two of them understood some of the references. A typical message from Ki ssinger in the Jliliddle East. as recalled by a soui:.ce who sa'" it, reported : "~let "'ith Numf)e r One. Discussed options. He agrees in principle." MOST OF Kissinger·s recommen· dations r.o the Pr esident were submit- ted form ally in secret memos, which were guarded as c losely as nuc lear secrets. Very feW of Kissinger's as- sociates a re aware such documt.>nts exist. We, however, ha\•e seen some of them. A typical Kissinger·lo·Nixon memo would be typed on White !louse le tterhead a nd stamped SECR ET. Kissinger would begin v.•ith terse backgrou nd in ro rmation and then outline hi s ''recommendalions. '' At the botton1 of t he page were two blank lines. the le rtmost marked "Ap· prove,'' a nd the other "Disapprove:· Almost never, according to our sour· ces, did Nixon initial the "disap· prove" space. USUALLY, a series of "tabs" fol · lowed on plain white paper. These took up specific issues, expressed .ir1 blunt, candid language. Each tab con- tained "approve" and "disapprove" lines. The crowning touch v.:ould come when Nixon called 1n his Cabinet or other associates to brief them on hi s foreign policy decision. As he spoke to them, he i n variably consulted a "talking points" paper prepared, of course, by the ubi<1uito11s Dr. !\is· singer. KISSING ER ·s personol memos and tal king papers guided Nixon on th(' Vietnam War, the invasion or C<lm · bodia, the South Vietnamese invasion or Laos. and scores of other initiative.<. around the world. Our sources could recull only one major iss ue on which Jilixon vetoed Kissinger's recommendations. 1'hal was the decision to bomb 1-lunoi and mine l-l aipho11g l-lar bor in ~1a y 1972 In that irist<1ncc. Niton O\•errulcd 1.1 11 of his c~ief loil dvisers, including Ki !)· singer. Kissinger's domination of rorei,gn policy has conti nued into the Ford Ad · ministration. Indeed, President Forit had scarcely been sY.-orn in before he assured the v:orld th:1l llc nry l\\s. singer would st ay on. Like Nixon ~lore him. r·ord leans heavily on Kl s· singer for foreign rx>llcy guidance. Our soucei; say, in fact. that J•'ord h:1s not overruled Kissinger yet FOOTNOTE: Kis"sin~cr has some brilll a nl diplomatic achic\•cmenl'i to his credit. including t('ml'IOl'ary rJCat'-' il'l the f\llddle Easl , dclente v.•ith lhl' Soviet Union and rapprochement with mainland China. But there have also been a few disasters. such aJJ the In - dia-Pakistan war, Chlle. Cyprus etnd the aborted "Year or Europe." Quotes Mrs. t-:. R. Przlhoro\4o•i;kl. Glcndoru ... "Thlg country 's stubllity does not. hang on the: thin thread of mere per .. sonalily ... by adhering to truth :ind principle a~ the <inly rcul valuci;. good government. incvitM bly mu~t rol low. - Let's teach dogs to read~ When it comes to obser ving leash lav.'s and other controls. it's obvious their masters are illiterate. Maybe then ou r beaches, sidev.•a lks and gardens would nol be fouled . G.\\'. (ljM"'• G ... C•m"'tftO •rt ....... ,"" lry ,_I -OCI ,.., ll«tts•rol' r1llecl llM ..... ot Ille -""'-· Se..a''""' pet ptt W'" Gleom' Gllo, Dtily Pillll. Difficulty With the Decalogue ( SY DNEY HARRIS ) In any discussion of world problems and man·s fate, somebody sooner or later is bound to proclaim, with sv.·eet s mugness. "Well, if we only would obey the Decalogue. everything would l>C fine. After all, the Ten Com mand· ments are still the best rules to fol· lo\4o·." '-.'ct. if v.•e'took such a man seriously ;i nd questioned him on only one of the.- Ten Commandments, and perhaps th'e most impor.tanl, what v>o\Jld bt.' the result? ··1·11ou sha lt not kill.'. A plain. flat i;tatement, without qualification or modification . What does our hiend or the Decalogue say to this? Does he ac- ce pt it, completely and unequi\'ocal- lv"! Or doc~ ~e try to get around il in one v.·ay or ;inothcr? t"IRST OF A.LL, he 1\·ill say lh<tl 11·c "have ,a "ri~ht •• to kill in sclf- dcfense -even though the Decalogue.- does not say. ··T hou shalt not kill ex- cept in self.dcft.>n se." ~ ' Then he will say that society has a right to kill of((·n ders, if their offense is deemed grievous enough-even •though the first killer. Cai n, was not cxel'ut ed hy God but '-''as branded and scnt into ex ile N('Xl , he will insist that a nation has the "right" to kill enemies in time or v.·ur; he may deplore such a necessity l;jnd gcnt'ra ls arc lht' greatest deplore rs of ull ), but he does not doubt that the t.ord is on the sidl' of the ··just ·• nation. lie will· also point to n1;1n.\ Old Tcst:1 rnent p;)ssages 1vhich SCl!Ol In COllfirm ris 1.IOSition. S(), f"INALI,\', \vhal docs the com- n1anrfn1cn1, "1'hou shalt nut kill:' amount t11·1 ll a mount!) to \Yhalcvcr '-''c "·:int to n1akc It. Nobody but a ··rrank'· takl's tht' commandm1)nl litc1·01ll:.: ne:irly cvcrybod:-,· bc.-Hc1·cs thal unrlcr rertain conditions it is riJ:ht ;,1nd proper to kill. 1-lard ly an;.'ont· except Socro1tcs. Jesus and ;1 re"' saint ~ ht1s rvcr lr\JIY btlicvrd 1h:1t It is better to s~1rfcr pain than to 1nrtict it . ·rtic difficullv v.-ith lhe 1'('n ro111 m11ndml.'nts Is· not !hat unbclicrc1·i; nout it : it i~ that cv~n "bcllc\·cr~·-110 not bell eve ii . do n()t agree on ll. do nn1 at·t on it. A simple scnlt·ncc or rou r :me-syllable v.•or¢1. "Thou sh:i lt not kill." has conroundt..>d Chrislt.•ndom for 2.000 yPar~ for lhf' hlorldi~l v.•ur!'C 1.r iii! hu \'i.! been rel! g1ous \VU rs. Tips on Saving Energy 1·0 the Editor: I am way a head or President Ford in energy conservation. Since the car- 1>e nters' strike in J uly, I. I gave up any ''acation trip. 2, l didn't buy a new color TV (and the TV I di dn't buy was a Sony ). I did· n'l buy a new pickup lit v.·as a J\lazda Rotary). 3. I didn't drive too much. 4. I didn 't buy many groceries. fThe groceries I didn't buy were roasts aod steaks and chops mostly.) I llAVE only worked 18 days since the s trike and the v.•ife can tell you that I have const.>r~ lot of energy around the houR':""" 1 or course, the re have been about len strikes since July . The wa llboard m!"n arc out now. Two or three more strikes aod J can go out in the graveyard and dig my hole. .JAMES W. BOLDI NG ·ro the Editor : It was interesting to read that Nixon's t11.xes had been increased by 12 percent. I live in San Clemente, and my assessment was jumpe d 25 per· cent. Believing t his to be arbitrary and discriminatory I filed a protest. ~1y only response v.'as a duplicate copy or the original notice 'increasing my assessment by 25 percent . B. L. O'NEILL llt•all h Co<I • ·ro the Editor · Anyone who takes even a brief look :.it government nationa l healt h p1·ograms v.•\11 co me to the conclusion that the government wiH go bankrupt if we institute such a program and ex· 1x:ct lo fund I! out of tax revenues. CASTl!\'.G a J.!,ia ncc at sot·i al security. we see that the number of recipients will grow rapidly in coming years: in fact . it is lo quadruple in the next 25 years : but v.•ith the post war bahy boom over and a zero population grov.·th, the re v.•ill not be a grov.·ing numher of contributors in-years lo c~1mc. With social security con· trihutions running O\'C'f II percent of payroll now (5.85 .r>crcenl from the e mployer and 5.85 percent from the erhploye, it does n ·1 seem rx>ssible to expect. !"our ti n1t!'s as much to be col- lected rrom 1hesc same people. And ycl we are going to add a national health program on also. You can ·\ n1akt• something out of lhin :i,ir : people wlll have to pay for this medical service either through payroll t:1xes or throu~h regular in · l'Oflle taKC:S. But wi th lhc government bureaucrat!; involved it will cost more than health servit•c does now . EDWARD II BO~EKER , M.D. f11 f4•r tt1i119 ,-,,~,..n Toth<' f:dilor: In lh<' aflcrmolh of \\.'alt'rRale. thc puhllc. mort• than C\"{'r, has a right anit a need to be: informed about thc t•:inrhdutcs 11nd the i~sucs v.·ilh which it needs lo ilea! on Nov. 5. I 11m inccn· sed by th" limited t•o\·erogc Riven to :-uC"h l'11ndut1-1trs as 1hosc runn1ni?: for Secretary of Sl:1lr, P:-.Jit'eiall.\ when the office or Scrrrtarv of St:itt' govc1'ns lh<' t•ler11on lav.s.and v.·111 bc rone~rneft v.·1th r(.'!>lnnn~ a n1oralily to l)Olllll's ;1t a tln1r v.Jtf'n 1h at ) ,_ ( MAI LBOX L.elters from readers are u:elco rnt! f'l'or· mally, writers should C'01n1l!y /he ir mes· .sages in JOO words or less Tl1e r1yh1 to con - dense letlt'r.S to 1it spoce or e/1n1111ore libel "is re served. All le!ters rnu.~r 111c/ude siy· nature and mailing addres.~ but name11 may be unthheld on requesr 11 ,,ufficie11t reason IS appore11/. Poetr11 u:ill nOI /1<.• published moralily has plummeted lo an all· lime lov.· I A.~1 disappointed-to :Sl'!e political reports about the least significant happenings, the lack of appearances. the reasons not to vote, rather than the who, what, \\'here and why th:tt truly informs. One such example is the race between Brian Vun Carop and l\tarch Fong for Secretary of State . \Vhen the press reported on th e Oct. 7 KCE'f debate bet1vcen the C'an· didates for Secretary of State. more mention was made of ~·l arch Fong's reasons for not appearing on the s hov.• than was madt' of Brian Van Ca mp's highly articulate viev.·s on the issue:-i relevant to that orficl.!. I, for one. want to vote as wi sely as (X>Ssible . 'I want to vote for the thini?s I believe in and not just for the face or the gimmick that is sensational enough to make it into a back.page news artiC'le. l~t:l ·s ha1·l' rnorL· frequent reporting nf the carulidales "'hereabout s and 1·icv.'s on the issue!.. and \els get the vott·rs· :ipalhetit chins out of their hunds and thcir e:.·ei: ALLI SO~' \\/ELLS Ci ni••• J·4~rff.•i f f.•tf To the Editor: The chairm:1n ol the South C11:i:.1 Regional Co;is tline Comn1is!>iQll , Donald R. Ari ght. has for(eiled ;n1~ claim l•J th;ll position of great puhl1 e import<Hl<'t' lhrough his sorry perfor- 1nance in soliciting developers to con· tribute to the campaign fund of Ed- n1und G. Brov.·n. Jr. lie should resign immt.>diutcly or be forced out of office by public opini on, or h~' le~a\ channels. for a gross con- flict or interest The commission he head~ hu s more than enough problems \1'ithout having to operate under th C'1oud of being Used fo r par· tisan puht1£'">. as ~I r. Bright has placed 11 thruui;h his unbelievable tac· lie. ROBERT LEE 'l'o the Editor . As a regular reader of the Daily Pilot, I v.·ould like you to know how great it v.·as to see a good story in the People section such as the one Oc· tober 1 on Joyce Riley. I do nol know her or the reporter : hov.·ever , I reel it is about time the reading public fi nd out more ubout nutrition and vitamins as related to illness. emotional as v.·ell as physic al. DOCTORS DO not tell people the ef· feels of rood additives, excessive sugar and refined foods.because t hey do not themseJ,•es knov.-. A nev.·spaper reporting such facts does a great ser- l'iCe to its readers. l\Iany people just do not under~tand the dangers and are not n1oti\'at(·d to search out the an· :-.\\<·rs . ;\l so 11 <inl lo It'l l ~·o u J\lllle Hell·s"cotumo on cooking for one has :-.omt sou nd ad\'icc . Of course. I eook fqr more than th<1t -three (l ro\~1 ing hoy.~ hut l stil l read Ll. I can adapt .1ny recipe if I \\·ant hy making six l1n1es <i!> much 1 am not a hf'a!th food nut nor do I t•ier \1ritt• to nc\\·sp:i1:icrs. 1·his is a nr~t Plt•a"l' kt'l']) up !he fine 1ob and let's h;1\.c nHH't' fine <1rlic·lt':-. ahout feeding 1111r f.i rniltl·" 11 holc!.orTll', nutur al f11od ... 1ri·1·•1! ;1<lcl1t11·('s ( · 1L·\n1.< rrTr: r::'ll l\TOl'\.S Memoir of Hollywood llOLL\'\\'000 . By Garson Kanin. Viking. 393 Pages . S8 95. In 1937. Garson Kanin v.·cnt to llol· lywood to ··1earn the business .. or movieflfilking and in lhis somct1mcs IQuch1n 2. often funn~ and :l l\\u ~.., \\'Cll -v.•rittcn ml'mn1r ht' tt·ll.., nut tJlll\· v.·hat he lcarnl•d ahou\ th1• hu ~inl1:-.'. ... hut about the PL''•rl~· "'ho m:.irlc up tha! business PEOPLE, ror exam11lc. hkt· Samuel Gold"'·yn. the first of lhe n1i .L[hly fqr v.•hom Kanin v.·as to '-''Ork ov£'r th(.• ycars1 and 1\·ho g reeted lhc ne"'•ly ar ri ved playwri~ht '-''ilh ··s1rtnc•,\' llo"'·ard tells nic vou'rl· ;1 11c rv t'll•\'l·r genius.·· Th;1t's tl1e rirst (iolrt.\\'VlliSnl to surrat'e in lh1s hook . but not. 1iy t1ny means, the last. Anothrr "Ir you v.·on·l giv e m1• your \1ord of honor. v.•111 you ~i,•c ml' ,\nur pron1is1"1·• f\AN ll'-' also has :1 v.·callh of ... 1ur11•:-. to t.cll :1hout such other major f1j.t11rc!I as lO pic k a few al randon1 \\arr~ Cohn . Darryl Zanuck. Charil'!> l..au ghton and ~1 arilyn ~1onroe . and he trlls them all wel l . llis hook, it s hould he noll·tl, 1o; n11l Just a l'nllcC'lion of stonl'!I and \'1~nr1 , tcs . howcvt''" \\'hilC' 1t rioc., 1·onla1 n many of these it C'Ont:1\ns them"' 11h1n a carefully built framr\\()rk to\\ h1r h lhtir !l1grH!:~anct' 1s ~uhnr!ln1.111· to the ,,tru1·lure Kunin "·ant~ lti \ltntd his y~ar!I; In llolly•·ood . v.h:i1 lhC'y-l> ( THE BOOKMAN ] n1('an! to him and 1,·hat it meant to h1m He sutcecds aclm1rably. Phil Thoma'! AP books Editor ' ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Hol'Jprt f\1 l\11•1>rl , Pul>h&lit!' ThU,n(ls Ke1•111/. F.:dunr Rorl>aro Krr1brch. f:d11or1a l Pll9f' ,.:d11nr Thl' editorial p.1,.;~· nf the O:uh' 1'1lot Sl'l'k:-. II• uifnrm :ond st1muh1t~ rt>\\cll'r" b' pr't"•~t·1H1ni.: (In this page d11cr~(· C'Clffimf'nl;or~· on top1C',; of In· tt·rl'51 h\ ... \111t.c:ot1·1t l'olumn1s1~ 11nd c•.1rtuon1:-.t~, ll~ 11rn11d1ng :. lorum ll•r rl':ich:1 ~ · \ t""" and hy present ing th1., n<'\\5P:ll)t•r':o n111n1ons and idras nn C'urrt'nl tn1)1cs Tht echlori•I 11p1n1on ... •'I 1h1• Ottll) Pill"ll ;ippear nnh 111 tht• l'lhlnnal t·olumn al the tnp of 1h1• (J:•Cl" llp1n1nns l'Xpr11skd t" llu· C:fl\un1n15t~ :ind l'llrtoon1i!li; J11 t h·!ll·r "nt('r5 ar1· 1ht•1r n1o1-n 11nd n"1·11dnr,cml•nt "' \ht'1r l'll'\\S b) the [1.111.\ r1ln• .. 11uuld bl' 1nferN.'tl. \l'ednesday . O<tobcr 23, 1974 - I • • A :l DAILV PILOT SB 4 At Your Service A Sunday, 1'1unday, \\'edne$day j a nd llrlday •·raturc Ol &be Dally Pilot l tt'lt ol'a: '•• n 1\latr1e? DEAR PATt Since I grew lip wUh one of !he most popular names ln my ace ~roup at that time. I ~·ant to avoid 1 hoosing an overly popular name for my c xpected child. I've checked all the :-oUt<'l'S l can. including hospitals. coun- ty offices and my library's reader's "Hide. AH I've learned Is that my phone bill h<is increased due to all my loll l'Jll!i. P.C., San Juan Capislrano No published material Is available on the mOll popular current first name~ being given to bable11, accordlng to the Garden Grove Regional Library's adult reference department -and your in- qulry was cbtcked out tboroaghly . It .seems tlsal only "after" a fln;t name has beeit used repeatedly. II Is noted as a '"po,.lar'' choice. A\1ailable materials do lndkale that you'd ~ helter off to choose "l'tf.ary" or ''Ann"' rat her than Kimberly or TIIfeny If yoor baby should !Ml a girl. The ume advice applies to boys. The "common"' nan1e choice Is oul of \'ogue at this time. Cigarette Pack• DEAR PAT: A neighbor hns told me about saving empty cigarette packages and turning them in for a wheelchair. r..fy brother·lo-law needs one for his wife and he has saved more than 5.000 pack· ages. If this really can be done. \vhere should these packages be redeemed to get a wheel chair tor a des¢ving per· soo' S.O., Costa Mesa The same an1wer applies to this In· quiry as to a recent quetlion about "·here one could lurn ill cigarette pack· ages to buy time on a kidney machine. There is none. and there never h11 been. To repeat -thb: story seems to pop op evuy few yean, and It bas no basil in fact. Nou might tell your brotbe.r·ln-lew to conlael the Rthablllt1Uon Institute of Qra1ge County regardtnc the possible loen of a wheelchair by phontnc m. iM, or perhaps, a rea der would bt will· ln& t. a...M ... tell a wheelchair lo blm. TAe TMtttute Is currently requesttnc per· soos to donate Betty Crocker coupons lo 1808 E. La Vetl , Orans:e, Calif. 9%666, which can be rtdetmed for cash to pur· chase needed equipment, sucb as wheel· chain, for patients. rt1all to the aUen· Uo11 of Carolyn c:arrell. De fectl1'e T oy 'DEAR PAT: I bought ray r!aughter a toy called "Sweet April 's Playground" ror Christmas. There was an ex cessive amount of dirt and glue on it and one of !he part.s didn't work. She's played 1~ith th is toy only about sis times and other pieces now have broken. I vrrote ro the company twice with no ans"·rr received. I'd gladly return the complete 1oy 1n exchange for a new one, or just rhe parts that need replacing. O.P .. Fountain Valley Your only recovne In this situation ~'ould be to sbop for a new toy·.r!'.au se the 1nanufaclurer, Remco lndus lrh:s, went out of busioe11 Ill January. Al· thoUl!h ~e,•e.ral large toy supplier!' were l'Ont actrd in an effort to find u "parts" ~ourt•e for this item. none could offer assistnnce. The existin~ stock of Remco lovs i~ ~till h('lng sold by sonte firm11· cipccially discount outlets. ORANGE COAST sB DAILY PILOT 1.,.0,..,..c.01\l 0.l!y f'llOl ,wolh-(h l,cOM· DING '"' ..__f'rn~. l• !Molll~ 11¥ llW Oran .. C.-i1 P,,Dilll'l•"4 Comti•nv ~•Al• f'4'11tl'>'I ••• ""°''"""<! MO..:iaf tlwo.111" Jr•Clf,, too-°"'"" """w "'""P<l<I 8••<~. >tll,,\1"111"" 9o11tftJFW11 •J11t1 ¥10t• l•vln•. !oa<1<1!•,..•• v.i11, • .,. I dQ<llW ~...,,, '>Gut~ (~all I '-"'II• "fQlor\ll ,...,l!\!!11 •l'l'lll· •·d~•l~•dl•••"llS<r.d.of' Tho l)l'tfl( ... ! l'<I"" I ~q 1>+1~! " 11 n) ..... \1 6ty ~1 ... 1. (11it1 ........ (• •'0'"'" '21!6.. h obe rt N Wiled "'"' O.n! •"II Pltl>l•i.ntr . · Jack R. lurley \l•tf P•• .. ci.nt and C.O ••ta\ Mll\IOtf' Tt"tornas Keevil f<l•tor Thomas A. Murphlnr Mlna;lnQ E<l•!ll<' Ch.irles H Loos Richard P. Nall l.<\•l1•Al M.lniQl"'ll (<lltDI'~ Sa ddl eback Valley Office 2UC1 I.A P11 Roa!l .i ~In OlrQD ~•-<tf Other Offices ("'!•-•• l)OW•l•tlav\l•Pf'f "'twpO<I tltft h J»J N•YOWrf lklu•ew1r(! t•wnll"9!0" lltac~ 1111! St.en lth"'v..,.d I.•""'°' ltKll, I I .. (;)Moot'"' $1•ttl Ttlephone C714J M2-4l71 CliSSllled Ad1ttrtl$lng M2·5671 WO:!<•bM• W•llt1Nt..,Oftot• 511 ·6310 ''""' S..~ Ctt..,.lllt 495·0630 c;eflyri(lltl, 10• O•MIOI CeMt l"llltllllllnt (itfooNf!ll. Ne M _, '""'"' llfvt"ill°itM, _.itor111 ,....11,r or ,.,.,.,,l~t ~ ,.,., """ ,.,.,OOJu(eti wllllit>ll "'"-~ -mlMlotl M t""1" '"" .. ..,, •• Sift-C.11,. 1Mtl19' N I• II Olotla Mir ... t.illiofflll. ._,,"*' 1r1 "'1'• v• .....itll•J •f '91 .. 1 M.ot f'llOrll:lll•I 1111f11\a1y ......,.~,.,··"""'Olly • •\ ' 'Let Aliens Alone' Ne 'v U.S. Edict? By JORN VALTERZA Of I ... Oall'I' f'U.i Sl•ll A new fede~al policy v.•hJch practically conct>des defeat in the battle aga inst illegal inun1gration from Mexico ho! bi>1·n launched throughout so u t h e r n C11l1fomia and ii asks many po 11 c e · tlepa rtrnents to simply Ignore lm- 1111,i:r:ints passing 1hrough their area. Senior agents at the San Onofre Border Patrol station ron!lrmed today that a new policy is in effect throughout the South\\ est. And exCfpl for police departments 1n areas extreme!)• close to a border patrol station, the suggestion simply calls for officers to leave the aliens alone. The orders come from Imrni1ratlon Commissioner Leonafd F. Chapinan, who has launched n new concept of fighUng the rcrord wave of illegal inunigration from ~1exico. llerently he said that new fed eral a~ proprialions will come next year so that he can hire more agents, but in the 1neantime, he has deployed his man- poy,·er where It will do the most good. And that is on the front line. Thus. roadblocks at two So u I her n California points are now on a seven-day· a-week schedule and oflen stay open on a 24-00ur-a~ay basis. "We're feeling the difference down here at San Onolre. ·• said Senior Agent James Muth. "We·re open all the time no.w. and bccaus(' of that v.•e have had to discourage most police agencies from picking up on~ or two aliens at a time and lben calling us to rome to their station to pick up the immigrants," he added, There are only a few exceptions, he said. "About the only jurisdictions where we still do the pickups are San Clemente, Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vist.a. "There are several reasons for it , and distance is the most logical. If ifs only a matter of a few milea, it really doesn't hurt much," Muth said. But the farther away the pollce staUon, the greater the problem, be added. From Page Al BAU, •.. • Deltn11t ~ ltlcludea a paWl1 shop U<ilot llP*I by IWIS<ll tha t nli!'t In downton.t.s Btacb. wber< he bought __... jewelry triDkM ror ~ii new wUe Karen while the ;,.,i.Non the tO\\'ll. "I'ee Jolt i,.W, a,)ld. .. ," be sa id "'1"'!¥t 11\!lY' Ill 1 jatlhoute Interview 'lriU. # DidlJ Eilot last Friday. ·'W• rode 111 tile rlaea and me 'n David shot aome pool." lie said that nl&ht the Omllst'ment park was one of the first he and Karen enjoyed together, since her son by a previous nlarrllJe. Nolan Tracy, now 4, was spendJng the weekend with his natural f•ther. A court Jn Napa County, Calif., su~e­ qucntly ordered ~ child taken away from James and Karen, saying it was an unlit home if the stepfather stood accused of murder. Ru.ueU's cbrotbu Noah-also charged in I.he .savage slaying of the invalid-was in Department 100 of Los: Angeles County Superior Court himself Tuesday, but only as a spectator and member o{ the famtl y. J1e Is fret co his own teeogniiance without having to post cash bond on the Oklahoma homicide charge, f o r which oo trial date has even beet\ sel yet. His brother has been held 74~ days without ball, arraignment or t r i a I , because in his case extradition is in· volved and ao extradition hearing is not technically a trial. Santa Ana attorney Roger Agajanian, who is representing Russell free of charge, clallN his client has been sub- jected to double j~ but so far, appelate courts and the Ca11fomia Supreme Court have yet to agree. Oklahoma autborittes, me.anwhile. claim Otey have new evidence against Ruuell In the patbeUc slaying of the crippled old man, but refuse to dl.scuss it any turther. Russell wu arrested once in OrBDge County and eventually freed by SUperior Court JUdle WUllam Murrary on 1he ba1il al a polygraph tat that stroogly indlCated bl• lnnocence. One factor Okl ahoma authorities claim tO have ls an alleged call by the defcn· dant to his brother Noah In the Soooer State, 1n wblcb he claimed to have braged that be sure did beat that lle-tat. ~ ' ,, . 7 Orildi·en Die in Bus; HOCKMART. Ga. (AP) - A train bal'ked into a loaded school bus at 3 railroad crossing today, k.illlng at lt."aSI seven children, au t h·o r It t es reported. Poice said there were about 3 O children. mostly 10 to 14 years old, aboard the bus. Beside the dead, mOfll of the others on the bus were injured, some seriously. Witnesses said the repair train had been called to the scene of a deraUment during Lhe night and was backing up along the tracks when it hit the bu.s. The train dragged the crwnpled bus several hundred feet down the track, police said. • \Vhen the train came to a halt, the · caboose was derailed and on top of the overturned bus. The Polk County coroner first reported thal the bus dri ver, Billy Kellett, had beoo killed . But police later said he \YaS hospitaizcd in critical condition. . . . . ' . • • 'NOT A FORTUNE HUNTER' Fiance Michael Wilson Attor neys Off er "People do not know -t a MAC Min.er $48,000 is." Noble said. "II is totally amazing. Frona Page A l E1'"FORTS ..• People. are ignorant about it." T N' • W dd • He has held foor coffee klalehes and 0 ix e _ in g plans four or five more before the Nov, 5 election. I:.ONDON (AP ) -The ~nd<¥1 Evening Some of the candidates have tried Nc;,.s reported today that lawyers for to publicize their complaints about the 11appy Rockefeller's aunt Rachel Fit1er various problems facing them in the offered \Velsh barman rt1ichael Wilson campaign. James Rnunds, for example, issued $48.000 not to marry the millionairess t r nearly SO years his senior. a sta ement protesting the decision by The N~ws said Wilson told it he refused th e COW1ty rounsel to deny the MAC_ _ "I got very angry and told them candidates statements of qualifications. 1 am not a fortune hunter'' -and ''It seems to me that with the high thal fl1iss Fit!cr sald at her home near cost of campaigning and general suspi· Philadelphia: c/on of political contributions that de-"I have 00 intention of changing my nying this opportunity to MAC candidates mind. The more they press me, the more ' is putting them In the position of either determined I am to marry Mr. Wilson ." raising large sums of mcney to pay The newspaper said Miss F it I er ' s for publicity or asking the people to lawyers •·were expected to n1ake one vote for someone th ey know nothing more atteinpt 1oda11 to try to have · about," Bounds said. " th e couple call il off." The county counsel said the decision ''I think it is because I am a miner's GSA Denies Zi ggurat For Ni.Xoil WASHINGTtlN (AP) -The General Service• Administration say1 an office building II acqulred In Lall\lll• Nllfllel, was ~·oever contemplated to be a pres.idenUal library ror fo1mer Prealdent Nixon.'' The building, about 10 mi.lea from Nl1on's San Clemente re&idenCt', wa1 acquired Feb. 15 from Rockwell Interna- tional Corp, in exchange for property in the state belonging to the Air Force. Sen. Joseph rtf. Montoya (D-N.P.1.), chainnan of a Senate appropriatiorui subcommittee, asked GSA Administrator Arthur Sampsoo about report1 that the million ~square-foot building was to be u8ed for Ni.Jon's benefit. He quoted Sampson as replylna: thlt "the property was not acqul.red u a prealdential Jibrary or a per~ a n n t depository for Nixon'• records." Bnt he said that "temporarily storin1 Mr. Niion's records in a relatively small portion of the Laguna Niguel facility is similar to Che courtesy storage pr. vlded other former presidents. Sampson also wrote that "this ex· change was not a 'ball out' for Rockwell International." "The Laguna Niguel facility was ac· quired because It was and is ln the very best interest of the federal govern- ment to obtain a.building al a reuonable cost to meet present and future space needs in the Southern California region," he said. Montoya said the General Accounting Office advised him that the GSA would have to spend about $.1 million to put the bu.ilding in condition for use, and maintenance costs am utility bWs would run about $500,IXX> a year. · In his statement, Montoya also said he had propel'.ty records in the vicinity or the t>utld(ng checked .. to , find out who the owners were and reported these showed that Herbert Kalmbach of Newport Beach. Nixon's former attorney, was involved in the .acquisition of two small tracts. Montoya said r&'Of'ds furnislied him showed that 35 acres were bought on May 22. 1969 for about $300,000 by Galivan Investm ent Co., represented by Galivan Properties Ud ., and that the address of the Galivan fmn was In- dicated as that of Kalmbach's law ftnn. was based on the faet that MAC can-son that they feel I am not fitted dldates are not public officials becaillle to marry Miss Fitler," said Wll90n, they will serve only ln an advisory a handsome 29-year-old who is visiting capacity to the oounty Board of Super-his mother· in the Welsh to wn of Uay. Nixon Hinted as Witness He said about one acre ls owned by f\.toulton-Nlguel Water District and its address was listed as Suite 900, at 5SO Newport C.enter Drive, Newp:rt Beach. visors. He said he would be telephoning 1tfiss There la no provision ln the election Filler today. code allowing the use of-county money " ... Yes. reversed charges," he told to produce statements of qualifications a questioning newsman. for advi90ry officials, the county COWlSel Wilson said the difference ln their said. ages is irrelevant because their rela· In Trial by Judge Sirica Mi ssion Viejo's Weekly Paper To fJose Doors WASHINGTON (UPIJ -U.S. District Judge John J. Sirlca raised the possiblli· ty today that form er President Nl1on may be called as a witness of the rourt in the Watergate cover-up trial so none of the lawyers v.'Ould hav~ to vouch for his truthfulness. Nixon's name was raised in an ex· change bet"·een Sirica and a s s i s t a n t special prosecutor James Neal about the credibility of some of the future witnesses. The jury was out of the courtroom at the time. Sirica earlier told the jury t h a t whenever the prosecution or the defense calls a \vitness, those lawyers nonnally vouch for the truthlulness of h i s testin1ony. But '.'\cal said there was "some con- cern" among the prosecution that thclr \\•itnesses might not be telling the whole truth. . fl<' said ii may be a case in whici1 "8J percent of what he said is true, but \II' have serious C1'.lncerns about thl' otht•r 15 percent." "Your honor knows the history of \Vatergale.'' Neal said, •·and it's not be('n a history of everyone telling the sa me lhing about the same event." \\'illlnm Frates. a lawyer for defendant .John E:hrlichman , then raised Nixon's name. suggesting that the former presi· dent might be call ed as a court witness to avoid credibility problems. Nixon has been subpoenaed to testify by both the prosecution and the defense. .. That could Jiappcn." Sirlca t o Id Frates. ··rm rnr saying it will happen. In that case, nobod y would have to vouch for his credibility," At least one candidate has challenged tionship is based on companionship. When a witness Is called by tbe court. the Casta de! Sol policy of keeping ''ls .she 77?" he asked. "I'd never . the deten.e and prosecution are allowed candidates from campaigning door to have thought she was as much as that broader questioning powers. door. Inal Arsan said he believes the and , of rourse, being a gentleman, I Neal aa1d the proeecution wants to policy Is "tyranny" and objected that never asked ." call U wttneue1 all pei'lons who have political candidates should not be treated The tall, ruggedly built f o r m er Watergate-related lnformaUon. the same as household goods o r choirboy announced through a newspaper The Good News, a weekly newspaper "We want a full, unllmlted, unmodified encyclopedia salesmen. in Llay that he was going to ·~·-will h t " N I --'d I · th ,,_,, published in Mission Viejo, announce an& ou ' ea IHU • P aymg on e So, with less than two weeks to go the aunt of V i c e Pre.!lident-designate words attributed to Ehrlichman in before the Nov. 5 election, the 32 can· Nelson A. Rockefeller's second wife, the some bad news to its readers Thursday. de!ICl'l.blna the Watergate cover-up. didates are busy t'Oncocting inexpensive former Margaretta ··~tappy" Fitler. it is closing Its doori. Meanw6Ue, columnist Jack Anderson gimmicks and hoping for a break. Most Miss Filler and Mrs. Rockefeller are First published in September of 1971• asserts that a llOW'ct at Nilon 's San ha found h · ~· 1 the tabloid rommunity newspaper was Clemente home reports the funner presi· ve l at L'I t1n;Jr on y dX>ice. joint hei:esses it,o dthe t Filler :~rtun:~ started by Richard O'Neill, Orange Cou. dent Is "at the point of emotional col -at one time. va.,ue a more an "" ty Democratic Central Comm l t tee la-." million, and f n---ho .,, __ , r-p S , F. I • ha chairman owner o n.ll,ln.; l-on Anderaon .said Tuemy In Evansville. a rents tO ee Reports on Miss it er s age ve Viejo, and Paul !decker, wOO now owns Ind., "The American people's fait h in varied from 61 upward.9. Two members a public relations linn. They aold the government has been 5 hake n by of her staff at her home ~ an exclusive paper la.st July aceordlng to Jdeker, be- W.atergate. People feel they wer e Educational Film Philadelphia suburb said She is Jn her cause of rising coets and demands upoo betrayed by Nixon. ~·I ·would never have dreamed she their time. "Nixon will go down in history as The film "Mommy, Daddy and Us was much over 60, '' said Wl\soo, who The publication, which was distributed tbe nation 's worst president because of K.ds" ·11 be ho Oct 30 t t'ng ......,.t Miss Fitler while he was working in communities from Capi.straoo Beach Watergate., 1 w1 s wn . a a mee t """ based b Larry Ander~ said he still has a "rellallm.-of pa~ls~ and stude.nts in the special as a butler at the exclusive Breakers co~~1Qro, was pure Y source" at San Clemente. \""':S.,.,.A""""'...,. :~;:-e:;.: ::..'1 . I~ Saddleback Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla. HHl. \JW ~':":"'~~ .. 'Pot """"a ,aid "He was an extremely reliable soilfce Valley Unifi~ Sch~! Distri ct. "I \earned to respect her intelligence Hill intends to drop the newspaper and In the past," Anderson said. "He says The, meeting y,•111 be held at. 7:30 and her judgment, and we established convert the business to a printing com- Nixon is at the point of emotional col· p.m. 1n Lomarena Elementary School, a tre mendous closeness. Our relationship pany. lapse. His friends are resisting putting 25100 Earhart Road, Laguna H.1Jls. was bu.ill entirely on companionship She said he had hoped to sell the him 00 the witness stand oot because D~. Jose ph A. ~lat ow, . director of rather than on love," Wilson said Tues-paper but prospective buyen have been of his phlebitis. but because or his em<>-pupil personnel services, w_11l moder~te day from his parents' modest, three-hesitant because of pending lltlgaUon tional condition." a question and an swer session f0Uow1ng bedroom home in this small We Is h agal~ the company brought by another Anderson said his source "said Nixon, ~'-he~fl=lm:=. ==;;:;;:===:;;;~::===v=il=la=g="=======:~::====w=e=ek=l=y=n=e=w~spa~pe;r~. ;;;;;~~~~~ if required to face cross-examination on the subject of Watereate, a subject ''-' ' 11 .1 .. which obsesses' him, a subject on which he's become irrational, might very v.·cll do a Queeg on the wiCness stand and break down." He rtferred to the fictional Captain Queeg, who broke down under cross-ex· amination in the novel "The C a i n e MuUny." Anderson was at an Evansville Preas Club grldiroo dinner. • ' Teen -age r Stabs , Robs Mote l Clerk, Escapes """ .... 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA--'46· 1919 . .,,... -· Skateboards & Wheels Shuffleboard Sets Barbell & Dumbell Sets Croquet Sets Slant Boards lloxlng Gloves Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Racket Strh1CJllHJ Racquetball Racquets & Balls Handball Gla•es & Balls Warmup Suits NE\V ORLEANS (AP ) -A leen·Age gtrl s!;ibbcd and robbed a fl4-yeaNld more! clerk. then wai ted on customers , making change "'Ith stolen money while the n1an lay behind the counter bleedi11g, !JO!IC'e say. Detectives gave thh1 acrount of the r.1on<1ay night incident : TIX' glrl . described as being about 16. entered the motet took i'90. and pointed a three-inch knife at Jostpll C. Bul"l"Ow11. Then she .said, ·•f :lm going to !!pill your guts," and slashed him twice In the abdomen Burrows began wrtstllng with tl1e girl for the knife and was slabbed In the <'httt, arm&, lace and neck. He fell to the fll(>r. While he lay there , a customtr came In and It!@ girl reglstered ' him Into the motel, making change from tbe stolen money in her purse. She han<!ecl a room key to a second guest and checked a third out. A rourt11 pel'>Olt hoard groaning hohlnd the counter, loolted, and saw the clerk holding down Ibo girl. She shouted the mlln waa r1pln1 her, the clerk cried out thiit the 1lrl was robbln1 him aod the frlgtrtenod customer dropped b~ k•y and fled . The g~I b,.t. loose and lef\ In a pick· up truck occupied by a man. Police late r ormtod 0-.• L. Baskin. 11, and booked him with heln'g a prlnctpal to an armed robbery and at;!mpted mur- der. Pollet wtl'! se1rdlln1 today for the girl. Burrows w11 In satlsfectory ocndltlon lo I boopltal • ' Judo Suits Ka rate Suits Tennis Dresses TeMls Shorts Tennis Shirts · Tennis Sweaters' Tennis Shoes Open 9 to 6-Clo sed Sunday Sweat Suits Hooded Sweatshirts Adldas·Con•erse-Spot lilt Tiger-Brooks-lob Wolfe Shoes Lealher Footballs·lasketballs-Soc· cer Balls Bike Repairs-Parts· Tires· Tubes 538 Center 646-1919 I I \ ' Man Gets Life Term In Mmder LOS ANGELE~ IArl James ~1itosc, 57 , a sclf- slyled religious leader and karate master, has dru"'n a life sentence in prison f(Jr masterminding th<: death uf a we:ilthy San (~u bricl \':.ii · ley strav.·btirry f;.ir1n1:r Mitose was sc11t cutcd Tucsduy in Superior C.:1Jlll"I afte r his COll\'iCILOll Oil ;.1 churge of ordering u young "disciple " to kilt u S:in Dimas !armer. Taking note Sta te ) or his age, Superior Court Judge Leslie \V. Light said ih handing dov.'n the sen- trnre "this undoubtedly means he will .spend the, remainder of his life in prison." ,• TARGET OF LAWSUIT David Carradine .., Trial Set In Geotek Frau~ Case SAN FltANCISCO fUl)ll -Opening arguments 1Jcg111 today in a federal lri ul for the former prcs1dtnl of an oil drilling fir1n \\1ho is ch:irged with ~ct·urlt1cs fr<iud and mail fraud. A jury \va s picked ·rut•!alay for the trial or John I'. Burke. 48, or La 1wfesa, former presid ent of Geotek. \\·ho also is ch<1rged by the 'Kutig· fu' ~ecurit1cs and exchange <·01nmission with filing false i.lalcments. Debate Slated SAC RAMENTO IAPI The rlrst f1u:e -tu-face debate between th6 U.S. Senate cundidates com es today urter a disc los ure thut Sen. Alan CranJ1;ton has raised SS!kl,8911 for his campilign, 1'oday·s debate In San Francisco is the first or three this week between the four Senate can .. didatcs: Cran~ton , Ric.'hardson, Gayle M. Justice of the Peace and Freedom party and Jack l\fcCloy of the American Inde pendent party. St S d Attorneys Arthur J . Lem· "----------~ ar Ue pert, 42~ of San fit ateo and --:; • ' Hohect Rose, 44, or San Boosts Told I A ·• k Haf:icl also are on trial, ' · Il llaC chargedwitheonspiracyto OAKLAND CAP) r·1 r I t t t 'th Kaiser Foundatioh offi cials .. • 1 e a sc s a emen s v.•1 I.OS "ANGELES tAPl the SEC. have announ~ed a whopping ·relevlsion's :'Kung ' Fu" The indictment against 15.8 percent hike in 1975 sto.r, David Carro.tHne, has Burke involves sales of health plan charges for em- bccn sucd forSl.l milliooby securities \~'Orth SI0.3 mil· ployers and union-spon- awomanwhoclaims theac-lionto643 invcstors. sored-groups and a 10 per· k d " d · cent rate boost for in· lor atluc c "e r ur1ng a The case could figure in bizarre sequence or events the state's November bal-dividual customers. f>Tank h t · 1 tl " th C. J ones, Kaiser "ice t a in c u c,. .. i; rlJ_n · loting for attorney general sacking or his neighbor's as the result of-assertions president a nd health plan h manager, sa;d the cost h;k•• canyon ouse. by \Vi lli am Norr is, .. Floods. llnilst••11es Tornadoes Slam Desert Country By l hf' /\s™lalt"d Prf'ss Desert 11reas from the l\l l'x1rcu1 1.Jorcl1•r n•1rt h tu Needles \\'C rc battered by n11nor t11ruarl1J1'S ,111d brief but \•iolent thundersturn1s v.·h1c h lt'ft ~t:\'1·r:d hon1cs domaged 1Jlld a nu1nlX:1' or road:-. flO•Jtle1L One oft he tornad0t1s ·rurs1la~1 ~·J 11kt·1t t 1Jc.., t ri,111 the roof or l\~'O s rn a ll \'Ut'Uliuu hOllle.'S \\'f''ol or J 11~hu,1 Tree but no injuries "'cl'r 1't'l.1Urtl·d. 1'hc> funnel •·tooked like ;1 hli.11·1. .,trl•;1I. t'11rnln;.: out or the :-.ky," ~aid slalc l>L\'ISIOO UI For1· ... 11 \' Fll"l' Clipt. H:1ul Tremblay. "I 've ~c\•n b;ut \111111~. IJul nothing like that ." Tll F. St:CO~D T\\'ISTF.Rtouc·l11·1t ~lu11 n in Yucca Valley but no damu~e \\':J S r t'JJU!'lctl 'l'vrn,1dt1l·:-. are a rare occurrence iu the area. About a half-Inch of r:i in a11d ha111he :-.111· <1f :,:olr balls fell in Yucc a V;illcy, touching nff .i rninor fl :i~h flood and nurnerous calls to fircmi.:u f1 urn belt•:i:,!ucrcd residents for assislanec. Blythe. Cathedral City and Palin Dt"•l'rl rcpor-· led some floodin g front more than a h:ilf-111ch uf rain. Authorities reported California ll igh\\';1y G2 was closed from 'l'w entynine Palms lo 'l'uec;1 Valley, California 111 fron1 l\Tccca to the lmpcri:it County line and a section of California i8 north o[ Et Centro. ------. Wednesday. 0c!Ollt:I 23 197• 0All 'I' PILOT I ,'; WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW OF ORANGE COUNTY ' C AL/fQRNIA'S LAitGtsr (AW SC HOOi •oFFERS A NEW PROGRAM• OF SPRING -ENTERING FULL-TIME LAW STUDY A CHOICE OF f OUR PROGRAMS Of LAW STUDY IS ArA/LAILf! • IN EIT HER 2'/, or J Yf.4RS ,f FUtL-TrMt /!~16<h1"' ~,.,r •~·-·). 0 • IN EITHER J '/1 or t ff.4 RS ,·' PART-rl "'f I' ~~~•P j j ,.., j r • /·~· ' . ). • r ... ~ , .. ~ • ~ ,. / · u::i..:t1-' !•1 ~. f' _.. r ~ .,. r. Wt!T£ Ot PHONE fOt (AIJ,LOGVI 800 South Brookhurst Anaheim, Ca. 92804 17141 635-3453 . APPLY NOW FOR DAY, EVENING. OR WEEKENO CLASSES BEGINNING FEBRUARY 3, 1975 P•OV!SIONAlLY ACtlfOITIO IY THE (OMMITlfE Of Ill.I fJ(AMIN(IS Of UH ~TATE BAI Of (ALllOINIA frank Namimatsu, 65, cafled the strawberry king of the San Gabriel Vallt.'y, was strangled l:lst l\1arch ~ and his wife, Yoshiko, \\/U S left for de1:1 d. Authorities said Namimatsu was goi ng to report fititose for bilking him by selling him $100,000 in phony medical cures. Anrick l\l<.1rie Kilty said Democratic cand idate for is due to rising operational in the Superior Court suit thcoffice. ,_!C~o~st~•l·----------------------------------'----------------------- C..mpaig11 Probf' ~OS ANGELES IAPI Despite a · flurry of com· pli.intB about ca mpili ~n funds "'irregularilies. only One cOndldatc for state of· fice is" uride t · '"active .. in - vcsligation for alleged Ci.101· paign reporting \'iolntions. Atty·. Gen . 1-~vellt • 1·ounger said in an inter- view Tuesday that Assem- blyman Joe GQllsalves ID· Cerritos ), is the only ran- didatc under inve!)tigation. i\'erc Presidet1t LOS ANGELES (AJ>f Lee II. IJa \'ics, \\•ho h:i-. guided !\'lodesto <ts ma:-or for the past eight years. hn <> been elected presidr11t 11f the League of C:."aliforn1.J Cities. The e lect ion flf Da,·1t•..; cu me Tuesday at the ill1 h annual conference of tht league. Df'ath Aceide111 LOS 1\NGELES CAPI The dea{h of :1 lll-yc:1r·old boy fol\O\\'ing. :in l·:\·~·I l\nie\•el-type bieyclc stun t has been ruled ;1ccidental by a coroner's jury. !"iO""e\·er, l\\"O or thl' Sl'\"\'ll jurors Tue sday found .. some dei;ree or negligcn- ('C" at Queen or the V:lllL'}' llospita\ in \Ve st Co\'ina, "'here F'rank Perry \\ilS taken t\\'icc for t reattnent. f1led Tuesday that the 37· Norris has contended that ycar·old actor ordered her the incumbent attorney tn take off a ll her clothes general, Evelle Younger, 1lurin ~ the attack. i\!iss failed as Los Angeles Killysaid shc rcfll sCd. Di s trict Attorney to Carr:idinc faces arraign-properly inves tigate mcnt 'fhursda y on three · Gcote k. 1nis dcn1canor charges stemnlinA from the Sep\. l:i incident at the huml' of SLA S't 'i\1 ich:il·l Lobner. Carradine I e :i \l t:gedl y s mashed '"indows tit l he h ouse, -rifled a Q d d medicine (';1binct. pl:i ycd r ere the pi:i no and left a blood.v 1r:i1 1 10 hi s o\\'n hom e. Dem'oli"shed authorities said. :\1 1SS Kll.T'' :.:1id in her l'l\'il :-.uil th:it the actor lc:i 1>cd fron1 a ear "n:iked ;i nd bleeding" :is she \v :Js · \\";tlkin~ 11·ith fricn<,ls. She 1·l:J imcd he :-.crea1n ecl that ..;he\\ as a "\l·itch. '.' hil her ;1n1t tried 10 pull ht'I' clothes IJ!f. Sht· i.a1 d the attack h_•ft her bruised, en1otiun:illy u1>'i<'l and un;;ble to sleep. 'l"he ~uit seek:i: SI00.000 gt·nc ral d:ima g e s, un· ~pt•cificd me dic::il ex1Jt'n~es ~1nrt SI 1ni!liun in punit1\'e dan1:ig1·s. Fire Razes GWfW Set l"l'LVE!l CITY ll 'PJ J \Vhere the grt1nd army of the rc publir and a ca~t of 1housands failed, a smt11l bru ~h fil'l• suceeed ed LOS ANGELES {;\P) - 'fhe ~ite of las t ri.1i.l y's liloody shootout \\'ith the Symbionese Liberation Arrny ·ha s been orde red razed by the City Council. 'l'he council ordered the !Jepartmcnl of Public \\lorks 1'uesday to demolish the South Los Angeles house at r ity expense estinlaled at $3.000. - The n)odest residcnlial ~1re;1 has been a ha\'en for t·uriosity seekers and sou\·cnir hunters since six SLr\ n1 cmbers , including leader Donald ''Cinque" J)eF'rt-cze. \Vere killed in the :\l;iy 17 shootout \vith police and the ensuing fire. 1\ Folsom Prison inm3te \\'ho died this past weekend \\'as \"isited four times last ,\·e:ir by ;1 mernber of the SLA killed in the shootout, prison officials say. ;'===========;-'rue~day ni ght. 1'hl' set for the Atlanta Geol'ge Haynie, a n ad· m inistrati ve r.issistant to the \\'arden, said Tuesday that SL,\ n1ember Nancy Ling Perry vi s'ited inm :1te Ha~·mond Sparks at the prison tu·ice in July -1973. once in ,\ugust ilnd once in L>eeen1 bcr. Sunday is raaDAr I 1n tt-e l1iJJtlijl!1}J railru;1 d :-.t:itiun seen by mil - hons 111 the nto\·ic "llone \\"1\h l 'he \\"ind " Wu.~ gone \\'ll h lht.' \\'ind and the fire· tod a\". 'l'he gr:i:-.s blaze :-;"cpl lhrough the Bfrcrly Cu l\"t'r Studios. "'They \\'ere apparently trying to get n1en1bers'' l~ayn~es~id. __ .. UNBELIEVABLE PRICES 2 RACKS ONLY LADIES SALE SHOES NATURALIZER -LIFE STRIDE COVER GIRL -KEDS -CARESSA BERNARDO & OTHERS LIMITED SIZES 3 DAYS ONLY to REG, T6 $28 . 1052 IRVINE -WESTCLIFF PLAZA -NEWPORT BEACH .548-8684 South Coast Plazil Co:il.t Me!>a ' .. _ w&l:Ol '"' I I ' --- •• • i I l • l . ( ' • • • ' -. DAILY t•ILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE . Lesson· in Politics . Co~sidt.:ri~g that it 1s the first local political cam. po.11gn 111 J\l1 :,:19n \'1\'Jn, it 1:-; not urJUising thal the J\1unic1pod /\d ,·i~or~ l'uunl'il ca n1p<.1ign has laid bare l he pol i lit a I n u i \'t•le or !)l'\·1,:ral or the 32 ca nd idu les . \Vhttl 1s !>.urpr1:-i1ng, hO\YCvcr, is that the Mi8sion V.icjo Con1puny '-illo"t1l a letter naming five l'<in· d id:.ttes to be .scnl to 800 l\·l i~s ion Viejo reside nts in a monthly bill in~ frun1 lhi: lrut ts' n1unaging agent. 'fhe result has been cmbarrassi n~ fur everyone involv!!cl und . m ade it i.1p1>ear thi: cornpany \\•as so mehO\\' l.>eh1nd an ~ndorst•1ncn1 . . l1robably cvl•ryonc involved has learned a fc\v bus 1(· J cs~on s : that lctlt•rs 1licntioning t:1ndidatcs ' names wtll bt• t:.ik1c1n as an 1·1Hlot'st.•n1cnl y,•hcthcr th<tt \Vas intended or not ; th;1t c:irnpuign letters should not be sent in billin,g s tatements; and that ult s uch letters should be :-.ig ncd by cxuctly thost behind them . 'fhe con1p;111y has mailed u lcttcr s aying the letter \\•as not lntt•ndcd a~ anv kind or an cndorst>1nent . 'rhough it rlid not eX11lain the int;ldent. the letter proved that company orfieiuls \\"l'l"e a"are of ttu: :-.lipup and cha~rincd by it .1'hey should be. /\nc1 the community ancl Lhc comp~1ny s hould benefit fron1 the lesson in future (·Jcctions. attractive SlruCtUrCS i'qUippt.>d Viith the lalCSl O[ e verything. Stule-mulchini.: aid also ha s been okayed ror a s:1.3 million fint.• urts IJulltlin g and a rcntral utilitlcs plant. 'J'hanks lo inflatiun. hu\\'l'\'l'r, \O\.V bid . on the fine arts strut·turc c;.1nu.· in :it SS.4 111illion, 79 J>ercent over budget. 'rhcsc inflationary realiti('S ~radu:illy arc n:1r- rowi ng Suddleback's ~d ternati,·cs. 'l'h e upprouch \.•ihi ch seems to n1ake e<.·onomic sense is the one Y.'hich L'alls for sirnplc. functionul buildin~s. Consumer Pays 1'he consciousness·raisin~ of rcc~nt inflation hus brought out at h:ast one point : The consun1er pays for c·,·cry1 h111g int he end. The question is, hO\\" n1uch ·! l1·v1nc 's parking n1an;1gen1(•nl plan. part of the 1'~11\·iron1ncntal P r olel'lion Agent~'·s effort to improve air quality, Is a tasc in point. 1'he plan is to be a n O\'l'rall schen1 e for hO\\" tu divert dri\'f'l'S fro1n thl'ir U\vn cars to other tr;1nsporlution n1ethods. 1\t ;.1 r·ctcnt city countil meeting, an EPA officer ~:J\"C lhl• COUlltiJ the '"pl CttS~lnl prospt!Cl " o( !upping dc\'elopel's. rneaning the l r\'ill(' Cun1pany, for the ·Campo C tba k 1..:ust s ofd ruftin ~thcplan . · . S U C Un the surface. the pro::;pc~·t is ~1ppea l i n g. Uut it is A st<Jte d ecision v.1hich could cul off all s tate aid to less so \Vhen tcnlJX!red by the \\'ilY cons umers building at S<td clleba<·k College renews ;.i n old dehatc: ultimately will pay. l·low can the campus ht.• constructed ilnd still kept ·ro recoup its added costs. the Irvine-or a nv 'vithin re<1.son a ble building costs? other in this situation -\\'ill pJss them along to ils Supt. f{obert Lombardi suggested th;.it intcrn<.11 customers·. \Vpe n the cost is a ssessed to business. the politics o f the s late ed uc<itiona l sys tem had t.:ostof the product or ser vice goes up. \Vhen tacked to something to d o with Saddlcback 's sudden financial hQmcs. n101tg3ges and interest a lso go up. drought. If that is true. administrators of t he dis trict Should hurry to Sueramcnto to do everything they tan So, ''·hi le it is a beguiling bit of bureaucratic soft : to change the. formula. soap to talk of "tapping the developer." the fact is i Mea11,,·hile, trustees inay he forced to ea se up on that \\'hcther you \Vind up riding a bus. or living in "' the ir initial approach to campus construction. apartment or shopping in a store. the bill will get lo '•,.w·•••• SB 'And they used to call us racists!' : Two extraordinary buildings ha\'e ·been built youcventuaUy. ·~~~~~~~-'-~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' ' • • How Kis~inger Wielded Power l \VASHINGTOJ'\ -Forthe'pusi fiye years, U.S. foreign policy has been ·almost totally dominated by one man -Dr. Henry 1\. Kis.c;inger. Inside 'sources, y,·it h secret documents lo back up their story, have told us how he m a nipulated the diplomat ic strings. Throughout the Nixon years, Ki s· singer steadfastly maintained to inquiri ng repor· ters that he never recom m ended policy t o the· President unless his vie\\·s y,·ere .solicited. He merely presented "Op· ,l ions." he voy,•cd. and left It 10 the rh1ef to m akc I he decisions. IT WA S SA ID_ President Nixon ; y,·ould retirl' to the solitude of the Lin· coin sitting roo.m or to his secluded of· fice in the White House anneK , where he "'ould po rl"" O\'Cr his options. After m uc h agoni zing and scratching on yello"' legal pad5, ~e would e merge and .:innoun c e hi s m omentous •decisions. , This is nol. accord1nj! lo our sour· ('cs. ho"' it h:.i ppencd. ·rhey say Kis· s inger seldon1 failed to give the l'rt's ident his pe rsonal ret·o mmen· dal1ons :.ind Nixon seldom failed lo take the advirt' As a former Kis· s in ger ;1ssocialc put it succinctly : ··'.'!ixon agreed wilh llenry on the thinizs he knC\\/ about. and he trus ted llt·nry on lhc th1nj!s he duln"t kno"' ;1bout. ·· TllE Pt\TT F.R~ '>l."as set r:.irly in 19119 y,·hen .~1xnn ~ave the N:llional Sc1'1u·ity C<•1111td ~ta ff a l>t'I> talk . Af- ll'I" ;i fry,· _genera l rcm;1rks. aecordint: In SC'\"t•ral t'Vl' ,,·1tnt•sst>s, he nodded 1t1\1 ;trd Ki:-l<';ngt•r ··\ft•nry and I afe i.:01ng \11 t•nd tht' \1 :1r. ··the President :-:it<!, \\'L!h 3 :-l~ -.111 11\•, "\Ve 11·ant )'OU lt•1lo11 .-. l1J t ;1~1· l"ilf"t' 01 !ht• l"t'l!l of the \\llJ"ld ."" l1ur -.11urc·t·s -.:11 N1;..oll tht•n laun· ~·hed into :1 t11111Ju -. ;11111 vulgar assault 011 th•· St.tlt' l>t·p:1rtn1t•nl Forei2n 1~1hr~· 11 .1-. J.!nLn t.: 11~ \)I• handll'd hy !he \~'h1tf' lln11-.1•, ht· dt•t·l;1rcd. and not by !ht· "":-tript·rt p:1nt s f.1i.:gu1-." .11 Fojgy Bottoni . 'fhcr1· 11 .1 :-. .1 e11llt·t·t11t· ).!:1:-.p from 1ht· tv.11 tlo1t·11 .\"SC' st.111 n1t"1nhcrs. Prt•s1dt•nt \"1x1i11 "11 h h1:0. l~.'nt•hant for .;J y111g th1 • ..., rung th111s.:. :11 the 11ron ,.: 11 ml'. h.1d for~oth·n th:il the 111:tJOl"ll \" n!" ht:-.1tJ11l1•n1·1· h:itl l·Omt' to 1f1P \l."h1lt• 11011:-.1• l runi thl' torl"l).?n -.er '11·1·. Tllf:RF.Af'Tf-~R . l\1:0.<111!).11•r st·t Ufl his O"'n prl\<i le Sl atl" \)l'llJ flm1•nl 1n lht• h:1st·mcn1 or 1hl· \\'h11 .. lluu:-:l'. 11h('l'C hf• <l1 t't.'C'\t•tl l'll'l"I ,1"111.·1·! of !ht• •lt•t1s1on m.ik1n ~ rn :H·hHh ·r.1 ll l· Pt'\':0:1dl·1l \t\l'•' 1lil· ~;1\1011a l I S1·1•t1rity c·oulH'll. 11hu·h tlc1£'1"0\!IH·d '011·1·all pol11'.1 Iii• r111111 o llt•d tht' .upt•rst•crt•t t'ornn1iltt•t• nf Forty, 11h1ch plot11·d t·111'••rl :1tt11·11ic~ 111• ;11:-n hcadt·1t tin• \Va.;t11111lton S1x•1·111I ·\1 ·tion Group, 11htl·h a:-:-~mhl1•d "to 1n.1n;1J!l' crl:o.t•:- Th<· :-f>Crt•I m1notf" 1"h11" th:1t Ni~on :-cldonl ;.ittt·!l dl•cl tht•:-1• 1·r1u·iul rnc(·\1111::-hut 11,11t1·cl fo1 "1~-.1ni::1·r to fill him 1n ·rtu• '"" mt•n ("on(£'rred 10~1 ·thcr rrcrp11 .. ·nl I:>. SC)l 'RC'E~ \.\h11 Ol't'a:-1nn:1111 v...-rr rall£'d ln!n lht'lr pr11!l lf' n1P1·l111i:i" ''I~ :'\1xo11 and l\1,.,11l j,11·r ••IJJ'lar1·nlly dul n'l 1·n ~.1~•· 1n rlf'l'I'· 1ntt•ll1·ct11,1 I fi1:<l'L1:- '""',.,. 'l'h1·\ talkl'd abuut 11orlrt 1~:-U<'S 1n h·rm:-: 11f p1•f-.11nah1 It'' .i nd lht'\ 11t·1,. nHt•n \ u l ~ar, ripp1ni: trll u !~1r1 ti.?n l1•a1l 1·r 1-< \li th ••purt.-. J>Om1•t1n1t·~ l'l"lll'I, fl'm11rk:-. I I (JACK ANDERSON) When Kissinger travelled abroad. he kept the President inrorml'd v.·ith cryptic personal messages. Only the two or them understOOd some of the references. A typical message from Kissinger 1n the ~1iddle East , as recalled by a sour« who saw it. reported: "fl1t'l y,•ith Number One . Discussed options. He agrees in principle." !'JOST OF Kissinger's recommen- dations t',o the President "'ere submit· ted formally in secret memos. which were guarded as closely as nuc lear secrets. Very rew of Kissinger's as· sociates arc aware such documents eK iSl. We, howe\'er, ha\'e seen some or them . A typical Kissinger·tO·Nixon · memo would be typed on Wh ite I-louse letterhead and stamped SECRET. Kissinger would begin \\"il h terse background inform ation and then outline his ·'recommendations.·· At the botton1 of the page were two blank lines. the leftmost marked "AP· prove," and the other "Disapprove." Almost never, according to our sour· ces, did Nixon initial the "disap- prove·• s pace. US\JALLV. a series of '"tabs " Col · lo...,,ed on plain white paper. 1'hese took up speciric issues. expressed in blunt, candid language. Each lab con· tained "approve" ar;id "dis:.ipprove" lines. ·rhe crowning touch would coml' "'·hen Nixon called in his Cabinet or ot her assOciaJ.cs to brief them on his foreign policy decision. As he spoke to lhem. he invariably cons ullcd :1 "talking points·• paper prcp;ired, of course, b~· the ubiquitous Dr Kis- singer. KISSING ER'S personal memos anti talking pa1:>e rs guided Nixon on lhl' Vietnam \Va r . the invasion of Can1 bodia. the South Vietnamese invasion of Laos. and scores of other initiatives around the world . Our sources could recall only unt· major issue on which N'ixon veto+:·d Kissinger 's r ecom n1 endations. That \.\'as thl' decision to bomb llanoi nnd n1ine llaiphong 11:.irbor in l\1ay 1972 In that instance. Ni~on O\'crruled :ill nf his c~ief advisers. includin~ Ki:-· singt'r. Kis singcr"!i domination of forcijtn \"IOlit"y has ront111ued into the Ford Ad 111111istratlun. Indeed. President Ford had srart·1•lv h1•en S"'Orn in before he .1:-sur~·d I h~ "'Orld that I ll'nr.v Kls :o;irl,i.!l'r 11nuld sta~· 011. Like NiKon h..?forc h in1 . t-'01•d leans heavily on K Is· :-111,:!cr fur fort·i!!n policy guidanct•. ()UI' SOtll'CS S(I\', in fa("\, th<.1t rord ha:-; not o,·crrulcd K iss1 ngt.•r yet. l-'()()TNflTF.: I\ 1S"s111~t·r h11 s sorr'H' brilliant cli1llon1:1t1..-at•hil•\'l'ITI<'nt..~ !u h1 s ('rt•<hl. inl•luclin g tl·mp11rary pc:11·e in the !\1icldle East. dctcnt c "'ith the So\•1t•t Union and rapprochement with m:linland Ch111t1 But thcr(' have also bel•n a fe"· disasters. such <i s the In· d1<1·Pakistan "·;1r, <..:hilt·. l·yprus and the aborted .. ,.cttr of Euro1>t'." , Quotes ~lr.oC; ... :. R. Przlhoro"·skl. Gl<'ndora •·This country·s sl11hihl }' doe~ not han~ on the thin thread or n1crc per·· .. on.1hl ~ b) i.1dhc-r111i;: 10 truth anrl pr1nriplr :tli lh(' nnly 1·c~1I 'alucs, )10~1d go~t.>rnn1t>nl 1nl'\'11uhly mu:-1 fnllow, Dear Gloomy Gus Let's teach dogs to r ead! Whe n it comes to observing leash la"'S and other controls, it 's obvious their masters are Illi terate. fl l al'be then o u r beaches , side'>'·a\k s and gardens wou ld not be fou led. G.\V. GltornT G1n com"'t"h ••t , .. ...,.11.0 ~~·•-1 -00 "" MteU••llY rrilKI .... m ...... tftl --per. MllCI 'you• INt "'" » r.._, Gtol, D•il,.P!lol. ' Difficulty With th£ Decalogue (SYDNEY HARRIS) In any discussion or world problems :incl man ·s fate , somebody sooner or later is bound to proclaim, with sweet smugness. "'Well, if \lie only would obey the Decalogue, everything would be fine. After all, the Ten Command· ments are still the best rules to rol· loy,· ·· Yet. if \\'c'took such a man seriously :ind questioned him on only one of the Ten Commandments, and perhaps the most impor.tanl. what y,•ould be the res ult"! ···rhou shalt not ki ll." A plain. flat statement. wilhoul qualification or modifil'alion. Wh at does our friend of lhe D£'ca logue s ay to this? Does he ac· rcpt it, ("Ompletely and unequi vocal- ly".' Or docs l)e try to get around it in nnc "a~· or urlothcr'1 FIRST OF Al.L. he v.·Jll say that 11·t· have " ''right •• to kill in self- <l{'fcnse -even though the Ot!caloguc docs not say, '"Thou shalt not kill. cx· cept in self.defense." Thl'n he y,.•i\I say that society has a l'ighl to kill orrenders, if their offense 1s deemed grie\"OUS enough-even I hough the first killer, Cain, was not 1·xecutt•d by God bot 11•as branded {1nd st•nt into ex ill· Nt•xt, he "·ill 1ns1sl that :.i nation has l hc ""nght .. to kill enemies in time of v. ar, he may dt.•1llorc SU('h u necessit y !and gcncruls are the greutl•St df'plnrcrs of ;.1 I I I, but he doc5 not doubt. lhat lht: Lord is ()ll the side of the '"just·· nation. Ill' y,•111 also IJOint to n1 an~ Old ·rcst<.1m cn1 pass:1ges whi ch Se1•n1 to confirm rjs l)()Sil ion. · Sii, FINAi.i.\', \l'hut docs th(• com· n1 t1ndrnen1 . ··'rhou sh:i lt. not kllJ ,·· ;1mount to".' It a mounts lo wh:.itcv(!r '>'"t' y,•ant !1) mnkc it. Nohody hut :.i ""rrank '" l 11k1·.~ the commandment literally . ncarl~ C\CryOO<ly bclil!VC!i lhal 11nrl1·r rl'rl:nn C'onclitions It is riJ.!ht 111111 11rnp1..•r to kill. 1-fardly anyon(' l'ltt:l'PI Sot·r:ll('S, .Jes.is and a fe\1' sa1nl s has l' 1 ('r truly IX'lil'Ved I hul it i!I bet Irr to :-u rfcr pr1in than toinflicl ii. 'rhl· d1(f1r111t\ \~11h !hr Ten Com· n1and1nl'nt :-. 1:-· nnt that unbelievers llout ii , 11 1.; th:it r \'C'n '"believers" do rlf1I hehf \ 1• 1!. do not :1i.:r('(' nn ii , do nol :•t·I on 11 A sun Ille st·nt ence of four .1nr sy ll ahl(' y,•ords. "1'hou shalt not kill." h;1-. confoun(lccl Christendom l•n :.!JMlll v~·:11·:-. for th(' hloodie!'ll wars IJf 1111 h!i\'f' becn rl'hg1ous y,•ur.s. • He's Altet1d of the President Tips on Saving Energy To the Editor: I a m way ahead or President Ford in energy conservation. Si nce the ct:tr· penters' strike in July, l. I gaYe up !ln y vacation trip. 2. I didn't buy a new color TV tand the TV I didn 't buy was a Sony). I did· n't buy a new pickup (it was a Ai azda Rotary). 3. J didn 't drive too much. 4. I didn 't buy ma ny groceries. (The groceries I didn 't buy were roasts and steaks and chops mostly.) I llAVE only worked 18 days since the strike and the wife can tell yOu that I haYe conserved a lot of energy around the house. Of course, there have been about ten strikes since July. The wallboard m~n are out now. Two or three more strikes a nd I ca n go out in the graveyard and dig my hole. JAMESW.BOLDING Tn.T Prt•tesc To the Editor: It "'as interesting to read that Nixon's taxes had been increased by 12 percent. I Ii Ye in San Clemente, and my assessment was jumped 25 per· cent. Believing this to be arbitrary and discriminatory I filed a protest. f\1y only response was a duplicate copy or the origint:tl rlotice increasi ng my assessment by 25 percent. B. L. O'NEILL ....... lll'allh Co•h ·ro the Editor : Anyone who takes even a brief look ~Lt government nationa l health programs will come lo the conclusion th!it the government wi ll go bankrupt if we in stitute such a program and ex- 1:>cct t11 fund it out of tax-revenues. CASTING a g lance at socilil security, we see that the number of recipieiits will grow rapidly in coming years ; in fact. it is to quadruple in t he next 25 years: but with the post war baby boom over and a zero population ~rO'ol.'\.h , there '>'1ill not be a growing number or contributors in years to come . With social security con- tributions running OYer 11 percent of payroll now {5.85 percent from the employer and 5.85 percent from the erf'lploye, it doesn 't seem possible to expect rour ti\nes as much to be col· lected from these same people. And yet we a re goin g to add a national hct:tlth progra m on also .. You can't make spmelhing out. of thin air; J>eople will have to pay for this medical seryice -·either t hrough payroll taxes or through regular in· con1e taxes. But with the goYcrnmcnt bureaucrats involved it will cost more than heo lth service does now . EDWA Hll H. ROSEK ER. M.D. f11fttrH1fllfl \i"11if"'N Toth Editor: )- In the aftermath of Watcrgitt, the public. more than ever. has a right and a need to be informed about the candidutes and the issue! wilh which it needs lo deal on NoY. 5. ram inccn· St.!d by the limited coverage given to such c<1 nd id:.ttcs a5 those running for Secretary of State, especially t.ohen lhe office o r Secretary or Slate KOverns I.he election laws and will be concen1cd "'ith re~toring a moralily to politics at it time when that ( MAILBOX ) Letters /rnm readers are welcome. Nor · mally . writers should corivey t/1e1r 1nes- sages in 300 words or lesi. The right In cnn· dense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserued. All fellers 1nusr include s1g- 11ature and moiling addresi; but name s may be ivithheld on request 1/ sufficient rell.'lon is apporenL Poetry will t101 he published. morality has plummeted to an all· time lo'>''. I AM disappointed to see political reports about the least s ignificant happenings, the la-ck of appearances. the reasons not to vote. rather than the who , wh at, where and why that truly informs. One such example is the race between Brit:tn Van Camp and March Fong for Secretary of State. When the press reported on the Oct. 7 KCET debate between the can· didates for Secretary of Stale, morl' mention was made of fl.larch Fang's reasons for not appearing on the show than y,.·as made of Brian Van Ca mp's highly articulate views on the issues relevant to thai oiji.re. I, for one. want to Yole as wisely 'as possible. I want to vote for the things I believe in a nd not just for the face or the gimmick tha l is sensational enough to make it into a back·page n ews a rticl e . Let"s have more frequent reporting or the candidates whereabouts and vi~ws on the issues. and lets get the voters' apathetic "hin&outa.! ihtir h11nd:! ond their eyc3 onto the news! · ALLISON \VELl.S Claim Forft•ilerl To the Editor: The chairman or the South t.:oa st Regional Coastline Co1nmission. Donald B. Bright. has forfeited an.v claim to th at position or great publtl' importance through his sorry perfor· mance in soliciting deYelopers to con- tribute to the campaign fund or Ed· mundG . Bro"·n.J r. He should resign immediately or be forced out of office by public opinion. or by legal channels. for a gross con· flict or interest. The commission he head s has more t han e nough problems y,·ithout having to operate under the cloud of being used for par· tisan politics, as ~Ir . Bright has placed it through his unbelievable tac- tic. ROBERT LEE To the Editor: As a regular reade( of the Daily Pilot, I would Lik e you to know bow great it "''as to see a good story in the People section such as the one Oc· tober 7 on Joyce Riley. I do not know her or the reporter : however, I feel it is about time the reading public find out more about nutrition a nd vita mins as related to illness. emotional as well as physical. DOCTORS 00 not tell people-the t£· fects or food additives, excessive s ugar and refined foods because they do not themselves know. A nev.•spb~r reporting such facts does a great ser- vice to its readers. fl.1any people just do not understand the dangers and are not motiv:ited to search out the a'li· sy,ers. Also 11":.nt to tell yo u ~1 ille Bel\'Scolumn on cooking for: one t\as some sound advice. Of course, I cook for more than i hal-three growing boys-but I still read il. I can adapt uny recipe if I want by mt:tking &ix times as much. 1 am not a health food nut nor do I c1·er y,·rite to nc'>'·spaper~. This 11 B fi rsl. Please keep up the fine job and let's hi.I ve more fine arti1•lcs about feeding ovr rami!ies \\ holesome, natural food s fl'ce of additil"CS. CllA Hl,CYfTE El\'IMONS Memoir of Hollywood -' ltOLLYWOOO. Dy Garson Kanin. Viking. 393 Pages . $8.95. In 1937. Garson Kanin went to Jlol· lywood to "learn the business"' of moviemaking and in this sometimes touching, often funny <.1nd aly,·ays y,·ell -writte n m ~moir he tells oot only what he learned about the business but about the people who made up that husincss. PE()Pl.F., for Cxa mple, like Samuel Goldwyn, the first of the mi ghty for whom Kanin was to work oYer the year~, and who greeted the newly ar· rived pla yw ri ght with "Sidn ey l·loward tells me you're u YCry clever genius." That 's the first Goldwyn Ism to surface in this l>ook, but nor. by uny means. lhe last Another: ·•tr you won't give me your word of honor, will you give me your 11romile?" KA.NIN 11 lso h~s a wealth of stortes lo tell about such other major flf!:urflS as -to pick " few at random -f-larry Cohn , Darryl Zanuck, C h arles Laughton and f\1ariWn Monroe, und he tells lhem all well .. !~is book, It should ·be nott-d, is not just a collection or stories and vignet· tcs. however. While it does contain many of the!lc it contains them within a carefully built framework to which their sign~!!:;:.1ncc Is :;;ubordinate to the ~lructure Kti>nln wants lo build hi.s years In Hollywood, what thl.'y ( THE BOOKMAN ) meant to him and what it meant to him. He s ucceeds admirably. Phil Thomas AP books ~ltor ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Roberl N, Weed , Pt.ll)lia'her Thomas Ktetril , Editor Barbara Kreibich, Editorial Page EdJlor The edilqrial paiie of the Dally Pilot seeks lo inform and sti mulate read.ers b~· presentin,C on this page. di\'ene commen111rr on topics or in· terest by syndicated columnist.!! and11 tartoonists, I>)' 1)ro1•jding ll forum for re11ders' vr~-...·s aod by pre1entln1 this newspaper s opiniona and Ideas on current 1opics. The' edilorlal npinlons o( lhe Daily Pilol appea·r only In the editorial colu mn at the tap of the pllflc Opinio11S exp~eulild by !hf' <'olumniSll'i and <'llrtoonlslS ~nd Jett.er wr1t r rs ar~ their ov"n and n0 endor11em ent of their vie-...·5 by the Da1ily l'llo1 ~hould be inCcrrtd. Wednesday. Oc tober 23, 1974 • m lo a e w a lo l ~ I y I d u 0 l a H a a 0 s p d 0 J , I . , r • .. Irvine Today's Final N. Y. Stocli:s VOL. 67, NO. 296, 5 SECTIONS, 64 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 , 1974 TEN CENTS I.rvine Conce.rned on J ·et Noi·se Over Center Like other areas planned,,for dcvelo~ ment near the El Toro ?.1arine Corps Air Station, Irvine Center is heading for lengthy discussioo about noise. The city council got it.s first look at a slide show and Irvine Company preg.. enation Tuesday on what the finn hopes will be a regional shopping, commercial and residential center in the triangle fonned by the Santa Ana, San Diego and Laguna rreeways. The flrst hearing on a requested zone change for the area v.'Cls cut short by a V>'eary council. The hearing began after midnight and v.•as continued to next month. But the first rustle or concern about the proposed apartments· to be built in the area was tOuched upon by l\fayor Gabrielle Pryor • and Councilman Art Anthony. Noise from jets using El Toro's busiest runway and nying over the area would have to be considered before approval, both said. ··1•m dead-set against residen tial uses in a high noise area like this," Anthony said. Provisions would ha\'e to be nlade to keep noise to a tolerable level both in and outside to allow re si dent i al development, he said. Anthony also pointed out that a n amendment to the city general plan made last week allowed residentiaJ use in the area. own ~enter --- Mom,~on Face Tr.ial Over Drugs Preliminary hearing for Un Irvine ma- tron and her lecnaged son arrested in a massive roundup of suspected drug and narrotic:s offenders last spring. was scheduled today in Harbor Judicial Dis· trict Court. Proceedings involVing Mrs. Wanda lt1oore_, 46, and her son ~chaet, 18, of 18151 Dewberry Way, however, bad not yet begun unlll dispositioo of other court matters In progress. They are tile last oC more than 130 persons arrested in so-called Operation Irving. which was aimed al clamping down on those \\'ho sell, use or condone use of marijuana and other drugs. Wanda fl.1oore has been free oo her own recognizance, charged witb main· taining a place where drugs are used. . Her son faces the same charge, in addition to a count of sales of drugs. He was also released on his own re- cognizance at the ti me of the incident. Court authorities said a $10,000 bencb warrant was issued for young Moore's arrest, however, when he failed to show up for an earlier, scheduled court BJ>' pearance. lie surrendered himself through bis attorney at the courthouse this morning, however, before the start of his schedul· ed ~eliminarv hearine, . Ne1'ghbors on Dewberry \Vay turned out in droves when dete<:live cars sy,·ooped into the neighborhood at dusk that night and cheered en massc as the fl.1oores and assorted visitors to their home were herded to a bus wailing to transport them to jail. Operation Irv ing resulted in numerous guilty pleas in juvenile, municipal and superior court appearances by the 100- plus defe ndants. The majority arrested in the sweep designed to take sma ll-time drug dealers off the streets and University Ii i g h School campus received probation as juveniles, 6r short jail terms. Uni Park Scout!! Set For Newspaper Drive Boy Scoot Troop 606 of University Park in Irvine will hold a paper drive Saturday to raise funds for purchase and repair of its camping equipment. Scouts will man n collection bin at St. ltfatthew Lutheran Church, l 8 1 8 2 Culver Drive, from 8 a.m. until noon. I Infonnation about tbe drive may be obtained by calling 552-9764. PIT.OT PICKEROO IN SIXTH WEEK ' Pigski n Pickeroo '74 conUnuu-ln its sixth week as Dally Pilot readers com· pete for $ISO worth of prizes each week and a chance to win a color telcvlslon set. ~ Sports f•ns who bell pttdlct lhe out- COl}1e!I of 30 football games to be pl&yed this weekend will be awardOO 2'.enltb radio ond televtsion prodU<:ts. Further, flnt p\act Wt1!:kly wlMert are eligible to compete for the grand prize color • .. t. Details and an entry blank are publish· od In today 's cdllk>M. Pigskin Plckcroo Is a regular feature <>f the Dally Pilot sports pages and is ~poR80rcd by ABC Col<>r Television ol Huntington Beach and 7A!n1th Inc. Spanlsli Visitor Rafael Munoz de Bustillo, an American Field Service ex- change student from Madrid, Spain, has arrived in Irvine. He will ~end a year in the U.S. and wdl attend Irvine's Univer- sity High School. ------- Irvine to Seek Top Rating £01· Bond Sale Plan Irvine city council members decided Tuesday to spend $2,500 to bring finan· cial rating service represe ntatives to the city to encourage a top financ ial rating for the sale of park bonds. The CQuncil also voted to issue up to $7.2 million of the $16 million in bonds. approved by voters in June, sub- jec t to a final cuuncil okay. Faced with the prospect of a light bond market and a mediocre rating from financial services, the council went along with a re co mmendation by Administrative Services Director James Harrington ana financial consultant Paul Dinkelspei1 to bring representative! of the fl..1oody 's and Standard and Poor's rating services out for a tour of Irvine. The representatives will also v i s I t other Southern California cities, he said, so the cost to the city would be lower than if Irvine alone was to be evaluated. Because Irvine is a new city , without an established bond rating, the financial consultant sa id. lhe raters should be shown the "unique aspects of Irvine." Bond raters, he said, base the i r decisions on "subjective. personal 01>i· nion." The alternative, he said, would be for the raters to make their evaluation of the city's financial strength fron1 the diStant vantage of New York which might result in a less advantageous rstlng. The higher lhe city's rating, the less the lnterest on the issue is likely to be. AN 'IRVINE' FOR IRVINE "We've finally done II ," I r v In e Administrative Services Director JanlC.!i Harrington told the city oouhcll Tuesday as he Introduced his ne'N clerk typ ist. 1\1~. Virginia "Ginger" JrviM of lrvlne was tl'tie n-0w Irvine cmployc. Indictment N runes l\f.a11 From ·lrviI1e Glen I. Rothbart of Irvine was one of seven men named Tuesday in a New York stock Craud indictment charg- ing them with parlaying illegally issued stock into $500,000 in Joans. A C-cowit indictment charged that the seven men wrongfully issued stock of 13 corporalioqo from 1970 lo 1973, using a corporate fi!lnst"er ager\t,'fide!ity Registrar and Transfer Co., of-JerJey City, N.V. The firm is now in receivership. A transfer agent processes s l o c k certificates and , the indictment said. "is entrusted to guard against wrongful issuance of stock." Also named in .the indictment were Philip J. Gentile of Granada Hi I ls. l~unter Brooks Brashier of Woodland Hills. Samuel Gallant of Mt. Vernon , N.y., Norman Sch ultz of Woo dm ere , Ohio. and Manuel Pos:y of Ec::.st North- ort, N.V. l_Wthbart, formerly a stock broker. is reportedly employed by a Newport Beach investment finn. The seven, due for arraignment in Manhattan Nov. 4. are charged with "attempting to deceive lenders, brokers and purchasers" with false stock shares registered in their names. The stock was allegedly "laundered '' through various bank and brokerage ac· counts, then used as secu rity for loans. the grand jury said. "The object of this conspiracy was lo sell. pledge and distribute tbousands of shares or unauthorizl!d stock i n n u m erous corporations previously en- trusted to Fidelity to guard against such wrongful issuance," the grand jury said in the indict ment . "Nearly. half a million dollars ex· t•hanged fur such essentially fa lse sha res v.•as thus diverted from t hes e cor· porations, \vhich. nevertheless. remained obligated to each distributee,'' the in· di ctment added. Union Leader Tries Hara Kiri TOKYO {U Pf l -Union leader Toshi· nobu Aburao slashed his stomach with a fruit kn ife in an abortive suicide at- tempt after failing to settle a labor dis- pute. police said. Authorities said Aburao, union leader at the Yashica Camera Co1npany pl ant in Saga1nihara, southwest of Tokyo, was out of danger today, a day after trying to kill himself. The con1pany recently sold lhe plant and announced plans to dismiss most or the 300 employes. Aburao tr!ed unsuc- cessfully to block the move, but fell into a dtiep depression when he failed, police said. Cha11er Debate Slated in Irvine Irvine Councilmen Henry Quigley aod John Burton wlll debate wbat form a proposed city charter ~hould, uike at El C.mino Real School Monday. The debate., s pons o r't d by the Califomla llomt!s Homeowners Msocia- tion, wl\I be Mid al 7:30 p.m. al the 11chool. 473'l Karen Ann Lane.. The city council ha,s nam&d itself the commission which will draf~ a 'ch&flct for vol.tr rnnslderallon. . • • That amendmenL hl said. conflicts with the hea lth 11nll safety par1 of lhe plan "'hich prohibits residences Jn high· noise areas of the city. Councilman Robe11 ,\Vest, however, said that as long as all the dwelliilgs . arc rl.'lltals, not ownt'd, he wouJd favor residential development. "Then the people could move out the next day if it is too noisy." he said. The area. Irvine Con1pany represen· tatives told the council. would be built in IY.'O pari s. wilh the porlLOU nC;U'eSI the junction of the Santa An11 and San Diego freewa ys first. Work on that portion should b1:gin in 1977, The first phase. 15'1 of th(' total ~7u acres. ll'ouid include off ice; and a shop· ping mall. The mall. hnlf of the total shopping facilities to lx• built eventually. would include four major department stores and JOO sma ll shops. Pete Inman of the Jr,·inc Co111pany's Pu111pki11 Picke1· Craig \Voodall , 2, of Lagurfa-v~~;.;.::. finds his eye for a l·lalloween pumpkin ma y be bi gger than his muscles as he makes tough choice al an Orange Coast pu1npkJn ~patch. He found one he cou ld carry, but. oh boy. wquld that bigger one make a swell jack-0-lantern. Bail Camp,1ig11 Started For Two-year Jail h11nate By ARTHUR R. Vl~SEL 01 1111 Dilly l"llol 51111 A campaign lo gather ~5.IXH.l b a i I money. mosl of it coming in nickels and dimes. mounted today to free ac- cused killer James Ray Russell, charged with an Oklahoma murder he may not have committrd. Today was his 745t h da~· in jail. \\'ailing for something - anything -to happen. "I'm wore oul ," he said Tuesday. Russell . 27. a fonncr Laguna Hills resirlent. finally had his day In court Tuesday. after !'Orne Li fruitless aµ. pcarances, inclutling: un appeal to the CalHornia Supreme Court to be relea sed. Los Angeles Su~rior Court Judge Ray· mond 1\1. Choate set bail al S5.000 finally after Russell's l\\'o y('ars and two \\'eeks behind ban;, a su1n rt:quiring one-tenth nf its fac(' l'aluc ns a surety deposit 'lo secure release. His fa mily, including his deli riously tearful y.·ife Karen. 23. rowed to have the $500 deposit together by Tuesda'y night, so he could con1l' hon1e to Bell Gardens. They failed lo scrape up lhe sum but I\ ball bondsn1an \\ho saw the youthful c~-(.'Onyict on 1ele\'lMoo ~~ "niiil,ht offen.'d lo lake nso 'and tru8l the.m for the rest. He'd like a cclcbr!rv clicnl. The Oklahorna family \\ho ca_me west looking for somet hing ~Iler couldn't even co1nc up with tbal much on aich short ool\Ct ho"evcr. folfowlng two yenrs or trnvall One Orange Cnast rl.'sfd nt. L. i n d a 1.lughe~ called Sniito ,\.na a t t o r n.e Y. n .... n Al!'Janlnn todny ·lo orrer co anCI said she \\'as trying to organize a radio campaign to get 1.000 listeners to p\edgr $S each to hrlp lhl.' Russells. His aged grandfather. Samuel E David, came out from Hnskell Count\'. Okla., for th(' pretrial and extraditiOn hearing Tuesday nnd pledged l'qUity in his paltry prope rty holdings al Stigler. Okla .. to go his grandSon's bail. SU\I another s~·nipathizrr. Su s an Hakam, of HunHngton Beach. V0\1ed fo loan them the second ~'2j0 frorn her savings account if the bail hondsnurn will stic k to his haq~a in. Russell. an cx-con11ict 1•.hc served fou r years in the Okluhomn Sl1111· l 'cni1en!ia~· at l\'lcAlr.ster for a burjil;iry ron11niltl':I \\.'hen he was 19. was ('~pt'c ll'd 1u bl' bailed out of jail somchO\• tod;.11, He and his brother '.\"{lah ar~ nccu.~• d of the !\larch, 1972, murdl'r of ln1·n!id Albert Christcnberr1·. 9:.:. '1hc 11:-i~ ht:-.1h·n to dealh in his v.hcelcha n <ind rohht·d of '200 in his little homr in l.t.·vHt Several witnesses h:J\f' fi!r<I :1 11ct.r111, 1cstUying they \\"('re \\'ilh J!t•llt'li lh.1 '·:I thnt tragic night al 1 hr I, in·~ 1\1 Ht:h Nu-Pike Amusement Par\... 11h1·n 11 .. 11a- supposed to be engaged 1a ,1 s.1,.11tc murder 1,000 miles uv.·;t:·. Oe.fcn!t evld<!ncc lncludrs n 1i~1•1n ~hl>p tic\ct. signed by Ru!i:scll tha1 1o1ithr :n do\\ntOY.'ll Lon~ Brnch. whtl'~ ht• t ou~ht a jewelry trinkt:'I for hi~ 111·11 11111• haren while they "-err GUI on \11• t ll\ n 1•f'se ),Jst like ~ kiti ... hr ~ 11 id !omewhat sadly in :i ;:11lhou>-t~ i11t('rvlc" with the Oiiily J>ilot lrti.1 Frlrlay "\\'e M:lde all \l\C rid<'s \llld rnc 'n David shol •• .,,. pool ... {~ 81\tl., Ptl_.C At! I " ' lo1nm('rcial leasing depa rtn1en1 . said the center \\'ill J>Cr\·e an area "'ilh 360.00u n·sidents. lrunan prediCll'Cl that th~ first por\Ll)n of the center 10 he cle\·eJOped wlll prO\"ide revenues abo\'e co~ts lo the cily ot SS00.000 to the lr"ine school di s1rict of 5825.GOO and to thl' Saddlcback Coin· n1uni1y College J)istrict o $125.000 a vca r • Evenlutlll 11 lite 1a~ 1nl·ome lron1 lhl' area 11·1!1 tol<il ~.Q 1r1lltio11 rnorc thnn the L'OSt of providing ser\ices, he said. Low Cost Housn1g By DOUGLAS FRlTZSCJJE Of Ill~ DallJ Piiot 1t1n After hours of "'Tangling and finagli ng \1•ith Irvine Company representatives. Irvine City Council mt'mbcrs approved a zone change for the proposed Universi· ly Town Center Tuesciay. The 250-acre development b e t we e n \Vi\liam ~fason Regional Park and UC' Ir,·ine has been described in vague terms as a European-style developmerlt mixing rommercial and residential buildings in a high-density, urban atmosphc~. The development will include at least SO percenl lower • income h~lng. \\.'Ith JO percent aimed at fan;iiies with annual incomes under $8,000 a year. The p)uncit 's 1.oning action Tuesday was part of a complex process needed before final approval of the development. Hccause the council changed parts or the original dr aft of thr zoning pro· visions . .-the docum€nl must go back to the planning con1mission before the change cnn he finished by the council. An additional sta ge of ap.pro\'S!. called the conceptual urban design plan. rnust also be approved. This stage is a more detailed roning action which preceeds the string of final apprc,als. Claudelle Donatella of the city plan· ning dcpar1ment estimates that I I\' o years "·ill pass before construction will begin. The lengthy apprO\'al process w a 5 referred to as "levernge·· by count•1J members during the hc11ring. The pressure could be applied lo lhl' Irvine Company to hold out for such council-desired changes lo the 1>!an 1s a pedestrian wal kway and mall bridging- Can1pus Dri\'e fron1 the developrnen! to the l1CI enmpus Olher drs1res !or the developincnt in· elude ll ··pcopk• 111over"' \\'h1ch Coun· cil man Henry Quigley believes v:ould kcl'P PL'Opk· fron1 using their cars to dn\·+· fro 1n one part of To11T1 C('nter tu anothl'r and c:1 using air pollutioo. Ont> w<iy to put pressure on fhe com- p<'ln~·· 1he amount oi land required for p11r~ dedication. was resohrd Tuesd:-iy. Instead of the 4.5 ;1crcs per 1.000 residents calll'd for iR lhc cit}' zoning ordinance. park land de di ca I lo n re - quirements \\'ere cut back lo 3 8 acres. While the action did not specify the !See ZONING , Pa ge At\ ' Orange Coast Weather Thl' usu~l nigh! and n1or·11111~ I0\1 clourls along !he t'O:ISI Thuri.· da,\, <ICl'Ording lo the "l'H1hL'r .~Cl'\'l('C, \\Ith llllllll,\' Skli'S Lfl the :1flc.r11oon . Beach highs of 67 11·111 n~ 10 72 111land. Low~ toni~h! .ii to 62 IJ'\'Sllll·: TODA l' Tico X-raterl tnnrit>.~ l1ad 11 '10111111 Ctl'IH4tJ for 11 /1fft~et'11tur .,, ,\'f'tr Hor11psl11r" w·lu.1 Rl11kcd /11.,\ po/1t1ca/ ca11111111gt1 u11 ucquil· 1al. Slury. PO!Jl' .·l·f. .l,I Yn~o ~-let -I 110~1>11~ •• LM a.\d ;i.11 (~lllOtM.I A$ ''""' Ct•llf• 111 c1a,'llt•H 01 11 Com c• Cit C•on-111 C12 0.1111 H<l!ltn AtJ E•llori1I '"' A• S"ltrl.)l-111 I•·• Fl11o111nc1 ••·1 F-(\.U .._,r~c• CJ Anft l•-~ CJ M••lboo Ai MOW .. \ 91·t Mu1"11 Fu"°' I• M•ll•n•I Hr ........ , O•lftM (O..nt-; .1.1•n '°'lf'llt Cl•t '!IC"• 114 Or ~l,.utt!'fltt! I I ~IO~-M1r~ott ... , 1 '-'"'°" •• '~··''" .... W••ll•tr M World !WW• A•, I ..... J\2 DA.IL V PILOT .. r At Your Service ,\Sund a) , l\f on day. \\ t·dnti;day a11'1 t"rid a\· t'ratur1• or the Dall)' Pilut -''' J. I '' .,, "' Jrll'/Udt! 11uur ll'l1111·s i11 " .\11111 t•:• UE . .\R l'AT: SJ.nee I grclt' up 1nlh one CJ f tht_• 1nost popul<ir llilnlell In 1ny age grou p al th:..l 111ne. I '>lint to a\•01d choosing >IU O\'Crl) popular oami! for my f'\'.pel'tc<l child. J\·e L'herkt'<I all the sourtes I ("••u. 1nl·lud1ng hospitals. couri- lv ofi1<'C$ .ind 111y Hbrury 's reader's i.:u idc. 1\ll l'\'t· learned is tha t my phone bill hus 111erl·ased due to all my toll calls. 1'.C .. San Juan Cuplstrano No published 1nu1erhil Is a\•ailable 011 the mO!il popular current first names btiog gh·en to habits, according to the Garden GrO\'t Re«'onal Ubrary's iidult refettnce Jtepattment -and your in- quiry "-ai the.eked oul thoroughly. It !irems lbat ·onJy "1fler " a first naine has beeo n&etf repeatedly, It 11 noted as a ··popfila~ .. rhoice. A\•allable materials do indicate lhal you·d be beUU off lo chooSe ··~la ry" or "Ann " rather than" Kimberly or TIUany if your baby sboultt be a girl. The same advice appUes to boy1. The "commo•" name cbol~ Is oul of vogue ut this time. Cigarc trc 1•ar k s DEAR PAT: A neighbor has told me about saving empty cigarette packages and turning them in for a wheelchair. ~fy brother-in-Jaw needs one for his wife ;i nd he has saved more than 5,000 pack· ages. If ltris really can be done, where should these packages be redeemed to get a 0 \\•heel chair for a deserving per· soo? s.o .. Costa Mesa Tbe samt an1"'·er appUes lo tbls in- quiry as to a recent quesUon abonl "·biere -.e could tW'D in cigarette pack- ages to buy lime on a kidney machine. There Is none, and there never bas been. To repeat -this story seems to pop up every few yean, and It bas no basis In fact. You ml&bt tell your bmtber-ln-11w to contact the ~RebablllwUon Instlhltt of Orange Couty regarding tbe possJble loan of a wbedcbalr by phoning m- '1400, or perhaps. a rtader would be wm. in& to donate nr sell a wheelchair lo blm. Tbe lnsUtuLe Iii currcnUy reque11Ung per. sons to donate Betty Crncker coapons to IB<MI E. La Veta , Orau:;e, Calif. 9U61, u·blch can be rtdeemed for Cl!ib to pur- ·<'·hase needed equipment, s11cb 01 wheel· chairs, ror patients. 1\1.all to the atten· lion ef Carolyn Carrell. Dcfccthic T o11 DEAR PAT: I bought ITJY claughter a toy called "Sweet April's Playgroun d'' tor Olristmas. There \l'Ss an excessive ~mount of dirt and glue on it and one of the parts didn't work. She's played "'ith this toy only about six times and other pieces now have broken. I wrote to lhe company twice with no answer received. J'd gladly return the rom plete toy tn exchange for a ~w one, or just 1he parts that need repla cing. D.P., fountain Valley Your onJy recourse In lhls situi.tlon would be to 1hop for a ne~· toy Ot.-eause the manufacturer, Remco lndustrlc1, went out of business In Jenu11ry. Al· thouah se'·eral larjte toy suppller11 werl' ('()ntarted in an effort to find a "parts'· "Ource for this item, none could offer as~lstence. 'The exlsllnit: stock of Remco h1y~ Is still btlnl' sold hy so1ne firms• tllpcclaily di scount outlets. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ti.t Or-Co•~! 0.11• Pi'OI ... th-di ii um. -1r... ""'""·P•tSl. t\ D••ltV.c! ~ INOr-CMll ~•"1"'9Gll"'D•ft• ~1~«11n-.. , P<All•,,....., Mlll'dl' , .... , .. 1111 , • ..,.,. '°' Co!.11 """""'· ,....,_, .......... ...,1,....,.., 81•"''"""· W•ft V4l!f~ l••!ft•, !>•GGltb«• Y•lll-, 4NI ._.,.,......, fW.J<" ~u,,. c.,.,, A '"'<Jlt .. ,..,,.., ""'''°" '' pUbh•MtO !.11!••<1•1• -~ ..... T~ ll'llW::o~I pUb!"h+..q 01•~1 I\ II JX1 Wtll 8'y '!.l•eot. ~I• Mo-w. C•hlo•n•• 'l'IU6. Robert N Weed I'"' MM l '>ll ""D11-"t• JaCll; R Curley v.c~ "'"'""ft'•"" c. ..... , MO""'""' rhoma-. Keevil lO•lo• Thomd\ A Murph1ne ~ftOQ•nq [OU,.. Charles H LOOS Ri chard P. N<lll "''"t•"' ...... ft~o:t·..., (<111 ... ' Ollices (,o\t• ""'"' lJC ..... ,,a.,~ ..... "'"'PO'' lt«ft lllJ "'••ror'l llol.l••·~·d lAGliM k•cll. t•MC.lr~••t S!lff• """11...,,0l'I lt•c~ 1't lS fltet~ 9'>.l<o~.-.d \.IOl!ltO.(• Y•llt, U201LA1>-1111•_, ,, ~n 01~ "'""'"V Telephont 1714 1 642-4321 Classified Advertising 642·5671 !i.I001tb«l \ltir*, ,..,..,0<-1.u Slt-6310 rtem "'" Cl•-•!i 495·0630 t.H•roqti1 !fl• O••~tt C"-'··• l>\i&h\ll•~o c-o~"' No ~·,., ""''" """''' ..,., l'Ot1!"'••t ....,u., II• tll .. "•\iT>-..ft!> n .. 1 • n •• "" l•ll"Otu'f~ ''"1ftOU! IO"t·4' Pl'"''' ... e• C'ftY"llfl, ,,.,.., ti-•'""' Cl•\\ jl(IA!t'qt IN•d t1 C6 <o M••o\ ~<•o•lllt $o.f11Krtll"'" !It """f''' IJ 00 """"I'll' 11¥ 11'1•11 .. Of niQl'l!N_t. ""Ml .. , $1\lll\lllO'" U 00 "'°"'~r, ' , 'Scared to De a t h' 7-0tildren Addict, 13, Tells -... Die in Bus~ Republican • En ~ ---. -. VIron · Of Drug ,Pushing Trai n Crash Pn~h Urged SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP J -A fright. tnt;d JJ.year.old heroin edl.:1ct wi1h teara In his eyt·s to ld a feder11I jury o! being a drug pusher. Ja mie, now under treatment· for h.is habit. testified Tuesday at the trial ot three San Antonio meo accused or pos- sessing and selling heroin. .Sirica Hi nts Ex-pres iden t May Tes ti f y WASHI NGTON (UPI) -U.S. pistrict Judge John J. Sirica raised the possibili· ty tod~y that fornlcr Prcsiden~ Nix:on may be called as a 'A'ltness of the court in ·the Watergate cover-up trial 1 so none of the lawyers v.·ould have to vouch for his truthfulness. Nix0rt 's name was raised in an ex· change betv.•een Sirica and a s s ; s t a n t special prosecutor James Neal about the credibility of some or the fu ture witnesses. The jury \\'CIS out of !he courtroom at the \ime. ... Sirica ea rlier told !he jury I ha l whenever the prosecution or the defense ·calls a v.•itness, those lawyers nonnall'y vouch for the truthfulness of h i s testimony. Bui Neal said there was "some con- cern" among the prosecution that their witnesses might not be telling the whole truth. He said it may be a case in which "85 percent of what he said b true. but we have serious concerns about the other 15 percent." "Your honor knows the hlstory of Watergate," Neal said, "and It's not been a history of everyone telling the same thing about the same event." William Frates, a lawyer for defendant John Ehrlichman, then raised Nixon's name, suggesting that the former presi· dent might be called as a court witness to avoid credibility problems. Nixon has been subpoenaed to testify by both the prosecution and the defense . "That cou]d happen," Silica l o 1 d Frates. "I'm oot saying It will happen. In lhat case, nobody would have to vouch for his credibility." When a witness Is called by the court, the defense and prosecution are allowed broader que.stlonlng powers. Neal said the prosecution wants to call as witnesses all persons who have Watergate-reJated information . "We want a full, unlimited, wunoclined hang oot," Neal said, playing on the words attributed to EhrlJchman i n· dewiblng the Watergate cover-up, Meanwhile, columnist Jack Ander!IOn <Jssetls that a source at Nixon'.s San Clemente home reports the former presi· dent is "at the point of emotional col· lapse." _J OC Rapid Transit The boy first was asked if he knew drug enforcement agent J1MTies Lewis. "Yeoh," Jamie ttplied. "lf ave you sold heroi.n to him~" "Yeah.'' was the answer. ''!low many timea did you sell heroin to h!m!" "Four times," the witness 5aid. "\Vho 'did you get the heroin from?" At that point, the boy hesitated. He refused earlier to testily because. as a defense lawyer said, "He's obviously frigt?tened lo death." Again the question was asked. This lime Jamie answered in a faint voice, ''From Jimmy Perez." Perez. 22; Gilbert L. Garcia, 2.6 ; and Pedro J . Almaraz. 42, aU of San Ar.tonlo, are on trial before U.S. District Court Judge Andrian Spears. Jamie at first refused to testify be- cause a woman spectator had been nlotioning to him from the audience. Spears said he "was not accusing any· one of trying to influence the witness but I'm giving a fair warning -if any· one does try to Influence a witness, they are going to be dealt with harshly." 'lbe dark-haired woman left the court room as .sent as Jaime took the stand a second time. The last question on eroswxamlna· lion was, "Did you go to him (Lewis) or did he come to you to sell tht> heroin?" "He came to me ," Jaime ans\\'ered. A 14-year-cld who stands a bead taller than Jaime testified he sold heroin to Lewi3 three times. The older boy, named Oscar, IJXi also being lnated foe addiction, adn'Jtled be was SCl.re:l to testify. Spean told Oscar he would not be prosecuted for his testi· mooy. "Who did ~u get it (the heroin) from?" Oscar was asked. "Jimmy Glea"'11 p.,.., .. h ttplled In a low voice. Lewis testified earlier that his "prl· mary objective wasn't to get the chil· drett -there bad to be adults behind the chlldren." Trial of the cue continues' IOOay be- fore a jury of seven women aod · five men. p,... PflfJC Al BA.IL ••• < lie said that night the amusement park was one of the first be and Karen en}oyed together,_ tilnce her son by a prtvious marrtaa.e. Nolan Tracy, ·ROW 4, was spending the weekend with his natural father. A CXQr1 in Napa County, Calif., subse- quenUy ordered the child taken away from James and Karen, saying lt was an unlit home If the mpfather stood accused of murder. R....U's brother Noab-alao chargEd in the savAce slayina of the invalid-was in Department JOO of 1'>I Angeles County Superior C-Ourl himself Tu"1tlay, but only as a spectator and member Of the family. ROCKMART, Ga. (AP) -A train backed into a loaded school bus at a railroad crossing today, killing · at lens! seven children, a u l h o r i t i e s reported. Poli ce said there were about 3 0 children, mostly 10 to 14 years old, aboard the bus . Beside the dead, most of the others on the bw 'were injured, some seriously. Witnesses said the repair train had been called to the scene of a derailment during the night and was back:ing up along the tracks when It hil the bus. The train dragged the crumpled bus several hundred feet down the track, police said. When the train came to a halt, the caboose was derailed and on top of the overturned bus. The Polk County coroner first reported that the bus driver, Billy Kellett, had been killed. But police la~r said he was hospitaized in critical condition. A spokesman for Southern Railway in Washington said the train was moving about eight miles per hour. The accldent OCCWTed between the toWns of Rockmart and Aragon, about 35 miles northwest of Atlanta. · There were railroad crossing signs on each side of the road, but no flashing signals. Darrell Smith said he was pumping gasoline at a sehrice station about SO feet from the cros.sing when the colUsion occurred. fie gave this descrip- tion of the accident : "The bus was stopped, and it started on across. The train was backing up. it seemed like it speeded up and hit the bus." Smith said one or the workmen jumped off the train and ran to the front of the train yelling at the engineer "Go back. Go back." From Page Al ZO NING .•. UPI T•l"llo" 'NOT A FORTUNE HUNTER' Fl1 nc• Michael Wilson ~1 in er' s Son Offered Ccish Not to M ar,.y orange County Flfth DIJtrict· Supervisor Thomas Riley baa called for increased leadership from Republicans in dealing witb environmental cootrols. Speaking in El Toro to th e Saddlebact Valley Republican Women'a Club Tue~ day, Riley said, "The Republican Party 111ust address itself to problems of the environment. The problems are real and they aren't going away." Riley, a Republican appointed recently by Governor Reagan, said "U we fail to act, .othels will" "lt !s my fear that a demand-type of activism i!; likely to come In a manner which would be moat detrimental to our way of life -as would our way of life alter greatly if we were to allow our environment to deteriorate." Riley's speech was titled "Property Rights, The Environment and T b e Republican Party." He addressed himself primarily to the confiict between allowing uncontrolled development and what he c a 11 e d ''overzealous environmentalism.•• "On one hand we wish to preserve for ourselves and for our f e J 1 o ~· Americans rights to full and free control of personal property," Riley st a t e d . "\Vhile on the other hand \\'e wish to LONOON {AP) -The London E~enJng protect our. living environment for News reported today that lawy ers for ourselves and our children." Happy Rockefeller's aunt Raebel FiUer Riley said he felt completion .of the offered Welsh barman Michael wu900 county's general plan should take ft.rat $48,000 not to marry t.be millionaireu priority in county supervisors' busineu. nearly 50 years his senkit. He said he has bee.rt bearing from The News said Wilson told it he refused a steady stream of builders, 1,ooowners, -"I got very angry and told them homeowners association representatives, I am not a fortune hunter" -and and environmentalists since hi s ap- that Miss Filler said at her home near pointment to the board in August, · Philadelphiao C-0 · h "I have 00 intention of' changtng my mment1ng on t e recen~ first amend- mind. The more they press me, the more ment lo the general plan giving develop- detennined I am to marry ~1r. WUaon." • ment approval for 4,000 acres in north The newspaper said Miss F I t I e r ' s El Toro, Riley said "I felt very com- lawyen "were expected to make one fortable with it -and what I was more attempt today to try to have· the couple call Jt oil." able to contribute paid oft use ot the land, the oouncil emphasized "I think it is because I am a miner's "El Toro Road is designated a. scenic that a( I.east. an acre would be devoted son that they feel I am not fitted highway -but you know as well aa to a 6004eat theater called for ln tbe to matTY Miu Filler,~· said Wilson., I do that it doesn 't look like it," Riiey $16 mUlion park bond .issue approved a hand9ome 29-year-old who is Yi9iting said. by_ voters In June. his mother in the Welsh lown of Llay. "In the rush to gtt the first amend-- Rousing, partirularly for students in He saJd he would be telephoning Miss ment passed: all conslderatlons of El the ~~-~!~~ty, wu a key issue Filler today. Toro Road as a scenic highway were In the~. · " ... Yes, reversed charges," he told disregarded," Riley sald. Bill Watt of the Irvine Company told a questioning newsman. "I blame my commil!toner (Ba rt the council no distinction ~ to be made Wlbon said the difference in their Spendlove) and the otherit for this. They bety.een student housing and other apart· ages Is Irrelevant because their rcla-folded under the pressure of getting ment rentak!I. tionshlp Is baled on companionship. a plah out as fa.st as po6!1ble." The company stroogly objected to a -"ls she 77?" he a¥ed. "I'd never Through Riley's efforts, a ltatemeot pl'Op06al by city Planner Mel ~-have lhought she was 13 much as that was added to the amendment aaylng In an internal memo, Roop called for a/Id, of course, being a genUeman, l the scenic highway provisions must be Tequiring 60 percent or the development never asked." rnet before zoning is approved. to be built and priced for t hose The tall, ruggedly built former He allO commented on potential traffic households earning I~ than $15,00'.I a choirboy announced through a newspaper problems on the San Diego Freeway year ..... a figure often used as the lowest in Llay that he WaJ aolna to marry d th Saddl b • V 11 income level which can buy homes in the aunt of V I c e President-designate an e e ac... a ey. Irvine Nelson A. Rockefeller's JeCOnd wUe, the "All the new development pro)>Ollll · involve a lot ol land and a lot ol Despite a company promise to the former Margaretta "Happy" Fltler. 1 W'th th •--planning commission that as mtich as f.ti ss Filler and Mrs. Rockefeller are peop e. 1 e .:JCU• Diego Freeway SS percent may be a\-·ailable to moderate joint heiresses to the Fitler fortune. already at lwo-thirda capacity, traffic income fami lies, Jim Taylor of the com· at ooe time valued at more than $8 is one or my biggeat concel'll!," Riley pany said tbat figure ' ' ref I e ct e d million. said. preliminary goals and objectives which Reports on l\1iss Filler's age have "So II we go Cvtr these development were very tentative." varied from 61 upwards. Two members plan a, we are insisting on excellent traf· Additionally, he said, the Hgures are of her staff at her home in an exclusive fie circulation within the area ltHlf six-months old and costs have gooe up Philadelphia suburb said she is in her and adequate neighborhood I ho P PI n g in the interim. 80s centers." Unlversily Town Center is to be built .. y would never have dreamed she Mked Mw long be believes it wlll over a 15--year period. y;as much over 60," said Wilson. who take to become comfortable with h1ll 'Fear of Crime' Seen r The first part o~ . the .development met Miu FJUer ~hlle he war woNQng ne~ job -~ch makes hiqi ~ l'ePresen- will take place in the center of the as a butler at the exclusive Breakers !alive for 63 perctnt of the unln· crescent-shaped parcel of land, a~ Hotel in Palm Beach , Fla . corporated land area of Orange County from UCI. "I learned to respect her intelligence -Riley said, "Well, I'll tell you, the That portion1 d~htne~ ~-be • a and her. judgmeni, and ~e ~stabllshed life of Riley bas drastically changed. As Reason for Non-u.se B~· \VILLIA1\I SCHREIBER 01 tllt Dt11¥ "llol Stiff ~Iany proJSpcc:five riders on Orange Count~· Transit District veh!c!es may be avoiding the use of mass transit because Lh~y fear the possibility of violent crimes. Eugene Covelli. vice chainnan of a c:itizens t'1>mn1itt cc studying the impact of fut ure triinsit plans, said today safety concerns will be one of the district's toughest obstacles to O\'errome. "The single 1nost important aspect of transit system hn pa ct is a need to_ change the attitude of the populatloo pedestrian-oriented, l\igh-a!ns1ty a r e a , a tremendous closeness. Our relab1rnshlp "Ev-er since I've been appointed, I've will include malls, shops, offices and was built entirely on companionship been eoming in at 7 a.m. to try to regarding fear of violence," said Covelli, residences. rather than on love," Wilson said Tues-get updat.ed oo what's happening. My a proCessor at Cal State Long Beach. Later stages of development will move day from his parents' modest, three-staff has been volunteering to come Covelll's task force, one of three set outward toward the tips of the Cre5cent bedroom home in this small We 1 s b in early with me, and I haven't had up by the Citizens Advisory Transit and will be mainly residential areas. village. that s.lnce the Marine Corps." Committee: recommended that the 1~~iiiii;i~~~;;;;;;;;;iiii~~;::::;~i;;;;;;:;:;;::::;:;;;;;=====;;;~~~~~~~~;;;;~ dis trict ronccntrate on intensive service .__.. M In disadvantaged areas that usually have _.. the. highest crime rate. "To make the service work and attract riders, the district should establish a direct line of communlcat1001 with safety agencies for protection of passengers in high crime areas," Covelli said. C.Ovelll's Wk force made DO spec:ific recommendations, but hinted at t h e poss.tbilily of special transit s e c u r i t y petrols or bu! guards. • Badhani Urging Bright's ' ...... '". 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA~46· I 919 Skateboard1 & Wheel1 Shuffleboard Sets Barbell & Dumbell Sets Croquet Sets Slant Boards Boxing Gloves Judo Suits Karate Suits Tennis Rockets CLOSID ..... .. Oiis ter on Coast Panel Uy GARV GR~NVILL£ 01 !M O•llY "Ht! it1tl ()r, Donnld 8. Bright should be l't'!moV· t>d from the Sculh Coast Reg Ion a I Co as t1inc Commission . Assemblyman Hobert &dham (R·Ncwporl Beach) said Tuesday. Badham's call for lhe coastal eom- mlss!on chairman·s ouster bccautie of hls pohtltdl fund raising actlviUts came at a Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club lunchron. The Newport Deach : ssemblrman J11beled Bright's aborted plan to hold 11 ~ Hl().JX'r•persou fund raislna reception for fJf>in0t:riitlc gubtmtitorial c11ndidate F'.d· mund G. Drown Jr. "a blatant mlsuJc of power." f'urpo rtcdly lnviled to tht tl!Ccpt.lon 1ti,1f Y.~S to have been held near Cos111 ~h·!i:t this_ week were de:veloper!I and r others-who regularly do business with the commission Bright heads. The fund r.tlsing reception was called off when a storm ot criticism descended on Bright and a con!ltct of lnlerul .. Issue was nilsed by Brown's oppontnt, state Controlfer Houston Flournoy. Badliam said the coastal c:omm191lon <'halnnan uted "stationery and other commifilon ~llO\UCU" to ~promote the. potltical reception. "If he (Bri&bt) wu an elected otnctal he would be recalled." 8adhatn said. .. , don't 1ee wb)t an appolnted oft1clal ~'ho misuses hit power abould be treated any dlffere:ntty." Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Shoes After his apeech. Bldhl'm said he hu wrilten Gov. R .. 1111 to Uk him n....n 9 to z. __ ~,.lol* .. d Sunday to demand Bright'• •1lmn\edt&tc rellgn1--,...-~ .. lion." '/Io'-''"- ( - Tennis Balls Tennis ,Racket Strl11CJln9 Racquetball Racqwts & Balls Handball Gloves & Balls Warmup Suits Sweat Suits Hooded Sweatshirts Adidas-Converse-Spot BIN Tiger-Brooks-Bob Watte sllffi ~er Footballs·lasketballs-Soc· cer Balls Bike llepalrs-Parts· Tlr.s-Tubes 538 Center 646-1919 """"'---. ·- ~ ' ... ' 0 J a t a a a 0 t 0 ' I J a 0 I t • , Duntingt.on Beaeh Fountain .-Valley VOL. 67, NO. 296, 5 SECTIONS, 64 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ) • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1974 Today's Flhal .: .. - N. Y. Stocks TEN CENTS " Bail _ Drive Launched for Long-time Inmate By ARTIIUR R. VINSEL Of tht ~Hr Piiot Slatf ' • A campaign to gather $5,000 b a I I 1noney, most of il con1ing io nickels and dimes. mounted today to free ac- cused killer James Ray Russell, charged with an Oklahoma murder he ma;y not have committed: Today was his '145th day in jail, waiting for something -anything -to happen. "I'm wore out," he said TUeSday. Russell, 27, a forn\er Laguna Hills * * * Housewife Gives $5 • For Bail A Santa Ana house\\ife and mother of three who. babysits to make ends meet donated $S to the bail bond fund to accused murdered James Ray Ruuell to kick off her own campaign. Russell has spent 745 days in Los Angeles County Jail alter being arrested on an Oklahon1a fugitive \\'arrant charg- ing him >A'ilh a murder whlc~ all known evidence indicates he would not have C1)Rlmitted. A Los Angeles County Super.or Court Judge finally set bail at $5,000 Tuesday, arter more than 24 months during which it was denied. "This is really outrageous," 1.lrs. Lin· da llughes declared today in proposing her met hod of heJping Russell get out of jail aod baet to a prodiJctlve life, pending resolution of 0 k I a h o m a ' s allegedly false charges. "U everybody, J.i.ke 5,000 p e op I e , donated a dollar, or if 11000 pl!ople donated 15, he could pay it back. .. or th ey could let him keep it to get a fresh start,'' h-1rs. Hughes e:zplained. The young mother who babysits in her home at 1122 \\rest St., near the Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa city limits, said Russell's plight strikes close to home. Once, $be said, a dose relative was arrested after a verbal dispute wilh a hostile female n~ighbor ~nd . wound up in jail for two days. He lOl!lt his job over it. She has also enlisted aid of radio station KWIZ in· an· effort to help the RU§ell family get James relem;ed from Los Angele3 County Jail. Russell's w;ife. Karen..,.23, _now wgrks as a watiress in Downey to make ends meet, but they lost her little b o y , Russell's stepson, by court order because of lhe murder charge. "When they took his stepson, that v.•as the last straw,'' declared M rs . Hughes. who first read of Ru s s e 11 's travail In a newspaper story. "I can only donate $5 to him," she added, "but I've been trying to do something." Mental Patient Sought in Death YONKERS, N.Y. (UPI) -A 26-year- old mental patient, missing fr!>m a city mental hospital since Friday, today was sought in oonnktion with the strangu- lation slaying of a young woman psy~ logist who once treated him. Police Tuesday is.sued a warrant fur the arrest ot Ricardo Caputo. a hospital patient for the criminally !Mane since 1971 when he "'as committed for the slaying of his 20-year~ld glrl[riend. Caputo, missing from Manhattan State Hospital on Wards Island in New York City, is wanted in the slayin1 or Dr. Judith Becker, also 26. Her nude body was found Mondny in a New York apartm<!nt. GT,OOMY NEWS • l'U1lfMELS STOCKS NEW YORK (UP!) -A combination of profit taking and gloomy economic ,~ news pos,hed price.s sharply and broadly Jov.·er in moderate trading today on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jond Industrial average lost 17.83 points to 645.03. Declines overwhelmed advances. l,050 to 262, among the 1,696 issues traded. Prices wern. lower in moderale tradlna on lhc Amcrlcan' Stock Exchange. I ' resident, finally had his day In court Tuesday, after some 15 fruitless ap. pearances, including an appeal to the Cali£oriria Supreme Court lo be released . Loo Angeles Superior Court Judge Ray- mond M. Choate $et bail at '5,000 fina lly after Rus..cell'1 two years and two weeks beblnd. bars, a sum requiring one-lerith of its face va1ue as a Sllrety deposit to secure release. His famil y, including his deliriously tearful wife Karen,' 23, \'~wed io have --·--- • LION CUB CURBED Otnnis Smith •nd Friend f' t 1 Lion Cub Fou11cl I rt H u1iti1igton Family's House City anlmal control orficers discovered a IO..week-0Jd lion cub in the hom e of a Huntington Beach family Tuesday. 'Ibere may be as r,nany as five other cubs sold in the area, the city's chief animal control officer. Dennis Smith, is concerned about potential danger as the cubs grow older. To report a lion cub or information on the seller of these wild animals, a person should call California Anima1 Control at ~1. Smith said. Owning-a lioo without a special permi t from the oily violates mu nicipal law , he pointed out. > The lioru wiU be placed in zoos or other controlled environments, if turned oVer to him, Smiih said. · Dea11 Testifies Tapes Don't Jive With Memories WASBINGTON \UPI) -\Vatergate witness John W. Dean III testified today that some White House tapes he has heard don 't square with his recollections of crucial meetirigs he had with Richard M. Nixon as ·the scandal began unravel- ing last year. ln some instances, Dean said, "there were parts mis.sing" on tapes he review- ed and in others there were discussions he didn't remember al all. U.S. District Judge John J. Sitica, presiding over the Watergate cover-up trial where Dean was in his sixth da y on the stand, immediately directed that the questioned tapes be played so the jury could decide if Dean has been telling the truth about his Nixon nteetings. "Now listen .'' Sirica said, slapping the bench with his hand as defense lawyer John J. Wilson objected. "Just a minute. You just stop talking until I gel through. "You are oot going to argue to this jury that this man (Dean) '\'Cnl up to the Senate committee ... ·and gave raise Information when you will not let the tape be played. I lhlnk those taptS: ought to be played in order to get nlJ the facts before the jury and let them decide," ~ argument erupted with the jury out o( the courtroom as Wilson, anomey for cover-up defendant II. R. Haldeman, sought to establish that Dean's ttstimony last year before the Senate Watergate committee -in which he Jinkl!d Nixon lo the cover.up plot -dlffertd sharply from the White House tapes. Dean , the former White House counsel. testified there tiad bt.-en "a lot or <1verlap" in the st.lbjcct! di!l:cussed at (See TAP£S, yage Al) -I the $500 deposit together by Tuesday nt'ght , so he could come home to Beil Gardens. They failed to scrape up the sqn1 but a "bail bondsman who saw t h e youthful ex-convict on televisioo Tuesday nig ht offered lo take $250-and t~t then1 for the rest. He'd like a celebrity client. The Oklahoma family who came west looking for something better couldn 't even come up with tha t much on such short notice however. following two years of travail. One Orange Coast resident , Lind a •lughes, called Santa Ana a t to r n e y Russell Agajanian today .to offer $5 and said she was trying to organize a radio ca ·gn to get 1,000 J~teners to pledge $5 ac to help the Russells. J ·s aged grandfather. Samuel E . Dav. , came out from Has kell 'County. Ok.1a ., for the pretrial and · extN1dition hearin esday and pledged 1 equity in his paltry property holdings at Stigler, Okla., to go his grandson 's bail. Still another Sympathi zer. S us a n Hakam, of Huntington Beach, \'0\1-'ed to' loan them the second ~ fro1n her savings account if the bail boodsn1an v;ill stlek lo his bargain. Russell. an ex-convict v.·ho served four years in the Oklahoma State Penitentiary at 1.tcAlester for a burglary committed when he was 19. was expected to be bailed out of jail somehow today. Teachers Pressed Board Wants Action on Evalitation By PATI'Y BURNETT • 0111\t !nllf Pilot ll•ff Proponents of the "district" plan and the "teachers" plan for evaluation of teachers will try lo draft a compromise for presentation to trustees of the Hun· tington Beach Union High School District in December. As teachers ta1ked in terms of "next year." the school board at its Tuesday meeting pressed for a more iffimediate "target date" for cooclusion of studies on a proposed teacher evaluation system RaJJS Traiasit Staiad Mangers Declares Burke Highway Loh~y Hostage Democratic Assemblf candidat~ Den- nis Mangen cb.arpd today t h a t in- cumbent Robert H. Burke (R·Huntington Bea.ch) opposes 'Proposition A, t b e Orange County mass transit b a 11 t o measure, "because the corporations who finance his campaign expect him to." -Mangen ea1Jed Burke a "hostage of the highway klbby." Mangers and Burke are vying for the Assembly seat of the 73rd District in the Nov. s·el~tion. Burke declared his stand on Proposi· lion A. also on the Nov . S ballot. early this week. "Burke suggests that the reasons we shouldn 't provide a public transportation syslem in Orange Cow1ty," Mangers charges, "are because so meday th e drivers might go out on strike : we're already committed lo freeways and public demand has not been substan· tiated." The incumbent has "allowed himself to become a hostage of th.is state's powerful highway lobby," Mange rs con· tinued . ,... .. Mangers cites Burke's m a J o r ~ . ' ' hibutors as Burmah Oil, C a 11 f o r n i a Automobile Retailers Assoc iaHon, Sbe11 Oil , Union Oil, Getty Oil, lhe producers of asphalt and · concrete and automobile nnancing and Insurance companies. "There is no question in my mind but that Robert J;lurke i! not represeriting the people's needs on this issue, but rather is responding lo the special in~ terest.'! who stand to pront most from stall ing public transportation," h-1angers· said. · Mangers said when voters p a s s e d Proposition 5 on the June primary ballot, "they overwhe lmin g l y told their re presentati ve that they warlted transportation alternatives in 0 range County.'L Ridership in the county is up to 656~42 per month, Manger s pointed out. .. People are using public transit to get to' work, school and recreation . Senior citizens who ha ve no other alternatives are using il to get to needed medical care," he said. and policy. Acting superintendent Jay Seltle came up with the Dec. lZ date. Even if the ·job requires "meeting around !he clock," Dr. Settle said, the t\\'O factions would prepare a draft by thl" board meeting of Dec. 12. The search for compromise ground is not expected to be an easy one. Various committee have struggled v.·ith the St u 11 A ~ t 's;n a nd ates for "consistency" in evaluation and the .. in· consistencies·• of the varied learning situations and phi\OiOphies in the large district for more than l\\"O years. h-1eanwhile, not one .district ~her h2s ·been evaluated under the Stull Act. a state law calling for assessment of Ua~rs accor~ to ·a number of stan- dard!, intjllding tbe performance 0 r students. The district's failure to adopt a policy and accOQtplish the -mandated teacher evalualion, Trustee Ralph Bauer pointed" out, teclmlcally amounts to a vi°'8tion of state law. Othei dlstricls are in the same situa· lion, ho\\·ever, a spokesman for teachers added, and Huntington Beach has been evaluating teachers by other means in the meantime. Bauer and Trustee. DeMls Mangers argued that more than tv•o years for !he development or lhe policy should be sufficient. The "district" proposal basica1ly is one developed by an advisory comntlttee appointed by trustees. The rommitlce included tea chers. administrators and counselors. The "teachers" proposal is the product of the District Educators Association. (DEA). A committee of the organization took the "district., proposal and added its revisions and clarifications to con1e up with the ••teachers" proposal. Ready for Republi~ans 'lloosicr Bluebird' Returns to lluntingto1i Beach The Jloosier Bluebird has flown back to Huntington Beach, as salty, or as soft, but as savvy as ever, after a sojourn to Indiana, to reo:ume fighting inflation In general and Republicans In partlcu1ar. Jean Turner. 70, columnist for the weekly Huntington Beach Ne\\'S for 24 years, was immediately enlisted b y Democratic leaders to have one of her famous dumpling, beans and cornbread dinners. "Lord. I just got back (rom lndiany," the Hoosier Bluebird quoted herself as sayi ng. Bul the staunch Democrat. \vho used , lo bake 30 pies a day in the 40s when her C.offee Club Cafe at Fifth Street and Ollve Avenue was the downlO\\'n gathering spot. immediately agreed. Dumplings, beans and C<lrnbread will he served Thursd ay at 6 p.m. at ht!r rambling. vine-covered estale at 18421 Beach Blvd. She says everyone is invited and lo just drive do\\-11 the dirt road until you find a place to park or can'l drive any farther. A small donation Is ex- pected. ' The l~oosler Bluebird cllims she Wl'ls the first pcnon In RtinUngton Stach to publicly lldmil to being s Democrat. ·She has run unsl.lCctssfully for tht! llun tlngton Beach City Council f I v e limes. ... Dumplings. beans And cornbread ire al!O familiar to bOth ~ocraU and black rolks. she-suggc ls. "Bcan1 ls j1ut like having aquab under gl.,,s these tlllys," adds MJ. Turner. ·who \\'ore a Mrtking, red, ' white and blue drcs!, plus elegant bracelets to a recent gathering where she announced ,. ' 01ll1 Pli.t lltff Pflttt BACK ON THE HUSTlf!l95 Hooster Bluebird Turner 'her su~r plans. "Of course . just like Dack home, we'll have cllopped onion! to' put on it and a relisti tray." During her month bllCk home !JI tbe H005ier s1,te the tlreless nev.•spaper columnist and observer of buman attaln for many years ran Into Sen. Birch B.ayh (0.lndiana i al ~ fri~ chlektn dinner in Newctistlt She sa id 11 drew about 500 souls. mostly gt'l(ld farm folka. I The Hoosier Bluebird said Sen. Bayh remembered her from a Democratic fUDd·raising party at t h e Huntington Beach Carpenter's hall nearly !our years ago. "He c.ame right for me and hugg{'d me and said: 'Jean, hov.• are you'?" she recalls. "Boy, did that make my day! I love that man ! Talk got do\\'ll to se rious politics then. like Bayh's Indiana re-election opponent and v.·hy the Hoosier Bluebird couldn 't be persuaded to just stay back ho1ne. v.·here some v.•ealthy a nd innuen•ial tanners suggested they might name her lo a county office. Jean Turnrr takrs brr politics SC'rious- ly. "1-fe's going to go out like a dose or salts," she predicted of Sen . B:1vh's Indi ana opponent. "And Bir<'h Bayh is going !o be the next President" She dcclin«I to stay behind In her home state. Her time on the Orange Const - ""·h\ch has blossomed like !he famo11~ fuchsia bloom! in the old T urner ' s Nursery the~· had up front at \hf' Bc:irh Boule\•ard ad_dress hefot'{' hrr IBI<' hu~­ band died -naturally kccpS her 11rtl to the IO<'al scrnc. snys Jean. Sh!-and her late husband hlt to\1 n tn 19-le. bur she has been ~pouslni:t Democratic politics for a lot longPr. "l..ord.' hov: many nails is it l'\'l" pounded?." she must'<! euphemlsltl'Alh~. in regard to those who have passed rrom the !('ene. "And besides,'' she rlecl:ired wilh :i twinkl e In her eye and a tinkle of her ornute brnetl(!t as she empha~ized aOother ren son for returning. "I had 10 con1e back to he.Ip horsewhlp thrit Republican, Sen . Dennis Carpenter.'' HP and his brother Noah are accused of the ~larch. 1972, murder of invalid Albert Chris1enbcrrv. 9".:, who \\'BS beaten to death in his wheelchair and robbed of $200 in his little homP in Leota. several \\'itneSses h3\'e filed affidavits testifying they were wlth James Russell that tragic . night :it the Lbng Beach l'u-Pike A1nusemcnt Park, when he was supposed to be engaged in a savage murder 1.000 miles away . ~ !See BAIL, Page AZ) , 'NGT A FORTUNE HUttTER' Fiance Michael Wll10n Attorneys Offer Fiance $48,000 To lV ix W e<Ming LONDON (AP ) -The London Evening News reported today that lawyers for Happy Rockefeller"s aunt Rachel Filler offered Welsh barman Michael "''ilson $48,000 not to marry the millionaire~ nearly 50 years his senior. The News said Wilson told it he refused -"I got very angry and told them I am not. a fortune hunlt'r" -and lhat l\1iss Fitler said at her home near Philadelphia: "l'bave no jpt1>olinn or cha neing my mind. The more they press me, the more determined I am to marry ~tr. \Vilson." The ne\\·spaper said l\lisg F i 11 er . s la\\'Yers "were expected to make one more alte1np! today to try lo, have the couple call it off." ''[ think it is hccause I am a miner's son that they lt!l'I I am not fitted to n1arrv ~liss F'ltlcr," said \\'Uson. a handsOn1e 29-year-old who is visiting his mother in thr \Ve lsh town of I.lay. 1-Il· said he would be telephoning Aliss. Fnler roday. " . Yes. reversed charg~ ... he told a questioning ne\\·s1nan. \Vilson said the difference in thei r ages is irrel1:vant because their rela· 1ionship Is based on com1>anionship. "Is she 77?" he asked. "I'd never ha\'e thought she was as much as that ~See AUNT, Page A!) Orange Coast Weather The usual nigh! and morning 101\ clouds along the coast Thurs- rl ay. according to 1he v.'eather ser ... ice. 11·ith sunny skies in the afternoon. Ut-ach highs of 67 \\'ill nse to 72 in l<ind . Lo"s Wnight 57 to 62. 1xs11n: TOD.\ Y Tiro X·rarril n111l'IC8 J1nd a /1aµ1'Y e11d111u for n Jll'nscr11tor 111 1Vc10 lJ11111psl111.· 1rlJC1 sra~·e<L l1is /1t1//rica l rn111pf!111n 011 ocqid l· t1i(. Story, Pfl!J t' .1-7. ..., Ytur St•Vlcl AJ hA!lnu M L.M. h vd .t.11 C1IUt"''' AJ C1.-• CfffMI< Sit C••nu..,. 01 n (-IC! Cit Cl'&ll....,, en O.~!lt Nftl(lt AU l'fHIWUI I"-A• ,,,, ...... _,., bJ·• ~l11111ct IU f 1"9od Cl t• ........ "'°'' " At111 Ltl'ldltn CJ Ml!IM• A6 """"' ., .. Mu•u•I ~"""' •• H11!tn1l Nt'" II 1 Ort ne. (fl/ftfl' Alt tJ ,. ... 1, '-i.,· .•• ,._... •J..1 Of U"tff'c:"lln 11 SIM~ ~"'11:~ l•f 1tlt vl•I"' ... ""'"" •... Wt•l~tr ..t,I "'"" l'ffWi .... , • ·, .-t ,2 .!All Y PILOT ll/F WtdfltSClllJ, Octobtt 2l, 1974 Fees Go Up, Up 80<11, .~Joori11g'lVow More Costly ROAT OWNERS 1vho tie up Illegally to somebody'a else's dock or moorlna: in an Orung(· Count~· JI arbor \\ill now have to pay four times u mucb to ro- clai111 ti1C1r ln1powldcd 1 l'-;Sf'L~. The 1mrt1 of St11x>rv1sors VQ\l'd un:inimous1y Tuesday to hike the daily impound fl'l'S from SI to 14 tn /\'ev.•port Harbor and $.1 in Dana Harbor. Jlarbors. Be~c·hes Hnd l\irks flir~ctor Kcnnclh Sampson told the board the $1 per duy fee provided no 111c1•nt1\'t' for boat OYt'ners to reclalm their prop- ert~· '"TlllS FHEl!UE~TI.'' rcsulls 10 a long·term storage rate that is much 11.'S) th.in th!.> O\\'ru·r \\\iuld p:.iy ;11 a N1nmen:i~I marina ," Sampson said in hi s rt•pon to supcr\·isors. The figure supcrvi."'Orli arri ved :.it ls lhe same paid for guest dock spaces in the t .... ·o major cuunly h:irbor~. ; l'l'l't.:ll\'ISORS Al.SO approved Sam pson's request to increase from SI to $2 ti 1!:1~ 1hc l'hargt-It'\ Jl'CI by the county for its 18 offshore guest moorings.. Sampson noted Ne.,..•port Harbor is lhe only one \\'ith guest moorings but he said 0Jn<.r. Har bor 1T1ay have son1e in the near future . At McDonnell Douglas Negotiators Huddling . . T o·Avert Job W alkoff Union leade~ and management Learns huddJed aner in Loog Beach today in €'fforts to avert a strike this weekend that could affect 250,000 ~tc.Donnell Douglas empk>yes, including 5,000 at the 1 runtington Beach plant. Negotiaticn.s ever new pay and pension demands have been going oo s I n c e August but the countdown toward a stoppage is now under way in earnest. But representatives al the negotiations in the Edgewater ltyatt House, Lang Beach, today would say nohting about the talks other than that they were staJemated. Asked what "·ere the stumbling blocks. ,1 representative of the lntematlonal ,\ssociation cf M a c h i n i s t s said, ··Everything." bargai ning issue is over pensions'. The UAW has said that il i!I pushing fo r the right of employes lo relire after 30 years' service no matter what the age and with increased r e t i r e m c n t payments. Pension plans have become key issues in all labor negotiations in recent years, but they are Wlderstood to be particular· ly critical in the aerospace industry wb.icb Has experienced mass la yoffs in recent years. Boch the-UAW and the JAM recently reached agreements with the Lockheed Aircraft Qlrp. and thocgh the l A ~1. spokes~ wou ld not discusS t h e specifics of the union's demands with McDonnell Douglas, he said they were similar to those reached wHh Lockheed. The 5,000 emplcy~ at the Huntington Beach plant of McDonnell Douglas work mainly on Delta rockets for the com· munication satellites and a d e f e n s e system for the Minuteman mlssile sites. SchOQl Post For Valley Stays Open Trusteea or the FoUPtain Valley School Dislrlc t have decided not to appolnt a re p I a <'-e m e n t for Superintendent Michael Brick. Instead, they will appoint an acting superlntendenl "until lhe matter o f wiiflcallon is settled'" a dist r i cl spokesman said today. The board has called a special ex- ecutive session for 7:30 p.m. Thursday to discuss the decision Ydth nteinberS" of the start. At preseflt, a petition drive is under "'ay in !he city to form a new unified school dl!trict aJon1 city boundaries. Carl "'Bud" Jones, who is beading that petition drive, said volunteers, have collected about 2,000 of ~.ooo signatures needed. He said be will . present his plan for the new unUied district at a meeting 7:30 p.m. Oct. 30 of the Orange County Committee oo School Pistrict Organita· lion. Jones said today he won't be asking for comment or a vote of support from tha t commlUee, but he wants to make them aware of his plan. According to Jones, if the 5 , 2 o o signatures are collectetl. lhe m a t t e r would go directly to tbe st.a te Board of Education, bypassing local govern· mental agencies. But Jones said he believes the state Board of F.ducation will eventually ask the cotmty cammittee for an opinion on the isaue. The Fountain Valley sdlool ~ha.< taken no stand on Jones' effort, bul a district spokesman said the formation of that new unifJed school system could go before voters as early as November, 1975. I( Jones' efforts do fail, as county educa tion officials have predicted they will, the Fowitain Valley School District is expected to come up with another unification plan of its own. Dr. Brick resigned as superintendenl, asking to be reassigned as business director. lie has agreed kl remain as interim superintendent until Dec. 10, but has not. said If he will conUoue ln the interim poSt any longer. ... The lA.\f, which represents 9 9 0 cmpk>yes at the Hun tington Beach plant plus ethers at McDonnell Douglas facilities at Santa Monica , Torrance and Palmdale, has served notice· that i,t..'I contracts with the finn will expire midnigllt Sund<y. From Page Al The IAM representalive voould n o t discuss what woold happen if an agree- ment Is not reached before then. Leaders cf the United A e r o s pa c e Workers, which representa McDormell Douglas employf! at Long Beach, also are lodged at lhe LOng Beach hotel. The UAW has served strike noti9t! as or midnight Friday. A spokesman fo r lhc J.1cDonnell Douglas management also was close- mouthed on the progress oL the talks. •'We have never diSl'USScd negotiations," he s<:ud. In addition to pay Increases, a key District See ks Citizens' Picks The Ocean Vie"' SChool District "'ants lo know \\1hat kind of superintendent lhe people of the community want trustees to hire to fill the current vacan· ry. Dr. Robert Ferris, consultant to the board ol trustees on the seleclioo of a superintendent \\ill n1eet with in- dividuals and group representatives dur- ing the day and evening next Tuesday . Those interested in participating may arrange aJipointmcnLs by calling Joyce Steen at 847-2551 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. A brochure oullining the qualifications and conditions of employment of the superintendent is available from l he distri ct's publi c information office, aides . ");lid. • ORANGE COASl HI' DAILY PILOT 'f"I 0.-Co1sl 0.lly Pilot. ••ltll.tllCJlhC-tw.d""" Nt.,.·Prftl . I' ..-illll'111d il>f!IWOr ... <:GtU P\10!111\!r>q Co<np1n1. 5-ti'lllOltion. ... p11l1H~ lrMl'llllY ll'll'OUQh f'rldllf. lor CotU ..... ~. "'t•Pll<'I 611(11. Nwftll"VI"" a..11/"-"" t1ln V1llt " ...... r . !.41ddlttla(t VIiie' 11'4 u_,. ~iK" !>aulh eo.,1 " ,1.,.. teoi- IOlllOf\ 1111UllhiM<I S.lu•d•y• -~VL T.,. prlll(oPol llUbl•""•"Q p!1nl !\ .ot JOO Wtll e., itrMl,CI»~ M-... C11hlOtft\11"'16:lt.. Robe rt N. Weed Oto\'OfM 11"" Publ'""' Jdc k R. Curley Vo(( Pr,,,,_.,111"11 Gtn•rl!M.1-• Thoma!. Keev il Ed•!t11 Thomas A. Murphine ~"~1l•"Q Editor Charles H. Loos Richard P, Nall A1t.1"•n! Maf\llQ•Ml Ed•!O'' "Terry Coville w.,,1 0•~"11" '°""'' [d011'1' Hun1 inQlon Be~ch OfliCt'.' 11111 &tttfl 8Gu•••••d ,.,,.111"'1 ,\1Jd~1• p 0 !lo• ,.,, .,..... Other Offices L.1011111 B• .. h. 1 !h Gle...,."I"' str1et (K ........ lJO 'Nell &if S!tMI Hf-<1 9"41<h l)J) Nt"'-' l!oulPVftd ~lttw.c• V1• .. • H?Ot 1.4 p.,, 1tOM II Sf,11 0,.QO i<•M•tJ Telephone 1714) M2-4J21 Classi fied Adve r•lsing 642·5671 ,.,.,... HOrlh °''""" (o ..... , c-uno•~· 540·1220 (Gp•ftqlll. ltll 0•11• Coll\! l'l>&llV.o"'I c;.m~n• "'° ,....,, 1to"••, rnv.r•.otloll'I f'Clol(lrl1I "'I"'' e• fll•llfllW ... ftl\ IWto"' ..... be ••P'WIK•d wOlllGu! \ll«•ll ,,,..,..,,ion ol UIPVf!Ofll -· $KOfld clit\I ,.,,,.,. N ld Ill '"'!" MPw , co11110""•· 5"111w:"'''°" 11¥ ,.,"'' U.00 -•Ill•: ... ,.,.,, "'°' ll'llWHl'llJl 11'11101 .. , Ot\l1~l!Otl$ tJ Oii ,,,.,, .. ,, I' BAii, CAMPAIGN ... Deferu;e evidence tncludes a pawn shop ticket signed ~ Russell that nigbt in downtown Long Beach, where he bought a jewelry trinket for his new \\i fe Karen while they \l{el'e oot on the town. "l'se just like a kid ... ," he s a Id somewhat. sadly in 11 1•ilhouA interview with the Daily Pilot last Friday. "We From Page Al · TAPES ... lhe three meetings and that he told the prosecUtion aft er hea ring the tapes he could not vouch that the recordings matched his recollections. Sirica then excused the jury and the argument over Dean's credibility broke out. Defense attorneys ultimately waived their objections and agreed to let the three tapes be played without having Dean vouch for them. Earlier. \Vilson led Dean through his use -wilbout getting permission from anyone -of $4,850 in cash from a \Vhite House fund to pay !or his honey· 1noon and other personal ~xpenSt>s. Dean . unruffled , admiltl'd he h a d helped himself to the cash in October, • 19n from $15,200 entrusted to him for S<>fekeeping six months before and had replaced it \\'ith a pe rsonal check that \vould have bounced had it been cashed. Just before he was fired from the \Vhit.e House in April, 1973, he testified. he gave another check for $4.850 and the remaining 510,350 in cash to his la"''ye r. ~le said the money was put into escrow at a Rockville, Md. bank and is still there pending I e·g a I determination of who rightfully owns iL The 1noney originally "'"as part of a $350.000 cash fund diverted fro m the Nixon re-election campaign to lhe White House. where It was kept u D d e r Haldeman's oontrol. Some of it even· tua\ly was paid kl lhe Watergate burglars. nxle all the rides and me 'n David !hot some pool." He said that night the ammement park was one of the first be and Karen enjoyed together, since her son by a previous marriage, 'Nolan Tracy, now 4, was spending the weekend' with his natural father. A court in Napa County' Calif., SU~ quently ordered the cl:.ild taken away from Jame! and .Karen, saying It was an unfit home if the stepfather stood accused of murder. Russell's brother Noah-also cbar1eii in Lhe savage slaying cf the invali~was in Department 100 of Los Angeles County Superior Court himself Tuesday, but only as a spectator and member Of the ·· famHy. He is free on his own recognizance without having to pool cash bond on the Oklahoma homicide charge, f o r "·hich no trial date has even been set yet. His brother has been held 745 days without bail, arraignment or tr i a I, because in his case extradition is in· volved and an extradition he~r~ll is not technically a trial. ' Santa Ana attorney Roger Agajaffian, who is representing Russell free of charge, claims his client has been sub- jected to double jeopardy but so far, appelate courts and lhe Callfornia Supreme Court have yet to agree. Oklahoma authorities, meanwhile, clai m they have new evidence against Russell in the patheUc slaying of the crippled old man, but refuse to discuss it any further . Russell was arrested once in Orange County and eventually freed by Superior Court Judge William 11-11.U'WY on the basis of a polygraph test that strongly indicated his innocence. One factor Oklabo":i.! authorities: claim to have is an alleged call by the de£en· dant to his brother Noah in the Sooner State, in which be claimed to have bragged that he sure did beat that lie detector tesl Badham Urging Bright's Ouster on Coast Panel By CAR'' GRANVILLE Of lllt O•!IY l"Olol 1!111 Dr. Donald B. Bright should be remO\'· rd from the South Coast Region a I Co a$ tline Commission, Assemblyman Robert Badham (R·Newport Beach) said Tut'sday. B.1dham's call for the coastal com- mission cbairman's ouster because of his political fund raiS"ing actlvlliea came at a Coruna del to.tar Klwanil Club luncheon. The Newport Bt:ach : 1semblyman labeled Brighrs aborted plan to hold a $100-per·person fund rab:ing rtttptlon for Otmocralic gubernatorial candidate Ed- mund G. liro~n Jr. "a bl atant mlsu.se of power ." Purportedb' Invited to th8 reception that was to have been hekl near Costa ~te.aa this week wero dcveJopera ' and ( others who rel\Jlarly do bulineas with lhe commission Bright heads. The fwld railing receptloo was called off when 3 storm of crltlclsm deSeended on Bright and a conflict o{ interest issue was rilled by Brown'1 opponent, state Controller Houston Flournoy. Badham said the coastal commlM\on chairman uM!d "slationery and other comml.uion rtaources'' to promote the political receptk>o. "II h• (Brlgllt) WU an elected olficial Oe would be recalled," &adham 11.ld. .. , don't ste why an appointed olficlnl who m~u"' hl1 powtr should be lnaled any d\ffer'1!Uy." Alter his apeech, Badham said he has written Governor Rqgan to aak him to demand Brlibt's "immidlate retlp• tlon," • \ uP.1T...-.. POLICE RESCUE WORKERS CLEAR SCENE OF SC HOOL BUS· TRAIN WRECK IN ARAGON, GEORGIA 1S.ven Kiiied, 68 Reported Injured As ~ork Tral n Backs Into Bui Loaded With School Children Fear of Cri1ne Cited in Lack Of B11s Riders By W1LLIA"'1 SCHREIBER Of Ille 01lty ,llot 5!1ff ~tany prospective riders on Orange County Transit District vch:cles may be avoiding the use of mass transit because they fear the possibility a f violent crimes. Eugene Covelli, vice chairman of a ciUtens committee studying the impact of future transit plans, said today safety concerns will be one (If the district's toughest obstacles to overcome, ' "The single most important aspect of transit system impact is a need to change the attitude of the. population regarding fea r of violence,'· said Covelli, a professor at Cal State Long Beach. Covelli 's task forte, ofte of three• fft up by the Citizens Advisory Transit Committee , recommended that the district concentrate en intensive service in disadvantaged! areas that usuaJly have the highest crime rate. "To make the service work and attract riders, the district should establish a direct line of communications with safety agencies for protection of passengers in high crime area.s," Covelli said , Covelli's tas k force made no specific recommendations, but hiJJted at t be possibility of special transits e cur it y patrols or bus guards. Hacksaw Blades Found in Photo F0!.50M (AP) -'The paekage containing a photo of a pastoral, y;oodsy scene failed to clear the Folsom Prison X·ray mac hine. The reason: three four-int.~ Io n 8 • ~hacksaw blades were mounted on the back of the photo, mailed from a tic· litious Santa Barbara address to a .rolsom inmate. ' Associate warden Huel 1'.torphis said Tuesday the package was addressed to Clifton Ray Cates, 33, serving time in Folsom's maximum security section for a Sacramento burglary conviction and for escape. Train Hits School Bus; Seven Childre1i Perish. ARAGON, Ga. (UPI) -Seven children were killed and 88 injured today when a train backed inkl a school bus .cram- med with screaming children who oould see the train coming but couldn't es- cape. Witnesses said the repair train had been called to the ~ene of a derailment during the rligbt and was backing up along the tracks when it hit the bus. The train. dragged the crumpled bus several hundred feet down the track, police said. When the train came to a hal t, the caboose wa.s derailed and on top . of the o~rtumed bus. 'MJe Polk County coroner first reported that the bus driver, Billy Kellett, had been killed , But police later-said he was hospitaized In critical condition. A spokesman for Southern • Rail,way Fi;om Page Al AUNT ..• and, or course, belng a gentleman, I never asked." The tall, ruggedly built f o rm e r choirboy annowiced through a new!paper jn Llay• that he was going ta marry the aunt c( V i c e President-desi gnate Nelson A. Rockefeller's second wife, the former Margaretta "Happy" Fitler. Miss Fitter and Mrs. Rockefeller are joint heiresses to the Fitler fortune, at one time valued at more than $8 million. Reports on Miss Filler's age have varied fl'()m 81 upwards . Two members of her staff at her home in an exclusive Philadelphia subutb said she is in her aos. "[ would never have dreamed she was much over ISO," said Wilson, wb:> met Miss__ FiU_er w_bile he was working as a butler at 1he exclusive B.reake'rs Holel in Palm Beach. Fla. "1 learned to respect her intelligence and her judgment, aod we established a tremendous closenwi. Our relaliooship was built entirely on companlonsblp rather than on Jove," Wilson said Tues. day from his parents' modest, tbree- bedroom home in this small W e I s h vi llage . in Washington said the train was moving about eight miles per hour, The aceident occurred belwetn the to"''ns of Rockmart and Aragon, about 35 miles northwest of Atlanta. There were railroad crossing signs on each side oi tbe road, but no flashing signals. Darrell Smith said he was pumping gasoline at a service station about 50 feet from lhe crossing when the collision occurred. He gave this deaaip- tion of the accident: ' "The bus was stopped, and It started on across. 'Ihe train was backing up, it seemed like il speeded up and hlt the bus.'' Smith said one of the workmen jumped off the train and ran to the front of the train yelling at lhe engineer "Go back. Go back." • •' Victims. of Fifi ' ' Due Calf Veal WASHINGTON (UPI) -Midwestern farmers _;, some of Whom tlaughtered their calves in protest over low prices -will send about 70,000 pounds ol veal to disaster victims of Hunicane Fifi in Honduras, It was announced to- day. The National Fanners Organization and the American National Red Croll announced their agreement to cooperate in making available by Nov, 9 tbe veal from 100,000 calves contributed b y members of lhe NFO, largely i n Wisconsin, Iawa and Illinois. The don8tlon effort had Its origin in a telegram sent by NFO leader Jlm Runde of CUba City, Wis., to the White House Oct. 16 in whlcb' he made known the ~70 offer of tte caives. Bar: Owner Stabbed SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) - A 66-year· old Tenderloin bar owner was stabbed to death' Tuesday durlng an atteriipted robbery on the steps of his apartment building. • • 538 CEMTER STREET-COSTA MESA--'>46·1-919 CLOsa SUNDAY Skateboards & Wheels Shuffleboard Sets ' Barbell & Dumbell Sets Croquet Sets Slant Boards BoxillCJ Gloves Judo Suits Karate SuitS Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts ' Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters T ennls Shoes Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Racket Strln9ln9 Racquetball Racquets & .Balls Handball Gloves & Balls Warmup S11its Sweat Suih Hood~ Sweatshirts Aclldas-Canversf.Spot BIM TICJer-Brooks-Bob WoHe Shoes Ltather footballs·Basketballs0 Soc0 ' ' cer Balls Bike Repairs-Parts· Tires-Tubes 646·1919 SlB Center Open 9 to 6-Closed Sunday --=-=~~----·~--~------~ \' c ' ty rm cal N lbe < Kl be bo of Cl D eve face to 0.-a loan 7411 Ing The .... !!It •·bf cha clla u.a D D toy for em of l with olhe "' t recel l<>y . the Vo woul tbe went thou coo ... llSi lo)'I So M nev•e open II w H DAILY PILOT ;I 3 GSA Denies Ziggurat Use for Nixon Library WASHINGlON (AP) -Th< General Servictt Ad.mlnbt.raUon llfl an ollia! bulld4ig ii acquired in-Lquna Niguel, was "o4vtr "'°""nplited to be I prtifclent.IaJ library for former President Nixon." Tho building, about 10 mnes from Nixon's San Clemente resfd~ce. was .acquired li'eb. 15 from Rockwell Interna- tional Corp. In exchange foi-property in the ~al< bei6nging to the Air Fon:e. Sen. Jooeph M, Mootoya (IJ.!'l.M.), chairman of a Senate appropriat~ aubcommittee, asked GSA Administrator Arthur Sampson about reports that lbt: million --blllldinr WIS to be WJOd lor.Nilon 's benefit. He. quoted :>ampoon n replyll!I that ''Ibo l!!"Pl'!:\Y Wll not ac:quired IS I presldenUaI library or a perm 1 a n t -dtlJOil!9ry,!or Nil«lll'•·r"!!'lds." Buflie-said that ;•tempm:erily storing t.1r.~Nixon's ~ecords In a··refaUvely small J)Oljloo d the J:.aguna N'4uel facility fl ~m11ar to the courteiy storage pro- • vided other Conner presidents. Sampsoa •150 '»rote that "this a· cl\lnge wa,s... not 1 'ball out' for Rockwell Jnternatiooal." "The Laguna Niguel !adlitr was •<> • quired be<OuJt tt WU and II la Iba ,.e.,., but Interest ot lhe federal aovem· rne.;it ~'obtain a bui~ at a reasonable cost to mttt prMent a.nd rutu.re •pace needs in tho-Southern· cautomi• region," he said, Montoya said 1he Garal Accounting Offie< advised blm Iha)-the GSA would have lo· apend about '3 mlUioo to· put the building in conditiori for use, and malntt nance costs and utility bills \\'Ould run abOut $500.000 a ,ear. . In btS statement, Montoya also said he had property recor(Js In the vicinity or the build~ed to find out who the owne~-anc1 rePorte<f these sho"'ed lhnt Herbert Kalmbach or Ne1,•port l3each, Nixon 's forme r uttomcy, "'as iJ:l\•olved in lhc acqu.lslt.ion of t'>''O snH1lJ tracts. l\tontoya said records furnished hinl sho\\·ed that 35 ac res \1·ere bought on l'tlay 22, 1969 (Qr about $300.000 by Oallvan Investment Co., represt>nted by Gallvan Properties UC .. and !hat the address of the Galivan firm v.·as in. dlcated as t.hal of Kahnbach's law firm . He s.a.kJ about one acre is ov.11e<1 by t.foul ton·Niguel \\'ater Oisrrlct and its addi"e&s was listed as Suite 900. at MO Newport Center Drive, NC\YpOft Beach . "This is also. the <1ddrtSll of ~1 r . Kalnlbach'$ off!tt," Alontoya said . Kalmbach nov.• 11 In prison. Meao"'hHe. U.S. Di~lrict Judge Charles R. Rlthey issued an amendt<d order Tuseday relaxing sligtitly Ille freeze he put Oil Nixon's presidential papel'l!. Richey ke11l hi! requiremeifttfth:lt the papers and tapes IM' kept in Washington at least temporarily but OJ)f'ned lhl'nt up ro former "'hite House staff n1e1nbers being tried or inves11galed fn the \\lnte rgate cHses. The judge also said the papers could be opened to govcrnn1ent officials "for the purposes of c u r r e n t govern1nen( business" with President Ford's consenl and notificaHon of Nixon's lawyers. The original order. Issued l\1onday.; blocked at least temporarily tile ar-; rungem~IJ'{6{1Chld between f\'ixon an d: ! Ford Oii dlsf>osttlon of the tnpcs and : doc:wnents-ot the time Nixon's pnrdoo ; was negotiated. : Rich('y ordered 1 h1onday that l he: papers remaj n in \Vashingto n rnther than · being transferred ro Laguna Niguel as the agreement called ror -al lea st· until lhe major issues of various la\•:suits O\'er the malerials are St>tlled. including:' \\'ho really O\\llS presidential papers. Policy ·Surf aces': Hands Off Aliens t!~~~ A Sund ay, Mond•y, Wednesday and Friday Feature Of the Dally Pilot What'• fK a Name? DEAR PAT: Si.nee I grew up with one of the most popuJar names in my age group at that time, I want to avoid choosing an overly popular name for my expected c!illd. I've checked au the sources l can, inclading tmpltals, coWl- ty offices and my library's reader's guide. All I've learned is that my phone bill has increased due to all my toll calls. P.C., San Juan Capistrano No pultllsbed material J, 1v1lllble 111 tbe m•t popaJ1r CRJTtDt ftnt names being glvea lo babl.,, 1<co ... lo ~ Gardea Grove RqloNl,.~'t tcfilt reference depar1ment -and yoar in- qalry "" ci1ttled tat U....piy. It seems tbat only "aftu'' •· ffrR. nme bas been used repeatedly, tt It noted •• • "popular" cbo\ce. AvaU.ble m•terfals do ladkale tbat YoU'd be better off to choose ;'l'tlary" or 0 Al'n" rather tban Kimberly tr 11ffany if )'Oar baby dtould be a lfrl. Tbe same 1dvlce applies to boys. Tbe ucommon" name cboke Is out of votuc at ibil time. Cigarette Parks DEAR PAT: A neighbor has told me about aaving empty cigarette packages and turning them In for a wbeelclutir. My brother-in-law needs ooe for his wife and he has saved more than 5,000 pack- ages. If this really can be done, where should these packages be redeemed to get a wheel chair for a deserving per· ... ? S.O., Costa Mesa The same an11'w applies lo Ws in- quiry as lo a recellt questlen aboat where one could turn in cigarette peck· agu to buy time on • kidney maclltne. Tbere ts none, and ibere never Us been. To repea~ -this story •mt lo pop ap every few years, and fC bas no basis In fact. You might tell your brntber·ln-law tt coatact lbe RebabUUaUon lrutltule of Orange County regarding the possible loen of a wbeelcbalr by pknln1 633- 74ot, •i;per'!a••, a reader would.J>e ;wUl- inc to dOnate or sell a wbetlc:;blr to ~m. The Institute ls,.carrentJy reqoesttq per. SOUi te ~ Bttty CrO<!br c.pe.1 te t• E. La Veta , Ora11l"e, CaUf ..... , •·h.lch ca a be ~deemed fer c1sh tt pur- cll&se ttffded equipment, 1t1ell •• wt.eel. clalln, for ,.ttents. Maf1 to tlte 11tea- tioa ef C1roly1 Carrell. Delttllve To11 DEAR PAT: I bought my tbughter a toy called "Sweet April's Playground" for Christ.mas. There was an es:Cessive amount of dlrt and glue on it and one of the parts didn't \l.'Ork. S~e's playe<I with this 1oy ooly about rlx times and other pieces now have broken. I wrote to 1he company twice with no answer reeelved. I'd gladly return the complete toy in exchange tor a new one, or just the parts that Offd replactng. DJ'., foUl)lain \'•lllY Your only f'ffOal'H In tMt sttaattoa •ouJd be lo shop for a _. tey lleesQI the m1aufldorer, Re~ hclmtrles. went CMi& of binJJlns la l•DDrJ'. AJ.. though oeverll iarse toy IOJIPll<n ...... O>Dtacted II ft tffort '9 ftlld I "flrb11 source ftr this Item, none cOldl tf1tr tS5ll&ance. n:e erlstJq sl&k if Remat toys Is sU1J bt.111 IOld bJ Mme rlrmr • erpeclaDy dJscouot outkts. Soviet Rocket Tests MOSCOW (A P) -The SoYicl Union announced today that 1 11trkll ol rocket test1 in the Pacinc Octan hMJ been successtully completed. Tes,,, the offfclal news ff..t.O.C.Yt sakt~lhe lest area wa11 open aga in to &e4I Ind air navigaUon. It was closed Oct. 17. > Frightened Boy Addict Testifws SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) - A !rfght- ened 13-year-old heroin adclict with tears in his eyes told a federal jury or being ~ drug pusher. Jaime, now under treatment for his habit, testified Tuesday at the trial of three San Antonio men at"CUsed of pos- sessing and selling heroin. The boy fll'St was asked if he knew drug enforcement agent Jo.mes Lewis. "Yeah," Jaime repUed. "Jlave you sold heroin t.o him ?" "Yeah," was the answer. "How many times did you sell heroin to him?" "Four times," the witness said. '"Who did you get the heroin from?" Ai that point, the boy hesitated. He refused earlier to testify because, as a defense lawyer Mid, "He's obviously frighteoed to death." Again the question was asked. This time Jaime answered In a faint voice, "From Jimmy Perez." Perez, 22; ·Gilbert L. ,Qattja, 26; and Pedro J. Almaraz, 42, all of Sin Ar.tonio, are on trial before U.S. District Court Judge Andrian Spears. ~aime at first refused lo testify I» cause a woman spectator had been motioning to him from the audience. Spears .said be "was not accusing any- one of trying to influence the witness but I'm giving a fair wamlng -if any- one does try to innuence ll witness, !hey are going to be deaJt with_.harshly." The dark-haired woman_Jeft lhe court room as sooo as Jaime took the stand a aeoond time. 'lbe last quest'°'1 on c:ross-examini· tion was, "Did you go to him ( Le\vis l or did be come to you to sell thfo heroin?" "He came to me," Jaime answered. A 14-year-old who st.ands a bead taller than Jaime testified he .,kt heroin to Lewis three times. The older boy, named Oscar, and also being treated for addiction, adJrjtted he .-.. sca...t tq testiO" .~ \old Oscar he would not be prosecuted for his testi- mooy. "Who did you get it (the ~roin) from?" Oscar was asked. "Jimmy Gleason Perez," h replied in a low voice. Lewis testified earlier iJ1at bis "pri- mary objective wasn't to get lhe chll· dren -Ufere had to be adull.'J behind the children." Trial of the c.ase continues today be- fore a jury of seven women and live m<n. AN 'IRVINE' FOR IRVINE "We 've finally done it," Ir vi ne Administrative Services Director James . Harrington told the city council Tuesday as he introduced his new clerk typist. Mrs . Virginia "Ginger" Irvine of Irvine was t.be new Irvine employe. .S irica Hin ts Ex-president May Testify ' Supe1·viso1· Riley Urges 'Republican Leadership' Orange County Fifth District Supervisor Thomas Riley has called for Increased leadership from Republlean1 In dealing wilh environmental ~trol.s. Speaking' in El Toro to the Saddleback Valley Republican \Vomen's Club Tutt· day, Riley said, "The Republican Party mu.~ address itself to problems of the enviroQ.ment. 'Ille problems are real and thby aren't going away." Riley, a S.pubUcaA appointed re<tnliy by Governor Reagan, aaJd "lf we fall to act, others will. 1• "It ts my rear that a demand-type of ictlvtsm ls likely to come In a manner whlth •ookl be most detrimental to our way of life -11 would our way of life alter greatly if we were to allow our tnvlromnent to deteriorate." Rlley'I a(>ffcl> was lilied "Property Jilgbt.<, The Environment and T h • Republican Parfy.'' lie addrt&<ed blmsel! primarily to the conflict between allo"ing uncontrolled development and what he c a t I e d "oveneaJom tn\!ironme:ntalism.,. "On one hand v.-e--wish-to prese.rve for ourseiv('s and for our f e 11 o w Americans rights to full and free control of ~rmaJ pro~ny,·• Riiey at a I t d . "While on the other hand we wish to protect our Jivin& enVJronmt:nt for ourlW'lves and our children." Ril ey said he felt completion of the counly's general Jllan should take first priority in county supervisors' busines1. He sa!:I he has been hearing from ~ steady 11tream of builders, landowners. homeowners aS90Cl.ation representatives. and envi.ro11mentalists since hi s ap- poiolment to the f>9ard in August, Commenting on the recent first amend· mtnl to the general plan giving develop- ment approval for 4,000 acres In north El Toro , Riley said "! tell very com- fortable •Ith It -and what l was able to contribute paid off. 04EI Toro Road Is designated a scenic blghway -but you know as well as I do thal it doesn1 look like ii," Riley said. "In the rush to get the f1rst a.mend· mtnl passtd: all considerlltiota ol El Toro Road a1 a tce'llic hi&hway y,·ere dlsregan!ed." Riley uid. "I blame my commissioner ( Bart Spendlove1 and tbe others for thls. They folded under the prE!~Uft of gelUng a plan out ll!l 1"st as possible.•· Through Riiey's effort.s. a Jtatern~nl wa1 addod to the amendment'" saJ'ing the sctnlc highway provisions must be met berore ionlng ls appro\•cd. ' Reverse Bias? New Action Minority Hiring Joh 'Difficult'~ Co11f ir1ned By Pat1·ol By DOUGLAS FRJZSCHE Of 1111 D111w l"Uot Sl•lf TODAY BY J. C. HUMPHRIES " PEARLS IN CANNED OYSTERS? The cann£>d pearl oyster with a cultured pearl in!'ide is available at a wide variety of retail outlets. and it is presumed that tbese cultu rcd·peu rl·containin ~ oysters a re those in which the implanted seed has not yet had time to develop into a pearl of possible gem quality. Over the yea r s. many tests have been made on the pearls rrom such canned oysters. a nd one such recent tes t disc loScd not a cultured pearl. but. an outright imitatipn. · Althou ~h the ca n opener search ror cultured pearls may be an amusi ng a rm chair prelude to oyster stew. there are only L~·o \\•ay~ to obtain cultured peurls of ~e rn quality : e ither dive for them your5elf or ~o lo a trusted rct~ilcr ... ~·our loca l independent jC\\.'Clcr. , - I OH r <11 R I ,\/ t. '\RI ,. JF 'll'f:l.RY ,•\.\ /) II ..\ rc H F~ .. 1 11f/f1\/ f'lll'(l l .\(OlR'iT<JRF'.'lt H(~/· I/IR 0 11 ,\ (/.?o\F1·~~F \ ( ·\Rl'Fl't..l.l DO //I I· 111111 ;., l '\/JI R f1CR l'f!R(ll\..\I Sl 'PF.R\'/~10 \. .............. • Fint· watch rq1air • Di:imond and prcoou~ gem s..:cting • Fine wwdr) carr and ri:pair ................. Original jl·wdry dcsrgn and creations Gem and J<.:'vd ry appraisals ......................... ll ft,HI \I l'RH , (I' ·\In f (JR /'l(.PflRT I,\' 1 fi F"I S 'i..'\n /I ttP/ Jl) 1111 (I {I \l'F RTl.Y 'i.Pl'RAl 'iFO BY l '' . J. C. .JJun'l'hrieJ JeweferJ 18cJ NEWPORT BLVO , COSTA MESA (ONVC Nl(NT Tl R ~,t~ ':1 Y(AH~ IN T Hf. .<;A.i\1f LOCATION 6.11'1i..Atne1•e.tr.1 -,\l.t~!Pr(lltrot PHONE ~•tl-340 I • ) I :14 DAILY PILOT Wednesday, October 23. 1974 ' , Dig Deeper r 4 r _, For Transit f;t:l'Tl/li(i. 1'11ER!'; t·llO;\l llERE: ·rhe Ur{lnge County R;1pid l 'ransit Di strict is much in Lhl' nC\\'S these days. First. becau~e a fot Qf f><'O!>le <ire ridin~ the J{·r1; bu.-.e .... Sccontily, lhc di::.tric:t needs n1ort' I.orig tircl'n This ~cc11ncl c ll'llll'lll ~huuldn't eon1c as <iny n1011un1cnt;d :-.urpr1se. to 11copli.: '''hCJ ha\'C hcen ;1 round a i.:ro<.·cry countt'r lately. E\·erybody ut·cds n1ore c;.is h. Thus it is th;tl uur tr<in:-1t U1str1c:t , in .,, 'its vast planning for ho\v \\'e'll gel around in 11ic future, has to up the cslimatcs of\\'h:lt it 's goin g to cost. '!'he trans it people ;ire like the guy \\ho budgeted in 1970 to huy a beef. :-ite<ik in 197·1. '!'he buck he put au·ay b:1tk in '70 just isn 'l going to do the 1ob. St) ~U\\'' ·rtJ (;El' us ;J full ·ratt· r;.i pid transit ::;y~tem . it'::; goi ng to cost S.1.52 billion. or roughly doub\(' vohal the transit people had figured on \\'hen they budgeted \\•ith less·inflated dol· l<irs. \Vhtn tht: \vondrous ~ystcm of the future l s completed, some t ime around 1990, the Orange County Iran· :sit folks fi gure that people "'ill be making 10 million trips a' day all around our county. The experts on all this, of <:ourse. lalk like experts. They speak in term~ of "person·lri ps generated " and ··ridership'' and things like ··auto use disincenti ves.'' . .\uto use disincenth·es, you ;is~. ju~t ,,·hat in all of Orange County are the~· t alking about': TJfE\" l\I EAS Tiii:: reasons \\h~', you'd rather leu,·c the old family hea1) at home t1nd go by bus or rail to Disneyland or Knott':-. Berry Farm Or even to '''ork ,\n autn di:.inc:c·nti\'t• 1s a flat lir~· \\·hen )'OU h;.i,·e on your good :suit. \\'hen the kids s pread chocolate rip· pie ice cream all over your drive r'.$ seat and steering wheel. that's an auto disincentive. \\"ho u·ants to sit dO\\·n in that'' Soi~ the price or gasoline, oil, tire.-., and anti-pollution de\'ices. ' 1\ny\\'ay, the Orange County tran~it people are all steamed up these day~ about a onc·<:Cnt increase in the s ale~ tax \\'hich they a ssert is needed to get this sytem built SQ \\'C can there fron1 here. Take o ver P-lot Ex-Greek Leader Arrested, Exiled t\'l'Hf.NS. Greece IAPI -t•ormer dictator George Papadopoulos and !'our of his clos<"s l associ:ttes h:t vc been arrcslcd and exiled to a remole part of Greece on charges of plotting to rtg:1in po\\'Cf, the go"crnmcnt an· nnuncl·d loda,\·. The announce m ent said those ar· re:-ted \\•ith Papadopoulos \1•ere his former ci<·puly premier::;, Stylianos l'at<.1ko.-: anti :\ichula:-. :\Jak>irczo~. nnt· ur 1 he h;_u·d·hne minblt:rs in hi~ ri:~11n~" lo1.1n111s L<Hlas; and the f<Jr · nll'I' chief of the central 1ntelhgcnl'e <igtn<:y, :O.tichucl Roufogalis. :\uthortlali\'P sources ~;ud the fi\'e mt:n \I t!rc taken to the sni;ill isl and of Kea. ;1buul flU miles so uthc;ist of Athens. 'fhc go1·t'rnn1cnt':-. announccinc nt said Pap;1dopoulos and the other four "undertoO'k cons piratorial uctivll y, tre;iting anxit;IY and the conditions conducive to the d islurbancc of public pc ace and ordt·r, ••t a ti1nc \\'hen the people are being sumn1oncd to cxcr . cise their SO \'ercign rights f(Jr 1 he completion,of democratic legality .. TllJS \\'AS r\ REF'EREXCF. lo the parliamentur.y election -Gref!l'.c·s first in niore than JO vears -th~it the rcfnrrn regime or Pi·cn1it·r Constan- 11ne Caran1anlis ha:. scheduled i\n\·. 17 • The :.innouncement also 1ndicatt'd lh:.il more ch:1rgcs \rill prohab!y b(' ·fil ed ;1gainst the fir t' n1l·n. lt s:1irl tht'ir <:onfintnH:nt mude it in1pos:.l blc ro1· them to esca pe from Greece \\'hile the leaders of the military. dictatorship are being investigated. The government \varned that it 1~ prepared to counter "\vith deter· mination any suspicious movements or those responsible for seven years of dictatorship." The go \'e rnment announced UPITtkPllOIO CONSPIRACY CHARGE George Papadopoulos 1·ue~da .\',lh<1t P;1padopoulos has been undC'r hou se arr('st for the last lhree '''!~k :-"for 1naking conspiralori:il n10,<·.:-. ·· ·rhcrc huvc been pcr;;istent rL•Jmrts that leaders of the ousl(•d 1nili1ar ~· regime \\'ere plotting to n1:ike :.1 co1n ebock . Sl]';CE lllS OVERTHRO\V by another military junta a year ago, Papadopoulos had been living quietly in the seaside ''ilia 50 miles from • ,\thens that he reoted from shipping magn:ttc :\ristolle Onassis. 'Paid Baek in Full' Columnist Confirms Loan From Rockefeller \\'ASftl~G1'0i'\ (t:PIJ -Column1:st Tom Braden has confirmed that Vice Pres identia l nominee Nel son Rockefeller reluctantly le nt him money 20 years ago to help him buy the Octanside Blade·Tribone 11{'\\ spa per. Braden. in ;1 column distributed by the Los Angeles Tin1es Syndicate, s:.iid he \hought the 10:.111. long sintl' repaid. \\as n011c of the public':; bu ::;lnc:.s. But he said he \ras "lossin g ;.i side old principles" of pri\'<Je.\· rather than he ~USJJC'Ctl'd of "hiding .so n1c d:.irk and n1yslerious innuence or t r1mc . 1:-.; . .\ T\\'0-PA.Gf: :.talenlent Tuesday night, Rockefeller s:tid .. it has become physically in11>0ssiblc to do the research and obtain all the. in· formation rcquc:sted b~' the press" "hi\e at the same time· fulfilling respons ibilities to his f;.in1ily ;ind eOl1£ressional in \'eSli2:alor~ .. .. Therefore, I ;1m <lefcrring <ill · S\Vering further questions until I ap · pear in person before the congres· ::;ional eommittf'es." he said . T ltt:\' ARE Rl,;'.\::\l i'G scared toward the ~ovember election in askingJlle }'Oler:<; tQ QQfil_JJ.Jl an C~WL penny on things they bu~· these day:._ That's because e\·crybody is askin g the \'Ot ers 10 pon.v up an extra something. B1:aden ~ll·id-he-has-1\nov.'n-Rockc.fel-_ k·r 33 ye;u·s, onre \Vorked under hin1 and mal'ried ht.>< 0111: .. time econon1ie assis tant. DAILY PILOT ---1-hcr;.I 1'hen, vf euur~t."', the penny ta.x question is fair game for thf• politicians \\·ho can come out against 1t. :\ssembl'yn1an Robert Burke, thL· Republican from l-l untington He;u.:h. did that just th is \\'eek . E\'ery pulilician kno\1·s you c;:innot make too niany enen1ies "'hen you con1c out against highe1· taxe5. T iit: J,.·\RGER (~lit:ST JIJ :\. ho\vc,·er . SL·en1s to be 1f Or;1nge Coun tians "ill bl' \rilling to 1>u t up anotht·r penny 111 ~;des 1:1xc.~ to ~et the S4 .:1'.! b1!1ion r ;ql td tr;111:-.1t :-):-.ll'n1 bulll hefor<· !hl' 1•nd 11f th is centur.1. l'l·uplc \1·ho tod;1y arl' .-.tUl'k (lail) 111 long \inc~ of ~1110£~~ traffic \l oUl{I :'it'Clll tu lJl' !hi.· hc-.1r.111rhrta1c~1o \flit' )·c:i. So l'Omv :\r•\t•mhl'r. ,,c·1·c ,eo1ng lu ftnd out hO\\' :-.trong our ;.iu1o di::;incen ti\'es are around this p\;i ct'. "\\·e ha\·e otten ext·h;_1ngt«I Christ m:.is gi fL~. l ie h·nt m~· ,1·ife somt> money for a television pilot film ; hC' ha.'> bt'cn gcnC'rous to nty olde:st son tu \\·horn he is godfather." llraden said llE S1\ID TJl,\f in 195-1 , he had Sl5.000 saved to-buy the nev•spaper, but nc.<'ded n1 orc and a::.kcd Hockefel · lcr for help. ",\nd so he helped. rather rcluttan 1 h·. :1s I r(•r11 en1 her," Braden said. "·Jle didn't buy ;i nt'\\'S]l ill>l'f co\um· 11isL li e rnadc a loan to a rriC'nd \\·hn µaid it back \VHh interest:-. and \\'ho 011 \\\·o 11cc;1sions \\·hen he r<.in for the· pl'esidential non1inatio11 --supporll·~ ('<Jndiclatcs front the other party. Br;iden s aid. i\tea n\\•hi lt·. Rockcfc llt'r ha ~ pron1iscd to release murc informatiQn t111s \\'t'Ck on his gifts and lo;ins. but he h :1~ c·la111ped a lid on reporters' ·questions .until he resumes con i.::rcs· .;;ional testimony on his nomina lion. DELIVERY SERVICE Delivery of the Doily ·Pilot is guaranteed Noldoy·fridoy: H you do not hove ~ paper by 5:30 p.m., colt ol'ld your cqiy will be brought to you. Colts ore td\en until 7:00 p.m. 5crt1.Xday ond Sundoy: If you do not receive your copy by 9 o.m. Soturdoy, a-8 o.m. Sundoy. coll arid o copy will be ~rught to you Coils are token un ril \Oo.m. Telephones /v4cs! Oronge County Areas 6'2·4321 ~h~t Hunlinglon Beach ord Westmins!er .... _ .·. 540-1220 Sert Oernenre, Copistrorio Becx:li. Son Juon Cop1strono. Dono Pornt, Stiuth loguno, Loguna Niguel 495-0630 Arizona Fears Flooding T liu11de rstor11is Wid espread ; El Pas o Pelted ( .,"'i •. 1'11111 Ill ti 1·~, ,.,.110 .... 1 w,,.,,.,, ll•••CI roe1c .. 11 •• '""' ''' I0-2• • 1• ('••Ii f ft r11 ;,, 1n,md<r<I~"'" .... ~,~ •<•H•·•d "''' "''"'not tf'I>· Sa"1hw•,1 te<'.I~• ~"". ,.~,..,., Ted OI""' "'< l•~n' o• I nr no""" ln~ NM ion~I We~!~·• ~~,, ' .H! •uQn ""'n l 'oo<t nn1-.>l>.•I '•>-tr<1 .~ ,,.,.,.,.,.,,In· •. 11n, •l""""J io.,n· "°"'"""' (,i •l(ltr•i • '"'" "'~'' • .u ?l.ue •' ,,,. $1K!,.~!' .1nd lh ~nJ• r ·· IO"H , di -> I r' .:t.a<I "0"' Ill" Tr ••' P~~~J~<ll<' •~t '"'··~·I<,·~~· In I.I P.l\\l. ·." ~·1" 'n 1! "" o•i1n<1•'' '"""' e• '' J • ''' "' (llernr!or d ,.,,,,.,,ii •• •M '' ~~,.., •rd ~omot,,lr• "In·~ '"' .,,.,, ''"""'''" P~11' ot "'"' • '" • .1~<1 ·~,. ""''"' • ' th.od.,,oFlnt"''' .11,0 ..,,.,, •""'~'"' " lt•l'd ~tllfn", $~If'~"'''" thlY<IY Ovi't I'" (,••ut l.I• •~!on ,.,,., 1; .. w I "'*'~•'<I !>ul ti.·" • • ~...,11on•1<"' ·~11.n.•~· ''·" "" ·1·,·111 I''',.,, I 11 ,.,.,.,. "'" "" ~!I•"''' • S.~~t•l••U .. " 81V"'{l•" .. " "'"~ •• " 6ufi.t!<1 (IM<lol!• .. "''-" <:111<•~"·'' <111~· 1 ... ,, " 0.1•~, ., Qtnv~• " !'lflfll'!I " .. ........... ~ ~·-,. __ , • .. l(itftM\(•ly ,, " l 30.1• " Uf'I...., ,, .. , 10Hx •Pe ~· ,, ,. .• , ,,.,,,. .. '"" ~''"""·I'<>''· ' .. 0•1••'1 ... ~ ... (!.1·~~ •• •• l>IWl\.t '"'"' ,. ......... ~ ·~ .... '" . '· .. B•"'" (,-:,~' ,lu~w ~ , ... MIOWt ll IJOW ,..,,, ll<"Q" • • '"''"~'"'· 0•• ., . , ... ··~ .. .. ~«II"""'(! " ,, " ~, .......... .. . ' .. • ~""" " • ""'" ..... r11, " ' " ""' ''•'"' ... o " " ., .,.~Ill~ .. •• • 1tw-•"1~t • .. W•\lllllO!"" •• ,, " " " .. " .. • ~ ~ " I ow Cloud~ ... 11 <Onlinu .. OV•t (Od\l.ll Mt,)•01 S<lllll\eft! (,.ih!Otft<,) lM0\1(111 moC). ~••. 1'1111 otn..r •t(t oon~ w•tl n.ive 1,.,, ~~tfll!• '"" w • .r1on<11 w~•tne1 Sc-•••co ..,,>d ,.,. '"9" ln -•own l~ Anottr. W•ll con- hn.,. '" 1fll! low 10!.. El•fwno••. llllJI'~ woll be in !"" """'" "°" •1""9 ,,.. (0.11, m 1"" low 10-. '" •nland ••ll•vs. "' lllCUl!Pt•W'<•n ll'w! '""""!tin, ~I'd ln tt>t 10~ •~ IOs In l"" <lt>e•C! Ov~ni<)llt low> .. 111••n~1•<1<11 ~hf OJI'! ""' so."' uw tte•<""' t<t '!>It •ow~""" ~•n !fll!11111<1nt••""· CftrrNlnl U'rnlhc•r N!9M •lld mo•nh111 row ('°""' wotn ""'Y •11nv11 ... l!>I\ '"''-· l•t~I '""•ble ,.1no~ 11l9nt •nd mornlnQ nout• bflco"''"0 .,,0,11., M111!1! 1 o '0111n .. tst If'' l!>•n 11 knot~. Tno n111m. wul II(< ;11 1nr •ow 10·,. co.osl.it 1om1>rrt111•0\ will •<lflO~ Otlwtto l.(l. '""' 1111. 1n1itnd ttmPt• •t~tt• W\11 nl""" ..... t .. olPfl t<t ffl!I /I , lllf .. .itr !~no Pt••tllfe •Ill ~ •~· ·"''''· ,,,,.,, ••• 1'id«• WfONlJOf.'1 ~ond lttOll .... •••·•· ..... ~.JO •I S<>«Ml!tow • 11·1111"'· o• THUllSDA'I 11f\t !>•Qll ,... ..e:jQ.,m, 1 J n°'~ low • , • U It fl,fl\, I I ..,(_ ll•Ofl . ,,. )•0 p,m, ,., SKfllllftow ... 111r11:m ~~ 5u11 rhf'/ !!fool in ..... t~• 1011111 • MOOl\tlH:) I :f lt"'• , ' ""' lfZ ~ .. Fo·r all gh.osts and goblins • " Life Savers Miniatures Bag of 28 Hershey Milk, Hershey Almond, Reese Peanut Butter Cups Box of 30 Bars • Reese Peanut Butter Cup Juniors nt. wt. I 0 01. bag 149 i Smarties ~ Hershey Milk Candy Wafers Bars Juniors bag of 101 l bag of 18 · 77¢ ' ' 97¢ ' ·li.:"!"oijiii ' .,., .. ~ Sugar Daddy Juniors nt . wt .. 13 3.4 oz.bag ... , 89¢ ~ ' 0 ., Milky Vf ay Fun Size Bars ' ..., i ' l nf. Y(t. 16 o~. bag 12-~ Brach 's Candy Corn nt. wt . 1 lb. bag Fleers Dubble Bubble Gum bag of 101 69¢ Tootsie Roll . Pops nt . wt . 1 ~ oz. bag 89¢ BUENA PARK: Beach al Orongethorpe •Open weekdays 10 to 9:30. Sundays tO to 6. ORANGE: City Dr. atGar~en Grove Blvd:-. Open weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to S . SANTA ANA: 3900 So Bn•tol-No ol So . Coa st Plaza • Open weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6. I • • -' • I , I ' j ( ' :f1 ' I I ' \ .. 'I -~ , • • I I I I •• I ! ! • . • . : • • ' t • • i ' t I • ! . t ! • • • : ' ! • I I • ! • • • • t I ! ! t ! [ I I • j ' j I ' DAILY PILOT-EDITORIAL PAGE Downtown Planning The City or lluntington Beuch seems to be proceeding "'i!lcly in planning the rebirth of ils downtown area . A_l a series or meetings no\v being conducted. cit.v ofric1a ls-a nd consultants arc cons ulting with downtown property O\Vners, bus ine:ss mcn and residents lo discuss plans and elicit citizen response. 'l'he eventual plan muy include 1.000 hotel rooms, an a.m usemenl pa rk a nd $portS·shopping complex. s pecialty s hops and pe1·ha1JS a s m ull college. 1'he !lC\v downtown ttlso m ay have senior citizens' housing, condominiums. an enlarged pier amt board\valk. pedestrian m a ll s. underground parking and a mass tra nsit center. But Vince Atoorhousc. director of the city's Harbors and Beac hes Department a nd coordina tor of t~e downtown redevelopment project. is quic k to Point out no pla ns are "set in ceme nt'' a s vet and won 't be until the city has input from eVeryont' involved. His approac h rriakes se~se. lnvol\:ing those with the grea(est personal interest 111 do\vnto y,•n Huntington Beach in the formulation of a plan, should help ensure its s uccess. Vote of Confidence A vote of t he Follntain Valley Cit y Council last week a m ounts to a vote of confidence in the youth of th·ecommunity. T he ordinan.ce a nd r esolution be fore the councilmen were designed to strengthe n the Fount:.1in Valley Youth Commission . Or:::: meas ure would restructure re presentation . ~he other, more im{M>rlantl v. "'ould corhmit gr.eater ·time and effort o f city staff to liaison 'vork \\•ith the youth co.mmission. 'l'hc ~~ountain Valley council's quick approval or the inCl't!3SCd Starr suppOrt is in ilS('Jf (l'Cognition or the role Of the )'OUth t"Ommissioq 's pa st and ruture . It 's a difficult assignment the commission h<1S larkled, the job or improving the int errel<.1tion shiil bcl\vc.c n the comn1unity and its youth. ''ct this youth commission -\vorking With the <:ity. l'i\'ic groups , social services-is getting· that job doni.·. With their moYe to st1·cngthcn {he comn1ission. J<'o untain Valley city countilmen l'ecognizccl the value uf:such achicven1cnl. 'fhe ir vol t> of confidcnc 1· '''i.I ~ a vote ,,·c/1 -dcsc rvcd . Positive Profest Protest , by its very natu re. is nrgativc. But thE.· p1·oducts of protest can be Positive . 1'hal could be truc,in the cusc in tl)e FoUnL~i n Valley Cham her of Commerce's recent protest before the .Fountain Valley City Cou'nc il. • In a hig hly critical letter. the chamber charged that. the city staff had failed to li\'C up to promises to keep the c hamber up to date on \\·hat is knO\\'n as the J>resley p lan. 1'his plan \\'OUld take 350 <icrcs of the city's 450 acres of undeveloped land zoned for industrial use <.1nd create a primarily r esidenti<il developme nl. The council obviously recognizes the value of the chamber's vie\YS on future d evelopme nt in the city. 'l'he \\'Ord on cooperation went out to the staff irn· mcdiutely. The council holds its hearings on the Presley plan Nov. 12. That day should bring still a nother pas itive .product or the chamber's protest-the careful con- 5ide ration. of the group's carefully cons ide red vie\\'S on the Presley plan. 'And they used to call us racists'' H How Kissinger ·0ear Gloomy Gus He's AlaeHd of tlae President Wielded Power WASHINGTON -For the past five years, U.S. foreign policy has been almost totally dominated by one man -Dr. He nry A. Kissinger. Inside sources, with secret documents to back up their story, ha ve told us how he manipu l ated · the di p l om a ti c 1',.~ strings. Throughout the Nixon years, Kis· singer steadfastly maintained to inquiring repor- ters that he never reco mm e n de d policy to th e Pres ident unless his views we re solicited. I-le merely presented "op- tions." he vowed, and Jen it to the C'hier to make the decisions. IT WAS SAID President Nixon "'·ould retire to the solitude or the Lin- coln sitting room or to his secluded of- fice in the While House annex, where he would pore over his options. After much ·agonizing and scratching on yellow lega l pad,, he would emerge and announce his moment,ou s decisions, This Js not. according to our sour- .res. how il happened. Thcy.,.say Kis- singer seldom failed to give the President his personal rccommen· dations and Nixon seldom fai led to take the advice. As a former Kis· singer assoriate put it succinctly : .. Nixon agreed with Henry on the things he knew aboul. and he trusted l-lenry on the things he didn't know about " ' TllE PATTE RN u·as set early in 1969 when Nixon ~ave the National Security Council staff a pep ta1k .' Af- ter a few genera l re marks. according to several eye witnesses, he nodded toward Kissinge r. ·•t-Jenr y and I are going to end the w0tr," the President snid. u·ith a sly :s mile. ··we wanl you fellows to take c:ire of the rest or the u·orld.'' Our sources SiiY Nixon then laun· chcd into a ruriou~ and \'ulgar asi;ault on the State Department. Forei1:n poli cy u•as goinJ: to be handled by the While !louse. he declared, 11nd not by the "striped·pants faggots" at Foggy Bottom . There was a collective gasp from the two dozen NSC staff members. President Nixon. with his pen.chant for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. had forgotten that the majority of his audience had rome to the White House from the foreign ser- vice. TH~R EAFT E R , Ki ssing·cr set up his own private State Department in tlie basement or the While I-louse. w.herc he directed every aspect or the decision-makin g machinery. lie prc«Jlded over the National · Setuiit y Council. which determined overill policy. lie controlled the sup(!rsec·ret Com mittec or f'orty, which plotted CO\•Crt actii,.:ities. He also headed the Washington Special Action Group, which assembled to manage crises. The serttt minutes sho'll.1 that Nixon seldom atlended the~e crucial meetings but wailed for Kissin ger lo nu him in. The tu·o men conff!rred together frcquenlly. • (JACK ANDERSON) When Kissinger travelled abroad, he kept the President informed with cryptic personal messages. Only the two of them understood some or the rererences. A typica l message from Kissinger in the l\1iddle East, as recalled bra source '11.'hO saw it, reported: "P.fet with Nu mber One. Discussed options. Re agrees in prin'riple." 1'10ST OF Kissinger 's recommen- dations to the-President we re subm it- ted forma lly in secret memos. which were guarded as closely as nuclear secrets. Very few of Kissing er's as- sociates are aware such documents exist. We, however, have seen some or them. A typical Ki ssingcr·to-Nixo n memo would be typed on White House letterhead and stamped SECRET. Kissinger wo uld begin with terse background information and then outline his ··recommendations.'' At the bottom of the page were lYl'O blank lines, the leftmost n1arked .. AP· prove." and the other "Disapprove ... Almost never, according to our sour- ces. did Nixon initial the "di sap· prove" space. USUALLY, a series of ··tabs " fol · lowed on pl ain white paper. These took up specific issues, expressed in blunt. candid language. Each tab con- ta ined ··approve" and "disapprove" lines. The crowning loueh would come when Nixon called in his Ca binet or other associates 10 brief them on his foreign palicy decis ion . As he spoke to them. he invariably consulted a '"talking poinls" paper prepared. or course. hy the ubiquitous Dr. Kis· singer · KISSINGE R'S person:il memos and Lalking papers ~uided Nixon on lhe Vietnam War. the invasion of Ca m· bodia. the South Viclnamesl' invasion of Laos. and scores or other initiatives around the world. Our sources could recall on ly one major issue on which Nixon \'etocd Kissinger's recon1 mcndations. 'fhat was the decision.lo bnn1h llanoi and mine llaiphong llarbor 1n r-.1a.v 1972 In that instance. Ni~on o\·l'rruled all or his chi C'f advisers, including 1'\is singer.· Kissinger's r1on1 in:111on of forl'1g.n pOil('Y has continlicd into the F'utd 1\d ministration. lnci rcd, Prt•sic\('nt Ford had scarC'c ly been sv.'or·n 111 licforc· he ussured the u·orld lh at llcnry Ki s- sini;:c r would stay on . Like Ni"on btrore him , Ford It! <tns he.a vily on Kls singer for foreign po]i('y g11id :1ncc . Our souces say. in fact. thn l'Fnrd hus not ovcrtuled Kissinger yet. FOOTNOTE : Ki ssi nger has St)n1ci brilliant diploma tic achievements .10 his credit. including lt;n1Jl(lr:iry pcal'C in the ~1 iddl<' f>~a st . dl'tcnte Yi'\\ h lht" Soviet Uni on a nd rapprochemenl u·ith mainland China. But lhl're ha\'C al!'lo been a few disaster~. such as the In· dia·Pakist an war, Chile, Cyprus and Lbe aborted ··v car of Europe.·· Quotes SOU RCES whn uccusionutly were tailed into their pr\votci meetings say NiKon and Kissinger a11par1.1ntly did· n't engage In dttp, lqtt'llcetu:1I discus· !11r!i. •:. R. l'rilboro~·i,kl, GIC'ndor:i slons. They talked ribout u·orld issues .. ··This country's slah1ht~ d<)C~ not 1n terms of 11cr~onal!tici1 and they hang on the thin thread of mere per we rt ofte n vulaar. rl1>ping into sonaliLy ... hy adhcl'i n11: to truth :and for eig n leu dcrs w ith c rudt. _principlea ~t.hco.nl y renl v11tucs.good aomeli'!'es cr11el. remarks. governn1ent 1ncv1tahly nu1sl follow . Economic dis crimination is wh en the Huntington Beach s tree t department washes s ide wa l k s for the s in gle reside nce dwellers but passes up the mobile home parks. L.D. Difficulty With the Decalogue .[SYDNEY HARRIS) In any di scussion or u•orld problems and man's £ate, somebody sooner or later is bound to proclaim, ..,..,ith SYi"Cel smugness. ··well. if u·e only would obey the Decalogue, everything ..,..,ould be fine. After all. the Ten Command - ments are still the best rules to fol · lo"· .. Yet. if "'e took such a man seriously and ques tioned him on only one of the Ten Commandments, and perhaps the most important, ..,..·hat would be the result? "Thou shalt nol kilt." A 1>lain . fl at statement, without ·qualification or n1odification. What does our friend of the Decalogue say to this? Docs he "aC'· ccpt it, completely and unequivocal- ly? Or docs he try to get around it In l)rlc u•ay or another" f>'IRST OF ALL, he y,1ill say lhal we have a ··right" to kill in '.'iell · dcfensl' -even 1ho.ugh the Decalogue docs not say, "Thou s halt not kil l. ex- cept in self-defense." Then he u•ill say th at soeie'Fy has a nght to klll offenders, if their offense is deemed i:;rievous enough----i!vcn thou,e.h the first killer, Cain, v.•as not executed by God but \\·as branded and senl intoe1d1C'. Next. he \\'ill insist that a n:1tion has !hi.' "right" tu klll cnen1ies in tin1c of \\:ir: he m;;1y de plore such a ncccssit~· tand gc11t•r:ils arc the grc;1 tcs1 <lcplorers or all J, but he docs not doubt th:1t the Lord ls on the side or lhl' "just" nation. lie u·ill also point to m:i ny Old Testan1(•nt 1>ass<1gcs u·hich seem to confirm his position. SO, FINAJ,l.Y . ..,...·hul docs \he com mandrncnt. "'fhou shull not kill," :1mount lo? ll :1mounts to u·hatt•vtr "C w11n1 to m<1kC IL Nobody but ;1 "crank " l akes the commandment litcrully : nt•al'ly cvt•rybudy bclic\·es th:tt unt1cr certain conditions ii is ri,!!hl and proper to kill. ll ardl~ anyone <'~ccpt Socrates, Jesus anrt :i frw suintg h;.is C\'Cr lrul\' believed th;1I it 1s better lo suffer (l3itl th:in to 1nflin " ·rhc difficult~ \\'ith the Tt•n Com manclml'nls i5' not lh:tt unhclit'\'l'I'~ f\oul it . 1l IS lh:il C\•Cn ··b(>IJ('v('rs " do nol hrl1t'''" ii. ctn not tlJll'('<' on it. do not at•l !HI 11 .\ ~1mplt• !>('l\lt:nCC Of fOUI' )n(· :.1 11:1 1111· \\Ol'ds. ·"rholl shult not kill.·· h~1s t·onfoundNI Ch1istendom tor 2.IM10 yca•'s for t hr hl01wtie~t \\'ll t's nf itll ha 1·c b1•f!n l'l' 11 ~ious" ars. • Tips on Saving Energy 1·0 the Editor · I 1tm way a head of President Ford in energy conservation. Since the car- penters' strike in July, I I gave up any vacation trip. 2. I didn't buy a new color TV (and the TV I didn't buy was a Sony J. I did- n't buy a new pickup <it was a '.\lazda Rotary). 3. I didn'ldrive too much. 4. I didn't bu y many groceries. !The groceries I didn't buy were roasts and stpa,ks and chops moslly. 1 I HA VE only worked 18 days since the strike and the wire can tell you that I have conserved a lot or energ)· around the house. Of course, t here have been about ten strikes since July. The wall board m~n are out now. Two or three more slrikes a nd I can go out in the graveyard and dig my hole. JAMESW. BOLDING Tax Prolesl To the Editor: It was interesting to read thal Nixon's laxes had been incfeased by 12 percent. I live in San Clemente, and my assessment was jumped 25 per- cent. Believing this to be arbitrary and discriminatory I £iied a protest. My only response Was a duplicate copy or the original notice increasing my assessment by 25 percent. B. L. O'NEILL Health Ca.•IS To the Editor· Anyone who lakes even a brief look at. govcrnrt;1cnt national health programs will come to the conclusion that lht· go\·ernmcnt "'ill go bankrupt if u·c instilutc such a program and ex- pect to fund it out of tax revenues CASTI NG a J.(la ncl' ut .:.ot1 al securit y, we sec that the number of recipients v.•111 grov.· rapidly in coming years; in fact, it is to quadruple in the nt:xl 25 ;,rears; but \\'ith the post u·ar baby boom over a nd a zero population grou'lh. there "'ill not be a growing number or contributors in years tn come. \V ith social secur it y con- tributions runnin~ over II percent of l'ay'roll nov.' IS.HS percent from th<· employer and 5.85 percent from lhl• cmploye. it doesn't seem possihlc to l'x pect four llrncs as much to bc col lcctcd from these s.ame JX-'Ople. And yet we arc.> going to add ;.l n:il lonal health proiJram on a lso. You can·t m;1ke something out of lhi n air; p('op\c will have to pay for this mcdir.:i 1 scrv ice · -c\tht•r throuJ: h payroll taxes o r throu~h n.·~ular in· C'offie taxes. Uul with the governmcn1 burcaucrots involved it will cost more lhan ht.!a llh service does no.w. P.llWAHD II. UOSEKER. M 0 l1tlt1rmit19 \ff1fc•rs 1'o the Editor : In lhc aftermath of \Vatcrga tc, the publl<'. more than c,·er. hps a riJ!hl ;ind a nC'Cd lo be informed about the c:indidat<'S and lhC' issues with v.•hlch it nccfls to rtC?a l on Nov , 5. I am incen ~cd by the limited roveraJle given lo su<'h c11ndidalc~ as those runnini:: fQr Sccretllry of Stull•, csJ)('ciatly v.·ht•n !ht Clfril'(! of Sccretarv of StatC' )lovrrns the eil'('i inn la....,·s· ;1otl "''ill b..• <'OtH'crncd '11.'ith reslonng a rnor~llty lo 11ollllcs ut n time whe n th al ( MAILBOX ) Lel/ers fror11 readers arl' u1e/come l\·or- 111ally. writers should convey their mes- sa9es in 300 u>ord.~ or /es.~. 7'/1r riyhl flJ con· dl',!St' let!rrs to fll space or elnn111are libel 1$ reserved. All lerters rnusl uic/ude srg - nature and rrra11!ng addn·ss but Mmes may be u:11hheld on request rl .~uff1c1rn1 reason is appaf rnl Poel f"!J u.•11/ Ml bt pub/isl1ed morahty has plummeted to an all· time Jou-. ' I A ~t disappointed to see political reports about the least signifi cant happenings. the lack or appearances, the reasons not to vote. rather than the u•ho . what. \Vhere and why that truly informs. Onc such example is the race betv.·ccn Brian Van Ca mp and Ma rch Fong £or Secretary of State. \Vhen thc press reported on the Oct. 7 KCET debate lx·tween the can- didates for Secretary of State. more mention \\'as made of J\Iarl'h F'ong 's reasons for not appearing on the show than was made of Brian \.'an Cam.p's highly articul:.ite views on t he issues relevant to that offi <'c. I. for one. "'ant lo \'Ole as wisely as possible. I want to \'Otc fort he things I believe in and not just for the rare or the gimmick that is sensat io nal enough to m ake •l into a hack-page news article . Let 's ha\·e mor[• frequent rcpart1ng nf the oiindidates u·hereabouls and \•ie"s oo lhl! issues. <1 nd Jets get the voters' apathetic chins out of their hands and their eye.; onto the news : ALLISON WELl .S C'lai111 t 'fJrff•itf•d To the f:ditor The cha irm:1n of the South Cuast Region al Coastline Co n1mission. Oon:ild 8 . Urigh\. has forfcilC'd an.1 claim to 1 h1i1t position of ~rl'a1 1>ublH· nnportance through his sorry perfor· mance in soliciting de\'elopers to con· tribute to the campaign fund or Ed· mund G. Brou•n, Jr. He should resign immediately or be forcl'd out of office by public opinion, or by legal channels. for a gross con· nict of in terest. The commission he heads has more tha n enoug h problems u•ithout ha"ing to operate under the cloud of being used for.par· t1S:in politics. as ~Ir. Bright has placed it through his unbelievable tac· "' ROBERT LEE Good Ad.,irf' To the Editor : As a regular reader of the 'DaiJY. Pilot, I y,·ould like you lo know how great it was to see a good story in the People section such as the one Oc · lober 7 on Joyce Ri ley. I do not know her or the reporter ; however. I reel It is about lime the reading public find out more about nutrition and vitamins as related to illness. emotional as u·ell as physical. DOCTORS DO not tell people the er- fel'ts of food additives. excessi\·e sugar and refined foods because they do not the mselves know. A newspaper reporting such fa cts docs a great se r· v1cc to its readers. J\lany people JUSt do not undersland the dangers and are not motivated 10 sc:irch out the an- S\\'crs Al s o \\ant to tell ;\'OU l\l li le Bell 's column on cooking for one has some sou nd adv;ce. Of course. I cook for nlore than that--thrcc groy,·ing boys-but I still read 11. I c:in adapt any rccipt• if I "·ant by maki ng six times :1s mul'h 1 :1m not a h(·alth food nul nor do J t'\'l'I" v.Tilt• to 11t•\1spapc rs . This is a f1 r .... t P!c<1st· kt·cp up the fi n1• job and lel's ha\'C more fint· arti cles ahout feeding tJUr' familic·s 11·holesome. n<i.tural 1oods l'l'l'l' uf :1dllll1\'CS. l'Jl1\H Ll)1.TE El\<IJ\10:\S Memoir of Hollywood llOL.I .. \'\V0f)0 . B.v (iarson K<in1n Viking. 393 Pag('S. S8 .95 In 1937, Garson K;inin "·en\ to llol l~·u·nod to "lt·arn the business" of movic·mak1ng and in this somctimc·s tout·h1n g, ofll'n funny anrl 11 1 \\:J ~" \\Cll ·" r1llc11 memoir hr tell.:. no! onl~ \\'hal hl• lt•arnl'rl ;ihout Lhc bus1nes..; hut at}j1ul 1h(' ll<''•f1I •· v.·ho mad(' 11p th:1! hu sh11· .... P f:f>Pl,f-:·. ror example. like S;1mul'I Gi)l~l"')ll, thP first of the n1iA hly for \\'hon1 K;111ln "'<1S to u·ork O\'Cr lhl' ~·c;1!'!>, ancl v.·ho greeted thr nrv.'IY ar · r i\'•·d pla.vv.•riµht v.·ith "Sidn l·~· , llov.-:11 d It'll." n1 f' you're a \'Cry clC'vcr )::cniu:. .. '!'hat's the first {iold"',\'n1sn1 tn surfi.u·c in this book. but nol , by any n1ean!>. lhl' last. AnolhC'r "'If ~ou v.·on ·1 _1!1 \ t' m c your "nrr!_ of honor, \I. 1 II ~011 g1,·r me vour prom1st•"" l\A:'t-'I~ also has a u·t•t1llh 11f :.1or1('" to tC'tl about such olht·r maJor fl~url':> a., lo pirknfPwalrnndpm \lati) Cohn . D a rr~ 1 Z<inu ck . (_'har les l.a uahl#O ancl ll arilyn ~tonrtx' .. ind hC t~ls'Ulcm all y,•cll 1!1s hook , 1l should IX· nuh·d 1., not 1ust ;.i C'Oill'<'l1on of slont·~ and ,.,~net tC' ... hoY.t'\'l'I' \\Ihde it cl0t·-. r11nL1i11 n1:iny of tht.'5<' 11 ('Ofll:llll:» \hf'lll \I 1t h1 n a (';ircfutt~· buill fr:tmc\1-ork to \1 h1<'h their s1).!n1fic.an1·c is subord1n .1lc. t the .... truC'lure Kanln w~1111 , to b111ld his yl'ar~ 1n llollyuood. \\ hal lhl'Y ' . ( THE BOOKMAN ) 1ncan1 to him anr1 y,•hat it meant to him. lit• "uctccds admirably. Phll Thomat"S AP books Editor ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Hohert N. \l'eed. Publisher Tlioma! Keeu1I. f.'dllor llarbara Kreibich, tdiror1al Poge ~:difor 1 h1• \•d1tor1el pai:e f)f th~ D:11ly P1k'•I ~~ck~ to 1n{orn1 and slimulatl! rr.1dl'r~ In prc~l'ntini: on this paf:e d11 ~r~c l'ommcnlary on topics of In·· h•rt•5l h\ ~\ nd1('atl'1I C'olumnisb and 1·.inoc101~t~. h.' pro\ 1dl01l ;i forum for rr:i dl'r!I ' 'u·y, ~ 11nd by PT'l'Hnting this nt>v.\p11pl'r'\ opinions "nd ideoii \)0 r urr1•nt tnp1('11 The fdltorlal n111 n1on .. or thf' 0 :11\y Pilot appei1r nnh 1h lhl· 1•1l1lor1 a l column ~l the IC•P of th<" )llll!f." 01nnl00!1 CX!lrtS.Wd ti' thr l'nlumn1sts and c1u1ooni~ts un1l k·t ter \\ ntrr~ are tht'1r t'lwn and 11•• 1 rul••l .. ••Ol••lll rt! thf'ir \'ll'"'!I by the !);1lh 1·11 .. 1 ~ti,)tdct heln(t:'m.-d. Wl•dnesday, October 23.1974 (! ' • • I l ~'" DAIL\' PILO T Wednesday. October 23 1974 • .. =~ • • • . ~ust ~ Coasting ,l!J ......... -@ with Tom arphine -~ Dig Deeper ~ For Transit •• ); (;t:TTJi\l O 1'11 Ell.I-; t'RO~I ll ERE : :)ii ·rhe Orange Cu unlr Hapid Tran~it District '' much in thl· nt.·v.s these days. Firs!. because a lot of IX'OIJle arc ridiny the Bl'IJ hu:-t.'' Sct.'ondly, the di:-! ril't lll'Cd:-. n1•1rt.· I .ung ( irct•n l'hi s :-.cl'• 11111 clt.· llll'lll .-.h1111lr!n 't co1ne as ;1ny monu1nental :-.u rpr1:-.e. to people \Vho h a \'C heen ;1ro und a ;.:roter~· counter lately. E\crybody o(·cd~ more ca...,h. ·rh us it is that our 1ran:-.1t d1str1ct. in ~ its va:=.t plan11in~ for ho\v \\'c'll gel around in t he f11t11rl', has to up the t'~I im ;itcs of \\'h:i t it's i;:oin~ to cost. '.fhc 1r~1n ~it people ar1· like lhc guy \\ho hudjl:t•trd iu J !lill to buy a beef· :-tt.·ak in 197·1. 1'ht.! but.:k hl· put a "'ay b:i.tk in '70 ju:.t isn 'l ~oing to do lhe iob. ~u '0\\, ·ru t ; F:1· u~ :i. rull-rat·<' 1 ..1 pid transit :.y~tcm. it 's goi ng lo cost Sl.5:! bi llion, or roui::hly double "'hat the tr11nsit people ha d figured on v.·hen they budgeted \rith less-inflated dol- lars. \Vh~n t ht.! \\ ondrous ~y~tem of the future is completed. some time around 1990. the Orange County tran- sit folks figure that people v.•iU be making IO mllhon trips a day all oiround our county. The experts on all this, of course, talk like experts. They speak in term~ or "person-trips generated " and ··riders hip" and thing:-. like "uuto use disincenti,·cs.'' Auto USt.! d isincent ires, you ask. ju ~t \\'hat in all of Orange Cou11ty art? the.\· talking about'? THE\' 1\I EA' T iit:: rea:.un:. \\h~ \ou'd rather Jea\'e the old fan1il y he;ip 3.t home :.ind go by bus or rail to Disneyland or Knott':-Berry Farn1 Or e\·en to \\'Ork An auto di ~inl·t.•11!1\t.' 1s a flat t1rc '''hen you ha\·c on }Uur good :.uit. \\'hen the kids ~pread chO<'olatc rip· pie ice cream all O\'er your dri\'er 's s eat and ste<'ring wheel. that's an aul o disinccnti\'e. \\'ho \\·ants lo si t dO\\'ll in that" Soi:. the price nt g<.isoline , oil, tiri.::-, and anti-pol Jut ion de\' ices. Any\Vay, the Qr3nge County tran~11 people arc all steamed up lhese day~ about a one-cent increase in the sale~ tax \\.'hich they as:-.ert is needed to get this s}·tcm built so \\·e can there rron1 here. T ll E\' A Rl: R l,;:'\:'\l.\'G sc ared tO\\'ard the i\o\'cmber eleclion in asking the voters to pony up an e xtra penny on thin ~s they bu,\' these da)». That's bc<·au!'oi.; C\ erybody is a:-.kinl! thi.: \'Ol ers Lu pony up :1n ext ra something 1"hen, of cuur~C', !he penny Iii.'\ Qltt.!Stion 1s fai r g;ime for lhl' politicians \\ho can romc out againc;t 11. :\.~semb tyn1;in Hoberl Burke. Lhl· Republican from l·luntington He:ich. did thalJu~t lhis \\'Cek. Every politir1::1n kno\\~ you cannot make too 1nany cne111ies when you ('ome out :.iga inst higher t ;ixes. T iil: I.AR GE R tl tiEST l l),, hO\VC\'cr. Sl·en1~ lo be if Orange Coun tians v. ill be \villing to p11t up anoth1·r penny 111 ... :1 11·-. taXl'S to get the s..l .;·1~ hilllun r;1pHl 1ra11 ~it ~~~1 cn1 hu\11 h('fOl'l' thl' l'nd nf th i~ 1.:cn1 ur~. l'<'tJpl1: \l'hO lnrlay :ire ~tuek ll<1 1I~ 111 long line,. ul :-.n111gg~ \raffii: \l 1Hild :-\;'Clll lO ln• 1!11• h•''1 (',C11d1d.1tt'' !O \11\t• \·c~1 . ~n ron11· ;\'O\l'tnh11r. \1e·rc ~otn,e: !v fi nd out ho\\' :-.tron).! our :11110 d1:.incc11 ti,·es al'C around I his pl act'. Takeover Plot .. • Ex-Greek Leader Arrested, Exiled A'l'HENS, Greece IA P ) -·former dictator George Papadopoulos a nd four of his closest asSO(:iutes have been \jrrcstcd and exiled lo'-' remote part of (;reece on charg1•s of plotting to regain pov.·er , the go\'ernml·nl an· nounceJ 1oct.1y . The a nnounccn1ent s<11d those ar re~tcd v. ith Papadopoulol\ v.·crc h1:- rormcr dtputy premiers. Styliano:-. l'atuko~ and 'H·hulas ~lakarl·:t.o:-., olll' of the h;1rd·l1nt• ni 1n i:-.ler~ in h1l\ rcgirnt'. loan111s L<1da~: and lhc for n1t·1· ehi<'f uf the central 1nte\hgcn1·c agcnt·y . .\I 1chacl Roufogah-. -,\ulhorJtall\'e :-ourccs :-.aid the fi\'l' lllCll \\l'l'l• laken to lhe s n1;,ill i~Jand Of Kea. about 60 mill"• ~uuthca ~t or ,\thens 'l'he go\ernn1cn1 ·.-. ••nnuun ccrnt.·nt :-;aid Papndopoulos and the other four · ·undcitook con:. p 1rnton11 1 Jt'I i \'II) . creating ansiety ;ind the cond ition:-. conducive to the d1sturb;.ince of public peace <ind orde r, al a tin1e \\'hen the people are being sumrnoncd lo cst·r- cise their sovereign right s for 1 he completion.or democratic legalit y · TlllS \\',l\S 1\ R F.FF.R E:'\C t~ to the p<1rliamentary cl('ction -f;rcete ·~ first in n1ore than 10 )1::;1r.-, -that !hi.: reform regime of Pr'-'n1i1:r Constan line Car:.11na.nlis has ::.chedulC'd :\ov. 1' The announcement also 1ndil'at£'d that more chargl•S \\ill prob<1bJ ,,-he filed again:-t the ri\e nu~n. lt:-.aid thcir ton(inen1ent m ade it 1mpus:.1hlc for them to escape from Greece \~·hile lhc leaders of the military dictatorship are being invesligaled. The gover nment \\'arned that it 1:-. prepared to counter "\Vilh deter· mination any suspi cious movements of those r esponsible for seven years of dictatorship." The go\'er n m e nt an no un ced ' UPI '''""°t• CONSPIRACY CHARGE George Papadopoulos 1·ue~day that P;1 padopoulos has lx·rn under house arrest for the last t hree v.•:(•k.-. "for making conspirator1:i l nltJ\1•-. · ·r hcrc ha\'e been persistent rl'JlQrls that leaders of the ou.-.lt·d niil1!J1·~ regimf: \~·ere plott in ~ to 111;11\c J comeback. S l,CE llJS 0 \'ERTHRO\V by another military junta a year ago, Papadopoulos had been living quielty in the seaside villa 50 miles fro m .·\thehs that he rented from shi pping n1agnate .>\ ristotle Onassis. 'Paid Baek in Full' Columnist Confirms Loan From Rockef el/er \\'ASltl:\GTO:\" tt.:PI J -Column1:.,l Tom Braden has confir1ned that \'iC'e Pres idcrtlial nominee i\'elson Rockefelle r r e luctantly lent h1n1 money 20 year s ago to help him buy the Octanside Blade.Tr ibune nl'\\ spuper. Braden. in a column dislribull'd by the Los Angeles Tin1cs Syndicate, sai<I he t11ought the loan. lonl: sint:l' repaid. \\u s nont.! of the llUhlie':- busi r\c:.s. Bui he :;aid he \\'as "tossinp. as ide old principlC's" of p ri\·ac~· r at her th;tn he s us pectl·d or "hidini.: some dark ;ind m .vsterious influC'nce or t r1mc. Braden :-.aid he has knov.·n Rockcfel lc•r :J3 rears. once \\'Orked under hi111 and m•1rried hi s one-time econon11e assislunt. "\\'c> ha\'e often l'xch;.inged Chrii.t mas gift s_ lie lent m~· 1\·ife sumv money for a tele\'ision pilot film ; ht• h:is bt.•cn g<·nr rous to n1y oldest son tu \\'hom he is godfather." Draden said ll E St\I D TllAT in 1954 , he h"d 815,000 s aved to buy the nc\~·spaper, but needed n1ore and a:.ked H.ockefcl· ler for hell" "'.-\nd so he hcl1>cd . rather rcluctan ti\·, as J ren1!'.'nlbC'r." Br<1den said. "'lie didn't buy ;1 11e1\·~11a1~r col um nist. lie madt• a lo<in lo a frit'nd \\·ho paid il b;i ck \\'ith inti.:resl. ;i nd \\'ho nn l\VO uce:tsions \1·hrn he ran for the· presidentia l no111inutio11 -supportt.·~t t'andid:.ites fron1 the other party, Hraclcn :.,u id . '.\Iean\vhi l l', Rockcfelll'I" 11 .. , pron1 iscd tn release murc information 1his \\'C1::k on hls gifts and loans, hut he h~1s ('\n1nped a lid on rcpnrtrr:-' · r1uestions until he resumes coni.:rcs· .;ion al testimony on his nomination . '' ,\ T \\'0 -l'AGE ~ta t e n1ent Tue~Hay nig ht, Rockefeller said "it has become physically impossible to do the research and obtai n al\ the in· formation reques ted by the press" v.·hi\e a.t the san1e l irne fulfilling respons ibilities to his fan1ily and tongressional in\'estil.!ator~ "The re fore, I a n1 deferring <1n· ::;\vering further question:; until I ;tp· pe:.ir in person before the congres- :-.ional comm it tees.·· he s~1id. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Delivery of the Doily -Pilot is guaranteed Hooday-Fndoy: II you do not hove yos ~ by 5:30 p.m., coll and your a:f1f will be brought 10 you. Coils c.-e t~ until 7:00 p.m. SotlXOOy ond Sundoy: If you do not rl'Cel~ your copy by 9 o.m. So1ordoy, rx 8 o.m. Sundoy. coll ond a ctJJYf will be t:Jought to you. Coll~ c.-e token until 100.m. Telephones Nost Oronge County Areas . 4'7-'321 1'b"lhv.e!.f Hun!ington Beoch ord Westminster ... 5'0-1720 Sal Oemente, Copistrono Beoch, Son JlJQn Copistrono, Dono P01nt, Srulh loguno, Laguna Niguel 495-0630 Arizona Eears Flooding Tliu1tde rstor11t s Widespread; El Paso Pelted 1 •. tit. s,,,,,,,,,,,.~, 'ln~n~'f •1~tn1' ""'" "•11f«<1 ,..., ......: n c• 1,,... ~'""""'"' t ,.,,1. • •"'" •. ,,. "" ffd01,..• "''"""'•-• '"" n.1'<nn fnr ..,.11,0.1+ \'I r.HM••'"''; 1 • "Jcin 11 "n 11n<><I t'"I• nl• ,1 ""'"~ "' """'""·'· It•· '''"'•I• •<l•'<I H . .,. '°''Tiii'"' )0 '~ C.•l•!O•"f,1 ••T·>"' ·~•"I ''' I•" .f •to· <.rio ...... ,,.,,, •n~•C·' "'""' ·•'·" • •' <Md lro'TI !nt !~••• +>.•nn~~l)I, ••I· ·~ .. ~· "'"~" 1nr1r""'·~ • n,.itr "" e1 ~nqr· ,,.,, ·• •I J , .,., '" .,,,.,.,.,N •l'"'"l'~ ••"''' ..... •'> ••! .o!JIOll'lll'l•••· "'" , ... ·• ... , .... ,~" ""'" c P~tl,O! ...... ' ••• t• ~ ·nr '-'"'"' , • tlud">Cll l<•·~,, .. ,,.,.,,, n ,.,,1t. " 1~1rtr\l0fm•, S .. n .. "'tlOIXIY O•••I'" !··•~!!~• •llQIMI "1 "· .. I r.~ltnn I ,J l._• '• ""'""'l'°'''"'"'''''-~·10 Ir." '" 'l 't •111111• 1•11 I 11 , •• ,s ""' ... .. u ...... " Uri''" .. " ........ ,. • ""''M •• " " Bu4t<flo Ufl.., ., .. 11010(•1,. (Nfl\IH" V· •!" '"'''"~ ,. .•. Clflotll•• •1 ~· .,., .. c .. w 1 ... "" • • "''~"'·1··" . o.in~, ' • ... .,. r .. 1.~ .. Dl!fl•• ' '· . • .. Cle'""' " l'"'•""M'• " .. ,,,.,, .. • \~~A .... ....... .. "'• ,. HfM'"'" • " ··~ .... ~""'" __ , ~·t, . , .. .. .~ .. - I l .. I · '! · llvl II" • , .... , 11 ... 1<1 o .. ., •• ,, '·~ .. ., " "'' llP1«'d ,, " • .. ~ • ..., .. -nt. • ~I l"'"" .. " . ·' ~II l"I" Ct!Y " " °'Ml ~·~~l!VO " " " 'lo<o.llllo ,. ., • Tl•·· .. ••• ~ ' " W•\11•flG•M ., " " " H " " • ~ " " " I~ .. r>ou<IS wo!I ccnt•n<w ov~• <Od•ldt "'t•• ot Sou11W!•" C.<1hto•nl • '"'OU<lll """· -wt~. l>ul olner -.ethon> w•!I 1'1.1.., '"" ..... ,,..., Tl><' N~!!Ol'll!I w~athe• Se•Yice ·~ ... 11,. ll•ql! 11'1 dtlwnlo""' lK Anqel~ W•ll ton hnl>f <fl 1he low 10!.. El•'W~te. hlgll~ will 11" If\ 11\e ~-· ~ tl""O u .. <CMl•l. In 1111' low 10. "' lflldnd ~ell4YS. I" l"CluPl>tt"°" '" tt.. ""'Ullltlll~ "NI 111 1"1! 10>-tnd IO!i In tl'>e tlr't•h. ~"•'iM kl"'~ wltt •~ncte hon• lf'oll 1111 pt< 50\ •I I ... IM!A(.IM!l In tr.. l--""" olOS in IM.•roourlt•• ..... "1•9111 tfl<I m0tfll"l! IO• clo\l<I, w1!" ... ,, 111ft•fllftt 111" titer-. LIQM .,,.,•blf .. ;,.,,~ .. 1on1 1no•""""'"o "<l<ir\ IMP<Olf!lftQ t7IO•ll• ~ulll I 0 ~oul"••s• 1 .. ,, II••" It ~"""· '"~ n~ ..,.rt bt 111 t!W •-ro·,. U...•\tl ""'pf•tfll••5 .......... .., 11111~111 ..n ...... Ml. lllloW!d tflf!Pll•lllft• Wlll ·-1»1-~n •0 .o~d I I, T Ml ••I•• l"n' llC••l\Ot" •Ill bf! t \ .fti1r11. ~ft••••• .. Tid~· Wl!OH~SOilT ~ond ll!Qft ......... • ..... Jiii " Y(""" '" • 11·•1 II !ft. .. t HUltlQAT I tt•I n+qn ..... , .... t iolO • '"· " r1n1iow_ .. _ ... u .1t1u1" ,. Vtel'IO niqif!. 'ti '""'· . ' 5f<'~ -• n .,-+I) JJ ""'-•• S\ll!•!~ltlolotm ,...,1,~ '~""'· ~.,~, O•o m • \ ! • ' Fo·r all ghosts and goblins ' Life Savers Miniatures Bag C?f 28 Hershey Milk, Hershey Almond, Reese Peanut Butter Cups Box of 30 Bars 149 t Smarties Candy Wafers bag of 101 69¢ "" ' Reese Peanut Butter Cup Juniors nt. wt. I 0 01: ba9 95¢ Hershey Milk Bars Juniors bag of 18 97¢ Sugar Daddy Juniors • nt. wt .. 133~ oz . bag • • Milky Way Fun Size Bars .. nl. wt. 16 oz. bag Brach's Candy Corn nt . wt. 1 lb. bag 53¢ • IUEll.t. ~ARK: Beach at Orange1horoe • Open weekdays 10 to 9:30. Sundays 10 to 6 ORANGE: City Dr. a! Garden Grove Blvd:• Open weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays to to 6 SANTA ANA: 3900 So Bnstot-No. ol So. Coast Plaza• Open·weekuay>10 ;o·9. Sundays 10 to 6 1 • .. wedr>eSdav. Oclobe1 23. 1974 UAILYPILOr :\;;: Man Gets Trial Set In teotek Fraud Case " Floods. llailsto11es Life Tefm. In Murder LOS ~NGE LES fAPl - J ames NilQse, S7, a sulf. styled religious leader ;.inti karate master. hu s lira"'" a li(c ienlcncc in prison l'or mastermind in~ the dc;.1\h or $1 \\'Ca llhy Si.In <ialJri~I Val- ley stra\.\'bcrry furnll'I' · 1\l·ito~e V•a s ~1·ntcnl'c.d ·ruesday in Superior <.:our! arter hi~ conviction on ;1 charge of ord~r1ng a young "disciple" to kill '-' S<1n Dimas farmer. 'I' a king note r (,._-'---S-ta_te __ ) ' .. or his age, Superior Court Judge Leslie \V. Light sajd jn handi ng down the st>n· t ence "this undoubtedly means he w ill spend the remaind er or his ' tife in prison." TA~GET OF LAWSUIT David Carradine 'Kung Fu' Star Sued In:Aitack Debate Slated Si\CRA ~1 ENTO fl\Pl The rirst f1:1ce·lo-raci: dcbulc bet~·een the U.S. Sena t e ca nd id ates SAN f'JlAN<.:ISCO IUPI > t·orries today after :. -Openi n !j argu rnents disclosure lha l St!n. bt•gin 10rlay in 41 federal Alan C r a n s t o n has lriul fu1· lhc rormcr raised $890,898 for hi5 11r1..·side11t or :111 oi l drillinA c:in1paign, t'ir111 •Nhr1 is eh:irged \\'llh 1'oda~··s dcbale In San Sl·tu1·1t11·s l"raud and ntail f'rancisco is the rirst or lr;.1ud three this \Veek bl.'l\\•een A Jur_,. \\;1 ~ picke d ·the fo ur Senate e11 n- 'l\n:J1d:1 yror the ~rialorJohn di da t es: C r a ns ton, P. Uurkc, 48, or Lu J\lcsa, llichardson. Gayle 1\1. forni«t' president or Geotck, Ju~t ice or the Peace <ind ,,·ho ;tlso is ch;irged by the Freedom party and .. cturilics ;ind exchange Jnck l\1 cCloy of lhl.' 1·on1mission wllh riltng £<il~e Ame rican Indepe ndent :-.tatements. party. t\ttor·ncys Arthur J. Lem· "------------' ptrt. 42, of San J\laleo and Hobert Ho>C .... of s.. Boosts Told Rafael ai!)o :.ire on trial, t·hargcd '~·ith conspiracy to 0 AK LAN D (AP l file raise stulements with Kaiser Foundation officials LOS ANCE i.ES CA.Pl -the SEC. . , have announced a whopping T~levisiori ·s "Ku.nli r~u" ·r hc indictment agains t 15.8 percent hike in 197S _.,tor, David Carradine. hi.IS Burke in'volves sales of health plan charges ror em· been sued for SI.I million by sccurtlll'" \\'Orth SIO.J mil-ployers a nd union·spon· il\\·oman whoclaims theat-liontoU'l.1i nvl•stors. sored groups and a 10 per· tor attacked her during a The ease could figure in cent rate boost for in· biz<irre sequence of events thc sl<ll C's Novcmbcr ba l-di\'idual customers. t'rank that included t he r a n· Joli n!; fnr al1 orncy general C. J o nes, Ka ise r vice sackin~ of his neighbor's ;is the rt·sult of assert ions president and health plan eanyonhous('. by \Vil l i._.m No r r i s, manager,saidtheeoslhike Tornadoes Slam Desert Country By the Associated Prti;., Desert ar('OS from th(' J\lt..·1<ican b'1t'd('r north tu Needl es \Ve re battered IJ\' minnr tnrnadO('S :nHI hricf but violent lhunderslortns '' hirh l1·f! ~e v1•r;JI hon1es da1n uged unll a nun1bcruf ro;1d:-. flooded. One or the tornadoes Tuf'sda~ ~·•1 11h.1•1t 1 lit·~ fron1 !he roof of l\\'R ~n1 a\I \'acation l\Ollh':-. \\\''>\of .l o:-.hu~1 1'ree but nn in Ju rics \\'{'l"C reporll'd 1'hc runntl "looked lik a 111 :u ·h. ~1rl·:1h. 1·01n111~ 11ut of the ~k\'," ~aid ~late Div1~tun ul F.,11 ·~lr'\' F1t1· l'a11t. Haul 'l'r1..·mlJl:1 ~. "l\1· :.ccn IJJ1l \11111:~ b111 noUunJ,! like llwl. ·· Tllf: S f:{;o~o 1'\\'ISTl·:R l•1Ut.·h1·d d0\\11 Ill \"ucca \1:.illl'Y bul no dam<igc ''as r~·1m1·1 eel 'rornarlot.:~ <Jre a r<.irc occurrence in the are;.1, About a hair-inch of rain and h:.1111h1• .. 111· ot i.:.oll' balls (ell in Yucca Valley, tourhing off :i minor fla~h nood and numerous calls lo firemen frorn bt·lcagu1•rt·d residents for assistance. Jl\ylhc. <.:alhcdra l City anti Palm L>e:-.t.•rl rt·1>ur·· ted some flooclin,e: [rom more thtin a half-1nth uf rain. Au thorities r eported California 11 i gh\V ~\Y ti2 ,,·a:-: closed from T wentynine Palm s to \'ucc;.i \'<J lley, California 111 from hlecca to thr. ln1pcrial County line and a section or California 78 north of El Centro. WESTERN STATE uN1'4RSITY COLLEGE OF LAW OF ORANGE COUNTY C AtlfOlt-NIA 'S LARGESr tAW' ~CHOOL •oFFERS A NEW PROGRA.M 1 OF SPRING-ENTERING FULL-TIME LAW .STUDY A CHOICt or FOUR ,ROGRAMS Of LAW' sruD'f IS ArAl,Altt- • IN tlTHER 11/1 or I YfARS' cl llJLL·Tll>lf ' ,, '<J, ''.'• ·,,n . .,/' ·~r<'•).,t e IN t 17HfP 11/1 o< 4 Yt.ARS • PART-T/Mt . . . ' ., ' •'. ' " .. , . •"1(1·~·' r't:;l ,J ~ l i,,, ' < • t W-lt[ 01; •iiONE fOI (Al.AIOGUI 800 South Brook hu r~t Ancihei,,.;, C.i . 92804 17141 635-34S3 APPLY NOW FOR DAY. EV ENING, OR WEEKENO CLASSES BEGINNING FEBRUARY 3, 1975 ,,OVISIO NAll"f AC(IEO!TfD t"f TH£ COMM llTff Of BAI (XAMINEl;S Of nu STATE ..... 01 CAllfOINIA Frank Numimatsu·, 65, called .the strawberry king of the San Gabriel Va lley, 'was stra ngled last 1\1;1rch 20 :and his "·ife.JYos hi ko, "'<LS left for dea . Authorit ies said Nam lmatsu \vas ,:.:oing to report l\l itose for bilking htm by selling him SI00,000 in phony medical cures. Anrick !\!uric Kilty :said DemntrillH: candidate fur is due to rising operational in lhC' Superior Court suit thcofftCL'. ,c~·o~>~ls~··--------------------------------'------------------------ filcd 'l'ut.!sda y that t~c 37· Korris has contended that C,nn1paig11· Probti• LOS ANGELES !AP! Despite a flurry of ·com - pl ai nts about campa ign funds irregularities, only o ne candid<i te for ~late of- fice is under ''active" in· vestigation for all eged cam- p<i ign reporting violations. A tt y. G e n . Eve ll e Younger said in an inter· view Tuesday that Assem- bl yma n Joe Gonsalves ( r>- Cerritosl. is Lhc onl\' can- didate uiider invcstig~tion. New Presldenl LOS /\:'\GEIJES rAP ) Lee ll. D<ivies, \\"ho h<Js guided l\,lodesto as n1ayor for the past eight years. has been elected president of the League of California Cities. The election of Da\·ies came T uesday al the 76th annual confere nce or tht· league. Death Arcidenl LOS ANGELES tAPl T he death of a lO-ycar-0ld boy fo llo\v i.ng an E\\el Knievel-type: blCycle stunt has been ruled accident:il by a corone r's jury. Ho,vever, two or the seven juror s Tu esd ay found ··some degree of negligen- ce" at Queen of the Valley Hospital in \Vest Cov ina, where l''ra nk Pe r ry \\'US t aken t\\·icc fort rcatment. Sunday is F'l1DGAY ~·('ar-old a~tur ordered her the incumbent a ttorney to l!1 ke on all her clot~L'Sr ~cneral, Evclle Younger, d_ur1ng _ lhl' .:1ttaek. ~11 ss fai led as Los Angeles t\1ltysa 1d_~hercfuscd. . lli s t r ict Attor ney t o Carradine races arraign-i>ropcrly i n vestigate mcnt 1'hursday on three Gcotck mi sdemeanor charges ' stem ming from the SePt. 15 incident at the home or SLA s·i j\·Jichae l Lobner. Carradine I e allegedly smashed windows at the house, rifled ,u Ord' d medici ne cabin('t, played ere the pi ... no and left <i bloody trail tn his own hom e, D }" h d authoriticssaid. · emo IS e L\llSS KILT\' :.:Hd 111 h1·r C'i\'il suit that lhc <.1<:l or le:.1 ped from a c·;i r "naked and bleeding" as s he v.·as \\':tlking \\'ith friends. She r·laimcd he scrcUmE'd that she .,..·as a "\vitch," hit her and tried to pull her clothes off. She said the attack left her bruised. emotionally upset and unable to sleep. The :.uit S('eks SI00.000 ~t·ner<il damagC's, un- spc('ihctl medica l expenses and SI million 1n pu111li\·e dan1agcs. FireBaies . . GWTW Set ' CULVER CITY (UP!) - \I/here the gi·and army or the repu blic and a cast of thousands failed, a s mall hrush fire s u ceeed~d 1'ucsday night. The ~et for t he /\ll;Jnta railroad station seen b~· n1ll· hons iii the n1 0\'ie .. Gone \\'ith 1'ht· \Vind " \\'as gone ''1th th(• \\'ind and the fire· today. The grilSS bl aze ~\\t•pt through the Be\>'erly (.'ulver Studio~. l us ANGF.L t~S (AP) - 1·11 e ~i te of last J\lay's bloody s hootout \Yith the Sy1nbione sc l.iberation Army h as been orde red razed by the City Council. 'fhe council ordered the IJepa rtment o f Public \Vorks Tuesday to demolish the South Los Angeles house cit city expense estimated at SJ.000. 1'hc modc~t residential area has been a haven for curiosity seeke r s and souvenir hunters s ince six SLA nlembers , including leader Donald "Cinque" lJeFrcezc. \\'e re killed in the ;\lay 17 shootout \~:itlipolice ,,, and the ensuing: fire.· 1\ Folsom Prison inmate who died this pa st weekend \Vas visited four t imes last year by a m e mber of the SLA killed in the shootout, prison offici als say. George 1-l aynic , an ad· min istrati\'e :1ssistant:tolhe \Varde n, said Tuesday that SL,.\ n1c mbcr Nancy Ling Pe r ry v i s ited inma t e Raymond S1>arks at the prison l\\•icc in J uly 197J, otlCl' in August and once in De(·ember. "They .,..·ere a pparently tr~·ing lo get members" l layn~esaid. ___ _ UNB ELIEVABLE PRICES 2 RACKS ONLY LADIES SALE SHOES NATURALIIER LIFE STRIDE COVER GIRL -KEDS -CARESSA BERNARDO & OTHERS LIMITED SIZES 3 DAYS ONLY .. to R.EG. TO $28. !052 IRVINE-WESTCLJFF PLAZA -NEWPORT BEACH 54B·B6tl4 I South Coitst Plaza Cost•MMfl • ' ' lr'C.Ii.asirfs ·- • • • • ,,,,, "} r ~;nr.nn 1 ••"110·~" • • \ ~ ~ !i 2 -x ~ ~ (ft •• ~ -~ ~ :I> ; ~ i;; g -d ~ ' :D· • • I ;If; DAILY PILOT E DITOlll t\L P AGE • r .D~wntown Planning ' . , T hl· ('1ty of I lunt1n~t1Jn Bcuch st>em ~ to bt· Pl'Ocucd in l! '''1suly 111 planning lhl' rcbil'lh of its do\Vlltown areu. .1\t ;1 St·ril·s of n1c<.·tini.:s no"· b<.•in g l'Onductccl. t·it ~' off1c1al s and 1.:ons ull<1nlto1 art• cu n s ultin~ \\"1th dOwnto\vn Jlropl·rty 1nrnl.'rs. husinussn1c n :.ind reside nts to iscus:-. pl;i ns ;l nd l'li<' it <'it i 7.l'n rc:-1M"lns1· 1'he c·vcntuul pl;in m:.1y llltlude l.OOU hotel roon1:,, an a1nuscn1 c nt J><trk and sports.shopping 1·omplex. specialty ~hops anti 1)(:rhtt ps ::i small collt•ge. 'l'ht• nt•\v downtO\\'n :1l so n1uy h;.i \'t· ~e11 ior citizens' housin g, tondominiums. :.1n enl:1ri;t·d p1t·r :111{! boarcl\\"alk , 1x:dt'!')lrian malls, unclcrgruund parking <1nd ;1 m :.1~:­ tl'ansit center ··- llut \'in1'l' ~l oo rhnll:-l'. dJJ't'ttor 11f 1hl' tity's ll;1rhnrs :.ind l~eache:-. l.>1:p;1rtn1t.·11t ;.ind toordinatorof !he dO\\'nlO\\ll rcrl t•\"l•lopment pruJt-('l. is qui(·k lo pouit ou t 1111 ph.ins ~lt't' "':-l't in tl·n1 t•nl" as vet and \\'On 't be until t ht.· t·ity ha . .., input from l'\·eryont• in vo l \'l'cl . • • ~ i I E • • ' . • • • . • • . • • • . • • • • • . • ' I I .. ' . • • ' I lis a p pru:it h rnukc~ :.<>nsC'. Involving those\\ ith thl• g r1·ut (·~t p1•r~on;1I intt.•rest in dO\\'lll 0\1'11 llunl 1ng,ton Ilea ch 1n lht-' formul:il1on of a plan. should hcl p cnsu rc it-. s uccc~~. Vote of Confide 11ce A vote of lhe Fountain Valley City Council last week amounts to u \"Oll' of confidence in the youth of the community . The orcl1nu11ce and l"l'SOl utio n befo re the councilml'll 11't.·1·e dl'signcd to strengthe n the Fountain Vallt•v \'outh Comn1ission . 0-11::· mcasu rc \\·ould restructure representatio n The other. more imJXJrtantly. 1\·ould corn mil greate r limc and e ffort of city staff to li;tison \\'Ork \\•ith tht· yo uth tomm i~sion . How Kissin.ger Wielded Power . \\."AS llT NGTON -1-~or the past five years, U.S. foreign policy ha s been almost totally domin<ited by one man -Or. l-lenry A . Kissinger. Inside sourc<'S, with secret docum ents to back up their story, have told ~s how he manipulated · the diplom a tic " .. 'Ill strings. Throughout the Nixon years. Kis· singer steadfastl y maintained to inquiring r epor- ters that he never r e commended policy to t he Presi dent unless hi s 1·iews \\·ere solici1 rd. fir merely presented •·op· tions." he \·o .... ·ed. and il'ft it lo the 1·hi efto make the decisions. IT \\IAS SA.ID President Nixo n y.·ould retire lo lhC' so\ltude of the Lin· coin sitting room nr to his secluded of· fi ce in lhe \\'hite !l ouse annex, ""'here he y.·ould pore over his options. After rnur h agonizing and scratching on ~·C'!low lcj!al puds, he wou ld emerge and announce hi :-n1ome ntou s decisions. This Is not. ;1rtord1ng to our sour- .ccs . how it hap pen{'d. 'rhcy say Kis· singer sc ldon1 fa1h·d !u gi\·e the President hi s pC'rsnna l rccon1mcn· d;1t1ons and i\"1xun sC'ldon1 failed to l:ikt· tht· acl\"Lt't' As a former J\is· ,11\).!CI' assol."1<1tt• put 1t succinct)~ ··;o.;1xon ai!ret'd \rllh llC'nr~· on lhc lh1ngs hc kn(•\\' :ihout. and he tru~tcd 11._.rH'Y 011 th•· rh1nj!~ h1· didn 't kno\\' ah11u1.·· Tiit: P.'\TTt:H'.'I \\:JS S(•I earl\" Ill Hlf,i.""I" v.'ht•n Nixon i.:;1\'t.' 1ht' NatiOna l Scrurit_y €nunril ~t:tff ;1 JX'P t;1lk Af- !l'r a ft'\1 ).!t.:Til•r:d rt•m:trks. ;1(·C'ording to :o.l'vt•r;d t'.\'l' .,.. ilnt•ss<':-. he nod1IC'd 1C1\1:1rd l\1s:-.1n~t·r ··11cnr~· anll I o.1rl' ~run~ tn t'll(t tht• \\,1r,·· lhf' l'rt'sidt•nt -.;11d . 1t1th ;1 :-l.1 Stlldt• .. \\\• 11:11\l .\OU h·lln\1:-tn lake l'a r1· nl lhl' res\ of lht' \\11rld ·· (lur !>11ure1·-. :-:1.1 N1\1111 !hen laun· rhrc\ inlu a f11ru1u:-;11141\"Uli:ar11ssuull 11n th1· St;i1C l>c·11a1·1m1•n1 For1•1i:n 110111'~' ",l'i ~01111! !1\ ht• h:.tll<llt•d h~ 1ht• \\"h1tt' llou't'. h<' dt•111,u·('lL and not by th1• ··s1r1p1·d 1ian1-. f,1,l!t-:Ot:-."' at Fngi.:y Bottnn1. 1'h,•rt· \I as .1 c·ol11·1·tl\·t• i::asp rron1 the l\1·0 de11cn NS1,.' st aff nlen1hers Pr1·s1dl'nl ;\1\1111 . \\llh h 1:-llt.'nt•hant for :-a~1nr. 1h1 · I\ rnn i.: thin~ ;,tl th(' "'rung llnlt'. h;11t (nt").!ol\c•n lhal !ht• rn:•JOl"if\ nt h1~ au1t 1t·n1·~ h:ul 1·on11· ltl th<' \\"h11t' lluu''' frorH tht· f11t'l't1 . .:n 't'I' \ lf't '. Tlll-:Rl·:Af'Tl·:I~. "1 ~\Hl.l!CI' :-1·t up his O"'n privalt• Sta!t• !Jt•1>artml'nt 111 the ba~cn1t1H uf th•· ~\'hit(' llt)t1:-l'. where hl' d1 rerled l'\"t·t'v a~Jll'l'I nf 1hr dccision·m i1k1 ng 111 .11·h1tlt'I'~ lie preti1ded ti\ t•r lht' ~~1 ll nnal -Security Co11 nc1I , '\\h1t'h rlrt1·1·n11nl'd overall pOIH·1 Il l' 1"nn1n1lle1t lht· supersecr\·l {'um n11t1t·1• uf Ftll'I .1 . y.·hi<'h pluttccl l'l'l\('rt 011·\i\·1t1Ps. lh• :1lso hc21rlert lh1• \\"a-.hinj!!on ~pt't'i:tl Action Gr11up . \\h1rh a''t•nilJlcd tu mana.:e c r1sl·~ . The ~f'Ct'i'l n1lnut1·-. ,)1(.,\\ lhal ;o.;1:>.on :o;el dom all t·n•lt•il lht•..,p 1·rur1al meelin gs but "u 1\1"! fHr l\1,~1nj!('r to fi ll him 111. Thl' l\11. rn··H r.,nfcrrcd IQGethe r frequent)) SOlJRC.'t-:s "h11 11t·1 .1~t·•nalt~ y.·rrt• CHll{·d 1n1 0 th,~1r prl\ ill•' Olt't·l•OJ!,S !>;l~ Nl\:On anil K1s,.1n).!1'I .qu1;i1,•nl1\· du! n 't t'n!l.U~l' Ill cj;•11p, 1ut .. ~.. I ... .i d1\CU:- .. 1on~ Thi.'~ t11lkl•1I ahou1 v.orld issues tll trrm-. O( llerson.1hl1cl1 JtUJ lht·~· V.t•rt• ort1•n \'Ul~ar r111111n1: 1nlo for1·l~n lcoder" v.11h c·rudl•, so111ctimc~ C'r1~1~1 , rcm:1rks (JACK ANDERSON ) \\!hen Ki ssinger travelled abroad. he kept lhe President informed \\'ilh tryptic personal messages.. Only the l\VO of them understood some or the references . A typical message from Kissinger in the l'!Iiddle East, as recalled by·a source '>rho saW it, reported : "lifct \.\1ith Number One. Discussed options. He agrees in principle." ~JOST OF Ki ssinger's recommen- dations to the Presi dent "'ere submit- ted formally in secret memos. \llhich "'ere guarded as closely as nuclear secrets. Very few of Kissinger's as- soc iates arc aware such documents exist. We, ho\.\·e ver. ha\·e seen some of them. A ty1>ical Kissinger·to-Ni xon memo \.\'Ould be typed on Whitc llousc letterhead and stamped SECRET. Kissing er v.•ould begi n v.·ith tcp;e background in(ormation and tflcn outline his "recommendations." At the bottom of the page we re ty.·c) blank Jines. the leftmost m;1rked "AP· pro\'C ," and the other '"Disapprove." Almost never. according to our sour· t'CS, did Nixon initial the '"disap· prove"' space. USUi\l.L \', <i !';Cries of "tabs"' fol-- \o\\'ed on plain '"'"hitc paper. Thesl' took up specific issues, expressed in blunt. candid language. Eac h tab con· tained '"appro\'c,"' 01nd .. <JiGa.ppr.r..-..... \iTil'S. The crov.·nin.c: touch Y.'Ou ld corne \1•hen Nixon ca ll ed in his Cabinet or other assoc iates lo bri er them on his foreign policy dC'cision. As he spoke to tht•m. he in\';triably tonsultt•d :1 ""1alking 1>oint s"' 1>apt•r prep:.1rcd. of cours('. h.v lht· 11 hic1uitous f)r J\is· s111gcr t\ISSl!\:G ER 'S rict·sonal n1en1os and talking papcrs ,1!111dt·d i\1xon on thl' \'irtnam \\'ar. thC' in\'as1on of Ca m· bu~Jia. thC' Sou th \'ictnan1C'sc in\asion of L;ios. ;ind seorl's of olht·r 1111tiat 11·es around the \\"Orie! Our sources could •'l't;1ll (IOI\· 11nt• major is!l ue on ""hit·h l"ixon \:l'IOCd Ki!>sin gc r·s recon1n1Pncla1ion s 1'h;1t \\<IS the decision to h11n1h llanoi ;nut n'ine Jlaiphon~ ll:irhnr 1n l\l a~· IH72 In that in.sl<HlC'C. Nis<>ll o\"1•rr11l1•<I alt nf his rh1l'f <Ht\ 1S1'I"". 1nelu<lini.: K1:- :-1ni.:c 1• J\1ss1n).!t't"s don11n;1 lu111 of fOl't•1).!o polit·~· ha:-c·onl1n111•d into lh1· fnrd r\11 1n1nistrat1nn ln<h·(·d. l'1'1•"1dt•111 F111"(I had Sf'arr(·[v hl'en S\\·orn 111 hefor1· h1' assured 1hr \\orl<I 1h:11 ll1·n1~· J\1s .~1 ni.:1•r \1·ould st;,~· on L1kt• :'-11\011 h<.•fol'C him. F'nrcl l1•:1ns hC':i\"il~ on J\i:o. s1nger (or forl'1~n p(ll1t.v i.:u1da11ct· (lur soucrs say, in fart, lh:ll Ford ha s not ovcrru lC'd J\ •~~·n~t·r ~·(•{ rOOTSOTF.: K1~!\111i;:C'r h:.is :-nnlt· hn ll i~1nt rliplnma11r :if'hie\"emenls .to his crl•dit. lnC'hi1!111~ h·n1110rar.v 1"1C;+('t' 111 the ~lirlrllP 1-:}tst . cif'tl'nt<• .,..·ith lhl' Soviet Union ;1nd raporochcment v.•it h. mainlanrl ('hina. But \ll(;r hlj\'C nlso b<'e n a fe...,· d1sa sll'r~. SUl'h ;l~ the In d1 a·Pakis1an Y.:ir, Chi!(', Cyprus anrt theabortcrl .. Ycarof l':uro1>t>"' Quo t es :\lr!ti. I·:. R. l'r zl born~~l.i. (;ll'nttor,1 .. "Tl\1') ('nurllry's ~tahl lll~ dOe!ti nul h:in iz 11n the !11111 thread or nll'rt• Pt'r son:iltl~ . . h\" :u1hc>rin~ to lruth and pnne1pll· :1 ~ 1hl' onl,\ r('al \'aluc'I. gc)f\d ).!O\ernn1t•nt 111('\"lliJbl)' n1u:-t fol low. 1------...,.---':"""---··-"'=:; ' ·rtu,.! 1''ountt1i n Va!l(!y ('()uncil's quirk uppl'o\'U'I or the ul<·tenscd staff support is in itself recognition or the role of the youth con1missio1j's p;.1st and future . lt 's a difficult assignrncnt the t:orn1nission h~i s lat:klc(I, the j ob of improvin~ the interri'lationship ht•f\\CC'n the community and its youth. Yet this youth ton1n1iss ion-\\'Ol'k ing \Vith the city, t'i\'it: groups, social ser,·iccs-is getting tha t j ob dont•. \\lith their mO\"C t.o s tre-ngthcn the comn1ission . J.'ounlain Valley <:ity councihn£>n r l:!cogni:i:ccl the \';t lue ol .-.ut'h ;1l'hievcn1cnt. "l'he 1r vote of ('onfidcn cc \ft'i.I ~ a vote \\ c II ·1lcser\'Cd . Positive Protest Jlrotest. by its very nature. is nC'gutive. l~ut the products of protest can I><' positive. . 'l'hat co uld be true in the case in the F'ount~i11 \'alll'Y Cham bcr of Commerce's rece nt protest before the 1''ountain VafJey City Council. In a highl y critical letter, the chamber charged tha t. the city s taff had failed to li ve up to promises to keep the c han1ber up to date on \vhat is kno\vn as the Ptcslcy pl an. This 1>lan '''ould take 350 acres of the city's 450 <.1cres or undeveloped land zoned for industrial use i.lnd crt!ate a primarily residential developme nt. 'l'he council obviously recognizes the value of the chamber's vie\VS on future developn1 ent in the city . 1'hc "·ord on coope ration \vent out to the staff im· mccl iatelv . 'fhe col1ncil holds its hearings on the Presley plan :\01·. 12. That day should bring still another positive product of the c hamber's protest-the careful con- sideration of the group's carefully considered vi e\vs on the Pre:;ley plan. 'A nd they used to call us racists!' 'Dear Gloomy Gus Eco nomic discrimination is \\'he n the Huntington Beach strl'e t department washes sidewa lk s for the s ingle rcsirtence dwelle rs but passes up the mobil e home parks. L.D. GI"""'' Gv1 "'"'"'tfth ue 111bfnl11N I""'"*" -Oii ftOI M<•U~rilr retlKI ~ .i. .. ltl Ill• 11t•~--~ft<il '°"' pel pet~111 GI_, G<n, °"'ly ~lot. Difficulty With the Decalogue . (SYDNEY HARRIS) -_ In any discussion of world problem s and man's fate. somebcxiy sooner or later is bound to proclaim, '4'ith S\\•eet smugness. "Well , if ""'e only would obey the Deralogue, everything would be fine . After all. the Ten Command· mcnts arc still the best rules to fo l· I0\\0 ••• Yct. if "'e took such a man seriously and qu estioned him on only one of the Ten Co mmandments, and perh aps the h'ltl°!it 'lmpor(ant. what \i1ould be the result? '"l'hou shall not kill.'' A plain. flat st:1lcment, \Vilhout ·qualification or n1odific ation. \Vh at does our friend of the tJccalogue say to this? Does he ac. ccpt it completely and unequivoca l· ly'1 Or docs he try to get ciround it in Olll' \\'a~' or another" FIRST OF ALL. he \\•ill say that y.•e have a "right " to kill in self· <tefcnse -even tho.u~h the Decalogue 1l0t·s not say. "Thou shalt not kill , ex· 1·cpt in self-defense." ·rhen he v.·ill say thut society has a nght ln kill offende rs. if their offense 1s deemed grievous ~nough -even thouJ:h the first ki ller. Cain , was not l'~<'tuted hy God but \\"as branded anrt sent in to csilt'. ~l'SI, he 11·ill insist that a nation hus lht• ··ri,1.tht'" to klll enemies in time of l\ar. hl' may ctC'plore such a neccs.o;;ity 1and gc nc r;il s .ire th e greatest 1h·rlnrcrs of :•II I, but he docs not doubt 1hat lhl' Lord is on !he si de of th e ··just" nation . lie .,..·ill <1lso l)Oint to 1n;u1y Old 1'<'stament passages "'hich st'l"lll to confirm his position. Sil, FINA i.i.\', \\'hat does the co m· 111a111hne111. "'rhou sh:il1 not kill ... amnunl to" It amount s to \.\•hatever \\t: \\lllll lo m:1k c it. Nobody but a · c·r.1nk " takC's th e eommandment l1tt•rall~·: nt•urly e\"(•tybody bcliC\'CS th:1t unrtcr rcrt;:1 in t0ndilions it is ri ght :1nfl propl!r to kill. ll nrdl~· >1n.1 Orll' l':>.C'c1>t Sor rates. Jesus 11 nd a h·.,..· :o;:11n1s has e\·er truly bcli<'\'i d that 1t ,., bt:.'lli'r to suffer pain than to inrli ct " The chlficult\· 1\•1lh the Ten oni mandmt•nts 1 ~ not th:;it unbcliC\'l'rs 00111 It . it is I h:1 t even ··htlie\·crs" do 1101 h1•ht•\ t"' 1t. dn nol ajirCC' on it , do not :tt l •·!I 1t ,\ 'l in1pll' ~C'lllellCC' nr four 1111• "' ll :ihlt' \1 nrd~. """J'hou shult not klll .: hu!I rt111fou11ded Christcndn1n for' i!.000 yl':ll'!il fol' the hloodiest \\'~1rs .,11f all ha\ 1• been r1:l1~inus "·urs. • H He's Al1end of lite President Tips on Saving Energy 'l'o the Editor : I am "'ay ahead of Pres1denl Ford in energy conservation. Since the car- penters· strike in July. I. I gave up any vacation trip. 2. l didn't buy a new color TV fand the TV I didn't buy was a Sony ). I did - n't buy a new pickup (it y,·as a l\lazda Rotary). 3. I didn 't drive too much. 4.1 didn 't buy nlany groceries. (The groceries I didn't buy were roasts and Stea.ks and chops mostly. 1 I llAVE only worked 18 da ys since the strik,«t and lhe wife can tell you that I have conserved a Jot of energy around the house. Of course. there have been aboul ten strikes s ince July. The wallboard m~n are out now. Two or three mo re strikes and I can go out in the graveyard and dig my hole. JA MESW.BOLDING TaxProlpsl To the Editor: ( MAILBOX ) 1.£/!ers from reader.r are welco me. t•.1or- mally . writers sho1lld convey 1he1r mes· sages in 300 words or ll's.~. Tile righl lo con· dense le tters to /11 space or ehm1nale libel is reserved. All lellers 1nust niclude srg· nolure and 1no1/ing address but nomes may be withheld on reques1 11 .,u//1c1ent rea.son 1$ apparent PvelnJ will ll(J/ be published morality ha s plummeted to an all · time low. I Ai\1 disap1>ointed lO see political reports about the least significant happenings, the lack or appearances. the reasons not to vote, rather th.·an the who , what, where and why that truly informs. One 5uch exa mple is the race bet .... ·een Brian Van Camp and March Fong for Secretary or State. When the press reported on the Oct. 7 KCET deba\e between the can- didates for Secretary of State. more mention was made of fl1arch Fong·s reasons for not appearing on the show than was made of Brian Van Camp's highly articulate \'iews on the issues It was interesting to read that relevant to that office. Nixo n's taxes had been increased by 1, for one, want to vote as wisely as 12 percent. I li ve in San Clemente, and · possible. I want to vote for the things I my assessment was jumped 25 per-believe in and not just for the face or cenl. Believing this to be arbitrary .t~ gimmick that is sensational and discriminatory I filed a protest. enough to make it into a back-page i\ly only response Was a duplicate news article. Let 's have more copy of the original notice in creasing frequent reporting of the candidates my assessment by 25 percent. whereabouts and viey,•s on the issues. B. L. O'NEI~ ... and lets get ~he voters' apathetic .•• r~::: ::;~ :f.~:::-hands ttnd-lhe!r eyes ffpafllt c· ... -. To the Editor : Anyone who lakes even a brief look ~it gove rnment national health programs will come to the conclusion that the gove rnm ent y,•ill go bankrupt if we institute suth a program and ex- pect l~ fund it out of tax revenues . onto the news! ALLISON WELLS Claim t 'flrfe lled Tolhe Editor : The chairman of the South Coast Regional Coastline Commission. Donald B. Bright, has forfeited any t laim to that position of great publi t importance through his sorry perfor- mance in soliciting dev.elopers lo con· tribute to the campaign fund or Ed· mundG. Brown.Jr. l-le should resign immediately or be forced out of office by public opi nion, or by legal channels, for a gross con- ni ct of interest. The commission he heads ha s more than enough problems without having to operate under the cloud or being used for par- ti san poli tics. as lt1r . Bri&~t has placed it through hi s unbelieva"MM.ac- tic. · ROBERT LEE Good Ad1Jit'I' To the Editor: As a regular reader of the "Daily Pilot, I would like you to l'.now how" great it was to see a.good story in the People section su<'h as the one Oc· tober 7 on .Toyce Riley. I do not know her or the reporter; however , I feel it is about time the reading publi c find out more about nutrition and vitamins as related to illness. emotional as y,·ell as physicul. ' DOCTORS D.O not tell people the ef- fects of food additives, exctssive sugar and refined.foods beeause the¥. do not themselves k,now. A neW$paper reporting such facts does a great ser- vice to its readers. l\fany people just do not understand the dangers afid are not moti\"ated .to search, out the an- swers. Al so y.·ant to tell you Mille Bell 's column on cooking for one has some sound adv;Ce. or course,J cook foe... oioi:e. tha.n tbat-.d.hree -erowing boys-but I still read it. I can adapt an y recipe ir I want by making six times as much. I am not a health food nut nor do I ever ""'rite to ne .... ·sp~pers. This is a first. Please keep up the fine job and let's have more fine articles about feeding our fa milies "'holesome. natural · food s free of additives. CHARLOTIE EMMO~S I -CAST I NG :t glance at social sec urit y. we sec that the number or recipients wi ll grow rapidly in coming years; in fact. it is to quadruple in the next 25 years: but with the (X>St \\'ar bahy boom over and a zero (X>pulation 1r1:rowth. there v.•ill not be a growing number of rontri butors in years to come . With !'loCi<&I securi ty co n· trlbutions running over 11 J>ertcnt of 11ayroll noy,• 15 .85 percent from the employer and 5.85 percent from the employe, it doesn't seem possible to f'xpect rour times as much to be COi · lected from these same people. And yet we a re going to add a nati onal health program on also. Memoir of Hollywood You can't make something out or thin air : people will have to pay for this medical licrvicc -either through payroll taxes or through regular in· t'Ome taxe!I. Hut y,•ith the government hu1·caucrats in vo lved it will cost more than health service does now. · EDWAHD II , UOSEKER. M.D l11fflr1nh1g \lfll t'r • To the Editor: In lhe afte rmath of \Vatergate, the puhlic, mort' than ever. has a right and :i need to be Informed· about the candidates and the Issues with which it nC'eds to rlc:1I on No\'. S. t a m incen· !led by the limited Coverage gi vt!n to surh c:indidates as those running ror Set'rct11ry o( State, t.>specia lly when lhC' offi ce of Scc:rct.:1rv of Stale ~ovcrns the election 1a .... ·s"1.111d ~·i.11 be t'Onrcrned wlt.h rci;torin~ a morality to 1>oliti cs ut a tim'y ~·he n that • llOLLYWOOD. By Garson Kanin. Viking. 393 Pages. $8.95. In 1937 , Garson Kanin v,1ent lo fl ol- lywood lo "learn the busi ness" of moviemaking and in this sometimes touching. often funn y anrt always wcll·\\'ritten memoir he tells not only "'hat he 1earned about lhc business hut about lh' peo pl e \\'ho mtidc up thal business. PEOPl,E, for exam1>lc, like Samuel Goldwyn, the first or lhc mighty for whom Kanin w11ii to wor k over the yc11rs. and who greeted the newl y ar· rived playw ri g ht with "Sidney , Howard tells me you're a very clever genius ." That's the first Goldwynism to surface in thl~ &ok, but not , by any means. the last. AMther: "If you won't give me your word of honor. will you ~Ive me your promise!" KAN1N also has a wealth of 8lories to tell about such other major figures as -to pick H rew al random -JJ ;arry Co hn . Da rryl Zanuck , Charles t:aughton and flfarllyn A1onroc., and he tolls them all well. llis book . It s hould be notl.'CI . is not just a coll ection of storte11 and vigncl· t~. however. While it docs contain many or these it contain.'i tht!m within a ca refully built framework to which their . significa nce i!I subordinate to the !ltruclurc Kttnln ""'ant~ to t>Uild: his years in llollywood . whnl tt}cy (THE BOOKMAN ) meant to him and what it meant to him . He succeeds admirably. • PhH Tboma1 AP books Edllor ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robt rt N. Weed. Publi1her Thomas Keevil, E:dilor Barbara Krelbich , Editorial Page Edilor The editorial page 0( the Daily PUot seeks to inform and stimulate readers .by presentin1 on th is ea1e dl\•erse commrnt,a ry on topics or in-· terest by syndicttted columnists 1;J° cartoonists. by pro\•idin1 • forum ror readers' ''icv.·s 3nd b)' prewntlng thif, newspaper's opinions and tdea11 on current ·topics. The tditorial opinh"Sn11 or lht Dall)' Pilot appear only in the editoria l tolumn at the top or thl" paJtt', Opinions exprt11sed by the columnists and cartoonists 11nd letter v. riler.s are their own 11.od no rndor!>c mrnl Q/ their viev.'!I b)' the J)a!ly Pilot should be Inferred. . . Wedn esda y, Oc:to!>er 23, 1974 l · I h I of m "' J af il d F I "' a a u a m R • w H lr a N "' •i N al w • -~ • -Oran-'e (;oast " e EDIT [ON ' '\ • Toda)''S Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 67, NO. 296, 6 S~TIONS, 76 PAGE~ ORANGE" COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 19H N TEN CENTS -• Bail Drive Launched for Long-time Inmate By AJl'WUR R. VINSEL CN tlllo o.111 ~!let M.tf A campaign to gather $5,000 bail money, most or it coming in nickels and dimes, mo11Dted today to free ac- cused tiller James Ray Russell, charg~ with an Oklahoma murder he may not have committed. Today was his 745th day in jail, waiting for something -anything -to happen. "l'm wore out," be said Tuesday. Russell, 27, a fonner Laguna Hills * * * Housewife Gives $5 For Bail A Santa Ana housewife and mother of three who babysits to make ends meet donated $5 to the bail bond fund lo accused murdered James Ray Russell to kick off her own campaign. Russell has spent 745 days in Los Angeles County Jail after being anested on an Oklahoma fugitive warrant charg- ing him with a murder which all known evidence indicates he would not have committed. A Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge fmally set bail at $5,000 Tuesday, after more than 24 months during 11;hich it was denied. "This is really outrageou.s," ~lrs. Lin-a a Hughes dec1ared today in proposing her method ol helping Ru.<oell get out of jail and back to a Productive life, pending n.10lutk:.a ol 0 k I.a b om a ' s allegedly false charges. "It' ~verybody, like 5,000 p e op I e , donated a dollar, or 1£ t ,8111 "'1• dooated IS. he could pay' It bail. .. or !hey coold let him hep lt to 1et a fresh start," Mrs. Hughes erplaln!'ll. The young mother who babyllts ·in her home at J 122 \\1est St., near the Fountain Valley and Costa 1\!esa city limits, said Russell's plight strike. close to borne. Once, she said, a close relative was arrested after a verbal di spute \\'ilh a hostile female neighbor and wound up in jail for two days. He lost his job ov~r It. She has also enlt.ted aid of radio station KWJZ in an effort to help the Russell family get James released from Los Angeles County Jail Russell's wire, Karen, 23, now works as a watiress in Downey to make ends meet, but they lost her little b o y , Russell's stej)60ll, by court order because of..~ murder charge. ~-:.a• ~;.\...,. 1ook his · ste~. that was lhe last straw," declared 1\t rs . Hughe!, v.·ho first read of Ru s s e 11 ' .!I travail in a newspaper story. "I can only donate $S to him,'' she added. "but ~'ve been trying to do something." Last Rites Set ~.riday . Morning For Jack B8!nett -1\femorial services for former Newpon Harbr;>r Chamber ol C.Ommerce manager Jack-Barnett will be held at 11 'a.m. Friday at st. Andrew'a Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. Until then, flags in Newport Beach will continue to fly at half mast in memory of the man referred to as "Mr. Ne-wport Beach.'' As tributes to Mr. Barnell continue to mount foUowi.n.g his death Monday night. at the age of 65,. trustees of Newp>rt-Mesa Unified Sc ho o l district also agreed to lower all ,flags at district schools in his honor. "He waa a great friend to~ dtstrlct," said trust,. Dooald Smallwood. , Mr. Barnett, who died from conge.stlve heart failure and other compllcattag ill· nesees, was manager of ttMI d'lamber for 19 years, before retiring In July. His rami1y has requested donations be made to the American O i abet es Association, 17842 'Irvine Ave .. Tustin . Olficiating at th• memorial aenncoa wUI be RA!v. Cbarlca N. Dltttnfl<ld. Ga Leak in Oakland OAKLAND (API -A dangeroo1 gas rising from a BOap plant forced the evaaiatfm 1\Je&day of 3$ employa.-and more than 300 school chiklren in the &rta, ofr1dals report, r p o 11 u ti o n authoritie3 detecled a eray hat.t sur-. rounding the Safeway Solp ,tant and found the air was filled wilh oonge:stive _ S\llfur diox ide. • resident, tloally bad hiS day in court Tuesday, after some 15 fruillesa ap- pearances, including an appeal to U:ie califomia •Supreme Oluft. to be released. Los An.gejes·Superior Court Judge Ray- rrlond M. <h>ate set bail at 55,000 fiqally after Russell's lwo years and two week.i behind ba?J, a sum i::.equiring one-tenlh • of its face value as . a ·surety depGSit to Secure ~lease. . His family , including his deliriously tearful wife K.3~. 2S, ~wed to have I I l,»ti~Jtki~ Picker the $500 deposit together by Tuesday night. so he oould co1ne honle lo Bell Gardens. They failed to scrape up' the sum but a bail bondsman who saw t h e youthful ex-ronvict on television Tuesday night offered to take $250 and trust i.hem for the rest. He'd like a celebrity client. The Oklahoma family who came Y:est looking for something better couldn't even come up with that much on Craig \VOOdall, ,2,. oi Laguna Niguel, finds his eye for a Halloween pu.mpkiD. jfnay be bigger than his muscles as he makes tough choice at an Ora;nge Coas,t pumpkin patch. He found one he could carry, but, oh bo)'. would that bigger one make a· swell jack·o-lantern . ~e':J>ort's Elderly Cite N·eed for Transpo1·tation By GARY GRANVILLE ~ TIM. D1llY PIM! 1111! A Newport Beach senior c i t i z e n .!I organization bas asked the city not to abandon plans for oi>eration of a local bus· system beCause 1of the city's di.!lmal experience with the Harbor Hopper last summer. There i.!I "a crying need" for public transportation for the elderly, the 450- member Harbor Senior Citizens Club said in a Jetter to Mayor Don Mcinnis. "A tot of our members are not able to drive. and need a good bus systtm," the club'$ letter oonUnued. It went on tt argue 'that Ult FWbor H~r was "only for' beachgoerS" 'and was not designed to aid the elderly. 'Pe esperlmentat~ffarbor Hopper Jll'O' gram was Ol>Cflted 82 days last summer at a cost or $27-.SSe to tbe city. A concludlng ·report on the four-bus service l:Siid that 80 to 90 percent or ttle-use_ was by school-age children, prln· cipally riding to and from beaches. The report predicted the city \.\'OU!d lose at least $100.000 annually on the operation of the Harbor Hopper on an annual basis ~·even i£ passeilger use and revenue d®bled." The city staff report also said con· sideration or a dial-a-ride bus system Trustees Endo1·se Equal Joh Plan A policy endorsing equal employment OP.POrtunlties in the Newport · Mc s a UnlTied School Di&lrlel won unanlmouo approval by trusttts Tuesday. According to )he policy, the district guarantees "equa) employment and op- f10rtunlty· for advancement to all. re- gardless of race. religious cre<!d. color. naUonal origin, ancestry. physical hand!· cap or !U." •. 1ht afrlrmati1taet.l.on pmlJl'am: aSlUr· ing non-dit.crimlnatory emplotmenl prac- llte polictet, win be handled by assis-- tant .supttlnl.end<':nt ror pe.r!JOnncl ae.rv· !cu, K°'ln Whtol.,.. ' • should be part of any future planning for local public transportation. At the request of City ~Ianager Robert \Vynn. the council referred the report and its supporting data to a consultant for analysis. The consultant's report has not yet been submitted to the city. The Harbor Senior Citizens Club letter suggested that an ex:amination of the (See OLDSTERS, Page AZ) * * ~ ·'Fear of Crime' May Be Halting Transit Riders By WILLIAfll SCHREIBER 0 1 1111 DlllY P'ilol Slit! ~-!any prospective riders on Orange County Transit District veh!cles may be avoiding the use -0f n1ass transit because lhcy fear the possibility 0 r violent crimes. Eugene Covelli. vice chair1nan of a citizens committee studying the impact of future trnn.'iil plans. said today safety concerns will he one of the district "s loughest obstacles to overcome. "The single most important aspect of transit system in1pact is a need to change the attitude of the population rc11ardlng fear of violence." said Covelli, a professor at Qll Slate Long Beach. Covelli's task force, one of three set up by the Cltlzem Ad\-isory TrM.!lit Committee:, recommended that the district concentrate on Intensive tel'Vlce in 'dlsadvantllged areas that usually ha~e the blghe!;t crime rate. "To m&kc the service v;ork and attract rlden, _!he district should establl.sh a direct 1lne of oommun1catlons with safety ngencics ror protection of passeng_et1 Jn hlgb crime areas." Covelli said. _ CoveJti 's IA.!lk force made no speeltt~ rteommendatl<>ns. bl1t hin!,ed at th e possibility of special trallfilt .I e cut t t )' 1>atrol! or bus guards. --=-~~-·-· " • I such short notice ho\\'ever, follO\\ing tv.o years of travail . One Orange Coast resident. Lind a Hughes, called Santa Ana attorney Russell Agajanian today to ofier $5 and said she "'as trying to organize. a radio campaign to gel 1.000 listeners to pledge $5 each to help lhe Rus.'iells. His aged grandfather. Sa;ruel E . Dav!d, came out from Haskel Counly. Okla .• for the pretrial and extradition hearing Tuesday and pledged equity in his paltry property holdings at Sligler, Okla ., to go his grandson"s bai l. Still an thcr sympal h1zer. S u s ;i n llakam. f J-lunlington Beach. \'ov.·rd to loan them the s!'cond $2j() fro1n ·her sa\·· gs acetlunt if the bail bondsman \.\'iii sf k to his b3rgain. R U, an ex·corll'ict \\'ho served four ye sin the Oklaho1na State Penitentiary ~1cAlesler for a bu1 glar.v Ctlmmilted \.\'hen he ""1s l!l. v.·as expected to be bailed out of jail somehow today. He and his brother Koah are accused uf the ro.larcb.-1972, murder of invalid Albert Christenbe rry, 9"l. v.•ho \.\8S beaten lo death in his \\hl'f!ithair and robbed o~'.?00 in his lill lc ilon1e in Leota . Se\·eral v.·hnesses h.lve filed affidavil'i testifying they were \\·ith Ja111es Russell that tra__gic night at the Long· Beach i\u·Pike Amusement Park, v.·hen he \\"IS suppOsed to be engaged in a savage murder l.000 n1iles awOjy, (See BAIL, Page A%1 'Power Misused' Badham Calls for Brig·ht's Ouster By GARY GRANVrLLE Of 1111 Diiiy Pl1ol Stiff Dr. Donald B. Bright should be remov- ed from the South Coast R e g i o n a I Co a s tline Commission, Assemblyman Robert Badham (R-Newport Beach ) said Tu esday, Badham's call for the coastal com- mission chairman's ouster because of his political fund raising activities came at a Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club luncheon. The Newport Beach :.siemblyman Planners 'Baek Interim Lease For Airwest Newport Beach·s bid to keep Hughes Alrwest jet operation.!! al Orange: County Airport on a month-to-month basis \\'as ... r;jected Tuesday by the county planning commission. The commission voted unani1nously to uphold a Board of Supervisors decision to award Airwest an in terim lease. The lease covers the airline until a major environmental impact report is completed in mld-1976. Airv.·est wa.!I placed on a month-to- month basis at the airport in early 1972 \\·hen the Board of Supervisors refused to extend its annual lease .. The reason given at the time was the airllne"s failure to strictly comply with noise standards established by the board. \Vhen the board last month approved lhe interim-lease arrangement, in effect, ;~ <wk ~!';,:. ;::irline off the month-to-month restriction. i\1e\\-pGrl Beach city attorney J:?ennis O'Neil filed an appeal lo 1he board"s decision "'hich argued that such a lease could not be a\\•arded without an en· viron1nental impact statement. O'Neil said his pur~ose was not to force the county to discontinue opera- tions at the airport. Instead, he said, the city's position is that Ain•:est is better controlled by keeping it on the shorter t e r m ar· range.ment. O'Neil said there was no reason "'hY the airline should, in effect. be awarded a 15-month lease "'ilhout complying "'ith environmental-report requirem~nts. He told the, planning commission there is no provision in the \av• that al101vs ror a negative declaration of en- vironmental impact on a project "tha t has a substantial effect on the en- vironment." llo\l.·e\'er, the commission agreed that approving the lease \.\'As the same as allovring the continuing use and . therefore, did not represent a fresh impact on the environment. Pll,OT PICKEROO IN SIXTll WEEK Pigskin Pickeroo '74 conti nues ln its sixth v.·eek as Daily Pilot readers com- pete for $130 \l."orth of prites each \.\'~k and a chance to "'in a color television set. Sports fans \\'ho best predict the out· cornea of 30 football games to be played thil weekend will • be awarded Zl!nllh rad.lo and television prOOucta. Further, nrst place weekly winners are eligible lo compete for the grand priie color act. • Details and an tntry blank are publish· ed In todn,Y'S editionll. PUC!kln Pickeroo Is a rl!'gular fta.ture ot the l)Af)y l'flol sports pagts •n<t ii co:tpollA()red by ABC Color Television 6f Hunllnjl!on ll<11<h and Zenith Inc. • • ~· labeled Brighl'.!1 aborted plan to hold a $100.per-person fund raising receplion for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed- mund G. Br0\.\'11 Jr. "a blatant misuse of poy.·er." Purportedly in\'ited to the reception that was t6 have been held near Costa ~iesa this week v.·cre developers ...and others who regularly do business v.'ilh the commission Bright heads. The fund raising reception v.·as called off when a sto rm or criticism descended on B{ight ~ a conflict of interest issue was raised by Brown's opponent, state Controller Houston Flournoy. Badham said the coastal commission chairman used "stationery and other commission resources'" to promote the political reception. '"If he !Bright ) was an elected official he ,1·ou!d be recallt.'1'.1.," Badham said. "I don't see \vhy an appointed official 1vho misuses his power should be treated any differently." After his speech. Badham said he: has \ITitten Governor Reagan to ask hhn to demand Bright's "immediate resigna- tion." Fees Go Up, Up Boat iW.oorin g No ·w .iito re Costly BOAT O\VNERS \.\'ho tie up' illegally to somebody's else's dock or moorfa1 in an Orange County Harbor will now have to pay four limes as much to re- claiin their impounded vessels. . . . The Board or Supervisors \'Oted unanimously Tuesday to hike the d1:11ly impound f~s from $l to $4 in Ne"'JXlrt. Harbor and $3 in Dana Harbor. Harbors, Beaches and Parks Director Kenneth Sampson told. the board the Sl per day fee provided no incentive for boat O\\'llers lo reclaim their pro~ erty. "THIS FREQUENTLY results in a Jong-term storage rate that is much less than the owner would pay at a rummerrial marina," Sampson said in his repo rt to supervisors. The figure supen:isors arrived at is the same paid for guest dock spaces in the two major county harbors. SUPERVISORS ALSO appro\'ed Sampson 's request to increase from SI to S2 a day the charge le\·led by the county for its 18 offshore guest. moorings. Sampson noted Newport Harbor is the only one with guest moorings but he said Dana •!arbor may ha\'e some in the near future. Nade1· G1~oup to Joi11 Suit .i\gai11st Se11. Ca1·pe11te1· The Los Angeles ch<ip\cr of Ralph Nader"s Citizen Aclion group plans lo join People·s L-OblJ y and the Environ- mental Coalition of Orange County in a la\\'SUit charging 361h District stale Sen. Dennis Carpentrr ll'ilh violating conflict of int erest Iii\\/>, Richard Spohn. nn all omey \\'ith th e Nader group. said hr pla ns to file a friend of the cou rt brief supporting !he charges against C;irpcnter filed Tuesday by the other groups. . The suit charges !hat Carpenter did not report as inco1nc ('()nl ributions from political backers he ~pent lo pay _a housekeeper and rent an apartment in Sacran1en10. Carpent er has denied lhe c h :l r g c s . terming then1 "political rhetoric" desi 11- ed to allract a11 cnion to his opponenL 11emocrat Frank Bnrbartb in he la~! 1wo "·eeks before lhc elC'Clion. Car]X'nter hns callrd !h<' suil "abuse of the justice sy~rein." n111i11t.1inlnµ 1h:i1 his financiul disclosures htl\e been aho\e reproach . Spohn said Ile i!I prcp:'lri ng lh1• br1('1 anti it \\Ill be fi led \\i1h111 th(' nL•xt \\CCk. (;J ,001l1Y Nf:ll '.'I l'V.lf illf:LS S1'(1CKS ~F.\V YOHK rUPl I -A ('()mbinanon of profit laking and RIOOm)' l"'C<lOOtnic ne11·s ))U.Shed prin!S shtirp1'· :inrl broadll lower in moderate tr:irhng today on the N~'" York Stock f<:x hnnic The Do'' J()l'l('s indus1Mal 8\'('r11ge 10~1 17.83 poflll• IO 6!5.03. • Declines ovf!nt.·h.C'lmed nd1 an<.'t~, 1.050 to 262. an,ong the 1,600 i!lst1rs traded. Prices were k1v.·er in mod<'ratc trading on the Americnn Stock t-:xchnn1te. . •' Citizen Action 's interest in the case. said Spohn . is in "\\'Ork1ng to expose and prost•cutc vio!atcrs o! c u r r e n I po!iticaJ rcforrn legislation . "\\"e nrc putt ing lhcm on notice that 11·hcn Proposition 9 goes into effect . 11'c."ll be watchin g thetn closely .. , Cit izc>n Action and the People's !Abby \\'ere groups active: in campaigning for Propcsition 9 passed last June. The measure goes into effect i n January. It makes more slringent the fin ancial disclosures req uired of politi- cians. Orange Coast Weather The usual nighL and rnornlng lo11· cloud s along the oo ois1 Thurs· da,I'. according to thr v.·eather Seri ice. with sunny skies in the <lfll'\"110011. Beach highs or ti7 11 \ll rise 10 i 2 lnland . Lo1vs tonight Si to ti2. l:\S lllt: TODAY 'fu·o .'-:-r0!1·d 111ot:les liart 11 1tor/lt1 e11do1g for a 11roset•1.1tor 11J 1\'e11• l-ln1npsl1ire 1rllo .sroh·td Iii.~ pn/itical carnpai1111 011 ocquit· lul . .Storu. />11f)e 1\-7. .. I l"1u1 S•n•kt Al tttl1flt II .. ..,, lkl\'d .. ,. C1h ... fl1t AS C¥M• c ... ,,., t 11 Cltul!i.. DI n c-k• cu crv1•-t11 en l>t-•lt• H"i(fl AU •ditori.1 Pt<tt A• C111'r1'1"""'"' 11-t FIMP>U t •l l'HCI Cl·U Ht111KO!lt CJ A1111 Lt1'Cllltt1 Ct • M•1IM1 &• MOvlM •t·t Mv111tl ,_ I• PUllelltl N•WI I.I, I o •• ~,. c ... 1111 AU-U '~•l• (1'"4 '"'" "" ti• Sltllltl'tllll ., llt<k M•Mitlt ... , Ttl•••tl611 It '1'11f•IHI ll•t Wl ttMtt .1.4 Wtrld NtWI Al, I ,A 2 DAILY PILOT WtdlltSdl)', Ottobtt 23. 1974 'NOT A FORTUNE HUNTER' Fiene• Michael WlliOn ~fin er' s Son Offered Cash Not to Marry LONDON (AP) -The London ~ 'News reported today that lawyers for Happy Rockefeller's aunt Rachel Filler offered \Vclsh barman Atichael Wilson $48,000 not to marry the mlllionairess nearly 50 years his senior. . The News said Wilson told it he refused -"I got very angry and told them t am not a fortune hunter" -and that Miss Filler said at her home near Philadelphia : "I have no intention of changing my mind. The more they press me, the more determined l am to marry Mr. \VII.son." The newspaper said Miss F I I I e r ' s .lawyers "were expected to make one more attempt today to try to have lhe couple call it off." "I think it is because. I am a miner's ·son that they feel I am not fitted to marry Alli! Filler," said Wilson, a handsome n.year-0Jd who is visiting his mother in the Welsh town of Llay. ·' He said be would be telepOOning Pttiss Fit,ler today. " .•. Yes, reversed charges," he told a questioning newsman. Wilson sald the difference in their ages Is irrelevant because their r!:la· _tionship Is based on companionship. "Is she 77?" he asked. "I'd never have thought she was as much as that ind, of course, belng a genUeman, I never a.sked." The tall, ruggedly built r or mer 'choirboy announced through a newspnper jn Llay that he wa s going to marry 0the aunt of V ic c President-designate Nelson A. Rockefeller's second wife, the former Margaretta "Happy" Filler. Miss Fitler and l\1rs . Rockefeller are joint heiresses lo the Fltler fortune, at one time valued at more than $8 million. Reports on l\1iss fitler·s age ha\·e \•aried from 61 upwards. Tu·o members of her staff at her home in an exclusive Philadelphia suburb said she is in her 80s. "J ...,·ould never have dream ed she .. ·as much over 60," :iaid Wilson, woo met l\liss Filler ...,•bile he was working as a butler at the exclusive Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach. Fla. • "I learned to respect her intelligence and he r judgment , and ...,.e establis hed a tremendous closeness. Our relationship was built entirely on companionship rather than on love." \Vilson said Tues- day from his parents' modest, three- bedroom home in this smnll 'Ve Is h village. ORANGE COAST H DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed l>••~!llfnt 11'11 Pulll•W~ Jae k R. Cu rlt"y "''~ f"I~ .. ~~, ..... c-.. ..... 1 ,,.,. ... 11'. Thomas Keevi l -r homas A. Murphine Otntr Offices tM" ~,. I.JG """'' ... y ,,,...... u...,.. ... k,., ., .. ~Mt'Mt M\l"lllfttl"" ltftl' ""~ 8'>«" """' ....... ._Oclltbl<• \1111~¥· UNI U ~ lliOllt 1t .W~ D"tll l'•-11' . TtltphOM (71t~ "42-4321 c11s1ifled Advertising '42·S•7f ' I Dean Hinl.s Tapes Not The Same \YASHINGTON' (UPl l -Wat4!rgate .... ·itness John \V. Dean HI tCllUfied lodlly that some 'Vbite House tapes he has heard don't square ~;th his recollections of crucial meetings he had with Richard i\I. Ni:icon as the scandal began unravt'I· ini: last yea:. (RelatOO storie1', Pa~e A3) In some in.stances. Dean said, 'there ...,,ert parts missing" on !apes he re view· ed and in others there ...,·ere discussions he didn't remember at all. U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica, presiding O\ler the Watergate cover-u p trial 'tl-'tiere Dean ~·a.s in his sill:ih day oo the stand, immediately directed that the questioned tapes be playt'd so the jury couJd decide if Dean has been telling the truth about his Nixon mee«ings. "Now listen," Siric.a said, slapping the bench with hls hand as defense lawyer John J. \\'ilson objected. "Just a minu1e. You just stop talking until I get through. "You are not going to argue to this jury that this man (Dean) went up to tbe 'Senate oommittee .. , and gave fa lse infonnalion when you will not let the tape be played. I think those tapes ought to be played in order to get all the fa cts be.lore the jury and Jet them decide.'· The argument erupted ~ith the jury out ol. the courtroom as Wilson , attorney for cover-up defendant H. R. Haldeman, sought to establish that Dean's testimony la.st year before the Senate Watergate oommittee -in wruch he linked Nixon to the cover-up plot -differed sharply from the White House tapes. De.an, the former Wbite House counsel, testified there had been "a lot of overlap" in the subjects discussed at the three meetings and that he told the pro5eeutlon after hearing the tapes be could not vouch that the recordings matched his recollections. Sirlca then excused the jury and the argument over Dean 's credlbillty broke out. Delense attorneys ultimately waived their Qbjections and agreed to Jet the three tapes be played without having Dean vouch for them. Earlier, Wilson led Dean through his,- use -without getting permission from anyone -of $4,850 in cash from a White House flmd to pay for his honey· moon and other personaJ expenses. Dean, unruffled, admitted he h a d helped himself to the cash in October, 1972 from $15,200 entrusted to him for safekeeping siz month! before and bad replaced it with a penonal cheek that "''ould have bounced had It been cashed. Just before he was fired Crom the 'Vhite House in April, 1973, be testified. he gave another check for $4,850 and the remaining $10,350 in cash lo his la .... -yer. He said the money was put into escrow at a Rockville, ?\.1d. bank and is still there pending 1 e g a I determination of who rightfully owns it. The money originally was part <>f a $350,000 cash fund diverted from the Nixon rHlection campaign to the White House, ~·here it was kept u o d e r Haldeman·s Controf. Some of it even· tually was paid to the Watergate burglars. Ba1iyard Ekcted High Wire Act Birds variously identified by Ba Ibo a Peninsula homeowners as linnets or cedar waxwings fiock togeth·er on telephone lines be!ore swooping down )CNHr l'llet ,_.,.ff I.ff,,,_ • to savor red berries on pyracantha bushes near Miramar Drive and L Street in Newport Beach. From Page Al BAIL ... ·- Defense evidence includes a pawn shop ticket signed by Russell that night In downtown Long Beach, where he bought a jel'i'elry trinkt't for his new wife Kareo Irvine President Nudges Library, Museum Plans· ' 't1-11ile they were out on the town . Coordinated planning of a library and Beach City Council, Watson suggests "l'se just llke a kid ... ," he said Somewhat sadly In a j&ilbouse interview art mu8eUm in Newport Cmter hu that trultees ol. the city's library board been glvt'n a nud« forward by Irvine and th I te N............ HA-'-Art 7 Oill.dren: -Die fu Bus, Trfilii Crash ARAGO~. Ga. (\JP!) -Seven childmi were kiUed and 71 injured today when a tiain bl.eked int.o a school bus cram~ med, with 'screaming children wbo could lf!B the train coming but couldn't en· cape. Witnesses said the repair traio had been called to the scene of a derailment during the night and was backing up along the tracks \\'hen it hit the bus. The train dragged the crumpled. bus several hundred feet down the .tr;acl<, police said. When the ' train came to a halt, the cabooee wai derailed and <>n top or the overturnl'd bU!. The Polk County coroner first reported that the bll! driver, Bllly Ke!JeU, had hem killed. .B"\ police f!ier aid he was hospltal~ed. in critical condit!on. A spoke.mium for Southern Railway in Washington 6'I the train was movlng about eight miles per bour. The accident oceurred between the towns or Rockmart and Aragon, about 35 miles northwest or Atlanta. The.re ~·ere railroad crossing signs oo each side of the road , but no flashing signals. Darrell Smith said he .... pimping gasoline at a St',nice station about 50 feet from the croalng when the collision oreurred. He give th'8 descrip- tion of the accident: • "'Ille bll! was stopped. ~i>d It started on across. The train was backing up, it seemed like it speeded up and ~Nt the bm." Smith aald one of the workmen jumped off the train and ran to the front of the triln yelling at the engineer "Go back. Go back." with the Daily Pilot last Friday. "We Company President Ray Watson. e prva ""t""'•-Cl.lil\oll- rode all the rides and me 'n Dllvid In a rec<nt letter to the Newport Muaeum should "develop a mutually Resurfacing ~Job shot !Ome pool." acceptable lite plan." He said that night the amusement "Ideally, t.be propoeed library site .J>lan par~ was one of the first he and Karen From Pllflfl Al and design should be -led with At CdM's Tenni .. enjoyed together, since her son by .a "° previoua marriage, Nolan Tracy, now OLDSTERS the proposed Newport Hart>or' Art <. was spending the week<nd witb his • • • .M.-m ,. that common.J>lrldni wooJd C i· U d natural fathe r. · Harbor HoPP'r operation might show serve eacb building JnOctpenden!Jy as 0Ur ;s rge A oourt in Napa County, Calif., sub&e-that lt suffered from "poor rouUng, well aa minimize overall parking needs," quently ordered the child taken .away poor och<dullng, or a t0mbinaticln of Wat3oo wrote. Qting lwardous condlti<o for tennis from James and Karen, aayiiig it was all these." Watsoo.'s augestion was toUcbed off teams at COtcna de.I Mar High School, an unlit home if tbe stepfather stood It also mentiom that aome c 1 u b by his recent . meeting •rW I t b Coun· perenta urged Newport-Mesa s c boo I ae<med or murder. ell-. an '-·~"-v .. -~ and two library t-·•-Tue~-y ....... to --' 11 ~ II' b-"--Noah-al ch ed memben are no1 able to -walk "two ·--~ • ---..-.... ~ -Russe • ·~ ,. arg trustees to resurfl<'< the ocbool's elibt courff, in the savage slaying of the invalid-was long blocks" from the club to J5th o .. _:.~ of tbe --"! .... wu tO dlac:uss "'--t-asked dbtrkt ofOdal1 to look • -An el "-··t Street and Irvine Bou1eVard w b er e • ... .....,..:-.............. • ru:s ~ in Department 100 of ...... ;, g es -..vw• Y a IN!table site for .a piopoeed library into ~ProPosaJ ... Superior Court blmleif Tuesday, bu< only Onmge County Transit District "1Vioe in Newport Ceotef !bat "llO dly OQUllCll A~ )lave ~X \)CCll?Tt4• '"' as a spectator and member Of the Is available. endorsement last February. · \ the 1J.yeat~, "slippery ' ociurta, U>uiM family. "Every week we have aeniors asking Accordine-'to Wallon'.J l~tt.er, ~ J1cgers, leader of the Corona del Mar Ht" is free on bis own recognizanct' for transportation to our cub and there present at the meeting agreed the m<*t Tennil Boosters, told the board. She "'lth>ut having to p:lflt cash bond on Just isn't any available,'' the club's let· logical site for the libr~cy would be said ~utmg, ~ $3,IOO, ii need- the Oklahoma homicide chargt', f o r ter said. neer the city's fire and fUture police ed to femedy the ·auuatlon. . which no trial date has even been set "They enjoy our club and its many facilities as well as the pri>po9ed art The district already bu ap-eed to yet. activities. But they need b e t t e r museum. spend '3,000 to repaint the c 0 u r t 1 • His brother has been held 745 days transportation. Not everyone bas a car," The company IBM month donated land Another $3,000 is being chipped lo by without ball, arraignment or tr I a I , the letter continued in Us appeal not far the Newport Hsrbor Art Muaeum the ctY of_ NeWP.Ort Beach, which UNI • because In his case extradition i1 In· to have public transportation planning near the two city facilities, subject to the courta lo lta---recreaUan department volved and an extradition hearing is dropped because of the Harbor Hopper the museum tnJ8tees raisin& tbe money program. not technically a trial. experience. needed for comtruction. Mr!. Jagger! u'd i':ht was told bJ Sant.a Ana attorney Roger Agajanian, Should the city want to build the Cal Stewart, Newport Beach recreaUoil. who is representing Russell free of library, Watson suggests that: director, that if the dJstrtct authorbel charge, claims his client bas been sub-Israel: Envoy's -An an:hilect be retained to develop tbe 11,500, he will 811k the Newport jected to double jeopardy but so far. " a site plan acceptable to the library Beach Cty c.ouncil to contribute the appelate a:iurta: and the California and museum trustees. same &ml?Wll Supreme Court have yet to -agree. S Atta ked -Negotiations then begin (or city ac-The remaining '800 would be donated Oklahoma authorities, meanwhile, Oil. C quisition of its portion oflhe site. by the Tennis Boosters, she said. Tbe' claim tbey have new evidence against -The city council make a "clear com. club has about 70 parentl of members Presiding Judue Rusaell in the patheUc slaying of the NEW YORK (AP ! -Gilead Tekoah, mltment" to proceed with the project of the boys' and girls' tennis twna ._ · ~ crippled otd man, but refuse to dlscuss J6-year-0ld son of the Israeli ambas.!ador _oooe_Deeotiations are concluded. at the school . .. _.. ~~ any :;;;-.z.::-. IO the urutta Nations, has been rOObed -A lime schedul" for funding ac-nte board also received aeveral letters Fo r Secoud Term RUSS<ll was arrested once in Orange of $28 an dsome pel'llOllal papers while Quisilion and building the library be urging the murfadng. c.ounty and eventually freed by Superior riding a bicycle through Central Parlt. established. Ron Davts. director of athletics at Orange County's 31 Superior Court" judges unanimously e I e c I e d presiding Judge Robert A. Banyard today to a second one yea r term of office. The Santa Ana jurist will begin his second term Jan. 1. His fellow judges honored him at the court's an nu a I meeting today !or what Ibey said is his "outstanding se rvice" during 1974. In other action. the judgts named Judge Robert L. C.Orfman of Ne...,·port Beach as a regular member of the four-judge executive com mitt e e (){ Superior Court. Among the fe>ur alternates named to the executive committee were Judge Frank Domenechinl of san Clemente• and Robert P. Kneeland of Newport Beach. Bicycle Program Slated for Youths A bicycle program for children and tcC'nagers featuring thC' fllm "Bicycle Clo\vn·• will be held at 4 p.rn. Thursday on Balboa Island. The program ls ~ing ~ponsored by librarians at the Ne'tl-"J>Ort Beach ?ub\le Library. Along ~ith the l~minule film there \vill be a discussion on bicycle safety by Newport Beach police of!iccr Slaii Bressler and a demonstration on simple blcyck! repair and maintenance. .There will also be lnformallon on bike licensin g and a s..1mpling of the library'1 biking books on display . The program will be condueted at 115 Agate Ave. ~tore information Is available al 67$-7932. Bar Ownet• Stabbed C.ourt Judgt' William Murrary on the Police said five teen-agers attacked Watson's letter concluded with his Con.rill del Mar High, wrote, "Al tean1s basis ()f a polygraph test that strongly Tekoah and threw hbn down 1\lesday, assurance ol the company's cooperatian instructor on the courts I have wttne91td indleatOO his innocence. then fled . "on this very important facility for the many falling accidents because of the One factor Oklahoma authorities claim 'lbe victim's father, Yosef Tekoah, city." courts: being · so slippery. I fetl to have Is an alleged call by the defen-Jives with his family near the park The Council is erpeded to dbcuss resurfacing ·and painting .are neceesary dant to hl:i brother Noah in the Sooner 00 Manhattan's Upper West Side. Watson's letter and bis suggestion of to provide a safe desirable facility for State, in which he claimed to have Police said today they had no leads a coordinated development at Tuesday's the high school students and members bragged that he sure did beat that in the case. study sess.lon. or the ·community Ue detectort~t. J :l=====;;;==;;;;;==;;;:;=.:::;:=;;:==;;~;,..;i:;;;;;;;:==;;;;;i;;;;;:;::;:::;;:====~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ • Anaheim Jurist Resigns Seat On County Panel Gala! J . Kemahan of Anaheim r..ignecl today from the ~e County Grand Jury and will be replaced Thursday in a drawing ordered by Superior C.Ourt Judge Everett W. Dickey. . Kemahan. 48, explained that his ex· rcutive duties with the C a 11 f o r n i a Teachers Association ha ve increased and no longer permit him to meet his Grand Jury commitment&. Kemahan is the second grand •Juror to resign since the l~member panel .... ·as !\\'Om in last November. ~ Business pressures forced the reslgna· tion of Joseph Gatlin Jr .• an El Toro security offi<or. Ills pgce oo the panel was ta\on by MJO. Man:ellA Scott, the wife ct Fountain Valley Mayor Cl<or1• Scott. 2 Candidates !\feet NEW YORK (UPI) -A debate bet~·een New Yorit state'• three 5enatorl1! candlda tes began po 11 t e I Y Tuesd1y but then erupted Into an angry argument bet~·een Sen. Jacob Javlts and hll Democratic challenger. former Attorney Central' R&m1e.y Clart. The (lebate WA:I bl!ld at the ed!torial offices of The New York nme. and ln!Ually focused on campai;n financing a:nd In· flatlon. -- ' """ .... Skateboards Ir Wheels Shuffleboard Sets Barbell Ir Dumbell Sets Croquet Sets Slant Boards Boxing Gloves . Judo Suits Karate Sulh Ttnnls Dresses Tennis Shorts T ennls Shirts Tennis Sweatt" Tennis Shoes Open 9 to 6-Closed Sunday I • T ennlt · Racktts T tnnls Balls Tennis Racket Strln9lng Racquetball Racquets Ir Balls Handball Gloves & Balls Warmiip Suits · Sweat SUlh Hoodtd Sweatshirts Adldas-Convtn..Spot lilt TICJtr-lrooks-Bob Wolft Shoes Leathtr Footballs·Basketballs·Soc· ctr Balls Blkt Rtpalrs-Parts-Tirts· Tubes \ 538 Ceftter . .. 646-19.19 j \ \ l t: rl ~ ~ ! " ~ ! t ' ! • • ' • • • • • • • • ~ ~ ( ~ ~ • ~ " i ! i • ' t I • • ' • ! • • • • ( c r i • i • l ' • • • • • i ' • • • ' l I • • I I .. r ~ . ' . . . . . . . . . . .. ~I A6 " I DAIL)' PILOT EDl.TORIAL Pi\GE Voters Must Choose liow do you mainta in educational levels in the face _qf..a seven to -10-perce nt increase in.ope'rations-Oue--to !nrl atlon, when a rec~nt state law says you may only increase your expenditures by three percent? That is .the dilemma that laces the Newpo rt-Mesa Un1£~d chool District, and it is th e question the school district is ih effect putting to the voters in the • form or Proposition Z on the November 5 l>allot. Jn-a eomplic-ated attempt to equalize the 'a rilount of publi~ money. spe'1t per pupil in the p ublic schools throughout California, the state has clamped a lid on the a mount of m o ney per pupil relatively affluent school dis tricts like Newport-Mesa may spe nd. _'l'h~s ~eans that regar~lcss of any increase in the d~str1ct s asses~ed valuation, 1Newport Mes a's ex pen: d1ture, per pupil for the next year is frozen at about three perce nt over this year. It is all the law a llO\\'~. ~despite the estim a te of a seven to 10 percent increase in operating costs due to inflation alone '-a nd despite the fact that state m a ndated cost increases use up the three per.cent permitted increase. Put another way, this ·simply means that for the foreseeable future the amount of actual ins tructional 'services and operating s upplies that the district can purchase per pupil will decline each year because of inflation. • ln Prop. Z, the school district is asking voters if lhey ,want to maintain the current educational le\·eJ by increasing the annual limit on per·pupil expen· ditdres enough to offset inflation a nd the state· m an· dated cost incr~ases. State 1aw authorizes s uch an e lection and a majority vote is required. 1'be increase asked for is $150 per pupil. about 12 percept. The projected 1975-76 tax rate \vould be in· creased from about $.3.68 to alx>ut $4.21, \VhichdistriC't officials point out is very,close to the 1973-74 rate. To the.owner of an ~.OOQ. Jioose this increase means about $105 a year: to tile owner or a $35,000 house it means about $45 a year. . . Even with the addit ional $150 per pu1>il . the distric t v. ill hu\'o to cul back son1e of its services to the com· n1unity to maintain the ba sic t!ducational scrvi('es. It's not a good time to ask tht• taxpayers to pay mOi·e, especially in the ruce of the increased assessed v:rluations thut huve hit many f\i.C\VJ>Ort -~lesa l ilX· _puyers. Dul it 's an even poorer time to start cutting back on the educational opportun ities for our ch ild ren. The Daily l'ilot. recommends a 'TES \'Ole on l'rop. Z. Unco1nf ortable Lesson ' UO\\'antccl oil th~1t conlinucs to gurgle lo the surrace in West Ne'''port Beach is, ut best, an environm~ntal nightmare. No w it 's seepage.from an abandoned v.1ell at44th Street and Balboa Boulevard lha t ·s infe sting " rcs i de n~ia l neighlx>rhood \vith noise. foul odors, traffic congestio n a nd uns ightliness. Unfortunately, the oil pl ague can't be ended simpl'y by applying more m anpo\\'er 01· money to the problom. The c ity has already made a substantial commitme nt of both. So, the residents impacted by the oil blight a pparently ha ve no alternati\'C but ma ke the best of a very bad situation while the trial and error process of finding a solution goes on. If there's a lesson to be learned from the unfortunate plight of the \Vest Ne\'vport Beach residents, it m ight be that problems related lo oi l drilling arc sometimes beyond the comprehension of the expert s. Thal thoug ht shouldn't be lost on those \\'ho sa y there's nothing to be lost by drilling ~ff Southern California's coast . t I • N 'And they used to call us racists'' ~ How Kissinger Dear Gloomy Gus lle's Aliead of the President ! e ~ ' Wielded Power Tips ·on Saving Energy I i { \\I ASHINGTON -For the past ri ve ~ years, U.S. foreign policy has been • almost totally dominated by one man " · Dr. Henry A. Kissinger. Jnside ~ so~rces, with secret documents to • back up their story, have told lis how ~ he m a n i Pulate d ; the diplomatiC' t strings. W. Throughout the ~ Nixon years, Kis-~ singer steadfastly =' maiotaine1d t o ~ inquiring repor· 'I ters that he never ~ recommend e d ~ policy to the •J President unless his views werE" ., ~ solicited. He merely presented "op· t tions," he vowed, and left it to th<' I t ('hiefto make the.decisions. IT WAS SAID President Nixon "·ould retire to the solitude of the Lin· ;: coin sitting room or lo his secluded of- ~ rice in.the _W.hite.Jlou!!e an~x. where ,i he would pore over his options. After .; much. agoni zing a nd scratching on yellow legal pads. he would emerge and a nno.un cc his momentou s • decisions. · E 1'his is Q,ot , according to our sour· 5 ces. how i\ ,ha ppened. They say Kis· , singer seldom failed to give the ~ President his personal recommcn· • dations and Nixon seldom failed to • lake the advice. As a former Kis· ; singer· assotiate put it succinctly: • · .. Nixon agr~d-v.'lth ltenry on the i things he knew about, and he trusted ~ Henry on the things he didn't kno....: ~ about. .. t C THE PATTE RN "'Us set early in 11' 1969 when Nixon gave the National l• Security Council staff a J>E:P talk. Af· ter a few general remarks, according 10 several.eye witnesses, he nodded e toward Ki$singer. "Henry and I are (JACK ANDERSON) When Kissinger travelled abroad. he kept the President informed with cryptic personal messages. Only the two or them understood some of the references. A typi cal message from Kissinger in th~ Middle East, as recall ed by a source who saw it . reported : "Met with Number One. Discussed options. He agrees in principle." MOST OF Kissinger's recommen- dations to the President were submit.- led formally in secret memos, which were guarded as closely as nuclear secrets. Very few of Kissinger's as· sociates are aware such d()(umenls exist. · we. however' have seen some of them. A typical Kissinger-to·Nixon memo would be ty1>ed on \Vhite.House letterhead and stamped S ECRET Ki ssinger y,'ould begin "'ilh tersE" background informatlon :i nd then outline his "recommendations:· . At the bottom of the page v.'ere two blank lines, the leftmost marked "AP· prove," and the other "Disappro\•e." Almost never. according to our sour· ces. did Nixon initial the "disap. prove" space. USUALLY, a series of "tabs" rol · lo"•ed on plain w'hi te paper. Thest' look up specific issues, expressed in blunt, candid language. Each tab con · tained "appro\•e " a nd "disapprove" lines. The t'rov.·ning touch would come v.·hen Nixon called in his Cabinet or other associates to brief them on his · foreign policy decision . As he spoke to them. he in variably consulted a "talking points" paper prepared. of course, hy the ubiquitous Dr. Kis· singer. I• goin g to end the war," the President , said, with 4 sly smile. "We want you fellows to lake care of the rest of the "·orld. '' KISSINGER'S personal memos and ~ Our sources s ay Nixon then laun· talking papers ~uided Nixon on the • ehed into a furiou$ and vulgar assault Vietnam \Var, the invasion of Ca nt- : on the State Department. Foreian bodia, the South Vietnamese invasion : poli cy was going to be handled by the of Laos. and scores of other initiatives ; White House, he declared, and not by a round the world. , ~ the "slriped·pants faggots" at Foggy Our sources could recall only one , BOttom . major issue on whi ch Nixon vetoed • There was a collective gasp from Kissinge'r·s recommendations. Thal I the two dozen NSC staff members. was the decision to bomb llnno i and President Nixon. \\'ith his. penchant mine llaiPhong •1 arbor in M:1y 1972. ·· , for saying the wrong t.Jling at 'the Jn th at instance. Nixon o"·c rrulcd sll : wrong time, had forgotten that the or his chief advisers. including KiS·• t majority or hi s audience had come to singer. C the \Vhitc House from the foreign ser· Kissin ger's domination of foreign ' vice. · policy has continued into the Ford Ad· I · . . ministration. Indeed, President Ford l .111.Eat:~FTER, K1 ss1nger set ~p had scarcely been sworn in before he 'ns own .pnvate State Dep~rtment tn assured the world that 11enry KiS· the ba-se m~nt of the White House. singer would stay on. Like Nixon t where he dtre.cted c"·c~y aspect of the before him, Ford leans heavily on Kis· decllilOrMn~ktng ma ~h1nery. . singer for for~i gn policy guid:1nce. He .Presided. over. the Nn t1~nal Our souce s say, in fact. that i-~ord has .sccunty Council, which determined not overruled Kissinger yet. .,verall w licy. He controlled the supersttfet Committee ()f Forty, "'hlch plotted' cove.It activities. He also headed the W ashin'gton S~clal Acflon GtQup, whi'ch assembled to manega'Cftsei;. The secret minutes show that Nixon :seld om attended these crucial mC(ltings but waitea for Kissinger to fill ~im in . T-he two men conferred together frequenll)'. FOOTNOTE : Kissinger hns some brilliant diplomatic achievements to his credit. including temporary peace in the Middle Eas t, dctcntc v.'ith the Soviet Union a nd fapprochement v>'itl'I mainland China. But there h11ve nlso been a few disasteris. such ai; the In• dia·Pakistan v.•ar. Chile, Cyprus and the aborted ··vearof Euro(IC. '' ,Quotes Le t's teach dogs to read! \Vhen it comes to observing leash la,,·s and other controls, it's obvious their mastE"rs are illiterate. fl.1a ybe the n o.ur beaches, sidewalks and gardens would not be fo ul ed . G \V , Gl""my G"' comm•ni> Jrt •~b,,..lltOI Dy reJcltrs """ lh> ROI nt <••urlly rt !IKI "" vie'"' ol \he Mw~pre<", ~1111 yogr jMI ,......, .. Gl...,.,~·Gwl. O.ilr Pilol. Difficulty With the Decalogue -(SYDNEY HARRIS J In any discussion of "·orld problems and man 's fa le , so mebody sooner or later is bound to 1>roclaim, with sweet smugness. "\Veil. if we only would obey the Decalogue, everything would be fine. Aft er a ll. t he Ten Command · ments are still the best rules to fol· lo"'.". ):'et. if v.·c took such a n1an seriou sly and questionE"d him on only one of the ·rE"n Commandments, and perhaps the most important. what would be the result'' .. Thou sh:ilt not kill. .. A plain , f1;1t statemE"nl. without qualification or modification. \\,.hat does ou r friend of the Decalogue say to this? Does he ac- cept it. com1,Jetely and unequivocal ly'! Or does he try to get around it in one \\·ay or another? FIRST OF ALL. he \\'ill say that we ·have a .. r i ~ht '' to kill in self· derense -even though the Decalogue does not say. "Thou shalt not kill. ex - cept io self·defense. ·· 'l'hcn he will say that society has a 1·ight to kill ofrenders, if their offense is dee med ii:r ievous enough-eve n though the first killer. Cain. was not executed b~' God but \\'US br;1ndcd and sent Into ex ile. Next , hC' \viii insist that a nation has the ''right .. to kill enemies in time of wa r; he may deplore such a necessity <a nd gcne ruls arc the · greatest deplorers of all l, but he docs not doubt that the Lord is on the side of the "just '' nation. 11 c "'ill also poi nt tn many Old Testament passages "'hich seem to confirm his position. S(), FINAl,t.V, what does the com· mandment, "Thou shrilt not ki ll ,·· amount to? ti amounts lo "'hatcvt·r v.·e want to m:ikc it. Nobody bu\ n "crank " takes tht'! commandment literally;· nearly everybody h\~licvci> that. undC'r certain C<lndit.ions it Is ri ght and pro1)er lo kill. ll:lrdly To the Editor: . I am way a head of President Ford in energy conservation. Since the car- penters· strike in July, I I gave up any \'acation trip. 2. I didn't buy a new color TV f and the TV I didn't buy was a Sony). I did· n't buy a new pickup <i t was a l'lo1azda Rotary). 3.1 didn'tdrive too much. 4.1 didn't buy many groceries. ~The groceries I didn 'I buy were roasts and steaks a nd chops mostly.! I HAVE only worked 18 days since the strike and the wife can tell you that I have conserved a lot of energy around the house. Of course, th~re have been about ten strikes since July. The wallboard m~n are out now. Two or three more s trikes and I can go out in ,lhE" graveyard and dig my hole. J AMESW. BOLDING lli•lory Nol<' To the Editor: Th ere is one erro r in Steve Donaldson 's other\vise excelle nt article on Ne wport La nding in Sunday's Daily Pilot of Oct. 13 . 'fhe a rtiClc states that .. the first lumber cargo was delivered to a site that is approximately the (()(ation of Bayside Trailer Park, across the Upper Ba y Bridge from Wil Wri ght 's ice ere~:::~~~-·· I have the U.S. Coast Survey chart of Newport Harbor, dated 1875, \l.•hich shows the wha rfs. the wagon road fro m Santa Ana comin g down the Dover Road canyon, and a building loc ated on the "·estcrly side of the bay . T he location is marked "Ne"'port Landing." The easterly side of the bay was all tidelands. Since all of Donaldson·s other descriptions are accurate. I \\'OUld suspect th at a g remlin got in his lype\l.'riter, or perhapR. your linotype machine. ' LI NDSLE'\' PARSONS 1'1ao1c~ n Borg11it1 To the Edit.or . The greatest ecotiomic aulhority 1n the "A'orld is your e "·eryday housc"·ife. She docsn 'l need a l:irgc staff of economic ad\·isors to t~I her and the nution to tighten the belt . She i!l already doing it. Bei ng an economic expert, the housewife also kno"'S that there is no better bargain than quality. Cheap things are too expensive! That 's why these houSC\l.'i\•es IPTA h1oth ers> arc v.•orki ng so hard to convi nce us that an inc rease in tax<>s through ProJ)Osition z is worlnwhile and it is a bargain. After ;.ill, \vhcn you take the Joni:: \'iC"'. ....,,hut l.':1 n you ever huy for 11 child t hat·s equa l to a quality cducu l.ion·.• Cl.A UDlA flOLLC)\V ,\ Y {lnyonc except Socrates, .fesus and u To the Editor: fe\v i;;:iint:-1 has ever truly bcllC\•ed that In the artcrmat.h of Watcrg:lte. the it lsbeU.crtosuffcrpainthnntoinfli cl gublic, more 1.han ever. has a .right it. ;i nd a need to ht! informed about the The dl frlcully \Yith the Tc-n Com· ca.ndidutes a nd the issues wilh which n1andmcnts i~ not th11l unlX'lic .. •c r:i; it needs to deal on Nov, s. t am incen· r SOURC.::ES who occasionally were <'tilled int9 their private meetings sily ~lxon and Kl i;singer apparently did · " n"l engage in de(lp, lntellcctual di scus· rtout it : it is lhat even ::bcflcvcrs" do sed by the limited coverage given to Mr.s. E. R. Priibonh\'Ski, Gl<'ndora not belie\'C it. do not :1j!rC'con it. 'lo no1 such Candidates a.c; those runnin~ for 111ions. They ta lked about world issues in terms or personallUes a nd they ' were often vulgar, ripping into • 1 ··foreig n leaders with crude, F"'rF_eli.,..wuol).remar'Uo~~- ' ..... 1'hlscountry'sslability00.:6no\ act on It.;\ sim1>lc sentence o( four Secrctary·of State, ospccilflly when hang on the thin ttiread af me.re per... :ine•syllable wor<I~ ... Thou Shult 1101 the office of Secretu ry of St11le sonalily ... by a'dhcrlng to tru~ti and kill ," ha io confound('(! Chrislenclorn govt'rns the ~lcrtion laWs and OA•ill be principle us the only real values. good ror 2,000 year~ ·for the hloodil·st 1-'':.trs concerned "'llh restoring a 'morality !)~mfnJdo,ciita~,.·lJJffilJltil!IO.:ttWL• ~~owlaJ.w• lb.a\:l!:-.bc,W_rcliai~·ar:t.•>=cJ nzl.O;r.Q;O)itiCS ;_lL_a time when_ that - • ( MAILBOX ) l..etters /tom readers are welcomr No r- 111ally. writers sllould co11vey their 111es- sa.9es in 300 words or /es$. The rigliJ to con dense letters to /ii space or eliminate /1bf'I 1s reserved. All letters niust include .~i9· 11a1ure and mailing addrE"ss but nan1e,~ 1na.y be withheld on reque.~t i/ :iu/ficient reason is ap'fil(l.rl'nl Poetry will no/ lw published. morality h;i.i> pluntmE"ted to an ull· time lo"·· I A1'1 disappoi nted to see politica l reports about the least significant happenings, the lack or appearances. the reasons not lo vote. rather than the \\'ho. what, where and why that truly informs. One such example is the race between Brian Van Camp a nd March Fong for Secretary or State . When the press reported on thE" Oct.-7-KCET-debate.bet\l.·een the <:an· didates for Secretary of State. more mention was made of l\t arch Fong's reasons for not appearing on the sho\v than was made of Brian Van Camp's highly articulate views on the issues rele vant to that ofrice. I, for one. want to vote as wisely as possible. I want to vote for the things I believe in and not just for the face or the ,t{immick t hat is sensationrd enoQgll\Jo mukE" it into a back·pa~c ne w!!~Jtti~le . Let 's ha\'E' nl ore f?equCnt reporting ol the randidat('!'> whcreabout.s and viey,·s on the issues. and lets get the \'Olers' apnthetic chi ns out or their hands and their eyes onto the news' ALLISO\: \\'ELLS Claim f'f1rff•ifeff To the Editor: The chairm:in of the South Coast ltegional Coas tline Commissio n . Dona ld B . Bri~ht. has forfeited any claim to th<it 1>osition of great puhliC' in1portanee through hi s sorry perfor· mance in soliciting developers to con- tribute to the campaign fund or Ed· mund G. Bro"·n. Jr. tlE" should resign immedi~tely or be forced out or office by public opinion. or by legal channels, for a gross con· flirt of interest. The commission he h eads ha s more than e nough proble ms Y:ithout ha.ving to operate under the C'loud of being used for par· tisan politics. as l'Ylr. Bright has placer! it through his unbelievable tac. 1ic. ROBERT LEE f;ood A drier To the Editor : As a regular reader of the Daily Pilot, I would like you to know bow great it was to see a good story ln the People section such as the one Oc· tober 7 on Joyce Riley. I do not know her or the reporter ; howe\'er. I feel it is about time the reading public find out more about nutrition and vitamins as related to illness. emotional as well as physical. DOCTORS 00 not tell people the ef· feels of food additives, eJCcessive sugar and rerined foods because1tliey do not themselves know . A newspaper re1)()rtinJ?" suc h facts docs a great ser· \'ice to its readers. t.1any people just do not understand the dangers and are not moli\'atcd to search out the an· sv.e rs Al l-in-\\ an·t to tel l you f\.tttle Bell's col umn on cooking for one Pias .somE" sound advice. Of course. 1 cook for more than that-three growing boys-but I still ·rE"ad it. I can adapt any recipe If I \l.'ant by making six ti111es as m uch . , l an1 not <1 health food nut nor do 1 l'\'Cr "·rite to oe\vspapE"rs. This is a first Please keep tq> th(' fine job a nd let 's ha\'e more fin e <l tticles aboul feedi ng our families \\'holesornc. natural food:<> frt•e of ;1rlrlitives. CIJ ,\RLOTTE EM MONS Memoir of Hollywood ltOLLV\\1000. By Garson Kanin Vikin g. 393 Pages. SB.%. In 1937 , Garson Kanin went to !lo\. Jywood to "learn the businE"SS" o( moviemaking and in this sometimes touc hing, often funn,v (1nd <li"·~1~s \\'Cll ·\\1ritt('n me n1oir he tells not only 1\·hat he \c:irned about the hu sinC(';!\ hut about the peo1>lr \\'ho made up that business. PEOPLE, for example. like Samuel Gold"·yn, the first of the mighty fo r "'horn Kanin was to work O\'Cr the years. and v"ho greeted the ne....,·\y ar· rived pla y"•ri ght with "Sidney Jlowa rd lt·ils me you 'r~-n very clever geniu!l." That's lhe first Gold wynis1n t.o surf11ct• in this book. hut not, hy any means, the l:l st. Another: .. If you \\'On't. ~ivc mt your word of honor, will you give me your promise''" KASIN 11lso has a wealth of stor ies to tell abou t such other major figures os to pick a few at random -I-Jarry Cohn. J)acry l Zanuc k , Charles f.aughton :·ind l\1~rHyn ~Tonroc, fi nd hl'lells them nil well . l li s ti<>nk . it !'hould be noted , is not just a collection of st.orics :i.nd \'i gnct· tc~. how<'ver. \Vhi lc it dO('s contain many of these it contains them within a r~rcCully built framc~:ork to ....,.hJch their signlC\cancc i~ subordinato to the structure Kanin ":ants to build : his .tears _in llolly\\'OOd, what they ( THE BOOKMAN ) meant to him and v.•hat it meant to him. l-le succeeds.admi rably. • Phil Thomas AP books Editor ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Rohe rt N. \Vetd, Publi.•her ·Thoma! K eruif. Edilor Barbara Kreibich. 1-;ditorial Page Editor The C'dltnrtlll 1H1i;:e Af the 0<1ily 'Pilot sE"ek!i to inrorm and stimulate readers h~' prri;entln~ nn this P<tle di\'ersc ('omml'nl ;1ry on topies or in· tcrc~l by t;)·niilcatcd columnists and r1111ooni'Sls, by pro,·iding a fonam for reo dcrx · \'1<'~·11 and by prnenting this nt'IA'~PilP\'t'!> npinions and ideas on current lopi c11. The editotlal 0111111nn~ of the Daily Pilot appear flnl~ in the editorial col umn at the tu~ or the 1n1~e . Opinions E"xpressed by the columnists and cartoonists ;1nfl letter 14 r11rr1' art' their o~:n and no endofiemcnl or their ''lo.ws by the Daily Pilot shouJd be inter~. Wednesday, October23; 1974 '· ,. • • •. ( ' • - 'NOT A FORTUNE HUNTER' Fi1nce Michael WillOn .il1iner's Son Offered Ccisli .Not to Marry WNDON (AP) -The London Evening ·News reported today that lawyers for Happy Rockefeller's aunt Rachel FiUer offered Wclsh barman Michael Wilson $18,000 not to marry the mlllionairess nearly 50 years his senior. The News said Wilson told it he refused -"l got very .angry and told them J am not a fortune hunter" -and that Mjss Filler said at her home near Philadelphia: "I have no intention or changing my mind . The more they press me, the more determined I am to marry Mr. Wilson." The newspaper said Miss F i t I e r ' s ,.Jawyers "were upected 10 make' one mere attempt. today to try to have lhe couple call it off.'' "I think it is because I am a mine.r's 90fl that they feel I am not fitted lo marry Miss Filler," said Wilson, a hand!IOme 29-year-0Jd who is visiting his mother in the \Velsh town of Llay. '' He said be wou.ld be telepOOning a.lis.5 'Filler today. " .•. Yes, reversed charges," he told a questkming newsman. Wilson said the difference in their ages is Irrelevant because their rtla- tionship is based on companionship. "Is she 77?" he asked. "I'd never have thought she was as much as that 3od, of course, being a genUeman, I never asked." The tall, ruggedl y built former ·choirboy announced through a newspaper jn Uay that he was going to marry ~~l~un!-. ~Vk~~~e:.sre=~/::1~i:! former !\fargaretta "Happy" Fttler. !\1iss Filler and l\trs. Rockefeller are joint heiresses to the Fitler fortune, at one time valued at more than $8 .,million. Reports on r-.uss Fi ller's age ha ve va ried from 61 up\\'a rds. Two 1nembers of her staff at her home in an exclusive Phi ladelphia subu rb said she is in her 80s. "I ~·ould neve r have dreamed she '"""' ""JC~ O\'~ 60." iaid Wilron. who met l\liss FitJe r while he was working as a butler at the exclusive Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach. Fla. "I learned to respect her intelligence and her judgment. and we established a tremendous closeness. Our relationship was built entirely on companionship rather lhan on love." \Vilson sa id Tues· day from his parents' modest, three· bedroo m home in this small We I s h \"i llagc. ORANGE COAST • DAILY PILOT •Or-. CN1t 0.11, '°llet, •111....idl 11- llifltd 11111 ...... "'"'· II ....al"'*' lty llW Or..,. CNJI P\lllllllMllQ CO"'lll~,. S.O.....i.edltloN- ....,.1,,..,. M&no11 111rouv11 Fr~. tor c-u. Mtv, ~ .. llOl'"I IHIJ<ll, Huntlf'lllOll 8Mcll/~· t•lft v111.,, l•wln•, !>1001,i..c:k v111e, •!IC U.-lklJ<ll/Soutti CNll. A llNJ"-r~ edlUOft 11 Jllljbli-!>llu•cl1'1 l<ld ~ Tlw iirlflCl.,..I po,i fll•\l'if'l<J p11n1 I• 11 :IOO Wtlt Bly su ... Cost• .w.w. ~1ttorn11 ~ Robert N. Wet'd P••"*M•""""fll•- Jack R. Curltv li·I~ "'•"<Wnl •fl<I C..""'11 MilM Qitr Thomas Keevil Thomas A. Murphi ne Newport Bt•ch Ofl ice UUNt'"""""1flo~trl fNlllilt A<klt,O J' 0. lo1 lllS, •*I Ttltl)ftOM (714) "41 ... .)21 Cl•ssified ACSvt rtislng 642·S671 too"•qrtt. t'11. 0••• Cot\f 1111t111-..... °""""' ... "' .. , Wltin, Hl1n1• ...... ~. .-i1«11t ITll"~' •• •d>'fr11i-t "'"""' ,, .. , lit r'eorHK•I llflll'leul •••91 -llli'-M «*"fnori1 o-•. Sttolld fll~ flO'll .. , .. Id II C.SU. ,...WI, Qllfo•"'I' 5'11K(ft~tl... bT \-U.I» ..-1111,; "' m111 lo'.00 iner>INW: mtu .. , •nwiMttt ,,,, .. ""'1lll1• ' I Dean Hints Tapes Not The Same WASHINGTON (UPJ J -Watergate "'ilness John W. Dean III ttstitied today that some \Vhitc House tapes he has heard don·t square "i th his recollections of crucial meetings he had with Richard f\I. Nixon as the scandal began unravel· in.g last year. <Related stori es. Pa'-e A3 ) In some instances. Dean said, 'there \\.'ere parts missing " on tapes he review- ed and in others there \\.'ere discussions he didn ·1 remember at all. U.S. District Judge John J. Sirlca, presiding over the Watergate cover-up tlial ~flere Dean was in his si xth day on the stand, immedia tely directed that the questioned tapes be played so the jury could decide ii Dean has been telling the truth 11bout his Nixon meetings. "Now listen ," Sirlca said. sl apping the bench wltb his hand as defense lawyer John J, Wiison objected. "Just a minute. You just stop talking until I get through. "You are not going to argue to this jury that this man (Dean ) went up lo the ' Senate committee ... and gave false information when you will not let the tape be played. I think those iapes ought to be pl ayed in order to get all the facts before the jury and let them decide." The argument erupted with the jury out o( the courtroom as Wil500, attorney for cove.r--up defendant H. R. Haldeman , sought to establish that Dean's testimony last year belore the Senate Watergate committee -in which he linked Nixon to the rover--up plot -differed sharply from the White House tapes. De.an. the fonner White House counsel. testified there had bten "a lot of overlap" in the subjects discuued at the three meetings and that he told the proJeeution after hearing the tapes be could not vouch that the reairdings matched his reaiUectlons. Sirica then excused the jury and the argument over Dean's cred.Jbillty broke out. Defense attorneys ultimately waived their objections and agreed to let ""the three tapes be. played without having Dean vouch for them. Earlier, Wilson led Dean through his use -without getting permission from anyone -of $4,&SO in caeh from a While House fund to pay for his honey~ moon and other personal expenses. · Dean, unruffled~dmitted he h a d helped himself to the cash in October, 1972 from $15,200 entrusted lo him for safekeeping six month! before and bad reptaced it with a penonal check that would have bowlced had ll been cashed. Just before he was fired from the \Vhite House in April. 1973, be testified, he gave another check for $4,850 and the remaining $10,350 in cash lo his lall-'Yer. He .said the money was put into escrow at a Rockville , ~fd. bank and is still there pending 1 e g a I determination or who rlghUully owns it. The money originally was part of a $350,000 cash fund diverted from the Nixon re-election campaign to the White House, where it was kept u n d e r Haldeman's control. Some of it even· tually was paid to the Watergate burglars. Bunyard Elected Presiding Judge For Second Term Orange County's 31 Superior Court judges unanimously e I cc t e d presiding Judge Robert A. Banyaro today to a second one year term of office. The Santa Ana jurist \i:i.11 begin his second 1crm Jan. 1. His fellow judges honored him at the court's an nu a 1 meeting today !or what they said is his "outstanding service" during 1974. In other action , the judges named Judge Robert L. Corfman of Newport Beach as a regular member of the four-judge executive comm i ttee of Superior Court. Among the !our alternates named to the u.eculive committee were Jl!Qge Frank Domenechini of San aemente and Robert P. Kneeland of Newport Beach. Bic ycle Program Slated for Youths A bicycle program for children and tcenal{ers featuring the fil m "Bicycle Clown ·· will be held at 4 p.m. 11lursday on Balboa Island. The program is being sponsored by librarians at the Ne11.oport Beach Public Library. Along \\1th the 10.minute film there \viii be a discussion on bicycle safety by Newport Beach police olficer Stan Bressler and a demonstration on simple bicycle repai r and malntenance. There will also be informallon on bike licensing and a s:impllng of the library's biking book s on display. The program \\"il l be conducted at 115 Agate Ave. ~1ote inform ation ls available at 67>71132. Bar Owner Stabbed SAN FRANClSCO I UPI) -A ~y .. r- old Tcndt.rloln bar own4!r was stabbed to Qeath Tue9day during an attempted robbery on the tteps of his apartment buildin '' --. ... ... •, ... Higli Wire Act 1'°'"' ''."' '""'! ., ..... ;,,.. j. ' ' -. . , . -Die ln .Bu.s, Trfiln Crash ARAGOlf, Ga. (UPIJ "-Seven chllmn were tilled and 71 injured today when a train backed into a school bul cram· med with 'screamm, children who COUt<f see \he train coming but cou1dn11 es· .. pe. Wltnfsses said the repair train had been called to the scene of a derailment during the night and was backing up a1ong the tracks when It hlt the bus. The train dragged the crumpled. bus seve~I huodred ·lee\ down the .IJ:ici<, police said •• When the' train came to a halt, the caboole wu derailed aDd on top of the 0Ytrtumed bus. The Polk County coroner first reported that the bus drtV<r, Billy Kelle!~ had bem killed. .Bu\ polloe Jiter aid Ile was hosplt.alied in critical condition. A spokesniJIO 1(or Southern Railway in w~ • the train wai moving about eigbt miles per bour . Bir~ variously identified by Ba Ibo a Peninsula honjeowners as linnets or cedar waxwings flock togethtr on telephone lines before swooping down to savor red berries on pyracantba bushes near llfiramar Drive and L Street in !'fewport Beach. - The accident OCCWTed between the towns of Rockmart and Aragon, about 35 miles northwest of AUanta. There were railroad crossing signs on each side of the road , but no nasb.ing ~gnall. - From Page Al BAIL ... Defenae evidenct ... lncludts a pawn shop ild<et aigned by Rmsell that night In downtown Long Beach, where he bought a jewelry trinket for his new wife Karen while they were out on the town. "l'!e just llke a kid ... ," he said somewhat sadly In a jallhouse interview with the Daily Pilot last Friday. "We rode all the rides and me 'n David ebot some pool." He said that night the amusement park was one of the fir.it he and Karen enjoyed together, !ince her son by a previous marriage, Nolan Tracy, 11ow 4, was spend.iz:Jg the weekend witb his natural father. A court in Napa County, Cali!., subse-- quenUy c:rdered the child taken away fI].m James and Karen, saying it was an unfit home if the stepfather stood accused of murder. Russell's brother Noal>-al0> charged in the savage slayiDg of the invalid-was in Department 100 of I.m Angeles County Superior Court himlelf Tueoday, but only as a spectator and mtmber Of the family . He is free on hi! own recognliance "'ithoot having to post cash bond on the Oklahoma homicide charge, f o r v.•hich no trial date has even been set yet. His brother bu been held 745 days without ball, arraignment or t r la I , because In his case extradition l! In· volved and an ettradltJon hearing is not te<:bnically a trtal. . Santa Ana attorney Roger Agajanian, v.'ho Is representing Russell free of charge, claims his client has been sub· jected to double jeopardy but so far, appelate COW"b: and tbe California Supreme Court have yet to '!free. Oklahoma authoriUes, meanwhile, claim they have new evidence against Russell In the patheUc slaying of the crippled old man1 but refuse to dlJcuss a ~-•· t.-"--•--............... . RUMell wu arrested once in Orange County and eventually freed by Superior Court Judge William Murrary on the basis of a polygraph le!t that strongly indicated his innocence. One factor Oklahoma authorities claim to have ls an alleged call by the defen· dant to his brother Noah in the Sooner State, in which he claimed to have bragged that he sure did beat that lie de~ test. Anaheim Jurist Resigns Seat On County Pane] Gal al J . Kemahan of Anaheim resigned today from the Orange County Grand Jury and will be r<pfaced Thunday in a drawing ordered by Superior Court Irvine, President Nudges .. Library, Museum Plans · Coordinated plamlng of a libn.ry and art muaeum. ii: Newport Center baa been given a nudge forward by Irvine Company President Ray Wa!SOll. In a recent letter to the Newport From Page Al OLDSTERS ..• Harbor Hopper operation might show that it suffered. from "poor routing, poor scheduling, or a combinatim of all these." It also mentions that 10tne c 1 u b memben ·are not able to .walk "two long hlock3" from the cluh to !5th Street and Irvine Boulevard w b e re Orange County Trans.it Di!trict servk:e is available. "Every week we have seokrl uklng for transPortatJon to our cub and there just isn't any available," the club':11 let· ter said. "They enjoy our club and its ma11y activities. But they need b e t t er transportation. Not everyone bas a car," the Jetter continued in Us appeal not to have public transportation planning dropped because of the Harbor Hopper experience. Israeli Envoy's Son Attacked NEW YORK (AP) -Gilead Tekoah. l~year-0\d son of the lsrae\i ambassador to the United Natiorrs,-has bet:u ,...;,u.:,u of $28 an dsome personal papers while riding a bicycle through Central Park. Police said five teen-agers attacked Tekoah and threw him down Tuesday, then fled . The victim's father, Y&9eJ Tckoah, lives with his family near the park on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Police said today they had no leads in the case. • • Beach City Council, Wat.on suQesl! that trull«s ol the city's libn.ry board and the private Newport -Art MUJeUm shouJd "develop a mutually acceptable alte plan." "Ideally, the propooed library lite plan and destgn lhoWd he -led with the propooed Newport llart« A r t .M-.n so that COl1llllOll poztinr would oerve each building ~ .. well as minimize overall parking aeedl,'' Watson wrote. Watsm's wggertion 'was touched of! by hie recent . meetinj;,,iw J th Coun-- <ilwoman LuciJleeKU<bn and two library trustees. • • Purpose Of the meeting WU to dlacuss I MJltable slte for ;a fiopooed llbwy In ~·~that """ cily OOUil!'ll mdor.1e111eot 1181 Febfua11. , Acconlin( 'to WU,0.'11 l!lter, thooe pment at !he -ting qreed the moot logical site for the library woold Ile ....,. the city's fire and Murt police fadlltl,. as w.U as the propooed art museum. The company last month donated land for tbe Newport Harbor Art Muaeum near the two city faciliUts, subject to the museum trustees raising the money needed for construction. · Should the city want to build the library, Watson suggests that: -An arcllitect be retained to develop a site plan acceptable to the library and museum trustees. -NegoUaUons then belln for city 'ac- quisition of its portion of the s.ite. -The city council make a "clear com. mitment" to proe«d with the project once negotiat:foo:s ~ co~clud;ed ... -I\ urne IK.,~1.ue 1u1 u.i.llWqs ..... quisitlon and building the library be established. Watac.\'s letter roncluded with h Is assurance c:l the company's cooperatico "on this very important facility for the city." The ~uneil ie expected to dl9cuss Wat.son's letter and bis suggestion of a coordinated development at Tuetday'a study session. Darrell Smilb said he .... pumping gasoline at a eenice station about so feet mm the croeslng • the collision occurred. He give thll descrip- tion Of the accident: • "The bus was Slopped, !iOd It atarted on. acrosi. The train was backing up, It ....,eel like it speeded up and bit the bus." Smith said one of the wortmen jumped off the train and ran to the front fi the train yellina: at the engineer "Go back. Go bade.'' Resurfacing Job At CdM' s Tennis Court.s Urged Citing huardous coodltloos for teonls te.ams at COr<laa del Mar High Schoo~ parents Ul'fl:ed• Newport·Meaa I ch o o I -Tueoclay nllht le spond $1,500 tor.surface the tehool:• eiiht "°""'· Trust~ Nied dbtrict officials to look ~ tlle,l""l""'I. A ..... ll ,)lave ,~v ocourr14, oo the i>rear-Old. "slippery'' ClOW1I. Loutao Jaf(el'I, !elder ol Ille Corooa de! Illar Tennis Boosten, told the boord. She said ~utjnc, cost!J\113,lllO, II need· ed !<! limed)' the situation. The dll1rlct already bu apoed to spend $3,000 to repat.nt the courts • Another, 13,000 is being ,chipped In by the ct)y ol Newport Beach, which - the coiirtl In Ill """"lion department program. Mn. Jagm 11'd ~ht WU told 111 Cal Stewart, Newport: Beach recruUon director, that If the district autho<Uel the 11.500, Ile will aak the Newport Beach City Council to contribute tbe same amount. The ..... ainlng ie<JO would Ile donated by the Tennis Boo!tere, the said. Tbe' club has about 70 partnt.11 of membm of the boys' and girls' tennis teams at the ocltool. "ii~ Dua.rd also ra.~ived 1eVeral ieuen urging the resurfacing. Ron Davll, d1rec<or <i athleUao al Corona del Mu High, wrote, "As tennis instructor on the oourtJ J hive wttne.ed many faIDng accldenta becallle of tht courts beiDl '!O slippery. I feel resurfacing · and painting are neceesary to provide a safe t!el!llrable facility fer the high school students and members of the ·community """ .... 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA-646· I 9 I 9 Judge Everett W. Dickey. "' Kemahan, 48, esplained that his ex· eculive duties with the Ca 11 r or n i a 4 Teachers Association have increased and Skateboards & Wheels Shuffleboard Sets no longer permit him to meet his Grand Jury conunltments. ' Kemahan is the second grand juror to resign since the IS.member panel was ~'Of"ll in last November. Bus iness pn!SSUTet fofoced the reslgna· tion ol JO&epb Gallin Jr., an El Toro security office*. · place on tile panel was taken by Marctlla Soot~ the wile <i Foun Valley Mayor Geo'ie Scott. 2 Candidates Meet NEW YORK (UPI ) -A deb1te betv .. Hn New York II.ale's thre e senatorial candldatts btgan po 11 t e I y Tuelday but then erupted into an angry argument bet~·een Sen. Jacob Javt11 and hit OemocraUc chlllengu. f0nntr Attorney Gtnual Ramie)' Clark. The d>bate was held at the edltolial ,olflm of The NfM York nine. and tnltlally focused on campaip nnandng and tn- flalion. Barbell & Dumbell Sets Croquet Sets Slc..t Boards loxhNJ GloYes . Judo Suits Karate Suits Te1111ls Dresses Tennis Shorts T ennls Shirts Tennis Sweaters T entll• Shoes Open 9 to 6 Closed Sunday I T ennls · Rackets Tennis Balls Te1111ls Ratket Strln9l119 Racquelban Rac.queli & laOs Handbdl GloYes & Balls Wannup Suits Swffl Siilh Hooded Sweatshirts Adldas-ConYtrff.Spot llH TICJ9r-lrooks-Bob WoHe Shoes Leather Foolballs-Basketball1·Soc· cer lolls Bike Repairs-Parts-Tl.res-Tube1 . 531 Center 646-ltlt i I I I I I I I I -- -- Man b ets Life Term -In Murder LOS ANGELES iAPl - James Mitose, 57, a seJr. styled religious leader <ind karate master, hns drc&wn a lire sentence in prison ror masterminding the denlh of a weallhy San (iahricl \'al· Jey strawberry rurmcr. r.1ilose wats sentt•nced Tuesday in Superior Court after his conviction on <i charge of ordering a young "'disciple" to kill a San Dimas farmer. Taking note (.._ __ s_t_a_te_~) ol his age, Superior Court Judge Leslie W. Light said in handing down the sen- tence "this undoubtedly m~ans he will spend the remainder or his life. in prison." Trial Set In eotek A FmudCase Debate Slated SACRAMENTO IAPI 1'.he first fa ce·lo·race dcb:i te belween the U.S. Senate candidates 4'.:omes today after a disclosure thut Sen. Alan Cranston has r aised $890,898 for his campaign, • TARGET OF LAWSUIT Dav id Carradine 'Ku~gFu' • • Star Sued > In Attack • SAN FRANCI$CO IUPll -Opening ;Jrg ume nts begin today in a federal trial lor the former presiden t of till oil drilling rirm \\'ho is ch:1rs;:ed ~·ith securities fraud and mail fr<1ud. 1\ Jur y was picked ·ruc!id;.iy for the trial or John P. Uurke. <18 , of La r.tcsa, former president of Geotek, "who also is charged by the securities and exchange l'Ommission with Citing false ~tatements . 1'oday's debate in San Francisco is the first or three this week between the four Senate can· didates : Cran s ton , ltichardson, Gayle 1\1. Justice or the Pcacl! and f'"reedom party and Jack !\lcCloy or the American Ind ependent party. Attorneys Arthur J. Lem· '-----------' pert, 42, oC San r.tateo and Robe<! Rose, ... or S•n Boosts Told Rafael :ilso are on trial, charged with conspiracy to OAK LAND <AP) fl f J t t t 'th Kaiser foundation officials LOS ANGELE'S <AP) -·1h!s:J.~ s 3 e men 5 wi have announced a whopping Telev,isio n's "Kung Fu" The indictment against 15.8 percent hike in 1975 star, David Carradine, h<.1s Burk e involves sales or health plan charges for em· been Sued for $1'.l million by securities worth $IO.l mil-ployers and union·spon - a woman who cl-aims the ilc· lionto643inveslors. sored groups and a 10 per- ter attacked ht!r dllr1n g a ~ The case cou ld figure in cent rate boos t for in- bizarre sequence of events the state's Novem ber baf. dividual customers. 1''ri.u1k that included the ran-loling for altorney general C. Jones, Kaiser vice sacking of his neighbor's as the result of assertions president and health plan canyon housc. by \Vi ll iam Norri s . manager.saidthecosthike l 'loods. llailsto11es Tornadoes Slam Desert Country Uy the Associated Press Desert areas rron1 the ti.lexican OOrder north to Needles 'A'ere battered by minor tornadoes :ind flrier but violen t 1hunde1'!;lorm s v.·hi ch ll'ft scver:il honlcs dnmuccd ••nll a number or roads flooded . One or the lornarl()('S Tuesda y y:in ked tiles rronl the roof of l"'o ~mall v:1c:ition hon1c~ \\l"~t Qf J11shua 1'ree but no injuries \\t"rt' rt•portcd. The funnel "looked like a bl:i ck strP:-ik comin~ out of the sky ," said state Dh·1sion of Forc>~try Fire C<ipt. lt:1ul 'frC'1nbl:iy. "l \e seen bad \v1nds, but nothing like th:il." "T llE S•:COND T\\'ISTER touched do"·n in "\'ucea Valley but no damage was reported. 1·ornadocs are a rare occurrence in th"e area. ,. About o half.inch or rain and hail the ~i1.~o f i.:olf balls rell in Yucca Valley, touching off a mino r fla sh flood and num erous calls to firemen fron1 ~lca guered residents for assistance. Blythe, Cathedral City and J>a\m Ocscrt re1X>r·· led some fl ooding from more than a half·inl'h of rain. Authorities reported California lli~hway 62 \vas <:losed from Twentynine Palms to Yucca Valley, California 111 from Mecca to the Imperial County line and a section of Ca lifornia 78 north of El Centro. ~~y. Oetotxir 23, 197C DAILY F'lLOf I A.i WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY' • COLLEGE OF LIW "- oF ORANGE COUNTY C A LlfORNJ~·s. LARGtSr LAW SC HOOL • • •oFFERS A·NEW PROGRAM' OF SPRING-ENTERING FULL-TIME LAW STUDY A CHOICE OF FOU*. ,kOGRAMS OF LAW' sruor IS Al" AILAILE: • IN t /THER 2'/1 °" 1 YEARS r;I FULL.TIME /~" '.d1 / 15 lo de ••C,,., hoJI. ""'' wccl}. c• • IN EITHER J'/1 °'"YEA/IS of ,ARr.TIME d.;, .. "'" ,,, ..,... ,. •••• ,.; 1 . 1ruJ, (J l!Ol.M ''" .... 1, J .4 l.o.•. IJCI t l<J."), • • You , ~ ""', -;<:ur J'J;1~ ooc.ro1t (J a J d•11•t c I O"<O"'c elt91i.•" lo IO•t ,;-, Col.rat"IJ B~ t 1om1nt;l.t11. WllTE 01 •HONE JOR CATALOGUE 800 South Broo khurSt Anaheim, Ca. 92804 17141 635·3453 APPLY NOW FOlt DAY, EVENING, OR WEEKEND CLASSES BEGINNING FEBltUAIY 3, 1975 •tOV1510NAU"t' ACCIEOITfO IY THE COMM1ml 0' IAI IXAMINEl5 Of THE STATE IAI OF CAU,OINIA Frank Namimalsu, 65, called the strawberry king oC the San Gabr'iel Valley, was strangled last lw1arch 20 and his \11lfe, Yoshiko, was left for dead. Authorities saJd Namimatsu was goin g to report Mjtose ror bilking him by selling him $100,000 in phony medical cures. Anrick r.1arie Kilty said; Democratic candidate for is due to rising operational i~ the Superior Couf\ sui~ .• the offi ce. ~c"o"'st,,s'-. -------------------..-----------'----------------------ftlcd Tuesday that the 37-Norris has i;:ontendcd that ' CnMpal9n Probe LoS ANGELES fAPl - Despite a flurry of com· plaints a bout campaign fu nds irregularities, only one candtdate for state or- fice is under "active" in- velitigation for alleged cam- paign reporting violations. Att y. Gen. Evelle Younger said in an inter- view Tuesday that Assero· blyman Joe Gon salves (0· Cerritos), is the only can- didate under investigation. 1\1...., Presldf'Hf LOS ANGELES fAPl - Lee II. Davies, \\'ho h:i s guided ~lodesto as mayor for the past eight years, has 1 been elected president or the League of California Cities. The election or Davies came Tuesday at the 76lh annual conference or the league. Denth Aeeidf'nt LOS ANGELES IAP'l -· ,.he death of a 10i)1eer-ol1 boy following a n E\'el_. Knie\'el·type bi cycle stunt has been ruled accidental by a coroner'.s jury. However, two or the seven j urors Tuesday found "some degree of negligen- ce" at Queen of the Valley Hospital in \Y est Covina, where Frank Perry was 1aken twice for treatment. Sunday is FL1tl&AY' in the l1tjjijij!(1)i year-old actor, ordered her the in cumbent attorney to t~ke off all her clot~es ge oernl, Evelle Younger. <~~ring _the attack. l\l1ss fai le d as l~os Angeles K1l.tysa1d.she refused. _ Di s trict Attorn ey t o Ca~rad1n~ faces arraign-properl:r i nvestigat e m~nt Thursday on three Geotek. mis demeanor-charges stemming from the Sept. 15 incident at the home or SLA s·t 1.lichael Lobner. Carradine .J e allegedly smashed wi ndows al the house , rifled a Ord d medicine cabinet, played ere the piano and left a bloody trail to hi s ow n -home. Demoli·shed authorities saiQ. J\llSS KILTY said in her civil s uit that the actor leaped fron1 a car "naked and bleeding" as she \\'as \valking "'ilh frien ds. She ch1imed he screamed that she \YUS a •·"·itch," hit her and tried to pull her clothes orr. She said the atlacl( Jen her bruised, emotionally upset and unable to sleep. The suit seeks Sl00.000 genera l damages, un · specified medical expenses and St million 1n puniti\'e dama~es . ~ . Fire ·~azes GWTWSet CULVER CITY IUPll - Where the crand army of the republic and: a cast or thousands failedt a small brus h fire s u·cceeded 'fuesday night. The set for the Atlanta r:1ilro:id station seen by mil· lions in the movie .. Gone \\'ith ·rhe \\'ind" \\'ns gone with the \\•ind a nd the fire· toda y. 'fhe ~rass blaze S\\"t'Pl through the Beverl y Culver Studios. LOS ANGF.I.ES CAP! - The s ite of last A:lay·s bloody shootout \\'ilh the Symbiones e l.ibera tion Ar my has been ordered razed by the City Council. The eouncil ordered the Departmen t of Public \Yorks Tuesday to demolish the South Los Ange les house at city expense estimated at $3.000. The modest residential art.'a has been a haven for c urios ity seekers and !'OU\·enir hunte rs since sbt SLA mem bers, including leader Donald "'Cinque" 1.>et"ree:ie, \\'ere killed in the '.\lay 17 shootout with police and the ensuin g fire. A l"olsom Prison inmate who died this past weekend was visited four tinles last year by a member or the SLA killed in the shootout, prison offi cials say. George Haynie, an ad- ministrative assistant to the wa rden, s;i.id Tuesday that SLA member Na ncy Ling Perry visited inmate Rayn1ond Sparks at the prison twice in July 1973, once in t\u1:ust :ind once in December. "They Wt>re apparently trying to get members'' Jl aynie.said. __ UNBELIEVABLE PRICES 2 RACKS ONLY '· ·, • '· • LADIES SALE SHOES NATURALIZER -LIFE STRIDE COYER GIRL:.__ KEDS -CARESSA BERNARDO & OTHERS LIMITED SIZES 3 DAYS ONLY I ' • •• s2 ~9 •• ~ " to REG. TO $28 • ~ft[{!#i!?ES 1052 IRVINE -WESTCUFF PLAZA -NEWPORT BEACH • 548·8684 ' ' - ' . • South Co:.st Plata Co~t11Mcsa ' t.<1 1? E Sorinn ' I r1 nq Br.ii" ~ \ ,, \ ' ,- ~ .!i ~ ±: ~ ~ (/1 •• ~ ~ ! :P ; s: (ii . g -d re :D· ~J Afi I I r ' I f .. DAll.l' PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Voters Must Choose How do you maintain educational levels In the fuc·c of a seven to IO pcr<.iHll increetse in operations due.• to !nflatlon. when a recent state law says you may on ly increase your expendi tures by three percent ? That is the dile mma th;:it races the Newport-~1cs a Uniried Sch.ool District, ;;ind it i8 the question th e school di strict is in erfect putting to the voters in the form or Pl'oposition Zon the November 5 ballot . In a com1>li cHted utle mpt to equalize the amount of public money speot per pupil in the public schools throughout Califurniu, the state has cla mped a lid on lhc .umounl of moncy per pupil relatively <1ffluc nt school dis tricts li ke Ne\vport.J\1csa 1nay spend. 'fh1s m t ans that rcJ!:.irdlcss of anv in('rf·ase in the district 's assf.'SSCd valuation. r\e\vpOrt f\l e'.\;i 's e;.; 1>en diturc pe r pupil for the next year is froicn at about three llCr<:C'nl o\'er this year . It is all the l:.i\v allO\\'S, <lespite the estimate of ;.1 seven to 10 percent increase' 1n operati n~ costs duC' to innution a lone -a nd despite the fact that s t;1te mandated cost increases use up t he three percent permitted increase. ' Put another \vay, this simply mc:1ns that for t'he for eseeabl e future the <Jmount of actual instructional services and opcratiOg supplies that the district can purchase per pupil \\!ill decline each year because of inflation. · In Prop. Z. the school district is asking voters if they v.'unt to maintain the current educational level by increasin g th e unnual limit o n per-pupil cxpc:n- dltu·res enough to offset inflation and the state -mun· dated cos t increases. State law authorizes suc h an election and a majority vote is required. '!'he incret.tsc asked fo1· is $150 per pupil, about 12 percent .. 1'hc p rojected 1975-76 ti.Ix rate "'ould be in · creased from about SJ.68 lo about $4 .21, \vhich district officials point out is very close to the 1973-74 rate. To the 0\\'ncr of an S80.CXX> hoose this increase means about Sl05 a ye(;lr ; lo the owner of a $35,000 housC' ii means about $45 a yet.tr. Jo:ven with the additional $150 per pupil, lhe district ''ill huve to ('U \ buek son1e or its services lo the com· n1unilr to maintuin thl? basic educational services. It's 'nol a good time to ask the taxpayers to pay n1ore. especially in the face of the increased assessed vciluations that have hit many Newport-Mesa tax· pa )·crs. But it 's an even poorer time to start cutting ba r k on the e dul'ational opportunities for our <"hild1·en . The Daily Pilot recomm ends a YES \'Ole on 111·op. z. U11co1nfortable Lesson l:n\\'antcd oil that continues to gurgle to the ... urface in \Ve st Ne\vport Beach is. at best , <.1 n en\·ironmcntal nightmarl'. No\,. it's seepage from an abandoned well at 44th Street <1nd Balboa Bbulcvard that's infes ting a residential neighborhood \\'ilh no ise, foul odors. traffic congestion a nd unsightliness. Unfortunately, the oil plague can't be e nded simply by applying more manpo\\-·e r or money· to the proble m . The city has already made a substantial commitme nt of both. So. the residents impacted by the oil blight J pparently have no alte rnative but make the best of <i very bad sitiJation while the trial and error process of finding a solution goes o n. If the re's a lesson to be le;,1rned fro m the unfortunat e plight of the \Ves t Ne \vport Beach rt•sidcnts. it might be that proble ms related to oil drilling arc s ometimes beyond the comprehe nsion of the experts. That thought shouldn't be lost on thos e v.·ho sa~· there's nothing to be lost by drilling o ff Southern California's coast . • • • • N 'And they used to call us racists!' r • ' ~ Ho~ Kissinger Dear Gloomy Gus He's Ahead of the President ~ ' ' ' t • ~ • • i Wielded Power ~ \VASl-llNGTON -For theipast ri ve i years. U.S. foreign PoLi cy has been al most totally dominated by one man -Dr. llenry A. Kissinger. Jnsidc sources. v.·ith sec ret documents to back up their story, have told us how : • • ' . • . • . he manipulate d th e diplomatic strings. Throughout the ~ Nixon years, Kis· O! singer steadfastly ~ maintained lo f inquirinR repor· ters that he never ~ rec ommended • • ~ • policy to th e ~· Pre-s idc nt unless his \•ie'A'S were ' "I !iOlicited. lie merely presented .. OP· ~ lions," he vowed . a~~ left it to the ~ rhicf to make the dec1s1ons. I r t :~ • ! ; . • • • • . • ' • I • , • . • • • IT WAS SAID President Nixon v.·ould retire to the solitude of the Lin· coin sitting room or to his secluded of. fice in the \Vhite I-l ouse annex, wh ere he "'OUld pore over his options. After m1,1ch. agonizing and scratching on vcllow legal pads. he v.·ou ld emerge ~nd announc(' his momentous dee is io ns. This is not. according to our sour l'l'S. hoy.• it happened. They say Kis- :-;1 nger seldom failed to gi\'e the Prl'sident his personal recommcn- clallon..-and Nixon seldom failed to ta ke the advice. 1\s a former Kis· .-.inger a ssociate put it s uccinctly : '"Nixon agreed with l·lenry on th(' th ings he kneY.' about. and he trustt'd llenry on the things he didn·t kno,,· ;1hl)ul. ·• TllE PATTERN \\as set early in l!lti9 \l'hen Nixt'lll gave the National &rurity Council staff a pep talk. Af. ter a fey" general remarks. accordin,e; 10 se,·e r;i l eye \\"ilncsses, he nodded tlJ \\"ard Kissinger. "l-lcnry and I are )!oin g to end the ..,.. ar," the-President :-;ild. ,,·ith a sly smile.•. •·\\·e y.·ant you fcllO\\"S to tak~ c;1 r1! of the rest of thl' \IOrld .. , ()ur sources say Nixon lhcn laun- ('hed into a furious and vulgar assault •Jn the Stale Department . F'orei11n poli cy \1·:1s go ing to be handled by the \\'hile I-l ouse. he dcch1rcd. and not by lhr .. striped-pants fai;t gots" at Fogg,y .llottom. Thcrr \11:-1:-; ;i C'Ollcct11·r gasp from tht• l\\O do7.<'n NSC staff members Prrsidcnl Nixon. '''ith his penchant ror sayin{! the y.•rong thin.it al the 11-rong time. had forgotten that the m<1Jori1.v or his ;1udicnce had tome to !hr \\'hit(' !louse from the foreig n ser- 1'1cr. TllEREAt~TER. K1:r;s1ng<'r set up lus O'ol'n pri\'a te State Dc1lartmcnt in • tl1e basem ent of the \Vhitc !louse. J "·here he directect every :1~pcct of the t d ccislon·making mathinl'ry. ~ He prMldcd 01•cr tht• l\·a11onal ! : .Securit)• C<>uncil. v>'hirh dctcrnunecl overall policy. Ml' controllt•d t he supcrsecret Comm1t1ec or ~ ... orty, "'hR:h plotted co11crt acti\'ilic.s. lie :;ilso headed the \\'ashln)(ton S1>er i:il Action Group. y.·hich assembled to ~ m i.In age ct1sc;, 'l'he s<-rret minulf!!I show that Nixon I :-;;ctdom atte nded the ift crucial meetings but waited for Kissin l(er tu fill him in . l 'hc t'ol·O men conferred ) to.ie:thcr frC'que ntly. ;J.: SOt'RC ES "'ho OC"c:1s1on;t lly 1,1.·pr:s rallrl'I into I hear 11r1,·a1e mcct1n{!~ sa:- /'ii):on and Kissin ger apparc>ntly did· n"t cnRage in deep, intelleC'tual di~CU!'>· :;,ion~. 'rhcN l;tlkcd abouL ~orld Issues 1n l !'rm~ or personalities arn:t they "·ere ofte n vulg:i.r. rl1)plng into •• · for <'iJ:n l ea d ers with c rude , .sometimes cruel, 1·e m:1 rks. ' (JACK ANDERSON) \\'hen Ki ssinger travelled abro<id, he kept the President inrormed y.•ith cryptic personal messages. Only the two of them understood some of the references. A typical message from Kissi nger in the 1'1-tiddle East. as recalled by ll source who saw it. reported: '·l\.fel with Number One . Discussed options Ile agrees in principle." MOST OF Kissinge r 's rccommcn· dations to the President "'ere submit,. led formally in secret me mos, which were guarded as closely as nuclear secrets. Very few of Kissinger's as· sociates are aware such documents .exist . We , hoy.·e\·er . ha\·e seen so mti of them. A lypic:1I Kissin gcr·to·Nixon memo \\•ould be typed on \Vh itc !·louse letferhead and stamped SECRET Kis singer \\"Ould begin y.•ith tersl' hackground information and then outline his ··recommendations.'' At the bottom of the page y.·ere two blank lin es. thl" leftmost marked "Ap· prove," and the 01her "Disapprove." Almost nel'er. according to our sour· ces. did Nixon initial the "disap· prove" space. USUALLY. a series of .. tabs .. fol· lowed on plain y.·hite paper. These took up specific issues, expressed i.n hlunt, cand id la ngua~c. Each lab con· taine:d •·approve " and "disapprove .. lines. The cro\\·ning touch y.·ould come ''·hen Nixon called in his Cabinet or other associates to brief them on his · foreign policy decision. As he spoke to them, he ill'Y a riabty co nsulted a '"talking points .. pa1X'r prcparC'd. of course. hy the ubiquitous Or Kis- singer. KISSINGE R'S Jll'rsonal memos a nd talking papers J!Uidcd Nixon on the \lit•t nam \\'ar. the inva sion of l'anl· bodia, the South \1ictnamese invasion of Laos. and scores of other initiatives around the world. Our sources could recall only one major issue on ""hich Nixon \'t'loed Ki ssinger's re commendations. Thal y.·as the decision to homh ll:inoi ;ind mine llaiphong !!arbor in r.t ;iy 1972 In that instance. Nixon O\l'rrulcd :Ill of his chief advisers, in rlud in i; Ki s . singer. Kissin ger·s dom ination of foreii::n policy has continued into the Ford Ad ministration. Indeed. President fo~ord 1}:11'1 :r;carccly bee n ~ .... ·orn In before he ~sured the world that llr nry Ki s- singer '~·ou ld stay on . Like Nixon hcfore him. Ford leans hcal'ily on Kis· .-.tn{ler for foreign policy guida nc(•. Our souces Sii)'. in fa ct. that fo'ord ha .-. llllt o\·cr1·u\cd Ki ssinger yet . f"OOTNt>TE : f\ issinger has some hrilliant dip\omut1c 11chicvtments t~ tus credit, inclucl ini;?. IC'mporary pt.•:ic£' in the ~11ddle East, ll ctent c 1\·ith the Soviet Union and iapprochemcnt \o\'ith mainland Chin:i . Il ul there have also been a re"' d isasters. such as the In · dia-Pakistan v.·ar, Chile, Cyprus iind the aborted ··Year of Europe.'' Quotes i\lrio. f:. It. Przlboro•skl, Glendora •.. "This counlry"s stability doea not hang on the thin thread or nlere per·· ~on:ihty ... by adhering to truth and prl nelpll' as the only re:1I \•ulues. 'i:ood JJO\'ernmcnt inevitubly must follow. Tips on Saving Energy Let ·s teac·h dogs to read! \Vhcn it comes to observing leush la1,1.·s and other controls. it's ob\'ious their .masters are illiterate. ~taybe t.h e n o ur be.iches , side\\•alks and gardens '>''Ould not be foul ed . (j \\' . GI....,, {;wt t•mnn•lt ••t 111-1\M 1y •••OH• -clo ftGI ~ttttUrll\' t tllt<I Ille .... -91 Wll "''"''""'"· S.nol TOWr IN\ PH .... Gl.-J'{;<lt, O.Uy Pilot. Difficulty With the Decalogue (SYDNEY HARRIS) In any di scussion of\\·orld problems and man's fate, somebody sooner or later is bound to proclaim, with sweet smugness. "\Veil. if Y.'e only would obey the Deca logue, everything y.·ould be rine. After all. the Ten Command· menls arc still lhe best rute-s to fol· low ... \'et, if y.·e took such a man seriously and ques tioned him on only one of the ·rcn Com mandments, and perhaps the most intport ant. what 1,1.·ould be the result " '"Thou shalt not kill." A plain, fl al s talentent. \.Vi thout qualification or modificalion. What does our friend of lhc Decalogue say lo this'.' Does he ac- cept it. completely and uncc1uivoca l ly" Or does he try to get around it in one 1\·ay or another? FIRST OF A.LL, he 1,1.•ill say that Y.'t' ha \'e a "ri ~ht '' to kill in se lf· defense: -even though the Decalogue rlocs not say. "Thou shalt not kilL ex· cl"pt in self-defense." 1·hen he-\viii say that sociC't~· has a 11 ght 10 kill offenders, if their offense •s deemed grievous enough-even though the first ki ller, Cain. y.·as not executed by God but "·as branded ;ind sent inlo ex ile. NC'xl. he Y.'ill insist that a nation has the .. right .. to kil l enemies in lime of y,•ar: h<' may dc11lorc such a nel'cssitv land g'cnci·a ls arc the grcatcs"l dcplorers of all ), but he does not do ubt thnt the Lord is on the side of the "just" natidn. He y,•ill <i\so poi nt to many Old Test:-.n1ent passai:l's \\'hich seem to confirm his position. SO, fo"INAl .. L\', 1,1.•hat docs the com- mandment, '"Thou shalt not kill." amounl to" It amounts to y.•hatcyer \l'C 1,1.•:int to m.ikt it. Nohody ·bul u ··cr;i nk " takes the commandment litr rully : ncurly Cl'crybody bclle\'CS th:1! undC'r CC'rlain condition.c; il is ri~ht :ind proper to kill. llardly <1 nyonc except Socrates, J e:;us ::1nd a fey,• saints has ever truly bclic\'ed that ii is bcltcrto suffer pain than to inrti ct tl. The difric:ul1y 'ol'ith the TC'n Com· mundmcnls as not th:1t unbclic\•crs flout ii: it is 1.h:11 even ''bcl lcvent'' do not believe il. do not agree on It. do nol M<.1. qn It. A simple sentence of ro"r :>ne.·S)'llilblc 1,1.•ords ... Thou ~hal l not kill," hat <'nnroundl'd Christendom for 2.000 years for t he blood iest "'ars 1Jf ;ill ha\lc bce11 rcligious y,·ars. To the Editor; I am way ahead or President Ford in energy conservation. Since the Car- penters' strike in Jui~', I I gave up afl3' vacat ion trip. 2. I didn't buy a new color TV (and the TV I didn 'l buy was a Son y J. I did· n't buy a new pickup (it was a Mazda Rotary). J. I didn't drive too much. 4. I didn't buy many groceries. tThe groceries I didn't buy y.•ere roasts and steaks and chops moslly.) I HAVE only y.·orked 18 days since the strike and the wife can tell you that I have conserved a lot of energy around the house. Of course. there have been aboul ten strikes sin ce July. The wallboard men are out now. Two or three more strikes and I can go out ln the graveyard and dig my hole. JAMESW. BOLDING To the Editor: There is one error in Steve Oonaldson 's otherwise excellent article on Ne wport Landing in Sunday·s Daily Pilot of Ckt. 13 . The article states that "the first lumber cargo was delivered to a site that is approximately the location of Bayside Trai le r Park, across the Upper Bay Bridge from Wil Wright's ice: cream parlor." ' I have the U.S. Coast Survey chart of Newport1-l arbor, dated 1875, 1,1.•hich shows the wharfs, the wagon road from Santa An a coming down the I>over Road ca nyo n, and a bui lding located on the wes terly side of the bay. The location is marked "Newport I~anding." The easterly side of the bay was a.II tidelands. Since all of Donaldson's other descriptions arc accurate, I would suspect Iha! a gremlin got in hi s typc,,•riter, or perhaps, your linotype machine. • LI NDSLEY PARSONS ' K11owN n Bnr,,nin To the Editor The greatest ecooomic authority in the world is your everyday housey.·ife. She doesn't need a large staff of economic ad\•isors to tell her and the nation to tighten the belt She is already doing it . Be ing an economic expert. the housewife a lso knows that there is no better bargain than quality. Cheap things are too expensive!1That's why these housewi ves <PTA Mothers) are 1,1.·orking so hard to convince us that an increase In taxes through Proposition l. is worthwhile and ilis a bargain. After a'h , \\'hen you take the long vicY.', what can you ever buy for-a chi ld that's e qual to a quality l'<IU<:Ulio n? ..... CLAUDIAHOL~~AY l11f,.rml119 ''"'~"" To the Ed ii or : In the aftermath of Watergate, the public. more th.an ever. has a. rl111ht and a need to be inrormed about the randidates and the Issues ""1\h which it needs tu deal on Nov. S. lam incen- sed by the limited coverage given to such candidates us those runninlj: ror Secretary o( State, especially when· the office of Secretary or Slate governs the election law~ and wtll be concerned wit h restoring a morality to politics a t a lime when that ·--• ( MAILBOX ) Letters from reade rs are Wt'lcome. Nor· maUy , toritf!rs should convey lhe1r mes· $0.ges in 300 words or less. T/1e righl to con· dense lelters lo fil space or etimioole fibel is reserf}Cd. All tellers n1W include sig· nolurt and moiling oddresi bu.I oonies may M withht'ld on rt"quest ii su/Jicient reason 1s opporPnl. Poelry will no/ be publisht'd. morality has plummeted to an all· lime low . I A1'1 disappointed to sec political · reports about the least significant happenings, the lack of appearances, the reasons not to vote, rather than the who. what, 1,1.•bere and why that truly informs. One: such example is the race between Brian Van Ca mp and March Fong for Secretary of Slate. When the press reported on the Oct. 7 KCET debate bet'ol·een the can· didates for Secretary or State, more mention .was made of 1'1arch Fong's rea!bns for not appearingbn the sho1,1.· than was made or Brian Van Camp's highly articulate views oo the issues rt'levant to that of£ice. I, for one, want to vote fiS wisell' as possible. I want to vole ror the things I believe in and not just for the race or the gimm ick that is sensational enough to malie it into a back-page ne ws a rtic le . Let 's have more frequent reporting of the candidates whereabout,s and vie'l''S. on the issues. and lets get the voters' apathetic chins out of their hands and their eye!li onto the news! ALLISON WELLS Claim f 'orf Pile•I To the Editor : The chairman of the South Coast Regiona l Coastline Co mmiss ion, Donald B. Br:ighl, has forfeited any claim to that position of great p·ublic importance through his sorry perfor· mance in soliciting developers lo con- lribute to the campaign fund of Ed- mund G. Brown, Jr. He should r esign immediately or be forced out or office by public opinion. or by legal channels, for a gross con· flict or interest. The commission he h eads h as more: tha n e nough problems without having to operate under the cloud of being used for par- tisan politics. as tiitr . Bright has placed it through his unbelievable tac- tic. ROBE'ftTLEE 6ood Adt·lr~ To the Editor: > A.s a regular reader of the Daily Pilot, I would like you to know bow great it was to see a good story tn the People section such as the one Oc· tober 7 on Joyce Riley. I do not know her or the reporter ; however, I feel it is about lime the reading public find out more about nutrition and vitamins as relatecl to illness. emotional as well as physical, DOCTORS DO not tell people the ef- fect s of food. -additives, exce:~alve sugar and refined roodS beause they do not themselves know. A news paper reporting such racts does a great ser· \'ice to its readers. litany people: hist do not understand the dangers and are not motivated to search out the an· sy.·ers. Al so \\";lnt to tellyou flfllle Bell 's column on cooking for one las ~me sound a·dvice. ()(course, I cqok for more than that-three growing boys-but J still read it. I can adapt a ny recipe if I want by makinl 'aix ti}Tles as much. J I am not a heaU.h food nut nor o I e\·er \~:rite to newspapers. This is a first . Please keep up the fi ne job and let's ha ve more rine articles aboot feeding our-·fa ti'll li es y.•holesome. natura l foods free of additives. CllARUJTl'E EMMONS Memoir · of Hollyw<;>od HOLLYWOOD. By Garson Kanin. Viking. 39S Pages. $8.95. Jn 1937, Garson Kanin went to Hol· lywood to ''learn the ~usiness". or movlemaking and in this sometimes touching, qften funny and always well·Wrilte:n me moir he tells not only "'hat he learned about the: business but a~ut ~he people who made up that business. PEOPLE, for example, like Sumuel Goldwyn, the first ol the mighty for whom Kanin .. was to work over the ye ars, and who greeted the newly ar· rived play wright with ''Sidney -Howard tells me you're a very clever genius." That's the first Goldwynlsm to surface in this book, but not, by any means. the last. --Another: "If you v.·on.'t give me your word of honor, wlll you give me your prom~e~" KANIN also has a wealth or sldrtcs to lei! about such other major Ui;:ures as -to pick a few at rabdom -11arry Cohn , Darry l Zan1.1ek, Charles l.aughton and M :irilyn ~,onroe, and he tells them all well. llis book, it should be noted, js nol just a collection or stories and Vignct· tes, however. While It does contain many of th ~se it contains them within a carerully built framework to which their signi fica nce is subordinate to lhl" structure Ka nin wants Co build : his years in Hollywood, what they ( THE BOOKMAN ) meant to ~im and what It meant to him. He succeeds admirably. Pt.i1Tbttma1 APbooksE- ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robtr1 N, Weed, PtAbUlhlr Thom<11 Ktftlil, Editor Barbara Krdbtch, Editorial Po~ Editor The e<tltorial· pa11e ~ the Oall1 'PilOt see.ks lo inform and .UmulMe readers by prt>sentlnc on tkls pa1e dh·erse <'ommentary oo topi~ of 11'1· tereit by &yndicate<t columnistl aid · tl&r1.00nists, by provkUni I fonim for readers' views and by pnt1tnUnc this newspaper 's opinions and lck¥s on current topics. The editorfal opinions of the Dally Pilot appur only In the editorial column 1l the toP of the pagt>. Opinions expressed by the columnists a nd cartoonists and letter writers are their o~·n and notndorM:mtnt of their views by the Daily Pilot 1hould be Inferred. Wednesday, October23, 1974 • • •. ( '· I ' f I ,. . • ... ·--· Wednesday. October 23 1974 * DAILY PILOT II 1 i Sewing Up ·Earni~gs ~ Second Ho neymoon for Levi-Strauss WedneMlay's Closing Prices ,NEW YO~~llAh-~!A?.~!y Sa~d~CH~)GE 1 • -' .. OftMiM tci..ct -..1••~ SAN FRANCISCO -For more than a century the 'riveted denim blue jeans !firs t se wn t o1ether by ;Bavarian Immigrant Levi ·Strauss tor California's .gold-rush miners have set the patte rn or c row th ror the San Fra ncisco compu ny bearing his name. -- But 124 years later, the youth of the world are .the .trend-setters and fashion ,leaders, and the casual men's and women's e1olhes made by Levi Stra uss & Co. .today are very fashionable Indeed. Th~ circle has been made complete, too, wilt\ Levi's ·now a big seller in the com· ~.-..,w,."v"o"•"•,."•u"'•",. .. _,.,.,.,.,.,.,...,.,.,. • .,.,.,. ................................... ,... .. .;.""".,.""""""'""",.",,..."""""""..,""~"""",.""...,'""""" ... ",~"""""",.~ ... ~,. ... r d ' E F.ii..1111.,•,..lcnt111~ r1~0... o.. '1~0.. °"' •-ttGIO.... 0ig r1 1hiAl <• o. rr~o-o.q Pl~O-pany oun er s u ro~. II .... v.,tt'*1 t oCMl\.ft • c..w:NGll. .a• ; •"-"" ~ 1.a 1 s 1u11-"' tl'llCOl\I •.•, s ,_ MoorMc * s '" s11.1-... -..co<>s n • ,. 1J•'•"' '••tron11p > ,. "vi-we.11 as elsewhere around <•. CMelt{ .6611 • 11 uvi . \It ,,,. 1'4"1o11 , 10 •~ ..• ~ 2.• • '" S•~-u • ...,.r,JP, .o 12 • jO'---. -..HC .1111 4 ,, • • 11o ,,.,,,_ L• •• • nv.- C..•lr , ... IJ 11' -~ .,,...,,.. "° s u s 1S\oo •.. 1-1 •• 4 '1 , lr1lotrtlt Ila • fl n~-""' ........ l.IO 11 ., 411ioit-Jllo Tt.Vllf ''"°" ,, It -;the world. The popularity s.. ~ c..w °"' Cil 1 u n . ....a. .. &iai''" .11 J 11 •\lo-h INllC.$ e ·"° , JD • -" Morw t.•,., 2 ,,,._ 111 ""-_)!) , 1• J -v. 11'1oiio1 .10 ' Jh 1111o-·and dem•nd for Le vi's 1•5 50 M• 0-°' ~s .... ' 1>• ,, __ 1o1o &1v1nw1:11 1 ' 11~-11. ~ t . .o ' • 11 -111 ,_.,,"" ·"" • , t\4-.,. "'-1.!ll ; " u -11o '""'''"·",. .. 1111.-_..,. ._ s ..... I •• 4 'JMI-'14 E:Wnirk.• S t 11 • WllilftW ..i-11 t 1 14.t \!o M!11tTr"" I 1S 1..,. .... "-*"pf t :i. .. 'J•"> ,,. "'°"'ln .408 S 6 Jt.+ Ire.I lb .I 10 SOme roreia" llllllllltt. I.at U .. .,,._t\41 I C.-r, .. 1 •'4 , .• l!O\IGffl.40 } l 2•111-14 ....._, ·JI! 4 1 Sl<o ••• MNINOt .• • 1i I to.-\'o ""IN J.• 1 ,., ·~-~ TlwlltyO .«I 6 U .i·-· It'~ ACP"INf 1.11 • 1 """-\Ii °' I. t ' t U'-+ " l!QLlf• t .0111 , 11 \)!fl . ~ llllfr<O ,_ .. i 10 n -Vt .W.L 11111 . .0 ' .. •4.\0. "" Alyln pl n. J1 ..... _ "1 " (¥11 l • .O ' ) :cities -pa rtic ularly In Rus-~ 1 , " '" ••• -t.to • ,... nv. ... £""'""', s o ,. .... _-. """"" o... 1 s• 1"' ... Motoroie .10 14 ,., 4,,,. t• ~ ,,... 1 , 1)1 .,.,._ vt r 1..,,,.., ·"' • ,, ""-·sa·a und Eastern Europe .....or ,., a '' 1Mo • .. .._ '"" .. 1 <4'14 • 11o l""u" .:io 1 12 ,..., ... "" 111W11111 J • 1J ,,.,. • "" ""' F ... it.40 11 " .i\o\-• ""'"*"' '"• . , 16 ,j -..,. r 10tr111 . .oo , ''' '*- I ~ 1,., ,. U 1¥>+ " C.W0 l11 .JO :rt 1'I 4'-+ '4 11111 CI.JO J tl th .. -.. 1&M C#ll 6 14 6'l lt2 -s.. MISIT41 !.U I 6 Ot• , ., ._.Mpt t .. , • 1 S.lili. • •. Tlfftt lllC I 6 JO IClft-_-•••". L e Vf '$ sell tor two--·.!!. ....... •,•, .,._ .. ~ lllfttr• .n s " , ...... "ii E111y1111 1 ..... u t 1l11-I\• llllFI ... .flll M Ul "1'11-J .... Noiift!IWd J'I t t SI•-" Rtyflil'< .~ • t • ... T1mt1 M.$i0' Ut ''---"~ ·~ ... ~ 1.n ' • 1>111 .,, E-~ .ollh t IH1 , -"-lnKr/ ,...,. s 111 """-l'I Munld "' .40 .• I t "' ' . RkN Co .IO ' 10 11"1o-\< Tl,...n 1.llDll ' lS H loo .. a nd three times the ir ~,., .... .,,~ ... CMIUILl.60 1 'IJ _..,. l!•Ctll O I s 1• ll'h-1'01111~ .• , ... I• Ho Mwll)CblXIS ] n1o-1. RICllMtr .... 9 k 111'11•"" Tl""""·"°'·· u II -ACM!N (e f '• jflo 0\11 PS I.JO 1 14 MMi ,,, l:Mltorl.61 .. t. 11 -14 lnlM0\ 1,111 1 )I) ••""-I"" Mur'pfl()l 4 ' 11 1 11--ii. Rthmr'd ·.80 S )t n..,-"1 TOOl:I Sl'ilpyd 1 0 1-.. ;original price new, ~ .io 4 11 • -·~ = 1.111 1 30 '' •.. E•11C111 1.•ie s 111 "'"-'"' 11111 Ml~ • t• ,.,._.,. M1111v °" 1 s s 1 1~.-y, RklOI-• P ·"° ! 1, , .. _,(, r._ c d i , u 11""- . Oversea' •• le' Or Levi's" ~-, '."" ,', .;.J 1"--_,~. 1.M 1 1' ll\li-\lo ~ ,_ lnl#lllUll I. ) t !'""-"' MulOm 1 'J2 19 U -... RotQll• 1.:JO U 11'>J-"' l~•'•"o 11 ... •' ,' ,','',' .... f'l'lt -' .... ... 1.n • 4tS ""'-"" FQl1' ... 40 J .. i1'0-" lnlNc:~ '·"°' • "' ,, '1 M"" L .60 I 11 '"'" ••. l;jlOGr In ,llO 4 0 , .. _ .... f"OOI• will represent a bout 32 per· Allu•llC ... $ 1» ''"" • . • c.inSoy .60 • " u1to-"' Fti1rc.m .ID ' "' Jt \lo -~ 1N1 P-• 1 1 ,,, 1''11 ,,. _...,. ,,._ AIOGr Iii .IO , t• ,...,_ 1. tr-co . 11 4 n - I Ir. 19 , I AJl.-..in. •• ll l\t-.,..1'.81111'11.ll l 5'16loro-:io.l'-4n:tna .J0 6 11 •'--""lntAerl .11d4 l '" H.tbl•CO J )lltO 1s1•-1•11o 1t1i.4Mt .111 14 ) .. -1,f•MlwmSt •tll i cen o 1sca I 74 s sa es, or ._ 1,20 , J 1J.._ .... CMToeor, 1 J ,. 1tv.-:io. F-4•m1F .llO s • '""' +-1oo 1n1 T• r 1.11 • 1u. 1• -•· """1co 01 .11 1• '' 11'M-~ R........ .• 1 1• 11••-,,. !r,~,.!~,'.·"',, .,. ,", ",~,: . . I $290 "]li ..... ~ l ti It " ·--"' Qrl ... ld .60 " 31 .... •.• '•"W" Br .. fl 11~-\<o l r•rzH 4 • l JI' l • "'4<<0 $c llO I ~· s• . .. R-.'10 I u 10 .... -"" ' _._ approx1m ole y ml on .U.l' 11! ....... OOD 7J _, en-·'° s II IS•-V• Ftnt\HI ·'° 4 i •'·•-.... I " l 4\l'l . l• lth ... "''"'"'C.st • ' fl . ADM ... 1 JO • l \\" • .... l tl\OrlF !()cl • s •"-of the more than $900 mil· ,.,,,. "' "" .. ao 1• . .. ~n" ' • · •1 .,...,_ 141 F., Wi.t Fc1 s '• '"'. 11. 1 '' pfJ • .. 10 Ji ....., iu1 ... 1r1~ .SiO 1 "' 1~-" Rao.nAH z4 10 1s 10 ... ..., TtMll.ln 1.s. 10 n >1 .. • ..._. lni,t .. " l \.'t-YI Ov>teOI .60 i ·• • + ~ 1'¥111 Mf9 .. 1t '~ ... I Tt f pl l( 4 .. lJ ,M>,, ._ !Ut.lw~ .Itel . U •t. AocJ\G 11oll) I 11 11'" • '' l rl\l. ... 1 1.40 S 10 II\\ lion in exp ect e d tota t,.....,1111 ..0• 1 1Mto+-\CI 0.•11pf 1.10 .. s1u ... Fedllw .m .. 1• 1•-1o.1trrN 211o . uo11 .. -"'""""™·n• 2s 1~. AcxJot11.1'• •l ••o_ .. ,,.,.,wAJr •• tn ,.,_ ' , A101i1tC .. 11 I • 1'4-\lo Om16P .60 1 111 t\lo-"' FecltrtlCo I o t 111'" ... It .. ptO S • I 4t M OI pl I' t • I 1t \• '• Rill<•-• l6 J I o o-'• T.,..Aopl l ~M:J . t It •• ·volume. Al its present rate "' ......... JO 1 " u,,.__ v. o-c ''"" 1 1111 ""'-' '"" "" 1.eo • 21 u \loo-"' lnlf'M( 1.10 ~ • 1..... NOimlll .11,. •t 1J1~ •, Aoc•-u 1 1 • 1M 10 -1o •·~w,,1 .1111 • 100 1"' • Orlrowtb Lev'.Strau•s next AlunAl l.20 s "'' 14\\-'6 Chlt1•NY J s u 11\lo-lol fdHllMl .61 6 211 14h ->o lllllrl)«ll!~ ..... 11'1 NICltrL.'° ~JO. "AM-pt ...... l SI -1 l•o .. lrt l tll s •• , "'·- ! ..., 1 A1Ct $t1( A S 11 1V. •• , OIMFllCI .n . 10 I • \lo "HP11 l.10 I I II -I<. llllllUlli (;, I • I t~-.. NtOettl 1 !1 • o II'' o '• ::.:·,: !.JS 1 It •lo lr••!" pl t . If It .. Year should break thr"""t\ .t.ketl..,.-'°.,"""• "•• ",-._1~ ChtwM 1JO •~1•:1'1~-'-F<1PD1 •.to .. 1 " ... 1111i1Pw 1.:1o 1 r nv.-.. ....,,1D1w111 • 11 u>o . 111 ' ,, "'"• •• 11te: co s1 • •l Sl.. ..,_ -· .. O&Mcl JJQI 6 ft 6\.\-~ Fed rsf': .JO J 1 ' , . ; In.I Ulld .l• l loCI )\'t , NllF..etG• 1 t ' 10'• -'I Aono" I"" .'O I 1• 10'' -,.,. h•C... I 11<1 • I I llAo I the SI billion·a·year sales ""''-1:.,.., 1 u s~ 111o O.llH .-. 1 1 1'4-~ ~os 1.,. ' u r 1,,,. __ '--. Bfl 1111 1 20 u"'-... Ml Gyo 1 os ' •l 10•, '• 11o11~111 n • .. •,:·,-;-~ 1,•,·,c~~ 111, ,•,·,· .1. ,,' ",~o -I lf th f ' tti AlllOQl.JO&I ,. 2 l lllo •·• Oemllm I • V 20\lo-llli Ftt'roCorl'I S 1S ll l.-1•-f.11.30 10 fO 101,.. N.otll10mt\, IS 21-o Aol'>!oOf•.1-:t 1 4 _ - : ev(e ... Orf. eajlyrSearme ed .. 1 · ::~~ l 2; ~=-. ~ =tr:,: I~ u::= t ~~.c: : 3: •:-. ::: =~ :.:: : 1: l!~-·· :::: i"°r~ t~ -~ 1: 10;~' ~: :::;c,. 1 .~ ; 1; :t _: :~ ~~::"I~ : ! '; If;:= n 1 I SC n In In A119 Pw 1.u 'i 121 u v.--. Chl~•.JI t Iii SJlol.-l'hi F .... Mt9f .. ' , ..... iooo.PS 1.U ' 14 ,. ..... NtlM t.OSllll 10 ,.,. '• """""' .40 11 IU1ll't •. Tr11111yl11 .ltl • ll 17\o-November, Levi will record ~.~,·~ 1, ,.? ,~, _, .•.. CN E m .so 1 •s 11+. ~ YI FM!Ulk t .40 s • 2s~ ... 1~ Hol.pn 6 :n 1 •.. NPrH 1.111 • 1 t l·, • ... ,., •• cc .w • 1J 1-.._ T•pl(N .10d • UM ,,,, .. -_...,, •• ,. CN Nill"' QI 2 11 I -~ FleldMI 1.40 o 21 11 -\lo IT( 1..., _._. S US ll"'i-:W. HU 5M>ktn • !ti t \o AltylD 1.11<1 J 11• 141't-... TRW 111 I 11 • 10S ll .the t\ighe1t earnings and ~ .w a • u 111-.,. OwMllOI pf .. t ,.._.,_ v. •1nro1Q1 .Ml ' • '"°-.,. uMt ""P'I" .. st 6 -"" ,.,., w~ .n s 1 JI\. 1' Aoot.11111 10i J • 11 ' 111w p1 •11 •• 1 d 111-1 I · · I b' to Tb AllWPnlll l • 1t,. -:i. °'"'-' 1 21 """-"" Fil'ICIF•ll St J 311 11.0-.,.1u 1n11 .as • 2ff 1oi..-i. NI SIM!d .IO• 11 """' '• RlEO> .i•, 11 , ., 111w.,..•o10 ., 1 •l'-i :sa es In Its ong IS ry. e AlliWSI. l.lO • J2 •• ..._~ °" Jloc• "' .• I •:w.-~ FlrilM 1,10 • no IJlo;-h IU lnU OI ... . . ' 16 _, MM+rtll "11 10 )t·>o • • lt.-.d .lo • 11 11 -... f..:IMG ... s ll ''•-AHd ~ IW 2t J -'lo 0. lllcl NW .. 2 t i..-l'I Fii (!\+rt SI •• Jll l \.o -loo -.J J -HelSWtl JVI S !ti Hl.. ~. Rl.i<Uf' Co o US '"~->.. l wCF• .IS<! I IJ 51,-4 , ................................. ..jAllltO. .Mo S '"6 tf'o .. Oox• F ll 11 It) )V.• i,. l"il Cllk.911 t lllo t2'h-IV. J1nt1t<1 .10 4 S I~-'lo IU!I T10Co . XI l.,.-1, R..-.i.109" I• l lt l lo Tr<oL-1 1 '"6 l\o- ·; All'9'11A .S6 S :M S\t--V. Ovii Cr.,I .. 20 ltl.-"" f itlnBM• I II SI lJl'o-1"" ~ 1.Vd .. W. ~ ,.. ,._.t....,.J 19 S 190 UI\-'• R\lllffSy .<O J ll't ~ lyi.t Cp.<0 • 10 "l•- Qlrl5tl411 k ltM4 Mol>itlr """'Sln!Ct 6 ,, .. _ 11111 11-ar "'""""' .n 3 I ·-""' Ororn. .l'O 4 11 t 'lo-... FitMlt .Jll> •• 20 l\o;, ..• M!Pllot . .0 II \II ,. • 'it "''" C11 .fl , l" 11\o-;, _, $--u u-• • • ••t" '""• "' A1<1M I.Joi 1 IJI 3S-'Ito Or-pf S . , I SI , . , Fi"'&o!. 1 •• • IJ2 211 -"' J OIPpl' •.:16 ,, r20 It +I ....__ ,<O I I I •. , MlliN' 11 • 11 I JO'• .,. UAllnc .U<I t 14• lll'o-1 I I • I ' AINl"'9 1•• lllttl.-l~Q\ry>.lr l.40 6 1 .. J ~I FitNSBM1• S 10 -'IC,J1tr (Puifl •. r100 ... , ...... •P.,.ltQ t MIS',.-hV!QOul llld 4 10 1'o ,,,UAL PIA..40 •• 2111"9-1 appea u ... e v II NM.X 1.IS ' 103 :M -11'; Qry\ler ""' .. IJ ,_ "' FiPIC, 1.U s 6' 11\lo-"" • CP'l.111'' .• JjO ll ... """Ppl 160 .. 1SIO It -1 ~ ,.., I }J Jlh-1 Ul•tO 1.10 • • 1• ... - M"k .SO 4 4 '"'• "° Cl Mlo;w, .61 II :M J -\olo FiPMI l,41P 4 1' SV. ••. .-C l.10 7 6 20\IJ-\It tj£"9EI I.II I N It•.-1~ ~ (orptn S 1l l •>-o-'~ UGI Cp1 .tt 6 l 11''1-sh a ff e red bar-~·"' 11 S'--1" CIRl!r tSfi • t'4 FitUlltE .'1611 s ..... ..-..-cor lft 1 111 ,,._,,. NEG\El.1• s 19 t l'0-11 ~Jo ......... 11 t ,.., 36"9---UMCll'Mlul' • ''•-NNrtc 1.20 4 S 11\lo+ \'> Cin Be I '1,4 .• 10 U.. '.:. F"Vl:llt .4S<I Ii • 4"'°-i,. JimWlll ,IO S M \IV.-* tjEoT T 1.:16 ' 11 I",-It ~JallP I 11 10 1 10 .. . UMET l\lod J U l'o-r i er# 0 I a9f', Mlt'ltS ,JOa t ... " -l'llo Cin O.I .... ' ., t•I'>• v. FiWliC l.H ll 11 u .... -"' JlmW.it111 1 •. 120 If ............ 11 ,)6 I lJ I -~. Sl1.StnF rv1 ' I ~···--lf U...<eo "°. s lllo ' A Hu pf 3Vo ,, lo 4S -I'll, CinG pf •.11 .. 110 ti. • 2 F!M'llr F .40 Ii 14 ttio-~ JlmWDt 1.60 ,, •1 22\/o-°" NWll"fll 1.llO l 361 1'' 1-~. SIP..,1 $ .'16 , , ~I 10• ,_ \l'l UilltjV I ltoc:i 4 6 fl', . I • I 'MIAlrFl .6'S n 6'16-V.CinGE pf4 .. UOO •I _, Fllhlr5.c:.M• 11 s• ···JHnlS.l.lld .. 24 161~-\lo NYSEGl.10 • 1•1n ••. Stll<'lliJ l *>• ... , • .,_IV.Un!IN:M9 6 "° ·~·-erftllUllt c S•Q Ull Nrl Alrli..t. Ii 133 ,,,._ ... °"""11• .... s ,, l•"'-Hli FlfftEnl .14 •1 111 1\1.-~ Jtwnl I.Im .. 1• 111'1 ... NYiEpt l .IO .. 11'0 11'J1-I'> s.1 ... 1c 20Q ' 11 ···-'"' uc.mo 1.to(I I •1 •• -1 d ., hi J Am&llt .JO ,. 13 4~ ..• O TFlnt.to 1 90 :tO"°-.... Fllml .... 10 6 • ....... ~I.JO S •1 U"'-V. NYSEpt J,11 .. 2 1111 .,. s..noc...110 & JI 11"'• \'t UnC¥bfl0 • •H 41 >,,;-\ Gfl (f# Ofl. Al:lrft 2.st 6 13 l0~-1\l'l Otk0t11 .IO U 1240 21'11,-:\0. Fl•UI Vi n ~I S 144 I '" ... .-t.Jn .IO :ICI 2H 11"11--J611 Nl6QMo 1,11 6 IJ4 9•'f • !o.on.IJl.oc IO• b I 1'1-~. Un Cam !,ll 4 10 .~.- • ............................. ~Am8rul .IO S 135 1•"'-'II Ot'Srv L~ 6 fl 42 -I Fllnt-ot 1.16 4 ' U -If> JonnSK .IO 1 US 110-4to tjl•M11! J.00 ,. 1100 l~', • 11• s.wv:t.r A!&O •. .. 1'9-~. !J~'..,,,,,'°', o,n, ',', ,'," _. \ record net profits of S27 .2 million on record-high sales !of $665 m illion already :reached in the ri rst nine months this ye ar were . greater tha n in a ny prior ·full -year's operations. l As impressive as those \gains are, the company has .not been without recent iproblems. This yeM's im- 'provement, in fact, renects . a turnaround from a rocky ,1973 that s aw Levi close the ·yea r with a loss in the final three months, the first quarterly deficit since the 'depression years of the 1930's. Atr1 Cln J.20 S 40 2,t.-'h CihM19 .'7d 7 13 l -~ Fllntlt pf f 'lo • . 1 11\IO + ~) John S• IJI 1 ,. 1 1•Vt + \'J N••Mpl J,60 , , 1111 J11·o • \oo !.iM'lo E!C .10 4 2• ,..,_ "' un 11 A OIMI .2S!> ,, 11 l~ \'t 0 11 Sa J.600 1 SI 41\o • \oo Ft1 E Co.Ii i • ' U V.-"-Jonl.aorl .40 1 61 ,v,_ >Ii NllMO! •.I~ . . 14() •I') •. , 5.11'1~ In 1 110 S /-h~o-'4 Un El 11! J> > ,, 110 lJ A OW.In 1.10 4 ll """-'lo Cily Inv ... l 170 ,.,._ loo Fii Gii .IO l W. 1,,,-'h JClnM l 1.IO 4 lJ 21°"-~~ NIIMI!! SJ~ .. l!OO •l' 1· 11 r SF•ln pl .SO 11 8 • ._ Un El 111 411 • • 110 •O' • • ~In 1•.-, 1 2• 211~-\l'l City In"' pt 1 • . 46 1!1 -:W. Ft1Pwr 1.•S I Ill 11\lo .•. .llWQlll. 1.SOg • 11 l(µj, + I Nl1Mpl I n . llOO 6S', o 2 S.Ftlnll 10 11 104 21"-I Un Fl<Mllly U '6 J 1 AmOislil .SO 1S I •14-Vo City .Sltwei , I 2'1l , . Fl1,...l 1.:16 • l•t U 'lo-\lo .Q.Wni ,t(I • IJ ll,,, . NII Sh l.:IOd . , 10 11\o-'• t:1 ~I .l1 6 lJ , .. _ l't U..OC.I 1.1' 4 2U JJ -I ~8.!:1 V~ ~~ ~ 2~--(.1 8::&11·.i:i ; 1~ 2: = :Z ~:~~~'.~ 1i Uj ~~ =1~ ~"'1.;~ 1~ IO: 1!1,-. ~ ~t~'t',U:'.~ ~ n: :~~~-·~ S.lfE~P'i~ ; ~ ~i;: ~ ~~~l~ iQ I~~ :J~ ~ A~l)l .MI •. 1 1110.-14 CLC Am .JO l 1! '-~ FluorCpofl •. I ...... _,...,, --K-NO<lol~WsS I tll s.i.-1~ S..V4Sl .Oton .. 12 1•,, .• UPK pl .41 .. J 11"'- Nr!Elt:Pw J 6 tJIO 16V.-1'i '*'Oil 2.olO ' • b114o ,., FMC ~ .H S •7 1Jh-\'t K.,w~ Atu I J .105 1110-1 NOrlnCo IV. J 4 U 10-'o S.C..Or !~ 6 10 J:W. o '.o Uii>ONm .10 • I l - "-"-ly ,1' 4 20 4l'o+ ~ 0.-..Et J.«I 1 JI 1l <'o • \lo l'MCF;,Ji/o .. 16 11 -\lo KAl l/pt 4"'. 1 ''"l-1~ "°'"' 11?4 •It'• '• s. ..... 1..i1t11111001'1-''0 Unlra1•l .IO ) U! 1 " l'\nS\1$ .<ID 21 10 • ..., • . . Ooto•Co .SJ 1 •s 1•4-~ ~=.c& ·ill : 1l i~ . ii,; ic.o .. ra .so •. : s"" . . N.1. eo.1 .eo • ;1 ''" o 1, su. ••i<e • 1. s~::=,~ t:~':l:~'::; ·s •iz: ~i:i1o:.J • !~~.~~::~ ;:l .. -.~ &::::pi~-~ ·~ :~--~ FtwdMo :il'O /Ul4 ,,,,,:,~ ~:!~t1 i.~ i • :;~.: ~ =::~l.~: 1l ; 1:;;:\, t=~i ::~~ ~: 1, .. -~. utdAlrcot1 •• uoo IO ~· AGn5c 1.Ud , . ' \S IM , . . (Ml In .. Cp J •• I'~-.. For Mck .• 4 •J 10"° ... KCP\.. Pl •I'> •. no (I -'lo NCnAJr !Cid • l• J'o-\o !i(N..mt> .l'l JO •ll .. -JVo utP lk-l JJ J'o o-• ~'i.:.~ '~,,i:~t: g::~·r.';.:: ~ :::_·v; ~~~1.li::: ,~ tt ... ~~ ~JE ·~ ~ 4; gl't--·;.; ::.~~','\-;;·; n~ ~~!=~ ~1~:: ~ 1~~ ~~,.-.:" t=:~~.~l::: ~ t::-: tt .10 4 I 10 -\Ii CNAll'IC I.Ill .• 11 10-"" F«IH ..... 401 1 SI ""'-'lo 1(.-.sN l.UQ 0 I It~+-"" NoCnlGs.loll 1 I '"' ,., 5';<11 L..O .Sii, 11 t l• •.. vtdFl'ICil.10 4 1l •"•-• ~ .II) 24 J1S JJ\t-1 OU i...win .. ' , .. _ V. FtiterWlll I I 2J 11 -\II "->Pll 1.U 1 11 IS,,_-"" NOltlGI 1.H • 16 11 ..... :kaltFeUt 1 • ,M 10 -'\ UGI.PL .:IOcl S US !'o-' ~.ICl21 l03 21 -1:\ro "'"'~Gs 1 1" Siii •.. FadXl<•.MllS 24 1•1(,-~ Kttv f~I ' 11 JI\ •.• NllG\~I.'°·· •• 10 ....... ScallFM .Y s II 1"'+ Iii UN\lllu2.U 6 I'" . :"'J::'1 :~ '4 2~ ~= ::: g:= ::~ :: ~ 1~~= = ~~=MMl:=I~ I~ ;;:::::: ~ ~fe.1:: :: .; l~>ll+-\'.< ::::IG'l~·~ t 1;! :;~~!: ~~as: .. ~ ~ J~: 1f ... _\\ t:'J":'.J:::~:·; ~ ;::: ' A Mellio:orp } HI 2 -\lo Co<.C. J.IJ u lO't S/16-... F""""" I.Ill ' II 11n-.... ~· ... s 1 IOl'I-11. NoHGt:i! ._ .... JIO lll'l-1' .. 5'ooo!llMI!, • I 101 ~ \\ lMJiyll '·°' ' 1• 10 -' //llflll« .20d 3 IS. 4'h-\lo Co<tllatl .olO I 1SI , ..... \.II FUii ... ll'Mlu J :t.! ·~-"' l(r,w•A .llO ~ • .,,._ "Ii NoSI Pw 1.M 1 '1 111\ , .. !;uml pl •, •• 1 2' • "'° Lin -l,olO l 2' UI\-' 4fflHGI t.t4 • 21 )II,,._"' ~ .36 ' I ,.... .. ~ G-~OI .IO s ' , .. _"" NoSP!>I J.60 .. rllO ....... "" ~o v •• 4.J ·-.... Lin Hwdt•• .• 103 ,,,, • ' ""' SNtinQ , . 4 l !ll . . (.olec:Oln .06 . . " lfo-.. Gtble ll'Mlil 3 11 4 -1"' Kell4< In .IO • J t'l't +-l'o NoSPpl o. 10 .. 1110 40 -\lo Scull pf 1iOC • , 110 1'1 +-\' l.1111 Pl<C '*" .. S H• . NII si... Jil W 10 ' -\lo Cl:ikl4te .M IJ 1111 2J .... -1'\!o GAC Cotp J lt 11' •.. KO'I'-.Ml U 41 14\!o-'• NrlllQoll .•~ l SJ • ••• s.c.Kl.n J.10 4 21• ?lvt-"'' ~11,'..,''",·."· •, 2', ,',!,•_-•,, ""'6mll II'> l U• 11 • Vt CcllrMik .:16 • 3' •:W.-'4 GAF QI .SJ 4 lJ I •.. Itel-.10 4 J .... ~ Norllw"p l llO 6 IJ lJ\~-h SMCon!r 10 4 S 13>0-'-" v;, 1f· .., Nrl 5tnd AO ' 1'2 , .... "" c.oHlni Food s :n 3'h. ~ GAF pl 1.l'O .. I IJ\i-.... ic.nc.otl 1.llO J J1J ll -1 ~ N'ffttAlrl :.s ) 1..0 u • .. -... SN w ,tJr' s. II 9 ]1'1-.,, U5FoSJ.91111 . • ' 11'1-' NnSaOiPI ,.. •• ' "'"'. v. Oii Pwwl .JO 10 102 )0 -I.Co Gem !.t '·'° 4 6 1'0 ••. KW Lllil I.I• I SJ llVt-"" Nwe.n l.llO • S2 n -... !iNtlGO , .. 11 1% "~-1. us Gyp 1 • .0 6 " 16'•-I Nr&tt11 ,:II • 6 114 + \Ii CblonSI I. 10 s •J li \i--"" Gennett .4• n t2 Jl 'h-"" KlltT MtG I 11 JlO U>ti-1"' NWll In 1.10 1 IS• 11\lo-.,, Sean; l.llO.I 11 S21 ,,,,._,\lo U5GJlll l..IO s 10 -'. Nn5'or 1.60 • 1t lt'llt-1 Cbll ·-I l 1'1 1ll'o-"' GtrPOen .Ji U 40 Jl''o -~ l(la W .60 J 21 ,,.,_"" Nwll Ind w~ ., S 10"'-"" S.11r.,11 l•n . l'I J--"" USl1olnl .1' 'i l'O l'-.-' NnT .. T J.40 t ltl •Sll'l-~ OlllplA I.Ml J lW.• ~ GtrllMI ... 4 Jl 11't ... l(kbpl J.20 .. 4 14\'>-\l'l ltwsl I~ pt!.. J .. \l:i-\It SEIXO .·IO It 11 1 Jl!'o-1>'1 US I"" .Sit J 111 )>o-I NnT•T " 4 , MJ ~-\!o Oii <>-1.'11 • l•I I,,,._ \'t GM Sw; 1.12 1 9 10 .•. Klnetl 1,6' t ttl 21 -I'll Nw'llpl 4.111 •• • 12 -I~ s.r .. ceC .10 4 ' ,.. • , USU411 .1' I I I ,,,,_ ' ATrpfA J.6', • 0 111 . CblGl pfYlo IJ SI -~ GCA Corp J S lllo-.... Klf'9J05 . .0 S !J 41\o-'-" NwtUnplCS .• 6 .. -I Serwtm .llO 4 10 7 '~ ... US llll1 .IOd t Ji 41..-' a n 1:11a 11'. hd'h+""'OllPlclwn . SS 2\lo+l4 Glmll'll C.11 10 ' _..,.Kl'1(11C .llO • u11 .. -..... WMll l.W 6 SStH~•~SNM1.o .21s JI~" ... us sr...•S I,.. •~1-' Ani.T .. T "". U4 1 -\\ QilSOtll.9' ... ,.,._,. Glmlnl lnc:I . 3 111'1-\lo KLM ""*·· ',. _,. NwP!cl .<IOd •• l!\<o •.• ~·· .10 J 7'I oi.:.~ ... USS!H l J.olO s "' )t _,, JvriWW .64 ) JI I , . OllwM 1.2111 2 4 •>'I+-\ji ~ 1.::: · · Jl l lO-"'t ~ N .l:J f 91 11•-I> .. wSU 1.•0. I ?6 ii' 1->.; ShtllO!I 2 . .0 ! 111> 01. -JYI US Toti .Ill f II 14 .. ' = i= ; 11 1~~-~ =! 1':: ,! 11 : :"'-::'~ GlllAT 1 r'1.111 1l 1~ ;:~:1~ !((QM'·~ ~ ~ 4l~-1 ::.~n~ .~ : 111 l~1\.:_ ~ =:~;J>!t .: 1~ ,~(!= ~~ tl::!f:l !.-.0:.~ i~ 1\~:t=: $1 BILLION A YEAR SALES SEEN NEXT YEAR Levi's Shirt 'n' Twlll Outfit Popular That a lso was the year .Wall Stree t 's Jove affair :with Levi unraveled. For 'more than two years after relucta ntly offering its .stock.lo the publi c in early 1971, Levi Strauss was the darling of the sto ck market, _... .IO s n 11~-y,, ~ •• •,·!!! .•. ,',' IMI• ,-•. GnAT pl 1'h · · tlOO ll · · Kr•tco 1:9J • 7J ll~l-Iii ..,ISi pt 1..C . 30 Jl,._ ~ '-" Slw<wln W 1 i JJ 30""-(,'O UllfPA IV. , . 1 16~ + • AMFln1.1• s so ·-"" .,.,_ -Gln8nc:1.IO s 1 1~-'111 Kre!4! .1111611 2J"'·---Nuco•CP .2• 3 1 It Sler••Pt .'1 6 ,. •'11-V. UnitrodlCll ' I •'Iii-' .,,,II( .IO s n 11'141-... QmEP pr 1 •• l 10,,._ Vo GnC.~I• .M s ~ ' ... I(,.,. 1.:16 • 30 16'1!.-'lo N v F Co-o" 'o'.'..._10 -.. SIQl'llCo ·'°II 1 ... 11--\Ii Uni .. ., .6' 3 11 u -• l#JP Inc: .33 II ?16 21\\.-:i. Cwflll:ll 1.41 . , • IS V. • , . Gn Cor 1.111 6 • 11 \lo-.. l(l'IOI' I~ .IO • 21 I -~ \lgiwlCool 1 4 16 t \. Unl"'LHI 1 S 6 1Svt • ~P.O l • t •.• C\iolepr l 'O 4 11.,._,,. Gl11 Clne .#S IS 1,,..-\lo -1..L-O.•lncl .40 J 1 1 ->o ~Cp l '.j 19 11V.-l..Unl.s0!4 .to (IOSIJ ... -•, ,.,,..... Cll 3 n )1'11-"' Cilm£d aWt :: 1 ,.,. •.. Gn DIWIOll l IJ l • ... LM.r.. 1.~ ' • 1J -'"' Occlll "-lfl J ..... IOV.-loo SlmPrc .ICICI I I l ..... Uoluhrl ... "' m U~-1 Sawhill Admits F d its shares nearly as popular Or as its world-fa mous blue 'jeans. Over the years', the """"Corp 3 1 J'ili CarnwOll SI J MIJ 6 -" Giii DyMm • •O 11\lo -.... L.......sn 19 l ' II'~-I~ CkcldPI pl ... ' 41 1/o-l'h \l..,,.sco ... ' u n >O-tt USllFE .M s lll ""' ... . An'lil• J.10 • " )114-IV. CwOllpf 1.11 .. so 14:ito-l\li Gn Elt< 1.MJ'\1 111 36 .... -... i...er, 11 • S1 1~. ~. Ou Pl pl l .60 .. JS J1h-\lo !HmoP•l .ll ' "' •• • ". llSLFI...: ·"" • . ll 10 .. . ...,,...., d... 1 ....... Camm Sit I 6 l6 2•i,.-~ GnFaod 1 . .0 • 51 ltloll-\oo l.¥M19 ju., 1 1 1"-OccPlpl ,,,. •. s 11•.;, ... $1-( t.60 ' ns U.lf ••• ow. Corp 1 l It UV.-1' Am$1td 2.IO s 1 :Ml'o--.... Carr41utr StJ 11 )2 11io • . • GollGr 1.0611 1• .. n~~ '" Lit-.IOe J I 6'11 :·· Qvlttn(p ,IO ' 11 1•,..-\~ $1--J'h IS 12 ..... 'la USM Ill 1.10 •• 1 1J -In .20 4 31 11'!--'lo Carl AQre In .. 10 J\<\1-'lo GnH<nl .40d l JI• S\oo · · · l.HrSie<J .21 4 11 4V.-"" Oilclll pt I 17 . I 1.,,, • I'• Sll499(o . .0 • S I t \o-V. l/l.n Ill .lllt lt 10 U-1•• AnttM .100 3 6ll u~-2 ea..Mt 1.10 • l !IV.+ "" Gt11 I Mir 11 • ,,, ,,.,,_ 11. u.s "' 2''i ' 1""'-v. ofila E<I 1.W. ' 11' IJ\'1-.. SlteUyO 1.10 • 11 4IY1-I'> UIMIPL 1.:. ' )t 1l .. .,_ \ Nttl\Mc I.QI S 2J l4+'o • !lo QltwM I~ t q U1'11 +-'9 Go11ln1t,r. J .• 4 16 ••• t=. ·~ 'j 5 H .... -\lo OllPwpt l _OO .. 11'0 67 • I Sllll Corpn lJ I '"" •. . W ·-I 3 Ii 11111-1~ =e~d : i: 2~=· .... ~:'iic.~ ~ .nt '~:: ~ .:;:.~ ,~ ~t\io:-,~ ~H :so ; ~~ :;,::-~ ~::~~:·:? l~ ::~:-t ~~~J:1: 1·~·1~r;= ~ \Nlnppl ~·w~u .. -· MSUI Co 41 • IJ 1•-V. CDMEd Ill 6 •. I 4) -'lo GnMot J.SM I 1671 ll\~-1\fo Lefli PIC IO • JS 10 Olin CP 1.10 I ll ll Y.-'It Smlltllnl .24 ll •OS 11\t-11.\i V•IM .10 I 14 l''i-•, ApidwC .so J 1J 'l'l't-.... CDMEd Ill i •• ' l i -~ Ci<\Mlllpl JV. . • 1 41\lo-.... Ull Vlll ,...., 6 11 11-16-1:1• OlinU •ll , • "° I~ • '• 5"'111',!lnt 2 II 60 ''"•-l'I,, ~· 1.ne • 1•1 JI .... -" ~Oil .i .. 1 10 -.... OonE pt 4.6S ,.i 400 l3 •I Gln.v.otlllS.. ' 11?•-... ~ 1.140 •. 1» •v.-.... 0.-.""·so ' 10 ' .... Stnlh•T .•s . " ,....,_ .... ~ .41! 10 ...... . ~ ~ . . 1~ 1v, + ~ Clll'llF<I I.JS s 19J 111'1 • \,Ii Gtn Port ..IO 12 Ul J.:\o ••• i..ww-Cp ' n JI\, ,,. Ollti.,.L 16 • • 1~, .. '<o Slrolt kff ,Ill 6 I 104-o , . . 'ftflkelfl .11 J 11 1 -.,.. "p L Ow11 • 1 .... _ 'Ii Ccnl«IJ:f • ...,, .. • •ll'l-l'l't G PIJbV 1.61 s ,.1 1\V.-tt ~In n • l U'4 ()ptl1k1 M I l l 10 -.... SOI• 8•• .llO J ... l loo-" Vtstur I.Md .. JS IJV. 0-" ""°'_, MQ 51i 1 \>,:. ••• Carl FrGI .IO 10 10 !IV. •. ~~,!!!~reel S tt S\lt ••. lrl Ft1 (.., • 10 '""-.; OrncloC.o .11 ' 6 •Ill-\~ 'lolly Corptn 9 •911 •'• •.. 'Wtca Ofh#I ., ISi 21~!!-1\oo 41tA $• 1.4' 10 0 S6\!o-f"° Ci:niHG 1.IO 1 1) lt\l'l • \It ...,_.,._I .16 ' ... 21+'o-I<. lrl Int JS. I 1~ • "" Or i:ickl I.JO I U I'" ~ "" Soo Ln "°"' S JS ,..,._ ~ VF Carp .It • I u -~ , !universal appeal of Levi 's 0 k shattered barriers of age. uts:po en -~.~~~~.m ic stat us and But Wiill Street romances ~Says He's NCMtN ,ll I 1' ·-~ °'""" Pw 1 1 Ul 111<.-... Gn Stttl llld J JG ?"--.,. Lr1i Stti • ·; JI 11 -1, Olis £1 J.XI S IS 11''>-I<. 505 Cnl .JO l o ,,,__ '• Vlaalll'I IM I IS llli • ~ """" pf c J •. 1 111 . . . °'" P 111 ..... '. 140 ..... • .... G T E 1.IO 1 11'0 20h-" umu Fui-n s u s 2"'-\, ().l.tlCIM I.JO ' lJ """ • . s CM El 1.41 • •I IJV.-Vo Vl(IWCC .J.CI • • • .. NC .... o ;u I .··-"" CcnPIJl l.4S .• "'° SSl'l-'h GTIFlptl.lll .. D ll 14 •.. LFE (Drpn 6 l• 1·-v. ()wrSl'cWl .IO ' 10 10'--... 50Jl...,l.l6 6 l 11\0-14 lol1E1et l.ll '"' 11\-... Amk Enqi .. i 1""-l'o CcnPwrl)l 6 .. I Sl\li-14 G Tl<t l.IOg 3 Sl 12'1i-''> l.()F 2.J(lt • 11 llY,-... °'"'"..CF .a 11 21 l2'11o-.... Soul,_n J U I -.... Vl(Ppl 4.ICI .. aJ0 40 .1 ... Nist.tr .n • ,.., s -"" Carlll Alt l.l'I ' l lJ s -'lo GllltKO llK ... IS ..... _loo U)f' al 4\1. ] 11 -"" °"""'Ill , 611 I •s lJ -... sn..n pt l,IO •. I ll 'f:o •.. V•El pl l .d •• l!Gf ., •. Arb: PS '~ • ... ll"'-.... enc... l.IO • 271 tJVt-"" GlnulnP .Sli II 111 JS\(o-.. Liabv MtNI • • JI '"'. "' 0-11 pt •llo •• 1 .. • I S.-.r lk .IO 6 261 u v.-"' Vo.El pf 1.11 " r10 •sV.. I Arlt lell .6'211 • 1•--lf o.IC-.IO 2 "9 l:W. .,. Gt Ptc.IOQ ' 191 H _v, Lib<t\'Cjl «I 4 11 , ....... DoforP!n .611 l ·1 l:W. .. b i1PS1.11 S • '"'•"' V•EplJ 1.n •• 120 ,,.,._,,, WASHINGTON CAP ) -A nd S aw h i ll wh ile are fie~ and quickly cool Fe-d e r a l En e r g y Ad · reading a prepared speech when ea[nings fall and minislrator JohnC.Sawhill a l a convention of the ma n agem e n t mak e s s aid Tuesday tie is not being American Gas Association, m~ta~es. Levi Strauss ad- ·' pressured to quit his job but ~ inserted a reaffirmation of m1t.s . it ~ade s~~e ~ad he added t hat the ad-his dedlC'3tion to energy' dtt1s1ons in a~m1n1stenng ArtltGl.l'O• IS l'Vl-1.o CQipi:of lV. .. UO ll'h-'h GIPwpll.11 ., 110 69 ··tool.oft iOh I J"'·• \lo --P-SC-'Edl.61 • '1 11 ... -l'l ioi•El d l ..... i <O 1• . Arltn JUIOV ,, Jll l\l'l-\\ (oo!IC, 2.llO t 1ll JO -\lo Gerber Pd I 7 l6 lit ••• Utll.pf '6!11 '• 6 .,,_ I'll Ptc:Alfl l,JO .• "° 11°" • ~ S.0...hCo 1 . .0 6 ISi !O:W. ••• --inc l 11 4 ...., Arl'l\IC&I co 4 IO 1 • • •• g::11itopfJ1'> • . J 31\lt-\lo Gellw 1.>00 ll-1' UI -J Ll9!I Mi 1\'t • ; ,, ~-"' Ptc:C.. 1 .• 6 36S " ••. SaNRei 1.61 6 41 36'•-.,. V$I Ctlrp ·"° • J '""-... ~ministrati o n seemed· to conservation. the com pany s runaway ~ have "a little-concern that I -·~Jes in E~rope, n~lably the ~ was a little too outspoken T A L K J N G. WITH d1sregard1ng of its usual ~ about the need for energy newsf!len aft~r his speech, ·financial and !"anagement ~conservation ." Sawhill ad"!1tted he was .controls in a ns~y attempt . passed over in the appoint· Ito comer a m a1or market Sawhill made t he com· menl of an executive direc· :share overseas befo.re com- m en~ i n r es p o n s~ t o tor to the new Cabin~l-level peUUon moved in. questions, about ~ pubhshed Energy Resources Council · rep<>rt that President Ford , chaired by Morton. ; , Secretary of State Henry A. sa·whil l had understood Ki s s i ng e r , T r easury tie wo uld be Mor ton 's Secretary "'.illiam E.Simon d eput y o n a s i mil ar and Interior Secretary National E nergy Boa r d, Roge~s C. B. Morton want est.ablist\ed only three days Sawhill re~oved. before it ~as superseded by the new Council created by TH E R E P O R T , i n Congress. Newsweek magazine, said Instead, Frank Zarb an t he a dm inis t ration was official of the Office of angered by Sav.•t\ill 's public l\1anagement and Budget advocacy o! a new gasoline v.'t\o has been assigned to tax and other tough energy-temporary energy posts saving steps. before, has been selected as "I have given up on the the Co uncil's executive gasoline l ax," Sawhill iold director. repo r te r s T uesda y . "I guess they just felt the "because the President has f'EA Federal Energy Ad· said there wo uld not be a ministration was a fu ll-lime gasoline tax as lo'ng as he is job." Sawhill shrugged, by in.the Wh ile •tousc." v.'ay of explaining the swit· But Sawhill said he still ct\. favors a horsepower tax or But if the administration ... s i m i l ar m e a s u r e to wa nted him out or FEA. stimula te improv ements in Sawhill ind icated, it has not automobtle fuel economy. let him know it. The wild success or Levi's in Europe aCter first ship. menls arrived in the early 1960's led lo carelessness in inventory controls that ,resulted in th e debacle :renected in the 1973 fourth· •quarter loss of $7 .2 million. Despite record sales last ~year or $653 million, net in· come was onl y $11.9 million, less than half of l m 's $25 million and th e company's lowest profit in six years. The fourth-quarte r losses from overseas operations continued in this year's fi rst jperiod, but by the second . quarter of 1974 . After a strong 1974 third quarter, which saw Levi's earnings jump to $13 million fro m $7.1 million the year before, it appears now Wall Street a nd the company .m ay be head ing ror a second honeymoon. ::-. ~-tZ ' 11: f!=· r; Cllltlp ,~ ~ tt 3::-"" &"1n1~C'm1:; ': ,:""• -~ ~. 8' ~ M j= :10=1r: ::~1':~ ! ~ ::,,..=~~~.~Tilt ~ S: ~~-·;,. Yull;nM ~s .~2·1'1--"" ..,.:::s °' :n 'j 10 16"' ~ "' OllMR 1:ll)j 2 llW Jy,-'.i,i Gltlr Finl SI J 10 •'>lo-v. UntHtl 1-'0 6 61 11\-... PecPwr "'° ' }9 u -... "' l'l•il 1.11 ' 101 " -... Wlct OI _,. • n U'l\i-"' Ar"!ill'I 1.llO S J 1)~ ... Ciin1 1 ..... 11 .. SI --1-31 GIOP LllM1 j ' lloo-.... Unclttl 111 J S Ul'I-V. Pc T•T I.JO I •S I) -.... S..11<11191 .SO .. 20 ..)'h-\lo w.ctip1 J.20 •-l 3J\io ._ l, An1nlnd ,SJ 10 ,, JV.-.... ~. ·"',,, ,' , .. , ... ·-·-··· •• • Giit ttHI .St l J IO~'t-'lo UIWFcl 11• ' ll 16'/f-I PIC Tin .ID • 3 '"' ' .. SoR11! pl J .• } •1\'t-"" W.CRI 1.lO'I J 11 tl'o--ASA U OI ,, IU 11'4+ ~ .....,.,..., Glllltt. I.SO t 146 26\l'l-I'll Uttonln iv.l '' 21D oloo ... P-. Wetltl •• 11 J •-.... SoUnGl.1.MI 1 f )l~-\lo W.,.._, 1 6 11 11 .. .,_ v. A&lllOHIJolO '• 6t 11"1-I ConUlllTet I ' 1~ 11\io-"' Gl_ ... 11\.,;Js, J~ ~~= ..... l.!l""t¥1112 ·: 11 11\\-.... Ptirepl !,)II .. I , .... _ .... Sou'lhld .IDI!' 11-\Pt. ... Wlli:H 1 . .:i.. Ill I )tV.-"' Asnl,...1,40 ., I ))\lo +1-" CcnUI a.to I H l lJVt-1' ..,. '"tlonln"'A 7'I S'lo-1'1 P41m811 .1} J l 31" ... SoW\\Fr .16 J JO S1'1i •.. Well ... " I ',, _,_ Asor;'G.1.• s IM lilt-\lo COl'M'GOd 1 1 s 21 -l'o Glotwil """'I I I t'!li-1 t:o.:.....O 'j JI 4 t "' ~ Inc s ll 3-.... S...Forpl I~.. 4 IS\'>-lh WmllMur .tQ 1 ' ,...,_ .. As Sott 1 . ..0 J 1 1t""' ... CooltlJll .:Nit ' n 1V. ... GloDeVn ·• A 1S to -lh i.MWCll I !O J '' 1•'1'11-v. p.., Am 41• • ; }22 J!'o->'I Sowl<s!F'S '.«! • 63 '"' • .. SMwl .to n 1 1114-.,. Athlolll .olO 3 JS 1--Iii CDop 111 1.IM • l'O 2114 -V. Gol<IWll F(I • 11 ''II + '<Ii LOmtiFi ':16 160 ).e S + 11> P.,,,_le 1 t IOl 20V.-V) SiltrtM .:l'Cll 4 211 IV.• Va L .IMO I •I •"'o-1''• Aiko 1.J$d 3 1 6\'o+ * Oloper' Lib , . 1• •llo •• • Goa<lrlc 1.11 S t1 ,,,.._ Y. LOMl9 3 Md S H 16tt .. , P_.trl .611 ' 11 6'1o--V. Sllett'f Hut 1 4 • l'lo + 'lo F-I •. 7 11.-, .• AllO ,EI I...,. " 1)10.+-.... CbopTI ... llO s 1 , -... Gooclvrn r , • 1n u~-illo LMltwn ·-3 1 S\ol • "' P¥91S ... ' II ,..,,. Vo "' RI"" .I• I 1Mo 11\t-.,. ........ 111!(0 .IO 3 I ·-1 .. .l.tli;ildll tV. lJ Stt 14\'t-flt ~fpl IV. ,. I I~-~ GorClonJ .lt 4 ' I~-V. ~ $ li.d 1 • 11(1 '"'-\!, p.,~ ill" 1 ._. , I l4'1o-10 5111'1911t El 1 JS I -V. W..l!Cm .olO l '° l \lo -\lo Atlk pf 2.111 •• m 56 -t Cll!Wil'MI .60 • • '"' '.. Govlotn 1.10 s 10 19 -... t.or. Sol •V• 1 so -I'> P¥kHn 1.m s • ,,,,._ "' $orngMI .IS ' s• 10'111 + ... ~ IV. • . 1 1••1io-I 41tltchprf),, 2 UI -s ~l \o'>d 2 ., 21 _..., Gouldllll.l! .• ] 11•4• v. ~StG l!fl •• 41 19141-114 P.tr~rP .~ ~ I 11 ... ~1•0 1.1010 JI IS\11-to w-~.so 6 110 '"'• "• Ati.1 Cor1110 •1 ,,. ,,, 1.60 • J• 22\t ... GrtctW I.Ml S 111 11'.~-V. tonttLl l 46 6 111> Ill« .. P-o Inc. I llO II -1 ~lbO .14 Ii 111 JO'!r.-11<. -I.Mn .14 12 l4ll 1Jv.-1v, ATO lllC .20 3 •1 4V.-.._, Co<durl Cp •• 1• l\l'l-\'t ~!zci .. ",.·!',' 1•,I ,,'."":: ~ LIL pfl(l::IO •• 1100 IS +l Plf'l .. t .JO I ~ I -llt Sl•lt~ I <O b II JlV•• IV. W.,rnrS 1.111 4 t 14,,._ , .. 4ul Oii .:rt:ld lt 11 J(IV.-1 (Drn(; 1.11• II 76 • -l'l't "'~' "" .. LIL pf t S'lll 2 H I PMtlGI ,Ole I JI 10"'°-I""' 51 Qr,,, 1.&l ll 11 """-\'I Woft/IGt l.M 10 t lll'I , "'+ Al,i!Oml \1'1111 •.• , .. _ ... CmwlEa .40 I ' JV., .. g::•~tW.lOhd 13 l 'lo• Vo tont0rlor61 20 2 42\l'l. """'C...!•. 61 IV. .. 5!8Pt•llt .11U 111 lOl~-1 wwiwn .m J 1S ,~ •.. :::,;:t~ .~ 1 1:;;.n = '::: ~ l~ ::-.:-: Gt:U:'.~•:: J ,: :;: ::: t:~1111 1.0: : sM 2~"'"-i~; ~~. 1.:i': 11 ~ '1:"':1 :: ~::Jl'r:.i':.~: ~ ~1o1i=2~ =~.1~ •• ; a~;.· .. A...: pf t.olltl .. ,, 1J -"'Co• Btll .JI I IS 10..,_"' Gl>A•P .. ~ 1 11 ,,..,_"" LIPlt lle.u ' IU ·~-.... '°"""Pl l lO . J6 16"11• .... $t()it()r\ 1.36 '1 111 !l v. WtlllW IA I I 11'~ A.,.,.,-Pr .JOll 6 ttlili-\.\ CPC lnll l 1 101 N •lo-'lo GILkDQl,20 .. 1 11 .... \'O LOUGu ll4' '20111 "° PP\.pt l .lll . 11111 1'~-.-~StaPoorl.'1 . •• 11 _,_. W..Mllvt I .. ,,,_,, Alfl1 111C .ol0 J S1 1 -I.Ii Cr11tt:Cl.ol0 J JJI JO'llo-'11 OINNt~l,IO• I lt"'-"' ~m.111'1 l S 11\lo:l.\i P1P .. Lprl 1!0ll ll -l S\<I Prs.tl .40 • 11 t .. W .. llN .1Sd I •S 12l... A~nt!!nc: .JO l JI Siii-V. Cndil Fi .'1 1 ll 4liro-Y. GIWi Flfl .6' t lll I) ... • \Ii LTV Cotll l 1J1 10 -\'o P Pl. pl • 40 llO •l'll-\l'l Std Pru<I .66 I U ... _\lo We-(; .llO 1 ta ,, , -.,, Awt111Prl.4 10 1"5 2111-1\1, Crocloerl ... 6 JI 11">-YI GIW.~I Un l •14 22 •1\lo LTVCpSpl • t ..,Y>-l:o> PPl.1!1•.50 110 .. -I St-• .SJ ' 1 ' \'olNnUntlK II 1 ... AJll<Oilt GU llO" -1'4 Otlmpl( .IO . I • -"' G!WplJ,llc ., '° 141.\i+ ... Luonot~ii Ill l l•-1 ... ,...,WI 1.11 lJ 1•l•• .... st ... wks .. j )9 IJ1oio .•. _,,,,.. ·'° ... 4h -'• -a •-CrouMH .IO I U 1 SI~-.... r.,.n Gll l.lit S .1 11 ... -~ Luc•J1 f 11 ..... ,,_pt 1.llO l 11\'t •.. Menroy 60 ' 11 ,,,._ \' WMbOlt CP 4 11 J '• •1t1•Wll.IO s ., UVI-..... er-eo.-• " U'h-"" Grt!'OI l.Otl 6 ,,. 1~-:i. ~ '1. 6 4 t\o-·;.: Oww>IOll 19 s ln II • \lo Sl.trr•ll • • I U'o ... ~IMtl .611 , St ..... ·~ Btcht .loPI '16 91 l \1t-\O Owll ll 1.llO I Jl4 1l vt •.. =" WI •• '1 l'llo ••• 1.Mktn Sit I S 11 If -\<> l'imol Or JO 6 I •1'1-"" SlMl l• l.60rl ' 1l '"'.,_ '• ~IMlll .Sl I 10 """ ~ \"O aM .. 111 .JO 6 ~ 610-"" en OI .so l 1l 11~ . .• c.-,1/h .. 12 1-.... L "0 Corp 1• IM '"' PtOllGl It J6 • l6 ll>ti-"' StMl15<. ..... • . 16 IQ Vo-.. -lbn Cll .. 1 loo • 9ik1r0il .J1lt 41 ttlt-:i,. Q,illi9lfl .olO t 11 61'1 •.• Gwrd I j= •, 4~ 10 1!:• \ti Lylt11't' .Jtd l IOS 131'1-·y; PtJlllCll I 40 II Ml Ul'l-1'" St1111t•r 1.JO • 11 45 -J Miil "4 .'16 • '11 I)"'-.,_ llllld °" .40 , s 6'h-V. ~ .... 6 Ill 211'1-"• c.Mo 2'.l2<1 J ll p;_·~ l..ylttpf 2YI •. 4J 2•h-\I) PH-lnEJ .1111 216 lt'lll-1'6 Ste<cnl ... 5 1 j--"' WFNQ r.JOn 3 ?l Siio-.,,, llallClll"p .Ml s • ..... • .. °""°'O .10 4 n •l'o-"" GutfUfe .so 4 ,.. ,_ ... L'f""hSy .40 s UIOO 3:\ro-Iii "" In< t «I " ll 11\'o-I'> StettOro ,10 '' ,.. 11 ... -1 -lltJIG ... • 1• , .. _ '' llallGft I ... • llt IS""-\lo OrTIN; .'"'1 ,, 11 10 ...... Gr.Ill..., .l/d l II l 'h-l'o --M M-Piii lllC pl 1 I \J • \lo 5"rnllnl .n • IJ •I'll ... -F .GI S U ,,,.._ <-. a...c.I l.M ' 1 14 -"'° Ci.w1.IM .JOd • 11 6--lo\ Q.ll.~t I.IQ l U0 lt-\IJ M1"'11F .60 1 IS 11'1+ \lo "'4ffPI 1 IO 11 S 10'.41+ I.Ii Sff ... n~ 1.10 l 4t U'llo-"' W11 l r I 10 6 ~ u ..... •• lllnlll9 Inc :t3 •t tlllo-"' OrtiPWA t .. • 16Noi-\ti Gut! it.l.OI , lJ tl.0-~ MM:Oonlcl " 11 ·~ ••. Pwt ... si •. IO ll 1 »llo-.... SMW'Nn 1.n • IS II -"' Wfirl!Ppl' '"" •• ''° .. 1"-.... a..,... P'!I .. 21 1:W. .. v. c111:1 .. H 1.611 $ 11 21~ "" GllRll8 I.JO • . • 11•. , ... ~~ •• -~ •• •, .. • •,!: . ;:_ ""''""'" ,JI I l6 10 -"' s1o1o1,v 1, 10 I 11 1'11>-.. Will'! "" J ' •J 1--'• 8-"'c J •. J u ... v. (1'(*'5 1.ci J 1• """'-\lo !Stu ""' ....,,.,, .. -., Pefr1 pt 1,31 •. 1 11 , \0 s1-en1 .5'0 1 J ,,._ ""' WllMr .<O:I • 'fl 1 -1. link HY 2.20 J 11 ]1'11-~' C¥1Wui 1.«I S II 26* , .. Gui U 1.11 I 206 10~ Y. MK, 1.'10 J IJS \J'Mo-IV. Plolt1( l..... .• JI II ... SICWlf Wb N I 2• JIV. • " Wl8-1.olO S 3t0 16•~-" hflll \It .. 4 M f\ji-"lo ---0 0-Glill.WI .911 4 11 10\lo '" Mey plA4'1o .• UO 4\'MI-loo 11111111< I~ .It U :191 llY.-._ Slao•~ I 4 I ll>o-\~ WM•>\Co NA 11 1.M • , .,_ 9tnl!Trllll l J It l .I -1 Dimon Cp f 741 lll't • . • Q.ll .. ~ -·• •1 4"-• · • Mid Fii .•)II .• SS ,...,_ ,._ Phelp 0 t.l'O S 61 lO>t • ·~ Sl••r lrd I 6 II lll'>-1 W\t Pl!( llld S 1'0 '~-•, e.rtOf.IOd .• s Hllo-,'lo D4nA:• .... 60 3 ll 6\lo-"" GOIYft pflt'O •. I 4.J -v. Ml<I Souar• 6 Sl't-\ ""'"'Ell.'4 6 ns II -v.Slrl<Mll1l .• S\ J 6111 ... ~Putl .1" 1101 , .. _ hrd CJl .!O u ll """• .... 04f\ICp I.» • IS 16 .. -"" Gunan lndtl • • l\li-.. Mltl<CA .:It .. 11 J~-~ ""'1£1pt •l'I •. J1S0 1•"' •. s1 ..... w 1.n l ' ll"'-"" W\.ll'lol LtO I ''° 10 -'"' B«~k t 1.601' I 2' l>"• · ·• 04'1 111 .tOQ 4 51 U\11-\lo .._, W .--. ,•-,-,,. ""'""¥ .Ull,. JJ l 'h-.... Ph£! fll I.~ . 1110 f.!'llo-'h ~.~ fll ! .0,. 1 11"' .. 'IYW<lpl 4,611 . . S J6 . 8ft In .40 l 4 l'I . .. 0¥111141 pl 2 .. :II tt\l'l-.... ,,... • "• MIPtryCo I J ll U -,,_ ""'lflpl I.,. .• 130 -•. """"" Shat .. • I'• , . """1.111 El ,ti • IOOl t -'•• Bllrl Ml .111 6 l 14 -"' OM• Genrl l 1l 101 U\.\-1~ Hltl F e ·"' • " ,.,, • "' .... IOneH ·" 10 It ll'llo-.,, Phll EJ pt I .• IHIO ., ... S.UbPl'ao ... i ' 11"'-.... WllEl i:i' J_IO .. •300 ol(l • ~ • BllnM pl I . . 1 11'--'Iii 0.l"CO l,l4 • U 11'4 • . • :::=. ·~ ii ,11.~~' i':: MlnP>lncl ·'°,. • J>,1-v. PhEt 1:11 J.IO .. ISO ll'" ... Suc•tilC .J<I .. S I .. • ... Wil-1.olO S tt 2t'" -"° • =~ :: ,~ J; ,t'"'= ~ B::J;.!.~:'lt. -~ fl ~v.= ~ ...,,,,,...p,· 1 • u 1 • ..,:"' :::!~ .:n J j~ ~~= t: ::=:i~ :~ 1~ 3~! ·~~=1::: t:: ~7.' ~~ ~ o~ !~::: ~ ==s 1:~ 1~ ,l; ;:::.1'~ ltlltf'L .1111 I~ 31 .... -lt. O.yPLl l.Mi 6 SS \)'lo-'lo ...,le<>l ,41) I 11 JV. ••·MA PCO .Mii 2Gf 22'11o-1v, PNIPM 160 '2" 4l\t-1'~ Sun0ilpll'1o ,, 1•S 00 .,. ~. IMliF~ .olO I 11 ,.,,_ •r. kY\ltCo .21 Ii II 4\lo-~, Olll.otd I... .. 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IJ 6 ' llll'l+-'lo Meteor pt l •• JO ll'la-v, Piel'! 1"'11'1 '> JS l.. \lo ~illlr>e .60 11 •I ~ ... • lo -~pl I .. ll'O •l "' Beckmn .S010 11 22~-11 Oel Mnl 1.30 S !.O 1''4 +-llt l'WdeJ .IMh .. 3S l -"" Ml•tmn 40 ,, •t 11·,-\ 1>1u10<, I IO I I' ll'•l-1 SuoO!t l.ol(l 1' ~1111'~-t'll 'Mln"""I .IO • 11'0 13.., BectonO . .0 1' 2)1) 11~-1\o Oel ll!Alr .60 ' UI 40 -II'\ H«rosf9 l.olO 4 19 12"'-'h Mll'Mkl i.IO S IOI U-\,-,; P1onNG\ ~ t ·~ IS\'I ,,_ 5-•Gn .JO • '' 1>.<-\lo ....,..., Q1r1 .80 J J,O l~o Bll<M .~ S 6 I -'II 0.Uec .3°"1S 4( 1~-V. H4rrll'ii .n 1 S 10\0-.... MitlonL .41 12 Ill 11:i.-1o P<! ..... Ytl 14 lll IG\lo-'l't~Kope 2 )7 110/o-•h -!(pl(), 17,..,, lltk• 11111111 I »J 21~~ loo Ott-CP 1 I ~V. • . . H¥•!sC I.JO • '1 lJl't-\l'l Mtrlt~ 1.60 IJ " 31'1)-lo, P.!l'0<q .1119 I I l•"i •. SUI!" V•I .~ • I """ • \'t 'M'>!Moi .lO:I ) tJ 10 ,, llelca .... i SI S ! ll"'-''> Ofnnl"' .fa • I UV. •.• 1-WKO IQ 4 .11 10--'" MIHey .60 1 19 11\lo-I ~• p,n, ...... 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"'or" I 5 1o11 Ed>"• 6 u ,..., .. ,.. °'""llP' .Xl u 11S ,,._ v. HD! 1-.:n • 100 ,.__ "' wu... n s 1• 11•". '· P',CGl!I , Ill .. 11"° .. "' • "' 1~·1.0.1 .01 11 "' 1•\· o '. 1.-1• .on "' 11-. .. II ~L~E, il.o •! • s Up l.J • ... /'9 • ' n; l!lovrM Ill( s -I. 11.. • . . ~Mn .IO 14 •s •• , •• + 1~ I-loll ... l.l'OP .. 10 1,,,._ "" MtlOIJI~ i.11 ' " II • •• l"trGfll Im . 1100 "\• 14. ft•U1!1 ' I• • I•' J0\1 ,~ .... C....11 "' J ,tJlllll*tt 8r•1 I-• I• LIO I.I 1:11 .. 111 ,10d1 Jlt 6'A-+'o OonLulJ .10 .. 11 1•1 .•. HD!tyS.,..t t 61 lOV.• v, Mc,,..11 IO , 1a 1•o '· PSEGpt••l 110 It fe•C:...111106 "° J• -~ • .z..n,1~111~ 11• 1,,,,.,. ',', ~.•• ·.l', i!:: !: ~·. ~:: Snlf"lf \I nl lltHt» Jtlo•l A C"l i r e ll'~s 1.to1 n ., ~-1 Otltl!'leu• .~" , 10""-" HDmllN 1 u ts1 ta\\ .. 'II Mtlld "'-·.., J ., 1•·, •• M ,.,., 2.11 • to ll).l) -., 1,,,H ...,u11 , , \ z ..... +..a .21 1\ 1 .. ........ trh' My l.JJ 11 ISO ~111-2.. Dorie i;:p .10 4 1 11'--"' HIOll'l'WI l . .O s lH ~· -I Mf-sp! 1 'eo I 3• PS Ind fll )\'t .. 1200 31 -1 " ~ 1.4ld Jh I \o Up '·' &lllt:/ pf t .. •S :111\lt-t\<i Dort Oll .. tr ( 4 }1'1-I.Ii _, 1.1' • 116 16 -I Mtap/8 i to " I l• PSI= I ot .. 1200 11 ''I _.. ~' "Df'rJ ~;~1 ·: t,, ~ ::f -yor,: e'Jfks.tltt ~EW11V=T ruc:i•IV!_ 'ltCK1~ matt t~. c;i~ ! I~: ,;'°' -·~ ~/..C1:;: : ·~ ,;1'1~1~ =1J19'1 i 1~ :~=-= ~N'c!i..~ ·~ 1! 1:~ " ~:~ ::~ ~ ~ 1~::: :-: 1• 11YC .10 • .. '• u,, 6.1 AD• ~·I :::~:= l!(llW Jtoc•1 1ra 11 .... ,,,. "'"' Y•• llrl.ll'IGI 1,n J SJ \]""-"" 00.. Oi I.to 11_ /Oli 611\l'l-2\lt :::r·~ ·" s ., n~-.... Mel Slwll ·" ' 11 I I•. '. P!Atllc~i!'! }o J JI l"'. ,,. Simon Warnin g LOS ANG F.t.ES tU PI I -1'<1lk of the l!nitcd States enlt'ring a nother dC'prcssion is dan~crous bccau!lc it en· courages remedies that aggravate t h~ rf'a l problem -infl.1tion Trea!lurv ~CC'rt'tary \\1illi:nYI t: Simon s<ui.t 1'Uf'Sd::ly. • ~ly CltP 1.osa:1 ' "' uo '·' ~~ ' 1 ' li·l~·= Sl«l M'-Ot "'"'~.:'!1'· CllM ~ t~o.111 ~ ~ ~ HI'>= ~ ~:::,, l:!: 1 ~ 1~t ~'1'1=1~ ~~ :: ! ~~ ~""-· u; :;.-:~ 111 ~ ; ~:: ' : : ~~~ i1# ! ~~ 4:,:-, 1" 1....,eomc11 11-u -i.16 Of! t1.i ~'~"" is:io :tt0 "'"""°'°'" 0 ••••7Sl . .OO Jl ~, -1 8r"9trls .to 1 •n 1 •"' 0res oi1.10 •. 21 46"•-J~ HtluOll M .•• 1 , __ i.t. Men:• 1· . .ou•'l ,1 1,, P1Jfrntn 1.1o 1 '•'•JI•-•'• 2 1JM ET 11,.d )I•-'-Oii i•.4 v,-• ll ...U '-~ti-ff "'""' l",·"' ... ,·.~ -:'-' 8tlll'>lw-.l2 • 1'1 I""-I.lo 0,.jt•rpt f ,, 14 '1\1-3\l'l HO.n.l·b ,Oid I IH i1'1-"'\'I Mt•.0!111 10 t I tt, '• IVt•CP !II. JI t ''o •, 3Cti'l ar . .n11 i -•.o!f1'.J ...,.,..,,_ • ·---· '······· ,,.-11rU\A'lw .o10 1 1 •';-"'°''"'11 ..... 10 1, .. -\'1 Holnfl'lr>t1 11 1t 111'1-11<1o1e,,.11Lr :s.,11t ,, '•Pllru...,.11 ,, 1•, ,, " O.ylln1n ·°' lb-"" Otl 1•.l J ... , I 10 cl.lie t.IU.IOl."3I NI{~ .• .,(\IG,.00 J~ -' a T M9 l.IOd , '' l~. ... Ort•!llS ... 6 • • .. _ "' HauW Ill 2'11 . J lOl'i-\iii MllNPe m SI 21' 111. I.. P\orol .. r .n s )6 I• -!• S Ji\Jtllll'I .tt 111-'• Oft It l 1tll to ... i. J.!ll,IJO,i.t ·-~ ••••• l•l .!00 tJlo -1"' l<Krr111 E I IS t9 U V.-f~ Di.* ,.... 1.IO , 111 11 '• , . H<lu'ILP 1.56 7 31 ,,,,.._ \lo "'"'~bl tld I n I ', _ 1, -0 e>- t f.IKI .f.tMC 1\o-'• Ol'I 'l'1 1tnto<1111t ~.ai..711.•11 f:?.-4_ '' ....... 1, .......... '•'"" -.... lluPd C..IO l J(j 111-., Mtotl.Hl .. l1to 13 '''· HollNIG:l .IO It ,, 21-. •.• M G M ..... ti I I •••• Oll.ll~ II) I \t 1• • J Ufllltl 1Wl•t ll-16-1• Of! I .'--------------!..., c .... 131·IOO J.lf -\.o llldlnw l.Mlll 1 " ll'l-\~ Ouktll!l.20 .. /J10 IJ • '• HoNGll!tl'I .. 10 fl --Mii,....,. J.o ~ 1J S.'• -. C);.li~CIMD!J ;a 11 ol •etmw OUJ.! • •• '• OI! ''' ,,.., 11111 ·--&u'*erR .tOI I •'4-'• OUDl4" (DH I flji -1\ ._Cp l 6 11' lJV.+ I\ M(;I 111'10 ·~ 1't t o, i:...•\Or .'IO \ 14. • V°lf(Om In ,,,.._ '' (ltl 11.• I' ~ ..... ,°"' .... ···-, .... -•• llu!O...•W .!'!) I 1 ••• '' DwlllrlO ·"' u •U IO "" HowMIJ .l'O • JO!I .... _ "" M91~ 1'n t!O •I"" • ,.. 0..1•!>0! .. 17 \ ,_.... • ""'C''' wl t .. -'·()II.,, IN r11•r•1 • 'U.1,.00 .. ... &unJlptl•1 .. J 1111-~1 Oul>onl td lO •Jt HM • ~I IMlunl 1,611' I u ...... Ml( 104' 1 10'• -· ·- • 11 l'N '"~ ·'° 1 .. -" 0tt n s ·'' iiirrl .. an Snlr• ~f,,... 1JraiO .... 1"·100 ~ -~· ..., .. 1111 1,60 , tol ,. ..... I\ 0u"" pt,~ . • ""' • • Mud A '·'°"' 1 , ·~-1 Mj(ris ru1>, , l n • • ., 111.o1.1on ,113 11 " )6', 11, •. 11 knfo!r "'"• , ... _ "" o" 11., i(IW'9 -····' 11;AW ""' -• hr! 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I 1>o itt."" llO S If"' .. -~llM1141'1111t '94!lllO!..,._,.r"t: _.,., 1 •)'••I,; f i.tl 4•1* ll I"' lo mPwt 110 • 6' II.., Vo Mo!)ll()!)}() WO )I'•)·, lt,1tllold (l<I) t i U'1• '• lt)c .. llP111 ,1K•; IG l llftuotl rtlt"""' C..C. l.11 t 1J tfl!.o 1' E05Cli J)Cl10 I~ Ill. '• lll PWpl '" .• rt0 U •I NiOni,coll(I HI 111. "~§,tort (l<I) A ''" , lloc•llt•ldend:!lll p•od lllb\'Nrl.tle\t·c.tf'IQCl!tff •• t llo -y,E~!Mtmol JO , ... ,11 1111oolW!OIJ 41• Mr1114..l0t SI l'o Qt-1£1...-.1111 )fotj'"''" HfW Y(llllC IU!'ll -Tl'!f It «I<.,. ••• lfidold "' 1111 r A1t1«1t111 ~IClit• ~ .......w.'t.,, c.11.. Cltf, swm 0ru119 • .. 11j1 1~·· .. , !ElCll'I Ott ... !' II'• o 0 • ..-l 'l'"'"" , It'• -I '• Wiii!'! • • • t ' '° • • lltlllttl-4 Ooi •••• jf .., I•• ~ ....... .., ... JM! 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I II I" Ao1>'1~ IO 1 ' p,£ l•lld , lilt Or l<t OI • \loc• ti • GwrQ I.OJI! .. J '"' ,. , Emty.t.ir ... II '' 111'1 I '~ lllCll'Qll 1,)0 • I) \1111 NG1110• 1 (II 6 • l\" .. 11Po '-IQ 1111 I I nwtllf!lf et Pf"illt•t etrhl~.,l-llf c.ttt.lo .ID , 1' IS'-~-·~ E""'rln .)I 6 I I~· ·~ ll'lfo:(t C)l I 101 •"" • -Nl)llP,. 1 Ml t '' ) 1 , '• ~l 1 II) 111 I• ll•~IOI ... lllr 14!•~1 IJ•lfttnth torllflllp (#tHal pf 1 . . • ,,,,,_ .. li!M• I )11.i t ., Ii • \11 1119 RN! 1 J1 I) ""' ,... 1'• N<l<IQ$r 1 to JO l! ! '. """""°'' 10 • •I I f!flll't lnlo 14\I \I ll P•ltt. (;fr!Wtl .IO t0 1S ti.. ,,. EMl LI l:td lo 10 l\o lntR fll Jn ~ •}•1 •llo Mll<\yM \,Id l(I •• , Jl~l .. 1(1(11 l t l 1~ l.,... Tft Wit .. J6.i J" • r f~ $tMI "" .ll, '"" t '1 , , f"'I °""" "" JI, 1,','•' " '" ()141111 loltJlow .... fl, ' •• (ll'Mti.n 10,1~ ....... ....,._.,. ........ Ill n IJll'<'lf~ ••••• ··•"-0•• ..... "~ .....,,.,,.,0 ............. JDl ~ IOIM • . IJf fW l~liJ'lllllMy ·-" • .• • -.- - "(;runtcd that lhC' t'C'tinomy has 1t -. v.•cnk spot.;;, lt•t mf' r('·Cm ph ;1 slzco ho'91.cver, that '91.'C arl' not headed for u (teprf'ssion, .. Simon told a nletllng u f tho.' Elcrtro111<.·~ lndu:-trics A ~ sor1auo11 . Pe ru Oil l .l r.11\. Prru fAP) -AboutS2.4 bil- lion "111 lw s(lt'nt durinJt Lile nt:\l 0 d1·t·n1 lf' 1n dcvc lopint.( the J)('lrolt•um rl•,ourrf"<; of Peru ·~ northCU!«\('r'o 111n~le. 01l'rorcting to the hcotd of th~ st;,i tc oll a).!t'nC)' Pclr'Ol'l'rU fiPn C'.1rlos J\ohhio said 111 11n int(·r 1 It'" that fi ~11rc 1nchuif''< all ,1x•nchn,1t. prt\':tl<' and puhlic. at ull !lla ~t·~ fro1n C:\pl()r<i l ion ln invclilrncnt In J'll~trolt:un1-r1•l~l 1•1I indu,tr1,.~ ... , .. .. .~=---,. . . ., . . . ' ...... • • BB DAil v P1Lo r 'Pa11e1• itloon' St nr TONIGHT'S · . TV HIGHLIGHTS Connelly Wins 'His Role' l\llJ «!II 7 ::10 -"Sparl;1cu .... " The <'Oil· ~1.u~ion 111 th<· J!Jt;u f\ir~ IJ<)ug l a~ t•pu· \11th J t":1n S1nlnlon ~. l'1·\1·r l 'l'llU1ov <.ind 'r'on.v Curtis • ('ISS 12) s:11u -Sun •i nd U:iughll·rs .J1·rr~ 111 :1 ti~ht ,.,,1x11 tur1i.i.:ht \\ht·11 trt:-. furnlL'r girl friend inforn1:-h 1111 :-.hl'·~ prl·gn:int 1\lil ' 171 ~::10 "!1;1d Hunald •· .\ lt·t·n·:ig<· H)"'"\1t:R i'~O:\' SCO'M' llO L~Y.\V OOO ~t t l'f l " (Jnl,\' thr1:-1ophC'r l'onlll'll,,· uf th1· 01·1.r.:1na t "1'1·y1nn l'l:ll'l•'' I C lf'\'i ~tUll "l'f lCl'o (':J:-,l t'<HI he l'tJUrld tudl•\' Harhar:i P:.i~k111:-t·11.1uyf'd llu rry ~•:-:1 !Ju.-..1 1110\'it> :-!:tr and 1 .. 11011 uppc;u·in,l't 11·:-.1"1 ln:11u1 ·111I) uu lht· b1 i.: h\'{' year::. /a\t·•· :-.1111 ;, .. ,. 1·1ng 1n a \\'t_·ekl\• shoY.' Ii i ... i.-. un(' 'vr ~1h1· IJc:-.1 JH.'l'furn11u11·l'-' ul lh1• OC\\' 't•a:-n n in /\II('':-··1•apc>r· ~Jo(ln ,'' lh1· h ;1JI hour -.11u;d11 •ll l'(Hllt••I \ \ 1>r-.1• •II t)f iht• "lll'l'l''"l ul n1••111 · :-tr1·1·n. l·:d Nt•l:.on 1 . ..,, :.till :,1 1\·ork1nA :u·lot· P:i t ~·lorrov• 1' :-i tu1l .\1111i.: l or h1'r lnu• <ll'Afl'1· ;111tl 111<1 .1-1•1l1 1·r po Iii ie:-. SUJX.'1'!-l;tl' H) ;111 l l 'Nt•al IS' 1tu1ng 111·-.l .. r ;di. AruJ ('••lllll'l\1 h,1 •111 l l'\•'tl hc·:1t'1l frunl oth1·r ;tlun1nt 11( ··1·~-.1 1 011 Pl cii·1·. llil' ~va1J ~,...---------------------.;;;;;;:::;;;;-.. 01}(•r11 th~d t•11J•,1 t•d :1 run rr!lnt l!tt; l·C!1 tll\Jt'tl1·11·r .. t;_dl..-. .1 L1n1il\ 11 i1 1l lht'l't' d;1uµhtt•rs \llln 111!•\•· 11\l" ,11\ uld h1111 -.t• S1·u11 .l ;n·nh1. l\1111 llu11l 1·1 l'qq1.1 ."'1·1111 .11ul .John l.:1r1:h :n 1· t1•:t l llft•d I ht1'1•i 11 lu•-. ;1 1·111'111\1 1"1 1·h:1in •1t t·\1·111 ~ (, :'\l':d play1·1I t '11n11t•ll1 ·~ tir .. 1h1·r 111 "l't·1lo11 l'l;1r1· Thi ·~' 111·r1· Hur't111·1 ,011d \111·in:1t1 ll:1r1·1n.:111n TV DAILY LOG Wednesday I': WM . CONRAD MEANS * CANNON-EXCITEMENT Evening ; Q 'if J )(])C.nnon "The £.i. OCTOBER 23 I Chln~e" C1nnon·1 l()('lgtlmt lriend· 1 ~h1~ .. ,th ~ lonntr po!ke tom11de 5:00 I 0 fl 1'0 m m CD Hews ~ung·~ h•fll into the m•d1I of • · (ii (~, l.i (ii (,li ll.l Jllt11~ , l'1rnr•11'1 venderu •iain1t rke po- (61 9onania 1 l•ctm'n LI Lyle S1Jcey ([d.,ard · Wlllt'~ M,·Li11e! , B+n"nsl. . Ptrtridrt ftfl'lit, r 0 LUCAS TANNER Ois- Mod s~u1d I * cusses Sex Openly Mu.icil Comedy Show In His Class Which tl6 S111 Trtk I ED £!tttric t11mp1n1 Threatens His Career! Q}Spetd lla«r Q (2j'iJ jo_ mLU(IJ T1n11t1 "Three le!ttt Word" luc1s f1ct' Andy (;rillith a m1101 tonhonl1l<on with paren11 t :JO m R11mond 8u11 Sho• : Ztom! ~nd rhe ~Ch()Cll bo1rd ll'htn one o! -~1s ci..~nocm 11511nmeots p•ompb (<]! 001 Oe1ltr'1 Choic1 the ntfd for 1 r11nk discunion of lE Thf 'ioneel'f ~· Uttll lt1K1l1 (!) Notre D1m1 Foolb1ll Hitfili"1b ,., ~oo®~Ci.lmm Nm m cam1i11• owt1a11o1 o.ti.n ED NEW TV ORAMA OE'BUT Mid Squtel * BEST THEATRE IN LA ~ Trulll Of Co11Nq11•11ees Hollywood TV Theatre! I Lon luq nt FBI ED Hollrwood T1l1YIMon fllletr1 i(]) Ho1.,r's HtrHJ "The Chint1e P1imt Mi111mr'' Dlll'lt £smtrtld• Judith Andt1so11 ~tus in Enid 811· 111 Y1lkf nold's pl1y 1bou1 t~ la1cin1!ion Chnl lo Cfttnce •rid disi11ter of 1ro .. inr old. ([)I 8011111:1 9:)0 0 Nnn Drtm• ~ Dfam1 Thnt S1toPt 10:00 7:JO OLornt (;re1111'1 l111 or t111 'Midi D MANHUNTER IS TV'S IC:ollttf P'ylt * NEW ACTION STUNNER Ha111tTllllTunt ' O@(IJl])M1n~unt11 "Thi HtlJ Thy Ntlrtibo1 Doomsday Gin(' Oa~t pursues a ~@ let's M1k1 A Dt1I 11•n11 ltd b, & dtmtn!1d. bomb- ( I) (f)Tt Tell l/le Truth throwin1, defrocked minister f1uest b lion $ Mo¥it: (C) (Z~1) Monlt Ma1~hJm) .,hen he is hired "Sp1rtK~1~ Cenci. (dra) '60 -by ~ un•on ott1c11I to filld the !ell Kull Oour1,,, Je~n Simmon~ u1m•n.1ls 1~pons1blt !of tht muf· \$ ,rict Is Rlthl de r irld robbJry !01 which his union I lewikhlCI men ue btini falsely accused. Clndid1te1 ,ltU tonlertllCI fl ilJ @@; m, t l rt ct I 11 Othtr '1opl1, Other 1'11tts ··rne face of [vii" A lather· Cllttirity Bowlin& dau1hte1 relationshlp u nges from Uttlt Rncab mis11uided renerns1tr lo piobablt 1:00 O @(]) 00 San, & D1uch1eu mu1dtr, .JS Petiocelli defends !he "Tbe Piegn1ncy" Jell Reed'l 1orrne1! spol!td d.1uehtt r ct • ....eaun, busi- R•l1 lntnd seeks him olll. stuns nessii\1n. ti1m ll'ith lhe 11e11s th1t she's 1e·1 0 mm Ht•S cttli1 prt11n1nt and pleads tcr his C~ The lotd Onts help 8o!h know Iha! .klff cannol l 0 (fi (()l (l)Q)Gtt Christle pouobly bt the f11he1. bul ht !eds loY1 "for !he f~m•l1 licnor" Cb1is· com~llltd to htlp-Y11ttlout ccn!id-1 lie helpi p111nu kle CuullO f11;e a 1ni 1n Anita who is beth tonfu!.f!dl pain1u\ d•lemm1 when a m'fia 1nd wc111ed 1b.out Jeffs interest in th1tltain otte1s to spare 1ht lite 1 gul she hardly knew u isltd. I ~! th~ de1et!lve's tath tr in rtturn 0 Jj CiJ1o_ €L'lllttlt Ht11St: en, tor !he lretdom ot 1 $yndiute lieu· tbe '"irie "II I Should Wike Be· lenlM wllo!.e tes11:11ony would Wil't forr I Die" Pa ln111lls helps 111 el.I o.~t !he thieltain 1na bis oreaniza- duly ne1ihbor sta~e hef cwn wake., !Ian. Robert Alda auests. Wh1n Amy tlern (1-0sephint tlu!th· @The Untoudt1bltt •nsonl Yllnls lo set her distant IO:lD • Joume1 to i\dvtntur1 olfspnna. she resolves to have them· Wallderlust invited !o her "'ake. lt Clud1d 'rita 0 Movie: IC) 12hr) 'Firecretk"i Inner Visions (01U) '68 -Jam11 S!f"''"· tienry' Corni fond1. lni:er Slevens 11:00 ()) 00 (D €L'l fiD Nt•s (i) I ts! ol C1oucho <ml il_~ ctJ Jllun 0 (lf r.I'l I]) CEI Th•t's My !1h· 8rst fl (;roucho 1111 "fht Loin" Chlton·s !eud Yli1h1 6 HTPO n.s brnthe1-1n·law. Leonard. becomes• Mo'rit: (C) "May1~ (adv) '66- 1 fa mily l1aht when sistrr Tracy's! by Nol1h. Sajid K~hn. Clint Walktr. busband borro.,s S50 from Cli!ton ID Mis.Aon: lmpossib!1 ind 10111e11 to p1y him b•tl (!) Ni1llt C:tllery m Dt1ltr's Choice ~ (}) 'etu Gunn II T1l11 A Thit! a Wild Wild Writ Variety Yo11 roi Healtb af Mo'rit: (C) (Zht) "Tony Rome"f {w:)f(fl) Wanted; Ottd Of Alivt Cdra) '61-frank S1natr1. 111 :15 -Cintmt M ED Alcollotism A•111neH Weel ll:JO !lll CD()) CBS lilt Movie: "l6 "li1er by the Tall" A documentary Hourt" (susp) '65-JJme~ G11ne1. on the lrea!menl and rehabilotllion f Rod Taylor, Eva M1rie Stint ot two akohol1cs· 0.1noy O'Brian ! ip W1J01 'it'l Joh nnr C.rson ~nd Joe Gallage r !lolh ue be•na 1 Fr1eturtd Riclen trealed at the iu~on Gtoer1I Hos·' 6 Movlt: "Tall T1raet" (dra) '51 p11.11 Oe1o"htit1on, Reh1b•l•t1tionl1 -Oiek Po.,ell, Patill Raymond. ~nd Re1eMch Cen1er O Wide World Special! tt') Ch1mplon!lllp Wrt$ll•"f * Playboy 20th al Japanese t1n1u11e ,ro111m Anniversary Party! l:JO ,~M1le Dourt•1Sho• _ ! 0 1Ql1 001fV (EWld tWorld 0 ABC Wednesday Movrt: S~cial "ZO Ve.is cf Playboy: A * BAD RONALD Comedy Salu!t" He ha!. killed before-§Bill Co1b1 W·,11 h k.11 · 1 Video Visionui11 . e I aga1n . 12:00 Movie: "Ru11in1 City" (my1J O ,.,. Ii ) (3l CD ABC W1dnt1· '5l-Hui:h Bea umont d1r Mo'lit : (C) (90) "Bid Roni!d"' (D Movie: "The Good H~mor Min" (1u1u) '7 t -Scott lacObJ. Kim (com\ '50-Jac k Car!Oll. liun1e1. P1opa Stolt, John l.Mch.' l:OO 0 -10• Tomo11ow ltd [ccle$, Cmdy f<~her. Cindy 0 LlJ l~ in @ Nt..n f1lbacht1, L1~ l1lb1cher. Anel1 !:JO 6) Atl.Jllight ShO'll: "Fint Min Into Co"1u1. O~bnty Colenun. A IJm1ly S(lt tf," "lady Witho111 A Pai.sport," w•tn lhrte dau1Me1s miwes info 1n1 "S1p111 Sea" ~Id house uoa .. Are 1h11 i: has 1 1:45 O ..,ovie: "Sout~ Se1 Woman" s'cre! rl)Om occupied by 1 te,nai:t (com) 'SJ-Burt Lancaster Chuc~ murd'lf! who on1ends lo make !~em Connors, Virgonla Miyo. ' a oart of h11 strange lanun •orld J:IO O Ml!Vit: "The Window"' (dfa) '49 m Mttv liril!in Sho• -Barb.It.I Hale, Bo~by Oristoll. Thursday DAYT IME MOVIES l :JO O "rortow the Hu"tu~ (Jd1l ·!t4 -c~,nes ChlOl1n Jr. 9.00 0 (CJ "Cunllfhl 1~ A~1l!~f' (Wf)\ 67-Bo~by Oaon. li1he N1el1eo 10 00 0 (C) "MUUC!f In th' 81uk fo1tll" rdrdl -C1m•1··n M.1,~el• -"~!r"ertJ l~11id• "P11troe Moon" 1"e1J JS -Ge~t Aulr'! "V1&<l1~1t T111or" l"fll '5(-W Id 6111 (1110! 1 IZ:OO (D "Act of Violence" (dr11) '49 - Van Hdhn. J1ne! l ei1:h. L:OO :JO "Tht En, W•1" (com) ·~ - Ca!)' G11nl. Be!~y Drake, I.JO 0 IC) "foJlilf" (drd 1·55 -Jett C~andler Jane Ru~s.ell, Dan Duf)'tJ. Z:JO a· "Dkl1hum1 ~id" (•es) '39 - l•Jm~h1ey 80;111, Jarnes Carney. 10 (C) "fht lpcreu Hit" (mys) '65 -M_ch1el C11ne, N11:el Green. Jl o (Cl "A Cw;en1nt Wilh Death" (my1l '61-G!'(lrge M1huis. J·Jo 3) (C) "Po!lr"t 1n 8l1tk" (dra) '60 -l~~il Turner. A~l~on, Quinn. 0 jCI "follow Thi! D1e•m" (mus) 6Z-llv1$ P~t1lr1. Anne lielm Kl tt '!-'.,('II\\~ El.)O .\t Ii\ r ,\HR jJ\\ h ;, ... l1{'{"!•lTil' :J SOlll{'\illll' lllO\'ll' .... tar, li1'i11g in J~n g l;1 11tl 11·1th hu~hand 1\nl.lrto" l'rcl'1n ;11111 h1·r 1·hildr(·fl . ])urnthv :'llalnn1· li1l·~ in ·r exas ;1n;1 1:1k t·s ,uel'a s ional ;.1t ting 1·1JIC.\. ,, ...... ... °" ..... . •• , .• $., .... 11.I WllUmN BUSTER AND BILLI( /I) O\ltt e IUUU 11115"1T LA T SUMMER !OGI tJ ':\ E A L .\ :-; 1J 111 S daught vr , '!';11 urn . I'l l ;1rre1l i•1 lllt' .~('1'('1'11 \l'l'i'Hlll o1 ···1•:1pl'I' :'\J oun .·· Litt It• ·r~t u111 \1 vn lht· l)S(·ar fur bl':-1 su1>1>ort ing :u·1 l'('s:-. !\Q\I' lh:tl l'onnclly is pl :.1y in g t he role vf l\losl's l'ray, or1 i.:i natcd by his t•r.st"·hilr t·u·slar. tht're ar(' l'01np:1 r i ~on s o f their pt•rforn1an1·c•s. t h1·ir ;.q>pear:11H'1'.~ ~ind l'<lrl•t•rs "'Funu v !httl).: ... s aid ('onnt•ll <. l'l lrod;111~ I.hr \\'l spy 1n11~l:•t'h" Ill' has tultil':Jll·tl l'or thl' ~1·ric:­ ··Ahout ruur .1 1·;1r1"1 ;1).!o [ l'l·ad lhl' ho<>k . '.\dd11· l'ra} · <in \\hlrh ·1•:q1t·r ~[01111' Js h:t.\t•d I 1l 1s t·o1'1•r1•d P :11·a n111un1 011 111·d l'1lrn rii;h!s ;i nd h :1'l :• :-i'\ rii;urt' pril'l' tag •n1 ii "I ('OUlcln "l put lh:.tl Ull lll.1 l'redit (·;ir'I. I garl' up. And 1\·hc:n thC' pit'ture 11 as rn;.1d1• I thought that 1vas thcC'nctof it. 'rhcn ;1 ~·"':.1 r a fl er t ht' 1no,·ir ('~irn c: out I heard 1\RC 11·;1s going to base a 1'V sho11·on the ~lory. 1581 W. SUNFLOWER W. OF BRISTOL C.M. 540.0514 • H JUGGNNAUT" "LAST RUM" IPGI ()p,n !<V> '""' ,-,, ""XI P'"' ··~· ·~"' ·~" ":<() °"'"n ll•u ("'"~tu 1,,..,....,, " •'R.fSH GOROON"tXI l Sllorl S11bj•c ! "'THE OEVIL'S TRIANGLE" "CLOME5" l,GI JA. "THE OOVE" ..-"IAHGTHEDRUM SLOWLY" "DUDDY llRAVtn" H.UOlO & MAUDE" l,Gf SAN OIECO FRWY It 80LSA EX . 893-0546 "DEVIL'S TRIANGLE" "CLONES" t,GI 'THE DOVE" IPGI "STEIULE CUCKOO" IA ··DuDDY KRAVlfI" . ,..... •'HAROLD & MAUOE" l,GI :~ "DEATH WISH" "SERPICO" IRI :<rw: ... ,,, ..... 10" ~"' l !)(Ip"' Oe"'°"" ~t\. I Hul><!•l"I $! ?5 0 en Dail 10:15am MOMO .. Y TMR\J JlllOA Y Ol'lM AT •:OO ••Alltl'OllT '7S" 6:JO-l :l0·10:)0 SATURo .. v.sUMOAT O,EN AT 12:00 "J.1Rl'ORT '7~" I 2:l0-2:J0-4:l0·6:lO·l:lO· I O:JO l'\11\ A $'1C:O•L .. IO"'!Ololl \HOW l•l J $At, ~ ,A~H' TH!~ lMIO AGlMlNT 'Ll•11 • 1000/T>ftNG .... "" .__ ~ • .............. ...i... ~ .. ~·Ip ....... .. ---"""'"''' An.,11 NEW 1i1m "'5P"'ed by the """el, "AIAPOAT" ff -··-iiiRPaRT . 975:. ...... ~ ... ; ... _, , ..... ' SHOOTS FOR 'MOON. ChristoRher Connelly Conrir lly gol. th~ 1ncs:;:1gelti Dul hl' blcv.' .his first ~croon lesl. 'rhere:ifl cr ha "'cnt to see l hC' n1ov1 c ve r s ion or ''Paper !\loon '' s lurri ng Hyan O'Ne<tl . "I 1houAhl 'l'utum was ~real." he si1id. .. ny:1n 1\'US \'cl'y good." 'rh(• ~cr.onrt \('st. ror !ht· fl<.U'l lU1'0Cd CIUI some\\•h;1l llt·ll<'r . ,\nd aft1·1· ;1 susp1·11:-1·ful I 11'0 ur thr1•1• lll'l'kS lil' II <.IS ).:l l'l'll !ht• :-Ol't'i1·:-. .. I K '.\; .. ~ \\I I ' u b I' 1·on1 pa r(•tl to Hy <1n ,'' <.:u1~11cll y :->aid. ··And it'i. n1or1· lh;.in !110 a\:lo1·s pla y ing the _;;";11111' rolt• h~'<:aUSC' of our ;1s:soci:.iliun 111 'Pt·yton J>Jat·c .... l:onnelly is delighlt·tl v.'ilh · "1 lli\U !\I'' ;.i g('nl cont1tl his 'rolc and the po1)11larily P:.1rn m oun t <111 d !ht"' of the s eries \Vhich i,. Jl('t"·ork. I r.t'ally 11·ant11d to filmed l:'ll l irely on location. play f\l o!:>r s Pl'ay. I \l'fl S 'l'hc first 13 episodes \vere rejected by P:.1ramount. photographed-in Jla,yes. Somcbod~· I here didn't likf' Kun .. 1'he next 13 "'ill be ine. But I n1et a l'al';.in1ounl shul in Tcx:.is. l'xecuti,·I' ;1t a part~ and ht• ''\\"t• on l y havP one ;iskf'd if I c·utd<l play ;'i problt•111.'' Co nne ll ,\' :l5·Yt·;1 r ·1'11l rn;1 n '11th <111 i·on«luclPd. "\\'c·rc opposite \\.year old ).!lrl .. ."f'h" \\':dlt ~n:-... 'Sanford' Top Show In Week's Ratings THE SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN ALL SEATS $1.00 DOORS OPEN AT 11:15 p.m. "IT'S ALIVE" IN MISSION' VIEJO .;. ...................... . EOWAROS ' ' CINEMA VIEJO . ... , ., ... . " . ........... .. ~­,..,...,.,. "SUMMER OF '42 <)1,.111:1• l'"11Hl \.., I l lF lt·l!,11,..,1011 :-.11+111111 l\Ul'f:."l'\'. ha:. :-t'ht•1t11!1'1I till' fo1!!t 111111i.:. ~p1•1·1:il pr11):r;11H 1"1 IOd<.1~ llct.11 h·d 11 .... 11 n ~-. 11! t '11:inr11·I .'l1\·, )1r .. i.:ran11"1 .irt• c:a 1·r11•jl 1111ht'1),11h 1'1 IH! ~ I'\'\\ 1•1•!, t·.u·li ~u11d ;11 Class of'4 =~~~2 HOO \(HOQl(H~Tll!(INtW\1(> i'MuSt( IN Wl }fEllN CUl,Ulll 1(1 !l 10 AM[ll lCA <(I \'<• 1, ,.,,, """""'""" , . .,,, l ~ lltCTlll((C!MPA .. ,.i (I 1l•D Ti'<[ G0Y{llN01t ANO floll ,)O<I 'ISAMESlllflfl(I • 1lVOl "T ~ICI •GO JllOM ("'""' lO CH4 .. CI I 10 M ATH A(101>V <(l i MV~I( 00! W[~llll 't (UllVIU: l(l ....... l'•'•····~· ' I n IN\<OE OUT ""' L I 10 CO,,.MU .. llY 0 ' ll\IOHC U«"f•> •Cl ,.., .~1 ~-c , • • r I 00 tltCllllCCO"'~""' ''' : SO \'ILLll llLI Giil.. i ( l .1 •· ''~'""" .. , '. ,, ,, " •r 1 J"Ot ' TIMI JO C.11 0 W "UMA .. D lYf lOJ'MfNI ·~ I' ' !\, ._,,,, t• I '' I lO ~lllt,,AffO \~ll(,,INC. re• I ,,..,,,,1,n• ,,, • • 4,H llf0 M (M•Nl 10 (N•N(I •• 10 A~MllfflllMAVlS 1(.1 fmcl"'" ! ~ (C)MM tr \ (l0Ttll"'C. '(011Ml ll •(l A I ·11"" ! "'' •• •·.1nll •t>!""'- I 1n.vo•1 II \ ,.IPEllffE t(• I • .. , •~n .. fUu (;.,., '' "' I 00 A TIMI_ TO GllOW HVMAH 0 1 VELOP,,.~ffl 1(1 1~,. IOdlll•• > ,.,,n I• 1 ,., ;1 111 MA\llllJ .. I Cl I H(Afl..11 o(I ~· ...... ' \\, '~.· ,., . "'"'-...... '' •)t ft\MA .. At t1•V(\l(I I'""'"" I ,., ... , IOI .. ltl ID W M tl JOJ l~ltfOMI lllClf't IHI •ur TO\lot(i.I n ·~ su••"•I Of '"' -CUI AMP TMI OU-ST --BlllTRETIOJJS '"*" ~-\... "THE_LllllGES~.Y~RD" 1/ ..... ~ ....... . :i .. irJl@;i ~:~;:~ ~ -;.) ..... , ................... ::::.-::::: •. -•••<-~ ... o ... u... • . ... ·~··· ~ ............... --.. , ..... -.... ~.°"' 11•"-" 11~=."f~~~iil ' II 11 U .. 1111 l[(;\11< ,, • ~-• . \ Aging Actt·ess ·. < '• • Dume· Judith Anderson portra,1·s an <ictrC'ss c~n· fronted \\'ith the realization that :-;hi;•s ,gro\v~1g uJcl in "1'hl' (.'hincsl' Prime l\'finisLC'I' .. tonight •ti ~l o'c:Joc:k nn f\C~:·r. ('h~11111el 2H . "WHAT IF IT HAPPENED? • • WOULD YOU ? "CRY RAPE'! -!J ,_. M~Mitl..t- '"l' .... 1.1<,T KTIJV' , -,... _,, ..... "'" c........ ... i,. •• -· cm;:::2 --=iE': ....... ~~;;:.·-.;-~;;;; ... -... 4 : "WT'ftt•t:;:..::::,•=-:_•1·Uft • ••~t A l001T •L51C ftW' OT THI. IAIULOUS 4t't Summer of '42 r' . Class . ofi14 l,GI .._ _.... ....... i..;; .. ......... ~-lttef.i - • ., 1 I I 7 " I I 7 • -· . . .. . Today's Final VOL. 7, NP. 296, 7 SECTIONS, 80 PAGES • ORAN?E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 , 1974 c TEN CENTS Bail Drive Laun.ched for Long-tim~ Inmate ' By ARTHUR R. \'INSEL ~°' t111 ~111 Pli.t Sllff A campaign to _gather $5,000 b a i I money, '),11o1t ,of jt-coming in nlckelJ and·-mmes, moimted today to fr.ee ac- . cused killer James Ray Russell, charged with an Oklahoma murder be may not have committed. Today was his. 745tb day iu•jail, waiting for -!bing -anyth!Dg =-to happen. "I'm wore out," be aakl Tuesday. Rul8ell, 27, a former La~ Hills --. * * * Housewife Gives~$5 reSidea~ finaJly had his . day In court 'Netday,· af\er ao1ne 15 fnliUess ap- pe~~ces1 including an a,ppeal to the caJ.i.fomla S!Jpreme Court to be released. LOs Angeles Superior Court .1udge ltay· .mond.M. Choate set bail af$5,000 finally aUer .Bussell's·two-years apd two weeks beb.iodi bars, a sum requiring one-tenth ot_Jts face value as a surety deposit ~teCUre rt»ease. lfil .family, Including his deliriously ' teattul wife fta"ten, ZI, vowed to have the $500 deposit together by , Tuesday night., so he could co1ne home to Bell Gardens. 'fhey failed to scrape up the sum · bul a ball bondsn1an who saw t h e youthful ex-Convict on television Tuesday night ofrered . to take $250 and trust ihem for the rest. He 'd like a celebrity client. The Oklahoma family who came ¥:est looking for something better couldn't even come up with that much on such short notice hov.·evcr, follov.·ing tv.•o years vf travail. One Orange Coast resident. Li n d a Hughes, called Santa Ana a t to r n e y Russell Agajanlan today lo ofier $5 and said she was trying to organize a radio campaign to get LOOO listeners to pledge $5 each to help the Ru~lls. His aged grandfather, Samuel E . David, came out from Haskell County, Okla.. for the pretrial and extradition hearing Tuesday and pledged equity in Mesa his paltry property holdings at Stigler . Okla., 10 go his grandson's bail. Slill another sympathizer. Sus 11 n Haknm, of HW1tiugton Bc<.ich. \'0\1·ed to loan them the second $250 from her savings account if the bail bondsman 11·ill stick to his bargain. ' Russell, an ex-convict \.\'ho served four years in the Oklahoma Slate Penitentiary at l\IcAlester for a burglary t'Ommitted \vhen he was 19, v.·as expected to be bailed out of jail somehow today. Annex 1-lc and hls brother Xoah are aecused r.f the ~Iarch, 1972, murder of inyali\f Albert Christenber ry. 9'~. v.'ho y;as beaten 10 dtath in his v.·ht-elcha ir and robbed of $200 in his little hon1P in Leola. Several \Vllnesscs h:1\'e filed aUidavilS tcsti(ving they v.·cre 11i1h James Russell lhHt lragic night al the Long Beach l'iu·Pike A1nusemenl Park, 1vhen he \.\'as supposed to be engaged in a savage n1urdcr 1.000 111ilcs ;.v.ay. • tSt>e BAIL, Page AZ) ' Eyed For Bail 'Beef Up Ser ,vice' to Bear School ' A Santa Ana housev.ife and mother of thrtie ~b> b3~il:I to make ends meet donated IS lo the bail bond fund to acetJsed murdered James Ray Russell t.o kick off her own campaign. Ruuell bas spent 745 days in Los Angeles County Jail after being anested on an Oklahoma fugitive warrant charg- ing him with a murder which all known evidence indicates be would not have commllted. A Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge finally set bail at $5,000 Tuesday, alter more than 24 mooths during which it was denied. "This is really outrageous," Mrs. Lin- da Hughes declared today in proposing her method or helping Russell get out of jail and back to a productive life. pending resolutian or o k1 a b o m a ' s alt<gedly false· charges. "If ....,.bo41', !Ille '6.000 p e op I e , dOnated a ~. or if 1__.000 people donated .IS, he coo!d pay tt " back. •. or lhey could let him ckeep.., iL to get I fmh •tart." Mn. lll(hot uplalned. 'Ille young mother who bah~ in her home at 1122 West St., near the Fountain Valley and C.osta Meaa dty Uniit.s, said Russell'• plight •triket close to hpme. once, she sakl, a close relative was arrested after a verbal dispute with a hostile female neighbor and v.·ound up in jail for two days. He Joel hi.s job over it. Sbe has also enlisted a.id of radio station KWIZ in an effort to help the Russell family get Jamts re1eased from Los Angeles Cowify Jall. Russell's wife. Karen, 23, now v.·orks as a watiress in Downey to make ends meet, but they lost her little b o y , Russell's stepson, by court order because ot the murder charge. "When they look liis stepson, that was the last straw,'' declared Mrs . lfughes, who first read of Ru s s e 11 ' s !:~·'!.!! ~ ~ !'~~~~ ~~~ "I can only dOnate $S to him," she added, "but I've been trying to do something." Trustees Endorse Equal Joh Plan A policy endorsing equal eglpioyment opportunities in the N e w p o r t • M e s 1 Unified School District won unanimOWI appmal by trust..s ll'ue..say. Accordln( to the policy, the dilllrict guarantees "equal employment and op- P.l)rilmtty for adlancernent to all, re- gmll,.. ol race, rellgioos er<edl color, national origin, ancestry, pbyalca band!· caJ),,or sex." . } eumfi,kin Picker ~Jg wo&iall, <2, of Laguna Niguel , flnds his eYe for a Halloween pumpkin piay be bigger than bis mu scles as he makes tough choice at an Or:lnge coast pumpkin patch. He round One he could carry, "bu~ oh boy, wouJd that bigger one make a swell jack-o-lantern. . \ Negotiators Huddling ~ . .. To "'4 vert Job W alkoff ", ' UitiOn lea~; and management teams of midni ght Friday. huddled anew . I.Mg Beach today ID A spokesman ror the ~fcDonnell efforts to avl! a strike this weekend Douglas management also was close· that· could. 11ffect 250,0!)0 McDonnell mouthed on "the progress of the talks. DoU~s employcs, including 5,000 at the "We ha ve never discussed negotiations." Huntington BeaCh plant. he said. . , Negotiations over new pay and pension In addit ion to pay increases. a key demands_ have been going on s i n c c bargaining Issue is over pensions. The August but the rountdown toward a UAW has said that ii i ~ pushing for stoPpage is now under \\'ay in earnest. the ri ght of employcs to retire after But represenfaUves at the negotiations 30 years' service no malter what the in the Edgewa~er Hyatt House, Long age and with increased re l i r e m e n t ~· today woul~ say nohting a.bout payments. the-talb olher than that they were · Pension plans have become key issues sWeiiiated. . · in itll labor negoliahons in recent years. J\Sked w~at were the stumbling blocks, but they are understood to be particular- a riprt!Bentative' of t b e Jntemation81 ly critical in the aerospace industry .<ssoctaUon of ' .)fa C? h i n t s t s said, \i which has expe rienced n1ass layoffs in ''E+erythlng." ' -· recent years. 1'be .L\.\f; ~~h te:presents 9 9 O (See UNION, Page Al) empklyes· at the Huntington Beach plant Parents from Bear street Elementary ScOOol would like the school to become pan or the ell)' ot Costa A-lesa, in order to share the city's police and fire services. At the present time, Bear Street is considered unincorporated tenitory ol Orange County, lying just outside the city limits. Most families attending the school, at 3100 Bear St., are living within the city. * * * Trustees Okav 4. 7 -a~re Sale T_o Developer 5ale of 4.7 acres of surplus land next to Costa Mesa's Tanager Park to a land developer wa~ approved Tuesday night by Newport·Mesa Unified School District trustees. . W .E. Buccola Company plans to purchase the land for $340,000 and will build about 25 single·family homes on the site, according to Robert Gray of the company. There will be a 90-day escrow period. The land is the last portion of 9.iacres deilared surplus by the district. The city of Costa ltfesa ea rli er thls year purchased five acres for $273,000 to supple!Uent the 2.5 acres already .in use as Tanager Park. Superintendent John 1'\icoll pointed out at the board meeling that monies derived from the two sales could not be used for the district'! regular operational expenses. Pll,OT PICKEROO • • ll'V SIXTH JT'EEK Pigskin Pickeroo '74 continues in its sixth week as Daily Pilot readers com· pete for $130 worth of priUs each week and a chance to win a color television set. Sports rans who best predict the out· comes of 30 rootbal\ games to be played this weekend will be awarded Zenith radio and television products. Further, first place weekly winners are eligible to compete for the grand prize color set. Details and an entry blank are publish- ed in today's editions. Pigskin Pickeroo is a regular feature of the Daily Pilot sports pages and is co-spcinsored by ABC Color Television of Huntington Beach and Zenith Inc. • Weather The usual night and morning low clouds aloog the coast Thurs- day, according tO the wtather service, witb SUTiny skies ln the altemoon. Beach highs of 67 will rise lo 72 Wand. Lows tonight 57 to !2. plus •otiiers al McDonnell Dooglas f~ifies at Sanla Monica, Torrance aM Patmdale, has served noti ce that its contracts with the firm will expire miilni&ht Sunday. The I.Ut repre.!entati\•e \VOUid not discuss what would happen if an agree- ment is not reached before then. Leaders of the United A e r o s p a c e WOrkerS, which represents ~1cDonnell Douglas employes at Long Beach, also are lodged 'at the Long Beach hotel. The UAW has. served strike notice as Teen-ager Stabs, Robs Motel Clerk, Escapes INSIDE TODAY Two X-rated movies hod a ~•PPV '1\tllng for a proseeutor in Ntw Hcimptlitr~ 101to 1takecl hil poUticat campaign on acquit. tal. S!0'1f, !QfJ• A-7. GL001llY NEWS l'VMMELS STOCKS NEW •YORK' (UPI) -A combination At.,.., s."1ce "A1 ~ ,,. of pront taklnl 'and gloomy economic ,,....... -. ,..... ... new1 pushed pMCle4 Wrply and<'hroadly "·.._-..,.. .1.1t "'""_. ,.,... •• lovttr ln modtrate trading today on ~"=-~--.~ =' C: ,..., 1 the New Yorlt stock' EicMnge. NE\V ORLEANS (AP) -A lcen·age girl slabbed and robbed a 64-year-old motel clerk. then waited on customers, making change with sto len money while the man 1ay behind the counter bleeding. police say. Detectives gave this account or the !\londay night incident : The girl, dC6cribed as being about 16. entered the motel, took '90, ftnd pointed a three-l~ch knife at Josepl'r C. Burrov.·s. Then sht tald, "I tt!)\ going to spill you r auts,'' and slaaned him t'i'iice In the abdomen. ci...i,... Dt·IJ Ati.11 The Dow Jones lndUstrlal average loat :=.,; ri~ =· ~~ 17.8Spch1Uto&45.03. BurroW.9 began v.·restllng \\ilh the gtrl °""' ~im 11 0r. st.t.... 11 Declines overwbelmtd advances. 1,0SO, for the knife arfd wet 'tabbed in the •fllOl'J'I P•H •• ...-., .. ~th l+J • ....,.._.. .... T.i.\llWI .. to 262, among the 1,696 issues traded. chcSt. arms, face iand 11eck. He fell to :::" c~: ::::; •:: Prices we.re lo·~:er ln modtrate trading lhe noor ...,,_.,. -a ..,. "..,,. Mt' on the American Stock Exchange. \Vhll h. 1 .~.. 1 ·•-·' motel, making change from the stolen money in her purse. She han<:ed a room key to a second guest and checked a third out. A fourth person heard groaning behind the counter. looked, and saw the clerk holding do\.\n the girl. She shouted the man wps rapJ.ng her, the clerk cried out that tllie girl w11s robbing hhn and the frightened cu.st.o~r dropped his key and noo. The girl broke loese and left in a pick· up ltuc.k occupied by a man. Police laltr arrested George L. Baskin, l7, and booked him wHl'r being a principal 10 an armed robbery and <11.am)'lled-muir- dcr, Police Yl·ere itarchlng today for Lhe girl: Although emergency services ·are or· fered to the school by the Costa Mesa police and fire d e pa rt me 11 t s, parents said they v;ould like to see the s....-ilool receive 24-00ur rout i n e services. the same as the other sc hools in the Newport· Mesa Unified Schoo I District. A letier \\'ritten to Trustee Orville Amburgey from parents at the school asked the board to look into the pos- sibility ot annexing the school to Costa i\lesa. Trustees agreed lo elCamine the pos- sibilities and asked Superintendent John Nicoll 10 follow up on the request. Nicoll said he plans to meet with Costa :0.1esa City i\'lanager Fred Sorsabal next \.\'eek lo discuss the annexation proposal. He will report Qack to the board at the Nov. 12 meeting . Riders Fearful9/ Safet)· Leading Trcuisit Concern By WILLIA~t SCh"REIBER Of Ille 0•11'1' l"llft Staff ?ilany prospectiVe riders on Orange County Transit District vehicles may be avoiding the use of mass transit because they fear the possibility o f violent crimes. Eugene Covelli. vice chairman of a citizens rommiUee studying the impact of future u·ansit plan'i, said today safety concerns \Viii be one of the district's toughest obstacles to overrome. "The single m~t important aspect of transit s)'stem impact is a need to change the attitude of the population regarding fear of violence.'· said C.Ovelli. a professor at Cal State I.Ang Beach. Covelli 's task force , one of tbr.ee set up b)' the Ciliz.enS Advisory 'Transit Committee. recom mended that· th e district ron<'cnlrate on intensive service in disadvantaged areas that usually bave the highest cri me rate. "To make the service ¥:ork and attract riders. the district should establish a direct line of communications with safety agencies for 1>rolection of passengers in high cri1nc areas." Covelli said. Cove\li's task force made no specific recommendations. bul hinted at th e pos·slbillty of special transit s e c-u r i t y patrols or bus guards. Fired Mesa Coacl1 W m1ts I-Iigl1 Scl1ool Po st Agai11 Last year's football <.'Oach at Costa ~1esa High School, \.\'ho was fired from his roaching job and transferred to a middle school. now 1vants to return to high school. John Swe11zy. 37, \.\'as vnrsily footba ll coach at the high school for t h r e c seasons and taught physical education there for six years. He's asking the Ne\\'porl·~tcsa Uniri~I School Board of Education for a transfer back to high school teaching pn~t. Sweazy is currently a physical educ:i- lion instructor at Davis A1iddle School in Costa Alesa. a job he ronsiders a den1otion even though he hasn·t taken a pay cut. "There's no \\'3Y to get 0.1ck to high school coaching after being •I r o 1> p c d down to a middle school coach," S\.\•eazv said after Tuesday nighrs boa rd meeting. The board refused to hear S"·eaZ)"s grievance during the open meeting. sinCl' it \.\·as not a regular agenda i t e 111 . Instead. they discussed the n1atter du· ring a closed executive session aflcr the ir regular n1eeting. A decision v.·as postponed un1il l\ov 12. • S\\·eazy 1\'as coach during thr('t' losin~ seasons at the sckool. Last year's n1ark. a 4.5 record. was the best at Cos! a ~tesa High since 1967, when the 1t•an1 hnd a 4·4"1 record. The school has OC\Cr had it v.-inning foolball team. The coach was fired by P r I n c i p 11 I Robert Packer at the end of !Ast sctison. Packer said Sweazy was tran~fcrrcd to another school in order to give ne1v coaeh Tom FrenC'h a "fr('Sh st :1rt " Packer refused to--iliieMS the rea son behind S\.\'tazy·s firing. This yt'ar, under Fr('nch's co.'lchlng. the team ha.s fl I..( rN'Ord . SEEKS HIGH SCHOOL POST Former Mesa Coact-1 Sweaty ~lesa Frdcra11on of Ti':irhers. the group represf'ntinR S11·cazy 1n the grievance JlrQCl'SS, said tudny she is "disa ppointed" \1•ith the board inaction . "The l.'US(' Sl'('tlll'<i so Cli'Ar-cut. I'm dlsappoinrc1I lht•y rl Id n ' t imtncdiate\y decide to hrin~ .John hack to the high school level." ~!rs. l>t:cker said. Accorrhng to ~1rs. l'>ecker. \\·ho \\"a~ called into 1h1• r'<1'c11th·e session along 1\'ilh S111'a1.~. thl' hoard heard the N'CClm· n1cnd11tiun~ of ::i rc\·iew llt111el consisting of hl'O tt•nehcr~ and nn ndn1ini§tratar. Sh<' snid the panel rt-commend~ the l)().•M '•in1n1edinti'l y rl·lun1 Sv.:cRZ)' hi a hi~h .~('hool tc;i.(·hi1u: flO."ltlon. ·· A• .. __... a .. _ c e. ll$_L1a:.1~. a~cus omer..o.;.;awc 1-l~---b i="=--='-------=:J--===========:::-:-:-:--:"-rtn and the girl registered him Into the ·· Burro\\'S \\as In satisfactory condition In a hospital. In' disrossinJl: his litun1toi1. Sv,c.t1v says he believes his coochln~ a n d teaching should ~ 3ep;ir111c, lit says he shouldn't Ix> "d('moted" jus1 because he was relieved of hi!I coachln~ dut 1cs, Rn txtrecurrlculnr activi1y that brings coaches a s1na \I stipend . ~1ya Decker. head of lhe Newport· llnb.•r1 \V h fi/f. ll' r, ni;...-\"f<lnt su1>erin- h'ndcnt ror pcrS11nnt l st>rvirt's. rtruSt.'tt to ('(lrlUnn lhllt v.o'i !ht' p.10('1°S finding. He did say that. If thr boord decille.s to tran!'fer S~e;iZ)' b;ll'i.. lo a lli~h school, it v.·ould Cl'i'~l\(' <111 01 t•r..-1af1ed sltu::ition RI one of lhl' dl,tr1c1 ·~ h1.st h ·schools. It \\QUld ;.1\llO n1t•:1n rumthtr ttBCber mu..-t !).• hifl'd fl) fill in Sweaiy 's dufies ot Davis ti.llddlt• &ho11l. he said, • ' I , A 2 DAI LY PI LOT C Wt<lntsd17, October 2.), 1174 ------ 'NOT A FORTUNE HUNTER' Fi1 nce Michael WillOn ~liner's Son Offered Ccis1i Not to Marry LONDON (AP ) -The London Eveni ng News reported today that lawyers for Happy Rockereller's aunt Rachel Fitler •offered Welsh bannan l\1ichael Wilson -$48,000 not to marry the millionalress nearly 50 years his senior. The News said Wilson told II he refused -"I got very angry and told them I am not a fortune hunter" -and that Miss Pitier said at her home near Philadelphia: "( have no lntent ion of changing my mind. The niore they press me. the more determined I am to marry ?11r. \\'ilson." The newspaper said fl.1iss F i t 1 e r' s lawyers "were e:tpected to make one ·more attempt loday to try to have the coaple call it off." "I think it is because I am a miner's son that they feel I am not fitted 'to m&IT)' Mis! Filler," 'said Wilson, a handsome 29-year-old Y.'ho is visiting bis mother in the Welsh town of Llay. He said he would be telephoning Miss FiUer todayr • •· .•. Yea, reversed charges," he told a questioning newsman . Wilson said the difference in their q:es is irrelevant because their rela· tionship is baled on companionship. "ls she 77?" be asked. '"I'd never have thought sbe was as much as that and, of course, being a gentleman, I never asked." The tall, ruggedly built f o r m e r choirboy announced through a newspaper in Llay that he was going to marry •· the aunt of Vice President-designate Nelson A. Rockefeller's second wife, the former l\largaretta "Happy" Filler. ?i-1iss Filler and ~1rs. Rockefeller are joint hei re sses to the Filler fortwie, at one time valued at more than $8 millloo. Reports on ?.11ss F'itler's age have \'aried from 61 upwards. Two members o( her staff at her home in ao exclusi\'e Philadelphia suburb said she is in her 80s. "I would never have dreamed she "''as ntuch over 60," said \Vilson, ·who 1111::l 1\flss !YI.fer \Vhilc he \\'as Worlang as a butler at the e1clusive Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach. Fla. "I learned to respect her intelligence and her judgment, and we established a tremendous closeness. Our rel ationship was built entirely on companionship rather than on love," \Vil90n said Tues-- day from his parents' modest. thrcc- bedroom home in this small We I s h \1llage. · 09'ANGE COAST c. DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed "'t11dJl'll •1111 l"Ubll.,..r• Jack R. Curley "k• "••+dJl'll •nd """"'.i """"'"' Thomes Kee vil Ecmo• Thoma!t A. Murphine ,,,.. ... 11111, 150l\Clr cnirle$H. Loos Ric hard P. N•tl .11\\llU ft\ M.tri.Ql"O l.dllllf\ . Ott'ttr Offices Poll.willll'1 6tKft )U) Mt.._, .,.,_,•MCI W.-.. .,.,,, 11M(;ilftNfftll,..1 Hwo4Jntl ........ ,,, 11111 .. K ll ............ t•lll:llt•(• \l•llt ': '17'1 u ,.., lllMll tt5.a!I O._.,,,_., Ttltphont 17141 '42 .. 211 Classllltd Advtrll•lnv 642·st71 e;.,y,•tM. 1•1•. o, .... .,. c .. 11 ~11111~"' ~'' ,. ,,..,., f!or'on, 11111t1 .. 111e11" llOllWll l 1t11n•r Of •Cl ... rtlw-""M' "'"'~ 'llh M ~M, ""!Miii t•••I llfl'll'lllt.lfol 61 cotftilM-'· 1«• lint .... II .. ,._ie 11 C<iitM "'-w. c.t1Jte.Nl/I, SiiDM•lllljO<I IN '""'"' Jl OD """"""'': ., ""' ...... 00 ,.,.,,,,.,/ nlllilll'"f - 'roNJGHT COAST COMMUNITY C 0 LL E G E BOARD -Regular meeting, 1 3 7 0 Adams. 8 p.m. "GODSPELL" -Orange C.oast College presentation. Aud itori um, through Satur- day, 8 p.m. Free . BACK TO SCHOOL NIGllT -Estancia High School. lte Cream Social, 6:30-JO )l.ITI . ALCOHOLI S.\1, AN A DD I C TI V E DISEASE" -Dr. Robert Schm itz lec- turer. Raleigh Hills Hospital, 1507 E. 16th Slrl'el, l'\ewpor t Beach. 6: IS p.m. lnfonnation &15-5707. "THE REAL INS PECTOR HOU ND'' -Soo th Coast Repertory T b e a t e r , through .sun. a p.m. ~ UC! LECTURES -"\Vorld or Plants." Room 550 Physical Science Bldg. 7 p.m. •·Effecth·e Tax Plan . ., R o om 178 Humanities llall, 7 p.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER. %4 OCC ·LECTURE -"Baking and ~1ak· ing for Christmas." Costa Mesa Women 's Club. 9:30 a.m. FOOTBALL -Estancia High at El 1\lodcna 7:30 p.m. UCI LECTUHE -"Your Lo ca I Governments." Jury Assembly Room, Orange Coun1y Courthouse, 1 p.m. From Page Al UNION ... Both the UA\V and the JA.1\1 recently reached agreements wllh the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. and though the 1 A t.-t spokesman y,·ou\d not discuss th e specifics of the wiion ·s demands wi th 1\1c0onnell Douglas, he said they were similar to those reached wilh Lockheed . The 5,000 emp1oyea at the Huntington Beach plant of McDonnell Douglas work mainly on Delta rockets' for the com· munlcaUon satellites and a d e f e n s e sr,~tem for the Miriuteman missile sit.ea. Mental Patient Sought in Deatl1 YONKERS, N. Y. (UPI) - A 26-yea r- old mental patient, missing from a city mental hospital since Friday, today v.·as sought in connection with the strangu· lation slaying of a young woman psycho- logist who once treated him. Police Tuesday issued a warrant for the arrest of Ricardo Caputo, a hospital patient for the criminally in.w>e since~ 1971 y;ben he was committed for the slaying of his 2G-year-old girlfriend. caputo, ,missing from Manhattan State HoSDital on Wards Island in New York Ci ty, is wanted in the slaying of Dr. Judith Becker, also 26. Her nude body v.•as found Monday in a New York apartment. Bar Owner Stabbed SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A 116-year· old.. Tenderloin bar owner was stabbed to death Tuesday during an atterilpted robbery on the ste ps of his apartment building. Dean Hints Tapes Not The Same WASHJNGTO:-J (UPI) -Wateraate y,•l!nes.s John W. Dean IJI kstlfied today that some White Houae tapes he has heard don't square with his recollectlooa of cruci31 1neetings he had with Richard f\I. l\'l:ion as the scandal becan wiraveJ. ing last year. (Related stories, Pll~ A3) 1n some instances, Dean sald, there \\'ere parJ.S missing .. on tapes he review- ed and In others there wert discussion_, he didn't remember at all. U.S. District Judge John J. Slrica, presiding over the Wateraate cover-up trial where Dean was in his sixth day on the .stand, lmmediatt.Iy directed that the questioned tapes be played so the jury could decide U Dean has been telling the lruth about his Nl:ion ineetings. "Now listen ," Sirica said, llapplng the bench with h1s hand as defense lawyer John J. Wilson objected. "Just a mlnut.e. You just stop talking until I get through. "You are not going to argue to this jury that this man (Dean) went up to the Senate committee •.. and gave false infonnation when you v.ill not let the tape b& played. l think those tapes ought to be played in order to get au the facts befo re the jury and let them decide." The argument erupted "'ith the jury out of the courtroom as Wilson. attorney for cover-up defendant H. R. Haldeman, sought to establlsb that Dtan's testimony last year before the Senate Watergate oomrnlttee -in which he linked Nixon to the cover-up plot -differed sharply from the White House tapes. Dean. the former White House counsel. testllled there bad 0..0 "a lot of overlap" in the subject4 discussed at the three meetings and that he told the pro9eCUtioo after beartna the tapes he could not vouch that tbe recordings matched his recollections. Sirlca then eicueed the jury and the argument over Dean's credibility broke out. Defense' attorneys ultimately waived their objections and agreed to Jet the three tapes be played without having Dean vouch for them. Earlier, Wilson led Dean through his use -without getting pennis!lon fro m anyone -of $4,850 In cash from a White Hou.st fund to pay for his honey· moon and other personal expemes. Dean, unruffled, • admitted be ha d helped himself to the cash in October, 1972 from $15,200 entrusted to him for safekeeping s.lx months be!ore and bad replaced It with a per30naJ check that would have bounced had it been cashed. Just before be was fired from the Wl'iite House In April, 1973, be testified, be gave another check for M,&50 and the rtmalnlog $10,350 ln cub to his lawyer. He said the money was put tnto escrow at a Rockville, Md., Denk and is still there pending 1 e g a l determinaUon of who rlghUutly owns it. The money originally was part of a $350,000 cash fund diverted from the Nixon re-election campaign to the White House, where it was kept u n d e r Haldeman's control. Some of It even- tually was paid to the Watergate burglars. Nade1· Group to Join Suit Agai11st Se11. Carpente1· The Lot!! Angeles chapter of Ralph Carpenter has called the suit "abuse Nade r's Citizen Action group plans to of lhe justice system," maintaining that join People's U)bby and the Env1ron· hls financial disclosures have been above mental Coalition of Orange County in reproach. H Jav•sui t charging 361h District state Spohn said he is preparing the brief Sen. Dennis Carpenter with violating and it will be filed wllhln the next conflict of interest laws. week . Richard Spohn. an attorney with the Citizen Action's interest in the case, f\'3der gmup. said he plans to file a said Spohn, ia in "working to expose friend of the court brief supporting the and prosecute violatCM!I of current charges against Carpenter flled Tuesday political reform legislation .• bv the other groups. ·The suit charges thot Carpenter did "\\'c are putting them on notice that not report as income contributions from \vhen Proposition 9 goes into effect, political backers he spent to pay a Yl'e'I\ be Y1·atchlng thtm closely." house kee°P('r and rent an apartment in Cltiu:n Action aM the People's Lobby Sacramento. y,·ere frOUPI acUve In campaignlna for Car°P('nter hlls denied the c h a r g e a , Proposition 9 passed last June. terming them "political rbetoric" desin-The nieasure goes into effect In ed to attract attenlon to hi.a opponent. ~ January. It makes more. stringent t.h.e Democrat Frank Barbaro. in he last financia l disclosures l'eqWred of pohlt· l wo wee ks before the election. cians. Fees Go Up!l Up Boat J1.oo rin g Now More Costly BOAT OWNERS who tle up illegally to !Omebody's else's dock or mooring In an Orange County llarbor will now have lo pay tour times as much to re- claim their lmpowlded veaaell. The Bonrd ot superv\IM)rt voted unanimously Tuesday to bike the dally Impound rces from it to f4 In Newpcrt Harbor 1uld t3 In Dana Harbor. Jlarbors. 8eachet and Parks Director Kenneth Sam1)90ft told the board the St per day fee provided no tncenllve for boat ownera to rttlalm thtlr PfOI>' erty. "THlS FRF.QUENTL Y re1tdt' in a long-term storage rate ll\at la math less than tht o"l'mtr would J>IY at a oummercla1, marina," SamptOC'I Nici in his repon to suptrvt10 rt'. • • The flgure supe.rv ltors arrived nt 11 tht aame paild for euat dock splCel Jn the tv.-·o mujor county harbort. SUPERVISORS ALSO 1ppro\'td Sampt0n '1 requeat to lnctCtit from ti to $2 a day the ch3rge levied by lhe county ror Its 18 o(fahort ,uest moorlnJI. Sampson nottd.Ncwport Herbor Is the only one with guest moortn&1 bu\ be said Dana Harbor may have 10me in the near fucure. . ·u;i Ttiollel9 POLICE, RESCUE WORKERS CLEAR SCENE OF SC HOOL BUS-TRAIN WRECK· IN ARAGON, GEORGIA .S.von Killed, 71 Roportld lnjund Aa W"!'~ 1'.rol n Backs Into Bus Loodod With School Chlldnon Fron• Page Al BAIL ... Defense evidence includes a pawn shop ticket &lgned by Russell that night in downtown Leng Beach, where he bought a }ey,·elry trinket for his new wife Karen · while they were out on the town. "I'se just like a kid .. .," he sa i d somewhat sadly in a jailbouse interview wtth the Dally PUol last Friday. 0 We rode all the ride.s and me 'n David shot some pool." He said that nlght the amusement park was one of the fif'lt he and Karen enjoyed together, since her son by a previous marriage, Nolan Tracy, now 4, was spending the weekend with his natural father. A court in Napa County, Calif., sutu- quenUy ordered the child taken away from James and Karen, saying It was 11n ·unfit home if the stepfather stood accused of murder. · 'Russell's broth& N~also charged In l;he savage slaying Of the iDvalld-wu in Department JOO ol Los Angeles C.U.ty Superior Court hiwell Tuesday, but only as a apectator and member of the family. . ! He ls free on hiJ own reoogni11nce without having to pool caah bond on the Oklahoma hornidde charge, for which no trial date has even been set yet. His brother has been held 745 days without bail, arraignment or t r i a I , because in his case extradition Ls in· volved and an extradition hearing is not technically a trial. Santa Ana attorney Roger Agajanian, who is representing Russell free of charge, claims his client has been sub- jected to double jeopardy but so far, appelatc courts and the California Supreme Court have yet to agree. Oklahoma authorities, meanwblle, claim they have new evidence against Russell in the pathetic slaying of tbe crippled old man, but refuse to discuss it any further. Russell W85 arrc!ted once in Orange County and eventuall y !reed by Superior Courl Judge \Villiam l\1urrary on the basis of a polygraph test that st.roogly indicated his innocence. One factor Oklahoma authorities claim to have Is an alleged call by the defen· dant to his brother Noah in the Sooner State, in which he claimed to have bragged that he sure did beat that lie detector test. Train Hits School .Bus; Seven Childre1i Perish ARAGON, Ga. (UPI) -Seven children were killed and 71 injured today when a train backed into a school bus cram· med with ""'amlnl children who could Last Rites Set Friday Morning For Jack Barnett Memorial ser.1cea for fonner Newporl- Harbor Ownbe:r of Commerce manager Jack Barnett will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at st. Andrew's Presbyterian Church In Newport Buch. Until ""'1, lla11 In ljfYfl'Ort Beach will conUme to ny at ,hllf rout m memx'J of the man raferred to IS ''Mr. NeWJIOrt ~'! A> trlbutes to Mr. .a.iuelt 'l"'"'!U. to mount !ollowln( Illa death Momay night at the ' age of ts, trustees of Newport-Mesa Unified Sc ho o l district also agreed to ldwer all nags at district schools in hia honor. ••He was a great friend to the dlltrlct," said trustee Donald Smallwood. Mr. Barnett, who died from congestive heart failure and otber_compitcaUng ill· neues, was manager of the dlamber for 19 yeara, before retiring in July. His family has requested donations be made to the American 0 i a b e t c s Association, 17842 Irvine Ave., Tustin. Officiating at the memorial services will be Rev. Olarles N. Dierenfleld. 2 Candidates Clash NE\b' ... ynRK tJlPJ) -A debat e between New York state's thre e senatorial candidates began po I i t e I y Tue9day but then erupted Into an angry argument between Sen. Jacob Jav:lts and his Democratic challenger, former Attorney General Ram11ey Clark. The debate wu held at the editorial offices of the New York Tunes and in!Ually focused on campaign financing arxl ln- fiation. see the train coming but oouldn't et-- cape. Witnesses said the repair train bad been called to the Scene of a derailment during the night and was back.Ing up along the tracks Mien it hit the bu.s. The train' dragged the crumpled bus several hundred feet down the track, police said. \Vhen the train came to a halt, the caboose w~ derailed and on top or tbe overturned bus. The PoJk County coroner lint reported that the bus driver, Billy Kellett, bad been killed. But police later aaid be WIS hospital.zed in critical condlUon. A spokesman for Southern Railway ln Wasbington said the train was moving about. eight m!Jes per hciur. The accident oCcurrecl between ·the tRwns of Rockmart and Aragon, about 35 rpiles n911hwest_ of Attanta. 'lbere were railroad croulng signs on ea~ side of the road, but no flashing signals. Darrell Smith said be was pumping gasoline at a service st.atlon about w. feet from the crossing when the collision occurred. He gave thl! descri~ tio.n of the_accldent: · "The bus was stopped, and It started on across. The train was badting up, it seemed like it speeded up and bit the bus." Smith said one of_ the workmen jumped off the train and ran to the front of the train yelllDg al the enpneer "Go back. Go back." THAT SA.FE'S FRESNO (AP) -Safecrackera who worked for hours in an unsuccessful at.- tempt to open a motel safe here had only one thing to say: "1bat's one hell of a safe," Wall tbe message police . found acrawled on a blackboard next to the UDOpened safe. • ~- """ . ... 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA-646-1919 , Ci.OSID SUMOAY Skateboards & Wheels Shuffleboard Sets Barbell & Dumbell Sets Croquet Sets Slant Boards BoxlllCJ GloYts Judo Suits Karate Suits T 1111111 Dresses T eMls Shorts · 'T tnnls s·hlrts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Shoes Open 9 to 6-Closed Sunday Tennis Rackets T ennls Balls ~ Tennis Racket Sfrl11CJin9 Racquetball Racquet~ & Balls Handball GloYes & Balls Warmup Suits Sweat Suits Hooded Sweatshirts Adldas-ConYerse-Spot lilt TlfJer-Brooks-lob Wolfe ShMs Ltather Footballs-Baskttballs•Soc· cer Balls Bike Repairs-Part .. Tires· Tubes • 531 Center I ...,.INUMllJl,IO_fllellll!IJ __ _ ~ • ' '111111!illl"'LP \ • -. ( ' - Man Gets Life a'erm In Murde LOS AN.GELES IAP> - Jarites &lilose, 57, a Slllf· styled religious leader and karate master, has dra'v.•n a 1ife sentence in prison for masterminding the death 9f a wealthy San (;abriel Val · leY strawberry f<irn1er . /.1itose "''as sent enced Tuesday in Soperior Court after his conviction on a charge of ordering a youn g "disciple" to kill a San Dimas rltmer. Taking note ( Sta te ) of his age, Superior Court J,udge Leslie W. Light said 111 handing dO'A'n the sen· tence '.'this undoubtedly means he will spend the remainder of his life in prison." l TARGET OF L~WSUIT Oevld Carralrc:Une 'Ku~g Fu' Star Sue d In Attack · TTial Set bl Geotek Fraud Case D-e bate Slate d ' SACRAMENTO JAPJ The nrs\ face:to-race • debale between the U.S. Senale c~ndidates S~N FRANCISCO CUPll comes today arter a -Opening nrgum •nls di sclosure that Sen. begin today in a rederal Alan Crans ton has trial for the former raised $890,898 (or his president or an oil drilling cumpaign. firm "'ho is ch:.1r (.:ed \\•ith 'fod:iy 's debate in San sel·urities rraud und mail t 'rancisco is the first cf rraud. lhree this week bet\vecn A jury \\'as picked the (our Senate Ca ll· Tuesdayfurthe trialofJohn did a t es: Cranston, P. Burke, 48 . of La /'11esa, ftichardson, Gayle I'll. former president of Geotek, Justice of the Peace and 'A'ho also is charged by the Freedom party and securities and exchange Jack /'11cCloy of the commission with filing false Am erican Jndependent statements. party. Attorneys Arthur J. Lem· '-----------' pert, 42, of San f\tateo and· Robert Rose, 44, of Son Boost s T o ld l<arael also arc on tri<d. OAKL AND ('APl chargel:i with conspiracy to Kaiser Foundution orficiaJ,· file ·raise 5tatements "''ith LOS ANGELES (AP ) -'the SEC. ha\'eannounced a whopping 1·e1evisio.n's "K u1~g Jt~u"· 'fhe indictment against 15.8 percent hike in 1975 star. David Carradine, has Burke involves sales of health plan charges for em- becn sued for Sl .l million by securit ies worth SlO.J mil· players and union-spon· a \\·omanwhoclaims theac-Jionto643investors. sored groups and a 10 per· t~r attacked her during a The case could figu re in cent rate boost for in· bizarre sequence or events the state's Novo mber bal· dividual customers. Frank that includ~d t~e ra~-Jotlng for attorney general C. Jones. Kaise r vice sacking or his neighbors as the result of assertions . president and health plan canyo~ house. . . . by \V i I I i a m N 0 r r i s • manager, said the cost hike Ffooffs. llails to11 es Tornadoes Slam Desert Country By the AsSOt'iated l'r~s' Desert areas from lhe ~1 exiran bord<'r north to Needles were botltered by minor tornadoes and brief but violent thunderstorms \\'h\ch left ~eve ral homes dumuged and a nwnbcr of roach, nooded. One of the tornadoes Tuesduy yrink.-.d till'" rrom the roor Of f \\'0 ~OlalJ \'lll'UllOn hrinleS \\'C~l Of Jo:.hua 'l'rcc but nu 111jurios \~·ere rt:pOrt~L 'fhc runnel "looked li ke a black strer1k c·o n1in g. out of the sky," said stair lh,·1sion or Forc-.ltv Fire Capt. R:1ul Tremblay. ··f '\'e !!Cell bait \\1nt.1:-;, hul nothing like that." TllE SECOND T\\'ISTER touthed do11.'n 111 ,.ucca Valley bot no damage was f(•portcd. 1'ornadocs are a rure occurrence in the area. About a half-inch or rain cind hail the -.i1c bf golf balls tell in Yucca Valley, touching off a minor rla i.h flood and numerous calls lo fircmt=n from helcaguercrl residents for assistance. Blythe, Cathedral City and Palm Ue~crt reµor_. led some flooding from more than a half·inch of rain. Authorities Teported Calirornia f~ighway 6? 'A'as closed from Twentynine Palms to ·yucca Valley, California 111 from lilecca to the Im perial County line and a section oC California 78 north of El Centro. Wed~ax. October al. 1974 DAILY PfLOl II ~i 4 ' WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW OF ORANGE COUNTY • C A ll/.ORHIA'S LAlt6fSf LAW SCHOOi. •oFFERS A NEW PROGR'AM~1 OF SPRIN'G -ENTER!NG · ·: FU LL -TIME LAW STUDY ; !W••h 2 °4 · .,,,, l ·yttr 9ud11••••n oplien•I • A CHOICE OF FOUR IROGRAMS Of LAW STUDY IS ArAILAILf: • IN tlTHER l '/l or. 1 YEAllS ol FULL·Tlf<lt lvo1 ~r/, rrs 16 tl11••f('>O'n hour. re• "tt l ). c• • IN EITHER J1/1 ,,,, 4 YEARS cl IAitT.TliJE d~. r~~~:,, .. , '. w••l1•d '"" l lL.d~ (J c/Q!" <!'~ r·r wttl. , .• I-Ju•; .. ....... • ).:1 ,,, ,...,,, ,.e·•• JVl1/S DOCTOR (J D) <!•er•• c ;J /l• .>-~ ,..,,~ :-; l.1 l.:J•t l~t Cohforn•O /Jar f<Off!H'f:' o,. WlllE 01 J'HONf fO-CA.fAlOC.\lf 800 South Brookhurst ~naheim, C•. 92804 17141635-3453 APPtY NOW FOR DAY, EVENING, OR WEEKEND CLASSES &EGINNING FEBRUARY 3, 1975 PIOVISIONALLr ACCllOtTIO '"' 'fHE COMM\ml Of •IAI flCAMINll S Of·rHE STA.TE I AI Of C.&UfOINIA Frank Namimatsu. 65, called the strawberry king bf the San Gabriel Valley, was strangled last A1·arch 20 and hi s wile, Ycshiko, was left ro r dead. Authorities said Nilrnim"atsu was going to report Mitose for bilking hlnl by selling him $100,000 in Phony medical cures. Anr1ck Marie Kilty said Democr1ltie candidate for is due to rising operational in the Superior Coud suit the office. ,...:''O""sts,,·'-. -----------------------------'--------------------- filed Tuesday that .the 37-Norris has contended that COmpaign Probe LOS ANGELES IAP l - Despite a flurry of com- plaints about campaign funds irregularities, only one candidate Cor state of· flee is under "active" in· ttstlgation for alleged cam- paign reporting violations. Att y. Gen. Evel l e Younger said in an inter- view Tuesday that Assem- blyman Joe Gonsalves <D· Cerritos), is the only can- didate under investi gation. !\'no Preslde11t LOS ANGELES JAPJ - Lee Ji . Davies, \\'ho has guided 1'1odesto as mayor for the past eight years, has been elected president of t he League of CaliCornia CIJ.ies. The election of Davil's came Tuesday al the 76th annual conrerence of the league. year-old actor ordered•her the inc umbent attorney lo l~ke orr all her clol~f:S general, Evelle Younger, d.~r1ng. the <1 ttack. A11ss rail ed as Los Angeles K1ltysa1d.sheref~scd. . Di s trict Attor ney to Carradine faces.arraign-properl y investigate m~n t Thursday on three Geotek. 1n1 sd e m e unor c harges stem ming from the Sept. 15 incid ent at the home or SLA s·t 1'1ichuet Lobner. Carradine I e allegedly smashed windi:iws at th e hous e. rifled a Ord d medicine cabinet, played . ere the piano and lf.!ft a bloody tr•il to hi• own born•. Demoli·shed authoritit'S said. l\11SS KILTY said in her LOS ANG ELES (AP) - civil .!>Uil that the actor The s ite of l a s t "1ay 's leaped rrom a car "naked bloody shootout with the and bl eeding" as she was Symbionese J~iberation .... ·alking "''ith friends. She Army has !Jeen ordered claimed he :.;creamed that razed by the City Council. she w41s a "'vitch," hit her The council ordered the and tried to pull her clothes, Department of Public off. Works Tuesday to demolish She said the attack left the South Los Angeles house her bruised, emotionally .it city expense estimated at upset and unableio sleep. $3,000. 1'he suit seeks $100.000 The modest residential gene ral d a m ages, un-area has been a haven for specified medical expenses curiosity seekers and and Sl million in punitive souvenir hunters since six Deatll Arrlde nt damages. SLA members, including LOS ANGELES <API -leader Donald ••Cinque" The death of a .lp-year-old De Freeze, were killed in tlie b oy (ol·lowinJ' an Eve I, v· R l },1ay 17 shootout with police Knievel·type bicycle stunt v1re . azes andtheensuingfire ... has been ruled accidental I A J''olsom Prison inmate by a coroner's jury. GWfW S t who died this past weekend However. two or the seven • e . was Vi$iled four times last jurors Tu esday found year by a member of the '"'some degree of negligcn-CULVER CITY (UPI > -SLA killed in the shootout, ce" at Queen o( the Valley Where the grand army of prisonofricials say. Hospital in West Covina,' the republic an:d a cast,of George.., Haynie, an ad· "'·here Frank Perry was thousands failedji a small ministrati\<e as:i:istanttotbe ---.take~icefortrealm!..nl. brus h (1r e succeeded warden, said Tuesday that Tuesday-n ight. -,.. ~SLA member Nanc.y Ling. --- Sunday is Fllt119AY in the l1J.\Jij;IJ1}I The set for the Atlanta Perry visited i nmate railroad station seen by nlil· Raymond Sparks at the lions in the movie "Gone prison twice in July 1973, \\l ith The \\lind" was gone once in August and once in 'A'ilh the \vind and the fire· December. today . The g r ass blaze "They 'A'erc apparently s"·ept through the Beverly trying to get members" Culver Studios. llayn_~e .s~--.. r UNBELiEVABLE PRICES 2 RACKS ONLY LADIES SALE SHOES NATURALIIER -LIFE STRIDE COVER GIRL -KEDS -CARESSA BERNARDO & OTHERS LIMITED SIZES l DAYS ONLY to REG. TO $28. 1052 IRliiN E -WEST CLIFF PLAZA -NEWPORT BEACH 548·8684 ' i ' '·' ·- ~uth coa~1 Plal 11 Co6ta Me5d , fi4 I' l Sorin9 Lr,111 0<'.t'-'' ' \ •• 116 -DAl'l..Y PILOT E DITORI A L PA.G E. ' • I Voters Must Choose • i • f t ( ·; • • ~ • t • .t . t • t t t t • • . • • • • • • ,. 110"' do yo u m aintain education a l le vels in lhl· fate of a se,·cn lo 10 1>ercent increase in operations dut: tu !nflatlon, when <-t reci:nt ~lute Jaw says you may on ly increa se your e x penditures by three pe rcent? That is the dile mma tha t faces t he NC\\'J)Ort·J\l e~~• t.:niricd School Oistri<·t , 11nd it is the quesl lon the ~chOol dis trict is in c fft•ct putl in~ to the \'Olcr s in the form or l.,roposition z on the .~u vc1nbcr 5 IJ~il lot . fn a comp lica ted uttc mpt to cquuli zc the anlount ol public m oney s pent per pupil in the puhli e s e hool!<. lhroug hout·California. the st<-1te h;1:-; t:lanl ped a lid on the amount of money 1>Cr pupil reh1 ti\'cly ;1£fltn.•n1 s chool d ist r icts I ikc Nc\vport-J\·tcsa nlay spe nd. '!'his means thut rcgurdlcss of ;.1ny int rl~asc in the d istrict's ass essed \'<i luution. Nc,,·port J\lcsa ·s expen- diture JR'r 11upil for t he next \'Ca r is froz(!n a t a bout th ree perce nt o,·er thi s ycur. ·it is all t he lu\v a llo\v~. despite the CSl imULC or <-I SC\'('ll to 10 PCl'CC'llt in rrease in opera t in~ r us ts clur to inflat ion ulone und despite the fact thut s tate mandatC'd rost inc reases use up the three percent pe r mitted inc rt'asc. Put anOt hc r ~\·:iy, this simply mC'ans that for the roresceablc future t he umount of ut:t ua l instruction<-1 1 services a nd operating ~ui>plies th<1l thc dislrict c;.1n purc h::ise pe r pupil '''ill decli ne each ycH r because of inflation. In Prop . Z, the sc hool tli strict is us king voters if they w ant lo maifllain the current cduca t ionJ \ le\·c l by incre as ing the unnual li mit on per-pupil expen- ditures eno u ~h to offset infl a tion and the st<1te-n1a n- dated cost increBses. Sta te la\\' autho rizes s uch <111 election a nd a m ajority vote is required . 'l'he incre ase asked for is $150 per pupil. :Jbout 12 perce nt. 'J'hc p rojected 1975·76 tux r ate \vould he in- creased fro m about $.1.68 to a bout $-l.21. \\'hich district officials Point out is very close to thl' 1973-74 ratl'. To the 0\\'ne r of a n 880.000 house this intrc usc n1e<tns about SIUS :.i year : to the O\\'ncr of a 535.000 house• ii means about S45 <.1 yea r. How Kissinger Wielded Power \\'AS lilNGTON -For the past rive ~·ears. U.S. foreign poli cy has been ali:nost tota ll y dom lnuted by one man -Or. 1-lenry A. Kissinger. Inside sources. "'ilh secret doe umcnts to back up their story, have told us how he m a ni pul ated the diplom a ti c strings . Throughout the Nixon years, Kis· singer steadfastly mai nta i n e d t o inquiring re po r · ters that he never re co mmended poli c .y t o t h e President unl es s his \'it "'S "'ere solicited. lie merely presented "op- tions," he \'Owed, and left it. to the chief to make the decisions . IT WAS SA.I D Pr eside nt Nixon \1·ould retire to the solitude of the Lin- coln sitting rqom or to his secluded of- fi ce in the White House annex , "'here he woul~ po re O\•er his options. After much a goniiing a nd seratching on yellov•' legal pads. he \\'ould emerge a nd a nnou n ce his mo me ntou s decisions. This is not. acrording to our sour· ces. how it ha prencdt They say Ki s- s inger sc4don1 fa iled to give the President his pe rsonal rccommen· dallons and Ni xon seldom failed to take the ad\·ice As a former Kis- ..;i n~er a!iisoriatc put it surrinrtly. "Nixon ae recd "'it h J-lenry on lht• lhings he kne "· 1.tbout. and he trustr cl llt•nry on lhe things he didn 't knO\\" :;ibout." TllE PATTERN \\';l s set C'a rly in 1969 \\'hen Nixon gave the National Security Council staff a pep talk . Af· tl'r a few general rt·m;irks. arrordin g 10 several eye "·it nesst•s. he nofl<le1I to\\·ard Kissinger. ··11enry ;ind I arc ~oing to end the "'ar," the President :-aid , \\'ilh u sly smile. "\\'e "·:i nt you ft'l\O\\'S to ta ke <'a re tlf th e 1·e~t of the \\'Orld ... Ou r sour<•t•s say i'\i.'<on then taun - l·hed into ;1 furious and vulga r as!i ault (JACK ANDERSON ) When Kissinger tra\'ell cd abroad. he kept the President informed with cr)·ptic pe rsonal mess~ges. Only the tv.·o of them unde rslOOd some of the references. A typical message from Kissinger in the ltliddle East , "4S recalled by o source wh o s aw it . reported : ··~tet with Num ber One. Discussed options. He agrees in principle.·· !UOST OF Kissing er 's recommen- dations to the.President "·ere submit · ted forma lly in secret n1emos. "'hich were guarde d as closely as nuclear secrets. Very fe\\· o r Kissinge r 's as- sociates a re a\\'are such documents exist. \\'e, however. have seen some of them. A typical Kissinger-to-Nixon memo v.'ou ld be typed on Wh ite I louse letterhead and st amped SECRET. Kissinger "'ould begin "·ith terse background in formation and then outline his "recommendations.·· At the bottom of the page \vcre t\\'O blank lines, lhc le ft most marked "AP· pro\'e. ··and the other .. Disapprove." Almost ne\'er. according lo our sour· ee s . did Nixon initial the "di!iia p· prQ)·e .. space. USUALL, .. a St'r1es of .. tobs" fol- lo"·cd Oli plain \\"h1te paper. ThcsC' too k up specifi c issues, expressed in hl unt. candid lon~uage. Ea rh tab con- lai ned "approve·· and .. disapprn\'e"' lill('S . The cro"·ning tour h "'ould come ~·hen Nixon ca ll ed in his Cabinet or other associates to brief them on his · foreign policy deeis ion. As he spoke to lhcn1 . he inva riably cons ult ed <1 "talk ing J)()ints·· paper prepared. of tourse. h~' t Yc ubiquitous Dr. Kis- singer ~ on the St:1te l>t•1J:1rlmC'nl. J."ort'it!n l polir~· \\'as ~oi n.I! to I~ handled h,\: !ht• Kl!'Sl l"OG ER ·s pe rsonal memos and talking papers ,.:uided Nixon on th(• V1t•lna m \\'a r. the in\'asion 11f Ca nt· l)(){li a, the So uth Vic1n<inH~st• in\·asion of l.;10~. :i nd scores nf other i nit i:ll1 \'CS a1'(H1nd the v.·or ld • \\'hile 1-loU!iC', he d1•r l:-.rcd, :1n11 not b\' t the ".striped-pant s rug~ots" at FogJ;·Y Rottom. t TherC' \\'as :1 1·nll rc\1v(' J?il!ip from t tht' f\\'O doz<·n i'\SC staff n1embe rs. President ~ixon . \\'ith his penchant ~, for saying thC' ..-.·rnn~ t l:!_in~ at the' \\'rong timC', had forJ.to\l cn that the 1n:ijorit y of his :iuclu.!n<'e hat! co me to lh<' \\'hit c l lou~c from the foreign ser- TllER E Afo'T ER, Ki ssinger s~t up his O\.l.'n private State J)ep:-.rtml•nt in the ba.seml'nt or lhl' Whit(' llou.~t'. l\'ht•rt• he dircrtcd l'\'C'r~· aspC'cl nf 1 ht· •ft•r1s1nn·m:-.kin1? m:1 chlnt•t')' lie prt•s idcd O\'('r 1 hC' r\:iti on:o l S<>r urtty Cnunril, which dctcrm ine1 I '<l\'t'ra ll po li<·~·. ll t• <'Onl rollt•rl the I SHJler se crel Commlt tct• 11f F'o rt y. l ' I 11h11.:b plottOO covert .ucli\·ities. ill' r ~rso headed the W ash i n ~'lon S1>ec1ul .liction Gro11 1>. which n~st>mbll'd to I, rnnn.age rri!iies . '. 1'he set rt:t minutes !iihn"' th;it Ni xon 1 ~t ldom a tt cndt-d these c ruc ia l meetings but \Y;lited for Ki!iisini;?er 10 I fi ll him in. The I" o men onfcrred ' together rrcquenll)'. 111 t' SOURCES who O<'t:1s1ona lly v.·ere called into lhl'ir prl\';lll' mer llngs say f 1 Nixon and Kh1si nJ:<'r apparf'ntly did : · ""' enga~c in deep. inl ellt'l1 ual rl iscus· t s1ons. They ta lkrd :11)0~•1 v.or14 issues • 111 1-0 rms of person;ihtiPs and the,}· • -were o ft e n \'tll~o.1r. rip111n ~ inlo rnrelg n lea d e r s "i th c r u1tc . sometimes cruel, re marks • I Our sou rce·s rould rt'eall on ly one maj(lr issue on "'hirh f\ixon \'Clued K1ss1ngl'r·s reeom mt'ndations. 'l'hat v. as !ht' derision lo bon1h llanoi illld mine lia iphon~ ll ;irhor 111 ~lay 1972 In that instance. Ni xon O\·t.'rrulc1! :111 of his t•hie f <Hf\·tsl'I":-. 1neluc1Lni: K1s s1111:c r Kissinger's dom1na11011 of fo reign poh ('.\' has contint1\•<l 11H11 lhc Ford Ad · nli nil)lr<ition lnclce~l. l'rt•sillent F'ur<I harl scn rce l ~· hct•n S\\'Qrn in l)\~for·c ht.' as:-urt'rl tlu~ \\'Orld th:1t lle11r\· Kis· s1n.(:er w11uld .sla~· on. l.ik •'Nixon l>t'fr1rc hint, F'ord le:1ns hc;_ivdy on Kil;· s1ni;:«r for fort.'1g11 1x1l ic-~· .:uidanc(• ()ur SOllt'<'S ~:1 v, in fi1ct. llHll F<u'd ha s not O\e rrulc<t i\ lssin gcr ,\'t•t •'<J<>TNOT t:: t:i 1s:;:1ngi·r hns some hri lllant di plomatic arhi<'vcments to lus rredil. inclu<l in~ t<•n11>0r<1r)' J>eDct• 1n !he ~l lddlc E:1st, dctentr with the So\·ict Un ion a nd r11pprochtment with mai nland China. But there ha\'e al$1'1 been a fe\\' disasters, SU<'h as the In· d1a-Pakistan "'ilr. t:hile. Cyprus and the <iborted .. Yc:ir of Eu rope.'' Quotes i\lr~. •:. R. Prilbnrowskl. l ilt·ndor:1 . , "Tiu~ l'Ountry 's stubilil ~ dot·~ 11111 lianJ: 011life1hin lhrCiid Of OlC.rc Pl.'I" sonal11 ·. . b~ ad lu•ring lo trulh anr1 princi plt' :_i $ th<' nn l,\ rea l values. ;tof11 I· go\ crnmcnl i ncv1t;i bly mu.sl f 111 low. E"en \\•ith t he <.1dditional 5150 pt_•r pupil, the d islrit:l \\'ill h:ive to cut b uck some of its ser vices to the c·o m· munity to n1<-1inta in the bHsic ed\,lcationa l ser vic.-es. It's not .u good lin1e to <.1s k the taxpayers to pay tnQl'C, es pec i:ally in the fa<'C or the increa sed as~cssed vuluatio ns that hHvc hit m~uty Ncwporl ·Mcsa tax- paye rs . But it's an ('\'Cll poorer li me to start cut ting bu ck o n the c ducOJtionu l opportunities for o ur c·hil drcn . T he Uaily 1-'il ot rcco rn m c nds a \'ES \'Otc on 1'1'op. Z. It's Just B~gin11in g 'rhe dus t \\'Ill he flying over par ts or Costa fl1 esa .ind lr \'ine for thl' next thrt'e ye a rs or so. but \\'hen it settles t here \\'ill bi.: ... ne\v f1·ec,ru ~r -the Corona dl'I l\lar t='r ce\''UV ·rhe . dust · is alrC'<i d.v notice a bl y in t he air at l\1ucArthur llou lcvarcl ;.111d B1·istol Street, \\'here the hou lc v;1rd is beinl-( \Viden~ a nd ' rca ligne~ to tie in bette r "'ilh free\\'ay traffi c and \\'here a bridge O\'er San Diego Crcl'k \\'ill l>e bui lt to n1ect flooding problems . Contratts have been a \\1a rded fo r l\\'O othe r jobs · build ing t he free ,,·ay from the S un Diego f'ree\\·ay in north Costa J\1esa to the inte rchange with the Ne\vport F'reewa y ut Bristol Str eet, a nd constructing the inte r chungc it self. 1'hC la st lfnk \\'ill be extending the rree,v:iy from the interc hange to C.<.1mpus Drive a nd t hen turning Bristo l Street into t\\·o three-la ne hig h,vays carry ing truffi c to l\1acArth ur Boulevard . T h e pro j e c t s will <.i ll co n1 ~ to u n e nd . sumu ltaneous ly it is hoped, by late 1977 \\•he n the a rea :-hould have a better t raffic no''" E ither t hat or t here \Viii be a demand ror t he rrce\\·ay to be exte nded beyond Campus Drive und then t he d ust '\\•ill fly aga in. c 'A nd they used to ca ll us racists!' Dear Gloomy Gus He's Alaead of the Preside11t 1'a\k about noise pollution ~ \\'(' \\'estside Costa J\1 esa residents from Placentia to \Vhill ier are shook up C\'cry day five days a "'eek by the cate rers' air horn blasts. J\l aybe lhil'! is one for the state investigator. s.r. Gtoom, Gw• comm11111 ••• t~•mitltO '' ,,_,, -da ftOI M<•H&tllf ....... \Ill WleWI .,j tli1 ,....,,.,.,, •. S.u1e1 ,o~r pt\ ,eow •Gt_,., Gin. oa.1, Pi1<>t. Difficulty With the Decalogue (SYDNEY HARRIS ) In any di scussion of \\'Orld problems and man's fate, son1cbody sooner'llr loter is bound to proclaim. with S\\'CCl s mug ness. "\Veil. if we onl y would obey the Decalogue. l'\·erything "'ould be fin e. After a ll . the Tl'n Command · mcnts are still the be~t ru les to fol· {QI\' ,, ''ct. if "'e took sur h 1Ulton seriouslv :_i nd c1uestioned him on only one of th'e 1'en C~mrp onrlments. and pe rha ps the most import ant. \\·hat v•ould ht• th e result ? . "Thou shalt oot kill." A plain. 1'1<11 statement. \Vithnut qu;1li rication or modifiealion . Wh at dOl'S our friend or the Decalogue soy to this? Docs he al'· eepl it, complete ly and unccp1i\'oca l ly'! Or docs he try lo get <1rou nd it iu one "':.i y or a nother'.' f lRST Of ALL, he \\'Ill !-.ay lh<.11 \\f• ha ve a ''ri ght " to kill 111 s<·lf- dcfen.se ~ e\·en I hough lht.' Uec·a lo~ue docs not say. "Thou shalt nol ki ll. t•x t·f•pt in sel(-defen.se ... "!'hen he "'ill say lhnt so<·ll'I ~ ha ~ a r11?hl to ki ll offenders. if t.h<'ir offcnsl' is dee med grievou s enough ~\'t'n lhouj?h the first killer. Cain. "'as nol executed by God bul "·as branded and sent into l'X i le. Nex t. he "'ill insist that a natinn h:1:- lhc "ri i:ht .. lo kill enemies in time of "ar: he may dc plorl' such a ncrcssit.v !:i nd generals a rc the greates t dtplorers or a ll f . hul he does not doubt th at th£' Lord i~ on the sidr or tht• "just " nation. lie "'ill :ilsu point lo n1 an~· Old 1·cl)tan1e11t p;i ssages whirh· :iecrn lo ('onri1·ni l11 s posit ion SO. F'INA l.,I .. ,', "'hat dO<'S the t.'om m:u1dm 11nl . ··'rhnu sh;,llt not kill." ;1mo11nt to'' It ;_i mounti> In \\'hatevcr \\'(' "'ant to mnkt ii. Nobody but a "<·rank·· 1 akt•ii the commandment literally : n e ar!~· c\·erybotly· bclievc!ii that unde r ccrtui tt t'Onditions IL l.s right a nd proper IQ klll. ll <1rd\y ;_inyonc cxcc1Jt Socrutt-s .. Jesus and a rew saint!ii has e\ er truly b(olil'\·ed that it is bett er to suf fer pain than.to Inflict " 1"ht• diffi<'ul ty \\'ilh lhe Ten t:om 1nundmcnt~ is not that unhcliC\Cl'8 nout it . 11 i~ th :i l t•,·1·n "beht•\'t•rs" fio nnl hl'l 1t-1 1• 11. rl11 nnt :.1Arc..._· on it , do nol 1111 1111 I\ \ ~unplJ.: ... ~cntcnc:c or fu ur ~1•h .. io\lb1hl•· "''"d"'. ···rtiou .i;lutll nol kill · ha:-t'l1t1rounOcd Chri:-o tenllon1 for2.0ll0VC'nrl! fnr lhc hloodif'!'>t "a r~ nr a 11 h11 ~:I." bt•1•n re 1 i ~ious \\'1.11·s. Tips on Saving Energy To the Editor: I am way ahead of President f'ord in energy conservation. Since the car· penters' strike in July, I. I gave up any vacation trip. 2. I didn't buy a ncW color 'f'V (and the TV I didn 't buy was a Sony). I did- n't buy a new pickup <it was a Mazda Rotary ). 3. I didn't drive too much. 4.1 didn't buy m any gi'oceries. <.The gtoceries I did o 't buy we re roasts and steaks and Ch ops mostl y. l 1 ltAVE only worked 18 days since· the strike and the wife can tell you that I have conser\•ed a lottbf energy around the house. Of course, the re have been about ten strikes sin re J uly. The wallboard men arc out now. Two or three more strikes a nd I ca n go out in the graveyard and dig my hole. JAM ES W. BOLDING Pr .. f .. rs Club To the Editor : I must .take exceplioii to lhe letter from E. Grueber. condemning the Costa ~1csa Tennis Club. I have taken l<'ssons and played there for nearly a ye ar and can find no pa rt of the letter "'ith \\'hich I can ogree_ AS ONE "'ho has spent many hours "·ailing for tennis courts on the "first t'Ome .. ·· basis , I cannot agree that most people are courteous and honest. Everyone has .. just begun" no matter "'ncn you arri ve. ana tnere ts a1ways an hour wait .. if you are next in line. I guess it all comes down to you r priorities, a nd I es tim ate my lime is "'Orth a Jot more than the SI you pay to reserve a court. And since the courts arc constantl y filled up. I can assume there are many people who think the same w:iy I do. 'rhe 11ourts at the tennis club a re availalSlc seven days a \\'eek, and there arc tv.·o cou rts fl t & 121 v.•hich cannot be reserved, and are strictly for "fi rst eomc" use. 1'his system seems to me to be a fair one, and I for one. \\'ill continue lo support the Costa i\le!)a ·rennis Cluh SAHA STRANG E l\1111w s a Bargoi11 ·ro the Editor · The greatest econonlie authorily in the world is your e\•eryday house\\·ife. She doesn'l need a large sl<1ff of cconorn le advisors to lell her a nd the nation to li ghten the be lt. She is already doing" it. Be ing an economic expert , the housewife also knowi; that there is no bette r barg:1in th an c1uality. Cheap. things arc too expensive! That's why these housewives (PTA ~1others ) arc wo rk ing so h3rd to convince us that an increase in taxes through Proposition 7. is "'Orth"·hile a nd it i.s a bar1:11 in. Af(er >i ll , when .vou t;-ik e lllc long vie"·· wha t cun you ever-buy for a child th a t '~ eq ua l to a qua lity cclucatlon" ~LA L'DIA llQLLOWAY l11f.,rinl11g ""leor• To the l::ditor : In l he aftermath of \Yatergate, the publlt', more lhan C\'Cr. has a right 11nd a need to be infbrmcd 11bout the candid ate~ nnd th e issuos with which 1t needs to de<tl on Nov. 5. I am incen· sed by the limited coverage given to ll ur h rundidatcs as those running for Setrelary of Stale. l!:~~~ftill V when lhc off ltc o r Secrct.:Jry of State governs 1hc C'IC<'tio n laws and will be contcrned with restorinR a morality lo rm li ties Hl :t t ime whe n th at • .( MAILBOX ) --~~~~~~--- I.titers /rom readers ore welcome Nor- molly. u·riters. should cuni>ey t/iei r me.!· .roge.! in JOO words or less. The rig/if lo con· den.!e letters to /ii .!pace or eliminate libel JS reserved. All letters 111us1 include sig- nalure and ma1li na address bur naines· mo y be withheld o'n request 1{ sufficient reason I.! opparenl. Poetry will rwt bf' published morali t~· has plummeted to an a ll· time lo"· I 1\~l disappointed to see political reports about the least significant happenings, the Jack of appearances. the reasons not lo vote, rather than the who, v.•hat, ·"·here and why that truly info rms. One such exa mple is the race between Brian Van Camp and ~arrh t'ong for Secretary or State. When the press reported on the Oct . 7 KCET debate between the can· didates for Secretary of State, more mention was m ade of March Fong's reasons for not a ppearing on the show than was ma de of Brian Van Ca mp's hig hl y articulate views on the issues rele\'ailt to that office. I , fo r one, wa nt to vote as "'iSely as possible. I want to vote for the thingS I belie\'e in and not just for the face or the gimmick tha1 is sensational enough to m ake it into a back-page fl l"\\·s ;i rl i rlP I "'"' h ,.,,,.. ...,,.,.., frequent reporting of the candidates whereabouts and vie"'s on the issues. and lets gel the voters· apathetir chins out or their hands and their c)·es onto t he news! AU.ISON \YE LLS Claim t 'orf.,iled To the Editor: l'hc chairma n of the So uth Coast Region:.i l Coastl ine Co mmi!iision, Donald H. Bright, has forieitcd any r laim to that position of great public importance th rough his sorry perfor· m a nce in soli citing developers to con- tri bute to the cam paign fu nd of Ed· mund G. Brown. Jr. lie should resig n immedi ately or be forced out of office by public oplniofl . or by legal cha nnels. for a gross con· nict of interest. The commission he he ads h a s mo r e than e noug h problems "'ithout having to operate Under the cloud of being used for par- tisan politics. as !'.1-r . Bright has placed it through his unbelievable tac- li<'. ROBERI LEE Good Adlllre To the Editor : As a regular reader or the Daily Pilot, I v.•ould like you to know bow 'g'reat it was to see a good story in the People section suc h as the one Oc- tober 7 on Joyce Ril ey. J.do not know her or the reporter ; however . I feel it is about time the reading public find out more about nutrition and vitamins as related to illness. emotional as well as physical. DOCTORS DO not tell people the ef- fect s of rood additives, excessive sugar and refined foods because they do not themselves know. A nev.·spaper reporting such facts does a great ser- \'ice to its readers. ~tany people just do not understand the dangers and are not moti-va ted to searth out the an- s\\·rr<; Al so "·a nt lo t ell you ~f ill e Bell's colu m n on rooking for one has some sound advice. or course, I rook for more than that-three growin g boys-but I still read jt. l can ada pt any recipe if I want by making six times as much. J um not a health food nut nor do I ever write to news papers. This Is a fi rst. Please kee p up the fin e job and let's ha ve more fine articles about feeding ou r families \\'holesome. natural foot.ls free of additives. Cll1\RLOTI'E Ei\'ll\10 NS Memoir of Hollywood HOLLYWOOD. By· Garson Kanin. Vi king. 393 Pages. $8.95. In 1937 , Garson Kanin "'ent to llol· lywood to "learn ~ business'" of moviemaking arld in this sometimes touching., often funny and alv.•ays well ·writlen memoir he tells not only whut he learned about the buiiincss hut about the people who made up th at business. P EOPLt:, for example, like Samuel Goldwyn. the fi rst of the mighty for whom Ka nin was lo work ove r the years. and who greeted the newly ar· rived play wr ight with "Sldn('y lloward tells me you 're a very clever genius." That's the first Goldwyn is m to s urffte in thi s book. but not. by any means, the last. A not.her : "If you "'on·t gi"e me your word of honor. v.·JU you give me your promise''' KA NIN also has a wealt~or storjcs to tell ab?ut such other mt r figure!i as -topit:kafew atrando -JJarry C9hn , Darry l Z.1t n u t k 1 ~h arl es La ughton and ~1 a ri l)•n Monroe, and he tells them all well. Iii$ boo~. ii should be noted. is not just u collcclion of stories <•nd "!(!:net· tes, ho'4·cvcr . .M'hile it docs contain m1rnn r1h sc It tontalns lhcm "'ilhin ~ a carefully built fru mcwork to Which their slgnifir ll ncc is subordinote to the structure Kanin "':tnts to build: his years In ll ollywood, what they - ( TH~ BOOKMAN ) meant to him a nd what it meant to him. f1 e succeeds admirabl y. Phil Thomas AP books Edllor QAANCE COAST DAILY PILOT Rohe rt N, Weed. Publi11her Thomas Kt ttril , E'~Wr Barbara Kreibich , £dilorlol l'age Edilor The' edJ,1oriat page tl the Oa(ly . Pilot sctlts to inform and stl rnul ll!le rc11dt!rs by pre5t'.nting on this pace di\·erst>. comm entary on topltt of kl · tt resl by ~yndlt nttd cofumnlSll Md cartoonists, by pro\·ldini: a forum ror readers· views 11nd by presenli(ta this new$p:tptr's opinions and Ideas on rurrent t<>pic1 . Tht editorial oplnl<1ns of th e Dally Pilot .appur onl)' in the editorio1 t"ol umn iil the top of the p:t1e. Opinions rxprttled h~ 1he c-olumni~I! 11nd t"artoonilts ;inll ll:'ttcr 11 rllc rs ara.ltwit o"'·n and no l'ndor.!icmrnt'of lhvlr \1tt"''I b}' lhe D;1lly Pi\01 sht>uld I><! interred. Wed nesday, Octobcr 23, 1974 '• I • I