HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-22 - Orange Coast PilotDriver Beaten . ~liotO, 59, Carter Clai1ns Plans. l. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 22, 1976 C Y0t.. "· "°· W. "'t HCTJOWS. M f'llO&.S Big FiniSh. ~ I Oell•l'IM4St.ft,..._. Bob Gentry and Sally PelerS<>n, both associate deans of students al UCI, make a valiant eflort as they complete the . round-the-park tricycle course Tuesday. Ad· ~str~l?,rs, staff and a few stud':nts competed in the ••olymp1c event. part of the ongoing orientation week at UCI (Related picture, Page 3). Sehool lneide n t Pair Beat, Stomp Milk Truck Driver Two 11111lanta 1tomped and severely beat a driver u ho was deUverina milk to a HW'IUni\on Beach elementary school early today. ~Police aald that Wllllam · -,anha11, 23, ot Santa Ana, suf· ft.red fraatured rtbe and other Nrloua 1nJurtea when IMt arrived• at. Meadowview School al 5702 Clark Drive In the northern part • oltheclty. Sst. David Miller aald lbnhall was Jumped on lhe FOUI'B.4.IL FANS, .. 1RY YOUR LUCK ~~kin Plckel'OO "11~ ,nu1 a~ week Ol competi· Uoa for prlie1 wortb ~than .SIOO. Orance Cout procnmtlcalol'S .,.d plpkin prowess bmt llC\ed.l.nl tile outcomes of 30 weetend .sridiron contests are awarded Jll'iJet lncludin1 a full year's memberabip at Nautllus • Newport. dinners tor two at an . area Reuben'• or MoonrakeJ' 'restaurant or lletl'O Car Wub . .-.iemtcarwubeL I Detalla and ID entry blank •P- ,pear each MoadQ, ~ and Wednesday in lhe iport& paaes ol ; U.. Dail7 Pilot. Tum to P11e B3 • 941 alt~• your rONCutinc *1111 wMlil PielktD Pkbroo. ( school 1rounds and was badly mauled with both fists and feet. He was taken to Huntington In· tercommunity Hospital with "quite serious" Injuries. A hospital omcfal aald today that Marsball wa11 restlni com- fortably and that tests were acbeduled later in the day. Milltt Hid that Marshall, a driver for Cal-Va Dairy In Santa An-.. was attacked at about 2: 15 a.r'- Miller said pollce believe that the two assailants took t.be key to dM tehool'a multi·J>W"POH room when It fell out of Marshall 'a pocket during the beaUna. The hsvestJgatol' said be didn't Jmow if lbe. two mm were casinc the uhool tor a burglary and were mrp:rtsed by Marshall or lf lbe1~ lying in wail for him to obtain t.he key . Officers said there was no in· dication that the school bad been broken into Of that anythina had been stolen . Police are waitlng for M.,-ahall to recover from t.he sbock of bis beat.ins before questionlnl him 1\1.rther to gain leads oo the two attack en. llarsball told officen that be thoutbt be recocnbed the two mee wbo were seen bantiol around a.notbe.r school site. ·'Lust -~~tomQtents 31 DidD.'t Dt•rt · Bi1n Playboy Comme nts ~Not Sorry,' Carter Says PLAINS , Ga. (AP ) - Democ r a lie presidential nominee Jimmy Carter said to- day he is not dismayed by reac- tion lo his statements that he has "looked on a lot or women with !ust" and "committed adultery an my heart." He said he doesn't think it has hurt his campaign. Carter responded to questions from reporters as he got Into his car after completing an early morning ln11pectlon of his peanut processln& operation. Asked whether he was dis- mayed by aome or the reaction to his statements, made to an in- ter v I e w er from Playboy FORD-CARTER STANDS LISTEl>-A7 magazine. the cand1dat.e replied: ''No. I don 'l want to have a pre· as conference thla momin& . " Q. "Do you feel you were mls- underatood? ·' A. "I haven't been bothered by it." Q. "Why did you arant the i.11- lervlew?" A. "The same reason I grant you one ... " Q. "Are you sorry you granted it?" A. "No.'' Q. "Do you regretlt?" A. "No." Q. "Do you think it's been mis- understood?" A. "I don 't think it's hurt in any way." Q. "You don't think it's hurt at all?" A. "I don't believe so." But Carter said he did not want to conduct a news conference on the matter without his staff pre- sent. In the interview, made public this week, Carter said he would not attempt to Impose his own re- ligious beliefs on others. "Christ set some almost im- possible standa rds for us," he said, adding that to sln la human and "God forgives me for It." I n one excerpt, Carter declared: "I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I 've committed adultery In m y heart many times. This is something that God recognizes I will do -and ( have done it -and God forgives me for it. But that doetln 'l mean. that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust. (See CARTER, Page A2> Short age ot End? ATLANTA CAP ) -Steps are being taken to alleviate polio vaccine s hortages In several states after aetllement of a con· tract disagreement between the naUonal Center for Disease Con· trot <CDC> and a vucclne sup· plier, accordlnJ to the CDC. Jimmy Oops Twice Told, Tale T°mliea FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -In a slip of the tongue, Democratic vice presidential candJdate Walter F. ,Monda~e momentarily appeared to have forgotten has runrung mate's name. Speaking to about 500 people who came down to the railroad tracks Tuesday to meet bis campaign train, Mon- dale said: . "You're telling me, you're tell!ng America, you want that White House one~ again occupied by a peoples' president, this time named Jimmy Ford." Reali1ing bls mistake Mon· dale grimaced, adding: "limmy won't Uke that. JilDJll)'. I didn't ~ean it. I dldn 't mean it. Let me try aeatn. Jimmy Carter. There we so." ,,,,....,,., .. ,. ALIOTO'S FIANCEE? Kathleen Sulllven Alioto, 5 9, Will Marry Bostonia1t, 31 BOSTON (AP ) Ro ston St'hool Comm itteewoman Kathleen Sullivan and former San Francisco Mayor Joseph L Alioto plan lo marry when his divorce becomes final. it was re- ported today. The Boston Globe, in reporting the marriage plans, Kaid Ml11s Sullivan would not confirm lhem Tuesday. "My prlvote life Is private," the news paper reported her say· ing . It said Miss Sullivan, 31, and Ali oto. 59. met last April when she attended the annual meet1nl{ of the NatJonal Association or School Boards In San Francisco. She is the daughter of William Sullivan, president and majority stockholder or the New England Patriots or the National Football Leaaue. Alioto is a wealthy an- Ut.ruat lawyer. Mias Sullivan was a s~lal education teacher In Boston before she was elected to the School Committee. She la serving her second term. Alloto's wife . Angelina, dropped out or sight In February. 19741 returnJng to aay she had vis- ited Callrornia missions In a "desperate attempt to secure some m easure of personal privacy.'' She filed for a divorce. for a NCOnd tlme, in Callfomia last January. She Is reported to be out ot the country, but the Globe re· ported her lawyer's olfice said no dates for conferences In court bad been Ht. .I . Both Top Mobil Bid For Stock By TOM BARLEY Of I,_. O•llJ Pl19C M.tff Lawyers for the California Al· tomey General's office and the Irvi ne Compan y com par ed valuations of the company Tues- day In Orange County Superior Court and came up with a dif- ference of $51 million. · lrvlne Company executive Lansing Eberling testified dur- ing a hearing into Irvine heiress Joan Irvine Smith's challenge ot a proposed sal·e to the Mobil Oil Company that the net worth of the organization la about $329 million. Deputy Attorney General Lawrence Tapper disagreed. He quoted f rom a liquidation analysis prepared by his office earlier this year and pegged tho net value of lrvine holdings 8' S380 million. Tapper's figure would put the per share value of Irvine stock at $44 75 Eberling's valuation br- ings the per share value down to $.19 16 Both f1~ures are considerably higher than the $24 per share figure represented by the Mobil offer to pay S200 million for Irvine Company shores held by the James Irvine Foundation. · Those shares represent a 54.5 percent controlling interest In the Irvine Company. Under stale law. the foundation mwit divest itself of those ah area. <See HEIRESS, P11e A2) \\'eath e r Low morning clouds con- Unue to lln1er with moeUy fair skies Thursday after- noon. Hllhl In the low 70s. I NSIDE TOD~ Y Some 1eNntut1 .and l'Ml'i· lion erper1t ore optfmiaUc ('nOl.l{1h to clof m that O{/ttl{/ can actuall11 be pr~ed through proper diet . S.,,. Cl. ladex ~--- ~ "' DAILY PILOT s WednMday S.ptemt>e< 22. t!l79 Blacks To Rule? -. Khodesian Whites Mull Proposal .. • SALISBURY. RhodHla <AP> waltlol ouulde with reportl'f'S. :-Pritne Minister Ian Smith's "We have still sot a lot ol f11ht ~oJ>inet ended two days of dla· but lhat doesu 't mean lhat we .CS1Nion11 today wllh nu word on want to be stupid. We have sot to Whether 1t wlll accept propo.als fue up lo realities but l lhln.k b¥ U.S. Secretary ol State Henry we·recotne to be all ri&ht." K1uinger to transfer eovernJne Smllb reluaed to answer quea· pawer lo Rbodes111'1 block ma· lions from reporters on the JOrity cabinet reaction to the proposals, "There's a lot or hfe and kick In saying only that there would pro- , Rbode11I ans." Sm Ith told a louns~t _ _:b:.:a:.:b:.:l'.!..y......::b:..:e:__'....:' s:.:o:.:m::.:...:e..;.t h;.;..i;.;;n~1:.......;;a;..._b_1_t ............ R eal U:16 g ~·11~el An l'lderl~ pickup truck carts a giant-sized spare lire across lht• (nten,tate Bridge between Portland, Ore., and Van<'11u \'t•r. Wa_s_h_. -------------- Silent Bandit Rohs Capistrano Bank A San Juan Capistrano bank w,as robbed of an estimated S360 T.,.esday by a silent bandit who ~oved a note across lhe counter but displayed no weapon. Orange County Sheriff's offtcers said Deputies. who are working" 1th "~ agents tn uw<.·~ugatmg the r bery at the Bank of Amenca. J1 2CamlnoCaplstrano.saidlhe robber fled on root aftl'r being handed the cash ''Bank teller Julie Ann Bunker. 28. of Dana Point, told omcers the robber passed a note acr06s the counter which made it clear 1• Unite d Way .. Kickoff Set The United Way of Orange c·ounty North1South wUI bettln Its :innual rund raising campa1en. Thursday at the Disneyland llOlel A ccording to <'&mpa11n tha1rman Art Fretwell, the Unit· <'d Way's voluntel'r campaign loom will be rt'achmg for a goal o( S4 6 mllhon. a 44 percent in· creast' over last year's campaign '°''' Since the openina kickoff coin· ddes with the first nationally televised pres1 dent1al debate, television &els will be lel up m thc-lobby of the hotel's Grand nallroom. O"ANOI! COAST DAILY PILOT f N Ou~ c.,..u D••'• ,.,,_. "'''" wtM:tt " c:-;:;..t~":. ~-;,:.~~.~~' «~~~.-;:-.... -"' •t• P~''"•• "'10"..,... WW~,.,,_,. h.tf' Clt\•f Iii•~ N••OO't ..... ~ .............. f\r-""' '•"""'''" V•Htt "• ~ .........,-. ¥•''''° i1"'9 l •OVl'.t ... u~ ~fl\ (w~ A t•nt .. , ... ~, •O•t;W\ t\ wttll\~ ,.IWf.Wt'\ ~ .... a.,, rtiw ~·""-•••• tvtt••Wwf'Q r>14W'l'll "" .,. m ~'' .. , \trHi Ct\Y ~ .. ,.,.,..,,..,. .. Robe rt N Weed rtt\ .. "t AM PwtJI • .,,., Jeck R. Curi.l.. Vet .... tt ... f't ef'f o,.,...,.i ~ Thomu Keevll l.•·IO< Thomas A Murptilne IN~· ... I•• ... ~rles H LOOS Rlcl\¥d p Nall Offkes c.... ...... 1•-·· ... ,,,_ l-llo4'<~ ,, .. CM_.,,,,,.,., H ..... ,...-.... ~ ll't>t...,._ ~-· ....... 1}>01 .... ,.., --II S.• 0 -F'r-~f TeletlMne (714) .U..QJ1 Classified A•wrtllf"I MM671 """° .. ~, v .... , ........,.Qt~· 511..i10 ,, __ ( .......... ••J.M• r,__Or"_~~·- ...0.UJO ~..,,. ,.,, Or-c-1 l'IM•"":. ~ =~.,~ .. "';;.'..,~:~ ~~~",::=; WI•':' t.'9 , • ., .. "'" .... ._._., •••t••• .. f"''''left •• ...,.....,._ S.t-\II\\ .-nl-.. DI ... ol C..t. ,... .. ~· "'-"·~-.. ·-,,,, -::;,:..,.~w u-•~''·"".i""'•••-- that he wanted the contents of her cash drawer. She Immediate· ly complied with the demand. Officers refused today to divulge the contents of lhe note. They said it offered a clue to the 1dent1ty of the bandit. Investigators •described the man as being a bout 28 or 29 years or age, about six foot three and with brown hair They said he was wearing dark blue pants, a Navy blue windbreaker jacket and a while tennis cap. E'rona Pag' 11 I HEIRESS ... Judge James F . Judge is being asked in what is expected lo be a six-week h earing lo make permanent a temporary lnjunc tJon against a Mobil deal already accepted by foundation trustees. Mrs. Smith contends that the $200 million figure is too low and that the sale would be unfair to h er and ot h er m1nor1ty stockholders. Tapper and Eberllng agreed, however . that 1t would take severi•I years to bnng about h· qwdallon of the giant company's many assets even 1r such a sale were to be accepted by the Irvine board. Tapper predicted that it would takl' ten years to dispose or the company's 70,000 acres of un· developed land and about two years to sell its r eal estate and In· duslrlal holdln1ta. . Eberling said he thou1ht It Would take 15 years to sell un· ct.veloPed properties and at least lhrH Jean to dispose of de· veloped r eal estate and In· dustrial useta. Tahoe's Air Ride Violated SAN FRANCISCO <AP) - Clean air standards are being violated in the Lake Tahoe Air Basin ln the winter and summer, according to the stall of the Calllornia Air Resources Board. The staff report presented lo the board said air samples taken durin1 the past year showed the carbon m onoxide standard of ai.x pa.rU per million, averaged over etabt hours, ia violated dwinl winter traffic . ll added lbat lhe oxidant at.an· dard is violated at the IOUt.h end ol lbe lake durtn1 the summer, but the 30-mile ~iaiblllty atan· dard appears lo be met dwinC tbe l'Ummer. ftl'l'fttt" T1t\u·sday after he meet.a With all 50 white members of parliament. The decision ta expected to be macM at that meelin&, and Smilh bu scheduled a radio and television addreaa to the nation Friday. Thurs day 's while caucus would have to assure majonty backing of the propopb before Srnl\h can announce the plan to lhenatlon. The Brtliab·American pro· poeals in the bands of Smith and his cabinet are still secrt>t. but ure believed to provide for bla<'k mljonty aovernment wilhl.n two years. accompanied by a S2· billion fund to be set up by the United States and other W'estem nations to compen sate Rhodesian whites who leave the country and help lhe new black 1overnment wtlh development, The Rh o de sian H eral d newspaper said the settlement plans are being described as the Callaehan· Kissinger· Vors ter propoaals . and commented : ''The implication 1s that the South Africans have finally t1.tmed the screws on Mr. Smith despite denials to the contrary.'' Soulh African Prime Minister John Vorster , host to the Kiss- inger-Sm ith talks in Pretoria last weekend. had been pressed by Kissinger to try to convince Smilh to agree to black rule. Britain and Prime Minister James Callaghan were involved with the United Stiltes in formulating the setUement pro- posals Rhodesia, a Brit111b colony un- UI Smith unllaterally declared its independence in 1965. has a population of 270,000 whites and some six million blacks. Kissinger. reportedly carrying to black African leaders lhe word of Smith's new pos1Lion, had talks in Kinshasa today with Zaire President Mobutu Sese Seko, tnen departed for Kenya. lKJO Students Strike for More Te achers SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -In a n era of striking school teachers. this walkout was dif· ferent. The students struck, de- manding m ore teachers. About 800 clapping, placard· carrying students checked in for classes at George Washi.neton .High School on Tuesday and then. as expected, moved out of lhe school and onto lhe football field for a protest rally. Another 800 of the school's 2,600 students limply left their classes and wandered In the neighborhood two miles soulh of lhe Golden Gate Bndgc. Students listened to speeches, cheered and held alof\ signs r e· adlng, "Students want quality classes" and "We have a right to a good education." The youths chanted, "We want our te achers back." It was the latest in a series of protests against a reduction in the number of classroom teachers. switching some to other positions such as a perma· nE'nt substitute pool. Senate Hits Bill Blockade WASHlNGTON IA P) -The Senate has been brought to a virtual standstill by Sen. James B Allen <D·Ala ), who ts trying to block a bill that would permit courts to award attome)'!I' fees to persons who brin8 aucceasfl.ll civil rl 8hts enforcement suits. The Senate voted 69 to 12 Tues· day lo take up the bill, but with Allel) reaorUn11 t.o various delay. Int tactics, it baa been unable to make any further heactway. Statw Quo DSf Reigm W ASHINOTON (AP) - Speed-up proceduree to pau a bill extending Oayll&bl Saving Time have been rejected by the House, virtually assuring lhat the measure will not be enacted lbll year. ' TM bill would havt set the bJ&lnnlng date for DST as Ute tblrd Sunday of March and the ending date as tbe tb1rcl Sunday of Oc· tober , be1innlng in Im. Ubde.r e.lSttns law, lbe COUD'1'J Is OD DST from the las\ SUnday ln Aprtl lo the last Sunda)' in October. With few members oo the noor, the House voted ll lo JO Tuesday for sus· pending the rules and pass· int ~ bill. But the llWI· penaion procedure re- quirea t•o-lblrdl. With These Hands Welder Bi lly Corbett of Anchorage, didn't draw the ~rowels he'd hoped for, Alaska, displays his hands. somewha~ ~.he however. He planned to donate proceeds worse for wear. after he karale·cboPped rrom the demonstratJon to a non-pront· 5,800 bricks ln an hour and 45 minutes to health agency, but only four youths break the Guinness world_r_ec_o_r,..c;l-.._T_h_e_fe_a_t_~s.:....;ho~wed_;._..;;....Ul>..;s...· ____________ _ J RockAgainE1;11i rge s c;;.t;;."~. At County Session but who leaves his wife and shack• up w1lh somebody out of wedlock "Ct-rial uys doo't. consider your11elf better than someone e!Ae because one IUY screws a whole bunch of women while lhe other guy b loyal to bis wife. The guy who's loyal lo his wife ought not to be condescendmg or proud because of the relative degree of sinfulness · · A troublesome ocean rock off Capistrano Beach prompted county supervisors to call Tut!!. day for a study or all offshore rocks bet ween the San Clemente pier and Dana Point llarbor The usually submerged rock . off ~ Beach Road, fi rst came to supervisors' attention a month ago. At the time, they agreed to urge boaters lo follow nav1ga Uonal charts. whlch list the rock. and to slay far from shore. But al the time, county of fic1als had told them the rock was only 30 yards offshore They learned Tuesday it 1s JOO yards offs hore. And San Clem ente City Coun cilma.n Tom O'Keefe, a member of lhe c;ounty Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission. asked that lhe rock be marked with u sJen to wam boaters of potentiaJ hazards. O'Keefe said the rock 1s on a direct line with the ma1n en trance to Dana Point Harbor and could cause a serious accident., Supervisor Tom RJley saM he was told lt never has caused an accident, and he swd tt may be Yellow Cab s Burn SAN DIEGO <AP> -Six Yellow Cabs have been set afire since union d rl vers went on strike 27 days ago The latest was s t olen Monda y Cr om the emergency entrance lo Alvarado Hosplt~l and destroyed by fire in a dark area. Just one of many rocks in the area At his s uggestion, supervisors aereed to have the shenfrs harbor patrol deputies conduct a study in the area and report tQ the Harbors. Beaches and Parks Comrn1.Ss1on within 00 days. County officials earher had considered blowing up the rock but learned permits for doing !>O probably could not be obtained They also asked the Coast Guard to buoy the rock, but were turned down when Coast Guard officials said the rock was Just one of many along the coast. The candidate's statements brought mixed rea cllons. -His wifl', Rosalynn, said in New York they caused her no anxiety about his fidelity. "I trust him completely. I've never bad lo worry ebout lhat at all,'' she said. , -Dr. Harry N. Hollis Jr., a de· nomlnalional authority on social ethics, said In Nashville that Carter's statements on morality Jooger Sue.c accurately renect Soul.hem Bap. " ,.., list teachings. But Hollis, a staff mber of the In Dog Attack Chriatian Llfe Commission of tbe Southern Ba ptisl Confereµce, said be "wouldn't have used lhe A man who claims two do,1ts at· same language.·· tacked him and caused him to -Or. W.A. Criswell, pastor of break his le ft arm whHe he was the 20.000-member First Baptist Jogging on Laguna Canyon Road Church of Dallas . T ex., has sued the alleged owners of declared: "l am highly offended the animals for $60 ,000 in byth!s.Ithinkhe's mixedupinhis damages. moral values, and I lhink lhe en-PlalntiH Arthur C. Smart tire church membership will feel names Mike and Pat Dwight as thesameway." defendants In his Orange County -Dr. Jer ry Vines, pastor of Superior Court lawsuit and the Dauphin Way Baptist Church charges them with responsibility iii Mobile, Ala., and• former pre· for the alleged attack on him last sidenl of lhe pastors' conference Dec. 6. of the Southern Baptist Conven· He claim s that he was attacked lion, said; "This appears to be by the dogs as he jogged in the another instance of Carter ac- vicinity of 21312 Laguna Canyon commodatlng himself to his au· Road. dience. ~-~~---~~~---=::.:.::.:::.;;.:;..:_.. ______ ~-- Lynn Hort HART'S John Hort SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST.• COSTA MESA• 646-1919 BACK TO SCHOOL Tennis Balls Penn Practice BaHs--3 /169 Dunlop Seconds-3 /188 Penn Extra Duty--3/225 Wilsen Extra Outy-3/235 Dunlop Extra Duty--3/2s 0 Wann " Slits 13~5 to 3995 Sweat Shirts & Pants--4•& Hooded & Zippered Sweat Shirts-1so Hooded Acrylc Jackets-15•s Y-Neck Lanr Slee•e Acry6c Swaters-i95 Open 9 to 6 Closed Sunday Mens ·tennis Shorts-i9s to 1595 Mens Tennis Sblrts-i5o to 1200 Mens Tennis Shoes-1195 to 2495 Ladies Tennis Sborts-11'5 l 121s Ladles Te'nnls Dresses Ladies Tennis Shoes-1o•s to Hts Basketballs-595 to 2115 Footballs-786 to Soccer Batts-895 ta 3415 4 S,...e Balls Playgrat aans Racquetballs l Racquets Handballs l Gloves Foitlml $flees Seccer Sllees All Purpese ~ BasketblJI Shoes i ., m Center SU.1919 -. ~-----. - ./ DAILY PILOT Outgoing Director .Blamed for Riot SACRAMENTO (AP) -The president of tbt Calllornia Coor· recUonaJ Officers AasoctaUoo blames U.. Cbloo troubles on the poUcla or Alan Breed. lame· d uck d irector of the Youth AullMlrity. T he i>ruldent, Arnold "l'lanPIOll, lMu.ed ll ltatemcnl 'J\mdu alter lbe eKape and not at dM \'ouUa Tralnlnl School an Chino. Wanderer Tied to Tree, Dies TAMPA. Pla. CAP) -Before he died, Dou1laa Ray Sumner spent t wo ween dWned to a tree. He built a lean-to ror sheller, dug a hole to collect rain, and ate palmetto leaves and bark chips while be struggled in vain to free himself, police say. Sumner. 21. had not been seen by his family since be left home to co camping two years ago, tellinl hia mother, TU be back in thrtt or four days -or maybe never." When his best friend saw him a year ago and asked what be had been doing. Sumner replied. ac- cording to police : "I'm j11St try. ing to get my head screwed on str aight. Don't tell anybody you've seen me." A Baptist pastor who knew him said Sumner had golten U)volved lo a "way-out religious group" and might have willingly allowed h.imself to be anchored to a lret by a 15-foot logging chain al· tached lo a 20-inch metal collar around his waist. Two hunters stalking wild boar found his bones in a dense Uucket a mile from the Gulf of Mexico last month. lnvest.Jgators say Sumner d.led about seven montt\s before that. from either starva· tion or exposure. Pohte call his death murder. but have not speculated on a pe>ss1blf' motive. No arrests have ~en made. Pastor Pierre Kennedy said Tuesday that the last t1me h'! saw Sumnt'r the youth told bim "he was going to go up to the forest and stay for a while "I think he might have had somt'body chain him to that tree Maybe someo ne s a id t o him. 'We'll chain you to this tree and you can get closer to God.· "This is the type or thing some of those lunatic religious groups talk about. this ascetic idea that you can get close to God by depriving your body or things. food and drink and pleasure." Found near Sumner's bod~ were sneakers. shreds of clothes, a leather belt. boolc:s including a Bible and identlflcaUon card from the University of South F1orida where he had worked af a groundskeeper. Only 10 of the body's 206 bone~ remained OHicers said the resl must have been earned off b) animals Sumner was ldentifief by a Jawbone fragment and thf idenUf1cation card. At the bottom of the pine tree was a •aah where Sumner ap parcntly tried to cut the thick bark. police said. They aaJd scars 10 feet up showed where he tned to work the chalns up and over the top of the trff A1enU fro~. the Florida Department of Crtmlnal lAw En· rorcement aald that near the tree where Sumner died they fOund a rrude lean-to fa b!oned from palertltto fronat and a bole ap- wa.redUY du3 b1 human hands. A,lso oearl>y they found several ball• of teavea t.be ltae of a fiat. which they believed Sumner used ror nourisbmen\. ln add.lUon tot~ trond1. , They apec\ollated that he h11d bet1n ltll to dle M>metlme In January end had manaatd to keep alive fo r about two weeks ~ Charity Bingo Given Final • P,untyOkay 1 Bingo playln1 In Orange Coun· J.y's unincorporated areas was 'approved Tuesday by county )upervisors. ' ~Y adopted an ordinance al· ~owiq non-profit charita ble or· ;eantzatlons to hold bingo sames. ~rovldlng they flrst obtaln a three-year license at 13). . Supervison • Cbalrman Ralph Diedrich voted ecatnsl the :measure. as be bad ~ it was ~ven fint readlll' lu& -.k. ~' He bad suieeated • $25C> prbe ~mil per game b too blib. • The ordinance was mllde PoSSi· le by a atatewlde b allot euure alloWlnJ local pvern· to permit blJllO. CIJ.llomla county voters approved that ure in J une. The new re1ulatlons apply to a mea played only in unln· rporated area• outalde city PJ1111C1ia.nes wi1hln U.COW>I,)'. Breed'• term bu expir.ci. but Gov. EdmW>d Brown Jr. bu not named a succesaor Tbompsoa's atatement sa.id, "Contrary a.o Breed'• thinJdnc. CY A facWUa are oat Boy Scout eatol)I." H• called the Chino school "a' prison facility whe~ a aubltan· Ual number or a1creuive. violence-prone youna adulbl are incarcerated, where custody and a.afety abould be -but ia not -a matter of major cootem.' · He said a list of demands. ln- cludln1 the armlna of YTS cuarda. will ~ presented t.o CY A officials today. A CYA spokesman, A rt German. s atd Breed is lb be replaced soon. German uld YTS eseapes in· created from 11 in 1974-75 to 54 in ms..1e. but in three yean there Tough CoJJ1pet.itors Tricycle races were the order of the day at UCl Tues- day. as couples raced .around the campus par k in a sometimes r~orous, but mostly hilarious. course. The best-dressed duo was Bob Banka. director of alumni af- fairs . and Eli zabeth Lw~. a student who works in the alumni office. ll was all part of the UCI Qiientation w eek's ol vmp1 cs. 38 Coastline Miles Marked for Parks SAC RAME NT O <AP l Thirty·e1ght m ties of shoreline have been re commended for purchase with funds from. a parkland bond meu.sure on the Nov . 2 ballot. The S2BO·m1lhon measure. part of a legislative package designed to save Californ111 's coast from overdevelopmenl. in~ludes $110 million for state park coastal uc quisitions . It is Prop. 2 on the• ballot State Parks and Recreation Director Herbert Rhode sug- gested Tuesday the SllO million t)e used lo buy 27 coastal sites with a total or 16,000 acres Most of the sites picked by tus depart ment were also recommended by Cowity Backs Se rvice Time For Offe nders A Harbor Municipal Court pro- gram allowing misdemeanor or- fendert lo volunteer for com- mwlity eerv1ce proJecls instead of payin1 finel or servint JUll terms won t he e ndorsement or county supervisors Tuesday Supervisors authorized county officlal1 to seek a $44,981 reder~ (Fant to continue the progum. The etatt and c ounty each would contnbute $2,499 ln addition A report to supervisors said durina lta first year, placements were made with more than 140 agencies. Including the Red Cross. Braille Institute. Fairview State He»pltal. boys and girls clubs. parks departments and community centers The program 1s operated through the Voluntary Action Center of Newport Beach . Blue Eagle Shot Down a.OVER , S.C. CAP) - Wlll Mlu Blue EaaJe fly thla year at Clover High School? No, uys the 1chool's princlpal, Joe Gordoo. Gordon says that guidelines set down by the U .S . Department of Health, Education and Welfare lndlcate to him that the naming of Miss Blue Eagle -the tradl· tional UUe few the acbool'• bomecomlDI queen - wu.dd be an act ot sexual dlseriminaUOG. The eootnt in prttfom yun hu been entered by females only the state Coastal Commission. he added The bond measure would also provide $85 million for local parks. $34 million for various state park projects, $216 million for state wale r project recreation fac1hhes. $15 m1lhon for develop- ment of wild life areas and $10 million to fund a stale coastal conservancy. Here are some of the locations of Southern California sites pro- posed for purchase and reasons for the purchases. Irvine Coast, Orang<' Coun · ty· To provide beach access and day use facilities Dana Point Hea dl ands, Orange County · To provide bluff· lop park and recreation areas. -Torrey Pines State Reserve. San Diego County: To provide additions to the reserve and Penasqultos L•goon wetlands. Point Dume. Los Angeles County: To buy headland with vi ews of Santa Moruca Bay and mountains and access property to several beaches. -Paradise Cove, ~ Angeles County: To provide beach, p11rk· ing sites and beach frontage Malibu Bluffs. Los Angeltt County: To provide park. vista point! possible e&mpina area and shutt e bua terminus. -Lower Topana a Canyon, Los Anfelea County · To provide parklng and comping space for adjacent beach and a tr:ul head for Topanga Stale Park. Ormond Beach. Ventura County: to provide beach land!! and supporting upland rccrca· tional facilities. The site would connect two public beaches Fathe r Sues Over Youth's Bike Injury Damages to be determined in trial court are belog demanded by the father of an Edi,500 Hilt}! School student who alleaedly was sertously injured when he dro~ his bicycle into barbed wire erected near the school grounds. Named as defendants In the Ofan1e Coun ty Svperior Court lawsuit nted by Phillip Monteith Sr. of Hunlinaton Bead\ are the Oranie County Flood Control Diatrict, Southern C.Ufornla Edbon Company, the Kemview Oil Company a nd Laguna Beach County Water District.. 1be action states that Phillip Monteith Jr .. 17, was cut on the face, chin and throat in an acci· dent allegedly caused whe.n the dftmdants sealed ~ a bicycle path traditionally used by FAison students to cet to and from lhe aehool. bu been a lhree-foJd lnc:ruse an the QUmber of youl\s committed for crlme-.3 a11lnat persona in· atMd ol •Jainst property. "To call it a Boy~ camp - thal't rldiculous. We bow the potential there for violence. We're t.ryini to create an at- QlOIPbere to make it as sate as poulble tor the lnmat.et and the atalf." German aatcl. Only one of 13 youtha who Heaped remained al lart'e and one '-':Jani remained in 1erious c:ond1Uon today. Law enforcement aaicncies used a land and air uaault to round uplhoeacapeft'l'uhday. However, euthoriUes uid a 32·year·old aupervisln1 cuard, Gary Cauble, waa lo serious con· dlUon at San Antonl0Commun1ty Hospital with a rruct.W'ed skull and facial lacerations. CY A ofOclals said the lone ln· mate wbo hadn 'l been caqhl was William Winter. 1boy did not release his aae or home town. The disturbance at UU. school for youtha under age 2S bel~ early Tuesday. In tht enswna riot b)' an e1tlm~ted 200 lnmalffi. about $7,000 in damage wu d~ to the pnson compound, leavhC« It In a ahamblc1, authorities 11ht. Voter to Benefit .. Journalist: Watch for 'Balance' By STEVE MITCH£LL Ot\IM O•llr ll'UM M.tH Pulitzer Prize winnin g journalist David Halbers tam says the "J e rry and Jimmy Show.'' the first segment of which will air ThursdAtY night, aet the American people interest· ed in politics again. Halberstam, who spoke to Orange Coast College students Tuesday about the media in politics. said the upcoming de· bates between presidential can- didates Jerry Ford and Jimmy Carter, "will help to brine 10 lo12 percent more or the electorate out on Nov. 2." "But," he told his young au· dience, "what they will say is • less important than your own measuring of the men." Halberstam told his audience to "pay close attention to the in· ner balance and the texture of the candidates." He predicted both candldates will be able to handle themselves very well in the debates. "Carter l s care ful with words," Halberstam said "He knows how to be understated. and TV gives its hand to the man who uses the fewes t words . Carter uses a low-decibel count ktnd ofsoftness ." He said Ford will not be able to get the Democratic cand.ldate on the defensive, "'and the Pres! dent will try that approach on specific ls.sues.'· he said. The former New York Times reporter. wbo gained recognition tn the 1960s for his pessimistic re- ports on the South Vietnam con- flict. tias written a series of books about that war. His analyses include "The Malting of a Quagmire," "Ho." a nd "Th e nest and the Brightest." and continues loday with his current look al the media in America His audience Tuesday included many journalism students and instructors. O.lly ...... """ ..... \. 'WATCH THE MEN' Journallet Halberstam "'President Ford has an essen tlal decency a bout him ... Halberstam continued. "lle's not the brigtltest man in the world. but if he loses the election. 1t \¥itll be because h e is not quite dynamic enough to lx> prcs1dcot " Admitting he tends to favor Carter for president,· the cer respondent compared the ~anut farmer as "a hybrid of J ohn F Kennedy a nd evangehi.t Bi lly Graham.'' "But when you watch the de- bates," he advised. "watch the texture of the men. not their pro- grams. Judge not by their words. but by the balance an~ control of the candidates And, after the de· bates. listen lo your friends " He said the news media has taken a dev1l 's advocate role in two major national crises 10 the past 15 years "lt was the media versus Lyn don Johnson over the Vletnain war, and t he media a'1alnsl Preaideot Nixon durlnc lbe Watergate encounter,;· Halberstam said. .• "In both cases. it was the wdi ot reporters and broadcas~ that brou1ht down both men." ~ He calls Improvements ,Jn transportation and comm.uni~a­ llon "the new monster m tJle U.S." saying the media ~s • "clearly made the presid~t more powerful, and Congr(lls and the two major polltiotl parties weaker .. --t "And the media it.self is 1etd~ more powerful, Involuntarily tll, ing the gap with the failing of i political party system," he sai "The president can manipul the television med1a. He can~ on the air anytime he wants," Halberstam uid. "'TheonJylime the House of R epresentatives gets on the air as when the presi- dent goes down there to deliver tus State of the Union address." He said congres smen now sdf. · fer the wors t reputation in the publlc polls, "but it's becaUk they are never seen on the media In actuality. the Congress is pro bubly doing the be st job in its his tory. but you never see them tn action." I le said Congress 1s partly to blam~ m its reluctance to allow cameras in Its sessions. "What the camera secs is ter ribly Important." he l\aJd. "Many or m y colleagues think the media s abotaged the Vie\· nam war. You m1ghl thank a lOl of unnecessary war violence wa.i; shown . bul my Criend11 in the media think the w ar s anitized " Abor tion Backed l· SAN JOSE <AP > -Speakers at a pro-abortion r ally attended by I.JOO people have crillcited con- i.~r v a t 1 v e Ca tholi cs ail~ legislative moves to restrict ttre right tolegal abortion HOuse Ban Vote Delayed By KATHY CLANCY OflfleO•llr .. l ... Sl.-ft The compatlbiJity of housing tracts and El Toro Marine Corps Air Station jet noise was left un- settled for 30 days by county supervisors Tuesday. should be added to an ex1stmg 16,500-aere noise zone within which residential construction is banned. Presently. 3,85() or those acres are planned for hous ing. Supervisor T homas Hiley ar· rived at Tuesday's meeting with Supervisor Laurence Schmit saJd he did not think he would vote for ll. ': And both h e and Boarp Chai rman Ralph Diednch asked for more time to s tudy the issue. The board was left seemingly split 2·2 on whether home con· 11truction s~ould be permitted in areas a consultant has said are impacted by jet noise. a resolution that would proh1b1t housing within about 3,000 of · thos~ acres Clark insisted that Riley's Prct posal addressed nearly all of tbe issues that s urfaced during lengthy debates on the topic at two board m eetings last week. -: But the issue itself never came to a vote. as supervisors agreed 3·1 to continue the matter for 30 days. Supervisor Ralph Clark voted against the delay. He said agree· menl should be sought again next week. Al stake Is whether 10,000 acres G em T alk /:,,IC Ill \l/'l//111-' R E CUTTI NG OLD DIAMONDS That resolution was s1m1lar to one proposed last week by Clark, which also left the bo&1rd de- adlocked. Riley's proposal also r<.'Qwred that potential home buyers in the rema1nmg 7.000 acres be notified in writing of the potential nob(' levels While Clark cxpressl'<l ~upport for t ha t proposal Tuesday. '\ I "All 1 am asking for is a week r ather than de lay this 30 days," he said. Bul Diedrich argued that he had taken "testimony" in his of· rice that raised new questi()llB about the no111<' impacted areas. lie later declined to say JU4l who offered thut testimony ~ l'epl to say one conlacl was an Irvine Company employe. i • .. I ~ i A diamond hJS three beauty characterutlcs. "8rilllance" ii U1hl refiertlon Into your eyes "Fire" is dispersion of llaht into colo~ "Scin- tillatlon" is twln:kling at 111ightf11t movement. The run beauty ol a diamond result" when cutters uae the method original· ed before 1700 by Pcruui and. earl.)' tn the 20th century. modified through op tical science to produce today's pre· else 58 facet formula. Any deviation from this formula denies the c:li1mond ltarull potential Q u,,t, V~ Dlantmr.d gUtddedgMgu!t ••• Diamonds not cut h> this nact formula can be r¥11t for maximum beauty. Changes in cutting formulas have caused recutUng and size !educ· Uon of auch famed jewels as °'e N..,alc Diamond. tbe vaJue of which tncreaaed though its site was re- duced. You may hoe a rusonable large diamond not cut to modern formul• This gem mlght beotome far more beautiful and valuable throu&h recut· Una wtt.boui ln any way damaging Its value as an antique o.-helrloom. In flight Is a stunning accent for any outfit. Your very own "Jonathan" 1s a brilliant conversation piece. 1823 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TEAMS BankAmnricard-Master Charge 30 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION P•iONE 548·3<4-0t , Al DAI\. v PtLOT AWFULNESS DEPT. -Newt dlapatches filtertn• out of our "'1onderful County Seat early Ws week Indicate that Santa Ana Cl· ty CouncU members have Just been aubjected to etou lo· d11n1Ua and terrible affront.I lo their moral vallles. The tortures that these dedlcat ed public servant.5 have been s1.1bjected to can be fairly charac ten.zed as an outrage. What happened, you see, was that the Santa Ana City Council people were forced to sit m a back room and sift throu1th two satchels filled with dtrty pac- tw-es. You need some baekground t.o understand how they got forced into this distasteful ta.&k He11dri.r Heir? APWI ........ An appeals court in Swt!den has upheld a lower court ruling that Jimi, ~ear-0ld son of Eva Sund9vist, w.as fathered by the late American rock star Jim1 Hendrix. The ruling is not binding on this country, but the mother's lawyer said he expects the boy now will become heir to Hendrix· e s tate, valued at abouUl million. More Dyes Banned Carbon Black, Red No. 4 SuspeCted · WASHINGTON <AP> -The Food and Dru1 Admi.n&SlrlUon (FDA ) today banned the art111clal colon used to make mar~hlno cberr1 red and Jel· ly beana and licorice blaclt, HY· lns their aafety ls que1Uonable. Laboratory teats wllh do111 auunt that food dye called Red No. 4 may cause urinaty bladder polyps and atrophy of the adrenal 1lands, the FDA aald . Furthermore, there ls no reliable testi.fti method to assure that the color carbon blac-k does not con· lain a cancer·cauung byproduct, the agency aal~. THE FDA ANNOUNCED at alao wUI ban 10 other color ad· ditivn. approved for use only an cotmetics, in 30 days, that at wall pqmanenUy approve 20 other colors for uae only in external drugs and cosmetics by the year's end; and give Industry more time to conduct further safety testing of 52 other colors. three or them in food. which a,.. 100 percel'll acceptable to the FDA and wbk:b have been found acceptable b7 cW.toalen:• buald. It WAI unclHr •betberthe Red No. • bao would tpell ~end for red maraa<'blno cherrlu or whether another addiUve c:a.n be u.Hd. The color doea nol lnfhaence the navor of cherriea, whicb also are marketed ln sreen and ln thclr natural yellow co&or aftet' proceaaina. THE BAN DOES Nor affect already·productd atoc.U. - ftrff Jears •JO· U. G Jl'ood Nt I chaln .,.._ m lftl mauachloo cMrri• wt artlflclal colorlal tn ltl 1tottt lo Vtrsta••· Maryland, Wuhlnstoo, D.C. But "they b not been a w lldly popular' duel,'' 1\ore otttclal11ay. "People alwaya thlnk chentt9 lhoWd be red, and yellow OMS Juat don't re•llter. 'nMY'" ~. lQll for tom etblnt red \o put :'Ti srapatrull or ln wblaktY IOUtll" aald Janet Tenney, ualttant. tio Olant'1 vlce prealdeol Coe sumer pro1r1m1. Ex-envoy Kiiied Chilean Police Blamed for Bomb )~ w ASHIN'8TON (AP> -Opponents of th• rulint mllltary Junta 'II. Chile are charging that nation's secret pollee with responsibility for .4 bomb blUl that ripped through the car of a former Chilean of· SANTA ANA HAS two movie houses that in euphemistic terms are called adult theatttS. ln plain language, this means they show sex films. One. or these theaters happens to operate in a shopping center just a stone's throw from what was once considered the flower of all Santa Ana residen- tial neighborhoods. This particular house as cu.·· renUy screening an epic lilied, "Autobiography of a Flea" - which sounds tnnocent enough. ApparenUt. however, it 1sn't fit- ting for a kiddie maunee. Jackson Wins Easy ·Senatorial Primary Richard Ronk. bead of FDA's color additives division. said the carbon black ban signals an end to black jelly buns and licorice. But an FDA spokesman and an official of the National Cont~· tiooera Aasoc:iatlon in Chicago both said other products could be used to make the candies. "The term ination of carbon black in jelly beans and licorice does not mean the end of these products. A black substitute can be used," the FDA spokesman said. fleial, killing him and a ( ) wotnancolleague. ! The explosion i n /N SHORT • downtown Washington klUed . Orlando Letelier. 44. am· , bassador to the United States under the late Chilean Presideni Salvador Allende. Ronnie Karpen Moffllt, 25, a staff member at tlle Institute for Youcy :stUdles wnere Leteller ran a forelcn affairs Pl'Or gram, was riding in the front seat and also was killed. Her husband, Michael. a research associate at the liberal ~ search institute, who was in the back seat. survived with Injuries that didn't require hoepitalilation. Anyway. certain of Santa Ana's good citizens have become outraged at the operatJon.s of these two movie houses and ho\•e demanded that the mumc1pal government do sometiung. Santa Ana's c1ly brass found itsell stvmied bv recent court rubngs which have flung out municipal ordinances d~agned t.o shut down the showing ornesh films. Now the caty calculates 1t can close them down by filing c1v1I suits. Ttus requ1res. however. that the city file a new suit on each new · filmthatgetsscrcened. · THUS IT WAS that the news : dispatches c hronicled how a · special attorney showed up at Ci· ty Hall with the two big satchels They were rilled with still photo ' graphs taken from the Triple·X rated movie currently on the 11ereen. Alu. ll would be necessary for the cood City Council members , t.o sift through all these pictures · and determine 1f the movie is in- dttd lewd The chore was apparently con- sidered so distasteful that. ac· cording to the news, several council members had fled city , hall before lhe photographs ar- .. rived But they were qwckly rounded up when the word leaked out. One council member flatly re· fused to vaev.· the sexy pictures. He declared it was late and 1t would r uin his dinner THE OTHERS, HOWEVER , ·grimly went about the task. They ·closeted themselves behind closed door s and s pent 35 minutes in the agony of jud1lng the pictures for pornoif'aphlc con- tent. Emerama from this terrible session, it was announced to tbe press that there hadn't been enough lime to make a moral Judgment Council members will have to meet again In the back room and once again suffer the lndlgnatles or poring over all theff sex pictures. Sometimes. when you are a de- dtcatec public servant. you sul· fer terrible conscqucnc~ Sen. Henry M. Jack.son. ooe or lhe big losers in the Democra~ic p~e· sidentialsweepslakes. is provmg once again that he can be a big win- ner at h~me. And Dixy Lee Ray was leading In her quest to become Washiniton's first woman governor Jackson barely broke a sweap in capturing his party's nomination BENDT BLADEL. technical director of the Na· tional Confectloners Association in Chicago, said most of the as· sociatlon's members were pre- pared lo switch to a subltitute coloring. "I do feel confident that the candy manufacturers have been getting re ady for tbia and have found othe r subslltutu Tuesday night ror a fifth term in the junior Senate seat from Washington. defealmg two lJtlle known opponents DR. RAV . A FORMER chairman of the Atomic EnerJy Commission, led in a close con· test for lhe Democratic nomlna· ta on for fovernor. With 9.1 percent or the precincts reporting, she had 185.JSS votes or 38 percent ol 177.379 votes or la percent for Seattle Mayor Wes Uhlman. En· vironmentalist. Marvua Duman& ran third. , Elsewhere . R ep. Henry Helstoski <D ·N.J .) won re- nomination in a special primary despite an indictment charging him wtlh bribery, and House Speaker Carl Albert's top aide 1ost h is bid f o r Albert's Oklahoma congressional seat. another Democratic race. Jn- cum~nt Democ rat Floyd Hicks 1s reunng to seelt a seat on the slate Supreme Court. Terrorists Claiill Bonihing at Hilton NEW YORK (AP)-~ Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN has claimed responsibility for a powerful bomb that exploded in a stairwell of the New Yor-Hilton, 21 floors above a banquet where Puerto Rican Gov. Rafael.Hernandu·Colon wu being bonored. No one w11 lnjured in the blasL A woman who ideoUfied henelf as an FALN member called the New York Poat after the eXJ>lotlon Tuesday night to report the bombing in prot.est of Hernandes-Colon's visit. Polire said they later found an F ALN communique taped to a telephone in a booth one block from the hotel. floor stairwell, blowing out a sec lion of lbe landing and wall. bursting some water pipes and sending smoke lnto the hallway. aulhorlties and witnesses said. ~rftltont1 Bot1cof f Plann~d J BEIRUT, Le~ CAP> -Leftist Moslem te1der Kam Jumblatt and his supporters will boycott the swear1n1·ln Tbunday of President-elect Elias Sarkis because It la bein1 held in Syri. occupied territory, Jumblattannounced today. J "The decision to hold the swearing-In ceremony ln a Syrian· occupied area mirrors the depth of the dia1race Lebanon bu aunk lo,'' Jumblatl said in a statement. Sor1u.: Pair Plan to Latad MOSCOW <AP> -The two cosmonauta orbltln1 the earth lei Soyuz 22 are preparing to return to the Soviet UnJon after oniy a week in space, Tass announced today. 1 The official Soviet news agency said Col. Valery Bykovsky, lbb 42·year-old comm ander or the mission, and Vladimir Aksenov. the 41·year·old night engineer, completed their work on "biologicarot>. jects" this morning and .. began operations to prepare for their rught back to earth." l11diefed Pre1dde1U"• lob Mulled .. WASHINGTON <AP) -With Its president, J ames Hulings. now under indictment, the board of directors or lhe New York·based Associated Industries will consider this week whether lo continue him in his $52,SOO·a ·year position. Hastings. a former upstate New York con1ressman. was indict· ed by a federal grand Jury Tuesday on charce~ of mail fraud a~d , false statements in connection wilh a payroll kickback scheme lD· volvlng three of his employee. Helstoski. indicted with lhree aides on charges of takjng money 1n return for helping South American alie ns win their c1t1ienship, defeated state M semblyman Byron Baer by about 3.SOO votes in a Democratic primary called followmg allega· llons or vote fraud In t.b«ir first contest June 8. Helstosld had won the first election by l,:IOO votes. ALBERT'S AIDE. QIAJlLES Ward. was defeated in a Democratic runoff by Slate Sen. Wes Walkins. who al.lo dele.al.ed him In the first primary. Ward had beeh endorsed by Albert. who is retiring POLICE COMMISSIONER Michael Codd said contents of the note would be made public t.oday. F ALN is the acronym !oY-a Spanish phrase meaning Armed Forces or National Uberatloo of · Puerto Rico. The or&aninUon hos been linked to about a ~en bombings in the lasl two yea.rs in the New York City area. includ· lng the unsolved 1975 bombing ot bJstoric Fraunces Tavem in the Wall Street area. F°"'1' peraoo.s were killed ln that bombin1. Banks and covemmenl bullcUnp also have been ta.rfeta or the aroup. Now Enjoy Woody Allen In Your Newspaper! Also In Oklahoma, Car ol Mccurley. a housewife. defeated Stephen J ones. • former American Civil Liberties Union law yer. fo r a Republican nomination. She will face Rep. GleM English In Ncwembel'. In the same stale, former • hospita l adminlatrator Too- Dunlap won the Democratic nomination for the scat ol relir· 1ng Republi can Rep. John Jarman. In Washington congressional races. Democratic incumbents Brock Adams and Uoyd M~:. were renominated easily. Norm Dicks, a former aJde to The woman caller to the Post warned that another bomb would go off shortly afterward at lhe . Statl~r Hilt.on hotel, abo in mid- town. but police said they found no device there A ticking noise coming from an elevator bank was traced lo a transformer. Sen. Warren Magnuson. defeated THE BLAST AT THE New 5tate Rep . Mike Parker 1n York J11lton tore through a 24th· '' ' I ,, ' '•' Frosty Night in Midwest Yes, Woody Allen is now starring in his own comic strip! · Clear Skies, Cool Nights for Much of U.S. "',.. '-"' .. _ ...... IO u .ti Atl .... e " .. ·" "-''"" ,, 11 .... ,.16 •• " ,IO OW<-•• 1' oiw-4111 10 H "'·" O.wl-(IA •• Oitfotver ,. H D>1r .. 1 .. .. • n -""' .. '' ,IJ .__ IO 63 oc.. ..... o,., " )> l.t,,,,.... .. ., ua1e-• " " ,,._. .. ,. •• ·M-k.M u •I ._,,_.~ •• • .-o.--11 11 t .... .,., .. .. ,., ... ·o.•-Oty as j.o 0.-Jt •1 ...... ....S.Ore ............. .. ,. ... Sl ...._. ............ .. " s.n ..... -• :~"-"' ., •I SMl<fMKlt«t IMttl• _........, ., ,. , . .. ,, ,, .. "' ., ., n u "'--" wor• H..ne '""'"'"'1 Ill FWIOll ..e ... ,....,. -'" CM .. IN 11\M.,,.,..tt .... t.,...•n Thw•N" .... -.... <....-i ... " -'-'- -· --•-' "1 IM llotk' ,.....,.al,. ._ -~K .....,,,_,, Utn •••• t•lr owtr ..,.SI Ot •<.11....,..ie II ~ C...,.., ...... V. -c~coett.W < .... __ ......... ef ...._ t11t1-IMO !flt,.,,.. All.it!< Goe" f._ ...... , ,_,, , ... -~-._.,~ te H »l I" PM"U M I ... ...,... Mo .. tl'"'""'•lln. wMle 11h .... .,...,.. lftflettcA Tfft'W•lvrM ·-IM -ltfl M mldnitM ,.,.,... ,,_ ,, ,, °""" .. 1·*"'····~ ................. ,, . 8•11.M ..... Tlfle• ~ ............ ,..,~-('._.. .... __ , ... 111.,... ·-.. ""«-Ill"',_ - NI¥ t\"""IM '"'°"IJ" T"ur\d<ty L•QIM. ••r•tltie .tf'lld• wUI fntl'tlf W'Mt ,.,.,,.,.. .. _,t•rly I to 14 _,.Oh"11h- to ''"" , ... .,..,., w1h'*' •'"1 _. to '"'" ""1 toUl"-•l•rly •w•llt. G~t t•"l-•tvr .. w1t1 ,_ ---•>-n r. ... o .... .,.. .. .,. •-wOI r..,.e .. ,.., .. ,. .0 -~ ~tfff .,.,....,_.ure I\ .. waDNllDAY s-c...-.... J Mo"' o ~ ~--• Ot ""' ' • TMlllltDAY FlnUow i lie m 0 1 "'""""" • t•. .... i. SK ... -l J6p m. 0 I s.c-,,.__ ' ... "' ,, SIM•'-6 41 e.tn • Mh6 t011 m ...... ~\JU m . W!U.CIU m. • Pfafte ••I •f tuft•f ........ ' t.~ For a-lfled A4 ACTION C.d A DAJLT ftl.OT AD-YISO& MJ.U.71 You'll love this new facet of Woody Allen's own inimitable brand of offbeat humor. If you are a fan of Woody Allen's movies, his stage plays, his· nightclub acts and his writings-or if you've just heard about that wonderfully funny neurotic character-watch for • 1-NSIDE W:OODY ALLEN Beglnnlns October 4th in t he DAILY PILOT . Wednesdey, Septembet 22. 1m DAILY PILOT ,tf Witnesses Lash Homes · Nursing SACRAMENTO (AP> -The chairman of a JOliilBrao1t1. l 14ii1'ear-olll SM Fraodaeo real· 808UT G EUT,· A NUUe.G home Industry 1tate commission probiJll Ucerulq ot Callfomia 41ent whd."e •lfe •• lia • n11nlD1 home before ber apokeamu, a.aid U.. bad b9tn major chances ln nW"SUJ& homes says P'ctures of some paUents look dealb tnim cancer, ai. cave a 1Uneinc lndlctmet ourainc home rel\llaUons ln the last 1ear wltb lake people be aaw al the Auscltwill coac.atraUon otnunLnc bomea atthtbunn1. "much more enforcement." camp. Department ofnclals testlned they were work· Nathan Sbapell, a Polish Jew who wu in· JN A SLOW, llAL'llNG voice, the short, black mi to .,.p1radethe calibetof iAapectiona at t.ht 1,200 carcerat.ed at the German concentration camp, man 1ald, "Nuraf.nt 8*nea do not have a human atate-U~ed nunlq home facUlU. lo C.Ufom.la. made the comment at a bearin& by lbe Commiuion f.elln1 for no one. ~ only.Mve a human feellni Pr....,t law mandates that atate lnve1U11ton on Califom1a State Government OrcantuU~ and wben they bear tboMcub reit.aten nng." lnaped ounlnc homes oace • year. but •late Of· ~my. Re,eatedly, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 'a t\efala aalCI they wanted to do 11.x lo elcht cbecb • AT mE HEARING, •veral ea-paUenta and Pl· .U.ady-belea1uered at.ate Department of Health year 1t1rtfn1 by next JI.lb' 1. tJenta ·relative. told ol wine bums, bed aores, rouib nm• uader attack at lbe hearin& about t.he quality ALL TIUS TES11MONY wu not enouah to as- bandlln1 and other result.I ol poor quality care in of federal-itate nunln& home lospectlons and sure aome members ol the commission, known as nuntn& homes. Ucensln1. the "Llttle Hoover" Commission. Sbapell, a Beverly Hllls bwldln1 contractor, Brown's director ot the Department of Health, Robtrt DeMonte, a rommlsslon member from said ln clipped tones at the close oft.he hear1n1. "We Jerome Lackner, responded In bis testimony that Piedmont, told Lackner be thouthl the Brown ad- aaw some pictures here that I have not seen alnce be clldn't deny that the department "had a long way minlstraUon mfg ht be "over bero~ you are ready to Auschwiu,andlamagrad~ua_t_e_or_A_us~m_w~lu_._•·~~~to~f0~.'-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·-~-rt~d_lr_ec_l_1n~1~th~e-Depart~~m~en_t_o_r_H~e_al_lh_._"~~~ SWAT Closes 111 ~oke poured from the house where Los i geles SW AT team members surrounded phep Coats, 22, (above) and another youth er a couple they'd held hostage escaped. en the pair were alone in the house, SWAT Jllembers poured in rounds or tear gas, dri v: ti\g the two outside and setting the hou se ltblaze. More than 75 percent of the house tfurned before the fire was extingwshed. The jgcidenl was reportedly a simple burglary wruch escalated along with police responses. Police Reopening ' '(f Overdose Case ·n J!J TORRANCE CAP) -Police have reopened their investigation of the drug overdose death or child star Mary Ani3sa Jones alter arrel'llng a physician who had treated her on cbaree~ or dlS· penslng drugs without prescriptions. & Police Lt. Robert Armstrong said Dr. Don Carlos Moshos, 65, of Torrance. was arrested on a district attorney's complaint charging him with I 1 counts of lllegaJly dispensing drugs. He was freed -$5,000 bond. .,. Miss Jones, 18, appeared as Burry in the tel~vl1lon series "Family Affa ir." which starred Bnan Keith. She was found dead of a.n apparent drug overdose Aug. 28 ln the bedroom of a Cr1end ·s oteanside apartment. Drivers OKRTD Contract LOS ANGELES (AP> -Bus drivers have vot· ed to accept a new con· tract with the Rapid Transit Dis trict, but talks between striking mechanic-maintenance workers and the RTD have broken oH without a settlement St ale Conci l iator Thomas McCarthy wtll try lo eet the talks gomg , again oo Thursday, said RTD spokesm a n Pat Barry He added there is no immediate word on whether the talks have shown any progress. The main issue 1s wages. Meanwhile, a dispute remains regarding ex- actly what the new con· tract means to drivers, since both sides have claimed victory In the month·long dispute. AS THE STRIK E moved into its 32nd day t oday. drivers over· whelmingly approved a oew three.year contract which the RTD said gave dnvers about a 19.4 per· t'ent increase 1n wages and frini:e benefits. However, union of- fi cials told their drivers before their ratification vote that the new con· trat'l would provide t hem with 21 percent more in fringe benefits and wages ~· 'IHE SALE ONlY ~SINGER COULD HAVE ON MACHINES ONlY SINGER CO Nobodyt_.. SllWing madllncs lonpr than Singu. Nobody makes them btttcr. And Mght now Sin!fr sale machines in every 'Stott ale available at krrific prices. =S9995 SAVE S30 OFF REG. PRICE ON 1HIS SINGER ZIG·ZMJ SEWING MACIUNE. SlllONMATF" tAClllNE Modtl 16:! w1lh ronl drop·ln bobbui, ~llt· blind hem stltdl, an x1ra-w1de Lll·U& c:•pldly d snip-on prtwr feel. 's Is a 11u1 ma<hine fo1 J your bu rc sewin& nctdf. my1ng ta• or cablrttt xtri. SA~SIOO OFF JlEG. PRICE ON TIIE \WIU.D'S ONll' SEWING MACHINE wmt AN.~ICBRAJN. ~2000 MACHINE. A m1..,clt al any prier. But now 11·, S 100 ltss. II hu an tlt.:111•alc brain 1h1t lt11 ' you do :ilmosr ~ ~ anything at -, / rhttouchora ,_,.~ buuon It w1111~J. d1fftrtnt SlllCMS auto- mJ.li«lly and t\"en computn buttonhole silcs by 1tstlf. Makes wing Indy an art. not • cbott. Ma4• ln U.S.A. anytn1 cut or cabinet 0{11. ... Our Model S34 STYL!Sf' MAC'lllNE hu a Ir« ann tor ltwtng m·tht· round, lluihlc *ekh·slilchts for knit and strttch fabric ~wing 111d ~ ti butll·rn f bu11onholc1 • ., N<M' ONll' Sl9995 Carryin~ cue or cabinet utr1. • SINGER TAKES TRADE·INS Bdn& In your old mach1nt and we 11 pve you an01 htr generous chunk orr lht ~e price of a ntw madunc. We cao gi\c ) 1>u morr on an old Singtr machlnf. but wc11 lakc almost . !ny wwing macNl!e you'w p . 111EWORID'S BIGGFSr SEWING~ SALE! -SINGER-" .... -. .... -· ... ... _ ....... ....... .... ..._ ........ ....,_ NMIW • ~=-....... 0.-ffNrlt lC..lto?.C-•• •?WMJ • ,._II;•--... "'""'~''"" """'°"o "''"' .. ~ _,,,, •c.. ...... '-.---',~ ,,............. ..,.. • A 1rademarlr of ~r SINGER COMPANY "One stop sportswear dressing is my credo. I pull together total looks yet every piece works on its own as well. In this collection? More classics. Great colors. I'll show you everything when we get together this week." . , ,. ·' That's Don Sayres talking, the designer hand behind Gamut. He breezes Into South Coast Plaza Thursday with his new-new thin_gs. See them all modeled Informally from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Sketched, menswear turned to f eminlne advantage. Navy blazer and grey pants. Wool flannels set off by a navy I green plaid shirt with white collar, white cuffs. In sizes 6 to 14, $200 Fashion Gallery Coats and Suits Bullod..:'s South Coast Pl3u, San Diego Freew3y at Bristol, Cosb Mesa, Phone )~6-061 t ., . . . I t . ·· , .-1~ .. • Huntlnstoa Be~h Kas beeti tiettln1 uound the problem ol rede~ of UM o.vioual1 bliahled downtown area for neatlJ •decade. It now appean the city ls on the vnae of approv· lng a revltalliatlon plan aft.er Hvttal effort.a In pa.at : ~ars have provedfJ"v'Ona. i ' Tbe eity cou:nell hu edleduled a public heartnr i on lhe new plan Oct. 11. Pusaae ap~an assured and :.y· ~Ungtoo Beach ehould at looc last be on the way to • ~,,ming a destination resort desiped to capltallze •. on the tourist trade. • • t • There appea.ra to be no q-untJoo that revitaUaa· Ucn of some kind ls needed. Equally needed, however , is a means for officials to put before the lff ected citiiens the pros and cons of spedflc issues such as high rise, density and possible relocation of residents. Unless this problem is addressed, the city COWlcil -which doubles as the redevelopment agency - could end up without pro~r consideration for ~e most atf ected. Residents should clearly know what redevelop- ment will mean to them before lhe plan is approved. Study in Contrasts How times cbanp. The Fountain Valley School District passed through one of its smoothest teacher negotiations un- der new collective bargaining laws with the approval of a one-year contract last week. Right across Beach Boulevard, however, at the Ocean View School District, lhe teachers and school board are expected to be fighting tooth and nail over a contract for some time to come. According to Fountain Valley teachers, their con· tract negotiations this time went along without a hi\ch. In pas\--ye&l"S-tnlsleee badtoealHB a tb1rd par- ty to media~ cUsputa. Lat year then was a lhree- clay ltrike. A strike at Ocun View does not appear Ubly at this time. A picd.(ator must be called In. however, to ~ to ~alte "9P Lbe stalled contract Wk1. Teachers want tbt di1Uict to submit to the declllon of an tm· partial U.lrd party but the aobool board said it will not agree to this procedure now. Fountain Valley should botUe whatever mactc it ha.a worted with ita teachers th1s year and export a large dosage to Ocean View. Once Is Enough For nearly two week.a, hundreds of Huntington Beach residents have been off ended -even sick· ened -by obnoxious fumes unearthed at a construe· Uonsite. Citiuns have complained that the sarlic·llke smell bas caused splitting headaches and spells of nausea. After two weeks lheir patience is under· standably wearing thin. Preliminary laboratory tests haven't revealed much information other than noting the fumes do not appear to be harmful. There are conflicting reports about lhe source of the odor. Some believe it is caused by a natural seepage ol a petJ:oleurn compound. into the affected soil. Others say the odors stem from dumped materials or some substa.i.ce filtering in from another site. Whatever the source, the city should have had it pinned down by now and, in fact, should have either ordered or at least recommended a remedy. When this situation is cleared up -if, indeed, it ever is -it could serve as '\ le~son for future dirt mo\tement at construction sites. Perhaps more analytical core samples could predict such a problem before-It.occurs. .... --. Dawn in South Africa HIF We're A.ll A. Little Eccentric Dear Gloomy Gus Schools Not Getti11g Special Tax I • i l • ~ * , • f ·i • • Does ; State Owe Us a Refund? (SYDNEY HARRIS) Speaking of paranoid behavior, u I was the other day. it's worth keeping in mind that all tA us are a little off.focus in some way OC' another. The occupant of tb• adjointn1 cell .to mine, Bill Mauldin, the cartoonist, rushed back the other day to lest the door of bis office. ''I'm never sure I locked it," he ~lained, ''and I always think I've 1ert the 1as on in the stove at hom e." I s miled un · derstandlng- ly. as a man who practices hls own small insanities. When I drop important letlers down a mail c hute, I always 1lve the receptacle an extra bang or two, for fear that a letter miJht be let\ in lhe chute and never delivered, thereby c alling down bill collectors or the IRS on my innocent head. 1 AM ALSO a nut about clean c utlery and glasses In restaurants, absolutely refusing lo use any utensil beartn1 the 1U1hteat sign or soil; yet l will nonchalanUy pick up e peanut or a piece of candy that hu dropped to the lloor and pop It In my mouth. Inconsistent, bub? Hall tbe Ume, on a *'I motor trip, I smell "sometblna bumln1" In the enJine, and stop to lift the hood for an Inspection. Nothlna ls burning, of course. except that small hole In my h.ad. For years <t am ubamed to tell you how old l WU before I lot ovtr ll> J Juat "couldn't" awaUow a pUI even lbe a1ae ol an uplrln, but would m aah it finely and dlaolve lt In a 1lau of water. Theo someone casually News 1toey on Heant c,.. aays Wllllam -and ElnilY ila.rrU Wtft Mntmcecl to from 11 yean to Ute "in I:. Antelea." Boy. what a. i.rihlefat.e! c.v. ........, 0... ........... ,, ........ _. .. nMef'lltlt4 .. .,..,... •• urltrrwttectttie .... _ ... Ille ....... _ s.N -... -•01 ..... , On, D•llr ~- mentioned to me that I swallowed chunks of meat far mraer than any pill without ever thlfttln1 of it, and from that da)' on I never had any trouble t.ak1nl pUb. (By that time, I .... a fun 1rowft man with an W\Jusutled reputation for loetcal think.inc.> MOST OF VS.are filled lo the brim with absurd and lrratiooal. habits or idJosyncrades which are just barely lh11 1lde of nuttiness. And it makes lllUe dJfference how much "reuco" we display in the la.rter areas ol life; psychiatrists who are professionally aware of the1e aberrations have tbelr own UlUe pet Insanities, as ~ cl lhelr wives or cblldren would be wUling to tell you. Phobias and man1a1, In their milder forms, afntd. nearly all people. Some of tbe moat eminent and dl1Uqulabed men and women ID the country "cannot" fly tn an airplane for fear cl crashln1: Jet every day they drive In autoa thal are many Uma mote daacerous. Reality, fad.I, statistics, have nothinl to do with their tear, wblcb bas uncon1clou1 root.I. 11\e lma&Inatlon ol man la far more powerful (because more ancient) than hl1 rational faculties. We •r• all1 to .ome dqree, th!' captlve1 Cll primitive mUlc -and tbe cradelt people ol alJ are tbOH who lmqine that they are totally lo1lcal and atterl)' reasonable. For aucb latantty, tbert la no remedy whatever. To the Editor; Property tax payers are aware that du to the increased evalua· Uon their taxes are 1otng up tttm~dOQllly. However, lnordel' to reduce tbeae tax• it muat be unelerstood where this tax money ts eoing. The largest portion ~ the tax bUl 1oes to scbooll, and yet the schools are unable to re-- duce taxes becauae It is tbe com- bination of the sttt.e salet(t.aX and the property tax money that finance the operaUon of the schools. Uthe local property tax money received by lbe school districts is increued. then the amount ot atate money recelv•4 t• decl"tued proportiooately. The .U.O of 11les tax money ..-hlc.b wu to be used for ~ will now 10 Into the 1eneral fund to help balance the state budcet. 11IE AMOUNT or money that Huntlneton Beach and Fountain Valley will not receive from the at.ate ts int.be millions ol dollars. Imagine how mucb money th.ls is atatewide. Four years ago the sales tax was increased 1 pettent in order to ~uce the propert.y tax. U the at.ate ts not 1oin1 to (ive this money to the school districts because of Increased local pro- perty tax, should not this 1 per· cent sales tax be given back to the people, rather tban allowing the state to use it for other purposes 1 Sboul~ tbls not become a very important lasue to betborou1hly lnvesti1at.ed? HARRIET B. UNN Not •Koolu' To the Editor: The lssuea confronting today's world and our nation have become so numerous and In· tricate, that study erouPI. com· mtttees, boards. etc. are becom· ing more prevalent amq our aovernln1 bodies. Rapid chance takin1 place tbr~ tho un- lvene, and varlou• new elements and lnnuencea, lntetlocklnl and mercing Into each problem, la the baala for the compUcaUona. ( MAILBOX ] Amon1 the newer issuu cballeniinl U'lJ1 planet and' de· mlndlnc soluUoo is that or the environment. When Ulla Issue is liven priotit~r the unlvene's other tranaaltlons humanity ma1 -com, out of the tailspin. For eavtn>nment involves being able to function. to exist, and It concerna everything that Is sUll alive. AMID THOSE who have been alert to this all Important issue are the envlronmentalisll who strive to educate and warn this nation and the world d1 possible oncoming self destruction. They are . frequently, called "alarmists" or "Doom.sdaylsts" or alluded to as "kooks" or "ecofreaks" by those who will not. or cannot, accept the necessity of conserving our re- maining resources and who ig· nore pollution and what It has already done to the air and water. . They seem unaware that It bu been suueated that the homo 1(1. pi.ml should be Included on the various lists of endan1ered species. There are also among the homo ~ citizens who have become computerized into materialistic robots. They search, sadly, for the mythical pot of 1old reputed to be at the eod of every rainbow, then, in the pro- cess, they destroy lhe rainbows and the environment with their ,,-eedy and deatructiveattempll. Ne•ertheless. tM facts con· cernlo1 continued or dJscon· Unued life on wbat la let\ of thl• Educators Missed the Obvious At Ions laat the complatatil of pa~ta and emplOJ'f?ftl about the atatt'I public edoe.U. Qatem have penetrated the lelillatlve halls. ror years, delplte lM hula. drtda ol mllUona poured tnto the, pu'bUc 1cbool1, 1tudenta have been fraduat1n1 from bJlb .cbool. ua colle1e u wtU, •· able to read, spell or dD almp&e artlhmeUc. It took a freabmaa At· semblyman, Qa17 K. Hart of s • 0 t a Barbara, to brln1 about some action to remedy lbe alttaatlon. A natiYe of Callforn.1& wbo tau1ht bilh 1cbool foe-&en 7ean, • • Hart had lb• f\nt band experience to bolltel' bla ar1wnut.1 tor l.,ialatloo wbieb will require praftdeDC"J lD bale aubject. for fUbn biCb ICt.ool diplomu. Wlt.b dearees from ~ Stutord lllld Barrird. ( EARL WATERS ) be a1lo bad Impeccable creden· Uals u an educator. About th• only criUclam one could make of Hart'• IOl\ltloo la that lt puts part ol tbe burden cl ballc education u,pon the hlCta Kbool1. In puahln,f bi.a bill Hart said that fully JO percent ol the bi.th school 1tudent.1 are below oiotb tTade levels in abiUU• to relld and compute. SINCE aEA.DING, 1pelllftl and arithmetic are 1Ubjeda DOt lMl)lt In hltb •cbool. ooe m.lcbt feel belie' if bil 1-at.lua pre. duded emeTtence from lnde scttoot. which has the rwpomlbWtJ, until U.. aub-Jetta ''are ftianeflld.: Jl'or the , amount ot brieftt to be Cai.Md in NP adlOol mut tie climh•iabM bT deftehncles iii ......, and comJMlnl. Bow. for eumple, can one learn al1ebra and ·••"7 without btlna able to add two and two? Still, Hart'• meuure la re- markable prC)lffas in the face of the repu1nanee of the school peo. ple to suffer any crtUclama or ac· cept an1 1u11esuon1. And It.does put the sate much closer to wher• It belonl• than did the r• cent nlle adopted by ~ St1te tlni•enity Tnuteea. Und« their edict, near tlUterat.es wUl con· Unue to be admitted to coUqe but won't be 1raduated lf, after four years of clutterint uP the cl&IMS, tbe1 can't pus test.a in the basic 1ubjecta. RA.aT'S •EASU.E provtda for what be tumt "tarl.Y wam- lnp" or alau. It will require that th• 1chool1 1lve t .. t• between the '1th and 9th srades and twi~ afterwards before the hire1fua 1Nde. Presumabb'. Ye. ril'Wl_al ~laa\es wlll have to be prcmded for those not makinf the ,... and no c14>10mu tor tM ukbqat. laUures. Stile Superintendent of lnstnactlon Wllaoo RUet has tone compla.l.ned tb•t tba reasoe I« low achievement.a in theae areu la due to the multitude of leitalaUve mandated pr'Oll'am1 wbtcb divert from the buk aub- jecll. Hart a1reea. • Most of these added burdeM have UUle to do with education u wu envlaloned when tbe 1tat. In· 1tltuted free public schools, Mucb hH been the result of IOClal pro1rammen who bave preuured tbe Lepll&Ure Into adoptlna compultory COW'MI In everytblna but the "'tbree Ra''. Student. were passed aloq re· gardlesa of their 1rades u Iona u they didn't create problems. Jn the face of that, at.udenta opt for the euy counes 1uch u shop and physical education. So parent.I and employers will find much encour-aement and aaUlf action In th• mactment ol Hart'I blll, But tbere also lll'flt be a rearet •,id a rcteal 411· lltusJonment In tM ....Uutloa that the IACltlature must decrw IOIMthhl1 wblcb e'fetYOMWCNid bave expected that educators worth7 _of the name would have bea dGIDC all aloq. planet must be faced. or our na· lion and the world will continue to self·destruct. Instead ol the usual put-down of environmen· tallst.s, thlnkin1 people should band together lo solve this most Important Issue. Then, when the other problems and Issues are solved, humanity will move on lo the greatest and most fantastic era In all of history. ELINOR DA VIS IAt Th~ Pafl To the Editor: There is much todo when some· one la arrested In a forei&n country for amugaJln1 drugs. You would think their UnUed States ciUzerubip Ucensa them tosmu11ledope. Bul what of the fiahinc boats, hijacked on the hlgh seas and held for ransom by two-blt Cen· lral American countriet? They get very UtUe attention from the U.S. aovertlment. J would say that if someone Is caUlht smugelinc by a foreign aovernment, Jet them serve thelr Ume; they earned it. JAMFS BOLDING P a t r fot l111• To the Editor: Jimmy Carter said in a speech at the haUonal convenUon of the American Leelon in Seattle that the veterans of the past wars should be cared for, and the na· lion 'a morale rebuilt so that patriotism i1 no longer "an ob- ject of acorn or Jokes.·' I beartUy agree with him on that 1tatement. tr be la sincere about what he aald, I hope the next Ume he meet.I with Governor Brown be wlll 1lt down and have an eyeball·to·eyeball talk about our veterans and patriotism. I WONDER If he knows our hlply esteemed COVfl'nOr WIS invit.-s to apeak at tbe naUonaJ convention of the Veterans of Foretcn Wan ln Loe An1elea lut year but snubbed them. f woodtr It he koows they ottered him the American na, and he refused to accept lt. I wonder If he knows that Calltornla b11 the only COY• ernor who refut1 to alp the Loyalty Dty ProclemaUon. I wonder lt be knows that when Gov. Brown wu Uked prtor to the Fourth of July wt.at h1I plana were f« tbe Blcem.mtal 1ald, "f have none." Som• patrtot un't he? If Jlmm1 Carter does not know about t.be unpatriotic behavior-of the 1ovemor of California, then l thin.le It I.I blch time be and the people of thla state and country werem1d1awartoflt. FREDERICK D •. MULLEN Ak...,,..w•• . people in the field ol alcoholism and from people in Alcoholics Anonymous. It is stories atfch u lh1a wbtch 1et the llfesavlna information out t.o the alcoholic who Is awt out there (or Ln there, in the cue ot the housewife) and which also lend support to sober alcoholics by helpin1 to alleviat~ sUama. Many thanks aa a repreaen. tative of the alcohoUam council • and as a recovered alc:obolic. DODIE GUST Public lnformatlon Director Alcoholism Council of Oranae Councy L~t t'l~er• l udge To the Editor: In a major eJectlon year. with apathy threatenlna to turn into a complete boycott of our polls, I was most disappointed ln the im· mature jud1ment of the television newsmen'• threat of boycotting the presldenUal de· bate. Their reason, though not actually stated, waa simply their inablllty to interpret the debate as It was taldnc /lace. The in· terpretatlon woul be done ln a very subtle manner and the vin· Ing audience would, for the mo1t part, hardly recocruze. that the newsmen 'a interpretation had been made. OVER TRE years we have 1rown used to t.elevblon 'a ex- planation of merely loc:usin1 u.e camera on an objed, a penon, or whatever, but did that not become a major point belpln1 • to come to some concluNoll of U.. story or new1 item that we were watchtna? Thi• ls creat for flc· Uonal drama, but do w• need this type of Jnterpret1Uon oa 1ucb a crlUcal matter H who shall be the auardian of the While Houee for the next four yean7 J would ur1e tbQfe wbo are ar- ranclna the debat. to bold firm to their dedication ol U.pln1 UN u fllr and frM.b'om anyone·a.,... terpretaUon H poulblt. Let'• cover only the two debattra, the moderator aod tM ,..i. fn the 18 years aince th• lut prealden· Ual debate, I feel th~ ~~ ~ u have become more IOPh*Jcat.-s in our UH of tieltvlalon fncl ar• very capable ol maldne eur own JUdrmenll without~ help ot the Had.Iona of the audience In at- tendance. lt1'111 a. KESTER DAILY PILOT Robm /II. W.ed, Pvbli,,.. Thoma• Kt111lt • .-.,°' Borbora •r"'bfdl, , &dUorlol PdOI '4lltor Tbt tdltorlal P•I• ot the Dally Piiot ueka to lnforl'jt and lllmulate readen by ~"' on thl• paae dlvette ~Mtntarr cin toplC't ot tnterett •1 ~c•t· ed columntsu 8Dd can-... by PfOVlclina • forum for r..ctera• views and by pr...-nc thl1 ._..,.,..... oplll-.... w. .. an cunwnt ~·· 1Wt ~al Op6nkm ol the Dal11 Net ..,_at only ln, the editorial column at~ toP ot the P•ao. OplnAC>M ex· preued by the cohunldN and cartoonlata and ltUtr wntn.,. t~r own and no~ ol I.heir vi•• by the Dally Pllot lbould Werred. Wednesday, Sept. 2Z,1976' ' I Debaters; Past Positions _ a freVkW? •1 ... &111el•-'Praa Praldent Ford and llmm1Carterare1ure to cover IOCD• famlUar aro.md in their debate Thun· cSQ ~ oo dom..UC and economic issues. Here b a brtef IQlde to wbat lbe cand.Jdates altudy have aald on 110me of lbe queationa in· volved: A90aTION: 8otb personalty~ allorUo9. Carter ~ aaya be dod not favor ... COMUt\lUonal amendment whlcb would prohibit all abortions, nor cne that would 1ive stat.ea local oP4IGDI to bao abor· U.C.... •• Pord oppoHI a national bq GD abortion. but aupportl ''an amendment wblcb ..id pemstt .. cb atate, or the volerf ln eaeb state, to mU. Lbe de- el.Uoo OD that ttat.e'1 abortion policy.'• AISNEBTY: Carl« H)"I, ". . • \ am plDa to iJ. sue a blanket pardon for all those out.side Olll' t:OM· try or m thia coumry, 1Jbo dld not HO"• 1n the armed~. I am cobll to INue a pmdon, DOC. an amfM9l7. •• Ford Mt up a Pl'O-sram lo 1t7' oUertnc CCllldltMmal perdcml a.o draft •nden. GOP Vlce Pruidentlal nominee Bobert ~ nys: "Let thu. be .o ~loo al to President f'clrd'• pc19ltl01a OQ Ws is.sue. It ls ~vocal .•. -no blanket . =· , no blanket an;mesty. no • clemency ... CAttT•• ,. : I tbu' Juo Joo lo ., "211 z::>il• I re>" .IC>< c01 •o' J .~ ·•lJ• ,11 I kl · ' 9h 10'1 I "ti.,r1 sir,, -na c ni W'\ "''°' ~ bati .,., .. ·ll'I I ~rt1 '1(1 I Jon i'U ' ~ ~· .,n <111t1 f. ti· ~I ·n& ". ,,, 011J • rU -nob "" ,, fv.11'1 ,.,,. trWC• 0101 •JO I WO&ING : BotJa oppose forced businc. Carter u.ya he wW 1upport. the ruli.op of the federal .courtf. boweve-, and does DOC. believe the subject tboulcl be ••reopened wi1h a coaatitutiooal amend .. mm." Ford says "tluslq.as a remedy ouabt to be tbe tut resort and ••• timlted in acope to correcting tJae ettecu of previous constitutional violations." lie MDt tecl.atM.ion to Conaress to Umit busing. EDVCATION: Carter urges increased federal aid for public 1chools and allowing revenue-sharing hmdJ to be used for education. Ford sent Conl{?ess a plan to consolidate federal ald for elementary and secondary schools and baa aaid he will try to rmd ( NE...,,S ~ ~ ~t~.:i..; J a way to use tbe t.ax .... ,.,..... ,.., · s~tem to help lamUi• ·who choose to send their cblldrm to nonpublic IChoots." He also says, "No student should be de- nied eecesa to a ~ary education ~ause d ftn1nclal l>arrien.' • ENE&GY: Carter bas urged increased em· pbMts on lolar power 'and coal and says, "U .s. de· pendeaee on DUC!lur p>wer 1bould be kept to tbe minlJDum oec:essary .•• Atomic power itself s&uld _. retepted to the last priority as far as energy aources are concerned." Ford ordered a concerted review of U.S . nuclear policy. He supports develop- 1Mllt of 1n1clear energy and' has proposed an Eberl)' Independence Authority to provide SlOO bUllon In loan 1uarantees to encoura1e investment Jn eneru projects and speed up nuclear production. FOM POUCY: Carter and FOl'dur they are qatnat embar1oes on romeo grain shipments ex- cept in ex_.lraordinary circumstances. s uc h as a shortage at home. Carter told a crowd in Des Moines, Iowa: .. Under my administration, if I'm elected, there will never be another em bar go that 1ln&Jes out farm products." He a.aid any embargo "would have to be an extreme cue." l'ord. wbo Im- -poeed a temporary embarfD bl ....., • 11'15. aald ln acceptlnc the pre- stdentlal nomlnaUoa., "We will oever use the bounty ot AmeJ1c1 'a farmers a • ])aW1l in brte:rnatioaa.I diplomacy. NoembarlDel!" HEALTH INSUUNCE: Cart.er urces "a na·· tJonal health Insurance propam, fmanced by 1eneral-tax revenuu and employer-employei abated pay1'011 t•xe• which ls universal and man· datory." He aaya the lldded annual federal expen· diwre mlcht be $10 billion, but has not provided apeclfic detaU1. Ford oppoees an aU-iJaeluaive na- tional health lnaurance, but has proposed a eataatrophlc lllneaa plan to cover everyone now covered by Medicare. No one over 84 would pay more than $SOO a year for covered hospital or nun- Int home care or more than $250 a :year for cloctor bllla. ROUSING = Cart.et aays .. A direct subsidy of new howlln1 unit. hi ~tlal." He allo aaJS that t.1'8110 billion to SU bllllon in tu breaks now pr-o- Wied to homeowners repreaenta about the rtlht teviel ''of encoura1ement for home con.strucUoo and home ownenblp," but be la not IUN wbeeber be will retain~ bTeak1 tn tMir present form Ol' in some new Pl'Olf•m. Ford aald lut week that lle would re- ~mend reduced down payment. oo lower and medium-priced homes to encouraae home ownership and would order the ~partment of Houllat 1"41 Urban Development to expedite tm- 1>1Hlfttalton of • new procram under which lllOnlac• pa7mHta are lower du.rt.n1 the earl~ ~of home ownenhlp and rlJe 1radua.UY with famllytncome. CIMT ) OFF ON ALL JEWELRY, .· e.'' He 1.:aa not !I'd whkb 11enc wlll be e181Llnated. Jfcrd also ~DI lM .,_ e( fOVel"D• ment bu.reaueracy and uriet cutbaclta. The Pral- deot Fotd Committee 1ays that durlna the ftnl two yean ol t.be Ford aclmlnlatr1Uon, the Qumber of f.e.ral forma tAat bllV• to be nued out by ln· divtduall at aU levela wu cut by about 12 pereeat. SPINDING: Cart~r aay1, "We can attaia a balaneed bud1et ~llb f\aiJ employment by ltT9. . •' He urt• atro-bued budiet.in1. witb 1overnment pt'OfHma requJr~ to ~lduly all eJtpend.Jturea an· nuaUy. ll• 1111. '"l'h4N will be no new prorramt im}l&emented ~er my admlnl.atralloq unleaa we ean Maure that UM cc.t la compatible wl~ my coal ol bavlq • .,_laoced bud&et.. •• "Ford proJ>oled • _. billlon apeDdllll ceUin1 for fiscal tm -almost $20 blWon below that approved by Con1ress. Ford a1ao aays, "We wlU submit lo lbe fiscal year lm a })a.lanced bwlleLY TAXES: Carter promises a comprebenalve r-. form plan by lbe first part of 1978. He s~ he cannot provide apeciflca now, but bu four principles: ''Trest all income tbesame .•. lax income only on- ...... _ .. _____ ~-............................ ,..,DOPl•Aw......._ H!WPO"T MACH 240 NewPoft a.new Of. Oeal~n Plan, Suite 120 (714) l4o.8063 OYER _, ll'IPe NATtONWIOI JOBI: carter 1aya, "'lbe m~or prtority of tbo nen admlalluallon has 1ot to be unecnploy~enL" He tRq>portl lbe Humpbrey.ffawklna bill aimed at recNdnC ai&llt unemployment to 3 percent, by 1980, but aays .. pl"efera JOb creaUon lo Uae private ratber tbaa lbe publlc aec:tor. Ford al.so stresses JlriY&te emJl!lo1menL "But," he u~. "tbe federal lOftmm~ ean create condltioos aod loceatJves tor private lnchaatry to make more and more jobs." U. UfS be expects unemployraent to fall below 1 percent thla year and 6 percent oext year. Ford's eoal is 2~ million new jot. a year. That would take care of lbe two mUllon who nonoall}' join the labor force every year and would reduce unemployment by&00,000. ce ... a pro1resaive lax rat.e ... creaUy simplify -~===~==~~~~~~~~~~ the wbole 1yatem." He says hi.a alm ls to \ncrease UO&GA.N1ZA110N: Carter says, "I believei the preaent 1,900 federal de~rtments cao be re~ :tuced to no more than 200 Wltb a ireat savlngs In tax money .and a atreamllnini of services to our taxes for tbo1e earninc hi1her incomes and decreue taxes (oc-those in lower and middle-- income bracket.. When pressed in an AP interview foe-a defiDlUon of what he meant by hlcber, Carter said: "I doo't know. l would take the mean or me- (See CANDIDATES. Page All) fo·r 4_ eXciting day.s . • • • : . were . offering fa·mou:s Quality s·u·its at tremendous savings ! • • • • • • $ $ $ reg.$165 reg. $195 STEP UP TO OUR BEST NATIONALLY FAMOUS MAKER SUITS SUPERB TAILORING UNCOMPROMISING ATTENTION TO DETAIL WOOL 'AND WOOL BLENDS MAGNIFICENT SOLIDS AND PAlTERNS FABULOUS FASHION COLORS •• reg.$215 Open A J1an:is & Frank Open.End Credit ~count ~ B.nkAmeriGard • ~ter Charge « American E)('J)reea Cerd S9uth . Goast Plaza Only • l I ~ •.• .,, .. -He Died On ·Own Gallows ·NobodJ knows wbo lmented t.IMt tallowt. .but~ tel~ wbo Ont pat a trap door In the thine. tbua to drop the vi~m to • mercitul 1n31:'"' dutb, bu "en ldenUfltd as W m Brodie of Eclinbutlb Scotland. A carpenter wu h by day, a b~t by nl1ht. A.a 1 well reapected \Ownsman, hl5 tl'ap door in· DOYAUon. ••• accelMd lOlmedlatelJ. Not unW la• whe11 he wu cMllM ID muainO aod .. murders did the lrall>' eme.rce. A Jury ••· 1 teneed blm t.o dMUa oa b1I OWD sallows, lbe f.lntlo \0 dJe. SHAVING I Q, "How come all barben abave the cbeeka and aideburm lint before &etUn& around the upper Up and chin?·• A. Didn't reallae all barbtta did that, but those who do 10 probably want \0 give the thicker whlaken more time to soften up lo the moiJture. Jn th1a country, ahtilUcally, it'a bl the South where the police officer ls most likely t.o be twed in tbe line ol duty. Next moat likely, the North Central stata. Third most likely, along lb.e P:.clfic Coast. Least likely, in the NortheaaL True, there aren't any real pink elephants, but there are real elephants 1wilh naturall,y pink tusks, lsir. Metal corsets in the days or England's Queen Elizabeth 1 weighed as much as 25 pounds. What we refer to as "Indian Summer" the En&llsh call ''SL Luke'1Swnmer." To the list or nominees for membenhlp to the Proper Job Club, please add Mr. Steven f Rugg, a car,>et layer in Kalamaioo, Mich. And not to be overlooked, too, is Mr. Combs. the hair stylist 1n BurlJJlgton, N.C. If your pet cal weighs eight pounds, it's average. If your pet dog weighs 32 pounds, it's also average. As for the average ages, the dog is four, the cat, three. Ad'1r•n mail to L.M. BoJld, P.O. Boz 15'0, Coita Meto na21 For the Record ORANGE COUNTY Water Project Begins BJ IL\ Y ESTRADA °' ..... ., .......... A $30 million system deslened to protect Oranie County'a iround water from sea water in· truaioo barrier will beein operating thia week, Orange County Water District <OCWD) spokesmen have an· ~eed. The hydraulic bU"rier involving 23 water i.J\jec· lion wells located along Ellis Avenue between the Sant.a Ana River and Beach Boulevard in Fountain Valley which will be uted aJon1 with seven water extn.etioo. facilities. llASSIVE intrusklo ia nOt likely but tbe lbreat ol salt water encroachment ii still present in the Hun· UngtQn Beach and Foun· lain Valley areu, OCWD of!iciab said. U water preuurea permit, sea water can push inland through fresh water aquifers (underground water·bearing rock or sand) which have direct access t.o the ocean. ol- fictab said, ruining uo. der1round water sup· pllea. • • Seven extraction wells, located about halfway between the in· ject}on facilities and tbe '" ... ocean, intercept and re-•. ,,, ... w . •l'CI M••· ""' ... .-01rt, Millian tum brackish water to • I I Transit Committee Reduction Sought 11M l'\l1w'e ellmlnlflon William Fan'IS nld the firsthand. when be to handle lon1·ran1e and 11)anasem.-IBd of Otaa1e Couot)I ostem belped tum jOl.nedtMOCI'Dboard. financial plannta1. ad:m.1Alltratl09'to.._.. Trqlt Dialri.ct (OC'TD) become aequalnted with Tbt new commltteea tl'ansltoperaUons to ban· admlllhtertna tM cur· atudy committee. bu ltaff membera and dis-!Mhade plannln1 and lft. dle plan.n.ifta for the cur-twt bud1et and d.raft.lna hem auu•t.d by ooe tr i c t o P e r a l lo a• la'·•aeac1 coord1.n.ation rent and next flacaJ year oat ,.ar·a bud1et. dlatrictdlredor. ~~~-~~~~--~~~~-~~-~~~-~~-~~-~~---~~~~~- Dltedor Al HolUDden, a l'ount&lD V&llty clty councilman, uld the two·mtmber commit· I.e. could be replaced wtt.b a Uli.rd OCTD board meetlnt eacb month. 11J WO tbe five com· mlt~ ••,.. desi111ed ror lon1 ranse dlttrict plaanio1. Yet, he said, they have become dla· <'uaelOO aeulona between committee members and the OCTD tt.aff about up- comtq a1enda tlems. A.a a result, Holllnden said, directors uot on those commltteea lack lbe beufit or the dJs. euutona and are ltft at meettn1• aometimes t'Ollaplain.lq about lnsW'· ficlent bactiround material. rnnctors did •tree to reduce the number ot t'Ommiltffs from five lo three as bad been ret'Om· mended in a manage. meat audit. HOLLINDEN noted Kbeduling of com mlttee meetings bad become a "nightmare," a nd he said if OCTD was to have committees at all, three would b e a better number. Director Robin Young, a La Habra City Council member, •&reed with Holllnden. saying she hadn't liked the commil· t ee syst e m . but had found nothing better to replace it. Board Chairman aaJpb Clark, a county 1QPervlaor. said he ii not Jrepared lo abandon the SY1 tem, contending its benertta outweigh its weaknesses. And OCTD 41redor Degree Wo111 Marten T. Trudeau-'"' Irvine realdent. reaeifed hia bacbelor'a degree from lbe University of Idaho. Neali SPORTING GOODS I uul#I fll#,.. st rrui •SKI NOTES •SKI BOOT FITTING PARTY •AT WTA W STOil OILY On TI.unday Sept. 23rd. w. -chMon•hotl"9 tf\en.w scon AQUA FlnlNG A new technique lo initonlly fit Scott Booh to your foor Jim Simen.on from lho S<oll Boot foct0ty will be here - Please Comet Wine and Chee141 • CotM in and do yo"' Ski thopplf\9 -ty fw the IM•t selection. Our t1ore1 are chod14ull of new 1977 Ski Goodie1 - The Best Brands At The Best Prices How I turned from a loser Into ''A MAN CALLED ACE'' O;:ar Frh•nd: Today you would recognize my Mme in an ln$t&nt, IO for and fast has my (or,\\! ~prl"<td . V~terd11y WAS A dlffor\!nl •IOry. • Th~n I wa$ a dufl1•r at t'1nnls," plodder. n w r tHmlng to Improve. I Md threl! !Mg yc.irs of ha11Jy l11n1s from my oppon('nb, readlfl9 books end ~lncia dr)J I sttll never leerr~J the difference between the conllnental and we11em grips. After all that hme and l!ffoit, my forehond WA$ wlshy·washy, my backhand a conlort1omsf s dream and my overhead $nl4Sh a qulvenng mou of gelatin. I w.ss like every one of you. My Mme was C Player. I was also J>OOf' and ugly. l paid so much for tennis balls my wollet was flatter than my feet, and wlwnever I saved some money I spent It on 1 new racquet, hoping 11 would be the one to help. It never was. I was forced Into wnrtng my I ' faded white bathing tr\lnks and stained navy s\Watshir. on the courts, hoping they would paS$ as tennis clothes. They nevet dtd. Then on~ day I was playing• doubles match with my ex·best friend . We Iott It at match point \I.hen my voU8y bounded weakly off the net al h.s f1•et. ··You dumb tcrk," he said, among other , things. But back in the locker room, he spoke mor.! kln<l!y. "Listen, noodleneclc. You play lotrsy and look worse. But just for old times' aake I'm gonna do you a favor." And he whispered the ._.. name of a Magic Place. W11ll . I was desperate: I hurried there as fast as I could. lo and behold! 1lleN were prof\!s~lonal<; who knew everything about tennis and taught me. Tennis racqul't~ galore d!> free demonsrrators, and I rned every one. Tennis bells at a mere si 19 per can . and anything ellit? under the sun a tennis player might Mild. No long"r WdS I poor; the money I .saved In 1ennls balls alone amounted to a smdll fortune. ,ind I was clothed lo walk the alleys of Wimbledon without shame. Mv rahng soar~d up and up. yes and verrly even unto the B'$. The thnll o{ power I yot when 1 lut cl )ffidshmg wrve with the right racquet was Incomparable. I~ ~~m'!d 10 grow more ha ndsome. It Wd' I\.•)<; than cl month afterward that the Magk Word -whispered lo mo nv ..i lni!nd rn 1hi.> hour of my deepest despair -enabled me to win the cove-ted 111k col Ch .. 11np1on 111 the ChtCk 'n Bean Tourney. And rm going to tell ll to you. lkcclul>I! now I ne1?d some compebtton. Sincerely. ace/ nealS THE MAGICwORD IN TENNIS at tht Newport Beach Tennis Club Pro Shop NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND '46-2121 ............ --.... "-t,, DOWNTOWN SANTAANA '.219 (,4th ll 1-5723 ...................... ~ ... LA HABRA #60 fAStflON SQ. (714) 111.-. (211) .,.., ........................... CERRITOS #1.iMAU. tu-1115 ............. .._. ................ \All Cl.IMlltTI 01111 llAL MOO ITAL ·-·"·'·'· V••10·..,...._ ... ,,n11 the ocean. ""''· •11«1 llM'11. Ma'"" s.11. s... When the project ----------------------------------------------- a-..otr1 b f at Mr •"" Mr\. Ke,....11\ tur...,I, WI 0-ftM, 9.rl ....... "·"" #w .,,., Mn. M l<l•HI llef-, ,.. °""'""'• •"' Jll•. aNI Mn . Pavl f'•t~. """ ,_ .... boy Al\r eftd Mr\ Akloft ~ddDa, Jt • Nol-ll••to bov Ml • .., """ •o.,•1<1 v.......,. ,,... J ... n C..pO!r-llOV Ml af"d M" '#1111•'" Pn.,t..., ~ ,_ .... b<I• s. .......... , 1.1'7• IN •nd Mt\.. Allt n Pr.-w:ott. Ml\• ,_ v .. ,o. tlOY "" .,,., ""'' ""''"'d ~'°'"'' !.an .)viAf't "*°'"'•"° boy 1e .......... 1.1n• Ml -Mn. M l<.Ntl OollM'. ~ 0.-"'• ... , I# .,,., Mr \ DoflAICI \I-, Mi\"°" v .. i..""' '-"'-· 4. ,.,. Mf' eftd Mr\. Terry At,.""1, S,., ci.mentt boy '-........... s. "'' Mr .,,., ""'"· ....... Po-.n, """ Clemtnto.boY .....,. • .,m, ecomes u y opera- Mit •..... Mn . "klwnl Erlelr.-. tiOIDal sometime in Oc· ..,0...111•·"" tober, aa much as 10 ..,.._t,tn• llllt ..... Mr&. l.eWI\ L.-,-, $an million &allODS Of Waler o::":;.':,... Ef••f11 ... -. will be extracted and Mlu_v .. Je.i.o• more than 20 million ,. .,. "':::'':'~''!~'""' s... gallons injected into the 0-111•.., county's aquUera. ac- J..:C::"~~.~~1 ~,,.....,., s.. cording to !)ave' Argo, _._ ,._ ",. OCWD district engl.neoer. Mt •• ,,., ""''' ""'"" Go<ldard. San c-i..i.oy THE INJECTION ""· .,,..'-:':::'..!!~":,,,.._ s.n water initially will be a a-.. ... llO"t blend of well and waste .....-. u. ltU t A id '"'--'*· _ """-""~ ~. wa er, rao 11 . .aov """4•tr-1eec11, 11oY state water resources ""·""'"'"' G¥y cari-. s... board bas ruled the c--i~7 ..., u, m' wa~r used in the project ..!'vi::.:~ v1Mrn11••_...."".. cannot exceed 550 parts w . ,,.. "'"· Pe1r1ctt ~. per mlllion in total dis· ~Vlel•,tltl aolvedSOlldt. :..!/' The treated waste Deatm Ellewhere ' water used in the project Ls required to be mixed on a 50-50 bula with well wala' by the state health T 0 N B R I D G E , Ohio area of the United England (AP> -Slr Metbodlat Church. died WllUam ColU.1, 76, bud Tuelclay while ln Dublin, of a 157·year-old family Ireland. printloa company that ls -.. -__ -.-.. .,-.-,-1 .. ---.-B r i t a I n ' s m a J o r ~.,. 1.,, ....... publllhef of the Blble, PAnuao" died at bla home near u11L. 1... P11nusoN.,.........., here Tuesday. c.t• -.... c..11torNa. o ... ., -~ ''· "1• """'-.... Ill• -.... ....._, ........... M,,.. .. ~ COLUMBUS, Ohio -8M•••t11 1t . ......._;_ (AP ) -Blab o P f'. ~ ~nr-:"4~~. -:.,:..~ ~aid EuleJ, 459, real· *-' .. w..G1t11;1.,..-.it..._ dent biabop of the West t7.\-:= ~.:::--~i:.''= ~ .. ~ .......... .,_., ---------.,.......,-.c...,, e1111iutl&AO 8AL TZ .. 1 .. QUtON ,UNl! .. AL HOMI CQfonl del Mar & 73-9450 COiia M ... 648-2424 HLL llltOAOW AY MORTUARY 110 BtoadWIV ~ta Mesa 842·91 50 McCORMICtc MO"TUAAY L.oguna Beach 494·9415 San Juan Capt11rano 495-1778 PAC"1C VIEW MEMO"IAL ltA"K C.met~ Mortuwy Chapel 3500 Pllclllc view 0n ... Newport, Cahloml1 M4·2700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIA( FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bols1 Ave. Wes1m1nster 893-3525 8MfTHS' MORTUARY 827 Mein St. Hunltngton Beach 53&-6539 . SMITH TUTHILL LA• OUfl WESTCllFF CHAPEL Mortu1ry • • &46-4888 427 E. 11th St .• Coltl Mesa MAltOAlt•T MOWAltO tWll1041AO. --.. SM oi... CM...,.,.• 0.M tf w.111 ~ "• "'• ..,,,,._ by -_._.. ,...,.. •••lt.ll••f . , ......... ,., , ... , ...,....,... 111119 & .._.. ... L'fttll a.. -....-•• K•l""P ...,._; ......... -... ,, .. ...,, ,..,..,.. . H., .. ., 1Cart11, ~ ... ,..,. ~t<,.. T""'*Y 11 :• AM, 0..-......,. a-ywtl!I """· etvceA. •-· efll'l..,t ... II erNMaf --..,., """""' PUBLIC NOTICE department. · Wl1'll U'M'LE rainfall· in the past aeveral Yf&rS, uuderiround water use, bu been at Ill blgbest levels. Oran1e County receives about 60 per- cent of Ill fresh water tromwella. · Tbe OCWD hat been involved ln a almllar PfO" tectlon project alont with the Los An1ele1 Flood Control Diatrict aince 1915. It la the Alamitoa Barrier Pro· ject, conal1t1n1 of 17 jointly operated lojec· Uoo weU. two mU.. in· land near the San Gabriel River. Diegan Jailed SAN DlEOO (AP) - Robert DePblllppla, owner of the "Butcher Shop" reataurantl in Chula Vlata and San Dle10'• Kw&on Valley, bu been teDtenced t.o two 1ean ln prtaoa and ftDed $15,000 for failure to report tlOl,000 1n ln- eome. PWMllM4t t41An... AllCOMD. m..-. ---· .,._, .. y--.....c.. i.atS'il0HV1[JO '9W?C.-~ r:...o.., .... -r •..-.111tt..,· 495-0401 COSTAlllUA , ... _....._ 64J.t7H llTC"9t a IATN. ~ ... ISTIMATIS ... o..~ .. M!N41-AIH CW-'IQI l~Wl- AMlllf(•l41 1'\• 771·1470 .,,,." ORANGE REGIONAL HEAL TH CENTER" CHfLORENS HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY • ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL OF ORANGE • PROVIDENCE SPEECH AND HEARING CENTER • ORANGE CARDIAC TREATMENT CENTER • CHOC CLINIC • REGIONAL CENTER SERVING THE DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED • ST. JOSEPH CHOC HEMODIAL YSIS CENTER • ORANGE REGIONAL SURGICAL UNIT • ST. JOSEPH ALCOHOLISM RECOVERY SERVICES. invite you and your family to attend our first OPEN HOUSE AND 'MINI' HEALTH FAIR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 FROM lto4 P.M. Tours • Exhibits • Demonstrations • Historical displays • Health Information • Outpatient surgery tour • ParamQdlcs • Films • Free blood pressure checks • Speech and hearing demonstrations • Cardiac rehabilitation demonstration • See surgery suite. CHOC transport systeni. card i ac catheterlzation room, linear accelerator and simular, cell separator, behind the scenes In departments of both hospitals • Refreshments. • • Ip ' ORANGE REGIONAi.: HEALTH CENTER Sl1WMT OllVI ANO HntC ITIUT CHIM ... ._, .._ &A VtrA 41lVINUlt OUMOI, CAUIOINIA - . .. .. . . ' , I .: ' I ' I ~ t, . ' t J I Got a problem? T ht'n wrfte to Pat Dunn Pat will cut rttl tape . gttt 1r1y t~ o"4Wt'rs and action uou rwed to aolue 111tqult1t1 m go~rnment and bu.n MU. Marl uour questums to Pal Dunn .M YOMr &rorce. Orangt>Coo..'t Daily Pilot.PO Box 1560. Costo Mc:1a. CJ\ 92626. lnc:ll.lde your ttltphont numtwr Tile cultmm o~or4 daily •zctpt Saturdays Appeal Pro~ed11rt-Boolled DEAR PAT: Could you telJ me where I can ob- tain a booklet or brochure about small claims court? I would like to know ii an attorney ls allowed to be present ln court and ll ooe can appeal a ck· ciaion a1alnat him R.R., Co6ta Mesa ne California Departme.t of Couumer Af· fain olfen a free pubUuUoe, ''Tlte C...umer And TM SmaU Claims Court." A copy la beln1 malled to Y" by U.e Oraage Couty Office ol Couamer Af· fairs. Otliler readers may reqaest ~ most in· f-atlve pebllcatmby 1uttlqtolllatortice ats11 N. 8yca•ore, Suta Au, CA tz711, or by pboning SU.flit. Letters ucl calla sboald be directed to the at&eaUoo of Jo ~heUer. &eian11a1 yoa.r specific in· qlllrles, aeUber tbe defeeda.at nor Ute plalatiff may briaC a lawyer to small dalma cout. U tlile clefen· dut loees bu case, be llu &be rtpt to appeal to the Superior Coart wit.bla Zll 41.aya from tJte eatry or Jlldcmeat. Tbe plalnWf does ltM laave tbe right to appeal, llllleaa be lo.es to a counter claim. If you wtdl to appeal, )'Oii must pay a flllag fee with the Stlpertor Coan. The court clerll will pt'Mlde rartber ·Wormatloa about appeal proceda.re. . ;tfalr• Lac.-, "·oi •~•f!leal DEAR PAT: I feel that the Department of : Motor Vehicles has unjustly charged me a penalty fee for late payment of my car registration r e- newal. The Huntington Beach Post Ofrice held most olmy mail from June lOthrougb July 19 without my knowledee or perrn.Ls.slon. A substitute earner put a "vacation stop" on my mail during this time The ·residence next to mine was vacant. Maybe that ex- plains the error. When the regular poslman re· turned. he checked with a neighbor and learned that I'd never bttn away He then brought 27 pieces.of : delayed mall. Among them was my $68 renewal ·card due on July 16. I sent a check the evenlng of Ju· 'ly 19, explaining the delay and that enough mail had . filtered throueh to allay any concern I would have ·had about m lssing mail. I sWI have to pay the ·penalty even though I would never have let the re newal become delinquent I'm already paying extra becc.use of this new renewaf system and $68 1s the maximum I can afford! S.P., Huntington Bellch You have red tape piled OD top or red lape, doo'l you! Tbe Department el MOWI' Vehkles wiU re· consider It• late paymeet peaalty in view of your mlxed·ap mail deUvery. SMp la at lhe Costa Mesa DMV office and B. W. Miles or G. Stromberg will work out the details to correct tbls late fee for you. Repair Sela~dllle Neetb Flzia9 DEAR PAT: We purchased a Marlborough Development Corp. home ln The Shore at Lake FOl'eat ln El Toro. Escrow closed Dec. 24, 1975. As with any new home, lbere were certain items that had to be repaired. A few were taken care or soon .after we moved in, but seven repairs remain un· 'touched. My husband and I have called repeatedly since last Apnl, but we can't cet any results. I work part time anrl have offered to live a key lo the com- pariy representative lo facilitate these repairs, but even that.bu not helped. L.E .. El Toro Ito• Carl, aenlce r••reaeatative wltla Marlborou1b Developmetd ~ •• ub Y• &e oa~ Dae tbe aacom pleted repaln la a leUer to la.Im. Carl aaid t.llat phoae call req_.. u...t be fWed aad ao Ikey eaa be accepted by UM wm~. Y• wW taave '° acbedllle each repair wtllll a. offke ud make certala tllat yo• are home w-. tllle. repafrs are lo he made. Let A YS bew laow tlala arraaiemeat work.a out. Be veey earml DGt lo a.Uew yoar war: naty period to eirplre before Ute aeeded repaln are .made. &eqae1t wrttte• repair appolatmeat • nrtlleaU.. oa&Ualq ~ speclflc repair to be doae. It repalr•ea do lllll bep &ttelr ackdaled IP· pobltmeata, YH tlllft wtl .. ve ao•e rtteal'H ID cue Ht ..U repairs uve lteea "•ple&ed wl.,... the w1rraat1 period. Selld 7M.r ffpatr. Htllne by certified mall wit.II ,.,_ reeeipt noq•ested, and k«1e1> a earl»oe copy for yovlllea. MGM Sued By Ex-star LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Mo \ te swim star Esther Wilham• wants to dWlk Metro Goldwyn Mayer for $1 m11l1on plus a share or tbe profits Crom two recent movies that use scenes from her old films A laws uit filed 1n Superior Court alleges MGM has been un1uslly enriched and invaded Mlss Will.J ams· privacy by using scenes from several of her Cairns in ''That's Entertainment" and "That's Entertain· ment Part n ~ THE TWO FILMS urned more than SSS million for MGM. SaJd attorney Paul Caruso Mi ss Wllhams. the wife of m ovie actor ~ Fernando --~Lamas , was under contract to MGM from 1941 to 1955. wtth a •s t arting • salarv o r S7S a week and endlng WILl..IAMS al $200 , making about 10 pictures in that period , "We feel s he signed to perform only for those pictures," Caruso said Tuesday, adding that although there was language in her contract allowin1 MGM to make whatever use it wished ol her image on the screen, ''that doesn't mean In perpetuity." ''BVE&VBODY whose likeness was used in these pictures will be watching with greatinterest.'' he said. He said in addition to the Sl million I n damages, the s uit asks for an accounttne ol re- ceipts, revenues and p~ fits from the two films . Films that were ex- cerpted included "M il l ion Dollar Mermaid.·' "Dangerous Whe n Wet," "Pa1an Love Song," "Bathing Buuty" and others. BEDROOM SUITES Olstlndlve beauty In scvtotured oak • .ccented .,.1t1 chrome 87095 encl bfus A statemenl ol lhe future 7 " Sex:. (regular 11099 96 . .. . • . •• Now • 5pc. Tradttlonal lreo 849 951 . • 5 pe. French Prov10C181 (reo 1374 95) • 6oc. Country treo. 884 95) . . . . . •.• NOW&7996 • .. NOW 109995 . NOW&999S " "" ---... '"'""'---~....., .-. ............ _ FREE DESIGN CONSOt.TATION Terms uo 10 45 days until f ir,I oavment OAC Wedn!!day September 22. 1979 Wallace Rancor Fa des MONTGOMERY. AJa. (AP) -GoY. Geortt C Wallace, binUn1 at the poulblllty ol a con.aplraey, aaya lhere are atilJ ''too many cnawtna quat.iopa" about the attempt on bla We and the usualnaUons cl President John Kennedy, Sen. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther Kini Jr. Consre••· be aaya, ahould "conduct a search for oew evidence and new licbt in all these cases ·' w.u.ucs•s AUTOBIOGUPBY, "STAND Up for America," ii belna publlabed Friday by DoubleclaJ. In lt, the S7·year old 1ovtrnor, aUll paralysed in both lees from the bullets fired by Artbur Bremer , UYI he ha.'i "tried sincerely" to forpve Bremtr for the asaa11lnatlon attempt at Laurel, Md .• on May is.um. ·• .. I honestly believe I have done ao - altbouib I continue to hate lbe crime be corn- m.ltted. 'There la little left of rancor, althoug h tbere ar:e plenty of Uncertni questions and doubts about bis motiva- tions. When I think or him now, my thoughts are mostly concentrated on the mystery sur-BRraarn rounding the attack and ~ on the e:ontradictions between what be appears to be and what I believe be may really be." Bremer, a busboy from Milwaukee, Wis., ls serv1ni a prison term for the sboolin1. WALLACE SAYS BE IS CONVINCED that Bremer intended to kill him "right from the day he started workinl as a volunteer ,n my Wisconsin presidential campaign orgallisation, and unUl be nailed me in Laurel "I wonder, for example," Wa11ace says, "wt)ere he got the money to stalk me across so many states. to rent limousines, buy a car. frequent good eating places and stay at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. This Is hardly the lifestyle one would expect of a part-time busboy." He says Bremer's diary "has a contrived tone to it. as tboueh it were deUberately written to throw olt lnqwry lnlo a PoSSlble conspiracy .. AND, H E ASK.8: "IS rr A MEltE coinc:ldence that m a country "'~re f~w people keep diaries anymore, juat about all the polillcal assa.ssms have been 'Dt1r Diary' addicts!" Bremer's diary, the 1ovemor says, ·'is a 1tran1e com bin a lion of Oasbes ol rather brilllant prose mixed with phruea even an illiterate would be asbam«:d ol ... One eeu tho im· preaaion that lt waa written by an educated man - but an educated man tryini lo 1ive the impression ol a mediocre and emotional disturbed mind . . Are we really to believe that he ls a low·lntellect hilb scbool drolJ)Out?'' ) Park Plans Approved TO LOSI WllGHr I l STOP SMOICIHG? l&JIVI TIHS.OM7 I ; A $237 ,000 expansion S!LF-CONRDetCl7 SLHf'1 SUCCHD7 t • proj ect at Jrvine I : Re1lonal Park was ap-FREE LECTURE • I \ ptoved Tuesday by coun· Come Hew~....._ I " ty supervisors. ....._.of I ' The plans call for "HOW TO UV1Wl'1'H YOURSELF . I , bwldln& two restrooms, I ' lnstalline lights and pa\'· AHD UICI YOU" I : lng a parking area just I MOHOAU.-TUISOAY~WIDMISOAYS-' ,..... r ' south of Santiago Creek. I LICTUIE & DIMOKSTUT1ot4 I : In ad di t1on.1 t ·~ supervisors directed I AWAlllEHHS CIHTB • ltOOM Z22 , • county statt mem bers lo I TOWN & COUH'TRY CIEHTH . t prepare a lease for an I 771 SO. MAIN ST., ottAttGIE f equestrian <:enter just I AWAHMHS DYHA..-cs 17141 IJS-IUI \ north of the creek L-------------------------· t Taste The Best Of Foods & Wines Sunday Sept. 26, 7 p.m. Choritoble Event -Oonc1n9, Music. See Fom°'" OtShu Prepared, Information 897 -0302 5outh Coast ?lua ~ • " ; • l . •, ".;! ) .. j , • j • I , . .. Montreal ;~ Summer Games 1!i · gh.~s. :~ Only on United. So take a break, boss. In plain business - terms, business people-are a big part of our bread and butter at United Airlines. So we'd better treat you like what you are: Our Boss. That's why United gives you certain extras you can't get anywhere else. µke exclusive highlights from the 1976 Summer Games. Now you can relive the most exciting moments of Montreal. Only on United. And you c.an enjoy them on most of our widebody flights. :\oni;;to >Friendship , crvicc lo Chica~o f"rom I~ An~clc~ . Leave: 7:50 a.m. (747> 10:15 a.m. <DCtm J: 15 p.m. (0C·l0) 4:15 p.m. (DC-10) 12:20 tl.111. (747) Arrive l :3S p.m. 4:l0 p.m. 7:0S p.111. 1 ():(X) p.111. 6:00 :1.m. 7:55 a.m. 10:25 a.m. From Ontnrio 1:3S p.m. '1 : Hl .m. Flt. :'\o. 100• )()4"' 108* 110• 11 8* Flythe It's just one more \\;1y \H' try lo mak~ your busine!:>s t1ipbetter. Jk-c;1 use at United , you're the boss. Don't leave home without the American Express card. Use it for · your United tickets, hotels, mc;tls, and rentc:il cars. lf you don't h;we an Amcriu1n Exprc"s card, call (800) 528-8000 for I an applic;1 lion. i ~ f •. Q f ~\,;l.l;tJ~.;J .L.iJl~Jj l'O'lO 01.?1'i~1 b J OOA~ . '• ...... 'V' ..... '"•ULn ' r~or •'I For reservation~. Cflll , 1 yu~r Travel Ag~~t. Or c.all • United at 537-7 .>21. Partners in 'lh1vel \\ith Western International I l11tcls. • I ' i t t t , . . : i : t -- l I ' •fAJQOAJLY P:LOT WednetdllY. September 22. 1979 If Caught ~ Quake, Stay Still for Safety SJ &OBERT BAUD Of-OMtr,_ ..... U you are cau1bt ln a m.uc>r earth· quake, one ol the wont t.blqs to do la make a run for It, &cc."Ordl°' to &n ex· pert. Ninety percent of all l.r\Juries and rat.aJJUes are lncurred by falllnl ob· Jed• 1uch as roora. walls, briclta and power llnea. notes HwiUnctoo Beach Civil Dtrenso COOl'dinalor Georao 1'1lyden. .. IY YOU ARE outside when' It sU.rU shaking, stay tbere even lf your family ls lMlde," Tbyden advises. .. U you are Inside, stay there. Ex· terior walls are more likely to fall than the lnterlor ones,'' be adcb. Thyden says people can't do anythlna about ea.r(bquakes but can make preparations to help insure I.heir safety ll du aster sttf kes. HE ADVISES FAMWF.S lo survey their homes for the safest areas u we ll as ror those which pose the greatest haiards. Thyden says the bathroom often is the safest room or all because of the more intensive structural supports. Windows, heavy bookcases, shelves and swae lights are the greatest dangen, he notes He points out that residents must not remain in the bne or fire of win- dows '"'l'llE.Y'LL l\J$T EXPLODE ll the quake ls aever~ enoucJl. Bit. ~ ctua have been known to travd as far u :JO to 75 feet becauae of tho ltf'nnc rorce .•. Thyden explalns that most ol Hunt· lngton Beach lies alon1 the tnclewood·Newport fault raponstbht ror ~ 1933 Lone Beach u.rtbquake. He ••1• loeaJ reUdeott can tue heart, in that the Calilornla wood lr'ame home la lbe aafest structure t.bere II.to withstand eartbQu.u•. 'ftlYDEN LISTS SOME steps resi· ~tl can take in advance ol an earth· quake. -Establish an e:Klpe route h'om each room and Ht 1 safe m..U.O, place for the family away rrom the dangeroffallinc objedl. -Locale and learn bow to turn off valves ror water and utilities ii d.il· aster ruts . -Store enough water in plastic containers that will provide each member of the family two &allooa for two days. -HAVE A BA'M'ERY-operated radio and flashlight in workin& order. The emergency broadcast system sta- tions for Orange County are KWIZ, 1480 on the dial and KET(. 1190. Tbyden also lists one big don 'l. "Don't light a match for any reason if you smell gas." "The entire house could blow up 1f you do." t 'rout Pag' A 7 3 Trustees To Attend Meeting CANDIDATES • • • IN A DECISION made public in bankruptcy. court, Judge William Rudin ruled that Irving dld not omit the $44,000 intentionally. The judge noted that Irving had written his financial s tatement while in prison in Dan- bury, Conn .. without "as- sistance or advice," and said he bad not prepared it "with the intenbon to deceive." RIWARD . ....... ,, ............. . __ ...... ~ .. -...,.... .. _____ _ _ .. --..... -· .. ·" _, ................. ... lltM. ... 11141UMl4t. t~ ~!- Strawberry Margarita Mix Tequila Sunrise Mix Mexican Cofree Mix Bloody Maria Mix Three or SaddlcbJck College's ::.e \•en truslees will attend a four da) na tional comm unity col lege conference in Sl wan level or income and anything above that would be higher and anything below that would be lower." He said repeatedly that he did not know where the tax burden would shift. but Republicans JUlllped on the "median income" statement. claiming Carter would raise taxes for everyone earning more than the median, now around $13,000 a year. A Carter aide said later that families earning up lo $2.5,000 ,__------------------------------------------------. Lows this month And Norr1!>a P Brandl, president or the Mission V1eJ o school's board Of trustees, Wiii moderate one of the ron· rerence's 12 panel dis cussions lier group':. topic 1s "Clos1ng the Open Door A Threat to the Lifelong Learntng Concept·· Also attend ing the Sert. 28-0cl I confab will be Laguna Bench Trustee Larry Taylor and Dr Jam es W. Marshall or Laguna Hills Mrs. Brandt said the topic or her panel IS particularly important to Calirorn1a community colleges because or a new level of 'ICrUllny or educational phtlosoptues by Gov Edmund G Brown Jr Shesa1d the remiunder or the conrerence and the organization sponsonng it, the Association or Communi ty College Trustees, are also impor· tant to the advancement \\OUld be considered Dllddle income. Ford says bis tax obJectives "are threefold -greater equity. greater sampliricalion, and lower taxes." lie says benefits should be "directed toward middle and lower' income tax payers and incentives for creation of new Jobs by business " In an interview in the Oc· tober issue or Reader's Digest, Ford said: "I favor giving greate r tax relief to the so-called middJe In· come taxpayers -those in the earning brackets or $8,000 to $30.000 a year · · URBAN AFFAIRS: Carter says many costs, in· eluding welfare. should be shirted from local gov- ernments. lie urged a Federal Municipalities Secunlies Corporation to help cities market lbeir bonds. Ford proposed consolidating some govern- ment grant programs lo give cities ereater leeway in spending He told the U.S. Conference or Mayor. and League of Cities: "The succeu of the comm uni· ty blOt'k grant program, like the success of the general revenue sharing program, points lo one central racl: you know what lo do to improve your cities and you know how to do it . .I have faith In you .. ·· Oceanside's Secret OC EA NSI DE (AP J -A rt er 20 years, Oceanside admits luring tourists is tough. The slogan the city came up with in 1~ was "Tan Your Hide in Oceanside." ll 's beint replaced with "Oceanside - California's Best Kept Secret." or two· ye a r college ;:::====================~ goal&. Over-60 Gays Eyed In Study SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -San •'ranc1sco St.ate has announced it l1 l(oing to study homosex· ual mn and women over 60. ln part to rind out what hapJ)4tns In the lives of such persons aa they approach old age The s tudy 1a to be financed by a two-year arant from the N oUonal lnaUtute of Health. The university uld tho study will attempt to de· termlne the impact of ainual orientation on the life course and of a Ring. The announC'emenl sald reaearch rlndin1s will be used to Improve soclal services and de· velop "community sup- port 1y1tems" to meet the needs o r older homosexual men and women. • LUGG'AGE TAG from your business card Send one card for each tag + one spare. We return permanently sealed attractive tag & strap, meeting airline 1.0. requirements. Prevent loss & theft! For a personaltzed tag enclose wallpaper, f abnc or "Day Glo' paper & we will back & lnm your tags. Or try two c ards back to back. $2 ea. or 3/$5 4/S tags $1.60 ea. 6/9 taos $1 .50 ea. 10 or more $1 .40 ea. S.:\les Tax iri cluded No C•rd? O'""" yo.Jf Owl\, or \Md your 11•-. •dr'tr~ .. al\11 flhnM nombl'r Wfl II m\'• 0"' 1 •n1 o-er 1111 AOO U .. ~ .. ENDCHECKORMONE ROE PILOT PRINTING P. 0 . BOx 1560 Cotta Mesa, Callfornla 92828 Il CHRIS BORDIN HIWPOIT H.-IOl llWAHIS JOUHOATION Afgnenlat.n Friday. Sepe 2-t. 1976 SEASON ~ STUDENTS 2 · OR. TEO WALKER SM 8nd ShOre of Bala TICKET ,i s5.oo Friday, Oct 8. 1976 3 RALPH FRANKLIN llTH AMHUAL ~banon F11day, Jan 7 1977 TRAVEL & ERIC PAVEL .IJ. Alpine World. USA ADVENTURE Fnday. Feo 4 11t· • JOHN OC.1 . SERIES 5 Exploring Ulnda • Fnday, March• Iii. OU.NCH COAST eo&.LMI AUDIToatUM RUSS POTTER 1:00 r.M. 6 Vif111nl•Bll'thpa.ce of 0Uf' Natlon GOOO FOi SIX ADMISSIONS AMYTIMI , Frklay, June 10. 1en W~er you Jive or woric. In Keystone Kcx.tnt.ry, a wulth of free servkes b always cJo.. It hand-at your ne&l'ftt Keystone office. Start with these: noury or copying Mrvlce. Or money orders. They're all yout'1, all absolutely f~•. at Keystone offlcH. What do you pay f« travelers checkaP Safe ~It bo•l Noc.a eollectlonl Th.y all add up. But with a minimum account at KeyatoM, they don't cost you~ny. On top of It all, Keysion. pay• you tti. top Interest on ill savlnis account.a. A futJ S.25% on pwbook t.o a c•nerou• 7.75" on c;.ertl(Jcac. K4:0Unu. -And you'll always enJoy perwnaJlied counlttln& on how t.o m~• the mcnt of yo.Jr , .. lnat proiram, In such arw as IAA and Kqh planJ, and tax deferred lnvuunent annuldei. So drop In. Over coffM we'll 'how you why the best place to a.ave 11 K•y1ton• Savi"&-'! 0 KEYSTONE SAVINGS Westmlnatet Offlc., t~011 Beach Blvd • Airport Center Ol'f~. 4301 MacArthur Blvd. t An.ti.Im Office. 556 NOfth Euclld M«helm "41Rs Office, 67'1 E. Sant.a Ana canyon Road • Mlatlon Viejo Otnc., 2'4041 MWQl*ti. ParkWl)I AtNlt over $8t million.,. I w 4- @-1975 The Sherwin- Wiiliams comoany .... IO •HY to ahop It I 9"'wllt-Wllsml Otcolatlng Center. Jult ..,, .. °*"" It," !! ' . -- THUR., .FRI., & SA·T., SALE -. ENDS SEPT. 25, 1976 QUANTITIES UMlTED TO STOCKS ON HAND COME EAIS,Y JOI THE IEST SRECTION • SIMILAll SAVING AVAMILE IN-STORE _. PRl·PAITID & VINYL TRADITIONAU & CLOTH BACK VINYLS WALLCOYIRINGS 99 J!G? Easy to install pre-pasted wallpaper. Durable vinyl ROll wallcoverings for kitchens & ba ths. SINGLE ROLL Scrubbable fabric back vinyls and traditional styled wallp21pers. C GRASSCLOTH SA IJE ldY ONE llOLl AT llGUW PllCI ••• GET 2d llOU FOi 1 ~I Imported r asscloth from our Empress book by Style Perfect. Gives your home that special decorator de- signed look of fine elegance. -~. • • • • • • • • • -. ,, 0uts•de' I • f, ·li . :: Attention, rl.l Needed BJ DL STEJNCSOllN Dear Dr. S&eilllc ...... : J , am a 15-1•r-qld &¥l.aall t IQ1Yft')'QP81tand*k. I have bad swollen glands in a:y neck foe some time. Also bave bed sore throats, •~ though my tonsils were , takeoo~t. Lately I have been get. ,. ting pains in my stomach. Sometimes : , they are so bad I double , up in pain. I even passed • r out once for a few (,'. minut .• '" es. tt I TOLD MY mother. She says it's all in my bead. She bas no coo· I Jidmee, ln. doc:lon, ~ j my father died two Jears , · ago of cancer. She hasn't ' been to a doctor since · and won't Jet me go. !. 'Ibe other day I made I an appointment to see a doctor. She found oat. "1 ' Now J am locked in my :•11 room and can only go out 0 • forfiveminutesada7. ,,, . uJ I BA VE taken my tem- ''' ' perature the past five In• days. ll runs between 101.2 and 103.2. Before that I bad fever on and off. I also s~~ qi:uy \ :.•, , DOCTOR IN ;, THE HOUSE· 11 n spells. But my •ot.ber , won't listen. I have " ,anotherdoctor'f ~ppqiot. ment but it doesn't 1ook 11 like l 'll be ODl of the ,/ house for a few months. It -JllAN. COMMENT: So many condltions might cauae • fever and sore throat. ,. The trouble might be., ,. •mo n o n u c l e o •is or something entirely dlf. ferenL Jl'• not important that I gue11 at a diqaolis. But wJuit II es-; sentlal ls that you Id a 111 tNe diqnosia and treat· "' ment.. ., You are being held , . prisoner in your on . • n home. What )'OU need a ootatde help. At the risk , ... ol malting your mother angrier, ft seems to me you should use the few ... minutes or freedom vou " havet every day to phone ; , for help. can • sodaJ • aeeacy or the health d• ~ ~ partment. • , Aside to your mother: : ; Give 7our child a c, chance. Don't Wit your ' ' hoetl.Uty against doct.ora r I prevent her from ... • • inl well. Maybe you need ~ : some medical advice for • • YoUl'ff.1C. Why ruin two " lives! DAILY PILOT ' •I I 7"llOIST. CllEAL IOWLS I ' Cl10oN llom 911i1' Of ' ~ •· Cosfa M~O JJ ........... ~ ... .... "Nm smTS 0 ® Ut•ATl9 -£ .... s3 e e CANNON .. Westminster w....,.. .. GoWNWnt ,. $2 ... 11""'5 • •$1 ... s1 .. 1MSO.R.ML llllS UR NPll B. SCllPTO ., .. - :. 2 .oa 100 cm •SA LEE CANDY • CAMl'f COIN • CMOC • ....... • ltftlf ~ • MAL110 • MU I~ • PIAMllT ClUSTMI ' • ITAIU'll 1111111 ' . 'I •.J- Of Vows, People, Legends OP' LEG£NDS-UunUJlston 15tach HJ.ch atblete. tot• bit ol 1nlpiraUon recent.ty whlft lbty he.trd • talk from cap Sbeue, former c oaC!h and athletic director al 118 Hlp from the U30I to 1950s. The kids 1ave cap, now In bJ.I el&bUes, a couple of ovatJona <one 1tand1n1, one 111tin1>. OF VOWS -Nine months aao Don Smlth was told be had cancer and could expect to live for about 11.Jl monlb9. If that eldmate were &.nae It meat be 1"0Uld die prior to tht summer Olympic Games in Montreal. Smith, SS, vowed be would live until the Games had been GLlilillll WMIH WHITE WASH concluded. That was because his son, Graham, and daughter, Becky, were swimmers on the Canadian Olympic team. The elder Smith fulfilled his vow and watched the Olympics on--rY, thus living to see Graham eet a 1llver medal. Becky cot a silver and a bronze. "Watchinc them get their medals is the greatest feeling I've ever bad," Smith is quoted u saying. "It is a terrific moment in my life." ' Lile ended for Smith Sept. 1. , OF PEOPLE-Mission Viejo High product Dave Patterson recently completed his aeuon with the Danville Dodgers ol the Midwest Class A bueball league. Patterson had an 8-1 pitchins record (lbe only reversal was a 1-0 verdict), struck out SS in 75~ innings and yi~lded 12 hits. His earned run averaae wu a fiouy 1.67. OF NOSTALGIA-A bunch of former basketball players from • Estancia <Cos ta Mesa) and Corona del Mar Hlgbl are getting tosether Friday afternoon at 5 at Estancia to 10 •Cain.It each other one moH Ume on the hardwoods. Set to show up for Estancia are Scott Gayner, S~~p Williama A.nnfelt, Gary OrlUJ, Crall and Mike Haya, Scott Rabe, Doug Cooler and coach Bill Wetsel Due for CdM are Caley Jones, Our-and Mnk-GripbT, Don Killian. Matt teou1h. :>colt Cameron, John Sumner and maybe John "ule. Charlie Brande is the coach. Grid Lottery Sales Drag . DOVER, Del. <AP) -Tickel sales continued to drq ln the • second week ot Delaware's new football lottery cames, but lot· tery otnclals maintain there are brighter days ahead. I "1 tbinlt we're Just coins throu1h a learnlns proce11. Nobody's ever done lb1s before and we have no tncll: record to run on." said Peter Simmons. l actlnt lottery director, ln an ln· tervtew thls week. • Althou1h Simmons has not made projection• on what he ex· petted the early weekly sales would be, he dld say before the aames started that he hoped tor total sales of se million during the 14·week N aUonal Football • Leaaue 1eaaon. J So far sates have bffn rar • behind the avera1e weekly aross • ol 1428,000 in ulea that would be needed to reach that nsun. Flnl week aale1 amounted to $62,000. Tbey dropped to '54,000 OU. week on 25,528 Ucketl sold. .. ~.,..... LOS ANOBLD <AP> -.... lib to nm tbe ro.eau," Maki coeeb Chuck JC.-ol Ute Loi Anaete. Ila.,: W-. two ,.... lllal bedl:a eaeb laaYt Meowattd ror more na.atUDc Y.,..• uu. .._. tun the tli1n outJMA ol next Sunday '1 foe. •·we like to C90Glnl uJ football came.•· said the ... ch, bUl h& added. '<to do It we have to paaa asweUurun.'' Tbe New York OlMta, wtnleal i• two ou~J'• Invade i.o. --~-ay f«Jr.tM Rama' bome Natlollal FOCltball Leape opener aiid tlle Giaats have ruabed a net my .... lncludin& Ul by Larq Caonb, late ol the lliami ~ a"n4 tbe WfWld Football 1AJ1ue. ""Tbe Rama, 1:0-1. have Jobn wppellettl with 231 yards and ~wrence llcCutebeoe with Z25 as an iDuatraUoa ol aiio. they nm with tbe football. Cappelletti, who won the Hetaman Trophy u &he ltar back at Pena State, won a lltartiq Job lhla aeuon. He and MeCut.cbeoa ~ a one-two punch ol bi1 "He's rwmlns better now than he ever baa run,'' the coach declar-.d Tuesday at b.Ls weekly breakfast ae11lon •ith sport.a wrt.~---- PETE ROSE CELEBRATES THE REDS' TITLE. Il appeared that Pat Haden. the rookie from Southern California, •lain would get the startina tall at quarterback, although veteran James Hanis will start lf be'1 100 percent re· covered from the fractured thumb he suffered ln the pre· season. Haden was at the helm lut Sunday when the Rams battled back for a 10.10 Ue with Mln· nesota in a game that also saw a scoreless overtime period LA Trips Giants Alston Says It's Cincy's Best Team .. Haden looked like a very poised quarterback, said Kllox of lbe Rhodes Scholar who studies in England when net playing f-ball. "He exeeuted the thlnp we wanted don~ e~tremely well." Haden has completed 12 ol 23 passes for 183 yardl so it can't be .said the Rams' offense works ex· clusiv~ly on the pound. SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -The Loa Angeles Dodgers , mathematically elimlllaled from pmnant contention, oCJer no ex- cuses for the Clnc.innatl Reds' dominance of the National Leap'• Wettern Divisiom. "I'm sending a CClQlratulatory telesram to Sparky Anderson," O• J:\I Te•I,,,., Claa1t•~f I I •t 1:10 said Dod1en manacer Watter Alatoa shortly after his club's 8-2 victory over the San Francisco Olanta Tuesday. · Midway through the Candlestick Park contest, the ·Reda clinched the pennant wilh a victory over Houston. The Dodsers stayed 11~ game• behind Cincinnati with 11 aames remaining . "I think this is lhe best ~am the Reda have bad ln recent years," said Alston, •hose Dodters are 3·12 against Cincin· naU with three 1ames left in tbe aeuon'a aeries. "Georae Foster and Kai Grif· fey came 'through and all their • pitchers bad good seasons," Alaton added. "We played poorly a1alnat tbe Reda, Giants and Padre• (14·32 combined) and that'• what hurt us." Bill Buckner, who stole hom• * * * UllAN91Lll SAJI •a.utOSCO ~­""~" J"-" ".smllllrf Cien9fUt Ort• ..... cf ,.,,.. .... -cf .,. ...... .......,, " .... _...,, .. , .. _. "'"" s . 1 0 o ... c, t ••• Slit M.W.ra Al tt •••• -~ti ••• 0 •111 MIA-rt 4111 •• 0 0 -Ill• ' •• 0 ttt I u~t<ttta leto • • • 0 o.~-,.. t ••• 4 t t t 5-eMH 4 . 0. ''" ~·-.... ••Io G.Alt.-c i t t t ;::: =-~::: •••• MMl•ll• 0000 • G.MMM• t •• 0 "' ..... , 18 IO .._CWIJ.IU 1 t I I t a ...... 1 ••• , t "'" , ..... ................. I It • I .I .......... , .... ~. t-<l!t't.~. against lhe Giants, agreed. "It's the Reds-' beat team," he said. "The pitching came around and they made their bench solid by addinf Bob Balley and Mike Lum.' Ste've Garvey, however, feels differently. "I don't think this year's Reds have pl~yed as well as lhey did ln 1975," Garvey of. fettd. "But they dominatecLus_ and that did It. We were nine out and they swept us four straight in' LA." Kno>t will look et • couple ol candldatea for a wide reteiver jo• left opet when roollte Freeman Jobns suffered torn knee llgameots. Aaked if «•t.,hlle Ram J.O Snow would be ooe ol tboee, Kiiox replied, "I don't thinkao." Snow verbally a\~cked the Rams' mana1em~ on bia re-leiseJUitlJrit>r~ lhf reiular seuon. Knox aaicl the club was lookins .New York Yank .. manager Bllly Martln dllDlaya Illa anaer to home plate mnplre Bill Kunkel in tlsblll innlnl of the game wtth Baltimore Tuesday. The ~t Yanketl blew a 7-0 lead aJid lost U-8. • DAILYPILOT .. Sunday_·· Tbe Cincinnati Redit clinclled their fifth National Lea1u Westen DMalon UUe in """ yun Tuesday nilbt. beatlD.l lbe 8-n Dleto Padrt1 t-1 u J"OOti• Pat Zachry notched bis Hth vlc· t.ory. Zachry, 1upported by a U.hi\ Cincinnati attack, scattered eiCht htta to urt bis rec:cn to 14·5, ..,._. &-foot--5 rith~bandlr ~k oat ei&bt and waited tbree 11 tile Reda claimod u.e NL Well tiUe wtth 10 sames left 1n d.e aeuoo. • ,.,..,...,, PIULADELPHIA -Dick Al· ten's double with two out in the low-th inntnc lriHei'ed a Une-run oulbursl and the Pblladelphia Phillies went OD to beat the St. Louil CardinalJ g. \ 'l'ueaday Dia.ht and boost their lead in the NaUoaal Leacue'a Eutern Divilion to five games. Plratn Stopped CIUCAGO -Manny TrUlo'a two-out 1in1le ln the 13th inning drove home Jerey Morales, who had doubled u the Chicago Cubs beat Pltt1bursh 2·1 Tuesday, thwarting lhe Pirates bid for a doubleheader sweep. The Pirates won the first «•me. 4·3. on a two-out. two-n1n ninth inning single by Rennie Stennett. snapping a Ulr..-1ame klllnl streak. Morales' double and Trillo's line •bot to ncbt came olf Bob Mooee, 3-t, and gave ~ wln to Paul Reuschel, 4·Z, the Cubs' six- wheo Nate Allen blocked TOIQ Dem.-e,'• fleld IOA1 try frQm tho ao, tl was a hiah anap f1'0ln cent.ft' that spoiled l.M attempt.. The bolder bad to reach up ror the ball and put lt down. DempHy hll lt aqua.rely but Al· ltn denected il with a backhand. "W• were Just .2 ol a seeQRCS late In aet.Un• it off,'' said~· Wbo eomettmea clocks plays•b1 the c"cks of ftlm aolna lh.r'<*tb bia movie projector. I th pUcher, as Pirates rightlleld.,- Dave Parker's throw to &•t Monies at the plate boun~ past catcher Duffy Dyer. · In the second same the C~bs scored nrst. They twice loa<IM t.be bue1 ln the third on a bU, two walks and an error. bul mana.recl only one unearned run, whlcb aeored on an infield out. : h•tlef ce Sta~f BUFFALO -Adrian DanUey., who alped a multi-year contratt to play basketball for Buffalb. was alated for a slot ln l~ Brlvea' 1tartln1 lineup aevwaa weekaaao. ln order to make room for \he hero ol the sold medal·wlnnlnl U.S. Olympic buketball tdin.. tbe Braves had sold veteran small forward Jlm McMllllan to the New York Knicka. McMiWan wu captain of the National Ba1ketball A11ocialloD club. -QM11t1t Die• ST/.NTON-John Quinn, a former aeneral manager of the Phll~elphla Phlllies, ls dead ot the aie of 68. A spokesman for the NaUonal League baseball team said Quinn died Monday night. He ls 1ur· vlved by his widow, Marian, two dauahters and two sons. Quinn joln'd the Phillies ln 1951 and belped build the team that came close lo the National Leque pennant In 1964. Tanana. Gets Lucky; "' Angels Win in 9th Pitcher Frank Tanana was the recipient or a IUlle good luck- pln c b · hl tte( Ron Jackson's came.tying home nm leadina ofi tbe l)Wlh innln1 Tuesday night - used It to win bis 17th of the aeaaon. a penonal .. . e Chalk delivered a run· ICOfbls •Incle tater m_tbe n\Jlt.b to A•~Slate AMO.fltftMllMl'CllWI s.p1 n T••n•t C•lltMni• 1 nit.m. ~.2lftMJ•IC.0JifOf'lll• 7:)1pflt. $etlt. 2S Celi,.,..+e •I ,Ml-Wilt t: Zh m pews "'9 ~allfomla Ansell aDd Taoapa to • 2·l victory over lbe TexeiRan1el'f. '"ftM uneQeeted llappened," Hid Tanana about Jadmon'a ... m,r, "and that ••ve ev- ..,. erybedy a Urt.'' Tuau •Jld be wu dllappoln~ eel a.. couldn't win 3> sames thlt'. 7ear, but Hld 11 WU a Sood number to reach • "Yeah. It. wu Important to me because I had ntv• done It before. I wa.-t to lmPJOVe eacb 7ear 1nd lf I wln more than I dld tbe year btfore, that'• an lm· provement. "Ya, I'm 419~ I can't win JO. Tba\ burtl. But I paa I'll Jutt co out and pt aa 1Deft¥ u l can." Tanana. who W.. lM lMt 1ear. n1urea h•'• Sot two more 1lar11 • Tanua Pitc~ a tJuw....._. la wlmdn1.ll• bu 10.,_.,, . laeuoa. b1ttlD1 f« Bnte• Boehle, amaahed his seventb homer of the year off reliever Joel Hoerner, 0-4. Mllte Easler foUowed wllh a walk and was sacrificed to second base by An- dy Etchebarren. Then came Chalk's game· winning hit off Steve Foucault. tlXAt CALIP'OttllllA ·-•11111 ....... l'lefldleftt 4 0 0 0 Ollll•ll" I et e ...,,"".. • 0 0 ... '".,,., '0 •• A4tfl.. 4 t 0 0 lltftQHf 3 0 t e hrr-..,Srf J t 0 0 ".TontHf 1 et• '""""' , • 0 0 Sol•ll• lb J 0 0 • GrleWlf , 0 1 • Mtfletl lb t ••• ........uf I I t 0 helli.rl J t1 t OT!•--· JO t 1 ...,.._._,.. t 1 f't ...,._,c J • 0 t M.°""rrtredlt J t-t • ....... • 0 0. le\....... 0 t •• ~-1001 ~ • .,, , ••• ~-0 00. C."-•Pf' 0 ••• l!t<Mbefrlll c 0 t '• c...111• ,.,, ........ " , ... 8JIMlllll , ••• lltllleyH 0 I 0. ,_, 0008 teMlt • I I I teteK n t ' I 0Nout-...""1Mlft9Nll-, "-... .. "° ..... GellMrrff --.,__, 1 -au•r•utflt, "'"'"· L08-h!:I.!; Gellfefflle l..Jt-o, T"--. Hit_.. 111. sa-celllftt. .,_.tmf. UCNW•M. .,.,.,, .... .. ,1.~t ....... " ,_ .. ,,..., ,_,:,, ........... I~ It It llt 88 IO , J • • ' • I J1tt• "!t I 0 t t t t 1 ' ' .... GB )lr-1r . ·. ~,. .. , • •:'• .,...NN WHrtE r.• .• Sports Editor For a fqoJball team IJlat ls mo•1y sompolie~ of J\in\ors. S~a A'na Jl~th coa~t\ Bob Larson W'•q't t t'a.Uy dillp1eaaed with tbe Sa.lo • '~ ite witb Buena Pirk'htat ~ But fle'· hopes Santa Ana's klcklne «4\l'Q ~ will improve against-·~-h~t ~ VlO> Hi«b Dip~~ f"tld~ t. , ••trJe ~laaed 11,wp d coal attetepts .aJJ.d one ~a pojni," s19S'Larso~. ~Ill year's Or~e cotinty coacl> of the maz. ' And ()11~ Of the flef d coal at.t.epipta waa "LONG ttiACH-:':(be Wlhoa fumbled at our on a0, t1tey ort'(he four.yard J,IDe." llWlt 8ebOo& 8ndJuLlll'lteto*• reeoYered and subsequently Otherwiae, t~ YOUlll Sa1nts ~ for tbt •CJOnJ ~ kicked the field coal that woo the petfonned well. They pined 350 1.oolbai(. ~b-Qlploaablp tla11 pme.'' total Y&fds whU~ boldlng hena · "=!~~MeyerlaJ't Park to 1A7. L .. poo !vl't 9Ul'e , Mike PtlC!H ts th! Brldns Santa Ana. will bav6 aa much C1'I • If .,_., tame ,uarterback and thre• two su~cesa Ftiday. , =·~Mlm.&~·!'9:1, 8*rom tauchdcrtna p111es aeainst West .. J haven't seen Mission Viejo ..,__... ,,; • Torrance and bad &DOtber called' yet, but lbe·"aJwa"'" "·ve acood 'tJ thlak :!'euatain Valley Ja u. I .7" .... No.1 tea-.J4a pie CIF'rl~ now,.. back. Anoiber potential •core football team ,·· aa~ .Lanoa. K~, Wit.Mat beslttt-. wu dropped. "Tbev h&ve tood receivers, Md I •• llu-. l~pl'NfalD Alan KOOll wnt open Ill fullback fitw'e we'll have our h.andl full 8n4 ,b1ka9d. them (3'-0) lD and Dale Oden at tailback. Koe. wttb everyone we play." Cbelropedet: . • ii 190 and Oden 185 and both.are Like uauaJ . Santa Ana ta "J a1lo aaw UM terlllll,llale ·nturi.lngltarterL UmJted In numbers-the vare.lty wllb Santa A~ Valley and The WJlso~ defensive unll ls la .composed of 32 playen-but ......... aJ.A~t • JOUlll wltb only two lettenben UM uauaJ, Lbe Saints have plenty ~ ~ r~ tt /«W'D~. Chris Thompson at ot guallly. WM· ao -"' I 11Debai and Carl GoU-.ty at Tbe atrenctbt appear to be• Valle ,. """" the Unet where Sant.a Ana la 11 1. ; tackle are the only ones fairly lar.ce. Tbe topplayerabere I •r•r • Brulaa loet tbelr nturn1n1. are aoc>·pound uiht end klio ~ to ~-J1!.,.T~ 07-JA) ' 11411'-f fetlt that l.f Fciwitalb Kenandes, 230·pound tacile -~1~e.---WJti1.-••· JhlletbdaweaknejJlt'aln\be D '.~ R d 200 I WO'N ~l-" ...,..., ol playen...,,. llclUa 1.:.'l,1Joe•i:1 •. "l'uswi"~ :::..n I:\ "ftJ9. •1 I del,.lveLlae, too. 1 1 • tacndlbl• ....-.o1 w.p .. .. ~r key offenalve plaJen bac IHUll ...;) U-. uarterback Km cut -4 I i:Q';F.!G:'. 9!~wi:'!;,!. ~-8.w.1· •::"Jt;•,°' ........ , ... bacll Rf!.i$.i .. _... • eou.;e c!!e 'rom -...-~~ " -toucbdowa ,... ICON etcbt 1oat1 eel .... ..,_ tbl Deriod ancldefeat ma we fum"-1 and In 1rtter polo p and ran fOf' a al't.emoa8. Jim ..... twDe.t· ..... ,occ ard ~ .. aalllH , ...,. a ftnl .Md toal ltfttop&Q,w ... . AZtecs, rf.ritons Similar- . Women's Results Soccer lcw Pt1ce, ond befn91reoted t!N 0 rMtt\Wr ct lhe JohMon FoMlly. wos worth golnQ OU ot my woy fof That~ who( Ir~ you drive to Jr>tw'\lson '1 Son The+t Go.oen Touch 'seMCe ts me ONLY woyrb bily. GfW «no cry. Thev ~ YoU feet reol lmpOflont. Nd. ~ me. rhot ~ tmpotrcnt. .. ' ....._..:....._... • • . If : ', •' ._.... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••"'••:•••••V . . . ~ •••• ••••t••••····•••4li:••···1 ·•···· 1 I • I • Clft ' ..•... ·.• ... t, ................ _., ••••••• t ~parkles . ~Opener .. MAXl·mu"' teltc ~owef' llA3 w ith MINf-tnv~ tlae .............. ...,,., . """'~ ........ c1r ..... ~,#---~ ...... .,, • '-_,....,_......, .~'!'.~(~ • T,,._"""' .. _,..... ,_.. • •. · ....... li1lltt QUMTl .... '~llCTAl&IM mu FOG LAMPS. ' . l ,., ......... Ofll' AND ROARING -Backdropped by the San Frucilco skyline, these -three opea dau boats took an earty lead iD the annual offahore P9Wer Boat Classic but only one ol them finl.sbed. Betty Cook of ~ewport Beaclt, Ute ODlY woman drtver.wu leadlnc <ritbt> untll 1be bnlke down: Joel Halpern <cemu> tbe seuan ~pohat champion, also brote down, and Preston Henn. Pom· psno Beach, Fla. (.left) went oo to will. HennPoWer SAN FJlANCISCO CAP> -.. Pnttm Helm of FL Laldenla&e, J'1a., • dn•..iold cnrner ot ''ldoll" drlve-~e theaters. overe~ ltftrt!IC DriJWI• end won the faorth anm..i San 1'J'Qc:l1cp 111.-mlle OffJbor• Pow« BoalJlace. 'ne la>'dndllc *'8ertnc QStem oa Jlfnn'1 boat, Streak~r. a al-foot ktnm poW.r.cl ~ 242 cubleloch_ llerCr&U•ra. malfUQC:Uoaed hme dlutaS the raee, ~ the boat com~etely round. loel Halpern of Blomrille, N.Y., the ~tly crowned natloaal ol· flbore champion, dropped out o( tM ..._. wltb a blown en1lne three ldlutM after the atmt. RSNN STAaTED out far back lD Ule pack of 12 open-<lau boats on a «*fie wbiU took tbe boats lrom San ~ .. y out into the Pacific Ocean on three separate lep. Bob Nordakos of \tan ~uy1, la Powerboat Kasnlne Speer.at wlt.b %·4H cubic lnch turboebarud Nordako1 en1lne1, held the lead Lhtou&bout th• race UDW tbe lut 3S rnUn, wben be broke a lt«D drive at Pt. Moot.era, 20 mlla IOUt.b ot San Fraocllco. ~d Lido Top Racing Teams ·Title Won Seek Mallory Cup By l.JJiman EtsM °' -.. iop ..Uboat nctq i.ama 1a u.e · Ueited S..t. Milo competbioa at Alamltoe Bay Two JHlll Balboa Yacht Club, IAlll BlllC'b HartM>r for tbe coveted Yacht Club aallon -llallory Cup, 11mi.ou. ol the men's yacht radns llotb ol whom wen de-cbamptomblpGftbeuattedStates. feat•d for OlympJc: Bept:.....,tta1Area G (Calllomla) will be Dave bertba lo their respective Crockett ot t.be bolt dub with crewmen Sid Eale7 cJuaa -baltltd down and Curt Nlrola.L to t1'e wlre tbe past TBS SIGBT·&ACE ....... will be 1elled ta ....... for the Dbtric:t Cal·20 11-wlt.b .... -akers allowed OD ta.. I (loutMn Calltanla> -..-.,..._ lJdo..W c11unpi0ftlblp at downwtnd '1BI· OffidU. a1 ABYC aald all of UM KlnsHart»orYacbtC!ob. boa.ti an belnl outfitud with MW 1aill to mU, ""9 th• final iun had them u nearly equal ., polllble. aounct.d, Dtave Ullman 't'be tace acbedule ealll for ~ i-~ ftura-da)'. thl'ft'G111"rlcllY-an«l'tlllo s.turda)'. W '"'PMd "I> bll tNrd ne II allot')' aip b one el the United St.ata IJdo.14 -•e.tnct ch•tn· Yaebt Rael.DI Umoo'1 .,.\Lil competlUom to de· ,._..., -to io alonl -•t~ ~... •---' wtth bll aaUonal uu. lD tennlnethetop1..-.in'f .. 10U1ca-.-.e1. the clua. OTBBaS INCLUDE THE Adarnt C-.p for But cloee behind him ftlnen, the S.ar• CUp for jwdon, tbe O'Day Cup on tbe scoreboard wu for aln1lehandenr and tbe ..-mce ot Wales Bewl for hi• clu'm ate Arnie match ractnc. Campbell. Ullman POlt· The 1>revlou1 7en'1 wtaner doH not eel ftallba of 1.a.1 for a au&omatlcally defend Illa UU.. ComPttlt«t ._...to total ol 4~ poiata while emcr1e to tb• flnall by a...._ ot ellminaUon rac .. =U at.ayed In the lnthelrreapectiveareu. to lbe t.at wt\Jl fllllbll °' 2· 1 ·J f Of' 4'4 ,.,.,. ,,..... • .,. 51 eatri• ln tM dlltrlc:t re1au., 18 aalltn• the cbampfcmahlp nJtbt after eUmlDatioM oaSatardaJ. Tbe .tnner lo Urie eon- HI a tl oa n11bt ... Clsarll• Cummtn11 of Alamitos Bay Yec1't Chait: t.IMt ruana-up ... Lou Broob Mta1lon Bay Yacht Club, and third wu Quil Ebert, ABYC. Application Doe 40 Yaehts liavlted Ocean Fleet Race set "1BUC N011CE Oo\ll Y fltlOT " .... , ... NBC• 1:00 -•"The Great Ch1ca10 Ripe>lf.'• ffredd.le ''Cblco'' ,..._ plays anelectn>ftlcs wiurdlntldl,...TV mov· 1 le about a eomplicated pe,roll bellt in a municipal transit system. . CBS • 8 :00 -Ball FOW'. Former baseball j'ltcber Jim Bautoe play1 a mwacter cio.e toblmseaf ill &Ml MW com- edy abol&t an inept ball tem IUllnllcent ct tbe pre-Joe Hard.Y .,,._ Yaokees." (Review, this pace.> KHJ e u:oo-···~· .. Tbe idle ol Butope II tbt f~ Point ol thiJ bilblY rated W«ld War U *im• with Van Johnso», JobnHodllk, &Icardo llon· talban. George llurpb,y ad James Wblt· more. FOIC FulletUln ~25-414 7 ·~ AlllllWll 712""46 IUA CITY CINE~ Qrfl'gt 634·n1 \ VAU.El' Vlhlt Gifde4G1M 194-SW TUSTIN lWIM T uSllll s.44-1696 FOUWTA* VAUEY ~llfMA Fou11i.t1 Vtltly IUt·t~ SADDUIAU'LUA Cl~EllA Etleto~e<> - Ml-<Mfl c~M e:.iio I u -:-=.=:--~ _,._ ... _ ... , I ••• 1iiiii•. ,_ 8111 ,:..; I . :Sf: ,, ................ c. I C .......... \h .. SIAIOI L~..., ,...._,.cam" ~ .... PLOT~,,. t.eam·• con~m .n~~~~~~~~ _.a .... II 'rt'd ••1111111 artid• that Bouloo ~•MIW~ft.iii,Jiiii .. I -e ~ ....... at., u... 0 ..... ll~J--baa writt.eD. 'fte alarm ii ml)or, tM 1all .iaor. The &ood at&aff comes only wben Bouton, sum- moaed to the bueb.l commisaioner's om~. is met bf 1 TV crew ror a ~and-start lntuvtew that re- aemblea the real thlQ8. For nam~le, die reporter privately praJses Bouton for tellin& it like ft ls in print. Then, as ~ camera rolls. be ub: "Where do you get off stab-binl your teammates ln the baclt!'' With 010(9 o~lbis ... Ball Four" would be orr to a 16dd .art. still, lt'a a bopelw slcn, so wait for the second inni.oi. "CBAaUE'S ANG~., AT lt stars Kaie Jackson. Farrah Fawcett-M..tc>n and iaelyn Smith u ex-cosis wortlns tor a private eye emporium run by Jobn Fonytbe, who never faces the screen. Smart move, Jobn. The opening show has the An1eb t.ryini to solve a rat.at car-racin1 crash that you will find ls linked to a planned diamond heist. The plot explodes, screecbel, twists, turns and makes childish seem adult. Not much actln1 ls re- quired ol the ladles, only that they look tawny. Mias Fawcett·llajon ii t.be best·loolrin1 tawny. ..,,~~,!" ~~,_. v -... --), . " .._.nur -••n--"•' ... ,.--.a:.~·'" m~=f .,.ET\MN TO IOCON COUNTY"~= ~QUES't'' <s:»>, the sole western on this fall, m-,y sound muodane -two younc brothers Kutt Russell and Tlm Matheson seeking their sla-ter. whom Chey~ lndlans kidnaped in a raid ..._ _______ _. etibt years earlier. ------------------ But the openlnc show, about a white woman and' her balf-br~ son whom t.be brother. save durtn1 an Army reprisal raid oa a Cheyenne camp. is re- allatic. ¢tty stuff rorteleviaion. A~ong other thlnp it shows the Army did Its share or rrooUer musacres, that brothels were part ol frontier We and that those who believed lD the Bi· ble could be u biioted u anyone. Thia is old hat foe theatrical movies but new bat ror t.ele\dlioa'a version ol the West. This version, featurlq &ood acuna. [aJr plotUn1 and intelllcent dlalOfue. is a fine l>eijmlng. Hope it continues. Actor Pens Script_ For 49Falling Star' LOS ANGELES CAP)-Jlobby Benson, star of "Ode to Billy Joe," solved the pt'oblem or how to follow that mm. Hewrotehiaownscreenplay. Benaon and Jerry Segal a.re co-authors of the ori1lnal acrlpt, "Cat.ch a PaU1n1 ~tar," which Warner Brothers will bteln filmina Oct. t . Benson wtllatarunderthed~ofLamontJobnson. The story concerns a basketball player and his involvement in athletic pt>UUca. Locations will be filmed at Colorado State Unlvenslty in Ft. Colllns. UU'S SO. COAST PWA ttstallfou '4.'::n"f llU- ~u.~ .. ,,, .... _, ........ H •• .,..,,., .... •n-•>Je ... _,,_,,. . ...,,_ __ .,..s ,,.,, ... .., SO. CGm 1lW "A&JCI .. WOlllllUUW• ... I ·-= .... ,,...., ... ----~ llOl'S Cll!llWIO ...... ..,... :r: • ~Uon lb• beUer ~ J>afecaoy u pt a no me. llOloblt. LD a P10ana\U.t AS IN SEal ES A, we includes the Concerto start on with a eorker ol No. z io C mlaot-lor· •concert: lhe.PollabNa.' plano and orchestra, tional Sympl\ooy opu. 18, and Ravel'• 'On:bestra Ul)der the Alborada del Gr~toso baton o t 8 ob d an from "Miroin." r Wodlcallto, wllh Pl.DY' 'that's on Nov, 5 and , ......... '--...... ~-:::±~===~=========--flu~ ue' the detalb on UR STO,_Y OUT ..., One week only Sept. 22-28 the remaln101 ro~ con· tettt: Tif\y T1ln -'Feb. i1. 1977, 1Vf:$l ---------conductor G enliady Roihdestvensky with the Los Ancele• Pbllharmonic Orchestra and solo violinist Silvi.a Marcovjcl in a proP"am t b at in c l "des· Tscbalkowsky's Violin Concerto and the same com~er's Third Sym- pboo.y. STATELINE, Nev. (AP) -It WU • i:lassk example or the veteran I d ,.Led Th . , entertainer and the re-'G a y OU A. cit "'" : -MAB CB 1%, euest latlvely new sinter beine , ,. , • , conductor Pinchas teamed, and tt i.a being T :~M.~..t~••t,:u ~ l 1-:, 1 Zukerman wHb \he acclaimed as one ol lhe .: :r::::::_ !'. ; . LAPO w'tb several as best concert shows lo r ~ d J brt "'lay a "'... d tno ,_ me my classification -I tb1'* It wu 4·0 . 'JI said yet unnawe ce e ty ., ~.~c:ya a cu. w 'What does this mean?' He told me, 'It meal\S le.'l} film ~ctQrs ha.ndlipg \be yeFatsra.nk Sinatra and call~ouiltbeyattackNewYork'I" . EnghJh "arraUoo ot DAILY PILOT st r av 10 5 l(y • 5 • 'Tbe Jol)p Denver dld eight •vine run ~t ol services ln which to enlist, Soldier's Tale." ~o w~·end shot.ts-three a. ~ decided to tuck bis ukulele into a brown L.-~:..:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;..._..======~~~~ Bach's Brandenburg nlgtlt Friday and Satur-grocery bag •nd •tanedtoauditiontoplay and sing '-+-.....,..---__,...,,..,.....,.. ....... -------,,....~~ ...... •nA t Sunda <while doublln1 u a daance mJfter) at Pla;land conctttos, Nos. l, 3 and ~ -r: wo on ~ p-... I R N Y 4. · -befqre_ wildly -.... n ye, · · -April 9., music di.rec· ~pplawllnl &ta.ndint· -· torZubinMebtawithhis room oQJy audienees at STIU.ltt8JNl;"l'OGETajobentertainlng,he LAPO in a program that Har rah' s on Lake fmally landed a •PGl at Hubert'• Flea Museum -a will feature Brahms' Taboe'sSou~Shore. ·•· 42ndSlreetbonkytmk.He~~therefors~venl SynlphonyNo.1. A ft A a a A R years as Larry Love, t.be Sineinl C.nary. ~ey _ April 27 , Mehta spo~esman called it were paying me fifty dollars a week, and for SlOI· again with his LAPO in a one of the best recdved in&! "Tinybra11edtoStetn, proaram that wlH i.n-concerts ln memory ad· "I~~·" lae~•~'*· "l ehansed fD1 ~• elude ~trJuss' "Don d.lncthatllhadatlradecs to~ ,yer;J ~11tet;.tp&st,l04 J u a 0 • • a n d what be termed a Lant Le ~ beldt with t.neal. E~ Tscbaikowsky's Sym-phenomenal advance re-tod,ay, l eecasloeal11t.el19e0Pfe mr'name ts phon N 1 eistration response. He Sltlffkd Krippa. I ai.o ..e the name of Amos Re~~~r. music lov· a a t d ff a r r ah • s RMcUfre. I W!'Ote • lett.d' receftlty to a girl and ers, all programs are switchboard received s~~d i,~ Don•ld Vanderlfltb. 1 lo•• n•1l1• subject to cbange, Keep nearly 40,000 Rhone calls c ea. l _ J • · an eye open for any re· lnthefirsthourafterthe . Thebook ack9tawmupt.bb1ent1etaU.1aa1UC· visions or addltioM that reservations list was Clllctl.}' and hOnestly as ht himself mi&hl. Asked will a,, announced aa the openecl. what he'd Hite to s~ chiseled onto h1a owq seas~prosresses. ,The st-minute format to~bstone. he cam~ up with: "~ether he.,, a · opened with Sinatra and rnilunderstooa Innocent, an lnlanttre e1C!!Jst,•w l° -CHORDS AT Ran· Denver each makins enkrtalnmut1ealua -'l'ia.Y'nntwasneverdull. dom _ /\ youns l(ldY 30 -'n\inut~ aolo •P· .Nelthertabls''unauthorbedb10frap~y." ~ wbo la a mernber of ~ol pearancd a nd tben Q: I beard Yal Bfylaittr on a talk '11tew fif• Pt Orange Coast Colleae leaminl for the last 30 t1a& a paychlc ltnlel' a.red lalm of throat ca11ce.r. Symphonic Chorale ,.ala minutes in a highlight AnythJJl1 to lbll'l' -Ms.. Vera Baylor, Rale1gft, N.C. me why I have not com· finale. A ';.; Brynn~r. SI, revealed he'd c.on1u'~ d mented on the fact that Critics, and, audience P59chic beaten for years. For several l'l)ohtht • the ensemble plans lo allke bad praile for Den· grpwth bad been developing on ona Ol ht.voe•• wr~ four Europe next June. ver'• more youthful ds and telta we.re made toaee if It required surg~ty. U you in&bt. Mr view voi~e but many aaved Bf)'llDtt con1111ted Norbu Chen of Houston who ia that such a tour is a lbeir bilhest acclaim for clttma to bav' learned healln1 from Tibet.an lllist.alc'C I beard nothin1 the phraaiA1 and vocal myatics. The actor waa visited by Chen Ulree times from the OCCSC last characterization iha• a day !qr three da,ys an4 the treatment lnch.ided Muon to suueit that bas made sioatra the acupuncture. AccordinJ to Brynner -"It was re· ~ w.ere ready for a tour moat famous and in· markabJ~. \l\e psychic healing took only a Jp .of Orange County let nuential pop singer ol his seconds, then L1lepl foe two hours and w~e {eeUhc alone Europe. generation. much better.•• • .. . . .. ·' ABC S\Veeps 'Dop .:T. en , • r 1!1hr • ... U>S ANO'ELES (AP)-ABC's Sun· day nliht movie, .. Sky Terror~"• wu last week 'a mo1t·watched ulevtston sbotf. and a paid ball·hour address by Ronald Reagan on behalf or the R~blican party the.nme nJaht on NBC drew the few~ viewers, accord· lnf to A. C Nfelsen Company estimates. Twelve other ABC mow. fJrtlahed in the \op 20 besides the moV'te, which waa seen In nearly ZZ.3 mlU.leo bome11 or 11 perceot or tKe ·~ tn ttis tin» period, the auJVey Jaid, Tuesday. ABC had lbe top lOall to it.sea!. a.SAGAN'S SPSECll ~ aeeA tn ju.t more than J.5 mtUion homes, ac- e6rd.,,1 lo the survty rgr_ the week eect1ncSept.11. j,~ f'olllltn1er Bqtt Dy. Ian's N~C ' qeelal last TuHOy, his f!M on a ~.-erclal netwon, woo vlewen in about 7.4 million homes, COll:llq ln thlrd la Its tJme pertOd ....._t a CBS ~ •P¥1•l. "a.cue~~~." I ' I ) ,1 .. OAILY PILOT W!d!?!!d!x, S!ptembef P. 1 f!! ,, THE t',\,,llL\ (.UKlS" 818'1K.:u 'Free' Cr:edit Cards ' I r • ,I ''Remember. Jeffy--.f you win me you hofto jump over the net ond tell me." Slo"' Dikes Pennies Adding Up By Tbe Auecla&.ed Prus Slowly, over weeks and montlul but in pen· nles that add up to dollars, the prices you pay for food are ROlng up. -The Agnculture Department sa~ rood pnces as a whole may go 3 lo 4 percent higher Utrough June. 1977, than they dJd m the first half ol th1s year • -SUGAR PRODUCERS say the price of their product should go up because or Presi· dent FoTd 's actions Tuesday in lrtplin& the tax Oil sugar grown outside the United States. -And the Agnculture Department also announced that the &eCOOd increase Ulis year m pnce supports for mamdarturing·grade milk will have someelrttt on oonsurners. The governmaot41DJ)()UDCed Tueld.ay tll•t ronsumer prices increased by five-tenths of 1 percent In August. Tbe rate of increase has not changed In the last three montbs. LABOll DEPARTMENT statistics showed that inflation J!> running at an annual rate of about 6 percent. 1n line with ad· mintstralloo forecasts. The department said a deeline in m eat prices fa.ii~ to offset .hlcher cost.s for most other roods, fuel and clot.hlng .. May Be o~ Way Out • • SAN Flt.ANCJSCO <AP> -A bad York's lar10tt, bqan a 50-~nt·•· otaclal says that aomada,y lt w1U cost moD1b cbar1e lut April on caJ'd& molley JUI& to carry~ cndll eatd. But wtth an unpaid balance. No <>'her not ri&bt •••>'. bank bu Col lowed lo ha foouteps. Kenneth V. Larkhi....-.t• pr.- 1ideat of Bank or America Mid be.Id ot it.a lead.llll and BanUmerteard pro. mm. IUHHI thll • (.,. ,., tta. popular card .. •bout tlvo ~an oa. BUT IT'S BOVNOTO come. LartJn 1a1d u be be1an bi1 tenure u ctWrman of the ACDettcan BJnk•n AJtoclatioo '• bank clrd dMslon. 80WEVE•. WRP.N ONL'Y 3.500 of U.. bank'• uo.ooo c~ \IHf1 dropped out becauu of lbe fee, it &bowed &nk ot Amtrica tomet:h!na. l..arido ,.Id. ''Tb.la '4111 us mast people don't thlnk '8 a year la exorblLant for the UM ol a ballk card." Netv A 11gles "Our COit.i bne FN 11P1" be uid. "We u. char'1nt U. samit rate u 1D 111151 when BankAmerica.rd wu lo· t.rod~ed. Credit card holden ha" bMll an- Uclpatln' a fee alnce Cltibuk. New Larkin aaid bank cards are becom· Int lncJ'ea.llnllY popular at depart· met stores, where 14 ol the nation's top 100 c b a Ina oow ac c ept M~ar1e and BankAmerica.rd. '1n five years our market ha.a aooe from 10 to more than 30 pettent," he said. "By 111190 It wUl be over SO per· cent.•• The Continental Mark V ror 19n, succeeding this year' Mark IV. wiU have more angular lines whll(' retaining tbe traditional Mark griUe and Continental spare tare trunk lid. f'ront fender louvres are a new touch. The new model weighs almost 400 pounds les& • o.nd has a standard 400.ClO 2V engine. ' OC Price Hikes Outstrip Nation's :~I . '. LOS ANGELES <AP) -Connmer Intention to build the SUn Desel:l. ( ) COMpaHfl PlaM• llot~& '\' prices in Southern California rose nuclearplantlnlheviclnityolBlyt.he. TAKING TOCK PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)-otflc~ fatter than 1D lbe rat al the nation Tbe primao-ioat ol the bearincs_ ls last monlb. thefovemmentaald. to pr0vide ao opport'.mity for public or Moran Construct.ors, Inc., Alba Led by a 2 percent rtae tn apparel particlpaUon. Hearinp will include bra, have announced tentative p and upkeep coQ8, prices climbed by .S present.aUom by SOOltE staff and the bank, wbicb lends billions ol for a S2l million, SOO.room hot.el • percent IA Aocust to a~ 1•. 7 OD comultanta and !:nercy Commission dollars a year to member nations to Portland's west aide waterfront. ' the federal 1overnment's Coolumer atatr, alatementa or comment.a by ln· help them with development proJect.s Georg~ Dickeraon. vi~ p...si~ Price Index. That means the same terveoors, and questions or com-said the company hopes to complefll 1oods and services which cost $100 1D meats from lbe public. na11ag~ Se-aelHar Sea financing arrangements by OcL 1. ~ 191'1 would cost$1ee.70&oday. A _ Eight one.day workshops in ak1Us fhttd BUI ''.-to IJr~d ",'. A Bureau of Labor Stati1Uca C!eolnltGlll• lo i .... ~t for managers and supervisors will be OAKLAND (AP> -Afroupofst.atilt spokesman in Los An&de.s said prleft John H. Burton, Western re&ionaJ offered Thursdays and Sat.urda~ dur· and San FranclsC'o Bay area ofRci_.. in Oran4e and Loa AQgeles counti~ director of corporate relaUons for ing fall by the UC lrvute management has urged Gov Edmund Brown Jr:1o were rutng at an annual rate of 6.• Fluor Corp., will speak al tonight's and supervlaory development pro-veto a bill that would prohibit cl~ percenL For the natioo as a whole, meet.ins of the Orange Coast Chapter cram, sponsored by UCI Extension. from imposing rent control Laws. • prices were Nini at a 1 pe"*'1 an. ol \be .National ABaoclaUon ol Accoun· Four Tbunday work.shops, directed "At issue is not whether reil l oual rate. t.anta. The meetin1 will be beld at the by Dr. Howard Wilson. are scheduled is &ood. but whether cities s The only it.em in the Southern Soutb Coast Plaaa Hot.el. Cocrta Mesa. for tbe Holiday Inn. 3131 Brist.ol St.. have the right lo respond lo bo California Consumer Price Index BallkAee-t•1'lelMa• Costa Mesa . Four Sat urday conditionsona locallewl,"state which remained unchanced durint -r workshops will be held on the UCl Nicholas Petris (l).Qakland), a Au1\L5twaafood,thespokeamanaald. WASHINGTON (AP) -Despite campus in the Mesa Court Gold arterthegroupmet. !JI U.S. opposition, Communist Vietnam Room. Both seasioos beein this week "" , ~•~ar H~arl..,,. Set bu won membership in the World Sessions will be held from 9· JO fA-ouotttfc• C'hab Mt-el# "~ j The California Eoera Resourtea Ban1t. A U.S. official said no other na· a.m . .,.:30 p.m. Fee for each workshop -The Economic Club will meet tn Conservation • Development Com· lion voled a1alnst Hanoi. i.s SSO and includes lunch. parklng and community room of, Home Sav~: rnJ.saion bu acbeduled Ove days of in· The vote on Vietnam was taken In· materials. and Loan, El Toro, at c p.m., Frid-,. I formational bearlop GO San Die10 formally Tuesday during a closed Further information is available al Meeting cost Is $1 .50. Reservatloil9 Gu " Electric eo~·s notice o1 meeting ol the executive directors of UCI Extension, 833-5414. a.re requested ; pbone633-0792. ' I .-------------------------------~'i f e . OC Businesspeople on Move Ov~r Th., Countt·r· I' •• ,.. I '. James Tbt'el, M1&1on V1eJo. has been named controller for Tret'Sweet Products Company, Santa Ana. He is rormer controlkr for lhe firm's parent company, Di G1org10Corp. • John Vsb.-r has been named dJrector hf sales for Varian Data Machine, lrv10e He 1s former northwestern sales manager for the firm. In bis n w llOtt be is res~lble for sales and aupport ac· UviUea In the conllnentaJ United States. • F. W. Woolworth Company has announced the following personnel changes : -Andrt'w C'hlng has been named associate manager of the C'osta ~1esa Woolworth store. He Is former assistant a~1ate manager or the llonolulu store Eric \'ao has been named assistant general manager or the t'ountain Vnlley Woolco store. He is former ussocaate manager in the Costa Mesa store. Neldon Bryant is the new general manager of lhe Founlain Va lley Woolco store. »els former u - ~ ilstant aeneral manager ln that slore. • l ob.ft T. Monon. Newport Beach, bas joined Case·Swayoe Company, Santa Ana, as sales and marketing manaaer for the canned fooch division. Ht' will manage sales and markeUng activities and porticipatc in development of company and private label product ~. He Is former national field sales mana((er for Baker/Beechnut, lnc. • , Douglas M. Pont hos been prom~ to director • I)( community development for the lntae Com· pany. .. He 1s ruponaJble for de· velopment programs in the village of Turtle Rock, including plo.nnini. i;tainlna ionlng •P· provals frt>m the city of lrvfnc dlr e<'ti nir construction a nd cstabllshin(( community U · aoc111t1ons . t"ord Joined the company in • 1912 as proJect m1n11er for Big Canyon. Newport Beach, :.nd ,io.o the Vllloac of Untve11"1lty Park, Irvine. Prior lo that • ht> was u11oclatt'd with Rancho CallfornJa In ac..·nrnl po~ltlon1, lncludln11eneral manaur . • lltx L. flbft ttB.1 been namoi1 L6 J\ng'ele• are• , \'Ice president for WeMef9 tlatDe Tete•r• .. CoM· • puy. He ls rcsponslblet?r pie (lrm'apperaUons lo Southern California, SoUtbem Nevada and Ar110DL , He Is former San P'rand.aco areQ vice president. Bet~ Eclmu•da has been appointed assistant vice president and loan servicin1 aupervlaot at the WestmiDJter branch of Ke)'9C.olle 8avtac1 a .. Lou AaoclaUoe. She bas been with the company nine years and is former asalstant secretary at the branch. • Hany Bray, Fountain Valley, bas been named product plannln1 mana1er for tbe dynamtc trutru- ment division of Endeve9, San Juan Capistrano. He la respoosl· ble for market research and lon1·range planning. He bt'aan bis career aa an lns trumeotation operations manaaer wHb McDonnell· Douglas f1igbt Test DiYision ln St. Louis, later becomln1 senior Instrumentation etlfiMet with the firm at Edwards Air Fon:e Base. HAY He alto baa 1.-..d H an advanced data l)'ltema enifneerlnt speelallat for Douelaa Aircraft Company's flltht development dJviaioo al Loog Beach. Cltack Zaremk, Laguna Beach, bas joined. C:.CVue Claase a.S Compaay. Newport Beach, aa a public retaUona account uec:utive. He ia former accOUDt executive with Cwmin&bam and Walsh, Inc .• Loe Ana el ea • MUTUAL FUND S '· .. - ---------~ -=---~ -~----- NYSE COMPOSI'l'E TRANSACTIONS s DA.IL V Pfl.OT ft Kraf t~o-K ralt. Name Changes, So Do Products By lllL'ION llOSllOWITI 'Ibe oauoo '• ltqat food ~ l• ~tint ltl name -qain. ft1a Ume lt thlnka lt hull down ri1bt When tt was ortstnatty orsarunct ln 1m u one ot th• ml)« dairy food.a eacnr-• IA Ute country, the compay wH called Nation• Dairy Prochacta Corp. and ll made It.a bead· &_y~ lo New YCll'k Tbe company was Money Tree -and ls -a leadi.aa ' on>ducer of ftwd milk. ice cream and otber dalr7 snctuct.a, but as it rrew tbe • dlvilk)n that acbJeved the•areatat auc:ceu was the old Kraft cbeae operatioo out ol Wcqo. Kraft became the t>q contribator of prolJt.a and muqement talent to NaUonal ' Dairy. ' NATIONAL DADlT lmCOCNIZ8D TRIS eontrlbuUoa by moviftl lu be.dquarten to the Cbka10 area. The corn· pany ii now hued in Gleovlew. llL lt alao dedded i..D 1• to cban&e its corporate name. Why It siillply didn't rename illelf Kraft la a mystery. But the aame it did come up wtt.h wu Kraftco. So for the tlnt 46 years of lu exilteoee. UM company was known eniamaUcally as "Nailooal Dairy." Then, for the next aeven yeus, it bad a aa.me. Krat'\.co. that conf\lsed a lot of people. Now the corporate name Ls 1oln& to be cban1ed to -yes -KraftCorp. Youhavenoideabowmuc:bbltb·poweredex- ecutive lime and effort are expended in reachinl these dlf· t\cwt deeiaions, whJcb ln t.b1s cue came down to naminc the company after ita molt well-known brand aame. WBATEVEll 1'BE NAME, TIDS rompany 1enerates more sales than any other food processor we hav~. Much of lt I.a in cbffle, wbJcb account.a for rouahlY '° percent of the oompany'a aalea. Amoq it.a m-.jor packaaes are Cbeea Whit., Velveeta, Cracker .BarTcl and Philade lphia cnsam cheese. Kratt cloes an est.lmated so r.rcent of the processed cheese business lo Americ.. wblch a an Incredible sUce for ooe company. . Kraft la a power in the l'lW"'larine market with Its Parb.J' brand, it's probebty the lead1n1 salad dressing pro- ducer with its mayoanalae, Miracle Whip and Great Be1ln- nlnp mixes. aod it bas a llr'oGI 11De ol packaJed paata- bued dinners. AmOQI ill dairy brand names are Breautone, Sealteat, Breyer'•, Su1ar Creek and Lltht n ' Lively. F1uJd milk pro- dud.a account for t.4 percent ol lta aales, lee cream and frozen desserta repswent anotbel' 5.8 pe.rcenl. BEU IS TBE W~Y U.S. food proc:aton rank: 1'7llales Kraftco S4.8 billion ~ Elmark <Swift) $4.1 bllllon General Foods •' S4 billion Beatrice Foods $3.6 billion Borden S2.5 billion Not bad for a cheese maker, which ls now edglnc away from its dairy base by bringltlg out auch ilema aa Imitation mayonnaise and imltatJon colby cheese, products which substitute vegetable oil for milk, thereby cuttin& the costs of the ingredients. The orieiJlal name would not do at all. Borrowe~ight,s Upheld in Ruling By Capitol News 8ervke Debtors can no Jon1er sip away their rights to trial as part or a routine contract when borrowing money, accord· i.ng tu Attorney General E veUe J . Younger. \'ounier 's opin.Jon, in response to an inquiry from Rep. William Thomas CR-Bakersfield) about "Jud1ment.s by con· feaaioo, ''closed a loophole allowin& debtors to serve as their ' own attorneys. In the past. the un· wary borrower who (CONSUMER J lllJled sucha confesslon _ _ ol Judgment could find bJmself suddenly raced with a court order to re· pay the m oney im- mediately or lose the property ll he defaulted on his pay-~ menu. Now, the debtor must have an attorney to make sure he understands tbe posaible consequences and Is willing to 11lgn such an acreement. AN EXAMPLE OF A coofesslon of judgment statement liven by Younger ls, "J. debtor. do here by confess judg- ment beretn lo favor ol credit.or, and aulhorlze jud1ment Lo be rendered and entered against m e ln the sum of $500. This confession of Judsmcnt lJ for a debt Justly due and owing by me on account of . • . " With aucb a confession ol Judgment the lender was able to obtain a court order automatically, without a hearing , because the slened acreement admitted the debtor 's 1\illt 1n advance. Under the law no further notice or the f1Un1 of a complaint was necessary. While a person can usually act 011 his own attorney In court and 1enerally bind bJmJOlf In Jeaally enforceable con· tract.I, be cannot reuonably be called capable or "1lvlna hJmself'' leaal advice, Youn11r1atd. ' CONP£8810N8 OP IUOOMENT rcquJre leRal advice becauu they prffmpt the borrower'• rlaht lo defend bJm1elf In court. lD 1'11, tb• l•lblature lldcled to the civil procedu~ codct a provl.alon that "such Juament by conlualon 1haJI be en· le,_. ontJ ll an attarney lnCle~nUy reprnentJnc tho do· fendant alpa • certJnca~ that ho hH tumlncd lhe pro- po1ed Juqment and has advtled the derendant to utlUat th@ conteaalon ol Jud1ment ~ure. • • The r1Uonale fot the 1'15 ammdment, Voun1er aa.ld, "ii predlely that cciat .. klnl or Judcm•nt u• 1peci1I CAHI, In which lb• common u.ndertla.ndlng or conaumera ,...ardlnt Ulla arH of the law II praumptlvely lnldequate to entur. Ulat tlMy .,. waJvtn1 their r11hts to notice and beartna YOlunta rtJy and lntelU Uy." 11115 DBVICB • OP'l'EH Uled by collfftlon •fenclea who take consumer ~ aft.er default on the onelnal credit contract. Tbe •PM* cot'lvtnce eonaumer-debtora to •lln their aireomeall wb1M DeCotlaUn1 eaaler lerma for re- PQmenL Altboqb It ll ...U, andlnt40d that tbe creditor wtU neon to • eoart order onlJ bi cue of default. lhe creditor with propetl,J 1Jped COMlplneal of judlll"ftt ln ltlnd CID ' ttt • court order tor lmmedlat.e repayment at 8QJ Umt l'DS'dy bJ ~Miiia CM coal.Uon to a court cltrll. ' \ New Unit Anno1D1ced ~~----~ ----~ -~ - •Jf DAil. Y PtLOT w.dl!!!C!!y, S.,••ltler 22, 1179 San Diego Ba~·£ ear 11.fterr Navy, €ity Battle· SAN DIEGO CAP)-1.Au t.baD 11 yean a101 murky ceu]ION ol prba1e and death. Sao oteco Bay today ii alalmmmnc dear, a bun foe wU.dUfe Md Gab ol aU en-. "It Lt the cleanest bay 1n a met.ropoUtan area ia the •or>ct." elalmt Dr. J .B. Aak~. a~ public health ofncial who helped eleanltup. HOW did it happu? TBB NAVY, WITH lU wardis-controllin& the waters, aad waatH from Industrial plabl went ldf!Dlllied u the bii otr..a.r.. H.a.b.lnl tbe flow ol raw MW•lt ltom the bil 1hlp1 haa al.lo been t.M toufheat job, but wit.b city ..-aw-e the Navy bu lNtalled sdl-eootlllned aeware treatmftll =ta,. more lbu ball Ill *' ~ abl pa are holdlnl wik.a, !! aJma.t all the naval lDtlalla Mrderinc the k1 an •hi abore nwase connee· uou. bo b--·etly'a metro· plilt• ae wa1e a yatem bu 1trtet11 eoa'">illed dump- lo& lnto tla• bay •lace tbe 1y1tem waa formed In 1113. Toutb re1ulat1on1 were enloreed by the harbor dlatrtct. Tbe two major tuna canoeriu lake Into tbe ••wase 1yat.em to- day the water tbat ts paured onr tnnea flah to thaw t.hem fot \In· toadlna. Twla boata atay in port only briefly, and their' ttev.'S stay onabore. A dqrH ol pollutloo still ls blamed on lorelrn careo 1hlp1 and frel1htera, aa well u private tlahb:lJ boata, but not mucb. GETl'ING ALL TBS people olf anchore d boata remain• a headache but •'the amount ol eewa1e that eom• from tbem ii not a bll problem" fOf' the eouh bay, aaya Ladln Delaney, aupervlalns eo1lneer for tbt. Reatoaal Water Qualtty Control Board. ··1 triod to set tho.-ople off~ boata, but l never ncceededJ" aald Alktw, who w11 the boaro't llnt chairman. The lmprovem Dl n wattr cond1Uona baa been~aculot. CHICKEN Of THE SEA LNJSAY CALfORNIA "BEHOLD" 2tt1MJ 3.99 Prowi de~ 1.200 1et p1)1es ot wat er per m1nut' to flu\11 1ut f'lod 24 88 and help mac;~age gums ,37 Deluxe • JohMM ~::::If-FURNITURE "FUTURE" ACRYLIC __ R_ FLOOR ~ ~ YOUR ~ CHOICE 1 .. t· ... ~-Q;: ·-~:::......:_j POLISH 12 Ol. SIZE age MEN'S & BOYS' "TUBE SOCKS" D•lu•• Atll'etic w :t Str ;>e Tr1"1. MEN'S Sill 10..13 BOYS' SIU 9· 11 88: - ULTRA BAN ROU·ON Rea ' Unscented 1.5 oz 77c ~ . r 1 FINISH ..:. I . - TOVRtler Ttlan WaJ 27 oz. 1.49 DAYS-WI SOLID AIR ~ . FRESHENER 'I Cinnamon Spice fragrance . ~75 2i1.00 "EARTH BORN" Creme It• I. a oz. CoM1•7 9c 2 ~ 19C Cit1s' tallcy desip .. 111. • g gc bilk auyhc. _ Sllt t te 11 """ CHUNK LIGHT TUNA PITTED RIPE OLIVES CREAMETTES MACAROtl 6 F 1 0 0 7 OL Sil£ : • PET SUPPLES MINK BRUSH SCOTCH MIGHLANDER 60 MIN. CASSETTE TAPES PUOf Z -LINATONE f or Ooas and Cats. foad SuppfemeJlt for Skin alld Coat A4or1ble MiN I Plan hit To Be ni-.i W1~ Y• f mnte Pleats ' ro• CHOier 1.49 2.79 UQUI) "DRANO" DIA1N OPENER 32 OZ. SIZE 59c THE "Handler" · MEN'S SHAMPOO AND CONDfTfONER l oz. ggc rFJ r• I . .! '-1 'O c ._ ... 1 ~··-:· __ __; CUTTING BOARD Sink 'n Counter ••• Madi? of solid Potyolelln. fits 11nks meuurlna 14'' to 210 4 99 11;88 WH • HUNT. wctt-MetM a....-"~..,....flrintd• & Ulftew l'OUNTAJN VA&.LH -"-tnoU•." -..,..., NaW~ftT ~•oao ,..._, w._.,.... 1.:.n.-Jltt ...,.....Ma:eoe 11. 11 r°'*"a.m ~ ftct MAAGUlfUTE PKWAY~••n VJel ' ' - a1CU&YL-O ........ ,,.... ... Wbat•1 new In i..au. for Oranae Coast women thil fall? Mercbaadiaera differ In their evaluat.lon, but one adviser summed it up by 1ayla1. "Nothlnt is really new lo f11btoe." One noticeable cbanee is the re· tum of the drets. Seen gtnerall7 In the evenins. it ts no lancer called a "cocktail" or ''after nve" but a "P.11." Lepatchers wtn bepleued to hear beMUoea bave riltO Juat a blt Ind IOl\el' flbrtcs ·sunat a more "romantic look." Man-tailored, vested suits are maklnc an impact, u well u the fammar velvet blaier·plald skirt comblnaUou or five years qo. Th• twdc la altractln1 attenUon because ol lta venaUllty. It can be worn u •dress or over pants and the cltllroo noat is beinl shown for even· lnswear. · 1be turtle or cowl neck sweater is conaldered tbe slqle most impor· tant fuhion accessory this season. Nothlns has replaced 14·carat sold in Jewelry. Women -are retumin& lo s mall clutcb ba11-for-eventni; JetU. bi& leather "feedbags" carry tbem tbrou1h the workday. Natural leather ln rust tones remainl the most popular accessory choice In the area; but with the ntum ol the skirt, m•1 retaUen are ..Wn1 ahoea wiUa all•m•r, hJper heels and sU&blly po6ated toea. Oran1• Ccsrl reaJdellW still favor earth color1, s ucb as bei1e and brown ror fall. but the new nnt and burfun· dy tones are catching on. Black Is back: u well as blue, gray and jade 1reen. Hairstyles are shorter and cull llke "The Wedce·• are In for easy care and styling. Wlth the return of Jenice .. eptteneon ,_... a ,... 8oy ....,...., fa1Mon. The the dreu, women may chooM • Big KlmOno IQp la ,.... et 141 end pante ere 122 ~r, loo1er coif ror sprin,. ~;.;.;;;;:=;;;;;;;_.__ ____ ~~--~----~--_;_--------;._~- For Beau·~=----..-;:...~~ In Waiting: ------New Design A lady in waltina needn't be un· clamorous. In foct . says Page Boy manaaer Sue McCabe. m~ernlty fashion• can be just as sophlallcaUd and tailored L, a women I.a used towearlng. Whal 'a new In maternity wear! "Well, we're really exclt4'<1 about the new Bob Mackle deaioui c<>mlna in shortly." exclaims McCabe. Mackle 11 the Emmy Award w1ft:. nlnR doslencr to Hollywood at.an J\ICh 11~ Cher. Carol Burftelt, Uu litlnnelll and Diana Roa. Rust and heather blue are popular colors this fall and McCabe-sa~ there Is n ddlntte tttnd back to dre111e1 Pa1te Boy 1tores are located in South Cout Plau and Fashion Island wbere the boutique la oo the third noor of Robin~ (COD•~· ly adjacent lo lhe ln!u .. 0.1~ ment) . a , b ;. :-• Althou&h the Orange Coast wocnan 1enerally prefers a classic, con· ~rvatJve look, aay merchandisers. sbe does consider her wardrobe an lnvestmf'Ol and buys the best she can afford. She wants to look elegant whether on the teMls court, boatin&, tiller· talntna or 1ttendift1 a buaiiteU meelin1. So perhape UU.a aeuoo, the will lnvett la J "P.11:· or • m-,- tallored suit with cowl neck '!'P.· tr. or a chiffon noat and know it will beJustucomfortablenextfaU. fall Fasfiions (@tm\I Jrol@M ) Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1976 'At Ease: Customer•-~ Can See It ~ En1l11h caps in brilht plaidi, tart.an.a and lwew; oak hardwood noon and pleasant personnel au combine lo make At Ease, Fashion hland, Newport Beach, a warm and lnvltina place lo shop this fall. Steve Faschlln1. mana1er, llretffl Al Ease tries lo carry every 1tyle and dress reeling for area reai- dentt-from s uits to levls. "We feel our boy's section is the best In lhe southern half of California," says Faacbling. Al Ease specializes in ladies' country day wear featuring Jones of New York and Emily. The menswear section features major name brands such as Hang Ten, Corbin, Levi, Sero, Raymar and Cacher!. At East is the exclusive distributor for Talbot ties. For th0te desiring a more cuual look, Al'• Garage, located just three door1 away. la 1eared for the Levi and T-1hlrt set. Both 1lore1 are open seven days a week. ~ 'C I(\, •1 'f .'.A • ,. 11 • ·~··If"'-"· ,,._l ~ ,<. W ' ZDA1Lv_~-~-o~i __ ._td_,__. • ..__..._ .................... _.. ..... ~- "My at.ore la seareieS f« the centJemao wbo .. forward moYinl. procreulve In h1s t.binkin1 dd with Just the rlPt amount ol eco to care how be preaeqts blmself," says Mart SebeU, owner ol a new men's clothin1 store in Coniea~del llar. Schell bas been in the ey, ol the fashion world most of bis life beam· Dini as a eJdld model, and t.ben beeomio1 Mtb a buyer and nwiacer for a men 'a clothing store in San FfJnciaco. ·""Located at 273'1 Zan Cont ffiibway, Mark Scheu la acbeduled for opeoina Saturday, Odober'l, and the champacne celebnlioft will coo· tinuetbrou1b November&, "Our clothes wW be elegant and tuteflll and we will feature mainly European atylioe." comments Schell "But •• wtl1 carry con· aervaUve fublou as well." Decorated la a Vid.orian moUI, tbe atore will carry a.<b diverse items as embroidered car- toon character T·abirts, ladies' scarves, eorduroy bap and many it.ems desiped by Scbefl. PaMAHIHT VI AVI A-ca. •ssoo Milw$27.Hc..,._.. TEL. 641-6164 641-6165 .. "We plan to add a private abowine room. Wine and coffee will always be olfe.recUoour customers," hoaaid. 1 1 WESTCLIFF I UILDlfl/G ff I 1 'W1Jtdllf Drlw Ntwport '"IC/I, UJl/fOtnlo Presents: For -HOiiday I N~leoch 3424 Via Lido . ' ....... .,.. -~-.• II ~ . -..-,---........ ...._ •,f ..... •• --••• Mink Still the ~Ing Of the Fur Industry M. Jacque• ot Newport 8each inlroduce• hi• ...... creation•. From left: a natural llOftnm parb and a natural curty lambco.t "Sport fun, aueh as combinations wit..b lealber, are very big this year -but mink ls sWl the most popular fur in the world and accounts for 70 percent of lndustry sales," com· meats Newport Beach furrier M. Jacques. The man who has beeh maJdn1 women feel elegant since 1933, was speaking from bla st.ore at 74 Fashion Island, Ne~Center. The most desired furls lynx and prices have risen 150 percent In lhe lutfewyears aceordingtoJacques. • "The designers are showing full· length, long-haired furs and women want them," be says. "Fox, marten and Russian sable are also in demand -but very expensive." Jacques designs and manufactures 98 percent of bis inventory. He moved from Los Angeles nine years aio to "get away from the c'ity." The craftsman was fonnttty located In Praeue, Paris, Lopdon and New Yon. He stresses that furriers today are not using any endangered species in their work and are regulated. "We use only non-endangered species. Last year, fur Industry crowth was the biceest since World War II," be adds. His advice for the woman purc:has· ing her flnt fur: "I suggest she choose a casual style that can be worn either with pants or dresses.'' Prices range from $300to$4,SOO . • One MHU-Dollar FUR SALE All sizes 6-4Z-1~%·to 58% OFF M.JACQUes MASTltt FUIUUU SINCE ltU DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF WORLD'S FINEST FURS '""'°" l ... nd • ,...,ort C..... • Newport ........ H4 •1 .. ~·1·Y•nns Avail•~:,~ 9'~~ • Bt«i~l~d •Lava~~ ... Unicorn Sports ·schedules .... . Huntington Grand Opening "Our whole family is sports orient· ~ and so openinc a sporting goods store seemed like a natural thing to do," says Charlotte Macl.ean or Unicorn Sports. The store, located in the Old West Plua at the corner ol Sprlncdale and Warner ln Huntington Beach, has scheduled a grand openln1 celebration for September 2J6. Charlotte and husband Jimmy will carry a full array ol 1ear ranging from everything you need to im· prove your tennis game to soccer equipment. Unicorn will be open seven days a week from 10 lo 7 p.m. and will offer sportswear by Robert Lewis or New York, SpauldJJ\I, Hang Ten, Puma and Convair. year 'round corduroy. 44 fMhion IMand, newport center 844·5070 r , • 4 DAil. Y PtLOT llr. Anlbony, of WnlcM Coiffures, 11 '"" ahowlng hie wenlon of "'9 w: with ....... Brown. "-pqdkta "'9 return of ioftter, _...,erte• w. .,..._Mr. AntMnr. '°"'*fW of New Y~ cp1Md Ma Hlon at 1111 WNtcltf ome, Newport Be.cit, laat o.c ..... , I Olide through the everyday hustle and bustle with the expertise ol Pappagdo! 93400 LIDO VILLAGE 3404 VIA OPORTO .L "' .. ./ ~-------------_.._..PHONE.-..,-..,tn-__ e_•M------~----------'i • "Hiah. fashioo is nol Meeliariay aood fashloa,." commenb Pat Har r\son, corpo.ral.e lftllldeat o1 Udo Fashions with •eac1Quarten In Newport Beach. Speakinc from her store at S4M Via Lido, she talked about chances in the fastdoa world since abe first opened ber doors in la. "We basically ati with a con- servative loot and are now seeing second ceoeration ~en," she smiles. "Many ol our customen 10 from their boats Lo cocki.11 parties and we outfit them from be..t to toe. We are a high color store r.iher than high fashion." . Lldo speclalbes 1n dothlnc by California deslinen, such u Lilli Ann, Alex Coleman, Ulll Diamond, Louise Desi&Da, Cole ol CalUomla, ChrlsUanrteld, Julie Miller and Rhodes of CalifornJa. Harrison feels the "chlffoo flo•t" will have an impact on the fubion scene lb ls year. It cu be worn over pants in eiUaer fincertlp or floor~ lenilh. She predicts the r«urn of tM abort dress fo.-•Prine. Udo Fasblou ii allo ODe of the few stores In the .,... CUTYtaa a complete llDe ol cod;taiJ ensembles and lln&erie. The firm wlU IOOD open another locaUoo ln Balboa to be called "The Other St.ore ••• champagne ORenlng who: mark schell where: corona del mar when: october 2. 1976 what: menswear • j _,. mark achell/deslgns for men 2737 ent coast hlgttwev corona def mar/newoort beech callfoml1 t2e25 C714Jl7~70 ... • .. 1 .. • • ,. f t ·.· ·-· ... - u • ~ .,,. ' .... . . . ,. ... '\. . ...... , _·. . •·.· ~.. . '. ,, ••• :. .:.;_:..-...... ,.~:ioil;•. _,.. . . , Bermuda Bags Fit More ~ Planning your fcall vocation, or fll'lt ski trip, and your suitcase ls already full? It's difficult to travel and retain a level of versatility in your ac· cesaorles. Pappacallo of Lido Vtllaee in Newport Beach has the answer. The ~rmuda Bae comes in both 1>ambo<rand wood bandies with separate button on coven. They are available in aU colon and tenures ran1in1from leatbertocrewel. - "They're perfect ror travel, .. says store owner Bonnie Baku. ··we even have covers in eyelet, suede, velveteen and ~f course, whimsical c:ottoo colors.'· ~rmuda Baca are available in two slzes,modesUy priced from SJ.'1. Qwen range from $'7. Pappacallo also carries a unique stock of Junior Leacue cookbook.a from all onr the ~. and as Baker says. ·~ deli&hUul aelectloa ol lboet iD clasaJc, decant styles." Tom and Bonllie Bater opened ~f,P•callo ln 1974' ud Mrs. er libs to think ol her customers a tneftdl, moat ot them oa a first aamebuis. "We have a casual, relaxed al· mo1pbere, decorated u a person's home would be," abe amiles. Ja....:---OAA.Y ... LOT I Imports Featured At Home Hoa:le Fabrics Center ol Newport Beach ls the only store in the Harbor area carryinc cliaUDct.ive European fabrics accordlnc to owner Randy Bbaum.ik. P.ipp~lo of Udo Vll8ge PJ•Hnta the ...-n.tuda Beg wtttt boo and wood ,........, end versaUle buttio.on covers "We are w:UQue in that we carry material suit.able for both won and play and stock Jines s~b as; Boussac of Paris, Chateau lnlema· tiona.I, Mcwsashel ot Ireland and new wwl and polyester blends from naly.'' Bhaumik says suede is popular this fall and feels a definite trend toward makin1 your own clothine He cites the prohibitive price ol car- mmta and the return to personal creatlvity as reasons. "Young women seem to be favor· inC prinl materials, while older women prefer geometric desips," he said. Home Fabrics is located at 2121 Weslclllf Drive in Newport Beach and orren rree sewinc COGIUltaUon. A 1ewlq machine ls on the premises for customer use. ~ Home Fabric Cetder'a Randy ....,.. dlaplap • woof •nd palyeeter Mend In~ from ...., . OUR SEARCH FOR -TBEASUBE At• flM jeW'1/er of top quality ~rchondlse, we ore constantly on the search for treasures lr<:>m lnd/11/duols, estut~s, or banlu. Approlsols ore ~/come and all tromoclions ore handled with the utmost d1..crc'tio11. 1211 West Coost HlflhWOJI Newport Bt'och <;.llfornlo TtltpltOM: 63 /.()444 • ' .. N•tural le•th•r •hoea, wtth wood heel•, are a favotfte. of Orange Coast wome n HY the fashion expem at Chandler'• Shoe• Pointed Toes, Slim Heels Latest Look -for Shoes Wllh the return of the dress, point· ed toes with slimmer beela are the new look in shoes this aeuoo, ac- cording to Caablou advisers at Chandler's or South Cout Plaza. Natural leather aboes, with wood beela, remain a Po.PUlar item and 15 percent of CbaDdler's wide aelec- tJon of footwear and bandba1s reft«t tbll preference. They otrer an unconditional 1uarantee on these The ultimate in maternity Frve Easy Plecn. Hootay tor coordinating, colorful eepar~tesl Pulf.over IWHter In multi 11rfpe acrylic. (S·M·L) S19. M11cttlng cap $8. Mltchlng .c.rl 11. B<>dytyll In blue 100% 1tr9'Ch nylon. One llze fits Ill $1.t, PM'ltl In blue PofYnt• gebwcMe (4·11) S22 Aa teen rn our "" ,.,, c1lllogue, Ptcit up Yo41f ,, .. copy lodl'fl South Coast Pl aza Upper Level Neer Bultcl:ks 557-5734 AllO evlllablt 11 our PAGE eov 90UTIQUE8 ... A081HSON'9, Newport 8Nctt. lr'4t Cerri IOI. .. •. items. "Southern California is wide open for color, but many olour customers prefer the more conservative styles. A favorite ls the 'moclt toe' wedge with crepe sole." comments a Cbandler 1potespersan. The store I• open scveti days a week and atocks a full line o{ panty bole modestly pri~ from it. lo S:Ut. . . . . ............... .. --.... . ....... Women Recapturing The 'Feminine Look' Women are returnln1 to a more· feminine look. httels are 1etUng bl1ber. band ba11 t_maller and dr-.es are definitely "in" aay the Cashion consultants at cameo Shoes, Soulb Coast Plua. Oolta Mesa. Rust b a popular fall color for ac· cessoria and leather ts predoml· nant. "We are the only store in the area that carries a complete range of mes," said manager Leo Rubens· tein. Sbes run from a petite four to a largttll. Cameo is open sewn da)'S a week for your convenlence. C.meo Sltoe1, South Coast Ptara, Coate Me .. , mtroducH higher hffle and 1maller handbega for a "1otal feminine IOOk" Proper fit .. If yov'"e hod difficulty finding comfl'lftoble yet foshionoble shoes, come to us. We con help you get the proper lit. We meosure bot~ feet occwotefy ond select styles thot ore compotible with your foot shope. Yeors of experience hove tought us' that eoch foot needs spec1ol attention. 'foy11J gef fhOfSpec'iol a1tenllotron1S ~tief.ffnrng s~oei when you come to us. $33. • CAMEO SHOES SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA ILOWll UY&-MUI MAY CO.I 146-1110 ~ 1'e Male 111.Jl of Harbor Center in Calta ll•a eaten to tbe genUeman lookin& for name brand mercban· lliM at~ pnces. ·~ apeaktte. we dlleount zs to ao P9ftent o11 resuiar retail durln& tlte year:· states owner Richard T. MonsoW'. "All of our merchandise is 1uaran- --teed first-ctuality. We-even have aom.e extraordinary 50 'pe'cent orr " l1te abop features lines such as_; Jaotsen, • Puritan, Robert Bruce, MacGre1or, Tobiast Jockey, Silton, Done1al, Lancer a.no Levi. Specializing in casual and three piece "related" sportswear, the• firm is open seven days a week. Another Male II an store la located at 11111 Pacillc Coast Hipway in Seal • .Beach. MOJ:UIOW' Hys be is able to otter low pcjcea because ol his many con-tacta lp the 1arment induttJ')' and because MJ. not located ln am~ llloppln• center. • He wu fonnedy relional a.ales • siianaaer for Puritan Sportswear and ii a sraduate of the Unlvenlty of Plttaburlb. Male Men owner, Alch1rd T. Moneour dt9pjays dlecounted, name ''We welcome browsers and price brand clothing -eom,.n.ou,t• add.t lfo!r!low'. SHn lftb1Mlucea the co:llls....., .. , Jook wlth flaM•I ablrt (llboul '11), Cfftlnl de ..... and bulky neck ICM Fal cc~nts · Layered Look Ir you want a ''put-lOl'elher'" look, It's more fashionable if you put it together yourself. That's the menswear message for fall "71. 'lbe look is layered and very European, says Paul Rogers, fashion director for Sears The Men's Stor~. Bulky-wrap sweaters, collared pulloven and short-waisted cardl1an1 -in sollds, Indian and ceometrlc prints and bold striping - fonn the outer layer over sweaters andshlrta. ~paratea Ulat work, because coled and textures blend to ,&ive a very European feel and an lndrvtdual look to put·toeetber fashion .items, ~Roeers. 2 .. ' - . -· Radiance Of Setting Adds Glow The dictionary defines cold .. a radtant, precious metal and Gerald'• Gold at 1375 Via Lido ln Hewpon Beach addl a t.oacb ol ra- ~ tot.be Oranie Cout. ,... ~·lry •aloa .. furn1lhed lD a tun ol lhe century moW ftetuna1 antique abowcuea, a prlvate sbowroom and a wine cen. ror customer'• enjoyment. "Buylnl jewelry, I feel, l• a very personal thine. and tt demands a ""1 penoaal aetUq," stat.es aalon owner Gerald Lfflne. "I think people derive a cold feel· me wben lhey buy 8C1'0ll a ~ter topln a lar1e depart.lnent9'ore ... P'ollowlnc In the looU'• of ltt suteePful Balbc>• lu Qub slat« store, Gerald'• Ooldl..,_ a uni· que and ht1hly-f.aloMd assort· ova q1. J)lt&!Aal ~ ~ ..,_omen, lncludini i larse coltee- U.of 1eaatones . .. Tunic Leads .-~~·""' .. ~ Year's Trend This li UM 1ear ot the tunic. The Tetnptdress Shop of Meu Verde Center 1D eo.ta Meu Is featwina lhe new loc* which may be worn as a full dress or coordinated wtlh panta. Accordln1 to Temptdrus' owner Virllnla Holm ... ...-tun.le can 10 anywhere. She carries both a polyester knit for day and black with rtilnestone version for evenlna. For the woman who wanta to be memorable, a unique item In lhe tall llne ls the bandkerthld dress. Jum p1utt1 are offered by Temptdresa In both pOlyeater knit and cotton-polyester bf end. Gaucho pants with boota remain popular and Holmes aaya that Jonter drHHI wl\h soft fiowlnt fahrtc• are belna seen at formal oc· culou with cowl .._sweeten and knit pant• blchllabt.ans easual 1athenn1s. Holmes carriH a lull line of Jack Wlnter coordinated sportawear and st.ala the fashion.I at Temptdra• are clt1l1ned • wltb Ua•.·.''l\)'le- eoudoua,· contemporary ......,. ln tnlnd.'' · I 000/o Polyester DOUBLE KNIT 91c ..... u . ~· ~: ·'· <;• ,. ' • .IT'S UP TO YOU 'ON GROWING OLD: Choose One: Diet o .1 :oil~pidation 1 I I 87 BASBA&AGIUS ... .., ..... .._& .... When the Faahkloables and Town and Gowo auppon 1roup1 of Chapman Colleae announced the.1r "Oal1n for Living" luncheon wblcb 1raced the Balboa Bay Club last Wednesday, the invita· lion.I promlaed a proeram on .. the beauty of a1· in1." Call it what you Jilte, the speakma panelists a1reed: lhe cballenae of erowing old cracefuJly -or "a1in1 preventJon," as ooe termed it -is a human phenomenon that manages to reor1aniie our vanity circuitry to comparing pbotograpbs and akin folda and fookln1 lan1uorowsly at Uebt· bodied, vibrant youtbtul.s. U there was one COl\Sl5teot theme in the pep ta1b delivered to the more than 400 women atteodin1. at would be that a&in1 doesn't really have to happen, or aUeut. take an oaly toll. PbyalcaJ de1eneratioo b a mmter of choice, the aUclieoce waa Laid: lt can be oun by virtue of what we choose to worry about, and by bow and what we choose tout, drink and smoke "If you want bags, wrinkles, lifeless skin and lusterless balr, then by all means, drink, drink, drink," Frances Messlliaer, program dtrector fOf' St. Vincent's AJcoholfc Treatment Center in Los Anaeles, told the women. Many bad sipped an aperitif before being served a skinless. cold chicken plate, bran ml&ffin and ..Jow·t'arb chotolaie calu~ . EM"1' CALORlES "Talk aboutempt.y calories.'' Ma Messln1er went on, "akohol baa absolutely no nutriHts wbataoever. But unfortunately, we have been brought up in a society whtte taltlnf a drink la a tbouihUess proceas. "lt 'a too easy." She said, even lhouah alcohol is "the moat addlctlni dru& avaJJable to us and the number one health problem in the U.S.·• "We are forever aeeklna a 'safe' Umat whereby we ran enjoy drin.ltl111 and not be affect· ed by it. WeU, there as no part of the body that is not affected by liquor." Ms. Mess1n1er said. "Alcohol takes Its toU ln the nervous system and the hralo. often eQOUl.b to tngger antisoc1a1 behavior " • AJthoueh both men Del women claJm to drop unwanted pounds when they cut alcoholic beverages out of daily coosumpllon, many ad· milt.bat when deaared weight loss 1s attamed. they return to relyine on an "everung h1&}1ball" Lo "make them feel happy and lovable." shesaad. SOCIALLUBIUCA'nON "This is sad commentary, mdeed," Ms. Messineer continued "It's too bad we feel we need sometbtn1 lt lubricate us an order to relete w1thotbU1. ''l s~ the p em of alcohol as a 61mple JNller of cho)ce, fi will power,'' she continued. "Why should we wlltpower to be happy -to not drink the pols d ov youth and to not age prematurely!" Ma. Me11ln1 r was joined by Jeanne Jones. nutrition c ultwit and lecturer for the American Diab es Assn .. who recently authored a booklet or a dletetit' caU mu: ~rn· pany in which abe F recipes for apeclal Ge· ca11on .. 1er1eout' IOO!f6" with caloric counts rarely above 100 Pf ervlng. Ms. Jones, wi. c .. s her favorite lecture "Don't Kill Your Wt Prlend,"aays desserts are "the real kicker ·•, "For some retlPfl • .rter llvan1 for weeks on steamed vegetabl .. .an.llow·fat meaJs, we feel a need to 10 super·ric'I on planning an entertaanang menu," she told l~Moll goers "Cnsp, fr~h apples som~-.. tr~formtd into a pie and of course, what wo.id dinner be without dinner rolls-with REAL~tter''" Ms. Jones says such dietetic a.ads as low· carbohydrate cake~xes should supplant cons· cientlous eaters' er dessert mtx su~plles which mana1e to s out tempting vibes • every time you open the plittry door " TE TJON ~NO.NO , "The key to v1l ty and body maintenance fs in good nutrition h sensible eating.'' sbe $aid. "ll's tilte hav an 11th commandment to follow: Thou Shall fot Tempt, which means, if you shouldn't·have i~ don't bring it in lhe house." Following Ms . I.Tones' presentation was a brief showing of ,.JI fashion ideu by seven Newport area mo4els whose total age was c.tcwated at 33' yeas. JEANNE JONES BEA ANDERSON, Edhor I I .J l. Actress Shirle) Rothman. who descnbes Wednesday. September 22. 1976 herself u a leeture.>student of the ''Age of Age Ct Six of the models showing 'Design for Living' to age-battling luncheon guests are Newport area residents (from left) Wynn Wilson, Doris Mills, Nan Broughton, Sue Spinelli, Irene Sparks and Diane Myerson. 'PJ'evention," spoke ebout Crowina old as an "Un· natural pbenomenor." "ACtog la an act'utnwatlOQ~or diseases brought an when ~Y chemlstr)' brew down and can't 1et repured." she aaid Aglne is manlfeated physically. sbe said, when two molecules get hOOled together in a process calli<t cross·llnking "In 10 years, .. 11bc estimated. "American 1cientist.a will have found a laboratory eniyme to dissolve this molecul.-bond and reverse aging. They will have found a way to make menopause occur at 80 instead of 4' · · MATURATION CONTROLLED ln laboratorita at the: Department of PbysloJoay. Unlvera&l oC <;allfonua at Berk~e)', research assistant "l'aul Segall 1s control ling maturation in rats t>y restnctmg th('1 r intake or tryptophan, one of the tight essential amino acids Found chierty In dairy products. i.ome animal and plant proteans, tryplophan ii.. as Segall explains, "lb? substance from which the body manufactures nwro-transm1tters which re· gulale functions sueh as body temperature and appetite." Secall says he b.as been able to extend the rats' average 22·m<rlth life span to 30 months by limiting their trypt~an intake to 34 milligrams per 100 food grams The "normal" human al lowance Is 180 milhgra~ of tryptophan per 100 gra~. At the present U11 e. says Segall, sc1enlJsts are "without any human vocabulary" wh ere th11. ON FEEDING YOUNG : type of experimentation is coocemed. ''The ooly thing our studies really tell us Is that aging can be controlled in the laboratory, but we don't know to what extent TURNING OFFO.OCK "What we do know 1s th:it aglne is a pro· grammed process that works much lllre a clock in conlrollinc the pitwtary gland," he aaid. ''The 'hands' o f the clot'k a r e the neuro· transmitters. By limiting tryptophan in the diet, we have, in erfect, turned off the clO<'k." Once rats are plac~ back on a normal diet. Se1aU &ai41rpwtb r•W1lea1twbere It left orf. "In older rats. lh<'re are l'Xlcnor i.1gns or rejuvena· lion, and younJ( rnts rl'ma1n small. until nor111al feeding resume!> " ' Although an cff<'cllvely tryptophan·deCi~i I t diet can be achieved by ingesting large amou ts of cornmeal in place of other protein f . Segall vehemently discourages this kind or humanexpenmentation · "Humans could go crazy on a diet like thiJ," he said. Segall says lhe diet was so drastic that Only about a third of the laboratory animals survted the experiment Those that did survive showed signs of ' er- rible side effects," he sa1d, hke convulsions land ironically, thinning hrur ' Fat or Slim? Thank Mo Harvest Home Contest Cooks Recipes are now beln~ re t'elved ror th• Dally Pilot HarvH t Home Coolrlnl Contest, with Ta.ste-Otr s cheduled tor Saturday, Oct. 2 at the Irvine Harvest Festival, CUiver Drive and New Barranca Roach In Irvine. Recipes must be received no later than Friday for competition in the rollowto1 cate1orles: Whole Grain Baked Goods, Fruit Pies. Veaetarian Main Dlhbes. Diet Dessert8 and Space·Age Snacks. In keeping with the theme or tbla year's Harvest Festival, "New Horhons," cate1ories have been drawn to include your moet economical, enera·aavin1 and future-minded CODCOC1.loos. R.edpes muat be aubmltted in typewrttten form oo an ~ x 11· inch p6ec<e CJ( paper, ed must in· elude a list of lnl"'fdJents and procedures; your name, address and phone number. A panel or jud1es will .elect C'Onlntants for the Oct. 2 Tute- Off on the basis of rec!pe orilinality, ease in pttparaUon, and use of natural and economical ingredients. Finalists will be announced In the Food Sfftloo next week and will be asked to bring lbelr en- lri• to the Dally Pilot food bodth at the fnUval crou.nds by 2 p.m. the clay of Judging. Winners will receive pri1e1 in· cludine a crock pot alow·coobT, dinner for two, and cifl certificates for clothes records and a personaliled hlrtbday cake, all donated by tbe T.emptdreaa sbop, the Stew Ket· tie. the Mualc Market and Prtacilla ·a Bakery, kl t.be Mesa Verde Shoppin1 c.ter. WinDin& recipe• will appear tn tbe Food Section Oct. 6. .. Chances are, according to the most recent theone• on early childhood development, if you 're overweiOal qow, you were probably a bottle-Ced baby. ~ Speaking before lbe Celifornia Dairy CouDcll's ~m· posium on Early Childhood Nulrlllon la.st week In 0'*1fnd, , Dr Charlotte G. Neumann of the Department ~P~l~cs at UCLA, said bottle feeding allows the mother stlaPllhe infant's appetite by her own attitudes about ho much the baby 1hould eat. .. Healthy, breUl·fed Wants, in contrast. ~lly surkle until they are no )on1er buagry. allowing Ul• .. to b4lter respond to their ow" needs. " Force·fffdln1 noc. only contributes to a prol eraUQ'\ of fat cell•, aald Dr. Neumann, It alao tends to eat Uab long· term pattem• of overeating. The accumulatJon ol tldlpocytes <fat cells) 1ho¥tn to be permanently hTtM"tible. aald Dr. Neuma I recarcJ· less ohubsequent cmorie Intake. • "It uaed to be It you d.ldn' have a rat baby, ou were a lousy parent," Dr. Neumann told the symposium •'Well, re· Marcher• bavt found that. fat bablea are not e11•r1ly healthy bablet. "In fact, they are more auaceptlble to lower Uinnae.a than lnfantl ol normal wet1ht. and oft lbopedk problem a during early walk int 1ta1e1." Dr. Neumann said research bu 1hown tht l bronchJU. and other resplr~ lnfectlona to In 102 percent amona "f•t bables. ' "Mothers should be encou:ra1ed to bre1 children up to 1ht months when possible," Dr. said. "Breaal·fed lnlantl a.re aboWn to doubl welibl we01 later t..baa formula·fed babies, w more er·~··· cenwar stowth· .. Dr. Ntumaon ~ auuata that too-raDld lflrt aaJn can be eaUMd by 1Mna the btby solid loocl tOlli; • "By tbe Ume aom• babies are two montbl okt, ~ b already tasted chocolate puddln1 and .,,rry cobbler.' ah Id. "MotMn should be ditc»Qr•1ed .,.in.at inl their babies an1thln1 solid \D'llil qe four.five monU. d then, I hope It would be somet.b.tng mon wbohsom' sweet desserU. Tbat aeems to be a trl«eer for uot.Mr ity pal· tern •• 11\e said. i>arallelin1 current tttnda for natural b tbere ls alJo a trend a.moo& mothers to favor b over formula feedJn&, Or. Neumann noted. Fifurea 1how that ln 1.97•, 18 percent of all b were breast-fed, compared t.o 10 percent in t9'7•. fllUffl are nearly double, abe said. Tbe majority of babies, bowever, are fed I fonmala. But Iron, one. ~t to be a neceaa au~emenl for belDQllobln development. ls now wtt.b .,..ater raer+at:lon. Wb.n it•ea to ti.b6es on dMtl hlcb ln unsat.u. lroa CU CHM "etDoclobin leftlla tofall Cl«~--ally than u tbe ·~· .. -.... 't Pl'Oftded. A compUcaUq fKt« b tb.t premature lnf ta often . have d.lfficwty dlfestlng fall, especially vitamin I!. Tbli COQIUed with.the f~ that Iron apPeara &.o destroy aome of tbf blby'1 reaerve of vitamin E . can result in vitamin ~de­ tld-.cy ane.mia. . -.. .. . .. ...... • op Door Hard t S~ring .Open . (Ann Landers ~ ·: •, :: QE.\R ANN LANDERS· Some ~ •10 • woman med you •t to do about a husbud who bdit ~r up repeatedly You aa1d, : ve hlm." You abo 1&.ld a an who atayt wtth a man beata ber la 1ldt. Your ad· vi'I' proves you have no Idea w t a battered wtfe'a ur. la inci. fteU, I can tell JOU. It'• bell. At. le•t the woman who wrote &ot ~wsband to lff a PIYChlatrial. Mott men won't 10. They ace not.hau wron1 wltb what they are doloa. You Hy, "LEAVE.'' H~ can 1be leave when there is no plµe to aoT You are probably lhinJc1n1. •11M:ft b AL WA VS a pJac to 10." but you 're WJ'Onl I read where London bas 7.S ahdten fM battered wives and their chlldttn, but In the Uruted Slat tbtte u. very few. People who've nev~ had the ftperience can't imqlne what It '1 Ukt to be a battered wife. More ha• been dono to help abused anlmala in thb country than women. You call the pollce and the guy is arrested. Within houn be la out of ja.IJ -mad u hell. So he aoes home and beats up his wife again. I've been clobbered do2en.s of lll!MB ln the o yt'm we've bttt\ married, o en in front ol the dtll4rt.-n, t no reason except I aald hello a man oo the street, or cooked danoor my husband dhln'llike. I'" real my1elt to rnorhl • tbe tame auae l 'm trapped r don\ upe you to prinl this but I had to rlle. Sain me - Wl1){0UT OP£ DEAR .H.: A womu wbo aaya "I 'v re~•~ myedf to mOl'f ol 1a1ne ' wUJ aarely Id lL I .. Dot ree &Ital Uw:l'e are no al*«aaUv • Tltere may • be muy: bal &ltere m.t be ONE. aad I • u 1ou to Biid ll. Coatact 1ou clttpmaa, a lood·t.eal'td frtend or n:iaUft, t.a.e C:a"'°'1c QarUJes, ~ Faml· lY ~Ice Aqa.,,tlw: Salva&Jea A.nlf, lb~ l ewt.a• Weltatt, &be a.Dma.tty llefernl Sttvk-e, or HJ femlnlU or1aahatloa CeqeclalJy N.O.W.>.Call f.a.edoc· &or wbo deUv~'" ... dUd.rea. 'l'lllese aumben are la die~ book. Anaaa• "'" 1ov oldea cldJd to 10 to u.. .e111ia.on aac1 ~ Ute police the aext Ume yov haabaad e&ertl to beat you. Take Ill• to Family Court aod laslll t.hat be live elsewltue &Del support you and llle kids. llaleay•a.avel.W~a· ....... ,., ......... ~. yM WILL be trap~forevtt. DEAR ANN: I~ it hard to aympatblae wlth .. Crushed In ClncmnaU" and her small bus led alstus. My problem Is jual tho oppoalte and I 'll trade with her. Ever 1lnce I w11 H , I've known that most boys al't' lnlereattd in one thins. Or should 1 •~ twof When "Crushed" shops for a blouse or a dress ahe can wear any style. I must avoid low neckltnes. clingy fabrics and knit.a . Tbe bruslete problem almxly awful. Mine bavo sped pad ijl1 on ll\t atr~ aod •Ull they cut into mJ abouldera.. DEAa T.M.: l"ve Mn many wo•• wM ~aw .... ..... ..,. , ... ,..1r ol.,.., • ., ... ~ ...... ..,, ......... ......... New Start for Sagittarius ·Award . Slated T h e f irs t Junior W'oman·of·lhe-year will be selected by the As· s is t a n c e L e a g u e of Newport Beach, Junior Aoxlliary. Presentation witl be made durin& a tall faahioo benefit Friday, <>Ct. 8, in the Marriott Hotel. Fashions will be Crom Robinsons. The award will be pre- sented by Adela Rogers St. Johns, well-known aathor. newspaper· woman and champion of woman's ability to create pe>s1llve change in our world today. The recipient will be chosen on the basis of outstanding achieve· ment.s and contributions to the orgaoization(s) ln which she aervea and to Orange County on the wbole. ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNS To Make Presentation TffURSDA Y, SE PT. !3 .. , SYDNEY OMAJlll AlllES (March 21· rll 19): Hilhlighl actlcality ; take thing for granted. I sist on quahty and rvtce. Refuse to be in· t ldated by one who wls. ay 20): Fun and games ti replace worry and nsloo. Means there as rupl transition -what as a se tback can ome a definite asset. GElllNl-CMay 2hJuoe ); Gel on solid footing be aware of prices, ~trictions, eventual as· lfets. One with ex· f rience will lend he{p- g band. Older in - vldual will cooperate. C ANCER (Ju•e t.July 22>: Be ready fer ao(e, variety. travel start dialogue with .,, who means much to j-Ou. Short trip, calls, ipeasa1es, selection of .,-oducl -these are on qmda. LEO (July 23-Aua. 72). ~ccenl on money, . n· come. budget pe~al posseasloos. Home m· provement, reconc ·a· lion with family meQ\ r -these al10 could be on agenda. VJaGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 412) -.Lunar cycle hJgh - you can perfect tecbru· ques, make valuable contacts and get lo heart of matters. Accent on looks, drive, personality, originality. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Key now 1s or· ganizataon . Leave no loose ends. Don 'l de· leeate too many duties. Accept responsibility. You'll find that club or charitable oraanization is behind you. SCORPIO (Oct. 23· Nov. 21 ): Accent on romance, creativity, valuable contacts, flal· tery and meaningful compliments. You sue· cessfully complete U · signment, project. You build for future. SAGITrAIUUS CNov 22-Dec. 21): Emphasis on au th o rit y, r esponai ball ty, new a tarts , independence, standing In commwlity. RelaUonahips with ~ fessional superiors also are spotlighted. CAPRICORN <Dec. 1s lo be extrava&aol -partnership, ma;!\ai overcome It by consult· status . ing one with expenence. U September !Srd Is Means there are persons your blrtllday you make eaaer to lend helping new starts this year - hand. you will be more finan- P I SC ES <Fe b. 19· cially secure In October. March 20): Lie low -do You are inquisllive, a more listening than as· good reporter-detective sertlng. Check details --you're concerned with become familiar with character, theater, law. basic material, coo-You're versatile, can be cepta. Accent on long-domineering and you are term relationships, generous. . You deserve lhebest ... • HWttMG .... , ISNC&AUDIM taft OIAIMISS CASU MAJOl MAMUfACTUIEU HPUSINTID TIHYIAHlM COIOHADl&.MAl HAI. AEllSOB HEAIUHG AIDS J4ffLC.-....,.. C:.-.. ..._.-611-JHJ Cadillac '77 The '77's are here! Excellent service and reasonable pricing have built our reputation. The best costs no more at ••• at Nabers Cadillac 2600 Harbor Boulevard, C°'ta Mesa (714) 540.9 100 22-Jan. 19): Good Moon .....::====-====---...,,,._.,.,._,,,.--,....,..~~~~~~~~~~ aspect colncldes now with communication, education, s piritual in· sights, journeys. One close to you is reliable but needs reassurance. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Temptation HAMS ~ ...... ,. ... ? SeM,-, ,, .......... ... HONEY IAICID HAM SAMDWICHU Fund-raising High .on List s,lr•f Sfltttl Wllolt" or ff•ff Tnty •• .e..y .. AL ...... IC ...... ... ~-,_ 0 .......... -··-••tJ D USTY WI NGS : Memben and guests are ln~lted to a Fiesta of Friend. to be held Satur· da)'. Sept. 2S. in the Twslin borne of Mrs. Richard Robinson. on a lour of the Salva· lion Army's s ummer cam_p~ the group present· ed:•ll check which brctaght lhe annual total to t;J.170. . ·£ H A P M A N Co}":LEG E: Trustees an~ their spouses will be t'ntertuaned at the aMual Town and Gown fall re· ception for faculty and administration al 5 p.m . Saturday, Sept. 25. in the Fullerton home or the Wilham J. Haneys. UPPER BAY AS · SOCIAT ES : Early California Fiesta is the theme or a progressive dinner, lo be staged to raise runds for the Oran1e C ounty Philharmonic Society. Beglnnlnl al S p.m., Sunday. Sept. 28, guests will be Lrealed lo a social PUblic Hearings .. ~Home Care ~ . ,• The atatu1 of tiom. care In the U. S. wlll be dicu.ued durtn1 a public hear1n1 Thursday, 5*. 30, and Friday. Oct. 1. m the Los An1elea C4iivenUon Center . .. The heartn1 la one of a aertcs being conduct· ed acroaa tht counlr)' durin1 September and Qc. ~to obtain Information oa bow the Depart· ~t of Health, Education and Welfare should r~late Federal home health care programs uo· d~ Medicare and Modlcald. ; Representatlvn from bealth and medical prjfeaalons, welta ... qenclet. or1anballons tor t._ a1ed. voluntary nun• aMOClations and h~emaker •1encles will participate. The P'(bllc alao Is lnvlt.cJ. • : Anyone wlahln1toteltllyor1ubmlt a written · st•tement may do ao, accotd1n1 lo J oe P. Mlldonado, HEW l't'&ional director. : Further lnformaUOn la available by wriUng to.Alan Marer, HEW Reiton IX. 50 United Na· tidl'ls Plaza, Room 42"1, San Francisco 94102. or by c1t'lin1 Mater at (US) s.:56-1981. Frames -Photo Albums Chess -Bacl<gammon Sets Lea111et Desk Accessones hour at the home cl the Frank Vac:hons and then will proceed lo other de- signated homes. CH ILDR EN'S CREATIVE ART WORKSHOP: The Sales aid Rental Council of the "ewport Harbor Art ORANGE DISTRICT:' l(useum wlll sponsor its As the 34 clubs In the dis· 191nual workshop for trict or the California . childre n b egi nning Federation or Women's turday. Oct. 2. Clubs wUl sponsor the lnslruc~or will bt Jan Providence Speech and & Cook, an Orange Cout Hearin1 Center, o Louro( College teacher who the facility Is bolng ~ tbe Costa Mesa planned at 8: 45 aim. iJ\l't Centir for 18 years . Tuesday, Sept. 28. Classes will take place Another tour planned Jn Art Room 502 at ls to Project Concern, '11· Corona del Mar High Juana on Wednesday, School. Anyone Interest· Sept. 28. The proJed. pro-ed in l'* class may call videa health care, dental the mfHU m office, aervtcea1 nutrition train-'7~~ lnl ana public bealt.b education. District clubs M U S C U L A R have donat.ed aupplies to D V S T a O P H Y Ulla cauae. BENEFIT: The annual King of the Hill Pro· 3700 E. Coost ~. Corona dtl Mor -673-9000 celebrity tennl1 toum•· ·--·nc--ment will travel to 28 11zn.1t.,...t1.•Wl4...... 6l~JA61 cities to raise fun<b for 7UIO .......__, #111 • ,..,.... , .. Rmdle ...... I 714-J46-JH4 the MO Association. ~:::===~========~============~ Matches'will be played ------- Sunday. Oct. 3, at the -----------------------------. Corn elia Connelly School, Anaheim. CO MMUNITY FRIENDS : Mental Health Associallon Is recruiting Orange Coon· ty volunteers for the pro- gram which assists the convalescent in meet.Ing dally situations with new fe e ling s o f se lf· confidence and self· sufficiency. Anyone Interested In t.be training pro1ram Is ubd to call the MHA of • flee, 547-7559. Don't loo~ for the Jones at our TeAnis Club The Harbor Racquet Club Is o tennis club not necessarily o social club. Sure, our foclllttes Include saunas. clubhouse, practice alleys and all the conveniences you'd expect, but the dffrerenoe Is our members ore serious about tenni&. If you've thought about J9inlng o tennis club but weren't sure how to go about It, we'd like to show you our focHlty. Try out the Harbor Racquet Oub for one day's pkJy or several. Only $3.00 on weekdays and S&.00 on weekends. We've got plenty of court-time available because membership It lmlted. Join us for a dav or o year. Play tennla ••• and leave the Jone•' somewhere.-. • FOR RESERVATIONS~ 642•2()00 'oonwmri Ho1bOt Racquet Ob 380We.t~ Coda Mela. CA 92627 - . . . New Clubhouse Lives -'Reliuilt' OAKLAND CAP> -One )'...,. a10 the bu.reaucra&a came to Oat· tea t.M elubbouae that a ham· mer-totln1 tquad of north Oakland youn1sters bad paln.atakln&I)' plteed to1ethtr with rusty naU. and warped lumber. Never mind that &0me of the novice carpenters ~re strdet· wile toqbs wilh names far too famWar on police blctten, kids 1ooe bad trying for once to do aomet.bine 1ood. Tbe building wu not up to code. But now -thanks to the efforts of some community leaden, a couple of policemen and a build· int contractor -a new clubhouse la ln lbe works. One with perfectly aqua.re corqers and atordy planks. Bo1nd tocethtt with proper~ ol bureaucrat-pleasin& red tape. "It shows what can be ac· compli.sbed," beamed Lamar Parker, a neicbborh>od I-er who helped the youths in the bat· tle to resurrect their clubbwse. ••11aybe the bureauc!'alic s)'ltem is not so bad after all." Hit ~tratian WM mirrored by •eijal oc.ber members of tho comm nlty. lneludln1 Wlllle Mae b, rwldentmanqerola hou~'"' project lo the MilbtMJboCMI. ·ne clubhouse 1ave them eomet~1 eonat.rucUve to do. aometb e tp take pride in.'' sbe aald. " ey've set \lP rv.les and the oth older klda take care ol the Uttl• one,. They're not Just rebulldii& • clubhouse -they're rebulldl•c their Uvea:· Two Oa~land poU~men who sympat.Hft:d wltb the kids joined ln an informal campaip lo re- build the clubllou.ae. Tbelr toils be1an l9 take tbe abape of a new clubbowle dest1ned to please the m6st fi.nklr,y of bulldina lnspec. ton. Oakland contractor Arthur Coleman (white cap), works with youths on new clubhouse in North Oakland neighborhood. SOU.TUNE But Parker said that Wbe{l the clubhouse came tumbling ~wn last year, he sang a more sour tune1 grumbling that "Kicb do sometbinc constructive and they shoot them down." Arthur Coleman, a contractor. arrived •ith the plans for a new building and work started immediately. The ndtbbor ood kids who will 1.n- babit lhf' wooden structure are driving \he nails themselves, while Coleman keeps bis prac- ticed eye on the work to be sure It makes tht grade. ''The cklldren are all Uctled to death," old Mrs. Nash. ''Jt'a O\S' American herita1e to holler," added Parker. "and sometimes, if you stay with it. you can 1et aometb.ln& done." )Weddings ~ i and Engagements To a\Oid d1sappointmt>nt. pro~pecti,·e brides are remindl'<i to haH· th(•1r \H~ddang storlu with blac·k Jnd "h1tt' .:toss~ " photocnphs to the Daily Pilot People ~ment one \\eek before the \\edd1ng. .. lcturt>s receh·ed after that lime "ill not beusN. hr en1a1ernenl announcemenb il is lmperative that the story. al.so accom· panled by a black and "'hlte 1l0Sh) pic- ture. be s ubmitted six "eeks or more • before the weddJna d4te. otherwise 1t "'111 not be published. • To "4Jp fill r~uirements on brilh 'H'd· ding and' en1afement stories. forms are ' available in al Dally Pilot offices. Fur- A ther questions will be answered by People Department staff members at 642-4321. EJfpert Styling for Men& Women. Pefsonality RefleCfed "Women who don't wear accessories are uptight. They don't want to express their personality. Accessories are a renectlon of a woman's personality." Peter Catalano probably would believe ln accessories even ll be weren"t part-owner ol a new firm turninl out a complete line of jewelry and belts. Since he is the senior partner and chief designer for P. C. Daqns be bas a vested mterest In tbe decontiom women cboou for themselves, however. Catalano, on a quick !9P from bis 'New York studio lo Newport Bi!acb, aald be and his partner. Peggy Cone, would like to ex- pand tnt.o scarves and handbap and even- tually offer every accessory a woman would need. His company, which started with jewelry made of playskool beads, stresses ••color," which be defines u "erophuia." "It's not fine metala or metal costume jewelry. It's serious Hoe uslne all materials." Catalano, appearl.ni at a "bow-to" sbow in Robinson 'a, said most wom~ wear ac· cesaories poorly if they wear them al .a, Many women buy a dreu then uk Wlaat to wear wllb it, he added. "lt's a quesUon we 'et all the time:• . Women are not skilled ln using jewlery or scarves because acceaoriea have bMn treated like the step.cblld to ready·to-wear, he said. Accessories will become even mor8' important as clothing goes higher in price, believes designer Peter Catalano. The desl111er, who also 1s an architect, said younc Sirls now are beeinnint to wear dreuel In.st.tad or j~, which he believes will IJlake the upco · martet a "very ex- dt.int one.'' Women 11loppln1 al tbt "how·to" show have ranced In age from 12 lo 70, he added. What doa be see u exdUng trends for the futuret . ,, " J . . )' ... ~Photography Studio"' ~ porlra1ts/1x1sl-1>ortsA.:o pies •! t fr:11ncs nol included l • • '. '·.· >. I '• ... -.. .... MOM-Start a col lcc:tion t<>r your child \rith a 5x7 natural color portrait I •·' 37¢ 4 Day Offer No appointment needed. Onr offrr per pcrson-l\\O per family. Sl.00 charge: for each added P<'"°" in sroups. 1 hi~ {\\cw;111t you lotryus) ~: photograph off er ~ may not be combined " wi1h any othrr OFFER ENDS advertised offer. SAT., SEFI'. 25 .. , • I 11 /ff;tyMIHI po/ But extra pieces are essential to add a finishin1 touch to most carment.s or add vusaUlity, Catalano asserted. "Gcid Cot day. Not1metal, though. The eold color, mixed with brights and naturals. Photographer's Hours Odilv lo-6; Sat. 9.:J0...6, Sun. 12·S · ,~ zettas · ~rOeslgn i101 ....... Ad.. Nftiport Beech . . .640-4140 . He satd accessories will become even more important aa clothinc 1oea bitber In price. Women will need more scarves, belu and jewelry to chance the look or lhelr ex- pensive pieces. ~ • . .. tE:ll US HOW W€- CN1 M~l<E: IT E:~IE:R FOR ~ WOMt\N Tb BW~Ct\R? Rll thll out and bring or mall It In. YES 1B1 SALESMAN TO LET ME TAKE WN TIME. ECPlAlN FEATURES OF A CAR SO I CAN UNOERSTAND THEM. .(.. ~ ~ HELP. ME OBTAIN NEEDED CREDIT. I• NO 1• . - Wf:it\T WOULD VOU ·SUGG€ST? .. WE CATER TO A WOMAN'S NEEDS, AND WE'LL PROVE Ill" NEWPORT DATSUN BE~CH IMPORTS , Automotive Center* NI Dove Street, Newport leach Phone (714) IU-1300 DATSUN, nUGIOt, ALFA IOMIO AND IAU ~rded necklaces. Sling necklaces for layertnc." ALHAMBRA-BUENA PARK SOUTH COAST PLAZA -TORRANC IMPERIAL SPA •' IS HAVING AN EXPANSION J. CfiLEBRATION ,, • HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY$. Enjoy all the facilities and services of Southern • California's finest SPA For just pennies a day exercise• swim• soak• sweat• relax -whether you want to-lose• gain• stay fit • wind down. ' NOW IS THE TIME TO TRY US OUT -•, during our "C•l•br•tlon D•Y•" ------------------------------------------'• 2, 3, 4, 5 •• MEMBERSHIPS FOil THE NICE OF ONE :. It ,_, '°'" dla'lntl Dou .... DoHar D•r•. ,_ ltftmed..._ •1 ~ w• be "'°ludled lft the Mem.,_ehlp P"•• I : . ' DROP IN l'OR A TOUR O~ TH• LUXURIOUa ~ACILITl•a THAT CAN B• 'IOURa TO •NJOY • Tho111a"ct1 of dollert ef ftMtdern • ~ ' •••rch• eq11lpm•"' ':' •. Private ltre11ln9 reom• leck•r1 , . • , • Hydro• whlrlpoolt ::·1 • • Steam room• ,11 • • lndMr ,.011 an.t le11"11• or••• ' ·• • Ultravlofet 111nroom1 e T,.,.lcol j11lc• • Dolly O•etclM clatHI • Coft• .. nt pettonel ottentlon DON'T MISS OUT CEL.BRATION DAY8 LIMITBD CAL&. 962-1388 and • reserve your CELEBRATION DAY RATE ' IMPERIAL. SPA "•"• place for everybody" Kablu.a .. tbii Ile,: .. IJ'edieat •• deeeert .., Hrvtd wllb watera flaycind wlt.b coll-. -.IARLUA WAPZllS -2'4 cui-111\ed aU-i ~DO!Nflour .. cupqar ~ lellpooo Hll • v.. teupoon baJdq -·~r , • • ~ cup aoft butter ' 'a t1blt1poon1 -• lrahlua ~ teupoon lmtant ~cmtals 1 teupoon vanllla _ .. Jtalft nour with aua-~·! _ult aod bdln1 ,~r. Blend in butter. kl' Kahlua, Instant rot---i. and vanilla, and let stud a minvte to adtm ecftee Cl')'ltalt. A"dd to 'lour mixture •nd blind to a modentely 1tlff austi. Chill \4t hour or 1oo1er. ;~on li1hU1 tJaured -..ro to about ~-lneh thickness . Cut wilb ,.Ered cutter. Bake • ve oven center In ' erately bot dVen (SJS de1rees F .) s to 7 , aiautes until edl• are • ~ lightly browned. Micro Cooks' . I Classes Set dUIMI and llearty rDain •ASll11\G'1}.N (AP) -Ttie A(riculture r ment byl .rowt,ng conaumer 4emand for d produd1, mcludlng butter and cheese. CCMl.ld push U. r.rm p~ ot milk to record h1&h 1, levdllaterthis~arilthepaceconUnues. Last December, the "blend'J' rice of all milk at Che farm ro1e to a record Jl0.30 per 100 pollllds. As 9roductioo incr~ased early th.ls year, the price decline4 and in June -the largest pro- dllCUon month -it averaeed $9.U per bun· n di' .. elpt. "" • iaat milt prtees rose seasodally in July to •.ct IM4 to Aqust, accordine to preliminary :J USDA figures, the average was $9.87 per bun· cbatwe!1bt. ~ JJamu J . Killer or the department 's Economic Research Servke said in a new l "AarteuJtural Oudook" report that milk prices tn November and December may avera1e near tbe.iyear-earller l'eeotd "if current wtaolesale . butt.er end cheesa ptices bold until year end.'' • .'.Cool and store in airtight container. Makes about s do1en ~;.inch cookies. ::•:• KAHLUA DIP Three Southland home ecoaotnista will explain the secrets of microwave cooldn1 in a series of three free lectures begin· ning Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m., in Forum 1 at Golden West Colle1e. ~todetaeru. .' Shortcut• to ele1iu,t eourmet meals, includ- b;, recipes for the new mulll-cookinc levels, will be &.ivu by l'eri Jewell al Ule Oct. 1S lec- ture. Ms. JeweU ls dh-ec· tor of home economics for the marketing de· partment of Tbermador. By mkl-AU&l9l. he said, wholesale butler prices in Chiugoitiere almost $1.0'7 a pound, up 17 tentl alno&Mid·May and only two centa below lutDeCember'a rtbrd. Wholesale <!h*5e in Wisconsin was selling for about' $1.03 a bound, up almost nine cents from May and (just one cent below last 1 8-ounce package · cream cheese V.. cup Kahlua • ... · ·2 tablespoons light -cream 2 tablespoons chopped toasted blanched almonds. Soften cream cheese. Gradually beat In Kahlua and cream until mixture Is smooth. Stir in almonds. Serve with Kahlua Wafers and fruit, such as strawberries, bananas, pineapple chunks or fresh apple wedges for dipping. Makes l t,.l, cups. The younger set or sweet tooths will ap· preclate this mocha rtavored milk sha ke featuring chocolate ice cream and no liqueur. U m -m ·m ·m ,. richly refreshing. MOCHA MILK SHAKE 4 teaspoons instant coffee crystals 1 cup nonfat dry milk powder l ~cups cold waler The Oct. 8 lecture deals with easy family foods, from delicate ea FRESH FROM OREGON STIAMU CLAMS 99& ~,- 3'UAGINIU Cit.US HOUlllc ..,._Al nel ,._ 11 :10-6.-00 CLOS8 SATUIDAY I SUteAY 2 cups ( l pint> cbocolatelcecream The FISH MARKET Measure all ingre· dlents Into large mixer J• ...t c.-. C r bowl or blender con· --.-r t ainer. Mix just until 145 E. BROADWAY, COSTA MESA DecemWr. 1 "The primarp factor causing the rlses in wbolenle butter Jmd cheese prices has been the Vf!rY strong demaod for milk and dairy pro- ducts," be said. l"Tbeae strong sales have absorbed the substantial increases in milk pro- duction whiJe holding commercial dairy stocks to moderate seasonal levels.·' combined. I Pour into in· 6A~Wl sulated beverage con---------------~~-1 tainer to c nrry to a pie I mc.l Yield: 4 servi ngs ' J1 ~ow you can do a week'• ~opplng ~ without forgetting a 'Slngle item! Use pre-printed :snwn:..~-----------~ 1ari_ ________ z:. ____ _. shopping llsts prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING. 1.0 "9*9'9 ,.tfttff M""9, p4119 1dd9ltoNI .-~• YCM1 aft ftll lft YCM1 r MW. ,. ...... . J1 Y ... t•b1•1 14 flrultl t ~lt•m• .......... "Meet ...ct fl -•i1== I 30 W I Cf lMHlll L •••• • • ---•••• .J _...:...:...:;.._..:;;.;=====~~.;;:.;;;;.;,Jf ·~ •Ml .... tr u11n 1At1tn PIEIZILS ""·""-"" ., ....... .. l .ML8-ltf M...et••~"' CAMYIAa PE1EI PAUL .,,. ,.,~ .. ., ..... , ..... -:.;= SP ... E wmt NIOIAll • ...... a ... · Poland cuisine bu remained a mystery in thll country 6cept in pockets of Poli1b-American nei1bborhooda in 1 few major cities. Polish cookln1, like moat ol Eastern Europe's cu.iaine, ls a~erally considered robust with some disbet consbtuta ot five or aix typa of meats and two or three kinds of poultry. Tbett la, however, another aide of PoUah cookln1 that fealuru aubtle aoups, lncompuable aa~es and delicate paatrlea. · For aourmets who want to broaden their knowled e of authentic foietp dlabeS aod for Pf'OOI• wllio llm~ eoJo1 eatlq Cood foOd, the news or tb• ettabliabmtnl o( U•• Pollab Gow-aett Society ol t\aerk• JhoWd be weleora•...-. M•m~trablp ln tbt Poltall Gounnet Society ot America 11. tr.. IOd membera wUl rKthw a memberablp c ard aad lD• rormat on about when Potiah toum'ltl mtall wlU be ..-ved ln t.httr areaa. The>11e wtlblnil tD· formation about memMnhlp should writ• to lb• Potl1b Gourmet Socloty ol America, P.O. Box '7, Cooper Squar• Stat.Ion, New York, N.Y.10003. When you're makmg a real beef stroganoff, don't give ic a fake taste. Use real sour cream. Those imitators have a different texture. And artificial additives. 1 You sec, we have a free booklet with a stroganoff reciPc, , and 16 others, and we don't want you to make a poor imitation . So when you p~ up our booklet "Do more with sour cream than simply smother another hot potato:' pick up real sour cream. At your grocer. And save the taste. ...., IJN<nYI ........ n. "91 no .. SIPT. ae. 197'. au-.llM11 llU&HO • UUHlllUlUI, lll•lllllUAUlll _(IA! ... WAJ<IYOll ......... Cali/Mlia A111/t Athism-y Board .. M L< .. tr , ...... ,-.·-·· ... " ... " Ml•YAlllTf "lllACATFOll Wffl "9<Ull tf •wtca•a•n·u . Code Meets Critics BJC_,....N ... ~ SACllAll ENTO -lt loola like ...... ) A.or• ma)' Join wiUt COO· ~ lo pr'OtatlftC t.be federal t \hdfonn Product Code -t.bole · little parallel Uoe1 oo every · .,...,.., prod\ltt wblcb are aup. JmW eveatuall1 to replace tbe aldllamped price. A stud>' commlaaioned by the •roctrJ ioduatry abowed · aboppen lo the UPC atorea • pwlually beeame 1 .. and less ...,.alpritea. While thl• obvloualy means -ator• cuatomera could be vtcUmlled by hllher prices, It a1ao meana they are oblivious to Ala. · The Idea of a lrowlnl band of robot-like aboppera who ar,. uoaw.,... of aupermdet ads, special.a, and dlacounta 1truc k bom>r into cnucb altbe industry. Tbe report also indJcated aboppen are prone to leave UPC atcres for the more ~ortable, famtHar stores which retained • :.:trtce of the item oo every ..act. The aludy. conducted by the Unlveralty or Mlcbl1an, concluded with tbe recommendation lrocet)' st.oru rttaln the a tamped price alOOI aide the computer line code. ltem•priclnc In Calllornia is required u.ntll Aprill, 1'17, when storee wW have the opUon of cooUnui.ng to uae Item pricing or 1oln1 solely to the UPC. The UPC system hu been touted aa a aubstJt.ute for lLem prlcinc that would save money and labor. It calls for a computerized "laser-eye" check out system to speed cooswners tbrouJb lone c:heckoutllnes. Clwkt would no loqer be kept busy ata.mQJ.nc and re-stampine items u · prJcea cb,.nced, advocates of the system aald, and as the store's costs dropped, aavings could be passed oo to shoppers. The indusby study, conducted Nectar Bee-comes ·You? Once described by the ]Jblloeopher Aristotle as the .. clew diatilled from the stars and the rainbow,'' honey baa been exalted through the ages for its -llnb\lfacture or energy, its aoothinC medicinal qualities, u •c.OltlOre throats, and u a akin er. •.. .Saftto Caruso was said to have W•llowed a dollop before UDleeshlnt an aria at the New York Metropolitan and Sir ~ Hillary reportedly toot a JI( al u.e amber sweet aloni on hh 1153 assault on Mount Svert1l. Honey la most popularly used • a HblUtute for jams and lellies, au1ar and syrup, a Cdmpanlon to fruit and peanut buUer, and ln bakloi. . ·th tbe U.S., honey is usually derived from sweet clover; but , many regional varietie& are lllade throu1hout the country. fllorn bees in aqe, cactus, citrus ••' a•ocado grovu. Honey f0nnol11eun s ay the best Is Wived from thyme that 1rows wild in the Cat.skills. Jecardleu or where lt comes Iron\, Americans are 1ald to conaume some 110 znlllion poullds of the stuff annually, which meaoa a lot or sticky busineas for bee harvesters. Although a natural food, honey ls often available in forms more natural than others. Uncooked, often "cloudy" varieties are more nutritious, slnce cooking acts to "refine·· out nut:rtents. Because it ls a natural rood, it la popularly used In Kosher cooltiAg. Lekach, or honey cake la a popular addition to the table during Jewish boUd~s, wbicb commence this week. This recipe is from the Koaber cookbook, "Love and Knishes." LEKAOI 4eggs 1 cup sugar l cup honey 112cup1trong black coffee 2 tabl.espoons salad oil 3-~ cups flour l ·"" teaspoons baking powder I teaspoon baking soda by t.be Univenlty al Kicblaan, preeenll other flodl.qa: -Shopper• lo conventional atotta knew lhe conect priff9 al item• 71 percut ol the Ume eompared to 5t.S percul Oi aboppen lo UPC atcna. -Forty perunt al ~ bad cliff lculty determinini prtces ln UPC atorea, compared to 15 percent lo con ventionAI at.otta. -Twice as many UPC shoppers switched to another atore u cooventJonal a.boppers - 43 percent compared to 21 percent. -Contacted at home after •bopplnl. only 20 percent al the UPC ahoppera could live eotrect pu.rchue pricea. Some" pelftnt d convenUonal aboppen could, becauu they were able to cheek prices ol looda OD their kitchen abelvea. -Almost all <• pereent) d conventional shopper• could determine lbe correct price al an item when asked. Only 88 perceol ol UPC shoppers could. Y. teaspoon groundclovea ~ teupoon croond allspice \.\i teaspoon cinnamon ~ cup chopped nuta ~cup ralalna 14 cup citron, finely cut 2 t•blespoorrs brandy Beat e g g s . Add s u1ar gradually, beating until creamy. Combine honey and coCfee. Stlr Into oll. Combine with the ege mixture. Sift to1etber flour. bakin1 powder. soda, and splca. Add null. raialns, and citron to nour mixture. Add eu mixture to dry lnaredlenta. blendlnl tborouchly. Stir brandy throuih the batter. Line two creased loaf pans (10-'4 x 3-~ by z ... inches) wilb waxed paper. Hall fill each pan with batter. Bake at 300 dearees for l·Y. hours. Each cake serves 8. CycJli1 the ftnt line of dO( foods nutritionally balanced for each important ·~in your do1'1 life. \Jae the money ... vinJ coupon to buy the type that• made for him-in the meaty beef and chicken flavon be lika best. Cyc:le 1-lol'pgppiH {up to 18 montha) Concunnuid nutrition with extra JllOtdn and vitamin• for a pu~a apccial growina n~s­ cxua calcium for h1t teeth and bones. ~cl• )-tor °"""Wit doas s~tally be lane~ OJith 1m fat a"4 20'1 ftflNr <11lorit1 tlta,, iJ11 I tad mg <anntd doR food. To help an ovcswel1ht doa rcn.arn to hll Pf~r, hcaltl\y \ttciabt. Cycle 2-Cor adult dop {•set 1to7) Spc:c:iftcally fonnulatcd for your doa's peolf yum. With the corrcc1 bahmce of pro1ein, vi11mins and miMrals to help keep him trim and fit. Cycle 4-for older clop {ovu 7 yura) Fonnulat~ for the delicate diaestion and numtional nttds of the otdn dog. With ntnt calcium for hla older bones-and high.quality protein in an amoun1 hit aging kidneys can easily handle. Time To Pick 81ptem ber tllro111t Ne.tmbu la banelUal time for olhe1. U you have olive be9 tUt U't beariDI fruit. ud WUlt to preserve ll. tbe UDheralty of callfornla la offerinl a =r.:catlon -Heme cl Oll vet t2TSI. It includes the Jll'OCH• for produdn1 sreen·rtpe or dark-rtpe dives, ud for Greek, !pantp oc SlcWan st)te. Some cl tbe preaentnc JW'OC••es require that tbe fruit be picked Mell sreen. atraw-colored or 'cherry-red. You can aend for the free booklet DOW' before J'OU1" olive• get too,.,, by wrlllng HOME PICKLING OF OLIVES, Box 1629-N, Rlcbmcnd, CANIOZ. \ ~· S!Ptember 2'2, 1979 DAILY PIL9t'• Q LEGO'LAMI 13! LIAHIST GROUND BEEF 89! CHOPPING BLOCK 116' Nl'l.OW-.. COSTA MISA · v IU99lOWllAT~ 141fQ6J"f ·'• .... , .. A.M.-1 ,.... Ul'9 ' SIDES OF IEIF USaA.CHOtel l"u. LAl•N.OIM LAMB CHOPS ... CHICKEN: ..,,. .. .wu. IUASTS u.s.- W...5 . . I ,,. ..... PlllMI 16' • CUT AW..,,_ WIWILCOMI FOOD STAM' SHOHllS SUMH.OWll . ,,, . :.· ·: ..,., .... . . . .. . ... ,. /' .. .: ' (. ' . '. . ' It ' ' .. . ..... LI. t " ~nourishingQuakerOabneaL I The more they eat, the betteryou feel . •' . . .., .. : t ,,, •• . ,,: : ,,, .... ... ,.,: . ~,.· : . .., .. I . ·.~ i •.• , ·. ~ ' ... , ,.:., .. ...,,· . "'~ . .. •.( '~ . ,.;. ,J ·" I ' A•\ff. ) C0 DAILY PILOT .. . . . . . Wednelday, S!ptembet 22. 1978 -. BtTOMHOGB &JI_ ... _.,, .. , 'rhe Entthsb ealkd at ,. .. ~ -.-.. • ,4 .. pepper 1 teaspoon minced onion 1 •"'1 the stnkc 2 teaspoons baking • 11 powdt'r J 2 t'Ull, beaten Gumbo Pod Turns · ladyk rtngtt." African !>In$ brought 1l t o America u a n· early 11\· i!red1tnt for ··:.out ~ .. and t•r a tunt' at wu rl'- 1anhd • a love potiJn At any rat~. tht• ~N"n et'd pod known a~ okru lS a vcrfublc vegewble with~ looR ha lory Jt 1:s b\•ht'\led to ha vt> on1<inut A m e m bee or the muJlow ramlly. ok_ra •·u popular in EtiY pt al bbout the time that An· t o ny was courting Cleopatra, "'htcb may have 1tven rase to lhe love potion idu. ftis theory penlsted and ~re a.re accounts ol a hunger strlkt' ata1ed an 1728 by a ~roup or "mall order bndH" who hod been sent to LoultlMa to make homes for tho f'rt'nch se-tUera. Perh•P!> the mol)t popular o f s outhern 'ei etables. okrn Lhnv~ an that p.art or our roun try. The gr~en pod 1s u s ually p icked wht>n young and tendt'r and abou1 dlree Inches IQfli. Okra i s added to southern·!lt ylt.• dtshe-. such as (IUmbcn. 11nd seafood for both na,·or Ina and thu·k.-nln& It also 11ves u d1shnc.-t1vc touch to ve1etoble dlsh~ auch aa alew~d tomatoes. dishes down south 1s fried okn. Dipped ln beatt'n e11 and coatl"li "1th craC'ker numbs or com meal. at i$ qwck· Crted and served p1p1fli hot Okra as a Oavorlng tn· fn't'dltnt or thtcktner Is ot tb best when odded to soups or stt-w~ during the last rt'w minutes o( cooking time Cooked too long. It beco me gummy t table1"00n melted butter \~ cup evaporated milk t IO-ounce pack e froun c ut okra . ~:Fritf er Favorite Okra as not Kn>wn In many parta or the coun· try, so the fntler rttlPo contained here calla tor lUrozen. Stir fint rtv~ tnart-• dl,•ot to11ether. Stir fn etuts. melted buUCt' •ftd evaporntoo milk. Fold In •'· •.· ed 11 ancttnt Aby¥Mnia, und years later mad• its wa) to Europe. The f'retch liked at :so much th ut t huy took some see<is to Louistuna 1n the e arly 170011 and at tx-c11ne a keystone or creole cooking, The dlsconaolate grooms. accordmg to the story, finully wh1ppt'd up 11 bntch of gumb<>wilh liberal additions or okra tlnd served It to the re- bellious brides, thus end· Okra ls good cooked by 4tsetr, too. It can be bolled, baked or fried and seasontd to luste. One o( the most popular okra, cooked 68 dl~t'd ·" on packace and dralnC!d. ,. ·1 cup ull·purposo nour • ProP by tablespoon ln. • to hot rat. Fry Ull llQhtly , browned and puffed, .. •· about 2 mlnulcs per ale.le. .'1 Makes aboul 12 fritters. ' ••• .4 ••• Fry 'em Gently You can use the iMer coarse while part (but not the core) of a green cabbage for these Ught supper dishes and save fh~ green part for s law. FRY PAN VEGETABLES 6 lablespoons butler l medium onion, cut in lhm stnps . l quart coarsely s hredded cabbage, packed down 1, pound (acaot) mushrooms, sliced 1 i medium or large green pepper , cut an Utin st rips 11 medium or large cucumbe r , pared ~nd thinly s liced 1 ear fre sh corn, ke rnels c ul and pulp • scraped. from cob 1 teaspoon !>all nan•••os. MO•IY •A<• GUA•A•Tll HOUAunMIAH ,..,.,,..,.n Of •tatf\ UN(OHOflK.MAU t GU61&Ntfl0 tO "-fA)l fOU ()e f~ MOflH Y Wtl~ H (.Hfl "ut l f ftl "9tOfO I • $139 ........ s 1 •• l leaspoon suit \-II teaspoon whit" ~YS SAVE! ,. 8 OS. 10W•10W PRICIS FllYING BllF CHUCK ROAST LIVER CHICKENS ...... ~~ i , U.S.0 .A. GRADE A FRESti WHOLE·BODY FRYERS LB. BEEF BLADE CUT 55~ GROUND BEEF EX-TRA LEAN ..• $1 .09 LB. FRESH • ANY SIZE PKG. RE GU LAA FRESti SLICED ··~ PORK SALE Ct fttU-" (Of • fl'Oll' LOIN CHOPS --CUl•H• Awu PORK LOIN ROAST PO•' •\Oftrif " s1ss s1s9 II ...... t• s129 ... sp9 .• 7gc U.S.D.A. O•ADI A• CUT-UP45 c ••YH•• CHICKINS . . ..... LB 51 c COUNTRY STYLE RIBS .... t.H . •ut' PORK SAUSAGE . • La. lltH •S .. AU ( .. 0 •••H• •• s10· N H •CHUC•·.llONILl U s12• IMlff•lOW•\lfAA L• •1•• •1a •OAST ::~"'. "' HOULDIR ,.._. •• Hltn•HOUSI NlT ••O<IJOIO •-l<li $14• Ml~·~lllS ll tt La $107 •U f•lOIN •SU".. •1•s TIP •OAST . .. •OUND STl.AK ::?~~ T.aONI .. II It 1 teaspoon sugar 1 e teaipoon pepper Into a 12·inch skillet tum all the ingredlents. Over moderately low heat mix with a spoon or chopsticks until butter melb and cabbage wilts. ............ . s9c I WHNHS ..................... l L r•n .. 1 ao1t" BITS O' SHRIMP .sl.29 .. ,. 49c Ml•·-HO•_ ... ' $107 .... s1•• lfll • ... AlLlNO ll lhl •11• •uM1t •oasT " cu••• STIAK .... ••. ••• STIAK ~~OI .... .. • • enr•IOt<U lH , 1 39 IUf•CHUC .. •f'Or a9• ""·•aOfcur 69• STIW MSAT .. l• AllM •OAST............ CHUCK STIAK .... 11. Fllf "' , llO ...... WHITING STUlfl•"'Ol ·••'"" •St.K"lD 59c rtlU•Hl'OltN TU HOT LUNCH MEATS ~~ ............ u. •8 98 f ·~ s 1. 119 S"O•lO C at(J•C..UC• 95• aHl •LOIN•i fFU•llM)otfllU • 1 •• 1 HAM HOCKS ,, 89 7•aOlll ROAST . l•. TOP Sl•LOIN ........ .. o ,IWIMCJl_•_A $) 09 NUSH SAUSAGE .. .. . ... • C£1<fU Cur •1•• Alff•C•«•·-flUS •12• llfl •flOUHO•-llfU •1s• HAM S&.ICIS II SHOULDIR .. &.1' ..... TIP STIAK . .. LI . Co ver and s immer until tende r -c risp about S m mutes. Makes 6 :.ervmgs. CRISPY FRIED CABBAGE I l'J(t! l r up water •, c up pre pared )ellow m u~tard I 11 c ups fl our, a pproximate ly I teaspoon salt _ cabi~e!> ma 11 he a di . AJii°Lwo~--~~.2oc ~~·L·~~-~ m)z 84C e c "'"'••It• m · L••htly' • • -· ......... ·~:· 21 TRIX CEREAL OfNOAl Mm ... -.... ·~oz 93 · :;:-~;,';,~~·~:~:~r~.~~::•1 ,,.. CA I FOOD !"1:8' .................. ,. c CAKE MIX :::;:~•.:'.''. .. ~ .. ! ~· 22' f~~p~b,att~~t s~~u~ga::I Fi. __ iijicsif 11111·1 .... ~z.s110 F~SATl·NlGHMAIMX ;U,:.R~G,1*11.ER.! .... r.oz 25c mto ~t'rlJ?cs. dip tn flour, ,_........., 9 ~ 4 9 4 ~~~:P inhobtat~~rt :'rio ·~ ! SWEETHEART ............. n ·oz. 69C "'4 BOOSTER ~=.~!..M1 ~~~~(';~c~~~~s.golden I c'MLJ0•1•PAIUC(INCllL.El7CROFFLUEL 92c BROWNIE MIX l 29c • KITTI OUEfN. CHICKEN:·~ .. ~~~·~~~;~~~·~ ... ;;~~;·;;~[~~· Ol . 19 c 1NG ERBREAo ii1x·=.~: .... 1.-.-I·~ :: sgc , c I ass .,. CA' FOOD ......................... 1-0Z. c SUGAR TWIN MOWtt .............. ! ..... t~l. 54c ouHC1•1'111Cr1HCL '"~'l .. EL SYRUP • sl 11 SI ated FABRIC SOFTEllER ... 2oun 96c •u"r-. ................ • .. '~-01 • 9 AUNT ........ CO~ETE • 71 e KRAn son 5 5 ~ ... PANCAKE MIX .......... H I c .,. PARKAY .. AAGA-...... ,~, IL11£90NHlT•ITICll 42c e c ' • MARIARlllE · . RAISINS ''""''°'su oi.m ........ • ••.. t••.or 73 Honqr Bren Muffl-,,,_..o16 LARGE • EXTRA FANCY SWEET • TENDER ·~ APPLES ~EW('ROP CALIFORNIA • DCUCIOUS •ee.79' A t·oursc In nulrit.Jon with i.pecu1I emphasis on ngmg and r hronic dis f>llSC "111 ogain be Of· lered at Soddle back Community llo!'ptlal th1t1 fall by S addle back C-01lege ,,.. ............... • la. JELLO e 35c . PARTY DIPS m •lU ao•·m•-... --!--.-•Ol i scorrow£fs·:::·~~~,~ 1::::::::::: 53c NE'c1iiiiNi'sl.~ .............. l& 37c 5 U ' NO ' • l Wft f • .,,.OWN 1 2 c AVOCADO DIP ::~·~:~·--!·-.. ----·-.. -·-· .. •01 c TOILET TISSUE ~~:i~~: ......... ! _ '"._43c ONIONS ............. . CLAUSSEN PICKLES c 'a'"EGll•lflfP.AE'p'"'p'(•GR•ts'"' . , .. ,. 15c a11Nrn .. t1• , ·--'"·--·-·-··-ll Ot PENNZOIL ttwt ouwr ........ ! ............ 01. 57c · <."hocola1e Chip Cookie• ....... .... &)· 6ge .... , ... Tht> clau. tnu1tht by Or f'rank Varese. wtll mttt from 7 to 9 p.m Wedne!lday nights bc~in nlng Sept. 27 in the hosp11<1I coftlt>ria. The court1e will survey the princ iples of proper nutrition and wlll help students plan a proper daily diet for healthlul liv10g Enrollment for the C'lass con be ar- ranged al the first meet· • inR. " 1 PICKLES ~.·:•;::o .... • 0"•--......... • .......... 1•0 : 59c PENNZOIL ,,., ......................... ! ... 01 &Jt ------------ HERSHEY'S MINI-CHIPS 11 01 61' EVAPORATED MILK r dNUl()N • 2ac • ''•0-'-•H•~!~.~1-~.!~.!!!~ .... 5-~!.!.!.!!~~!"~1!! .. ._. .. ,, I ·-· ................... m........ LflW I Al ....... n -01 ... ... • -~ _ .... -' -~ , ........ ,.... ••••• -- -....... _, ........ .. CANDY ~1l::!!-6r.~~=----1 ·-···-.. ·u sl.f INSTANT MILK ~~:..·~::~· ... ! . nor. '3.95 '-------------. -----------1\!.11 Registration tnforma· lion ls ova1lable by call ing lhl' orrtce of Community Information at &11·9700 or 4~. Ext. 26.1. Kids Cut Up Kitchen run for children: glve lbem some wrappine paper or slit bags and aomelancy- shape cookie cutlen plut crayons. The youngsters will en· joy drawing around the cuUcra and filllni in the shapes wilh the cr*1005 of different colors. If appropriate paper ls used. the kids can make place.mnts for the fami· ly t.able in this !aahion. ' ·,:_~&~~ ~;:~!~~~;:.:"~$·~:~: ~~·~;;;_~!! ... 5 c ~as• ... 7c ~--!57 BEANS ...... __ .! .......... w39" .tuv. ~ ~ ';iwt. Ateu. IWl1110lA 11M lllP· PORK & BEANS ..,.., ....... ! ...... uot 81 c PEA. PODS 55c SALISBURY STEAK "°" t ftlk ~~·· 99c. >~• TOMATOES m~~c~•u• ... ! ·· ·· · "0 z 31:PEA PODS ~:~~~···· .. :~ 55caEEF PAmES =~~i AUCA-SILIDI COllATI ~---49c IOOTimtAttl •><OllNf ~~· STYLES~ ................... ·~oz. ~~: ........... l ........... n~ BEEF STEW •n!OOOM •••. ! t •-OZ 85 CABBAGEROLLS:a~.4J;-ggc VEAL PATTIES ==rllM>~ Bf • scon ECONOMY 89" GREEN PEPPER:,~ .. ., .. nneWAFFLES •llNT.-.. I 55c ... NAPKINS ............. ~. "' 1111,,10 I oi: ~ ~ .... ••$ 23 ENCHILADA SAUCE ='~'ZL ! .. M)l 28c WEIGHT WATCHERS_~~4.~.~14?. 1 CHILI SALSA ~::~.~-... ! .. ·~ ~SHRIMP ".,.l( ...... nu• ·e... s1 CAT FOOD ~·~·~· .. ~~ ... ! . ·~, 49°0RANGE ,J.,.U,Alll°"CMMJNOE ......... ,... .. :.=···· ···'"°z. jftc OD lllM41•tlOll • ! .... n.-01 'J:r T1'ltlWUT ..... ." " .......... 11.oi. lfiJ- PllCUUFIC. 7 fUUDAYS SIPI. 23 • sm.29 ... ! .. .. ... . . , ' 1'lt ... .... .. .... ~ •) ··J ' ,•. •, I ') -J ~ " ·' I .. .. ... ,. '• J J :: . ) ·I , ·' . ·" .. r --W!dn!!d!y. September 22. 1971 DAILY~bOT CZ Home News and Views: f · Dietets Miss Fiber • 1n No-Bread FantOsy -DOaOftll' waNC'S _......_._ ....... ••r. -a diet -DO ~Had for me." How •ll"'l Um• ban_ JOU ~liDmlDMMJUdlT 11_, Americana baw tbe nation that bnad .. a wry fatteniDI food ad tut u t.ber eat ... ol lt, tbty wll 1urel1 loH --- B111t nu. 1CMt mlCbl car~drate a day to MllltY &It aloa& wttbout malntaln body f\lnd10DI. the bu&W, muprlne. <Our aven1e diet bu -., • ~111. you do between 200 and 300 .... to bav.10me tire.cl carbohydrate 1rams ) added to most cheeses. Tbe two colorlnss usual· ly uted are ve1etable dya (not artJflclal col· on) wblch are not ~ht to be baaardous. ar otW c.nal food ill 10/lfll dMt every day. QtJESTIONS WE AJlE One it annatto. which ASKED: comea from the fl esh around lbe seeds ol a Q. h c heddar 1mall tropical tree. The JI aecond Is carotene, a cheese natura Y oranp yellow substance In car· ln color or do they add art.Ulcial colorina• rots nnd oth-;r bright · )'tllow fruits and body actually cbanaa Include Red No. J . intovitaninA. Sct,me companies • • • llopjed ua1nl tbb color· . . .Q. Wbat la lbe cut· lnl u soon aa the ban rent situation on lbe food was announced, which colonnc Red No. 2. ls It waa early In January. sUU beial used ln food '!' Food.I contalnln1 lhe dye atlll have some in your cupboard. • • • • )!'be 18lrtdleat ID W.adwblda peopleloc\IS onubeiol10faU_.,,1.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T~• earbobydrate t\lnUbed b7 cereal foods b a aec:aaary nutrieot. 1be Pood and N utrltioo Board of tht NaUooal .&..arch Council' •UC· _, u lotake of atleut 10 0 1ram1 o f •.. A. Colorln11 are ve1etables wblcb the ... A. Red No. 2 Can which were made before artificial color syn · February 12 can still be thesized from coal> has sold. It's dlfftcult to ftnd been banned' as of last out. bow much, If 11\Y, ol February 12 by the Food such food 11 still around. and Drua Admlnistra· In all PTObabUit.y. not lion. No foods manurac· much Is left on the lured after that dat.e may market, but yo• may ... Q. I trlcd maldna some whipped "diet" type m ar1arlne at home by wbippine water into regular soft mar11artne. It woru fine as long aa it's cold. but it melts quickly when I put It out for a meal. What do they do to tbe commercial diet margarine to pre· vent this? . .A. In the com· merclal "d iet" mar1anne a stabllllacr I• added to keep It from meltln1 too quickly. You might try ualna the harder atlck marcuine ln1tead ot the soft margarine when you whip water Into It. AJso. don't try to add too much water. Add about "• cup water per cup ( \"J pound) ol maraarine. Whip lt in a UtUe at a Ume. t. carbohydrate, JUlt a tq wwd for starch llDd au&ar. State la and ••l•r, lllOwner, are j..C OM ~ of caloriea. We a1IO pt calories from ff'OlelD and fat. So, If JOU ·eu& down on bre9d wblD )'OU 're dletinl. but dDG't cut dow11 on anyWq el.M, 10U may not &oM mucb•eipt. The mo1t potent source of calories is fat, wbicb 1UPpliea 2~ times as many calories a1 either 1tarch. su1ar, ar pr'Otetn. An ounce ot fat., for example, bae "° clklri•. wblle an ciunoe ol proteb), at.arcb, or avg. arbaaJutUO. ~ When you eat less bread, yoa do tend to eat less fat -in the form ol butts or 11tar1artne -and you wnt aave eome calorie•. One slice of bread baa about 65 calort•; a pat of butter or mar1arine (1 teu· poon ) bu a bout 3S calories. U JOU also add such swffb u hooey or jelly to your bread, you can save another 35·90 calories by 1oln1 without. Treat Berry Tasty Kid• Just learnln1 their ABCa and thoM in· to aJaebra will dell~t in bome baked "Berry Bon· ny Bread." Slice ll thinly and sp read with crtana cbft"e or peanut butler. as aaYBONNY aaEAD ~ cup butter or mar1ar1n• l cup nrmly packed dark brown 1u1ar leH 1 V. cupti buttermilk a~ cupa "naUte nour 2 teupoona bakin1 soda 1 v. teaapoona 1alt 1 teaapoon each cin· namon and nutme1 Grated rind or 1 orante ~cup raisins 1 can (I OUDCH) whole berry cranberry sauce In a bowl, cream but· ler unUl nutty. SUr in brown 1u1ar, •II and buttermilk. Beat lo flour, · b1kln1 soda, ult and 1plcM. Fold In orance rind, ralalN and cran· ben'J 11uce. Pour lhl•ture into a 1re11ed and flouro exsxa lnch loaf pan. Bak in a preheated moder oven (380 dt&rff• F.) I 1 hour and 20 mlnut4'1 until ft.rm to the touch in tbe center. Unmold and cool thorw1~ ~ore cutttn1. Rolls Cheesy Add chffsy-dUI navor-lna to )'OUt next batch ot ttfri1erat« bt.cwll. Bl9C1JnNl88LD8 Roll 1 CH (8 oanetll) r.trt.-rat.t nu1 but· ttnnmt bllcalu Into a" f ·laeb rectanale on Goure4 IUl'f ace. Bl'Ulb wt&tal~melt­ ...... r; •prlnkJewtt.b 1 .._pooo dill weed and 1 teatl*'G cthry seed. l"Old fnto thirds; rolJ again Sato t a .. facb rect.ano•. Cut into de· siredsiapn. Place oo un......S bakin1 lhfft. Bruah wtth > tabl11poon1 melted buttet-ud·aprinkle w1th 1 table..poon shredded ParmtNa cb ..... Bake a m cllowt 10 to u iDJDutea or l UI t=e" lwowa. Mat .. a 1 .... Splnlell I AY A ll'll(ACH SAV.0 Frt1h8reen Broccoll Celery Hearts R11111t Pot1to11 11t ..0 !Mo!Mlolll Dtllclou Appia "'0""_°'. Blrtlttt Pars c "''"Qllflt,IAtf...rtr Black Gr1pu Peanuts I• Shell -••tOOOt .... UO loatOR F1r11 • t'()t ,lANft NOT AV4JLlllU AT ,. 14° 4,~~069° .24° .. 29° •OJ ... 49° ... "3" M0NM)Vt4-U2 # HUN~lfllOfON IHI WHlffl&"-tHM &. WHnflllll I L'IO Frozen&~ 1111t1U01 Sour Crea• •AO"•ll , .. °'~ .. 36C Rod·a Mlpo To,piftl "'~"49c M1rk11 IHI T1q1ltoa . . 0,0:IJ 95c J1ao'1 Cit ... Pim !!qfon 1rt1• D•.P -~~ g10 ~~CJ~~~ Puclk!.. ~-59c r.!'!ff' g,.. Bau .• :=.,, 93c Tl'lllWlll Oru11 J1ice .• ::. 490 Park1y MarprtH ..:;.,, 430 Look For The Key Buyal "l(ey aup· .,. ••tr•~ rMd• Potllble by menulacturer'1 tempcSiety p1on1ot1ona1 allowanU•. we pata extra UYtngt on to you 0y prieang .,,.._ ~· ~ lcMier Nn tnew t99'1lat everyd,Y IOW ~ ~~~!nd Black Pepper .• ,,0::. .. 53c Nntl1's Ouik Cocoa Mix :;_ 1" Minute Rice Mixes . 01 :,: 29c Fireside Graham Cracker.~,,':':.. 51 c ~~~arfn Onnges ... ~ .. 35c Del Monte Tomato Sauce .. 0~ .. 29c ~~t~.~~·~~~r.~. ol llo;:.N 33c . Ocun Spny Cnntpp!! D.!J,n.~ 99c Bord1n'1 Instant Potat~ ";:. 59c Ml11ta Rice Hydrn Cookin ~rv••t•O-c..~•tf ·~l~O 97c ~!'!~berry Pruervu . n':: .. 79c Rosarfta R1frl1d Beans • °'O:. 750 Ortep 6rt11 C~lll Sll11 ·~ C:: 33c ,,,,__..., __ ,_ ... _ ----·-~-·- ... 111 IO. ITAft COU. ... 9'-YQ. \ l'Uu.DTCMI mNO .. UCUOA\'L HOJserdd & Pet Chiffon Facial Tissue ~~ftf ~rash Bags Low Suds Detergent •• I Solo Plastic Cups , "' Glad Plutlc Wrap Friakies Cat Food PuriH Tuna Cat Food Gairls Dog M11I Liq.Jar& Wne .. ~49c :.1" 0"4 3'' .... .~ .. pz .~,39c I' 11/~M 19c II UI:: 37° ... :: .. 4" Sunnr Brook B1111dld ~t~~!l 3" ~!~~°'' W'lakey 0 .";., 5'' luckt~•tc~_W~I~-......... 10" ~~'WI• . ·~ 1'' l'tOlitHO"N DAILY t A.M • l~~y l11 Chopped Ham , ,,~r; 99c ~~.~~ .. ~~iced Bologna .,0;'::" 79c ~~Y!n" An11rican Chns~.:: .. 311 ~~.~~~?_~harm ChHae • 0,:0 99c ~!I.~. ~.h1dd1r Chllll . " .... 990 Cr.1cktr 81rr11 ChHH o-4 990 ,.ANl'(,Mf OCfAfUIJIM.40 ·•-•··--· W ,.!If lady ln Sliced Him •. , ..... 93c Morrell Sliced Salam I ,,, ... 92c ~~~~Salad Drwing .::: .. 77c Xlnt Chili Co11 Carne Xlnt Burrito !o•l .. C tit Xlnt Gelatin Salads "-~· .... Health & OOrJuty Ai(J) Aim Family Toothp11t1 •• or:: 84 G Schick Super II Bl1du .=: .... 1•• Tylenol Tablets .. ," .. ,,.,.., .. Johnson's Baby Powder ... ,, ~-1'' Cbildr1n'1 All1r11t Tabl•!!~. 990 U.S.D.A. --1D-Fooo sTAMP111 COUPONS GLADLY ACCEPTED Querenteed Velue ,,;,,,--=_., Per Measure At L.ucky we guarant .. lh• :=--=.L.. larger 11ze or any Item to t>. UI• better value. Prtca are dlloounted end slngle Item --..priced ucept on fair tt~ed end ooverntr1tnl controlled Item a. . .. .• ... In Mexico, a HnillWldt Ii a netta .inn ltaelt. The nation'• two favwtle 1andwkMI. \be open· faced io.tada and t.be roUtd~.1 burrtto. •lat\ wtth tortJllu. a t1.ll bread m• wtUa com oc Oour. TOITA.DAI I 8 atone around com t.ortillu (at room lem· peralure) ... Oil ror frytn1 1 can (17 ounces> refried beam, heated ae· . cording to packa11e directions 2 cups abredded lettuce 2 tomatoes, allttd 1 avocado. peeled, seeded and Jlked Shredded Mooterey Jack or mouarella cbee1e 1 cup dairy sour cream 8 ripe olives, sliced Hot Beer F1lllng Fry tortillaa on both sides in Srll.all amount ol od until cri1p. Drain on paper towels. Sprftd eacb tortilla wlth refried beana, and then with Hot Beer Fillln&. Top with shredded lettuce, tomato slice, and avocado slices. Sprinkle with cheese. C arnisb with sour cream and ripe olives. mix HOT BEEP ftLUNG 1 small onion, minced 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tablespoona cooklne oil 1 pound ground beef • :i cup chopped ripe olives l envelope <H2 ounces) taco seasoning Salt & pepper Cook onion and garlic in oil for 3 minutes; add meat and brown. Add olives and taco season· .-ing mix: simmer until heated through. Seasoo with salt and pepper to taste. , e BURRITOS 3 tablespoons cooking oU :i •• pound stew beef, cut in lh·lnch pieces 3 •• pound pork shoulder, culin 12·incbpieces t cup chopped onion 1 clov~ garlic. crushed 1 teaspoon salt 112 cups water 1can 14 ounces) ireen chilies. drained 1 can < 15 ounces> ttf'ried beans 1 • cup shredded Cheddar cheese 12 flour tortillas Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet: cook Faking It Leftovers Spanish Way With your next batch ~ cup shredded of I t>flo vc r turke y. Cheddar cheese chicken or canned tuna. I/• cup 80\lr cream try drcs111ng them with 1 1 O ·ounce r. an pasta !!hells and a tasty tomato sauce tomato s a uce Spicy '4 teaspoon basil, Spanis h Shell!! can be crushed prepared an m anutet1 to Cook macaroni shells allow edse and s0<'1ab11l-according to directions. ty with familv or guest~. Drain. Saute celery and onion in butter until SPlt'Y tender. Add turkey and SPANISH SllEUS green pepper and cook • 1 cup chopped oruon 3·5 more minutes. 1, cup sliced ct•lery Star In tomato sauce, 3 tablespoons butter olives. cheese, basil and or mar11annt' wa~r. Simmer, covered, 2 cups cubed turkey sUrring occasionally, for 11, cup<i uncooked 10 minutes Stir In sour macarona 1ht>l111 cream and macaroni '• cup 5hced black shells. Heat lhrou&h. olives Serve In a 1 a r I e 1 gree n pepper, cMserolegarnlahedwith sliced chopped hard-bolled egg. .......... ., ~ol~ MA.11•10119 FLA HK U.S.O.A. ,, STIAK TOP SIRLOIN .... unl"llC• ......... MILD s1~ ...... ~ CIBOA.ll CHIUI c!~ ............. HINDQT, Of BEEF With Steakl S.C. Case WI 190 lo 220I ............... U.s.DJ. FILIT MIG MOM STfAICS or ROASTS TllTIP IOAST ._LOIN, 1X1'1.+. LIAM $159 LI. 95~ .sis! GROUND.,. c CHUCK u. ·-·-........ es... ·~--s1..u FILET_M.IGNOM'4~~~·::-' .& . ANKAMUOCARD • MASTER Ct<AflCE' RANor,s BUTCHER .SHOP' 210 E. 111t\ IL Coeta M ... , ..... 0.-....... ......_ .,TN ... ... OPIN MON.· UJ. ti-I ... . ~ ...... 642-7191 ~--- ::.r '° . beat t1>urJ or until m .,ut;Addehlllem..., .... ~ meat. Continue c , w:aeovered, untl all Jt. quid bu evaporated. Heat refried beana la 1 tablespoon oil. Add cbeen:itelt'anttl dleesftm~. -. In ceot.u qr each t«UUa, a~ad abo" two t.ablespoone beah mixturt In a t,hJn layer. Spoon about 2 t.ablea~~at mixture near one ect1e o( tort.Ula. ltOL\ ~ foW..inl ends In secureJy. formtn1 a rectan&ulir roO. Place burrito• 0n a rookie sheet; cover 'with foil. Heat in prebefled 32S de1ree oven for lS minutes. Serve wit.la taco aauc . Males 12 serv- tnp. 'JQllATOaSTtl ..... D wrm G1JACAllOLB S medium tomatoes I tar1e ripe aV«adol. peeled and seeded Ztabl-.PtOU~onlon l tomato.~ M!ded. and ebopped 1 tablupoon lemon juice Salt Dub bot pepper Huce LelUJ~e leaves Make three croa1wiae cuts In top of tomatoes. cutUna aJmoat but not through tbe bot· tom. Spread sections apart to form a cup. Mub avocados and mlx with onion. chopped tomato. and lemon Juice. Add Hit and hot pepper sauce to taste and mix well. Stuff the tomatoes with the avocado mixture and arrange on crisp lettuce leaves. Traditioial BONELESS CG8V£1)8EEF •!SKIT~~~; ~ CINTll Pl.AT CUT ........... '1°' 11. BOYS LOVE GIRLS ElffCTM ntUI$.. SUJ. Ur4 llwv wtO .. An. M 1'76 $0UY, P«> ~$ TO DfAlW POTH OS PLANTS 6 INCH HANGING POT ' UNDER JUICY R• ITIAK ~41L?~ 49~ FROZEN FISH PIUIT °' 1un11 FISI FISI 7~ 4~ 111191Y ...... &.-.... ............... ......... ... ._ ..... .... ···-~ ...... f , Seafood Selections FIESI Fll£TS! ' ,.... s 1 s' SllAPPER • O.llcioul broiled, b&lied. s-n-fried Sand Dabsim .•• 52't You1J want a bis aldUetl Fresh! / Halibut 'Steak •• s29t 4 Cmt« cut! Farm Northern rllb Crab Legs ~ ••• 514! Meaty IQOdneu !tom Alukan crabs! f Cooked Shrimp 532? I J uat risht for 1hrimp cockt.tiJ I : ALBACORE I .l l =~··· s1 s' "TllPlll • Grocery Values r 1, I. ----------------' f '' MIRACLE I{ -I( I l r I l Kraft'• ,teat dnMinr! Quart Marshmallows • 39c Kraft'• Miniaturea ••• lOV1 01 bas Kidney Beans •• 33c SltW ••• plump, red, tender! 16~ en Muffins...... • • • 39c r ·En1lith, Sour Douih! Sprinsfield /, Lady Scott2111P1.. 43c f Chooae printa or IOI\ tinta! : · Margarines.r • • 59c : I Blue Bonnet for Nat wte! 1 lb. L r All Flavers! 3 5 C i i JELL-0 I ' I' fOI' aalad1, detserta! Big 6 OS pkg. d ! ; !.!.~ 3 .:. ;.,~~.3e L Wine Vinegar1111. 35c f IWlina Oartlc, Red, Champaane I ~'~~~ ,; _: 49e : · Preserves=:· •• 79c I Knotl'1 old Cuhloned quality! 16 OI l r Prindes • • • • • 39c J New lanrted potato chipg! 41.AJ os ' i~ =s 29c I ' Fla~ .........,ta · 11 ounce can L' .._ __ ...-4 ________ __. very week for every day of the we ek. . count on El R ancho to olf er you samar For brroltfcm or brunclt ... ::i=. ..... .. .... ........ llttlr ..... "' , , •Pf€k up our rec~._ •• In•! -, _______________ __ . SWISS s 109 ~ ~ !!~~!.s.O.A. Choice ~ T eriyaki Sfeak . '1 •t 1 Oinlba Roast •• '12t Bontleu top round • Choice beef Compare the value ••• see for ,ounelt that Center Cut round rte from El Rancho offers more val\le, more aatiafaction! Ground Be.f •• 'l~t E•lra lean .•• bulk r paUin 1 Meat Loaf ~ • • • 89t Stew Beef •••• s1 't Eitra lean1 boaele.. U.$.0 .A. Cbpice Beef Shanks •• 99t Beef Rib Bones 79t U.S.D.A. Choice· bake or b-b-q Game Hens ••• '12! Center cut -U.S.O.A. Choice beef 0\'en ready, made wit~ fr~h egg1! U.S.D.A. Grade ••A" • 24 oz. biir! laRJ/J Chops =lLLE ...... 1t.lt· Fresh Western grown ••. for that navor that makea.lamb from El .~ ho such a .special treat! (ml1SS SMATOCA CIT ... t n •> Ground Lamb •• 79t U.S.D.A. ~hoice lamb · freshly ground Pork Roast .... s1 1t Rolled &et.on Butt~ fresh Eutarn park Fresh • 29c Broccoli · •, Al l ireen, gudm Cteab tendemetal Rath's Bacon •• s13t Hickory 1moked · 11ticed · 1 ll> pkg Sliced Bacon • • s l 3t Ea ~cho'• lhicker ranch a&yle f'Nah! West.em! l.1.S.D.A. Choice Garden Pate~ f'r4sh! " App/11 .':J~s ..... I· 11 Cri!Jp and jurcyt You'll fi..Jnal utisfaction in .Elltra ruc:y'Waahingt.on State quality. ~-· , : , Red . Yains •••• 39t Banana Squash .9t U.S. No, 1 quality ••• fine for baking Oarden freah •.• thick meated, too! ITAi.iA ~ GRAPES Sandwich Fixin's ! =:1s2129c Cri1p and tender! 1 lb. pllo bag Balagn~ :: ........... 111 America'• ra\'orite undwich meat .•• c.hooae ~eat or Beer ••• lO'le that Oscar Mayer! 12 oi pkg ' I Salami.... • • 79c Braunschweiger 59c ChOOM Cotto or Beer -8 oz pkf I Oacar Mayer 8 oz chub Cooked Ham •• s 131 Oacar Mayer'• 11lced • 6 oi pk11 Variety Pack • . s 139 Auorted Oacar Mayer meal.II 12 oz American.. • • s 1 •• Ktall'a Jkhat .•. 12 oz. pacuse Hard Salami· • • s 149 0.Car Mayer • another treat! 8 ~ CLAUSSElt'Sa ft c PICKLES ~ , Cheese Variety ggc Kraft f•voriua In 8 ounc4 pack Whoh> « fc icle Koaher • ~ ot jara WEDllSDAY ......., ... 06ts .._. IN c.lllN&t t en 11 lbcait r...- """" Milk Fed Veal! VEAL ·s2a9 Cutlets •· Cubed ..• plain or b~ded Ground Veal • • s 1 •t El Rancho'• ienume milk-fed! · Veal Shanks • • 51 •t Meaty -from milk-fed veal! Veal Breast • • . s l 2t Genuine milk-red veal Veal Chops.cur-.s32~ Our genuine milk-fed veal' VEAL ·=·s2s9 ROAST .. Chuck cut milk led \'e&I shoulder Grocery Valu es Del Monte 3 9 c PEARS Halves of swttl Bartletts! No. 30:l Snack Packm .. • • 7 5c Hunt"1 • choice o( varietieK Yuban Coffee •• s1 9s Your choice of grinds! J lh c11n Brownie Mix . • 93c Duncan Hines , .. 23 oun<'e package Almonds.CMT •. 98c Sn11rk (avor11 ell ••• R oun('e Jnr COTIAGE 59c CHEESE Smooth creamy Springfield! Pint Bounce~" 20 • • • ag e New fabric softener! (10¢ ofO Downy"om .•.• gge l..iquid fabric 110fLener ( Jl)c off) Litter Green . • s 119 Kitty will u~ 1t! 10 lh b111t Formula 409 •• ag e All purpo!!e household cleonrr' 2:.! 01. Cold Cups •••• ggc AlplHlic -7 ui ... pkic ol 100 ~==:K 49c Chicken of 1 hf' St>a in waler! No. ': Fro zen Food ,Liquor Dep 't. ·· Macaroni IEsE Ste StouO"er'a . made with real cheddar, to rnakt the difference! 12 oz pq. [ I t•c's C••• ....... ne ...,. ftsie T...U. ri. °' Taco ea-ror. Silli' 1111 Zllt • • • . • . • • 4 39C a., thlft "birth ...,.,.. bu · It lMti. Green lelllSmla 29c CbooM Fre.nch or Bq. c:ut ••. 9 01 pq Tumoversu... • 59c Jllior Pizzas .. '1 11 Fnmtidlni ....... 11.9 Four ounet elu • -~. , >.JI • lliitant i.tflt . .. . . . . . . 1119 Mam~Hou.e tn the 10 d\uld""' • · WhiSkey:f J~ ~ ... ~888 l '• bpuJed 1or ut, eicl~tly_. ... 86 proor and 11mooth! Half-1111011 El R.uncho !~.:=~ .. :11.:. sail t~a.!!':~ .. ~!~ .. s549 ~ Sark ..• sg•• · Vennouthflll ••• s 179 TNt fam0\11 acotchl Quan. ' TribUn<> • Extra Ory or Sweet Old Crow ..... '4'' la Salle Rose • s2~9 Stnilfht •'hiakey (or 10\'I ~ Fino wine from Cbriatian Br~. filth Opm dalfy to 9 Sunday JO t o 7 No Kalta to dPOIPr.~ • 11111 ••• '. • • • • • • • • 3k 1'11tiJ"hll)' Ort..-GrMD ••• 7 OUDte Top Job ••••••••..•••• 89¢ HouHhold cle•n r • 28 01 (I St of() --"""" . . ...•... ~ . lie SdftllltW't r .. ,.W • • ~ tin • u.,id Sary! . , . . . • . . . LtJ 81111t 1ubttlt11tt •• , 12 ounce eiit 1 ) J CiJI OM.Y PtLOT Wldn!!d!y. s.ei.mw22. 1m • SHOP SAFEWAY FOR THE QUALITY YOU EXPECT AT THE PRICE YOU'LL LIKE! u.s.o.a. etaolce. Large End Cut $Nlll.nd Rib. ., .. lloast. .. ftt. \9 lb. '°'IPl'lld or Coating ~ 1-lb. Carton r (WITH COUPON IElOW J ~ ~!!=!.~?.~:!~.~, ....... age \...------·~{ WITH COUPON IElOW • I PORK SHOULDER SMOKED PICNIC Arm Pot Roast ::=-.. ggc Chuck Short Rlbsu:: =: .. 99c !~~!"-~8!~~~!~b. 65C Boneless Hams ,:::., .. '24' Snapper Fiiiets ,,OUll--:= .... 111.•111 Whole. 69¢ Boneless Beef Stew '~::;' .. •p• Dungeness Crabmi.. ~ a.'1" (n:J~~ .. ) lb. Liquor Department • ll p <;.H EliK~·· •n L ~~llSflO s11e ... •>t ~ ~SENORITA {~*TEQUILA Fresh lrl1ket =:::.: .. '1" Filet Mignon '"::*' 11. •3• Win e Department Pr·ces EttKttve 1n llCenseo Seltwl)'s LAMESA TABLE WINE '°" ll*'Wtbs'·:::-::::~·1" Pott Sausage = 1£:-eeo Fresh ... Coun t On It ! (Except Sangrta $ 219 · or Port) '--• Gallon ~. . -~ • Gokl : S:Jl . $ 9 9 C1'..:. •White GJ 80.Prool fifth 3 U.S. No. 1 10-lb. Bag ~~.~s. 4 ~ 69¢ Cherry Tomatoes 12 ~, 39¢ Garden fres/1 8.lSiltt Servi Topped With Butter Sauce. lb. Bartlett Pears . v s No ' U't Caunly Avocados Freeh~ I/top ...... Ctwd On Ill Hanging Plants Assorted Plants il Fresh and &-Inch $ 319 Mlftf Hriltla 4·inch $13 9 If' Decorative Pot To CMoM ffom Pot (Plus DeposH) A PEANUT *' BUTIER Aeallloalt • ......-.-. $139 Cnlnc:tty • 'f: ;: 40-oL or Cranly •• • -.,r-Jar 1-doz. Carton ORANGE JUICE $ &-oz. Cans c- r v n c r Cf I Jewish Holy rYays Mean Fe stiv e Ta b.I es Tbe H1tb Holy Days, the fint ten~ the Jewbh Fold in e11 wblta Tum batter mto a 1reased and n~ Suaar calendar New Year, beelntblayearoaSa y. ~ Bundt pu. Cinnamon Openin1 with Raab Huhanah and t.n days later Bake at 350 decrees F. about SS mlnutH, or until done. In a larte bowl stir together nour and baltinJ powder wilb Yom Kippur, UU. IOlemn aeuon l)Ot ntteuarily a Cool in pan on wire rack 10 minutes. Turn out ooto rap to Beat 111 and suaar until thick and llihl in color. Add Ume of udnesa. ln tact after \be e ninl Mrvtce at t.be finlab coolin1. Sprinkle wilb coofectioovs' suaar. com on and extnrt; conUnu. beatmll untJI thorouahly synalO(Ue Jewlab tables aretestJve w 1peclal food.I. MANDEL B&<rr mixed. Stir in nour mixture unUl w~ll mixed. Star in nuts Since Jew lab dietary law prohi ta tbt comblninJ o1 41,\ cups sifted flour Shape douah hl\o long rolls, about 2 Inches thick. Place meat and dairy product.a at tbe um mealci~:wiJb cui1loe 3 teaspoons baklncpowder oo creased bakln1 sheets. Bake in 350 de1ree F. oven 20 i.ocludes a unique collectioo o1 d maia ea. Noodla, 4 q11 minutea or unlil li&htly browned. Cool rolls completely on pancakes and dou&b are the ma ys ol clairy meala, and t cup suaar wire racks. Cut each roll Into l,\·lnch slices. Sprinkle suaur are oft.en filled with savory c and •II mixtures. t cup com oU and cinnamon on each slice. Cheese bllnt1e5 are a leadiJi1 favorite durin1 the Hilh 1 teaspoon almond extract Return slices. sugar side up, to baking sheets and bake Holy Daya. l cup coaraJey chops>«! almon~ or walnuts U minutes tonier or unUJ browned. Makes 48 slices. . • WEF.sE BLINTZES -----.· '• 1 pound dry or uncreamed cottqe cheese 1 package (3-ounce) cream c~e. softened v. cupsu1ar V• teaspoon ground cinnamon 4e111 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon peanut oil lcup.mllllt 1 cup uoalfted flour ~cup peanut oU Sour cream Combine cottage cheese, cream cheese, sugar, cin· namoa and 1 eu unW thoroughly blended Set Hide. Co~blne remaJnl.ng ! 3ns. salt, l teaspoon peanut oil and m.Uk. Beal in nour until smooth. Pour 2 tablespoons bat· ter into a bot, lightly oiled 6-l.och skillet. Tiit pan to spread batter evenly. Cook over medium-high beat until bottom is lightly browned. Remove from pan, browned side up. Place 2 tablespoons filling In center. Fold opposite sides ln to form a rectangle. Repeat wilb remaining baller and fllllng. Heat Y.'I cup peanut oil in large skillet until hot. Fry blintzes on each side until 1olden brown. Remove from pan; drain on paper towelina. Serve hot with sour cream. Makes 1Sbllntzea. WHITEllO\JSE CASSEllOLE l egg, sll&htly beaten Y.'I cup mayonnaise 1 tablnpoon nour V. teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon pepper ~ cup chopped cucumber z tablespoons chopped ueen pnion 2 cups cooked, naked whitefish ( 1 pound> Y.'I cup shredded American cheese 6 e>ttted black olives, cut in half In large bowl sUr together eaa. mayonnaise, flour. salt and pepper; add cucumber, green onion and flsb, mudng thorouebly. Turn mto greased 1-quart casserole. Top with cheese and olives. a..kein350degreeoven 30mlnute.sor un· tH cheese is melted. ?.takes 4 servings. CORNED BEEF MOLDED SALAD 1 envelope unflavored 1etatin ~ cup cold water 14 cup tlnely chops>«! oruoo 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup mayOMaise 1 Y.'I cups finely shredded cabbage lY.'I cups shredded cooked corned beer 1 cup chopped celery _; 1A cup sweet pickle relish .ln small saucepan sprinkle gelatin over cold water. Place over low heat, stirring constantly. 3 to S minutes or until 1elatln dissolves. Remove from beat; stir In onion. lemon juice and salt. Gradually stir gelatin mixture into mayonnaise. Add cabbage, corned beef, celery and pickle relish; stir until well mixed. Turn into 1 Y.'I quart mold and chill about 2 hours or until firm. Unmold and serve. Makes 8 (~cup) servings. CAUUFLOWER caEME lcupwater ~ teupoon salt 1 medium head caullflower, washed, outer leaves and stalk removed 2 tablespoons peanut oil 2 tablespoons nour ~ teupoon salt ~ teaspoon ground nutmea Dub pepper 1 cup chicken broth 1 eag yolk. sllghUy beaten 2 tablespoons chopped parsley In a large saucepan bring water and salt to a boil. Add caullllower; bring to a boll. Cover and cook over medium heal until tender, about 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from saucepan. Place on serving dish. Keep warm. Jn a small heavy saucepan blend together peanut oil, flour. salt, nutme1 and pepper. Cook over low heat. stirrin1 until mixture la smooth and bubbly. Remove from heat and gradually stir In chicken broth. Return lo h.eat and bring mixture to a boll. slirrina constanUy. Remove from heat. Pour some of hot mixture into egg yollt. Blend well. Pout yolk mixture back Into broth mixture. Brin& to a boll, sUrrin1 cooatanlly. St1r in panley. Pour over cauliflower. Serves4·f , SWEET POTATO CUE 2 cupa unslfted now- 2\4 teaspoons bakin& powder \o\ teaspoon baktn1 soda \o\ teaspoon salt 1 teupoon lround cinnamon 1 teaspoon uound nutmeg ~ teaspoon IJ'(>UDd cloves 4 ens. separated 2cups sugar 1 cup peanut oil 1 \.'t cups shredded raw sweet potatoes 1 cup chopped pttans ·~cup hot waler Confectioner's suaar Combine flour. baking powder. baking IM>da, salt, cln· namon. nutmeg and cloves. Stir to blend well; set uide. Beat e11 whites In small mixer bowl unlll sof). peaks form; setaalde. In lar1e ml.er bowl combine •'-'&Ar and peanut oU. Beat untU well be blended. Add e11 yolks one at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix 111 aweel potatoea and pecans. Alternately blend ln dry ln1ttdlenta and hot water. FRoM Fash ion I slan d N ew port Beach -............... , ... """' Until recently, a cat's meow could be loosely translated as a re- quest for either the 18 oz. box of Meow Mix or the 3!? lb bag. Now. however, Meow M1x•cat food also comes in a 7 lb. bag. We call it our large. economy size. It's perlect for cats with large, not so economy size appetites. And for families with more than one caf. While 1t costs less per oz. than our smaller sizes, 1t also gives a cat the kind of taste as well as the kind of variety he couldn't get in any other larger size. And not only does your cat's word carry a lot of weight at Meow Mix, now 1t also carries a lot of weight at the grocery. For with the coupon it can save 30C on the 7 lb. bag at Meow Mix. I TASTES SO GOOD CATS ASK FqR IT BY NAME: STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HAR.S OR 'f ~,.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_,;.~~~~~~:-..~~~~~ ....... ~_...;;..~.~~-:---~~~~:.-..:.;_--....~~~~~--:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---:--·c , ~ ... . r IOOMER l1rlOA, LA;l ~t~ ffli* f ~AL!Ve ' totSre~ ~l tl6flf WsA,:o~ -Q) l(.Jow, r.i~ UJtt" IT'O ~f' 1t:M f FUNKY WINKERBEAH TANK McNAMARA • NANCY TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLE UNITEOFealure Syndicate tuHday1P11u1esa1 .. d ACROSS 46 Stowe s c A D A l A s D A R [ D Ch111cter 1 f l C M E} U f l l M I 1 Essence 5 ActOf .... Skinner 99roltsh p11son1 14fnl ~Yf'IPl"1'f 1!1Sna; l6A1111y .. 4 7 Ribbon. R A I l P A I N S 0 N I C SUlllJ A S C A , I l A II II I N " T ( 4 ~ Commoneo , t c • l o I N o 11 r. £ 5 1 ••••• pOle O l 0 ( I N A N I ti 0 l 54 Fall flow•• c 0 N c [ • N I N ' I D I I/ [ 58 Firtarrn. A " A H s I D 0 c I l [ I/ E l Slang l I • [ I c 0 N I A I N [ • s 60 ThwnH S l 1 I N l I/ I S 1 0 A HIUlfY S A l l 0 I l H l I C [ 61~m• JU AN,[lON I SUl A l 17 ACtOf ••• • Bunker, A N N " l [ H 0 s • A s 14 Rt inlr e g 2 S l A R l N 0 H 0 C T 1 l l8Eou11 WOfdl SOLCS DRCW otc• 20 Anm1l fOll'll 83 Wood 2 t Mount1111. 94 Men eultlorlty 34 8111• Pref1i1 85 ~re 9 Played 3S AloM Preni 22Metric:al brother a aps 37 Gu•tlleu come>oal· 86 Nie>• oatm 10 M Clllll 38 Muac:ui. tiona 87 Praying 1n11r11rntnl ''"'" 2 3 N1rrowne11 ll~re 11 Mu11c:11 40 ltt1tt Preli• 88 fin di tne COlllPOSltlon 4 I Barr al 25 Per few med aurn d 1 '1 Rape 48 9elng In 27 E1n1 80 Sc>r•d• 13 Tennie addition 29 M1te1lcullte l'lly rnllefl 48 No-cal .30 lrlllTltd'-1...,: d•\l!liona 40 Adw#lee an AbC>f OOWN 10 Allim ·~· 34 Elect unit 1 FMla up light 24 111111 I "'0 Conllnu~t 36 tt.1111• ol 2 ... -·· command " r11e1ec1 Betleff H 1 to 02 Go on IOCM 38 Eq>edlte True" 28 Leg &$ A11ial1 :>H1nane1t1 J lrevs 'e At 1111 ritic. 64Aw: Cornb. 1t11htu110n: 4 rr1nctl tlfl 1 d l0t111 2 woro• name 30 Sui.th"'-: 65 S.l •iftl flf'e 4 H~~· I a.J111n 3 I :;:;.._.1 58Tl•tu• 43 MO.ltrna, e ~Ilka cciurw 2 67 TtMQllll coll~llnty ~-· war Cb 09 lnlcwrnal 4Ht1111le 1 Twain lldt 32 New York• room• an1111•t 2 wordl · carlOonltt 82 M .. York 45 ''OMI, dam 8 Fl.Qd IP/ 33 M0111Jal' bulldlnO tfld --lt1lont1 .. by Tom Batiulc AND IF WE ootJi 1JE KID UH) DID IT I WE'RE GC»l(7 10 .5££ ™AT ™E Lrm.E VAN~l 15 KICKED OUT OF .so«>L I by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds t~. I ICNOW !'V~ GOT 70 CUT ~M M--M - by Ernie lushniler THAT'S THE VERY SPOT WHERE I Fl R?T MET :YOU .... PEANUTS MISS PEACH J r . ' t l } ' . .. ~ SAY THA'T' WOI'«"( GAN ..__ __ __, ~TIN ONl'S LIFf! CJ DICK TRACY DOOLEY'S WORLD 1HELMA t1A£> A UOfbSfTiON L\Kf! f(>tlR rJ(J.S of~iCAT5 DR. SMOCK MOON MULLINS r-7'!'l"- by Rodgef" Bradfid ------~ .. Y 'Sl!!8, AS FAR. AS>. CAN ~eL.L- FROM "n-cese ><-RAYS •.• by Ftrd Johnson ~~Al.WAYS CROPS 8Y10 SEE IF WE'RE ON it4e JOB BeFO~E 111: GOES HOME ... by Chcrtes M. Schult THE GIRLS --------I NEB7 A 6000 EOUCA'Tl()L nwocs AEAIN, I THINK ~ IF I BECX»lf A 6R.f.AT SfWP!r', ~ MPH6f l'D Anu.m.1 l<NOlll l'U. snll 6MH6 ~ TME 6fTTf.R lEJt'E NEB> A ~ som. M:lOuZE TOWNM. • :· . . • •• • 1 •·And knowina how proud you ore of our new home I saJd \I my~clf. 'I le 1:crt1inly doean't ~•nt me runnin1 around in ii >Vcarill jual any old thin&.' " , • ---l J"fl• Grapon, "alpha Price Controller is a full time Ralphs employee and home- maker with five ctuldren. Her job simply ts to help you get what you want at the r·ght prrce, to make sure Ralphs everyday pr1ces on brand· name merchandise aTe com· pe1111ve with other non-member- ~ sNp tull·hne supermarket chain store prices in the Los Angeles/Orange CO\lnty area (Not advertised 0< in-store specials) She wants your help -... to do it property. so call Juhe Grayson. Ralphs Price Con· troller She·11 take it from there Call her Mortday-Fnday. 8 00 a m . ·5 00 p m. at ttus toll free number 1-800-262-l600 ........... 1Nn Bacon U. .... A-HCllJF.,. Whole Frvers ~.41 :'. ·~:.98 heft# ......... , .. Sirtl*I Sle1tss pef1~8 . ~ 99 lb. lb • HoUt'M-43 USOA C. .. A Mixed ~ Fryer Pm1s lb. c-• ._.. ...... .......... ....... ._ 9"1on 9u" 99 M.....,., .. Steaks '::~ • ............ Sidi Margarine ~.29 =-~ 45 4!!L • ~c-·&9 Juice •,g.e.. cet1oft ~~:::;;~;;;;;:;~:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:; ___ ;:;;:;:~~~l ~:f~.~;:;~.;:;::;:;::;:;::;::;;~:::;;:::;;:::;;;:;::~~:a-~~ .. -11· -.. _,, .. , """ --• ti . ~ ~,.... ..... Qlclm tt nm, Mayonnaise '.;· Banquet Dinno•~ ~ ~89 , ~.~'..45 Jer.:o· 29 loz. • pllg. ~~~ 19· IOL . cen ~a;.;48 1110L. cen Bart1ittPears ... 1'11 lb.'"' . ' [\?] Buy Temporarily reduced price. This price may include manufacturers' allowances and special purchases. DEveryday ~ Price ==i~=~~ O .... cw ChucltStlllk D ...,,....,crwo &-'Short ... O ....,,,__..~ ....... on...tAound O .... l_ ..... ..._... T-Bone8t11b ........ Se.kTeila O ....... ~c"' F'Nlh .... 8riJbt 0 .... ..... Boe ... JI ,._, A09lt D wUww o a=.-c-.5"* no..n.,.... ~ T&a'bol Flllll ~., .. ....._ ... .,...,.c.,. ~PICilc81l11tM . ..,.,.,.,. ..... --Pantry Fiiier• -69 r#~ ~ -69 D c.~ io' oL 16 rA Olet·A--4"-"""-i2 ... 12 .. • 1'£..Freeh Pork Roast ._ • Tomato Soup c:n • Y Shasta Drif*I c., • ,,.. 69 oc-c ... .-.. c... 1 68 D C•!"f"'!"'t '0" ot. 18 l J St.••"'"·''"'° or v......,... 12 .. • Pork Chops :'.' • Chicken Noodle Soup can • Beech-Nut Baby Food let • ~1.29 ~r~"DMnsticb :'.' .39 o s:;;;.:cr&cken ':.:·.59 D ~eab;Fc::i .... 14 -1 98 O C...._ CO.-""" 65 rA ~ A·I , ,._ 39 LA ~-Pack..S !"-.C-... 2tea. 47 .. • ~.Cut-Up Fryers • • ~~Spaghetti '*• • ~ Sliced Pineapple _. • ~ 1.39 C~ Hen T&neys :'.' .69 ~ ~~ u;;_ ... ,59 0 ~~ ':.:_a-. 79 .. ,. 21 u • ........ H• ........ , •. oc1 ..... -2 99 0 .................... oClllpe tot. 79 LA Nnle•Wtlhl~IS"IJ• 12.0L 85 • • ~. Booeln1 Hams .. • Pringle's '*• • ~ Ice Tea MIX 1• • ... 149 ri•-...--..... 97 o o.mc ......... -~Yariel!ff "'•OL 57 D A.--....Ge4ellno.-. JOL 19 .. • L. F.,,_ John S.sage ... • Layer Cake Maxes '*• • Jel-0 "*• • """59 ~-,..._ -139 r-i ~"'~ s-. 65 rA"...,._~,,,... " 79 .. • f!(... Bladt Cod F9lll .. • L \aolCI Medal Flow b... . ~ Strawbeny Pre9erves ;,1 • ,.. , 88 0 -c-•-,..1 89 ~ "'~.-100ftl"edl Uot. 69 D G•M< .. ~lllsCor;al IOH 55 .. • ~Roc:kllft Fillets ... • YJ Liquid Delelgent bu. • Cheenoe Ilk ... D 1000 S'-i lloll 26 D 11.i1099'1 C«HI u Scott Toilet TISSUe ,o11 • Rice Krispies ,.~· .68 A-'" c-.. 2 .. 39 0 Med•-or WOdo Aurora Toilet ressue ~. • ~Golden Grain Noodles 1:.,~~ .49 ,.. 2 29 LA Cor-gt ttn 43 D G~Gr_A.__V_t,.. 49 .. • ~ Paper Towels '°' • Stir N Serve Mixes "*• • :r 1.99 Q C:.d~Det8fgent·:..~1.09 0 M"~Salt 2:..:~· .18 0 ~ 250tll"adl '4or 1 96 ~ ~ial·.IOOftP.U .. 1 23 ~ cheer Detergent .,.., • ~ uain Detergent pi..:1 • ,,.,.,,., ,,....,.,. Con ' ,., 99 ~ ........... ... ~Cooked~ ~ ....... ': 2.49 ~ DcMt-Sole Fillet __ ......, __ -- . - Health • 8eaufy Aids Fronn 1Food9 11 ..... 2Wlll G 59 ·-Old '~ L ~UI ... I v.tarrin c T.,.._ '': .. ct.. L Ralphs Ice c_,., ~ .89 ty White Roee PotMoes .,.._,.,,_..,. 63 ~o.~onNi I . 39 ~-p.111pe.1201.1 ...... Di-Gel '::.·. ~Biros Eye AwllM.e '~~... ~Cheny Tamatoee lc9lt pkt 67 ['"]1111---·S-10 a.' 45 ~Mild.l•..C • Baby Fresh w._ .... • fl£.Slnlwberries ~ • ~.Brown Oneona ....... ....... 97 ~·-.. -·ta L'A£.--r ........... ,_. ~ '!:.~ • ~Macaroni a Ctw ':.,:-.63 ~Heen Mushtoom1 LA"-*~ 79 LA •• __.verieti. 79 ~BAND-AIDS :t. • ~Ore Ida Tater Toe. ~':: • Dell Food8 .. c: ... 59 ~-':: .87 Bllkerv ~S'bdti'~ :::-.11 D ~~ .._~.--..... • 119 ___ ...._. , ..... 27 o ..... e-Oek..... ~.......... - Lasting Hdd : • ~Al SW 8.-d ..., • ~ 1000 llland Dt 11 ring ':.:~ .83 ~ a.If 8unb f!C.~....9!'!. "• 1 49 L ~C1ir~C~.... IJ•L II !-a.etwo.n.r..u, Joa. .45 0 .... .,....,.1 L.: • .._. •• ~v Ull • ~ ,. .. • L Leo's Chipped Meat ,... ~ad> Wlw • Splrlt8 Dt;;;B:.a ':.=-.39 D"...._ ... s:.=i., uu 1 39 0 ._..~ 1 :.: .13 :;: .33 ::-1.• =: 1.59 ~ l....,,.,. Gift., 2 99 11......,.. 09llclew 89 Koetw c-. ()qnge Juice Y JSendnlVda -. • ...._,OrangeTeeClkal -"· ~,,.,..v..... 3 99 ~ lmponed Tequla -. • HOU8•ltold V.,.,_ r---·e@§•·---.. r---«n•·---.. ~~ .... 4.39 ~t';:ciDt;;n. .. 1!:1.39 D II_...._ I pk. 99 L~"-IMM GiO"" U OL 1 39 A.lpen-Gold Beer Cll\. e ~Mop a K e D ,_.,.A...ted v....... 89 LA •Irie iuu••-Aalrf._c.Mn ''• 111.2 49 Cocktal Mix• """'. ~Whilllng Tee ~.ale au • ~ Ellilc1M S.. 23 ~ S., 21, 117' I ._.JI · MT•-"-· -I I i.--•·•r·-~ .. , I I ;;kin 29 I I u.ml 79 I I KneeHfs ,... 11 Ddll .... U.:-. I I ~----c-.. -I I &.------0.-0-. I c-_._ .......... -. ~-............... _ L MGHT PRICE COU~N . • L NGHT "'9a C<M#IOM • __________ .. __________ .. w.,_._~ .. ..,..,,...._... oc:W.....,.., , .. ,,...,.. you get what you want ••• at the Price™ 380 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA 1204 IRVINf, TUSTIN, tEWPOAT & IRV1Nf at.VD. ~167 PASEO DE VALENCIA, LAGUNA HILLS 17261 17th ST., TUSTIN . HARBOR & W1lSOH COSTA MESA 9901 rAOAMS at.VD., HUNTINGTON BEACH 401 N. lOARA. ANAHEJM 6942 WARNER. HUNTINGTON BEACH 15471 s. moouutsl, WESTMINSTll STORE HOURS: 9-10 Daly, 9-9 Sunday - l I .. ~ i i Fi -~ 0 > ;= -< ~ r 0 .... ·- J Idea Germinates tr you do any baking at all, wheat eerm ls sure to become a regular on your I.ult ol ingre· dtent.s. This natural cereal ls lru· ly an a ll purpose food and does so much for anything it goes into. The fresh wholesome tast.e is at- tnbuted to the fact that 1l con- tains np additives or 'pre- servatives. and 1s us ually vacuum-packed t o preserve freshness. The nutlike flavor in these con· rections adds hearty texture in- terest. too. Wheat eerm 's nutnent content or high quality protein,ir<>(I and vitamins l!I. also a plus. The tasty honey raisin bars, ror ins tance. may be made "1th either regular >wheat germ or wheat germ with sugar and honey. They 're mois t and flavorful with butter, honey, ra1sms and cinnamon. Eye catching sandl.-1ch cookies began with a vanilla wheat germ refrigerator cooky dough. The lhmly sliced and baked cookies are put t ogether with but· tercream filling, then cut into half moons No-bake wheal germ rudge squares can be made anytime 111nce they don't require an oven let the junior cooks try thiE one' They're super, w1th graham c racker c rumbs. chopper walnuts and semisweet chocolat< pieces. Cut into conlect1on·sm !-IQ1tares to serve WHEATGERM HONEY RAISIN BARS 1~ cup buller, sortened 1 •cup brown s ugar (pucked 11 ciw honey 1 egg 2 tablespoons milk .•• cup nour 1 teaspoon soda 1 2 teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon cinnamon l c up wheat germ l cup r aisins 12 cup finely chopped walnuts Beat together butter and sugar until nuffy Beat in honey, egg nnd milk. Mix 10 n our, soda, salt and cinnamon. Star in wheat germ. raisins ond nuts. Spread batter evenly in but tered l3 x 9 x 2·tnch pun. Bake lD 350 degree oven 18 to 20 minutes or until pick inserted an center comes out clean. Cool on rack 15 minutes. Cut into hnrs with sharp knife Make!> 3 dozen 12 x l' 2 inch1 bars. GERM ~AN D\\1C11F.S a , cup butter 2 J cup powd<'rNI sugar l 1 ~teaspoons vanilla extract P~ cups flour 1 cup wheat l{erm l ''1 leaspoons baking powder 'J teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons milk Uuttercream f''1lhng lk-ot togethl'r butter. s ugar and vanill a until soft a nd creamy. Mix In flour comblnf'd with wheat ~erm. baktng powder 1md sail. Sttr In milk . 01v1d<' dou((h In halt. Shope each part In· to un 8-lnch roll. Wrap und chill at lt>ost 2 hours . Slice 1 .. inch thick. Place on ungreas~ baking sheet Bak~ ln·SSO degree oven 10 lo 12 minutes o r until light golden. Rem ove and cool on rack. Sandwich cookies with But tercream Fllllog. Makes 3 d01~. BUTT£RCREAM FILUNG: Soften '" c up butter and beat in 1 in cups unsirted powdered sug- ar. ~ tea.spoon pure vanilla ell· tract and l to 2 tablespoons milk. NOTE: To make hall moons, carefully s lice through cooky s andwiches with serrated knife. WHE AT GUK FUDGE-NUT SQUARES 1 cup butter l VJ cups powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vaniUaextract Legg 1 cup wheal germ 1 c up graham c racker crumbs 12 cup finely c hopped "alnut.s 1 (6·ounce) package semisweet chocolate pieces Melt 1':1 cup butter in lap of dou· ble boiler over not hot boiling water. Add 1-.i cup sugar, varuJla and egg. Simmer. st.ming con- stantly 3 to S m inutes until mix· lure thickens slighUy. Remove from heat Add what germ, c rumbs, walnuts and ·~ cup chocolate pieces. Stir until chocolate melts Pack rirmly into ungr eased 9· inch square pan. Refrigerate lS to 30 minutes until firm Meanwrule. combine remainin& 1-, cup butter with remaining chocolate pieces. lleat, stirring. until chocolate melts. Remove from h eat. Mix U\ rcmainln& powdered s ugar Spread over cooky base Top with add1taonal chopped walnuts. If desired Refngerate . Cut into squares when firm Store 1n refrigerator · Makes about 6 dozen small pieces. Wheat germ goes bananas In a qwck banana snacking loaf and a fluffy blender nog. The bread has excellent moist- ness and texture. It keeps well and cuts even better the second day. QUICK WHEATGERM BANANA LOAF 1 2 cup butter ',cup sugar 2eggs I teaspoon van ill a extract 1 cup wheat germ '1 cup all purpose nour .I I CUP Whole Wheat nour 21 2 teaspoons balung powder 11 .. teaspoon salt 1 cup mashed ripe banana (about 3 medium I '•cup milk ~ cup chopped pecans or walnuts Beat together butler and sugar until smooth. Beat m eggs anci vanllla. Mix wheat germ. nour!>, balung powder and salt Stir into batter alternately with banano and milk. f' ... old in nuL'i Tum Into ~reased and noured 81!.i x 41,.~ x 2•i12-lnch lo nf pan. Dake In 350 degree oven 55 to 60 mlnutes or until wooden pick inserted Into center comu out clean. Cool S lo 10 minutes In pan then remove and cool on rack. Makes 1 (8 inch) loar When you're puttina real strawb-.rrics in a sour cream sauce, don't put them in a fake taste. Use real sour cream. Those imitators have a different texture. And artificial additives. You see, we have a free booklet with a strawberry dessert recipe and 16 othc.rs, and we don't want you to make a poor imitation. So when you pick up our booklet "Do more with 90ur cream than simply smother another hot potato: pick up real sour cream. At your grocer. And save the taste. CJalifon11a At iii A""°'~ --------- .. FAllMHJOHM VINE RIPE CHERRY TOMATOES 19.~.~ MILD SPANISH 01110115 10~. WIENERS BUB-LE UPoR ' Ot Store Hours: 9 to 9 Dally -Sunday 9 to 8 ~c"fftitctf .. Thurs •• Sept. 23 ttru W~ Sept. 29 "'""~ .. '*·-'-' W• Gl.ty Acc.,t llM4 $ ..... We ••Hr•• TM aJt1it Te u.it O••tltl•• AM ...... Sah To .,_.,... A..t ~ LOWER PRICES MEWCROP DILICIOUS APPLES 19~. BULK PlllTO '' BEANS !_ c LAWRYS SPAGHETTI rr::·, SAUCE MIX COCA COLA •°"'~ D.,011t I '/2 oz. envelo SWIFT'S IENHA SAUSAGES SOL can JIM'S RANCH FRESH EGGS MIGHTY DOG i.Al~E GRADE A/4 DOI FOOD I 61/2 O~. GClft 69c SPRINGFIELD CHIU . COii• WITH llAHS CARllE REG. OR HOT 15 ft. CCM SPRINGFIELD CORN WHOUICllHEL o• CllAM STYLI 303c• SPRIN~FIELD 4F s 1 QUAKER INSTANT TOAmTOE!Jcon ~ !~J!~l!' WISHIOME ITAUAM SALAD HESSIB c FIRESIDE SALTINE CRACKERS WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 2 lb box c llRDSIYE LEAF OR CHOPPED SPINAGI ·~~ Openlo,.. are available In Orana • Coaa t Colle1e 's one·unlt bupalcbord c:lan belna ' aUcred OD Mondays from Z.5 p.m. ln OCC't Muiilc • Room 104-0. The c:laaa, Mualc: WAD, ii open to ltU· • dcott wbo have taken ad- vanced piano c:ounes. 1 Coune ln1lr\lc:tor ls Dr. L ~ualin Colyar. PUBLIC N(YJ'ICE '·"* MOTIC• TO c••DtTCMtS ........ auf'C•lo. c:oua• o'.,... $TAT•CN'CAUlllOUllA, llotl TWlCIOUM'fYOl'O·--· l"INM.01'.,ollfwt l•l•i.9'~1HN Mil l ON SllWA•f, Ot< .. --1(. ,, ......... ·-.. ~-. ......... e1.i-~ 1111 ---...... ""'4 Cl.I-... -elfk• .. .... (~ Of ...... 9f ... lll (_, ,,, • .,._..c ,,,.... to 0>e _,....., .. N olllU •I lle<k & ..... , .. , .... W•U"''""•" Aw• . I" t-. U IW' •f ..,,...,, .... 111 Or ... C.0-y. -" , .. _ elfl<AI ,, , .. "'4K• of ..,.,.., ., , ... -~ ...... -llM•-1 ..... u,.•w •dhl•I• \vt"Cl•·--IM ~W'Y -M n -•I .. lollcl w orevf'l .. •~ .. o,,•,••4 ••t1'tft .._.., ,,_, ... •"" .... hr\l llVl>llul_., thh -1(· °'"" ""°"'4 JI, t'16 1'•11IOM ...... ,.... ...... 1,... ... ,,,,.,.ttw "' ........ d __ ,.. --·--.._ .. '"' .. -"'llll'lfMl•r .-... _..,.'"•r, Ullt. '161J ""1111.,_H 0.-CNtl 0.11¥ PllOI. s.pe. •. u. n, n. m• JllZ ,, PUBLIC NOTICE' r P1CTITIOUS aUSIHHS , NAMI STAT•M•NT The 1o11ow1,,. ""'""' ........ ....., -~ NEWl'Oll~E • MOlOll\, ,.,., ... ,.,,.,, 81...,, Co\ta ""'°"' CA t')t)l ,... o v ... Noy, llt £ n""' si " • J ;, Co\U ....... UI .,.JI Th"....,._ t> (°"""'IH 9Y .,. '" dlYl- -011• ....... Tl>I\ Sl.tl•-111 Wft ,...., Wllll , ... C.0....tt Ci.11 OI ()<.,.,. c-IY on ""91AI U, 1•7• -. l'YOOI-0.-(M.C 0..oy l'llOC, S..,,C I I, IS. n , lt/6 »'t ,. PUBLIC NOTICE llOTICI TO uiolTOi't Wf'C•tO• COU•'TOl'TM• ST&T•M CA.Ul'O•NIA l'04I TMI COU'"Y 011 oaAllOC ...... ..,., ' ~·ot~•YLIE IC~D .... MAllY l KNOLi!\, Oot<H -. HOTICI! IS Hl!ltl l V OIVVU•""' cncllton of, ... -... ,....._ -•II .,.,_. Mwl~ ti .. -~ "-\f<d OK-At •t• re<autted ID II .. '"""" '""" llw ""' ..... , • .....,._. "' tl'9 efflU ot tt• <l•rti ol Ille -.,. titled<-', wte11re .. M ""'"" wll"I ... N<ft-Y -hert, IO ltw -...iQMO ., Ill• olflu •• AUSSI LL F \C.HOOLINO AllMIWY al I.Aw, ,.,., Cte••-A.,. . I' 0 k• ~. M ... I 1,,.U... ....... C..lllo<Ne tclUI -ell I\ ,,,. P'to<t .. ~i' of, ... -"f""d '" .,, ,.. .. ..,, wrt••11t~ 1o nw .. ,,...., wi.--wltlllft tou• -.,,., ... ,. ... .....,,., ...... "' ...... <. 0.1" .......... 1 .. ,. l.tHOAl.1'1 "01f[lt .--IMttrolrt• wltll Wiii _.q, , ... ,,, ... .,, ""'-~W<-"WH&.&. "· KMOOLt•• ......., .. u. ..... ~,. .. ... o .... . t ...... .-,UWTH ............... , .. <Itri. ..... _ ... .....,._.Or•-C-•t o.irv "'""- s..i It tt ,. ••OCt • ltlt ~76 PUBLIC NOTICt: ·.· . $71.9 Million Ef£o~ ~eagan's 816.1 Million Tope Tabulation rr... A.Pm ; 1tt ... C.adldata 1~ ~al noaln.atlam apent m.t m.11~ Pederal Elec.-t&oa ODii· mlulon reported 1D a mulive ali.tdy ot Pflmat1 11nanctna. Tbe lbl'ff btccest speMen were unauu-..IUI ~publican cballupr ........ .,.. at 111.l mllllon. Pre•t•emt .._. at 113.I mlWon and. Democratic: oomioee 11••1 Carter 1t SlZ.I million. E.l&bt. other candid.at.a. aU Democrat.s, spent more tbn S1 m.Ulioo each. The report showed that $&%.I mlWon wu 1pent by Democrata u a v.ouP and $30 mllllon by Republlc:aoa. V arlous iOdependent and minor puty c:andidatn account.If« \be re~ $S million. • ~eel usmr• ~ wbo twlc:e aouiht the Democratic: nomJn10oo for iovemor ot Teua, emaged from a 116-year-otd Wella·Fareo 1ta1e coach to become the president ol Wells Collqe in Aurora, N.Y. She told tbe soo women •tu· dmLI ol Wella: "There wlll be m~h greater diversity in roles women will play . To your gre1t · uaoctmotben, your life spans will be mueh looger, it may be ...... "'"OU> double. and tbat alone will have a profound effec:t oo your lives. I uree you to pre· pare for it." Tbe 109-year-old exclusiire women's c:ollege WU founded by Remy Wells. wbo also founded tbe famous stage coach line. • Praldeat Ford will meet at the While House Friday with president-elect JON Lopea P.n.l.Ue of Mexico, press secretary ._ Neae:a announced. They will meet in the after . noon and .,a1n at a worliJl& din· ner in the White Ha.e tbat night. .,.. Lopea PWUIJo will accompany ber husband. Portillo was elected ptwi· dent July 4 and will be in· aueurated Dee. 1. • Secretary-General lt•rt l'OHlt.40 Wa.lcllld.a let loose criticism at some or the United Nations' most cherished habits -partyln1 • paperwork and procrastination. Speak.inc at a lunc:beon Just before the start of the annual U.N. General Assembly, Waldheim said: "Wbeo I look at my official procram of social evenll, luncheon1, receptians and dln· ners for the comine weeks, 1 am filled with a mixture ol deipair and Incredulity, not least becaute I myself have made my own c:ontrlbulion lo the list ol event.a." . Alc:obolic beverages were waL01t•1111 not served becauae ol the pre- sence of Moslem guest.. and the aecretary·1eneral sai4 with a smile that tbe absence ol liquor was an '"unportanl step Corward" In reduc:lnc the Ume spent on aoc:laliztni. • A Yale Unlvers.ttJ ledurtt, who resisned after it wu revealed that be worked ror the Nasis ln World War U Russia, was a c:ompetenl teacher who w.-told there wu no basis for firinl blJD. b1a former departmen.t head n,ys. VIMlmtr s.leln .... uta, 83, offered b1a r_. PlJBUC NO'nCE PUBLIC NOTICE -Uoa July 2IO aft.-bil lld.lvit.lel we,.. deUU In • lui~•Jow'Dal •fGur ........ WT'Otebl ...... ,, ..... aMl"lloppNllS.C. ........ lo.s.. d · ty 0ttupled by t.M o.riDu army. He u4 c.. l lb•u liter.bare Ill Yale for 1 'I years. "He bad a riJbl to re.....ia bere a.od \Wt rilht w11 coaveyed to bi.In." ~ lac"-. cUlnlfan of the Department of Slavic Lan1ua(ea a.bd Uteratu,... aa d. ••fl is trve that be would. htt faced an uDcoQlenlal departmental atmosphe , bu1 I think any peraoo bu to bear responsibility or biaput.•• • Wit.bout referrinc diredly lo her huaband'• dll· srace ln the LocllbMd scandal, Qtleell ....... eaJled oa Ute Dutch lo put the pa1t behind them end ''look forw a.rd to t.be mU\7 \.b1ap COil· • f..rootinl UI. •• Prlaee Beralaar4 pl beslde the queen ln parliament's pie· turesque Hall of K.nigbt.s as the monarch delivered htt an.null s]JNCh at tbe openinJ of ~ parliamentary sessaon. As in past yean, Prince Juua.a Bernhard rode to parbament with bia wife ln a golden c:oac:h but In civilian clothes in place of his former military re1aUa. • Prfflde•t Tito met with a group of high ranking poUtlc:ian.s at bis hunting lodge and ia rupo1'dlq well to medical treatment of his liver lrwble, ae· cording to the official news agency TanJua. Tan.jug said Tito, M, met with the visitora at PEOPLE Cher's Fandlg Cher and Gregg Allman hold their son Elijah Blue Allman. born July IO in Los Angeles. Cher's television series. "The Sonny & Cher Show, 1 ' opens its new season SUnday evehlng. and bJs wife, .Jewuka, ( ) Belje, a bunting lodge b:r~~.tbe Hungarian Second AJbwn Tito is suffering from .an acute liver disease that forc:ed c:anceUation pf olficlaJ visits to Yuaoelavia by French President Valer)' GiKerd d•z.&a1111 and other foreign c:Ucnit.arles. • PraWHt Ford welcomed to the Whlte House Uberian President WUllua a. Tolbert Jr., the only Afrlc:an bead of government to make a U.S. blceo· tennlal visit. Milftary honors were ac:c:orded at the ala.rt of a 20-miDute welcoming ceremony witneaaed by several thousand penons oo the White House south lawn. Ford c:alled Tolbert a dist· lneuiabed friend of the United Statel and noted that bis YisiU.s taldnC place at a time when Secretary of State llellrJ' ~ IDalialer Is attemptin& to • lnc about black·wblte det.cnte Southern Afric:a. T Tops "Horses' By USA KOBINSON •leM--~ Amidst the artistic clutter of ber Manhattan apartment (where you can look out the window and see the hookers under stttellight.s), Patti Smith list.med to the final mix of be.r forthc:omln1 LP. "Radio Ethiopia.•· Wearing a red T·Shirt (embluoned with the words "Patti Smith Group" on the front, "Radio Ethiopia" on the back), a black sillt raincoat, black trousers and "d aoc:b, PatU sipped mint tea and listened with special attention lo the slightly psychedelic 12-minuteUUe cut. Tolbert. wearing a white salut awl, new to Washington TO\.llaT by bellcopter after an o)~ernl&hl atay Williamsburg, Va. "WHAT OTHER POET WOULD GIVE her al guitar player a 12·minutesolo?" she lau.ahed. • A lottery will be used t.d determine the in· beritance t.ax referee who W!_ll~tet the value of the late oil billionaire Jam Pa .. Gdl)''I estate. Judge NeU A. Lake. supervis.lni Judee of the r..o. Anteles Superior Court Probate Departmmt, said t.llat be will c:ooducl the drawin1 from a pool of 21 muees asslcned to the court'• Central District . Lake normally assigns all referees on a rolatinl bub. The peraon c:bosen on Frida1. however, won't become a millionaire as be mJpt bave before a new law pused the Assdy limiUnc rdnee fffl to SS,000 unleu a j\ldte decides it sbould be/UIU. Professor Jailed In Drug Scheme LOS ANGELES (AP) -F~er c~mlstry profeasor, at the Unlventty of California at Rlveralde Dr. Phllllp Radllck, :n. has been sen- tenced to three months in jail ror his role ln a acheme to sell more than S85 mllUan worth or an ll· lqal drua. the U .s. Attorney's office says . Radllck also received a two-year suspended priaoo term and was placed on five yean' proba· Uon. Aul. U.S. Atty. D&n"ell W. Macintyre, who pro· aeeuted the cue, said Radlick and two otben con· aplred to manufacture the drug PCP, alao known u "aneel du1t." ll•lon lf~ail £oH11 Clt11 i .. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -t'he Board of &lpervisora baa found Plumbers Un.Ion leader Joe Muzola 1uUty of c:onfllcl of Interest, 1trtpple1 him ot b1a job on the SU Franetseo Alrporta Oom· m1lalGll and denying blm any f\rlurt c:tly job. 11..auola, bualnest man.,er ot the PIJmbera Union. was one of the leaden Of a 31-d•Y ctti',.Jtrike and refused to permit city plumbefl to 'repair fac:llitle1 at the airport. CooaequentJy. toUete wtre c:loged and heallna wu shut down duOtaa !float of &Mwalkout. I G~e.,, Pa" Talk# lie.MMe Patti's aec:ond album contains all the heart and soul of the first ("Horses"), but technically the re· cord ll auperlor to her debut effort. Some of the credit can go to producer Jack Douglas. but much must 6, /' co to the band whic:h Im· • Tops In Pops r ,,1 proved with months on \..... the road and is now a '-~~~~~~ ...... '-' tight, dynamically pro- feuional unit. And, of course. lo PalU, who knew whatabe wanted onlbisone. "We r~orded the 'Radio Ethiopia' track on the nlcbt of the full moon, right in the middle or Hur· rlc:ane Belle," Patti tdd me. "We chose Take No. s. lt'a the one where I talked the least." THE IMPROVISATION ON THE "Radio Ethiopia" c:ut prompt~ guitarist Lenny Kaye lo lauih. "Maybe we sbould sµbtitle that 'Live At The Fillmore.· "Yeah," said Patti. "we could brin1 back light shows." Patti's proudest moments on "Radio Ethiopia" (the song -such as it is -not the album) are her Duo Sonic guitar solos. "That'• aU me on guitar at the beginning of thll cut, and I managed lo get the last note in on the album u well.•• Other aongs are "Ask The Angels" (a StoM•· like rocker lb~ could easily be a sinele), "Pumpin' " (bJ&h energy rock an4 roll: "We've got a dance to 10 along with lt," Patti told me), "Ain't Jl Strange'' (Soundine muc:h like Patti's Uve version) and "Pop· pi•'' (a lamentation on the burning or the Turkish poppy field.a and a tribute to the late Edae Sedpidt). •••POPPIES' IS ONE OP THE rew c:uta (In ad· ditloa to tbe aroremenUooed "Radio EUllopla") where Patti does aome ol what has been c:alled "poetry." "Distant Fln1ten" wu written by Blue Os)'ter Cult'• Alan L1nfer, and la about unrequJted, In· teratellar love. With linet like "When will you be landlnct" It could beoneollhellnt "Mara hJta." PatU'a album includes a rour·pace Insert of llner .. poem a" written by Patti; featur~ alone wtth her Ulumlnationa on what you'll hear lneide are photo. of L1wrenc:e ol Arabia'• oplum plpe and .Rimbaud ln Aby11lnia. AFl'ER A BRIEF European tour, the Patti Smltb Group will return to U.S. c:oncerta ln Nov· ember. Whe.n Patti toura lbb LOS ANO ELES (AP) -~~tlves ol th• Umo, her crew will lnclude her Food Employers Council and the Tea;t.rl Union brother Todd Smith who, PauJ bav• returned.to the ber1aln1"' Lablt an effort to cl alms, lookl "Juat Uk• Paul he..S oil a alrike aplolt C.ltomla Mevada Newman." IJ'OC~ ':io~· whlc:h reprelefttl 10;000 driven alld Bob (~~~-:,~11:le !v~® of•~ warehousemen In LH Veaaa and So1&thern Gulde you aaw l!m weartna UM Californie, voted Jut..-to strike ll tie1ot4aUona IUr'Offu *earf Peltl pve bl.In. break down. Votshtlaidd:rtven now..,,_ btt-..n ~ JMit'lrelyt.akel!toli ... 15 and ST.10 an bout ..S warehomnlea •J!!aie 11111-....S.)~'-' •·•an bour. Tbe uakm ts-ttnc for beMta ~ ... 13 • • • anbourovuthreeyeara. • Ever •Ince Televl•l•• aifoed wilb Elatn/.U1lum four week.a aao. I've been aislrln1 T .. VerteJH •bee be'IJ ~d that flnt LP. Illa answer la alwa11 the 11me: "A• 1oon aa ' . LOS ANGELES <AP) -CountJ ·~ ~ble'•. · .Carel •1tt Sqiw .... ~·1 wr1ttto ba.e 0"8 prellmtmry a,pprona to• ord.la~ ..,. (''llidnl&bt Blue'') few• •uc.lleeter tbat ... ad aubJect men enterln1 women'•. and other!z.i• recorclnl her own nnt album wtth ~to1rreltandproMeatloG Jl")duieer 111c•arf Pwny • ., .11.ldl ........ abop- Tbe ....,...vilon lld.ed • tbt 'Ol'\l.nuct pro-dna for DlUllciant •.. They're at.Ill la1Jctn1 1bout poled by Sheriff Peter J . Pitthal wtto aald tbt &oW lh. C.... (lbe tleeaot ChiMM nat.aurat.eu.r) absence of aucb a measare had prevt.nt" c.Wed the bac:b~e area al authorities from t.akilal adloft la.neeote--. The lb• l&.me1 Knebworth con- ord.lllance ban womm from __..., =: cert. .s&nJe • ...._ lin.U, rwtrooma and cxenuitaJanlton and cMldrea deH¥ re• bh atw album U..qeof1. (''Soap in tbe Key of Ufe") lo • r .,..,....,~ ......... -'ll·be "'*· .,._. time tor ...,. concerts th=n on r last ..... ~··.sc: ... .,. ~. i. _p ...... !'r .... ....... bqo; •to. Oakland. (wttb the Grald..t Demel>; u. PortllDd; 14. le.W.; 11. Mmoat.; MirWinne"Pef: 21 • 22. Toirutto: 23, Monlttal; 2t·2S, to be announced. • ' r DAIL V PILOT PJ Wildlife SeminaT Offered £ducator1 et all air~ lev•I• have been invtt.ed to participate ln lJQn Country Safari •a ahlhlal educatlon1I proararp. which btt\M Oct. 2 apcl t'Ontlnuea t.hrouib May_, The Aftlcan wlldllCo preaervo, bounded by Moullon Parkway and the San Dlcao Frwway Jual Inside lrvlne's aout.b«n boundary., ,will offer a free aeriq of wUdlUe conaervaUon wminars forteacber&tn· tereated ln pl'eseoUa1 sucb lnlorcnation &o~ lt.&adeota. • - ALTHOUGH THE&E is no cbar1e for lhe- sesslons, a Lion Coun1ry sPOkesman sa.id reserv• lions must be m1de through the park's education omc:e. PartJclpatlng inllt.ruc- ton will attend a mom· lDa aessloo that will in· c.lude a short lecture pro- 1 ram and :a question-and ·an..ew~r period with Millon 'l)n~ nant, Lion Country's zoolo&1c:al director. BEKNAllD F_,,a. rell, educational .co. ordinator at Llon Country, will discuss the preserve's school field trip proaram ror the year and present a atide procram on eastern and southern Arrlca. Durtne the anemoon session, teachers wt1l. be taken on a tour of Uon Country's SOO ·acre facility College Opens Exhibit The Saddl e back College art gallery season bas opened with a month·lona exhibition of experimental films and video displays b y Southern California artists. The show will nm through Oct. 8. The llrst two weekl of the ex.hlbit wlll be devol· ed to the video elec· tron.ics display, featur· ing such l.91• as the time-lapse device used by America's space p~ gram. OTHER DISPLAYS Include "Archl1ram: A Look at the Future,••~ duc:ed by a BriU1b ftrm to prove that change la the domina.nl fact« ln modem life. And starting Saturday, "Video Weavinea II," a film presentation of elec· tronlc color images eeneraled by a ayn- thealier will be shown. Thia devlc:e translates pure mathematical Input into electronic: vlau•I rorma, 1ccordin1 t.o aet· tnc 1&1lery director BQl Sc:hlmsky ,..,..E EXHIBmON olfera an lntroduc:Uoo lit· to the waya video it be- inl uUllzed by utilll,'' Sc:hlmaky uld. "Some uae It to document tl'lar worll and others to d · reriment with ehac- ronlet In the lllrn medl1.'' The Mtuion Vlfjo achool'• 1allery la locat- ed on the lower ca~ In bulldln1 T·2. It 11 ~ daily tl'lrouih Saturqa,y from 10 a .m . to s·p.m .. and on Wedneadaya lrom I lo 9 p.m. Sunday boCa,ra ue ftom noon to 4 p.111. Thert u no admJ8'Gn chats•. . Douglas ·:··;~ .... -. Ups Fare~ ·~ 50c to$ :' ; Douilu Bu• Lina 'hU increa1ed lt1 far# SO olfaet what the com~ eald la the hl1her cmt ·ar Uablllly lnlurance. A\llhorit,y for the in· creue was 1Tantcd by the California PuWC lJUlltlu eommllsfon. lncrea•e• r•"f* betw• 50 c:ents Uld i. ~--OA lh•rOUC4 bowtlal eptU~I commuter ••r•l-ee t>etween points In tit ncel'H and or..,• counties. pl'o•ldlna hom6-to--work H~ to l1rfe tlldu1tt'l1I ttm- plexa .~ tJdo Soud waterfrcol. 4 Bdrm., 3 bath borne with Jacuzzi pool &c boat slip. swo.ooo . Attr. 4 BR. borne on comer lot. Bay views from living rm. &c upsla.lra bdrrn. sm.ooo BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR • ~ ' ' I '' ~) • "' Fi '• 'I' ~. ,... I (, I f ....... IOOIGt•• .. 1002 .............................................. llST IUY IM TNI -...SI Owner just reduced this beautiful near·new "condo" home to a real low price of $94,500. In the newest & most desirable addition of the Bluffs . Original adult owners & maint ained like a model. 3 Lge bdroorm, music rm, formal dining rm, 21h baths. ZlllS-....... tal .... HIWPOIT Cana, M.a. 644-4910 81Mral 1002 ...................... • •••••••••••••••••••••• AXER UPPER *TRIPLEX* S65,000. Low rrnts jnd tfoft•rn·d maanll'njn<:c create Jerunllon11l opportunity to multiply lllvestm t'nt w1tb 1:ood man111:emant aod mJlnl•·o11nre Hurry, take advantaae of tlus f.Jntai.tlr opportunl ty. CALL 002 7711M ~ K€Y R€ALTOP.Sil ~COATS & WALLACE 'CI:JJ REAL ESTATE , INC. II lOCAllY OWNED COMPANY SlRVINC THE SOUit t:(JilSI llRlA SINCt 1%1 IMCREASINGL Y rare. We are ple&'led lo present this Big Canyon Townhouse at $149,000. Beautirul Bordeaux model by Deane Brothers. Has 3 bedroom.a, 3 baths. A stately but happy home for YOU! Call~. EST A TE SIZE LOT Private yard on huge cul·de-sac lot. Cloee to beach and tennis dub. Deane bui It 3 bedrm home wt th spacious, airy reeling. Decorator wallpaper and warm wood panel accents. $63,000. Call now962·4454. BEAUTIFUL POOL -c .... ...-- Picture yourself sunnlna by the laxurtous pool in this former model home. Gazebo and mature lapdscaplnc makes this 4 bedroom ~auty a home of your dreams. S4M141 36' PIER 'en tho water with a Condo Just steps away. Have your own •llJ> tor that cruiser and view the harbor Ughta from your master balcony. Hurry to see t.hls Coado that la available yesterday. 548--CHl ROLLING HIU.S Sharp 3 bedroom home located in the RoWng Hll1s of Mlsston Vldo. Spacious back yard with H&F pool. Spanlsb courtyard entry wltb wroucht iron aate. Air CODd.iUoolnC + many other upgrades. $75,SOO. MMn81 llG CANYON Beautlful 4 bedrooms. 4~ bath BIG CANYON CONDO. Popular ·Venallles model located on golf course. Secluded Jacuui spa. decorator's featur~ thruout + lftllll1, many other extras. $229,500. MM161. ()tt1c "' 11\C C'tr-1 11\ CMto Mr\O • ""'"'''' .r I! r "• i., 1'4.r"' pnr' 9' '" 1--- MANY PEOPU SAY- "11 you llH ln the harbor area le don't live on the wat.e:r -or bave a view of the water -you rui-Sht as well be back in IOWA" .. take a look at our new lilting on Settina Sun, with 3 bdrms .• fa.mil.Y rm. & formal dining rm. \'ou will enjoy the i.osplrin1 panoramic day & night view of the ocean & harbor. 'nle sparkling ~ ls a reaJ BONUS . RealisUcally pnced at $184,000. Ci1w.. t0021G1•rtll 1002 .............................................. DWl.D TIMI! Think of a nice place to live & a nice rental unit to help pay the mortgage. This is a cute. older , Corona del Ma r 2 bdrm. & den house witb a newer 2 bdrm. unit over garage. $129,500 -Sharp!! 67l-4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cae: llDlll ILllNS ca. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 112 VIA UDO MORD Outstanding 2 Story Home With P ier & Slip for Large Yacht. Bay View. S Bedrooms. Terrace For Entertain- ing. REDUCED TO $298,500 0nM DAIL Yl·S THRU SUNDAY "' DOYB DllVI 631-1.800 tis~~~ SPYGLASS HILL Breathtaking view/ 4 Bdrm .. 3 bat.bl; decorated w care & taste. Dutch doors, French doors, you name It. Tb.is ls s pecial! Askins $195,000 A COlOWILL ...... CO. 644-1766 11" MN JOAQUtN H&.U M). IN NIWflOfn CCN'ftft - ~II. macnall/ lrvlna ?-rnltg HIAnM CAM WAIT when you've got a towDhome CJe the Bay in Newport BNch. Boat allp avail. 2 Bedrooms 2 bat1's + z deca. Carefree llnng tn atylef $195.000. Barbara Aune SU.8235 (EIO) OCIAM ••H SU.IOO • Br, 1~ bath home with family room. Swedish wood buminl fireplace, now Ule, paint, P a los Verdes stono patio with brick buill·in BBQ. MIW HACH 4 lmltOOM $17.ttO New 2 story P.U.D. Never occupied. t block to beach, 3 blocks to H.B. Pier, .2~ baths, wet bar. All gas built-ins, bafoony & patio fenced. Excellent in· vestment. Show &sell. POOL toe SS3'ts0 Spacious 3 BR pool home with jacuzzi, on t ree lined cul-de-sac, well maintained stred, quiet area. ~Nm CA~ HIGHT Come as you are and get the details on your future in the lucrative real estate profession. Speak directly with our Fountain Valley Manager . Availa ble Tues. and Thurs. eyening 6 to 9 p.m. or call fer appt. Pl.AM TODAY Foa YOUR TOMOUOW l80S5 Magnolia St., Fountain Valley 963-8311 S(C~}A.-"-e,~s· Tltof lntN9uln9 Word Gome wfflt o Cltud/e -----.-.,GML .... • ......_ "'-' °' .... , _ _........ ........ .......... ._...,._ ..... REP TAC I I' I r I ...._.i...' .... '_' .... '_"....,I it _ I I t I . PYDUQ I' t---.-,, '"'9-1 -, -,.... • 9HEFAO I I r I' I . Wl.SntDI TWO llDltOOM Ocean View condominium, fabuJouc; view, engaging decor plus wat er softener , we t bur, eledric garage door. trash compactor and tennis. On lop or it all, it's an end unit. At $105.000. U~l()UI: li()Ml:S REAL TORS , 675-6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mtr .:ilso in Mesa Verde, at ft16 5990 Loccrffon-Locatloft SO-OF-HWY 2 OH + .:llr A!ll Hoth nkt•h ru1 11, t nits. frpk. 2 ('nv'rJ p1t10 ... Only 1114,S)() 1'o lns~cl Agt. 87~ 3222 Canyon Crest r ool auk t'ondo. 3 UH. F'H, sunJt•ck. Pldnly ul 11toro.:,• $911.~Jo. OldCdM 3 DR. 2 BA rouaau on R·a lot.$89.~. • ! 1 , , I ~ • ! .\ I\ I • I. ~. ! \! I ' ~, .. I -1024' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ga•r.. 100"' G-..-.. 1002 COLLEGE PK. 3Br. 2ba; · ' Ill Pool +JIH'CU&I. lm• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .... ••••••• mac $61.000. 549....3743. HOME & IHCOME Alford &racloua livinJt In this lrg ~bdrm, 2 ba, FR, rrml din, 2 rrpta, dbl car <e l ec) w /e n c losed court.Yard cnlry In owner wut wbJle reeeh•mg lD· rome from 2 two bdrm, l ba wuts w/private patios & enclosed lndry rm. MS-9491. Walker t; I ee Real lsfltte TRILEYEL Ledl or London~ w. d~ r«" th• mature Opre. It can be ~ •Ith lhor1 or ~ Jentth •leevu. F Jbrlca: plqu.e. crepe. linen, U&hhJetab~ woel. 12Z42 Lt cut Mly In Women's Ila>. SiM a ""IUI 4 "' )'di. or '5" fabric for dn.A wh.11 '6 1elltl lleeves and 4 ydl. for drea1 wttb lhortalHY•:'toorder: lend ~tUm number, ••· n1me1 1ddft9I Md d p. Price SUO pl111 IOI =• ana handlln•. . P~powrt Pattern Coll~ -10mo new, aome tonn«r ravonta. All 1n one nrm cover ~ a.oo l'C»tl>ald. Mab check payable tu SpadH. Send onlt-r• to th.LI new1p1~r. e/o SpadM, 2 Bridie &., Mllfotd, New JtrMr. 08M8. Dlpt. C.P-11. • . . . . .... MESA VERDE Swim pool, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, be11led pool $74,SOO. Oww/A9. 540.0555 WESTSIDE HEALTY IN<: li·lf.!·2J:.>J ------ MESA VERDE JUST L ISTED. lmmac 4 BR, newly carpcled & f e n ced h ome. Reaaon11 bly priced ot lm,SOO, .Eves. ~lOllL PAUL W. BRUMFIELD & ASSOC 642·8550 2·atory. !ibr, 3b11, din r tn, lt to1111 d ol Mor, su.ooo. Cu II riilJ·81184. -------Mc11 0 VMdC'. 4Jlr, or 3 • flttn, 211:1, lrll fnm r m . Uy •1wnl.'r Stl0 ,1100 s-t6M57. ------!I Toro IOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• rRIV A Tl LAIUIOMT Ur1nd·now lekel ront with prt v11te IH"tnch . .&at litld n w do~k. will bu In· r tudrd. T•o·1tory, b:alcony, 'en. UL~. s1011.ooo. 10 ~ down. Ownr /Bk r 540-0S6S LOYWER THAN A MODEt ... wllh an H1um1bto loon. thlJI warm and In· viUng 3 tx-clroom 2 b•lh home h :u b4"out irul laodl<'apl111t. trailer t'n· tty al'ld s lab. 1rnd located ne<ar Mlle Square P&rk, loo. Superbly uparll.dt..'<.I with p1nelinl(, mlrron & w11lpapn. Pri.ted at on·· ly Si1,900. ror q'liick oh~. .. ' ' . ~.~~ ...... ,~.~~ .. ,. ..... ~~~.~!~...... w.dftftdar.Seetemt>er22 1e~ ......:~~::.:-~ .... ...,. ..... l 06' Mewport IHdl l 06~ a..c..nt r,......+y 100 ~~~.~!!!~ ...... Ho.Mta """""~.... .................... • ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lfteome Pro~y 200 ~;~;,::,:;··~ 3206 C••• Mesa lU4 BToro l0l1...._....., ... _. 104 er.M 1044 1 NEW UNITS •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••,•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sc (fot4''.'I y I 3 "·' l' b •· MF-"\ \'t'ROt; • II ~upt>rbl) •vP~•llt~d PRIDE OF ~·11r) uurm. " ll"' :J U<lrnl & l''en1 ·Rm. D1allncll\e Mtac.low , R altt~l.U.1.1 3 UNIV PARK T\\NHM Q.l'Ctl (Id IHldt-or ownl'n•hl 11~t rm .. ba C41raJ:'' frl\ct•d ~Md l)hl .o•J lk>nW.2.tG~ n .• BR, tQC'$bdrmmudc!bav~.' OWNEJt 3Br. 2ba. lrit tov.nhOUftt Ul\lt• \\llh OWNERSHIP \\ l) SciOOmo ht);,~7~ SIU mo \·ni:rl lb. 24~Ba. lrti lot. "4,500 ('•119tllMS02 lot f\ndc frplc dl\lldt• t ( m.'nOf' 1 tt11deor~ Still , "t'-l·l ·n·' SllUkhn". lh•1o1llvr.,. ~'''Ill ~•sou. rMn11, ..... , ..... ,,,,_-1.. rrrn1 lhU>I • d1nin1 rm Have you not ced lbe scarcity o 1 rn• ror ,, ... 1A 11C'IC'-FOURPLEXES ........ · -u • " ' ma.vu .-.~n Natural 'AwG \ •Ulltd vacant lots on Lado Isle? We jus.t 1ou~ t"Olori. ~pli~ ... ~d n:dt'<'OCllC'd. 2llr. fri>lc ' '01.t.Ma: I' \HK s llr. ur R.cho Viejo T.-se 3 8r, 1'• Ba, 2270S fthlua• W11)' S47 ,SOO :.111 ~ant>P)t PIUV An LAH HACH NEW V1Cttnl •BR. 38A ~KE 1-'0RBST ,WU 111', down. Ownr/ bkr 540~ HIWUtTIN4il Former model , C&lHoml• C:ll IC horn•. .a bdrm!ll . fam. rm., Z frpl<·• S71.~ relhn& • pltlur~ win ha~n to have a rare find. P1eaae call t'tro ... An ~xrlw.l\u lib\ &iPt'rbSb~h,')Om, Zb .. t ~rly S400 mo 9ti.:l 4:!'7:i _ all i1dmv1 .. 1m 1 t11Ul'1tl, d.Qw•. atrium, cw lot Cot information! 11111 own c 1 ~ u 111t ~ w 1 ~ z.ooo ~q ft C'hlldn·n & 1,..lll 13'75 mo ~W ~14'7 wx,'r"a'w' "",, .u,7p6~~ ·,~~~I I'· •=e· ~ t1rr11l:l<'t In 1.Joth or tho1 ok J hr. fall\ rm ' ~' 1b11. v CA "IT 3 l\I• Uk OUM ~ .. luir.111 rvu•. bc-uut1fulh 3 11 ithl' 011 , , ll'", • 1 W'81781!•t"• &-..1.ndl y. ~ ' ;]) l'.tN.-d for 11nd lnnd,ra~· SGW' ll\ll Avotl .. oon Cull ~1·• U,1111. J'"~·','...,'"ur • J~hr"l I Pr-wtlea 4 r11·'<t~ On\' an 01 ul\11•· N , ~~ ru Ill' ) .u 1 .. ... 11111. ".1 £RllACE [)()\U l'lan, ac . 6man. 6 'rtlam. 4,,,.,.,o OM In 1'011111n Vnn•d ul O'o\ tl " l'(•rn .1t$HJ.lllt A.:t . hJllh'" u1>1:r;idt-.t 3 Ur :I .....-• ,,.,~ t1 QT I( 3 •22 Bil:lx>,51JO Ownl•r, Aacl ••00 OUA~f -~· """ "39•1100 •n "4"· I I COl"OftO del Mw .. ~1wr m·••I C(llllliJ a llr. :.! ~l -4461' Bay front home on end of Lido lsle. with ••••••••••••••••••••••• b1o1. rfJltl', pool. rtht\11". (l;r b · · b I ..1M & h ' 11 Pl frpl. ~ xtr.~ &r or hw)'. • pier for lar~e boat. View of turnin~ 9 NEW UNITS II 'Quall ~ lv:uut duplt. 21!"· , .• , ba. !\hu~,s.;n{>.flT:ll!.~~ • follntcM Vafley 1034 il.lliiir=---....,.i:;::lu.J J 1oaM.. POOL u an. neae onng lS an~ • s. COSTA MESA ace S4$0mo ~ 95()l. 311r, ,,, ll11 t·:ni1hid1!\'.\t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10.l_...."... AMLY •s• 500 $125.000 II n--ert... $3.'\CI mo 1'1111.hll. c1•·"'' 646-4463 """ • • LIDO Rl!!"''LTY Dt'lu).l' n11w uu1111. 11 .-. -r7S2·"10 IHVtN .. : TF.HRAC'": ror mr.: M'1·1~'7 Sttlud~d. cl11afilr Spanish RED IUt.l. k f.ALTY ~ with fln•p1;H'h .ind MOOOUA•U• N1w~u•AQ1 l"&St' 3 &-drV<lm, :i buth, -- :arch1ttcturt II pnvoey • ---------. BUVOFTJUo!Wt;t:K o U17YlllLJcle,M.I. '7J.7l00 lln'~"'p:al10. SJ00.000 -nu•e y .. r{). Ile'-point, Toro 3212 Br, cl ·n. fo R. pool, lr1 lot WHY NOT? «klilhtl\l.I Jl.trll'T home I y IQ II ~ l'l":'l ,lnl ln1lh uh1JI. unrli. ~hHdrt·n nlll)lx.•. Vt't" nu ••••••••••••••••••••••• P.u:J'JJ. or~Jr.36. de5tgned for cntt>rtum fll -llG. \\ trndoH•{) a.:,jt ' & $585 /mo 1ndudln1: pcr3bl :?hi\. f11k. llW. -, .... ..;_ •-oc-..._-to•o Lh'• near lht> b11ach tn1. lo6tdo and out •-~.. 1069 l'lac9 Pltllos .+ rrn fo~ ,., JC•rcknt'r rpts, <lrp ~:IK •• tmo. ---....,_, -" ... lh Su~bly dl!.CON~ with loc)ufta a..ch I 04' Newport__. ..____..__ p 1 o " Ion I n t ~ r. OMJ.o;S IN · ••••••••••••••••••••••• \\bfn$53.t50w1l11>1()' Ill up•raded .... r .... ,, And •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..--.~~--.,......,000 C'\l l .... c.icmt' . UNl.,..UEll • • { 0034)(i9 1,'l..Nor1M.· -x~~ll··nl Slllrtl!r home' • •w ...... .. ,,,_..,o --..... t • ,.,,., ' ' Rt::"'' TOltS.G1~ r.ooo .· . VAC.\:-lT BF.ACll GIANT Se~r;lc 3 bedrm, 2 bath dr•pe:t All th"' plu J WEED IT MIW LISTIMG! MOO~Sl .,._,••ACM HUUJS WOOD Rl'Jllor -'"'-----VA{"AN1' lmmur 3 h1 4 BH. 3 BA 1.:ul d~ sar hum~ \\ ith !pie Double beoaulllul pool for )VUr N'pt. Shore.-.: A·frame. ----- ---l.F.ASE l>Uple<c Z BR + home. lph . ('(WQ;r Int __!!9.~96383i7~kr_ ck1 .. chedgar .. gev.1lhul· yearroundplc»toUre. AMD REAP l·!\l~.2BR&deflor3Btl 2 NEW E/SIDE ltdlstrial/ dl.'n. +1-i or dbl 1it•r Only saoo ('41!12 ,...w'l•4 bdnft homes. le)eot.raoce Let'slook' Thl6 sprawbna contem Hlln.~.:? pallu:. Ste~" Ptvpet+y 210~ South or llv.~. $375. mo. Ulrdrork, call: Su•·, w• to beach. Ultder 962-7171 poraf) t>l)'I~ home IS O\'U 0 If pool!. Onh C.M. TRIPLEXES •••••••••••••••••••••• , t~.7~~~5 /\gt. O:.e\.C s MO ii':'7 ~ - SIOOOO tml LOCATED ON 3 LOTS SM.OOO LTY r k I O t• 0 F Byu...,nr Mu.o.tsdlduplt' -Vaflcy 1214 . . I D~l••led exterior or CAYWOOD RU 0 w N E R s' II I ... In 29 l'ulm .. i\]Jkt· C;l~ 2 Bdrm houw. l block lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• - LIOH5lS61-IUllLlD2EJlS I I ._• • i-.••--------4 \\ood. stucco & l!lass. '* 54'·1190 '* TOW!l.llOUSE UNlTS olr. Pll . 367 774!j .. it ht-am 1\7~ l~'\.1 or C:!l:J ) f'lreplJ<'•'. 3 br. 2 ba. ('<l\ __..._ • ......,.~ i.pacloua sundeck LllceNewi!br&dt•n,2 hu. '"'" ·3 bed;~ms, 2 ,2 wetkd_:t~'ll :.144-1653 3301Sl·u~c·-. patl\l, nrw <"pls. dri~ ~ MOYE IM FAST tnr~ 'Allh black Iron • •. h • 't I~.. s-•-f)W 'llo \\l)' nn. ~upt·r WIU SELL ____ .., n..-Ar b<>< moved lnlo r;ula THAT At'FORL>S A 2 pi.uos lorner w ?'" ulll o"nen. uni ....,.. •• or ~ 2 Ur. 1'' B.i. doubk hw ....... /1n{• 9tlJ I~ ,\"l vwa.n;: """ ~f:o:NIC OCl'."\N \'lf:o:W Slbi.500. ByOwner. l~lll •••••••••••••••••••••• l:llrJltl'. \•., hlk11 to N (...,.,., "' IUY ITSl'-F U>Vt:: PIT+ -IBR ~~et:'a~~1aJ~.~~. i.,e 3 Car ;~1;agc Ex· 8J6-~S4'. 1213> 24.i.gg58 11• .Quail ~ 3 · Rt l~t~ ~u;ul \'.;Ill'\ lw;wh. nl'w puml. l'Pl'· 0 ,...,. ~:·lik!1~;:.Phr~r:!~u~ :\lodel perft>ct home nr super pal.lo, •horl .... rk treme. modcrn1i.tic 3 ~~~~)to broke~_. -Place ~=:~ ~~:iir1t) 11.J clrp~" /\~al! Ol•t I!>. $4t0 Qim1ll n'<lrc 4 br. 2 bu. buyer<.SO.S.950 9627151 br11ch, $77,500. 963.s377 from puk & pool -C BDfOt. noor plun l':N lie~l buy in !'fr-.porl flroplll"ti-mo ~211!!._ ---"!'°" crpL,, dl't>S &yu~n~. I NT'LR 0 N"""WORK _lil<_r ________ ,B<lrm~. 2 ba .. famtl)' 1 RY t• 0 YE I< Shor6 <.4Ar.3ba.corner 752·1'10 Ml .. •LOM• llRDUPLEX ~ I-pie »HO/mu. ~-c:ii~, ' .r •. r.1 ., W FLOORS Ot' l\GATF ~~ I l MOOGUA1Ut.MCW-'IUCM -~ • • • A).'t Noh•t• rm. $74,000 in.cl lund 'I'll i:· uPt:~s TO llUG l'.: lot, <.bhwhr. frp <'. poo s, -----2''2 ACRES i.mi.1le1eo.1.y cpl. lll1 !Kl. ~ • lnlM I 044 · ~ 1 1·v· R M. w 1 T ti tenn~ • l?~t~~ · elf· tdeal ror country t:-.t;1tc $25S. no ~·ts ~33·897 1 HuntlftCJlon leach'~240 Real Estate byMrl/AY HOME OFTt41MOHTii 169.500. bu)s a i.uperb \alue ComparJllh low for tn1s pnmc loc.allnn Bni:ht & rh"t'ry. fresh pJlnl. bt.·Ju11ful p .. rquet flooring. So ll 8 Collect, 7l 11 'Jb84~5G MATCHLESS rnl'f' & value Ju!>l rr cJun·1t lu ~di S•>b.900' ,\ ll iJ r d b c J u l I f u I brick" or!., Im porlt>d llle, :l lldrm l.O\'d) yard) "1th tiff 11rccn l.l'Ani. & bnnl cir lrlr "'" Ct'S' (.'olll•d , il l 1 llli8 WS6 --- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 552·7000 .. \~ \Ul TED CElLl:llG & ii9.S .u roper Y MEED EDI I or 1111b dividing. A IN o -••••••••••••••••••••••• ' • • · lloo~r. s.12 .l8SO. • • · 1 . osta MHa 3224 Ult 2 u 1-·. 1 d"lll • AMAZING I m ni. s 1 v e l' ir. posed - -Offke manafwr and ad '',t'lil coni;truchon n u1 t'a •• ••••• ••••• •• ••• •. •• •• • ». 1 p l'. "•l au. . THE ... .. -CENTER TD1liER. l DR Duple:<.·~ hilt to d1t1on1.t .. al('s,.laffform-1rul' hur:.t'·pro!)('rl) for i I :\ rrn .. ll ~. t-'t.rst. lui.l~.t-.r.llll· This bout1ful thre Vlll """E. ·.· MASON RY liKI CK beach Xlnt rent. l'nnl \'l'Stment ortt'ntc-tf n•JI only$4~.ooo ,ur:rt·~I · t U(!'(.' t m1.96271lill __ _ hedroom Deerfi el Fv..... fo'lKEPLACt: WITll onlv S89,500493-711ll l·stalt•nnnln lhtntln~o A.GT. 673·760 l ':Pl'· t·o~t· 0 'J\C/\NT.iiharpll>cdnll Townhouse PlunJo'fer REALTORS WOOD MANTLE. On\' • ----Rearh Grnduall!d \'•>Ill tr"'Y SX.O !~~· lJ'l & 2 IM. 1w111 p;11nt'& q1l. f11m1ly room & d1nm~ ----1111all or slld1na: i;lass IEST STREET mi' s I on ~ P 1 1 Mobtl•hotM/ cll';aninl(dt>p 00-·7'1Kll ~mu. Ut,g.lJl7 ai.k for lT p It rad t" d (' ll r p e l EAS y (lpens lo pat 10 dt't'k IEST VIEW 60 ~o 1411 20 1-:icpertl'lll' Trir Prti1 R .. :i\T 3 nn 2 H" CON "'''llh thrudouJ ~t'aullful l up W I 0 C EA N V 11-; W IE .._RLY ILUFFS p.i)S • Call Kt•n Jnhni.on ••••••••••••••••••••••• DO \'fl\'«, clf'll' h1lr , wulk llrl " ll" IO en ry LIVING Brijlhl & airy <'Ontem ~ ~lfi6-4.t10ur673 Y,<111 ... or n•nl l.ux new mub1lc lll do•t'ls. ,.,.,., t>~Uo rlhl Slor\ 4 hr :O hn. lpk, ~riol~~:soorP:r.nc;~r~ Enjo)' lht eood life i.ll porary Kl) fl' kitchen\\ 1lh Pri ... Wahrfront hm ... dll pJrk !-,a11 Juan aor. pool, .idfli; ~50 l)\Y, cpl.I., dta)l> •• cl<'llll, I lil.:ILT·IN RANGE 4' TAIHAEf'tDUHIT CaPo ~hti:n1f11,•11l \IU 642115.'S $t7~fiM. !IG3·4~. ~ tJblt I\, trhh Pu. t'X llng on YO\lr o'An Jrj!e O\'£N. DISHWSllll . Siil ;)()() O~ S St S ll,1\e up to Sll00,000 u::. RN· fJ1 i Ur dt'n, Noh'\' ' terrvr mJint bakOl\Y oH lht> m~ster OISP. E1'C . open,. to 30IAHmtda~l'r,:.tM to 1nn·'t 1n untt & ~4SO/mo. 4'13.&l\10 or bd. 2ba hmc. Cornt>r, liinrli.c:ape. Close ' BOR~l or on the uge, dmrne 11rea. This bt'lter .. R ll .,.,,1 .... ,... l-OmmlNOW'fi.IOllJOO "347046 fncd)d,xlnll'Ond.~5 · i:w•r :1 hr.<! IJ.i, Jl/O, 1>chnnli. & 'hop pint lo\\ maanttnunrt• patio m blll home hu been rent ~--ea_)"""" ;,..., nw 1;l2 31~3-qH ... 1lfl"· ;: 1 nr >:otr. llurf) • Won 't ldl lonit Uus t'fld unit 3 Llt•droom. -d b f t l 11 L.NITS F: <'0t>l8 Mt> .. u Mountain, DHttf, ·w;,11rno 003-1500 Al!l r.u fam. rm lO'Anhoml' m &, ·h1sou~~t-:~"la ~~~>~e~ HARIOR VIEW Xlnl lUnd l'nnc onh R•sorl 2400 Hr, nl''A crpts. t'nrl ;,... · l,':\Ol\' P \HK tor $7.&.000 NEOLEl.'TEU. 11 nl't'd~ o,. .. Scrt/S..111 Wr1ll' .111 \1 1911 1>1111. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1u.ir111ott' /\dull .oupl<' No --- . PAINT. YARD WORK. SI 09.000 l'.llol. rOR . no' y11i0, Waterfront lot CJ n) un rh1lcln·n. no 111.•l" S2itl l'n·.,t11.a.1 Jn•a. rldn :! ,1,. C'\RPETS. ETC It's 11 Phal0t!3, li.c>d.-.:rct.• oo (;u;t11M1:.sa,(J.9'..!6->t, U.kt• ~:7.t1•rmr. O\\nCr 9'ro7888nr!H¥82!\l 4Hr2H.i.hua:cdcn,lrilc, 5Jli 03ZI n•Jr i.undcck. >&7~ 1110, REl\L HUY 1-'0R TllE glare VIEW. nit·c d{'C'k. Sant,. Ana. I! un11,. , • LILt' t hr "pl\, rarvort, l!;l & l,i:1t -t IJep. Wtr J>d. A~SIR719T5to0u0s~~ollrPo~ly ~~gra~=~ ~~rn e~ ~k': 2 RH, 3 I llll Sl~,000 Out of CCMlnty HI $1M lk'ut'h< nmh~·r, S!ll :t2Xll RAMCH RIA.LTV • "' nee ~u / · Xlnl mn•!ltmrnt Property 2SSO f1'l' li.11 2011 ------OWNER WILLHELP Drive by 2244 l'ort HlllGruntJv ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---'O'lll>O~Hr.tlcn2 1 ~h.1, 55 I ·2000 FINANCE!' Carlisle. <714 l327 3773 Realtor fi?S-61111 S y . 1 1 It I (;1'!!~1 •llart.><n. :I hr, 2 hu, \\Hh11c1ryr, nr llarllo111. ----MISSIO .... R"'"'LTY · cenic ut,I 1'·' '1 11 fam rm f11k l)W. R/0 , .,...,1 ... , t •• l .R FAMILY " "'-Ntwport Shnre~ 4 Br. o PLEX rh11rm1·r 2 Hr. IS:t• t .. n . rl · . JI ,...,.,. m•l 1•11 pe !I. u~11 + llMS.CstHwy.l.11aun11 3+ den Will <'Oni11d~ 4. UR . bl~ t11rm k1lrh, '!~l". rtlll, !'1111 mo ltt!li!~1'1.1-:.-.Hll1226l TUltTlE ROCK .. 521 CAMPUSl>a:IRV1"E Phofte 494-0731 trade for l·!ll)' Ne" por ~el'1·n.lly l'On.,tru1·h·d "' cpli> & dril1'. umrors. !llhl 1~ i\J.,'t No frt• 2 & :1 lkdrrn l.und~r~ HOllM & h•come $81,000 Sh-0rc11 l'all .\~t r..a2 ~~ San Clemrnll' OVl•i look • lrr:.h p11m1. lnd:<<'tttl. i:ur 'Br & Jwi 1.1,r fnHI y1l Con<lu Mu~t lit• O\IW ""· l\UNl11UF.Pl<Ol'E:RTY lmmacululc rllln I OPENDAlt.V mi: l!Olf t•vor"" Luri:e W/\\Ufk .. h•ll• l>h1lV .L'SI• /\'.' 1'<""t 1't 1'\1llr1•"l"1·•I f1·c1""'"','I.'-" .,. I I VIEW I'"' $1'"' '"" 1112 Cullc ' · .-•. a<t . '"' " " , ~ • ·•·• ,., IX•au11ru1. I.Ji,.: J ~·droom. Turtle ROC'k. linr.:eou II A .M T06 ' :\ MYSTIC HILLS u.n ""· ""'·olVV • pnol lit•' lot LOW to:R Rl•l\n wtn•r ~ u12 01.1'7 !Wl:l!IHll:. Aiwnl. :.? h.llh, Cam rm. lpll, VJ· tile enlr)'. <.:Ol)' form a SBlt. JBA, suuna. View. Nc,1r new 3 llr 31 ~ Jl,j, (. 11 m P '1 n '1 11 w n t: r · TAXJ-:S R> 11\\0• :H~I t'Jllt Nl•w •·uqlf•ls & II\ Ina hol>l'4 cracklin View. View. 1433 Coral formal dintnll. ram rm. 2 ~!16 527!! :\H' ~: Yue· 7!H 114110 ult ~: \STSIUI-: :t Bil, 1' • 11.i, lr""'hly p.unh'd I l\<•drrn Spani:.h hreplac:t' Love Or. Gr'eut Executive fpk's, weth<ir See this CHlt'40 !Jpmnr797 ZJS.U27.9Jll ).\\Hnm111.i fllK'I $1~ mo V;1rn11l 'I hr. $400/mo. V11t.1.:1• l!t'<ll t-J.lalt• 'lli2 1471 urul nuw rcnll'(I. I huth, I) fnrmal d1nmg room l'lome be<1uhful l\ome al 2.111 !St It. lubl + "00 dc•p $1"0 .1 month 3 l'ur Bni:h1 & 1h••ery · L. 6737601 AGT Chfr l>r .orc·dllaf(enlfu 102UHITS Ranct..1,Fann1. 63ll3.1Jart ~ t•nl'lcl'\1'<1 i.:.1r.11H· NC'»r 11h11µcd k1l<'hcn llulll • • 11ppl. 642 .ab03 Thrl~' Y•'Jr!I olll Uncler GroYH 2700 <'V4'nlhinr.: ~:,,ooo Ukr fa.,1h• ronm' \l('V. --7'<"1Rro!>s ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·53&--118.16--------i ~~~~:~ ;ar!i~~t~r P~'i~~ 0titE-OP..A-KtND -- 5c~tn.o 1011 Id. 9Quail ~ ·'rj~~~;~ri~ 'Z·'~~:~~..::.\~ m1rron•d \\ .1rdrob~ 1.ari:c. ro7Y l bt.'tlroom ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plac• • \l.111t'r cti ... 1 JO\I i frnm POOL HOMl pJtro uc«l'SS t.arge pall homl• "'ilh room to 1'' SUPf:R Slll\RV Praptn"tlea 1-:,<'onc111t11 20'. I>" n hJI Hy O\\ ner, bt>oul 2 ~l)' 3 ~•lh toll tre~ & prh al lh&nd l..cn el)' stl'hid<'d 3 Br. lg fa m rm. 2 bt l'k 7Sl-1910 s• ,·, .. : Z Jnn 'f t,•rn" Hr;? 1\:1 l"am Rm. fpk, too 1-'t't' l•nd Cull !IOW l ?'•~ & i:arden'! SM,OOO frplr~. OC<'an & hlll \ "'"· ~oo OVA•ut "'~'HACH l'nm« f>rimt• l'rtml' l-;7. rn.unt $11.000 Upn pttvin'-1~ 1100. --------7~\GROOZKY RLTR clO'le lo ~lanna & srhl'< o WM JIOO/\ S302M 11,r SJI ~un I 51'\1 t"''""''''\""''' -. t • ~hoc1' 1041 494tl6ll _ For qwck sale $11S.!lSO 10 Vo DO 11216+ABld.:S1lt'SfflM 'lliA-01119 [~ • \ 1 ··•••••••••••••••••••••&.ocJIMaHI~ 105 <>-:neraitt~9:!69~--3SUPERSHARP 1::1~+/\Bld1!S1t~S21M IEACHW_A_LK__ IJj!J .!!:IJ •HORTHLAGUMA• ••••••••••••••••••••••• VILL,\GE SAN J L.\'i, CONDOShtELTORO F.\les c_all H 1-aur her ~10.000 l;i'lii.l: 1 fldrm im n yvur-0-. n 4 IR ,.... lhr townhoml' lo\'t'lv d1· Only J ,, year'! olct. in l'11 ll ltli 9JG7 . • nr>t Walk to bc•114·h & " . ltrl 1' d d Rancho V1t'j11 2 JohnllalP<"rlomp.an) OlCORATOR --town L.irll• 11' !"8 '1'HE HILLS'" ~~~ios~/a110".~.~c bedroom. I I.lath, 111r · 171~1 71!> 7701 \\alkor10.:toCX'\'JO •, THIS IS IT! rm 1dan1n1t area F,xt An Immaculate, up· rond.-totally upgraded eal&tcrte IO•I ' c;or~l'OU'o Sp1o1111sh nus ls the home you'v malnl. & taxc:s lnrl In 1?radec1 . well locatcd \\Ith lovely :,underk Wanted 2900 .1t'\:''"l IO\\nhomc beenwolllnl!fOr!llurn' lowmonlhty rt-e 542.~ Dartmouth plan wllh AMCMOUQ,E ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPANISH COURTYARD W Al."' TO ft<.'11. 2 llr, h 1 • Um 2 H.1 '1'111nhmc 1111 1•rul 111111 W I rpk tit wt r li.1r t1·11n1,, S3'7!J nw. I,.1\ elv home• nr. i;chl, & 54!> :t:t.'1'1 W~sfrhl! PIJ11t 2HR, ----itamc rm \\ f>OOI ta hit'. ~15 2 h1 . lt•ru 1•fl )'ti, J>l"''· hltn har. ram rm. BBQ. kid~ ok lk•at·lwum!J«·•, wJHhn rm. "JlOI' hv rm 2 It-.• li:ll 2011 rrplei. Hdrrj?. Wai.hi . -----dryr, ~nrdenl'r included. I HH •. 1 fin. t l<N• 111 Still><, sr.:10 mo nn a yrly h.-J~· lite euf.111• .,111· )'Ord, it:17l Will con::.rdcr CJpUon ~ ~~usta C~. Ol.11 r~t~ _ l"'llrt·hasc. 3 llr, n<'w µu 1111. he foul y1I, I.ids <)I\. $.150 mr •• 642 05fl.'i/~2-338S 1n.:1 CublcTV.Gor11~ou11 hdrm home Wllh bonu •4t4-8057• bul th• arau In rear 1714)496-7711 • INle, l}V~ ply, up lo DONALDM.8UtD )U,UOO \\Orth of upJilr,1cl All the cxlrn11 malte lh1s MORIMS REAL 1 t every detail complete IHftSTMIMTS l£19::ail l anted homt' 01.1 J~ido 11111>e11n111n l.mte li\lnti r oom 1n bl•autlru ___ _ _ y1.1rd. Bring your ii:Ct'n _ _ PlactP $l~OOO l:!l3lllJl 4l70 A•••c•••••·le•ll•n V11rant 3 Br, he kltch, dhl itarai:e, new crts, Ck°P'. parnl. $350 mo. Jl.tat Lo m o n d • 9 6 A -3 ~o , B-12-1212 10t>1n Spon1i.h r1n>pfnl't' Culvcrdole abi.nlulel~ N&W" EXCITING thumb and suvc BIG$$$ Sclnta Ana 1010 Prop.rt... ' --- Myh,h 11nurmcl k1trncm unbelievable! Upitradc hilltop home ft>nttmn !'rited below compel!· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 752."20 R ........ ah "lCIW, beaut. 2 .-tory nome, 3 Br. comer lot, V..tonl, ~ fornH)' room. L11r11e c•urpct & draiw thruout CATALINA v 11-'WS lion 11\$88.900. YME""'T ••oo ouA1ur. "'WPOt' HACH ..... 4 br, 3 ba, formal flmrng wnlk to Bdi'lon ltlah. rnn~h.'r \\lllii· Oulstand· Ctntr111 air S<ifl "''Ute BDRM i UATll 'qu;ihl)' Call 644-7% It S 150/MO PA " 1 ..., ---••••••••••••••••••••••• rrn, ccnlral u1r thruout, dran $.1!>5.'9G3 fl:n1 · tllK pnun ~c lo bl'Lil'\e p I um b 1n 11 "r 1 l' 1 • u $87•500 2 llomes, S67.000. l,1vl' n TEN NEW Housel Fumlshed plu.'lh crpll( lhruout. Nr. - ----- Call no~ 7!12 1'100. fireplar{'. f'amlty room 00r rt~ r · I R ally one & rent the olh,•r for ••••••• •• •• •• • ••••••••• school1. frW)'I>, purki;, 3 Hr z IJa, Ol•W pnint & l''' o. ' , ' ~· ., ' Reduced' A must tn iwe• a;l709 c:~:s~ II~ v 125() mo. Total pa)•ment C I llalboa l1land ] I 06 bearht'll 2 mi. SI> C11t. cpts, h:c I M·d yd, ,1u· [r~:::::::::::-iil!Wllllll~lllllllllll 22.1'1 or~ mo if pun·ha~ed Orange oun y ••••••••••••••••••••••• PlaUI Mn~. $2(1() SC<'. dO. II-hops & Hhls. $3,~ •• l fill11il!t,l! i ~i_:Dl(una __ 4!lll· subJect to cx111un11 loan. • Lovl'ly. rum 3 uu. &r clc>n posit 002 Cl~IO S3G·:IH.1.'i ' i/ir.\11 l: JUST USTIO !! 2 •fr nld Townhomf' 2Ur, No qualrf\ in.:' Corne Units hnme ~lrp-. Ln So. bay. -liege Park. 3 BH. l '• Unbefltvnhlc ~1~. 3!•'. ltlgh on a hill ubavt' p , ba Many eir.tras running wimoni·y ! Unhellvvuble p~1rt al $575W111kr . lia, tH'rM<: rrnm M•hl)nl. k1fli..1)(·t'l.1ml!ls.l-'OI'~ • blC'OUtlful J,IJJ(Una . loH•ly ~ .~5 5149 S46-0022 ---$2Sl.000 Lovely Spani"h __ A11<'nl ti7'.l·GOOO __ J.caM' $400 mn V:.irunt l\lurn llc·nlals, MO·!"~' E REE LIVING :l bdrm .. 2 bath gardl'n • A GOOD IUY • • roof and «"Xltnor. Sllll lalbo p I I l 107 ('entury 21 548 11611 or ---• -CAR F home. Larae. prh ate' 3 ..,..,, 2 bath Av ume to l'h~e rotors and a .,. nsu 0 l'\IC:s SS?~f.17S · $285 Nr walt'r. 28,r rn;t•l, R4MCH RIAL TY yard with m11lul'f' lrct.'I ,,..,.room. ' ('., options ••••• ••• ••••• •••••••••• kut-.. r)('t!I, l\nitls. I' t'u •• 1'rl't' fined •lt1\ r tn Im 551 •2000 L 0 t) 0 r Pr 1 d l' 0 err1I p11tlo. c-n rJ><'I .... Winter rentnl ChJrmln11. J AU . 2 HJ, formal din, ti1ilin lfrnldl!ll, s.o-:>.'f121 )lr<"l'llV4' t•ntry SUnktn ___ , °"nerahtp here! Pra<'Cd dr111)t1, 11pnnkleni, l'll'<tn _ _ very rfn 3 Br w/frpk, l(rdnr & \\ulc•r p:wt S<·ll Hun 1...,. -:- llvlnlt rm'' fplc-tOOO QU•LITY nl$119000 &nt'Jl SllUOO II jGual~ pwllo, fndrv rm On w otl<'J~'' l4:wl ~"'~:n:r.> t ..... on 3., ... 2 Sqfl onoMfloor P.ttrn ~ • J11vW.Ye11t.altolly Rea1Est41h • Pl e Ha> Cull 67~·21104 . -Honour ~ 1f11nr<1 from ma.tltr WITH "'VllW 3\700Coulllwv. CU: "'"'7761 uL'-'AVL•JtDL" ·1~ 1'1'>'1 •••••••••••••••••••• .... • A m A-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'L wwwrt'n °""'"' TI r ... ~ ,.._,, I'•• • • • • brdrtJOnl and ll\olni: rm tu :l Hr J•rc"ldt'nl hume in u~lM:l~n~ So _L.aiun~ __ t9!_9·223'T ........... 11• ~ r-r -,...:::752-1!,.0 1 _.... h 31 ,.1 1owo, :l Hr i! flu, Avail 3 Ur. 3 h,1 lownhoq,, .• pnv.1rv &>rtl•nt d flnc)l Tu l•f' kT· ~0017 _.5 I IOO ... -,-... oc .., 10 1 M1 IH..l0 ~p11rkhn11 nc•w <'wl•I. 11nd malnlf'nnnr1• ftl't' rt~ ~O<' trrar~ . ""'-w.....,. .. och 1069 '-ale l4000UA•lS':_!.!_ ..!!_AtH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----l .. '70 (' II 'I 11 •• Ri:~ALVALUt.: •99 2800 "9 ~· • •••••••••• • Tf ·• • • ~. • b3<'k yard t ~drma. 2 rn~' II b Owneor ------••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••0 •• • , PROY ESSI ON A f, an Oc~11nfronl. 2Hr, frpk. I lilt, <! llA, (pit" Cfll>1, 84fJ.1371or11111M~"i1•vll! b11th. and a iltP 1.1vt-r ~Oa~~· Ttr~ll3.1-mallcotlAROt>n2R ~ Adult !'ark lOxSU · 2 !l'• 01-'FICK BUJLOINC:S, p11nelin1t. W1ntl'r '"2~. 11ry ... lt/<I.. Wit>. f!Ollll , ~ kllrht'n. Auumublc ____ .,_ Iola ~IM••in&•ornl<'t a<"rou from ~nch. t:ull l>Otb old and nf'w. l-1ul YrlyS.')'15 494-1!130 S4l->1nlO <,ur<lnc>r/poo lrvW.. 32,44 loon!C11llqulrkto11c>cnll Plck111 okk't'homtlnNct .-ndon 4D3·Sl7n. 34202 !lei tllc' trrrn11 lea11ebnrk o -h 3169 mnlntinrll1.Al(t.l'All'172!l •••••••••••••••••··~·· Ulh for undt1r $80.000. lhot'11 rll(ht -pick us lae Int Makt oltrcr·l or SPYGLASS HILL Obl~n".2.'..!· &Of\dollnr'potentlal ~~~~•~••••••••• F.~A VY.Rl>t: (;hurm1n" o Ol''flflUN ·ro u~r.~ .. both. Prtnclpn a only Ne~·...-r•A11c-h'1 fln"•t 20 .. o.o SPA''!<;, $175 • .. /I " "" rour•!'• ··~ ... hondlc your rc-al t'lllta Rltll Myt"l'I Rut 1-'!lltott' .. ...,.ho" I h i h N ~hlldrc.>n BAY IU .NT/\I. :IBr, z,,11, w rl! 11t11nc plw1h Hnnl'ho Sal). ~u· POOL ESTATE n ,. t'd"' w c, r r n ca . 494·M20ortlf•O·t701 rUlltom mt>!\ tl'11 •. on t t +I ii t11 •. o I I 1•aH l <enr. 2'~ hn wtclcwk ror lrpll' $.Tl$ mo 411T·201:t. c11un lnh'lt' nr ('ulvq~ k Onlv H'J,50\) for t hl11 llonwldo do eitlel\tlv vtry l01> of Spyl(la1111 lllll. /\lso some ~olt<1, N("<l to • .u power hout Wlntc•r n•n· a.: .. " so. C u AST S 0 f"w v 181'11111 tr ~ °"' C"'tomiL~I youn" t~XA", TV ond rtdln ut'lvertb Wiii build to suit .... rom Sontn Ano JM.ty U~ach r111Ce tnl or vrly •1!111. $fl?ri mo .-. " ~ ~on~ Ul.!IJ. :.!'. 11 .. r•~,. .... '"' .. · '• 1n11 haw o r pututlo 1135.000 ft Boy Mobile Mmes, Propertlea C 11 M' 1 ' 641 lt612 PLA7.A 4llll. ZB/\, farn · · l "' · "br, 2 n. hnmr \\•ltll 1111 ot oolnir fA11t. efrld\11\t Spy1Jl•,11 llillSal~orc T204W.CoHtllwy,N8 752•lf20 • r11 . .nn11 . rm. ltht1" c·rµt, cot lol. :t m11~ !lull<' &l!u· frr•n·: hi lhi!w5e much •ou12ht ... ,. complC'lc and MUrt.c>U3! l5 BodtlUI 811 Drive -= --·~•H~IW'°".!.!_lACM 3Br, 2 bi!, $2!1~ mo Util rar AUi l'hllilrc·n &. 1w111 <:'!c I 11.11r $M.: mo Ht~lv tras toelt>fuUy dtln«' OS To b\l,.V or Hll-ah•e us• Nl•wport Beach CtlMtety Loh/ p11hl. Walk to llci•f·h. No OK $41:1. mo l'ull .10 ... h. ~l)l. l:ilh lit Ath~JO. concrvtl' drh e, spacloo1 )' 4' 11 , Red Car P IM ..... D IAY POIMT m 4HJ44'1a2l Cryph 1500 DU ... IX pe\lll, wotr rnlal. 121 2.tlll 642 mo 640 ~.tOO ______ _ rl'llll. "'"' pluah curf>"l, ReallM'll. 833-3380 OCIAMNOHT ••••••••••••••••••••••• """ SL llG3 S4M Unlv•rell v rark tw-i. t'.\Qt1l111ll' w111l lrt•t· -----1Ntwtxclu"lvtllttlnllOn wo Cemetc-ry l.olll Id llUNTlNOTONBP:ACH · 8rhnu~t.n1-wl)'dC<'<unl ... ' '·"' menb. l>ltns. m1cruwa,·t• R:all<'ho SH Jo:aqwn. 0 a ~·•·kind 2900 aq fl . -11 arbor Rut. c M ., Two 2 DORM. "61.500 I South L.,..a 3116 f!'d. adult'I ov•r 3:,, "" llr 3 BA, '"'" rm, m oven and tlereo. OOt.P'COURSE,28R, cuatom 3 l'R home Cypn111Sect.SllOOboth. 19,!IOO downnr11ubmll.••••••••••••••••••••••• Pf'I~ $2001no.AnGPM ._0""·nrpooJ.Jor'T~2~~ _ ~atous !»ll'k )'llrd w1lh 811 . loft. viC'W 0J)C'n wt f1mll1 rm fl den. COUltT SALi ~ Ownr/Altt 540·~ 2nr, 2bll mndo nr ocean. IM2 ll<IO Univ f"ark 1•r1tireCQn. coverf'd pltlo & 11hlm Sat &in lO 5. t2t lhna Spt<tacular -.lutr wntCT WESr\.,,IFFltOME Ca•• ire'_. ••• •v tcMll. ponl, Blue l.ul(oon Ur 2 n.i, fpk. fnrd yd. 2 V1ll11(1' 111. 3 nR ~ ,n. m"rlnl pool. Im ll'lll~r.TS2-834hvrA. view flCttndtn~ to t•v 481\.,pool,tllJ"Jtdol. .._ 1600 FOU_--.A Vilh1. SSOO mo. Ownr. rur irar w sutr 1:1$0rm.5'1751'>4477711 •, maculaltmO\'•ln cond.--Penlniul•.Pr1vntr.aAt SubJt'dtoblds.Call ,,.,.rty COODRENTAl..AREA MS-™lvr213>4'1fl-.'\."16.1 •Mro42:iolhfi !ll'~1 1¥" I k -b ..... ·:... fo"orcarlyappl coll DU.FllLD ed coromunlty wltl\ ,P\t A9ftd640.Sl60 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ANAllElM All 2 -------""' - ----1un nrc1t 4 r,aul'n~·'• 1'1lJCE&IDUCID beach, wno13 courtA. 4. IAYFRO..,.T BVRM. Auumable l~n. u~-~ .......... _.£ .. _., nr 1 Ba new pnlnl/C"l. din rm. 2 ha. new c~t. Robert I " do ~ _.._..._... ' ,. Le A rt 541 5032 ~ ~~~-s ••4001 awhnmln~ Ov.•wr wit b 1 di $'74,500./ $10,000, wn. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pntd yard. ~aroN" $3.'.o Ille ~ • .• -fl 1125 000 8 1.1.y-~ Office u I n1. spec· I 0 /A t T-S Bdnn. 2 bil. ram. rm .. .;:,0~1,. lhru' MicMll~ A "'""""' tacular view. loxunous ~··-wnr « .e 3102 ~~ SJMnrG-4 4-"-' WALNUT ~Q. 2 sty( ... bitty ll'Qh comp .. dttt Da W /Piii & DOCK cx~ullv•offlc<"I •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• Br. nlrt cltnn hr yd, 2 Br 2 Ra, aunkl'n 1lY ~. mu..,....., optntt, upgraded crpt v)'. uncftr CoastTuctlon Reducedtol625.000 ,A..,AST1C good schls. refr11t /atove S:JS0,752-&ls:t.645 :1G10-: ..._.. -~l11:·~ i 5C~le i: u ty ! BuUdtr acttrtln1 off era. lfLL CHUMDY tMYISTMIHT Htrboc Vjcw II.om.ea ovall IC needed. $350 mo. 11;;;ttc;m-;:--J;, · l~a. ~~~~~~~~ 675-2U _...,.,,. '75-4161 Thi• pro-rty la IOt'ated 38R.e>r2 +den. Me~. ~ ::. ~. ""' 2 balhs M90 ow. rplc'. cpts, ·d '· .. Br. rim f'm, rrpl & pQOI. ~ Cowdo•'•'··~ow ... In I quiet. pridr of N ........ t.'Beach . 38r, lrj! lnl. kid11. $39~/m(I 063 4009 A.&tt 0 Ask1nR $63,SOO. A1cnt, f ownttSh1p nbrhood It In .. w,....r ""l" & Sl'IRI•. f<'t<(' ftt .. : 642.3950 Llaa..lah le•tJ "-'"for 700 eludes 4 IC'p11ratC' 3BR, 2 Br, 2 ba $G2Uuro. ,... UV'J'!~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• tRA hou.~. ca. w/wood ~in ll1.'fttQf~. ~O·S:f71l_ Lt\lfl in Irvine V11lago~u Spe<'t•cular O«"an vu,~· WW. ,..et SPACJOUS 2 BR. 2 8a. OD butd'g frplu • dbl • Utll pd. 2 Br twnh1te1. have home~ avu1lulll4R1>r sldencc. 3000aqft. Ma11lv.-rn11tel' aullc. lagoonw1boalsllp.ftt>lc, 1tr'11. All oo a dHP Chlldok.f'cc lc•~in· ., s Bdrm. Otu R It r. DAM PT Tf)' W..l T·Rodt Remode led kit then. aauna. Jacuut, pool a park.Ilk• lot with mall.)' Main Rent.ti la, StO 5370 WalnlJt SQ The,l\~rh TSZ.9031 lastanlquemodelavall Jte..vt •hake r ool. ONLY 145.000. L«atecl trua and plat1U. -Deerfield CuJvll1flil" Br. fllOO S.F., •hit rond, Beautiful upJradu In qualnt ts quiet Abeloluttly mu•\ 1ee ~ 190. Coity 2 Br, luds OK. C11.l1omn UnlY1Pjrk SPtUL STAtaCASI cool ouao bruua, fa..a..da Hlh lhn.iout. Eaay to aee.. CARLSB D hy The ~a. ·~•le. $205,000. A.ak Fe.. CollC'llC' Parle • S puloUI ele••nce. SlOttM,opcn1'ou."OSOOR. ~'I""' Owatr anJCloul. •,500. Bltr.<n4)'72f.5816 CorJOSH MalnRenlals,St0.5370 38ryourchoiccbf (J) Never lived in 5br. 2 fD.0\11 lUIJAid• woGd f •IH Call 645-7221 OO 641-5270 from $315 loWS-. f .... 1-.... ~ h·•1efamr-•---------1 fruit trees. fam. rm., "-'"""2l"Wes•cwr·• a..c-P,operiy 20 .. Bry ... 'r"b01°""of i:ti;;d;';i'n: rm, k-;f EW VJltW CONDO Saa den, bobby rm, 1ame -.. .... , ~ ·-•••••••••••••••••••• .. fro;;;'~~~.:· --Joeq\SG OOUC-rse Up· rm, I 8R •• aft UO• T'rade7~rta.ubtlltrfor ~13~""-·.__ NOP" • ~ erado, by Owur. b•Jle\ralll• tllchtn1 Udol•"·' Br, lba,deft.2 apudab te. U ap1c .,..•nwau: aAHCH ·~ ··-m.cm.-..-0533 $1'7S.DOO hplct, corner ldt. &railer pan msK. ow OPP:Nt>AILY Ht··-··:.: • D -TW Owntt-1Bl.r . .rU?~. A-fU.Mil I A W. TO• P M ~ ,. ,·.. . .. ' .. ' '-4 : • • .. • I .. . OM. y Pl\..OT ........... ..-...-···--··· .,.. u•--~ .... -......... . red hill ..... '.l'.>2-7500 3 BR. 2 Ba, 149'll Larkspur $4~ mo. 2BR,1 811, added f1m-rm $390 mo. Pnme Locallon lrnmed. possession. Broker, no ree. S46..ff640 . . . ' lll8Clllb/ llVllll ,.,ty - r l i ECTOR¥ <... r: JI. ~ ., .. ,...... c.,.t~lu C...,_._. . ... •• ,l " · · · ~ J ~ ~ M•orwy p~.,.,.,.9 ~ -..l ................. , .... ~ ............................................... ··················t••t·~·····~··--············ ... , ................... ······················· ....................... ······················· ~ Uc~ T.t..C. ·Dal"· l'lf· l!lh&mpoo a. atum <'Inn· LfltaS.JARVlS t!lfl>r Japa1*Ht Gardecwr H1uliq/movtn1 clt'1!WI C'L£ANlti.:G & MA lN t"rff e l Slum111none. \lie!, In U rl CH / e >-t H 1 u t VERY Nt:AT PA't'CH .. 1"2t • trvln., CM. fM ~ ln& Col« bnthtenc-n, Aiddll.ict"Qea..dehat CO.pl IDl~t•• 6 1T/1,1p ........... ;.ti. RHa, '\'&NAN<;~ St;RVICF. blockwall, bnck, pJ11n acou&tlul r,•1hna•. t' JOUS&TEXTURE "''J ya.rd.Id>,.. •bl urpta 10 m it1 -~ _: .. .Udl~ ~leanttf lir Ht/HI.I fut.. rrw.atMl-4.51'7 AJlt),... l.lr'd f68 nn• ten Q\lalll)' .. urll 111 ~ >~ upcr t:.ll •ll 8pm l-We Elt tM·I" •'I ...:;;..;. blcacll. a.an 11¥ rm, d_ • • ltro fSl tnl , • . &Ii pnC«a Bob '150 ~ .,. tj,))8, .. neM...,.... ,.. 4i hall"'· Av1 rm HUFrWAN • Ort. :;,;.,, .. ., Ir J(r,1Prtt haul· Clt•f• HOm3 " ·--_,._.llMJ / ••-.. •••-•-•••• 17.IO. cowb Go, ch1lr1$. Remodel, e•blneo. Kxprd tlawtilila tal"dc1liw U\a, deaJNP, trw'IR. ror Ml 'ltllt EXPERT Paint me lntrft ....................... ~ ,_.. U,. ~ o.tt C.r um pet odor C11>t fc:irnuea"4 lllle, Ml-4541 YIA ~ t.nmrnllla. uuble Uenu.. •·HcH· Mo.._ & x t r ~·rt' r ,. • t Plumtun R,palr & Ntw '' for N•••I Ucrt , ,.._ir, l6 yn oxpr ~ FATK!RtSO-;.;--p .. uQlna. L' Haul 'I 81dpreU'loved..~T.~ lreMitt •••••~1'•••••••••••••••• Worltman11hlp 1111~ t~\'r"~-.:pr,nnnunuHl ' B~ 6 You NaiM work m11elf. Rl'h Addiuona r•niod ho& ~-U di , ....................... YOVlNG" Let 2 t;xp1 'd &&lo!~ fo'otmerColo.Conlratrto,.,.1! It. C.11615 1¥5hfUpm $31-0101 • • .1111 •·• ! JR()N"'O Do I 11'\tn move you Reu11 la 64$ '"8 '1!11 3~ • · _ • pl;ana,frHt.8t7·T8llll lAndsc•Jtlfta•Cl•anupe. ••••••••••••• .......... .., • rui n tn) Rt'Ca ~ort9"4Wl6 ·~Gfioa _ '" 1 _._._·_.... • c..,. .. ., /COM••t• ,., 811\all}oblpl't'ferred. HOUSECL&ANlNO 11 ~mt . l\e uonable -. ••••••••••••••••••••••• T••l1lonR• Ir • .. -.................. ,i. ...................... Dwwft... 617u Fr..eest.$4>_,,, Our Bu•intas Call l!UO Movtn11 haubna.StudentsPATtO Co\\'N & Occk.,. ............. ~ .......... J .t-..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • E ... Otrpentty, Add-on .. •-PATlOCOVHS Rm Add•tlona new Eapr. Gardener. Yd Janlcu Aanedy Anns.~--' w.,,talrutk. xpcr.Jyrs QuoUty v.orli:,l'\•A onahl<' CANOPVTVSVC t'O. Comml'rol•I. Lie, fr~e Drvwys, fre.t.541·5l.54 homH. remodeho•· cleanups. trlmmlna. 8TS·MM ....... ~~·J: •• •r••••••• 8421>'754 pri~~ Lie 315085 t>b 1,'l RateS..•rv.ioo .'') -..MS-30t <.'Ommer'l, U yn exp PN01n1. t'r• at. Call Xlnl ~14.,,UnJ_ csonu Expr'd land•capurs 'alfttwt/'.,..;"9 _646 .. aorG4~00'3I nt f111r rnc\.>Jll601'3.1-~ MASTERCllAYTSMAJ'f C•Coecnt./llodl Rsnbl Ml-4M7 ht.-Mf.$40L by lad)' w/n,...nr t . Spr11lkler~ Install '••••••••••••••••••••••• "4aht'/R.pe r y,.... SH¥1ce Remodel, fhuah • re-f"" Elt~11~~~ftded. ,:-· · .. G.._r4 Ser-flee& ~~ W1ll traos ~~k ~oric.. 0~~~ .!!._Paint R~palr 35 yr:\ 1n ............................................... ; paln.Xlnt,..r1 09.3105 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• _., :(1·· n are•. w orkmans hip PATCllrl.-\STERtNC llrmo\1&h tnmmin • c.p.tS..ke C f t Dra.ainal.lAI 1Qd..A!tet1· ttANDYMAN·Homea llTWO HlGfl il]O' est guar Takead,ant olm)' ••AL.l,TVPES•• prurun~ (~\'\' e~t L1r~1 ............................ ~~~ ............ t.ioos ; done ln rat boUae. Apta. Consdeo,(oua 0 I R LS L 'i U•IMWJ el(per.5311 ?056. Free &\t ~<&O ~ ~lly ln~urt'd 642 m i ~ ~OlfCari>etlr F'um GERWJCKt.SON Pteasecall~TS <'ral\lmanM54SSI HOUS~~l. £It••••••••••-••••••••••• ProftUlonalPamtcr. }lom«'ll•A ddltf on•·t.ct"s Tr~I! Seni('(I :... clunlna this week! Addluonst.Reroodebn1 c..• tli : _:_-~~lt~gi; YI,.~ ,~l~l~Phi,n~er~ lntrtExtcnor ReUut'co O\etr block Art\i tic trim~ing & rt·~'.J from 1$ rm up. 84C)..;u.3~ Uc ~l.21942 ......... !' .................... ~ ............... MESA AREA CALL BlodtcWolls ~J.~BQu: ts ~·e:.umates646 ~ts walls. Frto est , lu"' rno\'al Llt''d 23 yrs 1rr; 101n in H•rbor area. 541-2170 b'1&-e041 ~_.a..; It CIA-.Sld...i"'~der dump truck SU"'""9 ...,... R f .,._ u ... ,., 1 ratt>s. 586 .i11112. art'u. Comp\ 11111rdtnma. w....._.,, ..._...... ..--. . E<•• ._. c.~ts.....,·'"64 lla\'cso1nl'lhmgvouwanl .1 I d t'PI{ i SELL \die ttema wltb •Try• Dai l y Pllol Freeat. "2·9907 h•uJl.nc, 1radin1. de· toacll?Cla5i1ifltdnds d0 Haveaomelh1111 you want ~7s°.:1~p1>, n i. ·,, D.ity PilotCJ&u.llWAd.. au. fied Ad to buy seJ moliuaa. 'hM •oril, etc. 8ell thtn19'r&s\Wkb DaoilY SBLL Idle ltem1 wlU\ a it well -<.:1111 NOW to sell? Clas111ried ads do :-~a. or rent aomeUuna. ~ a.ASSlFIED will aeU It. '15l-3\930 , Pilol Want. Ad.I. D&1ly Pll« C11nlfied Ad. 6'2·56711. • 1t well. 642·:Ml'111 Wjlnt Ads Cull 642 S81I""" REWARD -. I Building :. Maintenance .· Mechanic · :: Ow c.ctldcrt• mu1t- b e copobl• of opet"OIJftCJ and rHift. I' • ...., all HVAC Oftd I rdriprtrffotl equip-.' lftent w lthl11 th • fociUty. .I If you ore lookhHJ for ~ o ,... chollet1CJ9 •d po11e11 th•••• inhtlmum requlr•· 1 mtftt1, pleoH coll I I Helll• .. cHord 1714) 630·5'10 •I lxt.4SH tFLUOR .,_.... .. , .. DAILVPILOT w.d~~221171 MelpW..W 7100tw,W911M 7111....... I005 •. • ~ ·············•··•······ ···········--·· ·······················"'"'°Yo. 1049 .. u elws 101a'MI~ 1010 ..... Wmllt4 7104 Hee, W..W 7100...., W.e.4 71001SALE5 CLERK. exp. ruu Spt'ay Painter bclpe-r, lalOrandmothers co&~cuoa.., ••••••••••••••··~··•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••n •••••••••••••••••• ~~ ........ ___ .., ........ ·-·--· ............ .._. .... tlm•, perinantat ,-ra old, oo t'llPt'r nee.. Sldeb brd•.~:~,.. IUoubtt dtll&bllul ''twin"------------- 111.notn S...CJOM:rt, m m~ have tar mut "'°"· · ·· lofts hairni kalltN. wht MATUR~ WOMAN MUllSfSAJOU lliLISTAn SALIS Fun:llA~ .... ffC'h • 161-314' IA. -eoto &I bill Oth~r lovliu TS p/tim• to wtolconu NNdl!d tor Jlvnllnl(ton Lll"fl\l&!CiarUllWc•~, . ---'d I)_. I ··········--············ m-~. SILK SCREEN T-SHIR . 11ewco1nena II cont1c1 v.i191 Conv <Afl&cr. &182 Small MW bf'•J14:h "' ice seroeJMI..)', expi« ~a1 STIMO men:h:.nt. Jl'leilbJ.thra Ntw"'•n A~•. Huot now optnt'd, Co•t.1 cloth•nit OH!r U . No f.'Pt'r. for lt"nt-ral of· FrS'fi:f;;\~,'~:=~l Tlnymq1ckt1ten.a 1U~ _ __....._____. 5 ...._ .N.ed car, lite typlnJ ~Applyia~rt.on. &.1011 /Nf'wport Beach ht'ti S.·5383 fmr t\lllllmtt Du·uttna Hatt>or Sa t.aAnfl rud(fOl'jltlOdbome, ~ ,.,_ .. IM'T·lemo .uu1••• "'"IDIS an:.at. P'r4G prof tr111nu11 • m•chane. 10 Key Adder near -~ n Cal Ln A~t S48 llU3_ Dretlcaly le Jred! ---·* .. "" " ,..~,.. proaram. Wt 11ve to &61es b h It l Uce REl'RJGt:RJ\TORS · MecU'rntOlc t.o-P/t.une " P/Umt' 0•)' dlvlduahzed 11llt•nt1on SttAKLll CORP. ,:t:: c11'i ~~e~I:. ~n WASHERS ORYt;RS ~,r,l!~l~ut~~:p" :p~ *~UGD · SllECTION I* 5-lnHe••ltl liJ\tft P.xPt'r'dprt'('d Al> Xlnl lltO w /hnc op Ono of lN! tai.\.ffl 1row lOllm ~~ RetondlLlon• Repo1 & blk" blut1t• e&U·TJ~ • t. • ' 2llper bMI a.ceU exdl ply rtrk Supl'rtor, l~ pot111n1ty C111ll WI, )'OU 11 1011 t"Ompanao Iii Utt --Frtct D111ma1• Guar1del > 6 PM Saftr..A-I "5 ins s>er100 to •n•wei SupH1vr Aw • Nu be-l(lllld )OU'!·~· ROYAL u ~.A . ofttnJ you. blW STOCK C LUIC 29)'raln0rana•Co l.o<lS.. for lirt ... ood. nat Frid ., J-uur \P r::::: c-:1i" J'"~r.~ 6C JOO PROPF.llTl~S. Mii "4U.\ iwu opportunlly of a y t itrowrn11 l'O llt'('b DUNLAP'S wood • ., mlH wood CRAZY SHIRTS lH Is 0 or~.:.!_~ llh•t lmt> W net'd 1aJeo"'"'(t 1nd1v. for p11rt11 IW)QIOS,Nwpl tli11s IM9 121111. nnla en N"-ina 1 • ..._ • •sT "'TE q1h1hflt'd ... 1, .. mao.a.11tn. rontrul (,fruL 4!rowlh 111' N•.,.,i>ort Blvd CM --17 JZ McG•w (Off ..... , lnllle n.lsPnonnelServa<"eol .... ~'° ~ nowtum1.1n111telhLl~I IPQI Call B. J1m•1 CALL541·'7780 ~to,oodhomt>.\C'r')' 111.11\lMjtlon Ueac h, 181611 ICU/CCU AcW.•ers.. n8S Your trainin& '" 81H Ot-nnl.a & Oen ---tnlf'lhAenl M doa. 7 inoa -------------Beal'h Blvd, Suite 121 Wt ~ay lop corumu.• on-frf'4', ft Ille ••.a•t you '" im Peroanf'I Suvlct of l.ady K('nm0tt w,Hh«'r " l>ol)nm un/ Lill> milt U•••'--k 1075 Mltctf1..._t tOIO MID.c "L :J..11 & 1M·30AM •luf\~ We ~v .. •'--""m'". ,. ·II R'-"tan11 i.tartt.'d It can bf' tlU1.1llnRton lwach Hl1ti8 ga~ drytor ~. Kenmort• 971) t>H2 • .-~ Xlnt .,_.nrfll:. i:;qu•I Op ...... ,.. •• "' ~ full vr part Umt< t.u ttiit'l Hr h 81 d So•t• j21 llldlhC"r & clc.oc dryt'r SllS, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••"•••• UC.,,OMIST Pof'. t:mplQy('r. Conh1t1 '°and m,!!"."'4on4,·y Tb" is a rarrtr op lll' " • -SiKatnahu·e l'lcc dryerh~. Slloodmo),_~ Puppy fre-e to Rea. l\lorx110 nHirt•. broltt'ir ".• ... v~n ._.., ....... lawn Scme11'10rtb1nd, bllbna. Mna Je1»to,(."o.ll1MMll --portun•I>. t•oro m1u1on STUOIHTS t'~more Wt.a ll t•r. numf' to r11t.•" 1lrl\C', blk"'ll un" '"'-Ir- must be uper, Cos~ Memon11l ll011pillll. 301 -rrom 125,000. H0,000 needed for c•n,•u Ina $.IO,Gu11r dt'hd. S.18·~2 _ ~ 6701 parode Mor11un iieltllnat. O~C'r, 54~ ,. fllna. 540-1107 V11.1una. C.M. 64.:t 2'134 RA:ct<l)l.it>Ui•t Trolm·c plw. iannuaUy. i''or 11ppt 13 per br. Mer 111t•huol Colcbpot Rt•fna: aw\ablt' .......,aw. 1050 t-:na. Wutcrn (1 14 l Wl·l42S ___ _ ~ .. lee~ ___ Spar':.:'::,;v:':=-r..oo tu quollfy, <'itll Mr h1"1CallJ1clt'7Sl·$4ll. fl>l"a~dbo'C.Askrna ••••••••••••••••••••••• 331-tOll Mhc~t ' C...._._ i<Xc MarBkllpr SIOK ~-·.""l by f'tlUlb 'l co •n Mlll~·r. Oll))tU ~2~ T h ~d -p S20 S36G890 I BUY u -tJ--. I071 W.t.d IOll ,,_. ~ .. u 7 J01tm·IOpm , Thun C'ac er, ellPt'r rC' _ -* * * * ..._ .. .....,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!:X~r'd In nul'$intr boll'.M' ~ At M'h witlerfront lol'. C Jll St'pt. 23, or litiim-llam t>thool. over M, 2 15 io S600 Deluxe elf'<' i.tovc.o for Good Wied t"umlluro & ••••••••••••••••••••••• procedurH nccdf'd at OuUtendlnit oppor M16rh•nt• Juy, 8.13 2'700 Sill St~.2S li.OOtoch onornoon. Al•O only li!OO. Xlnt cond Appllancl'»-OR 1 wlll Maklt;, 15 " tlrrul11r i.11w, SSS CASH FOi Hunllnpun V.&Jley <.:on• aw.11l1 recept. to to kl• l)(,ru11a & Uennhd'cr11on , i-ubtl~llutu O~l·ou1onal 642 3767 arll or Sf:l.l.lor You. mod<'I ~4t.l.a. Co•t over <.rtlOd WIC.ld fum/l't'tn111 Hosp • 11382 Newman rttar1• of chwll\•011na 1wl St>rvlt"\' (II Jr\ me, 2U82 Siilt'I Tr11lnee y,.c Paid morn1111:i.. ~ ~ btwn MAS TBS AUCTIOM $300, ~II $175. 6'2 6108 fr~rs/sloH?I $46·07GI Ave.H.8.842~1. pos w/e.st.ab'lftrm.Xlnl lhchelJoOOOr SaltoSl 21C +co.. l2&4;3U. Refr11enlor. old apt -.----------------1 bencf1u. <:1111 Julat> --Tr . Or~t<.:o.tc.orr avaiJ.t.c: • &lit'. while Work• 64M61,&lll·f,JS Mb u 1 Mt04ll IOIOIWall buy some rt'ffl, up· MEN for LA Timl"$ hom" Maloney, ~ 1288 .l>\.'n IWcepl llmi'e muluvat~ uutav. an con TELEPHONE SALES. perfect S:SS. Ul2S Irvine Aft' CAU 554·7Jt3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pl11m<'CS·111orkmai or not, ck·liv. in c M. S2'15 SMC DIS & Denni• Penwnnt!I Photos a. r1MNM1 11trurl1on equip field Rl'llnld or d1111bled men Ave. •B Costa Mesa. WA .... T~ alsoscr1Ap mctal6'7$·~ pcrmo.MIS1'740 Servlcl' or llunl1ni::ton M1Jor '0 neb i.harp Ahot'teJob..;.C;11lM:uy and women. Extra ISAVY.'Newl<UkJfu~. " ~i..a1 Beach, 18Ul8 Bucb 8hd out&:Ol.lll 1nd1v. for front M.irun U3-2'700 Deonu mOfWY for the boUd1)'$. Refri aerator Sears appl'1, mltcc Wilson i. TOP CASH I) Lt.AR ~ t IOI) ~W..e.d Slllle121. otr1cu voi.. w/viar1ous ... 0 ' p' I Morn1na or evenina. Cokllpot.1oodcond$lOO. Bargain ,.ook, Now I PAID l"OR YOUR 41MIH I 2daysperwttk. Ptrma. duties. Call C. Benton, "'!', t'nnas rraoa~ Cood e11rn1n11. Phone MS-78.'J.3 St.ores -54$ & 81<1 W. JEWl!:LRY. WATClll!:S,IO•••••••••••••••••••••• neot po11tion. RetlreEOffll'e help Wotnted . 8481288. Oennts & l)en· S.rvkc of Irvine, 6464223. • . 19th Cll. 6.42-7830 & ART ORJBC1'S. GOLD~nn M•n·O·l\tallc toe. preterrtd. Hourly saJ11ry Payroll supervisor. 1\1!1 Per:.oMel Ser\'kf' of Mirhel110nDr Equal Opportunlly 18cun t /F. Phalrorefrig 543.m · SILVElt St-;llVICE. oriian, exctllcnl condl- + nule111&e. Call 833 Jr.oC ~ll 148 2 yna colle1e lluntln.iloo Bucb, 16lbtJ SALIS TRAIMH Emplo)'er Cop~~ne. S1SO/b6t of Ft NP. FURN 4\ AN. taon. $GOO. P P 53:?-lut alkt Joyce &/or equJvalcol exper Buchlllvd Suilel21 .. h fer.581~ Beauliful, handcarvtd TIQUES 64S2200 --~ · or · roq'd wtsdlOOI • com ----· • ---J!oura: 8 lo i . won 1 ru Telephone Exc hange ttak, rold1111 orienlitl -~ · · :\mplifler Sunn concC'n. Mo..,. M•ID ""Wr cxper pref'd Xlnt «ECIWTIOMIST Friday. By appt only Opentor Varied hrs. licyc.e.. 1020 bnr. grttn marble top. LUGG "'GE T..t..GS lead 250 walls w/cablnl~ •a. ~ ,.... . ROCl':R 's GARDENS • • be f . ••••••••••••••••••••••• A ~ ~.AlsoMuestropha" Wanted. Kirkwood ~";,;.~~~~~~~vi~ :r:n~eds~°:ta~:a d~~~:I 640~Jl'rryor 'ferry. ~~w':l1~a~yrai~~~l:: BOYS 10 Spd S(hw1n~ ~.G7S-04?S fromyourbusu1c;sscardh shifter SlOO. Mar11h11l· r.ote~d~o~~ Coasi City School Dul 735 Hlb G d r <.: j 11 Sal 1133.3333 Varsity, hte blut, 17 Duvm tbl w/3 leaves, tbl Send one card or e~ ~uuh.cr $225. Distort wy. St.PH·~!· 00 oppo • es frame, 24" whet!ls. $'15. pad le 6 chr., SIOO. lai! plus one .spare. t' revt>rbunitS200andl'.:.S. MOTOR ROUTE . W-4-5337. SSOO. +WEEKLY TelephoMSales ~1 541M3$2fortppl. return permanently 125 S27S Sl•ll •H tor rACKIMG/SHIPPIMG ECEPTTYPIST LEADS! LEADS ! STUDBITS ~It'd attractive'"" & St300/ofr 548·03'1' Daily Pilot route In CLIUIK for RRul ~tale lea6tnJI LEADS! 16" over to help on pro-lalklltcJ Moffriah 1025 Xlnt Barth desk & cht>st strap, meellnR uirljn<• 833 33'11 • • Nrwport l:k>ncb 1ftcr -...,. 11 Fantastic Dyna G m i olit or ••••••••••••••••••••••• drawers w I upper 1.0 . requtrements. Pre noons, Monday throuab ~porlln.i goods. S-8 Hrs ~~l ~a'::'ic';e~r. C.. Pre sold on TV Y ·· J~~sza:ron n~o~~ In our CEDAR SHAKES shelves, allver chest vt'nl ~ & then ! f'or a De 1-'ord f:lkhurd sliver Friday• p!us ,!a:~~~af daily Mon-Fri. N. B. Top 0.-monslrators cum ~U1ces. Plo1111ant work· Direct fr M 111. Cali 644-4104 pcl"5001lt&ed la~ enc lost' pljtc?d nutc G~ cond. llJld Sund: Y 0 f<ll 63 Hl 922 · E SALES up ti> ssoo. & m. ore l'Om lng cond llrly wage + anytime. 503·416-0121 MISC' • °"' FURN l''OR wallp11per, fubrl c or $120 S4li 5622. $300 per m.onlh gross_......, R. sto k Roth -· nc • "Day Glo." paper & WC' -----l·ll h deposit reqwre<I PART.TIME, weekend, • nus ns per wee bonus. Wor.k s: ...... tpm c-rea& SALi: r ea101ublt-. wtll back "tnm your DEFORD FLUTE Call 642-4321 ask for neat. cood bandwntma. Fr.. 14 day men & wumt'n ntedt'<I. Mon·J<"'rl. & Sat am. Ap~ ..... ,..... IOl~ 67~lll06 af\noon•. l Or try two Carch S7S. ~ood rood ctrculauoo. ' personable. lace's Ren Tr~ C~ full or part lime No ex b' 12065 Carden Grove ••••••••••••••••••••••• b~k t.o ba<'k 7Sl·'503 ---------1 taJs, 1'70;S So. C$l Hwy, _.._.., per needed: complete Blvd, Cordtn Grove Elarly American So!abl'd. 11 • ~ ----------i Lag Bch 1ra1mna pro\•ldt>d. t-•or 1 6pm or 1.5056 Jackson Cannon F.F. Nc.>ar new 150. very good cont!. PlUCf.'i MTSTOPERATOI ._ · · •Pcrsonalani.trU<"lion 1ntc•rv1ew. c 111JI Mr St MadwayCily4·6pm. mint cond. llo~y ortly. 64$86l8&64683.24 S2eaor3/~ PIX Aatwet". s.,.,.. •Mana&Pmenl opporty'11 Robt'ru at(!M.3474 $200. Cllll644·2242 4/5ta1u1 $1 liOeu. Mag Card I & 11 needed Or Tl.!lc Co. uper. pre. •toi.r,.. CommJ!ISH>n TcUerTramec Coh IOl! F'rmrb Pro.vandal Dmlng 6/9taca ll 50 .-11. jA.rmslrong sltrllng silver 1"1ute. Open holc-d, t'rench mod ·80, Xln'- cond Bst o(r 49"1·2211 for temp. posillons, f'd Pd h 1 t , D •On the Job trainin.: SALES IAHK OM THIS! Table & 4 chairs, S7S, lOor more $1.40l'a. Call 752·1380 . • " I c rn. i:. .J )S. I ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call ~1556 Salus Tu lncludod ~c. £...,,. ... -a Western Temporary somu wknd.a. C'!ll ~twn •Mal\ylopolflrc oc • We want ,. pc.'ople who Unlc1ue poi for i1harp BlJRMESEKlTfENS NO CAll07 1"'"1s-.i.::!_. -· IOIS Scr\'1ces, Inc 9am 4pm Mon f'tl EOE O\'('d lo t':trn btwn $25-0 & personablr •ndlv. wlm•· c •1CYA8 k pp Redwood Calll'I')'. uam .. ,..,...-.. . l~ lolll"'\rlhur nlvd &40 1110 s.ioo ~r wk a(ler bntr JOI' IO<'al corp Xlnl ad· A " w 1· · • l>rtw your uwn or •end, ...................... . .....,... '-# lram1n11 <;uar s.ilary & Vlll'Cemcnl C.all Manon &44-40'J'J boo Vlll11Re. 535 A name addrrH phone" DISK IXEC ~·le too • In IOC' PBX ltt:cept. Trainee am CARPET t'Omm durtng ln11ninii Mann, 833·2'700. Denni•" Lovely Anaor• Kittens. Bernard Sl. CM 548-0125. we'll make on~ c11rd per Al'('C'!ll40rt;•IC. table " f,qualOpporEmploycr PHOMEFUN! llEALTotlS t62-1011 Call l'irolt or Marl11. L>ennu Peraonntl colorlul, Jonirhalr, good Ole Desk It ~creturial ~~:c~~:~c!oncyor-hutch C.111~4.1331 For bnghl per:son1lity t-'ord~alls call Linda S40 6001 Sen•ke of lrvl.oe, 2Q82 breedln1. $20. 9'79·H7f rh.al.r. 175. Din C rm ttct. de to· p, -- w,eslub'l co. in t;reat ---S•nd~a· .. h r>-la""ry , MachelsonDr. an.Spm $'1). Yl.ac baby fum & rPIL.OTP.ll ...... IM#!_ eh 1017 HuneDi~or loc:auoo. Xlnl advance • -~ ' '" Olhtr houatbold rurn "' ... • ...................... . ()'.)bed". Work with lurac Call Bonnie Bell 833 2700, RE Salts mornings. Xlnt p/llme TELLO, /T Darltn1 long hetrf'd male 751-2510 d:aya 642 ~376 P.O. Box tSM !\lafr In ch.illengan.: en· Demus & Dennis Person SUCCESSFUL pos. Ap~ro"' 15 hrll wk M/F, exper nee, hul will Siameae, 9 wks old. bolt eves · Co&ta Mesa, <.:a . U2626 Tslk1na Purrot for nk'. ~)·::~~~~ta.t !\:~ '. nelSerncl'ollrv1ne.2082 Costa~Offlc. lnfoClal 6-4:>~0t<15 __ lra111. FV {)(c. Call for trained.$30.Ml·I042 -·-------So. American )"l'llOw M1rhdsoo Dr h r 2 A 11ppt , 1-'ranll Archuleta. 1040 Dropltlf Din Thi, '4 chrt. WOVEN WOOD n 11 p e. x 1 n t 1 a Iker, lt•Jderi.h1p. commit -----lilS openings or a SL'.CRE""ARIAI. 1-'ullrrlon S111.v1n11 "DoCJI end tbls, IMnJ!ei All xlnt SJl1\DES·ToJIO•\,Off redtblut'/"rl!et\/vtllow, ml!nl Sl•,Btdl!. I.on.: PEOPLE Pt;R~N soclale:. Nl'w or ex r. "1 I n9113"6111. ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond 642·2793cvell. C1111645·89SO " ' Bcach. (:!131 S9HJ701 Exec m·cds piume 311 penen<'ed l.1cenwd rt·al DEC. SECllETAIY .cm _ YORKSlllRE Tl-:RRlER _ -----___ _ ____ lov<'s 1¥om<'nt ch1ldrnn, Mn1_' _&_·_d~c.'h _____ 1soc. rnwh'!lc i.upply. Ful ci.l:ik salespwtplt• l'all Tllt'JollyR011er. hw ha11 TYPES t:TTER . C'X · PUr5Cbampbloodline. 4 Pc Secl'I. h11y boy & 2KlNC SZ BEU tNew). !~~.'~?61l;.,~1cludes i.lond •---------4:~1!y~capilohtl.'d ti'13 2223 __ for anlt'rvitw Ai.k ll)r 1mme<S1ale opt'nlnat ro1 l>t:nenced AM 5tUor UJM tiny 3 lb s tud 11erv. 1WlveJ rockers, card l4 xtra firm SJ9S Incl del.~.....,~ .. ~-~""""~~~~~= BtJI Lachenm> c-r. uwncr an t'xper'd St•crelary ln com pos t' r Fie x 1 ble 530-&US bit &rchn 84.2•1894. U11uolly home W -22163 1_ NURSE llleONewporl Ulvd <:M report to the t-;xcr. VP. houn, 762·'11'79 LYN'f' & RN"° rH'f•dWort&IMj 6-16-3928.l'\es ·67J.4577 Oulll~and•nK sh & typtl'\~ -----lriahSetterPups. ROUND Table. leuf, 41Completek1tchcnforule.1fti..ot •°"J•• IOtO '1 '1 Hours ~-_ skalla are rcq'd for thli TYPIST. must be fast. ac· AKC,1boU, wormed. Co pl '11 chri. & Sofa. Birch t'llbinelry, Trim·••••••••••••••••••••••• If 302 :ioor po11tlon. Xlnt worklnC c:urate & dependable. M$-'74'13 546-4561 lint! k1tc·ht>n Ublc & PIANO. l\lmhull Splnrt, lmmcd1ut.eo npcm1n1t1 or 3 II and II 7 .,h1rt11 In OUI 211.1 bed fl'hablht!fltor r;1rillty. Wt! offor toi wu~t·:1 JOd our lwnt'rll~ J)IH'k.llCI' I'> <'1C't'llC'OI PlelllM! upply ut. IEVERL Y MAMOR U4S2 Vi.i Ei.tradJ Lu.:un11 llalL'<, c.i Ao ~(luaJ Opporlumly t:mploy"r 3 30 f) 30 conds '"benefit. p111ck11i::e P~ll lime. '152 7179 r.tt'dit. Dlnctlc Set. ()c. l'hatrs. K1tchenald dis· Likl' nt'w. \:1111 oft SPM, • Work~hnud11yeamin11 ~~io~:;E.~lll.• "''h th .. which loctudu vaanoua TYPIST ~O~E~l~~E~~ t.a&on Table. 4 chnJ, 2 hw1111her , aa• chCaar · 7SI 5174 $.1 $11 P''r hr Ill 1>lc...asun1 i:roup ins. benent11 "pro 1cave8 , s a<' r i r 1 cc. broiler. /\II or purt. 11 11u1round1n.:s. Oeal hc~t. lr11lnin1t ... 111wort, fit iharlni.i. S11lary com Needgoodlyp1ogab1Uty. Thun Sept 30lh. 7:30 forappl.S48·S422doys. SportlftCJGooda 1094 11dvert1J11nl( & i.alci. 11111, m~·ur"te wtcx--r. Ap G 0 o d po y & x In l PM 8 wk.Ii for 125. Irv· 67$-4238 -------••••••••••• •••••••••••• wllhl' public 1n our '"'~ • """ ( N-" 541-4928 D bed I Irvine ofr n·vrt•Mmllni.t lJmque llunw., in !llC'i1.1 ply an peri.on, 8am 5pm l' m VI o >' t' e b e n e • t _,,,.area. Bt'aul, •mall butch & ny w <'Ovtr., Nc•w set of Jtol( <'lub"• Time t.1(r Uuok11 V•·rdc hjs openan~s tAnd Mon Fri. 11042 Catlelte package melds cost of St Bernard Pupe t'hamp Magnavox stereo. both SSO.Treadmallexerc15cr Wiison 1200'11, wt new Oyn "mac "ersvnollly opportunities. Coll Ave.Irvine. hvln1. salary adjut1t· b'ood Uoe. AKC, shol:l, Provlnc111,646-4!120 S50.&4G·a4ll. bag,b~i;to1i:_.1r,1._r,2A!I .. "' J '-· 11 di ·• mt'nt~. If Interested call • _ _ ~l likely to ,.ucc·eed uca1e un cman 0 1 -----___ Reba c49.$44S. State wormed,557-3391 .., 1 d Ref ., ~~o a nu.148" Formica Gnme labl(' St°" RHtourant lnh·rt'"l'od hou1tl'"'hl.'" & J1mWood.S46~ • "' . ...ovn.,.. n.,'" • 135 E11rly Aml'r1 can • '8'095 'tu•lrnt· w• .. klo" n.•rm SICIETARY Viarm Insurance Co'· AKC Goldf'n Rttriever ques & plants, Call cvea Sal~m Maple filtrco 2 lor ., • ~ a"• " ,.. ------ibl ., N 1· I S3J3 Hyland Ave. C.M. -•-·t h""te-. show 640-5493. "' . •••••••••••• •• ••••••••• JlO'lllon.., ,·all IU"J ~lS It F: S11I~ ::"~'!t~ng ~n NJ ~r,~~ F,qu11I Oppor Employn pupa. '&' f '"' 11' o t gold vinyl bar stools $3.S OHESS SllOJ> t'lxlurc• l'i' J I-' I' 11 Y D I ( doia um Y pc s. G_.,.'SaM 8055 pr. Poker table $15. 8 for trnl~ 11hnwca11c11 . Person I' •<II)' l't' 11 c OUftCJ yttOM C grr.11 future nr or· YARDMAM Champpe<llgree493·6861 ....................... place !IC'lllng f'llnlrldgc r"ck ' 'etc.ft7J.Z99(> • TopOfTowu! Off' i:unl111tlonal ability. China $125, 2 wall clocks. • s. · HUISERYMAH ..., / ice C'rood allllls & appear. With m~hanacal uper. Oobermans AKC r e -t en 1 TV R-_-_. 1 .------F:xpt-r"d. f,llm(' M.iturt r.iitt' poll ""prestige l'O lfu..; opt'mnlt:l' for Ill'* or loilart$'150+. f'ce raid Apply In pt'nOn 19S4 &istertd. SWka old. Bl/I D 1 V 0 R C E PIC ures, wa c ron. • -o. mllh'. over 21 6 l>u~11 1n for Vl'rsatilC' ind•v seek l''Pl'rtent•cd l1<·1·n'>l'd Cindy Cramer $40 5001 Ph1ct'ntl11, C.M. chump1on quality, reds, llOUSEHOLD SALE. l~~.~ller • clicet"' b!c ~~· HIR, Shno 8091 • dud in" Snl/Sun. Wor~ lni: vunely. i\lso Yet sales l>l~Ji>lc :\ti•rl "' Ill & s Ill r blks. Xlnl t.emperament. Leaving country Im med. c'""" l'r 8 • 11 .,a... · ••••••••••••••••••••••• : "'pl.a1~11 & tn·<·11 Urhv ~27~~1h~~?:r: ~=~· 700/oCOMM N~':po~Bea~~A:!:cy ~r.c.diM Marl o o Berg liine . Everything l(oCs. Cu1l 833-l73'1 25" RCA rolor 1'V, 2 yr S3 Hr & up. Overt1mt n1J1 f'trsonnel S<-rvtl't' or Call for 1nter '11l'w '340Campui. Onve :·::::::..••••••••••1••0•0•5• 499-4475. Sl2Sup. derorator furn-. new Home bar w/rcfri•erated warm. I.Ike n<'w. Sl~8. ln'I. l>.!nt'111~ i\dvnnce· Irvine. 2082 Mlchch .. on SooncrRHIU.t11lc Al!loFttJobtJ -..,.... MASTIFF. refrig., ICl'essoriu, tappins urut, 4 hJ ·back _!VJohn,G15427G. "'''nl potrnlml. l • .a1:un1 fl:Jl 2il3ri -----••••••••••••••••••••••• d I mps art Some 11wlvel bar i;t.ools bcsl of 1 lhlls N11r11rry, In'·, t~ Or -----SECllTAIYr·TtME ANTIQ'U lNG INTUSTIN it~n!w. Priced.hlirly. fer7Sl·52A9 ' . ~~~!~~.~~~~~w~~k 23 " ·rnm. ll:lo ~1 Person needed for t11rr o( Rctrul l'rr r~111d Nee<kd fur "'tt ftom ll 8, Ginny's i\ntlque1. Elli Call aft '7 .30 pm for eve S50 642 97314 "'U"'S .. _.... ----tntl'raor plnnlll. M 11'>1 IUYER To SI 7K rnust have R E. U(', no 1''1i.her & Ch111lhnm i\nll .._S-6 wkt old i1ppt. ONLY beginning Clg. Vending Mach. Rowe " 00 r-. havr exper. & aooci dnv Coont1n111e )QUr <'un•C!r exper nee, m11y work qui.'!! • 9T" 1$3.lHOO 9/14. Open sale 1969 Port Twenty 700, mod 132. Super Sony amtfm rt'· RN•S-to$62 1n1tr.•rord.t-'11tnl\>.Cull w1"xp'.111din111·orp 11e~k frl'lmhoml',Olltbetwn20 Elc1crlyThins:s Ounleigh, NpBch. Mako orr.64~·39'71 art cciver, <2 > 3 .w1 y lv.._..5_.44 _M,:ir1u1~1m __ Ina mrrrh.mdl"1111t tl urk &40.~·~27 JW. 41», ~o t:I Camino AKC Poodle pups. blk Sal/Sun fro m 9am 5pm. 11pc11 ker !I . Xlnl cond. " JI •round Alo"°'"' Jobi.. -_,,,,._ .. -, RF' lleal. m lu let'tl t lnylOtoWyk. l 64C>-S39Sor644-4080. IClolhln". used from top $2!>0.548-0353 <.:all 1'1111 nha l>u \'1ll, Sec-rtlJlry non.. .. ,~ ... or • l't\nin&ttelAnllques n 1 ure s ... ----- Aidn-Ordffl• ... Sl• 8.13 2'700 l>t-nn1" & Den 0.•\t·lopmcnl ore n.r 0 <' Bra~s Real~t.er ~-6&2d • shops Neils. Wl!slbend. '7S Tandbcrg 3300X Real- rorll llour Shi(h PHONE SALES nlll l'er~nd Senlcc ol Alrµnrl Type IJO/Sh tuO 140.148W Main St · For Fun " Fabulous ck. Sties 12 t~ 16· t'11 Roal I ape dct·k. '575. Join :i rl•flulflhlf', pro Irvine, <!<>IS~ Ml rh••lllon ~.!~~-•al. 8)' OJ> Pl 8 Other •hope w1lhln 2 Amcri<'nn F.skimo <re· Find lype11. l60Sl Walu Ir, new. $250.11cll. fl31-IS74. fl.'Mi<>n11I nur.1lnst "••rvlet Phon•• Salt•• pt'oplr, L>r ...,.. "'""' bl1K·ks . &isteredl 14 mo'11 m ale, BARGAIN FAIR H.B. 8<16-7901. ~ -,------- &work t.ht• d11)'i. hourg 4 mal<' Of' f1•m11lci, ltl w & SECR 1-:TARY for Rral alfc.-ctlonale, sienllt•, nd~ Sept. 2G. 9am-4pm llo•p bed w/sldo rolls '7S I ll.no1on1c: turntbl,, ~~:;':-,~~~~ur chotl~ ynnt of DI<' t:unranl~:-N:· ... tJ----------4 F:i1latr Co in t'oshlon Wonderland aood home. SSZ·'10W aft. fl Adelaide Pril.'t> School S200. whl chr s.sot walker ~~~~; :::., ~ !~~~: llEHTWOOD ~;~'"~a'!~ ~~~~n~~;~ • RN'S bhmd Musi have " yr• Of A ti I pm. 1516 W. North Slrtel s."IO. Xln~~-461S. Xlnt eond W5 642-52411 • .... U.SIS Suhe O . ('011t:1 Mt•u , M""lc I Soruir!AI 3 lt &. rx111•r • tYIX' r,5 70 wpm, • ft ques. AKC Otrmnn Sht•p. M • ICorNortih/1!!ra) IS......,. Queen RBI dryc.>r 1 "'" ~"'' "· • · ~h HO!IO wpm Apply llUGI'. warthou1u exceptional J>Nllar<•e' Donal on...... >"-"""ad 1100 W ddlnl( Teac 2340 Syml·1yn c. 4500C•mp~OrSt1•5liO btt""'~·n~.00&8 30 pm 11730/\M,,.h•fl• Xlnt TMl,3roSanM11iurlOr, crammtdwllbovcr:IOO mo. hlk /<'re:am Sl2S S3513369am-4pm hr 0 1 5 ·uo"Mtti '550.Bfr51U2·0Zl7,evu. _~rt Ol'h _!>&li l~ ~ 4223 IX'nrfal.s l-.q11,1I Op11or •2llll NR muaic boa... nlckclo· G•(Vi~'7 L'·m TV mattrcsACI & ~3 ~.:.! ic • · • M2 73116 or IW2 ll004. 1-:.1u .. 10pl'!>rtun1ty t;mployc-r. Cunlut1 Mr~ ' --dt'On plnno41, circuit or· ---,.~ ; r~frl Mt.llll sell "" ....,..., ---,--- t-:mploycr Jlrnlll'll , Co11tn M r~a SECRETARY i(llOll, woll clock•.~Hlll TZU, 10 wk old ;:.,~h 11 •· CM· 100• wlro fi•nc:inJ( w/2 MU11l 11ell Y-llC 1tor<'?1' Memor11I ll1111p1tol, 301 arandfolher cloc:ks, female. tovlne &c adora • • mer, •. al.C'tl w · 1a111tovel2.'\ quud, tuner , DSlt NUISES AIDES ___ Vlttona. C M. 042<2'734 A11i1t•t to tndnutlna antiques . hie $400 111 ahota/papon S18·03.'>3 ~IS 'ortcntlll ruJ( 120 · Turntoblc, 2 olr 11u11· PllONF.SURVt;Y WORK rrctlecf M41ftOCJe!S Ov('rSl.000.000Worth MHl11tan.$PM ANTIQUES. Old pirturMI, 042 0861 ' f""' lun • pu k o r."• t\Jll·tlmr tlu)' & nlaht hourly wa1r. ne-<lble N Th<' \vm. J.yon1 Co, l\merir •n International ln•ul11tor collcc marbh,• • l76/b1etofr. ~·:1}34 atuf\aev11lll1hl•.Wehavt'_Tcdnlalock.'152·1J4_'7 _ ***R Ncwrort Duch bulldc.>r· Uullf'rlt'#: UI02·TKcthir·l~.11~Sctt.er malcri&e':!:;· lop tbl. much m1.1chiC1u·petln1t from J.nw Of. RCA XL JOO ~tld Slate lm _ _,1, ... """nln•t (;-,.. V1tetlon R•ll•f. u .7 de\'c.>lorer l<'('kil a 11etr lnR St., l rvlnf'. Tt'I. ,.,a mi popct1 l 5 11 · more! 21112 Jmpala Ln, f1cc,40yda,llkonewtone Color1V alnt cond 1200 JlR'U ..... .,., -.ori _, _________ •! 3rd d M 111.artmat •«~tary to II· '754 Im 0J>('n Wtd lhru ov ""· mus •e ' HB <Hamllton/Uu1hard o" tone1 oran1e/1old. 496-323'7 • · • mDturo Nursl'll Aldt'I PLMTICS Shll\ Ort ·220 • {""" 'lllit thre4• projtl'I S11t 9A~1!o4PM.Vl&ll! '7'14·3't07. Wl'<llhruPrl.8:30-~PM . heavy plu1h nylon + . "~Pdit'nro 111 pril(crrC'd Mot.0 ra1ss OP1t vme ('onv llosp, 061 manajll'l'll. ('l)n trOt'llon . twclJh Terrlf'r. M. 8 m°" -1>11 d . u 0 0. '10 yd I ..... & M9rin• but w• wlll p.rov"1~ pslc' Small Sh®. Daya Only. ~_C!T'_St. CM &<t8·6.W_ backMround C'llttf'nliul. P.n1Jllah •ntlquu. ~ AKC Look• likr mini'. New lrw1.er, UBed rolriu .• Sllvcr/ooh:e l~ nylon ... ,....... • tralnlna. Pl111111e apply 111 WlllTraln :Sal•• Curt'er·aloady Strun.c cm1>ha1le on •rmol~. a dre11cr~ Alrtdale •hot• SlOO bed 10(1&1, dfe11er1. plu.'llh, iolled, but wry ••••••••••••••••••••••• JlCl1IOl'I at. STACOSWITCM IMC work. SlU wk up to l~rl DRE i"llAIV !\ flltnCJI 6 waahstand1 +I prOllrl "~ •· 4.!)3 tml ' • Mu('h more 1131. .o711S. cJe.anuble. 1150. 844 fi.IM> lo.ts MolnttftMCf< "· •--8 h ••~ .... u • .,_ d ,_ Inlay drt ~r. <'OFLI ...., -daya G73 33311 f'Vttt •-' le 020 llVllU. y MANOI t i.» Oakt.r, Coat.a M•• )ulJO:IC ru., ....,. ,...,. "<'row. ~n rMume ... ~II eu.e1M llL~ t y 1041 Nel1hbrhd Oara1to Sale ----· --~' • $d.J0'1 Joyce Ona1b1 JGe Sun -~ 0 ou tlunl Harb Fri only Upright Pilsno StSO hear· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 344AVloP'.alrada EquaJ()pporEmple>yt'r S"'-L1Sc·-1 Mll(ut'l , suito 20l.Vlctorlan Couch. clrui-····· .. •• ............. IPt'ZMaruthier.tr.B. 'Int( •Id S40 'portLetu1c:ara loryourbOut. IACW\1t lllllt. Ca ~ ~ Newport Buch D2000 No UJOG. Must atll Lo ttltle ~mpanlonabl11 pit for l rilr 'su 7511ua OAR Ry • s U OAT AnF.qual E•per'dlnn•lailJcwclry appolntmf'nl without Ealile. MOO. 496-4161 olcforf""°"°'P<'l'WOOI. Kinulzo bed let, refr11. :rr: ' ' . 'SKRVJC~. Compl11te Opl)Ot'tu.nlly EmJ>loyer f'Utt•I• It a ltncwtlledJ• ot chin.-. pnorrC'!lume ev•. Miu poodle tem1le, cofor TV, dlnolto Ht, marine m1lntononrc. lttoCpe experit.Ke Non· Cl')'IUll, 1llvor It wloduw ---•P•Y~ •• Yl'll old. Cute detlc, thett, drcucr.it• Plhrrglu11 camrer 813-4019 ut•tSIS "'l•t's··;.,. ..nfo0.Call .. S1S411'. dllplay. Jl'ull t am" SICRITAltY Antlq, Jtn tliah Wuh faN,lntelll&ent.960·4471J 'nJ..e6'7.t;orNJ.24T'1. abrll seo. 6.5 ILBI an --~------"v ~ Ill' 1---------1 f7S.fm4 lnt~rc.-Un~ poaltlon In stud, marblt C'Otlnler. carbine rlne $70, ofr. lo.ts, Power 9040 J.ll, 11·'1. Wlll lna • U CS. PltOGIAMMIR ~uc:•t.Jon dC'pl. At'turate Good cond. Sl2S. SSNIN'7 N,1han Hoond w/p•Ptni. SAT/ s UN t -S . 902 MZ-584& ••••••••••••••••••••••• peadable at wlllin« le Sales,mC'n&wom~n typlnJC u+ wpm, Syroldm11lc. Utchn.ldDr.Hu.ntUch. 27• Chrhi Cruft w/moor- lea.m.549-3051 Or_,. C-'v. Plckup$50. E.mS300 tranacrlbtn• ex per An7~1 pr~ndt °.rn:i' MS-13ln. •:ledl"Oftlc eomponentl, Dreuer, Pine . Wood In& $6000 Rllsh:/four ••P· pr•forn· C.111144·9410 helpful. Gen'l Q(C duiln. '"' Sl4 ~h srN B n I . Piii OIRT TV1, ndlOI, •m9'. furn, .J.12ker t.blo. $25 ea. . M8·0036 MUISISAIHS bl•. PlUM &tad rc.ume IC::..&.1 Ri:..N lUri a I de Apply, N1tion11 S)'jltml ~IMll. Viii . . s· ~ &..a 2007 manyrnoreltemt. $36-2282 ---- •OIOSWIS ~~~~.·~~';f/1:.ii:r. utn. ho°.:e ru~~P Corp,'38lBl~hSl,N.B. a::n.;,z,.,, ~rauz!:a YOURAUL. . Hcw-IH to6C IRVINE COAST C.C. 5~.·~~~e.:or::,~ei~ ALL Hln'S P.0 .BOX 1560. Coal• It.Oft. Muat be "rtOOa· SICUatTY•UAID In anllquo lewelry,Lar1• 1ra1 1enth ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mtrn~rahlp for ule. utlllncla4'wer.Wllltradt ut~t~nte~B Mesall:a&2.C bl-& wllllnf \0 learn. Over worhcl security cl0tb.10ver, llllos.tb• Neuttttd_~•l1_~·bot..l\.a•Roc.Qtrmart.•1nold, l)ay1 6'1·0'732, OVU tor 36·40' pwr bn11t. lSSS .;64 ve. ' · .PluH Ca I Dell I IC' &uard needt relltr suan! unusual! <>i>-n Tuc1.54ln shot1, n<'rwi l(uuu mo rrully. MuH aell . M0-0'74'1 845-6020; 645'-4094; ovoi ---------vn /lime S•l•f.id S40-S'70 Snider. '761-1991. lo wortt .. lrrt'fUl~f boul'I 11-4 6'7~ m -aim. ~ ~ffu. lf7.slM 'IS El C•mlao bucket,_64_$._2_1.M_. ____ _ ......,.. ..,. Trms wk/\IP. Mt.n, la. alu· S.IJ.ISPBSONS on an on-nJI bHls SARBOUJt PERS IAN Ooberm1n M. AKC. WC'll J.Wftry I07G seat.. Needl to be rt' ·a 100 If P • e HP Will traln dcslrablo •Po ~ ~~ ·sJ.~• I S • t F\dl ar !>/Time. •:xpr. ldul for rettreudd In-RUG 12" UI'. XJnt cond. lrnd, ihow qu11I, rree le •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• tovtl'*I. Aaldll~ 125. Ca U Johnsons on 20' uban· pUcant.. ClaHea wUI . • • hetpM. C.11 for appl. dlvtdUA! or day M eni. ~.4936039 &d hom e tu-eus. w•ufED af\BGpm.968-4~1 crulaer Nie• uooo start ~ Z'1lh. Apt>I)'. QUAUTY WlilinMy Hollow. Datia Apply to the Secunly '111 2W "'" 4tl-574I · ' • Part Su~rtor Con COHTlOU& Poll'ltHaf'bor ,.._Z4Sl Guard, 2'7S McCormlc:k Solid Oak din tbl w/2 TOP CASH 00'4LU Mao. Urtt, SUS; patio --------U.p, lWSUperior Ave. F ~I~ llt . Avt,C M w.-allCorp. lcavea. uata t, rec-PartBEAGLE.Fem,bm, PAID TOR VOUll lbl,c.hn~;landrapcs32• Chris, fath, VRP NB.E.0.1!. " , 01~b! , ~antr• c:'$alu Person needed s;;,,. CltiUn• PNanm llftl\llar • En•• 11.11e. J '"'· nda lovina bomt. JEWl'iLRV WATCHES 13'l144"'2$.~ mu, 28' FilrUner SS: MaSISAIDIS ~~I• • easi:u u; =·~~~~~~: p i t dietary ln\!re1t 1:: Call MO.UJJ •ft M.ml dso.odhcm~ :rlv~gFsa~J'~. IHYdt, 2 tono bel .. ~'(1~~ ~~~~~•lH c!~ =r.r~~,:,~~ :i ..::.ee:.-~~ ~ ~· So. CoHl =-=IDta pro-OAK AnUque furn. Just ~:e-~u. "8-1153, F I NE p~ • AN :t ~~·:v:'::i _n ... ueoo ______ _ Rdiil1. • 11 • • ai.oilr*lp • Jm P · • Seniff Sfa Alkod.ant enived rrwn JflAAelola. N041'7tltm.MIO TIQUIS. _,. ,U. IZyd. Xlnt. MS-71U: Qoae.outa all '78 modes.. PlltLlcloCoav, ~ •Ht h i carr.rt"'~~ J;,. ·,...._ dr•• "" u.t Mmt be .~s»tt'd. Eve PYl.pty . ...,.an ArMr. lki1l Temw. UKC. Wedctln• • ..,,.,_.....,. m -zni. No nnhl ofler rer~, Olli... ··~ Ua&a•&•l·.Ab lat' al Wat. •. a Dally PUoc 1ta.lfl1 avaH. ApplJ lo OAK Roll·Top 01tk-,_.Wk. I yn. Ndt lov· rlt1f, l t d l1lllondt M•a Boat Center )511' -•l'lall.ldP ... N.8. •. ~~;:. ,.'!{. .: ... CanlOnl Ad. P"9e penclft. wt Harbor B&, W._ ~ T.W. 6 1•1 h•• w / ,acd, plt Un .... Su. '2SO nncl what JOU we.at /a r.:2orl Blvd C.M. weiii• ' c.a :_-0:.Mo-. ... nu. ICUf'1L, ~ CM · a.an.m.aa1.._.. ...m ..... . ......_ DeitJP11ot~ ... Ulod&. u . -' .. h ' I ·- .. ~ AlllM. l•potW ' ....._ ...,,,.... A..toi, a.parled w.dn~-sd1y SeptombOf' 22 1976 * ~ ••.•••.............•.• . ..........•........... ~····················· DAILY PILOT DZ 1o•rewef' -. ts10 IMW nu M«c•••le,.. n•ovo1o • ..,.. n1o•vto,,UMd ._...._uMd ......_uMCI ...................... ''' ······················ ............................................................................................ ······················· ······················· '73 l•' Tabiti aid ~al, lt74 fOID ·Tl '• B "IUf JOO:!, m lot Mil '16 2400 'l\ Komtri Yan, stnt coad GeM:.. 9t0 l Cedlloc tt U Ford 9940 \'olvo. t:sar:n trlr, onJ)' t a• G C. M pty CLUI W It.GOH t'OntJ. S4:t00/ofr n 1•> Cl.ASSJC WHlTE S:ZSOO./otrer. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••oiS•;~·=••••••• 14,250 at Meu Bo• ("alJ m.•11or142-4111'7 YI, automatic. pwr C7~_.11•or.M4~ With pare-tOftUl lot •·Sl.!T "76 MA.RK IV i t Sedan ti" \'Ille. N~>A ~ Odt . p. t \.er 646 063!I Nt"wpe>r\ llt!11ch, CJ hf l>h,•nng, lllr rood & 3 -w '71 200 r=Ork:d~::· .;': io vw Squa,..b.d. ood Thia bc-11utl11d ..)l111rk JV f).imli ,\C. uveiba1.11. n•w 'ui~M 18' Flbcratau O/B w/7 Motor H-l"'t~ a~l" N~arty ntw IM l I S50I> up·~ ca tond SltsO or 'o,f• hu powt'r •lc:Mm~ & rad111 tlrt'lli, v111lve Job. ---- hp Mft'C IHrlr _,5 BJll -• <b'.UR .. "Cl C.11541.0W eoit Sti! MC. 48 1 MG. ~: ~ bt&JI , pow\'r 14111du10 S280I> 54U13l "'IO Ford To~no. t dr, Air ~J.t•l•ltl Z2,MG~7 lll/a'to31" SAYE ..i .. Klit• tllh\ht•l•I 1·nu~r -cond, PS/l 8 , 1 owMr -----)'\.lily •t'lf t!OA&a~ ~~UIS MOTOIS c.. 9715 Wo~s.o:&M~~ 'TS RABBIT Perl or roll\('\' cootrol.' °'mJ Lii~ derk. ·~~d ~=·m~~~·~~ rar. lo ml~ce. ~ i'3 oOrrON WHALER, ll Spffl•J Wttkl) Ral• ION Vlt:JO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Z IJ/tll .. HI p.kc AMIFM Mah of le lhtr lntmori vtn)'I BartonOrffn t'l3l 30tu "73 L1'0, -4-dr. (al\lulkal 40HP,1kle&bowr~11, l Rft~C~.~N·cvror,"',,k~R 131 ltl0 4tS-l2IO lt71UPRI ftr,m~~·s 1w __ l~i>. atr ruoJ1t on1n.i --_ 1, m1tlntaloed cat 10 J;il ftwl lacll, trlr, SZ500 ,., • ,.v • °'''' buy Ofl lhc lsttl' 714/523·7250 • VW Bua. lint cond. l 'ou mu11t Ht' to. op· Che•roMt ttJO ) rf~ rood Ha11 •v•rY ~ ~l~0~!;,~~~1v~l~A 83 }'Oki> Y.t'onoltne (46-tGOf>l. Ml%SOYeTi_,. mJ,1.ov.nc:r (;mw/llOnt p1t.-cl•l~ it>\&IA~..L!ll 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1d opllon +hvt trlJ• '°t/;!'.:'1 uiJt·~·· AM i n1 redlu. lupc ONLYS2f99 Un!qut>P'tnanre l•tan 1nl ~S!'l:Si. $10,868 Oon'tS..UaHnt." '°"mil packaao. ia.~ t050 dct'k, rf'bullt "11&1n•. 1.,.t Hou'• ot Import•. -----Gutt•hOfl lutS..UaLatlll &10~7_. __ ···~1••••••••••••••••• Far nle 1"14 Tun 21' 1ood tirc:a, ltl75/olfu. I t74 CAPRI help )'OU ll•ue or bu)' on1• 1:S VW 7·i>U• bus ~In Lincotn Men:~ '1f You D-'t tlll 1''ont LTfl W-.. -.... -G-oc_x_l SCUlTLUUTT &t<nl'r.iltor, slpi. 8. Al 513-2"1 da)'I, 7~l l'2W d uf uver llO MW and wat'd l•ond 37M mi. Air, 14,0UO ......, .. . l Sl., ( 6 • ....... af\.u6pm. 4 :\~ . Outi.tondlna I u··r"'••du11 .. ''DI Lf-•.1r All tU173 tiO!G4 I~ l\c'.1d1 nJv luy Fro• lr•NP auto $&76. firm. n--..--•-I bo •·-ll ras. ..ooo. 4,. ...,, '234KLD> '"' .... ~ ""' .. _ H •:r. I h J~ .. --1 ...... , ·--"7 I V --Sill .al .... t art6i'M. • (,'Jr!< -.~ ·o•"a~!oc co ........ •u a.. ............. .,... • .,r ..... ,_ lnat uraenlly ntt"11.'d b)' -------'64 Ford ElOOVan. NOW $3599 "" vw Van. 1·n~. I rans .. .... ""~ Ht-Ince Chartcr • Lld for 2$' OPt-=N IWAI>, full Sh111111. ~t oUttr. Fa<"lor} rbll Tlr"s rlutrh \lr.t) laCJ ~wy ttSO .......... 1 MA.Ri~UIS MOTOl'5 Aulhori&~ Ocelfor 51 .,,.., h1.t ;1.r 1 ... , ',,1.... ----You"" Poy ••••••••••••••••••••••• lndlv1dual & cornnratc SC. llP& 8. wtnlt'I" r~ln , ___ ......... , l t2 I '"511 ,.,.,., • ""' ••""' '75 M •RK IV .,..... ·-Ml ION\'IEJO 21 I .. -- -"' TooMul:h!.. Mtrc'1:tCOOJtarXRT.Alr, l'hartera.P.0 .8ox260I. Rekns.,no•!W4.g:J85 Want.d 95'0 131·21104'5-IJIO 714/5237250 7S DU<":. xlnl rood Loadtd 11o1tb i.ll th1 pwrdl~rbrl.:.,11t~rini.:. New'°rt &ach !126413 Hdrm Stlvll'rcre-.l S Sta ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---• ---~nroof. AMl t'M 'l·trk. 1001ht11 like AM 1-'M CONNELL IH'..tb, IWtndQ\\S. Slert'<>, 5f~4.2. f:ul1'Jly park, San Ju.. w .. : PAY TOP DOLLAR '7 3 AM I F \l, AC. 6 Ml:Z..'77 210SE ZXrad1als. 64U~3 $l8f\'(), <'ruisHonlrol. llJl Ult whl , ~tct'l rudlali.. ao.ts..S.U 9060 C•p~tnno. 4fJ:l71!.56 ar FORTOPL'SEOCARS cvnnder. 4':spd, clt!Un. 1 Retht'f .. rst_o~y?'urblock 7Sftabl>1t,fdr.at1ck•hlf\, wbeel ~ much more CHEVROLET vmyl...nJQf.:lO.OOOml.Pvt. •••••-•••••••••••••••• z·30 FORF.IGN OC>!\U:Sl'lC owm .. or, 12'.!00 830 3131; "tlh '' ~I'. { .. II for w AM radio. rJdl.ila $2800 BcnuUful car, mu~L aee l>t~ 1173 ~:SS. 74 ERICSON M or CLASSICS 12 ~ew tt~. i::oc.1 t·ond 11uot" un thb {').Ctl1ng 642-7~1 t>t-r SP"ll l1~ 189a AP .,e.~.._e,c I a t e • 2ll28c·~,!_11~rA'>?lr L~~~d. ------- &NewPQrt Moonn)t t~!e~:s~o~~·~ Uyourco1r1s"').lrut'lean 4 ~peed 51550 rwwc.1r "1 .....,....., ~~1;1;oo~•n ·:1~~n"a~~·01(e/\{! .. ~: 71~-ta-~. ~5767 mlle•ge 49fl 8!20 AM 's see ml ~ru:.!. •u1CK _!l<nd.s/ev~ 675 29tj,;I H02UIS3E/092Fll~P5088RTS ·10 VW Bua:. Xlrll runrun • Gu$~t7of~6on in IC town, mus aell. llotM ll t I lr •· ---~ s:R a -rood . n~·w ltn·'· n•'" • • '70 El Camano~ New ~Pl ~ ll~~-RentZ:S'DelUAo:.Sleepa8. ZS25HarborBhd 73,bnl(htrl-d \'-b, 7 l4/52l·7250 brnke1>. S1450/b~l olr LiltcolftMercury l'nl(, AM.FM l'.ti.sclle. _____ __.. 5111.75o5. · • By day or wk. Cal C.C.t.aMesa 9792500 newbrb&rad1ab1. l"elerHale,6758900 l6800Bl-arhUhJ l?d llrl':.. headers hi MustGllC) tt52 64S 3370 an lipm TOP IUYEJl s:?.37$. !'>l~ :!.318. • MB W AGOM • '11'1 & ·m Bu,s. Both xlnl Hufttiftqtott a.oclt Jackers. c1mper shell ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .... Weshoil 32 Aldo Seni;. & ~ f l & I al' T 'QJ 23-0S. AM/FM, A/C, ~O. & $975. <firm l 842•8844 tool bu\, 3..:spil, uuto 1966 MUSTANG l TJME ONLY, Demo. Pwts 9~0 doll us irds r' 11 · oP DatWR 9720 Michellns, 1.¥ mpii. 46.000 49'7·3965. Sll!OOor 0'1 ofr. 642 tlllll( V8 •. alltomatic, & pwr. ) ....... •-"·-l l " •r pai or imports. •••• ••••••••••••••••••• I I .. l bl b ....... C 9905 ---t S It 'II v .. ~ u1 "'"'..,a er a a ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA m , •Ru ue, pro ...,.. 'MChl'\l'llc.IC1mt s eennK. ee ·YOU ~. aavuip. Call I>out 'tn SUNBEAM R ts 4 Scikt & L•oslncJ finest eumple 1n U.S. '&8 Sqrbk. Xlnt mec ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gd n•ml ~l buy It! tSLW699). Mui.r.(714)47$.SlOO ~pd l!.:NGlNB-~wly DATSUN TOPDollarPa1d S\4,000 548-1S66ews. shape. Nu radials, AM "T.!HometSST Rlud>ook Reliable 646·0870 SAVE OnALLTrade an.~ f'M 8-trk & frnt dis $1'00 ~1000 I MOVE UP TO A CAL 3.S rel>ll. X.lnt for Sun bu 2845 Harbor Blvd iS . ZJO. 4 door A I t:ond brks &"\l utr 5111 ucm pnce trm . .,.. "h l I ::,u MARQUIS MOTORS ~ILB OAT' T H E Arrow. Alpine GT, or COlllaMe;o;a stOMlO HEWPORTOATSUH 1-.l'OnO<l cyl •.ii.. o"ncr 768-5308 ""' '-~\''f mpau per MISslONVIEJO a.. " ~port. Good Cond $4~ 10~ FULLY EQldP· ~e bugi;y. SJ50. Ca11 ---Wl::RUY Dove Strut !>llli'»'l 16SVW,9reatcond! '7:?Grcmltn. ~!llillmartSpm 8ll-2ll0495·1210 ~ED CR U,I S I NG i;.w.7433 •USEOCAllS& Nciar MacArthur MG 9742 $850 IH4 l~"'ves. ~l.195 1trm SA IL B 0 A 1 . T W 0 Vollt& r d TRUCKS & Jamboree Roa~ -. ---• -544> n.os 11rt flpm. 1962 Con air. 2 dr. clusst< M Mu~t ~. Auto , l'S, <lWNERS WlLL SY.LL wagen rear tn er.1, : 833 1300 •••••••••••••••••••0 •• 61 VW, sunroof, FM. n -.--r.ond, i.til tare~ & brks. 1·l4'11n. run~ \ery &d. 1925. U R 'l'RAD E PH front hood & left side ComeanorCall • 1974MGMJDGET pJtnt,tm·~&..-ni: $1400 Buick 9910 auto M25 !112·1ll31 Ph!H~·~l!I t1l4)&·?205 • • door. SSO or will stll FaEEAppralsol \ ~unlover's dream! ororftor 5"H·6280Jft ~ ....................... -------- -separately. 545-2083 aft. Gn>fft Chevrolet DRIVE A IOllLINI l!ISO Dwrk Rdl\h~r. ·w Cht•v. Hbll 307 eni.: &Ii Mu.<,l;m~. 11Uck, 6 cyt. Hoers 16 w/t.rlr. Fresh 2Pm 18211 Boch Blvd. LITILE 0 ..,.LY 52999 '7JSuper Beellt> f1av.i 4ur Mal..l'uffrr. Air, new paint. "\Int l'.und '"'l l'Oild Owner 1 yrs. wal«" used ooly. S!'1·707• 'st Ch El C Uununiton Beacb ••• " l'.ood tn out Run)> &:1 eal G46·5'1Mi7 S!JOO l'h ~llj tHG7 $19'.15 bsl ofr. 546 36$3 orS'J'l..402:C R•steovryed. T8umr1b"o. 1~11.011 * s~t-3311 SAVE A LOT lil$1!195Wskt"> 1142•2072 " " -v " 1972 MGI GT It 6S 1-:1 CJmtno Runs ~<><Ki, it Mu,lanl! Auto Trans, AM /FM. air , du ~llOP&COMPARJ-: 'TSVWSClROCO.Stcreo "?J~ntury,iur,vany op, n .. ltn'" & hlllt! "·xi• J'S. S2200hst ofr. Pvt. ia.· Aµstrallan Racina S:ulbOatoo Trlr. Sl 17S Nfrw 23' Santana Sailboat Hull SSSO. b k P l TOP DOLLAR .t spt'cd .. uper al\arp' A .. lo 11 t'ruase, \et)' ckuua,l27SO. "" "' , ra es, wr s cerin IARWICKDATSUH l70SJOGJ ruu , casst?lll!. st I un 9636163 work $i2S.li~l.~2S242 ptv 1'~.644 8451. lt'Ss motor. $600. Ats PAID S.snJuunCapt.tlrano der wmty. Xlot buy, ls _ ---------- Chevy mal(s & tires. al lMMEDIATELY 831 1375 491 3375 MOW $2999 .$37SOlakes 194 5139 iO n1v1era t\tll powu Cofttinentol 9930 '67 Muslanl! 289. Alr, rs, 646-Q).16 cond1l1on1ns: parts. FORALL --·----·-MARQUIS MOTORS • Classtr Med1an1l'Jll} ••••••••••••••••••••••• PH, n 1dw1tapc. iclnl. ~ 8779 FOREIGN CARS ~ 240Z 4 spd Xlnt cont! \llSSION VIEJO 72 VW Sptnl liubble 10P • eaL Showroom l'.Ond 64 CONTINENTAL Pnt'NI to !It'll 4'2·2'12.'i tG'llOBIE Cat .• Lri.:ht rasl CALL OR COME L'l lo-mJ new rac11ah, tm ~· -hull #UOO. New !.;,all~ cnn.rat TOSE~l"S A~I FM llo:reo, ~1.i~ 831-2880495-UIO mac.'looblrkc 76.$uoo Sl!I00."99-2GSO On1un .. 1 & 1 011.ncr. An dlmoblle 9955 lilt /windows. Trailer.•••••••••••••••••••••• MIWPORTIMPORTS ~his, 10 m1. SJllS.J MG &167W4 Codilloc '915 uul,taotJ1 0 .: Cilrl ••••••••••••••••••••••• SHOO. 6'4-M4t1 ~otorhome fullv can 3100 W c .. t llwy, NB 642 1541 THIHK BRITISH ••••••••••••••••••••••• (KAKOHU 1967 OLDS 91 " , C 1 bl • ta1otd. $2000 C82 642-9405 '12 2'0.l, J Ir, 4 i.pd THl""K 'b6 VW F .1atback SAVE l owner ur. Has ev"'r -1-0 um a .. tark I llonda SS25. Farm. A~l tFM, auto antennJ. " S300 ~cc<hcn..:\\urt.. ...... ... RQ•UISMOTORS )lhlf1"' Xlnl """nd. 4110 SO!lls, anchors, dmghy & 495·l642 TOP m31f5, radials. good IRITISHCARCO 673·3071hft6. {SJS 'I~. -MIS.'10NVIEJO llm•<i••>.C"'l;M, ... i.tr4 16SOO.G429G30 DOLLAR ~1~i6:"ake od.der . PP MG-JAG-Tl ·s.~ vw, rlt-an body, snrl 831·218049S.1210 :-.UPER SCHOCK Hal'.tn1' ~':::-Jis 9 52 Excltanl{ plan lets you 1800cc. eni: by Wal "64 0 .. 88. S .~ No ....... L' ll PAID nurt'hnsc ltkt' a lto~e f'ori.cheo. l>A. $1000 C:CW.ett. 9932 '1'7'. $48-2501. • ~ · """"· "" · •••••••••••••••••••••• -Da•·un U210 8 tr~ck •·· 72 1m 675-4837 FOR CLt:AN •v .. • u • ~ns1blr pJyment:.. o, et 5311 l2ti6 all~ ...................... . b ' '......._ OVER70CAltS IM--RTC•RS lo mi, under warrant), 100 ot-w/u5ed . Jm ·74 Corvette J5<l, T-top info -t957 \'oot'11re 22. Gd l'ood, IN INVENTORY rv "" si.ooo. 492-4381 mt·d1ate delHcry. t'or Volvo 977 iur, .iulo, can Jr) yellow' ••••••••••••••••••••••• llMll\)' lllrU. p, l. l'Ly. '71 I dr Dot.sun 510 Sedan QUOh' •·all ...................... Nabers Blk Int, amifm SlCO't'O. 74 PlDlO Wan. 2300CC Makeofr. 963-«>47 ~C\-. '-... ~ N di ts xJot d IRITISH CAR CO SOUTHERN Cadillac ldl whl. lw: rork, zs.ooo en1t. f 1pd, &ood rond. lll' WILDf-'IRE. l.it1or luy-S.ll-Trode diaNkJ1ffijlt1 st:io~~st8 oir. 642~~9 213/694-3951 OUHGECOUMTY'S ml Xlntt·ond SJ.S..tS41 28.0UO ml.S249S.492-8111:1 type, clean & fast UI~ a.z FARGO Ii CO Eve'\. 714/900-2900 YOLUMI White 1974 Velte, Ion.dud, lftCMlth 9960 1114'3~ • 1.UBEACM9l.VD. -VOLVO DULIER Quality and Price S6,800. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---llJOS MatnStrc·t-l HUNTINGTONIEACH tr7 Dauun,4dr,SSS. '7SMIDGET Guaranteed S40.541S ATLAS 17 lollb...511-./ SANTAA!'llA IG-7'111'-S40-CM42 st.ereo.newclutrh. ... .,.,. bel751~11s Oocaar-9070 IOto6.MonSaL 6467837evea. _..,.,ors ... EXAMPLE:Brandoe-.. Lc.b1ng5ptci~l1us "-"-9935 I Cl _...Sund ~.&At 974~ 1976 Volvo 242S. F"'ully Prclcrrcd R.iln ~ C..__I ,..., __ _.h .... ~·!················· <X!n1. l,YS WANTED! '722-tOZ ...... .. eQUlpped 1017lt!l'l3) ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..., ...... ,._, ~Ip ,v.11. for sm .. 11 Out __ •_547-9709 *--New pa.inl,extra5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• O .... LY 56596 lJrgrit Srkcli·111 4 Mon .. t.'O 4dr vll\yl top Open llalty & Sun. 'lll IO lltd trlrable aa1lbn.1I 1n , JUNK AUTOS MHJO. 494-4534 '11'1 MGBGT, beaut new "" ul New & Uw-d F\111 pwr, AM/FM . Xln\ PM . Lt.act ~ay are... Mu)l ~Oll~~:.11~fm C~~ve~t M1£1UCAN .. '\>R1':1GN rond. xlnt can• 1133 7440 C.1J1llJl' 111 rond $1750. 9611·0'..!90 292!lllarhor Blvd• have 1n1ed mast. olr over$ZlOO 675-6889. J pay more cui.JI than Rat 9 725 aftiPMbeslofr. O"ngcLounty l9'70 Dodge Charger V·S, 5c~6~1ri9tcs3a4 6"-0126 anyone. <7MH-635·7l •••••••••••-•••••••••• Ponche t750 Open Sunday t P/SP/B S t .. N~ · Shp for our JO' 4 WMel Orhtt 955o or loll Crtt O ?.enll.b i7l20 '73 Fial Spider Sspd. Xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• c ~p0p%~:~ic Asltln:, ;:;~i-..,-,-P-ly-m-oulh CTZX 4•n • · .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • adiflac , " ' ·• ~~lyC.r•:~~~~"~~r~~:i~ Jl't'Pd ·47 TWrllysdCJ od2A L~~J~~~~ ~~~~ ~":ZS1~=~~r offer. ·~::~ .r·:~~d.~as~~·s~~ Master Dealer ur bei.torrer 5"8·0516 ~/m"~.r.~~~~uXlnL f·vn 148 5313 We·' h.11 top. lrei I' . co $40 Sl2S 147 96.11 -673 6377 '1noo tlarbor 81vcl IS Pwr w11n V8 P /S P/8 a~ ....,. · • ' t714)613·26$11 -----Fiat 73 12' Sport, m:in) · -----(u,1 1M1·~J540-9 100 rmpr1hell, headers, ulg Pontioc 9965 )ll)('k, Nl'llo port Ik:acb up --- ----Aaltos. lmporled xtro.s. must sell. 53-'l(J() '66 Por•che 911. White ORANGE COUMTY Nabers whlS/lln:i. 5"56-0922 ••••••••••••••••••••••• to zg•. $7$. month 111 t9'14 JC('p JlO Pkup, P IS.••••••••••••••••••••••• .\1f6PM s:JO.Jb67 w/bm teeth int. Good VOLVO 61 ronl1.1c LeMans. 4 4!12S°rl0afl6. PR. 1115 Truiracs. GeMt-al 9701 cond1lton.642·1836 I wtute :.poke mu..:5 II.Ml •••••••••••••••••••••••....__....._ 9727 ----f:Xl.,.lJSIVF.l.YVOl.VO c d.11 Ford 9940 <:.y • 4 spd, sltrlr, 11"w loafs. S~ & FM 8 lrack. 360 V8. 4 *'pd· ..._...._ ~7 Ponche, new paint. L;irJZcst Voho lkalur a J ac ••••••••••••••••••••••• paint. grl tires, run:( Siii 9080 W.irn Lo<'klntt llubs. '76.Stvillc. Loaded. N~w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ('hrom".t·nt &lrans,Oll mOranl{cCount~! Ford, 'Ill LTD, •dr, full i:ood.S:·cil.$4?S.&lofa. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 7Sl V29 Make offer. Discounted for qui ck Brand Hew '7 6 M.1g"I, dr:-.c brakes. eltt BUY or LE \S ~: pwr. air, v111vl mof, $llO!l. !'~!ll»_. ------ ll' libt>rgluss Sl(l Bo:it SO.;:-,_ l'I 4 W/O ~~~'720pelGT •'pd HO ... DACars H•nruor, like nl·w. DlllEC..T OriJ!pvt.owMr,67;~11;:>:. '7uGra.nPrix I I:: nrude llrl + '"' '""'\ '.iter. ' ''\UV '"s · f""lll !Iii.! ~'MS --J I II d d 'rrns ~s 673 ·-·HJ .•tr r.11110, h.-ntcr, A/T xlnt cond <842M v.Q > OVER 100 ---~·Jil·~· tt~a,~}~I~ .For l'1J,,1f1c•tl ,\iJ 61 Falcon wg11 !\on S1650 m°' t• • oa ;,3 7901 ll .---' • I'S I' rl. '1'~1~> !If.II Ml9 $229' Amtrlcan <.:ar '1• l~ONrhe Carrtra 2.7 'f 'f ACTION smoker, ea"ly starter T~atfOfl _1 1 l 1 1 ,. -Plan. 675 K'lOl'I To Ct.ooM From! l..1lrc 45,000 m1·s. Alloys, • • c.i11 .1 S300 631 3'729 Jft Gpm __ Veqo 9974 ··~·••••••••••••••••••• ' o\o ..i .• 1111 rui,t•r U ... IVERSITY /\\1 FM i.ter. p1w. Mu:.l 1111~ ... ~~~---• C S _. I ,,." , .. 11 1 .. p '"" m111·., Audi 9707 "" 2025 S M nchest tiJ1h l'1 l11t ~· 1111• ,.., O'.L.--&..jf ~di ~13.000.673-4561 . a e r \ll Vl..,Oll Classified ads sell b11: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Retirt 9120 l!tl l·onu '-!'l"I:• tall "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• MDmvv e ----Anahe'm 750 2011 ,,4:! ~liK items. s mall items or 12 Vt-i:u Air 1•ond, rnd10, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111t•rti111t .. 5 12.'>o '72AUOllOOLS Hondo c~ • GMC ror.1rhcl!l'71.911TTari:a. -1--any 1t1•m. Ju11t call newl1re~.idntrl)nd.c.;u 11 11ia'cropr,Cu1JyS1<',i.l\•fruclu 9560 Automat1r. 11tr cnnd.. Truck• 5 ~pd , AM 'f':\i , ·.010) 1H256711 11rtrr61>mtil0·4236 Ill •~ppr"clall' \l ,111 ' ,,tnroof,t'tC' C~J!IHONI _,,,,, bo Ill' I -.111 .. , h·ulh !.\'UIS, ~.: .. 111 ---1----------.• " ' • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ar r '' 4'U "'"n \llJ&. ~.000 h,1 11[1 1962CHEVROlET HOWS2777 C"la Mhl 1111'1+.10 ---- 1965 .-onche C . •~• 73.\9 Aft '4 3u,>1t1 1 1 TOM TRUCK MARQUIS MOTORS --- JJl , .. Amrn10, wll 1-.inl \K wtlh ,.1 11 1t :.hih ~IUN\lt:JO J9CJU01" 97l0 l'l'rl<d.conrl.J>lra'lecoll ,,~ 4. bounct'3'4 J.)' II" ··~~II 831-2810 495-1210 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fl)rrt<'tJll'I &Iii Sllil ............. . d11wn11. 1nsta on .. 1Jl' Mow Only Sl50 Jai;uar 111111111, ~000 67S '>J:,•1 TowM & C......._ 1 4 lOOL."i .• auto, 4 :Ir. THIHK IRITISH ......... 1 AM/t-'\1, 4:?.1>1>0 mt. '°IC, THl""K BREA s1n:tr. 1r for 111l'k111> l\u10Sal1>., .\ IA!MH111t 1:11.00 ~·:.: ·•1?11.,n st'M " Nt•w. s:?50 or hf'~l oll••r 2167 llarbm c '11"1.» !\Ina JAGUAR XJ 1..,u ~O CALL 646-4446 "7J 1001.-., Wht nm fnt. UNUSUAL l'Ht-:VE1'1 41r. l>nrl 'l'\011 631 II Tl\'E MAl°"1 ~.:0.AM I. Mot.f4ud libs '140 •CHEV. '76 ..... w • ort>~5 15311'1'1!6-!Y PHOCR,\M l11d11lh-' all ••"•••••••••••••••••••• 1'wn Tnn HO C&('" 1%_. W 9712 'IC'h f'dult>tJ I' ac l1•t > J \WA 8AOt-:TI ,\ Mo11(·cl l' \ .! 'l"I II \ & 7\1 fr1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ac.>1 Vitt". pnrh un11 l.olH1r :!(Ill m1. hkr rW\4 , 11111"1 c1 1•,7J1, 01112 1 11nl)''1!9'•.) for 3 )'r"I/ 4:'1.tMJll nHI•·~ ~..i1 $200. fl<lll ~11.x HOWARD 14hrn y1111 lc11~1·. hu\ or l'll~:VROl.t-:T. Oovl' & pu11·h11•11• ~our J111111nr Motorcyclea/ I I u l'I ti Qu .111 Sh N1•11o P•Hl 14 1 l nur n 11i•1c· an Scoo 9"• 9150 lk·ai·h C11ll lod11y ford1•1,111, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 133-0555 IRITISH CAR CO .,., 750 lion. xlnl, r.11tnl( 21l/6'4-l95 I "f'«t. ptpco. '<tu .. ·111 11-.. n caw \"11 r> 11 . ~ht'll, BUY OR 1 :lM> Sua. llk4' n4'W, nl'\t•r air rnn1I, • m11r 'l>et'lal ~J9~·2900 r.1<'C'd ~ lllrl i.1:nmu ra. I'll. IH'\\ llrt•o; LEASE NOW '$$ XK1'10 Road ... h•r. com ·1• Yomnhn Chupp)' MO br11kt'~. l'l.m9 Jdnl "'000 plt•tu aroon1l 1111 rc·,111r .. c.c. Only 200 nH. llkr 00.1!103."I IMWTWADE·•M•1 _!!on ~pt·n~l' '"' 1117 Roll• Royce 9756 ...........•........•.• "l DEALER IN U.S.A. ClOUO SUNOAYS 07 Sil~l'r l>hmJow, MJ!ht ta.11111 1lr1v~. Xlnl ron<l •1:1,!ICllt 11.Jl 0117 Toyoto ...........•......•••.• SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME TOYOTA OEALU nl'W ~ 71111 O!lOH CJI t 'ht•\ y p ll, JIO/ld rnnd. i'l 2002 Op. (l;s().\ I. '7.·1 JI--·•·· ... ,. L',1•1norf', 11000 or b.•11l 1173 37 IS wk '72 200'.t·A. 11211--rQ I Mo1do 97 38 ., u1 ... II d .,_, • ...,,, r " n 1 •73 H11v11na llct~JSI I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• r.XAM ,~ .... ' rnn ntw rlln •.. ~-at, $3"~. C..'1•11 nlathb a Iii'~ '""" r l ., I> •· f II ,.. • "-> '' ----·74 B.avarltl· (34111.t'M l '73 R X3 3'lm m1 , "hi •"'u oyo a • r .. u >' 1 ~---·;3 \. \ll' '•T \ ~. f' S, '713.0C.:S hp l~llL\'1.) w hlk \ ln)'I top lkl ofr ("IOIPpt'fi ll86-18fH ~lh~I UIK•:. s100 or IX·•I P H .. h,•11 ,,, SJIO ."nl2002·4i1p 1r.:,lrQ1.'1 Q\rr$1000aftb.M.)11,711 ONLY S2997 uO'rr. Xlnl <'ond t.akr' P I' ""' l lt"I SAOOlllACK IMW Men:_.s a.tu 9740 '74 MARK IV ___ 67_3-S970 ·7:1 El Camano l>elux~. MISSION VIEJO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1t:dl~lon1 w1lh1 moo1n 1'-hllt' • bleck, loaded. 131·2040 495.4949 '""" u .. r .... d,.• 220, •• ~.•. """• 1'.Dlul'r nter or, ti I 'Mio Harley 74. RPtently P rl t I I ..,.,., "" ... ..... .. ~vu wheel. rrubc control. rc'blt, $1400/bi.l oCr . C' l'l' "01" · P O:\ht' -~--.-AM/t 'J.1 r1dl-O, n.-w in AMll"M lJP\'. air rond1 S3l St8S i.IWll\f(1('111~.0121m. ORAHGICOUHTY S t«-nnr & tlrtlll. 25 ml ~r lloninit Cl.mi" dihl· Iha~ ;t.J~a 400 f'our. Top 'Q ~ti~n:al •, Ton. O&LDHT r:~· :f:~uo~te~rorp~~·~ one c51111.r n1 l-600 $8S(I good rood $1iOll 67$-0070 d1u or 613 lf676 $7876 • · 152~ __ ~u l9b3 1tl\ 69m. "T3 Corolla. Auto trans. G1&.1tal1on 15 llooda Xl. 250 1,000 i2 Toyo111 P lJ Truck. Sala-Suvlce Lu.1iog 11."lffF f. gd Urn, lo ml. ~ Mft"Cwy milts. $72S. C..ll ancr6 sl)J. rud10, hlr. ovtrload RoYCerYer.lftc. LHM rleari Ori~ 014nr. S'llOO lli8008uchlllvd 711·~ sprtnR~. me~ wbls 8.ollal\O)'cc RWW Mew• UMd m.mhVt'slrwknds._ ltunUnfon 8e1rh -+---'--------t 1""',· big e n11. w /'l lS.Olamboru OVet 100 7l COROLLA. kblt 84 MO __ ·1,. Uusqvorna f OO CR. mobile travl•lcr 7~' N"1>0f'\S.achM°""4 MEICIDES mitno. new llr.:s. clean, 7~ r..1•RI( IV xlnJ cond. Sac! $625. PP cabover camper. To -rWI lood. suoo. Call ;f "'A 499-271$ shape! lie •OSO.SV. OM1HSPLA T *°'* lAllte<I wi.th tll\ Wheel, --------t prictd at S229S H of h rt leat~ interior, AM /FM '72YamahaMlnlEoduro. ~al'ftcy Motor Homca 09M ~D 1 '73 ~oyota Celka, a /c, tape, cruise control, ~ ~t :!tM~. .. $31 Z5G3 • • &1 u & aioao.-• MF.:grJ~IUD~~ER IMAo. tlec l1tn1tioo. :M.000 pew.er atetf1nl .. brak~ ~ 9570 .... ,. AU 6ICl lhnchctter, Ml'•· S3J50. fl73..t527 evH " windowt • nats. air ..... 'ft..:.,.,...c81-1--•. •~•••••••••••••••••• 831·3171 8utni1Park Tri..... t7'7 t"CI01~1•1~~"!t~:5Q11"are ·~ ........ ... """'Ill& l ... \KT-1'IOllMMQ M•-s~1.7250 ............................... ..,. \ ' like ""-, xt.ras $475. pp Dodge Van, bubbl~ top -6 $5411 .,..... PO PS AC .... 000 l. .u~-IMW"•* On llw •ntaAoa r-. •TR THINK BRITISH ~ · • • ..... m • .....,. ---, THJNK samsu CAR G9alm-mn. •75 Yamaba Xlnt c:ond, sell con• "13 Bnat1a·U.SHMV> 'C 300SE Convcti .upd. 00. MO ..,,,"' -Tll. Ex.. ~ Meftwy 91dW'O,W"Mtteiat,xln tAl.Md.S8l·25Sl "T42DOZTU<OITKXY> ad cond. Sl,000 D•JS, clllna plan let• yoo 1lllOO~art,81Yd ~ Id t.rus fUO/olr 4 Ford E200. Tan Yan. "7310t'12· (IZ9NBK» '°" 40. E•es,MUelO purehue Ute a !f'a.se. tfwt--•IHclt m..-. 41,000 mL, on• cnrnr, no ,.1!_~a~S N~ Serislbte p.-,mt"nta. O•tt 142;a1~4 •14 tfooda xan. Xln ~. s:moo. 04 2312 --•21;:; Auto. n r. F~. xlnl cond 100 DC'W/Uled lmmed _______ .. ___ , c9Dd. DIO. ews. Btand New ,, JDm BM w $330!) r.i,51T .... For QU4te eaU. Bntisb catltftl .... '1101 Ford P/S PIO w/w onlf U. Ml'. Fjord C•r Co. flO ll~ Onanclnl Jleff totMthini JOU ftO 'el•• ~ :tS,toO ml trpt fOldlnC' bed 'ovtn· btue, MIAM kr. Xlnt 'Gt Metttd ... 220SE, xlnl ava!lai;le. CO Mil? Cl UUd acU stOOO. N4 Ced.ar. 01(: llto\of,l·bo11, t .. ~loft. c:ond $7SOO. (7U cond, reblt mec:tiantul 2 l/6'4-lfSI 1l well -Call NOW .a.17MWIJMP• -.nn. mas ty, makeotr m.ms_ 7 4/fto.Jtoo 142-1671. .... tlOO r··wHiLE 0 TH"iY""LASi!!T""t i EXTENDED THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 t 197 MODEL CLEARANC SALE : ANNOUNCING A GROTH CHEVROLET SPEC AL! o•• .,, .. . • ,.4 .... lt7' ........... w.,.. ......... lit• ... Ano• .. .,.., cWce! • BRAND NEW I 1976 PLYMOUTH ARROW WHAT MORE CAN A LITTLE CAR GIVE! •75 PLYMOUTH VALIANT BROUGHAM 8-cyl1nder. autom1hc ttlnl rao.o. heeler ~ at~ng llOW9' brlkH. w-s-w tirn, A-C. Vinyl too lte No 221NRR ~2,995 176 CHRYSLER CORDOBA CPE. V~ automatw: ltt CO(ldltlOtltng. OQW9r s1eenn{; po~ brakes PC>W9f' = om·fm '$5:595"'' •~I loo No 176 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 4-DR. lk:yl1nde< 3-soeed trlnS/'lldSIOn l\eal« An economlCll t>eeuty 11 a ~eat price Lie No 134PHX 53,495 •76 PLYMOUTH RIRYCOUPE V-8, IUIOll'lltiC, rldiO.. t.ler. llr condil!Ol\ll'lg Vtn)'I too, O(ll#ef llMril\V a pOW9f brakes Uc. No 254NOW •65 P:L YMOUTH VAUANT WAGON v~ eutomatic. '*''° hell-. power ltMnnt a lnkes. w+W tir• "' cond1t10nin9 Lie No. Aa545 5795 173 VOLVO 164 4-DR. SEDAN 11-cyhnder 1utomet1c 1m·lm r1dlo. hHttr, w·s·w hrta, 1ir oond1tioned Lte No 4351-fOC 53,595 170 FORD MAVERICK SEDAN &<:yt1ndef 3-IP"d trlnS . Y1ny1 top An tc0nomlC1l beauty At the pnce 11 won t lut long Uc. No 943CCI •75 FORD LANDAU 2·DR. v~. euto .,,..1m ,,.,.,, heal•. 1\111 PoWtf 111nyl top t-wlleel llr QOnd1t1on1119. deluQ intelfor ...... "'" I.IC. No •39NDI •72 FORD LTD. BROU&HAM SEDAN v.e llUIOll'llttc. am-Im 11ereo. hell.,, fl.In power, 11r conct•ttonlng. PoW9f' windOwl & Po'* teat • ....,. Urw. vinyl top I.le. No. 67eG8P. 57eGSP \ GIANT SAVINGS ON ALL REMAINING INTERNATIONAL VEHICLES IN STOCK! SEE ATLAS NOW ' FOR GREAT VALUES! BRAND NEW 1976 IMTERNA TIONAL SCOUT II TRAVELER V8 eutomallc trtns . tro~ ,... ul•. AM radlO & more' (F0082FGD29473) BRAND NEW 1976 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT II TERRA 4 WHEEL DRIVE 4 sQMC1 w/2 S()eed transfer case rldio. deluxe inten0< & elClenor padUIQ•. bench seal, door edge gu1rds & morel (F0092FG0tll563) 55195 Complete "Heavy Duty" service available for your R. V. One of the finest senice faclllffes In Orange County . Op•n Saturdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Monday thru Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. 17 - Huntingtelii Beac h. Fountain Valley EDITION .. VOL 69, NO. 266, 6 SECTIONS,~ PAGES Afternoon ~.Y.Stoeks ' TEN CENTS "· .Funi~ Plague May Cause ·Health Alert ~ •1aOBEaT0MUEll Friday, I wUl act to declare the .. He ia not the kind to com• stm bas not receind final ·analysis ahows that the gases are get recommendaUon11 for ! ot .. 0.1,. ,. ... ..,. area a health buard and to cease plain, but be ls cenulneb' di.a· laboratory tests of samples taken not poisonous. material that will DeUtrallllo ta. A Hunlln,ion Beach city coun-all activities at the site:· tressed,"Sbenkmanaakt. from the soil of the area. ''The odor will Ukely dissipate odor. .1 dlman said today be ls prepared Shenkman sald. •'The fumes are causinf bad naturally." H artge added, ''but to declare a health hau rd "lwillmovetogetatastforce headaches and breathln1 . ••Preliminary flndln1s show t.hereisnoindicationoobowlonc because of obnollious fumes that ~ aperts in to recommend a problems a nd people with traces of diment.bol sulfide .cas that may take." bave pla1ued the city for a solution," be added. respiratory weaknesses are ac· and methyl mercaptain au," About 500 square feet oC the al· fortnllht. Sbeokmu said be has received tu.ally leavin1 their homes," be Martie said. "There also ls a fected soil bas been removed by Rao Shenkman said that peo-·• number of complaints, one added. • small amount of byd.rocarboos the developer and taken to the ple are 1eWne sick from the from a loagt.ime friend wbo Jives ••we just can't stand by much which Indicate that part or t.be county dump. iarUe·Uke odor thatsWl remains near the 4.S-acre comtructioo loocer." problem may be petroleum Hart&e saad be hopes soon to a mystery after two weeks. site aoutb of W amer Avenue and City Public Worb Direct« Bill oriented," Rartgesald. ell.her be able to isolate l.be of· .. U thln1s are not resolved by ea.stat Bolsa Chica Street. Hartse said today that the cit1 Hart&e said that prelim1naey fending soil and to~veitorlO "I don't r eally know wb.Jt it b takin& so long to 1et tht labontqry tests back, but ~ are a lot of elements they looking into," be said. Hartae said that one area oltM property still smells, but that complaints appear to be ~ DlJIOmewhat. Ji1n1ny: 'No Regr.ets~ Playboy Story 'Won't Hurt Campaign' Your Choice An lndecls ive motorist could be totally confused by this sign at Huntington Street and Atlanta A venue in Hunt- ington Beach. It directs drivers to the San Diego Freeway. Teachers Support Hundley Candidacy llJ aA V E8TllADA. or .. o.11Y?1•...,.. ... !_eacher repreaentaUves ln the 61untlnston Beach Union High School Dl1trlct have e,....ed Jobn Hundley. 34, amona tbe four oeDdk11te. runninc lor a vacant Owltee Hat to be filed by a Nov. 2 ~l eaeetlon. .-Hundley. of 9372 CJoud Haven Drive, Huntington Beach, ad· Otlnlatera a diversionary pro- cram ln the Arteala·Cerritos- 8ellf1owtr UnJfled School Dia· tttct and teaches one course for poUce o(flce.r1 at CallJomia State Unlnnlty. Lone Beadl. The 700-member District Education AaaoclaUon (DEA), repreaenlln1 the hl1h school t.eachen. invited au four can- didates to Interviews with the DEA polltlcal action commltt.ee, aic~dJn1 to Ray Cooper, pre.I· dient. Three of tho four can• dldatea appeared before the OOUP· Hundley aald he bclleves the inteod to le am more,•• be said. Knox was ~pointed to a West Orange County munlclpa l judieship 1114t May. The three remaining trustees voted to appoint James Hamilton. who is also runninC in the Nov. 2 election, to the vacant seat. However, DEA repreaen· tatlves did not agree on Hamilton's selection process and called for the S17 ,000 special elec- t.Ion. "I don't know if I acree with lbe special election because I have reservations about spend- .ln& $11,000 of the tu:~ayera• money;• Hundley said. 'But I can undentand wby the DEA forced the special elec:tlon." ha 11Jd. DEA representatives con- tended that the board or trmtecs should have reopened applica- tions for the vacant seal when Knox announced he was reshtn· ing. PLAIN S, Ga. (AP) - Democratic presidential nominee Jimmy Carter said to- day he is nol dismayed by reac- tion to his statements that he bas •'looked on a lot or women with lust" and "committed adultery in my heart." He said be doesn't think it has bu rt his campaign. Carter responded to questions from reporters as he 1ot int.o bis car after completin& an early Huntington Employes Sign ~act The City of Huntington Beach and the Municipal Employes As· soclalion <MEA> have signed a salary aereement. nmnlna until next June 30. Personnel Director rc! ThomJ>15on said the MEA. whi ch ma~es up the largest employe group in the city with slightly more than 500 members, agreed to a 7 .se percent lncreue includ- ina salary and frin1e benefit.I. The cost to the city for the en· tire package will be $$41,000, Thompson said. Included in the setUement is a dental insurance plan for employes that takes effect on Nov.1. A long-term disability plan also will be in effect., beginnine next April 1. Employes who have been dis- abled more than 30 days will col· lect half their salary through an insurance pro1ram paid for by the city. Thompson said. The Municipal Employes As- sociation includes maintenance and clerical workers and in· eludes employea at the city yard. planning department, public woru, engineering department. recreation and pub and the library. Under terms of the previous contract a librarian, fM exam· pie, started at an annual salary oUll.41.4 and after three and one- balf years advanced to $14,088. The new contract calls for a librarian to start at Sl2.2Z8 an· nually. The top ranae is $1.5,072. Settlement of the contract wu worked out several weeks after an lmpaue bad been decl&Md and Juat prior to the atart of mediation hearings. The city already has aimed acreementa with the Police Of. flcera Au oclatlon and the Mana1e m e nt Employes Or1anlzatlon. Ne10UaUona still are pending wt th bHda of various depart-menta, Thompson said. bask laaue In the election to fill former trustee Robert Knox's eeat la bulc eduealklo ln the dis- trict. "J don't know much about .,.y opponenta at this Ume but I J?OOTB.4.LL FANS, ·!fflY YOlJR LlJCK Alioto, 59, Plans To Wed Woma"' 31 ~ Pirskin Pickeroo '76 continues .-Ith a second w.U of competi· b Cor.1>ri1es worth more than .... ·, Oran1e Cout pf'OIDOlllcators fl JiSak1n Prowell best aeledin& tbe outcome• of ao weetena • ·· ,.....,_ eoai.ta are awarded pri1ea lncludlnl a full year's memberablp a t Nautilus Ne•port, dinners for two at an •rea Reuben •a or Moonraker restau:rant or Metro Car Wub r f1at.m1 car washes. Details and.an entry blank ap- pear ucb Monday, TuesdQ and Wednetda, in the sports pages of h Dally Pilot. Tum to Pa,e B3 imd llaarpe.n your torecuUna ildDi WWa Piel kin Pkkaoo. BOSTON CA P ) -Boston School Com mitteewoman Kathleen Sullivan and former San Francisco Mayor Joseph L. Alioto plan to marry when bis diVClf'ce becomes fanal, it was re-- ported todQ. The Bostoo Globe. in report.tnc tbe marriage plans, said M1.ss Sullivan would not confirm l.bem Tueaday. "My private life ls private," the ne,..spaper reported her say- ing. It said Miss Sullivan, 31, and Alioto, 59, met Jast April when she attended the annual meeting oC the National Association or SCbool Boards ln San Francisco. She ii the dau1bter of Wllllam · SU.Wnn. president and ~ty t~der of the New En&land Patriots of the National Football Leasue. Alioto is a wealthy an- titrust lawyer . Mlu Sullivan was a special educetion teacher in Boat.on before she was elected to the Scbool Committee. Sbe ls servinc her l«ODd term. Alloto•a wife, Anaelina, dropped out of allht in February, 1'74, retumiDI to "1 she bad vis- ited California mll11om ln a "desperate attempt to secure some meaaure of personal privacy.'' She filed for a divorce, for a second time. in California la.at January. She is reported to be out of the eount.ry, but the Globe re- ported her lawyer'• oftiee said no dates for conferences in court had been Mt. morning inspection ol bis peanut processing operation. Asked whether be was dis· FORD-CARTER STANDS LISTED-A7 mayedby some of the reaction to his statements, made to an in· t ervie wer fro m Playboy magazine. the candidate replJed "No. I don't want to have a pre· What a Fitaish! ss conference this morning ." Q. "Do you regret it?., Q. "Do you feel you were mis· A. "No." . underatood?" Q ... Do you think it's beenmts. A. "I haven't been bothered by understood?" it.'' A. "Idm:t'l think lt'shurtln• Q. "Why did you grant the in· way.•• ts;" terview?" Q. "You don't th.ink it's hmtd A. "The same reason I gnnt all?" you one . . . • • A. "T don't believe so ... Q. ··Are you sorry you granted . But Carter said he dJd not want 1t"' · lo conduct a news conference OQ A ... No." <SeeCAllTER. Pa(eA.%) HB Driver \Stomped AtSclwol Two assailants stomped and severely beat a driver as he was delivering milk to a Huntington Beach elementary school early today. Police s aid that William Marshall. 23, or Santa Ana, suf'• fered fractured ribs and other serious injuries when be arrived at Meadowvle\V School at 5702 Clarlt Drive ln the nort.Mm pm ofthecily. Sgt. David Mil1er said Marshall was jumped on the school erounds and was badly mauled with both fists and feet. He was taken lo Huntington In• tercommunlty Hospital witb "quite serious'' injuries. A hospital off1cfal said today that Marshall was resting com.• fortably and that tests were scheduled later in the day. ,Miller u ld that Marshall, a driver for Cal· Va Dairy In Santa Ana, wu attacked at about 2:11 Bob Gentry and Sally Peterson, both associate deans o( students at UC I, make a valiant effort as they complete the round-th .. ?ark tricycle course Tuesday. Ad· mi.ni.str ators. s taff and a few students competed In the "olympic" event, part of the ongoing orientation week at UCI (Related picture, Page 3). a .m. ----!.JI Miller said police believe t.bd the two assailants took the key to the school's mulll·purpose roortl when it fell out of Marshall's pocket durini the beaUnr. Huntington Aides Set Seacliff Meet Top city leaders of Huot· ington Beach are scheduled to attend an all-day retreat on Oct. 29 at the Seacllff Country Club In Huntinct.on Beach. More than 20 of the city's hJgh echelon of(iclall are C~· peeled to discuss goals and ob· jectlves for the city u well as ways to Improve relations and communlcaUons. Leader• alao are expected lo embark on studies for a five• ;year fiacal plan for the city. The session fa open to city re· 11ldents and no formal action wtll be taken. The retreat oriainally was scheduled to be held at the Cal Poly Pomona campus on Sept. 11·12 but was postponed after questJons were raised about the le1ality or it. being held out.aide the city. ()pinlona were voiced that city bUJlneu would be discu11ed which might be weighed In future decisions without the public having adequate access lo Lhe proceedings. City officials said the coming retreat could n.ol be held-at. U\e civic center because of fears that there would be many lnt.er- ruptJons. City Administrator Bud BelJlto said Tuesday that he un· deratands rooms will be pro- vided free of charge al the count.ry club. He aaid the only costs that are expected to be incurred in- clude the price for lunches and dinners plus the use of a "facllHator" to lead dls· cuss tons. The "facllitator'~ v.111 be paid "'2· The lnvesUgator said be didntl know if the two men were casiq the school for a burglary an4 were surprised by Manhall or If they were lying in wait for:' him to obtain the key. Officers said there wu no ln• dJcaUon that the school bad bee4 broken Into or that. anything had been stolen. Police are walt1n1 ror Marahall to recover from the shock of b111 beatlnf before queation.lng hlrq further to &aln leads on tba tw1 attackers. Marshall told omcen that he thought he reco1nlzed the two men who were aeen hangln• around another achool altc. , Weath e r Low m ornln1 clouds con. , Unue to llneer with mosUy 1, fair skies Thuraday alte~ noon. H11ha In the low 70I. I NSIDE TODAY So1M 1cin1ill• .and .trf. ' tlon ·~.or• optfmfaffc: ~h lo claim that .aging COil ,o.ctuallJI H pr~ tltrOU{lh propa d~. See e. Cl. lade x: M Y-..J.u At ... YTPM h ...... •• Mtvlft ... , L.M. .. ~ Al 'MRI< .. • af Cl!"'"'• 411,01 ....,.,,,_. .., O.tMllM 01•t NMi.at lltowt A4' =~ rn =c-t· c:~:, DMftl .... lot Al .,,.,.. a1 .. &41ttr1MI'... M Dt."91M,.._ All ... , .. , ... ,.. ....... •MT........ 96 Utt~ ... , g :::--..._ = M . . . • _ .. -... I ,61 DAILY PILOT H /F WecSnwSar !!etwftbertt.1m t:.:~~;..-~~~~~~~~~-- . St.alru Quo Clemente - ; DSJ.' Reigns .. WASHINCTON (AP)~ Cable TV Speed·up proced\lrel to pan a bUI uteadla• c Off . Da1U1ht Savlaf Time ut have bffn rejected by tho House. virtuaJly asaurini • t.bat the measure will not •be enacted t.bil year. • The bUI would have aet the be1Jnnin1 d&te for DST a1 the third Sunday of March and the endm, date aa the third Sunday ol Oc· tober, becinnlni in im. Under exlsUne Jaw, the country is on DST Crom lhe la.st Sunday in April to tbo last Sunday in October. With few m embers on the floor. the House voted 11 to 10 Tuesday for sus· pending the rules and pasa. ing the bill. Bili the au:s· pension procedure re· quires two-thirds. Prosecution Rejected For Schorr W ASHlNGTON (AP) -The House Ethics Commitlee refused today to recommend that. t~evision reporter Daniel ScboIT be prosecuted for failinc to c,lve the panel his copy of a classified l-WUSe intelligence report. The committee voted 6-S agains t a m otion by R e p., Edward Hutchin.son (R·Mich. ), to cite Schorr for cootempt-of· Congress. One member was a'b,,ent. The vote apparently doomed imy effort to initiate legal actlon against the CBS reporter for re· fusing to turn over his copy ol. the ~ument or reveal his source for the report detailing activities of lf.S. intelligence agencies. The committee also defeated by a 7·4 vote a motion by Rep. Thad Cochran < R·Miss. >. to re· commend tb•l Schorr be den.led the use of the House radio· telev1s1on galleries for the re· mamder of this s ession of Cd\gress. Jn an appearance before the ethics committee last week, ~horr said the First Amend· meat's free press guarantees protected him from having to re· veal his source or relinquish his copy of the report. ltutchison, however. arrued the report was the property of the }Jouse and that S<:borr should be forced to return It. · Rep. Thomas S. Foley <D· Wash ). said no valid purpose would be served by auempUng to PtfSCCute Schorr for contempt~ or.;congress, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine or jail sen· teoce. Foley said the courts have been "extremely concerned" .ibbut interfering with constllu· tlonal guarantees proteclln& re- ,00rters. ·"I would hope we would avoid :i constitutlooal confrontation on this issue.'.' Foley said. 'Olympiad' Set for Kids 'The Crest View elementary :school P~rent Faculty Orcanl&a· tfon will hold a mini-olymp1cs Saturday, 11 am. to 5 p.m., on the campus athletic field. Students will compete in eight mnt.8 lncludJna : a team relay race, hleh jump, SO.yard dash, broad jump, softball throw, team walklnat race, marathon and a student.I vs. parents and faculty volleyball same. All Crest View students from Jdndere•rten throuch the cl&bth 1-rrade may participate. ORANGE COAST H/11 DAILY PILOT lllo °'-CM•I D•lly Pllal, -M\1(91"' \~ tN He•"\"''"· I~,....~ t>y W. :.: ~~~·~c:::.....~=· -C.01• -· ... .._, ""•" --...C•1r.wt•tft Y•U•Y. In.,..,, ......... v--"-111o .. 11,_a.t ,_,.._ -· .. , .... •t...-.i--..-..... .. ,. r ... ,., .... 1oe1 _ .. .,,.,.,. .. ~ "' " a .. , .. ,ltb .. •.t.i.Mo~~- Rotlert N. W..O ,,.._ __ J.ck A. Curley \'l<e,..._I __ ..._ Thomas Kenll E•ll.w "ThOmas A. Muriihine ~-1 ... l!.oll« Charles H. Loos RlcNrd P. N•ll ~•lll~INMO!lle._.. R~rtBar~r ~°' __ , ...... "..u.-..BffdtOfftcl 11'ililte<J1-..... ~: ... 0._,,_,,.. Offlma .._.__,,.o_,..... C..t. ..... DI Wul ...., s1.- S--• V•IMy Ultl U ..... -...... o,...,,_ Tei..,._.. (114) MM121 Onsifled Adve~llti"I MM•71 ,,_ "'-°'-C.W..-.1'f c.....-u ... 540-1210 (Myrl"'' "'' Or~ t.M•• ~ ....... ·--Ho """' ._.., .. ,, llM"•-_, .. flftjltt•t •t ••ll'trU\e fft•f'IU ,_,.~ f"e• M .......... ~·· •I-'"Cltl ............... 9f _..,.._, a.-c••u _, ... ••M M CMi. ,,. ... c.-... ~,.,...,..., <.,,,.. un -~=~"_,.,..,._.,_._ ay PlllLll' aomu•tN .,._......, ........ TM Ccunaumlcations Company cut cable televi.all:JO acrvice to 7 .000 San Clemente subaeriben today. •• The termination of aenlce camo within an hour ol a poat mldnlCht City Council ~rusal to suspend a provision of its con·• tract with TM . The provision al· lows tbe city to con&cale all the equlpmeot w ithln tbl ell)' 30 days after a televisloo ltanchlae ex· p1res lf not replaced with a new contract. TM'• latest posit.ion In • cooti· 1u.tn1 feud with the city ii ~t it must dlscontlnue service and dis· mantle equipment to protect. asainst po&aible future city seliure of that equipment. Lut w&ek tbe council •P· proved a new contract with lhe cable company but gave a $1..25 a month rate hike and provWons for future automatic fe• in· ueues. Councilmen Thomas O'lCeefe and Tony DiOiova.nni w~ opposed to the contract. Ka,ar B. Patrick Lane Toted tor the rate hike but said he qreed with the council minority, \•Otinl for the contract ooly to stave elf cost of a lawsuiL But Tuesday Lane joined with O'Keefe aod DiGiovannl l o enforce the conliscatlon pro· visi.oo. The new franchise won't beef. fective until Oct. 21. TM's old contract ran out Sunday. Fro• P09e Al CARTER .•• the matter without his sWf pre- sent. ln the interview. made public this week, Carter said he would not attempt to impose his own re- bgJous beliefs on others. "Christ set some almost im· possible standards for u&," be said, adding that to sin is human and "God forgives me for It." In o ne excerpt, Carter declared; "I've looked on a Jot of women with lust. I 've committed adultery in m y heart many Umes. This ls somethinl tbal God recogniies I will do -and I have done it. -and God forgives me for it. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman wltb lust, but who leaves hia wlfe and shacks up with somebody out oC wedlock. "Christ says don't consider yourself better than someone else because one auy screws a whole bunch of women while the other auy is Joyal to his wife. ~e guy who's loyal to bis wife ought not to be condescending or proud because of the relative decree o! ainfuln .. s." Th• c-.ndidate'a statements brouchl mixed reactions. -Hla wile, Rosalynn, said tn New York they caused her no anxiety about his fidelity. "I trust. him completely. I've never bad to worry about that at all," she said. -Dr. Harry N. Hollis Jr., a de· nominational authority on social etbi<:1, said in Nashville that Cartu's.AJ.atement.s oa morality accurately reflect. Southern Bap- tJst teacbinp. But. Hollis, a alalf mber of the ChrUUan Ure Commission of the Southern Baptist Conference, said be "wouldn't have used the aamelanguage.'' -Or. W.A. Criswell, pastor or the 20,()()().member F\rat Baptist Ch urc h or Dal1as, Tex .• declared: "I am highly offended by this. I think he's mixed up lnhis moral values, and I think the en· tire church memberablp will feel thesameway." -Dr. Jerry Vines, put.or of the Dauphin Way Baptiat. Church tn Mobile, Ala., and a former pTC· aldent of the paaton' conference of the Southern BapUst Connn· tlon. aaJd: "Tbla appears to be another inalance ol Carter ac-commodaUne blmMll to J\J.I au- dience. Heart Attack Victim· Lost Off BB Coast A J'f.,.ar-old Hermosa Beach man wu lost off the cout of Hun· tincton Beach Tuesday evenini after apparently sufferin1 a heart attack, U.S. Coast Guard officials Hid. The man was being towed ln t he water on an automobile fenchr us.a as a raft bebind • 22-foot sailboat, ornctals said. BJcbard R. Rusail.lo dropped from 1Jaht when be let IO ol the fender. A companion in the water with him said the victim bad foam and JDUC0\1$ cominC from bis mouth. RussUlo's limp body was lost. about one half mile northwest of Oil Island Eva near Hunt.lnctoo Beach, officials said.• Tbe inddent oeC'UJ'T'ed at s p.m • Tuesday. Coast Guard and Oranae County Harbof' Patrol raaae UD!ts have di.lcmUmaod a Mardi I« the body. ... wi,.....,. STRIKING STUDENTS AT GEORGE WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RALLY ON FOOTBALL FlELO In Sen Franeiaco, the Kida Walk Out to Protest• thortage of Teacher• WJOStwknts Striloofor More Teachers Atom Pr~dllct .Fir01 Seeks Past Crews SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -In CHICAGO (AP) -A na· an era of strikine school tionwide sear c h. bas been teachers. this wallcoul w.s dif· launched for 4,500 former ferent. The students struck, de· employes ot a West Cblc•eo com· manding more teachers. pany who may have been affect· minerals used ln the manut'aetur· ing of incandescent mantles for kerosene and gasoline lamps. About 800 clapping. placard· ed by inb&Un1 radioactive dust, carrying students checked in for an At1onne NatJonal Laboratory classes at George Washington official report.I. It isllot mown, Stamey said, whether low-level exposure to the dust leach to cancer or other health problems. High School on Tuesday and Andrew Stehney, a.memberof then, as expected, moved out of the Arionne team conducllag the the school and onto the football search, said Tuesday that field for a protest rally. medical researchers are trying But a aludy conducledin Den· mark, Portu1al and Weal Germany hu shown that the out· dated practice of i.rrjectine the substance into X·ray patients caused liver cancer. Another 800 of the school's 2,600 to determine possible health students simply left their classes hazards from working with and wand e r ed l n th e radioactive thorium. neighborhood two miles south or Stehney said the plant was the Golden Gate Bridie. • operated by the Lindsay Light. Students listened to speeches, and Chemical Co between the cheered and held aJoft signs re· mid·l930s and 1973. The plant ading, "Students want quality processes thorium and . other classes" and "We have a right The study will try to track down the entire work force ol. the West Chicago planl to determine the cause of death of any employes who have died since lhe 19605. to a iood educaUon. · • The youths chanted, "We want ourteacben back." It was the latest ln a series or protest.a a1alnst a reduction in the number of classroom teachers, s witchtn1 some to other positions such as a perma· nent subsUtute pool. Burke Slated For Address After.Debate · Assemblyman Robert H . Burke <R -Huntlnrton Beach). 'Will addreu •Town Hall meeting Thursday, followln& the national- ly lelevbed debate between pre- aidenU&l cand.idatea Gerald Ford and Jimmy Cartel'. The Burke meeUn1 will be held in Huntington Beach Oly Council Chambers, beclnnlnc at 8:30 p .m. Jimmy Oops Twice '.fol~ Tale Tallies . FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -In a slip of the tongue, Democratic vice presidential candidate Walter F . Mondale momentarily appeared to have forgotten his running mate's name. Speaking to about 500 people who came down to the railroad tracks Tuesday to meet his campaign train, Mon· dale said : "You're teUing me. you're telling America. you want that White House once again occupied by a peoples' president, this time named Jimmy Ford." Realizing his mistake, Mon- dale grima~ed, adding: ''J imm y won't like that. Jimmy, I didn't Mo.to•L• mean it. I didn't m ean it. Let me try again. Jimmy Carter. There we go." Irvine Valuation Differs ISy TOM BAaLSY o.-o.11, .......... Lawyers for th• Callfomla At· tomey General '1 ottico aod tho Irvine Company eom-partd valuat.lont of the compan7 Tues· day ln Oran•• Cow:.b' Suptrior Court and came up wiLh a dif· ference ol $.$! mllllon. Irvine Company ea.cytlvo Lan1ln1 £berU01 teltlfted dur· ma a hnrlnl lnto lrvtnt .,..,.. Joan Irvlne Smith's cball ... • of a propoeed aale to lbe MobU OU Company that u.e net wortJt of the oraanisaUon la about $319 million. Deput)' Altorqey General Lawrence Tapper dlsqretd. He quoted from a llquldaUon analysis prepared by his olflce eartler this year and pe,-pd the net . value of Irvine boldinas at $380 million. Tapper's fl,ure would put the per share value or Irvine stock at $44.75. EberllnJ's vall.latloa br• lop the per share valae down t.o $39.lS. · Both niures are considerably higher than tbe $24 per Iba.re niu,re represettted by the Mobil offer lo pay $200 mllllon for lrvtne Compapy aba.nia held by the James Irvine P'oundaUon. Thole abarea repreaeftt a 5'.S percent. controlllnc inter-eat in the Irvine Company. Under state law, tba foundation mmt divest it.sell or t.bOH abares. Judie James F. Judp la be1nc asked in what b expected to be a alx·week lae-arln1 to make permanent a temporary ln)unc- tioo acatnst a Mobil deal already accepted by foundation t.ruatees. Mn. Smith cont.midi that the $ZOO milllon flture ii too low and. that t.be sale·would be unfair to her and other mlborlty atockbolden. TlJ>per and Eberlint qreed, however, that lt would take several years to bdna about u. quidaUoa of tbe liant COIQPMY'• many assets even 1f such a lale were to be accepted by tbe lrvtne board. IJooks Neetkd ByHBLibr~ Paperback books are Meded by tbt Huntlnaton Beach Publlc Ubrary for Its free exchange pro- gram. Books ln any quantity may be taken to the li braq al 7111 Talbert Ave., or the library wUl pick up large quantities of paperbacks, according t o Li brarian Walter Johnaon. Books may also be taken to any of the library annexes. Johnson said that palront br· ins in paperback.a and may ex· change them for a n equal number of other paperbacks. "The library also welcomes all book donations it can get," Johnson said. A spokesman al Burke's Hunt· ington Beach office 1aid today she didn't r ealize the town haJI meetine had been scheduled lhe &am• night as the lelevision ~­ bate, but added that Burke has not canceled the meetinr. Interested cttlzeM will have 30 minutes to get to the city council chambers following the television debate, which ls scheduled to run from 6.30 p.m. to8p.m. (PDT). Lynn Hort HART'S John Hort SPORTING GOODS Alien Jailing Policy Wins Council Nod The Santa Ana City Council has approved a police department poUcy ol. detaining llle&al aliens auapected of crlmlnal act.ivlty for federal lmml1raUon authortUes. The controvenlal policy, re· vised nine Umea, calla for the Jaillne of allena suspected of commltUn1 a crime. It. does not include allem repol11.Qs crlmea' to police, or people ltopped for miDor lratrlc Ylolat.lcms . Tbe PollcJ alao inllrueU poUce who encounter atluat1on1 In •blch tbey t>.lltYe an We1al alien ii belnC exploited, to report 1Uieh cues to health, welfare, e mployment or bulldln1 authorities. The police department'• former policy wu no e:ororce- memol.lm.m.lcratlOlllaws. Soviets Angered TOKYO (AP) -1be Semel Union said today that .Japu "chose to strain J apanese.Sovtet relations" by refuaiol to lm- medlately return a defectlnt Soviet pilot and bis M1G2S jet ll&hter. Soviet Ambassador Dmitri Polyaosky reported the teUute .. "unfriendly ada'1 by Japaq wblcb "~unot remain wit.bout toD.Melueoct9'' to tbe two ut1oa.s• relallau. 538 CENTER ST.• COSTA MESA• 646-1919 BACK TO SCHOOL Te111is Balls Penn Practice 1a11s.:_a11s1 Dunlop Seconds-3/1•• Penn Extra Duty-3/22s Wilson Extra Duty-3/235 Dunlop Extra Duty-312so Wann" Suits 131s to 391s Sweat -Sllirtsl hflts-4ts Hooded' Zippend Sweat Sltirts-ISO HOlded Aaylc Jackets-15ts Y-Neck Lonf Sleeve Acrylc Sweaters-&•s Mens Tennis ~·s ta 15•s Mens T ennls Slirts-iso ta 1200 Mens Tennis Shoes-111s to 24'' Ladies Tennis Shorts-n's & 12•s Ladies Tennis Dresses ladies Tennis Sh.s 18'5 ti 2&•s · Basketballs-515 ti 2115 F aotballs-7•s ta Soccer Balls-615 ta 3485 4 Sqge Balls Playlfllld Balls Ract1u1tb* & Racquets lfandlills ' Gllves Fodall SMes SoccerSllllS All Purpese Slloes Basbtltlll SllliS m Center - Irvine EOITION .. T oday·s C l oshaf.!. • CM!kS VOL. 69, NO. 266, 6 SECTIONS, M PAGES • TEN CENTS ·1;.;........;.....;_ __ __; ______ ~....;.._----------------------------~_;._~--.;,_------__;--------------~----------__;--~--_.;_~--..;._--, lt7ill Wild Chase Seal Booth's Fate?1 I I a1 BILAa1'UYE man Bruce Taylor decided it aea•ch by calllnl the "cbvious ~ ---• • • I \ Ol-o.llYNll.... would be. creatldea lf be could places." l . AttllelrvlneRuchWalttl>ls· find aeall to •wim in water in "l called Marineland, Sea I ct, tbeaearcb l1onfora pair of froot ol the JRWD festival dla· World. Knott's Berry Farm, Dis· ala to appear at the Jrrine playbooth. neyland. Enchanted Village. ettFestlval. "Can't you just see it'!' Every Lion Country Safarl-every- WWa the fuUval lesa than two kid iD town wlll dra' his folks where I thou«iht I might track away, ll'• bellMihl to over to our booth td see the down a couple or seals," Taylor llkt the water diltrict la oo a seals," aays Taylor, addinl that says . irildaealcbue. •. lnslde the booth would be factual "Hell, I was willing to settle ror ,t The seal idea was llom about information pertaining lo water. one seal,'' he adds. $bree week.I aao. PubUc relations Taylor says be began his <See SEALS, Pa&e AZ> t 1 ~ Carter's 'Lust' :·No Big Issue? PLAINS, Ga. (AP> thmocratic presidential nominee Jimmy Cart.er said to- day be is not dismayed \)y reac- tion to ha. statements thl1 be has •'looked on a lol of~ with lust" and "committed•dultery · la my heart." He said~'t tblnkitbasburthlsca . terviewer from Playboy magarlne, the candidate replied: "No. I don't want lo have a FORD.CARTER STANDS LISTED-A7 press conference this morning.·· Q ... Do you feel you were mlS· understood?" Q ... Are you sorry you llllD\ted it?" A. "No" Q. "Do you regret 1l?" A. "No." Q. "Do you think it's been mis· understood?" A. "I don 'l think it's hurt in any ~ay." Q "You don't think it's hurt at all"" Dally ~i.I _,. ltr ~•lnO 0'0.-ll Carttt responded lo q t.ioo.s !ron:i reporters as be cot a.olo his ur aflel' completing an early tnomin& inspection of his peanut prc>cessing operation. A. "I haven't been bothered by iL" Q. ''Why did you grant the in- terview?'' A. "I don't believe so." Bul Carter said be did not want to conduct a news conference on the matter without rus staff pre· sent WATER DISTRICTS BRUCE TAYLOR PONDERS SEAL TROUBLES WITH A FRIEND Says He Won't Quit Searching For • Real Seal for Harvett FHtlval Asked whether be was dis- mayed by some of the reaction lo his statements, made to an in- A. "Tbe same reason I grant you one ... " Jinlmy Oops Twice-Told, Tale Tickles FORT WAYNE. Ind. (AP) -In a slip of the tongue, Democratic vice presidential candidate Walter F. Mondale momentarily appeared to have forgotten his running mate's name. Speaking to about 500 people who came down to the railroad tracks Tuesday to meet his campaign train, Mon- dale said: ''You'r e teUing me, you're telling Ame rica, you want that White House once again occupied by a peoples' president, this time named Jimmy Ford." Realizing his mistake, Mon· dale grimaced, adding: "Jimmy won't like that. Jimmy, I didn't M0110•1.1 mean it. 1 didn't mean it. Let me try again. Jimmy Carter. There we go." Valuations Di ff er On Irvine Company By TOM BAI.LEY °'*Delly Pl ...... Lawyen for the California Al· tomey General'• oltlce and the Irvine Company compared valuations of the company Tues- day ln Orance County Superior Court and came up with a dlt- fereoee ot $51 mUUoo. Jrvlnt Company uecutlve L&nalnl Ebel'Unt testified dur- lq a beartn1 lnto lrvtne heiress Joan Irvine Smlth'• cballenae or a propoeed sale to the Mobil 011 Company that the net worth of the .oraanbalion is about $.129 10.UUon. Deputy Attorney General Lawrence Tapper dlsa1Hed. He quoted from a llquldalion aoalyala prepared by bis omce .. Co ast Weathe r Low mominl clouds con· tinu• to Unser wltb IDOIUY fair aklea Thursday alter· nooa. Hi&ht ln the law'IOI. · INSIDE TOD~ 'W ~ ~.and tllltri- fiofl apni.I . Off opdmUltiC ....... ~ dobn fbal~~ COit ,odllGJI" be ~ Olrough ~ dfd. Sec J!IOQc Cl. •••e x •• .. , ., .. M u Ct0J .... "" ... .. llW A4 ... ... earlier this year and pegged the net value of Irvine boldmgs at $380mlllion. Tapper'• fieure would put the per share value of Irvine stock at $44.15. Eberling's valuation br- inp the per abare value down to $39.18. Both nlW'e• are ccnslderably hl&ber than the S24 per share naure represented by the Mobil orrer to pay $200 mllllon for lrvlne Company shares held by the James Irvine Foundation. 1bose shares represent a 54.5 percent controlllng Interest In the Irvlne Company. Under state law, the foundation must divest itaelf of those sh area. Judie James F. Judge la beln& uted in what is expected to be a alx·week bearing lo make permanent a temporary lnJlmC· ti.on aaaimt a Mobil deal already accepted by foundation trustees. Mrs. Smith contends that the $200 million figure is too low and that the sale wouJd be unfair lo her and other minority stockholders. Tapper and Eberlinl •creed. bowe•er, that it would lake several years to bring about ll· quidaUon ot t.be 1iant company's mlQ1 .aueta uen1lmch a.ule were to be accepted by the Irvine board. Tapper predicted that It would take ten years to dispose or the comJ>any's 70,000 acres d un- developed land and about two yean to sell its real estate and in- dustrial boldlng,s. Ebertin1 sald be t.hou&bt It would take U yeara to sell un- deYeloped properties and at least Uu-H years to dispose ~ de- •eloped real eatale and ill· dUltda1 a.ueta. In the mtervlew. made public this week, Carter said he would not attempt to impose lus own re- hg1ous beliefs on others ··Christ set some almost 1m· possible standards for us," he said. addlng that to sin ls human and "God forgives me for it." Motocross Unpopular Irvine R esidents Planning Co wicil Protest In one excerpt, Carter declared: ''I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many Umes. This is somethini that God reco1ntzes I will do -and I have done it -and God forgives me for It. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust, but who leaves his wire and shacks up wltb somebody out of wedl~k . "Christ says don't consider yourselr better than someone else because one guy screws a whole bunch or women while the other guy is loyal to his wife. The guy who's loyal to his wife ought not to be condescending or proud beeause or the relative degree or sinfulness.'· The candidate's statements brought mixed reactions. -His wife, Rosalynn, said in New York they caused her no anxiety about his fidelity. "1 trust him completely. I've never bad to worry about thal at all," she said. -Dr. Harry N. Hollis Jr., a de- nominational authority on social ethics, said lo Nashville that Carter's statements on morality accurately renect Southern Bap- Ual te.achln11. But Hollis. a atarr mber of the (Sff CARTER, Pase A2) An anery group ol Smoketree residents vowed Tuesday lo ask the Irvine City Counoi1 to move the bicycle motocross course away from their homes. or at le-.t to modl17 ll. The homeowaers voted nearly unanimously Tueaclaynieht to at· tempt to block the coostrucUon al the site. which ls ln the Edison Company rlcht-or-way orr Jef- frey Road next to the railroad tracks. The vote came after Irvine Public Works Director Brent Muchow and Project Manager Jim Johnson spoke to the resi- dents. briefing them on the pro- jeet plans and relating the his· tory or the bike motocross course. Several representatives or the homeowners association were scheduled to meet today with Irvine Assistant City Manager Paul Brady to find out what the resident's options are In fighting the matter of the unwanted motocross. Muchow and Johnson told the homeowners that the $65,000 bicycle motocross course - fmanced with• bike bond money -has been planned for more than one year and that hearings were held without protest at varioua city commissions. However, when the hearings were conducted, Smoketree resi· Bob Gentry and Sally Peterson, both attoclate deans of students at UCI, make -a valiant effort u they complete the round-t.be-park tricycle course 7 ueaday. Ad· m.inist.rators, staff and a few atude11ts competed ln the "oJympicn event, prt. of the ongolng orientation week al UCI (ReJatecLblcture, P.ie 3). . '·\. dents had not yel moved into their homes. ' Reaidenta clalm th~l when they bought their homes from the Warmington Development Com· pany tbere was no indication of tbe _,.anned motoc:rcu course. lnatead, a map shown to pro- spective homeowners indicated a greenbelt area, with a bike pathwa). picnic tables and barbecue pits, thf ysaid. ~me homeowners said they picked their sites next to lhe motocross course because they were attracted to the greenbeltj they thought would be there. Muchow told the residents that the orlglnal plans were modified, so that the latest bluepnnt shows no public address system and the spectator 1randstand.'s are raclne away from the bomea and hidden behind a d1rt mound, or berm . However, homeowners said they were most concerned about the parking situation. Visitors to · the motocross would park In the Los Naranjos School parking lot. <See BIKES, P••e AZ> Coastal Land Annex Hits Snag on Fees Plans· to annex 3,400 acres of Irvine coastal properly to Newport Beach's sewer district rut a snag Tuesday over payment or annexation fees. The annexation, agreed to in principle Tuesday night by direc- tors of Orange County Sanitation Dlslrlct 5, calls for the Irvine Company, as owner of the pro- perty, to pay the distrJct $2,139,000 within 90 days of an· nexation. Ove rflowing, Pupils Seek Class P e rmits By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of I ... O•llY ll'li.1 IUfl Tlaht new attendance regula- tions have forced lhoUll&nds of Saddleback College District stu· denta to seek special permlts to attend classes at two nelehbor· lnl co1Je1e district campuses. All but a small percentaae of the permit requnl8 have been denied, accor ding to Robert Bounko, Saddle back 'a dean of admlsalona and recordS. The rlgld policy requires permits for any student wishln& to study In the Cout or Rancho Santtaao Community Colleae Diatrtcla. 1Jntll tlliJ fall, ~u· denta taklna •Ix oT few« unlta could cross the Unea without permlaalon. But on the otber band, the North Oran1e County C.ommunl· ty CoUe1e cllatrld's facllillea are opeo to Saddlebact students -.it.bout permit requirements of any kind. Why tbe blc dlfference? ..., ••Seat taxe1, that!s wh•t." 1aJd Boaanko. Saddlebac:k's two· nelabbor districts levy a $300 annual fee atalnlt the Mission Vlejo dhtrlct for each eq\li•alent full Um• student at- tendln1 their eollegea. Tbe aortb couty dl1trict. ebarces noWq. (.9MMll.BQll!, Pace A.2). That money is based on a $1,394! per acre annexation lee for the l ,SSS acres that have been iden~ tified for development. The dispute centers on the re· malnlng 1,907 acres lhol have' been set aside for open space. Diatrlct officials want lo write a provis ion into the annexation agreement lbat says the Irvine Company will pay annexation fees for that operl space If any other governmental agency, such as the state, ac· quires it. Gordon Jones, an lrvlne Com· pany representative, asked in- stead that the provi1loo be dropped from the agreement. He suggested the district plan on col- leeting fees wben the new proper- ty owner develops 11omethlnr; such 811 a campground that would require sewer service. "You could collect before hook· Ing them up," he auageated. . Tom Woodruff, the sanitaUon district'• attorney, pointed out that the provision was lnclud~ in the agreement because ot pro- blem a the combined Oranae! County Hnllatlon district.a had lo collecllna lee1 when Bolla Chica marsh wu acquired by the state. <See ANNEX, Pap Al) FOOTBALL FA.NS,\ TRY YOUR LUC~ I Pi&Jkln Plckeroo '76 conUnueJf wllb a aecond week of compeU- Uon for prliea worth more than $300. Oranae CoHt propoaUcators ot plpkin proweaa best lelectlng tbe outcomes of 30 weellenci pidJron contest. are awarded. prlie1 lncludln& a full year'' membership at Nautilul Newport, dinners for two at an area Reuben '1 or"' Moonra~ restaurant or Metro Car W Syatem 1 car washes. Detail• and an entry blank a pear each Monday, TueadQ Wednada11n t.be aporU paaes ot. lbe Daily Pllot. Tum to Pac• Ba end ab arpen your forecutlDC *1111 wttb Pifakln Pickeroo. DAILY fflLOT .. atile _ v eweFS lJnplugged '~· . TV SenJice Cut in Battle With SC Council By PUJLIP •08MAltlN OI .. D•llf ~ ... M.oft TM Commun1c1Uons Company cut cable lelev1a1on aervlco to 1.000 San Clementt: autllcrlbers Ud1ty The termlnatlon of service came within an hour or a post 'n'Ud.nigbt City Council ~fusal to suspend a vrovia1on of 1t.s con- tract with TM . The provision al lows tbe rlty to c:onfiacate all lbe equipment within tbt dl.Y 30 days after • televialoD frlDCblle ta· pires If~ rec>I~ wfth a new conuact. TM'a latest poslt.UJO in a cociti-nuina feud with tbe clty .. that u muat discontinue ftr'Vl~ and dJs. ·· f'ro•P~Al ANNEX ••• • .. It took three years ano threats of lawsuits to cet a lousy t&O.ooo from the 1late," he said. "In this regard we consider the l,rvine Company a better credjt .risk because we know where to J'Uldthem.'' . Both Woodrulf and Jones stressed that there isn't any dis- aireementovertheS2.l million. mUlion . That arrangement works to the 11dvantage of both the company and the sanitation district ~cause 1t allows the company lo pay its fees now, instead ol m the f\rture when development actuat- lY occurs and the fees may have dou.bled. It urves the dmnct's interest in providing cash for the operat- ing budget. Woodruff noted that, while the ditlrict wiJI use the money for CWTent operations, it ls :.Ull re· qolred to see to It there are sewer trunk Imes installed at tht' lime of devt-lopment In the coastal property Jones Sa)'S lt0l> the queslton Of ~Of.t lhal affects the company's stand on open apace "By requiring payment of an anneution fee up front at the tame we transfer title to another governmental agency, you will be raising the price or the land by at least Sl.400 per acre ll may be no agency is 101ng to be walling to buy It.·· he said. Jn spite or the disagreement. directors Ray Williams and Don Mcinnis aareed to the annexa- t.4on in pnnc1ple an order to start tbe annexation proceedings throuch the county ·a Local At•n- ll y Formation Commiulon. Supervtsor Thomas RJley, the third san1tat1on d1stnct dJrtttor was not present. W1lltams and Mclnrus asked Jones and sanitation dJ.stnct staff members to study the problem clause and r eport back for rataflcahon or the actual agree men1 Oct JJ CARTER .•. Chnst1an Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Conference, said he "wouldn't havt'! used the aame languase " -Or WA. Criswell. pastor of the 20,000·m~mber First 81pti1t Church of Dallas, Tex . de<'lared "J am highly offended oythts l thlnkhe'smi1teduplnbls "1oral values. and I tlunk the en tire church mem~rshlp wUI feel thcsamcway " Dr. Jtrry Vtnes. pastor of tf\~ Oauphan Woy Bapllst Church m Mobile. Ala . and a former pre- Ak2tnt or the p.utors' conference of the Southern BapUAl C'-0nvtn· tl<>n, said "Thia appun to be Dnoth.-r instanec of Carter 8<'· ('OmmodaUn..: hlm11elf to hill au- dltnc' I would prcft'r that a man running f()r hll(h public nfflcc would u se more rt(lned lanauag,. ·· ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N WMCI ~· ... "'' ... ~~ ...... Tl'IOm•s A. Mur'Pt\lne ~ .... ,_ oartes H. Loos Rl<Nnt P. Nall .. , .. ~,--· ,._,.~ ... ..,, Offkff ~ ........... _........_ = ... 11 .. 0~11-_ ...... '"''e..dl......_.. • \10110 HJtl I.a '9t "- ...____ . ' , ot JM O""'° '- ma.nu• "quJpmeDt to Pl'Otttt asaliut pou•bte futur• rlty aeUW"e of that equlpmeal. Last week the council ap- proved a new conlract with tht' cable company but cave a Sl.25 lt mooth rate hike and provlt1ol'\I tor future automatic fee In· creuea. Councilmen Thomas O'Keefe and Tony DiC1ovann1 were opposed to the contruct. MAyor B. Patrick Lane voted for the rate bike but said be aiteect With the council minority, \IOt1ni tor the contract only to 1tave off cost of a lawsuit. But Tuesday Lane joined with O'Keefe and DIGlovanni to •nforu the confiscation pro-vision. nae .,.. francbiM won't be tf. fectlve uotJI Oct. 2l. TM'a oJd contract ran out Sut>day Councilman BiJl Walke!', who hammered out the new com- prornl1e franchise provisions. bllterly c harted that Lane, O'Keeft and DIGtovanni con- apJr'fd all alon1 to take over the cable oper1ttioo while convincing TM executives that the council wu nuouaUn1 lo cOOd faith. Walker uJd the councU ma· jority attempted to pull a "hoax" ooT)if. City ball switchboards and TM otncn in San Clemente were noocled this momtna with hun- dreds of calla from coofused and irate cable subscribers. Acadenrlc Courses Top School Agenda Whether more academic counes should be offered to hl.&h school student.a during lbe last period of the school day will be discaaaed by lrvloe school trustees at tonlgbt'a board meeting. The meeting opens at 7:30 p.m. at University High School and is open to the public. E'"*IPa~AJ BIKES .•. 1ocated on the other side of the Smoketree traet. "People will be troopini through our front lawns on the way to the <'ourse. especially when there are weekend meet.s with hundreds of people." said one resident, whose front yard races the route the motocross vii.· itors would take. The residents said they are also considering pursuing legal action against Warmington for the eompany's alleged failure to inform them of the motocro:.s Frone Pag.-1\ I SEALS ... But be struck out. Nobody had any seals to rent or loan. "When I couldn't find anything at the obvious places, I opened tbe yellow pages and be1an look· In& up animal acts and t.h«atrical agents -including one ralled the Foxy Lady Agency that djdn't h'llve any seals either," says Taylor The only thing Taylor could come up with wen-two seats located an Ohio. They could be shipped to Irvine ar the IRWD would foot the ball "Obviously that was out, and J was getting a little parucky. so r decided that when all else rails you should <'all your supervisor so I called Supervisor Ralph Clark," says the public relations man. When it was pointt'<i out lo Taylor that his supervisor is Thomas Riley. not Ralph Clark. ht shrug&ed and sald, "Yeah, I know. but l have a very good friend In Clark's office." ll lurned out that Taylor's very eood friend turned him on to · Marvin the Buman Seal, who happens to be Walter Matthau's brother, who does a very good ffal imitation act. "Sounded great, but when I cnlled Marvin's agent, l dJs· rovered Marvin was in New York and on his way to Jamaica," Taylor explains. Taylor also phoned marine b1olol[ls ts at col I e1tu and c1rcuus who told him that thty book seal act.3, not rent tht>m .. Finally. after I had about a hundred people out there check· lni around for mt>, I i;ot a call bock that there waa a pair of seals available In the San Fernando Valley, Van Nuy1, J thlnk, ··he says. "Tbe problem la. they're mov- fe stars and they cost $450 a day. 'lritb two tralner.s." But Taylor was enthused over tM prospect of hi nn1 movie star aealt ud began plan.n.tn1 seal .., be•d put on oo the festival •ta&•· "Now. all I need to do ts find apomors to help pay their coal,'' heaayi. Despite his bad luck, Taylor SI.YI he's not &iving ue. f'or example, he Plans to call cu dealer Cal Wor1hlnltoo and aee lf he can lend a hand. "U b.'a Jot a dog Oamed Spot Ultl actu.al· ly is a Ticer. surely he e.an ltnd a ffal tor me," ••1• Taylor. And, Taylor la .aUll hopinc Marvin twlll decide to foreao J•maka and return to the west coast. Not to mention Taylor'• latest brainstorm. "How about a seal look·alllce conteaU We can-have all the kids lJl Irvine brintc their clop and cata to the testJval ud tho one that Joou lb• moet like a Mil wlnl. ''Taylor 1u11esu. "In l•ct. maybe Cal WGrthlqtoti wW Judie the COil· telt.n Lul month, two parents asked trustees if they would initiate a policy of offering more academic cluses durin1 the seventh period so their children could be better prepared for college. According to the parents, few academic courses were offered during seventh period and their youngsters were not able to take all lbe acade1pic courses they wanted to take. Hi&h school and district of- ficials have discussed the matter since that met-ting and are now proposing that arade1n1c rourses be made available to those stu- dents who want to take them beg1Mine second semester. Many )uniors and seniors berome involved either with athletics or with off campus ac- lJV1t1es, such as courst's at the junior college, CROP classes or work experienct' Olstri<'t offscials explain that a wide i.election or academic classes are now offered dunng i.eventh period. but they are mainly for freshmen and sophomores However. ofhcials suggested that the extra academic courses be offered, even though it might mean that classes would have small enrollment at first. Other items on Wednesday's agenda include: Formal actlon by the school board rt'garding the lighted athletic stadium at Irvine Hlgh. Appointment of committee members Lo the task force that will study alternative pay S)Slems. such as merit pay, for school district employes. A discussion of the future of SELF' alternative high school. The school 1s in Jeopardy of hav- ing to leave Its current bwlding on M1lhken Avenue al lhe end of the school year unle'\5 legislative changes are mad e in Sacramento Trustees a re expected lo take action on the proposal to create a youth advisory b<;ard to serve a s a liaison between Irvine's youth and city agencies. COLLEGE • • Jn rt'!cent years. the seat tax- es have rost Saddleback district taxpayers millions of dollara annually The tough new policy, which also Includes 1tr1cter gwdehnes tor determ1nlna when a permit request 11 valid, wa.s adopted by Saddleback tru~tees last sprint both to cut down on seat tax eost.s and to stem the tide of local students rushing to other d.lstr1cts Ourln& their deliberations on the new rules. trusteea said the dea1re on the part ot local stu· dents to 10 elsewhere mlaht have been valld because of scanty otrerin(s at the Mission Viejo 1rhool. But now, they said, 1u ch reuonlng Is no lonaer valid. That stance hu cau.1ed some headaches al the netpbor dla· tricll. Or. Robert Moore, dean of ln- 1ttuctlon at Oran1e Coaat Colle1e. uld 1core1 of Sad - dleback atudenta have been turned away thla year-many more than ln the put because of the ellmln•l•d.· "six uolt rule." ..Thia haa certainly lnconve· nlenced a lot of people from Saddleback and we have to be stuck in lb• role of the bad flU' teUln1 •*m tb•y can't come heN Without a permit -and tboM .,.. IP~feDtlY quite bard to com• by,• Moore II.id. Boaanko conc•ded that pennJta are lodeed bt.r*r to Pt tlWI )'e&r tban ever berol"e. No ooulderatJoa -except in e.... ol utt.me hardJblJ> -la 1tven to lranaporta\ion dlf· flculties, location of campus ver1u1 residence or place ot •mployment, contllct wit h penonal echedule, adult educ.a. tion. or recreaUon P"Sl'&ma. la 1hort, betn1 dtaJed a pennll at Sad.dl~Nc.k ii aJmo.t at mucb a eertablb • death and taus, aeeonU.na to CQIJece attldlll. Richard Youna, TM vice prul- dent. Issued a atatt'ment tbls roomlna that company ofllcials were "shocked and dismayed" by the council arllon. He st•t('d \hat in addition lo the confucat1on posslbWty "the fina! 1lraw" wa.s a council decl&lon to alao maintain • provision of ata contract that would allow the city lo collect lOO percent c;f TM re· venue accrued rrom Sept. 19, when the franchtsc eJtpared, to Ort. 21 , the date the new franchlae la effective. "The council's action," Youn1 said, "forces TM to take out its plant by Oct. 19 unlesa the Caty Councu acts promptly to waJve the two onerous provu.1ons they are thretemng the company pro- pertit>s and revenue with " Young stated that while the company was "hopefut·· 1t could restore se rvice 1t as not "hopeful" that the rounc1l "will allow it." Status Quo DsrReigm WASHrNGTON <AP> - Speed-up P.rocedures to pass a ball extending Daylight Saving Time have been reJe<'tcd by the House, virtually usur:ing that the measure will not be enacted this year. The but would have set the be1innlne date for DST as tbe third Sunday of March and the ending dat. as the LhJrd Sunday ol Oc· lober, beginning tn tm. Under exiatlng law, the country 1s on OST from the last Sunday in Apnl to the last Sunday an October With few members on the noor. the House voted 11 to 10 Tuesday for SUS· pendin& the rules and pass- ing the bill. But the sus- pension ·procedure re- quires two-thirds. Britons Snub Atom Power LONDON (AP) A royal com- masaion recommended today that Bntain avoid a major com· mitment to nuclear power tor electnc1ty on 1rou.nds that It pro- duces waate that carnes gnve potential danger for mankind The comm1ss1on, \\hose fi.nd- inas will be studied by Parlia- ment, warned that thereshouJd be no big nuclur expansion until the.re as a safe""' ay of disposing in defirutely of the highly rad1oac· tive wastes produced, some of which might have lo be stored tor 2:J(),OOO years. The Royal Comm1ss1on on En- vironmental Pollutaon also described as "entirely credible" the poss1b1lity that terrorists could hijack plutoruum. a by· produ<'t of commercial nuclear power stations, and make a "crude but effeetlve weapon." Real Big W11eel An elderly pickup truck carts a giant-sized spare tire across the Interstate Bridge between Portland, Ore., and Vancouver Wash. · Alioto, 59, Plans To Wed Woman, 31 BOSTON (AP) -Boston Sc hool Committeewoman Kathleen Sullivan and former San Francisco Mayor Joseph L. Alioto plan to marry when bis divorce beeomes finaJ, at wa:. re-ported today. The Boston Globe. m reporting the marriage plans. saJd M1ss Sullivan would not confirm them Tuesday "My private life Is private." the newspaper reported her say. 1ng It said Miss Sullivan, 31, and Alioto, 59, met last April 'when she attended the annual meeting of the National Association of School Boards in San Francisco. She is the daughter or William Sullivan, presuient and ma1orfty stockholder of the New England Patriots or the N atlonal Football League. Alioto is a wealthy an· tilrust lawyer. Miss Sullivan was a special education t eacher 1n Boston before she was elected to the· School Committee. She is serving her second tt'rm. AIJoto'a wife, Angelina , dropped out of sight in February, 1974, returning to say she had vis· ltcd California missions an a "desperate attempt to secure some measure of personal privacy." She riled for a divorce, for a second time, in Califomla last January. She is reported to be out or the country. but the Globe re- ported her lawyer's office said no .. ,. .. ,........ ALIOTO'S FIANCEE? Kethfeen Sulflvan · dates for conferences in court had been set. Alioto was elected mayor or S1111 tTanc1sco in 1968 and wa& mentioned as a possible vice pr&- sidentlal candidate during his first term. He served until 1975. He wu acqultted of lee split- ting In a slate or Washington case. The case ended with a rul- ing s upporting a $2.3 million legal fee received before becom-ing mayor. ' Lynn Hart HART'S John Hart SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST.• COSTA MESA• 646-1919 BACK TO SCHOOL Tennis Balls Penn Practice Balls-311 u ' Dunlap Secends-3 /1" Penn Extra Duty-3n2s WDson Extra 1Jirty-3n3& Dunlop Extra Duty-3 nso Wann " Slits 1395 to 3915 Swat Sllirts & Panfs-4•s Hiiled & Zippered Swat Shirt~so Hooded -Jacbts-1515 ¥-Neck Long Sleeve Acrylic Sw~•s Mens Tennis ShortH95 to 151s Mens Tennis Sbirts~50 to 1200 Mens Tennis Shoes-1195 ·to 24•s Ladles Tennis Shqrts-1185 & 12•s Ladies Tennis Dresses Ladles Tennis Shoes-1095 to 2s•s Basketballs-59:; to 2895 Foothalls-795 to Soccer Balls-695 to 3495 4 Square Balls PlaygrMd Balls Racquetballs & RlalUlts Handlmls & Gines Football Slllls Saccer Sllaes All Purpose Stiles . BasUtball Shoes 531 Ceater . . &46·1919 I /N DAIL V PtLOf •• .._. m&:w&T\J.S. f.a p1ocwwrsnmk: J.t75Salea ~ M..abUlion .,..,~ (Swift) $U 'bilhon General.Food• $4 b1U1on Beatrice Foods $.'UU•Ulion Borden $2.J bWlon Not bad for a eta~ maltei;. ~ AOW ~411lol away -from its dairy base~ brtn&inc.ouluch ite~lhait.atien ..mayoanaiae and imblion collay cheese, pr• a whinh substil~tablltell ror m1Jk,6alily cut~ta11f l1be lntl'wt ..... ':l'l9-6&ln'1fW!M WIDQld DOl do• tJl. Dow 'rakes Lass 14.,;aH~T~ • I • aJI OM.Y PtlOT !!"--· S!f!!'!'b!r Z2. 1'1'1 San Diego Bay ~lear After Navy, Glty Battle j_ SAN DIEOO (AP> -IAll tb&D U Jean "° a murt:y eeApOQl ol ....... ud deaU... Saa 06tlO llJ7.tod•1 • .... ....-.~ •• M•• for wildlife 11111Ulab ol al t.Jpte. ··n 11 the cJ...-t bay 1a a JP8b'Opolltau uea 1D lbe wwld, '' dalma Dr. J .B. A.UW. a~ public bealt.b offtdal wbo be1ped dtm ttup. "BEHOLD" FURMTURE POLISH 12 It SIU age Girls' solid color table . orlo. in m11r colers. $1Z(. 1111 ua atrictly co.trolled 4ump. iltl lato Uae ba1 1lnee the a.11tem waa formed ln lJQ. TOUdt repl.atlooa wen tnf~ by tfie harbor dbtrid. Mt a bi1 JM'ObM•'' for UM~ bay. U )'I Lad ID Delanej, 1upervi1ln1 eac..tneer for ttie Jtec*al Wal•r Q\l&lt.y OaDUtl loarcl. : "Itri~ to 1.t tM people oft Uai bc»tl, but I ne\'•r auccetded~'· Gl:'ITINO ALL 'l'U MODI• oft Wd Askew, who wu the boaN~I ancbored boata rtina(ne a ftmcbalrmao. • beadacb• but ''tbe -.nount of Tbe lmprovea\eat ht wa~r '".,. t.hat com• h'Om them ll CCIDd!Uou bu Mn soect.eulaf11 CREAMEITES MA~tt Bil.OD - LINATONE For Ooas and Cats. Food Supplement For Skin and Coat lot . 11 oz. 1.49 2.79 UQUI) "DRANO" DRAIN OPENER 32 OZ. SIZE 59c cumNG BOARD Slllk '11 Counter •.. MaOt Cl ot solid Polyolelln. Fits . . . 1l11ks mas.rin& 14" to • , • 21". 4 99 I 11288 WH • I :~ HUNT. •CH-Ad•• & •oetifNf.. ~ ... & ~FOUNTAIN VAUa--.-.ou· I w~ NEW..O"l' HACK-1'20 .,..,.., w ... ,, ,, ... t.Ait ... "" ...,... M•e.t It.., ,.,..Mm ftuldl.td M MMOUINTt "'WAY-Ml•eloft V1•~ ---1 -:. Lag11na/South ~oast EDITION ~OL 69, NO. 266, 6 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES . • ,\ftcrnoo11 N.Y. Stoek.4' TEN CENTS ~-:Arch Beach .Moratorium. Extended I I BJ JACK CRAl'PEIL ......... , ......... J AetlnC under emer1etse1 autbortt.7, UM La&un.a Beach City Com'Cll apPrOved a furtber bulld-liu moratorium ~ on re- atcleaUal coutnaetloa in~ .Beath HeJOtta. • Tbe ordinance extends a build· ,..,, prabibttion in the bllJt.op com- ~y which wu due to expire !today. 'lbo council actim was taken ; despite qaestlons ralsec! by Q>un. heights UJtless the slroclure ls cllman Juk McDowell over the bullt on two combined bulldi.ng Je1alit1 oftbe measure. sites, or unless a slnale building 1be urrency ordinance passed aite is surrounded by developed with the minimum -'·l vole -• property. McDowell votinc no-will be in .Building sites ln Arch Beach effect until Oct.14. Heights were laid out before the Tbe council's ad.im was sup. city incorporated the areL They ported by Boonie Xutz. most commonly are 2S by 100 Chairman of the Arch Beach feet, and are laid oot in a gnd Helcbta Associaµoo. pattern despite the steep and Tbe moratorium will prohibit rough topogtaphy of the area. am.st.ruction of new homes in lhe The combination has led lo t'Nlalion or very dftlSe develop- ment of homes coostruct.ed on still-like platforms. The moratonum wiU permit about 1S builders who bave hardship exemptions pend.inc to go ahud, eacepl oo builder can receive more than ooe exemp- tion, nor can be build lf the addi· t.ion of his home would allow con· struction of another house by sur- rounding a vacant property. The council directed lhe city · planning commission lo tm· mediately prepare and hold public heurlnas on land use re- gulations to implement sugaes· tions for easing the lmpact of de· velopmenl in the area. Those suuesllons are part or a $15,000 environmental impact re· port prepared for the city on Arch Beach Hei&hts. Amona the mitigation measures are development of a aervice road from Top of the World to Arch BeachHclahts I~ emcraency vehicles, provls od roc parks acquisition, devek>p. ment of a '?ne way st.reel system, and a pbased residential system.I Under a phased con.structiod program. only a set number of bome!I would be allowed to be bwlt each year. No set num~ has been determined yet-1 hQwever, previous suggesUooa have placed it at 12 bou.5e5 pet' (See ARCH, Page AZ> I lemente able TV Cut I ·SRentTgpe San Juan Bank :. Hit by B~ndit A San Ju1a Capistrano bank WfU robbed of an estimated $380 Tuesday by a silent bandit who abov~ a oole across the c:ounter but displayed no weapon, Orange County Sheriff's officers said. Deputies, who are working with FBI aaents in investigating the robbery al the Bank of America, ..aJ872 Camino Capistrano, said the ~r fled on foot after being Mndedlbecasb. ~nlr teller Julie Ann Bunker, z:t, of Dana Point. told officers the robber pused a note across the cowiler which made it dear that be wanted the eontenta ol ber cub drawer. Shalm"*9'ate-l1 complied with the demand Officers refused today to dlvu11e lbe contenta ~ the note. They aald tt otrared a cble to the idenUty of tbe budlt. lnve1tl1atora described tbe man as being about 21or29 years of a1e, about. ah foot three and Irvine Firm Stock Price Hotly Argued B1 TOK BAJa.EY Of .. 11.i..,,.... .... Lawyen for the California Al· i.ney General 'a ofllce and the fi;vl ne Coml)ilIY compared VlluaUom ot the ~Tues· dtr ln Orans• County Superior Coan and came Up .St.b a dlr· ~of SSJ mlltloa.. Jnlne Company executive Lanalq EberUn1 tstlJled dur· lftl a Marini into lmM beireu 1lan Irvine Smith'• challenge of a propoeed aal• to tbe Mobtt on 0Dmpa01 that the net worth of U. or1anluUon 1t about $329 ql!Uon. Deputy Attorney General Lawreoce Tapper~. He qoottd trom a llquldatlon aal1111 prepared bf bl.a omce earlier th1I )'ear ~nd pespd tM ~ value or Irvine boldlQP at ..,million. Tapper•• flsun would put the ~r abart value of Irvine stock at 114.75. !:berUn1'1 valuaUon br- IJlp lht per ahar• value down to IJt.18. ' ;.Both flrures are conslderabl1 lilltber than the $24 per share lll\IN r.praent«l by the M.obll off tr to pay $200 million for ll:Tine Company ab.ares held by • (9eeHEtaBSS,PaaeAZ) '!loor&aL FANS, :·m YOVR LUCK • i · ptptln Plelreroo '1' eontlnues rwtth a .econd week ol eom.Ptd· .._ ror priaes worth more than ~ - r Oranie Coast pl"GIDClsticatcn C \llp.ktn prowese bell rel! ctm tM oetcomes of 30 week~ cr\dlJ'aD ront.esta are awuded vmes lDeludln• • lu11 yur•a •emberablp at Nautilus "ewport., dinners for two at m I IA• Jleubeo'a or Moon.raker mt.avant or Metro Car Wuh sr,,te.1 carwaabet. i Dl&aill ucl an ...., tilat ap- da Monday, 1'Uelcla1 and the sPJIU PICel ol • Dalt1 Tu_nt to hit 83 , ~ ~a your faree ... tn1 : .. ~ P1(MiA Pkbroo. ... with brown hair. They sa1d he was wearing dark blue pants, a Navy blue windbreaker Jacltet and a white tennis cap. No Carter Regrets on 'Lust' Talk PLAT?olS. Ga. CAP) - Democratic presideolial nom1ftee Jimmy Carter said to- day he la not dismayed by reac· tlon to his statements that he has .. looked on a lot of women wilh Juat'' and .. committed adultery In my heart." He said be doesn't t.blnk i. has hurt his cameaien. . Carter responded to questions from reporters aa be got into his car after completing an early mominc inspect.ion of bis peanut procesaing operation. Asked whether be was dis. FORD-CARTER STANDS USTED-A7 rnayed by some of the reacUon to his statements, made to an In· terv1ewer from Playboy m~ulne, the candidate replied: 0; I don't want to bave.a,pre· IS coof erence this momlna • ' Q. "Do you feel you were mis- 1mder'ltood? '' A. "l haven't been bothered by Jt... • Q. ''Why dld you erant the In· tnvtew?'' A. ''Tbe aame reason I grant ;youooe ••• '' Q. "Are you sorry you il'8Jlled 1t?" A. "'No." Q. uDorou rerretlttt• A. .. No." Q. "Do you tblnk lt'• been mis· undent.ood t •• A. .. , don't think lt'a hurt In any way." Q. ·~ou don't think ll'• hurt at allT" A. "I don't believe so." But Carter said he did not want to conduct a news conleNnce on the matter without hi.I staff pre- 1ent. In the lntervtew, made pubUc lhlJ week, Carter said he would not attempt to tmpore b1a own re- u,iooa beflds on ot.hen. "ChrUt set some almoat Im· PoQlble standards foe us," be wd. edd1n& that to sin Is human and "God for&ives me fol' it." In one excerpt, Carter declared: "I've looked on a lot of women with lus t. 1 've committed adultery in my heart many llmes. This 11 aomethift3 that (See CAaTEat Pate AZ> Capistrano Man Fmds Car Stripped Burslan wbo wuilecl on the driveway at nt~t while' the car owner slept in bil nearby home In San Juan Caplltrano atrlpped the vehicle of wheels, tires, tapes and tape deck and a car rad.lo. · Orana• County s heriff's of· ncen said t.M t.bett wu ftPOl't«I by car owner Rlehard David Roclrl•uec. •: of 3206.S Via de AculJa. He VaJUtd the total ION al more than fl,000. H'laat a Fi11ish! Bob Gentry and Sally Peterson. both associate deans of students al UCI, make a valiant effort as they complete the round -the-park tricycle course Tuesday. Ad· ministrators. staff and a few students competed in the "olympic .. event. part of the ongoing orientation week at UCI (Related picture, Page 3 l. Saddleback College T_!gJitening Policy ~--~ ~ By WILLlAM SCllllEIBEa Ol-0.llY,. ... -Tigbt new attendance regula- tiOM have forced thousands of Saddleback Colleae Dtstricl stu· dents to seek special permJts to attend classes al two neighbor· ing college d111tr1ct campuses. AU but a s mall percentage of the penoil requests have been denied, according to Robert BOlanko, Soddleback'a dean or admlaaions and records. Tbe rlgld policy requires penolta for any student wishing to study In the Cout or Rancho Santiago Com mun1ty College Districts. Until lh1s tall, stu· dents laklng alx or fewer unllJ could cross the lines without permlulon. But on the other hand, the North Oranae County Commun!· ty College district's taclllUes are open to Saddlcback stutlents without permit requlNlmenta of any kind. Why the bit dJtrerence? "Seal taxes, that's what," said Bosanko. Saddleback's two neighbor dlstr1cts levy a $300 annual fee against the Mission Viejo dlatrlct ror each equivalent full time student at· tending their colleges. 'I.he north county district charges nothing. ln recent years, the seat tax· es have cosl Saddleback district taxpayers millions of dollars aMually. The touah new policy, which also Includes atrtcter euidellnes for determining when a permit request Is valid. was adopted by Saddleback trustees la.st apnng both to cut down on aelt tax costs and to 8tem the Ude of local students rush.Ing to other districts. Durtn1 thelr deliberations on the new rules, trustees aaid the CSee COLLEGE, Pase A%) JinlmyOops Twice Tol~ Tale Tallies FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -In a 1llp of t.be tongue, Democratic vice presidentiaJ candidate Walter F. Mondale momentarily appeared to have !ora-ouen his running mate's name. Speaking lO about 500 people who came down to the railroad tracks Tuesday to meet bis campaign train, Mon- dale said: "You're teUing me, you're telling America. you want that White Rouse once again occupied by a ~pies' president, this time D81.11ed J immy Ford.'' Reallzing his mistake Moo· dale grimaced, adding: "Jlmmy won't like that. Jimmy, I didn't MOlllDAu mean it. 1 didn't mean it. Let me try again. Jimmy Carter. There we go." Council R11ling Prompts Action By PHJLJP ROSMARIN Of OM D•lly l'ilot St•lf TM Communications Company cul cable television service to 7,000 San Clemente subscribers today. The termination of ser vice came within an hour of a post midnight City Council ref~al to suspend a provision of its con· traat with TM. ~he provision al· lows the city to confiscate all the eqwpmenl within the city 30 days after a television franchjse ex pires if not replaced with a new contra cl. TM'4 latest position in a conti· nulng feud with the city is that It must discontinue service and dis· mantle equipment to protect against possible future t"1ty seizure of that equipment. Last w~ek the council ap- proved a new contract with the cable company but gave a $1.25 a month rate hake and provisions for future automatic fee In· creases. Councilmen Thomas O'Keefe and Tony DiGiovannl were opposed to the contract. Mayor 8 . Patrick Lane voted for the rate hike but said ho agreed wi th the council minority. votina for the contract only to stave off cost or a lawswt. But Tuesday Lane Joined with O'Keef e and DiG1ovanni to enforce the confiscation pro· vision. The new franchise won't beef· feclive until Oct. 21. TM's old contract ran out Sunday. Councilman Bill Walker, who hammered out the new com· promise franchise provisions, bitterly char ged that Lane, O'Keefe and OiGiovanni con· tplred ~11 a1ongwtake over tmt cable operation while convincing TM executives that the council was negotiating in good faith Walker sa1d the council ma· jortty attempted to pull a "hoax" on TM. City haU switch boar~ and TM offices in San Clemente were flooded this morning with hun· dreds of calls from confused and irate cable s ubscribers Richard Youna. TM vice presi· dent, issued a statement lh1!l morning that company officials were "shocked :ind dismayed'' by t.he council action He stated that In addition to tho conflacation possib1Uly "the final straw" w111 a council decision to also malntaln a provision or its contract that would allow the city to collect 100 percent of TM re· venue accrued from Sept. 19, when the frnnchlse expired, to Oct . 21, the datt' th<' nl'w franchise ls effecllvr. "The council's action ... YounJt said, "forces TM to take out Its plant by Oct. 19 unless the City CounC'lt acts promptly to waive the two onerous provisiom they Jogger Sues In Dog Attack A man who claims two doas at• tacked hJm and -caused him ta bruk his left arm while he was Joainl on La1una Canyon Road hU JUed the aUe1ed ownen o( th~ animals for '60,000 In dama1es. Plalntlrf Arthur C. Smart names Mike and Pat Dwi&ht u dcfendana. In hls Orange CoUnty Superior Court lawsuit and charges them with nmpomiblUty for the a1Je1ed attadt on him Jut Dec.I.• Re claims that hewu attacked by iM docs 11 h• .tocged in th vicinity of 21312 Lapna CanyOt\ dt9ad- ure threlt'ning the company pro. pert1e~ and revenue with." YounA stated that while tho comp11ny was "hopeful" it could restore s ervice 1t 1s not ·'hopeful" that the council "will ullowlt." Young sa1C.: lhe company baa alrud>· dissembled bead-In cqwpment. electrorucs gear that processes television signals thu TM antennas bring j.n. lie said unles~ the council c~ (See CABLE, PaKeA2) SPECIAL MEET ET ON CABLE The San Clemente City Council has called for a . special meeting for J p m. Thursday at the c1v1c center to try lo resolve the cable television conflict. Supervi:sors Ask Study of Hidden Rocks A troublesome ocean rock otr Capistrano Beach promple4 county supervisors to call Tues- day for a study or all orrsbore rocks between the San Clemente pier and Dana Point Harbor. The usually submerged roe~ otr 35083 Beach Road, first came to supervisors' attention a montll a&o· Al lbe lime, they agreed ta urge boaters lo f6llow navtg .. tional charts. which list the roe~ and to stay far from shore. But at the time. county o(· ficials bad told them the rock was only 30 yards offshore. They learned Tuesday it is 300 yarda orfshore. And San Clemente City Coun..• cllman Tom O'Keere. a membet' of the county Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission. asked that the rock be mark<.'<l with a sign lo warn boaters of potential hazards. O'Keefe said the rock is on • direct line with lhc moin en· trance to Dana Point Harbor an~ could cauae a serious accident. Supervisor Tom Riley said he wna told It never has causl'd ntl accident, ond he said It may ba. just ono of many rocks In lho urea. <See BOCK, Peg~ A.2) Weather Low morning clouds con· linue to linger with moeUy fair skies Thur•day alttt· noon. Hl&hs in the low709. INSIDE TODA V Somt •c~tl1t1 ,end m.lln- tlon tZJHrf• .ere optfnu•hc niough to cloim that ogr.ng con octuall11 be prtwntcd through f1'0Pt'f ditt. ~t Page Cl. Index: M •• CH 11-4 All ... .. ... , '" M • • ·42 D-"L y flllLOT' L/SC Wldoeed.y. September n . 1'18 ~ABLE ••• ·~~ IDMUQ wWdo U..nod ew daya to resclod the confisca. tloo prov&alon.s, the enure TM •r•Uon wdl bt cleued lrom .tbtcJty. .• ,'Councllman Walbr utd that ~'butd mun subscnbtra would be 1111\hout adequate t~evlslon i~epUoo tor sut months or mont. • ", YOW\C aaid TN attomeya are ~ti>&rinl Je1a1 ortion a.1atnst itu~ council. 'Tm Cfl't.aln ll will ~"P ln court," heaaid. 'Jie called the eouncll movo ~·apecloua." He uJd, "What tood'• an ordinance wbeo they're lf'tlJng ready to coo- fisc:ete your property, wtthout compenaatlon? • • lit tlld be aaked tho OOWKU tbat Tuuday and "they amllect..•• Youns added that "I guesa we'll find out bow bad thti people in San Clemente want cable televllllM," Ka.rollne Koetter, a local com· munlty leader <ind one of the of- f.ended cable customers who faced a fuzzy televilioo aet thia Jl>Oll\lng, said abe 1'<)UJd meet with Lane today to demand a special council session. Councilman Walker lambasted Lane, O'Keefe and DiGiovanni for what be inferred was bebtod- ibe-scenes doubledealing. .. It baa become very obvloua. •• he aald, "lbat three councilmen have been doiot private negoUa- tion1 among themselves, to whjch Councilwoman Donna Wilk.inson and myself were not privy." Tbat same charge was leveled lat week at Mra. Willdmon and Walker, who met privately with TM executives last Monday to W.cuss contract detath before last Wednesday's cOWJctl meeet· ing. MayoT L ane said today that Walker's charges that he con- spired with two other councilmen to wrest the cable operation from TM were untrue. •·1rs not unusual," he said, •'that (Walker) would not !mow what he is talking about." Other councilmen were not available for cornmenl · Cable televis ion rate hikes have been bitterly debated in San Clemente over lhe past several years. TM went to court in 1973 and again in 1974 lo secure rate bikes, and lost. ,..,rona Page Al COLLEGE •• desjre on the part of locAl stu- d ents to go elsewhere might h ave been vahd because or scanty offerin&a at the Mission Viejo school. But now, \bey aa1d, such reasoning Is no longer valid. . That stance h as caused 1ome headaches al the neighbor dis· tric~. ' Dr Robert Moore. dean of in- :i; tr uc t 10 n at Or ange Coast College, said scores of Sad- d~back students h ave been turned away this year-many more than in the past l:>euuse of the elirnlnated ''she unit ~le." "This has certainly mconn- ntenced a Jot of people from Saddleback and we have to be s tuck in the role of the bad guy iellin1 them they can't come here without a permit -and those are apparently quite hard fo come by." M oore said. ·Bosa nko co nced e d that Permlta are indeed harder lo ~ thts-yeaT ttran eve?' befOre. No consideration -excepl in t'DSH of extreme hardship -Is g\v(ln to transportation dlr- ficultles. location or campus versu• residence or place or t'mployment. con met with pel'flonal schedule. adult educ&&· :ton or recreation programs. ln s hort, being denied o permit al Saddleback Is almoat WI much u rertainty u death and tues, according to rollege ofnt'lals. . RMonko salrl he i11 11ure there would be no more problems rr Co Ml ""ct R nncho Santl111to wnlvo their seflt tax rcquJre· mtnl". O R AHO• COA$T DAILY PILOT .. Siatau (,/JM) DSTReigrut Annexation Snag WASRINGTON CAP> -JpHd·up proctdwu to P•H a bill exttndinf D•J'll1bt l~vi.111 Tim• UV9 bet.a Hjed.ed brtba ~J vbtNU7..,~ tbat tne meuure ·ww not Sewer Fee Fight May D el ay Trans/ er ·be tAacted thl• year. 'n1e bill would have Id the bell.nnlng date f'K DST as the third Sunday of March and the ending date as tho thlrd Sunday of Oc- tober. be&inntn1 in 1911. Under eldatln1 law, tho country la on DST from the 1ut &today lo April to lho tut Sunday ln October. Wl\b few mtmbcn on the noor. lbe ffouae voted 11 to 10 Tuuday ror 1u.·· pend.inr lbe rules and pas.1- 11\1 the bill. But the 1us- ,pen1lon procedure ro• quires lwo·Lblt"dl. Plau to IQDG 8-tOO IC,_ at Jntae ~outal property to Newport Beacb'a snw dlll.rict bit a 1na1 T\lnday over ~ment ol anneuUoo fees. The annexaUoo, apeed to In principle Tuesday ntabt by direc· l01' of Oranae County Sanih1tion I>a1trkt 5, calla for the lrvino ComplJb', aa owner ol the Pl'O- pert y, to pay the distric t $2,13$,000 wllhin 90 ~ of an- nexation. That money 111 based oo a $1,394 per a cre aonellatlon fee for th 1,.535 acres lhat have been idcm- Ufled for development. 'lbe dispute centtrs ordhe re~ malnlng 1,907 acrea lbat have been set Hlde for open space. District. officials want to ~rite a provision Joto ~hool Incid ent Pai-i: Beat, Stomp Milk Truck Driver Two assailants stomped and severely beat a driver as be was dellvenng milk to a Huntiqton Beach elementary scQoo1 earJy today. P olice uld tha t Wlllfam ManbaJJ, 23, or Sant.a Ana, suf- fered fractured ribs and other serious injuries when be arrived at Meadowview School at ~702 Clark Drive in the northern part of the city. · Set. David Mille r said Marshall was jumped on the school grounds and was badly mauled with both ft.st.s and feet. He was taken to HunUnaton ln· t ercommunity Hospital with, "quite serious" Injuries. A hosp •• .ll official said today that Marsh all was resting com- fortably and that tests were scheduled later in tbeday. Miller said that Manhall, a driver for Cat.Va Dairy in Santa Ana, was attacked at !!bout 2: 15 a.m. Milter said police believe that the two assailants took the key lo the school's mulli·purpose room when lt felJ out of Marshall's pocket during tile heal.in&. HEIRESS ••• tbe Jamea Irvine FowidaUon. tlloae shares represent a 54.5 percent controlling interest io the Jrvlne Company. Understate law, the foundation must divest itself of those shares. Judge James F. Judie 11 being asked in what is expected lo be a 1lx·week b earing to ma ke permanent a tempor~ injunc- tion aeainst a Mobil deal already accepted by foundation trustees. Mrs. Smith contends that the $200 million figure is too low and that the sale would be unfair to h e r an d other minority s tockholders .. Tapper and Eberling aareed. however, that it would take several years to bring about li- quidaUon of the 1iiant company's many auel:s even ll such a sale were to be accepted by the Irvine. board. Fiery Crash Leaves One Man I njured A car and van collided in front of t•lll N. El Camino Real In San Clemente at 2 a.m. today and bolb HPlodcd in flame. PoUco were unable to provfdo details, but said only ooe man was injured. Firemen found Stephen E. Caldwell, 23, of 3U22Str.etofthe Amber Lantern, Dana Polnt, 1snwJed in the street about. 20 nrdllrom the wr«kUe. • 'He wH treated for 'numel"OOI b~ cull and transported to Sen Clemente General He>11pltat. _....... today be waa reported 1n falr~Uon. Caute of the accident ls under lnve1th1atlon. f'ro• Pflfle Al ARCH ••• ,...,.. Tb• City Council Ol'dered a publlc bearint for Oct. u to coo· alder either extension of th• moratorium, OT enactment or \he planning commission recom· m91datlons. Councilman Vcl>owetl'a op. poeitloa to lhe proposal wH ~ QOt. IO qilleb °'1 tM COO• tent end ertect ot the action. kt oa •hat be felt ere te-cal re- 41u.irement1 for formal pqbUc beartAC• in adul:ICO ol U.. ac· Uon • The investigator said be didn't know if the two men were casing the school fo r a burglary and were surprised by Marshall or 1£ they were lying in wall for him to obtain the key. Officers said there was no ln- dication that the school had been broken into or that anything bad been stolen. Police are wailing for Marshall to reeover from lhe shock or his beatin1 before questioning him further to gain leads on the two attacker•. Marshall t old officers that he thought be reco1niud the two men who were seen han&lnC around another achool alte. CARTER ••• God recognizes I will do -and I have done lt -and Gild for&tves me for it. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone wbo not only look.I on a woman witb lust, bul who leaves bia wife and aback.I up with somebody ou.t of wedlock. "Chriat says don't consider yoursell better than aomeono else because one l\G' screws a whole bunch of women while the other IUf. la loyal lo hi.I wife. The SUY who • loyal to bis wife OUlht. not to be condeac4!nc:thit or proud betau.e of the relative degreef(>f sinfulness." · The candidate's statements brought mixed reactions. -His wire, Rosalynn. said in New York they caused ber no anxiety aboulhis fidellt.y. "I trust him completely. rve never had to worry about that at all," she said. . -Dr. Harry N. Rollis Jr., a de- nominational authority on social ethics, said in Nashville that Carter's statements on morality accurately reflect Southern Bap.. list teachings. But Hollis, a staff mber or the Chnstian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Conference, said he ''wouldn't have used the same language ... -Dr . W.A. Criswell, pastor of the 20.000·mem ber First Baptist C hurch of Dallas, Tex., declared: "lam h1&hly offended by this. I think he 'a mixed up In bis moral valueR, and I think the en· · Ure church membership will reel theaameway." -Dr. Jerry Vines. pastor of the Dauphin Way Baptist Church l.n Mobile, Ala., and a former pre- sident of the pastors' conference of tho Southern Baptist Conven- taon. said: "This appean to be another instance of Carter ac- commodatin& himself to bia au- .die.nee. Trial Slated On Clemente . Beating Raps A municipal court jury trial has been aet for OcL 20 fOlt a San Clemente man on mlademunor charges retaUn• to accusations he beat hf• wife and atep· daughter. Ronald Melville Rlcketll,13,ot 483 Avenida Santa Barbara, was arrested after hlt wife, Sharon, complained to police that be bad periodically beaten her and her &-year-old dau1bter by a pre- vious marriat•• over a.pvlod of 1everal mol>tl\a. Originally betd on 15.000 ball. Rickett.a has been released by tho south county municipal court on his own l'tcogniaance. Police aaJct Mrt. BJettttt bad several l1r1• bruises on bet arm , back, a hlp and lee and was ceylnf and trembllna at tbe time abe made her dw'la. She clahatd ab• •• IOIUd t4t .end a aon t. live wttll Oktilll&aia Qty. Okla., relaUftll bettme ol repeated bu.Unp bel'llQllvtd. UM aa.oua\Jcm .,rttment tb.at &QI~ Irvine Compal\)' will pay anneaaUon fees foe-that open 1paeo U a.ny o~r iovenune.ntal •aency. such o& the at.ate .. ac- qwres It. Gordon Jone•. an Irvine Com- pany repr~1cntaUve. ruiked an- atead that the provision be dropped from tho a~ment. He su11eated the district phm on coJ. lectlna fees when lhe new proper- ty owner develops aomt!lh.lntr auch aa a campground that would. require 1ewer aervice. .. You could collttt before hook- ing them up," he suagested. Tom Woodruff, the sanitation dlalnct'a attorney, pointed out that the provfslon was included in the agreement because of pro- blems the combined Oran1e County sanitation dlatricts had in collecting fees when Bolsa Chica marsh was acquired by the state. ..Jt took three years ana threats of lawsuits to get a lousy f,60,000 from the state," he said. .. In this re1ard we consider the Irvine Company a better credit risk becauae we know wbero to ftndthem." Both Woodruff and Jones stressed that there isn't any dl.s- agreementover tbe $2.lmillioo. .million. That arrangement works to the advantage of both the company and the aanltallon dJ•lrlct because it allows, the compa.D.J to pay it.s fees now. lnatead ol int.be future whctn developm~ot actual· l)' ~curs and tho r .. m~ bava doubled. lt 1ervea the dlstrict•s lnterest In p.rovidln1 cash for tho opcut- ln& budar~t. Woodruff noted that. wbUe thu dlst.rtct wlU UH the fnOIMY for CWTtnt operation•. it Lt at.Ill re- quired to see to lt tbcl't'I ant sewer trunk lines ln11tl&lltd at. tho Ume o! development ln tM coutal property. Jones says It'• tho questloa of cost. that affects the coropaQ'is sland()n open space. "By requiring payment of an annexauon fee up front at tho time we nansfer title to another government al agency, you will be raislng the price ol tbe land by at least Sl,400 per acre. I\ may be no qency is 4otnc to be wi.l.llll& lo buy it," be said. 1n spite or the disagreement, direct.on Ray Williams and Don Mcinnis agreed to the annexa· tioo m principle in order to s tart the a nnexation proceedings throu,b tbe ('Ounty's Local ,\gen· tf ll'ormaUon CommiHion. Supervisor Thomas RU@, the third eao.it.atlon <Usttlct director was not present. Williams and Mcinnis asked Jones and sanitation diatrict stafJ members to study the problem clause a nd report back for ratUication of the actual &gree-meJ:rt Oct. 13. Laguna ·Greenbelt Rezoning Bid Fails The first major houalnf de- velopment in the J.aiuna Green· belt Called to muster a io-ahead from Orance Cowit.y auperviaora ~ently. F ro•PageAl ROCK ••• At bis 1uggeaUon, superv\son agreed to have the 1berllf'1 harbor patrol deputies conduct a study in the area and report to the Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission withln«>days. Instead, rezoning ot the 192 acrea of land south ol El Toro Road a.od east of Laguna Canyon Road, waa continued until March. Then, the t...1una Grffft· belt study may be complete and county officials hope to have more information oo traffic ac- cess and aanltat1on facilities. F . E. DeWitt Inc. had proposed bwtding 132 homes on 38 or the 19'l acres. leaving l3S acres as open space and 10 acres 11 parks. The Oran11e County Plannin~ Commission had voted 4·1 earlier' lo recommend re1ooing the land, w ith Commission Cbairsnaa Shirley Grindle opposed. . ... AUOT01S PIANCl:I? Kathleen SuWvan Alioto, 59, Will We d Woman, 31 B OSTON (AP) -Bostoa School C om mlttee woman Kathleen Sullivan and former San Francisco Mayor J~epb L. Alioto plan to many when bis divorce becomes final, it was re-- ported today. The Boston Globe, la~~ the marriage plans, 1.:id Ni.as Sullivan would not confirm ibem Tuesday. "My private Ule ls private:• the oewapaper reported bu lay· • Ulg. It said Miss Sullivan, 11. and Alioto, 59, met la.at April when she attended the annual metUDg or the National AaoclaUon of School Boards rn San Francisco. She is the daughter or William SuUivan, president and ~orlty at.ock.holder of the New ~land Patriot.I of tbe N alional FoOtball League. Alioto ls a wealthy an• titruat lawyer. Mias Sullivan was • apeclal education teacher ln Boaton before she w aa eJectA9d to Ute School Committee. Sbelaaervinl her second t.erm. County official.I e.,ller bad considered blowln' up the rock but learned permit.I tor doinl' so probably couJd not be obtained. They alto aahd the Coast Guard to buoy the rock, but were turned down when Coast Guard olficials sa.ld the roclt was ju.at one of many along the coast.. Supervisor Thornaa Riley 1iajd the developer didn't plan to build soon anyway. He suggested, in- stead, that rezoning be delayed unUl important access and other questions are resolved. But John C hapman ot the Center for Planning Research. representing the developer, sajd the zoning would conform wilh the aeneral plan. Alloto•a wife. An1elln•• dropped out of alahtfn Ji'et..-uary. 1W74, returning to aay she bad vis- ited California miaalons In a ''desperate attempt to ae<:ure some meaaure of personal privacy." She filed I or a dJVOfte, tor a ' second time, Jn CalilomJa 1 .. t January. She la reported lo beO\Jt of tha country, but the Globe re- ported her la wyer'a office Hid no dates ·for conferences 1n court' had been set. L>ot Recovered SAN DIEGO CAP) -An arm) of 120 law enforcemenl officers swept t hrough southeast San Diego Tuesday, recovering sss.ooo property stolen in 90 thefts and arresting '° persons. foUowing months or undercover work. He clalmed the r eason housing coet.s are soaring is a shortage of land. And he asked that the re· zoning be approved to remove uncertainty In the area. James Dilley. president o! the Laguna Greenbelt Inc., and Laguna Beach Planning Dlrector Doug Schmitz opposed the reron· Ing W~esday. Charges D r opped SANTA MONICA CAP) - Murder ch ar ges have been dlt· missed on ground• or insufficient e vidence against Chlca~oab Robe rt Lother and form~r bartender Anthony Bonelli.no tn the sJayinf of restal41'ant owner Herbert Chance, 56, his wife, Virginia, and Delores Wat.son, 42, a cocktail wai\reas. Lynn Hart HART'S John Hart SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST.• COSTA MESA• 646-1919 BACK TO SCHOOL Mens Tennis'Shorts-515 to 151s Mens Tennis Slti~so to 120~ · Mens Tennis Shoes-11'5 t1 241s· ladies Tennis Shorts-1195 &: 12•s I ' T ennls Balls Penn Practice Balls-3/111 Dunlop Seconds-311'1 Penn Extra Duty-3/l25 W11san Extra Duty-3/235 Dunlap Extra Duty-3/2s0 warm up Smts 1315 to 3915 Sweat .Dirts & Pats-4'G _ Htlded & Zippnl Swot s.f~so Hooded Acrylc Jacbts-15's V-H1ci tq Sleeve ~ ·swatn--i's Ope1 I ti I Cmed Sllllly · ladies Tennis Dresses ladles Tennis Shoes-1015 to 2i•s Basketballs--595 to 2815 Faottlalls-796 ta Soccer Balls--815 ta 3415 4 ••Balls Playpnl lalls Racquetballs & Racquets Handlllls & Ctms Football ·SMes Saccer Sllols All Pllpose Sllees BaQltblllSllllS 146-1119 .. • • , Wednesday Soptemt>er 22 1978 DAIL y PILOT AS Witnesses Lash Nursing Homes SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tti. cbalrmu of a 1obD Brooks, • 64-year-old San Fruclsco reai· ROBERT GERST, A NUBSING home industry stale commlssion probing llcensine ol Californla deat wt.ole wife was ln a nuni.01 home be.for. ber spokesman, said there bad been maJor chances ln nunin1 homes H)'11 pictures or some patleota Jook death from cancer, also pve a sUncinl indictment nunln1 home re&WaUons in the lalll year with like people he saw at the AUKbwit.a cooceotratloo ol nunlfta bomea at tbe beariJll. ''much mote entorcemeot." camp Department olflcla1s testified they were work· Nathan Sbapell. a Poll.ab Jew who was In· IN A SLOW, HALTING voice, the short, black Inc t.o up1rade the caliber of tnllpect1ons at the 1,200 carcerated at the German conc~tration camp, man said. "Nursina homes do not have a human state-licensed nursing home facthUes in California. made the comment at a burin1 by t.be Commission feelin1 ror no one. 'Ibey only have a human reellnt Present law mandates that state lnvestlaators on Callforrua State Go~mment Or18D.l1atioo and wbentheybeartboeocuhreliltenrtng." lnapect nuraln& hom~ once a year. but state ot· Economy. Repeatedly, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. '1 flclala aald they wanted to do six to elant ch•c:U • AT THE REARJNG, several ex-paUenta and pa. alr~ady-beleaauered &tale Department of Health yeu 1tartln1 by next July 1. Ueots' relatives \Old ol urine bums, bed tores, rouab: came under attack al the bearinC about the quality ALL THIS TKSTIMONY was not enough to aa· bandUnc and other results of poor quality care in ol federal-atate nw-slna home lnapectlollS and aure some mem bers o/ lhe l'ommisb1on, known as DW'ILnl homes. Ucenaln1. the "Utlle Hoover'' Comml~1on Sbapell, a Beverly Hllls bwlding contractor. Brown'• director ot the Department ot Health, Robert De Monte. 11 commission member rrom 1ald m clipped tones at the close ot tbe beartn1, "We Jerome Lackner, responded in hl1 teslimooy t.hal Piedmoot, told Lackner he thought the Brown ad· saw some pkturu here lhal I have not seen 11nce be didn't deny Lbat t.be department "bad a Iona way mlnistration m lg ht be "over before you ure ready to Auscbwtll, and I am a eraduate ot Auschwitz." to 10." start directing the Department of Health " SWAT Closes In ~oke poured from the house whete Los ~eles SW AT team members surrounded Stei>hen Coats, 22, (above> and another youth S a couple they'd held hostage escaped. n the pair were alone in the house. SWAT mbers poured in rounds of tear gas. driv· jrig the two outside and setting the house ltrt>laze. More than 75 percent of the house burned before the fire was extinguished. The incident was reportedly a simple burglary wruclt escalated along w1th poliee responses. Police Reopening Overdose Case ' TORRANCE (AP) -Police have reopened tfteir lnvesUgallon ol the drug overdose death or child star Mary Arussa Jones after arre.,ting a physician who had treated her on charges or dlS· perusing drugs without prescriptions. , Police Lt. Robert Armstrong said Dr Don Carlos Moshos. 65, of Torrance, was arrested on a district attorney's complatnt charging him with 11 .ount.s of illegally dispensmg drugs. He was freed ce ~.000 bond. .i Miss Jones. 18. appeared as Buffy in the television series "Family Arfaar," which starred Brian Keith. She was found dead of an apparent drug overdose Aug. 28 in the bedroom or a friend's oceanside apartment. -- Nobodyi made sewing machines lonpr than Singu. Nobody makes them betttr. And right now Sin~r sale machines in C"Vtry store are available at turific prices. =S9995 SAVES30 OFF REG. PR.ICE ON nus SINGER ZIG·ZMi SEWING MACHINE. Drivers OK.RTD Contract LOS ANGELES <AP) -Bu.s drivers have vot· ed to accept a new con- tract with the Rapid Tranail District, but talb between stnlung mechanic· maintenance workers and the RTD have broken off without a settlement. State Conciliator Thomas McCarthy will try to get the talks going again oo Thursday, said RTD spokesman Pat Barry. He added there is no immediate word on whether the talks have shown any progress. The main issue is wages. Meanwhile. a d.tspute remains regarding ex- actly what the new con· tract means to drivers. since both sides have claimed victory m the month-long dispute AS THE STRIKE moved into its 32nd day today, drivers over· wbelrrungly approved a new three-year contract ~tuch the RTD said gave dnvers about a 19 4 per· cent increase in wages and rnnge benefits. However. union of· ficials told their dnvers before their rat1fication vote that the new con· tract would provide them with 21 percent more in fringe benefits and wages. NOW ONLY $199 95 SAVESIOO SAVES80 OFF REG. PRICE AND GET TIIESE CONVENIENT SINGER FEAnJRES. OFF RF.G. PRICE ON DIE \WllLD'S ONLY SEWING MACHINE Wini AN ELECTRONIC BRAIN. mlENA.2000 MACHINE. Our Modd 534 STYLIST• MAClllNI::. hu a .I . . ~ A 1T11racle at iny rnce. But now 11'1 SIOO les.s. It has an tl<'ctmnic brain that kt1 )OU Jo aln1<nl anytlvn& at ~~ ' :/ the touch or 3 ,;' button. It sews 25 different stitches auto· mallcaUy and nen cornputu buttonhole sizes by 11self. M&Kts lfwittt truly an IJt, not a chore. Made Ln U.S.A. Canyina cue or cabinet extra.. free arm for lt'Wl~ ln·lhr· round, Ouiblc atrttdM.htches lor knit and ,!retch f:tbnc 't'wing and J hullt·m bullonholrr • Cmying cate or cabinet ut ra SINGER TAKES TRADE·INS Bring in your old machine and we 11 give you another gentrous chunk off the sale price of a new mxhine. We can g.1vc you more on an old Sanger machine. but well laknlmost any left'ltlg machl.ne you'tie eot. 111EWORID'S BIGGEST SEWING MACHINE SALE! = =::SINGER=~~~ :.,::: "c.....,._c-.-,_, tatt.&-C.. ................. --II• W.tl•>&llll•••llt>I' ... -.1011l4\f.. .._c.iii---rm ac.. ................ .,.... lleJWI,..___ OM* • A~ of T)IE SINGER COWANV ~~~~~~~~~~~::.;...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___:;;._~......:..~~~~~~~~~~ .. "One stop sportswear dressing ·js my credo. I pull together total looks yet every piece works on its own as well. In this collection? More classics. Great colors. I'll show you everything when we get together this week." ~I• That's Don Sayres talking, the designer hand behind Gamut. He breezes into South Coast Plaza Thursday with his new-new things. See them all modoled informally from 11 :00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Sketched, menswear turned to feminine advantage. Navy blazer and grey pants. Wool flannels set off by a navy I green plaid shirt will'l White collar, white cuffs. In sizes 6 to 14, $200 Fashion Gallery Coats and Suits Bullock's South Coast Plaza, San Diego Freeway at Bristol, Costa Mesa, Phone )%·0611 .. _ At D AILY PILOT E D ITO RIAL PllGE Changing the Rules Tb re'• more than one WI:/ to 1kiD a feline and lbere'a more than one way to circumvent lAJuna Beach cJty Jews desJO>ed to protect th~ latecrity and autonomy of ill planriln1 and design review panell. Just uk the Le.Jun• Beach City Council. At issue ls a requirement for a four-rutha vote o( t.M council to ovtrtum decisions made by the pl.to· ning commission and dtsiitl review board, a require· mentdeslgned to protect the Plannlni bodles from the eddies or political currents. But up came an appeal on a home graded Into a hill. ~cMuse they liked the project, Mayor Phyllis Sweeney and Councilmen C1trl Johnson and J ac:k McDowell merely used their 3-2 majority to rewrite the "rules under which the design review board con· sidered and denied the project in the first place. That the three council members did this after all the citizens opposing the project had left the baJJ beUeving they had prevailed ls all the more reprehensible. The council mu.st play by tbe rules, not change them when they get in the way, or forfeit public con- fidence. . Move Mishandled The San Clemente City Councll lacked sensitivity when it advertised for bids from private industry on parks maintenance work without some consideration for city workers who oow handle those chores. Instead, the council callously called for bids, without explanation, leaving city crews to wonder about their fate alone. Understandably, morale in that rlepartment is low. Ill feeling has spread lo other departments and. for the first time ever, the city employes' assotialion is meetin1 wltb u.ruon representallves -obVlousty a reaction to lhe council move. CouncH members should have offered some job assurance to employes. The workers could have been •bsof'bed intn other departments where possible, or a hiring ftttz.e ml&ht hav~ been proposed until surplus workers were whittled t.hrouah attrition. Employer-employe loyalty goe1 both ways. lma11ne the city's ruchon lf evuy slnale park worker !Suddenly quit sjmuJtaneously -without warning. New Dress Code? Street of the Golden Lantern in Dana Point has in recent weeks been a bad place to drive, walk, ride or even get across. The county roads department tore ~P the entire street about a month ago lo install storm drams and widen the road, which is the major access to Dana Hills High School. Not many persons will dispute that the job needed dolng. But did it need to be right at the time school was reopening? School buses have been running late. parents and student drivers cursing to negotiate the holes and ruts, and students walking lo school dodging dirt and rocks kicked up from under spinning tires. The county blames the coastal commission for de· laying permits. The work, officials say. was planned for June. But we wonder why the county. with its previous experience dealing witb the commission, didn't plan further ahead. Dana Hills may be the first school around to adopt hard bats as part of its dress code. Dawn in South Africu L/SC We're All A L ittle Eccentric Dear Gloomy Gus S-.·lt ools Not Geffin g S p ecial Tax Does State Owe Us a Refund? ( SYDNEY HARRIS) Speaking or paranoid behaVlor, a.s I wu the other day, 1t·~ worth kee9ing an mmd that all of us are a little of(.focus in some way or another. The occupant or the adjoining cell to mine, Bill Mauldin, the cartoonist. rushed back the olher day lo test the door of his office. 'Tm never sure I locked it,·· he explained. ''and I always think I've left the gas on in the s tove at hom e " I smi l ed un · derstanding· \y, as a man who practices his own small msamt1es When I drop important letters down a mail chute, J a lways give the receptacle an extra bang or two. for fear that a letter might be left in the chute and never delivered. thereby calling down bill collectors or the I RS on my Innocent head I AM ALSO a nut aoout clean • cutlery and gla sses 1n restaurant!!, absolutely refusing to use any utensil bearing the slightest sign or soil . yet 1 Wlll nonchalantly pick up o peanut or a p1tte of c and)' that bas dropped to the noor llnd pop ll 10 my mouth. ll'lconsistC!nt. huh., Half the lime, on a lonR motor trlp, I -mell "so meth1na buntlna" 1n the en1i1ne, and stop to un the hood for an lnspc:cllon NothJn1 is burning, of C'ourse, except that small hole In my head. For years !f am ashomf'd lo tell you how old I wrui before I got over it) I Just "couldn't" swallow a plll even the al&e ol an a11p1nn. but would mash it fmely And di11olve It In a &1Asa of water. Then 1omeone toaually News •tor)' on ffeant case says William ud EdliJ.1 Harrh were 1eotencecl to from 11 years to life ''In Loe Angelea." Boy, what a terrtblefate! c.v. o ..... , G"' ._,,., ... •··--w ..... " ffd ..... M< ..... 11, ,.. ....... Vi••• 91 l~f .,..,,.,.,... ,,. ... -"'4 -·• •• 01oomr G••. D•lly ~, ... mentioned to me that I swallowed chunks of meat far Jareer than any pill without ever thinking of it, and from that day on r never had any trouble taking pills. (By that lime, I was a full g r own man with an unjustified reputaUon for lo&icaJ thinking.) MOST OF US are filled to the brim with absurd and irratiooaJ habits or 1diosyncr1cies whJch are just barely tbts side of nuttiness. And it makes little d1rterence how much "reason" we display in the larcer areas of life; psychiatrists who are professionally aware of these aberrations have t~tr own little pet ansanilies. at any ol their wav es or children would be w1lhng to tell you. Phobias and manJas, in their milder form•, affijct nurly all people. Some of the mos t eminent md dtstinlU1shed ~en and women in the country "cannot" ny In an ain>lane for fear of crashing; yet every day they drive in autot lhat are many times more danaerous. Reality, tacts, stalistlc1, have nothlne to do with their rear. Which has unconscious roou. The lmaglnaUon ol man la far more powerful <because more ancient) than hi• rallonal raculUes. We are all. Lo some dearee, the captives ol primlUve ma11c -and the cruieat people of all are those who lmatine that they are totally loglul and utterly reasonable. For 1uch lnsanlty, there ia no remedy ..vhatevcr. To the Editor. Property tax payers are aware that due to the increased evalua- tion lbelr taxes are goina up tremendously. Howtver, ln order to reduce these taxes U must be understood where this tax money is foini. The largest portlOo of the tax blll coe• lo schools. and yet the schools are unable to re· duce taxes because it ls the com- bination of the atat.e sales tax and the property tax money that finance the operation of the sehooll. If the local property tax money received by the school districts ls increased, then the amount of s tate money received ls decreased proportionately. The portion ot aales t.u money which wu to be u.aed for scbOoll will now 10 lnto the general hmd Lo belp balance the state budcet. nu: AMOUNT of money that Huntiniton Beach and Fount.in Valley will not receive rrom the state is in the mHUoos ol dollars. lmaeme how mucb money this is statewide. Four years aco the sales lax was increased 1 percent in order lo reduce the property tax. If lhe state is not 1oing to give this money to the school districts because oC increa$ed local pro- perty tax, should not U\is 1 per· cent sales tax be given back Lo the people, rather than allowing the slate to use it for other PUf.POSU ? Should this not become a very fmportant~to be t.horouahly lnvesti1at.ed? HARRIET 8. LINN '"oc ·Kook•• Tolhe Editor The issues confronting today's world and our nation h ave become so numerous and ill· tricate, that study groups, com· mltleea, boards, etc. are becom· inl more prevalent among our govemlns bodies. Rapid chanite taking place throughout the un· iverse, and various new elemenL'I and influences, lnt.etlocking and meralng Into each probJem. ls the basla for the compllullons. ( MAILBOX ) Ld1er1 /rom rtadtri ON! ~lcomt Tu nght to condtn•t lllttr• to flt lpoct or thm1nolt hbtl l.t rtat'r'Wd !Atler1 of JOO word.I or ltu Will be ~ pre/ertnct .4ll lt1ttr1 must m· cblcU 6ilf'IOJurt ond mmhng addrt11 bMt namu moy bt withheld on rt· quest if '11/ficitnt rtoson is opparml ~rv wiU not bt pubhahed Amon& the newer iss ues challenging this planet and de· mandlng solution Is that of the ~vi.ronmeot. When this issue is eiven priority over the universe's other transactions humanity may collle out or the tailspin. For environment Involves beln1 able to function, to exist, and ll concerns everything that is still alive. AMID THOSE who have· been alert to this all Important issue are the enviroomenlalists who strive to educate and warn this nation and the world of possible oncoming self destruction. They are, fr equently, called "alarmists" or "Doorruiday1sts" or alluded to as "kooks" or "ecofreaks" by those who will not , or cannot, accept the necessity of conserving our re maining resources and who ig· nore pollution and what it has already done to the air and water They seem unaware Lhat it has been suggested that the homo '°' pum should be Included on the various. Jlsts of endangered species. Therearealsoamongthe homo .aptnu citizens who have become com putcru:ed into materialistic robots . They search, sadly, for the mythical pol or gold reputed lo be at lhe end or every rainbow. then, in the pro- cess. they destroy the rainbows and the environment Wlth their greedy and destructive attempb. Nevertheless. the fact!! con ccrnlng continued or dlscon· tlnued life on what ie lcn of thl11 Educators Missed the Obvious At lon1 laal the complaJnu ot pare.nti and 1m9loye1'1 obout the 1ut.'1 public educaUon ayatem have penetrated the leclllaUve halls. For years, despite the hun· dreda ol mltllou poured lnto t.ho pubbc schools, studeni. have been 1raduaUn1 from blth scbool, and colle,-e 11 -ell, un• able to read, apeU c.-do simple arithm Uc. It toot a freshman A•· aemblymao, Guy JC. Hart of S I n l I Barban. lo brtot about aome actloD t.omnedr the altuatlon. A. native of Californla wbo tau1bt. bitb school IOI' ta 1ears, Hart bad the ftnt band experience to bola1.tt bis ar1umnt.1 for l«lfslatloo wblcb wW requlre Jll'Ofidency iA ~ 1ubJtdl for f\ltuni bl~ ICbool dJpJomas. 'WlUt ~ ~ bo4.b SWdord md Rarvard ... . ( EARL WATERS ) he al10 had Impeccable credcm· Uala u an educator. About the only crtlJclam one could mate of Hart'• solution ls that it puta part of the burden of butc educaUon upon \he blp acbooll. In puahlnt bis bill Hart a.aid that fully 20 perceDt ol tho hllh acbool aludenta are below ninth frade levels ln abilities to re.ad and comput.e. SINCE &8ADING, ape)Un1 and arithmetic are aubjec:U DO& llqbt ln hl«b school. one mitht feel better lf bi. l.,saladcM sn- cJuded tmerieoce from er• acbool, wblcb bas the respomlbWt.J, until tboee aub- Jeda are mastered. For th• amount of beftdlt to be pined In tliSfl Kbool mut be dimtnisbed by denduekt in rudin& and computtn1. How. fOf exam pl , can one learn al1ebr• and a-met1J' without bdnt able to add two and two? Still, Hart'• measure ls re- markable pro1res1 In the fac~ of the repucnance of the school peo- ple to suffer any criUclarns or ac· cept any 1u11eat1ons. And It does put the gate much closer to where It belon11 than did the re· cent rule adopted by the Slate Unlveraity Trustees. Under l~lr tclict, near Illiterates wUl con· Unue to be admitted Lo college but won't be 1radaated lf. alter four yean or clutt.ertna up the claaset. they can't pus lest.a in \be bulc subjects 11.UT'S • EASVllE provides tor what be terms "early warn- Ultl" or alert.. It will requt re that tbe achooll cive teats bmveen the 7th and 9lb l"ades and twice atterw ardl before the twelfth 1rad.•. Preaw:nably. re· medial clu1e1 wUJ have to be providtd for tbOM not maklfta the cradea •lid no dlplomu rcw tbe uJUmale faUurea. State Saperloteodent or Imtruc«oo WU.00 Ril• baa lOftl complah:ttd that the reuon for low achievement• In these areu is due to the multitude of legislative mandated programtt which divert from lhe bl8ic sub- jects. Hart aaree1. Most of the•t' added burdens have little lo do with educaUon as wu envisioned when the st.te In· stltuted free public schools. Much has been the reault or aoci1J pro1rammen who have pressured the Lel!Jlatur• Into adoptin1 compulsoey couraea lo everythlna but the ''three Rs". Students were passed along re· gardJeu of tllelr rrades u long u they didn't create problem&. Jn lhe face of tllat, student.a opt for the ea.11 courses such u ahop and physical education. So parenta and employns will find much encouracement and utlafaCUon in the enactment of uart•1 blU. But there allo mu.at be a rect'\t and a peat dla· UJuaionmtal. In the rulluUon that lbe Le111latur• must decree aometblnl which everyone would have HPffltd that educat.on worthy of the name would have beer\ dolD1 au aloa,. planet must be raced. or our na· lion and the world will conlinue lo sell-destruct. Instead of the usual put-down of envlronmen· talisi.. thinking people i.hould band toaetber to solve this most important issue. Then, when the other problems and issues are solved, humanity wilJ move on to the greatest and most fantastic era in all o f his tory El..INOR DA VlS fffdf'adf Hfl To the Editor Your recent article lSept. 6) e ntitled "Sernesler Begins Without Students" mentioned that a long late registration period al S1ddleback College was being allowed. It was also at.led that th. stu- dents wbo start late will be able lo catch up on their own because the first few weeks are normally pretty slow. IT IS this last statement to which we obje<:t and want to notify whomever that the pace an classes ls not necessarily slower in the beginning, middle or end. The fact Is, that in many classroom instances, the pace a l the beginning of a term is more accelerated than at other times because the tone and rapport between student and instructor are established al th.is lime. JOHNA. MINCH Academic Senate Saddli!bffk Colleae P o haf Ml••'d To the Editor: Jn your editorial or Sept. lS, "Check the Price Tai." you Im· ply that all celebrations ln La1una Beach cost the taxpayers money. You say, "Be It the Festival of Arts, a parade or a pancake breakfast, It costs something " IN FACT, or course, the one ex· cept.Jon is the FestlvaJ of Arts. and no doubt it was just an oml11ion on the part of your editorial writer not. Lo menUon lhe fad th11t, far from C()fjtlng the city anythlna. the Fe1t1val of Arts pays lhe city around $1fl6,000 a year. I feel 1ure that In tM lnterats of falmeH and factual reportlna you would want to make that point clear. JAMESJ.SCJIMTT7. Presldeot, FeaUvaJot Aru of Wl\WI Beach Akoltol f'a e C• To the Editor. I want to consratuJat.e .DorU Lee on the excellcmt job ot writ· in1, HportinJ and fnterpretaUon In the alcoholism story. Sept. 12. I know ll wun't lbe euiat •lor7 in the world becauae It'• a complex aubject and lbere wu lnlormatJon to dl1UJI. 11M a Lory was a«Urate a.nd l think presen~ • Sood overview cl the pro.blem and the cllteue. I llAVE beard nothlnJ but favorable com"'em. an It trom Quotes '•A reporter 11 to a pollt.ician what a barkln1 do• la to a chJcken thief." - people In the field al alcoholiam and from people in Alcoholics Anonymous. 1t u stories such u lhls which get the llfesavlna lntormalion out to the alcoholic who ls atill out there (or In there, in the cue of the housewife) and which also lend support to sober alcoholics by helping to alleviate stigma. Many thanks as a repruen· tatlve of the alcoholism council, and as a recovered alcoholic OODIEGUsr Pubhc Information Director Alcoholism Council of Orange County Let \'lrac,,r• .ludge To the Editor: ln a major elecUon year. with apathy threatening to turn into a complete boycott of our polls, l was most disappointed in the im- mature judgment of the tele\fi•loo newsmen's threat or boycotting the presidential de· bate. Their reason, though nol actually stated, was simply their lnablllty to interpret the debate as It was taking place. The in· terprelallon would be done In a very subtle manner and the view· Ina audience would, for the m01t part, hardly reco&niTie that the newsmen's interpretation had been made. OVER TUE year• we have grown used to television's ex· planaUon or merely focusing the camera on an object, a person, or whatever. but did that not become a major point helping us to come to some conclusion of the story or news Item that we were wat.chlng? This 1s areal for fie· tlonaJ drama, but do we need thls ty~ of interpretation on such a cntical matter as who shall be the guardian of the White House for the next four years? l would urge those who a,.. tr· ranjlnc the debates to hold firm to their dedication of keeping WK aa falr and free from wiyone'a In· terpretaUon a11 poaslble. Let'11 covet only the two debaters, the moderator and the panel. In tht" 16 yeara since the lut preaidon· tiaJ debate, I feel O\at mosl °''"' have become more aopblsUcai.ct In our UH of l•levlslon and are very capable of makln& our own Judiimeni. wtlhout the ficlp of the reaction• of tht audience In al· tendance RUTR S. KESTER ORANG• COAIT DAILY PILOT Hnbm N W ttd, Ptibbalwrr Thomo1 ICttull, Cd//lqr IJorboro Krf'lbklt, /;d1t<mal Pag• tdJ"'1r Thf' rctitonel P•I• ol lhe Danr Pilot 11eeka to Inform •nd tlmulatf' re1ctf'rs by praM.~ onlhl•PlJed1VUM~ on tOl)fa. ol mt..,.. ... tr1 •Y"dlcst-td colum11lsta and cartoonJsta. b1 provlctmf a. /orum {« rOdcrs' view• and by prn~otln1 thi. nt'W1p•Pfr'1 o,l~t ..., lde11 on current toplc:t The tdltorlll opjnjons of OM Dally Pilot appear only In the tditori1l column Ill~ top of thC' paat. Opllllioftl e'JI• prCSHd by °'' c«>lwnllUt.I llld nnoonltu •ncl J.Ufl' wn'*".,. their own and no ndOriC'ment Of their vlf'WJ by tht Daily PUot should be lnf«tftd. Wednesday. Sept. 2'l, 19'1'8 Today's Closh•g • tock WEDNISOAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1f!6 C TEN CENTS €arter's 'Lust' '! ·No Big Issue? ,\ . ' PLAINS , Ga . <AP ) - Democr atic preside nti al nominee Jimm.y Cart.er said to- day he is not dismayed by reac· tion to his atatementa that be has "looked on a lot of women with lust" and "eommllled adultery in my heart.·' He uid he doesn't tbWt lt bu hurt bis campaign. Carter responded to questiona from reporters as be got into bis car after completiq an early momlnc laspectlon ofbJs peanut procesaln1 operation. Asked whether be was di.a- With These Hands Panel Halts Qrrery of Newsman Welder Billy Corbett of Anchorage Alaska, displays bis bands, somewhat th~ WO(Se for wear, after be karate-chopped 5,800 bl'icks in an hour and 45 minutes to break the Guinness world record. The feat didn't draw the crowds he'd hoped for, however. He planned to donate proceeds from the demonstration to a non-profit health a gency, but only four youths showed up. WMHINGTpN CAP> -The Houae ethJcs commJttee today ended its attemet to punish t.el•v'-lon reporter Daniel Schorr for refusin1 to give the panel his copy of a •ecret House ln- te1U1ence report or ldenlifyln1 lhe penoo who 1ave It to him. Irvine Firm '•" Stock Price Hotly Argued 117 TOM BARLEY °' ............ .... Lawyen for lbe CaWomla At· _.Y Geeeral'• de, ud tM lntnt Company compared tahaaUom ol tbe company Tues- day ln Oran.ae County Superior °"'1t ud came up wiUl a dif. •ence ol t51 mllUon. .,Jrvhae Company executive lanlU., Eberl1n1 testJlled dur· hie a beartn1 lnto Irvine belreu Jpan Irvine Smith'• dWlqe of •PfOl>Olee1 sale to the M.obll OU Company that the net worth of the or1anhaUon ls about $321 million. Deputy Attorney General Lawrence Tapper dl.saireed. He q,uoted from a UquidaUon analyst. prepared by hb office earlier tbll year and peqed the ott val\14! of Jrvlne holdings at -~Won. "rapper'• fi1ure would put the pier 1bare value or Irvine stock at Mt.'15. Eberlln1 'a valuation br· the per share yaJue down to ~'91Dtb nauru aH coutdsably 1*Mf' tbu the S%4 per share 8lure repretented by the Mobil alter to pay $200 million for JniDe Company shares held by tM Jama Irvine Foundation. .n.. sharu represent a 54.5 """"t CODtrOlllDI Interest in .. Jrvioe CompaQY. Under state J:.'!it the foundation must divest ot thole sharn. Judp James P'. Judp II being ID what l• expected lo be a 111.week llearin1 to make lltftDanent a temporary 11\JWlc· h aph\lt a MobU deal already aecept*I b7 foundation lrulteea. Mn. Smith contendl that the -mllllon n1ure ii loo low and that the 1aJe would be unfair to btr and oth e r mino rity .tock holden. Tapper and Eberlin1 •&reed, btwever. that ll would take M'\'eral yean to brtn1 about JI. .Wd&Uon of the &iaot company'a ~ u1eta even II such a aale 1"f'e to be accepted by the Irvine boerd. ... <SeeBElaESS, PaleA1> After Divorce Alioto, 59, Plans To Wed Woma"' 31 The panel voted f.1 to lift the aubpoenu a1alnst Schorr and three other persons involved in lhe publication or • classified f'e· port on activities or U.S. In· teW1ence aBencies. Rep. Thom as F. Foley < D· Wash.), said the vote e{fectlvely ends the committee's attempt to diacover wbo 1ave the report to SebQrr oc lo &Ille -..i actlon ,,..._ the C'88 l'eporW Cor rt tusin.t ed cooperate i.b \be panel s tavesucauon. BOSTON (AP> -Boston School Com mUteewornan Kathlfftl Sullivan and former San Fta11cl1co Mayoc Joeeph L. Alioto plan lo marry w'-1 bi.I dlvortt becomes final, it wu re- pon.d today. The Boa~ Glqbe. ln reporting the mania1e plans, said Mias Sullivan would not oaafinn them Tuesday. "My private life ls private," the newspaper reported her say. ing. It 1ald Mias Sullivan. 31 , and Alioto, 59, met last April when she attended lhe annual meeting of the N aUonal Aasocl&Uon of School Boards in San Franciaco. She ls the daughter ol William Sullivan. preaide.nl and ~rily at.ockbolder of the New En1tand Patriot.I of the N aUonal Football ~ague. Alioto Is a wealthy an- titrust lawyer Miu Sullivan was a special ed~atlon lN~•r in Boston befoTe abe w aa eled.ed to lhe School Committee. She i3 servint her second lerm. Alloto 's wife , Ange lin a, dropped out of sl1ht in February. 1974, returnin1 to say she had vis lled California missions In a "desperate attempt to secure 1ome measure o( persona l privacy." She filed for a divorce, for a second lime, In CaJlfomla last January. She 11 reported t.o be out of the country, but the Globe re- ported her lawyer 's offke said no dates for conferences In court had been 1et. Alien Jailing Plan Wins SA Council Nod The Santa Ana City CouncU hu apprond a police department policy or detaining lllegal aliens 111.11pected ol criminal activity for federal lmmi1raUon aulhor1Ues . The controversial policy, re- viaed nine Umea, calla Cor the jalllng of aliens suspected of <:01Dmittin1 a crime. It does not lMbade aliens reporting crimes to poUce. or people stopped 'or minor traffic vloJaUON. The policy also Instructs poUce who encounter situations in which they believe an ille1al alien 11 beiOJ uplolt.ed. to report IUCh cues U> health, welfare. employment' oY blalldt111 authortU... The pollce department's former policy wu no enforce- ment ol tmml1raUon laws. Bribe& in lsraelf TEL AVIV (AP) -tsraeu military pollce a.od t.be U.S. Federal ......_ fl( i...ticatloa are ~·· a UM ol aJ. .... brt"-7 lb Nw Yodr '8· .ea.._ two lnattl um1 ol· Ileen. ,,..,..,.....,... ALIOTO'S FtANC!E't kathleen Sulhan Aholo was elected mayor of San Francisco In 1968 and was mentioned as a poaslble vice pre· sldenti al candidate durina his first term He served until 1975. He was acquitted or ree spill· ling In a slate of Washineton case. The case ended with a rut. Ing supporting a $2.3 rnlllion legal fee received before becom- ing mayor . Miss Sullivan wu graduated from Manhattanville College and has done i raduate work ut Ooston University nnd Harvard Graduate School or Education. The other three subpoenaed were Clay Felker, pub&her or tbe VlHa1• Voice : Aaron Latham, • senior edJtor of New York magulne, and Sheldon Zalainick , former senior editorial director of New York The decision lo drop the sub- poen:is came after a series 0( votes oo related motJons failed to unite the committee behind a apedrlc course of action. One would have declared "the com- mittee does not recommend cit· ing DanJel Schorr for contempt." ll failed on a 5·Stle vote. The comm lltee voted 6·5 against a mo tion by Rep. Edward Hutchinson <R·Mich. ), to cite Schorr for contempt-of· Conareu fo r his r efusal to answer questioM or relinquish control Of h IS copy Of the report. It also defeated by a 7-4 vote a motion by Rep. Thad Cochran CR·Mi11.). to recommend that Schorr be deni ed use of the HOUlle radio·telev1slon galleries for the remaander of this session or Congress. In an appearance before the et hies comm lttee last week, Schorr ,11ald the First Am end- ment '11 free press ituarantces protected him from having lo re· veal his source or reUnquish his copy of the report. Hutchison, however. argued the report was the property of the Houae and that Schorr ahould be forced to return it. Scores Rise Harbor Kith Buck Trend By MICHAEL PASKEVJCH Ol-OeltY'°'"" ...... Contrary to a nationwide downward trend, Scholastic Apt.Jtude Test (SAT) scores amona Harbor Area hiah achoo! student& rose six points above last year's scores. THE POINT differentials and companions were re· vealed today by John Nicoll, superintendent or the Newport· Mesa Unified School Diat.rlct . C.llfomla scores ln t.he combined verbal and math teats have dropped eight points since last year while scores na· Uoawide have fallen lhrff points BE STANDAaD score ranie for tbe SAT tau la between 200. to IOO poiata.. ID the verbal.aqmut. .acorea rw , Newport-If et• ma1-dnJpped an neraie ol one poUlt to •. while acores for females roae an awer.,e of two polnll to*· thus, the dJJtrlct averaae wu up one point. In mat.b, lhe male averaie dropped a polnt to 517. Row4tYC1', the feaialeavwa,.J\lmped •ix poiell to481. Tb1I mum the district IUtb averaeelncreaaecl fiYe potnta. TRE COMBINATION of W. incnue wllb tbe one potnt rlM ln verbal HOT'tl Ddk.ea the O¥el"lll alx polnt 1.Dcreue, Nicoll apJalHd. llfetioawtde, tbe ..... telt ........ II Gt Wida m.U. aCOl'9I at •Ta. TIM CdfwlD.....,... It tlD 111"rbalPd470 tn madl. The ... an Ne•pwt·~ ... .,. 11 •IA ffrMI ~llOlnme...: mayed by some of the reaction lo bis statements, made to an In· t e rviewer from Pla y boy FORO..CAAT£R STANDS LIST£0-A7 mag.ulne. the candidate replied. "No. I don't want to have a preu conference this morning.·· Q. "Do )'OU feel you were mis· understood?·· A. "I haven't been bothettd by it ... \ Q. "Why did you 1rant the in· tervlew!" A. ''The same r eason I gran~ you one ... " Q. "Are you sorry YoU cranted 1t'!" A. "No." Q. "Do you rearetlt"" A. "No." Q. "Do you think it's been mis· understood!" 1 A. "I don't think It's hurt In any way" Q. "You don't think il 'a hurt at (See CARTER, Pa&e AZ> _Jhnmy Oops Twice Told, Tale Tickles FORT WAYNE. Ind. (AP) -Jn a s lip of the tongue , Dem ocr atic vice presidential candidate Walte r F. Mondale momentarily appeared to have forgotte n his running mate's name. Speaking to about 500 people who came down to the railroad tracks Tuesday to meet his ca mpaign tr ain, Mon dale s aid: "You 're telling me, you're telling America, you want that Wl\ite House once again occupied by a peoples • president, this time named Jimmy Ford." Realizing bis mistake. Mon· dale grim aced, adding: ''Jimmy won 't hke that . J immy, I didn't MOffo•u mean it. I didn't mean it. Let me try again. J immy Carter. There we go.'' Connell Battle Clemente Cable TV Viewers Unplugged By PHILIP ROSMARIN Oflll• 0.11, ""'"'•" TM Communications Company cul cable television service lo 7,000 San Clemente subscribers today The termination of service came wltblo ao hour of a post midnight City Council refusal t.o suspend a provision or it.s con· tract with TM . The provision al- lows the city lo confiscate all the equipment within the city =-> days after a television franchi se ex- pires if not replaced wtlh a new contract. TM 'a latest position in a conti- nuin& feud "'1th the city 1s that 1t Early Mesa Planner Dead At Age 69 Earl L. Patterson. one of Cotila Men's fi rst planning com mltlaloners, la dead at the age of 69. Mr. P a tterson , a retir ed aeneral contractor. wua named to the firat planning commission ln the clly In 1953. He and his wife>. Velmll, opened the flrat dairy m arket In the area In 1962 at the comer of 2Znd Street and Santo Ana Avenue. "We started the Newport Creamery wh en those strcetft were juat two ruts .in the road," Mrs. Patterson recalls. She Hid the couple later sold their small herd and Mr. Pat· terson began building cwitom homea until hla retirement in 1958. She Hid the couple were "avid Baja buffs." spendlni much of their Cree time south or the border before Mr. PaUeraon became too ll1 to make the weekend t.rtPt. The fift.r.:Ytat COila Mesa l'es.l· dent bec.aine a chart.er member ~ the Colla Mesa Uoo.a Club ln um. la addl.Uon to hill 1ri/e, Mr. Pat- tenoD 11 1urvlved by eons Earl "Pat" Patterson and Melvtn R. Patttnon, both oC Costa Men. and dauptera Joan Bercer, a1ao ~ c.ta W•a •rul C&roJ Weaner ol Nl'WpOl't Beacb. Alto 1urvlvln1 are seven srandcblldrea. SstM:a wW be beld Frtd.ay al 11 l .m • .i Bell Brc>aclway Cbapel taeo.taMeu. must discontinue serVJce and d lS· mantle equipment to protect against possible future city seizure of lhat equipment Last week the council ap- proved a new contract with the cable company but gave a $1.25 a month rate hike and provlllions for future automatic fee in- creases . Councilmen Thomas O'Keefe and Tony DiGlovanni were opposed to the contract Mayor B. Patrick Lane voted for the rate hike but said he agreed with the council minority. voting for the contract only to stave off cost of a lawsuit But Tuesday Lane joined with O'Keefe a nd DiGlovannl to enforce the confiscation pro· vision The new franchise won't he er frctl ve until Oct 21 TM '11 old <'Ontract ran out Sunday Ri<'hnrd Young, TM vice prcsl· dent . l1111ued a atatemenl this mormn.r that company otflc1als were "shocked ond dismayed" hv tire coun<'ll action City hall 11wltchboards and TM offi ces in San Clemente were flooded lhla morning with hun dred.s of calls Crom confused und Irate cable 1ub11cribcrs. Coo~• Wember Low morning clouds con· tinue to linger wlth mostly fair akles Thur11day after· noon. H11hs in lhe low 70s. INSIDE TODA 'l' Somt 1c~ut1 ond nutn· Uon 1~rt1 or• opimfltlc '"""Oh to claim t hot ogtng llf"ff "t114llll ~ PTcoenl" throoQh pr~ dl•t Sec ,,. Cl. •••ex .. .41 DAILY PILOT c SALISBUllY. Rhod«si• <AP> -Prime lllnJ1ter Ian Smit.h's c•bloet ended l wo da)'I ot dls-cuaaiooa today wlt.b no word on whether It wW aee41Pl propmala by U.S. SecntaJ'Y of St.ate Henry 10ulo1tr to truster pernlni .,ower to Rhodesia's black ma· jority. "'nlert'• a lot ol ll!e and kick ln Rbode.taas.'' Smlt.b told a Lourtat waillnl out.Ide with reportera. "We have atll1 lot a tot of fi,irt ~t that doesn't mean t.bal we want lO be stupid. We.have sot to face up to ~•litles but I think ,ve're 101o1 to be all ri&ht." Smith refused to answer ques- (lona from reporters on the cabinet reaction to the propc»ahi, ·Newport To Clwose New Mayor · Newport Beach city coun· 'c.1.lmen wlU choose a new mayor Monday from amoni four coun· t:ilmen who aay they are interest· ~int.be job. The city is witboul a mayor following the death of Howard 'Rogers jWO ween ago. Mayor Pro Tem Milan Do5tal hu as- atuned the duties on a temporary bas la. So far, a list of declared can· didatea ex.eludes only former tnayor Don Melon.is and council hewcomer Ray Williams. The remaining four councU members, Dostal, Lucille Kuehn, Paul Ryckoff and Pete Barrett, all have decided to run and are trying to line up support for their eand.idaclea. Mcinnis, who served four .years H mayor prior to Rogers' ~ectlon to that post in April, said lye doeen 't believe the large number ot candidates will pose a serious problem in voting. · "l believe the four candidates can work it out among themselves." he said. . ot the four candidates, Dostal has been on the council loruu~at He was flrst elected in 1970 and iwas re.elected in lln4. He served two yean as mayor pro tem prior tor~lectlon to\halpQltlnApril. Hyckoff 11 in the betinninR of hla second council term. He was fint elected in 1972 nod was re · elected this year. Both Barrett and Mrs. Kuehn ate serving their first terms. They were both elected in 1974 . Young Artist (:lass Offered " "Introduction to OU.," a paJnl· lng class for beelnnlng artists 8 to 18 years old, ls being otfered by the Costa Mesa Department of Leisure Services. The dan atarta Oct. S. The Tuesday course will be at the Coat& Mesa Community Recre.Uon Center from 4-S 30 pm. The ei1bt·week class C05tl $8 lleautratlon w1U be conducted Monday from 6-8 p.m. at the Eatancla High School gym, 2323 Placenlta Ave .. Costa Mesa Car Tapes Stolen Orantce Coast College~ llol· ly M. Ferrell told Costa Mesa police Tuesday thJev~ broke a window on her car outaide her apartmt>n\ at 2300 Fairview Road. and took a tape deck and tapes valued at $306. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT • Jade A. CurleY \;o<I l'YH .. flt -Qo-,ii }N- Tfl0ml$ KH'llll ,_ TflomH A. Murs>l\lne -._....c..w O\arlft H. LOOt Alchlf'd P. Nall "'_._,......,_.. 1.,..t.nf only lb at lben would pro. bably be "1omethln1 a bit n.rm.r" Tburaday .,..... be meell witb aJl 50 wbite memben or parliament. The decWoo ls eJtpeCted to be made at tbat rneetlna. and Smlth. bu scheduled " radio and LelevWon address to the nation ~id&)'. Tburaday'a while eaucua ~ould have to aaaure majority bacldna of the propoul.a before Smith can aonouoce t.be plan to thenatioo. The Britiab·Amerlcan pro- posals in the hands ol Smith and b1a cabinet are sWl secret. but are believed to provide foe black ~ortty 1ovemment within two years, accompanled by a $2· billion fund to be Mt. up by the United Stat.es and olbe:r Western nalion s to compensate Rhodesian whites who leave the country and help the new black 1ovemment with developmenL Tbe Rbodeslao Herald nntapaper said the settlement plaoa are being described u t.be Calla1han-Kisain1er-Vorster proposals, and commented : "The implication ls that the South Africans have finally tu.rued the screws on Mr. Smith Mspite deniall to the coatrary. ·' South African Prime Minister John Vorster, bost to the Kiss· mier-Smith talk.a in Pretoria last weekend, bad been pressed by Klsainger to try to convince Smith to agree to black rule. Britain abd Prime Mlnister James Callaghan were involved with the United States in formulating the settlement pro- posals. Rhodesia, a British colony un· UI Smith unilaterally declared its independence in 196S, bas a population of 270,000 whites and some six million blacks. Kiuin1er, reportedl1 careyang to black African leaden the word ol Smith's new ~itJoo, had talks In Kinshasa loday with Zaire President Mobutu Seae Seko, tnen departed for Kenya. Burke Slated For Address After Debate Assemblyman Robert H . Burke <.R-Huntlngton Beach), will address a Town Hall meeting Thursday, following the national· ly televised -debate between pre· sidentlal candidates Gerald Ford and J immy Carter . The Burke meetlna wtU be held in Hwitington Beach City Council Chambers, beginning at 8:30 p.m. A spokesman at Burke's Hunt· i.natoo Buch office said toda.y she didn't reallie the town hall meeting had been scheduled the same ni1ht as the television de· bate, buhrddff-Utel Bu.rRllu not canceled the meet.in&. Interested citbens will have 30 minutes to eet to the city council c hambers f ollowina the televi1ion d ebate. which Is scheduled t.o run from 6 :30 p.m. to8 pm. (POT>. Drill Team Classes Set Spt'<'i al Instruction In drill team activities offered by the Costa Men Department of ~lsure Services, bealns Oct. 4. The claaa, for 9 to ~year-oldl, will take place Monday and Wed· nesday afternoon• rrom 4·$ p.m. at Davia Middle School, 1050 Ari· inJton Drive, Coata Mesa. Fee for the 14-week class ls $3. Registration will be Monet•)' from 8-8 p.m. at Estancia H1&b !k.bool l)'m, 2323 PlM*\Ua Ave .. ea.ta Mesa. Mall reptraUoo wUJ be ICC~ Sept. 28. TONIOBI' COAST CO MMUNITY col.LEG& BOARD -leplar meeUat. 1370 Adams, 8 p.m. COASTLINE CC LEC'MfAE -"Living TruthMly," Dr. Arthur L . Bieta lecturer, Newport Harbor Hilb audltorium, 7:30 p.m. "THE RULJNO CL.MS" - South Coaat Repertory Tbeat.tr, TUMday-Sunda1 Uu·ouab Oct. 30, lp.m. 'l'llVUDAY Ian. 11 UIUlAtlY sroltY HOUR - Ccllta ....... lJWUTt JO:• Liil. , 5Join Revamp Panel· A oew permanent member aocS rour alteroatea hav. bMn OUMd to the Costa Mesa Commuotb' Dtvelop0tent Comm!uoe by cit1 councUa1en. Beadq11arters (]nder Construetlon Jean Forbath re~acet rran1t MurlUo u permanent m .. btr on the ll·member commJU.,. Mw1Uo receatly rtllped, d~ oth• commitment.. Counc ll men appolnUd alternate members Dlaaa Milroy. Paul Rave.r.~We6hr aod JO&D Maraot. The Costa Mesa County Water Di.strict baa broken ground for its new $289,800 hud- quarters building adjacent to the dlatrlct's field offices on Placentia Avenue. Water district olficiall expect to begin movlnl in· to the 7 ,000 sq~are foot f aclllty from quarters at the C1v'lc Center by February. Tbe committee ovtrHta ope.ration of the clcy'1 Oommual· ty Development acU•llt•C. beaded by coordinator~ CU. narlato. E'ro• Page A I CARTER ... all?" A. ''I don't believe so.•· But Ca.rt.er said he did not want to cooduct a news conference on the matter without his staff pre- sent. In the interview. made public this week, Carter said be would not attempt to lmpoee his own re- lisious beliefs on others. "Christ set some almost Im· possible standards for us," be said, addine that to sin is human and "God for&I ves me for it.•· tn one excerpt, Carter declared : "I've looked on a lot ol women with lust. I 've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God reco1nizes I will do -and 1 have done it -and God forgives me for it. But that doesn't mean U..t I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman wit.b lust, but who leaves bil wife and shacu up wltb somebody out ol wedlock. "Chdst says don't consider younelt better than someone else because one auy screws a whole bunch ol women while the other iUY is loyal to his wife.~ guy who's loyal to bis wife OU&ht not to be condescend.loi or proud because of the relative dearee ol 111infulness." The candidate's statements brought mixed reactions. -HU wife, Ro1alynn, saJd In New York they caused her no anxiety •bo1Jl his fidelity. "I truat him completely. I've never hal to worTJ aboul that al all," sbeaaid. -Dr. Harry N. Hollis Jr., ade- nomlnaUooal aut.bol'lt:y on social ethics, said la NubvWe that Carter's atatemmll cm morality accurately reflect Soulbem &p- Uat teachinia. Bul Hollis, a staff mber of the Christian Life Commission or the Sout hern Baptist Conference, laid be "wouldn't have used the same lan1ua1e." -Dr. W.A. Criswell, pastor ot the 20,000-member First Baptist Cburc b of D allaa. Tex .• declared: "I am highly offended oy this. I think be 's mixed up in his moral values, and I think the en· · tire church membership will feel the same way." -Dr. J erry Vines, pastor or the Dauphin Way Bapt.lat Church in Mobile, Ala .. and a former pre- s ftnrotttre vastors' conference ol the Sout.bern Bapt.lat Conven- tion, said: "Th ls appears to be another Instance ot Carter ac· commodatlng himself to his au- dience. Heart Attack Victim Lost Off HB Coast A 37-year-old Hermo1a Beach man wu lost ofr the cout ol Hwt· Uftl\On Beach Tuelday evtninc after apparently 1ulftrla1 a heart attack, U.S. Cout Guard offlcU.ls 1ald. The man waa beln& towed lo the water on an automobile fender u1ed aa a rll\ ~nd a 22-foot sailboat, otndala aald. Richard R. Ruulllo dropped from 1l1ht when be let IO of tht fender. A companloa ln the water wttb bJm aald the vtctlm had foam and mucou. corolnt from blsmouth. R.uaalllo'a Ump bod.)' wu lost about one half mlle nonbweat of OU Island Eva near Runtlncton Beach, otnclah uld. The lncldent occurred at 5 p. m. Tueaday. Coast Ou•rd and Oran1e County Ha1'1>0r Patrol rescue unlll bave dlaconthwed a search for the body. Oean Getaway For Mees Thief? A Costa lleta ~ ~-told _poUc. ~ so-meone ea&ered bit bome at Zlt l(J)olt Pl ace wblle Ile wu al work, talinC lb'" wom,n'• rtnp. I Jam• L. Platloot said U.. tblef, wbo may uw .._.... tbe bom• t1a,..i. a ........ .... ..... alto toqk ..... of ... '"fore 11"1•1 WI~ "'2 la Talubaei. • Pair Beat, Stomp Milk Truck Driver The acency provides low-<Olt houslns and rental 1Dctet1ve1 to low-loeome Coala Meta citl .... ~ federall)'·fUMed lbll· lnc arid Urban 0.velopmcmt PfO-stama. Two .. allanta stomped and severely beat a drlvt"f' as be wu ~Uverifts milk to a HuntiJatton Beac.b elementary acbool earty. today. Nicoll Says No Need To Plan Growth It'a too early to prepare for the Impact of development. ol the Irvine Ranch e<>astllne, mem· ben ot the Newport Harbor Area Chamber ot Commette were told today. About 45 chamber memben al· tended a town ball meeting on t.be Irvine coast held this morning at the M arrlott Hotel which featured John Nicoll, superinten· dent or t h e Newport-Mesa Unified School District, and Tim Cowell of the Newport Beach Community Development Department. According to Cowell, it is known lbal homes built in the area between Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar will generate a Iara• amount of tax income and will require considerable services. "But we haven't got a handle on what t.b.t balance is betweesi tu" an.cftostl, ••Cowell laid. Nicoll, on the other hand, said the achool dl.strlc:l bu a pretty IOOd idH of the problem tt will lace-4.000 atvdeota that wW need at leut Clve achoolJ that .W c~ about U> milUoD to build. But both men noted that aince development of the area is three to four yeara away, it Is really too early ror either the city or the acbool district to start making cban1ee. · Nlcoll noted lbat the district'• board of trustee• bas taken no position on the impeoicllq stu· denl influx. He pointed out t.bat be wu apprised of the situaUon in 1971 when it wu assumed lhat taxes would pay for school costs in the area. Police nld lbat WUUacn Marshall, 2S, of Santa Ana, fA4. fered ructured ribs and other aa1oul ""urles wbeo be arrived at Meadowview Sdlool at t7Q2 am Drive In tbe ncrthem part oltbeclty. S1t. Davld M.llltr ••Id Jlanhall waa jufnl)td on the ~bool CJ'OWldl and WU badly mauled wtt.b both fist. and feet. He WU ta.kep to Huntiqton Jn. tercommunlty Hoapltal wl\b "QUltH-10Ul" 1AJurie&.. A bospilal official said today that Marshall was rest.inc com- fortably and that tests were schedwed lat.er in the day. MUler said that Marshall, a driver for Cal-Va Dairy in Santa Ana, waa attacked al about 2:15 a.m. Mlller said police believe that the two assailants took the key to the school's multi-purpose room when it fell out or Marshall's pocket during the beating. The investigator said be didn't know \I the two men were casing the school for a barcJary and were surprised by Mar&hall or if they were lying in wait for tum to obtain the key. Officers said there wu "° In· dJcaUon that the acbool had been broken Into or that anything had been stolen. Police are waitin1 for Mars.ball to rtt0ver from the shock of tus beat.Ing be/ore questionlq hJm further to 1ain leads on the 'two attack era. Fro• Pag~ A I HEIRESS •.• Status Quo DSI'Reigna WASHINGTON (AP) -' Soe•d·UP proeeduee to paH a bill ••&tndln1 ~ Da11i&ht Snla1 ThD• • have been reJeeted by CM > Home. virtually aautiAI · that 1be measure wtJl not"'· be enacted thla year. The bill wouJd have Ml the begln.nlnf date for DST • u the third Sunda)' of March and the endlnl date aa t.be third Sunda7 ot Oc· tober, beglnnln1 In 1'". Under exiaUn1 law, the · country ls on DST from tbe last Sunday in Aprtl to the last Sunday ln October. With few members on the noor, t.b e HOUH ~ I 11 to 10 Tuesday for aus· pending t.be rules Qd pu&· ln1 t.be bllJ. But the lu&· • penalon procedure re· quires two-thirds. Two Newsrack Law Changes Costa Mesa councilmen have approved two ebanses ln tlae city '1 year-old newarack Of'· dlnance, which resulates the placement of the machlnel ln tlM pobllc rl1bt-of·way. 1 The changes deal wilb tbe storaae and disposal ol lli9'al Tapper predicted that lt wouJd newuacka. One a,dds a dollar per take ten years to dispose or the day atora1e charge from the date company's 70,000 acres ol un-of coofiacation. developed land and about two · The second change aaya un· years to sell it.a real est.ate and in· claimed vendlnl macblnee Will dustrial holdings. be dilpoaed of 30 daya after they Eberlin I said be thoufbt it are taken off theeldewalk. • would take ts years to aelJ un-• Jim Eldridge, director ef developed properties and at leut public services, aald the two three years to dispose of de-changes will put the COit burd9ft veloped real estate and In-on the businesses that repeatecJly duatrial aaseta. vtolate the municipal ordlnanc,. BACK TO SCHOOL Mens Tennis ~15 ta1s•s Mens Tennis Slllrts-&'o t1 1200 Mens Tennis Shoes--11'5 ta 24•s Ladies Tennis Sllorts-1115 & 1215 Tems Balls Penn Practice Balls-3/1" Dunlop Seconds-3/111 Penn Extra Duty-3/225 Wilson Extra Duty-3/Z35 Dunlap Extra Duty-3/Z50 Wn" Slits 13',5 ti 39'5 Sweat .Sl*1s & fants..-A15 Bi1ili I ll~ SwlifSiifS=.ISO ...... Aaylc ~1515 , ... l., SllM krylc .,,. SlltltlrS-l•s ladies T8'* Dresses Ladles Tennis st.s 11'5 (I 2115 Orange Coast ' EDITION VOL. 69, NO. 266, 7 SECTIONS, M PAGES / Today's Closing N.Y.Stoeks N TEN CENT~ $51 Million Splits Values ·. B.)' TOM llAJILEY OftMO.U,.~Nt&eff Lawyers for the California At· torney General's office and lbe ·1rvlne Company compared •aluations of the company Tues· day io Orange Coimty Superior Court and came up with a dlf. · ferenceofS51 mHlion. Irvine Company executive Lansing Eberling testified dur- lnl a hearing into Irvine hein!:l5s What a Finish! Joan Jryine Smith's cballeqe of a propoeed ule t.o the Mobil OU Company t.bat. the net worth or the or1anisation i.s a.bout $329 million. Deputy Attorney General Lawrence Tapper disalreed. lie quoted from a JiquJdatlon analysis prepared by his office earlier this year and pegged the net value of Irvine holdings at $380millioo. Bob Gentry and SaJJy Peterson, both associate deans o( students at UCI. make a \'aliant effort as they complete the round-the-park tricyde course Tuesday. Ad· ministrat.ors, stalf und a few students competed in the "olympic" event, part of the ongoing orientation week at UCl <Related pic.'ture, Page 3). ~~~~~~~~~~~- Tapper'• fll\lte would put tbe per share value of Irvine stock at $t.US. Eberline'• valuation hr· lnp tbe per share value down to $39.16. Both fUcures are considerably higher than U>e $24 per share figure represented by the Mobil offer to pay $200 million for Irvine Company aha.res held by the James Irvine Foundation. Those shares represent a 54.S J>ercent oootroWnc Interest in the Irvine Company. Understate t:;u tbe foundatlon mwst dlvat i of thole ah ares. Judie James F. Judie ls beill.c asked in wbat.11 expected to be a six-week heario1 to D)&ke permanent a temporary uuunc- tion a1atnat a Mobil deal already accepted by foundation trustees. Mn. Smltb contends that the· $200 million fi1ure is too low and t.hal the aale would be unfair to h er a nd other minority stockholders. Tapper and Eberling agreed, however, that it would take . several years to bring about li· quidallon or the giant company's many assets even if such a sale were to be accepted by the lrvloe board. Tapper predicted that it woultl take ten )'e&rs to dispose or tho rompany's 70,000 actta of "'° developed land and about two years to sell Its real estate and in· du.atrial holdings. ._ Eberling said he thOl.llht at would take lS years to sell UJ1· developed properties and al led three years t o dispose of de· veloped real estate and i~· dustrial assets. \ Jinimy: 'No Regrets' Playboy Story 'WOn't Hurt Campaign' P LAI NS, Ga. <AP> Democratic presi dential nominee Jimmy Carter said t,o.. day he Is not dismayed by reac- tion to his statemenfs that ne has "looked on a lot of women with lust" and "committed adultery in my heart." He said be doesn't think lt has hurt his campaign. · Carter 1 responded to questions from reporters as he got into his car after completing an early Newport To Choose New Mayor· Newport Beach city coun· cllmen will choose a new mayor Monday from among four coun- cilmen who say they are interest· ed in the job. The city is wlthout a mayor following the death of How&l'd Rogert two weeks •10. Mayor Pro Tem Milan Dostal has at· morning inspection of his peanut processing operation. Asked whether be was dis· FORD-CAftTER- " STANDS LISTED-A7 mayed by some or the reaction to his statements, made lo an in· terviewer from Playboy magazine, the c andidale replied: "No. J don 'l want to have a pr~ conference this morning.·· Q. "Do you feel you were mis- und~rst.ood? · · A. "I haven't been bothered by it." Q. "Why did you grant the in· terview?'' A. "The same reason l grant you one ..... Q. "Are you sorry you granted it?" A . "No." SeOres Rise Harbor Kids Buck Trend By MICHAEL PASKEVJCH. Ol Ille o.o11, ...... , ... , Contrary to a nationwide downward trend. Scholastic AptlludeTest (SAT) scores among Harbor Area high school studeftt.s rose six points above last y~ar's scores. •THE POINT differentials and comparisons were re· vealed today by John Nicoll, superintendent of the Newport· Mesa Unilltd School Diatric:t. C1Htorola seores in the cqmblfted v'M>bal and math tes(s have dropped ellht point.s sine. last year while scores na· Uonwtde ha.e faflen three poba. Q. "Do you regret it?'' A. "No." Q. "Do you think it's been ml• understood ?" A. 1 don't think it's hurtin aq way.'' Q. "You don't think it's hurt at all?" A. "I don't believe so." But Carter said he did not want to conduct a news conference Oil (See CAaTEll, Page AJ) Panel Halts Query of Newsman · WASHING TON (AP) -The House ethics committee today ended its attempt to punish television reporter Daniel Schorr for refusing lo gl ve the panel his copy of a secret House in· telligence report or identifying t.be person who eav~ it to him. Th' oanel voted 9-1 to lift tbe subpoenas agalnst Schorr and Coastal Land Annex· sumed the.dutlH on a temporary basis. So far, a list or declared can· didates excludes only former mayor Don Mcinnis and council newcomer Ray Williams. THE 8T AND.um aoore rans• for the SAT test.a ts betw.en 200 to 800 points. l.n the verbal aegment, score$ tor Newport·Mesa malee dropped a:n average of one point t.o 468, while scores for females rose an average or two points to 46', thua, the district average was up one point. · three other persons involved tn the publication or a classified re- port on activities o( U.S. in• telllgence agencies. Hits Snag on Fees Plans to annex 3.400 acres or Irvine coastal property to Newport Beach's sewer district hit a snag Tuesday over payment of annexation fees. The annexation, agreed to in principle Tuesday night by direc- tors of Oranee County Sanitation bistrlct S, calls for the Irvine Company, H owner of the pro- erty. lo pay the district .Pat.ion. w tlii.n llr<fays or an· That money Is based on a $1,394 per acre anneication fee for the 1,53$ acres that have been iden· · titled for development. The dispute centers on lhe re- maining 1,807 acres lhat have been set aside roropen space. District oflicials want lo write a provision Into the anne1'ation •ereement that •111 the Irvine Company will pay 11neullon fees l'or that open •c• if any other governmental qency, such aa the atate, ac· quiree It. -Gordon Jonei'I, an Irvine Com· ~ny representative. ai'lkcd tn- 1(ead th at the provision be dropped from the agreement. He su.aaeated the district plan on col· lccUng feea when the new proper- t)' owner develops somcthina •ucb u a camp1r-0u_nd that would ~uire sewer service. • You could collect before hook- ing them up," he suggested. Tom Woodrutt, the sanitation ctilt.rict'a attorney, palnted out. .,_at the provision was Included FOUI'IULL FANS, I 1RY YOCJR LUCK Pipkin Pickeroo '16 tonUnues f wttb a second wettt ol compet.l· tklD 'o:r prlaes worth more t.ban •• · -()nqe-Coast pl"OIMIUcatcn • d pi.g;lltin prowess beet~ tie outcome• of 30 weekend ,, Sridi.ron contests Ire awarded ·• ,.Ues lnc1udlnc a full year's membership at Nautilus ~port, dlnnua ror two at an area Reuben'• or Moonralter ,.uurant or Metro Car Wash ~temscarwaa.hes. ( _ ,pet.&lll and an entry blank ap- t;ar each Monday, Tuelda.1 and ,rednetda1 ln the sport.a pqes of • DailJ Pllot. Turn to Page 83 Gd Marpea 1our forecutina lalDI ...... Pipkin Piek--. in the agreement because of pro- blems the combined Orange County sanitation districts had in collecting fees when Bolsa Chica marsh was acquired by tile state. <See ANNEX, PageA.Z) * * * Area Growth Too Far-Off - For Action ll 'a too early to prepare for the lmpact or development of t.be Irvine Rant'h colltllln4!, mem· bera of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber or Com rnerce were told today. About 45 chamber members at- tended a town hall meeting on tbe Irvine coaat held this morntaa at. the Marriott Hotel which featured JolUl Nlcoll, auperlnten· dent ot the Ne wpo.rt·Meu. Unlfted School District, and Tim Cowell of the Newport Beach Comm unity Developme nt Department. According to Cowell, it Is known that homes will In the area between Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar will generate a large amount of tax Income and will r equ ire considerable H rvices. "But we haven't got a handle on what that baJan~ ls between taxes and costs," Cowell said. Nicoll, on the other hand, saJd the school district bas a pretty good idea of the problem it will face-4,000 students that will need at. least five schools that. will coat about $40 million to build. But bot.b men noted that alnee development of the area is three to four years away, ilia really too -.rb' for either the clt.y or tbe ~ district to start making changes. Nicoll noted that the district'• board or trustees has taken no Po11tlon on the im.pmdini stu~ dent innux. Re pointed out that be WU apprised o( the lltuation in 1971 when it. waa auumed that taxes would pay for school costs in the area. Since then, new school laws have been paased, limiting the amouat of money dilllric:ta can spend. "Jt doean't matter bow JDadl rwenue will be ,_..ated, <See 00.uT, .... AZ) .. , .. ,... __ The remaining four council members, Dostal, Lucille Kuehn, Paul Ryckol! and Pele Barrett, all have decided lo run and are trying lo line up support for their candidacies. Mcinnis, who served four years as mayor prior to Rogers' election lo that post in April, said he doesn't believe the large number of candidates will pose a serious problem in voting. "J believe the four candidates ~rk it-lJlrt amonc themselves.•• he aaid. or the rour candidates, Dostal baa been on the council lon1tesL He was first elected in 1970 and wu re-elected in 1974. He served two years as mayor pro tem prior to re-election to that pC>Stin Aprl l. Hyckoff ls in the beginnJ.o1 of bis second council term. He was first elected ln 1972 and wu re- elected this year. Both Barrett and Mn. Kuehn are servJnl their first. terms. 'lltey were both elected ln 1974. .,.... ..... ,.... ...... Te lktfre· · - Dorothea Sheely, Newport Beach•s bead librarian since 1944 and a city emp1oye f" 35 years, hu announc~ she will retire in January, Acting Clty Manqer tra.nk Ivens said today. In math, the male uerage dropped a point to 537. However, the female average jumped slx points to 481. This means the district math average Increased five points. THE COMBJNAnON of this increase with the one point rise in verbal scores makes the overall six point increase. Nicoll uplained. Nationwi'de, the verbal test average is 431 with math scores at 472. The California averaee is 430 in verbal and 470 in math. The overall Newport-Mesa average is~ in verbal and SlO in math. Council Battle Clemente Cable TV Viewers Unplugged By PHILIP llOSMARJN Ot ... o.,., .......... TM Communicatiom Company cut cable television service to 7,000 San Clement~ subscribers today. The termination of service came wit.bin an hour of a post midnllbt City Coundl refusal to au.spend a provision of lta con· tract with TM. The provision •l· Iowa the city to confiacat.e all the' equipment wt thin tM city 30 day• alter a television francblH ••· ptres lf not replaced with a new contract. TM's latest position in a contl- nuin1 feud wllh the clt.y la tbat it Britons Snub Atom Power LONDON (AP)-A royal C!Om· mlulon recom11>ended ·today that Britain avoid a m..tor com- mi&ment to nucleal power for eledr1clt.1 on &rounds that it pro. dUC91 wast. that canlet trave potenUal da:.J:tl« menldwt ..'l'M eo.m on. wbaM ftncl. lap will M atudled by Parlla·. .ment, Warnff t.batJbert&bouJd be no .._ nucJear expalion until tberela aaafewayol~ln· deftnlt.eb' of the bleblJ ndloec· Uve • .. tel pl'Oduced, some ol which mltbt llave to be ltOnd for a>0002ean. Tt; Royal Commileicn OD Eft· •ironmeata"1 PolluUoo also 4ieecribell ....... Unb credlble" t.lle . poa1ibWt1 t.Ut terrodata. could bllac!r pbatoatum. a 1>1· prodaa fl eomlD.-del ~ power~ 1taUe>u, Mid make a ..crude bul etfedlft ... poa. ·1 must discontinue service and dis- mantle equipment to protect a1alnat possible future city seizure of that equipment. Last week the council ap· proved a new contract with lhe cable company but gave a $1.25 a month rate hike and provlalons fOJ' future a utom atic lee in· creases. Councilmen Thomas O'Keefe and Tony DiGlovannl were oppoted to the contract. Mayor B. Patrick Lane voted for the rate hike but said he aareed with the council minority. votinc for the contract only to atave off cost of a lawsuit. But Tuesday Lane joined with O'Keefe and DlGlovannl t.o enforce the contlscaUon pro- vtsioa • 1be new franchise won't be ~f· fedive until Oct. 21. TM'• old contra.ct ran out Sunday. • Rtcbard Youn1, TM vice presi- d~nt, l11ued a statement this mornln1 tbat company officials were "shocked and ilismayed'' by the councU action. City hill awltcbboaMI and TM ne.. l Sen Clemente were flooded thlt momtng with hun· dred9 of calla from confused atld irate cable subtcribera. Councilman Bill Walker, •ho hammered out the new com· promlae franchise provl•ioas, bitterly charged that. Lane, O'Keefe and qtGlovannl con· tpl.red all alon1 to takt! over the cable operation wbile convtnclnc TJ( ex.ecutl•d that ~cu wa neaotl•tiftl tn cooct ,alt.l\. Walka -.Id tbe council ma· Jortb attempted to pull a "bou'' onnc . . .--...-..-.- Rep. Thomas F. Foley (0. Wash.). said the vote effectively ends the committee's attempt to discover who gave the report to Schorr or lo take legal action aeainst the CBS reporter for r~ fusing lo cooperate in lhe panel's investigation. The other three subpoenaed were Clay Felker. publisher of the Village Voice; Aaron Latham. a senior editor of New York magazine, and Sheldon Zal aznick, former senior editorial &I rector .or New York.._ The decision to drop the sub- poenas came after a series of votes on related moUons failed to unite the committee behind a specific course of action. One would have declared "the com• mittee does not recommend cit· ing Daniel Schorr for contempt. • It failed on a 5-S lie vote. The comm ittee voted 6·S against a m otion by Rep, Edward Hutchinson <R·Mich. >. to cite Schorr for contempl-O(w Congress tor his r efusal to answer questions or relinquish control of hi• copy oflhe report. It al110 defeated by a 7·4 vote a moUon by Rep. Thad Cochran <R·Mlss.), to recommend tha,t Schorr be denied use of the Hou(e radlo·televl11ion aalleries (or the remainder of this Hlllon ot Con1ress. Coast · J . Wea titer J Low morning clouds con· tinue to lln.cer with ma«tly falr akles Thursday after- noon. HJ•h• in lhe low 70s. · INSIDE TODAY Somt teWtdllt• .ond mdri· ' ti(m •ZJMrl• .or•~ "°""h lo cralm that .agmg con actuollJf b• pr~ed through propn diet. See P.0Qe Cl . .. ... , ., .. "' Al Ct·) ., AU .... .. ..., M M OAJLV PILOT N Blacks 'Eo Rule~? ~sian Whites Mull Proposal SAlt68URY, Rhodefila (AP) Prime Ml.outer l&n Sm1th'• ~ablnet nded two days of dia· cu.sslona today with no word on 'whether It wall accept propoaa.ls '\)y U.S. Secretary ol St.ate Henry \Ciasln1er t.o tranat~r aovemln1 .power to Rbodeala'a black ma· • Jority. "There's 11 lot or Ute 11Dd kick m Rhodesians,•• Smith told a tounst waldn& outalcle wttb report.en. .. We ban ltil1 •ot a lot ol ftOt but that doun 't mun thal we want to be 1lupld. We have fol to face up to r'alllin but I think we 're 1ol.n1 to be a 11 righL" Smith mused to anawer Quet· tlons from reportera on tho cablnet reaction to the pfOP08all. saying only that there would pro- b ably be "something a bit ftrmer'' 'l1Dl.n481 after be m..a wttti all 50 white memben ot parUamt-nt The decision la expod.cd to be made at that mecUnc. and SmJlb, baa 1cbeduled a radio and televh:im ..tdreu to th oatiOQ ~-Tburaday'• white caucu1 Hunti~ton lneid ent would have to HSW'C maJ011ty b•ckln1 of th proposala before Smith can aonouru:e tho plan to t.henaUon. T~e Brlllsb-~merlcan pro· posals ln the bandt ot Smith and bi.I cabinet are still secret, but are believed to provide for black m.,ority 1overn{lleot within two year1, eccompanled by a S2· billion fund to be set up by the United States and other Western nations to compensate Rhodesian whites wbo leave the country and help the new black aovernment with development. "f'air Beat, Stomp Mi lk Truck Driver Two assa1la nt3 stomped and severely beat a driver as he was delivenng malk to a Hunt.mgton Beach elementary school earJy. today. Police said that William Marshall, 23, of Santa Ana, 1uf· fered fractured nbs and other serious U1Jun es when he arrived at Meadowview School at 5702 Clark Drive Ln the northern part or the city. Sgt. Da vid Mille r s aid Marshall was jumped on the school grounds and was badly mauled with both fists and feet. He was taken to HWlliniton In- R e actions Sought o n Church Plans Community reaction as betng sought for the environmental im· pact report on a l~unit senior citizens housing complex planned in Corona del Mar. The hous mg proJect is backed by the Lutheran Church of the Master, 2900 Pacific View Drive. The housing uniu are lo be built on two acres next to the church. A draft El R on the project has been prepared and Bill Foley, a c1ty starr member who oversees preparation of the reports, said reaction to lt Is being sought from area resident• as well as a varle· ty ot aovemmental agencies. Foley Hid a public !\earing on the EIR wall be held by the city council in late October or Nov· ember. Once the report i.s approved, the church will then take ita pro- posal to the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development for a construction loan According to a spokesman for $ea view Lutheran Pla.ia, the cor· poralion formed by the church to develop the project. the one and two-bedroom units wU1 be rented to senior citizens at 2S percent or their monthly incomes. In addition to the construction loan, additional HUD funds are being sought to underwrite the cost of the rentals so that actual income from the renta will be al the going market price. The three-story apartment buildings will Include a common library. laundry and recreation rooms. Band Instruments Taken by Thieves Music students ut Corona def Mar lhgh School who Wllllted to learn to play the F'Tt"nch hom, clanntt. ln.ampet, plcroloor tuba Y.·111 have to takt" up something else for u while Vt'rnon Schroeder, mus ic director at the 1chool Monday re · port«! the theft of those five m ~trument.'I from the 11chool al 2101 East bluff Ori vt The 1nstru· mf'nta were lnl l seen at the close of summer school In Augwst and lll'C worth $4,270. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robt rt N . w...od -.. ·--- ThotNS A. MurCINM ,,.._,_ oi.rtn H. Loos Rlcherd P. N•ll --... -~ tercommunity Hospital with "qu:ate serious" lnjurie&. . A hospital official said today that Marshall was restina corn· fortably and lbat test.a were aclleduJed later ID the day. Mllles-said that Manball. a dQver for Cal· Va Dairy In Santa Ana, was attacked at about 2: 15 a.m. Miller said police believe that the two assailants took the key t.o the acbool's multi-purpose room when it rell out of Marshall's pocket during lhe beattnc The lnyestigator said he didn't know ii the two men were cuing the scbool for a burglary and were surprised by Marshall or if they were lying in wait for him to obtain the key. Officers said there was no in· dication that the school bad been broken into or tbat anythi.ni had been stolen. Police are waiting for Marshall to recover from the sbock of his beat.UlJ before questiool.og b.im further to gain leads oo the two attackers. ' Marshall told offittn1 that be thought be recognized tbe two men who were seen bantlng around another school site. Supervisors Ask Study of Hi<Uhn Rocks A troublesome ocean rock orr Capistrano Beach prompted county supervisors lo call Tues· day for a atu.dy or all oUshore rocks between the San Cl,mtnt. pier and Dana Potnt Harbor. The usually aubmeried rock, off 35083 Beach Road, fU"Sl came to supervisors ' attention a moo th ago. Al the time, they agreed to urge boaters to follow navi1•· tional charts. wbkb liat the rock: and to stay far from sbore. But at the lime, COWlty or- ficials bad told them the rock was only 30 yards orrsbore. They learned Tuesday il a JOO yards offshore. And San Clemente City Coon· cilman Tom O'Keefe, a member of the county Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission, asked that the rock be marked with a sign to warn boaters ol potential hazards. O'Keere said tbc rock is on a direct line wttb the main en· tranc' to Dana Polnt Harbor and could cause a serioua accideit. Supervisor Tom Riley said he wa11 told it never has caused an accident, and be aakt It may be just one or many roc.U In tbe area. At his suggeaUon, supervisors agreed to have lhe sberUf's harbor patrol deputies conduct a study in the area and report to the Harbors. Beaches and Parks Commluion within eo da)'I. County orflclal11 earlier bad couldued blowin8 up t.bt rock but learned permit.a for doinlC so probably could not be obtalnfld. Thry also asked the Coaal Guard lo buoy the rock, but were turned down when Cout Guard omclata said the rock wu Just one of many along tbecout. .United Way Kickoff Set The Rhodesian He rald neMpaper said the settlement plans are being described a.s the Calla1ban-Kissin1er· Vorster proposals. and commented: "The implication is lhat the South Africans have finally turned the screws on Mr. Smith despite denials lo the contrary.'· South African Prime Minister Jobn Vorster, host t.o the Kiss· in1er-Smitb talk.a in Pretoria last weekend. had been pressed by Kiaalnger to try lo convince Smith lo agree to black rule. Britain and Prime Minister James Callaghan were involved with the United Stat.es in formulatina the settlement pro- poHls. Rhodes la. a Brilisb colony un-UJ Smith unilaterally declared its independence ln 196S, bas a population of 210.000 whites and some all& million black.a. Kiaainger. reportedly carrying to black African leaders the word ol Smith's new poaitioo, had talks in Kinahan today with Zaire President Mobulu Sese Seko, then departed for Kenya. F rom Paflf! A I ANNEX ..• "It took three years and tb.reall of lawsulls t.o get a lousy seo.ooo trom the state, .. he said. "In this re1ard we consider the Irvine Company a better credit risk because we know where to find lhetn." Both Woodruff and Jones streued that there lsn't any dis· aareement over tbe $2.1 million. mill.Ion. That arrangement works to the advantaae of both the company and the sanitation district because it allows tbe company to pay tu tees now. instead ol in tbe future when development artual· ly occura and the fees may have doubled. U serves the district's interest in providinc cub toe the operat- ln& budaet. Woodrutr noted that, while the dbtrtct wUJ use the ,money ror current operations, it la still re- quired to see to It there are sewer tnmk lines Installed at the time of development in the coastal property. Jones says lt'e the question or coet that artects t.he...eompany'.s slandonopen apace. "By requlrinl p~ent or an annexation fee up ff'Obt at the lime we transfer title to another governmental agency, you wiJl be raiain1 the price of the land by al leut Sl,.00 per aeft. Jl may be no a1ency ia 1oin1 lo be willing to buy It," he uid. In 1plte of the dt....-eement. directora Ray Williama and Doll Mclnnlt aCTeed t.o the annex•· tlon in principle ln order lo start the annexation proceeding• throu•b the county•a Local Aaen- cy Formation Comml1tlon. Supervlaor Tbomu Riley. the thJrd sanitation dlat.rict director wu not preaenl. Willi.ma and MclnniJ asked Jooa and HD1'4tlon d1'triet lfalf memben to 1tudy tbe problem clause and report back for ratiflcatJoo of the actual airee- ment Oct.13. · * * * p,... Pflfle A J The United Way of Oran1c COAST County North/South will bettn It.a • • • ·annual rund·ralatn1 campatp, al.nee we won't be a~e to uae u." Thursday at the Disneyland beaaJd. Hotel. Nicoll aald the cliltric:t'a op-• Ac cord lni to campal1n tioftl are really limited to ft.Ddin1 Chairman Art Fretwell, the Unll· a way to educate thole ltUdenta. ed Way's volunteer campa.lan He weued that hla atatf la not team will be reac~oaJ plannlnj to recommend "de- ol St.6 million. a 44 In· annexation" of the area. . creueov~.r lest year't ~ t total Cowi 11 •aid a coct me! revenue Since the ~niu kickoff coin· · ana1flla of the ana will ba" to cicles wtlh tbe flrst nat.&ooally• . wait until development 1betlns. televised presidential debate, And he ftOt*1 any dty decfsfon television sets will be set up ln re11rdln1 annexation of the the lobby of the hotel'• Grand coutal area cowd not be made Ballroom. without t he data trom that .. anatyals. Yellow Citbs Born SAN DIEGO CAP) -Six. Ytllow C.bs haTe bem Mt llllre aillc• Wlloa 4lrlnn waat oa ltri.ke 2'1 d.Qs ap. · Cowell 1ald the db' will be Collowln• developm..._ = dcMlJ to aa attempt to tbat rOada, •uc.h .. tbe Bocdtl Ca· ..,_ bnau, are bu&.lt to Madie tndllc-~t wW aae from tile ..... .. ,. ......... ALIOTO'S FtANC££7 Kathleen SuHtvan Alioto, 59, Will W e d Woman, 31 BOSTON (AP) -Boston School Com mitteewoman Kathleen Sullivan and former San Franclaco Mayor J05eph L. Alioto plan to marry when hls divorce ltecomea final, it was re.- ported today. The Boston Globe, in reporting the marriage plans, said Mias SUllivan would not conflrm them Tuesday. "My private life ls private," the newspaper reported her say- ing. It aald Miss Sullivan, 31, and Alioto, 59, mel last April ""'en she attended the aMu.Jl meeting of the National AslodaUoo of School Boards in San Francisco. She is the daughter of William Sullivan, president and majority stockholder of the New England Patriots or tbe National Football League. Ahoto is a wealthy an- titrust lawyer. Mias Sullivan was a special education teacher in Boston before she was elected to the School Committee . She is serving her second term. Alioto's wife, Angelina, dropped out of si&ht in Februar1, 1974, returning to say she bad vis· ited California missions in a "desperate attempt lo secure some meaaure or personal privacy.'' She tiled for a divorce. toe a second time, In California last J anua.ry. Sbe ii reported to be out ol the count.ry. but the Globe re· ported her lawyer's office said no dates (or conteren~ In court had been set. Alioto was elected mayor of San Francisco in 1988 and was mentioned as a possible vice pre· sidential candidate during his flJ'St term. He served until 1975. He was acquitted of Cee split· ting in a state of Washington cue. The case ended with a ruJ· ing 1upportin1 a $2.3 mHUon legal lee received before becom· lngmayor. .Jimmy Oops Twice Told, Tale Tickles FORT WAYNE. lnd. (AP) -In a sUp ot the ton1ue, Democratic vice presidential candtdate Walter F. Mondale momentarily appeared to have forgotten tus runntni mate's name. Speaking to about 500 people who came down to the railroad tracks Tuesday to meet hll campaip train, Mon- dale said: "You're teUtni me, you're telling America, you wunt that White House once ugain occupied by a peoples' president. this time named Jimmy Ford.•• Realizing his miltake, Mon· dale grimaced, adding: "Jimmy won't like tbat..Jimmy, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Let m~ try again. Jimmy Carter. There we go." CARTER CONFIDENT. • • the matter without his statf pre-sent. In the loterview, made public thia week, Cart.er said be would not attempt to impose his own re- lidoua belids on ot.be.rs. "Cb.riat set some almost im· poulble standards ror us," be said, Mdlog that to sin is human. and "God foroves me for lt." In one excerpt. Carter declared: "I've looked on a Jot ol women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is aomethiol thal God recopl&es I wW do -Ud l have dooe ll -and Goe! torcsves me for it. Bot lhat doesn't mean that I CGOdemn aomeone who not OQ)y looU on a woman with lust, but who leaves his wife and shack& '-'P with 1omebody out ot wedlock. "Christ 11ys don't conaider yoW"Mlf better than aomeone else becauae one euy screws a whole bu.ncb of women while the other IU)' t. loya1 to bis wile. The l\.IY who's loyal to bi.I wile ouibt not t.o be condeacendin& or proud because ot the relative de~ of sinfulness." ' Alie n Jailing· Policy Wins Council Nod DeSantaAH City Council baa approved a police department policy of detaining illegal aliens suspected of criminal activity for federal Immigration authorities. Tbe controversial policy, re· vised nine times, calls ror the JailloC of aliens suspected or committing a crime. It does not include aliens reporting crimes to police, or people stopped for minor traffic violations. The policy also instructs police who encounter situations in which they believe an illegal alien la being exploited, to report aucb cases to health, wellare, employment or building authorities. The police department 's former policy was no enforce· ment of immigration laws. The candidate's statemetita brought mixed reactJana. -His wile, Rosabnn. aaid in New York they ca\&led bu no anxiety about his fidelity. "I trust him completely. I've never bad to worry about that at .U,"abeaald. -Dr. Harry N. Hol1ia Jr ., a de- nomlnaUonal authortty on aoc!ial ethics, sald ln Naabvtlle that Carter'• slatementa oo morality accurately refiect Southern Bap. Oat teacbln11. But Hollis, a 1talf mbet ol the Christian Lite Com m1uioD ol the Southern Baptist Conferenu. said be "wouldn't have used tbe same laqua1e. • • -Dr. W.A. Criswell, ~of the 20,000.member Jilnt Baptl.at Church of D allu, Tei .• declared: "I am hilhlY olfeaded bythls. lthlntbe'a mixed up la bis moral values, and I think tM tn· Ure church membenblp will feel lheaamewey." -Dr. Jerry Vfnea, pastor of the Dauph.lo Way Baptist Cbutch to MobUe, Ala., and a fonner pre. 1ident ol tbe paaton' conference ol the Southern Baptbt Conven- Uon, 1.Ud: "Thll appears to be another instance ot Carter ac· commodating himself to bi.I au. dience. I would prefer that avian ru.nnine for high public o!fic~ would use more refi n ed languace." -Wiiliam A. Powell, editor or the Southern Baptist Journal In Atlanta, aald he waa "flab- ber1aaled'' by wbatCarteraald. -Acting Senate Democratic leader Robert C. Byrd said Tuea- day in W aahlnirton be wished the interview "bad noloceurred." But he added: "J don't thJnk it's terminal by any stret.choltbe Imagination." -Byrd's RepubUcan coun· lerpart, Sen. Hugh ScoU ol P~­ ruylvanJa, quipped: "I think a nutr a day makes plenty of hay," -White House press secretary Ron Nessen said President Ford would have no comment oo the Carter Interview. Lynn Hart HART'S John Hart SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. • COST A MESA • 646-1919 Mens Tennis Shorts-'es ·to 151s ., BACK TO SCHOOL Mens Tennis Sllirts--'so to 1200 Mans Tennis S11oes-11•s to 241s Tellis Balls Ladies Tennrs S11orts-11•s &.121s 1 Penn 'r:t:. Blls-311" ladies Tiiiis Dresses lalles Tennis Shoes-10'& ti 2&•s Dunlop ~ 3/111 Penn Eltra Dlty-3/22s Basketballs-515 to 2895 Wilsen ~ 8'1J--3/235 Faotllalls--7'5 to Dunlop Extra Dlty-3/250 Soccer Balls-i15 ti 3415 Wn IP Slits 4 ... Balls · Playpnl Balls 13" ti 3915 ·~··tllals ' •_.is • Sweat SMrts & hnts-4•s H•llbals&Slms Hooded & Zippered swat ~so Heeded Acrylc Jackets-15•s Fo .. Sllles V-Heck lent Sleeve Aaylc Seccer Sll1et Sweaters-&•s All Pwpose Sllles , . -Basbtlll SMls 0,.1 I ta & Cllslll S.1llly · S. Ceater •1119 ~ , * ap Door Hard 1to Spring Open .. (Ann ·Landers DMR ANN LANOEas: Some time·aao a woman asked you what to do about a husband who but,)er up repeatedly. Yousatd. ··Lt~e ham." You also 11Ud a ~n wbo 1tay1 walb a man ~)>eat.a her u 1lck. Your ad· vice.~rovea you have no Idea ~ a battered wile's Jlfe b llke. . You are probably thlnluug, •'There la ALWAYS a place lo go," but you're wrona l read where London bu 75 shelters for ballered w I veb :rnd their duldren, but in the Uruted Slates there are very few. tamu in the 10 years we've been married, often lo front ot the du.ldren, for no reason except I aald hello to a man oo the strecl, or cooked a dinner my husband <lidn 't like. 7,• ltave.._de4eralaa· .. .. .. ttHI le ... bl'IUJJ&J. ,... IM &.rajlpedfonftl'. ·-. DEAR ANN: I find it bard to aympalh ae wlth "Crushed In CtntlnoaU" aad beramall·busted al.alert. My problem ls Just the oppoailo and I'll tradewtth her. lrnlt.s. Tho brassiere problem ls · limply awf\ll. Mme bave 1pedal J>&ddlna on tho st.raps and 1\ill they cut lnto my ahoulden. A woman can always male httlclf look lar1er, but t. ac-> rompllah the revene nq~ aurceory whleb la p&lnlul and ex· penalve. "Cruahod" ahoWd ecMa\l her bJea1ln11 -TOO MUCH JS NO GOOD w..i1. I can tell you. 11'1 beU. Al lead,tbe woman wbo wrote aot Mr la.l~and to see a 119yc:blatriJt. Most vfen won't 10. They aee not.hlnt wronc with what they are dol.Dg. You aay, "LEAVE.'' Ho'[ can she leave wbeo there ls JlO plaoo to 10? People who ve never had I.be experience can't ama&J.ne wbal lt 'a like to be a battered wile. More has been don~ to flelp ahwsed animals in this country than women. You clill the poUce and tbe l"'Y is arrested. Wit.bin hours be is out of Jail -mad as hell. So he goes home and beats up his wife again. t 've res I med myself lo more or the same because I'm trapped. 1 don't expect you to prinl lb.la~ I had to write . Sien m e - WTTIIOUT HOPE Ever alnce I waa 14, l've known that most boys are lntereated In cnethlna. Or should l say two? l've been clobbered dozens oC DEAa W.H.: A womaa wbo H)'I "I've ruli•ed myttlf to more of lhe ume" wt1l llrdJ IH It. I do aot •ll"ff Uaat &here are ao altenaaUves. Tlte~ may not be m.uy, hi Uaue ml&St be ONE, &Dd l& •• u &o )'OQ &o f1nd it. When .. Crushed" shops fot' a blouse or a dress she can wear any 1tyle. J must avoid low necklines. cllo&y fabrics and DEAK T.M.: I'" IM#a~ ,.._ maQY wome• we.. •ne .., dlle • ...... ..,. YM ape&k of. 'l'lllly A111 ... wen.It tM • ..,. ......... aec.1Wu. ' Award Slated The f i rs l Junior Woman-of-the-year will be aelected by the As.. sistance League of Newpol't Beach, Junior Auxiliary. Presentation will be maJ!e during a fall futtioo benefit Friday, Oct: 8, in the Marriott Hot.el. Fashions will be from Robinsons The award will be pre- sented by Adela Rogers St. Johns, well-known author, newspaper· woman and champion ot woman's ability to create positive change in our world today. The recipient will be dlokn on the basis ot outstanding achieve- merita and contributions to tAe organizalioo(s) in which she serves and to 0TaJlge County on the whole. ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNS To Make Presentation New Start for Sagittarius. 111UllSDA y, SEPT. Z3 you can perfect techn.i· ia to be exlravaeant - BySYDNEYOMAIUl ques. make valuable overcome it by consult- ARIES (March 21-contacts and get to heart ing one with experience. April 19): Highlight of matters. Accent on Means there are persons pr a c tic a Ii t y; take looks, dnve, personality• eaaer to lend helping nothing for granted. originality. hand. · 'Insist on quality and UBRA (Sept. ·23-0ct. PISCES CFeb. 19· service. Refuse to be in· 22): Key now is or-March 20): Lie low -do timidated by one who ganization. Leave no more listening than as- .scowls. loose ends. Don't de-serUng. Check details - partnership. marital status. If September Z3rd ts you blrtMay you make new starts this year - you will be more ftnan- cialJy secure in October. You are inqujs itive, a good reporter-detective -you're concerned with character, theater, law. You're versatile, can be domineering and you are generous. HWltNG PmlUMt. ISNCIAUUIH HIAYI DIAl .. H CASIS MAJOll MAHUfACTUaUS H,.ISIHTID TIHYIAISIH COlOHA DR MAit HAl AEBISOtBt HWttNG AIDS l40t L C-t Hwy. C-.. Mw-675-JIJJ TAURUS (April 20· legate too many duties. become famlllar with May 20): Fun and games Accept responsibility. basic material, Con- will replace worry and You1l find that club or cepla. Accent on tong. tension. Means there 1s charitable oreanizalion term r elationships , abrupt transition -what ts behind you. was a s etbac k c an Sct>RPIO (Oct. 23·-~------------------=========~ becomeadefiniteasset. Nov. 21): Accent on GEMINI tMay 21-June romance, creativity, 20): Get on solid footing valuable contacts, nat· be aware of price!>, tery and meaningful restrictions, eventual as-compliments. You SUC· s ets. One with ex· cessfully complete as. perience will lend help-signmenl, project. You 10g band. Older in· buildfo~future. dividual will cooperate. SAGITrAIUUS (Nov. CANCER (Jun e 22-0ec. 21): Emphasis 21-July Z2 ): Be ready for o n a u t h o r i l y , chanae. variety, travel responsibili ty, new -start dialogue with s tarts, independence, one who means much to standing in community you. Short trip, calls, Relationships with p~ messages. selection of fessional superiors also product -these are on are spotlighted You dererve lhe best ... Cadillac '77 The '77's are heret Excellent service and reasonable pricing have built our reputation. The best costs no more at ••• at NabersCadiUac 2600 Harbor BouJevard, Costa Mesu (714) 540.9100 (j): rt~ ............ , .............. agenda. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22>: CA PR ICO RN <Dec. _.:::======.,.,...--=,,..---.==,..---------- Accent on money, in-22-Jan. 19): Good Moon come. budget personal aspect coincides now possessions. Home im· with communication, provemenl, reconcilia· education, spiritual In· lion with family member sights, journeys. One · theae alao could be on close to you is reliable agenda. but needs reassurance. VIBGO (Aug. 23-Sept. AQUARIUS (Jan. 22): Lunar cycle high -20-Feb. 18): Temptation HAMS, k-.i ....... ,.. ... , S-4 .,_ , c• , .. _ .. LCtlNI _.. Fund-raising · High on Spiral Slit"ed Wll~t-or ll•lf HONEY IAICID HAM SAHDWIC .. S Tuty., .lay to Rs. ...... Ill• wtl •• _, fTlt•b, for y-•J .. • , .,.. .,, ,_...,., DUSTY WINGS: Members and guests are invited to a Fiesta o( Friends to be held Satur· day, Sept. 2S, in the Tustin home or Mrs. Rkhad Robinson Town and Gown faU re- ception for faculty and odmlnistration at 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, in the FulJerton home of the WiJJiam J . Kaneys. hour at the home of the Frank Vachons and then wrn proceed to other de- signated homes. ORANGE DISTRICT: As the 34 clubs in the d1s- On a I.Our of the Salva- tion Arm y's s ummer carnj>. tile group present- ed a check whic h brouthl the annual total toSl.170. CiHAPM A N COt;LEGE : Trustees and lheir apousea wiU be entehained at the annual U PP ER BAY AS· tricl or the Califorrua SOCJ ATES : Early Federation of Women's California Fiesta is the Cl ubs will sponsor the theme or a proere:.s1ve Providence Speech and dinner, to be staged to Hearing Center, a tour of' raise fund s for the the facility is being Orange Co unty planned at 8 .4S am. PhilhJarmonk Society. Tuesday. Sept. 28. Beginning at S p.m.. Another tour planned &lnday, Sept. 26. •ueat.!i. is to P..roJect Concern, Ti- will be trealed to a social Juana on Wedneaday. • Public Hearings . . ~Home Care :. :tt'ho 1tatu1 of bome care in the U. S. will be di~od durtn1 a public heanng Thursday, Sept. 30. and Friday. Oct. 1. 1n tbe Los Angele~ Con\'enUon Center. The hearln1 b oneol •series belne conduct .:ct ~roH lhe country durin& September and <X tobtr to obtain tnforrnatton on how the Depart m~l of Health, EducaUon and Welfare should reQlate Federal homo health care programs un- dc~edlcare and Medicaid. l\epresentatlv• from health and medlc:al prqf.tsslon11, welfare atenclet, or1anlzaUona for tht!.a«ed, voluntary nunea uaoclaUons and hol'Oemaker aeencla will partklpate. The public also Is invited. )\nyone wlabln& to .Ub or 1ubmll a written • sta.,ment may do '°• ac:cord.ln1 to Joe P . M~ado, HEW relionaldlrector. er informaUon ii avail•ble by writing to an Marer, HEW RqJon IX. 50 United Na- tic* Plua, Room 42'7, San Francisco 94102, or by callni Marer at (415) W-1981. l'-Ca ph .. ........... 67).)444 .,........, ~-... • ·ct;; . ..., Bacilgammon S9ts. Leather Desk Accessortet JtJJ 1 cwt -n Ill·•• .... "' .. """"'t , ... Sept. 29. The proJect pro. videt hea.lth care, denlal ~Tvices, nutrttlon'train· lng and public health education. Dl1t.rlct clubs have donated 1upplies to th1J cause. CHILDREN'S CREATIVE ART WORKSHOP: The Sales and RentaJ Council of the Newport Harbor Art Museum will sponsor its a nnua l works hop ror c hildren beginning Saturday. Oct 2 Instructor will be Jan S Cook, an Orange Coast College teacher who owned the Costa Mesa Art Center for 18 years. Classes will take place in Art Room 502 at Corona del Mar High School. Anyone inte rest· ed in the class may call the museum office, 875-3866. MUS CU LAR DYSTROPHY BENEFIT: The annual King of the Hall Pro- celebnty tennis tourna- ment will travel to 28 cities lo raise funds for the MO Association. 3700 E. Coost tighway, Corona def Mor -673-9000 · ·--.. ·c--IZ22S. .................. .... US-JUI 71 HO tfitllwey #I 11 • Nici s,r-.. U. a-lie Mld.J 7 I 4·l4 .. JH4 Matches will be played ---------------------------- Sunday. Oct. 3, at the ----------------------------.. Corn e lia Connelly School. Anaheim. COMMUN ITY FRIENDS: Menta l Health Association is recruiting Orange Coun· ty volunteers for the pro- gram which nssists the convalescent in meeting, daily sftuations with new fe e ling s o r self · confidence and selr- sufficlency. Anyone interested in the training program is asked to call the MHA of. face, 547-7M9. Don'tl~for the Jones at ourTennis Club '. The Harbor Rocquet Club ls a tennis club not neceuartty a social club. Sure, our facilities Include saunas, clubhoule, practice alleys and all the conveniences you'd expect, but the dltterence Is our members ore ser10us about tennis. It you've thought about joining a tennis club but weren't sure how to go about It, we'd Ilk• to ahow you our focfllty. . TJY out the Hatbot Racquet Club for one daY• plo'{ or several Orto/ $3.00 on weekdays and $5.00 on ~ We"vegot plenty ot court-ttme avallobfe becOUle membership Is Rmlted. Join us for a day or a year."°' w""'8 ••• and leave the Jones' aomewt.... ..... FORRESBrVA'FfONSCAU. 642~0()0 ON GROWING OLD: .IT'S UP TO YOU Choose One: Diet or Dilapida .~ion a,. BAaBAll,A(illlS -ly ~ ... ·-·- When the Fu btonables and Town and Gown 1upport 1roup1 of Chapman College i.nnounced the.Ir "De1i1n for U vina" luncheon wblcb iraced the Balboa Bay Club lu t Wednesday, the invlta· lions prom ised a program on "the bu uty of ag ma." Call It what you lake, the speaking panebsts alJ'eed: the challenge ol groWlng old gracefully -or "agin1 prevenlton." as one termed It -is a human pbenomenoo that manages to reorganize our vanity circuitry to companng photographs and akin folds and lookl.n& languorously at tight· bodled,vibrant youlhfuls lt there was one consistent theme an lbe pep ta1b delivered to the more than 400 women atuodln1. at would be that aging doesn 't n=ally have to happen. or at least, take an ugly t.oU . Pbyaical de1eottatiop is a m atter of choke, the audience w as told It can be ours by virtue ol what we c hoose to worry about, and by how and what we choose to eat. dnnk and smoke "If you want bags, wnnldes, lifeless skin and 1111\Bleu halr, then by aJI means, drink. dnok. drink," Frances Messmger. program director for St. Vincent's Alcoholic Treatment Center in las Angeles, told the women Many had sipped an a~ritif before bemg served a skinless. cold chicken plate. bran mulno and low.urb chocolate cake. EMPTY CALOalES ··Talk about empty ealort . " Ms. Messin1er went on. "a lcohol bu ablolutely no nutrients whatsoever But unfortunately, we have been brought up in a soriety '#hen takin& a drink It a thouahtlesa process. · 'll's too easy," she said. even thou&h alcohol is "the moat addlctl.na drug available to us and tbe number one hulth problem In the U.S." "We are ron~ver lleekln& a 'safe' limit whereby we can enjoydrinklnJ and not be affect· ed by it. Well, there is no part of the body that is not affected by Uquor," Ms Messinger said "Alcohol takes ill toU ID tht nervous system and the hrain, often enough to tngger anllSocial behavior." Although both men and women claim to drop unwanted pounds when lbey cut a lcoholic beveraces out of daJly consumpllon, many ad· mat that wben desired wea&ht loss as attained, they return lo relyin1 on an "evening h1ghbaJI" to "make them feelbappy andlovabJe ... she saad SOCIAL LUBRICATION "Th1s is sad commentary, indeed," Ms. Messinger continued. "lt's too bad we feel we. need somethin1 to lubrieate us ln order to relate wtth others. "I see the problem ol alcohol as a simple m1tter of dM»ilce, not will pow•r. ··she continued. "Wht should we need will pow~r to be happy -to not drink the poison ol our youth and to not a1e prematurely!" Ms . Meuln1er was Joined by Jeann• Jones, nutrition consultant and lecturer for tbe American Diabetes Au n .. who recently authored a bookie\ for a dietetic cake mix com· PD1 ln which she.offers reclpea for special OC· cu100 .. 1orgeous &oodles" with caloric counbJ rarely above 100 per servife. Ms. Jones, who c~ her favonte lecture "Don't Kill Your Best Friend," says desserts are "the real kicker " ''For some reason, lllter liVUll for weeks on steamed vegetables and low·fal meals , we feel a need to 10 super-rich on planning an entertainm1 menu." sbe told luncheon goers "Cnsp, fresh apples somehow get transformed into a pae and or course. what would dJnner be without dinner rolls -wath REAL butter"" Ms. Jones Sll)'S such dJetetJc aids as low carbohydrate cake mix~ ~hould s upplant cons· c1entious eaters' other dessert max supplies which manage to send out tempt.in& vibes "every time you open the pantry door .. TEMPTATION A NO.NO "The key lo vilal.ity and body maintenance as an good nutrition through sensible eating." she said. "lt 's like having an 11th commandment to follow: Thou Shalt Not Tempt, which m eans. ir yoo shouldn't have it , don't bring it in the house." Following Ms. Jones' presentation was a brief showing or fall fashion ideas by seven Newport area models whose total age was calculated al 334years. JEANNE JONES BEA ANDERSON, Editor Actress Shirley Rothman. )"ho des<'nbes Wednesday September 22 1976 herself as a lecturer-student of Ute ".Age or Mte c1 Six of the models showing 'Design for Living ' to age-battling luncheon guests are Newport area residents (from left) Wynn Wilson, Doris Mills, Nan Broughton, Sue Spinelli, Irene Sparks and Diane Myerson. ptevenUon." spoke about gr0wiQa old as an "un natural phenomenon.'' "Agln1 is an accumulation ~ diseases brought on whee body chemistry breaks down and can't &et J'epaired." she aald. A&ing ts manifested physically. she said. when two rdoleculd 1et hooked together In a process called cr06S·linkmg "In 10 years." she estimated, "Amert.can scientists will have found a laboratory enzyme to dlasolve this molecular bond and reverse aging 'Jlaey wlll have found a way lo make menopause occur at 80 instead ol 45." MATURATION CONTROLLED · In laboutories at. Ul• .. l>•ll•lll~nl of Physiology, University of California al Berkeley, research assistant Paul Segall is controlling maturation in rats by restricting their intake of tryptopban, oneoftheeightessential amino acids. Found chiefly an dairy products. some animal and plant proteins, tryplophan is, as Segall explains. "the substance from which the body manufactures neuro·transmillers which r e· ,Wale functions such as body temperature and appetite." Segall says he has been able to extend the rats' average 22 month life span to 30 months by limiting their tryptophan intake to 34 milligrams per 100 food grams The "normal" human al · lowance is 180 milligrams or tryptophan per JOO grams. Al the present time, says Segall. 1cienltsts are "without a ny human vocabulary" where this ON FEEDING YOUNG: type of experimentation as concerned. "Tbe only Uung our sludae:. reJlly tell us as that aging can be controlled in the laboratory. but we don't know to what extent TURNINGOt'fCLOCK "What we do know is that aging 1s a pro· grammed process that works much like a clock in controlling t.he pltwtary gland," he said "The 'hands' o r the c l oc k a r e th e n eu r o · transmitters By li miting tryptophan an the diet. we have, in effect , turned off the clO<'k " On~ 1&ta are placed back'On a normal diet, 1 Segall said growth resumes where it lert oH. "In • older rats. there are exterior signs of rcJuvcna·; lion, and young r ats rcmrun i.mall. untal normal reeding resumes . . r Although an eHectavely tryptophnn-der1c1end diet can be achieved by ingesting large amountsj of cornmeal In place or other protein foods, Segall vehemently discourages this kind or human experimental.Jon "Huma ns could go crazy on a diet lake this," hesa1d. Segall s ays the d1ct was :,,o drastic that only a bout a third or the laboratory animals survived the experiment Those that did ~urvave showed signs or "let· rible side effects,·· he said, ltkc convuls1on11 ;ind ironically. thmmng tuur · .. I ' • . -. Fat or Slim? Thank Mom Harvest Home Contest Cooks Rec!f es are now beln1 re ceive fo r the D.tly Pilot Harvest Home Cootlna Contest. with Taste-Off scheduled for Saturday, Oct 2 at the Irvine Harvest FeaUval, CUiver Drive and New Barranca Roach an lrvine. Recipes must be rec:e.aved oo later \ban Friday for competition in the followln1 categories: Whole Grain Baked Godm. Fruit Pies, Vegetarian Main Di~es. Diet Desserta and Spaee·Age Snacb. f In keepinr with the them~ of • 1 ·th.LI year'• Harvest Festival. "New Hori sons,·· categories b•ve been drawn lo include your most economical. enerey-savtni and future-minded concod.lons. r. . Red ... mu.at W aubmitted in typewrtUen form OD an •~ x ll· Sneb ~ece ol paper. and mmt tn- dude a Ult or ltlsredients and • - procedures ; your name, address and phone number. A panel of judges will Mlect contestants for the Oct. 2 Tute-orr on tbe basis of rec!pe ori&inality. ease In preparation. a nd use of natural and ttonomical Ingredients Finaliats wlll be announced in the Food Section next wee.It and will be asked t.o brine lbeir en· tries lo the Daily Pilot food boolb at the festival grounds by 2 p.m. the day of judging. wtnnen will receive prises in· eluding a crock pot sJow-eooter. dinner for two, and gift certificates for clothes. records and a personalbed birthday cake, all donated by tbe Tempt.dress shop, the Slew Ket· tie. tl\e Music Market and Prtadlla'a Bakery. in the Meaa Venle Sboppinc Center. Winning rec1pa will appur ln the FoodSettton Oct.&. Chances are, according to the most recent theories on early childhood development, if you're overweight now, you wer~ probably a bottle-fed baby Speaking oefore the California Dairy Council's Sym posium on Early Childhood Nutrition lul wee k In Oakland. Dr. Charlotte G. Neumann of the Department of 'fedlatrit1 al UCLA. said bottle feeding allows the mother to s hape the infant's appetite by her own attitudes about how much the baby should eat. Healthy. breut·fed infants, in contra.st, usually suckle until they are no longer hungry, alJowin& them to betler respond to their own needs. Force·feedln1 nol only contributes to a proWeration of fat cella, 1aid Dr. Neumann, it aho tends to establish lon1· term patterns or overeating. The accumulaUon of adipocytes (fat cells I is shown to be permanenUy irrevenlble, said Dr. Neumann, re1ard· less of 1ubtequent calorie lntake. "ll used lo be if you didn't. have a fat baby, you were a lousy parent," Dr. Neumann told the symposium. "Well. re· aearcher1 have found that fat bablea are not neceu ar11y healthy bablea. "In fact, they are more susceptible to lower respiratory ilineuet than Infants ol normal wel&ht, and often have or· thopedlc problem• durina early wa.lkine sta1es." . Dr. Neumann Hid ,_.arch hu shown tht lnetdenee of broncblUs and other respl.ra~ lnfecUona to lncrease about 102 percent amon1 "fat babies. ' "Mothers should be encouraeed to breaat.f'9d their chlldreo up to ahr montht when po11lble," ~ Newmann said. "Breast-fed lnlanta are abown Q) double their birtb wetibt weeka later than fcrmu.la·fed btbl•, Wtllcb means more vadual, cellular IJ"OWth," • Dr. Neumann alao •UC1est.a lbat ~l4 weteht Caln can be caused by giving lbe baby solid tOo soon. "By the time some babies are two mobthl old.J.My have already tasted chocolate puddln1 and berry cobtft.fr,'' lbe tald. "Motbet1 should be diseova1ed a1amst fee&ne their babia anythin1 solid unUl age four.five mont.ba; ud then, l hope tt would be something more wbalet0mt lban sweet desffrta. That seems to be a trt11er for"'MQther abeslty pat· tem "she said. • Parallelln1 cunent trends for natural bllth Ind.bods, thve la also a trend among mOtben to favor breut-feedinl over formula feedtns. Dr. Neumann noted. Flp..res abow that in 1'74, 11 percent or all babiea bom were breast-fed. compared to to percent in 1974. Thia year'• fisura are near If dQuble, abe ..w. TM majority of babies. however. are fed iron·fortlfied formula. But I.roll, once thouahf to be a neceasary dietary •llPPtemnent fol' be~ de•elopDlent, ii now prescribed wtlb sn•ttr raentdion. WbeQ ctven to ..... on di• bitla JD w1har.wlata, iron can c11&1e bem<IClobin le.eia to fall on mON drut.lcallJ than U lbe aupplegsmt weren't~ A eompUcaua, factor ts.; pnmatun Infant.a oftea • I ,. -beft 41.ffioul~y d11eat!ns falA, espet'ta)Jy -¥itamin E . TbU coupled with the fact that iron appears to deslroy aome of ~ baby•a reserve ol vitamin E. can result in vitamin Ede· ftdmc7 anemia. f Saddleback * * VOL. 69, NO 266 6 ~EC1 ION S bJ J•J\l,L ' 1\(ter11oon ~-• Stoeks TE N CEN1:S !Clemente Cable Viewers Unplugged; ..... .. By PHILIP ROS~1 \Kl'I 04 llM O•llr .,,,.. \t•H TN Commun1cat1on:. ('111111>.in' cut cable tell'VISWn SN\ l("I' t .. '7,000 San Cleml•nll· -.ut._t nli. r • today. The terminat11Jn of '' n 11·1• came within on hour •rf J JI'"' .1f11 r a l• l••\1 11•11 r• 111• l 1 •• ' Jiit•·' ii 1111: , .. ,.1. ... i1" th .• '",\ I 11111 1 J4 I · midnilht City Coum 11 rdu:.JI t11 auspend a prO\. ISIOn of It., n1n tract with TM The pru\ hl•m JI Jon the city lo conf1scall' all lhl..' equipment within the l·1ty Jh da~ ~ I" .. l.111• l p11•o1l 11111 Ill •• I •Hil 11\llllj.! lt td lo\ trh I ft< I 11 • I lh.11 l lllU't Ol'l'llfltlll h • I\ II' .1•1<1 d1 111Jnth· 1 •1u1pm1•111 111 1111!•1 I Jl!,tlW'l J'111•-thl1· f11l Ill' I I °'<'1/Urt' of th.it• •tlllj /11t·11t IJ'I .,..,.,.1; lh" ll'lllH'il .q pr11,uJ .1 II•'" 111ntr;.irt \1t1h "·· C'Jbll't'C11TIIJ.1ll\ !Jut)!,l\•'·•~I :!_, 1 month rJI•· h11\1· and prn\ 1,1,.n., . It's l'ou, Vou, Yo11 Although too young for the Army, these young people are just the right age for Indian Maidens and Indian Guides. And it's the annual recruitment time for the ac- tive YMCA program for boys and girls in the first through third grades. Information is available at 830-9622. From left to right are Michele Reruns, 7, and Angele Nichols. 6. both .Mission Viejo, and Robin Mullins, 8, El Toro. Saddlehack College ~ightening Policy B1 WILLIAM 8CllllEJB&a Ol*o.llYl'l•-n11tt new attendance ftlula· tlonl have forced tboulanda ol Stddleback Collece Dlltrlct atu· a.at.a to seek speclaJ permit.a to $end CIUIH at two ne11hbor -a. colleae dJstrtd campuses. ~~11 but a small perttat.a&e of t: permit requu\.I have beetl n6ed. accordln• to Robtr\ I.Dito, Saddt.back's dean ot ilmlaslon.a and recot'dl. The ricid poH~y requires permit.a for any abadenl wtshi.na U> study tn the Cout or Rancho Et1a10 Community Collea• tr1cts. Until thla fall, stu· ta takt.na llll or fewer unlU eould croas the lines without ~rmlltlon. But on the other hand, the North Or1n1e Coun~ Communl· f.>' CoHe•e district 1 faclUtJes are open to Saddleback student.a 1'6tbout permit requirement.a ol 'PY kind. Why the blg diftere:nce? "Seat taxes, that's what," said Boaanko. Sacldleback's two· nelabbor district. levy a $300 annual fee a11tnst the Mlsaion Viejo dlatrict for each equivalent full lime student at- lendln1 their colleges. The north county district char1u nothln•· tn recent years. the ,.eat tu· • baff cost Saddlebedt d.lat.rlct taxpa~era millions or dollars annually. The touth new policy, wh.lcb a1lo lncludea atricter ru1dellnes for detenn1nln1 when • penntt requett la valid, wu adopted by SacldleMck t.ruatees lut sprtn1 bo(h to cut down on seat tax coat.a and to stem the Ude of local student& ruhini to other dlatrtcu. Durint lhelr deUbe.raUons on the new rules, trustees •aid the <See COLLEGE, Pace AZ> Jimmy Oops ~wice Told, Tale Tallie• FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -In a slip of the tongue, Democratic vice presidential candidate Walter F. Mondale momentarily appeared to have forgottn hll running mate•a name. Spea.ktna to about SOO people who came down to the railroad l.racb Tuesday to meet his campaign train, Mon- dalesaid: "You 're teUing me, you're tellin&, America. you want that White llouse once aga.ln occu~ied by• peoples' president, this Ume named Jimmy Ford." R.ealizina his mistake. Mon· dale artmaced, acJdl.na: "Jimmy won't like that. Ji&DllO'. I didn't ~u mean it. 1 dld.n 't me.n it. Let me ti'T•lain: Jinimyeuter. There~'°·" J I I., d I fl ,t 11 ft. q t t I t I I ;I\& 1lt111 ll ~ t tfl it I I .... t t•f' ,i tt ! I 1 .,, \ t 11( I II•\ ,ll II ,, • I • I l ... I t I• 1111 I illl I! •• I \l.1\ .. 1 II l'.1'1 tl.111•\ol,.t • r ,. r 1 t,. Ii >., lout .11.t II• 1,. f If ti\\ ·~h 1t11 I ••lllU ii I''''"' . \ '' 1 n • •" r I tt, ' • • 1111 • , • t .. tt \ 1 u lt\t1+t1 ...... 1 .. t,1L1\.\ Utt 1\1.t J 11, .,.(,1, I 111• l""" .t ,,,11 CI r\1 1'f1• ,lllrf llJl1ln\ ,111111 (H •llf,.111• Ill• \l•lll9'1.1t1 .. n Jiii• \ l'IC•ll I ht 111 \\ ! r ,tl1l r , "'"" • t., • r , I • I l\ I I• 11 • ti I 1, I '1 t \ 1 " 'I -•IU'',I\'' UL•• 11 '-•111 i I\ I "illl• d1t1.111 ltd! \\ ,1 ~.I 1\l11• t1,1'llllt1td ut ltH1 lt1\\ t ltl i I• llll"'t• f' .1 rlt h 1.,,t pl''\ I 1111)"' htl'<'rh .h.11~"" !h.1t l .1111• 11h1•t1• 11t1d lt1t,an\.lllfU •••n ..... 1 •• 1~ .tl1111..: ... I '"' .. , I I th•· '.1.1~ ll(Jt f.1111111 .... hill'lllll\lllllll)! I \1 l"" l'UI 1 \ , • .., th.11 th•· 111unnl 1\,1, Ol'J.!nl1,ll 11l)! 111 ).!Cll'ld fJtlh W.1ll1.1•r 'Jtd th•· l'Oun111 ma t"1 tt' .111 1·111 1111·11 to pull J "hoax.. confiacaUon PoPlbWty "t.he fin~ 1111 I \I straw" waa a council declalon te c 11\ h.tll "' 11c hho,1rd.-. and TM also malntaln a provision ol lt,f 111111 '., 111 :-..1 n Clt'mcntc were contract that would allow the city 11. ••Int t h1' nwr c11ni.: \Hlh hun· to collect 100 percent of TM re.· drnl' of l Jib from co(lfused and venue accrued from Sept. ii, 1 .11" 1 ..iblt--.u bsc n bet1> "hen the franchise explred, to ll1d1.ml Young , TM nee pre:.1 Oct 21 , the date the ne'f 111 nt 1~ .. u1•d J :.latcment this frane'hiae la effective. ~ nhirnm~ that company officials "The councU-s action," Yount "'l're · shockt-d and d.Jsmayed.. said, "forces TM to take out llf b> the council action plant by Oct. 19 unless the Citj' Ile :,taled that in add.Jlion to the <See CABLE, Pap .U> Jintnty: 'No Regrets~ Playboy Story 'Won't Hurt CaTnpaign' PL A I NS . Ga <AP > Democratic presi dential nominee Jimmy Carter said to- day he 1s not dismayed by reac· t1on to his statements that he has "looked on a lot or women with lust" and "t'omm1tt.ed adultery in my heart." He :.a.id he doesn't think 1t has hurt his campa1gn. Carter responded to quesllons from reporters as he got tnlo his car after compleung an early San Juan Bank Hit Silently A San Juan Capistrano bank was robbed o( an estimated S360 Tuesday by a silent band.it who shoved a note acrou the counter but displayed no weapon, Orange Count1 Sheriff's officers said. OepuUes, who are working with FBI a1ent1 ln lnvest.11atlni the robbery at t.be Bank or America, 31872 Camlno Capistrano, said the robber ned on foot after being handed lhe cash. • Bank teller Julie Ann Bunker, 23, of Dana Point, told officers the robber passed a note across the counter which made it clear that he wanted the c:oolenls of her ca.ab drawer . She immediate· ly compiled with the demand. 0Jlicer1 refused today to divuJee the contents of the note. 'They said It offered a clue to the identity of lhe bandit morning inspection of tus peanu t processing operation. Asked whether he was du;. FORD-CARTER STANDS LISTE.0--A7 mayed by some of the reaction to tus statements , made to an in terviewe r from Pl ay boy magazine. the candidate replied "No. I don't wont lo have a H'laat a Finish! press conference this morruog. '' Q "Do you feel you were mis· understood?·· A "I haven't been bothered by II " Q "Why did you grant the in· terv1ew"'' A "The same renson 1 grant you one " Q "Are you sorry you granted ll" . A "No " Q. "Do you regret it?" A. "No." Q. ··0o you think It's been mis,. understood? '' A. "l don'tthlnk It's hurt in any way." Q. "You don't think It's hurt at. all "" A ''I don't beheveso. •· But Carter said he did not want. to conduct a news conference on <See CARTER, Page All HB Driver Stomped At Sclwol Two assailants stomped and severely beat a driver as he w"s delivering milk to a ffuntiniton Beach elementary school early today. Police aald that William Marshall, 23, o( Santa Ana, auf· fered fractu.red ribs and other ~rtoua lnJurln when he arrived al Meadowview School at 5102 Clark Drive In the northern part olthecity. Sgt. David Miller said Marshall was jumped on the school grounds and was badly mauled with both fists and feet. He was taken to Huntington In· tercommunity Hospital with "quite serious" lnjurie1. A h08pital om clal said today that Marshall was resting com- fortably and that teats we.,. scheduled later in the day. lnveatlaatora described the man as belne abouU.8 or 29 years or a1e. about six root three and wt th brown hair. They saJd be wu w~aring dark blue pan\.I, a Navy bluo wlndlJreBtr .Juket and a white tennis cap. Plaza Display· Reported Gone Bob -Oentr.y •nd Sally Peterson;-both associate deans o( students at UCI, make a valiant effort as they complete the round-the -park tricycle course Tuesday. Ad· ministrat.ors, staff and a few students competed in the "olympic'' event, part of the ongoing orientation week at UCI (Related picture, Page 3). Miller said thal M81'8hall, a driver for Cal-Va Dairy In Santa Ana. was attacked at about 2:1.5 a .m. Miller said police believe that the two aaaallants took the key t1> the school's multi-purpose room when it fell out of Marshall"• pocket durine the beaUne. Miniature circus wagons and 1ta1e coaches lhat were often placed on diJplay at the Sad- dleback Valle1 .Piasa on El Toro Road may never be lffn there a1aln, Orance Couaty 1her1ff's olOcera 1aJd. District Set to Fill New Lake in Viejo Deputies aald the authentic reprochactlons In miniature of Old West wa•ons were hauled away from lhe ahopplna center by bur1lara who must have u.ed a truck to carry off their loot. Shoppln1 center owner Alex· ander Haa1en values the waaon• and coaches at $8.~. He aald the clrcua wagon alone wu valued at $2,~. Race Driver Loses Tool& to Burglar Profes1looal race driver Den· n.11 James Martin bu reported the theft of car tools valued at· n.ooo from hls M1alon Vlejo bocne. Ora.n1• County sheriff's of. ftcen aald Ka.rt.in, 21, ol 2'831 Leto Circle, told tbem the tooa. were taken from bis 1ara•e wblle be wu awa.J trom bis bome. He said t.be 1arqe door was left unlocked. Santa Marearlta Water Ola· tr1ct dlreetora .Monda)t approved an .,l'eement for lbe nm.n• of Miiiion Viejo Company's US. acre man-made lake. lt ls expected to take about seven months to fill the lake, now a lar1e 1raded hole near the ends of Mar1uerlte and Alicia Patkways . · William Knltz, the district'• general maoa1er1 saJd water facWtitt and the la1te bottom are expected to be completed b)' mid· October. He said a low now of water pro- FOUl'B.4LL FANS,. 7RY YOVR LUCK Plflkio Pickeroo "'71 coadaoe.I wttb • aecODd week al com.,.U· tioo for prizes worth more Uum $300. Orwe Cout propoaticaton al plpkin prowess beat aelectin& tbe outcomes of 30 weekend &rldiron conte.ta u. awarded prize• locludln1 a full year'• Bribe .. m· Israel?. memberabl p at Nautllus o Newport. dlMera for two at an TEL AVIV (AP) _ Israeli area Reuben'• or Moonraker mLUtary police and lhe U.S. restaurant or 11.tro Car Wub Federal Bureau of lnvesUeation Syat.emt car waabea. are invat11aUn1 • cue al al· De\.alll and an entry blank 1P- ,.... bribery in New Y.tt In· ;: each lloeday, 'l\mday aod vcilriaf two laraell *l1D1 of~ td1Nada1 _la the sporta,.... ol bably will begin pouring into the lake ln the end of October. Water wUI be pumped at a falter rate durtn1 winter moot.ha when the cllttrtct'a demand wiually ll leaa. heaaid. lmpolUd domestic waler will be uaed for the lake. Knitz ex· plained that since the lake will be · · used for body contact sports, It requires "clean water." He said t.he lake owners will be billed at the district's standard irrleatlon rate on a monthly bull. He u Umated t.he lake will lake about a half million dollars worth of water. Slnce the weath r 1tnd iround ablorptloo are uncertain, KnJll 1ald the district doesn't know ex- actly how ml.lth water will be Meded to fill t.be Jake. Accord1n1 to the acreeD190t, the d.latrict will maintain the lake. The Milslon Viejo Company wU1 dedicate' pumpine faci.UUes It la buUd.i.ne to the water d.lst.rict. Charges Dropped SANTA MONICA (AP) - Munier chareea have been dis· miued on Cl'Qunds d ln8uUldent eYldenc:e •f alsist Chtcaeoao Robert Lotber and former barteoder Anthony Bonellino 1n the 1lQtna ol restaurant OWJNr 8-bert Cbance, 5'. bla wt.le. VlrslWa, ud Delora ....... G, • cocklall waltreu. ,_ - The lnveallgator saJd he didn't know i( the two men were casint the school for a burglary and were &urprised by Marshall or If they were lyin1 In wall for him lo obtain the key. Officers Hid there wu no In· dlcation that the achoo! had been broken Into or that anything had been 1tolen. Police are walllna for Maraball to recover from the shock of tu. beatln1 before questionln« bJm further to gain leada on tho two attackers. 1 Marshall told omceni that he thouaht he reco1nl&ed the two. men who were seen ban11n1 around another achoo! site. Weather Low mornln& clooda con· Unue to Unser with moaUy faJr akin Thuraday ll(ler- noon. Hllha in the low 70.. · IN IDE TOD.4 Y Som. tdnluu .and .trf-· Uon •ZJH1rt1 .or• opCfmuUe , motAQh to claim that aging e4n actuoll11 I>. pr.wnted thrOt.l(lh pror-r diet. Sa Paoe Cl . l••ex MY_....,.,. .. , =T'" ,, ....... H ""' LM...,. Al Mm!( ... " ~· AS10t ............... •• ~ ot .. ............. M ~· cu ;:;::c-i· ... ~ C:ll CH ........ M """ ., .. ........... _ M Or .......... .,. ....... 1 • ...., ............ .... ,.,_... .... -........ .. .... ~M .,.... ~ ......_ Cl ..... -.~ Cl .,... .... .. M fte«t. The two deers .... the Dally Pilot. T\am IO Pap·83 1wpuaalble for putdt1tl111 ll*"9 Md lh•'"9 .,._ fonc.utiat parts fOf' eombat nllldea. (_. _,,,MUia_ WWa Pi&lkia PSebroo. ~----I .. \ :;IS0i 50 Miili~n Splits Values b I rvine Comp a ny Worth Pondered in CoUrt By TOM &AIU.£Y Of .. 0.11,~ ........ Lawyers tor the Callforn.ia Al· tomey GeneraJ'e otnce ..nd lbe Irvine Compaoy compared ~aluationa oC the company T\ld de)' lo Oranie ColW.Y Superior eourt and came up with a di!· ttrence of $51 mUlloo. Irvine Company executive Lamlnt Eberlln1 tatl.f\ed dur· inl a hearinl lnio lrv1ne heiress Joan lrvlne Smith'• clWlenge or a proposed aale to tbe Mobil OU Qnnpany tbat tbe net worth oC fi'ro• Pag~ 11 I CABLE ..• C(>uncll acts promptly to waive \he two ~rows provisions they .pe th.reterun1 the company pro- perties and revenue with.'· 'Vouoi alated that while the tompany was "hopeful" it couJd .l'#atore service it 1s not • 0hopefuJ" that the cowicil "wiU .allow j t. " . Yo~ saJd the company bas •lreacb dissembled head-in equipment, electronics gear that processes television signals that T.)f antennas bring in. He said unless the council calls a special meeting within the next kw days to resdnd the conf~ca­ Uon provisions, the entire TM oper~tion will be cleared from thec1ty. Councilman Walker said that ~d mean subscribers would be without adequate television receptJon for six months or more. Young said TM attorneys are prepanng legaJ acHon against the council. "I 'm certa.io it will end up in cou.rt." be said. Heart Attack Victim Lost Off HB Coast A 37-year·old Hermosa Beach man was lost off the roast of Hun- tington Beach Tuesday evenmg <t,lter apparently s uHering a heart attack, U.S. Coast Guard officials said. . The man was bt'lng towed In the water on an automobile render used as a raft bebJnd a 22-foot sailboat, officials said. Richard R. Russlllo dropped from sl&hl when be let go ol the fender. A companion in the water 'With him said the victim had foam and mucou. conun1 from hismoutb. Russlllo's limp body was lost about one ball mile northwest of Oil Island Eva near HWltington !teach, offic111ls said J'he Incident occurred at 5 p m T~esday. Coast Guard and Oran1e County Harbor Patrol rescue units have discontinued a ~arch tor the body. .Riley to Outline South County P lan The general public is invited to attend, a speech by Orange Coun ty Supervisor Thomas Riley on the future or south county plan· Jljng to be presented to the Sad· dleback Valley Chamber or Com- merce Thursday. The chamber's Reneral luncheon meetana. for which re- !'IM'vations were reqwred, begiru1 ;.rt noon . Riley will s puk aomeUme thereafter, uccordlnl{ to chamber ofricials. The 11ess1on flrill take place at the LQuna lbll111i1ton Inn Cutbacks Ey.,d LOS ANGELES (AP> -Coun· t)' supervisors have ordered ad· minJstratave ofClclal1 lo prtpare u plan trimming the county work force by 8,000 fulltlmc johfl. 2,000 each year, ovt'r the next three fis -cal years. ORANOI! COAST DAILY PILOT R~rtN.WMd ... .-... --,..... Jacll~.CWleY 'Ilk•--...... -.. ~ ThOmn KHVll ·-Thom~~,. CtloVlls H. Loos Rkt9-d P. Nall .._..._.... ..... sa f81 a •II vau..,Offa tml "9 hi& ........ ~,._., Of'tac. ~-, .. ---~--.. .a.,,.,,_....._.. ~-•••o.......,."'"' T1tt11a ... C7M) toGt ClalsHIMA~MM611 u.. orsaniotJoa ta about s:m mllUan Deputy Altorney General Lawruce Tapper di.aqreed. lie quoted from a Jlquldation atualysls prepared by hil office earlier lhi• year and pecged the net value of Irvine boldlna.s at S380 million. Tapper's figure would put the per share v aJue of Irvine stock at $44.15. Eberline's va.luat.ion br- in&a the per share value down to $39.16. Both llftr• ar• ccnsSderably hlaher than the 12' per share ftiure reprffented by the Mobil orter lo pay $200 million tor lnlne Company shares held by the James Irvine FO\mda.tJoo. 'l'bolie shares represent a 5'.S percent controllln1 interest ln l.t\e Irvine Company. \Jncler atatc law, the toundaUoo must divest it.self ol those sbans. Judie James F. Judte 14 being uted l.n what la expected to be a alx·week beario1 lo make permanent a tempe>rary lnjunc- MAC 011 Re~ord Water Recla1nation Opinions Sought Comments from the Mission Vitdo Municipal Advisory Coun· ell <MAC> will be included iD a final environmental impact re· port on a waste water reclama- tion system planned !or lbe com· mwlit.y. Santa Margarita Water Dis· tricl directors Monday asked that public comm~nts be in· cluded in the report before they meet on Oct. 18. By then. said WIUiam Knit:z. the district's general manager, . MAC . memo Alien Jailing Policy Wins Counc il Nod The Santa Ana City Council has approved a police department polJcy of detaining illegal a!Jens suspected or criminal actlVlty for federal immigration authorities. The controvers 1aJ policy. re- vised nine times, calls for the jailing or aliens suspected or committing a crime. It does not include aliens reporting crimes to police. or people stopped for minor traffic violations. The policy also instructs police who encounter situations in which they believe an lllegal alien Is being exploited, to report such cases to health, welfare, employment or building authorities. The police department 'a former policy was no enforce- ment of immigration laws. F r o• Pag~ ,\I COLLEGE. • desire on the part ol local stu- dents to go elsewhere might have been valid because of scanty orferines at the Mission Viejo school. But now, lbey said, such re'8soning Is no longer valid. Thal stance has caused some headaches al lhe neighbor dis· tricts. Or. Robert Moore. dean of in· s truction at Oran1e Coai.t CoHege, said scores of Sad· dleback s tuden(s have been turned away thls year-man,y more than in the put because of the eliminated "six unit rule " "This h as certainly inconve- nienced a lot or people Crom Saddleback and we have to be SlllC'k in the role or the bad guy te lling them they can't come ht-re without a permit -and those are apparently qwte hard to come by," Moore said Bosanko conceded that permlta are indeed harder to get this yur than ever before. No consider ation -except in cues of extreme ba.l"cbbJp -la given to transportation dlf· ficulllu, location o! camplls versua residence or plate of employment, conflict wllh personal schedule, adult educ:a. lion or recreation programs. In short, being denied a permit at S.ddleback is almost ., m0cb a certainty as death and taxes, according to coUe1e dftclals; Bolanto said he ls sure there wou1cl be no more problem.s if Cout and Rancho S'mtia10 walve their seal tax require· mtnta. \JotU then, he aaid, h.ls ottlce is geared to handle the tbouaaods more permit requests comi.o1 in U1is year than In the pasL. Bosanto said t6er9 ii no •a:! of !mowing for certain bow many requests have been made and denied until final tallies are m.cle in the weeks ahead. TV S tolen in Toro A color television set valued by the victims at ~ bas been stolen from an £1 TOC'O store by a bur&Jar who walked ~b tbe unlocked rear door. Oran1e County sberiU'a officers said the theft wu report~ tr)-Kennedy Pattenon~operauir of Lagun' Hilla TV, 238UB El Toro Road. Pattencin aaSd be wu buiay In anotbet pa.rt of the &ton wben the Ht WU t&k'4. ' hers will have studied and made comments on the plans. After a presentation on the plans Jast week, MAC members rerused to endorse the system un- til after their planning commJt- tee re1riewed the proposal. District di.rectors are expected lo a<'cept the report and move ahead on the first phase of the system which eventually may in· elude several sewage treatment plants, pumping atatioos aod a 115-acre reservoir on upper Oso Creek. Construction of an effluent treatment plant adjacent to Oso Creek, near tbe dead end ol La Pu Road, ll expected to begin io October. Knitz said the facility should be completed and provid· ing irrigaUon water to park.sand school grollnds by May. Although designed to handle a million gallons or reclaimed waler a day, Kmtz said the pro- Ject will began with about 200,000 gallons and build up lo its capacity. Status Quo DSC Reigns WASHINGTON CAP) - Speed-up P.rocedures to pass a bill extending Daylicht Savini Tim~ have been rejected by the House, virtuaUy uaurina t.bat the meuure will not be enacted thia year. The bill would have set the beginning date for DST as the third Sundat or March and the ending date as the third Sunday ol Oc· tober. beginning in l9'77. Under existing law, the country Is on DST from the la.st Sonday in April to the last Sunday l.n October. With few members on the floor. the House voted 11 lo 10 Tuesday for SUS· pendio1 the rules and pass- tna l~ biJl. But the sus- pension procedure re· quires two-thirds. Audubon Chief Talk Slate d Orange County pioneer Paul Colburn, oreanlzer of Laguna Hills Leisure World's large Audubon Society, will be the guest speakeor at Sund4y's an- nual meeUne of lhe Saddleback Historical Society. The session will take place al 3 p.m. In the New Deal Soup KJtchen at El Toro's Saddleback VaJley .Plaza Shopping Center. Colburn's talk, enttUed '"lbat's the Way It Wa.a, '' wW touch on hia personal recollecUons of lhe cowtly'a trowt.b oftr the put ~ years and on the native birds ot the area. The Pl,\bUe ta invited. Talk Planned For Parents Family theraplat Ann Price wlll present • forum tonl1ht at Mlaslon Community Hoepital in MisaJon Viejo to help parenu develop betUr relatlonabipa .ttb thelrchlldreo. The pro1ram will beCln at I p.m. ln tbe conre~ room at Use bolpitaJ, 21802 Puerta Real FoUowinc • tum on parent. chlld relatJombJpe, ••Run WUd • Ram Fl'ee," Dr. Price will lead a dilcuuiOll. AddlUOllll lnfonna· Uon la available by calling Unda Partin at Miaalon Community HoaplW. 495-4400 or 831-2300. Color TV Take n Burglars wbo•• metbocl ol en· try la unknown took a eolor td9"WJoo aet nlued at• front an El Toro botne while tbe"1ctim was out al wort. 0nace oa..t.Y aberifr1 oftlcen udd &be tlMlft ,... ~ ~ triil:br ... ~lO.otDC~ Drift. n. •f\ ..... (rGa& JailcSm. Uoe acaioat a Mobil deal already accepted b1 rounuuon trustees. Kn. SmlJb con\ends that ~ t200 mUUon n1ure is too low and that the sale would be unta!r to her and other minority •todr.boldetra. Tapper and Ebetllnc aireecs. bowever, that h. would take severaJ years to brine about ll· quldaUon of the gl1111t company's muy uaeta even lt auch a sale were to be accepted by t.be Jrvtoe board. . fi'ro• Page A J CARTER ••• the matter without his staff pce-- ~t. In the interview, made public this week, Carter .aid he would not attempt to lmpose bis own re- ligious belief a oo ot.hen. "'Christ aet some almost Im- possible ataodards f« us,•• he aaid. adding that to sin ls human and "God lor1i vea me for it." In one excerpt,. Carter declared: · ''I've looked on a lot ol women with luat. I 've committed adultery In my heart many times. This. is aomelhine that God reeognbea l wUJ do -and I have done it -and God forgives me for lt. But that doesn't mean tba& I condemn someone who not only looks on~ woman with luat., but wbo leaves bis wile and shacks up with somebodJ out of wedlock. "Christ HY.I dco't consider . yourself better than aomeone else becau.ae one f\&Y ~ws a whole bunch of women wb.lle the olber gey ta loyal to b1a wife. Tbe i\IY who's loyal to his wife ought not lo be condescending or proud because of the relative deeree or sinfulness." The candidate'• statements brought mixed reaetlons. -Kia wlfe, Rosalynn, said in New York they caused her no anxiety about bis fidelity. .. I trust ham completely. I've never had to worry aboul thal at aJJ ." she said. -Dr. Harry N. Hollis Jr., a de- nominational authority on social ethics, said m Nashville that Carter's statements on morality accurately renect Southern Bap- tist teachings. Bul Hollis, a alalf mber ot the Christian Lile Commission of the Southern Baptist Conference, said be "wouldn 'l have used the same languaae.'' -Dr. W.A. Criswell. pastor of the ~.000-member First Baptist Church o r Dallas. Tex .. declared: "I am hi&hJy offended by this. I think he's mixed up in his moral values, and I think the en-' tire church memberstup will feel the same way ... -Or. J erry Vines, pastor of the Dauphin Way Baptist Church in Mobile. Ala., aad a rorme, pre- sident ol the pastors' confeteoce of the Southern Baptist Conven- tion, said: ·'Thia appears to be another lnstance of Carter ac· commodatlnJ himself to bis au- Real Big Wheel .. .......... An elderly pickup truck carts a giant-sized spare tire across the Interstate Bridge between Portland. Ore., and Vancouver, Wash. Alioto, 59, Plans To Wed Woma"' 3 1 BOSTON CAP> -Boston . Scbool Committeewoman Kathleen Sullivan and former San Francisco Mayor Joseph L. Alioto plan to marry when bis d.lwrce becomes final, It was re- ported t.od ay. The Boston Globe. in reporting the marriage plans, said Miss Sullivan would not ronfirm them Tuesday. "My private Ure is private." the newspaper reported her say- ing. ll aald Miss Sullivan, 31, and Alioto, S9, mel last April when she attended the annual bleeli~ of the National Association or School Boards ln San Francisco. She ls the daughter oC William Sullivan, president and majority stockholder oC the New England Patriots of the N atlonal Football LeaitJe. Alioto is a weaJthy an- Utn1$t law..)'er. MlJI Sullivan was a special education teacher ln Boston before she was elected to the School Committee. She is serving her second term. Alioto's wife, Angelina, dropped out of sight in February. 1974, returning to say sbe had vis· ited California missions in a "desperate attempt to secure some measure of personal privacy.•· -.......... ALIOTO'$ FIANCEE? Kathlfen SulUvan dates for conferences in court had been set. Alloto was elected mayor ot San Francisco in 1868 and wu mentioned as a possible vice pre. sidentlal candidate dwtn1 bJ;a first term. He aerved unW 19'75. . dience. She filed for a divorce, for a second time, in California lasl January. She is reported to be out ol the country, but the Globe re- ported her lawyer's office sa1d no He was acquitted of fee split· ting in a state of WuhlnJt'*i case. The case ended wtth a ruJ. ing supporting a 12.3 million legal tee received before beeoco~ ing mayor. I Lynn Hort HART'S John Hort SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. • COSTA MESA • 646-1919 BACK TO SCHOOL Tennis Balls Pean Practice Balls-3 /1 H Dunlap Seconds--3 /1 aa Penn Eitra Daty-3/225 W-llsen.Utra Dlty-3/235 Dunlip Eltra Daty-312so wn .. Slits 13'5 ti 31'5 Sweat SMrts & P1nts-4ts 1111•1• & Zip-Swat Sltirts-lso fllllled Acrylc Jackets-1515· V.fflclc L., Slene krylc s~1s Mens Tennis Shorts-&•s to 151s Mens Tennis Slli~so to 1200 Mens Tennis Shoes-11•s to 241s ladies Tennis Shorts-11•s & 12•s ladles Tennis Dresses ladies Tennis Slloes-1o•s to 21•s • Basketballs-5•s t1 2a•s Footbllls-715 t• Soccer Ms-&15 ti 3415 4 S.-• Bals Playlf'Md Balls Raqaetllals & lacqllts .~ Handballs & Glms FoMW Shoes Soccer Shes ..) All Purpese Sboes Basbtball Shies m Center • 146-1919