HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-21 - Orange Coast Pilot• l ana Fall om an Irving ~UfJgests Hughes Kept iti Deep Freeze TMI 1r'SDAY AFTERNOON, A PRIL 21, 1977 YOL 10, NO Ill,• SICTIONS, 1' P'IGIS ' ' ' • • • • Carter Confident on Gas Tax . Huntington Harbour Arsonist Sets __ Apartment Fire By ARTiruR R. VINSEL I OIU. o.i1y Piiot Sl•ll An arsonist forced cvacua- 1 I t ion of a three-story J lunt- ington Harbour ap<irtment buil ding carlv tocla\' bv transform ing· onL· o·r 1t~ clcvc.stnrs into a bla1.1ng firebomb. Only luck and tht• f<Jct so- meone <.1pparcnlly arri\'lnJ! home late discovered th~ flames prevented a real holocuust at the harbor L1f!hls Apartments Building Four. 4352 P1ckw1ck Car· cle, investigalors said. Section A.ids Readers With 'Living Home' Today's Datly Pilot bran,l.(s \.Oil special help for r>lc1nntnJ! th\' -.pr ing spruce up of \our home ,ind garden. A special. 40 paiic m agazmr ''Living Home" C'Ome!'I to you tn the Daily Pilot. The section is hlled with words and picture advice on home furnishings, inll'nor ck1'ign uml decorating and patio and pool im- provements. For guidance to the OranRe Coast's leading homt' 1mprov1• menl values. look for L1 vini.? Home, Inside today Ora n ge Coast Weather Night 8J1d morning low clouds and fog with hazy a ft e rnoon s uns hine throuah Friday. Lows tonight 48 to SS. Highs Fri· day 67lo74. I NSID_J; T ODA V Dtwlopm'1llall11 diaabltd 01• bdiw moved from &utUu- t"1M to famUy ~mmt under.a RegbJol Center pro-gram . P.oge BJ. . l•de:11r The passerby grabbed a dry chemical fire extinguisher and quelled the blaze in an elevator on the unit's basement level while firemen were on their way. Deputy Fire Marshal Roger Hosmer said only about Sl,200 damage resulted, pnmarily to the elevator car itself and the shaft soaring three stories above It "It could ha\'e developed into something considerably larger 1f 1l hadn 'l been caught, JUSt by chance.·· Hosmer added. He was reluctant to specul ate whether the 3:53 a.m. elevator shaft blaze might have been the work of a professional arsonist, rather than a malicious amateur The area, which in clude~ several large, mult1 ·un1t apart- ment s tructures, has been plal>(ucd tn rec1•nt "eeks with a seric-. of arson·'>Cl fires, mostly of a mtnor. mahc1ous m1sch1ef nJlllrc .. Thc ".I\ th1-. one "as set would be an 1nd1cat1on 1t was done by someon<' who knows thr nature and travel routes of hn'." ln -.pector Hosmer expla ined lie said the elevator, which had been stopped at t he ground noor level. was liberally splashed with a flammable fluid, although the nature of the chemical was not revealed. "The elevator wa s the n tor<'hed and sent to the base· menl." the deputy fire marshal added Smoke generated by flames shootin g up the three-story elevator shaft from the blazing car in the basement penetrated most of all three levels of the (See ARSON, Page AZ) Heiress Died From Armlock WHEATHAMPSTEAD, England (AP> -Australian heiress Janie Shepherd died as a result of heavy pressure on her neck -probabl y from an arm lock, police said. The decomposed body of the 24 ·year·old stepdaughter of Australian banker and oil ell· ecuUve John Da.rlins was found near here Monday under grass and branches in a windswept field some 20 miles north of London. • Ron Harvey, Hertfordshire's chief superintendent of de· teclives. said Wednesday she ap- parently had undergone a partial change or clothing at the hands of her murderer. Police aaid \here was no evidence that she had been sexually molested, altb<M.llh no fmal determination had bem made. I I · • 'Congress Bounced to Bosp1t~~---Passage ..... ',_.-,~ Predicted . D.tllY Pl!°' l'llolo lly A-c.oo,.r William Sougle. 40, of Long Beach was in sat1sf actory condition today at Mission Community Hospital, where he was flown Wednesday by rescue helicopter after he fe ll from an earthmover and injured his back. Paramedics. w ho treated Sougle al the scene of the accident in an un- developed section of Mission Viejo at the north end of Los Alisos Boulevard, said he was bounced out of the seat of the mam- moth m ac hi ne wh en it ran into an e mbankment. Death Date Doubt Irving Suggests Hughes Put on Ice LONDON CAP> -Clifford Irv· ing, author of a hoax biography of Howard Hulhes, suggested to- day that the Am erican multimillionaire may have died some time before he was said lo have died and his corpse kept in a d eep freeie. Irving, 46, in London t o publicize a book he has written about the hoax bioerapby, told reP91'len be did not beUeTe tbe announ<?ement lbat Hughes dled April S, 1976, at age 70 "and I'm sun ootsure ll's lrue .•• "I think he's dead," Irving said. "But J 'm not sure be died then. I've always believed that his death would be announced at a conven~n' moment." Hughes wns reported to have died a~ard a private jet as it new from Acapulco, Me)tlco, to Houston, Tex .. The Methodist Hoapltal in Houston made &be brief dealb announcement. "Let.'1 make an aaaumpUcm." , -- Irving sald, "that he died some years ago. It would have been much more to the advantage of the people who controlled that empire not to announce hls death then." Irvine, who served 17 months in j ail for writing the famous hoax, said Hughes' corpse may have been preserved by freuing and that an electrical mallunc· lion in the equipment could have caused it to be "deftosted ahead or schedule." He nld he'l>elleftd premature <See RtJG~ P11e AU SU8pect Booked FRE.5NO (AP) -A ~no man, 1bomas Decker, 26, has been bookoo by proxy for in· vest.igatlon of the 1hootin1 death of a promlnen\ San Joaquin Valley caUle rancher. lames Femtm, 50, autborlUel report. I Viejo Woman Dies in Fall At Dana Point A 19-year-old woman fell more than 250 feet to h er death early today while walking on the edge of a cliff in the Dana Point area, Orange County Sheriff's officers said. Deputies identified the victim as Vera Ann Pope, 25769 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. They said Miss Pope was strolling in lbe Dana Strand area about 1 a.m. wilb a companion identified as Thomas Harland Hurt W , 22, of the same address, when she reportedly lost ber balance and fell down the cliff. Sheriff's officers, firemen, harbor patrol boats and diving teams were dispatched to the area and later found Miss Pope's body partially submerged. Coroner's o!ficers confirmed today that the woman's fatal ln• juries were received in the fall and that her immersjon iD sea played no part in her death. Sheriff'• oCficera said Hurt was asais~ them today in their lo· qulries mto the lnddenL WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi· · dent Carter predicted today he will gel hls proposed standby gasoline tax throush Congress despite some initial reacllon against the plan on Capitol Hill. "I think we'll get it passed," Carter told reporters who asked him about perhaps the most con- troversial section of his tough new energy policy. Carter was questioned on the White House south lawn while saying goodby to Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares after a morning meeting in the Oval Office. Carter laid out his com· SLUGGISH CARS, COOLER HOUSES-A4 CALIFORNIA OFFICIALS BACK CARTER PLANS-AS 'CRISIS' GOES AGAINST GRAI N-812 prchensive energy program to a joint House·Senate session Wed - nesday night, acknowledging that it would be painful and declaring, "l don't expect much applause.·• He didn't get much applause, either. Yet, Democratic con- gressional leaders vowed to fight hard for the bulk of the program, which calls for conservi ng energy through hi g h e r automobile and fuel prices and taxes. But they conceded the plan faces major opoosition. Carter told Congress that to de· al with the nation's energy crisis the lawmakers must approve taxes and price increases on dwindling fuel supplies and must agree to heavy taxes on gas· guzzling automobiles. His plan for a standby guoline tax of up to 50 cents a gallon drew tbe most vigorous criticism. (See CARTER, Page AZ) CHPSeeks Reversal SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-The CaUComia Highway Patrol bas asked the state Supreme Court to overturn a court declslon lbat held U liable for an injury suf· I fered by an off-duty oflicer play· Ing softball. . The petition for reriew wa!'I filed Wedaesday aft.er the state Court or Appeal denied a similar request involving a ruling by a Workers' Compensation Appeals Board judge granting temporary disability. Patrolman William K. Love· less filed tbe claim after suslaln· inc a leg h\lury in a softball game with fellow ottlcen from lbe Monterey ornce July 10 - a Saturday and QOQ-Worklna day preceding a ~•eek vacatlqq. - AZ DAIL v P1LOT s Ttlured-x. Af>!\I 21. 11n Groucho Checked Compallion to Tell Her Version S ANTA MONICA (AP) - Groucbo Marx's O)mpanJon, wbo has bet>n accused of a busing the ailing comedian, gives her side in a continued hearing on whether s he should be removed as Mnx's conservator. Superior Court Judge Edward Rafcedie resumed the hearing to· day on whether E rin f'lemin1:. manager and companion lo Mar x for seven years, endangers the frail enl<'rtainer's health. R afeedie personally checked on the condition of the 86-year-old corn¢ian in a visit lo Marx's Trousdale Estates home Wednes· day night. Rafeedie said earlier in the 01 that the testimony durin1 the four days of hearings indicates "extraordinary dominance and control" over Marx. The judge ordered Miss Fleming replaced by Marx's son, Arthur Marx, as temporary conservator of Marx Income Diked Social Security lncremed WASHINGTON (AP> -Social Security and Sup· plem entaJ Security Income payments will increase 5.9 p erce nt beg inning with checks going t o beneficiaries July 1, the Department of Health, Education and Welfa re announced today. The inc re ase is automatfc and pegged to the ris- ina cosl of Ii ving. Thl' luw rt'q uires th:.it, whenever the consumer price index rises 3 percent or m ore, rec ipients of Social Security and the federal SSI program for the aged and disablod must increase as well. The cons umer price index rose 5.9 percent from the first quarte r of 1976 through the first· quarter of l977 wh.i ch is the measuring period for the benefit in· n c ase announced today. This means that the average retired single wor ker who r eceives $221 per month will get an addi· lion ul $13.0.1 <:uch m on th beginning July 1. The uvcruge elderly widow who gets $210 a m onth will get a Sl2 :19 in<:rt'i.l!-.C. The maximum be nefit for a man rclm ng lhi!-. yc.·:.ir a t :.igc 65 will go fro m $412. 70 to $·136 &5 lndietme n t Stands Judge Rejects Celia's Claim Dr. Louis .J (\•Ila Jr.·~ claim that the Oranl:(e Cnunty Grand J ury thal indicted him d ici not represent a true C:rO~S·~Cct10n or the communit,· has been rt'Jl'('lcd in S uperior Court ufler three weeks oftcstimon,·. : Judge Philip E . ·Schwab turned down the motion Wednesday to overturn the indictment with the comment that fellow JUd~es v. ho :nominated the 1976 grand Jury i hd lhe1r level bt•st to name )rnrt1c1pants v. ho rcprcst>nted the «ounty in racial, economic Jnd religious terms f11s dcc1s1on camf' art cr he he;ircl t1·~t1mon\ from :n "'11 fl('~!)l'~ 25 or\\ h11m \.\Pre Superior roun judge-. \\ho nominated r rand Jurors in lht• vcur that 'ella and thrN· co-defendants ,·ere indi<·tcd on multiple rclony ('011nti1 .Judge Seh\\ ah told df'fensc l.1 wy l'rs that hi~ fellow Judges ''sou~ht out nominees throu~h ~rou ps a nd incl1 v lduals fl'prl"sentHt1vc of the county al !urge, 1nclud1nF: spC'c1f1cally tht· young, the work force tt.nd th1.• ~I c xi can · Amer 1 can com· {nun11~ ·· Dl'f1•nst• attornl'Y Jamee; Hui al't . \\ho represents {'0 defendant Stephen Robt' rt E' 1:1ns. 32, sa11l 1l b likely that he will 1:1pp•·al J udge $t•hwab s dec1s1on The ruling means that E\'ans and Cella, 52, v. ill nnw return to Judge Wilh a m C ~peirs ' ¢ourtroom for a n·~umption of pretrial motions thut began last August . Currently under dt>bate 1s a 'T'Olion by the clefeno;c for sup· (lression or ev1d<'nce I hut lhe pro· !lccution phmnecl to ust• in the ~rial or the two men · The challenge to the g rand Jur y ~ystcm wns lrani;ferrcd to JudAc Schwab when Judge Speirs point def out that he nommated mem- J)crs or the 1976 Grand Jury and could hardly rule on the conslltu· tionalily of the .system. DAILY PILOT : !~r.~'1:.~~~~'~,=.~:;::;;,~ f (l't .. I rw.... "·<\fl ( 'tl"''C"4"'1• ~CHI .. ,, r H•f)o• ,,. • ",,,., '"' t t\4 f\i • ., • ,, .,..,..., .. fl ,,,. ... , .• : W a ""'6· ..-i-01f H• t ii'\ u •"' ~-. f\f t • • f I•"" V• •• y f•.,, "" \ 1<4 I i"<t"' V I 'ti lllfll't • t t01"IAn• I "I \Awtf\(O•\f it.1•"")ff..-"l 'lf'l.tlf'tl ,~ ~. :,·~:. ·~~7 !..?.;t~~::r'., ~:,:··. ~~: I '''lf'-f (~1 \M,#' 4 (•hf,tl'""olf ... t .... ,. ... .,.,.... L\'r ,,_.,,..,,,~,~ J•c• • c.,a.,. V •Ptotf" l\l •"'d(l'("W•~Ml""f~ n-•·•-t•u .. , ... _ ... "' ......... ~,..0109(d<..,. OIHtHM.i.-•l<t-P,Mell Ai"Ul•nt M1,...1,. , • .,, OtflcH CM le"'°'•• >JI>"'"" 8"• ,.,,... hQ""""""'~ 11~0 .. _....,,,.,.., "~"t:(~~~~.!"i~:.'~ft~.::.·• ...... Olt'90 .. .._ TelepPIOl'I• {1141'42-4321 Cl .. tlllecl Ad1t•'1l•ll'lt f41-"11 t..oddlt!NO Yoll••-Oftlf• H1 .. )10 ~ •0 ... 1>41• ci. ...... 1. 05.otlO f. rom "'°"'" O• .-~ C f'tlJ"'fV c;am.....,..tt1tt M0-1ll0 I ~it: :.:~ 0:.~"r., ~f'·~~'J.f~ I M etttf ., ••""'"'""'r:'\l;:t,. ""•" .. ' ,..,..,vt tct •hM1t1• ~'•c ''' ,.""'"'1" •• :c._,._.., ....... ~~Ac,~u,:::!~?;11:.lf&:' ,~::, ~':. I -1~1,; •i ••" .-119 -'"'" 1•1<111.,, _""4_U,.-'lllf· -- Doth men face lri:il on 127 rC'lony counts ~lemming from the ir ·alle~cd embcZ7.lcm ent of C1n est imated S2 million from two county hospitals ser ved by Cella as secretary-treasurer. lt is alleged that a substantial por tion of the money utilized by Cella was used by him lo support pol it1 cal candidates who met with his fa,·or. Both men have been tried and convicted on related charges in Los Angeles Federal Court. They a r e free on appeal from Cella's five-year pnson term and the one ~e ar commitment or dered for E\'ans. Court officials. said the pre trial action in JudJe Speirs' courtroom 1s not expected to re· ~ume before Monday f'rowt Page A I ARSON ••• ~pa rtments. Hos mer said he couldn't ofter a head count of the number of le· nants evacuated, but the several three-story buildings in the com· plex are comprised of several hundr~ units. A force of fire department peraonMI commanded by Bat· ta l lon Chief J i m Watte r s eneinttred the evacuation and mopped up the last o r the s mouldering r ema ins of th<' t•IC'\ a tor car ~C've ral apa rt ments neare<;t t h1· <'le\'ator !>haft <;usta1ned some "mnke d.tma2r but it wa<1 re· la tl\1•1\ minor . 1nvP~l1~.Hor~ ~JHI lh•lN'l 1' <' Robert rtussell, the no l1Ct.' d e p a rtme nt 's a rson ~peclalist, said today a heavy patrol check by uniformed of· ricers has been ordered in the "'akc of the latest fire. Slayer Given Life Term PASADENA (AP> -The con- \'icted murderer of private de· tective Robert Duke Hall has been sentenced to life imprison· ment. Jack Gins burgs, convicted April 7 of the shootine death of Hall last July 22, was sentenced by Pasadena Superior Court Judge Walter Evans, who f\nt denied defense moUona for a new trial. GiNburg.s, who was ordered to the men's state prison in Chino, was given credit for 11 day1 spent in jail durin" the trial. Father Slain BAKERSFIELD CAP) -In· vestlaat.ors conUnuM todtiy to question a 14-yoar-old ~)'arrest· ed on char1es of fatally •hootlne his father tn the den of their home here, Kem Count.y aulbotltiea r.· port. a nd temporary co-conservator or hla estate. He then asreed to delay his or der on request of Miu Flemmg 's Mllornoyt Stanley Gold, who said ll would De Wlfair not to hev her aide or talk to Marx himself. A nune testified Wednesday that she had seen Miss Fleming abuse Marx with "constant in· sults," screaming and pushing. Mar x was also given tran- quilizen by Miss Fleming ''to shut him up," said Terrie McCord, the third nurs e to give such testimony during the hear· ings. Rafeedie s aid later . "l feel I cannot Ignore what I have heard here . We have heard these wit · nesses teslify l o a n e x - traordlnary degree of domina· hon and control by Erin Jo'Jeming over Mr. Marx's m ind and his wall. "ll is the very type or situation the con.servatorship is supposed to prevent." Gold said that two days ago, he asked Marx who he wanted to take care or him and Marx replied , "Erin Fleming." Miss McCord. a licensed vOCll· tlonal nurse, said she worked al the Marx home between October 1975 and March 1976. She said that during that time s he becam e increasingly uncomfortable about the way Miss Fle ming treated Marx, who has suffered from heart trouble. s trokes, in- fections. and general deteriora- tion the past several years. On one occasion . said Miss McCord. Marx was agitated and Miss Flemm~ ordered he be g1 ven a tranquilizer. "She said, 'Give him a mepro (meprobamate, a transquihzcr pill ) lo shut him up,' " testified l\t ISS McCord. She said she protested that it was conlrary to doctors' orders, but that Miss Fleming replied with a curse. "I 'll give him what I want and 1f you don't lake it, I 'II fire you both " M 1ss McCord testified further tha t she and othe r nurses fre· quently flushed the tranquilizers down the toilet rather than follow Miss Flt•m in g's orders to :iclminist<.'r thc·m lo M:.irx. Frotrt Page A I HUGHES .•• "defrosting" of the corpse could have precipitated the hospital announcement. But he said he h•d no evidence lo support his froitn body theory. Irving said that later events "seem to bear that out as a re· ali5l1c J>()6s1b11Hy -the dis-ap- pearance of all the money, for ex· a mple" Hughes' \\tll filed last month in Los Angeles revealed he was w o rth a round S !66 m i lli on against speculation which put his fortune as high as $2 billion. Irving claimed that although much of his biography of Hughes was "fiction and abs urd," hard research had establis hed the Hughes fortune at $1.8 billion. lie maJntalned that about $1 billion ofthls was missing. Irving's book is called "Pro· ject Octavio: Story of the Howard Hughes Hoax." Kidnap Plot Jai,h Three PHOENIX (AP) -Two A ri zo na b r oth e r s a nd a Cahfonua man have been arrest· ed In connection with a plot to kidnap three families or Los Angeles brokcral(c officials, the Frderal Bureau of Tnvestigation sa id . Leon Gaskill. special agent in ch arge or the Phoenix FBI office, said Wednesday agents arrested Bruce Signo r. 21, of Tucson, Artz .. and Roberto Wright, 22, of Los Angeles in Los Angeles Tues- day night. CraJt Sltnor, 20, of Tucson, was arretted near hls home , agents said. Gas kill said an investigation showed that the three alleeedly prepared a scheme to kidnap the three ramiUes a nd demand pay· menl in negotiable securities of up lo $12 million. O'Neill Car Gas Guzzler WASHINGTON CAP ) - House ~aker Thomu P. "Tlp" 0 Neill aaya ht may honor Prelldenl Carter '• appeal for e nersy con· servaUon by ceWn1 rid of his own gas guzzler, a long, black limousine. 0 'NeiU told reporters to- day he will instruct aides to a hop around for "a car or aome othtr type that. mil}lt •erve the purpo10." O'Neill, like other eon- 1reulonal leaden. la . driven around In a leased Cadillac U~. ( T\l Buys Books A I' Wirtpl>oto F~PllflfJ A J CARTER .•• ·· Some congressional leade rs pre• dieted th1:1t the provision mi~bl be d umped by Congress, and lltf t le 1>upport for it emer ged t b Capitol Hill. Me mbers of Con1rcss or bolb partJes, deepl)' aplJt over eneray tuues. voiced lllUe enthusias~ for lhe over ·all package, buJ mnny pruised Cartet for coura&\l in prop,ostng stiff conservatlor,• measures. • "I'm going to be leading t~ c harge to do everything posslblt to sut together his pro1ram, .... s al Sen. Henry M. Jackson <Dt Wash.), chairman of t he Senate Ener&Y and Nuturel Resourc~ Committee, which wilt handle mo~l of the President's pro> posuls ' But Jackson added that he sed li ttle hkt.>lihoorl of Carter's ga~ t.1, proµo:.Jl passing Congrcs)(1 An d h e· prc d1 c t c d m aj~r · modifications would be made 1q the President's oil pricing re· com mendallons. House Speaker Thomas P: O'Neill also expressed reserva. lions about the gasoline tax but vowed full support for the Pres~ dent 's program, a dding tha\ Carter knows ''this is his ft~ m aJor fil!ht . . . This is a bat• ire ... Maureen Dean wife of J ohn De an.. left, ch ats with Sus an Goldwatl..'r, lhc former Sus an Gherman of Ne.wport Beach and wi fe of Barry Goldwater Jr., d uring a luncheon in Washm ~ton Wednesday to ('clebrate the sale of television rights for tv.o books on Watergate. one by Businessmen and ~nergy pro. ducers. worried about how to c omply with Carter's policy, focused criticism on how mu(')\ the progr am will cost. "The program offers billions for taxes but scarcely a penny for s upply," ~;.ud David H. Foster:, executive '1c:e preside nt of th~ natural GJ:. Supply Com mittee,: "h1ch n:µn·sl·nt~ gas supphl·r~. "It 1~ liUll' morl'lhan un extension uf I h(• hank1 uµt poht'l<'S of 2J ~ l'al s of f1.•d\•r al pn n mana~t:· ml·nl · Mrs. Dean and o ne by her husband. ___ _ Youths Foil Bandit; Hide G e taway Bike P r ot ests F a taJ SAN DIEGO (AP) -The• ''a'· to foil a bank holdup· Sk:.tl th~ bandit's bike This Is how Vince Cornish, 19, says he and Robert Geschke. 21. did it Wedne~day at ;.i H.ink ol Am erica branch ··w e we r<' cashJffJ: our ch1•ck-. at the walkup window when wt• saw this dudt• rid<' up on ,1 b1k1• and go ins ide. ----- · \\\.• sa"' him pull lhe gun and made a qu1t•k de~iswn lo h1dt the b1 kc and call the police· T he b andit. wt•aring a ski m:Js k. told the ll.'llt•rs that tht•rt• \\ch a bomb in 3 lunch box ht• l'ar· ncd. lie ~rnoped up an c~t11nat1·d S3,00\) and dashl·d oul the door l"n;ible to fmd his b1kt·. he ran on fool ISLl\~JA BA J>. P akistan (AP) -Antigovernmenl demonslra. tions continued in other parts of P a kistan today after a strict l'urfr\\ quelled s treet f1~hl1ng in Karachi \'1olencc m Kurach1 l'ak1~tan 's lar~l.'bl city. l'e ported'· ly kllil·d 17 pt>r~on~ Wcdnt'sdaj a:. a gem•ral slri~t: paruly tcd the City. RCA ColorTrak TV· with electronic remote control RCA ColorTrak 19'' special 549888 RCA's most automatic TV ever• E:1ectron1cally I racks and correcls the TV signal br fore 11 b ... comes a picture on your screen • F'ealurinq S19nnl Sensor II remolC' c.ontrol- changos channr.ls permits ron11nuous vol11mf" adrustmont. turns se1 on and oft trom across thl'.' room I RCA ColorTrak 25'' U1 .. 1l J' '11 '1 .. f Ren ,,., l"""' I" Joi I loHbll We Take Trades Trade Your Old S4tt In Th is W e&kend SPECIALS GOOD THURS., FRI. & SAT., APRIL 21, 22 & 2: Hew COLORTRAK CONSOLE SPECIAL lnlroduccd especially for 1111s event: Big-screen Color Trak console w1lh swivol bis.I Oetllng lhe color right Is wnat RCA Color Trak Is all about. II s a '""'~rkabte d1>voloprnf'nl th11 ac1u1lly 1d1us1s color and keep" 1 on 1rac.lo Before you see tile picture the Color Tq~k Syslem 9r1bs •t, aligns •I, define' 11 !lharp~·n!> 1 IOnf's 11 1nd locks the color on track Special 5588 88 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa ~-... ~··...-n-2 D~Wtth4~h. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Doily 9-6 Sat. ~5.30 s.r.-.Hi. H~"'"MM. lt H .. Jtrry .. .,... .. Pro•· •. ,,io11;1I s .... , it· .. •·or al.I 'our honu• t•le•c•trouic•-._ . .. . . _, ... . . . .. ,9f.-·-- Orange Coast EDITION r T o day's C los ing l N.Y. St ocks 70, NO. 11 1, 4 SECTIONS, 78 J?AGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1977 c TEN CENTS Area S~l~ns ·Hit, Back Carter 1 By MICHAEL PASKE VJCH OI Uw D.ally l'llol St.all Congressman Mark Hannaford (0 -Long Beach) expr('ssed full s upport today for Presid(·nt Cllrter's proposed energy con se rvali on program, but Congressman Robert E. Radham <R-NeWpOrt Beach) said he 1s "very <.lisappointed" with the plan Carter outlin('d Wednesday. "I have to applaud his speech and his presentation. We are still Merger Opposed In Poll i By STEVE MITC HELL 01 t!W D••IY Pilot Sl•lt lResults of a water d1strict- financed tell'phone survey in- dicates that, 1f voters had their say. there wouldn 't be a con- solidation of tht> Costa Mesa County Water District into the c1- t.1 as a department. The telephont-survey or 400 Costa Mesa waler users last March 19 and 20 shows that 65 percent of those surveyed oppose a mergt-r of the two gov- ernmental bodies. with only 15 phcent md1catmg s upport for such a move Twenty-one percent of those polled indicated they had not formed an opinion on the con- troversial issue. The water district board of directors, opposed to the pro· posed mcrgcr,-retaincd Decision J\laking Information, a Sant<J Ana·bascd survey company, to conduct the phone poll. The poll, comprising 18-minute interviews with each of 400 dis- thct customers, asked a total of ~uestions. Some questions de· · t with the consolidation issue, s me dealt with attitudes toward water conservation, operation of the city and the image of the water dist net But 1l "JS lhl' consolidation math•r that "JS uf most inler~t to tht water d1slnct. which noted tbat oppos1l1on to the mcn~<.'r showed a four tc1 C\Ol' mar~m -1f those undeclfkd an· 1~norcd Water d1stril"t olfll·ials also noted that. of th<.' Ill pro and run arguments put to tho~e polled. ~gumcnts fo~ ('Onsohdat1on ere rejected by more than 50 _rcenl of thosl• s urvt:ycd . while ¥g111ncnts against coni:.ohdataon '¥ere endorsed by more than 50 1ierrent. I <Sec MERGER, P age :\:?) ' I studying some of tbe ·.local .)m·: plications that are going tol. be 1 hard to sell politically, but t~ey I are not offensive enough th~ I could not support the entsre package if it came to an aJl-or- nothing vote," Hannaford s~d today in Washington, D.C. ' Carter's plan, if approved ~Y Congress. would raise gasohpe prices as much as 57 cents 1 a i?"allon by 1988 and add $2,488 to the price of t he heavies t gas· gbzzling cars by 1985. •·u is1very disappointing that the Pre'6ident has chosen a ne'.getivei response to a crisis s1tuat1on, •• Badham :;aid today in a prt,parcd statement released by his pi-e~s secretary. "The Presidept w71ts t'o clll back and abandon our eseot standard of . h•ing1 rat.her , than~ taking the necessary s tep\ for a I><>Sitive ap- proad1 to the p11blem;•' Bad.ham :.aid. Oallr "llilt St_.,,.._.. OFFlCER FLOYD WALDRON INSPECTS DAMAGED TR6 Police Believe It Was Auto In Mesa Hit-run C1ae Hit-run Suspect Charged in Mesa Poli('e have jailed a Santa Ana man they helieve to he the hit run drt\.l'r. ~ho knc~t·kcd oq•r molorcycli::.l .Jim :\tc-r,hman 1n Costa '\tesa last :\larl"h .inrldrO\t' a" ay, lea~ mg lht• 1.Jroken and bleedmg Orange Coast College student ly1n~ unaided in th<' street. Pa\rick Thomas \t1lt•han, 23, of 1131 South Huron St . S;rnta Ana. ""a'> arresh'd bv an Or ,in~e pol1n• officer m th.lt cit v W l'Unc~claj af · ternoon. Material-describing the sports car that allegedly s truck Mt·r-;hman last March 12 on the San 01c~o Freeway bridge on Fa1rv1ew Road. was recently circulated to Orange police. Mllehan, a cabin'etmaker who works in Orange, was being held in Costa Mesa Jail with bail set at SS.000. OCTD Forecasts "The parts we found at the scene or the crash match the c <Jr." C'osla Mesa police Lt. .John /\ Hegan said today. Mershman. the "ictim in the C'Olhs1on shortly after midnight last March 12, lo::ot a kneecap, suffered a yard long gash from hi\ tht~h lo his ankle. broke his Ir~ and fractured a wnst when an <iuto rareem•d off the San Diego Fr<'ew:iy and into his motorcy- cle Property Tax Cut 8)' KATlll' C'l.AN("\' ()I,,.. O;oly Po lot ~l•fl Ed l..ontt.. gcn<•ral man.1~<'r nf the Or;ingf' ('ounl y Tran~1t I h.., tric•t <Oc·rn i. todav backcoct :iwav from h1\ rc•n1mmt'ncf:1t1on to increase· hu:. fa1 t''> nt•xt 'rt'.H from 2!l to 40 cent!> Loritz also f.Ultl hf.> would 11rt• sent a r<'vtsed bud~•·l to d1r c(•tor ... Friday that would ('>('rm1t u pro perty t ax 1h•crN1Sl' in the comm~ fiscal y<.'ar, instc<Jd of the 111 erease th<it h ;11I twcn CXP\'l'lcd earlier 111\0l\'t><I shtfltnJ.: .Hlcl1l1nn·1l <.t.cll' and fl•cl1'r.JI funcb intu llw t11J<lgt•l for lh\•t(lmtn~ \l•,cr '<ht'r th{· n1•\t ft\\' , • .,,r, v.1• v.111 ... rw•ncl 1,.,, hut lh1·. ,1·.11 '-; hull~·1•1 '' 111 h•• h1i.:h•·r. ' l,ontt pn•d1rt1·d Whtie Lontz. cited prcs<,ur<.' frorn tl1n•l"tor!I about his c•arliC'r budget proposals, he also said he proposed th<' fund 8hift as long as ~ix wc.•eks a~o. But he said he could not get permission to bring lh<>m about from th•· Southern California As· sot't:it H'n of Gov('mments until last Wl't'k "Th<' J?uv came barreling orr tht• rrc•<'\\ay and ran a red hght,'' \1 erc.hman recalled m a recent inll'r\i11.•w "I lned to swer ve to t ht• left to miss h1 m, hut the TR6 t'JnH> right at mp.'' Mershman, a'24-year-old Army vell.'r an, had lo drop out or his classE's at OCC the last he would have had to take to s:raduate. Instead of attending UC Irvine nc•xt year. he'll be undergoing a :.erics of operations on his leg. Two more years of physical therapy will follow the opera- t 1 on s, doctors have told Mc•rs hman Hannaford admitted there are local "consumer concerns" re- l ated lo the proposed new tax on gasoline that would go into effect each year the American public exceeds its allotment of fuel. "lt's designed to force people into public transportation but we don't have public transporta- t ion," said Hannaford, who represents much of Western Orange County. He eipressed fears that senior * * * citizens would expet"ience the most discomfort under the Presi- dent's plan, "but the good thing is that it doeso 't start until 1979, and only if we increase our con· s umption," he added. Hannaford said he met early today with Carter and that an ad hoc committee of about 30 con- gressmen has been formed to take a closer look at hi!i pro- posals. R eacting l o reports of * * * skepticism among lawmakers over the plan, Hannaford said, "I don't th.ink they are reading the situation very well. The plan is d1r!icult, no doubt. but Carter's a tough man," he said. "l think the proposal will go through some changes," he :.aid, hinting that the energy saving measures may go through some softening by lawmakers before a hnal vote 1s taken. <See 2 VI EWS. Page A2> * * * Carter Confident Predicts G~ Tax Will Clear Cong ress WASHINGTON CAP) -Presi· dent Carter predicted today he will get his proposed standby gasoline tax through Congress despite some initial reaction against the plan on Capitol fJ lll. '"I th.ink we'll get it passed," Carter told reporters who asked him about perhaps the most con- troversial section of his tough new energy policy. Carter was questioned on the White House south lawn while saying goodby to Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares after a morning meeting 1n the Oval Office. C arler I aid out his com· prehensive energy program to a joint House-Senate session Wed· nesday night, acknowledging tnat it would be painful and declaring, "l don't expect much applause." He didn't get much applause, either. Yet, Democratic con- gressional leaders vowed to fight hard for the bulk or the program, which calls for conserving energy th rough hi~h e r automobile and fuel prices and taxes. But they conceded the plan faces major opposition. Carter told Congress that lo de~ al with the nation's energy crisis the lawmakers must approve l axes and pr ice increases on dwindling fuel supplies and must agree to heavy taxes on gas. guzzling automobiles. His plan for a standby gasoline tax or up to 50 cents a gallon drew the most vigorous c riticism. • Some congressional leaders pre· dieted that the provision might be dumped by Congress, and .lit· tie support for it emerged on Capitol Hi ll. Members of Congress of both parties, deeply s plit over energy issues, voiced little enthusiasm for the over-all package, but many praised Carter for courage in proposing ~tiff conservation meas ures. "I'm going to be leading the * * * charge to do everything possible to put together his program," s aid Sen. Henry M. Jackson (0. Wash.}, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. which will handle most of the President's pro- posals. But Jackson added that he sees (See CARTER, Page A2) * * * Gas Worries Hit ... By UCI Professor By WLARY KAYE Of u,. D.ttly Polo4 Slitf A UC Irvine economics pro- fessor today ridiculed the belief by many Californians that Presi· d e nt Carter's e nergy-saving package will hit Californians worst of all. "That's a lot of nonsense," claimed Dr. Charles A. Lave, who is studyin g energy and transportation problems with a feder al gr~t. "The belief that Californians do a lot more driving than other parts or the country is sheer baloney," Lave added. He said that m uch or the rountry lives in suburbia "just like Newport Beach" and that the only areas where extra gas taxes won't make much dif- ference are places like New York's Manhattan. "And just how many people actually hve in Manhattan?" the economics professor asked. Another UCI professor, Dr. Rol and Sch inzinger of the engineering department, agreed t hat the proposed extra gas taxes will not prove discriminatory to Californians. •'There are a lot or are as -like Texas and the Midwest -where they drive greater distances than we do here and they'll be hurt worse than us," Schinzinger as· (See GAS TAX, Page A~) Marin County Water Bills R e ally Hurt SAUSJ\LlTO CAP) -Marin Irvine F 011nd8tion County's school officials anu r~slaurant owno.rs had the full impact of the drought hit them where it really hurts -in the pocketbook. To Accept Bid If. • Marin waler officials sent out bills th.is week that clearly left many people shocked. The Martin Luthe r King • school. which normally gets a $400 to $500 bimonthly bill, w83 charged $16,289 for March and April. By TOM BARLEY Of .... Diiiy Po lot SC•fl Oiredors of the James Irvine Foundation have decided to ac- cept a $302.9 million offer for the Irvine Company, provided the bid by an east coast consortium gets court approval. The decision was announced late Wednesday while final argu- ments were under way in Orange County Superior Court. Judge James F Jud~c immediately called a four-day recess in what has been an eight month trial. IC the Mobil Corp , former favorite in the takeover battle with a $281.9 million bid, declines to produce a counter offer •. Judge Judge may decide the $302.9 million bid is a fair price for the Irvine Company. Mobil orficials limited their comments on the foundation de- cision to the observation thc.il it is heing di.Scussed today nt Mobil's New York headquarters. The bid submitted by a group headed bv Wall Street Financier Charles Allen, Detroit developer Alfred Taubman and auto b1l honaire Henry Ford 11 is $102.9 million higher than the orter sub· milled by Mobil when Irvine heiress Joan Irvine Smith filed the legal action that is now being tried. Foundation attorney I loward Privett made it clear late Wed· ncsday that lhc foundation's ac· c~ptancc of an offer will not be passed on to Judge Judge until Monday. lie also pointed out that it may not be the new bid posted by Taubman-Allen-Irvine Privett said that if Mobil s ub- mits a counter offer during the weekend that the foundation believes to be superior t o the con· sortium's bid then that offer would be placed before Judge J udge as the foundation's pre· fercnce. That amounts to $65 for each or the school's 250 pupils. "I think there was a terrible er- ror in our allotment," said the school di s trict's business manager, Francoise Jlayet. She pomted out that the school used 563,992 ~allons during the base period last October and November. Thal was s las hed 8S percent to 86, 768. Amon~ the other high bills were $9,100 lo the Ondine r es t a urant and $2,400 to Swenson's ice cream parlor. J . Dietrich Stroe h , general manager of the water district, ~aid he would meet with the restaurant owners next week but indicated he was prepared to argue with them. Coast He announced th~1t OC1'D staff members Wl'rc :1bl<.> to balanct• the budget. kcl'p fan·:. level and reduce taxes while incrc•usini.: the 1977-78 proposed budget from $48 million to $52 mil hon. Loriti said the balancing act Section Aith Readers With '~ving Home' Jury Hears Hints of Pay-offs ~~~~ We athe r Night and morning low c louds and fog with hazy afternoon s un s h i ne throu~h F riday. Lows tonight 48 to SS. Highs Fri· day 67 to74. Today's Daily Pilot brings you s pecial help for planning the spring spruce-up or your home and garden. A special. 40-page magazine "Living Home" comes to you in the Dally Pilot . The section is filled with words and picture advice on home furnishings, interior design and decorating and patio and pool Im provements. For guidance to the Oranl(c Coast's leading home improve- ment values, look for Living Home, inside l~a., .. ~· By GARV GRANVILLE Ot tlv O•lly P•let SNll Secret Orange County Grand .Jurv tes timony tn· dicatcs that·a county saivage contractor last fall allegedly told his disenchanted bus i- ness partners they would h ave to make a $5,000 political campaign contribu· lion to protect a $200:000 in· 1 vestment. "Are you telling me if I don't la y down $5,000 we're going to have trouble with our ($200,000) shredder?" Max Slone said hf' asked salvage eontractor George Adams. "Well, that is the way the game ls played out here," Stone sald Adams replied. Stone, a Long Beach salvage operator who last fall was form· in1t a business partnership with Adams, testified March 8. llis testimony is included in 2,000 pages of transcripts cover· ing t he jury's ,continuing, in· vestlgation into ~range Co~ty t poli,lical practices.. · ~fore St~e tetlified, Adams I had~appeflreq befqre the Grind l Jury ahd denied tpaking sta't\?-~ ments that were Jafer attributed , to him in Stone's testimony. Adams is the holder or s con· • tract covering metal salvage oper ations at one coun\y dump !;jlt'. And last November, when bid- din.C wider a Clrm nanae similar to the corporttf' name he, Stone and others h ad cbo1en for a new entity. Adams was the successful . bidder on a salvage contract at three other county dump stations Accord j n g to' S t o n e• s testimony, 'Aaams assured his would-be partners long before ttie November bjd opening that Uie contract would be theirs. "DQ(l't worry about it We have got the-lancUiµ contracts," Storie quoted' Adams as saying. "Re knew about it 16n~ before the bids were announced." Adams was n $5,250 con· tributor lo Supervisor P hilip An- thony's campaign and. in one rare poi11t of agreement between his <and Stone's testir:nony, had sought help from Stone in obtain· ing a $30,000 campajin Joan. According to Stone. Adams had told him Supervisor Ralph Diedrich "nad requested of him to make a $30,000 loan on Mr. An· lhony's home." I"ast Oct. 25. Stone said, Adams said he "would lose his power with Mr. Diedrich and the board (Of supervisors) if we do not come up with that $5,000 tor An· thony's campaign." However. Adams repeatedly denied ever using Diedrich 's name to encourage his tentalivo business partne r to donate. He also denied that Diedrich had ever asked him for Anthony contributions. So did Diedrich. When testifying before the Grand Jury March 3. the supervisor repeatedly denied ever discussing political con- (See JURY, Page AU • I NSIDE TODAY Developmenl(ll/y disabled are being moved from aniutu· tions to f amsly ~V1ronment under o Regioool Center pro- gram. P.oge Bl . lallex :l .2 DAILY PtlOT C F ,....rageAJ MERGER ••• The Santa Ana firm used the L1kert scale lo perform the s ur- vey. That's a method in wb.lch those ques tioned are aske d whether they ugree strongly. agree, d1sagre(', or dis agree strongly with pro and con ~tilte­ ments. J le re are some of the s urvey s tatements and re:.ponses: -''The takt'over of the water district is nothing more than a power grab by city government to acqwre an additional source of revenue." Twelve percent <Agreed strong· ly; 56 percent <.1 grccd ; 31 percent dis agretid; 2 pC"rccnt disagreed s trongly. "An elt•cted board, such as the water district's, is more effi· cient when 1t serves a single purpose rather than serving as part o f a multi-purpose Lurl.'aucratic organi l alion " S cventN'n percent agr e('d strongly, 67 percent agr('cd; 1'I per cent d1saJtrecd, 2 percent di.!>- agrced strongly. Pro consolidation iss ue pos1- t10ns included . -.. Coordination of things lake f1ref1ght1ng ;.ind strt.>ct repair '>'ould bl-1m proH·d 1r the city controlled the watC'r s upply " Only 2 percent a greed strongly 26 pl'rccnl agret•d, 66 perce nt dis· ag rel'd and 7 percent disagreed st rongly .. Tht• task of.,.. uter deli v('ry should not be separated from other municipal i.cr viccs " !-'our percent agrt•cd strongly, 42 percent agreed. 51 pc·rcent dis· ••g reed and 3 1><.•rcent disagreed strongly "Consolicl:1taon would s ave t Jxpayers thousands of dollars hv e liminating the salaries for \\at er district dirl.'ctors and us- ing the cit> 's l'omput<•r lo reduce duplicate admanistralave effort." J?1,·c pe rcent agreed s trongly, 3-1 pl'rcent agn•ed, 54 percent dis agreed and 8 percent disagreed strongly. The $7,000 sur vl'.'y also shows lhal ~I Pl'ret•nt or thosl'.' polled gaH' tht' wJlt•r d1slrict a good or - l'XCclh:nl JCJb performance r at- 111g It ali.o shows that the c ity tounc1I rl'Cl'lVed a good or ex· et•lknl rating (57 pe rcent) and City Manager Fred Sorsabal re· tc1 ved a favorable r ating (68 pcr- l·cnt. l From Page Al 2 VIEWS ... A spokcsm:in at Radham 's Was hington o ffi ce said the freshman congn •ssman 1s sup- portinj.! a four point w lut1on Lo the <'ncrgy rn..,1s lie \\Ould hl.t• lo '>C'l' a reduc- tion of government control over en('rf(y prndul'l 1nn in r<'lurn for (:11r markl•t pricing on gas Jnd otl Batlham .,.. oulrl also li ke to ""l' an 1•,tPn-.1011 of th1• .iulhont v lo 1 cgul ak ullhtit·s and maJO.r f1w l burning induc;tn<'s to com ert from nil fu t') to lo'' .,ul phur anti hi gh quJhr) rn,tl tlw s pokt:smJn s .11<1 . Badh am C'on -.1dt•rs r<'la'l<'rl ltcl'nsing on nuc ll'ar po\\l'r pl ants and hus1nt·~s incc>nl1ves to p r n d 11 (' t• mo rt' u ran 1 um for 11 11 1·l1•a r planh a <; n<'l'd l'ct ll\l'J surPs whac·h .,.. oulcl h1'lJ1 f1~ht l11h1r(• 011 s hor l<tl?<''> Mesa Softball Program Set ,\ i::1r1s · snrthall program h1•1-?1n'> thr-. Saturday Jl f•tght 1 hool pla)grounch rn Co..t.i \1l•s .1 IL IS '>POll'11n·d b~ t ht• C"I( y s De1rnrt ml' Ill or l.r1 .... urr S l'r\'IC'l'" r, 1 rb from second through t'l~hth i::rack m .i)' parltr1patr in thr Siiturd.iy g<1me>!. with te>am '>lgnups scheduled Saturda y at 10 um G 11 ls should n•g1s lt•r at th<' ~r hool rwarest their homes. 111 1•lud1ng flall•aric, ('.ll1forn1 a, Co llege P•1rk , Lindber g h , l'aulanno, S<mora, W1bon antl Woodland Schools. Thcrl' 1s no frt• for the program which runs through June 4. For furtlwr 111formut111n call 556 54RO ORANOE COAST DAILY PILOT ,,.., 0.Al'tQf' (OI\' O•llf Pt ... ••"•'"'""'fW°"' tt-ft t"° N,....,, p,." hovbU~bvlNi0.M'IJI' (n_.,, F"wr'lll\"111WJ Co~P•'"' W•,.,.t~Hl•t~" ...,,. ~ ,h h """ ~"dfY lf'U'OVl',lft 11'1~0.'f f'W Cetl• M.u• l"t••l104't 9•Ml't Hllftti"'l'O"I &Hor" """" .... In v ... llf'Y trWlf'll• \.-rt(lf•tt•ll V.-llf''t' •""1 l M»vf\tt 8•_, rt *''" C•t\t A \•"'O• '~1 "d• ''°"' t\ ~l~f'd '•tVtd4 'i'11 41"4 ~W'\ fhf'I or "(.,.., ovtth\N~ ot•"' '" •t W W.\t 6.6; St,,.t (.o\1•Mf'w C•tnotf\IA.,.,,.. ..... n ot Wt-4 p,,,,,Mfltt t"4 Pvb11'111P• ,.,~. (..,--.. , 'ti•• ft·•~·l'lff\t .. 1"14( .. ,...,", ....... "~' "'•""u ttn•1I f ,, •• .,, tMmtt A Mwr-.-. ~.tf\fQlftq f ,,..°' O•f"tn M lee\ lhc ........... N4U A\\t\t.tril M.tllillQ•l"IQ l dtfOI\ Cott• Meu OfftC9 • JJOWul 11 .. ~1'"1 Moll·"'I """ .. " ,. 0 ... , ...... ,.1. Offlcu lAOU"lf f}f'•CP'I l I .. ~l•·""fl'f''"' ,,,.,., HYnl1~t"M\ ., ... (I\ 171P' &t-'" 8ovltYAtf ~ddtrtW1t• ¥tllt y 7UOlU,.•rtto-..d •' ,,.,.. Oo•oo r, .. ., ... Telephone (714)64:M321 Ctuallled Ad,,.r11alne 642·5671 , .... ,,,._f"ll ,,,, (h •"' ... ,,,,,, f\IN1 "'!""J f1"" l W'lf I-. ,. ..... , \I Ith .. I• ••h l l 11 ll l•f..,,.1•1 '1'\Atlt'r • ••"'''''""''"'' IW 11., ,,,., f•"' ' '""'' '" ..... ., "'' ,,.,, .. , ''" ..., ' " ' IHl)\'•1~1'\•f'M"f \ltt •""' t lfll oeO•Q• l'l••d ii Co 1 t W • (11tllfll.,l"l1• \ofhCrljtl10flt &t ,,.,,, .. , \) 41J ~"'"'" Df ""*'' u "O ~'"'• m HHt r f P\h,,,.fl(M'\\ t.J \0 ~"·~·· Settling Their Dif f ereraees D .. ly Pltel Still Pltolo 200Attend .7 ·. Realtors Hail { ) M!~~~~.Fire~e~ Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Boa rd of Realtors tu med out this morning to honor three outst1&nd ing firemen. Capt. Gerald Poarch of Costa Mesa, retired Capt. Richard El- lerman of Newport Beach and Fireman Glenn Sekins of the Orange County Fire Depart· ment 's Irvine station were pre- sented with plaques honoring them as the fireman of the year from their respective cities. All three men were lauded for their work as firemen and their involvem ent in community a ctivities. Sekins, 24. who has been s tationed in Irvine for a little more than a year. was selected because of the y 0 U t h • S£KtNS oriented programs in which he is involved. • POA9'CH ' On his O\\n time. Poarc}. earned a series o f firs t a1u ccrlif1cates that enabled the drf partment to ut1hze him as an i"r structor to train other first aid i?" structors and to keep all depaf\· ment personnel current in the( l 1r~l aid rating:.. Uc has also spn ·ed on the Council of Emt'ri:t•nt \' Sl'r ncot; or Co-.ta :\l esa ~kmorial llosp1t'1 <ind planned some of the disaster drills fo r training fire d('pa~ mt•nt and ho~p1Lul per~onnl'I. f ·, Students who po rtrayed rcpresental1 ves of 30 nations during a model United Natiohs s ession today at Costa Mes a High School were encoura,ged to show up in costume . Hon Shackelford (cente r ) c ame as Idi Amin, ruler of Uganda, and played the r o le of p eace m a ker , s ettling the longstanding Arab-Israeli dispute by get- ting Craig Sherman (left) and Jon Waller to' s hake hands . He is currently producing ::i half-hour show for closed circuit television to be used in instruct· ing students in the Irvine Unified School District in fire prevention and safety. Se rvices Hel" For Ex-Mesaij. From Page A J Sekins is also active in the Firefighter Counselor program in which individual firemen work with troubled youngsters. Fune ral scrvict•s we re heltl t•arlier this month in Kingman. i\ riz .. for former Costa Mesa rd- i.u1cnt llalcl 0 . Stallings, wh~ d ied Easter Sunday ;;it the age ctr 62 I GAS TAX WORRIES • • • Newport Beach's Elle rman. who retired from the Newport Beach Fire Department last August because of a work-related injury. was honored for his capabilities as a fireman and for his innovative s uggestions that led to use of improved equipment in the department. TONIGHT ORANGE COUNTY F A IR BOA RD Regular mCl'tang, 88 Fair Or., 7 .30 p m. OCC LECTURE -"Creation, Car e and Feeding of Corpor a· t1ons," Fine Arls Hldg 119, 7 30 p.m . '"VARIETY SHOPPE" :\ti me. ~kits , dancing, lii;ht s how by OCC Drama Club. Drama La h Theate r, April 20-23,8 p. m. "TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA.. So uth Coast HepertoryThe alc r, lhrough April 2:1,8 p.m FRIDAY, APRIL22 FRIDAY NIGHT FILMS ··Freebie and the Bean." OCC Forum. 1· 1s p m SI From Page .4 1 JURY ... lnbut1ons "1th Adams All rem a rks att ributed lo I >1cdrach b' Slt,nt' c..i mr• through \u a m s .:mci the n · 15 no anthcat1on in th ti t ranscnpl tho.it 1>1c•dr11 h .ind Stone t'\ l'r talk1.•d ·1 hrn· 1:. .1 tJp1· rt•n1rdt1H! or .1 lt•l1.•ph11nr ron' ersat ton b1•t.,., t•1•11 \rl:.ims and Stone 111 "h1th St11111.• mak1.•.., refen•m·l''> lo t'iHltrr con \t•r c;a t1ons about «ampat f!n ..,,.1ic1t.1t1un:. Crom ,\dJm" serted . Sc h i n z in ge r sai d h e's e ncouraged by the president ·s l 0mphas1s on conservation. ··conservation is long overdue. I think Carter 's energy policy is much more realistic than Nix- n n 's e ne r gy inde pe ndence policy," Schinzinger said. l ie said Carter 's plan involves ··ra ther complicated procedures. The re a re a lot of different me asures and they all have lo work togethe r ," the professor s aid. ·'Congress' s upport is needed and it's possible to get that sup- port if Carter can show the con- fli cting interes ts that unless all parts of the program are put into effect. even worse things might happen," he s aid. "A lot of arm·lwis ting and jaw- boning needs to be done to get Con gr!'ss to agree to this," Schtnzinger said. Lave believes the President's propos;:tl lo boost gas taxes and to increase excise taxes for large l ars that are not energy efficient ar<' "perfectly reasonable." Tf the president's plan is adopt- l·d. t:as l axes will climb up lo 10 c-ents per gallon per year , ending up with a 57 cent boost per gallon ll\ 1988 II e '!' a lso s uE:g esling that .. nerj!.) df1c1cnt car huyers re- •'<' I\'-' J re ba te <ind e ner g y. 11ll'ff1t1c.•nt t ar huyt'rs be taxed h1ght•r ·1 think It's r e a sonable, although I doubt it wi ll be ter· rihl\ ('f(cct1w." said Lave. who in j ;rnuar~· delivered a l<tlk in W .ishingt.on tha t sug ~estcd the real ene ri::y solut10n is to use '>mJll, c•nergy·l'fficient cars. not mass transit :\ml, a Yonrke r in Storll''" Long llt'<H·h sah;.ige ~·ard te:.t1f1ed th al hi• h1.•arc1 Stonr ('\plndt• O\er th1.• t 1• I 1· p h n rw " ht' n .1 p p art• n t l v • 1-.kt·d b) Adam.., to donJtt· lo An t hon~ ·s campaign. alleged!' as a r11•cc:.:.arv cost of doln.I! bu~tm•ss "1th l·ounty gon~rnm•·nl ··r hl' mosl effective thing has • * * * Frora Page A l \dams andStonl' s d1ffrn·nn·s j.!11 dec1><·r. howl'' 1·r CARTER ... In that tes limonv.1t 1c; rt•\(•Jh•d th.it Stone. Adam-. and othc-r-. " •'f(' fnrmin~ ;i p.1rtnn'\h1µ, l.;i nd Fill Heco\ l'f\ ~' ~lc·ms l>t'\ elopm1·nt. Im· to lJ1d on the 1 h r <'e county dump <,uh ag(· operations hltl~ h kehhood of Carter 's gas 1 ..ix proposal passing Congress. 1\ n d h c p r e d 1 ct c d majo r mod1Cirat1ons \l.Ould be made in th!' President's 011 pricing re- comme>ndation.s. n ut. St1•n<' t PSttft<'tl. Arlums, \\ tthout lus \l.nuld-bt• partners· know ledge. made the s uccl'ssful Ind unrler th(' fi rm name>, Land l'' 111 H c c o v £' r y Sy!. t c m s. a f1r t1 cious oper ating name used h~ Arla ms' Oran~r County Steel SalvaJ?c Co llouse Speake r Thomas P . O':'le11l al.so expressed reser.-a- t1ons about the gasoline tax but vowed full support for the Presi- dC' nt 's program. adding that Carter knows "this is his fi rst m ajor f1~ht. This is a bat- t k ." r Income Diked SocUd Security Up Jidy 1 WASIBNGTON CAP) -Social Security and Sup- pl emental Security Income payments will increase 5.9 P$?r cent bej!innrng with c hecks going to beneficiaries July 1, the Department of Health. Education a nd Welfare announced today. The mcrcusc is auto matic and pe~ged to the ris- ing cw;t of ltving. The law r equires that. whenever the consumer price index rises 3 percent or more, recipients of Social Security and the federal SSI program for the aged and disabled must increase as well. The eonsumer•price index rose 5.9 percent from the first quarter of 1976 through the first quarter of 1977 which is the measuring period for the benefit in· crease announced today,. This means that 'the average retired single worker who receives $221 per month will get ah addi· t ion al $13.04 each month beginning July 1. The average elderly widow who gets $210 a month will get a $12.39 increase. The maximum benefit for a man retiring this year at uge 65 will go from $412. VO to $436.85. I '---------------~~------~----------------------------" l ( I . already been done -the 1974 legislation by Congress that is forcung U.S. auto manufacturers to improve the economy of their cars," Lave said. ··car manufacturers are ~ing required to come up with a fleet of cars with an average of 27.5 miles per gallon by 1985," he said. "That's the most effective piece of legislation we've had. but these other t hings (gas and excise taxes) will be helpful too," Lave predicted. Ellerman, 50, was a member of the fireaepmm entfor 19 years. Costa r.fesa's Poarch, 40, was chosen, in the words of a depart· ment spokesman. because "once he gets involved, lhere's no limit to what he will do." 1\1 rs. Stallings and her husba~ Robert movl.'d lo Prescott, Anzr. three years ago. The couple lived an Costa Mc•sa fo r 16 year s. { Mr Stallings worked as ' s upe rinte ndent for the Illup D iamo n d S and and Grav~ Company. and l\Jrs . Stalling} soldered s ma ll instruments Uf\ der a microscope at Cadilla~ Controls until the couple moved.\ Mr:-.. Stallin~s is s urvived bf hH hu~band, of Prescott., aniji daug hter . Donna I verson ql Newport Beac h. \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RCA ColorTrak TV with electronic remote control special S49888 RCA"s most au1oma11c TV ever• EIPctronically tracks and cmrects the TV s ignal he lore 1t br·cnmes a r>•Clurc on your scrP<'n • Featunng Signal Sensor II remote control- changes channels. permits contm11ous volurre ad1us1ment. turns sel on and oll from :icross the room RCA ColorTrak 25" 'J· 11ur1a1 RCA ColorTrak 19'' ' ·1 ~ .... ncn; .. We Take Trades Trade Your Old Set In This Weekend SPECIALS GOOD THURS., FRI. & SAT., APRIL 21, 22 & 23 New COLOR TRAK CONSOLE SPECIAL Introduced l'Spllc1ally for this evenl Big-screen Color Trak console w1lh swivel beset Getting the color nghl 1s what RCA Color Trak 1s all about. trs a remarkable development that actually adjusts color and kof'ps II on track. Before you see the p1C1ure. the Color Trak System grabs 11. allgos •I • dehnes 11, sharpens 11, tones 1t and locks the color on track. Special $58888 275 East-I-1th-St. I Costa Mesa H ... WWen'I...,._ 2 D_.. w ... ef c.rit Jr. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat 9-5·30 S...."'9 tM tfer6'er ArM ( Pilot J _ Logbook _ Author, Release Well~ RevielVed By JACK CHAPPELL Of IM o.llY ~ilel Jl .. 1 James M . Beasley is a funny man wbo bas written a book called "The King of San Clemente" which he and his publisher say is also runny. . The hysterical premise is.that a United States President 1s hounded from . office. as a result of the bungled Watercloset breakin. Exiled to a seaside villa in San Clemente, he eventually sallies forth to save the worlcJ with ''Ope ration Crunch." Rcsplendl.'nt in a black Jump suit. arms akimbo ;.ind c1~arcllc holder clinched at a Jaunty Hoosevelt-esque angle. Beasley held forth at a press con- ference 1n San Clemente JU:..l after giving a dedication copy to a stern-faced fellow at what u:..t-d Lo ht• called the "Western White Jlousl' The author and his publisht'r, Terry 11usL.EY Marler, told the gathered minions of the Fourth Estate -aJI four Of US that his book \.\:JS "outrageously funny" With "some~h1ng to offend everybody" and ··an adventure story.' ASKED TO PROVIDE PRESS renew copies, Marler pursed his hps and 1n the same way Nixonian Pres:.. Secretary Ron Ziegler used to respond when the White House Press Corps asked if then: were comment on the latest Washington Po!>l story, said, "No." The books ... are ... available . · .. at ... bookstores. Marler said. They did give out press releases and a biography on Beasley, however. and they arc a scream. IN FACT, SOMEONE ~110 DID read "King" suggest· ed the releases and the bao were much funnier than the book, Whl.'r(' tht• k•vC'l Of humor <.ipproaches that of graffiti on the toilet Mall~ of <'lement:.sry school restrooms. That being the case, I decided to review the release and Beasley's b10. One of the high poants in the literary effort put into thl' news release and the biography is the hstmg or the cast of characters IT I NCLUDES: PRESIDENT CHOP Chop and Mrs. Chop Chop; llenry llmdcnburg; The Young Squirt, a California Governor. the Old Man, a California Governor: The Manager or the Imperial Lotus Palm Hotel; Laverne. a massage parlor propnetres:-.. Vice president Radio-City· Music-Hall: Baltimore Bessie, a former Vice President· Bil he Dang-Dong. an evangeltst; Old Chili-beans. a for me~ president: Daughter Bigmouth; The President of France: The Arabs: R:.alph Nader. and a cast of millions. Among a few of the hilariou:-. topics are black riots the press, the post office. peace, the Watercloset breakin th'e oil crisis, presidents, Congress, the McCarthy Era, Chi 1 na. re· ligion, student riots. Amtrak, and. of course. S.EX. 01 the ciuthor, we are told <in part): "Teaming with his father and Dr. Albert Einstein, James M. Beasley was a part of the trio at Princeton University that originated analytical. digital und multi-phase speedthinking in the late 1930s. "AND. MR. BEASLEY IS THE PRIME Living designer of the Reasley/Eanstctn weapons systems Mr. Beasley has three times served as catalyst candidate for the pre side ncy or th<' l 'n•t<'d State:.. and currently heads the Callfomw Water Institute and serves as an adnsory memb<.'r of the Stilll' Water Resources Board. "Mr lle<Jsley d1\ides his time between Washington, D C . tht• West Coa!-it and the Mai Taj Bar of the Royal Jlay. auan and makes hts home in San Diego, California, o\ erlookini:: the harbor with four cats. two dogs, ten fish. and the beginnings of the manuscnptof his new novel." The biography reputt's that Beasley has at times served as a l'On~ultant for the following firms ALCOA. Bank of A menca. Ocl Monte Properties. IBM. United States Steel. the Statt• or Ctthfornaa. Gcnt'ral Motors and the San Francisco. Zoolo~ical Society, tn addition to wntmg 52 musicals, 41 plays. 36 motion pictures, 489 plays for the El Gato Theall-rs. and h~o opt-ras B'!f. St;RJOU.SLY FOLKS, THE comedy coup de grace 1s the conclusion or the publisher's press rel east' "Tht' currf'nl novl•l as expt>rted lo be a block·huster best sell t>r and motion p1ctur<' rights are currently under ne~otialion w1lh major s tudios The novel 1s :.ure to bt· the surprise book <>f lht' .. f'ar .. Man Guilty Of Stealing VAN NUYS IAPl Sentenc jng 1s Sl'ht•dult•d Junf' I fnr a Lancast er mortuarv worker found 1otu1ltv of stcaltng $1,037 from a corps<' Wednesday befon· superior Court Judge Josc-ph Dc Giuseppe. He "''as accused of taking the money from Edward Goble, 57. or Lancaster, who was killed when tus car slammed into a powcr pole W1ll1am 1-: .Jnhnson , 30. pleaded no conlt•st lo grand then. •. Which Way to Ensenada? Road-Job Upgrades Sought By KATHY CLANCY OftM O~ly ~11111 SUIH Two controversial road pro· jects -one linking Dana Point lo the Saddleback Valley and the other running through Lake For- rest -have been sent oack to the drawing board by Orange County supervisors. Supervisors recommended to county planning comm issioners Wednesday thal a new route be found for Street of the Golden Lantern through the Laguna Niguel area and that a n upgrad- ing of Ridge Route Drive in Lake Forest be deleted from county plans for the present. Comm1ss1oners arc to review the board's recom mendat1ons and hold public hearings before supervisors lake final action June l The Laguna Niguel area pro· posal was to change the des1gna. lion of Strc.•et of the Golden Lan- tern from a four lane divided road to a :..1x-lunl' l horoughJ<tre linking Moulton Parkw<iv with Pac1f1cCocc.t l ltghw<.1y . · The roud ~oulcl havl:! in· c o r p o r a t l' u w h a t i s n o w Chaparo:-,a AvC'nuc in Laguna Niguel. Laguna Niguel r<.'siclent Jim Richardson pre se nted supervisors with petitions signed by 1.010 residents opposing thc chan~e. citing safety. noise and air pollution factors. "Thl· C'lllH'nS or Luj!una Niguel are outraged. first bctaust' the\ \.\er e not not1f1ecl of th1:. and Sl'Cond becau:.l' of thl· proposal 1t:-.elf ... R1chard:-.on s<.11cl ··Because of this. Golden Lan· tern woijld become a literal cll'- ath trap for residents of this area." hC' continued Board Chairman Tom Rik~. who recommended Lhal planning com m1ss1oners and staff mt:'m bers look for anolh<'r route for a north-south thoroug hfare. told R achardson lh<' Golden Lantern proposal hud bet•n an the plan n1ng stages for more than tY.O years. He sa.id efforts were made to kt·ep the community aware of county plans. "I Just wanted to make it clear that we are not so callous that we haven 't been doing anything about this." Riley said . "I thin.Jc 1t is only fair that you not g ive the impression that you were not notified." Ruth Saadi of the Orange Coun- ty League of Women Voters said the route \.\OUld shirt an undue s hare of traffic problems "onto the s houlders of t\l.o com· mun1ttes ill equipped to handle th em. Dana Po1nl <and Capistrano Valley.· She asked that aclton be de- 1 ayed until a basic community plan for the area is com plell·tl * * * Lake Forest Protest Dies An expt>ctect protest rrom Lakt· Forest r<'s1dt>nts over thl.' pro· posed upgrading of Ridge Roule Drive through thc1r community fa tied to m ;,it t• rt a II ze hcf or~ Orange Count) supt•n·1sor ... Su pen 1sor R .tlph l>11·drieh kt•pt a plt'dJ:t> 1klt\ t•n•d cilrht>r this week to drop th1· upgrad1ni.: from counly plan!-fur 1 h1• µr <'· S(.'Ot The propo<,J) Y.011ld h,1\l' <'hanged the des1gnat1on of R1llge Route from a four Ian<' roa,d to a four Ian«.' road with a medial\ While no L.ikt• 1-'nr<•st resadl-nts spoke WednesdJ~'. they earht>r expresst'<l rears tht' upgradmg would 1ncrcas(• tr.1fflc and po!-.c a lhrl'al ln chtldn•n .,.. ;ti king lo school 1'2-0 ~he m~euvering gets a little hairy at times. wtth about 500 sailboats of every description churning up the waters off the Newport Harbor jett.y. and the language can get as blue as the waler when their skippers head them toward the starting line for the annual race to Ensenada. For a slightly different picture or the world's · biggest international yacht race. see page A14 ,, Tapings Completed AP Wirt photo F ormer Pn· ... 1d1·n1 '\axon und Da,·id Frost . Jeft . let1\'C fhl• Mon<1rc:h Ha) honw of I lurold Smith after completing L..1µ1ng for lour !lO minull' tekvis1on shows The t<lping lwg an :\1ard1 :!:I Tht• I 1r:-.L :.how 1:--. scheduled Lo be ;.i1rt·d :\I a) I Arraignment Set Oran~P Count~ Sht-r1ff'.., or fman picked ham up on Rolsu f1eers h:n ·l' H:hl·dull·d d l'OUrt ar t\\ enue. 1 01 ~nml·nt today for a transient Officers said Latham then boll- booked on mur<h:r charg1.•s Wl'fl· <.'d from the stncken lloffmJn·.., nesda\' aftt•r ht• Jlln:l·dl) shot u car but was knocked dO\\ll ancJ man who. guH· l11m a lift in the held by a pursuing witness nt•ur Midway City an•ct lhl· intersection of Bolsa Avenue Oep11l1t•s 1dcnt1fied tht.> suspect as. Rob111 Ho::.s Latham, 25 They s aid hl' s hot Thomas lloffman. 25. of 7:151 Texas St. Westmtn!>ter, s hortly after llof and Beach Boulevard. Officers said they found Ilof- f man's wallt>t in Lat ham's possession and also recovered a gun lhey believe was used in thl' shooting · Malay DAILY PILOT A3 Christ's 'linage' Revealed SHAMOKlN, Pa. <AP) -Tht• cW'1ous and reverent are Clocking to a smaJI Episcopal church m this eastern Ptmnsylvan1a coal town to view what appears to :..Orne to~ an Image or Christ on an altar cloth Thl• rector of lloly Trinity Ep1:.copal Chun·h firsl noticed what ht' saad was the face of Christ on lhl• cloth three days before Easll'r But 1l was a 9· ) ear-old girl who stirred interest in th<' 1maRt' "Grandma, Grandma, hurn, t•omt• set• God ' Grandma. on th•· doth St.•t•. then· 1:. God's face," ..,J td ln:-. He1f!lt· "l t·ouJdn t sl'l' anything except lht' altar • said the girl's grandmolht•r !\Ir... Clarcncl· Fcglt·~ "Thl•n. a'> 1 looked more do:.l'I) al lhl• \ t·1I. I. loo. could pla111I) M'l' \.\hat my grand d.1ughtl'r first s av. · the face of Jt•s u.., · Thl' churth has had a ste:.t(!\ flow of \'IS1tors ever since · · 'Tht•\' don't v. ant to lea\'t' · :.aid th~' He\ Frank R. Knutlt tht• n•C'tor "Tht•y s tuy and sta). and when lht•y do go ~•way, tht•\ comt' bal'k v. 1th someone else. "We can't close tht• t•hun·h." ht' said "ll 's a constant :.tremn of pl'Ople Ill and OUI •• Knutll t'st1matcd that 2,000 people of all faiths han• v1:-.1tcll the small church. which hils ;,ibout 150 mt·mher:... II<' said tw w us reluctant to discuss th~ 1m age because. "l don t \.\ant to m ukc a carnl\ al out ot this." Knuth :..:..ud he saw the imai;:t· aboul midnight on the Thursda~ bl.'fort.> Easll'r . but sutd hl' \.\as unable to :-.l't' 1t aguin until Iris the 9 yt.•ar-old, saw tt after a p1 ayer service April t:i l\nutt1. \\ho ..,aid he has mo\C'd lht• t•loth l\\ICt• S IOl'l' thC' VISIOn appeared, s.i1d hC' doubll'd th<il shadows tn 11.., fold:.. \\l'rc cau:-.1ng un optic.ii 1llu:.1un "Too many pt•opl•• haw• -.een the s umt• thing." ht· said 'IL doesn't t·hangl' as the light <'hunges, either ' When v1s1lors sec tht• 1mag1: "some_,·ry, most s top to pray," said K ~trl Hoffm<an, u church member and u ret1rl'd reporter for the Shamokin News-Item because the sun never sets on Drexel beauty DrexSb L1nqene Chf'SI -SJ99 Coronation canopy bed -S439 Nrght stands. ea S239 A classic returns 1n Maldy'• by Drexel • our brillran1 contemporary lreatnient o f 111e barnboo-and-cane lurnilure favored 1n the British Co1on1.1I Et.1sl Slyhng 1~ simple. hght. sl1m-ltned Woods are leafy-heart cherry veneers and maple And five exquisite l1n1sl1es glow wrlh the hand-burnished beauty you'd expect to land 1n a native bazaar Malay rs a mu"' see' Door che5t -S649 Dresser -1599 Vertical mirror -s 149 PROFESSIONAL INTEl110R DESIGNERS Open Mon , Thur$. & Fri. Eve~. 221S HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA, CALIF. Mb 027S A4 DAILY PILOT Thur~ay, Aprtl 21 , Hin Just • Sluggish Cars Loo1n ENERGY STATUS-------. fnr:ru Sources ••• Reserfr:s Od. tr. • ~ I with Tom arphlne Carter Outlines Rewards, Taxes Natural Gas 75 % ~~ 'War' Talk Goes Deep OUR NEW WAR: President Carter, in lus appeal to the nation for conservation of our energy sources. offered us a ringin~ phrase that will probably be re· pea Led often in the days ahead. He said h1s con:-.crvation pro- gram wouad require drastic c hanges an our lift· ~tyl es. a m ounting to ''thl' moral equivalentofwar." Roll that one around on your Longuc for a manuk. "The moral t!QUivalentof war." The President may get widely <1uoted on that one tlut he also ran the clear risk of being widely misinterpreted, too. Some people , for example. might interpret this to m ean that Carter believes war is a moral undertaking. THIS ISN'T WHAT he meant. And he didn't create the phrasl' He went back quite a few years to d 1g that one out. Carter was quoting medical doctor, p s ycholo g i s t and philosopher William James, brother of novelist Henry Jame:., when the President used that war analogy. James, who died in 1910, was s uggesting that a nation can lack selC-d1st•1phne when the urgency and demand of war is absent. bus he suggested in part, "So long as the anta-mihtarists pro- pose no s ubstitute for war's d1s - c1plinary function. no moral t.-quivalent of war .•. " There you have that rangan~ phras e. So m truth, President Carter wants us Lo adopt the William James philosophy and exercise m ass discipHne. The president wasn 't cndors ing the morals of war He was urging the discipline required of <.t people dw-ing war tame. HIS SOURCE 111 this c·;.is•-. .James, was a man of s1g n1f1<·ar11 letters who hec·amt· a leader 111 the ph1losoph1c<1 I mm·pmc•nt of pra gm at1 s n and \\as ah sorbcd an rc•hg1ous study an ha-; late r years Th(• phJlosophy of prag m:ltisrn 1s one that ll'sls th1• valtd1tv of all c·onccµls ln lht•1r pr.1<·l1cal rt· suits. In otht•r \\llr<ls. II ti \\orks. rim JtHI 1f 1l dO\.•sn"l, \OU \\1•r1·"' rrmi.: ~o \H' ma\ h.i\1' ,1 pragm.1t1st 111 l"l'Sldl'nl'I: HI th1• Whit•· 11011 .. l• t hc•sC' days If lht• Prc·.,1dl'nt g1•h-h1s ent>rJ.!\ 111 ogr;.11n lhrnul!h Cnn~rt'ss or :1l lt•.1st a lnrgt• s1•1.(ml'nt of tl. t h1•11 t ht• It-SI Ill).! 1·011H•s Ill 1111\\ It '"irks i\nd "" .,h,ill .,,.,. 1f h•· .11 1·1•pts I h.tl lik1• .1I1111• pt .1grn.il hi ·\LI. OF TlllS phil11s11ph\ '" p11•11 \ llt':11l v ... 1 urt \ 1111 rn1d1t 1 11·1!11 ll to ht., 1·111•1 I \ 111\ 1.,1•r .I :111ws ~. hh·s mg1•1 I )Oil l 111'1 on II no~'T I.ET Tilt. 1'11· ... 11h•11\ 11101 \OU tvo 11Hwh \\1th th.tl t,on•I 01<1 llov ,and t:1·111 l!1.1 t r.11 k1·1 ,11 t lle 0may J.!O JU"I ,, htl clt·1•11t r lhan that Tht• Pn.·s11h•nt chdn t p1c·k up on Wtllt.1m .1.1mes '' 11111• h.111i:1n~ ar11u111l lhlh· .., J:a!. ... 1.11 111n WASHINGTON (AP) -Our cars will be $mall~. li.&bter aod probably loo sluggish for t.be speed jockeys. Thal 's the future of the automobile under Preai- den t Carter 's plan to solve America's energy dilemma. In Wlveiling his co.mprehensive energy program Wedn esday Search II alted Thirty-one years after his supposed death, and four vears after a scientific in- \·cstigation confirmed that death, Brazil has officially given up the search for '.\l artin Bormann. most hunted of the Nazi war criminals of World War IL night, Carter asked Congress for s tringent leetslatlon int.ended to curtall guollne consumption. UNDER HIS PLAN, if Americans don't cut back, gas prices would go up as much as 57 cents a gallon -nearly double - by 1985. Purchasers of 1978 cars that eet less than 13 miles per gallon would PaY a federal excise tax of $449 ; that tax would rise t.o $2,488 by 1985. Th06e who buy small cars that get good mileage would be re- warded with cash rebates up to $499. The plan also has a provision for gas rationing, a step that would be taken in an emergency such as the 1973 Arab oil embargo. CARTER SAID the penalties can be avoided if conservation JS achieved. His solution is to use s maller autos, car and van pools, buses, subways and other public tr ansportation, and drive fewer miles. Even if Congress approves the controversial legislation , Americans will need a lot of con· vincing to curb use of their a utomobiles. Americans currently mal<e 86 percent of their trips between cities by car. Only 11 percent of their trips ar e by a ir; a nd buses. trains and ships account for less than 3 percent. SOME 53 PERCENT of com- muters in metropolitan areas drive lo work alone in their cars; 21 percent are passengers, and only about 8 percent use buses, streetcars or subways. Carter's plan could change these figures. At the very least, it would boost F4 Phantom Theft .Charge Faces Man · PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -John Ronald Bruns, 22, of San Diego has heC'n indicted by a federal grand jury for what Marine Corps officials described as an attempt to steal an F4 Phantom jet fi ghter. He was charged in the two count indictment with burglary at the Marine Corps Air ~tatrnn m Yuma and I aJse representation or a marine Corps officl!r. Bruns had climbed into the t•ockpit of a Jet fighter when ar · rested March 20 and was wearing military <:loth1ng allegedly stolen I rom the base. according to the f<'ederaJ Bureau of lm e:.tigalion. Cutba~k Pondered \\..ASmNGTON <AP > Th<> Postal Service 1:.-t elltnf? the leaders of four POSLal "-tJrkers un· Billy Told: Clean It Up OETROIT tAP 1 Ball\ CartC'r. the Pn·.,1d1•nt ··s 'oun_gt•r brother ht1s been nrdert•d b\ tilt' r1 tlt•ral l(OV· 1•r11 rn 1•nt to 1·l 1·a n up ar ou11d his Plains. Ga .. si·n 1tl' 5talrnn lo meet l1•d1•ral hPalth .tnrl 'i afety rN1Utrt'm<'nl., thl' D1·tro1t f''rt•1• l'n•,..., SJlll t11tl.1' Fedt•n1l msp1·1 tors from thr• l! S l..1hn1 l)ppa rt mt·nl ·., Orcu1wt tonal ~ah• tv Jlld llt>:tlth \1lmin1'tr:1 t'rnn or<ll'P•il t .1111•1 111 dt•an llf' Jllnl.. ;md d1·br1S s urroundtng tit•' sL1twn. 1n r ludang a lanw ... upply of h<'er cans. llw "''"·"paper s<11d in a n •por I from 1t-. Was hmgton hun•au (._,_..., I_N_SH_O_R_r_J wns that it may cut back mail de· livery to rive days a week. Sources say lhe move. which could take err eel by the end of the year , probably would eliminate Saturday home delivery or mail. Trading Supported HA VANA. Cuba CAP > -Fidel \a..,trotold a Minnesota lradede- l1·gat1on \"l:.ttang Cuba that re· mo\ al of th<' U.S. tr:.idc l'mbargo a1.w1nsl ht!:> countrv \\Ould create ·optimum cond1t1ons" for the d1 s(•t1s!.10n of other problems bt>twt·t>n the two neighboring countrws "1IC'0S a great man with a great d1•al ol <·haris ma." Jae De Hoog, pn•sidcnt of Schouten In· lt•rnut1nnal. a i:rain and seed firm. said of Cuba "s president. MG#fe Burial Eyed WASlllNGTON IAP> The Carter .1dm10istr::ition is discuss- 1n,:: "'1th forC'1gn allies the idea of t•.,tablt'>hang burial grounds on the bottom of th<' ocean where all nations could c;torc their nuclear wastes Diplomats ht•rc• sa~ the pro· posal for <111 Ot'l'an lwd dumping •.ale ts one of sen ·ral options un- der d1scuss1on I Most of U.S. Gets Rain Flood Watches Posted in Many States Tftftperac •r~• i'\~h1l•Hl~ff1Vt '\\fu·v1th Ailt•nl t n1,,n1nq"~"' n,, •• , Rf)'\fl"ln Rrl\wn\Y•ll.- Butt 'h' (h,.rl• IC)f'I S ( CPtartr ron. W Va~ (hi( lt)t) C1ncln1t.ttl (l~y,.fafll't Datt&• Ft Wortn o~nY•r Of'\MOlfY"'t OPtrn•I Hl'llrn" ..,. nolUh.f t-tOU\I'°'" Hl-h II ' I I RI •• ,. .... I'> "" •• ~· ,. u ,, ., .. " ,, •I " Low •• "" '° •• '" " II •• ~· &~ ,. ~· •• '" II ·~ \\ 11 •I P<P II Ot !It '? I 01 I l •l'I lnO •n•M" .. JAt._ J\nv.11._. .. .. t<.•n~\(ltV I/ ,, 1 ::~l:.~u~r-PlUI ... ~ lit<-"'"'~ ., .... ilft N· w('ht,..()~ 11 I 1ttt,..Roc.• " " lO\ff V1llfllo RI •• N¥w 'fe>.-. 111) I 11 O~l•hOrn• C•lv " Mrmoh1\ ,. "' Om•htt 1t fl? Orl,ncto ~\ o.i1y P'llot oe1 • ..., ltGotw.,...... MnMl9'/ rrl>Jttv II yW dO ~ ftltv~ yn.11 r.ir1Pt r1 S :m n Ill ~t\llltlot 7 0 l'n 41N'1 Y• llf' 4 Of'I)' Wiit be Ckff1yt•1 ""1 &lil•J•t1•'1 1nrt St1l"ld.tv If Y<'K.I " !'\('\' '«."""WI' "'~'' rt1ny tJ¥ • •"' '~·• tw•'"'"' tO • m •l'WS y\)Of C.cic>'f w I E'MJ olftflVt'ff f Phll•O~ICll\ht 1T P h<>f'nlw RI) P ltt•burQh llO Portl•no.On>. O\t. Rltttmond eo SI l<lul\ 7<J S• Poi...,btlr<Jo Tame>a ~\ ~Alt LAk-Cllv ~ • ~·n FrotnciKO 55 S••lll• 61 WA1ollt11jjl°" H ~1:.c.nH(X)(lw,.tc,..., w"f'f" ooc.tflld ,,,, tt pior11,,n• oflf"•4'\ 0-lt'~ \.OUtf'•rn '-''> '~ """'-•\. \Out"•rn M l\ \our1 ,,r.(j e>1n' of Arllan\,,, .. nd ... , t o Lou1,1an3 AH I 61 ltwo IH'llO!\howt>~W••P•l>"<l•ll In •H \IN'IC'°' trlf'OUQl\ the '1AIP\ Wllh llnod watchf'\, aero'' 1h• Mis.~•'\tOOl Vallry and '"" G•PAI L~k.-An<I Into '"" .e.00.tlachlAM •n<I NP., Enqlan<I A CM"<• ot K•ll~rtd Sho,.tr\ Wa\ pr.Olt19CI lor ,.,. MUillffft All<tnlle 11 •O••I •I.ti~ 4\ wt'll A\ 11141 P.tt1llc. Narthw"-t tntl\ Mont•n~. M ild tfllt'N)er1ttUf'f'\ w.,rp fortr8\t from tllt Ml•k•l«lcM V.tllty lo IM llltAnllt Roc-t•\ thf' tntf'rmountJt\n~ _.no n•.trly •II Ol 11"' P..clltc C0.t•t. £ lqnt •Of'rti\dO,., w•r~ report,.d W POn .. \dAy ak>nq wnh QU\ty •1n'1\ O•m•'l•"<I l\ltlt...., funn<!I cloud\ J' \OCMtN;t #HhMW,.. '""ncJtlrstorm\ CaUtonda Harv •ll•rnoon ~unsl!IM •houtd fo••ow a "'°'"'nq of IO'#cloucts •nd tora Fridn ••Y• tN! Nat.,.,.1 Wot~r s~rv•c, TM c--loq -Id .,.. '""' •t••d o.-.r t!M> c0.tst. vallNS .t"'1 mount•ln'-but \houtd c•@•f" by m1d~ ""'""'t'O for"C:•1••n M id w.,,,,.,., lf>"mofl'•tUrM W~P e•otc•- ..., '" th• mounlalns and dl!~•h. but <OO'"' Onl'\ In Utt' (01'\taf .,,. •• , f:-r1014v·~ htQPK --·~ orfd•C ffld to rwi tn tn .. it.ft\'" tn• """"''aln~ •n I~•""-1n lt\1'1' "' ,., 1 .n<I m&.t•v 1n t"4t •ow 10\ Cocutal tt'eatlaer Harv""''",.., Frid'"' HIQll\ Fr1day61tor• (OMlal l....,pentur~\ Woll ra"~ b•tw••n >l .tnd 66 tnland ,,..,. O"r AturP\ Will ra"9f" ,,.., ... .., \1 .....S 7l TM"'"'"' IMnCJ1r.tluf1' will b• 61. S1nt, Hoon, Tide• TODAY FRIDAY 4 OI> IO;tt 1 • ~.9 Flr'1 tow 5 ·!• o 1 '"''""'Oh " °' , ' ~co,.d•-• J\ 2.1 the price o( gasoline 7 cents over tbe next three years becttu.st: or • hlgber domestic crude 011 pnces. The fJ.rSt 2·cent Increase would come next January, adding $14 to the average driver's annual gas bill. THE KEYSTONE of the m essage WllS the 50-cent·a-gallon standby tax that would be levied over several years if the public Calls t.o heed Carter's appeal for energy conservation. It would be imposed beginning Jan. 2, 1979, if gasoHne saving measures fail. The initial tax would be 5 cents a gallon, on top of the existing four-cent-a-gallon federal tax. That would add $35 to the average dnver's annual gas bill. Regular gas now costs about 60 cents a gallon. EAOI YEAR THE tax would rise, fall or stay the same. de· pending on how well consumers did in meeting a gas consumption target. But an no year could at n st' or fall more than 5 cents a gallon. and the cumulative amount or taxes could not exceed 50 cents. * * * Nuclear Power 3% 90 % 20 % 40 t}o 6 % 80 % IOD°/c •P W"•PllOloCll.trt CHART SHOWS U.S. ENERGY USED, IN RESERVE Figures Presented In Carter Speech Wednesday Household Cost Untold WASHJNGTON CAP) -Presi· d ent Carter's energy messag<.· bristles w1th facts, fi gures and requests to sacrifice, but it doesn't specify a price lag for the average American family. Each of the country's 72 mi!Jion households spent about $1,208 for such energy items as heat, light and gasoline m 1976. a ccording to government figures. BUT CARTER'S senior enercv advisors cit.her don't know or won't say what each household will spend if Congress passes the Pres ident's plan. The government s ays the Family Price Tag Missing ~veragc Sill' or an American household is, in round numbers. about thrct> µcople. It defines J household as one or more people Ii' ang in a single housing unit. Herc's what thC' government ~ays ht>aling a hou!:>c cost an 1976. -FOR HOUSEHOLDS th<1l heat with oil, an average of $550. -For households that heal with natural gas. $235. -For houscholdi:. that heat with electricty, $290. CA RTER HAS ASKED Congress to return some of hi~ proposl>d new energy taxes lo the public 111 the form or tax rebates and refunds. The Pedcral En e rg y Adman1s t ratton (FEA ), which !:>Upphoo the figures this week. noted that 1976 was a very cold year for homC' healing. A !so. heating bills are obvious· ly higher an the North than the South. Most houses in the Northca.-.t are heated with oil, and most houses in the Southwest. are heated with natural gas. Save on Vivitar·· cameras featuring the 600 Point 'n Shoot™ outfit! Only 36.99 The V1vitar 600 Point 'n Shoot camera outl1t includes a Vtvrtar pocket camera w11h bu1ll -in electronic fl ash. Capture indoor shols in an amazing 1/1000 second. With C-110 ltlm cartridge. 12 exposures: two AA batteries: and wrist strap. Vrv11ar 604 oulf1l with close-up lens, Only 59.95. Vivi tar 252 automatic electronic flash fcalurcs a bu1lt -1n computer to deliver exact no<>dcd light. Automatic from 2 lo 17 reel. Only 94.95 Vlvltar 283 auto/thyristor flas h fits mosl 35mm cameras. Automattc fla sh from 3 to 43 fee t, at all bounce angles. 90" tilting head. fla1tc11es not included in fl11sh units. Only 299.95 Tho Vivi tar Sys tom 35 outfit feature" tho V1vltar 250/SL camera with fast 50mm fl 1.8 lens. 135mm f/2.8 tele photo lens, 2X tole·convortor, V1vilar f200 automatic electronic fla sh plus s pecially mado carrying case Only 289.95 Olympus OM-1 MD foaturos n sharp and fast fl 1 8 lens. It's smaller and lighter than most olher 35mm cameras, with a big and bright viewfinder. Through-the-lens opPn aperture ml'lt'flnQ !iystem JCPenney Use your JCPe""ey Time Payment Plan. Cln:oletl..,f ....... ...,.1 r (°Wll"'t.-~Jt\ff At.,, 64J cU1 N<l'lt'IP\wfl\I u,,nt.~t)t\ J\t#'f\ v.s. s .... a,,, T~•·• w•re oc.c1•ton•I l~Ul\tltr\IOl'"lt •CAHer.O owr "lorl<H .,.,., .. , todil'V " I•<-of ft•lll In ~ Nor1M.t•I I\ ,.,..,,,,.,~ Dtr11ellv to bl•"'• IOr \CAI t•r#d 'Orft\t Urn In VPrmonf s.~:,:~.~\ """' ..,.,,~~:0 ... •·• ARCAOIA·SANTA ANITA CANOGA PARK CARSON CULVER CITY 'FOX HILLS' DOWNEY .lllrii1 w ... ,,., .... ,,... , •• 'uo '~/'\ C1 .. tN<t1t• l 41()1ttt•i"llO bw•t Sen .N•• C...1'<•"•1'tl o.,.. """""' ao~· lllO<I"• ll!llV•I N'9\1.i ........ ~l'lo wt r, 8ftd \C•tt•,.,.ff tnunder\to,.ms w•r• for11tt1s,t to,. muc" Of '"" n.tllon IOd.tv. Wltll <OOIU ltt••N•e1u.~ .. Pf<,.., .,.,., m011 of 111• F.tr ~I .tnd owr 1~ •outh•rn • Roc-y Mounl.tlnt. S~lf\ ... ,. Cte•11y (IOV"• 0""' ...... ~ ot Ille 5ovl-•I .tnd Npw E"91.tnd o.trl• 100.y, H -ti .t• Ill p.trf\ of lhe "°''"''" O....tt Pt.in\. mo•t Of ,,,. .... --------· -"""' 1u m "'"' >40 m FULLERTON GLENDALE 'GALLERIA' HAWTHORNE PLAZA HUNTINGTON BEACH LAGUNA HILLS S , •-f LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH •r -~,.or PUENTE HILLS RIVERSIDE SAN BERNARDINO H untlftQlon Newoort h•at ht\" w.,.., 2\oHi.twlth\O<llll •w•tt !lilf'f lnQ(_ll_ OOod· NORTHRIOGE ORANGE 'THE CITY' VENTURA WEST COVINA WtuTTWOOD , i'enalty Hear.ing Shelved SACRAMENTO CAP) -Whal was scheduled to be u conclusive Assembly committee hearing on the death penalty turned out to be a lengthy backroom session that ended in a d ecision to put off a VOl('. Th e i\sst•mbly C rimin a l Justice Committee. which was supposed to\ ote on dcuth penalty legislation Wt•dncsd.iy n ight, con venctJ l \\ o hour s bch111tl st·heduh· and rnt'l for only a fl·w minull'S Just to announce that the next hl'aring would be M ay 2 All day loni.:. tkath penally supporters and ),1\\ l·nforc-c·ml·nt orru:wb ml'l lll'h1111I l'lo..,t·d dcx>r.., With \'JrJOUS ll'J.!l!->lillOr .... le \"lllJ.! to t·oml' up \\1th a <"Ompninll..,l' lull and \\In an llu..,1\c l1flh \Oll' in the ninl' ml'mh1·r n1mm 1t lt·1· '\u mallt-r h11\\ till' cc1mm1tt1·1· \ oll'"· d1•oit h pt•ri..11L y ... up port"' . in till' "' ,1·mhly ha' l' 1•nough sln·ngth 111 l11111 t: lhl' 1 ... -.111• to tilt' fl oor and \\in .1l h·.1-.t ,, ni.11•u 1t v \Ill I' AP W'tteOhOIU Thul'!d!y.Apn121 , 1971 OA'L Y PIL '"'T /. ~ Carte1--Applauded State Officials Back Energy Plal'fu By The Asi.oclated P rei.i. Slate energy offlc1als have e mbraced Prl'sident Cart er's new energy plan, congratulatmg him for followm~ California's ex- ample. Before a joint session or Congress Wednesday, Carte r a!>ked Americuns to stop gobbl- 1 ng up resources or face <1n energ) ·star ved ful un .. "WF. llER E in California have been working on thl.'se 1tl:'mS for O\ er three years," said stale energy czar H1 C'hard l\I aulhn "It makes our effort here JO the state more rl•alizable and tend:. to 'ahdate the pers pective we've had here for some time." "His program has m y :.up- port ... echoed state PUC chief Robert Batino\'lch. The plan \\OUld "enhanCl' \\hal w1·'ve a lready done." he said. 1nclud1ng l'liminat11m of pncl' crc•d1ts for t11gh \'Olume usl·rs of naturt1l ga:. energy proble m ," Haynes said, "nothing is !>aid about the need lo rind and deve lop additional domestic oil and natural gas to alleviate the seventy of the re- quired sacrifice." HA YNES SAID Carter's plan t o match t he price of domestic c rude oil t o world price levels would a id conservation effor ts but would not "~t1mulate ex- ploration a nd pro<luction in this country." In an open letter t o Carter, the Mex 1cun-American Ad Hoc Coalition for En"ergy Conserva- tion srud, "In our opinion your program is too limited and r e- quests too httle sacrifice. It fails l o include any provisions to penalize excessive cons umption by the nch and contains few in· centives to control cons ump· tion." T H E COA LITION said Presi- d ent Carter should impose an im- mediate 25 cents a gallon gasoline tax. with part of the re- venue used for an $8 b1lhon fund lo assist the poor. MauJlln and Batmov1ch also expr essed concern over the President's pl<ins to convert in dustrles and utilities from oil and gas to coal by 1!.183. Oury Card, Go Topless SAN DIEGO <A P> ~ Topless i.how girls are get- ting involved in <1 flap between a s uburban Lemon Grove club and the sheriff's department over t:ntertatner cards. Police said 20 dancers p icketed outside th!'.' In S pot East on Wednesday to protest regulations requir- ing them to carry cards after being fingerprinted and pholOgraph<.'d by the sheriff's department But the lll'J.!Ol1.1l1ons 111 tlw t•omm1lll''-' appear l1kc·ly to d1· krminl' manv pro' 1-.1011<: or thl' bi II and t.lct:ldl· \\ lwl hl' r I aw cnforcl'ment groups \\ 111 support it or launc h an 1 m m l"d ialt• ~~mpaign to pul a tough<'r 1n 1t1at1 vc me•1surc on lhl• sl~1k ballot. Searching for Evidence M AULUN S1\ID C arter's plan n ·pr<'M'ntcd a "maJor s hift in na- t1on;.il l01wr.cy policy" in its slrei.s nn cun:-t'f\ al1<m. rather than on whal "mig ht be a fruitless quc:.t" for more supplies. Rul 1l \\.I!'> that u s p ecl of Carlt•r's proposals that irked 11.J . IJaynl•S, board Chairman Of Standard 011 Co of C'ahforn1a .Fatal Shot Heard LOS ANGELES <AP ) -A The Uoard o f Supervisors voled earlier this week to revoke the en· ll'rlainml'nl lictnsc.• of thl' h .1 r, whose: owners :-;1 v they arc b\•1ng :.1ngl~d out for h arassmc.•nt be1•.1us1• lhl'y fdl'd suit to on·rturn the rl'qu1rement that tlan ccr s be rcg1sll'rcd Sen . George De ukmc•Jian < H Long Beach l, whosl' dc•uth pt.•nnl ty bill won S<•n<tt<' approvJl ta ... t month, said the talks \\\'re mJI-. ing pro~rcss. Police and firl' personnel sift through rubble of blasl of i(•wc Irv st orl' in Santa Barbara v.1h ich c a usNI an (·slimate<l $150.000 damagl'. S~t . Don Willi a ms, head of major crimes dl'tail. ::i<.iid 111\'Csli,cwtors belie\'c .in inten tionally-set homb "a:-> rc:sponsihlc. There were no rn 1uries in thl' Tuesday night blast. While "t hl· Pres1cknl ck :.l·n t.'"' e r e d 1 t for r c C' o g n i z in g l ht' ~e r1ou snl'~s o r ou r n a tion's \\Oman who had bt·l·n talking \\1th her husband. All-x Ortiz. 23, on the phone. ht·ard a ~hot thal.. killed him during un attcmptl-d robbery in a we!>tside bcir, ac· cor ding to policl'. Press Fights Hearing Ban Save water withou~ sacrificing comfort As everyone knows. conservation is the key to overcoming California s OAKLANIJ (i\P J T\\O ncw5papcrs and a prC'Ss dub arc f1)!hlln~ an allt'mpl to ban the prt's!> and pubUc from a prclrwl he<1nng on the Chowchilla mass kidnap111g c:asc. Lc~al p<ipcrs \\en• filed Wednesd ay by a l- tornt.')S n·prl'St•nling lhc San Francisco Exciminer. lhc Ocikland Tnhtmt <tnd lhc East Bay Press Club. Defense allornc•ys reprcsl·nling Fred Woods and .JanH'" S<'hm·nft·ld, both 24, and Richard Schocnfrlcl, 2~. hm•t• s aul lht·~ ''ill ask Judge Leo Ol•cgan to l'l1·ar tlw 1·11urtr11orn Tu\·sday at :i hc•ar in~ 1n t\l::inil't.la ('ounl\ Supt•r wr Court .\rt•o Pric·•• f 'ix Charge d LOS ANG 1-:LES \A1> J Atlantic R1chfil'ld Co has been accus(•d h~ l.11:. 1\ngl11·.., :.ind San Diego counties of price fl\ln~. antitrust v1olal1ons and un- Jair com1ll'l1l1on ·1 he Cl\'Jl IJWSUll flied ( ) 1n Los AnJ?l'le!> Superinr Stat•· ('ourt h~ d1"1 rict at _ torn t•\ ~ fro m th<> l\\ n "----------t•o unt1t•s .ilso accus eci ,\n·onl c 11nc;p1nng \\ 11h in· rlqH'nde111 ,\1<11 .,,.If "l'r\ 1c·t.· .inti mm1 service ~tJ t JI) II:> l 11 Ii x I' r II 1 • ... 1111 I q: 11 I .1 r i.: ii.., llofldc•te .fii••••kh19 . I poloflfl I.OS A:'l:<;r:u•:S I.\ I' 1 Torn !1<1\llt'n s;n-. the· nank of \nwr 11·.1 ts ""' 111.: on his Camp.11~n for E conomic l>t•moeracy 1l'f'~Dl Jnd ..,hould apologize flir sending a !>ecn-t r<•1ir1·sc·nl;1t1\ t ' lo .i CEO con- ft•n'rH'l' "We <Inn 't heli1·\ 1• .Ill ,1 polo~~ ,.., \\arr anted.·· a bank ~pok1•s mun s.11d Pistol Selle r lradkfed SAN f''Hi\Nl'l'\CO f \I') Thi• m;in "ho sa\s he snld Sara .Jane \loOl"f' !ht' p1-.t11I 'ht• r111•d al thc-"n- Prcs1dent Fonl has IH'l"n intl1C·t1•cl on unrl'lated c.'ha rgc•s of 1llq~.il firearm ... rl1·ahrw The fPcler .il g1 nnd Jun 1ml11 1n1ent rt>turnc•tl Wednl'sdav a1·c·11 <;f'll Stanlt•-. ~tar k F1•rn~no<I 30. o( cfeahnJi in hrl"arms \\ 1th1111t .1 pc 11pt'f h cen'\1• from \larch6to<kt Ii, l'li fi Te<tth4>rt1 R P}P <"I l 'nlon CLOVIS <\ 1' I TC'.lt'h1•r-; 1n t lw c Im ts l 'nrflp(f School District h:t\" h1•1•nml' ttw f1r..,t m lhc· -.tJlt• to rC'Jecl union n ·11r1'"'"' al 111n for 1·0llN·tl\ t• h<1ri::a1n mg. TC'ach<·rs 1n nrnrt· tht1n IO other districts statewide hav<" volt-cl to \)(' r<'prt•..,enle<I bv an ex· elusive bar~a1nin~ agent s ine" lhc· Hod<!a Act became law a yt'ar 1.1~0 Tht.• arl ~uarant1·c•s faculties the ri~ht lo collective barguimng. The surprise vote by Clovis tc•ach<'rs Wednes- day was lh<' first to buck Lhe lrl'nd. said Neel T rainor , a re p1 est•nlal l\t' of tht' Education Employe Rel ation~ Boarcl "h11·h aclmtm!'>tl'rs the c•lections. Former Newport Planner Guilty LONG BEACH CAP > - A Superior Court Judge has ruJed the evidence was "absolute lv con C'lusive" that former Long Beach planning director Ernest Mayer Jr. was guHty of bribery. Mayer ls a former Newport Beach planning orricial. Judge G<>rdon R inger ,· who has been hearing the case without a Jury for the p ast 13 days, ordered Mayer to return for sen lencing June 9 Mayer was found J?ur I t y oC accepting $25,000 worth of gold Mexican '}>e sos from tw o architects m exchange I ... , ....... -~. - for his help in facilitating appro\'al of the citv 's II arbor n ank project. llt• h<irl testified that the payments wer e for private consulting work he did for a r chitects James Coppedge a nd Claflin Ballancars more tha n 10 years ago, and t ha t he had routine ly re· comme n ded t h e architects lo developers of <'it y projects. The archil<"<'IS. h owcv('r, said they had paid Mayer m ore lhltn SS0,000 from J97J to 1976 for 'arious city projects be c au se M ayt•r threatened to delay the projects ir they dld not water short •'1 But perhaps you don't know about the many spe· c1ally designed products that can help you save water without inconvenience They're 1n our store nght now. And our Con- servation Crew will be happy to explain their advantages to you. So don't waste time. or water. Come in today. A. ECO-RATOR AERATOR Reduces e~c£'!ss1ve waler llow from faucc1~· Chrome l1n1!.h Va11ous sizes in Models =6030,b03~.6040,6045,G050 Reg. t 79 1.28 ECO-SPRAY DUAL SWIVEL AERATOR for swivel la•Jccts Model ::6055 R~g ;:> 9'J 2.48 8 . ECO-UNION FLOW REDUCER [a Ir l"Slalled n lhC !:hOwer head lo prevc;nt wa:e• v .... !•· in .itua::.>c chr.;ime hru ,,h t.lodel =oOoO Reg l 99 1.48 C ECO SHOWER HEAD An et1tc0en1 waler sav1no replacement or ""w nsta.a• n Wll'lb1t1l·tnlow1•ducN Ac1.;s:abte t 1 "!: med um or coarse sr.·.1v Ct-ircmro f,n s•1t.d t.~ooel =6065 Reo s ')9 4.88 0. ECO-FLUSH VALVE :\ ... .-. Ji 1 t r t1 JSh .. ~·l n t•1a1 l.. f'\'.t:rvt..<, ,\a~t (an' I •"''"' ... Jf \•.11( r !. c.o~·~~r bllL, b . :s<o L l!;•. n • •. 1111:J m mos11oil!llo; Hdnoie g~ t.U te>r 1.ou1d wao;te flu .h (,1 SJ'v1nc:s c t .i gallons each time vou flush l P1.~h »anu · ,own lor solid ~JSll.l u1::.p<.~a1 IAodr.I =6 0 4f'\) I .? 99 9.88 Turn your water heater into a fuel saver Under ·nsula" j wale• tie11:e1~ wa&11' • .el ano cost e~·n ~'..., c'1 mai.cs f 01'H'.) 3<;" •n<; 1' en 11 W•"" !'l,,(''"1'-..... t I I ~kly ~a r !')r ,,.,,,., •'l ru"I ~;iv ng<; J ... s• "''"':'•'a•~ Jr.j the tica• '• 'In $OC~ a tools "' ,,,.,:l U l 'SI" 1 OWEN<:; CORN''J , WATER HEATEF? INSULATION i' IT Reg 22 99 19.88 Energy saving Is a breeze! 0 . ..J C19- Keep comfort in Your house will slav cooler 1n summor. warmer in winier W·th p1oper insula11on 811nq alllc insula- tion up to 6 inches and s:ivc up to S 100 on fuel bills p:ich yea• It o; Pasy lo 1ns1a11 11 yourself OWENS-CORNING UNFACED ATTIC INSULATION 6"x 15 x32' rolls. R · 19 co11ers 40 sq fl Reg. 10.99 7.88 6 .)(23'•32' rolls. R-19 covers 61 33 so It. Reg. 16 49 12.88 Really fresh c. Let pipes do a better job lnsulato them with hghtwerghl. scm1-r1g1d polyethylene Won 1 s1rotch or shrink. Easily installed. '2 hn. ft per bundle ESLON PIPE INSULATION. For 'h" coppor pipe Model ~3CW50 Heg 5 99 4.48 r or .... H copper or ~2" galvanized pipe Modal ::3CW75 Reg 6 99 5.48 Use narure sown breezos to cool off your a111c and your house Ci.;1 down air cond11ton1ng cos! aa much as 25°1. with a pair of 12• turb1ne venhlalors Cost nothing to operate -you save money and conserve energy Fill your home with clean. lresh air ... filler out Complete with ad1us1able 12· base. TURBINE ROOF VENTILATOR, Reg. 29.99 each 22.88 each t1'P lumos end smog wilh a new hller lor your air cond1lioner Prolong the life and elflclency of your air condolioner too. Easy to lnslail. 1 s· x 24" size can be cut 10 ht most air cond1t1oner1. AIR CONDITIONER FILTER, Reg. 99c 88c YY.?rdFu§t Har..~~.!lQtQ.n Sale prfc" good Thursday through Sunday. 7707 Garden Grove Blvd 301 So. State College 1275 Bristol 537-9571 or 893·6523 870-0050 556-1500 Open Mon lhru Fri 9 to 9 Open Mon. thru Fri 9 to 9 Open Mon. thru Fri 9 to 9 Sat & Sun 9 to G Sat & Sun 9 to 6 Sat & Sun 9 to 6 324 West Katella 532·2506 Open 9 to 6 every day • !E l A\<! ~iL ~ PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Speed and ·Safety Th.e California_ Highway Patrol is Jauncbint a campaacn to persuade more drivers to 6tay closer to the SS mph speed limit. The average freeway speed has crept up to 61.S mph. Arguments for the lower speed are im-pressive. In addition to conserving gasoline-the original motive for the speed limit-there is positive evidence that the slower driving pattern is saving lives. CHP analysts say the 55 mph limit saved 908 lives and prevented 10,400 injuries bet ween 1974and1977 in California alone. Nationwide, the death rate in 1976 for e~ch 100 million vehicle miles driven was the lowest on record since s tatistics were first kept in 1923. But the actual number of highway ·fata lities last year slowed a s light increase. · This apparently was due to an increase in total miles driven , along with a tendency to creep above the speed limit, and a shortage of enforcement personnel. Hence t he CH P's all-out drive to obtain b etter voluntary compliance. It may be a drag on those long in- terstate st.ret ches, but almost any regular local freeway user will concede that re- moval of the speed freaks has resulted in a s moother. less ner ve-wracking traffic flow-hence a safer trip. Growing Need Almost everyone knows it 's tough to get into medical school-but just try getting in- to a school of veterinary medicine! While the med schools have room for about one in three qualified :ipplicants. the ratio at vet schools is less than one in seven, despite the fact t hat firs t-year places in the 21 U.S. and Canadian schools have in· creased 8 percent in the past two years. That's nowhere near enough to accom- modate the growing ranks of vet ::.chool ap· plicants which reflects a growing need for their services, both to tend domestic pets and care for farm animuls. One vet ~choot dean glumly noted that while 30,000 new lawyers are graduated each year, the United States now h as a total of only 30,000 veterinarians trained in the large animal field to protect the country's food supply. The problt:m St!ems to be a tendency in state legislatures to hold back on vet school funding, leaving too many wi th inadequate, often out-worn facilitws, along with too little space. California, with a single vet school at UC Davis serving the entire state, 1s an ex· ample. There was still no money in the 1977-78 budget for the long-hoped-for de- velopment of a veterinary medicine pro- gram at UC ln•ine. Yet. wtth its complete medical school 1rnd an exbtrng program of continuing education for practicing veterinarians. Irvine 1s ideally situated to serve the need for expanded training in this field. We cannot go on indefinitely relying on a rtow of veterinarians from other states. Because they're <1 lready fmdmg an increas- ing need for their services at home. Scary Idea Someliml's. when it seems the world has gone completely mad. a welcome streak of sanity t.·mergcs Last week in New York, a gun club pre- s ident came up with the c'tr:iordinary idea of presenting "courageous ctt1zen" ;.iwards in the form of plaques ancl S200 1n cash. to holdup v1ct1m!> who shuot and kill their as- sail ants. First rec1p1t!nb, 1t was announced. would t'H.> three mt·rc:hanls 1m·olved in rob· beries in which four persons had been shot to death. The cit v's muyor and police t·om- mis::.1onL'r n·at:ted with horror to the pro- po::.t'd \'lg1lanle .ipproa('h to t·nme control. I l app1 l~. l'L·ason pre\ ;uled and the three honorees failed Lo :-.ho" \IP for the "bounty" presentation ccrcmon~ A scury little cp1sodt• mclt•t•d A Legal Challenge To Wild Rivers Act Gloo111v Gu:-. In support or hi!> mL•a:-un· to 11'· peal the Wild H1n•rl> /\ct. Sl•nalor Ruben Ayala has cC>ml' up\\ 1th .1 Legi:.lative Coun-.cl <1p1n1on which holds the 1972 law "\ 1olat ed the constitutional right!> of th1.• t>lectorate" m barring dam <'On st ruction on the l::t>I. Trin1t:,. \'Jn Outen and Kl amath rivt•r.., The rt>a!>omng 1~ I h.11 lhl' eon :.ervat1on measure cr<:.1lNI .1 i.ub :.tant1al 'ar1an<'l' f r 0 m l h (' Ii· rm:. an cl 1·ond1llons" m thl' 1960 ballot m c a s ur e W h I C h a u l h o r i /. t' d h ond issUl'l> for th e <I <'· Vt' lopmt•nt of r.1('ilil1t•:. on t ho:-.t' nvl'r" to .1ug ment lht• Sa cr .1rnl•nlo·S.1n ,Jo.i qum Delta l>} slt·m Smet:. as ltw opmmn poinh out. tht• mcurren1·1• of hmull•cl 1nrteh lt•dm·s~ "mu..,L 1>ro\1dt· 'WJ\' Jnd means for tht• p.1yrrwnt nf pnn c1pal and in\t•n•M 1111 the cfoht . no su~C"quent IJw 1·Jn prnh1 b1t construction of rac1ht1ei. "'h1ch are a part or the:' l>cmd act It may seem curiou:. that lhr const1tultonal question w;1s not r aised at the l1mt" the mcasun· w <is under conMdN at1on Thf' foct 1s that the bill'.., <luthor. Senator Peter fit"hr, h;ul 'urh an op1n1on back 1n 1!.171 t-'or whatever reasons. he appJn•ntl} did not impresi. 1l upon lh1· othc•r lawmakers. If thal seems odd , 1t 1i.n't. It happens around the Capitol all ( EARL WATERS J the time L<'i::1,l.1t11r' nw.1,11r1 tht• pohllcal m1lea~c Ln bt! g::11ned 1n 'Pon:.ormg bill.., The~ m.1, <lnuht th1• op1n1011 f1nrl1ng, In th1 i:<ise of the Wild 1!1\1•r' htll 11 \\ ,,, pa~st'd ..it .1 llmt• v.h1•n 1•11\111111 mt·ntal ,,.,., ..1n·nt''' '<'l.'mccl '" l'r wht•lmtnl! C'lamor1111 -. 11•prt·,t·n 1.1t1on' h\ 111 ~.1n111•d g ri 111p' v.1·11• t•nforC1n~ tht·1r Y.111 un t1nw111u ' i.olon:-. Thi· Wild Hl'·t'r' lull \\J' JU!>! one Of l\Utnl'rU\1:0. 011'iJMlrt '' des1~ncd to ob!>trul'I dt'\ elup mt-nt!' v.1thin th1 · ,1,11<· 1n lh1· p u r s u 1 l 11 I .1 11 11 ~ r " '' 1 h ph 1 lo~oph' l :'lo'Tll. HIS r1•t·1·11t '1m11l.1tl'tl turnabout. such 1dt·a~ w1·n· h1•a1 t1h 1•nil11r'it·d tn Gel\ l'rlHll Jcrr) 'ttrov. n ~ho '~ .• .., 1·rn11i11i.:. 'Ut'h phr.iSl'' .1, luY.t•rt•d '''11''1 t.1111111 .... and r•r.1 .. r hm1h 11 v.111 tw remt'mlwn•d lh;it JlroY.rt publld\ h.id.1·d lht· p.1..,..,,1i.:1· of .1 h:il1111 propo,111011 ~h1 ch \\11Uld ha\ e tilockt'll !'Oll'I n11•1111n of I h• New Melones l>am. clfoclanng tht• :.talt' had ampl<· .... alt·r for the· foresN•ithlf' fut 11n· Whelh<'r 1t 1s ,1 n-.1l11.1t11in of lh<' pra~malll' n1·1·1l' of lh1• r .. ·u pit> C'aused h.,. lhl· clrnug hl ,incl m.1!i'il\'(' 11n1·mplo~ mt•nt '11•111 mini: from lh1 h.111 l111,1nl'"' 1m ;1gc lhl' ~t~1t<' ha' g.11 111•<1 , or th1· t·oldly c·alt11l,1t1n~ n1•t•ct... of .1 poltt1('1.1n to ~1n rt·t·lc·rt111n Brown hJs sw1tc·h1•tl ;md ll'i now talking in krm' nf "pl..1nt•l.1ry rt• Jlity .• If I he go\t·r nm1·nt C':.tn b..1n l'Crlam food .11l<11tl\ l's and m t•r thl· countl·r drug:-. ..1nd require ,afct~ h·:itun•' to be• bu11l 1uto new t•<ir:. ..... h\ l'an'l thl' ~o,ernment ab;, forh1d thl' production or c· a r ' I h a t f 1 ,. l' J1 o n r ga~ohne mlll'Jl.:l' 1ns1 l'<Hi of h1ll1nl! poon·r c1t11c·n' 1n t hl' pol'l,l'l tmuk \\ 11 h 11' p1 01111s1·<1 J,!rail11.1tl'd j.!.i .. t.1\ llll'lt'Jl>t"' :'-;Ql'VEAL' Pt\l \'HE c.iou"'" c;,," com"'""' 1tn• "'"On-t1ttt'd bv rt •d•·t\ ind Oonot nrtt'' tr1tv ,.itcct tt'f ""'"""' ot "" ,,.. #\01tJU ~ \• tld 't'OYr pit't DH ... 10 Gloomy GU'\ o,uly Pilot .\ v.11.1 . ol !> 1·ha1rm.tn of thr ~l'llJll· W.ttC'r Comm1ttcc•, lwht•\'l'~ th1· 'l;1t•· \\ all'r plun 'ho11ltl prnt'l'1'<i with 11t ... pa11•h lit• t hll\b ll l ':O-M 'llll:tl ,11lrl ht• M 'l':O-lht• W1lrl Rt\t'r' l.1 .... a' .111 uncon,utu 1u cn;tl1m1wd1m1•111 < •.RTAl'I. \', .i <"loud hJ~ ht•t'll r .11.,.•<1 "' .. r I h1· 1·1m..,.·n·at ion :ic·t .... h1l'h t·;11l 11nly lt·.i<l to hl1gat1on \\ .il.1 cloc,n 't think the l.<:J!l!>l<iture ..,hould bl? creating I.iv. 'Ull'i In the r1n.1I :rn.1lys1s Lhc Wild Hl'l'r!> 1<1.,.. Y.;l'i total!\ un· nl'Cl'\l'iar:, Vor what1•v1:r pro 1 t• <' t s J rt' p I s n n e d I h 1· l.t·~1-.l.1l11r<' .,..,11l lw ('Jlled upon Lo decide each us 11 comes along. Thi!>, lwr:rnsl' 0111· l.1·~1slature <.-.rnnot lit' th<' h.in<h of a futurp I .t•J!1l>latur1· 1\n ,1<.'l !>UCh as the• Wild Rivers m t•asurc then is n·· ally mcuningless for 1t can I)(' ,1mcnded or repealed any lime. ) / / I ~ More Cost, Less Servi~e Inevitable Post Office Analysis WA S HI NGTON The• financ iall y troubled Pos lal Ser vice should concentrate on making 1ls undependable de· hvenes more rehublc instead of faster. the Postal St'rv1cl' Com· m1ss1on has urged 1n a con· f1d ent1al study The spotty mo:11I :.en ice should hold coi.ts down by tutting back de It \'Crlt!J> to fl\ t· days u "'eek. not by r I o s 1 n g nccdt•d rural po't off1 Cl'' recommend!> thl' long :l \\<11 lc d feder<JI rt" port Wt• ha\l' oh tu 1 n cd a <.'opy of th{• n ·µort by t ht' Po~lal Service Com· ffilS~IOll \\ hll'll l11•ld 26 da\''i or hl•arin..:' 1n :n nt11·:-1,, dN1·rm1nt• how lht· muc:h-mul1gnt·d m~ul SC'r\'ICl' m1~ht ht• 1mprO\'t•d Congrl·~s ni atlt• I h t• l'ostal St·n ·ic:t· a 't'm1 1nth·11cndcnt agcnr~ in 1!171 111 :1 mm I' to f:!<'t 1t 11llo the hlut·I.. hut Capitol lldl ha<I to kick 111 over SI h1llrun last 't•ar JU'it to kl'l'P the m.111 mo\ Inf.! I 11 f:il'I . thl• µu..,t;i I operation co~t l\\lt't: J~ mu1·h I.1st yc;ir ai. 1t <lid 1ri J!M>R. :rnd Lhl· dcclmms sen 1cl' lhul thl' 13 et•nt i.tJmp nu~ buy!> ha!> maclt· 1t lht• lart?ct or IOC'rcastn~ public: ft''it•nlmL•nl. fhc comm1s~wn ·.., rc:C'om mendJ· twn .... therefore. will huvc 11 mt1 · ior impact on tht• ..,hupe of mail dch\'cr:. m tht· c11m1ng) l·ars 1\ccorc11ng to tilt' drnft report. thl'Sl' art' lhl• pa11t•I ':-. mtiJor i.ug gt•!>t1oni. -RURAi. po:-.t offices should not be closed to !>ave money If small post offices had not been closed tn recent years. there would bl' nearly 77,000 post of· fi res tod<ty instead of 30,000. "Post offices provide m ajor gov- 1'rnmcnt services. especially lo rural America ... the :.tudy oh- -;cr\'cs. Closing the ~mall ofrices to cut costs "hardly seem!-lo be a fair return to the rural tax payer.·• -Mail delivery should be cut back lo five days a week. Accord- in g to a Nielsen survey cited by the commission. 80 percent of the public favors this approach as the least painful way to cut costs. Jf Congress adopts this recom- mendat1 on. Saturday's mail pro· bably will disappc;ir Higher ratl's s hould be charged for ~uarantecd. next day delivery. Although five.day delivery would be more efficient, those who demand faster service should bear the mcrea~ed co!>l, tbe report advises. (JACK ANDERSON) The number of colleclton boxes al convenient loccst1on~ should ht.-increased. More po:.tal facilities should bl' located where people shop or do bui,mes:.. the :.tudy suggcsb. such as !>hopping centers and go\ crnment build· mgs. -POST OFFIC E S should make their hours mort' c·onH· n1cnt lo the p11bllC' \\ 1thout HI creasing the tot;il number of hours. postal fac1ht1ei. :.hould re m a i n o µ e n l' ,. t• n i n g s a n d Saturdays to accommodate pco· pie who "-Ork. Parrl'I post M:orv1c·t' should he rmpro\'ed Thl• r<:port :.harply trit1c1zed parcel po!>l, wht·n• volume has s te<Jdlly declined smct• 1953. A major re.ason is that tht• bulk mail mach1m'ry <>flen mangle!> packages anrl st•nds thl'm le) till' "ron~ destinal1ons. ··Doubt I in,.-:er~ in our minds.'' I he comm1ss10ner' !>atcl. that thl' ~er\'lcc j, doing all it can to makl' '-'''er) aspcC'l of pareC'I pui.t morl' "compl'l1t1\ ~ The <'hcsnge-ot -uddre~~ system 5hould be improved ForwardJng of mall s hould be made mort' <1c<.·urate and mor1: ti m ely. and should be free for a year -Postal worl.ers s hould lJt: heller trained and sup<.·rv1scd. This would improvC' !:>l'rv1ct· by reducing "unacceptably high'" human crrors and machine malfunction~. the study con- tends. THE COMMISSION blames rising salaries for much of tire Post<il Service's increased cosls. While postal costs have in- creased from $9.2 billion in 1971 to Sl·l.1 billion last year. three AFL·ClO union agreements have boosted wugc costs a staggering 61 percl'nt. This compares to a 47 percent Jump in private salaril's und a 40 percent boo~t in pnccs over the same penod. The pnce of a first.cJass :.tamp, however. v. ent up 117 percent. While the public will support i.ome Sl'r\lce reductions to keep CO!:>b down. i.avs the study, it would rather 0 have Congress :.pend more money to keep es· :.ent1al :.ervices mtacl. Not sur- prisini:?IY. more people favor in· crea:-.ed public subi.idies for mail service inst<'ad of having to pay higher po:.tal rates themselves. The commission. therefore. rccom mends thetl Congress spend $625 million to wipe out the -;ervicc'soperattng deficit. DESPITE modest productivity ga1 ni.. mail volumt.· will continue to dechnl' in lhe future. and there 1s little the Postal Service can do about 1t The up:.hot 1s that American taxpayers will have to gel used to paying mor<.' money for less mail ser"1ce. But m ail delivery can be made more cHicicnt and rising co:. ts held down only 1f the Postal Service take:. dra:.llc steps to im- prove itself ConcludC'S the report bleakly: "The future of the Postal Ser vice: docs not <tppear favorable, and developm ents over which the Postal Service has no control may m<ike the situation more d1r-_ fie ult." Revere's Downj(lll Things l Learned En R(!Ute lo Looking Up Other Thmgs: -Thal only a half-dozen years after his famous ride, Paul Revere was court-martialed for cowardice and insubordination. following the disastrous Penobscot Expedition. -That four times as many men as women are color-blind. -That most birds can see in two directions at. the same lime, since their eyes turn separately. -THAT TIIE avera~e winter temperature in the capital of Jceland is warmer than that in Chicago. -That, speaking of tem- perature. the "zero" in the Fahrenheit scale is 32 degrees below the freezing-point of water ( SYDNEY HARRIS J only because that was as low a temperature as Fahrenheit could get on the day he made his ex- periment in 1709. -TIIAT CLOCKS existed in China prior to their first. known use (in the 13th century) in Europe. ,,. -That geese have been photo· graphed fl ying at 29,000 feel altitude. where the temperature 1s al least 12 below zero. -That if a creature were to double its lineal dimensions, its weight would ha ve lo go up eight· fold lo support it. Wrigley's Wonderful Ballpark Lives On -Thal Peter Roget was a practicing physician all his life, and didn't publish his famous "Thes aurus" of words and phrases until he was 73 years old, after a half-century of collecting. the material. -That even though Brazil was founded on Portuguese explora· t 1on. the inhabitants of Portuguese extraction are the bull of " Polish'· jokes in Brazil. W ASlDNGTON -It 1s spring. and there Is no proressional baseball in the nation's capital. la rgely ~ause or the venality of the modem class of owners. They took the venerable Senators out of here to places lite Bloom· ingt.on, Minn.. and Arlington, Texas. for 30 or more pieces of s ilver. But in Chicago there is great and deserved tribute to Philip K. Wrigley. a chewing gum tycoon, who died la st week. Tbe generous words spoken i n b I s memory came not because bis company made miWons selllna stuff which people masticated wllh pleasure for ee.nerations, hut because Wrigley, who owned the Chicago Cubs, kept baseball the way it was, to the great enjoyment or the fans. r never knew Mr. Wngley but alwa)"I adml~ him from my .. sea t in the hleache r s or grandstand at Wrigley F1el<t Like other tycoons who owned professional sp<>rts teams, he could have peddled his for big bucks or milked the game for profils. He did neither. Instead, over the years. he kept admission charges down, maintained a ballpark which bad ivy on the brick walls in the outfield, com fort able seating, a bles~ed absence of scoreboards which ex- plode like the Fourth of July and bog dogs and refres h men ts which YoU could pay for without having to break a five. WUGLEY FIELD is the only b•seball park where night games aren•t played. The owner felt that the light.$ would disturb the nelgbbors. Yet he was not an antiquarian. He was the fi rsl baseball man lo• reed leam statistics into a computer : he de· s igned knee-length stockings and streamlined uniforms . Back In the Forties. m y brother and I would take the Bur- lington "Zephyr" from hometown Dubuque (or h1tchhikc, though (_!_H_I~_c_K_c_u_) our mothe r ne ver knew) to Chicago, just to see the Cubs. Somehow, at Wrigley Field, the Cubs' uniforms looked so resplendently white in the after- noon sun, the grass seemed the greenest. a nd there was no greater thrill than to hear Pat Piper. the field announcer. give the starting lineups on the public address system In those days, our heroes were Stanley Hack, at third base: Phil Cavar etta, at first ; Bob Schef- fing, catching, and "Big Bill" Nicholson and Little Dominic Dallesandro in the out.lleld. As I rccAll, we got into the bleachers for 50 cents, and the hot dogs were a quarter. l 'LL NEVE R forget the after· noon when tht> entire gr andsUind section behind the third-base Vl8 itlng team'.s dugout seemed to be peopled with Negroes. os they were called in those days. Tbey were th e r e to see Jackie Robinson play for the Brooklyn Dodgers. and they r ightfully rooted for the Cubs' opponents . A few years later. Chicago's blacks sat. behind the Cubs' dugout ~ause the Cubs now had Gene Baker (against whom I had played ooce in Iowa) and the un. forgettable Ernje Banks. THE YEARS passed. My brother and I went separate ways. It wasn'l unt.il last summer that I got back to Wngley Field. this time with my lwo sons. Usually when you go back lo a hometown, or your college, or wherever those lasting impressions were formed. there ls a letdown, a bit of a shock. to see what once was so meaningful or· even awesome h as been reduced in scale and importance. I didn't have that feeling last summer. however, at Wrigley Field. It was just :l!I it had been a generation ago, and lhe Cubs still weren't contending for the pen· na.nl. But ll w&s pure, good. old· fashioned. afternoon ba f'b II were only $.1. the score card cost a quarter. and peanuts were a mere 15 cents. The soft drinks had climbed to 30 cents and the hot dog was 55 cents. but these prices were far less than prices cha rged at the big·buck, Astro· turfed , dynamically lighted plastic stadiums which prevail today. Oh. the Cubs blew a big lead over the Reds. and loi;t in extra innings. but what difference did it m ake? Over the years, between boyhood and middle age, hula hoops. sputniks, assassinations, burning cities, the Vietnam agony, campus riots, moon land· ings. the ouster of a vice presi· dent and president -all had come and gone. But the Cubs and Mr . Wrigley's kind of baseball remained thne in the bright af· ternoon sun. I salute and thank the man t never met. and only hope Lhat the Cubs and the game be f(Uvt! to the fans will be a!I they nlways were at Wrigley Field, forever aod ever , amen . ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Rntvrt N. Wted. Publishrr Tllnma.t Kl'ri:ll F:drtor BortxJro Krt>tblch . P.dltonal Pagr F.drtor The 1.•cfltorial p3ge or the Ually Plll)t seeks to inform and slimulate readers by pre:senUng on this page diverse ('()mmen~ry . on topi a of Interest by syndical· ('(I toluft'lnlsts and cartoonists, by provld i"I a forum for readers' vl('ws and by pre11entlng this n~1paper's opinions and Ideas oo current topics. The editorial opinions or the Dally Prlot appear onl v in the ed1toria I rolumn al the top of the rioiic Opm1ons ex· prt"l~C'il lw thr !'olumm!ltr-, :inrl rar1<111m,1~ an1t ll'lll•r "'ntel'll arc tht•1r u" n an<I no endorst>menl of their '1<'"-~ h} the On1ly Pilot 'hould be infcrrrd Thursday, April 2t. 19'T1 I ....... Jownsltips Stth•9 Stctnion lrom Cod County Ch1uro llll NOIS Rich 4i IND .... ----..... ,.,.., ......... Ma,. SIX TOWNSHIPS SHUN TIES TO CHICAGO Shaded Area Showa Would~be Uneoln County Suburbs Want Chicago Break CIUCAGO (AP) -Some of the wealthiest sub- urbs of Chicago a.re mounting a campaign to split away from Cook County, which they say collects their ta.ices but den~s them proper representation. Leaders of thesecessionist movement say the county, the naticn 's second most populous, is dominated by Chicago, the country's second largest city. and that sub1Jrban residents are paying high tax bills largely to !Upport city services. TO COUNTERTRIS, SIX townships containing more than a dozen ef Chicago's fastest·growing sub· urban commun1lle; have begun planning a new county. something that hasn't been done in Illinois since 1859. The county -b be called Lincoln -would cut off what is the no-thwest comer of Cook County. Lincoln would be •he slate's fourth largest county with an estimated 150.000 residents. State Sen. David Regner, a suburban Republican, spons:ired legislation that would make secession easier. He says a survey he conducted among 2,000 consttuents showed 69 percent in favo·r of withdrawal, 17per cent opposed and 14 percent with no opinion. THE IDEA OF SEPARATING suburban towns from the central tity is not unique to Cook County. There have also Jeen some efforts, so far unsuc· cessful, to split •ff outly ing communities of Los Angeles County, he nation's largest io terms of population. Admittedly a "tongue·tn·chcek idea" when it started, the campugn "gets more serious the worse the Cook County government becomes," says Mayor Wendell Jmes of Palatine, the guiding force behind the separatst movement. , Jones prepar«i a feasibility ,study and sub- urban officials sett it lo the state Department or LocalAHam .. "'THE F.NOR~JTY OF IT STAGGERS me, .. said John Castlt-department acting director "Starting a county from scratch hke that. It's just an enormous unde~aklng." BC'fore World War 11. lh<' northwest s uburbs l'Ons1sled mainly <f vegetable farms. Since then. they hav<' expericnted c1ramat1c growth, absorbing a n influx <>f r1•l1tivel y acnuenl while collar workers. Arlington Heilt1ts, for instance, grew from 8,768 in 1950 to M.mi 1n W70. Its median family in come in 1974 was $11,ooo, 1·ompared with a median of $12.400 m Chi cagq CURRENTLY, SUB URBS ACCOUNT for almost half of CooWCounty 's total S23 9 h1lhon as· sessed valuation. T~y accounted for only a thud of the county's total w th a decade 3$(0 ··1 Uunk we wo be better scrH•d, with a more modern approach t government. 1( v.e created our own county unit.''" d Jonec; He said tht· rolntv board -.tructure. v.1th 10 Chicago mcmt_.r ., and 'I'< o;uburban representatives. g1"1' the ~uburban interests short s hrift Although the "11lM1ty of s uburban residents arc Republican!', 1'vou have the Democratic machine or Ch1cali(o •mtrollinf{ the suburbs." Jone~ said. "It's one· part v •ulc• Lotally, and there seems Lo be no way out exceptfel'l'S'1on .. · GEORGE DUN sidcnt and cha1rma ganlzaUon. snid he secessionists's pro1 want. .. C'OOK COUNTY board pre- f the county Democr'atic or- uld offer no resistance to the al "if 1t 's what the people "This ls a demo acy," he said. "If the people want it, they should ve it. I'm not worried about Josing patronage job r anylhlng else." The law require he s if{natures of at least half the registered voters n the area to place the ques· tion of secession on e ballot in the 1978 eeneral election, the earliest l could be done. THEN A MAJOll Y OF ALL penons voting in the election -not jus a majority of those voting on the secession issue -required for approval. This means someone who ls to vote either way on the issue eHectively casts "no" vote. ME CURY SAVINGS $40Tab ForMeal: Bargain MENOMONIE. Wis. (AP) -Dinn~r cost $40 a head, but no one com- plained about the eight· hour banquet featuring 11 course• and seven win ea. The 7 2 diners classified the dlnner, re- alistically valued at $225, as a bargain. The meal was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin· Stout's "haute CUISIOC .. class, whose 64 students are studying to be chefs and re s taurant managers. They spent more than 6,000 man-hours pulling it together, instructor Gus Kelley said. Kelley said student labor and food and beverage dona· tions allowed a reduced rate for the meal. He said the students· performance in prepar- ing and serving de· terminet! their grades. Thur.ciay. Apnl 21, 19n DAILY ,..LOT A 1 Lindbergh Offers Surprises NEW HA VEN, Conn. (AP> -The con· cem~ and complex side or the late Charles A. Lindbergh that emerges from his latest autobiography may surprise the general pubHc, says a co-edit.or of the work. A kind of myth developed around Lindbergh, a Midwest high school dropout, Judith Scbl!f said. It rrew with his opposition to tJ .S. intervention in World War 11 and with the Lindbergbs' flight to Europe Lo escape the press after the trial of Bruno Hauptmann, executed for the kidnap and murder ol their infant 11on. "I nDNK. THEY were unfairly treat· ed by the public, but that's a simplistic statement," Miss Schiff said in an ln· terview. Since 1975. she bas ~n C<>-edit.or with publisher William Jovanovich on "'Values," Llndber&h 's sixth autobio- graphical book on whJch be worked from 1938 unw his death in Ai.lgust 1974. lt ls expected to be releued next January by Harcourt Brace-Jovanovich. Ml.as Schlfr. chief rese8"b archivist at Yale University Ubrary, said "Values" Is an examination of the "problems of civilization" as Undbergb viewed them through his experiences, not merely a continuation of b is PuUtzer Prize· WOMAN, 20, SENTENCED THE VAN NUYS <AP> -A 20 -year ·old North Hollywood woman has been sentenced to hfe in prison in th~ "stun gun" and crossbow killing of et West Los Angele .. tobacco importer. rLUMllMG HIATIHG Ala COMO. in.. ....... .. ,__, S~te• I" Y0ur Artr•~I ... oSSoON VIEJO 7891? y.,,,no ... •°"-'"•""> f...,,. l..,a f •• , o· i-•• , h .. , J 49S-040 I C05TA ... CSA 1 ~2b """"°" Eha !;I L le. 642-I 753 #tl1bS1 Gloria Elizabeth Hernandez was convict-ed of firs t -degree .1----------ll murder and first-degree ( ) robbery in the murder of MAILBOX Raymond A. Adem, 41. '--------~ who was found at his STIMULATES tobacco shop March 31, 1976. DAILY PILOT in the ,. 3 days only winning. aut.obiolJ'aphy '-rbe Spirit of St. Lou.Ls ... "IT'S VERY MUCH an ecologist's book. emphasldng the fact that we're expeAdlng our energy resources so quickly," ahe said. While tbe wrlUng delves into crudal lss\fes, "it always empbuiaes the zest or life," she said. Lindbergh was a regular vtsUor to the .Yale Ubrary, Miss Schiff said. "HE SEEMED TO enjoy working through the papers by himsell," she re- called. "We marveled at his ability to work, standing, for a full day witb oniy a s hort break for lunch." Huge Mattress Set Spectacular Sealy, Simmons, Stearns & Foster $ --f 4 9 Luxury twin set. I Regulary 209.90 The Sealy Camelots Luxury has extra firm support. Full set. Reg. 249.90, now, $189 Queen set. Regularly 299.95, $219 King set. Reg. 419. 95, now, $299 Prestige is the super firm model. Twin set. Reg. 229.90, now, $169 Full set. Reg. 269.90, now, $199 Queen set. Reg. ·319.95, $239 King set. Reg. 449.95, now, $349 $ --f 3 9 Golden Value Ill. I Twin set. Reg. 179.90 Simmons Golden Value Golden Value II for firm support. Full set. Reg. 239.90, now, $179 Queen set. Reg. 299.95, $229 King set. Reg. 409,95, now, $299 Golden Value Ill Is super firm. Twin set. Reg. 219.90, now, $159 Full set. Reg. 259.90, now, $199 Queen set. Reg. 339.90, $279 King set. Reg. 459.95, now, $359 ""'- $ 1 5 9 Twin set. Grenada Regularly 219.90 Stearns & Foster Granada has extra firm support. Full set. Reg. 259.90, now, $199 Queen set. Reg. 339.95, $279 King set. Reg 449.95, now, $349 Constellatlon, super firm support. T w i n set. Reg. 239.90, $ 1 7 9 Full set. Reg. 279.90, now, $219 Queen set Reg. 349.95, $299 King set Reg. 479.95, now, $379 Sleep Shop Shop Mon-Fri. 10:00-9:30, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5. Bullock's South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol, C'!'ta Mesa, phone 556-0611 • AB DAIL y PILOT Thur$d•y. April 21 . 19n Religion ConeerD By SYDNEY OMARR FB.IDA Y, APRIL%! ARIU (March 21 ·Aprll 19): Be klnd, diplomatic -applies especlalry when dealing with re- J ati ves. Lone-distance calls, journeys are featured. Question or religion could be raised. Stick lo principles, respect othen for holding fast lo their traditions. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Don't throw good money after bad; now is lime to pull in reins. Check credits, debits. You can avoid theft, loss ii persist.ent, ob- servant and if you adopt a more •.realistic stance. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Lunar cycle ls such that you un· dergo a variety of experiences. Member or opposite sex may say I cannot live with or without you. Contradictions are featured. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You understand what had been an emotional dilemma. Much that occurs could be in hospital, within confines of club, group, or- ganization. Your energies are de- voted lo a cause, aiding the less fortunate. LEO (July 23-Au1. 22): Your natural qualities, assets, ID· dependence surge to forefront. Friend has erroneous inlorma- tion, comes up with false pre- mise. VIBGO (Aug. 23·Sepl. 22): What had been evasion now com- es sharply lnlo focus -practical matters dominate, including home and property value. You are asked to assume added responsibility. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0 ct. 22): Highlight social nuances, flex- ibility. Remember diet require- ments. Open lines or communica- tion ; imprint style. Display sense . of humor. Look beyond the 1m· mediate -potential, long-range effect come into play. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov . 21): Be aware of security, basic re- quirements. Check details, Cine print. Build oD solid structure. Reject superficial schemes. You have opportunity to illustrate beliefs, meanings. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Be analytical -find reasons for events. Member of opposite sex does have your best interests QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi ..... "If he stops and l'ays 'draw, cowboy,' once more tuday, I'll scr<'om." Polanski Vowing Fight in Court SANTA MONICA (AP) -Roman Polanski's lawyer says he will seek to present evidence in the film dtrcclor's rape case lo show that the 13-year- old alleged victim was sexually active before lbe al- leged encounter with Polanski. ·'The farts that we 're aware or," attorney Douglas Dalton said. "show that before the events of this case, this girl engaged in sexual ncl1v1ties. "WE WANT TO KNOW WREN, where and with whom and why those people were not prosecuted." Dalton said he also would ask the court to order a psychlatnc examination or the teen-ager. al ·heart. Accent on what is lo be permanent or otherwise. Rela- tionship intensifies. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be willing to make in- telligent concessions, especia11y where family matters are con-cerned. Club, group or "charity" could make gesture lo have you represent as spokesperson. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You could be seeing through haze of romance, wishful thinking. See as is, not merely as idealism might dictate. Your wish is fulfilled, despite temporary de- lay. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What was nebulous, a matter of speculation, becomes more clearly defined. You get specific instructions, a roadmap. Chips are down -odds favor your suc- cess. If April 22 Is Your Birthday, you are independent. stubborn, were on your own early, perhaps separated from one or both parents. You have instinctive un· derstanding or design, archjtecture. . . Beyond Sexual Acupuncture Thursday, April 21, 1977 Both lectures will begin at 8 p.m. Further information may be obtained by calling 833-5588. Social Science Lecture Hall Use Parking Lot #1 University of California, Irvine General Admission: $1.00 UCI Students: 50¢ No-Drug Treatment for Your Aches and Pains Thursday, April 28, 1977 The University of Callfornia,·lrvlne Committee on Lectures presents two lectures py Dr. Frank Warren, psychiatrist and anesthesiologist. Dr. Warren's lectures w~I kick-off a national campaign for what he calls "sexual first-aid." Sexual acupuncture, acupressure, and instant sexual behavior modifica- tion are some of the areas Dr. Warren will discuss in hs lectures. His comments came moments aft~r a hearing in whkh Superior Court Judge Laurence Rit- lenband set trial for May 11 but indicated it mi~ht be poslpon<.'d if Polanski 's defense team is not ready. Ile said h<' woulc1 hear pretrial motions in the case wilhin lOdays but did not.set a specific date. CERAMIC WALL TILE THE 43-YEAR·OLD POLANSKI, charged with six counts or rape, sex perversion and drug viola· tions. was ~omber as he stood before the judge. His attorney asked for and was granted permission for P olanski to travel to paris on business, waiving bia right to be present at pretnal hearings. Asked by reporters what impact the case has had on his llfe and career, Polanski muttered: "I 'm used to grief. This 1s a trifle." Polanski IS Ole widower or actress Sharon Tate, who was murdered by the Charles Manson '<fami- ly" in 1969 while she was eight months pregnant with their son, who died with her. 12' VINYL FLOORING • LIFETIME HARD GWE FINISH! •·WON'T STAIN, SCRATCH OR BURN! • MANY BRIGHT COLORS I 8¢ 4Y• x 4Ye" 0 .. 011 ~ EA • V1notil11 Economicol ' Ekgt11tc1! CORK WALL TILE • HI-GLOSS SHINE! ---------------... • 12' WIDTH -MOST ROOMS SEAMLESS! NEWPORT BEACH IMPORT AMT NOTICE •CREATE A UNIQUE WALL DECOR I • RICH NATURAL TEXTURE IN WARM • NATURAL RED BEAITY FOR FOYERS, PATIOS, FlREPLACIS! •HEAT/MOISTURE "OOFl241 ~ -. . Public Wholesalers. Decorators Dept. Store Buyers. Dealers, Collectors R. ASHER COMMISSIONED AUCTIONEERS ~a~i~n12~T!2~ by the principal of shipment #783 Arrived L.A. Aprll 11, 1977 lytW,,....co. JOHNSON SCAN STAil Port of Loading Tilberry, England C8rrier · ''Lenoa" Voyage #29W PUILIC SALi OIDBtED 1iyAUCTIOM Entire Shipment of 26 bales consignment of 100 handmade 100% wool ORIENT AL RUGS Carpets, Runners, Silk rugs. All will be sold by catalog In one fast session . TUESDAY, APRIL 26th AT 8:00 P.M. Tlie._....WllT•,._.Atn. MEWPORTER INN ,......,.. ._, 1101 JAMBOREE RD., NEWPORT BEACH ..,.,,_,~DllJflfW. •CUSHION PAD! 249 ' FROM orJ:J. SO.YD. ,• 1·COAT LATEX WALL PAINT • CHOOSE FLAT OR SEMl·GLOSS F1NISHI • WASHABLEI • RESISTS SPOTS/STAINS! • EASY SOAP AND WATER CLEANUP! fllG. fl.AT REC. SEMJ..GLOSS 111.n 799 S1t.tt 999 0~ GAL ~ GAL. MOST NEEDED PAINT ACCESSORIES PAINT TRAY AND 9" ROLLER ~ • W'El KT IM:WDfl Tl,-PROOf TRAY MID 0 UJO lllOUllU •...! ~=':!:R~H~~ MAY MUOI Q .OtL 89 ¢ • CONlUUMO WOOOOl IWIOLfl FROM ~ 1" sm 5 QT. PLASTIC PAINT BUCKET o~OJJ 89 ¢ • CilcVUtlOT CAMYINO HAHDLEI ~ MASKING TAP£ -IO YO. ROLL • A "IMllT' Pm A MUT •T ..011 . D'4 49 ¢ BROWN TONES! 39 ¢ PKG. OF O~ SQ. 4 SQ. FT. FT. 6 x 6" .. I,, _¢ o~ 2u l:f!1ilffi11~~'1i•1;11nlll1till;~ijljlt1J~llil~IQ;t1Wj614:1MAd1!lliiil BATHROOM VAfUTIES 3988 CLEAR V1NYL FLOOR RUNNER 79t RED BRCK WALL TILE 32s • 1·PEE CUUUREO MARILE TOP. • PAOTtm R.ODRI. CARPtTll • CARTONtovi .. a 5 so. FT.f . IOWL MD llACUPUl1tl fllOI 17, ,.. • IOt40> IACltl. zr WIOEI LIM. FT. • AUTHENtC RUSTIC LOOK! CARTON vt. !!~OU1 .NJ!Ry 10T0!11.,.1 69 ¢ "Ml~£LE,,!:_!ILE CARE K,'! 598 TOP OUALl1'f HAND TOOLS 99 -..,_ -. "' ,.... e ltC..._...I .......,, WHITEMR, TI..,. • lllAHY TY'llANO mlfSI •HEAT MO MAR MSllTMTI SQ. FT. CUM(ll, llUCC*E IEAWll • IUY ONE OfEACH ANO IAvtl EA COSTA MESA 2221 Harbor Bl. ...... Wlholtl Ph. 645-1126 WESTMINSTER 15191 BEACH 898-3388 SANTAANA ~w. 11th 547-7781 PLENTY OF FREIE FAA Order Medical Plan For Airport By MICk11,ZL PASKEVICH Olllte O&lly "''" Slalf The Federal A via lion Administration bas or- dered Orange County Airport officials to draw up a medical emergency plan for an accident involving the largest plane that might land at the airport. Officials at all U.S. airports were asked Mon· day lo spell out the m edical trans portation and other services available. Medical services are re- quired now but they do not have lo be described in detail. GEORGE PERRY, acting chief of Orange County Airport. opt•rallom., s1ud "we've been work· ing on revisions or our em('rgency plan for the past couple of months now, not only in anticipation of the change in federal regulations. but to oblige what we feel 1s our obligation to the traveling public." . He said airport official.!. expect to complete the more detailed em('rgency plan by next month, well before the Oct. 18 FAA deadline. CURRENTLY, the largest planes that land at Orange County Airport are Boeing 737s and Douglas DC·9s, both with capacities of about 115 passengers. Perry said the airport is well equipped for an aviation d1sa~ter becau~e of a coordinated com· municalion network with county paramedics and the nearby location of thre(' hospitals, Mercy, Hoag and UC Irvine Medical Center. HE SAID T HE F t\A 'S new order has been in the works for the past 18 months, and therefore is not a reaction to the recent Jet disaster in the Canary Islands. When completed, the more detailed med~cal emergency plan will designat e buildings for sheltering injured or deceased victims as well as name all agencies that would be involved in an airport. disaster EIRs Study May Cost Taxpayers New stale·required env1ronmcotal studies for pro- posed building projects may save developers' time a nd money but could cosl taxpayers more of both, Orange County Sup(•n·1sors ha' e learned. The board agreed to --------- hire three new employes to handle reports now r(' quired by amendments to the Califo rnia Environmental Quality Act. But supervisors also a sked officials of the county Environmental M ana~ement Agency <EMA) to consider rais- ing their fees to de velopers for sludyin~ projects to recover coun ty costs. EMA Director George Osborne said the new la w will require Ma ff members to perform m- illal slud1cs on building projects and list !'.1gn1f1 cant ('nv1ronmcntal cf Cects. De\'elopers then can a void ftltnl! length y Cantre ll Wins Frederic S Cantrell of Placcntrn has bet'n elect ed president of the Roa rd of Directors for Gnodwill Indu s tries of Orange County. Environmental Impact Reports (EIRsl if they eliminate any significant effects. Instead they will be able to file negati Vl' dec l a r ations s tatin g there will be no adverse effects to the enviroo- ment from their develop- ment As a result. Osborne said, the studies likely will require more county staff lime and expense but less for developers. The cost for hiring the three new workers. a clerk, planner and <,uperv1sing planner, will be $97,500 a year includ· ing salaries, be nefits, s upplies and office space, Osborne said. Fees c ur rently charged to deve lopers are S20 for initial studies and $40 for negative declarations. Osborne said, and •those fees would only bring m about $32,000 annual!) Os borne said st a ff membe rs already are studying rev1s1ons to the fee schedule TODAY'S HOME IS TOMORROW'S INVESTMENT ( 11 a ho m t• of \ O\Jr 0\\ n' t hl' ffiOIH'Y YOU '>JH'nd for h11u..,111i: d1ws clnuhlc d1ity It buys M't'Unty as well as s hcllt>r. Every day your t•quity i..:rows, your capital upprt•t'iatf's and your tax c r e dits accrue•. But you don't benefit till you huy. T alk to a REALTOR it· about the most profitable housin~ package for you. He or s he will hclp you find the right paym ent program. Only REALTORS~ payment program . Only REALTORS be l on~ to th e NAT l ON A L ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS~ a nd subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics. They're real estate professionals ••. people you can count on fol" sound advice and fair treatment. Like many other good things in life. security can slart at home. Talk to a R E ALTORIS today a bout yours. Newport Harbor /Costa Mesa Board of Realtors · PRIVATE PROPERTY w:EK[B t::E::r Ill Al IOI? -in.. ... -.nt '°' AU TINS! ____ .,, APRI.. 17th lo 23rd Thursday.Apt11 21. 1977 DAILY PILOT A9 OCTDBuses Siegmund Elected Service to Doubk John R. Stahr. vice pre· stdenl for membership; John F Grundhofer, vice prcs1dt>nt for at- ORANGE COUNTY Director Appointed B ill Mccu e, 31, of Laguna Beach has been named exec uti ve director of the Orange Cou nty Fair Housing Council. McCue holds a degree in political science from Assumption College in Massachusetts and has been active locally as a political campaign con- sultant. The Orange County Transit D1stncl <OCTD) plans lo more than double its service along arterial streets in the next Clve years, from 12 million miles during the coming year lo nearly 27 m illion in 1982. Shorter-haul community service runs are only planned to increase by one-third during tbe same five yearli, from two to thr ee million miles an. nu ally. HOWEVER, OCTD Director Robin Young has proposed that her fellow -directors reconsider those plans and con centrate instead on improving community service. She s aid it might be time for the dis· trict to fill in gaps along arterial routes and expand community service lo act as a feeder system and link tooverall transit network. Developing such a network, she said, could help OCTD avoid future budget pitfalls that have stricken other transit ooerattons. MS. \"ObNG'S proposal came as directors learned monthly p~~engcr Cares on buses reached an all time high 10 March of 1 5 million. L1U18ERT, of 211 12 \\'indchlid Lant'. M'rH•d st•\ <·r.il ~ t•ars nn tht· Hunt1nJ?ton lll'al'l1 <:1 1 ~ l'11unl·1I and 1n 1962 63 ~t·rvt·d a ... thtl•f c\t·l·ut1\ l' llf has homl'lO\\n ............ • • • • • • • • u' • : ,$J000RE BATE ~.~!LANCIA : • \ou t •n ._.,,,,,, lht' •1UU'I uu ,,,1, .. 1, lu'4<1tth tht tlu"ll i••\1U••11l 11r ft'f"rl\t • • 11 _., .. , h• 1 L hum lt1•1t• t 111·1tl .. n1h t rlt1'\ ufl,·r I'\ ~ouJ 11nl~ thru \vnl It • lll.ilHiHt1l\"'Ulitl11-. .. 4t .. 1t1111••or1>UHh .. ,.. • His business activities ha ve in c lud ed publishing, wntmg, fund ra ising and consulting in matters of t ax a nd finance. It also came in the midst of h('ar ings on a proposed $47 .2 m1ll10n budget for the coming year which calls for a hlke in fares from 25 to 40 cents. Th <.' ;\fand1c l\t olor~ ~l·n ll'l' manager has b(•en largely ret1rr1l from publtt: M.•rv1t<' in n:tcnt ~ l·ar!-. . ...... . • • • • • ,, * ••••••••••••••• * ••• ~--------~~----------------~~---~ .......................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . ••• t t • • ••• I . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... • • • • • • •• f . . . . . . ... • • • • • • •• f . . . . . . ... t • • • • • t • I . . . . . . . . . •• a • • t a • I • • • • • • ••• . . . . . RC ···-• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • ..... A .... • a a e a a a • I • • • • • • • • • ·.·.·.·.·. c •J'···· . = .. ·=·=.:-..·.·.=.·:' olor1ira k RCA s most 01,tom··i"' TV 1·•P•' •' AulOmQt,' r -,ntra .• (nlnr ' tt'l(~'"'J" Autom1Jt1 '''°' C"r>'' I 19'' A•J•nmflt < hr ,htnP ?'"'' I ,JJ ,,.,,.to room l1·1h1 diagonal RCA CONSOLE Color T rak with REMOTE Co"v T • 1~ P<(nhencl' c-f'lmb•ned w11h """ 1 Jnt 1b neiry onr::l room fillin<J so,·•d '" , J .. , tnuchbutton <On 'rol I()')~ ~ol J ,t ,.,. 44995 AMA1.ING REMOTE CONTROL CENTER r~,..w 1'7" do'1r;nol XL-100 CdorTrl"l~ PPmf'l'•' ront1of.. lnr chrJnn!'I, color. tint, volum<>, plus t1m£' ond chonn,.I number nn 1he •croon FRIGIDAIRE HEAVY DUTY WASHER & DRYER Wo 1, ... , r. ')tljrP" } f-"•m'Jl•Pnt r~p .. ryr•, • ., lnc i r•.. ,1 Kn t r yrl" M".J•rh.r l 01 I"' hondlr., I~ ii f'll r 1h n1 SAVE s100°0 OM PAIR WE .FEATURE: GE, RCA, FRIGIDAIRE, LITTON, SON¥, MAYTAG, SYLVANIA, rNiA AND CALORIC r .-------------------------UAL ESTATE SALES MANAGER We-. looklng tot toP man11gement per10nnet witPt two yea,. Or more experience In residential real estlle to manage eetabhshed oltlce in Huntington aeach. Excellent Come>ensatlon. Call Howard·Rockoff Roberta Realty, (213) 378-8627, collect. ' l\ussell I 1Jnteriora s4a.2505 ~~ ett~ ~t'Itooe Chess & Games ~ 645-5021 Spedalhing In bad.9woon 631 -0331 631-3520 ALON Michel~ Language Center 631-1390 631-0880 You can pick up a IClllgllCICp at this neighborftood shopping center. Stop in at Michel Thomas, Ste. 250. ti Despite Odds .Badly Burned Boy Survives SAN DIEGO (AP) -When Keith Hulin wu bwiled ao terribly, be helped h1a friend out ol their undereround .. fort" and then be ran and he ran. 'lbrouJh the fence he could see some water, a puddle left by the rain, so be ran fot that. Keith la 11 and abort for hla age, but Jumped over the fence, even t.bougb it la five feet bigb. IDS CL0111ES STILL WERE on fire and they made a biasing sound when be rolled in tbe puddle. His skin was burning, too, and the smell almoet made him skk. Then he ran some more. To a house where be knocked and asked if he could U$e the telephone. Keith stood there in bis charred clothes and blackened body and called bis mother. ( MEDICINE "Mamma," he said, J "come and get me, plea&e. I have burned myself." KEITII SAID IT CALMLY llUT in the back· ground Maxine Hulin could bear a woman scream· ing. When Mrs. Hulin got there, they had taken her son away. "How bad is my son?" she asked. "He is real bad,'' a policeman said. Keith and his pal, Joey Trett, 13, had built a fire in their underground fort, the kind or place boys dig to protect themselves against the world. But the fuel was damp and they thought they had to add gasoline to make tbe!irc bum brighter. KEITH GOT THE WORST OF the explosion. Burns over 85 percent of his body. Dr. Hugh A. Frank at the Univers ity Hospital Bum Unit would. tell Mrs. Hulin her son had only a l·in·20 chance or living. "You know," she recalled, "be was conscious all of the time. Aware of everything that was going on. He looked so awful, but I knew I couldn't break down in front of him. '"When they came for him in the ambulance to take him to the burn unit from the first hospital, he wanted me to hold him, but I couldn't because of the burns. ·•Finally, when he couldn't see me, I cried." NOW, TWO MONTHS LATER, Frank and his burn team believe Keith's survival is almost as· sured. Although 85 percent of his body was burned. third-degree bums that destroy whole thicknesses of skin cover only 50 percent. But there are only three adequate skin donor sites on his own body: his scalp, lower leg and foot and a small area in the groin. He has had 14 surgical procedures already and faces many more. Frank has grafted natural skin around Keith's eyes because they wouldn't close. NEXT, GRAFTING ON IDS hands will have to be done and around his elbows so be can bend his arms. This will be done at the Shrine Burn Center in Galveston, Tex., where Keith will be flown Friday. The Hulins will not be billed for anything\ 8-hour diamond sale! • 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. IN OUR HUNTINGTON BEACH STORE ONLY Friday, April 22nd 1/3 off entire stock Choose from our entire collection of diamonds and diamonds combined w ith other precious atones; cocktail rings, pendants, engagement sets, earrings and men's rings. Mervyn's Diamond Certificate Thia certificate Is issued with each purchase. At any time, the emount of the certified selling price (or the total amount of payments made on the price) may be applied to the purchase of a more expensive diamond, providing, the retum is made with the Diamond Certificate, and the diamond Is In the original mounting, not marred or damaged. Plus: our diamond expert will be available from 12 noon to 8 p.m. with a special showing of his entire line of diamond jewelry to augment our stock. Every diamond in his selection will be offered at 1/3rd off Its normal value. MERVYN'S . 9811 ADAMS AVENUE, HUNTINGTON BEACH -963-9731 .. --·---· ----· -·----·-------· :. ..... ,..... .. W'edcllllg Set Former U .S. Sen. John Tunney, 42, will marry a former member of th e Swedish Olympic ski in g team, Kathinka Osborne, 35, Saturday in Los Angeles. ca11 &42-ss1a. Put a few words lo work for ou. AJ• DAILYP1LQT VIKIN4M 'CLE4RED' BANGKOK. Thailand CAP>-More than 71,600 acres in southern Viet- nain have beeA cleared of unexploded mines and bombs and restored to agricultural producUoo lo the put two years, lbe WANTE DIAMONDS ~t;MSTONES Jewel$ by Josepha 1s search1no tor diamonds and gem$tones from private IMIVldUals end estates. careful examnalloo and evahmlon by oor ei1perts. Highest pri<* C)atd. Cell 15.-<MIOfif> 1~9 dal'ly. Sat\lrday 1o-6, SLlndayctoeed ... k '°'Mr. Joleph. Vietnam ne•a aaency -·•-·•"•••·DD-•f-·-· .. -reported. ._. ............................ . iewels by ioseph ICOM M25 your lifeline. s57500 frHAltteMa & Mount wttt. prchal• ($1QQyalue) Rtrhcl "IHt 9-y" by Vt4f 14fpr'1 Gtil• SALES & SERVICE 20 Yes'S Sarne Location- DerincJfon's Merine Electronics 355 IOTcU Nnrport ll•d.. Newport leach 642-5386 5..iTALRD SAVE 41% BOOKSHELF Hl·Fl SPEAKER Reg.5995 Ea. 3495 · EA. 410.1980 SAVE$6Q AM-FM STEREO 8-TRACK RECORD/PLAY SYSTEM Reg. 9995 "' ~~15995 14·945 Realistic proves hi·fi doesn't have to be high! Listen to radio. play pre-recorded tapes and record your own. Auto-manual program change, auto-stop, mike inputs. headphone jack. phono input. Now 37% OFF! CAA CASSETTE FM STEREO TAPE PLAYER ,{,r",,}'cf~-cassette SAVE $3Q Reg .9995 Realistic's MC·1000 delivers dynamite sound in genuine walnut veneer. Big 8" woofer and tweeter for full 30-20.000 Hz. Now S25 OFF! stereo to your tereo/mono switch. slid controls. locking fast forward and rewind. Realistic makes it easy to own, easy to install! 69~2 II Ii These two credit cards are honofed at PM'llCloatlng Radio • Shack 'tores. Olher credit plans may also be available. Oe1a1ls at y()Ur nearby store. SAVE30% Wake to music or 24 hour alarm. Snooze bar. sleep switch. big lighted d191ts and dial. Wood grain styling! AM·FM DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO Aeg.4995 34~~. ~~~$i\.sAVE 50% REA LISTI~ BATTERY·AC CASSETTE RECORDER Pushbutton CTR-308 features full auto-stop. auto-level. cue/review. counter. With AC cord, batteries not included. Now S40 OFF! Reg.7995 3~.§ SAVE 20% AM-FM RADIO SMOKE KILLS! DETECT IT EARLY COST4MIU ... 1 ....... -0M-----........ , .• w FOR YOUR BIKE s A\IE 28% Reg.2995 r\Y 0 2395 Aeg.4177 l2·tt5 29~M9. Disconnects instantly. Fits any handlebar. With batteries. Archer«' Smoke Ala mounts on wall or ceiling. t yr. batt. Included. ~ .... .-\ ............ . .................. 9' ....... ,111\ .... ·-- DAILY PILOT A J l ( Pilot Logbook J ~· ~f' ")"1X ~~ • ~(Of" A~• ~·5 Je,NC~ •.)CM ~L:.:i • IA\1<1-:CLL'!> Tux~ <l ~ ~ ' ~ . ~ ~ lttslc ~ Some Vanguard: Ho-hum UCI ~ L~p By JDl.AltV KAYE Ot u.. oauy ,.,._. SuH While covering Earth Week at UC Jrvine this week. I couldn't help but wonder what's happened to college students today and think back to the way things used to be just five years ago. I was temptl'd to refer to those years as the "good old day!'>" but rdrained when I re· membered ttial 's the first sign of old age I ltunk things bottomed outTuesday after- noon, when a 2 p 111 talk on the "social impact of airport noise" attracted only a handful of people The speaker left in a huff at 2. 05 p. m . Airport noise bugs the hell out of anyone hvint; anywhere nt>ar Orange County Airport or the Manne ba~l' :.o 1t 's rather s urprbing no one's intcrl'Ml·d on cJmpus Dl'RING TllE EARLY PART OF this de- cade. ttungs \.\l'rl' mul'h different. al least at UC Santa Barl>ara It" as "in" lo Jump on the ecology env1runml'nt hand"'agon and ride along with t•v1·n <>nl' t•lse You could hardly "alk into an Isla Vista apart ml•nt \\ 1lhout ha\ ing to step O\ er huge slacks of m.•w..,paper'> and bags of '><(Uashl·d s<Kla and bl'l'r cans rvady to be hault·d lo tht• nt•an•st re- l' y <'11 n g t' c n t 1· r. To do unything clst' wit h nt·wspapt•r or aluminum would have been hcr1•sy Even today I gt•t a tw inge of guilt wht·n I toss a nt•w:.papt•r or a bt·t·r t-;.an into a lrush tan KAYE Wht•n 1t "':is t11nt• for Earth Day in those vcars. en•rvonc rallied around What we c alled ('('0 fr~·:1k ... led the\\ ay. usually wearing green and ''hill' T ~h1rts. But the· rest of us abo spent our lunt·hes, evenings and weekends listening to sp1•akl·r-. "ho gave us the low- down on \\hat "as huppl'mng in the world of ecology IT W,\S l~PORTANT IN lhCJsc davs to hear tht• IJlt•:.t on how and "h,v "'e were -ruin- ing thl' air Wt' l>rcalhl'CI , "'atcr we dnink. food "e ate and all the rest We CJlso hati to know what could be done about 11 and then we eager ly volunlet'rC'd to lake assorted pct1t1ons door to door in Santa Aarbara As I n•call. Santa Barbarans were gl'nerally alarmt•d to '>l't' ~tudcnts at lht•1r doors m the first plact· :.ind offi>nded Cll our t•nv1ronmcnlal message 1n the:.l'Cond place We also had our own little battle <it UCSB Ovt>r it body of water Cthat 's probably :.lrt•tC'h1ng 1t l C'allNI ltll' Goleta Slough. adJa· l'l•nt to the <'am pus IF MY NOSE SERVES ~a: ri ght, II ~melled had on mort• duys than good, although M't('nlbt:. assurl'rl us that 1l was lnvl·d dearly hy nearly t•xtml't flora and fauna who couldn't find a homl' l'bt•wht•n• It was hard to believe, but we managed to ~lop the slough from bemg bulldozed to make way for a freeway extension. We marched to city hall, wrote letters to everyone we could think of and wrote stuJCy editorials in the stu· dent newspaper. In retrospect. l r eally think we won because the other :.ide just grew weary of us. With those thoughts in mind, it's a little disconcerting to sec what's going on, or not go- ing on, at UCL THE FIRST INDICATION CAME Mon· day at noon, when the speaker was Tom Quinn, chairman of the state Air Resour ces Board and chief environmental adviser to the governor. Perh aps 25 people gather ed on the Gateway Plaza :.teps to munch their lunches and listen to Quinn -and that's after he postponed his talk about 15 minutes to wait for a crowd to gather Later that night it wasn't much better . The speakers were U S Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado and :.olar energy pioneer Harold llav The two of lht!m drew about 60 students. Earth Week organ1ters shook their heads and hoped thrngs "ould pick up the next day. UNFORTUNATE LY. THINGS GOT- wor:.e. The first event of the day was the airport noise talk, which didn't happen. !l's easy to understand that UCI students are doing other things a lot less serious than contemplating the state of the environment. But 'students are traditionally in the \'an~uard of nC'w movements a nd at least are the baekbonc of kl'cping existing move ments going If the students' apathy is any indication of how tht.• rest of the country feels about l'nvironmenta1 iss ues, I can't help but think the tountry 1s in big trouble FV Airman D ecorate d Senior Airman Bradley K Varney, son of Mr. and Mrs George L Varnev of 10729 Slater Ave . Fountain Valley, has received the Air Force Commendation Medal at O:.an AB, Republic of Korea. Airman Varney, a groun d radio com mumcations equipment repairman, was cited for service "-hilt' e1ss1gned at Jacksonville Naval Air Station, F'la He graduated in 1973 from Fountain Valley High Sc hool and at- tended Orange Coast College. Summer Scene: The new sportsuits by Nik-Nik Exc111ng new fashion concept combines the trad1- t1onal and contemporar~ suit look with remarkably llgh1we1ght construction Perfect choice when the temperature-soars ... when the occasion calls for non-suit dressrnq Soft shouldc>r styling with slim. youthful silhouette and sl1gh1ly flared trouser!i In two tried-arid trur> summer fr:1br1c s bolh in t 00% natural cotton Blue and white seersucker double breasted. two piece 115.00 Summer tan poplin. s~ngle breasted with vest 120.00 LUSK HOMES SPYGLASS HILL MODEL HOME FURNISHINGS SA TU RDA Y, APRIL 23rd I 0 A.M. to 4 P.M. CASH & CARRY ALL SALES FINAL MERCHANDISE SOLD AS IS NO EXCHANGES -NO REFUNDS ~, JOHND.WSK RD EAST COAST ' I Sp0rtswear Department silverwoods 45 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT BEACH -. -__ ,.,,,. ....... ...., .... I .. .~ ---- Thu~ay. April 21 . 1in ake Forest Teen Gets !Explorer Post Office I ~ David K McKnight, 19-year-old \.ake Fores t youth who was lhc :youngest candidate for El Toro's un· ~uccess fu l Municipal Advisory Council last June, has won a top post ~ith the national Explorer Scouts. He was elected to one of i.1x national Ex plor<.'r Vll'C prcs 1dcnt:ics and jamcd W('l>tern regional c·hairman during an Explorer pre!.idcnts' Congn·~s in Washington, D.C Washington, Oregon. Cahforn1a, Nevada, Utah, most of Anzona and southwest Wyoming . McKnight is an Orange County Fire Department Explo and a member of Post 628. The tr p is a career- oriented activity with specially Ill firefighting and rescue wo k. ' DWORCES TOO EASY OKLAHOMA C ITY (AP) -"It's too easy to get a divorce here," ~aid Oklahoma County Dis· tricl Co urt Judge William R. Saied, sue· gesting the institution of a "conciliation court." Oklahoma County's divorce rate -nine per 1,000 population -ranks third in the nation, he said, adding : "We are a head of la.s t year by Have Hollistcrs send a blooming surprise Lo THE REGIONAL POST won hv ?YkKn1ght. a Santa Ana college stu dent of 72776 lslamare Lane, CO\crs th e E x p I o r 1 n g p r o g r a m 1'!1 HE HAS BEEN an Explorer -;ix years and is in his final yl';ir uf dig1bili~. lie was elcdcd from an in· 1t1a l field of 28 cand1dall':> McKru ght abo 1s a self cmployl·d freelance photogn.1pher and Opl·rat{'s The Light Factory in El Toro. NAMED CHAIRMAN David K. McKnight • more than 100 cases.·• m y secretary for readin~ my hnndwrilin~ all ycn.r' NOTE: T he-Bouquet? Values 'Important' Parems Cling to Traditions NEW YOHK CAP) American parents want to teach lht•ir children traditional \•alu(·~ on marriage, hard work, rchg1on and material s uctcss. even though many of the grown-ups don't alw<iYS believe what thc•v'rc advocating for lht• young!.ters . That's one ('Onclus1on of a s tudy re- leased Wednesday on the American family. It was conducted by the poll· m~ firm of Yankl'iov1ch, Skelly a nd WhitC', Int·., for Gcner;il l\tills, Inc. ll was the !tecond in a series of rt:s<'arch reports sponson•d by the company's <.;ons umt•r < \•nter. THE StrltV EY COVERED 1.230 famih<'s "ith children under the age of I 3 and lhe results "'ere projected to apply lo the 2~J milhon American families who fall into that category. The findings do not apply to the more than 30 million U.S. families without children or with youngsters only 13 and OH'r D1s('l1ssmg the study at a nc\\-s con- fl'n•ncr, O;.m1el Yankr lov1ch said it "finds th<'m (families> an a pretty good mood. hut then• arl' signs of sir a in l'L•opll· S<•Y lht·-. 'r(' coping ; the.' Sl'l0n1 to hl· l'OJHl1J.!. hut tht' !>train 1s tht•rc " cupat1on with ~elf f111f11lm1...nt. This l'Onfhct sel'ms to be n.•sh.iping the naturcoftlwAmcnl·:in fam11\. • Yankelo' 1ch s;,a1d a m·w l\J;t'<>f "1m plied contrat·t" 1s <il'Vl'lopin~ bcl\H·l·n parents and children. The part.•nti, sacrifice kss for and 1.:xµccl less from their children. Sixty-seven Pl'rccnt belie\'e that children do not have an obligation to their pan•nls regardless of what the p:.tn~nb have done for lhem. Yankelovich said thr p:.tn•nls sur· veyed belH'\'P th;.it :idults should have a life of their own l'vt·n 1f it means spending lcs~ time" 1th the chddrN1 1\LMOST TWO-TlllRDS dis agree.• with the 1dra that parents should stay together for the s ake of the children even if they are not happy. Children aged 6 to 12 who were in- terviewed for lhe survey disagreed Only 49 percent said parents should separate 1flhey are not happy. I (Florist Special ) Ha n ging Plunt~ 111ru Apr. 26 Purple Wandering Jew. Creeping Charlie, or Hed Charlie. 6" Pot Reg. 8.95 w;mm EACH A 'HoUisters OnJy' SPECIAL Just. 9.95 and no deliverv charge when delivered lo secretaries in our area. l'hont> us and USt> your c n'<iit card. 5 Gal. Reg. 6.~5 ft!JU,1 SAVE 1.00 Thru Apr. 26 Spedals Ll1111terl to Suppl)• on Hant1 PHONE 546-5525 • ,.. c 0 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Me~u DAILY 9-~::lO , l lN. •>-."l (CHAS . McCABE J PUTS tongue firmly m cheek in the, DAILY PILOT JI I:: .SAID T H I:: strain dc\'clops from lhl' con01t'l bC'lwet•n the trndll1onal bclal'f that pan•nts ~hotlld sacrifice for their t•h1ldr{'n .met ··t1w m·w prc·OC· Yankelovich said the pollst er s found two t ypes of fam1hl"I · "new breed" and "lracl1t1onalist "The• new hreed, representing 1:1 pc•n·ent nf those sun·t•\'l'd. art· lt·1-~ child Oriented and rTIOrl' lrlll'rl'Sll'<i lfl sl'lf fulfillment ; tht•y rt'Jl'Ct tht· 1m · porlance of m11rraage as an msl1lul1on and place little s tress on saving money, h::ird v.ork for its own sake andothertrad1l~io:n~a~l~\~·a~l~u:e:siliiiil .. ..i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~:: Deaths Elsewhere. ;\OHTll lllW\VAIU). F la ltd » J ohn J . Bae'isler , 77, a found(•r with Hobl>rt 1\bplan:llp of Prec1s1on \'a Ive Corp., a company th.1l spurred the groy,th of the-aerosol indu!>lry, d1 t•d Tucsda} Abplan.1lp l.1trr b('cam1· a frl•qm•nl companion ol R1l'h,111l ;o.1 °"''on 'fE[EPHONE LEAD LOST SE:\'n 'LE 11\1') A 1\,1 .t.1111 and four otlwr :;urpn"t' entries no:-.NI out l.t\'Of('d A ,\aabl.mtt Laguna Girl Joins Society Robyn /\nn Birnbaum of La~una Niguel 1s one of 18 studcn~ being to· illatcd into the Phi Beta Kappa chapter of the University of Redlands. T he initiation also marks lhe installation of lhe cha pt er at the University. Honor Stude nt Gary F: Wrig ht or Cost,1 ~ks a has been namt:>d to the honor roll fnr academic ach1cve- mt•nt <it the L'navers1ty o f Colorado · DPafla .\'oti<"P• fn1 ttw f1r:;l l1ml0 1n t'1ght , 0 ,1,.. •t MUEii \t•:i1:; lo <0 .q1lurt• the ,, "Y ·• "''"1 •w•~ .1lph.1ht•t haltlt• 1n St•at ~.~·. , Y .. ~; ··~ :.• /.:.: .. ~:::• tit· 't\'11•phonl· hook " • • ' .. • .. A· • ' • • l11 lh1.., \Par·.., hook the· 1'1"'" •· ~ ·~· ,"';.'.4~: ~,:. 1\ \ ;i a ,1 Ill r: I' II II II Ill \' llnml' Hm ~l.11 ,\l.1rm C'o '' t1.1'11•d 1'111 ... 1•1\ h \' t\ \ .1 .1 ;1 111 I. 1 n cl \· ' l-'1•.11 hc•r 1)11..,ll'r.., t ht• 1\ "'" ..__ '.,, .,,,, .. I'* .. 1•"• lltllO~El.l. I\ Q D'•F.ll PAHHI A .1 a .1 m W .t.., h 1 n ~I o n , El1•ctrnn1C' lnstrUml•nt "' , ..,., • _,.,. 1 "• ~. Sal<•, and ll<•pa1r Co. ""' ... w•• t' ~ ,.,..,Uryll• n• f\ ,, "f !"I ,#t """'""'°' H'I• and A Aa:wni \Vhole,,11<' ''"". • ••· '"'' .... v.• "·d"''' RC'la1l Mail Orclt'r I>..., .... "' "'•' ..,. ....... ~ ... '"""""'•wM" count Co ' •• ~.". "':. :: r , ' I AL fl·IHGHOH 'I FUMt•AL HOMI Cororiil 11r1 M .ir "n CM 'lQ (o.,t.i M o~,1 646·24?4 HLL .. OAOWAY MOUU4U 110 Bro.idw,ty CQ'llil Mno;t1 64?·9 t 50 SMITH TVTHILL LA.Ml WESTCLIFF CHA'fl 427 E 17111 St Coo;la MMa • 646 4888 S,1n1:i A n;i Chllpol 5 18 N Broildwey San la Ana • 54 7-4 t3 1 '1PCI HOTHHS SMITH'S MOllTUAU 627 Main SI Hunttnoton Beach 536-6539 ,.ll( FAMILY COLONIAL FUHlllAL HO Mt 7801 Bois~ Av~ Westminster 893-3525 'ACIFIC VllW MIMOllA\. PAIW Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive NewPorl, Calif01nia 644-2700 McCO•MICI MOUUA•IH Laquna Beftch <C Q4 94 I"> La9un.1 Hill-. 768-0933 l'.11., Juan Capistrano .. J A "" ' " .. #\ft"'"' I• t\••,. ~..._..,, ,.,, QI lf'I' ~)f 0 f I l'OPE AO~r qr rl rt()J.-·,_ "·lt .. "It l•''""'- WMlit \..,Alf f\t ""' f11 "'·I ·lllfh/ 4,,f'll 10. \U''-'•~d th n ,....,, f'(•U•• F POJJ4t, \Oft\ Rob R4'V ti•·("" I l"tn•J RfliM.h, & W UllAm ", p,.,t'V' N'"¥t(l(Hf 8tt•<" &. OituQl'\lM l utv .-.,.,,.,, tt At.,rri~"· Wtt.tmlf'\\tff', f) fitl\Of1ftl1lt1r..,n, 1 or~•• or•""' hlh1nt>n A. " 1· '"' ( utw''"" T Jr(.,,, n• Nt''lltll)nrt 9•'"'" P t1V4ft \ft'"'' .. , Mii.i.\ Hl\AAYll Mill' Ofl ;,1J11N181tf\(f't Pi','\.llct '1W1t't' A.Of'tl "'h ('ll.HYIV•d by f!il 1, w1f• n.o1..,, "' i .. ,,u", 9,.,.c., c;,,,.,..,.,1,._, .... ,y •. ,., t1' ~ ~ht FrldAY Aor.1 71nd ·" 1PM "' P '"''C V1fw M tmor.41 P ..,_ tn '"'V o f flf)w"~ f .fmf. •v \VQ'l•1it ,,,,,,,ibulion\ to l't\~ Amerl<M C,.,n<.-., So<•f>1't Mr. Mllf\ •H •" tmoto.,. lo< lO 'l't'M' of ,..., P•ra..._1 St-6 a \ou1'd enQ•,_.e< 6 <Mt! rN•O< 6 a lnf'mi.r 011 ... O..-a Point a..-ol '°""""'u. Pacfnc View Moot.-y 01,.<lOH. CllAWIOOllO EVPHA051NE 0 . CAAWFOAO. At',ldt"I ol toffWOo<I 8 NK ... P•\Wd .,.,.Y Aorll lO. 1tn S..rv•,,.d bv ~' '°"· M~N'Y W CrawlO<d, l•do f\tt' NPw00<1 lk>•<"'· T-Q<-hlltlr,...., Henry C. C••wf0<1S, ot l-°"~"'· V•rM Wollard ol l.aC.r•nQe. llt Two Qr,•t .qr,n(1cr,11or'" Grav"''i"" \f'rvlc~\ frldmy, AprH ?7 tiAM, P..clllc V••w Mtmornlt P••~. "'"woort 8•ull. Baur 8••0otf'Oft. CorOl\A d•t Mar 01....:ton PUBUC NOTICE "'CTtnous •USINIU NAMI STllTIMINT '"' tooowtnq per-h ool11q bu,J· ,...., A\• Al.II ENTERPlllSES. ttl\ ""'' ll\OIOI\ Pt . Nowoo•I B•ach, Cat , G V 1M '16"° JO"'M <. IC•n~ t~t\ S,,_1 l"Qt"' Pl N•w""'t 1"'M~ C:.•I :v ,')1 •1"t , ... ho1 ,,,, ... \ .. t ')flotl11• , .. ,, '1'1 "" .,, d1y1'1v •I JMff')1'~t(I"~ Tt\1\ \t.flMnt,.,, .... ~ t1l"'d wtt,, ltw County C.tt'' o• Ot•"'~ Cou"h nt Mtr<ll )1. lt/1 \.. <C95 1776 , ~ Pu~'"""° Or•"O" Ct4•• D-·tv Pllel ._ _________ ,,, AOf'tt I U ti ?t. 1'11 t11t '1 WE HAVE JUST OPENCO OUR NEWEST CARPET TOWN SHOWROOM IN MODESTO• EVERY CARPET TOWN STORE 1$ CELEBRATINO WITH EXTRA SAVINGS •.• MOST CARPETS REDUCED TO OUR LOWEST P,.ICES EVEAI JUST A FEW OF THE CARPETS tN OUR HUGE INVENTORY ARE LISTED IN THIS AO .•. SELECT FROM OVER 75 STYLES • OVER 750 BEAUTIFUL COLORS• INOOOR·OUTOOOR CARPET A slurc!y olehn 1nc!oor ourrto;ir $16 7 carpet ideal tor bo~ts. patio, pool or Oen. •• • ARTIFICIAL TURF flbtr )de.-il tor pallOS. pools. $ 9 7 100";, polypropylene olefin 3 play areu. bOats and dtclts .., ... NYLON TWEED Hl·LD A \turdyh1·lo patte1n 1n -ven$3 97 pract•cal colnrs ~rr.a, and r.-eeds ..., ·• TRADmONAL Hl·LO A \CUlplured pa11t1n tu.10 tarpet of 1:>'>". cont1nu.1us fltament nylon p1lt Stlrci lrom 1 brlOl!t colors Featuring KODEt y Carpets of A BRAND NEW visrA 'roR· CARPETS SAXONY PLUSH An e~c1t1nq now 'axony ptuo;h pile carpet of Kodet V, which 0111es 11115 elegant carpet tho truos1 & clearest colors 011or acn1cvod in polyoslor. Select from n1no soll mulh-coforahons. Saro priced lh•S week only' MULTl·COLOR PLUSH A low profile plush c.irpet ideal ID• heavy lr~l11t Heal-srt s4s1 nvlon pifr •~ 7 mu:tt·to•orahons ~ • NYLON PATTERNED LOOP 01stmc1rve patterns created by mult1-colors and a sturdy s4s 7 textur ed loop Ptle Available in ten multHooe colors. ,., ·• NYLON PLUSH Shor1. hOhlly twisted nylon p1te plush for eaw c1e;ir11n11 59 and lonorr wear Available in $ 7 e!Qhl s011d colors • ·, CUT & LOOP SfYLE 100oo r.nnflnuous filamrnl nylon ptle in a cut & loop style. enhanced by v1v1d s5s 7 munr-colOfa!Jons. Select lrom "' •0 '•xcolors KODEL V PATTERNED srza7 PLUSH A slighl pallorn crealed 1n a SO 0 heavy plush pile is v . accenlod by harmonious ~ KODEL V CUT & LOOP se 97 A d1s11nctivo tlagstono lracery panorn creatod in so VO lt\9 sofl cul & loop slyle. Bright lustCf Kodol V ~ mulll·coforatlons PormJ Twist yarn&. ol Kodol V hoal·sel for la<;ling texture polyoslor pile h.'ls boon ~ re1ont1on. Available In a sinking range ot 8 subtle UOD£LV 001yes1er are heal·sel lor lasting ros•lrency Available HODEL y 1n nine color comb1n111tons. -· .. _. colorafions. n . ._.,,.. .... twlll SCULPTURED SWIRL PATTERN An excihnQ h1 -lo \wirl pattern accented !Iv br•aht mult1-eolor s5s 7 ~:~'=r~~ion~oose lrom 00 ~ MUlTl-COLOR NYLON PLUSH Muffi-colors are used to create a dis1inctrve palltrn tn a short. sse 7 plush Ptle. Selttt lrom 8 colorations. ~ · ' NYLON CUT I LOOP A unlQue rardom bnck-1tk1 pan em ol 1 ~ nylon prle. Chorse lrom stc color combinaiions 1n desirable tv.eed colo~ SCULPTURED NYLON Continuous hlament nylon p11f in a stunly hl·IO pattern. s5s 7 Available In six crisp '° •o multi-color combinations. ·-........ ~ HEAVY NYLON PLUSH long y.,earir.g saxony plus II prle heat·SPI !or texturr retention. Setect from 13 s79 7 mulll-color comb1na11ons. • ... ·• SCULPTURED PLUSH Constructed of bnght lustre Polyesler yarns tor Ylllld • colors and durable wear Cul s7s1 & loop style 111 ~Ive beauulul C:OIOll. '° '0 Hl·LOPlUSH A heavy nylon plush wilh Clll ... IOOPS!yltnotnad1S11nct111e s9s1 tracery pattern Ava1lilble rra nine multi·tone COiors " ·~ NYLON CUT 6 LOOP I ·--••*-'"•••CJM!n SAXONY PLUSH Heal·•rt and wrir lr~ted nyt0'1 pile plu .11 £·•·~ heavv s991 carpet 1n a ~1.l1•c11on ot sevP'1 vrv10 COloratJons "' •• HEAVY NYLON PLUSH Seltet from nine tone-on loM CXQUISlle COiors in a heavy s1os1 plush 1111e. heat·sel lor superb pertormance. "''" BRIGHT LUSTRE NYLON A bullcy nytnn plu~ll \lyte t.irpel , lor lhe fuS\Y s11s7 deroralor Choose llom 17 .., , r1eo~nt colors • NYLON SAXONY PLUSH A new high lustr~ nylon pde Beauttr111 bright mut11·col0f tllat is heat~et for top $897 combcnatlons In a durable s11s7 pel1t>NNnce. Velv&I soft pile plush pile ol t~. haat-tet .., in 8 mulli·tone colors. ., "' nylon pile "' PADOfNO AHO PROFHStONAL INSTALLATION AVAILABLE WESTMINSTER SANTAANA 15338 leach ... d. l(.Morf C .... tr .. McP1 .. 111 2911 So. Bristol I Ml. Horttl 9f $•. Coelf "-9 tit 5.pn"-Carpet Town 893-7546 556-8287 Wf f:l<OAV9 Till !I • SAT Till & • $UNOAY 11 S •FREE ESTll.CATES IN VOUR HOME C:O.Weaott IA:-Ho ~ The Largest Carpet chain in the West t ASY CRCOtT TfRl.CS • 30 to to OAV NO INTEREST ACCTS • BANKAMEAICARO •MASTER CHARGE Shop Name Grab Slogan Stays Despite New Law HARRISBURG, Pa. CAP> - Every day, the wife or a McKeesport gun store owner told her husband, "I guHs you're going to the God damn gunsbop.'' The husband thought that was funny, so two years ago had his at- torney file incorporation papers for .. The God Damn Gun Shop." R EP. EMIL MRKONIC, (D· Allegheny), who was bombarded by Cowzly Transit Official Gets SJC UmtPost Sharon Neely, associate planner with the Orange County Transal Dis- trict. has been appomtt•d to the San Juan Capistrano Traffic and Transportation Comm1ss1on letters from protestine churches~ didn't see the humor. He lntloduced legi.slatioo to outlaw blaspbemoua or obscene wordl ln eccporate nam•. The measure cleared the Houle 193· l tbl5 week and went to the Smate. But Mrkonlc said the measure would not be retroactive to include the gun shop. A similar bW was introduced last year but died in committee. THE SHOP OWNER'S attorney, Jeffrey C. Munnell, who filed the in· corporation papers, wouldn't identify his client. He said the owner is wor- ried about threats from people who wrote they were "G<>od Christians" and threatened lo bomb the abop. "The fellow himseU is a religious person and feels he's not disobeying the Commandments," Munnell said. ··He feels the word God is a title, not a name." Almost all the shop's business is from mail order customers wbo read the owner's advertisements in trade journals, Munnell said. He doesn't have of! -the-street customers. Colorado Honored !huraday. Apnl 21 , 1977 DAILY PILOT AJS Public Auction =-1 ~.Sat. and Sun. evenings at 8 p.m. I ~ & lXX>RS OPEN AT 7 p M. FOR lNSPE.CTJON 1 JEWELRY CHINA CRYSTAL : : Plus hundreds of other items of furniture, objeta d'art, utc. I I Merchandise consigned from out-of·pa~ bank.ruptcieis, court-ordered I I salee. ba:W, etc. : I Mqved for convenience of s&le to: I · NEWPORT GALLEIUES. LTD. -< 2542 W. Cocnt Hwy • Newport Beach. CaWornla 92863 (714> a.s.2aoo , : I I China by Limoges, Wedgewood. Rosenthal and others; hne European I and American cut crystal and art glass; porceldin ftgurlnes; bronzes; fine I furniture; chandeliers and one of the largest displays ot hne iewelry In the : southland. Everythir¥] from 20 carat diamond sohldl.res to gok:I neck chain.5. 1 FREE ADMISSION TERMS: Bank.Americard, Master Charge, Personc.J Check, Terms. ADDmONAL INSPECTION HOURS: Mon., Tues. & Fn. IO a.m. to 5 p.m., Seit. 12 noon to 5 p.m., Sun. 2 p .m. to 5 p.m. AUCTIONEER: Art Levine I Mrs. Neely, 27, holds a bachclor·s degree from Cal State Fullerton and completed course work there toward a master's degree. She 1s a member of the American Institute of Planners and the American Publtc Trans1l As sociat1on. Before joining the transit district. Mrs. Nel•ly worked lwo years for the city of Fullerton. She lives at 31098 V1<1 Santo Tomas and has been a San Ju:.in resident for two years. The U.S. Postal Service bas made puQlic WE BUY FOR CASH _) JAM~G.KRAUSE,directorofthe this des ign of the 13-cent 1977 \__ state Corporations Bureau, said there commemorative stamp marking the . OR SELL ON CONSIGNMENT. is no law governing the use of centennial year of Colorado's admission to.' _w_H_o __ LE __ Es_r_A_TE __ s_o_R_s_1_N_G_L_E_1r_E_M_s_. blasphemous or obscene names. He the Union. It will be issued in Denver.on said such corpoarate names are rare-May 21. ly used, but recalled at least one other ---_:_---------------------==-=--------------------------case. "I am pleased to a be able to offer my services to the city," said Mrs. Neely. "I have a feeling of local respons1b1lily, and my experience as a tl'affic planner made the traffic comm1ss1on seem an obvious place for me to make a contributaon." Krause said if the bill becomes law, his office could have trouble deciding borderline cases. "We would have to knock one down and then have someone take it to court," he said. For the Record Db•olutlon• Of .Harriage F•ltd AP<'il S hOUlfELlr"' frM"f' ttnrt '""" 'f OOD Jl)nn P ''"" P~Hr•r Id J Al,. t FY N Allf·n .-tnd rr •ntfl' 0 r_,,qE F-N J•• Arnt ttnd Ru,,,.,, I .... ( At')C.,HY f\rt1•• P.1rf'\f'll .tnrl f°",tfl• 't < HOl~n HAMMf)NO M Hy r ''lfi t11'1n.11'1 J /\NfH l~°'IQ~ r "'', t1 ~ •l•I• n-' 1HM r, •fl••" J. 111 Ml lit U 1nr1~I R ,,,,t M 1 I , , \HRADER Bl't)l:ll, H1;nt ·Ind ;..11ttwvn Anf\ RAM!.(; V f'.tlf'I••• I l +nd l.im1.•\W GREEN UtYJ•• I( ,;nrt l"l'tv1r1 L W001.H0U~E llnd•M I .1M Rot•••! , LOCl(HAt:fT s1~on ... nu• ( ind h;•r J11v EATON Garv U ~"" M.+1• M PORllllO l,.nor1· ,,nit JMTw"' ,, HILL. Mf)f'i ~fl'ldd ·•"'1 (,1trv WdynP Y Mt-A\llNEW M H "'·' lfl',. .tl'\d 9rur"' Af\dr~w Ll"lWf RV 11 ~VMAndJtrrvr Ol(AN (j1~r1 ' h· .. n •n" r .. n CANNON M.)r1or1fl' ~ "" !lrwj Rt>c.·'1: Alltf\ &EE"IY °""~ ~t •"II R'c~~"' l o qoT E MAR,...I £ °"n'~ lo ;11.tl .,,,,, t OWtn rPMrt .. \ ANOUJ"q" p,, , 111• 1"'1 f\m""I MllN~140l T ~ 1,. 1td I ~ fl d'"' l11'ldA \u\_,l't 'IAf '\\f ~'4 Ar-Sr" Pt1•f",.... _,""'1 9,.,,..,.,,,,,..,. f.. ., -,l EN F ,,.,,,..,,t·n• """ rurll'\ ,, ,y LO Pr l .,fi.,,.n M -tnd ( i1QA" Mi •~~'i'"' S._,.ELOON M•<"""'' I ~",, c1A M RINGHAM. NdlY v-., 1ii1 ·'""'.,"'"' Q lA f'INS~~ \tr41tvn f "'ll"l\f'-11~1•..,ntl,. j •n 0 At q a,., .tt"t'S l""1 f:r ""'• 4"" ~IJLll\ 0_,11. N•vh ,..l'\'1 M '"'-"'' ,1 '"''"" Ot t\/4q fl p,..,4 J ,n.., M inrtd L \flll\ t..n•i•\ f --'t't1 Ht·'11tA Ci 8A00~\ luf11th A .. n•1 •f ''"" Witntl'\ \If L A Pct•thn.. """ '' 1n1ft4 (. lOLO 1o,,,,, t1 """ ln'1n I HAC.lANO llXlv l •"'1 ~"""'' t • • HE Rf\( t,. ~ff''*"" M ,1nd \.l"tl' ' ",., SAPORI fO Jon,, J tnd MtH• " f..lAHFi::lTV M.vv l lU "trH'f AnC>•""1 ' ~tECKE:R f~f';i • l11 ·""' "'!hu,. ''"',.' rrqR'"' v #lr111rt1""' w ,,,,., r.r1nt 0 TAANT lt•.)n W 1•11•n W'1•1 O~t11t1 Wt\l•v PRE<;S U nda '>!Jt' .1nd J<trn.->'t Etllot CLAR'< Oo,..n.i Jf'e n and Ofonn1\ Lt-l' SALCIDO. E: •mt r Jo\PC>h at'ld Pat\y Dean f'"LARIC W•t<l R ~"'1 O<>rOI"• l , RUDOLPH <,t~;or> J ond °""'~ AN~LOW JH'V lPP l"d Oonn., Jfidn LOF=ffN,R1nnrctM .ll'H'IC•ro1A VAN DER LINOEN 01r>_ A ~~d M.•' rir•tr Jf NK I ~S. Tf'rry Su• ,,,.,d Rnb,.rt S. &ANOE LL JtMn•l~ 0 +lr'l'1 Wiiii tlT\ j HAlLEl 1 M 1rt.t J dnd H.,,~ll'J 0 . Wf"AVEQ, R"ll!> Rf'lnt•• 1"'1 l•Hu' t.Hrw1n 'tTQAlJ(>HAN u1rh .•tO L ..... 1nd M arv l"•«'Jt'I PrtqmnrP CLAPP R1ct\i)rd q an'1 f:.t1>v·m.trv L.ASKOSK I Jo,POh M "M Eot""n E . COF EE, Calny, •le lf"fd Rot>Prt '°''nnt,.r 11tc. R ( x G•OtCj~ A and MMy \ULLIVAN ~H'f l ""d TPrrdl'"l'"P W ARMS IRON(', P .. ul iW'd Evd M WINC:.l.0\o\# Ch..,ryt Ann <lnd Pe"H~r Jtlm• .. • 8 QOWN, M ary Ann ~net ('l 1vod P.-1111 ANOER~N 8@verly Jo tn t 0-"~·tJ BrO?k' IClJHNS. Tf'~•"•'d I ""<I R<>l>Prt W PASCARE\.LA R•Mlf .,,,,, MICr..el .. n,,,.,.,v JEF f" RI E !., Stormy l..,• ,1t1nd Wiiii Jrr'I '"'""'» ~HERMAN v ... tm• Jove.• dnCI J.,,._ rrmi>'•' 8ROOICS V1<0v I. ~l'ld JoM A RLANTOf'., 0.-ntt·\ L •nf1 Tomflvnn l VO N Mart l .,P arid Oann, HMwood , .. ., M1lr,,.U SlAPLER J'>"'" 9r•"n tit '"" Lf)Ut\• G HfRTZl EQ 'ttW'l'•<f ~ lndRO'\rM H"Gf"O ~ ,1 t ~ l""'1 ~,...,.,.,_ .-• I PQ;AJE:O .•, '~ .l""J T ""' Arn ~~t AQ41FR Crt-.iro-H.-•~rr """ M Al'V .... ,." .. '" ~TEMPEL r,~0'" • r .t"'ll Oi.tf'\jll l RU\~f l L P•h •it A. •nd Pdul J n .... ,. Ll)~ff:>f'.Afl.j T.-(lf rtirwj8evttrlv °'"'"" \A(GUA 1 ,_. 0,.0t>t L •nti Ru l"l .. •rl G '""l.A.,.EQTY JAm ..... ''•Vf'1f' .... """ 11') An,..,, ~HAOR•c-. I( II~ l'I ,\f"lft ,,,1 IOl'H\ N~l"m,\l'I !t'AUrMA"-4 r~~, E 1"'1 Mon,, s EA E ~ f •h • , _..,..,, An1l.t J \M trM Q">l • 01 "•"d MA'• ff,tl\C,. WA,f~·""l it"-•"'""' 0 °'l'\l'j P..-u1 M .Vtt .\M"i f•rr•tl Em m,.tt iW'tt '""""'"' ,,...,.,,. OtWI fl One pound of coffee. When you open a new checking account of $250 or more. Carmt:ftC\ dt"ICJ J¥t. ~.n ... 1n ZA"IOER M<Jrv I.""" 4nCI Err•ot Tnornt.,.., (',Al.AM80S. A•IHn A ''"" FOfPn< IC STOVER, 0 •" ! .i..o Julie A MEOl"I°" Htltn C •nd Alt· 1ttndro " GAACIA GtO,.lf Jfl" •l"d lt'On•rd JOSt"Ot'-. SM ITH. PAttl(td Ann .Jnd J•m~\ Eaw 1ref II FE RGUW"I, S"<lron l.•t '"" Ktlln e11 .. ,v. Fllt<IAP'ilf 5 TEPANENo<O Oebor<lh \ .,nn V1rfn,. I( WAMMACfl! P.ttrtr " Evrt'"'"*" tnrJS.li1d1·v ~CO TT.Grt:qnrv Kent ~"d L•nc:l<l Suun ROTT, M 'ldrttd .1nd John J~ro•d . Fl.ESHM/IN, Rnbt>rl C. dl'ld O~bb•• I. GUEST AIXl.-v M. dnU C'.or<lon 0 (',ARO"IER. Sf>Mofl E •no O"vlCI C. TUBACH, l.•·Ot1dr<l 0 . ~nc:I (',w•nc:1~•vo M WEBSTER OOna•d ~dY dntS l "O"rJ M•rq.•ret , BON ESCHANS Art.,n Jo•n ""° Hd,.ofd W1t11,)l'n AOBE QTS C.lt\l• ·'"" S•m q SWl"lfFORO, 01" ·•v M., S<on I.•• MA')ON ......,,a~N-a!E Mill'> Ro••,,,,. I. d..0 Oav1d l PAll'>ON W1ltl•m Etnfr\on Jr •nd M•rv.. Marq, .. tl HUXlEV P.J!I• Jo a..O Ron.ti<! ()on1~ C08 1.E Ruin H .. ..., Roy E OE l A PP c;.onrrv .tn<l Juh•nn t OE VA~E A'Jlfl'll A 4ttO rt10..,4\ J KEITH, Oafl•tl T .tnd OOl"t\ CAPPS Sit.,.,. M -Su-I( C l!OSS Ru1n•e M ,)tld l.Art Olton '> Tt)L I. J'Mtn•n o •n<l S~•"~ ~ A.N 0 E \!. \l•Of'I,.,, 4 of"td (4,. mtn 'jt>f ,(1-1 M.t.X~N o.,.m .. q A""' .. .._,, Pt111~•r Mowitrd 4)UtH£ql4N0 J ,,, ''°'" Sa,.,v I( MILLER "'orm• 4 •n~ JO'°l"I F"rldl'rlc ~ 8~AOY. M•,.u· E '"" qotlo'rl J O&lll(S Sit-" M ,...., S•""''' E 81\1110 J~•u V •no l \bf'tn l.11\1 rE"I THY ""WV A ~d "•"• I C.TEVfNS M.ll'Yll'I (',. tt"'d M1fl ~n t <.&\...,CMEZ (OM1o1• L 41'10 P.-tir q t:OUVILLON J,.m,.., R•c "-"1 4nJ Oo,o l"Y LOUi'" WH I fE .. E 4 0 L1"n ' l 11n'1 E ••t J Jr WOR\C .. All '-IA•HJI'"' lV"f\ dl''ld "''""f't ~ ••AYf\ Lo1\ Oorr,.h'f 41'1d Ttotom,.\ E where checking accounts are FREE No m1nmumt>o'onc&-nomonl t\ly 186 lrll One pound of YUban coffee TWil .......... ......... -dleGMe -----lllHlfte•....._ ........ uto .. _. ,..,.o...,..,,._,.. ...... -~ ___ ....._ ......... --...... ----... ...... ....._ .......... 290 --fl'19.,.,,,. .,_...a....,. 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PRICE $12 99 SALE PRICE W1THOUT COUPON $9.99 l•tisl•ctio11 6uan11tttd These coatings ore a result of extens1t1e research and testmg by The.Sheruiin -Will1oms Company. We gr1oro11tee your sacrsfoctton 111 the use of these products or ~our purchase pnce will be refunded In-,,, your ltoust µ/1111-,,, pro/Jlfms to us. Need help? Ask our factory certified house point specialists any questions you might houe Ask about our problem-solumg manual. Ask about a home inspection. We're there to help. f"N1lon ,.,, 'J. ,.1. . ,,,,. ,.,,,, lfl/$/1 SW35 .,,,, 1.u1· ,,_..,.,"' lttW 'I to '12 011 '!:o~1'!.'M. ~"""" ~-.ia-Tll Al11mlnu111 uit/111. SALE PRICE ~1~., with purchase of p. 7, 4 go/Ions of paint reg. price $6. 99 ltl/1 111tll May 16, SALE PR/Cf ,,,, reg.price $10.99 rffff ~fW' STEP LADDERS /btlt'ltl-s.Na 6 ft. sole price $17.95 teg. prla! $25.95 1.«16 ,.,., ,_.,, 1f!J. If~! reg.price 6.99ogal. reg. pries 8.99ogol. EXTENSION LADDERS 16 jt. soJe price $27.-95 reg. prfce $39.95 20 ft. '°le price $37. 95 ~g. price $49.95 24 ft. sole price $47.95 reg. price $59.95 ltH • .,.,,,, """"' ..... ,.,,,,."' .,,,, .,,,, .,..,,,IMlll ftllt,,,,.,. ,,,, ,,.,..,, """""".., Hlf ,,,,. ANAHBM •••••••••• 991 -7150 fWRTON ........ S~ t41 s..-....A.,... JUM.H.W•.& HUNTINGTON IEAOt 891-2577 LAGUNA HllS •••••• 511 ... 2880 JIJIJ McWyn Shit, Wt. I fWM WtttC.... LAKE WOOD •••• 213-925-4616 ORANGf .......... 997-3151 .. , ... ,...... . ._ .... SANT A AHA •••••••• ~9770 COSTA MESA • • • • • • 557-8766 1161 ..... .,. IUtl ...._ W ... ..,.._. ltlU ... Slrelt llU S.. ...... ._, MOMMY nB fltDAY I A.M. TO 6 P.M.: SATUIDAT t A.M. TO I P.M.: SUNDAY CLOSID " • Al.f DAILY PILOT Thursday,Apn121. 1977 SOME SAILORS) START ENSENADA RACE IN STYLE WITH CHAMPAGNE, TUXEDOS Anchors Aweigh For 500 Boats By ALMON LOCKABEY D•1ly P1let lloaUat l!dllor The normally blue Pacific will turn into a sea of multicolored dacron off the Newport Jetty, Saturday when about 500 sailboats of all sites and descriptions start jockeying for the start of the annual Newport to Ensenada race. Confusion will be the watchword of the day both ashore and anoat for about two hours from 11 a m . when the yachts start the parade to the starting lines. until l p.m. when the final starling signal sends the neet on its way down the coast lo the Mexican resort in the world 's largest international yacht race. T H E CONFUSION ASHORE will be among the thousands of spectators lining the shores of the fl al boa Peninsula, the jetty rocks and the bluffs ove>r Corona del Mar and downcoasl at Laguna and Dana Point Harbor It will be malcht•d m part among skippers and crews in the starting neet -many of whom have never raced before or who take part only m this annual nautical madhouse D1ff<.'rent class<.'s of yachts will start at 10 minute intervals on two lines extending from the J<'lly :,,ea\\ ard The starting Imes will be separated by a large power vessel and marked at each end by other po'Aer craft with race comm1llcemcn aboard DESPITE Tll F: MANEUVERING in closP quarter'>. there has nc•\ ('r been a disastrous starling hne accident in the Ensenada race. Within .m hour after the last class has :,,tarted lh<' fh·N will be s pread over a wide slrekh of otcan as skippers seek the best \\ind for the m·C'rnight h;iul down the coast to F.nst•nada wht•n• thl' lucky ones will be l'l'IC'brallni.: tht•1r lilctorics and the loser<. drowning lhl·tr sorrow<. WHEN·IN MEXICO . -• .. It's · Fdlsenada Here We Come! :.J.-~. SAILING REQUIRES TEAMWORK Daily Pilot Photos by Charles H. Loos THIS IS THE FINISH LINE FOR SOME ENSENADA IS A WARM PLACE HAPPINESS IS A TROPHY IT'S FUN, BUT RACE CAN BE DANG!AOUS; THIS BOAT 'TURNED U.-COAST TOO SOON AFTER LEAVING ENSENADA HARBOR AT NIGHT FOR RETURN TRIP . . . _T_hu.;..red=.;.;a;.,.;y.~A.:.::P:.:..:".:..I =..2f:..:.·..:..19;:,;7..:.,7 _____ ::.D.:...:.Al:..:L..:.Y..:.Pt..:.:L:.::O:...:.T_:A~J:.;5:. -Sale Prlcet Good thro--W'.d., April 27 THE FA:\llL\ CllU~l ~. By Bil Keane ,_ .... • 81S W@C!:!J!? I ~-~@!?WO©@ "Got a problem? Tht>n wnte to Pat Dunn. Pat will cut red tape. gettmg the answers and action you need to solve mequztws 111 government.and business. Mail your questw11s to Pat Dunn, At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. I' 0 . Box ISliO, Costa Mesa, C.4 92626. As many letters as posSlble will be answered, but p~'<i mqumes or letters not includJng the reader's fulL rwme.uddress and business hours' phone number canrwt be co11s1dered. This column appears dai· ly except Saturdays." , .. t 'R eco r d ' a No-s h ow DEAR PAT: l ordered and paid for a $15 book from An-hHectural Hccord of New York City last December. l~ceivcd a note in January from the assistant cir ulation manager telling me that the book always l kes at least four weeks to arrive due to fourth class mailing. I could understand a four "'eek deli very period, but not four months! Can you find out what happened to my book? H.M., Fountain Valley Another book is being sent to you via air mall. What happened to Ute flrst sblpment will ~malD a m ystery until a tracer report ls received. Arlyne Huber of Arcbltectural Record asks you to mall back the original ablpment U U. eventually shows up in your maU box. i'Wo .lui~e at the Bar DEAR PAT: I'm a law student who will be needing a battery-powered typewriter since the Bar Examiners have "outlawed" electric typewriters for the exam. Unfortunately, I can't find out who makes such a muchinc: or where one can be purchased or rented. L.B .. Costa Mesa Typewriter dealers conlacled told A VS that S mith·C-Orona did manufacture a battery.powered typewriter, but that it bas been discontinued. However, Coast Office Equipment, 2121 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, keeps one or these typewriters. available for special requests on a rental basis ($8.48 per week). Ken Park of C-Oast said that law students have re nted this typewriter for the Bar ex· am and dJdn't report any trouble with it. Another dealer told A YS that kind of typewriter's battery may need recharging after about lour hours of use, ~o il 's wise to kee p a new battery on hand for the lf'ngtby exam. Batteries cost about $28. Park said that the batte ry-powered typewrite r bas an t lectric·actlon keyboard, bot the return Is manual. He added that several new miuioal typewriters perform llke electric models and that they are a lot less troubte to maintain, f"11peclally In the exam situation you lace. Electric typewriters can't be use-d durinl( the exam beuase so many belnit hooked up to one ele-ctrical system results ln fre- quent power failure proble ms. •.tfidg~t' S~ed• Sought DEAR PAT: Several months ago I clipped out somo information from a magazine about a seed eorn pany that s pcc1ahzcs in midget vegetables. I bl'hl've one can order a catalo~. but I have no idea uf the name or ;11ldrt•ss of this company. Can you possibly lot·at(' 1l for me':' 0 L . Costa !\1esa Farmer Sf'ed and ~ursery Co., f'alrbault. 1'1ainc> 55021, is known for it-. mldgtt Ht;Ptables, in· eluding JO.inch swf't'lcorn plant., and a pinl(·ponJt· sized tomato~·<; <iultablf" for hanging ha~kt't or window box ~rowing . T hi'> 'lttd <'Om pany ha<; an PX· l'ellent reputation, and it ·-. tw.-n around !'>inct' IAAS. DE-lay Glos11ed Orf'>r DEAR P\T Could \OU find out "hal happened to some hp glosst·-. I )>t•nt a"'·'Y for on J an 25? The ad in a magallO(' du.Jn t '>lah-how Ion~ 1t would take rnr dchvl'ry All 1t said was. Wr'll mail them to you as fa,t ;1s we t·nn " llut. isn't almost three months a hlllc· unreusonablc • The offer was from Bonnie Dell Co L.M .. Huntington Beac!i BonnJe ~II Co. was t1w1mped with orders for the "Lip Smackc>r" olrer, according to Its Lakewood, Ohio headquarters. The demand ex· Cl'eded the supply by more than Z00,000 orden, and le tters now are being malled to persons whose or- den could not be fllle-d by the original sapply. A complimentary, large·sbe lip glou ls included in the letter a s a "thank you for watuag until antlclpal.N delivery ln June" peace offert.Dg. Your letter of apology bas been malled. Other readers who have no& received any response to tit.la pre-· mlum offer can contact BoDD.le Bell Co., Lakewood, Ohio 44107. Rt•m Shots Don't Let 'Em Eat Cake LANSING, Mich. (AP) -Concerned about youngsters who might be getting a nip of rum, un- awares, after dinner, a Michigan official has launched an invesllgaUon into an Italian dessert. The Rev. Allen Rice II, executive clire<:tor of the M lchigan Council on Alcohol Problems, asked the state Uquor Control Commlssion to impose regula- tions on the sale of the "Barbarum" cake, which is being test·marketed in MassachusMts, California, New York and Minnesota. California legislative aide Bert Barker, said that each cake contains an eighth of an ounce of rum , or one-twelfth of a shot-glassful. The ltalian·made cakes are distributed by Progreaso Foods Corp. of Jersey City, N. J . James Mahr, Progresso·s national sales manager, said, "People are blowing this out of proportion.'' He said he had never fell the effects of alcohol from eating the rumcakes and feels ''pU{eclly sate'' in letting his own children eat them. grow grass to play on 1 Grow a lovely, lush lawn that • un 1tand up to the welt and , ' tear of kid'• activities. 1000 sq. tt. Reg. 5.~ 4as 7.500 ~· tt., nt. 13.fS .............. 11.95 grows green without pampering Scotts Family Gra11 Seed. just plant It and watch It grow. l>eY9loP8 nloely !n tult adl'I Of partial shade. 1000 sq tt Reg. 395 21s 2'00 14 ft . ,..us ........... 8.95 the Saturday, ·April 23rd This Saturday, between 10AM and 2PM Scotts representatives wlll be here to answer your lawn and garden questions. Take a(tvantage of this opportunity, take the advice of the experts, have the best looking lawn and garden In the block this summer. KEHM IS GIVING AWAY ~rnrnrnY (while they last) ~VEGETABLE GARDEN FERTILIZER TO FEED THOSE TOMATO ·- PLANTS AND OTHER GARDEN PLANTS! ' ( I • Turf Builder • . . . _i.-..-........ "'_ ........ -,.,.. .... ...,. .... ~j5i~~~ ~ ·~"~ .. , ;j;:$} ., • j'IL•,11" ··r. ., . ,.,, puts muscle in your turf clears the way for a better lawn Scotts Turf Builder Is formulated to Scotts Plus 2 fOf grass lawns clears get together With grass seed and out mOfe than' 3 dor.en pesky weed• help 11 grow strong and healthy. and gives proper feeding !Of healthy 2000 sq. It. Reg. 10.95 growth. 2000 aq.,tt Reg, 7.95 695 6000 iq. fl.. 4 l15 -·-. reg. 1S.9S •.•.•• 10.95 1--------~ll~l(----------t----------t~~~:~~-;~~~~~~~~ something special for dichondra lawns II s Scotts Bonus. the bett friend dlcl'londra ever had. Control• weeds and tertillzes at the same time. 2000 aq. ft. Reg. 10.45 5aa .. the brazier that barbecues anywhere M9de to 0tdet rot PorCh 0t p&tlo c:ook-out9 Ot taking to the .,._h or picnics. Heevy gauge stMI flr• bOWI. edjustabl• grill. #5. Reg. 2.89 1•• . ,:;~ >.~~,~i::.16"~ I~~ 1 -:-__. j tl 1 ~~ d, ~~; ~ ..... :"7 U/ ": .. : .. ~!~ head start program for new grass lawns Scotts Starter Fertlllzer hastens development and thickening of new grua; can ba used with blade or dlchondra aeed. 2000 sq. ft. Reg. 7.15 I ,• square topped serving table Put thfl llg"'"9ht. but ltr°"O ~ In you p.uo to hold your enacka and drlnka. 11"x16" -... melh top. 1r high. 11828. R9g • .Ut 2•• bonus offer! precision spreader and something good to spread Scott• new, Improved lawn spreader with precltlon flow con- trol. Ellmlnat .. under-application or OYW-eppllcatlon. Plvs you get a bag of Tur1 Bulfder. Reg. 29.95 25'! SAVE 9.9!5 __ , ____ ... ,·" Cl> , ~~ ••m -~ I •, ~· .. ~ ~: something for all flowers to thrive on You can ac:1uafly teed up to 250 floweta with Scotts Grow Flowers. Long lutlng effectiveness for green foliage and lot. of blooms. 2'n lb. Reg. 1.95 99° also formulas for dlrvh' trff ond tronsplanls •• , 99' tor a look ... af Iha tropics . Put up thlt 'outtlde peel bamboo elat fencl"Q for pr1y1cy and 11 an el• fee1Mt Wind break. Wire reinforced; I ft. high, 15 ft. roll. Reg. e.99 4•• AJ8 DAILY PILOT • • •• Well friends, you heard what the man said. Some sacrifices will hove to be mode. But getting into a Volkswagen won't be one of them. Volkswagens may look like small cars, but on ly on the outside. · Inside is another story altogether. And if your family doesn't need quite that much space, Dasher also comes in a beautifully appointed 2-door . Hatchback and 4-door Sedan. Yet both Dashers have way more passenger room and trunk room than any Japanese car in their class and more than most American cars in their class. A Volksw°'1en Rabbit, for exampl e, has (incredibly!) morespacefor~eoplethan 19othercars in its class, includ-. /. ing /vbnza, Mustang II, Pinto, Sunbird, and Datsun F-10. # · The Rabbit also has (shockingly!) more trunk . / Fin ally, Scirocco. The VWScirocco 1s a true space than 34 other cars, including Cadillac Seville, ~ I · Thunderbird, Camaro, Monza, Nova, Comet, Starfire, ·: F1 rebird, Skylark and Ventura. These are officia l U.S. Government statistics, by the way, publi shed in the official Environmental Protection · Agency 1977 Gos Mileage Guide. The Rabbit also goes like a bat ou1 of yQu-know- where. From Oto SO in 7.9 seconds is-sports car perf or ma nee. lvbving along sma rtly to our Do sher. We hope you 'll be floored to learn th at the V'N Dasher Wagon, according to the same EPA guide, has more trunk space th an any wagon in 11$ class made by any other manufact ure r. Meani ng General t\llot ors, Ford, Chrysler, Datsun, Toyota. . sports car that can bring home 16 cubic feet of stuff on Saturdays and racing trophies on Sundays. Scirocco is just something el se, beating everything in its class (and a lot of other classes). Yet it has more trunk space than any-repeat-any-. ca r in its class made by any-repeat ""any-manufactufer. All the new Volkswagen s were made for the times that are on us now. Rabbit and Scirocco get 24 MPG in the city, and get 38 MPG on the highway,· Dasher gets 22 MPG in the city and 37 MPG on the highway. (EPA estimates with standard transmi ssion. Actual mileage depends on how and where you drive, optional equipment, and the car's condition.) · : · · -Yet even with all this economy, there is nothing quite like them ~or their combination of handling, performance, reliability, safety, space and just plain wisdom of design. You're going to appreciate them. Better still, you're go- ing to love them. Visit your local authorized Volkswagen dealer. ~ Care: Rewai-d Is Love • In 19tl9. the Lantl'rman Act created a network of Regicmal l'(.'flln'I for thl.' l>c.'Vf!lopmentally 013abud througl111ut lilt' State of Calz/onua, mcludmg one in Orange Cmmt11 Cc..>ritt.7:> an: responsible for acting as adoocates for the1r rltt>rits to <tssurt' tfu.•y receil)t> /rom ert.stmy cummumty age11c1t 'l t/le .'leruict:s which are op pro pn.aJ.t: t C> ll wrr ruwd s. Hespon.'l1h1llt1r.<1 nt.<in mclude urnmg a.<r commun1 ty educot9r wid tu provide CU(lgnusz.s, counseling and purclJ<Lse of seru1ce.s fvr c:/1e11ts Developmental tl1sab1l11u"~ mcludc mental re tordo.tian, cerebral palsy, cpilc:psy,. autism aru:l other senou.'l nl'1.trol11(Jlt,:Ol prubll•ms. Wiim l\1l1/cm11a lt•y1.\Jott(m substituted homes fur state Ju1.\p1tols. tlwm;ar1d1> uf mentally or develop- mentall11 d1sablt:d /111mcl the opportunity to discover and e'TIJVt/ a place 111 mm muruty l1Ji> \\'h1le tlw 11w1or1t11 1nmt to cnmmunity qare /Cl(:tl1/l('s, otha-s hn1•t· 1>1•1·11 plcic1•<.l m /mmly or group ho mt'.\, 'J'o pro1·1d1• a Jo mi/11 t 111w srt uatwn. t hi' county center rn1twfrd a progra111, called Cun.'prot·1ders. who take clu'11t:-. 11111 n •c1uir11111 ltn~p1tallzat wn. fa tl1e /amtl!/ lu11rw, lwnwnwner and clit'11ls lwe togt'tlwr ~<; a /ur111lr1. td11le m a group l1onw. the rc- .<>1denct' of Ilic homn11( ""' <md cl1t"'ltl may be different (n Orang~· Cuunty tlw1c ure 171 careprovu1ers, ser umg 800 dtt,.,1ls. In South Ororiqc Cour1t11 thcre is a great need for homes /or ~tr cl1e11/.o; or le.o;s, Currently then• are 22 homes. aiid an nrtd1twnal :m 1~ needed lo prouule board and care f11r /llU / .!IJ d ll''ll s. They 're known as careprov1clt·rs ll'b ll filling term Cor lh1b coros or 3boul 175 who provide board und care homes for lht: develop· mentally disabled Recruited by the Regionol CentPr of Orun&c County. they ar<.' the vehlcle in offering thP di~­ ablcd the same opportunities for satisfying life cxp1,:riences that are avt11lubh: lo those \Vitboul handicaps. The respon!>1b1ltties are OH.my, and as one expressed it. "There is a lot of risk involved. We really put ourselves on the line." But then, they wouldn't have it ;il1y other way. Although there is some re- muneration. the real reward 1s "the love they give you." As another exprt:ssc•d it, "ll s sce1n~ them take s teps to ~ norm JI ""ay of lire." During a meeting of the Ad I toe Ca re providers Comm 1ltel'. ..., h1ch serves as an advisory group and a hnk between the cenll'r and other careprov1ders. members talked openly about their expenenccs. MOST OP E RATE sm:dl homes for six or less. Wht.>n Ro!>ie Hall talked about advancement of her clients her dark eyes danced with excite- ment. , 1"he n'l<X'll heartwarming 1s that or Sondra, 9, who has been With t.be HaJb for lhc pa.st three yt!ars. A cerebral p;_1lsied, Sondra could not read. write or walk wbl'n she arr1vl'd ··1 wondered what r was get- ting." recalled Mrs. ll a ll . dcscribing her reaction on (1n.t meet ing. "Sondra wore a helm~l and had a SlriP on her lett to bel.p her keep from falling When she did fall she would just lay there not. making any a ttempt to move or get up. "She was dirty and drooled all the time. She couldn't read. write or walk. She was like an animal. ''SHE llAD TANTRUMS all lhe lime and cried all night. She was a very unhappy ltttle girl " Mrs. Hall said that by keeping Sondra neat and clean that in two weeks she had stopped drooling. ''When her mother came to see her, she didn't even recognize her." By doing that 3nd r1xing her hair and dress111g her m pretty clothes, Mrs. Hall sard that Sondra started to care about herself. Today Lhc youn~ster is learn- ing to read and write and walks very well , but the latter has taken considerable effort. With therapy Jnd the tender Orange County is like the old woman in the shoe-it has so many people who need care it doesn 't know what to do. lovirH: care oC Mrs. Hall. Sondro ~gan walking quite well uJm~t 1m med!ait:ly. "But after :Jhe was home for a wet:kend, she'd re~urn and couldn't walk. W1..• h~1d to start all ov{'r again." Mrs. Hall lamented "I thmk a lot of it was emotional. "And. too, when !iht: wouJd be with hes· parents. she JUSt ate all the time and then would be sick "hen she returned,'· Mrs. liall udded. TUE CARE P ROVIDE D by Mrs. Hall included reporting these incidents Lo her counselor who in tum served as the liaison with Sondra ·s parents to work out w h a t ever probl ems were manifested on home v1s1ts. Sondra was tbe most unusual case discussed during the Ad Hoc meeting. However. others parallel her progress. Why do people become careproviders'! It certainly is not the money, because they can't qualify 1( they are dependent on it. There seems to be a special caring space rn their hearts and a certain knowingness that they can fulfLll the needs of the de- velopmentally disabled. For some, 1t has been natural as they have had rdat1ves giving this kind of care in 1 he past and they ''sort of grew up with It." But J ennifer Onstott got excil· ed about the alternative lo tn· stitutional care when she was do- ing genetic research in graduate school. She decided then and lhcro that she wanted lo be part or the pro- gram. I N H E R MlDOLE 20s and single, l\fs. Onstott s~id gettm~ licensed was a "real cx- perrenct' ... She feels there might have been more screening given her than others. but she said 1l was a growth experience and conse- quently she became more con- " meed that th1:. was a role she wanted for hl•rst!IL She has t"o children: One, is a girl. 4 12. and profoundly re- t3rded. Ms. Onstott sponsored her for 212 vcars c.it Fairview State llosp1tai. About the other, a boy 21 ~ yt•ars old, Ms. Onstott says ::.hi'-. "determined he will not contrnuallv be cl:.issified as dcvelopmcntaily disabled." She said it cost her about $.5.000 to add special features and equipment to her home to fulfill certain requirements. But why was 1l so important to do all this, to qualify as a careprov1der? "'They <the children ) give me terrific pleasure. There is such l:>at1i.fact1on with the love they give you. "1 know this is a \'ery selfish thin~ and st•lf-centcred. But l need them. l guess l am Jlt:>l a profe.ssional mommy. ' 0 MY CJllLDKEN are ju11L pt>r(t'cl for Jennifer Onstott." Other cornmtltee members tulked about out-of-pocket ex penses. an<1 ont.• said she figured oul that she m3kes "about fivl' cents un hour." Obviously, t he pay doesn'l :ilways cover rare costs. and there's always the possibility of bl!i n g s u ed -eve n for m alpractlc(•, so insurance pre- miums arc a must. Another risk 1s tho gamble of spending money on equipping a home to qualify and then not be licensed ... or that the license is not renewed (They huve to be rc- newPd annually). However, this group seemed confident. They rind ~reat re. wards tn being can~providers. a role they want to continue. Some even talked about oJ)t!n· ing more ~roup homes. Richard Mamula, a senior couns<.'lor, concluded, ''the home care program is living testimony thal love and rn\.olvcment really changes a life ••• for the bet· ler" Wh;,il IS required o( ca rt•pro\ 1d1·1 x • • They arc to provide: Daily 2·1 hour !>llPl'rvision. -Trunsvort;,al1011 to a ll mt•dt('al ;rnd dental appoint - ments 'fhr('e well prepared, well balanced meab daily. -Suffict('nl and well fitting clothing that 1s clt•an. in good re- pair, adc-quate for lhe season. and appropriate for age and culture. -When necessary, assistance to the cltcnt 111 maintaining adc· quate person:.11 hygiene. Ad.:-quatc room, a separate, comfortable bed. and adcquat1: linens which must l>c changl'd weekly or a:-. required. Heg1onal Center places clients in a home only when the client, his family, th(' carcprovider and lhc center counselor agrees lhal it is the bt!st course of action. ThC' us ual rate paid. for room, board and care of a client is $285 pcl' monl h . Under special c1n·uslanc<'s. this rate may be in- t'rl'asl'd 1f the client requires ex- tra SCr\'lC('S. Rl'fcrrals may be made only to liccnH'<l homes. • To be lice n sed b y t h e Califo rnia State Depart ment of Health, the provider must havt> good credit, h ealth arid character, and no record of serious criminal violations. In addition. the house must be safe from fire. and large enough to accommodate both family m embers and clients. 1-~urther information about the procram is available by contact· ing the center <it 1215 West Laveta, Oran~e 92668, phone 997-3000 or 835-1:ns. BEA ANDERSON, Editor ihu1$day,April 21, 1977 8 1 'Invisible' Youths Spotted· A recent study · show& 16 percent of the Youth Authority's caseload was classified By JUl)l'f ll OJ,SO'l Of IN 0411y l'llol ~1•11 'When retarded childr('n and uouth become f'llme.,hed m our 1uuc.m1I~ jwtice ~!l~m. 11.'t rft-f1r1('fl('t('.~ or~ multlpl1rd many t1m1'°' 11111•r To ~poor, rl'tardrd. and cauyht m the toils o/ lhe law is lfw> oft en on mv1ta· tion to trogrdy • -K rllu$, 1972 Crime rates climb. More and more youths are f(ellini.: in trou- ble. New approaches to preven- tion and treatment are tried. But all the diversion programs in the world cannot help a young ofCender if he is developmentally disabled and the probation de- par tment and court. a r e not aware of it. A s mall number or these "in· visible" youngsters are sli pping into the juvenile j ustice system In Orange County each year . ac- cording to a pan el of specialists who spoke durlng a conference on d evelopmentally disabled youth and the Jllvenile justice system. The conference, sponsored by the UCl Youth Service Program and Regional Centl'r of Orange County , focused on current r esponses to developm Pnta lly disabled youth offenders and the ouUook for the future Developm ent a lly di!labled youths include those who are menta lly retarde d or h ave • epi l eps y , n euro t ogiC'al handicaps, cerebral palsy or are autistic. ACCORDING TO F IGURES prepared by t he UCl Youth Service Program, three peteenl of the general population is re- tarded, with the majority of these people classified as mildly re- tarded or borderline. Results of the 1970 general census indicate that at that Ume there were 26,000 reta rded in- d 1 viduals in Orange County. Also. a recent study r eviewing services pro v i d e d b y t h e Califorrua Department of Y~ Authority noted that 16.S percent of their caseload was classified as mentally retarded, or a total or nearly 3.000 youths. In the past, many or these young people would have been placed In institut~ons but. several ' current trends are keeping them nthome. First is the con cept or .. nor malization" or "main !\treaming," wrucll means that retarded indlvtdunls ar e beinR kept in Lhe mainstream or lire. Second, pa r en ts have been educ. led more <ind more to ex- pect to care for their retarded children at home with the help of special educalion3l services and community resources. SO 'l1IE MAIN concern or pro- r essionals in both the mental h ealth and law e nfor ceme nt rields has become spotting dis- abled youngsters before they enter the juvenile justice system and devising ways of helping them adjust to society. Two themes emerge<ffrom the day-long meeting at the universt· ty, which opened with a keynote address by R1ymond Vin~nt, presiding judge oC Orange Coun- ty Juvenile Court. First, there hkely will be more educational programs for police offi cers, judges and probation or. ricers so they can more easily spot youths with developmental disabilities and second, the com- m unity will be expected to pro- \'ide more resources tor tbei.r care. Police orricers, JUdf(es and as- signed probation officers should gel more lnformation from out· side rC$0urccs, Judge Vincent said. "The old theory th:it JudJ{cs know everythin~ is ludlcrous. T he court It.self could use more information." be added. J UDGE VINC ENT a l s o stressed that more t reatment· t ype resources s hould be de- veloped in the community. H e challenged the conference delegates to do something more than return to their jobs saying. "This was interesting.'• "Let this be the start or something big: an on1toing errort to remain aware or the problem, ldentlfy l.be youngsters, improve methods and create an educ3. tional process.,. During an afternoon panel rive ·speakers talked about the cur- rent system r esponse to the de. velopmentaJ1y disabled youl.b of- tendei-and what lies ahead.· Ll. J•ck Graydon, from the Los Angeles Sherltr's Depart- ment. aaid his deJ)artment seeks out professionals from severnl fields to help deal with dJsabled youth.! who commit cr imes. "We're not medically trahied but. we train our people to spot a c!uster of symptoms,'' be added. "We look at a youngster and the re~n he came before us." With the current approach, his department has a 92 percent sue cess rate in keeping youths out of the system. THE MOST I M P ORTANT change, he added, is bringing proressionals from education, social service and medicine into the picture. "Ten years ago we wouldn't be caught dead in the same room with a social work- er," hesaid with a laugh. Michael Schumaker , Orange C ounty Juve nil e Cou rt a dministrator, said the court has a dual responsibility: to provide adequate levels of treatment for youths and to protect society lrom offenders. Schumaker said the develop-mentally d UlabJed orrender is "rather an lnvl.siblc populatJon, •• w h i c h he d iscover e d after canvassing juvenile court re· lerees. ''They could not r ecall an in· dividual who was mentally re-- t ar d ed, '' Scbumakel' said. "Either they are not d iagnosed or are being diverted oul. "It is a small population but one deserving special attention." Schumaker noted that t he court depends on other agencies lo bring informotion about off en· ders to it. "The court is passive," he said. "The court is a 'ln er of raot ' "FOR T HIS PARTICULA R youngster, we may be havutg a as mentally retarded , a total of nearly 3, 000 youtfzs. derfcjt as to the true diagnosis. But what do we do? 1 suspect there is a lack or resources in this community.•• Sh1rley Lawther, a supervising probation orrlcer. agreed that there are not enough community services available. Her depart- ment now has special offi cers as- Rigned lo the t ask of seeking out r esources, however . Ms. Lawther said she bclkves that having more lop qualit y .fost er homes would solve many of the problems of dealing with d evelopm e n ta ll y d isabled youngsters. "There arc-:i few (food foster hom('s available now but more are nC'ed<.'d. If we had cnoush. f cw other resou recs would be needed.'' (Sfflnvlslblt, Pag~B?) I • ~ I .. . . . H~;; 'Ads' Charm ! AT WIT'S END By ERMA BOMBECK l've been reudlng a lot lately about vacation house swapping and frankly I'm intrigued by it. Goodies Wee : FRANCE; Rem'dled fa.rm , 1S ml. Geneva. 5 bedr'ms. 2 baths. near ski resort. Or VER.MONT, Ludlow, Mt. chalet, g rms .• two baths. Or bow about CANADA, Nanaimo, lux. ' bedr'ms, 8 baths, sea front, boat, sailing, skiing, salmon fishing. The plan is the brainchild of Wilma Ferguson of Winnetka. lll., who originated a pro- gram callod Advonturce-ln-Llving. As I told my husband, "Maybe we could ex· cbango our home for a lush Hawaiian bea<?b estate or a chic Manhattan apartment, or bow about a luxurious ~ilia in Spaln?" "Are you kidding? You couldn't for~ hostages to spend the o1iht here.•' "l can't believe you are saying th.Ls! This house is per!ecUy charnung. !l's near lhe waler." "Especially behind the washer Where the floor is rot.ting out.•• "Has a panoramic view." "Of a panoramic hillhway. · ''Has rustic charm.'f' "Not the least being the plumbing.·· "Is near city cultural attractions." · 'Stnce when does the road company o! 'God's UtUeAcre' spell cultural attractions?" "ShowcAScl l'd have to !Ix the doorbell, r4!'p1a~ the dental noss with a chatn oa the lamp In the U\1ng room. seed the path with grass lead- ing from the mailbox to the front door, reflnl!>h the coffee table where YOUR daughter left her bot cur1ers plugged tn, take down the Christmas decorations and rtnd the garage. Good grief, woman. do you know the work Involved?" "List.en to thia.'' I aald. "How does this ad sound for our house: 'Stunning SpanJsh mlni- vUla, 4 bedr'ms, spac. ouldr area for entrtng. anUques gator, lntor. primitive architecture, nature wonderland for the adventmous." He grabbed the paper, "That's our house? You know something? When you put It down on paper like that, It sounds terrtfl~. In fact. I don't tee why we should eveo go out of town th ls sum. tner. Why don't we just at.ay home and enjoy our nature wonderland?" ••1.n this dump 7" I shrieked. TENNIS LESSONS a LESSONS• 112.50 !!IHilN lJP T .. 8 Wl!E1' COSTA. MESA TENNU CLIJB 557-0211 Excitement Doubled for Art Auction "WeU. if you don't have some pride ln your home, I do. 1 cannot imagine why some other family wouldn't snap et the chance to come visit a southwest showcase.·' Coming Soon to Westcliff Plaza The art auction scheduled for Friday. April 29, in the Halecresl Clul>. Costa MeRa, will be doubly e xciting because it 's sponsored by Or<.1ngc Coast Mothers of Twins. Jlors d 'ocuncs and cocktails will be served at 8 p.m. preceding the sale. T1 c:kcts will be available at the door. Trying to outbid each other in <.1 pre view are Jan and J en - nifer Spurgeon and auctioneer is Christi Drue. CALENDAR Criticism Wears Thin CAREER SEMINAR: Beverlee KeUey will discuss people skills and problem solving daring a seminar Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m . al the Irvine Host Hotel. Irvine. Information is available Crom Ms. Kelley at 675-9615. DERA AN N LANDE RS: Ylhat is the matt e r with some women? Don't they re· alize that the way thei r husbands' clothes look 1s a reflection on Tl lEM? We just came horn<' from a party -it wasn't a formal. but it WAS :i dinner. I w::is appallC'd at tho way some or th1• hus bands showrd up Their suit~ 1w1.•dC'd pres~ ing, and buttons wen • missing from both shirts and s uits. One man·!! cuffs were held tOgethl·r with safety piM anrt he• had a hole In his sock. The wives all looked ter· rific. They mus t have spent the whole day get · ting ready. Such ind iffcr~ce on the part of a wif<' h.is got to ~ a comb1nat1on of Jaziness anri ii;?norn ncc Please pnnt this l<'lt1•r and mayb<> som e of them will q uit l ook in ~ at t hcm :.t'h c~ Ion~ l'nou i:h to look .1l th~·1r h11~h.ind~ and mak1' ~uri• th1· l'"'ir J.!UY~ an· pr1·~t>nl .1hl·· when lhl'v i:o out for Jn evC'ning . .:... uTTC' A DEAR U.: I m:.v ~1·t my neck "ruog for !.a) ing this, but !>how ml' a married man who look-; RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY ~YauWont ...... " I 912 Hart-II-rd. C01to ~so -S41-0259 Rose Hips Safari Group Hunting for Tigers or Foxes! Perfect for any hunt: jump $40 pant $20 jacket $32 Not shown: skirt $24 vest $20 like a rl'lugee from a rummage sale and I'll !'ihow )OU a wife who doesn't care about him. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Another birthday has passed and not a phone call, a card o r a small gift from a ni<'ce or a nephew. (We havt'scvcn.) My husband a nd I wcr<' never bl essed with youngsters of our own. but we've never failed to remember our sisters' a nd brothers' chJldren at Chris t mastime and on their birthdays. Those rhildren are now in their t eens a nd early 20s. Although they always r <'s p ec tfull y ar knowlcdge the gifts we sC'nd. not one of them has cvC'r remembered us in any Yt ay Don"t the y rea lize rhtldle.'\S aunts and un- rlt"I can h<' awful!\ lone- ly :it holiday llm~' Are "" w ronj! to f <'<'I put out., I :-; \'I ~ l B L E H f:L.\Tl\'ES OF.AR REl..LJES: Any rhlld who ~t"ls an ai- lowance or earns pocket monf'y should be able lo buy a card or a small gill for an auot and u.ncle who remember them on birthdays and Chrlstmu. A handmade ~Ut -a t.ln ol cookies or somf'thing made at srhool -has a special, "4!ntimN1tal touch. C'bildf<'n in tht>ir tttns and :?09 sbouJd not need to be told about rt>· clprocalloo. Since-) ours do, 1 suggest you mall them this column and sigo your name to it. If yo ur birthd a y o r Christmas (whlche\ er comes first) d~n·t pro· dace a card or r e - membrance from lht'S<' kids, stop "remember ing" them. Thi:. advice From 81 Ann~ L<:inders goes ror gran~parents, 31\ WPll. • • • Invisible Jerry Matney, chief administrator of juvenile court schools ror Orange County admitted he had "'a bunch of nC'l!all \'CS" when he bcJ!an his t alk "Eiithty p...rrcnt of all dt'linquents in Oran~c County bavc lt'urnini;? d1sab1lttics." he as:.crtcd. "The Juvenile JUSlicl· "YStPm docs not diagnose le arning dJs ab1hlJcs. The state docs not a nd Lh{• J::Overnflr rloc.•s not rccoi:nizc dehnqucnts with learning d1-.ah1hl1l'S '"Orani.:t> Count~ has no studies. no research. no a~Sl>:.sml:nt. no I n•atmcnt. There are no special education teachers in the juvenile court system. no funchnl! ·· Ills dcp~lrtmcnt may i:ict an educational psycholog1::.1, h~' s a1ri , hut the process of obtain- ing one ha.-; been ··vrr y painful." Matney stressf'd that clinical research and screcnm(! of <il l incarct•rall'd youth \s essential. ''Otherw1sc.' · ht• ~;aid , '·'wt•'rc not going to pick up the lods. • "We nN•d chang1's 1n the pubhc educalion prof(ram We need to work with kids in their own cn\"ironmcnt. "I hatt> to arN·nt uatt' the negative." he as· scrted. "'But that° I' th<• only way we'll get change and t tJunk Wl' neC'd changl• · LAGUNA BEACH J UNlORS: Members will attend the district convention at Gnswold's in Claremont Friday and Saturday, Apnl 29-30. Carolyn Zehner. a La~una Beach member, will be installed as district president. Local officers are Debby Arnett. presjdenl; Barbara l.aird and Sherry Stephe ns, vice presi· dents ; Sharon Pelcrs. treasurer, and Gayle Brown. s ecretary. HARBOR KEV: The support group has an· nouncC'd a $20,000 donalion to the Child Guidance Center of Oran~c County as a result of its auction last Fcbnrnry. SOUTH CO/\..CiT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL: The auxiliary is curr <'lllly laking applications for medical awards to he given to two graduatin~ seniors from Laguna Dcuch and Dana Hills High Schools. Applicants arc limHl'd to those planning to <'nter a mcdically·rclatrd program in a college or university in the fall. Deadline for applica- tions is Sund a~. M ~·Y l. DAR: An Automobile Club !Um, titled "Ledy Beware'' v.111 be presented lo the Clara Barton chapter at 7· 15 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, in the Mercury Savings ::ind Loan building, Huntington Deach. ..................................... i LAST TWO WEEKS I I RED~ SALE I :.! ~~~~.~!!... i! * POLYESTER KNITS I * COTTONS-COTTOM BLEHDS I .: ! c. ABBOTT'S FABRICS I 2610 E. Coost Hwy. • COf'OM chi Mer 644-8383 • • • • ..................................... The Clothes Horse 21 5 Marine A venue Balboa Island IS SUMWEAR 1917 Sundresses. Jeans Blouses. Swimwear & Accessones IAJ.IOA ISLAND 67~0770 Quitting Business ..... After 25 Years Gerber~Baies 5.1\1:~ Spring Sale! Drastic Reductions S;ivirigs on the purchase of these beautiful h.1ndcrafted. hand finished setsl Made from the finest cutlery steels to provide cutUng Instruments of unequalled quality. Both sets packaged In __ ..._. ........... beautlful white gift boxes. Perteet for giving lo those for whom you cart. Everything Must Gol 10 DAYS ONLY $ PANTS BLO\JSES a~ SKIRTS TABLES TOPS, ETC. dJr/l/11111r»~~J VlaUdoPlau Hours 9:30-5:30 673-9150 :)423 Via Udo. Numb« 13 C-dOor '" .._.... 111"""1 Sundays 12:00.5.-00 M&-0321 Hou,.1CM &in. 11·& pd~· ,. ........... ,,,.~,. .... -"\-... .~-=....-~--------------~------------------------, I Bro ham er Suffers. Frustration as Suh 8) ROGER Ci\ftl,SOS Of 11\f' o ••• , "'''°' s .... Former llurt' -•ton Ut•<1ch llJgh &tar Jack Brobamer, a member of th~ Ch1t'J).(11 While Sox. finds hunseU-rn a perplexing s ituation these cl:.i~ s ,,.., anotht?r man rills his shoes as the regular second baseman . Forl'ed lo sit 011 t ht.· -.1clt.•ltn(.'1' while alt.star Jorge Ort<* is busy accumulating a 286 avt·ra.,:t• through lhe firs t nine game~ or American League b11:;.l'l1.ill 1u·tmn, Hrohamer was not even able to make the trip wP:;.l w 1lh l ht• <'lub, clue to an infection. "It's a strange case ri ght now." says Brohamer. "As it stands now mCtybL· I won 'l Ul' with lhc \\ h1te Sox much longer s ince they have rl'al111·<1 tht·v l'oin 't t•lay Jpri:e anywhere else ex- cept second baltl' lit"-. hilling :mo t•vt•ry year and is an all-star player. but ht.• hurb tht• < luli al any olhN pos 1t1on. "The front ofllc<· ha'> ci:-.kt·d me to be patient, they realize I'm a victim of c1rcum:;.l.in1•1. .. ., at this poml," says Brobamer. White Sox man<is.:t•r llob Lemon, a Long Heach resident. !>ays Brohamcr 1s being u-.t•d :;,olt•ly <.t!'> 1n:.urancc at sc·cond or third base and nolhmi.: .... n •a lly 1n th<· 1mmed1ate plans concerning the Huntington Bl'i.1th 111 ocluct. no" m ht:. Mxth year 1n the major leagm•-. ~ "Orta ah~ a\'\\ .ts a S£•cond ba-.cman until the\ !>tarted mo' 111g him around, .,,I\:-l.l•mon "W<• nc.-cct h1:;. hat in the lmeup." <Orta ~bat\\ a ... n l in lht' lineup Wc:dncsclay hO\\ t•\'t•r , a5 Chicago be~ll'd lht• <'ahfo1 n1.1 1\n~cls. :1 2. al An;ihe1m Stadium.> Will Hroh.1nwr ht• the <ilJJect of :,i lrcide "1th Orta filling that i-pot so \\Cll'' '"Jh<•rc•'<, nothing m the \\Or ks." says Lemon, "but o f courst• 1~ am mw mad<' a l<'~1t1mate offer we would~ 't 5ta nd m Brohamt.•r ::. .,.. J) Brnhamcr has bct:n <&n asset to this club, but he hasn 't bt•cn at full '\1rt•ngth recently And with Orta at second. we 're onl) think 111g of Hrnh.iml•r as tn~urnnce." Brohamc·r ~il''" mayhc Orta und himsl'lf may be gone by the trading deadhn<• of ,/11111· 15 "ll 's qucst1onahlc whcther the Wh ite Sox" Ill J,!1v1· what Ort.1 1., askinl{ for." says Rrohamer. "A:;. for rnyst•lf. 1 ·m Just lr.> mg to be pat1t·nl and wait cind sec ''hat happrn:;, Y1•:;,, I'm <11s<1ppointcd that l haven't bcC'n pl<1y· mg," Hroh<1nwr =-•')'-\'la leil'phom• from hb home in Woodnditl', Ill ... !\h•airn htlt'. Ort a eonl1nul' ... 1n lh<· White Sox infield and Hroh<1nwr "' fll'lltlll1rl 111 to rqo1n hi ... duh in Detroit as the current trip l'OnlinUt'!'> Dod~ers Top Reds Sutton Epitomizes Great Pitching, 3-1 C'INCI:"<:'\t\'11 IAl'l . It \\J ... likl' a hank roblwr p111!1ng off a job and gt'lling through ~1 pol1Cl' nl'I. ··!>all.I Tom111\' 1.a:;.orda Tht• Lo-. i\n~elt•, Dodi.:1•r-. managl•r \\:J!> rt•ft•rring to !Jon !:iulton \ mull' r~oing :l :! '11'1orv on•r lhc C11H·1nn:il1 I< 1·tb \\I'd 11£':-cl:J,\ Sutton. "hn pit1·h1·d .1 ..,,., l'n h1tkr. !'>J\\ ll cl1ffpn•nt I) · I fdl Dodger• S late AllG•mHon KAl\C 1,.01 '\or1f 1'1 Ln' AtV)'~I• "',,f All 1• 1 , AOril 't t rr A"Y)f 11' ti At '"' I I ') l1 AOr'•l71lo'~""'..-'"''(,·fl/\tl.rnt 1 1 , 1 n Ap,,,,,,_,,-..A.~·h -. •1'-•"C• • ,, hkt• Carnwn B;i-.il1u ".11l1111g Ill' way pJ:;.t \tuh.1111111.111 Ali. -..11d Sulton. "ho "t .11 lwn·d 11•111 at•·d l'1n1·inn.1ll thn•.1h 111 pr11p1 I llw Uoclgt•r-. lo llw1r ..,,., t'lllh -.1r.11!'ht \ 11.•tnn anti,, !I :!" .1-.on :;,t .1rl "\\h,11 ~11tl111l 1l1d lod.1\ C).llltlnll/1·-. \\ h.11 .1 ~It ,II 11111 ht I he• 1~. · :;.,11<1 (,.1-.11n la llt• h:11I h1-. bat•k tu llw \\all r11,1n\ linw-. E"'·n · 111n111c h1· ":" 111 l11111h1t · bul ht• Ill'\ 1•r q111 1 " Su ti on '' ,1.., -.oppot l•·d lo\ homo run:;. fr 11111 l>:iu• l.11p1•-. .111d H.,11 Ct'.' Lop<':;. 11p1•1wd 1tw g.1m1' \qlh .t l<'adoff honw1 ol I Vr1·1! :"\111 man. ti l. \\ ht1 ;11-.n \\ .i~ l;1J.!~'1•d lur I h• l\\n run ... 11111 II\ t ·,., 111 lh1· '1\lh that hrol..1• .1 I I 111• II ,.,nl lh1· lh•d., -.k11ld111~ 111 lh1·11 1·1i.:h1h111· .. ltl lhl' l.1 .. 1 10 l!.111\•·-t1111pp111 . Gym.pas ties Set Tonight Th<' l S (; \ m11.i-.111·.., F1·1lc·r .1 lion \\ 111 pr<"-.1'nt tlw l!ti, , h.1111 p1onsh1p:;. or lhe· l ~,\ 1 0111~·111 through Sa111rtl.I\ .it t .11 -..1.111· Unt\'ers1tv n 'ull1·r1 11n I The t•vt•nt. hn-.lt'd h\' !'-1 '.\Tt.., <Southt•rn Cal1forn1.1 ,\, ro Team l or W1·-.tm1n-.t1•1 will feature lh<' 11 <1t1on '!\ :M 1·1111' womt•n gymnast-.. indmllni.: 11 from lhC' Lns 1\nge•l1'-. h,..,.111 RcprC'scnting llw SCATS an• .Jill Jory of Villa l'ark . l>onna l\t•mp of El Monte. i\ndra Turrwr cif P I a c <' n t 1 a : a n d L 1• s I 1 t.• WoHsberg<'r of Torr;inr 1' C'ompl'litlon., ht'g1n .it 7 30 :ind arC' sch<'tlull'ri a..; fnllcl\\-. rompuborw.., J\pril 21. opt1on:ib April 22; ;md finals i\pril 23 Adm1ss1on IS S.:J for ton 1 ~ht, s~ . for April 22. 23. Adm1ss1on for all three nh!hL'l 1" SlO lht.•m to last place in lhC' National Ll'ague We:;.t, 5';: gaml·s bt•htnd the Dodgers Sutton. 2-0. \\ inlll'r of 16 of his IJs t 18 dcc1::.1ons :;.panning t\\O st·ason-.. dt·ft.'ated tht.• }frds for lhl' f1 r:;.l l1mc sinte .July 1975 :ind 1:;. lfi 17 lifNime vs. Cinctnn1At1. Thl' vclt•ran right -handC'r l'hOkl•d uff Cincinnati lhn·ats on fl\ l' O('('a!>IOOS, g iving up lhc Rl'd:;. · lom· run in lhc fifth when t\•sar Ct•ronimo singled and Ken (;nfft·~ doubll'd off the top of lht• ldt l't'nlC'r f1clcl "all CINCINNATI LOS ANGELES •b r h b• ,,, .... , .. 1 y ttru I 1t) r I\ rt 1.1,J ...... 1 j Jli f) ''n trt rt t 0 I) 1" • • f " n 1 t • ,,,n ..... .,, .• 1•-t ft '" Y Q"'1t'I I U "• • I ... ' ,, 41'\)<I~ n •""_.f i.'\'' ,li, 1 t-: ,, ...... ..,.. • 11r.,,.p , [ ? r " 4' ... ,.., 1 l ')'l ., ... ~ ... .. . . .. " •h f ,,, l' " ,, ''"" MO ' < I ) '\h 4,/\•1• IP H II Ell 118 so ' ' I •, ''" ,,, r't ' \ • ... tll 1V Announces Football Fare '\E\\''lOHK \P > AnC \1.111 lo.1(\.. off its 19-;'i colil-ge football le In 1-.1on p:Jeka~t.· .,.. 1th Notr<' l>nm1• ag:iin't ddcnrl1oi: national 1·h.1mp11 m Plllshurgh o n St•pt JO 11 ",t, .mnounct><I \\\·rinC'-.d<n ·1 ht• Ol'l\.\ork \\Ill follO\\ llµ \\Ith .1 Monda\ night g..c mP on S<'pl 12 111.111 h1ng l'! LA ..cg,.11n'\l I lnuston Otht•r 11.1mf' ... lo hi' lt•ln l'C'd nil I 1 on .1 11 ' 1 n c I u d <' 1\ I a b a m a . ~'llllh<·m L1llforn1a. Ohio State • ;\l 1t'h1,.:: an and NP bras k a Okl.ihomJ Thi' network has left 'l'' t•rnl dates open and will fill in lhc• schE'dlllE' at a future date ,,,,,. '"''r1·1•• ...,,.,l! ' Nt•lt• I',,,,, •' Pdl ,,,lftl',,\81 '' n1 1) t1rl A'' ••n•1 .Inn not•f)f"\"I ~t>Ot 11 Al ttl.1m ~ ·ti ""I• t>r,..,.~ • IQw ..t <.t,u,. •I M w"' Ru"t<Wn "' v.11 tlnt1 \..oln l\1fl"f>t> ~tdt,. At l\••tnn-t ,.11rtA(,11"ttMI'. '"'O' 1' °''"'~om~ ~t Oh1t't St.ti* M"f"yland d JJfa-nn 'tc11,.. M<t-.,ff( "u'•''" "' Haf"Y·.trd th1Q,,,11m Voun.1 ~t UIArt \tdttt dnd a fifth Q"'""' to b~ .. nnnyl'\(1t(j ..tit rPQ•Or"ffl' Ott I AfdtMM<4 ttl South,.f"n ("hf~rH~ N No¥ Ill Otl•n St ~1• At MtC ""'"'" 4nd • Cf'<or'td ,,,.,..,,,.1 b""l"lti()IJ''f• t1 n H•onl'tl ,,_,.""" H N• hrd'"-rl -ti QtJ l .. f'lnm-t t\.tl•~I ,..,111"_.,,, C ll UCL~ "'""t r<11'h r q.11mr' 1o bf' •n no""' f'f'J ~•ltr.-q1ftnll N flV 1t. A.rm¥•NdVY ttndtl 'KOnd Q.tme tobt \t'\f'tt'Ju,..tlid n•tk)n1t fl•r l HOU\ton ~1t y,.,., •.S.M 4"'\d ot""f" q-tm•·' lo~ ..-io0vnrM 1tll r•q10tMh SoCal Tramples UCLA WESTWOOD South<'rn California Collcg<' thumped lhC' UCLA Bruin!>, 15-4. WC'dncsdciy evening in collC'J(iat<' bai-C'ball at Sawtell(' Field.· In rackmg up their 23rd victory in 41 decisions. the Vanguards of sec coach Doug Adams never trailed and capped the rout with an eight-run 111nlh inning with Randy GrC'er's grand s lam homr run topping the res llvil1cs. Kent Mt~ ashiro W('nt five in· nings for 0 thC'. winn('rS on the mound and Jtained credit for th<' victory whllr Ooh Sampson finis hed up lhc final four frames. It ~ ll5 Southern Cahforn1a Colle~e·s first evl•r '1ctory ovt•r UCLA Stan Thomas got things going n~ht for the winners with an rbi triple in the second inning as sec Jumped to a 2·0 lead. Gary Skelton also had an .extra base tut, doubling in the fourth inning. Southern California College re- turns to action Saturday with a doubleheader (noon) at La Mirada 's Biol a College_ * * * sec •" • ~ 114 Wood re (l'l•o••u .. •A\ II ft 1 1 1 Wtf\Of'I lt> p,.,,.,, h s 1 t n Ad•m~ 1t> Grrttr ct fJ 2 J .t 4tbin lD \~,.110" r1rt ~ l 1 Q Mtf~Ut'Uf"Q. D \t 1'H•11ttf ( ~ 2 ] 2 \amD~f'I 0 T,,om11 tb \ t • 3 f ot41' k ..... , ......... 4 1 I I ' , 1 l 1 0 I 0 , , 0 0 O 11 0 II 0 0 0 0 ••H ti U 010 )10 70t IS Ill I 001 010 oeo -•" J ' Thursday April 2~ 1977 DAILY PILOT 83 Kings Duel Br11ins Tonight lNGLEWOOD CAP) -The Los Angeles Kings, s tageered by losbes to the Boston Bruins in the opening three games of their Na· tional Hockey League playoff series, are happy to be alive in the series and Lo be back home. The Kings, who cut the Bruins' edge to 3-2 with a victory at Boston in game five, try and tie the best-of.seven series tonight in game six at the Forum. The game was one few thought would be necessa.ty after Boston had overpowered the sluggish Kings early in the series, sweep- ing the first three games. But Los l\finnow Puts Bite On Angels Chicago manager Bob Lemon "inked and s aid he had dis- covert.-d the secret of how to beat the California Angels. "Yo u have to gC'l their m1l11on:.11re players out," he quipped. Now AngC'ls manager Norm Sherry has lo discover the secret of getting out one of Chicago's poorer free agents. Eric Soderholm, one of the few major leaguers who enjoys bat- ting against Nolan Ryan 's fastball, collected three hits. in- duding a horn£' run, and scored twice. IC'ad1ng the White Sox to a 3 2 \'ICtory over California Wed- n('sd ay night. Soderholm, who sat out lhe 1.•nt1rc 1976 sC'ason with injuries "hill' r('cupcrating from s ur· ge r y, received only the guarantcc of a ha lf.year 's s alary fo r signing a~ a free agent with the Wlult> Sox Free agents Joe Rudi, Don Baylor and Bobby Grich re· ct·l\·ed a total of $5.2 million from the Angels ''I w::is JUSt a minnow in the pool of frcr agC'nts." said SodC'rhol m. om• of lhc :;.I rongcsl playC'rs in the m:JJOr h.·ngucs. Sodt•rholm 's hits wcrt• goo<l for six hasc-s W<'dn£'sr1 :1y ni g ht. The Ani:il'ls' lno had thrPc ::.inglcs Sorlcrholm was 1\l inne::.ota 's r<'· gulur third ha:.eman for two \Cars when his c<1rc£'r ncarlv ~ndNI August W. 1975 He fell 12 f('l't mto .i :-.lorm drain. fractur· 1ng two rib' Whil e 1n the hospital. ht• ai...o had !>urgery to n•pa1r dcimJgl'd hgamenb in h1~ ldt kne<· Tht' T\\tns "Jlched him tr\' Jnd run. dN·iclt•d hi:-carC'er .... a~-. O\ ~·r <1nd h.mrlcd him his re lt•JS(' "I ht'J.!l!l'd them to sign me for S35.000. · lw rt•culled "They '' ou ldn t It .,.. a s the mos t dC'prt'S'-lfll.! trnw of my life. ( spt•nt eig ht month:;, in n·habihta- l1on "l 'nt ti t wn "eek!> b£'fore s pring tru1n1ng I rl1dn·l know 1f I could play again " CHICAGO CALIFOllNIA .. t>, h b• o1tt r "bi ttt~,11 '" t 1 R11.,,vlb ..tO 1 l ~ fhl l•·r .,t, t 0 0 () r,r I( h '1 J 0 1 f') .. ,, '''"'''11') <. tnint jh ' <> I n ROfl<I\ '1 • 0 0 0 4 t 1 () H•'V''>'" dh 3 0 0 () ~ n " t') Rufi• It ' O 1 0 Od•·rtit)IM Jtl l l ) ' 8n(~tPCf '> 1 0 0 l . m"" f t n 1 1 f"nt''" \ l ' ' 0 • t ., o n n, •o<J\ , ,.. 1 n '1 o IOOfJ t-tch.,b-);pnC 1 000 k Jnnf"\ CJ" 0 I) 0 0 ._. •rnotonc t 0 0" I "\t •I l 01 ..,t 37 1 1 1 "'' '1' Otrl tlO nnn J r"' .tnr • ~ 100 n10 2 l ,-,,,~~ "-'""d,..,,,,,k O'-'-<a11torn•., 1 LOS ("'' ,.,ntl '""'' '"'•"•<t1 HA <..no.-.r'->lmC)) ~6 -G"'"' ., N OH'\ftw\• '\I°" Pf'MY tP H • £11 118 50 _.,.,t"C') W 7 l"lf \ I 0 t f l .. ,,,,,# ' ' ' , l fofv •"ti 1 7\ 4 1 1 ) I • ,,, .. t•r.--nwnt T-111 A-u111 Ange les snapped back with a victory in the fourth game, then won 3· l Tuesday night al Boston. The }(jngs received a telegram before the ga 1lr"Boi.ton that read: "We a cheering you m LA. \'our f thful 16,505," the numberofs ctators. "We're in the same situation now as last year," the Kings' Butch Goring said. ''We've eotta win the last two." Goring slid that playing in front of the home crowd could make u difference. ''They're probably the best fans in hockey," he said. "They could have booed us in tbe fourth game, but they d1dn'L They stuck with us." Rogie VaC'hon, who had a spectacular game in the nets 1n game flve, shared Gonng's senti- ment. "Our fans are g reat," the goalie said. "Even after I had thos"e bad games, they didn't forget what I did during the season and in the past. They were still cheering me." VaC'hon, who had given up 23 goals in the first four games of the series, had 39 saves in Tuesday's victory. Boston coach Don Cherry, say. mg tho Bruins had dominated Tu-esday's game but ~till lost.; wus visibly upset afterward' Most of his anger was directed <tlt referee Dave Newell, who called a costly penalty on the Bruins• Gregg Sheppard when Boston was making a desperate attempt to tie the SC'orc. "In Stanley Cup playoff com- petition it is a shame to call a penully like that," Cherry said. "We had been ganging up aroW1d the net and the Kings were tack I· mg, holding, doin~ everything. But Newell calls nothing " AP P1'olo GUS WILLIAMS OF THE WARRIORS LOSES CONTROL OF THE BALL. Jahhar-Makes the Difference &ury Scores 40, Object,s to Lakers Scrimmages INGLEWOOD <AP) -Cazzie Russell finds himself in the un· enviable pos ition or guarding Golden State's Rick Barry in the Na ti on al Basketball Association playoffs and admits he docs not expect to stop him. Still, Russell and the Los J\ngeles Lakers beat Golden State 115-106 Wednesday night in the opening game of the second round even though Barry scored 40 points. "l try to make it difficult for him,'' said Russell. once a team· mate of Barry's. "I think by the end of the game he was getting tired." AP._e Barry scored six pomts in lht! crucial final quarter when Russell had e ight of his total of 19. But it was the Lakers' towC'r· ing center, Kareem Abdul· Jabbar, who made the big dif· ference. He scored 12 of his 27 points in the fourth period, blocked a key s hot and blocked an attempt by Charles Dudley in another key situation during the final two minutes. Abdul·Jabbar had 16 rebounds despite suffering recently from migraine headaches. his latest the morning of the game. "I don 'l think I was mentally ready lo play after the long layoff," Abdul-Jabbar said, re· ferring to the Lakers' 10-day layoff. The Lakers had a bye in the first round of the playoffs , while Golden State beat Detroit. Barry was not happy des pite his 40 points, saying, "We hope to correct our mistakes for Friday's game. We had glaring mistakes s uch as missing the open shot and not balancing our offense. We have J,?ot to get Phil Smith into our offense just like the LakC'rs set up plays and shoL<; for Cazzie Russell." Barry ob1ectcd to the two scrimmages the Lakers had with Houston at Salt Lake City whik both clubs were idle last week. ": "I disagree 100 percent with the commission er (Larry ~ O'Brien) allowing the scrim- mages. It's ridiculous to stretch the rule~. but I commend Jerry West for thinking of it." GOLOEN STATE llOU -Rarry <IO. Wfl~,.~ 11,' R9'y t4. Smt1.h •• WilltAm\ 8 Ootth·v •• P~r•· h • '· P•rkor 7.~t. Tnl•l\4771·1'110!>. LOS ANGILIES ltUI -F0<<1 U , Atn~ll I~, Abdul ·J~r l1 AllM I! C.MMY 'I, T.ttum 17' A""'"n•tlly I, KuPQ< • WMn•·• '· L•m.ir 10 Tola•~ •) ~., "' -~'°"""'"'· '~ " ,,, 74-106' ... ~o\ Anqo '"' 18 1~ JJ 1' -n s' ... FoutPdout -P~''"' Tot4'l fou1·, -C.Ollkn \tdht ,,. 17,LO\ A~lw\H A -1~.'11R : Wt<IM\d•Y'• GamH .. Ph1t.tdtt-l.,.,j3 113 l\o\tnn UH. ~,.W'( t •""1 t. f ~ Portl•M 10t, °"nv.,r 100, Pnrtlitnd h·ddS. '!.,.,.,.~..., 1~ ' Lot A"'l"ltt ll5, <..nld<'rt St~t• 106, Lo• A"'l(lt,: tc.-d'° Sf'rtt\ 1-0 · • Tonlqlll'<G•m• • W.t\hlnQ!,,.,tlt Hou,ton, WQ\ll1n9l!lfl I~"'" I II • • Sports in Brief • Strike May End , • .. .. . . . • NEW YORK -The National Basketball Association shows no signs of backing off from its posi- tion against collective bargain- ing with its striking r efer ees despite a 48-hour halt to picket- ing by the 24 members of the Na- tional Association of Basketball Referees. Richie Phillips, attorney for the striking referees, had said earlier this week he was som ewhat optimistic that a set· Uement lo the J.2.day walkout could be reac hed this week. And Wednesday, referees suspended picketing for 48 hours in an at- tempt to foster good relations with the NBA. f;Jr.•Car Die• AUSTIN, Tex. -Wilmer Al- lison. a top men's tennis player in the 1930s, died today of an ap- parent heart attack. He was 72. .. In 1934·35 Allison was dubbed !· the top men's player in the world ! by the U.S. Lawn Tennis Associa-! lion. ;. •. l'lolenC!e a ProlJJe.. : .. KANSAS CITY -The Kansas"'~ City Royals, s hocked by the!: rowdyism a nd violence that:• marred their first two home ~: games, have beefed up stadium •: security and banned all liquid~ containers. :: Since last Monday night. fans =~ with bottles, cans, jugs, coolers ;. ana other containers h ave been :: denied admittance unless the :: containers were left outside. .; '1'hey serve as possible pro-'.7 jectUes that can be thrown onto :~ the field and endanger the safety • • of fans and players," said Herk :: Robinson, the vice president for · • operations. ·- Bftuoa /tl¥P PORTLAND'S BILL WALTON BLOCKS DAN ISSEL'S SHOT. Allison, who once was called the greatest tennis player in Tex- as, was honored only Saturday by having the University of Tex- aa tennis courts named for him. lndiana senior Kent Benson was chosen the Big Ten's most ... : valuable player for tbe 1976-TT~ basketball season. ~ Portt•nd Won •t Denvor, 101 ·100, Wedn•~ Night. ~ a IJ4 DAIL V PILOT Marina Batte r s Newport Marina H.Jgh ot Hunt· lngton .BHch continues to come up with the r ight combinations at the r ight t ime a s the le ague· leading Vikings scored lour times in the seventh inning to ensure a 6·2 Sunset League baseball triumph Wedn esday night. Victims •at Costa Mesa's TeWinkle Park we r e the Nt'w port Harbor High Sailor s . who s truck early, but saw a 1-0 lead vanish as Marina scored in the fourth and sixth frames, then put the game on ice in the seventh. Gary Spranger wielded the big bat for coach Paul Frey's Va kings, stroking a two-run triple in the seventh inning. Springer also doubled in the fourth inning and eventually scored on a illllllOIASJ~ Newport error while .. Steve Porath and Mike Fuentes put to~clher singles in the sixth in· ning for a run. The Marina sevc·nlh featured Mark Dapcllo 's rbi double and J e ff Mancino 's rbi single b e f ore S prin ger's fireworks. Newport's big but was shortstop Malt Palmer, "" who tripled and scored in .I'#<> the seventh and scored in ' ...... ~b!lt'.r. the fir~t after draw1n}: a 4 :s;~t'!t:liil1l OUT AT HOME -J ane Gingrich of Estancia High in Costa Mes a is tagged out at home plate by catcher K. C. Clark or arch-rival Costa Mesa High. Estancia won the Tuesday battle. 10·1. o..,,,., ... ,,_ .. ,La.~ ..... free pass with Rolf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Schwalbe gelling the run across on a fielder'l. choice. M•''"' I•) '" f'I rtu R ele aguing Vtf\lurtt d 1 f f Proposal • 1:56.0 880; Walters in ti•t'l\l*'V It 1 I Od~llO dn ) I -NP'lllt' p 0 0 M tor ino, )b t Cov tf t I I ~G ets OK Gerhardt Leads Mesa frwtn Of\ 1 O ')pr1n!')t'' '' ' 1 Fu ... nt,.., Jb 1 1 POtdlh t l 0 (.,,,,,..,,,.,,lb J 0 rot11, 11 b Ntwport H•rbor 111 •,rn•lr'I Jb UMr n ~r1UI rbrt.'( I" Cid'~ It> C,rhw.tUl" 1f P 111\llllW\ .. 1 It Sn.,Ofl'r rt '>httrmJn ?t> Ph•tl.-r Df°' M 1l1Pt c Md\\f"Y or, Vom Sitt~ II'> •I> r J 1 I 0 , 0 0 I) ll 0 0 0 Q 0 n Toi.ti\ ~' S<or~ l>y '"".,"0' * * \UN\l f L£ •C.UC 0 ft rb1 1 0 0 ry I l) 0 n I 0 " ~ •I " ~ I\ I\ r " • ' . * ·~ ,, "' ' , .... ~ "" I. ' ' . C.11 I ''"' tlf\'o// i•t~I ,, Wft('l'I tf1fll' I> .. 4' '"" , ,,,,, •' .. . . ' . WNnt\di&f \\<.Or,. M.u 1f'\.1& t11·111rvrtH t't'V' l'lrldAy 'G.tm,. hr ., H ,,,+ 1' .., t ,, • .Jfl ••.•t '" ' I' The releagu10g pro· po:.al <ts submitted t•ar lter by Costa Mesa H igh principal Bob Packer, tht:' releaguing. c hairma n for Orange Cou nty, has been ap· proved by a 43· l l vote_ Thus the proposal will be submitted to the Ctr Southern Section for ap· prov al May 5. Jnrludt.'<i in the form;it f1lr the 191R i!l ~rhoul \1•.1r '' a South l'11.t'-l l.l'.1~111· t·on:-1'-ttn~ f\f Siin t l1 ·mt·nte I>.in.1 lltlh l.Jgun.t lkJ1 h \11 ...... ion \'1cJu, l'ap1:.trJnu \Jilt'} and Laguna llal!s \ I I.\\ I t •• 1 a.: lll. \\ 1 11 ••111 11111p.i-.,, t 111 1111 .1 dt I \l.11 . Co:-.tJ ~lt 'a El 111rn. I n lilt' F.:-l.1111 lJ .ind l 01\ 1·r.,1l' J im Walters of Costa Mesa's Estancia High turned 1n a lifetime best of J .56.0 an the 880 Wed· nrs da) t o hi g hli ~ht Oran ge Coast arl'U activity in prep track and field action. The 6·3 senior. an only his third half mile of lht 1977 campaign, churned to\ actor}'" athout ~enous opposition as he girds t o ward the Century Leagul' finals and CI F prehms W .i I t t• r s l' f f o r I s . h o w e \ (' r " l' r l' n o t t'nough to ofhl'l I ht• poY. t•r of thl' hnsl \' 111 J Park llJgh SpJrt.ins . who rt.'lalaated w ith pnl1· '.1ultt•r Jim S11llt•r !!!'; o '-pr1nt1•r Roh \l .1111n JO l and :!2 1; 1 JncJ J horde nf nther~ Vt.llStTY E 0-i• l>O flOll Volt• ~uk 100 I Milrttnl tV t tO t, I H•u~r IV I l H ,.,,..., t( I l0 6 HO I MArttn tVI '11 b, 1 Wattrr\ I E • 11 H J ._.,, 1ber 0 UQ 'M<f tfl-tnd tV) i\ 1, 1 Howl' r E ' ~ J I 1 El Wttll('r\ IE 1 \& 2 JHitO 1 Wolt-''' tE' 1 \& O. 1 Or11p (\I I 1 (\"1Q(lf'IT'-tt'I f\11 M 1lf 1 C,r1 lfnQU'oP f'V • ' 11 l. M,(,H lf:••lS4 1Mttrhn 1Vt 1 mitt 1 WP'"f•ll tv • ~WO 2 (..,,rr Hl'tOUY" C) l \t· •. ., .. 'l 110>-tH l HNjH1t '1 Pit I\ 2 Pnr1n.\ cEt I\ J J M.,.l•nOPr CV) 1Jl)LH 'H~1un1,,V I J88 2 R•v l V I ] Hd<14n ft:t•11 .UO t clnt 1 Vtlld P.Jr~ 44 ' M ilt-,,., • ., t V•lld Pdrl• J )I \ HJ I Hdrmoetn fV l 6 1 l Pelly CV) & 0 J RollC>o,,., 111 • • <l l J 1 H,.d ,und fl io 1' • h'""'J 1 1n 1 l ~ , , 11 J M j 1 '""', •v N ) T J I P n, f V t ti t0'1 &• n auin I= ; ' J M1 l '"d• , V I• • I V ' 11,., '!/ I\ ] P~4t • l '·" 1 "~"' .. v tno ~'°' 1 H•' m..tn CV 1 \].9 •. 1 h·•I ~., v ~ti t , ) Jo"ln tf • '' 1 (lf 1 R 1t1to r I V I 1fl l !' "'"'"'~~.a l ,,., , J (41mp tl I ' JUNIOll V.UISt fY E UM<t,. t•• t•I' V•ll• Pi1r11 tf'll) ' Hin tE J 10 .a (\rhOol f'f tJ•,1 .'.'' 1m..,1c k 'V \OUfH COt.H l C t.C.UE w ' ' M t inn V·f'! ["1 tn I H I f IT nr.., I ·• '" 1 1-Y,.t I ' ~ 4 I ',1,,fhrT,.lllt I I I f, t,1 Mr•1t I \ ft "'°''""'""' 1 \ I l t•Jun 1 tt. 11" I ~ •) W"9-\d•y \\corn ·1 he ~un:.et Lca~Ul' r ... c.e rna111.., thl' :.amt• "tllt ll unt111gton H•·<1l'h :\I c1 r 1 11 ,, . F o u n t a 1 n \' a I I t' \ . f-. cl t s 11 n W 1• ., L m 1 n ... t ,. r .1 11 tJ ...: '-'"port llJrbo1 (o..,tJ \ksa lhgh got :-.t•\ t:rJI ~uod t'fforb W ednl·sda~ to topple '1i;1ting El Toro 1n South Coast Lecrgut• at t1nn lt.'<l b~ JUOIOI J ohn t..;nhardt 1n tht• milt· 14 24 !l '· Bob Cook in lhl' 4-IU 150 3 l, freshm<in Urt•t Thompson 's 2 OJ 3 1n tht· 880 and Mike lkfao's wanning 23 7 1n lhr furlong I j 1.1n I M •Ct\-ti I •V l ).Jt. 8A0-I ih'+lh•t • fEI I 09' M •IP-1 Hott (VI .1 If> fJ 1 m d,., ' WOOOwdrd fV) 10 t\ • 11(')H._. _, Lnrrnto tE t •~ 1. l'l<ll ~ 1 KH'I~ fV1414 U0rfl"H'-t VP t\~ M 1h• tt:ldf t VP l 1\0 H J ' ..... ~ tV \ •O LJ-1 0Pf'O\.t\. •VI l~ tO> •. TJ ·1 !i<oltl IVI )'18 ~V I lHOHfU\\ CV • f1 b, SP -1 H rlf'">" tv f\lt o 1'• OT-t Sloit:tn 'l I H? 1 FROSH·SOPH E .. -•• 1 .. 11~1 Viii• Puk r ,,,,,..."""'IM.1r ll! I lfJU,l tl\t I ,, I f,t, ltM• t i ,,,,,r)J f> HI 1 H •O ,,. °'''' 'V I Frld-'V \<"#Am•\ r ""' ... M ,. 1•Yi. "" ( 11\t t M,. ·"" 1• I' ( ~t>l'rl,.ut O ti"\••• II\ ti t. 1;,,ro COSTA MESA AMC& JEEP LARGEST JEEP DEALER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 40 HEW JEEPS IN STOCK 100 I Hltl fV I 10 I. I 0'"°"'" fEI J l1'omowf"tff\ no ' .... " "'' ,, ' 1 lhomp~on lf t l q,_v,tfV) II unt 1ngton Bt•arh·, () t' t' J II \' I l \\ IA If I It l' 111m1wd \\Ith l \pre-., l\.Jt• ll.1 h1·11t1t'<h I .oar" .ind I ,n, .\l.1r111lu' 1n th•· r111ptr1· I 1·.1guf' .\l.,o. freshman !\'lark :'\I .ilhll"•on turm·d an a 42 11 effort an tht• -,hot put •'4 t C>ooro"Q IVl ~ b 2 Ray• v 1 c .. w,, •E ' -~ ' ,::,.,..dP"" ''I'\ fVl 2 OS 1 1 Povtt~,. E l Stotll 'V I M••~ I l.•oort IV 1 • ., 8. I Scl>Ott Major L e ague Standings \'!ERICA~ LE.\Cl'F: t:afit.t•rn Olvl'ilon W L Pct \1 1l",1Ulo.l'<' 7 :1 700 IL1lt 1rnor1• fl I MO Toronto 7 fi 5:~ no~ton ·I fl 400 \le\ t·land 4 6 400 Tkt r111t i 9 .308 N1•\\ York :i 8 273 \\t'-,\('rn Oi\hion ChtL';tl,:0 Ouk land . T~·'(JS Kansas City :\1 mnesota Angels Seattle N .. w V nrlo" 1 Trvf'IMI 4 7 3 700 R 4 .667 6 4 600 6 5 5'15 6 .538 8 .429 9 .400 7 6 6 0 .~ •• ,~., M 1fWd•1... 1 e .,11'""''' 1 C••w••n J 1' O..t"n 1 1 8o'too 2 M ll'V"IP,l'tfd t l(tU'l\JI\ c ,,. 1 (htCt••J' ) C.l1tort'll• 1 Tr11• Vdltlt 1 ToMy'>G•mH GB I ' :l J 4' •\f I l t •• l ,,, 3 31 , To•Or>IO IJ<otf•r"°" 0.01 Ill N•w YO!'~ fHOl11"'•" l>-01 ' D•t""' lllorem•O-'ll •I llo~•ori 1cro,,.1fn(I t.41 NATIONAL LEAGUE t;astero Division W L Pct. St l,ouas 8 4 .667 Montreal 6 4 .600 '\l·w York 6 6 .500 P1tt!.burgh 5 6 .455 Chicago 4 6 .400 Philadelphia 3 6 .333 Western Division Oodgers 9 2 .818 Atlanta 7 5 .583 Houston 5 6 .455 San Francisco 5 6 .455 San Diego 5 8 .385 C1nciMati 4 8 .333 w ....... ,.,o ...... l 0\ "-'" l. Ctr>( I"""" I \t LOUii j Ntw York l p "'II<"°". MontrNI. ""'' >OtlD"ll •I CNW90. lle>CI , r 11" ... 10112.~0·~0 \Ar> ~ran(f\(0 I Hov\10'10 T-y'tOe-1 NnQl ..... H<'-dUlod ,n..y'10-H ~.,. f'r-••<O•t MOlltru t c '"'""'""-' CNUll<I S<ln O•••l HCIV~t°"·" l n\ •-••ul t.ltaftll," 'ii lou"•I Ptll-tp1>l1." P1\"!Mlr91' 11 New York. I\ GB 1 2 2''2 3 3•,l,i 21h 4 4 5 51h I(' I) VoMdle• IE I 2 m11~ -t Mt C..rtny IE I to 10 O > Tnomo'l.On CV1 J f.trttt, tv 1 tt()HH ' AitkMdnn f\I) h1 J 1 ~'dU\ tE>J F-1\hrr 1\11 H OL... 1 tJ1r\.m..tr1n tV ' " I l('JO') I[' l Ydn\.1fJ,1 tV \ .UOrtolJ-Y 1 VPJtt "> M111 't:"'d'l -1 E\htnc10J O J M J I K•·up i (. 1 \ ~ ) (111 J Q1o,1u1n tf_1 ,.ndFn~r lV l LJ 1 r.AJ,101v 11s 11, 1 R~••. 1v 1 J WdlCh # 1\i TJ , f•'-''"" !V i ;@ 0 • I (,<t,ll't tV 11 Scott•'"' • PV l J rdn> IV I 10 0 Fr.-drr1c~· ff • l Muthnq C( <,,P-• ""•' IE•"°' l Moo . fV I ) An()(r"°"t\/J 0 J I And4 , ,,,.., V l ' I Q ., (.,.,..,, 'l 1 J ~ltv1-n..on t[ J Vt.llSITY Co\I•~\• Cl4'>~ U•' 1' Et Toro '00 (f)f"l11 t( 1n \ 1 A"'• 11., r 'J 1 I HOl"•'"'d' 'l TJ 1 •"" I Otf ( d ' I A v1 II , tr )..1 .J J A,._,1 I t( I}~ -4 HO 1 (O.r)\: f(• \. ) 1 \f\d lrd1 IO'd <(1\17 I 0 l1uC( \I I ._80 I Y ttut\fl (I I \f tt 1'°1""10\IOM 1(1) 01 I ) J lyf''UI l l 1 : 01 M 'u -t (,trt•1.uo1 t(.J • 1J ~ "' Vdt'IWH' fl t ' lJ \ j Ov1·,~lt J() ... , 'mdt: -t Kon•t.'' re.• " ~' o I Vounq tC• ' ~I ' l 0...,,~,l'\0101 fC t ~ ~I ) 1:nH.-. ' J(.,a''" H ' 1\ 1 1 Brown CE. 1 t& J J R n,,:.Wlt'1 Cl t '"'' JJnlH 1 8rowr> IE ' "u 1 J••d•nc lft" ~ 1 C...lllCdll IC.1 •77 .HQ,.~ll"Y I b0ff\lf'4"'1\d'l M1l(I rPIW 1 (O\la M f"'d) )A, HJ -• !>\"'•• 1£ l b.O 1 Snow I( b o.) W•llMI IE 1, 8 LJ l Wf(tVt r IE I ?0-4ii / 1 ~now f(t 14 b1 1 l (dll'\<,-rt «Cl 18 111 , T J t Jct,o+n.• rt; 1 •? '' '· l C.oo; IC I 0 • ; '>now f(I I().) PV -' 1t1P1 M l!tnl"l•f\Q rr' ••'d Dua dr•dO·" f(t '1 0 ) Mcf."f1r'h n II:. t/ ,_ SP -1 htirbrothl"·r CE: I 411l'1 i Math1f\Of"I I(~ OT -I M 1H'l10l'I f (I 110tl., Bllrtol'I f(l IJ'i-0'• 11l •O JUN>Dfl Vt.llStTY C•t1•Mou r.91 1141 Et Toro 100-'Kt.mo fl;)I 11'0 )Wd'lb l( 14 0 HO I \(Pt f'll f(I \6 ' MO 1 fomt1n •C t '1 06 1 M 1f• t ~e>'"ctQw· 'C> 4 le. t 1'mHt t romltn I (' ... ., So••qu~ ICI •O lJ ft t )0H t1 1 Vittv+0.1 ((.)tl fl \J) l.t1-1 VowwrlEIO•.OOf'fl•v' C.M 414 Mii~ rtl.-t-l CM l I) I 1.J-1 Songltton tEl 11 l TJ-t M<Cu••9"4<1 tE I JO• PV 1 Flynn IE 110.0. SP-t JI<--ICI n I'• OT-I JICk-ICltOlll. 'ltOSH·~O~H CH'-~ IO I fU I a1 T•r• 100-l Ba ker1E1109,2 StffllCI l Ptltr' IE I 210-1 81kt• IE) 2• 7; 2 hrt9it (Cl l. 1'1ld4lro tE I .,0-1 'Ovarro IEI HJ. 1. S<Mtldt• IE I J M<Ktntl• IE I. 880-1 h•n\ fCI 2 Ill•. 2 (lcM IE l J ScllntlOO• IE 1 Mitt-I Ovtrholt tC.1 • J\ l ; 1 L••• fCIJ CiravOIMI fEl 7 mtte-t Ovtrnotl (Cl •0 ll b •no L••• ICl 10 XI 4. l All>Q IE I t20HH-1 Doc k IE I 11 '; emt•ion IE 13 St"t IE I l JOlH-1. Aquino ICI ••·?. Emtr•001 IEl) StHI IE I •'° r••o-t Elforo .. • Mll.,tt•v-1 Et rorol S> J HJ-I Hin (El~·; 2 e..:ne fCI J khmldt tel t..J -1 Mt Kt,,rlt fEI 11·10; t . McCov IE I) S--0... tel TJ-1 Sftow fCl21·2. 2 McCoy CEI J.0 10 fEI PV-1 H1rrll1on Cl I 10 O; t. M< F ecldtf\ f E I '10 "'trd SP -1 Mltcht lt fEI '4·H~I t. Tt-.9t1CC1l n.o..._n.CE l OT-1 H"'rhlElltM,t Dl<ll lEI ), Mllcllelt IE I. UC Irvine To Vie In R e lays WAL NUT-Steve Scott, UC Irnne's pre· mlcr miler. will compete in only relays at this weekend'~ annual M t. San Antonio lrack and field rclavs. here. Scott, ~·ill run the 1320 leg of the distan ce m edley rt>lay Friday and 880 anchor legs of the tY.o mile and sprint medley relays Saturday. "Mt. Sl\C doesn't have any competition in t he mile and y,e're pomLing Steve for th<' Penn Relays ne).t .... eek end <April 301 ," !>ays UCI coach Len Miller . "Then' 1s some great com pet1t1on in the 800 (p rim a rily F il bert Bayt). but it would dis· rupt two weeks of practice to get Scott re· ady for that race." s ays Miller. Here are the UCI and area JC entries. * * * UClf'Y•nf' ,..dmmtr fl'HO'li¥-Lar.rv Schrdde-r; ""Of out -Glf'\f'I l(l('tn JuOd Btr\h'V. ••'lfOhn M IUt1(10 h -tHldh·"' tOf1fl ,ump ~ Jim Md nf'tt po1r Vdull M+~f· '»AbJtt,,.,.. dt\(U\ f:ilf"tl( 'f J on ''" Oi•f01 rt lctnrt-mf"dl('y rtl.lv - (•JU~ Pu • ....-·11 '·UO• t:J1c~rd Grout IA~• ~,,.,.. ')(,011 11).101 ""'" RAl[•h \•t~• cm111·' m1t,. r•t•y-M1ltoi, Ou.ttt\ Grou•. Rul>>fll O..irry l MCGft t'W'll m11~ rttttv fSdturd•vl- Groul C•,,.Y' Co• John k orunQ". \toll 'D""' mt'Cllf'y H:ta..-O•v•-Uu\\t lt t,utH 8111 H1'dd•d f110) C.•out 1no1 .. nc1Sco11 19'01. OunttCN\t •OO mf't•r Ph1rctlf"\ Jonn Hoqt1n • 4•0 •nd., "' -4Y\ eo Connt"lf Tom Ltov, O•Yt Co•' Srf vt Fo 1• 'f m••" rr t•v Ed (Of'\f\t'll t<•·n (Of'+M,.. Fol Py ltov pote v1'ult M..tr~ Tt nn1.,etn ROO<lrl W004 n.911 1ump -K C.. C.o~ "~II. Connc·r M.lr~ Wanq• IOl'tQ jumi>-Jotln MrGrfNI, Afth Julu" D•n"'' 80\w1 1. 1r1p1~ 1uma1 - 80,wtlt (..tr .on MadO'Y. Milch B•rnet t; 01·,r v'-Curt Ellf'nf>"'9· H•rry K Ohf'fVI Guo HCl<Jt.:n ; 11v111n-Elltn!IL•rowno Hold• n ~~dOltb.><~ Four "''le r••• '" Codv 8ttlr.k lld. 81•1 Tok,)r, 'h·v• C1l\liaro, Out ~01m,1t1\, lwo '11"" retav-Tom H41QlH', 04J" W:1nq CralQ F~rqu\on, Ao,,urntllh . m,,,, rt 1av-Br1an Wood. H•9ur. F1rqu\on Mliit1 Pd rd+, ,o,1nt m('dlPV rtt•v 8111 Y~"cy, 04ve l(n •PP Wood 1lnd (cl\~.,ro; lonq lum1>-Sl•rt0 Somo"'"· d"cu•-Br..:t LorHlf; oo•• vault S,1uorl F-1h h:r fS1turO•vl G<>l-Wtll J•Yttlrt-CIH>!-_ l~y M 1kf' Poll,.,.; dl\<u'-~tew Lttwls (irp9 ~o"''''''. \~o• ovt-&oo G•'"'"' oot• vaun-1.d V•tH1 1\•turoavl, d•\1-tn<~ m tdfr~-Jo"n C.•Hlbfk , Mtrll. '°'~'°"·Tom \tot< o Cr••o KP'"'' IOI) IH-()Kll"• • ..., Dl"OOr•ft ''° •ftd llO rel•V\ O<tnOut•'1 C••r~ 0•YtftOOr1. M••,. Ldlf .lr Jim Rohr•q mue re••v-01'nOurdn, O.iv,..np?rt~ CllutMk, &or~•on M 1nn,....ol8 cz,,.,J.Ol•l 1•-c•, C81•t~Vf'" 1· t t ri (hit tQn(4)toiw1.\)4tC•llfOfttt• (H•rtHll 1-tll n o~•v Qd,.,..\\(PWl'OUIM Track for Girls 6 c;y1 • 4 soeed A7M48SE1704 t3 52999 '"""'"' tt 't-UU lttl CMl.t M••• t00-1. Govrdl"t IE) 11 S; Hel"'et IEl IU; J.S11rk1IEl 11 1 1,.._1, Ho4"'9t tll U •· 1. ~taru un 21 ·•• i o.ss• te1 21 •. .WO-I. PIN II) 1:02 •; 2. Tetrault cc:i 1:021: 1 1.arrallff tc11 011. •-1. lt-M fCl t·tt 1; 2. LOftQ Cll l:JU; >. 1'1-ICl l :JU. Mtl-1, Get~ CCI S· ... 1; t. ~full ICI S:SU; J. Mom-1y CCI l 1SU. 1·"'11-1. 1'1"'9r fCI 1)1K.I1 1. 0.11.,._ IC) 11:2'.I;. ). PvrCiltt IC.I l>:K.1 tlOLH-1. Ooli•dl,.. fl!l U I, 1. Sta••' 11'.111 O; J. ~ra ti I II 2. •fO rel1Y-I, El T..-.'° t. M iit 'tl•Y-1. Cotti Meu 4.tUh<"""'rec-1 MJ-1 ..... ,..,111 ICI S 1 ftchool ••· c~I ; 1 "9MIM CU S.t; J lt- !Cl S-0 W-1 ~IEll•J1t Httl"flet 1u 1'·M ; J. 1. tel o .. " !Cl 1u•, Sl'-1. 0-(C) .... t Kt_.y fCllt-10'1>,l 04111-fEltll''I - •••-I•,,., t•l Vlll•~•"' 100-1. O\llfH tEI U 0, 2. lhom.U (\/Pl ) l(tlil tVPI no-1 &urkMrt IE ~ ,, ,. > Cl>at· let fEl29,:3 Tllom.s fVPl. 440-1. llu•-n•rl tE t S• l : t. Sw· 1"91t IE 11:03, J Cltary IVPI H 0-1. Ot19•do tE I >.31 •; 2. Cltary CVPIJ 51\<o""-rd IE I. Mlle-I. Rowell IE I l :JS.J; t. H1111ltt fVP 13 J_,, (VPI. 1·,,.tte-1 Fer"'"'"' fEI tt:U.9; 2. Jtf\\.,, CV,I 3 0.11\be•o CVPI. 1101..H-1. Timpone fVPI 1'.t ; '· Par Ml fl!I J EClell>rotk CVPI. 4.0 •tin-I VIII• P•r• s• s Mtl•ret1y-1 e,i.n<lt • 13 • MJ-1. OlolllM fEI • •. 2 Tt1om11 CVI' l ._.: > t10 t"trd LJ-1, ~f" fEI 1'.4. 1 8urtlllaf1 fll 1~1'41,J Oel1<:rw ff' ll·S') Sl'-1 Patltt\01\ IE I JO.•. t, Me<l'flel tl!l ~10; J, E•tt>rock IVPl 2'·•'11 OT-1 ltobl"' (Vll'I er->; t. Mecl'fl•I IE I ... I ..... ; ) TlmpayM IVl'I~ t South Coast Rac e HoJDer Puts MV in First Mission Viejo High's Di'ablos. with an assist from the Costa Mesa Mustangs, have taken over sole possession oC first place in the hectic South Coast League baseball race, thanks to a grand-slam home run by Gary Knopoff. Knopoffs blast culminated a i.even-run sixth in· ning as Mission Viejo ralhcd to beat visiting San Clemente, 7·4. while Costa Mesa dumped host El Toro, 4·1, to knock the lall~r out of first place Wed· nesday. Dana Hills continues a hair game off the pace afte r surviving a rlllly by Uni (Irvine) to •ake a 5-3 decis ion on the loser 's diamond and Corona del Mar blasted Laguna Beach wilh 14 hits en route lo an 8-3 decision on the winner's field. Mission Viejo 's s ixth went like this: Two walks around two outs preceded an rba single by Mike Sweazy. An error kept the mnmg going and Bernie H awkins and J eff Riss followed with one-run singles. Then Knopofr smacke d a 348-foot four-bagger over the left field fen ce to complete the killing. Earller San Clemente·s Tim Dunham stroked a two-run triple to get SC going. Twice, however, San Clemente was victimized by l\lissaon VieJO, whic h cut down potential scorers with pickoff plays at third base. Costa Mesa 's triumph was paced by Tom England and Dave Mollica as each came through with a pair of hits. Molhca tripled in a m a rker in the fourth Inning and got things started with a s ingle in the seventh, which ended up in a two-run cushion for Cliff Ting, who went the distance, l'pacing out six hits. Corona del Mar had <• fi eld day against Laguna Beach pitching as Cory Alder and Don Harrier each collected three hats wh1ll1 J ohn Harth, Earl Calhson, Mark Marches and Bruce Beck contributed two hits lo the CdM attack. The Sea Kings put it away in the bottom of the six· th a fter Laguna Beach had raJhed with three runs with singles by Marches, Callison, Alder and Beck paving the way. Dana Hills pitcher Mark Kendall (6·5, 250) struck out 11 University batters and got a two-run triple from Paul Bethke to :.takt• ham to a 4·0 lead in the fourth mmng. * * * * * * OM1•H1ll\ UI Co•t•Mtu 141 •I> , ' 0 h rb• •tt ' " tb• 0 0 t 0 t 1 I I Cr•oo rl J 0 8duflrm,.l\trr 1b ) 0 Ht1n. tb 1 l"·i••no . .-J t 8f0Wf\ (f ' 0 I 7 Molt-c• )b \ 1 8 eth'e c • 1 , Yb irra r1 7 t Aomtro lb l u 0 , fl O T ro.tn d~ l O 0 () W Hco• rt l t O C"btl\ t i I O 0 0 Mato"'""· 211 l I 0 L•f.tte.tf 3 O I 2 l(lnntv '' J 0 2 0 0 0 Klr>Q D 1 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 Simon on 2 I I Moore.< 0 0 l(P'1dtll U 0 u II C.Ordon •o 7 v lOlctl\ 18 ~ S Tot•I\ 1~ • l n1"'''''Y CJ, -" (;f'ntd.,. lb 7 h rbt u 0 Et Toro fl) •b h rb1 MOUQl\dn ,I) t (' o Grl1dliwd 7t1 r 0 , l 0 ""''•\. ,, J 0 U K•tCtlftlt trt p , 0 Mull lb Tolle•, II> o (I 0 fJUll'td lb () l tYf'\ftit ff 0 • 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 Donnell p n ,, u ' 0 ,, 1 Mo .. o.•v11n flh } fl Po,, oh H o o Rou,<.01• If 0 0 1 0 l•nq'TlJ~ r 1 1 foll><•rl t Ne...,f'r'I\ ,.-f 7 U 0 ~-..Jb 1 0 0 I 0 <) 0 0 0 I K••o;e rt 0 I O (hilnQ.tt.1 rt 7 0 Sch'"'"' rt o r 0 , " I:: ,,q,,.,, .. ,., \\ , 0 Murc)'""-O, dh 3 rt ) TQl<1I' ?b t E¥dn\,(t 0 o II n Scort l>y 1 m lnq\ Sh~w \\ 2 n ti (j Fo•ev Of'I '' II (J Cn•.t•M• \d ' " e 000 200 ,_, 6 1 1 01.tt\ "!" ~ J[ll'f> 001 000 0-1 & I S<o~ by I nnon'I\ r Da"'MHll! u"'"''''\•'Y 0"1 0)1 <) \ 000 (I()(' J h • J 1 l.••uMkKhfl) H tu• ... r 7b D Hauqnt 10 8rolh"'''"" 't •b r ' 0 I 0 h rl>I " fl 0 0 h rb1 NU"'' '"t 7 0 l I n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 P dt'-'aor Oh Mc Oon41(f lD f.-oo.-'tt.f' t Ho,.vatP\ Jb • ) t ti Hflndt ''°" If t Hout\~ rf .. 0 .r I 0 o Sh•vf:r' •n • 1 t 1 J n 0 IC lt\\•lb.ltft lO 3 0 I 1 OU""""',, 1 0 ? G't' n. , l o 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 l l H< lltn'Jd r1 M t"\• .-r\m•H'I ~ Can,.on, o 3 II 0 (ft•t>m•n •I II l 0 , u 0 u IH<On n J 0 , ) 1 • 0 R1Ct\.Jrd'°n O f) 0 Alu JOClW ti J o o 101 .• 1> ,, J Au .,,,~ 0 0 11 Coton.1 dtt M•r ti I rot••\ ,, • 6 J ill> " tt»t l t MIU<°" V1e10 f 11 •I> Marchoi•\ It h rbi (ttlh\Of"I " 2 0 0 P1fd ltl How1>1n •' R1 r t • 7 t'I AIOI",. P • n 3 ' f n-QtrfY r1r 0 0 ~ noooll 711 H1ff• .b 7 1 0 0 0 o Jontl' lb • B•""· 7ll o Sec~. dll , 0 1 . , I 0 ' 0 0 0 ' 1 2 1 LtJJOt••. rf WJlkf·r,o ·.t. C R"•d.d~ N,.W',Ort, J'b Swu1y,t McC.anf\, ~\ o () W llf\f' r• 0 0 7 , o N"~'on rt 0 0 l ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,. . l 0 1 1 3 ' l1 ~ ' 0 0 Hettfll'r lh fl RdVmOM.<I 1 HUOll._ <I J ' J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~h,.rm11n,c l ot di\ 7' I Scoro l>y 1nn•n9~ 7 ~ T Oldf\ JJ 8 S<ore by IMiftg\ r n e r h e Sdn C•tmet>tt 220 000 O • ~ 1 l..dqund BNCh 000 003 0-J J 1 "'""on Vitro 000 001 • I 7 • Corono cl<·I M~r 010 7>3 •-t 14 3 Coast Area Tennis Results Vt.UITY D•fta H1t11 1101 tlll Unovtr\•IY Sl"91H W1rrlngton IOH I a•t Putm•n 7 \ 10\t to AArv.r 7 fl, dftf Jon• "' 1 o-t P•rkfr 6 •. Sl)lrtu, fOti) won A 4 IO\t ().6, 7 b.-1,;Co<bln !OHi I0\104. 0 6. J b ""°" • •. Wlntern•ll~r 10111 IO\I I b. I •. ' •. won. '· Doul>IU Or•n1.Por~n IOHI Clef ~utlovan· Mtl!1" 6 l. •·•. to'' In Wfbb· J.dclft.>rm11er 1 ft, b 1, li't1')QH1;,.P ,,vt tOH Ito\!) b.) h . IO\tt & I II MIHloft Vltlo 01111 tt\-\1 Saft Cl•me"I• Si1\9IU M 1llflf (M J l°'t to Forfm,,n \ 1, IO\.' If! Morr!\ 0-ft. 0-1 Oav11 6 7 •o·.t tn C•tn I •; Clerlc tMI lo•t? '1. 7 6. won 4 A l·S Coll!"\ IM I IO\t 4 11 won,, I 6 1, 1 •• l•r••" IMI •o•I 1 h •• b, won b '·'" Doul>IH Lut t r1°Twl"1n9 fMI \Diil with Rt<kff\9tr 8e1t1y J •· ~ •. Otl Ma1tory.Wlntt,.\ ft 1. • ' P.)tlon How• fMt-• • b "*on• t 1.• C-tU l ISi Y9t1,.. SI.,.,,.. Tr>ornlO" ILi def Otttr~.n 6 7 d•f F•dd•rly4 t dPI Wo""r •4 dfot Good 1 • Burri~ tL1 IO'Jt6 1 A ft ... • •Of1 by O•IMJlt Mo<k•l'M'f\ ll I IQ\t) • ) 6 • 1. o-., CA>d4•o 11.110'1 > •· 1 b, • • >• o.lltM C••d•rwood Cun•r4 ILi to1t to Cur••• forb \ > b. ' I '°'' tn l>Att1· l Mma\ I b, j-f> c.tlmpl)<ltl M••tr (L l 10\104, I .. ; H . \.1 C•tlaMtM llU CIOl fl Tore Slntltt Cntnltr ICl cit• HUCJ~f\ 6 0 10\I to Whltnow P. forltlttd lo R•<••r. Ot• 8•000 ..... T•boed• le.I WOii ~ 3. ~ ' 6·'· •-O; M<>lkonl•" !Cl to\! l &, t •. "'°" •. , ... ). o. Wer ... r tel IO\l 04, 2 '-S·7,wort&·1 0.UlllM J . w ....... r.lfu IClcltt T,.IO·Hu<ah•\ .. 2. •->:def Olur-t-tl·M•i\ne1 6·1. ... 2; O'Nt ltl OltU (Cl lo\I • ... ? •: wOf'I ...2.•·t . JUNIOlt VAltllTY "'"~ 1~1 Cr\'11 o-""" $1'°'1" Strobl fU) c9tf le<k •o. dfl TClftdu 6.J. ci.1 Carter •~. del t.plln • 1 Wll<Otl fUI WOft ..0, .... , M, .. ,, Ltl\m.., fU 1...,.. 6.4. '°'' • •· -.. o. 1 .. , M•""' IU I Iott I•. 4-4, WO" • t, .... DMIM 011 ... r.W\UI\ IUI 10\I h> M<C......_ M<G'""'' U , •·1, c9tf T0\04tl !111._.,,, '·'· 1 ... Wit1•0.•Mll IUI 10111 •4. .. l.wort .. t ~ Ml Ula" V1110 110\ltl 11\.'i I S•n Ct•"""'' 51"'1111 l "om~ I Ml to" to Looar•fl 1·4. to\! In Hul1n<;1 > 6 0.1 O'Brien•·•. def C.•"'°" 6 • R•t-•11\ CMI WO<l 6 •, 1·•, b ) 6·• Dtol•l\O IMI <NO" 7-6. 1·' 4.1, '1 Vt•CIUQO 1Mlwon6 •.&·3. I0\1 ,.., WOl\1·S Ooubtn 8•lt\·~CMttdor IMI \Ottf with Om.tlfll•, ~dul ~ "· • 6, \pllt w ith Mtlcll•ll llnrt~ b 1. '·6. l(tnm. H•nntuv !Ml \Pitt •·•. •·•·won•?. b • (OllHMU ftO tit) II Tiro Si"'llO Tomi!• 1(1 to\t ti) Poth4mmer 1 6. I0\1 to s.a,t(krr ~ 7 lo\I to Knl9nt '"'· dtt OdYI~ 1-~, Nri111 IC) won b 2. ~ 1,l ·l 6 t Luhy fCI w001•·l. •·3.•·l. •·2 Ru•h fClwonb 1.7 ... •·7.•-4. 0.Ubte\ Tucker Pel.,....., IC.t lo\l lo Forbe\· Brown•• • •·'°''to Jlrrttt·V•~oull• 7•.•1 Borla P•"'•" fC)won•·l,1 S, IO•t l •, , .. 'llOSH·SO~H CHI• Meu UI 111111 Tere si,,.. .. c;r ... ntMI tCI 10\I lo C.tl•~" 1·6. IO\t 10 ~r• ... Wollt fCI to\I ' •• WO" 6·0. AQun.I tel 11)\1 to Fl\lltr 3 b, 11>\I to Marhn 1 6, Me1.,..nn.lmtr ((.) •o\12'·"'°"'1 DeWIH Wltlltm• H•lllt ld IC.I IHI lo "'"""' Oubou 7 •· 3 •· tosl l o furmtn ~_,.,'°" 2 • ~ 7. S<Nltfr· "OWl•d IC 110\l 0 6, 1 .. , IO\t ) .. , J ... Volleyball COLLI OE UCLA ~I UC lrvlr>e IHS, 15·•. IS.S, U ·ts, 1'-10. HIGti SCHOOL "•"'"' Ntw-1 H••-Otll M•rlna 15·S, u 1, 15-12 Clnyandltl tNlr>e U-11, IS). IS.'1 Hunttllql"" 8te<h def Edlton IS., 1~11.1 .. 11. ,.ounltl" Vallty def Wtill'lll"lltr U t0, 1~•. U I. Miu• ... Vitto def s. .. Clell'Mftlt IS IJ,) U, IS.U, 1 U, IS.S J4Mlw¥•""' ... •• .,,., ... ,_ .,.. Mart ... 0'1, IS.O. 1~ S C:.11,..._. lrvlne l .. t, tM HUllllnqlOll 9'!~ *'Edi'°" IS.•. U t•.IM Fw11talf\ Valley def W•llmt .. '1.,. 1s.•.na. . J MIUIOll Vt•lo WI S«I CletNfltl, >V new We'd Be Good, Says HB Girls' Coach By GLENN WHITE Of..,. o .. tv ,.._. , .. ,. They've done it wt th ofCense. They've done It with defense. They've done il with hustle and quickness. And they've done it Wlth a sohd core of underclassmen. cessful transition from cente r t o guar d this year. Cheryl Cady has un· usual quickness and is a capable scorer . She'll be back next year , too. They, the Huntington Beach High Oilers girls .. basketball pll.lyers, llave molded a ~-1 record this :season and now head into the biggest game or the .year -Friday night's CIF playoffs semifinals contest with Louisville H ig h of Woodland l ltlls. The 8 o'clock tiff wall be staged at Notre Dame High in Sher man Oaks Is it surprising to H B coach J oanne Kellogg tha t her team has come this far? · "I had high hopes for us l ast year ,'' Ke llogg· says. "We were Sunset Lea gue co-champions. had a 12·3 record and then lost to Bishop Amat (La Puente) in the first round of the playoffs. "Even though three s ta rters were ~raduating we had a sohd nucle us coming back for this season a nd we had a s trong j unior vars ity t eam to draw from. ''When we got together this year we knew we h ad a lot of individual t alent so my m ain in- terest was to work on the team concept. And it has paid off because t he girls haven't been selrish. "They have all taken turns being team leader t hroughout this season and this 1s one thing that has made our team suc- cessful." Ke llogg adds, "the t eam is shootmg much better than I expected it would (the Oilers hit 54.2 percent from the field in T uesday's 65·55 victory o ver Mira Cost a of Ma nhatt a n Reach >. Par ents and brothers ha ve h e l pe d t h e m pe rfect their shootin~. W e w o r k o n 1 t i n' practice.loo. "But we a lso work on ball handling, quickness a nd a lot of defense. Seniors Kim Brown and Mary Beth Wray br- ing a measure of stablJi ty to the t eam , Wray with her scoring and re· bounding, Brown with e xcellent floor play. Put It all together and it spells W-1-N-N-I-N-G. SPORTS Girls Sport Results WOMEN'S SOFT84LL Gel-WHI l?I (OIS.nt• 4n• <..Ol OEN WEST 11 • G•l•Uth <I l 1 1 O Brown lb l 0 I n Sir.-)I) 1 0 0 I W•no..lf'i)ltc:• ( ) 0 I I (;flb- b•n rl lo 0-0 Polln 11. 1-0 0 0 K~U \\ l 0-0-11 N1(hOh O I 0 0-0 Mc,..•1•. lb 1-044 Ao.-ry P 1.0 0 o. Ert ... "" I 0-1 ft "'<'"'"" t Ph, 1·0 0.0 Total\ 1' 1 !>-7 0~1ty Poot St.Mt P'-tel S<on llf llWl•fl9• r ~ • C.OICIM W~I 100 001 0 1 ) 0 ~t• .,,. ruo ooo o ll 1 1 OIUNOE COU T COlLliGE Ill Wotf,cf 41)0 AO\a<IO 71>4171 Guanet••. lo l O·O 1 F••Mt•~. ~' 3 I I I; H.,. ...... ( J-0-1·0 Burns, II 3 0 O·O Sorko, p H>-<>·O, Wav, lb 3.Q 0-0. HonOll, r1 ?·t>O-O.: Tom.s1 I rl l·O 0 0 Scort by 1""1119• r " • 0001200 J s 1 200 100 ,_. 9 , OIRLS 8AOMINTON V4RSITY Co•U Mn• 116) 10) M•rina s.,,. ... Dunn ICMl °'' Wd,,lOCk " I 11 0 011>1 r(MJ dt_·f Wrb-.1~, 11 f 11 o &""'I\ 4(.MI dflt Jt·lt,u11 A '' It .. 'l Sofl•n f(MI ""'' ~ t 1 0 11 I Roiqon tCM I ON Morr•'> n ?. U 4 S·1lf .. f'f1rl#J ,,M ) Of'f Vtlndf'""" II' \lo Moultruo C(M1 Oltl l((.j,,.. 11 1 " Crou~ t(M) Ot•f Fo.,..;1t.",. H t 'l () OOWDltt Grtft1n P.-tMn •dlmonel t( M l •I• t ._. lmtllon R1UM'l I\ «J ) 1 Avr r O•~ mJn 1(.M fJctf B•):•• Pru· ti I\ t, UPlon-K· 'i CCM 1t t l(:or: t..r ( t\C)y l 1 1\-1] Rou4.P'I Purity ~CM ,,. t A,,..,, R.u;mt-1 l\ b H 1 (rl'J-. 1 C.i\I ilo C(MI ()! t Ht"df'fH,.-i\4(f(· 01 ... 1) II) I\\ Jdu'•'QU• Wr t,1rlt (Mt (1t•I F IJf•t l t( u .. o .. .t I+, b h ~ HwA-1 k;tbt)lf'\ t(.Mt oe• '""k,'"' ... om.in·•· ' t I\~ McC.tttl'\y R:y"o' nro1 tt ICM!""' Porl .. W~11e H 1 n ~ Edl\On 1101 Cl) S4ddltb.lC' S•f'qltt W1l"'lh IE-l d•• (.,.H,.,...f '' \ 1 I YtrOy CE• dft SrC)wn '1 1. '1 I WAv t\1 ~f C,.ll!h\ "\ \ '1 tl .J t Ut I fl' dt•t Pt-r' f 11 ' 1 I .t '-,1r.u1 .. "I It: I dl·I Mc(h<OO t1 ' 11 0 Ooubte\ C-..cntH•t()'•r (t\CO 't ~ tu·• M U)•H' q,.,mon' t\ 1 • \ 1\ r,. l Jntirt'on W Jnhn\O., I ( l Ot I (Ull"r P11.rn '" ') 1\ tO At1n'i'1ln·Mr M1llin !f• ft•• Mt•lv1U•· Cr \Wh"f t\ n 1\ 1l 11.1rmno J1•nn1no, ([I n1•t A.11, lm'1v•\I 1'' tS \ l)m11"' La4ru1Mn Cf• '11•f M· I rtl•·ton M,lll'" 1 \ 1 ">1 f,f •'" S•'"0'0" t( I d• • C trrilln Rut• •H, 11 tti 1S 1 1~ 1 Rnn-n11ro Allllrh '"'flt I floofJ Arnoro .. o 1 I\ 1" 1S t\ ' GIRLS GYMN4STICS VAllSITY S•n Cit-It 11U 71 IUO ll Co\U -·· Vttutt1nq I I( rulht ,., IS( 11 ~ .. ,, .•• ~o·•<r' csc.~ ,. 1 .ind B-'·rO I')(. II • Un•~f't'\ bclr I .-'""''"""'"' '~C '' ' 1 l<ruttw-r• CS( t t ~ 1 P "'' IS( II 0 fi~lttMf't>iloam t ~m1th CM• 1 1 ) i( )l'\t~1f"'r 1S(I 11 \ 1 M ·h••\•) •CM I 11 • "Another thing that h as helped us has bN•n the play of Kim Brown a nd Kel li Lockhart Even though they arc smaller . they hit t he boards well It rC'ally helps a lot to ha\ c a girl as good al> Kt•l h to com<.' in orr the b<-nrh .. Kellogg says thl.' lont' loss (73 72 t o Quart1 Hill) hnd 1ts mcral. "WC' wcrl' dmrn hy 17 point:. at ont• t ame and cume back. Thal showed the ~iris wt• l'Ould rlo 1t 1t was a morn I victory. of sorts " HB SPARKPLUGS >l ;.irv Beth Wray I Ml, Debiic Uurro..,\-. 1:1111 and Kim Brown r jumping with H11rnms l arC' thrC'e reasons '" h v II u n t 1n J!to11 lh· <•ch ll 1 ~ h · s g 1 r I s h ;1-.·k!'lhall team ha~ a ll>-1 n·tord J toor f''f"tt1\,t \ N••llJm'-•SC 1 ,\ t 1 \t'f\••h f(M I ta ' l t1•f'I ().Of'lt ((M1,-nc:1F nl9\¥ •SCI 1J 1 A.II rt)und 1 K•v'"'"'' 1~c 1 A, J 1 Konimt•f'' ISC. t \It 13 El Tore., .. •I IHI 0 u~ •• , .... , V.tu1t1nq 1 Wdn,,...r fU' 'i J 1 8rf.\l\'-"t tUt 1\ I) i A.dr 11J 'U' H l Un11"f'f\ bar• t WAnn111or tu1 'S O, 1 4dr1~ !VI 17 > J 00<1,,ln !E 111 1 R,tl"n<,. b;,-•,,m 1 At!r •Q t\J' U I 7 Rowbottom IU) l46 l WM-.nN tU• 11 n -.--- Kellogg says most of h e r girls p l ayC'd basketball twforc com ing to HD lf1Jlh K:ithy Doyle, her tough. talent ed sophomore. wa" on t he boys' team at Owycr interml'diate i.chool Louisville Owns r.1onr o~ .. ,... ,,~ 1 Rowt>otrom fU' la 1 1 H•bC> CU l IS 0 I WAnne1 ru I .. J Diversified Attack All rf)1tnQ 1 ft1.-l w"'"""'' IUl and Rowbollom IU) 'i6 6 l Ad"<J HI l 116 CeM llM Sl 111? I I Qo1"o1 Hiii\ Debbie Burrows. a girt ed Jumper and s hooter, as a 1un1or and m ade an amat1ni.ily sue Track Elite Tee> OUl-Tr,tK" •fld fl'lold M•rh For OrMtit C...\t Art' Atfttet•' 10111, W•ml'"I M•rh O..•l•l• I 'on I M..-iifq.orum O Vl <t • 1 Aor• fH8 ... l Ct.-1( (l)fVO\INHI l•d Kr11Hl~(4t 1\(110 0 no 1 r eiwum '"'~ 1 ., 1 ' fl••l J W4llr-t\ , .. ,,) _,.,O ll-t'UIMt\ 1\(1 in 440 1 J W1•1t"t' fru ' •If o 1 < C.Otum INH ••• \ I '"""' ll~V I~ I HO I T•••"""' IO>tl I II • 1 {hrhl•n'"" Cf;"dhnnl I Pl l V'•nclllt !NH) I "~ M lle-1 (hrt\l•n•en IEdl•nnl • IS.a, 7 '"'•mp\m CCM I i n '· ) A pl>" If ll'Vl • 21 0 1 mll• I Yo•.,Q l(Ml • II' I , C..trho•Ot ICM)• 11 o, l W•ll~rMu" CMVI• )71 110HH I MArONUM !r:'Vl U 1 1 O••"O" IN>P .. •. J 111•1 SI••• IE\I 1 •nd llfl(l(llt~ !Ull 111 )lOlH ' Mil•Qf'•um IFVI ll \ , t<•1oare .. INH) 3' •. 3 51•ou\\ IMVI .iq. HO r••ov 1 N-00!'1 Hubor 41 r: 1 Founl•ln V•ll•Y •l •. J S•n Clfmtn1•4' I. Mii• rt1ov -I N•woorl Horl>or l n o 2 CM-• Otl Mor l 1t 4 J CMI• Me,. J 1ca H.J-1 Burt IH816 I 1 lilt) Frtlor IL8l .,.,C1Goonl.., CU111l6 6', LJ-1 l•'"-(Mer1n•I 1'•1 l Perry l~CI n-011 •• l Fulltr !Uni I 21·0 l J-1 MoroeruM Cf'Vl 411 1 •. 1 llon9llon IEll I ••·I'-. J. Lo lne CM11lr1al '3-ll flV-1 lloltll-1 IEdtloonl 14 6 l 111•1 Gro<-11!11 I llld OU<lelrlt191 CCMI I]_. SP-I H.tr-lSCl Sl·S'-1 8r-n IMorlMl ~ 0 J WllllOfl CEdltonl \)-0 OT -I Grffno;Jqt\ (Liii 161 4 J H••oe• !SCI ltl-l; l Wlhon IEdltonl 1\J. , WOODLAND mu_c;; Lou1sv1lle th gh School 's ~i ris basketball team will throw a d1vers1f1t'd attack d.Od defl'nse at tht· llunt mJ!ton Beach Hu!h Oilers Fndav m~ht in fl F 4 A pla~off .:irtaon at !'totre Dam<' Hll!h School m Sherman Oaks "Wt> t" to adjust to the situation rather than doing any one thin~ all the way," coach Nari a O'Connell says "In our last three gamC's m the playoff s. we have <.•hanged from ball con- trol to a fast pace of run- ning on offe nse and we have used a zone and man-to-man defense. We a lso like to press on oc- casion." Whether Ute coach was trying to be vague about the talents of her Camino R e al L e a g u e co - c hampionship squad or not. will be known Fri- day night when it faces the Oilers. Did the coach expect to get to the semifinals? "I sure did," she says with confide n ce . "In fact, I hope we can get a little farthe r -tw o games farther . We have come so close the las t three years a nd have b e en beaten i n the quarterfinals ... "I LEASE FOR LESS THET.L.C.wAY SERVICE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE AT TUCXER LEASING CO. ' JOU U lllSTOL-44EWPOltT IUCH sumios PHONE: 957-0644 ... .. The starting hnt>up for LOUI~\ 1111• I Woociland 11111:.i \\Ill h.ne two pla) er-. at 5 10 and three Jt:-i j K at1e Cross. one of t~ in 'aster<> Mart mg for the Royal:.. 1s a 5 7 ~uard, ·averag1nJ: 26 5 points per game Th1!1 as the best mark among the starters At 5-10 arc center Suzy Boyett, a junior, and Chris Pos1vak. a Junior for ward. Br idget Cross is at the other forward position a nd L au r a Hu rlbut is the other guard. \i14ult I Mullf>n COl 1fl l 1 Spt1f'f r[I I\• l 11 .... 1v ICl1• 1 s .. " I JOi'H\\()f\ ,,, ,. 1 'l SorA•·t t01 u 6 ) 8.••0W1n C(.1 '1.e RAl,_n( .. betlf'¥\ I ~,.,.t C0l 1' A 1 111~1 Jo~ f(l ,.,,<I Bald'W•n t( .. ~ F lonr •..-41-,-Ct\iP I t;Of",,.f f0l lb 'S ' B••OW•n Kl ••) l Jol'ln'>On 1(1 1< t ~ti rou"" 1 ~or1•t CO) 1\1 I 1 JthnW>n 1(1\•7 1 84tdw1n CC•\&• t •lanc.a 110 ti 111' Jl S4 Vanoy V •u•l•nq I Barrw, IV l 8 l. 2 ,,..,, CE.1" l W"t""' !El~O Un•v•n "'" I Pow•\ IE I 1 l 1. llMn•\ CVI& • l M.-l'iOn CE 16 8 Bal•n<• bl!-I 8•'•' IE I 8 7, 1 (l••''IE 1 r •. l C..ml>O"ll IE 11 0 Floor 8twr<•'f-I Cl•r~ IEl 7 6; l. l ........ (I IE) I ' 3 eo ... IE.! I 0 Checking Out Sports Banquet Bob Dolan , S outh Coas t League 500 - freestyle champion for Key subs include Dina Ca mpion (5·6, junior forward), Ma ry Al ex- ande r l5·8, freshm an ) and Anne Par ker (5-5, j unior). 1977, was selected most •B valuable at Costa Mesa >0 High'• sports awards ~~ banquet honoring the •1 swim teams. l.AM;itYllle Ill JI 1l Gt•tld<lle 11 Aq~,.,. II •••..-v 11 sc~ur· 14 St P .... I II Sl~ew SJ Uoland !! Special award win- ,, ners: U l o A~"8 11 Corvllll\ .... _, U flrovldfnce 10 SI c;ene,,,.,,. 61 C.0,,,,, II V 113 Nol~0.- 91 l a llet,.. '1 Co<volh• ~ Mot~C>Pt U SI .J°'l!>f'I 83 lmmoculoleHHrt 10 Pr;ivt*""' 61 lmmoclll•I• MH rt n s1m1 vaney n 8.-naVl\11 47 I.°' JlMtgD\ )t) St 11 Jl 11 36 )I 14 "° •• ,. JO J' ~ .. - V4RSITY Cool.tin· Mor" Whltmort; Mo~t V••uo blt ' 8 011 Oolon ; Mo\I lmoroW<I .Jollft OtMn: Motl ln101r•· lion•• Scott 4 ntOld JUNIOll V4RSITY Co <"""'"' If.ti T11<t.y and Aobl,, Fron, Motl V•luoOI.-Jerrv Lo~r; Mo\I lmCW'-· M¥I! PKl\t\, Most l"lOlrol'-1' "°" Woll•r ~ltOSM>SO"H C•ol•ln Tod PlOtll; "'°'' VolW· bl~· MattWl>l""°"9; -·----· Mell S-.O•t. Mo\I lnsolrellOllel . JOl'lnl!orno~I , Discover Pyramid EntrCJY! "A Pawer Source Science Can't Explain." Experimenters Repcrt These Benefits: Razor Blades Resharpen. Cigarettes, Coffee. and ~eap L.IQuora 1 a1ee On An Improved Flavor. MedltatiOn and Sleep Improved Accelerated Plent Growth. Preserve Foods. Lasting Resulta Wlth A One Month Money Back Guarantee "Our Pyramids Come Either Preassembl9d Or In Kit Form " ~"~~lu.r!!~ "-(114) 67Utl 0 ~ I lhursd!y.April21. 1977 DAILY PILOT 85 For Barons Quickness, Depth Keys · By HOWARD L HANDY OllMO•llrHM'Uff Quickness and aglllt.y have increased this season t-0 make the Fountaln Valley High School girls basketball t eam much more explosive than it was a year ago, accordin& Lo coach Barbara Am-mann. "We have four seniors on the team this year and they have been able to incr ease their knowledge of the game. We haw added a pressing defense and we hove depth in our offense," Am- mann says. The FV Ba rons play St. J oseph High of Lakewood Friday njght C!O at St. John Bosco High ih Bellflower in a Cl F 4-A semifinal round ga,ine. When the two t eams m et in the Garde n Grove to11rnamenl early in t he season. Fountain Valley posted a 55·54 upset victory. Will this have any ef- fect on her team Friday night., "We know thllt St J o!>eph has been playing real we ll in the playoffs," Ammann adds. "But we a lso w ant to play Huntington Beach badly and we m ight P<>ssibly be looking pa:.t the semis. "But maybe this will work m our favor. I think tha t Huntington Beach w ill be in the finals for sure a nd we want to be there against the m." The coach was high in her praise of senior guard Terri Roberts. "I think that Terri has im- proved a lot over last year,'' the coach says. "She is handling Ute ball for us and is selling the team up on offense. , "Between Terri and Mary J o Leonard, it is in· c redible the number of steals they have m ade this year. While our guards a re quicker , I feel that the other players have also increased their:, quickness and agility." Roberts. a 5-5 gua rd. is the team leader in as- sists and 'hllh Leona rd, combines to give the Barons a fo rmidable duo with quick hands and the ability to pilfer the ball at any time. The st•111or guard abo has an outstanding shoot- ing touch and Tue:.day night scored 18 pomts, 12 of them in the first half when her mates were having t rouble hitting the basket. "She's a smart player all thC' way." Amm a nn says. "When she 1s left alone like she was at Amat, she can hit from outi.1de. But :.he prefers to get the ball inside to Marv Jal'kl>on or Leonard She as very unselhl>h and her riumhl•r of <iS!-.1!.ls •'>phenomenal '' Jody 81ssm at 5 9. 1s also a front lane player with qwckness while Car la Longfellow 1s Roberts' r unning mate at guard a nd while not as flashy, is as steady as any of the s ta rters. "We have had seven players doing th<' job all year," Amma nn says. "Tr acy Bush is as feisty as a ny of them and she can come m and gave us some scrappiness and quickness. "Shar i Willia m s is a little slower than Jody but s he's smart. She started e arly in the year before she was hurt and was a sta rter last year. But s he comes in well off the bl'nt'h und Jodi has improved so we leave it that way a nd we arcn 't weakened by the change." Did Ammann think the Barons would do as well as they have when the season started? "I knew we would have exper ience and a good team but I really d1d n 't know. I also knew tha t Huntington Beach would be strong but it was a s ur· prise that they \\ere a:. strong as they were," she s ays But in order to get to Huntington Beach and a possible s howdown battle with their Sunset League rivals. Fountam Valley must get by St Joseph Fri day night-a large ordl'r in itself All-CIF Standout Paces St. Joseph L AKEWOOD-S t. J oseph High School of Lakewood is the No. l seeded girls basketball team in ClF 4-A playoff action and Friday night the J esters will have a c h a n ce lo avenge a n ea rly -s eason defeat when they face Fountain Va lley High 's Ba rons at Sl. John Bosco High on the team's All·CIF player, Kath y Ha m · mond . Ha mmond was firs t t eam All ·C I F as a sophomore and second team last season. She is a forward a nd ·as avera· ging 21 points a game with 13 7 rebounds. She is a 5-10 Sl'nior. School. n SI JO\ephflMl Marv SIM 7J Tonight's TV Highlights NBC p 8:00 -1'~antastic J ourney. "Riddles.~ Spenklng 1n riddles. a r ickr on horse-back tells the lravt!lers th .. ll they can return lo their own limes IJy finding a s tone that is in the possession of a man from another planet. ABC fJ 10 :00 -Sinatra & Friends. Frank Sinatra sta rs with guests Tony Be nnett, Natalie Cole, Loretta Lynn. Dean Ma rlin, L eslie Uggams and Robe rt Merrill. ABC fJ 11 : 30 Thursday Nighl Special. "Lou Rawls Spe<:iaJ." Guests in- clude Lola Falana, Kip Addotla, Crystal Gay le and The E motions. (TV DAILY LOGJ THURSDAY EVENING a:bo D 0 '81110 (111 r3) Hrws 0 2~1 (} l (1291 t U m News O !Jl l Stir Trek 1 ~ Gomer Pyle O Gunsmoh .. m P1rtrid&t h m1ly Q) Adam·l2 EB Eltclnc Companr ID Dr1mat1c Se11es ~g Mike Doucln -6:30- 0 Dinah! CuP .Is a,. Rob B "~' r R11.ha1a and Alma lhamJ'• lll·b~r ~m1on Je~L.i ~dllt1 olld lvrhn V. tllrr 6 Andy G1tll1lh e News 10 Mtiv G11lhn Sholf m hmoly Altau ( 17 3 ) Gunmob ff) Zoom ( Z9 8 ) Bew1lchtd E!l} Town Talk 7:00 D 0 1211 6 €9 m Hews O liars Club 6 My Thrtt Sons e 1 To Tell the Trulh O Concenh1hon m I tove Lucy W The FBI ffi Cl11ldren's Prog1am 126 Andy Gnlt1lh fB MacNe11tlehier Report ( 29 8 ) Tht Parlndge family -7:30- 0 Andy O love Amerrun Style 6 The Odd Couple 0 The Gon1 Sha-e Candid Came11 O The Joke1's Wild 10 23 r 6 • Maleh Game ID ( 19 a ) Brady Bunch ( 1r 3 ) lhe Wilburn Brothers ffi Today's Cooling 26 Hoean's Httou ff) Channel 28 Tonocht ID Puce h R11hl ;J9 l~rs Club 8 :00 0 ( m {l ,) I 8 The W1llon1 (kl Jason choostl tlw .. 1onR lime lo orfan11t ~ bdnd .1nd p1omote a <Janee at Ike C11Jwy \ hall. b•t•u'e the prople of \Vallon~ Mounlain •'P 1~~11111 01 ro1n1• oul al 01r,h1 du,. It• d "'~'lfllnU> prowl,, 0 23 61 m f1ntuhc Journey · Riddles" Spe~k•of 1n 11ddlM; d 11arr on h0!\1' b~rk lrll~ lhr lrw•IP1 lh•I JhPy c.in 1e1t11n In 111111 nv1n l1mr, bv l1nd1ng d \101111 lh.11 1; 1n Ill• oo · , .. , smn of a youn~ man llf)rn anolh•r plane I U Moo;it: "Cl (2hr) "My Drum Is Yours" (lllU\) '4'1 Uo11; Ody /;1 ·k c.,,on 1 ~l Mov1t: <C (2hr) "Michy One" (dra) '6S-WaorPn 8Pall1 O ( 29 8 ) 39 Weltome Bltk Koller CR) · S1>~als1ae S101y' I~, ~.,.ralhog~ lo1m ~ rlub ~Im• .1 1 •I involved in a rumble and Koll., 1111 htfl" (dra) 64 Annr 6J •u .11 I •le• I tn<h U ( ~ 8 ) Buner Miller 11' QoJ'lnt1nt l inr I II '"I hi '' •.~~~ Ult tn lhP \(dltM hou .~ tu I '" .• I un~th••dultd 1nlo1m•I fn1w11l1 • I• 1 11Mn~v t11s drlfll••P\ dll•J 111111 ~ue,I\" "'hen lhey .. 11 QuJrJ1•f1<1rtl 10 Movie: C (2hr) "Ion Aero" Ille River" (com) fib 0~.111 M.111111 1\16in Oe1011 ID Merv G11tt1n Show W C1v1h~l1on 139 f11nk S1nah1 Ir 1n Conwt -9:30- 0 ( 29 8 ) Three's Comp1nr . It ~ Only Mnne, J ,. • I 1r11 I "·'' thr1• v lh1nk 1 bu•,IJr l\11 I•••• "111 no~nfy 411~ l•Jnl·~•llv try I d>t 11 II• ldnl11urll ~11111 1111 ~ c 1n IPJll j(' ti Q) Mod Squad ED Soccer from Gtrm•nr 10:00 O I 11 3 ) a Barnaby Jones tfl f!J ol •1 Ii r I I n l1t"ll '" , I I lhl~'f t flll'I "A11" 1 fiAff Jfn fl i lu ;11ttm~t1 I• l·• ·• ~ , P•" '• I I trdPd ) Ulll vi ,1 I• ~ fth I t f ., ~ i g News 6 Mod Squad O Sears Presents • SINATRA & FRIENDS O I 29 8 ) 39 Sinatra and f11ends f1J11• ~tndl•~ '.\J• "'111 1111 ,1, l1111y li•·1111dl NJI 1111• I I• I 111111.1 l vnn ll•.111 M.1rl•n I• 111· 111·;:1111. M•d kt•lll'•I Mr·•11ll O ( 11 3 )lack Van lmpt •26 Gunsmokt W World of f11nklin and Jeller~on -10:30-m Q) ID News ED Sam Francis· Thtse A1 t My foohttps A l11r1k .• 1 lh•· " •• ~ 111 ti 11 I I P1plL\11llll t 1•111111 11:00 O O 9' 39 News 0 2l 6 10 ID New\ O Love Amerian Slyle 6 26 All lhat Clitttis O Nt w' ID Mur Hartman, Mary Hartm1n Q) The Honeymooners ( 11 3 ) The Ranth Show ff) Woman ( 29 e ) loft Ame11un Slyle -11:30- 0 ( 11 ·::i ) a CBS Lale Movie. Cl "Ko11k-Mi11hr for A Dead Bookie," "Parlnen 1n C11me" (m, I '/! ltt G•dnl, lou Antoni D '3 & 101 ID Johnny Carson '6 The PTl Club O ( 29 6 ) 39 Thurstily NtRhl Sptml l ou R4wls ~µei nl 1.111 I '"' luOP l Ill l r li lnol K111 ~d~· 11 '· f.11 .lal f.~ylr dfld ltu l 1111•li1111 ID New~ m Sat. B1lko •26 Tht 700 Club 12:00 O Best of Groucho O Movie. c "Company ol Kill ers" <dra) '69 -Van John''" ID Crou W1ts Q) Movie· "An&tl Baby" (d• 1l ·1 I · l.fOlf~ lt~m1ll 1n -12:30- St. Joseph lost thr ee :~ games w1thm a s pa n of Wt one week and one of the s• losses was to Fountain ~ Valley in the Garden "" Grove tournament, 55·54. ~ Ma ter Dei also defeated !>4 the Knights in league :t play that same week, 60 58-55, then receipted for ~ a resounding 70·30 loss in 10 a second m eeting. ~! Coron., dftf M.\f W1t,.rrn H I~ VI th'I" \lr~·~·hl u All N1cf!t Stiow· "l trm ol T 11il," "Siar for A N1ahl," "The C11mson C.n1ry" St. Joseph has a 22·3 11 record this season and ~; Pope says the c hief r e- aso n has b een c on -~ sistency and depe ndence ,., R"~'"' M • 'VW"°" 8••1t10.-..r,. lft JorO.ln ConlY'lly Mal•• 0.-1 C•~\C•nlo VAll•y rount1t1nVa111"t UOIAnd SI 4nlhtlny Ro~rv M•rvwood Conrwtllv MAIM°"' M••VWOO<I SC MAllhlA\ MorvSl•r Loui<v111• Sl.4nl,_y Cll'fll..AYOl'l'S w ..... Venture Torr ant.- WHO IS a Ian •agnon? Thtre .,.. sffn a t.w ptople ....... thh .......... •7 O Moo;1e: (2hr) "Rtd Ihm" (w, l JJ '48 John Ytayn• Mnnl~om,.y 01h ~~ · 10 Julie Andrews-A Salule lo ID Movir· C "Blossoms m the~· Dusi" M11) 1 r,, •• , (, 11 ' l'1 Hollywood ~~ m J1tquts Covstuu ··r~e ~wa~· 1 :00 ' J3 World ol lhe Ccital lunelf Cou\l•au 0 23 6 10 Tomorrow ~ s5 and his d1Y•r< plun~e into lhP P•11l11. • •I and colorful d~plh; ol th• lnd11n 2:00 ~ ~~ Octan to ~1ew lhe le•m'"~ pl~nl and m Movie Ooubltluture: "Notr ~ H amm~I hf• Steal Anylh1na Small," "Tw1lrchl lor • 78 Q) All That Ghtle11 t W h•ar' lhP the Gods" : 10 story ol lhe W1lminRIOn Wnman \ 76 k1dnappe1\; Linda ''drS lor h•r Mr ID All Nicht~~!e-"Mmbre," ~ ~~ whllP Ma and Sonny dream of a P•P. • SJ l~rm; 8Prl f!IP\ In han~lt in 1mpnr "Mr. 880" •, 33 lanl descs1on, and l W rovPs her -3:05-~ msons lor not help1na L•ndd O Movie: "Never Wave al A WAC" !' fl) Japanese Duma (com) ·~7-Rosaltncl kwMll -. 12f' Movtt: LCJ (2hr) "Key West" '- (dra) '72-StPphen Boyd. ;: EID Muttrpitct Thutre: Upst1irs DAYTIME MOVIES ~. Downshill · Nobltsse Olb1ge · • m Prem1t1 del Jutves APRIL 22 t; -8:30-Below, tor your tonvenicnce, are the ;; O ((Jtl ({l) Mat's H1ppenin1 (R) day's mmes. ~ ' lht Runaway' Rngu "'1trk•, hi\ 9.30 g "Hold B.tc• tht D~wn" :: rpspons1b1hly lo b~by~I for s1stP1 (d•~l '41 -Charlts 8ov1·1. Ol••• 1 ' Der and alt,nd~ A p~rly-lhtn dP t1av1ll.lnd t: bthe~ts she hu myslenously 10.00 2f "Dlplomatlt Cou11er" :: d1S<1ppured (dra) 'S? lrronP Powff, K~rl '• Q) l'ttry M'""' Malden, Pat11c1a N'll !• (ffl lytWilMst Oft S.rmt 11·00 0 uCratk Up" (my,) '4h-.; 9·.00 P11 D'B11111, c1~11e r,,vnr. :-- Herbtrt 1!1a11hall •: 0 ((J71 cm (f) H1wail fitt·O ll :OO &D "Watertoo SIHl1e" (dla) :• (R) MtCanell steps 1n wtlen ht 1s '40 RoW.t hylOI'. Vcvotn ltj~ ... : llvust mto a conlroolatll>tl 1r11h a Ille l:tl O "[fttY Day's A Hollda1" ;: Island calllP baton. Col I J r'•l<lday (co111) '31 Mu WP\t, I loyd ~ (Leslie N1eso), who m1~es h~ own Nolan :: laNS to aw•nge the btahna dealh ol Oe C) "April Lo¥t'' (•om) :• his son. 'S7 Pal Boone. Shirley Jonts ' D @ ()l m NIC's IHt ~lier: 2.00 0 CC I "Sht Wott A Yellow "" C.,binund tllt KlflCS (!!)Al loJfph ll1bbo11'' (w•~) ·49 John Waynt ~ ~adl plunges ltod~ iltlO lllt Joltcl ~r. J~n"~ Dru ~ fillt StPO$ of "" o•~n to •In a 3 00 1101 ICJ "The lost Man" (drJ) •: P1uldtnllal nom111at1on for hit '69 S1dnty Po111er, Al ltwtlln ;: tide" son, ll•CtllY and u1111tpp111~s Jr ~ pla211e the ~nd &Merahon ol 1111 3:30 8 (t) "Tiie llo1d lack" ~ la1111ly. (adv) '62 -tassce, Jed All~n. • .. m Movit: ct) (2hr) "11M Pumpkin Jack De Mm . II. I lovd Nelson ~ 36 "" KOCE Television (50)~ .... n.Ma(Nll~l.INllllUll"ORT ~ •·• TNli.oMI l'ROINllt"' .... ,t\" •., 10:• 1"E" r1 ,. ... ""00".t.MMINO .._ I to SI ST l!I T .._ :;: ~I. lllt;~a-1".llfllY ~ t:to liUITI" II lllSNllOMIORl4000 '- S: Je 11•-llfffY fl CTOllY I' 61 .. ~lfllO IT(OU .. T ''$Y'lftll'l .. AAlv• .. ' ,. •:• ot~.nlONSlfllCUl.TUlllS ' l(tMl'l•ll~_,taM. ;: t·• TMllNOMl,41101flllR"Pnh '\, r:• •.;>;t. •ito ~CNl\~lleP1tlVllW "T~.,oi1ri.-w.11i•• t·• C~~ltSTO'°A;llfllllltOVACS 1 ,t: T~~c..~~~Jlll".t'..'~T~t~~~~ltw W•~ ' .... ·~ 88 DAILY PILOT ThuradaY, Apnl 21, 1977 New Center Opens Computer Automation, Irvine, has opened an industrial producu division Lecbnical support center in the divialoo's Wes~rn realonal sales of· flee, San Mateo. T he office previowsly was located in Santa Clara. 103-123* INTEREST steady, safe, secure. For the last 16 years, through booms and recessions, individual investors, as well as trust and profit sharing plans, have earned 10% or more on their money. most of the time more. Often as much as 12%• on short term (3 to 6 years) trust deeds on choice reside ntial properties. with large equity and high security. The title is insured and recorded in your name. In those 16 years, no one has ever lost one cent on their investment at A. A. Ajax Co. No one has ever failed to cam I 0% or more. No one. We take care of all the paperwork, details and payment collections for you. H you want your funds returned sooner, after two years we will make every effort to reassign your trust deed to another investor at no cost or loss to you. We have never failed to do so. If you want stable high interest, and if you have SS,000 or more that you would like to invest, please call or write A. A Ajax Co. for our complete brochure on trust deed investments. ·when a loan is prepaid before maturity. you receive up to a six month interest bonus on 80°10 or the loan balance. This may increase the yield up to 12%. (714) 772-6230 A!>k for Bob Mayes or Barbara Frenkel 505 No. Eucltd Ave. Anaheim. CA 92803 (714) 837-3744 Ask for Sandy Ross ,Suite 202 Tilj Mahal Professional Bldg. Laguna Hills. CA 92653 Mnrl Ji1·l•' lu1 ~ • 1' ()11," d 1., l.1 .1 ... 1n•.1 '' ~•.Jcnts onl~" Stf)(!king Fuel Fires Technician Raymond L. Richard chops what loo! hke logs at General E lectric's research and development center a t Schenectady, N.Y. The logs are made by compressing tar and coal dust in an extruder. They are fed into a pilot coal gassifica· lion plant that converts 1,500 pounds of low-grade coal per hour into 100,000 cubic feet of natural gas. l'OTHIMG MYSTHIOUS IEH1MO 'nif COUMTElt In our pharmacy the rrescnption department IS lhC \'ery hearl or rvcn thing we do. i-:\'c•ry dru.i: rackage is carefully marked and arrant:ed for easiest handling by the ph;1rmal.'t'l Naturallv t-v~rythrng ,., ke1>l 'l'r\' l'lc•an so that pre~rr1ption-; an• made up 1 n an almo-;t ant1scpt1c almosphcrc Bankruptcy Petitions Filed The folio°" ing have fllt-d bankruptcy petitions in Santa Ana Federal Court· -F tt>rt• f:nrm fl\(11,1\t rit ' n t (Ah ro'md t1J e,.,1it.,rr11.t (r>re>O,.dl•vn 1t ,,,, w R.-~ ... , (O\'·' MP\A htl 1111 .. 1 ...,,,., n? ""' dUI" Ju'1,,,_. A I( Plit!IU\ n.,-, t>P .. ,, h\•qm"d '" tht-td r- -& ... t\~-t f rlw 't''l LP H•;t' ,,rvs wile. toHner·v dO r'l1 t>o .. n "''\ ... P• l., 9,.~u En~,.'C)"• _.,"" !0\1" nrr A..,.-. H t,.1r'IW1t"1I,," tit HI\ fl tvt,_• I• I I I• tt>t111 ... , ct '' I h~·t 41'\'1 1\t•I' I \•1 7..,.., J Jd?-A tt PtwlD<it n" Do """ " 1C)nPd t•·dt\ • C rtrnhl r (nm0-1nv I""" 1 t • llf"M w •v C.n~ t t M•, t n ,, 11,1t·1f 1i.1b.i1•11, o• \q1 uu ·''11J ,,._ ... ,, a' \JO ,+JIJ'll' P1·11•r (ll101t t\.l\ ,.,.,.,.. 1t'·""l''"rt ff>'"•' ... q Pf)l\tl•t-1'f1 n,Jf 1r ()".}IV\,"t n'°"' r 1~\\1 Gr .,,..,. ) M 1' t<i" y., .. , '°' 1 hi. t w .rh n') v ,.. .. ,,,,, J1J Y)I J.I f ·r t h tt r. .•• b ... "., ..... .,,..~t ltl(t •• S-tl'"m'"' J~"'"'" ..-r, . 1o••t Oftv,..nw~ F.,ll"'I i "'V ,.,,.. "• ti • '4j I tb •t \ rl \11' ()' u'1 1 ••h I \-;I} J»~· P. "''I II ti,,, t .. ~, d n •• .,,, J\ UP"ttwi"-r"~ Spt>rl\ ComNnv 101'8 Ln\ J"rd1nt"\ fd\t l-ou"tA+n V"''"V ~1 "''"'" l1db.t11,,." ot \ti& 'iiio'4 ~n11 ft\\••· &>t sn QlS J uaqfl' A tit. fin 10. h.t Oo~·n 4\• •Qfled lo IPw ca·• 5,..,,.,m.ln Jrrrv R<tQ-dn Frtwd•n '"'' £ 11 'Sr . O w.a Point ""' 1, 1 .. 1 I tD1hf1f<\ or l 1l .uJt and '°' .,~, "' \I QOO Juttt)"4 I( ~·~f\t!\~n n S-•Qn•-d lo thr C4''~ '"" ~ .... Sl...,10<1 l it! 1~1>· Oo vf" ~I • N..-wprH t Rp,.(l'I h ..... fi\lt•(t h1•h1l1to ... f'1' \t n1 ~, dnrt .... ,"'" nl '' too t)O() J1,dt)r~ Pfilflr e._111ott tM\ o~n 41,,1~0 to'"-' r d\P ~Altt«-miln Lanny R•<.h~rtt l •·nq, .. """' w i t .. 6•\ c;1.-nnf'v,. .. LttQun • k,..,,., n h.lvt ''''""° l1flb•*"''"' nt t.11 't't wt "'~I\"' \J OIYI J-1" P!-t~r l I tioUq ,,,...,n,,.., .. ,,wo1oth• ..t r------------------------, f:vl"ry drui: 1s kept prolectcd ;iccord1 ng lri the in'itructions from lhc mun ufaclurer. Ancl. rlo'l' Jt h.md arc a grcal man\' reference book<; for chcck1ni: pre<.tr1pt1on information. You l'Jn he 'i u r l' I h :1 I \' II II r prt'~l·r11>L1o n I ' hl·111 i.: t.1 k e n <'a r 1• n ( 1 n .1 p rnf1•<;.;ional manni•r at allt11m•.; ..tV·tn /tO•f.i urJ w•'1' 11.; W W1•~on (n•.t 1M1 1 ti1..i•' It•!,,, of ~" ,.,0 '""'lo ,,,,1o1 • ,,, \~ .... ., J 't ,. A P µt'tl P\ ~1 I nt .,, • J''' 1 I I"• I I I I I I I I ""' 1111c·w~trt.I m trusr clt-•·d "'""~lmPnh l'li 1'><' <>1·nd nw mnrl' inl J1ni.st1on r ,.,. I' A' r1 I••• l "''' f~' • ..." ·~N I ~ • I' I I Dt' ~I 'I ... • ff h• f • 1 •• ,....., N""'' null • M il 'I,, ,. ,, .... I " ' ,. 0 lJ () H \ o I fl DCH"l Oil l' \:>J Pllfl~ t-: l ''- "hl'll \ 1111 llf'1•tl .I tl..t1 \ t'I \ \\·1· '"II 1khH•r pr111npt I\ "llh uu l 1•\lr;i <'hJI L'.l' ,\ l!n .. 11 m ;111\ P"npl1· rd' <111 U'i tnr lhc1r hl.'alth IWt•rh W•• wt'kome n•q111•.,i-, lnr rt 1• I 1 v 1• r ,. ., r r v 1 c• l' ,1 n 'I t ha n.:1• .1rccmnt" Ill" ft,.t t 11\J/('.., • t l"f"° I ttiw• MtJMt •"Uh.\n ll••.1ni h 1 1 f, 1 1 1n1i.10•'. f c., A1~ '"''1 t t 1t 4.'!\ I 1•11)• p, 1 .. I [I r,tl '1 I t~·'''I I ••)P\ 11 lh I I ' . L.:::_ -------_:_· ____ :_p _____ ;_o:!'_J ,Altl( UDO ,HAlMACY 351 Hospit-' Rood Frtt Dn•-r ..._.,_.. hoclt 642· I 510 r,,. • '\ ' 56,000 SPENDABLE from Ten Shares of 55 Stock? The VEMA S REPORT zeroes in on coming technolo9y that could eclipse even that performance. VEMAS is a think lank America•s organization en9a9ed in 9realest asset . . . its effect upon near-future • • appra1s1n9 technolOCJy • • • and its products or services. ·~ VEMAS DOES NOT DEAL IN INVESTMENT SALES. THE VEMAS REPORT is a MOnthly bulefiw tae1ottd to present adva1te• infonnati• on •iable hc:Mlcal concepts and achievements tflat may later etMrCJe as new corpor* •~s. You ar• placed "front-row<_...... at the opportme time wheft a small lnvestm.ftt could pro•• to IM of ....... 11ta1 potet1tial •alM! Here is an exciting new avenue to beneficial investing. One backed by a "brain-trust" of national business talents. Never before has this ~ of a service been offered to the small investor! If upon receiving your initial VEMAS REPORT you do not CICJrff that this is the finest investment help since Wall Street, then retum it, your money will be promptly refunded .. There's more, much more and it 's all explained In the Introductory guide furnished with your subscription. ~-------------------------------' I I I I· I I ' I I ' I •• I THI YIMAS GllOUP 0.. JacU. Arcade 710 I S..ON St. S• "'-claco, CL 941 11 Gentlemen: Enclosed you will flnd my check for tho service Indicated below. NAME .............................. , ••••• , ........................ . ADDRESS •••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•.••••••.• 0 Trial six months. $36 D One year $64.80 (Save 10%) -.,,, . Honda Brake Failures Draw Agency Warning WASHING TON (AP) -The fOV• ernmeot has warned owners of cer· tain models of 1975 and 1976 Honda motorcycles that their brakes may fail on rain-soaked streets. The models are GL JOOO and CB 750F, which have both front· and rear· wheel disc brakes. The warning came Wedncsd11y from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , which said the problem may be severe. It has opened a formal defect investigation. T he agency said it has no reports of collisions or injuries, but il bas been notified by Honda that the company has received. 183 customer complaints or the brake problem. There are about 75,000 of the models on the highway. Society to M~t Luther M. Roseland, group leader for research and development for Roberts Consolidated Industries, will speak at tonight's meeting of t he O r ange County section of t h e American Chemical Society. The dinner meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the She r aton-Ana heim Hotel. Fur ther lnformation is available at 871·4848. B~ea Report• Gain Bertea Corp., Ir vine·, has recorded a strong im provement in operating results in the fi rst quarter of 1977, ac· cording to Richard Bertea, chairman and chief executive omcer. Net income ror the first quarter of 1977 increased to $433,010, or 17 cents a share, from $249,738. or 10 cents, in the corresponding period of 1976. Sales in the first quarter increased to $!!J.463.572 from $8,025,027 in the three months ended March 31, 1976. More f'lnan<-e Net6'• Page Bl2 ( TAKING STOCK ) The weighted average number of shares and share equivalents out· standing was 2,593,795 shares in 1977 and 2,551,284 shares in 1976. Accountants Meet Robert R. Burge, partner in the law firm of Wt!nke. Burge & Taylor, Santa Ana, will speak at tonight's meeting of the Orange County chapter of the ,.. American Society of Women Accoun· t an ts. The meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m . at the Saddleback Inn. Santa An a. Burge will speak on "Changes in the California Corpor ation Code." Record Gain Reported Standard-Pacific Corp., Costa Mesa, has reported record revenues a nd net income for the first quarter of 1977. Reve nues for the three-month period ended March 31 increased 78 percent to $22,667,445, compared with $12,691,675 in t h e cor responding qu arter of the prior year. Net income for the period rose 207 percent to $1,569,734. or 64 cents a share, com· par ed with $510,589, or 22 cents, for t he like period last year. Increase Rqeated National Systems Corp., Newport Beach, has announced its earnings and revenues have again established records during the quarter ending March 31. Earnings befor e extraordinary item increased 67 percent to $522,000 or 36 cents a share, compared with $312,000 or 21 cents a share for the same period last year. Net revenues rose 19 percent to $6,444,000, com- pared with $5,430,000 for the first quarter of 1976. Net earnings for the quarter were $908,000, a gain of 50 percent or 62 cents a share, compared with net earnings of $605,000 or 41 cents a share for the same 1976 period. Ov,~r Tht> Counter HASD L.istinqs )I)•, )I' .. ,, .. n , J I J > '·· ,., '"" , . ll'1 l1't 1b'. f1 ,. . '" 1 ,,. ~·4 f)'. 10• II'• I?• 17') \Q'. 10• .. ;· •• e n Ji~. 1'. ,,., ).... . .. \. \~ '" • tS'• 7 ' ) , 1 ,,. ~'1lff I ) , . l'• l't 1b 1t-.\ .. 71 ,~ '"/t1 ' 11·. ., • a • u, •s•. t1 II • ' . ,,,, ,, • 18'• l l 12'• t•' 1 IS'11 & • 1 74 'S''> t;*') ~'· b'• ft'• .· f 4mDI• J:j l J.t I T~c..h Puo 111 ... 7)J .. f f"turn P ~·, \3 :t Tf'n non1 1~ 1 ~· tun., Co 10-"W 11 • To\toCo l 1S·1b • 3 16 Trttn\o 0 11 11.a.., lrlCO PO 34''> l S1 > lrlln OG s• , s ~ .. Tvmsnr 11•..., u1•, 1 Y\On F 1)l... U 1 , VII MCC.•I q 10 ~~~~a,, 11•. 1)'• 11 . ,.. •• UV• 8~' "·"· UOPf>n P 10' l , ••• v.,11~v Gs '"'• ,, V•nO Atr 10 10·· V•nt" S • .. , Vt>lt rt) -'\ q VPfUfM •l •• V•N Bn• 19 111 W•d~ Pu 8'• ... W\h NG U 1 If) W•blt Re ,o~ • '' WrtoUvt ~ ... :~;3~:n W 8·• • I • 1 ~;!!"Z .. ~ ~ . , .. 4 ~ ~·. W'I" MIO ,~ 3. W•·\lmd '6 ~. Wowro L ~''>'1'1 Wrt'lM W ll\ , .. Z1onut B 75'. 1•'. Ups and Dow11s NE w VO~I( IAPI -Tile lollowlno 1111 '"°w" '"' O~r • the • C.ounttlr \tO(.k \ And ..,..arrant\ that hnvt" qanfl vo Int' m,.,.,1 •M down lh<! mo11 O~l~d on Fo'.'C-'nt ot l".f\ano-r~atdlvS\ ot \IOlu"'" or W"""'<lo ~'> ~C'f'Urlh.,~ trttdinq bfllow \'2 '"" h'lr f• uded N,.I and PH<~, a~ chanoe\ •.l'f'> '"°' d lHf'tf#>o"Cf bt'twt1Pf't lhft Off''ll'tQU\ ( llll•'•I btd (H IC~ And tOC14y•s l•\I btO Ofl f: UPS Na ..... U\I en., Prl 1 E'ptdy"" 1 ·• . . VD JI l 1 M•tJW•" 1 • " IJ" 1h l ~'' (Dmp 1 .. . ., Un 7• I • ::!31 OW•h 7 .. . .. Vu 10 ( s Hrl11 t:'" & • 1 Up 10( h "''' . I UC> 1~; J w ••• , ( )' 1 . ·~ Un 16. ~ V•<on . ' . .. \JI) .~. ' q Cl••t r~,, 11 • • I • Uo hl "' N htl'v j t . . ., "" H• " f+uqP'I f,IJ(l 1) .. 1 .. Urt .. 17 J.t(O EfK , • '• Ut> .... 1) k .. 11Mh 3 .. '• IJC> ... .. Tf'\P\'f'' A ' . '• uo H ' IS Arntt or , .. • '• Up I) I 1h f fc\U Ind U l.t1 . , .. VO 1)7 " U•nly M 11 + "• Up 11 , IA Ar<K• Vt 7 .. . '• IJD 17 s IY F unlu-nt• ,,.,.4 + , .. Up 11 ! 10 Noolltv Ii , .. .. .. UP 11 s 71 PremrRr-\ , .. .. '• VII 111 ,, Slf'l'.Hn Mf (' I . '• v" 11 1 1) f~:!.~1'i-) I . . Up 11 0 ,. .. + I ' Ue> 11 0 1S ~··1~·"' 1 + l , Up 1H N-DOWN~ l .... , P(t 5'1, ·"·'·~o,1q .fimtut1ury 1 '\('nttv M , . ., 011 16 7 7 On!'•I JF 11. -" 011 "' J MdC.,,,Sv ... " 0 11 1S 0 -• locom tn , .. .. 011 10 0 NEW YORK (AP) -MO\l ecltv• OV"'· s Sl3SI Bo• ,. -,,,; OH •• ttw counter \~~~,, 'uBrJ••d .. ~~~d NA~O 6 !>v-• Oat ,,., -"• 0 11 q I NA mt CllQ. 7 Hy(;,lln E' ~ .. -.,, Oii 8/ RAn•Orq ll01,800 , .. l 8 8Mlly lb 11"1 -''• 011 A ~ Pnrll T 10~ , .. 11 14 .. 3-•6 9 Hytlro Oo 1 •"• '· 011 8 J PhtOo GI 1:10 SOil 17 • 11' l . ·~ 10 R."'n T"c 1\. -'• Oft 8 I Am•<Or ,,. V() 1"• ''• . '• ll M<1Clut lnl 1 '• 011 1 7 (1151h c;., 10. QI)() 6 • I • 11 S.u•YI Tf"C " -I I O•I 11 AM1~U\ 8 . •J 'IOO 11... 11·. I \, IJ OAl•ll~' ,~ . ., 1•, Oft 1 s A~toS" ~~,~ l ~;~ 7 1~;f. -1-16 1t C•e> r um l'. -'• Otf 7t w~ 1~n In .. I • IS S<-< AmF 3'. -I ' Oft 71 Pnrt G 80100 1J ,, . -• .., t/) Wn Hnld n.,, -1 Otr 70 M onuEl'lr 78,000 ··~ , 11• •I 1~ 11 An..+IQ•C-13'' -1 0 11 ,. IA 1 0,C:J "Y f ••• .,., 011 6H AdvancP<I .,. ,. Univ~ b'• '• Oft ~-o .. chnt11d ,.,. ?O W\10 l~Y •'• .,, 8" 61 Unchonoect 1,151> 71 Pdl '(f )'I> '• II "' Tota1 t\\~ 2.S1'1 n PrnCI I JVt .,,. Ofl ~I N•w hi~. 107 2l [M1h !.cl J'io '• 011 & s Nf-w tow' 11 7• 8~ 0.1 31' '• 0 11 . , Total SAl'"S : .. 9,0IS, 100 lS PIC><'r Ind n, v. Off • 3 MUTUAL FUNDS • ' Thur~day .. s Cl0Mi n 1-t P r ic•~ ·~ NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS '· Thur!d!y. Apnl 21 19n l/N DAILY PILOT •1 Pension Plans Total Benefit Varies Widely By SYLVIA PORTER Third in o S.-rif$ Here are some questions and answers on pens a on saie · Q. 111 qualify for a penslon, will it gave me un udequate Income after I retire? A. Chances vary, depending on the phm. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that, an 1975, the average private pension received by people 6S ye~ old and over nmounted to $2,279 a year or $190 a month. Q How is lhe amount determined? A. IT DE PENDS ON YOUR PARTICULAR plnn and generally how long you've worked Pattern-type plans pay a Oat-dollar benefit for euch )ear of service regardless of salary. However, most workers are covered by conventional plans with benefits based on the number of years worked multiplied by a percentage of salary during a particular Money's Worth year. or o( average earnings throughout your career or dur ing the five years 1mmed1ately before retirement. Q My plan is "integrated" with Social Security benefits. Is this customary and what does 1t mean? A. Plans that tie benefits to salary and years of ser\'ictt are frequently combined with Social Security ::.o that tht· amount of the pens ion depends upon your Social Secunty payments This combinauon 1s designed to equ,tl a certain percentage of your salary For instance, if }Our plan pro mises a combined benefit equal to half )Our salary at retire· ment and you earned $50.000 a year, you would qualify for a combined benefit or $25,000 a year. A small share of this amount would come from Social Secunty and lhe bulk from the pens1on fund The r everse would be true 1r your salary 1s low. Q. IF I WOR K FOR 10 YEARS under my plan and thus quahfy for a pension, will all of tho:-e 10) ears be credited in to the amount of my benefit? A Maybe not The fact that ) ou qu11hfy for u pension based on 10 year:. 11f work docs nut neces~anly mean the dollar amount of your benefit will be ba~cd on all tho!)e years. 'J'he law says you may havl! to reach age 25 and ha\~· worked one year before becoming CO\ ered by a plan If your plan requires you to put in 10 years to gain a n~ht to a pension and you start work at age 22 you h.ne a n ght to a pension at age 32. but only those years you "'orkcd from age 25 on wtll be used to set the amount Q. U 1 retire early or become disabled. will I get less from my pension fund'! A Almost certainly. lf you start collecting your pension early, your benefit will be reduced because you'll receive 1t for a longer period Plans aren't required to pay pensions until normal retiremment age, gener ally 65, although many have disability and ear ly retirement clauses. Q. BOTH MY FRIEND AND I worked 20 )cars for a company with a pension plan. We both opted for early re ttrement, but he was still working when he decided to take h is pension. His benefit 1s larger than mine. Since .... e worked the same length of lime, shouldn't our pensions be the same'! A Not necessarily. Under some plans, 1r you're not working when you apply for an early retirement pension, the law permits the plan to give you an early retirement benefit cons iderably smaller than that paid to a person still working when he applies 'J'hjs d1spanty 1s allowed even t hough you have both worked the same number or years However, 1f you both drew your pensions at normal retire· ment age, m most cases the amounts would be equal. Nert. Sunnving spouses Market Gets Hit By Energy Package NEW YORK (AP I The i;tock market declined moderately today, showin~ some strong inatt<il reaction to Pr esident Car tcr 's energy propos ab The Dow Jones average of 30 mdustr1al stocks lost 6.7!) points to 935 80 Losers held an 8-5 lea<l over gamers among New York Stock Exchange-listed issues Eldon A. Grimm at Birr, Wilson & Co observed that in· vestors had considerable advance nohte on most of the Carter package. "A lot of 1t was leaked out ahead of tame." he said, "and a lot so complicated and so involved. it's J?OIOJ! to be debated for a longtime " NPw YorklAPI Flnal Dow.Jon" av••AQ"\ STOCl(S Doe<\ .. IQ~ low 30 '"° 944 10 '" l1 •J> '3 10 T•n 1IO"" 1•110 1~ n IS Ult IQll » 11» 01 101 61 6\ SI• 31\ O'l llo !I 111 17 '"di.I\ lr•n Ulth 6) !>lk 1tme rkat1 Leader• What Stock• Did NEW YORI( tAPI llCIV•"c..i Oo<llMO u11ct1a _.i 101•1 '""" New 1'n 11'9~ N•w 1'7110'#\ p,,..., Toct•v cM'I' \ti ... oos s• O l 0 0 18" 111'1• 101 "' ~ ll WHAT AMEll DID New YORK (API Syrnbob •.oio. 'I """~ ·- .fttu<·k• 111 T.lae Spotlight NEW VOR"' lld'I SAi•< • D m r>rlrr 1tnd ncl cM~'>f ,,. H1r t1fh•t-n mo\t t1i;t1v• N,."11 'V(tf'" ~·~" [: 'tr hM\f)I' 4~\Uf''So tradlnQ n.:tt1on 111.,. 11 mrw1 th1'n ~t 0c<ldfl'1 PPt tu~ '''•· E~•I IC,,,,,.• 111 1"ll t\•o l F~ro Mot II' lOll H·~ r,.,.1.u1n Mt ,., l""l UI .. c;...,, Motnr~ hi ''"' ol ,. ' t• s->"v r..o,n 11t1 IOO •-... .• "'"'?~ <,\ l•l •'Ill )O'o ' A1'tn Pron •ll )fl() 41 ,,,_. <·"" fh< uu /ft() u •• W.-.\1Q" lt '"' ,,,,, t•1• •• AllR1<t'ltl tlltn •.on '' • • t ,_. •m M rHor 1 ' ,,..)() ~ ' IBM t'' ',ot) 7-.4 ._··: Ctu .. ,, .. , t /~ ,'Y> 17'. + 4- C,1 rf'>ll r PtJ llf9!'W't JI •1 IJp• a1ul Do1t~11• NEW vOfll( ('IPI 111•• ln11-.wtnll ll\t 4 how\ fry. Nf''W Vnt"\f ~10(9' [ •f l'Mfh..N \t,.., ~' •nO W4ttAnh ttt,.t hAYt QftnPI llP lhtt mMI ~fJ tJnwn fJMo ""'"' tMW>O 0" r::(r~u?!o~~~ f"Q.llrt'llP nl Vnfll~ NIJ "r I tlflt tf H'I n) ft fl>N r~ i'M I "'" d 11..,1 Jn t ,,..., '"'"' t """'I"" "' thf" • ftilff/lr,.N1 t1itfW•tt\ ,,_ '••OU~ C.10 011 • e>t 1v· .tnrt I00-1 • 11 ru 1 , ', "" UPS I ~·t \ . "'. II • '° . lo • VI • •• It ,,, '. . , 11 \ ' .. 1• \ ) 19 .. " ' DOWtU. '-"~' ,, ,. ,., ,, .. , , .. • ] . 101, U'• t•. )A'• I' , n ••• 1 • ~·~ ,, 1 .. '°" c ••fl Prl • .. '• Un It ,-. \1(1 ll 1• t I • Un A ... ' I 00 flit• I Un I~ t U11 1 '• . ~. ~~ : J• •to o ~. '• Uo \ •• '• uo j ,,. 1' • Uo , 4 .. • iv. uo , ), ... '• l)p \ 1• ' l/C' ',. 110 ', ... VD •I .. .. ,.. , , .. ,1,, t ,. lJO 4 t! ,.,. : I t 8:' IQ 1. l I • '• ' • l . 1.no1•-. l (llf , .. Ott • l • • Oil 6 .. 1 •• _ ,..,. -,,., -"' '" . .. I\ .. l' ~ I (Ill .. .. 0 11 .. .. 011 ~ ~· ()U " I• 0 11 6 1• g:: ~~ Off Sii 1)11 s '· Off s '-011 s~ Ott ~ "• Off s 1:( ~ ,.,..~ I INI t ...... c ~:i . .... ...~ 1) .... u ·~ .. Ill .. ''• ''' • t1. u .\ , •• -------,.-----__ ,... .r::;; ------. ' !hundey, Af)f11 21, 19TI PEANUTS MOnEY'S CREW *4SIDE WOODY ALLEN THE 5RITl5H ARE CQ\\ING ! TH£ SRIT15H ARE COMl~G ! FUNKY WIMKERBEAH fANK McNAMARA ~~~~~~~~~ NANCY 'f-21 ---~71M14 ...... ..._ ........... , ,.,, ·-....... .....-.... by Tom Batiuk HERE I lOOUGHT rT u:A5 AN ENORMOUS Pl..A5T1C. 8A6 ! 0 0 by Emie Bushmiller DR. SMOCK OOt-.J'-r' WORRY. ! 'l-l-TE: l-L.. 1"HE: CHE:F. c::>E:AR te .' ,-~~~""""'"-'~~~~ -. ACROSS , A /\OUSPhOld 11ead 6Cougar:. "11 Racket ... 1' Amrnon•a comoo1.nd 15 Where Ast• IS 16Gllersure area I 7 Slage tares 2words , 19 Business , e•e>ert 43 Rehg,ous be11e1 s \lems ~~ 510vf' COflfr, I ·It> A'18'llhi'l>t, ··R 1Jn1oad 41 P ece ol lurtHlure ~o iso df!Qree~ from.tit 52 Spa"•Sh 1ar 56 TMq.ims 5 • Lo•a 60 ca1 .. ,,d.1• at:>br WHY DID YOU SNAP THAT GUYS PICTURE? '{~ 6Tt)J:;= ~" 1..L '4.:1~ E\JOu '<E. 4-::.t WHEN I MAKE A SCARECROW FOR MY GA~DEN NEXT WE EK c.•H·· L.tiE.&:zA~'t' L.t\:t:IJeE/ b Gus Arriola iJ.IE HE.AV'( C?AIE OF NIGJ.li. SWEE-r 'FRIENOS1 ro BIED.'' Abbr 20Gaehc 61 ~e..-.1n1ne 21 l.Aost 'IJme JUDGE PARKER by Herold Le Doux excellent 6'l B•olld 22 Seizes ,0,..,~df • 2' Crusader 63 Ea• v N Jacob· • Amrr can 12 T•ee 36 Prosecutor • 26 Bu1ld1no AbD• t 3 B•Hklast 38 ~,st• ,1ns • material b~ Prov dew th 11em 39 01 Par:'11y • 27 Give 1n lood 18 Dea If\ 't 30 let 65 Winier not.et .s' D s~entN 32 0 OreC•P uM 23 Pierre~ 42 Leave rassy tr •end l'lumPdlv ; areas 2' L s ~33 Mr Karloff DOWN "' ast iang alectlon '.t ( 1ecrrica1 :34 Family 1 01 one ot winners unit • member' the se,es 26 Malay 4S Musical ~ Informal ~ 2 Muslim lord dagger team "37 Came to 3 Cxcavotes VM •6 Comoos11ion rest { 4 Follower 27 "Too bad'~ 4 7 Narratives ~8 Floor 5 Convened 28 Bargain •e Household coverings 6 Wind f\unter's appliance lnlormal 1natrumo11ts dest1na11on SO Slew 39 Obsolete 7 American 29 Mountain St French pronoun Indians road departmem .•O Tennis 8 tr11d1ng ' section 53 Coin ol • match center 30 Weter Euroi:>e segment 9 ••• carte bodies s• Be w1th0ul ;A 1 Female to Estabhshed 3 t Greek QOd SS Nautical an1m1l1 procedures 33 Fasten with term '~Sierra····· 11 F11udulent COfd S8i1me oerlOd African operation 2 35 Pompeii ~9 Below par country '#OfdS hero1n11 ..... or.2.--rl~~r.-' 7 • ' u:.L 1J' JS NOT, Fa.LOW FOOHAWl<S, A t'00-90010 FORGET10 ISSUE A RE:CelP'T FOR~KING-A SCALP1 MISS PEACH FANS (•nd other comlcl readert): M•rda end IMtt' ctatlfOOm petl .. ....., In ~. but ... ,. ullng their apace todly to 1tlc you how Wll fO" Ok• thl• comic ltrtp -end how well you •nd ycMK f1mHy Ilk• other Ody Pftot contlcl. Drop me• note. Your commtntt wlft b9 1pprtdattd. TholMI KHYI, Editor (Box 1580, Cotti Me11, CA 92129) I I I' by Chcwlet M. Schull --~~~~~~....., ~LI/ IF 't'OO~ Fl'({N6 LOW ... TME'N '{OU ~VE TO lll-\TC~ OUT FOR mees ~D TELEPMONE WIRES ... ·HI ~ ~MMA ! I THINK I HAVE YOUR HAIR SPRAY BY MISTAKE. by GeonJe Lemont THE GIRLS ., . .. . . ') .. . .. ,,. ~~ ~ S'fN~. J.-l~~"'117 • "You mean the library has such a long waiting li~t 11 may be several J months before I can take out that new book I've requested on 1 dieting-well that's cena1nly a sad blow" · • ~ t q.'U 1 f • I ~ ~1 Laguna Play llilarious .. I Opening-night, Jitters Cr~ate Problenu By J ERRY HERTENSTEIN Ol ltoe o.i1y ~1191 SI.ti "Good old" American morals, like motherhood and apple pie, aren't dead. At least that must have been t he oplnion ot many in the near capacity audience after seeing ,J'Finiahing Touches·' opening njght Tuesday at the Laguna Moulton Community Playhouse. Sex, love. t he generation gap, the m iddJe·age cris is, loyalt)'1and ,confusion are all in the hilarious Jean Kerr comedy running even· fogs at 8 Tuesdays through Satur· day through May 7. Barbara Van Holt , familiar with South Coast theater CO· thusiasts, portrays the lead Katy Cooper, the worrisome, confused wife of university professor Jeff Cooper, played b y H a r ry Knierim. • MISS VAN HOLT carried the ~oduction through the first two act s opening night. Nearly all other performers, save Gene ~enedict who plays Fred Whit· ten, a colleague of Jeff. and Linda Garay <1s J eff 's stutlcnt. Elsie Ketchum, had difficulty ~·it h timing and occas1on •. illy their lines. Miss Van Holl plays with flair and confidence the housl•w1Cc m other tryin~ lo cope With an "interrupted" program. Katy has plenty to cope with. "P1'41SHINOTOUCl4H" C:.HI ~"i" C-• ........ · · · .. · · · ·.. . . . •.. . . . ........................ O•vid ••--II • VC-r ............. ..... ... . ... ..... • ••. • • • 8•.WreV ... HOll JetJ Cooillitr • •••••• •. • •••••••••••••• , ... • •• • .. • •• • ... • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• ~rry Knierim• ~evl11 C-. . . . .. . . , ... . .. . ........... . . .. . .. Eric Swer11\0UI ••dWl\lllell .... • • • "' ••• • • • • • ••• • • •. ... , ...... CieN8"nedlCI ~l••e '-' • • • · • • .. •" • ...... NIO HOclqo• .-Ht.t•~••\.Oft ••••• •••.•. • • • ••••• . • •. ~trryKr•ft £1,,~ K~tc"""1 • . • · . I.I""• G•r•v Pr°""<e<l .tn4 dire<!..., t>v Oc>vv ~o .. < ~I ~Ion bf Oouq Wllllem•Otl ~eul TOii Si.,_ me11o19tr, H•ltn Vell LIQ!lht>Q ~"fin, C•'I Cellewev llQhllnq oper•lor. O•Vld Ch•lll• Pto~'1•H \.At Cl>••dren E"""'"9' •I 8 JO fu.nd•n lh•c>vvh S..lu<d•'I" 111 M•v I, Svno•v ITl.tllne• ~., 1 el 2 oo l 4Quna Moulton Communflf Pl•YhOCIM!, 606 L•Cl"M """'°"RO.Id l•vu,,. Buch There is the sudden revelation from Jeff that he thinks "I 'm falling in Jove" with student, Elsie. There is her Ha rvard son. Steve, played by Nick llod~cs. who brings his mistress, "Phil," short for F elicia Andrayson, played by Sherry Kraft, home for a weekend. And there is the amiable, amorous Fred who ha~ always "been a little bit in love" with Katy. The chaos that evolves from all this when everyone gets together for a "family" picnic on the ltv· ing room floor and the solution for each situation makes for a funny ending and a worthwhile e\ ening of theater . Unfortunate· ly opening night !>ome line~ \\rll· tt.•n lo be funny, fell flat KNI ERIM, WIT ll ms dist inguished p_hysical appearann '. f1Ls the proft's:.or role well, but had diHiculty with his lines . Hodges appeared to be reading his lines when he first appeared i n the second act. Eric Swarthout . as the middle son, Kevin. was also a bit weak. David Bramwell is lovable as the youngest c hild Hughie, always ready with a corny rid· dll' M 1ss Kraft does well in her role as Fehc1a, a "'theatrical," well· to·do girl nf 26 BENEDICT, WHO HAS a long ltst or credits in area theater, is admirable.· os Fred, carrying the part ore with near flawlessn~s. Doug Rowe. after leaving LagunJ Beach :.ome years ago to pursue a<:ting on Broadway and m films. 1s back as producer-d 1 rector or·· F1n1shi ng Touches '· Doug W1lhamson and Paul Toft ocs1gnPd the set w h ich 1s t<istefully construc ted. Carl C:allaw:i y is the lighting de- s 1gnl·r. There \Hll be a s pecial Sunday matinee perfor mance. the first in the Laguna group's 54·year his- tory, at2p.m . May 1. 'Brothers' Film Parallel To Soledad Incident? By BOB THOMAS LOS ANGELES <AP) -The new Warner Bros. film, "Brothers," con- cerns a radical young woman professor and a s tate prison inmate who struggles agains t the penal system and 1s killed tn an escape al· tempt Sound ramiliar? In ings, as repartcrs who in the prison actually many ways "Brothers" covered the events can happened e lsewh ere parallels the ca ses of point out The arm bands that the Angela D avis and "But there was no at escaping convicts wear George Jackson, plus his tern pt to follow th e tn the climax were used brother Jonathan, killed Soledad case,·· com· at Attic a . George inthel970shootoutatlhe ments Bernie Casey, Jackson was not at M a r i n C o u n t y who stars as the prison Mann. as the picture in· Courthouse. But ln other leader, David Thomas. d1cates ways the film diverges "'The underground let· " 'Hrotht'rs ' is not a . .. . . . , . . ALAN ALDA BONNIE FRANKLIN KATE JACKSON ...... ,.,... ... ROBERT BLAKE :r. '" Televlalon Stars Among Many Tabbed ea Emmy Award• Candldatea • Emmy Nominees Told ~ Eve nt Goes Forward Despite TV's Dropout { By BOB THOMAS LOS ANGELES <AP) Although N BC has pulled the plug on t he telecast of Emmy winners for nighttime shows, the Television Academ y an- nounced Wednesday 394 nominations for its 29th an· nual awards. "The awards will go forward even if there is no television show," said Lee Shulman. a wards chairman a nd an NBC vice president. "The officers of the Academy ar<' now exploring other alternatives to the awards :.how." The nominations were evidence of the feuding that brought a total bn'ak between the New York and Hollywood chapters or the Academy. Missing are such series as "M·A S-H," "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," and "Barney Miller" and such stars as Miss Moore. Car roll O'Connor and Valerie Harper. AJl declined to nommate themselves, as is necessary in voting procedure. "Btrr PRICE WAT ERHOUSE informs us that there was a higher percentage or the 9,000 ballots returned than last year~ reported Shulman. He THE GOLDEN BEAR Hun...,.on leach Presents APf\ L 22 2•-CE(ILO 6 ~Af'ONO APPIL ll>MAY I -RICH~ HAV(tl') MAY i>-7-Fl YING BURRllO &1!05. MAY 13-14-LEf M(HA(l5 Hot11e ..._..._,., Cowtesy of Cocnt Minic DIHIHG • COCICTAILS •HO AG! LIMIT 306 ftACIFIC COAST HWY. 536-9600 H.tiftgtCMt hach IAcros1 frOM Plwl added that the number of s hows and performer~ who declined to enter the nominations was relative- ly small Last week NBC dropped the May 15 telec~j because of such dropouts, as well as lack of star~ who agreed to appear as ptesPnters. . ·· AHC led the number of nommces with 145 pro-• grams and ind1v1duals. followed by NBC with 11.2.,' ( St>e EM M \'S, Page Bil) !Uproarious ... lusty entertainment.' -l ob Tllolnat , AllOCIATIO PlllSS ~~~~PA-UL NEWMAN ~ SLAP SHOT A~ PIClUlif ~ TIDNC~ ,.,.. ~I ... ,~,.,. ~ .. ' . . . . -•...-.\ ....... . ' Two M •null Warn1nq01'C Slep.; JO Two 9 45 from the real happen-ters which are circulated documentary. Il is a ---------------------,...--='°""'"""":::=::::;;::;:==-----. d r <i mat 1 c mo t io n ---..~ .... ,._. p1cturt•. and it employs----------~----------dramatic license t o create drama." ~WI cWI '"~ l ~c-- ~31·9~80 & 11 A NllVOVS -NCI WOOO'r AHOI e -•IATOOt ANNll HALL <"I ) AC.AMMY AWAlot POCTVet • -.noe • l llfT- IOCKY <NI _..,, "°,, ... , .. ''nllt H.U , -AMI 11_,0 MtM tuCIOM~111 "'"' NASMV\lll oell 111 .... , <_,. ~ -.i1'6 THI PAJlMll 111 P\llt TAXI DllVll (I ) 1.w:• u-• AH AU ""' c.un A .. JOn 71 (l'OI "UJ IWAIMaUCKll l"I MIHY. NO, ....... tfttlM .. -~·llllOlf •<;:,:_. ) A STAI IS IOIN 111> 531 ·9~ -'~"''. )i:M ....... " _, MO •A»U .. --·--JUN wml IMCI I ,.,_ CNt P\lt\ LAS VIOAS LADT !NI MtCNlrlCl ... t•• .... ''-'' l O•*" \fl; \.tilt ............. " ... ttll'(WtTuU MOTIClt CMl\0"1• .., .... 0 'IC:I• .,,..., oiu• "'°' •• n-.-..... 9'ACll OM CIONIMACl tl l "'" NAIHVK.LI Ml (I I IACll 1.-ooi • i•'"J'4rl'lt Atl'°4n 771H 1 ""' IWAIKMKIUl 1,,.. s '"'"" ""'".,.,... THI VAH1•1 ""' ,ICIC.U, (t i .,"" ftVCll'"""" 1"1 VAHfll ""' 'ICK•U'fll llUCOM'f• ....... ~I W'IO'Mt IAMIA1' tlMT 1M1 '"" unoonMM11N1 wo.T MUM • 1i1AN1 ICIA'l'ON ANHtl HALlc--1 '"" I Wl.L. I WUOl llOW Ill The movie is coming into relea~e this month. and producer -writer Edward Lewis has com- pl a1 ned that bookings have been scarce in all- " h1te neigh borhoods ·· 1 s uppose the film will dis- turb some '-' h1tes," ob· ~riiijii;rWijiijiiiiiiiiii~I ~en t·d Case), "but it :.houldn t. It is not a bl.ick \S White movie; it 1s people vs injustice. 1 ~ul>pect that il will do \lo t>ll 1n b lac k and ·cro:.:.O\ er' black and \loh 1te theaters. and it s hould be well received In college areas as well." Kir'IKone , .... ..._"" ...... F"~ ... ~hLi'Y ~ ..... 1.~ '""- l10 1" THl2EE ,,, MUSKETEERS Rrr111e Casey is po" erfully built at 37, a 6 loot 4 Klant who played pro football with the San Fran<'1sco 49t'rs and the Los AnJ<?eles Hams. That wasn't menlJoned in his studio biography. ..... ,,.. l llll .. ......,~ I ) .. \1'.•lt Casey said he fe ll naturally into acting . thr* s~n11nel ••• 11SLAP SHOT11 CRJ "TWO MINUTE WARMING" 0 NETWORK .. caJ "SHAMPOO"' Ill "DEMON EED" IRJ .. THE ENFORCER" "WIZARDS• CN) .. FAMTASTIC rLANEr .. THI THIH MUSKETEEIS" '"THI FOUR MUSllTEHS" f NI .. ROCKY'" "IURHT OFFHIMGS" IPGl "SILYH STUAK'" IPGJ "TUMMIL YISIOH'" ... LACK SUMDA r IRJ .. OHE FUW OYH T .. CUCKOO'S MISfM "SLAP SHOT' IRJ "LAST DIT4tL" IRJ "SILVIA STHAll" "1'HI II.ACK Pl•D" ,., .. ILACKOAK COHsrtRACY" '-ntE V AH" IRJ 1' ill DRIYH" .. THI& MUSICITIHS .. I A FOUR I v MUSKETEHS" (PQ.J. '~~~ n•••u SAT /\._I 114.._flJt.lt!O ''THI VAN" lt1U&t{ljll&-I~ ~9-ei TIIE FARMER PLUS (R) ROHfRT 01 'IKO TAXIDRM;It tht~ "FUN WITH ut111nel DICK&JANE" .rLUs-·· (R) (PG) DEMO~ HARBOR TWIN SEED """°'•'Wll'ON CO\ ..... , UMUJ 60·l l ~llll'Tl~llifll~!"!'!'!'!'!'"ll• "8 LACK OAK CONSPIRACY'' PLUS (RI "THE CASSANDRA CROSSING" UPTOWN SATURDAY NIGHT LET's DOIT A J -· .. •" .p OJO DAIL'( PILOT Thursday. Apfil 21 . 19n Wicka 'Don't just sit there. Get out ancl change ths earl' Slower Rate . Prices Upped For Consumer WASmNGTON (AP) -Consumer prices rose .;,ix-tenths or a percent tn March, a slower pace than in lhe previous two months, the government report- ed today. The Labor Department said smaller price in· aeases for food and other commodities helped hold down the rate of inflation last month. THE lUARCll PRICE RISE compared with a l pl.'rcenl Jump m February and an eight-tenths of a perce nt rise in J :rnuary, a two-month surge that touched orr fears or a new mflationary surge in the economy. February's mcrease was the bigges t monthly jump in 21:? years. However, the latest report lends weight to the Ca rter administration view that the J anuary- l"ebruary price surge was only a temporary reflec· tjon of the hars h winter impact on ful'I and food ( eos ts . If prices contrnuc to inc rease for the full year at the Marc h rate. il CON.'-;U/JIEU J would translate into a 7.2 percent rise in prices. That is still hi~her than what the Administration tJelieves to~ the underlying inflation rate of 5 to 6 J)e rcenl. CONSUMER PRICES ROSF. AT a 10 percent ;rnnual rate during the first three months of the ~car. compared with a 4.2 percent rate in the fina l quarter or 1976. I ligher food and fuel prices were mostly to blame, the government said. f'ood prices rose s ix-tenths of a percent in March after soaring 2 percent in February and n ine-tenths of a percent in January. Fresh \Tegelahles, eggs and beef declined in price. helping ~ oHst'l :;harp J(arns for coffee, up 7 percent; fresh fyuit, up 4 9 percent, a nd poultry, which rose 3 per· cent last month. Frozen oranfle juices prices were up nearly 12 percent la'\t month. reflecting the effects of the winter freeze on the Florida citrus crop. NONFOOD COMMODITY PRICE increases al~o s lowed in March, rising four.tenths of a per- cent. These prict's rose seven-tenths of a pcrcenL S<'rvic:l'S had risen six·tenths of a percent in l-'rbruc.u·y and rune tenths the previous month. PUBLIC NOTICI:: P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITICIUS •ust•IH ... u.-1 aT ATllMS•T T ... loll-1"9 .,.,..,,Art Ooi"t bll•I "it'Meta MANAGEMENT $EllVICU A$ SOCl.o,Tt!S.tll N ·'-•Y w1 .. oo S.IMa An. CMlfMN• tntl f.CIW••O C...,.M Jlnl, ,.... !.eilh c1.,.. Clrtle, ~t .. n V•llfy, C•lll "* Nolt Jlf\I 1 ... Soeftte (l.,f (lf'(lf ,OUfll•on V•lley ~ht '21111 Thi\ -Int•~ I•. (#llj~l.0 Oy ~ lft 01vlov11 E.OW•td E J11~I Tlllt •lol...,.nl w•\ 111«1 with 1"- COlllllV C.l••k 01 Or.n9t Cwn•y on """""" "" 1'1N" Pllllfl~l'WO ()r~ Coftt O•lly P olol ""''"· '• 11 M, ltn 1~111 P UBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS IUSINIU NAMI ST ATIME HT Tl•• '"''-'"11 -Min ·~ 001"9 bll1I neu a\ Ckll tS Tl'°'N 8US INC \S F INANCl .. l INST 1806 N Br ... dwAy Santa•no CAnio. Jo\•ol'I v 51,,...,. 10017 Jon O•v Dr . HU~f"\IJI'>" 0."Cft C .. "7•..0 f nl\ tM,,\IM\.io h COf'MtU<h:d t)y '" •n tllYIOU•J ~v51,.,.... Tf'H\ \t•t~ ""'t\ t1tto ••tf1 "'" CO•k"'" Cltt,~of Otc,tn')e COUIWY on •or11 • 1•11 ,,.S04 Puhh~"""J 0-in?-' C"'•'t 0,.11v PtfOl Aptol 14 ~I 29 ""OMdf \ 1'11 PUBLIC NOTICt; 'FtCTITtOUS BUSINESS N"IME STATEMENT ft'!~ tollOW1"'9 e>t·r'"Jf\' ,, rti • 1 t111 ,1 "1!U.t• AMEQl(AN CARl"l f l<I VIVAI.. 1t8 W Wtl...,Jn (ll\I t M...,-.,, (A '/"'•I A;t(nAr'.1 (. Johf' t:i" JUI W Wit~""·"°''" ~t.J CA vJ"'JI k r.,,. r-t M Mdnn It• W Wtl .,,,, (Ol\I fM t tb.•1.f.11 1'h1 h1-' ·''"'°'" I ''''' t It t '1 by ,f ,.,, lltJrJI DI"''""' "Ill M1t n.1rlj(' JiJhtt\1 ,,, ~ M,mn 1hl .t.tl••f•U•t'lf w I f ltif N•f" '"'' f?IJ''llV(h rli;o,t)f,tn·I• (t11H"ll Y11nA,pr I fl ,~,, FH,OJ Puhl1~h~'1 t"\r,tn•11 rn·•"il J 11ly Ptl •f AO' •I' I }1 ?ff IMUM.,ty '> I HI 1 li'd 11 P UHL.JC NOTICt: "'"'\'· ,, FICTI TIOU~ 8U\IH[ SS NAME STATEMENT 1)11 ~'il~l' O FVllOPMt°"f COMPANY tiai)? A01"•" r ' Lt\ ti1''11 lwJ't>t'I 8f.MI'\ t A 47wei /lrtnur <ineldon Otut U 01 A l> D'* tro· '\ L" HUtU1~ton 8· Jtn (A n~·~ M ull""' El ,..,, Rd ,,_.,, (11.10 ._.1111t1nQl()n n .. tel) CA ~HJ~ Tn bu'•"'"'\\. t\(Ctndl.K h:~ b't' • ltn'11I ~" ,,.,,,.,,.,~ f'\10 Artnur 't; Oru1 Ttll\ \tdh mt,,, w flt•<C"' ""'tin uu Count,, Ct~t'-.ot0r61'1qt ('1untv9n Agfll tt t~ll F "I01 Publ•\hil~ Or tnl'}f~ (1\.1 I 0 tilY' f.ldl"ll Aor1t U 11 :·q '"'°M.1t S. l911 1,t,. II P UBLIC NOTICE FICTI TIO\JS 8U51HE~S NAME STATEMENT Ttw fnllow•nf) ocr \f>n) ~rt· 001nq bu\t n~"'-', C llR CllRr rrNTr R , "" An.lh,.1m Or (n .1 t M f1•,t"f (A, ~1~11 l'ICTITIOU<, OU~IN[S<, NAMEST&TE:MENT FICTITIOU5 0USIHESS Cot•I~' Mt"""Q 1 1•1) W (1~11 ·~t , ... ~~~ ~~:;::\~~-Nd:Hlfl n I RoM)r~;~·~:; ~~,';~~~ M· (.r.1y II u ... lr1llriw11"1 o• 1 "' 1 dol•HJ bu~• 1•11\'l I', t 'llJNOl<OMl\I 11' f'h1Wr>'1rt IH'Y'I •41 w(lOrl h t• rt (A t)M'I Uorrun., A H,.nrv H• E 7f'>tn P O h.-'C If\'\ r11· 1,,M• •• ( A'J),,,1~ )n•·· h4h1n1• '1 1nnn•1 .. tt·f1 o.; ·•" " u.,,,,,~ ,1 nn.-nttw .\ M nrv T'u" lt!1·1t 11t wt• tll•"1 W•tl"I l'°IA f 6JJnlY Ch n ''' 1,. '"''II' (''''''"" on ""-''' f'I "· ''" Jtuhh ~-n '" ,,.,. 'D'''' u 11 "· '"' Fl ... 1 ,., I Ot '• ~t•f)t 1111 II PUBLIC NOTICfo; loll F'ICflTIOtl\ llU~fNF\~ HAM( H AfEMENT ,., 'It"" i ... , ,f .. J1,, I l)N(.Wl')flf'I 1'1t•n1>11r r II')"' I lMt '. (l \,.q -. .. , .. tt, Co.t I H1QP\<H,1y ~lfJ!j,,,1 "'.I " ( i111f II!\! t J/' \1 ,,.,,'f "'"'" )H4 A.Ir•"''" W ty l l'liJUll t h1 t ~ ( .~l1tn,~,. <f 'f\\1 •·•••u• tt '''"' ''' ,,, )1(t , I lriw\' f ln 1\1-.•11•1• ( '°''''"•ttill'HP t •111 h11 11~· 1 r iun1;t '", bv ., .. n .. r1tlOrHtf'l1•• '"'' J t'l"t•• •i {•""'· ,T'l,1'1 1'°'1 \f,1t1 01•·•,1 '<f'll ,. f1lt1t W•t•t h )111\\y (' 11 f ~ r,f I "M"f. h \ l'H I ·~' f ,,.,.,,y ,,,, ~11~l n(ICH"'L1Lll HLMI JC r lElO\ l\•&VITCH 4\Hf\ 100' Ftowtt ~lrff• ''" ,.,...,, lo' &n.,.ltt' CA 'W>OU , J\.,tltUlt\ C.uv1 \. Nt•wtJOrl A1 ,1(n t A OP'>"~~'""111~;~1,~;.\I ~."~~x>r):~·~ ... v~ J ql~'1~1-. t°'v\1m•\.• ~ nnr1•Jt" tt·o bv d CA •1;.~ °J"'n•·rdl ~•rln. '""'" Cdrlf.) Aft '"'""H Iii ,.,. n R·J k•• )1')2~ F-tl1m,,r (I) ,t l Mr...,t (.A ,~,_7,,. GI""" •,mHh 'u·l v''"' •• Cutv,..,. C1tv (.A,qo7 'I) w •• T "'' 01;·.1t1• \ •. 'f n .. r 11 P>•''r<N'• .,~o "f lt'llll•o'J tty I • t•ttt\ u.,,, ... T "'' t ttHni nt w •~ f1lr1 w .,, •""" C ··fufy r1° •ti (If l)t '"''P (.. Ull'f ,,"' M "f f\'.X> ,;11 S»11nt• ~~ t")r 1nq. r re• 1 O<i """' I 11 I '"I '" t FIJ"• ,, p, ' ... 11 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU5 IUSINES5 NAME STATEMENT \ ttooq ou· 1 ttfi\\ f PARCO TOOLING 11111 .. Sky P•r• 1rv1,,.. CA911t• JO\MP\ S P.)rc,.h,, H\8" Cotvml'I !,1 C tDrK\, CA 'ltl&JO Th" bu\tntu '"' condvrtt<J o~ .. n '" (11W'1duAI J~Of\ s p~,, ·•I 1 rn,.._ ''"'r""""nt w" h ltd w i th ,,.,, (oynrv (ttrtt O'f <>"-'QI' Count1M A.prd ·~. ,.,, I)~ II Pl' BLIC NOTICE l'IC1 I TIOU\ BUSINESS "AMEH&Tli.M(HT Th Id'"'"""'' ~I , lf'd ""''~ '"'" 'ounlv C"'r" af ()r .. ...,_.County on Aon I ·~ ,.,, ruo11 ,.. 1 ().. ,.,,,. r ,,, O.u v • 11nt Acr1t/I 1>, ~MJY " \!_t41/ Pcnuc sonn: l"tCTI nous 8UStHESS N"'ME STATEMENT ·~111 f ~r ·~' N ""1~"' ~ it t 1"1"°" -.. Pl 0"·1E J-q f 4tr. r t HJ1 "'0 1'!): 01\t w,. , \t (vr•.. r"' \.. o..fr. ,. iJft .... t fl 1 ( I ,, ... lll'\f·n•l1 onf\, t<f~ rA V•"'t' H o Pt "If() ~17, J>r,t l t•,, l411fl1 ,,_,,. )n e,. '"' r • "'"'., fl'I•. Ov\•htt.~ '' c.ooctucr.-a nv ... " 1' a.,..,,,1, .. 1 T"i •11 ,,,,.,, w 1 r lU'1t • (I"•• ,t Ot .,_, 1' " 1 )1 f f1I •t w 11n ,,..,. 'only HI A'"'' PUBLIC NOTIC'F. "CTI TIOUS IUSIHE SS NAME ST&T£Ml .. 1 ',. .. ·~· ·"'* ,,., °""' ~ ' I 11n1 .. ti• t n, ,.,,,. rn,, 1 ,,,., 4A '"" 11 "'' '1\1' ' 14 ' ',, t.• ll')f .... I I ''°'' f N1""1 ""°'" ~ f'-~"l ,_ • OT•\£ .. r.RAVINC:. COM PA"' v I O fl\~l'Jt1Alllf\(0M0A .. V •• r ••.t tltn C..1',.I ~11t1 ) t.O\Lt M•\" t ~·:•1' ",, ,,..,';'~.~fo," ~!,'," .. '....."~"{'.:;~rr.<, _________ ., r n .,,.., I') 11n.,.,., • • " •v• • r unt.I(' NOTl<"F. o· ....... ...,. ... .,,. ... ,,., ... 0 ""1\ ,, l f'P \ )11 I l f'I "It •,• FICTI YIOU\ IU\INl!U H.O,Mf5T.O,Tli.MENT '"" fouow1no p. '"°"' .,. 00•'"1 tkl\f n,.,,,.,,, llMMfl f tlHl!nl>"f'~ 11"41 Al\f(r.1Q""l lf'tl t ll'l" l A•l"'lO M,.IV1n U f.,.11ort1 ,, ... , M l'\11.J•n l <tf'U l t fnrn f f\t'}, \l l 1Mt)t"'( (.,""''twJ lt.-.'11 •in , , • ., MW'h,1itnl ttn.-f f'°'' 1l.A'f01\10 ff\1' t}t.J,tfW''' 1 '1flofUt f1 ... t f'll( ••f'I !If\ lnf ftt Mr.'tlttf1 ••",IM lotll'f"t ,,lf,.•t lf'l4t\ t IJ lft""' "ID • M1-1\11nO ,,i-,11 l 1rnnthyr. ""''',. , ..... '\IOtPoloflt 'tlW~\ tll"fl WIOt UH t ,.,nt 'I (ftirfl.. 01 Ot-.n~ C..Ountv on Attr11 1"i~''ll .. ,. .. J ~unlt,.,..d O••not' ''''"' O•lly l'llol h"1'1t7t 78 MllMAv) 11 IOI' l\fq) 11 PUBLIC NOTICE M'~Tl(IOl'HON·llE\PONSlllLITY ~~·"~ 1, .,.,..bv a l11•n th.ti '"" un· C'k>"IUnttd wfH Mt tw '"\.Onn,1n1_. tor .trty ~bh ()I tfAb411tl'°''\ (Ot'\lrA( htd hy ,.,,ynn11t rrtNt tt~n my,..,u, Of1t 01 •lttr ttt16d~I• 0 Altf! t~I\ l)tllfl.W ()I ADfil, ft1' Jo!tn R °'""' Cnn..O•l<l~tl'G C'"'l"'"ll "'" B °""'" 9ovo HunlltlQ!Ofl Bft!Kh CA tU•' Publl\i.CI Or-CAM\! O•Hv Pttot, Aptll 14 I) 11, t911 Utl 11 PUBLIC NOTICE ' r "'' "'' ..,... ' r·~o·11.r. ,,..., '•" 'l1M•' •ti rw•t,..r\~D (t\,ft1r'\O ~,,..,.,. .. .,, A • , -.:-~,t .. ~ 'C• Pl•l~ '"'\. ,_.,,,,. \\ h r('nttUC't•t1 rtw l't •It dt<tlduAI A'·~·~ l ~. fftl. \l.ll...,,....~ W4'\ ' '"' W '"' t ... ( ll~ 1,, < ,,... • 1f Or ,....,,... r ~ ,,.,tv o" '"''-,,,.,~, w .. , I 1''1 wtlft th* .. , ... t r,.... .. ,. c .. ,. ol ()r ""'>' C,ovn1v on &orol M•r n I HH Pvoh~ Of~ Cont""'"" t• ,, "1'11 Af'' 1 I I 11 ~ HH 1 <'6 fr P UBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS I USINEU .. Ail<OI n &TEMENT T .,. followlnq °""'°'r" Mt ~"'0 Ou 1 nt\\o A\ M&llLOW &&550CIATES. t\tSW MIKArtlKir, •1.Ct11'"Mo'A CA•,.,. M ltCl,•CI lutlll• MMIOw, 1100 P•l •,.on Cll'tA Mo<• Cll .,. ~ Roiw•t A. 8f11Mrl •1•• 1 E Oot'I front N•wDOr! 6•11Ch CA .,M>I T "'' bU\IM~\ I\ <onauct•O by ,. ~lltr•l 1>111'"""1\tp A~A 8tl!h.trt Thi• \1411-WA\ 111..t Wlt!I tllt County C.., _ _. Or-<:.ovnt~ °" AOrlt t•. ttl1. 1'14'J1 Publt-0r._ c::o...1 O•llv Piiot. Aor11 21, 21.-Mevs. u. ltn PUBlJC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINUS NAME STATIMENT .. , ... " o,,,.. Nll11 °" .,.,.. (f't .. \t o .... , p .. ,,, A~1t 14 )t '1 tnftM•v '° 1Clll U\111 PUBUC N011CE FICTITIOUS I U\INES\ NAME ST&Tl!Ml!HT T .,,,_ foll'l'Wl"'J O'"• \&'\\ t'f' 11'1111\') O•I"' ""'' .... OA HI ''°' CO 111•11 '>o M~on '>I 8\9 "..A"''" an,, c" v'""' ...... N••t w .... n. )1'110SO M•ln \I ' Of' '\.•nfAA"' (4 '1')11)' J<>M O W•''" llllO <,o, M .. n St A\ll <,Ant4 A"A CA '71M fhh h11\1noa"" I\ t01'r1ut ffut bi; " qef\t'r "' 1l)MtN'r \l'uo Ar'lf N.., '' W.\,\frt T~•\ \tat11tfnf"'nt ¥if"' htt<t w•th ttw Countv Ct•,. ol O•anqe Couo11 o~ MM<h JI. ttll ,, ... , P\ibh""4CI Or-co.nt Oalty Pu~t ""'" 1 u 21 11! 1011 1m 11 P UBLIC NOTICE Tht tot._"9 per""' It ooinv blltf· """"' 'ICTITIOUS tUSINESS JV ACCE!.SOlllES, f\t•? H._r NAMI STATIMENT i..-, H""ll"91on BNctt, CA 'l'HHI Th~ lal/fowlf!Q --I~ OO<rMJ bu>I N•t,_ltl A. Cttni. 1~1'2 Ha-r Mn u ~.Hun11"91•8tat:h.CA'1M7 q & It ROOFING TIQOO l'akOftSI~ This l>INnttJ IJ COllCIUt~ oy., lro-F-AlnVAll•v CA ~IOI dMclval CN•lti W 11.....,.,...,.S, IOlOO Fel<Oll N•~A.Cl-• $1 FO\llltitlftV•t..., CA.'2109 Thh {ftl-... fll('Cf "'"" tlle Thi• ~lren IJ (-UClt<I by aft .... Cout1tv C~of0r8fl90 County on Aor11 dlvlOllal, It . lt11 O\ar1M W. Rn"'°"" f'l... 'fltll \1&1-1 WA\ lllrd Wllll lllt P11ot1.-0-...,. Cott\! O•llY f>llol.. (-tv0Nko40r.,..Qf' Co-yon April ""'" "·•-Mlty s. n. "" 11. tt1'. PUBLIC·NOTICE 1'7'4S7 ~lit~ 0.-C.0.\t Ol\lly Piiot, ADtll IA,21,2',_Mrf,, .. 11 1'4111 PtJBUC NOTICE ------- PUBLIC NOTICE PVBUCNOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI STA1EMEN1' T"4' lollOWl"ll IM"'Mlft ll fOlllQ bll<I· ,...,,.\ THE AllT AFFAIR O IS·A Hll••I• way "•w-1 S..K11 c"'~l$60 . . . PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ,, . ., Pul'lllU...cl o. ~'If' C-o~•• P•lly 1'1101 Aotll I. 1• 11.11 1911 1400 /1 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS HAM£ STATUUHT lh• ftHIOWl"'Q IWf\On •\ 00'"0 bu\1 ""~' ., CARNEY VON WEIST 11H,\••h,. PU8LIC NOTICE ,.,, FICTITIOUS BUSINIU N<lME ST•UllMINT Tl\• fol'-•"9 P' rliOft I Oo>lnq Ou~I 1¥\\ "' LUCEllNI! JEAN 1!111!'.,()(lt\ .tO~ Avtll•tl• C.••11•C1•, "•u '•n (1-...Ce. CA nt.n S~vmour w11•~. •llS .O,•tt1•C11 Gr•"•d• • t1) S.;n (••""' ...... (A 9'01 l h• b\1'6nt '\ t' <on,., I• I nt •" II\ OlvlclU~I ~w.,., Thi\ \lllC"'f"""'t w•• tilt d wt1h tM Ceu11 tv Cl•O ot Ot•nll'O Cn11n1v nn ~r(h lf, .. ,, l(AfZ,OllANOI' &,.ALAlll A PrtltUltn~tC.•lle•iMtOfl, A"'' Ally.., 'IOO Wlht;,.. llv~ 51'1 .. UO .. v•rly Hlll\ CA 'OtO Put>•·~~ OrM\(J"l'I (Ott\t l),t!I'/ Pl1ot M•"l\Jl,.on<tl\11l'ltl,t~ ll 1~11 1'11 " PUBLIC NOTICI-: PUBLIC NOTICE ""' l'ICTtTIOUS IUSINUS NAMC UATIMENT fl\<· IVll-ftQ l>Vf'I0•1 I\ CI04"1j bu\o ,..,~ .. R l 0 & l'RO(>U(T\ I~ ll11rn•n<1 ft•fll A0rWJ N.9'W'POll 6-4(.n_ C•fU¥•M°4' ~..., U.t•of't tf••h "IO nuf'"'""J ,,.., A'l..0 Nt·'llW~" 6t~f'\ ( .. l•t ttnM'i/ft.t4 I"'" bu-Whft'\ ho tondut.t•d Oy 41'\ H\ dH,1'1\.1411 "A I l!h "f'4k Thi\ ·•••-1 W•• '""" •••h ..... C""ntv c: .... _ 01 O••fl"" County on M~rfh)I "II o•AHAM& JAMH . AllV Jtr Wit~•• a.lllev~rd, JSlll "'- LH Afl .. I ... aht1<f\l• M/1 ,,,.,,. PuOll•~!I 0-A"llO CO<l•I Oeily Piiot M•rch ~l,tndAfl•ll 1. i., t~, 1911111•••11 PUBLIC NOTICE Jo"""' M Goml"<J\ •I t~A Hll1rl• W•v N\wOO,. S.4Cll C"'"1""'1 ln1"t bu"\.I""""" h c-ond\Ktffil b'f! an tn• Ow•th.i•• l'ICTITIOUSeUSll~l!SS A.,. BalO.>e l\IM<I CA •1Ml NAMl!STATIMlNT C•rolyn L Wnll,., l'IOO S~v<'<'I 1-------,.-21------- T ... lollowll'Q O.r\on• lrtclOI~ D~I t O~i,~,":::::,;~ :!~~!I'd tiv ~n 1n ST &TEMENTOF •llANOONMENT C"-4011 SUPlalOA COUATOI' tHE ST•Tl!O' (ALll'Oll .. I" "'°" THE COU .. TY 0, O•ANOi No A·•t!OJ Jo.J""'"" M C.O"•lnoQ\ f ,,,,, ,, ,,,..fll41, Wdl' Hlt'fl wun '""" '"'"i"l'f c• ,.~ of Or11n~ Couruv on M4tt"ll ,.,,, neo~~ITING CONSUL TAIHS AS' OlvoCJuol OF FICTITIOUS SOCIATEO l1t A"•de Avtnur T"I' ~~;o:.:n~ :~t:t•hl-d \llflth tt. T"'-°"''~~S~Nh~c'ns,~!':4~ .. ,, dJ'\tr\Q NOTICI 01' HIAltlNO OF Pl!TITIOH 1'011 PllOIATE 0 ' WILL ANO 1'011 LETTEllS TESTAMENTAttY AHO AUTMOlllUTION TO AOMINISTEJI U NOEll THE IHOf PENOEN"r ADMINISTRATIO N 01' E$TATE$ ACT "*' Pu1)h""'"" °'"~ COi\l o., ... Pilol N-DOttS..tl\ CJl'Mt j ''' 0 lh• on• d, A & ( (OMMI A(ll\l K.,.,, -~ne Lti.1ndPV••J..d l1' ~~~~~~ (l••'O' ,.,,.,,, Co•1ntvon-Ot1I PQQ••t-Rltf' 'JI I '-'I '\IJ.••~ \u ""' A1>r1I I I< 11 11 11'1 111& I/ ~n.cl• A~. NNpott 8"~"· CA FPU). ~.tnt.1 An" ( u.tcwn • ~ •• br ~n.1'\llOn ~t -Put.11~"""1 OrMM> C-fM t 0 tily J' t 1filt• " • • ~ f ht• ''" D•J\•ft · "•·n•• G1.,.t<cl••:.ht~~1!_~•o•s. 1HI Norton ..,0,,1 14 11 ,. ....., M,•v ~ ,.,, "" '"""' IV• '•'6 tr 'Tr\ fl t•t I t U ._, llHfl 'lllt• T.,l\~\W.io~•l>COOdll(lf"dDy•hm11 !1•\d t \ t••• 1 ,., , t 1'<' t PUBUC NOTICE E.•IAI~ of CHAHLI ~ & ZIEllELL, Ot f .. ·•"' ,.Ort• t 1$ lit ~l IH GIVEN ! ..... ! t:d0d'1~1C> I·' o, tt, n r P'lh ""',, I , i •1"11 l<•tt·nLu"M:l .... O•Jrd O·•"n-' O·M·• ft''''" t•tt ,,, "11•1 111\~4'"-O• ,\'Y\f 'tlC.\ t-4T6 "\A. '"' ltlf'd 1 •n 'I" 1,,, ., t.o p,,, .. H• of Wtll tnd Tr11s U.tttnrnt .,., 1111'<1 w•lh ,,... PUBLIC NOTICE Tft not••\w!\ hh 1, '""'"'n t, 1 tn .. t•tllOW•l'\Q ,. "°" ., .. dOlf''Qb\.f'Jl.t Cou"tytl~OfOt"'OlftCountyonAQrtt '"'l ''''" t ,, ., •"' ~At•••iYN FtCTI TIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ',, u•n ... u Lt1tt••r , f1 t,.rn"'"'•'\I' to It\ Pt f1l11)1V'" Jt'llj U1IM111 .thon 10 n• \ ·~ t8, ttn CP ffH 4l C)1H t<1 ,,, 1 "f .. ,. r ~Hll fl. , (. UAOPA PQESS n1c; Moftrl)vt..t flP4M4 \UPERIOR COURT OF THE 11 u11", t, C\ 1 ')i:uitt1 '..w ,,, « •"' ~ .ttlrn1n '", '"" • '"'' u'\d,·r \f'Wo In '1ro-n '' nt At;tn11f't,.,.f,,1hon ol f'"""' At,,,,,,..,. 11 """''" '"' m tf.h tur 11,rttw,. f.>.1•l•cut u 1ot1 lftAI tn-· t1tn1> U\11 pl it t 11f "-tr 11\Q f~t< 'tnf> "·'' t'ti f'n ..,., t ->t M<*t1 ,,,, 111'> 00 t m 1n tr\.• It-,• ''''""(poflQ. t "t <A '0 .. ~) Pubh\hNlc:>4'nQt.COct\t Duly P1101 ~TATEOF(AL•~OANIAF"OR f.\.n• r_,1.t ,,1, 1 irU t All NO A r"""-"• ru•.mt.1~,<.,l•·-.n' In". a AOrttJt.18.~ndMayS.tl 1t/I T .. ECOUNTVOF'OAANGE JkOPI k11t , t 111n.1 .,u 1ttt r ti•I 1n t (t"trrtt'•' t'•Of'\ 1\·4~ M l"tt\rOV1J 1\8\ II No A '11'01 Wit l\ot, t> uft 'i tflt J< "'' 1,, ihlh A..,, ,, ¥\f'fWllfli ti"" CA ,,'M 1---------------1NOTICEOFHEARI MGOF PETITION (' 1 '""I ''', 1 '""' , o"'1u•t~d by" <Ot PUBLIC NOTICE '011 Pll08ATE OF Wt LL "'"o FOR CAI •NO/\ ro1<0f'I •Hll.., ""~' tl•i)•\ LETTfAS TESTAMENTARY A.frrCO ,.,.,,,,. 1 t '""''''''""" ,.., (>t·r•'' 1tn11'lt No Jut \111ct f urt 1tlNC1W'ttl-.-nh•rOr1vt W"'' m "''' f •IV ,l'f \.-01'., l\n.1 Cttl•h>"'' 1 furf"{l tfnmm1Jnl':U1on Inc" AUTHO,_,tUTiONTOAOMfNISTE~ lv1fllll' u .. 1. 1~0,,11 i '"" WoLLl&M f \tJOHH, (•iui,f<J (f, rk '" .. '""''•"' '*""' "'~11 witf'\ Ht.. FICTITIOUSBUSINE'SS UND ER TH E INDEPENDENT 101.JPOt.<fd '' (".,,,,,(I'" if ()t Hl'I' C.ovniv on HAMESTATEMENT AOMIN&STAA,flON OF E~TATES """ •'ll"'l''''''' f M H ,., 1 t 1 '" Tnf' t0Uow1nq oer!aoOn> •re 00'"0 bu~• ACT 1 v Ju• u 11 H 11"N1f' F14012 nO\~D\ f\IM1.,;I l01rll fl R" llEllflL I'",,"' JM,,t\ E W11he tm KINOELA'°'NOf RSOH ri 1t-1' "',,Of tt1 I' (Oo•\t DJ1ly P1•ot (.t• FASHION ISLAND f.C[Al f Y ~< 'd'it-d • Al+H#Vt .. I\ l"tt ., io1 tOtO H 8t,,.dwn 11<>1 J U S•nlA &n•. C4 t?IOf fHH of 1 U I ~l 1-. f 1)tt.1/ l bl l&S t<JON I SL AN O NOT1(.f l~HF1!€flY r.ivr .. 1n11 •INlro1111 PROPER f lE'.., (cl FAS>!IO N BANK O~AMll'llCA NJll.~Ah ofd•·~ ·"'·"'", nq •11•1 n• "" P UB U C NOTICE ISLANOENTEqPRISE'S tt0Nt-WP0•1 hert"1n..,f)t-'ttt•Ol'\fm p,OtMt• ofW1U 1n•t t il··m•ntJ!I• 1w '"''"' r •llt\11 '•Ii. •uCH'~'f tor Petlt•Oftt'r Cttnt er-Drive . Nt'woort bt~C h to, t\\UdnC'~•nf l1 "''"' T1•·'·'"'' "''*'" ''' '-ifOr..tf\qt•(<>u,,lyM'I M ''''\II, 11;•1 Pvbln,h• d ()r .,,.., .. ( 11J I O.uly Ptl"I CdllfOf't\1a'n.WJ the Pt 1111oni·1 ctn•i dUlhont 111111\ t F 7J)U E•mer L Cott 2~tlt Vht.J Orf Oro ctdmln1o.t .. r tnii• ''"''''"' u•l'1•·, I~· tn f'iiht ht'l'J () m ,,, t ·• ,. 1 l't ''V 1 ,.,,, At1t If t t t~ 11 I'll/ 00 .. 11 lUJ FtCTITtO\JS 8U51NESS NAME STATEMENT Ne'!'l'PQft ~d(P'I (4)hfornt6 4)~• Q;..0\:ndf nl Adff)IMl\fr,•flO" nt r ·,l,llt' M I' ~ ll ~"'tj A,.,, •• , t I 'I 14.f •It' II th trilll'lw •"') pn"i.On •> do1n9 bu\t· "' c.ur11111r "~~0"•.ATES u111 Rnnrl• I J-1 J,,,1.n (.A'r!"'*l Wolf•.11H A (,ulhtw, IUl• Rondt-1 Pt 1r• '''tin CA?l~ y,,,, hu 111 \ '' ( •"l\IU(lt:''1 b'i o,, •rt d'itCJIJ·•' W 111.tmA f-1vtl'tt1t' 1"'" ····"""·•If Wh ..... ~ w1tn IM Countt t I 'k c,f O"""'"Qe Countv on ,,.,,,.,, "') ,,,, ,.,,,., LEVER .O,Nl<EAANDISRAEL •?Ot W1l'\ft•rto 8•vo . Ste. JOJ 8•¥er1y Hiii\ CA .ano f-•"t.'1'"" ~ Ot •t'tfl"" Cod 1 O • iv Pilot M dr n)1'"°Ao,.11U11 t'fll PUBLIC NOTICE n•·\•, ,,, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST4TEMEHT 111!111 ·,alJTH rf)A<,T OLVI I DI• 11, INC 1'10.ti W.,,..t C.-ntro4f '·HHot l\fM, 8 . Htt\t.~11 Mott~, &000 Gt1rCf1•n Att, ltr .. nr.-M Wh•c.h ,, m.,,, •or Growe 81Vd . wu .. 1mlr\\ttr C•l1torn14 turlhM O.)f'f1t.ul11r\ mt1 HMI ,., ' t1f'W· 9'2ttal 11nd otac~ of hof'.1t1""4) "'" .... ,,,~ ,,.., .. ~· n lt\I\ bu\inf'\\ h COl\dUCtl'd byi tt \•I fOI M ltv J l'Hf lf tO C)l).J m ff\ tn1 QeMr•l°"''""°'"'"'D rourtroom ut ()roCMtlt'r'N'Mf No 1 ot ''d e1me1 L C.01~ tourt ... l()U(tyt(. l:t<nh r Otl\lt-Wr,1 II'\ Tf"ll\ \tc>ttmw\t WJ\ t.tf'd w ith Ou thrf"1ty of~nt,'tAnA (AtdQH'Ht1 Coonrv (.If"'' Of Oran.o--Counh Ort Attn I 01i1tftO Aor11 11 1111 t 1011 WILLIAM E 51 JOHN F141M """''•Ct., .. Pubh .lw!<I 0rJ"O" Co.t\1 OdtlV Polot Jlmn £ Wol"-lm llo'll I 14 11 I• 1•11 .. ,. 11 l<INOEL A ANOEltSON P UBLIC NOTICE un FICTITIO\JS BUSINESS NAME STAT(MCNT ff\., tn11ow1n"1 o. r-.O'\ 1\ d\l>ttQ h•t\1 ... 'fj ' 1010 N B•Nd"'•Y. 8o• lH S••U Afta Qo '1101 1110 sse "" AOor.,., tcw PUJtlon•r Pubt1 .~ Or.t~ C.o f\t 0 4111-f P11nt .. Drol 14 t\ lt 1~1/ t\(•$ /1 PUBLIC l'\OTICE '4CN .. ORllON'> PAOOUrT\ 1--------------- l<J)t \'"''·•)ti O•iwt· Nf'....,f)f1f1 U• 11 f\ (A 71~ I r .. ~ l '\11 •1••1 llf1" ,.,nt .t'ln Q•t-11• t~1.irfCY1tlO.. 1"''1 (':A,q~Mil 1 ht bu"',_. ,\ 1• l ~f\d•1t lt'\I h\" 1n in t•Y•l'1·J,JI I' 1 f f,u ')t I Tt 1tl m,,.., ""'' t '•t1 w1fl1 th• 5 Htto SUPERIOll COURT Of' THE STU E OF CALll'OANIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No A t•NO (4.9110• ~c INVE~IOR'> INr C"f"lt0i"l'·lf•Of"t ''/!' U W 1·,t ( 4\n I (I\ Q? 'l"I• r"'"''" 1 tit '' ()1 i,,,,, C:nuiuv on I t 1lit """" ' M •ff h • J 1 , , I NOTICE OF HE ARING FOR INSTRUCTIONS RE EFFECT, "' ANY OF &LL£GEO PRIE DIEATH GRANT BV DECEDENT OF '°'N EllCLUSIVIE "'UTHOAtZ"'T•OH &NO lllOHT TOSELl.C:ERTAIN ESTATES REAL PllOPEllT'I' ANO tN TttE ALTERNATIVE FOR llUTHORITY TO CO MMEN CE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS POINTS &N O AUTH011tTIE5 RE JURISDICTION OF PROBATE COURT & COPY OF 1 f'11 f\11' 11\t ,• I fVH1U ·~ •t 11 t f\t"lt D')' ii OU \r INll~\Tf)Fl~ INC VB Mf HllllC. S.•f "fr I ol"ttJrt f 1 ht\ '' "' ""°'·nl w t. I I -'1 <N•ll"I lr\f\ r"\untv ft,,. "' O'•tf'IQI'" f_t;>U•\tv Ol"I Ma•t n 11. 1q11 'Fl•OU ft '"'1 ,.. . .; °"" .~ r 1 )"" 1 n 111v ~ ot "'oroll, 11 11 18 t•ll 11 ll II 101 Wll\P"" Blvd l\th Floor lo' A"q••n, CA 900/ I t.•1101 _111 ,, n, 1n1toi• (n1l•.1 U ,,, , t•t1·1t M1•('.,.t1 1wtA.1u,11 t4 n '''' , ,. , " ---------------IWHICli lSATTA1..lilf1HEFH IU r ...... ~· E ClWllAD Jn\E P'i ·Pl\l')NI IA r>-·r-o •<I ---------------! NOfl~f I~ Hl ll~HV (".OVFN lhol S Ml1).I tA~r WHITMAN ht I ll"flt',1•f1·1f\fOt PUBLIC NOTICE SUttERtOfltCOUATOf!THE .,, h uilt0tl\ Ai ,-,. •. ,1 1t .m~ ot Al STATEOFCA\JF'OAMIA FOA 11,11,.,.1 f•,. 0.•,.tP'!f,, int hY l~··o•rj. nt n• Pl'BLIC NOTICE CP 4010 SUPElllO~ COUATOI" THE STATE 01' CALIFO~HI'°' FOR fHE COUNTY OF ORANGE No A •no• NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOii PROBATE 0' Will ANO FOlt LETTERS TEST&MENTAAY ANO AUT .. OllllATIOH TO &OMINISTEA U NDEll T"E INOEPENOf NT &OMINISTllATION OF E~f.O,T£~ ACT f I ti n l Al4NA Ill l<lllC I(, O;-·r•; .... 1 NO TICE ... HlR( A'f r.1v1 ·~ '" ,, M.A RJOAtf TA!LM h .. ht'"' n1 ,, 1n d P' t•t11W1 trw Pt nt11t1 l'tt Wiit ·1"ct tor h\udn,.. of I' U• ,, T .. t 1m1·nt 1rv ff\ U'h Prhflf)I'"'' "nCI •ult\(.1•1111111,," t" •d•Tlln• f•'I" t~ ,-.,,,.,. 11rW'fr•• 1111• In d1•t'J .. "H'"''I Adt"°''"''-'' '''"'" nt I ~t'1tt·" At I ,,.,,, ·nr•• IQ wn1 h tf• 1111 t ,, furHlf'r 01rl1tul '' 1H\rt lhtt 1'14' l11n1 tnO Pld' .. 111 h1 .t• '"f th• • on1 h t.,,, " ,.,f fnr M-tv l liflt 1t It'> tt' .1 M '"flu « f•hrlt'IMt'"T\ n f 0• tHrhrt•·"t t-,.!"'\ I ·.11 .orl <(UHi •t lf'f1(1v .. (1 nt•' ,,,,.,,. 'N1 I ,,, '"'' (•1vl"J•S.tf'\f '""' (•I •r1ttH t 01"111•'1Af1t"1!11 1'111 WILLIAM E SIJOHN, Ct>Vt\lV (I•'• THOMAS L LO~O Su1tt 21l ?lS1t ,..,*Ocl~ Y~•~ocl.1 l1qun• Holl• C• O•ll llltl )It Ji.<) Attorn•yfor P rti11ontr Put>l1 ,,.,..,t 0t """'.f' ( 11.1 ,t CJ1.J1h ~•,lt'lf Aprtl IA I\ 71 hi/ IW, /1 P UBLIC NOTICE PURI.IC' NOTICE CP tOOI SUPEAIOR COURT OF THE ST&TEOFCALIFORNI& FOR TH£ COUNT\' OF ORANGE NO & •11" NOTICE OFHEAAIHGOF PETITION FOR PROl'°'T( OF' WILL ANO FOR LETTERS TESTAMENfARY ANO AUTHORIZATION TO &OMIHtSTEA U HOEA THE INOEPENOENT .. OM INISfllATIOH OF ESTATES &CT f\1_.t rd t--iF tf...,OIC •F.:Y H4Llf>O~ ''" '~·••4\ ~ tf~ Or(itf y WAIW()t)O f'-t•t ·rt NOi C~ t' l<t Rf ow OIVI U lf11t ROOlQf L l~AI t.n1\t1ti-<t ntt11n ·• C>HH1f'U't •,..-Prut;.'th i4 Wttl ,.,l(I lttr t ..., tnr11 ~ lt.•ft1·" T•• t tl'ftt·"'"'• tn t rw• r> .. ti11!)n1r 11nrt ·•·1tnn'''"''U" fl.11 .. d'"'"'''' t' th1 i t .,. """' r 1~ '" 11• 1wn'11•1H ~0'•'11111 ''''''«>" 1tf C.\t ti•· Ari ,,.,,.,,."'' f) wt1 '' t• m .. 11,. ''" "'"'to.•, ,~.,,., .. ,1 ,, ,.,,., ,.., n ,.,, ''"'' inn r11.1 ' .,, ,, .. 1•••1 1 ''" 1n1• '"'' "j"'''' 11 •rMit 1 ''" '' '1' r1111,, 01 1n tn •••f,lr •' •n1ot t.>t 0 1r1uto 11 ,, I f !.)I '\ tiff tu1r1 11 11•1( 1wo (• 1111 • h1•v1•W .. ,1 "' jf\I ( !tft)f\ \fll(4 l\r t f tllf Uflt.I l> ti• t Aq1d,' 11;11 WILLIAM E \t JOHN ,,,'"''""' .. ,., THOMAS L LOl!O Sullr11l JJSJ• P .. u .. oo. V"'lf'n.C•.t l •<1un• Hott<. C• OUl II If I Sit l.MO •uornfly for PttH•Of"lt" Pt1hl1 .. n..a 01 '"~to c.~1hl Oa•l'f P tfM Aorol 14 •~/I 1~11 tl-1811 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE THE COON TY O F ORANGE ,, ~ 10 ,,..,, A•ifhoc'+'tl ,,1 '" t1"1d riqnt,, Ho A·7,.t0 ,., ''''*"' E 1,,,,., p, 11 Prn0trtv 1---------------HOTICE OF MEAlltlHG Of! P£TI TtON '"" ~n tn-111 ,,, ,1 ,,,. t1or Autr.0 ,11v M FOlt P R0 8 AfE OF Will. AHO FOM '""''"'tV., lt ,11 l'rD<•"d "'1< Poinl NOTICE TOCA EDITORS LETTERS TESTAMlHT&-.v lf'llJ A ;f'Wlf1' ..... k• tu• O· t t'l "' SUPEAU)ftCOUATOF E\t dlr o f GE A TR\J O( ' •••r.h•'• t ,,, ,, ..,""''•"'""''·'' TMESTATEOFC&LIFOANIAF0ft l(E lEME.N ttl ,, (•E AlRIJ(H L 1 •i•'1 ,, •• ,,, u•t• ,,r to w t\ tt, THE COUNTVOFORANGIE r,<IANf ·••d C:.l~TRllOl Oi "• & .. &fl IL~•1NEA Of'<.-,.,, f•l•I• ot(,ENfllOLL" Oec•A'~~ NOflCI: IS 'iEREBY C.IVfl4 '"" Nl)T 1r1; ·~HE RE flY (,IVEN to'"" A llNOLO l(J>ON!."" ""' .... .., ... "·~ • c,. t1·t0f' ~at thl· .tbl1¥,. n,1m•d .,....<~""' o-t1t1on '°" P•(.)(Mtf· Oi W 11 1•no In, , ,, .,, • t 0t''...,.,.,\ hfY•M'l c• um"> .. "M•n t Uitf\(~ ul L,.tlt·t\ ,,. •. ,.,m,.nl ''" , tl"lf ,,,, ,,... ·t·"f"I ,, "''lU""" •o fllr ,,., .... _,,. tn wt'11t._ I\ m..,;.;t ltu l•1ttl· ' t~"" ..,,,,., .....,. "-.·r~".t'llf .,nurt'IA<~ '" 0 1tfllf ul "' ontJ tf\.Jf ttw t•m .. 4'rt1 "', , tf'\.-"''"' ,f t't'9 ,,,.,., u t lh,. •ht't'f• '"" 111 """"' ~ '"""" ..,.,,, hu" bl·r•f'I "·t •or I 11,..,' ">•I"' ..,, tnrv*' •• nt "'' m '•'"'" '"f• M Jty J 1~11 ~' 10 00 "' "' 1n tr•1• • •11\"'1•~-11Utt"'' lot,_.. un.cttr,1on,.d tourhoomof Of('.vtm,·nt ,.,.,. lot •11d .41 '""" ott•tr nt AAN~ O ._ NEWPOQl 'ourt dt /OOC1v11 (.ef"lt•r Or;<rl' Wt-.t m t• Q 9,,, 1141 ,_.,....,part hf·~cn thflt•h'olS.'"''"'A''' Cdl1to•n114 Ctl1fnrn1,t ~Mi Artn C I 1(1f'IO Jr , O.-tedAortl tt 1•11 ¥>i"i·r" I\ tty. S)4¥l ol tw\1nt1r,, 1;f Ul,. vn WtLLIAM E St JOH H, n"''''l"""''' ''' 11tt '"''tt••r• Dt"rt 11n1n11 tn (nyntyCtn" ttH • ''"'" n• .. url f1Mrte)Anf w1ttu'1 t11vr-ALLEN U SCMWA•Tt mnHtf\' tf11't t~ f1t\t o"hl!t oH1on ot tn1, RISLEY AHO SCHWA.RT 1 ,._ t.m.,. , .. ,., '' • ' l)f f\t ,, 1nf1 I""• ._am• I 1 t ~ 'I I r M I</ .. 1Ct'I ft 0 Of') • "" ,., ''"• '~'r"""'"tfY\ f~I h· f-'' lm.-nt '' I 1• , .. ,.J 'MJrt tt 1'11! t o1 C• rtt•, r, ...... w• r '" .,,.,. (.,1.,, ut ' •·f t A.n.t C ti I ''"'I 11 (J •1 .. tt Aflf'tl 1tl1J WllltAME S!JOHH (OUtttY(h '"' JAMl\OH N08lE, 8. HULSE 100 Wll\ht,.. Blvd S111tt 110 S•nt• Mo,,.c•, CA ~01 AU0tn•v' tor. petlhOf'lt'r Pvb•~\h~O Otrlnq1• Cott""' Oittlv Piiot An,.l U 71, 18. 1911 t'I()) II CP 0010 SUPElllOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAUFORHI& FOR THE COUNTY OF OR ANOE NO & "1"1 NOTICE OF HEARING 01' PETITION FOii PAOft .. TE OF Will ANO FOR LETTERS TESTAMEHT'°'AV ANO &UTHORtlATION TO &OMINISfCA U ND ER THE INOEPENOEHT &OM IHISTRATIOH OF ESTATES &CT E\l~t· n f Wll\.•A M tHtV~N COMB!> °'"' I • ~ CP·<IOO• SU PEltlOll COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOllNIA J'OR THECOUNTVOFORAHGE Ho '°' ''"° NOTICE OF MEARING 0, PETITION FOii PROB'°'TE OF WILL "NO FOR LETTEA~ TEST.O,MEHTARY &NO &UTHOl!IUTION TO &OMtNISTElt UNDER THE INOEPEHOEHT "'OMINISTRATIOH OF ESTATES ACT (<f otr ~· lf'ONE S(lilNOLER COM he; (). .. •'lt.•·'1 noo '' t•OSIVEHTURA 8LVO, I.) >l<ltMArrtl 7~ t~ll SUITE llO N011(F I\ Ht llfAY (;IVP4 thol 9ANICOJ:AMER1(At1., lllt·~""·r••1n~ CJ""l•f•On ftl' Pro~1 .. of W•ll •l\d tor i~ uAnce OI LN IM\ ff\\lttMt·ntMv to '" ... p,.fit•o11..,r iH'ld ctuthotfl•l1on to .adm1n1''"" lhr "'•'"'" uno('r '"'°' In (Woend1•nt Admlnt')lf,tt10,, OI [ fr)IP\ Act, ,,,.,,.,,.ncf' to wtl•tt\ 1,. n"MOI'" tor turth•r Pt.11rttcu1,.,-,, <lnr'f th"t thr· l1mf ---------------""d pli&CP ot hl•..r •nq IN' "i'""'' "•t\. bt'f"n P UBLIC NOTICE \•t lor Moy tO, IW, Ill 10 0<1 a m , on II\~ toUrtfoom of O..•oarhn~nt Nn 3 ot ""'rt ••OT•rt 1• 11rqr11v r,1vi:•i •h•I o-.N 1( O f AMrR1(.AP'!.1~ td;"dtM'r••1r1 ... Ott•hOn tor r'rotJw"ltt ol W1t1 a"° tor 1 \U,•ncf" ~ t "''"" Tr\f.lmt'nt1uv 10 U••· p,.HHOfH"r °'"n i1Uthor1111flon ta r1t1rninl\IN tn. ••\tdlf' .ind..,r th._. tn oi~o. .. n<1.-nt '1P"'l""''·l1'il'1 ot E\tat~' A('f ff•h•11·r.c" to whu:h lft mtlOP tor turU\f'r O.lft1cul(}r\, dfld th"t th~ tlmt* .,nd QIAcr of w-r1rino the \ame hd\ bPt'n \nl tnr MitY JO, 1'911 ~CH t0 00 a rn., In tti. ro1uttMm nf O~tMrtmf'nt No 3 ot \111d ''>vrt tlt lfl0(.1v1c (/lnf('r OriveW••\t 1n fl&N ... OF NEWPOllT ENCtNO,Cll.'1ltl ~rv,., tf AfJM1t'U\frdfO" o' Ttt· ttUl ~700 CP•~1 I~ Ed ti" nf lh•• Attorfll•ys tor· ~ttUOfter NOTICE TO CREDI TOPS SUPERIOACOUIHOF THE STATE 0'CALl,ORNIA FOii THE COUNTY OF OllANGE NO A·~lt1 ~DO~ nrtmr(I o-:•redt•ftt Pubh\f"led 0r4tnQI"' Coct\t 0d1ly Piiot MICHAEL J OLOMEN Aprtl 20 lt.11, 11 10/1 •ttorM••tU• tOt OoYer 0f!Yt Suolf 100 H•W-1 .. ._ .. Ci '2MO Tot 111•1 .. POOO Att~"•' ..,.S..C.t•I Aftr'ntnt'ttr.1tor r.,,, •. ,._...., C>' tn'l" Co•'' o u•v t1110' Mt' \ ~AOf'" 114 ~I \'HI 111'>11 PUBLIC NOTICE S-MIU ~UPftttOll COUllT OF THE $TAT£ 0' CALI 1'011Nt& FOR THECOUNTYOl'OllANOE No A·-OUS NOTICE OF H£Alt1NO 0' ~£TITIOH 1'011 OllOEtt OETE AMINI N O "E TITIONEll'S CLAIM TO REAL ~ROPEltTY TITLE TO WHICH IS M( LO 8Y OECEOEHT l IAI• ol C,EORGE IE DORAN, o,.,,..""'1 NOTICE I~ liER(AY GIVEN !flol M .. llY OQqllN h,t\ fol"" Mr~ln ~ ,,..11 l1C)l1 fo,. orcrr °"''"'"''"'"" ""''"'"""'"'" 1 1~1m to r••I 0t~rt,-l•tlt •o """''" I\ twlrt bY tM<r<Jtl,,t , • ..-'""'" tow~1tn 1~ """,,, •• ,.,, fttt""'' Nfltt"UI M'\, "'"' lf'Mt tn" t1m• Af'\<t o11trtt nt ~11r1nq ttw'I ,,,m,_ r\.1, b""" '°' ''~ M1'v '" 1•11 ''' '> 00 1't m In thfl rn1;rtr~rn f'f Ottp.vlm•nt "'" J o• '-••d <<"ir t •t ton rtvlc c:,.,,,fl!,. Ot"f\I .. W1t\t, '" thf'I ( ltlf of Mnttti A.Al. Calttttrnl1• O•leo &ortt •. 1u1 Wll.LIAMI!. SIJOHN, Covnf y c "'" "ATTI N, ,Al TI4 & SANOf'OllO uiw l'OOTHILLILVO. MONllOVl<l.CA •t01• JULESSANO~llO AtTtrOMy lw .....i"'-r Publl~ °'-Coesl DAiiy Piiot. .. prll' u 11 " 1•11 101.11 PUBlJC NOTICE c~­ su"111oa tou•TOI' TMl $TATIOl'CALl"°llNIA l'Olt THICOUNTYOl'O"ANGI .... A·t!N NOTICE Ot'MEAIUMOOt' HTITIOM l'Olt "ltOaAT& 011 Wll.L AND 1'0" LlTtl•S THTAllll .. fTA"Y AHO AUTMOttlZATIOM TO AOMINISTlll U NOea l'HIE INO•f'INOINT AOMl•tSTltATIOH 01' ESTATES ACT E\tal11 n l WILLIAM HENRV llROWN. ·-· WILLIAM H, 8 ROWN, OKHMO. NOTICE IS HERESY OIVEN thtl ALLEN G. 8ROWN ...... VYVl£~NE SAOE llROW1'f Nve lllod ... ~In 1 Jl'lll· lion !Of' ""-bele 01 Wiii Intl !Of L.ellef"l TeU•menlllt'f •"" A11!1\orl1•llon to .O,dmlnhtM u,...,., Ille lt1dePtlHMftl Admlt1IUr1t10<> of Esletrt Act, re· t-..<t 10 ""'ld1 ts ,...... fOf' tuntM!r ,,.111(utart, .-Id ltlltl tl'le llml 111<1 pltn OI l'lelrtl'IQ ""' ,_ h11J ~ Mt IOf M•., 10. ""· "' 10:00 ....... "' .,. '°""'-of 0.Ptrt-nl No 'OI H id (Ollrt. et 'IOOCIYI( Oet1Mf Orlw Wnt. In t ... City Of"""•"""'· '9t1!orn11, Oatt<t Aorll 11 1•11 Wll.l.IAMl.lUOHN, (_y,_ AU.••O.•ttOWN- ltYVl8NNll SAOI lllOWM 1111 "°'"'"~ ~ ... L.H-• a.oc11. c.i•-····· , ... (11') _, l'J1 .... 111_,i..Ptteflltr l'lllllltNll Or_,. CIMO Oltalt "'1llt. .a.tll 11, n. .. tt11 • 1611 II E\t~I• ot ELLEN E R IGGS, i---S-U_P_E_tt_I Oll __ C_O_U_ll_T_O_,_T_H_E--·J Otc• l\"cl STATE Of'CALIFOllNIA ,011 H()TtC( o<; HEREllY GIVE'N lo llW' PUBLIC NOTICE THE COUNTY OF OllAHGE , r•d•lor\"' '"" Abr>•• nAmro Clt'CPCl<'nl H'I A·t UlS th.At AU ~,.\Qn._ hdv1nf) l I 41f'fl\ dQ11tn\l NOTICE OF MUlllNO OF PETITION ::::~~'!,:~~:c~~:.::"~:.::<i:.;~:':~ FOA PllOBATE 0' WILL ANO '011 , •• 011 ... OI 11\e ,,.,_ ol .... •tlOw L£TTEllS TESTAMENTA•v ANO ~nlll••<I (OUrT or 101>'•~111\ern, w•th F 0 II A u TH 0 It 11 AT I 0 N T 0 lllf n•C•\\My voucher<, 10 ,.,. vn. &OMINISTEll U N Ol!ll THE °""'IJ""Clatt""l-Oll•<tol J&MESE INOE~EHDENT AOMINISTllATION WILHELMol t<l.,OEL ~ .O,NOERSON. 0' £STATES ACT IPllOIATE CODE 1010 North er ... ClwJIY Po\\ Oll<c• Bo• HI ET SEOI l1S. S.nt*' Ano C.1tlorn1• '1101, Wft•f!t E •IOI• o r M AUD L HU R O •\ ·~ 11•0< .. o• °"''""'' ot '"" un Ot-cra"W"d Otr\ilQnf'd 1n •H ~tt11r' otf'1<1tlr"11no to NOTICE 15 HEREBV GIVEN llWll ttlt "''''*OI >••d""<*~I wlltlon lour FR ANICLIN OtLANGE HURO •nd '"""'ti\ all•rl"" ftr\lllUbllCOllon olll\I> l<ARRV H HURO ....... flttd "°"In• notlCP oot•t•on '"' PT'obAI•,,. Wiii • ..., tor I• Oat•O Apt II te '~" \uantt all l.fttn\ Tf\l•mentary to'"" LINDA RIGG<; O•t1t1ontr\, anc:t tor "uthor•t•lio" to AdmHW\tr.-.1r1vnftfW"t''"'" •dmlnt\ttf 11\e ~\.!It• u~r '"" In olll\e•b0v•name<Sdotf'<1•·nt ~otlldenl A0mlni<lt811on ot EU1ttt JAMES E Wll.HELM of Act IProbal• Cori. jqt •• \tQI, ,,. ICI NOl!L &ANOEltSON •~rente to wllottl I• m-tor turlh.., 1010 N. ll••dw•V. B .. J2S DAtflcuta ... _ , .... 111\e llm• •nd DIM• S.tftll An•. CA. '1101 01tto•ln1Jlll*•-•ho11".,HetlorMav Ttl' 1tu 1u1-m1 10, 1911, Ill 10 00• m,. Int"" <ourl•oom Attorney• tor Admh•hl••t•lr of OtN'1mtnt No lo• •••d court al 100 l'ut>ll\nf'd Cil'an<111 Co"'' Oellv Piiot. ~~11~ ~,,:'.~~:.,~1~ttl. Int,,. Clly o• Ao•"''· ?fl. """1 Mav '· ''· •m O•lecl Aotll I~. 1'11 WILUAM I!. SIJOHN, (.olJ<ltvCttt~ OAVIOST£11LtNO TINOLEll LAW COllPOltATION SOO New-9 c;...1or 1)<1"9 S11Het2' ...... ,.,, 9Hclt. C.llfwfll• ,,... Tot: U1')Mt-MU , Attff11•Y..,! Ce ~111..,,n Publltlltd Or-Co.SI O.ltv Piiot. Ap.11 )0, JI, ti, ltll !&'JO 11 PUBLIC NOTICE court At 100C1Y1t Cent ... ,. Or1vf' Wt .. 1. '" ,,.,,.. C•tv o•Sant!l Ana C.Jtltorn• t D•l•Cf Anni t8 IQ/I 1h"' C•t'f" Of ~,,IA An•. C•l1fnrn11) + • WILLIAM E SIJOHN, Coontv (INk THOMASL LORO Suol•ltl nu• P~S.Off V•l•'I<•• L•11un~ Hiii\, CA 'Ull Ttl· t114) Sll·U.0 Attorr,ey tor P.t1t1on1r OdlNI Anrll 18, 1911 WtlLIAM E.SIJOHN, r . .nonh' (h·r-. THOM'°'SL LOl'IO ~Ult•1t l ftl II t•l ltl 11'0 Atlor,,.y fOf' Ptt1tf0flrr l llU1 PO\eoO..V~l•n<o• U11wn• Hill\ CA •1UJ Publl\hl'-0 OrMiur t'J·t t u.ulv P1tul Aorot lt, l't.19 1911 Pvr'111 .tv'(f Orttn~ Co•'' O.uly ~•lot 1Aorll11 11.1'. 1111 IU1,, I 16711 11 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OF,.CIAL PltOCEEOINGS OF T"' IOARO 01' SUPEaVtSOllS OF ORANGE COUNTY, ULll'OllNIA ~nt• An•. O !llC>tlli.t A r•QulM """'""11 of I,,. Board 01...,0l'rvl<,l)r\ of Orlin~ County, C..ltl0tnl•, ~f\O i•lt"'1Q""' lhl!' Go.,..rnlrw;a 6o1ud of ttw• Ot\H k l\ qt'>Vfkf'Md by ltw 801rd of 5uo.rv'""' WI\ ""'O """" 11. ••11 di 9 JIU m T"" IOllawlnq n.,.,.cs -rnbt•\ be1no Pf~t ThomA\ F Rtl~v. Ch•lrman Pni11p l •nthM!y Uurence J Schmll. ll~lpn A Oof'Clrtc!I. A••oh R C•••' ~nd llw C:l••k C<>rt•ln c-tructoon conlrKl\ar .. 'flot tor tMd And •WM~ Anf'W'••t1•nM tor .. rt11t•ndhtritl\ are wit tor ht:.-8rlnq P,..~t maH1111r\ IJr" dPOff>Yfld ()rdtMn(" NC) 1'1\ h, adoptrd R•'IOIUlton r~rdlt19 Lo• Line "'Olu<tmMI LL"' I•""°"'.., '""'""' wltf\ f ... P t•gtnt\of UCI tor •f<ohOI rf!'~•Hh I\ Approvfld f' •Offt\IOP\ of S.n1nr Commun1· ly Sorvl<•S ~mp1ovrntnl P•o<1••m ~Y WI/ It I• 1oorovl'<I In orlnctpl• C.r1••n tral"l\ter\ Of ft.Huh ue apero'i•d Author111tt1041 to cof"t r4(1 tof Mt Alf IMurar.r" COYeraQit tor P~tPG CtlW\ I\ t'IOPrOYPd Authort1•tlon lo <On1r•tt for •r.d 0.JY w1tnM\tt dnd fUt"lft~ I~ ~t>Orovflltl C,.rld•n ¥n1M Gl t11Ht\ PrOQrAm Offlc.t Sub- Contr•ch 11r0Ap0rf>vtd """'~"""llOC&tionAnr:tl\H f P ...:t'M)~ Fin.ti Rl'(Ylrl,.&rfl An orovPd. T"-c mAH~r' Are .lPf>,,,Y,.tt Ret\Olutlon rfti);Jfdjnq 6o4rft PO\itlon on A\\fmblv Biii SS)'' ltdOOl•d Rt.,.,luflon "'Clll•<llno •0011c •110111 !or CETA Tit•~ VI Projoc:tVAcllvlll~• Funelona '' MnCJIPcl, An Et!> <>n tne tr<trl\f•r ot Lo• Alemllo• Naval Air S11tlon 10 '"•Army l"~<l""'""°· E\l•bll•hmf'nf lor• Tralllc Ref,rt-P for H•tbor Court I\ approvM HumM A~tourc"" Pr09'am' to lncUt' ca\.< •• •o• CETA Summer Youtl1 Pt0<1r•m '' •u•nor1111C1 C.rtaln "O.tk 01ys" .,, YI for the Bo.trcl OI $\IJ)4!r¥1SO<\ Ruorullon "''"''"<I "'" Olllomte A"Qell -11 '' ac!OPltd R~ullon ~l•rlno "Priul• Pr-rty W~<MI" I• •OOOlllCI. Alltrn.tltt to Or1ove Countv Siinltary 0•\tr leis No• S ''"°~art 0t•lon.ot1111. Aobert G. L.Qy• I• com.....,.-. J•mbot" Aoitd I• cl•< IM•d •County t<lqhwav d11rlno co•»I"'° flon. Alf.ncilM\C<1 of r-•'flnt.ttl••• al ttl7 N•tlonol 1"011., Perentt AuotlAtlon I• authotlttd Aqr""'ent tor .11conoll•m "'"'''" w1111 TM VIiia 11 es!endfld. I.tol l M.lkln tor rttmt>urwmant lo• mad.c•I "'rvi<H ••,...,.rt11 IJ aulllo•IH!I S11bml<Slon Ola v••n• aootlca!lon for Stlv.,.-Moat-• RecrH11on and P••k• 01\trltl IS •11tl'°'lr'1CI ~U don .. 19'11 lot "'4' bV 5ou""'A\I Or-COllflly HOU\• lnQ T••~ F0tc' '•._....,..Cl A<1r,..mt<1! tor P•ttltc co .. t Hl9'1w1v lmP<OYf'• ..... ,. I\ •-.>WCI Aqre.mr<tl tor rtrt P••-lc Ind Rtt(lll S..'tl<•• Bou~rv Oroo I\ aoorOVGd Trac i melltt\, D"'Cll m•11• -cllvl•lon of l•nd mattf!'f~ 3,. ~Y>td Fr""""' on c11rt.t1n ti0\iHOI\\ art llfltd Tr•vtl '~''' •rt IOP<OW'CI C...111!.lt Projotl AMllO\I for ln\l ... lliton Ol 1>"1'-r "'ClcXUr" In Olvls;on l....,4of 1.,. NQr"tllOr.,..99 Covntv CovrT l\•-ovl'<I S--rtlOt Atl ti lfl<I se J1 ''•-led. B~ T,.,..,,«", .,. .,,.,.."" Nf'C101••t1on Of .., -ff'- mol\t '°' -1oomen1 ol A•l.,l•I 8•k~., Svstam ltou1• 78 I• •lll""'1rto. Pr~oeretlon ol an lnt1<im •On<vllurat •-tot ~ Afo91onat l'ltrlt I• aut"°'lrl'<I. "'-e>ar•llon of "" ""'"""'......,' lo'"' lf"41fl0 delbflJ m;ilntenan<• ~"~I h aut1-tr.o C01\\ld"ratlon Ol t,. ti"~ 1 .. 1,1a11on for court'" IS ·-1-VTN Con•Oll!Mttd IJ ... K ftcl IOOe<l9" .. 1 ... .._1 of El Toro 110.0. ~I~~ are r-. P->ICI tenllllllty \Nert for Wl!ft o...,.. c:.v..ty ReQlon•• ,..., .. Slt•lsallll\O<IUd A ••D0<10llMC/IAINart RK.c>tio!IC.Mtl(O\I\ I\ rKel-.cs Thf' Nation.1 Ora11911 ~w Pn•ml-A•••d ts re~ ~trll111t10" Of 1,. ''n '"~n1orv of P,_rt., '' aUTl\orllM Mlt111tt Order 1111ed "-""""v 1,• H11 r"-d1nv CNnolh<n Ort... Tu•n••ouncl $twv IHtsc.lncled ,..~rt-I on Otlltton tor wrll ol HAi.•\ C0t11•n I• •lll~lld. Sl.,U\ of O.m-1, 0.M Point .. ert>or. PMcel1 ti eno tt. h conll"""-,..aposacl •me"""*" of Onnr ~., Godif!N Or""""""" tv lnctlldl I•""" 6r6C9Clure l0t t,.tallallonof bu\ bene'll., •1111 lldWrtlMflO It tontlttllfd Aoor-n«ll for Te"lall ........ «I M<tll 1US Is aPllfOWd. The ..,.,d edloll•Ntl In m""°""ol c;o...mana.r Oonel<f Grev. JUHE Al.£JllANOEll Clt•fl of"" ao.rdot Suoervltort OJJtCtA&. NOC.I.DINOS 01' TM• llOAllO OP su~a11v1so111 OIO O•AffOI COUffTY,CAUf'O•NtA ~"'•An•. c..uror .. 1a A ,..,tw .-1.lf\ll of-&oltrd ot SuPINllM\ OI Otattq. Couoltv, ClllH..,.,I•, ''"° lltll,.. •• tt. 0.V.!'l\lflO 119ard Of Utt Otwkn 00"""" llV 11\e 8-d ol ~vlMN wn lltld AMII U. 1t17 at t :IO '·"' Tiit toll-1"9 ~ ,,.,.'""'" lttl .... prfMlltl Tr.om.1 F. Rlltt. CMI.-; lt!lttlo I... AnlN!<ly, U-• J. khmll. 11411tlft A. ~kh. 1111111\ 8 Cllt'lt Mid 11\e O.rfl. ~t!lllMI,.. rt vhlCNI If h Ofl!IOt Ceufll'f lOfllllQ Cecllt, 111,,. 0r1111, 1, to,,ttnuecl A-" rt.on"',,....." for !Ion~""'' •~ltM. Trett -~. '°'41\ ---· The Mettfto att t11t Ootttl Llfftlt 11_.t, .._.,., ttrlM!loot o4 "'•--t 01 ... Irk\ No 71, ,,.,._ ~-. 16 (Jlfttl""'"' Appol"1..-t .r 5t.., (;tole lo ,.,,.,....,SI• ~1414 -•-v Comflll-I•"'""'-· Jll Utwt.oM• r• ~ .. Ifft Dilo .. , C-fftlHlan•r 0fl11Mn(t Ht ,.14 h *"" fff , ~far.._ .. fttlt Adlrer1W11t I\ ........ tP:•-1 l>Hd~ -\OtO .,.._flt AW I. LA Colllll Or., Tr9(1 No ... I\ ~COotN TM k.W. M jwfllN ./IJNE ALIJIANOlll , ..... Ille ....... "'°'""~ .....,,,...0r..,..co.ttoa11y ll'lt0tA1W1111. "" IPJ.11 High on a Bill Saddleback College's $3.7-million fine arts complex, due for at least partial completion by June, is a prominent feature of the Mission Viejo School lo passers-by. The 55,000-square-foot facUity will house music, art, drama and other disciplines and contain a theatre with seats for about 400. The tall. central structure is a loft to accommodate curtain and set-moving equipment. Longet ·Starts Jail Term Singer to Serve 30 Days for Shooting From AP Dispatches Entertainer Claudine Longet has begun serving a 30-day jail sentence for her eonviclion of criminal· Jy negligent homicide in tbe shooting death of her Jover, skier Vladimir ''Spld<'r" Sablcb, officials said ln Aspen Colo. Pitkin County Clerk ShJrl~y Dills said Miss Longet, 35, bellan st'rving the sentence in the Pitkin County Jail but may be transferred later lo the Garfield County J j1l in Glenwood Springs, which has twtter facilities. Oistrict Court Jud~c George E. Lohr, who sen- tenced her, ~uowcd her to serve the sentence 'Big Mac Attack' Convinces Jury SAN DIEGO <AP) - Ce1Sar Gaspar Vega told the Jury he borrowed another man's van to drive across the border • for a hamburger. How was he to know the van was loaded with 200 . pounds o( mariJuana? The jury round Gaspar. a Tijuana ~rocer, Innocent of mari· Juana smuggling artcr his lawyer argued, ''The dietary habits of this rn an may not be the best in the world. but are you ~oing to convict him of a en me because he likes to cat hamburgers? .. Gaspar. 44, was nrrest- <'d Feb. 16 at the border . Customs officers said the roof of his van was sag- ~ing with 200 pounds of m ariJUllll.ll worth about $14,000. From PafJf! 89 EMMYS ••• CBS with 84, 41 for PBS und 12 <;yndicated. Among the nominaUons: Limited S<'rl<'~ · "Th<' Arla ms Chronicles," "Captains and the l\mgs." ''Roo~." COMEDY SERrns : "i\11 In the Family," "Happy Days," "Luverne• aruJ Shirley,·· "Welcome Back Kotter." , Drama Mriei; • RJrNt a." "Columbn." "Family," "Upstairs Downstairs," "The Waltons." Comedy·\•arlety or mu~11: series. ''The Carol Rurnett Show," "F.vt•nini:~ ut Pops." "The Muppet Show," "NBC's Saturday 1'1 ~ht." "Van Dyke and Company." Lead actor. a comt'<ly ~n1i.'S · Alan Alda, · M ·A S..H"; Tony Randall, "Tiw Toov Randall Show". Abe Vigoda, ''Fish", fl l•nrv Winkler, "Happv Days." · · LEAD ACTOR, DRAMA SERIES: Rotwrt Blake, "Barella"; James Broderick, .. Family"; Peter Falk. "Columbo". l\arl Malden. "Street.a of San Francisco"; Denni~ Wt.'41Vt'r , "~cCloud ... Lead actrus, comf.'dy seMes: Bonnie Franklin "One Day at 11 Time"; Linda Lavin, "Alice'< Penny Marshall. "LuVl'rn<' ;ind Sbt.rley": Nancy Walker, "Blansky's Ht•a11tu•:1. ·• Lead actress, druma st>rl~: Katt> Jackson. "~harUe's Angel~,"; Sada Thnmpson1 "Family"; Lindsay Wagner. The Bionic Woman. • The daytime Emmy winnerl! will be announced on schedule: Thurs day afternoon, May 12, from New York on NBC. anytime before Sept. 1 so she could choose a time when her absence wouJd have less of an effecl on her threech!ldreo. • The escape conviction of Thero Wheeler, once associated in prison wlth Symblonese Liberation • Army members. has been up- held by the state Court of Ap- peal. Wheeler was Identified in a 1974 television news report as one of the kidnappers of Pa tricia Hearst, but the FBI said he was not wanted in connection with the rasc. Wht•elcr km•w SLA ltoa<ler Donald IX' Frc>t'Z<' nnrl other SL.A wHuuw figures while in prison. but s:.ud he was never a m ember of the organization h1m::.t:lf. "' Pioneer broadcaster William S. Paley, who in nearly 50 years built CBS from a small radio network to a bimon-dollar hus i-• ·~ ness. said he plans to st<'p down .. ... as the company's chief ex· / ~ ' ecutiveo<ncer In May \. ~. Paley. 75, who'll remain ,_ ~ · ~ • CBS' board chairman said hl"d '" ' ' recommend as his S Ul'C'l·~-..or J~) John D. Backe,43. \\hen th<' CHS ,~ /' board or directors meets \Ta_\ 11 • in New York. No oppo~1l1on ts expected • PAl.EY Joan ~oodal~. formt'r Girl Scout and wift' of \•kf' President Waltt>r f". Monctalf', ur~l'd lhc Girl • ScouU. lo "inten~1fy and extend" programs mvolvinJ! the arts. ~t rs. Mondale was the principal speakt'r al a fund· rais in~ dmn<'r for the Girl Scout Council of Gn•at<'r New York. "We now n •all1e the arts OC· cupy a central role in the quality or hf<' for uch or us -both as in· div1duals and as a nation," she sairi • MllSMONOAl.l "Children who go t o mu$eums. attt>nd conc<'rts. see plays, who pursue t'realive acllv1Ues. j!rnw up v.1th the arts in their lives and the arts ennt·h ond fuif11l thcm as adults." • Financier C. Arnholt Smttb is under court order to undergo o deblor·s exa minallon May 13 that w11l dete rmine how he wlll pay :-1 SJ mil hon Judg mrnt U.S. District Court JudJ!<' Lt'land C. Nelltil'n ruled that Smith. 77, former hf':id of \Jn1ted Stal<'s Nat tonal Bank, wlll b<' rc·qu1rC'd to divulge his pre· sent assets and hahlhtt<'S Neilsen in Februnry awarded Lhe JUdJ!mC'nt to the PederaJ Deposit lnsur~ncc Corp .. the ~ovt'rn· ment's bank underwntin$! agenry, 1n connection with loans Smith granted to s ix firms he controlled. ...... . Sir AJblalr Coob, the Dritish-bom journalist and broadcasler, has heen honored by Yale t:n1vcrsitv for his reports on American life. "Alistair Cooke's subtle and perceptive view of Am erk a ha!! h<'lped to dt'terminc how the rest of the EngUsh-speaklnf wor ld unders tands the American element 1n the r destiny." s aid a citation ac· companylng lbc Henry EUu Howland Memorial prize. Cooke. a U.S. citizen. has been wtltlng and broadcasUng for 40 years from this country for the British news med.la. l!U!c!!Y• Ap!O 21, 1171 DAIL y PILOT BJ J 133 Frona Coast :CSF Cites Students For Scholarship Pianilt Schedules Concert Carol Leone of Mlaalon VleJo wUJ play muatc or Bach, Beethoven and Prokollev at a piano re- cital Friday al 8 p. m. in lhe recital hall al Cal State Fullerton, where ahe is a studenL Cal State Fullerton haa named 133 under- 1 raduates . from the Oran~e Coul Area to the dean • honor llat for the fall semester. They are: l'telft CORONA OIL M.llA . lhllWr~ C.lllnt. 01-c. Oaltoto, AllCl•tw o. Jo""'°"· LI-A. Matull and AttlN J. Sc~. ''°"'COSTA Mt!SA· Amy l. la•· r aCI011tfl, ()wrlft l.. llllltl'W<lrlll. 0 .. 1. A G.mpOell. J-M. Curll\, Carl Davich.,, ,,.lly S. EerN\f, l(t.,,Mrtt A. """4· All.., I.. l'onln, Pa"ltl• J .. ,_., Mery A. l'rlll\, Oavlcl I.. Hall, Mllerl T. f\Net, David A. J.-., Ptltr C . .loll.,...,.,, Co.,., ltltDC>. Maril 0 Kr"orl •n. O.ora E l..iW~.H. Al.., J l.kldle. 11-•t 0. ~. Ja-1 M -tro\4. llolletl I.. .... ~ar, I.Ml._ J PMQ., I.ha O. ""-"· Ourl I'. IU<lltfr. R-11• H. ~ar, 04vtd A Smid. Ml<llatl e So•a9ut Scoll A fP\omo10n¥'dO\•l\'OOfWr C WeH•r Fro"' Ot"'" POINT S•nd•• J e•O. R-1.. F'1em11>9 -Rfflh• A ICI•-· ''°'" II. TO"(): Jiit I.. A~ll. L••rtna P, .. ,_, Maonl\a A . ..,,._ NII. J6"'1• P ltr,..•CI. Htldl \.. 0.· treol, Wllfl.,., T. Oon•lo. A-14 00<\1•1t1-'-L.W-. ,rom POUHTAIN VALLIV! O•bortll S &.lllger, Co<>llle S evt• ro•. Alc...,.d O lur•ow, Tl•tr••• l.M, J-,, W ... r, Maf"ftt .. M. Wi\::::~~:;.",~:;~~t, HACH! Q>eryl l.. AOelta, Jlldltll I(, Allelte, ,,,..,v I' l•nnell, Patricia A. 111\/\m.,_, U"Y W 0..ncla, Mall• .. A OellM, Art J 0.n Ho.,, Tl\omn e l'•rrell, Mlchut S Gtlllln. St .... tft C. Haft, M4ryM11 M'liQIMt. C••ldt<I A •r•rr., M4ry L. Ja9l•no. J•llro A .loll..,, Jt'M~ A. J1Atlc. J•Y S korll. 0.,_ld M. uw••n<•. Ml<llH4 T. 1.oc:u rcl Marv E. l.Y'\<11. 0•11 I' lvons. llolir¥n s. Malt'"• e•laft• J Mtrlln, Otborell L, ~~~~·1~' l ':::.~~·= t AelnNrcll-C..OIA $\llllv .... ''°"' IAVIHE 0.vod S It<-. Sluar1 K '-'>~ Pa-le A OONI, Ml<hatl J l'arlt\e, An 0 ClllmOtt, MICMlt A Hllol\C, 0.MI~ W H~•· .....,11, Catelyft l.. IC11ltm. l!lllolt C. OWlN\ <..OUNtr.H. FIBERGLAS ·••ti•\•\•. Save up lo 20~ on fuel costs with tl'l11 easy to 1n. s1411 1nsulat1on With no special 1001 reQu1red, 11 1n1tells In m1nu1e1. fits ell round water heaters 10-80 gals ., TOR-4t Miss Leone, who h as studied piano since she waa 3, was runner·up In the Golden Weet piano competition. She ls a private piano student Of Allan OUee. who teaches music at Golden W~t College. ONLV 349 CHROME SHOWfR HEAD This replacement head reduces water use to three gallons per minute. ECONO.FlUSH WATtR SAVER 3aa Snaps in place In toilet tank and saves 1 'h gallons per flush. I 1 DISPOSER JI ~ ~ Toss In scraps, turn on water, flip switch. Corrosion re· sistant. low sound level, and carboloy cuner. TOR~7 ms IW1. JOINT SHOWER HEADS STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 9 .. 9 Sat. 9·6, S... I CM FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR .. BJ2 DAIL v PILOT ,,,ursdar.April2t. 1977 Crisis Talk Goes Against Grain Cons11mption: A Joy and a Right in America By JORN CUNNIFF Al"a1nl-•4Aalyt1 -It's tough for Americans to accept the notion that they cannot continue to consume as they have. It goes against their grain. It con-. fllcts with what they were t aught. It is viewed as a r es trictio n or freedom. No wonder. What youngster hasn't been educated to believe that this is the land or plenty. or the good life, or CUHHll'I' the life U1at gets better with each gener ation, of the high material standardoflivin~? WHAT ADULT HASN'T been condi- tioned by advertising and marketing lo be lieve that consumption is a JOY and a right? And who hasn't in some small way or large consumed con- s picuously because material possessions are admired? The consumer has been exalted, encouraged, exploited. He and she have been honored as the driving force of the t•tunomy. Economists eagerly study the consumer's mind for indications of ruture economic strength of weaknes:.. And now the consumer is told lo cul it because the country must re- emphasize production, of energy at least . as an the d ays when the country was developing into the world's pre- mier industrial power. IF WE DON'T CUT our energy con· sumption, we are told, we won't have much of anyt.hlne else to consume. And if we don't increJse our produc- tion of energy, the lndustriaJ and social supcnslructure built upon it might collapse. And so. like the smokestack that once symboJized industrial might before it was toppled by the reality or pollution, the brilliantly lighted office building that stands empty in the night seems destined to be viewed as an ugly symbol of unconscionable waste. The change is sudded, but only because so much of the nation refused to heed what it was told -that fossil energy sources are exhaustible. A:'iD TIIOSE RELUCTANT to con'! serve aren't to be found only among those who didn't know better. Within the past decade. owners or office buildings sometimes were told by utilities, seeking to boost their sales, that it was good advertising to leave office lights s hining like a beacon in the night. And the f ederal government embarked on an enormous highway building spree with money that some people thought s hould have gone into mass transportation facilities that would hav~ consumed less energy. show that many people still believe so. 1l was partly for this reason that President Carter felt tl\e need to use the phrase "national catastrophe" to describe the potential danger, and "moral equivalent of war" to describe the fight that must be waged. Nevertheless. ther e will remain· a good many people who will not be con- vinced that the~ big oil companies didn't conspire to bring about the shortage for their own greedy ends. AND mE.RE A.BE others who will be so highly displeased and greaUy tn- conven.ienced that they will find it dif- ficult to itccept the level of sacrifice they are called upon tom ake. -,. What about people in rural areas who do not have the benefits of mass transportauon to a nd from work? What do yoa say to the large family that cannot squeeze into a small car? and to those whose houses can't be in- s ulated? What makes the transition difficult ls that Americans not only are ac- climated mentally to doing what they want, and that is to consume, but they have actually gone ahead and built a world that is based on it. SCORE to Sponsor Busmess Workshop Taxes. capitalization. management be to explain the Joys and pitfaJls problems, legal requirements and common to nt'~ ly established busi- selection of good business location ne:.ses and to explain the key factors will be discussed during a rree ofsucce~!>- workshop arranged by the Orange County chapter of the Service Corps of Leading <'arh :.trca of d1:.cussion will Retired Executives (SCORE). be local busint-ss and profes~ional persons and SCORE members. At the The program, co-sponsored by the conclusion of curh workshop seg- U n i t ed States Small Business ment. question answer sessions will Administration. will be held in the be held. INSTEAD OF ACCEPTING the Santa Ana City Council c hambers. More information 1s available from warnings, many Americans chose to Civic Center Plaza , from 9 a.m. to the Los Angeles district office of the view the energy crisis as a hoax 4:l 5 p.m. May lO. Registration will SmaJI Business Administration, (213) perpetrated by those who stood to beg in al S:30 a.m. 688-4375, and the Santa Ana public in· gain from such a line. And surveys , Primary focus of the workshop will formation offaC'e, 834-4251. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TASTE A ERICA'S FASTEST GROWi G CIGARETTE I GlJolden ·ghts TASTES SO GOOD YOU WON'T •LIEVE IT'S LOWER :IN TAR THAN ALL THESE BRANDS: ,, \la~bnro l l(illl<; ---- 13 13 MOTAA MG TAR 0.91119.11lc. o.a mg. nic. 10 MG TAR 0.7 mg. alc. 19 MS TAR 1.2 "''·lie. Warning : The Surgeon· General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your kealth. .... 18 MITAlt 1.1 ... tit. Of All Bt1ndt Sold: 16 M8TAR 1.2119.ltk. l.Nst car1 0.6 mg. "w," 0;05 mg. nicotlnt • w. per dgnue. FTC Report Dec. 1976. Kant Golden Ughtl Regulen 8 mg."ts: OJ mg. nicotine w. pet ciglftttt '°f FTC Mmod. 16 MOTAA 1.0 '"'·lie. 10 M8TAR O.l 1119. Irie. Of'" ~!tl!of.llno-Jla cigaretttl, ~Golden l.Jvhe• wn the fastes1 growing doarett• In the United Stites, from the third CIUlff •lo the folr1h quarter of 1978. as tlPOftld In "The MuMll Report 1978 ,... rtwlted atimete.• Course On Photo Skills Set A nine-week adult education course in basic photographic skiUs will began at 7 tonight io room 603 at El Toro High School. Camera handling , light metering, loading and developing film. making contact proof slH•e>ts and enlarging photos will be covered in th<' cour se Students will be re- quired to furnish their camera and film. Although there is no r e- gistration fee, $2 will be collected to cover darkroom materials. Further information may b<> obtained by call- 1 n g the Saddleback \'alley Unified School District's Adult Educa- taon Offlc<' at 8.17-6270. lleol htote ...•.•. 1000-2999 ll•ntoh ... 3000-4699 B.ainu" Jnvett...nt & f 1non<1ol • • • •• 5000-5049 ERRORS: Adnrtisers should c~ck ~ir ads doily and report er· rors immediately. The DAILY PILOT assumes liability for t~ first in· correct insertion only. Pub4isher's Notice: All n•al estate advertised 10 this new~pJper 1:. suh- Jl'• l IO lhe Federal Fair llOU'>lnl! Act of 1968 ~h1ch m,1kt·s rt 1lleR:il to Jlh t•rt1:.t• · Jny prc- frrt•nt·l'. llm1lat1on, or d1,c·nmmal1on based on rac·r. color. religion, sex. or nut1onal oni:in. or an 111tcnt1on to makr any 11urh prdrrcncc, lam1ta · twn, or d1srn minataon." This ncw~papcr wall not knowingly ucccpl any 11ctvt-rt1~1ng for real l'Slate which is an v1ola- t1on of lhl' law. Houses for Sale .•.....•.........•....• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DUPLEX Your opportunit y to purrha sc neat. tidy duplex an excellent f':al!ts1dc, CM area 2 Bedrms earh, enclosed garages, fen red yard. $90.000. PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 6it2·5200 IE YOUR OWN LANDLORD Just what the doctor's or- dered -peace, fresh air. sun.shine. Wllere lnOuen-llal fa milies hve. Sliding doors open lo 11unswept pallo. Grareful planlinas require minimum care. Call today, tomorrow may be loo late. 842 2S3S , ~ '' ·J • ; , s . ; ,. f , Punch I J (:~_·1 •J "Our token Black-11 that r~ally kw yeu Chlak ef yo11nelf. Ma. Corwin? You're 111uc:h ••re than &hat, I u 1ure yo11. Y eu're alao our taken womu.• David W. DePie rro, South Laguna, has been named sales manager for Grubb & Ellis Company's Newport Beach office. Ile Joined Grubb & Ellis' re- tail division in 1975. David B. Runstrom has joined Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc., as an account ex· ecutive in the Newport Beach office. * Francis E . Odell, Newport Beach, has been C?lected vice president o/ the National A5SOClatlon of M~tal Finishers. He has served as secre!ary- lreas\lrer since 1971 and has been a member of the board OC directors since 1969. He is the founder of Metal Sel"\lices, Inc .. Bell Gardens. * E~ward M. ~la•"s, Imperial Savings and Loan Association assistant vice president and branch man ager, has been transltrred from the Costa Mesa office to the Claremont oltY.c. He was branch manager at Costa Mes a fort wo years. * Dennis P . Hollow has been promoteo to vice president-public relations at Basso/Boatman, tnc., Newport Beach. lie is former public relations •c- count manager. In his nl'w position he is responsib\~ for the agency's O\'cr till public relations efforts. • Wally Nielsen h~1s hcen promoted to vice presi· dent and manager of the Newport Center Bank or America. A 13-year IlofA veteran, he advances to the post afler 21:? years as branch assistant manager. He succeeds James Tecca , r ecently named to head a new corporate banking depart- ment for the bank's San Diego-Eastern California region. * Kenneth M. Rimpau, El Toro, has joined the Irvine office of Ashwlll-Burke & Company, as a sales representattve lie has had previous ex- perience in sales and has been an appraiser. $46,95 0 Yes. it's still possible to get J bd residence fo r un· dcr S50.000' <.:onv<'n1C'nl location ror shopping & to mmun1ty pool & 1acuzz1 avu1lablc too' fk'llcr rheck this out TODAY! 646-7711. -MESA VERDE Just listed ! Great 4 bedroom home with an added Family room! Call REDCARPET 754 -1202 IF A POOL HOME is for you, see this 3 Bedroom Beau- ty! It's a steal al $63,500! Hurry! Call RED CARPET 754·1202 FABULOUS "DEANE" HOME In beautifully planned residential area in sought after IRVINE. Elcganl 2 stry mansion w/:.pacious bdrms, 3 baths, separate fmly rm & FORMAi.-dining rm. Magnafaccnt yard pro- fcss1onally lndscaped. A H•ry d1st1nrllve ex· ecuti"1e home. 646-7711. -UPPER 8.4 Y VIEW Lari:c sprawling ranrh ::.tyle. Need!! PAINT tn· side and out + rarpeL Her c's an opportunity to. decorate to your taste. Excellent fl oor plan for a family. For appt. call 645·0303. FORESTE OLSON •IVf "•Al tO"'' Caplltr•o leach Custom Duplex. $140,000. Agent. 559·4~ Open !louse Sal /Sun 34511 Via Verde ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED -C2 197 6 TOY OT A PICKUP CLOSEOUT;~ . Siii~- 1976 'h Ton Model -2 2 liter engine. electronic Ignition. 4 speed. chrome rear bumoer. vinyl interior,, wheel covers & full undersea!. (03!>198-494}. ~~~~ s3477~~~~~ I 31 "'119 OOll'C>onecl 21l m119 Cl1V 38ft\119 Hwy, lf\e\.t are C..llt m11ee9e 9'1f•"Wtf!'f Yout rnu~ mey Vt 'Y Oti>•••<ltt'Q t>Ow Yo<> on ... 2 Door 4 speed syncro trans • pawer front disc brakes. styled steel wheel cover~. vinyl trim & tnOl'e! (233619-10841 SALE $2 PRICE 77P\.UST.U & LICENSE OFFER GOOD THRU MONDAY-APRIL 25. 1977 BIG CARS ARE COMING DOWN TO VOIW'S SIZf ••• NOT UPTOYOLVD'SSTANDARDS. Some ol the fat cars have reduced to almost Vofvo-esque proport1004;. But try as they might to copy our lines. they haven't managed to duplicate our features. Standard equipment like four·wheel power-assisted disc brakes. And a dual braking system 1n which each circuit I ~~~=b/d~~, operates on three-f1ot two-wheels. Plus orthoped1cally-des1gned bucket seats. .. And a 12-outlet heatong"1ent1lat1on system They're on every Volvo we sell. (Or ~ lease . an alternate way to finance your Volvo.) But conspicuously absent from Detroit s sl1mmed·down models So 1t doesn't make much sense to buy a Volvo-size car unless theres a Volvo inside 11. See us for bOth. 0 s 1977 0 ,.v .... w;wv VOLVO • ~ lhe difference between a Mefcedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Binz. The car you lease does make quite a difference. After all, you don't drive the lease. you drive the ca r. And when you lease a Mercedes-Benz you drive some- thing special indeed. Whichever Mercedes Benz model you choose. you drrve one of the world 's most re spect ed automo- biles. A car with legendary eng1· neering, meticulous craftsmanship. outstanding performance and safety. Something else: you 'll drive the car you lease for two, three or even four years. Most cars look out of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes·Benz, you drive a car with classic lines and timeless- ness that 1s never out of date. We have several leasing plans to offer you. One is certain to make it more convenient for you to drrve a Mercedes-Benz than you might have thought possi-Cl;) ble. Call us today for the surprising facts. Ask about our many convenient leasing plans. Mission Viejo Imports 831-1740 Auth.1,ri=r.dDralr.r 495 1700 28701 Marguerite Pkwy. • DAILY PILOT SALES! SERVICE! LEASING! You Can Believe In OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. 2925 HARBOR BLVD. .· 979•2 s·oo •PUBLIC NOTICE• DUE TO A LACK OF STORAGE SPACE, WE HAVE BEEN FORCED INTO AN INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE AND NOT ON JUST A FEW SELECTED MODELS BUT EVERY MODEL IN OUR INVENTORY WILL BE REDUCED IN PRICE AND ON SALE 11 ! ·1977 BUICKS RIVIERAS-ELECTRAS-WAGONS.LE SABRES-CENTURYs-REGALS.SKYLARKS-SKYHAWKS BRAND NEW BRmSH LEYLAND MODELS PLUS DEMONSTRATORS and ALL USED CARS s500. 00-CASH PLUS REBATE PROGRAM CURRENTLY ADVERTISED ON ALL OF OUR OPELS WILL BE EXTENDED ON OUR REMAINING OPEL INVENTORY · The Peitgeot 604 gives )UU the engfileering of a Melcedes-Benz the liaitdlirig of a BM\¥, . -1 the elegance of a Jaguar, and a level of comfurt sup¢or to all of them. ., . ... : .,..- It's one thing to build a car in a class with three of the world's most sophisllcated sedans. It's quite another to build a car that in any way achieves superiority over them. In building the Peugeot 604, how· ever. v.e've done precisely that. Like the M~rcedes 280E. the Peugeot 604 has fully independent suspension. a responsive sax· <:ylinder engine (ours is a V-6). and meticulous attention to detail Like the BMW 5301, it has power- assisted steering (ours is rack and pinion), four-wheel power disc brakes, 8nd a head-spinning ability to make tight tums. Like the Jaguar XJ6L, it has ele- gant styling (ours is by Pininfarina), air conditioning. AM/FM stereo, power windows. end fully reclining front bucket seats. (We also offer an electnc sunroor. as well as genuine leather upholstery.) But unlike all of them. the Peugeot 604 has been engineered for a superior level of comfort With patented shock absorbers. largec0tl springs, and long vertical wheel travel to keep the car from practi- cally ever bottoming out. With a "floe~ng~ di.fferential end a BEACH IMPORTS 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT BEACH ·~ 752-0900 · · . Near MacArthur~ Jamboree steel torque 1:1.lbe endosing the drive shaft to reduce noise and vibra· lion-major sources of passenger fatigue. And with seats that are anatomically des.igned and tuned to the suspension. Bot comfort isn't the only thing separating the 604 from its compeli· · lion. There's also its pnce. which starts at around s I 1.000 POe And that may be its most comfort- ing (eawre of alL PEIJGEOI N~ one builds cars the wry we bu8d a 11. \ I.WING• EXCELLENT SERVICE DEPARTMENTs •• > IO .. • r • • • • . I f.2 DAIL V PILOT Thureoay. Afl!11 21. 19'77 I Ho.s.s For s. Ho.ts" For S4IN ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED -812 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I «i•••• 1002 G....... 1002 ~el t 002 G ... rel I 002 •••• •• • •• • ••••••••••••• ••••• •• • • • • •• ••••••••• • ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• PER.SOMAL A nEHl'IOM YllW HOMI! Two large decks, view bay & ocean. 3800 Sq. ft. of modern. gracious llving; all the extraB from 3 car 1arage to security alarm system. $320,000. Vlew· ing by app'l only 673-4400 1002 GeMrol 1002 .............................................. KISS THE GOOD UH HELLO!! ~ Peaceful and qwet ltvin~ ~\ c.s\Ot~a ~ bas berome th~ motlo or R~O ~ Is assured when you have the services of our large, very profesa. staff to as- sist with preparing to sell or lease your property in Orange County. 28 Year s of commendable perf onnance in the interest of our clients must tell you something! This large staff has an average length of active real estate experience very dif· ficult to find elsewhere. Let our knowledge & reputation work for you. We will gladly prepare a free estimate of your property value using our professional methods & analysis. 759-0811 450 NEWPOHT CENTER OlllVE /!J~) 1181 I t1us prestigou:. area. En· i...::=====--..... -... 1 joy it all in this dchl(hllul ELEGANT ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ townhome fe.ituring 3 I bedrooms. Form.ii din 3 Bedroom , 3'~ baths G.Mrol I 002 ~ol I 002 ing room. Va''4-lnt; dcl·k formal d1n1ng-. Close tc ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• orr master l>Ulll". Only schools&sbopp1ng. 2596 Crestv1'ew Dn"ve steps to pool. Pnced at Call 640.9900 ~~~~y. ~~~~~ate oc· BAYSHORES, NEWPORT BEACH (}llf N llC 0 •II \ ff 1f\/ f0 m "-l1(f I ~ii lfllllilll ~.~::r'D'i.~:·?~~;~f ~ \'i:i°"bo:':l~· :.-:~ l •=== -MONTICELLO Rack. Breakfas t Nook. Large Kitchen, CATHEDRAL Fireplace. lots or glass overlooking one of the lorgtl.5t. greenest patios in Bay~hore11. OPEN DAILY ADULTS OHL Y This architecturally delightful home was 5 BDRM-5 BATH Dramatic cathedral plan FAM iEnRMAL DIME In m,pst demable adult t • -ma IL 2 full baths, tor family with maid, private p atio, and mother-in-law or for numerous custom c:c· palatial enterta1n1ng lras. llurry, this won't 1226 Polaris, Dover la.st long at $00,000 Call Shores. $350,000. Open 1·5 962•7788. 400E.17"~ FOR All ..Q.._ KEY C.MAC?&~w 't&"REALTORSM • •~_..:..__-6 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING beautifully remodeled in 1974. Its con~mporary victorlan shingle racade is framed by larRe beautiful lree5 The brick and redwood lath patio is remorkablv private. lnsunnsi enJOY· ment of t.he Gas Barbeq ue or the Gos fu-e Ptl. And a low. low lease. OPEN HOUSE I I :OOo.m. to S:OOp.m. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd & 24th ALSOSHOWN llY APPOINTMENT6422G85 I Arter 6 OOp m > Some <.:ourte.iy Lo Brokers. -Beautiful S)'.>anlsh style units. 6 Blocks to ocean. 1-'n ml' Long Beach lou-G....rol I 002 GeMt"ol I 002 t1on. Pnrcd at $196.0CK>. •••••••••••••-'••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• For more rnformallon EXECUTIVE MOTIVATED .ASSOCIATES c:111963-G767. SHARPEST BUY RETRSEA6e T.8 •5P000L OPIN ,,, q . " .. IU1J rn1¥J N•f'f• -, 7 [~· ,m~·H [ii IN TOWN Th(' onr you hav.-he<'n Ca II ror confull'nlia I in terview to M·l l llc•al E sta te from our b<'aultful Nl·wport Bcal'l1 orfice. ~ ilf.0{1:1 WHYI ~r;11·~~n~h:·~11r1:r -~1l11::;~::~ • leading lo 1111-. l'l\t'<'1t\11 l' Can 640-9900 BLUE CHIP HOME HEAR THE BEACH •On cul·de·sar 1 l' l r 1• ;1 t ' < • u l I .1 i.: l' •Close to ever~ th1ni;i IAJlkw,I\ lo M·t•ludcd en •A3Bedrmcharm~r tr)~ L~1v1 ~.h II\'. rm. \"ALLEY UEAl:l'Y •Pluslgrumpu:.r m w,usNI hnc:k hl'arlh ! F:xcrotivt' ne1ghhorhood. •Call Cor appL Country k ill' h l' n I 1Aarrn & romfurlahlP w /enl'lo:.t·ll patio ' 1410 Joml>Offf Rd~__, llllec:ll bedrooms, l'• luxurious 400E.17°' FOR All St.•parate hdrm compll'x h ,1 t h s . •I t• •' o r a t c d C.M. UCAS houses 4 s we c p i n g throughout with bnght .:~!~!~!!~~! bdrms! Sp:trkltng sum cheery colors. floral merfun pool! Woll'l last' landscaping surrounds Hurry' Call 847·6010 this lovely doll house. "'"''• · .,. ' "'' 1 ':J!.:~~:~\':~.~ .... ~~g~~~EOM 1 ® Hau11 ~~~~-~iiA-MI 1 ~ 1na111 ~i~~:tr.~::t::~ :::::::::!::;:::;_ outdoor hv1.J1J! and enter Mesa del Mar IF MY PHONE IS BUSY PLEA SE KEEP TRYING ~:1 eryon1· h.•~ hl't•n ·''k mg about t lt1. I 1 ... t1riKtm tam1ly r<K •Ill hnrnt• 1111 ,, lH>acelul l1t•1• l1111·tl fo.1rw.1~ rh•'t' 111 .. h11p ping ton \1,111v 1•\\l'JS to ltst .\ lt.1r..;.1111 at $115.0011 ~·all l11r t' l'lu~1v" ''ll'Wtni.;. Call ti7J 8~10 ~ )•·11~ 11 1, '' 1t .. , •ri k, ~/t'f'I • MESA VERDE POOL HOME This 3 bedroom. 2 bath home with family rm ls pnre<l 11t SIS8.900 aod the owner wUl carry 2nd. Call I~ lft&rnl ~===== s©~Jtrt+A-tt r..trs .. That Intriguing Word Game with a Clt ud le -----t4 ... 4 ~ .. U Af I ,Ol.LAH (-RllHPIS I I 2 I I I I' 8 i::';'i.~ui.omto !' I' IJ !' !' I' I' I' I' I • ~=-I I I I I AND I I I I I I SCRAM-LETS Auwen i11 Clossiflcatioa S I 00 macnab / Irvine realty Be Of THI IAIMIOW No expense spared to create thJs s parkling •private'' pool & jacu.zz:l. 4 huge BRs. 3 full baths w/generous use of tile. Charming family room w/brtck fireplace, built-in bookshelves, large sun-~ kitchen & nook w/loads of ~abmets. Elegant master suite w/altUng room. Separato formal dining room + larae sunken Uvln1 room w/vaulted ce!Unp. $135..000 fee. Lorraine Rennio 752-1414. (P47) laining F"le·\lblc 5 bedroom home tdeal for the fam1l> who want~ tw<' separate w ings Situated on t wo lot:. and two greeo stradas $275,000 - WATERFRONT HOMf.S REAL ESTATE 631-1400 AUEATHAWAY from the water w1 lh 51 rttt or frontage and a corner localloo on l!.alboa Island Chnrm lr'lg 2 bedroom cnllJto?e for now l'nJoyment of laJ.a.od )Nini! Sl27.000 ~alinl111r1t ' ll \ l 1\11 \ I' I ,\ "I * 671-6900 • SURF VIEW Plue Ocean & shore north to San Clemente from Large Cost.i :\1esa hnmc with t ove1:.11t'J bedrooms. fJmtly rm heavy ~hake roof. t1lt·•I e n t ·r a n l. I' w a y & flrepl3cc Grf'al locsllon close to park. tennis rourt.6 and aJI school:- Just listed call S46·S880 for full det.a1ls ~HERITAGE .~. REALTORS 4 IDRM + POOL -SSS,000 JoR to hcach from t.hts btoaulHul tlarden homl' U ul?I' Liv Hoom , .:ourmet kitchen with &t·n1• lhrou~h '4-tndow to pnh1tt• p11110 v.'1nd1ng stairs to m.~lur 11uil1: aml rh1h.IH·n v. tnA. J\s sumablt• monthly p:1v ml'nl.~ $233 pt'r monUi l.Otd I Cit II 00.1 t"iit.7 I• .. , !'l~ctacular le' h v1ng ---------room & lge rear yord SOMERSET Newer single st.ory 4 Br. In Harbor Vlrw llomrs. 2~'> ba in beauUful I.A New paint lns1dr and out Jolla on approx ~ acre Up"radecl carpets, wall l<>t. Very allractlve, low rovenn11s and dr.Jpt'S. 5 maintenance. land11cap-Be<Jrm~. lgc family room u:ig, fruit trees, Ole. Jn w/wet bar. 1-'ormal din· Newport·CdM the above ing room. 2 Fireplaces. comb1.J1ation would run View t•overed patio. gubstanl1ally more. Somerset model. J\1k1111 1319,000 Owner IBkr. 1806 only $169,950. 644·7270. Vi11 Capri. La Jolla. ,,,.,/_ . ~/ ~7549. Open Sunday. -~ #UUC lj"1U*4# REALTORS I 002 ~ftlf'GI 1002 .............................................. cae: 810181 ILllRS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE DOV& SHOUS IEAUTY View Beyond Descrlptlon . Overlooking The Upper Bay! Ex-quisl~ Custom Built l Story Home With Old·World Elegance. 3 Lovely Bedrooms Family Room. 2 Baths. DramaUc Entrance. Spacious Open Feeling. Terraced Garden!L Defmitely One--of-a-Klnd ~. A Discriminating Buyer's Dream $289,000. Ill D0Ya DllYI 631-1800 ... _,...__ ----~ ,,,,,_ =-_... - ~c:'!:!!.~.~ ........ ~~:~!!.~~.~ ....... !~!.~~~ ....... ~C:-:!!:.~~~ ........ ~ol I OOJ GftMt"ot I 002 G__,.., I OOJ C«OIMI _. M• I 022 ....................... IOOJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ·•···•••··•••··········•·••··•••·•••·········· •··•···•··············· -TMI--.... PRIVATE \MO r. . PROPERTY -l-~ . W~K 11] _...__... ~ ~-1Wiii1"'91iiiii'-~ AJ'*. r1WI ID %Jrd HATIONAL USOClATIOH OPlllEALTOIS . Code of Ethics .... CA IN PatHC:IPLI Artiole 10 ~Th4J REAL TOR• ah&ll nqt•deny equal professional services to any pereon tor reasons of race. creed. sex or country ot national ongln. The REAL TOR* shall not be a p·arty to any plall 6r agreement fo dlscrimlnaie against a P4tf'SOn or persons on the basis of raoei creed. se1t or country of national 011Qtr\. • IH NAC:TlC:I EqUAL PRORSSIOHAL SERV1C:E •in the t111le or rental of housing •1n advertising the sale or rental of housing •on s tanding ready to enter broker-client relallonsh1PS •11'1 pr~lng of real estme brokerage aer.llces Newport Harbor/ Costa Mesa Board of Realtors PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEKm Gl U3 ·~.-.-:· RE.AllOR' APRL 17th lo 23rd I OOZGettffal 1002 ............................................... VllW FROM THE JACUDI Spectacular l This 4 bedroom Tradeswind has been enlarged and a bnth added. But the real fun overlooks the hills, the Harbor and the Pacillc Ocean: a spacious jacuzzi has been raised up to maximize the view and a delightrul outdoor eating area has been added to heighten the fun. See this home that has just been de· corated to perfection. Presented at $325,000. U~l()UI: t1()Ml:i REAL TORS~: 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar also in Mesa Verde. at 546 5990 . GeMntl I002GflMf'ol 1002 ............................................... W ESLEY N . TAYLOR CO. H.EJ\ LTOl lS ~.111t·•· 1 H4f j , CHARMING HOME FOil LEASE Popular Lido Isle 3 bdrm & den home. Quiet loc. (Street to Strada) Lovely patio, wet bar, formal dining. Lge. master bdrm w/sundeck. $895 mo. Z 111 S-Jooqllbt .. , Rood HIWPOU CEMTBl. M.L 644-4910 1002 Ga•rCll 1002 OCEANVIEW. pe>ol. Un• uaual homo w /3 ' fam· rm, lanai. lot 1..SOxl..SO' feo. 4111 Surry. Cameo Hl&hlaoda. Open Oa.1Jy. Owner. S'Js.830'1 COIOMA H1GHLAMDS PAHotlAMJC OCIAHVllW A dolllbt!ul S Br. 2 Ba. homo with view from nearly every window 1 larae muter suite, wooa beam celling and oak hardwood floors In "walk·t.o private bolach" locaUoo. AND 0wn('r will <'Art')' flrt l U'~ltleed. Sl'72.500. CGll 644-7211 /Jn NILl l DAILEY & A550(1AI ES 3 good duplexes. 1 w /swim pool & 3 rental•. $165.000; 1 So. or Hwy on corner, $155,000. By owner. 67l-«>69 Attractive 2 story 3br, ram.rm. 2ba, 2 frplcs, elec kttch. walk to bch, ownr financed. Prin on· ly. $160,000. O wnr, ~319 Costa Mesa 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• n 1925 Lanai Dr. SBr, xlnt country db loc. Many xtras S48-8614154()..2() 18 MESA VERDE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •BY OWNER• L". 4 br + den on lg. lo~ Cust. Ulx36 pool + spa . Frml. din rm. used brick frpl. FUlished ~arage. 1 blk to ~tancta Park. SI 19,500. Prin. only. ~2 ------- BA YFRONT, pier & float, lots $185.000 to $325.000-. to build your own custom ·home. Several areas to choose from. ----------------•IMESA DEL MAil S Br PRESTIGE waterfront homes with pier & float from $385,000 up. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy \1dt· Drive N B b 7S blbl C-2 Corner Choice Newport Blvd. locauon with 166' Cron· tagl'. Building and por· lion or lot currently l e a se d . Call for particulars. $125,000. TAX PROBLEM 7 • pool home. Sy owner. $98,500. Call Cor appt. 546-2142 DB.IGHTfUL! 4 QR .. 2 BA. & POOL HOM 1::. NEAR SOUTH COA.Si PLAZA. $74,000 1\#:enl 640..5560 G~eral I 002 GeMrol I 002 ~ We can help by scl~ting --••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-ll 1 from a ~roup or our 1n· WAHT ROOM1? ·li22"nr;"· 15UNIT APARTMENT BLDG. OCEAN + COM'L STORE + HOUSE + VACANT BEACH LOT t •niqul' investment OP· portun lt y for only S33S.OOO. Walk to surf. Ternf1c summer rentals + permanent tenant. Just listed, so hurry! f'l t:xlble terms. Call '16:17881 LOCJUftG Ranchette WITH VIEW Nearly 2 acres nC6Ued among giant oaks only ~·r.. miles Lo t.he surf with a rem arkable custom bwlt 3 bdrm + den + family rm home de· stl(ned to maximize the panoramic, hill y ranchland view. Also 5 car covered parking + room for campers, boats, etc. The corral can ac· commodate as many horses as you could ever want with room to spare. O fFERING PRICE $220,000. Call 644-721 I .. RAM BU MG BUCH ESTA.TE S BR -POOL 1"'ree lined approach to this cxecull ve ranch. 1-'urma l entry lo dramaliC' living room. Formnl dining 1s conve· menlly served from bugc country styled k1t.cben. Separate family room overlooks sparkling pool and te rraces. S tone fireplace. Hldea way wi ng for muter sulte & children's quartMI • style & grace desi3ned. on one level. Hurry • won't last. 963-7881. 01W-1 Ill 9 • 11 S 'V"I TO 81 HICI • ,.,. < t 1 I • \d ... • THE REAL ESTATERS --_ _, SELL idle ltema with a 3 BR--EASTSIDE ANYTIME come properties the orw We h:l\'t' a super large F "'MILY-$72,900 to fit your tax nel'rl~. Cull family home. t-'catures 4 A for aP1x11ntmcnl. 549·RH5S Dr 2 Ba, hUS?e add on Pnm11 Eastslde Costa ---------family room, full bltn Mesa location! Giant---------~UPERB kitchen, fplc, new WW paneled liv. rm., hu«e $6S,OQQ MES cplS thruout & clean as a ram. rm. hoets massive new pin. Xtra lae rear brick frplc. Convenient Sharp Eastside. 3 bedrm, I ~:ii:ii:ii:ii;::;;::;::,j yard, w /shaded patio & 9 chef's kitchen. Large 2 bath on quiet corner. t-1 fruit bearing trees. secluded ma111ter wing. Room ror your boat or REDCARPET Sliding glass doo rs to motor home. Hurry' NEWPORT SHORES REALTORS patio & E·Z care yard. won't last. Call S46·S880. M2·5541 Pc~mblc assumption or Like newt 4 BR. or 3 &1--------- low VA loan! Take ad· den, 2\o'a baths. Beautiful-ASSUME ~HERITAGE vantage. call now . ly decorated in earth 646·i171 tones. Brand new kitchen 7112°/o YA Lo.. '~· REALTORS incl. microwave oven. 3 Bedroom. a dded family brick frplc. Walk to rm. New carpets & BY OWNER pools, tennis, clubhouse wallpaper. It needs a lit- ltarbor View Home & beach. Sl 15.000~ Uc more work but com· Phase II lalboa Boy Prop. pare and yo1.1'1l agree its 4 b r. 2 b a M o nte go Rffffors a gOOd value at $60.500. ADULTS ONLY w /beauliful yards & * 67S.7060 * CallMS-7221 palto Commun. pool & ---------1 CENTURY 21 "'>lCY 3 bedroom. 3 bath club house. Walking dis· WHtdiff RHlty Townhome in a new, lance t.o schools, close to BIG FAMILY youn~. planned c1om-greenbelt & natural Awar·d rnun1ty . l..uxur ous park. S168.500. By ownr. ROOM amenities includt' large 64().6173 Prine. only. clubhouse. pool, jacuui --------- and much, much more. Jo'ull price $72,500. CALL 556-2860 C:::: SELECT T' PROPERTIES UPPER BAY YIEW·DELIGHT Cllarming 3 Bedroom, 2 bath bome with sweeping upper Newport Bay '-lew. luxunous Master bedroom sww. soanng woodbeam cathedral heam cedm~ and much more. Only S1 t~.000. fee. Coll 644-7211 Exclusive l..1stmg ASSUME FOR UNDER $10,000 A beautiful Spanish style home with 4 s pacious bedrooms, a family room with fireplace that's gorJ?eous, a modern country style kitchen you·11 never want to leave. With a fully as- sumahlc S"'o VA loan that can be taken over for wi- dor Sl0,000. Call 540-3666 Wf1ela11 REAL ESTATE mlli -------TIMEISMOHEY BEACH EST A TE $69,950 llikn to Deach from Ulla secluded 4 BR quiet str eet with towerin g pines leads t.o oxccuUve entry. P'amlly eizo Liv Room • Country Kitchen plue sweeping Master l\DRY • Pool al.zed back yard. Owner anxious. Bouaht new muat sell. Try 18.990 total down. Call for appointment. IMHOlO Ol'fN Ill 9 •II $II/Al 1011 lolltl' • ESTAT ERS Don't wait any lnngcr. You c an't a fford it. Home prices are subject to change dllllY. Pick your next home and free?..e the price now. We have several new ex· chJStve ofrerinfs. Priced reallstlcal y from SUS.000 to 1167 ,000. Call tod~y for detailed In· formation and appolnl· ment for private view· lnp. 6'73·8550. -·-- ... with beam ceilings & loads of charm Is only one or the outstanding features or this 3 bedroom. 2 bath home. Its got forced air heat· Ing. bulltins, wall·to-wall carpeting. drapes. bnck fireplace & befit or all a low, low price of $67.000. Call before Its sold. WinnirtCJ Tree Pt1ze peach tree in the yani of this Mosa Verde special. Quiet CDS street. fully spnnklored lawns. 3 Bedrooms, formal dining, deluxe kitchen. Hearty Cire placo. $78,000, BKR, call 540-1720. CALL 751-3191. fA811B I C:SELECT 1uas-.. T' PROPERTIES '"# 1 ht C:ollfontia• MESA VERDE FOR OML Y $85,500 SUpcr large 4 bedroom home. Super large famt· ly room 20x21. Super large lot. Two super rireplaces at a super price that won't las t long. 546-2313. ortN M o. '' s 11/N ro er Nt<f • [ll)IG~t- IEST VALUE CW 57,000Down 3 t?r. 2 bn home w /huge yd. 1 house from new 200 llCl'C'S. Reg. l'ark, which will h:ivo riding t.raHs, a lake for boating & fis. htnJ:, picnic areas. etc. A r apidly appredalin~ urea & very unusual in lhc cxlr<-mcly open coun· try f£'ehn~. Owner has hoo~ht another home & ha11 pricl.'<i this home for SHIHG IS quick s ale at ss2.ooo. IELIEVIHG ca 11 : P a t St om e I , Extra large 3 bdrm home 67~S. 64fl.'7414 or SUn. with h u a c m a ate r , .. on.t-y•642--7•430••a•gt•. __ _ bedroom. Out.stand Ina 1w ________ _ fireplace. Too manr, ex- tras to mention. See n11 I• bellevina and you won't belleve the price or only llSS.000. Hurry -movu·ln coodltlon. 6*2313. ortN II( O • II S 11/1'1 10II""''1 IOWASTREIT TOWNHOUSE $ro,500 U'nder $20,000 Down OrCah To New Loan PREF. PRJNCIPALS SOUTHLANDF.RS REAL ESTATE ~or 833-8080 ~THE REAL I _, Dally Pilot C1aNtfled Ad. .;;;;;,.:;====~--! WT SIDE Tri-Plex 1 yr new. Npt lc6oa P1...,Huks I 007 Hgt a. F\l lly occ1.1pl6d. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Now cafT)'lnl ll.lelf +. 1002 ....... 1002 ....................... ...................... . fll~~= JUST LISTED - UMIVRSITY PAIK Great Vllla.ge III location on greenbelt near pools & tennis. 2· story Rutgers modol townhouse wlth 3 bedrooms, family & d.lnlng rooms. Available now for $96,500 A C0UJWaL IAMCa CO. 644-1766 111t ~OUIN HIU.. "'-0. IN ~CllHTI" CHARMER Sbr. 4M. wet bar, formal US0,000. By ownr • N t 3 bed d i .. , .... 1..... din.rm, den ft ram.rm. ~931. No AgU pleue ea rm. ......... n $119,500. 873-3226 baths oo comer lot. Wlt.h C:OLLEGI P UK double aara1e. 1815,000. C.-.. w.r 1022 Prideot0wbot1hlp Hurry. ciall 540-ll.Sl ............... •••••••-3Br. J 1,o4,i ba. 221 Tulane • '~ HERITAGE . • HEAlTORS COSTAMISA 2 Bdrm., 2 batht. brand new condo, never oc- cupied; 2 c•r 1ara1e, larse 1uodeck/balCOQ.J. '6$,000 associated rt.,, 1 .. r 11 u 1 Al • ... ·• , ,. I'' ' llODeerMVlew Rd . u l,900. o poo Spy11Ua dill l atoty 4br, Sal/~n. aba, lam.rm, din.rm, 2 c:o.&M Rffltr frplca, lncl court yord, c:..1 6ll·l•4' fnaQ)' uptrada. A cnusl1.,. _______ _ aeo. IASTSIDM2 9'l-9771 Room to add a \illlt on UA&.TYWOl10 thla hu«e lot. Ctwmtna. c...conAel ul1t1n1 3 Br, frplc, modem kitchen. Wal.k to Sperklln•{ channtna 2 l'7lb St. A Oood BuY at bdrm. w th plenty of 17,.. 000, o-o Sat/Sun or room to build 2nd unit. .., ·~ Walkto shopplnl. Priced nil Joun Howe at $9$,.500. Our bclualvc. 63\.2133. 1'787TuaUn Ave. Forapp'LtoMt,ctll ONDO SPECIALIST, "F ,....,11 .... ~ ua, CM, r v11. .,. • ~ IUI TouchUOD• a .. u,. aAL TOIS 640.00 0 tlD.(887 Hon .. fol' Sale ~SH Fors• HCMISH For Sok HCMllH Fors• Hou'"' Fors• Thursday April 21 1917 DAILY PILOT C3 • • • •• •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• •••••• •• • •• • • • • • • ....... • ... • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • •• ............ • •••••••••• ._..... ••• • • • ___ ,,__ _________________ _,_....,;;..;;... _ _.;::;.o:;.. Code w.te I 02 '"M I 044 1rYW I 044 1Ag1ae •acll I 048 Loguno ~oc.h I 048 HouHa for Sde Hou10 For SClile othH-R•al &tot• ~ RHll Estcrt. ••••············•·••·· ..............•...•.... ·~····················· ••••········••·•····••· ........................•......•............•...............................•..........•..••.•..••......••....••••. Newport .. °'II I 069 Newport •ech I 069 ~ Ho .. 1 II.cw Proper+, 2080 • • ••• •• • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • ••• •• •• •• •• ••• •• ••• •• • f-or Sal. I I 00 ••••••• • •••• •••• •• • • ••• Wes bide vaa.sst,soo Excellent buy for th 1-. &r eal i.rcu' Hra t:k fireplace, big h v1n.: room, convertible lltn or sewing room. &•t•n1:1 are.a oil the kitchen. For mote det.ails, BKK, c11ll M0-1720 TARBELL "# t hi CaUforftla'' GREAT SELECTION or a homes, rrom $50,000 to $70,000. All terms. Vet:; "O" down, free asb1st. Agt. 714·S29-4783 Golf Couru Hom.I Redllced tQ St 05,000. 3 BR w/faOtabllc \'1ew, spac home w /plu1>hy crpt , & del·or Formal d1rung + alr,um llurry Agt, abk for Sh.iron, 963-8961 Jmt A Lltttr TLC $57,500 3 Br, fplc. dmmi.: rm, COLONY -5 BEDROOM Here is your chance to own a beautiful 5 BR home for much less than you 1 could ever expect in the prestigious Colony. Private tennis. well main· tained neighborhood & mucb more! $83,000. It will ~ gone if you don't hurry. CALL NOW 752-7315 DONALD M . BIRD Associates • Re altors HwtHngton leach I 040 lrYM I 044 .........................••••••.••............ 'll!ST Sf;LI ,, MOVTNG 2 "Lory :rn:io Ml ft Im· m.it:, l::\'e!> & wknll b !!till~ ONE 9UARTER ACRE ESTATE -18 North LCICJllftG-A be.tffuf Spmtllh ltOMe • ......,, landscaped 9CMtch w .. h pool, IGllnCI and fac.u:nl. T1lr-H t.poclous bedl'OCMM, g-.. n>CH'R. diniftc) ~ mold'1 l"OOftl ..t bath. nrrc:l.e room. Spcftlh tfle. handcaned doon, fl"f)lac• of rock and petrffl.d wood, blf'ch p~ed kltch..-. ttn"auo tffe phas white qllClf'h fl,..oce In mcuter beclroo-. /t..110, ettloy cm intettSt In ttt. ~ teMl1 court which i1 feftc9d and Hcjlhd. •••.. $385,000 l,AG UNJ\ l:H-;AC'll •1!17 2-11(1 499-4551 UA..,,\ f'Ol"'T 1~1:1 tjgl:! LAG l"1':A "ll(;l't.-:L 495·1720 I 044 LOCJl'fta Niquel 1052 •••••....••..••........ ···············•·····•• family rm. Nl't"1!. JUSI <l•--------- CUSTOMIZED Magmf1ccnl, expandc•d "LaSalle" townhoml' in Univers ity Park. Thi~ fine borne ha!> 4 bdrms . den & family rm. & features ceramic tile floonng, VanLwt paper!> & upgraded carpe trnit The view from the de n must be s~n' Call us, we"ll arrange 1t $129.500 NEW LISTING \lO~ARCll BAY I Br . IJm rm. Jlnum. pool !</ lot bOml' ot:ean 'll'\\ h} "" ner $189.!JOO -1\l!j 111>1 htlle mo re help lo mo\~ In. 8UAICAlltt ~ OPlN l<OUSl RULIV l/b30f•nga,Co.,t• M<W"t4 645-9161 Fountain V oJley 1034 ··••••·•••·••·········· Fountain Park:! ;,ty. 3 Jlr end unit T~ nhrnl' AdJ l\llle Sq l';irk. l'li:!.:100 firm. Pnnc 0111~ 5-10 u:r.1 or SS-t·Jb:!ti REDUCED H -,TEAL u pr1.'st1i,:e pool home! S2500 Hcduction ' C.ill ! Don't lose out! Mcikl• offer• 4 Huge bt-<lrms, 2400 sq.ft. of Ex- ec hv111J.:. Country kit., w/island stove, sep. fam rm. Formal dine. 3 Car J.:ar. One mi. to beach. SIU7,500. Roberts REALTORS_·_·_ Realty Wooclbrickje Arborlake R;11L' YALE Modt•I 111 - VII I 3. li ntv 1'1.rk. CountryClubAreo Gr 1:cnh1•ll un 2 ~uh--. 1 ~•t. 21, 1:1,\, beam t•t•d ovl!rlookml: adult 11001 4 mg:-dm111i.: room. t·u, Bdrm. 2'h b..i w11h 1m l'rcl.l pJltu, :l l"ar g.,ragc pres:1 1vl' ~AST l·.n s11~1.500 SUITt: with F.P. Marty JA y W. YEA TS up~rades inside and ~ut REALTORS 499 2237 This tlo a mu:-.l scl'! < .ill j to<luy lor Jll cip1111111t Cu torn ·rn tt hm rm In l' n t ~ I ;1 I !I ti II ,,1 ~ • ' ' INCLUDFS L,\NU' -:B r\. wl'I h.JI inlt'r ' ' • 1·mn, la\1~h masl1•r sic, tli:?~I Burb 11...s. Brand New Super up By Owner. l hr, :!ha l'\t Runt1•Cl0• llut-graded 2 br. 2 hJ. tu'\ frnl , baclo. p .tl111 ~ 1 __________ 1 condo Den. form 11111 1krorall•ll w -.1111h1~ll<'a 11011 , ~d ll\.1hlt• :1 t'ar i.:ar. IJutHlr ~ 11~1111 C"losc In ..,h1111ping & s d1I-. :ilWSOO l!ONIJ It 1-:1\l.TY Kil :1 111 Cuthedral 1"t'1hn.1:,.,, 11 1( area Nearlakc Sl ll .500 ~rd Pnme l0t·al10n l\r S6000 Under mkl Xlnl l\11lc Sqr. Prk 0 II 'J li termi. 495-5906 or daily' 17101 ~<Ill llll"J . '"' CRAZY 559· 183:J by 014 ner LIVE !~ O!l:.'7 CUSTOM POOL & JACUZZI HV P a rk '!!. C'11Vt'rr41 patio, vaulll•fl l"l'l h11.1::.. J or lhr Pre~ui.:c art'a Great Wl•:.h·rn ll E IS 17 -00:12 CONDO SPl·:C:L\LIST. II B . CM F VI y T oud1ston1· l(p.ill) flti:Jl~i7 HwttinC)ton Beach I 040 ....................... PLUNGE!!! 4 BR POOL HOME Sunny t·ountry k111·h .. 11 with s hd111i.: gla:-.:. door!< openini.: onlu J pr" .olt' pJltn & poul \'aulll'd ceiling~ \\Ith hJl111ny. overlooktni.: the II \'llll: r o o m . I> e l" 11 r a t 11 r wallpaper & w00tl p.onl'I 111 .11 1-:,t<ite 1\gt•nls J rl' Cul rd 1 ,,1 ,. '-h t lf523 CAMPtJSDa·IRV11'E AT THE BEACH g(11ni.: 1·ra1v 1show1n1: uur \e a e • an .,;i "' or :\11.:ut•I !'>hure:-11u·Jn m•\\ t>utr h H.iven lt,.,t. wulk lo ?:'°'· u..irk, & ----------1 :11dc-ol the tnghw.1\ lllJ.!I lk•at the ln\('Stor's scho.>I. S7li:OOI> VIL.1.AGE 11 t:uardt•d communoly tu th1:; bari:a1n Jl ----~·0545 38R-FAM.RM. L1,1ni.:. cl1n111 J:!. l \\o ~.J.!r.JO :l Bcdrms. 1 11111 A MOTHERS The most lwau11ru1 Mar-l.wdroom. den. \\l'I har. ~ 1i1•t· hath, "ara"C 1·11n lwths :ind 11l1hl\" rnom ' " "" DR"' .. M QUt'lle Modl'I honH· \l'rlNl Lo fabulous family 10A 1 V 1 l'lubho~e w1lh len111~ & This 4 ""-droom hom•· in a\'JllJh e '" I la ge I I . ... lk t th r m 1-'rl·s h patnl "" ~ lintw•ri.tl\ Paik !her :;w1mmm,:?. n <I tl e lllJRRY' the COLONY of In int> lb :!IOO ~q (i 111 eomplt·ll' be<1ch Jusl li~led al ~I 580<1 cs s.17 8823 near the park <1 nd thc ~l"I noo ' .l'" . kids can play and ::.till be t•lt•l!Jnt·t•. '"1 h :!' h.ilh-. ~ ~ ' Westhaveon Realtors lurm.11 llin111i.: rm ~-within calling distance ol lnt'I RE Hetwork mom ldc;illv locci ted on 1·41111pl1·tl'I\ 11·d1·1·11r.ilt•d l'ul de ~<IC h~r minimum lh111oul \n 011l:-.larultns.: HEW LISTING! C:h·nmar homt•, :1 l~l' l1<h Ill:. & :! IMlh;o.. l)ll'C I ;1 m 1 I \' h o m l' w 1 l h pm•ls11~· yard. t'oll \ l' 1111•nl ln lw:H•h, :-hn1lp1ng & srhoul'i !:>1:.!.500 NEWPORT BEACH REALTY 675-1642 $64,950 1rarr1c Vcrv neur POOi.. h11111t• ,11 .111 u11t-.1.1mhng · pr11·1• C.111 tollJ) tor 'I l•:N NI S u nd 1w rl.. <',ti I mt>rl' tkl•u I-. LOS<* red hill :;;:.; .. 552-7500 :i Mun.1n·h Bav Plaza LJ1.:u11J N1g11t'l 496-7222 83 1-0836 Lalce Forest 1055 •·•··•··•·•·•·•··•····• LAl<EFRONT ll1J?ht~ upi:n11k1l. :I llr. .!' B.1 , 11nnll' l.okt•lrnnl ing S80.!lll0 G1•t 11,11h :1hr, <!h.4 lg1• II\ rm for summer' <".111 """ l\t'.HJlolul b.11 k \.ord & RANCH REALTY SS 1·2000 DEERF'IELD P<it10 Home 3 Br FR weth.ir upgraded 1·pts 6: drt>' r l«<(> tn pool <,t· hoot .\ :\tar<1ut•ltr To~ nhou., ... l'\l l.11,,;· '•l"" lrom 11\ l mv l'~irl.. :i bi .! , liJ mi:. 1llnrni.:, m.,lr hllrrn 111rm.1l d111 1m. 1,1111 1 rn , ll.11\-1111) p;,11 ... JI\ 1 1._,. 11;1 t111 l·11m11l r•• drn:k .,uml1•1·!.. !-oun ~ ~ .. 111 1lt•t·111Jl1·1l Jh·.;ol\ 11 rluh rn1·mht•r,l1111 ffitl\t• 111 JI\· ••\\llo'r. !:>IJJ.000 iti80~• 7~ 1700 pal111 m•.ir '1t:Dunahl I I • • ' lloui;IJ.., 1067 ::.11 l mu ,;,·• .ll!!ll M" . -v· . ISSIOft 1e10 .•..................... pJrk in h1·aut 1ond LOC)UftCIS.ach 10491----------~ . .)j)o th "" m•r Prin1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• WOW! What a Value! CLOSE TO IEACH t<:vt•r wanl to hve within easy walkmg tl1:,t,111n· to thl' beach'' ff ~o. "¥e may have 1ust what you've been looking fur . 3 lldrms .. 2 bath:,. Balboa Peninsula Point Sl69,000 /., T ....:..'. .. , ·~, 1,IDO KEAL1'l~ ". ' • ':. ""-3177 Via Udo. Newport Beach , 673-7300 Neowport leach I 069 .,_wpori leach I 069 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S IR-IACKl.A Y HORSES! P t 1vull' l(01ll•ll ·front l.'JllO. T1k l'llll} llUf:l' l.1m. r m , l(uur m.:1 l11tchtln l'oe" bulchcr til or k 1 nun l t• r lop Fm mal U111<:' !)l•par..ilt' MJ,.,tt'r Su1ll' l>uuble \;m1ty mirro1t>d wJrd 111h•'~ Plu~ I 111on• queen :.111'<1 BH bl'" ing room or "lll I. shop 1s ht!rl' t.oo Br 1111( \11ur hor:.l'b' Thi~ heaut1lul ·l.OOll i.q ft 111.m,.,1011 only $17!1,500 CJ II tor J>l.•r:.onal p1 ev1c\\ today' i!J:! liOO . I 1 , • 1 , ,, , f ' 1 tv ~ ROOM FOR BOAT C'11mper too in thc·~e two tlt'W l'Ul>lOm homes 111 ~1·wp111 l ll J.:hl~. 3 U1 ~ l!(l' bonu:-o rm, ~· .. ha, lam +c.J111 rrn!<, ::!3().l s 11 ll, :! "tor~, lol~ vi "ooll SJ.11,000 ca. :110t.; &. JI I~ BroJrl St 1':..~l of N" )Jl & So ol 15th SI Opt·n \\ ko)., I J, "l..nd.!. l:! 1 Cull i31 1522 We!<Lern Pac1f1c Prop HEWPORT SHORES 3 BR-S82,SOO Supt'r i.harp Newport S hort·i. l<J Ca l1011 • Gori.:eou' ··n·<1l wood" w a I I e d .\ b 11 r m dl•t•or a tor·, dd 1 i.: ht• Chef":-gourmet k1tcht.'n P n.,,all' m str :.Wlt' 3rd bdrm t'an tw JU~t 1hat 11r dt•n' Nt•w p.11nt St'C'llldPd p,11111 ('u,lOm sunrkl'k .lo~ In b1·ad1 :! b I 01• k ., ' t' ;1 11 1 ,, 11 a ) jj.llj 7171 MEW BLUFFS CONDO Hl11nm1ni: l>elor t·s MtxM, ;1 Br :?ti Ha, l'nd 11n1t Hy own<'r 5111 l'lu)J SUtd lOO WI 7901 Opt•n llouse Ua1ly l l 6pm KIMGSROAD *DUPLEX• 3 Hdnn. & 2 bdrm. on eic· trJ l.ir~e lot, near ocean. Beamed t:c1l • sundeck, patio & dbl. garage. $130,0tlO NEWPORT BEACH REALTY 675-1642 Welto11C&Compan w t ..... " ff '!!. Oc:Hll View Condo Jusl C'OmpleU.-d, lop or the hne luxury hvmg plu~ bccurity Pool , JUcua1, !>auna, b1Jhards. ti75 6900. FIRST TIME OFFERED WESTCLH 'F AREA 4 Bedroom <kn nl'wh• decorated ;n~1llc0 & out. Convenient lo 1..•vcr - ) thing Luvdy hcall•d & f1ltcrcrl pool C<1ll lotl11y 673-7601 20Nll.OT :! bdrm. :! bjth, dm rm, EXTRA IJ.:e hv rm, fprlc, PLl'S l bdrm. l bath i.:uesl apt. Sl25.000 -Ill 1-·ulll•rton, l\cwport ll.1:hts ~lli·<KHO 2311 CLIFFDHIVE Brcalhlakini:: view, :l bdrm ,.\ balh, formal din· 111~ rm. tam1ty rm. 2 lrplc~. 2 view ,.,undecb , ;J l"a r l(ar age. S265,000. ~~OOIO San Clemente t076 ............•..•....... Nr. beach & Pk New 31.Jr, :!Ba, :!sty hv rm. Lovely t•nrt untl. $80..\00 Ow11r 53-1 2078 ufl 3 & wknds Nr~W H O ME with breathtaking v1cw close to schools, churches & shopping Choice of col- or,., s till available. S179,000. ANCHORAGE IHYESTMEHTS C7141 496.7711 OCEAN DUPLEX S158,00U Bldr/Bkr ••••••••••••••••••••••• :n UNITS Ov.n\ r .. 111 Newport rm . I µat 10 675·lb42 areJ, h:c hv UH • 1•overcd Sl0,500. Agl trudt• u1> or out. Xlnl toe a lion i\ho :? 4 Pint·:.. C.dl ~·42116 Al.I\ "lelie•e It.... 400 ~ O"J co. Pnmo. Agt, 640 234<a $21,900 ~~c:t~!:•. first THIPLEX, Co.>1la Me:.~. t•ome. Cirs l ~ervll<l. All 2 Hr, $lt(),QOO. 25 ·• II urry. ca II for deta i h1. d wn. Al(t. 5'IO·OSSS_. __ _ 7 UNITS..IALIOA ~·RH. Pr1m1• 11rt•a. <i ro•~ Rratty $:11 ,oou ;.. Olfrrl!d ut 75 I ·2060 S375.000 or will trado UI> _ ---or down. Ownc r /Afl. Newport u~~uch IJl>I Wit.le. W0.1:>5Sorli31·0020 • 2. br, 2 ba. '71 Sk yllnl' Mowttcrin. Dtterl~ Coach, 111 top ron d . R •ort z-o $18 250 A "l. 646 4380 e • -~---b .••••••••••••••••••• , •• AUHC)e for sale 1200 I.AKI:: l-:Ll)INOKl-> ••••••••••••••••••••••• VI t_.;w TEN ACRES Gent l e r o l I 1 n r; old "mdm11l, 'I.Int loi mini ranch i.1lc. P riced tor f.lWCk!>ale. BKR. (711 ) 67i 5691 OH 5:!:! o.>:JO ONE & OHE QUARTER ACRE for your mobile hru or hld g bil e South 11f Corona. Ult I a\ .111. t'ull pncc Sl:!.500 Rt\ It 11 1rn•10 5111 OR 522-208() S r . t·1t1 tcn rebort townhou::.c Spac • bltn.s, c•lubhou~c. pool. $13,500. Tl'rm:.. 751·LY174 eves & wk111b Out of COW1ty Pro~y 2550 ·••···•••···•······•·•· BEAUTIFUL MOUHT AIH HOME l!!OO ~ll ll, 3 llr. 4 ba, n •1 .11111c tile k1lch &. bath. lrptc, lgl· deck, Jot-; ol -<'lo:.l'b, prk 'g, panel lllJ'.:. muC'h more! Walk to :.hops better than nrw. Beooch Property 1350 owe loan ••••••••••••••••••••••• (;i\LA PHOPEHTUo:S Lr!! H·2 Lol, ot'l'anfrnl :-.l, t:..itl <;l'O Frey M2·3456 Leucadia. 100' to W<lkl' Ranches Farms 11, blh to Stale Ul"h G ' ' 2700 Sl"i,000 down lfal at lu" roves int rate. Sti0,000, Call lll ••••••••••••••••••·~··• 436-~l. l"OH S/\Lt-; 101 Acr e" w :!Br home n.:ar Mo ~tery Loh/ ):J\ c Rl\'l•r. north nf Crypts 1500 Sliver Lakes, fronts ••••••••••••••••••••••• paved roJd. New w~ll. 2 Lots Par 1f1c View, rc·ntral air, cpb .'t drps. &l}"tewTerrat:eScd1011 !:>950 acr e . Ownl!r. s.i-00 e;i. SJti-29!'>3 ~-2b/3 Condominiums/To;-;: Real Estate houses for sale 1700 ExcharncJe 2800 .................•....•.•.......•............. CONDOSPJ::CI <\LIST H.B .• C . .M., 1''. Vl y. Touch i.t o ne Rily, 963-0867 Tax·t'ree R.E J::xt:hang,•s Problem~ sol VL'il anywhere E. Berkhc1mcr751·4815 Dupfexes/ Onih safe-1800 RH1 Estate ••••••••••••••••••••••• ¥1antt'd 29(Ki. llOllSE + duplex ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21.lr. hse. 2 . 2Br urub on Pnvatc party would hi.~ 110· x 135' R·2 lot 1n to huy 1 lo 15 uniti.. Wcslm1n:.te r. S95.000 831·9'J50 Ov.11er will <'arry under NFFD 1 -,-N-0-.-1.-()-1~-U-l_L_D A.I T .O. Prlnl· only. • . :' Ai:t•nl ··t,or1 ·· UN. (all .l.tek or w.~1.ter DON JON t:S HEALTY at Scott Hl·ully 53G 7a:J;J !J6H.(;1;:111---------- COVINGTON 4-PLEX Pnmc location in Hunt- ington lie a ch. $187 .5Pti. Owner will carry under A.LTD. Agent "Lon" DON JUNES REAi.TY 842~ ~-06.11 PRIVATE PARTY wants to purchase ff()(Jl owner, a wate rfront duplex or lrt·plex in Newport /Balboa area. 71·1·&15-220() orfi75·3662 lncornr Pro~rty 2000 -------- ••••• •• •• •••• •••••• •• •• Ilse wanted direct fl'OQ) 39UHITS Santa Ana. S600,000 27 Bachelor units & 121-Bclrm. un1ls BILLGRUMDY REALTOR 675-6161 owner. Npt, Irv area. $100 lo $125,000 By P,'1t pty.&U-1152 • Reontols ••••••••••••••••••••••• Houses Furnished .........•..•.••....... _[ ~ lfiaH11 n w:W'~Jc S66.900-Sove ~ B48·]323 onh :.iu 71il 1 dy:.. BUILD.ABLE LOTS n.1mhlini: :! ~torv, :1 Exclus1 H• l'jnoram1r <ll:ean \11·v. o'cr l"J.: all ;\l'14port Ila\ Sec boal r<.ll'l'S, C hri ~tma !o par.irll', :.urtrlM' sun~l·t. Walk to beach :mr. :1ba. 4lcn, Y.l'I hur, 2 frpk, :! c.lr l(Jr, cpl i::. dt•t:k. New thru-oul Hy ownt•r Op hi.e. 1721 K1ni:s Rd. 6'l5·281Ror645 5746 6-lli w11 1---------Gen.rat 3102 998 ~t•\:-, wkmb l'nml' cnmmrri•i:il liH'.l l1''<1rrn w l11tgl' l>011u' rm. ll"ll •in l'11:1•. l II'"'' .1l t.rnlll~ 111111111! 1 m O\'Pr R1':TIRING" ----------••••••••••••••••••••••• then you must see this DistressPro~rty! Stop hc rc! I.ook1nJ.! l o Ju~l I l'dun•d S:IOOO' "1110,1r lh1• l!t•Jd1. ,. h11ol' & 1·111 ll•gc. :l Rc•d1 oom-.. hw II\ 1n~ ruom lor p:or l1,.:o. l.ar..:c <'0\'!'r<'cl ll;1l10 I ho· 11r11"l' 1-. rigllt . • .111 I .orht'll. lt LTRS, >i I:! Hli.1 I Get On TM landwOCJOn i\ncl JOin 11111n1 le!<., oth1•r ... "ho l'lllH\' h.h!<lt> lrt'I" niodo II\ lllJ.:' (;11ri:1•n11. \ 111,o. 1(1•11 11r :-1''4 lllL! n 1<11n ·• h.1111-.. l11rn1.ol !hlllnl! f!Mllll Jo"ll t'IJlotf t' hwll m lo.11< h1·n S,11 .11H1 t'>tll MI;! XX.\ I TAlllH.LI., HE \I.I llll" MUST SELL lh•a11l1ful pool 1 ''' f1rr·plJ11· 114ll• 'our l11lo.1 to the-IW.o('h I l~·1lr 111 I ''a bath. n1•w I I pl 11. p i:unl t hrunut Onh ~G3.!lOO /\npr1111.1•ol h1t;hrr Custom M~wlark lh ll" nt'r .lbr 2ba ram 1111 .1Ln11m, 5961 1' ran- rr1;11 C1n l1•. 1-· .. , \ IJlll lv .,..,. <'a 11 II I h ti 7 7 :! , 11-10 ~.12, IHI 17tif; LARGE ACTIVE FAMILY?? 1'11•111~ 111 r.w1111 11• 'pn·ad 1111( .11111 h\ I' I 1lmlor111hl ~ Thi:. la1111h homt' ha:. 5 h1h Ill 1t.-11 ;1 h.ot h' & i.-.1ul11n•, .on t'\I r ,, l.1rgt' "'·"'''' ,1111+• tt .. 1,,, 111 l••l.ol firl\,11 \ tn \llUrov.n lt,11 ~ \ .11 •I 1-••I 11r JllHI 1111' , '"'"' .11 tho· nr.orh\ h1'.H h ( .ill IO ,, ... _ \\.on I t.1,l .11~ .• ·01 !-ot ~ d. ~t;.\ H ~. 'llill .!47 I II\ nv. nr !• •\ ~ ol'I 4hr, 1h.1. 11!.l' p.11111. I• pk. I rn1 111 h4 h $71 :100 f'nn only M.lti t\.1'17 ( ·w .. 11P s I' Et:I AL ts r 11 I! , <' \l , t ' V I y SCOTT RE.ALTY S36-7Sll I 11111•h:.tone Realty, __________ , !~~I Utl67 Grab It quick N e wly li s t e d Be ll Meadowi< home. vrl•lll schools. n1•ar 1•t·nlo1:' park. 4 Berlroom1-. l'~lra baths, family room, 1•ov ered ver a nda :l C:11r t:arage, $85,500, Tarbell, RLTRS, call 962·SS66. :l Br 2 lla, cov'rl p11110, lee lol. nit•t• arcn. $66,950. llrkr fi7:l 1166t NEED FAST SELL B} owner·:\1ontcrc' l'ool s11c landsc apt'<i yd on Jl tractive culde'd'" 111 'Jfhe Ran<•h", JOOO i.q ft of xlnl, :.pac 0001 plan, w 1 man) up)!radl'd feature!> 552·:13118 $69,500 "'"'· \1l11 'till <'an huv .1 J h<'tlrt~m ho me in dt0'>1ra lill· In llW JI thl'> "' l('c an rl ht' n •· .i r p .1 r k . S1'ht1-0b 111111 e.hOIJIJlnl( W.1lk to nt>v. II EHIT \Ci~ l'11rlo. wh1•n 1·ompll'l1•ol 1:11"1 t"r t .1 II lo :.t•1· 1 RANCH REALTY le 551-2000 THE WILLOWS 14931 Dohetty C lrc. Open Thurs thru Sun 2 tn 5 PM. 4 BR. 2 ha, l1t1• bonus rm N1rc dl.'COr Central air, ronve n1cnt location. S71,500 EVB. YH COPELAND REALTOR 552-0434 WOODIRIDGE A11ins Brighton Twnhs Lake, pool, mm. to fwy 2 brm + den. 2~2 bath, F .pl. Form . din .rm, Custom Cutle SybarlUc M. Brm. Dbl Cathedral cellin g and gar. $99,000 Hegna. Bit custom decor ated 1n ~~~~~~~~~~! (714)673-9691 ttttor. View or pool 'n lrYIM I 044 Deerfield T....,._ greenbelt with nearby •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 2 bed, 2~ ba. cstm shut- t.ennl.s, sauna 'n jacun1. ters t.hru-out. xlnt cond 64S.l474 •~-Starter Heme! -.soo.own/Agt~ ii Cute 2 bedrm with Woodbridge Place. I I_ • I • custo m fireplace & Greenbriar mode l. 4 Br. --=--..------t.asu>fully enclosed front 2 ba. $115,000. Call p a t Io. Yard I s a ~U05 or ~IL Ext I a n d s c a p e d _9582. _________ , 2 Mil•s mas~erpl~e ! Near com · THE IEST IUY "" mun1ty park and pooJ 1 .... To~ Ton. •ech and teruus court! Se>und ,... '"" Walk to everylhing. nice? Call Red Carpet Wbereelsec:an youfind a ._. __ .. __ me ~ bdrm ranch, Realtors, 833-3380. 2200 + sq n home with a ~ .. 1-------•I LARGE POOL AND CamUy room. fireplace. SPA. tile roof, trailer a c• delwce kitchen. EZ bare CALL US FOR cess and on a neat cul·de-yards. Only $75,900, cal( sac for only $119,000. 962·~ * HOMIS * """aa.ELL, REALTORS BETTER HURRY I I Call •1'nD $60.001'1$70,000 t.()see., LANDING ()My $139,900 3 br, !\~ ba, fam.rm w /Vtt:t. bar. formal dln't, l&undry room, hlablY up· craded hme on beaut <DT\et" lot. 840-2210. lftTatt.&l"iR4t THI HOMESB.UaS 75~UU 'TUE RANCH" 4 Br, Just painted & c~ Next to park. tcrurll eta. pool. Immcd. avaUabU1t7. $16,SOO. B1 O"lmtt'. 552-4429 RANCH llALTY 551·2000 u • • ·' -~01 sqrt Sor only S82.~150 V1rton:i l~·J<'ll Ot •'·111 llec;t buy m Lal!una 11111~. \II'\\' &. 5 lot l'lll ll CI. rdcal l bedroom, 1 bath W f d . f move? We prob. have c11 c can in it or you. actly what you 're lookln•' Thrt>e H 2 liol'l ·~to.von Red Carpet home in a beautiful Beach area Prob Les .. · a · for. Servm~ all beac h e a r h & t w o C • 1 Reooltors 586.0400 g a rd e n se t ling . bankruptdes. trustee art•ai.. & all Orange C'o. Fireplace, s pacious !>ales, forced :.ales, under Call now for inlo.&15·4900 rooms, storage galore & market values. We can * •Consumen Guide In~ $1-1,ll(IOl'.ll'h 1---------- MORIMS REAL TY * 494-8057 * SAM CARLOS MODEL! ALMOST NEW DUPLEX onlys.lS,000. JOmt venture. Call World ----~ ll E:HT HEN RY Wt de Brokers. 67:1-4545. Balboa Island 3106 C ALLUS .•. For Jlt thl' t.11t·~I 11111111 1)11• l"lilll(' ;I\ ,11l.1l1h-Ill LJ._w1J Beach a1 CJ. i\ROl:T 12 \CHE Overlook mg t anvon \, 11•wc; RI 'RAI. AT'l10SPll F.R r: W1th111 C'1t) L1m1t.., I '11(.fo; tODF.ACll tnR + (i\'t~ST JtOOM SAA.000 "Z" JlE/\LTOR UH 8611 tWwport •ach I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• EASTBLUFF VI F.W FROM 6 ROOMS :1 hdrm. Ii:: fam rm, 3 ha :J <'ar gar, Ktra closeLc; i;.i.t.0138 SIS0,000 I BLOCK TO BEACH :IBRupw,:!ba., lfrn dwn w II ha • all tiled k1lchs & b ath,, h ltn s , 1n c ls dshw~hr, lrplc!>, deck & p.1 t10 w /huge 4 car gara~.:. llE/\LTORS 21.5 Del Mar 492-4121 Large tri·level. 4 Br, 3 Ba, Fam Rm·beaut pool. Pnmearea. Ocean view. Prine. only. Sl22.SOO. 493.n.1711 Santa/t..na 1080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SI 59,500 JACOBS RE.ALTY 67S.6670 ----------1Summerfield 2 sty, 4 br BAYSHORES I.ANO INCLUDEO TEKRlflC' HURRY! C'omfort. convenient. Near pnvale beach. Allract1ve. Goodies Galore. ~'''2 ba, "'It, !pie, $78,500. Open llousc wknds 10·4. So Cst Plaza area !ml 1659 SO CST PLAZA 3 Br, den, Cam rm, 2~ ba, 1800 sq ft. Lge yd. 3 yrs. 3501 S-0. Douglas. $76,000. Open Sal/Sun. VIEW HOME S(-aview·Broadmoor, + INCOME Pl.in 5, 2 sty,'' Hr brand 2+ Gue:.t + 3 baths $187.500 Property House 642-31t50 CocnffiM Realty CaH631-1846 :!Rr l'"211ahom c w/huAe 11cw by ownr. Income HARBORVIEWJIOMES Tustin 1090 playroom, view flerks on Prop eicchgc + second. 4 BR. MonleAO. Pnde of ••••••••••••••••••••• •• IOOxlOO' lot. tieaulllully 640-0006 ownership! Close l o LIVE IN lndsrpd w /enc losed dog Pride or Ownership Condo greenbelt. $1311.!JOO THE WOODS run. 'l'h111 home has lll(H) PAUL MAKTIN sq ft or hvm11 <1rea W/an 2 Dr 2 Ba, (pie. pool. Real E.statc 644·7383 Beautiful Brand NE'ry' 3 fl I I 1 Sll9,500. Ownr/Agt. ---------·-· bedroom ho m e with open oor 1> nn, I! e eC'. fvl.2-3796or642·3970 HMBOR VIEW JIOME format din)ng room, cen· kitchen & rrplc. Lower ----------• 1""'s lovely 3 Br. 2 •tory t ral A /C a.n d VlE Wof the unil hns r.oo sq fl & con-BY OWNER '" .., sist.s or lg. h v rm, bar HarborViewHome Porloflno Mode l is HILLS 1n excl usive type kitchen, lBrw/shd-Phasell seldom on the market. Tustin area. 3 car mgfloorstopatio&.1 full b M Localed JUSt minutes garage, custom drapes. bath. 4 b r. 2 a on t ego rrom Fai;hion Island and plush carpets and LOTS, $185•000 w/beautlful yards & the ocean. orrered at LOTS more. HURRY ON 1>3llo." Commun. pool & TIUSONE'I HOWARD JOHHSOH club house. Walking d i.s· $159,SOO. 833-8l62 . REALTY tance to schools. close to NEWPORT PACIFIC ~ 497•1744 greenbell & nalur11I lNVESTMENTS ~ park. $168,500. By ownr. 640-6173 Prine. Onlv. Harbor vi.w HCMMS PRlMEWATERFRONT Ry ownr. Montego 4br PROPERTY w/fr. Well kept. Open bse J .. Dales Agt "~" "..,,.. Sal/Sun 1.5 or hy appt. ea.. • .,..,..,,.,,.,., • ... ....,..H Rot ... 1 'W'V 1989 Port Seabourne. _.....,.,,. .._.,, • VJE W DUPLEX 644-5.568 SS I •ooo 1411 CLIFF DR. "A OpDOrtunity! OpenDaily Agt 640-7000 ~?";a~i;:::~~;!'!. POOL-aAHHOMECH Top or line women's 14CK IA Y AREA Owner, $189,000, Prine. A SUPER 3 b d GREAT FAM. HOME only.644-S62lby;ippt. e room clothinl( store with p11rk-4br 2'Lba. tam. rm. d1·n.•----------CAmllybomeinexclusive lng, in super hlgh trarnc .,.., THE ILUFFS l N h T u loution n uar mnlls. rm.. Sl34.ll50. 2392 Bay area o ortr us 1.n. Farm Pl. Call 557-0032. Beautifully d ecorated; 1.900 + 1C1 f\ o g~al IV· $10,000 I I I Bl re I h Ing. Hardwood floors, M. End Charm Bkr. or g na u s . w l Jargefami'u room, extra ----------•family rm .• 3 bdrms., 2 1.3 Thia 3 bdrm., den home LEASE Option or lease. baths. Ready to move in· large yard and 28 by 40 has been r'mode led, a& LuxwiOU9 £urn. condo. 2 to. Offered 11t $129,900 POOL. Call £or appt. ha3 new c•rpet, greal or 3 bedrms. S750 mo. 7~~-0226 comet" loc.atlon. sundeck _64().. __ 11_s_i. _____ _ "trtta RSooo. IFYOU ~~~ h~ve a Mrvirc to offrr OT J!Oods to sell, pl11ct" an 11d in the Dally P t lot Classified 54?ction Phone 842-56'78. LUXURY 2 STORY 3Br. 2~Ba twnh!le, view Catalma, pvt. C 21 Irvine Plaza Realty 752·6521 UNCH REALTY 551-2000 ----------•..•.•...•...••.••..... U11.1IT4i!:U11JITS $.'75, 2 Br, k1cls OK, Ref. .,, "v ~u" ds hwshr, mus t see! 1 10 AASS MABLE, Small rec.645-4900 Four·plcx. llurry-won t •Consumers Gui• last at S85,000 --CHARMING lgc 3 Hr, 2 TWO-FOUR-PLF:XF:S £la, Um Rm. carai,:c. ~25 lluntmi:ton Bc.tch. Will yrly. 673 :nJ1 exchange. Call our oHtt·e -------- Coran appointment LO Sl'C 3 Ur. t ba. Fr pie this Quail Place ex· Completely furn, a\'ail elusive! $137.SOOea. May ls l lhru June 20 E ves 6i3·3088, days COSTA MES/\ UUP l.EX 526·7755 2 Bedroom + bachelor --------- unit. Each with private Costa Mesa 3124 yard.$76,950. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Colla~e $145 . Ultl pd. SLX UNTTS EASTSIDE Ready now! t'ec Lov e I y pr 1 d e or Mam Rcnlah.. :,.io.5370 nwnen;hlp units -oldl<'!< Irvine 3144 hut good 1cs. Near ••••••••••••••••••••••• Weslcllff. Offered at S205.000 by appointmt'nt Exec 2hr, 2ha, den confio. only. Golf. tennis, pools, adlt11, no pets. May 15 lo Oct 15. COS'r /\ MES/\ $700 mo. K:l.1·7699. . TIU PLl::X . Newport leach 3169 Pride of ownership on ••••••••••••••••••••••• quiet s treet .. Sp11c1~us Bearhfront 3hr, 2ba. o. w n er s u n 1 t w 1 th Avail. until June 18th op· fireplace. Call for ap· ly. 675 0888or 526-6053 po1ntmcnt. Now onlY r----------- $130,000. $175 al Beach! Ulil pd. FOURPLEX PRIOEOF OWNJ::ltSJUP Hes now• View, smllll fee. 645>4900 * •Conwrners Gt.Ide. Prime area. Pncl'd for S22S on bench I Patio, uut qwck sale . 3 Bedroom, 2 pd. Res. now! Smnll foe. bat h owners unit 6454900 w/fireplace. $165,000. ••eo...-nGulcl•· ({)pen lll 9PM). " I& IQua~I . O N THE BEACH; Pl Peninsu la. 4Br , 3Ba) ac• frplc. avail May 1.-Prap..-l... 955-1331 days, 673-129 7S2•t920 eves. ~ MOO ~l\Sl Ht "ACH 1---------- $1.62 per DAY That's AU.. you pay fora 30dayad ln\M DAILY PILOT SERVICE II RECTORY DO rr l'l()Wt 64~5'71 rly L'le waterfront hse. '- l>r. 3 ba. 2800 sq n: Pool/t.en , pvt clubbse<j $750. /\vaU May 15~ 548-5079. ;.. ....... u.furnished .. ······················t GanerGI 120 •••••••••••••••••••••• $300. Loe Alamitos arc1 I m m a·c: 2 b r , l b dollbouse w /huge ru yd. Rrrrig. an c l~ Pct.s/chlld ok. • G<?mrni Realty 831>-d Avail 4·2J.'T1. 3Br. 1 ~ BO: dshws hr, f«aced yd: Sandp<>int.e Home. nr SO:- C 1 t Plaza $414 mo.5406174 ) •• 0 80 •• .. . .. IS !O Jl d .. I. d . t, • ) • ,. •fY .. •.• ,,. , ... -,·~· ..... ~.~ •• ~·' .Tt• r q ! DAILY PILOT Thur9day,Af)f1121,1977 H09M1Uttt.n.lshed "-nU ..... JMd lef lw ... 1Funti1Md ..,.,..,.....u..fw.. Apewlac•hu.funt.. .,_low•t1Ullflra. ~ ~ ..................................................................... •·••·········•·•····•·•············•····•·•··· ..•.................... A•" U.,_."-d Hoan Un._.IMd Hoaet U~ 9"t.e 3244 Newpwt leoc:lll 32'9 ....._ rr' da 3707 c:o.ta Mes. 1124 c.ste Mno 3124 1Mct1 Ja'9 ... , .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... . ..... , ....... 3207 CotdoMno J.ZZ4 Hl.t ..... oa.oda 3Z40 uNca.r t.ennia, handball UDO tSLE rl $800 SU)U1 ER KENT AL, Br. 2 Ba hut. •Ill over· t •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• &beaut park Lovely3br available J.:in! 1.13 Br 2 June 182S, $150 l)C'r wk. SMftSttlN(j/ looklll& Newport Buy 3BDRM-28ATH MESA VERDt:-3Br, Zlia, SUPERSHf\RP twnh.>e, cent iur. pool, Bii lge aunoy South July 2·30, $180 per wk. wltbbalcony&nttplacc. Ava.U immededlately cpt.s, drµs. vrry clun, & CLl!':Al'i pauo, w!de luundry rm, pat;o 642~ or 675 IH28 Jul)' 31-Sept 15, $190 per 1675/mo ~-l"'3 ~ 'Sm)'l'ly. 540-0083 MlOmo 640-8572 3Br, 2Ba t.andmarlt cpts & bltns 1375 mo. • wk.541 0290 Awtnnlng comblnohon • . home, l '°'t ml to beach, 1 PetJ& & clu.ldren ok. (714> •Exec twnhs 3 Br2\-a Ba .~.Charaung2br,1~b11 ll111l of Fame 3 Br 2 Ba. yrold 9'iuna 9986168 : · CoataMna 3724 ofoduhopo(tmanthomes PARK NIWPOIT Bachrlors, l or 2 ~ll\I & Towoho1ae:s • ,J .. ~ hse. 1"r1>lc. encl rompl redec, all nu bltns ' patio~:s1a~t[4~h & ••••••••••••••••••••••• wlttl luJWry appointments and , -ilAI'· Block to bcli. Agt. &rcfrig.$4.50,6"2-4758 3Br, 28~ hou11a, n~w New slJ\i;le family 3 Br sch! $40.00~lrUP supert>recf90fton QI Ol>J8mlum 6'2-1803 ---prunt. new cpts. nice yd, hme. TurUerock Glen. SPACIOUS 36r home, •Sludio&l BR Apls loc lion. T Is lh .. ,____le h 3218 OCUPLI lEXr 2 Brdl Bta, $2501 l nt>nr C.oldenwe11t & Hc1J , A 'C. pool & tennls. $625. ept.s, drps, new linoleum, •TV & Maid S<-rv A\11111 o enn •gym • eropy From$249.~ Spectacular apa, total recreat ion prngram, social proeram. 8 pool.Ii, g lennil court.a. At Puhlon Island. Jamboree • S.n J oaquin Ullla Road. , ~ oc 11 or e a s s:ESrno &17·4649 ~or64010U bllns, dbl aar. frpk, I,,; •rhoneServ,Htdpool spo•swtmmlng •bllllords. 'itt• ................... cvs/wknds. 645 8184 -fenced yd wsbr /dryr 2376 Newport Blvd. CM One & two Bedrooms. One Bofh ~ a.,,iarm, 2 Bath, cw.LOm . , I have sever11I 2&3 bdrm $325. 3 BR. 2 ba. condo. hook up, 4ooS Bruce Cres· 548 97 64 3967 F , $230 PA11k MeAA V~ . WJd. On the Pallsade:. 2 lir, fplc, pallo, gar. $325 homes & lownbomes. Walnut Squun•; pool, cent. SMO (2l3) J2$.7020 . Mor ~,., ~ ~~ • tJ -.. ~ V"' 496-4769 per mo. Open 9·5PM, Some w /pools. tennis, gar .. &>allo.A/C. · L 21dnn \&I._.,.~ Mon-Fri.~ Plumer . etc. $300. to $.'150. Joun, Jo ~75. Woodbridge, !'US>er CJe 5!0 Poulorlno Ave .• Costa Mtso 151-8995 17141644· 1900 • CIPanadefMar 3222 JBr2Ba'Db1GarageNo or Linda, 11461371 or "Adum:..rnodcl"·tBH,:.S eastbhlffloyVJew noBl~;y.W$2/W40·.!'?°5.l39.7a1dlls. ·--·-.... scuclous new 2 & 3 , • ·--·················· • • ' • 0 ·•" 1985 ba, y<1rd, gar. 833·3307 . b r-"" -_r.;!,u.,. n (') d . pds. Easts1de Costa .,...... Chnl>IJOC U"l Isl tier uno slructed drms. 2 buth unih --~ r n m~r Vlll~. Mesa. $395/mo. Mg 1899 • .. \ 1l'w of blue waler; 3 br, HwitiftcJI• leacll 3740 COJta Mflo 3824 Dana Poiftt 3826 across from oceanfront & model. 4 & Yam, 2~ba,' NEAR OC~AN °0 Quiet Very nlre 2 hr tnhse :!Y.• ba, aplit·le\'el end un· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• new city rec re11l1onal de· frpl , pool/prk. Rltr lmmac 3br, 2ba, w/Fam cul-de-sac Ncwerb:.SIHr, 2 l' v Pk • .,.,~ 552.7501; tt.$650. SMALLBEACllHOTEL THE1•y11:.a.F 1&2 story duplexes, vt•lopment. lmmed. oc· •1' ~1790 Rm fr pl pat 1'0 ha, fam rm. tns. 1111 • • ....,, • • H--'---VI 1(--11 R S30 W k "' ~ t pl s&Co rpl• •~ l • t · • ' · ' was h er/dryer. $39~ Red Jl11l Heally, Mr ~ •w nut ooms · ee 1 & 2Bdrm, water pd. n exe u .. xc.,, · cupanry. t-aml 1es & SPYGLASS. 4 Br 3 Ha . crpt It d~ps.~r Sell. & Eves897-7167 l\1Jmonly. Coty Roc kport mdl Apts$.135/mo.S36-7056 From $240 BeautHul. 2 bdrmi; & don, Ha" :I pet..s nccepted. ~. up. hug bo r m I i.hoµpn g . J475. Mo --w pane wtndows & New • -~ •-h 37"'8 S"JC1ous new apts, Pool. baths, Cirepl.tcc. m the b"7S-4911 Drkr e nus rm, or J w ~ardnr.540-1201 Great CJ! Clasi.it· WOODBnSDGEPLACE 1-:nglJnd charm, 2 Br & ~-oc ~ p~patios. booseedlaundry hook1·UP~: ----- •••• o/din,~nh~· f~~:n~~c 1;1f:.~ n e i g h b or ho o d . J Biscay Model Cfa:.e to den, 2 ba; fncd. patio ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adults, no pets. enclos yards, enc Ol>L'u WE.STOLi Fl-' rru~ru.,,mum. Avl imm~-' 3 6 8 1 B c d r o o m • n ea r lake, 4Br, 3Ba. on, FR, 2 0 , er look in~ greenbelt $22S. Ulll pd. Ocean view. d C 2 car garages. Clo:.e to 2 Br, 2 ba, adults. No 644:er.l6orS44·G22l """ r, 1 a, c ose l o ~eadow lark Golf &. frpll'l>, 3 Car gar, auto $000 Fee J29A~~~ .M. schools. i.hopp1n1: & pets. S295tmonlhly. lnq ---'i shopp~. transportation schools. Only $415/mo lopnnklcr!', $595 mo Knol1P ............ ies MatnRcntals.540·5370 · Dana Point Harbor. 1700Wcslcliff0r,apll8. S PACIOUS 2Hr, lBa. MJIUll' adults only. No Call 759·584~ days 5S9·018ti ·-r·· Fo hollo Viii From $295. monthly """ ... .,.,, & k d Call 75.2·2838 Me---' leach 3769 x w OCJe .~olden 1. 'nturn St • West cl1CC 2 br, 1 ~ ba hlln~ fam rm bltns 3 r·· .. , ...,.,.,. Tobin• Raaffy e\eS w n "' -..-' . .,I w '"I '" · 2010 "" ·" ~ u. I ~ .. ,... , • .. •• •••• •• •• ••• ••. •• • •• •. 62 . "1 ~on .,..ti· wwnhow.e. Adults on y. 't)lb to ~ach, SSSO mu 7141~6.1371 l'"lJRN OR UN FURN Acapulco, Dana roinl no "''ts. S:WO. 1728 Bed· ""'9o-8358 3 IIR 3 Br, 2 ba College 2U ,592_2825 l-:nJOY lake. parks, pools Harbor\ 1ew Hornes, 5 Br •2brlownhomew/frpl 831 ~1 CordLn.~.7533 Park $.100 Lovely upgraded 4br. Fam Rm, 2 !pie's, $695 STEPS TO IEACH Old Corona. So. of llw) Outstandmg ocl'an v1rw t~ blk to beach. Jbr. 21• • ba duplex, 2 frplcs. den iardener. Lse. $tl50 : .~S-0636 3 Or, 2 ba Mesa Verde $t2.S Roy M~Cardle Realtor 18 I 0 Newport Costa MHa 548-7729 Wdl.k to Beach! 3br , 3ba. llllns. 27x57 rec room pvt yrd . 2 car gar w/opener. Wtr pd. S.SOO mo lmmed occupancy, Call 968-0833 aft 6 fam rm. 2~2ba. Wood lse 552-04-43; 7~·52ti6 t BR. l ba. yrly ... $J5Q •Lgepatio&enr. garage Bachelor Pad nr ocean Be h 0 1 Y.z Blkl · bndge hme. $485. mo 2 BR. Cum, wnlr. $250 •Adults. ehild 16&over lbr, Iba, $235 mo mcl at· up ex o 551·'""'" BR b w •Small pet ok uttl 675-1980. S30-1919 sand, 3Br. frpl, Sot95/mo v'-"" Big Canyon condo, 2 Br, 2 • 1 a. nlr. · · • · S300 ----------yrly. 640 IQ.I~. 955.2997 2 Sty .iB-r-.-3-b-a-. -sh_k_r_oo_r-.' v1ew.$700Monlh IAYFROMT Beaut new 2br, 2ba in 4. lrg lot. S.l90imo 675.1105 LidoReally 673-730( Unl.3BR,2ba.$.525 plex, patio. laundry, Hwltinqtonltach 3840 l'<1rkL1dot11 l .. vcl or83S-02ll, ext95112. bltnS, S32S 642·1603 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 llr. 2 11'1, tµI\'. pool: 81.UFFS 1-'0R LEASE llKE TO BEACH adult:... s:Jt.(1 645 5:123 ·.,J Br.~Ba.garai;e,crpt:.. Jbr2ba,lrgyrd.K1dlltOI\. :-Jew W oodbridge· JBr, 2Ba tr1 -Jevel Carden apt, 2 br, 2 ba. L 4 b 3 b f 1 ---- yrly:>llSmo. - -.. ,. Bltns. Nr Manna 11/S. s" cam 0 re p 1 3 n . twnhse, by owner $475 den/patio. Mature adults dghe 1 r , a. rp c, :! Br l Ba. close to bch, 673·3850Agent Lovely b1i: Bar Harbor S385. 847 -8371 L;ndscapcd. draped, J mo 955·1595art 5PM only. s lw ird. Nutt .d ~arai:c. qwel neighborhood. $:12::i • home 1 story, 2000 sq. ft. ----------Marf · A t #2 enc · Y · o o~s. 110:1 1st & Isl + $ISO rlep. Mt -2 r Charmer. frpk , t•pts, 4 +den & family rm. $350 4 br, kids, pets. hr. 2 ba. S.l75 mo. 5Sl·529-I KINGS RD· VIEW inique P s Alabama, 5:.Sti -3465 or ol'l\1673·9-l~I '~~· w!k .to. beach. $450 lmmccJ. posses:.1on. $.195. singlesok. Fee OranRetrl'e Lake. adult Lo11 "y custom 2 Br 275 E.3181th30St,3C.M. 536·1718 ------ • m.S-16·3736 aft 5PM SWn Meyer, 5.J6 .. u41 or Main Rentals. 540·5370 condo ., Br pool tennis +den, 2 Ha, fplc. Must 6 • 0 ----------Oceanfront l ·BR, stove & !>l!l 1366 -• .. • • • ----------1 l)(>Juxe pool l>•de xlra lge rcfng. New carpeti. & ·~ORATOR OW~J::D --s:.!95.'2 br T H. Kids, pds clb~c. s:J.15 mo. 833·2290 ~e;~ ..... ~~:~~c::~:l~~~e Adult E·Side 2 br apLo;. :!br. 2ba, bllnl> di.hwhr paint. Uhl. incl $300 Mo. Harbor View llomcs Sbr J Br. den, l.tmily hme. lge ok Fee e\~ Encl gar, pool Like new, Nr. bch. Adults. no pets Paul Martin, Agt. 3ba, next to park & pool. yard. auto s prnklrs 2 car :\l<un Rentals. 540·5370 ----------s33·32t>o, 9·30·4PM for • nopeLs. 644-0878 S225/mo. ~-8362 675·5621 644·7383 parllally furn W /CUSl jlar nr ,ill le vels of --LOCJW'G ~ach 3248 appl n pieces. Avail art Mlly IS. :..chool-.. qwcl cul de sac. Sl!lll 2 br, kids, pets, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 story Twnhse, Jbdrm. ~e Large 3 Br 2 Ba. patio. •THIS IS IT• B1i.: l'<inyon. L~e 2 bdrm. 2 lse Sli65. incl ~arcknmg .\va1l MJy I, ~OU mo. singlesok. Fee Br 2 ba Condo New un-boat dock S650 I0'.!7 Valencia . S285 JBr, 212Ba, twnhse apl. ba apartment. Ovcrl"'g CallJflfipm,61-l !J:IJU ~5-511-U MamRenlals.S40·SJ70 1t Monarrh Summ1t,Lag Oceanfront home on _!>l_6·_9080 __ :_63_l·_29_32_· ____ 1 S385. Decorated , Golf l'Ourse $600/mo. )J ------. Niguel Adult.sonly, refs lcase.3bdrm$8SO G' SpacJbraptor useitas2 spacious, built-ins, lg &l().~10orfi.IO·HH6 J Br,:! l1a, cpls, dr~. kids 3 Bdrm, 2ba Condo. 81111:... req s~so mo on lse. f C d h Bl • b & d 1-'r 1 · & enclosed patio, 2 {'ar gar -• ok. AvJ1l :\IJy ht. S425 pool, patio. Xlnl Jrl'a -I~ 7:.'tl~. tlto5wkdays. Bay ml on o omc, r en Pc, patio nr Hunlg Cntr, SD Fwy, Lido 3 Br 2 Ba. $395 yrly 1~5 ~Iii! s:>W mo. ~2-1739 2+den. view SHOO/mo. pool. Adults $325. No 7891 Stark St. 2 blk• i.10 Is e. 514 CI u b h o u s c b h V.'al0 rfront Homes pets '"'5 3381or837 9517 " . 2br. frplr, walk to c •631.1,00 .,.. · · Edinger , w /o Beac h 83-1·1720or998-S868 ~ JRr, 2n:i :.l·ref'ncd m H...,+1nejton s.ioo mo Ul1l paid Eve:. " HARBOR VIEW p.itm, dhl i.:ar. SJt.'5 mo Hcri>Our 3242 6 9_ 49.1·l9H LARGE 2 Br l '~ Ba. 2 sty Blvd. Open Sat/Sun 1·5 11111,d~ SIH!l:SI!::! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ____ 3blkslo Nwpl Bl 2Brfor GREAT REC REA tn triplex. Nr shops. Mgr.842·2014 SCSI Clement• 3876 HILLS ---J Br :i ba townhoui.l' Top-0 -The World. family 1 2 emplyd over 30 Rers TI 0 N . S w 1mm1 n i.: ~;~~~· no pets. 637•8828 S225 per mo. 2 Br l Ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~.i.l>ulm!s liay & o~l·.iri 3 _Hr :! II~ upc_n hi.e Spa~kl1ng new cond hme 3 Ur 2 BJ. new Jst last dep 548'3662· saunai., 2 health cluhi. gar. couple. sml child, l.ar"t> deluxe new adult 3 \le". Catalina ti> I Jll" s.it !'.un .!HOS Europa. S470 Call "Lii " paint. cpb S525 mo 893·6020 IJ1lltards, night h"hlcd E C.,t P 18 & ?B ml LOK 536 387" .. • •:~mes Unu\ually spJr ~ll1U85.'111r•11;::37fi3 0 ,.,_13_1or'"G·.,5Ge\~" • 49-1 1i22 " ast · · n r ~ r. 5 pe · " br,2ba,bllns,oceanvu . • ;i ·BR, :! B \ w /wc><>li & ---....., • __ °" __ ..,... __ ~~ llARBOH VIEW HOMES tenrus courts. Pro & pro w l(ar ':o;. S210 & 5250. NEW·l 2&3 BDRMS r:iext to golf course. ·-bt'll'm t·rilini.:s. utrium •:l Llr 2 u.1. Fl'. Ne" 2 Br p 2 Ba, Twnhi.c, OLDE E)(ec. 5 Br 3 Ba, Fam shnp, golf dnvmi.: range, 675 520Sorb75-6224 Fro~ S250lo $400 sauna. encL gar. Isl & t>ntry. Pool :..itc yd & II \LECREST S375 mo Cplc, patio, pool. tennis. SPAMISH Rm, huge yard on park. party room. NEW I &2 BR 839.9739 la:.t. $-l25/rno. t rwt trees. Call for appt 642 2221 or 6-16·!!6GG S360 mo. 213-592 5808 nr school & pool._640·9'l56 FUN 1\CTIVITI 1.-:s Fu II ALSO , C-OLEOFHEWPORT LOCATED ON OCEAN lime director. free Sun ~tartingatS255. Ulll. Pd Lge 2 br, 2 ba. pool, Ocean view 2 hr, bllns, HEAJ.TOllS ----------lsP.\CIOl'S J Br tr1 lr\t•I. ~·l~l-i/~1-:,11\i1"1/~Tcv:f S~~r~~ ~:;h~r:aet ~~~'. dav brunt·h, llflQ's. Cpts, drps, laundry jacuu.1, clubhouse. No sauna & rec. room. Isl & 6 75•55 11 DEM W /FIREPLACE :i Rr fplt'. l~c f';rn1 Hm, F~. 645_4900 trq>!>. µa rl 1 e~. :.port room. _Pool. Family hv kids or pets. $250. 1913., last. $265/mo. Sec m~r :.S Bl'dr11n m :t b.ith, "l'lli-ir. i.:rdnr :!'-: r..ir SpJ<'hlll~ 2 llOH:\I , ha~ tournamrnt:-.&rnori•' ing.646-l:.!04 l\lagnolia962·1800 "" 260!1 LllllP dl'I Comerc10, -8275. 2 IJr. kids nk. \\ alk lo bouch. Fee Malll Hen ta I~. 5 IO 5Jio 3224 t·1wf11,,,·d i.:ara"t' "''"tr ••ar.s.'.X.l \tt5.5!14·1-ll:! ~111 FT l,I\' lt!\I ••ConsumersGuid~ flL~''lTll•'t 'L i\1'1\1"1' -;ipll3.49:!R572 ,. " "' ---"!\h·tl1l11r.111l·an 1n · ---------'~"" ' Ufe0 --8111U o· ELUXECond11,2br,11 .. ---------lf11<11 opl'lll'r. !'11ce .ind 3h .1 M L'Nl'S Sin" I" 1 •·'> .. u 111 • l!ll Jn Si50 N ~:w ~ llr :!1 i B;i . ti lll'rH't• 1.i.;1• p1ct ur1• lfavi.hores. r + ucn ' "' • ' " ~.... "'-ba, frpl. pool. J3CUti.I, 2 l3r 2 Ba. 2 (·ar gar, pool, 1;.111 :1!1214.•''1'-.hi'! 15ii w do1.:k i~ hlk beal'h w1ndo" w VIEW 0 1'' V~ry t•ulc $700 mo fll(•cJr~ntod'" IF'urn. ~.uni .1 Ti<tlrm ~ts enc. palJO. Malloy Ril y walk heh, no pets. SJSO :!IJS!l2:!7.JO·i 148%211!16 Tiii-: OCE,\N & Bl::ACll 673014-1 urn " cs op<>n ua1) .!ll<rm.11 1b<t $280 963.9771 mo.682·8600(71-ll. Uys Bl•;LOW Cc uter 10 to 7. Hoommate lk:iut1ful parklike at·----------•••••• •••••d••••••••• ••• f 1 rep I a cc• in rust 1 c Nwpt Ill~ ar<'a .. love ly :i service avail No le11se 11111-.µhcre. pool, s pa. 2br, cpts, drps. Child OK. Walk lo heh/shops. 2 llr. s h fl 1 1 hr. ::! ba. fa m rm Frrh' · reqwred. Sorr''. adults Ju~l a few steps to com· N r Be a ch RI v d & l l l ba twnhse. Adults on· 1 I · 32.... · panis •1' nr .l!c 01 11ew bllns. No peti.. si.· i<HI ,, i rv1ne "'"' t\· rel 1, t1 0 & only,nopels. plclt>shoppmg. Warner. 782 Sycamore ly. no Pl'lS. S2JS/mo . . ~·r 'j ) ----------••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ... ~o~~.;1{' 100 ~<I .... t•l mo l:..e. Waler p d .\dults,nopels S240. 833-1193 --~ DmtaPoint 3226 IH\'l'\f: l~Jt'h .Just rnmpll'll'l) i;.i5o9_sa_______ O akwood 131E.18thSt C :'>I ----------1 ------- Lachenmyer Realtor PR!:M f: 1'.:ASTSIDEC \f ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'CONOO :m r, :!h.1, clhl Sparklmi.: :! '' y '.l Rr :! • ._ .. r. Brand l>l1J llk1n hJ r pb dq" lrpl• Hn now. \"rl\ l'l' al CJ11lll1P., "r \l.1rin.1 $175 mo Lill Cur .1pp1 l.w ::.13J m11. l'all 1'.1l . M.afy or Don Frv K;JI 9Hl COLE OF MEWPORT Fountain Valley HE.\1 l<lHS 3234 675-5511 ..--to: oc I h .lh1 :•ht. t111h •'IWI µ.ol tu pool dhhM • SAY.1. I.IS '>()llll h1 I ~I.I.' I lilt frpl .! hJlh~ p;1t 111, ~.1rtf\•1H·r Jiii ('0111111 ~v.11n 1w1<1l pl.1~ .:round :"1 . ::oh11111'1ni.: ::.••JO. \l:Jr I' •11;:1 .r.T' \ti '' I' \1 ~ . .Br, W f;Jrn I nl. II''" I\ ~·1-0 ., hr l..11, n ·I · rcindl d '\:1:1"1 1 lnl.1111 -~• • ' ,.t '>. '>lnJ,;11· .. I• 1'1· no t>t'b :!IV.! \I 111l•r 1 Jll · ,, . 1, • t 1 . c •0 CJifl x:n ~5 .1111 ,, n .1 s. .... ... 1 Huntinqton ~och 3240 •..•.•...•••.....•.••.. :!BR. t lfa SJ25 395 1em11drh-d Ix 1h·1•u1,1tl.'tl BLUFFS -iBr, :?'zBa. :!.il:! Garden Apartments 6-12·0856or 646-~16 SPACIOUS San Jvcwi "l'I' ·• "IJ c "'•5 .. ~ .. ~ I ~1 2 br, p\1. yard, sundnck. C....,,.strano 3878 • ' '· ~ L ~· ..,.,_ int· new\\ " l a q .... -mg \'1sla llogar. 6+1·5771 or Lo I I b d ' -r· :: llR 'J • • S-175 o ... nl'r "Jnb Jlt'rrnanl.'nt 675.5364 .... ___. hoch;Hortll \e Y ge new 1 r. rps. p,1 garage. 2 year:.. old ••••••••••••••••••••••• J UH.;! UJ ~1.!5 ~'>I tl.'na111 (;11,"t rl'lt·n:nccs ----------..-' ''Pl!>, stov. gar. Ma lure S23S. 8121 D Michael Dr. New 3br. 2ba + fam. rm JRR.2':ha ~Ii!> 5~ rl'<JWrt'fi ;\\\'PT llGTS 3 Br dph, 880 ln.mt>latl7thl adlts No pets. l984 B Eves 536·3638; dayl> Village San Juan. Pool~ ~HR. 21, Hd S>:\5 S:,.ll $500 MO 1 -1!;1 tpk, p\1. pallo, fH5 0550 Anaheim Ave, 515-3229; ~7-3.541 Rt•r mcl'd llllls1de \'U • &16·3160 $375 mo. 495·6"16 BL.l r-.. ~ OW._.t-:R l'\YS\'TIL gJr.S3i5mo 552·7350 &;. 3 BH.:: B:.i !ol 'I .,..wpori hech/s-tti 2br, 11 2ba Condo w tpool, ---------- 1HR.3 ha Si::.t MISSIOM REALTY '.\1Jso;l\e stone fplc. s lat!" liOO 16th St Adult 2 Bedroom, beam nr bch. S33S. Avail 5/1. South Laguna 3886 HIC.r\'IYO'\ 494-0731 1•ntr)'. UllllSU::tl 2Bd, Ufa (Dml'ralllilh) Cl.'lhnl!s.nopeL'l.S200.568 Call!H8·2882,S58·1172 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;1 1m 2 . H:i s-;cH , -.--11195. Cliff Dr. 375 be 1;.i2.1u10 W. Wilson, mq. AplG. Lge, qwet. luxunous. ex· 1 \I\~ l"«lll l'SI 111;·1·.m \1c" J B1 . .! BJ, 5111·8.SJl Walktobeach2br,2ba. n 2 br, 2 ba apt. :i HH , H . ,;:; '""'l "·'I~ '" \. 1t1c111.1 .--------:i1csa Verde 2 br upstairs. encl. gar. $295. 21702 Elt'\JlOr l•l scenic pnv. · " '1 II.oh $.".,.',o 1110 hl' (' Jll San Juan Chompocjne NC''' crpts. Refcrcnccs. Brookhursl. 962-07.78 bt·h. Party & game room. , I I u •111 I I.·, ll ·':.. Capistrano 3278 O-n House S:tm l98·1936eves ----t l I ·1 p f " r-Brand new 1140 &q fl 2 br 2 o a secun y. er eel ;14529 i lo431•\s v.knds ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sat & Sun 1-5 pm 1Jvin1tor wknd retreat for New J br. 2~:ba. unfurn FROM $260 ba, 2 frplc duplex. Incl the adventurous adult. Loquna Hills 3250 1 h E 1 dbl Mature adults only, no jacuzzi, ~arage door OP· Starlin" al $5lS/mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• own ous e nc Sul>-lea:-.e 1 br n1cl'ly Curn. pets. Large 2 br apls. nr, laundry room, etc. 499.2835 .. :i lllt. 2 1\1\, r pt tlrp' f/;i~~~15,~J~~~z~i~p~~ Sl;oll. monthly. 675·2543: Dshwhr, gas BBQ. Gas Some ocean view. Tel ------- hltn' 11;1tu1 pool. J\ l . mi L>ana Harbor. $38S, msg 640-9019 pd 778Scolt Pl. 642-5073 Mr. Bonnell. 494 -7431 or ~nts Fumished ui,·I .., m ... 1nl Arllt:. onl) l'lJ 12ti0 752-1111, ext 370 or Unfurnished 3900 IUDSJPETS 01< l'.:a~tslfll' 2 Brl~.1r S:~IS 675·H:.!r>I\ or fl.It) ~ IK Uld~!.lor~ l-:-S11lc C'nmpl r o.don1• hkl' lll'W .1 hr, :• h;1, f111k & dl'll )ol \,) :.!\>-1 , \l'°'KJlOhJ 1).1.! 0211:! :'Ji.> tii3 :imt . !i?3 ti.<167 · ' ------2 br. near bay & beat'h New apt:., 3{)2 Victoria, 1 Ura nil ncw 3 bed rm Nl-:W EXEC. CONDO Pool Avail lo J~ne 30th Br. 5265 2 Ur. $325. Come Lge 3 Br, 1 ba, closed gar T l-IE EXCITING I.\~ Dl'IG horn'. l!Ml -.523 C.otPIJSI>l·IRVl"E ~~~~~!:!~ .... ~~.~~ C:iplatn's H~ll. secluded -~ 15..">Sor631·0020 _ ~io~1ll Mullan Realty. 3 blks beach, walk to PALM MESA APTS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• f"1tl' l v.k llV UM: W I"· •ti :'I ltr :!ha hnmt• Hd' \ \':11 I Fi I Pr S.'i7 1"1.:1 . ·•lit w1lhCorm.1 lchn111~ h11l :,1de view . prof. S138. ulll pd. Wulk to slores/bus.$310.960·5131 MINUTESTONPT ov.ni•r v..inh 1 'r 1'" ~ Yrh 1 .. ,. S.'N!l mu t llr :! ~,··:1 r 1B1"H1111 :-w.i •::·1r1ra<'l' lndscpng, 2 Hr 2 Ba, watcr.l'·ce 2 br, uhl furn. Children MODERMSPAMISH BCll. $:i~>ll Jl••r m .. lni·lrlii 11.;, fl', , pt' dqh '~1 "'11 "Oh' ~ r +-"uou lµk, hardwood MJmRentals.540·5370 ok. No pels. Mgr apt 6. New deluxl' 2 Hr. near Bac h,1&28R. L·111l111• 1 1 n(h c rocl .. 11 :•11110 11 rl ifo·n 1 .ii.rnlt•ll ,i:.itl' "0 m1 lluor. cpl~. dn1:... blln~. 1960 Wallace. fi.12·8417 beach, w /fplc. encl gar, lrom $210. & up. :-.h.1111 I hr tlrm • h.11h ll'JI Ul'!I 111111111\ \\ ll•l1111,, poo p;1tw, pool ~3!15. Call ~nh , k I d IL h 1111' 1 1 11 ~· r r• .1 1 ""•'I"' hc.•.11·h 1'Jlk1111: l'ull1•l1 :.!13·68-1·2HS dys, Unfurnishflt 2 hr & den. bltns. patio. ~m~.~-~s a u 5• ~~!~!!~~~~ 111'1.:hnnrhn .. <1 Im m•·d '""" ., 1111 ~.111 \t.1tr1), nn ... ~10 ffi•) 100 i&.UI :!U 7!11) .. 11;~ c•\'Cl> ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ #'!.---,,, u.~ (S Hlkllt Ea~t of Newport MESA VERDE 1n-~ s.11111 mu Hubcrh 1111h r.111".1\ II 111• h11 1 ~at 3802 D'l2·6243 ,._ .... ...,.on Blvd.) Rt· .. lt} ~is tti>lll !'-. .. n .I n.111 '" n ~ 1.111 \lonJn h, :0-.11m~11 .11lult Santa Ana 3280 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -HarbOur 3842 SIJO mu ~harp 411r, fall! ...ll4 1.~1 • u111111 • llH. ~ hJ 'r ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUFNA PK N \ & 2 H Me~a Verde 2Br. Iba ••••••••••••••••••••••• ____ 54_6_·_9800 ____ _ rn1. :!11.1 , 1.: c·11\l'rt•cl -duhhou~c· & pool CK•can 3 Br. Sandpoint, l '• na · · ew r C11ts. drps, elec bltn put10,idntne1ghbod111•HI \.11 tnl I llH I' 11.1 lf1rJ11d "''" '"11h111t· \It" s-ti!lM11 fi75·45t;"' Fam Rm. Nr S . Cs t apoop~, ~~~·v~ft:·wboodllnss·. rangc &oven.Ent•lrii:ar, Stud10Apl.walktobeach. PREVIEWING 1.\11< to Mhl' \.:t \rl "'"l''""'"111 S..l."41,\,k \\'011clhr11h••· \;11.1nt li'\'\'TASTlr\IJo;W !'ltf'v. Plaza Earthtones.ava1I · • rouple~only Not•hildren $275 mo. 536·1827 or 2MDUMIT ~e 7~2 147:$ lur ..... 11 •1'•l>H1Jl7 II( .!hr I h.1 1.1krho.1l i:& t I '11 early May,$l2.5.979·2315 _SlS24lhSt.<714 >521-1o72 or Pt'lS . $210/mo 1-963-_SJ_l_I _______ I the Beach House • * 111 • --~ .. t''\t•r "'* 1u 1onu:. •r I l/I l SIOO I Wi:tt$ido :lhr, lbJ. i.t.ir 11..: 1111 Hkr ----11·t· (Jul ,L'l' SJJ(J 1no. no1 t.wl rm ;.>aiuo 1 .,11 (l JH or639·7900 1a1»oa l'fttlnsula 3807 s ai; + c ean1n11 l"ine 3844 '""~Yd . urdnr. i..1d,Uh 1"!1" Ml;,;,t,.,&r.75 tl.\11 v.l'lh.11 2tr1)fco,,nn1•1•1s . ••••••••••••••••••••••• dt•p Avail Ma y l. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Contemporary&casual -" :...t1111•r ln•".1t111n .I hr 2 h;i l...:l...,c quiet 2br 2ba con 831·3552 ...4.. •·~"l CN l ' .-i'll\ :1l l.i.l.S.IGl!J04 ' ~1·1 1 m u . l !IS 52t.I .,. · . . . 3 Dr lower, 2 Ila. pot10. WOOL>BRJDGE rnC.,.;;i o cwpor s ·~ • l>b, tlr&"· UW. :! t·ar llw W1llO\\,, llMI hnmc :t 1111 ~I cto, pool. patio. A/C. $265 i?ar. fplc, $,125 yrly -------PINESAPTS good life ('.", 2 llr 2 lt.t, lntln lt••r <'h1ldr.-n 1wt Oh. Br:?H.1,fplc• ~l!.Omo _m~.536·1!ft9or751·6JS() 540-00'.)3 ~~~!ts~ve,;~·2pdBr•&$d2~~ I. 2 & 3 bdrm units. •lleamcdceilings ci\~~11,$:17511111 $JW mn :Jl,:c '561* A,,;t · •••• ., Mission Viejo 3267 3 Rr 2 Ba deluxr condo. .. Uesigned like e arly •2pools&rec·centcrs fl57o:..'1Jl n11t11• l 111vrr .. 1tv T'.1rk :l Br -••••••••••••••••••••••• N SC Pl p I ~1 -2177,548_·_60_1_9 ___ California bunaalows. •l'lushcrpts&drapes i •Pl\' 11,1, l'ul dl' '<at· s.i:io mu • r. • . st a7.a. oo . 2 ct.I 3822 "' •Al'llt so much more rit1< 1 l\r, hltM. :• <'llr 1-1ur I 111 Co111t1<, pool, dbh!lr, l'ool. JJ<'. tl"nni>1 1:-.2 7~7 UrJnd new 3 Udrm. home wks free rent ir occupied Corona Mer 2 Br. 1 Ra. bltns. patio, Fro m S 2 7 o . 1 l s ~ un•n! lint. Smull 11•nn1~. pl.11i.:roun<I S350 --in M1~'1on \iicJo with a by511.$.345.640-4462 ••••••••••••••••••••••• wshr/dryr hkup. Full Pinestone.Ofchrs,9·5:30 Furn.bachelor $23() ""M 11K1 !17!1 ilWI ltnrwh S J. 2 Br+ 1lt•n. on v1cw. 11: bath:. & cm a encl ~ar. $250. 962-6204 Daily. Unfum. 1 br $:155 .&i!H900 <loll Course w/p1 !nil' \'u. 1.1u11•l cul de c.J.c tlJ0-4649 HouH1 Fuml1tt.d or '"v 552-0400 HURRY FOR '* •COftsumen Gulde Ith . J Ua. tl blks to b<>ach, s.'),"ill ~17.71,..4 or rns 1:~5 Unfurnished 3300 1rB' FOUR SEASONSAPTS IEST SELECTION :!>t7~1 mo ,rcllt>eo111tt•c.l ---------·•••••••••••••••••••••• !fl,, 1~rt5 Spac.2brtnhse,l '~ba,2Br2Bacondo,pvtpaUo. "'JS . 2 Dr. t1<?nm crllg~. -+ ~I ~177 llav,; The Ranch. 4 br, \J• ba, CJst .. dc•I Sol. adult. 10 .. e· ~ -pool, pvt patio. /\dulls. close to Fwy. $375. 14"' uponor en. Nll.'c .u·i•a ! tJnl . pool. frplc, :1hort lease. ly2 BR. i\ t:. view. club YEARLYRENTA5LS No pets. $250. mo. 735 673·1827 Nc 6 wr 6 .. rtJe5u 3 ch S ft>e.1'45 .. l!IOO 2 br 1·011110, I h.1. comm M0-0.169or &W·841S iwlg's 1400. 6-14·11117 or 3 & 4 IDAM J oann St 646-6483 1-------- 38 -r 2 ____ , __ ~ ___ _ ••ConSWMnGulde pool. t'.1tpo1t. 161lK4 ------&t2.0331 lmmedlateavallability CORONA DELMAR ·------l.ogunaMlguel ~ e. 2 Br 2 Rn, J'IO(>I. hh n:. . .. ~Mort>! Unit. SmJIJ rec r~l.5-49® 1\rbor Cir $:100. Oy11 Woodbnd~e 0nlhe Park! 2 Br Townhouse, frplc. East.side large 2 br. 1 ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,--~ 11!1:1 ~71. c'(l :!Ill. eve!!: 3Bdrm. 2Ba, llouse Newport leach 3269 Pool. tennis. Some ocean Crplc. cover'd patio. TENNIS &SEA II ~ 11'17 17~1 Mr. Mohamt>J S4751mo. &12 2978 ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Calalma views. Close garage. I story, bllns. No Walk to the beach from ,,,...-4,f.1 - ---S4.50 Mo Lease Charmin" to •hopplna & fme beach. nots . $305. 642·5466 or ... ,_ amft•i.lnd t•·" bdrm THll HUH111'«1J'ON • ltCOMUIMn Gulde ~I Br 2 Ba. fncd yard Ht>C S300. palto, gar, pl" Small fee. 645-4900 HConsumers Gt.Ide M.1nl1l'r's Cove 2 br ... , Woodbridge S&S 3 Hr. 21'1 lWft ct.Or" '11·v' 1·ng room" .. --.. t'V U.wt ... u • ""' • --r h " o ~ 644·2till 645-4483 apt complex, with tennis -~\-:;_~,.,. h.i. ;idult condo. Pool. a. with beams a nd 1 ::=:=;;:::=:::;==;=:;::='.====1----------.i-----------court. clubhou10. pool. '-l tcnn1i. s:J:?S 640 5048 FH. Crpl, A.~. twn~m. bedroom + lofl. One of a Coeda.-lilllM 2 br. cpt.s, drps, ktd.'1 ok. jacuui. sauna. sundeck ror lea"ll' 4br, 2 ba. $395. S-l70 mo. 644-46'1tl kind FwWlhed 3400 Open daily 603~ J asmine no pets. encl. gar. S23S. & beautiful landscaping. KJdsok ~ mo. Lovely 3 Br. 2 SSSO Mo. On Peninsula . 3 •••••••••••••• •• ••••••• 2 BR. den, 2.,.; ba. wet _scs. __ 2978________ All elec. kitchen. pi.. FROM $240 lo $335 bedroom, steps to beach. Bayfrnt. e_leganl furn. bar. 1800 Sq. n. Beaut. L6e $350. Lge 2 & den, hwiuher, sell cleanlna S Beaut apt plans, avail. SS75 Mo. 4 bed + den & condo. View w I sl.1p carp. "cl.rps. $500 Mo l~ba. frplc, patio, bllna, oven. Adulta only. No ham or unlUTO. Bach, l .a.,Q)'EL Y Cottage ty pc hqsiir, 3 Br+ den, l~• Ba. 342·5197 Ba. dtmng & brt!akf:lst rms, wet bar, servu·e WHAT ARE rm. fplc. dbl car ga r. VJEW.Agcnt.631·1400 :.i~~ SUS+ ul11. ScenicProp. 675-5726 2 car gar, pool, a vail pet.s.tbr$275.2BrS32S. ~u!.b:ie:~;U2v t;,c'~1~ I ' C rm w/fplc, plu~ Rm, cpls. drp:., t Dbl gar. no pets. &W-4253 YOUllME£DS? pool, jnc, Univ. rk BLUFFS CONDOS Luxury 2 br duplex, 1 blk May 1 or lS. 642"66S3 or S.oTftTGC• AfPh dining areH, storaee, Apts·Condo-house? 8'12·2766 or 833-1795 eves Leases starting •l $450 CondomiM•is bcb, lae deck, latticed _64$-__ 327_7______ 23731Mariner, lA&Nll pat I 0 s, dee k 1 , COtm'TRY CLUB VILLA !BR + den. $4SOmo. W• have it. Pnme areas. TuRTLEROCK 3 Br 2 Ra . neur beach. 2, 3 &4 BR's, auto spmklrs, cuJ de sac Linda. Joe or Joan 846· 1371or81s.zs.q7 S495 lse. 559-5229 Month A11ent64Hl33 Uwfurni"'-d 3425 patio, frptc. $'2S/yrly. E.S'd 2 b 1 ho y 1 (714)493-0501 lndacaped 1 ro unds , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-5pm 1133-0888; eves & mo e Mon~·h. 64S·sio~: l ___ o_f_n_ce_hou_rs_9_t_o_6 __ 1 COY. rrkg, llghled lcMla. CUSTOM 3 bedrm 2 batt DELUXE 3 Br 2 na oU 1st wknds 873-7245 Avail now. Deluxe 2 br, pool, rec. v o I e Yb all, 2 s t Y M7·3084 Avail. May l, 3 Br 2 Ba. fruit treeR, niee yard. ~ ba, frpl, nr schts & 9li01 1-,ounder. S36S mo Plaza. $465/mo. $48-71122 Dy appt. 673 6610 orSS'Z-0093. -------- ' 4Br, 30a Condo, lrplc, 4~ ~ 4 HDROOM wshr/dryrS425. ~Mesa Del Mar cot· 536-575.3 .,... Bulltina, lncludo Charming, 2br 2ba 1450 ..-r & dryer. pets & n c 1 • 1 • 'tld1 OK. $42$. CALL sq. · irp c, db ear. n~ 9fJ9llO golf. pool, tenru11. Qwet. . 5:>4·5610 SELECT ------2Br. llJ.Ba, blln &. " PROPERTIES ds hw6hr. lg yd. cul i.""'I •.MESA VERDE desac, S32S m~ !'>411 iW r! 2 BA. No pc:ls. lat & SUrER CLEl\N 3 Br, lge last. $375. 545 ()SJ{) aft J-'.am Rm, cl06e to shops. M'M 839..4.397 • Tee L. Niguel, Cntry Clb. Cozy b f 1 1 ---------room. Love!)• loc. From clubhouse, billiards, IMMEDIATE home on c ul·do·llt Comm pool. anoc dues $37 2 r, .rp c. very n ce. MESA VERDE 2 Br. fplc, $Z90. Ou &water pd. Off swlmm ln1 pool, pin& street. Approx 1900 ~q.ft pd. J.Ae. ~ 5 (or auiale. S400 COU· pvt palJo, gar. R!JS tno. C rown Valley. 290U pung, hydro-spa, IYm. POSSESSION $68S/mo. pie. 673-6069 Avail. S/12. S4S.2742 Aloma S3t-o857 Sorry. no pets. we h:tve 0 large selec· ~UPER LARGE bedrmf Aliso Villa condo. Super Select 2 Dr, close to bch & • SouthwettComer ti 0 n 0 r c 0 n d 0 s. m this 3 br, 2 ba home clean. 3 Br. 2 ba, cpts, shops. $350. Adlts, n o SUNNY! Ml..,,..,t •adl 316' Edhiger/Newland towohomcs and single $595/mo. drps, pool. No pets. pel.S.752-S065all6PM • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8400Edinger,H.8 . Cam11y residences for td Rlddle Realtol' S335/mo. Pb.830 5085. SummerLeaM 1 Brllofl. z (71A) 84'J.960S lease ln lhe Irvi.De area. 846-3811 Lite style ot luxury! Cott. Mesa JIZ4 PaUos. Ocean v•w. Pets OPEN 9-5 DAILY If you havo a need, give ----------ok Promontorr Pt. Avail • 11 W fill It' Forever ocean vu, .. ••••••••••••• .. •••••• Movr lo lba Sun Spot al M~'/ JS thru Sept u. "•""" 4000 us a ca ecan • SEA VIEW. Panor11mh ai>acloua 3br. Jba, FDR, ~luxe 2 Br 2 Ba twnh!le Sunnowc-r Apta. 87MUS. • •• .. ••••••••••• .. •••• I ()('eun VU, gu.a~ gate. j1cuul. 3 (rplcs, un· AJrnoet new. ms. Adlta: •No bt'acb tramcrno fog Sl~pin1 nn. •'10$ mo. tennis & pool, 2br & d n Mmo11~:18~ f>eaut. ss2s nopeta.645-5126 •Goriteoualbrapts, Nice a Br trlplex. new AJJ sso. wt. Shar. kit/· $895. monthly. 833-2907 01 iN .._,,.,, From ms. cpl.~. rplc, Nwpt Hgt.a. No bath. Shown ~On·Sat 752 2074 To.,... oust Delwce 2 Br •Pl in tnplex. ·~veral pools peta, $340.~·10'72 "only". Call aft 1pm. UnfwWsMd 3525 all xtru + gar. no pets. •Jacuul JU!• rccfd. ~ Ot BIG CANYON •••••••••••••••• •• ••• •• U l Ll.sa Ln 6'-4 1869 -<ltlldr 11 OK Attract.I~ 3 br tohouse, S(I 595' ~paci~~~~;cftt a Br 2 Br OCN VU, aar. sundk, E/Side3 Br 2 Ba. encl 1ar. •CaU DOW lrpJc, cp«a. dpr-J. bltns, -ROO--S ___ t __ _ RANCH UALTY 551·2000 view. homol 644-0781 01 2 patios, pobl, Jae. PIO yd, redec, adlta $300. 116 2511 W.S.tlowllr St. 1totip1f.:1~8l:,$. r:!t :~ kltc:cn.szs~.50 u:kw~~ 97Ml8l 522~ San Clem. aw St. 546 909o; 6.11 2932 157-4100 + fiOOctep. ....s ..,u. 541-"5S -/' •• •rt- ... Tlwrtday.Apn121, 1977 DAILY PILOT CJ;7' Add it ... Build it...Oiaper it .•. Hammer it... Carpet SERVICE it...Cement it ... Wire it...Hoe it. .. Clean it...Move • it...Press it ... Paint it ... Na 1I it ... Plaster 1t ... Fix it ·DIRECTORY Plumb lt. .. Patch 1t...P1pe 1t •.. t-<e m oae1 n ... -,, Roof rt ... Landscape it ... Tlle lt...Trim it ... Scwi~ .• H aul 1t... Add it... Plant it ... Alter 1t...L earn n .. , ..... ~ ..,. Ccspet S.-.iu eo..trador Gw. k a ... H -• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ArPLIANCE REPAIR Carpel Man wall lay your11 SPECIALIZING In all Prof. J apanese Landscap-1Skiplo4der, dump trul'k, $10-ServaceCllll or m i ne R~1.1a1n & types remodelin g. 11 )rs lng & Gardening. Free haululg, lr~ work. gru<l CalJ (714)M9-2A22 clearuag too! Guar work 111 area. All work guar est.5'S-7tn0eo. lbushl mx.demo.etc 751-3930_ ...._....._ al biuer Bllvwgs. Frea ~.M EXPERT JAPANESE H-.a:--1 •• , • ...., est 645-3646 -"J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' LEE M. JARVIS G it rd e o er . F r c e ••••••••••••••••••••••• My CM home . Rellllble We Care Carpet Cleaners A D D l T I 0 N S -~timates. Cul~ 962-0858 Jlauhnb, movani:. de11nup adult. Toddlers & sch.I Steam clean or 11h11mpoo RE.MODELING rd . $7 up Tre~work. Rea ... r also upholstery all work Ph 962-3200, Lie 317856 Ga emna and landscap fiut, free est 842·4597 .aie pre . Pat 642·7237 gua r . Refs/MC. fr est , . 1.ni. Mamtenance, res. & - - Will babysit. in my home Reas Rat~ 645·3'7 16 GERWJCK & SO~, stnce comm . Free t•st. Call !Sonny & Jer. J-'REE h.aul day&. Lrg yrd & hot ---1~7. Lie. 310942. Addi· T o ny , aft 5 :30pm. ing, cleanup. tree work lunches. sis.go15 CeHln(JS, Acoustic lions, remodclio..:. 1.1lans :;.ui.2959 ___ for usable items. Fen ----~ -••••••••••••••••••••••• M9-2170or67J604l <:es/b ldgs removed Cabinet MoldftCJ 1-;" on o m y Ac o us 11 cs Beet~ GeMral W.lces S.57 2005. 5-IJ 67_68 __ _ •••••••••••• ••• •• •• • •• • "uul ce1hn°~ oew or re· c "' ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOVING & HAULING, Laguna Beach t.:abinet. spray. repam .. fre(' est t'LECTRICAL St::RVICE Savet1me-S1111e Moncy u ny thmg, anywhere Spec1ah~rng '" eu~tom 536 1~-·--___ CALLS $15 h & S MALL BARBARA'S <.:all an,'tlme 493 2515 re modehng. 11ddit1ons. , r, 'HO)> ~ ---"'aban .. lry & ···c>od 1·n· Cement/Concrete JOllSS..&2·8233 S 11 ING .. ~ -SERVICE ~·o t0",, Ute Hauhn° :wa1l11 blt> tenor Lie B110'J96 Fr ••••••••••••••••••••••• El ECTRICIA:-.1 All t s ..... .,,.,., Ei.llmale by Joh 67J 1b-llJ esls LB 497· 1515, Costa One ma~ crew 5) rs~ expr of work_ Lac .UondeJ, ~ Buy Wrap D.!!~ aft 6 pm, SlC\C Mesa , 979-6097 pounni.: & finishtni.:. Set srd. Free est 5-IU 2'1W ~yr old Student lmcrest - ------your own form:., :.ave __ ----t.-d in houscsattaog thb Home Care S•nlce CUSTOM CAUINETS money4~1 1·18S CUSTO~ELECTRIC s ummer J uly -Sept ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kitchen, garai:c. bath. ---l"rel' est Com m. res, ll r 640 5038 A d llespons 1ble. highly playroom. etl· Special Q:mcmt work. ol all ktnd!> h<>nc.'SI & rehoble ,.,erv 7a~ \1 JOpm r J quahhed l'Ouple ;n a ala lh1s month on ~.Hage Heasr:ites 1-rect•'>l:> Lac: 331201 751 :u50 & · -ble for mammum b mu l'Ub1nelS J-"ree ~sl 75().5-1115 _ 750 G62S ll!lK 7715 llJ\NDYMAN: l.'arpt?ntry, hve-in &10 1166 675 3175e~ __ Child Core -t'lcetracal. plumb111i; Hous~leonlnCJ C --nt-•••• ••• •• •• ••.......... GardenincJ 11-17 ·27tl7 or 6 16 6851 -r-... ··················••4•• ---•••••• •••• •• • •• •• • •••• • Mother will b.i b) -.11. m~ Carpenv y S mall Jobs l'anehng, door hJni:ang_ Llc rontr, est . MM ~7lfl homt.>. W. Jl!lh St 111fant to 011•· )e.ar. Imm tipm ~ pt•r Wt>ek Citll JJOCt, t>.15 1705 lndust /Home R~pair - Carpentry, plumb111~. Sell thani.::. fast with D:.ialy ceramic tale. 5-10 5560 l'alot Want Ads lkhatJle F:xpr J apane!.e \.1oor e·s Vinyl Repair 1;.1rdt·nt.>r llcasuo:.ihlt• Clean. recolor, rep.air pnc<.•s. J-'rec e-.t t>-15 5230 C:ar seats, furn. car top!> M1 k1· J-'reet'Sl CallS49-Hl9 -E\pr llawa11.in i:anlencr llANDYl\!AN llo m es & Yd cil'unup:o. fJrumni:. Apls Consc1entwu:- tnmmmi:. hJul 6-16 46i6 crJftsma~ l'h &45·0302 ....................... Want a RE.\Ll.Y n.EA-.; llOUSE" Call ll111gh,1m Gari Free l'l>l». 1.1:, ~123 l!\Dt,\CUL/\TE C"l.l•:ANING Sat1.,,tac tao11 t :uar antccd CJll No"' 673 777b A:'\l\\'i\"t ~ ftaifltlnC),1".,...;ng Photogrophy is,. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llousecte.anm.: b» rehublc .-..-~~ ~~?idr':r'esr.~;~~~.~;~e F+A. Vel&ty s,.. couple rdc1~01:es l NTE IU O R J ~XTR AAA Photography Co. Manufactu.redbyGerko G:!6-6126or963 5813 r:untani,:. £>.Pr d hi&b ~-41S7 Salee tl24NIO llou.sedt.>aruni: & W1111low ~.u1alllY.t~r1k SuJ:r reas Pl i fNYilioft Repair Clenninl( t:oud r .11t•s & a e. 6 5 3 l!I J oshr /R•po r ••••••••••••••••••••,•• • 'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• f£"'1 r('fi.. Cull 'U11: L>llU ---VERYNt-;/\TPATCll CANOPVTVSEJ\vaC}! ~nil __ EXCL.N1' l'AINT1NG JORS&TEXTURt-; U.l KAT~SERVJC€ HOUSECl.fo:A'\/l'l;li l ntr& 1-:x1.r Re~!> , Frecl'bt 8931439 AlfairPriccs9G0·16:L1 ~ ou,r UuM11t'!>:. C'o1ll . F'rt!e l'l>l 5-111 .m~ l' HI::~~ J amct•8 l<a~a;ecly J\nn s Knowles l-'a1ol1n g. •••••••••••••••••••••••!Tile at 675-6SS3 lnl1 Ext , commerdal HOMl::SAVE ltS. Plumb· ••••••••••••••••••--.•• Masor-y .11.1u. & r cs1ti e nt1al mi: & lleatmg. F'ree ei.t. !CERAMIC TILE. Nrw or IJ36. l l20 SIU hr llonest & reliable remodel Fr est. sml jobs •••••••••••• •••••••• • •• -Sl'n tt'l' 11 of A. M::.trchg wl•kome ~-2~~ oft I . F1replJl'Cl\ Plantt'r' Hnght1•n Lip Thi' llou:.e! ~7-0Jll3or 75l·:ll~). - --- Unc·k Conaete l'aLICI Norm's Par>t•r lhtni:mi.:. -- -Q•ramat• Tile settee. :!O Bloc:k Walls BBQ 1'1b All kind~. free Psl-St11lc MAH V'S PLUM UING ) rs l'\Jl New or Hemodel Heb, l'~h 616-0-lt>I lil' 3JO'Jll6 835 3705 or bolt.i !fl!07 771 :ri:n Free i-:.,1 lllo<:I."' ;llh, s I ump-. H1111'. h rt t k Res CCJmm lh•a:. 11,· b nnd Bo It 7511 !IJ!i I t>t:! 914 1 PointinqjPopering ••••......•...•....•.•. Paint Your Castle /\vera~l' E\lr l Str> S:l:J5 :! SIC) S.l!I!> lnlr ~5rm l'ncei. 111d mJlr'I IJhor c;u:.i1. 111-.rcl Ir .... l·-.1 Teti 552 11 r1111rti:J6 1011~. 1'1-:TEHS l',\INTl:".t: J-;\llr d Iii·." ll.1L•'' Free Ei.t Call t;l'll<' SS::·l>l:ill 0.5 t>lHO NOJOUTOOS:O.tALL Ju_,,t lnll'nur' You c hoow Remodel & Repair !~.~~.·!~~ .. ••••••••• Cht· l'olur l'tt•at &: <lt·1~·n •••••••• ••••••••••••••• dabll', i:tl lot·t1l rd:. \i.k lfrrnodt'I. add. patio, it• Hemm .d,.. Lnmml!'A· tor Un Jll 1 .. 1z ;ll!).I p,111 !-'rec est !ltlZ IZ Ii 1.1rw11n,.;, I r•·t.> e'l 1.1,• d l';s1nlo·r I ',-.1r' 1•\ Pl'ne11n• .\II ph,,..,,.., l l.1 ""II AJI Ll'"' l ',Jli 1:11·~· ..it !Ji!J 00::1 \\:\I.LI' \l'J..Hl'\C; Hl'.l'>Hll.1111<' .ill J..1111h l:\pt•111·n11·1! ttl 1 ll'IZ Selim,.; a11~tl11ng \<rttl ,1 1Ja1h 1'1lt1t c 'la:o.,1llt•1t \ti 1:. :.i · s1mpl1 OIJtll'r J\.l._,[ l'Jll bl:.! 5tiil! Luk:.i) Lil' 2911233 !-\all~ 111,ured. t>11 ""31 :-0.;\l H1mdb Sl..\11.,hh t11ucki.Trel'S\l,.Pi.lm:., :.lirl1nl! door., ''111duw-.. •>ll\l':. t.nmmed, lhanncd. JlJl111 1·111l·1• .. wvo1l prunl'd . removed tlu·b ()u.ol1l) uni} !'>-IB 92:.'9Jft 5 l-.11• "'J..n.I t.i-1:! li70 I .-l.-T ---- i·Jll' l\t•n n·l' rim. r e m O\ l', -prwll' Hc..is. F'u ll)' l\\:.rti. Roofin9 ...............••••.... Hl'P.a 11' l.11· ~ an.. A II t)p1·-. Frc1· 1.-.t \\'Jll l'Jli am11m1·Sll 59311 Ton}_645·512_!_ __ LEE'S 2-1 yr.,, exp X'lnt. rd'"' llof,\. Mar.l Ch & Ca::.h Call Lee The Trt-e blS 5750 ---------4-----------+----------~1----- Rooms 4000 Office Rental 4400 lkKiness Rental 4450 MisceUOMCKls Lost & Found 5300 Lott & Found 5300 Sclt00b & •••••••••• ••• ••••• ••••• ••••• •• •••••• ••••••••••• ••• •••••• ••. •• •• •••... Reintals 46 50 •••••• • ••••. ••• •• •• •. • • ••••••• • • • •••• •• ••••• • • lnsh'11cti0ft Help Wonted 7100 Help Wont~d 7100 Huom in C M home . l\ll<'hl•n priv. l'\ol entry. ~1511 m o F.mplyd fem prt>f Non drinker &15 275:1 Vacation Rnitols 4250 .....•.....•.••.••.•... S.ochfront Condo SOLANO Bl':ACll Z llR l'tteh.,.., ha Icon) & 01.cun new. Liv rm "' lrpk. 2 hJ. :>1·1·unly hid.:. pool. pl'u111 1\\-ath fronl prorwrty ltll•al for summ.·r l'•'11lal & l>cl :'\l:.ir :.rasun Fully fur111s hecl s:115 "'l•ek I> ,tlll'r June 15 s 1:>11 mu 1111 J un••15 Connery Villa¥ Re alty, 6 7 3-6261 121 ;11,1 SL, N"' pl lld1 ll.111 .1 1'111nl \f.ir111.1 11011111, J..1l1h1·11 Jiii\. 1111,• h11rn1· 1·:,c·l11'" ,. n1·1,.:hiii1rhuud ~!:111 mo l'h 1>:11; 1rli 1 l .. 11..•· \1111" h1 .1tl hu1111 1111 ' l>.1 " p11ul l.ihh• TV &. 1(-,lrn hr ('um (on .11.1\ '"'"'"II ~:.u Wk 1;7:-; ><!ii I Rentals to Shore 4300 .••.•.................. Nl'T S1•l'k Str.11~h1 11111f ur hu-. man 111 l>hr I~ . ~harpl 1 lu1n \II h111111· w .! prof tn.·u ~;!;, 1111 I 11111 111.J1J ~ ,.:1t111r ~II Hl>tl \\'urk111~ l.1dv lo ~h.11 •· IM'.llJl I 11h.,;• tn I·: 111111 I 11\\n 111 rm htlrm l1.1lh -.;•:!;, 1.in "•:!'Iii 11i'I 111.X Cut down Livinq hpenses! :-O.h111·1· .1 home or ;q1l nwnt L~~t;• rp,.,.s UN1.1.w w Ht.• ,.-< I ~-r.· c.'<~ I "'" L .. v..· lJ...•1.t'"''""""i F11r ll\t'I .~\\ r~ IU'! 11:1 I 11 ... , ..... I 11 ,11.11' ll.11111111111 l \I 111111 I lh I IM 1\tl11ll 111.111· 111 '"I h1111H' l'\l l1ltllll (.till.I.> tl lt11 It ' I· •h.111 111 ·" • 1,.1 ' 1.,, '\1 • l'11111h 1111111 II lt,1\-. ... w. , ... 1 ,1,11•• I 1·111111 t pl 111 ... h 111· 1''1"'""' 1111 I 111 1111 n h" 'J:~l 111 ol f11111 "" dnnl..•·1 .. 1;:11 l'".t Goroqes for ltfltt 4350 •••••••......••.•...... •:-1111·1•'. \11 •,,1 \ ''"''' ll.11h111 .\11.1111' l'\I )Jtl SL111.1,.;t• •till\ K 11 K'l7 I Office Rental 4400 .••••...•.............. 1-:x F:ct11·1v1-: s1·1,. 1-:s Ul'lu"1' uff1 1't'' w 't'I') i.crvtrt', X1•ro-< Nl·ur () (; Airport 75;! ;">:!ti 60•PER SQ FT ltl t7 Wf:STCLIFF NU t\GT. 5-t I 5o:l2 ..•......•.•••......... LAGUNA BEACH U N I Q U E R E Ts\ 1 L L.Dt.t Fret.> form gold p;:n Small STUDIOS L'OP RL':-.l'r donl & r hJ1n \it· ·, ~ .-'. LJ• Hob1nson '' F ash ion 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··················-···· . ...••...••••.......•.. Commercial Store $\00 lo ~.mo ~Lal 111r!: I !> I" nd ~h·n t 1 men t :i I 150 I Westcliff Dr. or can be usl'<i a:. pro· l~q lll I h~· 1-~clory \'alue llcw..in l 548 0671 ft·M.1onal offll'c Loc;iled 125 F.. 30th St, Newporl cxl 5'14 da)., 1-'0l':'\D llla1I.. 11111\ hJ1n-<l dni:. ,\p1 Ii 111 S.adiJll'lia1·k l'l .11.1 5111·9005 WlJ:'\11-:N TRAIHFOR BARTENDIHG TWO WE EK CLASS :"'ATION WIDE .IOU l'l.1\l" E:'\1 ENT A.-.SIST A:'\l i': c;ooo JOH ASSEMBLERS Newport Financial Ctr LeosiftCJ Of fie~ Spoce <.'Jll on Sall' !\I JnaJ;t'r 17H I 6-12-31111·:-.t 21ti l'nml' lot·at1un 111 llunt 1aglun lit'a 1·h on Uroold1ur!>l, KOO MlUJrc fel'l :-0.mglt•, l:Jr<lt•n lY(W :.t<Jrt' or olf1n· t;ood 1•1< po:.uri-. .1~:.1i.:rwd µark ang. ('.iii Mr l'lummt•r ~lt.i767 DElUXE OFFICES Ct1mml & an11:.tl :o.l)at't'l>, 200 to 200J scr ft As lnw .1;. 35' !.<f fl L.11: :'-11,.;ud & !\l •~~•on V1l'JO .11 1'J' llandy lo S U 1-rw) C'J 11 ltll 1400 EXECUTIVE Bayfront Offices l'11m1• I ,111 .i111111 :1.0</! \ 1.1 Lacl•1 '\ w pl llt h 1-\J 111 nr uni :!>I .111 """1 ~·c·n•t :.ir1.1 I \pf\ .11 ,JI I z~o "'I t1 o, 1·.1n 11r ll.1 \ '11·" I st Montti. Fru ,,.:, SllZU wkcl\-. 0111\ * •l'd:'\t Ill\ :! I n1 ~UJll' 0111111t. ,\ C , Jmpl1• pki.t. Sl:l;) mu 111 IY\11 1175 ll\.!l>O 2nd MO FREE Full ~•·n 11 1· 111!11\ 1d1WI ofl 11 l'' 111011Lh 111 month r .. 01 1111·locll11i: Hl'Cl'J.) 111111 't·n 111·1.,1111,tl11t•cl ph1111t l 't)\ •.••• ,_.. 111.111 1lt,11.1t1 h 11ntl1 r •r1u1111I prl..1! /All1t111 11 ''I\ \JI 11111 l'\I I Ill phllth I 11 I'. I·: \ ~; (' l l'I \ L <;t ITI. 1,111 ~liCI EASTC .M. H1•1.11I 11r '''' '1"11 \ .11 IH .11> fkd.-1·0 1 ii .1m pl1• Jll l.1! I" I ltJlh' I illl llr.10 •• \\1' 1111.11. !Xii Of(' SI I rt· for n•nl 1w1'.111 \ "'"' I. h 111'1111\ 111io.t.1ir, \\ .:.11.11.'1 $.'>l~l 111•• ... 11> 11/t:~I l>.I\ 111 P a hi ftRESTIGE MEDICAL OFFICE In h\·.trl .. 1 In 111< l ""' Sit fl '"""'11111111 1111'1~ ll\l11r1' .11.111 1°11 f11 i'•·n pr Pt 1f '""' r • .1~1 ,,. t H\•.tn, \ '\;1C't' 111111 t • '1"11 I' Jn t'o-.1.1 M•·!>.1 11r ll.1rhor llh d an 111·"' 'h11p1H n).! c·1•n t .. r m oilier shopptn)t C'om Beat·h or ('Jll tli;) Gl8l 01 pll'\. w1l h ruq it· a I ni3·.\271 mcr.-.1>ht>rc Slb41 :\lo. ulll - p;ud by landlord MISSION HF.ALT\' 9lj5 S. C'oa:.t. l.agun.1 494-0731 4 DELUXE OFC'S Conf rm . sc:.it 25, all panclt•<l, :o.m "'hc,c in rt'· .tr I ur 2) r lea~c La~t.> I'' or t' s l .i r I.' J K <' 111 llark1ns 711 5l! 1 !l;Jtl:j Business /Inv Ht/ Finonc~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• lkAsiftess Opportunity 5005 ···•·•·•·•·•·••··••·•·· GIFT GALLERY Ncwporl lil'ach. W.inl ..tlll\t' p;ortnl·r or mJ) bt· purchased \tr Smtih ( lllam 4pm I ft75 3080 RETAIL STORE L \l:N1>HO:'ltAT. "1th lk•at·harca.!16(hq ti 1\ll ,\gcn l'y ('t11111 lll'h, nt'\4 1mpru' c•mt•nt .. 1·rp1, 1·0,1 lll!hl1111:. lrplt t'll' C.1 ... 11 ror 1111 pr"'1·mc111,, 1 11 .. ,1tok h"l 't' lii5 :1111111 t J 11 I l :-0. I Ol(t-' O l·Tlt I. Slltll' :-.1•w port,\ ll.1~ l'<'111t•r I .!II.'•.! :'lo1·"' µc11 t Ill\ ti l'\1 t.11; 12._~:! tll h I I ZZZI! lr\1111· Suh h1• rd,111 -.µJl I' :'\111..,I I 1t' 11111\p..ill hit• \4 t'\ "l 111~ ;11 I ti. Ol'I' ilk "ork ~1ur1• i:1:! i I tll l'llOFESSI CJ~,\L BLUG 1, ... ,.. .>5 :-.er 11 rtJ ... al t'o--t.t :'\h•,,1 l111·.1t11111 I.! S.1.5.0UO h~ Ow n1•r X.17 1;.117 BEERTAVERH I'( IST.\ 1\1 t-::-. \ .th,,•nt•·t~ "" n11r rnu't .., ••I I I 1• r 111 , I I .\I I- i .•I I llWI llonll' .1t'l'l'''c1111·" ,..Imp l..11-:un:.i ll•·•11·h. l!lhh•-. ''ll'hl'' l'l.l )!l 'l'i'' lllll 1111·, i.:111 ... \\ ,111 lor II\ I II r I'' 1\ I II I I 11 I 11 I \ 1••1 1:,:,:1 1•1,,\:--;Ts <:11··r:-.1.\n.1 1 \1·"' :-0.hop. 11111\ ~i,7.U s.1nll 1 Jiit· \1!1 lllltl'''' ,_ "·''llnl.! r1Jom _ hi!> llitl l.g. park111i.: ,11 CJ \11t·11t Investment 1;.111 t>ICil Opporiwtity 5015 THE BIG STORE ( flffilll ,\llrt lllt'o1h•d Ill l'w,1cl1lh l '1n II'.\ IH•lll Ill•~ 1111 C"tt,l'<I II"\ Ill .••.••••...........•••• If \ClU h,I\\' 1.11111~ w •. "'tll tit·\ t-lop 11 prnf1h lo 111• m·.:1111.olt-tl l.w'tl ..incl honded l'o11trilt'lor ... 1 '.tll J.ll'k or Walll'f, ~ 75:11 1..10..1111.1 \'111111•• \'II nt :1 St•1 rt.>lari.a l ~1·1' Ill' l11r 1011t1.:rn11" r111 1\ lt1tl IY J ~ \' '>I .1 II 111• I h11nt 1111 h.1 l11t•pla1·t· mtt +-SlOOO dnw11 N1•t \11 1t1 .. ,tl ,lll111,.; lot t'olrlltnl!:> $9jiOll 11t•r \'1 <'t< .. 111t"'.ir1• or 1111111''""11.111 1~1 o wini,:. 6 1:! 1o1:17 all 11lltc 1·' l'r1111P ru,111 l1pm 'h111•111n r "'-prol 1·11111 u ___ t L 5025 p I 1·, w ii I I,.·" 1· 111 ...vncy o oon rt·~1•>n,thl•• \4•nJnt ._1l ••••••••••••••••••••••• S48S MO. I tt, 2nd & 3rd T.D.'s MISSION REALTY t.0\NSA\'1\11.ABl.E 494_073 1 ( rl'<lll nol 1m pt1rt unl l<Lt \11 ,..,ICllU-; 11 ,,, ! o I I 11 1· .1 -,., • ~1111 .1a.:1• l llMI "I II '\ 1 '\ II I' 11 ' 1 I> I ' & \1.111111•1' \I II<· 1.1.1 ;r.1; I •tfl 1)1111 I I 'u1'11 11 l'n111t· rf'1,11l l11r 1111 ll.11 hor llh 11 ('o~l.1 \h..,,1 m mm1 -,h11(l t·nt1 7:t 1 >11 W ttr Ii, 1 11:1:•1; h i3 -'8IO llroJ.. .. r ••••••••............•.• LOANS 8%% Abo 2nd TD Loons 1-"lltrt'!'l Term\ SlnlC 1949 Sattifl' Mt4 Co. 642-2171 545-061 I PRIVATE PARTY tftdtntriol Refttal 4500 Will p.1y more for ~ou1 ••••••••••• •• • •• ••• •• • • 2nd T 0 . 642 357:J For lrn"' 1100 'fl ft of • , • -ltito ""an•houw + IOOO llOME REI' I NANCI NG. ''I 11 :.tot .ii:t• ) arti 111 14 ' ml • for ca!>h or con lr"ne l11d ('nmple-c ~olldale blll'I C<tll .,.. .11 .11 1 k1•) ltwk ~h Sccunty Mort 549 8400 11ump & s~l'V ~l·rvct·~!'> 2ND TD. $7!100. NpRch J :;i.itaonul Sl•n·1ces Co, year. 10' '· I', l)t•r mo. t.:.\Sll REWARD for 1r1 lormal1on rc j!ard1og l>Lolt.>n m t1n '!t pur~t· wallet from Holl~ Hon•· Parkin.: lot ttcn Carq•r \ .ilu;ible mC'IJI l'n•,.,, 0Jdg,· & <lu1·u11wn1, Slr1l'll) rnnf1clt•11l 1al 1·,111 or wntt· l~l :JI 2711 !J!ltl!I or PO Bo\ :11:12. lln crl) 11111'. l'.1 'KIZOZ L Cl S T C: c• r m .1 o :o.hortha1n·it 1'0111ll•r. Laver whl, :.! y ri. \Ire· S ,\ i\\I'. t. lilh SL C :\I clavs. I> l:l :l4t12 -i-;\ <' !li9. li3:\2 FOUN U llH·\ dt• lwl" <'t 11 Tu.~Llll &. Sanl..i ,\11.1 (. \1 &.12 :rn111 F 0 LI N I) s v I' I 11 )! ,. I' Spanwl m.11,._ a11111 n\ 7 m•' 'u· l'a11111111 & l'lallt· (_' :'\t 11:~1 i:llll 1:ound t11r1l1· 1 .W \'11· II r 1 ~ t 11 I 1\. I< I' ti h 1 I I !l79-!12.l I 111 ll 1~ ll:!tH Fo11ntl I 11lt'\TI.1-. o .. nt'r 111l-nl1l\ II\ nlJl..t· ~I l'Cll111 "'I I JI 1111 6' ho~~ OI t.:11 1' l'all 11 11 polic<'dt•pt ;,:11; ;i1;~1 f11011tl F1•m.ill' t.:111111· \I I '\ I' II p II \ \ • I I l-lo•,1\'h \d.1111' 1111 1 11 1.0,1 Sal11·1 l't·r,,1.111 • .11 ll ro11J..h11l''t \1l.1n1 .... ;o111; t:.?1:1 11 II ""'" H ··"a 1 ti Personals ··.x 1;!:!5 :>.}(, 07:.!CJ 5350 LOST . hll. lirn JX1t1dl1· '11 Ta ,I\ 1·r"· Sturgl'1111. !'>-1'1 27:11 It 1•w ,ml Fol :'\U F1·111 lllJ.. "'ht. nwd .,, !-.hag1' llog \\C,'l>,1 \ l'fllt•. 5-IO t 1.1•1 . ..............•••••.... l>nnl..111,.: p1 uhl1·111 ·· t ',all \It 11h11l 1 ld)llllll .!I Ill' .1 tl,t\ 11:1.1 :IX.JU 1·111·:<;' \' r • (',11111,.: l lllll 1d1·1111.d t llUll'l'llnl: ;\. 1 l'll•l'l ,ii \ h111l HHI ,11111)1111111 ~ kt•1·111ng OPl'C >HTL'NITI t-:::. AMERICAN BARTENDERS SCHOOL 111~1 I·; l7t h St , S •\ k;j..l l!l60 Sdmol, l'va't To Co.i'l Jobs Wonted, 7075 w. wm Train APPLY 7AM MacGreqor Yacht CorporatiOI\ 1631 Placentia, Costa Mna Hflp Wonted 7100 H .. p Wonted 7100 .............................•.........••.•... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al ,'t) ! rnllt'l!l' st udcnb ltu' c BUSINESS MANAGER BANKING TELLERS Downt'Y Savmgs & 'Loan has Ol'\.'n&ngs in 1ls Hunt· an1,'lo11 !leach branch for full & 11 tame tl'llcr11 S11Y· angs & Loan t•lq.lt!r pre. f'd Call Mr St>lby (7).1) S-1!1 32211 E 0 1-; 1rul'k Will ht•lp }OU mo'c or h.iul a "' a' .in\ area O.:ltl J"IJ" :.i 1kc u-r J l'rr\ li7:1 :.!i!~I F1n1sh lnh•r t'arp1·n1t·r & t'u"t Fu1 nil urt· 11l:.ik1•1 "':.lllh to 1.1rl'lal.1· & n• m111ll'I .1 hnu,,· m lll·U or rent in '\ B or L.igun;1 Work !i 1 I IOtiO h11m1· ii4 !.111;/l .1:.~ lc•r .John X I. N I' I> II l ' M ;\I E ll Wish<'!> Ill JlllrJ \Int ht•<H') 1111 Lil hi h.11 d r111·J.. .,:11111p Ill;! llHI Fam1h;1r w lt&H VIM 1;,,..,, 0 1 a11t.:•' Co lol' S:.ilar\ op1·n VICTORY DODGE C .1 ll 5-IU 2\:itilJ --....,.....,-.- Ui\lt GIRL. Days • or m.iht:.. No expr nee. l\lcllnw tavern b\' the bc•ach. Call H1~k al 536.JJOO F1H'~ll Wht l' \I C111·J...q 111u ('11.\t .1rt•.J I II 7i 111·11 t·ollar 1\ l't.:t\ H ~: ~lli :.!'1ti.I Mi\Tl 'HE 1.AUY "1sh<'l> AUTO LINE MECHANIC (.'hn'll'r l'XJ>l'rll'nl'l' pre lerrt'<l w •. offt:r man} llt'nef1b. ~ Intl> of "ork Ct\ L L \. I t' . S l'r 1· 1 c e ;\lanagl•r, for "Pl>tHnl· men! BMll\1 /\1 DS Day. N>ght & nchl'f Shift:.. Can for ~ppt.:;..18·~~- ;,;it; l:!.I I, h 11 ll MMl F I I t '\ f) 1 1· r r 1 ,. r C'lt1ho.1hu.c' Ulk m.11<· I l.1r hn1 \ 1 t·" 11 1 11 s c>t111Y~~1 FOL':'\U I 1:, \ 11· ht ,\ 1'10..,µecl l'ui.1111 lk-1~1· \11111•111 ~ ng an uh· 1111\ ;,.u 7H:J.!l'\C~. I•' O \' N ll ) n Jo: rn a I 1• S1,1ml·,1· \ 11' .\d.1m' ,'I, 11111 hill Mh lM>!O l-'11untl F1•m.l1 1· ;\l 1111 1'011tllc "'11111• Nr T.1lhcrt ,t., Ward St Ft11 \'h '11>.1 I 1:1:! l.o:.t !>mall h'm all· 111.u I.. 1·.it \ "" LJ l'alm .i flew J nf ' !llJll !Jf17'1 1.i...1 or ,111l1·r1 1111,., :-.ah 1•r A111k1 hal.. .. I v1 is. \1111 1 1'1 Ht'\\ Jiii !Ki~ 11;;,1 LOST · REWARD *SHARON'S* OtlC;\LJ. ;\f \SS,\ Ii 1-. 111!1·1224 *KAREN'S* 01 'TC \LL \l.\SS.\C V til':'\1 :!,\;\I IOI lilltt MASSAGE FIGURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCALL OHL Y 631 -3811 LINDA & VICKI Outc oll Mouoqe For the foun of it ! S.•n an~ .tll Oran 1t1• t'n 5111 :!7 1:J llELAXINCi Mi\SSAtil-: H1lh J .. me:. I.It :'\la-.,1·111 lh11t·.oll-. !I 'I l'tl !ii 11 \1:.ill· c;ulcl1•11 lh·t l'l'I\ l'I Oulo.:;ill !\1<1:.:.a i.:t· t 11.ilw > llM I bti:'i or 1U1\:'\I :!1\M iJI :ll IK 41(7 211:11 1~"'1 I.1st .,.. knd Blk horn nrnmrd halorul i.:ias:.cs B;tlhoa Ii.Id Heward li7:l-59'l7 Spiritual Reader 11115&> t-:1 CL1mano Ht•al San Clemente Fully Ii(• For .1 ppt 492· 72116 . . \'AT.J\Rlf' plc•ase.,.. nt1' ln J-OUND· Malt· Germ Sher> ,\fl No >!ill. lhily Pilol & l....ib max. IJlk. wtl~l PO Bo-< 15fi0, Co,t.i h.rwn fact•. 5 yr:. \i1e Me:.a. t'a. lli!ti2fi_ Acid., I omona & 19th. C"M mi:: m. ol ~our ph11nl' or 1~11 ~l:l!I _ 11ddre~s ._o·I t'Jll u1n1.11 I I. I t·nm11.11111111 111"111on ATLAS <jood d 1sp<J:.ll 100. i.:11ocl Chrysltt _Plymouth rf-fl'll.'11r1•-. Dran• {'Jn 2ll29 llarborBhd. tr .11t·I ii I ·I'll 1>115\1 If ~ 1\ 11h•a,1• 1·all t'Vl· Costa Meso_546-193!_ A1 ail ~l 7 l'l',H' Nur"· Automot11·t• Sll'fo nal' .in-u9:1!1 o 1< New Uetaal Shop nt'cds TUC!>&. Wl'd -19-l IC>ll, l''\l hclp !2lunl1l!I :m P!\I Top "'Jltl':. paid. Engine SleJmcrs, c11i: p:.u11ll'rs. H 1 W 71 OO buffl•r:. & polishers. up· •• ~~ .... :.~·~.~•••••••••• hols t~r) ~ham1.1oocri.. check out. pack up & dc-\ Comp I ii.I.pr. It"' 1n Sal P\l 1 m. h..i . T\', l.:<l:\1 Hl'fS 6-l4 !Ki'i6. 61~ !lllflll A<IOR1V1dt·u Workshop fur rep of WHITEHS. 1\t.."fOHS. s 1:-.l.:1ms l'll' i\nexp 11t•r 714 957·0282 AMBITIOUS! h 1·ery \ pply at 2059 llarbor Bl. C:'\1 645·1030 AUTO PARTS LABORER PERM FULL-TIMI-: Opp to lvarn auto parts 3621 W. Isl St. SA BE J\ Profess ional Cocktail Wa1Lrt!s'i. F.nlcr an exc·ll mg, prof1labl4! & gli.lmu urous profess. Learn an 40 hrs from pro- fcssaonals the fine arli; of wC11lrcss techniques. Day or <'Ill' :.e:.s1on:.. p4ace· ment aS~ISI., good JObOp· pty Call tiH 1 751·9.llf1. So Ca la f Cock l 111l Wa1ln•s». Im· .. 1wi2 ~ky Park Bl. Stet.:. J rv~. Ca 92711 Bf:AUTICIAN W 11'' for Ncwporter t un 644·0661or540·8582 BEAUTICIAN Young, run s m . shop. 609 W. 19lh, C.M . 646-8480. Beauty llair Stylist' & Spa re lime <1cl1vily w11h :.upl'r fulurt' For 1n· ll•n IC'\\ .1ppt li4-t 5391 -------1 Elec lrologis l. Pvt /\l'T ;\I \;'I; \G E ll Iii Ulllll> 1'pl + + . C.tll t.:urt 11.M !139J Arr h 1 t •• 1· 1 u r a I & 111 r c•nJ:m1•t•nni.: backf!round nel"dt•d am med m fanal11 ALIO PARTS TRAINEE COUNTER SALES PEHM., FULL-TIMI:: Opp to advance 3621 W lsl SL. SA AUTO SALES mg sale~ /t. ml'a!>urmi: - s wimm1nA pnoli. for 11ual1ty. c·u~tom fat . c•on We're looking for people who want lo learn the automobile bus iness Pre111ou~ a uto sales l'XP , not required. We wall lraan ' t• r " :i l 1 o n 1 • o \ l' r !. 640·il21 A/REC. RECEPT. 40 SO WPM. 10 key, fr. 111,.;e h<'ncf1ls Nwpt llt'h urea !'hone 6.15-70411 rooms, weekly station renlltl & hosp1lalttal1on bcnd1ts. Newport Bl'h. OC Airport area. S&ndy 752-1338 or 831-0535 BEAUTY· Ha1rs tyllt.t wanted for E l Toro salon. Call 837-4743. IKKPR/SRCTY Full lime. Mature woman with good lclcphcmc voice. LEONARD SMITJf BAY&BEACH REALTY 759-0ltl. 1-'0 UNI> Young puµp). ~nu H.ilph of !'Jim Spr 1\HMY llES ER\'E •Many co. benefits •Demo furnished •Paid va cation • ln.'lurance av;i 11Jhli' Call for lnlerv1C'w THEODORE ROBINS hlk w hlondc markrni:s In£~ _ FR 1-:1'. Tll/\ ININc; \IC Safrwuy on Ua ys1<l t• Female wankfl, :ts 1., I>! Men & women age:; 17 :1.1 BOAT BUILDER nd Ilk m I I " • 111 t'OOkt.. cler ks. s upply, & FORD l'.111 ~'17 tllC.!:1 l>r N.B. 645 55711 who would hkt• tu il.1lt'. nf'l'dcd for mus11'ian!>, WILLARD Found: Golden Retrievt•r a ·"~ 1"1 I 11 " "' 11 m 0 r e ca 11 L 1 n cl a COM. Shops, :-0.tor,·'· 01 l"'" f I ff --Var OCC. Male, leather door sprt'I I nm '.;''I' 117 ~:;:! 3173, or 12131594 0219 In od •I & hcl~ & Storai.:t• ~·rorn Pl010 ...,.t'lq 1 mi· pnv 0 ice collarw/chatn 548-0138 It!:. !SO:?;.?!I!! crease m pr uc,o11 tHCI 112.'\CI __ __ Oest offer !'>..')!• 1556 2060 llurhor Blvd 540-8211 642-0010 $85 mo S48 nrn. 'osla Executive Suit.a• dl s:.!2.5 1665 B Placentau AllftOWlcemtnh/ ---, ___ _. S • 5360 1t •ARTISTS•• new 40' line has credtOd M .,.. Av<>. C.M. 616·-1262 or P .. so11al1/ Fou n d . Shi h -Tzu. _.__ en1ces Immediate openines lilr -('Sa -Offkl' avail. (her looks 646-1164 Lost & FoUnd blk/white. Vic CdM hiro:h ••••••••••••••••• •• •••• ,.. R EE I. AN CE IL A (85) experienced pera.on- DLX OFC & in<l'I un1L\, m airport & m ou11t111ns . U ---,-••••••••••••••••••••••• school . Call to identify TutonnJ! by colleJ!t' i.lu L UST n AT 0 R w at h von oel. • nt!W bus. park rrn cr. 211fl2M1chel~on.lnanc MI mts lt.I0.42SOsq. l. ... ......... 5100 5.56-3320 dent. ARCS 14 & lio<l<•r. heall) ex p e rience l'I Refesentatives FWshC-..tws ~52 ozw bid~. Used by des1J(ner. """"a...c .... nn n needed to ass 1st in the -r- Pullman & :O.ll'C"ormack --1 Xlnl oppty for the n J?ht ••••••••~•••••••••••••• Found L ri~ M a lam ule my homl' dna Point following areas &p.r. Ccrpefthr9 A111• alNPTFWY,lr11.<Xr.ct!ordesk spa ce S75 pef'IOn.l950sq.ft s hopATTENTION : Costa lypednJ!.M1ssionVieJO. $3~.2_'er ll r493·0861 ••Label D e~q1n nrLoolted Touce.-Up • 11 205539 Sq ll lfi•. Mo. 1827 Weslcliff Dr. aru,1140sq.ft.ofbeaul. Mesa, lhroughobr cd Call83Q..9445. ••Mal!az111eAds SoGoodl londen • 40-/sqf\. 751·12211 __ NB 548·8614; 540 20111 offlc-e space. 78! w. 2ilth baseball l earn, n~s 17 mpoymt. nt & •• Promotional Brochure Vou will too. selling &.c;-lnst...._ Prime Ofc/lndui;tra~I Furn Ofc. Bank or Costa Sl , Costa Mesa . Jack yr olds. For further info. Lost green bake backpack. rr.parotion Work m Orange County world famous products a.ctriclmtt s p ace local~d 15 man Mesa Plaiu . 595 mo. Saunde r son . days cal1LukeatS49--082'7 Containi. books , note ••••••••••••••••••••••• or Long Beach, C111l Mr . Fiex1ble hrs. High earn· S2.75 t.o $6.SO .... , .,_. from 5 fwy s . Central !'>56-3900 642·0212,eves5462277 books . c alculator. Schoolt& Hays<2J3)4J5..7484 lngi;. Training. Call ""' o .c. t oe. Xlnt fo r SCRAM-LETS Reward'S45-7474eves. s.10-7041orZenilh7-J359. ba.sedonqualificatiGns Sales/Ser vice/D1stribut-WESTCUFF AREA 1000 Sq 1-~t. Industrial. No IMh'11cHon 7005 ATTRACTIVE Good Bcnefltll/4 Dq ors use.Call NF.WPORT BEACH ~~a ~~~~CW·;~f~· N. ANSWERS "~~~~~w~11~~r~1i~f'g~~ ······~~;~;~~~··••• &bysilter full charge , ~~~ ~e;!:~:~';! COfllO,.... Rffllty 1400 Sq. I\. two pvt. br·s. Shrimp-Whine-b;and on leg, fan ta al UC&ISE COURSE GIRL early am-late afternoon. I 1200 COllldor ,_,.. 1714-SSa.1701 S400permo.642·0200 R--£.-1..W.......t.-...a 4600 Hoi'st -Fi·a·--N 8 Si8·2121. orllveln 963-ooe..1 or__.-1.-t-y...._., .......... _,.,..,.. ., .. v A new S.day program. 1-'or S<-cretnry-Garl l''r1 -------~--r 12 ic. J4', ~ ba. Darkroom •l MO FREE RENT• ••••••••••••••••••••••• FISH and WHIPS LOST, blk/wht toy poodle. comp11tibl<> with avera~e day with lnveslmc11t ex RAnVSITTF:R. reliable !Srtn Diego Freeway w /s ink. Ground floor. No lease reQ. Dix. ofcs. F\im summer rcnt11l or Where I live Is really a vlc Ca l le de l os work schedule For de eculivt'. Un ique op oldt•r wom11n for oc· At Euclid Exit) $100/mo. 11th/Newport. Adj. Airporter Hotel. a ub·l•e appr ox June fa r .out neighborhood . Molines/Qalle Va lley El t.aJls contact: portunily for bright. om rao;lonnl babysitting in t79.0 I 26 C~! Froml·rm.to2200 sq.fl. 1 s ... Au g 3 0 in Whereelsecan youfinda C omlno R eal , SC RobertJ .Donahut-bilious J:trl who seeks a myhome,640-~eve ---------·--CO~LlNE R.E LOWEST RATES. full Nwpt/CdM/Balboa area. pl~ sellin& FISH and Reward 493 7087 The R.,...t School challenging dream job -- Call 6JH846 services. 833·3223 T1l To S700 mo. 675·3381 WHIPS? . 496-950 I with "aried non· routine BABYSITTER needed 2 IOAT MAHUP. noon evl'S/wknds l.o.t ---,.-F-.d-----5-3-0-0 LOS'l'. male llger stripped duties. Must be w ell to 3 day.s week. m y Co. S()eklng CiberaJau DLXOFC»/Sq.Fl cat. vie 1r.th & Orange, Pl 1 1 educated, wtlUng to or. home, ref s please. Call lamln•lora, elfp er. tnCM.UUlllles COSTAMl!SA BANDlootttngforplaceto ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.M.548·7052 Pvt 11"° rutruc:ton ,cx· cept ~es on sibilily & 556-1107 .... lplul, but wlll tr.t.. lnchxted. 7"'1~ E rehearse. Reas rent. REW: SP Siamese, M. pr teacher. Emphaal3 on 1---------__, '"' ~ PROF. OFFIC ESPAC 640-6128 lo•l 4 /6 vie Slater & Gold partial plate, tn reading music 642·4630 worqw·r"ed. wllwhbeand~qlsu~lec• ......_lthrW..t.d App\1, Coat Cata111afllla Corona del Mar, Jarge of. 2850Mesa Verde Dr. E . Craham846-0020 vicinity Daily Pilol of· \V '" " -:-rr Corp.,33012Callc Pdf • r1 ..,,,., • Approx 2000 11q.n . Good MlY I share your hbme! flee. Phol'le548-9810 _._ _________ ,compensation, fme con· Bab~1tirJ ~~3r°J' 4 lo,SJC. ce . ......,. v{"iiblllty & parking. All Non smokin1 l~y & 3 yr LOST: Gold chain & gold' L. A, COLL flG E OP' ditionll, frini:ie benetlu. mon ° a n.. •Y •---------- 1\ealonomics &'75-6700 or part. Df'an Hadley oldson.needcleanllvlng pendant wf2 diamonds. LOST German Shepherd MASSAGE. Low cos t Stability. p e r sonality, week In my ho me. IOotCIEIPH -- Small Npt Center omce . lllrr 963-8933 qunrters,ahartexpense, Generous r eward. pup. Vic. l3lhSt .. ll.D. 2 Day·Eve.Sat ClaSHs m good dlspos1\lon. superb References please. Call Forpobliraccoun • Balcony, ocean view . ......_...... 4450 or Oat role ref's. Call MZ-8079 t.o 4monlhs.$38-9538 Santa Ana M&·717l grooming & model· 496-3B80 flee. Nwpl Bch • •· Mo. lo Mo. rental &40-4502 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Chns 548-782$ --hostess appear:anrt' are Pos t C /L & prepare ff LOST: While Toy Poodle, FOUND Male all white Oullarlessons. Childre n & imperative i;mcc dulles lla\e somctbtng you want 11\at<'men~. Send rf!11ume C.M. 300 sq n olc. 800 liq f\ NWPT OCH STORE Cple & child nd 21Sd rm El Toro RcUs Brockneld, dog, 4/19/77. Mairnolla & adwts. Btgtnning 11nd ln Inch.Ide public reh1tlon11 to se1J7 Clutlfied ada do lo Ad tn8, Dall,y Pl.lbt. hadstrl. $12$ & $26S. 2&10 Avon St. SJOO/mo. hse. zo yr local re.ldcnt. 4·17 abt 6 P M. Rcw1rd Adams 1-18 . No idt"nt tcrmt'diiatc Call MG 6177 Cfood secretarial s kalli. I\ well -Call .NOW. Box. l&eO, ea.ta .... 646-2130; 679-3709 Jerry Wynn 1213)477 7701 Refs 67$-.61165 att. 6 1'T0-04e1 968·3442 Evesorwlu'Jda. areessenllal S4'7·5846 S42 56'78 CAt2629 ' · .. -.. ,_ .... < ... "\--..... •• q! DAILY PILOT Thu!!day.Af?!ll21, 1977 HeifpW..e.d 7100 H.epW..ted 7100 HtfpW-.ct 7100 twpW..t.d 7100 HMpWanttd 7100 HefpWant•d 711.10 .... Wmhd 7100 Help Wanted 7100 HlfpW..W 7 100 ~;;;~~~~·~;;;;:i::; :.~·~~--;.~;;;~~··~:·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;;~·••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rnanntl mC'chnru<'s want· tr:.1.ru.p, O\;r 21 > r:c: $3.:,0 LYN ClfARG£ RN S..pet"•ilOr Ht>al E.!.taw S..lc:. 1----------•••••••...........•... BOOKK EE PF. R . f' u II COOK!:> & COUNT£R OISHWASHOS ~<d.Topwoat>i.&bcnell.l3 br.~41171.&t:?7 130 F /tlme 3 ·l l. Xl n t Day :-.hilt, f llm1; for WHY JOIN SAi.i'.:.-; Clull'ae, lhru financial llelp day & eve shin5 Food Prep. Apply in on Lake Pow\'ll. Pa1e. . . --bcn•·fit'I B.ly\lt:v. Con'. \Om. h<>!.pit•I wi acll\ c. statement, sm non profit AJJply In pni.on, Del person. Muldoon'$ lnbh An1on11 Phon~ for in llOUSEKEl-.Pi',R, Cull lto:.p1tJI, 20SS Thunn ll"'lor.1ll\~' nur~m.: rrn IF C11ft8 nl1at1on' 11.ila r) TJt'O. l7lh & SuJ>('rior, .t>ub, 202 Newport Ctr Or, ten ll'W S4ll ~ rh.irge, ll\C rn. !!pk 1'.ni:: /\\c' c.; ,, 642 3505 lo: I J Ill G 01.1 d l><l ~ Superb Homes commensur.itc w /t·xp.:r. CM N l:l --dn\(:. $:;5<I mo + ll\I -t14•nc•f1l!I C'onta1·t 'Ir'> nlu!r \\OUJd h11 ve (jtr:. Rd N l:l S5~ lti6to R I 7 YCMl'r'f' Lookinq Fo tage. (714) b73 ~ Cooks & Wottr.asn Dlslnbutor rnterested tn l"o11t1ory -l;tJ) l'..trl. LuJu Cunv ea ty. edMlller , Full & Part lime. Op· p /tlme income up to •ASSIMILUS• lli.>usekecper Liv1: lll for MACHINIST l'(•nll'r ~btl l'iugslup Rd, :.;mull olflc•c-1•nv1rnn \ l'r11l1t,1lih I JI I l I In lk..cl l-.:..·.1.11c• l)n" Lil Or11ng1• t '111111ty ., Ohh" I fot Lar).!t'!il llu1hh·r, l.>.•\1•loj~1 ~ !1> l.uul.tn.: portun1ty for advance· $1000 per mo or more + N-Citizen MuM dnH 111 U M2HO.a 1 ___ -mt"lll. Top tom1111,!'!11111'' IOOIKEEPER m ent. Apply 2633 W .• beneflts. Mature . •LAIOREIS• Tlusis thl'Ofll>IYtObU&I Progrcs5 ive lnjer lwn OnlheJc.>IJtrJ1n111i.: .. -. .. 1 F Ch Coasl Hwy.Nwpt Rch or 639-61.23 MAL};&Fl-;MAI.~ plemeol your :<oc-1al moldmakin.:to has re NURSES AIDES :.t.&1"1sl'hool111i.: W\'11·1111 I j. 642-6830. --call "'A" 847c or aAA 6680 All Orunu• (; ... Aruas ~~unly. 1:!13) 69H)04;j, localt'd to H 8 . & nel'd~ t111~" yo11r 11••1•11•. t' ('11·1·. ----------i . ..::.::::. .,..... ., ........ DONUT Shop, p/Ume All HELP"M" A"TES' 1714 > 675-67110 Mal' h 1n1 s t s & to: D J\l 1':xpcr'd llayvtt'w Con" c.;~~~·'-' t>f 1,11 ~' l;•l·.it 1~11;:. FOR YOU t'ON!'IU1'.H BOOK SALES Coolc/Waffnll night s hirt No upcr. ()perutors Mm 5 >r:. ei. llosplt ul , 2055 Thurtn HI) k N t X,_ ~. ~ Ill CO!>t.i ~lci;u & Nt'\\ 114111 . nee. Age 25.45 Wom:111 use eeper ewpor f)('r , u1I WJllt'll "'over· Ave, C M 642·3505. $ $ S $ Net'CI mature person for Apply in JJerson, Mr 83S...S876 Bt>ach area, part timt• time. Profit ~haring & lk•1.11·h. Call Im an ;q1pl St;ih1hty 11t a lur)!o 1·11 1 o U I s I a n ti I 11 ~ <' 0 Ill 111 sd1e'll11h· IUI' to l!O', I 1 d1,1w "'·11l,1hh• + 11111 l°t'lo'IOll.11 W111'k c•nvl11111 1111·nt t 11.11111n f; ,\ 111 .111.r g!'llh'lll 1IC\ l'111p lilt 111 • 11111"11 for ml\ .111 11'1111'111 I\ It 11111 l'llll\p;tll\ 1111 '""'1" l'.tll l1,1nn l'.111\ ,1111'> .I 1 'lt.111.11-:er :.mall Sti.l('k shop. Part Donut. 135 E . 17th ~t lSOSKt7th Strel't 3~. 2 c•htlt.ll"t'n. 10 & 11 olhcr bcndit~. ----------1 now ~ SUl1t;1w 110~11-;s t f f I C II " • "'· )2 ..,. E I 1 k HURSE"/"IDES l<EALTY INl' SW llti~~ Feell.ng The 1rnc. pre ema e. a c J\t • .,.utr 11 • ~anta l\na n i: 1 :s 1 s pea 1111:. Sc:tin.11 Corp. "' "' htwn3·S,ai1kfor J eanor · · --maturr. own trunsp ,7141898•6631 7J·:lll, 11·7.30. H uot Pl·nch7. Sun~ly 842·7747 _ ___ ~~ 8961875 tfay, 646·3572 art ---------mgton llcach Con\.1h•,, l'IM1': LIFF LIBRAIUl::S llas 1>1 llmc Job:. 111 11111 telephone :ut lc:. ol r I l'l' Two '>hlfti. ,1\utl 8 30-2 JO & 3 30 ~ 30 .• days a \\k Sa I a r y + 1· o m m ~ IJOnus. No ci.per nr1'l'":. Permanent wo1 k CuntJt:l R\'nt'1' l<1h..,I 833...&095 l::gual Oppor 1-;mplo) .. r Bui Ider!> Spec 1 ..i It) Hardware co 111 "< II ::.ooXS l'ICilllCUl rn.rn :!.i all for F .t1mc'. Sll·ady, perm. emplnym1.:nl <'.111 ~-~5-1 CAHPl-;Nn;ns PLUMBEH~ ELECTHICI,\ ~S l'AINTf:HS Must he'-'' J>('rl•'"''"tl ~-G. O"Nl'al & J\:.i,uc· ti-10 67!JO CASHIER F lime Gd pa) <;rowth Co ~ l.01 011·r :!I Wl•'l'tJ111 :\klnd'.11 w.,,h ~ llJrhor 111 t' \I 1 'h1l<I Care\\ .11111 .. 1 f1.1 '"' i:! '<'hool .ii;•· thtlol11·n 1n m\· lrvmr hnm1• Wl-.1h" I -" 5 JO C..trmi.: J1t•r,..11n l'J II ew" ~.:;!I II~ l I l:lean1ni; l.ulv \\.11111 .. 1 Ha I boa 1-. l.111<1 I 11.1 \ '-'l'Ck tiiJ 2&..0 CLERICAL lnl I Export firm n,•1•cl' c.1n:cr minder! llt'r'IHI with i;otHI typ1n~ & numertl':JI :.ktlb lo h•iJrn &as:.1st1nnrckr1nl! """' IJlllj!. Pll'.1,.1' iwnd 11· .,umc I' 0 llo>. ,!111111 "<l'wport 1~·111 h !l..!1it.0 CLERICAL .\n opporlur11ly to h•· .1 p.1rt nl a p111gll'''" 1· data 11rm 1•s,...11s.: 1•11 :\111-il hkr dl'latl \\orl-. k IH• ,1hli• tu l'Oll\ l'rs1· on kll·phorw \\JCU. ... hlnll'I' (.'ii'f11·..il Ill '1CC0Ulll1111: l'\111'1 tit• sirable. \lfr w11l t1.1111 Jntc,:?r<tlr<l l>Jl,1 t'o1 JI 228:1 F.un1~·.,.. Ill! ('\I CLERh.. c;ro11·n i 11 Store 111 Co::.t.1 \t1•,,1 N l' 1· cl p 1 1 1 m .. . ~riJn•\d '" 1111• ,haft 1>1U~ll'I ( 'ol11•rt 1on flur,• .111 1•1•\..111f fHT,1111toI1,1111Ill1:1 IH'f,tl n1ll1·1 I inn \\ 11rk ( '11nl.11 1 ,,, '1•11111• X.1.1 'I IH (.II Ill 11 ;I " ' ll 11 ll K :111,\\1 t .111 11 \1 111111 S.11 '' '" 1 hr r 1• t.; II I' I (' ,1 JI t.1'0.1~ 1;> .1~1r.:1 I' ,1 1 \l 1111 l.•11 \I I'" l'lli\S'l'H I s ~.nn:T 't( y Ty11ini:. ~horlh:inrl, hie• h t. p n f; .~ ~· • 11 t• r " I "''''rel.1r1.tl ,1.111-. 11• q11in~I 11~.LL l'O,~\Tlll 1·111 )'" hi..! 1.r. .. CONTRACTOR Exptti•nced to oc:t osR.M.E. NURSES AIDES C C>UNTF.lt HELP . DRAFTING/CIVIL FEESP"ID tiPM _ _ <1111 llo!!P1 l al l!Hlll JackG. Raub Company "' M/\ll>~Wt\NTED ~1onda St, lluntmi,:ton COOKS full or P t, .-xp Expandin" firm of en I\ I' ( 'onstrur to $800 HOUSEKEEPERS Top wa"l'~ "a11J ' The Inn Bel\. Ph. S-17-3515 pref d l'uptum Mike'::. .. G '>f "t t1' $775 "'·It 1-p B "' .. •---------vironml•ntal .-ngmcvrs & ' 1· ,, a YP lo ,. u "' time. a) vu•w al I .UJ.:Wla, <!I I N C.:oa!>l _ r~~h l"ry. lllS W. lllth St, planners neil r 0 C Pro.I Ml(r Elect s:!OK Manor, 1S() W lwy St, Hwy , Lall lkh _ _ A1111ort has perm po,..1 Drafts Per:<on Sl:JK Costa ~1esa. ti42·3505. COURIER & lion::. uvcn for p11opll' Abo 1-'cl•Job:. MAlDWANTf:I> \1 ·7 Expcr'd. 41 lkils tl I e g n lninc l'cri.onnt'I AitenC\ HOUSEKEEPER. exper L1d0Shores Motel t:ood sill w mcrea:.t•s OfflCEHELPER ;~~~~ ex~r' Ct'~lndi: ~t-:lil.hCo:.tJMe..,a · mature. w /refs. Ne"' Call67J-l:ll:IOO Count ry Club Conv. Can bt· Mudent with ap t " """ • '" .:ra , Suite :!2 1 G-12-1170 bab~ Lai,:. Bch. Call - -Hosp. SA 5-19 3061. prox 5 hours a day to mg&improvementplan::. ~~ 49-i~lml. MAIL ORDER WOHK. ---------- "'nrk :"11u"l h .. , co"' n car & record maps Apply ..it. ---sm s hop nC<'ds female, Jark G Raub Co . /\lln Gl!Jo...IER•L O""'·'CE HOUSEKEEPER. ~ton 1»5 00'.!0btwn IO 3 to dnH• llourly WJl<:t' & Hurly Canta, PO Bo\. g, .... m f'r1, P time. Ideal for milcai;:l' allowed llc.1s to 5(119. 125 Haker St, CO:!>lJ T yping, hlmg & aplltudt• ::.todent 6i5 sno MAINTEl"ANCt-; ASST MURSESAIDE REAL ESTATE MANAGER WANTED F'm "'1•111..1111\\11 ,.,,,,ind 1111-: Ht•trl ~.-.tall• 1·11111 p,IJ\)' l)j)Cllllll: J lh:W ot flt•c 111 Coo.la l'<k:.J !\111 .. 1 h;nc l'\Pl'rt1•111\' ::-• .i.11' pl us + . I\ II J pph l J llurh conl 1dcnt1al i\pµI~ tu Act '" &:>. (),11(\ 1'11111 Cl.1ss1 fll'd 1\<I\ c•rt '"'"i: 3JO W 11..t\ M . l'o~lJ :"lh-:...i. Caht ·~12t...!t. RECEPT /PBX TOUCHSTONE R•olty \ f>I\· 111 Fn.•1h 1d,, De.•\ l'l1111111t•nt l 11111 lK.'>lll ll(·,tdl HI. ~It· ll l111nt1ni.:t1111 n.·.11'11. !J:'t.li •ii 11!lli:I11111>7, ~1:1 U1>71 Mt·nrl>t.'1 I nlt•rn.tllon .. 1 lk.11 l·:,l.tll• l\1•1 "'Ori-. Ut' able to l)J>C & helµ Ill Ml·s.1 Ca 92626 17111 for 111-:un•:. I" lime Arri II () u S -E K L' L'" ER . -~lp..ipttu.~1: .. pt_c7,r7s7on. Call ro1 <111 ltt: llour., 1·an lil' i5l·25l0 I~ Ill pcr:.on. Nt•\\ porter "' r. r u ~.., "'orkt•<I out OHr(c t'X· -lr1dU!>trw~. 17!132 (..; Sky l rorung, morru.ni,:l>. Mon Opcn1ni.:' on da}:. & :iltn "hllh \\ 111 I ram. Exp.·~ prrt '11 l'kase appl). 1'.1rk l.11111 C'onv Ctr. -lbt. Fl a$?' h 11> It <I , N IL !>l..!~ll l>n You I.mi• I'<• Tulk \lnl•--------- pencnce or s1·hool111i.: 111 DRAf·rs~tAN , w 1•wt•r, PJrl-. Uhct. ln11w t-'r1, Cd!\1, own traru.p. MAHAGEMENTTRME bu~•nl'"~ J hl'lp. Call in lnt.-nor Ot·i;11.t11 f11 r -----rcf,675-5364 aftSPM Younj! m.in lo work in t>I0 2!"i(JO hl·twecn 1!'00 & t:stabli~hNI tntcrwr Gt'nrral oft-. part time. ---------- Ph I h II r II growmg tool rental bus1 'I ;1111\'10..,;1.y Dt•si i.:n Shop Some ont':., 1g l l)p111i.:. ous11kecpcr. u time --arel11tectural 1-.nowled••t• sumc c..:pcr n ·cr'!I StJrl :\1<iturc fem . Fr1ni:t' nc::.s. Must b<• neat in ap D II C • ,.., "'"'OOh '"IRl''t be f I k ' pear & han• \'<'ry ncJI • •~rv ouners hcJuful. <.:all Mr. l\kCar· ...., r ~ .• •ne its. p ea:.anl wor .: N I I r: ' I "" d ,. II .... & 3 30 handwntin~. G Uay wk t't'I 1•< or N U. travc· t•· at492-41JI fnr Jppt con . -..a vet 8 J " GE .... ERAL FACTORY '· k f L' k w1wkdy olf Prefer mar· ai.:enn Must supply own CRICKET 1NT1':n wns " 1 ... ~ or r ran-. 645·5707 mot11rcyC'lc. bc willing to lNl' Girl lll'l'<li•d tor shop. -- -• nf'd man for perm. rci.p acn~pt resp. oral ap ---~ti..'> per hr w xlnl l'O. Housekeeper Wanted pos1t1on. l::xpcr. not l'l' 111:ar Sal & m1lpag1•. Full Uraftsman. nornml·nla bt.·nd1l:.. 5'15·010:1 tor di.'.'· Ma ture ll\·e-in for couplr q 'd. Apply l!>:W Newport &r l11m• K3J.!J617. lion 01 PC rircutti. tu1h with:! girls :J & S. Musi 1~1\tl.<.;.M ---Manual wntmg t'XI' dt>· ' speak English. l"am1ly 111 Man1cun:.l "'Jtllt.'tl fo1 UELIVERY MAN tor ear· •1r .. ·'. L"or new Avioni".' Gl•t11•ral Oll1<·c ti. hi;ht hk· M1ss1on VwJo mo\'111g to OFFICE CLERK ~ 75 11 r l :! n1>\1n to 8ptn. .\I on FI' 1 /\ Jl p I ~ 111 pl'r::.011. 2;:1n l'amtrw (;;q11,,1r .. 1.11, Stt> :!Ill Laguna N1i.:u~I E O E ~ .-u ,. '·' k u t t JI 11 h La~wrn ll1lb Nail Salon Iv A:\f, (.,\ Ttml'::. home product. Self :.tarter lo Pll~ rar 1m1• > l\lonarr Bay in J uly. () ~t s.t7 :!563 o b h d Exp'd in all phiises ol __ dl'll' t•1 ,. rnutl' Et·ono set up shop & work \\ ith rui: o~. -\\n room. P'1 al . an nail care CllC'nlelc pre J>ART Tl'l L~. mu~t h,1\ ,. P.11nll'~ 1ll'1'<lcd, at lt·a~t , vr 1'\ll. l'Xh·nur ~">1 I. Start $1 IMI hr. {'•n•l:it"t !\Ir Hri gi:i., liiS it:J l hlwn 9 Jf'.'11 Mon Fri t•ar n·qu1rcd, 2•~ hr~ Pt>r minimal •UP"r ' ,.,111n eolorTV. Will coru.1der a n r_ ~ Th<' !'hon<'" ll• ri· " '11u1 l11J.! 1·h.1111·t• .ind \C•ll II l .... 1 u 1n n r1 ,, ,. 1 n ,, 1 (;l.1mo11r 111 .11111·1~ tulun• 11 \011 ;1n· .1111 ,11 1111· IV"·"'' l'llX 1•\t1t•r Litt• l' p111i.: 'l'op ~i.10 ~; ·•., U<IE bt•nl'llh J ;m1•v Wl•lwr ~1 IU ,14Hll Sn~·ll1ng & S11l'lli11i.: r•I "<l'\\ port H.-.1d1 Ai.:1·111·\ H-ltll'J1111iu), l>nvl· UECEP1'10"Jl:\T I.I t111 111g, 51JW I' :\1 , p h11111·-, 8 J(l 111 I .llJ. ,\ 11111) ;w:!5 l'ulll'l:t' 1\' c. Su1t 1· !I C M :>111 :ls.!ti I d I I ~ • Gen'I Moit1t~t1anc:• I B h f'd but nol nl"l'. 5Hl•2G57 .... k ta} /\ o ts uni). no 1·0 Rc:.ume 10 .isoo C<1mJJU:!>, l'Oup e usmess p one -----_ t'X!)t.'r m W0'1uwor 1111-:, l«1·t1ni: we,tm1n1ster· Ste 221, N B. 9'l660 M..tn Lai:una thlb arc•a 58J.ll941 MASSAGE TECH misc tlut1es & rcpack..ig RECEPT/SEC'Y II JI an'.t ti:~ 0 126 ------Heurcd "'r\ICcmen pre ing of fa::.teners, ::.tcadv -DRIVER -SanClemcnte, I'd ll30-3.12l work.~6·S200 · l"or bu:-.y N 11 · ulr Ot•h\1•1 y of l>..i1ly Pilot Dana Point. C.rpistrano G I Off -W1lh diploma for tor ---f'lcasaol phunl• \lllt't' L..crl(l' ruule in South Bt-at·h area. Part lime enera ice Industrial Cllt!>::. LEGITIMATE spa PART· TIME hea\)' lyp1ni.: tnmt nil Laguna Bcarh Su1tJblc afternoons Wednl'~ll.i\· CORRESPONDENT B UEJ Mr Giarrusso. 7S2·9S61_ OPPORTUNITY appear· at ll'i.1!.l l ) 1 l'\ for ,1 h1 i.:h :-.th1l()I or l'ol Thursday· and l"rtdJ}: Corrc::.pond w home L [AN •MASSAGE ll1on llam to approx ~r CJllS-l!IXti.'>l S.\J.1-:S Ideal P /time Job Work 1. lir, ,1 tl,11 tn 11t11 1ww 1111" :ll'rn~:. from I h1· () (' J\11 p111 l & t'al II ~IO 0 -I + Ill' r w i' C' f.. Sal.11 ' 111•1111 , 1·11111 m1 ...... 11111 I h I' '"11 I k 1::. I u 11 ,\ pt•rtctl Iv "111h Pl'opk whu l'llJllY pulltnJ.: thc•11 1· .. rh.cl l'..tp.it11llt 11·!> tu \\11 11-. Sludcnl:., II fl 11 '> I' \I I \' <' '> 1'\. 111111111lt i.:h t1•rs .111· alt '"cll'Ull\l' Cont.1l't Ht:'ne<.> Ro:.-.1 833-8095 TIME·LlfE LIBRARIES, INC. lt'~t: 'ludt:nt Mu!>tt hoHl' and Satunfay and ~un .study Mudenl.s fur uur JOBS Tl-XII 1''t:M • lpm & 8pm lo approx HECEPTIO:"\IS'l "'lll.'r ·1 d<·1>entl..ihlt· 'Jr '"Ith nay mommg:. lk<1u11 e' ::.tuJ1.nt sen tl'l' dcµI 1\11 60 , Comm Gu .. r mm barn Tul•..c; Spm to ap~ knt1\\ lc<lgt•Jhll' or 11•1111a-; i:oocl dr" 1 ni:: rt·t·ord <.lcpcncblJle auto or :,mull phc..inl rnu~l I.It.' Jblc Lu t\111 & p T worl-. Le~1t prox. 4;101. No t·iqicr Tl•lrph111w Ol'l' I .tl•1r Equ.11l>ppor ~:mph1H1 k.irnmi.:~ "lllJru\lmald) station wai.ton Phonl' t·om1.1o-.i• own l<'ttcr-.. WOMEN-MEN ELITE S r ,\ Siii KIU! nl'Cl'SS Will train Api>I) wnrk 1n1·1tb 1111 t•, & ~1;, rn11 l'horw 6-1:? l:J::!l &12 1321, J•k (11r llJrr) l\J>l' I!">+ wpm & han11l1• r I d l 'I. I r ~ Tn •1HEES 111 person. ennysa\'1•r, .,.. ... n ., II '" ·"' "' 111•1 ... \I ... ...,1 \U\' .1 .hi-. 111C'm·ul.1twnlca\· St:<>lc\ dl'lJ1h \\',•II l·~l.1h'I l'\A MAT U IU•: WOM i\i\ l"''"l'I A ,.,1 \\' 11 m l t .,, ·•·A>•t .t'Xlll'r< or & h . ... I Ul1\1 a1·cnlla vc, ....... -... l'r .. a111•n 110 •• II flllt .. 1'nO\\ led •e nt .••• ,,, 1ngyourn.1me pone ~'ll1ttlllppnrtumty l-uucat1on.d t1rm Li1111< p itimc 111 \\1.'ll'omt -----dl'nl::.. :i;:IO<I I"'' ht 10 "."' g " Fmplover l.Jcm•tits Apply ut1011,1I Mqch Oprs ncwl'<Hn1'r:. & 1 ont.11•1 PBX Answ-s-.,. 'tart. Joh11 WJ•'nt• 1·,·n q~. l·.ntlw,....ism cnc·r i.:) O.•nt.ol Hl·1t•11t Pt•rw ofl'. ---' • ---S ,. "'' "'' " , •· I it 1 1t l l y::.lern!> .._ors> .. 1:rn1 mert·hanls. l'lci.11.Jlchr;. w k nisClulJ.1~1-IGtlOO ...: '' lrl'H'I J mn .or I' 111111• w 1141'Sthlefutur.. DR'S OFFICE Birch St. l'< B <Neat Assemblers Need car , Ille IYfllllJ.! SWl~C~boat'cl a~' a:~;~ r --l'\dUSI\ l' !o.hop JI s .. n11an,..,on ol hr!>. Ex Front ofc, will tr<1in OC.AirportlE.U..: 547.3095 dexterous. Mus t hiiH! a RE<.:E l'TIONIST. t ur Coa:.t f'l ;11.1. :\Ir:.. r •·r '•I all 1>h..i sl'!>. T,vpin" & s h. r "<i'd. -----Packagers ---Prof offtn~ 111 nwnt\\11 lklml'.~1!11!71>! II "' ~ 1\1 h llll"C Spl'ak1ni.: V(ll('I', t':.111.'l'lu } insurnm·1• pro· Hercpt & Sec'y dulH·~ GENERAL OFFICE Cl' amt·s lll'lpcr, somr C!\f Om• Full t •m1·. ""'' • , re~s1111-: s.tl open «..in·er SS<Mhtart S41HJ076 Maintenance exµ ntl'Cl>!..ir~ or formal i.:ood l(rammar & i:ood I' t11m· l'hnnl' • llC 521i-s.1h·::.ma11 '''fl ii 111 ,,,.,.,." vppty II ll.Xl:!IM1:H. :.t·hool1ng Ap1>lv in h11ndwrit1ng. W ork --, ·" . ' ~ah•'>. h•mw & a11l11. l \111 CLERK/TYPIST ALI. SHI FT'-' r•cr,on. Ua rbor \111•\\ p1t1m<' days or ev1•s & H1'l'C'Jlllon1st' ••oml t ·' p111i.: ~t4i 1~1:~0 l>l'.N'I' \L '~"'I Ort ho 1·h,111 si1h•. 1•;>,pt•r n•<t'd Ill>.\ p1rt '1I ::.1 ~111.•1 hr N 11.~I<! :!li:!ti p~:NTJ\l.Af;Sl~T,\:'\ r Orlh11, 1rnrt time \ppl) l'u1•' Fri [)1 :\I\ 1::.un, 181 t; IKth SL t • :\I Druq Sto~ Clerk l'ref expcr 96.2 58<17 A-.k for ,\Jr. l'elerson. or ;\I 1 Kmi.:don 0 R Y C I. I·: \ N I '\J I; COl:NTJ::f{ l;llu .. full or part 11m" ,\ppl• 111 per s on U1m111111 Cleaners 34!00 1':. lo.1~1 ll"'Y· CdM l>a.\ W1•c•I, '11)11lh ,..om1• wknds . Call " 01 1. .. ni.:•·• shrlt. :!50l'l San .Joaquin , 1 .. ,.,.,., 1. () 1• 1\111111 'I or h1l11ng Sal ::vr10 PART TIME It o; y,111r 1)1•1 1..,.1111 t'DM A:,k tur l>l'll ·• 'h"""' ', :. __ to SWll nm <'ull T11"' 111 I' ,11c1 \ '" .it 11111,.. PBX Thul'' only ll>lli II Iii 1 a!otk SALESMAN HEEDED F11r 1•\p.111rl111i.: lur1111un· '>Inn•. Sal & 11411111~1·!> '.1n w ~.1lc~ & mar1a i.:1•rn1·1i1 1•\p1•r M1 ,~11111 Vtt•Jtt fllllOt'!IWll' Of.ll'lllllJ.: lor .1 ::.h.1rp , 11·,..p1111..,,hl1· IM.'rs1Jn lu ·""'~' 111 our .111 H'rll!otni: 1kp .. rtm1•n1 ,\p11l11· mt rnu-1 h,I\ 1· 111 ,. '""'' ~:t·11t·t .II •lt I In• • ' pl'rtl'll11• lil!IH tq1111J.: You Do .... 'T PAY M~ic:al Assistant S lor !\Ir::. Landc~mJ11 ,.... llat'k ofi'. tor J Fam AN. WEHING SERVICE • WEPAYYOU! l'ract in Fas h Isl Al Maturi' clcpcndabli· RECEPTIONIST t' ill Or Come In Today lca-.l t yr exp Semi re person tor all n1ll' rl'iwl ''""' 71~ I:!:!:! SALESPERSON ' ~L[~ :.uml' 1•10 J Crawlord 011eratvr. S..it !->un I Ir> to 1401 A\'OC'ado. Ste 50l. 7a J>:mt while trJ1t11nJ!. N Ii _fl._16 ~ E <~; __ Sm.ill l,1\• 111<' J\11 µorl :11ea NII Brig ht ,1l 1·uralc l} p1:,l 8:kl-tl!IX:I · -Nt'l.~ll'd. t t1nit• for light RECEPTIONIST 1nl! t1x1un.• :o.h11.,..ro11m U1·nt .d \-. '"' Frunl ofc i!11 I H1·•·1 pl ·"In-. t•irms l';irt or full l 11nl' ~15 '.!t.5:! ----------1 ELECTRONICS """" 11·1111111•11 1:1:. Ill "Pml \11t11m11h1h' t l' 833-1441 :\lE:-.1 lor L.\ ·11me::. tie ll\'t'O' p.,, m , fl time S275 to S350 per mo 5-111 1740 rr-:OPLE PERSON Ne\\ port E>Ccc. nccrls I' time a::.sociale 1n whol esale s upply. 673-2'223 Pan time \\Ork111i: to (1111 ~.tll'" c,114•1 hl'lplul t\11 tinll' No '-l'l hr-., rnu~t hl· ph T111•, I 11111 Fri IC :JO I flexible Uoard l'\(.I pn• uni) 211;11 S i-; MJ1n Sl, !IE:>. r\L \SS!~ l' ORTHODONTIC RDA t Yr C:\lt.'n::.1vc t•hr:.••lt' dul11'" rt>fl d. Prt'f :somt- front ofr ah1l1 t1 cs I" 11m1• ~nn~:l' hi.?nl.'lll' l>l:! 1;.&U Ut•ntJI • h 11r,11l1• .1-. 1~ f;ll\I f)o \lllf ff'l,lfl' \I I II \\1th f><'ll(ll••' Full rw1111h 11•1·1111 .. tru.-t11111 111 .11 I1n• n1•1'ci' «lf111rnt tr.1m nl('rntwr Pkasl' phom• ••If> 711X to arr.ingl' 1·on· full•nt ml 1nlt•rv1ew DENT AL ASSIST. ~:\per oJ 01 lhn•lorll1c: 1 h.11r:!>tcl\:. ~· l1m1· II H ~2-IOS IH'.'\ fAl.1\.'>~I~ fA 'lT ,.,, ..... (. d1J11 -.1dl' .... '\ r I\ h1 '-,t,1rt lmm1·<l1.1te II '\.ii.tr\ 1111t•n 1.1:: 7773 m-., l \I. \._,SIS'!',\ "11 C h..i1r '1111• c'tp :\11H1 h IM·!Y..!ll ASSEMBLERS Wl' ha,·e !>everal op.•n 1ngs ·" <lllJble to inc luik POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLERS FLOW SOLDER OPERATOR t i-:,.,l)t'nenn•d i REWORK OPERA TOR M11$t h:l\'t> 6 month;. re l't•nl PCB assembly ex 1wnenl'l' SalJry v. 111 lit• bru.ed on C':\f>t'nl'nce and knowledge o( elr1·tron1r ai.~mbly Mu~t he .iblt• to use hanct tool!' and hJ\"t' eiqwnt•nt·t• 111 hanJ i.oklennl! Wt> ca n 11 I f ,. r I h t' qu.1hf1erl c.ind1ct.1tl'" .in l'\<·1t1111l m· .. l.11 1ht) I•> 11wn•tl ·nus 1s .1 tram"'e tl41<,1t1nn .111tl ~JIJr\> I' l t•tn · mto"nWr..tl<' ....:1th p.a..I I\ 1>.: rtt'll l l' l'om flJ 11~ bi.•ncl 11, l'ermJ1wn1 1>0 .... 1111n, d1• l tnlll' 1lpp111tur11I\' rnr 1· \ c-n t U <,1rl I 11 t I t 1111 c 1 t'ml)loyment. C'nntal'l J\t1kl• T1n,..it'y. l.cizal ACIV('rlls1ni: at t).(:!.4;!;!1 for llllt'r\ IC'W .l~l potnlmcnt DAILY PILOT 330 West lay St. Costa Mesa Equ11I Opport u111ty Em1.1luycr I HEED HELP L>1stn1Jut1ni: nc.,... much· net•dcd produel Fan ta~111· tnone\' H interest. l'd, lull nr part-lime. call :\Ir HolJcrts :\londay & Tll{.><;clJy, <2131776·7910 INSLIHANCE-AlJTO SWAMPED LAHGE AUTO AGENCY SWAMPED W I T ll PllONI) IN REQUESTS FOR AUTO INSURANCf';.sEEKING J\l;ENTS & PERSONAL L I N 1-: S U N D £ It WIUTEHS. NO DOOR TO DOOR <.1.IENTSCALLING US FUU&P/TIME Eamin)!s l''tom S575to$1200Mo ll you have any ex per work m~ or not l'11ll Ls W1• Necd You I 'd J\latu1e al11t11tlt· ll\1nr ;)11,;.."Mll :\lt'n·hand1s ini;. I n\'en tory Control. Sail's & Book<> 1"/t1me. avail Saturdays Apply Mar· nner's, 22S Foresl /\ve Laizuna Heh. lront ofr appear Xlnt • --- PEST CONT R UL public rnntact 1\11plv 111 S,tlt"q1t•r-.un w a!'t ed .• T f:CHNICJAN Exper person 9am-4pm. '°·111~ l•l·ndtls. f.0.1-.. prt'tl'rrl'il h11l not rt'Q. Newport Ct•n11•r. 1111 I'll'•'."' ••Jll PJt :\tu11:.011 must have good clnvm~ _Ne...,port.Cnt1 Ur Slc:!IHI \Ill .~II _ ·---· MOLD MAKER RECEPTIONIST r('('Ord, nral apJ>('ar:in1·c. 1•nJO} l.\Orkmi;: "' puhhr Full l>t.'nef1ts + 11111l11rm For hus.'-ti1s l 1-:r11\\ 111~· & lrut·k Appl} Mon Vrt t'" Lile I~ 111111-: ,11.,..\11•1 :13 liardcn Pest Control phone~ Apply 111 111·N111, SALESPERSON HEEDEJ> I· c 11 I 11r111111 rt• -.1111 (' Sal.1r.v h.,..,1·d on t'\ pt• r Lai:un.1 11111' 'if~ l:!Xl ' ''l" ltandol11l1 ,. 't 17!132 Sk.Y !'ark <'1, ~Ult\' Progr essive 1nJcct1on '·" • ... c• • Id k h ~r .. 5.'>70 <.;,Irvine. 751 01;:1~1 1 'I( " mo ma mg co. as re _ • _ --:-;,\l.l•:s ·0~1·1 1. •• n1w11 locatt>d to ll 11. & necd~ ----Hcspons1blc Wom,111 '" M • .111:11!t•n.il l"'~s1h1l11 ... -., Mach1n1s ls & 1':DM 1·arefor :?&Syrohl,.1I t111lt111w \pplvJ.:11'1110 Operators. Min 5 yrs ex temoons. $1.50 Per hr. Grft !'IH•P l".i:.hw11 1:-.lanlf per. Xlnt wa~cs & ovt•r-PHONE SALES 640-6865 N 11 lime. Profit shann~ & •------Olhcr bcncflls Phone Sales people, Restaurant S L--male or remalc, 16 to G.5 •sslST M GE c-ll Corp ywrs or age. Guaranteed "" • AHA R 17141898-6611 wages·or commissions. Career poi.1t1on, ""' 250 East 17th Street, yachl club. Exl)('r'd food 0 -, Suite o. Costa Mesa. & beverage. Pcr::.onablc. M us i ci a n , P i a no 67J.. 7730 Gwlar. or ? Top 40, for between 5:00 & 1:1:30 p.m . ---·---- f"mal ""5 51"'' &l(i.4223 Restaurant· Resp. per~c•n ,!,_,1· ... e i.mgcr. "" ..., L'nual Opportunity ........, .. .:.., for day work. ~1u~l hk1• SALES-RET All OHtn· ... 11pplt1·i. & Sl:1 llon1·ry fo'ltinw Jl(l!.1t1e111 avail !'hon<' for appt :,57 •1 11:: a o;k ror ~11. Wt•'I Ncwpo1 L SI ;1- t11111"r' SALES G.o. G . O 'N •ol ----------c wort. 1n lltwr.11 lt1nj.!1' GENERAL OFFICE E:1.µr 11 111 m clt•r I ..ii-. mi: tn\Oll mj.!, t1hlll!. llJ l..1•\' .1<ld1n..: m.11•h, i:uod 11ho111• m;rnn11rs l''"•'n 11.11 ..,mall mfg 1n Cu::.tJ \h..,.t ~>.'>fl ~IO tlC'JH'nt\ 1111: un t·xpr hi.! l !llh. hlwn •1 Jm & 1:: noon 963-0944 Needed /\dull T o Superv1:.c Students "' lun<>h l':r hrs per day Employer fast food opcr.il1on ,\pp ly. R1gizrr, 16 f'ash1nn Island, N B lx•t\\n !• ll & \\'II\' 111m1 h .i I 1mcC'lo1·!. \I hu1 vou don ·1 h:l\ e to ' ,\,. .1 i11•,.l1111· Styh~l ) nu ~l'l ~0111 own hrs, & earn 111u111·v hy St•llin.: qual11v < loth1n1• w /rustomt·r ,,1l1'>l .nl 11m i:uam. No 111 q •,111wnt ('Jr & phnm· ""' r'or 1nt"1 vw :qipt ph 5;,; 1.tliOoriHi:l·7'170 & '"'0' &40-6790 •COOK for R•tlr.rMt1t Honwln LOC)Wl'o leach 1-:xperprl'l'o W1ll1111 Call4~ !H!.11 COOKS. 111\ HT l'.:N IH.;HS. DRlVi';Rs. 1'1T1m~ Over 21 yr!i. ltnml·d Openings. A111Jly 1n person. Mr 'n E1ls r11.1.a, 1\10 E.17lh St, C.M. ·--- DESIGNER :o-r o .. ..,.1•n1·r lur ''"'''"" d c•1 t r11 mc•rhJn11 ;II cl1• "l!ll !> \ r" mm ""I"'' 1n 1h•,1i.:n ot .. mall pn•t "inn p.11\) t'"l'lllt.tl ~lint' t'X 11n l'l' ho.int d{'"l'll twlpful \\orl.. m 'mall riit111tl~ 11r•1"'•1n.i t'O w x Int h1•n1•llh 1nrlud1niz ln<"(I 1lt•nt.1I All hc'n1•f1t:. :.tart dJll' or hire DISC lftstrun.nh 102 E. Baker Strt'<'t CO!ltn M<'!ln 979.:;300 Find whul you wunl 111 - - Dally Pilot Clru<i.i'1cds. Want i\d:-Call 1>42·5678 tWp Want.-d 7100 Hefp Wanted 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SENIOR TECHNICIAN I( you have good knowlcrlite o( LOGIC and consider yourself lo be a GOOD TECH with a sound background in SOLID STATE ClRCUlTRY -and you want to become familinr with and gel a ddltlonal t•xprrlcnt·e in comJJuter mcmort~ then W<' wo11lct hke to t ,ilk with you We Jlllll <K'CUPt<'<I a hr11n(I ll('W :WK 1-Q n facilil.y. WI! arc a i:trowth comp11nv wtth aood benefit.".!. Salary commen!luratl' with experienre P ll'mw apply, srnd resume <with salary hi~lnry) or rnll P HIL CHAMBERLl\IN or SUZl E BUSBY -(714) ~OlGOS TRENDATA CORP. STANDARD MEMORIES DIVISION An AppllCld Maant•l1r11 Co ~ W Srioc• \lrom Santa An11. c .. 92704 bcnt•l1l ~ tu 1ndull1• M I'd ll' ..i I J n iJ lfr n t.d ln,ordnl't' .11111 Jn t'\ c..th·nt ,,1.1nm~ .,,,1,1n Plt•al>t.' .tpply 111 J>t'r'>on TREHDATA CORP STANDARD MEMORIES GIALFRIDAY -..on 'mokrr Typ4• 1'1 TJkt· phunl· nrdl'I '>. k\•cp book' & n•1·onb '"' lt'arn lt•i:al .. ec·y S550 up. IUX I tuO DI VI SI OH AnApplle<IMa~nN1c~Cu GIRL-F'RIO/\Y nt'erit'd J.100 w Seiirr.;trom for s a1lmakt•r, full lime, Snnt11 Ana. CA 92'ifU 1;75 IR2:1 Equal Opportumty Employer M I F GUARDS __ EL_EC_TR_O_H_IC-. WANTED ASSEMILY l"ull & Part -time. All ( l) Exper'd cleclromt .. 1 Arerrs Af!e 21 & over. solderer & (1) Wire Prep Mature men pref'd tramce req'd for s mall Uniforms furn No cush manu!. co. Apply at 897 outlay. l:ar & 11honc net• W. 16th St, NB 548-2622 Apply, lJ..i.,.naf En g i n e e r i n g & Io r ProhdiOft Senlce Architectural back-t226 W.5lhSt.S A • ground needed lmmed Interviews Mon Fri. in finalizing sales & 10:303m·noon meas uring swimming &1:30-4 :30pm pools for quality, custcm1----------i fit, conservalion covers. -----------1 640-7121. HAIRDRESSERS want-----------1 ed. Apply In person, ENGINEERS Regis. So. Coast Plaza. 54().~ Sr. Designer for creative HA 1 R s T y L I S T S electro-mech11nicnl de· M11n1cunsls Fariallst' sign. S Yrs mm. exper. 111 A ssu\lanl~ Cor ne~ design of 11~t1ll ~r<·C'islon Newport Ueach Salon. pnrts cssential.Sornecx-O!'ys U 7 -90RS, eves per. PC hoard design 642-0l58 helpful. Work in smnll ----------1 rapidly growing co. W/X· HANDY Int benefits Including MAINTENANCE MAN med/ct nut. All oonefila & usl lo manager. effective date of hir e. M~hanlcal & elc-C'Lric91 DISC ability Permanent po ~ aludents. s days. 7AM t.o 6PM, Thurs thru Tutt. 102 E. Baker Street Salnry. Jnhn Wnyne Ten- Cceta Mesa B71J S300 nl' Club. &11-6900 Don't fVe up lbe sbap l f>lual Oppoctu.nJly Em..i--ll/F Have something you want "List' It ln classiCied. .. ....,,_ 1 m ..U? Claulfied ad.a do Ship to shore ruullal ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ It well. &U-W/1. MZ-5178, -----11 .30-1 & aft ::.chool <1! IHVEHTORY mm per day. 2 30-3 IS COMTROL ~ton thru f'ri. Cont.1ct J>nrm~. "h1ppm.: & cec . Bob Noel. t>avis St·hool ..omc· 1~pm1:, many de· <.;.M S5f .. J.t30 __ tail!.. N fl area~5-7040. Need extra money? Early __________ , mornini;c 1leltvery L1\ T1mcs 2·6 AM approx Neerl economical car 546-4481 JR.CLERK Typing 40+. No exper. PLANT MANAGER Extraordinary oppor. for }O\Ulg, strong. personJ · blc. producl1\'C leader. Metro Car Wash Sys tems 2950 llurbor Bl. Costa Mc~a 5-16 8191 ~--~------Plastic Fabric:crtors 35 ltet:i ii SJ"''. 111 S.1 n t'lt•ml'nlr, appro\ 1 ~ hri- pcr wk lo -.t.11 t :\hl'l lw avail. blwn 101\:\l ,'(iil'\1, Mm wa~c + ho11u-. \1111 ly al Fotom.1l l'urr•. 49'1!·:1950 Cflll Bayside Plasllcs, 1---------• 645-6860 Kam .4: JOp m. req'd. Good oppar. Xlnt 1------------------RETAIL CLERKS benefit package. I 000/o APPLICANT FREE ltll~ "'''llf.:0\\ N1'0C!Alb NOW Rceruiling sharp, ambitious mnn to sell hardware, tools & shop equipment to l11dustrla l accounts. Avit $280 per wk. No exper. nc<' <.:all 751~1~. • PLASTICS Injection Mold UT OT EM Con•.nl~nce Maril.ts Poi.1t1on11 •)JX'n 1'11. 2nd & Jrd :-.h1fts 111 ~an Clemente & La.iuna Beach· Olhl•r an't1" hav<' S<>.1m~1 re·.,.,, tramce olo.. lo:-la Mc·~a <1 rl'a. ~Iii lrlJ7 ----·- Seeretariu & M1•tng Clks/llkkprs TOSl400MO. t,11. Hc1nd,•r'! A~t·ncy 1trl0 Btr<'h St. Stt• II~ N1•wpt)rt l\t•n1·h ll:IJ·8100 l 'all lnr Appl/Jo:slab '65 P.nonMI A9fttCY 3723 Birch St. N.B. 557-0045 Set-up/Leud. Knowled~e of matcnnls & exper'tl w/setup & operation of injectio n & t r a nsfor molding of s mall pre· ci111on parts. Day s hift, small shop. 1 openings <il~o No exµcr SECRETARY .. . LEGAL SECRETARY Fash.ion Island La w finn desires Legal secretary with Civil l.rtigallon exp. Call Janet 640-1560 bgal SKretcry Newport Beach Law Cirm. Varied practice. some exper. nee .. salary ne~ot1able. Contact. Mr. King (714 I W-9173. ----- rcq'd Apply ill unv (1f 1"or l)y,y H )o; off1Ct'. ourstorcs Mc-mory t y prwrltcr 1139 Bakrr, Coslo Mesa 2.5H1! Newport lllv1I C:nod skills es11ent1at URGENT NU RS BS STACOSWITCH JNC 549·3041 Costa Me~u 642·7702 833·2000 .Judy We have an urgent need Eq 1 n.. E 1 1----------1 ----for a Cull Ume RN on our ua v.,por mp oyer ----------Sccret:iry R 1-; Dcvelop- 11-7 shift. Full·limc post· ----------RN CHARGE mcnl farm mo' ing ln nC'W lions also immediately PRESSMAN Sm. shop, OHtcc at O C Airport. available for Lice~ A.B. dick. Exp'd. only. PM '1 & Nil(hts. Xlnt ~ood secretarial skill:< Personnel on 3-U & 11-7 644-8233 days, 831·2227 benefits. Bayview Conv. r cq'd. Salary com- s hifts. Excellent salary, eves Hospital , 2055 Tburin m ensurate w /ablllty. workln& conditions and . Ave.C.M.842-3505. (714)9S5-t~. fringe benems . ('nil Property & Casualty ms ------ Personnel: 714/837·8000. secty. ~tabllshed ag~n· RM s...,.,..,1sor IEVERL y MA.NOR ~~~al. Exper pre( d. 11 7. Mesa Verde Conv COHYALESCEHT ~~PM&~t~ Center St, HOSPITAL I' tr lor engmeennl? stu· LAOU ... ,. B"'/\CJI dent. f'icld inspectJ.onsm SAJL Sf:AMSTR I':~~. ''" 1 .. " "" So. Cahr. Will tram. Typ· per . hl'lpCul, I" /t1m1• Equul Opportunity LeRal Secretary : Xlnl Employer Ing req. Coll 842-9977 aft l r vi n c Indus tr 1 a I typing !!kills required. 6pm Complex. 557 407:1 for SECRETARIES TYPISTS CLERKS KEYPUNCH OPRS Ullg11Uon Clrm Newport , Public RelotiOftl appt. ' Center. 759-0431 MURSES AIDES Person wanted for Inter. Sail loat aales, Li In be tit IN rt & Otdttlics. Duy shiCt.s. Dcsi$tn Center . 534-2202 New and used, top pro· o:i roo~~ ~th.: of :~~~ ~~· He>11p.. duce r, u pa b I e n f one Infant. Sponlsh 1 · P.Up&DeHnry management.6462193 t1poafch)ll OK. Salary NURSES 1.25 R()(hest.ar.C.M. 1 lcalth & Dental lnsur HO FEES TOPPAV!!!11111l HELPMATES 835.-8876 open.644-8395 RM1S & LVH'S fhdTN·h CertirtC'd LVH 11-7 F'1t1mr&P time ttiidlolo1tY otrlce. full SAI.F.S-F.xpcr'l.I, mature. 1505 Jo: 1711\Stn.'i!t 7~,.:l ll time. M1<1111o n Viejo. Cba.rp Nurse. Good HI Udo Convalescent Ctr «> 4700 & 113t.o740 • frintt beoerd.a. 80 Bed 1555 Suporlor Ave --S.N.F. Mesa Verde Coav. Newport Beub MG-7184 Real F~tate L1censc"s Holp. &11 Cent.er St. C.M. wa.nt«t, full or part Ume ~5515. Chssilied Ads Ma-WT" 64.2~. . ,' .. -.... -.... - approx 30 h111 pc-r wk . 5'l Sut\~ 102. Sunta 1\nn Coast VllJa1tt! 1---------~7~ SALES p/timc, no exper nee. will train r, 9pm Moo-Fri. $3 + hr. M7 7208 . SICRfl'AltY Needed for N O. I.ow Firm Oood aklUs ttq'd. CalJ Kerr)', 64()..~ -- .. • • f •• -. < .._ ........ --Mlfp W..t.d 7100 Http W..t.d 7100 ~ IOOS Fwwltwe 8050 J.w.try I070 Mhc•lkllttcM IOIO Thul"lday, Ap!11 21 1977 DAILY PILOT Ct ..... •••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ut ... -el 1010 c-~ G--~ I ' --••oa Mllllcal ..,......... -094 SICln.A.RY S Rolltop Jl'i.k P111c. "'HIST Sl::LL' 8o()kcase WANTED GUITAR $2S, Sni:l bed ....................... lllstrwoRoiftta IOll ...................... . lntere lmJl ~Ilion for a T•phone S•s tK·uut rond 1200 wall unit ith•a w woo<l TOP CASH DOLi.AR $2~. 4 wrought iron ....................... Oivl.ns; tank & re1iul1tlor. well &room""1, pll'J:..int P~t 1:n>wrn1ot ro oet'ch b'1~32o7 t·urr tblii , l''\lt>n,1011 P .\I D FOR YOUtt b.m.tooli. $25. 1>45-3269. •MATTI.ESSES• Cann fth.nO·Mullc l'ltt Gootlcond.Call ~xper'd •t•1•rctJr} teluphon1.:!!ialespeoplcto ........ 11 1010 !(JllW thl. mukh'&: ~<w11l JEWURV WATCH.ES. &167ro8 ----SangleSets$3950 orsao. excellent cuntJ1 5&).0ll66, D l I d \!oorl.. Crum our In'"" ot .....,...OBC:•S rolf tbl!>, cU.0 cres KIO" Au·r OBJECTS GOI o Cl..ll.,·7 e ~· "" p ..... ------u IC'> In<' u c l)'J11ni: hl-e f-\Jll&p t1m<'~hlll" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.q~·n bdr,; :.ct.:1.m11l. " . • • Vwt's L11t1nlmpuru B&ru .... _...F .JU uon,$600.P 53212-tlO+ wpm. order tl•·bl. , T( 1 , S IL Vt! R ~ F. RV IC i-:. n.-•mn" Jround J\nr 11 J Moure>~ a l°'Y --, Rodlo, dut.Jes tor out lranch1st• t-:.im $150 lo $350 ~r ""k 10-;1' Kllit=HA HS tn':>..'>Cb SofJ & lo\1.>~cJt . 1-'I N 1': t-'U KN & AN l~do V1ttJ•·~ Mall. Nwul 838 Em1 '''St ':>.A YAMAHA Cl.irrn~t $.SO HiA, St....o 1091 opcrall<>rui lntli\ mu~t 'fop t·omm JMIU, ,..JJ,1r, "ASJIJo:IU> UR\ t-:H~ ri>clrncr lamJ.lb , d1nclle, TfQt;t::S lrl5 .!:.'OU " ,. ~7.5636 Olds Trumpet $'15. Ciolli •••••••••••••••••••••• bt-ai.elC :.tartt-rw .. tuh ""hilt· tr.irn1ng Phont• HeconJ1tion:o·Rep1ui. &. t·unoc.ibnt Xlnt cund AMW.A.YPRODUCTS 540-7180. lytob.andtc confu1'1ot1.il ~6091 1-'rgtDama.:e Guar Dt'I ~-t7W IN 0 I\ I 0 lJ Al. Call675-fl88.1 N~WPORTOCHTl-:NNIS COLORTY"S RCA-ZENITH· MAGNO I N I 29Yrs in Orange Co DIAMONDS 18 11t \'-.·ry CLUB. Lunued Mem-Offic.e fvntlture & mutter:.. App L o.1t1on.1 DUNLAP'S ORIG F\Jrn from Qul'cn rea:.onablt.> !1.17 11935. r.-.i-nt t08S Sy1;tcm11 C111 p . 4361 TEU.Ell :\l.rry Luxun I llll•r WOVEN WOODS bcr:oh.lps.~-0050 .....-r-'- Birch St. N B (Nr 0 l ' Immediate opening t<>r 1&15 Newport Rl C:\1 in 5586 all 3P~1 • 642~ & MIHI ILIHDS ---••••••••••••••••••••••• Airport> E.O ~ tellt.•r. t:xpc'nenred )Jrt' t CALLS.18 77~ 1 ' ... · G-ol_d_u~d-Siher Jewelry, Orta.-:on gume tuble. 3-M VQCI Cop1t•r :Xlnl. GoodSele<.'tlon Guur. Portables & Consoles SI 00 lo $2611. WRIGllTTV forred. f''ounlarn Vall .. y ,..RGT. DA!\1AGl::D 1t<rr se<.1wnul Sola & lovebeat rreat.e<t by Gr<:~ Ru:h Woodt•n 1>hutters & pull WrouKhl 1mn buse. wood cund. Cop1c1:1 lrom s• 1" lo •SECRET.A.RY/ Jo'ur :ippl Mr Arrhuleta. POINT Sall• :J30K W w,ffiJldung :solitJ i·offct.> Call between 5.8 pm. ~~~~d~ ~~ l~080~P~rrl.':~I top w 1 I wrought iron 14" length both :.1d1•, of 1143 A, W . 19th, CM. PRODUCTION A.SST. ~N.i.167l7 F.O t: Warner n r Harbor, Simla &end this. 002 8217 tiot2-9006 f.>.15.8951 busechN. $100. 979-3068 ~:~~&:800. 752 8294 E<luc11lioo ul uutJlo vis 1----------1 Ana 979·29'<!1 C1it•:it t'l'tl i:orncr i.:roup, UYe$tock 8075 Full ~cl ~olf dubi.: <'<•rt -25" RCA w lrcmolc, lop of ij4g.1786 uaJ C'o. Ed1torrat & pro h l • SUltERIUY!!! bau,!lirom .. ,4woods.$.'l0. Adjui;ti.ble ilr11ftin" t"" Jan·•. c"~t $1'"V\. nu d . L TELLER \'' h tl ,., " t.•rt·u ou tovcr!> ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' b •n: ... v.., ~""' 11 t l 1 o n Y ,. t• u m '•15 er,., r.> i·ri. "' l'Jn lowlk bed~.~ 8~17 lif maho~any pJ,111k11, 8 ,Jr &cl $15. Strok1:r II board/ta bh• w /rnstru Eslall' :.ule, only used :J Produl'l1ons. I 111· . I'll p A.RT-TIME l.•h? modl'ls l > r llUJr Reg. Morgan mare. hrok~· 10Jtl''-..11.lc, 110 2" 1h11·k b1J..~ $\IO. Call 008·6982 aft meol:I. Jt"mt• l'ond $175 wk&. s.ic. S'lllO. 768-1407 Box IOU!, LilJ.:Ulll.I llcul.'h, ~IUU fo'rl'i: Jcl l\l!.tr Lr.: l>u11rnn l'h~t.-lJblc lo ridt: & llrtH'. lilk !!Uc p1•r II 646·8080. 5 893-ti-160 ull 7pm or --- ' -Cil !12652 l!l-1 0717 l'n•' ious work ex ri,.r t'hri.: ti.:lti ~O ~1:111 H11unt1 !\I aho)lo.1l1) parade Morgan gelding, ~ 573.'.> --------wknd:. Muhoi;ilny console stereo. t•rt•f'd •1 8 Huur O:J)!I lo 1h•i.k S!:10 !\luch MIH £nr.:. \\ l':>tl·rn 17 l I I M 0 v ING R l' r r I~' w 'llW TV, very lovely. induct SJls !\1u!il i>l· Wtll bu> ~ome rdni:o;, 1;;:;.o:i:i:1 3381011 Onnkmr.: 111u11t.1111 t:ll·C wat1:rhl'd frnml.', t~n IPC COPU·:ll, t•ut~ to s:;o,ufr.IW6·1775 SECRETARY nutun· & wl'll grnonil'•I ·•i>PI ' ""Olk111r.: ur ""l. lrii: iollll·c l)pt:, $511, bell. blUdl.'nl de:.k, length. Sl50 67:1·1311 <.:onlacl liarb.tra . Jl:.011rraprpl'lal67!>~l:lli t.O\'ESE,\T dl•l'oralur Mi1e~J~ 8080 Bhitk&Deeli.cruirdll·~:. credcnla. hdbrd!>, misc. days,673·21~lc\c:. Kl.'nwood KRHOO, Car· ·ni I 5470339 1 ·111·1". IJIUl' ·' .... •1•·c, lllnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1A·•m."·'S-"""J -------rard Zero 100e, 6 81c ii. is an oppor '" \nu SECURITY S VIHGS WJ•l1~r ilr•··r t11111h y • "'""" WANTED ht-d.:t'r trrmmc" t.i K" "" ..... ""' P-L-8087 I ... ~ • J' J I ..,~,'"II I r···· d --------~ L'ormu.la 6 spkrs, s.150 tu eap1ta 1.i;e u11 >11u1 "" ."'Int "unJ 1711 -.. .. ..., 1·un .~•JU .. 1 .. .., Petrrl o !>Ur uuar S2S r hbt th k I I SAt-ITAAHA ·' • • TOP t:AS H DOLLAR IA:l<N';:I G ·K rt •••••••••••••••••••••••worth of xtro:; $1050 .i 1 y to in "" 111 llJmlJt>hlrl., l'M ;.111 71!18 F111 S.rll' Like nu. dmtng 0 0 PA R R 0 T D b I \11 d f 962 """" 1:i.n11l' "l.'11 & \\orl.. " •' ~:qua! Opµor f:mplo~ u P ,\I U I-'() H Y 0 l' R 642 1520 o u e ·~ tra ,. or cur . ...,.,, team & thl.' puhlll' "'"1----------•f°'l.'ar·., C111rl,11111 2 tlr rm ~d " lhmo.1 du:.l•l. Jfo.:WEl.RY. WATCHES. h6 f'\ bar '41lh 26 .io.11 $25 __ _ ___ )ello~he;id. Tumc, talk .;ah & M • '4ant an 1mJ1v -.. tlw d1• White B11lt11111 fr7r lru!>l µlu:. :! oH·r~tutrctJ chri. &. AR r OBJECTS. GOLU. :.how t • .mk bit in. ltncd 3 sets box l>pnng:. & mat· In R ~-l 00 P' l Pl~ ann• c1ri· lo ""l 111\oh"d lrt'<' *l"c·''"'> LUI'' l'lldthh C.ill!lb2!>41UJl1 SIL\'rfl SEK\'I CF ""lur.Sl50 5Mi8i51 Q ti I 171419963929 Equipmettt .,, "' ' TELLER .. "" ""' " lpm tres:.el> n :;L '\\I l ra1 ::.. __ __ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• v. our sen ice or)l.11111.1 "" 1-. l .. l. H :\ 6. ,\ :-. !\I 0 , 1 n i: mu i:.t ~ t· 11 dul & l'\\lnS :! pr child's \'nunl( Cockat rcl "ith loots. Maintenance/ lion. l-1c\lbl~· Jk r~u11 • .J1 Cada Mrsa 1"'01111~~~~ '"'~~·1·r !)l:!5 It.ii l'ho.1rr' 1; 11\·;iutirull~ TIQL ES trl5 2200 d\ 11 prt ". 111 · g Id, !J • :-k1 bools, :.£ 11 & 12 l cage. sso Set-vie~ 41020 ty.hco.1'> µhont'' 1'11111.: 11ur C \I h1.1mh h,... .111 ... u.t11.i'or~•·• li:i4 lulkd 11Jug 111111.-.t.· ... t.11 bl'l~l.'.fl\'lJsn lthb, \JOI Mono :.huck bo)" I.Ilk~ 96242\JJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• !Wn.w .,, hu1m•r ~ )!\Oll•t 1Jlll1Wtl "1~'111 111: '"' .111 1i.1wtllkl' """) s 1;,u t·a LUGGAGE T .A.GS l) ~ 3 d\\ r ... Wq!hl irun Good bu):.. 6+1·4f.96 judi.:enwnt 1mpurt.111I t·\ptr cl l1•ll1·t l'h " \\J,,hl'I tll}ll lomli111a rll''-'• l\S"l::\G ~j;, l'J lrt111l\OUrhu::.1ne":.l':l.rd rcrn ::.lnd, .! \\ICklr Piort0$&0rij0n• 8090 ll~llclcu.111ng, lns~ction. CJll for apµl. 11ll'"''' Ill' I'"" 11111,l '" .1 lilt· lo t 11111 !\lu\ Ill•'. mu::.1 "1.'11 1'<1•11 l.1hh' lit!hl i 11,111111 ~ml ·um• t•ard for l'at'h "r". ll• blk rt"'ln " t•hr, Juke Box .\Vurlttier w 11io ••••••••••• •• •• •• •••• • • Slt~ve Jo idrl7, Gen I Div- ltll~ ~ w u ' • " rccurcb !\lul>t :.ell. Call tn" !°>'U 59!1 anytime -..ur~ '' li.1nl.. .11.,.11u111m..: S'Tl i.7!>6!>02 lt·adl•d 1-:l.1i." ~~I""" l3J.: plus nn1· i.µan• t· tlillarnp:,.7'11r.t1ilcdrui:. %2365G Hammond, Lowt•ry ,. II. .dill' Lu ,.,..i1 li11111h. ,\.'ih~l5U l'hl~ltl·.t\1111 return pl'rma1H·n1l::r 1, .. ,nb'I :u1 Ud :\lar, GulurJnl>t:n Organ-; &. Boats Morine 11 J\\ lt·r" cht·1·~:-. '"'"'' , Auction 8015 wult'<I allral'ln c tJ g &. c.:i.t 6I:! l'.!i..? y 965 li. E. rcfng 111 cu It. Ka\\ ai rw.nos For Your ~pment 90 30 '\.Y-.,lf'l 1\1 \''( l1 I \11 11rd1•ri. ,..., •tt·h11·1 ,••••••••••••••••••••••• IJ' '"'· 11111rm.1.im ... trap. meeting a1rl1nl.' $lllO . .:u cond, uc·tagon Pn1·1·l·all!Hl!l200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 lw11., 'lu:-l 111· ,11JI<' 111 •PUBLIC• rm Xlnl 1•11ntf 1711 '''" I u rl.'lfWrcmc111:. 1'rl' 1750 :.q rt gold shug formill drnrng rm ::.ct. Personnel ACJenC: y :r7:!:J 1!1nhSt. :".:II 557-0045 """k \\ 111111111111•1 1 ,. ll.1mp,hlfl'. l';\I !>Ill 1 1~11 \Cllt los.:. & 1twt1 '. For a t.1rpctrnl! Gd ,·on1l $:.! !'.36 ~!J. 1•11 l' n11 ... ,, an \Int 0)1 * FURMITURE• :\I u .. I ',. I I ' E J r I \ 11tc·r-.tmJl11cJ tag 1.'11l'lll:O.(' j>l.'r ~d £'1 l ply f).l.1 .. J7i!J 1••r lo~rn\\ & 11 .. ,,.1.,,. 111 •AUCTIOM• .,._ · wall~:.iper, l.1hri1• or Had1al arm sa"'. Nl'w 10 Antq. piano. l:>t:aut l'abnt Com PI e t<' <.:h r Y:. I er & tone. S-19.J l!:lti 112'J~. 70'J m:.1 ni folds for 318 <'. u. VII S.M.iin,SA lnl'ludc:. manifold:., 100'' 1';111pl11~ll llC'la1nt·d I t \.. II t t\m1:n1-.in rurn. ;,<1fa bl·<I. ·u,,, (',111" 11.·1111•r •. W" ""r •1.1111 ' ~" u ''' up :! :.w1,,.1 rdwr::.. :i i•111I "' "' • ~.darn ' & «• 111'1"'1 '1" •Dealers Welcome• 1hb 11.1ui: 11·1 hntnl.! 1·hr. will b.il·k & ln ru your fll'lng. liollom ll'<'l'tt•r, 1) 1 SJ75. l!f' Colur TV. SI 10. inch, l'r.ilt::.man. c Ul\C s a(' r i r I(' l' I\ 0 h I\' I , ba:.l'. ~552 0:!69 '"•mpb .. 11 Sp1n"l. vlnt r 11<.·rs. 1•lbows, end µla11• t'\'l•rylhJnJt for •~111 eng1ni::. with 430 hours $:!25 total cost. l'1111tJ1 l l'h.-r~ I. 1 /I I• lag ... Or try t...,11 1·Jrtl:. 1!:1!>0151 Stc>ral)eLOts :! lamp:. :S:i75.h~l lllr hal'ktoliacli. St1•n'O unit ;:i:l.'.i . l\1ng :-1 -..u ~ '" A --------,--mt Mrnoril) ,\ppll1·anb Con$iqnments llllll'tlt' '<'1 N15 !lfi:l liitl~. l'HICES l~f & beddmg Sl3.'1 , 1133:1 Thomas l.'lel'l organ. L1kt· l'Ond. SW5. 54!J.12SI Secretarl.eS t-:nrnur.1g1'd t11 ,\1>JJI) •Friday 7:30PM .1116968·1111:1 ~1·a1•r:i :s5 ~.qual Oppor Empl11) l.'f ChJir' 12 > 1 ,.:old, 1 n•tl .i 5 LJr.:~ ::.I b(l 1"1 $$$SAVE$$$ ~751•u !':ot~orn 1; 9ta~"~l SlhJ Clerks 'VOLT TC~AAV M AVIC•li 3848 Campus Drive 546-474 I < \lTO'~ From t lrangl' Co 1\11 port I EquJI Oppor Err111l11\ 1 1 SEC'Y TO S650 ·1 \. fHOl~. l'fU\\ IUl' .... rnl firm 77'1 •1,.A1 S1·1\111' :.1.11 1n11 \11.11 tt.1111 "'"",. d 11.1 \ ,\ J-:,,., F1sll ,, I' 111111 \p "". ~"' II "I.II II Ill I ol h ,'(. ln1111· '11 ~· \ 111' ~l.1 .\I li'11il.111t l.'\J>o·r ii 1·1111 11r µ tirrn· .\pph \1111 .... l.1ll•lll lith ~ ln1111 1 \I •· 'h 1·157 lllor mun· ~I to l',1 TITLE SE •RC HERS \\" h111111r U11t \. \1 J~ll'r ...... "' l' h ,1 r I.! 1. l' \ s 11 & Sales Ta:i. lnl'ludcd """1111111 .. Jrl' n""" op1 n <.\~II I 1-: It ·s l'll 1-:CI\ s ..., o I 1 d :\I ,, I' I •· '\'O C.\lll> • 1111 1''1111 d !'W.11'< h<'r' 111 t. II '\II I' I: It!:->()' \ J. honk<'l.JM• htlhrd l\\ In f>ra~ \llUr U\\rl or 'l'Od '"'\\Ill 11,1111 1h1 n1;h11 1 llr.t h'· l'l.l:\.'>E Food h1c·1b l'ompleh'. 11mlc1 1Mrnt· ·Jddri:!>.:., phon" & '" 1 1111 :-0.>m• I 1111 1 .. 11 I. I J, ,11, il•li· 1111 l hi• pi l :iot ;., !\IJJ1l1• d1nl'llc S,ll ",. II ma kt• on .. t Jrd p1 r 1,1111111.i \ •. 'I hdptu •. \11 misc' ll<.'m:-'Uhjel1 to 9 lpm n1.1.? JurtJJn. I U. t.1..: ,\dd ~ 1.'Jlh n"·" 11111111 ,\ 1111 du .ti pn•:-.ih II" llll' St:ml lhi:cli. or ml1nl') or h .. nt'fll """'I'·" ·'"''' '' MASTERS AUCTIOH 11 ~ufJ t.r,•1•11 gold .t dep1 1 1LOT PRINTING m11' t.t11.11 .1ppl\ < .. m 20751 .... t81 CM u h1on ..c•5 ,. 11 1111111\\1• 111 h I .111 I I 111, z .... wp • ' " "' ..... J I' 0 RI>'< 1560 l'11. 1"'11' l1111,1tl\\,t\ Cali17141833-9625 h75~1>llon·.>prn ('o,ta !\le:-..1 Ct ~l~li:!t, :-0.1111.1 \11.1 H:l.111:111 l'11ll or (7141646-8686 t.wl 1-:1111· Ur alt 1ni: t;1h1 .. ,., 1·\n . dl•ski.. wootl & ml'l a I. Sll•rhni.: r'.1r II:\\ JIJ.in• a11 · \lnl rond, <'Ill,., .,11 1111111• ~\ .::''.r:t 111c·le,.,, i.t \'l1•:.. 1111:.t 1;;H :!!'170 Ill I hl'JP h:ll ,1;1611 Bicycl~s 8020 Tow Truck Operator ••••••••••••••••••••••• F,pr'd m,•1·h dhdtt) t :d flt•)·., 'IX ~l) ll' B1k1• drn 1111: 1 H 'd :-. .. ! +•urn $40. 642-1520 1.;Jt :!iii Pt1tt1•1 s \\ hel'I Hohcrl Ill' l11•111 f1I' f11•1)1t)l).-llllj.! 1;· 1l1tlt•Jh1•d \ l' \ul1111111ll\1' S11 \1•'1'. DOCJS 8040 Sl :.!.1 :-.1•\\ I\ 1o\•r1•d 1;11.1 ~ 1 .. 1 < .111111111 ltt-.il •••••••••••••••••• ••••• 1 l11r.1l 1111111 "" "1111 ,. S.111 I Ii oll•'lll" Wl1111 ,1dt•r.1ht. 1~1od1t·... \\ 1 l h I ·'I' I h I II II, ... '"' l,r.,(' 11•111.111· 1 \l.11tl1111.: 1h.111 """ TYPIST , ,,-.,...lX-..,l ·1,t • ."•·:..1 ·""'' '"' 1·•11111.111.11.11 •IX t.x4~1 .\1111 t ...... " li.1111o.u.,: : 1"111 I G olden Retrievers S\'1'!.." 111111\ tu \\111k 111 \t\I ti.I', lolll~il' lt.111 "11.1 ,h.J11d hln tf1w11m1 11l 11111t111l d1 pl 1•1 .,, l 1~·11 111.1h11); d111 :'o.ll 11""' '''1"'1 11''1 •I 111 I " I .th 1'111•Pl1 ... I 1111 1111 \\ thl "'"" 111h h11lm11ll\lk'lll\\pm.~, ,.1,11 ,1 \ht', ""'I .. ,,., \111 ).:ldlt11Jlh-1·ll1I nllJl•·h ''""""rt I 'I old I .oll Jltl.'r '·Piil I 1: .. 1 •• 1~ Ip'""" lhl I 11 I ·'I I" II I. 1111 ti ... 11.1\ :r.•1>1 I :-i:!••• \111 i:ld c I\ ti II '" li.•rwlll I II I· I .111 \11 11111· 'ilkl I II 11111 :-.11 '" 1111 ,1 p1 I 1.1 t .,-<1 \\ ·1111.1r ""'r' pun hrnl '' 1111111. ktd< '4ht•1•I l.11..1: 11"\\ Sl:.!5 ll!lt•r 5"1~ 0:1-111 l\1w• "" 111.11', I'"!-,\ 'finni:·· ;o..\H ti";,~, I l.,f) I I .r:-l'o ll'll·~t·o1w fll l'<hll :! I Ill ~II ;._It; !!!Ii~ .111 t'I n1HJO' ~nrn· ...,1,, ll1lp 11111 •II[ __________ _ \\I. 1••11'1" _,' h I )l tt t Garoc_fe Sate 8055 ! ...................... . \ p trnw \ppl' •1•111 I. I \1.1..,t I h\ ' II Sewinq Mach Oprs '-1':1r111· \rri••" 1>,1,;.. I·:, .. ,i..11 1111 ~->-I I 01• ,.,,,, . ,\ ~.t•\\ P•" I I ' I '' l' JI • t 11111t11 11 '-"'"' •. • .. :1111 I-II I '1•\\ llt • 1·q111f •• , I • 111' l si .. , I.. I• I' I' \111,1 I .. • T.YPISTS / SECRET ARIES '•·111111 11 .1m1h • 1111 ~ "1•1•11 t11t111" 11. \ hr ~•"•I p. I\ I \ 1 ). I I I I 1 \ 't ~ ~· 11 t i 1•111•11 I' \\ ~o~ of flee . ' 0 ove rload 1~ I .1i.:1111.1 llt h 11'1• .1111111 557-0061 i\.l>l 11!:1:1111 I'll 11J1,'; r, I Bir• lo..,, ·, • ~ \\' 1 I I II I I I) \ IC 111 HH 'l I'! I\ l'l"I l''I I \1111111 \ l'l11h \111-.1 '" 111•11pl1· 111·1 ·-•·11 1 ',JI I t>I I •IHI I t•.14. h1 I ,~,I ~I h1Hd \\'111111.d•• 1tl t 'lpt I '•.lr11 11 tu,1rn " 111 /11 l#1U X"\ I I l•·· )11111 I.Ill DIGITAL TECHNICIANS TYPIST '.,,itf,•d I I I t 1 , .. •' l Jl 1lt \.\ f11tfll I I .... 1.!, Ii; I I \ 11 I I • I I '11 11 \ I 1 Ill ' I I f I I ., ' , i r ' It I l''I WAITRESS I ' I I • \\ I J \I \ •. 1111 II I '1 \~ ·' t '•' l '"11 i ( t I I I \\I \t\f1l.H1 \ 1UI• d t •t llttlt' p1 '1ltnu t \..,.U • 'd1•U 1tf 11 t11 d 1 •t I '1111\ I l,1111 I ill I ,\ ) j I , 111.1.1 L I' I I'' ft.• t 11 "' • l • '"' ... ,, 1 I "' ( \I\ I 1• rn h111.11 -.up. r \ Jrcl l\,1k1· "'"'"' ,_,' '1"111 ~ll <'l'l II II \I' I I I I ril A "11 h IU.1111 lpm (~JI .1 ....... 111 S;rl Sun Ill I , 'II \ 11 ln!l.i #I\ l \I ''""' 111 ,,,, Gordon Setter Pvps \111\1111.: • '"'"l :-1 II S.11t \"I 1 It-I pl'I I kit ,),olt• ~ 11Iii1'\l'r~thtnl!' I "' 1 uul IJ111!111" lltlt 1 I i~~;-~1;1 I II•:~ \\ 1 , 1' l'. IO,\ 1•11 l llLI I'\ I I 1 ,.. 11 I••ntl'1,.1 , '"1''11 "\ll~.'\J .'(.· !\.\~SI'.\' '" !'>•·•11•1 l•"l'I'", 1 F" 1 '·1 F '-.\ I. I'. 1,.1..,1,1, ,.11 .).i•I ,\I l '111·n1 .. h1111:-1111 l'' 1·r> •Il l·" "" l!n1·I ~ tol ll•\'lnr -. 111 m, I I ('h1111·:.l' & \l'\I l\<.')~l'l"llll l\J,. 1·tl ll•1t"I ..... ~ .. 11ld I I '>I• 11t,,1 t)f ll'\1 I IH'\ , .ut ",1•1ii· I ~tt to Y°" 8045 ,\ ,lJI "111 • ., I I ' .'(. I I 11"' I l I• 8050 I'{ I \\ 1111 \l I '" Y' 1\ II • ti f II ll I ppf " '\ • I If \\ \\ '"''" ti.JI '.1111 'f••r•""' -.1, .\ 1111 I \I hi' 'I Ill l1l'I' 1.111 I Ill'" Slt'rt'tl '"'llllP \1lll(f1J•' I 1111 .. 11•1 l•t•rl ,\ drt•,si•r M111 h nior1· 11 Cc•rrlln I 1' I ri !. S:d 111 \ :\t .II' \l \ttl\ 1,t, ~'I I l>trlllti! I hi f, t hi' "' hul ft•I ht·tl,, 1.n1·n... di...h1, 1111; .. l..111'11111 tl1m,.. 111111h tnl'I •,:11.\ I\ llU\ l'I I . \I Hl'\l\I \(,)' ..... '1.1 "·•I \pnl ":1 lo 111111 '-1 l11h11 t'h11r1 h 'l>l.1 I If .ttl):I'. ( ·., l.1 \It'• ,1 "'""' nu '!>!I!> HI'! \ ' ' Garhagt.> cli:.po:..d. orii.: new Magna\Oll A:\1 F!\I l'artn11 ::.:iu. llull~ wood Sll'rt'O t·11nsol1' l!:I" dr I.Jed !)JS, 1>.1111:.h lo\ CSl.'Jl 1\' l'ull t.i734t62 aft o NS. lt.1Ltan & ..:la!>.., l'Of 11.•f.'tbl ~. RJlt1rnl.1mp 5tl·lh C02 Cylinder lhl SIO. Compll'tl' Jaguar ~ rq.:ulator. idea I lor l0t1l ~1l S?S. l:lnlJh p11• .111~ type :.prJ) putnl1ng 1un•s. m1..,1· hOU!>l'hltl I l!.17 3MJ3 Jrtr' 1"" ~10 0162 Why Buy a Hew Set '! Hrun'" ll'k l'ool Tablt·.1 He~ulJllon "' · not ~lat~ I But JU~l J ' JI <.urall.' l.lk{' Ol'W Sl!>O 646 ;;,:17 Kini: !'>lie matln•s,. ho\ :.prrnl!" S50 )Jtnhall lllal'hLOl' SJi5 9611-8950 Double maltrl':. .. & box :.pnni:. good l'OnJ. $35 t.-1.2 -1~7 all 11t>M ·' B E (. 1·: L I•: C Wit E l':LC'llA lit. w bJl tl'n''" ,'(. 1·h.1ri.:l·r 1;-io i.:17:1. 1il'1 li(i(J:! ).. I 'I ; II 1 • \\ ,1 I I' I I 1 t' cl " h<lbrd. It JOlt: 61 hl«lll.'r ~1 511 r:l1·r q v Sli5. 11i.} 1!1o.; .ill-.> :Joi'!\! \ \ Let us 1"C•.-011rl1t1<1n ~our olJ :-l'I Gu:1rJ11tn·d u11· dt•r s:.•oo Wncht T\' 6 In lll<b bJ..1,\W191h~l. C~I !\lulon·\ l'l1• Lcalhl•rs :! P1,·l'c.' lair t·u11tl1t1on. sm.111 to mnl l>l.tc. b'75 ~5 Mi1eellaneou1 Wmtt.d 8081 ....................... SSS CASH FOR (~c)O(l uso.•d furn rd rig~ lrtr" & ... ,OH'' :-..10 t171iS WANT T U Uu\'-ll,.l.'cl Sabot, goo<l rond. around SHiil 751 ·80'.H I I I BABY ti ll.\NU rlA!"t> ~al11ut r1n1:.h, ~!100 9t.i2-8100 P IANO. xlnl cond1t1<1n, coru.oll·. Ebon\' 11111:.h SH 1!~35. 642 -18.tll HA~l!\IO~U Ori:cJn T5!15. Jutomat11· Rh> thm, re t-ordl.'r I'll dl'll\ er !>1400 >18 Ui26 Call Dall' al ,)96 1821 I' T1lll.'r I largl' sa1lboul ust•d , good tond1l1on L.1m1nat l.'d hardwootJ $45. or b~t ol r &l.2-2073 "·1~ <1k. 13'. hlue & wh1tl.' f1bl.'q:l,1:.!>, nu. Sl60 C.inoe, 16', blue lil>l·r1-:l:i ... :.. In: Id l'apac1 t y nu s:?l.O 1\73 !I 136 Baby Grand lllJlln gdlond -t'll" Sl,:."J5 tabll', 6 rhr' Old :lll If I' .luhnson clcrtrll' · 'IJrt<.•r l!l\~I. ~ood ::.hJPl'. Uin SIW1 t!ltVi5!!!! b7:J 77711 Boats, Power 904 0 llammond Ur)lan. mdud ••• •• ••. •• •• •• • ••• ••• •• mg Ll.'!ihe Spkr. hkc.> new Classic• 't.1 l'hrrs Craft .2_!>00660altbl'M _ Suµrr S11ort 1K', V·8 Sewinq Mac:hinu 809 l ~ IO'J hr~ Umlol cond ••••••••••••••••••••••• llluC'hook S3UOO·ofr. l\nl1qui• Sin..:i·r St'\\lllg 67:1:IOKOllllll --- marhrnl.':. s.'i<l l'a CJll s I· ya r 11 t 111• 1 n ~ rt• Tim,~:! l4!lll furh1i.h ... 1. .1 I m11 .. t new l'lu,.. ... 111<·tl ,111' ,1•11 hit.: l\\111 tl1l'~l'I !\1.iny xlrus lll'llls. ,..mall lfl•nrs vr 70' • Complctt:i.1 SJS.OIHI, Jn) "''m Ju..,l 1.'all W1ll rompl1•lcCor $45,00\J 642 Sliil! 768 5:!.11! Jfl 7pm. ---- Day Shift E'<p.111il111 g 1 1••1 1 r11111• ll\.tlltlf.11 l111tn r.: • "' 1•11.1 lhlO h.1~ 11111111•1lt.1t1 "'"", tnl(ll lor 1111•11.il ,.,, hn1 \\11 twt\ \ 1Pt•"ll I" ,\nf ~ 111 .1,, o l t •• , 1( ,, , •I, \"n huu-..t·t h~ "' .. '' u 1 .... l.td ,• •I 111 II I 1111 *•I BUY** lln•, 1·1' Siii <I. '\.! • I .ri.; nff 1bk '4 .1l11ul ~I .I.tr' U11th1•, m1~t ti;)I 1:1111 I FREE GROCERIES -9 WINNERS -ACT NOW! I l 11111 Ir I f., • ,; ... I (.'IUll~ Ill 0111 F11·)1f Mef'\:handl$~ :-.O·n 11 l' d1•pot •••••.•................ Eic1·1>lt1·nt 11pp11rt1111o1, Antique' 8005 for r("(·.-nt l•·•·hrHl ,ti ••••••••••••••••••••••• i<dwol gr,11111.11" 111 "' <Jl,hlu:il "1lh mil11.11 \ 11• lalrtl 1'\IWI It'll< 1• 1 .. xc·1·ll1·11t ""nrk mg , '•11th lion' unrl t•111p 111,1•1 h1•nr111 pro11r.1 rn MSI DATA CORPORA TIOM 340Ffsct.r.A.Ye CostoM•so 17141549·6I27 Wonderland Of Antiques! II I' I; E w ;1 r 1' h nu 'I 1 11,1111mrd ~ 11 h '" .. r ~K m11 .. 11· 111•\\''· 1111 kl'IH tf1'i111 p1.1n11, • 11.-11-. ,,, 1: .1 "" "" J 11 r 1411 ~" i.;1 an1Huther l'1111 i.., l.1<1r11mt1n~ anltf)lll'' Uver $1 000.000 Worlh i\mt>nrnn lnlernat1on:1l t;alll.'n<'s, 11102 T Keller 1niz St , Intnc'. T el 754 li77 Of>l.'n Wl'<l thr u S.1t !I AM to 4 r~t \'1!>1t 1 1,101 ''"cl l·111n1tur1• .'I. \ppti,1n"• •>It I will , 11 nr ..,Fl.I. rll1 \nu MASTERS AUCTIOM 646-8686 & 833-9625 1'111n1tur1· Str1pp1•cl .\ lt1•f1ru~lwd ll\ E~p.·rh ~~~ ;11l!)'l11.--.. li75 :.~l!H t'V SA VE MORE HERE COMPARE OUR Price & quality MEW FURNITURE F« htty Room ManufadURr's Su'l>fus USED FURNITURE ManufoctUttr'I Equal Opportunity l':mployl'r :\i /F Surplus FROM ESTATES. lW'fKRLIPTCIES. REPOSSESSIONS Jonathan's :-;of;1 & lo\ esc.>al Sl49 C'i\N~HlV\llLLAGF. .. or.i. lmes eJl. 3 tahlell, 2 Cara,.:1• SJlr. 100 l11m1l11·• clonJtc•rl S.1turd.1v Sun rln) 91i:J:l Shamrnd. F v 1 Bushard , Eel !\10\.'l:'ll(; Si\LF.·1-'ri & Sat. Sof.t tbl, un1111ue l1h r ary thl. rl ~h,, 1'1nth1ni.:. 1nfttnl tn ('hi'\ y ;1rlll, l'l•tt•r:.on ,af1·ly ~h1•ll. 2 slccl 12 "nm~. 16 5'<9 75 !\1u1·h morl' XS91 & 8571 L1ukpnrt Ur . II R l\lo' rni: Pntto Sal<• 2107 Welh1<:e Costa Mesa Giant movlnit garage sale! Furn .• toys. misc. 22822 Belquest, El Toro Sat Sun. Sal /Sunday. Lols of toys & baby furn . mi .. c household 1t em11 & clothes. 2216 Me} er Pl. CM.~·39811 2!iShop:o. lo SN\ I' You IJmps S2~9. K1nj!i;111• I 122 31st St. Nwpt Hi·h bed mom set. romp It 5th Annual Gara1w Sale T•i.ph Sol citon ~ boxspnngs & mat ~at 9-5. Or&nJ{l' Coai;t We n~d 101tirls lo set up i\ NT I 0 V 1-: M i-: i\ T tres:.es SU9. I>RESSERS Un1t11rian Church. 1259 dinner re11cr\'ol1nn, 1n DISPLAY CASES 12) from $49, $79, DINETTE V1ctom~Sl. C.M_. __ the eve. Hrly wa1te + WOOU p, l Pty 7!'>1·4760 SJ-;TS from $49. $69. $9'J. LOTS OF ANTIQUES bonus. No 14ellinA 111' Antique Inhcritlmre sn; lamps$S,OESKSS29 Sun only. 2 18 29th St. ::.~ Call aft 3pm, Lot.sofoak.S&l/Sunonly S~t:~;:~~~~ Miac houst'hold, pots, · 10.? Un Magnolia. C.l\1 . Cuborl-'lnan« beds, refrlg, furn.etc. Ta.EPH SURVEY ~·642"1969 REPOSSESSIOM Garal(e Sale . Schwinn P!Ume. FlclC hrs. Our 1924 RCA Victor WI:\$ re -cl!U9 blkoa, Go-Can. aholJ{uns CdM olc. 675-3380. ~~ mmn manual, re· ""1 (hunUn10. toy11. clothes T 1 b S I. It Mrd c1taJ011. Xlnl cond. 6 I 9 lost 4th St. SA & m uch, mueh more e ep one 0 ic or r lnyll p.-r r $350 . OP&N 9 e. SUN I I s Sat/Sun at 17702 Avilla. HtallhTest!n1tf"ro1trom. m•>00247llanspm. .!47S'12.1 llunt Oc h .S W of E.xpcr pref d not essen Goldenw~l & Slater tlal. Uoy or evenin1 9 P<' Ant1ql>e dinette aet, 2 l.ovr sc•ats. blue whl ----------~. Immediate open soltd wuod w /hand c•rv Ooral. SlSO f'll. Ebony Jewelry, clothl na. rum· 1og. S40-74'1 btwn 10 & ing {213) 86H312 eve cofree eod lbls 1125 ruture, Linens. 221 Coral, We want to hear your success story. How did you use a Dally Piiot classified ad to put profit In your pocket? Win a $50 or $25 gift certificate for groceries at a leading market. Write In 50 words or leas how you used • Dally Piiot classified ed to put profit In your pocket. If possible, enclose a cllpplng of your succeaaful ad, a reasonable facslmlle, or a summery of the words you used in your ad and mall to: CIHatfted Promotion Department Orenge CoHt Dally Piiot 330W.BarStreet P.O.Box1NO Coate M ... , CA m28 Entries must be postmartced no liter than May 6th to be ellglble. Prizes will be awarded during May. Decl•lon of the fudget 11 final. Employ••• of the Orange Coast Publishing Company ar• not eligible. If you wish. use the handy coupon below. Send it with a copy of your successful classified ad and complete the following sentence In 50 words or less. "l put profit In my pocket using a Dally Piiot want ad to .. Name .... ••••• .......................................... . a....-................................................ . City •.••••••.•••••••.••..•....••• Pftone .•.•.••••••••• Along the Orange Coaat, the beat place to buy or sell la In the 2PM 63Mt46 days. ~2lS9 Bl. Sal/Sun t.s -===~-===-===::i..;;::::::.::::::~;;;_;;=-L.....:...::.:.:=--===-::;--::.::..-L.:.::=:==:=:::::====.1.J!:::;:=:==:=============~~===z:============;l!:=::::::::==========:::i========-~ ., , • . '• (. ~ .. . . . .. .... . ........ •f"""'--...... I ··~..-. .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . ... • ... ,,...,, ,• ........ ....,, ~ ....... ,.. .... ' . (lt DAILY PILOT Thursd!Y.Apn1 21.1977 Mol'Sc""o!C'' AliiloSenJu,Par+. loah. Power lo4lh. SUpe/ Cu+s s. U. .................. !~.5.~ •• !!~~~~~ .. !~~~ .. •••••••••••••••••••• Dodu 9070 R-.. 9120 '73 lOOCC Yamaha E n· llA1TARAS, '53 ~9fl1 Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• d ur o .. •73 1 75CC U~DE_NRGi~&LT C.M 8VTl'S. '73. Like SLIP WANTED 9' Ope n Ro a d CI 0 Kawu alu Abo lrlr all De B n u L oaded. Owner for35'Sport/15her camper. J acks. boot, or 1 be.l ofr 49J.1982 an r ugeyShop530-6S40 2l3 476S268 Call 171416735252 Lies. 6pm 4 AP Wire mags 7xl5 +I CLA SS I C y AC 11 ""-~_.....,._good •llp/sid• Sl.250 897-4536 G60 Good>e<ir t 1 res AN EJO ....,.,.,.. •~ ~ ' '75 HONDA ~. 4 C) I, Almo:.t nu $220. Call 33' w /frei.h lie New 50' Cutler . $250 Moforil9dlll&n 9140 c u al. h1 b a ck :.eat . before6PM 771 CM58 5 11ter t.'OOled i:as e ng finder's fee. Newport to ••••••••••••••••••••••• loyback handleb11rs. mar tly decorat e d in Oxna rd O K . (213 ) Ju:.t 1n Ume for i.pnnR Complete mechan11:al bn stol cond w/full rov ~4129 Jawa Moped. good oond. GeUmg Pthrr1ed 1 Wife work f' o r e 1 g n & eal. She Is io cxcellen $200 best offer ...... cataUois or <lay "rw•er. loat., s~ & Must st.II SS2 8034 ca1tayi.11 •~.~88c. car. $1250. Oom~tu.-. Call m) hom1· • .. .--....., .. , for info a~ 6 pm Chc.ip Rt>ady for t he i.cui.on Sid 9080 ~J:':'f <l98-M82 Steve $10.000. P h 673 0149 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9150 T.O P. 75 llond u MT 250 ------.,~. l>'GLASS l'llH IS MUSTSELL FAST ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!:lsmore.Low mihis.Ciill 1968FordTorino,forpart· ",.RA".,....,,,.., VS r' f· ~ 17' Stevens flatbotlom , '74Kawa .KZ400 l3Kml. beforc6PM.77l·0458. i.ni.t out. fl igh t d r " r • ,,.., • or asl V·dri vc wood d eck ' ' ---wretked. 714 675-6595 i>lo. lg t·ot·kp1t makes for cw.tom p11inl & interior: orig o wnr, ~d cond ., '75 Yamaha. Xlnt t•ond, great bay crubing. A Va ore trlr. w /m ags. ~~~trulj. $600. Art 4 only 5,900 mi. !J mos old, Autos for Sal~ t' I ea n :. how p 1 l' r c Sllcriflre $2.000. Aft 6. · call 11rt 6, 968 6613 ..•..•..•....•.......•• ~:~::e:. xtrus 1>42 3336 846-80 __ 1_6. _______ 1 '76 Ya~aha XT Jo:nduro '70 HONDA 750 l'tebwll. 500 $1200 or best ofrer. Excelhml cond $9!10 ~Cl ./ 9520 loah, Soil 9060 ..•...................• SEA S P llAY CATAM ARAN World's faste:.t 15' product1M :..i1lbuat 175 lbl. n.1:.1:ed Color:. )(Jlorc' i.tti95 w lrlr SJ\ e 20 ' CJll IJc>01! 830 ~ '73 COLUMBIA 34 U1e:.el, PP. t).15·7554 $Kl BOAT 18'. unhm1ted mar ine prop dash. Blue pnnted 4.54, V-dnvc, ca~ale 12", over m & out. llOM P H, 2 axle lrlr • full gauges. br111dcd ~lamless line. ..tdJui.tablc ca\'1l at1on plate overnde pedal. 1m mJL 96:!·7449 PM only 557·84 64 or 640·71!13 S46-6565 &l-&-9IJO ••••••••••••••••••••••• before5pm. • PIHSTRIPIHG • FM F ,. -p k-, ·75 ~ SUZUK1. Sllccl. Fr h d 1 Ovc c 11 c ·~fl' hkc nt•w S50 & takt• O\'cr ~~ S2S up 548 738_! Raccr for sale Call p)-ml:. 962 0736 19'l5 MODEL T FORD Grc1:g for mlorm..1t11>n -- -SPEEU::,l'ER 963-1934 Motor Homes. ----Sale/Reftt 9160 A great fun c..r' See 1l at Yamah.is '75 .iuo l::n<luro ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1606 Babcocl. St 1!\ocar 562.S, '73 250 7\1 X $.'>~ or MOTOR llOM &. 16th & Placentia. C .\I I will lradt' either for 4 FOil It ENT 9· 11 JO am & I 5 30pm °"'Cl strokC' ~trect bike or ap •REWARD'' prOll.\Jlue ss7 92?l t'rom$L50 ~k 4954923 196l Bentle\ S.ind & Sa Nct.'<145'to5(fboatsbpm ble. ll.lnt t·ond. ~Jcr1f CAT \MA It AN. \\oOOd, Nwpl. Balboa area. 75 H~qu,ama250CR '66 Cortez, low mi · 1 own Sl0.500 Owner 552 l:lllO :ffi'6" net•tb work Bci.l Hc~ard i.ubi.lantial if Exclt cond ~rf mt-t·h cond. 10 15 m1 offer C,111 ln 't'l' 673 tl70!I i.hp desir able Conlacl Call 548 4402 11ul. on rel! ~al>. i>l'll Recreational Ptul lia conl . i.lpc. 4. loll> or ex Vehicles 9530 ~ F\1.uny l'al' Ruclt Choy . rrell. 714 522·6t44 '70 YAMAHA 250 Ct' Gd lrJS A.\l r.:-.1. beaut ml ••••••••••••••••••••••• d~1i.:n It.in· ur cnm.e 4 Transportation con<t. Lk'i.l olfcr An 6 S8.500 firm 91>8 7:!111 ~a1Js. n1•w t•r\J,!. mun) ••••••••••••••••••••••• call 498·3639 xtr.i::. ~'.100 ofrnrlradl' Air-craft 9110 -Corlet 't.9 i.lp:-. n. ·IOI)(. (;ordon. f).IB 7!lflli ••••••••••••••••••••••• 76 CB 750 F llond;i J.liOO Watt l!t'n. ~ roof a11 DL'NE lllJGGY Dirt or Sand ", ral·e duel port VW. on ChcnoNh framt' C:.tm Fcalurl'!> + h') dt) c.:stm trailer L'M•d 4 l1014:'S S:!:Wo Bsl Ofr 7fil:l-l66r ~i'·w 11. ,. r · ro 1 rru. 6.000 m1 w;i rr:inty M .. kt-ofr 551 :!titi IO ~uns:11l, Fulh ni.:J.:ed • • • ani:u s r ~c S1700. 49-t.:n69cvc:. 1-11 atlt•r T .. ak 1 r1 m Coron.1 Airµort Spec i'ww l'Und :>1~. 111 llc"I ful'I ~r1<·e whc~~ .n1.mµlt•l· 11ll1:rB-15··tl!jli t'<I. Call 7lHiJJ·ti8l? or 751/2 Maico 440-AW $41 3197' 640-0700 HI Sol Cal Xlnl nind1tu1n C •-Sal / - SJ7ll5 55755UVt•H:., c;::n· e 9120 tl75 5190d.J)O, ..........•...........• S t' 2:1. 1mmat•ulJlt•. -.ct• :'tll!~vr SELL'!' 197<1 ~·ord lo J1JPrt'l'l,1tt', 'Ip:. 5 Trul·k w1lh I l fool heJd, i:.dln \lrJ,, t·am1H·r LIKE NEW' r .. u· au1,,t• ( i,,. m•r Jnx ;\IJny e-ctrJ~' 7\1 usl :.ee 11111, 4!..l:!Ttllt·\1·:. lo appr ctl all' c.111 Whcclsm1lh up pipl'. pegs & cut p1::.ton l-'o\ ::.hod<!>. w al'l'umulJlor' ~any \lrJ-. Xlnl l·vnd :St:.'O() 536· li5H ·73 UondJ XR 75 22mm l·arb. t·am & p111t• L'll•..tn Call t>3t 0391 '\u Iii Soll JI t,,lm -.J1b 962 !)&IS Ka~ d:>Jk1 11:! 7511 Cu,,1 llhl lr;i1> hJrO""" u::.t•d ti l'AC' ::.hde rn t·amper for l\o\1n· ~.UOCJ or tr.it.It-short~d p1t·kup Mu:.l ~Ill:! IH:!i :.l'll ~ 642 2073 ...,Jd Surlt·r. I.! J fJ,,t fllWll JlUfi"'°'" Uthml...1 hit•, lun ho.1l for l\\11 '7b 11l-fl1H • 111.t• tit•\\ ~IO t;73!~1.111 19W Chc\ y I ton t•ha:.::.1:. mount. auto r S. P B A C. nt•v. t1rt-::.. 't'r) dl·an Slt•eµ:. 6. SlSoO K4H 395-1 • ('<.!fl' ro.id racmi: framt• .\lorns mJI! "hl·d.. c>. tra rat 1n.: liJrr .. b & µart::. Xlnt t·11ml ~ 0261S &l 5&91'.\I "1..JJ)'> '77 llonda !-: '\ prt'"" :! "b old Xlnt rnml mu .. 1 -.ell ~ 1)42 J-Ollj 197.i KAW,\S,\KI . 350 l.on.:horn Off 111 w a) good nmd, 751 KOJ1 L.ikc lla\ai.u mulilll• h<.imt• Jnd lvt w \ 1ev. ol lakl· SJ 900 5111; 51:M ·'fiti" I II Tr:I\ clJ ll Ont· '7 1 :!2 t•sl.ihll:.hm~·nl Owner. H & II GtxKi run Sh'cl Ol'lkd t1rcs, trh rung t'Ollll P P S.J\'634 hkh. ~.O gal Cud tank. !ltil! 1963S!JOO nu1se t•onlrol. otht•r Sports Roce -c1r..1' Lo m1 'I.Int rond Roch • SI I 500 642 <!I~ t'H'' I 9540 1 ...............•..•.••. SUPEHIUR n 221-·1. all ·;1; lo::.,,.1•1lll 1v.111 <'JOI i.lt•t•I. loJded Pn f>t) \·el!J i u1H1m1 ::.1i11uo Pnce redul·cd 4\14 3005 Kil :u~ Troilen, Trov~I 9 170 ti!I Roadrunnt·r. JU'-l ••••••••••••••••••••••• fm1~ht><l bu11<1m.: f1lr u\ .. 1 1 Sale or llent 25' lraller ur h.:url· ts 'tn·et '>IOl'l.1·r " !>hOWt'r. '\UH' rel nj! . 7\lusl .. e11 lor S7W 7\1 Ul h ::.hlod Nr OCC. WSO or mun· 111H·:.ll'd !JtiJ :i-1211 $ISO mthl) \ft 1 li45 zs.ii; 4 WMel Drives 9550 t1 llohdJ) 1 r;i\ td TraiJer •••••••••• • •••• •••••• •• 11971 l. \ C CenlrJI tie.it, n1t•t• :.howt•r & beth Oa::. t:lt·l'I . rdri11. stcrt.~. built in TV a 111 Full) st•lf t·ont Mu<'h Jl't'P r.i l'Jto. \'ti. hardloµ, ~liOH utr ICll !\705. 1'44 l<llbt'\" v.k111b n.11'1'1-:ll \l .\Hl:-.t·: :!h tlhl hft• 11111', m•v. IOll I' \I .. r 1· I; 1· 1111 J . rn ,, n \ \tr.1 .. \Int t 11nrl l>a11:1 "' ,1111. ::,i..;;,11 .111 :w.11 Camper shdl for Chev or F1>rd !>hortbed. SIX-PAC Shde m lYIX' w1lh floor & door ·75 Model. S225 or lt:,l ol r f\.12 201:1 :\'loto1T)5'lc 1,t!athrr.. Moret Mu::.l :.t•ll 1111 l'h" t.1 .. 11•:0.t rlr.m 1n lht• V.t"•I ,, ll.11h l'ilot l 0IJ,.,1f1l'il \ti 1; I~ !".toill 2 piece. fair ... md1l111n, mt'<tlJ tcly'' 612 2073 .\'utos, New 9800 A..tos, Hew 9800 ~mall to 1T1t'fl1um .,11c, "'·-£o•, ..,e~ lii5 2m5 ,..., .. " -9800 Autos. H~w 9800 ............ ........... ..... .. . ... ............. -•..•...••........•...........................• u . s T ~~ FREE! AM-FM STEREO W"H YOUI rulCKASI OFAHYHIW NEW 1977 J.4MIOIEE MINI-MOTOR HOME ~ ') ~l. HEW '77 BOBCAT ST ATIOH WAGOH 53653 51"DH. 5 101~. 1977 COUGAR --·---":--" J r.. .... ,,.. ........ $9586 "-......... ~- r efr t ... ••'r••••t 55877 Tli-t•"'lU'°V """~ .,,h Ii JJt"'"",. f..,. ,,,,,.,.,. •pi• .. •"1 • • w~,.,.. ,, ••tc?):.;:.:.~ •; • I• ' • ....... 'WJ! ........... Y'l1 • >j 'Ji1 l '7'b1 • I'." o>•"" t,. 11, .. ~ 7'1] KZP ·141'? > • d ..... , TAKE YOUR PICK 'l't.!i ,.., A~...-"" r" "'• ,.,.,,,,"' ~ ,t~ny•' ""' C'".,..t l ttf? 1ft '"""' ~•'t\ ~ 1-vy1,.,,., tu I ...,. t 1141' 09 oe...-nlld oevm9N rw• '°' "C.'•h""Q I "' t f. f•"-41'Ce Ch .. tqe"\ A"..,.,... ... ~~ ratt111 7n , .. , '70 MHCURY MOMTEGO 1 ~ _,,,., V--8 .. 1t0t'N•~ A__.IFM ,,.'410 ~ ··~ • .,." ., cono Loe 31!2 'i()',ll 5 1386 '71 MAl9UIS llOU~HAM ..... 1100 ""'h Ml ,,_ ,....,JCll"O s I 3 8 6 Mol , .,. OU ""'"' ... cono lu•u"' "''"'l<l' ILoe :M4-(;JKI '72 AMC AMIASSADOR • Co/I llltomt!IOf'. l.OoO a .... .. oow .. "~ .. , ron6. v.., ... 100 fllC 3:4 l'tiKI 5 1386 1 0 DAY FIH TllAL HCHAH~I OH All USID CAIS '72 CAP'ltJ 2000 • C ;ii t ufor'nlhC qr•Af toot-•f'llQ ell' ~" ~ ol tf'l tl•) l •ftt (8•' Gl<ECoolll9o01"1 •7 4 rt.. YMOUTH DUSTB ' °"' """Y-41 ·-"' tl diO I h•ater f)OW•t tttt fll\I wlnvf tn" llf' -!t.oc °''<l<llf I '71 MUSTANG MACHI v e eutomar.c '"l'I'" a ..... &f -"~· bl' ... 9"\ ""' COtYI , ~ n.A tllO•'I 'l< 002 Pl H '7STotrlMO llOUGHAM , __ v_. .... .,..,.,.., '6tltn & P'l•M•r onw•~ .,_,..,.,,... .. ··-(L•C 94 '·LWl'll '74 "'MTO RUMAIOUT • f''ti t "°"'9d rws.n & ,,., • ., l tf' CtJl!'Wt 9'~ Of\ lllffM I ' ltl RY'Y, 51986 '7' MAM IV ,ul1 oow•' tf\Ch1di"-O o.tdd•d ~ t('C) fif,Uf"V ,,,...,'°'" '"' ~ en.it~• CCW\fl'Ot A"4"M ~t-.0 a•~ °""" Ilic 004-Nl<W\ 52386 53186 s9686 LINCOLN MERCURY 16100 llACH llYD. HUNTINGTON llACH 842·8844 WAINU _______ , .. _, . .,._,..,. __ 4 WMet Drivn HSO Aattos WClllHd 959 A.tto1, lMpot°W .Aado.s, a..potW ....•..... , •.•...•....••.•...•..••..••.•.......••••••••.•.•.•••..........••••..•..•..•••. , .. ·~~n~Mf.o t;'~~=:~. x~~t WE BUY ~ ............ !?.2.~ ~!':~!'!'.!~.~ .... !~.~~ movable top 1>46-5993, CLEAN CARS a.rwidt'a Speclai ·ee Gh111 c~. Xlnt (()ntJ 6738.110 & TRUCKS <12.000 m1 ·~ Radtph $1795. 4lM 2130. 73 l"ord 1"100, camp('r. "Ull'h. must 11cll $3.llOO ~ Soll53 '7J Che\)' ·~ too truct.. Nu trams Lots of '\lrai. ~ 5-16 9687 Tnacks 9560 ...............••...... 'b'7 ·~ T Ford Pll'kup w / 11' T t-a r prop Cumpcr remC.i en~. S2500 960·1651 t!>:>O Jeep P1rkup S700 546·1112G uft 5pm '74 Che\') "• f' ll I' S air !{0).11 ulll bt•d $4200 M .. i..e ofr 11r lrode for ., !17!1 3117!1 72 L'ht>\ \. LU\ Sunrf & l'amper :.hell S1900 ~-6438 61 Int I ll.1 H·stt•r r t: R bll c·ni: \lnl (;11 hod) ill U'.165 '2 ton nuns St.rn CONNRL CHEVROLET ~ Hllrbor Blvd. COSTA M ESA S46-1200 Wt.-.: PAY TOP IJOLllAR FOR TOP USED CA.RS FOREIGN, DOM t-:STIC or C LASSICS If )Our car is extra clean i.cc us r. rst. IAUUBUICK 2925 llarbor Blvd. Cot.tu Mesa 979.2500 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDl;\TELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS CALL OR CO ME IN TOSF:EUS NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W <::.t Hwy. NB 642-9405 19740.ATSUM 610-4 DOOR 4 &peed with r.adlo. 1'\111) ract ory cqu1p p~d (233KXS) SALE PRICED-$ 1495 IARWICK DA TSUH San Juan Capbtrano 131-1375 493.3375 1975DATSUH 1210 SEDAM '71 K:irmonn GhJa 1'ebt ofrerover $2.000 : 675 6710 : 9138 ·················••#••• mirac!e mazda 4 Door. 4 speed. radio, 21SO H..tHw lh>~ heater, moldings, tinled ,.__._ M•IG 645•5100 glasi., bucket scats & low -'ii m i l es. O n e ow ner ._...___ ... _ •---9 7 .. 0 (211NKB). ~eud ... n1 -. OHL Y $2795 •••••••••••••••········ Cood thru 4·23· 77 L•ate COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845HARBOR BLVD 540-6410540-0213 1972 2-IOZ. loaded, 41.000 actual m1lt•s A I ('ond S3795 b:.I ofr 496 l.1652 01 7i2 79tl5 c' c~ Mew-Used OVER 100 MERCEDES OH DISPLAY House of lmDOrh Al1TIJOHJZl-:U Mi':RCt-:D&..., Dt-:ALEll 6d62 M.1nl.'hl'1>lt'r, BUl'nJ Parl. 523.7250 Autos, Imported 59 Chl'\ \ P U Body ~d ••••••••••••••••••••••• t·ond 2113 Runs i.lrOnll General 970 I $9'J5 Firm 979-0'J83 •• ••••• •• •• ••• •• •••• ••• 197-l 260Z. 1mmal·ulale .• tll On the S.intJ Ana Fw\ i.tras. prtl'4:'d lo ::.t•ll. 494 9688 c\S '71 450 SL. xlnl t·o111I. '75 280Z AM 1FM i.tl'rt>O mctalht i:rl'cn Sl4,:!lHI taJ)l'. ,\ <:. ma~ "hi' 673 1883 7:! Matda Piston Truck ,,. :.ht•ll (;d t·ond. gd mr ~ 7\1u:.l i.dl 640-49!0 Vans 9570 ••••............•..•... WE HA VE V AMS! lht•r 15 \all l'Onvt•r!>1on~ 1n 'olOCk ALL SALE PRICED!!! E-ccellcnt Sclt•t·t 111r1 On All Com t!r.,,wn" TRAVCO SAHTAHA COHTEMPO \nd GMC~ In Stork tifi Cht•\ \ I Ion \lCp \JO i:I t·ni.:1m• W1ndov.::. Jll around h"lr.iuh, cloor 1;011d twat;•r. t1n'"· 1>1111) 1\JI 'l'f \It t' I ('I Ill ti:. ~mo 1;.1.~ .l:!fi!1 ti Iii it~iK 7~. l>•11t .:1· l\:!1111 1·11,.,1 :-osw11i..n1Jn \l,1i,:' ,\(' I '1 "' 1·11111 1·11-I 111t ht\\ 1111 I'\ l pl\ Iii I 116:! ii l>t11lgl' \ 1 \ \1 1:7\1 l':trp p.1nt·l"d -11111 r htlttl \~:H'i CLE\'1,, S!,'1tMI '1;;~, 1~11:! .ill 'I 7:1 IAxil-:1 ltKI \ ('. rt m ... 1 ~Im 1111r HI 1100 m1 Sft'>ll t'.il1 '• IU :i:!iK j t l>.tell!l' \ .111 Jlli l u Ill \ (' Ill.I~' 'olt'fl'H I °'t m rnll :l l IKHt m1 $.i6U0 x:I.'> Jill!°>. lii~1 t~llill 1'1~111 l'l.1'"' 1 · .. rrt \.in \111111 IKlll\ m .1k1· olft•r 1 ·,1rn1,.•r ~111·t 1al lilll Ult Iii( l'ht '\ l•lt IHlll ITII f 11\ hl'r' !Iii:! 5V5ll \ ,111 ' Inn n1~ 1111~ '.\l U1<l o;1·l I '71 l.HKll!t' :mo. \lnl <·nnrl Air. p:.incll'd. nt•w pa111l, rrptd. $1!1Hfl tWI 0<151 'ni II n· Ill\ l':c·tlnul 111t• Ford 'v,111 · llPhll t•n)! hrks & lilt'' SllSU .i!rl 4tk!> 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE WILL BUY YOURDATSUH I' \JU Jo'OH OR NOT TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP CARS BARWICK DATSUN San Juan C.ip1slrano 831-1375 493.3375 TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR CLEAN ~ 188'.15 BEACH BLVD HUNTI NGTON REACH 842· 7781 -540-0442 IMPORT CARS ALL MODELS WE MEED CLEAN USED CARS MOW CALL PAPPY 540-5630 IOll~SO~ & SOX • LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MES.A WE MHD YOUR USED CAR MOW TOP SPAID CAUGORDOH COSTAMIS.4 .4MC·JIEP 2524 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 549-8023 CAROUTUT CashForC.,.. Pekt For Or Mot 21.UH.ARBOR BL.VO <Ha.rbor & V1ctor\1 > C~'T A t t:SA 642·0651 AUSTlN Aml'r1c a 169 2dr, 4 sp auto . bucket seal:-Very good tn & out condition and iias m il S795 or best of fer. 497 2695 l)r 646 337 9. AHaRoneo 9705 •.•......•.•.•...••.••• 'i·I Spider. reg1stC'r ecl nl'~' '76 15,()()(J m1. red. i\llt1:r "hi:. A7\J FM radio 714 992 01 \II 9707 Vl0r) l'ln J:l.OOOm1 ~150 '73 Mt-:RCt-;OES 2tlOSE orolr tHU·2t2:1duy .1 5. ll.lnt. beaut rnu't '71 Dali.1111 510 Wgn Xlnt mi i:. i.:011(1 1·111111. must !-ol'll SIUtltl1b:o.l of1 548 ll)l:l TOP BUYER $cl' m. first. & lasl 1 T<>µ dollar paid for 1mport:-. COSTA MESA DATSUN :.\'II this wk. lkdu1:c1I l11 $7000 G-16 9503 LATE 1976 450SL Shct•r pt•rf n·t 111n ,\ 1r . mJi.:~. load1•1I. lf11Jcr 2 0 ll U m I . I' \' I II l Y . 1)31 l:JC>I ·59 f!os. rn1nl 1:1.11111. Hd1lt & rt•,,t11recl th ruo 11 t ,\ \I Jo' "1 I !I 7 · J 11 .111 , ••••• •• • • •• •• • • • ••••• •• ~!'>Harbor Jlh·d 5llti Ollil! \ud1 ·7.i 100 LS. :.unrL Cot.la Me:.;i 510CH10 7:! \ldl 250. 4dr. 1i l'' I .m \7\1 FM ~pcl aulu. Om· ov. nt'1 n·~ m.1mt. nu l1rk:. s.'i\150 171 11%:! t~J alt 5pm "1..<lJ \" sll:r('O. auto. I', S. 31.000 m 1 1mntJ<' S3695 1973 Oal:-.un 2IOZ Jll,(l(JO t;H2°ll:!l.t'H'5-itH3'iK ml. ,\7\I F7\1 Jlr cu mai.::.. JUlO. 751 :?7bl JI\ A&astin-HeoJey 9709 :W~l ••.••.................. 64SPRITJ:: i3 Dahun 1i Ill 11 I' \l AM F.\I. lt.1d1al l1rl·:. dt',.n $.!Iii 5;,;i lH7:l Ti Oa1::.u11 :!KUZ Full) 9712 equ1ppc:cl MJlu· ofr ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• ;5 l g53--l n llt.l!\ ~1;9 :lK.> l Hun~ i:ooJ S7~'11) 'M.i:l 3311 aft 5 BMW ·70 :'>krct>dt·,., 2110~1. H1btr . 111..t• lll'W t:oncl. JIJIO lrdru.. Jlr wnd .\M./.f!'1 radio. bc1gt• l'Xlcnor t m hrv.n llhr 1 ~t Sl2.SOO O...•:.l orr ~ ·7J MHn•<lt•:-Ji9$1. ltd~tr l1kt• new !I, ;,uto tr.in:. .11r <'0 I, AM FM radio. l(ra)': x lt·nor. w blk lth...-~l . wm• v. hb. SI l,.'\(lO I ulr 1711 • 52:l ;>1;:!:! ol' ll Sl'M Iii l \ ti75 '.!!18:-i .J SADDLEBACK ·BMW . COMEIM & SEE THEALL MEW 630CSiHOW! SAODLEBACI< VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495.4949 i • CREV.IER $I SI & U OAOWAY Sl<Nll< Al'I< 8353171 •USED BMW's* 'i5 ~1<1 llKWT 'ii J Ol'JW S H i-161.\\ 13 'i52002 t ... pd ti2'J;\Ilh 7i; 21-.ri ~p<I S R J3.t l'CW 752002 •lspd 71).lNJ 7\1 Closed On Sundays --- -- ORAHGE COUNTY'S OLDEST & Ila)!< 1975 OATSUH 280Z l1ol:1r \\hlll' l'\IC'rlttr, ~Pl'l'd, l.tll' 1·111HI ... 1cn•11 ma.:\\ h1•t•b t!.! :-ult• mold 1111-::. E~lr.1 , t•\lr.1 dt-;111 1 t:!l54KX 1 OMLY $6595 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 11ARROR HLVD 540-6410 540·0213 at 9725 •..•..........••...•.•• 73 F iat I:.: 1 ~port ~1 "Pd. -.11•1 en Xlnt 1·oncl I'' I rt' ~:!:?Ou 11lr ll.1)-. !• 1• 1:U'i t'' t•" Gl\j I UX Hl7t1 :tull>. 11ll't:ilh1• lir11w11 q •lo111 ~t·at ... :w •. 0011 1111 SI~ !•Kl l!H• llK1i2 •'t;li :?50~1-: Coupt•. Xlnt mml. 11t•w paint. v. hi,., ~upc.•r hu~ $.18~1 511!·>187 611 25US Xlnl tll u"l !>Ct' tv ;1pprl'l·1att• :\1 al..e ofr ~1171Mi i7 .\1crn·1k., 210D. "hill'. JUto . ..11r nirul. ll·lrk. ,\.,. ,umt• ~oo mo bt· da)" 751 llti2 t'\l''l!:ll :.!951 ii F1.11 Spt ('pt•. 11r1J! MG 9742 o\.\nr nll rn.unt rl·t· lOJ> ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. haJ)l•, SI 12.'> tit<! !JIU! 71 MG ;\l11lgl'I. ~Int corul 22 000 m1. s:! 8tl0 firm 7ti Sp) Jer L11Jdt•rl, mml ~lti 51Jfl3 t•\ cnmi.:-. cone! ~;111011 :1!.17 llli!J l'\L'!' 75 Sport Sp) der, 5 ~pcl. ,\ \1 fo'M sten·o, Mal!:., W mpi.:. Xlnt l'Ond. s..rnoo Evei.. 960 1:10<J ·is Frat t2~SL. 11.0011 m1. -II.pd, am Im :-tcrt•o, .:n•y " tan intcrrur !>2700 ·n MG ~11cti:l'I "'" mill'~ mll'l sdl I h l"o ,,. 1•1•1., f(\.·~I Olft'r 5HI 1;:1:.!t MGB 9744 •....•.....•.•....•..•. '75 M<~H l'Onv 11rr. :.unrl $.';.IM~t Lill alt tipm. 1!1·1 303:!, tm1 !.I.HI! Sales Scn·1ce Lea!>mg 8-16 6(}16. 'fi7 MGB GT. Cll•an, nu pnt. t·lull'h. lm·"· n•hll ens:. $1500 536· l233 M :tit Roy Carver.Inc. 1974 F111t Sedan. xlnl !'tolls koyce BMW cond 33 000 m 1 A 1\1 n 1 l~Jambort>e ' ' ' Newrvirt Reat·h 640.6444 stcr1:0. slcrl .radial!>. '611 MGll GT. lllC'l.'han11·al r _ __ _ S2300 ftrm 6 lh ti.1116 or ly sound. $1800 Or &!~l '76 2002 lspd . s unroof. S..16 463.'i offer 5:.16 OC).'i2 AM D J l·a:-.s In V.llrr Honda 9727 Opel 9f 46 Clay 675-93'i7 & 5-Sfl 2t)f)O •••••••• •••••••• •• •• ••• ••••• •• •• •• ••. • ••. ••••. B\IW 2002. t!n:l \Int Brand Mew '77 l*l <>1>l·I C.idcttt· Nt'"" <'f>nd Like nc\\. sunrool 11 rt"-. n l' w e '\ha u ::. t AM t'.\J Hla upunk t HOM DA Cars ">'ll'm, en!{ nd~ v.urk $6.54JO PP 714·680-:m:i MAHY ~5 All I. 548·5140 ·72 Ba' ana. auto. loaded To Choose From! HY71 Opel Slal1on Wag . $1000 U .... IVERSITY 1mmar $1100. 75!>-07:1!> 551·4040or494-!Jtl91 "" Afl5PM ----Old5moblle BMW 1975 2002 Honda Cari • GMC Poncit. 9750 Probably fmcsl rn Calif Trvcki ••••••••••••••••••••••• loaded, full serv1t·c rl't' 2850 llarhor Bh d PORSCHE 924S ~lo0605w book Serious inq Cosla Mesa 540 96-10 ,,...,.. We have :in exocUt>nt Capri 9715 ••••...••....•....•..•• '7·1 Capn V6. Auto, nir. AM, FM Ii lrark . Cstm ·75 Honda C1v11· CVCC h a t <'h ba t•k, rad 1 a Is. 29,IXXl m1 ·s. S2.'i00 llus &10·3752, helm•· 494 7170 :wlcctron plus the (;hampionsh1p Edition HOW!!! U11hol, new tires! low JOCJUOI" 9730 mllc a1tc. Xlnt cond . ••••••••••••••••••••••• BILL Y.4TE$ I VW.PORSCH! r San Juan Capa!!trano $3000. l'h· 496·l045 a t 6 OVER 40 837·4800 49l-4SH 1>m Clean used T ri ump h, -• '73. Vo Xlnt cond. 4·spd, Ja~uar a nd MG models 1960 356 ll. orig equip..1~_.:d AM /FM stereo. 8 lrk. now on d isplay. Over 26 cond $3200 o r o(r. $2800/bsl ofr. 646-4742 Lease/Ruy Plans a vaila· 642-5675,495·1938 '74 4 cyl, a ir. AM/FM, Decor . l'lean . $2650. 714-675-6299 evstwknds 9720 ble, sens1hlc payments. -----;r· great eog. good int. r ub- ber good. Mubl sell. fl~ fi rm 6734300 or 673·5333 - ,_. J , 6.1356 Super 90, xlnt P8JQl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"sov•"e"1•eou•1v•PO •eAo '65-356C Porsche DRIVEA LITILE ••• SAVE A LOT SHOP fr COMPARE IA.IWICK DA TSUM San Juan Capis trano ll1·137S 49)..3375 NEWPORT DATSUN tt~ OllOTA.'> • 1•1"".4..e W.>t S6.000 536·~ 1973 J ag. XJ 6, xlnl cond, -many xlras. 60.000 mi. 1965 Pon1che 3S6SC. 1'1\Ml· a s kin g S7000. Afl 4, ly restored New bod", 761H020 paint, lnl & eng overtuusl. 548-7S58 an 6PM 72 Jag. XKE. Vl2. xlnl . p cond. S7500 or beat offer . 77 924 orsche, m any 542.2043 xt ras, low m1 , $91150. (714) 821-1989. I '71 Coupe, air , wire whls, . XI . -lo mileage. good cond, 72914. nl condll1orf inf $6000.496-1003 out.Make ofr. , 848-8708 SPECIALS ......_ '732 8210 .. Doo 4 d ••••••••••••••••••••••• Must sell C lassi c 'tit .. r. t1pee • , Ponichc Cabriolel .Con· n1d.lo. (262PKE) 74 Jen11en, 22100U mi, vert. Xlnt cood Eur tDdl MOW $2195 AM/FM cas, x nt c<>hd. 800-4097 · • •DOVES1'REET :Aleolr. Pvt Pb' 6"-UM5 -. --------~arMacArthW' · 87 912. Enc. r btt. Nu A Jamboree Ro1ids JENSEN HEALEY 11174 paint, alloys, e xtra '11 833-1300 ..Blk on blk, lo mi's . $5950. 6~9 AM/FM •Ler. lape ~. '73 !>14 21 2.0. Appr. Gtop '?4 :a>Z. 1lr, auto, m~is. CB. s:n·36M aft 6pm. M a fl s. or a w / b-1\: , very cJcon, 39M, $SOOO. I(.,..... GW. t7lS AM/FM II lk. 36M m i. M2·8334. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $4250. Must sell 642 18::1& 'tll Dataun Roadstl'r t&OO. Kamwul Ghia '70 11.000 1973 914, 11 ht~r ~ Sl,000 Or Best orrer. ml. $1600/or but. cond Pvt Pty • ·• !1842 IMl.fl9Sl 644 29111 --, .. .-...-·---···--·,-......... --... ,,,. .......... ~. • • "·"····'· . .. . .. . .. ..,., .. , ~ •• llltpOrW Autos, Imported A.utoa, lmport.d Alftot, UMd ~. Used A.utot, Uted !hur!d!y. Aprll 21, 1977 DAil Y P1LOT Q ~................. ....................... ....................... ...................... ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... "aed • •·-· •-t Vc6aw t770 YelYo t77Z Mell ttl C.vt... tt32 Fwd '940 Allfot.UMd Allfot.UMd t. .... ,.ce 756 .,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••• ........... ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• .. •••• ... • ,.................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • 5 _ _., '''' 10£AUR IN U S A '73 SilYer, Bllr CU5tom ln· 1970 TORrno 2 ctr ps Mercwy t9 P'lnfo 9957 '•111nnoc ~;:::::::::::::;~~;..:_:..:· :.:.·~· '00 Squareback. Auto, rblt '72 Riviera. All power tr. T·top. auto lr3n5. Ful PO, wr co~d. 35l vii. ne".' •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROY eng. alnl, clean. /, ~~'f&e,J &~:;e!ire1s0 ly l'qwpped. 1 owner. paint. new urea.. 751·~ 1972 Monteeo. PS. PB. blk 1!112. Vrn roof. 4 spd, ·m PONTIAC' Eicec. Wm. CARVER ans 4973195 l $3 00. Pb a1ooor bstorr. 64().&3811 or~9362 VIJI top. lo lo m1 ·s. ~lnl mt>l.tlllc grel'O 65,000 9p:t.M,fullp\\r,a1r,xJot. Rolls·ROYCC 1!171 \'W bw., 1i:ood sh"pe m1 eace. o . artlU)S..·0712. -oond 11100 008-oon nu S~ 496~ cond Mui.l <;~II tbla $2250. Call after 4 PM "4·7036 '73 Grand Torino Sln ---·--· · weell 1 pp "SacriClc:e" &l2 236-1 e.tlloc ttl I ·~ 4lpd,1~· Con;crt$4~ Wgn. AC. PB, PS.. roof 70 Couiar XR7 Loaded. iS staUon wgn. Auloclt!lr, 008-3603 "65 VW. Snrf. new rad1all, dnlcond • 1927 P·l. Dual ___ ~1_9 __ _ creen 4 dr qpen 'fi3 vw B~. very sharp, ---------&~Barker. RHD. new pnt job, xlnl lire11, ORANGE COUMTY b ed bonnet, whl 1mrf, SllOO. cash 581·9350 VOLVO y, blue wln411 ~---etching dark bluo '75 Super Beetle. u,ooo EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO . Good restorutaon mi. AM/FM stereo. Nu Largest Volvo Dealer ~ lU,J..f'). $30,ooo: J im u c.S2,400tofr 5J6.7904 lnOrangeCounly! ·'ltMkman Mtrs (213) BUYorLEASE .'ttS·2S51. Locally call DIRECT =~ Cmloo ;:~~ ~ .... ~;·;;~·;_:~····· SAVE SAVE SAYE 2o25 s. Mane~ 4 wheel drive wagon. PRICES Anaheim 750-2011. abt sell today. Loadl'd '64 M4 B·l8, very good ~~.M ake oHt.>r. Dir GOING UP cond .• deluxe Ull., beat 521-7211 JOO VW l'ruducls Left offer. S48·2S35 -----• At Old Prices AMtos. Used \.p.."lWooo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •VW Surwnnarlce.. ,.._al 990 I ~ ~ S/111.fl u_ ~"' r -~ VlJ. -"' '6b 5,,., 1R 317 3 . . $7 77 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'tllMfk.'1-~ '67 Rv-J /20Ali / .... $877 '• 511 5 So. StrHt IJl)l IU·0741 17141 SJ I 7111 ·:<65'1baru HEWSUIARU *$2847• Ser. (937381 l ! 110 Used & new 71 Sed::m l83(At.,) $7 77 '7~Coupe 390J:L .. $1517 74Coupe 748LAO $1677 76 4•4 Wr;n 6C02 }hurp ' \.~\lEWo0~ S. CS_SU8.4RlZJ '\ I l./pE/lMflt.'-~{. 5115 So.. Stn.t ttllllU-0741 171 41S111ll1 Toyota 9765 o9Bu<i'rtl970 .... $977 '72 v ..v 0 I 8194 . . s I 077 69WqnX'1D/M .. $1177 71 B·11 ?21Dt~P .. ~ 1217 71 V/qn H4!:>(1D .. $1377 0/Cl,J •9/LVJ .. Sl477 /:)(,111,-,(.-,n, /1181 $1677 11 !L, J' lll 1 ••• Sl977 '72 P 1, 4cbGHP ... S2377 '7•1 H11 w 0?10. $297 I AMC call tor ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·ro \"W Beetle $!1'15 ~.11; li:?!l:l jfl ti wkd~" 1975AMC MATADOR This car is extra clean with nir <.'On d., pwr. steering, automatic & mul·h. much more . Cil8:\1YM>. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE • .. •••••••••••••••••••• \'"-l:lK > <·l l::':nl! & COSTA MESA . DATSUN '70 VW BUG. rcbll cni.:. ll<'W rlutt·h. hPadcr~. br~. s1 1so r.io 11:c>fl _..._ '117 VW llu>: Xlnl rond, i:r1•,1t mrg 1; II l!i 1.R '60 \',\'I, 1 u'lom111•ll. , J,lf~r mN·h.rnlr.11 \Int 'h.ln,11111! 'l,1•w r .od. "HUii . Oiff m1 :•01~, -'7l VW l\u, Cmp1 7 '"'"" Lra r;11 I. lwd 1111. 11 h, 6011P ~Im 1., 111.ol>I 'loll S<1u.11 •·li.11 I. Xlnl 1 01111111 •, 111111 $07~> 1111 h I • 'II , I {08' Bui.:. 1".1rlor\ r du111l engjoo• \ 1111 11 "'"l•urt.1 · t1on. $;,~1 olr 1o1., I) .i ~· :-l 1'1'.I< llVE rl .~. .1un rnvr. \\1 FM r.ool1" xlnt cond, Slli~L 641 H71o11 -.-.---'13 V\v Till NU w mil cage s1000 & ·1;n vw Au~m.1lic, lo 1111 ~lion ~'>.1.C) - '66••VW Camp1•r 1:u11d Mlif. rhlt t'ni.: moo '" New lrnlt. t11pl' •l•·1·k • siOOO/ln.t ofr 6-15·29:! I ------·s VW. s\raii?ht r<'hahh' transport ation, nl'w Ures, ~'>O. 673 3617 ;a ·Bug. reblt tram, new brakes. clutch, FM & tadiata. $1900. 602S84 or 7'"3o<S "to" 'Sqbck. 39,000 ml. &N'I, nu ball & sll bit tilre s. Ve r y clo . 'tltlO/lirm 64Hi032 fiqt'4*. Hush pwr mufner .-a Holley. Rpd cool U. T ach. Instr. Nu pot. FM cass. 962-7593 "78-VW Bus. ~. 30,000 ml. Cherry eood., $2400. 759-0609 & 7SM»77 '7.3 Sapor Beetle. mint C!6nd .. OK ml., or . VII /hlk vinyl top and FM t"assettc. S2400. 645-1602 ltts VW Rabbit, 4 dr. alr.gd cood., $2900. ~-1719 -',e5 Baja Bug. 1600t'c. ,..the UV s)'lllem. Nu tu-.., nu batt. Rll.Dt "'"· sa&o. M'1 ·.,.., . .,. T1.1n,.m1!-. .. iun <.:am. brl llulll'}' UICcr t.JI 01114 Ron 1971 vw SQUAREIACK Automatic. rndlo & In ~ood co ndillon . t-19ROLFl. PRICED TO SELL BILL YATES VW-PORSCHE OUN TC>elHO ~ .. """ ,, '"' '• ~ .. .,,, .,....,, ,,..,. ""9 00--0\ ...... "" •.o-o 1973 'OaD TC>elNO VI• ;tr. I f'"\ f ... -' I , f,.""1 ~ ._ ........... V"'•• • ' M4 ._.. ·• 1' ~ •• '1699 1973 ,ONT. CAUllHA . . , .. '' ., •• \.Cl"t"'G . ...-.. ,,,. '"''° ....... ''' A V•\ \•Vf'' 1 0\M#i,_1 • 1974 CHIVROt.n . ,,. . -· .............. ><0no •14 lf7J VOUUWAOON aua 'CV' I \PH'f •w-('Oftd:•'IO" ""'l ••ft.rt f'l~.I~. ¥"'VI W'l-,.fq ••·'• -.., ' llOJ~C " 1974 AUDI IOIU • r'Yt .... tt.,.' ...... , •Ir -.......w~.,....,.,.. .... lift ......... --. llMl,1()1 284SHARBOR BLVD. 540.641 0 540.0213 '74 Matador X. vs. auto Lrans. PS, PB, lilt whl, AM/FM s tereo 8 lrk, $1800. PP. 848·0617 '7SPACER Tan, Rlfl.SJ.350 Phone 759-0.i86 PnnO tu..AIOUT • <•• ._,.. ff~ '"'..,, .,, , .. <& "*• .................. ,_, 197, FOaD l'INTO ... W ..... • • 4 "°""'" •ad• M~flfl" ...... ('9~\ ,.,, •on NftOWMON .. .,. ....... ,--. •ff-•.1snc;av1 ... CltlV , ........... ,,_, VIA .... ,._..._,...., ''" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ n con • · rk. $1975. 646·7224 an 4. Jmm..ic 66,000 m1. $2000. slereo, rack & ra Is S Fir_e_b-lr_d_f_'o_r_m_u_la-. ---------:U-4-dr P'nlcon. Good 49H1.Jll<i.il'l~pm $3.l!lS.~ loaded, pcrrert. Uu1t. Quality Jnd Price (,uJrdntccd Lra\1ng Spc(ldlists Prdcu~·J RJtc~ Lar_.:r,t Scll'ction ol New A U)t•d CJr.J1llJlS IO 01Jngc County Open SundJy Cadillac Ma~lcr De.ilcr 2r.oo ll.irb11r B., cJ Co\tJ f.k~J) 10 9100 Nabers Cadillac ~ 99ll trana. car ~o firm <.:all '61 C-Omel Good Lransp '72 Runab®t, 4 spd, FM KIL Make olr. Will con- ••••••••••••••••••••••• between 8 lOAM. 645 7588 car $300 firm sten .-o tape. 47,000 m1, sider trade. 6313388 Ol' llle8 Cougar. good cond. , ---497 ·395R goo<! rond, orll? uwnr. 644"'839 $1500. Pvt party. · 72 Gran Tonno Squire -----$1JOOi lk:.l oCr. tl46·l40a - SS2·7447 Wagon. Y ·8. AM /FJ\f CREAM Pl11''P' Mercury aft4PM '68 FIRERIHO Extreme- "-'-9935 stert"U air cond . power Monurth 1975. :ur. •l dr. -ly chi , 51000 mi. $1500. ...__,... wlndowi., full in~lru clec, pwr, 17,1100 m1 . ~-5M7ttft.5PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• ments. low m1leai,:c, xlnl $3600 cash. FP. 559-SS16 flty1noutt\ 9960 -;---- '73 Van. One owner. Auto. cond. Sl7US or bet>l offer. afl6PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• RAND PRIX 77, almost AM/FM atereo, cpt'd in· Wkdays aner 6 :30pm; ---9952 ·75 P l ymouth s tation new. all nccl.':.s. Superb t.e-rior, mags. side pipes. wknds anytime. 963-5421. Miastang wagon . 9 -pauenger car. Pvt $7100. t\73-0069 $3700. S4e~4 ••••••••••• •• ••• •• ••••• Si2 385 See In Daily Piiot -----'75 LTD Brhm 2 dr, air, 116 Mu.atang nice 4 spd p&,.ku'..g lot 330 West Bay 1973 Flrcb1rd, best car I Ford 9940 stereo, lmmac. $4350. stick. new' tires, good St., Cost.a '?6esa or call ever had !!! S harp. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 640-s:!GS. S40·2:JO_I __ _ cond. 962·4674 642·4321 ror mo re In· Youn $299S_09-t.:.O~ • PHIL Rare '59 EDSEL Rani.:cr. 06Mustang. vs.289. formation. ask for Rick ·75 Pontiac Fireblrd LONG 70.000 mi. 6 cyl. runs $950 494•9956 orOscarlnrlectgarage. D;pril. Autulrans. PIS& well, $49~5::.:·..:~::2:.·.::6Z7::::5 ___ 1 ______ -::---1973 P 1~ moul h 9 Pass PI n, air rodnd.: ,300v10 n~· FORD '75 GRANADA Ghia. Dix '70 Mach I . Premo wagon. Sport Suburban, Jmmac. con ·.,.. u.1.a. l••• ,.,.. ...... ~°"'F,., .... , .............. e.......,.. ,......._ lnlr. vnyl roof. P t W. Michehns ~19s. S57·~ 60.000m1.A/C. P /S, P /8 ,1-842--·400_3 ______ _ P/B. P S. air. AM 1F~t e,es. b/S Sl~ days. radio. rack. radials, lo.Int stereo. lo mile:. $429S. Oldsmobile 9955 rond. S1995 6-15-4121 C\l>. V~ 9974 Pvt ply 644...()274 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 833 1316 days ••••••••••••••• •••••••• '711-'ord Ma\'enck. '73 Toronado. Full pwr., M UST S E LL ' 7 4 VEGA '76 Good condition fact. air. xlnl cond . $2600. Plymouth Wai;on. $:!9'.l5, HATCHIAC K GT 493-9614 antiwkd)S. OncinaJowner pvt ply 494·9421 or DEMO. s speed trans .• ---------&W-9130 546-6565 494-4688 aft Spm. a i r c o n J . • e t c • ---------1'72 Gran Tonno, AC, PS. S -(6505/~l '75 Silver Granada. VII PB. vinyl lop, immac, 1.972 CuUess upr!!me. air, . 9965 O .... LY. $3695 loaded, new tires. sharp. $2000. 642-4861 ~cU.t.o7:~}ow m 1.. SL900. P'ontiac ..,. •----------• .,.,.. 'tOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOWARD Chevro&.t C --1211 ~-11•--$3295. 752·5740 u-.-9950 -ac _,, ,... ~-' C 1 S PS Al i5 Astre, 4 cyl, bronze Dove & Qu.iil St&. Eight to choose. All fully il Galaxy 500, 2Dr. hrdlp. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 68 ut _ass · · r, ht c h bk , r ally w h Is. NEW PO HT 131':/\CH loaded·4 with shadow Auto, air, pwr brk.s, pwr '71 Me r cury Montego clean, dependable, trans AM/FM, c u s tom up-1--- finlah. (3192). s teering. Runs good. Brougham, 4 doo r , 1 car. S990. Evs. 644-879S holstery, immac, now '73 Vega llateh, radials. ALLEN Sls.50 or make offer. Call ownr. lo mi, xlnt cond. '76 Old!! Vista Cruiser St have company car mu.st uulo, new brk~. sblu,. before 6PM. 771·<»58 new tirt-s $-1\95. 640· 1728 Wgn PS 'PB/PW. stereo sell. $22.SO. 540-2141, 9·5. $1295. l'h 6-15 5.-.4_11_. __ _ Olds /Cadillac !GM C S.D. f''rwy.-Avery Exit LAGUNA NIGUEL CALL 495-6430 CUSTOMIZED E.LDORADO· '70 1 of a kind, 60,000 C'asy mi's, :.nrr, A·l rond. SJ"ISO firm. 640-087!1 1976 CADILLAC Fl TWt>. IRGHM. f\111 power, factory air cond.. stereo tape, c rwse control. sunroor. leather & wblte w /red Interior. f'ully loaded! ( 11»40 >. ALLEN Olds /Cadillac /G MC S.D. Frwy.-Avery Exit LAGUNA NIGUEL CALL 495-6430 ------ '73 CDV. Pvt. Pty 18,000 mi. bcautirul. SHOO. tMO·CWl<IO. night, &I:! 53SR ·i1 C.1d L11no Prof('ss ma1nt d & 1·haurfl'ured All luxury Jmmcnttll'~. 534·2202 Cad i6 CdV, fully loaded, F lreWto rn w /whil e cabriol et top, r ed leathe r. l mmor. cond. JS,000 mi $fl900 Pvt par· I\ 17 11HHl.ilUl6. (213) 5!12 ~15 UJ75 Cad11lac, " dr Sedan DeValle. late blue. w/wt\lte lop, loaded. Xlnt eond 19,000 m1, like new. $7,S50 . l ·SPM . 714 ·919-11141; 6·9PM, 714-640-1288 '917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1970 C/\MARO, Rally .,port VK air, PSPB. radw radaah. 192 2195 s<.: -------- 9920 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 El Camino. new paint &trans, 1ood Urea. Clun • rune 1ood. $2700. 631·2092 cla)'I or 979-6247 eves. 1970 Chevy Wan. rs. air cond 3iO VII., t7SO Jo'irm . 751 ~ or 540-9362 '72 Impala, like new. air rond. nc:w tJres and brks . 1142.2446 "75 Capr1<'t! l!Jstate Wgn, load e d . 2&,500 m l. 846-1113 or t7S-134S 75 Monte Carlo, Landau top, VI, air. PS, tilt whl, c:rulae control. S4295. 91t-Ota3 day, 1131·0200 ev.. '73 Veaa. New c lutch brb. Sl.300 or bat olr. ~ ... M.3032 'M Chev Malibu. Body It eng xlnt. trans nds re· paJr. Bst orr. 847 ·5817 1212 Camlno, PS, PB, air, 1tereo, ma11. campr shell. Clun. tllOO. 847-2893 '14 CH&V. Nova, LT·l en!l11ne dual exhauau, Cr rnag whtel1, c paint: re•lly aberp I 13'7·7115Urom 11-12 A.M. or an.er 10 P.M. "72 KJqarord 4 dr Waion. Xlnt coad. New tlte~ R/H, alr, '8000/bet. ,r ..... tUl n T·Top. aso, Auto, air. tUt tel•. p II. p /8, mint, MllO.tlMIT'J 9•00 ----tape. 20M. $5995. Ph Autos. Hew Autos, Hew 9800 752 ~223• 49'J-4Gll Autos, Hew 9800 Ailtoa, Hew 9800 ··············································----·············································· .... announcing ..... the LINCOLN VERSAILLES and our 56th ANNIVERSARY SALE 177 COUGAR XR7 I t74 CADILLAC El Dorado , blue me1aU1c finish. with white rool & matching leather Interior, full power & air cond . plua those nice standard factory accessories you would ex~ on th la nne CM. Lie 232KRE . 56395 lt7S IUICK Riviera. Medium brown. with white vinyl roof. Loaded wilh the eictras you prefer on th•• tine •utomoblte. Llc.1 7~ 16395 -SPECIAL LA.MDAU VIMYl ROO' In appreciation of your nM support during our 56 years In the automotive business (23rd year In the beach area) we're going to offer you substaotlal savings on nearly every car we have tn stock. Thia aal11 tvenl wlll run only through the end of the month so wt suggest you visit ua soon as poulble. Looking Forward to Greeting You. Clyde Johnm President - Dlcit Johnson Vice Preeldent 3151 V..S engine, wsw radial tires. corrierlng lamps. $6444 till &loer1ng. pawer seat, bumper protection group, AM-FM ste reo radio. apoearance o<otection group, tinted glass complete. L H remote control mirror. light group, power side windows. power IOCI< group Ser. #7A93H558581 lt76 UMCOLH 4 Or. Town Sedan. Cooper metallic with lNt"-Interior. full v10Y1 roof with ()pe(I windows l uxury 8t ltt flnut See this one now. Lie. 898NOZ. s9 4 9 5 lt74 MRCEDES 450 SEL. Automatic transmission. full power, al~ cond & sun roof + many more tu~ury Items you would expect In this fine automobile. Brown metallic finish with saddle leather Interior. Our weekend apecllll. Uc. 9415LHA. 'I 2,900 USID CAI D&'T. HMUO lt71M.Ab IY Met•llc bronze, and of OOUl'9e all th9 1111ndard ftCtocy luxury Items. An out1tandlng buy on tl\Le great luxUfY oar. Lie. 3e8l.IE. s9995 tf71UHCOLH 2 Dr. CD, Red Wllh matctllnq leiat'*' Interior. and white vinyl roof. Full oower o f course and 11 hosl of IUXIA'Y Items complement th11 fine cer. Uc. 882LWP. '6795 .JOHNSON I SON * l 1"4 C0l N ',If H C iJ RY 2626 Harbor Blvd. • 540-5630 • .. .... ,,,. ...... , .. . .... . . .... Cc m, HJ I ··-* • • • • , ...... ,,~ ....... "t ................. . :················································ . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET!! 9UALITY .USED CAR BUYS! 173 MERC CAPRI · Silver beauty with 4 speed. Lots of miles left 11319GNN SERVICE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 2 YEAR 24,000 MILE SERVICE POLICY AV AILA.Ill O~ MOST CARS CREDIT UNIONS W&LCOME WE LEASE ALL MAKES & MODELS EARLE IKE SAYS: 111• past fow lftOftths ha•e been record breakJRg ....ths fOf' r.ew and us.ct ccr scHs. hcmlM of tnftd of Miffs we Med track ift'• and ere payitMJ tt. hk)hHt pouiW. 4*»wanc.._ Trade or HI yow ccr to m now! 175 VOLVO 244 Automatic. air cond .. vinyl top, cassette. 11996NAI · s5199 '77 DA TSUM P /U Less than 200 miles. 4 speed. orange. #177735 169 CORONA 4 DR. Automatic. air cond1t1on. radio, low miles. #XWE798 -. ',/ .. -.. --... ...,.._ .... ----· - . . r!~'.C'lr:•' . ~..-··~9 ......... • - Patio Living Comes With Spring Remodel, Refurbish, Green Up for Summer With the return oflhe sun, Southern California's casual ll(estyle movcc; back outside to the patio and pool. It's time for repairs and remodel· lna and Orange Coast outdoor ex- perts have advice on everything from curing an ailing lawn to perk· lna up your tired patio furnlshin"s. Lawn and patio chairs and table in sad shape? Village Patio Shop, Costa Mesa, will repaint and restrap to make the old set took better than new. U you need a new took, Village Patio carries a Cuti tine or popular styles in redwood, wtcker and rat- tan. Rogers Gardens slips Brown and Jordan and a fine French patio set among all their sprin" greenery. G rcen Haven is indeed a haven for those seeking maintenancc·free furnishings. One set is all aluminum covered with baked enamel, guaran- teed to be trouble Cree. Want to keep too much California sun on the outside so you can keep cool inside? Orange County Sun Control offers several ways to keep your high visibility while keeping your cool. And the benefits include cutting fuel costs Cor air conditioning up to 76 percent. IC your greenery is sufCering Crom terminal dryness or over-watering, your Lawn-a-Mat man in Orange County can diagnose your sickly lawn and prescribe the correct diet and care lo make it well again. Indoor and outdoor plants suffer- .Ing from he blahs can be put on the right track with Care-Free Garden Supplies special "drip and mist" Ir- rigation system . A constant supply or moisture pre- vents "plant shock" and' is easier on the gardener as welt. Want a pool but don't want to waste energy? South Coast Pools can show you a way lo be a good con- ser v alionist and still enjoy a backyard plunge. All the details are wrapped ue in the pool and patio section beginning on page 33 of this special edition. !~IVIIXQ • :W(lAAE. ¢* ~r.ij \ ~ •I •~ ' • ~ jl {f) a ... \11 1:,iut :(~·~~~ * Thursday, Aprtl 21, 1977 • OOQe A Decor Matched To You A grandfather clock for the den. An original Van Gogh or Utrillo for the livingroom. A sofa that becomes a king.sized bed. A fabric that will match your unmatchable sofa. It's there among the diversity of the Orange Coast's decorators and home (urn.ishings stores. Wide open interior common to Cailfor- nla dwellings are warmed by Drexel's Woodbrtar suite, from Chandler's, Senta Ana. Where lo go lo find that something special for the home or that someone special who can transform your hom o into a s howplace at ~he smallest price is included in today's Home Living section. Shops on the coast can provide everything from chrome and glass to an antique French armoire, frtm Scandinavian modern to American traditional. Galleries exhibit works by local artists and the Old Masters. One even boasts a papyrus copy of the Hammurabi Code. Want walls of wallpaper and shelves of !abrlc? Want a decorator who's reasonable and yet makes house calls? Want to decorate yourself 11nd gel materials wholesale? You'll find the answers in this section. Shoppers with no price limit and those on u11at budgets will find just what they ' want among stores featured in.aide t..lvlng Home. " tr a n · · r tr tt a utr ""¥: "* .,...,,. ~ 2 DAILY PILOT Thursday. Ap,.1 21 , 1977 Restorer Blending Talents -- A visit "ith Willia m Yell and is an education in lhe world of art. A restorer or master paintings, :irlist, appraiser, philosopher and convers:itionalist, Yelland is pro- prietor of the Yclland Galleries, 1232 North Tustin, Orange. The London Guild of Artists and Restorationists recognizes only 40 top rcstorationists and Yclland is among them. With these qualifica- tions Yelland is entrusted with plice· less Rutx-ns. Van Gogh, El Greco and R"m brandt canvases. Among Yeltand's collection of art and artifacts are antaqu('S, South American gold. historic art, Aztec gold breastplates, pre-Columbian artifacts, antique ivory and even a papyrus <:opy of the Hummurabi Codt' Yelland has a repertoire of "dis· covcry" stories. For example, there was the day lhe lady called to a:.k him lo appraise a Winslow Homer. She arrived with four hundred painlings, a quarter of the Homer originals. Two little old ladies in Las Vc~as swapped him a parcel or pap) rus for some paintings, and thus he came by the Hammurabi Code. Yclland says he and his wife h:ive found out two major things about Orange County. First, the county is probably the finest art repository in the nation. Second, people really don'lknowhow valuable their art ob· jects are. Why inveslin art? First, because of beauty. Buy something you admire to hang on the wall. "Whether it's a painting, a sculpture or a diamond ring," Yellandsays, "in addition to having a thing of beauty, it constantly rises in price.'' 30% OFF • LEVOLOR IUHDS " •CARPETS • WOVEM WOODS • DRAPHl!S •WALLPAPERS 1500 ADAMS A VL SUITE 205 • COST A MESA Conter ........,_ & Act.ti • 2M Root ll•cr SHOP aY '"°"' CALL 557-5153 NHHOMI ESTIMAft5 Yell and has taught as well for more . lhan 40 years. To study with him. his :.tudents say, is a unique experience. closets and attics ready lo be restored and di!played with pnde. Yelland can be reached for more information about his unique skills and services al 63l-28SS. He believes lhat;nany people have hidden treasures s tashed away in r - CLIV/Ng Cf/QJVIE April 20 and 21, 19n Daily Pilot: Rot>ert N. Weed, President and Publisher George Leida!, Editor, Special Se<tlons Stories by: Cheryl Romo, Terry Coville & Allison Oeerr Photos by: Barbar a Carey ~. ... ~ :,r 1' .~ • . l q .,. OrexelA.. Heri~' The cCNer fabrics are allur1nq. bul check out the con- struction underneath as you choose your Drexel• in11 Heritage,. upholstery Seasoned hardwOOd fraf'Tl11•n special springing and cushioning and dozens of hc:md· crafted details put these sofas and chairs 1n a class of their own! 11.J.GARRETT fURNITURE 7 Piece Contemporary DineHe At Prices Any One Can Afford Has parquets grained top on the table and embossed print vinyl on the chairs. 8ANK~MER\CARD· ~ 2 Piece Herculon Sofa And Love Seat With ~~:1es ~ :' = 1 -·-Piii tMng room set. n·s CM1J1e1e loose ~ ows P'low S1Y\rlg with loose side pillows. l • yw pd C'J ""° wood !ri"'9CI IDpS on me ..-. .,., yw ch>a at cxiors on me ~ 90lt dw1 7 PllCIS •29995 .. IOTH PllUS •29995 I'-. ,-,..) ~ r' I • , '\ ':'3 *'~ .. TWIN 8CZE Aid l..81* Here is seating comfort you won't believe. Thici< padding on the arms. Rich leather like vinyl for years °' oorrlottable service. Box & Matttees ....... 147" FUU 8CZE Aid l..81* Box & Matti.a ....... '4r •19995 4 DAILY PILOT lhursday, April 21. 1977 I Leather chairs from Norway and a Danish wool rug are just a few of the Items avallabte at Sorenten Furniture. Scandinavian Furnishingsj Feature Wood, Leathers Sorensen Funtlture in Santa Ana leatures all Scandinavian impom, but sells r eal leathers, no plastics or vinyls. Danish Rya rugs, teak and Brazilian rosewood items, and high· back leather chairs are the most popular items in Sorensen's, located al 1423 N. Maio St. 1/2 PRICE o.....,~hry "dr.-Y fat:wtc i.. stock lnu,.tMlhlt-1 The Rya rugs -trndilionally woven by the women on Danish farms -are the single most popuJar item, according to Olav Sorensen, owner of Sorensen's Furniture. ''The Rya rugs are spectacular. They use a lot of earth tones and warm reds and oranges for color ," says Sorensen. UPHOLSTERY & DRAPERY FABRICS 25°/o OFF S,.Clal~d .._ _. Trout .. fl~ ~ - ~ FAKE FUR s49s yd. Full Bolts R94 SI. ti to S 16.00 LEATHER $] 00 sq. ft. UPHOLSTERY Corduroy s39s yd. R19-$3.00 sq. ft. UPHOLSTERY SPECIALS IH COIDUIOY FAlllC L.UOa A flAllJC IMCWDID CHAIR 599" .... Sl6o.oo Standard Chair With One Loose Cushion SOFA '22500 .... un.oo Up 10 6 Sofa With 3 Cushions/We Ate Taking L1m1ted Orders R19-$12.00 yd. -·· -'· ,I ,,,. ·Natural' Products Valued The name of the store, Fur111turc in the Nude, implies the style or furnishings sold -'·au natural." Natural, in this sense. means un finished wood, according to George Heed, owner of the ston• at 517 W 19th St., Costa Mesa. ''We sell all wood products, un· finished, though we do offer custom finishing," says Heed. His store also offers free advice on how best to finish the new product and hl' sells all the necessary materiuls "Buying unfinished furniture is one of the few ways you can still g<•t solid woods," advises Heed. · Not many manufacturers are still muk· ing fully finished wood furn11un· because or the expense, O I Heed's store handles a full range of styles from contemporar~ to col· onial and sells at a price about JO percent below other stores, he says He is open seven days a W<'ek Jnd the store number is 645·1212 Heed also has some advice on ho" to s hop for good wood furniture: look for dove-tailed joints, find center ·~uided dwwers, see if encased ~ir • lions are dust proof, and ask if the ' wood bas been kiln .dried (for less warpage). • 11" ' . " --.._.,..--. ____... Ruby Vanleeuwen enjoys her reflectk>n In a Cheball mirror from Furniture In the Nude. All of the store's fU'mlshlngs come "au naturel" ·and advice Is pro- vided on custom finishing of each Item. Give Mother a 'lti.Z/loy for MISSION VIEJO Coff A•«y PlryJ 28892 Marguerite Plly. two Woclis ..... of MltNoll .... ,... ........ ..... 495-5902 Mee. 1tn Sot. I .. , l COSTA MESA Ut E. I 7tt. Str.ef CWntpcwt S.-•I lc_ T_.tllt & I 7tti St.I locrou tr-..... , Mri.tl 642-8657 ........,.,.. 10.7 Slit. 10.S Thursday. April 21 1977 - - If We Didn't Live Up To Your Standards, We Wouldn't Be Living Up To Otir Name. (_ li ,111dlcr\ i ... Or.\11sl C"unt> ·~oldest fu111icurc 'ton:. f-or m11r1.· than 100 yl: . .r-. c he Chanctla n.rnw h ~\s stood for till' finl''' 1.1u.dtc> and scrv1t"1.'. Ir srill does. l kr'-· rn1 ''ill find up 111 the-minute suggc!-.tion~ in colors, finishes and materials .111d rf1l' "vid c~t -.l'lc.:ll1011 of fine furniture and ac<...c ssory lines ava iJablc: Drexel, ~ h:ri t.1~1.·, Hc.:nrcd1 i11. B.1 "-'-·r, Cc.:!ltury, Woodm:-irk, St anton Cooper, Wieman, Margl' < .. 11-.n11 1 Stif01.·. A11l·lnu111 .ind many, many mon.'. What docs Chandler's vast experien ce 1111.·.in t11 )'OU? I\ 111111 ,. lw.1u1iful home, certainl y. <1nd in the lo ng run, substantial saving .... ~:.~1r1hl1sh1•d IX11'l DAIL V PILOT 5 1514 North Main , S;111ta A11;1 (714 ) 541 -4391 The Store of Famous Names Intl'• ior Design Assistance, C1rpet & Drapery Service, Deli very Service 1 Convenient Financing. Tuc<.d.1 y. Wcd11c.·,c.l.1 y. Thur ... cl.1y a11d Stlturday: 9:30 to 5:30 M1111J~y : 12 to 9: Friday: 9:30 to 9 Chandler's features the finest from Drexel, Heritage, Henredon, Century, Baker, Weiman, Sherrill, Stanton-Cooper. Wood mark, Marge Carson, Aireloom Bedding, Stiffle, Marbro, Chandler Custom Draperies & Carpeting as well as other famous names =- ·5 DAILY PILOT Thursday, April 21. 1977 Gallery Ticks From tiny mantle clocks to eight· foot-tall gra ndrather clocks, the Gallery or Clocks in Irvine has what buyers want. - . The s tore, al 5327 University Drive, a quarter-mile west of the San Diego Freeway, has more than 300 varieties of lime pieces on dis· play. i}#*~*< ~ ·~(~ home decor # ~--*9·§~0-~* Owner Lester Reeves says there seems to be no special trend in clock buying, though some of his most popular models are ones with hand· carved cases from the Gazo Clock F actory in San Diego. The Gazo clocks feature cases hand-carved in Mexico, each one d is tinct , from oak or alder hardwoods . - One of the most unique items in ·Reeves' store is the selection of Vie nna Regulators , clocks with cable-wound, weight-driven move- ments from the world -renowned Joseph Kieninger· Co. of Aldingen, .Germany. Reeves says the cable-wound, weight-driven movements have not been available for about 40 years. e OREXB. • t&ITAGE • '*' Vienna Regulators, special clocks with cable·wound , welght-drtven movements, are now available at Gallery of Clocks. These rare tJme pieces have been absent from the market for about 40 years. Sunny lt~~Y Setting's 'Earthy' "Earthy" is the word that comes to mind when you enter the Olive Branch in South Coast Village. Owner Joe Agostino sets a mood rem iniscent of his native Italy with natural earth tones and textures. Customers looking for value for money spent find what they s~k at the Olive Branch, Agostino says. Butcher shop m eatblocks and tables of almost every size and shape are offered. Tables r ange from 24-inch round to 60-inch round and from 24-inch squares up to 36- inch by 96-incb sizes. Solid American-made chairs of oak, birch and maple from Pen· n sylvania, Massachusetts a nd Maine are fe atured along with hundreds of baskets for both useful and decorativt: purposes. Agostino, who grew up on the East Coast, makes bimonthly trips east to keep tabs on trends in home decorat- ing. "We want to provide a feeling of easy, casual li ving with natural materials," Agostino sa id. These seem to fit in best with sunny Calirornia lifestyle, which reminds him much of bis hom eland, sunny Italy. . Suggestions for decoratinl! with baskets and plants are also given in the unusual South Coast village store. An ltallan atmosphere Is what Olive Branch owner Joe Agostino wants to create for Southern CatHornla shoppers. • MASTERCRAFT • WEMAN • ..rTEN • KARGES • 1J :~\ -.~f~. i:1oo Sam les Onl ~ • ~r-" ... :.: . ~' ~-r p y ~ illl"-'~-~~~-a...•~m!! : ~.7. _ Fantastic selection ~ • Final Weekend .... ..,, 0 of sofas, love 0 seats and rn chairs, all ~ substantially reduced, and all of the finest qua lity. ~ Such name • brands as W oodmark, M argi Carson, Stanton Cooper, Vanguard and • '-· ·~""'.. much more are all reduced for this event. Don't wait, stop in now while selections are best. ... ... NOW: *24995 Ami SALi ,lllCE •499•5 ,.. .... Thursday. April 21. 1977 DAILY P1LOT ·7 INCLUDES: TABLE, 2 BOLSTERS, 2 COVERLETS, 2 BASES, 2 FIRM MATTRESSES ALL THIS $13800 ONLY ••• """'""",.....,.....H,;:...IG_H RISER SPECIAL SIMMONS • SOFA IED • LOYESEAT REGULAR SIU TWIN HO HIOM •tSf• lttVNDU ~~~y s19a SIMMONS MATT!ttSSCS 8 DAILY PILOT Thu™'ay. April 21. 1977 Play Pits Store Stocks Variety M ichacl 's Sleep Shops, with stores in M1ss1on Viejo and Anaheim and a "a rehouse-showroom in Fountain Valley, offers complete service from Sl'lcctions to deli very to finance. A new stationary department - with more than 100 sofas, love seats and play pits -has been opened in the Fow1tain Valley warehouse at 11! 128 Pacific St. "We try to offer complete service to the community under one roof," says Neil Cupersmith, general manager. . "We have low overhead, no Caney rent and no fancy fixtures," says Cupersmith. Michael's provid<'s free delivery, service and has a special 12-month payment plan with no interest or service charge. The warehouse is open seven days a week, from 10 a.m . to 9 p.m ., Mon- day through Friday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday. . . . ·' Interior Designers Guild students critique a model home. Guild Trains Designers Michael's Sleep Shop In Fountain Valley offers a myriad of ways to en· joy dreamland. E sthctics and practicality a1 c tht' watchwords at the Intcr10 1 Designers Guild, Newport Beach With fi ve schools, the Guild 1s the largest interior design trn1ning group in Southern California. s<11d Guild President Ron Baron. Whether a student plans to dr corate his or her own home or pursue a design career, the Guild offers a beginners· three-month course offer- ing the basics of design. Along with color and lin<' comes work with actual projects and a grounding in the business end of the field -Licensing, sources <tnd fee scales. ''The student does not have to commit himself to more than the LUXURIOUS HERCULON 8 FOOT SOFA and LOVE SEAT three-month short course." Baron . explained. "After graduation from lhe short • course, we can evaluate going on to lhe three-month intermediate and the year-long Assoc1ale of Arls degree courses." Students from each of these courses are now active designers. he added. The Guild offers such extras as cruises, like a recent one to Mexico ·lo study villas and factories in Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan. There are field trips to Pacific Design Center and other des ign :.ites, as well as work on original architectural plans. Year-long slu· de nts build a portfolio as a base for their own business ventures. Chic end $p8fkling "Westwood" sectlOf\al by Gu1ldcrah keeps its beauty intact lcK )'MI'S, made up in stain resistant, long weanng, easy-to-care-for Herculon" Oleltn !lbw. ll's crisp, tuxedo arm styling, loose Ptllow beck and matching side pillows keep on nWllng a strong OOt'lt8fl'l>OrlfY S181emen1 Bnngs home proof that fashion and ~ $1111 live. 645-6151 TEIMS OF COURSE 90DAY - • SAME .... , ... ,., . AS CASH -- 1865 HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA MESA HOUU: ~"· 1#1r11 '''· 10 ,. f S.t11"'-1 I 0 to f J11111#oy 11 to J ' •-..,., ................... ., ........... .,., ..... .,.,. •• ~ .... .,.,..,.,,,,..,.,,,,,,.,.,,..,.,,.,...,tr°'W'_._....,.. ... ...,~-...K~ .. ,~ • .,, ... _......,.,.._.._....,..........,._~._,.~.,.-.~ ... ---_. ..... _,,__,...,. ______ .. __ _.,...,,.,._..,_.....,._.,,.._.~._ .. ,. .. , _..,._,._ 1110 N. MAIN ST., SANTA ANA 547-1621 Thursday.Ap!1121, 1977 DAILY PILOT 9 Because the good things last. Suddenly, it's spring. And we've got some really good things In store for you in Orange County, at our Santa Ana store New things. Biggar things. The great names. Warm and elegant designs. In the quality that looks ever so expensive (but for less than you 'd imagine). Just as the seasons change, perhaps you're ready to make your chang&-to give your home a Biggar meaning. COME, SEE WHAT'S IN STORE FOR YOU. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE ... has a Biggar meaning -a quality of service to match our furnishings. "After sale" service Is something we've been building on since 1926. WIDE SELECTION ... is in the continuing tradition for Biggar excel- lence, and includes only the finest names in home furnishings: Henredon, Heritage, Drexel, Simmons, Aireloom, Marbro, Stifle/, Ka rastan, Cabin-Crafts and many others, including Big· gar's own custom upholstery. CONVENIENT TERMS ... can be fitted to your Individual needs. We carry our own accounts so that you deal only with us (excepting Master Charge and BankAmericard, of course). PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS.,. from our famous Interior design staff are always available to provide you with professional assis- tance at no charge. 10 DAILY PILOT Thursday. April 21, 1977 A dazzttng display of precious "antiques and collectibles" are to be found at the Empire Galleries. Antiques Auctioned WouJd you ljke to own your own authentic, antique stagecoach? Or, how about Abraham Lincoln's breakfaSt table? Or an 111 carat diamond? The place to find these kinds of things, or anything that 1s considered an antique or vaJuable "collectible,•• Is at the. Empire Galleries, 2272 No. Main Street, Santa Ana. The gallery. under the direc: - tion of Carl and Linda Marcus, holds auctions four times a month. Auc- tions are open to the public and ac- cording to a company spokesman, "anything of Cine value" is liable to go up for auction. "In the past we have sold vintage Name Brands Discounted If a ~arehouse full or name brand furniture appeals to you. Talbot Furniture 600 W. Warner Ave , Santa Ana. 1s your furniture store M 1ssani: 1s roo m setting amb1ence, but makinl<( up for this is 20,000 square fl'\:t of top hn<' bedroom. liv- ing room and dining room choices. Everything 1s sold at a discount. Alonl{ with one or the largest selec· tions of furniture groups available lo<.'ally, Talbot 's offers a complete line or mirrors, lamps, mattresses. accessories, orig1ni1l paintings and fine prints Featured is the famous "Play Pen" and a complete line of student furniture including bedroom suites, corner and wrap groups. Styles range from contemporary and modem to French and Spanish. Chairs arc high·ba<.'ked, low backed, barrel and even platform rockers. Dinettes and dining room sets come fr om several nalional m anufacturers. Talbot Furniture is open every day. Hours are Monday and Thurs- day, 9 a.m. to 9 pm.; Tuesday, Wed- <.'ars, rare clocks and watches, art, jewelry and French porcelain. The next auction will feature a Wurlitzer Baby Grand player piano with a Piana Violano which simultaneously plays the piano and violin," he said. Abraham Lincoln's table will also be up for bid at auctions to be held April 25-216 and May 1 at the Santa Ana location. Empire Galleries deals with what is described as a "tremendous amount of estate items." The firm also has a wholesale·retail depart- ment dealing with purchase and con- signment open from 1:00 toS:OO p.m. Monday through Saturday. For information concerning future au~tions call 547-7384. Talbot FurnHure hat a frlendly sale• ataff to guide cuatomera througH tta 20,000 aquare feet of furnishings. nesday and Friday, 10 am to6 p.m., and Sunday from 11 a .m . to s p.m. .1'1llilil•~liiilli6ili9i._llililliW~ A great place for kids. In the l1t4iij@INI This is ou r biggest sale of the year! Buy t he first roll at our special low supermarket price , and get the second rpll for iust one cent! Hundreds of patterns to select from, but hu r ry . Quantities are limit~d . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VINYL-COATED WALLPAPERS Reg. 53 95 NOW ... $1 .88 PRE-PASTED STRIPPABLE VINYLS Reg S7 50 to ~13.•s NOW ... $3.88 to $7.88 FABRIC-BACKED VINYLS Reg. S5.95 to $9.95 NOW ... $2.88 to $7.88 WOVEN ORIENTAL TEXTURES r<eg 52195 to $40 00 NOW $7 88 to $12.88 MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. .,.,,.,, 01 :.o P'.lr'U' 10 J ""PS• • , 'rst ~, J 1,, rrerchon "-1111111111111 d se ~\e never se second~ r , ... , •pe ts £ •C•pl for so·f' 1l•>~s o I merer.and ~c s •• •,. ll &> ' r e•c~ onge or comp <:le ruund . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In addition to these outstc;tnding values, we have hundreds of other patterns priced at savings of 20°/o to 60°/o and more! Odds and ends, discontinued patterns and specia l room-sized bundles have been slashed for immediate clearance! We always have over 1,200 patterns on display and 30,000 rolls in stock for immediate delivery. Complete selection of wallpaper sundries and FREE daily Do-It-Yourself Classes. Come in today! Wallpaper1 to gq HOURS 10 · 9 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY • 10 • 6 SATURDAY •· • • NOON -S SUNDAY - . ANAHEIM 1674 W. LINCOLN AVE. (714) 991-4870 - COSTA MESA • 2300 HARBOR BLVO. ~ Habor Cente< (71 4) 646-5058 AUO Ill TWAllA, LA 11£SA, W FRAllQSCO. l'lCASAlfT Hill. cumm1111, DALT CITY I SACllAMEllTO I • .. I t ~. Whlle they last ... ·EARLY BIRD SPECIAi!: ARC LAMP $28.00 You are cordially invited to ROBERT'S Anniversary Celebration. Offering Orange County one of the largest and finest. selections of quality modern and contemporary furniture, lighting and accessories, ROBERTS has something for every-room of your ho'me ... at prices to fit your budget. - ROBERT'S many years of experience are a'{allable free of charge to customers, offering expert guidance in coordinating furniture, lighting and accessories. Professional interior design Is but one feature. """ · • ·• . Customers also benefit from free delivery and set up, prompt service, a cheerful pro- f esslonaJ sates staff and terms suited to fit most budgets. Come on fn ... and have a look at what we have to offer. · One of the Southland's Largest & Finest Collections of Modem NWJm)N i i Furniture, Ughtlng and Accessories · "~ llM""°' =~~~~.to9p.m, ~@~(i~~~·~ ~~ ~~ri ;i~:~'12 to s p.m. contemporary furniture 225 NORTH HARBOR BLVD., FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92632 • Phone (714) 871-5720 • 12 DAIL V PILOT lhursday.April 21, 1977 Deconitor Marilyn J•ndt-Parrott shows off the popular "play pen" setting at Roberts Furniture. Chrome and Glass Shining In Many MOdern Lifestyles People are buying chrome and glass for their home furnishings, ac- cording to Steve Mansfield, manager of Robert's Furniture in Fullerton. "We feature modern and con- temporary and sales are boom· lng," he says. "We seem to be in the middle oC a trend toward modern." .M M'ISfleid says his store, located st 225 N. Harbor Blvd., contains 40,000 square feet and offers one or the best avail:ible selections in modem and contemporary styles. "We have our displays arranged in separate room sctlings, just like you would see in a house," says Mansfi eld. "We have :i varied sele<:· tion. The store has more than 100 tyl>(!s of sofas, with a variety of fabrics in each type, as one example of the choices available . Robert's also offers a free decor al· ing ser vice and free deli very. The price of the furniture ranges from middle-of.the-road to top·Of·the·linc, according to Mansfield . A VISIT TO OUR SHOWROOM WILL OPE:N NEW WORLDS Of MUSIC fOR YOU .•. AND FOR YOUR FAMILY Chickering pianos arc designed and styled to add beJuty to your home, fun to your l.if e. And it will surprise you how little more you netd srend for this reJlly fine piano, the oldest mJdc in AmericJ. As your Chickering frJnchised Jc.tier, we Jrc in .1 po~i­ tion to show you styles to frt )ny deror . , • at prices to s.ltls(y your budget. Stop in to our showroom soon, and let us show )'Ou how CJ~Y ii b 10 own a really fine piano . , • Chickering. SHERMAN CLAY SUPERSTORE 18349 S. EUCLID, AT SAN DIEGO FRWV. ORANGE COUNTY, FOUNTAIN VALLEY Pt:iON E 545-0415 SUN . 12-5 SAT. 10-6 DAI LY 10-9 -..... -..-... ---• Old Granddad Store Stocks Clocks The Emporium in Westminster f e atures all famous bed manufacturers and major furniture lines. The store's 9,000 square feet in- rJude sofas and love seals, sleeper couches and complete sets for bedrooms and living rooms. Grandfather clocks, especially the Howard Mille r , Colonial and Ridgeway brands with German movements, have been a popular item this year . Grandfather clocks range in price from $349 to $3,000. The Emporium is localed at 5948 Westminster Ave., Westminster. Free delivery ser vice is available for customers. A clock repair division is one of the extra services available at the Emporium. The store is open seven days a week: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m .. weekdays; 10 a.m. to6 p.m., Saturday; noon to6 p.m.,Sunday. FIRST BORN SALE! In honor of our first born so n and potential partner, Jeff Russell , weight 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 20" long. Born 4/8/77. 25°/o to 40°/o OFF CUSTOM DRAPERIES From natural weaves to finest decorator cloth 40 to 65°/o OFF Over 10,000 yards of in-stock FABRICS ''Ideal for Rea l Estate Speculators" WALLPAPER· 25 to 33°/o OFF Over 60 LIMs To Clloote FrOM I DECORATOR SEAYICE AVAii.AiLE I ~usell ~~igtt~ "Distinctive Interior Design" HARBOR & ADAMS COSTA MESA MESA VERDE CENTER 546-1014 MOM. THRU SAT. I 0.5 DAIL V PILOT 13 IANT . We are drastically reducing prices on our complete stock at both Giant Warehouses! ONE WEEK .~ TH.~RSPAY, APRIL 21st, THRU THURSDAY~ APRIL 28th . 50%to75% OFF GALLERY PRICES at the world's largest fine arts warehouses! GRAPHICS SIGNED & NUMBERED ORIGINAL OILS All cu"Stom framed! By Picasso. Chagall Ne4man, Matisse. Miro, Rockwell. Bullet. Murray. lcart. Escher. Rab1ndra Owen. C1ld· er. Gregg. Rosamond, Shep- herd Pitre Mosllow1tz. Bragg, Patterson. Magritte, Vasarely and tOO's morel Prices as lo1>.-as Prices as low as s12's Every one beautifully custom framt1d The largest selec11on found anywhere! Prices as low as s99s ~· - 14 DAILY PILOT Thursday, Apr!l 21, 1977 NauUcal acceasorfH are found In abundance at RuHell 1 lntertort In N~wport Beach, says co-owner Diane Dlehl (pictured). Master Craftsmen Create Treasures for Russell I Quality f ur niture of today becomes the treasured antiques of tomorrow at Russell Interiors. Elegant library, den, office and restaurunt furniture is featured in Hondurus mahogany surrounded by one of a kind electrified or oil burn· ing lamps, painted mirrors and hand·cancd signs. Russcll l Interiors is located in the nettle Mariners Mile Square on PaciCic Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Antique aficionados will delight in or iginal nautical inslruments, nautical Old World reproductions, and extraordinary boat models in glass ~ascs. Stylish originals and one·Of·a·kind accessories can also be found in solid brass and copper. CReek S H 0 P .. CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS NOW20%0FF cJ Our decorators will help you select from hundreds of fabrics, the perfect textures. colors and designs to make your home more beautiful. We then cv"tom make elegsnt window treatments which otter not only beauty but practical use. Al this at a 20o/o SA VIHGS !our expert Installation available at add1tiona1 cost) .. ... ~~-mi·· .,. Browse through our 'I Decorating Studio at our shop or call 644-8880 for an aopolntment. There 1s no extra charge for this professional service. Come In or call now! Sale ends May 1. \la "'" trd C•i. Cur1•1nt Nettle Creek Shop, 23 Fashion Island, Newport Beach Phone 644-8860 - --· Nordic Line Features Scandinavian Styles Some of the top Scandinavian furniture is featured at Nordic Line, 277 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa.. • A variety of styles with beautiful teak and rosewood finishes are always popular in wall units, dining room sets, bedroom sets and leather chairs from Norway. Nordic Line carries the largest Scandinavian dinlng room selection in Orange County. For example, there are 119 differ ent dining room chairs available at the Costa Mesa store. Some ''very scarce" rosewood wall units from Denmark will soon be on display ln the store under a new franchise agreement. Nordic Llnes is a subsidiary of NordJc Trends, a firm with 19 years in the Scandinavian furniture busi· ness. The Costa Mesa store is open seven days a week. Teak and rosewood Items provide the backbone for Scandinavian furniture at Nordic Lines, Costa Mesa. PUBLIC Au CTI 0 N APRIL 22-23-24 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUMDAY-8 P.M. A fabulous oollecilon of American and European cut glass and crystal• -1llver -carving Htl -platters -trays -porcelains -Magnificent Estate Jewelry -Diamonds - Gold Pendants -Earrings • Bracelets • Accent Lamps In Gold and Crystal • Candelabra -Furniture-011 Painting• -Watercolors· Sculptures -Ivory · Engll1h Bone China· Irish Beleek • Figurines • Clocks • art from the Ortent • Oriental Carpets -Klrman • Sarouk Tabriz • Authentic Antiques • Hundreds of Objects d'Art from our collection of Items valued at over $1,000,000. ~ COME & SEE THE FUN AND EXCITEMENT OF AN AUCTION IH THE RELAXCD & COMFORTABLE ATMOSPHERE Of ONE Of ORANGE COUNTY"S LOVEllEST GALLERIES. No charge for admission -dealers wekome. HOURS HOURS -Inspection & private s;ih•s • Daily 9 6 p m. Tuesday. 1111 10 pm -Closed Thursd.iy Fri & Sat: open 12 noon -SundJy open 6 pm TERMS Use your B11nkAmericard - Master Charge -Ch«:k -C;ish Y eHand Salleries Ltd. 1232 No. Tustin Ave. Orange, California 92667 (714) 633·2857 • lOCA HOH • Ou l u'l•o A;o-r ,..,,, " ,u. t , .\ I I> ...,. IOI N\41'\•fl t wr I\ 1t 1 A , , , eff -,J 0 :_ __ ._:~:f ,.~ William H. Yelland Licensed Auclmn~r '•~• fllo(j(f .. Aril•all• /41 i·' •, A 6 AN".l~•r•l A\\ ~Am•. We accept consignments for auction of whole estates or single items SIESTA FLEX The world's famous leather chair for comfort and design by WESTNOFA OF NORWAY. Comes In high & low back and ottoman. Rosewood or Teak finish. Several colors to choose from ... IMPORTED GENUINE LEA THEA RECLINER & OTTOMAN Th~ay. A~rll 21 I 1977 DAIL V PILOT 15 THI WOILD FAMOUS . FLIP FLAP TABLE Available In TEAK and ROSEWOOD For comfort ..•. design • • • and construction, try these chairs by 0 .0. Tiie AM....,.._... w• aytte. h..,...... a. h& Al Mlecti.a ... fwlctl•llr ~ -4 ..de by creft-frM c...W, H•OllM ..cl ..i.ctM ...teriah te tiny......_.•..,_.."'°" exclnln ..,_-•· S-fJf tM teclmlclf ..... ..WCll kve ..... tM AM 'Y"M to ...... eftet ... "'"'below. • Wd benW ...... • ..ita • F.tt IM4 top *9wtn • Wd bent.cl ... °" IW•H • Hy*'-lc flap lllppOl'ft • • Acflnf.._ llMl•n • Sl .... af .... acnws ..._.. • Felt._ chwwn • bsy--..g alclftg...,. OUR SCANDINAVIAN . DINING ROOM SELECTION IS ONE OF THE LARGEST IN ORANGE COUNTY_ NORDIC L~NE Furnishing 277 E 17th ST COSTA. MESA Open Wed. thru Sat. 1 C>-5:30 · • • 1 . Sun. 1 ~-6 • C1osed Mon. & Tues. IM IUILDHS EMPORIUM SHOPPiMG ~EMTBl MEXT TO CARL'S J~ ( rl NORDIC TREN"D" r '·I · Furnis~ings ------- 16 DAILY PILOT Thursday. April 21, 1977 ~ Butcher block table• are popular thla yeu and Tracy Young, esals· tant general manager of Gerber Furniture, llkH this one of solld oak. Trend~setting Styles Located al 18183 Euclid Street, Elliott ~ber's experti~e reflects Fountain Valley, Gerbers now offers bis lifetime in the furniture business, 19,000 square feet of the finest in con· including years as head furniture temporary and modem designs. buyer for Bullock's Department An exciting and varied selection of StU~;fers guidance in coordination tiend-settiog furniture bas sparked of fu rniture and lighting, as well as Gerber Furniture's expansion after expertise in accessories. Customers only lOmonths in OrangeC,ol;ln~. also are provided free deli very and Among the well known names car-set-up. prompt service and free co( Bedrooms Get Royal Treatment The people at Nettle Creek in Fasbiorr lsland, Newport Beach, are especially adept at decoraling bedrooms. They do all kinds of interior de corating, but bedrooms are their specialty. At the store a customer can choose from hundreds of excit ing fabrics designed for bedrooms. You choose the colors and cloth, then let the NetUe Creek people do the rest. The experts will visit your hom~ take all the necessary neasuremcnt~ and return in a few weeks with beaulifuUy made dra per ies, window shades, bedspread or comforters. boudoir chaJrs and even wallpape1 and bed canopies. All items will be ·delivered and m stalled at one time at prices sub ~tantially lower than you might cx peel to pay for s uch custom11.t!d work ( :rin: BOOK.ll .\~ ) ried al Ger be rs. some lines ex· fee or wine as they s hop. elusively, are Thayer Coggin, Selig, Gerber Furniture is opeJl Monday Greg Copeland, Koch and Lowy, through Friday from lO •a.m. to 9 Design Institute America, California p.m . Saturday from 10 am. lo 6 Design Group and many more ---~ ~ ~d_~undays, 12 noon to 5 p m in the DAILY PILOT Bedroom decorations are one of the specialties at Nettle Creek In Newport Beach. • GEllBEll FUllNITUllE ~cONTEMPOllARY HOME ENVIRONMENTS" Our expansion sale marches on Gelt:>e(s come a long way bobv expanding from 6.000 square feet to over 19 000 square feet becoming one of the largest modem home fumishtngs slOl'es rn !he county And 1n only len shoft months Reasons fOf such success? Smart shoppers discovering !he la1est trend setting designs from famous manufacturers and a1 sov1ngs to 60" below suooested pnces . . Bu1 one example of man-t. This modem 3 piece sectional. heavily textured in no1ural haihan cotton now at sOV1ngs of a whopping 39% BonkAmericard, Moster Charge. Gerbe1 revolving charge Free delivery and set up. Interior design service GERBER FURNITURE -cONTEWORARY HOME ENVIRONMENTS" 18183 Euclid Slreet.Fovnloin Vol~.Colifomio 92708 17l'H 75'l 1822 f)(lf WCLIO Off THE SAN DIE«> FRffWM Open7Do!JsA Week:Mon-Fn 10-9.Sot.I0-6.Sun 12 5 All THREE PIECL VALUE $1150. ~OW ONLY $699 ~ . •--.:• .......... ~...... .. ""9 ..... ·"' •• "' • • ~.· 0 1977 (,eibof '"'" Ear1hy Tones In Style There is a trend toward tradi- tional, country-style furnishings in the home according to a design con· suit ant at H.J . Garrett Furniture. Rural Basque French, English and Italian are favored by Orange Coast residents and most prefer an "earth·tone" feel in their homes - with beiges, rusts, browns and ac· cents of blue currently the top choices. "But you must realize that ever- ything is being done In all directions of furnishings today. There is a lot of individualism. Fads come and go but the traditional styles are always in s tyle," said the spokesman. H . J. Garrett, located at 2215 Harbor Blvd in Costa Mesa, has a complete design service. Designers personally visit customer's homes and prepare a complete floor plan including everything from wallpaper and drapes to furnishings. "All our designers are pro· lessionals with backgrounds to do a very thorough planning job. They are able to look ahead and help the buyer who is only able to purchase a few items at a lime. We realize furnishing a home is quite an invest· m ent," said the spokesman. The fir m sells all types of furnishings but .. leans toward" the traditional Store hours are 10 a m to 9 p m Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays and from 10 a m to 5 30 p.m . Tu£'s day. Wcdnco;da_>-; and Saturdays. Wicker Sold at Savings Widwr Ett· 1~ one of thl' n(•\\ rr stores in H unt1n~to n B<'nrh, est<1bh~hc·d J mere nine monthS a~o. The shop located at 7552 Warner Ave . ofrt•rs some or the finest wicker and rattan furniture at pnccs 20·30 pcrcc.'nt below other outlet'!. "We.' ha\c .1 lo\.\ m 1•1head b<>cause we p1 t k up ou r furni ture directly from the 1mportr ro; so \\e don l pay extra sh1ppini;? costs ," says store mana~wr So ndt•c Good re aux Wh atcHr W1r kcr Etc. doesn't h:we on hand can he.' nrdt•rPd and the · expeM.s in the "hop'"' Ill ht>lp "'ith any decoratin~ 1>rohlc'm-; J S well ."Most guys th ink Wi cker is fragile. but at ·s really strong f"'°n1ture, woven around wood," says Sandee. "Wicker used to just m~n a weaving, but not anymore." '5he says some of the most popular items have been wicker rockers. cof- f~ e tables. wall shel\'eS and bathroom pieces. '"We also work with somcbod.> to show how to stain. paint or lacquer wh.~t they hU)," Miss Goodrcaux a~!I . Thursday. April 2 1. 1977 DAIL V PILOT 17 Contemporary classics, by Drexel, ere evelleble •t H.J. Gerrett Furntture •. Cost• Mesa. Mochf LDA HOO weslier • Washes up to 18 lbs. of heavy denims and twill garments• • MA GIC CLEAN4t self-cleaning filter .. • Choice of 4 cycle selections· N ORMAL . KNIT , PERMANENT PRESS and GENTLE • Special cool-dow" care for Permanent Press fabrics • Bleach and Fabric softener d1SPAr)Sers Model LDt 6900 dryw • A u1omat1c Cui;lo m control • Soec1al cool ·dow" care for Permanenl Press labncs • 3 drying te:np se1t1ngs - HIGH LON or AIR • 0 f'Yl"9 rack 10< shoes loys. etc SUPER BIRTHDAY PRICED Both Include AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER MO<H! U:Oltlst< No-Froat r-ef~lior·lre.zet • Big 19 1 cu II 101al re!r'geratOd volu""' -6 3S cu II freezer , N r ~' ' 'l t,4,,,,"" t f,(" •U: -r "n I .tf{Jt ''U I ~ ,.. .. tf~ Cw('r I Model EfT111SI( No·f•Oll r~l•IQO•alor·lrteMr • n l I/fl u II I 1'1tUl'1•.tQO r ~I ily • '1 l.U fl ffl.,L<tl • t. F1.»trf'h1r)N'lf r1tnd h 1 1rr ,,on t "• 1f•h • o:.t1ng "'0'• .~, Litton's ol•st dealer with the LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE CO. DIMOHSTUTtOH -SATUIDAY 12 to 4 5 Crcll M1hi-lpeed Mll·IAllE r .. WASHER A1t1111Uc DRYER t 4 A11 ... 11oc Ory WA\ Utt ti '•""' Sale Price :=:: ~:f:::: Cott • '.-D.y S~t<l>O• =- 18 OAJL V PILOT Thursday.Apri121 , 1977 Tables, chairs and plant• add a more relaxed, "San Francisco atyle" atmosphere to the new McFadden'• Landing art Gallery In Balboa. . WHAT ·ARE YOU DOING HE REST OF YOUR LIFE. INTERIOR DESIGN MIGHT BE MUSIC TO YOUR EARS If you would like to become the decorator of your own home in just 3 months you can ... • Learn the use of color, textiles, wallcoverings, antiques, etc. • Learn how to estimate draperies, carpeting, wallpaper, upholstery, etc. • • Save money on all your furnishings. i'id • Short term or year course for Associate In Arts Degree INTERIOR DESIGN COLLEGE 200 Newport Center Drive Suite 200 DESIGn PLAZA N•;:~:=~altf. DE51Gn PIJIZA Antiques blend with plants at McFadden's Landing aa a setting for works of art. Gallery's· Setting Warm McFadden's Landing is a brand new art gaUery in Newport Beach with what managin g partner David Colvin calls a "Sa o Francisco style." Rather than the typical s tark walls and open spaces, Colvin says McFadden's wiU ofCcr a new concept in galleries with lots of plants and fine furniture. McFadden's Landing is located on the Balboa Peninsula, just behind The Crab Cooker restaurant. Some of the artists on exhibit \\ill be: -Fred Rush, Sr., who docs cover portraits for Excctuvie Magazine. -Fred Rush, Jr., who recently won a first place award as top water colorist in the U.S. -Artemio Sepul\'cda, an artist Crom Mexico who exhibited at the World Fair in Mexico City and in . Montreal. -A new artjst Crom India, Rita Bhat. With us, Quality comes first. You will know it as soon as you sit down in one of our. superbly comfortable genuine leather chairs. ,,,-Ill'.-, #f ]i11 I •"-'"-' ---I ·,, r1~.~z=:::; . .,-I ,, :f.··i1···:~ I I'~ • ~~. ~)~'I. J~~ ·r:.·!~'-.. --.. :1'· •. 1:' .'. i; ''$./ . .r~ , ., ~ 'i1u1~~. ''1 '~'~111,: ~; .. ~~":" ... •I (1·1··~~ •11 :,~~ You will know it when you rest your eyes up- on our outstanding rugs, or marvel at the natural teak and rosewooct in our great designs. Come and see for yourself. We know you will recognize it when you see It. Quality. SORENSEN -.a scandlnavian furnishings specialty store- 1423 North Main* S•nt• Ana• (714) 543-3111 (Main & 15th.) I Thursday, .A£rll 21, 1977 ~LVPILOT 19 Works by Name Artists Offered at Savings Picasso, CbagaJI, Matisse, Bragg, Rockw e ll , Calde r, E s cher, R o s a mon d , Dall , Neiman, Boulanger and many, many more famous names in the art world a re a vailable at discounts or up to 15 per· cent at Paintings of the World. With more than 30 galleries around the world and the two largest warehouse art stores -the firm is able to offer original art at sub· at,ntial savings. One oC the warehouses is located in Anaheim al 131 W. Ka tell a and the other is located near the Los Angeles International Airport at S62S W. Don Russell, owner of Ru11ell designs, displays one of a Hriea of excluslve wallpaper detlgM from the B. Berger co: Which Russell carries. Designs Match Desires Interior dec;ign adapted to the ln· dh •ldual is the specialty ol Don R ussell, Russ<'ll Designs, 2701 Harbor Rlvd. in Costa Mesa. Rus~ell, an Interior designer who . tr:.ined with a large decorating firm fn Chicago, offers two types of de· sign scrvtces. · "I make house calls. I go and look ol the house, meet the people, and get an idea of their needs, the kind of furniture I'll be working with and go from t hen'." Hus!.ell sajd. And , he !inid, his shop It also open to the public. Samples for carpet, d raperics and wallpapers are a vailable for customers to choose their own patterns. Furniture, lamps and design nc· cessories can be custom ordered. "l offer complete lnterior deeorat· lng -room planning, color selec· tlon, furniture seledion and carpet· lni," Rusaell sajd, Russell is eclectic In hl5 deslgns, adapting lo indi vidual tastes In furniture. His years in the field have 11ven hi m insight into people 's v aried tastes in home furnishings, Tbe decorator also desiins for commercial setUncs such u banks, medical suites and real estate or· nces. Century Blvd. . "Because or our e xtensive network of galleries, we are America's foremost i mporter , publisher and fine arts distributor supplying leading galleries, depart· ment stores and gift s tores," said David Traub, president. Traub says the savings are passed along to the buying public. The firm also has exclusive contracts with artists in 30 countries and at any mo· ment can offer a wide variety oC dif. f erent types of art. With any purchase or art, Uie customer receives· a "Guarantee of Authenticity" and an appraised value. There is also a special , depreciaUon allowance which allows you to "trade-in" your work: of art after one year for another piece. •'Th e majority of artis ts represented in our galleries work ex· elusively for Paintings of the World. We are able to purchase the total output of these artis ts, and therefore, they sell to us at sub· stantially less than they would a typical art gallery.•• "No matter what tyr of art, you can be sure it wil be ln our warebouae galleries." be said. Sculpture is also available and Paintings of the World owns and operates«iits own 4-0,000 square-foot framing factory in the United States and has an interest in a factory abroad. Custom framing la also available. Traub says bis firm stands behind each work sold because "we feel all pieces will increase in value and it is our -cpportwlity to offer such an al· lowance toward the purchase of any other piece of art should you wish to make an exchange." Prices start from $9.95. . '· ,, \ ' \ ·0 : w --·Q ·:: ".~· ··:c · ·0 : ::c ·· :·o. ·o ·· ~:. -'z·"· .. .. ·!;:·: ·:o·· ~: . ~ .! ·'·· , ·u,-. . !!·. ·1~·· .. . '• . . .. ·::·· ............. :..-·· ............................. ··· ...... ,.· ~ ;_ .. :.,, .. . .... .. ~. , ...... ··~ ·"' i'",··. ,· .. ''·"'-. ~ ~· .. -.~ .. ,.ii':.•'· CARPET INVENTORY CLEARANCE J.J.11 ttas one reasOft for this sal~. This CCH""petlng hos btett In tht warehouse fOf' 11p t~ 2 y~ In ordet" to get his origfMt lnns......,t bock. J.J. wit let Y• My ft AT COST! (Ho deff'Cts -Inf MW carpt'fftwJ that hOlft't MO'ttcl for ICHM ..-.Own r.oson.) . 35 ROLLS OF 100% NYLON PLUSHES (20· 150 sq. yd. rolls) In all popular earthtone colors, brown, rust. saddle, leather, etc. Roll #1002 FRESH ORANGE Roll #1058 COGNAC GOLD 100% NYLON PLUSH 100% NYLON PLUSH $7.95 Normal retail price $S.5t JJ's warehouse price $350 JJ's CWRANCE SALE PRICE $10.95 Normal retail price $8.95 JJ's warehouse price $695 / JJ's CLEARANCE SALE PRICE Roll #&o SADDLE BROWN VERY HEAVY NYLON PLUSH $11.95 N?;:mal retail price $1.95 fJ s warehouse price $695 JJ's CWRMfC£ SALE PRICE 40 ROLLS OF MULTl·COLOR Hl·LO SHAGS (20·150 sq. yd. rolls) 'With popular colot combinations like Brown-white, Blue-brown, Green-white. in addition to these specials: ~ . _ Roll #1130 RU ST·BEIGE Roll #7~7 BLUE-BROWN Roll #609 GREEN-YELLOW-GOLD HI-LO SHAG . HI-LO SHAG HI-LO SHAG SLM Normal retail price $1.75 JJ's warehouse price $1.95 Normal retail price $6.95 JJ's warehouse price $10.95 Normal retail price $8.95 JJ's warehouse price $495 $495 $695 JJ's CWRlNct SALE PRICE JJ's CLEWICE SW PRICE Jl s ClWUCE SW PRICE INSTANT CREDIT! IJi-il No Down on Approved Credit. l6EJ Bank Terms or •.• WAREHOUSE/SHOWROOM EASY TO REACH. Newport Fwy. at Edinger, Santa Ana (714) 558-3921 I 20 DAILY PILOT Mothe·r's D~ySet At Mall Thursday.April21 . 1977 Several major Mother's Day· pro- motion s ar e scheduled for Robinson's in the Westminster Mall, Westminster. The first event is a Selig Furniture Seminar scheduled from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m , May 5, in the furniture depart- ment. • .. Joe Fosler, regional represen- tative for Selig, will talk about the rundamentals or decoraling in modern and traditional styling and .answer questions. There will also be a drawing for a Selig recliner and ot- toman. Crackers, cheese and wine will also be served. On May 7 there will be three special promotions: This Coleman bedroom suite Is available at Ralph's Furniture, Fountain Valley. -At 2 p.m. there will be a drawing in the arts and gifts department following a demonstration or silk flower arrangements. -At 3 p.m. the new spring line or Mikasa China and crystal paUems will be introduced. There will be four drawings for five-piece place set- tings of China and four drawings for three.piece place settings of crystal. -At 4 p m . there will be a drawing for a BarcaLounger recliner in the furniture department. Customers can register anytime during the previous week, but you must be present to win the drawing. Suite's Price Sweet TIMEPIECES FROM THE PAST RICH LUSTROUS WOODS, GOLDEN BRASS JOINED TOGETHER to create distinguished reproductions of coveted heirloom clocks Key-wound 30-day movement with time, strike & calendar GALLERY OF CLOCKS 5327 UNIVERSITY DRIVE, /RV/NE (714) 552-3131 SAN DIEGO FRWY. (1405) & UNIVERSITY DRIVE Ralph's Furniture, in the Orange County area for six years, is ap· proaching its 22nd anniversary. The store 'at 18375 Euclid Street, Fountain Valley, offered some 30,000 square feet of merchandise. Featured currently is a special bedroom suite by Coleman of California for $499.95, all wood. Ralph's recently expanded its family room center to offer several correlated furniture groups and game sets. Also expanded is the store's sleep shop, adding a complete new line of mattresses and sleep accessories. Yards and yards of seating comfort and lounging and h's covered in luxurious Plush Customers can choose from more than 20 complete bedroom suites in a varied price range, many of them name brands. 1n the family center. the store has increased its stock of recliners and sectionals as well. NICHOLAS , .•• HOt't'M .\N la IRREVERENT In the DAILY PILOT CHOICE OF 4 COLORS Orlin for that extra-velvety touch and looks •599ts .. f J Durability Browse, Then Select "If a piece or rurniture has been around for 50 to 100 years or more, you know it will last a little longer." At Antiques of the World, 1957 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, browslng ls encouraged. And, with 40,000 square feet of furniture, col- lectibles and primitives to browse among, it's a good place lo start an antique search. The store ls the result of searches by buyers in England, Holl and, Spain and Italy, where the company maintains its own warehouses. American antiques are gleaned from the New England states, as well. Antiques have grown in populari· ty, one buyer explained, because of their durability, beauty and the fact that they will maintain value and p-robably appreciate in value as the yeaiscoby .. Orange Coast homes, many with Jareer rooms and higher ce1l· ings, can accommodate. the Old World pieces, many of wh~ch are quite large. Antiques such as mantels, can be the focal point of a room, "adding spice to your decor." The best way to begin is to browse the stores to see what styles are available, go home and visualize the piece in your home, they advised. Clocks are another specialty, both from Europe and the New England states. Antiques of the World 1s one of the lar gest anllquc furniture stores m this area. Browsers are encou raged Antiques arrtve weekly, Thursday, April 21, 19n DAILY PILOT 21 Antfquee of the World, Co.ta Mesa, has 40,000 aquare feet of coHectlbles. 2\ - 22 DAIL V PILOT Quality Lines Sold At Waterbed Alley "We just don't deal ln junk. Everything here is top quality," says SandJ Maynard, manager of W aterbed Alley, 18826 Brook.burst St:-. Fountain Valley. One of the newer. more popular lines is the Comlor-ped1c air frame, a self-standing, son vinyl water bed which does not need a hard frame. W aterbed Alley tries lo keep a dis- tinctive line of beds constantly on display in the store. One eye. catching item is an exclusive -a wicker bed with two tones of wicker in the head board, loot board and side rails. A standard m~ttress or a water malress can be placed in the wicker bed. The complete air frame, with mat· tress, pedestal, algacide, fill kit and delivery service, costs just $259. The high C<Mil of frames for stan- dard water beds is making the Com· for-pedic a bol seller, according to Maynard. Waterbed Alley recently shifted to Fountain Valley from South Coast Village. Top quality merchandise Is the rule, not the exception, at Waterbed Alley In Fountain Valley. ANOTHER SUPER DISCOUNT OFFER FROM Wicker, etc ... FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE 5-PIECE NATURAL PHILLIPINE BURI PATIO OHVSET JUST $14 9 ll { 'A II II I ot•\ llt '1111' Ill •1T l'•t tm~Lo\t E.\T,tsmrn11 1n'& 211n1 1, "'I y ~o 'ET!! \ \ 4 IUBLE A 1 Tll 1!! !>l l'fll rR II I Co M .... .i l:'ISIOE •r Ol TIIOOR.'\'. Pal(.£. 'I ITUOl T Tiii AO 1169.9$. SA \t; e.io .. If II \It' i ~ • ~ • • i 1111 ,D~D ~D~U~D •Dl!U 'D ALSO, SAV~ 203 to 303 AND MORE ON OUR FINE SELECTION OF HIGHEST QUALITY WICKER FURNITURE & DECORATOR ACCEN TS ACT TODA y ! -===~==a=c=k=e=r=,=e=t=ca.~===*1 • m OUANtlf't ,,U W-'-an .. IWllTlllCfOIUIACM M""''" N>CM I GOl""'O 147-4140 11 9ne of the fine pianos at Sherman Clay. Fountain Valley, ts this French Provlnclal style from Chickering. Sherman Clay Suggests Musical Design .Ideas The home as an entertainment center? H's becoming more so every day. And, music is an integral part. At Sherman Clay, 18349 Euclid Street, Fountain Valley, pianos and organs are offered to meet a wide range of musical tastes. For personal entertainmenf, enhancing the mcod as background music and as a center of activity, pianos and organs are now within the price range and abilities of almost every family and family member. According to Sherman Clay's music experts, rtany instruments now require only two fingers lo play and after a few minutes practice any novice can sound like a professional. Nothing adds to a home's decor, they said, like a. piano or organ.· Place it against a wall, grouped with paintings and plants, and your room bas a new focal point. , ------ Choice Minds Budget minded? Or looking for something the lurge discount store doesn't offer? Try Curlis Furniture with locations in Costa Mesa and • Santa Ana. A line ot l ess expensive · lurnishings, for example a sofa and loveseat for under $300, is offered for young couples and singles. Quality national name brands car· ried include Burlington House, Barker, Gilles pie. Lane, Broyhill, Bassett and Douglas. Curtis Furniture provides free in- t erior decorating ser vices by its de- corating staff, who will visit the home to evaluate individual needs. An extensive stock at 1865 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, and 505 S. Main, Santa Ana, allows for little or no wait on furniture or decorating items. and for prices well below the average. Curtis Furniture plans to expand to five stores within the next year. offering even a wider selection of high quality furniture. Owner Curtis Kindred has more than 20 years as a buyer In several national store chains. In addition, the store provWes free delivery and set up in the home. At Blggar's Nostalgi~ Purchases Growing The 40,000 ~quurt• foot wurchouse· showroom of J II. U1 ggar Ill Sunta Ana has ht-en ~crving Orangt> and San Diego county rcsidt•nts from the same location 1'1nce 1953. The Biggar store is at Main and 11th streets in Santa An a. Manager Amo Lehmann says Big- g a r 's reputation has grown on "traditional" furniture, though there is more of a trend toward ''con· temporary" al the present. Lehmann says the traditional furniture now sold is essentially 20th Century odaptalJons of such major 18th Century dcsif(ncrs 3S Sheraton, Hepple" hite. and Chippendale. The furniture sold is mostly Jn mahogany, walnut, pecan, and other native American woods. "The best or the contempor'.!11. reflects a nostalgia fo r lbe P&4t. • says Lehmann, "and with the a1d of . a schooled designer the various styles can be successfully blended.'' Blgear employs four prOteaslonaf interior designers whose services are free to custom ers or Biggar'a. ; Thursday, April~. 19n DAILY PILOT 23 SPECIAL BUYS ALL WOOD UNPAINTED FURNITURE TOY CHEST luat s27•5 CRIB s29•1 4-DRIWER CHEST s27•1 DOLLY MIDISOI Cit a lu•t'89 95 MAITRESS $2.5.00 EXTRA OVER 18,000 sq. ft. of fine wood fumlture ,~.eeave·rc·eros. ~~~~= 'IP~.;.;.:-·.:._· ~ Established 1926 """,_.., "''"' -... -. ·auality Unfinished Decorator Styled Furniture ............ ,...~ ... a . 7122 Westminster Ave., 1 Block East of Goldenweat, Westmlnst•r, Callfornla 2131430-2693 7141636-1832 7141892..WOO . - 24 DAILY PILOT Thursday. April 21. 1977 Design Study Lauded Tom Williams has built his reputa· lion for interior design based on a varied background in housing, careful study and concern for the needs orthe customer . His office is located at 2604 Avon St , in the Mariners Mile Square in Newport Beach. The office phone number is 646-1616. Williams feels interior decorators arc getting a bad reputation because too many ''pseudo" decorators without real experience or skill are flooding the area. llis own experience includes a six- yea r aprenticeship in interior design in Detroit. He also earned a master builder's license and opeoed a com- pany that designed and built custom homes in Michigan. Williams' Michigan company also did furnishings for nightclubs, stores and beauty salons. He had more than 100 e mployes working 10 three counties. He moved to Phoenix for a year lo be in a warmer climate and held a real estate license operating in that profession. Williams has had his Newport Beach studio for four years lie d(')('S not believe in "fad " de- l\ussell T ONE ..l. -Tom Williams designs Interiors for people to live In, not to merely look at. signing or decorating. "I believe in total communication with the lient." says Williams. "lie has to .1ve with the finished product." Williams says most people today don't want to be dated or categorized in a period of furniture, but want a little of traditional. old world and contemporary. "It has lo be blended in good taste," says Williams, and with his experience and wide background he believes his qualifications are the best for the job. Complete New York Stocks. Delivered same da Y in the ... fresh to your doorstep 1Jnteriors DIRECT /1\f POR 'JERS ftnt IN"""' I I 01111 • Ojfi11 1 • uh1.1riu .'\.1N/1,.t/ ltt1'.1 • IJ1 Ill,,,,,/ C11Jp,1 /111u1""'' ADMIRAL FITZROY'S BAROMETER With Thermometm t . Exclusl ufy at DAILY PILOT Solid Oak ESTAGERES Roll Top 17 Colors Leather Imports Offered Brazil Contempo is America's largest importer of genuine leather furniture, with all styles available in 17 difCerent warm colors. The Santa Ana store, located in the Town and Country Shopping Center on Bristol Street, is one of 35 stores in the chain. "We feature fin e leathers and hardwoods. all Brazilian," says store manager Art Tonyee. Two of the most popular woods are jaluba (a hardwood) and jacaranda (a rosewood). "We also have some unique ac- cessories," adds Tonyee. "Such as rosewood cabinets crafted in Germany from Brazilian rosewood. We also have tables, floor lamps and wall coverings from lithographs to mirror graphics." He says leather is now becoming a popular decorator item, thanks lo its availability in 17 different warm col- ors. No longer is leather limited to black, white or brown. Brazil Conlempo offers the lowest possible prices because it is a direct importer, says Tonyee. Decorator DRAP.E TABLES DESK ss393 Several styles and sizes. OPIH MOMDAY-SATUlDAY 10-S FU>AT I0-6 IH MAlttHH-S MIU S9UAllE Z700 WH t Co11st Hwy . ....,.,... hoch, 541-2505 u Comfort Shores' ~ Motto In terior decorating needn't be a frightening experience, says Joy<:e Carol Wabh, owner 'of the Shores tn- teriors. 26-iO Avon Street, Newport Beach. An inte1·ior decorator, s he speciaJizcs in the natural earthy look from floor to ceiling . .. I work with the r eal thin!}, nothing plastic," she said. ..You might caJI it the comfortable look I use furniture that you want to sit on when you enter the room." Colors are in earth tones and natural woods, natural textures. parquet floors and macrame accents add to the effect. She tries to offer quality decoral· ing at realistic prices. The basis ol the shop is design carpeting al •·v~ry competitive prices." Fabrics in earth tones include "nubby" cottons and linens. Lamps arc cerami~ with shades of feathers, burlaps or lmen. Furniture 1s "p1llo\\ y'' and com. fortablc Wood is carried through 1mport1.·d 1nirrors and shelnng M acramC' µlant hangers and \\all hangmgs add to the total look. Dl•signer Wa b h invttl'S you lo w •Ilk in to the :.hop lo get a true fed ing of the natural look ::.he offers. RMp115 FURNITURE Thursday. April 21 1977 DAILY PILOT 25 This lvfng room dl1pl1y 1h01" ttt• "natural, •1rthy look" tht dHlgnera et Shores rnterlors provide for homn. Von Hemert: Designer for Celebrities Ted Von Hemert, Inc , a Cirm with a long-established interior decorat· mg reputation, has now enlarged all three stores to includC' displays of fi ne furniture Lines. Von Hemcrt has three stores. a( 345 N. Coast Highw ay in Laguna Beach; at 1727 Wc stcliff Dr. in Newport Beach; and n third in Tor· ranee. The enlarged studios carry such !me lines or furniture as Henredon1 H eritage. Drexel , Baker ana Woodmark. "We enlarged our studios so we could stock some of these lines which yo u can't order without a franchise, .. explains Von Hemert. Von llemert does all types of de· corating, includi.ng a~vising SALE! arcbiteds before the house plans are even complete. He adds, however , ''i( someone comes in and just wants to buy a chair from the store we'll gladly sell it ... Von Hemert, himself. has handled decorating assignments for such Hollywood stars as Rita Hayworth, Ava Gardner , Deanna Durbin and Jack Warner. 18375 Eucltd F nun ta in Yelle~ Euclid ol '"" S11n 01900 Frwy 545-7113 26 DAILY PILOT Bals·am~s. Opens CM Unit Thursday. April 21, 1977 Balsam's Furniture bas served ... . .. Orange County residents for 17 years . . • and has now opened a new Costa Mesa store al 1931 Newport Blvd. , .. The new st.ore offers the most com· plete selection of contemporary home furnishings in earthy fibres, natur al oiled woods, gleaming chrome and glass. Custom designs are displayed In au atmosphere of rustic Individuali- ty. Balsam's also offers a decorator service for customen. Balsam's furniture is open seven days a week. The store is also open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights for customer convenience. Owner Norbert Balsam, with more than 25 years of furniture store experience, has selected fine con- temporary furniture designed to meet good taste with the latest styles at discount prices. BalHm'a Furniture offera • complete aelectlon of contemporary home fumlahlng1 In Its new Costa MeH atortt. Remodel Prompts Sale Edwards Interiors or Costa Mesa is in the midst or a special sale to celebrate the completion or a m3..1or remodeling project. The entire building, located at 3089 Bristol St., bas been remodeled Cor Give Your Old F urniture. a N ew Look! Give your old furniture a new ·personality. Br ight en up your room wit h a newly upholstered piece and it will brighten up your lHe. Choose from lOOO's off abrics displ ayed in. our Show Room. OUR SWATCHES ARE LARGE AND ARRANGED BY COLOR • All work guaranteed for 5 years Dave Rufrells, owner and instructor al Coastline College RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY .·:.•. ,. , ,. , •• ,, 1922 HARBOR BL~ •• COSTA MESA• ~9 better home Cumlshings displays. The showroom now features elevated settings throughout and all room settings are completely ac- cessorized and color coordinated. A sales sta.f'C of highly lrain«:d personnel with exceptional ba<'k· grounds is ready to fullfiU the store's goal or quality service. A complete home furnishings sec· lion is offered for carpets, draperies, and wall coverings in all styles of contemporary and traditional. MOWOPEM Introducing A New Concept in Art Galleries! ' ART & ANTIQUES Now Exhibiting: Fred Rash. Sr. Artemio Sepulveda (from Me>11coJ Wally Gerhardt Gloria Bradeson Mooney Louise Davis Lieber Frederick Rash (Awarded No 1 Water Colorist in u S ) Rita Bhat (from India) 2130 Newport Blvd . NewPort Beach Behtnd The Crab Cooker 675-8840 This is a sample of some ot the high quality furniture on display in the new Drexel Heritage Gallery at Chandler's in Santa Ana. 51 Settings Chan.dler's Unveils n,_.1 .. . .... furnishings Gallery Chandler 's l''urmture Co , Inc . Orange County's oldest and largt.>i.l home (urrushing center, has JU!>l opened its new 10,000·squarc foot Drexel Kentagc Gallery The gallery 1s composed of 51 environmental settings ronlamang almost every collection made by the two manufacturers, Drexel and Heritage. Louvers Hide, Ventilate ll doesn't seem to take any lime nt all before that big, empty house you moved into is crammed lull of things with seemingly no place to go for a<ldcd storage. Though they may not be an 1c1eal solution, shallow closets can hold a surprisingly large number of Items. The problem with shallow closets. especially in entrance royers, narrow ha1lways or cor- ridors, is the lack o( adequate floor space to open and close an ordinary closet door. There's a simple solution to this problem that affords a decorative touch as well -sliding or folding wood louver doors. Chandkr's. located at 1514 N. Main St . Santa Ana, spent more than a )Car in planning and buildir,g the Drexel Heritage Gallery. Styles in the gallery include French, Italian. Mediterranean, contempor ary, Am e r ican and English Displ;iys include furniture and ac- cessori es for living room. bedroom, b~~~~ ... < ~ -ohome furnishinKSIJ \ ,.·•~o~oQoO dining room, library. game room, and children's room. Pieces are displayed in settings against a variety of backgrounds, such as v. all paper. matching and contrasting fabrics. wood paneling, and painted and textured surfaces. The master plan for the gallery was implemente~ under lhe personal direction of Drexel design executive Rick Lawler. Chandler's own decorators com· posed the settings. exploring the wide range of de c orative poss ibilities with beautirul wall hangings, mirrors, books, objets d'· art, CiQ>ClS an4 <trapenes. Thul"Sday.Apnl21, 1977 DAILY PILOT 27 ~furniture alsani·s spring sale custom chair ch el mode motif advance west brook cal shops charlton hiatt ma rick tho net land es glenn burke gall 1931 newport blvd. costa mesa, calif. ( ~ blk. north of 19th st.) 548-5518 toll free 546-1262 mon. & thurs. 10-6:00 tues.-wed.-fri., 11·9 sat. 10-6/sun. 1-5 terms. crocker bank ffi lm modern angel barzilay dillingham modeline western trends shelly & anderson calif. designs 28 DAILY PILOT Thursday, April 21. 1977 / . , . , ..... -· / H~w Shi~t ArriY~ WINDSOR & OTHER UH19UE CHAIRS SAVE 20°/o SALE 5320 •ecJ. $400. M e,ll Block TabtP Eastern M aple Oovi>tairer1 JO .1130 10 lh1d< Others from t B x 18 ----- SALE s2ss lttCJ-SJ"o Other Pedestal Tab1es 24 ' to 60 round 0!01ce of ba:;e Butcher block construct1on (60 special order at sale once) SOLID OAk CHAIRS IEHT'WOOD ROCKERS IAR STOOLS 20°/o OFF I 30 30 • .• ..... ~.., 4 I -,.THE OLIVE eRAN"<:H ~· SOUTH COAST VILLAGE (Mercanllle Bldg l 1150 s. rL.Au DRIVE. SANTA AHA 17141 557-6961 Wide W.CffOR of L..._,. l«Ji, '#Msor, & Hitcllcock Ch.irt. Al M et.tr llock IHll. SYDNEY HARRIS mixes his philosophical dissertations with quizzes and thumbnail observations to keep readers on their toes. in the DAILY PILOT ---__ ;::::::,---· --- New Store Ted Von Hemert, Inc., a family owned furniture and Interior design company, Is expanding with the opening of a fourth store at 1595 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. The new facility, with 17,000 square feet, will be considerably larger than the other three In Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Torrance. Cherry Be::iudou>< F1n1sh, Westminster Whittington. Winchester Chimes, Moon Dial. Raised Brass Numbers. Beveled Glass Front . REG.$775 YOUR CHOICE s599n FREE DELIVERY DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN SO. CALIF. 90 DAYS NO INTEREST 0.A.C. LARGE SELECTION OF WALLAND MANTEL CLOCKS •Factory Guarantee • No Down On OAC •Bank Cards •l ay A Ways ~ iEmporium ~ FURNITURE WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM ~ 5948 WESTMINSTER AVE. (ot Sptngc1ote1 893-9624 ,....._, OPEN MON.-Fal., 10-91 SAT. 10-6; SUN .. 12·6 Dekora, a complete home decoraUng center In Fountain features a "library" of wallpaper books. Traditionalism Still 'In' Among Shoppers \\'hile the current Cashion is sup. posed to be contemporary, the customers at Dekors in Fountain \'alley are decorating their homes in more traditional interiors, according tom an aging partner Larry Kay. Dekors, al 16543 Brookhursl St., is u complete home decorating center, boasting one or the largest selections ·or wallpaper books in the area. "Contemporary is suppos<.'<l to be the 'thing' right now," ~.J)S KJy, "hut traditional is alwavs 'in.' It's .an <'asy li ving look.'' · Dekors has more lhan 350 wa llpaper books for the wides t choice possible. The lamp depart· m cnt has more than 100 styles on dis· play at all times. There are more than 3,000 drapery and upholslcry samples to pick from. "We have versatility. From A to Z we can do a job," says Kay. Dekors decorating center also has a decorating service available to in- teres ted cu~tomers. And ever,ythang is at reasonable prices, according to Kay. Fine · Fabric Selection One-of-a-kind Silk, linen, cottons from India and tapestries Crom Europe are some of the major ilems carried at the Home Fabrics Center, 2121 WestcUff Dr., NewportBeach. ,, · · Owner Randy Bhatt,mlk considers his a .. one-of-a-kind fabric store because he carries a fufl line of fabr ics both for dre~selections and 'tor bomejmproveme_nt. " .. It's easier and more convenient for the cu stomer," explains Bbaumik. "A lot of fabrics can be used for both." Bhaumik also has his own UP· holstery shop for custom service, and be offers decoratir.g consulta· lion. DAILY PILOT 29 M·aterlals for dresses or for home furnishings are available at the Home Fabrics Center In Newport Beach. Life on the Riviera Close By Life on the Riviera is as close as 3015 Bristol, Cos ta Mesa. Riviera Convertibles 24 Southern California stores stock seven dif- ferent sires and more than 40 styles as well as hundreds of fashion fabrics. · Sizes include the chairbed, lov- eseat, full size, apartment or three· quarter size, queen, delux~ queen and "Long Boy", a king-sized bed in an eight-foot sofa. • Sofas are available in models both with and without beds. Styles range Crom purely modern to transitional to Early American to a few models in Mediterranean. Prices vary according to quality o! fabric selected and style chosen. Any fabric and style can be ordered at any oflhe24 localions. l t ' i 1 00 DAIL V PILOT Thursday. April 2t, W71 Helen Schulman (left) of Helbern'a belleves In low-cost, personal service for people who want to Improve their home Interiors. 4 Helbern's Offers Freedom to Choose "Anything that makes you happy and is pleasing to the eye l.s pro- per. Comfort and convenience are more important than beauty," says Helen Schulman. owner of Helbern ·s Home Furnishings. "Afore than any other element, color sets the general mood of a room -it's your most valuable de· corating tool Don't be afraid to pro· ject your own personality in your borne." · The firm oHers all types of wallcovcrings, draperies, woveo woods aod mini-blinds. It ls located at 1500 Adams Ave., Suite 205, Costa Mesa. ' "We discounl30 percent oU eveey .. thing we sell and carr~ onl.f· hamebrand Items," says Mrs, Schulman. "We can do thla becauaQ • we work out o! an omce -instead of ' . a fancy store. Our discounts are · Crom company suggested list prices. .. ll 's excttlng to see a person happywitbhisbome "6beadds. The firm is open from Wednesday through Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to4p.m. Sunday and evening ~ppointmen1S m"y be made by phoning S~7·S153. -,,.. ,. . . .. More than 200 'YJ>9• of L•Z:Boy reellntra 1re on dltpley at Whitt'• La·Z:Bc>Y In Minion Yl•Jo. White's la·Z·Boy Stores Offer 200 Ways to Recline ti you Ulte resUng, you'll love Wb1te•1 La·Z-Boy recliner •boos ID Costa Mesa, MisaJon Viejo and San ·Beroardino. All they sell ls recliners, ?S-100 dit· ferent styles, not to menUon a wide variety in fabrics and colors, ac· cording to Bill White. More than 200 recliners are on dis· play at White•s shop in ML!s lon Vie· .Jo, 2889'2 Marguerite Pukway. The Costa Mesa store is at 369 E. 17th st. · "Tb~e are lhe finest recliners oc .. the market, f eaturlnlf all hardwood fram~t says White. The stores 1pecla11%e In La·Z·Boy recliners, aeWna nothing ebe. Some recliner·rockers contain an ·independent foot rest, others are wall recliners which swing forward and can be placed within an inch of the wall. Wrute's even has a "aoCf ette," two Independent recliners attached u one unit. The store provides Im· .media~, free dellvecy. ·-·-·~i.· .. v.· ,_,,.,r,,u;:,ww.a:IJ We're the largest Antique Dealers in Orange County e charm, artistry, crartsmanship and reftnements of another time -ages old, )'et ageless -are on :.:!'I:~-..-. · play and on sale. • .' e brought then1 from the tour corners of Europe. We found them in castles and beerhalls, mansions · · and attics. fou'll se~ armoires and all trees. Crystal and scales. Buffets, stoves and chandeliers. Wash stands, night stands, tables and mirrors. You'll see things you haven't seen since your childhood. Things you,.ve never seen. Functional things. And things you won't know what to do with bu can't live witho t. I fl · --- .. Dunlap Appliance Co., an Independent dealer, belong11to a buying cooperative with more than $100 million In purchasing power. Dunlap Appliances ·~ Marking 30th Yeai' Dunlap Appliances in Costa Mesa can meet or beat any chain store price, according to owner-president Bill Mallory. The store, localed al 1815 Newport Blvd., is celebrating its 30th an· ni versar y with a special an · niversary sale through May 16. "If we can't meet or beat any deal a customer can find we'll give him a free gift," says Mallory. •Mallory says most shoppers carry the misconception that has indepen· dent appLiance store can't offer the same price breaks as maJor chains. '·We belong to the largest cooperative buying group west of the M 1!>sbs1 pp1. ·' he explains The co-op, known as Associate Volume Bu) er$, Glltter Inc., serves no independent dealers and bas the buying power or $100 million. "The co-op has its own warehouse and staff. It's the salvation for an in· dependent dealer," says Mallory. Mallory also says be has no com• mission salesmen so there is no high pressure to buy expensive ap· pliances. Dunlap's has operated from the same location all 30 years and Mallory is fond of repeating the store slogan. "Low prices arc born here and raised elsewhere.'' Dunlap's is also the oldest Litton M icrowavc Oven dealer in Oran~e County and offers a free two·hour microwave oven cooking course about once eve!) fa \'e weeks A 24-<:arat gold plate necklace la Ju1t a part of th• jewelry llne avallabl• •t Yel~od G•Het1et. Thursday.Apri121, 1977 DAILY PILOT 31 SAVE ON MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS IN EVERY SIZE AND FIRMNESS! AMBASSADOR This comfortable bedding features fine innerspring construction , w it h double-tempered steel coils and reinforced edges. The handsome cover 1s llanged to stay taut and smart. ~-~$ 90 TWlH Sill FULL SIU EACH ,tlECIE ·• • .'69"- Cj>UHH Sfll SET , •••••• .' 189" KIHG Sfll SET ••••••• .'239" HOTEL-MOTEL Treat yourself to superb bedding and enioy weight-balanced body suppart. M ull1·COll innerspring construction with billowy foam needle-Quilted to the smart decorator cover $ 90 TWIN srn EACH PIECE FULL SrIE. EACH "ECIE .. '79" Cj>UEIEH Sfll SET •••••.. .'219" KIHG sru sn ........ '259" LO\'ING CA HE This multi-coil innerspring unit combines weight-balanced supporl. reinforced edges. exlra tnner-cush1on1ng and an elegant quilted cover for unequalled sleeping luxury. --$ RIVIERA 90 TWIH srn EACH P'1ECI FULL Sf'D. IACH PIECE • .'89". Mshe SOFA BEDS START AT$ 1999° Cj>UllH saE SfT •••.•••• '249" KING SIU SET ••.••••• '319" LIVE ON THE RIVIERA , , • CONVERTIBLE SOFA. THAT IS! ~Riviera ~(o)GLJ\Z®aGol})O®o 3015 SO. BRISTOL COSTA MESA 1 a.s..tlfS..Dteto~ 979-5040 W ... deyt t:JO ...... t:OO '""' ~ t :J0-....4:00,..... ..., 11:00 ...... s:oo,.... 32 DAILY PILOT Thursday.April 21, 1977 In Westminster Beaver Brothers Known for Quality Wood Beaver Brothers is a name synonymous with quality, unfinished furniture says co-owner Jeff Beaver. The firm has served Southern California since 1926 and moved to its location al 71.22 Westminster Ave. in Westminster a decade ago after nearly 40 years in Long Beach. For three generatioo.s the family- owned furniture store bas carried mainly high-quality hard and solid woods that include : oak, wa.lnut. maple, birch, cherrywood and cedar. "We guarantee customer satisfac· lion or will refund the purchase price," says Beaver. Jeff is the co- owner or the firm with his father Frank, brot~er Bria n and Ron Bodman. Beaver Brothers bas an inventory that covers more than 20,000 square feet and ranges from complete solid oak living room groupings that in- clude sofas, chairs and loveseats to kitchen and dining furnishings, in· eluding cabinets. Antique reproductions, wall units, JJ's Carpets Displays . Wide Array of Coverings J J.'s Carpets in Santa Ana has more than 25,000 yards in carpel, with much of it on display ln the warehouse-showroom. "We specialize in selling lo large tract builders," says President Jim Knickerbocker, "so you know our prices have to be right." J .J.'s is located at 1619 Boyd St., just off the Newport Freeway at Ed- inger Avenue. The large selection on display makes it easier for homeowners to decide how best to improve their own hou se , according lo Knickerbocker. PRIVATE RESIDENCES YACHTS -OFFICES AND BUSINESSES He says the most popular type of carpet the past two years has been the plush, a short, thick carpet with a high density factor. People are buying in earth tones, brown, rust and natural. J .J .'s handles carpeti ng, draperies, linoleum, ceramic Lile and parquet wood noors. Sales and installation are offered. The warehouse showroom is open seven days a week : 9 a. m. to 9 p.m., Monday and Friday; 9 a.m. to 6 p .m .. Tuesday, Wednesday arid Thursday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Satur- day; 11 a.m. lo4 p.m., Sunday. tom williams ANO ASSOCIATES INTERIOR DESIGNERS We otter .. . Savings .. . Satisfaction ... Service .. Quality & Custom Designed ,,.. Fabric & Wallcovering Scalamandre'. Louis W Bowen. Inc .. Brunschwig & Fils Carpeting Carousef, Coronet, Tuftex. Corinthian Furniture Karges, Tomlinson. Metropolitan. Dfrectionat. Dunbar Draperies & Woven Woods Webb. Del Mar, Graber Other quality manufacturers also available Mini Blinds & levoJor Blinds Custom Bedspreads Custom Mirroring Brass Beds 2~AVON STREET MARINERS MILE SQUARE NEWPORT BEACH 646-1626 elageres to display your art collec- li on and furnishings for the bathroom including pullmans are also lo be found at Beaver Brothers. "We have the largest selection of bedroom furniture available and will soon carry waterbed Crames," said Jeff. "We also have a large in· ventory of baby and children's furniture, accessories and wicker." The furnishings are described as "Crom all over t he world" and available in every style imaglna· ble. Jeff says Beaver Brothers has a reputation for quality and inle· grity. The firm, located just one mile north of Westminster Mall, is open seven days a week and offers a uni· que service. Customers may fmish their furniture on the premises. Experienced personnel stand re- ady lo help individuals choose a col- or or stain and Beaver Brothers car· ries all materials necessary to do a professional job. One of the largest carpet cotlectlona available Is the hallmark of J.J's Carpets In Santa Ana. See TROPrrONES· new COLOR ''T ropi-Kai" we call it. "New Dawn" Tropi-Kai is for laughing. And music. It's for sand and stone where people count for everything and clothes hardly count at all. It's for color and excitement but with plenty of time for jus t sitting and watching wave or palm without a thought about anything. SHIT OHDISIUY IMOUI SHOWROOM. We know you'll faU In love with this new exciting new color IT'S TWOUIU RH • No Rust Ever •No ~Cexcep for clearung> •Stays sparkling New Always S Piece SET Utt SALE ~c; s3s6 USTIWCI $115 '127 ~~PA.T.109110P GAllDEHS 2tU NIWPOIT SLYD •COSTA MIU• 64Z•41-eJ ... Reupholstered Sofas Can Mean a Savings Reupholstered furniture is the best bargain, according to Dave Ruffel, owner of Ruffel's Upholstery, 1922 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. ·'You can save one-third to half the price of new furniture by redoing you~ old, comfortable couch," says Ruffel. "And you are spending all the money on high quality fabrics and craftsmanship." Ruffel believes his 23 years ex- perience in the upholstery business backs up his claim to quality work. Ruffel 's also offers a unique service in the shop. Instead of show- ing customers tiny sample patches of fabric, a customer can look at large, 18-lnch squares and take them home to be sure what they want. "We used to carry sample books out to the house, but this system cuts down the margin of error," says Ruffel. "You check out these large samples, then we'll come out and give an estimate or the cost." Ruffel earned an A.A. Degree in upholstery work from El Camino College and now teaches bis trade at night al Coastline Community College, as well as operating his own business. Dave Ruffel shows ott the oversized fabric swatches that herp his customers determine how best to reupholster their furnHure. Fountainbleau PQols Say: Master Plan, Then Build Tom Howard's Fontainebleau Pool company. 145 1 Glennyre, Laguna Reach. offers a complete ~erv1ct-that includes more work than JUSt the hm:o.h1•d surfa<'e .. Almost an} On<' can build a swim ming pool or s pa," !'lay~ Howard "All hu1ldcrs have lo build 11 pool ac rordmg lo city or county codes. "We all have the same type of in· spectaons and basically the same englnt-ering plans. For this rellS()n, almost anyone can put a hole in the ground. rill it With Wdter and Cati it a swimming pool. "The !'>ecret to building a pool that you are going to be happy with ls one that is something heautlful lo look at and as mainlt.'nance free a!l possible. "If you just put a hole in the ground with water in ll and a minimum amount of deck around it, It will not be long before the new wears orr and you·n dread the work it tnkes lo maintain your pool Six months later you '11 wish you had your yard back. "Seventy-five pcrc~ol or ~ C:O$l of ~uildio&. a .Pf)Ql .o~ ..w,pa ..is. wader,. ground, or that whicb you don't sec It costs very Uttle more al the time of construction lo add ideas that will make your yard something to behold *~~~~#' ~ ~ patio n pool # \. .. _ ~'°'~'*~~~(f; and enjoy.·· Howard suggests homeowners should master plan their pool con· struction for such things 86: -gas stubs for firepits. -barbeques and outdoor lights. -future planters . fountains . showers and room additions. Fontainebleau Pools can do all of the necessary planning and prepara- tion, saving dollars on future con- structioo cosls. '·We take the total concept or California outdoor living and design a m asterplan for the pool buyer and we·re geared to complete the job as one package or plan ln the future," . . ~UI Jtqw"11, . • • ••• ~ Thursday. April 21, 1977 DAIL V PILOT 33 REVOLUTIONARY SOFT-TOUCH TO COMFORT Gone is the harshness of hard wooden frame. replaced by the luxur lous comfort of the CO MF OR·PEDIC A ir frame watermallress ... assuring you total comfort for sitting, & ease of entry & exit. Ei<oerience the comfort of COMFOR-PEDIC A1drame watermatress THE A~RFRAME SUPPORT DOESN T REQUIRE A HARD WOODEN FRAME. & '1'HE SEMI-WEIGHTLESS EVEN SUPPORT ALLOWS THE BODY TO REACH A QUICKER. DEEPER STATE OF RELAXATION The American-Nallonal exclusive independent compcnent sv-;lem adds durab1hty by ut1l1z1ng a lull 40 MIL VINYLE CONSTRUCTION: MAKING COMFOR·PEDIC THE THICKEST & ONLY 100% LAP SEAM MATTRESS IN THE WATER BED INDUSTRY. Each COMFOR-PEDIC sleeper uses the highest QuJhly P.V C . and 1s produced w11h the lalesl heat sealing equipment. using our own solid brass dies THE COMFOR-PEDIC MEETS ALL STATE CODES & REGULATIONS. PASSING OUR THOROUGH FIVE·PHASE QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION. The Amencan·Mlt1onal banner or integrity stands behind tis products lor years to come. The COMFOR-PEDIC is designed 10 harmonize beautifully with any decor. allowing the use of your convenl1onal headboard. standard or waterbed linens. and your lull-drape bedspread COMFOR·PEDIC IS 40% LIGHTER than any lramed waterbed, using substanlially LESS ELECTRICITY FOR HEATING. 'THE WATER IN THE NON-ALLERGENIC MATTRESS NEVER NEEDS TO BE CHANGED SIMPLY ADD TWO OUNCES OF ALGECIDE TWICE A VEAR. EACH BED COMES COMPLETE WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSEMBLY AND CARE. THE COMFOA·PEDIC IS AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES. En"' I~• rrl nl """' "'• 0<1 a CO ... FOl'I PEOIC "'1 t•,-•tbfod [).,a,.,_ a ff'I '"'°"" DI O'"'"''lo ........ tt 11JI ft'yand ~i:;,ff1 ot ,"f'.f.I0"'\1•ffD FEATURES YOU'LL EHJOY: •:)!Al 4.1' '~ '.\ '.\All -.• "' f 1 .. 1ble) ,., 1 ni\1)ll(Q i..JRF Al.t j.1,J,u I ,u, I mneu ,\ 1~1 ··oo) U' llVf?<.At ST\'llt /r, ,.•, •'"""' f • I " •, , '' t'"I RlDUCLU ftlFRGY rn•J'llV•r'I Oil l l":HTF< It~ .Vl GHT TtWI Rf,..lJLMI V.AIEl'8fD'i I" 1 •'! I~ ,,..i Jf"t'*\ ,-. '' l'°'~ b, 40! f,. )' 10' uri '')' u·,.). PWt 'j T .,L 110': W<X"JJ f\o\'.E, CO'~TRlJCTIOl'I I', ~O\ LES<; ACTIVE I )R Fffl W lr".S. 31l'.).\( MOii[( Bo\•l{ IJARAr 11 A IM6 M Al AUOWT , WATl.,100, hPtTY THllMOHAT. PUlllll, t U.6•, 6'-IU ~T\1111 • .,..._ DCl.llSM ._,.'111-'\119 S&MOCll-MKHAIUM. -n n .. , .. A 1'1111 C:Ot<nO\.. 014-0ff U6HT. 4-YU.I 6114 '.N>-IE' I PP.f'i(rl'BEO SY YOUR DOC T O R . THE C )ViFO!? f'ID C BKO\IES A 8')N-, r1DE TM DEDUCT )N C:>tefu1 ' Ji, ,1. w ""1 irl •'? 1l~""J '~'°' bJ L l 1,. ,.,, A ,, '~ ,.. J. r ,, ,~ 11 o" un·"'P''" J. i, •• I I • I •• I J r , •• ''" heal"d m~h ,,.-:.-,,,., 1 I l,, ·r, v' ,·,,, wNIJ c )mf1•''' I $ I 9 9 5 wlttt ,.,.cltoM .t llf(;, $40 WATHIED SHEET • · • • • •• · · •• • •• • • OHU • COMFOll..nDIC' -----WATERBED----- ( \ 34 DAILY PILOT Outdoors Thursday. April 21, 1977 oO O·O .C ~ ~ patio 'n pool · # ~ -~~ .No Care Patios .. Favored Maintenance-free patio furniture is what people are buying now, ac· cording lo the management at Green Haven Patio in Costa Mesa. Top selling item al the store, locat- ed on Newport Boulevard at Victoria Street, is a five-piece patio set put out by Bro\fO and Jordan. The table and four. chairs, called. the Mauna-kean, features two-inch wide straps, much bigger than the traditional Brown and Jordan>Styles. The set is all aluminum with baked on enamel and provides years or r ust free, trouble (rec patio pleasure. Green Haven also boasts a large selection or indoor r attan furniture for living rooms and dinettes , ac·eording to Barney Bernard, store manager. Elegant patio set from Rogers Gardena selection Is center of attraction at recent d lspf ay at South Coast Plaza. "We have a unique and pretty shop. It's not cluttered. It is spacious and everything can.be easily seen," says Bernard. "We have a large selection, with at le'ast 35 complete patio sets on display." THERE'S A BETTER WAY! Scotchtint" 0,..,.,. l) Svi Control Films By 3M •Cut the sun's heat by 75%1 •Cut the sun's glare by 82%1 • Cut the sun's damaging rays by 81%1 ORANGE COUNTY '!Jm SUH CONTROL .-::lbranc1 1107 La.,_, A._. Sh. 201-1 531-5615 0r..,.,Celf. ... Wide atraps are currently popular In patio furniture sold at Green Haven Patio In Costa Mesa. save water ... whilevou water! .. drip&mist irrigation is the answer for the home gardener. rAn-f!aee .. IRAtOATlOM SUPPLIES INC. ~ P.O. Box 151 San Juan CaplstrlllO, CA Tel. 493·2161 • Acttt.dw ... I 06 o.I W., S.. ca-..ft Wwd & H...nnqfOfl UN.,e Mwsery J4161~ Pn 14., c .a. 2004 s. a c-i..o •••· s.c. Manager Biii Hala and cus1omer Diane Maasau test aome of the outdoor Items al VIiiage Patio Shop In Costa Mesa. Living's Easy lnformals Maj Slip Indoors Outdoor rum 1lurc mOVl'S indoors wit h California's cas ual lifestyle. A monf( the mo~l m obile is i ohn H an\:ock 's populJr line of redwood patio furniture, now s lipping insuie to lhl' li ving room or den of many apartments V11lagl' P atio Shop, 1706 N l'>A port Rlvd .. l'~t.1 :'vtl"•U l ..trr1cs the full J ohn flane<X k hnl', al l·ordin~ toc;torc manoger BLll ll.1IJ A Ion~ w1lh J l'Om pll'll' line of f1replJce S\:rel ns, S >A ings, ~hdt'rs, umh1 c:llas. hammoclts and hn t110I ..... th(' 'hop <1H• r .... ..t palltl furn1lUrl' Tl' furl11sl11n~ '>l'r\'ll't', 1nc lut.lin~ r1· painting and n· .... trappan1 N .H ill' hran1h o rrf're<i inc-Jude l'rop1lonl'. "..il1n;on 1 ..itt .1n. Motifr lntloor 1n fu rnitun.· .ind Ariel a . ( 'h;tt m~low 11•1np<'o ancl Wc•bcr is h:.i rllN'llC.'' M1hl 1111p11l.cr .1r1· ltn<'s tn llrnwn .in1t .l nn b1n. V1rl 11<' Mall111 an<I Cult forni.1 l ni1Jrl'll.1i. M .H·rJ mf'. w1ndC'h1mf'·i, v. rrkcr ;1 nd ratt ::n furnitun'. cush1etns and other llC'ms "relat11.·l· to patio llvintt" <':Jn he f1111nd .1l \'11l:J(!(' l'Jtro Shop. Only the Dally Pltot N•lfw ..... )'OU wMt'9 new In )'OUf loul COf""'unlly ... ..ery day S ON OF llHL\Clll Dou bk Purtablc BUQ . Sou ol a gun' Begin cooking in l .'.> mrnutcs or k ss Se lf exting ub hing .. self ('!(•aning BIG 170 Squa re intll('s of rnvkrng spare EZ 2 li ght EZ 2 (':trry EZ 2 ~tore WEED EATER , New! Trims gr ass & weeds sa fely with a nylon line. A s uper Thursday. A~1 21 . 19n DAILY PILOT 35 1488 32 GALLON TRASH CANS Stash your trash! Replace ... the one the wind blew away! by Loma TRAYS 10 Gallon HANDY CAN 2" lO\\ price A super ~ LIDS ~ We have.em ..... 249 do you need 'em ? lawn tool 2388 l Portable move 1t around 50 FOOT F LEX OGEN ltOSE GLIDDEN SPREAD SATIN most colors 1 gallon 699 I I • ff we say so, you can believe us ' flow long do you need? GLIDDEN - --~ ~ HOUSE PAINT I 9=~@[.~ iiiiiii' 25 rt. 6 95 soft . I o•s most color Z!C·JCD~?G I _ 1 gallon 899 ~j\''J~cjft. 111 ~t-75rt. 1695 r... -- - --\..:! -::::::=---5~ CORONA DEL MAR, 3107~ COAST HIGHWAY / lKU..OMETER SOUm OF , r (~-uhJ=i~l~7,~)· ,f;. MacAJlTHU& (aboat I blocks) "' ~v• ~:Jt{!/~'t-.'71!~ "·' • Olfl'.-.0~ ~~ ,.l'OOIW? ....-:: Cl ........... ue..,..lue ~~~~·· , ,,., • • • .-• • c.'r~"'~A-~ill·?le>:-.?.'411i /.fl' More than you expect in a Hardware Store ... PRICES EFFECTIVE FOR 10 DAYS 36 DAIL V PILOT Thursday, April 21 , 1977 Custom designed pools, wtth a new emphasis on saving energy, Is the goal of South Coast Pools In Costa Mesa. Contradors Save Energy South Coast Pools is pulling a lot or effort into adapting energy conserva- tion devices for backyard pools at a low cost. The Costa Mesa (irm, located at 634 Baker St., has developed several new features as part of ils environ mental pool package. : ·A COf!Jplete energy saving pool might raise the cost of construction less th~in $1,000." says owner Steve Bucker. ··But not only does it help ecology. but over a 15 yee.r period you might save the entire cost of the pool." South Coast is heavily involved in solar healing, using Raypak solar collectors. The added cost of solar hrating pays for itseTf in' less than three years. says Bucker Some other conservation dev1cei. offered by South Coast Pools in elude: -A watt saver added to the pool motor, cutting the energy consump· lion by 40 percent. -Dimmer switches on pool light ing to increase the mood. decrease the power. -An automatic control valve which maintains the water level. preventing forgetful overflows. -A new filtration system that re· quires no water for backwashing and can save several hundred gallons of water in a three-week ~od. -=Pool covcrswhicficuf evapora·· lion by 90 percent. South Coast pools stay clean ••• automaticiilly. WITH ST AHDilDS LIKE. .• • ARMESOM POOi. SWEEP • AUTOMATIC CHLORIMATOlt • FULWLO C1RCUl.,4 TIOH • OVHSl%ED FILTRATION ················---·--···-··········1 • • • • i SOUTH COAST POOLS i l 634 BAKER ST. i I COST A MESA, CAL. i I 17141 546-0669 I l ... ~.~~~~~'!~~ ........ J Hydroponics Ezy Gro Systems Conserve Water The rising cost ol vegetables and the CadJng supply of water are two reasQns for the increasing populari· t.y or hydroponic gardens. Hydro-con Ezy Gro Garden in Stanton has perfected the wick system for hydroponics, one of the three most popular systems. The wick system eliminates the need for electric motors to control water now in flooding and drip systems. says Jim Connolly, co· owner of Ezy Gro Garden at 11870 Beach Blvd. Hydroponics can reduce water usage by 80 percent in a garden and tower the price of such vegetables as tomatoes and cucumbers to about 10 cents a pound. Connolly says the Wi ck system is so flexible it can be adapted to almost any household from a large home to the smallest of apartments. For more information on the Wick system call Jim Connolly or his brother. Pat. at 898·3028. ~ Ezy Gro Gardens In Stanton 1usi- gest1 that hydroponic gardens use less water and produce low- cost vegetabtee. "Patio'' TREE ROSES BUSH ROSES RecJ. $11.95 RecJ. $7.95 i. COLOR POTS !1 ft 00 l~ u ::-..: 4" SIZES • Delphillhwn • Pansy, etc. • CaftencMa • Aft •tcpfabk •Marigold 3 FOR 99c HOUSE PLANTS 6 or 7 Inch poh, ~or hanghMJ. PRICED FROM 11822 WARNER AV~ .. FOUNTAIN VALLEY PHONE: ~8-3429 1 81oclc Weit of H1rbor on Werr1er ... This atrium plant's secret for healthy beauty Is a hard-to· detect drip wateri ng system from Carefree Gardens. Window Coating Is Thrifty 01.111g(· 1'011111\ '-ur1 ( 1111l111l 1, th1· IOI' al fh,tr 1h11lor r11r I \1 "irnll h ·11 Ill Rl'fl('(·ll\<' 1'11111 .1' rr111~ 11( 101.tt in I-!!'. rur \\I nd1 I\\' OH1c:1·~ JI,. 101 ·•l('" 111 •Ullt :!OH H .it 111n K Ch.1p111.111 \' ,. < 11 .mi.:• The• phont' numh1·r 1111 ··I'•' 11·1· " ~3H ~lf;g,') J'olll (".It I , ,f IJal'f 111'1 Ill llH• r11 m 'UY!'. a l.11 j.!(' Ill rl"t'OI JJ!t' "' OrallJ.!t• Count" S1111' h11''""" 111\t1ht·' rom ml'n·1".i1 h111hlini.::-.. though 3 :\1 ,,ii,., h .. S (I \ ,11 ll'l) 11( I\ 1111)11\~ ('ll:tlln{!'• fol hom1•.., Tht· \.1r11HI' n1.1t111~· '"'"'"' ,, IJ o I y 1•' l c· r ' 1 n ' I 1· n .11t• d "' 11 h alum11111111 "'h1l'h, .111 ho· p11I on J!I,...,-, almost llk1· ,J tltT.il "Tht'' r•·11·1·t h• .1 l "J'"' "lult• ma1nt:1111111J! '"1h1lrt1. ·• l''<pl,1111'i Carr. The 'ti ong1·'t ro.Jb. <«in rt'Jt·c t up to 76 p1•11 1•nt or t ht· 'lln ' h1•.it 'When ~uu rnn,11h•r l'Utl1n~ a $20,000 month!\ .111 • nn1lil 111111ng hill 1 for .1 large c·o111mc·n ·1.rl -.11 m tun:> l>y iG pcrct'nl. ""' 1· 111 M'<' the n1lut.•," ,uys C.arr f"or tionw-., \al 11111::. types of win· dow t•oalini.: ... r,1n abo r educe th(' fading effect 111 "un W> s oo carprts anll4Jre1¥'f . ... ..... ... ..~___... ...... . -Thursday. April 21, 1977 DAil Y PILOT 37 Carefree Drip.and Mist for Green Plants What's the secret in having a green lhumb? According to the experts at Care. Free Garden Supplies Inc . 32141 E. Alipaz, P.O. Box 151, San Juan Capistrano, the secret is proper moisture. The system is based on "drip ir- rigation" -a system or tubes and moisture emitters set up among a series or plants. Root::. need waler, oxygen und nutrients from the soil and heavy "'atering saturates the soil in the root area and cuts down the oxygen supply Care-Free's Hom e and Garden Watering System gives each plant individual treatment, according to its needs, at the same time. The amount of water lo each plant is controlled by the sue of the rit tings and tubing. He.gular watering in the mist and drip manner prevents plant strei.s. BencfiLc; for the gardener include healthier plants, convenience, easy ini.tallation, tonservation of re· sour<:es :.ind '>.avcd lime and money. Why is drip and mist irrigation every day or so more benericial than heavy watering at longer intcr\'als? ION1AiNllUAU ,OOU S,,CIAlllfS IN lAIU CALllOINIA & MfDIJHIANUN DESIGNS 'llSONAt A nlNTION TO EACH JOI UNOll CONSflUCTION lllOIU & AHfl COM,UTION 10 lNSUlf A SAflSfllO CUS10Mll Before vou .etlle for the aJerage. hnd oul how little more ot cost'I to have SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL Costs you nl)thong bvt an hour of your hme Have our art1c;I comA to yaur home and desi gn a MASTER PLAN ol y• ur BACKYARD FREE' LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED THE FINES l EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE • NO SALESMEft OR COMMISSIONS • AU SALES MA9f OIAECTL Y BY OWNERS • LIEN RELEASES PltOVIDEO • STATE CONTRS. LICENSE # 219536 • BANK FINANCIHG AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES Before making a ma1or decision FIND OUT ALL THE FACTS! Ofl84 7 DAYS II I 0 A.M. to 6 , ..... We proudly feature Arneson Pool Sweep, Laars Healers, Purex Fiiiers and Pumps. 15 yera Bani\ Financing Available (0 A C ) MOT A FL4MCHISE • DEAL DllECn Y WJTH ''o..-of~lnd" POOL IUILDH -------FRH ESTIMATES-------/ 1833-0750 /494-84771 ·~!!!!!!!!~,.,_ Custorn Pools 38 DAILY PILOT Thursday,April21, 1977 GROW HYDROPONIC VEGETABLES IN PLANTERS FOR 10c A POUND USING 80% LESS WATER HYDROPONIC GROW/NS IS BEST eliminates watering, weeding. fertilizing, soil borne diseases. pests and insects. Just add nutrient solution every other week -plant, pick, eat and enioy more flavorful and nutritious vegetables. THIS IS A COMPLETE WICK GROWING KIT 2 nesting containers with unique nutrient solution ftller tube, gauge and funnel; 3 wicks. growing media. 6 months supply of nutrient and complete instructions. EVEN SEEDS ARE INCLUDED enough to grow -100 lbs. of tomatoes. 50 lbs. of cucumbers. 20 heads of lettuce. and 10 bunches of radishes. BROW $50.00 WORTH OF VEBETABLES YEARLY merely by adding a little water ALL FOR OHL Y SJ J95 IDEAL FOR APARTMENTS AND MOBILE HOMES EIY GRO GARDEN I 1870 Beach Blvd., Stanton 'l/1 ... Mortlt of a..-> 198-3021 llASS &OAIC SAVINGS TRADITIOHA~ LAMPS ·~ S44 Now o.ty s19's DEKDRS FURNITURE· CARPETS· RAPES· WALLPAPER phone I 16543 BROOKHURST, 55~2700 FOUNTAIN VALLEY I Mt?W OPEN SIVIH DAYS A WEa I GALORE OH SnclALLAMr "'RC HASE PRICE IS EfflCTIVE THRU 4 I 30 /77 IN ADDITION SAVE~~ 303 °" s.a.d9d MYHtory of f•rttlt•n, fo11tp1, plc t•rH, wollpop•r, c•stOM .. s. WOHtl woods..., blltck, bH ....... DECOU T~ SMVICE AYAILUU Easy access is the trademark of Wallpapers To Go In Costa Mesa where 1,200 patterns are on display. Wallpaper To Go Provides Convenience and Service As the name implies, Wallpapers To Go is a store set up for customer con venieru:e. 1,200 patterns on display backed up by 30,000rolls in each store. Wallpapers To Go has two Orange Count,-locations: 2300 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa; and 1674 W. Lincoln, Anaheim. Custom er s don't have to leaf through bulky books for lhln sample strips. WaUpapers To Go features Shoppers can grab a cart at the ent rance and stroll through the store, checking out the hanging de- signs conveniently located next to the storage bin ·ror each displayed pattern. It 's like shop ping at a very specialized supermarket. What to do NOW I .about ·~ i TERRIBLE LAWNS . COSTS HO MORE THAM DOtMG IT YOURSELF, AND WE DO THE WORK. letter knms ~ yCM"'S for swprisiftcJly Bttk. 111 MOit cases no "'°" thmt the cost of the lawn prodKh y0tt would buy ot the garden cenhr. Ut lawn-A·Mot ProfesslOllGls Do TM Wort For You. We'I ~ fine qitality seed, nutrients Clltd chemical cOfttrols - DELIVB THEM F«EE. theft ow exclusin lawn IMCWM plants the sffd, lf'"Ods the .exact amount of nutri.nh and chemical controls •nnfy .ct mifonftly onr yow lawn .•. PoweN1erafff Clltd power rolls the soft to llllprOn water penetration; checlc funcJts CMd help fud yow lawn for denloptM"nt of a hfftthy vigorous twf. THE FAMOUS "GREENSKEEPER CARE PROGRAM" SPA INC • P~t·lmo,,,.,.i:, Cob c,,., c~"'"'' • R~-e!!di"C (I lb rcr 1000 SQ II I • f,.rt111:1f•C'1 • CrL b COl\ftuJ • v.eeo tootrul • Po;i.tr lit,•tior. • Pc..1.,.1 Ro111r1 • Cneo ~I!~ • Sr<>T SllDtMG • fUTIUIATIOM • '0WBAHATfOH • rowa itOLUMG lULY SUM"'U • Wr 1 C:i r Ir I • c., •• ",r fl ;c Cc. 1,..,, • s 1 l.1 b-'t lf':l (' "''0 •I , • "• tor•rl)I • r,,1 I ·~ • Cr1Ct..~t \t. SUI/MIR • r "" c, , .. , ( t•,. • ~·' JC •l"', .. I • '--fl):,, c .. , 11 • I,.~ l, " " ( "ltgl • S J \. ••r1,.,or f'I\ t, ·Ir I • ,,.,, ,. tintt . ' .,. "· ~ • l'r'.ri·11!'!!1 ~ 1 I~ l•I I 0 \Q II I • t ,.,,., ',,, '" • ,-.. '·J ( ffH1I • f· ,. •. , ,.. .. ,Jfi ,. • r.,,,_, I J ,,~ • U e .._,, ~ INTRODUCTORY OFFER Al"l'UlS TO ANY 3750 ACClSSllU LAWN UI" TO 2000 sq. "· Lawn·a·ma1~ CAL~ MOW fer• N H LA WH AHAL YSIS PHONE 556-1424 Why Move, llnfiroVe With inflation, a lot or home owners arc improving what they have ralht'r than moving to new homes, according to the people al Home Sales and Service Appliances in Huntington Beach. A new kitchen modernization showroom will soon be opened at the s tore, 172'12 Deach Blvd. The phone number rur appliance service is 847·3537. The kitchen showroom will display various built-in ovens, cook tops, and gas and electric appliances for modernizing a kilcht'n. Hom e Sales and Service Ap · plianccs features most or the top nam<.•s s uch as General Electric, Amana, Frigidaire, Magic Chef, Calorit· and Maytag. Tht·rc arc more than 200 ap plianc~ from washers to dr) t•rs to dishwashers lo refrigerators on display. Proper Diet Helps Grass Proper nutrition is as important for your lawn as it is for you, says Aaron Hawker, the Lawn·A·Mat man serv· ingOrangcCounty. "The key to establishing and main· Lainiog a good· looking and servicea· ble lawn is following a rigorous season-by-season applic ation pro- ~ram of proper nutrients and con· trob,''~said. Lawn·A·Mat is a mobile gardl·n c~nter. A call to 556·142.4 will bring J representative lo analyze your la .... -n, its growing conditions and environ· ment, then provide a prescnplwn for seed. nutncnts and control'> for v('ar round healthv lay, n. · L .rnn A ~Lit 'i autom ated la11.n combine l.'an replant the average lawn in a rew minutes, while add)ng otltcr materials and aerating and roUing the lnwn. .. A perfcd lawn cnn be rolled in, but It will require care E ven living la•n carpe~ haH~ tn t)(' rt:d. aeratC'd and protected ai:alnsl iniwcts, weeds • .tnd rungui, diseOI!<' for c;urvin1I," he "aid Crown: From Soup to Nuts lt '11 h::ird to lea\'C Crown Hardware 1n Corona dl'I Mar without ftndinJ: wb:1t you want, says owner Jerf Sehuleln. Crown, loc:>ted at 3107 E. Coast Highway. has been a local busines! since 1949. It is one of the largest strictly hnrdware stores in the area. "We huvc a reasonably orderly !'tore, hul it is j ammed with merchandise," says Schulein. '"We also have a lot or housewares Jikc mlcrowa\'C ovens and kitch en gadgets." Crown also carries a few gourmet items you might not ex~cl in a hardware stor e, such as pasta 11'.!n:hincs and cappucino muers. Thursday.Apri121.1977 DAIL V PILOT 39 • .~ ....... .,, ... John Duggan, co-owner of Home Sales and Service, 1howssomeofthekltchenappllance1avallable. EXPANSION SALE! • t$ • NOW IN @ LOCATIONS • MALL OF ORANGE (Expanded Showroom) FORM ERLY • COST A MESA (New Showroom) t TOWN' COUNTRY • ORANGE WHSE. OUTLET (New) ' PATIO SHOPS SAVE 20o/o •COMPLETE Maka adiiYJ Fun every season LINE OF CHARMGLO BBO's & ACCESSORIES ... --, J ... (:,, I • I ' \ \ ' • \';7\ 1" ' 'I I \' ' '' ........ ·... \ ...... 7 \i•,1 ' It "\\ ·f ~ • ._ • .v l -I ~·~ ~ I/ " ~:7 -v.h'"'-, ' -~ ""'I t'i" £.:· ;.,L_ ...... ·~ ~ t,j I I I I I. J ·--ir-I ~'111 ~·~· . .-~ 'I, . / ly;1 ··I COMPARE AT 390.00 24995 5 Ps. Set 48" MOSAIC STONE TABLE HARO TO FINO -WITH 4 RUST· PROOF ALUMINUM CHAIRS. MALL OF-ORANGE 2378 N. Tustin Ave. 998-1721 All TiiAEE lOCA TIONS OPEN 7 DA VS • REG.253.00 SALE 16995 5PS.SET UMB. NOT INCL . ~ ..J. t!l..vJ .. Wt, 6 PS. SET WITH 42" MESH TABLE and 4 SIDE CHAIRS (Sim. to 111u1t.) SPECIAL SAVINGS AT COSTA MESA I ORANGE WAREHOUSE ON CLOSE·OUT AND 9lSCONTINUEO STYLES & COLORS - , ;.• ' 40 DAILY PILOT ftEA lUAfHO. ICE WA TEA THAOIJOH DOOR . • -IO lllL, _,.HO ..... -be--. let °"' -"-Mr. ---"" .,.,. ""' ... __ of __ !Of\ co... -'1llle .... --:ne QI n HO-FROST REFRIOEl'IATOR · fREUER 3&'6 Wies.. "" h•Qh SAYE s100 your .. * Thursd~y, Aprll 21, 1977 ONCE-A-YEAR On Frigi daire's largest Side-by-Side SALE PRICES Refngerator-Freezer ... Reg. $898.00. now Ool• STORE WIDE! ly$596.00 .... Model !1FC1-22V AMAMA 20 CU. FT. CALORIC- Gas Microwave Cooking Center MODEL RKP399 .. ¢=i ....... --·~·.,..._ on • ,,,. _,,.. ,..,_,~ ,,,. ca.tor< o .. M1Cf0wl.,. C.00...lr\Q a.r. ~ Ol'l09 ... ~ .,..., .. ,.. neV9f ti:now•ft91Y "" - SAVES JOO LU IUIL T·IH OVIHS c::::::> __ __,.,...,...,._ "'°'""" !he ,.,...., ,..,.. or in-"""""9 Q IOOC &..!".,., 0.."6 • • ~ , ..... I llO Ob'iOI• llOn. wtTill~I OPPll llYOl"M• c-AlWATS ••• Piil ..,.,.,, BANKAMERICARD THE HOME OF NAME BRANDS welcome • AMANA •CALORIC •KITCHEN AID • G.E. e FRIGIDAIRE I••••••••• e MAYTAG Wt llO<.qlW • 19 70 "''""'' ~ dtahWllhef• ., --pnCHAll -.,.,., In l.ooory ar!OM! Wt ... ~ng lhO MVIOQS IOll'Oll> OMLY I WE'ii I REVOLVING I MEVEI 1 ...___c ... H_A_R .... G .... E _ _. I IMOWIMGLYI : UMDEISOlDtl 17242 BEACH BLVD. Alift.IOf!F.ST'UITPA ..... OM oua HIWLT PAYm LOTI BETWEEN SLATER ANO WARNER HUNTINGTON BEACH IEllllC! I PlllTI DEPT. SAME DAV SERVICE WHEN VOU CAll ,,7.3537 BEFORE 10 A.M. We take trada·lns ALWAYS FREE DELIVERY! ·--------· HOURS: Mo'nda thru Saturda 8 to 6 • Phone ( 714) 847-3537 --· .... Q m~ster charge ' '4 ... I MM& ... • •O i f SA VETiMi;-': 1 SAVE fiAS! I 1 ORDERIY I I PHOME! I ~~!·!~:?!lj Huntington Beaeh~ .Fountain Vatley EDa..TION Afternoon N.Y.StoekS . 70, NO. 111, 4 SECTIONS, 78 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1977 TEN CENTS ecret J11ry Testim.ony llints 'Payola' By GARY GRANVILLE Ol I._ D•llY P'llo• $U1ff Secret Orange County rand Jury tes timony in· \:ates that a county salvage e ntractor last fall allegedly tOld his disenchanted busi-~ss partners they would ¥,ve to make a $5,000 ~liti~al campaign contribu-c. tum to protect a $200,000 in· vestment. · "Are you telling me if I don't lay down $5,000 we're going to have trouble with our ($200,00C)) shredder?" Max Stone said he asked salvage contractor George Adams. "Well, that is the way the game is played out here," Stone said Adams replied. Stone, a Long Beach salvage operator who last fall was form- ing a business partnership with Adams, testified March 8. His testimony is included in 2.000 pages or transcripts cover- ing the jury's continuing in- vestigation into Orange County political practices. Before Stone testified, Adams had appeared before the Grand Jury and denied ma.king state- ments that were later attributed to him in Stone's testimony. Adams is the holder or a con- tract covering metal salvage operations at one county dump site, And last November, when bid· ding under a firm name similar to the corporate name he, Stone and others had chosen for a new entity, Adams was the successful. bidder -00 a salvage contract al threeot.ber CO\llltY dump stations. According to Stone's testimony, Adams assured his would-be partners long before the November bid opening that the contract would be theirs. ••oon't worry about it. We have got the landfill contracts," Slone quoted Adams as saying. "He knew about it long before the bids were announced." Adams was a $5,250 con- tributor to Supervisor Philip An· thony's campaign and. in one r are point or agreement between his and Stone's testimony, had sought help from Stone in obtain- ing a $30,000 campaign loan. According to Stone, Adams had told him Supervisor Ralph Diedrich "had requested of him to make a $30,000 loan on Mr. An- thony's home." Last Oct. 25, Stone said, Adams said he "would lose his power with Mr. Diedrich and the board <or supervisors) if we do not come up with that $5,000 Cor An· thony 's campaign.'' However, Adams repeatedly denied ever using Diedrich 's (See SUBY, Page AZ) I . • jArson1st Torches Harbour Unit Carter Confident 'Chance' Averts Tragedy Pred icts Gas Tax Will Cfuar Congress AP'W•,....._ TAX OK SEEN Prealdent Carter Section Aids 'Readers With 'Liviiig Home' 'l'bday's DaJly Pilot brings you s1>4tCial help !or plonning the spr-int· spruce-up or your home and g'-'den. A special. 40-pagc magazine ''Uving Home" comes lo you in 'lh.~Daily Pilot. · The section is fill ed with words and picture advice on home rurnishings. interior design and decorating and patio4 and pool im· sm>vements. 'or guidance to·· the Orange Co115t's leac:Ung home improve- ment values, look for Living Home, inside today. . ) CHP Seeka • ~t'6:!nal, •$AN FRANCISCO (AP>-The California Highway Patrol has a(ked the state Supreme Court to l._ert.um a court decision that 1ld it liable for an inJW"Y. suf- ered by an off.duty omcer pJay. n1 softball. 'the petition fOC' review was -4 Wednesday after the state Cou,rt ol Appeal denied a slmilar "'1aest involving a rulln1 by a -.ltera' CompensaUon Appeal& WASlllNGTON CAP) -Presi· dent Carter predicted today he will get his proposed standby gasoline tax through Congress despite some initial re action against the plan on Capitol Hill. "I think we'll get it passed." Carter told repqrters who asked him about perhaps the most con- troversial section or "his tough new energy policy. * * Carter was questioned on the White House south lawn while saying goodby to Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares after a morning meeting in the Oval Office. Carter laid out his com-prehensive energy program to a jomt House-~nate session Wed· nes day night, acknowledJ?tng (See CARTER, Page A?) * * * By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 tM O ... ly P1 .. l S111f An arsonist forced evacua- tion of a three-story Hunt- ington Harbour apartment building early today by trans forming one of its elevators into a blazing firebomb. Gas Worries Hit Only luck and the fact someone apparently arriving home l ate di s c overed the flames prevented a . rtal holocaust at the Harbor Lights Apartments Building Four, 4352 Pickwick Circle, investigators said. By UCI Professor The passerby grabbed a dry chemical fire extinguisher and quelled the blaze in an elevator on the unit's b asement level while firemen were on their way. - ByIDLARYKAYE OI Ille o_.1, P'llOI St•tt A UC Irvine economics pro- fessor today ridiculed the belief by many Californians that Presi- dent Carter's energy:saving package will hit Californians worst or all. "That's a Jot of nonsense." claimed Dr. Charles A. Lave. wh o 1s studying energy and transportation problems with a federal grant. ·"The belief that Californians do a lot more driving than other parts of the countr)l is sheer balonev," Lave added. lie said that much or the country lives in suburbia "Jusl hke Newport Beach" and that the only areas where extra gas taxes won 't make much dif· ference are places like New York 's Manhattan. "And just how many people actuallv live in Manhattan ?" the economics professor as ked. Another UCI professor. Dr. Ro l a nd Sch1nzing e r of the t•n g1neering department. agreed thJt tht.' proposed extra gas taxes will not prove discriminatory to Ca hfomians. ''There are a lot of areas -ltke Te"<as and the Midwest -where they drive greater distances than v. e do here and they 'II be hurt v. orse than us ... Schmzmger as· scrtC'd Sc h i n zi n ge r s aid he 's encouraged by the president's emphasis on conservation. ··conservation is long overdue. l thmk Carter's energy policy is R'luch more realistic than Nix- on's energy independence policy." Sc hi ruing er said. He said Carter's plan involves • "r ather complicated procedures. There are a lot or different measures and they all have to work together," the professor said. Heiress Died F rom Armlock WHEATHAMPSTEAD. England <AP) -Australian heiress Janie Shepherd died as a result or heavy pressure Oil her neck -probably from an arm lock, police said. The decomposed body of the ".; 24-year-old stepdaughter or Australian banker and oil ex· ecutlve Jobn Darlin1 was found near here Monday under grass and branches In a windswept fl eld some 20 miles north of London. Ron Harvey, Hertfordshire's chief superintendent of de· tectives, said Wednesday she ap- parently bad undergone a partial change ofclotl\ini at tht bands of her murderer. Police aald tbere was no evidence that abe had been sexually mol•ated. aJthOQlh DO ftna1 ~ "Coneress' support is needed and it's possible to get tbal sup- port if Carter can show the con- flicting interests that unless all parts or the program are put into effect. even worse things might happen," he said. "A loto!arm-twistlngandjaw- bomng needs to be done to get Congress to agree to this," Schinzmger said. Lave believes the President's prop<>sal to boost gas taxes and to increase excise taxes for large cars that are not energy efficient arc "perfectly reasonable." AP Wl•eollote .. 'Spirit' Moves If the president's plan is adopt- ed. gas taxes will climb up to 10 cents per gallon per year, ending up with a 57-cent boost per gallon by 1988. H e's also s uggesting that energy-efficient car buyers re- ceive •a rebate and energy- inerric~nt car buyers be taxed higher. A replica of Charles A. Lindbergh's "Spirit of St. Louis" was placed on display at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis Wednesday as a prelude to the celebration of the soth Anniversary of Lindbergh's, solo flight across the Atlantic. Gene R. Chase of the Experimental Aircraft Association, which owns the plane, makes adjustments after flying it in from Milwaukee. -, "I ttitnk it's reasonable, althouah I doubt it will be ter· r1bly effective." said Lave, who in January delivered a talk in Washington that suggested the real energy solution is to use small. energy-eHicient cars, not mass transit . "The most effective thing hac; already been done -the 1974 leg1slat1on by Congress that is forcung U.S. auto manufacturers to improve the economy or their cars." Lave said. Irving Suggests Hughes Put on Ice "Car manufacturers are being required to come up with a fleet of cars with an average of 27.5 miles per gallon by 1985," he said. "That's the most etfective piece or legislation we've had, but these other things (gas and excise taxes) will be helpful too," Lave predicted. LONDON CAP) -Clifford Irv- ing, author or a hoax biography of Howard Hughes, suggested to- day that the American multimillionaire may have died some time before he was said to have died and his corpse kept in a deep freeze. Irving, 46, in London to publicize a book he bas written a bout the hoax biography, told reporters he did not believe the announcement. that Hughes died Income mked SocUd Security lnereaJ1ed WASIIlNGTON (AP) -Social Security and Sup- plemental Secwity Income payments will increase 5.9 percent beginning with checks going to b.eneficiaries July 1, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare announced today. The increase is automatic and pegged to the ris· ing cost of living. The 1lw req~ that. whenever the consumer price ~x rises 3' per1:e11t or more, recipients of Social Security and the federal SSI program for the aged and disabled must increase as well. The consumer price index rose S.9 percent from the first quarter of 1~76 through the first quarter of 1971 which ts tbc"Ule&.Swin& period for tbe·beneflt in- crease announced today. April 5, 1976, at age 70 "and I'm still not sure it's true." "I think he's dead," Irving said. "But I'm not sure he died then. I've always believed that his death would be announced at a convenient moment.'' Hughes was reported to have died aboard a private jet as it flew from Acapulco, Mexico, to Houston, Tex. The Methodist Hospital in Houston made the brief death announcement. "Let's make an assumption, 0 Irving said, "that he died some years ago. It would have been much more to lhe advantage of the people who controlled that empire not to announce his death then.'' Irving, who served 17 months in jail !or writing the famous hoax, said Hughes' corpse may have been preserved by freeilng and that an electrical malfunc· tion in the equipmenl could have caused it to be .. derrosted ahead of schedule." He said be believed premature .. defrosting" of t.he corpse could have precipitated the bospltal announcement. But be said be had no evidence to support bis frozen body theory. Irving said that later evenl$ .. seem to bear that out as a r~ allsUc possibility -the disa~ pearance ot all the money, for ex· ample." Deputy Fire Marshal Roger Hosmer said only about $1,200 damage resulted, primarily to the elevator car itself and the shaft soaring three stor ies above it. "It could have developed into something considerably larger if it ~adn't been caught, just by chance," Hosmer added. He was reluctant to speculate whether the 3:53 a.m. elevator shaft blaze might have been the work of a professional arsonist. ratherthan a malicious amateur. The area, which includes several large, multi-unit apart- m ent structures, has been plagued in recent weeks with a (See ARSON, Page AZ) Attendance Changes Due Huntington Beach elementary school district trustees have set May 17 as the target date for changing a number of school at- tendance bound~ries. Trustees are weighing a plan to move more than 200 mentally gifted students from Peterson School to Le Bard School. Sever a l other boundary changes are being studied. Over-crowding at Perry and Smith schools have prompted the study. Other schools east of Beach Boulevard are experiencing a ·declining enrollment, partJcular· ly LeBard which has a n'llQber of empty classrooms. Coast Weather Night and morning low clouds and fog with hazy. afternoon s un s hine through Friday. Lows tonight 48 to SS. Highs Fri· day87to7'. I NSIDE TODAY Deiielopm.mallJI dltClbkd ore bang moved from fn.aUtu· fiona to lamUu environment un4er.a .RtgfmJal Cent•r pr~ oram. Eaoe BI. This means that the average retired single worker who receives $221 per month will 1et an addi· tional $13.CM each month ~nnlng July 1. Hu.&bes' wlll filed last month in Los •-d'eles revealed he was .,., .. ,~. "" A•L...._. ru.•· ... ""' . ,.,. ·-ie· •t • •• .. ,.. The average elderly Widow who get.a $210 a month will 1et a $12.39 lnt!tease. 11\e ~um benefit for a man redrin& "1is at ac~ wllllgo from1$412...'70 to s.8& . worth around $1~6 million .,.,. • ....,.... •• M.,., • .....,. a1alnst speculation wnicb put h1I ~'er.= .... C1~ ::s~ fortune u hllh as $2 bllllon. g::.,. :: ,.,...: """1r Irving dalmed that althouJh o.-tll..... All ....,_ muc.b of hi. biofrQhy of Hu&bet • .....,..... ,.. .._..,..... "' .,., ., ~· .,. ., .. .. .j rd Judge arantiq temporary billty. badbeeom~ ;:,"]i,-, Ii . • I,, ..,, . WU ''flc:tJGd Qd ablu.rd, •• bard ==---M,7~ ~ reaearcb had ntabliabed &be • ~ -.U ~· Hu&heslariune at$1.8~ • -...... ...,..~----.-,,.--·--.-a. ........ -.. __ .... ~ .i --------l;&----------------"--------------rff---~----------~,-------------------------------~;---, .42 DAILYPILOT H/F F,.._PageAI JURY ••• name to encourage.has tenli.live b&&1lneaa partner to donste. He allo denied that Dtedrlch had ever aaked him for Anthony contributions. So did Diedrich. When testifying before the Grand Jury March 3, the supervisor repeatedly denied ever discussing polltlca1 con- tributions withAdam11. All remarks attributed t o Diedrich by Stone came through Adams and there ls no indication in the transcript that Diedrich and Stone ever talked. There Ls a tape recording of a telephone conversation between Adams and Stone in which Stone makes references to earlier con- ver sations about campaign solicitations from Adams. And, a worker in Stone's Long Beach salvage yard testified that he beard Stone explode over the telephone when ap~renlly asked by Adams to donate to An· thony's campaign, allegedly as a necessary cost or doing business with county ~overnment. Adams' and Stone's dirrerences. go deeper. however. In that testimony, it is revealed thab Stone, Adams and others were forming a partne rship, Land Fill Recovery Systems Development, Inc .. to bid on the three county dump s alvage operations. Bul, Stone testified, Adams. without his would-be partners' knowledge, made the s uccessful bid under the firm name, Land Fill Reco ver y Syst e ms. a ficticious operating name used by Adams' Orange County Steel Salvage Co. Thal meant that Stone and his allies were left out of the county contract by a tentative business partner they had a lready bankrnl1ed to a $200.000 invest· ment held in trust and a SS,000 loan Coincidentally. Adams, who had suggested the new company name, opened a bank account un- der the similar name and began business transactions an that name without his partners' knowledge, according to the Grand Jury testimony. Front Page Al CARTER ... that it would be pa inful and declaring, "I don't c·xpccl much applause." He didn't get much applause, either. Yet. Democratic con· gressional leaders vowed to fight bard for the bulk of the program. ~hich calls for conserving rner gy through higher ;iutomobile and fuel prices and taxes. Dul they conceded the plan aces major opposition. · Carter told Congress that lo de· (II with the nation's energy cn s1s the la" makers must approve l axes and pr ice increases on 1 SLUGGISH CARS, COOLER HOUSES-A4 CALIFORNIA OFFICIALS . BACK CARTER PLANS-AS ' 'CRISIS' GOES AGAINST GRAIN--812 twindling fuel supplies and must grcc to heavy la'<es on ga~ ualing aut.omob1lcs. ' lhs plan for a standby gasoline Cax of up to 50 crnts <1 ~allon drt•w fhe most vigorous crit1c1sm. Some congrcss1onal leaders pre· ~icted that thl' provision might t>c dumped by Congrc ... s, and lit tie support for 1l l'm<:rgc-d on ('apitol lhll Members of Congr(',c; nf both ~arties, dl'~ply spill ovf•r enrrgy ~sues. voiced little enthuc;1asm (or thf' over-all package. but 91 any praised Carter for courage 1)1 propo:un~ stiff cons<-rvat1on vieasures. "I'm going to be leading the fharge to do everything possible to put together his program." hid Sen. Henry M. Jackson <D· Wash.), chairman or the Senate bergy and Natural Resources (:ommittee, which will handle (nost of the President's pro· posals. '----------~~~~----......... OlllANOI COAIT H ..,. DAILY PILOT ~~!r.~i:.~~,.~~,·:·r, :=,.=~:: o,r;; C.O.\t Pvif\h""•"4 C•'"o•n'i ~ •• ,."'''WWI' ..... p.wibll\Md ~M•'I '"''tu•h t=r•MW t., ("1'14 Mirw ..,.•06" ~.c" """''.,....,, l'it*Ch '·Y'I ••Ill V11Hf'y h .,,ou• \•ttdrf't»O. v.u .... ....,. ~ .., .... 'Sft.vtf'! Coa\I .\ \l ...... f'.-qW\ff •ctl ttOI'\ n wbl•"""d S..t11rd•y\ .,,_., ~ ... , t-.r :,~~~~~e:~i..~,·~~~~'.,':,::1° W.\l 8•• ' . ....., ... -...... .,..., . ...,,....._ JM••.C-t \li(tP<KIOO•I•"" Ge-al~ ,_ .. 11....i1 ld•tor '':..~ ... ~ ~ .. ~ ·-........ AUht...iMa ........ l•'°" ·-·-"""°'"""C-'I!""" HufttlftatOft hedl Office 1111Ja. .. ~8-v .. .. Malflllt .. ...,, .. , p 0 ... !'ID.~ Oftlc: .. L~~ ~::: ;~ .. W~t~:;,?;~"t \a<ldltbock Vollo 11101 u ,.., II•"" 01 S•• 01_ ,,_.., T•••phont (114)t4M321 et .. ettt.cl Adve,...tl .. '42·Mtt ,,_ ... ,,~0r·-~~·1 .. 140-fHO . ' · f;ell8's Grouclw Horsey Set Dally"''°' Mall Plloto Gis ler Elementary School students Wendy Pool and Loetta Hancock (standing from left) and Steffi Helfrich and Melissa Tweet (on horseback from left) are ready to ride to their school 's annual western carnival Friday in Foun· lain Valley. The PTO-sponsored carnival will run from 3 p.m . to 7 p.m. at the school, 18720 Los Flores Ave. A western dinner will be served from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Y'all come. Bonfa, O'Connor Feud 'Resolved' By ROBERT BARKER Of t!w D.tlly Piiot Stall The Huntington Beach Person· ncl Board handed down its de· cision Wednesday night in the long-standing feud between City Attorney Don Bonfa and one of his deputies, John O'Connor. The board ruled that neither side is the prevailing party but both principals later claimed 'ictory. Bonia said the decision was a "very significant victory" for the city and the city attorney. .. Every contention of the grie· vant except one was derued," Bonfa said. "The ruling was 95 percent favorable to the city." O 'Connor said the dec1s1on was a 90 percent victory ror h1m although he added that the find· angs appeared to be :.i "non· decision." "The board was very cnl1cal of Bonfa and has tactle!>s com· menls." O'Connor staled :" everthelcss. O"Connor !>a1d he is s ure that he'll take the mat· tcr lo a Superior Cour t trial \\here he wm seek to ha' e the eon troversi al performance l'Valuataon stricken from his files. The dispute has rest~red since December of 19'74 when Bonra "'rote a critacal 12 page evalua· Protecting Protected sometimes polw«' must protect the public from prntl'l·t1n~ themselves. Huntington Re,, ch orr1cers said todav Thc_y were referring to the worn an "ho telephonrd for help t>a rly today after snatchtn$( up her brand-new .38 calih<!r re· \'Olver when her dog began bark· ing as though a burglar might be lurking about. The anxious caller said It was apparently a false alarm, butthe gun was loaded and cocked and s he oouldn't get it uncocked and was afraid she might acddental· ly s hoot up the place. '"All right, ma'am .... jusl put it down, slowly .... " the desk officer told the anxiously armed woman. He then dispatched Patrolman Jon Arnold, who uncocked and unloaded the revolver for her Teen Charged lnHB Crash Huntington Beach police in· vestigators have determined that motorist Joanne P. Buth wasn't at fault in a downtown auto crash in which two teenaged girls were seriously injured. The two girls were listed In satisfactory condition today at Pacifica Hospital. Police said the 15-year-old driver is being cited on charges of running a stop sign, driving without a license and possession of an open container or alcohol In a vehicle involved in a traffic ac· cident. . Police said Mrs. Buth, or 211 Ada.ros Ave., Huntington ~a.ch, could nol bave avoided the crash. The accident occurred at the In· tersecUoo of 14th Street and Oranae Avenue. t ion of O'Connor 's work performance. The board rule d that the evaluation was proper and that the content was appropriate for the most part, according to personel board Chairman Frank Fitten. Fitten added that Bonfa did de! ve into areas not properly part of an evaluation. • Fitten said it is the board's de· cision to have Bonra amend cer- tain sections of the evaluation "that went beyond his areas of experti!e" and to be more s pecific on standards of performance to be expected. This portion of the report focused on Bonfa's reported sug- gestion for O'Connor to embark on a course of psychiatric counseling. The board took up the matter in January afler a state administrative Jaw judge or· de red that O'Connor's evaluation be stricken from his files . 'fhc board Wednesday night said that O'Connor s hall be given an opportunity lo respond in writ- ing to the specifics of the evalua· tion. The revised evaluation and response shall be subject to re· view by the director of personnel and city administrator. The re s hall be no further administrative reviews or ap· peals with respect lo either the evaluation or the employes' response, the board decreed. f'ro1a Page Al ARSON ••• series or arson-set fires, mostly nf a nunor, mahcaous mischief nature. "The way this one was sel would be an indication it was done by someone who knows the nature and travel routes of fire," Inspector ff06mer explained. He said the elevator. which had been stopped al the ground floor level. was Ubera11y splashed with a ftammab\e fluid, although the nature of the chemical was not revealed. "The elevator was then torched and sent to the base- ment." the deputy fire marshal added. Smoke generated by flames s hooting up the three-story elevator shaft from the bluing car in the basement penetrated most of all three levels of the apartments. Hosmer said be couldn'toffer a head count of the number of te- nants evacuated. but the several three-story buildings ln the com- plex are comprised of several hundred units. A force of fire department personnel commanded by Bat· talion Chief Jim Watters engin~red the evacuation and mopped up the last of the s mouldering remains or the elevator car. Several apartments nearest the elevator shall sustained some smoke damage but il was re- 1 atlvely minor, investigators said. Delecttve Robert Russell, the police department 'a anon Sptcl&llat, 1aid today a heavy patrol check by uniformed of· ficers bu been ordered ln tho wake of tbt lat.at tire. Claim -. Denied Dr. Louls J . Cella Jr.'s claim that the Orange County Grand Jury that indicted him did nol represent a true cross-section of the commun.lty'1as been rejected in Superior Court after three weeks of testimony. Judge Phil~· . chwab turned down the m ion esday lo overturn the i~lment with the comment that fell w judges who nominated th 1 6 grand jury did their lev best to name participants who represented the county in racial, economic and religious terms. His decision came after he heard testimony from 37 wal· nesses, 2Sof whom were Superior Court judges who nominated grand jurors in the year that Cella and three co-defendants were indicted on multiple Celony counts. Dogs, Copter Nab Intruder ~aUetl Eagle Fountain Valley High School sophomore Timothy D. Dodd, 17, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Dodd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dodd, 16649 Ceda r Circle, is a member of Troop 290. Man«g,er { . Testifies l SANTA MONICA (AP) ~ Groucbo Marx's companion, w~ has been accused of abusing °:~ ailing comedian, giv86 her side in,1 n continued hearing on wbethe~ s he should be removed as Marx's} conservator. • Superior Court Judge Edward· Rareedie resumed the hearing to\. day on whether Erin Fleming,, man ager and companion lo Mar\ for seven years, endancers the': frail entertalner's health. t Rafeedie personally check~ on lhe condition or the 86-year-014 comedian in a visit to Marx's- Trousdale Estates home Wedne~ day night. : R afeedie said earlier in the d&J' that the testimony during th3. four days of hearings lndicat "extraordinary dominance an control" over Marx. The judgt ordered Miss Fleming replac~ by Marx's son. Arthur Marx, 3' V • R { temporary conservator of Mar~ 1et e ugee and temporary co-conservator oC. his estate. S • He then agreed to delay his ort urprISeS dcr on request of Miss Fleming·:; attorney. Stanley Gold, who saiii T B I it would be unfair not to hear her A team of Huntington WO urg ars sideortaJktoMarxhimself. \ Beach police and one of the A nurse testified Wednesdar operators of an often-A Vietnamese refugee arriving thal she had seen Miss Flemin~ victimized speed and ski home from work Wednesday abuse Marx with "constant i~ boat firm caught an in· night s urprised two armed suits," screaming and pushin~ truder early today, with burglars who fled the Huntington Marx was also given trait• the . help of dogs and a Beach home with only $8 an quilizers by Miss Fleming "t\. 'police helicopter. quarters. s hul him up." said T e rril John Woods, of Action Investigators said th<' victim McCord, the third nurse to give Boats. on Beach Boulevard Yui Ying Quong, 38. of 8972 Clip· such testimony during the heao-per Drive ran out one door of his · \ n e a r Ad a m s A v e n u c , in~s called officers at 2:30 a.m. home while the bandiLs. who re· · after a burglar alarm was portedJy used women's panty Maneers Speaker t. triggered and barking hose as masks to cover their -e guard dogs surrounded one races. fled through another door. At Rossmoor s1·te , Investigators s aid Quong specific boat. noticed nothing wrong when he A s s em b I y m an De n n ii Investigators quickly ar-entered bis residence after Mangers (D-Hunlington Beach rived on the scene, Woods f called ofr the snarling finishing his shift as a restaurant will speak at 7:30tonight be ore S cook. community forum at Rossmoo~ pack, and Officer teve He told Officer Jim Tyler he Community Center, 12341 Mo Parkerlon round the in· truder sitting atop the racy first encountered lhe pair, in tecito Road, Rossmoor. ; s peedboat. their 20s. when he opened the Mangers will be joined by tw9 She was one scarred kit· door to his bedroom and found representatives from Southei:J them flinging drawers open and California Edison who also Wt¥ -=~t=y=c=a=l=·=po=l=ic=e=s=a=l=d=.=========---~r~u~m:::.:m~a~g~in~g~ar:.:.ou=n~d::.:.... ------------~b~e~a~v~a=i~la~b~le.:.:..:forquestions. · RCA ColorTrak TV with electronic remote control Special $498 88 RCA"s most automattc TV ever• Etectronicatly tracks and corrects the TV signal before 11 bPcomes a picture on your scret~n. • Featuring Signal St>nsor II remote controt- changcs channels, perm11s continuous volume ad1ustmcnt. turns set on and olf-from across the room. RCA ColorTrak 25" O•olQ(lnAI RCA ColorTrak 19" ,. ... lJ••()Met We Take Trades Trade Your Old Sd In This Weekend SPECIALS GOOD THURS., FRL & SAT., APRIL 21, 22 & 23 New COLORTRAK CONSOLE SPECIAL Introduced espoc:1a11y tor lh1s event. Big-screen Color Trak console with sw1vol ba&e! Gelling the col0< rlgllt is what RCA Color Trak Is all about. It's a remarkable developmont that actually adjusts . color and keeps 1t on track. Bclore you see the picture, the Color Trek System grabs It, aligns It. defines 11, sharpens II, tones •l and locks the color on llack. Special $58888 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa • .._ ......... ..,.ri- 2 D-. WHt of c.ta k . Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat. 9--5:30 ,... ............. i...1tl6 ---· [ t • 1 I Irvine EDITION 70, NO. 111, 4 SECTIONS, 78 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAl:IFORNIA Today's Closing 1 N.Y. Stoeks THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1977 TEN CENTS Predicts Gas Tax Will Pass t. WASfUNGTON (AP) -Presi· «ent Carter predicted today he ~Ill get his proposed standby aasoline tax through Congress •espite some lniti al reaction jgainstthe plan on Capitol Hill. t "I think we'll gel it passed.'' arter told reporters who asked lm about perhaps the mos t con· troversial section of bis tough new energy policy. * * * Carter was questioned on the White House south lawn while saying goodby to Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares after a morning meeting in the Oval Office. Carter l aid o ut his com· prehensive energy program to a joint House-Senate session Wed· nesday night, acknowledging that it would be painful and * * * declaring, "I don't expect much applause." He didn't get much applause, either. Yet, Democratic con· gressional leaders vowed to fight hard for the bulk of tbe program, which calls for conserving energy through hl,gher automobile and fuel prices and taxes. But they conceded the plan faces major opposition. * * * Carter told Congress that to de. al with the nation's enercy crisis the lawmakers must approve taxes and price increases on dwindling fuel supplies and must agree to heavy laxes on gas. guzzling automobiles. His plan for a standby gasoline tax of up to 50 cents a gallon drew the most vigorous criticism . Some congressional leaders pre- dieted that the provision might be dumped by Congress, and lit· tie support for it emerged on Capitol Hill. Members of Congress of both parties, deeply split over energy issues, voiced little enthusiasm for the over-all package, but many praised Carter for courage in proposing stirr conservation measures. "I'm going to be leading the J charge to do everything possible J to put together his program,•• said Sen. Henry M. Jackson <D-I Wash.), chairman of the Senate f Energy and Natural Resources 1 Committee, which will handle f most of the President's pro· l posals. But Jackson added that he sees (See CARTER, Page A2) l J UCI I Professor l I ' its Gas Wo I By lOLARVKAYE Of tlw Da41y l'llOI Sl~ll A UC Irvine economics pro· fessor today ridiculed the belief by many Californians that Presi· dent Carter's ener gy-saving package will hit Californians worst of all. 1' "That's a lot of nonsense," <;laimed Dr. Charles A. Lave, .,.ho is studying energy and transportation problems with a federal grant. "The belief that Californians I * * * J Carter Plan I • Upsetting, I Supported ' 8y MICHAEL PASKEVICll ~ Ol IM D•llY l'llolSl•fl ;,.,.congressman Mark Hannaford ~D·Long Beach) expressed full upport today for President arte.r's proposed energy con· $vvatioo program, but Cohgressman Robert E. Badham (R-Newport Beach) said he is "very disappointed " with the tlan Carter outlined Wednesday. "I have to applaud his spee<:h nd his presentation. We are still ~tudying some of the local im plications that are going to be hard to sell politically. but they re not offensive enough that r ould not support the entire• ackage if it came to an aJl-or· othlng vote," Hannaford said oday _in Washlnitton, D C Carter's plan. 1C approved by •QJlgress, would raise gas9linc rices as much as 57 cents a allon by 1988 and add $2,488 to t)li price Of the hea\'leSt J(d~ Juzzltng cars by 1985. "It is very disappointinf( that lhe President has chostin a togative response to a crisis ltuatlon." Badham said today in prepared statement releasc'<l b)' his press secr etary · The ~re&ident wants to cut back and abandol'I our present standard of llvlng rather than tak1nJ! the necessary steps for a positive ap pT01&ch to the problem." Bad ham ••ld Hannaford admitted thl'r<' are local "consumer concern~" re- lated to the proposed new lHx on gJsolinc that would go into effect each year the Amencan public eJCceeds its allotment or fuel. "It's designed to force people ldto public transportation but "c dop 't have public transporta· (See 2 VIEWS, Page A2) Coast Weather Night and morning low clouds and fog with hazy • afternoon s un s hine through Friday. Lows tonight 48 to 55. Highs Fri· day67to74. · INSIDE TODAY • Deoclopmtntclly di$abled ore bdnO 1l'l()1)ed from in&titt.1· lio,at to fsnflr cnufronment """1'.a ~ Ctnttr pro· grom~PoQie8J. , •• •• 116 ... ... .... ., ••• . , ., .. M do a lot more driving than other parts of the country 1s sheer baloney," Lave added. He said that much of the country laves in suburbia "just like Newport Beach" and that the only areas where extra gas taxes won't make much d1f · ference are places like New York's Manhattan. "And just how many people actually live in Manhattan?" the economics professor asked. Another UCI professor, Dr. O'Neill Car Gas Guzzler WASfflNGTON CAP) - House Speaker Tt}omas P. "Tip" O'Neill says he may honor President Carter's appeal for energy con- servation by getting rid of his own gas guzzler , a long, black limousine. 0 'Neill told reporters to· day he will instruct aides to shop around for "a car or some other type that might serve the purpose." 0 'Neill. like oth('r con· gressional l eadNs, 1s driven around in a lt·ased Cadillac limousine. CBS Dropping Somty & Cher; Ratings Cited NEW YORK IAPJ CBS ha.c:; canceled "The Sonnv and ChPr Sho" .. d<'sp1te "hat C BS-TV President Robert W u~'ler calls .. a man elou~ r<•I at 1onsh1p " Falling ratlnf,!s were the r<'ason ,\ CRS pr<'SS spok<'~m:rn issued a lersl' statcment tod..t} 1n rep!) to published reports thJt the s ho" "'ould not be on ncxt 'ea~on .. The option dat<' "a-; Apnl 15, and we let the April dat<' pass," the statements aid Wussier. however, "as more t>xpan<>I\<'. saymj! that Sonny and Cher" anted ln try the ni~ht club cncuit and "I understand lhl"y have htJ;?h hop<'s of becoming ma· jor r<'cording artists again." tie said CBS was agreeable because of the •'circulation performance .. orthe show. "I'm certain that in the not too distant future they'll be back on network television," Wussier added. He declined, however , to pre· diet whether their return would be to C BS. The pair were Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Bono in real life when they got their first network comedy- v ariety hour on CBS. Section A.Uh Headen With 'Uving Home' Today's Oaily Pilot brings you special pelp for planning the spring sp~e-up of your home and garden. A special, 40-page magazine "Living Home" comes to you in the Daily Pilot. The section ls falled with words and picture advice on home fumlshin&s. interior design and decorating and patio and pool lm· provements. For iuldance lo lhe Oranae Coa!lt's leacUnt bomc Improve- ment values, look for Uvtng 1 Hom•, lnsid• today. ' Roi and Schin zinger of the engineering department, agreed that the proposed extra gas taxes will not prove discriminatory to Califprnians. ''There are a lot of areas -like Texas and the Midwest -where they drive greater distances than we do here and they 'II be hurt worse than us," Schinzinger as· serted . Sc hinzinger said he 's encouraged by the president's <See GAS TAX, Page AZ) * * * Solar Heat For Pool Rejected Not Just Irvine Irvine city officials are still studying the possibility of Ujling solar energy to he.11t lhe new swimming pools in Heritage Park but they say it's too ex· pensive to beat a :50-meler pool with that method. Irvine's not the only spot where police patrol lheir beats•on bikes, as these Seattle Police Officers show. In Irvine. the bicycle patrol is used to keep an eye on the village greenbelt areas that are too s prawling for foot palrol but impossible for cars. In Seat· tle, lhese bicycle cops are keeping an eye on young drinkers in Seward Park who have been bolsterous lately. "Besides. there really isn't a system developed yet that works well with such a big pool," ex· plained Assistant City Manager Paul Brady. Staff members have learned that it would cost about $78,000 to install a solar energy heating system for the 5-0-meter pool itself Testimony Hints Payola Secret Grand Jury Tale: Political Pay-offs That compares with the $20,648 estimate of the cost to equip all three Heritage Park pools -the Olympic pool and two s maller one!I with natural gas heating systems Even if the city decided to foot the $78.000 solar heating install a· lion bill. solar collectors now avai l abl e would be loo cumbersome in that location. ac· cording lo Brady .. The coll ectors would have to extend out from the pool into the other portion of Herit age Park and into Irvine lligh School," Brady explained Brady said the city hasn't ruled out thr idea of using solar ..-nergy. Starr members arc con- tmumg lo monitor the progress or n..-w systems and their cost. he said Pubhc Works Director Brent Mu chow explained that a backup natural gas heating system would be needed in any event for bad weather days and that a solar energy system could be added at a later·date. Both Muchow and Brady said <See POOL, Page A2) By GARY GRANVILLE Ol llw D•llY Pllol Stell Secret Orange Count y Grand Jury testimony in· dicates that a county salvage con tractor last fall allegedly told hi s disenchanted bus1· ness partners they would h ave to make a $5,000 political camp:.iign contribu· tion to protect a $200,000 in· vestment. "Arc you telling me if J don't Jay down $5.000 we're going to have trouble with our ($200.000) shredder?" Max Stone said he asked salvage contractor George Adams. ''Well, that is the way the game is played out here," Stone said Adams replied. Stone, a Long Beach salvage operator who last fall was form· ing n business partnership with Adams. testified March 8. His leslimony is included in 2,000 pages of transcripts cover· ing the jury's continuing in· vestigation into Orange County political practices. Income Diked Social, Security lncreaaed WASHINGTON CAP> -Social Security and Sup· plemental Security Income payments will in'crease 5.9 perc~nt beginning with checks going to beneficiaries ·July 1, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare announced today. The increase is tautomatic and pegaed to the ris· ing cost of living. The law requires that, whenever the consumer price index rises 3 percent or more, recipients of Social Security and the federal SSI program Cor the aged and disabled must increase as well. The consumer price index rose 5.9 percent Crom the firSt quarter of 1976 through the first quarter or 1977 which is the measuring period for the benefit in· crease announced today. This means tb~t the average retired single worker who reclelv@s $221 per month will get an addi· tionaJ $13.04 each month ~ginning July 1. The average elderly widow who gets $210 a month will get a $12.39 lncrease. The max1mum benefit for a man retiring this year at age65 will so from $412,70to $436.SS. Before Stone testified, Adams had appeared before the Grand Jury and denied making state· ments that were later attributed to him in Stone's testimony. Adams 1s the holder of a con· tract covering metal salvage operations at one county dump site. And last November. when bid· ding under a firm name similar to the corporate name he. Stone and others had chosen for a new entity. Adams was the successful bidder on a salvage contract at three other county dump stations. According to Stone 's testimony, Adams assured his would-be partners long before the November bid opening that the contract would be theirs. "Don't worry about it. We have got the landfill contracts." Stone quoted Adams as saying. "He I< new about it Ion.it before the bids Viejo Woman Dies in Fall At Dana Point A 19-year-Old woman fell more than 250 feet to her death early today while walking on the edge of a cliff in the Dana Point area, Orange County Sheriff's officers said. Deputies identified the victim as Vera Ann Pope, 25769 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. They said Miss Pope was strolling in the Dana Strand area about 1 a.m. with a companion identified as Thomas Harland Hurt Ill, 22, of the same address, when s he reportedly lost her balance and fell down the cliff. Sheriff's officers. firemen, harbor patrol bOats and diving teams were dispatched to the area and later found Miss Pope's body partially submerged. Coroner's officers confirmed today ~t the woman's fatal In~ 1urtes ~ received ln the lall and that her immersion ln sea play~ no part ln her death . we re announced.;, Adams was a SS.250 con· tributor to Supervisor Philip An· thony's campaign and, in one rare point of agreement between his and Stone's testimony, had sought 'help from Stone in obtain· ing a $30,000 campaign loan. According to Stone, Adams had (See JURY, Page A2) Foundation Okays Ford Bid If .•. By TOM BARIJEY OlttwO•lt1 Pllol Sl•ll Directors or the James Irvine Foundation have decided lo ac· cept a $302.9 million offer for the Irvine Company. provided the bid by an east coast consortium gets court approval. The· decision was announced late Wednesday while final argu· ments were under way in Orange County Superior Court. Judge James F . Judge immediately called a four-day recess in what has been an eight-month trial. IC the Mobil Corp., former favorite in the takeover balUe with a $281.9 million bid, declines to produce a counter offer, Judge Judge may decide the $302.9 million bid is a fair price for the Irvine Company. Mobil officials limited their comments on the foundation de· Cislon to the observation that lt is being discussed today at Mobil's New York beadquarters. The bid submitted by a group headed by Wall Street Financier Charles Allen, Detrotl developer Alfred Taubman nnd auto billionaire Henry Ford II is $102.9 million higher than lhe offer sub· mltted by Mobil when Irvine heiress Joan Irvine Smith filed the legal action that is now being tried. Foundation attorney Howard Privett made it clear &ate Wed· nesday that the foundation's ac· ceptance of an offer wUI not be passed on to Judge Judge unlll Monday. He atao pointed oul \h1l It may • . -- • Sh'erifr's omcers said Hurt wo..s a1&isting them today In their ln· quiries into lhe incident. <See FOao BIO, ••.ie A!Y \ • J I A.2 CAIL V PILOT Thl.Kadax.Apro 21 , ten 200 A t.tend Realtors Hail Three Firemen More than 200 members of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors turned out Uus morning lo honor three out.stand- ing firemen. Capt. ~raid Poarch of Costa Mesa, retired Capt. Richard El- lerman of Newport Beach and Fireman .Glenn Sekins of the Orange County Fire Deparl· ment's Irvine station were pre· sented with plaques honoring them as the fireman of the year from their respective cities. All three men were lauded for their work as firemen and their involve me nt in community activilles. Sekins, 24, who has been s tationed 1n Irvine for a little more than a year, was selected because of the V 0 U t h · HKIHS oriented programs in which he is involved. He is currently producing a half-hour show for closed circuit television to be used in ins truct- ing students in the Irvine Unified School District in fire prevention and safety. Sekins is also active in the Firefighter Counselor program in which individual firemen work with troubled youngsters. F ront P age A J 2 VIEWS ... tion, 11 said Hannaford. who represents muc h of Western Orange County. He expressed fears that seruor c itizens would experience the most discomfort under the Presi- dent's plan. "but the good thing 1s that 1t doesn 'l start until 1979, a nd onJy 1f we mcrease our con· sumption," he added. Hannaford said he m et early today with Carter and that an ad hoc committee of about 30 con· g ressmen has been formed to take a closc>r look at h1i. pro· posals. Rea ct in ~ to reports o f skepticis m among lawmak!.'rs over the pljn, llannaford s aid. "I don 'l think they arc n•ading thl' s ituation \Cry well. The plan 1s difficult. no doubt. but Carter s a tough man," he i.a1d. "I think the' propos al will go t h rough '>OOH' l'h <lO g E''>." h1' ~;11d, hmtrng th<Jl the l'Ol'rg~ -;a\ mg ml'asun•s may J.(o through -;omc ~oflenm~ h~ la" makers before a fmal votl' Js taken ,\ spokes m<in al Badham's Washingto n offic e said the fres hman conJ.(rc4'sman is sup· porting a four pomt solution to he enerf;:} l'ns1:-. Ile \.\Ould hlo.c to see a reduc· ion of gm·ernmc>nt control over ·nf.'rgy prndut'lmn 111 n·turn for ·air markl't pncmg on gas and iii. Badham would also lake to ,ec an l'Xlf.'ns1on of lhc: authonty o rf.'gulute ut1lit1 cs (And ma1or uel humtnJ.( inctustnes to con vert rom oil ful'I to low sulphur and 1igh qual1ly coal. the s pokesman • Ji cl n.idham <'O nsider'i tt•laxed ll't•n:-.1 ng on nta·lear pO\.\t•r ilant:-. .ind bu-.1nt'"" lnl't'Oll\t'' t11 1rorlu t 1• 111or1• ur;tntllm ror 1 u l'I C' • .r p I .10 l ' a s n e e d e d Til':l'illf!''i \.\hi< h wnulil ht•lp right uturc oil short.tgc' Fr°"' Pag~ . .\ I POOL e e e no" thf.' cneq~y poltt·11• ... propcht·d hv l'rcsident Carter make 1t more tmp(lrtunl than e\'cr to keep an eye on solar energy. Muchow said tho city could ~o after fedc>ral funds to assist in a solar energy project hut no de· cision has bC'en mitdc yet to do that. "We're JUSt wailing and watching to see whul hoppens," Muchow said. OlllAHO! COAST DAILY PILOT TIW' Or•,.,,. (OA\I D•UV Poot _.,... •t••01 t\ fOl"I\ belW'd tl'W Nt_, Ptt'"'I h Pv~l"""'d b1 l"'° 0r*"lqt CM\t P\fOf"'"'~ <.om64"Y S...,,.,._...,,,~ 1tt• P.l'&h\l'lftt M-.~ct•• IMOvQflt f t1rt.t• lo• C.0''• Mt'"-N•'*IO't ft."'t f\ t1-1M1""Jt0"" 1-.ttP\ '°'"' ~~ .. "':~·: ~ ·~ :~: c"':~"!·,~::-_.!;'~~ =~., 1•')1111 •\ ~l ti\Md \.tlv•O•O A '1 f. """-o t ._. t;:;'(~,'.-:~';''~"t,t',•~:•"'•:·.;;~YI W..,f "•Y """" .. ·-P(f\10."1 •f'lrd P~ ~ , .... c .... Vl<o ~0\14onl o"" C..,...o!""'- ""-" t(n-•11 t•net ~.& ... ...,...... M41not~tdll0t (1'trl" t4 \.ff• 9'1tMN ~ Ntn ~'''"•"' M•"•t1tt0 ft'lllif'W\ OlllCH Qnte~••• 1't0Vwnt ... M•t-'"1 l.t~•O.u~ ltbGt•,.,..•'•\4•••• H\11'\ll"tftjl\ "'"•'" 1 tl1, &t~" ~•v•rd s.ocJ't H<"' Vtl!''W' HlOl la PAr Ao..t Al~·" Or•QO 111#..........,y Telephone (114)~1 Clenlfhtd Advertllll119tQ.6fft s.ocMttHlc-V•!t•y ... M OtOct lt1..Q10 ,, .... s..., .. _ 415-0IJO ~1:'; .!!~. o:.: .. <~,,'Z.~""~,,~ ..,..r, ••• , ..... "'''"'."" ....... ,_ '"-41• '"" utt•f'tft•tt.,111 •1tt\Ot11t tO-Claf _..,.... ,,.... ~f ... , .... ,..,"'4-. ~ ..... tit " lll'l<ltto ... , .. II (,Mlt Mt\t, C..ltt•tft\• '"~\frl•t t" '' f.•'tt•r U" =~=t_•{J ;~::i~ -Myj MlhlotY Newport Beach's Ellerman. who retired from thti Newport Beach Fire Def artment last Auaust ~ause o a work-related injury' was honored for his ' capabilities as a fireman and for his innovative suggestions that led lo use of improved equipment in the department. Ellerman, 50, was a member of the fire department for 19 years. Costa Mesa's Poarch, 40, was chosen, in the words of a depart- ment spokesman, because "once he gets involved, there's no llmit to what he will do." On his own time, Poarch earned a series of first aid certificates that enabled the de· parlment to utilize him as an in- structor to train other first aid in· structors and to keep all depart- ment personnel current in their first aid ratings. He has also served on the Council of Emer"ency Services of Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital and planned some of the disaster drills for training fire depart- ment and hospital personnel. Poarch has also helped with the department's Junior Fireman program for fourth grade stu- dents and served on the city's Beautification and Bicentennial committees. A member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, Poarch has held a number of countywide and statewide of- fices in that organization. Fro• Page A l JURY ••• told him Supervisor Ralph Diedrich "had requested or ham to make a $30,000 loan on Mr. An- thony's home." Last Oct. 25. Stone said. Adams said he "wouJd lose his power with Mr. Diedrich and the board (of supervisors) if we do not com e up with that $5,000 for An· thony's campaign." However, Adams repeatedly de nied ever using Diedric h's name to encourage his tentative business partner to donate. He also denied that Diedrich had ever asked him for Anthony contributions. So did Diedrich. When tesllfying bdorc the G rand Ju r v :\t a r <: h 3, th c s upervisor repeatedly denied ever discussin g political con· tnbuhons with Ada ms. All •remarks attributed to Diedrich by Stone l'ame Lhrou~h Adams and there 1s no 1nct1cat1on in lhe transcript t hat I>1cdnch and Stone ever talked There as a tape recording of a telephone conversation between Adams and Slone 1n "h1ch Stone makes references to earlier con 'er sat1on~ about C'Jmp a1~n soh c1Lations from Adams And, a worker tn Stont"s Lon..: Beach salvage yard tt•-;t1hed that he heard Stone c:>.pkldc O\ l'r th1 · tele phone whl'n appa rt•ntl ~ asked by Adams to donatC' to An thony's campaii,:n. all<'~edlv as a necessary cost of dmng busmcss \\1th cowity ~ovcrnment Ada ms' and Stone ·s chrrerences i;:odeeper. howen•r Crale Labels Provide Look At l roine Orange crate labels that pro· vi<l e a \'lew into Jrnnc·~ past h1wc tx>en pre!!ented to the Ir\'tne Unified School District by Irvine Sa\'mgs and Loan · The savings and loan company recently gave the school d1stn ct 25 sets of labels. each containing different labels used on orange r rc1tcs s hipped out from Irvine Ranch packing houses pnor to World War IT. District officiali; say the labels "111 be used to teach stude nts shout the early orange Industry m Irvine and the rest pf Orange County. One set of labels will remain on display at the district offi ces, 2941 Alton Ave., for the public to \iew. ..... 1 ......... BaPPf1 5J Britain's Queen Elizabeth II 1s 51 years old today. She beamed at photographers Wednesday as s he took part in a tree-planting in London's Hyde Park to mark her Silver Jubilee. Pocketbook Dries Up In Drought SAUSALITO <AP) -Marin County's school officials and restaurant owners had the full impact of the drought hit them where tl really hurts -in the pocketbook. M arm waler officials sent out bills Uus week that clearly lefl many peopleshoeked. The Marlin Luther King schoot, which normally gets a $400 to $500 bimonthly bill, was charged $16,289 for March and Apnl. That amounts to $65 for each of the school's 2SO pupils. . "I think there was a terrible er· ror in our allotment," s aid the sc hool dis trict 's bus iness manager, Fnmco1se Ilayet. She pointed out that the school used 563.992 ~allons during the base period last October and November. Thal was slashed 85 pt•rrt>nt to86,768 AmonJ? the other high bills wer e S9,100 t o the Ondin t: rest a urant and $2 ,400 to Swenson's ace cream parlor. J Dietric h Stroeh. general manager of the "at er district, :.J1ct hl' \.\Ou Id meet "1th the' re::.taurant O\.\ner!> next week but ind1l·ated he "as prepared to argue "1th them ·'They're JUSt using more water than they were a llotted," <.,a1d Stroeh .. Thev haven't con- ::.en l'd a!> much as ·they can." Ondtne restaurant manage· mc•nt s aid that it s hared a build· 1n.: \\1th Trident restaurant and 11 ... a llotmcnt had been set prior to tht• op<ming of Trident. Water <ltstr1cl offir1als said a new allot rnenl would he worked out. F ront Page A J GA.S TAX. • • emphasis on conservation. ' Conser \'at1on 1s long overdue. I thtnk Carter's energy policy is much more re alistic than Nix· o n 's energy inde pendence policy." Schi01.inger said. He said Carter's plan involves 'rather comphc11ted procedures. Thcr<' are a lot of different measures and they all have to ~ork to~cther " lhP. professor !-:lid ··congrt'!I~ · support is needed and it's possible to get that sup· port if Carter can show the con· nictmg interest.! that unless all parts of the program are put into e ffect, even worse things might happen," he said . "A lot of arm-twisting and jaw- boning needs lo be done to get Congress lo agree to this," Schlnzinger said La9e believes the President's proposal to boost gas tax~ and to increase excise laxes for large cars that are not energy efficient are "perfectly reasonable." Meeting in Irvine May Select Campus The site for a second Sad· dleback CoJJege District campus may be chosen Monday when trustees meet in Irvine. one of the two communities that stand to benefit most from a new facility. The board meeting wm con· vene at 7:30 p,m. at Venado In- termediate School, 4 Deerfield. The second campus lssue ls the llnal item on the eveninc's agenda. but most ot the preced· lna items are not expected to be time consumlng. The lrvlne meeting location w us requested by resldenta or houses -4.J•cenl to one of th two aitea under consldoratlon, a parcel J?:C~ the corner of Irvine Center Drive and Jelfrey Road. There has been some local op- position to that site. With the recent seating of three new trustees, there is a chance an earlier board decision to buy 20 a cres at Myford Road and Bryan Avenue will be overturned In favor of the other parcel, which is 3.5 miles farther south. • Trustees who have supported the Myford-Br)'an location claim It wilt better serve resident.! ot Tustin. The second campu proposal has won the tndorsement of state officials and is now waiting only Cor final acUon by trustees. ' ltlCllCt•ent S t ands · Plane Crew Said Joking Judge Rejects Cella's Claim ZAGREB, Yugoslavta <AP> -An air trumc ('00· troller has testified m court thut members of u British air crew were do· • lng crossword puzzles, ex- changing jokes and dis· cussing the stock market as they headed toward a collision in the air that took 176 lives. Dr. Louis J. Cella Jr. 's clalm that the Orange County Grand Jury that indicted .him did not represent a true cross-section of the community bas been rejected in Superior Court after three weeks ofteslimony. Judge Philip E. Schwab turned down the motion Wednesday to overturn the indictment wilb the comment that fellow judges who ooruinated the 1976 grand jury did their level best to name participants who represented the county in racial, economic and rellgious terms. His decision came after he heard tes timony from 37 wit· nesses, 25 of whom were Superior Court judges who nominated grand jurors in the year that Cella and three CO·defendants were indicted on multiple felony counts. Judge Schwab told defense lawyers that his fellow judges ··sought out nominees through grou p s and individuals representative of the county al large, including specifically the young, the work force and the Mexican-American com- munity." Defense attorney James Rici· det. who represents co-defendant Stephen Robert Evans, 32, said 1t is likely that he will appeal Judge Schwab's decisiol\, The ruling means that Evans and Cella. 52, will now return to Judge William C. Speirs' Froaa Page A J FORD BID. • not b(! the new bid po~led by Taubman·Allen·lrvine. Pri\'etl said that if Mobil sub· m its a counter offer during the weekend that th<' foundation believes to be ~upenor to the con· sortium 's bid then that offer would be placed before Judge Judge as the foundation's pre· ference. courtroom for a resumption of pretrial motions that began last · August. Currently under debate is a motion by the defense for sup· pression of evidence that the pro· secution planned to use in the trial of the two men. The challenge to the grand jury system was transferred to Judge Schwab when Judge Speirs point· ed out that he nominated mem· bers of the 1916 Grand Jury and could hardly rule on the constilu· tionality of the system. Both men face trial on 127 felony counts stemming from their alleged embezzlement of an estimated $2 million from two county hospitals served by Cella as secretary-treasurer. It is alleged that a substantial portion of the money utilized by Cella was used by him to support political candidates who met with his favor. Both men ha\'e been tried and convicted on related charges in Los Angeles Federal Court. They are free on appeal from Cetta 's Ci ve· year prison term and the one year commitment ordered for Evans. Court officials said the pre· trial action in Judge Spears' courtroom is not expected to re· sume before Monday. Fro• Page AJ CARTER ... little likelihood of Carter's gas tax proposal passing Congress. And he predicted maj~r modifications would be made tn the President's oil pricing re· commendations. House Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill also expressed reserva· tions about the gasoline tax b~t vowed full support for the Presa· dent 's program, adding that Carter knows "this is his first major fight .... This is a bat- tle." Controller Gradimir Tasic. one of eight airport • oCCicials on trial in connec-• tion with the er asb, told the court Wednesday he wa:s reporting this to explain nil circumstances surround· ing the collision, The British airliner a'nd <. a Yugoslav plane collided • Sept. 10 near Zaizrebl kill· ' ing all aboard both p anes in the worst midair col- It s ion in aviation history. Fund,. raiser Schednled . . " University High School st\t· dents will begin a fund-raisi~ campaign Friday to seU medlccil history and authorization car(\5 in Irvine. : The two cards will be so~ together for $2.50. They arc aci.- cepted by doctors and hospitals and protect the holder's rights to emergency medical treatment. . Hospital policy requires th~ no emergency aid be given f4> minors without written parent consent or to unconscious adulE without written consent:. H oweve r . possession of t'* medical history and authoriit- t i on c a rd i. a 11 o w s s u ch emergency treatment. The studC'nts will be selling the cards door to door in lr\'inc an\l also at the sch0<>l s tudl'nl stor• from Friday until May L Proceeds from the sale will ht used fo supplement student ~ funds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RCA ColorTrak TV with electronic remote control Special $49888 RCA s most automattc TV ever I Electronically tracks and corrects the TV signal betore 11 becomes ;i picture on your screen • Featuring Signal Sensor II remolc control- chanqes channels. permits continuous volume adrustmonl I urns sot on and off from across the room RCA ColorTrak 25" d1~go11nl RCA ColorTrak 19" c '2 jllt'')""' l ,_ We Take Trades Trade Your Old Set In This Weekend SPECIALS GOOD THURS., FRI. Ir SAT .• APRIL 2 I I 22 Ir 23 Mew COLORTRAK CONSOLE SPECIAL Introduced especially tor I his event: Big-screen Color Trak console wlth swivel basel Getting the color right is whit RCA Color Tr1k 19 all aboul. It's a rerrerkable development th1t actu1lly ad1usts color and keeps II on track. Before you see the ptcture. the Color Trak Syslem grabs 1t, align$ 11. defines 1t, sharpens It, 1ones 11 and locks the color on lrack. Special $58888 · 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa ................... J 0.... Wnt ef c.t. Jr, Phone 642-8882 Stora Hours Daily 9-6 Sat. 9-5:30 ._...., ""9 H.._. "'-Ike I H I .. .. _.-Ill_. Laguna/Soutti. Coilsl ~- eo1T•oN . ' Afternoon N.Y.Stoeks • 70, NO. 111, 4 SECTIONS, 78 PAGES ORANGE COU NTY, CALI FORNI A THURSDAY, AP RIL 21, 1977 TEN CENTS C Beaches 'Not · Going to the Dogs' By JACK CHAPPELL Oft ... Dally Pilot St•ll · Dog lovers wanting lo allow ~eir pets freedom to romp on n Clemente's beaches h ave [ s~n~.round befor e the City It was a close decision, though. The council split 2·3 on the uestion Wednes day , with ~uncilmen Thomas O'Keefe I d Anthony Di Giovanni voting I for canine beach privileges and Mayor Donna Wilkinson, and Councilmen B. Pat.rick Lane and William Walker voting no. Dr. C. A. Harry opened debate on' the issue by presenting the council with supporting petitions signed by 119 persons. These were in addition to previously s ubmitted petitions with 2t 2 signatures. Harry said Laguna Beach al- ! Syca1nore lows dogs on beaches during limited morning and evening hours and he said Laguna's beaches were s maller ~nd more congested than San Clemente's. He pooh-poohed a staff report recommending against the ac· tion which said dog dft>ppings were a significent health hazard even if promptly picked up by owners and disposed of properly. He s ubmitted letters from four Hills Palo Alto Liability Cited By PIDU P ROSMA RIN Of .... D•llY Pilot Sl•ll A proposal for agricultural- hcreational zoning of Sycamore Jlills brought a sharp exchange between two members of the jLaguna Beach City Council Wed- nesday. The proposal, developed by Laguna Greenbelt Inc. and Village Laguna, was to restrict use of the 522-acre property to agricuJtural, equestrian-related recr eational and overnight camping purposes It was accept- ed for study and continued until ~fay. The city is under court order to devise an outline for , develop- 'Dana Point ment of Sycamore Hills that con· forms to the general plan by the end of June. Lawsuits brought by Rancho Palos Verdes, property owners, are pending t.hataction. Counci lman Jack McDowell argued that zoning of the proper- ty to the limited uses proposed by the environmental groups could cause the city to lose the lawsUJts. He said the city of Palo Alto was forced lo pay S7.5 milhon after a court ruled the city had taken property without fair com- pensallon ma s1m llar manner. ··1 want to study it," McDowell said. To that, Councilwoman Phyllis Viejo Woman Dies In Cliff Tumble A 19-year-old woman fell more ' than 250 feet to her death early 9t"oday while walking on the edge of a cliff in the Dana Point area, Orange County Sheriff's officers aaid. Deputies identified the victim as Ve ra Ann Pope, 25769 Marguerite Parkway, Mi:.s1on Viejo. They said Miss Pope was strolling in the Dana Strand an·a about I a m with a companwn identified as Thomas llarland I Hurl Ill, 22, or the :.a me addrl'!>S , when she reportedly lost her balance and fell down the clirt. Sheriff's ofricers. firemen, harbor patrol boats and diving teams were dispatched to the area and later found Miss Pope's body partially submer~ed Coroner's officers confirmed today that the woman's fatal m- junes were received 10 the fall and that her immersion in sea played no part in her ~eath. Sheriff's officers said Hurt was assisting them today m their m- qu1nes into the inc1denl I C Council Okays Water Surcharge Cut woter use or pay more That's the gist of action takt•n 1 Wednesday by the San Clcml•ntt• 1(:tty Countil in approvmf.( .in urgency ordinance passinl{ "'at1·r surcharges on to "'at<>r user ... in the city. Under the plan. San Clem<'n - lteans must cut watt•r use to ~10 percent of last yt•,1r Anyone not mt:t•llnJ! th<lt will p~y a ratc two time:. that of th<· regular fee for ull watt'r used 1n excess or the 90 Pl'rc<'nt Rod Coloma, r1t v f111;1n<'<' director, said he und hi!> starr Pay Hike Nixed LOS ANGELES CA P) -Say- ing the present salary 1s adc· quate, Mayor Tom Bradley has vetoed an 11 perct>nt pay in- crease for the city scroll maker. ""ere working t0<h1y to rlt>lt•rm1rw how much in dollars lhl• uction ""111 mean to re'>1dents ""ho don 't rut back Colomd said 1t 1s the tnll'nlmn nf the cit) to pt>rform a d1r<'l't compan:.on of 1976 ""atcr bil1' and 1977 bills to determine 1( the !)(I percent lcH'I 1c; bein~ met b) the c1h•'s 6,500 v. ah'r ac·counL"> For ne"" housinJ? and new com merc1al accounts. c1n cl\era~i ll'i(' h~ure will h<' determined and "111 b<' the basis for comparison Th<' surcharge 1s bein~ 1m posed on water providers by the \t etropohtan Water District tn an effort lo encourage water con- servation. Tri-Cities Municipal Water District, which buys waler from MW D a nd sells il to San Clemente, recently decided it would pass the surch arge on too. Sweeney replied : "It disturbs me to listen to a city councilman at- tempting to beat the City Council over the head in the same way the Rancho Palos Verdes proper- ty owners and their attorneys have." She said McDowell was using scare tactics. "l want to assure the people the City Council wi ll come up with a plan for the Sycamore Hills area that 1s a sound plan, and not a plan that is a threat of a lawsUJt. '·The courts will allow a com- m unity to plan for the best uses of the commun1t\'." l\trs. Sweeney <See ZONING, Page AZ> San Juan Paves Way For Panel San Juan Capistrano City Council has paved the way--for creation of a city equestrian com mission. Councilmen voled S-0 Wednes- day to instruct staff to prepare an ordinance creating the com· mission for council consideration May 4. If approved at its first re- ading, the ordinance could be adopted May 18 and would go into effect 30 days later. Drcssed 1n boots and denims, "'l'aring Wes tl•rn hats and flowers 1n their hair , proponents of the equestrian commission filled council chambers Wednes- day. The city Parks and Recreation Commission had r<'commended that City Council not create an equestrian commission, but rather appoint a special commit· tee to carry out essentially the same duties proposed for the l'Omm1~:.1on. Bretl Shears. Parks and Recrt>alion chairman. said com- m 1ss1ont-rs "er<· afraid creation or an equestrian commission would l<•arl to a prohferat1on of "P<'Ctal interest comm1ss1ons. Ilse B>rnes. chairman of the c1t>'s eque~trian sub-comm1tt<'e, argued thal a committee ...,.cmld lack the permanent :;tature or a city comnuss1on. "We are always going to have problems in ttus community with horses. "shesa1d. Councilman Kenneth Friess, who identified himself as an equestrian. said he favored com· mission status. veterinarians lo support his con· tent ion. Also speaking in support of the matter was Tom Foley. He said the hours being re- quested tfrom 6 to 9 a.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m. in the winter ; and from 6 to 9 a .m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. in the summer) were times when beach use was low and the dogs would not bother others. lone Harry also spoke in favor. She said beaches were extensive enough to accommodate multiple uses and she noted "laws that are so restrictive and unreasonable invite disobedience.'' She promised dog owners using the Dije Court and Los Alamos beach areas being considered would clean up their animals' lit· ter. Len Foster, director of Orange Oatty Piiot 54111 "IM>to Flipping for Flapjacks These Aliso Elementary School students we among about 300 kindergarten throua:h third graders who will put on a continuous tumbling demonstration in the school patio, 21542 Wesley Drive, South Lagun a, while pa rents and friends feast on pan<:ake breakfast , 8 to 10 :30 a .m . Satur- day. E vent is sponsored by the PT A to r aise money for playground equipment. Cost is $2 for adults, $1.75 for children. Secret Transcript ' Hints of 'Payola' By GARY GRANVILLE Of the O•lly Piiot Stell Secret Orange County Grand Jury t estimony in- dicates.that a county salvage contractor last fall all egedly told his disenchanted busi- ness partners they would have to make a $5,000 political campaign contribu- tion to protect a $200,000 in- vestment. "Are you lelhng me if I don 't lay down $5,000 we're goang Lo have trouble with our ($200.000) shredder?" Max Stone said he asked salvage contractor George Adams. "Well, that is the way the game is played out here," Stone said Adams replied. Stone, a Long Beach salvage operator who last fall was form· ing a business partnership with Adams, testified March 8. His testimony is included In 2,000 pages or transcripts cover- ing the j ury's continuing in- vestigation into Orange County political practices. lo him in Stone's testimony. Adams is the holder of a con· tract covering metal salvage operations at one county dump site. And last November, when bid- ding under a firm name similar lo the corporate name he, Stone and others had chosen for a new entity, Adams was the successfuJ bidder on a salvage contract at three other county dump stations. According to St one's testimony, Adams assured his would-be partners long before the November bid opening that the contract would be theirs. "Don't worry about it. We have got the landfill contracts," Stone quoted Adams as sayin g. "He knew about it long before the bids were announced.'' Adams was a $5,250 con- tributor to Supervisor Philip An- thony's campaign and, in one rare point of agreement between his and Stone's testimony, had sought help from Stone in obtain- (See JURY, PageA2) County and San Clemente 1 Animal Control, was opposed. Foster said the possibility for trans mission of disease to humans by animal feces was a serious concern. Petitions signed by 287 opposed lo the matter were also pre• sented. Jack Stowe, area manager of 1 the Pendleton Coast State Parks, (See DOGS, Page A2 > Gas Tax Worries Spoofed By lOLARY KA YE 01 \M D.tlly Pll•I $tall A UC Irvine economics pro- fessor today ridiculed the belief by many Californians that Presi- de nt Carter's energy-saving package will hit Californians worst of all. "That's a lot of nonsense," claimed Dr. Charles A. Lave. who is studying energy and transportation problems with a federal grant. "The belief that Californians do a lot more driving than other parts of the country is sheer baloney," Lave added. He said that much of the country lives tn suburbia "just like Newport Beach" and that the only areas where extra gas taxes won 't make much dif- ference arc places like New York's Manhattan. '"And just how many people actually live in Manhattan"?" the economics professor asked. Another UCI professor, Dr, Ro i and Schinzinger of the engineering department, agreed that the proposed extr a gas taxes wlll not prove discriminatory to Californians. "There arc a lot of areas -like Texas and the Midwest -where they drive greater distances than we do here and they'll be hurt worse than us,'' Schinzingcr as- serted. Schinzingcr sai d h e's encouraged by the pres ident's emphasis on conservation. "Conservation is long overdue. I think Carter's energy policy 1s much more realistic than Nix- o n 's en e rgy independence. policy," Schinzinger said. He said Carter 's plan involves "rather complicated procedures. There are a Jot of different measures and they all have to work together," the professor said., "Congress' support is needed and it's possible to get that sup- <See GAS TAX, Page A2) O'Neill Car Gas Guzzler WASHI NGTON CAP) - House Speaker Thomas r. "Tip" O'Neill says he may honor President Carter's .. ppeal for energy con- ser vation by getting rid or his own gas guzzler, a long, black limousine. 0 'Neill told reporters to- day he will instruct aides to shop around for "a car of some other type that might serve the purpose." O'Neill, like other con· gressional leaders, is driven around in a leased Cadillac limousine. Or:::Ga . ~:s t We athe r Night and morning low clouds and fog with hazy afternoo n sunshine throu gh Friday. Lows tonleht '8 lo 55. }ljghs Fri- day 6'1to7t. Income Hiked SocUU Security lncretued W ASIIlNGTON CAP) -Social Security and Sup- plemental Security Income payments will increase 5. 9 p ercent beginning with checks going to beneficiaries July 1, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare announced today. Before Stone testified, Adams had appeared before the Grand Jury and denied making stale· ments that were later attributed Sectwn Aith Readers With Carter Confident Of Gas Tax Okay INSIDE TODAY : p~cllJI diaabl~ ars bfinQ mowd from fnltit1'- t'°911 to family ffWinmment • wadn.a ~Center pro- gram.~Bl. l•dex •t •• .. 114 "' .,., ., .,., ., .. .. .. . ... The increase is automatic and pegged to the ris- ing cost of living. The law requires that, whenever the consu mer \. 'Living Home' price index rises 3 percent or more, recipients of Today's Daily Pilot brings you Social Security and the federal SSI program !or the special pelp for planning the aged and disabled must increase as well. spring spruce·\lp of your home The consUD'!er price index rose 5.9 percent from and garden. the first quarter of 1976 through the first quarter of A special, 40-paie magaline 1977 which is the measuring period. for the benefit in-"Living Home" comes to you in the Daily Pilot. ere ase announced today· 'rhe secUon ts flllcd with words This means that the average retired single and plcture advlce on homo worker who receives $221 per monlh will get an addi-tumlshi.ngJ, interior design and · Uonal $13.04 each month beginning July 1. decorating and paUo and pool Im· The avcrQge elderly widow who gets $210 a month provemenb. will get a $12.39 increase. The maximum benefit for a For ,uldanc:e to tho Orang• man retiring this year at qe 65 wUljo l.rom f4l2. 70 to Coa4t'1 leldlnc home hnprovt· $436.SS.. ~.. _ 1 ~~~~ 1£ .. f a!~ues,. loot tor LtviDJ WASJDNGTON <AP) -Presi- dent Carter predicted today he wlU get bis proposed standby easollne tax through Congress despite some inillal reaction against the plan on Capitol Hill. "I lblnk we 1J get il passed," Carter told feporters who ulred him about perhaps the most con· troversial section of b1s touch new energy policy. Carter was questioned on the White House south lawn while saying goodby to Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares after a morning meeUna in the Oval Office. Carter l aid out bis com · prehenstve enera proaram to a Joint House-Smale sesslon Wed· nHday nteht, acknowledctnl that li would bo palnlul an4~ declaring, "I don "l expect much applause." He dldn 't get much applause, either. Yet, Democratic con· gressional leaders vow~to fight bard for the bulk or the program, wh ich c;alls for conserving e n eray through higher automobile and fuel prices and taxes. llut they C?Onceded the plan faces ma,lor opposition. Carter told Congress that lo de· ·al wllh the nation's energy crisis the lawmakers m ust approve t axes and price increases on dwindling fuel supplies and must acree to heavy taxes on aas· I 1u1111D1 automobiles. ~ · His plan for a standby 1asotloe tu of up to 60 centa a 1alloa drew 1 Ul~ot vl1orou1 cr1Uc1.ain • h d· >~ --· .. ,,.. --------~------------~--L---------------~~------------_..-1!---------------....... ~~--~----------~-:t---I ,, A.2 CAIL V PILOT L/SC Tnureday.Apot21. 1977 Ford· · __ e .Bid . By TOM BAkLEY CM, .. Oally ,., ... U•H Direct.ors ot the James Irvine l Foundation have decided to ac· cept a $302.9 million ofter for the Irvine Company, provided the bid by an east coast consortium gets court approval. The declsion was ann<mneed late Wednesday wliil~flnaJ areu· ments were under way in Orange Coun\y SUperior Court. Judae James F. Judge immediately called a four-day recess In what. bas been an eight-month trial. If the Mobil Corp., former Smelly Token Ex.mayor Gets Pier Pi ling "I WOULDN'T put it in the house because it does tend to smell," San Clemente Mayor Donna Wilkinson s aid as she presented former Mayor B. Patrick Lane with a token of the city's appreciation for his service. The token, presented at Wednesday's council meeting, was a piece of piling from the city pier. It was gnarled, rotted and encrust~ -~th barn~cles. The unveiling consisted of unwrapping 1t from a tightly wound pl as lie sack. 1..ANE, A COUNCILMANIC champion of the old wooden pier, was appropriately emotional. "This is the first pile I've had. Now I can sympathize with those who have," be said .. Crescent Bay Bid Gets LB 'Maybe' Crescent Bay Point in Laguna Beach has been given conditional support by the City Council for listing in a national registry of historic places. The council stipulated Wednes· day that the State Historical Resources Commission, which reviews the nomination of the area for the National Register of Historic Places on May 5, obtain information about possible archeologlcal discoveries first. The council hasn't been able to ge t a final report on ar cheological significance of Crescent Bay Point, pending Carbon·l4 dating of artifacts dug from the area. Th<' council's unanimous ac- tion, in the face of protest from Crt>scent Bay property owners, was to indicate to the Historical Resources Commission that it would accept the honor onl y if a significant archcological find were proven. The council also asked that, if a r o mpl e te rep o rt on th e archeology of Crescent Bay l>oint 1s not avaJlable to the com- mission by May 5. a new hearing h ea r e r Laguna Beach b e scheduled to debate its h1ston c merits. The commission 1s meeting an Eureka • Dom. Boissf'ranc. co·chairman of the Crescent Ba y Property Owners Association, told the council its 20 members oppose the listing of Crescent Bay in the registry until full Information Is available about the effect of the distinction on property develop- ment or redevelopment. Another property owner. Al Smith, of 128 Crescent Bay Drive. complained that the nomination was not made by any resident of the area or by the ci· ty. and without any proof that Crescent Bay was in any way his· t.orically special. Property holders feared the listing would add another layer of bureaucratic red tape to cut through when home improve· ments or development of vacant lots were sought. Planning Director Doug Schmitz told the council pro- perties not yet developed would face additional review by the federal Environmental Prot.ec· tion Agency. Councilman Jack McDowell op posed the action, until Councilman Carl Johnson's mo- tion was amended to make sure the state commission had a com· plete archeological report. Mc Dowell called 1t a "pre- mature, hasty action," and pre- dicted a class action suit by pro- perty owners against the city. Councilwoman Sally Bellerue retorted , saying Mc Dowell 's analysis was "incredible." Fro• Pag*! 11 J GAS TAX WORRIES • • • port if Carter can show the con- flictmg interests that unless all parts of the program are put mto effect. even worse things ought happen," hesatd. .. A lot of arm twi!'ting and jaw- boning ncl'<ls to be done to gl't Congress to agree lo this.·· Schmzmger said Lav(? believe:. the President·.,, proposal lo boost gas taxes and to increase excise taxes fo r large cars that urc not energy t!ff1c1enl arc "perfectly reasonJble " If the president's pl an 1s adopt ed. gas tucs will climb up to 10 cents per gallon per year , ending up with a 57-cent boost per gallon by 1988. . He's also sugges ting that tinergy-efflcient car buyers re- eei v e a r ebate and energy- tnefficicnt car buyers be taxed ttigher. •'I think lt 's reasonable, OAANOE CO.ST LSC DAILY PILOT :, ': ~~":--~~·~·,~:,''T, ~~1= :'~: ~:~ I ~ ~~' t ~-I~ I,;.~:~ ::";~:~~fl~:~;,~~t:;·";:~~~= ' ""' ..... ~rv " P\ "' h ••u"' "''.,,, "'' • .._ rnJr-t I ~·"I V \ll•y ffv•I\•· '•At'Jt1ittMr' '/•ti-.¥ t~1 I ~,;:·~· :~j~MJ~V~~~~~~~::'~l ;:, I :;,;.,o~=:::-t..~i't~~~I~~ wu• e,.., • . , • , • .... r1N .... Pr•\IOtt"lt .. 'Mt t'Vbt1"1ef Jf<'ll c- Vl(e ..... 1 .... 1•~--~ "'_ ......... Ell<lt< ~ ........ .......... Ma .............. . ~ML-. ~l'.llal """'•ftl Mo!Ntlf'lt l•!On Leaune •••Cfl Ofnce n .. o ........ ,.si ..... Molli"'"'"°'"" ,. o.1o • ...,mn Olflc .. c.it•Mt•• "'""" lnSt'"1 H~"r.:;:,'::"~~~~~'Wto":'~~~...:'d •l\aft01tte,,_ .. Telephone (114)142-4321 CIHtlfled Advertl9'ng 142·5'7' Legune hHll o\lt C)ef)erttnt"1t: Telephone,.._._ ' although I doubt it will be ler· ribly effeetive," said Lave, wbo in January delivered a talk in Washington that suggest~ the real energy solution is to use small. energy.efficient cars, not mass transit. "The most effective thjng has already been done -the 1974 legislatJon by ConJtres:o; that 1s forcung U.S auto manufacturers to improve the economy of lhe1r cars." La ve said. "Car manufacturers are being required to come up with a fleet of cars with an average of 27.5 miles per gallon by 1985," he said. ·'That's the most effective piece of legislation we've had, but these other things (gas and excise taxes) will be helpful too," Lave predicted. Harry Mills ' Final Rites Set Friday Graveside services are scheduled at 3 p.m. Friday al Pacific View Memorial Park, in Newport Beach, for Harry D. Mills, a 39-year resident of La1una Beach and owner of Mills Television in Dana Point. Mr. Mills died Tuesday at. bia home, 808Coast View Drive. He wu born in Clint.on, Ind., and lived in California 78 yean. For 30 of thole years be worked for Paramount Studios as sound engineer and chief mixer . Mr. Mills was a' member or the Dana Point Chamber of Com· merce. He ia survived by his wldow. Belva. The Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie of the Church of the Covenant, Colla Mesa, wllloltklat.oservlces. Paclftc Vlew Mortuary of Newport Beach l• bandllq ar- rancementt. \ favorite In the takeover batUe walh a $281.9 million bld, deellnes to produce a counter offer. Judse Judge may decide the $.102.9 million bid ts a falr price for the lrvine Company. Mobil officials .. limited their comments on the foundation de- clslon to the observation that it is being discussed today at .Mobil's New York headquarters. The bid subm1tted by a group headed by Wall Street Financier Charles Allen, Detroit developer Alfred Taubman and auto billionaire Henry Ford II is $102.9 , mUllon higher than the offer sub-\ milted by Mobil when Irvine heiress Joan Irvine SmJtb filed the legal action that is now being tried. Foundation attorney Howard Privett made it clear late Wed· nesday that the foundation's ac· ceptance of an offer will not be • passed on to Judge Judge until Monday. He also pointed out that it may not be the new bid posted by Taubman·Allen·lrvlne. Privett said that if Mobil sub- mits a counter offer during the weekend that the foundation believes to be superior to the con- sortl um 's bid then that offer would be placed before Judge Judge as the foundation's. pre- ference. Man 'Guilty' In Shooting Of Bystander A man whose robbery of a Corona del Mar market led. to the death of an innocent bystander has be~n found guilty of 14 counts of armed robbery in Orange County Superior Court. A jury that deliberated less than three hours returned that verdict against Richard William Sutton, 20, of 1611 Calle Las Bolsas, San Clemente, after a one·week trial before Judge H. Walter Steiner. Judge Steiner scheduled May 11 as the date he will sentence Sutton to a term that could range from five years lo lire in prison. Sutton was arrested last Dec. 17 after he fled from Newport Beach Police following his armed robbery of Albertson's Market at 3049 East Coast lll&laway ... t As he ran from the store he narrowly escaped a shotgun blast delivered by pursuing of· ficer Doug Thomas who later ex· plained he was convinced that Sutton had a weapon and planned to use it. As Thomas fired, handyman Joe Hines, 61, of Dana Point, stepped from behind a row of Christmas trees and received the shotgun blast in his stomach. He died later at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Several of the 14 felony convic· tions returned by the jury against Sutton included robberies of stores in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, South Laguna and El Toro. Police said Sutton's robbery or Albertson's was his second heist at the market. They staked out the store last Dec. 17 in the belief that he would return. · F.-...P ogeAl JURY ••• ing a $30,000 campaign loan. According to Stone, Adams had told him Supervisor Ralph Diedrich "bad requested of him lo make a $30,000 loan on Mr. An· thony's home." Lut Oct. 25, St.one said, Adams said he "would lose bis power with Mr. Diedrich and the board (of aupervtsora) if we do not come up wttb'tbat $5,000 for An· lhony 's campaign.'' However, Adams repeatedly denied ever using Diedrich 's ._ name to encourege bJs tentative business partner to donate. He also denied that Diedrich d ever asked him for Anthony ributions. did Diedrich. When testifying before the Grand Jury March 3, the supervisor repeatedly denied ever discussing pollUcaJ con· trlbuUon.s with A!1ams. Schedule Revised· For Gamemobile A rtvSaed schedule for San Juan Caplatrano's 1amemobilt, "Swallow," hu been &Mounced by the San Juan Capistrano Recreation Program. The gamemoblle will visit city parks on the followlng schedule: Mondays, 3 to 5 p.m. Four Oaks Perk: Tuesdays, 3 to 5 p.m. Alto Capistrano (at the termlnus of Laa Rambles>; Wednttdays,3to s p.m. Cook Park; Frl4ays, 3 to 5 p.rn. VlllaceSanJuan. Addltlonal lnfor matlon ls avallable by ~ tho city of· flcH al4J3:117L DOGS •• ·• told the council that do&s wou!of be banned Ulla y~r from are> state beaches. \. He said 25 percent of injuries ij state parks are caused by dog~ and 15 to 20 percent of the sta: parks personnel are annually 1 jured by dol bites. He notes onf ranger was forced to shoot ~ German St'lepherd dog that a~ tacked him. In support of the dogg (>O beaches. Councilman O'Ke~fo noted that the image of a mri~ his dog and family playing on the beach Is "an idyllic, peaceful'• one, an image often used 1~ political brochures. He said most people have grown up around dogs wilhou.t harm, and he c~rged the healt\ hazard claim was an overrea<:· lion. '. In response, Mayor Wilkinsott said she recogn1ied many of the names on the supportive peu· lions. Some or the people even lived near her. They let their dogs out al night. she said. The next day she has to· cleat) up her yard. Police CIUef Commerukd 1 O•llY Piiot ~i.11 Phote ·Shakespe are Wit h Jo.:.: · Retiring San Clemente Polic~ Chief Melvin Portner was formally commended by the city council and given a plaque or al): preclation for his 25 years ot service to lhe city. ' "Fred" (Douglas Hartman) romances the luring "Lois'' (Linda Linnebach) in the San Clemente High School Production of "Ki ss Me, Kate." the Cole Porter musical opens tonight and runs throu~h Sunday, with curtain· time "8 jr.m. Tickets range from $2.50 to $4 at the Triton Center at the high school. - The council surveyed Portner's advancement 1.brougb the ranks of the police depar~ .. , ment from patrolman to cbid and remarked Wednesday on th~ progress the force bas made urt· der his leadership. ' Fro. P age A J ZONING PROPOSAL • • • Portner will leave the· fore~ May l SJ)dtake ae<:rued leave~ tiJ August, when he will officially retire after three years as chief. • said. McDowell leaned back in his chair and said nothing. a golf resort, one of two basic proposals the council has de- bated. A new chief is expected to t>e appointed in mid-May. The council a l s o gave certificates of appreciation lo outgoing planning com\. missioners Don Steffensen ana Bob Richardson. The La g una Greenbelt Jnc./Village Laguna proposals for Sycamore Hills did not in· elude. as an acceptable land use, The proposal did, however, state that a golf course "is not in- herently incompatible with the Greenbelt." RCA ColorTrak TV with electronic remote control Special $49888 RCA's most automatic TV ever• El,.,ctron1cally traclls and corrects the TV s1qnal bC'lorc 11 bPcomrs a picture on your screen • Featuring Signal Sensor II remote control changes channels permits continuous volume ad1ustmenl, turns set 011 and off from across the room RCA ColorTrak 25" 'J•.eo ir1"1 RCA ·. ColorTrak 19" <l••go,..1 ,.. We Take Trades Trade Your Old Set In This Weekend SPECIALS GOOD THURS., FRI. & SAT., APRIL 21, 22 • 23 New COLORTRAK CONSOLE SPECIAL .. lntro<:hiced ospec•allv tor t111s evenl: 01g·screen Color Trail C011SOit'l Wtlh swivel basel Getting the color right 1s what RCA Color Trek is all about. It's a rermrkablo development thal actually adjusts . colOf and kef'ps ti on track Bofore you see the picture. lhe Color Trak System grabs •I. ahgns •t. dehnes 1t, sharpens 11, tones 11 and locks the colo' oo 1raek. Special $58888 27 5 East 17th St. Costa Mesa • ' f ' .Or ange Coast · EDITION ' T oday's Clo In g J N.Y.Stoeks L. 70, NO. 111, 4 SECTIONS, 78 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, APRIC. 21, f'l77 N TEN CENTS . ·Area So Ions Bit, Ba Carter By MICHAEL Pt\SKEVICH studying some of the local 1m· 0t1"' Dolly PU•• s1a11 plic at ions that are going to be Congress man Mark Hannaford hard to sell politically, but they ·Long Beach) expressed full are not offensive enough that I upport today for President could not s upport the entire arter's proposed energy con-package if it cam e to an all-or· ervation progra m , but nothing vote," Hannaford said ongressman Robert E. Badham today in Washington, D.C. jR-Newport Beach ) said he is Carter's plan. if approved by 'very disappointed" with the Congress, would raise gasoline tlan Carter outlined Wednesday. prices as much as 57 cen~ a "I ~ave to applaud his speech gallon by 1988 and add $2,488 to and his presentation. We are still the price of the heaviest gas ~rvine Company . Ford Bid OK() By Foundation By TOM BARLEY 0t 11-Doily Pilot St~tl Directors of the .Jam£>s Irvin£> Foundation have decided to ac cept a $302.9 m illion offer for the Lrvine Company. provided the bid by an east coast consortium gets court approval The decision was announced kite Wednesday \\h1le final argu- ' Man Found tcuilty of 'CdM H e is t A man who!'>e robbery of a :::;orona del Mar market led to th e de ath of an innocent bystander has been round guilty ;of 14 counts of armed robbery in Orange County Superior Court. , A jury that deliberated less ~an three hours rC'lurned that verdict against Richard William Sutton, 20, of 1611 Calle Las Bolsas. San Clemente. after a one-week trial before Judge H. Waller Steiner ·Judge Steiner scheduled Mdy 11 as lhe date he will sentence Sutton to a term that could rang<.• from hvc years to life 10 prison Sutton \\as urresll'd last DcC' :17 after he ned from Newport 'Beach Police folio" mg h1' ~med robbery of Albt•rtsnn ' ments were under way in OranJ:c County Superior Court. J udge .James F. Judge imm ediately called a four-day recess in what has been an eight-month trial. If the J\tobil Corp.. former favorite m the t31eo\'cr battle with a S281.9 million bid, declines lo produce a counter offer. Judge Judge may decide the $302 9 milhon bid is a fair price for the Irvine Compan~. Mobil officials limited lhl'lr comments on the foundation de t•1s1on to the observation that 1t 1s being discussed today Cit Mobil'::. New York headquarters. The bid :.ubmilled by a group headed by Wall Street Fmancier Charles Allen. Detroit developer Alfred Taubman and auto billionaire Henry Ford II is $102.9 m 11lion higher than the offer sub milted by Mobil when Irvine heiress Joan Irvine Smith filed the legal action that is now being tried . Foundation attorney Howard Privett made it clear late Wed· nesday that the foundation's ac· ceptance of an offer will not be passed on to Judge Judge until Monday. He also pointed out that it may not be the new bid posted by Taubman-Allen-Irvine Privett said that if :'>1obil sub- mits a counter offer during the weekend that t he foundation hclle\e:. lo be superior to the con· 'ort1um 's bid then that offer would lw placed beforf> .JudRf Jud,.:t• as the foundation's pr~ ft-n·m·" guzzling cars by 1985. 4 "ll is very disappointblftthat the President hus eho~en a negative r esponse to a crisis situation," Badham said today in a prepared statement released by his press secretary. "The President wants lo cut back and abandon our present standard of living rather than taking the necessary steps for a positive ap- proach lo the problem," Badham said. 4PWi-o TAX OK SEEN President Carter HaMaford ·ued t ~are local "consumer lated to the propos gasoline that woul each year the A rican public exceeds its allotment of fuel. "It's designed to force people into public transportation but we don't h-.ve public trans porta· lion," said Hanna ford , who represents much of Western Orange Count,y. He e¥pressed fears that seruor * * * citizens would experience the most discomfort under the Presi- dent's plan, "but the good thing is that it doesn't s tart until 1979, and only if we increase our con· sumption." he ~dded. Hannaford said be met early today with Carter and that an ad hoc committee or about 30 con- gressmen has been formed to take a closer look at his pro- posals. Reac tin g to reports of *' * * skepticism among lawmakers over the plan, Hannaford said, "( don't think they are reading the situation very well. The plan is difficult, no doubt, but Carter's a tough man,'• he said. "I think the proposal will go through some changes," he said, hinting that the energy saving measures may go through some sorterung by lawmakers before a final vote is taken. (See 2 VIEWS, Page A?) * * * Carter Confident ' • Predicts Gas Tax Will Ckar Congress WASJilNGTON CAP) -Presi· dent Carter predicted today he will get his proposed standby gasoline tax through Congress despite sonie initia l reaclion against the plan on Capitol Hill. "I think we'll get it passed," Carter told reporters who asked him about perhaps the most con- troversial section of his tough new energy policy. Carter was questioned on the White House south lawn while saying goodby to Portuguese Prime Minister M ar10 Soares after a morning meeting in the Oval Office. Cart er laid out his com · prehensive energy program to a joint House-Senate session Wed· nesday night, a cknowledging tnat it would be painful and declaring, "I don't expect much applause." He didn't get much applause. either. Yet, Democra tic con- gressional leaders vowed to fight hard for the bulk of the program, whit:h calls for conserving e ner gy through hi g h e r automobile and fuel prices a nd taitts. Bu~ they conceded the plan Cacea major opposition. Carter told Congress that to de- al with the nation's energy crisis the lawmakers must approve taxes ahd price Increases on dwindling f\lel supplies and must agree to heavy taxes on gas. guzzling automobiles. His plan for a standby gasoline tax of up lo 50 cents a ga lion drew the most vigorous criticism. SQme congressional leaders pre- dicted that the provision might be dumped by Congress. and hl· tie s upport for it emerged on Capitol Hill. Members of Congress of both parties, deeply split over energy issues, voiced little enthusiasm for the over-all package, but many praised Carter for courage in proposing stiff conservation measures. 'Tm going to be leading the * * * charge to do everything possible to put together his program,'· said Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D- Wash. ), chairman of the Senate Ener gy and Natural Resources Committee, which will handle most of the President's pro· posals. But Jackson added tha t he sees (See CARTER, Page A2) * * * ·Gas Worries Hit By UCI Professor By HILARY Kt\ YE Ott,,_ D.i1, Polot St•ll A UC Irvine economics pro· fessor today ridiculed the belief by many Californians that Presi· dent Carter's energy-saving package will hit Californians worst of all. "That's a lot of nonsense," claimed Dr. Charles A. Lave, who is s tudying energy and transpori.Uon problem s with a federal grant. '•The belief that Californians do a lot more driving than other parts of the country is sheer baloney," Lave added. He s aid that much of the country lives in suburbia "just like Newport Beach" and that the only areas where extra gas taxes won 't make much d lf· ference a re places like New York's Manhattan. "And jusl how many people actually live in Manhattan?" the economics professor asked. will not prove discrimjnatory to Californians. ·'There a re a lot of a reas -like Texas and the Midwest -where they drive greater dis tances than we do here and they'll be hurt worse than us," Schinzinger as- serted. Sc hin zingcr s aid h e's encouraged by the president's emphasis on conservation. <See GAS TAX, Page A2) Marin County Water Bills Really Hurt f arket at 3049 Ea.!it <.:oac;t ighway As he ran from th1• c,tore h1· llarrowly escapNl c1 :.hotgun ~last deli vered by purs uing of ,teer Doug Thomas who liet(•r l'X lelained he was connnc1·d th.it ISutton had a weapon ,11111 plannNJ 'lo use it. OCTD Vows Tax Cut Another UCI professor, Dr. Rol and Schinzinger o f the engineering department. agreed that the proposed extra gas taxes SAUSALITO (AP) -Marin Co unty's school officials and - r l!slaurant owners had the Cull impact of the drought hit them where it r eally hurts -in the pocketbook. As Thom as firt'd hanclvman Joe Hines, 61, of r>anJ l'nint stepped from behind ,1 r111A or Christmas trees ancl 11'1·1•1" 1•<1 th" 'shotgun blast in h10, 'tomJrh 111· 'died later at ll11;1g \km1111al 1Hospital Several of lht• 11 ft•l1111\ <·on\ 11· lions rcturn1•1l II\ the• JUr\ .1).!;1111,1 Sutton inC'lutlc II rohlwr11•., 111 storl's in Ne" port lh•ud1, l.u).!11n.1 Beach, South L..tgun.1 and t-:1 Toro P olice said Sutton·.., r ohlwrv of Albert.son's was his 'c~ond h1•"t at the markl•t They staked out the store la.<it Ot"C' 17 111 lht• twhct tb'al he would return Section Aids Reatkrs With 'Living Home' Today's Daily Pilot brings you special help for planninA tht- spring spruce-up of your home and garden. , A special, 40-pa~e ma1tazm<.• "Living Home" comes to you 10 the Daily Pilot. The section is nlled with words ~d picture advice on home ru.misbings, interior design and :Secorating and patio nnd pool im- ~rovement.s. Por guidance to the Orange :O,Ut's leadina home improve- i1enl. values, look tor Living tlome, Inside.today. General Executed ..BANGKOK, Thailand CAP) - Gen. Chalard Hiranyasirl, netlme deputy army com- aader 1n chief. w.s executed thoul bUl today ror lll~edly aatermlndtni an abortive lUt.IJ')' coup last. month in ic;b ~ pnicovemment. genel'al lilled, mllltarJ sources a aid. Bus Fare H ike Looks Unlikely. This Year By KA THY C'l.i\ ~('\" Of tlW 0 .,1., Pilot \t•ft Ed Lonl1, 1-!cnerol m.eriai::t•r n( tht• Oranl!<' C'ounty Tran'lt [)p, 1r1 <'t IO<'TD>. tod.n backt•d ·'" ,, \ frnm h" re com m1•ncl.1t 1(10 to lll('n•a.,c• 111" f<trl'" nt•\t \1"1r from 2:, 111 10 c't•nt-. Lont1 abo ,,mt ht· "ould pn 'f>nl a re''"'" hudJ,!N to chn•rt11r-. fo'ntl.1\ th.II \\Oulcl p(•rm1t a pro Jwrt' t:i x drcr€'aSl' in t h1· cominr fl ,C'JI \('II 1n .. 11•;ed or lht• lO c n·a,., th.11 h.cd hl'{'n c•xrw1·t1'<l c•Jrl1t•r llt' annnun<.·ed thc.it OCTO c;taff mt>mbers were able to bdlance tht' budJ(cl. keep fares Jevel and rrducc taxes while Increasing th1• 1977 711 proposed budget from $4R million to $52 million. Lontz said the balancing act involved shifting additional st ate a nd federal funds into the budget for the coming year. "Over the next five years WC' will spend less but this year's hudget will be higher," Lontz predicted Whill' Lorit1 cited pressure horn directors about his earlier budget proposals. he also said he proposed lhe fund s hift as tong as "" weeks ago Hut he• said he could not get 1wrmi,'l1nn 111 bring them about Im m 1h1• Sm1thi>rn California As- Lions Club Wants Books for Sale l '><'d books arC' n£>eded by \1 armers wons Club of Newport B<'ach for their annual used book sale schedulf'd for May 13, 14 and 15 at the Westchff Plaza Shop.. ping Center . Proceeds will be donated to the R£>ach City Braille Guild, a non· profit, countywide organization for the assistance to the blind. Additional proceeds will go to Hoag Memorial Hospital for new :-.11tht conservation equipment. Books may be dropped off at any Newport Reach Fire st.lion. sociation of Governments until last week. OCTD finan ce director Michael Moore explained that, in the past, the district had set aside half its share of state sales tax re· venues for capital projects. Under the shift. he continued, only 15 percent will be set aside for capital projects and 85 per- cent can be used for operations. During a budget session last Friday directors indicated they would be likely to reject the pro- posed fare increase and board Chairman Ralph Clark 1Varned that he would not support the pro- posed property tax increase from this year's 4.26 cents per $100 of asses~ valuation to 4.5 cents for the coming year. Lorit~ sald today the revised budget would permit a tax cut to 3.99 cents per $100 .of assessed value based on an eight percent increase in assessed evaluation. Viejo Woman Dies in Fall At Dana Point A 19-year-old woman fell more than 250 feet lo her death early today while walking on the edge of a cliff in the Dana Point area, Orange County SheriCC's officers said . Deputies identified the victim as Vera Ann P ope, 25769 Ma rguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. They said Miss Pope was strolling in the Dana Strand area about 1 a .m. with a companion identified as Thomas Harland Hurl Ill, 22, of the same address, when she reportedly lost her balance and fell down the cliff. Sherl!f's officers, firemen, harbor patrol boats and diving team s were dispatched to the area and later found Miss Pope's body partially submerged. Jury Hears Hints of Pay-offs By GARY GRANVILLE Ol ti. D.ilr Po ... SqH Secr et Orange County Grand Jury testimony in- dicates that a county salvage contractor last fall allegedly told his disenchanted busi· ness partners they would ha ve to make a $5,000 political campaign contribu- tion to protect a $200,000 in V<'stment. "Are you telling me if I don't lay down ~.000 we're going to have trouble with our ($200,000) shredder?'' Max Stone said he asked salvage contractor George Adams. "Well, that is Lhe way the same is pt..,.ed out here," Stone aaid Adams replied. ------- Stone, A Long Beach salvage operator who last fall was form· Ing a business partnership with Adams, testified March 8. His testimony is lncluded ln 2.000 paies of transcript.a cover- ing the Jury's con•hulln1 In· vestigaUon lnto Oran.p Countx political practices. Before Stone testified. Adams had appeared before the Grand Jur y and denied maldng s~ale· ments thnl were later attribUted to him in Stone's testimony. Ad ams is the holdor of a con· tract covering metal salvage operations at one count.y dump s ite. And last November, wbcn bid· dine under • nnn name. :similar lo the eotporate ume be. Stolle abd otben bid cbOMi for a aew entity. Adams was the successful . bidder on a salvage contract at threeothercounlydumpstaUons. According to Stone 's testimony, Adams assured bis would·be pa.rtnera lone before the November bid opening that the c.ootract would be theirs. ••Deo' WOl'J')' about ft. We have 1ot the landfill contracts.·· StoM quoted Adams as saying. "Ht- knew about it IOhtt before lbe bida were announced." Adatns was a $5,250 con- tributor to Supervisor Phlllp An- tbony'a campaign and, tn olle tare polnt of a~ment betwHq hla and Stone I f.eSUmOft1, btd sou1bt help trom Stone tn obt.a.la· lna a po,ooo campnen loan. AcC«'dlnl to~. Adamabed. told 'lllm Suptl':l'l.aor RaJp ' ' .. Diedrich "had requested of him to make a $30,000 loan on Mr. An- thony's home." Last Oct. 25, Stone said , Adams s~d he "would \ose his power with Mr. Diedrich and the board (of supervisors> if we do not come up with that $5,000 for An- thony's campaign." However, Adams repeatedly denied ever using Diedrich 's name to encourage bis tentative business partner to donate. He also denied that Diedrich had ever asked him ror Anthony co11lri but.ions. So d.Jd Diedrich. When tcsllfylnc before tho Grand Jury March 3, the supervisor repeatedly dented ever dJ1cu.ssln1 poUUcal con· CBeeltlllY, Pa1eA2) Marin water ofCi cials sent out bills this week that clearly left many people shocked. The Martin Luther King school, which normally gets a $400• to $500 bimonthly bill. was charged $16,289 for March and April. That amounts to $65 for each of the school's 250 pupils. "I think there was a terrible er- ror in our allotme nt," said the sc h ool dis tri ct 's business manager, Francoise Hayet. She pointed out that the school used 563,992 gallons during the base period last October and November. That was slashed 85 percent to86,768. Among the other high bills were $9, 100 t o the Ondi n e restau rant and $2 ,400 to Swenson's ice cream parlor. J . Dietrich Stroeh, general m anager of the wate r district, said he would m eet with the restaurant owners next week but indicated he was prepared to argue with them. Co ast Weath er Night and morning low clouds and fog with hazy afternoon s unshine through Friday. Lows tonight 48 to 55. High.! Fri- day 67to74. I NSIDE TODAY Developmntally disabled ore ~ mooed from wtitu- tfOrtt to familfl environment under a Rqional Centtt pro- gram. P.o(/c 81. l•de~ at •• M M At 8M . , 8J.1 ., as •• ,,.. ) • ' A.2 DAILY PILOT N Celia's Claim Denied · Dr. U>uia J. Cella Jr.'s claim that the Orange County Grand Jury that i_ndlct.ed him did not represent a true cross-section of the community has been rejected in Superior Court after three weeks of testimony. Judge Philip E. Schwab turned down the motion Wednesday to overturn the indictment with the comment that fellow judges who nominated the 1976 grand jury did their level best to narne participants who represented the county in racial, economic and religious terms. His decision came after he heard testimony from 37 wit- nesses, 25 of whom were Superior Court judges who nominated grand jurors in the year that Cella and three co-defendants were indicted on multiple felony counts. Judge Schwab told defense lawye rs that his fellow judges "!>ought out nomtnees through g roups and Individuals representative of the county at large, including specifically the young, the work force and the Mexican -American com- munity." Defense attorney James Rid· det, who represents co-defendant Stephen Robert Evans, 32, said It is likely that he will appeal Judge Schwab's decision. The ruling means that Evans and Cella, 52, will now return to Judge William C. Speirs' courtroom for a resumption or pretrial motions that began last August. Currently under debate is a motion by the defense for sup- pression of evidence that the pro- secution planned to use in the trial of the two me n. The challenge to the grand jury system was transferred lo Judge Schwab when Judge Speirs point- ed out that he nominated mem- bers of the 1976 Grand Jury and could hardly rule on the constitu- tionality of the system. Both men face trial on 127 felony counts stemming from their alleged embezzlement of an estimated $2 million from two county hospitals served by Cella as secretary-treasurer. ll is alleged that a substantial portion of the money utilized by Cella was used by him to support po litical candidates who met with his favor. Both men have been tried and ronv1clcd on related charges in Los Angl'IC!> Federal Court They are free on appeal from Celia's five-year prison term and the one year commitment ordered ror Evans. Court officials said the pre· t rtnl action in Judge Speirs' courtroom 1s not expected to re- sume before Monda}. Chamber Eyes Hike in Dues IJ1r<'clors o f the Newport llarbor Arca Chamber of Com- merce arc considering a raise in dues for their organization. At their monthly meetini: Mon- day directors were told that a re- ('cnt studv of the chamber 's finances rcvt:'alcd that increased operating costs are about to out- ~trip the dues taken in. Thl' increases rontemplated "'ould affect all ratci;ionc~ of membership Dues for associate-mt'mbcr'\, or non business members. would ~o from $40 a year to s:;o, in c1tv1dual owmber:.h1ps for soil• proprietors would go from S7S to $100; dues woulrt go from St to to SISO for a !>tni.:h• representative of u partn <.'r s h1p o r two representat1vPs Of a corporation and the arld1t1onal f ee for p artnersh ip or corporation representatives would go from $40 to $50. Directors are slated to con· 'id er the proposal further at their May 16 meeting. The changes are proposed lo i::o into effect by July J, ORANGE COAST " DAILY PILOT ~:~,~~~:~~ .... ~~,~or,~:,::;;; ~-f·':: t•' I' 11"h\~1~(0M0111ny Sf'rMtlM91.1U~<, ••tt ,.,.,.,, "'' ~ *'\nM"ll tM""t~ Ht•tfy '""" (1"1'-14 W \ N••!""tt M .. •f" ... 1111.,,..°" a-Mn ,,,_.,'\ • •" V• i." frv1ne S..-dOl•b.I ti y,.11,.., •"1 \•1HnitO•..,tt ~'""~"' _,1f"Olian-.,."'•'"1 t""' OVhh\.NJd ~t..irOl!f\ ~ ~f'\ ,.,.,. fU't"I •D41 OUfttl\ .. lf\llt ~lll"f h, ... 1JO '#I\\ .-., \Ur-I. (,,f\t•Mew, (llUfOf'"i't"" 11-r1N- Pr•'°dtnl-"'*'- J.c~ It. C-Vl't~•l!tonl•NIO.-tlMtftltW n ..... '""''" c.11 .. T-•Alll ........ ,,._n .. 1"9 C4111or a-.. ... ~--........ A\,.ht•ftt M.tf\t~•1'1!1 ldUon T •l•f>hon• (71 •) ~t-432t CIHtllled Advertte1n9 Ma·M'1 tilbuuom wttb Adams. All remarks altrlbuted to J>ledriob by $one came ~ A4ams w there ls no iodlcalloo. S11 tbe t.ramcript that Diedrich and Stone ever talked. There is a tape recording or ". telepbooe conversation between Adams and Stone in which Stone makes references lo earlier con· versatlons about campaign sollcltatlons froin Adams And, It worker in Stone's Long Beach salvage yard testified that he heard Stone explode over the telephone when apparently asked by Ada ms to donate to An- thony's campaign, allegedly as a necessary cost of doing business with county government. Adams• and Stone's differences. go deeper. however. Io that testimony. it is revealed that Stone, Mtams and others we re forming a partnership. Land Fill Recovery Systems Development, lnc., to bid on the three county dump salvage operations. But. Stone testified, Adams, without his would-be partners' knowledge, made the successful bid under the firm name, Land Fill R e covery Systems, a ficticious operating name used by Adams' Orange County Steel Salvage Co. That meant that Stone and his alHes were left out of the county contract by a tentative business partner they had already bankrolled lo a $200,000 invest- ment held in trust an<l a $5,000 Joan. Coincidentally, Adams, who had suggested the new company name, opened a bank account un der the similar name and began bus iness trans actions in that name without his partners' knowledge, according to the Gr andJury testimony. Private Rites Scheduled for Thomas Neal Private funeral services will be held Saturday for Thomas "T J " Neal. founder of Neal's sporting goods stores, who died Wednesday at the age of 92. Mr. Neal died in his sleep at the Basler Rest Home in Santa An a. He moved to Santa Ana from his nati\'ifNorth Dakota in 1918 an d opened a bicyc le and ~otorcycle shop that later grew into a chain of sporting goods stores, The business, s till run by fami- ly members, expanded to include stores in Newport Beach, La Ha bra and Cerritos and the pro shop at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Mr. Neal was a member of the Tustin Presbyterian Church. the Issac Walton League of Amenca and he was a life member of the Santa Ana Elks Lodge 794. Mr Neal is survived by h1i:; widow. Lenore of Santa Ana , ,1 daughter. Ellen Lampert of Tustin. a son, Forrest Neal of Coro na d e l Ma r , sevl'n grandchildren, and four great· grandchildren Private funeral sernccs for lhe family members'' ill be c·on ducted at Fairhaven Memorial P:irk. The family has suggested memorial contributions to th<' cerebral palsy fund of the Santa i\na Elkt Lodge, 212 Elk Lane S,1nt,11\na ' Services Held For Ex-Mesan Funeral St'f\'IC'f"'i w ere held earlier th.is month in Kingman. Ariz .. for former Costa Mesa re s1dent Hazel D. Stalhngs. who died Easter Sunday al the agti of 62. Mrs. Stallings and her husband Robert moved to Prescott. Ariz., three years ago. The couple lived in Costa Mesa for 16 years. Mr. Stallings worked as a i;uperintendent for the Blue Diamond Sand and Gravel Company, and Mrs. Stalllngs soldered small jnstruments un- der a microscope at Cadillac Controls until the couple moved. Mrs. Stallings is survived by her husband. of Prescott . and daughter . Donna [v(•rson of Nl•wport Beach. <Arter Plans Elk Hilh Cut FRESNO (AP) -Tbe Carter administration plans a abarp production cutbaelt at the Elk llills Naval Petroleum Reserve tn Kem County, the Fresno Bee reported today. The reduction Is designed to prevent a large, west coast oil glut once lhe Alaskan pipeline begins to flow this sum mer. unat- tributed sources said. The admintstr~Uon upocts that the west coaat oil surplus may reach 600,000 barrels a day by lbe end of lhc year. Tho White House is concerned because Carter has been tl')'lnf to con· vi nee people lhat the U.S. la run-. nina out of oll, the Bee reported. •j • Realtors H1;til Three Firemen Ineome Diked ~ Social, Security .Up July 1 WASIDNGTON CAP) -Social Secunty aod Sup- plemental Security Jncomc payments will increase 5. 9 percent beginning with checks going to beneficiaries July 1, the Department ot Health Education and Welfare announced today. ' ( ' '· ... . . !, More tJuui 200 members of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors turned out this morning to honor three out.stand~ ing firemen. Capt. Gerald Poarch of Costa Mesa, retired Capt. Richard El· Jerman of Newport Beach and Fire man Glenn Sekins of the Orange County Fire Depart- ment's Irvine station were pre- sented with plaques honoring them as the fireman of the year from their respective cities. All three men were lauded for their work as firemen and their involvement in community activities. Sekins, 24. who has bet!n s tationed in Irvine for a l ittle more than a year. was selected because of the yo uth -SEl(IHS ELLl!ltMAN l'OAltCH oriented programs in which he is involved. He is currently producing a half-hour show for closed circuit television to be used in instruct- ing students in the Irvine Unified School District in fire prevention and safety. Sekins is also active in the Firefighter Counselor program in which individual fire men work with troubled youngsters. Newport Beach's Ellerman, who retired from the Newport Beach Fire Department last August because of a work-related Ending Sad For Homeless No-name Dog There is an unhappy ending to the story of the no-name dog who needed a home. The s mall dog was found last week by Corona del Mar resident Bonnie Noveski. She wanted to find a home for the an imal. She couldn't keep him herself a nd when all else failed s be called the Dally Pilot for help. T od ay s he s aid s he had "tremendous response" from a i:;tory about the dog that ran in Wl'dm•sdav·s ed1l1on Sht• said i.he gave him to the first person who called, Belly John-.on.1501CliffDrive. Out when Mrs. J ohnson got the do~ home. he ran away. Mrs. Novesk1 said she and her husband searched the Cliff llavcn area Wednesday night for the s mall black dog and she was out again today. "No one·s :.c•t•n him. He's so s hy of people. l don't know where he "d go." Mrs. Noveski said. "I thought Ws was going to be one of thos e happy e nding -.1or1c~. ··she added. "Now l feel likt' 1 'H' hl'en kicked 1n the '1omach ... An~one who finds a stray black doJ: 1s asked to contact Mri.. Nov- l'Ski at tH0·0269 f'roM Pa~ AJ GAS TAX. • • "Conservation is long overdue. I think Carter's enel'gy policy Is much more realistic than Nix- on's enerRY independence policy.·• Sthinzinger said. He said Carter's plan involves "rather complicated procedure!!. 'fhere are a lot of different measures and they all have to work together." the professor said "Con~ress' support is needed and it's possible to get that sup- port if Carter can show the con- Oirtlng interests that unless all parts of the program are put int.o effect, even worse things might happen," he said. "A loto( arm·twistJng and jaw- boning needs to be done to get Congress to acree to this," Sebtndnrer saJd. Lave believes the President's proposal to boost gas laxes and to increase excise taxes for lar1e · cars that are not energy ernclenl are "perfecll~ reasonable." Prote818 Fatal ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP> -Antlgovernment demonatra· lions continued In other parts of Pakl1tan today after a strict currew quolled atreeL fighting In Karachi. Vlolence ln Karachi, Pakistan'a lJJ'(esl city, report.ad., ly killed 17 petfOl\I Wednesdl.y· as a ceneral •lrit• pa.ralyied the cliy. injury, waa honored for his capabillUes as a fireman and for his innovative suggestions that led to use of improved equipment in thect.partment. Ellerman, 50, was a member or the fire department for 19 years. Costa Mesa's Poarch, 40, was chosen, in the words of a depiu·t· ment spokesman, because "once he gets involved, there's no llmit to what he wiU do." On bis own t ime, Poarch earned a series of first aid certificates that enabled the de- partment to utilize him as an in- structor to train other first aid in- structors and to keep all depart- ment personnel current in their first aid ratings. He has also served on the Council of Emer~ency Services of Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital and planned some of the disaster drills for training fire depart- ment and hospital personnel. Poarch has also helped with the department's Junior Fireman program for fourth grade stu- dents and served on the city's Beautification and Bicentennial committees. A member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, Poarch has held a number of countywide and statewide of- fices In th at organization. Fro.Page Al CARTER .•. little likelihood of Carter's gas tax proposal passing Congress. And he predicted major modifications would be made ln the President's oU pricing r e- commendations. House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill also expressed reseNa- tions about the gasoline tax but vowed full support for the Presi- dent's program, adding that Carter knows "this Is his first major fight •.•. This is a bat· tie." . The increase is automatic and pegged to the ris· ing cost of living. I . . .. • " The law requires that, whenever the {'Onsumer price index rises 3 percent or more, recipients of Social Security and lhc federal SSI program for the aged and disabled must increase as well. \ ~ • . / . 'I_'he consumer price index rose 5.9 percent from the fir-st quarter of 1976 through th(' firs t quarter of 1977 which is the measuring period for the benefit in crease announced today. t I .. I .. ·. J This means that the average retired single ~orker who receives $221 per month will get an adcli- t1onal $16.04 each month beginning July 1. . The averag.:; elderly widow who gets $210 a month will get a $12.39 increase. The maximum benefit for a man retiring this year at age 65 will go from $412. 70 to $436.85. • :~ . ·. .. Frmtt Page A I 2 VIEWS .•. A spokesman at Badham's Was hington office s aid the freshman congressman is sup- porting a four-pomt solution to the energy cris is. He would like to see a reduc- tion of government control over energy production in return for fair market pricing on gas and oil. Badham would also like to see an extension of the authority to regulate utilities and major fuel burning industries to convert from oil fuel lo low-sulphur and high-quality coal, the spokesman said. Ba'tlham consid ers r elaxed licens ing on nuclear power plants and business incentives to produce more uranium for · nu cl e ar plants as n eeded measures which would help fight future oil shortages. Cleanup Continues BASS LAKE (AP ) - Firefighters continue to plow over hot spots from two forest fires that burned 192 acres In the central Sierra Nevada near here. • ; ·. .. .. Newport Tean;, Advances . To Semifinals~-. \ The Newport Sharks, a.n Ameri can Youth Socc6r Organization learn or local 7. al)d 8-y car-olds, will play Mission Viejo Saturday at Ensign School, at l p.m. in the semifinals or tt\C A YSO's Southern Californiu tournament. ~ T~e. Sharks advanced to Uae semifinals by beating anoth~ Mission Viejo team, the Fe\"- raris. last weekend. The final score was 2· l · A second Newport Beach tearj, t he Commandos. were dcfeatdd 1-0 by a We5t San Gabriel leash las t weekend in the Rose Bo~. The Commandos compete in Uf'e 11· and 12-year-old division. . Another victory by the Shar~s "111 advance them lo the finals in play that includes youth soc~r teams from Garden Grove to San Diego. RCA ColorTrak TV with electronic remote control RCA ColorTrak 19" special S49888 RCA s most automatic TV Pver• [lectron1ca11y lr.Kks an!l corrects the TV signal before 1t becomes .1 µ1cture on your screr>r1 • Featurinq S1qna1 SPnsor II remote conlrol- changes channels pc1m11s continuous volume ad1ustment, turns set on and off -from across the room 1 '1 RC · Color~ak ~ ?.~:: 111•'1~,,,,11 We Take Trades Trade Your Old Set In This Weekend SPECIALS GOOD THURS., FRI. & SAT., APRIL 2 I, 22 & 23 New COLOR TR.AK CONSOLE SPECIAL Introduced cspf'c1ally 101 lh•S event: 81g-1cr'ean Color Tfak con<>olo w1lh swivel base! Gelling Jhe color right •'i whal RCA Color Trak 1s all about ll s a rcmarkabln development that actually ad1us1s color and keeps ti on track Before you ~ lhe ptC1ure. lhe Color Trak Syslem grat>s 11. aligns II, defines 11, sharpens ii. tones 1t and lock$ tht color on track. Special $58888 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa "_ ............ .....,._ J o_.. Wftt Olf ~' Ir. Phone 642·8182 Store HOcJrs Daily 9-~ Sat. ~.30 .... .,...,._. Nt. Mia ltH "'· ' Saddlehack EDITION ' Aft :..rooon . N . Y. Stocks· 9L 70, NO. 111, 4 SECTIONS, 78 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, APR IL 21, 1977 TEN CENTS t r. ~ Carter Predicts Gas Tax Will <WASJUNGTON <AP) -Presl· nt Carter pr<'dicted today he ·u get his proposed standby asoline lax through Congress espite some 1n1tial reaction atgainst the plan on Capitol Hill. ~"I think we 'IJ i:t•t 1\ passed," arter told reporters who asked 1m about perhaps the most con· oversial :,ection of hts tough ~ew eneri,:y policy. Carter was questioned on the While House south lawn while saying goodby to Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares after a morning meeting in the Oval Office. Carter laid out his com· prehensive energy program to a JOiot House-Senate session Wed· nesday night, acknowledging that it would be painful and declaring, "I don't expect.much applause." He didn't get much appiause, either . Yet, Democratic con· gresslonal leaders yowed to fight hard for the bitlk of the program, which calls for consetving e nergy through higher automobile and fuel prices and taxes. But they conceded the pJan faces m ajor opposition. Carter told Congress that to de· al with the nation's eneray crlsis the lawmakers must approve taxes and price increases on dwindling fuel supplies and must agree to heavy taxes on gas. guzzling automobiles. His plan for a standby gasoline lax of up to SO cents a gaJlon drew the most vigorous criticism. Some congressional leaders pre· ~Sacrifices' Sought SD Budgeting r ln s El Toro •• ., ~~" Man Asks ~.~ For Less ~ •I 'Boun ~ed From Mae h in e I i' I William Soug l<-. 10 of l.onj.! Beach ''a'\ in s alis f a clory c·1md 1t1011 lod<1y at ;\lt<,s ton Com munit:. I l11sp1I ;ti , where he WCJ S flown WC'dtwsdav h\ n·..,1·111· lw lH·optl•r aft er ht· fell from 'an ·,.,,rt ltrnm t•r and inrurNI hi" hack Pal'am1·d1r "· wh1> ln·;itiod Sougl1• .11 t ht• <iC('n" o f t ht.' a ccide nt in an unJ dn dopt·d M't'lton ot t\11!->sion \'1eJO at the 1111rth t•n<I of Lo:-Aliso-; Boult•varct. s aid he "as t>ourwt•d out of I h<· sc:at of the mam m o t h m ,1 C' h 1 n l' " ht• n 1 l ran into an 1 • 1 n Ii .1 n I-. nw n t I Testimony H ints Payola Secret Grand Jury Tale: Political Pay-offs 8) G1\RV GR \~\n.u: 0t Ir. 0 •1h P•I01 '\liAtf S e<' rt• I Cl r • in g 1 • C 11 u n I ~ Gr and J un I C':o.t 1 mon' 111 dicalC's lh;1t :1 c·o unly ~.11\ age• contractor 1.1,t f:tll all1·g1•cll\ told his d1sc•rw h;1n tl·d bu..,1 ness part nt·rs t hf'Y \\OU Id have lo m a kt' <1 $5,ooo political c·:imp:11g n l'1111\nh11 tion to prokt•I ;i $WO,OOO Ill vestment "Arc you lt•lllflJ: me ir I don't I .1 \ rlo" n s.:; 0110 \\ t• 1 t' ~01 n..: to h;J\t' trnuhlt• \\tlh r1ur 1$200.0001 !>hn·dd<-r·• .\t.1x ~t11n1· said h1· ""ked sah,1,i.:1· t·m1tr,11·t11r Gt•oq(1• Adams Well. that ts th<.'" a)' th<.' game 1s play<.'d out here." Slone said Adams replied. Stone. a Long Beach salvage o perator who last fall was form. in ~ a business partners hip with Adams, testified March 8. His testimony is included in 2.000 pages of transcripts cover· Income Diked 111~ tht• 1ur:. ·., contrnurng in· "'"t1i::at1on into Orange County polt l tC'al pr <lC'ttC'<'s lll'fori• ~tone tt•s t1fwd. Adams had appt'arc-d hdore the Grand Jury and denied maktnA state· me nts that were later attributed to him in Stone's tes timony. Adams is the holder or a con- tract cove ring m eta l s alvage operations at one county dump site And last November. when bid· ding under a firm name similar to the corporate name he, Stone and others had chosen for a new entity, Adams was the s uccessful. bidder on a salvage contract at three other county du mp s tations. By LAURI E KASPER OllheO.,lyPllolSllll An El Toro resident asked trustees and parents in the Sad· dleback Valley Unified School District Wednesday to follow the example of President Carter's energy proposal and sacrifice some services lo save taxes. During the second session in a series of workshops on the dis- trict's projected $33 million budget, Bill Monoson noted that the community is requesting more services at the same time it is asking for spending cuts. "We're Cast reaching the stage Where we can't afford to do what we 'redoing," Monoson said. ··1 think we, as parents and peo. pie in the community, are going to have to accept less in order to re· duce our taxes." The El Toro man's suggestion followed a discuss ion among trustees and administrators of the $2,384.696 being asked for instruc· ti on al services. Included in this division, which was budgeted $2, 100,921 for the current fiscal year, are programs for secondary education, cur- riculum development, pupil s ervices, the Instructional Resource Center and special pro· jects, recreation. music. mental- ly gifted mino rs and early childhood education. Just about hair of the requested allotment, $1 ,179,936. has been marked for pupil services. This ·department includes special education classes for the educationally hand i capped, educable mentally retarded and aphasic students as well as re· medial physical education, speech, guidance a nd health pro· grams. Dr. Joseph Platow, director of pupil services. s aid his budget re· quest. which 1s about $58,000 more than his current allotment, in· eludes only those increases needed to maintain the existing program. "We are currently operating at a level that I would deem to be a minimum level of those services," he said. Admitting he is biased. the director said anything less would be meaning- less. Trustee George Henry objected that all schools are receivin& the same level of service. Endorsing a system in which the schools de- cide what services they receive, the trustee said some may need (Se~ BUDGET, Page A2> * * * dieted that the provision might be dumped by Congress, and lit· tie s upport for it emerged on Capitol Hill. Members of Congress or both parties, deeply split over energy issues. voiced little enthusiasm for the over-all package, but many praised Carter for courage in proposing stiff conservation · measures. O'Neill Car Gas Guzzler WASIDNGTON (AP) - House Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill says he may honor President Carter's appeal for energy con- servation by getting rid of his own gas guzzler, a long, black limousine. O'Neill told reporters lo· day he will instruct aides to shop around for "a car of · some other type that might serve the purpose." O'Neill, like other con· gression al leaders, is driven around in a leased Cadillac limousine. 'Worst Hit' Belief Ridiculed By lDLARYKAYE • Of"'" D•llr Pilot Stoll A UC Irvine economics pro· fessor today ridiculed the belief by many Californians that Ptesi- de nt Carter's ene rgy-saving package will hit Californians worst of all. "That's a lot of nonsense," claimed Dr. Charles A. Lave, who is studying energy' and transportation problems with a federal &:rant. ·'The belief that Californians do a Jot more driving than other parts of the country is sheer baJoney," Lave added. He said that much of the country li ves in suburbia "just like Newport Beach" and that the only areas where extra gas taxes won't make much dif· rerence are places like New York's Manhattan. "And just how many people actually li ve in Manhattan?" the economics professor asked. Another UCI professor, Dr. R o land Schinzinger of the engineering department, agreed that the proposed extra gas taxes will not prove discriminatory to Californians. ·'There are a Jot of areas -like Texas and the Midwest -where they drive greater distances than we do here and they'll be hurt wors e than us,'' Schinzinger as· serted. S c hinzing e r said h e's encouraged by the president's emphasis on conservation. •'Conservation is long overdue. I think Carter 's energy policy is much more realistic than Nix· on's energy indepen dence pol~y. •· Schinzinger said. He said Carter's plan involves "rather complicated procedures. There are a lot of different measures and they all have to work together,·' the professor said. "Congress' support is needed and it's possible to get that sup- port if Carter can show the con· meting interf!Sts that unless all parts of the program are put into effect. even worse t!J.ings blight happen," he said. (See GAS TAX, Page A2) Social Security lncremed WASHINGTON <AP) -Social Security and Sup- plemental St'curity Income payments will increase 5.9 percent beginning with checks goin g to beneficiaries July J. the Department of ffealth, Educafion and Welfare announced today. According to Ston e's ttstimony, Adams assured his ( ee JURY, Page A?) Section Aids Readers With 'Living Home' SVUSD Authorizes The increase is automatic and pegged to the ris-ing cost of Iivin~. The law requires that, whenever the consumer price ihdcx rises 3 percent or more, recipients of Social Security and the federal SSI program for the aged and disabled must increase as well. The consumer price index rose 5.9 p ercent from the first quarter of 1976 through the first quarter of 1977 which is the measur ing period for the benefil in· crease announced today. This means that the average retired single worker who receives $221 per month will get an addi· tional $13.04 each month beginning July 1. The average elderly widow who gets $210 a month will get a $12.39 increase. The maximum benefit for a man retiring this year at age 65 will go from $412. 70 to $438.85. Today's Daily Pilot brlnp you special pelp for planning the spring spruce-up of your home and garden. A special, 40.page magazine ''Living Home" comes to you in the Daily Pilot. The sectioh is filled with words and picture advice on home furnishings, interior design and decorating and patio and pool Im· provcment.S. , For guidance to the Orange Coast 'a leadlna home Jrnprove- m enl values, look for Uvlna Home, Inside tod•Y· New School Plans Saddleback Valley Unified School District trus tees have authorlud the arcbUeclural firm of Flewelling and Moody to draw up. plans for the dis trict's 18th elementary school. The new achool, which wlll house a maximum of 42'1 •tu• ·dents, will be built at Lindley and Tree streets in Aegean HUls. Construction ta scheduled to begin in November. Some atu- dent.s ml)' move into the school in Sept. 19'78 altbo\.&lb it la not scheduled to be completed unW the (ollowln• month. The school will have 12 classrooms and one kloclerprteia ' room. Special features include a multipurpose room stage with walls which can be opened to the out9lde. Classrooms also will have walls which can open to an exterior imtruction area. District administrators estimate construction will cost Sl,s.44,'40. Architects will be paid about $75,000. Trustee George Henry opposed having the architects draw up the plans. Aller asking for a list of empty classroom• in dlslrict achoola, be aaid, "I would feel a lot bett.el' about It lf 1 were sure •e didn't have empty rooms that are not being ust!d." • I Pass ''I'm going to be leading the charge to do everything possible to put together his program," said Sen. Henry M. Jackson lD· Wash.), chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which will handle~ most of the President's pro- posals. But Jackson added that he sees <See CARTER, Page i\2) Viejo Woman Killed A 19-year-old woman tell more than 250 feet lo her death early today while walking on the edge of a cliff in the Dana Point area, Orange County Sheriff's officers said. Deputies identified the victim as Ve ra Ann Po pe, 25769 Marguerite Park\\ay, Mission Viejo. They s aid Miss Pope was strolling tn the Dana Strand area about 1 a.m. with a companion identified as Thomas Harland Hurt III, 22, of the same address, when she reportedly lost her balancc.tand fell down the ch ff ShernTs officers. firemen , harbor patrol boats and diving teams were dis patched to the area and later found Miss Pope's body partially submerged . Coroner's officers confirmed today that the woman's fatal in· juries were received in the fall and that her immersion in sea played no part in her death. Sheriff's officers said Hurt was assisting them today in their in· quiries into the incident. Marin County ~ Wate r Bills Really Hurt SAUSAUTO <AP ) -Marin County's school officials and restaurant owners had the full impact of the drought hit them where it really hurts -in the pocketbook. Marin water offiC't<ils Sl'nl out bills this week that clearly left many people s hocked The Martin Luthe r King school, which norm<ill y gets a $400 to $500 bimonthly bill, was charged $16,289 for March and April. That amounts to $65 for each of the sehool 's 250 pupils ·'I think there was a tern ble er· ror in our allotme nt," s aid the sc hool dis trict 's bus iness manager, Francoise llaycl. She pointed out that the school used 563,992 gallons during the base period last October and November That was slashed 85 percent to86,768 Among the other high bills . were $9 , 100 to the Ondine r es taurant and $2,400 to Swenson's ice cream parlor J . Dietrich Stroeh, general m anager or the water district. said he would meet with the restaurant owners next week but indicated he was prepared to ar,uc with them. 'They're j ust using more waler than they were allotted," said Stroch. Coast Weathe r Night and morning low clouds and rog with haty a ft ernoon sunshine through Friday. Lows tonight 48 to 55. Highs Fri· day 67to74. \ I NSIDE TODAY Developmentally disabled ore being mo~ /rom iruhtu· tions to family environment under.a Reg1onal Center pro- gram. Page BJ. In •• •• A4 •• I M 11 .,, ., .. •• A4 • j e= .,., ' A.2 DAILY PILOT SB Plane Crew Said Joking ZAG REB, Yu1oalav1a CAP> -An air traffic con- tro ller has tesltf1cd 1n court that members or a British air crew were do- ing crossword p uu les, ex- changing jokes and dis· cussing the stock market as t hey headed toward a colli:.ion in the air lhut took 176 hves. Contro ller Gradimir T aslc, one of eight airport officials on trial in connec lion with the crash, told the court Wed nesday he was reporting lhis to explain all circumstances sur round- ing the collision. The British airliner a nd a Yugoslav plane collided Sept. 10 near Zaizreb. kill· ing all aboard both planes in the wori.t midair col- hs1on in aviation histor y. Man 'Guilty' In Shooting Of Bystander A man ''hose robhC'ry of a Corona clcl Mar m arket led to th e d e ath of a n i nnoce n t bystander has been found c uilty of 14 counts or ••rmed robbery in Orange County Su pc n or Court. A jury that deliberated less than three hours returned th11t verdict against Richa rd William Sutton . 20, of 16 11 Calle Las Bolsa s. San Cleme nte, after a one-week t rial befo re Judge II Walte r Steinl'r Judge Stemt•r seht'dulcd May 11 as the date ht' will sentence Sutton to a term that could r ange from Ci\ e) car:. Lo life 1n prison. Sutton wa!> arrcsltd last Dec. 17 aft er he Ocd from Newport Heach Police followrng his arm ed robbt'ry or Albertson's M tt r ket <.tt 3049 E etst Coast Hi g hway. As he ran from the storc he narro" ly esc<tpt•d <.t s hotgun blas t delivered b)' pursuing of fleer Doug Thomas who later t!X pl ained ht• "as convinced th at Sutton had a \\t'apon and planm·d IOUSt'll El Toro Road Hearing Set S addleback V.illcv n •s1ucnts will have a chanct' to voice their opinions Wcrlnt•sd;iy ,1t ,1 ht'anng on plans to uµgr.uh-lhl' dcMgn .rn<l landi.capinJ.( of E l ·1 oro Road P lannl.'r.., from tlu <>rnn.:e Count) F.m 1ronmt.•ntal ,\I cinage- mt>nl Agt'ncy "'il l meet with the tommun1t ~ Jt i :10 in th1• t'l)m ·mu nit) room ;at Pt•ople '\ Feder.al Savings .rnd Loan. 2Jfll!H El Toro Road The primary' c.11lt•y artery \\US recogn11t•cl :is :i ..,ren1<· h1ghwar last )'l'ar · The proposed coun ty plan would r stablii.h landscaping criteria for lhl' road n g ht of wa,· .ind areas c11nt1guous to tht• road lo guidl.' futu rt• publl l' and pn' ale 1mprovt•nir nls T ht• plan Jlso t akt•s 111!<1 1·ons11ftoral1nn ... trt•c·t :-.1gns, p,1\'C•mt•nt kxtun·, light r1 xt11rl.'s and bus 'top L•l'1llttt'' Fair Day Set At J' alencia Valct'lcia Ekmentan St hoof's Part•nl Tt•:irht•r Or~.in1t..il11111 a nd Studl'nl lou1tt1I "'Ill 111 'ponsor a t ar w;1,h, hook l.11r, plant i.alc and bnh .... tk £rom 'I a m to 1 p m Suturd a) Proceeds from t he C'\'ent , which will be held in th<' school::. parking lot and m11ll1purpoi.c room , will be userl to purchast' add1llonul t'q ulpm(•nt fo r the 'it•hool ( · ar wash lll·kets now arc 'bein~ sold in t he school office for SI Tlckt'ts purchased on Saturday w1 II cost Sl 50 OAANO! COAST \8 DAILY PILOT . ~~ ~~:..~ .. -:.~·~~~>:,"r, :::.: :-:;; 0t·=. ("''' Pi..1>11 ''hftQ(0'9'1l'Jl4"'f S.0...-•t•t'dlhOf'I!" u~ f" tf1 "~d Mft'-G•Y ff'l•OVO'\ ,,.,...,. f&~ CO'lll • '1N • "'•*fW\'f R••'" HuM•""t*' ._., " ,,.._," t ''"' Vtt '"• ''"'"•· \•ttdl•O«'° VotU11,-•""1 ''N"t B,...,.,. \owth (e4\t A\.l"'lff>l•Q ""~1•'1; , I '" rNDI• l\f>CI '•tuuu,, • .,. ~ ... , 1¥ r,;:~C>~,:~~~"! .. ~1'~%.~',;~'~ ...,.,, ,, .• ..... r1 .. _ rf"f\i0.ftt ·"'c1 ~ • .,., J•O ll C....., Vkt l'fftldo•I ood Go->I-...., Tl>-••llH •CI C.6410' ,. ............ ....,..,... ...... , .... ldt• CMrtoo 14 l-Ilk"°" I' Noll •"'''•"'' Mln•o no Cctltort S•ddl•b•clr V•lley Office '\>01 la~., flllOM:I At !t.-.Ol'.,.o,,...., .. ,. OfllcH • C.0\1• .... ,. )JOW.ol l<t•S''"' H~fltW)tO't 8•KPI 1'11Jf'itMf\9ovMWf'd L•9...,.8Ur~: ll .. 019fwtyrt"r~ Telepllon• (714)6'2-4321 Clanlfl•d Adv.rttllnt 142-5'71 ~i.bf(~ Vtl!tf -Olllct 61t-63t0 ,.,..., '"" c••-•• •ts.otao =:r1~~ !.~, °;',:r.,.c~!!h~_:~,,~ m•tt•• O' •01t•tt~\IM,.l'lt\ "" •fllf\ ""'•¥ tJe r•Oroout•f't wU"•wt •&t\l•I "'"''"'"·~ ot C•¥HOftt Mllftitf ~.~;:.:.~·;:::~~r.11:~1·.:'c~:::, ~,. otle•IMy· b• .... 11 it H -l~ly; "'"""'' ......... ,_ ., __ ,,,.,,. . ., Judge ~:ej~cts · . . . Celia's Claim Dr. Louis J . Cella Jr. 's claim th at the Orange County Grand J ury that indicted him did not. represent a true cross-section or the community has be en rejected in Superior Court after thr" weeks ofleslimol\v. Judge Philip E. Schwab turned down the motion Wednesday to overtW'll the indictment with the comment that fellow judges who nominated the 1976 gra nd jury did their level best l o name participants who represented the county in racial, economic a nd religious terms. His d ecision came after he heard testimony from 37 wit· nesses, 25 or whom were Superior Court j udges who nominated grand jurors in the year that Ce lla and three co-defendants were indicted on multiple felony counts. J udge Schwab told defense lawyers that his fellow judges ··sought out nominees through g roup s a n d i n dividu als re presentative of t he county at large, including specifically the young, the work force and the l\1 ex ican -Am e rican c om - munity." Defense attorney James Rid- del. who represents co-defendant Ste phen Robert Evans, 32, said it is likely t hat he will appeal J udge Schwab's decision. The ruling means that Evans and Cella, 52. will now return to Judge Willi a m C. S p eirs' courtroom for a r esumption o ( pretrial motions that began last August. Currently under debate is a m Qlton by the defense for sup- pression of ev idence that the pro- secution planned to u:se in the trial of the two men. The challenge lo the grand jury system waa transferred to Judge Schwab when Judge Speirs point- ed out that he nominated mem- be rs or the 1976 Grand Jury and co uld hardly rule on the consUtu· ti on ality of the system. Both men face trial on 127 felony counts stemming from their alleged e mbezzlement of an estimated $2 million from two county hospitals served by Cella as secretary-treasurer . Il is alleged that a substantial portion or the money utilized by Cella was used by him to support political candidates who met with his favor. Both men have been tried and convicted on related charges in Los Angeles Federal Court. They are free on appeal from Celia's r1vt'·year prison ter m and the one year commitme nt ordered for Evans. Court offi cials s aid the pre- trial act ion in J udge Speirs · court room ts not expected lo re· sume be'ore Monday. Meeting in Irvine May Select Campus T he site for a se cond Sad- dleback College District campus m;iy be chosen Monday when trustees meet in lr\'lne, one of the L\o\o communities that stand to benefit most from a new facility The board meeting will con n'ne al 7:30 p.m. at Venado In- ter mediate School. 4 Deerfield The second campus 1:.suc is the fin al item on the e ve nin~·s Monkey View: 'We're All in This Together' Loa Young, presid ent or the Sadd le back Valley U nified School Dis trict . broug ht a bit of unscheduled "monkey business" to the board Wednt'sda ) The board president ga \'e each or her fellow trustees an ('\ alua tlOn £or m Which, She SClld, they could use t o Judge tht'lr performance as t rus tees But the form. she noted. lacked any mention of a sense or humor. 'We take our burden verv seriously," Mrs . Young said Bu°t -.he quickly added tha t ~ome humor also is necessary So board membe rs wouldn "t for ~et this trait she hroug ht them t·ach a present It was a pos ter with a picture of a haboon cmer~ing from an icy 'r\•ek. and the words, "Wt''re nil 1n this together " One trustett asked if it was sup· J>O'lf'd to be a self-portrait. Mrs Young chuc kled and r<'phed. "(( the shoe fits. wei.lr 11 Fro. rag~ A I GAS TAX ••. "A lot of arm-twisting and jaw- honing n~ to be done to get Congress to agr ee to this," Schlnzinger said. Lave believes the President's proposal to boost gas t axes and to increase excise taxes for large cars that are not energy efficient are "perfectly reasonable." lf the president's plan ls adopt- ed. gas taxes will C1limb up to 10 cents per gallon per year , endlng up with a 57-cent boost per gallon by 1988. H e 's a lso s uggesting thal ene rgy-efficient car buyers re· ceive a rebate and e nergy. inefficient car buyers be taxed higher. ·'I think it's reasonable, altho~ I doubt it will be ter- ribly effective," said Lave, who in January deliver ed a talk in Washington that suggested the real ener(Y soluUon is to use small, energy-efficient c ars, not m ass transit. ·'The most eftectlve thing has already been done -the 1974 legislation by Congress that Is forcung U.S. auto manufacturers to improve the economy of thelr cars," Lave said. ••car manulacturen are being requ.lred to come up wllh a neet .of cars with an average of 27.5 miles per gallon by 1985," he saJd. ''That's the most t trectlve piece ol lqlalallon we've bad1 but these other thinis <111 ana cuc.clte taxes) will be beloM too,•' Lave predlcUd. ' ' ' . agenda. but most of the preced· ing items are not expected to be time consuming T he Irvine meeting location was requested by residents of houses adJacl'nt to one of the two sites under cons ide ration, a parcel near the corner of Irvine Cente r Drive and Jeffrey Road. There has been some local op pos1l1on to that site. With the recent seating of three new trus tees. there is a chance an earlier board decision Lo buy 20 acres ut My ford Road and Br yan Avenue will be overturned in favor of the other pa rcel, "h1ch 1s 3 5 miles farther south. Trustees who have supported tht' Myford·Bryan location claim 1t will better serve residents or Tustin. The second campus proposal ha' \\on tht' t'ndorst'ment or state offtc1als and 1s now wailing only for rinal action by trustees. Fro• Pag~ A I JURY ••• \o\ ould·be partners long before the November bid opening that the contract would be theirs. .. Don't worry a bout i l. We have got the landfill cont racts," Stone quoted Adams as saying. "He knc"' about it long before the bids were announced." Adams was 11 $5,250 con- tributor to Supervisor Philip An· thony's campaign and . in one rare point or a'reement between his and Stone s testimony. had sought help from Stone in obtain· ing a $30,000 campaign loan. According lo Stone, Adams had to ld him Supe r visor Ralph "' Diedrich "bad requested or him Lo m ake a ~.000 loan on Mr. An- thony's home ·· Last Oct 2S, Stone s aid, Adams said he ''would lose his power with Mr. Diedrich and the board Cof supervisors) if we do not com tt up with that SS,000 for An- thony's campalan." However. Adams re peatedly denied ever using Diedrich 's nam e lo encourage his tentative business partner to donate. He also denied that Diedrich had ever asked him for Anthony contrlbutlona. So dJd Diedrich. When testlfying before the Orand Jury M a rch 3 , the supervisor r epeatedly denied e ver discussing political con· tributlons with Adams. All rema rks a ttr ibuted to Diedrich by Stone came through Ada ma and tbere is no Indication In the lranRt lpt that Diedrich and Stone eve r talked. There is a tape recordine or a telephone canversation between Adama and~ne in which Stone makes m~rences to earlier con· ve rsallons about campaig n solicitations from Adams. And, a worker ln Slone·, Long Beach a alvage yard testified that he heard Stone explode over the t e lephone when apparently asked by Adams to donate to An· lhony'a campa.11ft, alle&ed.11 as a IMHHllHry COit ot dolog buainesa wllh county .rovemment. Ad.ams' and Stone'• dlfferenca. 1od~, however. · In l&at tesUm~, lt ls revealed that Stone, A<l.ama and otberl were form.ln1 a partnenhlp, Land Fill Re covery Systems Development. Jnc., lo bid on t.he three counly dump aalvaac qper.Uoaa. Doll• Pllol Sl•ll ""°" Shakespeare With .Jazz "Fred" (Douglas Hartman l romances the luring "Lois"' <Linda Linnebach ) in the San Clemente High School Production of ··Kiss Me. Kate." the Cole Porter mus ical opens tonight and runs through Sunday. with curtain time 8 p.m. Tickets range from S2 SO to S4 at the Triton Center at the high school Fro• Pag~ Al CARTER OPTIMISTIC. • • little likelihood of Carter's gas tax proposal passing Congress And h e p r edic t ed m aJor modifications would be m ade in the President's 011 pn cing re- commendations Ho use Speaker Tho mus P. O'Neill also expressed reser va· t10ns about the gasoline tax but vowed full s upport for the Pr esi- d ent 's progra m . adding that Carter knows "this is his fi rst major fight . . This is a bat· tie." fi',....Pa~.41 BUDGET ••• . - more while others want lc:.s th.,11 they are receiving. · However. Truatee Carole Neusladt said she is concem€ld that the nursinc and psycholofri services are ''bare bones." Sbc said there should be a way of g". ting more or thc:;e to lhe schools it ll 's needed. , Trustees nlso d iscussed trie $139.084 being requested for cl.ll-- n culum development. F or tile current ye ar, $83,576 ha s been af. toted lorlhis department. • Donald Am es, ass istart\ superintendent, s aid $52.000 hast been included in this b udget so tq~ distr ict could develop progra""' required to m eet a new state law, Since district administralol are reconsidering pluns lo impl · ment the legislation, he reco m ended that the $52,000 ate tem porarily t ake n out or tf\e budget. • Trustees a greed to continue t~ public budget discussions at~8 p m Wednesday in the d istrict OI • fi ces · ·. During a pre vious buclgl!t session. trustees had asked thet additional money be given to tlte md1 v1dual schools in the district~ This would add about $360,000to the expe nditures. However . Gilbcrt ~loreno. the dis trict's bus iness manager. said Wednd - day that this amount m ay be qt. fs el 1f proposed s t alt• legislati<tl redu cin~ the amou nt paid for uh- em ployment in:rnrance is passe~ I le also noted that addition'a.1 c h a n g e s m ay be made \TI e!>timutcs of hot h income and e~ pcnditures before the budget Js finally approved in August. El Toro Heist Nets Racket, St ereo Property valucd by t he victim al $908.50 has been stolen from ah E l Toro home by burglars who broke a window to gain entry. Orange County s heriCC's c)(. ricers said stereo equipment, .... m an 's coat and a tennis rack~t were t ake n from the home of c arpenter Robert Alan Tis- chmacher, 25, or 24812 Lak'efiekl Road. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RCA ColorTrak TV with electronic remote control special S498 88 RCA s moi.111111om<1t1c TV l'\lert Elcctrorncally 1rncks ilnd corrPcts lhe TV s1qna1bclore11 becomes a µ11 ture on your !.r 11•1·n • Featunnq S1Qna1 Sensor II remote control- changes channel~ pc1m11s continuous volumf' ad111s1men1. turns sci on and oll lrom across the room RCA CotorTrak 25" U•t!Qunni RCA ColorTrak 19" >1•AQ '"11111 We Take Trades Trade Your Old Set In This Weekfttd SPECIALS GOOD THURS., FRI. & SAT., APRIL 21, 22 & 23 Hew COLOR TRAK CONSOLE SPECIAL Introduced especially for this event· Big-screen Color Trak console w•lh swivel base• Getting the color nght as what RCA Color Trak 11 all abou1 Its a rermrkable development that 1c1ually ad1usts color and keeps 11 on track Before you see the p1c1ure. the Color Trak Syslem grabs 11, aligns ti. defines 11, sharpens 11, tones 11 and locks the color on track Special $58888 275 East 17th St. I ' Costa Mesa .._ lltMen' ........ J D .... W..t .t c.tt ;. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat. 9-5 30 '-"" ... " ....... ""Mile• ''" • I Thursday"s Afternoon P r ice8 NYSE COMPOSil'E TRANSACTIONS OVOl•ll-ll'tfhllllt 11'-\0ntloe ..... vo.~. Mld•nl, PMlllc .... w. 8ollon, Dot ... t • ..., Clt><IMtll llOO. -ta<~,.., •-n.d W Ille N•llOn•l AUO<ltllen of Mctlfll .. t Dul«" -lntllnt\. PG&E Reports Gain SAN F~CISCO <AP) Pacific Gas & Electric Company has reported that earnings for the first quarter or 1977 were 78 cents a common share aaalnst 47 cents in the first quarter oi tastyeo.r. . For lhe 12 months through March 31, earnm,., were $3.20 a share tom· pared W'llb $2.SZ ln the Ulte period a year earner. Rate Increases accounted for the improved ~arnJnp. Nel eamlnJS for I.he nrat. q,uortcr were S86.2'4,000, compattd with $23,899.000 ln t.bc first quuur o( 1976. Oross revenues ln I.he 1977 period wel"t $844,51T,OOO, com· pared with '682.006.~Yeat earlier. ~ Aprll 21 . 19n s O~ll V PILOT If 7 Pension Plans Total Benefit Varies Widely By SYLVIA PORTER Th1rdm0Sema Here are some questions and answers on pension size Q If I qualify for a pension, will it give me an adequute income after l retire? A. Chances vary. depending on tbe plan. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that. in 1975, the average private· pension received by people 65 years old and over amounted to $2,279 a year or $190 a month. Q. How is the amount determined? A. IT DEPENDS ON YOUR PARTICULAR plan and generally how long you've worked. Pattern-type plans pay a flat-dollar benefit for each year of service regardless of salary. However, most workers are covered by conventional plans with bener1ts based on the number of years worked multiplied by a Money's Worth percentage of salary \ during a particular '-....;..-;i.s. ______ .,, year, or of average earnings throughout your career or dur- ing the five years 1mmed1ately before retire ment. Q My plan 1s "integrated" with Social Security benefits. Is th as customary and what does it mean'> A. Plans that tie benefits to salary and years of service are frequently combin ed with Social Secunty so that the amount of the pension depends upon your Social Secunty payments This combmat1on 1s designed to equal a certain percentage of your salary. For instance, 1( your plan pro· mises a combmed benefit equal to half your salary al r etire· ment and you earned $50,000 a year. you would qualify for a combined benefit of $25.000 a year A small share or this amount would come from Socrnl Security and the bulk from the pension fund. The reverse would be true 1f your salary 1s low. Q. IF I WORK FOR 10 YEARS under my plan and thus qualify for a pension, will all of those 10 years be credited m· to the amount of m y benefit ·1 A Maybe not The fact that you qualify for a pension based on 10 years of work does not oecessanly mean the dollar amount of your benefit will be based on oH those years The law says you may have to reach age 25 and ha ve worked one year before becoming covered by a plan. If your plan requires you to put m 10 years to gain a right to a pension and you start work at age 22. you have a nght to a pension at age 32. but only those years you worked from age 25 on will be used to s et the amount. Q. If I retire early or become disabled, will l get less from my pension fund'? A. Almost certamly. l f you s tart collecting your pension early, your benefit will be reduced because you'll receive it for a longer period Plans aren't required to pay pensions until normal rebremmenl age. generally 65, although many have dasab1lity and early retirement clauses Q. BOTH MY F RIEND AND I worked 20 years for a company with a pension plan. We both opted for early re· tirement, but he was still working when he decided to take hts pension. lhs benefit is larger than mme. Smee we worked the same length of time, shouldn't our pensions be the same·> A. Not necessarily Under som e plans. 1f you're not working when you apply for an early retirement pension. the law perm1ts the plan to give you an early retirement benefit considerably smaller than that paid to a person still workmg when he applies. This d1spar1ty is allowed even though you have both worked the same number of years. However, 1f you both drew your pensions at normal retJre· ment age, in most cases the amounts would be equal. Next. Survnnngspowes Pipeline Oil Due To Beat Deadline . . .. .. • • .. .. ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -011 could now through 800·m1le trans-Alaska pipeline as early as June 20. nearly a month ahead of schedule, the president of Alyeska Pipeline i Service Company says. 1. Dr. Wilham Darch, president of the consortium of eight ; oil compames building the $8 billion line. made the com· t mcnt ma letter to the federal Alaska Pipeline Office. • • DARCH SAID PIPELINE OWNERS wilJ accept the : first North Slope oil for shipment through the line on "June • 20, 1977, or soon thereafter." Alyeska spokesman Lou Cancelmi said that is t~ • earliest possible date; the official target date 1s July 15. , "And that's the 'oal·in' date. We won't be operating by " then." Alyeska spokesman John Ratterman s aid. "We're ~ required to notify these ar;(enc1es 60 days ahead or time, and :· we don't want to be s1tllnf{ there with a procedural require-L ment holding us up." : . HE SAID IT WILL TAKF. 30 TO 45 days for the 011 to re· f. ach the VaJde~ pipeline terminus from the Prudhoe Ray ,..: fields. From Valdez, the 011 will be transported south by tanker. • About 160 miles of the line remain to be tested, offlcialc; •· said. : •• : "There's still som e remedial weld work going on." Rat· term an said. "It's very minor, pretty much i;pot stuff along ~ the line." Figures Tell Rain Story: Dismal View ,· .. .. ~ SACRAMENTO (AP) -Don't watch the skies tor ~ moisture in Northern and Central Callrornla. .,. Just list('n to the figures. The Drought lnformnUon ~ Center of the Department of Water Resources has reported ~ that since last October , riunfall has ranged Crom 32 percent ,_ of normal In the North Coast to 24 percent In the San Joaquin ~ basm east of Fresno, t•nd 21 percent in the Sacramento " basin. The center said water storage in Shasta, Oroville, Folsom and Millerton reservoirs is less than S percent of the a\' er age for the last decade. At the key s now m easuring stations, the snowpaclc showed only a trace at Norden and nono al Blue Canyon, Yosemite or Grant Grove. The report ah10 said California farmers expect to rlant about seven million acres this year. onJy 3 percent less than last year. Aetna Recounls Fumh Bendltl totalirlJ( 1338 mntlon Wtre paJd to or (or California polk:ybolden by Aetna U!e A Casually"' 1971. Tbt Aetna benellta total Included 134.~ mtWon In automobile claim&; SS0.4 tnllllon ln other cuu&lty and pro- ~rty claims; $'78.3 mUlloa ln Ure lnsuranc~ and pcnaaoo btnt'flll Md $17!..1 mlUlon ta bealth lnsuranc. beaents Al year end. Aet.na lnv.tments ln the state-lncludln1 atoc~1 bcJnch, mortca1e loam aod real tslale -toll.led more '°~.3 billloo. ! I