HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-07 - Orange Coast Pilot,-. aeeharin·eaneer •• • • I • . lrVJDe ~.ae1ng Link Reaffirmed Driver ·Survives In Animal Study _aile ·TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 7, 1917 n VOL, 70, NO. IM,> S•CTIONS, 21 l"AGIS __...hil Porno Five Die As--Pla1_..1...,.e-~"!'!..,...,.; ~ Obscenity Crashes UPLAND (AP> -A twin.- engine plabe trying to make an emergency lang landing al Cable Airport crashed into an apart- ment complex today, exploding- in names and killlng at least five ~pl,. police said. At least four people were taken to a nearby hospital with in· juries, authOrities said. It was not Immediately known if anyone was trapped inside the apartments. Officials said the plane had taken off Crom the airport only minutes before the 7:40 a.m.· crash, then developed engine trouble and tried to make its way back. Capt. Ed Larned or the Upland F ire Department said the ex· pJoslon and fire gutted the two- atory apartment complex. ''The second story was down on the ff.rstfioor, ''Lamed said. •'The plane just dlslntegTated when it hit the apartments," Lamed aaid. "We can't even tell what kind of plane it was ... The plane mbsed the runway b>J at leaat ball a mile." '-' Sky conditions wer~ reported overcast with haze at the time of tbecruh. An airport qfficlal said the tour.Heter pfalie was oWned by Tate Motors. a Pomona Cadillac dealer. 1t was not immeic:Uatelj )c.pon hOw many ~ ~ aboard the plane. uwe HW him tireUa• to 'Come b~ck lD IO we~ aometMn& •u wroac." lai4 Beverly Price. Hcretary to tbe airport'• man~er. "Some people at the aUi>Ort cOuld hear him p1ctinc UP" 1P9ec1 aQd ~ theJ beard &be eralb: "·" · • Tbe crash occvrred iJa a cl.._ of two-story complena WIU. nve apartments each. One ot tbe bulldinp was destroyed and at CSee DPWDE;Paie "2) ~Vote Singer Aqita Bryant leaves a Miami Beach voting booth today after marking her ballot 1n the Dade County re- ·t erencsum on repeal of an ordinance that would narantee rJ~btsl !or homosexuals ln housin~ and ·emploYIJletlt• She uas led the campaign for repeal. See a related story on Page A7. · From Wire Senkes CHAZY, N.Y. -A Huntington Beach man was jailed here today on cbarees ol involvement in a major international pornography riot including mountains ol pie· turea tnvolvinf children in sexual postures. Richard Kerr, 42, Identified as a British aubjecl, is held in lieu of $10,000 ball on the charge of first. degree obscenity. His address was not furnished and HunUneton Beacb police -said they were not famlliar with Kerr byname. Hla arrest came two days after that of Judi~ Christie, 35, who lived at a boYle in a lakeside re· cion of <bazy where the cache ot pomoerapbic materials valued at $80,000 was seized Monday. She wu taken into custody in tbe Montreal suburb of St. Laurent. where Royal Canadian Mounted Police claim they con- fiscated more than 100 boxes ol obscene material. New York state troopers allege they seized more than 250 more cases of material Including paperback books, tape cassettes, photocrap~s and sexual parapbemalla. Jnvestleators believe Kerr and (See.PORNO, Paie AZ) Airborne loan tram Libya, w elttlbjf Dllblin alrpott, llul oft1~1 IJ later Hid theflu1~ \t.bet rad.lo nw udar ~ct wtth the ru•bt and ~\ wN Id clear bow clOM UM ,1ane bad come to Dublln. • ~ Houn alter Roat• air ttatnc: autboritiea uld AmlA eroeMd ta-· to Earape, there wu no ft.rm• word of hit whe~abouta. The .European air control orsaniJa· ·~-·..--· QUEEN ELIZABETH, PRINCE PHILIP KNE!L IN PRAYER Ceremonle1 Merk Her 8alver Jubilee In London Young Comment Kennedy,/ohns~n Also Called 'Racist WASHINGTON CA P ) -U.N. Ambass-ador Andrew Young said today his criticism of former Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon as "racist•" also applied to Presidents John Ken· nedy and Lyndon Johnson but was not intended as an attack on the Individual character of the chief executives. Testifying before the House In· ternational Affairs Committee, Young said the issue of racism was actually "in the context of why we might have neglected Africa" In the formulation of V.S. foreign policy. The am· bassador, who was formerly a black civil rights activist and member of the House, said racism ·•ts a kind of insensitivity to the problems of race and culture, but it is an unfortunate term." Young's remarks concernJng Nixon and Ford were published ID a ·Playboy maeazine lo- terv\ew. As Republican criticism of Young expanded, Rep. William s. Broomfield <R·Mich.) told the ambassador In today's hear- ing he considered the reference to Ford "an Insult to a very great man" which was deserving oC an apoloo. Committee chairman Clement Zablocki (D· Wis.> joined Broom- field In expresstna "concern" about the reference to President Ford who also served in tbe House. Young replied, "lt was ln no way limited to Ford. In fact, I DAILY PILOT =:.~~:.'.~~r.:.i:;:::::&r;;. ~:.=·::'3~t ... '-....=,~.:..~~: -..... _t llt.c .. , H""'~ llotoc!\f-,.~t\ VAHt'Y lrrlM '641MMMMK• V1U•Y ...,.. ~:r::' ::i:...-s:.~::;~..:-·;: r.::.~~M.':'!"Ll.'1~~.:,.,. .......... ,;.:=.:. =t-, • .-. c-• ""• .... ,..,_•I •M n.-•l AM- ?llo1~;1::nll '-··......,.,... JN .... _.. lll•ler Ole'1HN L-. ~ ...... "''°"' .... *"-t1111 U-Ofl!H1 CMt.tMtw 11'""'11My11-~ .. .Cll I,_~ ...... "==~~~r .. ~"lli.i~~,. ., ""DI-.,,._ Teleptioite (714)14Maa1 CIHllfled Aclv•f1lllllO &d·M7t _,_llAO Vt llfV-Olfott 5114'10 ---c-....... r--°'••~~llh Ml-1120 have maintained \iontact wtt.h hJm •ina11e left omce." Broo~field then uked whether the remark wu also true of President.a Kenn14iy and Johnaon. Youna replied, "Yeah, It la. l think I aald that aomewbere ln the artiolfl. .. Tbe Playboy article, however, did not contain t.bat reference to Kennedy and John.son. T•lklng with reporters thl• morning after a White HoUJe meetins with President carter about the Bl bomber, Sen. Barry M. Goldwater Joined in the Republican attack• on Young. The ArtlODa senator aald Vounc i1 puttinl "both feet, both bands and bla bat" in hla mo\lth and should never have been appoint· ed ambassador to the United Na· uon1. \'ouna meets later today with Carter to tell tum that lf the President dllfer1 with his state- ments he tbould treat Yount ilk• an all\buaado~t!lot a friend. On Monday, wnlte Houlepret1 aecretary Jody Powell aald Carter rejected a demand from Republican party chairman Bill Brock that Young apologise or be fired for his remarks about Ford and Nixon. However, P owell said Carter disagreed with Young's characterization of the two Republican presidents. E'..,.PllfleAl RACER ••• ever seen in my life," Grant said, addine the bikes are stranded at various levela en tbt fa~ ol th• rock cliff carved 111 a creek plunging through the 1orge. "We bad to use ropes top& them dowuu far aa we did.•• Grant said be and C)'4tUni partners Bob Matsuyama, en El Modeno Diab School auto abop teacher fr-om Santa Ana; Danny Maclu, ~of Set& A.u; Bill Bell ot LAJP& Beach, and a fourth man reached the t,900-foot l"vel before startlna theli' deacent. They_ lblally 1ave -.p flOtb:ta the UDChatt.ed .uct.111w 'wbenU btc•me obvious !\ow daqerous the tituat.ion was bteomlQI. ·~e foUft'ecS ~ c1"1c -1 thln tt•i c.u.t Peet'• CNelt-.U ta wq. t.caUM ft lmtW bet&et than tQ ••t •1'•Y tram.the water," tbe veteran race d:rtver COAilDUld. He said ln retroapect ht wouldn't. be •~iited to teU'Q no one bad tter Mf ote tried to dHctnd tbt 1mootb, rockl 1or1e•1 wllll, •t leiit not by o • froad motorcyde. 1 "Youll1:oow. you'r. not NSa1\y lbat tu from clvlUratlon up there." Grant wd. "But 1t teems litt• ·~ m ••...-.---~-~ ~ tlon EUl"OCOntt'ol Mid it bad qo record ot bis fllatlt plan. The trlsb eovernment said U had been alerted that Amin'• plane was approachlna Ireland and ordered tbat it not t>o permitted to land e.aeept to take oo fuel. Bel1taa 1overnment aources said Bn.rue .. officials had made the same decision. In Paris, the French General · S.cretariat. f9r Civil A•l.Uon said that ~ '1 plane would be periqitt.ed to land in France. But ll added tblt oo auch requ•t bad been made and left uncleat whet»r Amin would be allowed to dlHm,bark. A French Foretin Mill.lstry spokesman said, however, tbere was nothing to prevent Amin from mating a private visit to France. Observ~n noted th.at retuslnc lo allow the l.ndtni of aa airplane carryloa a bead ol state waa hiahly unuaual i'1 lnt,erna: tional r.latiooa. Amin took off for J;.ondoo despite clear j.nditations npm the British and other Com· monwealth 1oven)ments that be was 'not welcome becaute of re- .. • Briwns Toast ~en's Jubilee LONDON (AP) -Throngs of jubilant Britons marked the Sliver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 11 '• reign today with the greatest outpouring or patriotic fervor in. quarter-ee11tury, ind abe in turn tbanked subjectJt for 25 years ol "loyalty and friendship." Halfway through the tong- awaited day of pomp, ceremonj', parades, trumpet fanfares, prayers and gun talutes, the queen addreued her subjects and the world at a jubilee' luncheon in the hlatoric Guildhall: "At this moment of my Silver Jubilee I want to thank all those in Britain and the Com· monwealtb wbo through their loyalty and frlend.lhlp have given me streagth and encouragement durlnt these last 2S years," she said. · Appearing relaxed and happy, the monarch recalled that in her "salad days" as a 21-year-old heir to the Britiab throne she pledged her life to the service of the British people. "I do not regret nor retract one word ol it.•• she said. MlJlionl ot Britons and foreign viaito~ '(Athatanding 1ntermil· tent showers and many waiUng since Monday night, lined the streets of London as the queen and her husband, Prince Philip, embarked on their day or Joyous celebration. Millions more pJlrticlpated in· celebrations in every village and. hamlet across En1land, while ' hundreds of mllllona around the world watched the celebrations on television. For the royal couple the festive day opened with a ride in the F,...PGfleAJ PORNO ••• Mla1 CbrilUe are lnplicated in a widespread porno1raphy di•· trtbut:lon 1'iDI feed.in& Canadians with aucb taatea materials manufactured ln New York. . State Police Capt. Fred Teeple, who 1aid identical matter hu turned up in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Britiab Columbia aald Canadian and u.s, authorltles were involved in the probe. Inv.U1atora polntfld out that Kerr maintains bomn in both Toronto and Brillah Columbia ln addition to HunUntton Beach. lightning mts Two Forests SUSANVILLB°(AP) -Nearly 100 Uptmn1 lltrike• pl11Ued fire crew1 In the Luaen and Modoc national forests over the weekend, roreatry official.I re· ported. Dick Marlow, spoke1man for La11en Forest, Hid M'onday that 1t.rlke1 there were 1cattered from one end of the forest to the other u tamperatur .. hover.cl ln the 90s. The largest fire charred an acre, beaa.ld. Thirty-two strikes hit the Modoc National Forest over the weekend, with the laraest fire over 400 acres. golden state coach from Buck· in1ham Palace to a tbankls:lvtng. 1ervice in St. Paul's Cathedral. The Queen wore a simple pink dress and Philip the uniform or an admiral of the fleet. Prince CharleS', the popular heir to the throne, rode behind on' horseback in the uniform of the Welsh Guards. A procession of open carriages followed, carry- ing the queen mother , the queen's children and her sister,. Princess Margaret. They' were accompanied by more than 3,000 troops and 10 bands. Rain alternated with bright sunshine during the morning, but the rain stopped before Princes~ Anne, the queen's daughter , a,nd her buabapd, Capt. Mark Phillips, left the palace in the first. open carriage. The queen paused along the way at Temple Bar, 1ateway to . the old City of London, the heart of the capital, to receive the Pearl Sword from the lord mayor of London, a ceremony of loyalty dating back six centuries. A royal gun salute from the Tower of J;.ondon and a I ant are of trum~ creeted the queen as •be approached St. Paul's, the cathedral whose survival in the fire bombings of London made it a symbol of British resolve in World War II. Cmap PendletOll Marines Will Oust Two Klan Leaders By ~la&ecl Pre" The-Marine Corps saya it will discharge two Camp Pendleton Marines who assumed leadership of a Ku Klux Klan cell on the nation's biggest Marine base last Call. A spokesman for the base Hid administrative discharges will be issued thi.a week to PFC Den· ni s L . Campbell, 22. or Smithcreek. Mich., and PFC Ronnie Harper, 19, or Pensacola, Fla. The Marine Corps last Nov· ember .transferred out most of the men whose names were found on a list of alleged KKK members at the base. The move followed an incident in which black Marines. who said ,they WeN! seeking to get even for ICKK abuses, attacked a room of white Marines lo the mistaken beli•f they were breakia1 up a Klan meetiJl8. Six whites, who were not KKK members but who had been hav- ing a beer party. were hopsitallzed and tbe Marine Corps arrested 14 black Marines. Since the transfer of Marine · KKK leaders from Pendleton to other bases. Campbell and Harper publicly announced they bad become the replacement KKK leaders at Pendleton. The Corps aald a third leMel', PFC Oiarles V. Smttb, 18. of Houaton, Tex., and a fourth man who admitted belonalnl to the group a1ao will be dlscbar1ed. They presently are listed as on unauthorized absences, a Corps spokesman said. He said the Marines know of no other KKK members left at Pendleton. In a related de•elopment. an attorney said Monday be was wlthdrawlna from the defense of one of the 10 black Marines still f aclna 1eneral court.a· martial in the l>arracb uaawt. M•rk Roeenb•um of Los Ao•elea, repreaentlns tbe Atnerican Civil Liberties Villon. did not live a reason tor dront.u out of the case or CJ>). ~ Jones, 22, of Ruuell, Al._ -r A -mllltary-judfe recesstd jlie heartn, for JOdel until WedDel· day. ~ Legal Dress? Juron' Attire Bldaled DESMOINES, Iowa (AP)-PolkCoUntyDi.utet Court Judge Anthony Critelll 1ay1 he and fellow judges are tired of seeing'braless female• and .. muscle-shirted" males in the jury box. , "You're not on the beach. You're not on vacatlOn," Critelli told a jury panelo£11bout 300 people Mo11day. "You are a court officer involved in a Judicial proceed- ing." Critelli said the situation, which aroee tut month with the arrival of warmer weather, had been dis· cussed by the judces. ··we most certainly don't expect you to go out and purchase new clothing, or even to wear your flnett," he said. "We merely request that you choose your dai· ly attire with the thought in mind that you are an lm· portant part o! the judicial proceedJ.n&1.1' • Blll Hill, a soldier home on leave Ln Min· 11 apoJi.s from .POri IAOriiid WObd, Mo .• t · 1t • porU ot mass murdert am~ pream in bis Eut African • Uoa. Tb official Radio Uaan inon~ iQ Kcuya. satd tOcl Amba·wa plan.Qin& to arrive l.iGQltan an WedJMrlday or 'lb day tot tbe Commonwealth •UJ\li ztU .. Tberadioaaad Amin at~ off tn an Arab country on his way to Europe: CBeTi Killed By~ SMYRNA. Ga. CAP> -A woman found dead with a melted citizens band radio microphone m her band apparently w as killed wben the aerial outside her home was struck by lightn· lng, POiice said. Oflicers said Monday ntgbt that they found Debora Howard Brown. 24, sitting in front or a CB radio with the microphone In her right hand. She bad burns oo her right hip, up- per rl&bt ~. torao and neclt. • Police said she bad ap- parenUy been talking on the radio when Ughtning struck the outside aerial. CANCER ••• sess in any d e finiti ve or measurable fashion saccharin's 'potential to c•u•e cancer in bum ans. But tbe panel pointed to evidence IJCcbario ln1estioo c:auae1 bladder cancers in laborat.cry anim-als. \ "Thia evidence leads to the · c:oncluaion that saccharin is a potential cauie of cancer In humau," the panel added. Sen. F.dward M. Kennedy U>· Mus), cbalrman of the Senate's Health Committee, said that Conaresa faces a aeries of troubl· Ing policy questions. The ques· lions range from an assessment of bow to deal with the saccharin ~ontroversy to whether cbanges should be made in the law which requires the banning for human • comumption of any 1ubltanc:e found to cause cancer ln anlmaJs. hesald. In lllldllnC saccharin '1 rlalr.I and benefits the panel ma~_e }bis 'statement: "On the one huo · ar• dealing .itb the probabWt of the occurrence oc a &eQous 111&-t..breatiesllaa compllcatloa toi aa ,.pawn number of people. -Oh!aband, the bebefita ate same eateaory ol • lm althoulll many more Pf9pWetomved." .. Tb• 6ocf ..and Drue Ad·· mtni1 ta propoalnc ·that-. .. ccha be taktn from theJ snarkit a component of ~ at d aad other foods but be 1Dad•' a"1lable as an over·thv counter ctruc. P,....P.,,e.41 EXPLQDE •••. le.at one other was reportecJ \ abta.Q, • Flr'6dep•H1JunU from Upland, Ontario, lbe Foothill Fire ~lion DlaU'lct and thp Cal~omf.a Dlvtaion ot Foceatzy were battllh•the namet. "l undentand people wer.- 1currytn1 out of thOle apart· ment.I like It wu 1oln1 out of 1tyl•1" Larned 1akl. . Tbe tQjured w,re taktn to San r Antmdo Commacity Hospital in Upland where they were treate41 for minor lnJurlea and repol1ecl In stable condition. Irvine Bandit"-.. Gets $582 at ... · '1he Colonel'' A bandit, apparently famlUar with the Kentucky Fried Cbidceo franchlH ln lrvlne, plucked ~ from the noor sate there, D-VW~ police reported today. Tbe tbtft at the rut rood outlet. at 14401 Culver Drive, occurrild 1omeUrne bet•Mn lO:IO p.Jb. Sund11and10?30 a.rn. Monda~: accordine to actina manacer eitb Fomof. • , Fomof told police the thief '°" tentd the lock.S buildina without Corce and then opened the com. bin1tloa Roat salt. taldne cash and eolnl. ~ • Pry marb were dllcoverect an a 1econd aa re door, w b tcrewdl't•ftS nearby. However, tbe th.id wu unable to open tbl.t tlfe. I fl Police aa14 they .,.. exarn~1 a Uat ot former and cu.rnbt emploYee ln an attempt to cov• the culprit. ~ 1 .. • qu 1dclrtntd her 1ubJect1 and the world at a Ju&Uee luncbton ln the hlllorlc Guildhall: "At Ua1.a moment ot my Sliver JubUte I want to thank all thole In Britain and tbt Con> monwtalth wbo tbrou1h their loyalty and frlendahlp haveclven me ·~ and encoura1ement durlnc these Jut 25 years," abe uJd. • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Appeartnt relaxed and happy, the monarch recalled that In her "Hlad daya .. aa a 21-year-old heir to the BriUah throne she pledted her llfe to the service of the Brt~h people. ''I do not re1ret nor retract one word ot lt,'' ahe aaid. Mllllons ot Britons and foreign visit.on, withstanding miermit- tent 1hower1 •nd many waiting since Monday nlcbt, lined the streets of London as the queen and her husband, Prince Philip, embarked on their day of Joyous celebration. Millions more participated in celebrations bl every villa1e and hamlet across England, while hundreds of millions aroand the world watched the celebrations on television. For the royal couple the festive day opened with a ride in the Plane __...rash '22.7MilU011 Mesa Accepts Year's Budget By STEVE MITCHELL Of .. o.lty ...... 6tatf Costa Mesa councilmen bave approved a $22. 7 million spend· ing plan tor 1977-71 that la 4.6 per- cent hi1her than laat year's municipal bud1et. City Manager Fred Sorsabal 's meua1e accompanying the budget recommends a tax cut of nearly 11 cents from the current city tax rate of $1.32 per $100 in use11ed valuation. However, an estimated 15 percent increase in assessed valuations, due sometime in Augual, means Costa Mesa homeowners will pay more ln city taxes next year. And, wh.ile the document de· livered to the councll attempts to hold the line on capital improve· men ts. funds for QperaUng the cf· ty are up 5. 7 percent. Council memben voted 3 to O /.O approve the bulky pa1e document Monday nl . Vice Mayor Jack Hammett and Coun· cllman Ed McFarland were absent. What would the proposed $1.21 cltr tax rate mean to the owner or a $60,000bome in Costa Meaa? Laat year, the homeowner's as· se11ed valuation would have been SlS,000, or one quarter of the value ol his home, according to the county assessor's ouace. His taxes would have been $181.80 for the city rate only. With an estimated 15 percent Increase in auessed valuation this year, that bomeowner's AV would increase to $17,250Jmd hls new city tax bill would be $208. 72 for an increase of $27 .12. even with the planned cut in the tax rate. ''Thia could all chaate in Auiust," warned Sofs.abal, ad· ding that, if the usessed val\Ja· don •~ 1S percent. the tu e homeowner <See BtJDGft, Pace A2> Countian Charged On Kid Pomo Rap From Wlre Services CHAZY, N.Y. -A Huntington Beach man was jailed here today 01. charges of involvement in a major international pornography ring including mountaiM of pic- tures involving children in sexual ,postures .. 1 Richard Kerr. 42, identified as a British subject, is held ln lieu or $10,000 bail 011 the charge or first degree obscenity. Bis address was not fumished and HunUn1ton Beach police said they were not familiar with Kerr by name. His arrest came two days after that of Judith Christie, 35. who lived at a house ln a lakeside re· 1lon of Qiuy where the cache of pornoeraphic materials valued at $80,000 was sehed Monday. She wu taken into custody In the Montreal suburb or St. Laur~t, where Royal Canadian Moun~ PoUce claim they ~· Clscated more than 100 boxa or obscene material. New York state troopers allege they seized more than 250 more cases of material includirag paperback books, tape cassettes. photo1raph1 and sexual paraphernalia. CBer Kill,ed By~ lnvesti1ators believe .\(;err and Mias Christie are inplicated in a widespread pornography dis· tribution ring feeding Canadians with such tastes materials manufactured in New York. State Police Capt. Fred Teeple. who said identical matter has turned up in the provinces of Quebec. Ontario and British Columbia said Canadian and U.S. authorities were involved in the probe. Investigators pointed out that Kerr maintains homes in both Toronto and British Columbia ln addition to HunUQgton Beach. YoOng Says JFK, LBJ 'Racists' Too colden state coach from Buck- ingham Palace to a thanksgivint service in St. Paul's Cathedral. The Queen ~re a simple pink dress and Philip the uniform of an admiral ot the fleet. • Prince Charles, tbe popular helr to the throne, rode behind oo boraeback in the uniform ol the Welsh Guards. A processioo ot open carriages followed, carry· in1 the queen mother , the s queen'• children and bet slater. Prin~ lllarraret. They ~ aceompanled by more than 1.000. troops and 10 bands. Rain alternated with briaht..: .suutdntHlurint the mornbll. but ti. raJn ~ before PrinceA ~· 'tM queen'• daucbfer, a her buaband, Capt. Mark PhtWps'" Id\ the palace lJf the nrat open curiase. (8ee4l1EEN, Pace A!) Bay Club "'(, Resident A Victim BJ AaTBU& a. VINSEL Of.,. Deily ............ A crippled aircraft carry- ing Newport Beach sportsman Tim Tate to a Baja fishing tournament crashed into an Upland apartment building today, killing Tate and four other people. Reports from tbe scene or tbe destruction not far from the end of the Cable Airport runway indicated at least four addlt.lonal people were injured and bolpitalized. The exact number or victims With Tate aboard the new twin en1ibe plane owned by Tate Kotora Inc., a Pomona Cadillac a.1ency, was not known. Nor were rescue workers sift· inl throulh the demolished two story apartment which wa~ autted and almocst leveled by the exploding Inferno certain all bocli• bad been found. ''Tbe seand story wu down oo the fint ftoor." said Upland Fire Capt. Ed Lamed. Tate, a partner iri the car dealenblp, was a realdent of the Balboa Bay Club, where he was well known and liked. He ieaves, amooi other re· taUves. hiJ father, Wllllam Tate, of 48 Unda lale, Newj)Ort Be.ch. The fatal crash occurred mo- ments after the plane toot off in a baiy overcut, bound for Cabo San Lucas, where Tate was to preside over a major liahlne tournament. Friends In the Harbor Area said Tale was chairman of the In- t.ernaUoo.al Uaht Tackle Touma· ment A.uociation. m. plane -carrying trophies for the winners among other lug- 1a1e and supplies destroyed in the impact and explodlnl inferno -took off at 7\40 a.m., airport sources said. Momenta lat~, the doomed plane. ita encine 1puttering, made a circular tum tcyin& to limp back toward the airport-but fell 1bort by about a half-mile, authorities aald. The pilot apparentl,y tried-to 1Ude it dowa I.Oto the possible re- tu1• ol .,_ alley between two clusten of wlill in the apartment complex. witness• aald. Ttae crippled aJrcrart never. made it, but slammed into the lipper eectloo of one two.story unit, Bterally blowlnc sleepy te- (See~ Page A!) ....... '8tatltlue ar la • tc Uoa, U.t cov.ncu aa I l drop lht tu rate •v• OA Jlc llLoll tM tH _ ,,_ cllmbtn• hi& la --... di&·ICCll~ WUt •' ......... dowD, .... vina '• at.el M lft.' Cl"MN fl-...... to 11,....., '8 Nl•td~&luaU.. How .~t1x._. mmll • t up _ao H 11• al D perC'tlll trwlde and U.. eoun· di'• actloa to cut U.. tu rllle ft'Onl ..... to ... ID WU I t ot thll incnt .... JC.,.-Norma llcJUot, in ap- flerilta ... IDaeaHd •a-dln• foc' IMll 79ar, hutUJ Nmleded • tparee IUldienoit AD coulHd.I dlaia· IMa. llLlt NmOol t.bo lac,..,. fn ~com.a hom federal hmdt, wtdch .,. IOt refJKted in UMch.Jtunt.. Son.abal qreed, aay1n1 U>e Lll- creue in apeodinf 11 due In part to three rederal prosrams, tn- cludin1 lU million in f..S.ral re- v eo ue sbarinc lund1, about .,,om fat ~ins and eom. mua:it:J l>e\reJopment Act (HCDA> tuod1 and another Ull,000 for Comprehensive Employme:nt and Tratnlog Ad (CETA) money. The budget approved Alooday night allo includea a 2.S percent salary increue for police and fiH ol!Jclala. Sorsabal warned that salary adjustments tor other employes cannot be made until discussions with those ''°"ps have been held. •·At that Ume," he warned, .. an adjustment In the budget might be required." The budlet alaQ refietts the ad- dition <:A nine new employes to the city payroll, but Mayor Hertzog told Sorsabal not to hire those employes until the tax rate is set in two months. Items included In the $5.3 miJUon list of capital Improve- ments include: -$1.09 million for construction of an industrial storm draln on C. J . Segentrom and Sons ptoperty 10 north Costa Mesa. The City of Santa Ari .. if. working ii' corijune· lion wiU: Co~t::. Mese or that pro ject. -Mt0,000 for the city's street maintenance program. -$103.000 to landscape the Paulo park site in north Costa Mesa. -$635,000, from federal funds, to construct the first portion of the Community Center building in downtown Costa Mesa. -$360.000 to remodel the base- Oehef---, s 1,049,895 f~c:il Ye:ir 1977·78 Totml EApendltures S 2:?,734,7W ' ""'' Olpillll lniprovemenu s 5,309,770 Gl!11~ro1 -Covl'rn ntl·nt s 4,?n,2ss CHART 8HOWI HOW COSTA M!IA PL.AMI TO IPIND 122.7 MIUION S•lartea, Equipment for Mc•, ,.,. Departmenta T81ce Bulk of Budgeted ,unda Cycle T rip Harrowing Irvine Race Driver Telle Wild erness O rdeal Profeuioqal auto racing driver Jerry Grant of Irvine wu home today after a harrowing ex-l>Uienc~ ln the brutal terrain of a Sierra canycn: or: a weekend motorc)'cl.tce aaverture. ·&rant. 4!. suueat.-d thf' f.X· pe{lence!i t:~ an~ fow1 ccmp:J n•Onf encountered f,unday and Monday were almost as uncom· fortable u hlttin1 the wall at the lndlanapolla Motor Speedway at 190·p1us miles per hour. He did that twice ln the past two weeks in a futile bid to qualify for the Indy 500 on Me 'alDay. · Grant and his party were forced to lecve the;r five coetly motorC)•ciet. in Pe<-k'1 Canyou St.::"'day it Seoucu" l'.ai;0nat Pa4.. tn ta1tern Tulare Cour.\~ when the going got too tou1h. Contacted et his home todav, Cnnt sa!d r.c Ont. wa& tr:jureo, although the hike out wun't too kind to the ribs he cracked in one of his two Indy crac~ups re- cently. man reached the 9,80CJ.foot level before ltartini their descent. '!'bey finally 1ave up fl1htinJ;t lhe uncr.a.nee wlld,r11"ti_ ~i'en ,, became obvtom bow danterour- the s1tuaUon was bec:omtoc. "Wt followed the cree~ -I thl:U. it'a calJed 1>eclr'11 Creek - all the way, t)ecauae we bew better than to iet away from the water," the veteran race driver continued. ment and first three floors of cltyi "f'C! hall. ~. -$675,000 lo widen Supe~ Avenue from West 17th Street to the aoutherly city limit.I. eath Mistrial ··I figure we hlked about 28 miles ln our motorcycle gear, so our feet are pretty torn up from walking In the boots," Grant ex- plained. 'We got stranded Sun- day and started hiking. "We finally stopped and slept along the trail and about 6:30 a. m. yesterday we got to a ran1er stetion A 1herlff'1 he I I copter Oew U1 out.'' He said In r~trospect he wouldn't be surprised to learn no one had ever before tried to descend the smooth, rocky 1or1e's walls, at least not by of· froad motorcycle. "You know, you're not really that far from civilliatlon up there," Grant sald. ''But It seems like a thousand mllH, • • $91,675 ~ake • • • · Tbe:r were jut s Of tbe roaJ. ralaing llOOjOOO tor <>ranp Coast )'OUtb groups, but Costa Mesa·Harbor Lions Club mem· ben said they are pretty pleased wllb the 181,GTS they did land last weekend. Llons Club publicity director and councilman Dom Raciti &aid · prellminary tallies sbow the club nearly reached its 1oal at this year'• Fllh Fty and Carniv.t at LlootPark. ••AU tbe figures are not ln yet," be aald, .,but we expeet tbe to reada around "5.ooo." Tbe bu ol the Income came from the club's share of carnival ride receipts, totaling '38,1~. Rac:IU said lhe club realbed about a $15,~ proll\ from filh dinner aales. The ral came from 1ame .and foOcl booths over tbe tbree--ct.y festlvtlla. Tho club ft11 raised ne~ $800,000 for yoath croups service1 for tbe blind io llsh fries held over the put 32 )'on ta CoataMesa. l'r .. Page AJ CRASH KILLS FIVE. • • oanta in the surrouodinf area away from breakfast like a clap of tfi\ander. "People were dated, asleep, we told them to get out and they just looked at us." said tenant Bob Culter, who ran to alert and evacuate other residents. "The aJley was solid flames." said tenant Julie Black, whose husband ran to try to rescue the pilot of the shattered and fuJly fuel-laden aircraft. "My husband tried to pul1 the pilo~ out but be saw the gas leak and backed away ... then It ex- ploded ... the palms of his hands were nearly burned off,'' Mrs. Bh1ck said. ''T~e plane just disintegrated when it hit the building ... we can't evec tell what ktnd of plane it was. ., " said Fire Capt. Larned. Coroner's deputies and Federal Aviation Adminlstrat.aon craah investieatora expected to be on the acene ot .1fovastatlon fr• hour$. uymy-~,.. f>!f'"" together thtt cause and identities of the vktlma. A Youns cot;ple from Arcadia knnwn to Tate were believed to bE abOaJd tht-pi11qe. The aix-seat plane was just newly purchased and reeistered to the victim's family's auto agency, said Harbor Area boat yard owner Blackie Gadartan. who knew the younger Tate well. "Re was just in the shop last night.'' s aid Gadarian. "He brought me down some engine parts." Scores of firefighters were employed to extinguish and pre· vent the spread of flames at the crath site, including men from Upland, Ontario fire depart- ments, the California Diviaioo Of Forestry and the Footlllll Ph .. Protection District. "They've got an awful lot of men still at work out there," an airport spokesman sald four hours alter the crash. The injured were admitted to San Antonio Community lbpital in Upland, which ls about 20 miles southwest of Sap Bernardino. TONlGll'l C'OS'1 A MESA PLANNING COMM'!SmON -Study session. stgr. ordinance, 8:30 p.m. "BEHIND THE HEADLINES" -Dr. G\les T. Brown lecturer, OCC Forum, '7·30 p.m. "EQUUS" -South, Coast Repertory Theater, throu~ June 11 , 8p.m. . "JESUS CHRIS.T - SUPERSTAR " -OCC Auditorium, June 7·11, 8 p.m. • l'ro.. Pqe A 1 QUEEN ••• Orange Cout College Bit By Burglars Declared Jury selection in the Orante County Superior Court trial ol aJ. Je1ed campus killer Edward Chutes Allaway wu abandoned today when the defenae claimed that. new evidence bas been un- covered. Grant said forest ran1ers usin1 another helicopter will attempt to reacue the expensive motorcycles from perches at v ar1ln« levels of a steep canyon. He doesn't envy them the tasl<. "It'• the darnedest terrain I've ever seen jn my ure," Grant hid, addln1 the blkea are stranded at varloua levels on the face of the rock cllCf carved by a creek plun1in1 through the 10T1e. Pair Must R epay $1,000 t o O CTJf . The queen paused along way at Temple Bar, gateway the old City of London, the be of the capital. to receive the PearJhord from the lord mayor of L°"*'1, a ceremony of loyalty datini bpck fix centuries. A l'Qlal gun salute from th& Tower aJ London and a fanfare of trwnpeb greeted the queen as ahe apthacbed St. Paul's, the catbedf,jJ whose survival in the fire bombings of London made it a symool of British r esolve in World War Jl. Burglars made off with 12 elec- tric typewriters and some skin diving equipment In two separate break-ins at Orange Coast College over the weekend. Costa Mesa police said they do not beJJeve the two burglaries were related. College officials said 12 typewriters valued a\ S7 ,256, were stolen from the adminlstra· tlon building sometime ~ween Friday night and Monday morn- ing. The machines were discovered mi111lng Monday from records and administration offices at occ. School officials also are at· tempting to determine how much diving equipment was at.olen from a storeroom at the college. They told police someone broke a lock to gain entrance to the storage area. Tot's Body Found REDWOOD CITY (AP) -The body of a 6-ye;ir-old Redwood Ci- ty girl was found by police Mon- day near where she apparently to led Into the water . O..A .. OE COAST DAILY PILOT '~•-·CW1" "-<•~-o.---.... , ........ ll_ , .. ... r-.. ......... ~ .......... ... °"'"""·"-~"­.. "·~·,...,,......., ..... c: Judie Robert P . Kneeland declared a mistrial in the case aftfr dlacuaslni the development with deputy public defender Ron Butler. He scheduled Monday u the date he will set a new trial date. More than 100 prospective Juron had been examined by lawyen for both sides ln four days ol Jury aelection when the decision to abandon tbe trial wu tuen today. ' Butler decllaed to dl1cusa the nature ol Che evidence that bas been broucht to bia attenUon .. Allaway, 37, of Anaheim, has pleaded not guilty and not pllty by reuon ol insanity to murder and uaault cbar1es filed after seven people were killed and two wounded on lbe Cal State Fullerton campus last July 12. It ia alle1ed that the former campus janitor shot nine un· lveraity employe1 wlt.b a rifle In and around the campus library· during a 10-minute shooting spree. The defense clalm1 that Al· laway had been st-owing 1ympt.oms ot mental hist•billty for some time prior to the •boot· tna• and ~at the fUJna ol a divorce aetfon by hit wife Uu-ee dQ'I pnviaully ,may bavo trlt· aered the O\ltbunt. I Art Student'• Worlt B onDred "We had to use ropes to get them down as far as we did,." Grant said he and cycling partners Bob Matsuyama, an El Modeno High School auto shop teacher from Santa Ana; DaMy M aclas. also of Santa Ana; BUI Bell of Long Beach, and a fourth Golf Gear Stol~ Oranse County sherJf of- ficers are lnveati1atln1 the eft of 1olftnf equipment valued at more than $1,500 from tbe clubbou.ae of, the Santa Ana Coun, try Club. Depudes said the theft of equipment owned by two members wu reported by IOlf pro G.E. Hall. , A current and a former manasement employe of \he• Oran1e County Transit District <OCTD> have been ordered to re- pay $1,000 each ln crou·country movinc expenses never authortted.by OCTD directors. The board unanimously or· dered the repayment Monday after an executive aeasion, closed LO the public. OCTD Marketing Director Art Golland. and a former operations employe1 Ted Brennan, were glven wiW June 16 to maJc• re- payment arransement.I. U the)' fail, dlredora •creed to me suit to recover the $1,000 plus 20 percent ol the payment in damages. . Directors also asked the dis- trict attorney to investigate the unauthorlzed payments to see if . ' . any criminal Jlablltty was iri. volved. - Golland s~ after the meeting he was told al the time he Joined the di8trict in October 197S, the payment was leeal but said he would repay the funds. OCTD General Manager Ed Loritz sajd Mr. Brennan, who re· ceived the $1,000 for moving ex· pensea in 1974, has since left OCTD and is employed by •Southern California Rapid Transit District. Deputy County Counsel Ken Smart told directors they had ap- proved a $1,000 movlne expense payment for another employe hired in 1!'72. But he saJd autbori'zatlon for moving expense payment. was limited to that one employe. Two Cities Share Cost ·of" Traffic Light Bids will be opened June 16 for a joint project by th6 Cities ol Costa Mesa and Newport Beach aimed al improvln1.-the trafft~ •i1nal al the iotersectloh of Irvine Avenue and 17th Street. Tbe $40,000 cost for the.,project is to be abared equallt' between . the two ciU• whoM boundari• meet at the inteneetion. , • Tbe project, Lo be com~ by the end ol October. c.U. fQl'-, the upp:ading of the aipal po1..,: aod control equipment and the. installation of left t~ arrows. Newport Beach traffic• eoctneer Bill Darnell iatd the Jett turq arrows are beiq .lnst.n8d , because ol the increased' •olume · of lefl turn traffic throueh tbe in· ternctJora and a •ubaecluent J.n. I\ crease in accidents lnvof Ytnc left. · turning can. , .. \ Oelf'fl'lliltl~,._ .. C .. LOAEH OF '80UA'TIERf' PLAY BALL NEAR MODELS OF NEW HOMES Kkta Froflc Whtie Parente W-'t for HouaH to Oo on Sale In Huntington Beach . L ong-awaited Sale Near '' Prospective Buyen UDnp Ni~ Day1 in HB I\ By llA YMOND EST It.ADA SB. I" • OI "'9 o.11, ltllet St•ll 't'he end of a nlne-day vigil is in sight for some 20 prospective homebuyers in Huntington B ch who have been camped in t parking lot or the sales office f new residential develop· A .developrnenl company of- ficial Monday said the houses now under construction near Spr- io gd ale Street and Talbert A venue will go on sale sometime thls weekend. Donna Abell, a prospective buyer Crom Huntington Beach, and her family have wailed in D.tllr l'lltt St.ti , ... ,. JIM BAL£STER (RIGHT) AND BROTHER, TOM • 1n t-tuntlngton Beech, a Canvas House la Home • • line smce May 30 and will get first choice of the 59 homes to go on sale. About 900 people have request- ed information on the date the homes will be sold. Developers said they expect a good sized crowd to attend Friday's sale. Bob James, a Signal Landmark Properties executive. said the line of buyers in the parldoc lot, now swollen to 28, will be honored in the order tbey appear prioc to the sale. Some members of the parking lot colony expressed fears that thet would not be able ~ choe&e the most popular style of house in the 59-bome tract. The prospective buyers were told last week that only 30 or the houses would go up for sale even though they bad been waiting in line for one of the 59. But developers decided to al· low beyers to place deposits on all the homes on a Cirst come, first served basis. The parking lot campers bave been biding their time getting sun tans, reading and visiting with each other whUe walling for the sale date to be set. A subdivision report from a state agency in Los Angeles ap- parently held up tbe sale date, developers said. It waa received this weekend, Jamesaaid. The long awaited report was needed before any of the houses could be put up for sale. Now, it's just a matter or mailing notices to 900 interested families, sald James. James said his firm has ac- commodated the colony mem- bers but never invited them into the parking lot. "They've sort oC assumed squatters' rights," he quipped. The executive admitted the situation has caused him "a lot or ,anguish" due to charges or ine· quitable treatment of the pro- spective buyers. One "squatter" said she is sure five or six "speculators" are among the 28 colony members. '· A. Dome for $80 ."HB ~an Rouglu.lt in Teepee Meanwhile, life goes on in the colony. 1.By MIOIAEL.PASKEVICH Ol tM OtllY ~llot tl1ll A creative. real estate agent trying to sell Jun Ba1ester's Hwi· tin.gton fieach home doubtless could generate· .a long line of potential buy.ers. A sample ad might read: "For s-ale, charming , oldet one bedroom home just. lhr~ block~ Crom the beach. natural wood- • ·beamed ceilings, cil"colar design with open-ai.r sky roof, vegetabl~ iarden. peLc; welcome. No money down, monthly payments, $60.". • 1 Now, with the average price of ~Y~t~~r~r~:: ~~~~~~re:;!~ ing", such an ad would surely be a prospectlv& homeowner's dfee.m • cotne true. . · One thing though ..a.. Jim Balester's dream home is a 25- foot-high canvas leeJSee. A Hollywood ca!l.l.ing company couldn't come up with a more likely lookine teepee dweller than Balester. Tbe bearded, de· eply tanned jJ.year-Q}d man bas "outdoors" written all over him. And that's just where Balester ancthis portable home have b6en tbe past (ew years, making \.reb from an island in the Canadian Great Lakes to a logging camp in Oregon, then to a commune in Northern California. Wben h.is f\.tndl ran tow recefll· ly~• e c-11ed hifl brother Tom in H lington Beach for temporary lod lng. Almosl as an af· tef bought, Jhn asked hla brolber to cb~ck around lo !ltt \f anyoneiiwas interested in bu,ylqg a sl~h y used teepee. • Tfie teepet! never went on U.e mark.et. At h 's• brother'• tiieioning, Ba1ester, orlctnall1 Crom Bellflqw.er, returned to • Southern Calltornla witb bis ~poelntow .~ A search turned up a number of long eucalyptus sapllngs and the teepee went up in the backyard of his brot.Mr's home within a cou- ple of bouts. "Inside the 20-foot-wide teepee, . Balesterbas room for two beds, a couple of chairs and a number or bookcases to store goods above the earthen. floor wblcb sur- rounds a bralded centerpiece rug. An extension cord booked up to the hou.se his brother shares with i couple of roommates Mothers prepare meals for their families or send an older son out for take-out food. A stick ball game takes place between the parking lot and model homes. Parents take turns minding their place in line. Mn. Abell minds the list of names she keeps in her camper van. If a member or the colony does not s~ow up every two hours, she looks for them. '~.,. II she can't find them, they are crossed off. takes'c.,-e of Ugl\Ung and a cord- less beadphon• set. provides Floatine T a"V'. music. • e ~ ·Balester says he ~oesn't mind the short walk to the house to ~acket Plan make use ol the bath.r;oom and .I.JC kitchen facilities 'he pays $60 a • nionth for. \Vi S rl The teepee becomes bot and IDS_ uppo sticky during the heat of lheday, but it ls well insulated against the sAORAMENTO <AP> -State cool ocean breezes. When the lncome tax brackets that float night air •arms up, 8alesteT: "''tb inflation have been ap- plans to S*1 back part or the can· proved by the Senate Finance vas for open-air sleepin1 i.mder Commit.tee. thestan. The author, Sen. Dennis After six weeks of roughing it, Carpemer (R-NeWPC)rt Bach), , Balestu saya he is qi.lite cmtent satd Jt WOUid prevent those who and comfortable. increase ttieir eamlngs from The only problems have been a jumpint to hJshel' brackets and bit o( traffic noise from the losln1 real buyln1 power to nearby lnter&ection of 5th Street taxes. and Oranse Avenue and an OC· • A ~2 vote Monclay 1ent the bill c ulonal 11ood-natL1rod war (SBW) to the Senate floor. whoop from passtn1 tribe& of Both the nonpartisan jo~ If thlnp ever &eloul 19'ialative ana)yat and Gov. Ed· or hand,, eater'• canine com· mund Brown Jr.·~ Departrn•t of pttlon 8boop.!r: u aroudd for l"lnaoce opPoaed ttle bltl ob few wate~ IJOW • a rounds U would wipe oul the "If It was ••eternal 1um· source of the blc bud•d sun>lus mer. I'd never leave," HYI which iJpreventlng a tax rate in· Baleattr. "tt m.a my ureiaulc and creue. my lrUndi ar• all •lok~ aboU~ Carptnltt .responded that t.hb it." la euctly why the bill 'ta needed: 81l11ter works 4fternoon11 "Wo do not hav a roal surplus. 1b1plnJ, ~urboarcb in a C.olt.a Whal lWe havo ls an accldtntal Ill eta ib(lp. • wlodfall u a re1wt of ll'iflaUon." ,, , . PL..-............... DAILY Pll.OT A:t Judge Rtiles ~~nrad ' Violated PrObadon By TOM BAKLEl' OllM 0.lly ~l .... lt.tf Oranie Counly Superior Court Judie James F. Judge ruled to- day that political financier Gene Conrad was in violation of proba- tion when federal officers found two cum in hia Tustin home Marcbl. claimed be could negotiate. Conrad's name first came before the public before the in· dictment wa. l.ssued when lt became known that be had donat· ed men than $:50,000 to poUUc&l candid•'" in Oranae County election.a held last fall. Federal prosecutors who will try Conrad July 26 say most al the tnooey went into the cam· palfll cotters ot First District aupervbot Philip Anthony. 1be Ora.op County Grand Jury bas been investig1Un1 facets of the Anthony campai1n for some Ume. Testlmolly durinc the hearing that end-' today indicated that the f.SUal olflcera who raided ConrM'• bome were sent there OD the bu1a of information sup- plied br tile Orance County Dis· trld Attomey'a office. Byt the judge made lt clear altet Usteninc to final arguments from laW)'ers from both sides to- day that the cravily of the of. fense did not merit state prisoo or county jail time as ur1ed by the prosecution. ... dge t Trl-•--ed · Judge Judge fined Conrad, 44, Sl,000 and granted the defen- dant's plea that be be eiven two weeks to get the money together. OCTD Tax.Rate The judge rein.stated the terms of the probation tbat Conrad violated and which will expire in July, 1978. The defendant nodded in agreement when the Judie asked him if it was now "crystal clear" that he is not to own weapons of any kind or be in contact with them during that probation term. May Fall for Year But Judge Jud~ told Conrad that be waa satisfied that the de- fendant had no criminal intent in keeping the two weapons seized during a raid by federal officers. Conrad testlfied during the bearing that be was not aware that ~ was violating probat.lon by having weapons in th<t $350,000 home be shared wiUr former cocktail hostess Amanda Sue Hert%. Io fact, Conrad pointed out. Miss Hertz was the one who brought the weapons into the home in which be spent about 50 percent of his time wben be was not-li'ring with bis wtfe and slx children at bis Anaheim re-sidence. · Deputy District Attorney John Conley vainly pointed out today that Conrad did not receive prison or jail time in 19'75 when be was found guilty of bad check charges despite prosecution urg- ing that the $1,850 fine imposed was inadequate. By KATHY CLANCY Of Ille 0.Jly Pilot St.Ill Directors or the Orange County Transit District (OCTD) found lhelr knife wasn't sharp enough Monday as they tried to pare down a .,rop()sed $52 million budget r• the coming year. A month earlier they ordered at least S3 million in cutf, but directors settled. Monday for abouUl.9 million,, • The now $50 million budget, set for final adoption at a June 20 meeting, calls for no Care in· cretie in the coming year. • OCTD Geoetal Manager Ed Lorih said Monday be also believes the spending package can be financed with a tax rate of 3.84 cents per $100 or assessed valuation, down from this year's rate of 4.26 cents. -' Tbe rate could change, however, depending upon final assessed valuation figures not available until July. Lorit.z had presented directors with about $3 million worth or budget cuts and gave them three alternative ways to achieve the reductions. · · ·'The problem is that all of * * * tbe4e "1tematives involve cul· Ung bac:k service, either eliminatinJ pro1rams or slowing down on new service," Board Chairman Ralph Clark com· plained. , In the end he won the support of fellow directo..S in agreeing to leu than the $3 million in cuts rather Ulan reducing bus routes or U!e total in reductions, $1.6 rnlllioa came through cuts in varlous OCTD departments. The re01ain<ler comes from ellminatine two new staff posi· lions. delaying two others for six months, adding three rather than four short-haul community service systems next year and slashing $100,000 ln all from the OCTD advertising budget. Dlrectors rejeeled a proposal tQ save $750,736 by eliminating three major bus routes. two or them in the Mission Viejo and El Toroareu. Richard Herrington. president of the Moulton Parkway Resi- dents Association. said tbe routes in his area bad been in service only since November and likely would be used more once school ends. * * * Conrad faces federal court ac- tion stemming from bis alleged connection with a $1.2 million fraud committed through the Conrad-controlled Pension Funds of America in Irvine. BQ.S · Network Plan The indictment claims that Conrad solicited ·$1.3 mUUoo in advance loan fees from cllebts when be was well aware that he could not place the loans he Ordered ~Y Board Carpenter'8 Duck Stamp Bill Okayed A new muter plan lor th~ future oC the Orange County TransJt District's bus network was ordered by district directors Monday. • But even before the planning SACRAMENTO (AP) _The reached O,CTD staff drawing price of hunters' duck stamps boar_ds, directol's expressed would be increased from $l to~ vary.mg ~inions on wbat future under a bill sent to the Senate services waU best meet ~e needs noor. of the bus trave~ng public. The vote of the Senate Finance Director Robm Young, for ~x· Committee was 10.1 Monday on ample, sugge_sted the district SB 928 by Sen. Dennls Carpenter, hold ~f( oo maJor long-haul route <R-Newport Beach). additions and _coo~entrate in- Diplomacy Sought BONN, Wat Germany CAP) - A senior State Department of. ficial haa met witb the foreign minister of People's Republic of the Congo to discuss ending the 12-year suspension of U.S. rela- tions with that West African na- tion, the U.S. Embassy reported today. Three gern:1tones have been assigned to the month of June One is the lovelv. iridescent pearl. Another is tile rare and mysterious alexatldrlte which char\ge1 color In different llgM;ng And th• third la the QIOWinQ moonstone We have dlsc1.1s~ed the first two in earll•r columns so today moonstone wlll be the subleC1 Moonstone P<>SSesses whet i .. known aa adularesc.oc:•. Th ia slivery or pearly lndesc:enoe and btu1ah glbw Is caused by the interfe<•OC4t of light waves '" the particular Inner $1Ndurl of the stone This phenomenon Is the same' H that which cauHs the colorful sheen on a 101p ·bubble. The moonstOne Is usually cut en cabcXhOn (JS a dome) to allow a ITW(lmum Plav of light on th• aurhce Moonstone Is • mod•r•t•lv c>riced it.m that many PtOOI• are not aware of. I find th1t Its unde~•ed beauty add• to It• mystery Md cl\etm Some moonstonH have another phenomenQn In addition 10 adu11resct11ce. wtilc:h IS ChalOYMCV That Is the 1ppearanc:• of c:atHye when • d1.....:t llght 1 pl~ .on nt a11rr1c• We hav a st e ed on building short· distance community routes . "I would certainl)' want to argue against the current policy of unrestrained expansion," she said. But Board Chairman Ralph Clark said he would oppose a halt to major route expansion, saying riders .traveling the long-haul routes cost tbe dhtricl less than ~ those traveling on shorter. distance community rout-es. Director Al Hollinden e~- @ &EM WISE ., pre,sed still another view. say- ing he envisioned a system with frequent Joni-haul routes in the old~r. central areas or the county but short-dlstance runs in fringe areas where bus ridership is less. He SUJlelted the staff study alternate plans and bring them back for board consideration. Directors asked staff members to draw up a report outlining the work necessary to prepare a new master plan and report back before proceeding further. Director William Farris also urged directors lo move cautJousty, noting that the plan wm lead to policies "that are not set in cement but are in real heavy Jello." Clark al.so.said the plan should be aimed at commuters and ln· elude methods of working with industry to offer bus service to get emptoyes to work. Director Phil Anthony added, "The bluest challenge of our transit district is to 1et people out of their cars and to work." lovely catseye moonstone set up In a ladles ring w11h a small sapphire on either stde of 1t to heighten the-bluish glow That -on« ts tn a 14K while gold mounting and aelts tor It 55 00 We have another larg.,. attaeve moonstone set 1n t4K yellow gold with 4 UppMrea thet sells for S330 OO'so you see that a truly lovely piec. of iewelrv set with the June altefnate birthstone 1s avetlable at a very moderate price Even less are some moonstones set •n aterhng silver pendants with an ant1Que fla"'°' that are priced at •2000 rr YoU h~ a June birthday o•ft to buy con1id9' the silvery moonatone Wllh ,,, mysterious billowY lights cac•1:» WI& osn. - LIU ol peaple look upon eom· ,... 'Wtt.b out f ar a.ad dla- • ., U.. daya. Tber• ll 1oad,... .... 1"lte computer lll an lnlernal eMd.ranlc IUCblne, usually UO· He : wblrrlnl and el•c:ldn1 •••.J' dilep to tbe rec .... ~ .-. ,s...t cwporaion omce or sovei nmmt lillw'uu . Carter Vows More .~l Study WASHINGTON CAP) -Le...siq ~ npporten ottbe Bl bomber met with ~d•t Carter~ and one Uld 'afterward t.bt commander in cbiof .. ta becomlna conrinced ..-. can't Uvewll.boul tlw Bl." .. Sen. Bar17 Goldwater <R·Arh.) told reporten be tbouOlt the COD• vtnctna reaaoos were ~·our un- telted missiles and . • . the fact lnl about U» Bl • that tor the next 25 years or near Golclwatw aald Cart~r "ls co. that we're ioini to bave to do-lnl to have to commit himself to pend an man's e""' to tell us some 81a . : . . what we do... · •-T&B ADS IO&CE bas not GOIPWATB& $AID IT 1"IUJcl madeanl.roo.bowldeuefora..:• take that lftn• to -J t -•-n Goldwater 1ald. "Our 1ue91 ot ..-. .,_.ec UUllDl&el 155 1 think wou.ld aatlaty tbe and remote-controlled. un· at.ratec1c~otthecount1y." manned aircraft. Aaked wbetber Bl produc:tioo UOIU l:!thaklq Uke a U.OU.and eyee, the computer ncu up elec· ,, tric Jllic:9 for break.fut and •tart.a .. 1pewin1 out W«k feater than t.be bum&n eye can brink or bu man m.lndfuuctloa. Tbua we ran all um to rear the transistorized mut.ermlDcl. It m11bt whirr .,.a, ud abnaptJJ chop olf your eNdlt. rnoke '°"" driver'• llcenae. match you up w1th a putly blind date cw - horror ol borrora -replace you ontbejob. SEARCH CONTINUES FOR MISSING PASSENGERS OF CAPl1Z!D BOAT At LeHt Four Were Known Dead After Storm; 14 w .. Reecuad But others, includinc Rep. would depend on whether the Geo.rse H. Mabon CD·Tex.> SovletUnionagreeatoAmertcan cbauman of the Bouse Ap-proposals for atrateelc arms propriaUons Co~mittee, said limitation, Goldwater said: Carter gave no indication during "No u 1 understood the Presi- the m~ in the Whli. l:lame d t .i..... R J could Cabinet Room about whether be en • um ua am not care 4 Die as Boat Capsizes OUld ~-full Bl rod.-.i-lea what we do witb tbe Bl. . . . w · ~ P "'-'UWI• He (Carter) didn't elaborate." termina~ .of the program, or GOLDWATER SAID one re- some option in between. m.igh be bee lb So A decision is due at tbe end ol ~~:a bas tthe s=. ~m;: tbe moolh. and Carter ~dlcat.ed but be added: '·u I were a be would meet that deadline. Russian, I'd be quite wonied SO TODAY, we brina you a message ol hope. The computer is not omnipotent. It can soot in the most ridiculous fubton. Uuzrter Ventured Into Bay De.pile Stonn MABON SAID THE President about a Bl." was told that failure to build the The senator characterized bomber "might be interpreted in Carter's campaicn statements in the Kremlin that there was some opposition to the Bl as stale· , weakenin«i of will by the oeoole ments made to gain election sup.. oftheUnited~tea,"beaald. port and about wblcb candidates Coasider the case of Shell OU Company, which has recently gone into the insurance bu.ainels. They sent customers one of tht;lse computerized· letters, bawldng the company'• group accidental death and dismemberment pro- tection. You know bow those computer· letters go. The computer makes 1t penonal by typing in your name automatically and maybe your address. Thus one of these insurance let- ters wu received the other day by Tom KeevU, who b editor of this sterling journal. As editor, he gets on lots of mailing ~ts. Som.Umes he's listed as Thomas Keevll, M.T. Keevil or Tom Keevil. This time, the computer that was typing h.is personalized let- ter was working from a listing like this: M.T. Keevil POBox187S, Newport Beach, CA 92660 NORFOLK, Va. (AP) Despite warnings of a thun- derstonn. a 42-foot flshini boat ventured out onto Chesapeake Bay and was dumped on Its starboard side by a 10-to 13·foot wave, the Coast Guard said. Al least four persons drowned and nine were missing. The remaining 14 persons aboard the Charter Dixie Lee II we.re rescued by another charter boat during a storm in whlcb winds gusted up to 98 miles per hour, according to the National Weather Service. THE COAST GUARD resUIXled a search for missing persoas to- day with helicopters and patrol boats covering an eigbt-mile- square area of choppy water. Waves were reported at about five feet. The dead were identlfled as Audrey Stiff, 36, Portsmouth. Va.; Evelyn B. Lee, 43, Norfolk, 'Count Us la' Capt. William H . Lewis, 70, Norfolk; and Polly Clark, ~7, Baltimore. The Dixie Lee II had left its Norfolk boathouse Monday despite the storm foreust because .. there was no mention of the huge winds,•• said the boathouse owner. IT CAPSIZED AT a point about fl ve miles north ol here and three miles east ol the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, which spans the bay between Norfolk and Hampton. "It started raining and ever- ybody pulled in their lines. Then it started raining harder. Everybody started screaming and running to the other aide of the boat because it was raining so bard," said survivor Mal vis Ware, 28,ofNorfolk. She said the next thing she knew the Dixie Lee 11 had capsized. TRIS CONFOUNDED the com- puter, which bad been instructed to pick up his first and last hame. So it addressed the letter, "Dear M. Keevil ... " Then came the standard para- graphs pitching the insurance. But now the computer was sup- posed to get personal. and point out that M. KeeviJ could get dead or dismembered right near his Seniors to Lobby To Continue Jobs .: own home. So it wrote this: "Perhaps, M. Keevll, you thought only international travelers or frequent trip-takers needed accidental death and dis- memberment insurance. The fact is that most accidents likely to occur to you will take place either at or within Just a few miles of P .O. Box 1875 in Newport Beach!'' PI'ITSBURGH (AP) -A coalition of 10 million elderly Americans, adopting "Count Us In" as a slogan, is launching an attack on man- datory retirement. In a keynote address prepared for a combined conference of the aa- tion 's two largest groups of retired persons, forced retirement is called "wasteful. degrading, dis· crtminatory, morally wrong and ease and estate planning. fundamentally un·Amerlcan." I 'II bet you dido 't know our editor lives in a post office box. did you? But that wasn't the only case. Our paper's general manager, Jack R. Curley, was on the mall- ing list as, "J.R. Curley, Gen. Mgr." REMEMBER NOW, the com- puter, in its infinite transistorized wisdom, was pro- gram med to pick up the customer's last name in the salutation. Thus Curley's letter came: "Dear Mr. Mgr.'" How wonderful lo learn those electronic wizards have feet of clay. There may be some hope for us humans yet HARRIET MILLER, who serves as executive director for both the American Association or Retired Persons and the National Retired Teachers Association, said the groups' combined mem· bership or 10 million would fight for "retirement policies flexible enough to permit people to use their abilities and experience so long as those qualities are pre- sent and the desire to work ex· ists." Her speech was prepared for the first day of working sessions at a three-day joinl conference entitled "Count Ua In," the third of six being belcl. -around the na- tion as part of a campaign to end age discrimination. More than 2,000 delegates from the Northeast were expected to discuss such topi~ as crime pre· vention, Social Security, con· sumers' rights. respiratory dis· THE ORGANIZATIONS are dedicated to helping older Americans find Independence, dignity and purpose in retire- ment through publications and government lobbying. Mrs. MilJer has been active on a variety of federal com· missions, including the 1963 White House Conference on Civil Rights and the 1964 and 1965 White Houae Conferences on Education. She was especially critical of the eam.inp ceiling of the Soc!tal Security System, which reduces benefits for any recipient who earns more than $3,000 a year. "We think it is intolerable ttiat those who can wort, wbo want to work and need to work are limit- ed in the income they can eam while more affluent older people with unlimited unearned income can still draw their full Social Security benefits." she said. Storms Hit Wide Area Atbll'- AtMvllle AllM!e Ill rm I,.,..... 8olte llOltOft lhlffAle O.erhlll~C ClllOfD CIMIMttl 0.WleN f>ej.fftWtlt o..iwr Detroit ........ "-'"* ~1911 J41(-~~ keft .. Clty le•Y991'l llllle lltoct .......... ,,. •-11-1 MllWMl!ole ...... ,.. Fal,Ung Treea Kill One in Georgia Ml LAt flYC . 'Cl ·~ ' to" ... 1 ,. ,. .11 " St ,0) 101 " .01 ., SJ .ll ,. d .14 ., ... h ,. -.... 41 41 .01 "' 10 eo $' .ol 6l CJ .IZ . .. .. '1 t1 71 ., ... u Jot S4 lft ., ... .. " .. ., .a 11 ., 03 ,. 4J P.J SS HewOrl-tS ,. Htw V-t1 53 .U 0.1• City ., SI o....... 77 J4 on-~ 1~ .tt f'flll•d'p!N " 4' ..a ....,.".. * .. ,."''"""" n ,. P'11-.0... .. $1 "l<tl"'-" n $*. lout• f4 $4 It. ,. · Tllmoa ti IO s.tiLN 'l 61 ~,.... 6$ St 5"111• 8' SA 1 W•.iilftttOll '1 SP • 1J IJ.S •• , ........ T•r11ed0u •ttll •• ,.,,. 1111111-, ~-----. ,.,... ..... Of,,. .. , • .., .... '°""""' ~ltd ••••••• ""'' .. ~ ~""' llMC• •ftll ..,.._,,....__,..,,,.., At I~ .._, --dlM WM<\ a ,,._,,.,_. lti11111t llllet C...,llM OW· .... ""'*' .... "' .. ~·· But lfYOU'reloel!lnoterNl11, llt.Afl be loulld In Ille lllClllftUlns end dtwtt '"es. Sotterwcl "-Bend llOWled •lltrnoon 1111111d•rtllowe., ••• IMt<ell for Ille ~•IN, Wlllll\lglls of JSIOIS. '"IM ci..rts. INte It e <~•Of llHvy ~n with v111h• Wjlllls. Hlgflt wilt be 9J to tt:l Ill -111911-. ""' end 100 lot IO hi tllt ..... .._... letcll '-~ "'"' .,. lftllCll tlle -M Pl'~ NYs. Hk!N wlll •• ,.. '"°"' , .. -..... , .. llMClltt ... 1111-. C...tol lt'e.tltet- U• <'°'* .... lot"°"' lN CMM let• l'll9'll .,_, _,, motftlflQ ..,,. wect11H•Y l t9lll ¥Mi.Ille wlMJ llllM eftll "'°""'"'Nun Hlllls lf'l 1 .. .,_., '°'' et~ ... totoltlltnf CN11tl ltMflttelurtt Wiii ,.,... l>•llO"Hll H •"4 ... lf'll ... d t ..... ClffetvNS ..... r-1Je1-~Ml 12. Tllt....,"""'Pt,..lftwllllleU, "WHEN I GOl' IN the water, I realized I bad to get to the top. I was hoping and praying I would come up outaide the boat. When I came u~1 .. 1 thought even though I was a IW1alive1 wasn't goin1 to make it." She said she clung to tbe boat for abou145 minutes before being rescued. Seo. Howard Capnoo (D·Nev.) later change their minds "in the said Carter told the croup ol five quiet oltbe evening." senators and three Houae mem· Carter said during the pre- bers at the end of the meeting sldenUal campaign the Bl was that they bad presented points be w aateful and should not be . bad not considered in early think-funded. Armg Denies Marriage Two Wedded Women Fight Diacharge Effort FT. RUCKER, Ala. <AP) - , The Army says Spec. 4 Marie Sode bas exhibited "homosexual tendencies" and should be dis- cbar&ed because abe is married to another woman. Miss Sode says she conalders her "husband" a man. •'He considers himself a man.·· she says. "And I object to state- menta like 'purported buaband. • 1 'm not purporting to be married. I am married.•• ' LEGAL AtJTBORITIES say Alabama law does not prohibit homosexual marriages and re- quires ooly that the partners be consenting adults. No action bu been taken to nullify the union. But the Army convened a bear- ing here Monday to determine whether Miss Sode, 23, should be discharged. The marriage came to light when the "husband," Kristian von Hoffburg, applied for a military dependent identification card. Someone recognized von Hoffburg as a former WAC known as Spec.• Linda Bowers. VON llOPFBURG. It, was dis· charged from the Anny ln 1975 and is an honor student at George C. Wallace Community College near Dothan. The Anny decided it wasn't a legal marriqe and cut off their housing allowance. Probate Judge James Sawyer, who married the couple In Nov~ ember, 1aidJater be bad noklea they were ol the same sex. 'Ibey were dressed in Army fatigues, be said, and voo Hoffburg's hair was short. M~ SODE SA VS she and von Hoffburg met in San Diego seven years aio wblle she lived with her mother and von Hoffburs had a nearby cottaie. "l WU very young and I COD• sldered thi9' younc lady a mesaed411> penon," sa111 Miss Sode. "At that point. the girl was 1oing through therapy tryinC to adJuat." She says, however, that ahe re- alized the woman was a man trapped inside a woman's body. I ( Kitchen Help You Can Count On You can count on the Wednesday food pages of the Dally Pilot to help )'OU if you're counting calories, stretching food dollars or simply bunt· in& for recipe idea.5 for family or guests. ' Food FAJtor Barbara Gius-Bowen brings you a host of consumer Ups and menu suggestions to help you subtract kitchen time while adding to eating enjoyment. Food ls news this year. Keep up with the latest on nutrition, shortaaes. prices, new markets and cooking trendS by tun.Ung to the Wednesday People section. To make the most or what you buy or fr'O• for your dinner table, count OD th• food pages or the Wednesday DAILY PILOT 642-4321 ... ~~.t~ Rejects Women IAN FRANCI CO (AP> - • •rJ latc11aUona1, a Mntce c b ol bul n and prof lonal .with ch•pt ... ln W naUons, ••U coi>U1na to exclude wom~ ltom membcnhlp. ' time la not ripe ror It." • d newly elected Rotary ptMI· t a.en ll«louf of AutlralJ• Nond11'1 meetin1 of Rotary'• fin d., convention h ... \~ •rut majority of ll°'8.l'J wtva ( J ~rw. t don't thJ.ak thena lt • dim o1 oplnionJ. 1t ml&ht claa,aie iD fin, 10 or u Jean." INfil ..... tle .... SACRAMENTO <AP> -An in- dustry and labor·backed bill 1iv- lDI t.be PubUc UtiJitJes Com· mlasJoa authority over liquefied natural 1u termi.Jlat. bu re- ached the noor of the California Senate. The Senate Finance Comnut· tee gave the bill 9·2 approval Monday. ~Adeaaea SACRAMENTO (AP) -A much-amended "Serrano bill" won the 11·1 approval of the Senate Finance Committee Mon· day, moving to the floor of the state Senate. The bill by Sen. Albert Rodda, D-Sacramento, would provide nearly $3 billion over the next three years to help assure that the quality of a child's education is not direcUy related to the pro- perty wealth of his neighborhood. ...... 0p,,..- LOS ANGELES (AP) -Near· ly half of thoae white parents queried in a survey com- missioned by the city Board of Education do not support de- segregation of the public schools. The survey also indicates that many white families say they would move out of the district Budget Hof'e• Ott SACRA MENTO (AP) - There's less money than Gov. EdmWld Brown Jr. wants for prison construction and more money than he wants for state em ployes in the $14. 7 billion state budget approved Monday by the Assembly, 54-19. The vote sent the budget to the Senate. Strike Continues ............... Teachers picketed in front of San Diego's Roosevelt Junior High School after more tban 3,000 pUblic school instructors went on strike Monday. The San Diego Teachers Associa- tion said its members defied a court order to return to work today, sending the strike into it.a second day. Of· ficials said substitutes, volunteers and administrators kept all schools open. Assembly Deals Teens Triple Blow SACRAMENTO (AP) -In a triple blow to teen-agers, the As· sembly bas denied 19-year-olds the ript to drink, some 17-year~lds the right to vote, and is.year-olds the right to own fireworks. In an unsuccessful bid for support on hiB bill reducing the drink· ing age from 21 to 19, Assemblyman Lou Papan, D-Daly City said Monday: "Young people have assumed the reaponalbWty, not only ol vot· ing, but of marriage, contracts and the like. They should not be given limited citizenship." • PAPAN ALSO SPONSORED a bill banning sale ol ft.reworks to anyone under 16. It was sent to the Senate on a S4· 16 vote. Assemblyman Michael Womum, D·Mlll Valley, sponsored a third bill which would have allowed 17·year-olds to register and vote in primary elections if they would be 18 by the time of the general election in the fall . . Lilce the drinking measure, Womum 'a proposal got a majority vote but fell short or the two-thirds majority needed for constitu· tional amendments. Such measures also need voter approval if passed by both houses. THE VOTE WAS 45·28 on the drinking measure, f2·31 on the vot- ing measure. Papan said be would try to have the drinking vote re- considered later. Foes said it would increase highway deaths and teen-age alcoholism. "'Ibis is one or the most irresponsible things we could dO this yeu," said Assemblyman Peter Chacon, D.COronado. A pglice monitored alarm system. · For: police, tire, inedical emergencies. $15.00 per month on a subscription basis. Existing alarm installations can be connected to our computerized system-or you can choose from the simplest low cost to the most sophisticated alarm installations. No matter what-the monthly fee is the same! CASCO'S 3 in 1 ala.rm system uses computers to display alarm data and vital personal information on a TV screen at the Newport Bea.ch police/fire dispatch center. CASCO helps the police speed help to you! For more information please call 714/631-3220 o'r send in completed coupon. r,················, CASCO 833 Dover Drive, Suite 5, Newport Beach. Ca.l1forn1a 92660 I A Computerized Ala.rm Systems Company I • NAME I STREET .CITY • TELEPHONE NUMBER (BUSINESS) STATE (HOME) ZIP • I I • I Please have your representative ca.11 me rega.rdtng additional information I on CABCO's Computertzed Alarm System. I I •••• •••••• .a A Computer1t.ed Alarm Systems Company 83Aover Drive, Butte 6, Newport Bea.oh. Ca.11forn1a 92660 Y/ LOS ANGELES (AP) -The good men wear white, the bad 1uya wear black and there'• no aex, character development or social criticism. But "Star Wan" has manaced to break theater records all over the coon· try, and to send 20th Century Fox '1 fortunes rockeUnt. By Mc.>day, 12 day1 an. lta premiere, the Georte Lucu science fiction epic tbat took S8 million to make bad aroaaed $S.2 million in '5 theaters. The biiseat moneymaklnt movie of all Ume was "Jaw1," which took in $192 atUllon. ''Jaws" poued $21 million ln its first 10 days, but that was in 409 tbeaten. THE DAY before .. Star Wars" opened, Fox stock was sellin1 for $11. 75 per share. When tradlnl closed Monday, it wu at $21. "We can't'" any other reason than 'Star Wan' ror the way the stock bas taken off," said Pbllllp Myers, Fox's director of cor· porate affairs. The country apparently was ready for an escapist movie. Among the good guys in the flick are two robots, See· Tbreeplo (C3P0) and Artoo· Detoo (R2D2), and a hairy creature named Cbewbecca, who co-pilots a space cruiser. TBE BUMAN hero's name is Luke Skywalter. He's played by Mark Hamill. Skywalker finds that be stands between the villainous Galactic Empire and the destruction of freedom in the galaxy. With the help of a laser· like swbrd called a "ligbtsaber," be comes to the rescue. The special effects for all this have wen critical raves. Theaterioera are "seeing ......_.._ .. __...._ .................... ~...-.. ... -...-... Tuesday. June 7. 1977 • something they can't possibly live as a normal bumu beiq," aaid Ashley Boone. martetinc vice president for Fox, wbo b looking loqingly to the end oltbe month when "Star Wars" goes into hundreds more theaters. ALBERT SZABO. tbe SS.year· ~d IQID8'er of the Avco Cinema Center in Los Angeles, said, "l have never seen anything like thia in 30 years in the business. I DAILY Pit.OT Af. • I at-1811,__,,· Thia Isn't a anowbaU, it's an av alancbe. " Tb• reuoo, be said, la obvious. ··~ the last number ot yetn we have bad a wbole lot ol messqe pictut'C!S which htMI a social mesaaa• ol .aome ltlDd," he said. ''The messate pictures im· ply subtle re-education. But the public doesn't want to be re- educated. It wants 6heer enter· tainment.." Judge (Jr.ges 1'10'ee FDA to Decide Worth of Laetrile? SAN DIEGO (AP> -U.S. District\ CoUrt Jud.Ce Edward J. Schwartz says the Food and ~ Administration, not federal courts, should decide if Laetrile prevents cancer. The ruling came Monday in a suit by• Santa Rosa truck driver who was among the first persoa.s to receive a federal court order al· lowing the legal importaUoo d the apricot·kernel extract from Mex· ico. MICHAEL O. CARNOHAN, 53, was granted permission six months ago to bring limited supplies of Laetrile over the border for uae by bis father, Ray Carnoban of San Diego. Tbe elder Carnohan died of cancer a few weeks later despite uatna the subs~nce. The younger Carnohan said in his latest suit that be now wants Laetrile for himself because be believes. there ls evld~nce it can pre· vent cancer. The FDA bans shipment of Laetrile into the United States under normal circumstances because it cooaldera the compound useless in cancer therapy. THE EARLIEll CARNOHAN cue and a ruling by a federal~ judge in Oklahoma have resulted ln the legal importation of Laetrile' by some cancer patients who can certify they are terminallY lll. In recent montba, a number ol stat.ea have enacLed legislation permitting the use or Laetrile. lo a related development Monday, Dr. Frank Rauscher, vice president ror research for the American Cancer Society predicted Laetrile will be given a clinical trial nationally usinl human pa- tients . 0 It lets-. withdraw like. a ~sbOoll·· ~ bUt pays you higher interest. ~ Our first California Plus Account was the most popular savings plan we've ever offered. Now there8 a new California Plus , Account. It combines tho convenience of a passbook with the high 5~% intere8t of a 90 day certificate . HeN's how It works. Just dep()sit •1,000 or more. Your annual interest rate for the first 90 days is 5~%. And then you ret a plus. We ray you l'.a% bonus-bringing your annua rate to 6~%. And we k p pa)"!ng you at this high rate a.s long as your accoul\t is o~. Withdraw When you llke. · You can take your money out w hertever { ~ ·~ :: ~ • :: •• •• ~ ·! ~ Trash Economics Oran County 1u I last "' k h arc:t h l. ClUIE DI ad\liOry p n 1 had lo l t P' t ot turi\lna COW\f.)' ovemm t'a tr h•haullng b lnoaa over to prlv tori, p n 1 uld sup~rvl o hould k p lhtn11 th y are -county-opcroled trucks It uU.n tr hrrom U' n1r r pc>Lnta to county· operatcddum . • Good reuon1 wc-r ilv.:n for kecplna the tatus quo Poi.slblt> tabor strlf was one. The county'fi proven experU10 wns' sanot.her. And frt"edom from som tbfnl that u.wally go wltb awardine maHlve con· Lncu to operolo~. 1uch aa lobbylna and polittcol in.fi&blln8 w WK>Uler The ad\·I rJ panel ltt0 lndlcated. In ato many Ytonl1. lhat it bollev county govern - m~nl can do the lrtbh·hauline Job better und che.aper than private Of)Crntors. . That may be so. But nobody knows ror sure. And no one will know for sure until private <>per11tors bld on the county busi- ness. • While agreeini with the advisory panel that there's more to be said tor keeping lhmgs as they ate than for changing them. we wouJd feel more comf ortabre with that conclu!.ion if a cost comparison were evailable. Lawmakers' Pay · The question of arriving at an ap· proprlate pay scale for members of the California Legislature is far from settled. Under present state law, the legtslators vote their own pay raise5, up to a max- ~mum of 5 percent a year. Additionally, they receive daily expenses, now a flat $35, when the Legislature ls in session, plus the use of state-leased cars and gasoline and telephone credit cards. The present base pay is $23,232 a year. not stupendous by current standards, but .substantially augmented by the fringe .)>enefits. Since the legislators always set off a =storm of protest when they vote themselves ,a raise, there have be.en spumodic efforts .to establish an indeJ>en4ent salary com-.. mlsalon to fix an equitable pay scale for 1\ate omcer1. So far nothlng acceptable has m aterlallzed. So another pay raise bill ls making its way through the Legislature. Taking advan· ta1e ot the 5 percent per annum maximum, lt would radse the lawmakers' base pay to 12S,5M atartiD& in December, 1978. MeanwhUe Speaker Leo McCarthy, who supports the ldea of an independent salary commission, ts trytne to round up backing for a plan that would provide proper com· ~111atioo without lhe controversial fringe bonefits which are always subject to charges of misuse, Instead, only actual work expenses could be reimbursed. There's DO question lhe people's elected representatives should be adequately paid, but it's equally dear the public wUI remain 1u1Plclous of self-voted raises al'd looseJy defined fringe benefits. McCarthy may have an acceptable solution. Back to Zero Two currently popular catch phrases in '-overnmenlese arc "sunset Jaws" and 'zero-based budgeting ... They Involve < 1) automatic disband· ment Of a~encies every five years unless they are still serving a need~ purpose and <2) starting every government budgeting process from zero dollars. - A new addition to the list is zero-based regulations. This proposes regular review of the regulations government imposes on business and industry to determine their current erf ectiveness. Are they helping to reduce pollution and improve safety? Have some better technological approaches been developed since the initial rules were imposed? Is the cost warranted by the goals being achieved? Is there a better way? Tbe outstanding cha racteristic of bureaucracy is its apparent immortality and inexorable growth. As a general rule. no agency is ever dissolved. no rule changed, no budget r educed once it gets started. The idea of starting anew from zero, iignt<Jown the noo. has a tot going for it. Kore8 Debate Needed Incident, May Serve a Uaeftd PurpoBe WASIUNGTON It Is un· fortunate that President Carter had to fire Maj. Gen. John K. Sioglaub for hls clearly differing views on the queslion of withdrawing U.S. troops frorn South Korea. Conaress righUy probes this action and challenges the Presi- dent's plans for our military pre· sence in the strateeic Korean peninsula. However much Mr . Oarter pro· tests that he didn't fire , ; chastise or punish Gen. Slnglaub, : be only transferred him, the' : general knows the score. • ( NICK J THIMMESC~ Slates to know w~t he wu do- ina1 Gen. Singlaub was l>robably just offering a firmly held 'View, and not thinking of bow it im,ht ge~ into print. NOWTllAT Gen. Slntlaubis al· lowed to talk. as he has ID COD· gressional testimony, he has let a lot more come out. He said that the majority of American mllltaey and civilian officials in South Korea feel that it would be a serious mistake for the United States to pull out or Korea, because it would cause the North Koreans to eventually attack Soutb Korea. always be on station in the area to keep that commitment, the President explained. But say tl\al the North Koreans attack ~. for a lime. overnm the South Kotean fo?ces. U Mr. Carter keeps hls word, the United States will be at war with North lCoreJ. In Vietnam we learned that air and naval power alone don't defeat enemies. So what would the President do, send back the 40,000 troops that he plans to withdraw tn the next four to five years? Perhaps war would be prevented by cao- tinuing to maintain our force levels, as we have since the Korean war ended 25 years ago. This ls a question worth debat· ing, and since this is an ·'open ad- m inistratfon," Mr. Carter had better listen while Congress de- bates lt. In the l~g run the in· lerview that Gen. Singlaub gave -ror background or whatever - might serve good purpose after all. R adsla Wors~ Tlaaa f:•••ualSlil? New U.S. Africa Policy 1 W ASIDNGTON -PowerfUI new evidence or bow far and bow quickly U.S. policy in southern Africa has changed came in Vienna last month when Prime Minister John Vorster of South Africa got nowhere in an un- p u b 11 c i zed request that Washington discourage bla .. k guerrilla activity in white-ruled Rhodesia . Accordin1 to authoritative U.S. sources, Vorster asked Vice Presl· dent Walter Mondale whether the U.S . would "lean toward restraining" Zambia, the most pro- Western of the "front· line" African nations, in sponsor- ing guerrilla raids tnlo Rhodesia. He was turned down fiat. Yet. the U.S. has raised the devil with Rhodesia for launching cross· border raids Into African states. This ought to shatter any ii· lusions remaining In Pretoria or Washington that the Carter ad· ministration intends lo taJce an even-handed position on racial conflict ln southern Africa. T.1e Dear Gloo1ny Gus I wouldn't worry much about Gen. Slqlaub eet· ting canned llke that. Because one day real soon he will return to Korea u Supreme Commander of all Allied troops when they try to re-take Korea. That is, if they try to re·take it, and our allies are still speaking to us, J .E. Gloomy OW cemmt•lt ••••-Mel W r~ •••do •el "'!<•u•rlly ,..llKl ltle ·-Of ......... ""'· lend ,_ .... -•IOOtoomy O•t, Delly PiMll ( EV ANS-NOV AK ) new position adamantly favors strict black majority rule every- where on the continent. by peaceful means if possible but lhroup violence if necessary. THIS ENTAILS moral support by the U.S. government for black guerrillas in Rhodesia. the most effective of them avowedly Marxist and using an increasing supply or Soviet arms. The theory is t.hal pro-Moscow Marx- ists. not only those in power but guerrilla leaders fighting for power in Rhodesia, can be won over lo friendship with the U.S. So, while Washington is even less color-blind thanlt-used to be, it is now blind lo ideology. All this demolishes talk that the selecUon of Mondale to con· duct the Vienna talks meant de- f eat for UN Ambassador Andrew Young and bis policies. In truth, Mondale came to Vienna relying on Young's aides and 'Hke· minded National Security Coun· ell staffers rather than old-line Foreign Service officers. The State Department's African Affairs bureau and As· slstant Secretary William E. Schaulfele, who is being re- assigned as ambassador to Greece. have not really been in the policymaking picture since January. <! Wm.LE TQ South African governnunt. may not have thought Mondale any more friendly than Young, It did en· vision the Vlc~ President as pre- pared to negotiate with Vorster. But Mondale did not d6viate an inch from prepared positions: he ca.refull)' checked with his staft or back to .Washington if necessary, before responding to Vorster. Consequently. there was never any chance for Vors~r·s appeal that the. U .s: attempt to restrain Zambia's suppport for Rhodesian guerrillas. Some U .$. officials think Vorster was asking that as a condition for applying South African pressure to Prime Minister Ian Sm1th·s Rhodes1ar. regime. Bul seruor U.S. omc1als believe thl South Afncan was not baraainlng and would ool pre- ssure Smith. In any event. Mondale made no promise of restraint on Zambia._ "We can't do it, .. a U.S. officiaJ explair~ to us. "It is not t;~S policy to turn orr the a.rm struggle." One highly i.nfluenU U.S. policymaker put it this way · - "We te<.'Ognize It Is very ditficuJt ~gt~p these people to stop figbt.f But ''these people" do not inJ.. elude the white Rhodes1am: Although Washington does not maintain diplomatic relation!' with Salisbury, it bas issued vigorous protests lo Rbodeslad' officials in South Africa about cross·bor.der raids aimed ,aq black guerrilla bases ln Mozam-· bique and Botswana. 'I WHILE CLEARLY taking sides in Rhodesia, the (.;.S. keeps, bands off the continuing civil war· In Angola between the Marxist· government (not even re·' cogniied by Washington) and an·· ll·government guerrmas. The fact that Congress prevented' meaningful U.S. help for the gov- emme11t In neighboring Zaire against insurgents Invading from Angola ls now considered pro-· videnlial by the administration. • The new policy thus becomes clear: support for black armed efforts lo dislodge the last white' mlnonty footholds in southenf' Africa; non-involvement in bat:: tles between blacks anywhere on the continent. Thi• results in t; .s. support tor black Communists against whit~ non ·Communists <as rn Rhodesia) instead of insist.en~ on peaceful settlement; neut.r:al:1 ty in st..ruggles between blaCK Communists and black non- Commlmists (as in Angola~. The doctrinal authority cited' for this policy Is Presiden~ Carter's declaralior. at thll University of Notre Dame Ma~ 23 that "we are now free of that inordirate fear of Communism which once led us to embrace an~ dictator who joined U l!i In our fear." : He kpows that hi' published : view that Mr. CarWr's plan to : withdraw troops WOUid lead to : war In North Korea mad\' it im· · possible Cor him to carry on as : chief of staff or the American : military commtUKl in Kotea. AT nRSr, tbe Presid«mt was . just plaln angry &hat Gen. Singlaub's heresy appeared on the front 1>aee of The Wa.sb.IQitOD Post, all tn quotes attributell to the general. Moreover, the general atld that the Carter Administration never asked the U.S. military command In Korea for lta opinion on withdrawal. When officers asked Washington for an ex· planation of withdrawal plans. they got no anawer. the general sald. "We have not beard any ra- tionale. we have not beard any re.ason given.'' Gen. Slnglaub said. "lt is making ou.r job~ ttemely dif6cult. •• Now Gen. SUWaub la a combat man, not a diplomat, o.r a pollUcally miftded of fleer, say, like Gel. Al~ander Haig. He betleves that somflthln1 bas goae wrong in the cor:omunlc.atJoos between the U.S. coamand in Korea and W88blutGD• and that a bad judgment hUbeen made. Her Maj esty's Not Powerful But She l s Ve ry, Very R ich THEREFORE, in the case al Angola, this means the enemy ol our enemy ls no longer our friend. But this also entaJls ho~ that victorious armed Marxi.stj in Africa can be induced to turf\ away from Moscow towarlf Washington. as cold war rf!J visloDlsts have always claimed that Ho Chi Minh and Fidet Castro would have done had thef been given ball a chance ,, Mr. Carter soon learned &bat : the general claJms tbat be bad ; 1ranted the interview on a back· : tround, no attrtbu'1on, basis, and : WU Oabbercasted when his ; name and views got into print. • If Gen. Shi&laub was : ''sandbagged," aa his deleGders say. il still makes no dltferen~e. Though he did not crlUclze the President or even hts pa an (be of. · fered an analytical statement>. : Gen. Sinelaub's effectlveneas in f • carrying out Mr. Carter'• POiicy. and also in neeotlatln& wlth thd 1 North Koreans, la shot. I I I I I I I t ! I ROMANTICS MA.Y tr)' to make this episode into an<Kher Truman-MacArthur ellcounter, but Lt really isn't. MacArthur stood up in the mid· die of a war and espG\LSed pollcy contrary to Presid~t Truman's and •anted all of the United I raw. __ llEllBB8 8 OF the House Armed Sen1ces Committee \ID· derstood this after they beard tum testify, and many now feel that Mr. Certermfptbaveerredwltb bis Withdrawal=· The same sentiment If also I expressed by ~ataaodRe,PUbllcamln the Senate. The prestdetlt went out of bi• way INt Week to reaffirm Amertcan 'tOmmltment to South Korea's security, saying it was "undeviating and atauncb." -American lntelllsence. air power and Navy ships wUt TrYbur to explain the Queen of Engf ancl is rather like trying to explicate •be mysteries of the Holy Ghost, or why money is ac- cepted as " symbol of value. She is a my<Mry rooted deep in the British rbar a~ter. • Now thBt she is celebrating ber 25th year '\t the job, there ~i s much polltlc'al tb.eolosy in tft'e British '-pr.!_SS. MOit of 'Vllt-severly uncriUcal. Kaodlng U.e mooarc=la not tom a JouraU1 does with lm· punlty. as Malcolm Muagerid&e learnecl Ill the outset or the pre- sent QuHn's.regtme. Wbo ts the present QueeaT lbere la ooe remarkable tb1fti about her. She Is the first Brttil' ruler since 1714 who bas bid Brltah blood in her veins: 'This 1he aeta from the Queen Mum, a Scott.l.sb lass named Elilab«b Bowea-L.Yon before abe married Oeoflt:'Nl. She 11 lt8J. with us. pd fJouriStlln1. J;lliabeth IJ II nrmb' ln the KaOOY«tan u.no; lhiN1b lts name bu tMiert eban1ect • c:ou,ple ol UP'e•. The Hanovera succeeded to tbe £nlllab throne by tbe Act ot Settlemmt of 1701, throulb a clatm bued on detcent fr'Oe l•m•I. J'rom the Ume of the flnt Oeorc• <ln4) .Brtt.aln bid been -.. CHARLES McCABE ruled by Germans. with hardly a complaint about it, save maybe in the case of the langoid aesthete, George VI. The lat.e Duke of Windsor was often heard to say, with a klnd or boyish glee, that be didn't have an ounce of En111sh blood ln his veins, which was true. DESPITE the reality that she has, in ract, presided over the li· quidallon or the BrttJsb empire, the Queeo ls •till known as Her Most Excellent M ajuty EllJabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kln1dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and ol ber Other Realms and Territories. Head of the C'ommonwealtb, Defender of the Faith, Sovereten ol the British Orders of Knighthood. That Elizabeth rules Britain ls an elaborate ficUon. fully un-derstood by her subject.a. Sbo ~otemnly talka about "my aov· ~mment." Every Royal COm· miallon bectoa with th• Queen sayln& "No..., Kn"' Ye tbat We, repotlnc thll trust and con· lldetu.(e Ill ~our knowled(e aDd abl\l\1.' .. ' Every le1l1l1Uve act J>uin1i "Be it enacted bY tM Que n'• 1DOtt £1cellent K-1e1\,y .•• • Tbe reality Is bflttJr de· acrlbed by o.ocae OrwoU. •1n a dictatorship the power and glory belong to the same persoo. In England the real power belonp to unprepossessing men In bowler bats; tbe creature who rtdea in a gilded coach behind soldiers in steel breast·plat.es is really a waxwork. It ls at any rate possible that while this division of !unctions exilts a Hitler or a Stalin cannot come to power." The Queen ia an almighty ex· pensive luxury. She recently asked for and was eranted without a whimper, a 19 percent waee increase. Tb1s brinp ber income up to 1,665,000 pounds a year, or S2.81S3.800~ Sbe pays no tu• the other ro)'als pay at a rate decidedly below that of Ot'> dlnary people. NO ONE lmowi exocUy bow rtcb Elizabeth ls, but she ls sure: ly one d the richest women ln the world. One estimate puta her personal fortune at ~ mJJUoo pounds, or $8& million. The Crown is the second blgcest Jandbold«hlBrtlain, With 1821313 acres in England. 85,290 ln Seotlaed Ind rich city propen.lel. ' This portentous shift ln poll~ deserves more public debati than it has been given. Ce~ Andy Youn& Is not a loose cant non, aa waa widely thought Washtngtoa a few weeks a Rather, his January slat.em over television that he fear racism much more than Co munism has been elevated in U.S. strateay, u departUtt fro over 30 years of pollcy with f reachlnC lmpUcaUoo.s for this Uon 's course In tbe world. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT \ &bby Berosini treats his rare performing oraagutans like members of his own family. and ~year-old Popi rewards him with a kiss. The Tampa, Fla .• animal trainer says it took him four years to get a response from the animals, but they now dance and perform stunts on cue. In addition to Popi, bis troupe includes Speedy, 10, and Toga, 9, Booze Powder Dream Looms SEATI'LE <AP> -It's a powder much like thole which tum Into soft drinks or juice when you add water-but this powder could make a powerful martial. Federal and state severnment officials say the JN>Wder JIQ't legal now. But Investors here and in Portland, Ore .. hope to eet approval to market it in pouches that wtll produce popular cocktails, beer and wine. "PEOPLE AllEN'T GOING TO expect Mouton Rothschild out of a sack, but they won't be disa· pointed," says Mike Hill, a Seattle public relations man and marketing chief for Global Martteting Services. •'One ol my dreams haa been to open a package like Kool-Aid and beer com&s out ol it.·· SATO FOOD INDUSTRY CO., located near Nagoya, Japan, bolds patenta oo the process wh1cb traps alcohol in the powder form. Sato aaya the raw powder contains up to 30 percent alcohol by wetpit. Sato has sold the powder in Japan as an 8d· diUve, used in jelly, chocolate aod foods enhanced by a liquor taste. Tbe Japanese say they baven-i used the powder for beverages because liquid liquor is readily available. Pension to Count Military Service WASHINGTON (AP) -Veterans must receive credit for the time they spent In military service when private employers calculate pension benefits, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled unanimously. The court. in an opinion Monday by Justice Thu.rcood Me.nhall, said a worker's pension credits enjOy the same leaial protections as do Job seniority and aalary levels. THE RULING APPUES ONLY to veterans wbo were employed by a company prior to their en-"1 into the military. It does not require companies to provide pension benefits for military time to •mployes who are hired after lbe1r discharge. The jmtices upheld a decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that World War II veteran Raym<DI E. Davis, now retired after 32 years with the Alabama Power Co.. ls entiUed to a lqer penaioo than the company at first provided. DAVIS. WHO SERVED INTRE military from March lM3 to October 1945, did not have that time computed aa company service when rus pension was cllculated. Therefore, his monthly pension benefits totaled $198.9~ Instead of the $218.08 he would have received if given credit for thole two ye an. \ AUTO COLLI.I STUDIMT • '168 taM•LI OYll H • • PBTIAI MlAll1 CAP> -Hli bualneli ea.rd read.a "Ex.· ;'t. ~ MaUovlcb." Jl'• the ''ex" that leUi bJa 1fory. Two f! n •10. MaUovtch wa Ill Air Force ~-'Wtth u ~~ ra of lfl'Ylce and three tours ol Vlttnam MlllilllJUm. Now a partUme realdent of Miami, be'a • .._r ot the Dade County Coalition for H-.. .~i,!blc-ii tlthtlna to keep 4 hOtllolaUll ~It"' oe the books. nl& t.\W, ENAC,UIMl'Juaary, was be· lq ~-bl a •PfdaJ ~today. It prohibita 1-IDI lftd .,nplo~IDt cUie'tmi.utlon based on ~~· MllUiMlh. 33.-pllled~ wblidty 1n 197$ whea lie tO&d tbe Air l'oret---... lSe wu a bomosex· ual. 1111 ~·•• oa UM cover of ~ mM and .Ht .. M* m ....... ne, pubUCltJ~'dled down. but be ta aw1 :ftibtlnl bk dlKberce W1det the mllltai'Y'• ban on bomosexuall. The cue 11 pendlnl 1n the u .s. Court or Ap- ~·I. "Road! could open up that are cJ<IHd today," he aaid of hla struaJe. MaUovlch, who had said MATLCMCM durint the initial a tag ea or hi.a batUe that be felt un· comfortable In the role of a symbol for gay llbera· tion and wanted only to be permitted to stay in the Air Force, bas spent the last two years 1peakln1 out on gay rights before heterosexual groups around thenaUon. "AB LONG AS THERf; ls'buman suffering, I'll be in the middle of the figbt, •• aald llatlovlcb, who dlvidea bis time between Wuhlnlton and Miami. His "coming cut" radically cbanged his Ufe, said Matlovicb, the son of an Air Force sergeant~ "But I have no relt'eta. My family was ~ked at flnt. but now we're cloeer than ever. Before, I could only share part of my Ufe and nature with them. Now I'm sharing fully." TODAY'S COUNTY-WIDE referendum became necessary after a group Jed by singer Anita Bryant rounded up enoutb petition sipatures to force the county commission to either strike the law or putit to a vote. The commlulon choee the elecUoo. triggering a campaip or bumper 1Ucken and •lolaned T· shirts. Opponents of the Jaw include many religious leaden, inchJdtng the Roman Cathol1.c church. Backen of the law call it a human rights issue and btlv.e received support froro a mixture of prominent psycblatrists and celebrities. "I WAS RAISED IN AN envtrooment of people like Anita Bryant," Matlovtch said. "Because of that, I bed a distorted image oltnyaelf. I don't want otbentoll'OW up with that.. too." So Matlovtch cnnt.lnuestospeak out. "Someday," beaatd, .. we'lhrtn." NATIO~AL. llG#£1TE c.o. BANGKOK, l'fbailaad (AP) -A Tbal laborw accused ot raptni a t.. year lid lltl and tMo killiai.ber Yfith a pltchtOl"k 'Collal)Md and ctr.cs d\u'tDI a~t~tbec~~ reported. They attributed tbedeatb~S.wney Uahmltr .. •· to a eomblQatioll of •hock and tbe effects of a pro&onctd faat. Sawney, wbo POiice Nici *'· mitted ldlUn8 the eirl, had not eaten alnce he wu arrested severll days •10. We're having a real New England Clam Bake Sunday through Thun<iay nights. Join us at an oceap•view table for New England clam chowder, steamed clams~ whole Maine Lobster, com-on•the-cob and fresh pop- overs ••• just $14.9S for two. It\ an extraordinary value, like everything on Maxwell's menu. The restaurant prides itself on serving more varieties of fresh fish than any other restaurant in Southern California .. The wine list is truly e,.:cep- tional.:. over 200 wines, all from our great California winemakers. The critics are raving about Maxwell's-you'll understand why when you enjoy our New England Clam Bake. MAXWll[ SEAFOOD RESTAURANT At the Pier in Huntington Beach Call (714) 536-2SS5 Dance at Fuffy's Disco from 10 pm . --~~~~~~~~~~.;.....~~--~~--~..,..-..,..-~--~....;..-.--~~------~~~~-:------:-~~~ PWMllM~ HIATIH6 AJICOMD. '""'" ..... .. _ ..... ..._," "'°"' 4 .. .-QI lill1'8ION VIEJO tt1tt c.-ea-"•"" ~u..qi,t.w, •••• ," .. , 495-0401 COSTAMl!SA ,.,.......,.., 911/d 51 I.I< 443-1753 4t~ Due to the recent cloelhg of our branch •tore, Dav11-8rown hat a large quantity of exOIM merchandiae. Our main store la now overstocMd, our warehoua& I• butgtng, and tn order to trlm our 111Y8fttory. we're havtng • con90fidatton sale. If you're planning tt-e purchaae of any major appliance In the next 6 months. now la the time to uve. HelW a ... fult a few examples of the big bargains avallable during this Mle. Don't delay-this sale la for l week only. COLOIDll • •• 19'' (diagonal) •o•s3nn oaY. !f;.,7 ( It H~ WU lh e IUY who bummed a c11ar1ttt from her at the Ambnu dor Hotel nlne ,.,.,. •IC> MOl\day nlaht, Just before Slrban -aclin1 on his own or whh un~nown ac- complic• -a11111lnated Seo. Ro.,. rt f'. Kennedy. A JonsUme pollUcel worker. •h• played baby titter for the Kennedy children two day1 before, while \.b pre.idcoUal candidate and wUi appeared at the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival HE f\'S A VIVID memory o( that night long befo~-met. "Sirhan wu kind of shaky wtien he asked if I had a ciearette," 11he recalls, • · u e seemed nft'VOUS." ··After he 1.00k lhe ciaarelle, he went back to a croup of ~ 1uys -he made (our -and a girl. She was wearlllg a dark, patterned dress. It wasn't neceuar1ly navy blue with white polka dots, but maybe a flowered print." This waa the notorious Girl in the Polka Dot Di'W who lbid•ot cluim ran fNm U\ pantry co~ ridor Jubilantly ch nUn1. •·we cot blcn .•. we tot him .•• '' TRE FBI TOLD THE wtlnesses there was no tirl ln a POlk• dot dra and my wlfe was one ol lhoH lhey told, 1u1Seatln1 lt would be best to forget aueh a R1menl of th• hnaslnation. One ol the oOier points authorities have stated n the aocmlotlY cndlcsa series of lnvutiaatioos and 1pecut.tlon111 that RFK's fatal walk through lhe pantry rorr\dot wu a lut-mlnutedetour. "We knew about ll for hours ahead of lime ' ", h)'I my wife, who ~plains Kennedy's walk- throu.ah ltinotar)' wa catref'ully planned for quite ob vlou1 poUUcal reason,. STATE SVPT. OF PUBLIC Education Max RufCerty wu runnJoe for the. U.S. Senate-and also preHnt with supporters at the hotel -and RFK backers did not want the two diametrically opposed polllicluJUI to aee each other or be seen together. My wife remembers lhe gunaholl as Sirhan cmpUed h11 rat.her puny Saturday Night Special in the midst of the gala crowd. ''You know how you pop baJloons with a clcareUe?" she explains, "Well, nobody thought a thln1 about the popping noises at first. They always do that at part.Jes. . . Then, the horror that seemed for a rew years to be becoming a new American political tradl(ion - murder -became evident. 1 SAT UP MUCH OF t.he night listening to the radio. wonderin& about thln1s. Th"at is part of a newsman's job. ' NaturalJy, I wiis intrigued JUSt re<:ently when Sirhan summoned supervisors Baxter Ward - himself a former newsman -and Kenneth Hahn, Woman Held as Bandit Criminal complaints are being drawn against a woman police believed to be Orange County's Ban- dana Bandit, who donned a different-colored scarf every lime for as many as 14 armed robberies. Carol Ann Mllonevich, 32, was viewed Monday afternoon in a lineup conducted at Orange County Jail by victims of armed robberies throughout the county. Huntington Beuch police, remains in county jail ln lieu of $50,000 bail with six counts of armed robbery already filed by the Orange County District At- torney's Office. MISS MILONEVICK, WHO Huntmgton Beach Detective Di ck Nolen alleges is the petite stickup artist who wore a matching scarf ensemble in most holdups, was arraigned In court last Friday. The petite brunette, captured six days ago by Deaths Elsewlwre The Baodana Bandit's trademark usually was ' a matching scarf on her head and a kerchief .wrapped around her hand lo conceal what appeared to be a p1st..ol, police said. Miss Milonevich was talcen into custody at West Orange County Judicial District Court. last Wednes- day based on a Up lrom Garden Grove police. OXFORD. England <AP) -Sir J o ba Mutennaa, 86, 1'hO masterminded the sabotace of Germany's spy system in Britain during World War II. died Monday at an Ox· ford nursing home. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Funeral services for Jane OUver, 46, of the Jane Oliver Manage- ment Co., will be held in New York City. Ms. Oliver, who died Friday of cancer, operated the company with ber husband Valentine Sherry. She was the personal manaf e r or Sy Ivester Sta lone. Per ry King, Chris and Su san Sarandon and others. SANTA MONICA (AP) -Funeral services ror musician Tom Powers, Death Notlre• who died Wednesday of a brain bemol'Thaae, were to be held in-Santa Monica. Powers, 61, died o( the hemorrhage after a fall at bis home. INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. (AP> - Enaeat C. Oberbolber, 93, noted conservationist and naturalist, died at a nursing home here Mon· day. CA1'1 8RIDG E . England IAP > -Prof. Archibald Vivian Hill, 90. winner or the Nobel Prl'Ze for physiology and medicine in 1922. died in his home Friday. MONTEREY CAP) - Ruth K~esun Moy Kin, 79, a nurse who received the .Medal or Freedom in 1951 for aiding United States intelligence forces in China during World War II. died Thursday. D~tla Netl«!e• 001 RMAN S.rvl<U Wiii "" h<!ld Wtd., JU<I• •• SAMUEL OOEAMAN, rHlcHnl 01 II OOAM, Paclll< View Cl\b~I. 1n10r· NtWP0'1 h•<ll, C•lllornl•. PUH<I m•nl Pacific VltW tU..-1.1 P•rk •w•v J.,... •· 1u1. $41rvlv..S II'/ II" wue Pe<llk v~w Mortu••Y olre<:ION. J ...... 00.r,,_, NtwPO<I ... ,11. ca. CRUM ""0 \Oft J•ll Ode<man. LeQUn• Hiii•, PHYL.LIS CRUM, r~idfnt 01 Coll• Ct Funer&f w"'lcet ••• l>fn<llnq •I "'""· C•ilfo<nla. P .. ud eway Ju"• 4, Smllll TUlflflt url\ll MOflu•rv C0\141 1911. Gr1w11a. •~•I<•• wlfl be 11ete1 on MeH ......... W•CI .. Junt •• 10'00AM •t Holy COLE 5ePuftller Cem9tory. Smllll Tullllll FA1'NKLIN 0 . COLI! SR .. rt•IC!enl l.amb MortUMV, CO\la ~ .... dirt< ol SmyrN, Oelewor• PHHO •••V tors ~ June l , 1'17. Survl...Ot>v llltwll• Ed<le, •OaNEl'ELO \OM Fr•""11n O. Colt Jr., Ntwpor\ BERTHA tlOENEFELO, re .. dtnl ol B•e<h, Ce -RlcNrd All.., Cole, Newport 11 .. cll, C•llfornl•. Pineo Cl•ylon, Otl. SI• oret1d<hlld••11. ewo JUM 1, 1•n Sunriwd by ,,.r $trv1<u...., h'lenne<\t lo be ,,.,Cl 111 d e uollter Beryl Winn, Nortll Smyrn•. Del ..-ar.111111 Cllrt<ton, Noll...-. CAI •• 1on Growr 1100-....it ld, lltll llrO.OW.y MiWtu«y. Cotta Mew c 0 I.. M. I.. c. • ,. 0 H '• 11 WAT••s 9rend<l\lldrtn In tie.. ol llOW9N, -fRl!OERtCI( N,t.THAN WATERS, hOM mey be ..._ lo your 11.0rllt •Hldtnl of Col'GnA *'MU Cellfe(ni.. ChU•IY. Arren~mtnls DY N91>IUN P .. ..a ,,..y J..,. s. "71 SvrvfYff by Society, 1111r1e1 ~,... 1111 wllt o.u1e. 1111er Terrie ...,,Int. a1.aa10HT SHE WAS AT THE courthouse for a conference with her probation officer regarding a previous criminal conviction, Detective Nolen said. Taken into custody al the &ame time was Guy Lynn Marshall, 33, who police believe was the male accomplice occasionally seen drlvin1t the Bandana Bandit's getaway car. Speciallztng In fast food outJet.s and lee cream parlors, the Bandana Bandit hit a Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors Ice Cream Store in Huntington Beach and a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet in Corona del Mar recently. POLICE IN THOSE CITI ES have filed charges against Miss Mil onevich, as have authorities in Garden Grove and Buena Park where the four loca- tions were robbed. A third person known to~ involved in the Hunt- ington Beach ice cream parlor stickup -a man seen seated m the rear of the getaway car -is still sought by police. HAVE YOU WRITTEN A BOOK? A publisher's editorial representati\•e wilt be interviewin1 locul authors In a quest for finished manmcrlpt.s suitable for book publication by Carlton Press. roe .. welJ.fcnown New York subsidy publishing Orm. All subjects will be considered including fiction and non fiction. pootry. drama. r~llglon. philosophy, etc. He.will be in Santa Ana in J uly. H you huve ('Ompleted a book·length manuscript (or nearly ~o l on any si.abject. and would like a professional' appraisal (without cost or obligation l. please wrlle Immediately describing your work. State which part. or the day Ca.m. or p.m. l you would prefer (Ol" an appointment and kindly mention your phone number. You will receive u conlirmatlon by mail for a definite Umc and place. Authors with completed manuscripts unable to appear may send them directly to lhe address. below for a free ("eudlnt and evaluation. Authors whoae lllerary works are still In progress may also write. · Alan F. Pater 195 South Beverly Drive • Beverlv Hills. California 90212 Tel. (213l 271-3350 announcint he wou'd tell what actual)y happen ni.lle years •IO lutnt1bt. We know what occurrtd. obviously. but we wonder who and wl'lal forces Jed up to the RFK u - ausln Uoo. foUowln• by five yean the JFK as- SH•lnaUon. My wife wasn't really s urpnsed when, after literally calling a press confe~ce to spill the beana, Sirhan s uddenly had an attack of amnesia about that ueriea of events nine years ago Monday night ... "rrS KIND OF LIKE tryina to find eut what ; • #', ,. ------------I THE TWO FILET MIGNON AND i !!~!~~!~~~/} ~~ BAKED=SHRIMP I Don't mi~:-. the lrtlln' ~lcp .U>O.\rd th. ~)th c~nllll) Li1rnh.'CI tor a unique dining cx~rtl'n\:l' for l\\O. ~trull thruugh r.~§11~.-:. I ycstcl')car':-. mc1norubiliu Ulxl <l11lC on 1\,·o Filct ,\\1~\Un ,mJ~b;~~~~~~~~t\'~~~~ I &kL><l Stuffo<l ~Immµ u1nm:r:-. "'di\ clLwnt. µri\·ut~ dining mr I Your two dinner.. will ell~ mdu<le vegetdbk du 1our. nu:\.OO·W°'--cn I salad. fresh rclish tray~ l.>reod and butler. • I On-the -Mall at South Coast Plaza Near the Carousel I on the First Level. For reservations call: 540-8822 L O ffer l!ood seven days a week (excluding holidays) • • -• ----- -• Offerexp1""'June30,t977. • ---------- CALIFORNIA FIRST ·BANK I • l t I \ ' . ) . . .........._ l checking with $100. i Minimum Balanc GOOD TlilNGS HAPPEN IN CALIFORNIA FIRST Arlt 1•1114tr Ro SM .... Ptllll ERNEST Al llAIGHT. •••MMlll ol Cos•• Mnl Celll«nl• P•u.., ••n --====================~==~ -:;;:::=====;::::;:;;:;;:-J-S 1'117 on Or'-CA. Survived bY - California First Bank makes good things happen every time you write a check Because just $100 in your per- sonal account entitles you to free checking. No monthly service charge; no individual check charges. And 1f your balaflce should drop below the mm1mum, the charge IALn.tM•llOt4 PUMIULHOMI Corona del Mar 673'-9450 Coeta Mesa 848-2424 •LllOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 8ro1dw11y Costa Mesa 842-9150 SMnM l\ITMU. UMI WISTCUflP CHANL 427 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa • &46-4888 Santa Ana Chapel 518 N. Brotldway SanlaAna • 547-4131 rtlACI ltlOTMllS SMmfS' MOlTUAAY 627 Main St Huntington Bea.ch 53H539 ,.. ..... ll, COLO..AL PVHIUl HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave We1tmm1ter 893-35i& 'AClfltC YllW MINOatAL,All Cemet~ Mortuary Chao.I 3600 P1c1f1c View Df'lve Newi>Ort C.1tforn1a 844·2~ M&CCMtMfCI MOITU•lllS l.aguna Beach 494.g4,5 Laguna Hiiis te&-0933 =~---­San Juan Cap11trano 4G5 1771 " M1 wife MU!nt AlbrlQllt, C0\11 Mew C•.. 11~,;q111..-Phyllts lluford, Cost• Mu•. Ce . si11er llt rlll• JOl\nsen. MIWW..,._ S.rvlcH will bt ... Id on-.. Junt' •• ?·:JOPM •I Sti'llll T11U1ilf L.emO ~11<flff Chal>fl, 'f7 e. 11111 St. c.ta MHI, Cl. Fr1-s f'l'llY c.11 •J Ille S!\'1411\ TutMI L.emb OKI•, Me .. Mot-..V on r...._, Jun. 1 from 11,00l'lawo 1111 t :OOPM. lf'l~I wllll De 11 H.-R"t c;.,,,.1e,.,, Coolt Mtl" 5"111111 Tulhlll Ulmb COfla MIN Mortuerv 41irttton.~ CONNER l!LllERT J. CONNER, rHICltlll of Sant• ""'· Celllornl• Posed ••IY Jun• 6, lt77. Survlwd bY 1111 Soni l!lbtrl J, Conner Jr .. s.nt• Ana, Ce, •n<I Robtrl 0. Conner, LtmOll Grow. C1., dlllQllte< Ellrebetll I/ • ...-non. Pico "'-•• ea.. two orlfldc1111<1rtn 111d four orut•ore,.dd•lldrtn. Gra ... \ldt *"'ces wOI be lleMI °" l"fl .• Junt 10, ll:OOAM, Mlol•~ l>•r• C.1'1411"'V ........ ~ ~.1 c.. ...... ~.dlf11Cton For the Record 81rtlu fl'OUtrtAllt VAU.IY COMMll•ltY MOSl'l~A~ Mey1 .. 'lm Mr. ll•CI Mr\. lllllt'1 ...... l{J 6tn Cl\f1tlY Ot ••... ...,._ a.0<11 Qlrl Mr. a...i Mr1 w111~ Ottarov 101S1 ll oorre c1n1e. "-'•'" V•H•v t lrt -.t1.1m Mr. t'ICt Mn-,._,., llr-. 1'1'1 autlJ'tl.-.~lfltton9ffell lief M r •"" ~ MichMI Owe<>\, '222 OMla Aw .• w.trn11"1w. ~y ~1··"" Mr ll'lt Mn. Clff..,_ Jen•'· tMO ( .. ~A ... , W..IMl""~, boy M-."·"" Mr, tllCI M~ "911t Pl•tua, tHt 5'ifnllQ,_.Ol'T'H\lnl~el'lkall,llOV I ......... ,, I Mr tl'll Mr'\ ~ WlMll, 1•1•1 84111t!llN tA11t. Hllfltl"9tffl .. acll, ... y ·~---,...lJ;"" Mr, ll'lt M" ""'•11' f'l\I. •1n 01111r1419t. W..mt~ttf,..., M~ *"'Mr'-Wllll-Ol""i.111, SU 1•111~ ....... '"""" ... "·•11 t COST~ MESA OFFICE 230 E 17th St. 714/tM2· 1660 DANA POINT OFFICE 24671 \.a Pina 714/49fr1293 HIJHTlllJT ON llEACff OFF ICES ' 17122 Beach Blvd. 714/847-11681 IRVIHl OfACES 17951 MacArthur Blvd /14/549-9'°1 2001 Michelson Ori.ve 714/833-311t- is just 75q that month. plus 7q per check. So make $100 work really hard for you-at any of over 100 statewJ de offices of California First Bank. And remember, free checking is just one way we're proving that good things do happen in California First. ,.1.,m1>w roK M ·Th 10AM -5PM F IOAM-6PM M· Tti 9AM-5PM F 9AM-6PM M·Th 10AM-5PM F fOAM • 7 30PM M·lh 10AM-f>PM F 10AM • 7 3QPM M· Th lOAM -3PM F 10AM -6PM -1 M-Th830AM·5PM I ... \tI I F 8 30AM. 6PM ... -· M-Th 8 30AM·5PM F 8 30AM-7 30PM M· Th 8 30AM -SPM F 8 30AM· 7 30PM M ·Th 9AM • IOAM 3PM-5PM r ~~~~~~?-BE~s llottea Plants INTERSTATE20, Tex· as <AP>-lt mieht not b&Ya been just wbat Pr9lldlllt Carter 9d ln mlDd. but aomeciiie de- clded to conaerve f\M1 bJ atea.llnl W bo.Ults from 1uoliaM pumpe aloDi • !SO-mile ltMcb ot th1a hll.bway IA We.n Taas. t • ( NO FAULT LOVER'S L!EAP L. M. Boyd Turtle Meat ... Taste's Smne When Ol'dering turtle for dinner, it doesn't matter whether you ask for the Ueht meat Or· the dark meat. You can't taste the difference. Fish cough . Tbe less pollution In the alr around rou. the deeper you naturally breathe. A1'd the more slowly you 'breathe, too . The filtering mechanisms or nose. bronchial tubes, lungs tighten up and work harder when the dust rua, even though we're not usually conscious of any change. TM medicoes have proved that city people who spend two months vacation at the seashore increase their lung capacity considerably without even thinking about it. AGE35 A Los Angeles hair stylist, now retired, says he doubled his business some yean aeo by posting a sign in his window to announce that he'd thenceforward decline to cut the balr- Don't Need More Water WASfllNGTON CAP> -The Department of Health, Education and WeUare bu a well are procram for it.a potted plant.I, 10 please don't interfere b¥ t.rytnc to help tbem thl"'OUCb volun· tary acti()n. So II.YI a brief memo to employes ln KCW'a r tary Joupb A. Califano Jr.'a omce from the tecretary's ex· ocuUve o'llctr and aomelime- bodyauard. 'l'bomu L. Johns. ADDRESSED TO £MPLOYES in the lmmedlate office of the aecretary, the memo aald: "Subject: Waterin1 of Plaota "Please do not water the ,Plants in your ornces. They ar:e undet • main· tenU\ce contract and wUl be t.aken care of properly.'' lt teesm some ottice atalfeff had been waterln1 the large tropical- ap_pearinl plant.a, aucb as cotn·stalk dracaena and acbt{fiera, near their deaka. THESE FREE·LANCE eardeners didn't know the waterine duty is done by a private firm working under con· tract with the· General Services Ad· ministration, the aeency which main· lain.a federal bulldines. Employea of the firm tend the plants after reeular workine hours. They recently found that the plants had been watered by someone else. And thatled to Johna' memo. "More house plants are killed by drowning than ever dled from thirst,'' said one horticulturist when informed of the agency's problem. A GSA SPOKESMAN said the plants in question were placed as part. of the design of the new HEW head· Suit Filed In Silicone Implanting Bill Supported On Kiddie Porn SACRAMENTO (AP) -Ffoduction or distribution of pomograpbic film.a using children would be a felony UD· der a measure sent to t.!b Senate floor. Sen. Robert Presley (D·Rlveraide), said his bill puts the ptoposed new an,. ll ·pornograpby controls in California's child laboti law rather than obscenity laws becauae "thil ii the best way, the simplest way to con· trol it without getting into a lot of First Amendment compllcatlon1." By a 12..0 vote Monday, the Senate Finance. Committee approved the measure after very brief debate. TACOMA, Wasb. <AP> -Police and county 1berltr• cara raced to the racu of a mua•mina· ty ddennlned OD aule!de. The man, dresaed ln a business suit, was report- ed leanial over a rallln1 cm the Tacoma Nanon Bridge. • The apparent suicide turned out to be the superviJor ol a crew painUna Lile brldp. For fast relief from that run down feeling ... . call us hrn. take a First N1tioMI Auto L09n, and go directly to your dealer! That's all there Is to IL Upon eppoval ci a Sll'llple credit appl\catlon. we'll loan youupto80%olthepur· -~~.a chase P'i~ or any new car you chocM. lndud· lng~al~...-:~ And here's a bonus: Sin~ MAJNOFACE At the Plaza in downtown Orange COSTA MESA: Mesa Verde & Adams JRVINE: University Dr. & Michelson Or LAGUNA HlllS: Alicia Parkway & San Diego Freeway • of any women over age 35. He just did it u a joke, he says, thinking numerous mlddle·aged ladies would enjoy being seen in an uoder-35 establishment. But It actually worked. A lot more fortylsh females started showing up. PHILADELPHIA (AP> - A Philadelphia woman baa filed a '20,000 ault in federal court chargin1 that she received deceptl ve silicone breast implants in a 1974 operation. Mary Ann O'Ma&ee al· lei"d in her suit that a gel implant manufac· tured by the Heyer Schulte Corp. of Goleta. Calif .• ruptured and then disappeared. . • A certain computer al the Stanford ~esearch Institute is a chauvinistic pig. It reg· 1sters and reacts to the spoken words of men, but not ot women. Few reallie that the continent of An- tarctica ls almost ea bll as Soulb America. BLABNEYSTONE = Q. "What kind ef atone ls the real Bl•T.ftey stone?" • Deflrite an operation ·tut year, accordln1 to tomplaint, 20 percent •~k:'.'::':·~~&~';: A. Limestone. The speed ol a crtct. in a broken glass is about a mile a second, typlcally. If the prptnostici.tora are ri8h(, tbe suicides in thia counb'7 dudna the next u months will outnumber1he murders by about 25,000to16,000. silicone remains tn body and continues cause occasional .•welling. The suit char1ed Schulte Corp. wltb ftejllgence for alleged faulty dai&n of the lm· . Addr~as maJl to L. • BoJ,d, P n. Boz 1560. Co3ta Mtta, CA 92626 plJnts Jnd improper Acl:jLi .. telJ,lng •before the pro-[;;'.~ ;, . duct was released on the .market. wa11,,.er' to gq IMPORTED WALLPAPER BAZAAR Exotic 0.1lgn1 From Around th• World ......... .. •THE ORIENT •ENGLAND •WEST GERMANY •AUSTRALIA •CANADA -· 1,200 PAlTHHS ON DISPLAY• 30,000 ROUS IM STOCK See an exciting collection of unique wallpaper designs from around the world •.. All displayed on easy-to-view wall panel• •.. All In stock for Immediate delivery ... And all priced to save you morel We are direct Importers. Our buyers search the world over for special purchases. We buy In huge quantities to take advantage of volul'ne dlscounta. Since we buy for less ... we can sell for less. Shop and compare, then come to Wallpapers To Go for real savings! Or•• Cloth•, Tnlvr• end Cofb from Ille Ori.n1. Coms>M• el-here ., $22.50 10 su.oo. Ouraton Vtnrl• from Auttralle. Compare el1-here at M H . H~ Vlnylt ,...,.. Enofand. Compe<t tlM'#tltrt tt 19.H . lnttrMIJefttl Vlftyte frem QeNlde. Compare •1-h rt al 17.M to 112.15 Plckherdl • Sltbtn Vlnrl·Coaltd Papen Iron'! w"' Otrmtny COtnpart tlMwhtrt lll 11.15. MOllllY tACK eUAlll\NTll; HerHI W•H"r'' Ta O.w1 _...,.,,.,..,..,.lll'f ..... .-1tt.W1-... t-arll'll .. tl1Cla. OUR EVERV·OAY LOW PRICE ••••• S9.88 TO $12.88 OUR EVERY·OAY LOW PRICE ................. $4,88 OUR EVERY.OAY LOW PRICE ................. H .8" OUR EVE,.Y-OAY LOW PRICE ••••••• s.4.88 TO $9.81 "'" tO<OlE AOLl PEii SINGLE AOLl PU! JINGLE l'IOU , .... llNOLC lllOll OUR "'" EVERY·OAV llNOLI Low ll'R1ce ...... ••••• ••• • • • • ss.ea ~l OO..r'M0411111L'C:l.Mt l1ce•1l0tMlt.._. .... fl' ... ~-1Mi.'9!wn&•ltlet Tlll11_ HI_ t11ll!lo1hlertf l"4-"IO-..,..,. "'"""""'· ""•f1tll. tn-,. _,,, IH••-)W•, to 110011"''°""'--· ,,.c ...... M111 111<•'•1 •1 lfl e 111 a 112 m -• 11 I -.,..._ ·~ ' t •• Most of the electricity we generate is needed by factories, farms and offices-so people can make a living. The greatest demand for this electricity is dur- ing the day. You need electricity to run eppliance$ in your home, too. And the greatest demand for this electricity is also during"the day. . Here's the problem; ~cal(Sec of tho growing demand fQr electricity during the day, we'll have to build more power plants. And building power plants today is more expensive. That drives up the oostof electricity to everybody. Now there's s6met4ing we all can do to heJp: Spread the use of electricity more evenly around the clock. Edison is working Wlth large industrial cus· • tomers to help them fi.rid ways to shift lbme of their • .. I J ;) ·' ;tJfOAl Y PILOT • x::: Se~ '~IOlted~. Court Upholds Porno Ruling WA&IUN01'0N (AP) -Pqle Mll1ai pono. .,.._UI! ma1 be p1'0HC\lted for ot.olatt7 U _, IHUll Datu.rt OI UM fllmt, t.bt U.S. liOlllftllNCowt ha. nlltd. Tbe Justlc• vot.d M M*-y to VPhold tbe 1'" ~caa·11 convtnlon of RO)' Splawn of Redwood Cl· • Calli., wbo WU need to • daya in jail and . ed $1. for 1 JUnt two oon>osrl.Phlc movla to aa undercover pollctm&D. ATSPIA'WN'lftlA~ Jury wu lnltruet-. ed lb.Ill II the movl• b d "commercially es· plott.d" aad IOld "for tho 1ake ol pnu1eat appeal," I.bat could I.ad t.b m to a contluaiOn t.bat t.bt fUmawereobKmt. Splawn arl\Mld t.bat be merely told ~, ttuU. about tk fllma belna HXualJJ ~ocative ~t hi.a st.Maneut eboUld be ~ by b1I fne-- apeecb rtihb-. T'be leope oft.be court'a ru.llq WU not perfect!) clear. Tbe wordln& of the majority'• Qptn.lon seemed to Locllcate that the 1ale of noa-*cen• material could result in an obecenitJ ~vtctioD U the material were touted as "sexually ro· vocative.." • JV8'l1CE WILUAM e. &EBNQt11ST wrote t.be ·court'• majority opinion, which upbeld a 1968 de- ciiion reached by the court in the CUI of publisher Ralph Ginzbur1. Jn that declaion, the court said Gimburg's at-. tempts to advertise a publication by empba.sbl.QI its prurient appeal could be taken into account in deciding whether the pubUcati~ wu "omeene." · Rehnquist wu Joined by Chlel Justice Warren E. Burger and Justices Byron R. White, H&rl')' A. : Blackmun and Lewis F. Powell Jr. ' Justices William J . BreManJr., Potter Stewart, Thurgood Marshall and John Paul Stevens df.s. seoted. ~Pincher Placed on ·ProOOtion VANCOUVER, British Co lumbia CAP > - Achille Saccone got a . year's suspended sen· tence and probation for · pinchlng women's bot· toms on bw;es in British Columbia. Judge Kerry Smith told the 29-year-old Sac- cone in Provincial Court that his behavior was un· acceptable but that his indecent assault convic· lion May 12 was "at the low end or the scale.'' Police Detective Ken Stewart arrested Sac- cone on a bus April 25 after a number of women complained that a man who regularly rode the bus reached behind his back and touched their buttocks. "In some respects, the offense is out of propor- tion lo your activities, and it may be said that what you were doing on the bus wasn't t hat serious," Smith said. But the judge added, "The women were dJs- turbed, upset and insult- ed by your behavior." TRUSTER HAPPIER STORRS, Coon. (AP) -People wbo trust others are usually hap· pier and more honest, says a University of Con- necticut psychology pro- fessor. "The hilb truster is less likely to be unhappy, conflicted, or maladjust.- eel. He la lllted more and sought out u a friend more often," says Julian Roltff, who bas com- piled" the results of 14 years of research. Jeff Carter. son of' the president and a· geoarapby student at George Washington Unltersity, and his wife Annette are touring ruins in Mex- ico. D AR PAT: Who pays the costs ln- 'fOlved in Beuer Business Bureau wbltr1t1cm proceedings? o.c .• SanClemente fte edmllllatntlve ce1eta ol arbltra- U o a, laeladl"-I lnapec:Uoa aad teelulkal wl*8esia, are bone by the Better Bubaaa Bareaa, altboqla ID 10me cues a relmMlable perfonnance bond II nqalred to a11are &be pre- 1e11ee ol Putl• a.volvfd. Tbe coaa ot otlaer wttne.e., attorney1• tees, ud a traaac:rtpt or record of tile proeeed- ln11. 11 desired, are paid by the oae •be Heb llldt eitra sentces. ............... - DEAR PAT: I'm being driven crazy bJ amal}. black buts in my cereal and aplce cupboards. Spraying with an ln- aecticlde seems to kill them, but they're ript back again in no time. What can I do to get rid ol this pest N da Oka once and for all? eva Y8 L.B .• Newport Beach -W-·-Se La CcJebGI offlcMlr er meal moUal and . J. ~ X W8: putry beetlel mna with a thoroap CABSON CITY, Nev.· eleaalal ol dte storage area and dis· (AP> -A bill cbanglne· c;;• of lafeated food prodaeta. Nevada'• rape laws and t1ve cluta 0,r lmeeUeldes eontaln· 1crappln,1 a provtalon IDI aot more Uaaa Z percent whieb hatred acta other' ~Jalontue, % pereeat mala~ or t.s t.ban normal sexual in-· pereeet ~ are recommended. tercoune bet.ween men Wllea tbe treli&ed area dries and a1n and women wu •lined oat~)l,eo.erallelveswilbloll into law by Gov. Mlke .. ortreatedabelfpaper. 0 • C all a 1 b a n • Tb e Drt lood Ida c:u be a&ertllaed ID measure makes no' u owea ud tbe luee&a be killed by cbanee in the Jaw bar· beattq to Ht deoees for St mbndes rina ~act.a. or ut to UI desreea for .two boan. Spread ud stir foods •kllii .. ...,. Pat dl7 foodl la ~en ,..upt. nwa; Ucll, uc1 keep c....,. *7 and clea. Bay or n1emuy leHel pl.aced oa cleaa altelvea ... bOz ..,. alao aeema to keep um pat ••11· llore cletaUed lalormaU. la ew- talaed ID U.. booklet. .. Comm• Pu- try Peat1 aad Tlaelr Coatrel" <AXT-lt7), available from tie A&rlc:p)t:araJ Extemloa Senlee, tell S. Barbor Blvd., Aaallelm, CA 1Z815. Malatahe lfloaUcer DEAR PAT: Mu.st a woman assume her buat>Jnd'a lut name when she marries? Could I continue to use my maiden name after marriage? S.S., Hu.ntlngtm Beach It'• perfeetlJ le&al to keep year maJdee name after marrta1e ba Ulla atate. 'l'lrlel"e Is ao need to me a ~ petlU. to retala you maldee aame eltlaer, l1nff a woman ea11 acc(1dnl ber baaband'1 name bJ aaa1e. Keep yoar maiden Dime OD all cureat re- cords and ue It for bulaeu tr&Dlac:· Uon1. 1he marrla1e llldl does aot contala uy le1al order c:baalli!Ja a womu•a lut name to tbat ol lter buaba.acl, bat lbe aatoma&lc: ue ol the buaband'a lut name does ftAlt ID a ..,radul" letal name cllu&e. A&- torney Geaeral Evelle Yoager re- cently afflJ'med Ole rl1bt of Calllanda woman to retain or reta:nl to tbdr maJ4en names by eltlaer tile aaaae or coart petlUoa. Calllornla law now re- quires that all bulae11es accep& a married wo111aa'1 maidea name. Information on tbJs topic ls coataJned in "How To Clluse Your Name," by David VenW..-a Loeb. 1977 CARS And TRUCKS THEY LEARNED 1'HE FACTS OF UFE ON THEIR OWN; NOW THEY NEED THE FACTS OF UVING Ten years ago, a group of Orange County volunteers agonized over the number of emotionally troubled children -young girls without homes, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, drugs, truancy. These were more than soap opera themes -they were happening next door. Together, these volunteers• organized Florence Crittenton Services of Orange County, and for the past 10 years they have provided 24hour residential treatment for adolescents and Inf ants. Florence Crlttenton Services operate three pro- grams: a 35-bed residential center in Fullerton; a group home in Santa Ana and an inf ant day care center in Fullerton. This program is largely financed from volunteer donors, citizens of Orange County who care, plus generous contributions from the Irvine t='oundation, the Steele Foundation and the Tolman Estate. These are people who want to help girls who learned the harsh facts of life on their own, and who now need someone to help them with the facts of ~lving. If you belleve in the program of the Florence Crittenton Services, if you would like to know more about this program, or if you can donate time or funds to heJp these troubled chlldren, please call Fton.Ce Cdttaatoa ~of Ona9e Cotaotw. Inc. 602 North Harbor 80ulevatd Fullerton, California 92632 Telephone: (714) 870-5522 Mrs. Fred Koy, Prestdent, Board of Directors Dr. Agnes Trlnchero, Consulting Executive Director . lC>m · smoking n K>l8 tar than you hawt to, to get good taste? MG TAR MG TAR MG TAR MG TAR MG TAR I • 1.0MG.NIC. Q9MQHIC. LOMQHIC. ·~ 0.9MQHIC. . Ne\VI Kent GOiden Lights 100~ 1 . . ". . ... • •nke Mrs. Di>l'C Hlll of, N•wport Biocli. ••n ha• 0$ counsellof'I mat .-Ith girl$ In th°e:-::Fe$~td~~~n~tlo~I ~cen~te::.'...r;......o..J. .... ~-...._ ........ --:t---""7M~r:"t·~~-. I . '7 .. r1 ln tile tames. · H atOp In nta Ana will be • brief Vlait th hll ln- law1, then h 'll continue on to San Dteao for tb annual play rdrllt. VltltinC h1I old atomplnJ 1round1 may brlnc b1tt memories of lf1t powerful Or1n1 Cout COlltlt teams · , ht con ed hi ltM·M and 195f 57. Thole teams went 11·91ftdU ... Mart F\drych'• rirat-ever ap- i>eannce at Anaheim Stadium drew 38,5Sl "Bird" watchers Monday ni&ht. Detroit'• young rieht-hander, nicknamed "The Bird," did noc disappoint his followers. He scat- tered seven bits as the Tieen beat tbe Aneels 8·0. It was Fidrycb's first victory of the season. Alter the game, a crowd of about 1,000 gathered around the Aneels' bullpen while Fidrycb appeared on the post.game radio show. "We want the Bird, we want the Bird," they chanted. "Make him come out and socialize for a minute," one fan demanded. Sports ID Brief "I spent a couple of my beat >'••rt at Oranie Coast," In· m1n1aya, "lremember1ome or thoee cames like tlloy we~ yettetday. "We only lo.t one leacue A 13-hlt attack, Including a three-run llomer by Jason Tbompeon and a solo ahotby Ben Ogl Ivie, made it easy for A~-.te Aff0-SMICMPC ...... 171tl June 1TO<'OflfOttC:.lltonil• 7:U._m, ,,_ IT....-Oa!C:.lll~ola 7·2Sp.m J.-IOClewlanclatC.Hlcw'tlla 7:2Sp.m. Fidrych, who had suffered two losses since comin1 off the dis· abled liat May 24. The American League's Rookie of the Year and earned run averaie leader at 2.34 last uason, Fidrycb had not won since closing out the 1976 cam· paign with a victory al Milwaukee Oct. 2. • Portland Players Get· $21,346 Each The Portland Trail Blazers earned $277,SOO for wlnnll)g the National Basketball Association . champion.ship in their best-of- seven series wjth Philadelphia. Each of the 12 players on the championship team will get a check for $21,346.15 aa his share · o( the purse. The Philadelphia 76ers collect- ed $237,500 with $17 ,653.85 each allotted to 12 players and trainer • Al Domenico. Fred Carter and Jim Barnett, both of whom played portions of the season, will get $2,000 each. Gazo Reta! .. Tit~ TOKYO -Eddie Gazo of Nicaragua battered away at the unorthodox crouching defense of Japan's Kelcbi WaJlmit and re- tained llis World Boxing Associa- tion junior middleweight title to- day when the challenger's corner threw in the towel in tbe 11th round. The end came at 4S seconds in· to the 11th round, just after the 27-year-old Gazo landed a right uppercttt and a left boolc to the temple, fiooring Wajlma, 34, for a nine count. 50,000 OWer Blazer• PORTLAND -More tbant S01000 people jammed the streets of downtown Portland Monday to cheer the Portland Trail Blazers' .meteoric rise to the N ationaJ Sasketball Association title. Led by an incredibly loose BUI . " I recenUy attended my a.year- .old aoo'a Little Leasue baseball same in Ulil ar~a. What I wit-nessed was of IJ'eat concern for all parents of the Little Leaguers lnthisarea. Aa a means of backaround into the problem: prior to this year a "trown-up" (coacb, manaier, or parent) would pitch to the youncaten and this age group w11 conaldered an instructional .1easue. Thia year the leatue ottlclals deolded 10 let the ~,-alunera be pitcben. If that la not enouch in itaelt! As was explalned to me by a leque official, "It's to up- arade tbe pitching in the Leque for later years." Thi• ii tbe tint concern, both from a pbyalcal 1tand~t and the lack of even ildequat coac:hln1. I have read too much atiOUt terioua arm pro. blem• of even Older youn1sten tn • pit.chlne. but a. 9 and 10 year 01411 • TIM otbiet very bid Problem, • tbe _. I wttM1aed, la the emo- tloaal fnaattaUon Snvotvec1 ln a 1oun1 boy .,hi> cannot 1et tbe b•ll fNW tM pl1te; the lean , ital1 nowtA1. the temper bows, and the ln1truetJoa b'9c:omea W aUon, the Blazert paraded through the streets as confetU streamed from the upper Aoors of downtown buildines. The players and coacbes shook bands with everybody in sicht and whooped it up at a bie rally at the end of the line. Wal ton, in cutoffs and a sweat shirt and with a big llpstkk print on his cheek, was the undisputed star of~ show. He started the parade on his l peed bicycle but lost the b. somewhere alone the route. Reeord~C~d NEW YORK -A record World Teatn 'rennls crowd ?f 13,875 watched Pboenl~'I Chris Evert and unheralded Butch Walts lead the Racquets to ._ 27-24 overtime victory over the New York Ap- ples Monday night. The old attendance mark was 13,492, set last July when Phoenix played a match in Pit- ~ burgh. PNefll• 21, .... ., ... 14 Men -W•ll'l IPI bMI Mawr, W ; Ma-· lh•ll•ls INVI tlMIW•ll•C.sel 1.s. WofMft -Ewt1 IPI bMl I< 119, 6·l; l!-"Sll•W' IP)bHl lCll\O'Wacle,~ Ml .. d -Avf'htl .. w.-INYI beat Slw#·C..W. .. J II I) A t>,•7S.t HewYortt. Kf!IUll Pldeed NEW YORK -Jim Kensil, Pete Rozelle's riehtband t;nan since 1961, resigned Monday as u ecutive director of tbe Na- tional Football League to become president of the New York Jets. 11me ln 'SI. Jn that 1ame we bad 1 two-Doint lead. and the ball, wHla ftv• MCOnda to 10. We lott in overtime, 83-81 to Full•rtoo. I'll n.ver rorset it." Amons th• players who terved under Inman w .. Den· ny Fttll>alrkk, who went. on to play '°'" UC Berkeley when lt 'fOD its NCAA cham- pJonablp o~er West Virclnia, then led by :Jerry West. Cur· rent OCC eoacb Tandy Glllia played on that nme UC Berkeley team. Otbefs who played tor ln· man Include Roy St•vens, former Saddleback College He aut!ered torn cartilage in his left knee March 21 durina spr- ln1 training and was placed on tbe diaabled list after under&oin& surgery lOdaya later. "l luu:I to get a win to get my bead back together," be said after Monday niaht's game. The stadium was not quite ~d out, but the press bOx was. "I like my press." said Fidrycb. "I don'tnmthemoff. lneedthem." The Bird ls angry at two ma1azinea, ao be de1J1and1 magazine writers donate ~ to charity in hia name for in- terviews. "My body needed that win and I needed it," be said. "When you win, you are up. The crowd gets you up. Tbey weren't up for me. They were up for the Ancels." After three starts. ia be the same pitcher who won 19 games and lost only nine last season? "Ob, yeah," he said. "I'm back playing the ¥•me I 1ove to PTIY. The injury waa just part of life that happens. , ''My teammates knew I needed that win. I..ooS at all the nans they gave me. They made sure it wasn 'ta2·1.came. · · Fidrych struck out aix and walkedooe. An rbl single from Rusty Staub and a nm-producing double by Steve Kemp spotted Fidrych to a 2-0 lead in the third lnnlng, and Oglivie unloaded bis aevenlh homer of the ,eason in the fourth in.nine to make it 3-0. Aneels starter Gary Rou gave way in~ fifth lnnln1 to teliM•r Mickey Scott, leaving behind two runnera on bue with fwo out. Scott surrendered a homer to TbomRSon t>efore getting the final out, and tbe Tigers were in front&-0. · In his twc>year career Fidrycb has beaten the Ancels three times without a loss. In 27 innings acainst tl\e ~gels, Fidrych has surrendered only three earned f\IDS. DirTltOtT •r11-. l.el'tor• cf l'uent.,n. S\a<lbdll IC9f'l\plf TllofnP50!\ lb 0911vi.r1 ~-·· Kl"'"'(' V~Yli"IS SOJ1 SS30 s 0 1 ' • ' ' t • 1,. • ' ' 1 2 1 '0 4000 4 I I 0 l'klt'tdl cw,,.,, Rono.,t~• Scolt l(lfltwaod O.-oo T-2." A-a.m. me comment was that •very one of thoee youni boy1 on the fteld cared very much and so did J. l walked away quietly witb a very upaetti.q feelinl inllde me. All ol those arounct tb.11 pefSOO immedl.ieb' becan queaUonloa my panntal source without evea knowiq what had been dis· cu.ued. coach, and Eua Van Horn, now coacb at Fullerton Colle1e. Inman left Orange Coaat to become head basketball coach at San Jose St.ate and be JOined the Tl-ail Blazers when Portland first eot ita ex· panaion francblse seven years aao.. "It takes Umo to build a winner, but I think we've cone about It the ript WIY," says Inman, whose primary responsibility over the years bat beenl>!ayer J>C!rsonDel. .. We're a youn1 team. We've cot a 1o0d coaching staff and a bunch of two and CHICAGO (AP> -·At the rate Bruce Sutter is JO~I. be ml)' not win a ball game. But the Chicago Cubs relief ace could care less lf he keeps pitching the way he bas. "I haven't chaneed, the ~am baa jwst gotten better," Sutter satd Monday after burling on. hit ball for m innings and gain· ing hit 16th save as the Cubs de· teated the Lo:s An1eles Dodgers, 3-1. Sutter, making bis 26th ap- pearance in ~9 1ames, reUeved Rlek Reu.sa~, 'l-2, with one ()Ut in th• sevt'nth alt.er the C\ibs' starter suddenly ran lnt.Q dlfficul· ty a.ltei' retirlna l'l batters in a row. Wlth one run home, run.nens on lir•t And secood and the Cubs lead.i.U 2·1. Sutter came ln and retirecl pinch hitters Boog Powell and Ed Goocbon, ending the rally, "I thought I'd be okay ii I got outoflhelnnint,'' aaidReuscbel, who ylelded only three hits, struck out seven and walked one In$~ loninp. "But that's the way it's been all year. u we aet lD trouble after the slxtht ~~haven't hesitated to ' ao to the ouu~n. "I really don't mind that much because SUtter and tbe reatoftbe IUYI have been doln1 tbe Job." Sutte:r, wi.o hu a 0-1 record three-tear players. Jn fact; thls b to be the youni..i • team lo hilt.ory to ever wm the NBA c:bamplonship,'' ID· mans..,y1,. Does that mean Portland b · beCinnl.nl a dynasty? . "No. Tbe NBA is now such ' a well·bUanced league that the ace OI domination by uy one team ls 1oce," Inman answers. "The 81aiers will be a looCI team !or many years to come, but lt will be even more difficult to repeal than it wastowtnthisyear." Inman aaya the Oran1e Coast area, and Southern California lo 1eaeral, hu ,; ll:lSe.lft.. 1112S .. m. S:JllpJft. pick up aome victories, but be ii :notlnahurry. "As long as ,we're winnine, t•m happy," be sai~ Cbicqo aot to Dodgers' starter Burt Hootod, 4-3. for two runs in the second, Bill Buckner alnaled · in one tim and Jerry Morales drove in tbe otlter with a sacrifice fly. The Cubs added a run ln the seventh on au rbl stnite by BobbY, Murcer. ltA.NSAS CITY (AP> -Lucius Allen comes home and Ollle J~naon mqves west lo a trade that tives the Los Anceles Lakers an embarrassment ol !lrlt round draft riches. Tbe Lakers, beaten by Portland in four straicht games ln the National Bultetball As· sociatioa playoffs, aent Allen. a 1uard, to the Kansas City Kings II~ in return for Johnson, e forward, and the Kints' (int and Hcond round draft pleb in 1971. All~. who was playlng out bi." option with Los Angeles, woul<. bave become a free agent Moo day. He signed a lour-year coo tract with the Kings. Tbe term:. were notdi~losed. The Lakers, who have thre1 first round picks in Friday's NB/. draft, also will have three firs round selectlOUIJ in next year'. selection ol colleee players. Allen, a playmaker, firs' gained fame when he starred a Wyandotte ""Rigb Sclioot it Kansas City, Kan., a decade ago He went on to UCLA ant· teamed with Lew Alclndor, no' Kareem Abdtll~Jabbar. Re an· Abdul-Jabbar later playe·! together in the NBA a • Milwaukee and Los Angelu. "It's really golng to be dt ferent," .i\Uen said from bi home in Los Aneeles. "It was fu playing with Kareem all tbos year.a, but now I have a chance come home and still play for . Joodteam. "I'm at the point where m · family bu to take preferenet and my potential !or establishill myself businesa-wlae is a lot be' i.r in Kans111 City. I know U; people and they know me and 1 enjoy being with them." Allen averaged H .6 points ln ~ · aames with the Lakers durtn the 1976-17 season. Reuschel yielded singles t Reggie Smith and Ron Cey aft< two out in the first, but got out ' tbe jam when Steve Garvey nif «1t. The next 16 Dodgers wei down in order, before Cey r1 ached on an error. Garve ain&led and Reuschel uncorked wild pitch. allowin1 Cey to scoi W'ltb one out in the seventh. · After Beuachel walked Dust Ba~~-came lD and atru~ out 1 and reUied Goodie. on a grouDder. The Dode_.. made a final bi in the ninth when Cey led off >ri1 a 1ln1le and Garvey reached ~ an error. 'lbe cua. turned bac the r~y, however, when Bak< f ann«l and Cey was caught stea lne third to complete a doubl play. Sutter tbeti struck out lob Hale, ending the pme. l OellYrtllt ..... MARINA HIGH BAmNG S!ANDQUT·STACI WR.LIAM& FACES EL SEGUNDO TONIGHT. Scmlleci Suirehing to San Jose GiJJis Needs Big Man Oran&e Coast College basket· · ball coach Tandy Glllls bas pulled off a coup, of sorts, corral- ing ju.st about every prep plum available-with three excep- tions. Ray Orglll and Pete Neumann (Estancia), Steve Parrino (Costa Mesa), Steve Timmon1 (Newport Harbor) and Bret Wilkinson (Fountain Valley) are all headed for OCC. But Gillis still needs a big man. Without strength up front It's doubtful Coast will be a solid con- tender ln the South Coast Con- ference. Despite the lack of a good bi1f man, Gillis' 1977·78 club should be vastly improved-and he re- adily admits that. "We'll be much helter than we were last year. We have some good players returning and our recruiting bas gone very well," says GLlllJ. The OCC coach had hoped to recruit Corona del Mar's Jac:1t Tuz and Alex Black and Fountain Valley's George Barrios, but the trio went to four-year schools. * Former Golden West College basketball s tandout Paul Schillecl, will transfer from Washington State to San Jose State. Schilleci, who played one season at GWC, saw limited duty last season for WSU. A 6-8~. 220-pounder, Schilleol anr~ced 21.9 points and 14 n- bounda at Golden West two years !10· * SKIPPIN' AROUND: A rumor 'that Indiana coach Bobby Knlcllt is aendinl two basketball players to OCC la false, says GUll1 ••. Cypress College's Rau Penfold, a flnt baseman-outfielder, will transfer to Golden West .•. Costa Mesa ' . High quartsback.. Dave Molllu will play for OCC next season ..• Goldea Weat wlll switch its basketball games from 8 to 7:30 next season ... Jim Cheffen is being replaced as the Southern California Conference commissioner, probably by former East LA College basket· ball coach Bad N uland. UC Irvine freshman Erle Pe1toa, distnmtled with the An· teaten program, ls expected to transfer to Orange Coast. Peyton ls an outfielder, and a very good. one ... Dave Happen, GWC's catcher in '71, will receive an estimated $25,000 for slgJling with the Baltimore Orioles ... OCC aaslstant foot. ball coach Jack Fal.r ls jUlt out of the hospital after a seven-day bout with the hiccups. Ken M11a1er, who played abortatop for Golden West, ia the fl'aDdaoo of ex•Hollywood stars standout Red Muger ••• Wayae Larker, Long, Beach City Colleee's flnt b~an, b the son of ex·Dodger Norm Larker ••• LA Valle1 baseball coach Al Venhm bas resiped. WIWe Mander, who will at- tend OCI on a basketball scholaublp ln September, finitbed third ln the lone Jump at the Rate prep track meet with a leap ol 24-4. Alexnder ta fronr Fresno's Roosevelt High ... Santa Ana Colleee golf coach Arlia Plr· tie ls the South Coast Conference coach of the year. Plrtle has guided the Dons to 16 conter&ce titles in It 7eara. The other tbree times they finished second. . .former Golden West baseball standout Job (Drew) Maeaaley bas earned second team all·leaeue honors for Cal State (LA). Macaaley is a second baseman who will be playing in the Colleae World Series this week in Omaha. Saddleback College's Tim W allaclt. who sluaged etght home runs this put baseball aeuon, will play for Cal State (Fullerton) next year. COSTA MESA AMC & JEEP ajor League StandingS 1977 MATADOR· WAGON ............ AM ,..... ............ A7A887HtQ2278 1977 JEEP J.10 PICKUP 4+4Y ... ...... P.S,. .... .._ J7M2SMP07S78~ S6295 .-~---Z-.. ..; AMERICAN LEAGUE Eut Division Baltimore New York Boston .Milwaukee Cleveland Detroit Toronto W L Pct. GB 29 22 .569 30 23 .566 28 23 .549 1 26 28 .481 4~ 23 25 .479 ·~ 21 28 .429 7 20 30 .400 8~ West Dlvlslon Minnesota 31 21 .596 Chicago 29 21 .580 . 1 Texas 24 24 .500 s ADgels 25 25 . 500 5 Oakland 25 2i .481 6 Kanll.s City 24 26 .480 6 SeattJe 22 34 .393 11 Menday·1~ HtwY-•,TnH, llo•IO<'l.1<_,c11vo C"lca9U,Ml.-1°'• S, 12 lnnl~ 8•111,.,,...S, MllW.Vll .. t Cl_I.,.. J, Oeltltnd I O•trOlll, Clllll°""•O Onlv otrM1 Kfledlllecl T.-y't0.1119' Htw Yor1t fl'~•ll al Tu~ 18rl1M HI. II M•l6ft l,,_,..IM S.Sl M KAflWS CllV IQolllorn M l.fl ClliCailD IBMrlOs Wl el ,,_ll!Mtol• fGolll WI. n 9•1\l~r• <Grlft\~l•Y ~ll el ~llwaull" IAUOU•l'"'HI, fl Oe1 .... I l._.,_S.21etStatti. tA*" '-51,fl T...-Glr9tf t-P) .. c.11,_. ISlm...-,,..I, NATIONAL LEAGUE Eal&Dhi1lon W L Pd. GB Chicago 31 18 .633 Pittlburgh 29 19 .604 1~ St. Louil 29 22 .589 3 Philadelphia 27 23 .540 4~ Montreal 22. 28 .440 9~ New York 21 30 .412 11 West DlvfaJoa Dodgen 36 17 .6'19 - Cincinnati 25 25 .5()0 9\AJ San Dieao 25 ·32 .439 13 San Fran~lsco 23 30 .4'4 13 Houston 22 31 .415 14 Atlanta 20 35 .SM 11 Mltldey'I kWfl Clllcetol. LosAnoern 1 MonlrMI 4, Atlante 2 Ptllledtlpl\IU. HOuStefl J, •fflllintt, ral11 1•11 Frefl<IKOJ, Plt"""'llfl I, ltlMltlgll ClnclllNll et Hew Ytf11. ppd., talfl \ st Lewis•, Sen Ditto J, 101111\lftvs T....,'tO-. LMA~ltt fJt!W'•U tt OlluO-(aurrhf.51 .. llt11t• IMesAnn>llll 4-0 at Melltn.t '"°""' T·•I n "40lllton 18enolltttr l·JI et l'lllt•i,N• ti..~ llortl 1-411.1'1 Sell l'rtne:IKO lhrr •SI al ~lbbll""' I~ >-11.,. Clnc:l-11 181111,.ftl•m •·>I el N .. Ytl'll ltc-l'l\tft'6.Sl,11 .. ,. Dlt90 IJol>H HI •f 51. LHIJ IO!e<'ller Ml, n • B7a>WODL. HANDY 0t• oe11y """tutt El 5epndo Hl&b School wUl be eeetbll ita second 1tra11ht CIF 4·A ilrl.I acftball cbamplonablp tooi1bt (I) when lb• Eastes tan1I• wttb undefeated Ma.rt»• Hlgb QWntiDlt.oD Beach) at San- ta Ana Bowl. The 4-A tiUe fame wlll be pre- ceded by a J.A ma.tebup bet.ween El Dotado HtP (Placentia) and Cabrillo Jnab o( l,A>mpoc beg\n· n1n1at1:ao. El SeaundO baa posted a 19-2 record thls seuoo compared to · M artna '• 18·0 effort but the Ea1le1 have tbe aclvanta1e of be- ln& ln tbe champlonJbJp flnab before. Tbe two teams have played one common opponent - Westminster. Marina won a pair of decWom from tbe Lions in Suuet Leacu• play, 3-0 and 1.0. El Secundo toppled WestuUnster in the third round ot the playoffs, 6-2. The Eacl•' only other Joss came at tbe bands of Mater Del (Santa Ana) in touroament play, 5-4. • Each team has an outatandil\c pitcher with Marina's Diana Mantano boastin~ a 13.0 record anct El Sepndo 1 Teri Young havtni a 1'·2 effort. Few runs have been allowed by elther st•rter. Mansano's e.r .a. ls O.M with 65 strlkeouta and only four walks in 88 lnnlOla. Youns, a sophomore, bu a 1.07 e.r.a. with 47 strikeouts and a5 walb. She wu undefeat- ed in leque play at 6-0. YoUlll•• catcher ls sister Dora. Irvine Nine Rips Foe, 9-2, In Metro Play Mike Mayeaux and K en Munger had three hill each to lead the Balboa Bay Club Athletics (UC Irvine) to a 9-2 Metro League baseball victory over the Anaheim Giantl Mon· day nigbt at Hart Park in Orange. Tonlebt the Athletlca play the Fullerton Hornell at Memorial Park ln Santa Ana at 7:~. The Athletics are 2· 1. In Monday's victory, the Athletics scored three times !n the second lnnlng and added four ln the slxth. In the second, Munger doubted, Cary Sitman walked and Vince Grippi wa.s safe on a bunt 1in1le to load the bases. Daryl Paine then sin1ted ID one run, Curt Lundstrom aacriltced the second across and Dan w alterman sot a third tally in on a fielder's choice. aaCA9Mltlal'I • r II M Grippi, c 4 1 t O Mr(Hlllf,ct .......... 31> Oa""°", 1tl Muftoer,lb S191Mll,rt ANIMtlrnGla!Q tBCAUll«tl<t • t) 0 .. .i .... dhil ) 2 ' , 3 O o I luncorrom,n 2 t O t s o o 1 Walterman, If 2 I O t 41ll 8otlt,P 0000 S I 0 0 Tot.U JO 9 I I> k-llt• ....... r II e 100 000 001-t • t Olll 104 Olx_, I A UCIWomen Top Net Foes BATON ROUGE, La. -UC Irvine lCll one singles player ln two rounds of action and both doubles team.I advanced to the second round In the national AIA W women's coneiiate teDD1s cbamplonshipa at Louisiana State University here Monday. Lindsay Morte breezed to a 6-0, &-o triumph ln the secobd round after a ftnt round bye and Jean Nacband won two matches alon( with Bubn)'Stockton • ActloG in the tournament con- tinues through S.turday with all of the top women's colle&late t.eam1oompetina. Slftll .. Pini"-' MorM (UC1l .,_,., Ha<llend IUCI) O.f G<l!Mm ('laM) .. 1, "4: Uodlefl IUCI l •I t<ertOft IMl<ft. Stewl W , M ; S<Jlrd# (Trinity) o.f lltfmtll (UCll .... M. **"""' M~ NCI I .. C.lft cue S...I• aww.1 M . ..O; Nacl\Mt (IJ(t) dtf Utlll11 01•f!•fl se.le) .. ,, M ; &t«l!Mlo IUGll Cltf ltelt lso.il"-91 ~I M.~ ... 1,MI. an all·CIF aelect.lotl and moat valuable player a year llCO. T~ la the team'1 leadlni bluer wltb a .4$7 mark to .mtor •later ncn. TbJ"ee ctben were selected fQr the all-league team. Tracy Pat· teraon la the sbottatop and la bat· tinl .375. Otbera include. Betty Col1illlS wbo hit a home run .,a.inst Westminster Tuesday and ls bll· Unc .m , and Shelly GW who ls hittlnl .m . Colllnga la the right flelder and Gill the first baseman. Darlene Gasher wboce delenM bu been 1 key to success. Sbe II alao cne ~ the top batten CID \he squad. ¥art a a bu played pretty much with the same nine 1t&rtera tb.rouehout tbe lealOft a1tbouP coach May Ward says abe hu a •trooc bmcb. . JUI Dougherty, the uUlit,y player for the Eagles, wW start at third base. She la also the bactup catcher and bas played leltfidd. "Our defense beblnd our piteber ()lanaano) bu been fan· tulle tbla seuo~t Ward qys. "That bas been me key to our succesa. But our offense hq come alma well in the HCOD4 half ol the 1eason and we're hlt.- tiPI better now and mald.na more . contactwlththeball." · Marina's Vildn&s will counter with Kim Nutter who bit at a torrid .500 cUp during leque play. Stael WU.llams and Linda Eppenoa. Williams bit .333 and Epperson .341 durln1 leaaue play. Epperson, the center fielder, is the at.olen base leader for the Vlk- tn1a with 12 and bat.a in the cleanup pogition. Another standout on the Marina team b third baseman ...,.(,._.I at.._.f ... U 6 MhelM..,... 4 11 l'eff\1 0 > Tllltlft t S Avl"1Cl'I 0 I l'~Vettey 0 J WestT.,,...u 4 • Hu~a.echt u s.uttoTerrMCe z 4 H.-tHettlor I I> AvlellCl'I 0 J WHll'NMlw 0 S ~T-0 S EctltOn 0 t TOf'f&'lte • Z , .... .,valley I t WeslT...,MICe 4 1 Mllllt.._,.llNcll I t ltell .... HlllJ 0 ' N ..... ~ 0 1 1.AMlt..S. I I 'WH ..... ...., t t Monf\Twr-. I t E,al-S tO $wttl fC1rBftC41 I S lnlNltAINI 0 4 MM.,o.t S " 1.MA""9" , 11 Twr-' t tcete1141 0 I WMIT.,,._ 0 z wen"' o 11> "°''""H1•1 1 t N..,,.T.,,._. S ,, ............. ' 21C~ I I> WntlftlMIW t J SNdl-.C. I Future Undeeided Walters Competes In lllirwis Meet BJ DAVE ClJNNINGllAM Oltlll OellY l'iletltMI He finished a great season by winning the CIF state 880 race ln a si.ullng 1:49.4 last Saturday, but JlmWalters of Estancia High (Costa Mesa) isn'trelaxing yet. The lanky senior is braciq for final euma this week and also preparing for another track meet. He-'ll run-S11turday ln Evanston. Illinois at a prep in· vitational at Northwestern University. Like most 12th 1raders. college is oecupying bis thouahts now' but be still hasn't decided w~re he'll take hia runninl talent next fall. "I've been so busy with school and runnlot. that I haven't had time to vilit any cam&uses," Walters says. "I WU d.lnktng about University of Artzona, but I really haven't made up my mind yet!' Tbe school that lands him will be Jetting a brilliant prospect. for the half mile. His time Satur· day ranks aa the second fastest ever run in the CIF state finals. He •l>'I 1:49.4 la taster than he thoalbt be could go. and now he won't put a limit on his potenUal. ''I wu ao JUrPriaed I rail that fut they bad to tell me three Uni es before I believed them," W alteruays. "To run that fut 1 need so- meone to run bebiDd, someone forcing me to keep a fut pace. I couldn't have done it without Kingsland." . Dave Kingsland of El Modena High (Orange) wu a sllcbt un- derdog. to Walters ln the race, having loet twice before to the Estancia runner. But Kingsland bad also beaten Wallen, and be looked like he could do lt again in Saturday's state champiooabipa. K1n11land went out fast, but Walters stayed one stride behind until the ltretd!t then kicked and won by slx tenms ol a lffODd. Before the race Walters said he JIM WALTERS felt 1luutab and expressed con-· cem about the beat and SJDOI. Nelther bothered him after the gun sounded. · He a1ao felt the rivalry with Kln11land bad created some added tension he dJdn 't need. Tbe pressure ol the state finala would bavebeeneoougb,saldWalters. "I wanted to talk before the race. lt helps me keep loose," Wallen 1ay1. "But Kinoland was pretty quiet. After the race, thouab, be came over and con-gratulated me, but I wu too tired to even bear what he .-as say- ing." * * * Area Spike 1 Stars Return Next Season aratmlGftl.. •• 'U plqtAa • ,,_ late Kbldu.l bat " .,. NC'Clli'd 11 .-. --.. w ·u be .. ~ to &be ~. "c.lrt~:::::-n-Aadu.at•aour..,.t. •· . a-tY .,. Ma> bll ftnt llll'lM pradkt tittMWmol uoV.Uey'•~·H•wu ... lo &M DfW ICbool fnlD Dua Hllla ffltb, WMn MW C'08CMd ooly nro .. ..., aloe. eotn• ... tr.. tb1la,..,. • HlP. PnldM tedllU at Capistrano V.Slq Hll1l 'l n8lb • ., tbe t.ucn worked out at ........... Seddlebeek The •print ...... .......... .. ,~ bu .,._ our blatsl problft\ IO ,.. •• OilDllt1 • .,.. .... uve to bull kkSI up ~from Saa ClemSe t:nd Dau Hilla few ~&da. . . ""'-'J1le eu:asa ll 4rawtna stt.senta fNm both ICllObla. UDderelaMm• mun ID •blN tbe at- ..,_.. boad117 Utt~:~ leaSor9 ... 11..e a dluice to remaJJ:a at UMU' pnMllt biCb ldliool.. • Stars Split 'FWiD Bille Alamitos Entries PllltT UCll -Sii .... I ¥'t9F da&-.~,....SDllL Tllff9'oCOllOmMI tn C1'e!Md .... IAdalrl tit PwAPollo.leY ICMOoi&tl 1n OklW'fo.MerlT-1 ltt Qul(ll......, ~., llt flylft9 O!Md CWwdl ltt ltt ... It! "' Ill 117 C~IJ6:30 -"Hat.art." Jobn'Wayne plays a b)i aame bunter in this two-pa.rt adventure movie from 1982 with Ella Martinelli, Red Butto and Hardy Kruger. KCET 9 8:00 -Jerusalem: A Speclal Report. Oa the 10th annl•enary of the Six·Day War. this doCumemary ex· plores the CttY Of Jeruaalem. na hlatory and Its uncertain future. ABC 8 10:00 -ABC News Cl08eup . Nucleat power ls the subject of this in-veatiiative report wlth newsmen Roier Petenao and·lUles Beraman on oppoSlte sides ~the lasue. Howard K. Smith oar· rates • TV DAILY LOG Twetff ol euaat1·1 players are aenlars wbo ~ to IWUdt to Ute HW achoo!. Mo.l are rrom Sa a.mmte lDcludlU lintmlD Todd Fulladosa Ct.:2, llO) ad ddemiYI 6aek Roo Van Pierson (IH, Hot 11* Olll Ber llC1!'911tl t n T~ Moo!\ sc-1 IM&ftl I It MCDelO •ACS-4'0.,.... JY"f' OllR. Al'-'Ca, '°""' UJa l\Uut•---IT.-.1 Pel'aMt.Jlt .... l~I ~lt*T•!Mertl ~CMll,, tn tit !~ I TUUDAY I '" i::!i!ii!:S *>· Otber DOl•l* tranafen from San Clemente are foll1>.S 11.lke DulYID and quarterback Brad Parker. FuhReport 1>-mMn b a powerful &.a. apounder who also pla)'t defemlve tackle. Parker, a.Junior, aaw plenty '11 •etion at comert>Mlr lut teuon and served as a backup QB. CUnerty l• relylng on him to be CaPo r It • DAMA WMHP -116Mgi.rt: S4l V ... u • lead d , _ _.,.... • ..... b '-0 2 OilO ''""' t 1 ""· II berrecvde. 't bo"llo, s .u~am er an lwuWU6QU9&.,.,f aCa. A._..,... 1 hellllul, 1 yellowt•il, 1U rock •• b always a problem at a new school, ,... "~0::. 0-« • 1 11oeu.11•mecMf94. bat we have some ~ood athletes as a foundation,•• StMT 0 ...... , U>AllllMln .... ll'OlrT '""'• ......._, -n fi Ollf'fftlt, cf S.l·M : BrOWll, lb _,..,._, D ~. I• llOlli1o. ~ ... ..... '""' !Wtnl SllM9'fMMIWll' ~I ~••o 11ACa -a•,....._ '.,..., GIA. Ctalftlln9, Pvtw PAOO. Clelml119 onuSUOO. Mr. Jen l()omlnouell IC.a-ell c.-ICerdo~e) llolton 8*" !Adel r I R-lt.YM ILll!Nml Zollulttor IT_,.I Ale ... tam CMyleal PIMCly't TNdlle l()Neffl ~ert1 saya. "S , we play a very dH cult s-141; 09'tld. .. ,.144; stn111t. 311 k•to11e-.ru•odll•11. MllN<Mr•I. leheduJe ror 8 first.year SCbool and (l iSn 'l going to s.l·M , Ul'ltll, N S.1·2-11 Velencle. rl .. f'OC1I COIL '°"""" .._...,, -lS "• •••v.•• ~: 0--, rf 1~; OllNQM. c ~: "~.cAldll, 1J ....,, '4 POUrntllAC8-•yera.ty.w ""'~""' S·0·1·2: Wllllemun, Ill 4·0-~0; beH,ltO~ eld_....._Pwwteta Among the opponents Capistrano Valley will H1<t1o1s.11'4M. ~:::;.,e,.-:=.;;:,:=~ ===1 ~: ,~ are Esperan1a ffi&h (Anaheim ). Bishop. ~·JOO OJO ODO 10-·~ ' ' 3 mecll.erwl. ,...,.... -21..,.wn:, C-1 ~IT-I "' Mi.otiomery <Torrance>. North Hollywood High Seddl-:C:C:.,..~,:;~12 1 "°r~':i~=~i~W..,.1 _ ~T=::.::;::1 ~:: Ud BoulderCltyHilb(rom Nevada. hM .. 1i*MlnC41111Nerw 33 •f'9t9n: 2 white -m u .Slier· O.MetCllBer l~I 1rt "We11 baVt an BllresliVe team OD defense," OllrHtlt. cl J.1-t-O: ar-n. tb recllCN, 13 llOftilO, 111 cellce llftl, 21 Str-9o !Wrlll 1n CUnerty says. "On Q(/eme, we'll nm the option, t::t;; =.·:,!.~.\:':~:: w;-::r~=::·~~-.=.., 4 wina~tUllMl'ftl 1t2 wme 'l' stuff and aomt power atufr. We'll throw the ~Gii=· c >:::::: Vai...<141, ::!..~ ~s~.~~-~. :0 "'""•ACS -1?9 y9"h., year baUalot.too.'' : '·01 • , 11 • r0<kt.eu.1,,;1;;:· o1dl ~ • 0 .....,..._ Plona U20I The coach qualtned h1s statements by adding .._ ooo .,., o-a • 1 sAM ... o.o c~ 'O c..ttl -i. ~:.W=-r-0.:1 1n ,...op Pirate :: I Ulllii . I '" "' ... t •L.-....-4nd ' b not u .... _ . s.11110 rt ... 000 ...... 1 ~= m ........ ' *'"°· 7) ..,,,..,..~, "' &1 'fla w. 1.-.-.... ses510ft U exaC Y ~u 8D lD· S9CDMDOAM• cetleo ....... 40roctl<OCI. t"9110oll.107 o..n.._l.,._...I lit -&eaalveproeram. St'Ct ctllln(4)161'""'9 n••Off91. m.1a ~I )1 A-M--Wlffclwrr~I 1t• Freabm•n Bob "It'• been a low-pressure altuaUoo. We'n get· 0 11• .. 11•· '' ._.,-o: an-. n ~· 1 ......,,,., 1' rec11 <od. 00 111ec11 e-1Hert1 m Voorlda bas been select- and ~l-0; °"""". •1-t-O: ,..,..., • cellceti.&.W-'to.ttOlllvellftL lluwP<Adli•I 111 _... b t al bl ~ tolmow Neb other. working on techniques ~1-1: uree ... ••~: o-. rt 1AM0t•oou••••.,.•-m A -~.Wl•-son•'"°""'' in cu t e mos v ua e ac"'""" t.beavstem we'll be ustna. We'reJ'ust bav-,.,.o.o: t.Y•duY. c ,.o.o.o: ~· "'11M~•.• 11ett0<uoe, A-HefWl'v ... 1t111Nn1En1rv ~la~er OD ~e Cout ~ " 0 -................... S...ltlt. • ., CeMc9 --. ........ -· ... l 11 b 1 :•: int somefw." -..... o. ._1eo.•tOC11r1tt1. 11.,,. ua -•...-. >.-.w o e1e'1 voa ey al ': • All the early slgns indicate that the season ' 111 • ocu .. 110• -14 ... ,1er11• • ... &.,.,._,,_....._ team. Tlm Shwcove wu •hleb bas beeun as "just some tun•· ror CunertY =:..,. : : ::::! ! ~ ::-..:;«;:;,2,1::.'::.U-norocke9d.u ~ctwfOlllnllllel "' cbolmcaptaln and bis crew will be anything but fun ror opponanta ..--------------------~ __ ,__~ __ , ____ m ___________ ~ wbo take the new school too UghUy ln September. FprArea I ·Banquet Tmil llUte Kelly waa ebolen Mark Sleveove was IDOlt valuable at Foun· chosen mosl valuable t.Un Vtlley Higb'1 1porta player on Ne wport ••ardl banquet honor; Harbor High 's volleyball lntlbeinrimteama. team at the Sailors' Spedal award win· sports award banquet. oen: ~ .......... ,,....., ,,.,...,. Ceolelfr. O lft SOllMtdNJ: Molt c:..w. 11111 ~: Mott v.._ ve1..-, Metti si--: Moat ,_ ... , ~ally; MOii ............ .,,,....., o...g--. .............. _ ,,....".,., ..... ,,..... ~: "'°" '911111pt; Mott.., ...... ~ JoMo..ra: ,,,.....,, .. _ .,.., ~"'*"-':Moll •--· ... ! MAie Mlc:Mta. MOil ,........,..., 81'V(e ~I; llell ~: Ted eor., llleean, Co• • .,, ...... ~: .-WU JollM-; ...... V ....... : ~ Teytor; Moel 1- pnwM: ......... . * Bob Cook and Joe YOUDI abare moat valua- ble la~ today follow· lnl Costa Mesa Hlth'• 1porta awards banquet (Of tbe track and field tean. Special award win· .nen: . nera: * Tony Fuller and Alan Gersten were chosen moat valuable athletes at University <Irvine) Ht1b'1· aporta awards banquetf« the track and field team. Special urarc\ wln-nen: 11•: ·, \l·F , • '.l\ I' • '' \illfl if, I 1'1'11\1 "' "\'\l \ ' See ,,.-Exxon dealer for lis Economy -Radials .2J84 4Ji6D Off ice & Secretary From s295 monthly Cal/ tor more lnlormatlon 759-0334 1110&11.Y ROI DnignPlau 240 Newport C~nter Dr., Suite 200 .Newport Beach •• gy ..., ·Retiarns . · tOJ~U -fOF ~a ·Worry· Frie ·vacation . n,..,. .... ,._~ ' VaJttd CIJJlotnla Mort.t•fe Company, a . dl•laicn ol Unit.cl Callf orn&a Bank. bas provided •10,000 ID llUnclnt for \he development ol an ID·. dust.rial~ aU.188 wtlfttter ~ve. ~ta Meaa, to becupled bf 'PrOcluct• 'of iQformatlon TeetullolOfy, I.De., aceordl.Qi to UCll vice president Warim R. Kelley. Tbe firm la owned by Dr. and Mra. ffM)ldJuperottoetaMesa. ' ...-..aep•rt•G.,. Fote1t E OISOD. IJte.; Jiu reported tbe flnt, , quarter ol iih u the mOlt ~ve 1Q the flrm'• 23- year bl.story, with lf'Oll reveaues abowinl an ln· create ot more tban S4 i>ercent. nNn e Parle,.._,.,. £en Liao Country Safari, Inc., Irvine, bu reported revenue ot $568.270 for tbe fint quarter of 19'17. Tbe ftture compares with 1978 flnt,.quarter revenue of $2, 754,8, but Jast year' a total included MSO,SM lo revenues from the firm's F1orida Park, lolc) Dec. 81, and $1,849,808 from previously announced termlnaUon of management contracts. Per share loes for the current fint (lUarter 1iras 15 cents, compared wltb quarterly earni.Qp per ahare last year of 89 cents. ......... § ............... Sperry Rand Corp., New York, and Varian Aa· sociates, Palo Altll, have announced the slpiq of an aareement under which Sperry int.en" to purchase for cash Varian Data Machines, an Irrine .subsidi.,-y of V arlan Associates. The tranaactloo ls expeeted to be closed befo" J~e~ \ The subsidiary manufactures minleomputen. It will become a part of Sperry Ullivac, head- quartered ln Blue Bell, Pa., and ls •the computer manufactw1ng and marketi.Qg c:Uvtsloa of Sperry ' Rand Corp. A message mown in a hay field on the Jam es Meyer Sr. far'~ north . of Pleasan.t Gap, Pa .. may have done the trlc~. The first measurable rain since May 18 fell Mon- day monilng. · Loan Pace 1 Rises · WASJDNGTON <AP> -.Consumers continued installment borrowing at near record levels ln April, rab~inl their outstanding credit by $2.66 bllllon, the Federal Reserv~ said. Tile increase followed a record $2.72·blllion advance ln March and lndicpted continuing strength in an important part of the economy, Auto credit continued to expand strongly, by $1.11 bUUon after seasonal adjustment, according to Monday's report. BANK·CARD CREDIT ADVANCED by $246 mUJjon after a rise of $293 milllon ln March. Home improvement er~t made a big gait), growfn& by $106 million, compared with '81 million ,rowth in March. Sperry Univac intends to offer epiployment to the sublidiary's approximately 1,000 manutaetur· Jng, martetint and admlnlstraUve Personnel tn the United Statel-. Canada, Ewvpe and Australia. Economists have said many bome buyers are tumi.is to improvements as the price.of housina increases. , Mobile bQriie credit grew by $318 million compared lo an . · increase of $.ill million in March. O&eefe Qtlatlw A .. IHre .. Answers to quesUona abo9tcbeeb are present- ed in Bank ol America 'a n~'f tonsuner information report, •'A Guide to ctaetu anct Cbeckin,. •• ~report, the latesttn U.bank's consumer In· formation series, ouWnea basic rules for writinl, CHbing and deposltini checb. It also includes pointers that may save time and avoid problems tn checking transactions. • The guide ls av.itable at bank offices. I boxes protect your valuables -telephone transter allows you to transfer money from 88Ving9 10 )10Ur checking account-and tor those receMng IOcial l8CUrity and other government ·cheol<a, the dh'ecl dttpostt to your savings llCCOunt'alk>M )OU to eam h~ l~t Immediately, with no worry about '°" or theft of your cheek. For detallld Information simply= at any of our twerv. . Total credit outstandfug at the end of the month was $1.82.2 bUlipn, an lnct'ease of 12.3 percent from April 19'78. Over The Counter NASO UttiRgs The daily rate is Detro yard.Sdclt for comparing periods. .,., Import sales in May jum1*~b 219.800. up 74 percent from Mtt '976.TbetotaleuUysurpi Jle previous any-month recon1 206,IOO set in April. ImPorts March sales of 188.000. also had been a record. Uodl year. import sales never t · 180,000tnone month. . ... ~:! , Ii/. I IJABI' IR>NTirs TOTAL CJ t ipiports a 21_percent s~are qt~ market. a.record for a May. ;: 1 Dom~c sales ln the ~ were 833,393, up 5 percent f~ year ago. 'ne dally rate of~~ wutheWnlhll!!.estfor~"ia1~ _ 11v• ,.., • :r<~ '''h• '"'" ) A ' ! ~I\~ ' ~ . Disappears BJ lllL'l'ON M061lOWD'I ..:1f The common atock ot Bnlmao Kocl tracMd fffet'I on the New Yon Stock ~f8mut•for'5T aaban. That WN down more · S> peree:Dt from the $UO prt~ Kodak traded attarty lo t.m. . It WN down even more Crom tM l150 prtco Kodak r9C "~in~. ~ It wu, ln fact, t.he lo t pri~ a Kodak share h• fetched since 1986. •._ f. WHAT HAPPENED TO" COllPANY tons edored on Wall Street ... perpflUal m.ooey·mlkln• m~• ~·UM of lta dominant poaiUon ln the pbotoval>b b'111Gesa1 ~ What happened wu t.ba1 a company called Polaro\4 finally cot Kodak •11oat. Money Tree Eastman Kodak Company lOid Polaroid Corp . coexisted peacefully for years. While Kodak mopped up most ol the conventiooal photography bu.lnets, • Polaroid J>iooeered lnstanf.. phot.ocrapl\y and bad tbat market all to itaelf. It was, so peaceful Ulat KoduuppUecA Polaroid with its negative mm. But as Polaroid grew, from sales ot$320millionln1961 to $680 million in 1973, Kodak became increisingly resUes~ It felt it had to confront Polarold. And ao it put it.a 1cienUs~ to work oo the development of an instant photography aystem. POLA.JlOID BEGAN TO MAKE ALL of it.a own rum tw9 years ago. And last year rnlchty Kodak went lnto the field wUb its own instant cam eras and film to challenge Polaroid. The two companies are scrapping furiously ln the marketplace, aad ao far the verdict eoes to Polarold. Tb~ company founded -and •till headed -by Dr. Edwin Lan sold more than slx million cametas in 1976. That repreaent ed an all-time high for Polaroid. 7 Meanwhile, Kodak, lei lts first year out of the atarting 1ate with instant cameru, sold about 1.2 million of lta hr~ models, the EK4 and EK6. AS KODAK WELL KNOWS. THE profits in photo- a.rapby now primarily from the sale of rum, not camer With inst.ant photography, though, it's especially crucial Co Kodak to place its cameras in the bands of picture tak because its system is not compatible with Polaroid's. Kod instant film can be used only in Kodak instant cameras; the same goes for Polaroid fU~ p~b -.Qd its cameras. That explains the recent counterpunching, which b resulted in bargains for bu1ers. Earlier this year Kodak ln troduced a Jow.price instant camera. the Handle. Polarol countered with a new low-price model, the OneStep. Kod came back with a $S rebate offer to camera bQYers, pl uothtt '6 with the purcbue of five packs of Kodak tnsun film. Despite the new compeUUoo from Kodak, Polaroid. basking ln recof\f sales. It earned 179 million Jut year sales of • mUlloo. In the ftnt three months of um i earnings jumped 33 percent. Kodak's record year was 1973 when It earned million on sales of $4 billion. Althou•b its aales have aln explained to $5.4 billion, I\ bas not been able to match thoe 1973 profita. ~ in the firat three months of lt'n Kodak ported an earnings decline of 20 percent. KOdak la 1Wl sht times as large as Polaroid, but it has loet ita halo on Wall Street. Dow Slips Beneath 900, Then Recovers NEW YORK (AP) ...._The stock market Nadied today as the Dow Jonfll industrial average rebounded from an early dip below the 900 level. The Dow average of S> .blue chips, down more than three points ln early trad!nl at m. was up ~.eo polnta to 908.67 . Gaioerl and losers ran about even in the broad tally of New York Stock Excbante-Uated issues. NYSE volume totaled 21,110,000shares. Tbe JIW'ket wu con!ront.ed dwinl the day wllb Mme aeemlncb-unfavorable lnfluen~ lo tbe economJc news. But by mid-day It became evident that some traders were usinJthe Dow·900 level as a buying point. StO«!lu In The A..ntea .. Leader• Spot·lf9lti NEW YO"K !AP). ~In, 4 p.m. Pl''« :.~ '"'v~Sc~~ J~=.,:osl.f..!".9 tr..01"9 ...tt~IV at mote l'*I SI. r:.~·.~::::.: m:: 'r'•l"' Aiiis In<,........ '25'.;100 II • .\lo ~='/,:;,:·:.:· :s· g~ ~~~ L.Cklld Aire.. • .. tSol, ,,,_ • lll!t Hwtt Atn~....... -ft tt" • ... "°"'09 .. . .. . u.&1400 1 .n 0.... Cll... • • • :IOO-'«! ,_-!4o • 'A ltkllmftCI C°41..... ••A 16 -~ MlMMM • • •. . lts,500 41" -•·, ~•lllfl'I "''· ... 196,500 \)" -... acaCel• • .. .. • 176,Q 17 -•• tHC:O Int....... l?tlOO "" • · ... .., """·........ 1~600 2111\ • "" NEW YOftl< tAPl· S.lel, 4 111·"'· ,,1c. encl Ht <"-of tl>t "" most M11"9 A"\*fl<.lrl SIOCt fxclllflge hw.., tradlf>O MtlOMllV el tNf'e 1"-tl ti. H......oll A....... llJ.000 •'\ + '" ll"°"ttMI A..... l»AO 15t • '41 GIS.1 ........... '11,100 fCI + "' K-4•• 11'11. .... 11t.JOI '"" ••• TetatPll HA...... 11,D r ...• "' $'l..~":. :::. m: J~ : ;.: IM........ d!!!!! t!O\ + '\ ~~:. ':!:: .. : . ~;;; '~~ : , ... Wh~• sc~1u Did NIW YOftlC IAPI ho PrQducUOnt make tbeit debUtl aa lOcal ata1u th1I w , bOth "flNtf "-at a IOI'\. "Je1ua Chrilt, SUperttar, "wbidl o~na tOQJpt at Oranae Cout Colle1~. ii &be nr&t Colle«e-lfVd \'traion ol th rock·r.Utlou.a ~·to 1>t 1ta1ed In Ounce County. And the Irvine C001mwut1 Theater r.r0dact£on " "J'tnt On. Asleep, Whlstle, •• bowinc n Ftlday, ls the nnt 1t1gtng or the Oliver Railey. drama anywhere alnc l\.I abbreviated Broadway mounUn111 yean aao. • ' TONIGlff'8 OPENING OF "SUperaw•· is th• culmln•llon of tom• U weeks ot Intensive rehearaaJ. under the auldanc& of director Tom Bradac, musical director Steven Warner and cboreogra_pber Melinda Moreno. Headtna the cast are 'Bradley £1.iberry u Jesu•. Michael Soto u Judas and Beth. • Hansen u Mary Maatdalene. wm be •iven Fridays and turday1 at 8:30 in the form'1r church bulldlill on CUit Dnve at El Modena Avenue in Newport Beach. Reservations 8'a.S1'8 <dayl) and5$7·729'1 (evenin,S). WINDING UP A SIX·WE K en1aaement aHbe Harlequin Din ner P lay)iouse wtt.b final performances tonl1bt lhl'OUCh S~nday is the two-character mualcal "I DO. I Do.• Mark Vance and J~er wmtams,41t'r at~ 8arlequin. 3503 s. Harbol' Blvd .. Just ndfth of Costa Mesa in Santa "Jesus ChriJt, Superstar" -wblcb featw'es a company of 40 -wUl be atagtd tonight through' Thursday at 8 p.m., Friday at2:~. and Saturd~ at S acain ln the OCC auditoriw:n ln Costa Mesa .. Reservations $$8-~. .\na. Reservations 9'19·5511. ' Contlnuin& their current f.ngagements along ~=======:=::;-:I ON A MALLER SCALE ts the tbree-cbar•cter play "Flrat Ono A&leep, WhisUe," which opens a tJ\ree.weekend run Friday at the Irvine Community Theeter's temporary playhOUse in Newport Beach. Playwright Oliver Hailey, wbO made his Broadway debut with "Whlatle," will be in attendance on o~ing ni~t. which la now sold out. ·• Susan O'Connell plays the central role or an uOJuccessful actress in "Whistle," with Joseph Amsler cast as her married Jover and Anne·Marie Sircello as ber young dauahter . ..,_..;.;.__-.;..-..;;.;.;...;~~~..;.:;;:..c...::....:;~~:...----Performances of "First One Asleep, Whistle" the Oran&e Coast are~ -"Eqaoi" at South Co Repertory, 1821 Newport Wild., Costa Mesa, rl'uesday throu.gb Sunday at, witb a Sunday matinee at 3. Reservations 646-1363. -"M1 Fair Lady" at 5ebasti~'s West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Avenlda Pico. San Ctementt, Tuesdays through Sundays at varyin1 curtain times. R~rvaUona .t92·9950. -"'lbe From Pa1e .. at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8:30 and Sunday, June 12, at 2 p.m. Reservations 494-0743. -"Barefoot ln the Park" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse on tho Oran1e County Fairgrounds, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through June 18. Reservations 556-5459. -The Kini Henry VlD Revue at the Holiday By .JERRY BUCK LOS ANG El.ES (AP> ,..... Movl~ are better than ever, says writer-prOducer Joanni Lee. But don't ook for them at your neiabl>Orbood theater. OTHER EXCEPTIONS SHE listed included Inn, on Bristol Street at the San Diego Fteeway, "Star wan•• _"We need more run films" _and Costa Mesa, Frld~ys and Saturdays at 8:30. "Network" which she said was "in dire need of preceded by dinner at 7 o'clock, through July 9. script ediUng." She would not. however, name any _R_e_s_erv_a_ti_ons_55_7-_3000 ___ -=-------....,._ The award·winning writ.er pub forth a unique pieory: Most of the beat movies a.re belnt 111ade for "television. • "What is available 1n the theater in terms of overall numbers ia piUful," said Misi Lee. "It's food for the cattle, The m~ority of the ftlms made are contemptible. Maybe ftve or atxfilms ayear by .any standard or Judiment have anr right to be of the films she condemned. She said, " 'Network' was ln important film th•t pulled out all the stops and looked at our society," she said. "We can just about do that on television. 'Say Goodbye Steve and Christopher.' " That rum is about a '2·year-old man who decides on bla 20th anniversary to end bis marriage -and his monogamous existence . ANOTHER LEE FILM, WIDCH goes into production next week Is "Mary Jane Harper Cried SIMILAR. VIEWS HA VE' BEEN voiced in the Last Nicht," about child abuse. A pilot film, past by film distributors and theater owners, wbo "Mulligan's Stew," airs on NBC on Monday, June ,have complained that there aren't enottgb good 20. made." films being made lo pull in audiences. Mias ~said there is no aimple answer as to -.. rveseenfilmanermmthatwOUldnevermake h th 'tb tt fll lnth t lloo~Theyw~~~~-b~~cl~~w~y~B~e=~~~~e~e~r~m~s~~~~e~~~·~~~S~~~~~~~~========~ badly lighted . 'Rocky' was an exception, r anoutstandlngfltm.ltwasb~'9armtna," HE PEOPLEMARJ<E Her point is that teleVbion films ha,ve more substance and more social consciouattess, aa well as · better production values, than do most filma for the t heater, where too mant ~ovies seem content to substitute violence and automoblle smash.ups for bum an emotions and chuacter studies • . , \110€0\JI~' 2061 ..,._. C ...... Dr, Wtt IOI . nt... Behind The Red Onion 712-5411 St~te Souno Ci) ~~~~~~ (JJf ~SftEM j • t•n :ior111 ",."""" ~ , PLm CITY CENTER THEATRES 3901 MRROPOLnAN.OIANGE 1:00-3:15-5:30-7:•5· 10:00 THE SENSATIONAL <ttinhtrrlla low Showing! Plltt Orano-· 634-9212 530-4401 PLUS '• "FRATERNITY ROW'' CLASS IDEAS SCREENED By DENNIS McLELLAN Of,,. 0..ly Pl ... Si.ff The credits for one of the films didn't maJce it back from tbe developer in time for the student film festival so the title of a pre· vious year's production was substituted. Thus "Eplsodian," the story of the creation of the world. became "Global Oval." "ll was the one that came closest lo fitting," said Kaiser Mid· ' -die School teacher Lila Schoenmehl. The veteran of four student film festivals atlded phUosophically. •'I've had three called 'Fun in the Sun.··· A setback like substituting titles wasn't about to daunt the elehth grade members of Mrs. Scboenmehl's Mentally Gifted Minor film-making class. "Episodian I "Global Oval," is one of three films, along with "Memories" and "A Take-off From the Maltese Falcop." sub- mitted tolhe California Student 8 mm Film Festival held in San Luis Obispo. And while they failed to walk away with any awards this year, merely coming through with a !inished product was a re· 't'ard in itself. AFTER ALL, with six "production companies" in operation and only one camera, one projector and one editing machine available, that'squite an accomplishment. The students had eight weeks, including c!lass time and out· side time, to make the films, which Include sound. Four out or the six met.the deadline. Film making is just one phase of the MGM class, which also does units on grammar, the American novel and a research pro· ject. "The reason I like film making as a quarter unit," said Mrs. Schoeninehl, "ls because it combines all communication skills: visual, oral and written. She also believes ·'kids are so tuned In to hat they're not used to using their imaginations." Creativity soars tn the movie making process. "WE BRAINSTORM for about a week," Hid 14n. Schoen· mehl. "A film will be no better than its script, or the editing job they do to it." / The students be1in by coming up with a st1tlement of what the movie Is lo say. They then develop a synopsJs, a treatment, a story board and a shooting scrip\. "Once they do a story board," she said, "I keep my t!and out of it, which is a hardlhing for a teacher to do." • ' Most or the films run for 10 minutes or less .. "To make a state· ment in 10 minutes is, well, it's like writing a composition," she said. "You've got to say exactly what you want lo say." !She noted that one of the judges told her he "turns off" after about six minutes). Making a Cllm about the creation of the world (''Episodlan") in six minutes indeed must have been a challenge that would have rankled even lh~ best of composition virtuosos. MRS. SCHOENMEHL said "Memories" is about an old woman and a child looking through a scrapbook or their life. "A Take-off On the Maltese Falcon," she noted, speaks for itselC. ''The title is not very good," she admitted. "I tried to gel them to call it 'The Caracas Canary' but l dJdn't have any suc- cess." Reading Keeps ------Critic Booked • \ While this year's film festival is over, the young movie makers had another chance at screening their films before an audience. That's when their parent.a attended the class's end of the year Showcase, which featured not only the mms but other multi· media class projects. Mrs. Schoenmehl, whose classroom displays several awards won in past festivals, said a number of her students have gone on to take film making classes in high school. ..ONE YOUNG MAN was so turned on by it he went on to makefilmsonhlsown." As for herself, the f01'mer college English major admitted to neverbavinctatenafilm class. ··aut as a youne kid growing up in the Imperial Valley tlie on· ly source of entertainment for me was the movies that changed every Saturday nig'1t," she recalled, adding she saw matinees every-Saturday and Sunday. · By JUDITH OLSON OITlleO.llyl"fi.tSt•ff Kinch said be only Nads a book a day. •'For years I i.honlbt'1& read 85 books a d.r,'' Sano kl•ded in hiJ introduction ot ~crb. "l'm re• a11urecl~at bedotlD't;,;' -- Kinch, .. ~tbfut srandfatber wbo Js beitded and portly, has lived abroad for the last 10 years but now is.laying temporarilt ht Santa Barbara, wbJch he said iJ "sort of practice for golng to heaven." As he looked around t.be Com· puter Sciences bullding at UCI,· -where tJie series was .,..ng held, be tald, ''l feel like Rlp Van Winkle. I do not believe Irvine exlsta.'' Kinch, who got interested In reactm, boob while ln 91e Na¥7, atteDded colleae on tlfe GI bill and studied "endlessly" for hi5 doctorate ln psycbolOIY and literatW'e. He had worked for the Hollywood Citizen News While finl1btnt bl• education and finial· Jy. after completion of bis PbD, was offered a Job as an Instructor at UCLA. He IOOft found. however, that he could not feed hl• familJ on his instrucWr'• salary 10 he got a Job as a copyreader for the Times .. to aupport hi• teachlnt habit." • . • • :· BEA ANDERSON, Edttor T~1 June7, 1971 C1 ' The creative process never ends in film making. Sam Gilbert, left, works on · title cards while . i a a • Marcello DeFrenza, above, handles the editirig. .. : ' I .. . . I .. • ' . .. • ... . . 'be aald. "My left and fllbt baD4 are both dofng the writiog." '" Hl• allusion to the left and rlaa.t hands la tbe bula of what~ sees as the writer's formula for success. He told the audience at UCI that succeurul writers must d1le eover bidden. aspects of themselves aDd let tbe "weaker hand," qr the unknown parts ol tbe sell, emer1e and parUdpate lD the creative process. tn moat cluaea in creative wl"itlq, Klracb aald, there II a lot Of talk about ~bnlque and 1alea ~la. • Married 60 Years Geor1e nd E 0 mma Von Droan, nuldenll of th• L a1una Be ach Nunln1 Home. marked their OOth ttoeddina a.nnivenary wlth a ~. elebratlon there. Amon1 ho e attendtn1 were the ooor~ couple'• dauahter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mn tioward f arcou f L IUD• &each. The Von Droaoa were married hi FAtaewat r . N.J. elevised Sports AT WIT'S END : l Wife Calls Foul l By ERMA BOllJIECJ[ "When ,we stood at the altar and said, 'I "Where ban you been?" uked my busbaqd do's~· I as I locked the front door. t Tee all a football beinl tbet"e too. ! ''Tomy parent-without-partners meetiQg." you needed some help to get your • "Since when are you a slnale parent?" de tree. "Since Howard Cosell found bis voice. Did football pitch in? No, friend, it was me. Parents-without-_partnefs ls a group of 200 Wbenyousprainedyourankleorgottbeflu, women who di.scuu how we can compete with Wu football around to wail on you? televised sports. And what did football have to do, ''Tonight was an important meeting. We are With the kids who live here and look like pressuring the beads of networks to either re-)'ol.\? lease our husbandS from their grip or llat them Is Football cares not If you live or you die, legally dead so all o{ u.a will be free to probate the Yet I rate so low and it rates so high, estates and remarry." ' When I took your name lfl recall, "You talk ridiculous." I chqed itto Ladner, not Mrs. Football." . "Believe me, we are not talldni ridicu1ous_i "You know what you sound llke? A jealous read a story where next January, the Super Bowl shrew. You cannot believe there is something is going to telecast the game during the dinner else on this earth that would bring pleasure to a I hour.•• husband, other than yourself "Of course they are," s!Ud my husband. "You resent the fact that something so basic , "Why, that game Is expected to draw the highest and formless as a football can replace your rallngssince 'Roots'." standin& ribs, tum a maa.on without so much as "I don't care if Kunta Kinte is playing a fumble, keep him in a chair for five hours with quarterback, that game is not going to interfere simply the promise of coQlina back after the : withourdinneragain." commercial. You'rejealous!" itwomengetsouptightwhenmenwatchafootball n.,ys, you wu1. ere s your new roomma • ou Dltil t.. V.: Tlltiff ue fean can be a tremen-~•U•~ -.o••tt .. 1 tJaH doua help. l work. tor a puc....,•N•· crlala intervention place Quick f00twolk1 &k and people often call or who eonatantl,y put hi• rapht1 •DO•Hnae re-come In just to Wk. arm• arqund women, •OHi GI ti.e ~ .. 4 otr II any Umes these people rubbed thelr bacu, etc. ·u.e Mel aad a well· come back to thank us You Qld eomeday he'd w•~ warala1 <Hid for belplna them thnlu1h · let punchecJ out. Well, •I~ • •lllD 1mne, 4-J .a rouablituaUon. that'• ftM for a woman c o • r 1 e ) t It U t • e W ~ a r e n o t wbo would a.ver MYe to 'iiltrellaadJae I• .. ,., p1ycbolo1l1t1, we are . '"tbeoctopue~but' •••••1 b•t •ot fer voluoteen -manyolus tor, or the 1tote, the that ltD"t alw~yl the t..c~" wltb problems of our darned tblU ct~bea On cue. A•) or all or, Uae own, but we are wlllln1 either m,v clieaa or my I worked at a rnoatly afote-tS•t4 •_,lea· to help others. I believe c o a t . l t b a 1 al 1 o al1·1irl1 colleae toi tlou WW _.. tlie s.01t that ·U.year-old girl who ~cratcbed iny ann1 and several )'ears. OM of the tentleeatledler: tO el"D wrote bu a mlsconcep. my face. Our Uttle atrl academic bt1 1botf en-Q Illa lido -ti •la• realy Uon Cll what it means to almost •ot lt fn tbe eye a Joy~pawiJll,1queetlog, wuta lalm ~ tllat ts. '11et counaelln1." It couplectUrnes. cr•bblftl and pattUi1 tlie Some clolla woalcl rti!l« doesn't mean you are Tbe bush ta on tbel~ .female 1tudenta. I can· complela. mentally ill. It means property 10 we can't attest to tbe fact that you are a human beinl touch lt. My husband • bintln1 and <lodalna DEAR ANN: I would who bu a problem you says he's loin& to chop lf brouabtnoresulta. like to respond to the can't bandle alone and down one ot t&ese days, ' . · What cu a 1Irl do YOUDf lady wbo wrote to are willing to admit it. recardleas. It does no when abe'd love to puncb chew you out because Thi.a ls healthy. cood to complain. We a auy out but can •t )'O\I a4 often advlae your My letter ii belinnln& have and they tbou1btit because 1be's afraid ·of read.rs to '11et counsel-to 1ound like a sermon, very funn:y. the conaeq\lenced -inf." rm with you.. 10 I'll slen off -but I ap. . There must 'be a solu-L IKE WIS]$ V l C. 'IJ~at «aUUn• to ao~e·· · preclate your lettlna me lion to this dilemma. TtldlZED IN LAKE. one about dla'U)p()lnt-speak my piece. -What ts tt? -NASTY PLACID . ment1, anxieties and' ·VOLUNrARYCARING NEIGHBOR PROBLEM From C'1 · ... Writers Most beat sellers, Kirsch said. aren't well written. "But it doesn't matter. They rest on some other element.•• TIDS "OTllE& ELBllENT" comes from the writer himself, Kinch added. which m.u.si be ex-plored and uncovered. "For' the creative writer, the great mystery· is the writer hlmlelt -bis aemitivity. his view of tbe warld, bis awareness of people and events, hla credo -what be believes or thinks he believes." Kirsch said that there are two sentences at tbe base oUbe critical act: "I loved It" or "I hat- ed it." "Real eritlcism starts when you say, 'I li.keditandtbialawhyl llkedit,'or, alitUebeyond. 'ltworkedandlhislswbyitworked.' , · "The matter of creative writing is not so very "different. It turns on your message to the world." · Klraeh 1ai(f he belij!ves there la only one kind of writing, good writing, which ls "saying what you mean and meaning what you say." He stressed over and over that good writers must flrat learn to too. themselves and aak the "im~" questiou. 'You have to be committed to something, lo know wbo you are. Tbla quality work$ in both criticism and creative wrlttns. This mysterious quality la'JOUI' •voice'." "KnaW what ii in yourself. Write to amuse · and entertain younelf ... DEAit V.C.: Aad yom INKENTUCKY. spoke It well, indeed. DEAR KEN: You've Yoa'll never know bow qot more tbaa a "NGsty many lifesavers you've Netgbbor Problem." It's thrown oat to people wbo a le&al problem. I'• not' were llaoglag by a at all 111tt yoe cu force thread. Bless you. tbem te remove tbe bub D .E A R A N N but 1'11 M& you can do LANDERS: I have a pro-aomethl•C a boat the bl em that is getting my· branches that extend on goat. It's our next-door to yoar property and do neighbors. They have a tbedlrtywork. rosebush that grows next See a lawyer -and to our driveway. Every ·a1ao blqalre about .cel- time I 1et into my car to 1 e e t I • I f • r p a s t iO to Chruch, to the doc· .dam8'eS- SOUrHCOAST · · ACI'OBS co.op I JEFFREY'S HOME Is SHr<l\1119 tor DOl"'llel & e.-. oerlenUd t.lent lnl-lecl In '"'"'· TY. ,,." end COin· f'Mrcl .. L All..,., types. I , CENTER (71~) 957..0282 754-0 151 SENIOR CITIZENS . 10.w Off All 78 P•rcla•••• SAVE OH ALL PUllCHA.5ES av IECOMl'!G A 114EMl£1l OF oua SENIOR CITIZENS SAYINGS rt.AN AT HO COST TO YOU. RENTALS & All ,,.., ... IX ,,., ..... HtHNd t'if ollege Pharmacy • raw::w:1iON'I ._, 11,, fAIR IJfi l 0'>1A l,1t '.r. () t. t ,,.. ' , ' ..... " " ' I' • i· .1 ! f: "Answer me one question," he said. "Why is ,.. I t"85~ ... !"mH a f~ball. "Okay, Bjooitec Kiely • game?" got four trya to make a f1rat down. Ioc:ompleted • 'I ··~~a~m~M~~~-~-~~.~~~~~~L1' -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from Melanie Ladner in Nederland, Tex .. that That was six week.a ago. He •till bun't re--I says it all. Pay attention." alized I'm gone . • 1 .l i Aqliarius-, -'Check Detdils · · added responsibility LIBRA (Spet. 23-0ct. 22.Jan .. 19): Leave de· WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 8 CANCER (June. 21· 22): You draw to you tails, "close work''. for t By SYDNEY OMARR July 22): Home adjust· persons with their pro-another time. Gain over· ARIES (March 21- ,April 19): You make fsome marvelous con- l tacts. listen to some tall tales. ~ TAURUS (April 20- May 20): Your natural ·talents surface -you • are rewarded for doing :what comes naturally. ! Friends disagree. may . attempt to draw you into conflict. GEMINI <May 21-June '20 ): Open dialogue with •one "at the top." You · have chance now lo ad· ment is indicated blems. Key is to be allvlew.Changeroutin~. H a r m on y c a n b e helpful without becom-Short trip could result ID restored to domestic ing inextricably in-dinlngdellght. . area -if you so permit. volved. AQUARIUS (Jan. LEO <July23-Aug.22): SCORPIO <Oct. 23-20-Feb.18): Check de- Emotions tend to Nov. 21>: Get to heart of tails in connection with dominate -you see matter s. Be direct, purchase. money places, people through forthright, independent, ·transaction. Be posltive haze or wishful thinking. stand tall fon>rinclples. where prices are con- Key is tope~eive. SAGITFABIUS (Nov. cemed. VIRGO 'Aug: 23-Sept. 22-Dec. 21): You gain . f'ISCES (Feb. 19· 22 ): FollOw through on "lnsldfil information." March 20): Element of business profect. One who is intuitive '"good. fortune" is in· Member'Qf opposite sex leads the way, teaches dlca\ed. Your efforts l\f9· does respond to you -and aids you in achievinc. appreciated, rc:warded. and has• great expecla· desire, goal. 1Get tbo\lghta, ideas on tions. CAPRICO RN <Dec . paper. I ;vance cause, to elevate ---------------------------- •personal prestige. Say _ -------:z~------~-~~~'-::""'-:-.!~~~'i"l:""..,...'"°i'l~:'t '."Yes" lo challenge, c- ;smooth I ~Sailing CheeH OI. The Week BIG .BARii CHEDD"AR Regular •30'.: ,_.,, s309.._ OFF W ~ u. OFFEA GOOO THAU JUNE 13 .... -~ ....... c....,c......,_,.Nt.,.........,....._. .... ..., ..._. .. _. .... _, ...... It It tleW .._.._,....,..,.Try• .....-CY_.. .. .._ ...... , .... ~.._. ••llllM...,_,-feye ...... at ........ ._ ......... Open deity 'tit t p.m. &.tu'*Y 'tll • p.m. &unu, 12 to IS P·"'- P1'on11 MHM1 Bonow up to $10,000 Take 10 years to repay You pay 10% simple annual interest ., The Annual Percentage Rate is 11.7% • t f you're a property. owner, the N.wport $75,000) and shorter terms aft nailable (as I Equity Funds Tcrmr wants to arrange littl' aa 3 yurt) at a proportionately higher a loan for you. We'tt broku1. We'll annual percentage rate. And you can always And the lnvatment dollars you' re looking for repay up to 20 pera!llt of the principal in any and arrange a Joan of \lP to $10,000at10 per-year without penalty. On a $10,000 loa~ you'll cent simple annual interest for 10 years. Of haue 120 monthly payments of $83.33 (an terest course you may be able to borrow more (up to only) and a final principal repayment of $10,000. 'Newport Equity 'Funds; Inc. \ J IMSml WOODY ALUM FUMIY WIMIBIEAM !'\.E BEEN '6t<ED 10 ~ A Feu.l ~ AT ~1€> YEAR'o 6RAOOfmON -....._...----::~CEREM()NC.)! : TAMKMcMAMARA . . . NANCY 1 HATE TO LOOK AT THIS CA~D--­ I 'M SURE 1 GAINEO WEIGHT AGAIN by Tom latiulc 5PEAKING CE ~~ ... we STIU.. ~VE A FEtAJ eoxe£> ~ eAND CAN()(,) AVAILABLE ... by Ernie Bushmihr _,,._ ~-, ...... O••rt u..._.,__,_ DOOLEY'S WORLD DR.SMOCK OPEl...i wipe, MRS. POR..,-tJR, SO W6'L.&.. HAVE! ROOM FOR 1"HS &UC"f"ION HOSE!, '~MJ>.. MY PICK, ~I!! •- MIRROR, SOMe CO'T'1'0i..L AN' A Few O"T'He!R L..1' £, Pe!NTAL.. GIZMOS ... THIS 5ttOULO CVRf rr ! 'l'Oll UHOERESTIMATEO TIE VAi.OE, 11\'f DEAR! M5 WIU. ---eE Al'PRAISEO AT eETTER TMAH AAl.F A MIWON! A byGeorgeLll90llt .aanA'IS 0""2&.L8 Dal! have debated -•• h wWMr to ... ail COIQp&Diel import e.a lsser amoetl ot Atalku oU to Loni Beach u.a .. .., ..... ..._.SouM. Llk• tMlr w .. titn1too counterparts, the ~led b1 Air RelOVces Board Cbatrman Tom Qu(nn, · arpe tbat federal re1&1latiou aren't enough to 1Uarantee that large new doses ct 1m<>1 won't reault from new tanker Wm.ina.ls. They're *1ao concerned over oil aplllt. especially since a UCLA team lut month reported that the state's coastal cities and cotm!ies "are almost totally uo- _... prepared to cope with offshore oll1pllls." Now CAltfornla Att7. Gen. Evelle J . Younger hu mede tbe 1tate CODffl"D a bipartisan stance, a~iq the Sulweme Cowt to reverse the district court rullnl of lut fall . • THE DBCISION, RE SAID, UDdercuta blstoric stai. powers to protect a1ainst oU apilll by regulat- lnl Urben and coastal resources. ''Wablnltoa'• tanker law," bis frtend-of·the- court brief arped, "la deslped to protect Pqet SOund acamst the kind of eMastropblc oil 1pill that can occur when a aupertankel'l>reab up, co1JiCJea or 1oee qround. •• The recent rub of oil apllla on the East Coast. be said. is evidence that uiltinl Coast Guard re-plationa over oil tanker operaticm are inauffi. dent. "IT IS IMP0&1'ANT, TBBaEFORE, that coastal atatea be able to recuiate oil tanker opera- tion• ln areas where tho Coast Guard baa failed to de ao, •• Younger added. • For California, these are the lmpllcationa: If Walhlniton's law ta finally upheld, tbe state can insist that Cout Guard rqulationa for tanken be toqbeaed contiderably -or else pan ita own law• fCJl"hlddfftg lnf erior veaela from dockinl here. But Uthe lower court ded.lic.:a atanda, it will mean that California's Juriadletloo will ool1 belin at ctoeblcle and won't extend beyond laeton lib tbe ftnal locatiom ol ail and natural ... tennlnala. TllAT WOtJLD 11AKZ COllftOlllD8 wen mGN dlMalt tbu lM)' a.l.nild1 lllOIDile to be ID tbe dispute over where and whether \o bring Alukan oil tnto CaJlfomla. For a.41 long u California Glftdals know they can repla1e tbe ab1pa tb.at brlns 1n the oil, tbey can feel more secure ln arantlna concessions to tbe oil companies onshore. But reatrictlnl their power over oil tanker tr&f· fie would also areatly restrict their optiana In all o&ber aspect.a of the Alaskan oil issue and poulbly make them more intransigent in res1stiq any oil imJM>f1 plan. ( Courtesy Pays Off TAMPA. PlL {AP) -Aat= atld the ban· dit who nibbed tbe l'teldom Sa'1no and Loan oft4.000b.ld aatreaof polltm• ID b1m. "'l111a ts a hol~i&ileate." bis demand note to teller Nonna8Ye1ta Workers Move Actretts Greer ~anon has fond memort of flood· dama•ed Williamson. ·W. Va., which she VI.sited ln UM1. So she sent the town a _, check so the town could "throw a little chen-y brunch party for the eb.Udreo." Padtages With Iron Get Eye WASHINGTON <AP> -Many vitamins and other products contain• lng iron must now be packaeed la claUd- reslstaot contat•en. such as those used for ~pirln. A Ccmum~r Product Safety CbmmlAslo' r.,_ gulation that Just toOt ef· f ect requires the a peel al containers for product.I with 500 mll11a1'ama f' more of iron. However, products cm the store shelves in Wiier packqes cu a&ill be sold. Shifting Confirmed ( ttJO.n KA•NS&KA•A914N "'"" __ P_UB_U_C_N_OTl--C-E--•e-:::=n ft18L1C NOl'ICE ~1..., OrMOt Coelt 0.11., PllOt. ___________ 11 P.UIMI,._. er.,.. OMnt o.t•v ~li.t. -----------1··-· ai • ..s.i-1, 1•. n . "" ,.1mnouseuii••ff 11•': IA t1.11. m1 n4'-11 NAM81TATSMeNT I N11 11 r ... 'Ollowtnt ,.,_ •• clOl"O bllsl-,,.u H RILEY'S .. llAMERY. SUcllll l-----------l \llll119e. mJ Mal" ••• H1111U11gta11 STATWWTOf'MAMIPOllM811T llM<ll.CA,.. Of'UlmO.fltCTn'IOUI Rll•r ~., ..... Ce11111. 6H¥r l'tJBUC NOTICE llUSINUSMAM• ACKlll,C...dllMer,CAti625 Tiie lol'-1119 --fin abelldolMd Oerat"' A!Uy C-.. 211 0-t llM"' IN llcllllous blltiMSs-· A ....... boe lstaM,CAtM61 PETl'S MEAT$, ·-Motlnvlll Tiiis llui!Mst la ~"4 ..... e Meu, CA"'27 ' ttftOrtl ....... ... lll ..... J.Gllnp PUBUC NOTICE 111Cn'10UHUSOIHI •AMlllTATlMSMT .. ----.11.....------i Tiit IOllOwlfll ,..._ II MitlO IMI· -··: PUBLIC NOl'ICB p•-•-"" NOTICmo IOUTN GARDEN SPRINllLaR --~---TO-c-.-.... _-__ ...___. "~ .,_ Sa"VICI,_, #1,Myrt ... ~NN. -·-• t-----------lcAtt70J SU ~011"'9 "1CTln=eUSIJtHS .....,._otrcle OINll!el, .... 1. NAMSITAHMaHT M1tti..11ntaAN.c:Aft1*> The~,..,_. Medol119 IMI· Thlt '*"'-*la~ llY -Itt- a t, ' ANKARA, Turkey (t\P> - Bulett Ecevlt, whole Republican People's party won the Turkish natiqnal election, says he'll seek improved relations with t.be Unit· ed States, "but of course this can- not be a one-way street. ·•we shall certainly exert evtT)' effort to rest.ore coopera. Uon, friendship and mutual trust wlth the United States," said Epevit as he made preparations for ne1otiatlons to put together a maJority in the new National A&- s.em bly. Tueeday, JuM 7, 1977 $HY01llt SNYD t ASKBD 8&0WN Ii' TH£&& was any bitter- ness tiiitweeo lll'Owo a.ad Prelfldent Carter, against whom Brown rao last year io several of the late Democratic primaries. Ecevit, who ordered the i.n· vasion of Cyprus while premier in 197-'. warned that the U.S. arms embargo ordered by Congress after the invasion is still a source of irritation. Presi- dent Carter tried to ease the em- bar10 last week, but Congress re- fused. 'STRAWBERRY CAPITAL' ALSO BOASTS COUNTRY MARKET Ex-fnayor Charles Oldeo" Chats W1th Mayor Colllna Bonlcard Brown raponsed by praising Carter for the President's accessibility. saying, "The lines of communication are open. That wasn't always the case with the previous ad- ministration." ,.....,.,..,..aellaf Town Tr ~· WASHINGTON (AP) -An energy plan approved by a con- gressional panel would forbid homeowners to sell their houses unless they first installed insula- tion and met federal guidelines for every energy efficiency. Despite Republican objections that the plan would CONtitute government intrusion on the privacy of homeowners, the House energy and power sub- committee gave its approval to the mandatory energy proposal Monday. 'What We Have COn 't Be Duplicated'· Btisiness Booms KUko Ventures Bra:n£h Out -~t-·'f!.'c!!!.~!1--( J PONCHATOULA, La. -Gi· AMERICA deon's trbmpet tiatb· been heard _ _ throughout the land. Or at least throughout Southern Louisiana. Gideon bath never been what you would call bashful about blowing ditches beside the railr9ad tracks, customary eyesores, are filled and adorned with flower beds. RAMONA <AP) -Dickie Cessna, age 12, is making a small fortune killing gophers and shoveling horse manure. When Dickie and his three sis- ters are out on a gopher job-, they put up a sign saying, ''Gopher control by Kidco. We never miss." They say their poison is a secret formula. Dickie has become quite a celebrity. The maiknan brought 100 letters In one month, Includ- ing one from WaJter Cronkite and another from Barbara Walters. A newspaper in Holland and another in Hong Kong ran stories about him. The kids al school ask him for big loans. He's even a big hit at busi· nessmen's luncheons and recent· ly told the Lions Oklb, ·'If we had more people wQrking, we wouldn't have so many on welfare.·· In Los Angeles, about 100 miles up lhe coast, they not only.want Dickie to cater gophers but also lo star in the movies. Kidco, Inc., set up by their father a year ago in the.J)llest In- dies. has Dickie as president, Ne· Ne. 9, vice president, ,))~he, 11, secretary and June Gole, their 14-year-old half sister. tre1:1surer. They kilJ gophers fop $1. sell manure from their falht::,r's horsi! boarding operation and now are starting a subsidiary c~l)ed Kid- co Water Company, delivering bottled water. They are selling their motor scooter with a wagon ?tooked on and are buying a truck with their earnings. They plan to pay an older brother to drive it. "Wow!" is Dickie's word for it all. terview. "But we want to keep them busy, to teach them the ~Reported value of a dollar." , · 1 MOSCOW (AP) -A strong Dickie did 21 live rad o in· have caused serious damage in terviews in one d av. Two thecentralAsianSovietrepublic it. "l wanted to put our town on the map," Gid~n said. "You have to shout a lilUe to do that, stir things up. I'll tell you, while I w~s doing it I had a ball ... After the publicity over~axes. earthquake and spring floods' television production coin anies of Kirghizia, the Soviet press re· are taJking to him. Co •pol a ported today. THE.&ESULTS ARE pleasant- Productions interviewed him•)n Areas in the neighboring Soviet ly evident when you visit Hof lywood to play the part of a.. Pe>nchatoula, which, though on 12-year-old boy in a motioo pie-'1 J the map, is not exactly on the lure to be nlmed in RoD'le. No de-JN SHORT beaten path. cision has been made on lhat. It is otrthe-otber-flde ofll lake Dickie has also been offered a and the other side of a swamp condominium by a Los An~eles republic of Tadzhikistan were from New Orleans, about an a~ea land developer ·y.ho said he also flooded, the reports said. h9ur's drive northwest. It is a will make th d n nt f town of about 4,000, water tower e ow payme or The quake occurred last Friday on the edge of town, railroad them and all the ·rnon.thly pay-and had a force of 7 on the 12-~ents if they help h(m m promo-point Medvedev scale used in the tr(ij:~='0lf:'ii':!~~r!if .too ttons on wee~en~s.,$ays Cess~a: Soviet Union Tass said. f h "The kids thmk it's tpo lucrative • o ten in t is country have a deal to pass up · · become sad, seedy and forlorn. They are p;lying cash for their Getlerab lle.,,.,.d their juices sucked dry by the own truck becaus' ''the manure BRASil..IA. Brazil (AP> wbiz·bang cities oo the Interstate business has grown fantastically Rosalynn Carter is steering clear with shopping malls and bowl-o- and the kids just can't do it in of student opponents of Brazil's ram as and flag-flapping car lots. their trailer." military regime and scoring a After school, the kids work two personal success with the or three hours s~oveling manure general~ and civilian politicians. and shavings from the horse The U.S. First Lady arrived in stalls o;.imep J>y/~liJl Diego Coun-the Brazilian capital as students try Estates, dte development at universities throughout the where their Cal.her works. They country were organizing strikes sell manure Pt."3 a cubic yard but and demonstrations. give special di;counts for big or· ders. • ' Landscai>effi buy most or the m anure un d haul il off themselves. , The kids <\Jaw $25 each from a Ramona bank acceunt & spend- ing money etery month and get a w'eekly all.wan~e for chores. Cessna ref"*ed in an if\lerview to say what the allowance is or what Kidco's profits come to. GM 81ted Agala NEW YORK (AP) -Atty. Gen. Louis J . Lefkowitz is suing General Motors for a second time over switching engines among its several lines of automobiles, a practice he has labeled as "mis- leading and dec..?tive." PONCHATOULA IS different. Gideon and bis trumpet had a lot to do with it. Cbarles Gideon was mayor of Ponchatoula from 1972 to 1976. Ponchatoula is a town of tidy homes set back from clean streets and lawns tended with ob- vious pride. Downtown, every storefront ls freshJy painted, every tum.of -the-century brick facade scrubbed and in perfect repair .. Balconies provide cov- ered sidewalks. The town looks. brand new, its charm -a century old. Flowers bloom in every unused patch of dirt and in large pots sta- tioned along the streets. Even the "WE CAN'T COMPETE with the big shopping plazas,•• the former mayor said. "What I had to do was persuade our people that the big ugly plazas can't . compete with us either. .. What we have can't be duplicated, all that fine masonry, the old-fashioned balconies.· Wol'lrltkethattsn'tdonetoday. "l started with the worst of- fender, a big empty buildine. The bricks were falling off and I told the ownet I would condemn it as a hazard. It was torn down. Then· I went to one merchant at a time ~nd asked them to freshen up their places. The idea caught on. I started planting flowers and thatideacaugbton too.'' AS TOWN JUDGE, a function of the mayor's office, Gideon used means other than mere persuasiontofreshenuphlstown .. "We put in a $50 fine for litter-ing. Other towns do that but don't enforce it. I did, I'd try to nail one or two a week to show we meant business. Instead of fining one fellow for tossing a beer can out of b.i$ car window, l sentenced him to five days of picking up trash." 'Having made the town a pleasant place to visit, Gideon set about attracting visitors. For start.er s. he de c 1 are d Ponchatoula the Strawberry Capital of the World. "TBA'rS WHAT HAMMOND call~ itself. We took the title from Hammond, just stole ft. had 'Strawberry Capital' and cluster of strawberries pain on highway signs, all the cit trucks, everything that woul take paint.'' Hammond, the next tow north, surrehdered. Every ye thousands attend Ponchatoula's Strawberry Festival -another Gideon promotion. , .. Gideon is also justly proud of,~ Ponchatoula's old train stati~ ~ refurbished and converted into a country market. Townspeople rent boot,hs and sell quilts, Jams; ( anything locally produced. • ~j THE MABKET WASN'T Gi ... ~ deon'5 idea, though it develo~ from tbe community spirit b · engendered, but when the-~ railroad threatened to sell the building to out-of-t.owners, it wasir. a Gideon brainstorm that saved .. the day. One night a passing freight · train sped through town. Gideon stopped it and gave the engineer ' a speeding ticket. 1 ''They bad to send big-shot·~· lawyers down from Chicago to appear in my court. l told them the town speed limit was 25 miJe5· . an hour but that the Town Coun,:,." cil could make the limit for trains~' any speed it felt was safe -like two miles an hour, or one. They • got the message. We kept the · building." ·~ One fmal Gideon triumph: IN THE MIDDLE OF •' Ponchatoula. next to the Countr{-'' Market, a big alligator basics in al cage. Highway signs proclaim it as the biggest alligator in cap-~ tivity. · How big is that alligator, Gi· deon? .. / "Fourteen Yeetlong." .... It lodks more like 10or11 feet. ,.. ''You want to measure it? You ·~ measure it." ... The money goes into a trust for college. California tax authorities have already hauJed the kids in and asked them to explain why they made up to $3,000 a month without a selJer's license and failed to charge a sales tax. They11 !hake "a normal busi - ness markup" in taking a wholesaler's water after school ends nex4 week and delivering the gaJ109 bottles to anyone who will buy t.Jlem, Cessna said. He obtained an order Monday from a state court requiring GM to explain by June 9 why it should not make have to make restitu- tion to New York buyers of 1977 Buicks, Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles and Cadillac Sevllles powered by engines other than those from Chevrolet. Pope-ye Coming 'Home.'. Jn .their application for a se ller 's p e rmit , Dickie answered: List your real estate --"None." Fixtures and equip- ment -''None.·• Estimated monthly expenses -"None." Rent -"None ... Total - ·'None." Records kept by "self." Landlord -"None." Type of business -"Manure." The permit was approved. Cessna, 42, and his wife, Jean. have six older children. "l don't preach to them," Cessna said in a recent in· . The manure business has doubled ln six weeks to 55 reguJar customt¥"s. and gophers are be· ing burit<J right and left. Ap.p<>intments Hit LOS ANGELES <AP )-A gro~· I or lawyers claims the gov• ern 's appointment of six non- atto neys to the State Bar board of v~nors is unconstitutional an allows Gov. Edmund G. Bro n Jr. to dominate the board. D-Dq lleeallecl CAEN, France <AP> -Small c·eremonies in a number of Normandy towns marked the 33rd anniversary of tbe 1944 D· Day invasion Monday. Wreaths were laid at monu- ments on Utah Beach, one of the two principal American landing sites. at St. Martin de Vareville. where French troops stormed ashore, and at Ste. Mere Eglise, where U.S. paratroopers were dropped. \ ' Cartoonist's Town Builds Statue of Sailor From AP Dispatches The women of Beta Sigma Phi are bringing Popeye the Sailor home where he belongs -to Cbester,m . They figure it's the only fitting way to honor Elvie Segar, a Chester native who invented the feis· ty cartoon swabbie. Members of the sorority's Xi Upsilon chapter raised $10,000 tQ build a six-foot bronze statue of Popeye in tribute to bis creator. Popeye and Wimpy, another cartoon character. were fashioned after citizens of the small Mississlp· pi River town in southern Illinois. * Spfio Agnew and Robert Redford were ~mong the notables who turned up for the 1$llb commencement ac- tivities at Williams CoHege in Messac~usetts Actor Rectrord received an honorary de'1'ee of humane le~ ters for efforts on bebalf of con- servation and enyironmental protecUon. He bas been credited with leadir)1 a successful cam- paign to prevent construction of a • large coal-burning electric generatlftg plant in Utah. HDF01to Aenew was in the audience to •atch bis daughte, Kimberly, graduate with 400 other stu· dents. * Sfnsu Fraak Sinatra bas been preaent· ed with brael's Cultw..rat Awll'd at an Independence Ball celebrating the Jewish naUoo'a 29th an· nlversary. , than l 000 -------- Hackett was injured when a chair in which he was sitting tipped and fell, burling Hackett agains a concrete beam. • • .. . -.. • 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 -,. ... . ·-. ··-· no , • , ••••• -.-. ......... .................... 0 •• , ,...., ,, ' ......... ......., ......... "-"'°"We ....... Fof'W. ....... ,.,.w. ............ w. ...... ,.,.w. .•......••............ . .••.••........••••.•.. ······· ............................................................ . ~ ...,..,~ G••rtl 1002 Gncral 1002 G••rtll 1002 •wnl 1ooz•-1N1 1002 ~~~~~~ ~··~~~··· •.........••.•.•....... ·············~··· ··~······~~···~.... .. ~ ~ ~ mak• ll UJeaal lo ~ 2 bednn " den eie (/~ fValtu adHrUH "any pr•· MONACO model. Mn. If tu.nee, llmJt~Uoo~ or Clean II ves here dlllc:risnloallon ouea on Beautiful 1arden1. ~.color. reUgkln. .... LUtefUUy deeoraled. ree or nat1ona1 orialn. or an land. Open Dally. call for intention to make any details. 1ucb preference. limit•· tJon. or discrimlnaUon. · · 11da newspaper will not knowt.n&.ly accept any adv1rtl1la1 for real tltat. which lJ In viola· S'WP .... Oil eo&ll tJonoflhelaw. ~~~~~~~I H09Mtfor5ale What'll you have? This 4 bedroom on a corner lot bas its own pool for YoW' private swimming -and Is located near the Mesa Verde Country Qub - for you who love bitting tbat white ball down the fairways. 'the 81IDllY. bay-windowed kitchenette 6 cw.y den with Areplace are most appealing after a day of play. -$150,000. Shown by appointment only. ••••••••••••••••••••••• o •• ,~ 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MIWONTHE MA.UIT s Br 2 Ba. 2 car garage. new carpet, paint. va· cant. & available now. '85,IOO Al I~~ T1NO--.eo.i•- 645-9161 •HOISIS •KEMMas •STORAGE •OR77 A huae 82.s x 336 A·l lot w/3 br. 2 ba home ln up- ~bay county area. S96.500 UflliilCJUI: 11()Ml:S REALTORS._ 646-6990 1626 Mesa Verde Drive, East, Costa Mesa also in Corona del Mar, at 675·6000 .. i--~~~~~~~~-i .................. Ge .. rGI Real Estate 1002 HOW GOOD AHYOU? Military T,....,. FORCES SAU Must sell this beautlrul 3 bedroom, 2 bath Costa Mesa home. Gourmet kitchen . compl w/bulcber block counter tops, Ii contlnuous clean· lor oven. Sculptured shag crpts. Heavy shake root. Large Yard Hurry pnced only S79,000. Call 546-5880 ~!--HERITAGE . • REALTORS H CAMYOM TOWlltot• LSI You•n enJoy living tn thb NEW 2-story with 1 bdrm & bath dn and mamer suite with sitting rm upstairs. Lge din· ing rm, fireplace with logs,. large patios (front & rear). Cptd & draped. Pool &tennis. $695 Mo. Need self starting ag gresalve agent. New firm looking ror qualified 88· eoclate. Extremely generous commlssloos Xlnt worltio.g conditions. Prestige orfice i n Newport Center. I~~~~~~~~~ 759.0761 2111 S-JDJ(I_ ....... MIWPOllT canB. 644-4910 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA $69,900 REAi.ESTATE MANAGER WAMTEI> For well known, expand-GeMfod I 002 Ge._... I 002 log Real Estate com-.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·, •••••••••'----•••• pany. Openinl' a new or-................ _, nee In Costa Mesa. Must "FIXED u P" IMPllSSIVE have experience. Salary Spwiglas1 plus +. All applications $21(,000 conlidenllal. Apply lo 2 UNIT New & neYer lived in Ad. No. 869. Dally Pilot. gracious 4 lid. ram rm. preJenb llW EXGUISIVE DOVER SHORB For the cllscrlmlnattq buyer' that wants quiet elepnce. Olstom bu1lt by Lynn Valentine -ewer 4'100 sq.ft. of ltmll'Y C(dalnlng 5 ~formal dining. family roo~aDd Ullard room. FantasUc view + room for pool $2118.500, Mate appointment to aee. call Ann Pet.en. PETfj BARR En REALTY . . I 1002e ... , .. 1002 .............................................. PENINSULA home. Comfortable f am.Uy home a few steps from the beach. 4 Bdnns .• 3 baths. ~.ooo OTHER prestige waterfront homes with pier & Ooat from $.WS,000 up. BA YFRONT. pier & Ooa~ lots $25),000 to $325,000, to build your own custom home. Several areas to choose from. BILLGRUNDV , REALTOR j \ • B•.y,•d•· Or • ., •-i h t> :·, t 10 I G .. I 002 G smr.. 1002 ::~::............... . ..................... . lUMm+ Oceanfront~ Two J . bdrm., 2 baths, one 2· bdrm. l bath + a 1ues1 wlth bath. Good win· ter /summer rentals. SM9.500 ' associated ,. SOMERSET an Harbor View Homes. New pa.int Inside and out. Upgraded carpets, wall covertnp and drapes. s Bedrma. large ramlly room w /Wet bar. Formal dining room 2 Fireplaces. View cov · erect patio. Askin& only $174.950. 644-7270 On quiet tree lined street bordering presUgloua S.ck Bay area. ShllJl) 3 bedroom. t st.ory with enormous private backyard. For appolnl· ment to Inspect call 64M477. • KE:Y •IR£ALTORSh DUPLEX Classlried Advert1s1og, Located East.side Co6ta formal din rro Enchant· 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa on large R-2 lot In& noor l)laa surround· Mesa. Callr 92826 wftb 2 separate yards. 2 tng Spanish courtyard. «~:J Bedrm front home & Decorator co.ordinated Meed&owRoom bachelor upt. In rear. in Io u t . Be au t 4IDIMS $352 for kids. boat. cmpr & New copper plumbing, landscaped exterior. MOMTHLY;AYMTS lfAlT!IS pool? Huge yard w /thls new paint lnside and out. Special term• for the A""'•' .. E "'S Q fr •. •. q':> • "' b l ' • • W.t Newport. 2 BR. le 1 BR. Just a few steps to beach. Excellent for summer or yearly ren· tals. deligbtfuJ .. BR. 2~ BA. New carpeUng and a new ~er who waau t.o pre· Jog to beach. Huge hv. PARKSIDE ESTATE carport. serve cash now and b\IY rm. with crackling •••sT hm nr. Mile Sq. Park-577 950 later fireplace. Gourmet -ready to move.In . • · kitchen and 4 large EXPEMSIYE VAWY RIAi.TY 640-9900 BOUGHT ANOTHER m loan ol "3.500. Hurry! MEWPOtt'TSHORES WT.500. Agt. 642-0200. REAL631_ ATE Call 96M767 A 3 bdrm decorator's de-• Of'tN 10\ 9 •II S JUN IOllNCI• • •r-uM• Uaht wtth chef's gourmet ANXIOUS OWNERS -~ANYTIMEf.im. IL -WA~ bdnns. Low assumable HOMllM --"' k 1 t ch en SH A R P ! MEWPORTHGTS. YIEWLOT SHARP! Your own SIZ4,900 Fantastic forever ocean private master suite and Prestigious Newport and city light view from ...;_...;..;;;~-=--_..;;----t secluded patio with Hgta. Corner location. thlst.opoft.heworld loca· OURLOW'EST 1--------.. customsundeclt Hurry! Cu atom des I g n e d lJOn. F1at building pad. PRICE IM HU"E JAX ~~ .. f.J'.· ,, ~' tH"?OffNtrJ• charmer Thick rlush 1st time offered S8'7.500 EASTILUFF a · carpet 1 n g. G a ss ~~~,UN ro"' "'"' Extra large 2 story Cami· SHELJElll ~.,ihaf1'LI 5~!~01::v::1~~J;!:,'~1 r···1111i1i~1 ~~~eE°ansrb1:::<1~1r~i Finest citrws anci01rape l~.w" .. ··fiQI) kitchen. Unique step ~J\ljijl\: ramily room wilb ranchapprox.S200.0001n down master s uite. ·-~~·~·xJ=~~=~=~·~-~·~~~ massive rock fireplace. grapes&lemonstoplck.I•--------• DelJgbtfuJ wood shingled :::: Formal dining room Price $1,100.000. Owner tiEW IA TRONT master batb. Huge DOLLHOUSE $1.S2.500. E1dus1ve view· alsobaasmallerparcels. DUPLEX separate ramily rm.. fn3.673-8MO ready for residential. 3 Bdnn. ._2 bdrm. ... Car too! tt will be gone $56 900 oPtN1119·••si1.1111101J1Mt1 1 It bit .,. .. tomorrow. call now. • ~~~~~~~~;~ commercaa mo e aarage. Gorgeous view! 752-1700 2 Bedroom, 2 bath. well bome development. $308,000 oPfN11i<1·11s1UNro~r N!tr constructed w It b 400EJr~fWll.l lalloalay [:. I hardwood floors. new MOTICt Mf1i Properties ··1m~:I:fi carpets. drapes. new bow Dally PUot Cius-' c.MA· .. · s ·t ·~~·~6~7~,S.~77~j0~6~0~·~~ • . lii)JjJ ~~;de~ls an~!~ You don't need a "''" to lfaed ada diaolay tbe1r =: ': r: · = • ••--eau m "191. ·-mesases wtt6 lelibility .... ''draw fast" 'llfheo you and1--r0ur-...a.. we ~1a••.,_ ...... Have socnaUlinl you want ~SELECT place an ed in tbe Daily are ;;;t t.o aay ~ _. _,,.. t.old.ITClasaifiedadado T'PROPERTIES PilotWantAda!CallftOw 1et reaulh. Phone EXICUTIYEHOME ~=:.=" ltweU.I05678. • __ __._-_____ -~----·-----•_8G-58'71 ___ . ------2-oay.ae•cH ·-"' ._ Two story SPEC · ttallan tile entry to SLID· TAC'ULAR! 3 bdrms. 2'°" en llv. room bui\l·ln baths. and a fantastic lcro. Country styled ocean view from every kltcben. Formal dining. room will greet you ln Wlnd.ini stalrs t.o muter tbts custom charmer. ~te with Roman bath Everythlng is oew and tu~ Home fully luulat· t he I o c a t t <> n \ o Gs Mr.. I 002 GtMral I 002 SlllC & flNlt JUNE BRIDES SUORTILRHNOlTPECERD S D C I W R 8 0 T 0 R R I L U M H I I E A R S B E A R E H S I E A A A R A L Y Y C R W 0 L J U Z N G T B M A £ 0 Y R Q U C L L S Y C D R G A V V N Z Y S W U S S L S I M M S 0 N 0 M U 0 Z S E S R A A Y E R A E 0 N I M 1 MMETZDDDTRO DTRORTD A A C A G M I R G M t D 0 E W F M 0 T U t N L Y R Y A U X R 1 H N 0 H G H S I 0 A T 8 R I 0 E S M A 1 D S 0 S R A T S I V T l S N 0 I T A T I V H I F 0 •l T F H 0 M S I 8 C E P T l T 0 l 0 N W F Y l P R E R A £ 8 G H 1 R E 0 D O A U L H T 0 M S W 0 M A E S t N V W\ICtlonf· Hidden words bllow .,.,_., 1-.rd, l>Kll· -0. up, dowll °' dlegoollly. Find etch end boic It In. ~ Ffance Trousseau Weddfng Ring : Crystal HoneymOOn Matron of Honor .. D1dOl\d rnv1tatfons Bridal V11l ~- Reception Br1dls•ids R1ngbearer To.>rrow: MetlllOrphos fs ) .............................................. SIVEN UNfTS-.ALIOA Recently reconditioned. Lots of used brick, open beam ("$=· good parking and very low - tenance. One block to ocean and bay. All for $337 ,500 A COUWIU. U... CO. 644-1766 2111 IMWOAOUIH HIU.l "O. IN NIWPOAT CINTU s<e~lA-4i-M· That lnlrl9uin9 Wotd Gome wHlt a C•udle ------.... .., CIAY .. ~ ·=·:.~t':"!..41 :: ..... ,.,. ............. 0£ERUN !' ,.ed~. "!:ca~,..,'~J9":":~!J;0.,,.<1' NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Call DOW 54&-23U. SPYGLASS Lowest llriceel 3 bed.rm bOme. readY to move In· &o. Ownef' very anxious. Popular Porhmoutb inodel. AtOP}y $209,950. -)1~m- . • \jj I I ' •• • WI NEWONE!I OPIN Ill 9 • II J ,._,,.,IO• lol(f• [;]--' THE R[Al ~S!ATt HS 1 VILLAGE WALK Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath wlbU dble car '8ta1e. JdMl""IOtaUon lo proxtmj. ~ to So. Cout Plua. Brand NEW! Ml-ml. -Walk1:r 1; I 1:t: IOOZ .. ' r • IOI PEI iii ... has joined the sales staff or Select Properties. Bob's been active in Orange County real estate as a manager and salesman ror the past twenty years. Most recently he had hi s own highly successful office in Irvine. A few of his many awards include "Top Lister" Newport-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors and "Ufetime Member" of the Million Dollar Club. For a truly professional service CALL Bob at 751-3191. c;::: SELECT I PROPERTIES 1002 Ge•r• 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0Clit4,.0MT Lest. than Z yrs young. In C:OMDO MESA the Riviera district or San Clemente. Im mac. 2, could be 3 BR. Crpll', w/all bltns. Ground rlr VERDE unit w/exclwsive & very unique pvt. stairway from patio dwn to sandy bch. Gorgeous views or whitewater. Cataline & coastlme from huge LR, k.it, dinlng area & deck. G I Beaut. catm tile entry. hallways, lul & baths Naturally It baa plush cpt'I & drpa. also pvt Fantutlc 4 bedroom + e levator to the l r g rauuly room! Low down secured gar. to vet.a I Great area! Only $1H,000 S8UOO. Call now! RED JACOIS RIAL n _c_A_RP_ET_..;_. 7_s.t-_1202 ___ , 675-6670 POOL HOME. Charming '*'• llOO sq.f\. aprall.s out behlsid a modest GRe•'T rroot. Xlnt cond. 3br. 5A Zba, Uv.rm w/bay win· STARTER dow, din.rm, 28x16 fam..rm W /Sep w« bar, 3 HOME! frplca. cpt'd /hardwood 'Ibis s bdrm charmer la floors, 36xi110 pool, perfect for the youna Jacuni, dbl car gar. RV COUPie atart1ng out. Huae Spat!e. Cloae to Chapman encl'd back yard for the College, stores, bu1. UtUe ones w /lemon & SS7 •950· Open hse lO· oran1• tree11. Bicycle daily. Prin only. Ownr. di.stance to the beach. ~~Lemon, Orange . •7'111. _;..;.;;;......;.-----~ S1111beanH111ickl °"l MAIM Sellin& anything wttb a PATT£RI' PAltT (no 111111il) DaUy Piiot Clu1ifled Ad lof tins-""9fltly ..,.., Wiit -\\'alkr.r & b:t: • lS a simple matter . . IMfl WIMP It • 111 1~111\t Real Estate just call 842·5e'78. cottOllS Of tlllllb for. ..tioft. 1002 ·-·.. 100 ~~,:: 9135· •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• ••••••••••••·--Qlildleft'• Sim 2. •. 6. 8. Size " lllllCllllb/ lrvl118 nmlty omncowon Deerfteld' md-anit CODCkatnlum on ~--greenbelt. Slnlle 18"1 -2 'R'• + elm. w/custom decoratini. Com':.~· $85,000. Rosemary Sietz OC-~> 6 tllllS l Jlld ·~ falwlc. $lld $ l .2S tor ... pstllrft. Add 35c b tldl Pltttrll lot tnt<:llSS ..-i. ...,u.c. s...-.: I fOO&,.SftA-A/C JCM•AIA .. NEW DUPLEX , ________ 111 111111 me man in this WDIBLJ:T()N. NO AS· MUMflllTOM SOC. PEE. Call the LAM*AIX lrriDe apedallsta ror de· DmlnMe Padftc: model talls. 3 Bedrooms. 2 bath. used J>ttck fireplaces, large lenced yard + pool • Jacuul ! Call now! TOIDOITOW Will be t late! $128,000. RED CARPET'Js.t-JJJOZ . OJndo. 2 bedim, z ba, ~ aecuritJ, eodoeed aru. Planned activltlH, reereatlonal racll '1, mUBoa dollar clubbouH. Muha <owir to> com-plex. .... Call BettJ Catlin, Coala 6 Wallace IAMCH II.ALTY a&m-44.K. ~ ___ s_11_._zooo __ _ .:;.. Walkt!r 1; fc.e Real Estate llUGHTFUL! 4 BR.. 2 BA. &: POOL HOME. NEAR SOUTH COA.ST PLAZA. $74,000 Agent MG-5560 'HJ 833-9781 . i Hestc·r-Brown -Al Al TO~~ POOL & JACUZZI Beautilul 3 bedrm home. Profe11tonally Jbr,2 ba. Mesa Ven'le. By landscaped. Patio .... Loe ... Prime ocean locale-walk to beach. a BR. 2 BA, fl.ur upper, ffl,900. BlJ lot . Many poeaibillU.. Al_ll eoodl· tion. BKR 9051'" ,~ TH£ R£AI. ~.[ ' J [Sll\HRS . ownr. $84,950. Call for w/farepit &BBQ. Walk to appt. P/P. 545·1918. MUeSquarePart. Hurry! -w=.TOMT Price Reduced New21eft1Condo. below COl 1 MIPAU Hard to find 3 & a den model with tasteful Spanish architecture. Formal dining & big faml.b' room. Nr .part and acboola. Ready to ..... into. Call S40-ll51 '.f ."' HERITAGE REALTORS Location C..enience ..and design. Localed oa qd« street overloolqna 2 ~-~Yeniently cJoee to abollPlJll, tamu. ooolt • scbi>oli. parb. besipaed for the moat active family. 4 Bdrm. - LARGE muter bdrm. Sllite: din. rm., ram. rm .. 2~ba.Sl.M.t00 AXER UPPER WITHPOOL Needs paint and carpet. All it takes i5 a lltUe Im· aglnatlon & work and you'll have a beauttrul pool home. Hurry, call MS-0.'m. . FO~EST E OLSON $65,900. , ... ..,. ..... 1040 lilt. by owner. 1-..., Charm 1 na Ea at al de ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• :-Hl-0122~~:-;t~CB~iB;:li~~~~~~~~ bomewtth lar1e lot. S6S Resale Spedalilta. 3, Lerse J ltY 4 Br a Ba, 645-3474 . 4orSbdnnmodei.avall, 1ball:e roof. below red.hill·_ 55 2 -7500 . · ... ,.-,.,, .. .i aome w /pools, 9llM602 market. •,900. ~l.lOll -------I I Ii I Pmnington Properties ar13154Zl.1; daZ 1 SAY""HRl.0 .. TO Turtle Rock Puol Home. I 1:~~~~~~:J a good buy. Value is tbe Jacual. AIC., a Br, cUn· I~ word ror tb.11 s br. z ba iDC "lam rm s. $1.a.OOO. Huntington Vlllaae Princ.onl7.~- $78,J50 home. Featurtn1 a Wu A ... Arltef1d r •TOWMHOME• crackllnc fireplace, Uparaded 1•1\arJ Meta .. Msl walls of m.lrTOn, plus!I OME YEAR NEW Bar1al4 prtc~ family carpetin& • encl. patio. Brt~Uff mdJ. Owner MetML. home. Excellent area. Only $8>,750. Act quick will fm~. tU.1,500. ._..motlllr Open T plan with on~genulnebarpla. t?C:.a!'t..~ Spacious 3 Bdrm, 2~ bedrooml, d1nlng area II SIM ... b9th, decorator perfect. the famll1 room, 1 ~NCI MISSID LOTTmY Fenced patio. atrium, fireplace hearth. Tw ..., Exceptloaal .WW, tin.s beam c:eWq, slot Costa paUos. one ii covered. ~In new ltlr, dea. b. Meu loc. Cloee to ever· BKRcall5*1'720 _;....;;..;;;......;.;;;._--...:.·--RoekOlmOardlallome. Jddnl. '83. 100. MODIL NOMI Uparaded. $141,HO. 759.07 6 I QuaW.r la evldeot ill tide Oner. m.xn MEWVIEWHOME IUIMa.•t Jllr+den. 2 batb bom.e. G~ UnlY. Park 3Bdrm,3ba,frplc,abake _ _;_ _____ ~ =~-P::{~~ ~-·-.!,~~~l r1, 2 story. Still time to decorat~ vt/new ~pt.I, 552·1475 or 559-187 pick cpts/drps. $89,i50. 177 777 drapes , blinds II ~aftSS-. Owner/Apt. 675-8895 • • wallpaper in eartbtones. __;.;.~---'-~--- MES A V ER DE $72,500. Open bouui--------•I FOR S •LE apaclou.a a bedrm and Sat/9.ln !fl r...a. A family +Iara• den and Agent.,.11Jl/147..ao&1 r.~J .. 8 be, 1'4 ba, family rm, wet bar. Uparaded wlab cJtfllk+i'elUJ&r formal dining rm on cul· thruout. Juat listed at NEAR 8EACR bedim. ~ beth tiome d&uc lot. Prteed al ool.Y $71, 7 77. Hurry, ca II 3 81' + J'l.mllY room !..... 1 '87,900. llove-14 coodl· ..._, fl't,IOO&r,9A.a76 wno carpeta, cltapes, lion. Call a..sm or evea allGtlMr ~~~ d~ 63Mlm IYO~ ~.etc;. Near U'f1IM VILLA ·~soc S • 8 Park R~ fftlll&cbOOl.t'JS.'llD. 11.1 • Jrnmaculate abr, 2ba. .., .. c. .. Bro1ler·Realtor '1 offica· l~~~~~~~l lb.D7 mu. Quiet cw. ...., llllt .. ~ ov• 115aalesmen _dHac.~;;:;·~·~llOO;;. llM51t~:i~-lt!~C~1~1t~1~t ~h!1!1~l~•!·!!1nt~I 0.. of• lllMI JUST LISTIDI ABC . .. k'1 Just that simple! Ooct you ~ our tnven· tory of eeveral beautlful EA.5TSIJ>E bomet you WOll't look any farther, c*1l now ror det•li.. '' Plctan oerfett-ttady 4 B!tt 2 ~ GOWeaw• to ~to. Ooraeoua &t.tet. hm nn. tpk, decor, plual\ carpets • .U roOI, '-It wall J4. drapeS. Front c:ourtJard, Clll for detaUI. beautiful patio. La• Ul.-00. •~!!,810t bid.rm, 2 tia " 11>9 WISnlA..-·~ <•mtly rm. Must eee .t ll&Al.TOBS •• 990. In 1reat II INT'LUH&TWOJ\K, Verde locatton. C•l M0-1151 • · .. HERITAGE r" . . Ht ALTOI(~ OM. y $11.SOO CORNER loc•tlon In beautiful Culverdale. Near FOOL, PAB.K. and SCHOOL. Thia 4 bedroom 2 ltol'y home is n:ttlDC for tbe family looklnl forward to a SUI*' IUDllDet In trvtne. CalltoMe. Linoo Al.al&wt DANA POINT 493-llU REDUCED $12,000 Driv,e by-call to see 1410'l Saarinen. Colony, sharp Plan 400. Lge., ex· ec. home. Neat loc. for small children, sides & back mini-park. 4 BR .. step-up liv. rm. w/soar- ing ceil.. sep. din. rm. Fam. rm. & kltch. over- looks charming, priv. re· ar yd. Now only $1 17 ,000 BROKER 552-0434 , -~ ."\ . '· ,. : . ~-' \.. .. . /Jn NIGEL .UAIL[Y & ASSCJCIATES ' .....,......,, .... l '100 16th St <Dover at 16th> MZ-llTO .... , .. > ,,, JI07 ---------· '( ..... -.............. .. ,.. "Pmimula" W. Newport. ....... _. 17141551-1117 • Md 1t:.A e.uM•-~lt .• l r lt...Hamm r It ..• Carpet . -SERVIS, e I . ~-ECmR¥ Plumb lt ••• .-atch lt ... t'lpe n: .•. Remoo81 ~~; I t ~.... t t t cr-.ai. It -Roof lt •.. ~nd5cape lt ... Tlle it. .. Trlm l~ .. SewlL.. " ... ~men ··· re ..• Hoe t ... ·-n ··· va Pl I Att i m-lt •.• Pntn lt ... Palnt IL.Natt lt ... Ptaster lt...Flx lt ... , , ' --·· ~ . Haut It, .. Add It... an1 t... er l •.• ~rn ... ' ---( ·~ .. ~ , .. .. 'I '.' ~ i....;._.; l' ~-~ ' ' • Ti• • I ._.... ANUteda.. C.pe•r c.,.tS.•la · C.•tit~ '•-r•S.•KH Ha••dl•l•g MD•1dl•lli1 PiMIL4/P1f•.. ff:'" .• ~ ..................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ••.•.......•...•....... .•...•.........•••....• ....................... ....................... .... ............ . ld01 o. 11•• Kna ca •C• net.II ._.. • Ont man aew s JT'I ei HANOYllAN·l!omes • Rousell Paiat Ir P~nf, a. yn CANOPYTVSEJlVlcg ,..... 1.• N or ~~won Reqonablf -W~ ~rlence pourlnt ' Apt• conactentloua Good ~~c1ran1~\ Cleanlftc, liOnlna Ml'V'I Harbor aru. St lltRATESERVfCE Ml C'o4'ft lie 1 Ca llTomt«S Ul86 Dnlshln&-Set your own cre.twua. Pb:&U--0302 f .. 8f'L .. ~ Reasonable Uc-ttmaJ. R•f1 f'\lra. AlFa.lrPricea•1m IHIU r D,I Corp lndt s>eodent ln1t11ler forms. save money. ~al'ttm • or a .YDn 77U 84$-7487 IG-=o ,. .. -Wt. wlll tah ~•re ol •II 111Hn1 at dtatount ... l4a -----tr DESERVE th -._ >~ bulldlna a..c11 3'I pr' c e 1 . Q u • l l t ., ••-••••••••••••••••••• y~u • Exper. 6 rell1ble lad)' Profftalonal pa•nttoi ........... ••••••••••••• ... ,... 1" t apr pert• In re workmanablp a: NJMlr Caul;Qdw Sldploader. dump truck. ~I~~~~~';,~~' wlXlftt refs. ~-p/dQ Q\laJlty work at low CERAlOt Tll.E. ~or .... ••••••••••••• .. ••• moc1 .. 1.,1• Doa twpp•rd 1lnte 1830. ll1vt o"n •••••••o•••••o••••• .. haullng,treewortt.cred· --• .. wkly or seml wkly prieel.O.Ueoliet'taft$, rtlll0dtl.Frtct.1mljobe J\l tune ¥rue. llr'd. •t 1641 truck.tool lahelp_e.ra. LEEll.JARVlS ln&,demo,etc.751·3930 ~1nln& by Rolla· 9'1'IMIM9"9. ITT4)•9161. .. wek'ome-...aft5. eU In. O~nhrook ,..___.s.r.tc. Jedl•4eorer Addll'a.Rmdl'l ,bn8·5 II. I ble ~pie. refe~ntes. Uin•, . INJ'R/EX11\!Goodwort. Tr.SeukA tm. IU c.. f'la1a -..... a4z.;,1zH Ptl~.Uc31~ ....................... C.ll~l3or1.gas,.am ........................ Real. s-.1~ 'obs ·-··-···-·-··· l)l..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... I --------Cufet Manwlll lay )'QUl"I ,,_o.tow Blctrtctl Haullnl,movlnc.cteanup Irv Inf' Dome ltlu Free Bil: Blocltwalla, "'come. Uc• /turd. Removals. trimml•f.· wocnu.ltlell, or m lne Repalra " 1.-z.11•• •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ST/up.Treework.Reas, Hou&ewor". plant ca~. alumpstona, brick. -..s40~ =·free est. Ued a lh•· 1tt r I too! (Ju r work C .. _. . ELECTRICAL SERVICE fut,frtu•t~ party hosteues. bafteo. =-mb ~·9~':f ........ ,..,..-Uylftsured.Ml.a>t tor 1Ummer mont~ t IJIJBcr H vlJip. f'rtt lsMf CAW 115 hr, a SMALL ,,,,.....,__. /bl .... T ders. chauffeurs. cooks 0 • o • • ... "··-~·--Qme-'s Trees P·•-· I• NI /Cd M ft eh .u.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• J08SM2·8233 OOC' ~-m w I ... airport trana tlc'd , 144 u..eyNeo"TPATCH oli trlallDedva.w::;r ~.-v. -· S.•lu rec;. •• -a-truck. Truh, tree trim. anytime 552.$500 .......... .._ _ ...a ,. .-.-~ ¥WS , • · W•C.r•C•FPt·t Cleallt'ra • •.:;:; O.•nla9 etc. Randy 731·U28, t'WWWJ/""'""' JOBSlrTJ:XTURl!> pruned. removed C-t't-tt........ eam t l nor•ham~ ol Nwpt 8ttt Weddlnia, ....................... ~ • Xlnl housecle1nlQi. Gd ....................... Ftee!llt. $1'311 ~alls ~ ...................... .S.Ouphaht~r)' alJwork f.'~ie~'! C:-dc:fk~~~ COmm'l " Residential li:Jer FREE haul· refa . Own traru P~PAlNTINO ft tt II All Waya. Lee's tree • ____ 6:0..1 <'1rpen 1uar.ltef1/MC.rreeat c .. 1onsau1f: lawn care. tree work. ~cleanup, tree wort Rosemarie.00-3439 ~pr~ re~allRates. ••-• ....... ._ ....... service Artlatlt trim· ~· Plalaalln& Av all ~u Ralce~ nus -<=ompl clean·up 543.2049 tOl''unble uema. fence9, WILL CLEAN VOUll 652~ 1 a ene DRAINSCLEARED min&, mnoval. 2S Yl'S lo 1Sl~ /.:,:;:;· Mark Sh.lmpi>o It ateam clean C•gs.~ffo Mike bldp removed 557-2005. HOMEEXPERTLY. From SU5. Maln lines aru. Llc'd/hard • Color l>nahtntra. wht "••••••••••••••••••••• EYPERT JAPANESl: 50f'768 ~ EXCLNTPAJNTlNO from $14 25. water _m-5750 _______ _ Cap I <'pt• lOmlo ble.ad1 Clean ~ell1nay1Aoouatln"w cao.rQuar•I GARDEN ER _ l'ree Xlnt .. -·--•eanln.q cdont ~~"!!U...w..ReasF•';ED Gh«:_~~r1 r,r,~m $514.215. Removlac trlmaUa& •-.. 0 •••0 -•uu llv rm. din rm, hall Sii. ' ' ' .,. estimates. 962.()858 lf111tde.a.MJ ~ >r. t>e r.....,,,____..,.,.. n ...... ,~ ,.pcMla s D toR1inc fr est Uc/lm. Jn ...._.JM-I__._ Av11rm17.50. ('()U('h 110, spray, NPIUra, free Ht. ••••••••••••••••••••••• by lady w/ex.pr. pen Knowles Palntln1. stalled r om $44.25. an1a.4. ToQy&65ut c.,.,.,.,...,, plu;.'bl;1. chr SS Guar ellmlnate ~l800 WEEDlNG-CLEANUPS Want a REALLY CLEAN dable, own trans847·3637 Int/Ext, commercial Plumblag repaara. 1 yrs. tt.ramkt!Je.~ pet odor Cpt repair 15 c...t;c-cr.te WeeklyMalntenance HOUSE'! Call Gingham apts & ruldenllal. ~.aQUme/&QYPlaee. Upllolst.er Cll•l19 yra e xpr Do work••••••••••••• .. •••••••• Freeest 142-99cn Glrl.Freeeat.a.M>SW •U210 Ftee estl 151·11MZ or ...................... . Carpeolr)'. any type. myself RefsS31-0101 B & 0 Coor et All MO~G -EDGING -a---'" .... Ad ru.-s:a DRl·FOAJISHAllPOO Paaei. doors, de. Alao r e . . nm • II h k '"' .,......n:iu Brt&Jrten up the Hoose! HO·~_... .. ...,ERS. Pl .. Q\air$10. Sofa sis_ Auto Coaun1. Uc/est. Alt 5. GIJJiham Steam Cleaner& Phases concrete. block & Trtmmlni Cleanups r.xce ent ousewor ACTION Norm's Pa-rbao1ln11. -~" . ~.,. SU. Dick BrownSC&-MIO ~ SStoSlOpeuoom brick work. Free esla. Etc-Reaa846~ Ref~._ Calla All kinds f ..-t ~ 1nl •Heating. r""" e$l. --------- . We movefum.845-5123 Uc &bonded675·971'0 -Dalb'Pilot lie 330986.~~aios or SlObr HonesU1rellable-..wan I 1 C1ass1f1ed ads sell bic WOULDN'TYOU AD-VISOR ~ aervice. B cl A. lllltrcbtl -•-••--•••-•••••• items. small ltem11 or Trade your old stuff for Cement work of all kinds. ratberbe .. UiD&! AJice'sHouMc&ean.lnl MZ·se71 OK.147-4383«'7$1-3150 SPARKLECLEAHING ,.ny item. Just call new~o~dlea with a Reasrates·Freeests 8eeda.lfkadoa8080 Bw. relle~. ref1. 0wr Have sometblnl to aellT Wlndowsoura,peclaJty ICZ·~ Ctwaified ad. t42-5S18 750-5485 750-6825 It can be a r.alitJ I trw. MM81tanytlme ausified ads do It well. Want Ad Resulta 142-5678 Free est NOW MMrJ03 1: ~!~~~ ..... ?!!~ ~!~~ ..... ?!!~ ~!~ ..... ?!~! ~~~~ ..... ?!~ ~?~ ..... !!!~ ~~~ ..... ?!!! ~?~ ..... ?!!<! ~~~;~ ..... ?!!4? ~~;~ ..... ?1!4? Bootkeeper COCKTAIL Wallress 21 or DENTAL ASST ELECTRONIC GMtL FltlDAY MAID for small exclualve Medlcal/Admlotstratlve MUaSISAIDIS Full charge book · older. full time Call Joe Ortho. cha.'rs1de exper ASSEMBLER 9 ToJ, Mon. tbru Fri. Lt. INSPECTOR motet. Permanent Asst. exper'd. needed to 11-7, aper. pnt'd.11 .. keeper /accountant. McCue at Mesa Lanes, only. Pref d RDA. 4~ Sm. co. w/establJshed booklteeplng & typ. Real (lalShlJU Hours can be flnlble. rep!~ RN. Responalbk Verde Conv Hosp, eet lmmed openioi !n 0 C. 646-3003 days. top pay· 642-2S26 prod u c t re q u l re' estate office ln Eastbluff ~ for manaaing a a Ingle Omtel' St, C.11. lor a talented individual. Dent.al Hygienist Wed & qualUled us em bier. an;a. 64(M)020 Minimum l·Z years ex----'· lirl olclor suraeon-wbo Salary commensurate Collection Center Allen· 1bura ln N. B l/.ln. 1 yr. exper on PC perience lo lmpecUon of MAID Needed. De...,._. ts active medlcaJ com MURSIS AIDU w/nper wtmfg_ co. CaJl dant lo recelv_e furn & PhoneS..·2485 Board, aolderinl & atuf Gitt ~y. interior de· PCB assembUea. Able ta ble for weekdays " munlty leader Xln1 s.u. 1~ • 11·7. Eaper'd. datly for interview from clothing at S1m1 Trlr fine. Apply ; 1787! aip.'furrutureatore. Full correlate prints and weekends Se1cllff salary for proven self 41 Beds Good aa1 w/ln· 3:30-4:30(714)547·SMS Stack m t_railer. Write DENTAL Secretary / Skypark North Suite N. or p/t. Concept, 27601 ...... s lists Wiii be ex· Mc:Ul.49t-'4892 starter.cal1847-41567 · Cou t Cl b ----------1 tax receipts Older 'd ' F b Rd L .,.... · creases. n ry u Chlldcare-bsekeepe r , worker pref'd . 3 days Bkpr. Mature. exp . & Irvine or call 957-~404. ~r es ' aguna peeled to cover In· MAIDS Wanted Im Medical Assist Bak f Conv Hosp .. SA . Mary Poppins where are 9am-7 pm at Crow~ highly motivated. 4 day Part Ume or ruU .lime. Niguel (3FlagsCenter> ~and final ~nspec· medlately exper not r& 08 GYN bus N~ 8d; SC9-30Sl. you? Live in or out. Valley Pkwy & Alicia. wk.540-3000 xlnt.wages&1>ener1ts. tlon with mln1mum q'd, wiU train. Apply NB clc Mon'.Frt from tam---------- salary nex.lble. 833-13S7 Laguna Niguel. Pay $2.5'1 D ENT A L R EC E p . atGIMEEllfMG GUARDS aupervlsllon. m°a~ly de Travelodge Motel, 6208 6r>rD. Exper only. Send MUISES hr. Apfly at trailer. TIONIST Exper'd, for DRAFTSMAM MEEDE:DIMMED. pendabUtya u.s . W.CoasUlwy.&42-8253 reswoetoAdl904,DaUy ~o.;:3· relief. ~g :~mt!~ ';,~}1~ Goodwll Industries. qwillty crown & bridge Exper'd. Street plans. Joln a progressive. rut Interviews may be ar-MAIUHG DEPT Pilclt, PO 8oJC 1!ieO C.111. UdOCoov. ~ urea.Carnec.968-8846 COMPANJON·COOK. re· olc. Man,y benefits. N.B. Desi~. Tent. Maps. Ap· growing co. w/UDIJmlted ranged by appointment Recelvlnc " main· 9126216 1S55SUperlorAve,NB ----------1 fined woman, wknds for Call644·9211. ply m person w/work advanceme.nL Must be between S:OO and tenance Operate Medical Asslst. exper. Call846-7'1'4 CJ-EAN~O : Pitlre incapacitated 86 yr old DENTALASSISTANT samples. Robert, Beln, mature & resp. 8 Hrs t :OOp.m. forklltt. Valid Callf Salar y open. non .... -51S••o .. 9! ays,Nx pay. rcnfi woman.6'J3.3078 Newport Center. Rover WIJIJam Frost & Aasoc. paid training If you drivers Uc. req'd. Exper. smoker, xlnl future. "'"' ~ -:;a-07i~7~ures. a COOKS BARTENDERS between rront desk & HOlQualJSl,NB. qualify+otherbeneflts. Please apply In person helpful, but will train. ~-FJUme.Day!'eve1hlft1. • • chairside. Min. exp. to: Apply NaUooal Systems ExPtt ~ d, but will --------t DRIVERS P /Tlme. okay X-ray certificate .SCROW~ • Corp .. 4Ml 1Urch St .. Medical Recept. In busy tnln qualified penoa. Q.ERICAL Over 21 yrs. lmmed. Mustbesharp 640--0300 · Minimum S yrs officer t!IJ9'6 TREMDATA N.B. lNr OC Airport) Pediatric Group, Ooodbenef&ts4kUl.App- PURCH .a..51 ... G =i·n~!:n~~w~~DentalRecept..Perioofc. -:P~=iu~t,:~~fiirta CORP. IDE. =Mrs Austln, ~~.r~'p\~~:M: "' " 410E 17tbSt.C M. P/tlmew/possiblefuture ~ 1IlliI1iI STANDARD N.B.64UOU. CLERK expansion of hrs. Ex· Security & Industrial M~'IS UHIAGER MOTEL MGR. mature COOK per • d o t 1 phase a , Services ...,..YWU lllM penOQ for relief mer 1 Nursing di d Short order. exper. pre-especiallylnsuraoeepro-1424S.Grand,S.A. DIVISION Afflt'THIT day per wk Castle DIR.OF ~::=th:~~alf:ii~ 0/:~ f'd. Full & p/llme. days cesslng.Sal<>pen.Career FACTOaY 558-9027 AnAppUedMainetlcsCo 11.HNllUH Laiuna, Call Lillian HURSMaSBVICI addltlooal clerk to our &nights.Apply.Grinder oppor.H.8 .842.-:Jl TRAIMHS 4.D>CampuaSlel30,NB :MOOW.Seaerstrom For Jr. Sportswear ~2996 RNw/esper.illeonv." purchasing department. Rpesltfia UCor ant. HI 400NWB. D~ .... I •AssemPbalcek"!'.,ers Uc.M9-80'1No. C621177 Santa Ana, Ca 927<M clothing store. oc & LA MIGHT Cl.BK Nllab nmablg for. bed Will be responsible for ac c ast wy, · · • 51"'111~ .... area openings. Op--Hou ··~'-c 11 boap. Good atafftu pat-elephoo Ask for Pete. Chairside asslsL Expr'd, •And Warehousemen Equal ()pporturuty portunlty for advance "' n per """'~'" a tern. xlnt benefib & aal. ~endors.e ~W~w~ua'in~~! Nwpt Bcb. 5 day wk. 8.30 Jobs avail for all GU .a..RDS Empldyer MtF ment. Geoerous beneflta. 545·9471 or apply In Apply Park Superior coinputertabrunsonall COOKS WANTED to S:30. Paid vac, med 3shitls.NOFEE "' Someexper.neeess. Ap-~~~~ w:rat!or.R~1 SHeah,hcaAre. 1NUB$ open orders. Typjng Is lnsr.548-8331 CostaMesa&Cerrttos plyMonllMS,otWed12·9 C.M . .,._Eb or Sblrle" uper or ve, . ~ul_.... with accuracy Call 10-5. 613-2277 • · Permanent. Full & Part· INSTALL.ER TRAINEE al ~ 1 642 2'10 n,.. Dental Ofc M-. WJ9•9-_M time. Phone & transp re· for wiooow tlnUna. start --1es Jensen. --·--· -----~wpm. Will also bE Cooks. wnilresses & d is·' ""'"T ·w 50 .. •~~ t S4 50 '"'"'"" responsible for terminal hwasbers, expel'" pref'd Personable & expr'd. -~· q'd. Retlred welcome. $2. nr, ra~ o . 147WestmlnsterMall Need2women, full/pt. We Input and compa ny Apply 2-5pm Mon.Sat Preventi ve oriented CaUS46-0274.ofchrsl0-2. br wiWn I yr. over 21. Westmlnster train. Vanda Beauty OPTOMETRIC TWX 's operation. This Denny's 529 Avenida modem general prac· TemporarySentces Ck>ledWednesda)'S. tall & neat. ex per Counselor 963·9046 Front office. Experience pcsition could move to a Pico San Clemente. tlce. Computerized. 4320Campu.s,Stel30 Hair St llllt Wanted for belpfW,644'8494 830-1815 pref. HUD11D.gt.oo Beacb. Junior 81.1Yer position ro1 • Pension. profit abare Newport Bcb 549-8071 b t J°ewpo t Cente INSURANCE MANAGERM' , 952-3371 tberigbtcand1date. COOK TRAINEES. So. plan. Med/Insur. Moo· 1424S.GrandAvf' es I'" r KltcbenMif&cook,S800 ---------We can offer excellent Lag. NB & CM p /time & Fr I 8 · 5 Hunt. Be b Santa Ana SSS-9021 kx'aUon. Some :oU°iln1. Claimsd bPersonf · ExpeMr'd. per mo + Bontses. NOW Recruit:fn& sharp, Palllter, up'd. Full Ume. benefits to Include f1time. Coffee abop ex· 982·3319 top comm ss on . Goo ene Its. rs. healtblns.&~vaca· ambttlou. man to sell Mission Viejo area. R f I 640-7870, Tuesday thru Baker.~9550. lion. Charlie's Chtll hard •~ts •-._ __ 581-322.8 medical/dental and UfE pe r . e s p eas e . F~lUON STYLIST OP· Saturday Corp 549-035l ware • ...., ... sllllll' --------- ln6urance. Come Joln our CbarUe's ChUlOCc. (714 ) DENTAL PORTUNITY Now In Janitortal · equipment to industrlal Past&UpArtlst.fuUUme, exciting and growing se-OlSl b Orange Co area . Hair Stylist. exper SUPHVISOR MANAGER. exp~ or will account.a. Av& S280 per EXPER ONLY! Print compt;'.Y · Apply ill COUNTER Help, rem. ~~?:;: d~:SJJ~~~ l~ Man~era & Stylists necessary, xlnt location, Exper'd p/tlme. Irvine train. $11SO-Sl,OOO per tno wtt. No exper. nee. Call 1 bop paste.up & penoo · p/t. Day & eve. Apply, Nwpt Center. Sorne busl· need to show latest busy shop. 675·3385, a rea. Call ror appt. + benefits to start. App· 751-9134. a.astomer handling. M.V . ..... m:..aD.a..·:r.a.. Slax8urgers.WJW19th ness experience. CaJI clothng. Car & phone NwptBch. 'JSl-7212. ly ln Person Me'n Eda -.1751.837-6282 1"""" A A Sl. Costa M b 9 & nee. f\tU or p/Ume. For Plue Parlor, 410 E. nth•-.-------•! CORP esa. t w n am noon. 1ntervw appt Call Mrs. Hlah School Student to do Jaott.onal St. C.111. ,.NURSES PIX ...... -.. • COUNT& HELP 640-0l04 Wagoner. 53().5683 Mon handy work P /ti me Ft.001 MAM Vic. Orange Co. Nrpon_ STAMDARD Days or eves. Must have June6th&WedJune8th. Cl~Costore. 88AtplySat Exper'd. ~20 Hrs/wk. ~ URGIMT P/Ume eves & wknds. MEMORIES neat appear. Apply in .,.., .. 744 er t.. Irvine area. 7~2·7292 MANY llEEPAID Immediate full-time RN Paid wblle training. person,After2PM.Taco DIETARYSUPERV. Genen!Office ~onl~~a. Wed. aft. betwnUpm. ~T8~rf!ll· =·~~=-= Severalopenin&a.Noex-DIVISIOM BeU. 696 S. Coast Hwy, &Kitchen Help. ,.,,..STS KITCHEN HELPER ··et"""""'eri l P al5o for Uttmed penoo· per. nee. E.O.E. Call An~~~:g~~~cc LagBch MedRKorchCftl SECaETAIUES HOSTISS Daya Tues thru Sun. Call "' ~}ee~obs . Gel 3-U Ir 11-7. Excellent Bee.s.5'1·1'177. SantaAnaCa92704 COUMTERGIRL Experiencepref'd. Your skills are In de-Exper'd. Fri/Sat/Sun S48-7418aakforMauric.e. JrvlneP.enonnelAatency salaryandworkln&COO· PIX...._.S.. LVM's & AIDES mand at all levels of ex· Eves. Call 548·7418 ask 488E17th Costa Mesa ditloos. Call Penoonel: p /Ume or.veyard. Ex· F,qual Opportunity Part·tlme. exper'd only. For All ~fls. per. we have many Jobs for Cherrie. LAND PLAHMEI &ilte2iM &42·1470 837-8000. per'd or will train. Call EmployerM/F ANpplytbetwn 2 1:30F&Spmd Apply. Garfield Conv. m· the lrvt'nei Ne...-~sjC•SHl£m Exper'd w/mcmt skills.~.-IEVERl.YMAMOI SlM881fora.-.EOE. a u r a o o H .,.,.., Garf' Id HB .. ...,.. nv~•--~ ~ ""' n--1 .. ••looal. Outstand -----coNVa• oa~ENT ,..,. n...... ,...., M I s osp., '•cu ie · · area. Work where 6 rnn~ ~ .......... urant, 1..... an t. 847-11671 wbe 1 Exper'd, f/tlme. Apply Ing oppor Apply In Mature women wanted HOSPITAL PBX Answering Sen. Oerical, gen'I ofc & lite BaJboaPenln.673-2345. · nyoup eaae. Ben Brown's Restaurant person w/resume. Mr. for housecleaning LaflUD.OHIUa ()pr. lmmed openJnp. b k k P n g f o r COUNTER GIRL-Laguna DISHWASHER • 31106 Coast Hwy. So. Fuentes, Robert, Bein. service. p/Ume, car nee, F.qualOpportuntty Must wort varied hrs" bldr/developer In S.A. Hills area, drycleaning, Eves. TueslhruSun.CaU ~ La&wia. William Frost & Assoc .. tDp$$6'5-S123 Employer ftnda. Apply in person. Salo~. Hunsaker Dev. will train if necessary 548-7418ask for Maurtce. Professional Environ· MAT U ..RE W 0 MAN 1SS Bochesttt St. Cotta Co. Ph: 546-5460 for ap-83'1--0840 mental Engineers & Mesa. plication. DONUT SHOP, flt.lme, all HOO'EL Planners 1401 Quail st p/tlme to welcome ......_.,... -------- Counter help wanted to nlgbtsbll\. Noexpernec. T .... a,.., COOK & N 8 • ' newcomers & contact Or.,. I•-------· C\ericaJ stMt Immediately No Age~. Woman. Apply 4320'CampusSte 130 · · men:bants . .,exlble hrt. 'd ,,.~ l:eneli •• PIX A.Mwer. S.. STB40CLERK exp.nee: S250~r 2s-30 lnperson,Mr.Donut.135 NewpottBcb 5tM07l PANTRY L.A.Timuneedsdrtven Need car. lite typing. Exper · AAMt tta. Wanttoworkafttf'DOOCl We have an immed. bn wk. Appiy lo Pel'"SOtl E.17thSt,CM HMS.GrandAve for part time work. 547-3095. Ba)'Vlew Conv. Hosp. & evenln11 in N.B. ar opening ln our markeUng at El Roberto. 43 Fashion Santa Ana 558-9021 WORKER wknds only to start. Must 2055 l'burln Ave. CM CdM areas? Work f /time dept. for an ener1et1c Island NB DRIY-O\Utandlnl opportunity have truck or van. alsc AMCsr:tDOHAc ... '-~N~ 64Z.SSOO. orp/time6;10CDewbda. peraon w/good typing a · 64.i!O:IO ..... _ .... OFACI &o wottt In the hotel ln· liability insurance. ....,..,, v-People whoneedpeople Xtra pay for exper'd sbskllla. Weofferanxlnt SUMDAYONLY ~ dustry. Enjoy excellent E.O.E. Bet 8:30 & 5 111Taken abouldalwa)'S"cbectthe operators. EOL Call benefit program wblcb Courier, part-time. Must Deliver Dally Pllo1 Llgbtwork,pa.rttlme.16 companybenefit.s. ~ Fu.llkP/Umetlelp S«viceDirectorylntbe M0-0812. Includes profit &baring. have own car. Dependa· bundles to ca~ers. Re tnweek.6'4-7195 Apply9am·ooonM(>n·Fri Laundromat Asslst Appl,ylnPerson DAILY PILOT I~~~~~~~~~ Apply ln person Hpm ble.644-1557 quires van or ltrCE GeoeraJOfftce MARRJOTTHOTEL P/tlme. Mature Woman. MonthruSatl0-5:30 1ftft MlfpW-.cl 7100 weeltSHld~.inr , ... ..-,..,_...,.,an,30b-week,re· wagon and a 1oodp .. driv Cesfa•1r5enk. 900NewportCtrDr ,..,..l"""".875-0334. JOIOS.•..z..a.....1,5.a. HllpW..ted 71.., .... ""' ~""'" '" In& record nODt v•"' Viii1\I ..... JUI ~ ............................................. . 17600 Grnette trvioe tiree pttC1d, Mesa Verde 64M321. ask for Ham If rou can write friendly Newport Beach (In fl'ont Of Callm«iOO area. 841·9696 Mon·Frl Seeley. Equal opport~. letten & type tbem. we ~F.q~ual~Op~JJOl'~E~m~pl~o~ye~r~l1trt~~~ysma~~~r:! 'lbeTreasuryl ~A~e=s,=au=r=a.n=t========:::::----------1 91am·Spm. ly Employer hive a secure can,r for _ Oerll for Liquor Store & you near. OC Alrport. ROTEL·Secntary 10 1.ard. Apply 91S N. Coas1 MechanlctomalntAla --&.J Dell. " Stock Boy Qalodlan,/Haftd'pat DRIVBS Floeworkingeood&.Xlnt Director of Sales. Hwy.Laa.lkh lawn mowtn1 equip for Cooks. noatesaes w/drivenUc. 548-7863. Semi retired man to do ICt-os..Co•ttryl beneflt1. Reautar IO· Mature" well &roomed. LEGAL SECRETARY lie homeowners &AOC. • Hosts -Waitresses custodial & related U d creases Ap~l)' National Diet ......., .. l ln M·-t have 2.,... exper as Permanent, full time, v ,.. 1C"'Dv 'or-·-•---•~ d ti N 8 -f No special c req' · Svatem' 1 or·n ~361 a.....,.,e. nVY .YP IJ ..., J• • ,....... ...._....,ta ~•' ~ ~. u es. . · a ... a. o c M·J'! y ht"'-., .... " & admin abllllles Lead legal sec'y xlnt typin• 5'UUU ~· • exper re· W It 8 H I SUS p/hr. Apply at: ~ bid&, P/time daya. M.ust i'S3i;r.'°ce11: c.M.... BircbSt, N.B. EOE. ln8 H.B. hotel. F0c appt sk111s required. shlru;~ q'd. Call 552-8200 for 8 8r& • US 8 p Flacber Ave, Costa have car & home phone. GENERALOPFICE, 644-1700 ext 536, Ms . not necessary, H.B. ol· appt. DI h h Mesa. calJ532-6558forlntervw. Driver/helper for loca must be dependable, HarrilE.O.E. lice, f:!ltlon requires s WIS ers •-Ex d I h Mtdlcd/lodlle1per ,.,,. __ . _.. ft-_,, In ..... _ dol a.. ...... Clerk Typist, mature Customer Servlc., exper mov111g company. mature and work ..----Ila. la cOdr oat on w/ot er oni)i.: ,. ..... s • ·-.,.,,,.,., """"'inj' _,, person f~art tlme nee, female. Ll&bt typ-psienced.7S2·1130 week:enda.644--0510 l'l'VV~1-·• N<!..,.. Saiary to IBOO. !:r'Board~~:';i ~ .. =~n:r,::,eatlftg llndnew wort In 'c Attftt'g Ing, proficiency ottlVRS ~~in-i-,.._.. .. ....._ E~ .... 1• .. ~.yraw:._.roomcllff,' 8'1-eMl. ..411295 = :: :J cit. Good typing req'd. w/fljlW'ea, 10 key add by ~· vrn ... ,.. .,.,.,_~~..-uuan& _._,, ...,, • lft J4-mw -~· . ..J Uaeof 10 key adder. Call touch. phone exper, in· Rou,~~h~d1..!:.':'!1::~ maMeduiteltyptai • mlacf'd. NB.QH)119 Llcmor Clerk IWital~ft/Sec'ty • ailrmuwA lliiii:ell-1.d S..'IOtOfora.ppt. formal ore. C.M. Call JDOVluo ... ,,. "'-' .ca exper pre Housecleanln~ Cooks. Matulei.-. experienced, FtOeppear,goodtypLn& • r-;,., l!lillleaft9am~5800 Toro •ant.I dr1ttr1 w/' P /tlme, S4.00 per hr ... ~___. bondab •· dependable aldllal&pastmedlcalexp ._,_._ CLmTYPIST . 1r eaper. w/conun' Bera. Call Mr. K.Ultade. ....._....us, nt care, APolY AM m prer'd to work for • nw.•-,..••i1C111:t• forNewportPUllcAcd. Delivery Driver. Must be niO'flnlCO Call-..-. CM-5517 -Gardeners . Party 81i5W.~Q..;::n cllnJcal lab lou'*' In • ,.. ....... 2 Girl oUtce. Some book· 21 YT1 old 4r have ad &Dl'l'OJUAL G•BiM.-OFflCI boateslel.13JUp.~5500 N.D. Call for appt, • .,.. 1tt..::..., ~ aper. req. Hn drlv'a rec. Full time. AWst editor" f'* laftce 'l'Ylll"• lite bkk-c etc. HOUSEKEEPER. Uve ln LVN to work fol' dlnical m.m.L ti " _ o.v. ~ Md nf9ht 1hlftt .. ~ fau11 M.-ul open. SeDd re-983-6702askfor0rtt writers needed lmm«f f'"Aii°... /faM • . for 90 yr old wom•ti ln laboratory In Newport enJoy~attl'llCtlY'e*lltno.M et11~tnd aumetoAd.a, 'lbtOal· Dental Aaaiat. chalnlde by oOwlnl trade paper. U::l:·~ a~ Rancho Bernardo. nr JIHch Call for appt, C edlcalAl&latant tM ~ WOftllng condtttoo-inourPQPUtw 11 Pilot. P.0 .8o1 15e0, Frr. at least 6 mo's exp'. fmriw:d open for exl* for appl. 540-8289 or Qcondldo. Sl:5 dll)'. Rtfa 64().'.0140 • --.. ±-A· 8-ablOOd'd: Expcr~~ ramlty reataurant Ae>pllcentt ovtr-.c UI OlliaKIN, C.. ms:?e Some Sat. H.B. IMG-3540 . joumallst. (710t:IG·2G80. -. ........ required. 581·2$70 Mia· --·~ -.... "1111 to w.... pttfentd Apply In penon ~ •hru __ -·--akin Vjo. f« tlmlc&i lab loc•tod In 1 , Wtd~. ~ e tflry tht attl. c.__,Aft. Oenta1 Oral Sorcery Al· 8.ICTIJCIAHS O!NBRALOFl'IC& "1MACMIMISHOP. i:.N.8 . Call for appl. 1~-:'IOIM~Aft.. ,~~~n-~~· WAITllSS 5isl. Exper'd. SomeSata. &HILPllS EXc:iUna po&ltioo avail. Houaekeeper. ~ature, ~~Ion Jj1SomndCr opr S:Ja..7311· ~ • !"'. , ............. ---..... ~ team la'° bn tbe mo.l Sal open. 963·'7839 or JodQalrtal •commercial ror perao" who llkes ntte atutt. IM •n aueat <""'-}Lerlest> ext: Mtruca1 Aaalst, l Cifl £NT uap -...... 1 exc1t101. &larnouroua, '151·9184afU&;wkr\OI. ex,.r.req.ApJ>lll·UAM vartety and ac~pts new home.CM ~a. ~ prdd or wl::O:.rtln. lfl oroco. must tiave front PICI< A FRESH ~ bleblY paid~ ·Day ENTAL-Oirl · ~ l-4PM. \71S1 SkJpark thalleniH. Prefer small HouSeteeptr. live In for 2 °!.,~~ ~ mcc ofc expe-r. WUI teach _. NEW JOB D ...;. -:--/ -... Qr ~_.J'"'~ f}-bace-~Ilk o:r.:ay.:: iJOrcle. &tlte ··1>::.1rvtne. 1~ om~ eap. With acturatc ynJ children. Ref. a a_. • '• .,'. bjiC. omce. Wrue Ad No. r. r . .. meOl al1at. ,.._ '" oP-"""-* Ml Um Mal 'i l1POI aOd IOOCI phgne m t. CaU Mr Ci"ary, 114. Oaitf PUot.; PO Box -. AT DENNY'S ....,... ' ;~ ~· _'1 ~~ por. .,,_., e ILICTalCIAHS penonalitY.: Salary to f >i:TU-&44:8241,' Mon thru MA• CAIO OPtt. 1500. COlt41 MtM, Ca. :;rtJC. -.-,,._., C.714nSl-tlt4 Dental receptlonlat a...-.s t'J()O.l~Nat\t!yfor.appl.1 1,rnMPM ~ W1tblltletnsuranceex· am I ·Y ~Wi.i Wi./>J•l\l"'Ofrlt"'lf•"" 1' .M So. CaH(. Cocktall w/up. Buo omce. dtfttlal per. req, ~7 ' ,,. .,. ,~ ,., per. xtnt opPof. f'uJI, ,., .... -• ~~ ~...!.~h. ~ _ , -·~ ., L;~ W8,_alL_.. k ,!n1 c.S" 179Z2C Salal7opes.UM2•1t -T ..,np pay. ApplJ •HAM MllMAOMI 'frr a Da llJ Pilot p/tJmeot~w~avaU Call Claullled Ada MO blC c-r--:'"" 1~ ->"-•.,,.,;,. ...., -~~ t 1 .. ,.. '""c•'IZTlp·· te • ~ -'. or 1-'PM. 1'ff11 S»Parll caw. DrCt Ri1. S.oti -a.all'lidMtol!Q.Mll''ROn if Al1i0rlcat1 nut it-.; sman tt.m1 °' •Ui·~ .. lt"_.:I ~·~~\J\l "-'Cl'~ 1 nuie. • ... .,_ IWaMAdWWli MZ·W71 ~atti..5't11e.~D''.l"trw ~~~~ t_: .• ..r: ~cr,....IO'Ml...., , eo;~,. ·::J ~, 111tJtt.a.1Gt111. -u.imt ~ :,., i!llll • > - -..-.-;• \"""" '7.'~ -,--r· ' •· ./'" r • <. -•• .. r ~-' ! ~ '" '·• -<.:'• • • ' I I ~~~-... ?!!! ~~~ ..... .?!~ ~~r.:t: . .t • ... ?~~~~~ .... .!~ ~!~.-.?.!.O.! ~o••••••••H•~~ Tu.!!y. June 7. 1177 OALV PU.OT CJ~ fll&Of91ATOI ........ ~..... : "'-sethr. -~DOG OBEDlE cs.......... -.oS'O ··=I _____ liiltl;,..... __ to40• ~Per' f H 8 otc.1.,W men e••d•d ·tor Sales ·.~,,,... CLASSES ttart W•d·~··•••••••••••••••••••• _ .. _. ............ _ ................... ' ~~~-,;l ur'°" dlnp. M/Mn:J •!• '"'" 1JAINE£ ~ ~:e,.·:~!:: JI.tu u . T.SOPM. lblq roocn Mt, oa&diD WAMTED »'Shstr-rSedao : •t : ;:a;: Ul> ex per betptal. Call Nwpt/Jn antaMMIZI mUocU1 G"dO" ('M• TOP CASH DOLLAR v.a ,wr. radio, ••• Dr' et! • MO.HID '· ILooa At\ald 11 A~ rar a bl&b ecbool sraduate Juu~. 7~ MALE ·.uahao pupp u, taacW&r table wtUi 112" PA t D r o a v o u a ~ l~v=:70:.0. '1'P~P&ld' &oeat« the newaftA-businas AKC •l ••P•rl ud leave•. Chloa butch n;wa.RY. WATClfJ::S. Thi t t Lil111na -..-..-.. 12 wb. o&d, black. <tuned Jlua> I clWn. Ala OBJECTS. GOLD. RATI'DtM. SJ' PBMY '• Pllll SALES •• llH ptopte. wt , ll&oU C!l a Cuarant ... .... ('tMft ~ ru-N:cit ,LalW*• DAILY PILOT WAITllSSIS 000. PPlll--7 ~~or table •tso. su .. vaa S&JlVICE. G.M.1vn-.. u U.Us WAIY9$ AKC Purebred Wblt PlNE f'lJRN • AN· UbJMW Loeded • WfLlt•R' '1hl bi1bl 1ucoe11ful local Ovtr l&. Sao Clernn*t male llaltH• 1 mo: Lovely wuaaual twa u nQUPAfG.ZD Onlr. <Dl)4~ YOUllMC~ newa61otr hH an openln.c for i"' ~;.~~·~:~au mat•. traloed. all ~aoop1 ct:'.Lbh•t1old LUeeAMTA•S IO' Formula "141/0. VHF,. 11111111 ra!IM1ln Qw elrc:ulaUan deoartmtint: ~ · · · papen1.a.ota. aoo tit01 m + aNSM trom biwtmucard dl'llll.XJatHatWboat PA.IYTIMI ttectecf_ applicant wur recelve\,i.,1 ~o·~~· drt\•d .... Medft 1am• tbl 4 s.s: card r • ..ell -.weorlTNOl8 ,.-iae•WOb liberal 1tartlo1 ••l~ WMTatsSIS Capltaa• chre, aohd tac plw oae .,...... We 1974 Gtaco lt'. v·bult. ....._ .. _.._ acbedWed rilles, booUI OYllJI BanSbl.b·tsu hpi. a Bil 'WOOd. PKQ from W. 6 returo permaaeoU1 Olda·Jet. V•rJ eleu. .. I l lYlllt ltrHl, U O. Coate MeH, ...._. ••• JOp.m Well Oppartun 1 Crnployer ....,.._,,..,._ aod many frin" beneflta ~ u paid GwUver'1Restauraat lawht malel. SIOO. .. ~ J,Sloaa.....,. Meled attradlv. taa 6 Super ftall/UI MaQ COLLMllTUDIMTI 'v•caticm. paid uou lQIW'&DM and a Jnwvi .. tinJ Mon tbru HT·TSH or 551.zui ~G· corner Bak.era atrap, meetinl auna. ldrM....,44 · Ooaf'a•l••• l101;1rlr ...llit • ...:.L....M. H arou.P _, __ ""'"' ~...... 1bUn betwn Wpm. Ex· (8:-.S:IO)aaforPat. Rack .·,.1ua ihelvea ~~ ~~..!'!'--.,__. ... __.__. Ru .... ., lonua. •·ao Crl!lllUl' UIUUll. e wtll tllMI UV .,avnUVY per'd only Fltim• Din· flO .,..,-=~ .. II ta Yall --._,..! .. ~ • .., ~.,.. • ._., D.I • pna M> l :IO pm Call a new model cotnpany car with nerahlft. =~~~·~. bl~. tt;o. o:!'a1~ penona1Jaid11 taa,' ..-, ~~IM500. Bob, ...... tomAttoJSO&. ~meprlvileies. 18482Mac:Arthwr,lrvlne Ctil:SI_, ......... Opmer,SNndeluxe,l !• pape.~. r11>rc or-.. •.-·-· PWo pn1oee.1or to de aruait .C.O.i.Ma• Applicant. mu.st be 18 have a clean .5IO-llllM8 yrold.$l.50.Dbll>rellaer. ~.!': .'9~ •.,. •Riii..,.• blut"1•• • eaNT• IALlll otRL. ruu or pert drlvtng record have 'a :1C' acbooJ WAl'ftlSS AKC Owl White Collie, ntteataad6bnobbefves, tap. Or try two C: sz• twtn ~ ~ wort!. ~, C&tl Prtat ta.1n1. ml.Iii be ab&• to di 1 H • Wrth barten4lnl a fem,2bo1poodl•.Germ ttsrn.SlOO.Mf-1155 becktobeck. Spin f'laber. 1151.-'7M -JIUnlSl. ...... kt\. wan wb(la. Pitare •PS>· ~ c;n!· --'OW'Sth are lf!Det' 11 A.M. Apply aft Spm. 5'1si;: Sbep boy. US·0142, KlDI al bdb d t I PRICKS: • • l •. w h. r. I •• PL.UTICSMIX• t1 t.npi1n01L'fhePt1nlm to ..... w1 some optional Saturday 19t.hSl,C.ll. IG-2110l dreaMr 'd... ~·ctr!! 12eaor>1• 1_n_~__;_;,,;....-..;..,;_. ___ _ Of'RATO. IDOIJ ,., ... an lbnnt overtime WAJTR~ES. So. Lag. MC• U ltrwa Jl!fJJ/olr Antiquedreuer 4/$t.o*1.80ea. 19 Sdpj-" ID' wttrtr. To alJ'*-ol AYe,Balboalll-Uyouarequaliliedaadarelnterested NB" CM p /Ume a. Bob--.S • .-i.sc S/8tqaS1~ea. Xlnt cond. T/Taba. as~''* Ir coeu. 1 .., part time. P'abrt(' ln leam.lng more about where this f/tlme. Coffee abop el(p. ..Mftll!'lll. lOcrroore$1.40u. D/fbader. Bib••· run prodal't.lon,,..US, hper atte11ary Call tralninS leads, come &o the DAILY Refs pleue. Cbarlle'1 BentitulAKC~ _..,~ Sa&ea~~~ cuvaa.taOO.-.~ P'1fS$11$ lhrJ~ PILOI'offtee, 300 West Bay Street and O\Wotc <714)~1. ~m~a!~ ~?.\i:' C\lato~n!n.~late, Draw JOU.Towe;_. lend NA...,... MAIR• fllll time. UI* Clowa SU.person p/tlme tot ~.! ~~I;eavitt ln the Circula-Waitress-combination tranarerttd, will• carved Jep, .W. llabt. n.u;r~· ~ • 27• SSaort Model, brand Cleaaer• fee'. 1 0 54 eaUq11e" aaft 1tor• -..~.,_.,_...,..., small cortee abo:fi In ••Y reaa ofr. Cal cuea la belle. p,ooo. we ,......,_ooech.c .. "~ mw.C.Un~ B d t> llhaltbtnutw/pleuln1 .,_p_...,.,~ .. ityE pl N-Be .... b"' •""" a.JJ115aft5. .....-....or ........ ·"'00 tq.,_...,ea ay11 e r N .B penanallly. wUUnc tc nu--cua&'-(v.,vu.....u m Oye[. e-i."~02~SPM. i•• _._ VWT'~ Seildcbec:kormooeyor. u• I" Boston WU!er. sn.531$ att.,t resp 11 or ovr. · Yorbb.lreTerrier ~ derto: RelllHft!!MDl S1JS). WW NISSM -..oo. HllpW.ted 7100 MalpW..ted 7100 Wallpaper Salealady, Cbamplonbloodllnetin7 ._.,.s. 1055 PILOTPll~ lliftor '191. Call Jwry +M ....................... •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• some ofc. Will train. 31batud..-vi~S30-564t •••••••••-•••••••••••• P.O. Bo:s L5ec> 53&-2Boreo.'412. v.50 ~ Praa, •• •SAl.lsntlSOH Cl) SECIPAIY Steady. part·tlroe. App-llock wide Gara1e Sale. Colt.a Mesa Ca m111 \:~d;1~1~~:2:;~ rgrr Part or full time Win· Onie Q>ordfnat Service Sta, Salesman, ly,8am·lO.m,•W.19th ~~'Ret.iiev~ps, Sat,JllDIU.tAJl.F\lm, • · 11' Cbeeta trl·bllll, 115 dowtlntlng TransP-attnt R ion~ 1 ,°r r t\111 & p/tlme. Exper'd, St.CM • H . TV. appla. planta. patio Balance Beam. Rerwa• RP .• It~ lb/ob. atm m.o;m ahade., ~lnl ·bllnda W:w:S.td'!~e °m~n~r over2l.Neatappea.nng,W need Sl.50, P.MMZ58 furo.-blkea. clotbin1. tiooabewitboutataoda. trtr,ruUyequlod.lm.mac --H NISS ~ · Uniforms furn. Sal open. e SO people who are For"''·'-· 0 t ,,,___ allverware, etc. 2M'Tl f15.53M465after7pm. cood.. lbt Mil SMOO/'blt .--..~ • has an opening . for a Dick Price Chevron. at. least 10 lbs over ~. rea .,......, Mlooa. Aeaeao Hilts. * 1-m-GOT. SETUP SALES p/llme. no ex per. sales si:;cy /coordinator 25172 Cabot Rd, at La weight. Call Ms. Slone at Pupa. S weeb okl. M1IUon Viejo fllovinl, musl sell fa mi • 2nd Shift nee. Will train. s.9pm ros req s accurate typ Paz. Laguna Hills. 751·9175. We can tell you M0-3SU tennia club membenbip a• R.oarul>-INSS1"dldl · lmmed. openiDI for ex Mori·FrlS3+ hr.847-7206 mg & good teleph com how to lose pounds & Ger Shorthair Pointer 1 HDrMa IO'O fj!000.55MSIO <luslc-No other like ii per aet up operalor munication skills Ex Serv Sta Help Needed lm· eam money at the same · · ln Newport-Fiab div• Must be. able to read per. pref'd, but we will mediately. Full or p/t. time. W." fem, Champlon •••••••••••••~··••••••• EXE.!lCYCLE "Studlo orbarhop.$1llOO.m,.13'7 prints & use precision SALES train the ri&ht person. Apply, 990 E Cst Hwy, 11.N/dam '225· Mt-'748S Leuona En1liab/Jump· Mdl elec all body action ~urtng tools for l().6( Good sal & benefits. For NB Wheelchair aaaembler. no Bkk med poodlea 8 wk inl w /exen:iae procnmer. W AMT tonpresaes,conUououa& appt call Mr Sam exp.nec.30Z5So Kil.on, old $10eacb.545-M21'7 BoudnewfacWUea nearnew$495 AKAlll-8 lntermllenlrum. We of-OPPORTUNITY Booker. 493-9301 Sewlo\t.operalor, wlll S.A.54().1142 AIDb..tBd Cll O.C.J'alrGmda.551-5854 Reel to reel taper•· PACKET fer xlnt wagea & benefits 9am·Spm train. ust be respon. & WOM N .. TB n-a.11.o. lS band.I Ba corder, 4 trt. 4 apd. Ac· Wlll pay full market 4 steady employment. AMF INC good leadenblp, 3025 So. E Interested in 4 darlln1 black female .._._._ , 1 casories, $495. ~ Apply At . LoofdR9Fcw Potter&BrumfieldDiv Kllaon.S,A .S.0-1142 makln,gmoney Show ex· mini poodles. e wkl. senll•. 5 yra old value . Pvt pert1 . A Mono.tOf 26181 Av e nid ~ . clusave top .qual shot•• papen. $125. S1000/Bestolr5SZ·lli21'7 lllmin'or 2snowtiree. (714)142·105 da11, Potter&~~~~f~ldDlv. Ufe? Aeropuerto ~ ~',:1uJ't~~:n~~5 = ~~1:n~:~e~~· 541-as:lt Jsaal;f 1070 studded ·u H18XU. m.sooev.. 2 s 1 s 1 A v e n 1 d 1 San Juan Capistrano yn e'"'"'r able to run all , · --···--··-••••••• mounted on wbeeta 1 loah, W 9060 Ae..,.,,.,..-,. AVON REPRESEN· Equal()pporEmployer ~-,,..et· I ..... Hn. Car & pbooe nee. Those Male Collie, ••ble 6 metal tble • bnclli ·-•••••••••••••••••••• ,.,,,_..... T nV_, 5•~ m a e<lwP· Interested should call white. Hu papen. SIG. w· & ~ft · , SanJuanCal!strano A &A> meet people, 7·3.30. xlnt beneflta. Mrs Wacooer 530-S663 Callatts e46-ISlla Af"U .._., 811..-oe 11 WeataaU 32. P'tallJ ~~~yer ~g~~~~e':!:.! *~g[:-J; ~·:::c~rkp~:!ic:~ ~~~~:S~:f. -tow•• _ .. 1 J~~if~gaDiLJt: :a ... ~ILP~~S~otf ~2~·~Y~~ ,._ • ., '--you can become an Avoo Young executives seek ~1155 nww • ~ JEWELRY. WATCHES, u-o:rmany, maa• •· moorinc avail. •tmo. MeclctlflroMis Representative. Call qualified sect'y to fill YARD MAM ....................... ART OBJECTS, GOLD. 811-5117 ~. R apld l~ 1 row Ing ~·ronorZenithH3S8. responsible posllion SH SHOE SALIS Young man wlahing to Pupa. Part Sprlarer SILVER SERVICE. Medinl Co. hu tm· neeess Xlnt salary, Resp. yna. woman. 1B to establl.ab him sell ln ~~,!>.;.~old. Nd l'INE FURN • AN· tt1c•a1w SALIO.ftADI meditte ol)eftlng for a beneflt.s & woEkln& con· 24 preferred w /some grow 1n1 career . -· -· 11~· &621DQ W...... IOI I LUXURIOUS 5'1' Worid person capable of SALES•ITAIL dill001J.C•U675-6'700 sales up lo sell ladies Mecba~lcal Knowledge 4 kitten• lwk• old. _ ................... Race/Crulae AJmapolla establishing & maintain· ""' shoes & related ac· beneficial. Apply, 1954 Beautiful 3 llll tWnd e.p.i.r l(ocmtblp $SCAttLI ~ $ SaDiDI Yacht. w/Dana tng QC procedures. Xlnl for children's fashion Secre cessorlea. Apply ,In Placentia,C.M. llbredcb.~-4588 · ,....... ~ N.nhllp. VahM: $10UI. C:O. benefits. Co, relocat· c Io t b Ing store in f taryG. perm p/tlme p e r 1 0 n D a I e 5 0..tm CutiDC Good med l'Urn/retrip WW trade ror So. Cit ing to Costa Mesa wlthln Capistrano Valley. A tns. ood typist & • ....._ • .a fnnlcstoves5*0798 area bom•. Call Bill '""days Call49:H704 aft 6 phon,. manner. Write Footworks. So. Coast www = an I KlllENS.. ,,_to carto1 Moc'T..ttlt Gau. (213) ma1l'1 or "" 1~~~~~~~~~I giving past exper & sal Village. 979-9252 •••••••••••••••••••••-b om e , I o n I h a l r I Need to ~ a Cement Sentry Medical Products,. history. Braun En· t.!..I k ......... IOOI creytwbite 1 WU old. Gallll ... ..... MiurforJwbror•ul (213) 1411·2117. (ZU> 19200 Laurel Park Rd. terprises 17812 Beach ..... t Roe or Jen grp to••••••••••••••••••••••• ~aft.3pm 4250Soottl>l'.N.B. ...,_. ~ SZS.917TLarT'YWalab carson,Ca . SALES Blvd, St.e'n, Hunl1Ai1,on ~~e•yt ::!1\8,°!~.Stt:~ ~ ·vi.... •-·11 Aqunriu• 23. Fi.Ile Beach,Ca92646. Patat7S2·Sl Wonderland FREE.!.1JJ.~~~1:r~: IJ).JMI bed. • -• ••-ecad,ftudkeelw/ID&D.J REALESTATi THE HUSRER SICIETAIY •STUDIMTS• Of Antiws! ~now.18Mm Ha.306-4 me ~~ ~ re= ::.'~='~ quick An you 0 llatler? Is Lt. secretarial exl) .. for "'111 or p/tlrne to dla· ~ ~l0~:ru ~ *.......,* "We bu1 old rold 6 _m.-u ________ 1 ,,_,.fob *od elided? ~:,i?: 1~·~· 1;;r; tribute 1lp code dlrec· m1&1lc bose•, nicttelo-s llALES-2 FEMALES Ftndlnp &Uver" t t 1klll :8~~~ *MANAGER* in pers: Victor Hugo lnn, tories lo own area. Need dean pW:a, d.rcus or· Black & Tan, 1 ll1bt Slonee lulu -tu•• IOIJ Newport Arcbee lla.rtu. Are you earning what Lag Och access to car, over 16, 1ana, wall cloclta, bl'own.lweekl.541·2140 •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• *50.at·UOO<Audrt> youarereallyworth? Do · · $3 .50 per hr. <714> grandfather clockl, To lood bome 2 bea1UlY Sac L•d1'1 .diamond Coon MiD.Q.MalJc etec. you have tangible pro-Secretary. Good tYJ>ing, 839-0700. fMdnatla.laJltjqoea. male black klttena, 9 eopaementrma. ~gan, escelleat coodi· A..pman·DarielKetch duct. commission and aoahrthnd.lnterested in Snu5T5 .. ~ .. !I.!~~'!~-• ,_..,.UlboU.957.oue. 847-9510 tioo,_,,P.P 532·1258 28. dleael. copper Well known , large, direct sales experience? training as legal -·TOllS ~·---............ uuua1 ebeatbed, teak deck, e s t 8 b I• 5 h c d .. Ua~w~rlsyes,thenyou S«retir)'.752·5337 ""-Gallsies·UOZ.TKetter'· 1111 .. S Men'• Diamond Rlnf. CONN ID FRENCH beadroom,alip,6more. Mesa/Newport prime couldbelhemanwe11re • HAllCunRS IDI St . .'lr•loe. Tel. lwbW.lOOI Value S825, wl I HORN Perl coad. 17~ or locallon Must have ex. looking for. The State =Beach Salon ex· 154-)777. Open Wed tbrv · SACRIFICE $600. Have PERFECT COND ..-> ~'1114 peraence res iden· Chemical Manufactur· Secretary-g. C:Ommtulon & S.t.IAJUo4PM.Viatt! (4)7weMokl 1emolo&ilt report ~O ---------Ing C:O bas a t--'tory • Pr~ •-e-.-. foUowlng ..._ __ -.-~ ~ Hobie 18. Ban.au, F1amer tial/relail Some com-· '"" --~TIVii -1~~...... Furniture Stripped A UU:.'!!!....cult Dnum Lodwig, complete uils. XI.Ill CODIL $1»5. merclal. Salary, over· open. COlltroL ... "' _._ RefinWwl by Expert&. .....,._,, AIJlll'OX a carat balut1fu.I ld:t wit Z1ldj1aa eymbell 541-9781 ~':p~icaW:n:"~~::::S~~: Earn SZS.000 plus. Slate Greatoppodorpenona· SUMMHWQal( m.sastdye.,--eTe Free 1olden retrie;:, manmade diamond STl5.IM2'4teiUOAll.fPM. _Ca_tallna ___ 22_Loeded. ___ xlnt_ llal. Appt. secretary Chemlc1I Is a oatlonal ble. gal Friday type who FOtl STUDEHTS Treddle Sewing Jlachine. = ~~ a~f:?.:~. ~~ OfJlc: r.•aw &1 cond, trlr, OB. '"°4). 750-l827 AAA·rated company, We enjoys working w/peo· Ptr Ss.18 hr. take home. Prmcb delllt. Oak table, ... ,._ ,aeU$lOO. 980-42TS ., .. ; I OIS P.P.133-IZJO ~~~~~~~~~t offer a ruture. not just a p I e , l n le r esting, Local job 11tes. 3 ahlfta. card table Oak rocker a FREE To a lovt.Da home J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------·---------! )Ob. divenilled ore work re· Ap 18+. m•) W ·l.OU. patp.beOeb..llS&&SU I year fem&M wmoyed u ..... c:11 I075 Royal electric portablf 1'' Hobie. trtr. Blue/wbt q'g a person who works apeyed, alt aboh: ••••• .. •••• .. •••••••••• typewriter, hardly med a&lll. Jlnt CODd. $1750. RIAL EST An Call Gary Zucker 'ftll w/figures. has some Telepl111111 Stiles POOL 1'AILI ~cr538-t85T Rel. ilorpQmate, brc*e SllO.SD-2709 ~or491-7A2 s•• •••IE8SOM (213)531Mr785 calculator exper & Is an l1P"1t8'otl•ff eustom ..... u ... Stat to ride 6 drt e blk ---~ COLLECT accurate typist. In· lmmed. openinp In Jrg Carved 1-;p-;,/lilb~· .,~ boM baUL Good eoad. par.de Morlan~ Office le Wareboule cloa 23' Die.on Sloop, Genoa. W.-y +Conn. StahCh1Mlctl dividualmuatberellable e.tab1 firm Sal Tboeus cu .... bad •• sa.ooo: FR.El!! EDI, Wnt•rn (114) ingh =. equtfiplmeat. delllka, =.. °!r!:· ~= .. ~· Better Homes Mf9. c-.-y w/stead)' work record. plan. Grour ln.sur. Paid 6"4!61or6M-UOO ~ •1ou c a"'· "· 1upp1 ea. SU .... -~ .... _ . 1~~~~~~~~~1 Good salary w/xlnl fr· c I f carboudcartoas,beaV) P.-·--459Mo.CoatHwy. 1 ~ lnge benefits lncl'g pald vac. • or appl. At•'•cH 1010 K1Ue1111 part Slam .............. _. ·aoao scales P1tDe1 B Stam1' HO-B-=--IE...;....;_. __ ttr_lr_,....... __ • -. -..Ch r••Ms-ESS medical & lite ins + pro-9ll-4430or 540-6289. ....................... bas :".""'L !'::-· 7 "b -*" ••Mt machine. 50·75... O I 1 " • · ......,.. ........... ,._ •lft ~.-OA • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7V ---" Ra--..Aw ........ 494-0741 Exper 'd custom fit sharing. Apply Waaberl, dryen. ChH _......... ' od&.Df'lee.1135WllltUer •an ....... ~·-· A*fof'Jacli !~~~~~~ .. Catt ror eam"'eiMCO 11U11t)P/TIME ~r~e r.fi.!rr. Auatrallan ~ci SCUl-lETS ·U"W::::=·thn 13' Cyclooe + ulr. Ute ~~~~~~~~!-..:..=--------• 265BriggsAveC.M. Brancbolcseetsbonda· llttrCbl.WillallOt..ly. ~bome. w/ · I~ --..... --new. Xtru. Best otter. ble teller to work n.art. Q&.2840. lOwa.Old.l4l-090 ~WU., rwn ._, <213 ..... -.-Y.-•Bch -Secretary Irvine lndust 'I Complex r-•-• .... ••••••••••••••• ,_,_ .._. . RECEPTIONIST IXICUTIVI F,qual~l!°!A~ployer ~:·&i'J:rf::!;!v<;>:t FRGHT DAMAGED~ ador• ~1:, blltld'b:t ===p-Cocbtieta 36' Gladiator Sloop. Race l"Ull-Ume. Mon·Frt Ex· • ..,..llET"•Y ,,_....._. (714)6M·725S. HOTPOINT SALE. 33Cll ....... -PICKED one female, one male. riUed. Extru. $5500. Pb per·d In typing, Will train ~ -W w u • .....__ _._ -. acb. 541-1011 aft 5 l73-3002 ror admissions & dis· 'nleJollyRoger.lnc.has W ............ ol . arner nr ~. Papa Kan1aroo : ----------~charges. Apply Perk an immed. opening for S.Cy/GlrtFtiday S..-. SantaA.na.mmt Puppies, JOW' choice ~ Where'• the baby! p.m. 30' lltaeder Mark II Udo Conv Center. 466 an exper'd secretary. Exciting position with 2744 E Coast Hwy HURRY'.'· ~w pappies. 1 wa ~ Kanproo: Woe la "-& Or.-1090 SZ3,800. JUddJe Yachts: ~W.hlp Rd. N e. Outstanding sh Ir typing presllclous publ11blng c.oronadel Mar -··-me. lly pocket waa •••-•• .... •••••••••••• m.t1ST skills are req'd for this !.i!:'..:. Good typlal.Afronbu·t F,qua.lOpp Emptyrm/f •MOVRte SALi• r.•aw IOSG Plat.ED. GR.EATPIANO BUYS •75 ff bl t Dbl poartion. Prior exper io .,.., ... ..., appearance. •· REFRJGZRATORS •-•••••••••••••••••••• lfYNAR BlllD. •~ mot I rep aeveral wbllln. 0 e "/tr r · R~~~p~y!~ ~~·!~'. restaurant operations !!ito~w:i1:1::ar::: TUXEDO SALES. part WMHEBS DRYDS STOR.EWIDESALE old. talb, l1kes Ude 6 Youcan'tdobl!Uer! Ra1 ~~ ~er Traveler _7_51_-M33. _______ 1 ::'r:t:~. a~~or"r,_ca_U_f_or----'appt--.._833-35 __ 11 __ 1 ume. muat be outiotna. D~= =. ·=~~ adulta. $375. P!lM5..f115 Smith511·7N7 mm o o 751 · 5218 • ina conds & benefit Forlnfo . .S.0.3333eirt.34J 1115NptBl,Coetallesa .,...... ,._ ._ .. _.n. ~-... !00 12 rt. mallo1aay TY~ ·--....... -.../ .Jlellef House Counselors ~cltal• which Include ukforTerri ,._. -• o..., "'· ~ planb. I to 12" wide. ... ~Slwrwo -.. I-~ neededeves&wknda.ln variousirouplmW'ance S.CJ~UKg. T.V9RIOLIMll"f".... ElecDryer Cll.6Q.'1'8.'IOA:~ 114" thick $8 per-·-• .. •••••-•-• Delll:a to70 ._ homes for teenage &iris. benefits" profit sharing. Getl Ofc Iott. p /t • ""'"""" "'" almolluew bo d-di • b Ii ...................... . _Ca_ll_Ba_r_b_545--_5593 ____ 1 Salary commenaurate ~to$..UOPerHour Good ~y. lo.side• out· llHlkl **I IUY** ~ sc. 1 ot. NEW Plonter SX414 WANTED: Slip for 44' --------•I w /uper Apply rn Emplo~nPayAUrees side Wright '• T .V. \ Good med hmiture 6 sm.Rcvr Liatl250 1 Huater,tricabin.brtstol DEMTAL/Rec..t. person. 8·5pm, Mon-Fri. Ll&RelndenAgency e.t&-1'186 =·G.S.Selfcleanhll Appliances-OR I will OalorTV,Fllc:oaaolew/I ODl.ySJJt.MauUcMuStc CIODll. Bef'a. NWptaJU.. ,.,._.._ _ _.nnt'A ofc,!x"pr 1'7042 Gillette Ave, 4020BirchSt,Sle104 ecm!M,Xlllteondi· aellorSl:LLforYou. way apkn. $50. Pllber Co 44.SE i-... St.,... ~ 11~. dJa J.HJ.W.IM...-""" .. Irvine, NeWllQl1JJeach $3W190 Uoo.$Z50.17N8H MAS19t$AUCTIOM 1kUs (115)blndln&• A: . . nn .~ UWZS.10IO pref, non-amoker. CYI~~~~~~~~~ Cal1f0t lab' poles $35 W • 5 dys.IJ19.1400 •. orappt/ea 85 nPIST Freaer-20' aell ~· ~ , ........ JM621 "F1o'''lki~-.~::ie AKAi n. • .....a •track re-... I I ...... .. RETAIL CLERKS UTOTIM ~··llUM..t&eh 1oai.Uons Opet lit. 2nd & 3rd ahifls In Sao Clemente & Laauoa Beach. Other an!U have openl.oas •Ito. No exper. req'd. Apply at any o1 ~stores. 2518Newport Blvd. Coate Meae Mz.770Z SICIET .. •y trade amaU 12 . Day, ,_., -.,...... .r. d• -AA Sec'y wanted /l hrs. Od Ufel1.Mtvlf' m-im.eveW..,.,. COMTa.WMAAY ~o.-,.QSOwkdJ1, conter. Llk~ new! ~ .~ .............. .. TO PRESIDENT pay. Adding ~ach exp. DulWlth llUIMITUll · prteeSl50. a~ C r j1r1tS./ Shorthand and typln& re· No typing. 833-!MM Office Overload Kenmore Waaber fl5, Game aet wttb beaut cU1 N A T I 0 N A L PHASE Linear 4000 ~ ..-tl2t quired. A variety posi· Enjoy the variety of Kenmore Gaa J)rye,r $45, velvet din, eata A: ~· G E 0 Q 1\ A P H I C amp (uaed demo> $341. ""'•••••••••••• .. •••• tlon wltb many ex· Serv1ceStationSalesman, cbooslns some or our G.E. Gu Dl7•r $125, eeet (eartbtanetl), Glau MAGAZJNES. 1112 to New .... H).1233 Teat Trlr. 11119 •people. ecuUve. administrative mtnor mech ablllty S'TOO wide Hlectlona of tem· 97M7Mor141.-n la wood eoff" ta•les, 11& Bound.1119todate, Stereotype&ound 1'12 Camel. Gd eood. and 1«ial duties A team +commission. 491S-G121 porary olftce Jobe to last CASH PAID taqia, bdrm aui\e, m~t If-· Sl2SO. Call 81Nl40 17 .. 8 • W 0 ,.,. TV _ _. '150/bst olr. 4'7-11>12 d)'I, oriented lndiYidual who Servi S d allSummerocasloo&as ror Wlbr/Dr7r'l/Wrll U....,,.00.hllbba~ -..n -4M-IMI likes people Call ce ta. Atten ent, you like, Top hourly wcftinltnot.llM541 ctn bOOltc:ueswallun· IDDCbecliPt•..S.blkfake wttb atand, ldnt coodl· ..-. M0-2500: momlngs on· =·~~~i!:li~~ ,..gee. Tyoiat.t. call ua ~ tu, tienehwivel rocker. ~ ~ $1.40 ... u MS. uan. ao.m.me "11 vw PoP Top camper. ~..a:30tot:30andaskfor ldrvtne,C.M.• ' toda.)'&atarttomorrow. Fri,utatre reftl1crator, Alllnxlalcand.55M1t0 too, ~~1~ Xlnt RHl·to·re•l. --~Xtm~. m. . ~eciocUdoo, 7"'C"-ft. A Real CbOppi BIMk noor1ceru:...Ut.ow1dl Dokorder Mod. 1050. • 711Ma&IPll SICUTilY 5.;~~::d s~;~to:ur.a= ta~ office • ~ Table ....::J• klJh. ,_tdllq dral* •· 2 Many atru. uu. 'ft VW Campet'. Good Pltfme Inqutl'9 Ullman p1tlme. Some·~· Top overload O.S ~ free rehtt. &Giid bardwood. uneven 'bdm1de croclMlt-1 or--.4'131 _ ~ .-0. fiM.G1J or Salli 410 29th St NB waces +comm ft •er • ""::.$21Cl0/8alol· top,llDGll. rtwblte poacbot, SU~-11_.. ...___ ,,.~ .-f'7Mli7o . H7'°°61 ,_, ·' " adi. 8duillu1 fu.r coet. ..... -· ---· pey a!ter 1 yr Al>PI~, Enttre coatenl1, Park u 1·10, muttlc:otored •ttr.o, d.nt COIMI. ti t ,_.... 914e SICllTAlY '&~ ~vron8c:'N . 8'123BiiC.bSt.NB SHU Kenmore o .. NewPolt decor'at.or apl. d.7ticl nbblt. leather ln· $150.W.wn. ... -.... -....... . F /Ume. Pereoneble. pboQe '1is 1 0 .• jtifi-:ft •· :stat ~. LCaJ.IMN09. 1" .en al •aiat. tell* ~1 ......... '' ...._..,. ~ ol the SlJ"Oftl tn>lna • s>i nee. c · TYPm-W• .,.. AoOklht 1pm. ~4 '' lure • · Mut ·· ..U •· No cbetb. \;&IJ ' 's I llneo 6lll IMcb, c:brome. ADolYlt\l)trtOft.Robert, S.rviic• Sta 1 A 1 ttendant ~ ~1 1~ us! Wt Ill 1tW11 ... IOll ~ .1,-bdrm ~~lme. -··~~·-•••• .. ••• .. ~~epla0ct '515. l\9ln: 'WllU•m f'ro.l • p/t me. Ava ev .. 6 YPI QWC: Y ""accurate· ....................... tlallM larDpe tablH ' 8 ii 90101...;..~;;.;_......,--...;...-~ Aaaoe .• 1401 QuaU St wkoda. ~xper'd only l,y, have ucellcnt •Ptll· u.t Lilloba' l"'d"d:I sauo.'11ruber '• dryt.r' Deluxe Bua.It bed .• ~-•••••••-••••• ~C-I N.B. ' N••t appear 6 lnl lcpammar, •~ <DO> 2"'XLO"•JO' (t) mur ot!a., ftersu ' Bumper Pool tabl•. n· ASS. dbl U uaoe Sc1·1~ tllO handwnt1111.Appl.J.2* ttlbutetoacoo1enl1Uat· _. •• 'it•• 11, (SO)' u.-, kbwhm3tfd.U0.11'•Y· 9•t.-.. _. • leuttlryjlectpt. NewpottBlvd.C.M. mo1phtr•.1/101u,u.Uty, i••:oio·~xlt' <4> -· All&t\stntCond.W-8* ._....., . .,..,~ ...................... . R.:E Ofq, lmmed. open· p&euecall7U.711"f _ l"lllO''xtCW' lal), T; ~ • formic• cblt. crMMNI •1 .~ 8111' 'it Mii. lmmac • • N'S ~~pb~s~nr:.t·0~~: S:!~:~·e:;::~:~ t:~·i 1'YPlltMedlcal Of(! tor 2 ·brachbOl),tM111 ~~~~·~Vi ;j;.~~!!.kt 'o! £nc1i1o&>edl• ·~~·~Q~ ==-'·-:--.fA 1 • A1rllOrt area ~ Eves. Full Ir p/llme. Ap-buaY •urteol\S. Sh wllJ be C. IHI "' ' -at~e.a ~ at lAt9 Powell Nnij Ml&bt n\I l l ·'7. Full • • DlY, Sllell &talion, lTth " &11 uaet. Mu t bt a bit to ·-·-................ CASHPAJO ~ '" o¥er'ba.Wed palniH new \\-1Wt's V°"'l'racklT · p/lline. AllO, CCU BN'a. IF YOU • l"lnie, NB. i::;t ~:fillblo,.hn, It r•w FREE t£11'T&MS·l.Ool l'(r. tCIOd .-d fun:llt~ ti<'ciUO\ Clob or ltvlM carpel, S1°HP1 1,' foll SUi2 Pl!I' D~ Benefrtl for fl'tlme. C-0n· bllftaMrvkoo"'•or IMV1CIMAM _,.._ ~th\ pc~ op •; !:" ,ha.tr bt1u~£;1trv1 •~-..Cl ~tunlly mernbenbJp: l~llltchee, bath, ~r. . 'that:tUttlito~ t~ M J • Oltt.t ~loaell,~aoed Be self motlot•d . tumetoCluS16edadn0. )'Olll'P .. I " 'i.: Don'l ~l~;"~-,,.ttti 'lhl 1 l&Ueo(M.m-not~'r Pr•wotJ1 Jea_••as ... 111 rotanadlnthe~~k>t =~l•I Hospital. 0~D:_J~ Ptlot !!'!.!_u!!_,lnd\v11:1u:c:u~o :· fJo ~f Pllll()l •. i:.Q i.o¥Od-elY c:oldorful ttt,tw. "LIM" lt han ~I• 11m1~· Vaniam'"cinllltrtXutc ::O~"p...~~~~· ~°'==:: -=~~=~~~~~! ,.._.f0.1171. · · ....... ......,. aerv ma.-. • Ma,~ I ~bru 'I AD ora Sh;p to • ore re ult.II t'Ol'd .,., TV 21'' UW OutatancUa1 -•aJu 11 ldfJJllt)' '°" more iP• .... _ _ " •----------,531-1044 .. " b9cQrOuad.tlO ~ Mi·Sf78. ·alaftn.too ..... im 11.1,mo aM011 , rornaiioltCalJ--. ... • I ..,, v...a. JDD rr . ..._ ..,, oat.au P\I. lll•ll t)a.a • ml. aatrlllce lbla. Ila • bit otr. --~ ..... WEIUY CUAMCARS laftUCIS '12 Winnebago Brave Sleepe 6, new carpet, dual 1a1 tank.:!i_ radio, tape deck. CB, TV aaten· na, dub air. forced air heat' comp. S tC. Ho& -water beater. abower. ClllllJ. preaurized water Wik Excellent condition ........ rT $7500 6'41·9071 after .,. ... ~, 3 30pm 2121 Harbor Blvd. : . COSTA IO:SA a.' Travel Trailer, all new 546-1200 utilities, located La1UU1-------- Beacb Trailer Court WEPAYTOPDOU.AR 496-934.S roaTOPUSEDCARS Tent trtr, fully self eoa· ~~~c tained. Sipe I. Eleel brk. u ,....-car ia e:xtra clean _$15_500 __ 1o1r_._4Hl_-2BIZ ____ , lleeQlftnt. 24' AUo fully equlp'd Lite IAUB IUtcK new. 3-way refric. tub 6 SSHarborBlvd. shrw, f\lrnace A/C. lrl Coltalleu 979-2500 awnlol, E-Z Llft. $2800. 50-2835 ~ SerTlce.,... Ir~ t400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wanted: '11 Palcoa door, driver side, from 2dr sedan or Rancbero. &e207S' Uaecl Datsun eo&t.!.r11, 51 in good cood. ·n MG tranamiuion, Id eond. m-I03I . . ~~:1 -, 'I~ t•, f\J ,\I fl bl .J: 11 1rJ '•"'JC,T()~ tH A· •4 l \, '·~' .._ \ I I'\/ '74MMeT 4 spd, AM/I'll recUo, A Clualcl 5 other MOB OT'• tn •tock. Cuatom llnancln1 avall nosLVR> COMllM&Sll THIAU.HIW 6JOCSINOW! I COMPLITS IOOYSHOP MOWOPIM SADDLllACK YAUIYIMPOITS 131-2040 4tMt4t ------- CREVIER WUJSacrlfice '74 Fiat wgn --------....;..._ _______ _ 1.24. Ort cood. Xtras, 73 4 50~ L Si Iver auto. eves m-3589 or dys Mercedes. Elec wln· 8.'ll-9786 dowa, FJI, lo ml. 1 '70 Ftat850Spyder. OWDer. lluataell. 548-8281 Goodcond.lt'!'!1,. _ '1'1 Sdn kyl, PS, PB. AC, tllOO. _,._,~ Bed'•la Jdntccmd. KUe 16 1318. All/FM steno, s air. mi>m-'11115. eves. spd. xlnt caod. Lo mi, ... t74Z $3000. Dys, 894·1311; •-••-••••-••••••• Eves. Ila.WO. ult foe ._..'$ Steve '1212' Sprt.a Spyder. Xtra G t 51 • H<>ADWAY ctn, lo ml. Must aell. SA Hf A A .. A I ...;S27_S0...;/_bs_l_. 6'&'6S __ l_I __ 835·3171 1.IJ'MF1atl.2'Spyder. Low ,.. 111.TMAtu111MNGMACl#ll ~-Xlnt cond. Bat •USID IMW't* ~r. 813-'7M '70.0Cpe SIR 74eLWB '6S P\al Spyder. rare, ndl '711800upd H()MRJ work. bit offer. trade foe '74 2002 4spd 812NAD blke. Call 8'7·1051. '68UI004s~ VWH817 ..... t727 Closed o. s.ny. ...................... . OIAMM COUM'ITS ~·, Sal.servlce-Leaaing ........ 77 HONDACcrs MANY To C1looJe ,,.._, UNIVERSITY Must aell '73 MGB c:oftV, .... 114 mo X1nt cond. Make offer ........ •••••-••••·- Pvt party.~ vw Bui. put cond. Meil 9744 AM/FM. new paint. .. ..... -.. •••••••••••• M111t 1ell/b1t ofr Wanted: Adaplen, 6 CbeYJ PU e lutl wbls IMPOltT CARS AU.MOD&S .... c.wr.111c. Rolls fcoyce BMW Oldi11•olll1 117811GB ~7S3-SM'0~~-·-~~~--1 Hamda C... • GMC 12,000mi,A.UiqS4800 15 VW SPORTS CAR. --------1 TnEb -.11JtCalleve1. Make offer. Xblt. nm· &.0m-• 5 11111 Map. Aft 8pm SO.N92. ... farW. ....................... ........ tllO ...... -.............. . JIU'mula v. readytorace. Vespa Motoncooler., uocc. m -9039. eves WI NBD CLIAM uUDCAIS NOW CALI.PAPPY 540·5630 • 1540Jambe>Tee Newport Beach 6f0.6444 2llSO Harbor Blvd. "73 Wbite llGB for·~ alq oaad. 55M81S Costa llesa 540-98'0 70.0CS. lmmac. ort1. oinfl". XlAt . 87 Scnbclr, reblt eng, Lomi.•spcl.allxtru .,.., t730 Call55H410. redial Uni, IJU'f, ao 1a1 613-1.SZl •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• Opll t746 pa_capadtJ. Good cond, 1.W16530I dark blue alldt '67 Jaruar. Xlnt cood .. ••••-•-• .. ••••••••••• .-. firm. Daya only, • • • white w/blk int.er. Right (714)141-0la stereo, sunroof, AC, band drive 11 000 Mi ?O•T, $1400. 12,000 ml. 111.500. tB800 '9fHSisattlpm • Auto. M5-20S7 VWCal\omrea.rfen· &M-'1509orM4-7"1 · den, wide rear tires '12Ja1XJl,redw/blktnt, ....... 9747 Mall wbeela, All/FM ........ / Dot.. 9720 reblt trans & eng ....................... radlo, tood conditlon. Cl•tkl 9120 2626HARIOl ILVD. ....................... (guaranteed) $7900. '12 mecb perfect. Xtru. '11'0. Call after 1:30pm 1011\~0\ & SO\ • l 1N(.0LN ~ERCllHY ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA '78 Lon&bed. 5000 ml. 673-5880. Price includes aUowanee1_fWl_·_'1!lll5 ______ -1 COSTA MESA DATSUN 284SRAAI01tBLVD. 'dr, 2nd owner. nma real eood. flrst sm. 531-1541 --------eves., or aee at 7%7 C OSTA MESA DATSUN '47 <llrya WlodlOr N.-1--C_._Al_...._..;..;...;.. ... _...._..,--1 flawleu. Radlo, alr '12 XJ8 BUJ'1undY w/blk ~:~ cbolce. 118VWBUG lnt.Runawell.XlD1auto vv, .. , sbockl. Sway brace. int.~tobelleve!-$8300. • XlDt ccmd. Autq, tblt aieoo.4tM728 c.11,_C.. m.Ml'7 6'40·8800 dya. 1sst.1010 ,_.. t710 esicm-.~ISl-2817 --------.. 'M ~Bet.Air~. , ...... Or..... '73 240Z, AM 1 FM eves. • ..................... . ~000 adual ml, totally 2145HABBORBLVD. Cassette, a/cond, ma11, _,E•-Vl.2 2+2 auto ., ---tu-·'---•-v1_.A ... > 88 ooo mt'• ••soo •• ...,,...., • · · ....... , ..... .._ "'......... -+""'a Mi78118bef5 · all xtras, xlnt cond. 4 Wlll9I Drfftt tSSO COSTA KESA ' $5500. 645-3117 _;;...._..;.....:------ ... -... • .. •••••••••• '4z.G613 ' Datsun 8210. 2 dr .-.. t7l2 AMC-.19 WE P' .a. v sedan, runs areat, lo ml. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... Ccilf. Ali $ZL50/blto&.MS"'225 •JIMSIM WEOUTSELLALL TOPDOUAI "JI Datsun 8210. 2 dr. • TOMOllOW'S .J&EPDEALERS llOIMlnY 1pd, llint t'ODdltlon JN THI: STATZ IMfOld'S -.czn,MUtllOoanie MUCM IMYIMTOIY All llode1a New .. Uteel 18 DatlWl Stitioa Wp, Leuina A~l• MAIOWS a.oTOIS •,ooo ml, reblt eq, $176. cost.-8a2Mar1Qerileftwy. 1 _...al.2 ________ 1 lllSSJON VIBJO me:.::O.a:'lLVD. IJ1~4~1210 ~o:-::·p~t~:e~ ec.ta ,._. soeo23 Wl'U. IU'I YOU. clllldL 9111$: U.·"'2 '7,..,,/U usm•ou '71 HO z ·~2. A/C, 4wbeeldriYe,Xla\cood. AUfOMOllLI 81 ....... aterea CUI, Ml.WtSeUI $G00.142·ZMS J!AD>FORORNOT ne" M•~b. Urea • CAUSAUSMGtt. llWbOlled lllocb, bra, .a;YATIS map, ISK ml. Jmmac. VW.f'OISC.. ir.oas -..n4 Su luan C&piltnoo '°' .. tCIW' IJ7'4N ~tMI I I CC'ST A MESA DATSUN ·· · l . . VOL 10, NO. 158, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • • 1e m Plarie S~ut Suspect Held llB Man Nalibed in"NY Kida Pomo Bmt From Wire Senlees CHAZY, N. Y~ -A Huntingtoo Beach man was jailed here tod~ on cbal"ees of involvement in a u;iajor international pornography ring including mountains of pic- iures involving children in sexual postures. Riehar'd Kerr, 42, Identified as a British subject, is held in lieu of Jl0,000 bail on the charge of first· degree obscenity. Olllty ..it .. St.ff l'lloto 'IF THE SHOE FITS •• .' Former Mayor Wieder His address was not furnished and Huntington Beach police said they were not familiar with· Kerr by name. His arrest came two days after that of J~th Christie, 35, who lived at a house in a lakeside re- gion of Chazy where the cache or pornoeraphie materials valued. at $80,000 was seized Monday. She was taken into custody in the Montreal suburb of St.· CHALLENGES COLLEAGUE .. Mllyor P•ttlneon Hunti"llfpn Hikes City Water Rates By ROBERT BARK.Ell OllM O.Uy ~llot Staff Huntington Beach City Council. members approved an increue in city water rates Monday night. Bills for the typical homeowner will climb $2.10 ror a 60-day period. Debate on the issue caused chilly relations to surface for the first time publiclr between former Mayor Harnett Wieder and her successor, Ron Pat· tinson .. Pattinson told Mrs. Wieder at one point that he resented her al- leged insinuations that the city council felt it had a blank check lrom the public on such matters. "If you think I'm fiscallY. ir- .responsible, you say so right now," Pattinson fiared. Mrs. Wieder said sbe was sorry that Pattinson took"her remarks in such a way but added, "If the shoe fits ... " Pattinson said be thought Mrs. Wieder's stand was politically motivated. He declined' to el a borate further. The city council was actin( on a request to raise $850,000 to meet increased charges for water purchased by the oity, higher overhead costs and anticipated losses in revenue when al>redUC• 'lion in water consumpUon oc- curs. Mrs. Wieder argued that in- creased charges should come out of the general fund and that the waterbillasbouldn't be raised. CBerKiUed By Lightning • . SMYRNA, Ga. (AP> -A woman found dead with a melted cltbcms babel radio microphone in her hand apparently was ltilJed when the aerial ou'8ide her home was struck by U1htn." ln&, poUcesald. Offlcel'a said Mond•f nl1bt ~bat they found Debora HOward Brown, M.: aitltna in ~ ol a CB radio -1th the microphOno in ber rlPt band... Sb• bad- buma on her riaht hip, up.. per rltht atm, toilo and ntck. Police 1.Sd lbe bad ap; par ntly been talklnt oa tbe radio when Jif,btnti\a struck the wtalde a rial . Property taxes make up nearly so percent of the 1eneral fund. "People are beint nickeled and dimed to death and tt is all ad- ding to inflation," Mrs. Wieder said. Mayor Pro Tem Ron Shenkman said he was hvery, very opposed to a utility c~arge being supported by the general fund. ''There's no way a tax increase should pay for a utility in- crease," he said. "It's not even a sane statement to su11est that" He said if the water increases were absorbed in the general fund, there well may be a reduc· lion in other needed services such as the paramedics. "People would be paying the same rates for less ael'Vices. This 'is a tax Iner-ease of the worst kind because the public doesn't know what they are paying for," be said. Coun~ilman Rlcbard Siebert said the use of property taxes to run a utility seems • 'unthinka- ble." He said the user should foot the bill for extra~ Under~ new wa'ter rates, the typical family 1rill pay $12.50 bimonthly instead of $10.40. Large industrial users will be bit the hardest. Tbe bill for the (~ WATBa, Pap Al> Laurent, where Royal Canadian Mounted Police claim they con- fiscated more than 100 boxes of obscene material. New York state troopers allege they seized more than 250 more cases of material including paperback books, tape cass«tes, photographs and sexual paraphernalia. : Investigators believe Kerr and Miss Christie are inplicated in a widespread pornoerapby dis- tribution ring feeding Canadians with such tastes materials manufactured in New York. State Police Capt. Fred Teeple, who a.aid identical )Datter bas. turned up in the ~rovinces of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia said Canadian and U.S. authorities were involved in the probe. lnveStigators pointed out that Kerr maintains homes in both Toronto and British Columbia in addition to Huntington Beach. <hanYiew Teacher Pact Tallm Jfeaume Contract oed.atioaa bltwwn Ooeu View (elementary> School Dlatrlct teachers and ad· mlnlstratora resumed today following a reiteration ot teacher demands~ay-nighVs board~ education meeting. About ao sign·bearine teachers marched to diatrict offices at Warner Avenue and Beach Boqlevard to show support for thelr 19T1-78 contract demands which include: -A 15 percent pay raise, wbicti teachers say·ia needed to bring-their staqdard of living up to the l~vel they enjoyed 10 years ago. -A maximum class size of 30 pupils, which teachers claim will cause no additionJI expense to the district. -Binding arbitration in future contract d.laputes. There was no formal respoo.se to teachers' requests from school board members Today's negotiations are bepig conducted with the aid of a state-appointed mediator who was called in after negoUaUons reached an Jmpaase on May23. Tbe district's. last public offer calls fbr a 4.1 percent pay raise. no maximum class size and the use of advisory arbitration in grievance J).-c>eeedin&$. Advisory arbitration would mean the school board woold b•v• the final vote on an independent arbitrator's recommendati.oo. This is the third consecutive year that Ocean View teachers have taken to the streets with picket signs to air theJr demands. Teachers reeelved a five percent pay raise last year. llejJeal Vote Singer Anita Bryant l~aves a Miami Beach voUng booth today after marking her ballot in the Dade County re-ferendum on repeat or an ordinance that wou1<1 Ji?Uatantee ri~hts for homosexuals in housin~ and employment. She has led the ~ampaign for repeal. See a related story ·on Page A7. W ASRINGTON (AP> -U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young said today his crtUclsm of former Presidents Gerald Ford and Rlchar'd NiJton as "racists .. .also applied io Presidents John Ken- nedy and Lyndon Johnson but was not intended as an attack an the individual character of the cblef executives. T"tifytng before the House In· ternational Affairs Committee, Young said the issue of r~cism •as actually "in the context ot •by we might have neglected Africa" In the formulation of U.S. foreign policy. The am- bassador, who was formerly a black dvtl rights activist and member of tbe Hous~. said racism "is a kibd of insensitivity to tbe problems of race and culture, but it is an unfortunate term." \'oung's remarks concerning Nixon and Ford were published in a Playbo)' magaiine in· tetview. As Republican crJt1clsm ot Young expanded, Rep. William S. Broomfield (R-Micb.) told the ambassador in today's bear- ing be c.'Onsidefed the' reference to tord .. Jln ~t to a very ereat man .. which was deserving of an apology. ·Committee chairman Clement Zabloctl CD-Wis.) joined Broom- field ~ expres,slne "concern" about the reference to PresideJlt Ford who also served in the House.. _ Young reJ>lied, ''It was in no way limited to Ford. In fact, I hav~ maintained contact with him since be left office." Broomfield then aaked whether the remark was also true of Presidents Kennedy_ and Johnson. Young replied, ••Yeah, it is. I think l s~ld that someVlhere in the article.•• The Playboy ...Ucle, tiowevec, d14 not cantata that reference to · <See YOtlNG, P11e .U> BrolfD ;Bagged Bandit Rob~ I ~other, Girl A thief. wearing a brown paper bag over his head took $1~ in l'eCeipta from • mother Gd her dsqgt-ter MoJ.lday ev~Din1 as they~ •boUt to put the~ lira Fountain Valley bank n!Cht ·deposit drop, police reported. The unarmed bandit confront· ed ll·year-old Barbara Ann Vodbanel of Anaheim, \Yho WU walking to the bank with ber mother, Barbara. oo Brook.burst Street nMr Talbert Avenue at 9:30p.m. "Give me tbe money -give me all the mOlle7, .. the robber to14 the Youn& woman. He then irabbed the deposit baa ad~ oa foot. police uld. The receiptafrOm Cbe Vodhanela' dry ••'na bualnesa #nclud~ ""8 in crub. ac:c:ordlni to polite ~ .. Afternoon N.Y.Stoeks • TEN CENTJ Dwellings Struck in . , Upland· UPLAND (AP) -A twin- engine plane trying to make an \mergency landing at Cable Airport crashed into a block-long apartment complex today, ex- ploding in flames and killing at least flve people, police said. At least four people were taken to a nearby hospital with in- juries. authorities said. It was not immediately known if aroroae was trapped inside the apart- ments. Offidals said the plane had taken off from the airport only minutes before the 7:40 a.m. ctasb, then d~veloped engine trouble and tried to make its way back. However, the plane lost power and the pilot apparently tried to guide it into an alley separating the cluster ot apartment build- ings about three-quarters of a mile southeast of the airport. 1be apartment complex is in the airport's circular approach pat- tern. Upl&QCI Fire Department Capt. Ed Lamed said the explosion and f"rre "completely gutted" the two- story building it bit. At least one other nearby building in the com- plex was ablaze. ••The aecood story was down oo the first Ooor," Larned said of the building. "The plane just disintegrated when it bit the apartments." Larned aid. "We can't even tell what tiqd of plane it was ••• TU plane mlsaed the run•Q by'· atleut half .a mile!' Sky ec:ndlUons were reported overcast with haze at the time of the crab. .. The alley was solid flames," said Julie Black, who lives with her husband, Ken, only 75 feet from where the plane crashed. ·~we were getting ready for ltreUfMt T{ben we heard this plane circle twice, really low. Then there was a big boom," lln. Bladt said. '1lly husband ran out to try to pull out tbe pilot, but be saw a gas leak and backed away • • • Then it exploded." She said her husband's palms "were alDlOst burned off." Bob CUJter, who lives in a nearby apartment. said be ar d fl'ienu went around to other apartments knocking on doors. "People were dazed, asleep," be said. ••we told them to get out and they just looked at us at fll'St." Lerned said, "I understand people were scurrying out of those apartments like it was so- .fng out~ st,;yle." An airport official said the $ix· eeatef plane was owned by Tate Motors, • Cadillac 4ealer in nearby Pomona. All ftv<" persons aboard the plane were killed, but the only one Immediately identified was TbDG&by Tate, a co-owner of the auto dealenbip and the plane. Fire departments from UStlud. Ontario, the Foothill Fire Protection District and the ·ca11fornla Division of Forestry were blttHn& tbe flames. Carted Around Balboa Island resident Don Parls pedals his dog, Macho, through the street.a of Newport Bea~h in Machos apecial aur· rey with a fringe on top. Paris had the cart made especially for Macho so the dog· could accompany him on long bicycle trips .. trips. • F,....P.,,eAJ YOUNG ••• Kennedy and Johnson. Talkine with reporters this morning after a White House meeting with President Carter about the Bl bomber, S~n. Barry M. Goldwater joined In the Republican attacks on Young. The Arizona senator said Young is putting "both feet, both bands and h.ls hat" In his mouth and should never have been appoint- ed ambassador to the United Na- tions. Younr meets later today with Carter to tell him that if the Prealdent differs with his state· ments he 1hould treat Younr like an ambassador. not a friend. On Monday, White House press secret ary Jody Powell said Carter rejected a demand from Republican party chairman Bill Brock that Young apologize or be fired for his remarks about Ford and Nixon. However, Powell said Carter disagreed with Young's c haracterization of the two Republican presidents. New Church Plan Delayed In Huntington A request by the Central Bap- tist ChW'Ch and Uberty ChJisUan School to build a new church and school facility in Hunt1n1ton Baac.h was delayed Monda)' nlabt. City administrator Bud Belsito said the Item was removed from the city council aaenda at the re· quest of the church. He said the matter will be scheduled for action a1atn next month. A request by the church 1roup to build new raclUtie1 at HeU A venue. and Gothard Street had been turned down by the plan- ning comml11lon becau1e the proposed aite Is OI\ induatrial land. Military Meter Bill Supported WASHINGTON <AP> -The mllltary aervicea may HAiat the Carter administration in reduc· ln1 America'• enerey consump- tion. Under provl1ion1 of a $3.5 bllllon military conatrucUon bill pa11ed by the House Monday, the Penta1on would be authorized for the flrat time to tnatall utility meters on service families' gov- ernment howses. HB, New Zealand City 'Join Hands'· Huntington Beach joined handa with the New Zealand seaport Ci· ty of Waitemata Monday night as officials performed sister city "adoption" proceedlnl(s. The event wu consummated by a champagne party in the con· rerence room of the civic center and a telephone call from Mayor Ron Pattinson to Waitemata Mayor Jack Colvin. VlsfU>rs included New Zealand Consul General Frank Muller and officials from the New Zealand Trade Commission and Air New Zealand. Functionaries exchanged keys to their cities and expressed a de· sire to get better acquainted. Pattinson told the Waitemata mayor that Huntington Beach of· fi clals plan to make a trip to New Zealand early next year. He said he also hoped that an exchange student program could be worked out by both cities. Waitemala -it's name means sparklin& water -is a relatively new town of about 30,000. Agriculture is the leadin1 in- dustry with m~or exports of beef Tmrd Vote On Chairman DueJ~27 The regional coastal com· mission will try again June 27 to elect a new chairman. After two deadlocked voting tallies and some verbal disputes over procedure durln& Monday's meeting in Huntington Beach. Margo Feuer retained her status as actine chairman of the 12· membel"board. A split occurred when Mrs. Feu~. a limited 1rowtb ad- vocate, and a resident of M..Ubu. went against Dr. Donald E. Wilson in Monday's votin1. Wilson, a Torrance city. coun· cilman, is part. of t he com· ml11ion'1 bloc of local govern· mer'lt offictaJa that tend to aup· port developers. A pair or verbally cut. votes ended with candidates rffetvtng alx votes rrom the 12·member board. Two ensuing motions to settle the· dispute by aecret ballot ai10 were defeated by deadlocked 6-6 tames. Mrs. Feuer, the elected vice chairman of the commission, took over as acting chairman in April after former Los Angeles City Councilman Lewis Nowell resigned. She will remaln a1 acting chairman until the electlon elat- ed forJune2'TinTorrance. Lo. An1elt11 City Councilman Ar,hur K . Snyder took ••r Nowell's spot on the panel during Monday's meeting. Both Wilsoo and Mrs. Feuer cast beUoU for t.bemaelvu 1n Mood.Ya voting. and wool. It ls reported to have an Ideal recrfetional boating barbof and l1 located near Auckland.· New Zealand otficlala have donated $1,200 in books about tbelr country to the Huntington Beach library. Discharge Set For Marines Who Led KKK By Asloelated Prea1 The Marine Corps says it will discharge two Camp Pendleton Marines who assumed leadership ot a Ku Klux Klan cell on the nation's biggest Marine base last fall. A spokesman for the base said administrative discbarees ~ll be iasued ttu.1 week to PFC Den- n Is L . Campbell, 22, of Smithcreek, Mich.. and PFC Ronnie Harper, 19, ot Penaacola. Fla. The Marine Corps l&G Nov- ember transrerred out most of the men whose names were found on a list of aile&ed KKK membera at the base. The move followed an Incident in whlcb black Marine•, wbo aaid they were seeJdn4 to set even for KKK abuaea, attacked a room of white Marines ln the mlstaken belief they were breakin1 up a Klan meetlng. Six whites, who were not.KKK members but who bad been hav· Ina a beer party, were hopaltallztd and the Marine Corpa ~ted 14 black Marines. Since tM transfer of Marine KKK leaden from Pendleton to •ther baaea, Campbell and Harper publicly announced they had t>ecome the replacement KKK leaders at Pendleton. The Corps said a third leader, PFC Charles V. Smith, 18, of Houston, Tex., and a fourth man who admitted belon1in1 to the 1roup also wlll be diloharged. They presently are listed as on unauthorized absences, a Corps spokesman said. He said the Marines know of no other KKK members left at Pendleton. tn a related development, an attorney said Monday be wu witbdrawtn1 rrom the defense or one of the 10 black Marines 1t.Ul racing general court.a-mart1aJ 1n the barracks asaault. Mark JtoHnbaurn of Los Anfeles, rerresentin& the American Clvt Liberties Un.Ion, dl4 not give a reason for dropping out oC tbe cue of Cpl. Curtia Jone1, 23, of Ruuell, Ala. A mllltary Judge rec~ssed the hearing for Jones until Wednes· day. DukhKida· In School 80VENSMILDE, The Netherlandl <AP)-Dutcb chlldren held hostae• for four data by Swth Moluc·· can terrorise.a went back to i:lua today, but not to Uielr own achool, u d111 after th!I. wen tritd. . • Wlth t.rrorlltl 1Ull hold· •na four teacbtra boat.Me lo the Boventmill• •l•meatar1 1cbool, the parentl of the cbttdren held a m..un1 and decldtd . t.o aend them t.o tM little town'• OOift acbool, wblcb la operat.t tiJ tb• l>latcb Refonned Church. flY wlll attend balf-da; HHfN• .etU hn• 15,.i...;. when tbe 1"1Dmer hollcla1 bt1ina. ldi.Amin Circling Europe DUBLIN, Ireland (AP> Uaandan President Idl Amin, barred from entry by at leut two European cowrtries, wa• report- ed airborne aomewhere over Europe today -. he aoueht to make hl1 way to the Com- mopwealth summit in London in deOance ol British wi•lles. lrl1b officials at first said Amin'sfilgbt, a military plane on loan from 1Jbya, was circling Dublin airport. But officials later said t.bey had neither radio nor radar contact witb the fiisht and it was not clear bow close the plane bad come to Dublin. Hours after Ronte alr traffic authorities said Amin crossed In· to Europe, there wu no firm word of his whereabouts. The European atr control orgrutiza- tion Eurocontrol said it had no record of bi.I fil&ht plan. The Irish government said it bad been alerted that Amin's plane was approaching Ireland and ordered that It not be permitted to land except to take on fuel. Belgian government sources said Brussel• officials bad made the same decision. In Paris, the French General' Secretariat for Civil Aviation said that Amin's plane would be permiUed to land in France. But it added that no such request had been made and left unclear whether Amin would be allowed to disembark. A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said, however, there was nothing to prevent Amin from making a private visit to France. Observers noted that refusing to allow the landing of an airplane carrying a head of state· was highly unusual in lnterna· tional relations. A min took orr for London despite clear indications rrom the British and other Com· monwealth governments that he was not welcome because of re- ports of mass murders and op- pression in his East African na- tion. The official Radio Uganda. monitored in Kenya, said today Amin was planning to arrive in London on Wednesday or Thurs·. day for the Commonwealth sum· mit. The radioaaid Amin stopped off in an Arab country on his way to Europe. Since ·the plane was Libyan. it was ttioueht he may have refueled in Libya. Hearing Set On Fountain Valley Budget The Fountain Valley City Council will bold a second public hearln1 ton11ht on 1619,845 in new budaet expendlturea and the use of $390,000 in federal revenue 1harin1 funda. The heartn1 wlll be held in the council chambers, 10200 Slater Ave., at8o'clock. Tbe council held its first hear· ing on the budaet and revenue sbarina funds May 24. The councll will consider the inclusion of 17 city Jobs in the new budaet. Eleven of these po1ts were funded previously with $1e7,77llDtederal rrantl. Six new posts, includlnl an aide to City Manaaer Jim Neal, would coat the city another $120,074. Otber n~wly propoaed budget items include a '80,000 fire truck, a $51,000 street a weeper, a $.15,000 dump truck, a $15,000 police re· cords system, $31,000 In new Recreation Center lighting 8nd Sll,OOOfor a tree sprayer . F,...P ... AJ WATER ••• sOuthena California ICdlton Com· pany, for example, will climb from $12,503 to $19,000 every lwo months. Tbe city counell's acUon wu previously endorsed by the HOME Council and directors of the HunUncton Beach Chamber of Commerce. Mn. Wieder cast the only negative vote. The water rate decision measure la to have a second re- adl.nl J\ane 20 and it could take ef· feet ao ~later. Al'WI ....... ..f QUEEN ELIZABETH, PRINCE PHILIP KNEEL IN PAA YER Ceremonies Mark Her Sliver Jubilee In London Queen Hailed !ilver Jubil,ee Triumphant LONDON (AP} -Thrones of Jubilant Britons marked the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elbabeth 11'• re1111 today with the ereatest outpouring of patrioUc fervor in a quarter century, and she in turn thanked subjects for 25 years of "loyalty and friendship." Halfway through the long. awaited day of pomp, ceremony, parades, trumpet fanfares, ·prayers and eun salutes, the queen addressed her s ubjects and the world at a jubilee hincheon in the historic Guildhall: "At thla moment of my Silver Jubilee I want to thank all those in Britain and the Com· monwealtb who throuab their loyalty and friendship have given me strength and encouragement during these last 2S years," she said. Appea.rtn& relaxed and happy, the monarch recalled that bl her "salad days" as a 21-year-old heir lo the British throne she pledged her Ufe to the service of the Britiah people. "I do not regret nor retract one word of it," she said. Millions of Britons and foreign visitors, withstanding int.ermit· tent showers and many waiting since Monday nigl\l, lined the streets of London as the queen and her husband, Prince Philip. embarked on thelr day ot joyous celebration. MUlloaa more participated ln· celebrations in every village and hamlet acfOQ En1land, while hundreds ot mUUona around the world watched the celebrations on television. For the royal couple the festive-:.; day oi>ened witb a ride in th Joldeb state coach from Buck mgham Palace to a thanksglvtnj service in St. Paul's Cathedral-1' The Queen wore a simple pink dress and Philip the uniform ol;ii an admiral or the fleet. Prioce Charles, the J?C>Pol heJr to the throne, rode behlbd hot'aeback in the uniform of th Welsh Guards. A procession Ofl:4 ope ~arrtaaea followed, carry. In queen mother, tbe que • children and her sister, Princ!'au Margaret. They were 2 accompanied by more tban 3,000 trop~ 10 bands. ftain alternated with brigh,. su,Jtlbiqe durin1 the momin1. bu\ lb• rain stopped before Princes~ Ana, tile queen'• dauahter. and •• her husband, Capt. Mark , PhUUps. left the palace in thtr• · nretopen carriage. . •• ( Pilot Logbook J 'Almost' Visiting The Coronation ' 87 CAROL MOOSE Of U. o.i1y l"llM St411f In my Utt.le known role of royalty buff, 1 was up at 4:30 a.m . today to 1et a little closer to Enaland. . The 1old coach was just as I had lm•«lned It 25 years a10 ·when I almoet 1ot to the eoronatloo ot Her M~eisty Queen Elizabeth II. I had juat finished reading a bloarapby of the two prin· cesaea, Elisabeth and Margaret Roso, written by tbelr nan· ny. It was undoubtedly tbe first book of that lenJth that I had read at age 8. TUia SECLUDED LIFE wltb Corgi pupe and priHte tutors be.b1nd castle walls fascinated me and I so want- ed to seethe pqe1ntry befitting a queen. KnowtQ full well the thrift of our Norweg:ian-tlerman stock, my mot.Mr wrote letten ukin,-if there weri) an1 "rlcb relaUves" who wanted to escort me to rny version of the maric ldnsdom. None obli1ed and 1 am probabb' *" i..r off that DO oue a polled me that ell'ly. ...,.. The trip ia quite a lumry, even by today's standl.rdiJ. atn ONE GMNDllontER beld out hope unUI UM ver1 llllt week w!Mn m,y altenUon eould be dlnrtect to the tmmtnent btrtb of my )'OUD.lest aiam. . Tbat aame •rudmother did take me •• elaff to · ''Eqllab roya1tyrr aa I've ever 10tteQ -th ~mpre:sa Hotel in Vueouvv, BritlahColumbla. • I remember dloner Uiere 11pec1a11J. &be Ud ~ me to Qboole ftOin tho menu ind I 11poUed .,,Mtf)relMk, most. likely b9cauae th y we,.. at the -bottom« the tall folder •tw.1 could Had. . .u.umtna they ware sweet roll• and •now.Ins en!; 1ranclmotber would let me have a w'hol.i p1.-. Of rnUI:nuea Danlah and •t.iaai'9d r•bln cn:scmu ror dinns. I ~ tb8Jll. TEN CENTS lriotie Briton~ rroast T.hei~. f#Peen LOMOON CAP) -Thl"OllP of quffn addl'ftled ber 1ubjecta Appeart.n1 relaxed and happy, streets of London u the queen golden state coach from Buck· queen .. C'hildre!l and her 111ter; I .lubUaot Briton• merJsed th• and th• world at a Jubilee the monarch recalled that in her and her husband, Prince Pbillp, lngbam Palace to a thanksaivinC Prtnceea llaraaret. They were ~l•erJul!UMofQueeD EU&ibetb luncheon ln tbt bhtorlc "salad day1'' u a 21-year-old embarked on thelr day of joyous service in St. Paul's Cathedral. accompanied by more than 3,000 11 'I Nip COdaJ wtt.h 1re1i.t Guildhall: ' heir to the BritlJb throne she celebration. The Queen wore a simple pink troops and 10 bands. out))OIUl'U)I OI patrfollc ftnor ln a .. At U1i1 moment of my Silver pledted her life to the aervlce ol Millions more participated in dress and Philip the unllonn ol Rain altemated with bricbt quarter ~. aod 1bt lo turn JubUM I want to thank all thole the Britllb people. eelebratlom in every villace and an adiniral ottbe fleet. eunehine durinC the mo~. but lb.Wed tub.Jedi for 2$ yean of la B rl ta l D a ad t be Com· "I do not re1ret nor retract one • hamlet across En1land, while Prince. Charles, the popular the rain stopped before Prineess .,••JoyallyQdfrteadthlg." monwealtb wbo t.hrouah thelr wordofit."1besa!d. hundreds of millions aroUnd the heirtothothrooe.rodebeb.JMon Aane, the queen'• dau,bter, an<i Halfwa1 Uaroufh the Joni· loyaltyaodfriendablpbaveJiven NIWonsot Britons and foreign world watched the celebraUoas horseback in the uniform ol the he.r husband, Capt. llarlt awaited day ot pomp, cert1DOQ1, m• lt.reftltb and encouraaement villton, withstanding intermit·· on television. Welsh Guards.. A procession ot Phillips. left tbe palace in the paradu, trump•t fanfare•. durin• tbae Jut Z5 years," 1he tent lbowen and many waitlnc For the royal couple the festive open oarriaies followed, CUT)'· Clntopen carrtace. prayers ud aua aaluta, the said. •!nee Monday night, lined the day opened with a ride in the ing Ute queen motber, the • CS..QVSSN. P .. eAI> Plane· New York Raid .. Countian Held On Porno Rap From WlreServlcea CHAZY, N.Y . -A Huntington Beach man was jailed here today C>l• cbarges of iJlvolve ment in a major international pomograp~ ring including mountains of pie· lures involving children ln sexual e>ostures. CBer Killed By Lightning SMYRNA, Ga. (AP) -A woman found dead with a melted ciU1en1 band radio microphone in her haad apparently was killed when. the aerial outside her home was struck by Ughln· Ing, police said. oi Officers aald Monday night that they found Debora Howard Brown, 2C,. elttinc tn ttont QI a CB radio wttb tbe microphone in her right hand. She had burns on her n_i.ht hip, UP· per right arm , torso and neck. Police said 1he bad ap- parenUy been talking on the radio when ll1htnin1 struck the out.side aerial. t Yo~•ng Says f JFK, LBJ ' 'Racitts' Too W ASJQNGTON (AP) -U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young said today bis crIUci1m of former Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon as "racists'' also qplied to Presidftb John Ken· oedy and-Lyndon Johnson but wu not lntended as an attack on flle individual character of the f:llief executives. • Testi{ying before tbe Hou.se In· t.crnational Affairs Committee, Youn1 said the issue of racism was actually "in the context of why we might have neglected Africa" in the formulaUon of U.S. foreian poUcy. The am· bassador, who wu formerly a · black cM.l rt•hta actlvt1i and member of the House. aald <See YOUNG, Pase "2) Richard KerT, 42, identified as a British subject, is held In lieu of $10,000 ball on the charge of fi rst degree obscenity. His address was not furnished and Huntington Beach police said they were not familiar with Kerr by name. His arrest came two days after that of Judith Christie, 85, who lived at a house in a lakeside re- gion of Chazy where the cache of pornographic materi•ls valued at $80,000 wu seized Monday. She was taken into custody in the Mookeal suburb or St. Laurent. where Royal Canadian Mounted Police claim they con- fiscated more than 100 boxes of obecene qiaterial. New Yorll ltate troopers allege tbey lei.r.ed more tlaan ~more eaaes of mat~lal Jnchtdio& ptperback booq~ tape cusettis. phototraph1 and sexual parapbem&lla. lnvest11aton believe Kerr and Misl Cbrlstle are lnplicated in a wldeepread pornography dis· trlbution rift&, feeding Canadians with ncb tastes materials manufActµred.inNew York. State Police-Capt. Fred Teeple, who said identical matter has turned 'Up ln the provlnces of Quebec, Ontario iand BrlUsh Columbia said Canadian and U.S. authorit,ies were involved in the probe. Investigators pointed out that Kerr maintains homes in both Toronto and British Columbia in addltion to Huntington Beach Stapect Held In Irvine Armed Holdap s .,, Five Bay Club Re8i8ent A Victim . BJ A&1'11Ua a. VINSEL Ot .. OMWPtteCSUH A crippled aircraft carry- ing Newport Beacb sportsman Tim Tate to a Baja fishing tournament crashed into an Upland apartment bulldJnc today, killing Tate and four other people. Report.a frorp the scene of aweaomf; destruction not far from the end of the Cable Airport nunray ind.icated at least four additiooal J>eople were injured and bblpttalized. Tbe exact number of victims with Tate aboard the new twin engine plane owned by Tate Motors Inc., a Pomona Cadillac agency, was not known. Nor were rescue workers sift. lna tbrou&h the demolished two story apartment wbicb wd ptted-and almOlt lenled by tbe uplod111g inferno certain all bedies bad been Coad. ~MCtlldlter>' waa clownoo Uillftilt floor ... said Upland Fl.re Cape.; .. LarMd. • ~. • ,utner in tbe car de-a&enbip, ,.... a resident ~ ta,e B&lti08 ~ Cltab, Wlaere be was weJ.t lmOWQ .md liked. •• ...,.., amona other re- lathel,-tdll fatb«, William Ta.le. Ol 41 Linda Iale, N.wport Beacl. Tb• fatal craab occurred mo- tnenta att. the plane took olf ln a buy CM1rcut. bound for Cabo San Locu, where Tate waa to pre1lde over a major fishinc tournament,, Friedl in the Harbor Area said Tate wu chairman of the Jn. tematiooal Uabt Tackle Tourna- ment AJloelaUon. Illa plane -. ca.rryina trophies for the winners ainonc other luc· 8aae and suppUes deatroted in tM tmpeet arid exploding inferno -took all at 7:..a a .m ., airport sources aald. Momenta later. the doomed plane. ill enaine sputtertnc. made • ci1'eular t um trylna to limp bad[ toward the airport but fell lbort bJ about a ball-mile. aathorttiel said. The pUot apparently tried to allele lt dOwn into tbe poMi?Jle re- fu6• ot • a1leJ betweeo two cluAen of dllita in tbe apartment complex, willMttes said . The crtppled aircraft nner made it, but slammed into the upper teetion~ Gile two.ltory UD· It. Utenll1 btowtnc sleepy te- (Sel CMSH. Page AJ> YOUNG ••• m." v....,·, remark• eon NlJroe Md P'ord wart pubU le a Playboy m11aalna tann. At Jlepu Uno er Uclam ot Y na apandH, R!. Wlllam . BroomfleJd CR· ldi,) lolfl th• •m•11dw •1'• ...,.. tu ... CIClllliMred ~ ,..,.,... &or•"• Ult lo a Y!WJ jretll man" ch wu duervlna ot u apolop. Couu:nftl• daalrman Cl•DMnt lablocli ([). .) jolned Broom· a.Id la upffNlnt ''coaeG'll'' about tbe rel~• to Praldent Ford wbo allo Htvtd ln th Houe. y_, replied, ''lt Wit ln DO ·~ to Ford. hi fld, l '• ve m talJted cootact wtth l\lm alQce llit left office.'' Broom field tllen 111led wbet!Mr tbe remark wu also true ol Presidents Kennedy and Johuon. Youns replied, "Yeah, 11 is. I think I aaid that 90mewbere in the ardcle," Tbe Playboy .nlcl•, bowever, did not contain that reference to KenMCty and John.son. Toro Road Van Crasli· Kills Man . An El Cajon man was killed early today when the 1uard dog van be wa1 driving on El Toro Road near Cook •a Comer went out ol control and plunaed into Loe Aliac» Creek, accordina to a coroner'• report. The report ldenUlled the vie· tim as Kevin Kneltel, 27. Of. ficials said be worked with Cen· turlan Guard Dog Service. Knelt.el wa1 eastbound on El Toro Road shortly alt.er 4 a.m. when he apparently Jost control of his van, according to a California Highway Patrol re· port. There were no do11 in the van. The van hurtled off the roadway, plun1ed into thtt creek and then crashed into an oak tree. There were no witnesses to the accident, the CHP reported F,....PaeeAI QUEEN ••. The queen paused alont the way at Temple Bar, 1ateway to the old City of London, the heart of the capital, lo receive the Pearl Sword from the lord mayor of London, a ceremony of loyalty dating bac~ six centuries. A royal 1un salute from the Tower of London and a fanfare ol trumpets greeted the queen as she approached St. Paul's, the cathedral whose suMval in the fire bombings of London made it a symbol ol QriUsb resolve in World War II. School Board I Eyes Budget • The lrvlne 1cbool board Wed- nesday night will lake another look at the tm-78 budget, dtlcuss plans for the new aebool ln Town Center and set a time for a joint meeting with the city council. The meeting will beJln at 7:30 p.m. at El Camino Real School, 4782 Karen Ann Lane. It la not ex· pected to run more than one hour. Followin1 the public session, trust.-will convene in an ex· ecuUve seas.Ion to dlscuas con- tract. negotiations with teachers. Tot's Body Found REDWOOD CITY (AP) -The body of a 6-year-old Redwood Ci· ty girl wu found by police Mon· day near where she apparenUy toppled into the water. OAANGICOMT DAILY PILOT =r~~'1.===~= CM\! ~.,. .... ClomN .. , ~-.. -... =.i:::..=.~=-~ ... ~C'..J: .... .,,,, .. ,, ····~~=~-~=~ur~Y:='= ;':; ......... _,._ .... ••Ml " .. --a.y ~1.ca1e-.c.i1....,.._ .............. '-NtM _ _,..,.. ,., .. ~ "'"~----........ ,_.,IC .... ••w ,_ ............ Mo--·--°'""""·'--·-A\tltl•~·._. ........ ,~ Otftc•• ~tt~·~~.r:.~~ lt\lftll~ .. -l"1flf ............... '-ti!'"-'-lllti.J'lblll.Al'•lllNI et""" Oltff ~·­Tel•~· (T14)tcMm CtHllflfld AllVtft ... "9 ~ .., OUILIN. Ireland tAP> - Usaadan Prealdeot ldl Amlp, batted f rcMD entry by at le t two EutoPNft counlrlea, wu report·· ed alrbOm• aomewhere over EW'OPI today u ht aougbt to make hlt way to the Com monwealtb summit in London U, defiance of BrlU.h wl1bes. lr~b ottlclala at lint aaid Amln • rupt, a military plane on loan from Libya, wu circlin1 Dublin alrpon. But oftlclal• later ukt the1 bid "'it.her radio nor radar coat.act with the rn1ht and lt wu not clear how close the plane had come to Dublin. • hri Mldon in the Or County ~Cir Oo\trt trial ol lesecl ealllPQI Jdller Edw Qlula Allaway wu a.bal:MIOIMlllll ~ todaJ ,..._ tbe delMS• cl.Sm ~ new evidallce hu ~UD­eovered. Judge Robert P. Kneeland declared a m.iatrlal in tbe case llt4r dilcusain& the development with deputy public defender Ren Butler. lie· Kbeduled Monday • the date ho wW set a new ~ dai.. llore tbaa 100 prospecUve JW'On bad *" eumtned bf lawyers for both aides ID tovr days ol Jury 1eleeUon when tbe declalon to abandon the trial WIS taken today. Butler declined to discuss thtt nature of the evidence that bas been brought to hia attention. Hours aft.et Rome air traffic autborit.l• 11ld Amin croaaed in· to Europe. there was no firm word ot bis whereabouts. The European air control orglUl.iu· tion Eurocontrol said ft bad no record of bi.I fight plan. The Irish government said 11 had been alerted that Amin'a plane was approaching Ireland and ordered lbat It not be permitted to land except to take on fuel. Belgian government sources said Brussels officials bad made the same decision. WORKU8 COMPLETE FENClNG, GRANDSTAND AT NEW '8MX' COURSE OFF JEFFREY h<>AD frvlne'• Young ~le Motocro•• Rtdera Get let for Opefitng Next Monday Allaway, 31, of Anaheim, has ple•ded not auilty and not l\lilty by realOO of ln.lanlty to murder and assault charges filed after seven people were killed and two- wounded on. the Cal Stat FullertoncampuslastJuly12. "" BMX COurse to Open It is alleged that the former campus janitor shot nine un· iverslty employes with a rifle in and around the cam{>US library durinJ a 10-minule shooting spree. Jn Parts, the French General' Secretariat for Civil Aviation tald that .<min 's plane would be permitted to land in France. But it added that no aucb request bad been made and left unclear whether Amin would be allowed Monday Debut Set After I 0 Months of Work to41Jemberk. ... A French For,lgn Mlntstry spokesman said, how•ver, there wa• .nothing to prevent Amin front m.akinc a private vlllt to France. Obl«'Ven noted that refusln1 to allow-the landing of an airplane carryine a head of state waa hlahly unuaual in int.erna· tlonal relations. ' BJ IDIARY KAYE otlll9Dellrl'lle4M.tt · lt '• beier1 about 10 months since wdrk besan at the ort1lnal bicy· cJe motocro11111\e ln Irvine, but city officlal1 promised today that the new cour1e finally wUI be re- ady next Monday. The new fadllty, now called the "Irvine BMX," ls located in Woodbridie, olf Jeffrey Road ne~t to the rnliened San Diego Creek. Worken from the Wannineton Development Company are com- pletin& the work thl~ week and by Monday, young bleycle riders wUJ be able to wl\4z throuah the course, according to Assistant City Maoqer Paul Brady. The project was orillnally s1't- ed for a alte ln the Edl19n. Com· pany rieht-of·w•¥ betw .. n the railroad and the new Smolcetree homes. 1 • . However, when the new homeowners saw the bullclolers arrl\'e last fall, they proteated to the City Council that the course was too near t.he1r front doors and that the deveJoper, Warm- ington, never told them Of the city's plans. After nuqierous public hear· ing1 and committee meetlnga, a new ait.e was decided upon in Woodbridge, with lbe .city paying $10,400 to move the course and WarDlil\llon picldng up any ex- tra cost. The council iet uld• $2,500 to pay for land1capln1 if the Amin took off for London despJte clear indications Crom tb• Br\tlab and other Com· Jl\OftWealth governments that be w~ DClt welcome because of te· pori.. ol mus murClera and os>- preaalon in his &ast African na· tton. Fr .. Pflfle AJ CRASH~KILLS FivE. • • Kindergarten Signup& Set ~ Children who wlll be S years old before De<l. 2 of this year who live in either the Turtle Rock or Bonlla Canyon attendance areas now may be registered for kln· deriarten at the Turtle Rock School office Parent.a should bring to the school J!l'ool of birth an<l im· mun{zations any week day. Tbe scbfl!Ol ls tocated at 5151 Amalfi Dth"~. The new Bonita. Canyon School wlll be ready for use this fall, but registrations are not beink taken in that office . Pitot nanb ln the 1urf()undln1 area' aw,y from break/ .. t d~ • dap oftbunder. · "People were d~zed. uleep, we told them to 1et oµt ~4 they just loobd at ua," said tenant Bob CUit.er, who ran to alert and evacuate otl\er resident.a. "The alley was solid names," 11ld tenant Ju.tie Black, wtio.e bu1band Tan to try to reacue the pilot of Ule &battered and fully fuel-lad8t aircraft. ''My husband tried to pull the pilot out ~ be saw the •as leak and backed< away. . . then it ex· ploded ... the palm• of bis bands were l'ftl'l)' burned off,·• Mrs. ·JJ\ack aatd.. "The plane juat dlalnt.egtated when it b1t the bulldtng ... we 'can't even tell what kind of plane lt wea .. " 11Jd Fire Ca~. Larned. LogbOOk '.AlmOsi.'. Visiting ""' . . The Coron&tiOn Coroner'• deputies and Federal MiaUon Adminiatratlon cra,h inveati1atora expected to kop the seen• of ~evaatatJon for hours, trying to piece tolether the cause and ldentlllea of the victims. A young couple from Arcadia known to Tale were believed to be aboard the plane. The six-seat plane was Just newly purchued and re~latered to the victim's family s auto aeency, aaJd Harbor Area boat yard owner Blackl4' Gadartan, who knew the younger Tate well. "H~ wu jUltin the shop Jut night," said Gadarlan. "He broulht ma .down some en&ine parts." Scores ot firert1hters w•re employ~ to exllngulth and pre- vent t.he spread of n101es •t the craab il\e. including men from Upland.\ 0niarlo fire depart· mentt, me California Division or Forestry and the Foothill Fire Protection District. •'They've 1ot an awful lot or men sWI at work out there.'' an airport 1pokelman Hid four bou.ra after the cruh. The ~um were admitted to San Antonio Community Hospital in tJpld; '1hlch la Ibo~ 20 mil., •011thweat of San ' Bernantino. State Panel OKs Subsidy For Amtrak SACRAMENTO (AP> -A $S minion state 1ubstdy for Amtrak tralns and other mass transit has made it through the Senate Finance Committee on the nar· rowest.poaslble vote. Introduced by Sen. iJames Mills, <D·San Diego>. the t>ill would provide ~ rnllllon to purchase ab~ndon~d railroad ri1bt.a-of·way for pubUc transit use, $.'I00,000 to co"'plete plans tor uPlfadiaa and upandhtt the use of the East Bay bUJ terminal in eitowntown San Fr1ncl1eo, and $1.5 million more for th~ account now .ubljdJllnl •~tra ,6mtrak train•, A T-4 vote of the 13·member commlUN HOt the bill, (SB 827> to tlte smat.eJloot. Tbe 1\ate now underwrttet balf the COit ol ~tra Atntnk lralns between Loi Ante.let aDd San Diego, Jnd ls add(l'IC trains later thl1 year between Oakland and S.cramen~. motocross enthusiasts decide they want any, but that money bas not yet been allocated. At a meetlil&beld last week by the "bicycle motocross momtor· lng committee," they declded to ask the city for extra money to pay for additional amenities, 1ucb u portable restroom• and• etart1n1 cate. · - Brady said the request will come first to the Community Services Commission, probably later this month, and then 10 to the council. "If the council decides It wants to spend the extra money, that will come later, alter the course is opened," Brady saicl. ")( it doesn't, the motocross enthusiasts know they are re1poosible for coming up with anything extra they want," be added. The deferuse clalms that Al· law ay bad been showing symptoms of meotal insta~llll1 for some time prior to the ~· tnas and tbat the filing of a· divorce action by his wife three days previously may have tri&· gered the outburst. F,....PageAI EXILE ••. their bus'iness. There are many visitors, said Town Clerk Ronald Butler, "Some from as far away as Europe." He said all have been turned away. Buller, acquainted with ~t of Cavendish's 1,260 residen~ describes the Solzhenitsyn faml· ' ly aa good citizens who pay their taxes. "They've iot several do11- They've paid dog taxes," be said. • adding that they also have paid poll taxes. With the 58-year-ohl Soltbenltayn are bis wif&, Natalya their three children, Iii.a motber-An·law and Mrs. Albertl The children, aged 6, 4, and 3, have not reached achoo) acet 1 5 · y e a r · o I d s o n , p~ Solzhenitsyn's first marriage, rs in a boarding school. Visitors have been bothersome, but "It's not terrl· ble. '' Mr1. Alberti said, although sbe s6ld Solzhenitsyn has re· cetvec;I tb.rettenlng letters. Rumors that Solzbenrtsyn Is ••a bl.ler of mankind . . . are ex· r~ tr~IJlely unfair and untrue," she 1"' sald . ''All he's aaklnr for ls privacr and quiet for his worl<, ~ ·now that be has a home." ;:;;XfJ Solzhenltayn was imprisoned HARROWING ORDEAL Irvine Racer'Gr•nt· I',.... Page Al RACE·R.;. our feet are pretty tonr up from walking ln the boots." Grant ex- plained. ''We got stranded Sun· day and started hilti.ne. "We finally stopped and slept atona the U'ail and about 6:30 a .m. yesterday we iot to a ranaer station. A sheriff's beUcopt.er new us out." Grant said forest ransers using another helicopter will attempt to rescue the expensive motorcycles from perches at varylna levels or a steep canyon. He OOe.n 't envy them lbe task. "It's the damedest terrain I've ever seen in my life." Grant said, adding the bikes are stranded at v arioua levels on lb~ face of the rock curt carved by a creek plunginJ throueh the gorge. "We had to uae fopes to get them down u Car as we did.•• Grant •aid be and cyclins partners Bob Matauyama, an El Modeno High School auto thop teat.her from Santa Au: Danny Ma.clas. ~Of Santa Ana; BUI Bell Of Lona ~acb, and a fourth mu reached the 9,900-foot level ~fore ltartll\l. lhetr descent. They finally aave up fisbUnc the uncharted wlldenaess WM1l •t became ObVf0\1$ bOw danaerous the 1itµatloll wai 1*:Qmln1. . In Russia for eight yeans, n;~ lellsed in 1953 and exiled in 1974 . He first went to Switzerland, but left after complaining of harassment by Soviet authorities and moved to Cavendish last year. ,, ·11 reminds him of Russia;• Mrs. Albert! said. • Irvine Bandit Gets 8582 at 'The Colonel'' A bandit. apparently f anilUar with the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Irvine. i>lucked $582 from the noor safe there, Irvine police reported today. , T)le theft at the fast food outlet, at ,14401 Culver Drive, occurred, sometime between 10:30 p.h\1• Sund•Y and 10:30 a.m. Monday .. according to acting manafFt Keith Fomof. Fomof told police the thief eYl· tered the locked buUdllJI wit.hp\rt force and then opened the ~~­ bloat.loo noor aafe, takln1 c~· andcolns. Pry marb were dlaconred ® a eeeond ufe door, with 1cr"'4rtven nearby. However, lb.• tblet was unab1e to open ta.l 1afe. • POllc• aald tMy are naminlnt • Utt <ti former aod currnt em • lit an attempt lo .. ~"" lbe culprit. I VOL, 70, NO. 158, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1977 TEN CENT of 3 Art FestivalS Faces · Appeal area, 11.td today a declaloo hu not be9 m8de Wbether the ac· Uoe ol tM NllGDal c:ommlllloo wlll be appealed to the at.ate peaeL u. ukl u WU under COft· sldtraUoo. bow.ver. Roemthal dld I&)' that DO ap. peal lJ planned for~ permits la· sued to the Pestlval of Arts and Sawdust Festival. A tlcht time schedule la in· volved. • • 1e m , 'No Kiddhlfl' I -I Bandit Rohs t . . • i Lagmia Marke-i An astonished Safeway Market · man walked calmly to the I checker said "you've got to be cbecbtand with five packs of kidding" when a stocky bandit cigarettes. Approaching the approached the checkstand and checker, he aaJd "give me the demanded the cub Monday in cub in your drawer." ll was Laguna Beach. then the checker suueat.ed that "No, I'm not kiddin&," said the be was jesting. bandit pulling out a blue steel re· Witnesses 1a1d the man was volver. about 25 years of age, stood about The checker turned over $360 five feet nine inches tall, weilhed and the gunman fled. No c'ar was 180 pounds, had collar-length seen or heard and the bandit blond hair and blue eyes. eluded Laguna Beach police who saturated the area with patrols as SOOll as the alarm wu re· ceived. The incjdent occurred about 8:20 p.m. The brazen unmasked ManArres~ J In Ki~naplng Of His Mother A Santa Monica man faced ar· raignment today in that clty on a charge of kidnapin1 bll tnotber, hotdine her a1arnat ber Will at the San Clemente lnn. Tbe woman, Gayle GoldJchmit, 43, a Santa Monica housewife, freed herself, accord· ing to report.I, by slipping out of her hotel room Saturday momln1 u bersonslepL Police said be had kept watch for four days to prevent her ex· cape until then. l Officers said she alerted a San 1 Clemente Inn hqtel clerk that abe 1 had been abducted, and police were called. Four San Clemente officers took James Bowen Jump, :n, into • custody, aner one of them con· vinced bi.m over the telephone to surrender himself. Jump was turned over lo Santa Monica police. Mrs. Goldschmit reportedly was unharmed, a1thouch she told ~lice she bad been slapped several times and whacked with , belt. Santa Monica police In· 1festtaator Kelley Leftwich aid the woman bad bffn forced lnto a tar Wednesday as abe ld't a lf'OCer)' store .. Her bmbud -her •OJI .. seep. rather -ae\dfled brleflY UJlnc IO aave her and wu knocked to •he pavement. H~ waa ~ot ~ously btjured, j)Oll~ uld. Leftwich aaf.S Mrs. Goldachmlt and her abductor spent wecine... My Dlcbt at a Sant.a Ana IDQtel. ilept lD the car Tbunday nicht near the San Clemente com· pound of former pre•ldent IUchard Nixon, tMo checked Into Che San Clemente Inn on Frida)'. Wblle outside the Nl.xoo ~. r JAttwich said. tbe two were. i'J:Nled by a. tecurlt)t IUU'd ~ , d them to lea.Ve. • t Leftwlcb said Mn..~ I.old ~ WU bilJl' lo. to _.. Orteant. Thi Motive IOI" t.tie cWtill. WN \&akDOiri: CotUt P.anel . ~ :4ab Yilloge Hol,d 'Steps' The South Coat Jlelional 1.one Couervat.ioo Oommluion voted Moiaday t.o urge the Oran1e Coant.v Board of. Super\ iaon not to dQpoee ol euemenll it bolds to Thousand Steps in South La1una. The rounty has acquired 140 of the 488 eaaement deeds to the dilapidated ltalrway leadinl to the Ni.nth Street Beach, but las'° Juno voted to sell the euements back to the original ownen or to a homeowners usodaUoo. The a~ment of the ease- ment.I la tbe topic ol a 1rand jury probe initiated by Lqunan John Gabriela. . G.-brieJa bas cbaraed the board. QI supervisora acted con· tr-.ry to state law in afreeinC to sell tbe easements it bolds. State ai.tutes do require that public bodiea must provide equal altenate access if they want to dlapoee ol an existing access. Memoe from the Orange County Counsel's office and the eowity's Environmental Management Acency, cited the law and ad· vised aaai.nlt selling. It was Gabriela, too, who broupt the matter to the at~· lion of the reeiooal commiulon. Commiu.looera said they were unaware ol the C?OUDty'a action W\Ul tbe Lacun~ brought it up. Tbe oppooeota have 10 workinf daya to appeal the dec1tion. 1he atate Cl0mmlaa1on meets July 5 and I and qaln July 19 and 20. Should the appeal not be made promptly, lt la likely the ~tter would be delayed until the com· mlJSloo'11ate J.µy mtetinc. The art festival aeuon be1im July 15. The permit allows A.rt·A·Fair to build the artia1a booths and make the grounds ready for tbe exhlb1tkm. Rouotbal, who said be repre.ented N many u 90 resi· deatl ID tbe Arroyo Drive area. told the retioftal commlaaioo the restdentl were opposed to Art·A· Fair'• locatlon because of the ecJ.. dlUonal traflic, pollution and fire bu~ they -believed the 1bow would create in their netgbborbood. Plane Art·A·Falr bad 'been located for Mftft1 yea.rs along Padfic Coast JD.chwa1 Juat soutb ol the Hotel Lquna and before that alone Gallery Row in the DOftb part of town. T¥t rear. the city souaht the show's relocation to put all the festivals within walking distance of each other. The city hoped this would cut down on traffic con1eatlon Balboa Island resident Don Paris oedals rey with a fringe on top. Paris had the his dog, Macho, through the street.a of cart made especially for Macho so the dog Newport Beach in Machos special sur· . couldaccompanyhimonlongbicycletrips. lagU.na Activist Jame~ Yancey Dies LafUM Beach civic activist James C. Yancey died today al South Coast Commwllty Hospital where be bad been a patient (or about a month. Re was 69. He will be memorialized ln private funeral rites. a friend aald. Mr. Yancey, a resident ol Laguna Beach for the past l2 years, was a retired Southern California Gas Company employe wbo was active ln a variety of local civic organiza- tions. He bad moved to Laiuna ft'om Pasadena. He was president of the Laguna Beach Taxpayers' As· sociation. a member of the Citi1en•1 Alliance and a former member of the City Council· appointed E(oooDlic CommiUee. An aYid golfer, be was also past president of the Lquna Beach· Men•1 Golf Club aDd a mem"1' of the Shore~• Coun· try Club in San Clemente. City Councllm an Jack McDowell, a close friend of Mr. Vane~. said the coaununity ls forming the Jim Yancey Memorial Golf Fund to further 1olf in Laguoa Beach. He saicldooat.iom mar be sent to tnl.ltee J act Luod of the Laguna Beach Men's Golf Club al 589 Tahiti Ave., Laguna Beach. A second trustee of the fund will be George Fowler, direcitor of the city's Human Resources Departm~t. Mr. Yancey leaves his widow, Doris, of the family bome at 880 Catalina St.; a dau1bte.r. Linda Elfman ors.an Luis Obiapo; two sitters, Ray Evenstad of El Mortte and Hele" Ashley of Arc~. and his mother Alice Brandon or ~adia. F~ 8nan1ernents are be· inc handled by Bai1ott Chapel Mortuary,,Anuetm. CBerKilled By Ughtiring SMYRNA. Ga. CAP) -A woman found dead with a melted citiuns band radio microphone in her band apparently was killed when the aerial outside her home was struck by U1htn· lDJ; Police said. Officers said Monday ntibt that they found Debora Howard Brown, 24,: sitting ln front of a CB radio with the micropbone in her right band. She bad burns on ber right hip, up. per right arm, torso and neck. Police said she b1td ap- parently been talktn1 on the radio when lightnin# struck the outside aerial. llB~anBeld because vlaiton would not need to drive from ooe festJva1 to another. AdJllUOAally, tbe city bas acreement to lease S'1 acres tram the 1.-vtne Company as a tem· porary Putinl lot ln Lquna Ca· ilyon near El Toro Road. It Is necotiatinC wltb Aliso Viejo Com~for another lot for 185 park spaces. Tbeae outaide < UT, Pase AZ> Dwellings Struck iD Upland UPLAND (AP) -A twin· eneine plane lrYinl to make ao emer1ency landlnc at Cable Airport crasbecl into a block·lorll apartment complex today, ex- ploding in names and killing at leut ftve people, police said. At least four people were taken to a nearby hospital with in· juries, authorities said. It WI$ not immediately known if anyone waa trapped inside the apa.r\- menta.. Officials said the plane bad taken off from the airport only minutes before the 7:40 a .m. crash, then developed engine trouble and tried to make its way back. ffowever, the plane lost power . and the pilot apparently tried co fUld• It 1nto an alley separatill1 the ctuster of apartment build· · tnis about three-quarters of a mile ~ast of the airport. Tbe a_partment complex is in the airport'• circular approach pat· tern. Upland Fire Department Capt. Ed Larned said the explosion ancl fire "completely iutted" tbetwo- story building it hit. At least one other nearby building in the com· plex was ablue. •'The second story was down oci the tint noor," Larned said or the bui.lctiD8· "The plane just disintegrated wbeli it. bit tbe apartments,•• Lamed said. ••we can't even tell wbat kiDd of plane it wu ..• Tbe plane milled the runway by at least half a mile." Sty cond.ltlom were reported overcllllt with haze at the tltne ~ the crash. "The alley WU solid flames, u said .Julie Blact, who lives with her husband, Ken, only 75 feet from where the plane crashed. "We were getting ready for breakfast when we 'beard this plane circle twice, really ~ Then there was a big boom, .. Mta. Black said. "My husband ran out to try to PJJll out the ptlot, but be saw a gu leak and backed away •.• Theo. it exploded." She lald her husband's pallll_S "were a1IDOlt burned off." Bob Cultu, who lives in a nearby •partment. said be beard friends weat around to other apartmmtalmoctlngoadoon. (SieatASll, ~aie AZ) L/SC scape Serio,....., ID jury r .... IM.lt Orana• Counll ,.. MllHAIU ~aped Mrioul UaJ • t.. la ba a.mete .. . A-P. °'*'1M7 11. ol f011 CaU. ~ ... Citm .. ~ WU tll '° tM ........ ,,.. ..... moe«bed Weyde w It llrtark tbe rear •lde of a etr t.rav.UU ln t.~ MOO b*k ol So\ltb ~I C.mlno Ile al. 'n. dnYer of ~ car. Catal J. Walk•, ol llOZ Arriba IJnda. Oemmte, at tlnt w• un. aware of tbe colll1ton. b-.t stopped CO LDYatlpi. wbm &be beard tbe «reeeblnt of t1rtl u otber e111 avokled ruDJdna over the t.eenaier. A poUeemaa on patrol spotted lli11 Dudley standing by the aldo oft.be road, wee-ptna. Firemen called to tbe scene splinted an apparent broken lee and treated ber for rnuJUple scrapes and bruises, ad a pcmt. ble concussion. She was treated at San Clemente General Hospital Ud later released to go bom .. A seeond accfdent Involved three can on North El Camino Real, north of Calle de Los Molinos. San Clemente Police Lt. CliU Gates said a car driven by a lS. year-old San Juan Capistrano elrl collided with a car tu.ming left into a driveway at 1625 N. El Camino Real. The second car was puabed in· to a parked automobile, and driver David L. Parker, 21, of 33421 Ocean Hill Drive, Dana Point, was thrown by the impact into the windshield. Firemen treated Parker for a possible neck injury. He later was released from San Clemente General Hospital. The San Juan Capistrano girl, whose oame was withheld pend· ing an investigation or the accl· dent, was uninjured, Gates said. There were no occupants in the parked car. F,....PageAJ PORNO ••• paperback books, tape cassettes, p h otographs and sexual paraphernalia. lnvesUJators believe Kerr and Miss Christie are lnplicated in a widespread pornography dis· tribution pn1 feedinJ Cal')acll&U • with sudl tastes matei'lals manufactured in New York. State Police Capt. Fred Teeple, who said identical matter has turned up In the provinces or Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia said CanacUan and U.S. authorities were Involved In the probe. Investigators pointed out that Kerr maintains homes in both Toronto and British Columbia in addition to Huntington Beach. Shotgun and Rifle Stolen in Clemente A 12-gauge double-barreled. shotgun and a Browning .270· caliber semi·automalic rifle were reported stolen from the San Clemente apartment of a Camp Pendleton marine. Richard Lynem told pollce Monday he discovered the theft after returning from a ls.day liberty leave. It was not known how the thief got in, police said. F18hing Gear Gone Fishing gear valued at $700 was stolen from a San Juan Capistrano area ranch by an in- truder who entered via an \Pl· locked door. Orange Counly sberlfrs officers said the theft was reported by ranch foreman Robert Steele Clark, 33, of 28672 Ortega Highway. The equipment was taken from a tack room. ORANO!COAl1 UK DAILY PILOT n.o 0.-C-1 0.llJ "'"" -·~• IH--IM .............. ··---."'90._ 0N-'-1>111 .. (o_.of S..,oto..rTllOM.,t lh'IMl\"HI Mo"4•Y '"'Wtft F,.-., ,., (•'"-' ............. -............. ""'°" ... , .. ~­ •• ," V11t•¥ ''"''"''· S.Cld••e.ec• v~ .. , •"' "-lta<l\'*11\Co.ut ... _._'°"' '""' I\ "'*'""'o S•lm,..o --~ ,.,. ~i:!'."'~':':'::~"t:itl:' .. ~~· "'"'tiff " ... ""·-Po•, ..... , • ..,~,""' '"'"·°'"'" ,, ............. ,_~~ '"-.. 1(-lldl! .. ,,._.&......,... ~ ... ~ ciw.....M.~ ......... _ "'-"-......... ~ ~• .. 11$11°""9 ~...:..~~t:t._ .. ,, omc.. """"Cel~-=:~~~.=.=-'-"1'--v.•lwttm\l,11 ... I .... .. s. .. ~'-f Ttl9Pflone (114)~ ctaM#led Act11.n1-. ... .,. .. lafuftl .. Kii Alt O'fl ..... ntl. Tettptio~....._ ''""~c:..­...... ' I Get-tough POiicy Urged for-·~usn •• APWI ..... QUEEN ELIZABETH, PRINCE PHILIP KN~EL IN PRAYER Ceremonies M.,k Her Sliver Jubllee In London j r,~1 Queen • • Balled : Si,lver Jubilee Triumphant I LONDON (AP) -Throngs of jubilant Britons marked the Sliver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth ll '11 reign today .with the greatest outpouring of patriotic fervor in a quarter century, and she in tum thanked subjects for ~ yean of "loyalty and friendship." Halfway through th.e long. awaited day of pomp, ceremony, parades, trumpet fanfares: prayers and gun salutes, the queen addressed her subjects and the world at a jubilee luncheon in the historic Guildhall: "At this moment of my Silver Jubilee I want to thank all those 1n Britain and the Com- roenwealth who thr0l1fh. their tar a1ty and frWndship luwd gtv• me strength and encouragement during these last 25 years," she said. Appearing relaxed and happy, the monarch recalled that In her F,....PflfleAl EXILE ••• "salad dafll" as a 21.year-old heir to the British throne s.he' pledged her life to the service of the British people. "I do not resret nor retract one word or it," She.aid. Millions of Britons and foreign vlaltors, ..-Ithstandibf intermit· tent showers and many ~vaitinc since Monday nleht, lined the streets of London as the queen and her husband, Prince Pbllip, embarked on their day of jayous celebration. Millions more participated in celebrations in every villaee and hamlet ac~s . England, while hundreds -of millions around ~ world watched the celebratioos on television .• For the royal couple the festive day opened with a ride in the golden state coach from Buck- ingb~ Palace to a thanksgiving servfoe in St. Paul's Cathedral~ The Queen wore a simple pink dress and Philip the uniform of an admiral of the fleet. · Prince Charles .. the popular heit to the throne, rode behind on horseback in the. uniform of the W elsb Guards. A procession of open carriages followed, carry- ing the queen mother, the queen's children and her sister, Princess Marearet They were accompanied by more Ulan 3,000 troops and 10 bands "You abould olf•r Capistrino Unlfiecl School Dlatrict voters one more 1o pass scbOol coutnaction boa, but then Y9U aboutd tak t.b.e *1oves ofl and 11 lO\llh!' This 1ui1estton wu mlde to Caplttrano Unilled trustees Mon· day by San Juan Capiatrano ""1· dent Charles Dar1an, who has followed district 1cbool bond elecUons for eight yeen. Darsan ai.o sugpsted t.be 1ov- ernlo1 board ~ulhorize a staft. dard manetil)I research aurvey, whlcb he estimated would COil about $20,000, to assess public opinion on the direction to take, since the $49 million bond and state loan election failed May 31. District administrators pro· posed to trustees Monday that they consider such alternatives as outdoor class sessions in tents, double sessions and year-round school to hou.se -the more than s .ooo-tudents expected to move into the Capistrano district in the next. five years. ''Hopef\1111 la survey would. give some direction from your constituents on what direction to take op alternative methods of de a line with overcrowding," said Darsan. "Right now, it's a turkey shoot." Superintendent Jerome Thornsley told trustees it takes about two years lead time to pro- vide adequate claurooms for an expanding student population. ''Within 12 months we will beCin Jo eet behind." he said. .. Even if school construction bond.I are approved at that time, we wou14 have to go through an interim period of congestion, before we could catch up." ,,,.._PageAJ CRASH ••• ~ "People 9*'ere dazed, asleep," be 1aid. "W• told them to get out and they Just looked at us at rirat." · Lerned said, •.'I understand people were scurrying out ot tboae apartments like it was go- ing out cl style.'• An airport official said the six· seater plane w-. owned by Tate Moton, a Cadillac dealer in nearby Pomona. All five per:folls ;tboard the plane wert kiUed, bu~ the only one immediately identltied was Timothy Ta,te, a co-owner ol the auto dealership and the plane. Fire departme,nts from Upland, Ontario, tbe Foothill Fire Protection District and the Califo(Dla DtvWon of Forestry were battlin1 the fJames. The injured were taken to S4n Antonio Community Hospital in Upland wber, t.bey were treated· for minor lr(fUrtes and reported in stable condition. Upland is a residential and in· dustrlal community about •o miles east ofl.os Angeles and 20. miles west of San Bernardino. ( Pilo~ l:ogbook J ' 'Almo~t': Vis~ting I , The Coronation 'trustee Sarah Upp said she thinu parents will Dot take an in· terut in supporting a b«td eltt· lion untll they are haconve· nJeaced. 4•1 don't like to see students uted as pawns, .. Hid bc)ard ~ aktent Ttd Kopp, .. but I am dis- ·~ that parents who turn out for all kinds of neat thinp at the schools can't be bothered lo vote." Truateis directed. TbomsJey ~ prepara addiUc.ial lnformatlon on all reuooable alternaUves for coping with t.be anticipated o.et· crowdin.i. Tbe 1pra~ling Capistrano 1cbool district consllta ot about ~ ~ltt1lt of Oran1~ Coun 1an1tri1Duda ~ tt •tlll to be "'n-torJPed.-It senes San Clemen ~.Pbtrano Beach, Dana Pottrte~ a J~ Capbtroo, La t1ael and part of Mission Vi The district's t'W"ffnt atud enrollmeDl, eitcludin« adult. education and the Caplstrano- Laguna Regional Occupational Program, is 15,235. Students at- tend 13 elementary schools, two junior hith schools and two hi1h schools, With three addltionat- ecbools scheduled to open in Sep. tember. • The district current)y uses 81 portable classrooms, with eight. more approved for use in Se(>" tember. A1nin Up in Air Irish Deny ldi Landing DUBLIN, Ireland P) - Ugandan President ldi Ainin, bal't'M from entry by at.1east two European countries, was report· ed airborne somewhere over Europe today as he so~ht to make his way to the Com- monwealth summit In London in defiance or British wishes. Irish officials at first said Amin 's flight, a military plane on loan from Libya. was circling Dublin airport. But officials later said they bad neither radio nor radar contact with the~ aod it was not clear how close the plane had come to Dublin. Hours after Rome air traffic authorities said Amin cro6sed In- to Europe, there was no firm. word cl hl.s whereabouts. The European air control orgrutlza- tion Eurocontrol said it had no record of bis flight plan. The Irish government said it bad be.en alerted that Amlo's plane was approaching Ireland and ordered that it not be permitted to land except to take on fuel. Belgian government sources said Brussels officials had made the same decision. In Paris, the French General Secretariat for Civil AviatiOll nid that Amin's plane would ta permitted to land jn France. B• it added that no such request had been made and left unclear 'Jhether Amin would be allowed to disembark. A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said, however, the"' was nothing to prevent Amin from making a private visit to France. Observers noted that refusinf to allow the landing of an airplane carrying a bead of state was highly unusuaJ in intern a.. tional relations. A min took off for London despite clear indications from tbe British and other Com· monwealth governments that he was not welcome because of ret_ wrts of mass murders and op-" pression in bis East African na- tion. The official Radio Uganda, monttored in Kenya, said today Amin was plannin1 to arrive in London on Wednesday or Thurs-. day for the Commonwealth sum· mil. The radio said Amin stopped off in an Arab country on bis way to Europe. 1.aguna Cops Nab 2 on Drug Charge Lal\Ula Beacb police arrested two men Monday as part or an ln· teratate cocaine distribution and sales investigation. Agents from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration ta1k forces in Phoenix, Ariz. and Saa Diego as weir as San Clemente pc>lice officers were in· vol•ed In the contirurtn1 in· vestigation. Arrested were Benjamin F. Johnson, 18, of 11..47 Miramar St.. Lafuna Beach; and Cary M. Quick, 21. of Phoenilt. Both were booked for alleged sale of co- caine and held in custody in lieu 0($10,000 bail. . . · Tbe arrest took place shortly before midnight at place shortly before midnight at the White House tavern, 340 S. CoaJ~ lDghway, Laguna .Beact\ PoUce Lt. Al Olsen, tJetec6ve commander, said the tavern was not involved in any way, tJl•l it bad si~ been chosen p.a a meeting site. · Police said they seized a ~U(lD· tJty of cocalne, but declined to re· veal the amount saying that it was related to the coatinutne in- veatilatton. Further arrests are e~. police say. ART~ .. lota4vould be connected to the ci· tr 1>,Y • high frequency bus service. 1 To diScouraee visitors from: parking in the Arroyo and Ca- nyon Mres neighborhoods, the city bu planned a residential permit system. PJ'O'Ple li,viogi.Q.thearea will be given pe~·tor their cars and ' two e.ira 'J)erm1ts for guests. ' Cars not bearing the pennit.a would be towed away. The '*1t· me i»lau a11e sUbJect to Couta1 C61iunissfon' approval aod will be • consi~er'ed in two wee.ks. Plan@. Ne1e York Raid I Countian Held ' , On Porno Rap I From Wire Services CHAZY. N.Y. -A Huntington Beach man was jailed here today 01. charges of involvement in a major international pornography ring including mountains of pie· ti.ares involving children in sexual POSlures. CBer Killed By Lightning SMYRNA, Ga. CAP) -A woman found dead with a melled.ciUzens h•nd radio microphone tn her hand , apparently was killt1t when the aerial out.aide h.r home wu struck by Ugh\,n· ing, police said. omcers said Monday night that they found Debora Howard Brown, 2A •. sitting in froot of a CB radio with the microphone in her right hand. She had burns on her right hip, up- per right arm, torso and neck. Police said she bad ap· parently been talking on the radio when lightning struck the outside aerial. · Yo11ng Says JFK, LBJ 'Racists' Too WASIUNGTON (AP) -U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young said today bis criticism of former Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon as "racists" also applied to Presidents John Ken· nedy and Lyndon Johnson but was not intended as an attack on the individual character of the cb1ef execuUves. Testifying btfore the House In· ternational Affairs Committee, Young said the issue of racism was actually "ln the context or wby we mJ1ht have neglected Africa" in the formulation of U :s. foreign policy. The am· bassador, who was formerly a black civil rights activist and member of the Hoose , uld <See YOUNG, Pa1e AJ) Richard Kerr. 42, identified as a British subject, is held In lieu of $10,000 ball on the charge of first degree obscenity. His address was not furnl.shed and Huntington Beach police said they were not familiar with Kerr by name. His arrest came two days after that of Judith Christie, 35, who = ed at a house In a lakeside re· on of Chazy where the cache of rnographic materials valued at $80,000 was seized Monday. She was taken Into custody in the Montreal suburb of St Laurent, where Royal Canadian Mounted PoUce claim they con· flscated more than 100 boxes or oblMM~. New York state troopers allege the)' Nlaed more than 2$0 more c11t• of material lncluding paperback bOOks, tape eassettes, photographs an« sexual parapherulla. Investigators believe Kerr and Miu Cbrislie are lnpllcated in a widespread pornography dis· trlbution rlnf feeding Canadians with such tastes materials manufactured in New \ ork. State Police£apt. Fted Teeple, who said identical melter has tumed up in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia said Canadian and U.S. authorities were Involved In thepf()be. Investigators poi,nted out that Kerr maintains homes in both Toronto and British Columbia In addition to Huntington Beach. Self-serve Uaed Car Lot,a Out in NB TEN CENTS . • 1ve Bay Club Resident A Victim 81.\&TllUa a . VINSEL Of Ille o.ity ~ ... Staff A crippled aircraft carry- ing Newport Beach s~rtsman Tim Tate to a Baja fishing tournament crashed into an Upland apartment building today. killing Tate and tour other people. Reports from the scene of the destruction not far from the end or the Cable Airport runway indicated at least four additional people were in;urecl and holpitalized. The exact number of victims with Tate aboard the oew twin entine plane owned by Tate Moton Inc., a Pomona Cadillac agency, waa not known. Nor wue rescue workers sifl-IBc throqb th~ demoUsbed two .. story ~partment which was l\flted ahd almost leveled by the explodlq tnletno certain all bod.its baCt been found. ''The second story was down en tbe first noor." said Upland Fire Capt. Ed Larned. Tate, a partner in the car dealership, was a resident of the Balboa Bay Club. where be was well known and liked. He leaves, among other re· iativa. his father. William Tate, of 48 Linda Isle, Newport Beach. The fat.al crash occurred mo- ment.a after the plane took off in a hazy overcut, bound for Cabo San Lucas, where Tate was to preside over a major fishing tournament. Frtenda in tbe Harbor Area fai.d TatAt was chairman of the In- ternational Li1ht Tackle Touma· ment Aaociation. His plane -carrying trophies for the winners among other lug· sage and supplies destroyed ii} the lml)Kt and exploding inferno -took off at 7 : 40 a. m.. airport SOUl'Caaald. Moments later, the doomed. plane, its enaine sputtering, made a circular tum tryinlt to limp back toward the airport bt1t fell abort by about a half-mile, authorities said. The pilot apparently tried tQ glide U. down into the possible re, fote of an alley between two chasten~ units In the apartment complex. wit.neuea said. Tbe criPPJed aircraft ne.ver made Ji, but slammed lnt.o the \&~r JMCtion of one two-story ' unlt; literally blowing sleepy te-, ·<s.caue, r.1eAZ> Coast I % DAILY PILOT ldi Amin CirclPHJ Europe DUaLIN. Ireland CAP> U 1anctu Ptelldat ldl Ami". balftd from cnuy by at l•ut two ku u cocanfii•, ••• r.,orl•• eO rbo111 H ewb1re ~tr &\ll'Ope toda1 .. be •~l to mak• hit war to the Com·· mooweatth tummlt lo Londca tn ddlanetofBrltJ&b wl1b . JrlQ ometall at firat aald A1Dbf1 fti&bt . a military plane on toa from Ubya, waa dtcll.ni Dablin airport. But otnetala later aaid Ule')' bad neither radio nor radar ccintact with the ru,ht and it wu not clear how ~lose the pla had come to Dahlin. Hoon Wt-Rome air trallk· aulbortties said Amln crossed in· to Europe, there was no firm word al his whereabouts. The European air control orglUliza· taon Euroeontrol said it had no record of his flight plan. The lrish goy-ernmeot said it had been aler1ed th.al Amin11 plaoe was approaching Ireland and ordered that It not be permitaed to land except to take on fuel. Belgian government sources said Brussels officials bad made the same decision. In Paris, the French General' Secretarial for Civil Aviation said that Amin's plane would be permitted to land in Fnnce. But it added that no such request had been made and left unclear whether Amin would be allowed to disembark. A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said, however, there was nothing to prevent Amin from making a private visit to France. Observers noted that refusing to allow the landing of an airplane carrying a head of state was highly unusual in interna- tional relations. Amin took off for London despite clear indications from the British and other Com- monwealth governments that be was not welcome because of re- ports of mass murders and op- pression In his East African na- tion. The official Radio Uganda, monitored in Kenya, said today Amin was planning to arrive In London on Wednesday or Thurs-. day for the Commonwealth sum- mit. The radio said Amin slopped off In an Arab country on his way to Europe. Since the plane was Libyan, it was thou_ght he may have refueled in Libyd. ,,,.._P.,,eAJ YOUNG ••• racism •'is a kind of insena.!!ivity to the problems or race """aftd culture, but it is an unfortunate term" Young's remarks concerning Nixon and Ford were published in a Playboy magazine in· terview. As Republican criticism of Young expanded. Rep. William S. Broomfield <R·Mich.) told the ambassador in today's bear- ing he considered the reference to Ford "an insult to a very great man" which was de$erving of an apology. Committee chairman Clement Zablocki (D-Wis.) joined Broom- field in expressing "concern" about the reference to President Ford who also served In the House. Young replied, ''It was in no way Hmited to Ford. In fact. I have maintained contact with him since he left office." Broomfield then as ked whether the remark was also true of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Young replied, "Yeah, it is. I think I said that somewhere in the article." The Playboy article, however, did not contain that reference to Kennedy and Johnson. Talking with reporters this morning after a Wblte House· meeting with President Carter about the Bl bomber, Seo. Barry M. Goldwater joined in the Republican attacks on Youn". OftANOl COAST H DAILY PILOT ·--.-............ ,..,.. ....... ... , .. ,c .... Vlt•---c;.-al~ ~·---.. , .... ,,......, •• M ...... MMW!tlN Ulr- -. ... u.. .......... ~ ...... ~~IM"'lt~11ttaw1 To Be llel1t;e~ SCO\da 119 $la year for UH ot • f adllt;y U\at b ••t cloot to tbi&: former clt¥ Par¥, Betcbet . Jt.erHtiee Departm•t heacl• . Carted Around Balboa Island resident Don Paris pedals his dog Macho, through the streets of Newport Beach in Macho's speCial sur- rey with a fringe on top. Paris had the cart made especially for Ma~o so the dog could accomp~y him on ~b1cycletrips. Cycle Trip Harrowing Irvine Race Driver Tell& Wilderness Ordeal Professional auto racing driver Jerry Grant of Irvine w.as home today after a harrowing ex- perience in the brutal terrain of a Sierra canyon on a weekend motorcycling adventure. Grant, 42, suggested the ex- periences he and four compa- nions encountered· Sunday and Monday were •tmoat as uncom- fortable as bitting the wad at the lodlaaapoUs Motor Speedway· at llH>-plus ~per bour. He did that twice in the pa.st two weeks ht a futile bid to qual1fy for· tbe Indy 500 on MeJ?orial Day. Grant and his party were forced to leave their five costly motorcycles in Peck's Canyon Sunday in Sequoia National Park in eastern Tulare County when the going got loo too.ch. Contacted at his home today, Grant said no one was injured, although the hike out wasn't loo kind to the ribs he cracked in one of bis two Indy crackups re- cently. "I figure we hiked about 28 miles in our mot.orcycl~ 1ear, so our feet are pretty tom ua> from walking in tbe boota," Grant ex- plained. "We 1ot stranded Sun- day and started hiking. "We finally stopped and slept along the trail and about 6:30 a. m. yeaterday we got to a ranger station. A sheriff's helicopter new us out." Grant said forest rangers using another helicopter wlll attempt to rescue the expensive motorcycles from perches iat var.yiqg levels of a'steep canyon. He doesn't eiiV)l'ttiem the task. "It's tbe darnedest terrain I've ever aeen in my life,'' Grant said, adding tbe bi~ea are stranded at varjoua levels oai .the fact of the COCK• cliff carved by a 'creek plunging Utroucb the 1or,e. · Fr,,. Paee AJ "We had to use ropes to get them down as far as we did." CRASH KI'LLS FIVE. • • Grant said be and cycling partners Bob Matauyama, an El Modeno High School ·auto shop teacher from Santa Ana; Danny Macias, also of Santa Ana: Bill Bell of Long Beach, and a fourth man reached the 9,800-foot level befpre starting their descent. nants ln the surrounding area away from breakfast like a clap of thunder. ''People were dazed, aaleep, we told them to get out and they just looked at ·uat said lenan~ Bob Cutter, who ran to alert and ,evacuateothel: resldenta. "The all~J wu solid flames," said tenant Julie Black, whoae husband ran lo try lo rescue the pilot. al the shattered and fully fuel-laden alrcnft. · ''My husband tried to pull the pilot out but be saw the gas leak and backed away ... then it ex- ploded ... the-palms of his hand& were nearly burned off," Mrs. Black said. Two Cities Share Cost of Traffic 1,ight ''The plQe just diainte&rated when it bit the buildin& ... we can't even tell what kind of plane it was. ., " said Fire Capt. Lamed. Coro~er's deRuties and Federal Avi•tion Admlniatratlon crub investigators expected to be on t.beacene of clevaataUon for hOurs, twying to piece together the ca\Jlft and identiUes of the victims. A young couple from Arcadia known to Tate were believed to be aboard the plane. · The six-seat plane waa just newly purcbased and reentered to the victim's family's auto agency, llald Harbor· Area boaL yard owner Blackie Gadarian, who knew the younger 'rate well. "He was Just in the shop last nieht," saJd Gadarian. "He broueht me down some engine parts.'' They finally gave up fighting the uncharted wilderneu when it became olMous bow dangerous the ntuation w~ ~ecomini, · "We follO'f".t Ule ere• .,.... I thlnk i,t'1 called Peck•s Creek - au tbe •ay. becawse we knew better ~ to set awa' from the wate1' " •e veteran race driver conttftued: · He said in retrospect he wouldQ't be Surprised to learn no one had 8\'er be(ore tried to descend the smooth, rocky gorge's walls, at least not by of- froad motorcycle. . "You know, you're not really that far from civilization up there," Grant said. "Butit seems like a thousand miles." . Scores of firefighters were employed to extinguish and pre-. vent the spread of names at the Martial Law Off crfSb site, including men from . Upland, Ontario fire depart-ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP> ta th c..Ju mi Di isi or -Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bids will be opened June 1S for men • e ..... o a v °"· Bhutto today lifted martial law in a joint project by the Clti~ of • FOJ'fftl'y and the Foothill Fire tbe cities of Karachi, Lahore and Costa Mesa and Newport Mach Protection District. . Newport Beacb Girl Scout troo~at use~· dty-owned bull on the Balboa PealMula would e to ..eew ~-10.,..,. leaae. But eity officials say they'd fl.n\ like to include the Girl Scout Houe atl'IOO w. Balboa Blvd. in a citywide appralsa.I of use ol publtclY owned feciUUes. Donald Condit., pr<es1dtot Of the Orange County Girl Seoul Coun· ell asked for an exteuloft <II the 10-year lease which eltplres in November of this "ar. The CSF Death Mistrial Df3clared Jury selection in the Oranae County Superior Court trial of al- 1 eg ed campus killer Edward Charles Allaway was abandoned today when the deferuie claimed that new evidence has been un· covered. Judge Robert P . Kneeland declared a mlatrial in the case after d.iscuaslu the development with deputy public defende11 Ron Butler. He scheduled Monday as the date be will set a new trial date. More than 100 prospect.Ive jurors llad been examined by lawyers for both sides in four days of jury selection when the decision to aband0p the trial was taken today. Butl'1' declined to discuss the nature of the evidence that bas be.en brought to b.ia attention. Allaway, 37, of Anaheim, bas pleaded not &Uilty and not CUllty by reason of insanity to murder and assault charges filed after seviln people were killed and'two wounded on the Cal State Fullerton campus last July 12. It is alleged that the tomfer campus janitor shot nine UO· iversity employes with a rifle in and around the campus library during a IO-minute shooting spree. The defense claims that AJ.. laway bad been showing symptoms of mental instability for some time prior to \be sboot- inas and that the filinl ol a divorce action by bia•wife three days previously may have trig- gered the outburst. r.....PflfleAJ QUEEN ••• The queen paused along the way at Temple Bar, pteway to the old City of London, the ~art of the capital, to receive the Pearl Sword from the lord ~ayor of London. a ceremonr ot loyalty dating back six centunes. A royal gun salute froqi the Tower of London and a fanfare of trumpets greeted the queen as she approached St. Paw's, the cathedral whose survival in the fire bombings of London mad~ it a symbol of British resolve in World War It , ·~ • aimed at improving the trilffic -, "They've got an awful lot of Hyderabad, citing .. progress" m signal at the intersection of men still at work out. there." an negotiations with hls political Bod F d · · rt k !ft 0 s id f 'foes t9 end Pakistan's three-Tot's y OOD Irvine Avenue ancU7tb Stre«. -airpq spo es a a our month-old national crisis. For The $40,000 cos'tfor the project hours aftertbecrasb. the fint ti,me, the government REDWOOD CITY (AP> -The is to be shared equally between The injured were admitted to also announced 8 death toll from body of a &-year-old Redwood Ci- the two cities whose boundaries Sa._AntonioCommunityHospital the bloody polWcal tor.moil. 11 ty girl was found by police Mon· meet at the intersection. in Upland, which i5 about 20 b ti The Pro,i-t, to i..... completed miles .aoutbwest of San sald2SOpersoa.shadbeenkilled, day near wheres e apparen Y ~..... .,.... · eluding ru·ne policemen toppled into the water., ~theMdofOctober,c~~fur :B:e:rn:~~~:·~~~~~~~~~1-n~~~~~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­the upgrading of the signal poles and control equipment and the installation of left tum arrows. Newport Beach traffic engineer Bill Darnell said the left turn arrows are being installed because of the increased volume of left turn tramc through the in· tersectioo and a subsequent in- crease in accident.s involving left turning cars. quartet"a. ' Cooctit said that in addition tO the aeve:t troope with a total of "'°" tban 150 glr1' who meet in tbe build.lnc mon.UllY. it ls uaed nearly even· ~eekead for scou~ · rel~ MUvtUe1 and lt ii usea, .. by local residell'-fo~ commwdty '~ meednfl. Countilmea referred the re..- quest to the PB and R eom-. ml .. ion and commissioners ant expected to vote to include U. facility in thetr study wben they meet Tuesday night. That &t\ldY bas been prompted by the recent debate over which city services should be located in· the various public fadllties. The study tneludes the city. owned church on Balboa laland wblcb houses the library's technical aervices department; the old PB and R building whic now houses the Voluntary Acli Center: the city-owned church a Ensign View Park which now houses a variety of recreation programs; the vacant former ci- ty council chambers and the city. owned school in Corona del Marti designated for the senior citizens center. .,. •I Orange Coast.·.·. College Hit By 80rglars Burglars made off with 12 elec· tric typewriters and some sktrJ diving equipment in two separat~ br~ak-ins at Orange Coast College over the weekend. Costa Mesa police sald they do not believe the two burglaries were related. College officials said 12 typewriters valued at $7,256, were stolen from the admlnistra- tion building sometime between. Friday night and Monday mom- ine. Tbe machines were discover miasing Monday from reco · and administration offices at. occ. School officials alto a're a tempting lo determme how tD diving equipment was atole from a atol'eroom at the coll~ Tbey told police someone bt'oke lock to gain entrance to lb atoragear~ DukhK.Ub In School BOVENSMJLDE •. The Netherlands <AP> -Dutch children ·held hostase tor four days by South Moluc- can terrorists went back to ·class today, but not to their own s.chool, 11 days after they were freed. With terrorists still hold- ing four teachers host.age in the Bovensmilde elementa.ry school. the paren~ of tbe children held a meeting and decided . to send them to the little . town's Other school, which is operated by the Dutch Reformed Church. They will attend half-day session~ until June 25. when the summer holiday beijns. ,, ... Hot~I Project ·:··: OK'd for NB ::~· • Iii') Plant for tlMt expansion of the'' Newport Beac.b Sberaton HotA!tlG are mov'i1Jf ahead after cit)"v councilmen approved a reduo-" tion. in tbe number of parkift11o spaces required for a 144-rooar 1 addition. "' !Ustd on recommendationar 1 from the P.lanning commwkln;- coUQdlmen .,reed to $8tt.le for'' 117 addlU... paf'kinl 1pacea 1 • rat.ber tban UM 799 required by'·" city law. / Thtt reductloo waa aareed t9 ., atter.:.I.~• tralftC ltQdy ind1ea~H U.at. 111e lower number of~ .. 1'0Qkl tab c:are at t.be ~•f< com...aar _.. bualn ... ~~J ;, .. dltile• Mrwd by tbe DCMlc.tt MUDii~Coaaty Airport.. g, ... m I l\7eae York Raid I Countian Held • • • ! On Porno R;ap From Wire Sen lees CHAZY, N.Y. -A Huntington each man was jailed here today charges of tnvolvement In a ejor lnt.ernaUonal pornography ng includlnl mountains of plc- res involving children ln sexual stures. CBerKilled ' By Lightning SM'\'Rl'fA. Ga. <AP)-A woman found dead with a melted citizens band ra<lio mitmpbone tn her hand appareQtly was ldll~d when the aerial outside her home was struck by liJhtn· ing, police said. Olficers said Mondly night that they found Debora Howard Brown, "24 •• sitting in front of a CB radio with the microphone in her right band. She had burns on her right hip, up· per right arm, torso and neck. Police said she had ap- • parent.ly been talking on the radio when lightning struck the outside aerial. fo11ng Says JFK, LBJ · 'Racists' Too WASHINGTON (AP) -U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young said today his criticism of former Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon as "racists" also appJled to Presidents John Ken· nedy and Lyndon Johnson but was not intended as an attack on Ule individual cJl,aracter of the ~hlef executives. Testil,ying before the House In· t~mational Alfain Committee, Young said the issue of ra'1ism was actually "in the cont4PCt ol hy we might have nqlect.ed. ~rlca'' in the formulation ol S. foreign policy. The am· ssador, who was formerly a , lack civil. rl&hb .arlivitt and ,q>ember of the House, sald. , (See YOUNG, Paae A.2) .,. • Richard Kerr, 42, identified as a British subject. is held in lieu of $10,000 bail on the charge of first de1ree obecenity. m. address was not fuml5hed and Huntington Beach police said they were not familiar with Kerr by name. His arrest came two days after that of Judith Christie, 35, who lived at a house in a lakeside re- gion Of Chazy where. Ute cache of pomolfapbic materials valued at $80,000 was seized Monday. She was taken into custody in the Montreal suburb of St. Laurent, where Roy,al Canadian Mo1,1n~ PoUce clalm they con· fiscated more than 100 boxes of obsc1nt 01aterial. New York stale trool*'I allege they seiud more than 250 more cases of material including paperback 1>ooks, tape cas~, p h o tog r a p h s a n d a·-e x u a l paraphernalia. Investigators believe Kerr and Miss Christie are inpllcated in a widespread pornography dis· tributlon ring feeding Canadians with such tastes materials manufactured in New York. State Police Capt. Fred Teeple. who said Identical matter has turned up in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia said Canadian and U.S. authorities were involve,d in the probe. Investigators pointed out .that Kerr maintains homes in both Toronto and British Columbia in addition to Huntington Beach. Amin Circling Europe/or landing Place TUESDAY, JUf'IE 7, 1977 -............ AERIAL PHOTO SHOWS WHERE PLANE CRASH KILL.ED F1VE PEOPLE IN UPLAND Aircraft Develop• Trouble on FUght to Mexico, Sf•m• Into Apartment• an of tbe Medical School at Case Western Reserve University and cbalrman of the special pan•l; aaid the aclentilta who examined the eyidence were unable to as- Afternooa N.Y. Stoells Dwellings Strock in Upland UPLAND (AP) -A twin· engine plane trying to make an emergency landing at Cable • Airport crashed into-a block-long apartment complex today, ex- plodinl in names and killing at least five people, police said. At leaat four people were taken to a nearby hospital with in· juries, authorities said. It was not Immediately known if anyone was trapped inside the apart· men ta. Offidals said the plane bad taken olf from the airport only ' minutes before the 7:40 a.m. crash, then developed engine trouble and tried to make ita way back. However, the plane lost power and the pilot a~ently tried to - iuJde it. into an alley separating the cluster of apartment build· tn1s about three-quarters of a mile aoutbeast of the airport. 'lbe apartment complex is in the airport'• cil'cular approach pal· tern. Uplaod Fire Department Capt. Ed Lamed said the explosion and fire "completely gutted" tbetwo- stoi'y building it bit. At least one other nearby building in the Com- plex was ablaze. • ''The second story wu down on the first noor," Larned said oC the bulldinJ. "The plane just disintegrated when it hit the apartments," Larned said. "We can't even tell wbat kind of plane It was • • . The plane missed the runway by at least half a mile.'' Sky cond.ltioo,s were reported overcut with haze at the time of thecraah. "The alley was solid flames," said Julie Black, who lives wit)i her husband, Ken, only 75 feet from where the plane cra.sbed. "We were getting nady for breakfast when we beard this plane drcle twice, realty I~. Then thent was a blf boom," Mrs. Black said. 1 "My hmband ran out to try to \ pull out the pilot, but be saw a gas 1 leak and backed away ... Then 1 lt exploded." , SM nld her husband'• pallftS 1 "were allbo.t burned off." Bob CUJt.er, wbo Uves in a nearby apartment, taid be beard ., frtenda went around to other i ai>utmentltnocktn•ondoora. t "Peosat. were daied. uleep," be aald. "We told them to tet out (See caASB. •• ,. AJ) DAILY PILOT 58 PerQJSD By ANNBCOOPl8'. .... Mt ......... "You lbould o(fc:r Capiltruo Ulllfled Scbool DlaU1eL v~ .. .... cUnce to put teboGl conatnacOon booda, bul then you ahoGld,!ak• the 1love1 orr and set This qgesUOn waJ m.-&o Captatnno Unified truttet Mon· da)' by Su Juan Capl.atnno real· dent Olarles Darsan who bu fol_!9•ed district school bood ·eieeDcmsfar eilht nan. Dargan a1ao 1..i1eated the gov. em.inC boa.rd autbonae a •tan· urd marlldin& research aurvey. wbicb be estimated would COit about szo.ooo. to u1esa public opinion oo the direction to take, since the $49 million bond and state loan election failed May 31. betln to llt behind," be said. "Even ti echool conattuction bond• art approvod at that Om•, w• would bave to Jo throu1h an Interim period o con1eatlon • before ww could catch up." Truatee Sarah Upp eald she tblnb pare.its will not take an ln· t.rat. in 1uooorUA1 a bond eltc· tloa 'lntll -fhe1 are lnconve· niencad. "J don't lUc• to aee students used u pawns," said board pre- 1ldtnt Ted .Kopp, "but I am dis- appointed that parents who turn out tor all kinda al neat thine• at the IChooll can't be bothered to vote." • TruMeel directed Thornaley to prepare additional information on all reasonable alternatives for coping with the anticipated over· crcrwding. The report identlfted the vie· UIQ u Kmn Kneitel, 27. Of- ficials •aid be worked with CeoJ.. twian Guard Dog Service. l(neitAIJ WU eastbound Oil Q Toro Road abottly anv 4 •·1'. ' wben be *J)parently loet control of bis van. according to ' Calllomia . Hilbway Patrol re- port. 'lbere w6re no does in the van. The van hurtled off the roadway, plunged into the Creek and then tirasbed into an oak uee. .- District administraator.s pro- posed to trustees Monda~ that they consider such alternatives aa outdoQr class sessions in tentt. double sessions aod year·rouncl school to house the mOTe 'than 8,000 students expected to move into the Capistrano district in the next five years. · The sprawling Capistrano acbool diatrict corWlts or about 20 r.rcent of Orange County Ian , mucb of lt still to be de· veloped. It aervel San Clemente. Capistrano Beach, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Niguel and part of Mission Viejo. ...... .. ~ .. ,......,.... OFFICIALS INY!STIQATE FATAL ACCIDENT AT COOK'S CORNEI THll"MORNING " Ther:e were no witnesses.to thtia Guard Dog Van Left El Toro Road And Struck An Oak TrH accident, the CHP reported. ·'Hopefully a survey would give some direction from your constituents on what direction to take on alternative metltods of dealing with overcrowding," said Dargan. "Right now, it's. a turkey shoot." Superintendent Jerome Thornsley told trustees it takes about two years lead time to pro- vide adequate classrooms for an expanding student population. ·'Within 12 mont~s we will The district's current student enrollment, excludjng adult education and the Capistrano. Lacuna Restonal Occupational Program, is lS,235. Students at· tend 13 elementary schools, two junior high schools and two high scbe>e>ls. with three additional schools scheduled to open lo Sep- tember. Tbe district currently uses 81 Portable cl~rooms, with eight more approved for uae: in Sep. tember. F,.._PflfleAl YOUNG ••• racism "is a kind of insensitivity to the problems of race and culture, but it is an unfortunate term.'' Young's remarks concerning Nixon anc1· Ford were published in a Playboy maguine in· terview. News Events Forum As Republican criticism of Youns expanded, Rep. William S. Broomfield (R·Mich.) told the ambassador in today's hear- ing he considered the reference to Ford "an insult to a very great man" whieb was deserving of an apology. • J . ,. . " Set in Laguna Bills Committee chairman Clement Zablocki CD·Wls.) joined Broom· field in expresstne "concern" about the reference lo President Current news events and issues wilJ be discussed during a special six·week forum program begin· ning Wednesday at the United Methodist Church In Laguna NB Dentist Due in Court • On Gun Rap Newport Beach .,enlist An· thony Frederick Wolcott is slated to appear in JDUDicip•l court June 16 for a preliminal')' hear- ing on charges of possessing machine guns and destructive devices. . Wolcott, 41, was arrested in early February by Newport Beach police who were in· vestigating a burglary ring that specialized in the theft of guns. WolCott was one of the victims of those thefts, repo~,,the loss of seven handguns to pohce. But detectives said they re- covered two .45-caliber Thompson submachine guns from the cache of stolen weapons and they alleged the burylars told them the guns came rom Wolcott's Irvine Avenue home. Following Wolcott's arrest, de. tectives seized handguns, rifles, shotguns and explosives from the dentista home. Wolcott bas been free on his own recognizance since his ar· rest. He will appear in the Harbor Judicial DlBtrlct Court in Newport Beach. Stamp Club ~els The SaddJeback stamp Club will hold a stamp auction Wed· nesday at 1 p.m. in the library at Los AU.sol lntcrtne<Uate School. 25171 Moor Avenue, Mission Vie-- jo. AdditioDal lnlormatfon oo the club or the meeting ls avallable by calling Jim °'Becky Roach at 493-0308. sa DAILY PILOT Hilla under the sponsorship of Saddleback College. Dr. F.dwtn Krapf wlll lead the foru~ from lO'a .m. to noon each week at th& church, 24442 Moult()D Parkway. Admlsalon ii free and relistra· tion will be taken at the first meetlq: Dr. Krapf, a former Methodlst minister and college ad· "inist.rator. tak1~lal1ec\ll'ib, the pnce cit 1asoUne natlon&l health lnaurance and tbe public schools system are expe~ to be amooa the dllcuulon tcu»lct. ••11y major empbut1 l1 to deal moat 1peelflcally wiUt th9se pro- blems and concema which are expreued by members of the cl11s," Dr. Krapf said. "Em· pb11ia will be placed 6n how to . study issues and fol m con· cluslona based on data.•• Additional lnlormation may be obtained by callln& the college's Office of Continuing Education at 831·9'00 or 495-4950, extensions 301or358. · Pilot -Ford who also served in the House. Young replied, "It was in no way limited to Ford. In fact, I have maintained contact with him since be left office." Br_,omfteld then asked wb~ther the remar~ was J).so true of Presidents Kennedy and Jobnaoo. YOWlg replied, "Yeah. lt ls. I think I satd tbat somewhei'eln the-article." · . The Playboy article, however, did not contain that reference to Kennedy and JohnsOP. ~ Talking with reporters this morning after a White House meeting with President Carter about the Bl bomber, Sen. Barry M. Goldwater joined in the Republican attacks on Young. The Arizona senator said Young Is puttln& "both feet, both hands and bis hat" in his mouth and should never have been appolnt· ed ambassador to the United Na· tiona 'Alin~st' Visiting Tue Coronation By CAROL MOORE OIOllO.llyl'llMStal• In my little known role of royalty buff, I was up at 4:30 a.m. today to get a little closer to England. The gold coaoh was just as I had imagined it 25 years ato wbea I almost gQt to the coronation or Her Majesty Que.en Elizabeth II. 1 bad just finished reading a biography of the two prin· cesses, Elisabeth tnd Margaret Rose, written by their nan- ny. lt ••· · y the first book of that l~gtb that 1 · • • l'l'a4 read at age 8. Cyck Trip Harrowing .. Irvine Race Driver Tells Wilderness Ordeal ~. ~ By ABTllUR Jl. VINSEL Ol IM o.llf ~, ... Stall Professional auto rac'ing .driver Jerry Grant of Irvine was home today after a harrowine ex· perience in the brutal terrain of a Sierra canyon on a weeJtepd motorcycling adventure. Grant, 42, suggested the ex· periences he and four compa· niqna encountered Sunday and Monday were almost as uncom· fortable as bitting the wall at the. Indianapolis Motor Speedway at 190-plus miles per hour. He did t.tiat twice ln tbe past two weeks in a futile bid to qualify for the Indy 500 on Memorial Day. Grant and his . party were forced to leave their five costly motorcycles tn Peck's Canyon Sunday in Sequoia National Park in eastern Tulare County when the eolng got too tough. · · Contacted at hl5 home today., Grant aaid no one was injured. althougb ·the hike out wasn't too kind to the'ribl he cracked in one of bts two llidy crackups re· cently. "J figure we hlked about 28 miles in our motorcycle 1ear, so our feet are pretty torn GP from walking In the boots,'' Grant ex· plained. "We got stranded Sun· day and 1tarted biking. "We fmally stopped and slept along the trail and about 6:80 .AMI.N ••• r airplane carr>'lng a head of state was highly unuaual in lnlerna·. Uonal relation's, Amin took off for> London de1ptte clear indications from the British and ottier Com· monweal*i.h governme~te that be was not welcome because 9f re- ports of diass murders arid op-· preaaion. ln his East African na· lion. The official Radio Uganda, monitored in Kenya, said today Amin was planning to arrive in London on Wednesday or Thurs-. day for the Commonwealth sum· mlt. The radio said Amin stopped off in an Arab country on his way to Europe. Since t&e plane was Libyan. It was thought he may have refueled in Libya. l'romlPflfle~J QUEEN ••• The QUeen pausett atong the way at Temple Bar, 1ateway to the old City of London, the heart of the capital, to Tecetve the Pearl Sword from the lord mayor of Lorkton, a ceremony cif loyalty dating back six cent\.U1.es. A royal gue salute from tile ·Tower of London and a fanfare of trumpet.a 1reeted the queea as she approached St. Paul'•• the cathedral ~e ~urvlval in the fire bombinp of London mode ft a symbol ol Brttlth tetolve in World Warn. HARROWING ORDEAL INIO• R•r Grant a.~. yesterday we got to a ranger station. A sheriff's helicopter flew us oQt. ·' Grant said forest ranger11 uaing another helicopter will attempt to rescue the expen•ive motorcycles from perches at v arylng levels of a steep_ c.anyon. , He doesn't envy them the task. .. "It's the darnedest terrain I've · : ever seen ln my life," Grant said, · adding the bikes are stranded af ' various levels on thJ' face of the rock cliff carved by a creek . .., plunging through the gorge. "We had to use ropes to get them down&$ far as we did." Grant said be and cycling partners Bob Mat.uyama, an El Modeno High School auto shop teacher frQm Santa Ana; Danny Macias, also of Santa Ana; Bill Bell of Long Beach, and a fourth man reached the 9,800-foot level before starting their descent. They fmally gave up fighting the uncharted wilderness when it .. became obvious bow dangerous the situation was becoming. __ "We followed the creek - think trs called Peck's Creek all the way, becauae we better than to get away from ' wat.er," the vet.erall r•ce driv continued. He said in retroap~ct titt. wouldn't be surprised to learn one bad ever before tried descend the s01ooth, roe gorge's walls, at ·least not by froadmotprcycle. , "You know, you're not really" that far from civilization u there,"' Grant taid. ·'But It see like a thou.sand miles." Pair MU.st Rep•y $1,000 to OCTD A current and a former ·management employe of the Orange County Tran11it Dlstrict (OCTQ) haye been ordered to re· pay $1,000 each in cross·cQuntry moving expenses never authorized by OCTD directors. The board unanimously or· dered the· repayment Monday after an executive session, closed ~o the public. OCTD Marketing Director Art GolJal\d and a former operations employe, Ted Brennan, were given until June 16 to make re· payment arr~ements. If they fail rectors agreed to file 1olt to re~ er the Sl,000 plus 20 percent of lbe payment ln damages. Directors also uked the d!S· Teacher fact Meeting Set OnS. Coast trict attorney to lnvesUgat.e the unauthorized payment. to see lf any criminal liability was ll\\ voJv_ed. =' Golland nid after tb8"1D · ·.-. he was told at the time he join the district in October 1975, the payment was luat bpt 1aid he wouldrepaythefunds. , OCTD -Oeoeral Mana1er Ed Loriti said Mr. Brennan. who re- ceived the $1,000 for movmg ex• penses ln 1974, bu since left: OCTD and is employed by'" Southern California Rapidv> Transit District. · ..... , Deputy County Counsel Keft Sm\r( told directors they had a~ ~ proved a St,000 movinc ex~IU payment for another emptoY'§li: blred in 1172. 1;-..0 But ._Imel authoriAllGb tdl'"' movln& expense parment wajr. ~ Umltecltothatoneem~)'e. V'..or> nnri ·" CRASH ••• f 3 DAILY .-.LOT .§- 87111LTON~ 1'be eoa>mon ltid ol BetmM ~ tnded ~ on tbeNewYorkSloc*.~torWtalhare. t .. Tb& ,,_clowii IDCl'e tlUllllSOPll'cml from tbe SIJO prtCO:' Kodak tnded ateutf ila lt18. q It ftf doW11 tTCll mwe ft'Clm the SllO price Kodak n-::t acbed in im. r'· • It wu. In feet. th 1owe1t price a 1todU 11aare ua fet.ebedllDceU.. ., 1'JIAT ll&PP&NBD TO A Q) .. AN'f loai adond oa' Wall Street a a perpetual ...,.maldq madalne bee._.. al lta dominant politJoa ln tbe~ brnb-? >I What buPmed wu tb.d a~ eaJlld ~ fiDallyaotKOcfat•a~ .. B••tman kodak CompaQJ' and Polarold ·l Corp. eoexllted peacetuny for yean. t While Kodak m~ up most oltbe CClllrilitlcnal • i:r:o~~~t. pbotoeraplu-and bad tba~ market all to ltaelf. It WU IO peaceful tbat K.oduQpplild,• Polaroid with lta necati.e tum. . But a Polaroid srew. tram sales ot $D0 miw.. m 118&. to_, mllllon ID 1173. Kodak became~ Nltlea. It felt It had to CClllfront Polaroid. And IO lt pat lta teleatllta to wort on tbe dneloPment of an tnstant ~ ayatem. POlA&OID BEGAN TO llAD AU.of its own mm two. yean qo. And last year mtgbt.J 1t9dak went Into tbe fteld with lts own instant cameras iand ftlm to cballenae Polarclid., Tbe two coJQPUles are aerapplna furioual7 ta the. marketplace, and so far the verdict &Oet to Poll:ro6d. The1 eompany founded -and st111 beaded -b7 Dr. BdwiD Land. sold more than six munon cameras in 19'1S. That represent· ed an all-time hllh for PoJarGct. Meanwhile • .Kodak. in lta ftnt year out of ta. ~ 1ate with lmtallt cameru, IOld a..bocrt 1.2 million of ita two models, the EK4 and EK8. AS KODAK WEU. &NOWS. TllB prdltl iD nhtlfnJ grapby flow primarily (tom the-sale ot film, not~ With imtant pbotograpb)', tboulb, It's el&ped•l'7 eNda1 Kodak to place lts cameras In ttie bands ot pletare = because its 1ystem1s not eompalible JrU.b Polan*t'a. · lnatantftlm can be used only in Kodatbaatantcamena; the same soes for Polarold ftlm P9Cb andltscameru. ~ Tbat explains the recent counterpunc:hlnc, wb.ieb hu resulted in bargain.I for bu.yen. Earlier this year Kodak trodu<!ed a low·price lnataDt camera. tbe Hudle. ~ countered with a new low·~ model. tbe OneSt.ep. ltodUl came back wltb a $5 rebate offer to camen baJen. .,aasl another '5 with the purdlale of fl.ye s-dr::I of Kodat tmtanq film .. 1 Despite the new compditioe trom Kodak, Po1.aidd Isl baHlng tn record sales. It ean.lt'lt mWkm lat,._ CID) 1alea of t850 milllan. In the flnt three maatbs ~ wn tta earntao Jumped 33 percent. 1 Koaak's reeord year was 1'7S when It earned ~! mllllon oo sales ol t' bUUon. ~ Its sales ba•e 1i.De91 explained to $5.4 bllllon. lt bas not been able to match tboae 1973 proftta. And ID the ftrst three mootbs of tm Kodak re- ported ID earnlDp dedlne of al> percent. Kodak 11 sdll lilt U~ea as large as Polaroid. but it hu tost its halo CID Wall Street. Loan Bates Uvel