HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-27 - Orange Coast PilotIn MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1977 VOL. 7-, NO '11. J HCTIONS, U .. AOH I Up, Up Away I Removed FORl!ST PARK, Ill. (AP> - The remains ol movie producer MlchHl Todd were removed from h1I arave In a cemetery here sometime over the weekend and police are trying to contact his former wlfe, Elizabeth Taylor, to eee If any ranaom has been demanded. Forest Park pollce in· veatt1ator Michael Thompson said Sunday that the rubber bag containin1 Todd's remains was dlacovered mtssin1 from his casket tn Jewiah Waldheim Cemetery after a woman visiting a nearby arave noticed that Todd's irave had been tampered with. Todd. who wu married to Miss Taylor at the time of his 4eath, and three men were kUIM March 28, 1958 in a plane crash in the Zuni Mountains or western New Melclco. Authorttlee knew of no motive ln the oaae. But a 1pokeaman 1aJd aUthOritiea are tryln1 tc> con· tact las Taylor, 45, to learn lt she hu ~dved any threats or demands lor ransom. Police said that someone had to dlf about 4'At reet to reach the caa)let and estimated that lt pro- bably tQok them aeveul ~. Beca~e of tbat, 1utbor1Uea ha'\4' <SieTODD, Pa•oA!) ·- 'Rieh' Ministr~ ~Fund at '$23 MiU~n CHARLOTTE, N.C. <AP> -Billy Graham's ministry has amassed almost $23 million over the past seven years ln land, atocks, bonds and cash holdinp that have been ahleldM'from public view, The Charlotte Observer reported ln lll SUnday editions. · THE ACCUMULATION of wealth by the Graham ministry appean to be J>er(ecUy Jecal, the newspaper re- ported. But it said that the existence of the fund was never . menUoned in previous interviews,wlth Graham associates. on the or,anlzat1on 'a holdings. Graham conceded In an Interview that the existence of the fUnd has been kept secret. partly to avoid being inundat· ed with requesta lor help, the newspaper said. · . The fund, the World EvangeH1m and Christian Educa- tion Fund of Dallas 'I'ex., supports such cause• as the Campus Crusade for •Christ, the Fellowship of Christian· Athletes, the Baptist World Alliance and Youns We. GBAllAM TOLD the Observer that between 80 and 90 percent of the fund's rehipta each year· come Crom the Billy Graham Evaneellstic Association, the main arm of the Graham mtnistry. The uaets of the World"EvengeUsm oitAHAM tund, accordJnc to the Observer, include 2,600 aCl'el of prime undeveloped land in Buncombe County. N.C.,.valued at $3.6 million, and a $UU million portfolio of. blue-chip atocks and bond• including AT&T, Exxon, General Electric and IBM. Graham tc>ld the Observer Jut fall that he felt it would be wrong for his or1anlution to own stock because such ,ownership could be construed 11 endorsement or a col"POra· Uon. How•ver, he tc>ld the ne~paper last week that he felt it was acc~blefor the World Evancellsm fund to have such holdlnts becauac the fund does not ca!ry his name. Catled 'Sham' By Riley · By GARY GRANVILLE Of tllt 0.11Y ,.llet It.If Supervisor Thomas Riley Will uk the Board of Supervilors Tuesday.to adopt a resolutJon op- posing 1ivln1 North-Central Airlines Accesa to Orange County Airport. . Riley's proposed resolution seeks to have North·Central's pending heartnc berore the Civil Aeronautics Board delayed Crom July 1 toSept. l. It a1Jo voices strong eounty ol>- JecUons to North-Central bei.n1 given routes by the CAB that . would Un.k the local airport to Mlnneapolls·St. Paul. · "It would be a disuter for Oran1e County if tbe routea are · approved," RJley 1aJd today u I he prepared his reaoJqtlon. "It would also make a abam ~ Orance •County Airport's de· si1naUon as a local airport," RUeyadded. Under that desl1nation and county operating pollcy, ru111ts to and from the airport are limit· ed to 500 miles. <See AIRPORT, Page AZ) .,. .......... VlSITORS l!NCOUNTER SIGN OF STATE'S ORY TIMES Plea Aaka Vlalton to lnvetne" In Marin County to Hetp Out nu: Nie o &ESEavoa RM dwindled to exs*e yard.I t cracked surface like a moonscape and the bedl ot small cl'ftkl and streamt 1n the bills look like the bottoms of empt.y aquariwna. In Monterey, as in Mllrin County, San Francisco and Oakland and the surroundlnl area, official.a report full public t~aUQn with mandatol')' water rationing. In some areas, official• said water consumpUon even bu dropped below allotments. Water rationln~ calling tor a 10 percent. cut in use takes ertecl 0 \ Accused Pair to TalR p,...jgeAJ . JAIL ••• ~Bridge Players to Tell .. Their Side of 'Scand&I' Oh '1 LOS ANGELES (AP> -A de- . position wu to be taken today in a S.W·rnillion sujt by two pro- fessional brtdre players who claim they were falsely accused ' of cheaUag in a major tourna- ment. The oral statement was t.o be ··,i ven by Lewis L. Ma the, a • ormer president of the '•American Contract Bridge "League. He was-a member ofthe league committee that halted the tournament Jan. 7 io Houston when it was suggested that plain· ., 'tiff• Richard H. Katz and 'VILawrence T. Cohen were cheat· "ng. The two contend in their "'Superior Court suit filed here March 25 that they were forced to 1'w1thdraw from th~ tournament Jn which they were leading and resign from the league after • ''hours of con.ttant accusations" and "threats of massive adverse publicity and a public scandal " • Attorneys for the two Los , Angeles men said their clients 1:flever admitted cheating and ms1reed to resi1n only becauae of promises that no public or private statements about the tt fflatler would be made. But a newspaper account ap· l>eared about a week a(ter tbc ~ louroamenl quotmg Mathe as al· ~.l'rip Finally "Jlegins Alter .. ~'False' Starts . , It took Paul Bad Marrtace three tries, but he apparently has finally made it out or Newport Beach on his way back to Mis· 1oula, Mont. The 33-year·old Indian had two false starts this weekend that ended with him beinir booked twice for being drunk and dis- orderly. In both cases. the officers who picked him up first on Friday and then 2' hours later said be was .standing in the roadway .ihitchhildnt along West Coast m1tiway. Friday's Ofricer Robert Parker and Satl.lTday's <>fficer Doui Parmentier aJle1ed Bad Marrlage exhibited signs of druokenness when they stopped to cite him for the hltchl\Jking violation and so they took him to Jail. Police said Bad Marriage was relea~ Sunday after posting S35 ball, for the second tlmc. and P!eaumably made it out or ,.ewport Beacb without being re- arrested. DAILY PILOT leging 1mproprietles that in· volved conveying of "un· authorized 1n/ormatloa" during the match The co mmittee hat not specified how they believe Katz and Cohen communicated. Jn major league )>ridge compeli· tion. extenl>1ve meas ures are taken to prevent any misconduct, includrng bidding screens placed diagonally across tables, pre· venting partners from seeing each other. Ralph Jones, one o( the at· torneys representlne Katz and Cohen, said his clients were de· nled a hearing, despl~ repeated requests and that they wen• never fully informed of the Fro• Page AJ LAWYERS. • arguing that it serves no purpose to deny individuals the Jnforma· lion they might gain from Jawyers' ads. The court overturned the Arizona Supreme Court's rule prohibitlna lawyers from ad- vertising and providing dis· c1pllnary measures for violators Most other states enforce aimilar bans, and the American Bar Association's ethical stan· dards do not permit lawyers to advertise fees. However, the ABA recently modified rules to allow lawyers to list their names and legal speclaltles in the classified sec· lion or a telephone directory. The ma.iorlty said the only con· alitubonal issue presented by the Arizona case is "whether the state may prevent the publioa· tion in a newspaper of lawyers' truthful advertisement concern- ing lhe availability and terms of routine legal services. We rule simply that lhe flow of such in- formation may not he restrained, and we therefore hold the present application of the disciplinary rule ... to be violative of the First Amendment." Blackmun continued, "The on· ly services that lend themselves to advertising are the routine ones: the uncontested divorce, the simple adopllon. the uncon- tested personal bankruptcy. the chanae of name, and the like." He noted that advertising docs not tell consumers all they need to know about choosing a lawyer, "but It seems peculiar to deny the consumer ... at least some of the relevant information needed to reach an informed de· c1s1on, ''the maJOrJty Said. Prohibiting all advertising "serves only to restrict the in- form alion that flows to con· s umers," the court said. The ""'10rity rejected the or· ganiied bar's ar1uments Ota\ price advertising would be mis· leadlng, would dlmlnlsb stature' of the procession, and would raise the price of leaal 1emce1. The orcanlzed bar •till bas the right to monitor ad• and di•· ctpUne lawyers who make felt or misleadlnt claims. the court Uld. charges against them. The resienations leCt only three. players on the Kats and Cohen team, forcint them to (orfeit \he match at a time wheo the suit cl a I ms their victory was "virtually assured." Wesley Howe!l, attorney for the American Contract Bridge League, saJd the response t.o the lnterro1atory asking it the league coalends unau\horiied in· formation was passed between Katz and Cohen is "probably the whole lawsUlt. •• Howell said the leaaue will claim there were lm· proprietlea artd will explain why it believes so. Kiltz, 35, is a phy11lCian In Beverly Hills. Cohen. $4, bas a degree in pharmacy. but pr". tt~es pro(es~ionally as only a bridge player. The two have been pl a yins together alncc they were students al the University of W1scon.<i1n, teaming to win the tn· tercolleglate championships 1n 19·6. Flu Deaths 'On Decline' CHICAGO CAP> -The de· veloper of the Sabin Jive-virus vaccine agalnat polio says there Is no \onaer a bula for recom- meodin& yearly nu vaccinations for elderly and other bJgh·risk groups. Dr. Albert B. Sabin reports in the current i&Sue of the JQurnal or the American Medical Associa- tion that the vaccination~ are un- necessary in many cases because nu-related death rates have declined. Dr. Sabin, currently with lhe Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, said he concluded that the formula used by the Center for Disease Control to estimate deaths from nu and high-risk related disease "has given exaggerated figures"stnce 1970. Five Men Charged lUVERSIDE <AP> -Police have accused five Riverside men of runntne a bookmaki~ ring that took in u much u $13,000 a day. Booked were Clark D. An· denon, 51; Jamea W. Baldwin, 52; Daniel R. Scarborough, 32 ; Frank J. Clark, 37; and Dennis L. Riley, 30. mlnm.. oUlClall aa.td. One husband and wife. who bOlh were pri.lonen. died in the fire alona with his vlsltlng parents and st..ter. In another family traeedy, a prisoner and flve re.laUves died. .. AU the vicUma had iot down on tho noor as fn u they could. laylnf down to eetsoine .. Ir . . . " one Offt~al 1ald ... It aeemed Uke most of the victims were life· less'' when reached. Simmer's mother, Addie L. Zinmer, described her son m a telephone interview from her Superior home as an emotionally disturbed boy." Authoritlet in Wauke- sha, Wis., said records abow Zinrner was reported mlss- in1 from Lad Lake Inc.. a te· aldentlal treatment center-in Dousman, Wis., for emotionally dfaturbed teen-a1ers. Zimmer had been removed from the jail's had been removed from the Jail's drunk tank Saturday and placed in the padded cell because he stuffed a toilet and caused a flood, authorities said. State law requires that jUvenilea be segregllted from adult prisoners. and officials said the padded cell waa the only other facility availa· ble. Chief' Deputy Bob Farmer 1aid Zinmer was pulled from the jail's padded cell. "Me and another orticr .. drug him out." Farmer said. "tfe said heseUt.'' The sheriff said today that while Zlnmer was in the padded cell before the lire broke out, "One ot the visitors have him a clgar«te.'' There were 56 inmates in the jail at the time of the rtre. Of the 22 who got out alive, 19 were flown by bellcoptera to two hospitals in Nubvtlle, about 60 mUea north o( Columbia. omclals said. Autboritiea aala 18 other persont, includlnc two firemen. were treated for injurie1 at. local hospitals. Gov. Ray Bl•nton, who new over the fire in a helicopter pro· mised an investigation. •'When you have 42 persor\S de· ad within a few minutes," he said, "you need to know why they werelblt." Authorities said the bumlng form rubber in the padded cell spewed heavy smoke and toxic fumet, lncludint carbon a>onox· ide and possibly some cyan.Ide gas, throuah an air duct system, settlna oft panic amoni th• in· mates and vislton. IRE aEllEMBE&S TUE TDl£.WllEN 1bo wOuldn 't bot.her lo turn oCt the faucet it she bad to dash to answer the telephone. · . "J won't do that ever stain," she said.· .. Jt'• surpnalni &hb111 you become aware of, bow to conserve." · The mountain• guardint most or Callfomla'11,072-mlle Pacific. Ocean coasUine tum golden every year by the end of summer. Thia year the)' b,lmed to parcbmem by June. For ~t people, the bardest part ol raUonJnc 11 cbanllnl their btthroQUl hablta. It melnl no JnC>rt l~J sbowert or luX'UrtoUS bUt>- ble batlll. ahuWng otf water wllile brUlhllll teeth and abavllll. . ~ A 35-YEAR·OLD WOM.\N ROM Marin Count}' Hid abe. travels to San Francisco to take balbs at the homes o£ trieDiia wbo have aome water to spare: • • 'Lotl ot friends volunteer, .. she said. A 111 staUon owner ln Monterey County decldid to ••ve water by cl01ill1 the rest room• and settinl up cbemlcal toilets behlftd tbo station. But he bad to remove the portable potUel beCauae of ltate laws. ·· · And parents asy their children have beeome policemen around the house, yelllng at adulta who let lhe faucet run or stay in the shower too long. THERE IS ALWAYS A BRIGJrf spot in the middle or disaster. Thus, there are some towns which stand like an oasis, untouched by the drought.. Yreka, a city of 6,500 near the Ore1on border. la calling ltselfa "hom of plenty!' · • Beeauae it receives an abundance ol water from an offshoot ot the Klamath Rlver, the city has purchased a water dispens~ machine which will allow residenta of less fortunate areas to buy SO gallons of water for a nickel. Belated? NB Police Probe·· . . Weekend .Assaults Newport Beach police today were lnveatigaUng two sex as- sault.& that occurred Sunday in an attempttoflndoutifthecueaare related. But investigators said pre· llmtnary indicatiqns are that they are dea~ ~Ith two dif· ferent suspect.I. in the rape o( a central Newport woman and the attempted rape of a Baycrest woman. The first case occurred a.bout 5 • Fatal Copter Crash Probe Opens Today A U.S. Naval Board of In9l11ry was to convene today to began in· vestigaUne the cause of a helicopter crash that killed three crewmen, Including a Los Alamttosolncer, Friday. Authorities lndenUfied lbe de- ad as U. Richard A. Crelihtoa, 30, whole Los Alamitos address was not available; U . Walter S. Howdyahell, 29, of New l.A!x· inS&ont Ohio, and PeUy Officer Second Class Robert M. EDlery Jr., 20. ofWlUlams, Ore. lnvetU,aton said Ho,,dysbetl waa pllotln1 the SH2P' anti· submarine helicopter with Creichton as eo-pllot when It crHbed without wamlnc near a Baltimore, Md., suburb. . a.m. when tho sleeping woman was awakened by a man who raped her in her bed. Sbe told Police the man then Oed nude out an open bedroom ·window. · 1'be second cruse occurred in the open fleld near Upper Newport Bay at the intersection of Irvine A venue and 23rd Street. The 25-year-old victim told of- ficers she wu walking in the area when a sllgbUy built man in hlf mid thirties irabbed her and toJdherbewauo1ngtorapeber. · The woman said she kept the man talkint for about an hour whlJe be manhandled her.· He didn't carry out bl5 threat. she told pollce. , She said he finally released her near Irvine· A venue alter a JOI· aer .passed them. Panel~la . ·.Tax Repeal, . On Gasoline Vp, Vp and Ateag It's not a bird. Nor i~ it a plane. It's Super BallQOll - the South Coast Air Quality Management District's latest weapdn in the fight against dreaded smag. Jt was launched this morning fromt he Santa Ana Marine Corps Helicopter Facility. Dr. Thomas Heinsheimet and Peter Neushul are aboard. They plan to drift with the air currents over Southern California for 40 hours to see what they can learn about where p<>llutants go so scien- tists can pinpoint whet cutbacks m pollutants might be made. WoPkers' Insurance. Law Cliange linged ••1 't care bOw a P1 ii,•• y 1ay1. " •'I nGl ~ log to tU biJ kJU to a place wbero tbet aro a bunch of dru kl Ind 1crewl>alls. Tbey <coutal tonnnJuJonen> think tbe PoOr bavt no 1tlf-re1pect.'' headda. And lt'• not that a stay at the Ros• Mariner i• lhat cheap to betln With. ROoms for lbe nJcbt cotl $!O and weekly rates are set SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -On a hUlslde ne-.r the Pacific Ocean, sheep nuzrJe the earth for a few dried blades of 1ra11. A Bay Artta hostu1 rents a portable toilet for a party, and .a hotel on Catalina la land ukJ iuest.s to bring their own linen. (RelatecUtory A3.) It '1 the drou1ht Califomla-atyle -the effects of two years of un- precedented dry weather chan•lng the-lifestyles and landscapes of the nation '1 most populous state. MORE THAN IM CITIES AND towns have been forced to lm· pose mandatory water ralioninr, since rainfall for the ms.11 rainy season dropped to about hallo/normal for the second yearln a row. Officials warn that many of the state's 11000 reservolra could dry up. On the caked bottom of a Marin County reservoir a brtd1e covered for years by stored water bakes in lhe summer 11un. The marks of the drought are not always apparent at first 1lance. Jn Marin County, which imposed strict water raUOnln1 in February, tenacious native plants and trees create a deceptivt veil of green. But behind ll are brown lawns and and wtthereC1 •ardens. r • Jn Monterey, as in Marin County, San Franclsco and Oakland and the surrounding area, officials report full public cooperation wlth mandatory water rationin1. In some areas, offlclals said water consumption even bas dropped below allotments. Wat~ rationlne calling for a 10 percent cut in use takes effect Friday tn Los Anaeles, where voluntary reductions didn't achieve · I then~ savings. J Be\'erly Hills, where water usually nows u freely as money, haa hired a water cop to prowl the estate-lined streets and advise l wasteful water users to mend-their ways. AND IN HOLLYWOOD, 20tb Century Fox orficlals said they caref"1Jy review any movie scenes requirine rain and are stressing aborter shampoos of the pampered hair or the stars. • Fresno tn lhe San Joaquin Valley has set up a .. snitch•• line whlcb people dial to report on wayward water users and • local ttlevlilon station started a "drip of the day" booby prim ror water wasten complete with a rubber duck logo. At Audrey Dodson 'a Mill Valley home, the 1unburst locust out front bloomed th ls year, but the yellow clusters were ti&hl and dull. ldra. Dodson and other customers of the Marin Municipal Water <SeeSUN BAKES STATE, Pa1eA%) THE NICASIO RESERVOR HAS dwindled to expoH yards of cracked surface like a moonscape and the bed• of,amall ctteka and stream.a 1n the hills look like lhe bottoms of eropty aquariums. ~_,...~-......~--~~~~~~~~----~----~~--~--~~------------~~~ Airline's Plans Draw ~1!9sition BJ GARY GBANVILU: 0t tllt 0..lf 'lllt' $Ult Supervisor 'nlomas Riley will ask lhe Board of Supervisors Tuesday to adopt a resolution~ posina 1lvin1 North-Central Alrllnea access to Orange County Airport. Riley'1 proposed resolution se,aka to have North·Cenlral'a pendini arln1 before the Clvll AeronauUcs Board delayed from July 1toSept.1. It altp voices trona county ob· jectlons to North-Central being gl ven routet by the CAB that would link. the Ioctl aJrport to MlnneapbU.s-St. Paul. "It would be a disaster for Oran1e County If the routes are approved," Riley said today as he prepared bis resolution. "It would also make a sham ol Oranfe County Airport's de· slanatlon as a local airport." Riley added. Under that designation and count7 operating policy, nights to and from lhe airport are limit· edto~miles. Ted Pocock of Costa Mesa was well- prepared for a crash durinl the sixth an- nual SevMle Grand Prix In Mission Viejo SundaY.. There was no crash Mid no in- juries reported during the race. HOwever, he might have let hlS parachute out too soon since he lost the race. Ollie V•ugbr\, a Mission Viejo resident, tOok bOme the first place trophy for the fifth time. ;Tow Completes Voyage Fickle Fate Fouh Finish ·of Leather Boat Four trans-Atlantic sailors in the 36· • foot leather boat Brendan arrived in Newfoundland's Musgrave Harbor Sun- day under tow from a Canadian c:oast guard vessel could have taken the vessel a month to re· ach land because of unfavorable winds. Unlike a modern sailboat, the Brendan is unable to tack against the wind. Made from oxhides stretched over a frame ot oak and ash, the Brendan sailed from western Ireland last ye81' and re· mained in Iceland for the winter. It de- parted Iceland May 11. They accepted the t-0w for the last few miles after waiting most of the day • for the wind to carry them ashore. A CROWD OF about 400 cheered as , the square-rigged craft, which sailed from Iceland 46 days ago, tied up at the harbor about 300 mlles north of St. John's, the capital of Newfoundland. Skipper Tim Severin and his thr:ee ('rcwmen are attempting to prove that such a leather boat could have been used by the Irish monk St. Brendan to bring the first Europeans to North America in the sixth century. An account written by St. Brendan told of a voyage that lasted seven seasons and took him and his crew to a region of icebergs and strange lands. BESIDES SEVERIN, the modern Brendan's crew included George Maloney, hke Severin a Briton. Arthur Magan of Ireland and Trondo Patersson. an artistfrom Denmark's Faroe Islands. THE CANADIAN coast guard ship John Cabot spotted the Brendan Thurs- day about 60 miles off Newfoundland's east coast. Coast g uard otficlals said it The four were to spend the night in Gander, about 70 miles southwest of Musgrave Harbor. Their future plans were not immediately known. 811 tM Associated Pre ta ,ijceused ot Bridge Cheating? .... Two Players File Strit l.OS ANGELES (A P J A de· position was to be taken today in .i S-14-milllon suit by two pro· fes~1onal bridge players who da1m they were falsely accused of <'heating in a major touma· ment The oral statement was lo be 1oi1v1.•n by Lewis L. Mathe, a f<><r mer pres Iden t or the Am erican Contract Bridge League lie was a member or the ~~gue committee that halted the tournament Jan. 7 in Houston when it was suggested that plain· tt'fh Richard H. Katz and Lawrence T Cohen we1·e cheat· 1flg. . The lwo contend 1n their Superior Court suit . filed here March 2.5 that they were forced to withdraw from the tournament m which they were leadl~ and resign from the leasue aller .. bours of constant accusaU " ifrid "threats of massive edvene publicity anct a public !!Candal." Attorneys for the two J..s>s ,Apgelt'S m<•n said their clients l'J~ver admitted cheat1ng and asrecd lo resign only because of p.romises lhal no public or private stat<'mcnti; about the matter would be made. But a newspaper account ap- peared about a week after the tournament quoltng Mathe as al· Je1lna improprieties that in· volved conveying of ••un· horlzed information" durina e match. The cornmlllee has not OftANQI COAST c. DAILY PILOT specified how they believ• Katz and Cohen communicated. In major league bridge competi- tion, extensive measures are taken to prevent any misconduct. including bidding screens placed diagonally across tables. pre· Man Nabbed In Accident Free on Bond A Cotta Mesa man whose at- le&edly 1peedtn1 sports car struck another auto Saturday night, burling It lnto a traffic U1hi control box. it free on ball today faclng felony drunken driv· ing charaes. Robert G. Blattenberaer. 21, or 269 BowUq Green Drive, was re· leased on S2.SOO ball pending court arraignment on the charee. Karen L. Merimon. 23, Santa Ana, was the driver of the car as· aettedly struck from behind by Blattenbetger's auto. Police said the collision on Harbor Boulevard al Adams Avenue knocked out. tramc signals for 25 minutes. venti~g partner• from aeelng each Other. Ralph Jones, one of the al· torneys repraentll\g Kati and Cohen, nid his client• were de· nled • heartns. despite repeated requftta and that they were never fully lnfor?Qed of the cbarge1 against them. The raelgnatJons left only three ptayen on the Kall and Cohen team, torcina them to forfeit the match at a time when the awt claims their victory was ''virtually assured." Wealey Howell, attorney tor the American Contract Bridge Leap. said the raponae to the lnterrosatory uklng if the tea1ue contends unauthorbed in· formation wu passed between Katz and Cohen ls "probably the whole lawauit." Howell 1ald the lea1ue wtU claim there wa-e Im· proprieties and wlll explain why it believes so Katz. 35. Is a physlclan in Beverly HJ1la. Cohen. 34. bas a degree In pharmaey, but ptac· tlces professionally as only a bridge player. The two have been playine toeetber since they were studenll at the University of Wisconsin. teaming to win the In· tercolle1iat.e championships ln 19-6. SUN BAKES STATE. ... to a N Lal I• critical eoed.Ltlon Sunda, an... a are 1 foem~nbber padded C*l It th• ~ C.o&anty Jail uDJ--....S C.Oxlc ruma that ltlned a in- mates lrideflC)tt vla1toq. Maury Count1 Dl1t. Atty. &obert u. a., aatd he pt c.o ebar1e ztnmer wtth anoo and would uk to have b.lm tried u an adult. Roy Martinson, PQllc• eblef ln Superior. Wls., tald autbor1Uee ftnt pkked up Ziruner on Feb. 28, ms. In conneetJon with a fire at the Board of Trade Bulldin1. Martlnsoo said Zlnmer did·not dmlt~ the fire and wure-ferred to a autdance eJhU D SUperlot after the lnddent. Martlnlon tald th tut C011lld police had with the youth was June 17, 1978, In connection with a threat or arson. At that tlmo he waa taken to a bome for prOblem children, tho ~hlef said. Attempts to rescue the victims of Sunday's fire were hampered when a deputy 1herlff carrying keys to the Jail's 12 ceJlJ coJUded with neetng vlslton. He dropped the keya on t.he floor and was una- ble to find them for about 12 minutes. officials ""lit. One hipband and wife, who· both were prisoner1. died Jn the fire along with bis vl11Ung· parents and 1lster. In another family traaedy, a prisoner and five relatives died. "AU the victims had sot down on the noor as rar u they could, layin1 down to gel some air. . . " one official 1aid. "It seemed like moat ot the victim• were life· leas•· when reached. Simmer's mother, Addle L . Zlnmer, described her son in a telephone lntervlew from her Superior home u an emotionally disturbed boy." Authorities in Wauke ~ sha, Wis .. said records show Zinmer was reported mlas· MOTEL .•• are slim at belt, be believe1 . So now he Is stuck with a $400.000 property that must re· main uitls. "It's a •hock when you can't control your own property." aald Bentley , who1e Callfla Properties purcha1ed the alte about a year aao for lnveatment purposes. "The commission is maJdn1 me a slave to my own property, telling me I have to serve the public even if J don't want to," be said. From P•,,e A J WORKERS •• marina ln Stockton, aald it wouJd be impoulble for him to keep 10· ing If he had to pay $30 for cov-era1e and pay hl11alary, too. · · Larry Dobbins, an Anlloeh dry dock operator, aaid he baa three employes repalrtn1 pro-pellors who never leave the bulldlng, but 1llll are subject C.O the maritime ratea. He aald be planned to move them to a bulld- mg five mlles from water, but can't find out i( that would ex- empt them Newport-Mesa . WASHING TON (AP) - l'edtral rrl1onera Jobn Mitcbe l and H.R. Haldeman today lost their laat chance to revene their Water1ate cover-up con- victions when the U.S. Supreme Court. refused to hear lbelr appeal.a. The JUlllces tumed down without comment a re- q ... eat by attorneys for both that they bo allowed to araue the1r cue before the bt1beourt. Hald man, once Nixon's White Houte chief-of-staff. 1urrendered to federal prilon aufborltles In Opem S11mmer Callfornla Tuesday. Mltcbell, who u attorney 1eneral was the nation's top-ranklns Jaw enforce· ment official, began his term at an Alabama prison SchOol Class After 1ligbUy more than a week ol freedom, more than 9, 700 Newport.Mesa school students were expected to return to cluaroosna today for the opening of summer acbool. Summer achool Director Dick Watt said he believes total aum· mer enrollment could cltmb as hlgh aa 11,000, surpassln1 Jut year's summer enrollment. of 10,300. Programs are beln& of· fered lo l2 elementary achoQls and all of the di.strict'• middle and hip acboola. Durln1 the re- gular acbool year, the dl1trtet. enrolls about 23, 700 atudenta. The SumDler session, wh1ch ln- c or por ates 1ome remedial cla11e1 with 1peclal elective c:laa1e1, ruoa to July 28 for th.e elementary and middle achoOl'a and c.o Aus. ,ii for tbe hl•h actiooi.. ,JTGt>n , " Watt said [rftfjtf'8ti0Jl fOt' all srade teveta W9l nmein open for interested 1tUdenta. For furtbeT inforrnatkln,call55&-~. SI&UGll'I.' AD; CROOKED CUNt FAIRBANKS. Aluka (AP> - A claullied ad in the Dally Newa- M lner offering to tell a .357 magnum revolver: ••Fired only twlce at a UtUe old lady." Auto Tools Taken Mechanic John D. Campbell complainecl to Costa Meu police Sunday that a bur&Jar broke Into the garqe at his bome and stole S500 worth of auto tools. Campbell, 20, said aome are en· craved with bl• name, which would !Dake Mllina the loot dlf- ficult. , .. Wednesday. Frora'PflfleAJ LAWYERS. • elpllnary measures for violators. Moat other statea enforce similar bani, and the American Bar Auoclation's ethical slan· darda do not permit lawyers to advertiJe fees. However, the ADA recently modified rules to allow lawyers ·to list their names and legal apeclaJUes in the classified sec- Uon of a telephone directory. The m.Uority said the onJy con· aUtuUonal l.asue presented b)' the Ariiona cue lJ "whether the . 1ute may provent the pubUca· tlon ln a new1paper of lawyers' truthfuJ advertisement concem- lnl the ~vaUabillty and terms ot routine legal servtcea. We rule 1lmply that the flow of such in· formaUon may not be restrained, and we therefore hold the present application of the dl.acipUnary rule ... to be violative or the First Amendment.•' Problbltlng all advertising •·serves ooly to restrict the In· formaUon that flowa to con· aumers," the court said. TONJGBT COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMI~ION -Regular meet- in1,CityHall,6:30p m. Tl1£8DAY,nJNE28 SENIOR cmZENS CLUB - Commwllty Recreation Center, Tuea., Wed .. Thurs. lZ-3 p.m. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL BOARD -fte1ular meetln1, Cotta Mesa city council cham- bera, 6~·30 .m. 0 JA ES BREL" -South CoHt epertory Theater. TuHcfay.Sunday throu•h Jwy 30. ~p.m. Computer Goar& lined Up for NB 87 lllLARY KAYE Of"' o.i1r ~"•tavn A oompuUnuct alarm system lined up for Newport Beach, and poe1lbl1 Irvine, loob 11.Jte the nut belt thini to bavina pollce, firemen and paramedics ready and waHina next door for emercenclea. A computer ioatalled at police headquarters can query alarm sensors in 16,000 residences every 10 s~ondl, checking to make c ertain there are no burelariee, ftres or medical aid s ituation.s. • Neale Johnson, president of Newport, Technolon . the com- pany that designed the s ystem. believes this la the first tlme a computerized alarm system will be used on such a wide scale. The city of Newport Beach has agreed to purchase the system for about tB0,000 and Newport Police Lt. Kelson McDaniel says be expects to have it operating within 120 days. Participation would be on a voluntary baa.la. The Irvine City Council has given "c~cept approval" to the idea. but hu not yet committed funds. Irvine Police Chief Leo Peart says he will talk with Newport Beach police and 'with Johnson during the summer and return to the City Council with specllics in September. McDaniel says Jrvine was in- vited to share Newport's com- puter Ume tn an attempt to re- duce the C08t for both ~Illes. Besides, Newport Police think It will help make t.be neiahboring cities unattractive to burelars. "We want Newport Beacb and Irvine to be known as places whe re burglars don't want to 10, ·•says McDaniel. Although Newport Beach is the city that first thouaht of usine computer alarms, lr\llne ls the place Where lt could have the widest app~aUon due to the ract that a two-wa.y cable TV system is already Installed In every Irvine home. Th a l means m essages can be transmitted over the system in two direc- t.ions. The computer can be connect.. ed lo the cable TV system so that police receive electronic :ugnals from the home Homeowners can purchase a range of alarms, ranging from sop histicated systems with numerous alarms to a slmple, iowe t -cost system. Intrusion alarms can be placed around en- trances to sense burclars. Smoke detectors that sense fires can be part of the system. And lt can be used to signal medical emergen- cies. The alarms are linked to the box attached to the cable TV and the meuaie. are relayed ln· stantly. The computer at pollce head- quarters would contain a memory bank with lnformation supplied by the homeowner, 1ucb al name, address, ace. phone number, person to contact ln emereencies, doctor, medical in· formation (sucb aa heart attack history) abd floor pJan ot home <to aid in locating burtlart). It would cost Irvine about $22,000 iJUUally to link up to tbe •Y•tem, CO\la'ing tbe coet of an extra terminal in the Irvine police station end the cost of rent- ing Newport's computer time. Monthly operating costa are estimated at $550 in lritne, with subscribers probably beln1 charged a fee somewhere Under $10, accordlna to JohnloD. In NewpOrt., lnltial aublcnberl would be charged t3 per month, plus the cost of buy_tns afanm and a fee for using cable TV time or the use of alt«nato uod.lns methods. Only about 5,800 Newport Beach homfll are equipped with cable TV systems tflat can transmit the two-way messacea. The other homeowners would have to choose one of three alternate systems: -A "digital dialeT" that at· tacbes a box to the telephone and uaea the telepHone line to a(Snal the police station tf atarrn sensors are tripped. -A '1poalttve telepl.J~ne system" that uses phone Unea to relay the meHaaes. but nOt the same line used for the telephone. - A "micro processor" that bas a mini computer box located in the neighborhood that services a slven number of residences. The computer box ls linked to the computer at the police ataUon. Johnson explained that. if an electrtcal brealfdowft should OC· cur -either with the computer or the lines •~ding meaaacea - it would be 11l1naled as a breakdown, not a false alann. Therefore, police would be alerted that there is a problenJ with the system, but not an emeraency altuaUon. Johnson said that false alarms are a continual problem for police agencies, but said tbat the method now being u•ed in Newport to combat false alanus will prove helpful with his alarm system. Newport Beach alarm owners muat obtain penntts that require an audible alarm In the '*-•• plus a »second delay before the alarm ruchel the pOltce statlon, so that lf it bu been •et acclden· tally, lt can be turned oft manual-1¥ before police beartt. Servtca w Sanu Ana' l'atrba MemOrltl Patti. todlY for DIOiMelrlo aviator JGIUl W. MUUn. Mr. Mm'ttn died Saturday lft Chapman 0111eral Hospital, Oran,., after a· teollby illiaa. Hewaa78. • · AD 1rvlne realde.nt at lbt tl°'e of bis death, Mr. Mart.lo wu a native Santa ADan who was one of American Airllnee' first pilots. Ke be1an llyiq for American ln thela~20'a. Mr. Martin and his two brothers also founded wbat later became Orange County Airport. Mr. Martin reUred as American Airlines' senior pilot in 1946 with 20,000 hours in the air. He returned to Santa Ana and re- Joh1ed the MarU.n School of Avia- tion wbicb he helped establish ln the early 1920's. He aerved u a Santa Ana city councllman/rom 1N7to1951. Mr. Mart.in also founded the Orange County aberlff's aero squadron ln 1.918 and returned to aviation as the Apple Valley airport's manager in the late 1960'1. He held that post until suf· terlnc a stroke in 1973. Mr. Martin leaves his wife, Donna: a son, Dr. John Martin III ol Denver; a dauabter, Roxie Gould of Santa Ana; his brother Edward ol Santa Ana; and two sisters,· Marie McCune and M ar1aret School a, both of Garden Grove. The family bas requested that any donations be sent. to the American Cancer Society. Heating Unit Blamed in NB Faetoey Fire .. . Newport Beach firemen sald today they believe a heat.inc ele- ment In a bath used In research projects la the 10Urce of a fire that did more than $.v-0,000 dama1e to tbe Collins Radio plant Sunday momlna. Jim Beed, ftre department. ex- ecuUve offtcer, aaid the element apparently cau1bt the polyvinyl bath lln1na on nre in a so-called "clean room" uaed for research at the manufactunna plant at '4311 Jamboree Road. He said the small fire Jet off the plant's alarm system and tri&eered the sprinkler system in the area of the blaze. Reed said the major part of the damage resulted from the heavy smoke which blackened the room and clotr&ed its specialized rut.er system. :-. -:.. I ; .I DlllY PllM Iliff ....... PICTURED IN 1"8 · · John W. Martin SI.ayer Given Life Sentence DETROIT CAP> -The man convicted of sbootlnc bis estranged wife to death In front ot 29 chUd.ren In her clusroom was sentenced today to life Im· prlsonment at hard labor, with a recommendation of no parole. Al Junior Lewis sJ>owed no emotion as Recorder'• Judge Patricia Boyle denounced his crime as "one one of the moet . vicious I have encounter~ In my 12 years on the bench.•• His conviction on a second· deeree murder charge came after two days of trial testimony, (ncfudiog t&atlJf lOof the fir.and •teond·O"adepUpflt ottbe.tettm, Bettye McCaater, fl Burt Elementary School on the city's West Side. ManKeejM Hem Bray· i ... . . , ... ·::ria.t111tat1~~~1J>A1~aoaotUWI be amons wortia, .. .., WW M ll'>1nt' to flaunt ~b th1' c into a end. You could do i oft work OD f'rt· l~l1 GBT ANTICIPATE e U be 1 lot of uneimety MU'lllO.ot 1reat aunt.a or HCOOd ma whole f1nal rites will be • eduled Friday at a point dis· eoouib to demand a full day ol work. . h• too, you can expect this F4Urth ot July °'ay be 1teeped in 1plclll controveny becau.e of clrtuaht condiUona and the threat eel by flreworka. aqy ot our drY, bruthy areu, U the hills 'behind La1una B ch and Santa Ana Canyon ar u , have already been closed to uman act.Mty because of the CJ threat. Heaven only knows t mQ happen on the Fourth en people start the in- di criminate 1bootin11 o/f o( PY tecbnica. ccording to news dispatches ou ot our central county, thil heated issue even touched off a debate the other nisht tn Anaheim, of alJ places. The isaue came before the Anaheim City Council 1n a re- quest from a band booster club aeekin& a permlt for a fireworks stand. Thia, accordtn1 to the new1 report.I, created another claah between Anaheim Mayor Wllliam Thom and his principal criUc, Councllwomah Miriam Kaywood. NOTING THE THREAT posed by the tlreworks and dry .season, Mrti. Kaywood commented, ''I'd like to know what posaible extra precauUonaey meaauret we can take to alleviate a very den1erom 1ltuatlon. . . " To which hhzoner Thom <.'racked back. "By detonating them under water." ; CRITICAL CONDmON Judy Placido, 17 Goe.Too Far NEW YORlt <AP> -SiVemy daya after hia lut attack, "San or Sa~" ha Uiie?IC aratn. airtJjc)rftiea aay, thlt time wound1n1 a youue coupJe With a .44-callber b~ that hu killed tlve people. The man and woman were recov~nr today in P'lushtn1 Hospital after btlnt abot SUnday monun1. Tbo sunman Jumptd Crom the dark· n .. • ~a Quetn9 ·street and nrect tour •hot.a throuib the closed Wiii-1N A LETTER TO syndicated dow oftbe c&rin Whteb tbly were columnlat Jimmy BresUn earlier 1lttJn1. tbla montll, tbe killer warned: "Don't th1nk because you haven't ltJDY PLACIDO, 11, of the heard from me for a wblle that I .8ronx. wu lilted In trtUeal but went to tleep. No, rather, I am 1tabl• eondltlon followlnf 1ut-1tlll h«e. Like a 1plrtt roamln1 ftry.Shebldb4'enhUlntbtrt1ht the nlfbt. Th1raty, hun1ry, ahoulder1 the' back of tho neck slldom stopptn1 to reat: anxious artd tho neht temple. to please Sam!' Her companion, Sal LuPo. 20, Hls lateat attack followed a ot Q&Jtent. b.S a bllllet wound In prtvtoua pattern. Miss Placido the forearm and 11u1 shreds in and Lupo were alttine in a car at bl1 lefllec. about 3:20 a .m. alter leavin1 a Son of Sam la reaponalble for nearby dllcotheque. klUlnr flvt peraonJ and wound-At they lhared a ci1arette, ln1 alx ln almoet 11 months. police aald, the gunman ap-acco~ to autborlUea. Four ot proached from the rear on the hf1 murder vtcUm.a have been pauenaer aide, where Miu younr women wltb sboulde~ Plaoldo wu seated. He fired one lenf th dark balr. He usually shot through the. window, then strikes between mldnitbt and S three more 1hot.a ln rapid suc· a.m. in tho northeut Bronx and ce11lon, pollceaald. in Queens. Court Overturiis . . Dayton. Bus Plan . WASHINGTON CAP)-The U.S. Sup~me Court ruled today that lower courts went too far ln orderlna a 1chool de1egre1ation plan that required forced buatns or some 18,000 pupU1 In Dayton, Ohio. The court, in sending the Dayton ca.se back to the lower coul'U for a new remedy, told federal Judi• to be sure to move cautiously In at· tempting to solve school 1e1re1a· lion problems. But the court did not appear to break any new con- stitutional ground ln tucb c es. ( IN SHORT J .. 1. _,.\ .-... - 'SON OF SAM'? PoUce Sketch • suarended .Buffalo. N.Y., po lceman P.hlllip Gram&glla, hides his face 1D a bat u he ls escorted from his home after being charaed with first de1ree manslaUihter in Saturday's gan1 beatlnf death of a~­aier. Government Ui:g~s. Tougher. Gas LaivS WASHINGTON CAP> -The Carter admlol.Jtratlon la proPolin1 new automobile mlleaae standards, malntaJnlnC thoy could evealu&µy · save 10bilUoo1.Uona oftuel a year. . . The standarda, announced Sunday by TrauportaUon S.CretV)' Brock Adams, 10 beyond thot-already approved by Con1rea1. · Under tbe new atand•rda, paasenaer automobile• mamata.c. Ions-ranee standard of 27.S lured in the United Statea ~ m1p.1 . by 1985. have to achieve an avera1e luel Adama revealed the new atan· ( economy of 2.2 miles per caUon in darda on CBS-TV'• "Face the 1981 cara, 24 m.p.1. ln 1982, 26 Nation" in a news releaae. m.p .•. in 1983 and 27 m.p.a. in "THESE STANDA-aDS ensure 1984. thiit the American public wtU. · THE DEPARTMENT OF baveavailabletnthenoxtdecade Transportation aaid the 1tan· cara that . have •ood tuel dards mea.Q Qarl will have to be economy, improved talety and smaller and Utbter, with cno1t Jow em.laalont," buaJd. enilA• having four or alll cyUn. "CU"I built ln th. earJy 1t80I to deranoteight. mee' Uleae 1ta:ndud1 •bould ' Congress haa 1et atandards ot aave the ~ C:U' o~ about 18, 19 ahd 20 m,p .•. fQr model $1,000 ovnatb• Ute of :tb• vebl· year1im.1979 knd Ullo, ud a cJe,Adliii•IJd. I Mrs. Kaywood rapped Thom for not belne serious and an- nounced she'd vote acalnat the fireworks permit. Thom at- ta<.'ked her reaaonlnc The justices, votlnt a.o. or· dered Dayton sehool offtctals to keep the deseJrefatlon plan in force for another achool year while the lower courts work out a more limited remedy. new prime minister, Menabem Besln, 1ave them uylum after Tahran. Japan and Hon1 Koaa refused to take them. I NEW Y)RK "You 're rea l cute," s he snapped "And you 're n hypocrtte," he char1ed • You get the notion that there Ian 't mu<.'h love lost between this Anaheim pair. Yet the rireworkl debate wlll rage on throulh another seaaon. And we are totally Inconsistent on the Issue. PYROTECHNICS are banned in the city of Newport Beach. But yo'\t can buy them in quant1ty rltht next door In Costa Mesa. Fireworks can't be sold in Laauna Beach. But you can buy them quite le1ally just next door In South Lquna. It's llle1al to •hoot. fireworks on most city beache. but nobody aeema to care on cowity beachea 'Yet reiardlus of the laws. come the ni1ht of the Fourth of July and thil coa.sUlno will Jt1ht u~llke they started World War J • • ou juat wait and see. Panther lalled BRAMPI'ON, Canada (AP) - Black Panther leader Huey Newton, en route from Cuba to s tand tri al for murder lo Callfornla, must remain ln a Canadian jaJI at least until Wed· nesday. Immigration autbortUes con· tlnued a deportation hearing, opened Sunday, unUl Wednesday because Paul Copeland, a Toron· to lawyer repreaenUne Newton, asked for time to aend for docu. ments related to the Calltornia homicide case. He claimed the pape,.. would show Newton ls be· 101 held llle1ally. &(ugee• St•rt .490111 TEL AVIV, Iarael (AP) -Six- ty-1lx desUtute Vlet.nameae re· fugeea be&an a new llf e in a de· solate Israeli deaert town today. An llraeli fret1hter re1cued them from a lealdn1 fi1hln1 boat In tbe South China sea. Israel 'a An llraell ortlcia.I Hid the United States m., admit about ball (Jl them because tbey b.aye relativet wbo escaped co th• United State1 when the Com· munlata took over South Viet-nam. DJUJOutl E....-ge• DJIBOUTI (AP) - A ireen and blue nac with a red 1tar was hol1tod over the R~_publlc ol Djibouti tod•Yi. •lcnllln• Ila ln· dependence an.er 115 yoara of French colonial rat•. The Ma11achuaetts·ll%e patch of saJt and nnd at the southern end oC the Red Sea beeorue• Africa'• 49th independent atate. The new nation'• futur• ls threatened b~ lta nel11tb0rt, SomaJl• and Etb1opla, and the lack of raourcea Hcept aalt and tt.1 1trate1io location at the aouthem entrance to the Red Sea. The French 11rri1on wUJ re- main to ~ the new natioft and French aid will keep the economy 101n1. Rain Ac~ivity ¥.a:ri~d Kentucky Town Hard Hit bj_ llainfal,l .. , ... "-.. ., " .. 'O .. .,. ., 11 ,,. tt ~ ., .. )S 61 ·°' ., ,, '1 ,~ .., 71 .. ., ,. .. ~ ,.. ~ •l tt .. .. , . ., " .. " .. 19 " ,, ., ., tie II ., .. . ,, ., )t M .. .. ,. I ( P&\RBL06SOM CAP) -A .. ytar~ld nsl· dent ot tblt rural deNrt eotnmunlt1 bu beeD found •bot to death ln a bOthOUst full ol marijuana p~ta Lot ~tin CoJay •berilf'• offldab aald S\inday. ' DePuty MAnfn Cavantuth 1&1d Doutlu A. Cam9bell wu f<Mind ta tile bothoute on b1s property by hia 76-year-old father. Ht had been 1bot once '!'here were 270 manjuana plut.1 ln the buUdlne· Caval\augh'said. ' ft~ Traeed te c .. per• SIERRA MADRE (AP> -A bru.ah fire that destroyed more than 2,000 acres or Angeles Na· tlonal Forest bas been traced to an illegal campfire Jeft burninf In Die Tujunea Canyon, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Flre nehtert expected to have the blaze. the first major bf'\lab ftre of Ule year, under control this momlna. The 600 firemen from the Forest Service, state Fore.try Dtvtalon and county Fire Department coo- talned the flteSuq4'ay evening. • r....,..i.fled Sla•er s • ..,,,., QUlNCY (AP> -A dart-haired man with a pony &aµ.b belnl aoueht In connection with the rirst murder in J.>lumu County In 11At years, shertff'a de· putles report. Thex •-1d Richard Lyona, 30. and David Deon, 26, both of Quincy, were w alldna behind the Plumu Club in clownio'lffl Quincy earfy Sunday when the · man, who was heavy-set and about 5-feet-8, shot Lyons in the ct.best. They said ~be man also shot at Beon, but mis· sed. He then fied on foot. MftlOritle• • .,,. ....... SACRAMENTO <AP) -The percentage o( mlnortUM at the Unlverall)' of California and the two-year eomtnmllty colle1es dwindled between 1973 and uns. ••tale reportcboWI. Minority enrollment 1.ocreued at slate 'co11ftea. :~ over the aame period from 10.$ to 21. 7. The report by the California Postaecondary EducaUoo Commlaslon ataU aald UC minority enrollment declined from 30.S percent in 1973 to 19.9 percent ln 1975, while community college minority enrollment wu falllni from 24~ to 20.8 percent. Huey Johnson, 44 , of Mill Valley, has been named secr etary or lhe sta le Resources Agency by Gov Ed· mund B rown J r . Sohn.son will r eplace Cl a i re Dedr i c k . oamed to the Public Utilities Commission. i . ottbe G a1 reedom parade. Poli« said the on than 100,000 J>otnOMXU.al men and women and hett rOMXual support.en who aatr-ered ·SWiday may have excMded tbe au:e of the larte.t cS-. monatrat1ons in the 1MOI a1ai.nat the war In Viet- nam . MEANWHILE. about 200 pel"IOl15 marcbed In a Gay l'Teedom para.de ln Loa Anaeles. Similar pa r ades were held In other laree cities acroas the country The iaraest turnout Hangover? Cake 'Binge' Told LOS ANGELES (AP> A lawyer bas thre•tened lo take the issue of liquor-filled cake to court If charees of public drunkenness are not dropped against her lS-year·oJd client. Attorney Rose Oda said her client bad not been drinking but he did consume 17 of the ltallan-made. rum soaked little cakes that are said In candy stores a nd supermarkets for 2$ cents each. Referring to a comment by a prosecutor that the youth could not have eaten that many rum cakes, Ms. Oda said : "I can euesa what the trial will be like. . maybe we'll see 11 be get.I drunk or sick first.'• 'nle thrft-quarteT ounce cakes, with a 6 percent alcohol content. are being marketed in the Los Angeles, San Francbco, Min· neapolla, Bo6t.on and New York areu. • OBSDVZU compar- lnS tbe Im parade with past eventa aald fewer men were in dra1 and more WOJJ>tn 'Vere marclUJ.ll in tho parade. Local aay leaders aald t'" record turnout waa abo spurred in part by tbe recent 1avaie •l•Y· in1 of a bomoexual city fardener. Robert HllJ1borou1h wu killed tut week by four youn• men who •houled •·r.,cot, faacot" as one of the men atabbed HU.labc>roulh ~ Umea 1n the face and Cb Pt. POUCE BA VE arrut· eel four men f~eatlon- inC about the ~-Tb e parade wound around a ahort downtown rout. and ended at the plaza in front of City Hall. · ln Lo• Ao1ele1, altboulb ~march wu Four Earn Degrees Four Oranie Coast re-1Ident1 rec e lved araduate degrees in ceremonlee held at the Claremont Graduate Scbool. Co.ta Mesa reaidenta Chari• Fox and Left.eris Lavraku received their doctorates while Patricia Black of L•tuna Beac h ana Rlebard Lee of El Toro r,.eeived ma1ter1 dttreea . <::unmc=rdal ~on a $10.000 tbneC~ar~lil)M. 120 mont • at an pe1 r 14,,_ Tot..i P¥"mt 18.631 20. NO POINTS. NO PREPAY NT PENALTY. We find ways to . COMMEP(:IAL C~EDIT COR.PO~ATION G) ~u.it w.... ""-"' ~'>Ooll'l....i ,..,.,._ ........ ., ... "" • ............ ol ,..., M.d ~ ..-.v eo.ta M ... • S70 E. 17th Su-..t • N6-l?OO ' oru,. • H 11 Town • Cou..ntq lld. • 547-5171 I Suit. H Cndlt Ufe I Mw•n<• AnllaW. w l;~le .............. at Clrou• a.- B THE UNISTORE ~ MASTER CHARGE ~ SHIPPIMCP CilTOMS .. l'flOXIS ''• VAHl-SOL IOWLCLIAHB DIUdech-Deodarf'" _ ltet-2" (i>t. SAU 1220 . . . BLOWER PAPER COMPANY ..... O...,..~ ... al TtM 1121 I. IDIHGB, SANTA ANA ......... __ ... --......... -- ( 'i ' ... ,, ,. let .Us Help .. J ,,, .. ,, ·. ''I 11 ti •f ... A father discovers his .~"':,lescent daughter is expe rimenting with drugs. He doesn 't know what to do, ·1 ... A lonely wi fe so bs into a pillow. Her marriage is breaking up. Her elderly parents have become 'if ,l PlUMllMG HIATIHG 411 COMO. IT'-·----· S«vl<t t11 V-Ar•• -C•ll MISSl()H VIE JO 1"72 c:.M•flO C-0•' ,, • ..., CS.n °"'° ,...., .... •'-try Pllwy I 495-0401 COSTA MlSA U~N-t81wel 642-1753 $1 lie •tl7'S1 burden. She can't cope. ~ ... A middle-aged man with a good job shak es uncontrollably as he re.aches for a bottle of booze. t1,'e',; tried to stop drinking, but failed. ··"'' 1'1111 ( . , •• I I 'I ll ,, I''" ti wt I I' II, I . • t nt . • f I 4 ~ I ~JO• •I f • ., These scenes ar'e common everyday exper'iences. All of us have problems an~ we search for their solutfon~,. ' Sometimes we succeed. Other t imes we can•t. Then we need profes sional help. Where to find this helt,r r can become a problem. PROB L EM TA LK SH OP helps people find answers to their problems. ,, ..... 1. "' r· YDDSELF FOB ~-AT WE OF NEWPDnT PROBLEM TALK SHOPS are free counsel ing and referral services located in Orange Count y. .'', PR OBLEM TALK SHOPS are here to offer you hel p through counsel ing and ref err al. There is no OPEN A TIME DEPOSIT ANO TAKE HOME A 17" SONY OOLOR TV OR A · · O ·r·· UTTONMICROWAVEOVENONLYATBANKOFNEWPORT. charge for our service to you. We refer to both public a.nd private agencies in range County. Fac1 ,_. Chooo ••your REWARD either the 17" color Sony or Litton mklrow.ve In lleu of Interest. Takt It hom• lfl'lm•dlately or have It delivered. A great way to REWARD youraelf. All Bttll< of Newport In lieu of lntereat Time S.vlng1 Programs .,.. baaed on maximum allowable Interest, and we can allO arrange to have your funds transferred from other fln1nclal ln1tltut1on1 for you.• I SONY KV·17'12. Spectacular viewing le your REWARD with every •how. Sony's KV-11'12 r .. tur .. a big 11• diagonal acreen. famoua Trlnltron color, and au to- matic llne tuning ••• eupert> craftaman· lhlp In a handtome, trim walnut cabinet. t ies to care for individuals are available o n a 24-hour basis . That means we can hel p you whenever you;\. I ' need help. Appointments are not necessary. If y ou pre fer to ma ke an appointment, day and evenl~' hours are available. (Office hours: 8 :30 a.m. -5:00 p.m ., Monday t hrough Friday. In extreme emergen cies, a counselor can be reached after 5:00 p.m ., and on weekends.) Let Us Help With: Crisis Intervention -When a probf~m is so big or Lornplex that you are unable to see altema· lives. t alking, w ith a professional r:nay help. Marital Discord - A counselor helps establish a starting point and guidance, for husband and wife. Alcohol and Drug Problems -More and mor.e people are becoming dependent on alcohol and other drugs. Specialized medical care ana a treatment program are needed. Individual Psychiatric Problems -Sometime~ we feel that our world is caving in on us. Tension. anxiety, and fear may keep us from coping effec:t1vely with everyday life. Psychiatric help may be your first step toward health~ living~~ .. , T-.xing H ome S&les One of the problems f acmg a middle-aged couple when the kids have gone 1s what to dO with the house that hos suddenly become too big and too difficult or expensive to muintain. It doubtlc!-is can be sold for a good price in the preicnt inflated market. But the difference between the original price and the seUlng l)tice will be subject to the capital gains tax unless lt goes toward the purchase of another residence. Perhaps the couple d~sn ·t ·want a hou e any more They might IUce f.o try apartment living, or take off in a motor home Cor a-~ile. • • :Scouts' Deadline Near .. HELP" says the flag flying at the Sea Scout bate iti Newport Beach. It's a messa1e county residents ought to heed. The Oran1e County Boy Scout Council bas until Tburs<lay to get $144,000 in pledges and donations in oriler to qualify for a $442,000 donation from the state tidelands lund!. All of the money will be combined to pay for a milJion-dollar remodeling of the base to turn it into the Youth Aquatic Center, a waterfront facility which would serve all organized youth groups in the county, not just the scouts. The scouts need ~veryone's help and they need it r\ght away if their plan is to succeed. We strongly uriO residents to give or pledge something to the Orange County Boy Scout Council so that the project can get under way. Not only will it provide an asset for the youth of the county, but tt will be an esthetic improvement to that area of West Coast Highway since plans call for makingpartsorthe base a "window to the bay." New Bighwag Ba: a rd?. • • The Rising Cos t of Technology D.-ar Gloo1ny Gu~ Weary Truckers Cite Pressure (SYDNEY HARRIS J One of the lei.sonli "e :-.hould have learned last wanll'r and I wonder if we did •!) that 19 muny war. we an• far 1ns equipped to deal w1t'h c:rippllnl( cold and snowst<>rm~ tl)al\ our, grandpart'nts wt-r~ J The really odd. and l"lm1noos. thmg about much technology is Note the Pilot kept the spirit of Irreltvant Week b>: printing article;, on Amy Carter'ti trip to Tut'son, 141 Amin' latest game of hide-and-seek and the creation of the Salamander Protection Agency. BORED that the better 1t gets, the more vu l nerable we become In our electronic and ml'l'h an11cd societ y. an old·fash1oned act of nature like a bhzzard ao• therei was usually enouflb an · -·-1fte-basement 'Jfantn-to keep a l ram UY well nourJfb.«f ror a cou pie dt.week• if Mid be. is apt to do more dama C" \h~ was possible an gt'andpa'1 time. We ar" simply not t up to ha"- dle it. We can bei.tm with !'omethine as trivial as our clothing. and work our way U!) from t)lere Grandpa took to long jo~s or red flannels. because bis l'louse was cold much of the time Our un derwear. If any. is a JOke when the wlnd whistles through the windowpanes Especially those new synthetic materials. which are clammy t•olcf to the touch at any lime. WE DON'T hU\C an extra IQa~ or coal in the ba:.tment. ~ he did. or a couple of rord~ M hardwood under tho hoUM. We don't have a horRe and buggy or. bttter ~till. a llle1gh We don't have an old fus h1 oned wood burning parlor lltovc which can heat up a house for better and faster Lhan most duct systema. 1( drift.a block us off frcun1 thd ttrocery store for a few days. we are in trouble. Bu~ grandma did her.own preserving and banrUrie. On aJarger scale. we are totally dependent upon <he uUllt} com panaes. If they go out. we go out. We have sacnf'iced our former autonomy for a j?reat deal or comfort aitd <'oftvenlence but those are all centralized now. and out of our individual hands. Our plumbing is t'onnected to the tity sewer system. our be.ting and cooking facilities mlly be piped '" for thousand• or miles, and we art• impotent to Jury.rl& subslttutes SO FAR. we have obsl'rved mostly the benefits of our mushrooming technology, but there is a dark side to that moon. as lhis cruel winter gave us an ugly ilimpse of Conservatives are fond of sayinJ( about J(overn ment. "Any government b11t enou&h to give you what you wunt n bes enough to take away what you've got. ·and the same home • ly axiom applies to our technology bf\y 'Ystem h11t enouah to provide our comfort."'' big enough to forfeit them 1r 1t breaks down This is the part we haven't un derstood yet just as. in a Rnm met context. we fail to un derst@~ that. the growth of 'nuclear weapons may make ul'I .. stronger" but al the 11ame time far more vulnerable to global ex tlnctibh. • WASHINGTON Those tbun- derin1. 18-wheel t:rucks you en counter on the hlehwaya may be driven by men who are physical ly fat11ued Crom too many hours on the road. A pounding tractor.trailer. with an exhausted man at the wheel. 1s a menace to the other traffic The grim statistics In dicate that the accident he may cause will kill 30 auto passen aers Cor every trucker• ho dies Yet the trucking companie5. plaeued by higher gas prices and tower speed llm1t.s, are driving their semi trallera slower and their men harder We have been bombarded walh complaints from truck drivers who claim they're workinC 15-hours days and 70-hour weeka Thia It permitted. incredibly, by antiquai.d eovernment re· gutallont Some companies push their drivers to the exhaustion point, a practice known in truck in& circles a1 ··maximum utiliza· lion." ·"They wring every ounce of work from you.·· a North Carolina driver told our reporter. Tony Capaccio. ··For every 70· hour week you log in . it might have actually taken 100 hours to accumulate " COMPLAINED another veteran of the road 'They don't itive you a chance to be rested I · wa~ an the Korean War and had more llme to myself than now.·· Spokesmen Cor the trucking in- dustry said the economic impact would be "ruinous" 1f the govern· ment should hmit the work week of truck drivers. There is no evidence. they contend, that the lone ha'1ls pose a safety threat. They clt.e atudlca lndicatine that mott tnsckl.111 accident. occur in the ftnt three hours of a shift. Thia, however. ls Questioned by Transportation Dept. experts, (JACK ANDERSON J I who are worried about weitrinesa on the hiahways WATCH ON WASTE: Some 165 postal supervisors. with nothing better to do. have been shadow· in& postmen on their routes. The supervisors have been lnstNCted to walk behind the pc>Jtmen. pre· aumably et.. a discre•t dlatan~. lo evaluate the length ol po1l11l routes Thus. on some selected routes. hQusebotden have been eettinc two postl&J employes (qr ihe price of one. TtiiJ has not unfortunate- ly. improved mall aervices. But it has 11ven 165 supervisors. who had been declared surplua., somethtni to do F1ral. the exce11s 11upervisonJ were hustled off t.o Norman. Okla .. for training In route .,... aminalion. Then they were flown to scattered towns to rollow postmen around To Lhe belt or our calculatlon.s these supervisory walkathons have beet! costing th• taxpaye~ about $50.000 a week One supervisor provid~d u~ with his itemlied ex.pense"account. Each week. he drew over $100 to p~y his hot.el blll, another S90 for u weekend flight home. still another $90 for per diem This was paid, of course. on top of his $18.000 annual salary A spokesman acknowledged that the POltal Service haB been shadowing P<l&'tmen -the Pt'lter to leam about their problem•. ht said. He1ould not. confirm our S.W.OOO·a-wee:k figure bu~ ureed our calculatlon.s &RQ~~r,~ cJ~t to the marlt. lf•rJnii$L~d. ho.ever. there were. nat always 185' 1upervi8or1 in f.he field.. At th11 writinc. he said. only 60 mel'I are involved in the ~ro}ect. A• for it• value. he sa1di "It's better than h4Vllll them ~illiQg arouf¥1 In their post offices· 1ind doing nothlna." S P 0 R T S S ClA:N ;I> At : Con1reumen are grumbling privntely over the }o'ederal Com mun1cutions Commission'!\ c FCC1 failure to crack down on . tol~v1~L'<i sporb. Roth ABC and CBS have been 1mpltcatt'd in alleged payoffs to athletes A Built more grand jury 1s inquirinit into the alleged rig- ging of a reccllt boxing to11mey. promoted by entrepenuer Don King and televised by ABC. CBS has been charged with paying the losin1 players in u tcnnii toum1&· ment biJled as ''winner-talce-411" matches Both ne~works maintain com· . ple\e !nnoeel\ce, ~ny iUe1ialit.an, tf)ey !I~. were not tllelr doinj ~\It , '1iPd the si:enct, the HQ~se rnmuqlcat.ions sub(!om- m1ttee UI, criucat of the FCC's h•ndlin&.9t the invesU&aUon The subcom;11lttec: hu been informed that the FCC has left 11 up to the network ~xecut1ves to c:onducl their ow" internal investica- tions 11\• commission won't in- tervene. ticcording to govern- ment 11awces. unlest> it ii dis- tathfled .. with the network's result.a. The Best •t ' p • • ' Investments Economics ha11 to be the most inexact science The rules considered inviolable ror generation• don"t work any more Whut 1t means to yoa is: Houses used to depreciate, used to become worth leu eac h vear . ~'OW lhl'\' become wonh more euch year . R 11w land used to be a sure-fire in- 'l es tm e nt. Now your pro· Cits from raw land appredaUon can be conaumf'd by Iner ~ ttxu. to match entl'enchcd government ·. Pt'Otrum11. ~hu." 1t ts th t tbe Nobel Prbe · now aoea &o lh mos&. con· ,. rv;at1vt" economist -llut Fr1c:dmun. I He ur1ies progressively l.u iovunmcnt interrcrence with the marketplace. • • He ay8 Br1tuan Is doine !>O bad- ly bec:lu e th(' Rrltlsh govern- ment tr\Od to i;pend itl>elf rich. Go' ernmen~. C\•en 118 people, c·un onl~· spend th('m4ielve!l poor. He ~uyll Japun 1s dotng well becaUlll' Jupun"• aovernment spend1ni l8 onc·thlrd what Bn- tain's Is, one-half what ours Is. I I sreep Can Be d Useful Work Partner CHARLES McCABE , out would be the ones I could live with mmaktng my estimate " I " v ye art ohUdron. , He 1.sd 'd r nUy don a few tu.ms on the •t•t• t la An1e • fmprovilatlon comedy elub, work solo, "but a nd·up comedy ls kind or dif. fttult," wryly admhted. "(doubt lf I can bl a atandup comedian. I can do concerti where I do 1ketcb work with a lot of peo. pie, 10 I've be1un, lookln1 ln that direc· ,. lion ..• also th re'• 4 one-man play I'm tryin1 to tie up." p D FALL, OE'U.. DO,a pUblicTV, ''TbeAff of Mt. PUJr.'' For 11.U&ht, be'll be ~ fJll ma new no• cated TV Mlia with die diltllilW.beicl roek mumc &roup, Sha Na Na. He'll Pit¥ a joke-crackiPI cabbfe taJled ·~b Gross, the~ Comic." • I SCbreibu, «> ... a c CllO native wbo sot •tart· -r In 1M> ile a member of Cbicqo'a famed • 'SecOnd Qty" lmpioriaaUona1 troupe. It wu lru.td troup ~ee years latfl' that he met BOiston comlc Jac.k furns WHICH LED TO CREATION OF the sketch comedy team ol Burns ancS Schreiber, who quickly utabliahed names tor themselves on late-nisht taJk shows, variety shows and on the concert circuit. • The team split once in 1970, Schreiber says, "Got a problem" Then wnte to Pat Duma. Pat will cut red)ape, getung the. aruw~ra and action JfOV neld to 1olue i~tie• "' gounnment and bul1ne11. MriU your 'l~•tWM to Pat Dunn, At Your Snvlce, Orange Coa1t DailJI PUot, P.O Bor 15'i0, Cottti MelO, CA 12626 Ai man11 letter1 01 po1:nble will~ ~red. but phorl«l mquinea or letter• not mcluding the r~ader'1 full name. addreu and bwtneu houra' phoM number cannot be con1adered. Th11 column oppeora da1· /JI ezcept Saturda111. '· Bow Lonfl'• Too ~on9 oa 'l'O%n1 DEAR PAT: How long can a person not pay his property tax in California before his property is sold for back taxes? I always thouaht it was three years. I'd olso like lo know what happena to a person who didn't pay his property tax one year, but has paid every year since them. R.G., CapistrapoBeacb Callfornla law allow1 five years' property tax deltnq~ before the property ls taten aDcl told for bact tuet. For eumple, If you don't pay )'OUI' Jt1t-77.property taxes (J .. ly t -Jue 3t fl.eat 1e~;· yoa would be coualdetff dellnqaeat July 1, llTT. Your property then could be "tax deeded" to Ute county .Ja.ly 1, 1182 and prepared for pabllc avetton the followlnc October. Dellaqatat property tUet • '· can be paid a& any Ume dmtai tbe nve.year period, ' bat late payment a114 iiaeludff a bllh iiaterest''',',, penalty. One 1kJpped JUt' Of paylia& property tue1 caa result ln tbe property beta& tu deeded, even it 1ucceedln1 years' tallea bave been paid. If tbe-4:oaa· ty takes your property, you can reclaJm lt If you pay tlae fall amOWlt due between July 1 and the October auction date. Lelt•laander• Ne~d Delp DEAR PAT: Would you please help me tirid a mail otaer llrm In Southern California whtch !ells I items deslened for left.handed people? D.L., HunUngton Beach , Coatict Lefl Hallded Complement, 143t S. VIUaae Way, Suite M, Santa Ana, CA. 1211%. A catalog fall of merchandbe to make We euler for left·banded people can be reqaated. Anodter mall order firm, Tbe Left Hand U4t W. 2ZDd 8&., New York, N.Y. 10011), also offers a cataloc tlaat may be ol l•let'etd. Ya"' a N~edl. In On-Ba••t~lc IAVINCU UlilD TO ........ , • ..,.lt~tftall "" llfKC:OU"I&. 11)111,,.,._~ ennuel yleld IO amounlt 11- when bll•nc• tttneln1 !Of one )'Mr 'und• r•c:elYed by 10t~ ol m0<11h ""' rrom '" '"'*' htld to • Q .. '11c'1tond. Noll By Fldtt1I ltw'dr!y ~tl!Clrawela °" etrU!•Clll ancl ~ 8CCOl.lnta ar• IUlllKI 10-.ianc..i cn11r .. 1,,.,,.11,.,., OTMI" CIATH"ICAft ACCC>Utn't1 7 79% annual yl•ld on 7 5Q9o • MinlmumS1,000,4yt1ra. • 6 98% annual yleld on 6 7590 • Minimum S1 ,000,30 montha. • 6 7 2% annual yleld on 6 SQ% • Mlnlmum$1,000,12montha. • IX1'1'A IOMll ACCOUNT: 5 92% annual yield on 5 7590 • Mlnlmums1.000.90day1. • f'LU .. 1.1 'At.S800te ACCOUNT: 5 3 ftk annual yield on 5 259 • ~.,O.poaltorwllhdr.wanyt•rne. • 0 Eam day.in 10 day.out intereal No pen1flioa ITAT!MENT IAVtNOI. You rtceivt del&1led monthly 1t11ement1 when tronaacl•o"~ have ouurred, ptuueou1ar Quarter!>-11a1emen1 Saving• Card serv4'1 al! our PllHbOOk for all depo1111w1lhdrawRts11nd !ICrv•c~s YOUR IDLE BANK CHECKING FUNDS EARN DAILY INTEREST WITH GIBRALTAR'S FREE TELEPHONE TRANSFER SERVICE rt :l I hours a dau 7 da,,11 a 1r1>P/.:. No need to go to your bank. Once your account 1a ntabllihed. plctt up the phone to transfer money from your bank cheoklng account- which earns no intereat-to your Gibraltar Telephone Transfer savings account-which earna 5 V. % coml)OiJnded daily. Funds alto return9d to your bank by phone. Call toll·free anytime, day or night, from any part of the State. Thia tlm•uvlng, money· earning MTVlce la free when you maintain a minimum $1000 balance In your Telephone Transfer account Minimum ttanaler amount StOO. For more lnlormatlon--------- a-roEsr•eu~ vooucr;;I;:H.7;;e {800) 252 ·0194 OR VISIT VOUll NtAREST G1811AlTAll omct -------------- DEAR PAT Several years aio I bought a nov· elty yam to make an af1han for my new grandson. Now that he's outgrown hi$ crib, my daughter would like to store the afehan She asked me to make a few repairs on 1t before It's cleaned and packed away, but 1 can't locate the ya-rn , {'Dd believe me. I've searched everywhere. ----J~ ~I' • -~ j• I ._., -"t .. ·, 8 . P., Costa Mesa Fall1ell Dl1trlbuttn, Co .• llCI Avenue of tbe Americas, New York, NY tt•1, may be at.i. to laelp llOlwe yoar problem. AY8 rues lndJea&e &bat &.bfa, llrm will attempt to obtain a.y yarn tbat k itJJJ anllable. Drop tbem • note and enclote a •ample Of _.e yara you need. $2,500 Howmuchwm do it,for you? CommerciaJ Credit's been helphiy people for more than sixty years. So ~tewr ~need. A few hunaied. Or even as much ns $5,CXX>. Just caU us about a lam. W:!'ll ftnd 'M'1YS to help. WE GIVE YOU MORE THAN ANY BANK e ; •• LIBERTY 20 P, N.J. <AP> -,. a. • • 11, m «lit.or of Time • from 1921 until ltSI, '9fed at• Warren ~ta Pbilliptburc. t e family anDounced IMreamday. NEW 'YORK CAP ) I•• llaaflnaa, 50. masuln• wl1ter and autbor ol HVeral novell, includlnt ''The Diary ot a Mad ffouHwife", died at her bome here. ~ ~ONDON (AP> -.• Olan 8t. aaJr, •• wor14 Chief Guide and wlcto.-or Robert taden· oweU, founder ol the Bo)' SCouu and Glrl Quldtl, dlt4' Sunday ln a lurrty ti• ln1 home. -RENO, Nev. <AP> - Funeral aervlcea are scheduled here Thurs· day for llclaald Ela&o11, publisher of the Nevada State Journal and Reno Evenint GareUt. Elnst.ou died Sunday In • Rtn0 boepltal after a Jenathy baUlt •••lnat leukemia. Amon.r l\lt· yi vors are a brother, C::h arles Elnstou of fountain Vnlley, and a sister, Sharon Hall of Huntinat.on Beach. PBC1eaonms MTMS' MOaTUAIY 827 Main St Huntington Beach ~539 ,.., ...... , eolOMIAL NMIUL HOWi 7801 Bolte Ave Westmln1ter en.3525 'ACWfC "IW MIMOIJAL PAH Cemetery Mortuaty Chapel S500 Peciflc Vle¥. on.,. Newe>ort. Calllornle &44-2700 HOUSTON CAP) Eua._.BeaUea,TI, mother ot Sen. Lloyd BentHn Jr. (D·TU41) dled atter •brief lllneq. are no words. •• let Dowers speak for you. For• complete Nltction of 1ympethy nower.. call YOU< FTO Florilt. • Cell f.0•6171. Put • few words to work for u. • ' Amuelng ObHrvetton• of llf• •long lh• Oreno• CoHt, ptnnH by• neUve •on. Different 111emberahlp pr~rams available lncludlng our 2·week introductory offer. Let us change your figure for the better. NO'Ms the time to shed winter's old shape. Slip Into a trim. firm new body and a summer filled with fun and excitement. We'll help you get your body beek in top condition with a personalized program of body Improvement, which includes exercise programs. steam, sauna and whirlpool at all locations plus heated swimming pools at key locatiOns. And there's Jazznastlcs for the gals. (Fun group exercises done to up-temPO music.) And, you'll find our uniQue combination of exercise programs. facllftlea and service give YoU one of the flneSt values anyylhere. So, figure it out rot yourself. If YQtJ want to~ summer fun and excitement, join the Holld$Y ~ Health Ctube. (Where summers haYe a new beglnnla,g.) . . . -. In the DAILY PILOT uq GOT a Sood start on them, and then we stomped them out," said "Turner. "They seem to be real •low in a breeze." Tb• AmerJca '• Cup Committee Ol the New ~ork Yacht cluti clocked ~maaeoua at ~· fln11b ort ihe 12"' mile trianaular course two ·minutes and S4 seconda ahead ol Enterprise un-~l Lowell North ln the ~~erpiile. Ted Hood maneuvered ndependence, the newest ot the American 12-metert, to a aeven •ecood jump on 'Couras-. at the start, but Tumer mana1ed to narrow lb• aap and waa lJ leconc!I ahead of the slater Kini'• Point Syn- dicate boat at the second mark. Sloop Richard Rauff'• aiine R-Claaa •loop Debra, South Sore Salllng Club wu the wtnnet Saturday in Bahia Corinthian Y acbt Club's Portaavouth Handicap rue, a feature of tile St.an and StriPes Relatta. unner -up was Estrella Linda, a Solln1 sloop tailed by Guton Ortiz, Balboa Yacht Club, and third waa Sidewinder , an Erlcaon·3ha1Jed by Dick. Blue.,BC'YC. f Catamaran Wins . Magazirw Trpphy . The Tornado catamaran wu attarded the Best Pedormance trophy br. Y acbtm1 M*'azlne after six ' tac•• in the mqaline 1 ninth 00.0f ·A·Kind Resat· ta held at the Carlyle Saillq AllQClaUaa. Carlyle, Ill. The Tornado'• aklp- per wu Keith Notary, Merritt Island, Fla. Tbe catamaran alao won the division for multltiuJ and wu awarded t prize for the fastest bOat. A monr the com· petlUora was actor Bud· dy Eblen, Balboa laland, at the beJm of hll ae..foot catamerut, PolynesJan Concept. 1allln1 aaaJnst a fhet that Included several Ol)'mpic medal wlanera apd world :bamplcma. Complete results of the unique regaua, in wblcb boata of all kinds aall a1almt each other on a hlndicap basis, can be low'4 in t.be July 1 ii· Loki Wins l?JeofYacbting. . Cook Lead Ovemight • • Loki, aalled by Joe Motn:tained ' Smith of the bolt club. waa the over.all and Bettr Cook, the only ClaH A wbuler Sunday WOIPaD drivu in open ln CaJUt,tmio ~Yacht elua ~powerboat Cl u &~1' Oeeanald • competttton. continued Ovendlbtrace,thethlrd her' lead 111 national of tbe current Ocean polatl "'1Nte a tecond R ada1 Serl•• for pla~ ftnla'h bl tile 192· PerfCll'IDance Handicap mile Laite Huron race. RaclaiJ'leit1acbt.1. Cook took over tbe TropbJwinn_..: ltadenb.lp for national OVER·ALL-1. Lokl; polnt1 in the rugged 2. Mimi, Tom Nebrbu, sport wtth ber win in the DPYC; 3. Wlndrunner, Buabmilla Grand Prix Paul Tlmoa, Capo BYC; here list March. She 11 a '· Funny Feelln, Pete realdent of Newport ll•ad•, capo BYC; 3. Beaeb. 11.,10 M~m, Jack Cookwuabletomaln-o.,, Coo BYC. tatn Mr Potnts lead by CLASS A -L Loki; z. llnllhfnl onb' as seconds K i m l ; 3 • M a I l c behind JOfJY Ippolito ln Muabroom; 4. Con-the Lake Hmon race. taaloua, Ken Kuhn. Capo Current point standings BYC. for the tlrst five drivers CLASS B -J 1. Win· In natJonal competition •runa.r; 2. Funny ar•: Cook, 1,147; IP· P'Mlla; 3. Torrey, Dave pollto. 1,0U· Joel Cooptr; 4. BoJantln, Halpern, SM: Preston Bt&4 WiUlama, Capo Henn, 838, and Rocky ave. Aoki, 7t7. We're celebrating our 92nd year of service to California savers with A festive Open House Party.' Ifs happening right now at alt Ametlcan Savings offices-and you're tnvtted! Mo e ollkea for added conveDlencef You'll find American Savings offices throughout northern and Southern CaUfomla. And rlght now we're celebrating Grand Openings for offices In Hemet, Sammento. and San Pedro. There's an American Savings near you. l'a riyl Tas·Defenecl Retirement Aceoantal An American Retirement Plan can reduce the amount of Income taxes you pay this year. Ask for detaUs on our IRA and KEOGH tax-deferred retirement plans wtlen you visit our Open House Party. Amerlcan'e'High·lnterat Accoaatel The Savtngs Speclallsts at American have a savln~ plan to meet your savings goals. Let us help you meet your great expectations. I I I I TDDAT'S CIDlllDID PVIZLI : ACROSS .... C..lck1l field UNITED Feature Syndicate 45 ~"'*-h Saturday P11ule 8ollr:'lftdrT'I: ~ 1 Germent e --·Ch1eo: S Am. region t 0 Continue In 1xl1t1nce 14 To p11e11 t & Oar: Prelh1 te Feminine Nlml 1 T Potntol dlaeu111on 19 S. YI"*\ e&plt1I •r•:2 ~ 410~ .. ld 51 Aetcued from Ioli 52 Camlv«oua """'""" 64NoMlna! 688"'olft ~ 69Jut et ,,, .cttool t 9 Prepoeltlon 62 011llldt 20 Thi -·-atrao Kida 13 AaJITa mee. 22 OMdld "Y • 84 Dllk-twown l!llfllbrane pigment t tardlnel forcefully 2-4 HUlllber °' ee Endlno w1tt1 numblf 38 Ain of ma· lndlvlduala off Ind pret t 0 limb: 2 j9sty 21 Klddlf M Buy on-wordl 38 Strained 2t Of flral 87 Crwh ti Ta pea try 39 Movie bed 30 :=1~11 forclbfy t 2 Hit hard 9uy1 euctlon er DOWN 13 =llNI 42 ~~. ·It~~ 1 Word on a 2t ~ '3Comip1or offlcen: rtcelpt ._... 48 Ego: Prwnx Abbr 2 Bulldlno 2S MoblemM 47 Abhor 32 lneect: 2 Neel• 21 8chool 48 Mindful worda 3 u.e. govt. book• 49 Cana,Ya ~1 fll\~t IOCY· 21 Bttt ralllfve dlcfllo,,. 4 welb 2t 1-fm • 50 w111 rnen of dnlr1to &3Tradl 31 Thi "Tl" .. ~ ecratch 55 ~Ult IUl!y 40~ 6~,,,:.,. 2tForbld ........... 68Klnt,tiu .. 41Celltt·2 tH9meoomtno aultlotlta •~7 "'" awllf worcti 1~ 33 Of the 191119 57 Study ~AQUltlc 7~" 34~ lllamftllf • • ·~Id 3$~ by Ferd and Tom Johnson SOMeWKA T ,Af(JN 'Tb , S'P!~P RSADIN<Q... jJ n GORDO l • , , t • • f by Roger Bradfield. by George Lemont .. IN 'T~T CA.$, GIMM~ .AU. Y~ ~e;NAID/ THE GIRLS • L RltdrlWI • 11 A...c~ ... I ~ Aerol 1.u, • Rel<~ .14' '' At11 MI .16 Reill I I.toll H Rel~Go S 2 t:cs~ l:I·· 1 Aellllpt UI.. 14 ~d ~2 AltpMtQ " i Altl!Stl ! ..... ,., A"'TH I.JO ' j Aetnl()l I .to I 4 IS A""co°'.AOU 271 ~·· ~ , .. Rwlell ' ,, ·~ RllU.."' 40 • 121 AU!Vd 144 1 JI Reyn1• l ll • • AltrlnPU~ 1 • "'rMfl 1. lu t3 ~"'"'· .• u ;t~· '. '~ Money's Worth ~N'T DIBCOVJft' COIDIOM E, skepttclsm ancl apert~ 11 a atraaw CJD tu telfPbone promtsea t.o doable~ IDCIDOJ lD MV.-.1 montbl, ai the obvious ques- Uon: "U lUl IO eaq to make IOamcti IDODIJ ao fut. Why 1s leUIDI me m on ttt•• ..;.J)aQ't. ma. u lml*b!.Dt bmltmeD1 declaloq cmr ,.--. -Allt qu'eetJOQa, be touah and pmlstlnt In dem~ amwen in WriUnl on eomP.auf letteihtad atgned by a com- pany Gfftca. CbeCk tbe ~ credentla11. That. doesn't proteetyou compi.teb', butati.tJt'1a1tarter . ..... BON OUAllD Pao• ..... bellm>ln1 •••lnst pru-tiif~ oompany DQle9 end references: tbe1 m11 be mealnlleA· ~ for d'1ml 'of banltlnt references~ con mm DIUallt have IOlld bank 48pcJslta (other people's money). -Mmlt.ftllibllit7 and~. How can you put money ln&o df•mondl ud optkim 1fUboat seeking at least 110111e fandammtal factl? =-Before bu.Ylnl dJamaadl, check wit.II local reputable elen. To ebeck oPttam. pbaae the CPTC'a toll·free Wu (BM3C ... ,. -Nner IJM!CU,late m lmpQ1le, Nevereonfme .. apecula· tJon" wWl 941DYeltm t." An IDY..tmebt carries a modest or mlnimal rilt and oft_. aome nturn and some deiree or. .eeurftly, IntMrem lD ~ta a major chance of Joss. Nevftc:mfine •CCII pmeWlillelt.blll'. • ~ E ..... . ...... ...... ······ ...... '·········· .:::: ~ .. ~ .. ~.~m ~·--99"J'····· .. ············· . w..•~ ...................... n .• '° ~di ........................ ''°""° += ....................... '1~.S1J i-~i:-~:.·.:·.·:.·:.·.:·.·::;·!~~ . ·= ................. i ,114,00 ' . • •••••• ,. ............ 2 ••t.m WUaTAMUOIO UW 'fOllaK Wt "; ······ ······ ······ !-1 ••• ::::::: 1.L ••••••••• '\-1 .-a 1AL•t OW to tJte transm1afon tocSaY.1 llsttng wan not ~rtnthe Dally Piiot. • ) • • .. , rl I Annual ~~I Rate 7.75% a.oe" 7.50% 7.79'1. 6.75% 6.50% 575,.-. 5.92" • • • i Uada ~81/:a ep Talk Helps LA Gain Split CINCINNATI (AP> -An old· habloned pep talk helped mana&er Tom Luorda keep his LOI Ancel• Dod&era •~ sames ahead ol the Cind.nnaU Reeb in tbe Natioaal Leacue'1 Western Dlvllioo. , .. , told them we were there I <rirat place> be<:a\.lse we were a Sood ball club," Laaorda said of bis talk with the reaulars prior to the second eame of Sunday's doublebqder with the Reds. "We bad bounced black before and I told them 1 believed. we could bounce back again." The Dodgers did bounce back, scortnc six nm.a in the fint in· nine and coastln1 to a 9-3 victory o.rvr .. •••• O..•llel 1 cd $130 which save them a split of their four-iame aeriea with th• Redl. The Reda won the opening game of the doubleheader 5-4 1 behind the hittin1 of first b•seman Dan Driessen. 1 ••n was an excltinc series, equal to any World Series," said 1 Lasorda alter Sunday's game, whicb attracted sellout crowds for the third stdigbt day to set a club record. The series saw the Dodgers de- f eat the Reds' pitching ace Tom Seaver in the opener, then lose a .pair o( one=run games before winning Sunday's niahtcap. "I felt like after we beat Seaver, we ml1ht be able to sweep all four, but they bounced back too," Lasorda said. .- The 1pllt kept the Reds from ainln1 any groun • tbe front·runnlng Dodgers cut by lour the number ob 1amea between the two team a. .. The season aln 't over ,. declared Reds mant1 t Sparky Anderson. "We've 1ot to play like crazy. They wol\'t come back to ua. We aot to win aeven of our last nine aealnst them and t~n pick up two other games somewhere else." Watson on Top The Reda weJ"e done in by a •amr.le of the Dodeera' newly- dlap ayed power in the second 1ame. Steve Garvey's two home runs eave the Dodgers a total of 91 ~ far this year, equal to their entire output last seuon. fflltPOAM• LOSANG•Lal CINCIHNA1'1 "'"... .., .... A t 2 0 ltoselt> 7 I 0 0 Loe>el ?ti RutMllH Smill\rt Cey)b G•l'WVlb ll•k•r II -•vet 'lle~rc P-•llP'I OMHC "'*'-"P ll~•k•"" o.w .. i,..p ~ .. G•t,.,,.,,p > 0 0 0 Grlfftyrf A I I 0 4 21 t Mor041"1b A 0 0 I s o i t C>l'itllsen Ill 3 2 J 2 4 0 I 0 0.ffotftrlf 4 0 I I • 0 I 0 hM" e o 0 0 • 0 0 t c;.,Ofti-CI I 0 0 0 3 ' t I Coftc-lell• J I I I 0 0 f 0 tforM910 3 0 0 0 o o o o eor-.no • o o o 2010 1000 0000 1000 0010 Toteh l1 4 U 4 LOI An4lfl• tol IOI 011-.. ClftCllWle41 >01 000 IOw-S e-v~. L09-t.os .,,..,_. •· CttKi-tt s. 78-Gttff;ty, Smltl\. C-y, "°"'· Hlt-YN9f'I' Ill, Otlt-111,Concl!PdOft co. se ....... ,Or ... wn 2. II' H It ••••IO ltflodtl 11.,10-0 6 A 4 l 4 S 0own1'1a I I I I I I GtrM.,, I I I t 0 0 HOt'M.,, IW,f.Jl 7 1 J J 2 2 llOl'llOn 2 4 I I I 0 S.v.-tlOl'l»fl ISi. WP-Noml•n. T 2 0 . HCONDOAM• LOSANOILIH CINCINNATI .. , 11111 •It , " .. L-•71> Runeltu Smith rl lul'lle rf • COylO G••vtv lb Molld•ycf H•ltll Oett1e ltkip 6 I J I It~• Jl) S 0 I 0 6 I I I Gtlll..., ti 7 0 0 0 S I 7 1 J. H•rtdet10nP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K,,19"1 Ill> I 0 0 0 l 1 O 0 Hoerner p o o o o S 2 1 3 B•lltv Pft I 0 0 0 3110 80l'clO"P 000U J02 1 Mo•o•112b JOO• S 1J2 G.Fo\1.,11 •110 S 0 \ 0 C-.pclonH • 1 1 I Orl4fffll lb A 0 I 0 ~o.tll'!'OCI <ft 1 J -Pluri'ler~ o o o ~u)l ooo 'Q~~g~P.•I':""" • 0 0 0 'Ii-"! IN'~ ti ) I l 0 Tot•" LO'l'A"Ofl• C111c;llW\tll oat 210 OCO-l a~ Cfll,.Gj\(1-U 2. L09~°' A"teleJ tt, C•rtd"""f''>.» 28-lt<nll'll, Smll•" O•ttt, """"-'°"' t; A""'llt'l•ltr. H•~•WV 7 1111.s•~JJ•.S,.~. t,. M It &It 88 SO . ,,,,, ".., •w.1-11 Mosk911 IL .. 11 AAurrev H•n$rton HMrn•r h • • • 2 0 a o o > o • 1 ' 0 , I 0 0 I 80tbon 7 3 1 2 I WP ltau T··7:l3.A-Sl,flS Tiro Slwts Did It, Says Open Victor OAK. BROOK, Ill. (AP> - The two key shots, said Tom Ylatsoo, came on the 14th and 17th holes. C "Yep, they dad it," s1.1d the ~estem Open winner who had clotln• 69 Sunda1 for a tiv~ nder-par 283. t W ataon took the lead for eepa on the Utb when be lanted a rune-Iron three feet om the pln and dropped the utt tor birdie three. f .. , ~t if I played e\'en tar COmin& lo after 13, I could yln." he added. "And that ntne- tton OQ 14 really set me up.'' n t hliD flve under par for a e-atroke lead at tho time over veru ehillenam. On tM 17S.yard 13tb, Wataoa aaeld the 1reen. But bi1 cblp )De(i the hole and he dropped fouM«it putt (or J>&r. "My puttlnt wasn't 1reat, en 1omewbat 1baltyb but l t • lat ot food i?OM... • •aid. be putt I made at 17 wu fortunate, maybe the luckiest of the year. "I booked my• drive and the ball went through the green Into the frtnie. "The ball had a slight cut and an c>fflclal said I could chante it," continued Watson. "I always use a putter from the fr· illae. I bad the pin taken out and went for the bole. The 16-- foot putt bit dead cent~ and plopped ln tor a birdie. If it hadn't ione in, I'd have been six feet past," The pUtt ,PUt Watson in com· mand with a two-1tr0ke edto. He threi-putted the 18th for a bOJ•Y, milafrij Crom· 12 feet. He won hit ~nd Weatem Open by one 1troke over Johnny Miller incl W&llJ Armatron1. ·~be :P\rtt didn't t'Dean a lot, but I didn't like to tftd ot1 a note Hkt tbat, • h• said. "I was thlnkJJla abloUt aomelhii11 elie at the time." Watton &mated $1,000 of bis 'jackpot to Ule Evans ScbOlan FOubdlltion. HltAJ CAUllOtl .. A ,....... . ..... H•tt•"a St I t .. .,._<' St t I ...... .. ,. ·-·-,. '. Wf'N ...... If s O t t CNtltltt J 1 t t l'«IOft di> 4 t a t • ltudt II S I • t A'-••dll t I I I lleNSHI 4 I\ t ~-rf s •to Gwf,.rodll • t t O "&rtl'O"' IO • 0 I t ......... I t t 0 D»-.tt ) t IO Si)IA!Wllt 4 I 2 t 9"1~rcf , • • • MllitiN<llt• • t • o Ma .... n JOt t AIUtotllfl to to ~MPoMrllt• 1 t It HVt'l'lll"l'I< J I t 0 ,.,....,< so Jo lt-lr.ror t too •kMM,,...C I 0 I 0 .-0.Jatll ... Dfl t 0 I I Totet' 0 J IS t Totob '2 4 12 J 0-.. oul _,, ... ,.., .... fUf'I KOf4ICI, TtaH 100 ttt OCO tlO-J C•lltor!Me 001 Olt ... 01-• I! -Mlllli111h, O.AltllONtr. 01"-c.lifwnl•t. LOB -Tnet "· C•lllOml• 10 re -9otld\. HA - Solell• •O, HMf"' lttl. SI -lt-y. l!ICllOOoV• rttt.5-H#rMI. '"' .. • ••••so F .Alu•!Dt IL, .. !I 10''> \I 4 J S 6 OevlM 0 I 0 0 0 0 ltott 1'., t I 2 1 0 0.Mlllltf' ~~ A I t I 4 H•tlNll IW, M) 1 J 0 0 t t WP-0.Alu-r. T-J·JI. T•JCAt CAlo.ll'OtUttA ffrll Mlf'llM "•"•"Jb ) 0 I 0 ••view If • I JI C11•1.-11trl1 ta t I 0 0 lt..,_y ft> 4 0 2 I -.,,lOutJCf • t 1 2 CNl.:lb • 0 1 0 WllllJI> O 0 0 0 ltudfll 0 0 0 0 t+of'tO..lf SOIO lt.TOl'rncl sooo W•tlllf'9IOll cf 1 0 0 0 llendarl • 0 0 0 J l!lll1dll 4 t 1 0 Gwr,.tedll 4 0 I 0 MHC>t\ or-0 0 0 0 Sotelt0 111 I 0 b O ........... rf J I 0 O AO.JIO .... lb I t t O H0F"9tO"' lb f 0 I 0 MUllllllUH J 1 0 0 A ..... erK 4 I S I Etd .. 1111,,...C It It Sundllero c • t o o Alitant 1111 t o t J 1tamll't111r O t o Ill H.,...,...,.yc 010 t • T04-1t JZ I I J Tot1t1 • 4 I 4 THH ~ 000 too JaO-J UlllOnlie 100 000 JOO-• I! -5uMlltrt. c>I' -Tun t. Celllomlo t. 1.06 ftltlU. Colll0t'Nt6. 28 -AIUt1l. Hit -a.'llOr '•l ..... ._, 1$1. 58 -W...-l"O!Otl, ...,...., S -~ ... ~ ... '"' M •••••so CHAii EVElfr DOES HER THING TO IMASM llLU! Jf!AN KJNG. 8tll" • .J I I t I Devin• IL.HI J S 3 ) I '1 t( "°"''• , 0 0 0 0 0 move into Wednesday's semiflJi.ala a&a.lnst Evert. Kine scored fewer points against Evert than Tracy Aust.in. the ti-year-old sensation who lost 6·1, e-1 to the ebamplon in the reViO\d round. vet play8d mmeculat.e ten· nia and blocked Kina'• etlorta to go M> the net for volloys. In the first five aames KJnt scored eight points, never more than two In one 1ame. She began the second set by winnine another service game, passing her opponent at the net for theOrsttlnte in the match. But Evert continued to drive deep into the back corners of the court encl nctlned the initiative. -Sli s,; ore · an e. Evert coo ly strode to victory with some of her best strokes in the final game, including a clever lob and scorching forehand cross-court pass . t< 8retl ( J ) J 1 .) 11.;rU•tt IW,).SI I'• J 0 I 0 t LOAO<lle I" t 0 0 0 1 'iAYe • UA.Xht .. I. H8P ~ by tc 8'.tt IHiffl· ""'"'"! b¥8r1t"IA..clll T -2:'4 A -S1.7 ... Joh Secure? .. Martin Joking NEW YORK (AP> -Just one wee.k qo, aft.er a blowup with _pvbUJ:tz super 1tar R IJI• • iJ C three con.secull • losses to the Red Sox in Bostoa. f Billy Martin had the rum# mongers out ln force •llYlna was 1oin1tobefired. Today, after a three-ca sweep of the same Red Sox Yankee Stadium, Marlirt'•c once again appears secure barring another brawl wt Jackson, the Yankees• $2 ' m11Uonsluuer. i Martin was able to Joke a his status Sunday after t Yankees swept the aeries pusblng acrOIS a run for a W vi tory alter the Red Sox bad scor three times to tle the score in top of the ninth Inning. "There are ru1hs and lows this game,'' Martin Hid. • thins is, you have to have OWDerf and people you work for .stick with you In the lows. When'Wfl lo1t thole three in Boston, tbe ~ Jy shock was that they were loinl to fire the manaaer.11 Boston10- in1 to fire manager Don Zimmer. now?'' any PubliShtd repor:tt I Mond-.y hid Martin btint by Y aokees owner George brenner, who flew to netrolt meet with bis manager, Jae and club p tdent Gabe Paul Steinbrenner may have had tha\ thought in mind. He also may have bttn talked out of lt by Paul and several playm •ho aupport- ed Marun. . . "I wish we cou1cl play tbo Red Sox more Often," Martin u.lcl after the two club& drew 1S1,48G fans for theweek~~es. "Jt.11 aood (or the rans. Why did th~ • cut the humt,ft~'M 11m11n cu t _,_;. .. ,.. solve myoWn,.-obJemi, bUttcan 1olve the commJe: loner;.-1 now .&i~:.-~!:...:.~.:.::..i~Q~.-.. I'll 1ell;.cSe:lt.ru.:t in the Dft1 U mlnut 'wb6n Geor1el'f'Stebi· · brenner®m In" I •• hou]d r lnJurl • but 11 reported in aUlfactory cooduton. Tom SaeYa, aecond in the Indy soo. on at Pocono JY· J11&ntore!'a, Hoit· Sizzle In London American Spikers Top West Germam. LONDON (AP> -Alberto ·Ju~a of Cuba and Mike Boit of Kenya, the two beat IOC).meter runners in the world, continued playing their game of cat and mouse u each won a divhlon ol the 800 meters Sunday at the Debenham Jubilee Games. Jn a bizarre scene. confusing most of the capacity crowd of 20,000 at the Crystal Palace, Boit won the first eecUon of the mo ln 1:45.68,' with Juantorena, the Olympic 400 and 800-meter champion. seated at the finish line watching the race. Then Juantorena, world record holder in the event with a clock ing of 1:'3.5, raced in a separate division of the race, coasting to victory in 1:45.50. One year ago al the Montreal Olympics, the two rivals were kept apart when Kenya Joined the Afncan nations boycotting the Games. This time, politics wasn't the reason they were kept apart. Boil arrived on Thursday and told meet officials that be was too tired to run in the 800. That news apparently prompted Juan· torena to race in the 400 Saturday ,_which he won impressively - in addition to Sunday's 800 meters. Bolt, apparenUy realizing that Juaatorena had run a hard fOCI rnetera. approached meet of· ficlala Sunc1a1 and asked if h~ eould switch from the mile to the 800. They happily agreed, but Juantorena then threatened to pull out of the 800 race. Boit then was returned to the mile field. but. Steven Ovett, a 2l·year--old Britlab Olympian. threatened to withdraw if Bolt was re-entered. Ovett beat Olympic champion and world record bolder John Walker of New Zealand Sunday in a fut mile race, in which nine runners broke four minutes. OveU's time wu 3: !14.69. Walker. troubled by a sore calf, faded in the final lap and finished fourth in ~:55:911 behind Wilson Waigwa of Kenya (3 : 55.15' and An Paunooen of F'anald 3: 55.65. Don Quarrie of Jamaica won the Jubilee 200 meters in 20.89. Alejandro Casanas, Cuba, and the llO·meter hurdle• In 13.54. followed by WiUio Davenport, In 13.11. OELSENKJRCHEN, Weat Germany <AP> -The United states llMll'I tract tum proved too Itron& f« the West.Germans. acortq a lJ.8.lOC victory in a dual track and field meet here. The U.S. men were led Sunday by Nell Pyke, who set an American record in the 10,000- meter walk with a tJme of 42 minutes, 22.6 aeconds. Pyke walked most of the race without being seriously cballqed u the crowd of 15,000 repeatedly cheered him on. It was the American men's 10th consecuUve dual meet vie· tory over the West Germans. The women's team lost 84-61 to the West Germana, their second de· feat in eight meets. West ' Germany won the meet on the baais of aggregate points, 188·177. * * * Ml!N 100 -1 ·s Wiii...,.., •u s •. 10 /1 1 Collin' U S I. JO IS l. W•'-Y IU S I :IO.IO,• tfl>l-l\lw Wot c;e........,1, 10., ) "H•"'"'°" •u S. I, 11 .. ; • •Mf:-CUl1ou911 IU S I, l1 11 I~ • I Sli>efl IVS ).);5' q 7 Wr\\lnQ- W (", ;,A:OOO; J l-rt'r IW C, I, A 00 A, A t<a"" ll S I, 1·00.1. 11!.K• WO 1,500 mt'i.rP \ ""'1 not d ....... , 10,000 -1 Ottllmenn IW c; I, 71 JS 1· ? VIII....-IWG).1'·100; l. 81010tCI •US. .. 3S7. llOHH I •o...n• IVS I, 17 ll ... l Gal<>< •u .,,_, n 11 J. h vlO< •v \ 1. n e•. • °"-" 1w.G.1.uer. London Meet ~ 700 M£TEltS IRece On•> I Outrru• IJ1m111cel, XI ... l. ENtrCI• IVs I, JO 1'. 1 Crewtonl ITrlnld.tdl. 10.'2; • Jenlo:IM (8'-lt••nl. 71 Of Ol-. ln<ludtel 6. C..relCI 8url 11.1• lllecr Two I -0.... IV 5.J. 21 It. Otl'tlln lncfud9cl"'. •· Al>r•"8 .... IP-1,U 14 900 •R~OMI -J11otnlMeno ICub1), l;•S.S; 7. Mclelft IV S.l, 1:46.1; J. H-CJ-teal, I 46.I ; 4. Wer..n llri..!11), 1:47.7; S.S. 1(1~ fl(fil'(I), 1'47.7; 6. Olall (Britain), 1·41'.t, lltec• T-1 t.M.Baltfl(_.),1:07;7 l -- <KMyal, 1 U.I; J 9el-.r CV 5.1. 1 4 .1; <I. l. J°""Mn l\J S. I. I ... t. MILi! -I. OWlll t•llef11I, 3 S4.1; 7, WMflWll 1Kff1Y81, J·SS.2; l P-.nonen lt<t11l.,•Cll. J:U.7 • W1lhf' ,..._ ZHl~I, l :J6.0; t . ICter,,. ltlrl· t1l11J,J S1 t;t.~11 IA'"l,.1111.J;M.3 S.-0 I ~ l•IUl11l, 1l 71.J. t Goow 11r1111M IJ JIU; J. SllN'l'Oltt llrl&elnl. u ,. , UOHH 1,ca.-t•C-l,U S4;2,0.-t IV L1, IJ11;l.~ IV.S.l. IJ.11; • Br~e '"'"'•ncl), 1i_11; S. l>rlce IBrlteln), U.ll POLeVAULT -1.llucl•r11111Pol&ncll, 11·-: 1. H-18"11•111), 11 .... , e. W-IV I I 17-: ,,..,..rc-1.~. DISCUS -I. Po.oelt rv s '· to:J.J; ' ---IV$ 11 .. ; J Hlll .... 18rltelnl. 1,,.1 JAYl!UN -1. JtrYI• CCulMll, 2'9 • 7. t<tr,..ncl9t'CUbtl,2 .... I; J.Otlley rBtlteln),241-3. WOMlllt too I u-.. rArllel,.I. ti 17; 7. Lyn<I> 1er1i.1n1, 11.Jt; l. Oii,,... rcuti.1, """Olfotn•n-cluw.I. S.90YL& IAuttrel .. l, 11 .... --I H41ftle¥ lllfl&eln), JI."· 1. 8'y .... l\J.S . ».it:l.'4111-•ll•l,U.fo(. , 1,600°Rl!L.AV ' unu.-SI-.. ~··. Wellece, McClll.....,., Y-1, l :M.J ; t W... Gefm.M'(,):~ 1•1C•LO WALIC -I ...,.. IU.S l, .,.au: 1. Sc.11l1Y ft.l.S.J,'1:4U; L Sc."1tfMt CW G ), 0: lU, 4.k..._.IW.O l,441IU. HIGH JUM,. -I, TrMl\llerl •w .0.1. , ..... ; 2. I ICUltnt 'W,O.l; IW,O.I, 1-1111: J. Jeue. IU.$.1, 1-116; 4. l'!M IV,$.1, M ... ~llVAVLT-t,...._ tU $..I, 11-IYt: 2."-t •us. 1, 11-; i . ~ iw.oS. 11.-.:" ~· IWG.>.tt-S. LOfCO JUMI' -1. \MIQll IV.$.), 16-1-.; ), c.entr IU.S.I, ...._; ), II~ IW.0 I, 2~:•.llerOltrtW.0.1,, ..... . SHOTPVT -I. Wel ... t IU,$.), 64-t\olo: 1 "•IC ....... IW.G.l, M-114/ I. SW!,,,.. 1w.o .1. .a.t, 4. ...,,..,_, IV U , .,..... HA~lt -1. ltlefWft tW.G \. UA-11 t.-.,. rw.0.1, u..11. J . ..,.,., rv.S.1, n..s • ._ ~ IU.S l,~S. JAVl!LIN -I West1"9 IW 0 I, UM; 7. Fwellllo IV.$.), 274·10; l. Woll--(W.G.I. , 1!0-10; 4.Hell IV.S.), ~5. WOMllN J00-1.Rlclllltr CWO.l,tt.77 2 ~ rv.s 1. u.n. J. H•erd 'Vs 1, 21.ll; •. Sc,...., ... iw.01.1u•. '·'°° -I. ·o. Vetter IU.S > ..... 1; 7 IC•-•W 0 l.4·10 J: 3.S<-1>1 IW.G.l,4·201,4.Br- •V.S.I, 4 13.J; J. Br-IU.S.I,.,,, 4;6 'web •V S I, 1'27.0, 1 • J. Sllte IVS I. I '1 S. 100 HURDLES -I LAICltn IW G I, 1J JI. 1 \< ... 1 ... 0 IW G I 13 .. J Smith 'V S I, ll 13 • Aypo IV S I, II IJ l,toO ltEL.AV -1 Vllll«I SleJ•• 10.°'leY, L•1 ter Tllomlto, J•lftl, 3 J2 t. 1 W~tl Gerrn..,y I J7 S DISCUS -1 Ma!\N!CV rw 0 I 18• ~ 7 Wilm• w G.l. 1114-t.. J WIN>IQler IU.S I "' ~ • o. •• ,... us l, 11().1 ~INAL TEAM SCOR.is MI N -Untied~ .. 111, w .. t Germ•n..r 11•. WOMl!N -W9'1 O.rmlM'y ... United s••~ •1. COMlllHEO wnto.rm."' 1111. vnn..iS••••• 11• • NOft'iiCC>rlhQ ~nHMtt Ex-NBA Boss Dead at 6 4 STAMFORD, Conn. -Walter Kennedy. who presided over the National Baaketball Asaocla· tion's growth tnto a major leaaue in the 1960s, died of cancer. Kennedy called himself "a man for my time" during his 12 years as commissioner of the major pro ba.sketball leaaue. "I'm reth1.nc because of my health and became I think tlUI fs a new era.'' Kennedy said in an interview about three months before be retired on June 1, JJ75. ''The day of the atroni eom- mi11ioner is over. The cotnmon draft and many other thlnJa l)asic to •ports are beln1 qu.es· tloned and perhaps ch ans ed." A spokesman for St. Joseph's Hospital said Kennedy was operated on one year ago f« a malignant melanoma of the back and for the put year wu receiv- tn1 lmmunotberapy treatments. Tw~ mootbs ago blood test.a re- vealed the cancer had spread to the liver. ajor League Standings 1977 MATADOR WAGON ........... .,,,. ,,..., ........ -..... A7Me'ni1t2271 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dlvltlon Bos too New York BalUrnore Cleveland Milwaukee Detroft Toronto W L 41 28 40 31 37 34 34 33 35 36 31 38 28 43 WmlDlftl Pct.GB .594 .563 2 .S21 5 .507 6 .493 7 .«9 10 .m 15 Minn_.. 40 31 .583 Cbicqo 38 31 .551 1 Anseta ~ n .515 3"" KanaatClty 38 N .514 3"" Tnu 33 35 .485 5'n Oakland 30 89 .435 9 Seattle 33 43 .434 9~ ......., .• o.. • .__,_,_, ~U.J li.l._.,.tt,O>icit90 1J Tor-2.1811,_.t Nlll-1.SNll .. . ,._v°'-'-~•· o.. ,.,..,.,.ic-... c11,u a.1•,..,_.•..,.,'h,.•U. ,,,.._,,, T....,..Ol_a l•ltlrn1A ll'lena,an J·ll el rltYfltlld 'lfO•,,,,f'f7JI,,. Nt1t V ... IOoM*\' S..U el,.,,.,... 1.lttffw_, .. ,, ... ._ .-,.,,.,,.~Altt ~W).n S..t\lt ,...,. .. 11 ec ~ ... llCf•..C UI," Mii ...... I~ Ml a Ml-...C• 1(,..ltJ , .,,,. ltll'ltU CUy , ....... r 1·11 el Celltel'l'lle 'S"--Ml,I\ 'T ,,.,.....,,....letQru...e'Alllitllltl .. llo,n NA'ftONAL LEAGUE Eut Dlvlaloa W L PtL 08 Chica10 45 22 .612 Pittsburgh 38 30 .~ 7~ Pblladelpbia 3T 31 .544 •~ St. Louil 37 32 .588 s Montreal 29 39 ~426 16"2 New Yortc 29 40 .420 17 West DIYlllGD Oed1en.. 47 2$ .w -· Ctnch'IJWi 37 32 .538 8¥1 San Fnndlco 33 40 .452 14~ Houston 31 42 .425 18\41 San Dlqo 31 44 .413 17~ Atlanta 27 .. .380 19"" " 5'1Mll\t'•O<t-• l'llltl>llrdt 7·3, Moftt,..•l •·t Clt1e'-1 t-3, Lei A'*l•t •·• .... .., ••. s.n~' Clll(eOO S, ~ Yor' ) ""fledtlllN•t1. SI LOUltO ~ ""nclKOl,~ .... ~ ' .......... ~-· (Ill<• ,..,,._.. 1•1 It,.....,., .. , IAl<•I• 7 SI, 5411' ,,,_11(0 l(urllt 1·71 •I (lnc;lftNll lfllll• l"CINm.JI, ""'.,.....,...'""""a.n••Newv.,11 ..-. .. il,f' l'ltf ...... '"-' a.11 -1 ~I l...it tl'tc-H I, ,. S1i11 oe_,. IOf'llllfl ).SI •t tto.l•I.., I~ ) ... , .. LO• Ai-.lft I-WI et .. lltllllt I ....i'I' l-J1, l'I winter to make aborts for the movies and play 1olf. He was a lix·b.andi:!:J.oller. a very clever left.. er," Sta.ta re- call a. "The Babe was a real sreat type ol player and be bad a terrltlc awtna with the bat. He was very relued aod had a :ol of power a.ad apeed. ·'He could wblp the bat · around with er.at speed and that's what made him such an .outstanding golfer ... How about thoee exhibition eames in Brooklyn against lhe Yankees. Ia there any one game that stands out? ·•we bad a game with them one Ume ..,here we were ahead by three or four runs ln the ninth inning. ·•All of a sudden, something happened and they were ahead. Ruth hit one out with two ln"1 on base. We juat couldn't beat them, even In sprlne tralnin$t." r baseball. Tiie DaUon•a new p pen beadllaed bla mes\ f coutract ol re- .,cel •. '°" th.re yHn ln lhel . 00•1 Statz r~c•ll tbo av r: 1alary of other players at th aameoer:tod? "The averu real good player was iellinl between $10,000 and $14,000 "But nobody bearud1ed Ruth the money ht was et- linf. He wu drawln( them ln · at the box office and he slart- ed a trend lo 1ei other salaries \lP there loo "In bis time, there wasn't anybody clOM to him." Two of Stati• most treasured keepsakes from the eame are a pair or baseballs autographed by Babe Ruth. "l mi&hl part with one of them for $2,500," be says without enthusiasm for such a deal. la there any comparison between Ruth and Aaron? "I feel they were quite dif- ferent in all respects. Aaron was rlabt·handt<l and Ruth was left-handed and it goes on from there. "No, there'll never be another Babe Ruth. He was not only a great ball player but a wonderful euy, personally." That's the confirmed op1· nion ofStau. a man wllo knew the Babe and played golf and baseball against him in his heyday. •• Bell~r Girl Unbeaten New Gymnastics Star Donna, who works out four hours a day, thinks there's something wron1 with the prac· tice of some countries, notably the Soviet Union and Romania. that subsidize the training of their world-class athletes, hold· ing them to strict regimens ··1 would oeve,r wapt to work knowlng I have to," 1he says. She mentiODB Olga Korbut, the Russian who won three cold medals and a silver In 1972 "Olga wanted to become an ac· tress and the &overnment would not let her. They said the Olym pies were coming up and that she had to compete.·· Uon'L boyfriends. parties and after-school basketball games lure Donna aw.ay from her own regimen ? "I really don't feel lhal I'm missing things," she says "J re· ally enJOY what l'm doing.·· "Be11ides I really don't like basketball or football or even baseball anyway . . . Football is boring. ll's just a lot of guys run ning up and down, tackling each other.'' Donna began competing alter the 1968 Olympic Games. In· spired partly by Cathy Rigby, the top American Olympian then and in 1972, and partly by a friend who'd Joined a local recreaUon iroup. She belongs to the Kips, a private rroup of about 40 gym nuts who compel• locally and regionally. Donna I.ravels often and .:oes each evening lo work out after school, so "I sometimes only see . my parents when 1 1et home and lb en we all go to sleep.•' Her parents go with her lo meets In California but often, u last wee.It. she travels as far away as New York with her team or Frank Bare. a former om· nast and executive director of the U.S. Gymm)SlJcs Federation. She recalls the first time she traveled by aJr to a competition. al age 11. when her teammates warned her she must wary of · gravity changes after takeoff. • · 1 was coloring with crayons . . . and when we took ore I held on to them so they wouldn't set away. Then J saw a stewardess walkmg by with Cokes and things so I let go of one of the crayons. Nothing was floating around. J looked up and my teammates were all laughing '• Donna made lhe Olympic trials last year but placed oaly 23rd, close to the bottom. "I was tern ble on the beam. My floor ex erclses were not too good and my bars really weren't either." But Bare says tbe already formidable performer should get better m the next three yean. Donna says her aoal is to make the Olympic team for the Moscow Games in 1980. Readers Bot Corner OL . OOD lalll:m"llS ... 0.. upMl Yitt.ori ,....Pwk .,. Olea.ria t>am• from far back to w1t\ th• llll.lGD Hollywood Oau -.1U» two nca euUer, J>terce rode lon1•hot Gaelic JD.as to vidar)' in the fourtb annual All· st. Jockey race. Fa...S Talae& Voua. • wtao bad won four of her live llfe-tlme alarla. rtnbhed third in the HoUywood Oaks, a 1 ~·mile raee for 3·year · oldnlllet. Glenarla. who carried 116 pounda including jockey Bill Shoemaker. was timed in l 48 4/S in acorlng a "•·length vie· tory. The winner paid Sl0.20. ~.«>and $3.20 One Sum flolahed second and relurned ~.40 and Jl.40. Ta\aei Vou1 paid $2.60 lo ahow Pierce won a $'1,SOO pro prize and the Alvaro Pin eda Memorial Trophy for his effort aboard Gaelic Kine. who won by five lengths. Other jockeys compel Int. in their order of llnlah, were Darrell M c H BC' e u e . Edd 1 I! Del ahouaaye, Sandy Hawley, Chris McCar ron. Anael Cordero, Fernando Toro . S hoemaker. Chuck Baltazar and St eve Cauthen BIUIR9 .403 BLOOMINGTON , Minn. -Mlnneaola's Rod Carew slammed lour hits Sunday and boosted his major leaaue·leadmK balHna averaee lo 403 The five time American League bat lin1 champion homered, doubled and sineled twice in five official at· bata. He drove In six runs and scored rive in the Twins· 19-12 victory over Chicaao. Rae!~ 1t'l11nn- MONTEREY Don Breidenbach, 27. o ( Oakland flashed lo a wt.re-to-wire victory in the second 11rn Sports Car Club of America Can·Am Cballen1e race Sunday at Laauna Seca Raceway. averaging 109.99 mllea an hour in bia Tropicana Lola before 18,000 fans. Breldenbac h 's triumph, hiS first in a naajor race. 1ained him the '5,800 winner'• share of the $30,000 prl•e money. Elliott Forbes Roblnaon ol La Cr~cen­ ta.. who pushed BreJden bacb bard ln the early lap1, encountered nieebanical problems wUb hh Lola and dropped back lo finish LN aeconda behlnd the ...... .... ., II ,our ball happen• &o b• 1n c.1ual wat.r 1n a ~nd trap, Yo" mu1t droP the bill to 1n ltH with· '" th• eonf1nH of th• haurd to HUP9 penalty. However, vou may drop out of the hanrd and Kc1p1 • one shot ~nalty. I 'uaa••t that any Mriou~ 10Cf•r spend '°m• time with a Aul• of Golf bootc, 9'ita1labl• for 25 cents from the Un1t•d States Golf Auocl11ion, 40 E 381h St , Nt• York. N. Y. ... ,, ,__ .,. CIF's Top Player Headed for OCC? The CIF 4-A baseball co-player of the year could play at Oraoee Coaat College next sea.son if h!s former rugh achool coach doesn't land a collere position. Tim Maner o( S¥ Goraonio Hieb <San Bernardino>. a left-banded pitcher who led hi.a team to the CIF 4·A cbampionablp, i• cuJTenUy playing for OCC's team ln the summer Metropolitan Lea1ue. He toued a four-hitter re. cently against UC Irv.toe. Bul b1a atatus f0r next year i. up in the air, ac· cording to Pirates coach lllke Mayne Form~ San Goreooio Hlah coach BUI Kernan. now an assistant al OCC, is one of the leadln1 can- dldatm for the head baseball post at El Camlno Colleee. says Mayne. "It Bill 1eta the Job, Tim will probably 10 to El Camino.'• Miner. who shared 4·A player of the year honora with St. Paul's Andy Rbtcon, had only a 5-8 record entering the CIF playorts as San Gorgonlo finished in a second place Ue in the Citrus Belt Lea1ue. But the 5·11, 165-pounder defeated St. Paul (1..0). Moore League champjon Loni Beach Wilson (2·l>, Sunset loo~ runnerup Edison (Huntington Beach> <5·2>. Lot11 Beach Millikan (3·2} and Lakewood (1·0 > ln the cbampionahip game. Miner fired a lwo-bltter in the linaJe. In the five playoff sames, Mtner did not allow an earned run tn :U% lnninp and recorded a season earned run avera1e of 0.56. Because be hit so well, Miner wu selected to the All·CfF team u a utility player. He balled .360 for the season <also play1n1 first bue) and hit .410 in tbe pla,yo!ta. E ven 1f Miner does not decide to alt.end Orange Coast. Mayne figureit to have a talented pltchtn& staff Bob Hudson <Ei.aenhower, Rialto), Bill Carroll (Founlmn Valley), Jamts Nelson (Bolsa Grande, Garden Grove) &Dd Cory Alder (Corona deJ Mar) are top freshmen expected to pitch (or the Pirates. And Handlome Roundtree, James Funderburk, Ron Cooper and Jerry Sanchez return from laal season's team. Deep Sea Fish Report Vll'TUIA -1t 41n014tn: SJ.• r0<1t < od, SS ....0 bin, '4 UllCO Mll. MA•INA OlL IU!Y -3'•"11i•" I '•'"'!Nin, .eos rock cod, 6 m...,._,..,, SANTA MONICA II aftQlert: Ill roO <OCI. t .-bast, a wlllte ,.., .,...,, J twllibut ..... • ltt -Ole": IJO merktr•I. )'9 rock cad, • MlltMlt, t <•lko """ MOlaOMY 1-..'al -,.~: ~roe:-coo. • ""° cact. cv1..-.1 -IS ... 01.,, tl 1tno cod. 1.cee -~ coci ,.,...... H -"''" • ll"f Ced, I u1mon.i.2-tc.._ UM SIMIC>t4 -IU~,, ....... ,oc1. t.U2nxlc0d ~AIAOISI COVI 161 •""'9n: .. I ron <Aid, M callee-· > ,.. .. _,.., '•"•'• ... bK• s.AN OllOO -tOS ~ten ltl ••!MK-. M ..._._., 17 Y1tllo..,1•H. IJ tl"O C'td. It -...c-. )ft Ullco , IOullcolMIS•, UOt•••Oor•I, •Hr0< .. <.Cid, tlh-4<.od. Nl-~T IA11'tl l:Uenoleft· I bafr,.<ucM! •• boMo . ., •••P bA,\, " MlndlNH,62'•1'\•0or•I. 1' roo <od J Ol\M NM, I linO COO. DANA WMA•fl -JOJ ano1.,. '°' ••lld Ntl, .c) llerr~IHlo, ,. bonltn. I "4111bUf, 00 nxlt cod 4,.. MA<ll•••'· 1 llft(l(M. •IOOMOO -II• .,.Olt't\ 7 •"II• -...... llJ UllCO .,. .. , I Mllbut, I~ INICIL-. _..,...,._._ -.0 _,.. .... 19"~ Ml"ICU,.l.3tHO(lt<OCI LON• 81ACM '°"""''• Wll.wll • 16J ......,..: "1 ullco twin. n ......, .,.,., >J ....,Ito. 1S Dafran11t• t yet~ .. 1 J ._,_ 1• rotll <net. IH .......... H . NAnO.ALLIAOUI a&TflNOI llts.,i Doti\) -P••-•r ~. ,lU; Trillo, CN • .J.tO, $Im""°"'· S4L •• m; ~lffoy. Cln, .m; Lu.tlftllll. Piii, .>M. aUNS Mtll .. ld. SO 60 Smll". l A,>'. O<lttey, Cln, )), MO<O<t" Ctn 12, aow,Cln.~ RUNS &Aneo IN . Garvey. LA, .. ; O.F•lw, Cln.•S. C.v LA,.0 8uo0 roug"'· All,•: Wlnlleld, ~. S6 HI T!I "••hr. Poll, •7 Gritt•v (1n •• Wini It Id. 50, '3 Gd••~•. LA ~. Tmplt1on. 54L, • DOU8LE'S Ito\•, C•n 7l Crom•ti., Mt!. 11 ltl'llr SI SIL n P•O•r. f'Qll, IO, lW•~I<•. Pill, ,. TltlPll!S Ao..-.. SO, o w.n ••••n. SO •· c...,,,.,,11•. Mu t B•oc• \ll, ) ,,.,,.....,,, SIL. S Tmotef&n. \ll, t W•I-. Hiit. I G••<"''°'· !10 t 140Mt ltU~ -tlur•-" All )O· Gl'o•ll<. C1n. 10 !o<hmldl, PN, )0, r,•,YeY. LA. ti ~"• Ctf\, ,., Ctv. l A,1'!-iel<I $0,14 noLtN 8ASES , ...... ,..., n C."-41, Hin. U, ~. Hin, 11 G•k-. M> 14 -...0, ,...., 7J Mo•HftC .... tt PITCHING '1 Oe<IO•-• 11.., l 11, 1· I, .17S. 4 1 I ltl9V1Chol Ctv 10.J, Ill. 1.AO, C#dlrl•. "II" .• 7 too, J Of; o.......,, SIL, 1·1 .711, l •I 1 u· a111at1a,,., '"' .. ,. n1 • l• "'°'""'"'·Cl,. ... , n1 l 1•. OSullan LA.t J •. n1. 111 STRIKIOUT!> -PN• ... rt> All, '°' A ... ,.. Mii. 101; KOO\m.,., HY,&•, H•llOI SI' It alclwrd, Hin I Soccer Standings A-IC-So<cor L.oHM W•IOntOlvl•I• W L T 01' GA ·~ ~I• ( t ... v.1,nd ') • ' ,,. ,,. ,,. A\ N•w Yon ~ ' I 11 • I) .. N•w( .... And4 A 9 14 7'I It. le ~ ... J•ri.y 4 4 I l) 1 \ I I ,, ConntrtH"u• J ~ 1 " 10 1 JI w .. terft Oht~t.•M ~C<A,,....,I" 6 I 4 II 17 I/ \\ LotA-1'" ) 2 l 11 11 I\ '4 .. f'tl•R.-rbr 4 A 4 t\ 11 11 " (•ltlo""• 1 t 1 •• 11 I• >t ~,.,.,..k .... N~ M-ft,_ -.Cfwd --0 ~Y'tMak""• N q ''"tlehet "'-dl/ieO .,....,..._ .... No mMcltM """"'" MW1tl~tec,oru ..... ATLANTtCCONnll•M« ........ Ol'ml .. W L Ofl •A &fl fl"• ~n~, • • n u n " •-""' • • n ,, 11 v CIW<.fft 6 IO IO 1' 11 Sl r ... onco t tt " 11 11 ,. C-llall f ft 11 Jl6 U 7• • ........ Dl\11 ..... c-"' • )I 2' ,, 100 l't. ~Ill ... 10 ' ,, 1/ 1l 11 Ta"'• e.y I J 11 '11 7' I• WMt\1n41i001 • a IS It IS ~I flACl,.CCCOtl~•••NCI ~,,. ....... LO. Aft911• IO • 14 10 J1 •• O.llat tO • JS 7S :12 91 M•,, .. 1 t 10 11 JI 16 N l aa VevM t T 1' 11 ,, 11 '"" ~ a 1 n ts n .. -•-Dtwttl .. NOW. .. u IO • ,. 1• 71 I' .., ... ~ • • 1• '° u 11 itMlle t I JI " '1 to flortiaM 1 1 u n n •S ......... lio\allc. .... ~ICU!,, "8clwJl~1 St.~--~' C.-S.lM ......... 7 ,....,..,,...._ '-" Wllll at w""""""" T •lllOit ..., .. IMJoM ~·--­No m.it-otNduled "'"'· 7 -.. ---. a ..... """ 111 _,., tjtredl:-9.1....- "'" NDllO «Dall a. \.t ..... l -Sblarta Nab Tenni• Crown IU ...... W. tall<it ..... 1,IOI M•Cllo,.I. • MhM, t Ulld .._._ .. , rocll c.,., c~ O' c.tn -IJJ Hlqltfl •11w11tt."lw11<••u.,.. •O<~CM.l~as.-..... MAl.leU "II -W ~: 2 .... llCNI, 11 UI .. Mtl, I •Ill .. M• .. ,,,"°,..°" II.AL elAOt-, .. •11tltft M rod U-. ... .....,...._.Ql~olHI,... 4') "'actitm...,.,. -'" ......... : 100 -"" • ...__ i.sa..,. i.anwt. a ,,.~, ...... N>U ftlll .. Oll -U __,: Wayne Tmnia Club Sun· day. The Stuarts had tu.med back Kathy and Wayne Bryan, 6-2, 7 .5 to reach the flull. In th other mornln1 Hmiftnals, the WWeuouated Hu.ch and Penny Stewart. 1-s. M . •••ren'• a.a,. Shirley Catla.aban re· cenUy c ptured the Mesa Verde Country Club women'a 1olr champi.onshi p. Alamitos Entries -T--~t"ll'wot1:4t l'lllST llACI l.IO yer~ 1 '"' old•. Cl..,..lt\CI l'or m•ld<o1t•, Ptlr .. UIOt Clalml<IQ Prlc• MSOO Cheta Out 10¥1•.,. I S-dy Twi911y ICtHQf"• I aero.Go rwero• Mtlll«l•lrw •~by 1 Oomlnquu I S.1 Your W•ll .. 'H••I' Go!oup-IAdAln MlnlOl.t~" 11>.,.,Qh t R"""• aA,,., '0-.lomt>ot 1 Puf'\tor\twqpt~ l ,,.....,, 1 SI! COHO 11 ACf "lO VMd\ J •• ,.. Otd\ Ct .. Mlnt ,.,,,,.-\110U (lft•tnU"Q Prltt'UOOO f 1"I -' c,.aint fl IJ)nf'tm luOy It-rt M11<lwll C~IMafieftd flrP•"ufr) Ct-• CH Crh.t.A •(4t>rn.11• 1 ~''"" ~-·! ..... ,, Un<ffc.VtM.:I tMy1,.~ 8oci,,nd to Me-lftron•' • n11 ao IAC• MlO vt•d• ) v••' Old• A up Cl•""'""1 P\.if\.4' ... ».» Ct••mtf\Q Prur ''' \00 Geor .. ·1 Boy fTr••\ute I J•I C•P1••1' 'Oalombll 1 C.O Gr•q 11,_,. •WA•O p--·~•) /'A•. Ellebo l14tor1 Oel N .. 11., •I lph.om C•ll ,..t llUlld't 'H•rl ~OUltTM llACI l!O v>rd\ 1v••• e1G mat<»"" C•••"""9 Pur.,. \) •OO Cl•IMll\Q Prke '6W 0.MOft 0... IOorl'IM""' I °"'"".,. •P"'ll"' I _."' R°''"°" 'AtMir 81°"""t II ... IC&<O<>tA I 111 ... wrut,.•llronh1 Ml•• T•P9Y T•mmv < t •.-o-• t (411m•ll!Wlo lt-<•tll ,,.t\ Cotn'"'""° ,-.,..,., , hi• Go Jet •Miit '" 111 f IGMTN llAC• JW 'Y"'d\ 1,,.., Old' ClalmlflO, l'utW C"OCI CU1l"'llWI Ptl<elJJGO. A•HU\lloll 9eacll lllfool<\I .. .,, • ....,..IC.Ill A·lll~t1>11emiw-.. •c .. r<1o1a1 ZtltKlletor •Trvw,..1 llOnely 8uo ......... , Anffll"'° 'Lll!N"'I Al•lltrem tM~IHI , ... ,,.. ... o 'Dl' ...... IMll ()tym-Moon IACS..fl $NKlll ... IC..ile IHerll A·OIO &ucf\ lr.,Md..-trr. ... "' NINTM ·~· -'«I r••4' ~I'"' .ift. Cllllftlfl9, l"llrM ..,._ C\alMl'"I UIKITMU. ........... ._ t.ct.1 .... \MMeMn) -. .... .. PrkoUJOO. S.tl~HtfollCftloH I The WI,.,,. of Id IC...11 HHrl-ICld ITr .. turtl s-mt.t •INlli•> 81-ofTI..,,. •Adlllrl 117 in 111 L""9 8MO'....., • • (llr-.dol ... at '" ., Star COl'll..-W •Ci..-tn• I C••"'• .... 1ow.a 1 s11 .. ort5l ..... '"*"-' Gr.ad\' Do I Dlt'lll1'ouer I "'p1¥ot si.-,,...,,, '" 117 II/ 111 171 UI The 14·year veleran of NBA play , Nate Thurmond, aaya pro buketball centers of to- day run faater and more often than a decade .,o. The First Annual Capistrano Racquet Club Senior Tennis Tournament Hottedl>Y Dave and Jeannette Well" Area Golf '30.00 OFF COl, ... ,. .... AlnOs. •145.00 OFf WALTM9 ""JI ,..""'° .. . ·$7,000 .. for onlY $135.07 a month. Whether you need $3,500 or $10,000 get it from the people who lend mllllons Commerdol Credit Monthly payment bdsed on a $7 ,000 HomeOwner loan, for 84 months, at an annual percentage rate of 15%.. Total payment 11,345.88 . NO POINTS. NO PREPAYMENT PENAL1Y. We flnd ways to help. COMMER(:IAL CRfDIT _ CQR_PO"ATION e Homeouw Lomw u ... ,.. ._, el SS.000..,. --lw ~ tv. m llll-o1....i end~,.....,_, Coatll Mesa • 370 E. 17t.h Street Oran-• 1111 T.-n a Count.ry Rd. •-Sui'4 2& • MS-1'700 • 541-6811 IVW I . e:oo I!( (J}) .... ( ... . ,,.. ... f)te • ( (l))lltlll ac...a. •hmWat,..., Cl)MaS.tll&Jtet1 ma..c-t11 l rw WOIW Misslen T tlelllelt A f1~e hour lelelho11 to ral$e money IOI a Ytulh Ministry in Cosh Rica. 111 orpban111 1n Ntearaa111 hanaehs,,. Ill MUICO ind ,,,,,, work In •• • Cu.111m1t1 . m Eltdrit c-,,ft, OJ Dr11111bc Sines e Malifl& II Cellnl -7:30- IQl'IC S'9drl '1111 Dlwrtt Us Pitt" Aft taplot1ho• of lht rtl1 •P efld 1ttttudes ol 11am11e I01t •~d alttt drvoice Kelly ll111e llosl and ruuls include 2sa lsa abor. M1thael O'Harra (d•~orce allornty) Steve Allen & Jeyne llludpws. Alie alld Ciscll Jollruon, DI JOycc Biothet1. 8 LM Aller1ul Style m ni.o..c.-. U let's Illa.kt A Dul t llMlt TUI Tine G TIM .loHr's WtW j 0 Pritt b Ricllt • lnitdlt4 f01J CE> C.... Siltaltl MUtt e 0re11111ic Seti. 1Ul m Wild WotW of Mlllab ~ Cll.1111111 ZI TtnlPt . (2t) (. ) •ac1y llMIU fn111ds ol Man ()t) Lian Clllll m Coe~l111 With A Cutl11111lll fllWOf 8:00 b ( l1> CJ)) Tiit .ltfftn1111 ( R) foin SIYU Gto111's hit bvt Gto111'1 CJ•htudt tu1111 SOUf whtn II muna btint 1n Tom's debt lorner. D @ Cl) Cl> 01 Ulllt HtU1t 111 ltlt '1alrit "Ille Himltra~ (R) (90) Bull Iva SlllSIS IS • lll•d 1111~ fltlo tS Ille OlllJ ptrson 111 1 remote aru able 10 htlp Pa lnplls •htft llt iS 1111Ulfd •1111nc' hun1t111 t11P with L11111. ..... : (211B) ''Ill lM & W1t" ~· ~IG.,_.. lllt -'d. '-nt.s fac!Ht f';t IOOllt ad "*· . ...._.., 9100 • (J.D CJ)) (I)...... (R) M.Mlde mia Wal!M afttt lbs svlClde atlfl!IPI, •rid lunis of COlll~llOllS 11111 ""' cltlay ~cs relurn home. 111 the conclusion ti a 3 part tPISOde • • ..,. Cfltfit s-. • Drllllftlt Seit. m TIM hllilefs bdy G1enco11 •s dvma ot pneumonia. In fl4r ll&t moments !.lie is an1loU$ l0t lier ~h1ld1en to have Ille one thine she was deprwed ol-lreedom ol choice 1n mamaae. Condusion of !>tiles ell Da.W s...1114 .. -9:30-u ( Ui ~) (tj All'1 f111 (R) Charity 1ives Richard the shock ot his hie w~.en she announc~ ~e 1u~ aot mamed, but wants their relation sh•p to conhnue CJ ui t) m 111 111c MH••r Me.It: lCJ (W) "Tlfl'ICeS" (ch) Tl lkitd Bochner. Juhe Newmar, Brit Gerber, Krt MtDonou&ll, Eha Gmen. Timothy Thomenon. James Plupps .line lhilo. l•lrflf freeman A look al thf h1111n dra111as alld comedies alfect1n1 some ol Ille rrndents who share ad101n1n1 lermes 1~ a h•fh rise ap.Jrtment tulld1n& 10:00 U C31J (I.) Cl) Souy & Cher Sllow (R) Sonny and Cher and ttle entire CHI pay tribute lo erut h!Slorical lovtrs with iiuests e.111 White [d MtMilllan 1nd The Srtvers e1 Wi14 Wild Wat ........ m Tiit Aat o4 U11etrtll11b "Lenin aild the Great Unt1u1na" ham1n1· uon ol Ille breakup Of the old polil1 cal ordtr In RuUlln dUlin& World War t which bfoucht about the first e1p111eoc1 wllll a ~clahsl •lternahvt 111 Soviet Riw1a CDll littl....._ -10:30-m CD lltwa 11:00 ••w ... D~()) Gllftt D ( ())) lM Amtria11 Style (IJ M Tlltt Clitttn DMl&LIM • lllrJ ICaftmH, MlfJ Kana. (()7) ())) Tiie blldl s... fDllacl...,, ID OrlUlc Series • ltachlllNrtr ••.-n -11:30- • (Jl) (J)) (I) CIS l.Jte ._: ~ "S1111•trtltM" (dr.a) ·5~­ Klehari111 Htpbiim, ROS$lll0 Siam, Isa Mil1nd1, Oarren MeGm11 . CJ @(I)!'-._,.., c... (I) 911..ta: C..at kard" (ldv) ·J9-R1ftd0tph Scott. R1tph Bellamy 8 (}§) (~ (V) Slrttb of SH Fr111dattw CD Mtt1t111n Qtilllt 100 a• fm C,ptiol!H UC lffllitlc lltw1 ID CiM1111 34 12:00 0 T""'Pt ZOM D MHit : (C) "Tht Tty Ti111" i ) '56-Jelf Chandl11. Laraine . c.~ Ja11uen t..st hi Spece -12:30- UCelle AnY CD Motrie: "f111UU" (hOr) '63- Rlchard C'.ollle. Lynn B1n 1:00 D lll (I) TtlMfTR . -3:05- 1) MciM: ~ "WJf IJrlllil" (•IS) ~7-Lu 81rltr, Jo"1 Taylor, Btn Johnso.. o.& ilOViiS STA& of "Yatb r ""Marcu Welby, 111.D." tn01~ that date back to 111131 i1 wor~a OD proJ cu that will atretch four to five )'tart Jnto tho f\lture. This d plto t fact that be and Bet1y Youna. hit wife for 4-4 yean, have a •P nkin• new house at Westlake VJllaee. a planned commuuity 30 minutes northwest of HollywoOd. They alto have a home at Rancho Santa Fe near San Die10 and could apend their years in quiet enjoyment ot thet.r six arandcbildren. Jnatead, Bob Young intends to re· main active. "After all," he re· marked with a wr~ arin. "I didn't re. ally arow up untll I was 59." Until that time, he considers that he was "childishly scared by every· thing." The result w._s a bo with alcoholism that is now behind him. Until recently, he endured aholher handicap: Gradual loss of sight because or eye cataracts. After two separate operations, the last one in December, his sight has been restored by arUticlal leMes. YOUNG FIRST REALIZED his sight problem 19 years aeo. "I bad been fiyin& my own plane for 11 years and never needed glas1es," he said. ''J could virtually see a fiy on a billboard 20 miles away. Then one day I landed a foot off the runway. An accident, I thought. The next time I landed three feet off the runway, and it was aeood, hard jar. "I made a flilht to San Diego one day, and when'I got back I realized the run had aone out of fiying. I had made too many radio C\llls, scanned the boriton too many times. I said to myaelf. 'You've had a good time fly. inc; don't press your luck.' I went home and called the manager at the airport. 'Put a "for sale" sign on my plane,' I told him." AN EXAMINATION revealed that he bad the beginnings of cataracts, an affiiction that blinded his rather, The loss of sight over the yeart1 was so gradual that the actor hardly noticed it -"It was Uko looking at the world Utroush a dlrty window.•' Hia vision ~ame ao poor lhat he couldn't recogrtbc a friend across a • 'JUST GROWING UP' AdOr Robert Young room. How, then, could he mana1e to stat In an hour-long TV series for seven years? "l suets I just followed Spencer Tracy's advice: 'Learn your llnea and don't bump into the furniture ''' HE SOUGHT MANY opinion!> on the worth of the lens implant operation and found ''it was like a hune jury, neither side was convincing." Finully a doctor friend adv~ed htm to take a risk. Now Young has 20-20 vision at 30 feet, needs glasses only to give a little boost tor distance and reading. Wu be surprised when "Marc us Welby" was canceled? "Not really. I had half.expected a cancellation. The ratings were not down the tube in the seventh year, but they were sagging. Thal tells you that you might get canceled before the network tells you • • C CJ 4. PEELS LIKE TH For <AU C) • S.WCll.L!!-K ~ea (UDll.SAltbU) l .DR.EAKS -Fl..C Mae<W Btoi.> T. LONELY BOY-Andre•Gol4 (A.111 ID) 8. DA DOO RON RON· -Sha.um C dJ <Warn r.Qa.rb) t . ANGEL IN YOUR ARMS -Hot (BJl'l'rM> 10. JET AIRLINER -Steve Mlller Band (Capitol> TOP ALBUMS 1. FLEETWOOD MAC -Rumora <Warner Bros.) 2. SJ'EVE IDLLER BAND -BoOk ol Dreama <Capitol> 3. COYMODORE.5 -(Motown) 4. BARRY MANILOW -live (Arista> s. PETER FRAMPTON-I'm In You <A&N> EASY USTENING • 1. IT'S SAD TO BELONG -England Dan & John Ford Coley <Big Tree) 2. MY HEART BELONGS TO ME -Barbra Streisand (Columbia) 3. LOOKS LIKE WE MADE IT -Barry Manilow (Arista) 4. ALL YOU GET FROM LOVE IS A LOVE SONG-Carpenters <A&M> 5. MARGARITAVILLE <ABC) Jimmy Buffet • J . ~ JI 1 C&ttet. JobA 1. Owakl ,ord, Heor7 ·Sllttli!!r, Evel KAI nl, O, J. !hrlrc,,mo .... and Eltnn John T WN ' m• ot that town spelled ClM~--... . boypn'?" -"' b, rt•1 Sb nan, Wia • and Cb an, Leh. MGte UW f«mer Vlco Praid.ent Nellon Jl«tddk>r a. qucQd u aaymi: "I've joined Pohllc1 Anonymous. ll lleJpl )'OU break the habit. Aay ttme you want to run for public office, you eaU a certain number and Panoe Foxe comes over aod po.sh• you into the Tidal Buln." Dtd I say Oklahoma City waa the only atale capital beartni the same y " name as bolb the COW\ly and the state lt'is In? Not quite right. The of· , Odil nameot Rhode Island is "Rhode Island 'and the Prpvidence Plantations" with its ~ ~apltal ot Providence in Providence County. ·~ WHAT HE MISSF.S • Amon& thoae things that may be missing • from your Ille, which do you mlsa most? ;•-Never mind, too personal. Merely pose the ,:tbetorical query to introduce the stran1e case • (lot pubib~t Henry Luce. You'd think a man ~Ith that klnd of clout wouldn't have missed anJthfnJ. But he wu born in China where hit parenu were temporary residents. So he lacked a home town. He said, "I 'd eive anythinl to be able to reply to the question "Where do you come from?' with a slmpl~ 'Casual comment like. 'Oskaloosa, Iowa.'" ~ ... IC every material thing ol dollar value in 1hl1 country were owned In equal part by each f118n, woman and child here, every one of UA would have a.sseu of $28,611 . SHERRI ANO MICKEY IPtLLAN! "I nNALLY TOLD MICKEY everything," Sherri said. •·1 looked him in the eye one day and blurted out. 'My life story would make a belter book than iiny you've ever written!'" And then the whole sordid 11tory spilled out. The dru1s. the at· tempted 11uicldes durinl their many separations, going to bed with some or the 1uperslars of Hollywood and two nervous breakdown•. "Sherri tried to take her 11te three Umes," Mickey told us from hi• hidea•ay cottaae on ld.Ytr· tie Beach, S.C. "Twice with ctruc overdoees. And once when she cut her wrist and almoet bled to de· ath. Then ahe came to me one day and aaid 1f 1 would listen she would tell me everytblnf. Al· terwards. we dec14ed we would put lt all down and write a book about ll -co-bylined by the two ol ua. "NOW," SAID SPILLANE (and yw coul<S Se>1'tt~£R ~ .,._ROY SCllllDER Ml ,'It() C.Kf"4fM· fllANCl'i<.O MllAI ·A~1100ll H~\40" RltNI ,., l'•••-lll·U""•rwlktlH•• "'" .. "'"•"Im• .... ....,... ., .... Doo't give up the ship! .. List" it in clusified. Ship to shore fetulta! 642-5478.. PUBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE • • P\JBUC NOTICE IUl'llllO'tCOUltT 011' T"I ITAT•°'CAl.IP04'NIA 11'011 TN a COUNTY Ol'CHtANOI .... ,,..,.. •HORSES ,... •kEHM!L$ •STORAGE . ' •OR 11 . A huge 82.S " 336 A·1 lot w/3 br, 2 ba home In up· • per bay county area. $911.SOO Ml.'7211 for d~lsil /Jn NIGfl 111\IL[ Y ll. 11SSUUllTLS IW!CHllt HOME!· MEARTHI! IEACH! ElCeC:utlve nelfhborhood, 2 story. 3 bdrm, de· coratora dream. Just minutes from the beuh., Seclude d paren.t:a reLreut, 2nd fireplace tn ramlly room. A ho~ that will reflect your status. Don't miss out, CAii now for more 4e· wue. Call 842·2535 By MARY GANZ LOS ALTOS (AP> -Angela Horine spent Mother'• Day tb.l.a year 1nlppln1 tiny samples ol fabric from her children'• rilghtiowns, wrappin1 the c~p· pines in copper wire and burnln1 them. Every lime she saw a spurt of green flame, she knew tbla nightie or that sleeper abe'd been putting on her 1 ~-year-old dau1bter probably contained the chemical Tris, suspected of caus· iD1cancer. "It breaks my heart because I remember the baby, bow sweet she looked In those paJ-.mN, aftd now we find out they have Tris In them," she says. "TJtei have known it would proba•lt cause cancer for at least t~o years now . U they'd done somethin1 then, my baby co~d have avoided all that exposu . •• Mn. Horine and a elghbor, Catherine Clement, h~e mount· ed a crusade to info parents about the dan1er of the chemical, banned in April by the federal Consumer Product Safe· ty Commission as a name retar· dant in chlldfen's clothin1. Mrs. Horine, 35, bas written articles for local newspapers and for newsletten put out by her husband's electronics compuy and her 14.year-old'1 Junior hltb school. A friend po1ted the warn· 1011 lo her pediatrician's ex· amlning rooms. Mrs. Horlne'a campai1n bas enjoyed some modest succeu. She says she convinced one ells· bellevin1 executive of a children's Clothing company to test all bisson's pajamas. She bas received enoouraatn1 letters from aovernment of· flclals, and friends call her lo check out new sleepwear purchases for their own c~dren. upgopi.g A&E very mlaln· formed about the daneen of Trll," aay1 Mn. Horine. "Some people Hf, •ob, ever)'~ causes c~. l"m not tolnl to bother to ao Urit11b ill Ill)' kids' pajamas.' ••But I think if ,you're nOt upeet, you really don't '"owtheftcta." How real ll the dadtdl't Since cancer experimenta eannOt be performed on butnaha, nObody, knows for sure. But tesU by the National Cancer Institute showed Tris to be a potent carcinogen in rats and mice, and other experimenll have shown that Tris ru~bed off from clothln& can be readily -1>sorbed into tmr1ktn. Dr.· ~les, a Unlvenlty of OaUtomia b hemllt wbc»e teats f,irJt a !1'ris as 1 pot.en· tial card.n'OPn two yean aio, has eltlaitted J1,000 of every ll)Ulioo dilldr.~wh9 wore Tris treated pa.Am 1rillht develop kldney tumo~ y the tlnle they rea(.'h thetr•, Other •cleot~t'I estimate a lo'Ner human ~k factor -300 k!dne)' cancen per mlWon male children by oe6;atud1, e,ooe> per mllllon in anoth • Ill these studl , the risk factor for younc &irl• """ eetltlltted to be aboutooetJ.IUt thallor b!ya. APTER 1111. whe~ nam· mabilib' 1tandatds went lnto ef· feet tor chUdrtn'• ni1htwear, Tris wa. Ultd • a name retar- dant 1n all.:~ t.riac.etate and moat 100 per""' polyester pa· JarDP up to slit 6. In 1975, the atanclardl were extended to COV· er1l&e17·14. Mrs. Horine, who had saved nlgbt1owns from each of her five dau1hten for puainl alona to the Q!xt,. ~ouldo't remember wbat lbe'd pUrchaaed when. So 1be and a cl'lemllt friend de- veloPid a simple lelt: Wrap a tiny loippet of fabric fn copper or br.,a Wire and bold it In a steady flame ID a wtll·Yetrt.tJated room. If 'the name bur'Qed 1reen, Mn. Horine 18)'1, 1he lmnr the fabric contaioed Obt ol ••veral • • • . • \ • • A Testing fabric for Tris are Catherine Clement . (left) with Alisa Horine (center). Others are Laura and Suzanne Horine, Angela Clement,. Jennifer, Sarah and Angela Horine (left to right). chemlcala, the most likely being Trb. · If •be •aw the IJ'een name, she put the 1annent aside and wrote to the manufacturer to be sure. When she finished wlth the sleepwear, she started on the beddla&. She found Tris in b1ankets, pillows, comforten and one of her daughter•• sleep- lne ~ •• ''Then I thought J WU done and I tucked my I-year-old.in bed that nltbt and tboUgbt. 'Here YC>U are ln your T~·free pajamas and your Tril·free bed and you're safe.•·~ • That waa before she tested Rot~. '1te ancient stuffed ll.raffe •b• tuctecl into bid with S.year-old .Jenalf• every night. The flame bu.med bri&ht areen. J. i f • SO IT WAS BACIC to the torch lncluded were toy sewin1r kits, . mission in an effort to force 1 ban with all the doll clothes, doll• and hom~ lnaulation materials, auto on all clothing and fabric treated stuffed an{mals accumulated upboi.t.y fabric, Chrlstmu de-with the chemical. over 14 years by five girls. Mrs. coraUoos and polyester thread The EDF also bu uted the Horine got a poslUve test in ball uHd bftbeaarmentlnduatry. eomm~toordercancerteats tbedolla' hair or clothes. Mn. Horine and Mrs. Clement on other chemicals -IOllDe ol "The tbUag that scares me ls were not convtnced by tbe com· them chemically similar to Tria that it bas not been banped in mtulal'• recommendation that _ .. _.-... 81 flame __. ____ 1 .. dolll or in blanketa and com· WM:IU .,,,.__"' forten," she H)'11. "There are Trl•·tl"eated children's clot.bin& cblldren'aaleepwear., . stlll llttle babies out there auclc-would beufe after il was washed Mrs. Horine threw out all the ing on their Tris -tree.ted threettmes. Trll·treated Item.a 1be found"' , animals." "I &ot • stron' creen flame on her boule. Mrs. Clement .went Robert Poth, compliance of· things I'd washed hundreds of ·enn further: She tbr w 9ut fie er tor the Consumer Product times." Mrs. Horlnesaya. everytblna that mtaht have Safety Commission in Bethesda, .. Dr. Robert Harris ot the En· been washed with her dauibt.'s Md., says the staff ii compiling vironmental Defense Pvnd In Tris-treated 1armeall. informationon health hazards of Wuhlnatoota~h11groupthbtks "I had to wait a long Ume to Tri• used tit materials othef tbao even laundered Tris-treated bne a baby,'' 1ay1 Mn. Cle- cblldren'1clothin1. clothlnalldanaerou.s. men~ a 0. watched her The commission recently sent dartc 20-moath;otddaupte:r Mn.HorlneaU1tofTrl1·treated TBE EDP I• 1uln1 t1ie pt~mMra;RoriDe'ayard. .. l producta 1Mllt covered by tho ban. ' Coaaumer Product Sateb-poal· l'efuaeto take 8Q1chances.0 .' . I'll ,. l l'l?Z BEL DEAS .I : f ~-·,. ••••••• ,., • •••d· co•••c& •••11, 8•&· &ercap, 1• caae '° U.. CALENDAR BlJHl"INGTON BEACH WOMEN: New ot· ficen include tbe Mmes. Oliver MJAear, prt19l· d t; 11w>dore Stipe, John Early ind Frank Pound, vice president.; Ethel Tboa:ppeaa and Edila Kaae, aecretarles, and Doak Goodman, treuurer. AME&ICAN BUSINESS WOMEN: Mrs. Jean Auble, named Woman-of-the-year by the Newport Beach Capter. was selected on the basis o( achievement in her field or business, education. part1cipal1on io the assoclallon and ln community acti viltes. CJOLDREN'S HOSPITAL: The " Orance County guilds have presented a check for $237 ,602.*>, which represent.a proceeda for tho past year's aciUvttles. This la the lar1est annu1l contribution 1n the 15-year b.latory of the aupPort eroups. REUNION : The first 1raduaUon clua of Lakewood HJ1b School (1958) ,·will be bavlne its reunion May 13, 19'71t Anyone interested may contact Jo Collins at (714) 892-7829. BRA.ILLE INSTITUTE: The Oran1e County Community Center will be the aettin1 for an old· fashioned garden party, with basket suppers and an 1890s costume show, from 3 t.o 6 p.m. Sunday, June 26 The event is open to the public. Tickets may be arranged by calline the center at 821·5000. MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION: A · Speakers Bureau hlll been formed by the MHA, • which now I.a acceptlne requests for speakers. Topics Include mental health services pro· vlded by the Orange County Department ot Men· tal Health, careers in mental health, volunteer opportunities and the role of the volunteer, com· munity resources, drug abuae services and alcohol services. More information is available from Judy Gofrin, 547-7559. EXECUTIVE WOMEN: Executives Secretaries have adopted a new name. Ex· ,, ecutive Women International. during the an- nual meeting last month in Atlanta. Principles and goals or the organization will remain the same. and the new name ln no way excludes the secretarial field. The intent of the new name is t.o broaden the field for representatives. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR FEMALE EXECUTIVES: The NAFE ls making the Ex· eculive Female Aptitude Test available to all working women. The test is available by sending $1 to NAFE. 31 Jeremys Way, Annapolis, MD,21403. REUNION: Huntington Beach High School, class of 1957, is having a 20-year reuruon on Saturday, Aug. 20. in the Airporter Inn. More information is available from Jean Carley Faith. 968-6244. THE DELPHJAN SOCIETY: Installed as secretary of the Los Angeles District Assembly was Mrs. Adio Freeman. Newport Beach. Installing officer was Mrs. John A. Cameron of Newport. Beach. SENIOR CITIZENS 1001' Off All 7U Parch•••• !\AV[ ON ALL l'UltCHASC\ IV l lC0"4tNG A MLMIER or OUR SENIOR CITlztNS SAVING~ l'LAN AT NO COST TO YOU DEA ANN LANDKRS: We a,. tbt Junior bltb tu~ who are lo pleaty ot bot wai.r. I Lynn Hoffland June Date Set Lynn Ellen Homand and Stephen Joh11, atu· dents at Calltornla State Unlveralty, LQng Beach. are plannlnl to marry next June in St. Bonaventure Catholic Church, Huntington Beach. Thelr parent. are Lt. Cmdr. <ret.) and Mn. Walter Frank Hoffland of Loni Beach and Mr. and Mrs. George Johsz, Huntington Beach. Miss HoHland Is a graduate ot Woodrow Wllson Hi1h School and attended Loni Beach Cl· ty College. Her flance 1raduated from Mater Del Hi&h School, Santa Ana. JEFFREY'S HOME CENTER I I ••• , ••• , I), 11• , ...... \,,, ., •• I ''I'' f • '•• ,1 ... •',I, I 7 54-0151 1 /11 \11111~1 1 U JS l ••'l'' ... HEARING PROBl.EM? I cotff to thoM wholMhno HEARIHC. AID cllftftOthefpttMM f'UICHASI SUIJICT TO SAT1SIACT10M TIMTIAISIM COIOHA DIL MAa HAL AEllSOtER HEARING AIDS J40t & c:.-Hwy. c: ....... ~71-llJJ RENTALS• ALL Pre-r•ld IX Pro1r1•1 Honored ===::::::=~~-• •Li• ·~­. ..,., ollege Pharmacy ~lilt Aln Liil Cf)',t II Mf ·,11 1 , , , Io .., t•'• '••' [l1•lh1•ry ~1·r V•f ,. '• lh JlUH UPTO To pince your messaAt! before the readln1 pubUt• phone Doti¥ Pilot Classified. 642·5678 • • DBll PAia: nat'I· WU1 .... .., pa.ruts are •eut•• today -"CllllcJ Galduce:• atnc up .. No Sale0 and atkk wldt YOO& ldeu. u. .. ,.raa ..... •~ bu11llflll tlOIM Our trained .i..ona.-le9'Ch CMlf MbtiO 8'"' ...... lltlnrt to Mt 91\l'f u.e yOlli lime bu1 to offlf 1he ¥91Y .,_I C060t Md f~OC CO-or ti In a tlo n t . There 11 no add1t1onat cnarga to, thlt ...ice You itllY only tor ,,,. 1Nf°"9nd-you .-CL • or • .,., ••• • c .. .,.uno •W1ttC0¥9ttn9 • Fufnrture • V,,,....tenng • Setlroom Enaem111 .. Cancer. Gets Results Come In or call to<ley tor an IPPQlntll\IM In )'OIK hom• -~ 23 Fashion 111and Newport BHCh 644·88&0 TtJEIDAY,JUNE28 SAGJTl'WVS (Nov. rHtored within famlly --=~~iiiiii!j~~·;;;;;;;;g~~ BJ SYDNEY OMAaa 22-Dec. 21 >: Lunar cycle clrclt. Be gracious. Plan ABl29 (March 21-hl1b -Judament, lntul· 1atbering that exudes Afril 19): Emphula on tion are on tar1~t . aoodwill. d t j Personality, ap · II a nee• ourney ' 1 PISCES <Feb. 19· d ti bllit t pearance, persona e uca on, a Y 0 i h March 20).· See sltua-1 ma1net am -t ese are overcome aneuap, age i ed tions, people i·n li,,ht of barriers. empbas z • • TAUaVS<Aprtl20·MIY CAPaJCOltN (Dec. reality. Avold tendency zo): Money of othera, to succumb to wiahful ability to •... them_. for 21,J an. 11): Open Une• of thinking. •• v." communication -there -"L effort. -these area• are are peraona behind If June .oJ-p l• y"r bl1bll1bted. Invest· acenea who would be birthday, you are meota, pu.rchuea affect· your alllee. dynamic. stubborn, In· tn• partner, mate are dependent, an orl1lnal also oo •1enda. AQUA·a1us (Jan . thinker, creative and at· GElllN'I (May £1.June 20·F•b. 11>: Harmony traclive to op~lte aex. 20 >: Accent on pubUcl\)'. -;;;;;;;;;;jj;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;=======;;;;;;:;;;iii. l!liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ public nlaUooa, contrac· • tual arran1ementa. Be Po1ltlve ot ln~t. CANCE& (June 21· July 22): You 1et reeulu. Peraona wbo have ob· llJatlons tQ you will OX· hiblt tendency to fulllll them. LEO (July 33·Aue. 22): Stimulation, interest - spice returns to your We. You 10 placee, do tbJngs -yea, member or the op· poslte sex la Involved. VISGO (Au1. 23·Sept. 22): Accent on property, home, securlty, new starts in directions lead· ln1 to rreater indepen· dence. LJ8aA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 >: You may feel as tr beln1pulled1n two dlrec· tiona. Rel atives . nel1hbora could be ln· volved. Family altuaUon could revolve around home, prop e rl y, ownership. who has a rl1ht to whal. scoap10 coct. 23· Nov. ap: Accent on money, dlversiClcatlon. your abUlty to overcome preconcel ved notions, prejudicH which are rooted ln false concepts. LA-Z-BOY SUMMER . SALE s.:5179, rlCK NOM HUMDllDS MA°MY GHAT ,41.ICS & STY\.IS •WALL IHCLIHIU • HCLIMA •OCHH • SOFfTTS ALL IN STOCK .......~ IMMEDIATE FREE DELIVERY .._ - WhltH LA·Z·BOY ShowcaH MISSION VIEJO I off A •ery f'kvl , .. ., .. .....-". two blocll• touftt of MIHIOfl lenk post Vol•o d .. l•r 495·5902 Mon. fttnl Sat. I O'S COSTA ~!SA l6'E.17tt.StrNt IWHtMti'-'tt ··-t""" .. -t"M.-.. -, ...... ,,...._.,_ 642·1657 Mon.-n..n. IM f.rl. I O· 7 ht. I 0.1 Our price for one 5 x 7 of this priceless face is 1.95. If you see an off er for-less, ask about the price of tneir second, third ·or fourth. Ours is still 1.95 each. ATMILO THERC 'Sf\OCO" TRACT 10 SIC.N Vil KNOW THAT ONCE YOU VE EX ,.EAIENCEO OUR COM PLETE fiACILITIES AND SERVICE, YOU'LL COME SACK TO SEE US. MONTH AFTER MONTH. WITHOUT A CONTRACT TO BIND YOU. ~ ~UT9,...l:'WV(:l}J IA:tta1 • BUT RATES. Lowen rttn ~,.. 8-lk Amef~rd tnd Mn• Ch•ue 11etptlld, •BEST HOURS; Open ewtv l0t workln9 wo,..n; MondllV - Thutld1y 7 Ofl\ -9 pm. Frod•v 7 1m -7 pm. Saturd.tV 9 •m -3 pm. ttlT SERVtC£1· Peno..und et11nt1on; ••.,<I• ct"•• to nwslc. et«> CONTRACT REOUIR!P •SAUNA •JACUZZI •RACOUUBA.LL 7U~-901 --,,'Ii 1'.IL-----Y~<~ ~ --d7~ leamto be ygur own ·. interior decorator NEWPORT HEIGHTS VETERANS BUCHCOnAGE S0,500 Jw.t "hut you hu \ c been lookmg ror 4 block:. from I.he beach Corner lol for prl \:icy Upiraded lhrOOihout. new carpel. Creal i.ummcr home ~~~·--~~----•I Small but cute. Hurry! MESA VERDE CUSTOM HOME Fabulous custom home ln Mei.a Verde Super 1m· Cali~i67. m.aculale three bedroom I ::~~~~~~~~ with ramiiy r onm , ·'- formal dtn1n1 room and pool that l'I completely renovated. Jui;t be ready THRIFtC DUPLEX to move in and 11cc lhe ~pl. Hgts . are on quiet ictras. T\\o Clreplacl's tn.•c shaded street. Lge exlenl>ivc land1capin11 '·orner lot w/room for c115tom bmlt·lns, lorge boat or trailer. Btfl area encloeed patio. Cull now with lots or privacy. Just M8-2313. listed. 846-7711. ()f>fN 1119 •If S fUrJ 1011 N• I !lllNfMI 1 .... ~!'!!!~•at1 SHARft SHARP HOMI & INCOME POOL HOME UMITS flt' a utlf ul upg r 11 d cd Ch11rmlng 2 brdroom ram1ly pool home. Many home On a larjlt" llhady inno\aUons for your Xlr8 East.side Costa Me1111 lot hvin1. Formal d inint The incomt' unil<i helpi. adru. lo your pleasure. makelhe pa\·mcnl&vou Thill three bedroom eel separate gorajll'S & ~tesa Verde home can be fen~ yards The prl' )'OUN Call us 546-2313. .em owner will help with 0t1'< '" o • '\ • .~, •011 _,. =~~~£E~'" [®·Ifill .fltROPERTIES - . rI!fp . COATS & WALLACE REAL ESTATE, INC. IRVIMI EXICUTIVI SIZ2,500 Secluded cul-de-sac loca lion. Italian tile entry Step up formal Uv. rm Om aallerlo Kl1h ,oar· 1ng cellln&s. Huac liUn· ken family room. Spec tacular 5unny aourmel kitchen. S1.1cond •lory holda huge ma1\cr wins plus 3 more 1paciou1 bedrooms. Beouttrully 11U1nlcured Jtt1>Und11. CO\ ered latuc• patlo. l><>n 'l wail. call now 7$1-1700. ""'' '" 9 . ,, s llJN IQ w ,.,<,I [•Miii Squeaky Ct.an Ready lo mo\'e 11110 spac1ow; 3 bedroom and ran11I> room 2 Buth~. bi& bridt llr<'plucc t:'< cellenl fom1ly home neur s c hoo l!. ~eur new carpet..~ amJ paint A11k ing I)' $65,950 llurr). J*l too. call s.ao t m UNIVERSITY ftAAKHAHOVY Gorgeou!> University Park townhoml'. H anove r model . Secluded wroui:ht Iron g11to entry. Dramatic beamed and vaulte<I cell· In a . Masslvl' brick rlreplace. Floro! otrlum. Formal <tin Huite mnster wing overlooks sweeping paUo. Gourmrt kitchen, Mlr ro WO\C oven too' View to green· bell from patio Hurry Lhis 3 bdrm 1.'harmer \\on't lasL. Cail 752-1700 now. OPfN.N 9 •I"'\ II.ill 10 ~I IJ'(/ • !~INMI FOR llR + ftOOL $74,950 ~latur e ramlly "nel1hbo rhood . Quiet street.. La. Uvlng room. Maulva stone rrplc. Formal dln. Family rm. overlooks pool! Open s t yle tonvenlenco Dlth"eH ""4tperty! $36 500 Beat'h area Probates, bankruptcies, trustee ~oles. rorced sales, under t~ market values Call tor Your own -Mini Ranch rree list. Call World Wide near Newrort's Back Brokers. 673.4MS. Bay! Cal now! Red :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;f C.!j!t ?M•\202 kitchen. a fa mily size LUTILUF' bdrrnt. Sparkling free IEST IUYt form Po O I c Ir<' I e d Bl 5 bed 3 b th ho w/Arltona Fla1stunc. on' chol;:\or~er 1"::t~ EZ car« yd. VACANT & o~ner will aive S.1000. to WA1TlNG! Call lust. rt.'decornte. New reduced ~~?,~ ,.,, , 'c..r"' ,0 ", Nf<t • price or 11s2.ooo Roy McCardlt , • ,,., ~~~~~ .. ~or~M~'!~~~o1~:_~·~~~~~z~~ c ~!tr!!~!¥~ ly landscap•d. room tor camper and areat OP· portunlty E·Z to bU¥- hurry to save l CINTURYZI 97t·I050 we·reopt1n UI tror 1ou .&M'llml! MST ISCIO elltr an y! Irvine Ternco I ' m on .PQ91 alzed lot m t be old, d and deai'ed, like now! It It a arm home with large family kitchen. plu formal dininc and a de· 1lrable location . P.erfect for a de· corator. Pre:sented at SW.000. . -lJ~l()Ut: tf()Ml:S REAL TORS • 875-eooo 2443 East Coast Highway. Corona dtl Mar also 1n Maw Vtcde. at &46 ·5990 .._,.. 1002,Ge•NI 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• IM OLD MEXICO Fabulous beachside hacienda in famous Puerto Vallarta; 3 large bdrms. + servant's quarters; lots of red brick & wood shutters, plus miles or beach to stroll on. Will consider ex. change. Unbelievable at 5120,000. 673-4400 1002 G......t IOOZ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR VIEW HOMES New listing! Largest 4 bdrm .. single level plan. with family rn'l. & added den; formal dming rm.. a super kitchen. $149.750. t 13' ,ORT WtsnOURNI OPIM DAILY 1·5 759-0811 I 002 Cifltffal IOOZ ......•..••........................ , ......... . PENINSULA home. 4 Or 5 BR. 3 ba . ull amenities. Lovely neighborhood. a rew st~ps from the beach. $195.000 OTHER prestige waterfront homes with pier & float from $385,000 up. BA YFRONT, pier & float, lots $250.000 to $325,000, to build your own custom home. Sever.al areas to choose from. 8 I LL GR U N 0 V, RE A. LT 0 R -~ J·ll l\oy.otl• D•·~·· N B c,7';, t.lt>I -CANYON CUSTOM HOME Woodsy mini estate on 18th tee of Big Cyn golf course! Unusual rustic con· temporary w/5 bdrms 5~ baths. Huge recreation rm + study, lush landscap- ing w/rambllng fish pool. $350,000 22 CYPR~ PT. LN. Daily 1·5:30 211 I S.. Jo..m HUh Roed MIW~rr.ott-RT"' CIH'Tllt, N.I. 644-49 I 0 IOOZG....,.. IOOZ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CORONA on MAR DUPLEXES z DUPUXIS -located withjn walk· lng distance to the beach. One unit -2 and a 1. The other unit 2 and a 2. Excellent location. Priced to sell. TROPICAL PARADIS! OCEAN VIEW Fantaatlc doubt. Vl!:W from thl1 immaculate home. View e\ e11 from bHement worhhoP.! Superb overtlied family room Ii formal llvlnc room, both w /frplcs. Th11 3 bdrm huttop home IS at.olutely flrat class w/many xtru. &441-mt. ~ Walkl!r C lee Real F.stote TWOFOlOHE! SPY LASS Hn.L Splendid 4 BR .. family rm.: oceu •lew, pool, Jacunl, a frplc:a .• r .. land! .000 PAUL MARTIN ReaJ Fat.le' 644 7383 ~ \\'a Iker t: let: Real Estate $73,000 DUPl.EX · 3Br house, 2 charmln1 bungalow!! fireplace, D.R Pillo & z•--Rl-X-ER--.------- f)fl R 3 lob! Qu1(!t tree Br. ai>t. 1165.000. Owner n vrr-lift Spac1oui. 4 bedroom. l1nl'<I i;treet . Prime area. will carry lnlerett only WITH POOL with pool, Jacuzzi, cen "No churio" IOI' truil EW0·7~ Needa palnl and carpet. trul air eond1llonlna & lrct•s' Close lo school• & All ll takes it a tttUe lm· family room remlnlarcnt i.ho!Jb. lnvustors 1·ho1t'c-HouM + lnce>M oalnallon It work and or the South Se8ll. Loe: et come s~ul them! 2 for l Nice:? Dr house w /yard & yOl,l'll have a beauUfui ed In 11 prime re11ldunlial low pricl'-$73.000~ Call patio bl"n new 1puclou1 pool home. Jlurry, call area f\111 pnce ~.500. now. 648·'1171 4 cur 1aroae with 2Br. ~ ·~~~~~~T1Es [i."Rf iitt1~ ~:~.l:rii~.~t f=OQE5T r: OLSON ~-4;;;;;!.-~~-~::s:::1~=~::s:~=~-~ISHARP DUPLEX. crnr MINl·RANCH lot, 2 Brea. beams, bltn1. ~·--« J ll·IEACH Jl/J ACll stone fplc, nu c:pt.1, etc. •-------- $69, 950 HOISl•"'..aCH 516.&.~0. Open Houn BYOWNER IUIU' Sun. 1-4, 620 Iris Ave. Mesa Verde Home-4Br + Treellnedenlrytoranch B1&48Rhomewilhhuae Prine only. By ownr. farn rm. 1~Ba, very style home in exclw11ve rec rm .• dinln& rm, & 640·7662 clean. $92,000. 979-9085 pnde of 0"'ner.,h1p area r a bu Io ua HEATED . alUPl!rt Prln only Lar&t: lam1l) Siled h\IOI POOL. Owner spent Oceanv1ew luxury 4 BR: 41...::~;..;__ ______ _ room Country k1lchen. S'lOO.OOO on lhll property Ba. home w /3 rrplc s, UECUTIVI HOME Dine Family l'ntertam· in the put 18 mos. newly decorated & MISA VlltDI menl room Separate Pleusecallforlonglibtof carpeted Call for appl. Enclo.ed courtyard en· wing ror h1dt'awa) extras features. With 768·1587or 87J..091S lryloa48r,3ba retreal. master ,uile & children s ~·.;, down. owner will ,. __ to M••• t 024 fo'armly run In eneray quurkn; llurry I Won't fin ·h b I ce ror ~ •. J Onl , J ance • e a an ••••••••••••• ••• ••••• •• 1avlna pool ... ac. Y la11t at lh1• price U'lt 30 )rS ut only 8'.o in· $1.59,llOO m In u lei. lo ocean tcrei.t. tbr below market, 1 llMI DA v I D B O U R K E !163 6i67 $240,000 Auaustu, fFair vlew & RLTR. ,.,,, ,,, o .. r Hv'""'' , , JACOIS RIAL TY !i~~l.M'a :~~l:ebfrtan Call 546-9950 r ~ 1a1111 --ro~~:~0· .:~!~~~, ~:;-~';!~·;;~;~; $62.500 Sharp 2 yr new Condo, 3 hmi., 3br. 21.\ba. Jam.rm. ftRIDEOf OWHIRSHIP Suix•r 1'11:.in homt• In de i.irablu H1111chwood In 1-.:1 Toro lli1thl> upgradt·d I pU, & dr Jr., :\I IOl 010\"I' in l'Ondll1on Shukc roof :wparall.' luundry rm. 6'J' run1i~ & OH'n Thi!. 111 a deal. Buy al only S73.000 Hurry'' :.i-IS·94UI ~ Walker 1: lee It'~ low down and dirty! BR. 2 Ba, secluded pvl open hsc Sat/5un ll·S. Look~ lllw J home where p:itlo, pvt d~k orr mstr 968·_119_58 _____ _ thl' buffalo roamed! I\ bdrm. Very quiet area In AWARD HOMI handy man's paradia<'! populur development. f>rwatl' rnl do• i.ac lead is Arthur Rt:ese Realtor. Cunterbury, by owner. 751 1t73. Brand new 2000 + sq ft . lo ll11s ru:.t11· h1dl•,a"u.v ~ ----1Br, 38u, 3 Cfr aaragt". 111.; :J bdrm on :.pru" ling Sll!0,000/0fr. 840-3279 or lot with tn•t•s aplen1~ ' HEW LISTIN~ ~-0990 ShoH·i em out, puml 'l'm CAMBRIDGEJll~DS. -------- up .ind you ·ve got Park·llkccntry.quaint3 4 bdrm fam, 2 ba. cust )Ouri.elf 11n l'slate' hdrm +hlmily, 2 bath drpa/cpta, self cln oven Pncctl dirt cheuµ • "h1ch home; dbl. frpk:.; on cul smooth cook lop, dsh :."ems only n~hl • llurry desacslrttt. $11..500! wlhr, micro solanan fir, up ' ~7-tiOlO ltl>oe ley Prop. po o I , r Ire r 1 n g. Real EltJale c-ot111 Q • ,, s • •1 •0••" '· a~ 4prinklers. aulo 11ara1e ----,. I _... doorS89.~.soc;wrman1:e ~~~;.~~,!>~J ~~·~~·'~l~~~~·~d~l~jf~~ + 675-7060 * avail. OwnerlM7-1689. llahan tile entry to 4Un· =-= •• I. =·· -MESA VEaDI Bu~t Luxurx kl.'n liv room built-In 'b ( .,._ macro Counlrf styled lmboo PettittMlllo I 007 Very good luck. Custom " r. am. area. ••Pc. built homo In the Mesa 3ba. patio. Pool. pre· kitchen. For ma Dining. ••••••••••••••• •••••••• 1Ualous area, 3~ yrs Winding slalrs to muter Verde section of Col~ ....u 9SO sulte with Roman bath MesL 3 Br. fam. rm. & new ...... tub Home fully lnaulal· pos:.ible 1uest quarters. _....., ... ed.Cull963671J7 Askana 1166,000 A1H °"'" tn '1 • '' \ '"'' r() •I ,,,rt, [tfJlliM macnab /Irvine realty WISTCLIPF COMDO Spacious, like·new 2 BR. 2 bath w/custom cpts & drps. Wood· burning fireplace ; gourmet kitchen; 2 patios. Only $84.500. Har· riet Perry 642--8235. CA·77) 676 811()() .......... ..,. • DIERFIELD •Beautifully lond'ICDpcd. •Custom upgraded Aspen 3br, 21,lba. Pride or1--------ownenhlp. Solid value at _$97,000. Call Aicnt al ~7~.zr.t7 * P ANORAtiiU,C • 1 Dr, 3 balh, Jle c:orncr lot. Unolat:rucl•ble bric& gJ~uiltrl r ,.. . . ' -. ' ;,••i . . . •llv··"'-...,&....& ... ;,..-.J •.• .__ • LACIDlA NrOt1F;L 4P5•17:!0 •• ~~HERITAGE . • R£ALTORS mom-5691 OR522.(WO UHDIA Tffl OLD OAJ<THI associated "'' (),. f "·, "I "I T ( j II· • . . "' .. ' . , , . ' ........ ' br, a ha, iar. lded Jd. pebolc, 13:5(); • CAL llMTALS '51·1 Ill. red hill ~ 552-7500 --MO WAITING 2BR 28& 3BR • 4BR 3BR !JBRA/C 3BR ·JBR -~BRA/C 2BRA/C 288,Dtn ~BJ\ :~ ...CB& 4Ba .. THE £fflCl£11T. Al TEIHATIYE 1n .................. ~~~ =;to~ ::::lee: lSt, W Ir WT.D.'a pencull.S pbooe cov· LOANSAVAILABLE ...,, COG/. room, mall ·~=nt. ltEDIT NOT Ill· PORTANT We bave money to loan. ~ty by 2od or ard Trust • J)eeda Crubbs Realty •• C714) 52'1·5173 SWIMCi LOANS 2bd & 3rd TD'•· lDAY APPROVAL Cnd.lt·No Problem. CALL ANN 857·1235 . . • l'ETER -1 have the O"Rm&:" lkktil5. Plcai.c ·, ull me 1>16-0818. --------SEEKS wealth>-. dii.l· mi,:wshed gt'nllcman lo <'late.-rorm1er model SS&~ll ------ ' 1 Al least l yr exper. w/IBM 129 req'd. Must be able to develop pro- aram cards " punch a variety ot af pllcatlons. Other ctenca functiofta. Typina btilpful. Call for appointment Industrial Relations 17 I 4J 494-940 I TB.OHIC /AL TAllt LAGUNA IUCH Equal Oppor Employer Knowledaeable travel Gftltf'Cll Office aaenl exper In sale or Intere$Une "devenlned pl11asure travel lncl'a entry level position avail crwses. FIT tours both w /dynamlc & fut domei.llc & lnlcrna· arow'a mf1 co. General lional. Salary com ofc exper req'd: Mual be mensurate w /ex per. &:ood w;niure, & able Lo Qualified only need app- work w /details. Typlnr ly 833·9617 skills a must. (714) --=---------• 546-5601 -Kathy General ore. Jr.Secretary Trainee Laborers Pacu1ers i Assemblers l-1.,.ART NOW' I! I! I Too muny jobs. nol T\ltior K .ah. 2tyra • •P. catJf State Certlllcd Tuctler. 114.-S·ZSl5 TUT()RlNG Speclall1ln& In LNrnlnll Handkap. Call 11"888. Requires one year ex· ptrlent'e performing facility Janitorial duUes lnchidlna operation or clean101 equipment. We offer modern, pleuanl ~orklna condl· Uons, excellent company benefits and a com- petitive salary lnclud1ng 2nd shirt differential. Please conwct or apply IOpet'SOn PERSONNEL DEPT. MSI DATA CORPOtlATIOH 340 1-~1scher Ave. Coi;tu l\lcsa. CA 92627 (714 )549·6125 Equal opportunity employer MW MANAGER. ex pr or will train. SllOO-Sl,000 per mo + bendits lo start. App· ly in peraon. Mo'n Eds l'1t:tu P.irlor, 410 E. 17th St .. CM ------- Anawer phones. typing :rnwpm. Interesting duties. Wonderful opp. for con1clenllou1 In· divldual. XJnt. worklnic cond's. & ~nefat& AllJ>I~ N1Uonal S)'liuma Cctf.l 4381 Birch Sl., NB (Nr. OCAlrport) E O.E.. enough people! No ex i---------per. needed. All 31hltta. 0 ~ I t f,41'1 114 Af•, t tt , J' 540.4455 t7902Skyp1rk Blvd. St.e 101 lrvlne Equal Oppor Employer l\fil.nulac.:turln& Mmwrical COfltrol MochlM When you think of numerical control machine proaramm1n11. think or McDonnell DouglH . Your op. portunllles here arc ell· tensive, your salary, top. mitit; your benenta. out· A.andina Opefllncs for experienced APT numerlc:.al control pro· arammers are available In Torrence and Jlunt· lntlQn Beach. Apply at ellher our Long Beach or Huntington Beach facilllles. Our Employ. ment (){fices are open Monda)' lhrouah Frlday. Sam. to 1 p.m. .. OP'Fl CE help wanted, ma\ure woman, non smoker. no previous ex· per her part time to ~tort. &;ood condlUon1. Call Joy sa1 1212 ----()(fice h1ilp, l·&lrl ofc. bk· kp'a, flllna, & typ'11. Able to compote 1ood bual· neu letter&. Npl Bch • area. A chance lo &row w1Lh a 1rowln1 company. Send reeume w /ulary reqwremenlJI to Ad #936, Daily Piiot, P 0 Box UGO, Co•lo Mesa, CA 92l6a6 Oil Field Supplier L .... Dlv.Of Corp. OU ,.eld S..pplltf' Now Hlrtn1. Local Ot c Nolravel, lrvlne area E11rnln•• From Sl00.$400,.,. wk Must be well 1roomed " neol appearlnf . Comm, bonuaea Ii benenu. Ex· per not nee, wlll train. CJAll ?ttr. Grove, Mon. 6/27, 8AM ·1PM, Tuet t!/28, 8AM·10AM 891-4416 ·0rgan111t tor MIHIOI\ Viejo Methodist Chruch. Call 1537·2!»1 mornm"s Ao equal opportunll)' tmplo r McDONM&L WU. 8Q1J M&11Uff 6 DOUGLAS Rbodesln Rld1ebad1 ASTIOMAUTICS CO. PLIPI· Bl1 ram.lly pmtec tor. .-mo 2000 w_, C1111t tt•w., a.IOI I Ult• AAY 'l'o VP In IJOI WMAY•. K.e.bood. Male. 5 oe. ....,....... 6Jl•f& lJt bul n n'l work 5.A Cha II w/p pe full um.1 We h•v• o-n li:XPO Aobicv t~-OGllO ,...,.._. •-'. CL b mp oe .! rp•.: ...,. 91647 oWtttbrollen. vv. • ..... for 4 pet1on1 ill 20C!lt w LINCOLN AN A 9*221J Mite___ •••o "--&Or' I II '°'o lfllWlrl. Cotta MtH of StCJl£TA1l\'lN Nll An rn l()p rtunlt Bl nd C k 3 •••-••••••-•••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••• nee to •tart part Ume . EXPO AOINCY"' tMS80 -.ua pu 'I o e o1: er, 1r11. I 'QS.Wlaol bit Our aual l• to h•IP you ao&IW. LINCOLN ANA Employer &OCJd w/olckr chJldnn • WANTED PAN .... to t MU 11' Gaylonl '•k1 ~ • lull Ume real1...-~ ...... _......,.,,...... ___ , ~~~~~=~~~I ad.It.a MO M4.t1'5 TOP CASH .DOLLAR public. N t naakH 6 bolll. Cl n NM t OOd •• 9070 ·------ tOIO Hlatt prorualonal. Muit.L .. u Lhau Api.() PA I D F OR Y OUR ~~Ultd . tanditmtl'lr.DOOOor bbl HCf'T. TO $600. Whal'• )Oun? t'or In· Sec ta • JYPISJSl male 7 mo. papers, bhl JEWELRY. WATCHES, lD otter. 7 4311 Pro1roa1\-. Animal form•llon tall Tim fl fl8S ofr 846-1875 ART OBJECTS, GOLD, St.aadar4 Grand' P1aoo 1''Platbottom Xlnicood Jbpt. olf~ri. e'ctptlonal Mutth•r aUU 3474. SILVER SER VICE, ltarsball •WendeU.: BUl, l17 lftl fully~· pd. .Mu.st luwr. lor \·erHUlf, take ~~~~~~~~~! · Ot&ta, • 1,eadln elec· S£CIETARI£$ tt.Unl Ooxle, R«i female. FINE FURN. fl AN· MWIY tuned, • MW .... U --.·-.. 1. er•pm tbarlf, mature peraon. -t r o11te e qu ipment 1Dwk1 AK C SUO. TJQUES ~2200 M>-JTIS • .... ,., .. _. • " · ....... 4 f x &Jes manl.llactul't!r and sun. Join I.he tum t.hat off era 142.3324 ~vta. . ' a.11-t -·•· "I bo ... n. yrs. o c. e p. re· a• ... , T Tl ,.. oPportun.lty. nex hre a. Ln'-A "GIT "GS Smlll ..... la;--:... 11 ... an "nw1•r l a at. q'd.NB.14H4fJO -s A ~~~~·e~:~13.:pc:l~~·[~~ r;oct ppy.CALLTODAV ........ v.. 1041 '"""~ ~ Xll'll :~~ltr;.;m· 480 Ford Jacunl v -R • •-• SALISl"MSOH ...... -........ and aenlor Start'Tomorrow. ••••••••••••••••••••••• T1* )'OW' bualneu cares. ........ ~-. . · e_u.mp. Tandem ll'a.Uer . • c. • ._.ea IMDUSTllAL ...... ..u .. Sllnd one ~ard Cot each _.._. Covert, extr~1. xlnt. ATTENTION: Orrlct! e1tllbll1hed In le\'elaofeicpetlenc.. ~8~ off ice • TCo::1poo home 5 yr old tat plua oat apare. We tODCl.851-349'7 1..1. LICIHSUS 1954. mustlncreaaeatart. PoaJUom require $lron, overload 54112901 ---return p1rmane1UJL Developer opened Exp'd , licensed -tealed attractive tafi clcrlcal/ucretarla ·• ti 1 1 aeneralreale1taleolllce uleapenon. Orawln1 i1k1Uasuc h aatyplni1.of· 557•0061 Loveable blk.wht mix inrap, mee n1 ar ne In San J uan Capistrano. 11tcount. flee oraanlzation nnd bred tomal~. 10·U lbti, lD. requlremenla. Pre. Tremencfou~ opportunll>' MARTIN & ASSOC. telephone corn munlca· Ji23 Birch Sl, N.B. loves kids. mu1l hllYt' v~nl Ion & tht!fl! For a . and top <:omm1i.111on1. 54~71 lions. Shorthund pron. aood home day11 553·1813, peraonaliz~d ttal enclo.e ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call881·3232or1iti1 1155, --------•I clency Is preferred but TYPIST eve11640·94G9. Llndu ~o!~Pot'·~·P!:!:i: ~~,~~~~~~~~~·~.Puc Camper ahell for 9120 . RE. Salea LOOt<IMG POil AllTTU OffORTUHITY We have a few openinaa for experienced licensees in our Hl&n Bch omce. We require. •One year expcrlenc6 In R. E Sales •Knowled1e or the Oran1e Co. hou1ln1 market •P\tll Time Career Com· ml.tment We offer . •Full lime mana1er H · 1l1lance and at~ntlon •Competitive com m. 1chedule •Stability or a lar1e co. -opportunity tor tadvan· cement. Jo'or conCidential SALESTRAINEl!:S not neceuary for all r :-.; l C luw "°'1tltuN 1050 will ~Ack " trim your TY .... , lmpor\ truck. Sipe 2, L "'RGE..,. ..,.,,L potlUOl\ll. ,fr 'tewpokrlll tr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lull•· Or try two <:ardt 1::.ra I,:____ eOtl very clean. Tbl, Ice box & ~ nA• Our. company 0 Her11 rrn. 0P1 11 •· b cktob·'6.. ,."' •--atoraae. S400. 990·2106 SUPPLllR OF modern, pleat11nt work· _ _ ..2:>9·04_3_1 __ STOREWIDI!: SN.E a P'Ric~: ••••••••••••••••••••••• evet. In" condltlon• a lo New" uaed turn, appl'i, Samu! IOOO Receiver and•---------HAIDWAll & .. . n a llphoh1tery&11~111n\dt1pl. m11c. Wil100'1 Bar1aln rleuor3/15 2 Sunwood 16" 3·W8)' ,, vw Poptop Camper. TOOLS w=1lh l~~c:~e~~P~~Y~ lea.dd peri.on l\lu11t e ex· Nook . M5" 814 W. 19th, 4/Slaii Sl.80011. ape11kera, xlnl cond. loaded., xlnt cond, lo m1. p'a In layout, cutUn". CM.642-7930"Mll·l262 6 9tagaSl.50ea. I HOW HlllHG Ola. heat bea.Un". i..:win" " lOor more suo ea. SW>/ belt.otter. 975.9452 mus t H U, cal Moo . • ---------· IQ.5'73 SAUSTIAIMIH !lupervlslns.540·1142 **I BUY** Sal~J~"1Rcluded RCA 2S" Console Color•---utl--llk---,-1-40- NO EXPER NECESS MSI "-·nnarlan recep•1oolsl ,...,,.,. "led F"rnil"re • A D? TV. Btn ~ct.ure, worka •• XLNTTRAJNING ...... • """"' .. .. .. • Uraw your own or send nne.·<McA. . ..,.,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• F /T. Salary comm . Ap'4lloncos-OR I will nume, addre115, phone" _,., ._ PROGRArtf D""T"" "'/ex""r S2 SO 13 OOhr 11el orS"'LLrorYou. Veapa Ciao mopeds. Good t~ ~ ~ " """ · · · · "" we'll make one card per WUllLtTZ!R eGO Or1an one year old, cood coodi· 1 poy COIPOIATIOH C-Onuact Dr. Hutaenplller MASTlttS AUCTION tJ~. Add2"uch. t..\ Pnce. &2100. U ke new. Uon 1276 each. Call Eontlntt S2 I ·$400 340 Fischer Ave. 1137•7660 646-1616Ii133·'625 Send check or money or· Dual keybrd, 25 pedall • S4M98'7 wk Coelta ~1 .. a. CA 92827 dcrto: rbyt.hm.1·525-B ---------COMMISSIONS & t7WM9·8124 WAITR~&S. So. Lag. . CASH PAID '1LOTrllMT1H~ ----------1For Sale J.fopcd Ciao, BONUSES• L"'AuaJ rl ·1 NB " CM p /llme & F ood _ _. r i OOd d I lh 1 "At oppo uni > t t.une. Cotree thop np. fYI' I LI ~ um. l~l • P.0 Box 16eO . • I coo . tu an )'r Must be well aroomed & empk>yer M .,. Refi Pl••"· Charil• .1 <1 uea • co I or TV 1, ca.ta Me.a. ca. 92626 ..... & MwfH old S275. 548-9092 neat oppearin1. Career ~~~~~~~~~ Chill Ofe. (71') 5'3-0Ml IG7-8133 l•Jf,..w..t . & rapid adv1ncemcnl op. ---------Wclahta. work·oul bench, ................. ~ .. ••• .,._~-:f:,':•I porlunltlea. Xlnt. co. SICT~/RIC~ Weneed&speoplewhoare lndlan CoUonSotoC.IAJ· lr~e bar. complete i.ot. ~Mnt · tlSO benerll1. IUCH ARIA ol le&11t 10 lbs over· tltat!I Looi.e pUlow, s.;o1bet 493-8012 · ........... 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . Call Mr. lrvlnQ 1 Glrt ottlce, with younf wflght. Call Ma. St.one at Chot~e color• S485 Both --...... i •• .; • .;••••••••••• '73 Suiukt l~. exc1ilhml · \fon 6 127,llA~Mff"M, execa., tn ut.. firm. 751·9175. We oan tell you l'ci L.ie aolectlon Bradford.hvy duly skill .SSHP Mere. ()/D mtr . cood, only aooo ml Call. Tuw 6/28, 8AM·10A M 0Ut1oln1 " ftonl office huw to lose pounds & lampe~ coffee tblt " Cine 11aw. hvy duty dnll. t.aaper Elet. ,It.art 4 control I. 844.,1118, '94·83U. . 751-9134 appearance. T)'pe 55/tiO earn money al the •ame hometurnl•hln11atTl;fE •hank wtchuclt ullach. S200 . .U.tnl -WPM atlt. bkkpg, Xlnt Ume. F'URNITURECONNEC· Marco 11ewer mach .. "70 fondaC8 UJO.Gdoond. benenta. Wiii tr11ln J une • TION, 7351 lleil, Untl L. Black & Decker bench ••ODI ..&.C Lo mile..13()(). 1raduot.e. 675·8700 W 0 0 L P R )!; S S E R , JIB. 842·12'14 arlnder 6n·2698 .. A 493-8612 ---------• Kulltera Cleanora, l&e E. Port·A·l\t•rln• SECURITY l tsth . Costa Muu . Movln& 5 pc k1t ·1el. J9'Skl boat with lrlr $500. tnflatable Boata '77 KONDA GL1000 . interview SALES TRAIHH 5484243 '.\fodller. bdrm ICl saso. llaldw1n Organ S400 . 2SmColle•e,C.M. Xlntcond,exlrui.. Ki·H box & matt $200. 6 F'rench roll·top with (714) 5'0·2070 496·6067. 6 to II pm GUIDOS Mef'cttc.Mll pc maple bdrm ICl ~. chiAir 132S, 675.8362 M ... _ nteda aale1 people wil ToucMITONt lna to w<>t'k hard. Salnry HALtT plus commlaalon while .... .,. 1uu1u1lil Fut growlna companr rART TIMI 17141 t•:l-4867 tralnlnii. Inside & outtlclo M H Wal.dinrmtblw/l!chr11. --------11Mh..,o•tf' 9040 BMW '70 7&0·5. Cully "'~kly ~•" •· pnid ,·ac ••••••••••••••• ••• •••• • I 8 I ""'" 1 • "-"--10 5 S325 968·91:12 Ant que runswick Poo •••••u•••••••••••••••• dreued, loaded. perf · Xlni fr n1e bunefits _. • .,....s O Table, over IOU yrs old, 21· Roltna-J.tUS.-edlib cond, Bur1lar ularm. Above overa1e waaea. ••••••••••••••••••••••• De.k 5 d1r11, lai dre1u111r. SH95 547-~ or 979·7388 auitc-No other llkt' ll Muat be aeen. &45·~ Uniform & equlp . Wonderland round thl. 1re"n couch, In N ""'rt F1 h di 11n ... m l1ake S3 + Mood hours. ---aalea .. Company benerals. • Mut>t have c:ar. Call RN.pcrmanenll>/Ti.me&. protected trrritory. 751 2585 On coll poe.itlon a vail. All ~HI091 · ish1Cli. Call Sanlu An~---------.-• PRESS'.\IA:"J '''general ycbl a v•~ 1'• Soau.treu wanted. '"·~· ~hop <'XJ> Will train. VMH481. EOE pld ln men & womrn 11 Rhp. peraon only. allet-atlons Salory or 979.2373 • RM SupervtiOr commlaslon. Newport lt-T. & LVN.'MedJc11.ttoos Cleaners. 5,.s.2221 tor Printer .ts treatment.a 3·11. N•a appt. • ln1tant Prlnttr Verde Conv Hosp .• 861 ---------• furni~hed. Car & phone stcr\!O. 1111 •Ohd wulout l"nive ... il) Athletic '.\fem· ow.,., -• • ve --· V)"------- rcq'd. Call 12131 57~·~150 Of Anfil!IUel! hl&hquollty 41136~-bcr,hlp for sole $300. Ph or barhop. '3800. 87:;.9137 •71 H D. Spor1aler. I.o m1. for local appl E . 0 i;, • , 8aU975 27' /Trojan Crulaer Xlnt cond. '2300. or of for. __ - -II U G E ware h u u • e L>ln\:ltc ~cl tnlilt!, 'IWl\CI --- -T M1J..-OG31S SICY /OFC MGlt munmed with over 500 ~ellow wht t•hnlr•, l! kin& \IOVING SALE-Cry:.lal. win \18'a, rad .sounder --------- P /time. permanent mu:.1c boxei.. nick<:lo· site hd.i.~rcb. 4 tubular china, ceramica. kmck Palnled,luned,ready ....._.Ho.iws.S./ career opportunity. deocl pianos, circu11 or· chrome L' •h11ped t•h111n knacks, rrumed pictures. S7SOO AYIMS·SOOO R .... /Sfer.,. f 160 Work with a financial ions. w a 11 c Io c k». w yellow i.addle r1brlc, 1 lump. 11ew1n1 m1chlne. Sl!:A RAY 24•, 8undancer, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Exper'd. only. JTF.K & <.'enter St, CM 548·6sits AB Dick ~ Operator. Gro\\lh Potential. Sal. open. Xl11t. benetlta. La.una Hlll1/Ml11lon VleJo area. 58i·31SO lobbfe'1 R41CJ & Mop Women needed tbr hou1ecleanln1 1ervlce. 548-0757 planner. mual be Rood In arandfather cloclu lime icrcc•n u1 t a11onol aoru. Re11:.onably p~lced In w 11 rra nly. ~I ere MOTOR HOMES Ste'• .$100.$1 ZOO /fftO math, acc.:urate typin& (aselnatln1 ant1quei. upholatercd chulr lam1>1 Sile Friday thru fuel cruiser" No. 2 Ouldrive f'OR RENT ~4•1·R.I. rc.-q 'c1. lira. 9:30 I02:30 OverSl,000,000Worlh +otherllem11 6-H.WM day, ~.\~I lo SPM .. C111l Dcccaradar,2dcpthfln FromSl!iOwk.770..()6..ll ~~-------RIAL IST ATI Room Attendant• Top waaes paid! SALESPERSONS The Inn at Laauna 0ppGrlunlty now o valla· 211 N. Cat Hwy, La1una 'ble ror a11res1lve aaleapcrsona lo join a Sallmaker has po.tUons pro1re1alve oftlce. o~n. Some ex per. de· Cousey Ir CofftPO"Y !..!:,!ble. Call 541·34&4. 1104 So. Coast Hwy . SALES l .. \<.iUNA BEACH SUl'rLEMEHT _ 497-2457 YOUltlNCOMI! RIAL IST A Tl SSS$ IS$$ AGEHTWAMTID l'AITTIME Profc:.111onnl t11lt's train TELEPHONE WOIK In& ,roaram. Separate HOUSIWIVES deak . & phone. Call COLLIGI STUDEMTS . M .. naaer. Walker & Lee Ci uarunteed Houl'ly Real ~tote, f'C)Untain WJJ:l' Ph" Bonui. 5:30 Valley Ofttca•. 968.3371 or pm lo ll .JO pm. call MS-175'1 &ae 4Z23 or come to 2SO 1'!. Salt'I 17th Sl.. Cotta Mfu. ~ Walkt:r 1; I ee ASSIST AMT MGIS. Real FAlate We neud two peoplea ••· Employer. Pay All Fees S400 mo. 844·2607 ca~ A0~~ ..... ~ 11~mT •Kt~~..'r'· 7 f't. cul velvet country IJ42..06,6, 8'IO W. Wili.on den f1 111hera " re.1---------Llz Reinders A1ency r•po"" -wknda IUJC•,..., .,.... ·~ _Sl. Ch.it• ?tleu. comer, VHF'· CB radlo1, 23' OPE!'J ROAD, fully . .. """' Blr"b St Sle 1""' "'"'"' . lftl St., Jrv tn e. Tiil. Fteneh sofa, t>el1e 4t It.. ' tr R ......., " ' .,. U. 0 W bl 967 089110 2 Showca11e 195: Kenmore haJer " toa .. •IPI 4, out· It' ·cont. eserve nO\~ • Newport Beach 83311190 SECY /OR.DER DESK 7 lm . :1b ed thru ue. · to t'Ombo l7$; loveaeat Sl5: n11en, t.rtm tabs, ,full for summer. 614-8385 Calltoroppt/eatab 'U potllion°J:n forrapable S.t.9AM to PM.~lllt! Movln& out of 11tate, furn We1tln1house built·ln capvae " t op, Pole •72\\•tnnebafoBrave • peraon or turn, •c· llASS llD & mi1c. 2tiM3 Pa1eo San c I e c , "to v e s 2 o. holders, 100101 fuel t unk Sleeps 6, new carper, SECRET ARIES (91 Needed Now • Adminl1tratfve •MerbtlncJ .,tn9M.,. •lstrow • llncJllt•rfng No ah or llt.e ah TOPSSS$SSSS$S 6-i c: 111 )Q "l~l'C•l•111 .. lfl 11· cest0rle1 ., •~ow room. F""CTo•y ta Clara! S.J.C. 49Cl.0243 714·536·1'738 artsP~1 & full. Dual baucrlea, dual 111 tanks. radio, Salary commen1urole1 "" " IJ7pm ---------• x tr a prop, trl r • d k CB w/exper. Experdetlred .. Lg. 11electlon ot pure -· s e If de Ir 0 a t l n 1 r;l deralla. Stored apace tupc ec • •TV unt.en- but not nece11. Please BRASS Beds . Reas. Corn(•r sectlonaJ of cc rt•Criaerotor, $100. Color avl. Much more equip. na, do•h air,. lo~ alr call, 8'1·2932, Ive number prl~ea. Buy direct & w /coHct tbl, mov Ina TV, mak.e ofter. l\flwc, 714·833·2575 .rt 6PM, heat, compl N II cont'd. .... ' I " Hot wate r h eat er. &name'icaUw/w re· auve aao.S135.M2·1357 5-1811758 Dy1 . 7 14 ·548·4300 thower,~reu urhl!d turned. THE WAAG BED S• IOIS -------1 Manellus a•-t .,. II l 2334Newpor1.Bl, ...,. • t'or Sale Two Jack ---------1.W ... r an · .i;;JCC• en Sec'y wanted. lAaal exp. 842·2712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LaLanne health t1 pa '6'1 Owcn.1 cabin crulaer. tond. '710t. M5-t078t tler necaaary. 6 week sum· aterbed and heoter, llke memberahlJ>I. ~ea for f'alrly aood aha.,., nd1 3:30pm mer rep lace m ent.. Furniture St ripped" new 112.5 or bell orrer. ;:, yr membenhlp. Call work onenafclOIMoul -R-..---.-----.-1133-8622 .Ref1n11hed by Expert.. S.W-9126. 645'-124-0aft5PM 11lde. 167·Wf .. 1c for ent za Fireball. S~ 752-5059dya,64&-6826eve ------• ---------• Mike load1 of windows • ltJ>vice Station Att•n· Movln& Sole: adult tr1C'f • :\loved: Lertoveri.. 30" ---------• cottnter1pace.e45·22a3 dant, exper 'd. Day ., --------• cle. 2 davenports, double 110~ stovu; corree/end Evea.Full&pllme AP· P.ter&Groc•Grap bctl. cubtnt?l i1ewin1 tblll"; linens. etc. rua ply, Shell SloLJon, 17lh & "ANTIQUES" m :ll'h In«!. • h redder, N6·4~ . ln ·ine. NB. Now ()penT~The PubUc chain, table• tt.c. Lol!I ot "·· i I " d HALLTRE!S &ood Junk. 820 Knowell ~rv ee ta. ~uen ant. SIDE DO" RDS Pl, CM, from Sun. noon 100 Yda used St>a1 ere, ~ c:ond, oraoao '-or ) TUVa9u1EH 22'. Load..t with xtra!'. Only 11,000 m l. Xlnt cond.1970 Mdl. $6500. exper'd. P\tll or p tlrt\e " 540-4411 Appl)• Arco Sttttion. 17th WASHSTANDS Hor'HI 1060 17ll02Skypork Blvd. & Irvine, C.~1 DEDROO~ SETS wtuLt" 840·303'7 GUE.ST ROOM DOUBLE StEq~lOl ... lrvlne ~e Slntlon Man . DRl~EBRR~C uatOppr 1:.omployer wanted < 2 > Full & 1~~~ :iolbst. C.M. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Korie for &ale 6 »r old re1 Appalooisu 1cld1n1 w 1 l.ack. 159J. 5-16· l 798 BED. *"'>/Offer. 875-4031 UcMM4 S•tt p'd. In Men's Fashlona. Auocla\u-1rowln1 clothing " sportlwear .._ _______ _ Cotta Meta ortlca has forour~ettmJnst.er Mall s ta i p/timo. Some eicper. Top Call day ortv•. '48·1t0S waaea +comm " Vile I~~~~~~~~~ pay an er l yr. Apply, I· HOttSIS IOAIDED IOlt ••••••••••••••••••••••• • opcnl.Qaa for a full Ume atore. oalary + comm. acre r es aalet at1oclatea. Aa • + profit 1harln1. Call Red Oarpet protaaalonal l>en)'(t, Mon·Sat, l OAM you will .n.Jot our na· ~ .•t The Look, tlonal nferral aynem,, ________ _ local rteo•n.IUon and our SAUSGllL bo nua com mlaalon Pllatm•cy.Expt'd~. aeMdult. Our 10•1 S. to Cell 552-1414 btlp YoU become a Na11--------- eetal• profetalonal earn··1·-------•1 Ina a profeulon.al ill come. For lnlervltw cal Tim Moa11h r M74 VOLT II>,.• .... /\It • • • • Carey'• Chevron eo. s. Ar molre, European , Back Bay area. Rldlnt est HWY, 1.•J Bch, No bu uUful II unuaual, atena, MS-2SM phonecall1. muatJao.175·S.. ~ 1070 Strvlot Sta. Aitendant. ........ eOtO ..... , ................ . Evet. & Wknda. Clt1n •••••••••, ........ ,..... WA...,TED appear. Exp•d. bstly, Washers, d'f•"· Clean " w/ref's. need apply. 2S90 late mod~IJ. '100, 1 yr TOP CASH DOLLAR NewPortBlvd,CM auar. Free delivery. PAI D Jo'O R YOU R SSCASH'°IS -M.u-Cha. WIU also buy. JEWELRY, WATCHES. Sftl"V Sta Help Needed l m· 638-2840. »T OBJECTS. GOLD, --------medlaltly. Fvll or p/l. SI LVER SERVICE, Apply, 980 a Cit Hwy, HURRY!! P INI: I.U RN " AN· NB SIGN PAINTER, muat be e.xper. F'\lll or partt.lme. Call 148-00.0. -...;._-------1 IOIJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ' WE BUY CLIAHCARS &TRUCKS CONNELL ·CHEVROLET 2828Harbor Blvd. COSfAMESi1 54~1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR TOraSEDCARS }'OREIG , DOMESTIC orC JCS Jf your car la •1'lra clean llt't! UJI (ll"ftl, IAUElt IUICK :ms HorbOr Blvd Costa Meta t79·2SOO TOP DOLi.Ait PAID FOR CLEAN ~::1 1 •:HI•'• tit ACtt nl \/() Hllt~llN(,ll)N Ill AUi 11-1, l.'!l I ~-lil 0 l.J,• 1011 \~0.\ & SO\ , l ttlC.Ol N Ml llC.URV ~626 HAllOI llVD. COSTAMISA CAR Ollll-JT c.1t ... c ... Paid,_. Or Hot 31'511,t\RBQll BLVD, Otarbor "Vl~or•• > COSTAME!JA • •• 642..0613 \ NEWPORT OATSUH SPECIALS New t,,l)J' l)alsun Lanct>ed PUdlup. Loaded w/apeciol pab1l·hitel1or· ttret & moett roof. Was $5795 ; Save $1300 ! (11B38$) NOWS4495 888DOVESTREET Near MacArthur It Jnmbortt Rood11 833-1300 '76 B210 2dr, slick. Im· mac. cond. Must 1ell. 12895/ofr. 840·2423 dys, 875-9826 eves & wknds. m iracle n'"lazda ' r,..., 1, I • ·:THIS . WEEK'S SPECIAl! I • ' . Ma~ 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '416 Auto 289. 57,ooO ~ril ml. 2 °'"11'1· Xlni eOnd. $1800. 831·™8 New •77 Nova! No. 128789/0eeO ~~~ '•••s .· Ol'dtr yours now ·NOW ONLY '2995 ... · : . . ------------ .. ,.~ GRAVE FROM WHICH REMAINS WERE STOLEN ) Forest Park Policemen Rlc:tt•rd Bl8luk, left and Robert Kutak Motive Missing Mike Todd's Body Taken From Grave FOREST PARK. Ill. (AP) - he remains or movie producer ~ichael Todd were removed rom lus grave in a cemetery ~ere sometime-over the wet>kend nd police are trying lo contact is former wife, Ehubeth aylor, to see If any ransom has been demanded. ' Forest Park police In · vestlgator Michael Thompson said Sunday that the rubber bag cont.aining Todd's reaiains was discovered mlsaane from his casket in Jewish Waldheim Cemetery alter a woman visiting a nearby grave noticed that. Todd's arave had been tampered with. Todd, who was married to Miss 1-ylor at the Ume of hil death, and three men werekllled March 21, 1958 In a plane craah ln the Zuni Mountain• of western New Mexico. Authorities knew of no motive lt'1 the c~. But. a -ipokeamen ,ald authonttes are lJ'Yllia to con· tact Miss Taylor, 45, to learn if she has reeeived any threats or demands for ransom. Police said that someone had to dig about 4.lh feet to reach the casket and estimated that it pro- bably took them several hours. Becauae of that, authorities have ruled out the possibility that youthful pranksters tampered with the 1rave a spokesman said. Todd, whose real name wu Avrom Hinsch Goldbogen, wu al the height or his career when he dted. He had released the movie "Around the World in 80 Daya," hla bi11est success. shortly befo~ his death. . Police HoDt ' 110&£ nlAN 100 CITIF.S AND town1 have been forced to lm· pose maodatMy water rationing, since rainfall foe tbe 1'78-1T rainy seuon dropped to about half or normal for the aeeond year {n a row. Officials warn that many of the state's 1,000 reservoirs could dry up. On the caked bottom of a Marin County resenolr a brid1e covered for ye an by stored water bakes in the summer sun. The marks of the drought are not always apparent at first glance. In Marin County, which Imposed strict wa~r raUonlnc In February, tenacious native plants an.d trees create •dtcepUvevell of green. But behind it are brown lawn1 and and withered Cardens. THE NJCASIO llESERVOR RAS dwlndltd to expose yards of cracked surface Uke a moonJcape and tbe beds or stnall creeks and streams in the hills \ook like the bbttoms of empty aquariums. In Monterey, as in Marin County, San Francisco an4 Oakland and the surrounding uea, officials report full pubtlc cooperation with mandatory water rationing. In some areas, orticlals said water consumption even has dropped below allotments. Water rationing calling for l 10 percent cut tn us., takes effect Friday io Los An1eJes, where voluntary reductions didn't achieve the needed savings. Beverly Hills, where water usually not.-a u frffly as m()ney, has hired a water cop tQ prowt the eslete-Uned street& aod advise wasteful water users to mend their ways . .\ND I U.YWOOD. 2l&ll Cmrtury I'~ clall Hid thty carefully rvvtew any movie scenes r~ulrinc r.tn and are atreasln1 shorttr shaml>OC* of tbo p&.Q)pered hair of th• stars. ~ In tti• San Joaquin Valle~ baa a • h'• UM <.8M SVN BAKES STATE, P11e Al) 421Hlled VISQ'OAS ENCoUtfTER 81QN8 OF STATE'S ORY TIMES "9• Vllltors to lnV'emna In Menn County to Help Out , '\ Man Simulates 1 Kitchen, Roof Durnin Two FVBJazes Two teparale fires In F'ountain Valley Sunday caused an estimated total of $5,500 In Iyjured Boy lleld In Arson tit /ail Weapon in Store Hold-up A bandit who allegedly simulated a gun to rob a Hunt- ington Beach liquor store Sunday or $200 in cash and a bottle of beer was being sought today by pollce. J damase. official• reported. · A mishap during the refueling or a camp stove at 10 a.IT\. caused $3,500 ln damage to the kitchen of Tom Beckett, 10413 Falcon St. No . one was injured, fire officials said. Police suspect malicious mls· chief ln the charring or a house roof at 9'52 El Blanco Ave. The incident occurred al 2:26 p .m . and caused $2.000 in damage. Police believe the blaze was uused by fireworks thrown on lheroor. COLt,JMBIA. TertQ. <AP> -A youth who admlt~ set.Una a Jail fire Plat killed 42 person5 &a~ twice beeA, tuen into c\,11tody in Wtacon•ln. tn conn~tlon with arson or a thre•t of arson, aulboriUes said today. Andrew Zinmer, 18, was taken to a Nuhvllle hospital In critical condition Sunday alter a fire tn his foam-rubber pad~ cell at the Maury County jall unleashed toxic fumes that kUled 42 In;. matet and et«ht visitors. Haury Count)' Dl1t. Atty. Robert lt Gay aaJd be planned to charee Zlnrner with arson and would ask to have him tried as an adult. Roy Ma.rtJfllk)D, police chief in Sul'erlOC', Wis., said authorities first picked up Zinmer on Feb. 28, 1975, ln connection with a fire at the Board of Trade Building. Martinson said Zinmer did not admit set.Uni the fire and was re- ferred to a guidance clinic in Superior after the incident. M artlnson said the last contact police bad with the youth was June 17, 1976, in connection with a threat of arsoll. At that Ume he was takeo to a home for problem cbUc:lreno the chief said. Atlemptl to rescue the victims of Sunda.Y'• fin were hampered when a deputy sheriff carrying keys t.o the Jail's 12 cells collided wltb fleeinl visitors. He dropped the keys on tbe noor and wu una- ble to fb¥l them for abou.t 12 min~. Officials aaid . One hU.band and wife, who· bOth were prisouttra, C!fed In ffae fire alon1 with bis visiting· parent& and sister. Jn another <See .IAJ~ ... , • .U> Police said the rob~ey OC· 1 curred at 5:18 p.m. at Plaza tt-~ quor, 21441 Brookhurst St. Ac· 1 cording to an employe, the b~t approached the store's front J desk holding a papet bae and clalmilli he had a gun. After taking $2oo in cash from the employe, Ulelbandit crabbed a bottle of beer and fted in a late model blue Toyota. Police saJd two cornpaniona may ha\'e been waiting in the getaway car. The bandit wu described as a male lh his early 20's, about five-· foot seven-inches tall with shoulder lenclh btown baJr. tf JJp, llp and AU'Jag ~ It's not a bird. Npr is it a plane. It's Super Balloon - the South Coast AJr Quality Management District's latest weapon in the fight against dreaded smog. It was " launched this morning fromt he Santa Ana Marine Corps Helicopter Facility. Dr. Thomas Heinsheimer and Peter Neushul are aboard. They plan to drift with the air currents over Southern California for 40 hours to see what they can team about where pollutants go 60 scien-. i. lists can pinpoint where cutbacks in pollutants might be .. made. n Fro.Page Al SUN BAKES STATE. • • -...:. which people dial to report on wayward water users and a local : television station started a "drip of tbe day" booby prbe for water · wasters complete with a rubber duck logo. At Audrey Oodson'a MW Valley borne, the sunburlt locust out "..front bloomed lhi• year, but the yelloW clusters were Usht and dull. -?drs. Dodson and other customers of the Marin Munlclpa! Wat.r • -District can't spare much water for home landscapin1 because they are hm1ted to 46 gallons per person per day. However, like mayo( her friends, Mrs. Dodsoo has kept her swimming pool full by buying water by the truckload. SHE REMEMBERS THE TIME WHEN sbe wouldn't bother lo turn off the faucet II 1be had to dash to answer the telephone. "I won't do that ever again," she said. "lt'a aurprtaing the things you become aware of, bow to conserve.·· '!J The mountain• guarding most of California's 1,072-mile Pacific t Ocean coastline tu111 golden every year by the end of summer. This r. year they turned to parchment by June. · For most people, the hardest part or rationing is chansing their • bathroom habits. It means no more long showers or luxurious bub- ble baths, shultlnl off water while brushing teeth and 1havln1. 0 A 35-YEAR·OLD WOMAN FROM Marin County aaid she ·travels to San Francisco to take baths at the homea of friends who have some water to spare. ··Lots or friends volunteer," she said. A gas station owner in Monterey County decided to Hve water by closing the rest room• and setting up chemical toilet• behind the station. But he had to remove the portable potties because of state laws And parents say their children have become policemen around , the house. yelhn1 at adult.a who let the faucet run or .stay in the shower loo long. THERE IS ALWAYSABRIGHTapot io the middleofdisuter. < Thus, there are some towns which stand like an ouil, untouched by • the drought. Yreka, a city of 6,500 near the Oreeon border, iJ cal.Una itself a "born of plenty. 11 Because it recel ves an abundance ot water from an offshoot of the Klamath River, the city has purchased a water dlJpenalnf machine whJcb will allow residents of lesa fortunate areaa to buy~ . gallons o( water for a nickel. Water Gates Shut SACRAMBNTO CAP) -Stat. and federal officlal1 say they wlll mtermittently close the Delta 4tl'Oll Channel lltes because Of llhe droulht. F,...PageAJ . MOTEL ••• ' backed up tn the llDlnnid raw M*~e oo ewal . eowu. Tbe OVllflow WU app t.ly the nnt warnta1 that a aewer problem ext ted In the rapidly 1rowln• area alon1 Warner AYen Since that tlme, the problem hH developed iJato a "Hmi• crtatl" situation, accordina to cl· ty olfidala. The planninc commission bas been forced to bold up permits to build 81 new homes ln o area because of overburdened lftel'I, Net expressed oftlclaUy bUt dlaeuued privately were COO· cerna that there bad bea a breakdown ln communicaUona from the public worka depart,. ment to the planning depart· ment. which had continued work Oft plans for new construction. PlaMln1 Comml11loner Ruth Finley said ape isn't happy with the 1ituatioo.. "l find lt ahockin1 that it took the complainta of homeowners to make us aware of tbia delicien· cy, · • ahe said. "Before tbia, we didn't have an indication that there was a pro- blem," aheaaid. "I hope that future monitorini will allow ua a warning of any future deficiencies throuehout the city before they reach a critical stafe," abe added. City Enpneer Mike Zambory, who blamed the overtaxed a.ewer lines on a number of factors, said there apparently waa a lack of commuhlcation rrom the men in the lleld. ''Ideally, we should have de· tected thla problem," Zambory admitted. He indicated, however. that the department was undentaffed. He said that at the same time there haa been a areal in- crease ln the workload there has been no increase in the work force because or budget con· cern1. He said new monitoring machines now have been in· stalled to make graphs of the sewa1enow. To make matters worse, the Ci· ty of Huntinst.on Beach bas been absorbln1 tlle sewage or the Sunset Beach Sanitary District at an ever increa1Jn1 rate into the line. Zambory said the amount of aew aae handled from Sunset Beach baa Increased nearly 400 percent ln recent years. Action la being ccnuldered by the city to lnatall a parafiel sewer line on Warner from Sprln&dale Street to Graham Street that is expected to handle increasing de· manda. Approval of the project is scheduled for Au1uat. Officials say that it the new tine 111 installed on 1cbedute, there won't be further delays in the construction of the new homes. WHikeaFee For Park Land Fountain Valley house builders• fees for parks have been railed from '800 to $1,000 per residential lot. Tbe city councU rallec1 \he fees tor the ftrst tlme tlnce 1'74 to meet rlllnc land coata. The fees are used to pay for open apace or park land ln new houatq developments. Devilopert have the option of paying the fee or donating 4()SO square feet ol land to tho city ff# each lot with proportionate f fff for condomlnium or' apartment developments. Plann.ln, commlaalon and par It and recreation commlulon member'I bad backed a plan.~ ratae the tees to Sl.500 per home lot. l.U11ER BOATcnWNHD8HELPlNEFFOATTOPROVEPOINT tlrendenCflfttoDvplJcm18thCenturyF••t Tow Completes Voyage ' Fickle Fate F oulJJ F~~h of Leather BOat Four trans·Atlantic sailors in the 38· foot leather boat Brendan arrived in Newfoundland's Mussrave Harbor Sun· day under tow from a Canadian coast guard vessel. could have taken th·e vessel a montb to re· ach land because of unfavorable winds. Uollke a modern sailboat, the Brendan is unable to tack against tbe wind. Made from oxhides stretched over a frame~ oak and ash, the Brendan sailed from western Ireland last year and re- mained in Iceland for the winter. 1t de- parted Iceland May 11. They accepted the tow for the last few mUes after waiting m()St of the day for the wind to carry them ashore. A CROWD OF about 400 cheered as the square-rigged craft, which sailed from Iceland 46 days ago, tied ue at the harbor about 300 miles north of St. John's, the capital of Newfoundland. An account written by St. Brendan told of a voyage that lasted aeven seasons and took him Jllld his crew to a region of icebergs and strange lands. BESIDES SEVERIN, the modern Brendan's caew included George Maloney. like Severin a Briton, Arthur Magan of Ireland and Trondo Patersson, an artistfrom Denmark's Faroe Islands.· . Skipper 'nm Severin and his three crewmen are attempting t.o prove that such a leather boat could have been used by the lr1sh monk St. Brendan to bring the first Europeans to North America in the sixtt) century. THE CANAD~oast guard ship John Cabot spotted the~ndan Thurs- day about 60 miles off Newfoundland's east coast. Coast guard officials sajd it The four were to spend the night in Gander, about 70 miles southwest. of Musgrave Harbor.. Their future plans were not.immediately known. Panel Bacha · Tax Repeal, OnWuoline .. • WASHINGTON (AP> -The House Waya and Meara Commit- tee a~roved today a provtaion repealmg the income-tait deduc- tion Cor state and local gasollne taxes. An estimated 18.6 mtllton couples or lndivlduala would face a tax increase averagin1 $38 a year startlnt Jan. 1 If the de· ductlon is repealed. Nearly half the tax hike would be imposed on bmlUea with adjusted sroas in· comes ol $20,000 or leas . The .20·14 vote came after Bernard Shapiro, 1taff director' of the Joint Committee on Taxa- tion, conceded the action would have llttle eUect °" energy con- servation. The Carter admin.lstraUon sup- ported repeal of the deduction on grounds lt would provide a psychological incentive for using less gadine. In an effort to encourage modernliation of busn, the com· mittee also wrote into the final version of ita ener1y bill a pro- vision to repeal taxea on fuel, tires, tubes and oil used by vlrtu4lly all bUles. And th• panel voted • tax credit ol uP to '3(>0 for bu1cn of electric can. I SIJWGlll'AIJ; CROOKED GUN? FAIRBANKS, Alulta (AP) - A clasalfted ad In the Dally News· Miner offtrln1 to sell a .~7 magnum teYOlver: ''Plred on.l.Y twice at a lltU• old ladJ." P,... P.,,e Al family trqedy, a prisoner aod five relatives died. 0 All the vfcti!DjS had got down on the floor u far u they could, layins down to get some air ... " one official said. "It seemed like most of the victims were life· less" when reached. Simmer's mother, Addie L. Zinmer, described her son in a t elephone interview from her Superior home as an emotionally disturbedbo)'." ....... - Authorities in Wauke ~ sha, Wis., said cecords show Zinmer was reported miss· ing from Lad Lake Jnc., a re- sidential treatment center in Dou1man, Wis .• for emotionally disturbed teen-agers. Zimmer had been removed from the Jail's had been removed from tbejail1s drunk tank SalW'day and placed in the padded cell because be stu(fed a tpilet and cau.ed a flood, autboritiea said. Stat~ Jaw requires that juveniles be secre1ated from adult prtaonera. and o(ficlals said the padded cell was the only other facility avail•· ble. Chief Deputy Bob Farmer said Zlnmer was pulled from the jall 's padded cell . "Me and another olllcor drug him out," Farmer aa14. "He said heaetlt." 'th• lberlff Hld today ·that while Zinmer wu ln the padded cell before the fire broke out, "One of the vialtora have him a clf arette ... There WC'• 56 Inmates in the Jail at the time of the fire. Of the 22 wbo sot out allve, 19 were flown by hell~optert to two hospitals ln NUbvtUe, aboUt 60 ·miles PO~ of Columbla, ofllclals aald. Autliorlties aalcl' 18 other .,.S'.tonl, lncludln1 two firemen. were treattd {Qr injuries at local b pttm. BJI the Anociated Prtll Fatal .Copter Crash Probe' .J ()pens Today ' A U.S. Naval Board of Inquiry was to convene today to begin tn· veati1ating the cause ot a helicopter crub that killed three crewmen, Including a Los · Alamitosofficer, Fnday. Authorities indentilied the de· ad H U. Richard A. Creighton, 30, whose Lo6 Alamitos address was not available; Lt. Walter S. Howdyshell, 29, of New Lex· ingt.oo, Ohio, and Petty Officer Second Class Robert M. Emery Jr .. 20. of Williams, Ore. lnvesUgators said Howdyshell w H piloting the SH2F anti· submarine helicopter with Creiehton as co·pilot when it crashed without warning near a Baltimore, Md .. 1uburb. The chopper bad been airborne oo a routine training lllght for about two hours when it crashed. The Navy said the er aft and it.s crew were auigned to the First Air Test and Evaluation Squadron at Patuxent Naval Air Station. Last Body Found LOS BANOS (AP> - Authorities have recovered the fourth and final bodf of the P~ and Aline Hanly f amlly of ~or:af tert7. They dro.,ned ln San IAl11 Reservoir. I , (Jp and A tDag It's not a bird. Nor is lt a plane. It's Super Balloon - the South Coast Air -Quality Management District's latest weapon in the fight against dreaded smog. It was launched this morning fromt he Santa Ana Marine • Corps Helicopter Facility. Dr. Thomas Heinsheimer and Peter Neushul are aboard. They plan to drift with the air currents over Southern California for 40 hours to see what they can learn about where pollutant$ go so scien· lists can pinpoint where cutbacks in pollutants might be made. fA!,ioy~rs Pennitted 'l'o Advertise Fees advertise fees. However, the ABA tecenUy modified rules to allow lawyen lo Hat their names and leaal specialties in the classified sec· lion of a telephone directory. The majority said the only con· stltullonal lsaue presented by the Arizona case la "whether the atate roay preveht the public•· tlon in a newspaper of lawyers' truthful advertitement concern· in1 the availability and terms ol routine letal set.Vices. • a1 ~ fl ol tbe linll• room~ ti are rented oa a aeml·petmaoent baili wlth tM rut avlUahle fOI' ov ri\Jtbten. Manqer Juk' Rowe aaya the occupaMy ntio ls U1ually about 50 perctat: Rowe eddJ tbat hll room• are often used by 1allon ftom the nearby Seal Beach Weapons Depot for all-niaht ·parties and by bums who arrive with tree lodlint cblta bauld by . .... . . Voluntary Help Cited as Sun BakeS.St:Ji,te SAN' FRANCISCO <APl -On a hillside near the Pacific Ocean, sheep nuzzle the ea~ for a few dried blades ol 1rus. A Bay Area bostesa rentl a portable toilet for a party, and a boleL on Catalina Isl and uka 1uests to brine their own Hnen. <Related story A3. ) lt'a the drought CalllomJa.style -the effects of two years of un· precedented dry weather changing the lllestyles and landscapes of the nation's most populous state. OU THAN tot CITIES AND town1 have been forced to Im· poae mandatory water rationing, since rainfall for the 1918-17 rainy aeaaon dropped lo about half ot normal for the second year In a row. Officials warn that many of the state's 1,000 reservoirs could dry up. On the caked bottom ot a Marin County reservoir a brid&e covered for years by stored water bakes In the summer sun. The marks of the droupt are not always apparent at first alaace. In Marln County, which imposed strict water raUonina In February, tenacious native plants and trees create a dtteptive veil of treen. But behind It are brown lawns and and withered 1ardens. THE NIC"'"O RESEKVOR HAS dwindled to expose yards of cracked 1w-f ace llke • moonscape and the beds of small creeks &11d strNms in the hills look like the bottoms of empty aquariums . Airline's BJ GARY GRANVILLE Of lllUIT .. ""' .... Su~ Thomas Alley will 11k the Board of Supervisors Tueada,y to adopt a resolution op. po1lnc tivint North-Central Airlines access to Oranae County Airport. Riley'• proposed resolution seek• to have North-Central'a pendlnt hearina before the Civil Aeronautlca Board delayed from July 1 to Sept. 1. 1t also volcea 1trong county ob- JecUona to North-Central being 11ven routea by the CAB that would link the local airport lo Mlnneapolls·!it. Paul. "It would be a disaster for Oranc• County if the routes are approved, 11 Riley said today as he prepared his resolution. ''It would a1ao make a 1ham of Oran1e County Airport'• de- alanatlon u a local airport," Rlley added. ... Motive Missing FOREST PAJtX. m. (A" - The remains ot mOYle producer Michael Todd were removed from bia fr ave tn • cemetery here sometime mer tbo weekend and police are tryinl to contact his former wife, Elizabeth Taylor, to aee ll any ransom bas been demanded. Foreat Park police In· vestlgator Michael Thompson said Sunday that the rubber .,_, containing Todd's remains was dlacovered miaalna from hl• casket in Jewlah Waldheim Cemetery ~r a woman vlsltlng a nearby grave noticed that Todd's irave had been. tampered with. • Todd, who waa married to Miss Taylor at the time of his death. and three men were killed March 28, 1958 in a plane craah In the Zuni Mountains or western New Mexico. . ' · In Monterey, as in Martn County, San Francisco and Oakland and the surrounding area, ofllclala report fUll pabllc cooperation with mandatory water rationina. In aome areu, otflelala said water conaumption even has dropped below allotments. · Water rationing callln1 for a 10 peneot cut In use takes dfect Friday in Loe Angeles, when voluntary reductions didn't achieve . the needed savinp. . Beverly Hilla, where water usually flowr as freely u money, has hired a water cop to prowl the ala~Ui*t •lffetl aDd adVile waateM water users to mend their wa)'I. • AND IN HOLLYWOOD, Mb Century Fox of'flclals Hid they carefully review al'ly movie scenes requlriDC rain and are ltrelllnl shorter shamPQOI of the pampered hair of the stara. Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley bu let0"'1) a "snitch" liae which people dial lo report on wayward water users and a local · teltvlaion station •tarted a "drtp of tbe day" booby prize for water . wasters complete with a rubber duck loeo. · Al Audrey Dodson's Mill Valley home, the aanburst locust out front bloomed this year, but the yellow clusters were U.ht and dull. Mn. Dodson and other customers of the Marin Municipal Wat.er <See SVN BAKES STATE, P .. e AZ) ii(! AuthDritiel knew or no motive in tbe dae. But a spoUlman •4id 1uthOl'lUes are try ma to con· tact Miu Taylor. 4$, to learn ir alae has received any threats or demands for ransom. Police aaid that aomeone had to-dlt about 4~ feel to reach the caaket and estimated that lt pro- bably tOok them several hours. Because or that, authorities have ruled out the possibility that youthful pranksters taQ'lpered with tbe grave a apokaman Hid. Todd, whose real name WU Avrom Hirsch Goldboeen, was at the height of his career when be died. . He had released the movie "Around the World in 80 Daya," hl1 biHeat s uccess, shortly before his death. Panelists· •• Tbere ma1 bO a lake and. a lot of awlmsalnl paols. la lrvtne. but people tn Oraqe County 1erteral· ly a1ree that Jrvlae b • landlocUd dt1. ! ApparenUy, the folks at the . 1tate Coastal COmmlsaioa office in San FranclJco think ao too. Despite lbe fact that a •llvu ot Jr~lne 11 included in the coastal zorJ•. no on~ trom the state Coaatal Commiulon office bothered to Uhd ctty offictala any information abo.ut tbe co11tal tone act teiutatlont. · .. It's true. We mistakenly left Jrvlne off the maillnt ltlt few a whJle," admitted Maree stronc. a state coastal comml11lon pran. ner. · M1. ~ tald the mistake w,.1 made because Irvine is usually JlOt thousht or u a coastal dt.v and tbat they jUlt foraot that·part ct the city ls re· gutated by the coutal zone act. Under that detignation and county operatint policy. fliahts to and from the airport are Umit· ed to 500 mU11. While the North.central route appllcatlon dealcnates Las Ve111andPhoenixas1topovers alon1 the Twin Cities route, Riley Complete Saccharin The coutal U>ne boundaries are drawn ao that 270 acres ot Irvine are ln.c:IUded within tlae zont. Of Uiat amount, 234 ecres are the UC Jrvtne manb and · becauae they are owned b)' the unlve11lty th~ are exempt fl'Olfl the~ of \be coastal ione (See AlllPOBT, Pase A2) Sl&41GHI' AD; CROOKED GUN? FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP> - A classllied ad In the Daily News- Miner off erlne to aell a .357 mapuft\ r volver: . • • Plred only twice at a little old lady." . . Sales Ban Possible ... WASHINGTON (AP> -The Food and Drug Administration ia consldertn1 II eomplete ban on the sale of aaccbarln. FDA Comml11loner Donald Kenned1 told a House subcom· mlltee thatthe a1ency may pro. hlbit all sales or the artificial sweetener becau.te of a new Canadlan 1tudy which •hows • hlah Incidence of bladder oncer among males w~"" 1acebartn. He aaid t.be PDA la extendint ect. : Howrier, 38 fCNS IUmJiuDdlnc the m8"h are included ~ ap. r.ar ntly be(oaus or tbelt PfQX· mtcy to e.Dvlrontnentally-. .< • ~~~~•I• .U> I t Irvine pollce have arrested an .year-old man 1Ulpect.ed Of Ecktn1 up a lS·Y•Ar·Gld tchblhr .,ut tef\ttlnl t.o lel Mr t of hit truck alter he aJJe1edly ftlolested her. · Police wreated Oeorfe Roy 'tlray, Jr., ol Pieo l\lvera Friday 'Wtter olficer1 spotted bi.I pickup Uuck ln the Woodbrldle area ol ·~vine. Bray was char1ed wltb child olaUna, felony falae lmprilon· 1ient and felony hit and run. He was released on hls own re- • ~gnizance. According to police, the Incl· dent Bray la char1ed with OC• curred a week earlier, when ray alle1edly picked up the h1tchhlk~1 an Irvine resident, on Culver unve near tho Deerfield ~mmunlty. ,.., Tbe firl told poUce abe uked to .3et out of the truck when Bray fondled her, but that be refused ~stop. ' Police aald the friehtened atrl If.jumped out or the truck near • Walnut Avenue, whUe the vehicle .,was travellna about .U mil• an -~our. The girl was treated for cuts .. and bruises, bul was not Jiospltall1ed. PoUce 1tald they :Were able to trace Bray becauae ~ witneu to the incident followed l'fhe truck and obtained the 1icense plate number. i• .... ~;BRIDGE ••• the American Contract Brtd1e Lea1ue, aaid the reaponae to the .,bterrocatory aaktne U the 1ea1ue contends unauthorized tn- t'ormaUon wu posaed between .Kat& and Cohen 11 "probably the • whole lawsuit." Howell Hid the Jeaeue will claim there were lm- proprletlea and wlll explain why tt belleva so. Kats, 35, la a phy11lclan In Beverly Hills. Cohen, 34, has a ~eer-ee in pharmacy, but prac- tices professionally u only a )trldge player. The two have been playing together since they were 1'tudents al the University or Wisconsin, teaming to win the ln· tercollcglnte championships In 19 6. ~Emertainer Still Stable LOS ANGELES (AP) -Come- ~lan Groucho Marx, aald to be "a little more cheerful and talkaUve," remained in atablo condition at Cedara-Slnal Medical Center recuperatlne from a bout wllb pneumonia, a hospital 1poketman aatd. The •pok•man reported on the J.&·year-old entertainer'• c~· -'!.on Sunday. Marx was read- ltted to lbe hoepltal last Thurs- ay. J f -vt . m taJ review proc un t.o Ille court'tHl fecUoa. Tbe raolutlon l1n Wt &.h IJR prepa.Nd for lbt lloritUe Parts lhdJum II adequate for tlio akauboard covne, too. City aMciall are b09tn1 ~,at1 ll tbe eounell appro•• lh• NIOIU· lion, the court wlll allow the ctty to 10 &he~ WJU\ ltlf lfRH with Lc!faure Spfflaltlet, Jne., "the firm wanta t.o develop Ute utebovd count. Ji.ms included on the retutar a1mctaare: -southern California Coc:ktall Wait.reae1 Inc. ii appeaJtai a~ nlal ot a permit application to operate a waltreu tratnlne 1cb061 lht.he lndostriaJ cornoleic. CJh1 aides contend that the 1cbool doea not fall within the el.,siflcatlon of an educalJonal inttituUon and does nol flt other allqwed uaes in the industrial COtnplex. .. • . A public heartns wlll •be held and then the councU will decide if It want.a to uphold or ovttturn the dtclaion by the city manaaer. -<:<luncilmen wlll diseuaa and JM>Nibly adopt policies on treee: Ted Pocock of 'Costa Mesa was well· prepared fot a crash during the sixth an· nu41i SevOle Grand Prix in Mission Viejo Sunday. There was no crash and no In· juries reported during the race. However, he might have let his parachute out. too soon since he lost the race. Ollie Vauglu•, t. Mi11lon Viejo resident, took home the fint place trophy for the fifth time. · -COUOcllmen are expected to take final actJon on adopUna the bud~etfor 1977·78. -Councilmen will be aaked to give final approval to an or- dinance amending uaea io Lbe In· duatrlal complex. Code Settkment Sought: Man Faces Pot Raps BAKERSFIELD <AP) -Dar- rel Lee Tarklntton, 38, of Han· ford has been booked for in· veatleatton of four narcotics counia by sheriff's deputies who aeised about 1,400 pounds of marijuana valued at $440,000, authorities said. Saddleback College trustees tonight will be asked to adopt a propo1ed con.fllcl 0( Interest code requirine themselves and perhapa dozen• or other dialricl employea to reveal all their personal financial Interests. Tbe vote la expected later in the meellnt. which begins at 't: 30 p.m. in Room 212 ol the college library. 'Rieh' Ministey Graham Fund at $23Million CHARLO'rJ'E, N.C. CAP> -Bllly Graham'• mlnl1try has amassed almoet S23 million over the past seven yeara tn land, stocks, bonds and cash holdings that have been shielded from public view, The CbarlotLe Observer reported ln ita Sunday ediUona. THE ACC\JMULATION of wealth by the Graham ministry appean to be perfectly le1al, the newapaper re- ported. But It aald that the existence of the fund was never mentioned in previous interviews with Graham assoclatea on the organization· s holdings. Graham conceded ln an inlervlow that the existence of lbe fund has been kept secret, partly to avoid beinl lnundat· ed with requests for help, lhe newspaper said. The fund, the World Evaneellsm and Chrlalian Educa· ~ #' tlon Fund or Dallas "Tu., support.a such -._ .......... ,... causes aa the Campus Crusade tor Christ, the Fellowship or Ohrlsllan Athletes, the Baptist World Alliance and Younautc. GRAHAM TOLD the Ob!ierver that between Ir) and 90 percent or the rund's receipt.I each year come from the Billy Graham Evanaollstic AsaoclaUon, the main arm or the Graham mlnlstry. The B!!Sets of the World E:veniellsm ouHAM fund. accordin1 to tho Observer, Include 2.600 acres ot prime undeveloped land In Buncombe County N.C., valued at SJ.6 million. and a $19 3 million portfolio of blue·chip stocks and bondii including AT&T, Exxon, General Electric and IBM. Graham t.old the Observer last fall that he relt it woold be wron1 for ~ or1aniiallon to own •tock becau•e such ·ownership couJd be construed as endorsement of a corpora- tion. However, he told the newspaper lut week that M felt It was accept.able for lbe World Evanaeuam rund to have such holdt.np because th• fund does not carry his name. Other key items on lhe aeenda include: -Further dlacuuion and study of the colle1e'1 tentative budaeL of S24 million. -A di1cu11lon of alternate financing methods available lo pay for construction of lhc second district campus in Irvine. -A public hearing on the en- vironmental impact report for the second campus. -Further discunlon or the possibility of real11nln1 trustee area boundaries. It is the COl')nlct or Interest code, llowcver, which is expected to draw lbe most heated db· cusslon among board members. The code was drafted as an out- growth of Proposition Nlne, the state law enacted aeveral years ago in an effort to cntck down on Fro• P,,,,. AJ AIRPORT ••• sees the proposal as "devastat· ing" to the short hop policy . ·•If we loee this battle we make a farce out ot our own policies," Riley aald. "But with full board backing and an agaresslve stand before the CAB, I don't sec why we should loee." The resolution Riley wlll de- liver to hia fell<>w supervisors to- day poln~ out that Oranee Coun· ty Airport ls already operating under a noise variance that makes noise standards htehcr than allowed by state law. Riley's resolution also points 9ut the existing atraln on air terminal, parkin1 and other lacllltles at the airport. Legal l>roblem1 cauaed by the aJrport's operation are not over- looked In the resolution that Riley expecta wlll be endorsed by the board and 1en\ to CAB. It notes that the county "la pre· sently def endlng ltaelf In ex· tensive inverse condemnation litliatlon arlsln~ o\)t ot jet aircraft actlvltJea.' polltlcaJ corruption. Colle1e trustees have been con· siderlne auch a local code tor more than a year but have put It orr each time tho atate·mandated deadlines have been extended for Joe al .,encl es. One board member who has steadfastly opposed such a code Is Mission Viejo Trustee Donna Berry. She haa said she wlll realan tr she hu to disclose her husband's financial 1tatu1. Under the code, truatees and any other district employea capable of lnlluencln1 declliona related to expenditure of tax funda must llsl peraonal lncome, property holdings, stocks and bonds and personal property. • Eu Deaths CHICAGO (AP> -The de· veloper ot the Sabin llve-vlrus vacclno uatut polio aaya there ta no loaaer a basl• ror recom-mendtn1 ,eJrlY nu vaccinations for eldOrlY and other hilh·rlsk arouPf. · ' Dr. Albert B. Sabin reporta lri the current laaue or the Journal ot the American Medical MIOCla· tlon that lbe vaccination• are un· neceuary tn many cues because nu.related d••th rates have declined. Dr. Sabin, currenUy with the· Medical University or South Carolina'-Charleston, said he concludea that the formula used by the Center for Disease Control . to e1Umate deaths ttom flu and bllh·rltk related disease ·"has · 1iven exauerat.ed fi1ure1" a~ce 1970. - Lut Body Found LOS BANOS CAP> - AutborlUett have recovered ~ f ourtb and nnat body of the Pat and Aline Hanly f amlly of Mon· terey. 'Ibey drowned ln San Lula' Reaervolr. PanelBacla .Tax Repeal ·. <JnGaaoline Approval of the resolution Tue.day will mean that county government is olficially OD re- cord as oppcJltlnl havtn1 North· Central use the airport and will oppoac tho alrllne'• appllcaUoh ·when it comet before CAB In W ashlngton O..C. VISITOR ENCOUNTER SIGNS OF 8TAT&'I DAY TIMU Pl•• Aaka VlaJtot11 to lnvern••• In M•rln Count1 to Help Out' MOTEL ••• are a Um at beat, ho beUevea. So now he ls 1tuck with a SC00,000 property that rnust ro- maln u it 11. "It's a shock when you can't cOQlrol. your own properl)'," tald Bentle)', whoa• Callth Properliet purcbaaed the att.e about a year aao tor lriveatment purposes . .. Tb commlHlon i. inUJaa me a 1lave to my own prqperty. i.mni me l have to serve tho public even U I don't want to, 0 M •aid. . . Musician· Dies In Swim Pool I',... Page Al 1 Sl1i, BAKES STATE.·· Al' GRAVE FROM WHICH "EMAINS WERE STOLEN Forest Park Pollcem~n Rlcllatd Blaluk, left and Rot.1 Kutak Motive Missing Mike Todd's Body Taken From Grave FOREST PARK, 111 . CAP> - The 'remains or movie producer Michael TOdd were removed from hi• ll'•ve ln a cemetery here sometime over the weekend and police are tryi.nc to cont.act his former wife, Elizabeth Taylor, to aee lf any ransom bas been demanded. Forest Park police in· vestig•tor Michael Thompson said Sunday that the rubber bag conta.lftin1 Todd's remalna was discovered mlsstn1 from his cuktt ht Jewish Waldheim Cemetery alter a woman vlsltlnl a nearby 1rave noticed that Todd'• grave had been tampered wt th. Todd, who wu married to Miss Taylor at the lime or his death. and three men were killed March 28, 19S8 in a plane crash In the Zuni Mountains of western New Mblco. Authorities knew of no motive m the case. But a spokesman said authorities are trying to con- tact Miss Taylor, "6, to learn if she bas received any threats or demands for ransom. Police said that some<>ne had to dig.about 4~ feel t~ reach the casket and estimated that it pro- bably took them several hours. Bee a use of that, authorities have ruled out the possibility that youthful pranksters tampered with the 1rave a spokeaman aald. Todd, whose real name •Iii Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen, was lit the heiibt ot his career when be died. He had released the moyle ••Around the World in 80 Daya.'' hls bl11eat succe11, 1horUy before hi• death. Glider Killed CEDAR CITY, Utah \(AP> - Robert WUJlams, a Las Vesas Nev .• hanc 1lider instructor, 41;! Sunday when bis para ute faUed to open ifter be lost eontrOl o( hla &llder, authorities aald. ORA aees Th• s.lt'ltlOll Arin)'. Row claims a fqiUve from a Com Neu murder wu ~ at the motel two years •Co mid S.al Bt b police eontlrmed that tbe 1'81 aJTetted an em~ suspect tbere about 1ix moatbs qo. Rowe -.ya he has cleaned out a lot of drill users wbo frequented tbe mOtel, but lt'a atUJ almoat. lm- PoUlbletoacreen every customer I .. • , • 1'. Voluntary Help Cited as Sun Bakes State SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -On a hlll1lde near the Pacific ()cean, In Monterey, as in Marin Q>unty, s.n Francisco and Oakland sheep nuzzle the earth for a few dried blades of graaa. A Bay Area and the.sll.m>Onding area, officials report full public coopuation hos teas rents a portable toUet for a -party, and a hotel on Cata1ina with mandatory water rationln&. In some areas, officlala sald water Island uu euests to brlne tbelrownllnen. Related story A3. consumption even bas dropped below allotments. It's the drou1bt Callf ornia-style -Ute eftectl of two )'ears of un-Wat.er rationing callln1 for a 10 percent cut In use takes effect ' precedented dry weJther changing the nte1tytes and landscapes of Friday in Los An1eles, where voluntary reductions didn't achieve I the nation's most populoua state. the needed savings. l Beverly H.l.U$, where water usuall)I nows u freely as money, MORE THAN IOI crna AND towns have been f oreed to Im-bas bl red a water cop to prowl the eatai.llned atreeta and advise pose mandatory water raUonin&, since rainfall for the 1978-77 rainy wasteful water users to mend their ways. season dropped to about half of normal (or the second year ln a row. AND IN BOLL ywoon 21th Cent"""' Fox officials said thev Offkla.la warn that many of the state's 1.000 reservoirs could -. _, 1 dry up. On the caked bottom of a Marin County reseNo1r a bridce carerUUy review any movie scenes requlrh11 ralD and ate stressing ed, b •-ed t b-1. tn•.. aborterabampoosoftbepamperedbalrofthe atars. cover .or years Y s"'r wa er -es ... e summer JUD. Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley bu set up a "snitch" line . The marks of the droupt are not always apparent at flnt wblch people dial to report on wayward water \ISel"I aDd a local glance. In Marin County, which imposed strict water raUoning In television station started a "dril> of the day" bOoby prize for water February, tenacious naUve plants and treet create a dec~ve veil wasters complete with a rubber duck loeo. of green. But behind it are brownlawnt and and wither.ct 1ardens. At Audrey Dodson's Mill Valley home, the sunburst locust out THE NICASIO BESERVOR BAS dwlndled to expose yards ot front bloomed this year, but the yellow clusters were tight .00 dull. cracked surface like a moonscape and the beds of am all creeks and Mrs. Dodson and other customers of the Marin Municipal Water streams in the hills look like l:"e bot~_m_s_o_f_.efr-pt~y_aq...._uart_u_m_~-·~---_;:....-____ <See __ s_u_N_B_A_K_D_ST_A_TE_,_P_a_c•_.U_> ______ : Code Vote Due Tonight For College Saddl ack Collese tttsteea' tool1ht wtU be ult"ed to adopt a proposed eonfllct or intereat code requirrns themselves and perhaps doz.ens of other district employn to reveal all thefr personal financial Interests. The vote la expected later in the meetma. whlch beglna at 7:30 p . .m. in Room 212 of the colle1e library. Other key items on the agenda include: -Further discussion and study of ~be cotte1e's tentative budget of rl4 million. -A dis~ussion or alternate flnancin1 methods avaUable to pay for construction or the second district campus in Irvine. -A public hearing on the en- vironmental impact report for the second campus. -Further dlscusaion of the possibility of reallgnln1 trustee ar ea boundaries. It ls the conflict of Interest code,however,wbichiaexpected' lo draw the most heated dis· cusslon amont board members. The code wu dratted u an out· erowth of Proposition Nine, tho stale law enacted several years a10 In an effort to crack down on polltlcal corruption Collete trustee• tl'ave been con- sidering slJCh a loc•l code for more than a year but ban put it off eaeb Ume the ltate-mandated deadlines have been extended for local a1encles. One board member who has 1teadf utty opposed such a code ~SeeOODE, P11eAi> let his parachute out too soon since be last the race. Ollle Vau1hn. a Mission Viejo resident, took home Uio fint place trophy for the fifth time. Large Crowds ·:Ibrong Sands .Along Coast The kiod of warm and woo· derful weather that cbambert of commerce pray tor attracted Jarge crowds to South Orange County beaches this weekend.. There were no serioua incidents. San Clemente uteauarda re· forted a total of 48 rescues, while a1una Beach guard. reported 3, none of them jnvolving , seriou.t problems. 1 The liteauard a•enciea patrol ,f!lty Ind county areu the lenath of the south cout. Lite,uards estimated that crowds in Laauna Beach totaled 73,000 for Saturday and Sunday. Areas patrolled by San Clemente auarda accounted tor more than 41.000 aunbathera. · Air temperatures rose to 74 'desreee, with the water at 83 de area. ·Jagnna Police Arrest Girl In fit-Run I 1. La1una Beach Police al'Hlted a 18-year-old Cerritos glrl for al- leged drunk drlvlni Saturday after a bit and run accident. The firl was also booked for a1- 1e1ed bit and run and petty theft ad for drlvinl without a Jlcense followtna the 7:50 p.m. accident at Mou Street and South Coast .W1bway. She was placed in the cuatody of Juvenile hall authorities. The &irl'a auto wu Involved Jn a colllalon at the Cout Hlebw-.y antenection and then driven oo ~UJ lt rumbled toto a llv•toot ~tcb Jt the deadend of tbo atreet, 1ollce said. The petty theft charae wu on the ba1la of a war· ~•nt luued In juvenile court ~arller, Challenge Fonded SEATTLE (AP) -Money · raiaed durina a Greenpeace "whale walk" wm be used to help purchase a vessel to confront whalln1 abips in the North ' acific, aaya a 1poke1man tor e or,1nl1atlon. The Seattle hapter of Greenpeace st.ased e aix·mUo walk. •1-------------------.... • ...., .............. LAGUNA NIGUEL HOMEOWNERS SHOWED SIGNS OF EITHETtC UNEASINESS llcA ... H. PoOock. 8'oultty .Peclflc Ndonal Senk Manager. Bowed to Publk: ~ SIGN ••• lllOIMY histltutlon under con· .uueuon oo tbt other 1f4e ot Bau Of America. Saa Dle10 Feckral Savtnp aad Loan. a pro. posed stan wu reduced ln size. He •Md wbeo reei~~~~ to work Friday,_. wbat QOCUD· ty Padllc intended, .. qulto a nu1Dber of neoJ)le became quite perturbed.'' -- Cramer said PoUoctt•s perceived threat by the homeowners to withdraw their HViD .. WU mbtaken. "I may have m~t.ioned that this la thi kind ot emotional thing tbat seta people to take their ac· counts to another bank," be Hld. Cramer •aid the homeowners plan to uk Bank ol America to remove it• pole aign which toweracwer tboaboppioa center. F,....PageAJ· BIRTH ••• Kniaht and eenior city employea John Zelko, and Olyde Sweetser. The mayor will also untoJd the clty'a new official aae a11d pre- sent the designer wttb a $.'50 prize. COart Split 5-4 Lawyers Permitted To Advertise Fees WASHINGTON CAP> - A sharply divided U.S. Supr.,,me Court today cave lawyers the ri1bt to advertlae their fees for routine services such as drawing wills and handling uncontested divorces. The court ruled 5 to 4 that state rules proldb1Un8 lawyers from advert.lam, such fees violate the First Amendment's guarantee of free 1peech. The decialon overturned one of the lesal profession'• most. cberlabed traditions, that lawyers do not comm«ctalize their work by advertlalng In newspapers and elsewhere, .. Today'• de(:laJon will effect profound chaniea ln the practice of law," Justice Lewis F. Powell wrote ln a dissenting opinion. But. Justice Harry A . Blackmun, writing for the ma· jorlty, atrea1ed that the rulin1 al· ,lows lawyers to advertlle only in a narrow •ea and that the court would wilt until another day to decide whether a broader range of legal aM also would have First AGlendme:nt protection. tlon they rolebt ••ln from Jawyen' ads. The court overturned the Arizona Supreme Court'• rule problblt1n1 lawyer• from ad· Hrtl1tne and provldlna dis· cipUnary measures for violators. Moat other state• enforce similar bans, an4 the American Bar Assoclat.lon'e ethlcal atan- darda do not permit lawyers to advertlle feet. However, the AB.A recently modlfled rules to allow lawyers to list their names and leaal speclalUes in the clualfled see· tlon of a telephone dlreetory. Beach Sweep Jiiils 43 '···•-.41 CODE ••• la 111.astoo Viejo Trustee Doana Berry. . Sbe bu uld ahe wlll reden it 1be bu to d.l.lclOM her huabaad'a tlnandal ltata. Under the code, tnmees and any otber district employes capable ol lnlluenctq ded.slons related to expen¢1ture of tax funda must Uat penon.al income • property boldlap, atocu and bondl and pencmlproport.y. 3InjDred lnLBCruh Three persou wen l.QJu:red Sunday when tbelr car slam.med into the 1uard rail aion. the El Morro curve ot the Pacitlc Coast HltbWQ northwest. ol Lquna Beac1'. Randal L. Partca. 18, Terry L. Parton. u. and Debbie Goodyear, 18, all of Aoahelm were taken to South Coat Com· munlty Hospital for emerJencY SAN DIEGO (AP) -A Police treatment ol ~urlea received SD sweep ot the Ocean Beach area • the mishap. put 43 penona in Jail over the Shelley Cole, 18, al10 of weekend, IDOlt of them arrested AnabtiJn and a puaenaer in the in connoctlon wtth drugs, police 1mall ataUon wa•on, wu not Hid. ho. ltallled. Otttcien aald 27 were jailed C Sund.,, 18 the day before and '9 T e Calltornla lnghway Patrol thHr .......... w-'" ... -.. reported the Parton Pinto was vn...,_ ...... -. northbound on Cout Hiehway e crackdown tnvo1vtnc un· wbenlteontactedthel\lU'drallot iformed ottlcera and unde(COVel' tbe aweeplq dlpplnl El Morro i>0llce waa the result of com-eurve. 'lbe auto wu ezt..avety plalntabJnearb>'resldents. damqed. At 4 p.m. a huJe birthday cake will be cut --eooueh for 500 peo- ple -and Ml'Ved alona with fruit punch CJD the front lawn of clty hall. A •Ude show of early Lapa will be pr_..,ted at 5 p.m. tn tb Cl~cbambert. ~ The majority described ill de- cllton u a boon for consumers, ar1u.l.q that It aerva no PW'pOle to deny lndlvlduat. the lnfonna· The mlJotlty said the only con- 1tltutlonal lasue presented by the Arizona case ls "whether the state may prevent the publlca· tion in a newspaper of lawyers' truthful advertisement concern: in& the avallabtUty and terms of routine legal servlcee. We rule simply that the now of auch in· f ormatlon may not be reatralned. and we therefore bold the present application of the disciplinary rule •• , to be violative of tbe Flrat Amendment.•• BlactmW. continued, .. The on· ~, ty services th•' lend themselves ,,..PageAJ ot. Z1 clvtc orcanlUtloos wfD be set up on the barrtcadod porticma ot Forest and Ocean avenues. The arr:_oupa lnclude the America.a Lqion, Lquna Buch Unified School Dlatrtct, Ballet Pacilica. VlU.,e X..1un1, South Coast I.Jtttacy Council, Lacuna Beach County Water District, Laguna Jaycea, Chaniber ot Commerce Mermaid•, Com· munity Players, tbe North Laguna Community Aaaoclatlon Council on Aalnf. Hiatortcai Society. Junior Women'• Club, Buaineaa and Profeaslonal Women's club, Mystlc Hllla Homeowners• Aaaoclatlon, FeaUval of Arts, Chamber of Commerce, Lacuna's Or1antc Gardeners Or1an1zatlon, VFW Auxiliary, Lacuna Glrla' Club and tho Boys' Club of Lquna Beach. The proceedinp will be video- taped and replayed over the ca- ble televilion syatem at a later date. Flo Deaths 'On Decline' Mass Slated For Lagonan, 101-years-old Mau of Christian Burial for Josephine Buahard, 101 years ot age and • 30-year realdent of La1una, was held today at St. Catherine's Catholic Church. Mu. Bushard died Thursday at. South Coaatt Community HOlplt.J. Mn. B111bard la the mother of Joupb Bushard, owner of Bushard'• Pharmacy in Laauna Beach. She resided at 30831 Marilyn Drive, South La,una. Other survtvon are Francia Buahud of Lasuna Beach, aranddauahtera, Julie and Shella ot Lasuna Beach, and June BUa of Latun1 Niguel, and great. ·1randdau0rter. Robln Bliss. Burial WU at Holy Sepulchre cemetery In Orange. The MOOlel"1eu .. Harry Trcnver of St. Catherine'& Church officiated. Arranaementa were directed by McCormick Lquna Beach Motluary. to adve~lnJ are the routine ones: the uncontested divocee. the simple adoption, Uie uncofl· tested personal bankruptcy, the chan1e of name, and the like." He noted that advertlslq does not tell consumers all they need to know about cboollnf a lawyer, ·'but It seems pecullu to deny the c0n5umer ••• at Jeut eome of the relevant information needed to reach an Informed de· clsion," the majority said. Prohlbltln• all advertising "servea only to re11trlct the ln· formaUon that. flow1 to con· sumert," the couri.atct. F,..,.P ... AJ "' MOTEL ••• are allru at beat, h.e believes. So now be ts atuck with a scoo,ooo propertt thai mutt re.. ma!nuitla. · "It'• a aboclt when you can't control your own proPtrt.Y," aald Bentley, who~_4!! ... catrtla Propertl .. purchuea the 1lte about. a year aio lor lnveatmmt purposes. "The commlulon la maldni me a slave to my own property, telllns me I have to serve the public even IC I don't want to.•• he said. SUN BAKES STATE. • • District ean't IJ>ln much water for bome landacaplaa because they are UmitM to 48 &allons per person per day. However, like may of her friends, Mrs. Dodson bas kept her swimming pool full by buying water by the truckload. 811E REMEMBERS THE THIE WREN 11be wouldn't bother to tunl off the faucet lf she had to dub to answer the telephone. "I won't do that ever qain," abe 1ald. "Il'a aurprialnl the thlnfl you become aware of, bow to COftlerve." 1be mountalns guarding most of California's 1,072-mUe Pacinc Ocean coastline tum golden every year by the end of summer. This year they turned to pJrchment by June. For molt people, the hardest part of rationing ls changing their bat!lroom habits. It means no more long ahowers or luxurious bub- ble baths, shutting off water while brushing teeth and sh a vine. A IS-YEAR.OLD WOMAN FROM Marin County said she travels to San Franclaco to take batba at the homes of friends who have eome water to apare. •11.cM of hiends volunteer," she said. A su station owner ln Monterey County decided to 1&ve water b1 closing tbe rest room• and setting up chemical toll eta behind the ttatJon. But he had to remove the portable potties because of atate law. And parents NY their children have become policemen around the hoaae, yelUn' at adult.a who let the faucet. run or stay in tbo 1bower too lOl\I. TllltRB 18 ALWA ts A BRIGHI' 1pot In the middle of dilUter. Tbas, ther& are aome towus•blcb stand like an oula, untouched by the droulbt. Yrella, a city of 8,500 near &be Oregon border, la calllq itlelt a ''hOtnofplnty.0 Beca111e tt recelvee an abundance of water from an offshoot of tbe Klamltb RJver, the city baa purchased a water dl1peoalnc macbtne wJdcb will allow raldtOta al lea fortunate areas to~ 50 1allonaof Wllerfor a nickel. Panel &rela .Tax Repeal, • On: GdiiOline ' • Vp, (Jp and Atea!I It's not a bird. Nor is it a plane. It's Super Balloon - the South Coast Air Quality Management Dlstri<Ws • latest weapon in the right against dre~ded smog. It was launched this morning fromt he Santa Ana Marine Corps Helicopter Facility. Dr. Thomas Heinsheimer and Peter Neushul are aboard. They plan to drift witt\ the air currents over Southern California for 40 hours to see what they can learn about where pollutants go so sclen· lists can pinpoint where cutbacks in pollutants might be made. Workers'lnsurallce Law Change Urged· • at sioo. J'ouma of the le room ~rnent. are r nted oo a ternl-~anmt. b ls wlt.b tbe r t available for ovemi&htera. a tl" Jack Rowe says th occupancy ratio ls usually about 50 percent. Row addl th h1 room• are often used by sailors from th nearby Seal Beach Weapona Depot for aU•niabt parUl(I arid by bWDs who amYe with f~ lod.linic c1:ilta l11utd ~ Voluntary Help Cited as Sun Bakes State SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -On a hillside near the Pacific Ocean, In Monterey, as ln Marin County, San Francisco and Oakland 1h ep ouiile ltle earth for a few dried blades of graas. A Bay Area and the surrounding area, otflclals report full public cooperation hoste .. rents a portable toilet for a party, and a hotel on Catalina with mandatory water rationing. In some areas, ofCiclals tald water Island uks JUeatl to bring their own linen. (Related story A3.) consumption even has dl'opped below allotmenll. • It's the drought Calif.ornfa·style -the effects oltwo years of un· Water raUonlng calling for a 10 percent cut In use takes effecl precedented dry weather changing the lifestyles and land.lcapcs of Friday ln Los Angeles, where voluntary reductions didn't. achieve tile naUon'C tnost \>opulou• stale. the needed savings. Beverly Hills, where water uaually flows u treely as money. MOBI THAN Ht CITIES AND towns have been forced to Im· has hired a water cop lo prowl the estate.lined streets and advise pose mandatory water ralioning, since rainfall for the 1976·17 ra.my wasteful water users to mend their ways. seaeon dropped to about half of normal for the second year ln a row. AND IN BOLL YWOOD, zetla Century Fox officials aald they Officials warn that many of the 1tate's 1,000 reservQ\rs could dry up. On the caked bottom of ~ Marin County reservoir a bridce .carefully review any movie scenes requlrlna rain and are 1t.resslnf _., 1 b ed •. b-'· l th shor~r 1hampoos of the pampered hair of the stars. cover~ 1or years y stor wa,er -.es n e summer sun. Fresno ln lhe San Joaquin Valley hu set up a "snJtcb" line The marks of the drought are ll<>t aJwa~ apparent at first which people dial to report 00 wayward water users and a local • 1lancL Jn Marin County, which lmPoSed strict water rationing In lelevislon station started a ''drip of lhe day" booby priu for water February. tenactou. native planll and trees create a deceptive veil wasters complete with a rubber duck Joao. of 1reen. But behind it are brown lawns and and withered sardens. At Audrey Dodson •a MUI Valley home, the sun bunt locust out THE NlCASIO Rf:SERVOR HAS dwindled to expose yards of front bloomed tlus year. but the yellow clusten were U1ht and dull. cracked surface like a moonscape and the beds of small creeks and Mrs. Dodson and other customers of the Marin Municipal Wat.er 1treams In lhe hllls look like the bott.oms of empty aquariums. <See SUN BAKF..SSTATE, Paie AU ----~..:......:;.._;.._ ____________________________________ ~------;;.._~--------~ Ted Pocock of Costa Mesa wu well- prepared for a crash during the sixth an- nual Seville Grand Prix in Mission Viejo Sunday. There was no crash and no in- juries rePorted during the race. However, ~ :j LEATM!RBOATCRt!WNEEOStfELPINl!FFOATTOPROVEPOINT &L Btenctan Craft~ to OupUcat• 1etb Cen~ury Feat Tow ~ompletes Voyage r Fickle Fate Fouu Fini.ah of Leather Boat Belated~ Four lrans·Allantic sailors in the 36- foot leather boat Brendan arrived in ·Newfoundland's Musgrave Harbor Sun· day under tow from a Canadian coast , guard vessel. could have taken the vessel a month to re- ach land because of unfavorable winds. Unlike a modem sailboat, the Brendan ls unable to tack against the wind. NB Police Probe . They accepted the tow for the last -;-. few miles after waiting most of the day Made from oxhides stretched over a frame of oak and ash, the Brendan sailed Crom western Ireland last year and re- mained in Iceland for the winter. It d~ parted Iceland May 11. Weekend Assaults -~ for the wind to carry them ashore. t A CROWD OF about 400 cheered as r1 the square-rigged craft, which sailed 1 from Iceland 46 days ago, tied up at the .; harbor about 300 miles north -0! St. ' John's, the capital of Newfoundland. Skipper Tim Severin and his three crewmen are attempting to prove that such a leather boat could have been used by the Irish monk St. B,rendan to .br~g the first Europeans to N'ort.h Amenca m the sixth century. THE CANADIAN coast guard ship John Cabot spotted the Brendan Thurs· day about 60 miles off Newfoundland's east coast. Coast guard officials said it An account written by st. Brendan told of a voyage that lasted seven seasons and took him and his crew to a region of icebergs and strange lands. BESIDES SEVERIN, the modem Brendan's crew included George Maloney, like Severin a Briton, Arthur Magan of Ireland and Trondo Patersaon, an artist from Denmark's Faroe Islands. The four were to spend the night in Gander about 70 miles southwest of Musgra~e Harbor. Their future plans were not immediately known. 811 fM AHOCiot«f PreSI Newport Beach police today were fnvest1pt1n1 t•o sex aa· HUits that OCCUITed Sunday in an attempt toftnd outlf U,.e cue;s are related. But fnvestlcatora nid pre- liminary lndlcation• are that they are deallnC with two dll- terent 1U1pecta in the rape of a central Newport woman and the attempted rape of a Baycrest woman. The first case occurred a,bput s FromPllfieAJ WORKERS •• Jail Fir. e _rf"oll at 42 marinalnstockton,saldltwould .I. ~ be impouible tor him to keep go- ing if he had to COLUMBIA, Tenn. (AP> -A ,Ytruth who admitted setting a jail fire that ltllled 42 persons had Wilce been taken Into custody In Wisconsin in connection with ... on or a threat ot arson, authorities said today. Andrew Zinmer, 16, was taken to a Nashville hospital in critical oondlUon Sunday after a fire in bls foam·rubber padded cell at the Maury County jail unleashed toxic fumes that killed ~ ln- m.ates and elitht visitors. • Maury County Dist. Atty. Robert H. Gay said be planned to charge Zinmer with arson and Musician Dies In Swim· Pool The body ot a 15-year-o1d sax- ophonist with the Duke Elllngton band now playing at Disneyland was found in a motel swlmmlnc 2Q01 Sunday afternoon, accord- t'n g to an Orange County Coroner's repo~ would ask to have him \ried u an adult. Roy Martinson, police chief in Superior, Wis., said authorities first picked up Zinmer on Feb. 28, 1975, in connedion wlth a rire at lhe Board of Trade Building. Marlin.son said Zinmer did not admit setting the fire and was re- f erred to a guidance clinic in Superior after the incident. Martinson said the last contact police bad with the youth was June 17, 1976, in connection with a threat of arson. At that time he was taken to a home for problem children, the chief said. Attempts to rescue the victlms or Sunday's fire were hampered when a deputy sheriff carrying keys to the jail's 12 cells collided with fleeing visitors. He dropped the keys on the floor and was una- ble to ftnd them for about. 12 minutes. officials !'IRirt One husband and wife, who· both were prisoners, died ln the fire along with bis visiting• parents and sister. In another family tragedy, a prisoner and five relalives died. telephone Interview fre>tn her lne if be bad to pay "'° for c0v- superior home -· .... ;..... .J1;... ... n.. eraee and pay hit •alary. too. -904 IDUW\&ULLl,7 Larry Dobbins, an Antioch disturbedboy." ··-·--·---dry dock operator, eald he bas A u\florttle• ln Waute.. three employea repairing pro- ab a, Wll •• eald records pellon who never leave the show Zlnmerwas r~ed nilss-buildfni, but still are subject to ing from Lad Lake lric., a re-the marltlme rates. He aald he sldenUal treatment center lo planned to move them to a build· Douman, Wis., for emoUonally 101 five miles from water, but dllturbedteen·asera. · can't find out if that would ex- Z I m m e r b a d b e e n empt them. removed from the Jill's bad been removed from the Jail's drunk 'tank Saturday and placed in the padded cell became be stuffed a t4llet and caused a fiood, autbortUes 1ald. State law requirea that Juveniles be .segregated from adult prllonerl, and officla11 said tbe padded cell was tbe only other facility availa- ble. Chlef Deputy Bob Farmer aald Zlnmer was pulled from theJail'a padded c~ll. "Me and another otncer dru8 him out.•• Farmer aald. "Heaaid he1etil" The 1berUf 1aid today tbat while 1Jnmer wu In the padded cell before the fire broie out.. •'One al ~ villton have blm • cisarette." There were 56 lnmata in \be JaU at the tlme ol the ftre. Of the -Still Stabk LOS ANGEL~ <AP) -Come- dian Groucho Karx, 1ald to be "a little more cheerful and talkaUTe," remained ln stable condition at Cedau·Slnai Medical Center recuptntln& from a bout with pneumonia. a bospttal=man said. The a eaman reported on the 81-year..old -entertainer'• coadl- t1on Sunday. Kan wu read· mltted tot.be bospttal lasf. Tbun- day. oae day after his release followini blp l\U'lelY. a.m. when the sleeping woman was awakened by a man who raped her in her bed. She told police the man then fled nude out an open bedroom window. The aecood case occurred ln the open field near Upper Newport Bay at the intersection of Irvine Avenueand23rdStreet. The 25-year-old victim told of· ficen she was walking in the area when a sllghUy built man In his mid tbirtles grabbed her and toldberbewugolrt&torapeher. The woman •aid she kept the man talkin& for-about an hour while be manhandled her. He dido 't carry out bis threat, ahe told police. · Sbe said he rmally released her near Irvine Avenue after a JOI· ger passed them. F..,.PageAI SENIORS.-•• Corona de! Mar. However, a letter sent to City Mana1er Robert Wynn by Herbert Roberts, an official ol the federal agency which 1ave the clty the rrant to buy the six· acre site, has left. the future ol the school and the center in question. Roberts, who works for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in· formed Wynn that the Joint use of the site 1s unacceptable to the federal aaency • Roberts' letter said the city could face the lou of the $800,000 grant 1f the scbooJ is allowed to continue to use even part ol the 1ite, Congressman Robert Badbam has said he will intervene in the case to try to get HUD to agree to the Joint use. Some councilmen had indicated privately last week they would seek a delay tonieht In order to set up a meeting between themtelves, the school ownen and HUD offlciala. Percy Marion's death was llst- (!d today as an apparant drown-tpg by the coroner. However. an autopsy is a scheduled today to determine the exact cause of de- aalb. Marlon, whose hometown was ,tven as Omaha, Neb., had been a guest at the Fantasy Motel, 1734 S. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. slnce the Ellington band began a summeratand at Oianeyland. "All the victims had got down on the floor as Car as they could, laying down to gel some air ... " one official said. "ll seemed like most of the victims were life· less•• when reached. Simmer's mother, Addle L. Zin mer, described her son in a 22 wbo 1ot out alive, 19 were flown by beltcoptera to two ho.spttala tn Nubville, abovt. eo miles nortb of Columbia. 'Bi h' Mbdst~ e . ~., The coroner's report said the caasicfan'• body was found in the *11mmlng pool at• p.m. fi'ro91PageAJ SUN BAKES STATE. • Gmham Fund $Z3 ·Million:. • • Final Work Slated on NB Budget Newport Beach city COUD• enmen wtll rulce their final addi· tion• and deletion.s to the lim-T8 city bud&et toniSht. The proposed expenditures for the comin& fiscal year total $24,'42,890 which includes a $20,8'71.'50 operating budiet and a $3,571.440 capital improvement bud1et. Tbe budiet is bued on a 15 per· cent increase in assessed valua· tlon al property wit.bin the city which would leave the cjty tu rate atits current $1.11. City councilmen have lnd.icat· ed that ii the assessed valuation goes up by more than 15 percent, the tax rate will be lowered. The J>l'Opoaed bud&et does not include any allocations for raises tor the city's 661 full·time employes. · . Those employes are represent- ed by alx dlUerent employe u- soclat.Joos. • . Only one, the 56-member Prof e11lonal and TecbnJeal E1Dp)oye1 A11oclatlon which • represent• planners and enP,een, has voted to ac~ a city oiler ol a five percent pq ralle wblcb will brine about a one percimt Increase In the cost. of frtnae benefita. City ~enonnel Director J'nmk hens •aid the S83,38S addlUon to the budJet will be ut.ed upon u additional business at tonlabt's meettnc. He said the five remainini groups are still negotiating. F,....P.,,eAI AIRPORT ••• Riley expects will be endorsed by tbe board and sent to CAB. It notes that the county •'la pre- sently defertdlng ttselt ln ex· tensive Inverse condemnation litigation arJsing out of Jet aircraft acUvilles." Approval of the resolution Tuud.ay will mem that CQUDty &ovemme.nt ts officially on re- cord as oppc»in.I having Ncrt.b- Central use the airport and will oppose the airline's appUcattoo when 1t comes before CAB ln W aahinltoo D.C. 3,000 AJtend, Nuke Rally MANC'HJrSTEB, N.11. (AP> - About 3,000 advocates ol. nuclear enerf)' rilUed MFG to 1bow ~ 1upport tor the cont...ovenlal Seabrook nucl..r po-.rplurt. • l l 1 , v_., llp and AtDay It's not a bird. Nor is it a plane. It's Super Balloon - the South Coast Air Quality Management District's latest weapon in the fight against dreaded s mog. It was hu.tnchcd this morning fromt he Santa Ana Marine Corps Helicopter Facility. Dr. Thomas Heinsheimer and Peter Neushul are aboard They plan to drift with the air currents over Southern California for 40 hours lo sec what they can learn about where pollutants go so scien· tists can pinr>0int where cutbacks in pollutants might be made. Motive Missing Mike Todd's Bo~y Taken From Gr-ave u1 dontt care boW .l'OO:l' • J\lY l ,n y ••YI· 11Jle'1 not ~ las to hll d to • place wher there are a buncb of drunu and 1crewballs. They (co11t.al commlulontr•> thint the poot have po aell·respect." he adds. And lt'1 not that a stay at the Ross Mariner is that cheap t.o be1ln with. Rooms tor the ni1ht cost S2C> and weekly rates are set •sal• Bowe elm a tuciUve mm a Cotta Mesa muns r wu arliiited at the motel two yean •Co and Seal Beacb pol lee confirmed that. the PBI arreated &ft embentin«i suspect there about. •ix months •10. -Rowe says be bu cleaned out a lot of dnl« users who freq ted the motel, but it'• still almost im. poulblet.oscreen every CUltOmer r· Drought .Affect$ iives Voluntary Help Cited as Sun ·Bakes State SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -On a hillside near the Pacific O~an, ln Mc>nter:~)>. as lo Marin County, San Francisco and Oakland sheep nuule the earth for a few dried blades of graaa. A Bay Area and the surrounding area, offlclals report Cull public cooperation hostess rents a portable toilet.for a party, and a hotel on Catalina with mandatory water rationing. In some areas, 0Cficials.1aid water Isl and asks fUestl to bring their own linen. <Related story AS.> consumption even has dropl*d below allotments. • lt'a t.hedrouabt California·style -the effects or two years of un-Water ratJoning calling for a 10 percent cut ln use takes etrect precedented dry weather changing the lllestylea and landscapes or Friday in Los Angeles, where voluntary reductions dldn't achieve the nation's most populous state. the needed savings. Beverly Hilts, where water usually nows as freely as money~ MORE THAN IM CITIES AND towns have been forced to im· bas hired a water cop to prowl the estate-lined atre~ and advise • pose mandatory water rationing. since rainrall ror the 1976-Tl rainy wuteful water users to mend their ways. seasondroppedtoaboulbalfofnormalforthesecondyearinarow. AND IN HOLLYWOOD, 2ttll Century Fox officials said they OCficlali warn that many of the state's 1,000 re~ervolrs could dry up. On the caked bottom of a Martn County reservoir a bridle carefully review any movie scenes requirin1 rain and are stressing covered tor years by stored water bakes in the summer sun. shorter shampoos or the pampered hair of the stars. The marka of the drought are not always apparent at nrst Fr•no In the San Joaquin VaJley bas set up a "snitch" line glance. In Marin County, which imposed atrid water rationlna In which people dial to report on wayward water users and a local February, tenacious native plants and trees create a deceptive veil televlllon stat.Jon started a "drip of the day" booby prize tor waler r B t behind u b 1 d nd lth ed ...... wasters complete with a rubber duck logo. 0 green. u are rown awns an a w er •41,ens. Al Audrey Dodson's Mlll Valley home, the sunburst locust out THE NJCASIO RESERVOR HAS dwindled to expose yards of front bloomed this year, but the yellow clusters were tight and dull. cracked surface like a moonscape and the beds of small creeks and Mrs. Dodson and other c"ustomers of the Marin Municipal Water streams in the bills look like the bottoms of empty aquariums. fSee SUN BA.KES'STATE, Page A2) • Airline's Plans Draw ()pW,sition By GAJV GRANVILLE OI .. o.;1, l'olt4 ttalf Supervisor Thomas Riley will ask the Board or Supervisors Tuesday to adopt a resolution op- posing civin1 North·Central Airlines access to Orange County Airport . . Riley's proposed resolution seeks to have North·Central ·s pendina hearlna before the CivU Aeronautics Board delayed from July 1 toSept. l . It also voicet strong county ob- jections to North·Central being glveo routes by the CAB that would link tho local airport t.o Minneapolis-SL Paul. "It would be a disaster for Oranae County lf the l'Outes are approved." RUey said today as he prepared his resolution. "It would also make a sham of Orange County Airport's de- •i1naUon •• a local airport," Riley added. Under that desl1nation and county operaUn1 policy, nJ1bts to and from tbe airport are llrnil· ed to SOO miles. While the North-Central route application desl1nates Las Ve1u and Phoenix as stopovers aloni tbe Twin cutes route, Rlley aeea the proposal aa "devastat· ln1" to the abort hop policy. "If we loM th.11 battle we n'lake a rarco out of our own ·Wllcies, .. Riley 1aid. "But with lull board backh\1 and an a11Tesslve stand before the CAB, I don't see why we ebowd tote." ~~~..;.....;--.;,._~~~ .......... ~~~-=-~~~--~~~~~~~~~__;;;~~~~~~~ II , fit &o l V Park•IJ'. Wcwbwo baulCld 11 • bllb. aia·toot-wldo llan to U. Ille Pilday mona4a1. prepar4MI to al had bMA • •ix·)'UI' pl to iet a bifpr a.ip to Clal· w\lb UM sUU bla,_ alp ol .o dAmerlcanextdoot. .t lmtelld a squad of La a Hlaml C.ouunwlity Auociabon bomeowners marched on the bank to appeal to mana1er Mic bad B. Pollock not to do lL ' Homeowners contend dial t.beb' appeal WU OM or friendly ~· , BuL Pollock sald he aot th• lm· preuion they were "up ln arms" .and would close out their ac- ~ounts al the bank -and start a ~epbone campaign to get others to do the same -unleaa be or- dered the sign removed. "l've never !een !UCh strong • resentment." Pollock said. •1. Even though the stin was '!'already paid for, and the WurtDenie1 . Appeala Move WASfllNGTON (AP) - Federal prlsonera John Mitchell and H.R . Haldeman today lost their last chance to reverse their Watergate cover-up con· \'1cllons when the U .$ Supreme Court refused to hear their appeals. Thl'.' justices turned down without comment a re· quest by attornuys for both that they be allowed to argue their case before the high court. Haldeman. once Nixon's White House chief•of-atarr. surrendered to federal prison authorltiu ln California Tuesday. Mitchell, who as attorney eeneral was the nation's top·rankln& law enforce· ment official, bet•n bl• • term at an Ahlbam• prison Wednesday. • u order t 'fork lotd.e ·• Jf l'I I enl to tom· · !r ...... Aid. ·11·1 tmportant P kl dU.llalf-doHD~ 1 .. llAf homeown.,•. flushed Met , ma«b«t over to B ol Ammea. •• nee we idn'Lputocu t•lcn> up," beaald. '1ltn desnanded that Bank ol Am rlc. take &.Mlndown.'' B ol America ma.naaesnent. toOk no immediate action. Maoaier Jeanne E. Carr, con- tacted Friday at the bank, told an aide to .lnform a waitin1 ~r •ti• wa1 too bu.ly to comlbent on the ~moownen • vt1Jt. Contacted &oda)' by telephone. a.he refuaecl ~cotnment. Paul Cramer, chairman ot the community aaaoclatlon'a plan- nini commtuee, said tbe aroup bu been concerned about buai- nei1 1fgm lo the neJabborhood tor tome time. He 1aid throOah dl1cussioru. with the bulldert o( a third money institution under con- 1truetlon on the other alde of Bank oC America, San Diego Federal Savini• and Loan, a pro- posed slgn was reduced_., sl.ie. He alid when residents going to work Friday saw what Secun- ty Pacific Intended, ''quite a number of people became quite perturbed." Cramer said Pollock 's perceived threat by the homeowner• to withdraw their aavlnp wu miataken. ·'I may have mentioned that thil ls the kind ol emotional thing \bat geu people lO take their ac- count& to another bank," he aald Cramer aaid the homeowners plan to aak Bank of America lo remove Its pole !lgn which towers over the shoppin& center Fro• Pflfle A J TODD ..• casket and estimated that it pro- bably t9()k lt)em several h,oura. Bee a use of that. authorltiea have ruled out tbe potsiblllty tbat youthful prank11e.ra laropered with the grave a spoke•man said. SUN BAKES ST ATE. • • District can't spare much water for home landscaping because they -are limited to 46 gallons per person per day. However. like mayo( her friends. Mrs. Dodson bu kept her awlmmlng pool full by buy1na water by the truckload. .. SHE REMEMBERS THE TIME WHEN she wouldn't bother t.o turn orf the faucet if she had to duh to answer the telephone. · ••1 won't do that ever aaain," she Hid. "It'• aurprt•lna the things you become aware of, howtoconaerve." .l The mountain• •uardlng m01t of California's 1,072·mlle Paclnc .. Ocean coastline tum golden every year by the end of summer. Thia •• year they turned to parchment by June. For most people, the hardest part of rationing 11 chan11n1 their bathroom habits. It means no more lon1 showers or luxurious bub- ble baths, shutUn& oCf water wblle bru.ahina teeth and ahavtn1. A 35-YEAR·OLD WOMAN FROM .Marin County said she ·""ttnet. l.o San Francllco to take ba1ba at the homes or hienda who " ban some water to a pare. , • ~·LotaotfrlendlvoJunteer.''lhesald. _, A 1u station owner In Monterey County decided to save water by cloetng the rest rooms and setting up chemical toilet.a beh1nd the -station. But he had to remove the portable potties because of state •law.. And parents aay their chlldren have become policemen around the house, yelling at adults who let the faucet run or stay ln the shower too long. THERE IS ALWAYS A BRIGHT spot an the middle of dlauter. Thus, there are some towns which stand Ilk• an oul1, untouched by the drought. Yreka, a city of 6,500 near the Oregon border, ii calling \taelf. "horn or plenty ... Because It receives an abundance of water from an ol'faboot of tbe Klamath River, the clty haa purchased a water dllpeJ1Jln1t macblne which will allow residents of less rortuoat.e areas to tMly SO aalloDI of water for a nlclcel. z --------~~~~~ ORANQICOAIJT DAILY PILOT Dnae for a S•ile - <AP> -A wbo aj 1 killod 42 " had into C'Ult04J ln la c on tb arson cw a tbr •t ot ar autborlti uJd today. Andrew z.tnmer. 1c. wu t&lttn lO • NabriU• ta1 lD criUcw condt\lm Sunday alt« a fire an au. foam·rubber padded ceU at tb Maury Cou.nly Jail unleashed tollic tumea that killed G LD- malea and et.cht vlailon. · Maury Counly Dial. Ally. Robert H. Gay said he planned to cbar1e Zinmer with arson and would ask to have him tried u an adult. Roy Mart.lnson, police chief in Oa11, ~ .... , ,..,... Su~rior, Wis., said aulboriUes first picked up Zinmer on •"'eb. Genice Steed. the only woman driver in the Seville Homeowners Association's six· th annual Seville Grand Prix~ smiles as, she takes her special soap box car down the Mlsston Viejo course Sunday. She lost the race but that apparently didn't squelch her spirit. 28, 1975, in connection with a flre · at the Board of Trade Building. Mart.lnlon said Zinmer did not admit setting the fire and was re. ferred to a guidance cllnlc in Superior after the incident. Court Split 5-4 Lawyers Permitted To Advertise Fees .. WASHINGTON CAPl -A sharply divided U.S. Supreme Court today gave lawyers the ritht to advertise their fees for routine services such as drawing wills and handling uncontested divorces. The court ruled S to 4 that stale rules prohibiting lawyers from advertising such fees violate the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech. The decision overturned one of the le1al profe&s1on's most cherished traditions. that lawyers do not commerciah7.<' their work by advert131ng 1n newspapers and elsewhere. •'Today's ducis1on will effect profound changes in the practice of law." Justice Lewis F. Powell wrote in a dissenting opinion. But Justice Harry A . Blackmun, writing for the ma - Jority, stressed that the ruling al · Iowa lawyers to advertiae only in a narrow area and that the court would wait until another day to declde whether a broader rang<· of leaal ads also wouJd have FirRt Amendment protection. The majority described its dl'.' clsion aa a boon tor con11urners. araulna that It serves no purpose to deny Individuals the informa- t1 on they might eain from lawyera' ads. The court overturned the Arizona Supreme Court's rule prohibiting lawyers from ad- vertising and providing dis ciplinary measures for violators. Most other states enforce similar bans, and the Ame,ricon Bar Association's ethical stan· dards do not permit lawyers lo adverttse rees. However. the ABA recently modified rules lo allow lawyers to last their names and legal spcciolltes In the classified sec lion of a telephone directory. The majority said the only con shtullonuJ Issue presented by the Arizona case is "whether the state may prevent the pubtica· t1on an a newspaper or lawyers ' truthful advertisement concern an1 the avallabUlty and terms of routine legal services We rule simply that the flow ot such an· formation may oot ~restrained, and we therefore hold the present apphcat1on or the dlsclphnary rule ... to be violative of the First Amendment.·· From Page Al CHAMP ••• took thlrd place thlt year while DenniJ Vlttori and Don Eachus, bot~ of Seville, followed ln fourth and fifth place. Romo also won lbe award ror the beat design. The best engineering award was given lo Chuck Jones. "It was the best race, from the standpoint of competition, that we've ever hod," said Mike Walsh. president of the associa· lion. "It wu Ught from the very bealnnlng." This year, he said. the cars ~re raster and the drive,. were more pro!easlonal than they've been In puat years. He said one visitor from Woodland Hills slfned up for next year's race mmed1ately after the race. He promised that he would go home and start building his car right away. Walsh said four other visitors from Los Angeles indicated that · they too will be back next year. Martinson said the last contact pollce bad with the youth was June 17. 1976, ln connection with a threat ot arson. At that time he was taken lO a home for problem children. the chleC said. Attempts to rescue the victims of Sunday's fire were hampered when a deput,y sherill carrying keys to the jail's 12 cells collided with fleelna visitors. He dropped the keys on the floor and was una- ble to find them for about 12 minutes. official• 11AM. One husband and wile, who both were prisoners, died in the fire along wllh bis visiting· parents and sister. In another family tragedy, a prisoner and five relatives died. "All the victims had got down on the floor as rar as they could, laying down lO get some air ... " one official said. "It seemed like most of the victims were lire- less'' when reached. Slmmer's mother, Addie L. Zinmer, described her son in a telephone interview from her Superior home as on emotionally disturbed boy." Authorities in Wauke- sha, Wis .• said records show Zinmer waa reported miss- ing from Lad Lake Inc., a re- 1ldential treatment center In Dousman, Wis., for emoUonally Man Faces Pot Rape dis~l~ ~-:'e~s~ d b o e n BAKERSFIELD (AP) -Dar· removed from the Jail'~ rel Lee Tarllinfton. 38, o{ Han-had been removed Crom the Jatl s ford has been booked for in-drunk tank Saturday and pfaced veat11atlon of four narcotics in the pndd~ cell because be count.a by aherllrs deputies who sturted a to.al.et and caused a sehed about 1,400 pounds of flood, aut~orit1es said. State law marijuana valued at $440,000, . requires that juveniles be authorities said segregated from adult prlsoners, · and officials said the padded cell ------------------------------------~ was the only other facility avaUa-ble. Chief Deputy Bob Farmer said Zin mer was pulled Crom the jail'• .padded cell. . ''Me and another officer drug him out," Farmer said. "He said besetlt." . The sherm said today that while Zinmer was In the padded cell before the Ore broke out, "One of the visitors hove him a cigaretle." Empty Bottle, Receipt Leads To Arrest An empty bottle of beer and a liquor store receipt left behind in a burglarized Irvine residence led to the arrest early today of a Camp Pendleton MarJne. Irvine Police arrested Michael Paul Lightell, 20, and charCed him wlth bur1lary. He was bookedatOran1eCounty Jail. PoUeo utd they atopped Li1btell ln his auto after obtain- lnf a deacriptton of him and his car from the liquor 1l0re clerk who sold blm the beer earlier in the evenlnt. According to police, Llghtell entered t.be residence at 41M Brisbane by pullln1 down a trelU. .und1Di in front of an OpeQ window. The marine allo1edly ransacked t.be bou... O¥ertum· Ina an4 daroqlq t0me 0( the fUmJlUI'•. Uoto b left., pallce siald he toOk several roll• of J)en· nlea and dimes, pha a turquol&e rln1, tctallnl aboui '81 ID vllu • .Police tal4 they reoovired the proJ>ertt wbeD tbOy med• &bl U'• rett. ... OST OF THE PIO,,. WBO GET pitches to ~ dlamcndl GI' O'Dtlou uve no~ lJi either," says Karl La.l1b)r oil.be New Yort~ BUlbiea Bureau. A tnlcal YleUm la (1) Dot weeltby bUt bas a nesteic ln ••vtoil; CJ): a 1QlddJ....,ed male oper1Un• bis own b'1ai-n ... , .,_.bb'. ln a rurill UNi (I) lntlpmenced tn maktne lnv .. tmat dedalGU; and (,, QOt ln!onned about London commedity~ort!Mdtamoad market. · Hereanmetbodlol~frOmcon men: ..:..OOH'T DJSCOtJNr c:» .. ON 8£ E, skepticism • and ~eoce. If a atrancer ·on the telephone p~misea to double )'OUt money tn several mont.bl, ~tile obVIOU.I ques tlo:o; 0Jfitllaoeu1tomakemmub~aofut, why is beleWnl metb cm lt?" · • . -Dcn•t iDake an Important ~ decillon over the bono. • ~ quesUoa, be toqh and penlltmt ln demandlne anaw ... fD wrlUQI on eompal\J lettartleatl 1lped by a com- pany omeer. CbeCk the olftcer'• eredeftt1al1. Thal doean't protect you comp1*b', but atleNt it'• a starter. • -llBON GU.UD PBOJrTRB beslnnJ.ng against pres· U•lOUt-eoundlq eomP.411y nam• and references; they may be meaniQIJai. As for claima ot banking references, con men uaualli·bava aolld baU depoatta (other peoplo'a money). . . -Admit IUlllbWt.y and lponnce. How can you put mqney lato dfamonda and opllom wit.bout 1eekin& at leu~ aom• tundamentaUactlf · -Before buJlnl dlarnondt, cheek 1'\th local reputable Jewelera. To check options, plwne a.he CFI'C'a toll-free hotline (~J&18). -Never ape,eulate oa lmpu1le. Never oatlf use .. IJ)ICUla· tJon" wUb 0 loveatinent." An laveltment carries• modest or mlnhualrilk and otten some ntu.rn ud aome detree or security. IDberem 1a 1peculatloo la a ml,jor chance oc IOls. Never CCIQfuN a con .. m• wttheltber. .:. 1 • • . S~ds for P'st • . Last.PIWne Pole End4res · Ch(Jng~· · fmtATl'ORO, Wub. <AP> -Some people collect but-terflies, others ata~Pt. coiDt or doUboulel. Hane1 Henke collecta tallPboa• polo. , That'• ri1ht. Tu.stone pole, bciti\'••peclal. Hente1a"4 from desti'uction the only telepbone pqi. In town ao future aeneratiou will Mow wbatcae looked Wee. Teltpbone pol .. are u -4aDPf*l apeclea d a>ore phon~ 1biea 10Wlderll'OUl\4tbe1aya. ••lflME's 'l'IU ONLY ONE LEn. ln anothel' so Jl&l'I people woe•t kn6W wbat a telepbooe pole ta, J Jmq1ne.'' uld W*\ke, 18 a Ntl.Nd comtruet.loo worker. Wbien Paclfte .Northwest Bell decided to put all Ill Un• underground ln Strattord. whlcb bu a populaUon of lea than 100, Henke kod lf he eouJd keep one of tho 111el ... poles. ••194 been thlnldn1 about It 11nee they started bu~lna the llnet Pd kfnd of thouaJn tomeone should aave one, • be •'14. 1'118 'l'BL2PllONE COllPANY AGIEED, but emir lf Henke mov the pole .abOt.&t ftve feet. when tl ltaDdl com: plete wftb c:n:m Uet and Wol.tort, IOIJUIWhat Ub. ~m • .. It baln't tlc>ft me mryt.biftf, Just tliile W wort. There'• al.ready been people Wbo'v• come dOwn to look at it and t0moh11ve tllken plcturea," 1aldHellk•. ' # • "rr.&TRI BNDOI' ANEU.,~sreattrand·kldnvlll ' ver aee one," ho 1ald. The timber pole, wblch ltaDdl about 2S feet blib. isn't conb""9d to telepbone Winia. "But I'd like to set another one and run wiNS betweff. U.t.o," 1afd Hebe. ' .. ••