HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-01 - Orange Coast PilotNo Deaths
Arson Probed
Ill Coast Ei:Fe
A craclC team of 1ve Orante
County Flre Department arson
investigaton is probing what
authorities say was the de·
liberate $225,000 torcllinc of a
Sunset Beach residential com·
plex early Saturday.
Several people barely escaped
death or serious injury in the in·
femo at ltffi. S: Ped0 • Aft. tn
t.be seaside conamunlty'a central,
area only by a near miracle
authorities said.
"The people were very
fortunate. The buildin1s were
very old and the wood wu Under·
dry and they went up awfully
fast," said Capt. Bruce
Turbeville, of the Orange County
Fire Department.
He said there la no doubt about
the cause of the fire, which
spared the occupants ohly
perhaps because one was
pwakenedwby the S<Mid of a car's ~squealing tires as it s~d away
from the location.
Investigators speculate the car
with the squealing tires carried
the arsonist who torched the
older apartment and duplex on
the same lot just a block from
Pacific Coast Highway.
The raging blaze visible in
much of the little town was final·
ly controlled by 47 firemen from
Orange County, Seal Beach and
Huntington Beach fire depart·
men ts.
"I can't give you any more in.
formation tban that," Capt.
Turbeville said when 8$ked Vlhat
flammable fluid was used or if
arson investigators developed
any motive.
A five-man arson team com-
prised of one battalion chief and
four capt.aiiia of.the Oran1e Coun·
ty F'ire Department was contim.I·
Ing tJie iilvesUgation today.
On~ vtctJm of the 2:12 a.m.
blaze JuSttined minor f.njuries tn·
fleelna th.c inferno.
-• •
A middle-aged man bel vedto
be a resident of Santa Ana
walked calmly into the path~ an
oncoming Amtrak tram todti, ln
Irvine and was killed.
Hts identity wu withhe1d pend·
ing notification of next of klo. A
driver's license showed a Santa
Ana address.
Police said the passenger
train, the Loe Anteles to San
Diego run, was traveling at about
70 miles per hour when it stnack
the man, at Sand Canyon A venue
near the Santa Ana Freeway, in
east Irvine.
The engineer reported seeing
the rnan but was unable to stop
the train.
The<1'ictim was pushed 250 feet •
down the tracks. The train
braked to a stop 1,000 yards
farther down the tracks.
A witness, Donald A. Strand of
Tustin. told µolice he watched the
m an walk south along Sand Can-
:yon, seemingly unconcerned, a
Seven Up bottle in one hand.
Strand said he watched him
walk toward the tracks as the
warning gates went down then
::;tep between the gates.
Strand said the man tossed
aside the bottle, casually, and
calmly stepped in front or the
train. 'facing toward the ap-
proaching engine.
The victim 's s hoes were
knocked from his body by the im·
pact. He was killed instantly.
Bolles Trial
Goes to Jury
. PHOENIX, Ariz. <AP) -The
trial of two men accused in the
car bomb slaying of investicative
reporter Don Bolles headed for a
jury after the judge said the word
of an alleged accomplice won't
be enough to convict the defen-dants.
The eight-man, four-woman
jury was admonished by
Maricopa County Superior Court
Judge Howard Thompson on
Mondax night not to retum a
guilty verdict solely on the b"asis
of testimony given by confessed
killer John Harvey Adamson.
The jury was lo begin delibera-
tions today.
James Robison, SS, a suburban
Chandler plumber, and Max
Dunlap, 48, a Phoenix contrac-
tor, are charged with first·
degree murder and conspiracy in
the June 1976 car-bomb murder
of Bolles, an Arizona Republic
Soriet Supersonie!
Passengers board the Soviet Union ·s
supersonic TU-144 jetliner in Moscow as
the plane begins its first scheduled passenger service. The pJane will fly once
IDegal Aliens Fear
Violence at Border
SAN DIEGO .(A"P> -Mexican
uu..u..-.wwnrk!ULJlll ... l'S ~ ly , .. , •as once the possibility of bein&
caught illegally crossing' the
border now are mOfe worried
about being the . victims of
violence, a spokeswoman said to-
"They think everyone is alter
them," said Marina Sanchez of
the North County Chicano
Federation in this border city.
Carlsbad j>Olice detectlv~
Jtfchard M. Castenada nld tM
aliens "sleep li8flUy, afraid Uiat
at any moment they wiU be, as·
saulted and robbed." This ls the
first time they have carried
weapons, he said.
Mrs. Sanchez said ahe saw
farm workers learnine karat~ in
a field, while others were making
weapons from old shovel handles
linked by chain.
A dozen illegal aliens have died violenUy in the lields north of San The bodY of Jose Garcla. 19,
Diego this year, all or most oe wH found Sunday niCbt near
them while resisting robbers. the one-room pumpbouse where
Along the border on the u .S. he and two other youna Mexjcans
side, illegals hurrying northward lived and worked near the town
at night are set upon almost daily or Bonsall. • f • ·by bandits. A 4S.year·old Mexican man
The Ku Klux Klan is described was ·stabbed early Sunday near
by a leader as moving its men the coastal town of Encinitas 8.J!d
around the vegetable and fruit was hospitalized In fair toMI·
fields as part of the while tion.
supremacists' bunt for
forei1ners without papen. The The sheriff's spokesman, Jim
Klansmen were unarmed but re-McCain, said "the illegal aliens
adty to report to the federal gov-of today are quite dJfferent from ·
ernment the whereabout.a of aey those 10 years 110'.' when omcera
illegal aliens. . came acrou an oedsional man
"They're aCriad of every-walkina northward armed only
thing,"' saldSancbez. with pesoe and tortillas. ~
"They're afraid of the Border "The lllqal aJleri noWJ btten
Patrol. They're afraid of robbers -has dnip and a weapoD .... "and
because they carry so much he'll fight/• McCain said. ·
·money. They're afraid of being · •
killed because [bey have nothing . .
to defend the1D.1elves with, and . · •
ther·re afraid o1 beina out in Com· promise pubJtc where they mi&ht be
picked up." • bo';:~ ~U:~::c!t ~b:s::r: Due m E~ergy .
seasons, MeXicans carry their
wages or bide the U.S. dollars~
dirt caves and shacks in wbkh
At least five farm workers
were stabbed to death and
robbed this year, .ii.:: sheriff's
spokesman ·~ Tl!U(le klllinc1
and seven otheni are unsolved. A
alngte susp~ct has b.een ln
membership on
Krishna Consctpu .nes , ·the
parent orgariiiaUon.
However, according to Uie
August&P,embeT, 1915 edition
of Baek to Qoab d, the
magadne pul>lisbe<l by lbe in-
ternational religious group, there
ls a note which does link J<ullk to
the cult. Jtreacb: ,
The BbUUvedanta Book Ti'ust
(publlabeJ' ot Back to Godhead
magaible) wtsbts to thank Mt.
Alexander Kulik of L•1una
Beach, California, for bis
generous donation of $25,000 for
publication of the books of His
Divine Grace A. C. BbakUvedan-
ta Swami Prabhupada. •• Tho
publishing house is operated
solely by the cult.
Agni Dev, president of the
Laguna Beach temple who bad
denied any ties between bis
group and Itutllt, said when read
the notice that be was unaware of
"I didn't know about that," he
commented ... That's quite a few
issuea <oftbemaguine) b~~··"
Kulik becomes the fifth ~on
charged with mw'der conspiracy
in the sbOOting death of Bovan,
36, of Fountain Valley, who died
early Oct. 22 outside a popular
, .
program, the ~iets would trail
the United States if the Pentagon
continues to improv.e the
sophistication of the new U.S.
Crul&e missile lmproft'ffients
being developed can be made
operational faster than the
Russlans can Update their air de·
tense. system, the defense of·
AOXIOU& to cluify their
t.mple'1 ae Uon rrona figures
in thJ! ach murd ~n·
ve1UI! , m of the In-
ternational Society !or Krishna
Consclousneu held a barefoot
preaa conterence Monday at their
Laguna Be eb Temple.
TemPte President Asnl Dev.
society apokesman Mukunda Du
and theiJ' attorney Stephen
Rohde alona with a life member,
Rametwar Singh, presided over
the 90·minute sesalon, devoted ln part to attacklna newameo for
llnldna tlie temple to the pplice
Investicaton aay four oi the
people under investitatlon ror:
A MARINE who apparently was '1\llling in a
game of chance with a train that heftled ~outrun
was killed n~ar the San Clemente Pier ldt.e Monday.
George McNabb, 21, a combat engiti"r,Jtt Camp
Pendleton, was killed insla!'tJY by the impac~. accord·
ing to firemen. He wa' witr.. several buddies at the
time, witnesses said.
0 THEY WERE TRYING to outrun the train, and
he just came in second," said Fire Capt. James Dahl. Dth1 said the tram was traveling at aoout 45
miles per hqur. The city has imposed a 40 mph speed limit on
trains passine through the city.
Restaurant Manager
Held on Drug Rap
J\ man Newport Beach pohce
1denllflcd today as manager of El
nanchito re~taurant was arrest-
l'd Monday on sus picion of
possessing cocaine.
Police said they booked Robert
Perez Into city jail late after they
allegedly found a package of
about one gram of the illicit drua.:
in his possession.
The Mexican restaurant at 408
28th St has t>ttn the focus or two
recent police investigations.
The first, which lasted nearly
two years, ended with the indict·
ments of 11 people -including
owner Sergio Avila and his
brother Joe on charaes of con·
splracy to smuggle $7 million
Fro,,. Page A J
steal them would know what they
were doing."
He alked that anyone who
b1d1eves they know the
whereabouts of any of the pipes
contact him
He said the display case had
been pried open, but that it is not
known how acc~s w"' gained to
the mall. Costa Mesa police are
mvesligalina the case.
Bamber is hopeful that pubhci·
ty will help m recoverinl the
pipes. He said a similar robbery
several years ago or $3,000 in
pipes from another of his stores
resulted an complete recovery of
that collection when police Iden·
tlfied them from his descrlittion.
They had t>ttn sold to a collector.
S. Korea Accused
worth of South American cocaine
in lo Southern California.
The Avila brother s are
scheduled to go to trial next
month in federal court on those
The second mvest\utfon in vol ves the shooting death of
Stephen John Bovan outside the
restauranlonOct 22.
Investigators say they do not
believe principals involved \n
either case are linked to one
Officers who arrested Pttti
1iaid he joined two men whO were
being questioned by omce~ ju.st
outside the restaurant's en·
They allege they saw the CO·
caine bundle when It fell out of his
pocket as he was reaching for
some cash to give one of the men
being questioned
f',.... Page Al
searchers to design a systetn that
could defeat the cruise.
They came up with one, the de·
fense planners said, by improv-
ing the Hawk syatem with a bit·
ger antenna. a larger transmit·
ter and a more aophisticated
Beginning in December. the
cruise missile will start to un·
dergo a serles of tests that by
early next year will measure lta
survivability ln actual air tests
aaainst the Hawk and other
systems the Pentagon believes
resemble Soviet def ens es.
U.S. defense officials said they
concluded it would take the So-
viet Union at least etaht years to
develop that ca pa bill ty.
Police alle111 the kldtaappinc ol
Kulik by Bovan may'have ~n
motivated by the rumor that PDI
had large amounts of cash readi·
ly available.•
Police decline to comment on
tht reports that the source of that
cash was the sale of narcotics.
At the Hare Krishna press con-
ference, Dev said the three POI
partners were expelled from the
temple for a variety of irreligious
practices, such as refusal to con·
tinue shavtni thelr heads and to
do their daUy two-hour chantin".
He said they also failed to
adhere to the rell1ion ., four main
prlncipals which dictate, among
other thln1s1 "° uae of intoxi·
cants. Dev and other officlaJs
said there Is no connection
between PDI, as a business, and
their cult. " he and t}\e > other temple t>f.
nciall aaJd t&y had never beard
that any of the three men they
acknowledge as former rn.em·
hers had anything to do with
narcotics 1mucsllng.
mdicbn~nt Slim
Justice Department says further
Indictment.a In the South Ko-rean
con1resslonal infiuence-buylng
case are unlikely unless In·
veat111tors can question Korean
businessman Tongsun Park.
Man Strolls In~o . . •
Train Path, KiHed
A mtddle;aged man believed to
be a resident of Santa Ana
w•lkld calmly into the pattt Of an
oncomint ~trak traln today ln
Irvlne and was kllled. ·
His idenUty wftl withheld pend·
ing noWlcatlon o( oexl of kin. A ..
drifer's license ahow«I a Santa
Ana addrefis.
Police said the passenger
train, ~ Los Angeles to San
Dle&o run, was traveling at about
70 miles per hour when it struck
the man. at Sand Canyon Avenue
near the Sarita Ana Fteeway, in
e:ast Irvine.
Tbe engirleer rePorted seel.og
the man but was unable to slop
the train.
The vtclhi> wu pushed 250 feet
down th·e tracks. The train
braked to a stop 1,000 yards
farther down the tracks.
F .... raaeAJ illr' !
SCHMI1.· •.
The ooe-titne cc>Unty planning
commwiooer lambasted Schmit
for having a voting record he said.
show• "he is totally m the hano.s
of a few wealthy special Interest
"For the past lhree years,
Schmll and J 11ave bad very Uttle
to do with each olher even thou&h
I played a major role In his ~t·
tine elected, "-Butterflold said.
"Hls attitude efl~f he won tui>
election and his deep involve. '
menl with Dr. Celll \ndlcitted to
me that Schmit just went where
he thought the strength and
money existed,·· be added.
A witness, Donald A! Str&nd of
Tustin. told police he watched the man walk south along Sand Can·
yon. seemlngly unc!onceroed; a
Seven Up bottle in one hand.
Strand aald be watched bim
v-.-alk to\vl.rd the tracks as the
wamlnc sates w~nt ~own then
step between the 1ate1. "
The victim's shoes w'&re
k11ocked from his body by U\e im·
pact. Hewaskilled instantly.
Mattbiessen, author of N•·
tional Book Award nominee "At
Play In the Fields of ttie Lord.··
has been a member of expedl·
lions to rernote regions or all fiye
continents. "
He has explored the Amuon
jungles, the Cantdlan Northw~t
Territories. the Sudan, New
Guinea and Nepat. A form~r com-
mercial fimerman and chatter
boat captain, he parUclpated il11 a
diver In search ol the great while
~oy&I~ ~lsits
Bl\IOCETOWN. Barbados
<AP) -Quffll JWsabeUi and~
husband Pt&n~Up h•v~~ r'h'ed tn Biar on the 1~
stop of a Caribbean toUr.
In W••hlngton, Treats Few, Fir Betwe.n
No DeaaDts?
~Pickings Slim in Washington
WASlllNGTON <AP> -No tricks. No treats. Not even
peanuts at the White House this year. Halloween on Pennsylvania
Avenue was a bummer. \.
; That's what five tots discovered Mondar ni&ht oo a
· Halloween tour or who •s who in the nation's capital.
DU3GVl8ED AS A BUNNY, a w1tch, a cowboy, a soldier and
Groucho Marx, they arrived at the White House gates howling,
.. Trick or treat."
· · "Sorry, we don't have anything," said a guard.
. Undaunted, they kept on tnckm' to Washington·s best ad-
• dresses. 1 Former Secretary of Stale Henry Kissineer yasn't home.
Neither was Jackie Kennedy Onassis' mother, Mrs. Hugh ~ Auchinclo:;s, though a li&ht was on in·the servants' quarters.
THE GRAND OLD DIPLOMAT, Averell Harriman,\ad a
; maid handina out dimes. And Lynda Johnson Robb, whose father
used to be president, was pu.shing raisins.
At the CIA, only real-Ure spooks could get through the 1.-tes.
And at the Iranian embassy, home ot caviar and cbampa1ne served by whlLe·aloved butters, there were no treats this year.
"This is a government building," the official greeter said.
I .
1 THE KIDS' FIVE-STAR pumpkin award went to Ethel Ken·
r nedy, who lives on an estate called Hickory lnll ln McLean, Ya.
1 In her front yard. where the late Sen. Robert Kennedy used to
J play touch football wttb bis brood, a straw witeh riding a broom
I dangled from a tree.
I Inside. where flrepfaces on either side of the hallway w~
• burning, two maids presided over a table filled with mu.gs of cider
and a dozen kinds of candy.
t DOWN THE ROAD, NOBODY. answered the door at Sen.
EdwaJ'dKeMecty•s home until the cowboy y~ed. "Trick OC'treat,
smelt my feet." His reward: peanut crunch. ·
Across the Potomac River in Wasbington·s exclusive
Georgetown section, a uniformed maid at the home of
Washington Post publisher Katharine Gtabam handed out
chocolates and hard candy.
A woman in a blue jogging outfit Offered .apples and candy at
the casUe·Uke home of reporter Bob WoOdward, who helped
1 Dl ake Watergate a household word.
Coast Panel Okays ..
Disputed LB House
Seal Rook.
A condition to the permit in·
eludes a mandatory offer to the
city of Laguna Beach by~
of a five-foot easement runn.iq
along the southeast boider of the
property for public access to the
The public easement would ex·
tend from tbt street to the eda• of the cliff ..
An alternative condition,'
which would call for Hillaren lo·
atalllng a stairway down the cliff
(C> pocket con below, was re-
j e c'\ e d by commissioners
MEMPHIS,: Teaill <AP);.1~.A ~yeii'..ota nma was kiDed With a
single 1~ blast; apparently
fired from. •mbusb, after an
argument with a group ot trick·
or.treating l«!enagers. police taJd ..
The vtcti1n, wliose ldentitY.WAS
not ,•leasecJt was si1tinf on a porclt. with a friend wben abOUt
six teena.en approached and dema.Ddecf;~oween handouts,
aald tL: lt>On Lew. asslitant
homicide commander •
early Uahl today touQd no
watarmclons aplat.ttted •1alnat
tront doors. Nobody had •oa~ up wlncJows on paiked care over!
ni1bt. No overturned oulhoUlea
were iri lht. Cle~ly, the eelebt tlon of
Hallow just ltn't wh tit used
to. .
Wtiy, down at OW' BalbOa dJp,
my wife even had the unmlUgat-ed nerve to put a pottery
pumpkin out on the front porch
along with a Tell one. BOtl\ ere
still there th11 momlna. And ~1 w :P;itact. lt'• hard to believe. . Ttie younpltl'I today seem to
be ore interested bl prowlln1
ab haunted tlbU.sea, lolnl to
parties 8nd attendlnJ carnlvib.
All this, you have to concede. is
for the 1000.
YEAJl,8 AGO, on ttie day after
Hitllow.a\, you could fieure our
coaetal l'elion woUld look like the
rernams Ola war zone. M unlclpal cleanup Cl'tWI
would have a full week'• work
ahead of them. They would get
the work. that ls, unlesa,acnne of
the Hallowetn night. miscr~ants
were captured by the local law in
the commission of their mil·
Consider ene notable
Halloween nieht in l.aauna
Beach. when some of tbe lOcal
I ads Ii berated an entire
truckload of wat.ermelou trOm
patches in the El Toro area. They
drove the ill-gotten load to the top
of Laguna's steep Park Avenue
and then proceeded to roll each
melon down the street.
It must have been enormous
fun to watch the rollin1
watermelons 1ather speed, be1ln
to bounce and finally explode all
~ver the place.
FlJN, THAT IS, until they got
caught in the act by Laguna's
long arm of the law. There were
a lot of young ~en on street
cleanup duty the next day. All
working uphill.
A maiingly, most of the
Halloween whoop and holler
carne in our region from the
municipality of FOW\\ain V-1ley.
Fountain ValleY is auch a ~uiet spot that you find it dlfflcult Jo
figure how trouble could even get
started in all that silence. But
some civic groups decided to
have a Halloween celebration.
Enthused over the posaiblUties,
one sponsor decided to give the
event added pbsaiz by lnviling
real, livewitches.
'l'HIS DREW REA VY protest
from an assoclaUon of ChrlJUan
ladies who felt real witche1
woulcl be carrylna Halloween
too far.
·The witch Invitation was
withdrawn. One showed up.
anyway but at 1ast report,
nobody got hexed.
Short thereafterl sharp-eyed
Fountain Valley po ice closed in
on some carnival operators and
hustled them off to the county
fac\lltles. The aUecaUon WU that
the carny people were operatlnl an automated hone raclnc aame
that was nxect
NOW THAT'S A lesson for
everybody. You may· l'UD your •
porno movies in Santa Ana. You
may operated the pea-under·the-
sbell mm.flam at the Costa Met1•
Fairgrounds. Blnaomieht be bl1
at Leisure World. You mlatlt 1et'
fleeced on the ~ttle toss at
8alboa's F\m Zon~. . But don't try to fool 'em in
Foun lain Valley, by golly.
• f ~'"''"'""~'
Readt1 tor laH
Newspaper editor Jay
Shelledy of Lewiston, Idaho,
says be ·s prepared to go to
jail rather than reveal his
source for a story in a libel
case. The U.S. Supreme
, Co\irt ref used Monday to re·
view hiS contempt of court
. Effects
Response Awaited
Africa Eyes .
Mary Ireland <Mol-
1 y > Douaherty.
daughter or a Texas.
attorney. was 1ent to
jail Monday and
fined $500 for refus.
inc to testify in
Black Panther party
lead~r Huey
~ewton·s pretrial
murder hearing. .
The U.S. Supreme
Co urt b studying
whether smut's effect on
4hlldren should be con
sidered in determining 1r
auterial 1s obscene.
C\'en when duldren arc
not a factor jn the case
·Arms Embargo Aclress
The justices agreed
Monday to con!'iider that
question in a California
.case. the latest sequel to
the court 's 1973
landmark decision on
what is and is not oh
IN ITS dec1s1on rour
years ago, the court laid
down speciftc-t'l'StS""ttJwer
courts \\ere to apply in
decidin~ ob~ccnity
One test wa~ whether
"the average person ap·
plying contemporary
community standards"
would find the work
'patently of fens\ ve and
appealing lo prurient in·
In reviewing the con
viction of Los Angeles
distributor William
Pinkus, the court Is con
si der1ng whether
ohildren and "especially
sensitive persons" arc to
\>e included m the defins·
t1on of "community··
"'hen Jurors try to de·
termine the standards.
PINKUS' trial judge told
Juror~ thp,· would be con· li1dered If that decision,
affirml•d b) 9th
C S C1rcwl Court of Ap·
peals. i:. upheld. il is con·
ce1vable that sellers of
allegedly ob1cene
materials will betome
easier large.Ls for pros·
Pmkus. doing business
us Ros:-.lyn New~ and
Kamera. was convicted
last year of mailing one
movie and various
m ngazanes lo udull.s in sl x
UNITED NATIONS <AP> African dele1a·
lions to the Unit.ed Nations are torrnulaUn1 tbelr
response to a Western resolution for an indefinite
arms embargo against South Afriea.
The resolution was introduced in the U.N.
Security Council Monday nlaht after the Western
Big Three vetoed Afrtoan resolutiOlll calllf'C for
military and economic sanctions.
A spokesman tor the African bloc, Rldba I<.
Ramphul of Maurttiwi, said hll ·troup "likely"
would propose amendments to the resolution. '
OH Prallt• 'lllglwr'
WASHINGTON <AP> -A new economic
-;tudy sponsored by a conservative research or·
ganizatlon suggests the petroleum industry ls exa1·
gerating claims that lt needs higher profits.
The study, comm1ss1oned Dy the Amencan En·
tcrprise Institute, says the apparent low pront.1 of
01 1 companies in past years were aiotually hi1her
than aver~ge for the amount of investor risk in·
volvcd. '
The petroleum industry's moMy-mak.ing ret·
ord thus seemed good enough to attract invest·
ment money. said the study released Monday.
.I~ Niz~ WerJg Atrt .
LOS ANGE~ <A"P)' .._•A. fedet&l judle has
declared unconst\Wtional a 191'1 P.ublle Works Acl
provtaion ·that reqwres 10 ~t Of tbe work tt linan~esttbe done by m.inoriiy.QWne4bu.sinessa.
Sut U.S. J;)istrict Judge Andrew Hauk on
Monday declined to prohibit any contractors Crom
using funds from tbe $4 bHUon Public W~Ja Act.
"l think I have to lteep In m,lnd the tremendous
harm I could cause if I tri~ to enjoin $& billion
already granted," said Jlauk, who noted that it was
the intent or the act to pump construction money In· ••11!!111 ... 111!!1•••• to the economy immediately.
.4: Aetreu Nanette
;Fiabuy waa injured when an elephant struck
her with ltl tru:nt during
th& fllnilna ot "Harper
Valley Pl'A,., city flte of-
1 rtclals said.
" .
1 ' I
Costly Security
It appears that Congress is well on the way to taking
the necessary ste~ to salvage the Social SecaritY. program ~
from bailkruptcy m the early 19806. ,
And it's rather apparent th t the rescue operation is
goJpg to dig a big hole In the pockets of bOtti orkers and
employers in the next decad~ or so.
A proposal for refinancing ttie &>Cial urity pro-
grams -Old Age and Survivors Fund, Di bWty Fund
and Hospital Insurance Medicare Fund -... was presented
by the Carter Administration in May.
But the measure passed last week-b_y the House (the
Senate is still debaung its own bill > would impose a much
heavier and more immediate burden on the 104 mil~on
Am erican workers now paying into Social Security than
the plan devised by the Administration.
The I louse bill raises the maximum wage base for
Social Secunl) dedut·lions in annual steps from the pres· •
ent SJG,500 lo $39.100 in 1985 and $42.600 in 1987, The
Carter proposal would have increased the wage base by
$600 in alternate years, upto$30,300in 1985.
The House bill would raise the tax rate which is paid
by both employees and employers from the present S.85
percent to 6.95 percent in 1985 and 7.1 percent by 1987. The
Carter prooosal would maintain the present rate increase
schedule which would reach6.30percent in 198S.
To achieve the necessary additional funding, the Ad·
ministration proposed using general Treasury revenue to
financ e the prograWl whenever unemJ!loyment rises aoove
6 percent, and also to recover 108se! ~uff ered in th un·
employment crisis that started iri1975~
An important feature of the House measure, a one
that probably will survive in some form, is an increase in
the amount retirees under the age of 72 are permitted lo
earn without losing Social Security benefits.
• The Social Security dilemma has many explaAations
• the declining birth rate, hence relatively fewer workers
paying inW"the fund : increased longevity, hence more
beneficiaries drawing out of it; and an ill-considered cost-
of ·living adjustment authorized by C0'1gress in1972.
By now it is quite clear that those who stand to oenefit
from the various SoClal Securlty programs are 89µ\g to
flavie to contribute more dutina their working year if
J;ocial Security is to be keptsel!·sustaining. ~
A patchwork solution now will only be paving the ~ay
ror another rounc! of bankruptcy threats a few decodes
down the road.
And every effort should be made to avota told
Ben er al revenue funds from the Treasury except to Ude th.C
programs over in periods of severe unemploym nt wh.cu
f?Ontributions are seriously roouced.
Perhaps overshadowlhg all the other events leading Ull
to the present financial crisis has been the gradual, but
ostly. shift from Social Security's original simple pu~
L to provide a .reasonably secure old age tor those who
ave worked throughout lbeir adult year o
1omething-for-everyone hOdgepodge that seeais ~o e6
he rules of economics.
SHE SANK tll,000 of her own
into improvements, but said abe
can't raise the money to revamp '
the city's whole water system.
The present system can't
cenerate the pressure ne~d for
a fire sprinkler system required
ln the hotel by the state.
"We had a real h•\>PY home
and ever1tbing was eolng fine:
and all of a sudden according lo the state's stalldards we wenn't a good home any more," said
Ura. Widmark. .
At · one time there were 30
member's or the Shaniko l&ni·
Nost had.spent the majority of
·their lives in institutions. All the
survivors are in nursing or foster
homes, except for Cour the state
tias agreed lo let Mrs. Widmark
take wtth her.
cording to Mayor Julie Robl.nson,
that's an exaueraUon.
her ~ over the liotel's de·
mise, said she it Jookln1 forward
to a new lile on a farm with her
husband. And she'll still be car·
ing for some of the old Shaniko
gang, includirig Lane because .. ,
can•t be withoutmf •herUt.
The othtrs tding With her are
Richard Reynolds, &9. Bill
'1TRE STATE PAID me $167 a Daniels; 89, and. hl• wife, month~" she said. "The same Fayet ... U.~•ywer~Utleda
people go ln a nursing home -year ago.1[n )he hotel 19.bl>y 1tmld
and I don't think they'll get better old west' m9Qlorabillll and walls
cate' -and the state pays crowded Witb'lftooS• heads, deer
$400·$600 a month. It doesn't heads and stu!hd bobcats.
make sense to me. Why not give There was notb.inf unusual
me the extra money so I could about tbe gang's last day io the
coJ!fPIY With the state codes?'· his torte brick hotel. The lobby's
In the early 1900s Shaniko was black and white television was
the terminus ot the Columbia tuned lo '"The Flintatonet"'' and
Southern Railroad and residents the old folks watched guieUy, at
called it the lareest inland wool Umea chuckling. • shllmlDfie~~IJR\11.\! w_ptJL __ -&115~..JANB «ok~ .the
'rf\e'Slgn planlea wllere wo..od burning stove. John
lUgh way 97 runs through Martin 78 putted on his pipe.
Shaniko now says "Pop. 70." Ac·. Charll~ Parlter, 77, stood on the
. t
Sirike Skippir;g
Coast Projects
A month·long strike by dredging engineers has
not affected any major harbor projects in Orange
County, a county official said tod~.
A spokesman for the county's Environmental
Management Agency said no dredglng projeets at
all are scheduled by the county through the end of
this year.
THE STRIKE BY Operatine Engineers Locai
12 or thp AFL-ClO affects Calitomla from San Luis
Obispo to San Diego.
William Harris, vice president of SheUmi.ker-lnc. in Newport Beach, said his is the Ooly dred_g!g
ttrm with onmg~"'CbUntyoffiCCi71re siltd oDIY small
private one·day dredgine projeCts have been af.
·fected . ;
• HARRIS SAID BE is one of sht negotiators ln
:the :strike area representing the Dredging Contrac·
~tors Association or California.
He sa1d negotiations will continue. with a me-et·
in' scheduled for Thursday tn LQs Angeles. Harris
said disagreement has centered on the contention
by union leaders that additional workers should be
hired to fill some positions that contractors do not
believe are necessary. He said wage scales have
been agreed on.
AND IF MU. Sprln&er wasn't
there for ppenina statements we .
knew that the earth must uve
opened that mornJnc somewhere
between her ~oaest apartment
and Civic Center Drive.
Apna developed an astonishing>
knowledge of the law dunne1.
those 32 years of wldowtiOOd and
this writer bas heard her, on
rnany occaslons, debate a con-'
troversial ruling with lawyers
who quickly realized that they
weren't taklng on some pOOr'. _
feeble nonagenarian.
But she has Jen us now just 'aS
surely as we knew we would
.. neyer see her agatn when she
. He is a contributor to the London Times
Literary Supplement and the blew York Revtew Of
~ooks and also serve~ as editor of the scholarly Journal, "Marxlst PerspecUves." ·
Nine Deaths Listed
'PrN! l'·•MrC W'u £en .. Prize
DEAR PAT: My dauehter called radio statlon
10-Q in l.os ~elea on her birthday, May 7. She'd
-tried to reach the station for thrri.dul before~ the
lonc·distance cost of about '15, and finally was a
,10th call winner on her birthday. She wu to have re· ~eived a t·shirt as a prbe, but It's never been de-
livered. I've written to the station twice to no av all. P.,-., Irvine
Alt.bough recordl llidicate tlaat all May t·•blrt wlnnen' maJU.ncs llave been completed, another t·
shin wW be malled 1.o yo11r daaOst.er. The station's
spokesman said that all prize mallhtcs Ire third
clan aad a tot of tbeft la eocountered, espeelally ln
apartment buildln11. U 1oar dHp&er'1 •ery ez.
pensive Oanc-cUatance cllarses) "tree" t·lhlrt don
uot arrive within two weeb, let AYS knoW.
P.U.la Preduee• a,.. M•telaa'
DEAR PAT: Our family camps as much as we
can. la there any way to waterproof matches?
L. P ., Cost.a.Men Tlte m01tt iDerpeaslve way 1.o water.proof
matches ls to dip tHm in tblD nail polbll. Do one at
a time or ln small batches. Tb1s lnlormatloa comes
from the Glrl Scout Raodbooll, a wnltla of lnfvma-
don on inexpensive-cratt. and camplnl Hfety
measures. Old-fashioned kitchen matches wCHlld be
yoar bat bet for relbbUJty lo a camplne skaatlon.
County, but the hospital
would not conftnn the re-port.
Barbara Pepe, the
Cooper spokeswoman, HARTFORD, Conn. ·1aid Monday that after (A~ J -Tom Grauo la failing to overcome hia
wnting a book. d r i n k in g problem
"I'm the oal)r husband tllroueh private, out-ol a 1ovemortn the Unit-patient treatment,
ed States,•• •'18 Grueo, COoper dt'Clded to take
husband of Go•. Ella advanure ~ a break to
Graeso. his schedule to undereo a "The boot was my hospital procram of
idea,•• the retlnd East treatment. ~ aald she
Hartford .chool prtn· was not 1.old where be
cil>al salct In an in.' was 1ettlna the treat-terview. ••n will be my ment.
response as Ella's
husband and friend He was expected, she
. . . It will be a picture s.1.id, to return to the
of the true Ella Tam-filblfnlf of ''Sgt. Pepper•s busai Gr~ as I lmow Lonely Hearts Club her as a husband. friend Band," in Loi Aqelea ill
and politician... several weeks.
eep them In a small metal box al~Wltia a strip of
1andpaper for sure atrlklnc •Ilea needed. ---------
1t'llo Pafl• tor Clea•l•g £arpei'I
DEAR PAT: When carpet and drapes become
soiled in a rented apartment, is the tenant or the
landlord responsible for the cleanine charges?
L.L., Irvine
The landlord .. supposed tilt tate cart ef tlds
type of malo&enaace u.nJe11 o&her arhJtlemeets ltne been made in advance With tbe tenant. ·
It Takes
to Make Money
So"' 59,
German hUtorian claims
he has found a son of
Adolf Hitler living in the
north of France, the
Times reports.
The newspaper quoted
Dr. Werner Maser, SS, a
respected historian of
thQ.Nazi era, saying that
Hitler's son is a 59-year-
oJd Frenchman named
.Jean Lorret.
. have known for 12 years
that Hitler had a son, the
paper said. He was quot-
lld saying he located the
s'.on two years ago and
has been working to
authenticate the claim
The paper said Lorret
is desperately ill and
willing to talk about his
THE TIMES aave the
1,nowiq account:
Hitler ls supposed to hav~ met Lorrtt'•
mother in 1918 wblle
urving in World War I.
~e boy was born and
tiven his mother's
1>ame. He was not told of
bis father's identity until
1952, when his mother,
on her deathbed, told.
him bis father was
Maser cites a number
of sources to support his
claim, amona them a
trip said to have been
taken by Hitler and his
valet, Heinz Llnge, to
look for a hous~ in
northern France in 1941.
fbey found the house,
T>ut not· the mother or
. .
·Men Get
Top Jobs ,
didt\ 'f even know we were in·
YOlved in the R<>ie Bowl race." • aid Californ\a coach M1kt
White, indicating just how wild
that race is.
tal, by upsetting Southern
Colifornia 17-H Saturday, .If!·
mained alive In college footbalrs
most interestlnc conference scramble .
• -''The race is not exactly how
l'd like to see it, but right now
ltils is the most exciting con-
ference m the United States,··
Southern Cal coach John
Sobinson said Monday by
telephone to football writers
here. "I thank we also have some
or the most excitinc ptayets in
lhe country "
• Robins.on·s· Trojans were
ranked No. 1 in the n$lion a
month ago but have dropped to
l6th by losing three or their last
four games. Still, they are 3·1 in
the Pac-8 and, as the coach notes,
"have our fate in our own
ft Cal e&A HrR '~-..e ... --.,.....;: ....... -~--..,...;,,=~
Bowl bid, which would be its fifth
in the last six years,"'by winning
its la~t three games -against
Stanford. Washington and UCLA,
teams which also have lost just
once in the Pac-8. Cal is 2·2 and
hoping to end up in a multiple be
tor the title. ~
Stanford. with college foot·
all's passing leader 1n
quartcrb:.ick Guy Benjamin, will
be in the Los Angeles Coliseum Saturday to face a USC team
averagmg_265 yards per game
rushing, incfuding 123 by Charles
White, and 454 yards total of·
Robinson correctly predicted a
low-scoring game with Cal, and
he Joked Monday, "This might be
a high scoring one, say 100·98. ··
Stanford coach Bill Walsh, who
calls the Trojans "still the No 1
Rose Bowl contender, f apable of
beating anyone m the country by ll:p• and DCHDn• al .Rddng a big score ... figures that his
Cardinals \\-Ill need more than
just their best defensive showing
· of the season lo wm
"We have certain players who
are dynamite," he said. "IC
Southern Cal makes any tittle er·
rors. we·re going to have to take
ad\'antage and score." -
In other words: "They're going
to score on anyone. We're going
to have to outscore them · ·
Althouf(h White's Cal team 1s a
Rose Bowl darkhorse, lhc Bears
are 6·2 for all games a,nd hoping
to land in some bowl
Vachon Suits Up;
Kings Face Blues
2,400 Sales Leads per mo.
For $37J O.A.C. Call (714) TI1 -3100.
til:1ruTffi JELEM]~ r:u:tRKBr.11
IN ·
~I •••• ••• ..... •••• •• •·•••••••••••••••
ctty ••••....••••••...••.•..• ztp.......... '
~ ................................... .
arde tHml .JOU tNnk WUI Win WI_.., ...... ,,.
• • ................. • ... c
' '
PWU"*IS o.--. CoHt 0.llY Pl'°'
Oct, U, U, ffcw I, t. 1'11
'T ... toltowtng pertDn& -tlolnO ll\IM•
C.mlllO al ft\ollno, CAplJtr-hacfl, cattfwNe~ 1---.,.-~----------Crel9 l!leckwtt.11. ~ c:am111e 11
Molino, c.p;str-8'KI\ c.momi. PUBLIC NOTICE
t3IU ·-----:------....,..-~ Don St-art, 1'711 Yteterbllry twfl
L.Mlt, HwntlngtonllHcll, c.t1torn1e "IC'TlTIOUS •UllHHI
Thll b11llnou la <0nC111ctecl by e HAMllfAT~NT
0-1Mr•I p.'lrtnennlp. 'Tllo toll_,.. llOf-•• cloino IM&t•·
Cr•loe.tkwllh neun: -.,.---.,...-------·I Tiii• llet-• was llllO w11n 1,. •ASH PAATNEIUHIP. 1U
COIHlly Clerk GI Oretlllt County on Oc· C.1•1111• ·-· s .. 1 Bff(n, CA tOtAO
100.r 21, 1'71 Wllll.m A.., Smith, m Cetelln. "144>4 Avenw, s .. 1 a.ee11, CA ~7..0
Publlll)Od Orenot C:0.11 Delly Piiot, Sire W. Smlln, 7U CA!etln, Novembert,I, U,U, 1'11 •112·11 ~vtnw, Seel 11 .. cfl, CAto740
A 1ptiatl Hllf1M¥1, T ru11 .. OI CL Ir
l'ORO TRUST, UOt E, Ocffn BIW,
Lono Beech, Co\~
------------s111ar1e.8leck, 7tOl I! 1Maan111t l'ICTITIOUI •USIHIU Long heel\, CA~
111.t.llllCITATllMINT Line P. 91eck. 7IOI E ~JUtnlM • TN'°''°""""--·.,.. dollno t>utl· ong hKll;CA~ M~~ e1 Rutfl H, Aff*k, 1110 E.. 2nd 51"'9t, i4 F 0 L.: 0 L I M I T El D LOf'IO BH<ll,CAtalOI PARTN&~IP, 11·0 VI• C.•1111•, Tllla b111lneu IS conelucled bY •
L..-. Mmt, U. ~ QOMf'll P«tner'INp.
L.emb Fol4, Corpor .. ton, • C.lllon\18 ~m. RtvSmi1'1
<OC'POl'•hon, 11.0 vi. c.11111e, l..e(IUfte 'Tllla lr.IMWflt -ftlllCI ••ltt ~
l'IC'TITIOUI au11Nh&
TM f01""'1M --.... dtt1"9 busl· -··· LA POSADA 06L.: CHAU'IR, 2'7
•· 1t111 s1 .. °'"'Mite, CA mu "°"" ~ '°""'· mo IHI It. ,.,.,, ........... --"~ c.111. "'6a
JKtt MOO(I, J'1 17111 SI., Cott. ft!Wae,CA'240
Tflit tlutl ... 1 la conduUtd Dy •
....... ~rthip,
Jonnll Gf-
Tl'll• S'-lll'Ml'lt WM flltf •1111 tilt Ceionl'r Cltrlt ol Orentt Collnty on Oct. tO,ttn
H llB, CA, n.5J <Allloly C ..... d 0r-..tit COllnly on s.pt,
• T1111iw,i...u11c-IM•t•llmlt· "·1.,'· I-""--:----------.., perl,..,t"ll\lp.
L•mD FOIO, CorPOret IOI\ Generar'Perl'*
Ha•ph I'. U,.,.I>, Pro•clent
111,. >Wl-1 ,,.., l1lecl wllll tno
C.ount~ C.ltrlt of O<el\99 (.OunCy on Oct,
11 I ~ I
LAW O'"lc.110" HAltOLDO.ADAMS • .. , ................. . Ytltl IN<ll, CA,_, l'tW
Publl"*I Orent1 Coast 0.tly Pti.c.,
Oct."· u. "'°"· l,t, 1'7'
•!02·1~ l'U.71
""b 1\neo °'-'OI' Cbll\t O•ilY Puot,
U< I 1' Nu v I • l) It/I PUBLIC NOTICE
NAME STATEMENT Tiie lollowlng P1rl0ft1 ere doing
OPIRATING UHDE• HermoMI, (Aplstreno Beech, CA.,,.,,.
FICTITIOUS IUSIN•SS NAMI CllerlH 1(11'19, , .. n Cell1 HoNnoM,
1 ~~ 1011ow1no .,..._ "" wttnor•wn Ceplstreno Beecn, CA tt'2A
•' • general pettnor 1,.m 1111 Sernll' 11. Tlool -LUPllMI Tl .. 1,
µMtnerU>lp operettno uncltr Ille lk· !31!.,.C.111 Stquole, ~ o.i... CA.
I •t1ous llUMntil narno Of AOVENTUR£ Y _,
l.OLOURS •I UO• INHlml ... Utr Zeller HH .. nelly, 4910 Miine
A••nuo, SenleAne, C.lltornlet270. Drlw, Torranu, CA. toSOS
I lie llcut-"'4it11H Nn>I U•I• Wllll•m J. Moro•n, U12 VI• 11wnt for Ille perm.P<ll\lp wu lllocl on Plnele, P~ V•rdlt Estel-. CA. 90274
.Ju.,. 10, 1971 In u. COIHllY Of Or•noe. Thia butlneu 11 ConductlCI by en ~ 1111 N•-end -rttl Ol tno Person wnln<OfllOf<ltlCI ••-.. tton otnor then w1tll4rew1no. • P•rt .. nnlp.
Vtvten Felix, '131 J11n1per o,,vo, z.tfle< H•5HN!lly c.o•••MHe,C.ltlorn••'1U• Tl\la lt.tlement wn filed wttb lht
v1v1an Raymond Fell• County Clm of Orange County°" Oct.
1'·17JC •. tt11
Publl>lllCI 0<1n99 Coal! Otlly Pilot, CAOOO, T•ITHl'.WAY,
tiovemller1,t, IS,2l. 1911 ''JS..11 McGl•NIMOftOllUC • •
l'ICTltfous us HS
MerlM_, lltly, CA te2tl
"'*'» PubhW.CS Orengo C-1 Oeoy Pilot.
Oct 11.11.u.-111ov.1,1m
... !~::011ow1no.,... • ,,,. tuu: PUBUC NOTl~E
COB, CH AA LIE'\. OtSCO 1---::~=~---_..;..;....---4 BUSINESS, tt.lA ~ ........ Ho. 2, "ICTITIOUISUllNUI
Oti•rlM o. •-"· 192• llilePI• Tllo fol'-lfl9w...,1.,..dOf1lll11utl-Avo., tto. 2, C.te1MM,CA9»21 llUSH;
OtMY H. Wtl-. 1'-0 l••t l're"' ' K·O AUTO DIECOA, tOI
<Is, L• Htbre, CA'91JI ' ll•HkW•ter Cir •• Hwnllnot9fl .. kh,
11111 bustneu u. <onclucted by • CA'2M6
1"t11ral pe""'nll!p $Tl P'HEN Ml CHAE L c;Ll.HH, Chen• o. Burw.11 w tOI Bre•k••t~ Cir .. Hunll .. to.
Tiits sUll.,_. -filed wtlJI "'9 •MCll,CA ... C-ty~liifOr ... Govntyeri()(t. kAY 0ARLIM6 GLli;NH, tQI u, tt77. 1,..kweter Cir., .. ""''""*' 1Mc11, ... ,, CA'2M,.
PubllUIOCI or.-oe c:.e.1 Delly f'11ot Thia blllinesa I• COACllKllCI 11, • °'' 2S, HoY I.I. U, lf'1 11tMrelper1M'1ftlp.
TNECOUlfTYO .. OttAN•a , . ..,,..
Estell Of ELIZABETH l . Cl..AAK,
.... ELIV.BllTHCLARlt,O.C..114,
NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVllH ID IN crod•tota Of•.,....,...,_~
thtt •II PHION Nl'tllfttl c1e1m1 ...inst IJla ukl ~ .,. requll"lll to Ill•
ti.m, •1111 u. __,, v4oci.rJ, In
1111 oflk• f/I ll'tl Cllrk ol Ille ello_,. -
llllocl COUr1, Of lo pt"OMt>t llltl'I\, •1111 tilt NCHsery -.:no.... lo Ille llftMUIQlleel
el 1111 oftke tf EAHUT J, SCHAG.
JR,. • ~OM! .._ ~•110!1 ..,JO Blrcll $1rwt, Poll Offlca Bo11 179'
Newp0rt llffcll, C..llhwnle'*I, wtllcll
I• tflo piece Of ~Mil ol 1111 11n-
w,.1111ed In •II IN,..,, pertelntne te
lllt utel• fll aelcl Cll<odenl, within flur ;::'!' •ftor tf9flnil Pllblkelhln Of llljs
O•llCl0clobw21, lt'1.
Eaec,utrlll of Ult 'lWiP'
Ille ebowe lltmtd
llU••IT J.ICMAO,Jr. ,_ ........... t.ewc.r,,
4ttt•lrmk, .. 11S116 .. __.._..CAnMa
AllMNY fer a..alln • Pw.11"'90 0.-M(llS C:0.11 OeUy Piiot
HOY. I, •• IS. 22, 1917
IUl.K T•AHSl'lltS
Ti.. Irvine Unlflml Sci-t Oiltrtd la
In the PfO(IU qi ll"tP«lllO 8 l'llW ..
Pll<•llon ID continue t11ne11n;. under the
Tiiie VII IEllmenrery k'f"dery Eelu(Ulon Act, for 111 ah.
lnowel/Cros11cu1111re1 Pr•le<I ~n
Spehllll •I'd f!IQll'h for "'"'""' t11r°"911 hlgluchool.
A flnt *all et h ~-•II lie
•vellMt• ef!M Octollto' 11, et h Ola;
U__..CIC:.PI._ ....
Seminar Aims
At Businesses
"We're not. aDxious to get rid them,•• s81d Gloria Tbompson,
• Leon's ll)otber. •'Tbat'a not the .
idea. Jn fact, my huaband 11 out
buying more right now.''
That is becau.s, the Tbompsdnl
are iD the med auto parta bust·
ness. To do that, it la necessary
for them to accumulate all the.e ca.st-away hulks, the midden ol
the mobile society. Indeed, Gloria
Thompson scolded ber son !Of'
calling it a junkyard.
BUT JlJNl[Y ARD IS what lt ls.
As an eyesore it ben~its from Its
set Ung.
You cotne upon it while drtvine
across the rolllng Vlrctnla bllla,
The Newport Harbor Area lovely in their fading auN!nn
Chamber of Commerce and the plumage, gentle green blll1
federal Small Bualneas Ad· wherefatcattleirazeapdbonee
ministration will co-aponaor a stand dumbly behind white·
seven-week seminar in operaUng washed fences, every bend in the
as mall business. road another scene from a Sweet
The sessjons, which begin Nov. Lassy feed catalog.
8, cost $10 each or $50 for the full Then you see it. ·Not all of lt,
course. Meetings will be held because some of it ii ~yond the
from 4 to 6 p.m. in the chamber next ridge, and the next, but
offices at 1470 Jamboree Road, enoughofittoreallze.
Newport Beach. THIS IS NO run-of.the-mill
The opening session will cover junkyard. This is a monument to
records, bookkeeping and cost ugliness, a work of art.
control. The Nov. lS session will "Look at thl8','' G lorla
deal with raising money. On Nov. Thompeon said. "It will give you
22 the seminar will be on market-aniduolwhat wehave.'1 •
ing and sales. Sbe lifted an aeri~ i>hOto-
Tbe session to be held Nov. 29 ·graph, in color, from a' &rimed
will deal with tax~,, insurance shelf that also held a marvelous ano 1eglf ConSfderauona7Dee: 6-COirecUon or engine parts • .ncl
will feature a discuulon on sales brushed off the duat. She could ·
psychology. not recall bow ber husband ln his
The chamber has more in-pride bad obtained the photo.
formationat6'4-821L ••PROBABLY SOMEBODY
Associated P.resa Managing
Editors Association has selected
AP Special Correspondent Jules
Loh for a "to.P ~rformance"
The award ls glven annu.ally to
recosnbe outltanding work by
an AP reporter during the pre-
'9ioui year. Loh was awarded
S:iOO and plaque at the associa-
tion '1 convenUon here.
Lob, ~tly named a·apeclal
correspondent, a mark of di.stinc-
tlon for AP writers, wu alngled
out for bis column, which appears
in the Dally Pilot.
Countlans Promoted
W, Richard MUii, Costa Mesa, bas ~o elected
to a three-year term on the governing CoancU of &be
Amerlcan lmtltu&e al CerWled Public Accoaawata.
A former president of the Callf omla Soclety of.
CPAs' Lone Beach/Orange County chapter, Mills
has served on the society's board of directors and
on several statewide committees, including quality
control t@\flliSw aod management advisory services.
* Larr1 R. Jobnsoa bas joined Prodact
Management Compuy, Newport Beacb, as project
director. / * Coldwell Banker Commercial Brokerage
Compan)' has announced coast area management
assignments : .
Peter L. Marr, vice president ancl resident
manager of the company's Sant.4 Ana office since
1918, will asaume a atmtlar ~tgnment at the.
newport Beach office. He will be succeeded as Santa
Ana office resident man.,er by Clark Booth.
assistant vice president and currenUy sales
manager of the 34-memberoperaUon.
Marr succeeds Lelpt.on H. Prencb, who bas
resigned to pursue a career in real estate dev·
Marr began his Coldwell Banker career in 1981 in
Los Angeles as a property manacement apeclaliat.
He was elect.ed a vice presldentin 1910.
Booth joined Coldwell Banker in 1962 u an of·.
lice building and commottial properties sales and
leasing specialist. Jn 1973 he was named an
associate vice president.
'* Reibert 'I'. Ertenber1er bu been appointed to
pc,C>duct manager of SeparaUoe and 8.eeoYUJ
SJ*tema, IDe., Irvine. He ls former plant manager
of UnJ-Coat, Inc., an Industrial coating flrm, and
prior to that, supervisor of pollution and safety
equipment installation !or the Atlantic Richfield
• Km a. Keller, former vice president and ac-
coU11t manqer ot Bano/Boatmaa. lac., Newport,
Beach, baa been promoted to executive vice
president. .
ln addiUoc to bis account responslbtlltles, he wru overeee tbe acency'a public relaUons, business
accounta and operatlom ll'OlU)ll. * . E.F. <Dldcb) BUllellp. man.-er of AJilelteP Sa•l•a•'. Co1ta Mesa office. bas received.
maritortou. award for the IOGthern dlvislon. The
a•ard L9 for acellence In ltAtt operations. ••Wall i.ntloWs and customW relaUom ..
fRHHAND 81<2TCH Rel~··
:00 I C88 NEW8 l 8 NEWS
'Roy DeSoto Mta up 1'la partner
with a bn.d data, his _....,
QOUSln .
···~ "Th• OTH• •• Greener" (1981) 08rji Grant. ..1884' Simmons. An Amartc:an
mllRonalra ta forced Into a duel
after fllllng In IOYe with a Bttti.h
Mrl'• wtt.. (2 hn.)
A mi.take In bOOatlng• !Md•
the Pattridga t..wy to • o.trolt
. A. police captain, u"'*'SiOf!\O
aurgary. i. the halsit ... t1oateoa
In a daring plan to get a prlaot\-
er released from JalJ.
"On Becoming Your Own
Teacher'' 0 ABCNEWS
• 8:30 IJ MOVIE *** "On A C4aer Day You Can Saa Forewr'' (Part 1)
{1970) Barbnl Streisand, YVM
Montand. A YoUnQ women cb-
covera lhe hM ESP whle tTylng
to curb her chain amotclng. (1
hr.,30mtn.) CD THE ODO COUPLE
09c8' rfteaJa a tnu.known
romantic api.oda.
"Where Do I Seiong?" A Ch~-6o student looks for his root• ln
Mexico; "Cuban Dropout"
Cuban Immigrants to Miami try
to balance two set• of ldeaa,
valuat and langu.ga1.
"Preachool Mentat o.vetop-
(J) C88NEW8
"Lucy Rala-.Chtckan''
• ADAM-12
Otfloar9 Reed and !Mlloy race
after' two motorcycle purM
"DapolJtlon And Sedimenta-
John Ritter quiets
JtJYCe DeWitt on
Three's Compa ny
tonight at 9 on ABC,
Channel 7.
Ufa at the Bnady houM gets
dlffloutt when Peter gets • ·
swafled heed OWi the feet that
ha ~ a girl form an 8Cd-dant..
(I) :fHa GONG SHOW ,:a. 8:008 Cl> C88 REPORTS -"The Battle Over p,,.,,,,. eorr .. pond9nt em Moyers
axl)lor• the r-alng debate In
the U.S. Senate ave1 the ratlft-
catlon of the Panama Canal
Treaty. A briefing~ at the
White HOUM at wf\k:h P,...._
dent Catt#, Vice Pr..ident
Mondale, s.oretary of ~
Harotd Brown end Alt'lb...-dor
Ell9WOrth Bunker are pRMnt,
., iswertng the questions of
concerned cRlzane, la a
h6h1Jght of the broedceat. II MAN FROM ATLAHT18
"Man-0 '-Wet" Temporarily
destlblte~ the ~ed genius,
Mr. Sctwbart, plots to eoctort
money from an lntwnatJoqaJ
swtm ,,,_.. by unteahlng hla
giant pat jaUyfleh to terrortz9
the event. D MOVIE
*YI "One. Before I Dia" {1988)
John Derek, UrauLa Andreu.
An Army m"aJor orders his
troope on a dangerous mlask>n
~ he llnd hla flencee are
• caught In • JapeneM attflCk. (2
h .... ) • e aJ HAPPY DAYS "The~· Rlchle, Potala
and Ralpt\ Malph mcwa rnto
their own ll*tmant but hi•
roommat .. • antJc;a drtva Richie
Rating• Guide
~ -,.._ -~""" ,. ..... , effk o ~-~ ,_ TV .,.
• • • * -Excellent * • • -Very Good
• • -GoOd
• '2 -Fair
• -Poor
CBS & 6:30 -"On a Clear Day You
Can See -Forever.,. Barbra Streisand
stars in this Bridey Murphy-type musical
from 1970 about a girl with a colorful
past .
. KOOP ti) 8:00 -"These, Thousand
~ Hills.,. Don Murray and Richard Egan
star in this 1959 western movie.
KCE'T 9 10:00 -Eyewitness. A
closer look at assassins and would·be as-
$assins Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan .
Sirhan, Arthur Bremer and Sara Jane
l\1oore. ·
• • 1t
"GOD'S FAVOltJTE" AT LaiUna will be the
fourth auilnmeot for eueat dlrec:tor Jan Arvan.
and the tblrd Slmoa comedy. Head.inc b1I cut tn the
updated st.or,r of Job are Jack Byron as the harried
hero and Steve DeNaut u the celestlal mesaenaer.
Others in the Laaun• cut are Mary Sherwood;
Staftley Abrahamsen. Tan)'& Szabo, James Patrick
o•Jl'annon and Annabelle Qut1le1. "GOd's
Favorite.. will be staged Tuesdays tbrou1b
Saturdays at 8:30 for three weeks tn the Moulton,
•Laguna Canyon Road, Laauna Beach. Reserva-
Uons GC-07"1.
.. Equus" la entered in the American CoUeae
Theater FesUvtid Js being db'ected by John Fersacca. Walt lu plays the paycbJatrist and
David Newlin 11 the btJesaed boy in the Peter Sbaf •.
fer drama.
Completing the company are Stan
Throneberry, Carter Innskeep, Cheryl Neimeyer.
Alexandria Mandarino, Charlotte Kreutz, Lynn
Schoonover, Scott UUey, Bill Corwin, John Janicke
and P•tti Sampson. Curtain i8 8 p.m. Wednesday
tbrouah Saturday and admission is free.
CAROL FIUAN STARS in Westminster's
"'Forty Carat l" as a mature woman fighting the ad·
vances ot a much younger man (Richard MorrlJI>.
Other cast members are Jack Willenbacher, Stan
Pritchard. Joanne Wolcott, Natelle Carlino. Patti
Ible, Patty Lovelady, Charlotte Willenbacher, Ken·
neth Mick and Jim Chapman.
LA Philharinonic
SetS Space Music
LOS ANGELES (APl -Inspired by the suc-
cess of the science·flcUon epic movie "Star Wars,"
the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra has
scheduled a concert of symphonic space music.
The concert, to be held Nov. 20 at the Hollywood
Bowl, will be conducted by Zubin Mehta, and will
feature a laser light show and other peychedelic el··
feels, officials said.
The program was designed to attract the
younger audience overflowing theaters to see the
record·setting futuristic film, "Star W'1'8,·· said
Philharmonic spokeswoman Nonna F1ynn.
Mehta also wlll lead the PhJlharmonic in ex-
cerpta from "The Planets" by Gust.av Holst and "Zarathustra: Theme from 2001 .. by Richard
1t'laeels' Stars
~ A.Y president Ron Flllan ls d.lreetlna tho
Jay Allen comedy, whlch will be atqed Fridays
and SatUidays at 8:30 for llve weelenda at the
theater, mt Maplo Ave. in W tminst«. ft ttOJll~.
·Repertory ts Martin Benaon'lf production of ''The
Last Meetlnc of the knlchta of the White
Mapolla:· n•a· a comedy-drama centered on a
white supremacist or11nlzatlon in rural Texu
which ls alllferillg from dwindllnc membership.
SCR cast members include Ronald Boussom,
Don Tucbe, Art Kousllk, Hal Landon Jr., John·
David Keller, Howard Shangraw and Ron
Michaelson, with Bill Cobbs in the cameo role of a
black vlsilor.
.. While Magnolia" will be on the repertory
stage throuib Dec. 18, playlna every nlgbt but Mon-
day at S p.m. and additional matinees at 3 p.m. on
Saturdays and Sunday a at the Third Step Theater,
1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Reservations• 646-1363.
BACKSTAGE -Two performances ot John
Guare's comic drama "House of Blue Leaves" will
be gtven Friday and S•lurday by UC Irvine's
Drama Workshop at 8 o'clock ln the Fine Arts LitUe
Theater ...•• Jay Gorstetn. a UCl graduate stu·
dent, is directing the show. . . .
CAILISOARD -Audltjons ror supporting roles
in Saddleback College's production of "Man or La
Mancha" will be held Wednesday through Friday at
7 p.m. in the cam.Sus' fine arts complex. .pro-
fessionals David Holliday. Teri Ralston lof Laguna
Beach) and Rudy Tronto will play the top three
roles, and director ff. Wynn Pearce is seekin1 men
and women of all aaea to fill the remaining parts
;ust that. It sup.
po1ooly takes p ce tn a Lu Veaas
ntcbt elf.lb •her a .HoU.yWOOd swlet
tJ her comeback bow. The plot ls so thin that It bee:Omet
invl&ible at Umes. but does c'taftlly
blur to and tro between rea.l-lif e Min·
nelll and her fictional persona.
Michello Cral&. ~----~----.......... -----\
·'Cop' Dratna Set
LOS ANGELES <A~ Loula Golaett Jr. and
Joe Don Baker star in "To Kill a Cop," a four-how
movie for NBC.
G~sett plays an exiled radical leader whO re-turns to the United States and hopea to at.art a rev·
olutJon by kllllng Policemen. Baker la a maverick
chief of detectives.
Rock Hudson and Lee Remick are starring in a TV movie series version of Arthur --~~--""'.""--~-'+'~~~~...;......_,__.,;...;.:..;.:.:
Halley's novel "Wheels," a drama about the
auto indUstry. It will be a 10.hour epic for
NBC. . ~--.;;.;.;..,...;.,.-.:-......:..;.;...,;;~;.L.;.
~ "Old you have te blabber to EVERYBODY
• that I give you a bOne once In awhile?"
R>R ~ 10M'.> !
lillllY" .......... lf"IOiiW • ......,
Mildred L. Bell: Your handwriting tells all.
. ' If the tnlUal stroke of your c~pltal M '•
or N'.s beglf\s wlth,.a flounab, you
probab\y Wlave a sense of humor. U you use an extrem'ety lone atroke when
crosaln1 your t's, chance are you're enUiusluUc.
You can tell ll you're loyat by the••~
you dot your l1a, and you can dlsCern
your phllQIOl>htes by the way you loop
your h's and l's.
But ba.Ddwrltinc analysis ts a 1cience,
not a parlor came, maintains Mildred L.
Bell, a certified graduate of the
lntem•lkllial Graphoanal.)iala Society ol
The ,Costa Mesa resident, who offen
eight-week· classes sponsored by the
city's Department of Leisure Sen1ces,
says there's a lot more to it than just
loo kins at the way letters are formed.
:rhe combination ol personality traits
and ctiatacterlstlcs a. peraon bu can be
revealed in handwriting and assessed
and measured throUlh Graphoanalysis,
$he indicates. It's done by observing the
slant, del>U'l and manner· in which each
stroke iJ made.
"ALL W&ITING is rea,ly brain
writing," says Mille, as ahe prd:ers to be
called. "It's the impulses from the brain
that direct the hand, and thal'a wJiy
evert)odY's handwriting is ditferent."
Jn preparinf a detail~d Dersonal
anatysil, Mllle utill%es a !ra.it inventory
for tabulat.b1g alant measUPements for a "penpectograpb," which is "baaed
on how many stroke. out of 100 fall into
various categories. We alw11ys measure
100 consecutive strokes," she says.
Doing a comprehensive analysis is
time CODSWZJing, often taking a whole
week, she adds. The reason ii because
TOE DEPTH. OF the writing, or tbe
intensity, 1s also taken into accoun~
Early Bird
and catch a
Break the last minute Christmas shopping habit. Purchase
Christmas Gift Paks, for future shipping, future pickup or
immediate take-out, totaling $16.00 or more and receive a
Cheese Ball or Log FOR 1¢.
t 2
·1 ' , - -..-"'. .. .... / I
iJ -----.... I \
CFrom Pa1e Cl>
he had to get the rlght amount or sleep."
MS. JENNER didn't train with him, tbC!(iab
be did Jog With her ooce in a while wben abe was out for exercise.
From 1972 to 1915. Ms. Jenner sald, tbel,
graduallY Vient into Uie trainin1 with just a
verbal undentanding that Jenner'woulcl a
the time prepartn1for1976.
"We realized that there was sometblJil In the
'tlVay, •• she said. "We hadn't decided that th
world record sneant. more than anything in tbe
Once the decision was made, she said, tbe
way was cleared for Jenner to go ahead and
break the record.
While be was preparing for the great coo teat,
a change was taking place in Ms. JeMer.
''For the first part or our marriage I lived for
him," she said. "The person inside me WJS
She had been conditioned to serve others, to
put herseU last. She bad been taught to prepue a
little "nest" for her family, to make sure her
husband's clothes were lrohed and that his n'leals
were fixed.
Serving Cosrn Mcsn·lrv11w
H untington Beetch ·N~wp ort B~ach
G....,.., I 002 G...,... I 002 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ···••••••... .......... • •••••••••••• ...._ ..... BA.CK 8 A Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!~!Jl!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!i=!!!!!!!!!!
5all.i.nC, flabJ.ng. atrollln& NA Huge family room with 2021 I
and duck feedlnl are at DEL MAR \ used brick wall and 8 • • A tew of the activities the fireplace. 3 Bedrm, GyYteW Ye.
resident• of thia ex-South of Hwy bath. dbte car 8arafe· 1svacant~openda11yror elusive, walled com· new 18' Doughboy poo & )'OW' inspection. Jt'• a 3
munily enjoy. Lavishly $143,400. filler. All this on a bdrm home w/hardwood
decoi'at.ed. 3 bedroom, 2 An absolutely charming secluded s'lreet. Hurry, noora. on a 60'x130' lot.
bath with family room 2 bedroom on Poinselli callMe-5880. Offered at $71.500 Sub· and brick fireplace. with beautiful hardw mityourterma.
Priced well below com· floors Owner occupied FULLER RIAL TY
parables al $100.000. forever and in '<Int condl· 546-0814
CALL 751-3191. tlon thru-out 2 Pull dou·
t;: SELECT b 1 e garage " c no tj~~~~~~~~iilj
T'PROPERTIES ~~~!f'J~11 house otrcred
4 lilt +POOL for the first tlm~ 10 over 12 yurs.
$55,100 Call 644-7211
Jo& to beach from lh1~ for detail• buutifuJ garden home
Best buy tn Huntington
Beach. $2300 down or as sume S240imo payments
HWTYI CALL963·6767
From the moment you
enter courtyard gates or
this Cameo Shores beau·
ty you are aware or an
1mmaculnte 4 bcdrm &
pool home. Totally up
ifaded thruoul. M al(nif1
cent view. Offored at
'I '~ \I H I \I "
t I /_, \ '\ • I~ \ • luUI ~111 ~or~n1 def ~J1
Bike to beach from lha:.
sprawling e'ecut1vc
estate! Quiet street lead•
Lo secluded enU')'. l..evbh
liv. rm plus gourmet
kitchen• Sweeping
master bdrm plus
children's retreats.
Separate fun Ume fom
rm. Seller requests quark
offer. Call 847-6010
Ol'fN t11 Q•1• ~ 11,Jf.1 IOf.l IV!(f •
l OH VII lu•t•o" •71-)t.& l
STARTER OHLYS64,SOO HOME I Great Costa Mesa home . 3 Lar~e bdrms. over· A i;harp Se awand <.'~~-sized lot with ~anng
domlnaum w frplc .in In· fnail trees. Good condi·
Ing room, t1lc katche lion inside " out. Prict•
w/built-lns &t trash com· includes near new rcfng
pactor 2 RR . 2 BA. wnsher & dryer. Just
Washe r . dry er . & move-in Hurry n lll refrigerator included in 546-58&0 • pnre
~3 1-0400 An.yffm
Condo living at Its bei;t an
this ~n & bright 2 bdrm.
2 bath end unit w / brick
lrple. bltn11 " extra storage spnce $390 per
mo. Avllll Nov 15. Pool
uUlhed by only l
owners! 646-7711
~ Walker & lee
01\IL(Y S.
1\550[11\l [5
Newly remodeled 4 bdrm., den, 4
baths, living rm. w/cathedral ceiling.
Lge. master bdrm. ~uite. $224,aiO
341 Bn y-\111·· 011.·• N R b7'l-6161
The rtneat ocean &
harbor view. are youn
from tb11 dramatic,
&in&le alory rJoor
plan~BR VAL.UY
. :windows enhance (he
$7,SOODOWM 1--------~ garden court~ard in thli
No credit needed, owner will carry balance. 2 sty S&s, ·1 br & den. lmmac.
home. Save closina cos· ts. 759-0448
Deane home-Univ.
Park "Keru.lncton" mdl.
w/pool, jacunl " ail' . Cstm. pool decking. 2250
Mui.t i.ell, by owntir All sq· ft. P.tl ill· blinds
terms. S BR. 2 811, cov. ~~":~~~e~~~1at~~;
pallo. car port. Only auto. sprtnklel"!! & lites. $68,000. Open House Sat/Sun 12·5. 17152 not Ownr/ All. ~2·0110 or
lovely 2 bdrm .• 2 ba.
catdff! MOdel In the Ter.
race. Les. U& stJow you t
many features lQd•>'· ... ~
terdam Ln. 830·8897 S4G-464_6 ______ 1
Cozy 3br, 2ba, R ySMOKE TllEE·Terrlflc e-860()
storage, bllns. fncd. VA, end urut on Greent>.:lt. 2qutobch 673 2505 2Br, 2811, many UP· ------' crades, many xlraa. Ask· 73 CAMPUSDiclR\'IJC£
4br, 2ba, spacious, coun ing $72,900. 552·347S eves. ~ kll, bllns. Blk woU -WooDBRIDOE
Xlnt loca. 673-2505' CR05.5lNO
Towhhouse. 3 BR. bltns. Tbe Village of Wood·
$53.900. S'"'r down, by brid&e. 2 " 3 bedrooms.
oWiier. Call 646-2816. From '96.990 to '12S,900. Enter the Villate oo
Warner Ave, turn rialat
on west Y aJe loop, left on
Stana Creek SO. • ri&ht °" Sprlnavale. sse-1161
Charmina. quiet 2Br. l''a
ba home w/frplc, patio
i;ar. pool & trees. 111 m
to beach. ~.ooo. Ope COLUMI' & house 12 s. Sat,Sun ~ ~A Del Way or call ,-00&; A SP A
898.2470 for appt. Supn sharp home Jn
F..ASHIOM SHOllS College Parlt featurin1 ' bedrooma, wlth many de· The largest model wit corator features lnclud·
foyer entry and sweepip Ing new plush catpeta
stair• to bedrm auites. tile entry, extensive EJeceptional deslane brick patio BBQ and
fiures lncl: mirror paneled famUy room and a plushiest carpets bonus room. AOlng C f's kltchen aerve SlfO 250
dll)lng, family rm ' ·
1636 pool. Be rtrat to 4 ~! BKR 536-tlu. PIJ~ED TO SEL[ ·
$69110 $69,$00
............. Ivy
•Grab tlala one quick! t.eoded family room arid
Newly listed 3 bedrdl lnclud&a many uparades
formal dining. hur lhtou(bOut. lt LI ideally
family room, delul' located~ Close to new
built-ln1. near al ~.,pools and. teMia.
schools. shops, freeways JUST REDOCEDl I
RV at boat rarklna. ever )'thing, cal today. BKR
Bca-tas4 -Cdftornla0
re d hitl ~·,
552-7500 -
r-or.EST E
San .lo4ctuha tO'Wtlbome, z BR, 3 ba. ELEGANT!
OvW!l"kiokinc coif course. Leue,$t85
Copeland, m tr. SS!-0434
Houses fs condos avail. S325To$450. Please call
m.3307 Centennial a.E.
~FRONT bon)e ln
Woodbrldp. 3/2 + den,
SS50m91eau. ~10t1
San JOaqulo eieaant San
Mateo t.ownhOuse, over.
Jookl golf course. $&95.
Walnut Squa sharp A·
wUtfOI' Jeue. $165
Copelliod, Blu. ssa.ot34
Totally new. completely
custom designed, 3 BR,
2'Aa ba., "spec\acular''.
Deaianer'• sbowc:ese · smartest decor!
Everytbin1 new. ' BR, 3 ba., lam. home. $72S Mo. Spotleu as lnunaeulate,
atUnninf 3 Ba. 2~ ba.,
apllt level, .ireenbelt
vi.Ow.~ Ko.
1!1.1•.1:111·,., \; ·~· ,;
·~~ 4\' I! i. ! I '
lt\111,, .. ~11 l'-hl•,'\pyflltl•
I f ,,. ll•lu" I• t Bld-1 -2 Br 2 Ba, fptc. in U. Pt. ~ ~~$375. No Walk to be.ell; SI.bi', 2 baf'""~---~--~
Kurr Whit~ u ~,l!t~r
:l!J\11 ,;,. NJJOrt Olvd N ll
111 -111115 .. u;:iu
-. "'v ·~
Shampoo• steam clean
Color bri&htenen; wb
cpta 10 min bleach. Clea
Uv, dill rm, ball $15. Av
rm fl.SO, couch $10, ch All phues Concrete worlt.
SS. Guar elim pet odor Cstm block & brick,
Cpt re~ir. lS yrs expr slump" concrete walls.
Do work myself. Ref Security Builders.
m.0101 . 834 aua
........ .._a.c ... Rh SIOOPlrW• 5310 HefpW..._. 71 ()pportwlfty 5005 .......................................................... _... ...
9 Ac 0..fft It.ch
Now's your chance to
bave an excellent family
business where you can
enjoy tremendou smoe
free year round climate.
It bu sleepin1 faclUUes
fot 40 &Uest.s+ pool tennis
court, rec rm, corral.a,
horses, deer, etc. One
look at ll\is facility "
you'll want to own it.
Call Mr Frey 542·3456
Ben Hinkle R.E.
Soften -Gaudy -
Panic -Garble -
It happened the othe
day on a 1ame show. Th
contestant was asked t
name one or the seve
deadly sins. She replied
Certilied Maueuae
House Calls· By Appt.
tt Mi f llf"f '' f I ,~ II I •
Manufact'"'er of pre·
ci1ion electro·
mechanical 1wltcbln1
devlcu bu lmm4d. opeo1nas: •
Requlret tlXper. in 1~~~~~~~~-•dlrec:ttil1Wortofupto10
7075 assemblen.Dayahitt.
d .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Mt11tllhrt o. • Small components, ••·
,.Iv ... ._ DUTY per. PNf'd. Day thU\.
""''" STACOSWITCH IMC. t«MSI • IXPEI 1139 Baltw ea.ta Mesa
_ _.;;. _____ -1 Also QuadJ 54f·J04 I
557-6448 557-6447 F.quaJ()pporEmployer
2'221 Calle de la LoU:laa
Lquna H.WS, CA
Equal Opportunity
Bank ex.per. pref'd.
Apply In Penoo
Personpel Office
Mon· Fri, 10.U .. 1.a. ~ ...
lOD>S. Paramount Downt1,CaUl.90:Ml
••iAbll&nn . TIUP'OlA.BO l!l SlO . ass.11a1.n.s.A -.acza U'l .. l .....,s.mc..
Your carpets fl up hOlattry ckHrve pro
l-.k>nal care. Califon.I
CJunlnl ~cl N
'168o'llll •
...... •-•••••••••-•• c.ntnt/C-..ont.
ELECTROLYSIS.•••• .. ••••••••••••••••
Peralanont halr !• CQUCN.l J'IORIC. Al
tlMWll. Ptee 1.;luaawu•· kinda Re.uonable Fr
.. ~NB m.101.5 uk I •ta. Cail 'llO-ee2S •
will do acrylic nalla. cal
for appt. 880-4135
~Senlc• ••••••••••••••••••••••
Shampoo • steam clean Color briahtenert; wh
cpts 10 min bleach. Clell
Uv, din rm, ball $15. Av rm Sl.50, couch SlO, ch All phues Concrete work. ~. Guar eUrn pet odor Cstrn block & brick,
CJ)t repair. 15 yrs expr slump " concrete walla.
Do work myself. Ref Security Builders.
S31-0101. 834-9UI
........ ~ ... saooPen.• 5J50HtfpW..... 71 HelpW..W 7100HelpW..W 7100HetpW..e.4 7IOONtfpW8'H
Opp Dl"fwllty 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••-•••••••••• •••••••••••••-•-•.. •••••u••••••••ff--• "••••••••••••••••••••• •••-•••••••• .. ••-••• ••••••••••••• ............. .,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1--------114 IAl<Elt · laDllllHper,/C Dellvety Drher ~dftama tunttme,. SCRAM·LETS MASSAGI ~EMBLY Jpm-10pm shift. ra1b Wfoveatm.n COOK/Dl!IVt ~c:ua.:=-·• «l1*feno9cl"i.:"8t1Ulil 9AcG.ettlt..ch FIGUREMODa:S Winchell's Doout House, firm. Xlntoppor. Exper &o -1: · ooQHntrelal ~Ct
Now•a your chance to ANSWERS ESCOln'I 6'111 Warner Ave. BB tlJ maturity req'd. cat t: tlnle. K thni ll'ri· •1ao far !.t;'I .~ ~9!h~::n;!:~~~ Soften-Gaudy -OUTCALLOMLY 147·9253· ~m. 'lbetoUowtubeneftts:· DEMONSTIATOR w •AaoCh 1
el\foy tremendoua smog Panic -Garble -631-3111 Banldn1 IOOltlCl&tU PAU>VACA'J'ION HOMEMAKERS ......,.. TICH •
tree year round climate. LOSING MDDS TIUiR M.c~ PBOl'ITSSAJUNG 1'o demonstrate food bl J$1_panUa• el YU
It. bu sleepln1 faclUUes It happened the otbe •SHERI LEE • llarlnen Savings Ku 1 t be tam ll 1 • INSURANC~ npermarltets, Fri 6 S.t. •...tn1 • llf •
for40sueata+pooltennla day on a gameshow. Th Certified Masseuse INDUSTRIAL ts aeeldo& a qualified w/aervic. bureau com ~~~ Need eat, 1ood P•Y· Ofc hU q lmllled Opell• court, rec rm, corrals, cont.est.ant was asked t House Calls· By Appl. teller for its N.B. ofc. Pliler systems It eJCper' ~OC:~u.0"11! 9112-IMJ.or <21J) Ta.1908 tq w a f«boldH to
hones, deer. etc. One name one of the seve 838.-6838 WORKERS Nln. s mo'• sHblp & in A/P. A/R, payroll , ~ "' Ollforea d..U -~·
look at th.is facility & deadly sins. She replied DANCE OF FUN 'loan exper. ,.q'd. Appll· aea'l led1er thru T.B 4.M1McArthur, NB Denta 1 Ortbodootlc ln1 oalc•l•tlona •.. you'llwanttoowo1t. "LOSING" Btn ud .. 1 d 11 •St..tWwkTeclay• cant must be wlllln& CaJ.rff14) 541-,3281, llon ~22&4 cbalnrideualst.Sdaysa eartbwort , ..... uu .. Cal1MrFreyS42·3'56 ---f n e .. r1s ance •Pock1g1u WOl'ksome&ats.XJnt1al Frt. 8:30-SPM for appt wk.11.V.'lea.o:IUNPll aarv.,tqdUcee.alcola· BenHinkleR.E. C•Pool 515 rap session. lOAM t *T,......A.ucml:.... 6benef&UU2clud.dental. EOE Uom.lsa.teitlliaa ...... J ~~~~~~~~~··•••••••••••••••••••• 2AM lllon·Sat 625 N. =lltecel .__ Apply at: · COOi OBCTM.UC.r. Yr• ..... .-.q'd. C.ll
WOMEN'S JUNIOR Ride needed to work ~~<k~~~JW,AD * 'u-:~ 151SWestcllffDr,NB IOYS·Gfl&.I ,Full Ume openln1 for OrtbodoaUcofclU-7115 Jd G. JLaab Co.. US
WEAR STORE. Trade back, from 8·5. H.B. t * I .... dwg · EqualOpporEmplayer l.Z-11 yeaa of•••· Ev cook In eOIUlaleacent BakerSt.CK (71')
nameTheTopDrawer + lrvane,lnd center. RELAXING MASSAGE *.~.'-d !~~ f•mll!ll!l!!!!!!B•••--. nLOl .. ~ .. Q.bt0r•ID6 DP ~. l0,.'..8ome7~-~ ...... DN'!.f>A ~ .... '?;5.1t.~ ............ .._.. •••• ., •••
fixtures & furniture. No _98()._3023 ______ --i BobJamea·Llc Masseur _,... ~ BANK ~~ .. tirlt1b ~Tbno: 'IJ"toff ''PJl.l'W~ lleqlt~
lease hold rtahts. Balboa • _ .. & Found 530 Outcall 9-9, 494.5111 APPLY Y nw~ --w • an o . App y rru ol .,_ .. bri
• loUal' 31"'1 c Ort adult aupi9rvls0r. Ea pencm. 12Z32 Chapman .... c. gon]Q n-Jsland. 833-3622 ••••••••• •••••• ••• •• •• "" ..,.. Y• $20 to i30 per week 0 Ave. G&rden Grove. eume to AdlM9, Dal11
TRAVEL AGENCY Lost or Found a pet? Cal Tf'CIYel 5450 54M74 I more. Call 2U/ S'7 Pilot, Box uao. eo.ia An I ma l Aas is tan c e •••••• •• ••• • •• • • • • •••• • (Aero.a From DOOD·Spm, 213/ '98-3'7 11 ... CA t2Sl8
Let us show you how lo League 537.2273 no ree. Adventurous non smokine Or~eCo. Airport) e.lance out your weelt. Spm·tpm, can Collect. COOK DENTIST· A11oc:l•l•·
slart an agency. Travel --girl over 26, !or craw on Equal Oppor Employer Combine a varlet7 o IOYI w• ..--. .__ wfpftfJwaiYe .me. bi
exp. not necessary Total L 0 S T W H I T E 56' Ketch for cruise to S. responsiblHUea with the A"' su Part-Ume, Oexlble ...-.. Costa 1r1 .. a.santa Aaa ata~lup ~ ~eratang SAMOYED, Male named Pacific Exper rnatur --.-5-SIM--1-LH--5--oPpartunit)' to d•al wttb ACHS 1~11 Xlnt beneflte. Apply, area. 2 Da"l/Wlt.
capital req r • $25,000. "King" Vic: 17th le sk1pp.er . w ';traln . the public. Workl5bour R~on Beach area Personnel Department 8'J9.3970 ' ·--..-----~.,---714·228-8761, 838·!252 Tustln, C,M. Call collect 631 0270 Sanders, Production a week maln~lnini iood EarD sao-ao. per •eek.. JC PIMMIYS ·-
wl ... E Ir CHEESE 1-735-7433 ---------1 TraJneea. All s hlfts. customer relatloa.s while a.tt1o1 new c:usLOmere 200La&unaHUla Mall IJi H ,.. ---------• MobileMarlna,645-25M Hll'-0R8f 00$1 SO.ORANGECTY FOUND: Keys an a sec· ~-nt& handlln1 depoalts. for THE DAILY PILOT. Lacuna .. p t t u r 1 · c t r r·-1--------•1 withdra'#als and other No dellvertn1 or collect Equal 0ppor Employer er ec one person on ° cay 10 a a map•.tioft financial transactions. I .... call thla number tol•---------C "• operation Priced to sell! 642· 1605 •••••••••••••• •••. ••• • • ASSEMBLY ... U
TIME FOUND I h s tt Schools Ir Somel dllcht typloc 11, re-apply at• "'625 COOK &per. Dnln4 751 1400 . ris e er, lnstrucffOft 7005 Manufacturer or pre· qu rt and prev QUS -Day or ntPt lh1A =· • beaut yng rem 22nd & c 111 0 n elect r 0 • teller experience ii pre· ---------1 2 lOP .. Shi ft ,_... -i., bt .. ----Nwpl. NB 548·8519 ••••••••••••••• •• • •••• • ferred. Please contact IUSIOY · ll& • 5 m -· A.,,,y wn N -••----~'""'"! ..... .,.....-FREE 10 Week Travel ~ee;l~ae~ic:~.s~~c.!~d~ Rex Perldu 768-ml Exper. nee. Lunch••· Ap· restaurant., oppty to J.P. llac'a, 10142Adams,~-·-·~-~!1119
U9'JORSTORE Found· Oct 27th. Vic Course. It qual'd. we~: plylnpel'90D,Lebiarrltz =.:!~ ~~~~~1-HB_. ______ _
a.ia.&tabllsh.d Carf1eld&Ma&noba,Ftn trainasTravelAgt.Muat ................ Lead G&.BitDALI French Cafe, '14 N. CoaatHwy~wn9AM• =O.... • Wlll sell Uc, stock & in Vall~y. Tan Color part purchase books, $50. _.,_, t flDllll.&.'1 Newport. Bl. NB. aPM N All.,.,..,._ ~llie/Germ9Shep pCaup11• 731·5441 Requires exper. o lilU'U9 8f.S.f700. •--·-------t "" c. PllU .. -Ventory as package OR '"''approx mos. directtnawortotuptolO S.&.VJM~s Cook• waDted )I a .. all. AllPl1 m~ptnOD, without license. New 962·3047 1_.._w__.._~ 7075 assemblera.D1171bift. AY w Career OpportaDH)'. •--'--'slleata\&r·"• 212 11154NewpcnBl,Clll .
lease avail. Ask for Mel ---•AssettlMers 24221CalledelaLoulaa .......... 1 lct'l co. Deed& ,_..,._St 11-675-1120 Found : Female dog,••••••••••••••••••••••• La.,•,.•Hills,CA _........ E.1'7th .Coeta eaa Dl.SHWASBEa Small comg:enu, ex· •-am .... •-·-.......,,... of un A ..i ln ,..ul young. part terrier ________ ., oo..A6'd h'... UIWUWI ...-~ • P..-Y person, -•
lnnstmant Wh1tetblk face, white le PlJVATE DUTY per ...... · •YI ""' Equal Opportunity questionable character COOKWAMTID doon•• lrlab Pub, 201
OppOrtwVty 5015 mask. Tustin & Collins. MURSI OPEi ST1139ACBaOkSeWr,.~taHMl~Ca • Employer for lta aalea/mana ... All ablfte. Exper'd only. NewportCtrDr.N.B.
•••••••••••••••••• ••••• Orange 532·5078. Q ds ~ ... •-------•I ment t.ralnlnt proaram. Apply In person. J olly • . Also ua 549·3041 Above ave earnlnp, U Jloeer, 400 S. Coast Jlwy, DISHWASHllS
If Y2",. re not aettin~ Found Lovely Irish Set· 557·6448 557·6447 F.qual Oppor Employer BANK quallfted. COUep tduca· IA&una Beach. P/Ume en• Applf u.s,., returnonyourm ter remale w/Kern -•-s Uon pref'd. TeublnJ, st • 0:930' w ct'
vestment, call Sandy Co~nty ta1s . Mesa 710t ~--Hies, or m~mt back· COUMTIRHELP a••r:: .. • • r:::~~aaex;~f'~:1~~Y· Verde.540·3828 ~~~•••••••••• XI ASbeSIEMlnULSHSall F/tlme ~ltion avail. iround helpfu . Call BUI Part" P'/tlme. Yet wy,
rr t •• . t ~ _ _ _ _ nt ne . m co. Bankex--I'd Jlelmutb,SSHOU. Equal Cleanen,C.11968-3'28 DOMUTIC.., o s o ""ax 1nvea ors, Found, fem. Germ. Sl\ll>. ~---~ Small com~ent.a Good ...... .--· Oppor Emplo1er. L-109. Young r.~. CaN of 2 Jan. thru July, 1977 . mix. tan, young. V'lc Accnt/R. Estate to$12X manual t•tert.ty •-ApplylnPenoo Cowliar pl. Sandwic:he&. _...., .... _ Ii''"' ......-.. ... , .. .,.._. I ,._ Kno St Or c .,~ Sl R ...... -kA .. • Pe...,,. .... elOffice Cashier/Tele phone. 10All·2PM, .. on-Fri. ~1t."''b.,,.-..::.~ ... !.~ ~~• aw perm .... a pre-x ./ ange, .M. ~1 s ep une ......,+ eyeslabt. 1 Yr min exp. M ·Fri-' Ii . .... _,.. ,...,..~KMll•u ua"" payment penalty charge 646-1413 Secretaries to Sl2K Call Lillian 581.1830 on· , lG-U 1 a. Mature person w/exp. 17881 Skypark Blvd, Irv. w/vtew GI Badr =-Cir
equivalent to 80% of 6 . . Recept/Typist S7 • • ..._,.._. forCoauMeeaarea.SSOO ~ c:i.t..... bl (~~~~;J~~~t months unearned ln· LOST: Ep1p~one.1wtar Jr.Proj.Cntrlr to$JAK ld.V.erea. 103308.Paramount mo +beneflt1. Apply T.V. -~ u •·r.
tereat on tbe balance. w/caae, v1c Pippins lrvlnePer11-0nnelAeency ASllMIL.llS Downey,Callf.90'.Ul 1531 W. Lincoln. Ori for dl')' sle1-;'°';;_,;;1;;;;;;;;;;;;t~~::~~~~=: Morqaae Brokva. Of· (Flalffoot) 10 /29. 488El7thCostaMeaa We will train App)y (213)923·9'61 Anabelm,oreall'n2-ac70 cleanere.La1H.Uta.Willia
feted to Callfornla real· REWARD 496·6062 days, Suite224 842-1470 7am MacGrei~r Yacht _.:Eq:!::u.al~Oppar~:::..!Em::::.?:pJo:::!.:yer::_1 ......... ____ -t blvolve some preaaln1. deotaon1)'. ._,3877 eves r--=. Pl U 0.. WW tra1D 817,.CIMO . .......v.1831 aeon a. 1n BARliA!>Y,noexpernec:, ----·-----•
4to1tlJ8to1tax116eJt.er, Have Bit & bro fe~ dog, Automodve mechanic mellow tun place ID H.B.
t. ax 0 pin Ion • v a a I. fell from car on Lincoln Acctng Bkkpn& tr Int N d 5al-3IOO 1Uck SU,500/up. Call Mr. Cole east of eeacb. 52'Ml808 TEMPORARY al~ .. ~g. IL4~~ cark ,,,!: SS'l·l0.1 . ci .... p. ~ wee • ._.. Beauty salon &tabllabed ---------Found white rabbit vie or Re&J.S~ Today to work 8 l l J L f I ht 2 a a O 2 in Nwpt Bcb Hekln&
Guaruteed lnveatment 23rd le Santa Isabel on vmous accounting~ Martuerlte Pkwy MV. Operator Call631·Jd0
IGvat $500. return suoo 846-708t bookkeepln& assign· 411$-1210orlS1·28IO -----· -----•
tos:aooo. 631.2570 ments. Work close •• -.... Beauty Operator, earn ---------tFo u n d : Fem 0 er your home. Fiaure Au........,...v. , more by renUng apace.
Shepherd, Mesa del Mar, Clerka to Sr. ACCQUn· Mew: Detail Sbop needJ L~adllll CClM salon. ~toL.e. 5025 2825LaSaJle.SS7·0975 tauts needed thruout Top hel~d F.n ""'1121orl6MM3
' ..... •••••••••••• •••••• ' '""""".· In Bil Ca"von, 11. Orange Co wa1ee p . lln• 1-"Au • ..., Robert Half'• ~amen, ~ns c;::c.en, •llXI STOii•
lst,219d&3rdT.D:s Drk. Brown/BJack Account.emps bdfet1 ls pan. .• up-Aulst. llaaaaer for
LOANSAVAlLABLE Persian type cat. sooS.Kalri,St.501 hiOlattry abampooera, Schwinn dHler. Sal.
cr.dltnotlmportant. Rewmll 644-Si29 No. Tu...... UllloaBank check o~ck·up & de-$10,400. Jiu.at bave prtor · ......,., 493-3102 lbTbeCity ofOruce livery. A Y at 714/135-U03 2(l5D arbor Bl. CM ~~~!fi!:~C:..::...~~~~~~~~ '45-1030
Pvt Country Club. MU4t • IUS•>H
be able to maintain com· CbeY7 dialer to add two
.ixr.rlenced oaed car aa ••meft tor ea11
tralih\ aeU. Oen~u• -c_--------..-1~-------1 pa1plan, oppartuntty ror -adYanceinent: S.. Salu ..;..;:;---------• ¥:1 r:-. • H 0 ':fl ·A Jl D • .....,....__. __ __.. __
1 Cbivtolet. DOVe 6 "QufU·----Sia., Ntwp0rt Be•ch. ,,.
P/tlme eve11tn11. •
Satvrda11 maaa1in1
Junior Sal .. Peraons
Hlllns aubscrlptlon
door to door. Rectuirea
Yao or Iara• atetlon
. waaon. Phone collect,
J12·St'l·0396. After
l:OOpnL 21M98-af13.
LSEJU0.4 Br l~• Ba, FP, -iso2 Wyngate. The
Willows . SSJ 2000; ~3484
moor Patio Home. 2Br,
den, atrium, 2Ba. Lse
$415 mo. Avail Dec: 1.
San 1"quin lownhome, z BLUFFS
BR, 2. ba. ELEGANT! HIUJ'IES •••••••••••••••••••••• ~:!e~' golf course. M::-:IM HADY SSO WEEK & UP
Copeland, Rltr. 552-0434 Studio, l bedroom Tot.ally new, completely Maid service, pool
Houses I& condos avail. custom designed, 3 'BR, 2376 N BL. C "" 21,';a ba., "spectacular". ewport ..... ~To$C80. Please call S575Mo. 548·9755or645·3967
833-3307 Centennial R.E. Desi1oer•a sbow1ase · STUDIO
S p E C T A c U L A R am art ea l d e c or ! WEBCL y RA TES
LAJ(EFRONT h<>ale in Everythln1 new. 4 BR. 3 'Full Kitchen f&TV
Wood.briqe. 3/2 + den, ba., fam. home. $725 Mo. Linens I& UtWt.ies
...:..;..;c.;;.;....;..;.le..;...u.e__.;,.._m. __ 704;_..;..7--f Spotless & immaculate, ·CLOSE TO OCEAN
• st.unnJ.ng 3 BR, 2'>t ba., R al s.--M.-.a....' San okaquln ehlaant Sao spilt level, .greenbelt -;JS) fl'f• ~tlhBlvd, CM Mateo townhc)use. over. view. $8SO Mo. 0 ~ll
1oob loll course. $C9S. --i!i.t!illllll!• .'\ ~11 ..
i1~r;il 111 r•;
fl111·11.><:r) '.)C,fi(l Jlnyt1111t!
·-~-------~~ AduJ:ts
w~ SqUU'a abup A·
uoitfOI' lease.~
Copd8nd,Bkr. S53-0t34
I E.1•.lhlutl Prol f;lcliJ
Nicely furn. lar1e
Bur 1 Whi t~ l~~1t l t~r
290 I Nl"NPOrl Ulv<l ND
171·11 t>l'i-lti.10
3 POOL"'
2 Br Townhouse, frplc. --------..,.~.---t
& Catalina views. Close
to sboppin14r fine beacb. __ ....:;....;._ _ _.;;.. __ .....
Us>sraded 3 BR upper,
steps to China Cove. $150.
Mo. Call Nigel, at
644·7211 Ast.
~-~-~-._....---............. ~
11'/tlme for .small
wboleaale novelty Is
magic company in ship-
Pini f& rec. depl.J. Apply
9am-llam. Golden's
Maetc Wand, 946 W 17th --------St. C.M.
lf MP<HlAl'.1'9 •,1 U Vtf t ••
(Across From
Orange Co. Airport>
Equal Oppor Employer
lo do blueprinting, typing
& paste-up. Copy Cats
Printing, 333 Jrd St,
Laguna Beach.
Honest. dependable
and ethical
Good promotion
Full or part-time work
Uniform, equipment
& training free
Equal Oppty Employer
or more paid for
many jobs
$3.30 PER HOUR
or higher In 60 days.
p ,\ t D FOR YOUR
Custom Woven Woods
mim·blinds, pull shade
& more. $uper dlacoun
t.o40%. Pb6'5-89Sl
FINCHES Amazon Parro
$100, AKC mile Dobi
f75. or trade. 556-2719
V AUil' IMPOlTS 131·204049Mt4t , .... _____ _
~ ,11 ' I " I IP•'' I ''I'
831-137'> 493.337,
2828 Harbor Blvd.
l( your car la extra clean ---------1 leeUf 11.nt. IAUERIUICK
213SHa.rbor Blvd.
9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• * DRIYEA *
*LlnLE •.• *
''" ,.,. .. , t .1p1.11.ilp1
831-1375 49 :.J.J)/5
In excellent OOOdhloo. 4
speed. radio • b~ater. Leu than 40,000 miles.
--------Coltall-.a 979·2500 · *5HARBORBLVD •• TOP 5~41o5404213
i .
'¥ -: .
Woodrow Butterfield
Doll., ...... ,... .......
Supervisor Schmit
--s22a,ooo Blaze
Arsonist Hunted
· In Sunset Beach
A crack team of five Orange
ounty Fare Department arson
nvestigators is probing what
uthorities say was the de·
jberate $225,000 torching o( a
unset Beach residential com-
lex early Saturday.
Several people barely escaped
eatb or serious injury in the in· ·
feflJO at 161~ S. PaGi¥c. Ave. in
the seaside community's centr'al
area only by a near miracle
authorities said.
"The people were very
fortunate. The buildings were
very old and the wood was tinder·
ry and they went up awfully
10 Arrested
At.BB Party,
ttle Toss
Police arrested 10 adults and
; yeniles during a bottle·
tbtowing melee stemming from
a Monday night Haloween party
on the 10,000 block of Const.jtution
Dlive in east Huntington Beach.
There were no reports or major
blljuries. Police arrrested the 10
partygoers on charges ranging
~ assaulting a pol ice officer
todisturbing the peace.
:-One police officer.was bitten OD •
·ibe thumt.l. according to police
L~. Jack Reinholtz.
:• Police assert that officers were
·called to the scene shortly before
g.. p .m . when neighbors com·
plained of a loud party and
msmerous people roamlne the
Five beer bottles were 1hrOwn
at-two police officers durine the
QJ1rest of 18-year·old Alan Wayne
Bvans. d 99'l1 :Yukon Drive, H\ln·
Ungton Deac]) on charges of
faUure to disperse.
l(('wo of the misaUes smashed bll'.o a pollce car while the others
I nded on the sidewalk, said
llce Siet. S.rt Chadwick. ~ brawl ensued between
eral ot the P•ttygocti and
p0lice. Tho crov,.d wu dispersed
Mthin af"hOUrs, polic sald.
Names of the 0th r p le ar·
ted were not av llable.
fast," said Capt. Bruce
Turbeville. of the Orange County
Fire Department.
He said there is no doubt abOut
the cause of the fire, which
s pared the occupants only
perhaps because one was
awakened by the sountt of a car's
squealing tires as it sped away
fro1D the locatiQn.
Invetlt.lgaton ~ate
with the squealing Urea c~9d
the anocilst bo to
older apartment and duplex oc
the aame !« jmt a blOck from
Pacific Coast Highway.
The raging blaze vi!llble 1n
much d the. little lollh was nDal·
ly con\l'Olled by 47 fll'emen from
Orange 09lmt)I, Seal Beach and
Huntington Beach fire depart·
men ts.
"I can't give you any more in-
formation than that," Capt.
Turbeville said when ask~ what
flammable fluid was used or if
arson investigators developed
any motive.
A five-man arson team com·
prised·or one baU..Uon chief aod
four capt.aim of the Oraage Cowl·
ty Fire Department was continu-
ing the .in.vestigaUon today.
One victim of die 2:U a.m.
blaze sustained minor injuries 1n·
fleeing the inferno.
Drop Offsets
Grocery Bjll
prices took anoftler drop laat
·month, off.setting irlcreues for
other items and hel~iog out over·
all grocery bills sligbUy• an M·
sociated Press• marketb81ket'
survey sbows. (Related story A4>
The latest decr,aaea left the
cost of a pound of ~und coff~
ln most areq at $3.SO or leu -
well above the price at the start ot the year, blrt $1, and 11104:9
below the recotd level• Of I sprlnc.
Tbe l\P. dreW a randor,n IA*t Of
A one-time P.OJitic~· angel
to Oran&~ Cowltf Su~visor
Laurence Sch0¥t charged to-
day that Scbmlt ·s often-
amended .campaign. dis-
clos\U'e •statements "contain
many fals6statementS,, ..
The' charge came from
Woodrow W. Butterfield. a
former Garden Grove city "
councilman as well as a
former tounty planning 'Com·
Jt was Butterfield who guided
Schmit's political fortunes
through the primary election of
1974, an election tb•t eJlSled with
Schmit factne incumbent
6upervisor David Baker ln a
· general elecUon nanoff.
Butterfield charged today that
Sebmit deliberately lied on a·
campaien disclosure statement
filed Feb. 2, Unt, when he said
he received $37,628 ot hl·kind
services from blnt.
Schmtt:s statement sbOws that
the $37,628was an in kind loan.
The nme statelflent showed
Buttfffteld was paid i10,ooo for
"fee for services."
The former Schmit ally said
today that. statement is .also
Butterfield also rapped
Schmit for the Garden Grove
supervisor's disowning of a
$119.000 campaign debt owed
Dr. Loub Cella. .
Butterfield said he •oald
estimate tbat ·~bout '200,000
worth of. campaip help" from
Dr. Cella fell into Scbmlt's cam-
pai1n daring the election runOtt
with. Baker. •
..o ~bi ~9~·=~~r~ eounl.1•111
alad "'~_,..,.. ~'*
Plans by Oran••· ODVnty superriadn tx> appd;dt a blue rib-
bon committee ·to ~e•lcn a
poliUcal campaign ttfot'lb 1 or· dlDanee.JUta~Mand&yJ ·
Air Force'• Crulae Mlaalle, One of lenraJ Being Develo.,.ct by U.S. . . -
Red Defense Nt111ified?
, U.S. Cruise MiB•ile Can Penetrate ~•tem · ••Ttiey•re arrtac! of every-
thing;• said Sanchez.
''Tbe)''re afraid ot the Border
Patrol. They're Afraid ot robbUI 1 WASHINGTON (AP> -Pen· lagon experts belteve develop.
ment of the crulse mlaalle bu
laraely nulllfled the Soviet
Union's $100 billion air defense·
system and that Moecow would
have to launch a crub Pl'f>l!'am
to ca(cbup.
Defense otrlcia11 Hid Monday
that even with a $50 billion crub
program, the Sovieta would trail
the United States if the Pentqon
continues to improve the
sophistication of the new U.S.
S11nset Beach
Wning Plans
Get Rep:rieve
Sunaet Beach raldtntl, wore
ried that county plan• could
threaten the unique character ol
their 1.200-reeident community,
may be able to set their fears
aside for awhile.
Oraqe County pWinlna com·
missioners recommended Mon·
day that supervisors put off any
decision on rezoniJll portiOllS of
the seaside community \lntil
county offici&ls prepare a de-
tailed plan for ail of the county'•
unincorporated coastline.
Two weeks earlier about 40
Sunset Beach residents alt.ended
a commiS&lon hearint to offer
their views on what should and
should not be planned for their
Some di11greed with a pro-
posal by county planners to re-
duce commercial 1onlng ln Sunset Beach and keep moet
buatneaaee cluatered .. t major ln·
Planners also 1u1•e•ted rezon·
iog some commercial parcell ~
2, 700 square feet bec&UH they
are too atnall to accommodate a
bu1l11e11 and chan1ln1 com•
merclal zontn1 to residential Gn
parcel• where homea already
have been built.
It wu on thoet l11ues that
Sunset Beach re1ldent1 dlt·
agreed amoni tbemaelvu. wttb
some CMJntendina county plans
would leave the community l&Gk•
ing iD needed bualne11 and otben
That dJaqreement rrompwct Commlllioner Rtchar Pootner
Monday to 1ug1e1t that the
suaaet Beach atudy be Included
as part of the county•1 effort to
develop an overall plan for tbt
unincorporated coutal area.
Crulae miaalle improvements
beln1 developed can be made
operational futer than the
RuaaJans can update their air de-
fense system, the defense d-
ficiata said.
The officials. rebutttn1 a
publlabed report questlcmiq the
weapon's capabiUUett _11id they are conftdent the crulH missile
cao penetrate Soviet air de-
Pretldent carter bu decided
to ·~ up development ot the
crulae mlasile. cboolinl tt over
o.ily """'Mio ,,_.
HIS LOANS IGNOR!D? or. Lowa ce11a
jury Indictment on perjury relat·
The one-time count)' plannm,
commissiotier lambasted Schmit
for having a voting record he said
shows "he is totally in the hands
of a few wealthy special lntereat groups."
"For the past three years,
Schmit and I have bad very lllUe
to do with each o&.ber even though
I played a major role ln hi• fet·
tin~ elected,•• ~utterfield said.
''Hts attitud•.tter be won h1I
elecUon and hll deep involve·
nient wlth Dr. Oella indicated to me Utat Schmit Juat went where
he tbo~~t the 1tr•n•tll and
JDODI)' ted, •• ~ added..
·*' * * P.eaP Al
the propo14td B-1 b()mber u the
n•tlon •• next mljQI' •tr•~ealc weapon. ·
But 1t faces a SOvtet defen.1
ayatem described by, the, Pea.
taeon as the moet eatenalve ln
the world, Jnvohli:lf aoo.ooo
.penons. more th&D 11.000 ~
tace-to-air anU-alrcraftt~
stationed at l.000 tiles, and iiQO
aircraft. • ~
Tb'e cruhe mlttll•. 'a
technolOI)' in which tht Uilted
States ta belloved to lead the
Ru11lam by at leut ftve yean,
essentially ll a 1mall, pUOtl ..
jet plant wblcb can carry eiUw'
nuclear or ca.aveulonal warheada. ....
. because they carry 10 much
money. They're afraid oC beirll
titled because Uity have no~ to defend themselv .. with.
they're afraid ol be1n1 out in
public whert they mtabt. be
plated up."•
BB Concert
About U fttt lq and two feet The JfunUn&tolt Be1cb COQcert
In diameter; it tlles at Jbout §0 Band bu a new director and ta
mU•• an hour u low ~ 30 feet lookinl tor: a nainbet of adwt
above the 1urtace. Pl''1ttnt1n1 mualciaIUl to fUl out Ill l'dlt.tr
what U.S. planners hope would before sUlttinl tht l~M'I c<m· be a ni1htma.r. tor defemtve cen aeaaon.
radar. · "We have plenty ot trWDpeta,
Defense offlclal1 aald tbe nutes arid aaxopbollit, but we
weapon would be la\,\llcbecl tn a need tromb0De1, J'rebcb boml
aaturauon cloud of 3,000 crulae and clarinttl. •• band director
.. mtnlles at the same tlm~ !00 TbomulUdleysaldMon4&J.
born bers attacked the ·target. ''Whal wt ~~Issi fQr are
further comp~aUnt air defttl!e tnualcl&DI wbio·~ away Uie1f 1D·
i>rqblt.-. . itrum~ .tlei' hitll lcbOol qr · Pehtagon officials disc~ Colle .. 10tf'Wtrit to. bi Utlte
the cnlise miMile's capability .,atn. •• atcDe1 ..S\hd,
followina a pubUSbed report that · The band now cumt..l'I 40 secret computer 1tudle1 ahOWed muaiclmw. Rldley ti lookhl1 for a
the we~ "would not ba\'e a full complemct of eo.
cbance0 ot penetraUng ll\e So-The b&nd pracUces each Tues-
viet defensesystem. day at 7:90p.m. in the batidro0m
at. Marina Hilh School. lM'll Sprlotda!t~ ·
CandfdatM can drOp lo at the weekly balld praoUces or can contact city PUtillc lillormatton
Officer Bill Beed at 51J6.:5511.
The band .. conctrt lea.son wtll beef,n ?>to: 1l at th Huattaaton
Center Mall with a pro1ram of
Chri1tmM q:naslc ••
=~~~ tt:Lr::::::e1: • rQIMel John llllOft. a muaic tucbfs' at MW. H1lb School.
Be 11.ld they aijo fafled to
adhere totltte relllhe.'s four main
principals which dictate1 amont
other ~. no uae or lntoxf.
canta. DeV ad Other olftclals sald there 11 no connection
between PDI. u a buaJnea1, and their oult. ~
He and the other temple of.
ficia11 aald they bad ntver beard
that any ol tilt tll'tll m• they'
acnowledp. u ·former mem•
bera llad lnJUdnl to do trith narco~ amu1ittng.
~o ~ ·~
By GARY GRANVILLE • °'"" 0.01, ...... ,..,.
A one-time political angel
to Orange County Supervisor
~urence Schmit charged to-
q~y that Schmit ·s otten-
~m ended campaign dis-
sure statements "contain
ny false statements.··
he charge came from
Woodrow W. Butterfield, a
.. 7
former-Garden Grove city
councilman as well as a
former county planning com-
Il was Butterfield who guided
Schmit's political ~ortunes
through the primary election of
1974, an election that ended with
Schmit facing incumbent
supervisor David Baker in a
general election runoff.
Butterfield charged today that
Walks Into Patla
. Irvine Train
. Victim Suicide?
A middle-aged man believed to
be a resident of Santa Ana
walked calmly mto the path of an
oncoming Amtrak train today in
Irvine and was killed.
His identity was withheld pend·
lng notification of next or kin. A
drlver·s license showed a Santa
Ana address.
Police said the passenger
train, the Los Angeles to San
Diego run, was traveling at about
70 miles per hour when It struck
the man, at Sand Canyon A venue
near the Santa Ana Freeway, in
ehst Irvine 7 The engineer reported seeing
the man but was unable to stop
the train.
The victim wu pushed 150 feet
down the tracks The train
tiraked to a stop 1,000 yards
farther down the tracks
A witness, Donald A Strand Of
Tustin, told police he watched the
man walk south along Sand Can
yon, seemingly unconcerned, a
Seven Up bottle in one hand
Strand said he watched him
walk toward the tracks as the
warning gates went down then
step between the gates
Strand said the man tossed
aside the bottle, casually, and
calmly stepped in front or the
train facing toward the ap
proacbing engine
Tb• victim's shoes were
knocked from his body by tbe im
pact. He was killed in.staatly
NeW" C+uise Missile
'Superior to Reds'
Fr ... rage.41 .
of his statements about Schmit
are proved false.
He also pledied to inltfate a
lawsuit to recover money he
said ls owed him and "for
damages in the false state-ments.··
J The one-time Garden Grove
dity councilman set the amount ~tll owed him by Schmit ts cam.
Q&ign at $1.500.
Butterfield said his railing out
with Schmit came when the
newly elected supervisor hired
Loran Norton as an executive as-
"He was a paid Cella lob·
byist," Butterfield aald of Norton
who served one year as a Schmit
-aid&~ ii>..-JiOw wider a ~rand
jury indictment on perjury relat-
ed charges
The one-time county planning
commissioner lambasted Schmit
for having a votin& record he said
s hows "he is totally in the hands
of a few wealthy special interest
·'For the past three years,
Schmit and l have had very little
to do with each other even though
1 played a major role an his get·
ting elected," Butterfield said.
'"His attitude after he won his
election and his deep involve·
ment with Dr. Cella indicated to
me that Schmit just went where
he thought the sLrength and
money existed," he added.
Junior Mus
High ·~~t\001 .:~~~l 1tWi~ n
(rvine vi.11Ueibl•~ft ~~~ .he nation•? Juf\ro'f ldis-1 pro. ~ram thit cultnmates next
>Pring in Mobile, Ala , wlth a
$15,000 schOlanbip for the ...tn·.
ner. •
Local level competition
sponsored by th~ Irvine Jaycees
will be Noy. 22. The Irvine Wi])·
ner wllf.Tepreaent the city in the
state Junior Miss contest.
Interested girls may contact
school activities directors, or
Dave Peterson or the Jaycees at
Area realde.ntt can obtain
telephone at1Cken with en1er1en·
cy fire/reseue .and medical as·
sistance phone number& at the Saddleback Community ff01pltal
emeraency dep~ent at 3"51
Via btrada ln Laiuna Hills.
• , cars Reealled'
' "
Brake Defectl Im~
BUA Driver~
Telfs Tale
Breaking Through
Heavy grading equipment was ready to move this morn-
ing after groundbreaking ceremonies for Saddleback
College's northern campus wete completed. In this pie·
ture, Larry Taylor, president of the college's board of
trustees whose back is toward the camera, addresses
other college officials and community di~itaries who
showed up to see the first earth moved on the site in Irvine. The campus is expected to be completed by
Mrs. Sanchez said she saw
farm workers learning karate in
a field, wtille others were making
weapc_>ns from old shovel handles
linked b)f~bain"
The body of Jose Garcia, 19,
was round Sunday nl1ht near
the one-room parb~e where
he and nwooOMt ~I Mexicans
lived -~ near the. tO\W
ofBonaalL ,
· Anxious to clarJfy their
tAmple'• separation from figures
lit'be Newport Beach murder in·
velltigaUon, memben oMhe Jn·
tetnatlonal Society for Krishna
Consciousness held a, barefoot
s~ conference Monday at their L una Beach Temple.
emple President Acni Dev,
society spo~~man Mukunda Das
'lR<l their attorney Stephen
RQhd.e alon& with a life member,
* * *
Rameswar Slneh, preslCled over
the 90-minute session, devoted in
part to attiickirig newarnen or
linkio1 tbe temple to the Wijco
Investigators say four or the
people under j~tigatlon for
murder conspiracy have been
members or the society and (>I the
Laguna Beach Temple.
Temple officials said only
three of those four, Joseph
* ~ * *
hclion Davis. Joseph
cdorowsld and Roy Chiisto~er
lUchard were relatfld to the tem-ple, but th y wero "expeU~··
more than a year o.
The fourth man. Alexander
Kulik, ciirrenUy under arrest on
auspicion of conspiracy to com·
mit murder, was 1Jever associat-
ed with the Lquila Beach Tem· pie or the society, they said.
* * * ~ejailea •
In Murder Plot.
Loser Killed
Clem£nle Train Race Fatal
A MARINE who apparently was engaging in a
game of chance with a train that he tried to outrun
was killed near the San Clemente Pier late Monday.
George McNabb, 2', a combat engineer at Camp
Pendleton. was killed instantly by the impact. accord-
ing to firemen. He was with several buddies at the
lime, witnesses said.
"THEY WERE TRYING to outrun the train, and
he just cam&in second,'· said Fire-Capt. James Dahl.
Dahl said the train was traveling at about 45
--miles per hour.
The city has imposed a 40 mph speed limit on
trains passing through the city.
:Realtors Oppus~
, .Jnspe.ction1{ i~ SC
A proposed city inspection of
all San Clemente res idential,
,commercial and industrial build·
~ngs before they can be sold will
lbe opposed by real tors W ednes-
1day at a public hearing before the
'city council.
, The meeting is scheduled at
7:30 p.m. in council chambers at
city hall, lOOAve Presidio.
In a memo to councilmen. Richard Ahlman, the city's plan·
rung director, said the proposed
j inspection program would effec.
lAl.ely control illegal conversion
I of buildinas, improper and
haardous installation of wiring
and plumbing, improper addi·
tions and disregard for zonine
• a'he city inspection would cost
$21 for one unit and $2 for each
additional unit.
In a· letter to the council, the
SOuth Orange County Board of
Realtors asked for ''rem~val of
Mobile Home
Hit by Blaze
An early morning fire caused
$16,000 damage to a San Juan
Capistrano mobile bome tod•y.
The rire occurred at Uie home
or Thelma Wiltshire, 32142
Alipaz, Space 48 in the Rancho
Del A vion Mobile lfome Park.
Orenge County Fire officfJ)s
said the fire broke out at 8;05
a.m. Cause of the blaze is Still un-
der investigation. ~
In Bovan p•
~~--------~'!""-_______________ ...... ..._ __ ...._ ____ ......_~--~---~~--...... -.-...... __ ...... __
) .,_
ment cnilse tnluilo ha.I
lar1el1 nullified the Soviet
t Unlon•a $100 billion air defense
•Y•tem and that Moscow would "have to launch a crasb prosram
to catchup.
Defeme officials aald Monday
that even with a '50 blWon cruh
· pro11am, the Sovlets would trail
• tbe Uqjtcd States if the PMtqon
continues to improve the
aophiatl"tioo ot tbe new U.S.
Cruise m111lle Improvements
beln• develo~ ean be made operational faster tban the
Russians can upd • tbelr air de-fenae system, the defeue of.
.ti cl ala said.
The officials, rebuttloc a
pubU.bed report queatioa.tn1 tbe
weapon•s capabWUes. aald they
are confident the cruile mllalle
can penetrate Soviet air de-
. President Carter hu dedded
to step up development ot the
crui.e missile, cboosln1 lt over
t ti t
sy en~ by ti\ pen.
tacoa as the m<lllt exten.lve ln the orld, iovolvlDC. 500,000 persons. more th.aft 12,000 1ur-
face-to-alr antl-alrcr.ift mlulles
stationed at 1,000 lit.ea, and a.eoo
The cruhJe mlullt a
technology in whlcli Ofo uDited
States is believed to lead U,e
Ruaalans by .at l~ut five vea,.._
essenuauy 11 a small, pllOtleu
jet plane wh1Ch can Catr1 either
nuclear or coovenUon,1
About 14 feet long and two feet
in diameter, it fllea at abom &50
miles an hour as low u ao leet
above the surface, presenttns
wh•t U.S. planners hope would
be a niahtmare for defeDalve
Def enH offlclala aald the
weapon would be l•¥cbed ln a
saturation cloud of 3.000 ~nllae
milliles at the same time ax> .
Dev was questioned about pre-
vious statements he made in
which be acknowledged all four
men were prevloualy associated
with the temple.
He said the questions about the
four men and their relation to his
temple confmed him and it was
an oversight that he had included
Rohde, of the Beverly Hills Jaw
firm of Fleishman, Brown,
Wes ton and Rohde, said he has
sent formal requests for retrac-
tion to the Daily Pilot and two
other newspapers for stories
linking the Laguna Beach cult to
the investigation.
He said stories linking the cult
to the investigation or the death
of Stephen John Bovan are "false
and have left the mlsimpresslon
that active, current members of
the Krishna religion are active m
a wide range of criminal ac-
tivities including drug traffick·
ing, murder and extortion."
The two cult members re·
peatedly explained their religion
has four major tenets -prohibi-
tions against gambling, use of in-
toxicants, killing any Jlving thing
and indulience In sex except for
procreation -and explained that
men involved in the murder in·
vesti1atioo. which Includes the
crimes cited by Rohde, could not
possibly be membe,rs of th~ re-
They said the three men were
expelTed in September. 1976 for
failure to live up to those four
principles and to follow the cult's
requirement that they shave
their heads and participate in
daily two-hour chanting sessions.
They did not specify violation
of which of the. four principles it
was that caused the ouster of the
three men, one of whom,
Richard, was temple president.
They also Insisted there was no
financial or business assoclaUon
between the temple, or its parent
organization and the four men
and their business. Prasadam
Distributors. Inc. <PDI>.
Said Rohde, "The focal point
has been PDI which does not
have an office here (at the Umple
at 655 S. Coast 11.lJhway>, the
focal point. has been Kulik, who
has been tied on both sldes of the
investigation, but only reaches
the Krisbnas by bavint been in
. .
Riley and Cordova
To Speak on Taxes
Jdembefs of the North Laglma
Commwlity Association will hear
Fifth District Supervisor
Thomu Riley and Assemb}Jman
Ron Cordova <D·El Toro), dis·
POI with three other former
members of the temple."
However. it has subsequently
been learned that in summer Of
1975, Kulik made a $25,000 con-
tribution to the society to pay for
publication of their maaaz.ine,
Back to Godhead.
Dev said today he was not
aw are of the contribution.
* * * F,....Par{eAI
WoOdrow 8uttei"ft-'d
Capo Election f!ecit!ed?
One Capistrano area election be elected to four-year terms, ac-
s ch ed uled for 'Nov. 8 may cording to Mickey Valentine.
already be decided, aftu the dis-board aecre~.
covery that two candidates do not Tbe two incumbents are V. g.
meet residency requirements. •'Larry" Larson, Of 34912 Camino
Bill and Carolyn Myrter, of Capistrano, and Donald
33004 Christina Drive in Dana Hickman, of ~592 Calle N aranJa.
Point, do not li•e in the both of Caplatrano Beach. The
Capistrano Bay Park_ lrm:I other candidate ls Fred Duren, of
Recreation district and conse-33081 Santlaio Drive, a civil
quenlly appear not to quatify as engineer and aeologist.
candidates for the district board,
according to a spokesman tor the r
county registrar of voters.
The husband-wife team run-
ning for two seats on the board CHECK said they did not reaJbe they do • • • not live in the district.
·'The district line 'comes right
to our property llne," Mrs.
Myrter said. "We had no 14ea It
stopped next door -how would
The recistrar1apokesm&R taid
the Myrters would still qua.lib' Jf \ FestivaluSPOkeswoman Sally
they own properly in the dbtrict, )leev~1 ~ald. ·dlrecwrs lasl ~ear
Ticket sales for entrance to the
festival grounds and admission
to the Pageant of the Masters
were up by $146,447 over last
year's receipts, whicb accounted
fortbelarler~hareoftheclty ,
The CaPlstranq Parts and·
Recreatfon District serves
Capistrano Beach, Dana Point
and portions of San CJemeot..and
San Juan Capistrano.
Its six parks include Pines.
Louise Lyden and G.az.ebo
Lookout Parks in Capistrano
Beach and Del Oblapo, Thun-
derbird and Thunderbird West
Parks in Dana Point.
The new board will be movmr
into a phased takeover of the
Capistrano Unified School Dis·
trlct 's recreation classes and ac-
tivities within its bowtdaries.
The board has $3,000 for this
year's recreation program, Mrs.
Val en tine said.
but Mrs. Myrter aaid tbey only approved a .$2 . increase in
own their home. Pageant ticket prices, thereby A Camp Pendleton Maftne was Th di alifl ti f th arrested in Sao Clemente Mon· e 1qu ca ons o e accountin1 tor the lnorease in Myrters would leave three can-gross receipts last summer. day on suspicloo Of haVlo1 druss di dates, lwo of them incumbents, .. for •ale after a city police officer
running for three board posi· The inctease was approved said he observed basbJsh in hia
lions. They would automaUcallY primarily to help pay for a new -.:ar. ·,
WASlllNGTON <AP> -· Tbe Civil AeronauUcs
Board said today it will in·
vesUgate the possibility of
grantln1 low-fare air
service between 11
California cities and tbe
Nevada gnmblln1 oent&n
or Reno and Las Vegas.
The board said that it
will schedule a bearing to
consider the •PPlication or
Pacific SOutliwest Airlina,
a California intrasi.te car-
rier, to provide the urvice-
bet ween the Nevada cities
and San l>heo, Loa
Angeles. Long Beach,
Burbank, Ontario, Fresno,
Stockton, San Jose, San
Francisco, Oakland and
PSA would offer no-frills
1ervlce at fares 18 to 4a
percent below regular
coach f aret1 ·
;· · $230,000 administrati9n· buildinc James A. Lanier, 20, was in
now bnder construction at the custo-dy today at the San
festival grounds entrance. Clemente jail with ball set at.
Searches V &lid ~
State Court of Appeal ruled Mon·
day that three 1earcbe1 by
Oakland s>Olioe 1t~mmln1 from a
l968 shcdout lnvoMng former
Black Panther leader Eldridge
·Cleaver were v~ld.
A second Marine, arrested
with Lanier wu subsequently re-
leued due to lack of evidence,
police said.
Det. Pete Goodwin said no in·
formation was available on the
amount of hashish assertedly
confiscated by the arTestlng of.
ficer. ,
A San Clemente man bu M• •
ported the theft of :1tereo ~
ment and a teleVlaton worth a
total or $84.9 were stolen trOm bls
home Friday night. Police 'I som eon~ apparently eoterfd e
Robert CaUJey: reatdeoee, at
Calle Mlsuel, tliioaah an an-
locked door.
1VOL. 70, NO. 3051 3 SECTIONS,, 26 P-AGES
Oelty Pli.t 5Utt ~
Supet"Vlsor Schmit
OfUllDtllY .... I~ • 1 A one-time political angel
to Orange County Supervisor
Laurence Schmit charged to·
day that Schmi~ often·
amended campaign dis-
closure statements "contain
many false statements.··
The charge came from
Woodrow W. Butterfield, a
former Garden Grove city
councilman as well as a
former county planning com-
It was Butterfield who euided
Schmit 's politic.ii fortunes
through the primary election of
1974, an election that ended with
Schmit facing incumbent
supervisor David Baker in a
general election runoff.
Butterfield charged today that
Schmit dellbcttat ty lied on · a ca~palgn dl.$closure statement
fil8'1 Feb. 2, 1976, when he said
he received $37,628 of ln·kind
servlees from him. , S~hmit's statement shows that
the $37,~ was an Jn-kind loan.
The same statement showed
Butterfield was paid $10,000 for
"fee for services."
The former Schmit ally said
today that statement is also
Butte rfield als o rapped
Schmit for the Garden Grove
s upe rvisor's disowning of a
$119,000 umpaign debt owed
Dr. Louis Cella.
Butte rfield s aid he would
estimate that "about $200,000
worth of campaign help .. from
Dr Cella fell into Schmit's cam-
paign during the election runoff
with Baker.
The silver:·halred torrnet
county plannin1 comml,$sioner
also chqed that Schmit did
not}iing to eam $1,SOO a month
paid him by a hospit1l then con·
trolled by Dr. C«?Jla.
•'To the best of my knowledge
he <Schmll) did absolut-ely ..
nothin1 in that Job but pic1' up
bis paycheck," Butterfield said.
Schmit was attending a D9ard
or Supervison meeting tO!fay
and was unavailable for coin·
After the meetin1, Schmit met
with lobbyist Sandy Slindline and
heiress Joan Irvine Smith behind
closed doors and was atm un-
available for comment.
Buttei'f,leld, in a flamboyant
move. di.Splayed a con or a
Sl0,000 cashier's c)teqk that he
said he will pay to charity If any
Kulik ] ailed -on Compiracy Charge
OI llle Dally f'ltllUwff
•Alexander Kulik, the Newport
Beach businessman arrested
Oct. 22 allegedly in possession of
more than one pound or nearly
pure heroin, has been re-arrested
on a charge or conspiracy to com-
mit murder in the death or
Stephen John Bovan.
Kulik, 28, was to be freed from
the Orange County Jail Monday
after posting a SS00,000 bond.
Newport Beach detectives in-
tercepted him before he was re-
leased aptd re-booked him on the
murder conspiracy charge.
There is no bail on lbe charge .•
'At about the same lime Mon·
day, officials of the Hare Krishna
·Temple in Laguna Beacb con··
ducted a p~s conference to de-
ny any connection between their
religion and Kulik and his three
business partners, who also
figure in the far reaching murder
The three men are /alien away
temple members, the Hare
Knshna officials said.
·.And they maintained that
1'uUk never had any connection
w\th the Laguna temple nor with
the Jntemalional Society for
tagon experts believe develop-
. tnent .or the cruise mlaslle has ~~rgely nullified the Soviet
'Union's $100 billion air defense
system and that Moscow would
bave to launch a crash pro1ram
t'ocatcbup. ·
Defense officials said Monday
tJtat even with a $50 bllllon crash
Krishna Cons ciousness, "the
pa rent organization.
However, according to the
August-September, 1975 edition
o f Back to Godhead, the
magazine published by the in-
ternational religious group, there
is a note which does link Kulik to
the cult. It reads:
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
(publisher of Back to Godhead
magazine> wishes to thank Mr.
Alexander Kulik of Laguna
Beach, California, for hi~
generous donation of $25,000 for
publication or the books or HJs
Divine Grace A. C. Bhalrtivedan·
ta Swami 2rabhupada... the
publishing house is operated
solely by the cult.
Agni -Dev, president of the
Laguna Beach temple who had
denied any ties between bis
group and frull\t, saJd when read the notice that he was unaware of
"I didn't know about that," he
commented. "That's quite a rew
issues <of the magazine> back."
Kulik becomes the fifth person
char1ed with murder conspiracy
in the shooting death of Bovan,
36, of Fountain Valley, who died
early Oct. 22 outside a popular
progl'am, the Soviets would trail
the United States if the Pentagon
continues to improve the
sopblslicatioo of the new U.S.
Cruise missile improvemenll
being developed can be made
operational faster than the
Russians can update their air de-
fense system, the defense of·
Newport Beach nightspot.
Police allese Kulik, one of four
partners ln Prasadam Dis·
trlbutors, Inc., hired the other al·
leged conspirators to murder
Bovan roUowine an unreported
kidnapping thia summer.
Kulik was assertedly the vie·
tim of that kidnapping and police
say his business partners, Joe
Davls, Joe Fedorowski and Roy
Christopher Richard pajd.
Sl00,000 to ransom him.
Davia, Federow11k+ and
Richard f~ members
of the UIUftl Beach "temple who were.. .. expetltd," aecdMing to
Hare Ki1shn1 offictlls. In Se~
tember of 1976. Richard was tem·
ple president at the time.
The three men ate still being
sought for questioning by
Newport Beach police. ·
Remainine In custody in ·~ illiiilli•~ Orange County jail are Debl'a •
Ann Addison, 24, of 19822
Brookhurst St., Huntington
Beach, JJ?rry Peter Fiori, 41, of
the same address, Anthon7 "Llt·
tie Tony" Marone Jr. o 10121
Merrimac Drive, Huntington
Beach and Raymond Steven
Res co. 28, or the same address.
<SeeSVSPECI', Page AJ)
ficials said.
The officials, rebutting a
published report questioning the
weapon's capabilities, said they
are confident the cridse misaile
can penetrate Soviet air de-
President Carter bas decided
to step up development of the
cruise missile, choosing it ovtt
Anxioua. to clarify tbeir
temple's eparaUon from fiaures
Sn the Newport Be rb anud r ln·
vestffaUon, members of the In·
ternational Society for Krishna
Consciousness held a barefoot
press conterence Monday at their
Laguna Beath Temple.
emple President ~..Dov,,
society apOkesman Mukundil>aa
and their attorney Stephen
Rohde along with a life member,
Rameswar Singh, presided over
the 90-mlnate &elllon, devoted In
part to attacking oew1m n for
linking the temple to the Police case.
InvesUaators say tour ot the
people under _invesll_JaUon for
murder p racy ~v
membenott.belOclc a tho Lei1unaBeaoh'Nm~l .
Temple ofliclali aald~ on)y
three ot thoae four, Joseph
Shelton D via, Joseph
Fedorowslc,1 Ror Cb.rlstopb r
IUc.ihlll'd were Hlated lo the tem-pl ~ but the¥ ere "ex ••
more th.an a ye aeo.
The fourth man. Alexander
Kulik, currently under arrest on
suspicion of conspiracy lo com-
mit murder, wu never associat-
ed with the Lapna Beach .ttem-
ple or the society. they •aid.
Dev was questioned about pre-
vious statements htt made in
which be acknowle<ISed all four
Loser Killed .
Clemente Train Race Fatal
A MARINE who apparently was engaging in a
game of chance with a train that he tried to O\ltrun
was killed near the San Clemente Pier late Monday.
George McNabb, 21, a combat engtneer at Camp ·
Pendleton, was killed instantly by the impact, accord-
ing to firemen. He weus with several buddies at the
time, witnesses sai~.
"THEY WERE TRYING to outrun the train. and
he just came m second,·· said Fire Capt. James Dahl.
Dahl said the train was traveling at about 45
m1IC's pC'rhour.
The city has imposed a 40 mph speed limit on
trains passing through the city.
Man Leads Family
From Newport Fire
A Newport Beach family plans
to install install smoke detectors
1n its newly remodeled
Bayshores home after a smolder-
ing fire ftlled the bedrooms with
smoke early this morning.
Firemen said the homeowner,
James F Deane was fortunate to
have awakened at 1 a .m . this
morning to evacuate his ramlly
from the home at 2705 Bay Shore
Fro. PGfle A J
searchers to design a syatem that
could defeat the cruise.
They came up with one, the de·
fense plannera said, by improv.
mg the Hawk system with a big-
ger anteMa, a larger transmit-
ter and a more sophisticated
Beginning in December, the
cruise m1ssilc wtll start to un-
dergo a series of tests that by
early next year wall measure lts
survivability ln actual air tests
against the Hawk and other
systems the Pentagon believe'
resc m blc Soviet defenses
U.S. defense officials $aid they
concluded lt would take the So-
"1et Union at least eight years to
devl'lop that capabiJity
Kids Injured
As Buses Hit
DENVER <AP> -Two school
• buses collided at an ice•sltckened
intersection today, injuring 30
chlldren. Authorltle.! said the In-
juries were not serious
Several of the 30 Merrill Junior
High School puplls who were
taken to hospitals 1uffered held
culs and knee injurlea when
thrown lorward In the bu:aea.
hospital spokeitmen said.
Police ofllcers at the scene
said aoe bus had 1\opped •at a
traffic light nr\d the second bus
bit the back of It.
According to rlre. department
spokesman Art Morton, the
Deanes decided to lnauaurate
their fireplace on Halloween
night. Deane told firemen he
checked the smoldering fireplace
bMore retiring at about mid-
But, firemen said, the outllde
trap door use<j for cleantne uhes
out of the fireplace apparenUy
came o(f and the coal1 tumbled
out, restinf against the 1hlngled
exterior d the home.
The coala caught the 1hlr~1res
on fJre and the smoka travelid in-
to the home.
Morton eaid firemen beJleve
that smoke alarms would have
roused the family aoonu and ad·
vised Deane lo inatall the de·
Firemen said the smoldertng blaze cau,,ed -about ~ worth of
damage to the home.
Police Grab
Candy Thievea
men were prevlousl1 assoclat.ed
wltb tho temple.
He,Jaid I.be quesUon1 abo\at the
f ouJ' men and their relation lo bi.a
temple COP!used him and It was
an overalSbl that he had included Kulik.
HD ald:it0iit1 ltntlnf the clllt
to tho lit uiauon t lho eatll o teph 7onn ovan iii
and have Jett the mlsimpresslon
that active, current members ot
the Krishna reUglon are active in ,
a wide range or criminal ac-
tlvltles lncludin1 .ctrui tra·mcJc. Inc, mUrder and extortJon."
The two cult member& re-
peatedly explained their relifion
has four major tenets -probibi-
Uons alalnst gamblin1, use of In-
toxicants, killing any Uvlnf th1hi
and indw1ence In sex except for
procreation -and explained that
men involved ln tbe murder in·
vestleatlon, which includes the
crimea cited by Rohde, could not ,
possibly be members of thelr re-
They said the three men were
expelled in September, 1978 for
failure to live up to those four
principles and to follow the cult's
requirement that they ahave
their t\aW and participate In
daily two.hour chanting sessions. Th~y did not 1peciCy vlolaUon or which Of the four principles it
was that caustld the ouster of the
three men, one of whom,
Richard, was temple president.
They aLio tnslated there was no
financial or business association
between the temple, or its parent
orianization and the four men
and their business, Prasadam
Distributors. Inc. (PDI>.
· Said Rohde, "The focal Point
has been POI which does not
have an office here <at the timple
at 655 S Coast Highway J, the
focal point has been Kulik, who
has been tied on both sldff of the
inveatigaUon. but only reaches
the Kmhnu by bavJni been in
PDI with three other former
membersOftbetemple ...
However. it has 1ubsequenur
been learned that in summer of
1,975, Kullk made a S25,000 con·
lrlbution to the society to pay for
publication or their magaitne.
Back to Godhead.
Dev said today he ·was not
aw are oCthe contribution.
* * * l',....P .. ~AJ
Police alleae thl kldnappi.Qf of
KµJlk by Bovan mey have been
motivated by the rumor that l'DI
had large amounts ot casb readi· ly available.·
Police decline to comment on
the reports that the source of that
oaah was the sale of narcotics.
At the Hare Krishna press con-
ferenc•, Dey 1iid the three POI
pArtners were expelled from the
temple for a varlety of irreligious
practices, such as refusal to con-
Unue sbavtn1 their heads and to
do their daily t'wo-hour chantin~.
He said they also failed to
adhere lo the religion's four main
prlnclpals which dictate, among
other things, no use or intoid·
cants. Dev and other officials
sai.d there is no connection
between POI, as a buajnesa .. Md
their cult
He and the other temple of·
liciaJs said they had never heard
that any of the three men they
acknowledge as former mem· bus bad anything to do with
natcoUcs smuuu.ng .
Due in Energy
WASHINGTON <AP> -A multtbJIJJon-dolJar Senate
package of energy tax breaks is
headed for a conaressional con·
ference tommitlee that is' likely
to combin~ it with some of the
Man Strolls Into.
Train Path, Killed
A middle-aged man believed to
be a resident of Santa Ana
walked calmly inlo tbe path of an
oncoming Amtrak train today in
Irvine and wu kWed.
Hb identJty wai with held J>tnd·
ing notification of next of kin. A
driver's license showed a Santa
Ana address.
Police said the passencer
train, tbe Loi Anteles to .San
The one·time county i>lannlng
commllsioner Jambuted Schmit
for bl ving a vottna record he 1aid.
shows "he 11 totally in the hands
<>f a few wealthy •~lal Interest
"For the pa1t three years,
Schmit and I haveihad Yery UtUe
to do with each other even thoUgb
I played atmaJor role ln his get·
tJn" ele'ct~." ButtertleUl aa\d.
.:His attitude atter he won hl.s
election and his deep Jnvolve-
ment with Dr. Cella lndkated lo
me that Schmit just went where
he thought the stren8U\ and
money eJtisted, ··he added.
Envoy in Berlin
BERi,IN <AP> -U.S.
Treasury Secre~ry W. Michael
Blumenthal arrlvtd ln Berlin, hls
birthplace, today on a trip West
Berliner• hope will be bring
more business to their isolated
city surrounded by Comihunisi
East Germany.
. ·-
Diego nm. was traveling at about 70 miles per hour when 1t struck
\be m1m, at s..nd Canyon A venue
near tbe S&nta Ana Freeway, in
th• en,iineer repqrted aeetna
the man but was unable to stop
the train.
The victim WU pushed 250 feet
down the tracts. Tb• traln
braked to a stop 1,000 yards
A witness; Donald A. St.rand ot
Tustin, iold police be watched the
man walk JOUth along Sand Can·
yon, seemingly unconcerned, a
Seven Up bottle in one band.
Strand said tie watched him
-walk toward the tracks as the
warning gates went down then
step between the ga~s. .
Strand said the man tolled
uide the botUe, casually. and calmly stepped in front of the
train facing toward the ap-
proaching engine.
Tbe vloUm's :a.hoes wer•
k:tocked from h1a bed.)' by the im.r.
pact. He wu killed lnstantb'.
Free Movies Slated
At Newport School
Friends of the Newport Beach
library will screen two mot1les
Wednesday -the Rlc!hard
Burton·Ellzabetb Taylor version
of "The Taming o( the Shre¥'; ·
and ''The Gardent of san Si· meon."
The films are shown free. The
screenina wm be1in at 7 p.m. Jn
the auditorium at Mariner's
Elementary School, 2100
Mariners Drive, Newport Beach.
Rites Slated
Private funeral servlc
$cbeduled ror tons-Um• Bal
llland resident Buel Dell
who dlecfln her hbtiiestturday.
Miii. Bell, wbo ha_d livid on
island for more than 35 ye
was a weJl.Jc.nown PfOfeuton
musician. She ,1tudled music
the Ch1ca10 Conservatory~ music. •
THt ~ow ~r tbe late Will
L . Bell, ahe 11 survived by
sons, Charles M. HenroUn,
Goleta, Calif.; John Henrotin,
Lake Oewe10. Ore.: Stephen A.
Henrolin of Tustin; a daushter,
Linda Dell Peacock of San J
Captatrano and sev
The family suggests memor1al
contributions to the Leukemla
Research hand of the Americ
Cancer Society, 4030 Bitch St.,
suite 101, Newport Beach.
Ofl,_ O.lly 1'1le4,Wf
A one·ttme poht1cal angel
to Orange County Supervisor
Laurence Schmit charged to·
d~y that Schmjt 's often·
am ended campaign dis-
osure statt•nwnb ''contain
many false statements.··
'The charge came from
Woodrow W. Butterfield, a . ..,
Crash Progra•
former Garden Grove city
councilman as well as a
former count\. planning com-
It was Butterffold who guided
Schm1t's political fortunes
through the primary election of
I9H, an election that ended with
Schmit facing incumbent
s upervisor David Baker in a
general election runoff.
Butterfield charged today that
-, Missile Ctits
Red Defense?
tagon experts believe develop.
ment of the cruise m1ss1le has
largely nullified the Soviet
Union's $100 b1lhon air defense
system and thal Moscow would
have to launch a crash program
to catch up
Defense officials said Monday
that even with a $50 b11l1on crash
program, the Soviets would trail
the United States 1f the Pentagon
continues lo improve the
sophistication of the new US
Cruise m1ss1le improvements
7 being developed can be made
operational faster than the
Russians can update their air de·
fense system, the defense of.
ficials said.
The officials, rebutting a
published report questioning the
weapon's capabilities. said they
are confident the cruise missile
can penetrate Soviet air de·
fens es.
President C11rter has decided to step up dhelopment of the
cruise missil<.>, choosing it over
the proposed B·I bomber as the
nation's next major strategic \\.Capon
Rut it faces a Soviet defense
system described by the Pen-
tagon as the most extensive in
the world, involving 500,000
persons, more than 12,000 sur·
face·lo·air anti-Jlircra~ missiles
stationed at 1,000 sites, and 2,600
The cruise missile, a
technology in which the United
States is believed to lead the
Russians by at least five years,
essentially is a smalJ, piloUess
Jet plane which can carry either
nuclear or conventional
About l' feet Jong and two feet
in diameter, it. mes at about ~
miles an bo\lr.as low u 30 feet
above the sW'face, preaeoting
what U.S. plaMers hope Would
be a nightmare for defensive ·
f>efense oCficials said the
weapon would be launched ln a
saturation cloud or 3,000 cruJse
missiles at the same Utne 200
born bers attacked the tariet,
Man Hit by Train,
Killed in lroine
/\ m1ddJe.aged man believed to
be a resident of Santa Ana
walked calmly into the path of an
oncoming Amtrak tram today in
&vane and ~skilled His identi was withheld pend·
ing notificat1 of next of kin. A
driver's license showed a Santa
Ana address.
Police said the passeriger
tram, the Los Angeles to San
Diego run, was traveling at abou\
70 miles per hour when it struck
the man, at Sand Canyon Avenue
n ear the Santa Ana l!'reeway, in
east Irvine.
The engineer reported seeln&
, the man but was unable to stop
the train.
The victim was pushed 250 feet
down 'the tracks. The train
braked to a stop 1,000 yards
farther down the tracks.
A witness, Donald A. Strand of
Tustin. told police he watched the
man walk south along Sand Can·
yon, seemingly unconcerned, a
Seven Up bottle in one hand.
Strand said he watched him
walk toward the tracks as the
warning gates went do'l.n then
step between the gates. •
Strand said the man tossed
aside the botUe, casually, and
calmly stepped in front or the
train facing toward the ap·
proaching engine.
The victim'' shoea were
knocked from hiis l>ody by the im-
pact. He was killed ins tan Uy. •
Schmit deUberat ty lied on a
campaign disclosure statement
filed Feb. 2, 1978, wtien he safa
he received $37,628 of in-kind
servlces from him. ·
Schmlt's statement shows that
the $37,628was an in·kind loan. ,
The same statement showed
Butterfield was paid $10,000 for
"fee for services."
The former Schmit ally said
today that statement is also
The Civil Aeronautics
Board said tOOay it wUJ in-vestliate the 1>05sibiltty of
granthu: low.fare air
service between 11
California C!iti~ and the
Nevada 1ambling C"1lers
of Reno and Las Vegas.
Tb• board Said that it
will scbedul• • hearing to consider the application of·
Paclf tc Southwest Airlines,
a California intrastate car-
rier, to provide the service
between the Nevada cities
and San Diego, Los
Angeles, Long Beach,
'Burbank, Ontario, Fresno,
Stockton, San Jose, San
Francisco, Oakland and
PSA would elf o-frill1
service at tares 8 to .a
percent btlow reaular
coach fares.
Members .
• .Anxious to clarify their
ttmple'a aoparation from fiiure:s
lii the Newport Beach 01urder ln·
vestigat.ion, members of the In·
ternational Society tor Krishna
Consciousness held • j> refoot
11ress conference MQifday at thclt
Laguna Beach Temple.
Temple President Agni Dev,
society spokesman Mukunda Du
and their altorney Stephen
Rohde along with a life member,
Rameswar Singh, presided over
tbe 90-minute session, devoted In
part to attacking newsmen for
Jinkjng the temple to the J>Ollce
case .
• Investigators say four or the
J)/Wple wider invelitigaUon for
naurder conspiracy have been
members or the society and oCthe
Laguna Beach Temple.
Bitter With the Sweet Temple offlctats satd only
three or those four' Joseph
Shelton Davis, Joseph
Fedorowski and Roy Christopher
Richard were relat~ to tbe tern·
ple, but they were "expelled"
more than a year ago.
The fourth man, Alexander
Xulik, currently under arrest on
•usp1caon or conspiracy Lo com·
Jlnit murder, was never assoctat· ed with the Laguna Beach Tem·
;1e or the ~ociety, they said.
The owner of thb car left parked too long
on Via Oporto 111 Newport Beach had a
couple of surprises waiting for him. One
wl\s a parking ticket. The other was a red
carnation. A police department
spokesman said it's not likely meter
maids have taken to leaving posies wlth
their tickets, but agreed it sounded like a
nice idea. Perhaps it was left by a sym
pathetic passerby.
Fr.,. Page Al
CRUISE~ .• Vev was questioned about pre·
'VIOUS statements he made tn further complicating air defense
which he acknowledCed all four problems.
men were previously associated Pentagon officials discussed
with the temple the cruise missile's capablllty
, . , . following a J?UbUahed report that H~ said the que.!lllons ~bout t~e secret computer studies showed
four men and their relahon to hls~~.r™. ••would n.ot have a ······'t'.~l'Y'fT>lt!""c_-011rusw t.: ... ~ .... 'lr'K'-n!rr-cn&~ ot· penetraUn1 the So-
a_n o\·ers1ght that he had included vietdefensesystem.
Kulik The report, by. cohamnlst•
Rowland EvaM and"llobert No-
vak, said the computer study was
based on a study of the cruise
venua the U.S. Hawk .a.r defense
sy1t~m. C'l'hetr column appears
re1ulvly on the editorial pate ol
Rohde, of the Beverly Hills law
firm of Fleiihman, Brown,
Weston and Rohde, said he has
sent formal requests for retrac·
t1on to the Daily Pilot and two
other newspapers for stories
linking the Laguna Beach cult t.o
the rnvci;tJgatton.
* * * f'rOttl Page A J
partners in Prasadam Dll·
tributors, Inc , hired the other al·
leged conspiratora to murder
Bovan !ollowin1 an unreported
Jtidnappina thla summer.
Kulik was aasertedly the vie·
tlm of that kJdnappina and police
say his ~U!i_ne.\f .~llA .. Joe
Davis.,J.;.. Yedor•~•kl,..,~ J#>y Christo)>7'er JUdiard· paid
$100,000 to ransom him.
Davis, Federowski and
Richar<i are all former members
of the La,una Beach temple who
were ''expelled,•• accordil\a to
Hare Krishna officlals, ln ~P·
tember of 1976 Richard was '4m·
pie pre!lident at the time.
The three men are stUI being
!>ought for questionlna by
Newport Beach police.
Remaining in custody ln
Orange County Jail are Debra
Ann Addleo.,, 24 or 19822
Brookhurst St., lttuntln1ton
Beach, Jerry Peter Flori, 41, of
the same address, Anthony "Llt·
tie Tony" Marone Jr. or lOUl
Merrimac Drive, Huntinaton
Beach and Raymond Steven
Resco, 28, of the same address.
PoJice alle,e the kJdnapplng ot
Kulik by Bovan may have been
motlvattd by the nimor that PDJ
had lar1e amount.a of cash readi· lyevanable.
Police decline to cprnment on
the reporb that tbe aource of that
cash wu the tale of narcoUcs.
At the Hare Krishna ptea& con·
f nee, DeV said Uie three PDI
p ners werf! expelled Crom the
te ple for a variety ot Jrrolitioua
pr. ctices, such u reruaal to ~·
ti e shavini their beada and to
d elr d.Ulf two-hour chanUnJC.
e aald tbe,y a110 talf ed to
• eretoth~~enst~n·at9urinaln
J> ctpals w1\lch 4 ctate, •ll.>041
c> r thlqas; no H or in~·
capts. Dfv and otW • Oftidala • •~d there 11 po AAnnectlon bel;reen PDI, u a bmto , aNl thff r cUlt: ~:ii
th8 Dally Pilot.> ~
Accordlng to the report, t.he
study ebowed tha* H.awk radar
woald locate Ute cruise and t~t a
surface·tO·ilir Hawk missile
would shoot U down.
,Oefen&• otllcla!S, aptalcln.i not
for direct attribution or quota.
tion, s-1d two studio were con· duct~d over tht summer, one to
deterrnine Ute vulnerabllity of
the present cruise to an improve'1
Soviet air defense system, and
the other to test cs:ulse
vulnerability to Soviet defenses
of the mid-1980s.
The officials said once they de·
termined thal. the cruise would
penetrate the current Soviet
system, they asked tbe re·
searchers tede1lgn a i;y5tem that
could defeat the crwse.
SVUSD· Views
The observance of a rellaiious
holiday will be a legtumate ex·
cuse from Saddl~back Valley
Unified School District schools lf
trustees approved • proposed
policy change Wednesday.
Trustees will consider the
amended policy when they meet au p. m. in the district otfice$-
Aceonllng to the new policy,
students would be excused on re·
liglous bolldays but the district
woqld not receive the state
money it normally receives when
a student is Jn school that day.
In other action, trustees wlll
con1ider allowing U to 25 Ml.aaion
Viejo High School students and a
teacher to participate in an ex·
change program with a 1chool ln
Fr•nkentbal, Getmanv.
IC approved, the Mission Viejo
St\(dents would vtslt Gerinany ror
ttffee ween hext sprint. Tho
German students. would come to
Mission Viejo at a Ume ym·bt arranged. The district's on coat
tn the pf08ram would be to a
sub1Utvteteacher !or 10 da,yt.
O.lfy "Ntf'-ff ......
SupeMaor ~
f'ront Page Al
of his statements about Schmit
arc pro\'ed false.
He also pledged to tn1tiate a
lawsuit to recover money be
said It. owed him und, ''for
damages in the (ltlse state· mcnts."'
The one time Garden Grove
city councilman set the amount
still owed hilh by Schmlt's cam.
pa1gn at Sl.500.
Butterfield said his falling out
with Schmit came when the
newly elected supervisor hired
Loran Norton as an executive as· sistant.
"He waa a patd Cella Job·
byi1t." Butterfield said of Norton
who served one y~ar B'S 4l Sctuntt
aide a~ is now under a grand
JUt.Y Jndlctment on perjury relat· ed charies.
The one-time county planntng
commlssioner lambasted Schmit
for having a voting record he said
show11 "he ls totally h\ the hJnds
of a few wealthy special interest
" "For the past three rears,
Schmit and I have h~d very little
to do with each otberften thoogh
I played a major role in his 1et·
tin" elected," Butterfield said.
• rHts attitude after he won his
election and his deep Involve·
ment with Dr. Cella indicated to
me that Schmit Just went where
he thought the strenath and
money exlsted," he added.
Talk· Slated
Naturalist and explorer Peter'
Matthlessen recounts hiJ five.
week trek~cr06S the H1malayu
in search of the endangered
snow leopard at 8 o'clock ton11ht
in the Gold Room of Mesa Court
Commons· at uc· Irvine. Ad·
Matthiessen, author or Na-
tional Book Award nominee "At
Play in the Fields or the Lord,"
has been a member of expedi-
tions to remote reaionJ of alt five
He baa explored tlae Amazon
junslea, tht Canadian Northwest
Territories~ ho. Sudan. New
Guinea and Nepaf A former com-
mercial fisherman and charter
boat captain, he participated as a
4 dlver ln search.or the areat white shark ..
A five·man arson team com·
priBed ol one battalion chlet and
Sticken Offered
Area residents can obtain
telephone stickers with 1mer1en·
cy fire/rescue and medical as.
sistance phone numbers et the
Saddleback Community Hospital
emergency department at 24451
Via EiJtrada io Laguna HiJls.
Cars Recalled
Br.ake Def ec~ lmpected
DETROIT <AP> -All Plymouth Volares, Dodie
Aspens, Chrysler Lebarons and Dodge Diplomats
built be/ore Sept. 23 -some 1 2 million cars --are be·
Ing recalled by Chrysler Corp. to correct potential
brake defects.
Tb~ nation's thf rd largest automaker said Mon·
dAN thete!Were no injuries or accidents in 20 reported.
incilients in which cars loast their front brakes.
Chrysler said one defect involves acid leaking
from the battery and eating through the brake tubes.
causing a loss of brake fluid.
In a second problem, Chrysler said front brake
hoses which run f rQm the tubes to the front wheel
brakes may become brittle and crack in prolonged
cold weather.
Chrysler said owners should inspect brake tubes
for slg~ of corrosion at the rear of the battery cover
and inspect the brake hoses for visible cracks.
$15,000 Stole ~
From 21 CliW '·
escaped with $15,0QO in r~J,t;I
from mid·Manhau.an's l>O(lb 2ll
Club. polict report. A·)elu~ employee carrylnc the money t
a nearby bank was shot in tbe 1
during tbe robbery Monda
night, police said. I
Philip Caballero. '5, end two?
o.tber employees left tbet
restaurant abolU 7:20 p.m. wltti •1 ba1 contaJnlng · money to be de-
posJted in a bank ntabt-4eposlt
vault. abo\lt 100 feet from the club.
Police said two tnen •.P·
proached them, gr~bbed the bag
at'ld tired one shot, htttane
Caballero in the left leg.
'WASHlNGfON tA'P> -~;, muJUbflUon.dollar Senate
package of energy tu breaib ilc
headed tor a conaressional con-
ference c9mmit.tee UiatJa likely
to combine it wllh some ot the
heavy new energy taxes pWedd
earlier by~ House.
Tbe ·finat compromlse· l>l
probably Will mean higher priceaJ
for j~ aoout everything pro.'·
duced m the United States, along
with some lax breaks to en·
courage conservation. 4
The Senate bill. appioved 52·3:r
Monday night, aims at encourac·
ing fuel conservation and Jn•
creased eneray production with
dozen. ol tallC breats. It ii
estimated they would cost the"'
(ederal treaaury about $U billion
over the next eight years. ---
' /.
lF YO OWN A 8!! £ AND 't mind dif .m nc:twl®-4P1o.vlng ad\'trtlsement CC1nt.att Bird'•~
JMQlY. ~ ~bO&nfs ol Am rlc • plCk \IP an Q your tocuv. asen dealer. Bfrd will 1 u c .. inc your car Into a btllboard. But Uie c:ar Bcetl Jo' ~ou lttoqld make eoou1h money to cover gUoUDe
oil tad ijletlmeyourcarlsadvertll a todu • n dotin't mauer how old the car l''• IJl aaund c:Ond1Uon. both body.a ena1De. rear cepted, I( will 1et a fresh palrit job (yoU Will ave not uy about the colc;ir), ready to take a decal cks1cn tor
vertlaet. Once ao ad-~· -0:::::-o""""!"-:oio~~-.:..:., vertlser contracts,
tbrqugti Bird, to uao
your car, you wm re--
celve S20amooth.
To collect the S20,
you will have to vialt a
VW dealer every month
ao that your car can be inspected tor damace. One ~o •
pecUI that the dealer will check the ~eace ua. JOU? speedometer. ")
0 01' COUUE, BIRD JS beinf paid more than $20
m011tb for renliht the space oo your BeeUe. While YCMI
getting S20 a month, bis company is gettin&"$100 or $1 ~
$175, depending on bow mlnY cars the advertlier is Ulm• and how many months the contract nma. • •
A typic;al contract mlsbt call fort.he rent oft&'SO can ln
markets ac:rou the country. Tb4t C()et: ~000 per mont.b
$lmillionayear. n
Blrd hu been selling adveJ"lisine space on Beetles
about five yean, and be offers a network ol5,200 bqca lOCat•
ed in 250 markets. Since you have to be somewhat ot aa
hibitionl.st to drive around in ooe o( these aartab numben,
it's not aurprlsl~ to rind that a ereat many BeeU•
are beine driven by studentl living on or near colle'e cam-
TlllS PREPONDERANCE OF students expl Ins ~~
Bird mQ.es bis pitch to Beetle owners as lf as if he were •llli -
ing a datJnc Hrvice. "Beetleboa"1 drivers lead lnteresUM
lives " he aaya. "They can expect to meet new friend.I ••
BeeUebc>al'a have a reputation for •t.t.racUn1 people." ...
Bird delivers the aame messa&e to advertlien,
1U1htly differem rorm . Re tells tbern tbat the averase
Beetleboard will hll consumers ov« the head AbcMlt 6,200
times a day. Row do they come up with such ficures?
Euy. ~ere'a a Department ol Tran.s~atlon study
that clocked bow many Umes a ttucli wu seen by people lft
tbe street or In other veb1cles. Tb• answer: 1S6 tlrftes per:
mite driven. I! you assume a BeeUeboaid ta driven 40 miles
a day. you have your 6,200 "viewera." .
Arcane? Stire. But the messaae bu been convinci.AI
enough for Bird to get advertising contracts from Alt.W root beer, Camel clpreltea, Seagram's 1it1, 1J1ab Sprtn1 soapy
Olympia beer and Air Canada, among others. And be c1lln
elalm to have invented another advertilio.g med.tum.. J · t
what we needed.
College Grads_' '"
-l:harrees. ~':e~ ..
Tbe employment outlook.tor ,radttates ot t~ a~nd year colleges during the next five yearJ wm be eQJ'.dtlled ti
a panel of speclallsta at Goldeo West Coll~•· Jlun
Beach, trom 6:4.5 to 8 p.m . Nov. 16. • ~
Moderated by Nancy Kidder, cOord.inator or pldancf
services ~program wUI be held in tbe community center,
adjacent to the Gothard StrHt parkiq lot. ii
Topics to be discussed are:
II I ~U \'
I~ •rrtlf.lnder uan·· e THI AVENOER8 a• WICI Emnut •• oded In ~ • man weettftQ tropbd
dOthlng It found In • ~ oome CM..cl ~ a pcMof\ dart
In UM middle of London.
W/llf PA
b.at to the peece 11\d quiet of
the Cunnlnaham home.
Gueits: Joel Grey, C... !JI ot. •MOWE *** ''Thelit Thoutand Hlllt'' (196t) Don Murray, Rloherd
Egan. A married rancher
returne to NI fonnet tweet-
hwt _.,.,, the la th1M1•ted.
(2 hrl.)
ADAM-12 John Ritter quiets
Joyce DeWitt on
Thre e 's Compa n y
tonight at 9 on ABC.
Channel 7.
·~ ..... Of Aml*la.'.!.i H.m. etart In thtt OM womM
oa6ebratlon of the ltfe, eplrlt and
poetry of Emlty DloklnlOn.
"Wortda Apart'' Parenti IM[n
to communJcete Ulllr ~ · lti FREEHAND SKETCHING
"Step RMaUonahtp''
t:OO& 088 NEWS
=:.;;r that chJldren •• to eccept thoM I tt:SENCY ONEI
Roy DeSoto Mt.a up hla partner
With a blind date, his wife' a
D MOvtE ***~ "Th• Gras• la Greener'' (1H1) C&ty Grant,
Jean Simmon•. An American
mllllonalre la forced Into a duel
after falling In low with • Brltlth
earl's wife. i2 hra.) m THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY
A mistake In bookings i.ada
the Partridge family to a oetr~t
A pol!Qe captain, undergoing
st1rgery, la the helpteu holt8Qe
In a daring plan to 0eC a pr&aon·
er releued from Jell. fD ZOOM
"On Becoming Your Own
Lit• at the Bredy houM get.a
difficult When Peter get. •
swelled head over the feet that
twt r..wed a girt torm an acci-
1:00 ()) C88 REPORTS •
. vtewt. 1:3089 LAVERNEt.8HJAl.EY
"Laverne'• Arr•l'lg•d
M#Tlege" Uwrne ll'ld 8hlriey
haY8 to oome up With -.. fat
aatlon when L.eYeme'• ad arrengea a m.-rtage tor NJ
daughter With the eon (Jotln~
Oeemond) of the mouarelta
"Meteo" A VokMltary and auo-
ceaful ten-year-old bu1lng
operation; "Oreo Cookie" P-.r
Pf'eMUree; "lntetTaolat Detlng"
Intolerant attltud• of teenllg-... 9:008()) M•A•&•H
H~~ 9nd a well-to-do
Korean wom.n (Kleu Cttlnh)
who Meka medtcal aid for her
mother trom the 40nth, tiaw •
bfi.t bfttertWMt rom.nc..
I 8:30. MOVIE *** "On A Clear Dey You Can s.. Forever" (Part 1)
(1970) Barbre Streisand, Yves
MontMd. A young woman dla.-
covera the hH ESP while trytng
to curb her chain ~ng. ( 1
hr., 30mln.)
''The Battle OVer P...,,...,
Corr .. p<>ndent 8111 Moyers
expJote1 th• raging debate In
the U.S. Senate owr the retlf ..
C9tlon of lhe Pana.me Canal
Treaty. A briefing ....ion at the
White HOUM at which Preei-
dent Carter, Vice Preefdent
Mondale, Sec:tetery of Defenee
Harokf Brown and Ambuaador
EJlawOrth Buntter are pr...,,t.
anawertng the queatlona of
concerned oltlzena, la a
hlghllghf of the broadcast.
"The Melinda $pedal" The
Mulllgana pit?' In to heCp
Stevie's friend, Polo (Jaime
Alba). efter aome compethors
Abo'-ge his fllCe CW just
bef0!'9 an Important race.
Otcar revMta a tittle-known
romantic episode. 83 AS WE SEE IT
"Where Do I Belong?" A Chtc;a-
00 student looka for hla root.a In
Mexico: "Cuban Dropow"
Cuban Immigrant• to Miami try
to balance two Htl of Ideas,
values and languages.
"Pre80h~ Mental Develop-
"Man-0'-War" Temporarily
deetltute, the wtc:ked genius,
Mr. Schubert, plot.a to extort
money trom an International
.wtm meet by unleuhlng htl
giant pet Jellvflah to terrorize
the event.
*~"Once Before I Ole" (19e6)
John Derek, UrtUla An<lr ...
An Army major o<eters his
troopa on a dangerous mlalon
when he and hi• flanc:ee ••
caught In a Japaneee att.al<. (2
hra.) • 9 HAPPY DAYS
''Roper'• Car" Mr. Roper's
lntegtfty Is tamflhed by greed
when he 18 led to bellell9 hla old
car la a valuable ciUllc after
ttmng It to Jack. Janet and
c::MMy for $200.
lronelde'• aide la graduated
from law school and forced to
make a career decision.
"The Apertment" RJchle, Pot.ale
and Ralph =move Into their own r but hi•
roommat•' drive Richie
"Oldlens ot London" Chattee
wrttea the crttk:al 'American
Not .. • after touring the U.S.,
then pert• •A Chrlatmaa Carol'
atter a tour through the London
alums •
• t-.30 8 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME
"Bob LOIM8 Berbat•" AM
encouniga e.art.a'• palnfUJly
bashful, but ever-preHnt,
wanNpper to gather his OOUt·
age and uk her tor a date. But
befor. the boy (John Putct\)
hal a c:hanc:e, Barbara mak• a move that surpriMs all.
''LUcy Ralse9 Chicken'' cm ADAM-12 ~ Reed Md mellol/ reoe
attw motorcycle purse
an at e ElL /LEHRER REPORT ID EARTH. "Oepoeltton ,.
Ratings Guide
CMcNift -,.., «eonllnt to boa
Offke ~·· Mewl .. for TV .,. ,~by. ctillC >
* * * * -EKcellent * * • -Very GoOd
• • -Good '* 'r ~air
. 89 SOAP (Eplaode s.v..f) The Campbell
* '-j)oor
famUy " tn for a eurprtae whei"I
Burt' lntroduc:a hie other son;
the Major dlstupta the Tata
CBS 8 6:30 -"On a Clear Day You
Can See ·Forever.,. Barbra Streisand
stanin this Bridey Murphy-type musical
from 1970 about a girl with a colorful
. KCOP &> 8:00 -"These Thousand
1lills." Don Murray and Richard Egan
iilar in this 1959 western movie
KCET D 10:00 -Eyewitness. A
closer look at assassins and would-be as-
t assins Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan
Sirhan, Arthur Bremer and Sara Jane
KHJ 0 11: 00 -''The Gras$ is
Greener." Cary Grant arid Jean Sim-
mons head the cast of this 1861 movie
comedy about a millionaire who falls far
the wife of a British nobleman -and is
(orced into a duel.
Lillian .
Says Yes
ATLANTA (AP> -Television interview
show host Phil Donahue
says Lillian Carter. the
president's mother. told
.Donahue he talked too
much . But s he still
ajlreed to be on his show.
Donahue said be called
Mias Lillian flt her
Plains, Ga., home to in-
.· vtte her to appear on the
syndicated show, and got
an unusual. but kind
'"Miss Lillian," I said.
. 'I know you are very
busy, but I'd be grateful
if I could get into your
schedule. I know you have a lot of other tblngs
to do. and I promise not
to be a~ to YQd, but ii there is any way you
coald possibly see your way clear to •• .'I never
fulfshed the sentence.
·•She s aid, • Phll,
you 're. talkin1 too
rnuch. '" -.1--....... ..;..;.;.---';.:,...~--------....,...._.....,._......,_~~-~-~-