HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-17 - Orange Coast Pilot7 .... Orange Coast . EDITION Dl•e-a-Line argains Today VOL. 70, NO. 351, 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1977 .TEN CENTS .~ Israel Pledges Concessi~ns to Ar:_ahs VI ASHlNGTON CAP> -lsraeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin told President Carter Friday he is ready to grant civil self-rule lo Palestinian Arabs and return virtually all of the Sinai to ~gypl. That far-reuching lsraelt pro- posal representi, considerable concessions in a bid to reach peace terms with Egypt ctnd would normalize relations between the two pnncip11l parties * * * in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Jews would have the right to live on the West Bank of the Jordan River but would be under Arab civil rule, knowledgable sources said. The area would belong to neither Jordan nor Isr ael and there would be no Palesiiruan state. Security measures would be "orked out to protect the nearby Israeli population centers from * * * attack. the sourCl!S said. In the Sln"i, an area also won by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. Israel would retain a nar· row corridor from El Arish down to Sharm el-Sheik, the strategic port guardmg the Tiran straits. Carter was said to be pleased with Begin 's outline and telephoned a report to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat after the two-hour White House meeting. * * * He will conter again with Bealn Saturday evening. · Most observers felt that Israel, in exchange for peace, would give up virtually all the Sinai .• But Begin and the ruling Likud Party bad insisted on retaining control o( the West Bank, calling the area by its biblical names and claiming the territory his- toricaUy belonged to Israel. Israel's concessions on lhe * * * West Bank could represent the "clear and obvious signs .. that J'ordan's King Hwisejn wanted lo demonstrate the Jewish state's willingness to accept Palestinian self -determination. Sen. Clifford Case, R·N.J ., one of the four senators who had lunch with Begin at Blair House, said the Israeli leader had made "a most impressive pro~al" that carried promise of sigbiO- * * * cant progress toward a settle- ment. Begin will meet this afternoon wllh Rabbi Alexander Schindler, chairman of the Con· ference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and confer with Zbigniew Brzezinski, presidential security adviser, before seeing Carter a secondUme. * * * Begin to Talk Peace • m Egypt After Collision Fires Raging On Oil Ships · BUl.LETIN PORT ELJZABETH, South Africa <AP) -Two American· owned supertankers that collided and burst Into names orr South Africa's southeast coast were taken under tow ('arly today, port authorities here reported. ''It's all under control," said Wally Shaw, the assistant port captain. "We were very, very lucky. Wt• have been rortunate t>nou~h to avoid one hell or a hi~ disaster.•· PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa (AP) -Fires raged today aboard two sister s upertankers -one loaded. the other empty. Marine b1olo~1sls warned that ir the more than 75·m1Jlion galk>n cargo spills Into the sea it could be the \\orst pollution accident in maritime history. · "As rar as pollution of the coastline is concerned, the im- plications of the collision are enormous," Said A. E . Heydorn. director of Durban's Marine Biological Research Institute. The first of five South African an· ti-pollution patrol boats sum- '1. moned from the nation ·s three major ports reached the scene Friday njght. The American-owned tankers burst Into name after colliding in morning rog Friday in the Indian Ocean 20 miles orf South Africa's southeastern coast. Two seamen were reported missing and 82 others. most of them Chinese, were rescued. Both Liberian-flag ve*isels are owned and operated by a Bethlehem Steel subsidiary. Bethlehem spokesman Bill Gignak said. The supertankers. 1 115 feet long and 176 feet wide, ~ere chartered by the Gulf Oil Corp. South African port authorities said the 330.954-ton Veno1l was carrying a cargo of crude oil from the Persian Gulf around the Cape of Good Hope to Nova Scotia . Manson's '69 Victim Uncovered LOS ANGELES <AP > Skeletal remains found near the S pahn movie ran c h in Chatsworth were identified Fn· day as those of former movie stunt man Donald "Shorty" Shea, murdered by the Charles Manson clan in 1969. James Kono, assistant chief of the county coroner's investiga- tion division, said it appeared Shea. who acted as foreman or the ranch and who tried to have Manson evicted, had been stabbed to death. The position of the body as it was unearthed Thursday indicat- ed that Shea had not been de- capitated, as clan members had suggested shortly after his disap- pearance in 1969, but Kono said it was still unknown if his head had been severed. ~'They're going to have to do some microscopic examination to determine whether he was de- capitated or not,•· Kono said. Identification of Shea was made through dental charts. he said. Shea, 36, had been continually at loggerheads with Manson and his followers and bad tried to have the hippie cull thrown off the land, investigators said. ...,.~ Pr~posal Revealed By Sadat ,. CAIRO (AP) -President Anwar Sadat announced today that Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin will be coming to Egypt soon on a working visit to discuss details of a peace Sl!t· tlement. Sadat said President Carter forwarded outlines of Begin's proposals in a telephone call to Cairo Friday night and a later message through the U.S. Em- bassy. "Nothing is in shape yet ... not until I meet with Mr. Begin," Sadat told a news conference at his ,residence overlooking the Nile in Cairo. Sadat Time Mano/Year CAIRO. Egypt <AP> · Anwar Sadat has been chosen Time M11gaiine's Man of the Year for bis peace initiatives in the Middle East, the Cairo newspaper Al Gomhouriya reported today. In a front·page story. the newspaper said Time photographer David Hume Kennerly has t aken a series of photographs of the Egyptian president near the Sphinx for the magazine's Man of the Year cover. Time also will publish an interview with Sadat, the report said. There wns no immediate comment from Time. corridoT near its border. JUBILANT PRISONER GESTURES UPON RETURN TO U.S. A preparatory peace con- ference is under way here between EJYJ>t and Israel. The meeting, whlcfi recessed until Monday, is aimed at laying the groundwork for a full-scare peace conference in Geneva. For Palestinians in the OC· cupied West Bank and Gaza there would be civil self-rule Jews would be free to Jive on the West Bank but would be under Palestinian asithority. Lagunan Among 56 Americans Back From Mexico Laguna Man Back Frotn Mexican Jail The Efyptian president told re· porters Friday be was agamst a reported Israeli suggesUon that residents of the occupied West Bank of the Jordan River decide their future in a plebiscite after 20 years. "But let us wait until we see the outcome of the visit of Begin to President Carter and after that I shall be in a position to answer whatever you ask," he said. Egypt would reassert i~s sov· ereignty in Sinai, but the West Bank and Gaza would belong neither to Jsrael nor Jordan and there would be no Palestinian state. The Begin-Carter meeting in Was hington has overshadowed the preparatory peace con- ference here between Egypt and Israel. The meeting, which re- cessed until Monday, aims atlay- ing the groundwork for a full. scale Geneva conference. A Laguna Beach man was among 56 American convicts who arrived on a charter~d jet Friday in San Diego after serving jail terms in Mexican prisons. About 40 tearful relatives. separated from their loved ones by a chain-link fence, turned out to greet the repatriated prisoners sent home under a U.S.-Mexico prisoner exchange treaty. 'Tm really happy, said a tearful Carol Gallegos of Laguna Beact1. whose husband, John, was jailed for four years and two months on a cocaine possession charge. "It's been terribly hard," she added. The flight was one or two to ar- rive this weekend. Today's fUght will brin~ an additional 36 Americans, raising the total to 234 repatriated prisoners. •' lt 's a miracle happening right now. The Lord is answering our prayer," said Alice Meza of Salinas. She said she was waiting for her son, Jim, jailed for more than three years on a drug possession charge. She said she and her family spent about $6,000 over, the years providing food, clothing and a hveable cell for her son. Carter talked with Sadat by telephone Friday and Carter was said to be encouraged that Begin's peace plan outllned in Washington could promote an eventual Mideast settlement. Under the plan Egypt would get back almost all of the Sin~ It lost during the 1967 war, and Israel would retain a security Syria boycotted the Cairo con· ference, charging Sadat intends to sell out his brethren for an Egyptian-Israeli deal. Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestine LJbera- tion Organization and the Soviet Union also turned invitations. Among the returnees was a woman and her two-month-old daughter, who was born in prison. The baby was handed to her g randmother, who hugged and kissed the mother as she got Kulik Duo Indicted : orr the plane. The prisoners wer e i m- mediately taken by bus to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal prison, to be processed. On Heroin Charges Those returning this weekend were held in jails In Culiacan and Hermosillo. About 20 of them will be eligible for mandatory r elease because they have served at least two-thlrds of their Me>eican sen- tences or have accumulated enough "good time" to be freed, said Michael Abbell, Justice Department director · of the transfer program. or the 142 prisoners who ar· rived last week by plane and bus in the first exchanges, 43 were re- leased. QUIZ FE.4'{'URES JAPANL&WER By GARY GRANVILLE Of •Dally f'lletSi.tf Already under indictment in Orange County on murder charges, the legal woes of Alex- ander and Elste Kulik continued to mount Friday when a federal Grand Jury in San Diego Indicted them on drug-related charges. The federal indictm~nt charges the Kuliks with cbn· splracy to possess and possessjon of a controlled substance (heroin> as weJl as conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance (again, heroin). Federal narcotics a gents wast· ed liltle time before taking the JSulik drug case to the Grand Jury after the Newpol't Beach couple were arrested early Wed- nesday while holed up lo a posh Japan'1PrlmeMbddtrrtlhtlfflb1 condominium on the goll llnk.s at hil cabinet rtcmllJI. Can JIOU "'1me La.. Costa. him? Whet does Allegedly seJzed at the tJme ot Pre & f dent lhe Linda Isle couple's arrest Caner plan to was 2.5 pounds of heroin in· empho•fz• ht vestlgators reported (lndina bid· hu curr"'1 tcu den away in the air cleaner of a proposal•? Do vehicle parked near the La Coata ~ lfnow who condo. wrote th t To rnake certain t h e t00rkl'I lortont· beJeaeuered couple are on hand running •'°'1• wben called to amwer to indict.. The gigantic bail amount reflects the multitude of charges the once high.CJying Kuliks face. In addition to the federal drug charges,Alexanderischargedin a county Grand Jury indictment with cons piring to murder (SeeKUUKS, PageA2) Coast Weather Cooler with a chance or light rain is the gloomy forecast for the Orange Coast today and Sunday. Look for high temperatures in the lower60s. JNSIDE TODAY What do a group of Orange Coait movie buff 1 think are the 10 ·btJt motion picturH of alL time? Well, the tnltuib of the winner ore GWTW. ~ee Page . 87. l•llex plar7 For V1hal m e ll t c b a r a e 1 , fe d e z( a l N .a I t o ,. o i authorities ordered bot!\ Eltl• 1 c-,. AJ HocbJI i...., Mom doc• P«cr and Alexander held on $2.S =~" C1~ Malalot*I& .. Jllal? Do p bow mllUoo bail. ~ "' U.. ....,..7 1'G.kl JOI& UM to Jtltd That '4!l the price of wbat It t:.:i~T.= .-,: '*11 ,.,_ mtt eo IM QUIZ °" P1f11 wlll; COit to free the pair frorn ....:iO:"': Ountfll eaunty Jail at more &baa ._...~, .-.--....... ·~'1 OIL ,. ".,. ... ~.""'":'~':'."', ~M~~~~-""""'~-.'; ' -.-.-'\"'*.,-<r"•·'.f • ~· ~~, •• ~t .· ~indings Back OC Witn·ants ~ By GARY CRl\NVILLE Ol I .. 0•11~ ...... ''-" There were no s urprises . among search warrant af. fadavits Orange County Grand Jury investlaators used when they recently searched a s mall Buena Park warehouse where in- dicted County Supervisor Ralph Dledrich's business records are kept. The affadavits were made public Friday in Orange County Superior Court. And if there were no surprises revealed in the documents, it was because what was searched for und what was found in the warehouse was in support of the three-count bribery indictment the jury handed down a day earlier . The Indictment c h arges Diedrich with two bribery of- fenses and names the Fullerton s upe rvisors along with Anaheim arch itect LeRoy Rose in a bribery conspiracy charge. In atradavits supporting his Dec. 8 request for the needed search warrant. Assistant Dis- trict Attorney Michael Capizzi related testimony of unidentified witnesses who testified before the Grand Jury. Strangler Clues Sifted LOS ANGELES (AP) -Police worked Friday to compile a com- posite description of the Hillside Strangler from persons who may have seen him at a Hollywood librar y or al the apartment • where he lured his latest victirn to her death. Al the same time, they an· nounced an earlier composite drawing showed the wrong man. Fro•Page Al Those witnesses told or the in· terest in 1973 of the Robert H. Grant Company to have land a lready stas hed away in an agricultural preserve agreement with the county freed for develop- ment. 0.llf Pllel $i.t1 l"tlete BEING 'IN JAIL' WAS A REAL THRILL FOR THESE KINDERGARTEN KIDS Ll. Dan Couke said in· vestlgators were questioning people at the library and the apartment. A man telephoned what police Identified as an out· call prostitution ser vice Crom tha library that night and asked that a girl be sent to apartment 114 at Tamariod Terrace in Hollywood. ,. Kimberly Diane Mar tin was sent to the apartment, which bad been vacant for a couple of months. But the Strangler ap- parently had somehow gotten in· side and killed Miss Martin when :.he arrived, police said. KULIKS •.. Laguna Youngsters Tour Police Department, But Slammer's the Highlight Stephen John Bovan of Fountain Valley. Bovan wus gunned down Oct. 22 outside a Newport Beach rest aurant. Freeing the land could come only by paying bacjt taxes saved by virtue or the agreements and with the blessing of the County Board of Supervisors. Go Directly to Jail Iler nude body was found the next morning on a hills ide several miles away. Alexander also is charged with drug offenses related to the al- leged uncovering of a heavy stash of cocaine when he was ar- rested shor · .. ufll',. Rovan's murder whil" · ... ~ in his cx- pensive au,u in M1s!>1on VieJo. Laguna Kids Get a Kick Out of the Slammer Other residents of Tamarind Terrace reported hea ring screams from the apartment, and apartment manager Irene Weigel said one resident went outside, looked through the win- dow of the apartment and saw a man and woman struggling. At the time of his arrest Wed- nesday in La Co:.ta, the 28-year- old alleg1..'<I dru~ king was free on S750.000 bail. But bccoU!'.c h1:-. attractive 28· year-old "1fc \\as found hading jn a crawl area under the condo, Alexander abo \\a:, charged with harborinJ: a fugitive. Elsie was a fugiti ve because she was one of two peopl e named in the e1J:ht -p c rs on county m urder indictment \\ho had not either surrendered or been cap- tured by investigators. The indictments n"~ il'17 the Kuliks and six of tl .. :er bu:,iness associ;ttes as defendants against the murder conspiracy charges do not establish g uilt or in- nocence. lnsl£>nd. the indictment is a formal charge brought againsl n person by a grand jury. Some s unlight splas hed into Elsie Kulik':. life l''riday when Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Kneela nd reduced her county Jatl bail from $500,000 to S250 ,000. The reduction came a t a hear- ing a t which Judge Kneeland laid down the ground rules for resolv· ing defense and prosecution dif· fcrences on examination of evidence and inter views of wit- n esses. the evidence and wit· nesses examined by the county Grand Jury \\hen it indicted the eight defendant:,. President At Kin's Wedding F'A YE'ITEVILLE, N.C. CAP) -President Carter fl.cw her e late Friday afternoon to attend his nephew's wedding, pl<Jnned for today. Although his 24-hour excursion was billed as strictly a family af· fair, he was met b y North Carolina's Democratic Party leaders as well as family mem- bers. ·The president's brother, Billy, greeted him with a hug after Air Force One touched down at Polk Air Force Base. His evangelist :;isl er. Ruth Carter Stapleton, mother of the groom , was also on hand. Conductor Dead NEW YORK (AP) -Thomas .Schippers, a leading symphony conductor in this country and in Europe, died in his apartment here Friday night of lung cancer. He was 47. Schippers had served as music director of the Cincln· nati Symphony Orchestra since 1970. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT According to Capizzi 's sworn statement, one witness testified that Diedrich initially put a $50,000 price tag on the board ac- tion but later upped the ante to $150,000. Another witness said the Grant officials agreed to pay lawyer Michael ReMington a $50,000 re- tainer for legal services associat- ed with move to free the land. And Remingtol\ testified that $25,000 of the fee was loaned in early 1973 to Diedrich. a loan which has not yet been repaid. Capizzi said that Rem ington tes t ified a lso that he gave Diedrich a $30,000 check payable to food executive William Moore which Diedrich used to r epay a Joan already owed to Moore. Still later, Remington said he d eposited two $10,000 checks given him by Rose hrlto a special account and later paid Diedrich a pproximately $20,000 in legal tender (cash). It was in search of the canceled checks and deposits reflecting such transaction that the in· vestigators went alter when they searched the Buena Park war ehouse where Diedrich's business records are kept. A check of the evidence files also made public Friday showed that the investigators found the documents they were looking for. However, piedrich 's side of the bribery allegation story has yet to be heard, as an indictment represents formal char ges brought against a defendant and does not establish guilt or in· nocence. Last week, Diedrich rejected an invitation by Capizzi to ap· pear before the Grand Jury. Capizzi 's written invitation told the troubled supervisor he was free to bring any evidence. testimony or witnesses before the j ury to tell his side of the story. But Diedrich said no. lie said he could not arm himself to fight charges pending against him unless he knew what those charges were. Diedrich found out Thursday when the Grand Jury handed down the indictment. H eventual- 1 y convicted of any or the charges. the jndiclment could tumble Diedrich from his elected office and send him to state prison. By STF.VF: MITCHELL , Of ..... Daily Piiot Sl•lt • The kids didn't mind tromping through the detective bureau. They even enjoyed the com- munications room, where police dispat c her Patti McClur e s howed them how calls are made out to officers on patrol. And they got a kick out of hav- ing their pictures taken with jail numbers hanging around their necks. But for the most part, the 14 Mary Moppet's kindergarteners were just being polite. What they really wanted to see was THE JAIL. Juvenile offi cer Alex Jimenez got that impressicn when the kids kept whispering, "Where do they keep the bad guys?•• "He re's the desk where the comm e r c i a l bu r g l ary i n - vestigator sits,'' J imenez inter- rupted, pointing lo an empty of· fice chair. Getting little response from thut a nnouncement, the juvenile officer mumbled, "Yeah, well I guess that's no big deal." Wait'llHe Get,s Home SAN DIEGO IAP> -A mother's firmness did what the full force of the law couldn't. T he sheriff's Special Weapons and Tactics team s urrounded a southeast San Diego house when an ap· parently armed youth was holed up late T hursday after a reported burglary at a nearby home. The heavily armed of· fi cers, unable to contact the youth by telephone or by knockingonthedoors, were waiting when his mother got home. In a minute, she emerged with her JJ.year·old son armed with a wuter pistol. He was tat<en to Juvenile Hall for investigation of first.degree burglary but later r eleased to his mother's wrath. (JC Irvine Lectures Lobotomy V aloes Told by Surgeon ByPIUUPROSMARIN futurism <beginning Jan. 11, 011i.0e11,,.....si.ft Wednesdays 7 p.m. to 10 p.m .• $49 noncredit, $69 credit). Lobotomies .can be educa-Goodman said the forebrain is lional, says a UC Irvine Ex· the seat of true creative genius, tension lecturer, Dr. David Good-of morality and spiritual ecstacy. man. The rear brain, by contrast. Lobotomy· is the surgical a ppears suited for logical, linear, ==~~~~'r,'!':l:=::i:~::; severing of nerve fibers coM ect-verbal thinking. CE~~U:.:.=~~~ ing the frontal Jobes to the rest of Forebrain intemgence is as- 1.1,. Y•ll•Y. 1,,,1,.., ·--Y•tl.., and the brain, performed by inCllllOn SOCiated with the &dull mind: the ~=r'..:!:"'~~~,.:'~ through the skull. rear regions tend to act like a ~!:O'°".C:..O:::::.!~~i::,.z,: .. no w .. 1 a., Without lobotomy, according c hild's mind, sim p le, uncon- .... to Goodman, an important func· cemed with the future. ,.,.=.:=-tion and division of the hum~ In an article to be published J"''"·~ brain might not have been diJ~ hxt m onth in the journal, v,.,._..,.,., .... -.. -.... covered. "Human Behavior," Goodman "'"';:,~-T hanks to the work or aur1eons writes that if the subject of a ~d.Mr.r:-who performed more than 30,000 lobotomy were to appear among ""'~'"'' '°' lobotomies since 1937, sclentlata peo"'le today, Se'd be mistaken ~If.UM lll-..P,,..n d d 'f t" 1. .. 111 ... 1Ma,,..1,,.~• ... • h ave dlscovere distinct J • for a hippie. Offtc•• ferencesinthetbou1htprocesses The major noticeable di!·, 01tlliMt"'1 ))0"" .. 11n'""' or the forebrain and the rear re-ference between a lobotomlc sub· = .. .:~~::~~=::.:~-: .... ~~"·•i-va mou. ... , •• 110.00 gionaofthebrain,hesald. ject and other people wou d be, •tS""''?'-.''_.., Goodman, whoeeown reitarch Goodman writes, that he lacks TGl9•s•n•f11•1~ has included studJea of the brain foreslaht, and a ppears "a ci:.~=~ reflexes of m ud puppies, and o( memberottheNowgeneratJon."· 1t1..i10 s uraically naive salamanders, "Without purpose l n Hre, ,,_...,a.-said the forebratn appHrs without a workable llte plan, nit· ~....,_~~.,141 retpon1lb1e ror man's atilll\Y to Ung almlfllaly from job to job, MMUO plan ahead, or lorecaet the (he) ta now living for tho mo- ~ c.-. """''~ •future. ·ment . ., =£,,.~.;.~~:=: ;;;:; -7ha1'1 U.. thnllt of a to-week "Concerned oa!y wltb the 'me,' ., .. l'iiHt ~·"' .. ,,,,.~r .. aerolAar he'll boat at UCI oa the be 11 In tune with conteMporary ~~ and -Mfl-.... M C-...... SeniU8 of t,be lllDIDU bf&ln, V81HI Of avoi;A~fbtl uvm =;-~!ff ... . "1r...:·~ -~~~ ~ . ~ . ltl~Jf.t'~~~~~~-li~-·· ~ ~J.i'-~"31fl t ·anl!~ · r.iibort. al1ower ~ , ' •'When arc we going lo gt'l to see Tll E J AIL." one impatient youngster piped up." drawinR gasps from his tiny peers who didn't think anyone would ask the big question out loud. "Just hang on," Jimenez laughed. ''That's our next stop." The youngsters began Jostling for pos ition coming downstairs from the detective bureau of· fices, lining up two by two a nd holding hands, as they had ob· viously been ordered before ar· r ival at the Laguna Beach cop shop. "Okay, stop right he r e." J imenez ordered as the group reached a long , gray-painted hallway. "I have to check and see if we have any prisoners to· day." The tall officers' footsteps echoed off the dark walls as he walked to one end of the long hallway. Looking in a doorway, he shook his head and returned to Judge Rejects Van Houten Bail Cut Bid LOS ANGELES IAP> A judge turned do" n Leslie Van Houten's bid for a bail reclucllun Fndav a:. sht' a\\ a1ts her third trial for the murder of Rose mar> and Leno l.aUianca. "I think the temptation to flee might \\Cll h£> irres1s table in a (' as e or this :>t'rJOU Sness. '' Superior Court .Jud~e Gordon Ringer said as he denied the mo· tion to reduce the $200,000 bail lo $50,000. Miss Van Houten, <J former member of the Charles Manson family, was conviclC'd along with Manson and t wo others in 1971 of the 1969 murders or the La Bian· cas. Her conviction was OVN· turned in 1976. A r etrial this Ma rch ended in a hung jury, seven members vot- ing for first·degree murder a nd five voling for m anslaughter. thl• group, JH1ssinR them and heading for the other end of the corridor. "Oka:-" you can come down here.·· he said. al which time 2R fel't hammered on the concrete fl oor toward the officer (j a s p:. escaped from the ) uungsters a:. they s tood facing tv. o ::.mall jail cells, metal doors JJar. ·'Go on in if you want to," he !\aid, ind it at in~ the closer of the t \\ o tells A mad dash and they \\Ne all in. hanging onto the bar:.. JUmpina on the bed and !'.queahng with delight. L'nl1l Jimenez said he \\aS go- in ~ to lock the door. A pmk·swealered young girl. the last to walk into the cell, was the f1 rsl to dash out. Thl' rest stayed inside. bul they watcht•d .J1m ene:t intently as he grabbl'd the heavy door and told the kids to watch their fingers. "This is going to be loud, .. he s;ud. sliding the door shut. Ker- HLAM . The kid s loved it. They ~t·reamed and clapped their hands together at the prospect of However. Lieutenant Cooke said police were not yet satisfied. with the composite description they were making from talking lo people al the apartment and the librury. An earlier composite drawing issued by Glendale police turned out to be the wrong man, police said. The composite showed a m an who was reportedly seen driving ont> victim's car the night ~he was killed. GlendaJe police said, however, that th<>y had found the man and talked to him Thursday. Pair Drown When Yacht Sinks Off LA being lo<'ked up in a real jail cell. LOS ANGELES (AP> -Two Jimenez had concern on his men wcre"\cilled and two others fo ce as he patted his pockets and w ere rescued after one boat 1 urned to school director Phil capsized and another crashed in· Norris \\ho was snapping photos to rocks during rough seas of( the t>f the kids. "Uid l give :-ou the keys?" he Sou thern California coast, as ked the El Toro director in a authorities said Friday. The bodies or two men missing :.Lage whisper. Fourteen pairs of eyes turned after their yacht capsized were r ecove r ed Friday after a from Jimenez to the school direc-massive Coast Guard search in t o r -.}ben back again to the Santa Barbara Channel, Ji'.~T~~~~ :,~re I had them," he Coast Guard officials said. The body of Stephen White. 23, ~a~~rvous laughter came from of Po~ Hu~neme wh as 100t~ the dark 10-by-15-foolcell. about sax males sout west o e "NAw: here they are, .. he srud •• Channel ~s l andt Ha rbor en- pulling the heavy keys from his tran~c. srud spokesman Joseph pocket. Davis. f "Guess I had 'em all the time.·· The body o Ch~rlcs Lang, 21, he chuckled unlocking the heavy of V cnt~ra was found about door. seven miles. fro'!' the harbor en- T h e k 1 n d erg a rte n er 5 trance, Davis said. ~cram bled out of the cell and the The men were a1?<>ard a 17-f~t tour continued through the rest of Boston .whaler which was being the police department and the towed to the harbor by a 4l·foot adjacent fire department. C~ast Gua~d vessel . Thursday nut it ·s the jail cell the kids will night nner 1t had engine trouble remember lhe mosl. near Santa Cruz Island. CLASSICAL SPORTCOATS Tweeds, Herringbones, Plaids, Camelhair & Blaiers. trom '.$130 ' GUY LIVINGSTON • .... Noise Fee Eyed Riky Backs Two Airport Proposals 'By KATHY CLANCY 01-.o.u, ........... tn 0tdd1llon. R1l~y 5ugg~st~ 1.t The airport bus franchise 'luieter maJ<irnum noise levtl operator now considers dema nd Commercial alrlines may one: day be required to use quieter jets at Orange County Airport and o~rators of noisy ~ircraft may be charged higher fees if Supervisor Thomas Riley has hss way. might be imposed in 1983 equal to for Ontario service too small to noise generated b y the new warrant a bus s ervice from quieter DC-9. Orange County to Ontario, RUey Thal standard might go into ~f ::.aid. feel in 1983. Riley suggested. g1v But a te"mporary subsidy may mg the airlines some timt lo help boost demand as residents Riley endorsed those two pro-p~sals Friday to cut back on ~1rport problems from among a list county airport officials have been discussing for some lime. bcginconverting theirfleets become aware o f the bus In addition, Riley proposed. ser vice's availability, he said. setting airport use Jee::. lhal R1l<.•y's airµorl proposals came would include an extra charge to on the h~els ~r a suggeStlon by noisy aircraft to recover the Supt•rvi1>or Philip Anthony that county's cost for noise reduction the airport needs a new master As a means of implementing the quieter jet program, Riley suggested that s upervisors stt noise limits for commerc1al jets. programs. plan. Ile .!'aid. such a .charge m1 ~ht of Anthony said the airport con- f ~r an incentive to private ge::.tionproblemis dcsperateand ~uch limits would be equal to noise qow generated by the lioe- mg n1 and DC-9 now operated' by Air California and Hughes aircraft operators to convert to / could fail to meet lhe needs of the 4u1etcr models "' l·ounty's grim mg busmess and As a separate suggestion, the mdus trit•s withm a few years. AlrWest. · Newport Uead1 supervisor pro Anthony said he feared county posed that the county temporan official~ have been .so occuplt'd Airhnes could be given, perhaps, 12 months to comply wjth those standards. ly subsidize private bus service \\1th airport noise issues, they from Orange County to Ontario hetve been unable to 1>lan the Airport. facility µropcrly A Near Miss Wzuµy Male·'Beauty' Suing l\t ark Perry has been told he doesn't qualify as a contes- tant in the Miss Fullerton contest. But it's not because he's not a miss. The 21-ycar-olt.I collc~e student received a form reJec t1on letter from contc::.l officials explaining that the local contest must conform with the high standards of the Miss America competition That mtans t·ontcslanls musl have "beauty of face and fi gure," he was told. The form letter l.uggested that Perry, a sociology major at Cal State Fullerton. re-apply since the competition 1s a "i.'rowing and learning experience." The lett er does not say anything about his being male, although contt•!.l offil'ials did try tod1~courage him during a 11c·rsont1l interview session. Pt•rry said he s igned up for the contest because he thinks such pageants arc "dumb" and "archaic ... But he said he became even more determined to enter after of fitials told him the main purpose 9f the pageant 1s to en· C'ouragc scholarship. Westminster Burglary Suspect Captured In Three Minutes A burglary in which someone hurled an auto wheel rim through the glass front of a Westminster <1tereo shop to snatch speakers \ J lued at SI .OOG wai; quickly solved. police said. The suspect in the case was un- der arrest \\ilhin three minutes about two miles away, W t'sl minster police Officer Earle NB Attorney OnOCPanel ·Newport Beach attorney Michael <;. Gering has been ap- pointed to the 19-member Orange Cou nty Citiz<'ns Direction Find- ing Commission. Gering, 32, was appointed to fill a three-year commission term . by Supervisor Thomas Riley. lie replaces attorney Rodger Howell who soon will move from Riley's district. The commission sludies issues and policies facing county gov- ernment as ~II as offers advice to lawmakers and leaders. Riley said. Graham said in recounting lht· 3:47 a .m. caper. Kenneth Leon S1tnders. 22. of Garden Grovt•, was captured on the Garden Grove Freeway just C'aSl of Reach Boulevard and book~d for investi!(ation of burglary. He was also held in Orange Counly Jail today on two arrest warrants previously issued in l'on n cction with ullcged narcotics and traffic violations, Officer Graham said. "We were right on lop of thr case,'' Officer Graham said or the predawn break-in at the Federated Group, 14200 Beach Blvd.. just around the corner from the police station. The stereo shop is also just around thl• cornrr from thr courthouse where Sanders will be arraigned. , Officer Graham said after thr silent hurglar alarm was tripped at headquarters. officers arriv- inJt on the scene evidently found a witness who said the suspect car roared away northbound on Beach Boulevard · Investigators said the loot was recovered as evidence Engineering Dean Out HB Seizes Suspect In Slaying Huntinglon Bc:ich police have arrested a 24-ycar-old Para- mount man m connection with the Del' 11 slaymg of Gerald Hl·rna rd D1et1, 32. who apparent- ly d1l·d clulchini! a bag of co- 1. a int• Chnslophcr Joseph Kops, ar- rested in a Downey restaurant, w<1s booked inlo Huntington Beach Jail Friday ;.ind charged \\1th murder. Kops remained in C'ustody Fruluv in lieu of $250,000 bail. · · Dietl, of 16881 Newland St . llunt1ngton Beach, was found by .a 6·) car·old boy\\ ho s poke lo the dying man hcforr thu shootmg \ 1l't1m t'xpirct.I in his apartment l1vin i.: room. The killing is thought by 1>oli cc lo relate to drugs. Paramedics found the slain man holding tht• l'OCi.llO(' Three slugs from a handgun had struck l11s chest. said police Sgt. Luis Ot hoa. Dietz was taking care of the c hild for a neighbor when a man t1 rrived al the apartment and an argument ens ue<! Tht• boy was \\ atching lelc\·is1on in another room when the shooting oc· t·urrrcl. policl' ~a1cl After speaking lo Dietz. the lad ran to a neighbor's home. The neighbor called J>Qlic<:. Ochoa said u search of thr slam man's apartm ent turned up several ounces of cocaine and weighing scales. Pn vat<' funeral services were held earlier this week for Dietz at Westminster Memorial Park. Ex-TV News ·Chief Dead LOS ANGELES CAP> Former KNXT-TV news director Grant llolcomh died Friday of canter al St. Vincent ·s Hospital. the station announced. He was 60. Hol comb. born in San Bernardino and educated at the Univers ity of California at Berkeley, had worked at several radio stations, includinJ? KCBS. the CBS owned-and-operated sta- tion in San Francisco, and KNX. lhe CBS radio facility in Los Angeles. UC Irvine Rift Denied By WILLIAM HODGE plementtheplans." 0tti.eoe11yf'll•t1•111 But McGaugh's relationship A top UC Irvine official reject-with the engineering school has ed speculation Friday that the been controversial in lhe past. cam pus engineering school's In October, 1976, McGaugh •dean resigned over disagree· rais'ed a ngry criticism from ments about t he professional faculty members and students school's futur e. over a proposed merger between 1•1 think he fell that it was time the engineering school and the for new leadershJp, •• Academic school of physical sciences. Affairs Vice Chancellor James Several engineering faculty .McGaugh claJmed. mem bers threatened , to leave The dean, Dr. James H. their jobs if the merger took Mulllgan Jr .• submitted his re-place. claiming it would un. signation to UCl Ch ancellor dermine the professional integJi. Dan tel Aldrich early Thursday in ty or the school. w ha t school offlc:ials initially McGaugh eventually scrapped ·described as a "complete sur· the merger plans but called for prlao." studies ol the school's operation Friday, however, McGaugh and plans for its future. In praised recentlY unveiled plans February, he said there were no to increase the en gineer ing Rreat prospects, tor the school's &cbool's faculty by 10 lnslrvctors expansion. over the next tbree to tour years. F r iday, however, McGaugh Jfe tald &he fac\llty Increase was sald t he completed s tudies •omethlng Mumaan haa been demonstrated a need for faculty worldne toward. Jn the engineerlng school end ••There have been a lot ot werethebaaisforrecommendln1 thta11 accomplished r ecently In 10.ddiUonaHnsiructora. iht e n1ineerln1 sch ool ," T he school has H lnstructors JI Q a u ld. ·•l bell eve plus an additional position left. Unual developm;ni or the school or engineering,' McGaugh said. "Al a time when there is slow growth in the UC system, this is a big committment. · • And the 10 additional instruc· tors do not reflect the engineer- ing school's possible eventual size. "That's not exactly an ex· presslon of what we would ul- tim ateJy like to see," McGau111t asserted. defending his intt.n· lions to strengthen the school. McGaugh said most engineer- ing faculty were in agreement with the projected increase in In· structors. He said the first five posilion11 would be filled by the n_pxt acadamlc year beginning in sep. tember, 1978. Two of the posi· lions, however, had been frozen for over a year. Mulligan vfas unavailable for commen t lat~ F riday on McGaugh's remarks. Earller that da9 he said his resignation was "tor the good or the scbooi or engineering." Mulligan plans to return to Cull· time leachlna and research at . Saturday, 0.0.mb.r 17, 1977 Bowad in Need DAILY PILOT • AS Polanski Enters Prison CHINO (AP) -Movie director Roman Polanski, famed for such movies as .. Chinatown" and "Rosemary's Baby," entered California Men's Institute late Friday to begin a court-ordered 90-day psychluttlie examination. The Polish director, accom- panied by his attorney, refused to talk with reporters outside the facility. Polanski pleaded guilty Aug. 8 lo having sexual intercourse. formerly known as statutory rape, with a 13-year-old unlden· tified Woodland Hills girl during a photographic modeUng session at actor J ack Nichol son's Coldwater Canyon home. He was arrested March 10 after lhe girl's mother filed a complaint. The offense carries a passible sentence oC one year in county jail to 50 years in state prison. Paco is a·h6und indeed ~ a bloodhound or search dog. Hight now, he's searching for a home. Officials at the Laguna Beach ~PCA say he is housebroken, likes thildren and is a good watchdog. He"s 3 years old. If you·re searching for a dog like Paco, call or visit the SPCA on Laguna Canyon Road, telephone 494·1512. Polanski, 44, will not be sen- tenced until the psychiatric ex· amination, ordered by Superior Court Judge Laurence J. Ritten· band last Sept. 19, is completed. • Deputy District Attorney Roger Gunson said the study could take less than 90 days. ZE:HITH VIDEO CASSETTE IECOIDB-llTA TAPI SYSTIM PHONE FOR LOW Very Low Price PRICE! For this special HO COMMISSIOHID 4 SALlSMIH lay-a-way for X-mas •Wotd1-~-.d • .,. .-oHwr. • T _,. ,,_ morih ,,..,,_ waille~._..-.,. ·:=~~ PHONE _J_m_oo_w~--------------~-·--~--.968•3329 1911 DIA&OHAL 011 MOD& FREE DELIVERY AND SET-UP TBlMS UPTO 36 MOHTHS FOR OUR LOW PRICES! J"ll IEHITH'S HST It " Dl.t.(;OH.t.L ASI POI WAllAHTY '.t. lrlC""" IS SJ ltlt FUTURES ZOOM ID40U 1978 ZENITH PORTABLES ~ I ll" Dl.t.GOH.t.L ~-:::::--• SJ 1321 W ' I FlATUUS SCIOO REMOTE 1/···-ii ,_ Jll20 I l" Dl.t.GOH.t.L WITH IIHITH'S EVG TUHU -~ -~====:i• -- 1 • .. ~I J __ .::;o,,,i , __ Jl720 17" DIAM>MAL 'JHI f'tlCI IS llGffr 1711 DIA&OM.Ali PORT AILE CHROMACOLOR II THE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE . EVENT OF THI YUlt PHO HE FOllLOW PllCE llMtTfD SUPPi.Yi ,, .. ~ SJIUI fUTUHS 100MIEMOTE SPICIAL CHllSJMAS HOWS SUM. 12-5 MOM.-FRI. I 0.9 SAT. I 0.5:30 2511 DIAGONAL TAILE MODEL 178 MODEL NII DIUVIH AHO Slf·Uf' UPTO l6MOS. AttAHCI~ JiZSIOW ) 25" DIAOONAL CHROMACOLOR II ZOOM REMOTE ~. ---..... CALL FOR AIC's . n t : _, Low-Low PR•cE . .V .. ·~:~~·~~OH THIS TOP.oF- ' El:~ '. , r THE-UME 1EMITH . , l-· _./ I ..:: ..-S.12527 REMOTE!. PlUS THI IUTTOH GIT l"STAHT CLOSl0Urt '1f!Ull IS ~. LAIGUI TUIH SIT OH Ol Off - Cf'IAJ4GI CHAMHILS -ADJUST VOWMI -MUTI SOUND. '-+-.r'r1l~-w:i~~~~~i1t~·~-,·~~w; .. ~--~ri~f11~11111 .h~--.·''"" I· ...... -.~--- ' .• Cl a J>ec. 31, hls llnal day u ~ .~ '1'::~~"'""~~~""""~""'~!11- " •• " •• ' ,.,-.... f CM. V "'-bT !I .JFK Paid Off lilted Womati? \\' SUISGTO. <AP 1 J Eda:ur Hoover·~ prlvate files ln d1c1ttl' lht• former 1"81 ducetor l5>1d Altorn.:> Gcnerul ttobc.:rt 1". Kcnn\'dy an 19153 thaL ht h:&d In formation that Ktmnedy puld ~.000 up1>ucntly to ciuush u l1.1w~u1t by a woman who churned i-.hc wa~ J1lled by John Jo' Ken nedy in l.9Sl. Accordini.; to the fllc.:s, Robert Kennedy allegedly went lo New Vol'k to arruna:e the out -of court sottlcment ot the luwsu1t just before his brother's lnaugurntlon as president in J anuar y 1001. SEVERAL PEOPLE close to Hoover •nd Bobcrl l(ennedy ln the early IiGOs clo m,d ther wa bllle Uk Ubood that lhe alle~ed c1.11h payolt dually took place. Hoover·• Oles. released by the l''Bl under a freedom -of · Lnforma\lon request, are he1v1ly cen•ored. They alao note that neither Hoover nor the FBI ac· tually eaw court documents re· latlog to the aUeged lawsuit. According t o Hoover's memorlU)dum to the former at· torney general. tl\e er\tl re record of the suit was sealed by a judge in New York. THE MEMORAtmtJM, 1ent to Robert Kennedy Ju.ne 5, 1963, noted that an Italian wMkly magulne, Le Oro, publlihed an ar tlcle in 1961 claiming that a "om an Ide ntified by the magazine as Alicia Purdom. at the time the wife of actor Ed· mund Purdom, said she had been engaaed to marry John Kennedy. The magazine sald the engage· ment was broken off in 1951 alter objection from Kennedy's father. Joseph P. Kennedy. A separate Hoover memoran· dum sent to Robert Kennedy at O•ilY "ilot S!Mf .. _ 'WHE N YOU'RE YOUNG IS THE TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT THINGS' Gray Panthers Naomi Thomas, left. Robert Valier and Minna Liebman Meet Tee ns Ba.-ge Sinks Project Where Bloody Violence Failed, 'Accident' Wins? S/\USALITO (/\P l -Some <]UestionNJ whether it was the work of fate or man. hut all sides aj!recd the l'l1nk1ng of an aging barge• called "Old Red " will de· lay ch'velopment of a new marina where bloody violence erupted this v. eek. 111 a shroud of darkness and rain. the massive, llO·foot hulk of rotting timber went down before da\.\n Thursday, squarely m the path of a $3 million construction project "h1ch has been bitterly opposed by houseboat ov. ners liv· mg al the site Laguna Man De ad at 85; Rites Slated Wilham W. Montgomery, a JO.year resident of Lag una Beach. diro Tuesday ut the age of 85 a t Tustin Communit y llospiJ.al. He ~·as I.he father of William Montgomery Jr .. a Laj!una Beach city custodian. Mr Montf(omery was a m ember of the Masonic Lodge in Laguna Heach as well as I.he Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 672 In Laguna. The Missouri native moved to Laguna Beach 30 }ears ago and formerly owned a grocery store mtown He i!4 survived by his wife, Eu~ka. of Tusl in. where the cou· pie r ecently moved: sons. Richard Montgomery of El Toro. and Wiiiiam, Jr. of Laguna Beach. Services will be held at 10 a .m. t o d ay al McCorm i c k Mortua ry c hapel in Laguna Beach. Burial wi ll follow at Pacific View Mt•morial Park in Newport Beach. TlJ E BARGE, ONCE the pro· perty of William "Billy the .Kid '" Kirk, was sold recently to a Swiss woman who is the aunt of one of the houseboaters, said atlorney Paul Kayfelz. .. It's mos t unfortunate th at poor Billy's former barge was so damaged during the storm." said Kayfetz. who represents the houseboaters. "But every cloud has a silver lining. The barge 1s now the cork in the bottle " M ARIN COUNTY sher iff's deputies, called to the scene too late Thursday. said they arrived 10 time to hear what they described as ··chopping sounds" coming from inside the barge. Said one security guard at the Divorcing Robert Hcgyes, a l.'O·Slar of the TV series "Welcome Back Kott~·· and his wife of four years. Mary. have f i I c cl fa r cl i "o r c e i n Los Angeles Court. No rcuson \VUS gi\'CO. scen e: "There really wasn't much any of us could do except shake our heads." The Waldo Point project on San Francisco Bay has sparked a series of bitter confrontations hetween deputy s heriffs and house boaters \\ho charge the de· velopment will force them from their funky, mostly homemade dwellings. DF:~WPERS Of T HE new marin a and county officials cl:11m the noating settlement is a health and safety hazard. The dispute climaxed Monday 1n a n uar·swinging melee t)ctween sheriffs deputies and houseboulers which landed eight adult protesters in the county lockup, bloodied several others and sent one deputy to the hos pital. Trouble erupted when :11ome houseboaters attempted to block the arrival of a floating plied r iver. Kayfetz told this version of the sinking: "DliRING T H E storm, it broke loose and got jammed In dia gonally . blocking the piledriver. Then about 50 con· crete patches spontan eously camt• loose and the barge sank firmly in the mud." But one ot the houscboaters. who declined lo be identified, said about 50 hoat dwellers had scuttled the barge. Sheriff's Capt. Sid Stinson said his department won·t interfere In what it considers a private dis· pule. DEVELOP E R LEWIS Cook said he'll take the matter to court. llo usehoater Larry White summed up the sentiments of his fellows. "This is a major v ictory. They·rc finally going to have to deal with us ins tead of just com· ing in and steamrolling over us.·· Storm Moving East Snow, Freezing Rain Lash Plaim Stares 1,. "'°"·" .,, -··· , ,,, O••• 1.,,. vo HAllONA' WUl-.tt SlllllCI N0&411 US 0•"' •I c • ., ... ,.. 111-11 , ...... ~ .. ,,..,,,.. _._...... TempereturH tllOUld r•"9• from llltllt Ill 1"4 60I lo IOws In I"" .0. 11\~ttN r._ SurtR~ri Huntington 8te<111 wavu •-to lowr IHI wltll _. •-II. COfldlll9fl' 1.ir, Mtwl)Ort IHcll: Weva• two to I~ IHt wlt"_,l1-ll.C9fldltlOlll ,.,,. ~:!!.':."' MoftdtV·~11d•~ II vo<• dO M l ll•vfl VOIJ( P•l>tl bV ~ ~ 11 "' Qlll 1><11<><• f II IOI •MO your COOY Will IN! .,..,.jl(ocj l).ttur411v 1nd 8" n<l•Y II Y'lll CID llOI ::.:: ,cf.u:., ~ ./:,.,Y. ~ "',;,11C:: d• ..... ltd the same time does not refer to Alicln Purdom by name but does discuss the alleged law1u1l. T H E HEAVILY EDITED memorandum read-.: "ln addi· lion to the bill of partic ulars, let· ters were exhibited which men· tioned John F. Kennedy a11 an as· soclate of this woman ... Wh en this suit was filed in New York just prior lo the president's U · • suming ofrice you went to New York and arranged u settlement of the case out of court for $500,000. AV papers r elating to this matter, including the com· pl a tn t, a llegedly were Im mcdlutely sealed by tht! court." John Seigenthaler, who wu~ Rob e rt Kenned y's ad · ministrative assistant in 1960 µnd 1961, said, "l never heard of the woman, and l don't have any re· collection ot the memos. I shared an office with him when he sup· posedly pa\d the money in New York and I lived with him at his house during that time, so I'm sure 1 'd have known." Seigenthaler is publisher of the Nash ville Tennessean. Teens Warned Panthers: Think A.bout A.ge By LAlJRIE KASP ER Of Ille 09ily .. , ... St.If Most of the Capistrano Valley IUgh School students .haven't even reached 18 yet but here they were, being encouraged lb consider Ire· tirement. "When you're young is the lime lo start thinking about things. You arc going to be 65. You're going to get to be 95. some of you. Maybe even 150 by then," said Minna Liebman, new president of the Laguna Hills chapter of Gray the entire savings could be wi1>cd Panthers. out by one major sickness. SHE AND TWO others from lhe senior citizens' advocacy group had been Invited to the class on contemporury world problems by Linda Battaglia. a senior stude nt. The Panthers went to the class with the hope of debunking some myths. explaining common pro· blems of old people and gaining support for their efforts. The Panther president said many people consider old age a disease and "they put us away someplace.·· But aging is a hfe process. she argued. "YOU'LL BE GETTING there a little later and you'll be in the same situation.'' She saic.l beliefs that older peo. pie arc all senile, sexless and un· able to work arc myths. Powerlessness is another pro· blem. she said. "You 're relegated to the a~h heap." But she said senior citizens can be powerful because they have nothing more to lose. MRS. LIEBMAN explained thut the Gray Panthers orgnniza· .tion was formed in the 1960s when some senior citizens decided to join young people on the picket lines and protest the war in Viet· nam. She said the combination of young a nd old was a positive move. With the war over, Naomi Thom as. pal'it president of the grou p, sa id the Panthers are fi ghting mandatory retire ment and s +pporling adequate hous· ing and a national health care plan. SHE TOLD THE students that the maximum Social Security bene{it a person can receive is $296 a month. "J ust Imagine Jiving on $296 a month." she said. Even if a person managed to save $50,000 after raising a fami · ly. the Interest would provide only $4,~ a year for living ex· penses, she said. And, she added, ROBERT YALLER, a Leisure World resident active in the Pan- thers. said European countries provide better health care plans. "The health of the European people is far s uperior to the health or people in the United States." he argued. "If we take some money off that sweet. juicy war budget and put it in social services, we cer· tainly could solve some problems in our country." Valier said. ONE ST UD ENT, however , asked how the country could be protected if Russia has better "ea pons than th.is country. ··Don't allow them to scare you with that," Mrs. Liebman said. She a rgued that the United States hasn't been invaded since 1812 and is surrounded by friend · ly nations. She contended the important question is. "Wh at arc we doing for our people?" ANOTHER STUDENT asked if the Panthers arc trying lo move popr people up to middlc·class standards. But the trio said this is n't their intent. They said it is the middle· class people who need the help. Crash Cause Undetermined EVANSVILLE, Ind . CAP) - Fede ral investigators said Fri· day that neither the weather nor pilot error a ppeared to have caused 'lhe crash of a chartered DC·3 that kill ed 29 people, includ· ing the entire University of Evansville basketbaJI team. "We're now concentrating on possible mechani~al or machine error, but that doesn't m ean that is the cause," s aid Philip ~­ Hogue of the Nati o n a l Trans portation Safety Board. "As far as we know, there was no pilot error. but that s till must be determined." LOCAL I NATIONAL Computer Sharing Studied Hoare.I uuthorlzallon to spend $527 ,000 on shared computer time with the Newporl·Mesa Unified School District will be sou~ht Monday by Cupistrano Unified School District adm inistrators. Monday's school board meet· Ing will be at 7:30 p.m. at district offices, 32972 Calle Perfecto, San Juan Capistrano. The contract with the Newport- M csa di s trict would allow Capistrano U nifi e d a d · mlnls trators to use Newport· Mesa computers. compute r materials and computer support services through 1982. The administration is also seeking board approval to de· vclop bid specifications for the rental, purchase or lease· purchase of its computers. which \\ ould b<' plnced in district offices and ut the district's three high school:oi The plan to affiliate with the Newport-Mesa ~chool district to d evelop computer capability within the Capist rano district was a pproved by Capistrano Unified trustees Dec. 5. Singers Plan 'Messiah' For Tonight Saddleback College's Chamber Singers. Con cert Choir and Chamber Orchestra will join in a pe rformanc<' of H andel"s oratorio "Messiah'" at 8 tonight in the Laguna Beach High School auditorium. Admission is free and· no res· erv a tions a rc required. ALVIN BRIGHTBI LL will con· duct the combined groups for \he Christmu5 program . Soprano Gloria Grace Prosper, alto Diane Pilcher. tenor Franz Brightbill und b<1 ss Ma rc Clemens ure feutured soloists. Miss Prosper h<1s appeared regula rly with the Roger Wagner Chorale and performed with con· duclors Zubin Mehta. Leonard B ernst ei n and Leo p o l d Stokowski. MISS PI LC H E R , a . Metropolitan and San Francisco Opera Auditions finulist. is with the Laguna Opera and Fullerton State Opera Theatre. Brightbill has performed with the Laguna Opera, Carmel Bach Fes tival. the William Hall Chor a le and the Los Angeles Master Chorale. Clemens. who teaches music in Long Beach . is a frequent performer at the Carmel Dach Festival a nd is affiliated with lhe Wes t Bay and Chicago Lyric- Operas. Playground Ope n Adventure Playground at Talbert /\venue and Gothard Street in llunlmgton Beach will he open during Christmas vaca· lion. The playground will be open from 11 a .m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. MUSIC / CAREERS I STOCKS Stardom's· £01nlng &Doney Singer Keep• Hoping ~ ALBANY. N. Y. (AP> At 22. 8Qb- by Mlcbae:ts wu lend \O<.'Mhi.t for the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, probably the YOUJl&est singtr ever to hotd l>UCh a promlnenl posilu>n with a band of that caliber. For 18 months, he toured the world. first.class. Then he guvo it all up. He 1'anted to becomt-a star. And now, two years later, he's ready to admit aucceB1Sdoesn'lhappen overnight. Michael lleaberg, son or an Air Force colonel, traveled throughout the world as a chHd. He spent most of his high school days in Texas and went on the road with a show band during his col- 1 e g e days at . Texas Christian University. • ••1 WENTTHROUGll a period when ~ery door was gettin~ slammed in my face," he said in an interview after a lengthy nightclub engagement here. "And when you get used to au- diences of 2,000, s tanding ovations and things like that with the Dorsey band -and then &II of a sudden not even being able to get even a club job -it's a shock. So traveling with the Dorsey band ·was natur al. He got the job after then· band director Murray McEachem spotted him in a club in Bossier City, La. "You know, it's just Zap -you think, 'Wher e did it all go?· .. It takes lime lo establish connec· tions and' things like that," Michaels said, ''and my proble m was I was re· ally expecting it to happen overnight. when it really hasn't " BUT MICHAELS IS con\'lnced he m ade the right decision leaving the Dorsey band. Lately. he's been doing well on the big-ci t y hotel and nightclub circuit with his "mellow rock" style. And Michaels. who'l> provided buck ground on r ecords by establtshed stars like B. J . Thomas. recently finished a one-month recording stint at Sugar Hill Studios in Houston and his first album is due out soon. He's also been ac:tivc in modeling and fimshl•d fir:-.l in recent competi- tion in ProvidcncP, n. I., as a reprC'senlative of the Louise Royka Studio of Stai.:c Arts in nearby Schenectady. A Holl} wood hcreen lest is in tht> off ml! and a~ M ichacls puts il, ihings arc finu lly htarttng to jell: l\tl C II A E LS. H 0 R ~ B 0 BB Y ··1 really enjoyed 1t. We were doing 300 miles a day in our bus and" dif· ferent show every night. It was really nice -you know every guy got a deu- ble seat. It was comfortable; it was road life -a card game going on in the back; and everybody who wanted to listen to music had headphones ; most everybody sleeping and a couple of cases of beer in the back "BUT THEN THE time came when I started to reel stagnant because l "'as doing the same 20 songs and we did them in the same order every ni ght and I'd done everything I could possibly do with the songs. "So r had a n ice credit or time with the band and I decided to strike out on my own." And although he's found it <lirricult at times. he's convinced it's just a matter of time before he makes it big. "EVER SINCE I CAN remember I would look al a TV s bow and 1 would say ·-instead of, 'Gee, I wish I could do that' -f would say to my foM<s. 'Will you come see me when I do that.,... · "And I don't want that lo hound egotistical. but that's just the way l "\.c ah' a)s felt -that it's julot a matter of time" Ovt•r l 'he Countt•r HASD Liitinqi 30 11 lnl~•mk S1' • \1 • 1n1mu~,, 31"-• lJ•• ln8kW\t\ ,,. 1(1l 1 lw•SoUI 3\' .. )I, J•mW Pr ,~. J ,~·: 1~,~i"J S S'o JoslynM 10• t 10'· K.411\~lt ,,, ,41 i'b > i(•IYc1f 7' J K•manA 7(J , 71 K•mpAm 71 71•· K•teC.re ll 14 K•Y•am 23 1111 Korny T t! 1~:! ~:~T.!~ 77 71" I(~··~·" )'• l '• K•y(u\F 11"' 17 Kevs1n1 7J1 1 14 K•notnt ,,.,. tJ'., t<..ndp.t.V ,,, 10\• L•nC• In Q "'-10 LAl'IOA\.'1> 1•1 • ?0', Lant' Co S1 • .S~ L ICIS1or 1J• 1 H LlnR< t 11'-II l09~trn 4 &'• M•O•G E ~ ~·= ~=1~,~t t• 11 MqtA•C.t\ ) I M•u•I P ti t M< to"" 18 1111 M<~Mf t I 1 Mt'r<Hnv 1"'' 11 M 10\.cW lh ~ "'OIOC.•o _,,.. lt M..tltP "' 1'I HI M•ttlh "" 1 9 Mtll1pr l ' l '• M1,\VIG "'" 17 Monl(ol MOO<•~ 19 , 14 • Moort-Pd ~,. ~. ~ ::~r::,., 14._. u· .. Mo lctlM u·. 1J•\ Mo1c.1ub ' •'• Muf'll"r ,'t.'. 11\ ~:~~'b~~ 10'4 11 1 l<U1Llb1Y 17\t 13 • NS~' R\h 11' ,., N"'ld•llE 11 • 1t''• NJN(uH 111 l ti N1ittl'" A U'9 U' • Nif'l'n R U 14' > NOC.Pf'(•\ 1~•·, ?01 J NoEO• un I " 11 1 NwtNCi\ 11 '• 171._ N¥rll)lPS ' 1 No••lt W , 71 ()cJll•yM ' 4''• Of\Fil'tro ~+ti S'• Otl,.r fP • 4 1, OvfJ''"*'" 7 , ) PCA Int 45 41> P~l>"ll 9''> 10 ~ P•<G"R ,;. = ,~,: ~=~:ur " " 1 PenaEnt 7e .... 11' • P&terHH ~-•• 1>1 • Petrollt 11' 1l' • P~l11b0n .o 1' .. P1..clAvl ~~ n~: ~:~~~1~s P• ,,, P1on~18 14 •, lO'' Plaittnr I , I P090Pd _..,. '• PO'''~ • 1 l>•oO•P 10 10oa Pl>S•NC 401 .. 41 Purt8en ll' 1' PutOCap 1•1 • lb'• QualfM\ 1~4,. t~:,; =:~i~Pr ,, S'• Aaychm hi'• lH .. RolYrTH'ld 1&'.t 11 R~("g£QD 1 , ,,, Ro.acse~ 18 • 1'f1 • Rot>C>My ,, • 1$ A ow lotl 7S 15 • Roust H• ,..,, Ru•Stov 1~~ ,,.,,, Saeli•~ ]I'; l~~ ~~r~I 'f'• 10-*• ~1\0'1t 11 • u ' ~v~nuo lf> "' lb~. !,h&1i1Wm l 11 11 • SnpOnl l \ • 7-4• SO'•d~tS 21 t 12~ ~C.•IWlr 7' ~ 21 • SwG•C.P s 16 • s ... e'~" 1)'• 74 1• StAnd.,n J• • 24 • S.tdRM;•S ,,~. ,. ... SatuJday. Oeoember 11, u~n OAIL y PILOT AS For Cruising Earning, Check For eign Ships Uy JOYCI-: L. KENNEDY Thu; is question and answer da}. I -Dow can I get a job as a nurse or cruise dln~c&or oo a passenger sbJp'? ( ___ C4RE_E_RS_) Only four American flag passenger I ships will be sailing as of nexl spring. l .~;r~~ employ nurses-« cruise direc- ••Em ploymeot Opportunities in Cosmetics, Toiletry and Fragrance.'· -How can I ttet lnformaUon about the actuary field, wblch I understand has good career prospects? APWI ....... 'EXPECTING IT TO HAPPEN OVERNIGHT' It Didn't, But Bobby Michaels Keeps Hoping European S~y Guide Offered BRUSSELS. Belgium <AP) -Young people who want to study in Western Eu.rope can find useful information in a guide book published by the European Common Market. · It contains information on school fees, entrance requirements and even reduced rates offered stu· dents by some institutions and cilites. Contact foreign Ou.g e m ployers directly; the International Passenger Ship Association (17 Battery Pl., New York, N. Y. 10004) will send you a list or its 24 members. Also check for names or passenger ship operators in library travel reference books, travel agencies. and newspaper travel pages. -How can I get. startt.'Cl as a musi- dan'! Ma king the rounds of employers is the name or this tune. A ~w wrinkle· (!el exposure by perlofmmg Cree in federal office buildings. Many of the 10,000 federal buildings are open lo the public for community use now. • For details on the new n ationwide "Living Buildings" program, contact building managers direcUy. This ·s ame idea can be used by enter- taine rs , artis ts and c raftspeople who'd like the public to notice their talents. -Jlow can J get a job as a garbagf' collector. dump.man, or scavenger- man? In some communities, collectors and landfill workers are government civil service employees; in others. they're hired by private contractors. Call your city hall or county clerk and ask how it works in your locale. Write to the Society or Actuaries, Suite 650, 2tl8 So. LaSalle St.. Chicago. Ill. 60604. Also, a new four-page brief. ·•Actuaries,'' ls available for $1 from Chronicle Guidance, Moravia, N.Y. 13118. -How can I flDd out a bout employ· ment ln F1orida -Tampa, or possibly Pensacola? Subscribe to daily n ewspapers and write to the chamber of commerce in those areas. Check with your public employment service, which can pro- vide job infprmution about. other :.\ates. Send career qut'Sliom for this column to JO'IJCe Loin KenMdy at thl.B newspa~. LaglJ!ia Beach Yule Parade _Set Today T he guide, "A Hand.book .for Stud~~ts," costs the equivalent of $4.40. ll 1s mamly for c1t1zens of the nine Common Market countries but can be purchased by anyone and will be ~~ld in Europ~an cities and in Washington. D.C. Ed1t1ons are ava1la· ble in English, French, German, Italian, Dutch and Danish. -1 want to gel Into the cosmetic in· dustry; how can I obtain addresses or cosmetic makers, and names of of---:::::========::::---ficers? Lag una Beach's a nnu11l Christmas Storybook Panade m e mbers will march down Forest Avenue today at 11 a.m. with youngsters dressed as stor ybook characters, -and. or coul"'Se, Santa Claus. The parade, hosted by the Me r maid's division of the .chamber of commerce, will wind up at South Coast Theater where children will receive awards for best costumes and, see. a free movie. llp • and Do..,n s NI,... EIArr•v Alpu(.m Htrl•Y E•t•INY GtoSur• C.hom•r Moou11n Bt11W Ste•S¥1 Sun .. 1 C•mPl>OI O•ntally Rlpl~V v'''"" McF••IE UnLll>LI BluwtOG MeeO un Boly(p Jom•l>V Huno•vT LotldSll Un1•VOll GtAmC.P AM10Sv Ou•ilm• ll•dOyn -- The Cosmetic. Toiletry and Fra- grance Association (1133 l Sth St. NW. Washington, D.C. 20005) sells "Who's Who in the Cosmetic Industry" !or St5. The association also offers single copies '"P 34:pag~ booklet._ ·Lino• MEAL-IN.ONE MEMORYMATIC rtie Litton ~ .. ""'1°"'°"9 males !lie~ others c.art"t. Now. for 1hu fnr 11me, coolt thr~ dffetent foods oU ot onco with Memorymo11c Microwave Proqrom Cooltin<J Comes with a fomily·liied Micro Brownt'f C,,ill for $'1r'l'lftq. btownirq. and CJ•1l""1 P VBUC NOTICE PICTl'TlOUS a USINIUS NAMllTATIMINT JIMMY CLARK'S~HRISTMAS MGA ··PRiCES START AS LOW AS lN followl"9 _ _,,•re OOlnQ bU\I neues: VERSION$ FINE WINE AHO .JEWeLRY, 31717 (Ml\lno c..01 ... -. SM1 Jua" c.aiil<lr-. c.,t. t?Co J\ KenMll\ Bev.,., ~K1ml1, ,,,,. Summe rfield Lene, Sen J1,.n • c.pl.treno, CA. nus lteMcUI J-M«K•<11I•, 116J6 Summerfield L•ne, S•n Ju•n C..!'lllr-. CA. HlH llll• buslnn• 11 conduc.ted bv .,. ln- dlYllNel. · 1(-.lhB. MacKeftrlt Tiii• 1i.t-I w•• llted with the (ouftly Cl-ol Ofen911 Counly °"Nov. 2', ttn. , .. ," hblltMd Or-C.O.sl Oell'I' Piiot, Oec.3, 10, 17, 14, 1'7' 5049-r7 PUBLIC NOTICE MllD A LAWYR1 Lew&Altll ... * ONon:ie * 81,,klul)tC'f * Crlml,,.a * Wiile-Probate • I ncor1)0rlltlon * AccldtnMn.lury '* Evlellon ltOY Al. WIMDlllAtcBS-UMCllt SHllTS~llOIDBIO LUllS SWIATBS. Wftl OYllSTOCla> AND SB.LING AT LOW.&.OW PllCl$1 ,, MAGNATRONIC TOUOf-CONTROL $26995 Th" MGA. MAGNATRON~ Mi(l'Q'llME RAtJGE ~.1h ,.•.cim...c ml!m"'ly f,,.,., you from tM ~MIY>n. !u't ~ 11'4' f, ,.;I 111 ,,..., 0 •l'n. C>O\e tho chor on:! l"<l<h ,..,. comv~" h l('.JVL~ yov !rte fq-I-out• at'<l lroo from n•• ,, no> .NJ on:l uodetc1 ·l.nq w~'"·M lt.o foudi Control {~~fQl'\-C: n·ttmt"W I q•vl ~ Y"-'V ·~'t'r.J ·~ mf'd~ wh<;n Vo" wor>t 1hrm onrt Mw you w in• 1httm olwoy• 1us1 n']h1 GE . JET 110 3-WAYOVEN GE·• n.,... Jet 110 ""'" MIC•O•OU'h '""''"'' lnh you cook 3 ways: qy.cUy by "f ttNt.'0 by "T emperoi..,e !<Ion<'.·· or ,10,. ly with 1ho "S.mmer "N C~'" •ellin'J. Como"\ Wllh ds own Stonewo>• Cow"°"' for .Jow rc...i •"'! or>d • e •du\ove M~ (ntryll!...-;I compl.ie coobnq poqom I : t ,. Comment Developers 1, Teachers 0 ,,,. Saddlebags of Siiddleback Stakes Soaring By PAUL BRENNAN Paul Brennan teachea Pohticol &clence at Saddleback Community College. lliaartlcLe. 1s reprinted from Califom1a Journal. Viejo, with its public ten~ court&, swimming pools arid golf courses, Is viewed by many as the ultimate "plan" in planned communlUes. About 17,000 students are enrolled in the dlltrlct~s schools. taxes down. Both sides were willing to paytow'ln. Among the serious contenders were two incumbents: Willlam Kobler and Dennis Smith, both considered strong conservatives. The re were four challengers; Mary Phillips and William Kelly, moderate to strong con- servatives; and two teacher-backed can- didates, Juneann De Casas and Marvin Silver. What few voters realised was that ••outside" money WQJ cominlJ in to the other candidates. too. Big property de· velopers, particularly the Mission Viejo Co., and other interests pumped ln almost as much ae CTA. Candidate Kel· ly, who ran fourth and spent $2,361, ap- peared to raise all of his money from lqcal supporters. But defeated incum· bent Smith.-whoran thJrd -spentover $4,300 and received $1,500 from de· velopers, including $900 from the M~ sion Viejo Company. Other developers who contributed to Smith's campaign were from the Los Angeles area. lt was only a few years ago that can· d1date spending for school board seats was reckoned in mere hundreds of dollars and any candidate who spent in f'Xcess of a few hundred was viewed as a root or eccentric, or both. That hardly seems the case in recent years at least in southern Orange County. where am- ple funds are available for school board <·.1ndidatc:. 1/ they represent the right ideology. While the super·conser vatavc image of Orange County has been exaggerated by the national press. it docs seem safe to state that southern Orange Countian:. take their ideologies a bit more seriou!ily than many others. And when ideology mixes with the economics of higher tax· cs, any Jocal election is likely to bnng out big money. ln th.e election of March 8, two seats on the five-member board were up for grabs. By filing deadline, 14 candidates had qualified. Some of the candidates were less than fully committed and either dropPe<f out or did little cam- paigning. Others spent little or nothing. But a handfUl spent enormous su"'s. The total spent by all candidates: $42,000. Since there are only 42.295 regjstered voters in the district. the total represents nearly one dollar per qualilied voter. AMONG THE H CANDIDATES, one offi cially withdrew, five reported spena- ing less than $200; one reported spending $322 and another reported spending $1,100. AU lost. By contrast. the six front· runners spent over $40,000. One of the two winners, Mary Phillips, reported spending more than $17,000. THE CAUFORNIA Teachers Associa- tion CCTA>. through its political arm, As- sociation for Better Citizenship CABC>. came through with $3,000 each for De Casas and Silver. Fund-raising efforts by the local Saddleback Valley Educa· ti on Association CSVEA > added to the pot, producing a total of more than $8,000 for the two teacher·endorsed candidates. SVEA and the two candidates made no attempt to hide their mutual s upport. INCUMBENT KOHLER, who ran second, spent over $8.000 including $800 from the Mission Viejo Company. Phillips spent the most money ($17,387) and received the most votes. She also collected the most from developers. $2,150. plus $600 from engineering con· sultants and $300 from financial institu- tions. for a total of $3,050. Of 19 con- tributors listed by Phillips who donated over $4,000 lo her campaign, only three resided in the school djstrict. FOR EXAMPLE, take a glance at the campaign statements for the latest :.chool board election in the Saddleback Valley UnHied School District, held last March. The district encompasses the burgeoning communities of Mission Vie· JO, El Toro and Laguna llills. The population is almost exclusavely white and upper-middle class. Mission Why woul~y seat on a school board be worth tlfrt kind of money? Simply put, the election tioiled down to a strug. gle between teachers and developers . One s ide wanted hig her salaries. benefits and educational expenses; the other wanted to keep school costs and T his, plus the passage of SB160, pro- viding collective b argaining for teachers, quickly became the only major issue in the race. The local press seized on it and repeated charges of "un. ion ls m." "outside money." "frightening teacher power," and "CTA trying to buy an election." The campaign worked: Des pite money and good organization, De Casas and Silver ran fifth and sixth respectively. As the s moke cleared (and campaign reports became available> the score stood: Developers 1, Teachers O. But l~king at the players. one thing is sure: No Ceiling on Spiral '78 Ho_using Prices Will Keep Climbing Oy TllOMAS 0 . ELIAS Fur many Californians. the most imporl<ml and the mosl d(•pres~ing story or 1977 hall hccn the dramatic in crcasl' in the price or housmg Dl's pit t• t hl' guesses of soml' .analysts that speculative buying \\OUld graduall y P<J S l' Off and c·uusc· a leveling or prices, hous 111g industry officials now predict " continual ion of the pnce spiral Ill 1978 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 'FOCUS year, compared to ;1 nat1onul av(>r:1ge of 32 yc;1rs olcl and a S2<!.000 income. These fattors will cause a mar ked shift in construction aC· tiv1 ty. economists Kenneth Thygerson and Thomas Parliament. "AN OVERWHELMING 65 percent of all new homes today are purchased by families using the accumulated equity and ap- preciated value or their present homes," they said. Their argument is supported hy increases in luxury items built int<> new houses. Between 1972 and 1976, they report, there was a :>2 percent increase in the portion of new homes with fireplaces, a 26 percent increase in those with two bathrooms and a 29 percent increase in those with al least l ,600 square reel of noor space. They don't play for small stakes. BUT T llE climb shouldn't be quite as sleep. they s.iy. and the Jlrcady elevated prices will cause major shifts in the location and emphasis of new construc- lt0n Some ma1or effects or the sharp cost increases or lhe past 1 wo years al~o arc becoming dear tod;iy For onc thing. a n·port from l 1nited Guaranty Corp .. a leading mortgage 111surancc firm , IO- d1catcs that thl' average price of a singl<.'-famlly home sold 1n California t111s fall was about $15.000 ::ll1ov4• thc nation al a\ era"<'. Land and construction costs in most of Southern California and the San Francisco Bay area are so high today that the market for new single-family housing. has s hrunk. according to Patrick Seber, chief of California opera t ions for United Guaranty. THE RESULT will be more condominium buildan~ in those areas. while Southland and Bay area builders will likely shirt their single-family efforts lo citi es like Sacramento. Fresno and Modesto, where land CO!>ts ::ire lower and en vironmental restrictions less common. At the same time, four out of every fi ve houses sold last year were previously-existing homes. and their prices averaged 13 per- <'ent less than prices of new hou:.es 'Update Grand· JurWs' ALL THESE figures mean that young persons wanting to buy a first home are having lo wait longer than ever before to do it, · with the wait in California longer than a nywhere else in the U.S. Panels Should Have Independent Counsel MORTGAGE l,OANS are ~o la rgc that 15 perc·l•nt of those pro- µosed in California w{•rc turned down this )l'ar, by ins ur;mcc rompanic.4'. compared to onl y 7 percent nation ally And the uveragc California buyer is 33.2 years old now with a family income of about $33,000 a In a separate report. the top economists of the U.S. League of Savings Associations predict that what sin~le·fatnily construction does occur will come in the form of luxury housing. Buyers for those homes will be persons reinvesting the profits from sales of homes they bought severa l yea r s a~o . say They also mean that even with two incomes, many California ramilies will never be able to buy a single-ramily home unless they are willing to move away from the largest melropolilan areas. These harsh realities began to develop in 1976, soUdi(ed this year and it appears they will grow worse next year. Edmund D. Edelman. chairman of the Loa Angele• County Board of Supervi8or•, made the1e propoaalll to the Town Hall Legislation and Ad· mini1trationof Jiutice section. We are operating under a grand jury system that goes back to the time in England when it was re- quired that, before someone could be tried for a criminal matter, he or she had to have an Indictment brought by a jury of his or her peers. The grand jury was really Pants Take Downbeat By HERBCAEN SAN i''RANCISCO -Bottoming Out: The final curtain and Kurt Adler's pants dropped simultaneously at the Opera House Sunday afternoon, putting a proper end to a successful season. It was during "Un BaJlo in Maschera" that 1 mpresurlo Adler, conducting in the m pit, felt his trousers succumbing to the l>Ull of gravity, whereupon he headed for .. the exit presto agitato. Very little of last· .. ing importance was vlsibJe to the au-/-::;1. ~. , diencc. which applauded anyway: .... • 0 -~ • • • • \~~I I ONWARD: In what one hopes is not ' ~ 11 the beginning of a trend. several first· run theaters in S.F. are showing "com- mercials'' on a lO·wk. test basis <at the Metro. fo r instance, you pay S4. to see "Julia" and a two·minute Seiko ad): only "a few" com· plalnts. says a United Artists spokesman, adding with charming candor, "We need the extra money." • • • SINCE MY middle name Is "Acurracy," I feel entitled to say "Pfaw" at reports published in.both North and East Bay papers th•t Farrah Fawcett~Drip and Lee Majors have t•ken n house in Novato, besides which she was recently ar- rested for speeding. Their agent, Jay Bernsteiwt. told KGO 's John Chase, who told us, .. Why would they want to live in Novato? They live In Beverly Hills and have no intention or movinl(.'' · • • IO·SECOND DRAMA: It happened while doiens of lawyen and law students, protesting "racism," were plcketl~ t.hoState Bar Ass()(.'S SOth annvy. banquet at the Palace-UoteJ. As a dlstlngulshed·looklng man in 4'Mer jacket approached the entrance, USF Law Proc. $\eve Schatz charl{ed, "You know you are celebralinc ~ears of a lily.whJle bar." "I understand -I wrote th~ d1saenl tn the Bakke case." replied St-ate Supreme Cour t Justl.ce Matthew Tobriner. movina on. ••• SPOR11NG UFE: As you may have noticed from read- ing this column, there are few funny tennis stories, but even so. I must tell you about Bob Warren of Portland. Down at John Gardiner's Tennis Ranch Jn Carmel Valley, he ap- peared on court wielding a racquet with an electric plu1 on the bottom of the handle. When somebody finally bit, he ex- plained, "It's a whole new concept. You plug it in overnight a nd it does something incredible to the strings. I can't ex- plain it -they just seem ALIVE'next morning!" A famous man whose name I will not reveal borrowed the racquet. plugged it in overnight and inay n~ver liye it down. * • • FLABH\ "L8~19 Bomb Proof Limo Blows Up •• Transla- tion 1 Tbe afore~oned John Gardiner bought, for $2100, 3 169 Cad U~•IM' 911ce ~ by Lyndon Johnson, when President, and·:»'hic'h bears a plaque reading "Certified Bomb Proof -tinlted Statea.Sectet Service." As John was drivlng it over steep Los Laureles grade toward Monterey Airport, \0 pick Up lncoming VIPs, the engine blew up. He h~s since ptat $5000'lnto his "b.,-gain.' · • • • ·~ BVTl'ON tJP TOUR overquote: Thanks to all you punsters for contributing "Yasir Sadat's My Baby," In honor of event.a ln the Middle East, but oo p0lnta, sorry. We will. however, award three to Mike O'Rourke fOt "Finl Anwar, First Anpeace," and a shaky ~e to .Jlm Orodnlk, who keeps bummlne the, old Peny Lee bit. "Sadat Alt There Is?" . . . If the Israeli Prim~ Mln.llter married the Aga Khan's widow, could they do thelr ftddins dance to "Begin the Begltm?" 'til"1l?'' ls not the pro.Ptr reeponse but t 'll aetUe for lt. 'it •, • ANN VJ~ND8 OP WatlenviUe ls deflnttel7 lhe jocks' ~ind of _'tO~an. While her ttlteiJ scratch and claw aver the ~qual ~ta Amendment,Jhe1awn1, "Sorry, ERA mtant_ only 'Ot'\e &hidi to me and Llat.'s Earned Run Averaa.e" ..• An~ a Good dUJen• PJaqwe to Ed1ar llol• qt Sausalito for an enerty·conaerv._g bl'!eakthrou&h: "W•u.nplu1tht-clocks when we'renotu1inrtbem.'' * desighed as a shield against the King, to protect persons against arbitrary governmental actions. Today we find that basically1the gr and jury system has worKed well, but lt could be reorganized to improve its efficiency with the modem demands it faces. THE GRAND jury performs two functions. One is to bring criminal indictments. even though they make up a very small percent oC the criminal cases that are actually broughttotrial in Los Angeles County and other coun- ties. The other function, which is of equal or oC greater importance, is the "civil watchdog" function or looking into county government from an independent point of view. Under this second function, the grand jury loou into all the operatioos oC the county; and, ln· deed, over the years it has performed a very vital servicf to the county. · Our county government is large. We have close to 80,000 employees and over SO depart ments. The grand jury provides a very vital tool to the board ol sup,ervisors and the chief ad- m inistration office to pinpoint some of the problems in county government. I PROPOSE A ,number of re- forms that are designed to Im- prove the services the grand jury renders the community. First, there ls a need for an independent counsel for the grand jury. Thia is probably the most controversial recommendation. Tbe grand jury is presenUy counseled by the dis· trict attorney. and it ls not truly independent when it gets its ad- vice from the district attomey rather than an independent counsel. I One cl the present needs ii to show that the 1rand Jury ls in· dependent; and that lndepen· dence can be shown by allowtni th•m tohaveU>elrownattome,y,a person who b independent of the diatrlctattomey. Most people whose names. are submitted are fine, upstand- ing citizens generally from the up· per middle class. Tbey are usual· ty retired people, because they have to give a year of their life working without much pay. The present system has built-in biases against minorities. The criminal grand jury shouJd be selected in the same way every other jury is select~. from the re- g u I a r jury list . This would eliininatetheclaim that the grand jury list discriminates against • tn i n o r it i e s a nd' d i ff er e n t economic groups. Under my proposal. the civil grand jury would continue to be selected as they are. However, the term of service would be 18 months or two years rather than one year. We have found that by the time a grand jury becomes familiar with the county govern- ment the term is virtually over and a new grand jury has to be im- paneled and go through the same learning process. I also suggest that there be staggered terms for continuity. THE LAST REFORM I propose for the grand jury is the right to defense counsel. Under the pres· ent system, if you are called · b efore the grand jury In a criminal matter you do not have the right to bring an attorney with you. You have to go outside the gr and jury room a nd repeat the question to your attorney and then he can advise you. Counsel ought to be allowed int.o the grand jury room as an adviser during quesUonlng. This would not hurt the functions of the grand jury, since the lawyer could not make speeches but just advise the witness. I think these recommendations would make the grand· Jury proc:. ess talr, the grand j ury more representative or the community, and the grand j\iry system IDOrE effective. ORAN08 COAST DAllY PILOT Also, \here ahould be two grand· juries: one fi>c crlmlnal matters The comment page of UM! Pai· and one for cMl1 watchdoc mal· ty PUot 6ee1cs to lnlortn and tera. The grand JUry ii currently stimulate readMs by PttSent· UD.der attack at the 1tate level Ina • vorlety of commentary beeausethejuroraareselectedln on topics of Interest .nd a way that does not represent the 11trn1r1cance from tntormed normal compo1IUon of lhc obittvers and spokHmen. ~~·~:_val~1:!;~ ... ~ >' ~>'· r· _:: : .. ..__.o&-L preal~ud&e who then draws the n number of name. out of a hat. I . I I .. CHILDREN'S PAGE --..... -._..._.....,..,.._._._.._...,...,..,.. .. ..-i ....... ._...,"' .. 1191 .. ~ • ,b.illllll .. llllJ .... ~.0$12•C~CJllJllllZ .. U:S ... P,.......,~- •. ' . . l l Hello Clrls and boys. Uncle Len 'fa! so glad to hear from all of you and J~arn what you most want for Christmas. Uncle Len has sent word to the North Pole and he hopes that Santa Claus aets the m essages in time t o fill all of your orders. · Curt Visca, 14, of Huntington Beach wins first place honors and $5 for his r endering of dreaming of a pinball m achine for the holidays. LAURIE PAXON, 10, IRVINE is the winner of $2 • :ind runner-up honors for her drawing of Snoopy and several other varieties. She wants a dog and it seems uny kind will do. Honorable mentions go to Brian Heller, 12, of eosta Mesa, who is looking for a Hobie Cat under hjs tree; Fiona Young, 12, of Newpart Beach, a lso wants a dog and a pony, and David Obinata,.11, Costa Mesa, wants a railroad. Uncle Len is happy about all of the Day at Dis· neyland entries. The winner will be announced next week. BECAUSE MOST OF YOU probably will be busy .... with lots of Christmas vacation activities, Uncle Len thought he'd g'ive you the contest themes in advance. For Dec. ll, the theme is draw~ng a picture of a New Year's resolution or a goal for the fol.lowing. year. Deadline is noon Dec. 29. For J an. 7, Uncle Len would like to see drawings of the most favorite thing you did while on vacation. Deadline for this contest is Jan. 5. RE1'tE1'tBER THE HOUDAYS also are non· ' OAIL v PILOT. A 1 delivery days of mail, so Uncle Len suggests you do your entries early. All drawings are to be on four inch by four inch paper, done in black ink or pen. Do not use crayons of colored ink as they do not reproduce. Drawings should be sent to Uncle Len, P.O. Box: 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. Be sure to include your name, age, address and telephone number. The contest is open to children 15 years old and younger. Bye for now. $98 Million Given in Awards 1 Andy sends a World Book Year Book to Ana Milkovich, 12, of Hun- tlngton Beada, for her question: J HOW DO YOU APPLY FOR SCHOLARSWPS? Back in the 1930s it was es timate d that 72 ,000 scholarships and fellowshtps were available to college stu· dents in the United States. A c~sh value or about $11 million was placed~the grants. Today more than $98 million is av~llable, with awards going to abo ut 300 ,000 s tude nts . Scholarships range in value from $100 io $1,500 a year Grants or either money or free college tuition are available to lots of students these days. They are a warded on the basis of achievement ability or financial need outstanding academic achleve· 'menll and intellectual abillUes. Many. are de!lli1Ded to promote study in sJ)ecial fields. Cont.act your favorite school and ·ask about scholarships. IN 1155TllE NATIONAL Merit Scholarshi~ were established. It has become the largest indepen· dently supported scholarship program in the country. The plan is administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corp. of Evanston, lll. By the early 19708 more than $78 million· had been put into the program by foundations, corporations and colleges. with the Ford Founda· t ion providing $20 million and the Carnegie Corp. $500,000. . Each year about 3,300 merit scholars are chosen from about 750,000 high school seniors acf06s the nation taking the examlna· lion in their junior years. A board of business sponsors and educa· ti on experts makes the final selec· lions. .and biA character and leadership abilities. The number of National Merit Scholarships available each year to each state ts baaed roughly on the number of blgh acbool senlors in the It.ate. OVERSEAS .STVDY is availa- ble through international study programs. Rhodes scholarships and Fulbright scholarships pro- vide numerous-openings. Check· with your school's counselor to find opt how you might apply for oneoftbeseawarda. · Once you are out of college, you'll discover that many en· dowed foundations and govern· ment agencies have provided funda for advance study and re-search. Grants of this type are called fellowships rather than scholarships. Guidance leaders In your college will be able to tell you how you can apply for these gr.ants. · _The hyena; who is famous for his strange voice thai sounds like a hysterical human laugh, ts a favorite among zoo visitors. Jn many ways be resembles some o( our dogs. The spotted or laughtng hyena is the most common type, and you '11 find him living in the wilds of Africa to the south of the Sahara. He has coarse'fur that is yellowish-gray with black spots. AN0'111ER COMMON hyena ls the striped byen~ of India and southwestern Asia. ~ i(gl{ '\'OUR TEACHER about scholarships Quite often you'll have to wall until you are in high s chool before you can take serious steps toward applying for a s c tto 1 a r s hip. Guidance ~ counselors in most high schools • · usu a Uy .have fujl detlrils on all oaur ""'-' SWtf ,,_.. available educa*nal grants. THE BOAllD studies each stu· dent's test score as well as his school records, his participation in community and school affairs Andy letlda·t.be it77 World Book Science Annual to Amy Lee, 1%, of Ta~s~, Qk.la., forberqaestlon: WHERE DOES THE BYf:NA LIVE? Sen.d your question on a post card to ASK ANDY ln care of the Dally Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626y making sure to in- clude your name, age and ad·. dress. Entries are open to boys and eirls 1 to 17. HUNTINGTON BEACH YOUTH A WINNER Most private universities and Ann Milkovich, 12, Asks Andy coll,ges have established scb!>\anhiP prograrp• t~t honor Yaks: Beast of Burden DEAR ELLIE' Have yaks r ~ ' be:::::'~.~l~::e ma ny :th~; JP@~; ~ species of the bovidae group Clo which cows belong) yaks have been dom esticated, and in the ~ highl ands of central Asia they p are the c_ommon beasts of burden <ft@ and milk producers. !!F"--- • .Domestic yaks may be any of a · · ~ · · variety of colors s uch as white, ~-- yellow, brown or black. There \..: ~ are even so me t.hal are , multicolored. The wild species has long homs that always tum in at the Ups, but the domestic ,yaks have horns that usually tum outward. And, as happens in many domestic bovidae, some , have no horns al all. In Kashmir, the domestic yaks have been crossed with catUe to produce a hybrid called the ·zo. This animal is small, usually ,.hornless and frequ e ntly , • multicolored. , • The zo is extremely hardy and P.J can stand tell\Pera lures much "' blgher than can the yak who I ' thrives in intense cold. Like an 1:, i hybrids, the zo is sterile and can- .. not produce ofCspring oflts own. ··(' EWE ••• DEAll EWl:: I have a book ID •hlcb 'here ls a picture of a spider with a nest under the water. Do some really live there? · KELLY&. DEAR KELLY: Yes, there is a s pecies of spider that spends mo11t of ita time below the surface of the waler. However, these are not to be confused with the many kinds of apiders that can run over the water or with those that can run down the stems of sub- merged plants to escape pred· ators or to catch water . bugs. The male water spider~ the one• that actually live in the water, are about one third to two: thirds .of an i.J)cb fong while the females are a litue larger. These creatures are found in the tern· perate climates or Europe and Asia. Like all spiders, they must breathe air. They spin a silken l thimble-shaped bell under the ·water, attached to a plant. When they rise to the surface, they somehow are able to trap a bub· ble of air around the hairy body · and thOt,they ~ubmerge and re- lease ttfe air )>ubble in their bell. . , THIS AcrION is repeated until there is soCficient air in the bell for the spider to breathe. As more air.is ·needed, the spider goes up and get'S it. During the day the spider sits. in its water·prool air·filled room and comes out to snare any insect that goes by. By night, It goes out to bunt. In the spring, the female lays 50 to 100 eggs in a aJlken bag which is left in the bell, taking up · about a third of the space. After the babies hatch, they stay in the bell for a few weeks, then venture forth tospln their own. Surety, this is one of the strangest members of the spider family • ELIJE worldstope • uo "'"'9tlrwte ................ C«NetlJ) 1 Frank Johnson's withdrawal from considera- tion 10 become director of the •• ? •• left the Carter Administration searching again for a new director to replace retiring Clarence Kelley. a·FBI b-CIA c·NSA 2 A retent Gallup poll showed that a majority of Americans favor limiting United States senators to &wo terms, or a total of 12 years in office. Tr~e or False: There i• currently no limit on tlJe number of. terms• senator may serve. J Senate MaJorfty leader Robert Byrd said he expec1ed the Senate to (CHOOSE ONE: approve, reject) the Panama Canal tleaties.. 4 The world's longest-running play, "The . Mousetrap" written by .3 •. , recently marked . its 25th annlvenary on the London stoige. a-Noel Coward c·Agatha Christle b-George krnard S~w 5 The tax program Ptesklent Carter Is currently preparing to submit to Congress places Its main emphasis on (CHOOSE ONE: changlnR unfair tu rules, cutting taxes). Jn addition to being a family fun feature~ .TUE QUIZ is aa Integral part of the In-classroom news program presented 1a Orange Coast area acboola as a public service by the Daily Pilot. A11•-n •-u.tA•--1 llelfttqlila • news picture (10 polnt1 H JCM1 armm this queltian C9MCttr) The old guard is changing in Congress. Senator John McClellan. .who died recently at age 81, had served in 1.he Senate since1!M3, and was chairman .of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee. Which..sou1hern Slate did Mr. McOellan represent , in the Senate? · sportlight (2 polntl tor MCh queltlon answered correctl1) newsname , , 1 former Minnesota Vikings quarterback Joe Kapp plays a featured role in the new football movie "Semi· Tough". True ot False: Kapp shares the NFL record for most touchdown passes In a single game. I am the Prime Minister of Jap1n, one of the most lndlUtrlallzed nations In the world. Recently I reorganized· my abinet to help .deal with my country's world trade problems. What Is my namel matchwords ( ................... ......... 3-sedate 4-senlle ..tilde, eoncul kutcome, foltowup <"'Withdraw, wparate 4-calm, "'"'"' 2 The Denver Broncos, leading the W~tern Oivisfon of the National Football League's .. ? •• Conference. clinched an NFL playoff berth for the first time In the 18 year history of the tqm. 3 Heavyweight boxing ch1mpion •• 1 •.• who will fight teon ~ Spinks In February, must ag ree by January S to a bout with top ·~ contender Ken Norton or lose his title, according to the World Boxing Council. 4 The Montre;al Canadiens traded wteran center Pettt Mahlovich, who had played for the National Hockey Leasue team since 1969. Mahlovich now plays for the •• l .• a·Pittsburgh Penguins c·Phlladclphla flyers b-Colorado ~ockies S Jim Rice-of the (CHOOSE ONE: Boston Red So>t, Kanm Clty Royals) won the American l~3ue's outstanding designated. hitter award. roundtable ,...., llU 1111 I (llO tc0f9) Sasequet .-old Ind fotptfut Wlloit limits, If any, should be placed on the number of terms served by members of Congressl 'ftMlllCIOlall • ue $111111-TOP 1C01E" "•...., _ 11e11. to 11 to'° po1m. -cooc1.11 .. 10,... _ '*· 1212-n ·~-......_Wh1rulrt ¥ !!sa .. J Evergreens M8keHoD1e . Decorative AP Newafeat•ra 1 Say Kerry Christmas this year •Ith a wreath or other decora· lions you have made yourself. There are all aorta of evergreens iv all able. Suitable materials are Balaam ind Doutlu Fir; White, Scot's, Jled and Austrian Pine; Yew; Holly; Red ~ar: Juniper and Boswood. N~ea of Hemlock and Spruce drop reedlly and are not desirable for indoor decora· tJons. THE ONLY OTHEll items needed are pruning shears. knife or old scissors to cut florist wire, a wire frame, and ribbon for bOws or cellophane straws, pine cones, berrjed branches, pieces ol wood for table or wall holders and candles. John A . Wott, o f the Cooperative. Extension Service at Purdue University in Indiana, ~minds that care Is necessary i{l pruning your evergreens for holiday m aterial. Many ~rseries and garden centers :iTso will have materials availa· bJe. WOTT TELLS US .how to fa shion wreaths. Obtain a wire frame pre· ferably size 9, or even a clothes hanger. A lO·to lS·inch·diameter frame will make an average. sited wreath. Slender shoots of wlllow. privet. lilac or wisteria also may be used as a frame. Bend one long piece of wire or shoot into a circle with the ends overlapped. or bind two shorter twigs together with the slender tip of one overlapping the heavier end or the other. DON'T USE evergreen pieces that are too long. Long sprigs give a s haggy, uneven a p· pearance. A wreath with a frame 15 inches in diameter should be made from sprigs 4·6 inches long. Cu t all greens to size before bind· Ing. For bulky needle types it is better to strip needles from the base of the stem. · First, fasten binding wire to the frame, then add the greens, laying three or four sprigs along the frame with the tips facing backwards and the cut ends forward. Bind the cut ends with wo or three tur114 of th~ wire. then posjtion the next set of sprigs so It overlaps the first like shingles on a roof. and fasten again, pulling the binding wire tight each time. Don 't skimp on greens. When the last bundle is added, bind the wire end to the frame. OUTDOOR GARDEN BRINGS JOY TO BAYVIEW MANOR Irma Christensen, Patient, Tends to Her Growing Plants Gardening Success Depemls on Moon? ., Patient Adds Garden Touch By JACKIE HYMMN Ot .. Del., ............ , As Irma Christensen lay ill in bed at Bayview Manor lo Costa Mesa, abe bad plenty of Ume t.o watch hummingbirds bun around a trumpet vine just beyondiler }>edtoom window. When' a construction project led to t.hei'emoval of the vine, she decided to do something about It. AS SOON AS SHE was able to move about, Mrs. Christensen. 56, c ut ort some ice cream cartons, nailed them to a board and hung them over a block wall only three or four feet from her window. where the trumpet vine had grown. Gradually. during the 20 months she's been at Bayview, the Ice cream cartons have e"· panded to a miniature outdoor and indoor garden. INSIDE THE ROOM she shares with a Belgian patient, Mrs. Christensen has installed numerous plan\S, Including two hanging planters 9.n pulleys. That's so they can be watered and fertilized without her having· to stand on a chair, she said. Just beyond the window and accessible by walking outside the building and through the narrow alley is a bird feeder tray and an assortment of chrysanthemums. miniature marguerites, a wilted johnny jumpup "that's kind of jumped down." a small J apanese tree and assorted other plants. Sow Seed Indoors In Winter Don't let cold days and INCLUDED ABE four peanut plants. "In that this is a dem· ocraUc nation, I thought Presl· dent Carter wouldn't. mind," Mrs. Christensen said. The former Tustin resident. said she comes by her gardening interest. naturally. ' HER FATHER, she said , was president of the St. Paul, Minn. Gardeners Club. Her brother teacbe.$ agriculture al the college level in Minnesota and her sister and nephew have a horticulture business ln th&N apa Valley. Mrs. Christensen said she m aintained her interest in plants while raising five children. In fact. she learned such tricks as fastening plants down lo prevent their being knocked over because of her large family. SHE SAID SHE hopes other people who are sick or have bedridden relatives will realize that plants and bird·feeders can provide endless entertainment. "I am not to be felt sorry for," Mrs. Christensen said. "I've had a veTy good Hre. I didn't come here like the elephant! go to die. The people are very kind." , And should she recover enough to r:esume t.J.:aveling as she dkl bef.ore her il,lness. MrJ. Chnstensert will leave the pa· lients who folfow her a fegacy that even includes the kind of plant tbalgother started. She's planted another trumpet vine. Tl•eU•t Whether you have a live Christmas Tree or one freshly cut, it shQuld never be kept inside for more than a week or ten days. ff ex- posed to indoor warmth for too long, a live tree will believe it is spring and will begin biological cha·nges which will affect its survival in the outdoor world. If a cut tree, it will dry out becoming a fire hazard. tt's not loo late to plant a winter crop of ve~etables. Grow cool season favorites such as let· tuce, spinach, cabba~e. radishes. Aerate lawns thls month to in- crease water penetration and air to the roots. A shot of ferWUer wlU alao help improve the looks of the lawn into the winter mon&hs. Gardening can be looked at from two very dist.incl perspectiv4:5 gray skies stop you from -the scientifi c and the folklore. Many gardeners draw thetr sowing seeds of your gardening practices from both disciplines w1hl great success and favorite.plants. The trick added enjoyment. is to sow them indoors GIVE A GIFT OF ROSES The time to plant your garden can be determined by following where room le m · frost tables. but gardeners "'ho follow folklore insist on planting peratures and artificial with the aid of moon signs. · lighting will simulate ideal outdoor growing MANY COMMERCIAL grpwers who plant succession crops conditions. throughout the season do not observe any difference in harvests due Most seeds are easy to to the moon phase at the time or planting. but there are gardeners ge r minate with a and farmers who swear by the mnuence of the fruitrul, barren, wet. minimum or expertise or dry, earth and fire signs of the moon. care. The hardware They explam that all celestial bodies afCect the earth by mutual needed is limited to con· k all h tainers. labels, potting gravitational attraction. However it works, it seems lo ma e t e mix and, of course, fresh MO. I GRADE IAll.aOOT ROSES HAVE ARIJYED S.t.ct from OYft" 50 •ari•tiH of .... flHtt l..chldllMJ 'CHARISMA' laffi-colal't md 'COLOR MAGIC' fph1k). ~ for 1971. Ala.: CHAaLOTn AlMSTlOHG, SOMIA. Tl0'1CAMA, CfCIU HUHHH • ..UCL (f)UHt4 WLUITH AHO MANY, MANY MOH. ,nc ... t ... .t 3.98 . .,. ..,, ... ...... tiff! difference in bountiful crops and healthy growth to the followers of viable seed. ADD CONES, berries, orna· moon signs. The first step in sowing ments, bells or ribbons after the your indoor garden is lwlly 11ot rJ" ... 9lld off~ to pl•t ... -w -• •• • gift of lnfill9 plHSllA for tMt greenery is finished. Wire each IF YOU CAR E to try some of the folklore, here are some simple s e I e c ting 8 u it ab t e decor ation separately to the guides. Do your planting on the waning moon, i.e .. when the moon is varities of plants to 9 · mr. .. c1.,._.1 Crame. For sparkle try glitter decreasing Crom full moon to new moon. This will insure good root grow. Seed catalogs and CAUPOtt .. A caTIPtto HUUaYMAH llalllAIUCMI _ paint or powdered snow. To growth. · nurseries offer a limit· ~ OUl STAff make your own trim : for out· Root crops shou ld be planted during the third quarter or the less variet y of herbs, DAILY 9-5:30 doors, plaster of Paris or white waning moon and above ground vegetables two nights before the vegetables. houseplants, 546-5525 SUNDAY 9.5 paint; indoors, whltewa •. s=·h~o~r~~n~e~w~m~oo~n~o~r~i~n~t~he~fi~rs~t~q~u~a~r~te~r~o~f~th~e~n~ew~m=oo~n=·~~~ed~c:a:n~a=~=o~be~~~c~a~c~ti~an~d~fl~o:w:e~r~s~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: thick pa11te sta rch. .... sown when the moon is going from half lo full. 'Weekend Gardening Checklist e Grapes can be pruned any time now. Be sure you know what you want the vine to do "b"efore you start. Ask your nurse r yman If you· re not sure. e Peaches and nee· t arines. both subject to tear curl, are ready for , the first of two winter spr ayings to prevent In · feslalion. e Begi n bu yi n g gladiolus corms soon. Planting season is just around the corner for these lovely summer bloom en. e Plant Roses, fruit trees and strawberries thlsmonth. e Cut late-blooming Dahllaa and Chrysan · them\Jms back If you haven't already. DdhlJa tubers should be lifted and stored for the winter. * TURAlllU,.S INDOOR P .. ANTS · .. HANGING GARDENS . LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES 1978 ALL·AMERiCAN aosis- OR GIVE A ·flowerdate Gift Certificate • Tasteful, exciting o riginal Flowerdale plants are the gift with Christmas Spirit of Life. Com e In and see the many things toifUI your Christmas list for samione special! YOUR @·' DAILY PtLOT CAN at RECYCLED! , .. &.. .·· • ... . .. . ,,. ell COSTAMUA 2700 BRISTOL STRl!ET ~ -· _.. "'5oulll c.-,...., I ' Open 'Iii 6:00 p.rn. (714) 754-6661 l -·----·~ • .::'.'1~ -....,..~~ ' ~TA·ANA 2800 N. TUSTIN AVENUE ~O<rcloootG.-f'""'°C-f'le TwM~J Opto '1~ 9.00 .P·ll'I. (714) ~-9200 .. ' ~ .• ... .. Pine Pots Roger'• oolque holiday pines combined with holly a nd other colorful planta make a year long gift that will accent any home's patio or mtry. Giant Polneettlas ' "°-'• <11i1a f..dre Potntet· tlfl Mil,.,_ bnn more 1>e;ut1M. ncv are avail· ......... ...-. blooms In tither Ctm.t .. u red or """"•· Give, a Gift that Grours Our exclttng array ol Indoor and outdoor plants make perfect ChrlstmM gtftl9 fof lam· Uy &lende and bcaltleer wodatf!S becM'MtMy ar• gtf1ll that keep on gl9lna . .,_,_, ~ Anr.don't. fona•t Roses'• Gallery, ful of unique -and ....... tor lteaa• or Roger'• Flort.t for tta.t a.tom holiday floral arrange- ment your ~ wtU ...,,oirget. Uvlng Christmas Trees This year celebrate with an elegantly decorated living tree from Roger's. You can select from many t9pes including Green ~-wMI Scotch Pine. A Uvlng tree will grow with yot.-.. mlJy eo you can m)oy It for~ Gift Certificates Eveybody ...-ec:1atee a dt from Rogi,11 and with a gift ~te Yo" can let them .i«t .xacdy v.<hat they need for their home or ywd. AVlll- able In any denomination. San ~In Hills Road at MatArthur Bk.id., N~ &ach, (714) 640-5800 Open Dally 9am -6pm Oosed Ovtstmu Ind New Yw's Dey. ' I \I Saturday. December 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT A9 NB Chief Advocates Citizen Involvement Forty-six UC Irvine students will be listed in the 1977-78 edition or "Who's Who Amone Stu- more than 1,000 collegei. and universities nu lioAwide. One UCI graduate stu• aent is among tlie honorees. •J ' It•" 0.0~ Alll< ...... l. °'"· ~ Ito Go1ttr1e1-, IMber• Alllft ... o D•ftl•I M<C¥11W Juftlon "•rn•O ••• G"O•• l r~••••••. Sl•-11 J•<•I>•, Sy1v1e1 w .... ,.__It ...... o--vt~He· n<Ulf , C1rot IC•mlllnh, Urcto'l" PllU, Jeftnller J•"'• f.dw•rd Newpart Butb'a police chief H)'I crime could be reduced by u mlleb u 15 pe,rcnil if com- munUy membep would become la.olved 1-f11htltw crime. Speaklnl lo 'the CltJzens' Harbor ~·• R.eearcb Team . <CHART) lbis w"k, Chief Charles Gross made lt ~ear he ls not advocating turning private citizens into vigilante armies. . H E CONT ENDED that criminal activity is reduced. in lJftdated J»rograrns . -Mesa Water Board Joins State Group The Costa Mesa County Waler District has rejoined the Association of California Water Agencies (ACW A) in an effort to keep up with latesldeveJopments in water-related legislation. The move, approved unanimously by the local water district's board of directocs, ~ill cost the district about $1,900 per year in dues, a spokesman said. THE COSTA Mesa district left ACW A in 1972, but rejoined after Burglar Gets Cash A San Clemente man told police this week his home was burglarized late Wedne'Sday and over $500 in cash taken from a bed.room drawe r . J er r y Segelstrom, of 109 La Placentia, said the bur~lary occurred between 7 and 11 p.m., when someone apparently entered the house through a sliding door. the directors fell that ACWA had updated its programs. Membership means a more direct link between the district and 272 other water agencies across the state which are mem- bers of ACWA, officials said. THE ACWA attorney's con· ference provides legal service in. water law and information on pending legislation. The move back to ACWA had been under local district study for several months. commu.nltiea where the residents den ts In Ame rt can lake an interest in one another U n t v e r s l ties and and create an atmosphere where -V Colleges." criminJll activity is discouraged '~ . Students are selected by res{denls r ather than strictly · · ,~ ·• .• "i;. on the basis of aca~emic relying on poltce. · • .,! }j ;. ·~ achievement. service to 1. i h 1~·· '"' ._._ .. lM'>M'..,?";'; .' •. ~ l he com.mun It y . l s a t eme ·the police chief .1/i.~1'~" ,,._ ~ •• leadership in extracur-. has voiced m any times since he .-J•·, - was named head of the Newport :'~· ::.'-ii,ll_lftll .. v,n~ ~. 'v r icular activities and department ln Au«ust. · " ;:.::: · •• ~ ' ~ potential. "' • ,v, ~\·. The "Who's Who ... " , ~-fY :],· r. .i annually lists outstand JN ISIS '5·MINUTE talk 1·n 1:1,~ ~~"It ~ .. . Ing campus leaders from Costa Mesa this week, Gross said s.Mon .,. w....iw T"'°'· rtowrt' H1vm.,, IC•vll\ MIUS. ... let Yft AMn Hui, Cl\ffYt ll~ Nl•I 51110 ...... S<Oll lt ... rs, Sill" ICellel, J•nel Browl\•toiie, Ttrr1 C•l'lnl(oll, Nl<holet Ft-Jt,llftdOclftnt Olly Ollltr Mrlltr•: Steven l'ni\' .. , Bruce Hallett. 0.11111 Mll"llflt. Cl1t1• 8t1rd, Jojtpft '-"•• $uflll 1Ctme1, JOlln l orrey Jr., .i.cll ,.•lmlllldt, 1Cn11t 8•••· Ntet ~11911'". AM Hay ... ltot.rt1 Sctiwarund $hnon Bouther AllO, IC•lherlne Huppert. Doi• Arthur, Merk Hecllloen, Ml•O•••' A•rnlrtt -Vlvl4111 !>mlll\.. I • .. A YOUf 0911y Piiot can be Rec:,clect • Q.C.c;.. "''e ..... '"~fl Ct n!•• ,• totCHlaMeaa. he has found a vacuum of the kind of community involvemMt needed tq combat crime in the Harbor Area. He said the vacuum could be eliminated by g«:tting residents to stop relying on their police and law enforceme.nt agencies to set the anti-crime atmosphere. "You can eliminate this vacuum by creating an at- mosphere where the community reacts unfavorably to criminal. EARL'S Pt.UM II NO HIATING AIACOHO. St lie. 211~1 Servi« l 1me ~l¥U •l Y°"r OcM4' IC.II Store NN<.W You; "''""I COSTA Mf.s...642-17 53 U»"-1a1v-. 6· NEW ·HOMEs · IN SAN CLEMENTE MISSION 1115'°495.()401 2"22~'-"'­·~ o._ ,,,...,., ... Avory Pkwv I activity, not just the official ----------- system in the form of the police or courts," he said. "HAVING AGENCIES -as opposed lo the family or the com- munity -lalce care of crime pro- blems and youth problems .is absolutely ineffective," Gross added. HAVING .HASSLE wfthl,....c• Clal•7 T .. kfrHwlth Consumer •ffalra licensed c .. lm• expert 2V2 & 3 BATH• 3&4 .BEDROOMS FIREPLACE • DELUXE KITCHENS ON.CUL-DE-SAC ssS,750 to· s9.1,500 A. L. WULFECK General Contractor "There could be.a 29 percent to 35 percent reduction in crime by establishing this kind of com• munity sense and you won't get that kind of reduction by hiring more police or buying more equipment" . (7141 ·547·124 .. C&t'C. 1ttt •. 492-8366 -492-2981 By Bil Keane 11 ""We can't ploy now. We hofto help our daddy ~ put UR the Christmas lights." -~ ~or the Record Births SOUTMCOAST COMMUNITY HDSP'ITAt. OC......29,101 Mt. and Mn. 0e<t1n NleblH, S.n Juan C.Plllr_, boy. OctWer,ll, 1'77 ~r. end Mn. o ... 5Per~•. t.eoune 1k<1U., boy. N........,J,1'17 Mt. and Mrs. Jtmft Cr-tev. Corona oelM•r,bov. Ntv.mllff •• ,.,, Mr. and Mri. "obert Prvnty, Minion Viejo, girt. ..._ ... ,,,,,, "''· •nd Mn. Brien Peoe. UQ\H\11 Mlll~1lrl. .............. 197, ""'· •lld Mn. D. Dallon t.oncoor, -GARRITY, Jean Loi• and t.ewrence .~.o.; ALBERTSON, Oobbi. tftd Paul; GRAHL., Mari>arel •nd JOM J.; SLAGtiT, Patricia Ann and Gtr•ld Leroy; NAGLE, Joanna and Uoyd W.; LEI/IN. Llanet W. and Susenne G.; PETERSON. Terri D. and Fredetltk 5.; HORN, Suwn R, en<I Norm•n L.; CASTRO. Chorrle end Ft•ftk Joi.eph; HA~DING, Atchlrd Bruce and a .... ,,, JH"; BERICERY, Ed· mund Joseph""° -•Jorie; S>.l. TE A, Shirley "'· end J•mes H.; DAHL, Lllllan Aull\ lll'd Kolbjom; PRADO, Aublft A. e nd Cind y D.; •lEXANOEA. Gwendolyn B. end Jerrv F.; COUNTS, Harvev t.. end Mona C.; GON2"'lEZ. !Cristine •nd l•wrence; LENZ. OOuolM CNrles •NI Toni Mine. MlutonVl•lo.Olrt. HADLEY, Paula Jean •ltd Aonelcl ...,.._,,,." Edwin; WHITMIRE. Neltlt R. end Mr. •nd Mn . Jolln Tamo•~. Charles Ft.; f.NGLEBART, C/letlfl C.QlllltanollNcll,lloy. w. •nd Sendra L.; BRYANT, ' ~-11,1'71 Mergattllll'dGtaclVl.toft;fl.URER, IM lltftny Viloria, Mission Donna Ellen aftd Don•ld Keith; v VINCENT, AUlll E. and JemH D.; U. tm OOMBR~I. S...Or• and JOhn J.; !IJilr. an rs, Ronald Mick"'"• FISHER, Jlllil'f M. eno J•mn B.; l.a;UfleN .... glrt. OAIKOU.. ~SU. Ind Terry t:v .._,,....t1, 1t17 Lft; DAVIS, Ill-lyn end Sltpflen #Nf Mn. Aldtef'd u,.........rn, Glenn. """ 8NCll, ....,.. BEUTTEA. l lnde F, -Jamtt c.; ......,,,._ll1, 1W1 l()RIO, Mltllfll M. •nd Julien J .; Mr. end Mn. MMsNll Adltlt, Sift WILMES, Robin end Wllll•rn J .; (lemenlt,bo'f. LOWERY. LucllleC. eno W1Ulam E.; ~• DKMlllfft,1171 • end Mn. Jom """le• Mlssiof\ l.OPATOWSKI, Rlcllard J. •nd SMrry; 5CHMIDT, Ml""-l. eftd •Jo,lloy. G1ry W.; ANDERSON, Bonnie JHn , DKl4l!Mr4,1m Id llllr. and Mn.. Thom• ••--1111<" Seit -Gery Del•; YECICI., D•V An· ,...-.... drew end Bethany Ann; SHAMP, 4tamtnlt,olt1. Pelrlclt end Boo Jo; GREEN, ¥'· end Mn. Oterltl DIOlev...,,1, Jinelle -Plllrl<k watter. •lulon Viejo, boy. I o.c.mller6, 1t77 BOLl.IHGEA, Thomas C. and r. •lld Mt-. Byron 8ellM, LAoune K1lllerlnt l.; BURGETT, Ell1abel'1 1<ll,glt1. J. Ind J•t•ld W.; COUSINS, M1tctt-.i IANCLIMINTC Allee end WallK• D•M; GARRETT, OINIRALHOIPf~AL , Elfl'Y G. end Mltlhl M.; SHM8AN, ~ ...... ,...,.,,,,, l&H CA.-M¥yJ.;HOWARD,Cln· r. efld Mrt. ,._,.,lco c~6ldtt, dye• LH artd David Francis; • _ A,.. GAA"!T, Aoneld M. Wld CenCS.ce C.; _.,,,.9Mdt,.,.... STOFf'A, R°'9 A. 11W Edw•rd F.; ~1•"'' WALSH, OI-E. end ~akl L.; lfld ~ Pellt llafl;.a, Sitt AOBEATSON, Gtorla Jo Ind David nte,llo'r. Dn11. and Mn. Jlllrev Trivia, South MASSO, O...ltl and ICeren; SEBO, ~=·::tLVMEudY,MluloftVlt• 0.~lt A. -Oemll E.: CORl.IS. 111.•ltl, . Oonllld E. -It-S.; TINSMM'i, _. " f. .. • ' , • .. -c. ·- .. • • • , I MERvv·N . •• STOR.EWID . t.. -- .. " ~ • • STARTS SUNDAY! ' • • • ~ D9a1Mitrt.1m l(lftntndMIClletll..M;OAEGORIO, elld M,..GnlQOtYldtloeUtr, Sllot Allcla end R.,to; GUIMONT, Jeaft ~II -Dllrnll Jose~; Sil.VA, . ~n:'1:::-•::f:... Horris, Sift Cl'ltryl T. elld Terry J,; Jf.AVCIHS, .... Thornes Joe -Ooroll"I\'; Jf.NSEN, • and ·:::::: Craig M.trtman, s.... Lois l!l•IM and Ron•ld Elvtn; lt,tft1. GALVIN,JoMJemesenoMetlllA.n· ~J.1977 '°'.:'~:T. Ft-1• P. -BIWdtlt Sunday is yohur day, if you enjoy bargain hunting! ¥ou'll find substantial savings throughout t e store on selected clearance merchandise. This !!. a clearance sale, so quantities are Umited to stock on hand: .. please shop early for best selection. • end ::/! Lnlle Jerlte. s.... B.; STIRAATT, AKl'ltl and Wllll ..... I 1•· ~ s, nn Jon; ESPE.JO, c-no B. lll'd Andrt• ~Mn. JoM Van Plttt. Sen T.; GUTIEAREZ, 10.M.andBMNY C.; DI! PASQUALE, Rk;...,.d A. eno lt,119¥. Janet E.; ESPANA, S.IV-f and ' •OUll!TAIHVALU'f' Jotllnna L.; HALL. .... Me LO\lfle COMMUNITI' HOSPITAL Ind J•rrv o.vlo; R08EltTS, MkllHI .......... l!l."'7 V. Ind~ A.; PUl-100, ROllJll al'ld Mts. 1t11)11ll Yel\llt. INIJalmeUl1»nl>;HICK'-Gtorl•M· • • .. ~, : l111tr,Qltt, • tndl.HlltW • ............. fff1 JACICSOH, Slndrlt eltd C1111"1fle and Mrs. Mllflo Mllrlllo, Hunt· Jr.1 MINJAllU. 0....leve M ...... • _..,boy. R-tl Jr.; SCHl.ECT, C..tlly M. encl .............. '9'1 bY'f'l\llMI R.1 .-MOAos • .-ut11 ell4I •• MrL~C:,_,~ .. lllll· TlmolllY D.; Sl'OWHLeE,Gtorlea. •Nd! 94'1. al\ll .. btrt H.; """NCl.CONI. ----------r •... d Mts. o'err .. Mott, ... ,. ••• J . •!Id c•l"ttlllt M.; l!llnst•.~· llOWLl", ltallerll L. encl fl,_11 L.~ .~1,1'1' fTIW/lltT, SIMI'• C. llflCI How1td , tH Mn. TIMeellj Arte11411, I(./ ... ANIO!'I, Oltryl ~ encl Dollglts l!llMler,olrl. ' • I<.: HOWi\ltD, H._.,Hll It. end O.C111-.rl. tm ""'Mf!dO H. 8N Mrs. All~ T~, H1111t-... OWN ,,_., P. e1141 ICIH't W.; ._,.,~, fllT& Lf11ct1 L. al\d Gery A.; llldMn.Wlllllnlfl .. llfMft.lr.,(,_ICICiTT, f'rt11• end Merit T.; 9"Cll.tlrl. WILLlll~H.~r"M J,1M.-lclllrd \ -:,;: =~~.R=d ::::_ = ANAHllM CYPAE88 FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH Yflllle"}j fll>M."•ltl!\elNIAdlvT,; ~ ........ -N.l..oldtMet-•1--1Gll1V...,Vlewhwt-.-.U c.--•c:.m.,DIMe.tY.,._U..---•1AdanllA---11H731 HA HI 'I', Qllllll C1Wllll lllWI Linde =; c="~!11:?. 11~.:!! · PLUI S7 MORE STORl!I 'f<!!UVE YOU ,~ftOU.9.HOUT~F09'e1lAAN.[\Jt.~. ~ iimt•IMll-.r .• ~...... .... ~.) ~ .. li."I.!. ' 'ih -.;.... T -L --< . . . ·-·-,'& .. '--~ --.:..~ ?!i· ... ~ .,. . .. ~J ... ~ ... ~-4----.... --~· ...... . ---....-. -·~ .. I II J I • •• ' . . .... • • # • r .. ·, •I .. 11 ' .. V .. I OT -~ ..... Sagittarius Due Romance Murder Rap Upheld SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -The state Court of Appeals has ruled a woman who ordered her sister to fire a 1bot whh:b kUled a man la 1wlty ol murder -e ven though the woman Who pulled the trisger ls innocent. The court upheld a ~ptember 1976 Jury verdict in tbe blaarre aecood.deir" murder trial of Mary Williams and her slat.er Jo Al1n Williama. HOROSCOPE I OBITUARIES UNTREEG~ME UDO VILLAGE 30°/o • 40°/o Off ONBACl(GAMMOM • Kim ll·~unR, :ibove, "a fl• clt:<.'led pre l· 11'-'nl of North Korea. um.I l>epuiy Premier Li Jong-ok w s elbcl· e~ premier by tbu :nx th Supre m e People's Assembly at the sl.Jilrt of iLl> first s e~sion. R ad i o Pyong)ang has a n- nounced. SUNDAY, DEC.18 The court -aid Jo Ann CUPDed down Tillman RySYDNEYOMARB WashlQ.i\On .on command from Mary, who wu HO I Vle OpcM4e. Mp.,.... l..cta .. JJni.1.rw.,.._.,...,..._... ,. . struggling Wlth the vlcUsn over her own handa\l.D, ARIES <March 21-Aprll 19): CreatJve energy whicb w.asnoverfired. 675-6139 a bounds ; you make a mark, Imprint. style, . • favorably impress me mber or opposite sex. Stress .;...--------------------------------------- orleinallty, initiative. Good timetodl.scussnew pro· Ject. ·~·llli~"'ll'41!f!llllrlllll~ir4~~(illl'-rl\i;ill~~'tal~"1~1!'1J~llll!'11~11!1i~~tlrGll~il1"1~~"1t'll£'1~ CLARK TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Answers come Death Notice• MA RV M. CL ARK, ruld•n• 01 from within -be recepUve, avoid lnal1Un1. cajol· · Hem II, C•. P•\\ed •'"•Yon 0Kember ' ._'din Vi it fl ed •-h hos "t l H. 1917. !>ur•lvod by ,.,,ee •o•" ing. Cm g. s one oon n ...... ome, Pl 8 •. R•ymono "--•ut "'"'"11<'1'· H1ro1.i Relax -older person does care and will aid. ~-:i:-;:,.r: ~~·1 ~·1 ::c' ... n~f' .. '! .,..,,.,..... GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Frienda help in 11••ndu111eron enc1 •·•• 11, •• , D-atll No••-e• restoring confidence. You are given meaningful o••""'"11d,.... l'uner11"rv1<nw1111>e ""' &..: compliment by one who is sincere -and mature. n.ld Mo..o.y O.Ce..-r It, 1t17 e l 1:00 PM e.11 .,_,..,,Y a..oee ,.1111 "'"· Mccue Seed planted in recent past bears fruit. Cl\e•I•• Cl-Olt1t1 .. t11>Q.. Interment MARV E. Mt<:.4>81!, ruldent Of CANCER (June 21-J uly 22): Acceot on aC· w111 bf>11 WKlmll\1tt<~MOtl•I P•fll. "•mo"• p•U•d •w•v Tllu,.d•V · · · h h d F"'"'" ~ .. c111 ,, eet1 8 ,.,..,,., .. o.cem1>er is."" in~· v.11.., complishment, s tanding tn community, c urc an Mortu•rv on s..no..v 10.00 AM. 101:JO Ho..,ue1. sne waa "°'" Augus121, 1•1 civic actlvtty. You get chance soon lo prove some PM Sell 8r-ey Mtwtuary dirk· .In AudoDon, Iowa. She came to maj'or contenti'onS. lOr> Catllornl• trom '-• In tt09 and llel FRESH eur eHRISTMAS TREES t ALL TlllS 4 ft. mid onr wll be kept ill water frOIR the t day they ARRIVE IR wWte ~ ..... UE STAMD ... Ow Tr•t1 .. so "RISH• we IMrYe to bep llappillg ....,. "haftds. llwd 1n ,..,,,..... lln<e. M". Mcc..tie LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 l: Good lunar aspect cor· .. ,.,,__________ Md llvt<I In Cool• Mesa tor 1 yur with d d' l lb t" di 1 pi 't l IALn,lllGEION " "" dAugMer. H•r tauwr w•• 111., 111c rcspon s now to lS r U ion, sp ay_, s fl l,la con- \ FUHHAL HOME or. R•n....-n H•rr~ 01 Pomona. Mr~. ccpts, long-range plans, travel, feeling that you"ca n Corona del Mar 67 3.9450 ~,\~:~~.r~J' c!,11~~'."= 1~ ,~'::,.~·~ and will communicate. Ge mini, Virgo and Sag it· Costa Mesa 646-2424 Dv • 01uQ11"'· Mr\ ... ,..., R. c ... n1 .. 11 tar lus persons figure prominently. ;1,1~~~~~; ,::,11'(1!,''::;e,;:.,•;0~~1:,,~; VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22 >: Delve into HUllOADWAY MOlTUAIY 1 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 SMITl4 TUTHIU UMI COSTA MU.A CHAP'll 427 E 171h St Cost a Mesa • 646-4888 Santa And Chapel 518 N Broadway Sdntd Ana • 547-4t31 P'lfiltCE IROTHElS SMITHS' MORTUARY 627 Main St Hun1ington Beach 536-6539 "HK FAMILY COLOHIAL FUHHAL HOME ltl01 Bols.1 Ave W1•srm1n\lt?r 893 3525 .. ACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL P'ARI( Ct•metPry Mortuary Cn.<Of'I 3'J00 PJ 1f1r Vi r>w Dn11e NPwport CJ!tf 1rr11.1 h 44 2700 McCORMICK MOlnUARIES l <.1<Juna Beacn 494 9415 L.1q1u1a Hills 168·0933 ot <>t•.,.•148. z or-.on•. M1<h.H1 mysteries. chock records, books, be aware or "OC· ~.!.~:::::, ';:~:,..~~~~':! ';.~.'1:! c ult impli calions." F a mily and money come Mid Mor1111y o..c.-"•• '"lO "M together and a n open d iscussion should be on agen· '" Toad fHmor••I CNPOI. Pomon• da. Purchase or ite m that entertains, beautifies is Uurl•I will D• m•dtt 1n Pomon• Ctmettry ~ .. ~ mav can at 11>11 okay. Keep promise. Pomon. c ... pei ~v •rom -10 • LIBRA IScpt. 23-0 ct. 22): Emphasis on what PM JONES "opposition" may be saying, doing. Gather in· JAMES R08ERT JONES. Atto•,..v formation. Revie w leg,al channels. Partner or mate •• Lew. born July 21· 19~3 1" Pann-i"s in l'icture. Relationship is tested. Stand tall lylvll\IG. oa•Md aw1y Oec:•mber 4. 191/, Ht Orlcludled with a B•<htlor Of Without being arrogant. Sc1~ .. u In EtKtrlt11 El\Q1.-.•tno 1rom SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): What had been L ... ,.,,,. IMllllllt ol Te<MolOQY •NI ooclor 01 Jurl•orud1nce 1rom morihund is s wept into action. Job that was routine Unlvff\lf'/Of()etrOlt Hepr4Klt<tdt•w b h II a creat1"ve steppingstone lnOren91 County.C.•ht.lorlyeul.HI CCO ffi eS C 8 enge, . "•u•••••d ""M ... 10. Patrkl• AM• Aries, Libra figure promine ntly. ~::::!'. :;:,~:~~:c.;':,'::' .i:;::, R.~': SAOITJ'ARIUS <Nov. 22-Dcc. 21): Good Moon AoMld Jo,..'" 1,.... 1am11v reQ\it lt><on· as peel coincides with rom antic concerns. pursuits lrilkollon> "" ,,_ to Hoag HOSPll•I. or ple asure. specula ti ve venturt'S. Obtain hint from J•m"' Aobl'r1 JOM• Memorial Fund. d N•wpor11>o<".c..111 Scorpio message. Individual who com plained. sai PUtttNaooM you -wer e not keeping up with the times, does an C.HARlrS A PCEAENBOOM, ll ubout·f:tce. Col u S Air f or<e ret1r~~ ~~ 61 ot Hvnl1m1lonlk .. K~.t.l ,Od•M'<l• .. •v on CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Practical ma t· D•c.m1>1·r 1~. 1911 H• "•u••1••0 l>Y tcrs dominate. Nagging cont•crns about home, pro· t\t\ Wtft• [ llt't"n, d~uQnlt"f Katnleen b r· f l" h y ., ... , .. ,.bOOm "'"Jam~• Mocn.. .. 1 ... nci pcrty or fomily receive enc 1t o gre11.ter 1g t. ou ~~~;~:.~''';;~:':~.s·~~;,.:;:;;,"':::;:'; know what should be done -and wi ll have courage "''·'·' Ind """"""' H• l.tuOhl S<hOOt to do it. • ... Bolu Grend1 High $<hO•I In AQUARIUS (Ja n. 20-Feb. 18): Accent on rel-••• ~;;;':,"~nh~~;::;:~~°'~:;.~~~.~~~ alive~. s hort trips. fam ily security. propt>rty ap· a1 • oo PM t04to••d bv Mus •t praisals. heart-to-heart talks with those who play I 10P M •t St !.•moft ~ Jude C.lllollc cnurc11 ot Hunt11\Q1on BeKJ>.c.. inter· important roles in your li fe . "'~"' TUf'MllY DK-•r 10. m 1 •t · PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)· Accent on "count· 10 00 A M In Ywnlm1nsl•r Men.«l1t · h " 11 d b J • Por• 01 ,.cted DY w~simln•tor ing your c a nge. co CC"ting e ts. eva uatmg M•morl•1 Perk Mortu•rv Fam11y •uv· fin ancial prospects. E xpand horizons. F ight infla· Qt\IS contr1bullon\ be made to The t" I I . r I R ( t b Amerlonc.n<erSot•ely0<St.Vincen1 ion n ll persona, meaning u way, e use o e de P•utSoc1e1y over charged, intimidated. Louise JE'~~~;HNSON, '""'· U Dec. 18 ls your birthday you are vital. d•111 01 Foun1a1nva11ev.ca .. •Nlf••or dra matic, al limes hol·temperi!d. Nothin~ happens :;~~·s::.',:!, :'~,~~i:,:,m,ti;":;101,~ halfway with you -it is all or nothing. You are Jolln•on, <;ravesldl ....... 1c~• w•ll DC' hi~h·principled. fond of travel, a person capable of ""1d '°"•v oeomt>tr 11, 1911 •t 11 oo publishing, communiealinn. 0 cllin11 ideas across. <,.Jn Juan Cao1~trano Ii M .u G•..,.wood MeMOf1at Par~ In " '"' " 495-1776 S•n Olt'QO. c.. Smit!\ Tu1n111 umD Aries, Libra pera6ns play 1m Por tant roles in your s799s POONE: 646-74-41 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 038 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA MESA MOltday-Tiw.s.t. 1-5:10 '-..._ ________ _,~... Costa Mn • Mortuary Otrec tor\. life. ----------------------.!!~~~~·~ ..... ------------------....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----~ ehristmas - atLido Village Do Your Christmas Shopping With others wlio have found • J ~ • 'that Lido' Village off er~ ... 80phlaticated specialty shopfl ~.,who offer you personal service and attent,ton Ample parking Entrance to our 400.car garage Is directly acros~ from Lido Theatre 'I ' t' ~· r~ It's a whole new world to-explore. Come visit us and ENJOY ~hopping this Christmas .. ·. Shopping in a pleasant, uahut"ried Fre~~'1 Riviera vlJlage atmosphere, wfth open air dinlng by the water, and merchants who care. r LOCAL I N-ATIONAL Closing tARK. U\,ih <AP) Ghost lowau are nothing new to the West. When a mine gave out, folks moved on. But Kennecott Copper Corp. with plenty of copper still in the mountain -gave notice to the people oC this tiny mining town near Sa.It Lake City this week they woold soon be ex-residents of a former Lown. "WELL, IT'S A HELLUVA Christmas present!" exclaimed one of about 200 of the town's 650 residents packed into a cultural hall. . When asked what the copper gtant plans to do with the land, Kennecott spokesman Soren A. Barrett remained silent. When asked whether Ken· necott planned to provide any re- location funds . Barrell said nothing. PRE VIOUSLY, KENNECOTI' ar ranged that in 1992 it would as- sume control of the 650 acres up· on which Lark sits from U.S. Smelting, Refining and Mining Co. -now known as UV In· 1 dustries. But UV ceased its operutions here earlier than expected, and on Nov. 22 agreed with Kennecott to consummate the earlier deal immediately. Barrett told residents Ken- necott will not buy their houses. Those who rent or lease were told their leases would not be re· newed. All except those who own houses have until Aug. 31. 1978. to move. F AMIL I ES WH O OWN homes on leased ground get an extra 60 days. If they don't move their homes. Kennecott will, Bar· re!lt said. Tension filled the hall as younger residents demanded an explanation •ind some elderly persons sobbed quietly "You have us over a barrel. .. said reside nt Robert Bardsley. t "lts's amusing to see how these biJ? rompanies work. Onee we're ' :~:::•:c~O~NE R" R ~~E RT Mou lton said he would lose ' everything he put into his home. He said it would be impossible to move it. "What will we do, where will we go?" another person de· manded. "Doesn't il mean anything to Kennecott that the people here are going to be reduced to nothing?" asked Bl-year.old Hilda Grabner, who has lived in Lark for 40 years. Too Long Neglected "These ponies have suffered enough discomfort for a lifetime." says a Humane Society official. The two were neglected for so long that their hooves grew about a foot long and curled up. A horsegoer near Redmond, Wash .. will clip and trim the hooves. Fire Extinguishers Benefit Sale Set Saddleback College student body members are selling fire ext· inguishers in the Laguna Niguel shopping center to raise money for the Steve Swearingen Memorial Fund. Swearingen, who was ASB vice president and the son o! the college's head football coach Ken Swearingen, was kiUed in an autobmobile ac- cident earlier this month. -·----------- THE MONEY raised for the memoria.1 fund will be used to construct u scoreboard in the new stadium which will be built on the Mission Viejo campus in the future. College officials said a plaque with the young man's name will be arrixedlothcscoreboard. donated signs to the students. The booth will be open until Christmas Eve, Monday throuih Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. and on weekends from 10 a .m. to 8 p.m. Firemen will be available with fire prevention literature. Further information may be obtained by calling Bill Kelly, as- sociate dean for student affairs. at 831·9700 or 495-4950, extension 212. Saturday. December 17. 1977 'Trash Bag' Deaths RIVERSIDE tA P ) A Superior Court judge has given a 37-year -old mao a week to re- consider his guilty plea in three of the so-called "trash bag murders," warning the man he may be putting himself in jeopardy or the death penalty in related cases. But after this week's hearing, an attorney for Patrick Wayne Kearney said the admitted homosexual "knows what he. wants to do. but he doesn't have a death wish." KEAR NEY AND a former roommate, David Rill, 34, were ar rested in July and alleaedly told investigators or about 28 kill· Inga in five counties over the l,asl 10 years. The Riverside County Grand Jury later indicted Kearney in three kilUnis there, but dad not indict Hlll for lack of evidence. Orange, Los Angeles and San Ole&o counties have Indicated they may bring Kearney to trial for murders In those counties, and Judge John Hews said at Wednesday's hearing that pros- ecutors in those counties may be able to ask the death penalty for Kearney if he pleads guilty in Riverside County. T H E NEXT HEARING on Kearney's plea was scheduled for Wednesday. OAJL y PILOT A 11 Keurney t s charged In Riverside with the murders ol Albert Rive rs . 21 , of Los Angeles: Arturo Marquez, 24, of Oxnard: and John LnMay, 17. of El Segundo. The killings ha\·e been termed the "trash bag murders'· because many of the bodiei;, some nude and dismembered, were found l.n large plastic truh bags dumped along highways. Investi1ators contend the deaths were linked to homosexual ac· tivities. After the arrest or Kearney and Hill. investigators searched In Yarlous locations where the two men said additional bodies might. be found . Airline Fined for Shipllwnt FOR CHRl)TMfl) II UNIQUE GIFT IDE:fl!I {t FOR THE FIREPLACE {(FOR THE HOME {!FOR THE PATIO ..,,,,,--........._,.v WASHINGTON (AP) .---------------_,,, A U.S. District Court has given a $500 fine to Air France for shipping 27 lovebirds through the United St.ates last spring without proper papers, t he Agriculture Depart· ment disclosed. The birds, en route from Paris to Tokyo, s topped ut Anchorage, Al aska, on April 7 without an in-lransil permit. A judge in Anchorage levied the fine against Air France, which officials say had bee n war,ned before about breaking a rule in· tended lo prevent un- healthy birde rrom re· maining in this country. One department of· ricial said the birds ·were allowed lo proceed to Tokyo even though they lacked a permit. ··we're not against love," he said. *CU)TOM* FIRE)CREEN) 3 Day Delivery HAVE YOURS READY ffott' $39.50 FOR THE HOUDAYSll ~ Specialize In *GLl1))* FIRE)CREEN) *TOOL SET)* fro"' $15. 95 FOR THE PATIO ROCKING CHAIRS SPRING BASE CHAIRS CHAISE LOUNGES PATIO SETS BAR·B·Q's TOOL SETS FOR THE HOME WICKER CHESTS WfCKER The South Coast Fire Preven· lion Company is furnishing the 2 1 ~-pound, refillable, dry che mical extinguishers. They ar(' decoratively wrapped as ..... l:> a11d being sold for $18.95, plus tax. Newport Arts Fest : ATT°'Mn AT u.w BANKRUPTCY $95 *LOG{ET)* ELEPHANTS THE \'MCA and Jaycees have donated display space on their Christmas tree lot in the main ma II of the center at Crown Valley Parkway and Niguel Road. Century 21 Realty has Village Uncovered lSTANBUL. Turkey CAPl Archeologlsts have unearthed a cluster of tombs dating to the 8th or 9th century B.C. in a village 370 miles south of Istanbul. the Anatolia news agency rts. ~ Backed h y College DIVORCE S95 Newport Beach city coun-Uncontested rilmen have approved an agree-___ ,_4_0._2_s_o_1 ___ •1 ment with CoasUine Community ---------College for joint sponsorship of the cit~ Arts Festival m May. Under the terms or the agree· ment, still to be ratified by col· lege district trustees; the coll ege would pay the SS,000 fee for a pro- fessional director for the three- day event. The city would pay the remaining $l0,000 budgeted for the festival at Fashion Island. BE CONCERNED. PREVENT \ WILDLAND j~ FIRES from $49.95 WICKER PLANT STANDS Southern Coll/omla' Lorgat Selection OJ ..,,.,.,,.. G.. l.o8• On Dt•plq WICKER MIRRORS ETAGERES B. TORO • 830·6664 SADDLEBACK VALLEY PLAZA. EL TORO RD. Open weekdays 10·6 Tll' 9 FRIDAY . .3ATURDAY 10·6 SUNDAY 11-5 White's I • ) .... Al•°"'-y "LOT COURSES BY NEWSPAPER 'Stuck With PrisOns,' We Need Understanding BJ JOHN lt"1N • k Most ol our Ideas about m ale pr1son1 are ml&· ' e.a because t.bey fix on a typo of pn1on -t.he ;:~ii bouse" -lhal bu virtually duappeartd the U16l 2' yean. lri the "big house" the prisoneri mostly whlta -lived accordlna to the •·convic:t code." Pr_lmarily. this meant not informing on oth~.­ prisoners. "doing your own Umc." and not talking toguarda. PRISONER LEADERS -"RIGHT GUYS" - taught and enforced the code. A few prisoners car· ried on UJ~gal activities like making "pruno" -a nasty last.mg prison brew -and got involved in c~£ •JUSTICE IN AMERICA prison sex, a peculiar ~ex ua l world with "joc k crs" -the masculine partners, "punks" pnson·made homosexua l s, and '"queens" -self . admitted homosexuals. But most pdsoners stayed close lo a few prison friends, worked at their ~ job assignments. took up hobbies, played sports, re· ad and tried to stay out of trouble. PR1SONE1'S IN SOLITARY PLAY CHESS Attica Riots Lead to Isolation of Inmates Administrators ran the "big house" with one overriding concern: lo keep the place running :;moothly and out of the public's attention. Guards kept the peace by striking a bargain with the con. victs: "Don't get too far out or line and l won't bother you , but if you cause me any trouble I 'II bust you." BY AND l.ARGF. THE BIG house was a mean and monotonous place. but peaceful. Contrary to popular belief. most prisoners didn 'l learn crime .there. but di<ln 't learn how to Ii vc outside either. They learned how lo do time and about half came back to serve more. Today's prisons, in contrast, are torn by violence, with in· males assaulting both each other and their guards. Gang w<1rfore is common, and by 1973 1Rw1N the murder rate ins ide San Quentin w;.1s 20 llml'S higher than that in the outside wvrld. Meanwhile. penoll)gists, prisoners a9d the public have etll l'omc to recol!mze that prisons are ra1ljni.:-lo rehabthtatc convtcled cri mmaJs or deter 11thcr!> from t'nm<.·. WHAT HAS CAUSED SUCH turmoil? And what t'an ht> done lo end the war behind w;.ills and ensure that prisons serve tht•ir purpose"! The decline of the big house began after World War II. when many stettes seriously tried to "re- '"' hi ht ate .. prisoners. lnno\'alive penologii.ts accepted the idea that tnm1nals were ~1ck etnd could be cured. and de· ''t'lopcd elaborate classification systems lo diagnose cnminals' sicknesses; therapy, education and vocettionul trnining programs to cure them; and indC'terminate ~entence systems lo release prisoners when. but nut before. they were cured. IN THE EARL V \'EARS OF rehabilitation many, perhaps most. prisoners accepted the idea t hat they were sick and willingly participaled in the new programs. Communication flow ed more freely between prisoners and staff, and the gap between them narrowed. Many prisoners stopped thinking of themselves as "criminals" or ··convicts," and the ties of the con vi ct code that had held prisoners together weakened. Ry the 1960s, however. social scientists and prisoners began questioning the worth or rehabilita· lion. The new programs had not really helped ex prisoners faced with the same conditions that, in the past, pointed them toward crime. FURmERMORE, UNDER TUE DOGMA of rehabilitation. prisoners were subjected lo in. determinate st•ntencc systems. Parole boards fixed and rcfixed sentences for reasons that wer e never quite clear to the prisoners. On lhe average. prisoners scn•ed more time. In Cahfornw. for example, the median sen· tcnce increased Crom 24 months in 1950 -lhe real bc~inning or the rchahilitative era -to 38 months in 1968. Harshly punitive measures. such as indefinite segregation in "adjustment centers." were slip~ in as .. rehabilitative" devices. The discrepancy between rhetoric and reality produced a sense of rage and injustice among prisoners. AT THE SAME Tl1'1 E, RACIAL hostilities soared. Prisons in the East. North and West that formerly housed predominantly white prisoners now contained hair or more non-white prisoners. Black prisoners began organizing religious, cultural and politiciil groups. Chicanos in the West and Puerto Ricans in the East followed the lead ot black prisoners. Violence between races increased drastically. and many pri11ons became tense bat· tlefields with voluntary i.cgregation by race. l n the late 1960s outside political activists became interested in the prisons and began work· ang lo improve them and to help prisoners or ganize. f''or a short period. a political "movement" grew umong prisoner:. of all races. PRISONE RS PLANNED STRIKES, formed unions and even ran a prison in Walpole, Mass., for l l weeks after lhc guards walked out in protest over the a dministration's lenient policies. Although the old "big house" order based on a Probation Se t LOS ANGELES <AP) A federal judge has placed two former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies on Clve years• pr obation in connection with an alleged scheme to bilk $400,000 out of a Texas money broker. U .S. Dist rict Judge Albert Lee Stephens Jr. imposed the sentence on Rnlph . Davenport, 39, :.ind Penn Wl'ldon. 46. fll BUXTEHUDE'S .. Jesus, Joy and Treasure" St. Mary's Choir and Cha.,.... Orchestra 9:ts..,.... s ... 1 December It · St. Mary's Episcopal Church 421,-41••·-· L..epio S.ech • iln&le cocwlct code a nd reapected prlson leader. had been tom apart, involvement in ~UUcal or· unbatlon.s nnd demands for prisoners rt•ht.a tem· porarlly created a new form ot solidarity 1mon1 in- mates and reduced racial violence. • Prison adminiat.rat1ona acrou the country act· ed swiftly to stop thia develo11ment. They ldenWled 1>riton leaders as "revolutionaries .. and ae1rt8&t• ed. transferred or paroled them. They succeeded lo I hallln& or stalling the pri100 P<>l>Ucal movement. HOWE VE R, WITHO UT A U NIFYING purpose, the prisoners have again split Into hostile factions. T hese dlvlsions, p ar ticularly racial divisions, prevent prisoners from following a single code. Many inmates have formed gangs or cliques to protect themselves and lo control druas and other contr aband, including money, which ls now in t.he prisons in large amounts. Gang members attack rivals and retaliate when attacked. Most prisoners, as always, t ry to avoid trouble , but thla is now more difficult. They m ust obey the informal rules of racial segregation enforced by the gungs and tiptoe carefully around violent gang members. Even then they r un some r isk of being as· saulted, robbed, raped or murdered. PRISONE RS NOW ASSAULT GUARDS much more frequently. Accordingly, guards have grown more hostile toward prisoners and toward the ad· ministrators, whom they blame for the dismal sl ate of the contemporary prison. Prison guards are or· ganizing into labor unions that demand more punitive policies uguinst prisoners. ln addition to such traditional labor benefi ts as higher pay. Unfortunately, we are stuck with our contem· porary prisons. Despite lalk about "alternatives to incarceration," the public will accept no substitutes that are more humllne. Some convicted persons may be placed on pro· bation or in halfway houses. Others may be sen- tenced lo volunteer services or some a'ternatlve to prison. But the pubUc will o.rdinarily demand that those convicted of ser ious crimes by Imprisoned. ACTUALLY, THE EXPANSION OF "rom· . munily corrections" has increased the number or people in the contr ol of the criminal j ustice system by adding new categories or minor offenders, as the number of offenders in prison also rises. Since we are stuck wllb prisons we must un· An origin I musical by Ruth& Noel Wilson NEWPORT MESA Chtlatlon (ente1 O.cembet 18, l977 5 and 7 pm 148 E. 22nd St. Costa Mesa derstand their Umitatlons. Presumably prti ons de- ter many free citliens from committinl crtmes, yet, our seJecUon process for prison actually r e. duce a lheir deterrenl value. Less than 10 percent or lhe persons charged with a felony are sent lo prison, and by and large these are the poorer and Jeu deterrablo criminals, not necessarily lhe mo11t serious. . Consequently. m uny clUzens accurat~ly con· elude that they will not be sent to prison even if they comm it crimes and are cauaht. Prisons punish people. But "beaplnf" punish· ment upon the few senl to prison embitters and dam ages t.he m. They perceive that they are carry. ing the entire punishment burden, and they break or rebel under the strain. We could increase deter rence and reduce the turmoil in prison if we were honest about what we are doing -punishing prisoners -and delivered shorter sentences to all persons convicted of serious crimes. I I BELIEVE THAT PRISONERS should be al· lowed to form organliallons that would unify their warring factions . These organizations would have to have some real responsibility In running the prison so prisoners would actually participate in them . They should also have access to oulside arievance mechanlJms so that many of the practices which unnecessar ily degrade. injure a nd em bitter prisoners would be discouraged. It is likely t.hai these measures would reduce the turmoil greauy. However, such changes would not make prisons into "country clubs ... Prisons are inherently un· pleasant and ate intended to be. NEXT WEEK: Sheldon L, Meumger, professor of Criminology at UC Berkeley, discausu tM future of punf.ahfMl'lt fn the United State.. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 600 St. Andrews Road N,ewport Beach. California CHRISTMAS SUNDAY · DECEMBER 18 Services at 8:00, 9 :30 and 11:00 a.m. Or. Cary N . Weisiger Ill preachl"9 MUSIC FROM HANDEL'S MESSIAH by the Sanctuary Choir, Chamber Orchestra and Soloists C/llld Uri P<OVl- CHRISTMAS EVE • DECEMBER 24 Special m usic, Scripture Readings and Carols Family Vesper Service. S:OO p.m. Chlld CM• P<0¥1- Candlef ight Service· 11 :00 p.m~ Pre·servke Christmas music program begins 10 p.m. INlurl1111 / Harriet Wood, har pist St. Andrew's Sanctuary Choir St. Andrew's Handbell Choir Alex Johnson, orga nist CHRISTMAS DAY • DECEMBER 25 Sunda y Worship Service: 11 :00 a.m. onlr The Rev. Jack I. Thomas preaching ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTOR¥ HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH c-of fw•lew Md loli.r. CMfO ...... Rn . Hilto.. J-1•. Postor ~ 17141 SS6. 7717 SUHDAY WORSHIP SERVICE$ \..__. t t :00 A.M-SUMD4Y SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. EVIHIHG SIEAVICE -6:00 P.M. WIOMI SOA '( IYIHING • 7:00 '·"'· YOUTH AHD ADULT lllLI STUDIU FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHuaCH 6SO W. HOMlff" S.,_., C..te MoM 64219111 SUHDAY SCHOOL-9145 A..M. WOlSHIP SERVICE$ -11 A.M. & 6 '..M. ...uu1•Y r•ov10ED ,ASTOR. uv. JOI HIFHH , CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WMMlll, Cod• MMo 645-J It I we·re A Going . Glowing .. Growing Church SUHDAY SHl lCIS 81ULE sruov •I AM WOllSHll IU AM,.. "M "SOUR•RAHS"-PilT II PAUL THOMAS. MIMCSTIR Uf.MI CtlO""-YOUTM _,nl There It o wey to b e,.._ COHSCIOUSl Y ..... -" ..... CHURCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Of LA 6 \ll<A HAC:OI :ioQl LAOUNACANYON 1110 -AT (L T0..0 1'10 HIHRY GIRH•RD, Miftlttw Md4rf ~•Ices -I 0:00 AM ~. Jr. C ...... 11 & Y..tfl G"°"' I 0 AM oflhr CMllllC"Ofl'Cl4'4 .. 4ff-Al.A.f'Ul .. ll• H0 14• .. tt 44 THIW°!G.ftAGE IY IT1¥1 AU. .... POMIL.U TY Sf •R Meellnq our Ille llluallons In a way that brings right results always demands the Quality of courage .. · Sometimes that may even mean the courage to fail. It Is surprising how often we hear of a oerson who has very worthy goals, but fail• to start toward them because he CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ~Of 1M1 MOT_ C_QtlMl NUl ~COi Of c;-sr. K*flSl IN IOITOK MAS""CNIMTYI "IS THE UHIVEltSl, IHCLUDIH(i, MAH, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCU" SUHDA Y, DECEMBER 18, 1977 Cetta Mesa-First Church of Chritt. Sci•fltist JllO M•M Ve.-.k Or., Co.t• MH• lfltillllr Sdoiool -I 0 A .M. GIWtll $tniu -I O A.M. R .... 11""9· 2110 Mt'o Verde Or. ' ..... ~•111 ............. "'"" Sat. We4, ''"'° '·"4i•f•9:30 1'.M. ...,...,_ lett~ -Nnt Ci.tftof Chrbt, t•l..,.tt • ... ,otl••1Mll .......... .. C._,.U .... ., ...... _f!lO& II AM, ......... _i2tMaftlSt. ..... C .. ~"'''°"" • l .. ll:JO ......_llOttfilttJ,. lnlfle-C""tf'-" Scleftu Society of lr•S... ......... St. Mtitttiow L.utttwon C lwrcll Ctllftr Offr• .. ~Woy. ln lM s-d•y s.r.kH Oftd Sunday Sc~:OO P.M. ClllW c .. f'ro•lded W.cl. Sl'r•lce -I,. .M. loc}wfto leach-First Church of Clvi1t, Scltfltlst 6l S Hi9" Dn•• C'-'ch & S.ltdoy Sct.ool -I 0 A.M. ·~ ·--214 ,_,.A••· LCMJUIMI Hip.. Rnl Church of Cltriat, ScltMltt 26011 CHtty Or .• L41CJ11ftO Hltf"I Church & s-day Schod-LO A.M. 11...-..., •-uo11 G.rtr o,-. M-.·Sat.-11 •. M.·l ,.M. Minion Vlojo-Flrat Chwch of Clwi1t, Sci.-ti1t ~. ~11twy Sc._.., 25951 Cor11iler9 Or. Ci.re" & S.Mey Sdlool-I 0 A.M. a.--.•--Soft••Y C..ter, ..... ,._... .r L.e , .. H.wport leach-Firat Chwctt of Clwfd, Scl...tiat llOl Vie Lido, Ht"'POl't loec.. • 0-U I 5-dey Sc~OO & I O:JO l..M. R ...... R-lllSVl•Udo M-. ..... Fri. -t A.M.·5 ,.M. \-~•If C-t• Pr~1 ... .0.V" Q » 11 'JO A M Jo-911"11 r ... fears !allure. Sometimes we learn as much from failure Me-,porlleoch-Sec...cta.rci.efC"'4tt,Sc......, es from success. If you have a <feep desire lo do something. dO it Then remember that If it falls. thJ1t J 100 '•1flc V'9w ~ .. c_.... .. Mir does not mean lhal you are a failure. It meens that you ~ ~~ ~171~ ~~t ....... C4M hid th• courage lo try. --r If,..~...,,_, .... ~ WID. EVENING TISTIMOHY MllT'MCH- W.. ,_ w• _, I P.M.. ALL CH&MC .. S Olr~Sw•kn-10 A.M • ....... ,.. ... for Cflri•'-" \II 3rl' rordi:.1lly invited to attend the c:huNh tiet vu:eA ml l"njoy lhc 1>r1v1lc1&e1 or th• Irr.~ M•t1•-f'f• ,.._. tka~ltn~ Roon1:. CHllST UMITY CHUttCM O' MIWPOaT llACH cww.c ... ,,..14t4 AT AU. SUVtCH z-t-ca..-1 •Ma a....,.. n. .-+wiy llbf• LHtOftt ... now lwffckott .....,.,. .._. M~ ttw-OUC)h Fridcry, 6:4S.7:tl P.M. M i,~~~~~~ ...... ~~~...._' ....... lllWilila..t'::~Stilf....,;;,;.;...:~.~~.~:'\a,C :: t '-';- .,,o ···~ 1 ST CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCf l~\. OF NEWPORT BEAot (.:'a T. :: /M~....,,.,c,..,.cn UM9dChoitettolR..._.~ l A I \':;. ~ l 1 HY. ALllRT aunt. Rkf, MIHISTttl \~~ '• ." y t..::~ .-,· • .... WORSHIP AHD SUMDA Y SCHOOL 10:30 A.M. MOftdlly M«"""9 mid ThlinlMy 1'1""'9c) He ...... Woril ... op URBANUS SQUARE M•cArttM.r at Ford Road-H•wpori .. och I ,11 A~, 11· 'lft.\11 ·•'A <'i.lc~ foCi! OMl ll&.SJll .. t.4UZ Mlllbter'1 Mo. '40.IJJI A Cefllal .... tr. te UMITU CMllCI Df CMllST COMMUllTY CMUICM CM1£5ATIOMAL 611H141~A•e .. c_ .. .,..,. 644-7400 D...wW.IClltl.MWt_. IOAM-S..VW~ ~"k"lioiw~utUrf Cl,. BOR otRISTIAN CHURCH .........,. ...... ,~·· 645·5781 2401 lrliM.tS,..._IMMt SUMOA.Y SIAYICIS Chwcllke-1 t :JO w--.w...w, 10:45 •WHEN GOO · TOOK TI TLE TO OUR DREAMS" Rev. Gene R. Swanson Pastor Nursery & Child Care PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas CHURCH Of n.l co'iiH.{Mf 2150 foir•l•w Rd., Coste MH• lrwce A. K11me, ,.._. S-4-f WonMtt & Clwclt Sc'-' a:JO & I 0:00 4 .M. '"-: S57.JJ40 ColMUlffy Presbl.~-C'-'ch 415,.,...ffA•t., e..ti 11 ... Arthur J. T_..H11~ ••"· IU• H. Thies '·I OA.M. -Clwisff9. U-9"°" How ! 10:15 A.M. -WonM, 11: 15 A.M. -,..., .. ,, H- l'ltoM: 4'1·751$ This Sunday Worship in ST. ANDREW'S rltESIYTaJAH CHURCH 600 SI. Anorews Road •Newport Beach • 631·2880 FULL SOVICH 1:00.t:lO·l 1:00 "If Christ Is Your Ught, Then ... " Or. Cary N_. Wet1lger Ill. preaching cww e .. i ewwr-·. cllllrdl ktiMI .. t1 Sw-<tk .. .UC HILIUHI -'45-llU ST. MARK PRES8mR1AH CHURCH 2100 .... ••••• °"" ~ ...... "-"· WMe111 Mc~,.._. LMle ......... Mittie tNr.ctw SUHDAV WOUHtf' & CHURCH SCHOOi. t100 AM -4 I 0:>0 AM ""-.: ...... , .. , COMMUHITY fltlHIYTllUAH CHU•CH eol $,,. _,.,.,, C.M"- 32202 o .. Ollo•oo 9w1.,....., ~.,..,, .. ,,,,., , CIUTIYf WOllSH" ......................... t :OO AM CRHU \'IOM SllVICE , •..••••..•••• , •••.••• I O:JO •M CHURCH SCHOOL t. AN.T S""*'9 •• ; ••••• IO:JO 4M "•vA~~S..-..-.. ~ ..... ~. oir-~ .. ~....,.. Chi!!! Care c.tn •93-ttoa CtmST PllMTTlll4" CMUICH 20111 ~·, "·'· ..... Phone9M-4MO ................... ,..... SHYICHt 1:41 a II A.M. MMA T SCHOOL 10 A.M. f AmND Of URCH THIS SUNDAY I . . __ ... ~ ... -·-----"'·~-,.,=--~·.-~~·_... .... ~ .... !ll!l!lllillllil1m111111111 ......................................... • ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~~-~ ........................... Sat.Utd .. •.Y·.o.c .. ·.m·be·r·11 •.• 19·7·7 .......... o.~.L.Y.Pl.LO.T .. A·J·3 .. Holiday ConCerts ·F~ the Air Gypsies Per~orm The Gy psil'S. ll<m«1rd and Sharnn ll~<1s and fril'nd!-> who have..• performed in 11C'arl~· :mo lsrat'l1 and t\r:1h ~11lag(•!->. will prc1,cnt " Childre n 's .Jewish Thl'ater Expernm<·c flt 11 :30 a.m . and I µ.m. Thursday at Shir Ha :\Ia'Alot . Harbo r Hl'lorm Tcmplt'. l IOO W. Balboa Rl\Ci.. Newport Be a ch. I lo'' ard I lua:-. left. poses as Parsifal the Clown. Sharon !law, 1s tn the background. A light lunch will bt• ~crn:d. Groups Adopt Plan For Self-regulation Cl I ~CAGO ( i\ P 1 II oping to \qird off government intervention, 31 l'hnstian l'\'angl·li<·al orl(anizalions have adopted a plan to regulate their o\\ n fund r~11~1ng activities. Representatives of th<' group~ discussed w11ys to gu~rd the public from frnudul<'nl t•harit1es, said Stun Mooneyham, president of World Vision lntcrnat1om1l, one of the g roups. "Ont• or two bad appl<'s in the barrt-1 makes front page news." said Gt.'Or~c Wibon , executive vice prc~ulcnt or the Bi lly Graham fo:vangcltstic Associa· lion. committee Uwt would establish uniform s tand;irds for dis · dosures and to have that panel study the feasibility of huvmg one or more groups check lo sec which or~anizations arc compl y· ing with the standards . Mooneyham said he hope d the committee could be na med by J <inuar.r. The cantata, "The Christmas Story," will be presented a l the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services Sunday at Lake IWJs Community Church at the El Toro High School gym . The choral work features the c ha ncel choir with brass and percussion. under lhe direction of 01-. Warren C. Marsh, minister of m us ic. An old·fashloncd Christmas dinner will be sponsored by the r hurch women at 6 p .m ._ a l fellowship hall, 23331 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills. • The music departme nt o r Peoples Church wlll present a concert, "Tidings of Great Joy," al 6 p.m . Sunday at 28722 Murg uerltc Parkway, Mission Viejo. • More than 200 members or the Southern California Federation or Templt Youth were ~x pectcd to attend a weekend retreat at Camp Hilltop. Malibu. The event ends Sunday. • Unity Church oJ Truth, 401 F;. Santa Ana ltlvd .. Santa Ana will have a Christmas Candlelight Service at 7:30 p.m . Sunday. This will mark the final service or the churC'h in its present location. Fut ure services will be held in a larger facility Jn Orange. • Rabbi Mark Miller, spiritual leader of Temple Bat Yabm, wlll be the speaker al the 11 a.m. meeting of the lladassah Chapter of Newport Heuch. The group will m~cl al the East.bluff Com- munity Center Monday. • Church of Re ligious Scie nce of Laguna Beach will have the an· nuaJ Christmas potluck dinner and candlelight Service at 5:30 p.m . Sunday al 20062 Laauna Canyon Road. The Service Guild is collecUng Chriatmas gifts which will be de· livered to the youngsters at JuvenUe Hall. .. Good She pherd Lutheran Church's Sund;,iy School will pre- sent a Chrlstmas program at 9:30 a .m . Sunday at the church, 4801 Irvine Center Drive, lrvine. Color shtles of the children as Blblic:ul <:haructcrs will portray the Christmas story. • Chr istmas programs are scheduled Sunday at All Saints Anglican Episcopal Church, 1R082 Bushard St.. Fountain Valley. At 9 ;i.m .. the church ~chool will present a pageant, .. A round the M an~er," and nt ( BRIEF J 10 :30 a .m . the Fest i val of Lessons and Carols wlll be held. Further inform ation is available by calling the church office al 963·3801 . ... Shepherd or the Hiiis Uolted Cbutcb ol Christ, 30121 Niguel Road, Lai;una Niguel, will pre· sent a lyrical Nativity play, ''O Rose of Sharon," by chur ch member, Albert J ohnson. The presentations will be at 7 :30 tonight and at the 10 a.m . service Sunday. • The annual Christmas pro· gra m of the First Baptis t Cburcb, 107 W. Marquita, San Clemente, will be a musical pre· scntation of the Christmas story at6 p .m. Sunday. Performing will be the church choir and members of the Sun· day school, with Gary Boucher narrating and Betty Simonson al the organ. A Christmas carol service ls planned at 7 p.m. Wednesday. "' T he senior choir and four children's choir s from the Chris· lian Day Schoof wUI pr~sent a Chris tmas Concert &t Cbrlet Lutheraa O.urdt, 760 Victoria St., Costa Mnu, al 7 p.m. Sun· day. Final m id-week Advent service will be at 7:30 p.m . Wed· ncsdny. • M ll'slon Vi ejo C h apter, Women 's Aglow J.'ellowahlp will m eet for breakfas t at 9:30 a.m. W ednesdny at the Mission Viejo Country Club. Reservations, whlch are to be made by Mon· day, can be called lo 586-6299. 830·1701 or586·4024. • A famUy Christmas dinner will be aerved at 7 tonight and 6 p.m. Sunday at the Ffrtt Baptise Cbarch of Co.ta Mesa. • A public Advent concert will be presented by SI. Michael ud All Angels Church, Corona del Mar at 7 :30 p .m . Su.nd ay. Irvin Kimber, organlet a nd choir director, will lead the choir and or chestra in the program. Future concerts will be pre- sented J an. IS, March 12 aad June4. · .. Music from the Christmas por· tion of Handel's ''Messiah" will be featured nt the 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m . worship services Sunday at St. Andrew's Presbyte rian Church, 600 St. Andrews Roa<l, Newport Beach. An Origi,nal Yule Musical To Premiere. J\n o ri gin a l C hris tmas musical, "Luke's Christmas," will be premier ed at the Newport Mesa Christian Center during pe rformances at S and 7 p.m. Sunday. The production, which features full orchestra chorus and soloists, was written by Noel und Ruth Wilson, husband ond wife team of Costa Mesa. Wilson is chairman of the music d epartment al ,Southern California College and his wife has written several books. TUE STORY dra matizes the first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke . The church is located ut 148 E. .22nd St., Costa Mesa. Further in· formation is available by calling 645·6620, where tickets may bl.- reserved. • Teens R~ligious MOONEYllAM dcscribcrl a r esolution pcndmg in the l' S. House of Reprc~t·ntalives to re· gulat e fund -rai s ing as "bureaucratic overkill or what 1s a relatively minor problem ... The ~roups adopted a re11olu· lion. suying "w1· 1:nctorse and en- 1·ourugc voluntury public dis· clos ure" of their own financial information. "THERE WILL BE some fl y· by-nii?hl orgamzallons that wtll be formed lo bilk the evungehcal public." but t he i:roups· actions will help minimtzc their impact. said Mooneyham . lie said 1l would be "unconscionable" for charitable groups' not-to disclo:.e financial information. Nativity Contes Alive DAYTON, Ohio CAJ)) Pollster George Gullup Jr. says tee n ·agers in America a re "highly religious in ce"ain key areas," but seek deeper involve· ment with the church than or· ganizationaJ activities provide. They also agreed lo set up a "Li\'ing Nativity Sce-nc" can be viewed from 7 to 9 p .m . Monday and Tuesday 3t th<.' F irst Christian Church. 1207 Main St., ll unlin~ton Reach. In the manger scent' are. left to t·ight. Marge Iden, shep~ercJ: Damon Duslerhoft. Joseph; Pam Ph1l11ps. Mary; Dan Sm ythe. kin g, and Dave Allen. ~nepherd . ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY 'Phpno11tli C lm~reLllltio1ltll C liurrli TEMPLE'l!AT YAHM :======================:;J;:==========;~~~~==--;r;=======:::;:~~~::::::;:=====~~=========::==:==========;· NEWPORT HAR 4Cordla1Weko&Mfrom l ~ I... 32'2 IRO.AD ST., MEWr0trT IEACH 642·2740 SUHOA '( SHYICIS -t:OO & I O:lO A.M .. SPECIAL ~AMILY CHRISTMAS ,ROGR.AM 7:00 P.M. REV. JOHN LINDVALL, PASTOR ST. JOHN THE DIVINE ---~~~Ef'tSCOPALCHURCH~~~~-j ZOO ORAHGI AYI., COSTA MESA..-S4'·Z2l7 THf ltEV. COHaAD A. NORDQUIST, VICAa SUHDA'f: 11141.1 tnAr11r•ONAL EVC~1sr WfOHISOAY: t A.M. ~~-~R~H 1~~.:~~:·~:RY l'Allli >1"JlY W'-"'"'q''i' ST. JAMESEPISCOPAlCHURCH : t WELCOMES YOU . . 3209VioUdo, Newport Beach SUHDAY 1:00 A.M.Holv Euchorht t :OO A.M. Ctwcli Sc:hMI IMCI AdlM ....... I 0:00 A.M. Hety &.c.._,.1t, ........ ,,.eyer lNr.ts-de'f t :OO & 10:90 ~. Hwury •- TUISDA Y I 0 A.M. Hoey llKltwlat, HetilhMJ s~"lctwl"-LAYIHGOHOfHAHOS NI04Y ltJO ,.M. f'rwyor IMCI h-9M n..1t .... Jolwl ,,Awyll,ltKtor-...... '7M210 olnt Micha" And Alt Angels Episcopal Church J2ll Poclfic Vlew Orin. CorOfta det M• .utsatY CHILD CARI & Ct.tUtCH SCHOOL t:lO A.M,1 SUM>AY HOU COMMUHtOMs-1:00 & t:lO A.M. HotJ C11M1Mlla11 T1tetdey1 7 ....... -Wtdfie .... t:lO 41.M. n.a... J.-lt..,.n 0.,,1 .. Rtctor ,._.,. 644-040 7H Do"tr Dr. M.wport lffclt • LUTHERAN CH~ THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH <lf9] 541-1'31 Costa Mesa h9fr'4. ltnJ. P91ior FIRST UNITED Hun;1ngton Beach GtonJI,;.. MIMr, ,.._. METHODIST C~URCH FIRST UNITED EARLY WORSHIP . 800AM 19thSI &1-:art>orBlvG METHODISTCHURCH CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9 15 AM Clmrclo~for 272117thSI 536-3537 FESTIVEWORSHIP . 1030AM AlfACJH-t:JO Wont.lps.ntc.:10:15ua. -""CUI •UIU.llt Worsltlp - ; I :00 ~.:«. Nu•""> l..i'""'""""'-WELCOMI Charle~ Cl11r'" ~i!!J.iter CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 7 •O Vlcterie $t., Co1te M.M lott!or V. T-. h 1tor -U l·l61 I WOHHI, SHVfCH-l :il • I ~oO ~. Costa Mesd North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH ~ .... v.ror~Rl••r M "'9-G· J. CW-Cit Sc~OO---------· S.lldeySclloo'&.AdtlHl.w.Cle11-t:JOA.M. · -c-..;,t~&..itteryk..._.-WI-'"' I CHRISTCHURCH wor.w, r. c.._11 Scltool t :lO A.M. Hunltngton Beach North COMMUNITY UNITB> METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Heil Ave 842·4461 W...,._t & I O:JO ci.-11sc ...... t & I O:lO A.M. '--~~~-------~~~~~~~~~~---' IYTHESEA PRIHCE OF ftEACE LUT.aAl'I CHURCH 2917 MeH Vtrde Dr .. Co1teMeM CUllllf _, .... ,,Utc>I llOHAUI t-AO. AUISfAICT s.4ey w-t -9:40 A.M. Montlflt Wonlll~ & 11:00 A.M. '""u of ,_, LtlttMr• Schoel Mr J• ~ ff 1+t • ..._1 '"JO I 11,, •p..1' LUTHY.AN CHURCH OF THE MAST8. LCA 2t~OPeclflcVlewDr.,c-.. M• 759-1031 SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL -9:15 AM UTUIGtCAL WOISHIP -10:30 AM Rev. n.o-1 J. Richter, Pettor WESTMINrn LU HERAN otURCH IJl41 M..._An. ....., .. s..oc.......,•w--1 IJJO & 10:)0 AM -W ...... S...lcff t;JO AM -5-cley Sci-I-' 4dlllt lillte CMllSNAl ... C~---hMl lllM,.M. -l'MAI••·~--~ rASTOI J01L A. SW1GGUM f'HONI I H4Jlt NEW.-ORT CENTER UNITED METHODIST Newoort Beach 1400W BalboaB111d 673·3805 Rav Robert Shepard Jr 160 I Marguerite Ave. Corona del Mar Wonttip&CltwcltSc..._. woe---~ t :lOA.M. ---~e.. Wiiday r.-.-School/Doy C.t .... ...,...e-•-...i•MAM- 1:41 tLA to S:OO P·"" R•"· J.-R. W11oa 644-0745 FOUMT AIM YAUIY FIRST UHfT!D METHOOtST-eAUiCH 11225 lw.ll•d St. fUiJStJ Wor~h10 & Church School 9 30 A M HARIOR FELLOWSHIP lllLI CHUICH 1 tt Zlr4 st., c .. 1 • ..._., ••s.nso Dr F I< Beshore Sr . 00 LIT 0. PH 0 Rev. Don St1plea. Steve G1rner t :ll AM. SUHD4T SCHOOL "WHATISTHI I O:JI ...,._ CHllUIAM UN7 • J. , .... __ ........ .....,..,.._ l -c::HmlTMAI CMffATA "CA•OL Ofl CH1f$TMAS" W•• ,.., -1:00 ,,M. .4dull Bible Study-New Llfe-'routh CHRIST CIHTmt9 lllU TIACHIMG ,,...,,..,,, R°'*' MARKS. MIUllt ee.c .... H••R.y • ll'rftl... Jolt MMAtowlts s...... W-.lcH-=41rWey. 1:00 _,.M. ........ Sc....,._s-.y, f:JO .. .., to I Z H4tlrowSc""6-~.":IS·6:1S,_a 1011 C-4ttecll, H-~ hecli IOff J....._I Jr. & Sr. Hl~r011p1 A ... 1-.c.tfoll New M..-.n W-.tc ....... 44-1 "t M~ of UAHC 1--------------------- SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT • HARIOll REFORM TEMPLE s ....... s.r .. 1c •• "'idoy~"~ l :ISP.M. f...itySer•lu F'Mtmd.yoftt.-llftl 7:JOP.M. Rabbi: Bernard P. K1 nQ Music· Myla Llchlmcin Educator· Doris Michael 1400W BalboaBlvd. Newport Beach. Cahf. fw'-'-Ho.I. c.n '7S.72l0 not thv-". separate gresataon trotn the con -HILLEL Rabbi A . YISROEL KLEIN Cantor M EYER LI SS TEllPLE SHARlll 817 W•BT MAMILTON, CO•TA M•SA ft48•Sftft2 • NATIONAL &are ¥hitage Win"s DiseoVered in Mansioa IA T UARTFOIUS, Coon ~AP) ..U.un4 r It.Nally •OQN a "li net aUll d1nd.n1 p rt.•r.. in • dUILY boltlt of wtne. Net any old wbte, you un dii'n&Ud -this ls tbe atulr lhat IOel ror$.'IOO •bottle or more. lkNally la a wine ~pert for Keubleln Inc. TM wine, some of t\ more than a century old, bad •been burled tn the cellar or the lltb century Ten 8ro~tk Maat~ lo AJbany, N.Y .. once the borne of a w altby l1mUy and, 1lncc 1948, property or lhe Albany County Historical AB· soelaUoa Tbe winel lncluc\e bottles· of Chateau Mouton-Rothschild 1878 and Cbat.eau Lafile 'Rothschild 1874. ltlcNally estimated the value 01 the wmc at '500 to $1,000 Mbot.U ' "N•ver bo.t there ever been found and made available to the world.Auch a number of vln· tages, ·• MeNally said as he la.lit· ed of the erape. The wine will be sold Jn May at Heublein's rare wine auction in Atlanta. The money will be usc<I SCOPE AL .~ !:U~POSE AQUA :NET MOUTHWASH & GARGLE ·.1soz.88c ROXODENT / ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH Give your family the gilt of cleaner ii · teeth. 16.99 With crystal controlled one button operatlon and -adjustable volume control. #71 4410 88 PAIR a HAIR SPRAY to help restore the 180-yeur-old mansion. ·The wine cellar had been kept locked since 'the historical soc1e· -ty tookavtt the mansion because a board member objected to opening it. The board member died last year. the c~llar was opened in October. the wine was discovered and Hueblein was called m to appraise and sell It. Tile number of intact bottl" ls not known. There were 30 cases in the cellar( 28 o! them aUU -sealed. Two bottlea of Chateau Mouton-Rothschlld 18~5 were found lo be "live wine,• with a "very mature, fl"ullamcll" and a flavor "even better than the amell." McNaJly uld. ltw ,inhlswords, ''allveand atlll dancing partner." The wines-eome from what McNally called "the golden age of European wine," 1858 to 1878, the period belon European vin~ were hit with a f ast·spreadlng destructive disease. The Euro-pean stock wassned by grafting. 1.5916Qz. ~============================~ ASSI ATOMIZERS Purse size...to hold a _ favorite colocne at her lt!..,,_,V:A!! · fln1ertips! 'lHE MOTOR" . 'Will electric motot Utat •i•cls your pictures autoullcally as soon as you've snapped the shutter. 48.88 HilterPik ··countdown'' N~AEL~o ·Nail Dazzler MANICURE MACHINE PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS .SYSTEM "TIMBERLINE" • Alter Shave 1 • Coloene #54i 4.00 English leather British Sterling "MUSK" 2-PC. GIFT SET 2-PC. GIFT SET 1W1 ·~;~""I ['~lr&j · ~~~~ .. 1 ~•Coto,.. II!! • Coto,.. -.:., 6.00 ST4029 5.75 sttuLToN Old Spice 2-PC. GIFT SET • Alter Shave • Stick ' Deodorant sHuLroN Old Spice "MUSK" 2-PC. GIFT SET • After Shave N3413 4.50 British Sterling 2-PC. GIFT SET H3a • Alter Shave ~-Cotoan• ST4219 7.00 .MUSK BLACK TIE "MIDNIGHT MUSK" /" • Colo1ne 2 oz. 11354 4.00 Splash-On 2 oz. · 2 5 0 #355 . Kffp valuable Countdown helps you ellllinate bad eatin& hlblts not your favoiite foods. SCHICK Hot Top HOT LATHER DISPENSER O ,TOAST ·R -OVEN THAT BROILS ••• Automatic 2-slite toastlnc, both sides at once. Bakes and broils. Enero saver. Cordless Razzle-Dazzle --Shapes, files, ~cleans. polishes ~:ii88 ELECTRIC Graswip GRASS TRIMMER By-VILLAGE BLACKSMITK Hi&h speed rotatinc nylon cord cuts, ltims crass & weeds anywhere. #93 .. 17.95 Mirror -Go-Lightly MAKE-UP MIRROR with EXTRA MAGNIFICATION IN Travel Case LIQUID CRYSTAL CALCULATORS By UNITnE>C • n.,,., __ , .. re.·::: GS i di llHlltil mmlDG> mm~ mmo m LCD8RM LCD8SR Adds, subtracts, Adds subtracts, multiplies & divides. multiplies & divides. Automatic constant. Automatic sauare root. 14.88 15.88 CONVERTIBLE 3-IN· 1 ·CHAIR Slurdy Ind COMPICL 1£i1FJ"'·ll UfioltT,_. ~i JUMBO ROLL 36"Wlde 65 Sq. Ft. IOUNGU1l.if\I . STEREO RECORD PLAYER With WIOE-RA,.GE SPEA~ERS t Full-size BSR record 1 chancer with dia1110nd stylus. Front panel jack 7 9 I 5 for stereo headphones #4249-18 • awn.n PANTYHOSE TOTAL' SUPPORT :~i~~1 ... 2.99 QUEEN SIZE For the fuller ficure. Reinforced thief\ for lancer wear. 1.49 SUPPORT STOCKINGS \ Comfortable, non- ndln& II~ 1.99 COT'N SOLE /. - KNEE HI'S ~J Ory and coot. 3:s2 Heavenly comfort. ~ checks, papers 2 I 5· 'dOCUNnts orpntzed. 8 EA •. t~'4-·~R FtL£ 3.95 =r~·~~llll 9 88 #3004-D I 1.98 I• attractl~ 1as't colors.---. • I I \ ' • Saturday, Dee9mw 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT A J 5 ~llnknoWti' Girl CQmes Home for Christmas KAST RAllUOJlD., ~o. , (AP) -The tirl died 1 .. t Cb.ri1tma. Eve when ebe wa1 tlruck by • t-ar wbU• hltchhlk· ins. She wu burled six moot.ha lat.r by straogen who knew her ooly aa "Ncr,rma, •• the name on her belt. solved when ll wu confirmed tbe 1lrl wu 17·year-old Anaela Carol PatterlOO. She apparently wa1 trying to eet a ride back to her parents' PrattvUle, Ala., home when she died. lhe ldenUficaUoo. Her par~nu. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Patterson, lut. heard from Angela when she telephoned them from Brighton, Mass .. t.o say she was on her way home for Christmas. Tbt. week tbe puule was A touching plea from the glr1's mother, and police officers who refused to let the case die, led lo Mrs. Patterson wrote her ap· peal in September. The ruer was Arcade Pinball By WOLVERINE F.ull·size, last action 12 9 9 pinball 1ame. 11170 • 12" Hot Seat By M.,F Chopper styled tor 29 95 aclion-llungry kids~75 • 4 TR Walkie Talk ie =i~ ~~~s:~~e. 1199 #923 • Thirstee Baby By HORSMAN 9 99 Drinks & wets like a real baby! #572 a GIFT IOEA Easjdriver HOME & AUTO TOOL KIT Ratchet tool system for the most U· actin& jobs. Filter Fine Grind MELITTA COFFEE 14oz. 2.99 NEEDS , ARTIFICIAL TREES 6 Ft. SCOTCH PINE [l!f!ii3~?~*1! 10 95 . #72·CG·v7 • 4' Scotch Pine Table Tree #48·>S·C7 8 I 9 5 TREE ORNAMENTS By HOLL V GLASS Shiny round solid 1 49 c;olors. 2-5/8" Box of 10 • Indoor LIGHT SETS sy NOfAA ~~'!- 3:29 4:95 . Curling RIBBON I '-Cards, Tags, iso·.. 300·.. • Seals 53 3/16" 3/16" • , c 39 69 . ~1s ~~k~t. c c Ass't, paks of CARDS, TAGS, & SEALS. .. 39C Ea. Gift FOIL Assorted desi1ns. 20" ,I( 9' 89c ~-...::i~ KAY'S Christmas STOCKINGS Real butterfly Is serener~ displayed in . soft rays of candleli&hl Filled with CANDY & TOYS ~?~E 49c · · ~~~E 79c "BRACH"S" STOCKING 79( 'with Candy & Toya •••••••• maybe she's dead ...• distributed to police departments around the country: "W• are trylng to tind our daughter, Angela, who has been missing since Dec. 23, 1976. We think she might be in prison, a mental or drug institution, an un· wed mother's home, traveling with a small·lown carnival. or ''IC she is alive, we want to help her IC we can, and tr ahe is dead, we want to find her and bring her home for burial.'· But no new"informatioh about the girl's idenUty was ncelved untU last 'Week, whfn East Hartford policeman Alex Grimshaw epotttd an AJ1b&ma mlsalng peraona nler written by Mrs. Patt.enon. Tbe lnfQJ"matlon corresponded to what was known about "Norma:" Now, nearly a year after her death. the body of Anaela Pat.. teraon wtll be returned to her family. For Sparkling ~i:~::, I I c ~ Size ~ 22 oz. Crayola C~AYONS ___ _, with built·in SHARPENER! !1°s~ 1.19 WINES Lancers ROSE 6th 3.99 Deinhard ~REEN LABEL 23 ... 3.99 Mateus ROSE 25oz. 3.79 Bronco CHENIN BLANC 750 ml 99c Fratelli Lambrusco Mellow red table wine. 24oz. 2.49 Jacques Bonet CHAMPAGNE 1 99 Ory Pink, °'Cold Dutk. 750 ml 1 EA. Almaden CHENIN BLANC 3· 39 MAGNUM • Blue Nun LIEBFRAUMILC2~ ••· 4.49 Italian Swiss Colony 1-Liter Carafes Chabli'.: Rhlneskelltr, or Vin Kose. ~~~l::c 1. 49 EA-. • ...ii':.._Jliil• IN CASE 0,. ti'PCCRAPHICAL CRRClf, MINIMUM FAIR TRAOE PRICES WIL.L 91: IN f!FFtCT, "Good Sports" or "Greeting Keepers" By MVL.O CREATIONS Match a treellnc with ' keeper ol your choice! Also holds stick Incense, sltawflowers, etc. SANT AS, Ctlocolatt 98 Marshmallow ( 3.7 /8 oz. HOLIDAY MIX 59( !U oz. Bae. REINDEER HEAD 79( with JOTS 314 oz. .. ... I • • i • • .... tutOay, ~ 17. 1977 NA T!ONAL I FOR THE RECORD Wanna Bet? Wait a Bit Eint New Jeney Casino's Still Months Away W~TLAHl'ICCITY,l'J-!· (AP>- 11e1a aftl tboM CUU10S COinl lo. open a AUanUc Cit)'? Nobody knows for sure. However: -The firat culno isn't likely to open unW late spring at the earliest. -It everything goes well, there will only be one casino tor many months. pouJbly for more than a year. -And other states considering casinos, like New York and Florida, ere yean behind New Jersey. · MORE 'l1IAN A YEA& after New Jersey voters approved gambUng )tere, the man who sbould know beat wben the fil'St cuino will open says he's not taking any beta. .. April. May or June -I'd s.ay that ls a good Ume frame to have the first casino going,•• said Joseph Lordi. cbalrman ot the state Casino Control Com- mission. The new commission bas been drafting detailed regulations on everything from handling casino cash Wxes to wbat the showgirls can wear. ·OFFICIALS SAY THERE is uncertainty about the opening date because no one knows how long it will take to investigate casino applicants. They say there can easily be complications in investigating a conglomerate like Resorts Inlemat.ional Inc., whl_ch )Jopes lo open the first casmo here. I.G. "Jack .. Davis, Resorts In· ternational president, believes it· is "very unlikely" his firm wilJ have lo wait lnlo the summer to open its casino in the former Chalfonle·Haddon Hall. the only .. It'• bard to say when we'll open." be 1atd. "We cao't establish• definUe date until the commission aJves us a definite clearance ... ALTHOUGH ATLANTIC City natives are restless for gambling to atart, state Assemblyman Steven Perskie, an architect of casinos in New Jersey. says "we're running on schedule. "Our original target date was "18 months from the referendum. which would bring us into May," Peraldesaid. ''Earlier dates were never realistic." If Resorts International gets state permission to open, which is likely, it wlll have the only casino on the East Coast for some time. No other potential casino hotel ih .Atlantic City jrbetrfg built or ren9vated to conform with strict state space requirements. It is anybody'is guess who will have the second casino or when it will open. PLAYBOY AND BALLY Manufacturing Corp. o( Chicago, which makes slot machines, are moving ahead with plans to build Niguel Home Hit For Cas~ Jewels Burglars who forced open a rear window to gain entry to a Laguna Niguel home carried of( radio equipment, jewelry,. cash and camera equipment, Orange County sheriff's otficers said. Deputies said the theft oc· curred at the home or Robert Dale Piedfort, 37, of 25171 Aragosa Drive. The total loss was estimated at $6,700. casino hotels on the Boardwalk. Although Playboy is about lo break ground, both projects won't be ready before Call 1979 at the earliest. Jerry Polinsky, a cable television owner from Duluth, Minn., hoped to quickly add rooms and a casino to the Howard Johnson's Regency for a September 1978 opening. But Polinsky is reportedly still seek· ine investors. Other caslno hotels are little more than proposals. One problem, experts say, is long·lerm flnancing. Major Jen· ders like banks and pension funds are said to be waiting for Resorts International. Insurance companies won't back big casino projects for fear of criticism from conservative policy holders . SeUing Witla St9le Bianca Edmonds, 16, is considered by her buy flowers from her. Bianca, who started THE TEAMSTERS VN10N'S boss to be one of the best on his sales in the business only six months ago, dc- Central States pension fund, force. She attributes her success to her .._ monstrates some of her approaches in which helped to build so much of · l · d. t · Col d S · gs LasVe~.is~nedfrom~~~u=n=1~q~u~e~~~y~e~m~~p~e~r~su~a~m~!~m~o~o~n=s~~~t=o~~~~o_ra~o~p_r_rn-~·~~~~~~ further real estate investments ' by a 1975 federal order. Meanwhile, New York and Florida are two other states most acU.vely interested in casinos. In New York, such resorts as Niagara Falls, the Catskills and the Long Island town of Long Beach are seeking casinos as a way to boost tourism. However, a complicated constitutional amendment process would pre- clude gambling in New York before 1981. IN FLORIDA, A GROUP of Mlamf Beach hotel owners has hired Sanford Weiner, the San Francisco consultant who mastermined the casino rereren· dum in New Jersey, to test the voters' feelings in that state. Mesa Girls Will Berth at Garnes The third and fourth grade girls' flag football team from K.illybrooke Elementary School in Costa Mesa will represent the city today in Ontario at the Southern CQllfornia Championshlps. The team, Orange County Champions by de· fault, is the only Costa Mesa team to advance past the playof(a held last weekend in Buena Park and Stanton. The fifth and sixth grade girls' team from College Park School was defeated in the final playoff game to finish second in the county. A seventh and eighth grade boys' team from the Adams School area also came up one victory short. ELEGANCE ON E. 17th STREET LN'BEL 'Di NEWPORT BEACH ·COSTA MESA'S CHIC LEAlliE~ EMPORJUM IMPORTED and DOMESTIC LEATHER and CANVAS HANDBAGS LUGGAGE· WALLETS· ACCESSORIES 369 E. 17tlt ST., COSTA MESA IH WESTPORT S_QUARE 646-5533 ---· II •hotel here undergoing renova· tion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;_~~~~~~~~~~-----=-"""".'.'"'~~"""".'.'"'~:-"::--------~~~~~~~:::==-:::=::::::- ;~ For the Record Dl••olNtlo1t• 01 Marrfag~ 'UMH•~U SCHANK, 01-JHn end J°'eilll Edwerd Jr.; GREEN. Joni Lff •nd UO....rd C.1911; BURMS, JuCIMfl end Ken~tb J.; NAIL. Joen V. -Jerry A.; MASON, F.C. erld ee ... rtr G•v; CORREA. Mlcfoete F. encl LAwrenu E .; FULGHUM, Mary C.tllerlne iM'ld ThomH Glenn; PALMER, Gr~ry Arnold end P•mele Mun\on; tc:EELING, Ste~ Fnd -~ute Me<le ; H08AN, Uflda 0.ryl elld Jt>wpt,O. STUPELIS. VlctOIY A. Md 0111M11 A.; GREEN, J_I .. encl Petrj<lt Wellltr; OLSEN. JMttt M. Md tc:en· netll V.; PINTERPE, Sem end Sllelle; STAGNER, Loi~ M. end Oonefd L ; WARO, B-r• J. •"4 Je~ J.; BAUER, aa.-e-P..,1 A .• Pf E ACE. JlmMle G--Ell.II Cr>erfena; PICAllELLI, GIOrla M<ir~ end Jo\411)11 Fr..,k; LEE, Cplllla 01-•nd Wllffam Linford. • COBB, i...lla R .. end Mervin Eerl Jr.; HUISH, Merle A. -Jem~ W.; CAPRA, A.-Cca L.. -CNrtfl w.; NELSON, GIOtla J . -H-•rd O.; WARNER, Htnty Burt -htrkla Marie. '11M~U CHAMPION, Oawn elld Ufnont; COMBS, Edward M. end Sare A.; CICINELLI, "'-' J. Md Alica V.; WILLIAMS. Belly\.. Md J-E.; LARSON, a.tty Jeen Md Reymoancl G"""; OOWHING, Joen M. and Thomas B.; WOOO, ~ J. IWlcf Wllll•m s.; WAKEFlllU>, Nalley'- and MlthMI Gonton; THIBAULT, JOMpfl NonnM end Laslie AM; MC CLEu.AHO, er-T. •nd Mer· jorle. CONWAY, Mitt.Mt Mid A-ti.: TORRl!S, Si.tie -Ewrado M.; MACKAY, Cleln E. end l'lobln S.; OAOOO. Jenlc• Johnson end Mohemmed Epllrelm; tRWIH, !llnero" H .... .i-w.; RAMl!fl. Wenda L. end"-A.; GOOOMAH, J11C11u.AM-o.N11E1_.;aan. ltann•lh WllllUr end Mery R11U1; HICICU,. JudlU. An.--St....., o-.n.;CYlll.~--~ G. l'IOMANOO. Je~ COlett• efld JOHPh. Kanne~h; l!VIERSOL~ Vlrvlnl• A. -RO'/ A.; CAIUJSI.-. Jlldlth K • .,..Jimmy a..: oe PAl.MA,. CYfttllle l. -'IOry I.; LINAl'll!S, t4eM< encr Unllla; HAHN, 0..-Mii Clwlrl .. R.; GEC>flGa, Mlw'f Jo -Richard l.M; ROVl!R, Cllrlttolltlet" SCOll encl K«rle AM; HOCHll!~. florfll<9 ,,....,_ ROlleft ~rd. l'OUST, ReoiM CerOI .. .loM W6y11•1 KIHN, l'r•n<H R •• ,.., OoNld J,; WALL, Plllrkle Celle Wld O~n"'' OOrwy; MAl'ITIH, Ell•h Marie •"Ill Doyle Slier Id an; STEPHINS, Petrl<la end Rld!Wd: RA""ll'ITY, Sytyle ,..._ LOlllM Md ... Pfl .... rte.It. ................ PAINa, Ullde F. _, -'-T.t LILLROTH, ltos .. nn enct Jollll WUl_,.,I CM! VRIES, o-141 S. eftlt H~ S.; MEDINA, Mr/ A. lllld ROHllM•I MARTIN, hwr1Y 9tlCI &tur; OIERRI~, T«f 1..MdWllHMft A.; C:OltAU.O, ~· .. AtllOld ..... ; SAVIO, Ll'ftnle A. ... Oefllt A.; HUNTER, llMCM R-_. ......... L.&WIS. ..,._ ~ ... Gery Mervfft. aYMINOTON,JoMenct 111-.rt tt.J KIN01 lhlfffY AM elMI ~ Ralpt\; LOPP. J-LyM •ncl Aoneld EUQeM; GRIFFITH. R-r L. end -y J .; TIMBERMAN, Patrk i. G. end Robert EU99ftt; KVMlA, Jl>dllh Kattwyn -Godfrey Herman; ZIM· MERMAN, Stott R. lltld Sharon L; MC K":llGHT, ten H ...... Brend• Lynn; FORO, Sllenln Lyn and Ken- rieth It.; EHMAN, TIIOm9S C. -CoNlleS. WATERHOUSE, Rof>srt W. end 8rencla S.; OSTER, MlcNlal C. end carol A.; BARHeTT, Belly JaM •nd AlberlJ~l; FROU!Y, larr)'MkllHI -Netelle -'-: PLETT. Daniel S. eftd OonM S.; PETERS, EllP«letfl A. -All., l.; GARCIA. CendalMle enct i:.llOI R.; LEIGHTON, A-Id S.. endCeftl'-A.; SCUDDER, J- RowMtt Md c.. l.Ols;. KNIGHT, Patrkle L Md n.oGonl w. RAYMOND, Gall• ehd Frenk; MITCHELL. Liie N. end Jotvl C.; COOK, °*111 Jr. elld GIOrie J..,,; THURSTON, TllOrnH Henry and Aslrlt; JESSEi!, Wllllarn G. end Meroaret L.; l'IOCIC, R-rl and Avis; BERMUOIEZ, Sherrie and Mlouel A"Oll; GRAVITT, Rlellard W. Mid Illa J.; CHARLES, RlcMrd A. end KelflyM.; STINEA,Ar .. 11\e MM end Don Evlfl. JONNSTOH. 8ewrt11 end JoM; HAW, OwaY"I W. and Palrkla M.; llMACHER,OoMldW.-UndaL.: AOUTHllEA, Tllomu F. end C.lllerlne A.; MUl..LER. Gall Anne· •l'td IC•"'*" And..-; BENNETT, Rober I ,P. end NadJ• L .; LAUIUTSEN, Oonald E. Md S.. C.; JEHSIEN, ~I.end SytvMI AM. ................ l'l!IN, OlnMl Alllron 9fld CllUIY l'aye; ROCIC, Janet TereM end f're4erlclt HWlbUrt; CAU.ELL.A, Linda A. MCIRlcherlll ,..; EMANUEL. GI•"" HkkOfH on4 J•11 Alba; NEVILLE, Wllll-P. -OeMtos J.; WtLSOM, ~· J . -EdW_,. M.; WESTERYl!LT, Kerry M. el'4 Daniel E.; MC IHNls; Kel'eft L. encl qrotorY Sc;ott; WALS~, Mectoet ArtlM llllCI *-1 JoMpll; WHIT· MYU,R.Ol.-alldP..ic. CAAM~ ftlc*;le '-eM .,.... M.; OARCI.\, ~ P ..... aJlea l'ior.t; !'eT'ataOH, 0--.-.,..,.. alld IC...,,..,.,_; MC IN~, hwrlY J. • wai•r a.; TURN•"· WeMI• M4 o.Mll L .. ; OL•H, ..,,.,,'I M. --""'" W.; GUINN, Ctlft(IY P ... Je\OCI M.; MONTANO,' &Aw• ... ~ l'llmfnlo; OUKI!, P-*• H ............ M.; #lu.l!N, ~-DwtlJeeft. &l!LANGl!R, Sheron MM eftd Pwlotr Wlll'9; 8U!'NHT, Mer'loflo Mer .. and MkMol "°"""; 'AY, 1'1-M. Md"''""" A.; OOflOOH, #My 8,.._.t~w.tlt: AAI!, ~ l.Mdlle-OarUI GfttVt; l'OS'111R, ar.ottr Md .,..,_ Hell: li'ltARY, ~ o. •net uwr~• l!d<Hr4; 1ta10..1 U-rlt M. end c- "'"' H,; LIE. -Marte.,_ Jerald •lllelt; lfLU, Debr• Oytm llfld Wllllem Let; l"ll•l!MAH, ,,..._A. efldGewllltC. r RAMSEY, Wllflem E . llNf Cllr'lttlllll J.; tc:t[NHAUIY, ll"Mltllll M«le end Palrldl f'r-ls; L.AllSOH, e.u, J••" •n•· "•yMon4 O•er••1 IRANOVAH, P•trlcla Let •nd Norl'l!en; Rl!l!O, ~IU. I!. eMI JeM A.; &.AHi!, R-.rte A. eflO 0- nfl O.; RIJOLlNO. JaMI DN 9IMt Otr¥ L•wrence; CltAWFO•O, Meftllel• Mct Alltll Dwlkef'ly; MC: 9ATH, an". •n• ,, .. ., .. R.; ttOaLL., ...... .AMW ... lwC. HAS MOVED TO antique - guild plaza •FINEB~ aver • set•ctlons • PJNEHAND- EMBROIDERY • FINELEAmERBATIK Punn•ww.Uets • Glrl'S ....... UR HAllOI by Pacfflc This 3 piece arouplng in-SAU PltCD AT ~~ & • co': ::. j~u~ s319• crisp white finish with blue· areen floral cushions. WBbBr Big Jumbo. Color• 221h'' Weber kettle ~::.is $J9tS 11¥1 .. Colored 880 Reg. $69.95 $5400 SALE PRICE r.w;;pr.;:~· We Specialize in Custom ...,,...--=:::,,< Screens and Equipment 42" IUSS TOP . 11111111 TllLE All Aluminum Reg.$270 DltlEll TH~ IREATOUTDOORS The livin' is easy on Arlrngton fiouse•s color· fut wrouatJt Iron group. &ft. pofe, dtep cushion chalrj cocktail table. . f c I I , , f rt \ ' I I I c .. INSIDE: •Televlalon •Entertainment WASHINGTON (AP) - Quarterback Pat Haden of Los A.n1eJes Rams wlll be a major task for the veteran Washington defense today in a must·win game for the Redskins, who stilt have a mathematical chance to make the National Football League playoffs. Haden, the top passer in the league, has been on Washington coach George Allen's mind all week but more for his running than his throwing. The Redskins have a history of ineCfectiveness against a scrambler. "Every time I look at a film. he's scrambling all over the Bruins Belt Salukis; USC Falls LOS ANGELES <AP> -Roy Hamilton and David Greenwood scored 19 points each and led eighth·ranked UCLA to a 90.75 victory over outmanned _ Southern II.. :., :. .in inlersec- tional coll·.,~ .... .,Ketball gam&al Pauley Pavi lion Friday night. The Bruins led nearly all the way in improving their record lo 5·1. The Bruins host UC Santa Barbara tonight. UCLA came out s trong in the s econd half, outscoring the Salukis 10-2 to increase a 42-32 halftime lead to 52·34. The Bruins led by as many as 26 points in the second hair in re· bounding from a 69·66 loss to Notre Dame last Saturday night. · Southern Iflinois scored 10 straight points at one stage in the second hair, but wasn't closer than 14 points a!tr . . ' ·st rew minutes orthe rinal perfod. Kiki Vandeweghe added 12 points for the Bruins. Southern Ill inois, which dropped to 2·4, was led by forward Gary Wilson, who tallied a game-high 22 points. Milton Huggins contributed 13 points while Barry Smith and Al Grant scored 10 points each for the S alukis. S. ILLINOIS !1S) -Wiison 22, Smith 10. Gr- 10. Hu09ln5 13, Abr..-ns t. Glle5 4, M00<e •.Run I. lolalsJ39·111S. UCLA ('°) -G•Mflwood 19, V•ndew09~ 12, Simi t, Townsend'· H•mlllon "· HOll•pd .. Al· lums•. w 1u. .. i., Thotn&s4. TCIWl5311•·21l0 He1111,,,..uCL• 4t. S. tlllnoh l2. Toi.el louls-S. tlllnoh, 11. UCLA, IS. A-9,111. SC Lo•e•, 87·76 LOS ANGELES (AP> -Roy Joshua came orr the bench lo score 21 points for Arizona State lo lead the visiting Sun Devils to an 67-76 non·conierence college basketball victory over Southern Cal at the Sports Arena Friday night. Four other ASU players scored in double rigures as the Sun Devils evened their record at 4·4. use. which lost its firs t home game in rive decisions, dropped to 4·3. USC hosts Cal Stale <Long Beach) tonight. Freshman forward Purvis Miller, who replaced Paul Hen· derson in the Trojans• starting lineup, paced USC with a career· high 26 points and 11 rebounds. He nderson a nd freshman center CUff Robinson were held out of the Southern Cal starting lineup because or the flu, but both played. Robinson scor ed 14 points and pulled down 10 re· bounds before fouling out with 3: 12 remaining. .. ARIZONA 51'. Urll -KU<llerlkv 12, ~ 1S, NlmPl>lus 11. II. T•ykl< II, Bl Teytor I, 0.•I• 4, Jo\nue 21, SlrM 4. 1'olela JI 2S·ll t1. SOUTHERN CAL 1761 -Grttr 2, Miiier 26. Holll~lon 10, s. Smtih •· C¥flno 10, B•ooll• 2, R®lnllOn 14, -·-1, Brlgl>..-n S. Tot•ls 1' lt·1' 1'. Helltlmt·Arl1on1 St. 46, Soulllern C..I Jt. Fouled Olll·-•-· ro111 toulfoArll-St., U. use, u. TIKllnl<•lfoNlmPlllus. A·4,U7. •Comics • place." Allen said this week. ·''He's really given them stabill· ty. H's amazing to see a young (24 ) quarterback with such limit· ed experience show so much poise. ,_ "He'11 made some big plays on his own, although I wouldn't think they'd want hlm running too much at this stage of the season, "..said Allen hopefully. The Rams, 10·3, already have. clinched the National Conference Western Division championship and will be in the playoffs for the fifth consecutive year. Earlier this week, it was believed that the Ra·ms would not \ ' eo all out qalnst th~ Redskins but Los Angeles coach Chuck Knox dl!pelled those notions by saying, "We're going to play It to wln. We're not going to rest anybody unless he Is injured." Knox made his comments alter On TV Today Olalt11el 2 at JO Rams general rnanaaer Don Klosterman said that running back Lawrence Mccutcheon, who broke the Rams' one·season and career rushing records last Sunday, would see Uttle action. · Rams backup quarterback Joe DAILY PfLOT Namath was ti.sled as questiona- ble tor the game because of a nareup1n his arthritic knees. On ttie other hand, everyone who can drag himself on the field will play tor Wasb'ington because, as Allen has been say- ing all week, "there is no tomor· row." The Redskins, with an 8·5 re- cord, are in a scramble with two team s in the NFC Central -Min- nesota and Chicago -for a wild card berth. Unless the Redskins beat the Rams by at least 45 points, they will need help from either the Detroit Uons, who play Min· neaota, or the New York Olanta, who pla)t Chicago, in orde~ l<> make the playoffs for the sixth time ln seven years. Actually, the Redskins still could get in the playoffs if they. lose, provided the Vikings also lose and the point spread does not wipe out Washington's 18·point bulge in conference polnt dlf· rerentlal. If McCutcheon, who rolled up 1,213 yards, does get a real, the weight of the offense may ran on Haden, wide receiver Harold Jackson and tight end Terry Nelson. . . Haden has completed 115 of U6 passes, a strong 58.7 percent, for 1,483 yards. Jn touchdOWINtJ.- interceptions comparison, OJle that football men consllf.er significant. Haden shows an Jl·S edge. "I don't thlnlc even a 1°' or players on the team realise )'et just how good Haden ls," said Tom Mack, the Rama' .tar guard. . Jackson caught seven pMae5 last week ror a season totalClt48, bis highest mark as a a:.lh. Nelson caught six for a aei119n total of 25, the most catchu 11.f a Ram.tight end in five years .• : Aurora Invades • U CI Staggers ~-:· •• Boise St., 66-6~ By CRAIG SHEFF Ol "'8 Delly PlleUte#f UC Irvine's basketball team was expected to be a palsy in the Pacific Coast Athletic Associa· lion race this season-but alter the Anteaters' thrilling 66·64 UP· set win over visiting Bo\se State Friday night-<:oach Tim Tifl's club is anything but that. The Anteaters won it with three 'seconds to go when Louis Stephens hit from in c lose. Stephens was called for charging on the play, but Boise's St.eve Barrell missed the first of a one· and·one free throw attempt and UCI had its third win In five games. Tonight the Anteater s host Aurora College of lllinois at 7:30. Irvine, displaying some a1- gressive defensive play and out· maneuvering Boise most of the night on•the boards, bad trailed, 62·56 with 5:40to go. But a pair or turnovers by Boise allowed UCI to get back in it. The Anteaters' Wayne Smith capitalized twice; rutting a 16- fool jumper an4 an easy layin after a nifty pass from Kirk Christ. And suddenly the Broncos.' lead was62·60. With Boise in its delay game. the aljoncos scored with 2:45 left, but St ephens countered with a long jumper. UC IRVINE'S WAYNE SMITH (LEFT) DRIVES PAST OPPONENT. Then when the Broncos turned it over again, Smith followed with a long baseline j umper to tie it at 64 with l :25 remaining. Boise (3-4) had a chance lo take the Jead with 0:28 Jert, but missed a free throw-setting up ,--Stephens' heroics. Sports Clipped Short Lakers T11mble, 98-90 lNGLEWOOD -Freddie Brown made Seattle's first eight points in the fourth quarter Fri· day night and helped the SuperSonics gain a 98·90 National Basketball Association victory over the Los Angeles Lakers. Los Angeles trailed by as many as 17 points before rallying with a 10·0 s purt mid way through the fourth period to take an 85·83 lead, but Brown lied the score with 6: 19 to play and at that point the Lakers went cold. Marvin Webster pulled down 20 rebounds to lead the SuperSonics to their 13th victory against 18 losses and the eighth triumph in their last nine games. Brown, a srx-year NBA veteran who has played for five different coaches at Seattle. finished with 24 points, 22 in the second half, to lead the Sonics. Webster and Gus Williams scored 16 points each and Dennis and Johnny Johnson added 12 points apiece. SEATTLE Ml -J. Johnson 10, SlklN S. WeDSltr 1l, O. ~ 12, Wllllems 16, S.•I• II, Brown 24, Welker4. T04alS"312·11ff. LOS ANGELES (901 -Oenlley 16, Abdul Jabber 11, Hudtofl 12. Nl•on 4, WllkeJ '· OIG..._lo 2, RoDh<ll •. Ablmettty2,Cl\eney 4.1'ot•la41 .. 10'0. S.ettle JI 25 21 21 ... LOSAnQelM 21 24 ?1 U~ Fouled out -N.....-: 1'otel lou1s -Selllle 11, LOS A"llflH 11.A-10,079. Dodgen fa Trade LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Dodgers traded right- handed pitcher, Rex Hudson to beat Helen Cawley, 6-3, 4·6, 6-3, a nd R egina Marsikova beat Dianne Evers 7·5, 4·6 6·1. A uerbada Sag• No BOSTON -Red Auerbach, president and general manager of the Boston Celtics said Friday night he had flatly rejected a re· quest by club-owner Irv i,evin to return as coach of the National Basketball Association team. "You only retire once. And there's no way I'm going back to the bench," Auerbach said .. Levin obviously is unhappy with coach Tommy Heinsohn as the Celtics have gotten off to a miser able start. winning only nine of their first 25 games. TftlP to Br .. k Irvine befuddled the Broncos in the opening half with its de· fenses~witchlng from a zone to a man-to-man on numerous OC· casions. And the Anteaters, although not shooting well, played very aggressively-especially on the boards where Smith. and Christ were most productive. "We've been trying lo P\lt it together for some tune and eVfnt- 1 thing just fell into place tonight.'' sald an ecstatic Tlfl,, "We're still not to the' p,slnl where we've got it all together by any means, but we played very intensely and with emotion tonight And we beat a pretty good club," said Tift. Smith led the U'CI scoring parade with 20 pornts while Stephens hit 17, including 13 Jn the second half. Steve McG\lke had 13. 11 in the opening half. Four technical fouls ~e called in the game by officials Norm Borucki and Jerry Fer· rin--three on the Broncos in. .a 30·11econd span during the ~­ ing half when they argued o~er-o call. Tonight, the Anteaters bid for victory No. 4 against an Aurora team that is winless in five.out· ings. a.IMSutelMI IMI UCl,,,I• ,, " .... Johnson s 1 4 11 Smith Jone1 6 I ) 13 Bold•n Meytleld 1 0 3 2 Oltl$1 WllUam~ 1 1 l J Carson S. Connor 1 1 2 IS Sl•Pflens Bor~ttt 7 6 I 10 ROOV-" P-•11 2 0 0 4 Jut1t RlcllerdtOfl 0 0 2 0 McGuire Tolels 1A " II 64 Brqwn GOl'lr•ln Toi ell ''" .. .,I 10 0 s JO 7 0 , 4- 0 0 1 0 ' 2 0 to • 1 .2 11 I 0 J 2 0 0 1 0 4 s , 1J 0 0 1 0 0 0 1, 0 "121 a Grid Coach Pie~ MADISON. Wi ~. -Dfve McCl ain. who compiled 3 glitter· ing 46·25·3 record in se\'e- seasons as head football coac)l fl Ball State, Indi ana, was selected head coach at the University or Wisconsin Friday. Sports on TV Today ' the Minnesota Twins Friday for l~t-handed pitcher Bill BuUer, both or whom performed for minor league affiliates last season. "APPLE VALLEY -Bill Brask or Carlsbad carded an even·par 71 Friday tQ score a seven·stroke victory in the 77lh annual Southern California PGA Open golf tournament. Gerulaitb Advance• SYDNEY, Australia -Vilas Geru)ailis moved into the semifinals of the New South Wales Open tennis championship Friday, beating Phil Dent 6·4, 3-6,6-~ -In other quarterfinals, Cliff Letcher beat Butch Walts, 6·3, 2·6 6·1; Brian Teacher defeated BIU Scanlon 6-1, 6·0, and Roscoe Tan· ner scored a 7-6, 6-2 win over Colin Dibley. In the women's singles, Kerry R~d beat Kathy Harter, 6·4, 6·3; Sue Barker defeated MQna Guer- rant. 6-4, 7-6; Evonne Goolagong D ave Barber of Bakersfield who carded a 73 in the final round. finished second al 216 and won $1,100. Tied ror third at 218 were Tom Story or Las Vegas, Art Schilling or Riverside and Rick Tait of Laguna Beach. BehGflf!ft Traded ATLANTA -The Atlanta Hawks traded forward Ron Bebagen to the Houston Rockets for the Rockets' second·round choices in the 1978 and 1979" drafts. Kentucky Blitzes Eoe LEXINGTON, Ky. CAP) - Jae~ Givens pum~ ln 28 polnts u top.raked Kentucky rout.S Portland· State, 11C·l8, Friday ftiibt ln an oPentna round ••meof tbe Unlverllty of Kentucky lo· Ylt8tional tournament. Kentucky 5·0, movea tnt.o ~oni,bt'1 finals atalnat St. John 1 which defeated SeatUe, n.eo, tn u.. other opelllna round 1•mt. Portland State's Freeman Williama. lut season's national scorln, champion, returned to form qaftllt K•tucky wlth at potnta. But WUUama' individual effort wan't enou1b to stop the b9lanHldX.tuek)' attack. Rnena Chuck Alek1fnu and J amea 1'" bad 1'1 and te polnta, re1pectlvely, as the Cata went to their deep beocb early and oftm a1aln1t theoutmannte1 VUdnca. • _,..;...o.._ ____ _ . . BASKETBALL CdM Topples E~ Toro \ Koelder, Ahem, Espoaito Spark Triumph By ERNIE CASTILLO cw tt1t o.ttr ""'"Staff Dave Koehler and Shawn Ahern each scored 17 points for Corona del Ma r In Frlday'1 54-41 South Coast Leaaue basketball victory over host El Toro but the big news for the Sea Kings was the performance of a player who scored Just one buket. Steve Esposito. making his season debut after recovenng from a broken ankle, did a suf- focating defensive job on El Toro's talented sophomore forward, Ron Holmes, in a game that further cemented the Sea Kings' position as the team to catch in the league championship race. l.agunans Defdt Dana Hills, 56-52 By ROGER CAIU.~ON OfU.~ ........... Terry Haught, Jim Richardson and Randy Smith Jed the Laguna Beach High Artists to a 56-52 South Coast Leaaue basketball triumph over visiting Dana Hills Friday night with one clutch ef. Cort after another. T he Artists or coach Mlite Roche controlled the tempo from the outset with their pre1Slng de· fense and patient, yet ageressive offense. After seeln1 a 26-14 lead in the second period evaporate, the Artists fell behind by a 43-37 count with 30 seconds spent in the fourth quarter as Dick Jeffers stole the ball and scored, then went in for a layup off a Laguna Beaeh turnove r to put the Dolphins in what &eiimed like a commanding position. But then Smith, Haught and Richardson took over. Haught's steal and IS-footer tied It at 43, Richardson tied it at 45 with a drive through the lane and Stefan Lipson put Laguna in t.he lead at 47-46 with a 10-footer with 3:27 to go. give Laguna a 51·48 lead. Finally the killing point came with 30 seconds left as Haught stole the ball out of Laiuna 's plaguing defense. The ArUsts were holding a 53-50 lead and Richardson put the tiff ou~ of reach with a free throw wit!\ 21 seconds to go. · Dana Hills wanted lo stop Haught's penetration, contain Richardson and beat Laguna's pressure. The Dolphins werti fairly successful on the first two counts, but La~una 's pressure and aggressiveness worked. Laguna's pressure took the Dolphins out of their style and equalized the scoring prowess of Mike Samuels, who scored 30 Tuesday, but had to settle for 12 points Friday. The Artists hit seven of their first nine shots of the game and ended up makin~ of 52 (46.2 percent), while Oana Hills shooters connected on 50 percent (21of42>. D•"• Hlllt (QI .. ",. . J 0 I 6 4 7 4 15 5 2 I 12 1 I 2 1S IMI L-8"<11 It II,,. I~ H•UVlll 5 2 2 12 Nlcllol~ I 0 2 1 Lip.on 4 0 I 11 Smllll 4 S 2 13 P•11hon 3 0 S 6 Presst.'Cl mto actton when Ric:k Starnes l,'Ot into foul trouble, Esposito was on Holmes like a hawk, completely denying him room to Optlrate underneath the basket. lie prtissured El Toro In- to three first quarter turnovers when the Chargers tried to force the ball in to Holmes and the 6·4 forward didn't even get off a shot until 45 seconds was left in the half. With Holmes nulHfied, that left just Rick Reid to carry the El Toro scoring load. And though he canned 16 points on an eight- f or-17 performance from the field, he had little help. The rest of the Chargers could manage j ul>t seven field goals in 24 at- tempts. M eanwhitc; Corona del Mar was getting brilliant s hooting from Ahem und Koehler. The lat- ter stored the first seven points fo r the Sea Kings and almost s inglehandedly broke a good El Toro press in the second half. Koehler scored the first three bas keL'l of the fourth period to boost the Sea Kin gs' lead to 44·29 ancl wound up hitting eight of his 15 field goal attempts. OveruJI, Corona del Mar was 25- for 56 from the floor as it upped Its league mark to 2-0. El Toro is now 1·1. J eff Burden, a G·7 senior, also played well for the Sea Kings. He scored 14 points, was an in- timidating factor on defense and pulled ~the bulk or Corona's 29 rebounds . El Toro pulled down 21 caroms. c;w-..llltlM., IM I •• "pf ~ HHcllCock o 2 o 7 A"•rn t41l l1T.,. ''""'-' ' 0 8 0 0 1 0 A.Holmn M Ho1mtt ,.,,.,,.,., SimpM>n Aetd LH W1l>0n Qul9ley To1•1~ , 1 2 • I 0 2 l • 0 l I• 1 1 I l , 1 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 ISl1110 COSTA MESA'S MARK FALKE. (44) REBOUNDS, JEFF HISCOCK (52) LOOKS ON. Dana Hills took the lead ·one more time at 48-47 on Eric S mylh 's layup, but t h en Richardson hit from outside. Jtfl•n Smytll S.mutli Goller WlliOn Ttlof"nton 0 0 , 0 3 2 C'lcltrwood o 0 s O Rlcllara'°" 1 I 4 IS eu .. ien Koenter 0\900d E•Po>•IO Rt1ns !tl•rno Broctim•n ~•nnon Pt0tl1 Vu1lnd1s • 1 0 11 7 0 I U I I 1 11 0 0 3 0 I II I 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 4 0 0 O I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 , Uni ,MV Log Cage Victories Un1\'l'r.,1t~ llt ~lt <lntnl·l put on ii fourth quurlt•r .. ur~e to turn :nvay ho!>l S;.in Clemcntt·. 66 51i, whill• ~t·~~tun \'1c10 rll'fc.'alt>d 'tl> itjng Co~Lu :\1c!)a, 77·56. in South ~l League ha!>kethall action ~1<1ynight 9gc·r Poirier µourcd m 29 ts ror Un tnr~ity but his couldn't pull U\\ .iy until ti c I period, '' ht·n tt ton\'crted 11 throw attempt!; :rnd out e<I San Clemente 25 15. . c-h or the first three quartcrc; c d i n a <h .. 1 d I o c k . h u l ~t·rs1ty was dominating <it l onp µhasc or the game unding. . n Cle!Jlttnlc got oory one of- ive rEiound the entire night was h t!at e n 30·15 b y vcrsity in total rebound~. he Tritons or San Clcmt•ntc • ran into foul trouhlc a::. er Gene Gednov p1cke<I up infractions and had lo sit out l of the second half. He and fajnmale John Stephens even- f,J::!tl y fouled out in the fourth et•od. ~ n Clemente had balanced ing, with four players reach- ouble figur~. nivcrsity tries to keep its hot d tonight with a 7 o'clock non- ue game against Tustin in ni gym. osta Mesa had very llllle Jncc in its loss to ~ission Vie- he Mustangs got a 22-point ormance from 5-10 junior .. d Chris Beasley, but no one on his team came close to his ut. lvt rilty IM) .. ,.,,. llll tt 2 2 I 6 > > s ' 4 I I t l 7 • 13 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 2S 16 IS 66 IJ6)$•"0-.... Wiidt Sltpl\tfll CAl'Mi\ Otclnov Kleln TNYtr TottlS ,, ft flf. S ) I 12 • I 5 10 7 0 • ,, I ~ ~ !~ I 1 I 3 1• • 20 j6 '"""~ aMRlllM) """'. " I 2 t • 2 ' t ·UOJU "' 0 0 1 0 0 0 J • 1 • ' t 0 0 2 0 s 1 a n a • z • 1 • t 11 1 0 0 2 •• 2J J6 10 t7 u u-.4 10 17 ,. 1~ f7JI M1Mi.V1t19 ... ",.. 2 0 • • 0 2 0 2 llelt•r Cwnml"9S o.c. .. IC""9,., " ... ". lolt11ander .,..1 • ., 'tic'" ICAltt Zallfl ~ ""'"' '"'•r T.C~ja • s t 11 • 1 2 ,, • 2 0 12 4 I 0 t I J I t ' > 0 s 0 0 I t 1 1 t a 0 ' ... ' 1 t I t 0 0 t 0 • ti 11 71 IC-.lly ...... • ,. " 1•--,, 22 ,. 20-n ' • Tot•l1 21 10 11 S2 Tol•lt 24 I 21 SIJ Tot•I> a • u S4 kw• It~°"""'" $c:Wtlty~ru~ Lipson came up with a rebo"und with 1 :36 left and Hauaht con- verted it into two tree throws to D•n• Hiiis L.•ouna Beacll l1 ll U 13-S2 16 10 11 19-51. Coron• cltl Mar 13 10 I~ 1s-s.o El Toro 10 6 11 U-41 Rustlers in Finals GWC Faces Mounties; Bucs Win A'1TA LOMA-Golden Todd Zirbel with 16 re· West College gained a bounds, Gary Sanders spot in the finals of the with 20 i>olnts and an out- C ha ff e y bas ketball standingdefensiveeffort tour n ament for the by Dave Stricklin con- s econd lime in three trlbuted to the Golden years Friday night with West victory. an 84-68 victory over The GWC defe nse Fullerton. forced Fullerton lo take The Rustlers pla·y Mt. low percentage shots and San Antonio College for the Hornets finished the the title tonight at 9. game by connecting Oft Orange C-Oaist College only 28 of 8l attempts. advanced to the consola~The Ru9tlers also led in lion finals with a 68·§ ebounds. 43·33. vicloq over P~adena. Golden West held a The Pirates lace San 25-poinl lead with 2'"~ Diego Mesa at 5. minutes remaining, the FV Rolls, 82-48; . . Vikes F~, 71-66 Fountain Valley ffiqh School-advanced to the fina ls of the Arroyo Graode tournament with an 82·48 victory over Carpinteria Frida~ night but Ma~lna High 's -Vik· ings dropped an over- time decision to Dos Pueblos (Goleta>. 71-66, In the Santa Matta tournament. quarter and overtime while Marina was can- nlna{ 6 or 12, missing several first shots on bonus situations. Fountain Valley ha<l little trouble in bringing its season record to 6-1, moving In front 18·4 in the !lrst period and ex- tt?lndlng the lead to 35-12 at halftime. Fountain Valley plays Atascadero for the title "-i.t•Y•~•: 1:1 ,. "' tonig ht while Marina , .. , .. ,, .. , ' o o • <Hun lington Beach > =::::. ~ g ~ '~ plays for third place Ho'"'" ' 1 o u agatnst Santa Barbara. :;1~0,. ! ~ g :~ widest margin o l the game. Fullerton won an earlier decision over lhc Rustlers, 100-94. Orange Coas l came from a s even -poin t. 31 -24, deficit al the end of the first half to nab a 32·31 lead a nd the momentum carried over to the end. Reserve Gary Wills hit two field goals in th..c cight·point s purt, the las t with a second re- maining. Ray Orgill sparked the late heroks for the OCC Pirates. With the !)core lied at 61. he hit Jon llollund under the ba::.kct wilh a perfect pass. then got another one in to Pete Neumann who wus foulecl and made it a three-point play. This gave OCC a 66·61 lead with 1: 15 remaining. Orgill had nine assists and Neumann was 9· for·l4 from the field to score 20 points. OCC hit 52 percent of Its shots. 0r ..... eo. .. , .. , •• 11 ... ,, Holland s I ' 11 8ru'" , 0 0 1 Ntum•nn ' l ' 20 °"'•" 4 0 ' I Or9lll 0 1 • K•r-ut 0 1 4 A-In 0 1 1 Wiiis 0 0 b Toi•" 79 10 II Ml Hallllme: Oranve C.""•'· l1·ll Oo1*ft WHI CM I •• II flf ,, Sanders ' ' 3 30 Slrltklln 0 0 ' 0 Zlt C>el 6 s 3 17 '78 PORSCHES .ARE HIRE! PORSCHE LEASING HEW & USED CALL THE EXPERT BILL y ATES. IMC. VW/PORSCHE 837 -4800 ,93-4511 FRON '"' I ,,, ' ' •• t l • 't "'' bt.R r.~u•. s339s HARBOR PHOTO 3121 E. COAST HWY. COtCMtt dtl Mer 1714) 673-4670 RICK KREUZER SH OTS OVER COSTA MESA FOES. Fl11cller • Lu u l Marina held a 9 to 11· '''""' l ' 1 1 point lead through three -:=~1"_, ; ~ ~ ! , 3 I 3 10 , Commercial PhotOIT•Y and Passport Photos too. Mesa's Dave Dawe (3~), Jeff Sutte.rfleld Apply Pre11ure. RCH!Qert 0 s • Pellll 0 I 2 Ch•mbllH 0 J • Jtn-lns' 4 4 ' 12 quarters, then Cell on McC•r111y 1 o 1 1 hard times Turnovers sr1•11•11 2 o • • GauClw~, Win, 119-118 Gibbs 0 0 I 0 Total• JS " 16 84 Helltlme· GolaenWes1, :1'1·33 VISA' . WOH 0 2 I 2 and hot shooting at the Tot••• a.i u u u ; · · ••. free throw line pulled Founl•ln~~...,~;n,. u -n _:::.::.=:....:=::.:.:..::.:.::.:::__~========== . . Rich McElrath hit a free throw with four seconds left. to give host Saddleback College a 119·118 basketball victory over Mt: San Jacinto Friday night. MCEirath had been fouled while shooting and missed his first rtee throw. As tension mounted the second shot rolled around the rim and fell in. Mt. San Jacinto called time out, l"egt'Ouped, and inbounded a pass that was intercepted by Tim Knight to seal 9nddleback's vic- tory . The Gauchos . had led by as much as 12 in the first half, but Mt. San Jacinto rallied in the Dos Pueblos even at re-c•rf)(nttrl• .-1 " 10-4 second half, went ahead D1·90 gulaUon with a 23-11 ad-Maf1Nt6'I with10:45remaining,thenbuilta vantage in the final te 11 pr 111 9ollm 4 02 1 five-point lead three times. stanza. 0t.... a 2 ) , Ben Bitcon put Saddleback Dos Pueblos htt U of 16 T1na1 2 o 1 4 bac k In front, 118-116. when he hJt free throw• in the fourth !'.::. : '~ : 1: two free throws with 37 seconds WOMEN'SGOLF o.wsrnon o 2 o 1 to go. Mt San Jacinto tied it with " .......... lekMtcc ~.:~,.,,,. .: • ! ! ,: 16 s e conds left to set up r woae11tr .. 111t1Tiv'"°"'':1. Tot••• 24 11 n " McElrath'sherolcs. . """ L•'"1'· J~ w ..... ,. M1<1t•1 ldn~' 1, 12 6 ....... M<Klb-, 1l0; L Atlt11• Qtrlell, Shi Mlrlnt --Tonight Saddleback host.a San· ou•••r .... 1.neo.-"' ui. DtsPutltlts • u 1• 22 11-11 , ta Monica at 8. .... ,""' .. llttl ft 11 ,,. • lecon t • t 10 tl.t71.10y ,,,,. II 2 o 24 ,..Henon I o • 2 10 7 J 11 Crepo 0 0 I 0 7 3 • 11 Tot~s 50 It 11 lit 6 I J 13 H•lfllmt : Sacl· .t 2 4 I clltl>ac-, ....a. ·-~ ~eirimemmlbeir n:Ilnce lb<e~lt ttllniiimg'-.y«Jnui eveir 10~? . LEASE 1978 MALIBU 4-..s ... C.o •SIM, Ru. •71'4 D•o t ;>964 I ~I 1.>111.Q 111111 B4 36 .,.,~ -" •"" 1 .. h Ci)Q:IO Sr. I Bii .-, AU 1971 MODB.S .AU Area Baaketball Results · HHI .AND ltlADY FOi IMMIDIATI DaJYHY . L•H• & Coml'M«:lal Salea ..• Ceff U• ·We'll Come To You ••. au ... , .. 522-2881 8ASKET~L I HMsE RACING &ogars Eye Tide Tonight Capistrano Valley Hlgh's Couaars are vy- inac for the cbampJonsbip or the 11th annual Azusa High bllsketball tourna- ment tonight (8:30) aa they go aaalnst unbeaten San Marino lfifb. The Cougars of Capistrano Valley coach Paul Smith did in Azusa High Friday night, 80· 73, behind the 33-point scor· Ing of Bob Charles, the two-time athlete of the year at El Toro High who transferred lo Capo. Bob's brother, Rob, chipped in with 11 points and Bill Skiles added 10 points lo the Capistrano Valley attack. San Marino. with a 7-0 record, relies on speed and height. Miles Shanks scored 22 points and Mark Tait added 18 in San Marino's 84-65 vic- tory o~er Temple City to gain the finals. FAREWELL DASH -Dash For Cash, the defending world champion. will make his final quarter-horse racing appearance tonight at Los Alamitos race course in the $100.000 Champion of Champions. Dash For Cash will be making his final start of his 25-race career and will be bidding for his 21st victory. ' In non-league action Mater Dci <Santa Ana) High was a 63·52 winner over visiting Cantwell ( M ontebcl. ' J-fl <1: Tars Belt Wilson, 73.39 Irvine lli~h · .. oS·57 loser at Pasadena Poly; and Capistrano Valley Christian bested St. Michaels <Orange ), 75·70. The Monarchs of Mater Dei overcame an early Cantwell lead behind the rebounding of By DAVE CUNNINGHAM OflMDelly l'JlotltaH By the third quarter, one could scarcely believe he was watching the same Newport Rarbor basketball team that played the fi rst quarter. With a complete about face, Newport Harbor turned a close game into a rout and handed Long Beach Wilson a 73·39 loss Friday night at Huntington Beach High. The victory gives the Sailors third place in Huntington Beach's 49th annual invitational tournament. The championship went to un· Bob Meacham and John Oil Saunders, each plucking... ers off eight caroms. Win, 68-56 I r vi n c II i g h · s Va. By a Dally Piiot Writer queros held their own in With surpri~ ease, tfunt- game at 20. That was the last t1mt! the Rams were ev.en. thc early going against a ington Beach won the consolation taller Pasadena Pn'"' ·charopionship or its own basket- team, but fell ir: lne uall invitational Friday night by same area as before-dumping Long Beach Millikan rebounding. 68..SS in the Oilers' gym. · Jn the third period the Oilers hit 70 percent of their shots, reeled off nine unanswered points and opened up a 13-point lead. Still, the Vaqs showed :ff~ntington Beach employed a a balanced attack with st~fl~ng zone defense, forcing four players scoring in M1lhkan to shoot outside, and the double figures, led by .• Rams encountered tw? pro- Dan Monteverde and longed cold. streaks _which al· None of Millikan's 13 points in the third period came on shots closer than l~ feel, a direct result of Huntington Beach's s mother· ing defense. Jim Rudy each with 14. lowed the Oilers to build a com- • fortu blc lead. Ma1eroe1 1u1 The first Millikan cold spell By contrpst, the Oilers scored all 25 of their points in that period right under the basket or on free throws. · G•'"" •: 10~ ~ ': lasted (or the entire first quarter. Mccru t 1 • as the Rams connected on just. ~:~~v ! ; ~ ,! four of 22 attempts for a dtsmaJ Hlta-Jl lMI It II Ill tp Meecham 2 1 · 2 s ,18 percent. s1eee1.. • o 2 ,• That enabled Huntlneton c-T llom p>On Stelnll•u• Pesloltsl 0 0 I 0 3 2 ~ • 611 223 ) • J 10 Wooten I> 2 • I• P19n•1Mlll 3 7 3 13 Smllll 1 0 0 2 To1a11 21 26 I& '8 ~~~a.rs ~ ~ : ; Beach lo open up an eight-point To1e1s S< .... ...,.o!!,..!! 11 u lead, but Millikan stormed back Scwe •Y Qollrt~ can1we11 11 is t0 u-s1 in the second period to tie the Meltr 0"1 I 11 20 II_., Mllllklll Huntlnvton BelCll 1,..IMH .. lllJll OCldtn Rudy MOnteverde w.1 .. Miiier Devit Krtshtr Man91n Joyce Tot .. s ,, fl ... t• 5 0 s 10 1 0 • 14 • , s u 2 J 2 ' s 0 1 10 I 0 1 1 0 0 , 0 0 1 I 1 .O 0 I 0 " s n SJ ken.-,o.o.nen Irvine Hl9'1 I• 10 11 lt-S7 PHedene Poly I• 2l 12 1145 Cepo Vallo Cllrl1Ue" 11, SI. Ml(llHl110 C llC -81lley«1, NelsonS,J011n11nt, c;r,..n 17, Uvl"ll'ton•. H•lltlme SLMkllffls . .O.U. R91111letlon ..._.. Pro Scores ........ Mecb'r l..N9w Toronto I, Mlnnnote S Halleflet ........ l~lalltll Mllw1u1t• U2, NY Knl~l ISO Clllceoo I IS, P1111-1p1111110 Plloenl• 116. Ntw OrlHM 1 IJ lndlelHt 114, OetrOll 10. New Jtney 116, Cltvtllnd '°' Allan I• t IS, Sin MIGlllO" Boston 111. Oolden Stale I u Slett ..... LOI AnQelet tO WHhlnaton 117, Oenvar 112 Edison Rolls, 66-4 7 Edison· High School closed out the pre- Christmas schedule with a 66-47 victory over Lowell High Friday night in non-league bas ketball action on the winner's floor. Reserves played most of the second half and •s parked a third QUirler scoring spree that saw ! the Chargers outscore Lowell, 22·6. Jeff Tutton and Mike Mccourt played steadily for the victors, each scoring 16 points. Steve Davis was the leading re- bound er while Glenn Garrity contributed heavily on defense. Edison's next game is in the St. Francis Classic in Mountain View <Northern California > Dec.28. •"'-'1"1 Devis Tullon Gerrity McCowrl KaMmerv Allen Poletlelt I' rtudenbef'Q GrHr ,, fl ,. 2 0 0 6 4 I 2 t 1 • 0 , I 0 t 3 0 I s 0 0 I 2 0 I O 2 To111s " • 11 sew...., O.rtln 10 16 4 IS-<17 " ll 22 ·- P rep Soccer Summaries YAllllTY c.,_ m ,., IJUR<la Datte Nitti 161 Ill ~ llffell D•n• Hiii• scorlno-G1noe1t c, fsplnoie 2. AUlll1-vwrey C, Espinosa, Fll•rdo. Prep Cage Standings atT-UI IUc.M El l'foro tcorl119-R1,,,01 , Hontrv•r. CdM-Gll-•Y. H.,.dy. Ufllvenlly IJI 111 ltot CMmtMe Unlvenlly Ktrlng-Frenll, Own SOUTH COAST LWAOU• O"AHOI L•AOUI 10 11 u 17~ II 7 1S le-.8 beaten Katella <Anaheim> High 's Knights, who ran pre- viously unbeaten Los Amigos <Garden Grove) High out of the gym, 71-58. Long Beach Wilson took com: mand in the first period with ag- gressive rebounding and eCfec- tive scoring underrieath the hoop. Mid way through the period Wilson led by eight points. But when coach Jerry DeBusk switched his team's defense from a zone to a man.to-man, Newport ~or scored nine straight points to take a 15·14 lead. Long Beach Wilson lvrestled the lead right back at 16·15, but that was the last time the Bruins enjoyed s uch a feeling. All-tournament honors went to Newport's BrianMaravich, Hunt· ington Beach's Curt Steinhaus. Orlando Ward of Los Amiios and Katella's Ray Donnefly <MVP), Randy Whleldon and Ed Patrick. Stt«ol Pvtm1n Mlr•vlcll ....... FrMman S~Hk He..,.n H-OJI ,, ""' .. s 0 ' 10 2 I 1 S 1 J 2 ,. • 2 a 10 3 1 1 • 1 ••• H•ll McClrtlly Paq11ln H•rrloen Str~t Tlltals k-~o..tH'I 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 0 • \. 0 0 1 0 I 1 1 16tll11J Newport H•ttlot 11 n 10 2•-n ~Bee<llWllllOn .. 6 • 11-49 Great Idea for ChrisirnaS - Saturday, December 17, 1f77 DA.IL Y PILOT Alamites Race Resul~: ... D.,,htCWti,Mri'tfl .... NU<rlkllH. NINTM •AC.I -400 "'""' a olft. CltlMlfll. fllwM ~ Otltll tAOllrl OIMHellt !IW\I IMO !".tit...,._ 1Clr4llN.ll Tl,,,_ -111.54 • • Al,. ran -I'm • Klll!ly Too, OW Coll Jotl. Mldwly llulef, 1'IQ .... 1 ........ . No«retct.s .. ••ACTA -•·Or•• .. a .... OIMI...._,...._ .... Attt.._-MU. Alamitos ED.tries TMI ap llAC1I -:UO yllft, 2 'l'elr Olds. Plll"lt .-0. Tiie Goldeft It ... l'11tur1tvTrl.ia/l'lnl DMtlOll. ~TMly l'lne l'WI tl:4" P.M. l'llHT •.t.e•'150 yenll. J 'l'flt olds ~up. Cltlmllllo Pu,.. '2000. ClllmlnO """ '2000. ""''"' llev !Kiiiy) tit ~ flrl• 1N1coc111tn1111 1H P'lkWI Diii (DlllNIWlltll 1U J11t' O•ftf'I' laeriutl 122 ltllVlllm Ovslw CTrMWrel lit llMkt YourMovlt llCnl,illl 117 UO 2.<IO UO llttrOllBld lCllnloul U? J.00 UO Tl.If! Ito la.nksl llt Kllllt$ floP '"•"' Sowl 8119 ICenloll I lme 01191 CCrNolrl Tlme-'1 ... SM hllllfl'ICllNve IVltllthnl Cit Al.-NI -y l'lttt Altft, Tr11t Mlf-trl11, WtlltrM Wl\Mft-wr, tme Feat, Jet, R ........ A P-.e. Winds ... Wlldflr•. NoKr•ld•H .. •XACTA -•ece111tt .... & I• ............... Pt ... l'OUaT" aAC11 -,J0'1'.,,,,.. l'l"Nr olds. Pur .. ..,.. flit GOldtn Stelt l'11lwrlly Trllf11SK~vlal011. lll'l'Dtll•Jtl IClr<dOUl 2. 2.10 UO MldnltM Ad¥-C I UO 2.60 BltflCtysOllrlltf' (Hertl 4.20 Tlmt-17 .• AIMI ren -l'l•I Alool, Olllk Hiii Cll1rm, Yllllno LIH, Outtn 0' -Ort1m1, HIQlltr Tyme. Nos<ratcM" ""™ ltACI -JJO 'l'Wdl. 2 'l't•r olds. Pvna ..,_, TM GOldt11 St•te 1'11t11rll'1' Trlltl/TI\lrd Dlvlslofl. • Pe,.,deomt Im,,.,. 111""911> 1u s•cOND iu.ca -3SO y .. ctl. J .,..., old$. Cllll'lllng. P\lrM '2000. Clalmtno l>(ktUSOO. Rffdy TY (Hirt) MIH 81rl1rls 8¥ IC.Ill lit PrtAce of TIMvn lo.t-1 , ,, TMttCl-lQffl-1 11t Ll.llllooi-IPaollntl 1" s..-wt "'9ls (1(1119'11 I m SM'• Hot IA49lrl 119 Dr. Kobly (0-.egerl 122 A~tilor (Alll'°"l 11t TM I II D llACE -UO yardt. t 'l'flr olcts.All-. Purwu.io. Ms. S«ent Respect IL!MfWnl tit ~llH ...... IP..,11 ... l 122 Slluwlnder tWMdl 122 Talk BIO lo.+omNI 119 -Sams l'llly IHarll lit l'HI K1llt IWet-1 11t Alortf'l'I• (C1u9orl lit Siiiy Strwtlt IA$1rl 122 Mr.Al1mltcKGooel CBlllUI 119 811M'I' 8UMy 8.-y ICltdoie I 122 UO 3.<IO 2.10 l'DUllTM RACE -llO Ylrch. 3 •.OO 1.20 yur olds. Cl1tml1>9. PllrM uooo. UlltyaEH'rJtl I Hartl Ml 81y IMyltO PerrsC•n'l'Ofl ITr•Wl'tl TllM-IUS U.20 Cl1lml1>9 Pricie UJOO. Alm rae -AUi Go Go. 81.111 Tt, Ml C•llMr, t:._.,. Jel lloOel, Truly -Ouo<ll, GlllOC*'O DomlflO. Noac;rlldle~ SS IJlACTA -MA•YI Illy Jet & l•Ml l ay,fl .... MI.• SIXTH •ace -lSO ylrdl. 2 Ytlr Olds. P,yrw ~TM Goldafl State P'llturlff Trletl/Fourtll OlvlslOll. sirawllo IWardl UO 2,IO 2.40 P'etller$0-1Harll J.20 2.IO 01•1Moon81.00 !Watson I UO l ime -ti.la llO r ... -Lifestyle. Tllrte Flllfl, Tl111v A Pr1rce. AlemllDI -..... BIQ MGOla Trv,M<. TC2 NO SC retdlK. Slllny Go INlc~I 119 Al 80'1' IClrdou I 11t FIOI• $.j)ur-!Aufrl 119 Doll• •• , (14¥\) 119 StreOlntJolwt 1Broo41111etd) 119 Gren Son IOtlomlWll t22 O..r Slllp !ROllGl\I 119 Ole YN 8-r IWatdl 122 HHrtllWetlt Klcl !Tr...urw) 122 H-'l''llleouesl lKnloMl 119 l'IP'TM llACS -a yem. J year olds. Altow9"te. PllfW ~-Min Pa11HN IW•l50!') lit Fo•y 80• 10.-J 119 Mr. B•rl1rl1 INlcodemull 11t Hople HOO ICn41911rl 122 Old1.e"' Htetr.r lc.rdoal 119 RocketltTI""' IWfrdl 119 OM Fl,. 0.Y 19.IM.sl 119 · ~,..I Glrl ITrMtlnl tit HVUtTH ••c• -870 y1rd1. J ltoell. ttltC:llert IHlrtl llt Ytn olds a. up. Cl•lmlnv. ""'" 12100. II•<• You._ lllOUOhl 119 Rid Red WI,. SlllTM ltACIE .,-440 yerdl. J ye•r ITrwesurel U.IO 1..0 •.20 Olds I. up. Purwl\00,000 • Mortel Lock IBfwltslltldl 11.00 S.20 Nallve er..-IM~l 111 OlllheHOllM IA$1rl i.o LllUea111eSNtp lLllihaml 119 Time -4 .«l Tiie 11111~ !Adllrl 1~ College Cage Scores UCLA tO, So. llllnols 7S Arl1oneSl.17.USC76 Neved• IL.alY19oHl",l.am1r .. USF 109, Idaho 70 le'l'lor •. P&lrlc 11 IOTI Norlllrlctoe 51. IO, ~I LUINf' .. 'I Portland u .... S.Clrollne'8 H. TeusSl.IO,Rk•" DlylOf\ IO. Sen OleQO St. 71 S.nteCltratJ,SMIJow,.1lttO Stfl P'rMKlta> SI. t2. Oreoon Tecll to O..pnu111t1, T-.Mar11n71 Cel St ... fl.Al"· HIYWtrd $1. 1l Pt. Loma .. ,Wlllltler" Coror.oosc.n, E. WnN"Otoft" UClrvlN",8ol11Sl.M MCNHllSt.•7,HawellU Georol• Te<llM. Or-oc>n S7 Syrecus .. I, PennStett'5 St. Jolln'I, N.V. 71, s .. 111.60 Utall.., Teus TtdlU ICettlllC~Y IU, Porl!lftdSt• Mont.,.. ... SI. Cloud, Minn. M Navy'2,S..-d71 Baylor •. Pacific 11, OT ColoredoSI 1J. E W11Nnoton St Memp!ill SI 11. TH·EI PesotS P'lltrldtSI 100. TeusA~ 11 T--n. OfrtmpvthM HoonMft •. X.wler, b!llo7S Ol'tlo U 60, GrMllll""95l Wrestling I VAltSITY 00..-rnl,Ntll. T-••lll I tS-llllSll IEllan<lel '1Mff•..-Scrl-IEIC«ldol, t :SS. 103-Pll•m !Est.I dee Sl!\,1411 CGorm•nl, 7·0: pfnn.-1 by Grt111 CMatyv11a11:.o. •• 112-Tlylor fEdlsonlloJtl-1. UO-Curry IECll-1 WOft 21·t, lt-3, 1i~~~lynn IElll piMed Jone$ Cl!I Cor1dol t:J1; dee hr11tl4ln ILY Vellol II·•: pinned by Merlln ICllrkl •:2S; OUtendlllt (£dll0fll !OSI .... U>-L-V CE$!) plnfled llallar<t ICllep1rr1ll J-Ol; de< RlfldertllU IRanc1101 7-3; loll to Cuclnottl IEdlMinl >ol. overtime; Cuclnctltl IEdl1011lwon .. S,l-2.~0ftf"tlmt. , 131-lllley 1Esu dee Br~ !&.&le> IM, Cite Domine! IHemetl S.1, ove~ llme; lost to Sl"'9M)n ICNperrel 9-1; Devil •EdlsonllO\tbypln. US-+4-'F•" ..irwoed by awi.-tlenun lBonente I v SJ; R•••\ IE Cihon) 10\I f 12 " tU-Sn•ler IE•ll Clel Hel,... IR•nchOI 7-1; CIK Plllm<HI IHelT)efl" t-11 loll lo Fetrclllld IOl81»1rr•ll by pin, 1:20. IU-ROll• 1est1 IOSI lo 8oyer I Edis.on,~; Borer IEcllsonl-2~ S.0 ... 1. 1 llS-Purct ll!all pinned ll't Herd•oer llltilcl •:SS, overtime; Teske IEdlsonl WOft IM.10.S. plnnf41. 1'1 -LortnJO IE11) pinned Ptertl) IClarkl 3:38;plnMdby8onO IHef'l'l!jl •:SO; Clerk 1£dll0ftl IOll lflo...,,lme1 ~L , Hwy -S._ IEstl lost lo Dallb (V111eyl 11·1. .THE GR.EATEST EAR W L .. ,, flA W L fll' Coron• Clel Mir 2 o ta 14 C•n'l'Oll 2 O 1 Q MIHlon YleJo 1 0 IH '°' Yelen<le 2 O 130 01neH1111 I 1 131 117 BrH I 1 IM ooall ldefentel 2. Sen Clemtntt-flA SilnChel. 121 MINlel!VleJolSlltlClllAIMlw '°' MIMIOn Viejo 1<0<lno~i1tr ... 2. 17' Hertley 2, ScetmiftKll.. Coste MeS-107 Poties. ALL 'RICES DltAS Tl CALLY. El Toro 1• 102 t7 L19une Beach 1 " llJ Unlv•rslty I 1 111 114 Cot.I• Mtse o 2 117 15' Siln Clemen!• 0 2 " IOS .. P'riAy'1Sc-L•OU11• Bffcll 56, DIN Hiiis SJ COrOfledtlMal"~. EIToro•t Minion VleJo77,Costa Me11S4 Unlvtnlt'r "·San Cltmenll S4 ..... 0-(Jlft,JI Corona del MM at Ll9llftl llffC l'I ~IT.,OllCttllMIM Unlvtnltv1t0eltl Hiiis Mission Viejo It Siii C..,,_.t El Doredo I I '" UH11>r1 1 I 1?3 Sonor1 t 1 " F 11lltrlon 0 I lot Etperan1• O 2 113 l'rtllly'•~ V•le11<la•2. Flllltr1oftU Clnyen'2, E-111uM El Dorldllff,Sonore4' La H•llr• 44, Br• '2 ..... a.-.u .... a> Clnyon It ""'l•rton Le Hebr1et5ollore EIDorMoltYel..c:la E.,.r...,.•11<'9 1JO IUNIOtit VAaSITY IOI ~Q)(tl ..... a-11 1:16 ............. OJ ttlO..Mlllt 13.C i..vune.8:;',!~~C::""· EIT-scor~t. u.1,,.,.t•1ma.a.-.. U1tlvtnlty scod,,.-Ollvtr t, Wllelnl, 0.~en, S.11 Cl-n1t-Howerd Allllllo. Mlt4~ VleJo U? ftl Cle" IMH Minion Vltlo 1<orlno-f>trei 2, Treut, Gl'l....,2. 5'!*bltl. l'lt05H-SO"" M...,_Vlt)t 111111 C:.tl Mell REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE EYERYTlllll MUSI lml Fri. thru Sun.-1 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Repeat Of Last Yecr's Sellout Olll.11\L C:OSf DOWN VESTS !H s12so "Are you sure Phil asked you to help him ?" )UNKY WINKER BEAN 5kf INGS FRCl"\ 114£ '"I C.H0"1G aa ENr 800KOf OfN'5E l"llC:6CAll1 CASEY MOON MULLINS .. • GERIATRIX ··------------------------------- ... '' .~ : ~ . ·' ... . ~ .• .• . '~ )Ol.J 60 Wffi.IOUT TV ~AO<S UNTIL. . 1990,we~GO ON -n-te ~!CAN ~~ISE WITH 'noiE M/>C.KS \ s::J BOOMER 'MU'f A '1.JG1£~ . c~19e. 1 JUSf ·~! 50 M~N At.JD 100 ~MEN! MISS PEACH by Tom Batiuk by Ferd and Tom Johnson you've Yf;S, DSAR·· --CE~T,AINL.Y ,AND So H,AS CH,ANG~D ! IH~ L,AN<W.AGE, GORDO NANCY 5LUGGO AND I ARE GOING TO GET MARRltiO SOMEDAY 1 H,ASTEN IOADD. I'M GOING TO START A HOPg Ct-4EST i by Wm. F. Brown 1nd Mel Qsson F000 1 .... W6 we~e ~f'Poseo r.111'--i....i_~? byMtfl DOOLEY'S WORLD DR.SMOCK MOTLEY'S CREW by Gus Arriola P.EANUTS COMICS I CROSSWORD by Cbirfts M. Schutz NOT IF '/OU OONT 8tH ~ AWTHING by Roger Bradfield ~ by George Lemont by Templeton and Forman ..----or .:THAr 1'AKE5 AIRMAii .. 6rAMP5 IN~f..~ TODAY'S CIDSSWDID PUZZLE . UNfTED Feature Syndicate frlda(• ,,_,,,.. ..,.....,; --------... . . .. . ENT£RTAJNMENT J BROADWAY ' Saturday. 0eeemt>er t1. ian DAIL V P1LOT " I Two ,Draculas Haunting NY Theater. , 'MORE OF A ROMANTIC FIGURE' Broadway Dracula Frank Langella AUCMMA .. U~MAfl. IVHYDA~·nu.ao~M.-'1 n SOUTH COAST tHf A J Rf l /\f.U""A flf A(H ?40 14it• -DDl EaACM P'l AZA t tN•M "I 11 01 I• 6:45 l'M I• ! .. , •• •• ., ... •I of•• I ~-.. "CAIU-• Cl OU-"111 1 I H AT l'Htll TUU 1111·1111 "DOMIMO l'RIHCll'LI" Il l l .:IO lat TMllU fUll l:JO.I :JO.I >o "IL.ACK CHRISTMAS" 1'11 \AfTHIU IUUof'U • 111 "Hume. EXCORIST II" 1a1 ,.0 SAff..,11 TllU I 41-"11-t H "GUMIALL RALLY",,., 'Jt I AT THIU T\ltl , ..... 41 ttOHIEOMOHIE" '"' T>t.'11 1:U.., I IS ., .... n -. W.a.UO.,...fS .. l'IETIE'S DRAGOH" .... ,. Uf t ... U fut' f ... llMttt H '"DOMIMO l'AIHCll'L1"111 '" '"' n4aU tilH l ... 111-t H "CASSAHDRA CltOSSIHG" 1 H S.AfTHIUTUU ) 4"-10 Mlltlfttts . Sot. -5...,, I :45 THEATRE 1----1 laws I ~~ lrCil THFATIE II ___ ...,. "Sl.APSHOT" "THE MAN WHO SKIED DOWN EVEREST' .... , Your Dally Pilot can be Recycled . Qr,1noe Co,ul COllt'qi;, I\ the off1C1AI ,.1J>ryrltn9 (1•r1t..-r for C~lil M1·'·• SEE IT AGAIN FOR THn · FIRST TIME! AT EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL ANTIOUE CAAS ON OISP\.AY IN THE LOllOY (PG) Seeing 'Star Wara' at Edward• Newport Clna"'a 11 llke seeing It lor the flrat lime -an .. panence Incomparable anywhere. Our huge 7S.35 lool screen (tho largaat Indoor rnov screen In Orange County) and our aahlllratlng ila track Dolby stereo eound 1y1tem totally envelop you In tho action: You don't "watch" It, you'ta part ol It! Tho force, the IJl.l1 lorca 11 with you at Edwards Newport Cinema. ••• • • •• • • • COAST HWY. AT MACAllTHUll ILVO. • ICCWPO~T llACH • 644-<1760 bperltnced Delly Al 7:)0 end 10:00 •nti on S1turoey & Sundey •112 00·?·30· S 00 · 7:30 1nd 10:00 Starts Wednesday, Dec. 21st "ONE OF THE BEST ICTURES OF THE YEAR!' ... TIME MAGAZINE '"The Goodbye Girl' is a joyous comedy- just what the doctor ordered. Nell Simon makes feeling good legal ... " GENE SHALIT. NBC-TV . I By WILUAM GLOV•:R NEW YORK C/\P > Will the real Count Dn1cula plea-.t• st.inti" "Thu, "·•." ... ~<i.>-S frank Langella. \\bO Is brown·eycd, :n. and six fool thre\I. "O'er hen•" tJt-ckonl> Chris topher Bernau, who i:; bluc·C}Cd, a year yuungcr and an mch shorter. BY PROD UCTION FREAK, th e two handsome. able performers are portraying ficllon·s ~st famous vampire in simultaneous stage hits. Their advt•nl Langelltt at Broadway's Martin Beck Theater and Bernau at off-Broadway's Cherry Lane-arc JU~l the start or a surge or vampire theatricality. Later in the sc;1~on. Equity LJbrary Theater, a showcase for younl( talents, 1s going to exhume Bram Stoke1·). ~houl, and the PBS television network has unnouncccl Louis Jourdan for a slighUy Gallic concept orTrun!>yl vuruun deviltry. The uptown production named "Dracula." uses the 1927 adaptation by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston. The Cherry Lane orrerin& ls a new version with a few pert Interpolations by Bob Hall and David Richmond that IS called ''The Passion or Dracula." • THE MARTIN BECK opus cost $300,000, the one at Cherry Lane $30,000. The Beck auditorium has t ,280 seats, the Off-Broadway hall 180 -and has a top ticket price half its Main Stem competi· tlon. For his portrayal of Dracula. Bernau puts on custom made fangs a couple of times but vows he 's never had a transfu sion. "I can't give one either, because I've had hepatitis." Langella ls a no.fangs vampire. He also has never naa ti transrus1on, "but 1 thank I 'II head ttus yea"r's blood bank program for the Actors' Fund." LANGF.l.LA RELi EV ES SUCH popularity is 1r;~;;;;i1;;;;;;;;:~:r1 because "y.c \<' ull rnme a long way in the last SO years and he's more appl·ahng than originally -on a dtfC('rt-nt lcvl'I "Back then, DrJt·ula \\US a figure of horror, fright and he1noui; U\.11. llt>'l; i.l11l fnghtening but since w<>'ve all be en tiherutcd an all sorts or facets or our culture. noY. 1t ·~ rnlucsllng lo watch a figure of old \\Orld Mn~ularat.\ L;mgclla and Bl·rriau. who haven't seen each other as l>n.ll'ula, arrt\ l'd <il an 1tlcnt1cal concept of pcrformant·<·. "I ALWAYS •·1:1.T Ill~ Y.ai. a more romantic figure than hl• wa!> alloY.cd to be in ear lier performances." says Lan~clla . .. People love m~ th with an erotic aspect." says Bernau. !.ALLY FIELD 1-1111(//1.'\ 1/11· (11/t' !'tlll (ll'I' ... b / 1111 Ill~ !10111 :;d/: l-ll:ll(M:5 I "''·'"'" II \IWl~i ''It 10 I f P~· \l'-1\111 ... I t 1-• '-' ~ ..... " •......CX.""°" Co-Hit at Harbor Twin IJ "Thieves" STADIUM O HIVl IN . K•'•'.' ,.,,, \t~·t j•0••"'¥ ~·-l/10 •6J11860 " 'LOOKING FOR MR. GOOD BAR' IS ·ONE OF THE STRONGEST MOTION . PICTURES EVER MADE-AND ONE OF THE BEST! "-11, 'mlfh . .\'1·u \'urk {)i1/.v ,Vt•u·• "Riveting ... a dramatic blockbueter" Bruce Wllllamaon-f'leyboy "Diane Keaton burna 1 hole through the acr••n." RH Reed-fiewY-otk O.lly ,.ewa Starts Wednesday, Dec. 21st edwards CINEMA CENTER HARBOR AT ADAMS. COST A MESA MESA VERDE CENTER 979-4141 edwards CINEMA WEST WESTMINSTERATGOLDENWEST 892-4493 The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane ~ ~·-··_.,,,.. ..... ,.....,.. 'MVTH WITH AN EROTIC ASPECT' Off-Broadway Vampire Christopher Bernau A long time ago in a galaxy far, fai BWCJy... ·.: . Of-IUllNI • JOt4" MNVl1I OH 00011"1 ""'' OUMaALL IALL Y CM1 Al. llACtMO a -.TMI IUllla IOHY DIHrllLD(POI '""' ROSI OAlDIN 111 10ttN TUYOl TA SAnntDAY NIOtfT rMRIWI IOftN TIAWOl TA SAT. NtOMT nYll "'UI • Hellywollil ...... "' 10t1N TUYOlf A IATVIDAY NIOtfT •Mlt• "'-UI 'aATllNITY IOW (1IOI •MAJMAnNO n CMlllL y ( .. I I P\UI DAY Of 1"1 ANIMALS'"' . • .. .. , I Tele.,ision TODAY'S LATEST LISTINGS . r\ I• \ ) ,.. ... .. , OU. IOllOX IUNMllTOH ~ ••• ,. ''TM ~pot" (1t~) JMIM llewr.rt, ..,,_. H .... All« wlno- l*'IJ a radio twMp41tekM, a men ttlee to ralM money to pey ttMt lax• on hie t:101==y LAl..APALOOZA MOV1e • * "TM Matlipuletor" (1172) St~ 8oyd. Syt- va Kotelna. A 109 teleYI· l ion •••cutlv1 who "m1nlpul1te1" hi• perlormera, 111 tho11 Wound him and hll llmlly. lakM 1 kldn~ng to gi t publlclty tor hl1 l•IHI d'-ery (2 hfl ) • WOMAH:RE.ALTO REE. Plays Twain • ZOOM (CAPTIONED) 10:00 II Cl) NFL FOOTBALL Tiie Loe AngelH Rams and the WHhlngton R9dl· kin• WIN compel• •t the R F K. Stedlum, WeSNng- lon, D C. Chr is Connelly appears as Mark Twain in the TV movie "The Incredible Rocky '.\lounlain Rac<.'s" tonight at 9 on NBC. Cha nnc:r .t. Q THUNDER D 9 KROFFT SUPEA8HOW IJ WANTEO: DEAD OR ALIVE "Oe1ert Seed'' Q) MOVIE • * "The Shakedown" (t98t) Terence Morgan, Hazel Coun . A racketeer releH ed from prlaon start• a reapectable daytime pholography end model sludlo, bul el nlgM he 1urn1 II lnlo a place for amtteur photographers to lake cheeae cake pk:tures (tllr,.30mtn)_. Ol) VISIOHON 10:30 0 SPACE SENTINELS 0 MOVIE • "Oagora, Tiie Spece ' ? Montier" ( t9651 Yoauke Na11ukl. Yoko Fujiyama A deleclive encountefl a ,g1gan11c a1om1c-mutaled jetfyfllh wt>ICh threatens Earth (1 hr . 30 min ) fD ONCEUPONA CLASSIC "Robin Hood" Aile<' a duet between Robln eno Sor Guy, the Bishop 11 k•llod by men dl1gu11ed es Robin's meo (Part t t Of t2) t 1:00 Q SEARCH AND RESCUE D QJ) WEEKEND SPECIALS "P•atl .Harnmerman·s 14.lter You" An Imaginative 1 t-year-old learns to cope wllh vlolenco. Chrl1llan Jutlner, Lenee Kerwin, Jim Sage gueSI tier (RI Q) L A. PATTERNS '• fll) NOVA "fhe Reel Planet" Mara • lrom lhe beginning ol aatronomy to the NASA Viking ml111lons 11:30 0 THE RED HAND OAHO U ROCKY ANO HIS FRIEHOS Q) W~OOF SURVIV6L "Island In Oenge." Q) BOLD ONES A dy•ng woman end en unorthodO• young man find tllemHlvn attracted to each other. AFTl!RNOON 12:000 THAT'SCAT U SWISS FAMILY AOelNSON D 9 AMERICAN 8AN08TAND Q MOVIE **'A "Eaat Side Kids" (1940) Leo G0tcey. Hunlz Hall. The Eaat Side KIO• llnd themselves In trouble onoe ageln. ( t hr .. 30 min.) Q) OUTEA LIMITS ''Archllecla Of Fear" f1l) FRENCH CHEF "To Roest A Chicken" (RI 12:30 D NF\. '17 A report on musically talented NFLers; Edwerd Vll14111e oNeu atretel'llng exlfdMS to prtMll'lt leg kijuriee. 0 MOVIE * * "The Am&Zlng Cokn- sal Men" (1957) Glenn Langen. Ce1hy Down An eiomlc exploSlon turns a man into a murderous giant ( t hr .. 30 min ) D MOVIE * •~ "~ The Beasts And Chlldren" (1971) Biil Mumy. Barry Robina. Six problem boys try to atop the IMlllMIMs destruction of buNalo by freeing a herd earmarked to be shot lor sport. (2 hrs.) GI MOOSOUAO SJ PAINT WITH NANCY <fD) WOR[)S..A.POPPIN 12:4611 Cl) NFL TODAY 1:00 II Cl) SPORTS SPECTACUL.AA NHRA Wor1d Finals Oreg Racing lrom Ontario, Call· tomla; World Proleuional Armwreslllng Champion- ahlc>• trom Houaton; wee Wellwwelght Oftempion- lhlp 8out with tlUeftold« Cerlol Palomino beltltng JoM Plllllclol In e 15· round.,; W0tld'1 Sttong- nt Men (Pert tool 10). ChaRnel Lbtf ng• II KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles D KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles 8 KABC· TV (ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB (CBS) San Diego D Kl-U-TV (Ind) Los Angeles 9 KCST (NBC) San Diego Q) KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles e KCOP·TV (Ind.) Loa Angeles ID KCET·TV (PBS) Los Angeles G!> KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach CJ NFL FOOT8All The Mleml Dotphlna ~ with the BuHllO 81118 at the Ofenge Bowl, Ml1rnl. Q) SOUL TRAIN fm SPECIAL "ThOff Golden Yeera" Older cltlzen1 tell thelr OWf'I ltorlee 1~t whit It's like to grow old In Amerlce et e IMmber of the working ct111poor. 9 MOVIE ***~ "TM End 01 The AN1lr" ( 1955) Deborah Kerr, Van Johnaon. An AmM~n IUthor becomft lnvolYecl In en 1H1lr with the wife of • Brttllh ottkl« dutlng the Wll. (2 l\rl.) 1:$0CJ MOVll * * "Hold t hat Gll01t" (1$4 t) Abbott end Costel- lo, Join Davia A gangster ... _ 1 roedhouae to Bud and Lou. ( 1 t>r., 30 min.) a> MOVIE * * ~ "My o.et s.a .. t1ry" ( t$41) Klfk Douglaa, U.elne Day A aecret1ry to en eulhor llnda he llkM girt• and hor-blttet IMll he dOH writing (1 hr .. 30mln) 2:00 9 BIO VALLEY "The River Monarch" Q) M&88ION: IMPOSSIBlE "Tlrne Bomb" Ci) F0008 FOR THE M00£RN FAMILY "Fll h M11ket" 2:30 D TI4E WINNERS Gn FOODS FOR THE M_OOERN FAMILY "Wllole Fllll" 3:00 fJ BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER D BONANZA "Jultloe" Q CHAMPION OF CHAMPIOHS RACE GN Stratton end Tom Dew· eon holt thll S t00.000 rece fMturlng the ~ of 10 quarter horM r- held In the United Statea. • MOVIE * * 'n "The Valley Of Gwangl" ( t989) J1m8' FrandlQlt. Giia Golen A prehlatorlc monater Wf'eak• havoc on e small Mexican 1own unlH It Ir nnally d411troyed. (2 hte ) • TARZAN Tarzan tr~• dowrt the IOUf'ce of stolen currency to find en ex·.oldllf ol fortune. SI IMAGES OF AGING "Long Ufet" The Impor- tance ot old peo91e meklng chOlcel a~t their flvn. Ci) FOODS FOR THE MODERN FAMILY ... ,..,.,...... ... Cl) MOV• • * • i.. "Fetner OooM" (tNS) C1ry Grent, LAiiie C•on. An lelllnd Wlltch· men ckwlng W«ld w., II le jolted by the errlvel of e French girt Ind M ven orphefla. (2 hre.) r 9 L08 ALAMITOS QUA"'°' HOME CHAMPtONIHtP l'IACE 3:30 8 Tittl 19 TI4€ HF\. • MOV1E * * "The Ofegon TraU" (1959) Fred MecMurrey, Glotl1 Talbot. A newspe- per repon« II Nnt t(> COY• ., tile pt"ogreu of ploneet• enroute to Of'egon. ( 1 hr , 30 mln.) fD YOOAW1TH M40EUNE 9 AOAM-12 "VloeV«e&" 3:"68 ~·n 4:00 8ATUAOAY Hoet1 N1co1e Plefce. Cal Burton end Frank KWWI ~ the Clllno Adult Cen- ter Vwlefy Show In Chino, C81fomla. • POPeY'E ANO HIS FRIEHOe ·~NEWS * • • 'h "Fl1me Over lndl•" (1860) Leuren Bae.II, Kenneth M0te. A cat-tOldl« le eMlgned to r-en lndlen prince end hll Am«tcen govem- 111 when • rebellion occura emono the Moelem trtt>Mmen. (2 hrs.) ID YOOAWITH MAOEUHE am Dt&C010 4:20. WOMANTIME AND co .. 4:30 8 SECRETS OF 1818 D tll8 WIDE WOALD OF SPORT& Sugar Rey Leonerd v.. Hect« DilZ In WI 8-round bout; N1tlon1I "500" Stoolc car ~ World ProleMional Skiing ~ plonthlpe. • 8P£CtAL "Pottrell Of A NufM" A nurae-ptac:tltloner'• typleal day of 8CtMtJea ptO\lel thet the can ptO\llde cat• beyoncl the tredttlonel con- cept of nursing c.ate. 6'I!) A8 MAH IEHAVE8 "Medlc:al Tr•tment Ot Peychoela" 5:00 8 SPACE ACADEMY D STAATREX Allan• proC)OM death lor Captlln Kltll, Mr. S podt and Or. McCoy In I blzlw,. uperlment In which humane ,,. uMd .. guln· Nplgl. D MOVIE • * "Requiem For A Gunllghler" (1965) Rod Cemeron. S19911en McNal· ly. A gunfight«. mlatlken f()( • )u<lge, PfOWll the . guilt of e man Charged with· murder. (2 hf't-) • MOYIE ***~ "Mlf'ede In the Rain" (1954) J-Wyman. Van Joflnaon. A ~ IOl- dMlf end • lonely women fall In love, only to be MP- ereted by war. (2 hr&.) • 800CER MADE IN OEAMAHY GI) ~ MAH If.HAVES "ThrN ~proacflM To Peydlotherapy" (I) STAR TREK "TM ChengeMng" 5:30 II 0 NEWS D VOTEM' fltP£UHE ''FICllArtd ...... '' EVENING 1:00 I Cl) cea HEWS TO 81! AHHOUNCEO MOVIE • * "Dene Victory" I 1975) Ellzebeth Montgomery, Ant"°'1y Hoplclne. A love atory about • termln1lly Ill woman wtloM relltlonlhlp TUBf: TOPPERS . KTLA 0 6:00 -"Dark Victory." Eltzabeth Montgomery stars in t he re- make of the Bette Davis movie as a terminally ill woman with Anthony Hopkins playing he r doc tor. J\BC • 6:00 -NFL Football. It's Monday ~1ght Football on Saturday as F ran k Gifford , Don Me redith a nd Howar.d Cosell cover the game between the Minnesota Vikings and the Detroit Lions on the latter 's tur f . NBC f!J 9:00 "The Incredible Roc k_y Mounta in Races." Mark Twain (Chris Connelly> and felloVI pra ctical joker Mike Fink (Forrest Tucker ) are sent on a t:eas~r~ hu~t from St. Joseph, Mo., to California m this new TV movie. with her doc:t~ en•blN her to endure au ... end her Impending death. (3 111'1.) 8 9 Nfl FOOTBALL Thi Mlnneaot1 Vikings like on lhe DettOlt Llonl 11 Detroit'• PontllO Metro Stedlum. • MOVIE To Be Announced. .• 8TAA80CCER Derby County va. Man- dlelter City II> ntE AGE Of' lJNCERT AINTY "W .... end In Vermont" Galbraith, Henry Kl .. lnger, Edwtrd Heath, Arthur Sct1lellnger and Gyorgy Arbltov conald« the proe- pect• lor democrecy, capl- tallam end the lndustrlll Weal. 1:30 I HEAi!'. AHO NOW MARY TYL.ER MOORE Cl) NEWS 7:00 I TArn.ETAL.U WILD KIHOOOM "Migration 01 Th• CW!~" 8 SECOND CO'Y TV • l.AMEtCE MU< "Winter Wonderland" Wlnt'ry IOf'QI Ike "Sleigh Bells." "Sliver Bella." Chrietmaa Song," "U.l>M- lreud," end "Marett Ot The Toy." uSh8r In the hOlldey -.on. flD Bl.ACK PERSPECTIVE ON THE NEWS Cl) CONTACT 7:30 9 125,000 PYRAMID 0 I'll 8U Y'OU IN COURT A dramallHtlon of 1Ctu1I Loa Angelee Small Cl1lm1 Court c-are pr-led to demonltrale how thl court tunctlona In 1n11111r1 when ~· h•ve bMn committed. D THfWLL.8EEJ(£A8 • CAL.WOANIA TONGKT The WMM'I top 1tet1 --·be dlecuued. I!) 8PlaAl "Portrait Of A NIKM" A ,__prlCtlllonet'• typlctll d8Y of actlvttlel ~ that IN CM provide care beyond IN tredltlonll GOn- CICll of nurelng care. Cl) IAH OIEOO t.'00 9 Cl) I08 NEWHART 8otl Ind Etnlly Hwtley «*ebfat• theif 10ttl llr9d- dlng ~with. drewn flight Into the lante- ey of being menled to dlf· flrent .,.,,,.., G IK>HIC WOMAH "The 0---TM-HUI 8pY' An elderly 8ovlel ••ploneg• egent, long belle"9d deed, thrMl- Unlted 8111411 MCUrlty, 10 Otcer Ooldmtn muat con- vince a retlf*I OSI agent to Identify his Rulalan ~·er~ D BAIKET&ALL Loyola Mlryme)Uf1t UnlYer· ally va.. Unlveralty of Neva. di • MIRV OAIFFIH Gueits: Blfl')' While, Love Unllmlled, Love Unllmlted Benel. a> V1CTO..Y AT BEA The AlllM toott • bold 1tep to atop the Aala edvance In the Medlterrene1n. • 8£8T OF FAMILIES "Jenuery 17, 1977" The prlnclpela from the open- ing aegm~t ol the aerlea ire trenalerred Jo 1977 New York. G!) NOVA "Thi Red Plenet" Mera - lrom the beginning of H tronomy lo the NASA Vlld~ ml .. lonL t:a0 8 Cl) WE'VE OOT EACH OTHER Demon '"'' he haa • cttance of a tllellme wt>en he'• <:'-I to phOtogreph "Mill Wonderlul" I« • ma111ve adv••tl•lng ~paiQn. e COUAOE Ouelte: Judy Flremll'I, Of. Roland S . .leff9taon, Dean Au Hilliard. 1:"6 D TABITHA "The Arrlvel 0 1 Mency" Tebllh1'1 ellempt to help e runaway dlllOhood friend blcllliree when the girl Is ltl'llled. t:OO II Cl) THE .JEf'FER80N8 0 NBCMOVIE "The Incredible Rocky Mountlln Racee" (Prem- iere) Chrla Connelly, For- r111t Tud<er. In 111 deeperete ellempt to 11ve St. Jo, MlllOIHI lrom the de91f\IC· tlve pt9Cllcel JOllM of Merk Twain end Mike Fink, the town l1ther1 190naor e no- llOld11-bWrtd treaaure hunt r-to Cellfornla. .• 9T9THEWILD COUNTRY' Tilll ptogrtm lllPb'• the unt.llUal wlldl4'e In the 3.000 lqUW.mie ~ cpn Petti In CINldl. • HUHAW Oueltl: o.w. w-. SUMn Raye, Jimmy Henly. • JAMS M1CHENl!'.R"8 WOM.D "H-111 FWMlted" Pulltnt Prlze-wlnnec Mlch1n1r It~ the Nstory of thl llllnde, from tllllf VIOient birth to the praeent~ Ufbanoent.,... • MASTlNltlCa THeATAE "I, Cl1udlu1: Some .luelloe" Tlberlue and LM1 ,.., that Ibey wUI be lmpll- Clled In the dtiath of Gwmanlcu1. Meanwhile, c.tllgul1 beglrll to lfloW elgnl of ~!al lnltllblllty. 0 MOVll * * "TM OtMt Ca!M-rtne" (1Mll ,..._ O'ToOle, Jeanne Mor-... Cetlwlne tM Or•t lmp(llone end lortunle I Mtlthlf. (2 IVt-) t:11e ~TIOH NTTlCOAT "r"' DreM!llno Of A Pink Qvlltm.1" W1rnlng1 thet Lt. Holden le IOOM go up It a N II)' IUpply baM aa lhl llflendety ecrounger llll 011t 10 "1 Chrlttm .. olftt fot ..,..yone aboard tl)e ~ Tiger. ~ 8 Cl) TONY RANDALL Wlltar, whO II l«ever meddling In hie daughl«'• 11t•a. eepec;lally Whan It ooncem• h« boVfrlend, dlOldM to turn 011W a new leaf. • MOVIE * * "Wer Of The Pleneta" ( t"7} Tony Aullll. A mv-- tlf!Oue 1tt1Ck from Mere IMd• to the cap1w1 of en lliell klfoe wno -the po-. of Ille mind to tht'Mten the IOlar lyllem. (1tv .. 30 min.) t:..a D AIETUAN OFntE EXECUTIOHER A IOOtl at the return of cap- itol punllhment. 10:00 • Cl) l(OJAI( When. Ouflng an llwMtlga- tlon, Kojlk II mletakan f« the murdered victim wtlo WH a private detec1IY9, lie decidM to continue the eherlde In en ett0f1 to 111 together the meny plec" of the comple11 UM. 9 UClA IMKETBALL UCLA v.: U. C. Sante Bar- bera Q THESAINT A woutd·be .... 1111n pteya cat-lnd·mouM with tile Saint. I NEWS MOVIE • ••• "M" (193 t) Peter L0tre. Directed by ~r112 Lang. Polle• ptll'~• the ec:tlvltlee of the uncl-Ofld .. they ~ Oulllldorl for e paycllollc chlld ~. e Vl8tONS "Prleon 0 -" A conteet· 1n1 In thll geme lhow h .. murdered her husband. 11 It the Pu.to Rican ~ wife (Edith Diaz). the bofed auburbenlle (JeHlca Welt«) or the middle-aged working cl... wife {C•r• WIUlama)? 10:45 1 NEWS 11:00 0 Cl) ltl NEWS MOVIE · • *"' "#>vro" ( 1983) Blrry Sullivan, Mirtha Hyer. Aller loelng hla wife end child In • tire, a dlstlgUted men plots to avenge their deaths. (2 hra.) a» MOVIE * * * "Where Angell Go, Trouble Followa" ( 11H18) St... Stewne, ROMllnd Rueellt. Trouble •boUnda when lour nuns teke a bu•· fold of lfOde!'ll CfOM• oountry. (2 hra.) • MOVIE •• "Oreeul•'• c .... (11N19) John Cerradlne. A doc!« end hie wife kidnap young 'ltllloe glrte Ind ho4d tllCWn c:aptlve to drink I.heir blood. (1 tw •• 30 min.) 11:151 ABC NEWS 11:80 MOYIE * * ~ "The PrlMt·Klller" (1971) 0.0.ge Kennedy, A1ymond Burr. Police -eh lof • murder• wtloM tlfgetl ere llwaya Celhollc ptlMta. (2 hra., 3 min.) 0 8AT\JN>AY HIGHT LNE The hoet wt" be the wtnn.. of the ".Anyor\e Cen Hoa!" conteet. OuMta: Al Frank- en llld Tom Devit. 8 MOVIE • •• "Soldlef' In The Rain" (1163) J~le GIM- IOn, 61-~.A young 90kljer ldolll9I hoe -oeent. wtlo elweyl get• hlftl out of trouble. (2 tva.) Cl) CM MOYie * * * "Thi Nelct Mat1" ( tt 7') a-, Connery, C«· nella Sharpe, A Mlddle &al diplomat alui1t l9low U.N. deleget• with e eon- tre>Wtalll pllln fOt peace that mal<ee him • "'"' tot UIUllnatlon. 9 MOVlll! 1'I' * 'lit "The Joteon Story'' (11145) Larry Pertia. Evelyn K~ Thie biogfephy tells t~ Ille of Al Jolaon from hit boyhood 10 hit rlM to feme .. an antertlllner. (2 hra._ 15 min.I MOAHINO 12:00. MOVIE *'*'~ "Bralnlt«m" (1"5) Jett Hunter, AMe Franc18. A young ~ d9Yl9M 1 ICtleme to kill his IOYw'e hu9band and plead lneMl- ty, lhul rleklng onty tempo- r1ry commitment. (2 htt-) 12:30 • MOVIE • • "RobOt va. Aztec Mummy" A1mon Gey, Rollta Arenaa. An ellff doc- tor end hie robot 1r• de9troyed by en ll'IClenl mummy CUfM. (1 hf'., 30 min.) 1:00 0 AOa< CONCERT 0 THRILLER "MllllQUllrede" Q) MOVIE * * ~ "St0tmy Weether" ( t9•31 Biii Roblnaon. Lena Horne. Tiie member• ot 1 group 1>9'formlng e mull- cal become lnvotved In varied romantic entangle- ment•. (2 hr1.) 1:46 Ill ABC NEWS 2.-00 D MOVIE * *'A "Cvtt Of The Cobre" (t955) RICl'lerd Long, Faith Domergue. A mysterious curae brlnga brutll death to • group of ..,., veterena. ( t 11r , 25 min.) 0 MOVIES * * • "Court mertlal" (1955) O.v\d Niven, Mer- garel Leighton. A 8rltlttl offieer Is brought up on c:hargea ot mlsapptoprt .. tlon of Army lunda. (2 hrs.) ** "The Pt.yboy Of The Weatern World" (t963) Slobhen McKenne, Gery Raymond. A lnntu1eper'1 deughter 11 C111>tlY11ed by a young man wno tet11 how he murdered hl8 tyrant lather. (2 hra.) Q) MOVIE • • ... "fece or Fire" ( t959) C1meron Mitchell, JamH Whitmore. The heroics of • handy men leave him dlsllgured and 1he town outcut. (1 hr .. 30 ~lmln.~ 2:33 HEWS 3:00 MOVIU * *'~ "I Merrled A Wllctl" ( t942) Veronlce Leke, Suun Heywerd. A wltctl. r•l••••d from t he afterwot1CI, ha.I a romentlc )'911 tor • 1n1n running I« ~.(1hr.,30mln.) * * "WW Of The Satel-llt ... ' (19$8) Sulen Cabot, DI<* MIW. A ldenllat, wortllng wttl'I rodtell f« the U.N., oomee under the control of •lien l«c.. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Ulll MOYIE * * ~ "The Recln" ( 1955) K irk Douglu, CeHr Romero . The 1tormy Cll'-of • botd lporU C4lf champion. 3:25 8 NEWS 3:30 8 MOVIES * * "Secret 01 The Blue Room" Paul Luka, (1 hr .. IOmln.) ., NEWS 4:44• NEWS It's 'Soap' Without the Lather liierrv Fanailg ... Robert Young and J ane Wyatt ar e reunited again for -"The Fathe r Knows ,Pest Christmas Reunion" Sunday at 8:30 on NBC, Channel 4. By JERRY BUCK LOS ANGELES CAP> -In its own way. ''Three's Company" is as sexy as "Soap" without stir- ring up the same lather. The basic concept of the ABC series is titilating : two attractive young women and a young man live together in a pla tonic tri a n g le . Le st a n yone - particularly the landlord -think the worse, the young man pre- tends t.o be homosexual. It's a situation ripe for double entendres, and none pre missed, from Tinkerbell to fairy god- mother to a llmp-wristed flick. When the young man is called a fnan 's man, the landlord replies, "I know what you mean." AH, Btrr THERE'S more. The landlord's sex-starved wife is fore ve r trying to turn -her husband to th~ughts of love. He asks, "Why do you bring sex into everything?" She replies, "If I don't. who will?" Starring as the bogus homosex- ual is John Ritter, who seems a natural c omedi an . His housemates are Joyce DeWitt and Suzanne Somers . Norman Fell is the dyspeptic landlord, and Audra Lindley is bis wife. The difference between the two series is that "Soap" naunts sex like a strutting rooster -and isn't near as funny aa "Three's Company." "'THREE•s COMPANY ... adapted from the British show "Man About the Rouse," has never been out of he the top 10 ratings since it premlered' last March. "Soap," on the other hand, profited from publicity generated by attacks on the show but has begun to slip in the rat- ings. The fortunes of ''Three's Com- pany" ue guided by Don Nicholl, Michael Ross and Bernie West. They previously produced "All in the Family" and still turn out "The Jeffersons." Nicholl says they face network s hQwdowns with e very s how because "we're trying to be a lit- tle bit more daring than they would like us to be." But things are easing up. RITTER, THE 26-year.old son of Tex Ritter, the late singer and cowboy film star, began clown- ing at an early age. ''l t.h1qk all my life I wanted to make people laugh doing my 'slapschti&k' thing," he says. RUter says, "I've asked them .. to please include something physical for me in every s how. An actor feels best when he has something t.o do. I like to play physical comedy because that's what makes me laugh. ''Lucille Ball, Dick Van Dyke, Jerry Lewis, the Marx Brothers and Laurel and Hardy. Laurel and Hardy were like gurus of physical comedy. They were kings tome." Elvis Special Set NASHVILLE CAP> -Elvis Presley will be remembered lo words and song by the artists who were influenced by him musically and worked with him in NBC's "Nashville Remembers Elvis on His Birthday. "Thetribule will be' aired on the anniversary of his 43rd birthday,Sunday,Jan.8. Th• st perfect score in two months comes not Crom Ed Sclunerler. not from Bea Huter, but Crom· Obi Wu Ieaobe, a paeudooym for the contestant who maybe our youngest trlvladdict. By T.T. 6. How long was the original sentence meted out to "Cool Hand Luke?" 7. In "Casablanca." where did Humphrey Bogart hide the stolen letters of transit? 8. Who, exactly, was "the dirty little coward who s bot Mr. Howard?•' Saturday, December 17, 1977 D~ILY PILOT Bf .·• 'Movies' Set ·For TV Drama f ! LOS ANGELES <AP). -Garson Kanln wJO write a non·fiction drum& about Hollywood's 7S. year history for a TV mini series. • lo the run for the roses. Ben slipped into first place by a hall polnt by scoring 10 to Ed's nlne. while Mu Fraley also had 10 correct answers. Senator PaJpatlne also registered nine. Milo Min· ~~:'EN JACK BENNY had to sh11ve outdoors derblnder had eight, nnd the foursome or MorUmer, in ey's Aunt," what did he use for a mirror? Wamer Bros. Television has also optioned his . best·selllng book "Hollywood" for additional material for the seribs. The central character Qf the series, called "The Movies,•• will be a composlle of the founding giants or the business. Kanln ls a noted playwright, novelist, • screenwriter and director. · ,..... .-.. ..-. ..-. ..-. _ ..-. ..-. ..-. ..-. ...-..-. .-.. · 10. Dick liked to play games, e~j><!clully Bring· ~----~~ ingUpBaby lnwhatmovic? TRIVIA STANDINGS ' 'Goodbar' Actor 1. .......... ,,., *V. u • o ... .._,., Wl'J 1. ··~·lfl * u. J.-.i.,1•1 .., 1. o... .... &utt,OI MV. HetlJTtby t.I Jl .. MU,.,_._, CHI ""' , .. 'Orhl'l'.U l4\'I) •n'J· .. OMWMK....-(II) tlV. 17. •.1et1sew ... m .. •• 8enera0tf..-Cll 11 , .. '-"""ltlllMU UV.I 41 1. ..... .. ~ ...... (t) " , .. 'Ar1M""9o ll\la) )4\'J .. Netoty ,..._ 161 .. JO. •••14nNn l41 21111· •• •oritw ...,.." <•> ""'· 21 • WIUIHWClley Cll 20\lt , .. Mlld4l•1,_..-. ll ) " 21. ... .,.,., ....... 111 s ,, T-......... .-(61 .. u. ,.,,., °"""'• ,, ...... cu 4 . 1l ,,..........0) .. "' u . a.~m f . u. ONeT..-a..a 01 u ....... ,, ......... ; 11111 •< ·-· KarealN,_ Barbara Delgado, the Olde Tyme Movie Fan Club and. tt\e Good. the Bad and the Ugly all collected seven. Elsewhere on this page, you '11 find the results or our recent survey to ascertain your choices as the best movies of all time. Look for the final standings in the "party poll" on best movies by categories in a future edition. With three more outings rcmainin~ before we crown a champion for Trivia Bowl VIII , here's the latest tricky ten. Give yourself two points if you can come up with the answer to number nine. 1. HOW DID LENORE Aubert meet her death in the movie "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankens· tein?" 2. "Singin' in the bathtub, singin' for joy" was a lyric from a commercial extolling what soap? 3. The popular singing group Sha Na Nu pro· bably derived its name from what Fifties song by whaL vocal group? 4. In the comic strip MoUey·s Crew, what is the name of Mike Molley's wife? 5. NAME THE WILLIAM Castle movie that was filmed in black and white-but the blood was red. LaJt Week's Answers 1. TheSea'Nger C"Pellicoat"sub) 2. Elevator Operator I Shirley in "Apartment") 3. Van Pelt (Linus' name) 4. OU Stratton Jr. ("That's My Boy"> 5. "Bye Bye, Birdie'' <musical lyric 1 6. Alan Ladd <Hope prcdcyssor l 7. U. N. Owen <unseen host> 8. Wilhelmina (Shirley's middle name 1 9. Acme Plumbing-(Gumball \'an> 10. "Star Wars" (movie ride.Ile ) Send your answers to TRIVIA, c o t~ Daily Pilot. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wedne!day, otherwise IUJJ/ the player's last SCOl'e will be awarded. * * * * * Grand Dame Belle Davis plays a domineering American socialite in the movie version of Agatha Christic·s "Dt!alh on the Niie ... bem~ filmed in Egypt. ll 's her 86th film role. ' Now Butch Cassidy • LOS ANGELES <AP) -Tom Berenger, who was in "Looking for Mr. Boodbar." wUI play the rol& • of young Butch Cassid_y in "Butch Cassidy and th~ Sundance Kid: The Early Years." William Kalt, seen in "First Love, .. was casi earlier as the Sundance Kid. Richard Lester wUI direct from the script by A~ Ian Burns. co·creator of "The Mary Tyler Moor~ Show" and "Lou Grant." Paul Newman and Robert Redford starred in the earlier 1968film. · It's 'Gone With the Wind' in a Breeze · The Amerfcan Film Institute says the three greatest movies of all ti me were "Gone With the Wind, .. "Citizen Kane" and "Casablanca." And so do the dedicated movie buffs of the Klaatu Barada Nik lo Society. T he latter group, composed of con· tributors to the Daily Pilot's weekly trivia column, was .t!lked recently to venture its members' opinions on the 10 best movies through the ages. The results saw seven or the A rt ·s top 10 on the local list. THE BESr MOVI ES of all time, as determined~ a poll of 30 local movie buffs. with asterisks denoting-that the film also was selected on the A Fl sur· vcy: t. "Gone With the Wind"• 2. "Citizen Kane"• 3. "Casablanca"• 4. "The Best Years of Our Lives" 5. "St.arWars"• ti. "The African Queen"• 7. "The Wizard of Oz"• K. "Zorba the Greek" !). "The Graduate" and ''One Flew OvN the Cuckoo's Next"• <tied>. 10. "West Side Story." JN A POINT system awarding 10 pomts for a first place vote, nine for second place. etc .. ··Gone With the Wind" proved the overwhelming favor ite. fini shing with a score of 115, 25 points better than the. runner.up ''Citizen Kane." "Casablanca" was a distant third at 61. Beyond the top 10, "Singing in the Raio," which aJso made the AFI list, wound up in 11th place while the 12th position was contested among four movies -"Shane," "From Here to Eternity," "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" and "The Ten Com· mandments.·· · Tied for 13th were "The Last Pie· lure Show" and "Miracle on 34th Street" wb.ile AFI favorite "Grapes or Wrath" and "It's a Wonderful Life" rounded out the top 15. Next came "The Bridge on the River Kwai," "The Informer." "The Caine Mutiny," a tie between "Les Mis· erables" and ".(\l Quiel on the Western Front" for 19th and another deadlock between "Dr . Strangelove .. and "A Man and a Woman" for the 20th position. THESE WERE THE prime can- didates ln a survey which saw 169 movies from ''Birth or a Nation" to "Close Encounters of the Tbird Kind" .t I mentioned at least once. Receiving honorable mention were "The Good Earth," "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" "2001: A Space Od- dyssey" (the other AFI choice), "The Awirtment." "A Thousand Clowns" 1 add "Sta ecoach." l ; f CO·HIT AT CINEMA WEST "ANOTHER MAN, ANOTHER CHANCE" • 1+.11 "'""'\·,I '•01' ·1• -l't lllO•Ut 1160 ·m =.ern•• 1 THIATU.5--0aAHGI CO SENIOR OTIZEHS Sl .50 S . COAST PLAZA )tltllllltl St S4"2111 fl(IPIHI"' · "SEMI TOUGH'' Ill WKDAYS 7:30 a t :JO ftll THIU TUIS • lil .. J:J .. l:l .. 7:JO-t:JO SO. COAST PLAZA "14TUIDAY ._.Hf ...... . . ........ ,..... , ................. . S COAST PLAZA ~IUrklll Sl ~111 llClf~N "C&.Oll IMCOUMTBI C.ntl,,_ ..... .,., ............ , ....... .. ....... ,.,, ... ,..:""•"'' MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY -"LOOKING FOR MR. GOODBAR" R Shows 5:45 • 8: 1 O • 10:40 "SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER" (R) "DAMNATION ALLEY" PG "FUTUREWORLO" PG o.,.. 8 30 Fut""' I 30-10'16 "BOBBY DEERFIELD,. PO "ALICE OOESNT LIVE HERE ANYMORE" R 8otJbY 11-11!> ,.._ 8 00. IC>.30 "THE SPY WHO LOVED ME" PO ''THE DEEP" PO ~ .......... 8pyiiir't:10~~~7:00--.l!!I~~ ...... WAJ..TOISHEYS "PETE'S DRAGONS" "FANTASY ON SKIS" "THE HEROES" PO Katt•ll• .... , Staci him "THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" "FIR ST LOVE" R "ALICE DOESNT LIVE HERE ANY MORE" R ALL OAIVE·IH S Ol'l!H 6:l0P.M.MtGHTLY Cfllld Under 12 l'rH UnlHI 1t !Oddi• ~ayground ·starts Wednesday·, December 21st! "H's hard to imagine anyone who will no~ in the end, tum on to 'The Turning Point'!' -Richard ~n11e M&Juine What happens when the Almighty makes you an offer you can't refuse!?! . . "Oh, God!" GEORGE BURNS • JOHN DENVER • (PG) TERI GARR • DONALD PlEASENCl The most explosive picture of the year! CHARLES BRONSON R~~fcK "AMAN ANDA WOMAN" 7:00 & 11:00 AL rACIMO IPGI "IOllY Dlll,.llD\' Al PACIMO IPGI "IOllY DHIAILD" .A. f"WY (MANCHll 1 Q.G. fRWY ICtT.lUl&. l)(J . .}., .. >,.. • "'l>AMNAJIOMAWY .. 'A PllCI OI T'HI ACnoM' - °SpecterPrlce 11:30 lo 2:00 ;:ift.1. lAT cm Cf;ttl'.H CJHIMASI 'lnuptS-.& II.JI I Ope,, Doily 12:30 p m "Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave are close to perfection. 'Julia' is moving in its glowing commitment to the power of friendship." -Newsweek Magui• "'Julia' is a movie that has evexything. Jane Fonda gives an impassioned, complex and almost agonizingly dedicated performance. Vanessa Redgrave seizes the screen with her vibrant perl'ormance.'Julia' is Wonderful.'' -Rn Reed. Syndicated Co.lumnlll 8aMd on • true SICiiy. Mon-Fri 7:00, 9:15 Sat/Sun 2:00 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 .llll9fll ... • RDwm m ~d• FRrn nNNEMANN fin .~NHOO J~~SS\ REOO?A~ (P~). ::.. JAS6N ROBAROO HAL HOLBROOK ! : : lmw.RY Mlmf1. MMlMIUAN SDiEl.l: :....-~ -: I : ~ _,, , ,. ' f r· t .. 1. .. '-•• I f. .. , ,. ., • r By BOB THOMAS LOS ANGELES <AP) How does an actress survive in a movie dominated by three high. powered actors? "It wa.so 'l easy," admitted Denise Nicholas, who appears in "A Piece of the Action,'' with Sidney Poitier: Bill Cosby and James Earl Jones. The plot of the Warner Brothers-First Artists fil m concerns a couple of clever crooks Poitier and Cos by who are bJackmalled by an ex-cop (Jones> in- to working for his late wife's community center. Miss Ni cholas is the operator of the ghetto center and she becoll)es romantically involved with Cosby. "OBVIOUS LY T HE FILM was male - oriented," the actress said. "l tried to develop the char acter in terms other commitment to the ghetto, to show her drive and energy. I think she was worth more investi1 ation th an she flOl. "I believe audiences won't accept surface portraits of women anymore. Audiences have a curiosity about women, and they want to see women portra yed as something m ore than a sex object. You can't s how them walking in and out of sltua· ttons . · with the Free Southern Theater. Aller New York stage and television roles, she came to Hollywood for the role of lli Mcintyre in ABC's hit series, "Room 222." The series bad both good and bad effects. · "It gave me recognition with audiences. But af- terward I exper ienced what a lot of TV actresses go through: producers and directors don't want to see y ou coming. They figure they've seen you enough." Denise realized s he needed a "flashy, ener getic role to break down my image as a quiet school teacher." Poitier was casting for "Let's D..o Jt Again"butdeclinedtoseeher. "HE HAD TURNED ME down for 'Brotter John· and be didn't want to do it again," the actress remarked. "His reason bad been that 'acting hadn't broken through tbatface .... She finally won another chance. This tlme Poitier r emarked: "You're breaking through that face.'' •'You mean I'm getting old? .. the beauty asked. "Sidney, I believe, is interested in the subtext of ·')"'\ ' L L .- women on film. He has a defin.lte ~oncern for .the .urauon aunCt£eS psychology of women. I hope m his next project e , . . he 'II do something aboulit." ' · NOTTHATDE NisE DIDN'T havea good time Bio Disney Year " .. • .. Come dian's with Messrs. Poitier-Cosby-Jones. "A Piece of the· ~ · Action" was a rare experience for her, affording i: • closeup views of the three stars. Her observations: . LOS ANGE LES (AP) -Wal~ Disney Produc-N • "Sidney (who also directed the film) is very lions opc;~ed .its most ambitlous fil!'l ever, "Pete's arCOllCS disciplined , very quiet, very patient. He really is J?rag~n. Friday and altogether.will release seven .Trial On very much like his screen image. So much that I films 10 1978. s till look at him and swoon. My knees buckle, my tongue is lied. He laughs a t me, but 1 tell h im , i • f LAS VEGAS <APl - Ente rtaine r <.;corgc • ·-·Kirby told a man he t hou g h t h e wa s u na rcotics buyer that he had s muggled dope a nd w as involve d in or - ga n ize d c rim e, a Metropolitan Police of- ficer testified in federal court. M clro narcotics orflcer Ralph Orduno test1f1 ed a boul an undercover in- ves tigation of Kirby. The • testi mony came during the first day of the come- • d1an 's trial l>t•fore U S. . . ' . District Judge Roger D. Foley on charges of scll - in g h eroin to un un- dercover agent. Kirby, 52, and his co- dl'fondant. Mary Clay, 40, were chargc·rl in a May 10 1ndiC'tmcnl. 'Sidney, 1 can't talk to you.' •'As u director he has the ability to pull a performance from you without your feeling the pain of it. He's never cranky, even when he's so fatigued he is ready to drop. One day he got his lines mixed up again and again. 'l 'm just too tired; we'll have to brca k for the day,' he said. That happened only once. "BILL IS LIKE OTHER comedians. He has tremendous energy, he's wired for sound, he 's al ways rapping. He can be dangerous: he can suck a ll your energy like a siphon. "I didn't realize why I was so tired at the end of the day. Finally I said to Bill, 'You are dangerous. 1 am gomg to s tay away t rom you.· I had to, so I could keep upmy ownenergy. "I didn't have much work to do with Jones. l had admired him since I had seen him in New York in 'Othello' and 'The Great White Hope,• which had me in tears. On the set he was quiet and stayed by hi mself. But you could see he was always watc hing." A GRADUATE OF TH E Univer s ity of Michigan. Denise Nicholas took part in the civil rights movement of t he 196-0s , and toured the South FOUNTAIN VALLEY ........ 839-1500 • I ' ' . , I CENTURY 21 .....•..•....• 772-8902 MISSION VIEJO ..........•. 830-6990 CINEMA WEST ............ 892-4493 HARBOR CINEMA .......... 646-0573 ORANGE MALL .....•...... 637-0342 BREA PLAZA ••............ 529-5339 STADIUM D.I •.............. 639-7860 LA MIRADA 0.1 .•........... 921-9996 ' I .. _________________ _ CATCH THE FEVER IF YOU'RE NOT SU~E YOU HAVE THE FEVER NOW, AF:fER TODAY, YOU'LL SAY YOU ALWAYS DID. The .$12 million musical fantasy stars Helen Reddy, Mickey Rooney, Jim Dale, Red Buttons, SheJley Winters and Sean M1l!5~all . Othe r film s s lated f or r e l.case are "Candleshoe,'' "Return From Witch Mountain," "The Cat From Outer Space," "Welcome to Bloodshy,'' "The North Avenue Irregulars" and "l n Search of the Castaways." * * * 'Rather Quit' Disney Heavy Reluctant LOS ANGELES (AP> -Charles Tyner is aa ac- tor who says he's prefer not to be . "I would prefer to be extremely, independenUy wealthy, so I could quit acting and start being in films," quips Tyner, who bas a major role in "P ete's Dragon," a new film from Walt Disney Productions. He flays the mean Coster father to Sean Mars)Jal , the boy with the dragon in the musical fantasy. • LEE REMICK . f ' ' f Looli Loolli 1976 TOYOTA P'tCICUr Aulo.. IOnO ""'--· omy s3599 12.000 ........ Cutl0<11 - tlnpet. • 1<:06612 ' ff ' 1oeee1 •• , cone1111on1! 1 lUXlf$ 29· 95 AM·fM. rtllye wrwelL - 9 me1at11c oreen Pttrlect to1 f C11nt1mae I.IC •7~ 1974 TOYOTA COIOLLAWA~ ''°"·""'-·-·-s233333 l't"1t'f llnte ~-..... Le. n32o:MS 1973 COROLLA Court • 4 10<1. Y, rool. AM rodiO 11~ • s 1499 ~" .. C... l " 1317.JPlt ·GM41 Good .... fioed C.-•Md loeflm' Xtre .... Price ~ 1973 TOYOTA COIOMA J DL HDTr. s1999 WE LEASE· '77 NEW TOYOTA P.U. 4x4 Custom interior. custom paint. mag whee1s. RN28081987 57676 >3995 1974 MGI aosra. 40,800 miles. AM/FM . tonneau cover, Sharp car. Lie. 11996KZT 1970 vw JAS1'1ACtc 4 spd. Runs and looks great. Lie. #948AKN SERVICE/PARTS 1 0PEN . - EAKLE IKE SAYS: Come in and take advantage of our pre-holiday sale and see wfly we're the #I Volume Import Store in Costa Mesa. '77 VOLVO 265 GLA Fully factory equipped. Auto., P.S .• P.W., pin s t r i p e . l ea th e r , A /C. N e w . VC26565H1-010421 1971 CORONA MK It 4 DL SIDAH 58965 Allb.. AJC, AM_,_ llf-. Yely s 177971 I good-. l~ J114MYT • 1972 TOYOTA COIOHA 2 OL HDl?. · 4 spd., air cond. AM radio. one owner, 47.000 m1tea. Lie. #321fNB 1972 VOLVO 145 AUTOMATIC Light blue. new paint. Nice Car. Lie. #200GNH 1973DATSUN 2401 AIC, 4 spd. AM/FM. 8 track, mags, low miles. Lie. #420HNA • CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME! ----.! f. 1970 COROLLA IJHS ...... T :! °'·Coupe. • .,,,,,.""' -s 1399 ""*eat.IOWlo.onc&l.IC. a<J74CJP 1974 MGI RDSTR ~o?·"'t:-~ s355555 s,.-tl ~ 1c...., 1974 CELICA G.r. 53699 8 'P"d. ~ roof. tit oond.. · AM_,.M, ll\lgl. Uo. 1708&.WF • 2 YEAR OR 24,000 MILE . SERVICE POLICY -CMLA#M~~"'"'""'!'""..,-.. 'O,. .. ~" _, Wllege ....... ~ .. ., •• C'f ............... ~ Sim lltlWHIT ··=· CAL.l~llllA eps 90\.AINTlfl" J~I 0 JOHM10N JOHN H ALl!AAlllO«• ' Dl,.INTANr OCOlllOa AltT"IH CArHv A.,..., .. ...,oon,...,... Au:aridJJ 1' iflChlY..._ Wf!llMO* IMULTI•l'U•lllOQI IDAY••~VITlllilll IU .. &.AWlfU&.OaTAlllllal ~lllU ..... llt7U HOltCll v.-. ..,_ .... -· r ... ,_, .... , ..... ....,.. -wlfflw\ ,_ ..... ...,. ...... _...__ ............. ,., ...... ....., ... ..i.. Mt-. ""''°' u.-.11e.w."'"••· •• ,,...,..,,.... ~141w ,_. u-. '"' ....... ,l••--u·,.......... ._,,.••••as.&. .. 1a1,...,m•c .... ,. ... ....... I, TO TH£ DEl"ENOANT• I, <Ml comp1el11t 11.K i.. ... 1111<1 oy '"" pla•nllll ~ln1t You !SM IOOCllOI•• I. •. fly~,.,.,. loOeltnd '"'' '"'"''"· you "'u11, wltllln J ""Y' •lier 11111 '"m· MOn\ II Yr"9CI OI\ YoU. Ille Wltll lnll CO\lrt • wrltlitn pleacll"" In ••-nM to IN <omplelnl. Ill • J\11110 Cou•I. you n111U f lie wltll U. <""'1 • •rlllM pi.Mt· 11>9 or <•u•.,. Of'el Pltadll'lf to be en· teted In ,,.. do<b l 111 ,.._ .. to ""' e11rnPl•l111, wttnln Ille II-llle<illed •tlov•. Unleu you oo >•>. your CMl•ull w llf be ..,._,..., ._ appllu110I\ of IM plalntlll, -I~ <ou•t m•y "'''' • l"99menl ... in.1 you fOf' u.. rtlttf .,._ m-.. In ""' con>olalftt, wlllcl\ couoo rewlt lft -nl-nt ol W'911. ••-•no ol -Y.,. _,.Y °" otlter rtlltl r• -led lnlhe<ompl•lnt •.11,_w1-.1 • ..-0ie.-..1n9f "•ttlnlerltolflla-M,YMI ..... .. M ~ .. IJioM r-wr1.-"...._,1t_,,..,... ... 1 ....... tlme. Dtltel H-. I, H17 M H•mlln, ISEAll c•-ey Ktr..., WOOd, Oepvty •T11e wora "cornptt l"t" Includes <ron-coml)lat11t, "Pl•lnllll" tnc1uoe, crou-cornpl•l,,.nt, "deftnotnl" In· ctudu cro1 .. deft'>d6nl sl,.gufer In· <ludo Ille Dtural •no rnHcullne Jn. e ludes feminine and neuier. A wtilltn pl .. dlng Including tn ,.,,,,...,, oemur. rer, etc... m\t\t be '" tP\11 form rt'qulr•d by '"• C•lll0<nl• Aul• ol C°"rt Yo\lr odg1nc11 pt14df"Q m .,._. flltd ,,. •nit <ourt wltf\ Pfot»r t11u .,1roof lll•t a COPY lhett"' •• u on"''" p1t1nlll1'1 atlor.._ f ano on tt<h o•••n. 1111 not r•Ort..,,led Dr •n allorney. Tl>e time when • wmmon' '' dt•m•d s..rved Of\ • ~y m•., v•ry dtoendlft9 on OM Mdhed of Hf"W't<• F~ ·--•mo••, '"CCP 01.IOtllrQu91\•U._,, SHl!,H••D,SH•'Hl•O & OVHOAS , ... D•we '4.wt. S.llt US ... ..,.rt •-.C:.111.,ftlat:IMO Tel: 11141 .,,..... Atlo"'•Y lat: "-'lf•tllh • PuDfll-Ortn(lt Coate Dt fly Piiot. ~< 11.1•,ll, lt716'>C!Jt n.1, 1911 )1 ... ,, PUBLIC NOTlCE NOTICE 01" SAi.i NOTICE IS HERE8V GIVEN purw•nt to W<llon lO~I •nd lOS1 ol lho C•v•I Code o4 tlle Slatt of C.lllOf'nl• lhe undft\l9n•c1, INfE RNATIONAL TElEVISJDN, ,,, WHI lttlt Sir•., Co"• Mfu . CA '1'11. wlll 1ell • ... c dUCtton ••• ,,) W~\t 1tt" Stre-w1# Cott• M ew. Calllornlt , •• 10 •·"' 011 W-· day. th• 11th d•• ol O..:emtter, 1•11. Int lollowl"9 Oe\<:tlboo<I pr0c>ef1•. co w11 • J Wasnongton Zenllh colot TM T •lev1~1on no moo ors n CIU"H C. LOPtttll Se•" color POf'I l•l•Y•\OO" mOCl•I S.1·-1000/serl•I 842).)/40 CR IJIU J LOpol -s. ... <OIO• l•l••lslon Saddleback College i. forensics squad took \he lop five "wards in oral interpretation at the Pacific Southwest Con· ference at Cal S\ate Los Angeles . Vern I son of San Clemente, Robb Nimmo and Traci Baranov of Mission Viejo, Janene Lovullo of San Clemente and Priscilla Sanford of San Juan Capistrano won first through fifth place, respectively. Carolann Messner. is the squad 's coach. These and other points won by Saddleback 's 14 speakers won them the fourth place sweepstakes award al the tourney which drew teams from 42 colleges and universities. Miss Sanford and Rick Johnson or San Juan C~i strano also won third place in novice af- ter · dinner s p e aking while Daryl Cowl of Irvine took second in the junior category. Final ists i n other e v e nts were Mi ss Bara nov and David Puulson of South Laguna in duo·interpretation and Willi.im Tell of El Toro in persuasion. UCI Clinics Set Holidays Outpatient clinics at UC Irvi ne Me dical Center will be closed Dec. 23. Dec. 26, Dec. 30 and Jan. 2 in observance of the Christmas and • 1ew Year holidays. PUBLIC NOTICE HOTtCI TOCRIEDITOllS 0' 8Ul..K T•ANSl'l It ts.a.•m -4101 u.c.c.J mOClel '121 ..,le17911"41CR U1'1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to llW M Aw'..-lld Generel Etactrlc bl• C••dllort of MOLOEO FIBER GLASS ltfht•1onmodalR606VVY,se<lolUOU CONCRETE FORMS COMPANY, CR 13118 Trensteror. -biH•nr.s •dO•H• h J. OubOtls Gent.al Electric col· llU Canyon Ori.,., Coota Mua. County or "'""'"°" moo~• W1HWWO, no o4 Oran9e, Sl.ott Of Calllornla, !NI • :u.rh11num~rCR1313' Dulk l••Mlt< Is •bout 10 Dem..,. lo A Gln9rlcl\ Pl\tl<O color C R#,tG CHAMBERLAIN db• ltltVl\lon moo.t CHS.O. no Mrltl no. C.EODESIC SHELTEf:IS. TrM1sfar ... CR IJ10S •"OH Du•lness •Odrtn •• 20Jl·8 O'ShH -St••• &tw ,.,••••Ion Laurie ln., eo.i. Mes•, County Of model 1103. noMrlt l no. Orange, Stllle of CA111tornla. Seki Sal• ls tor I,_ purp0w OI Wlt\IY· T,,. pr-rly 10 De lt.,.slt<rt<I 1$ Inv lien o4 t,.. ~ lor..,,. localed•l2tJSCA>ronOr.,C06t•-· c••lmed ,,,.,<NndlM In the_, .. Countyo10ranoa.S.attofCa1llontla. SJ0.1. H lo09-wlll\ co~1 of edvenl1· Sdl Dr--'Y 11 lllH<ri-In_, .. ,,,9 •nd ••-of wi. plus ''°'• as: Stock of molded -... pelt""''• andl\•natlno< ... rve• ,.,0101, IOOllno, ... rdware •o>CI '-VU Oaltd '"" 1'11\ O.y o4 OKtmDer, Duslneu k,_,. <K Molded Flbtr GI-• 1917 Con<ret• Forms Co ar\d loca1eo at 21ll Juo.ct•L H\llsaln Canyon Drlve, eo.i. -... County of Publl\MO o...,. CO.•• Dt lfy PllOI O•::i:~~~~~:.~·~~':co•11•1mmat· ~umi..r 11, "11 llt' 11 .., on or alltr the Stn Clay ot January, PUBLIC NOTICE SUl'llllOI!. COU•T Ol'CALll'O•N1A COU .. TY Of OltAHOI 101. at t ·Jo •.m. at Jamee A 8rO<ltrl<k, lJO E. 2111\ St. Coole Mt~. Countv ol Or6<9. State ot C•hlOf'nl• S.O tar u llnown to the Tr.,uftr", •II buslnn1 ,,.,,,., ... o ""°'"""' u-by r,.,.,,.r.,.. for''-'"'" yurs ••••pest, At•: Molded Fiber Gl•U C.Oncrtlf , CASI: NO. AMOU Forms C°"'9ot"Y. ll:U CM!yoft Drive, 0•011t TO SMOW CA~SI . Coit• M•w. County ol Orange, Stale ot '" '"• ,,,.11., ol '"" Appftca!IOI\ ot Callfornla · ~-Fiber Gl•H Con· PANSY LOUISE HUDSON For Cl\•"9t <rtt• Fo;m, Comp•ny, AlM•bul•. OI Ntmt. SI Alt Of Ohio w.t!EREAS. PANSV LOUISE O•l•GNo..:.mberlO,T977. HU~N. Pttllllon ... ~" llltd. Pell· Cral9CNomtltrl•lt1 llonlWltll ,,,. C••--o4 ll\I\ Court ,.,...,, . r,..,.,.,." O•~<h•t>Qlnq Peiltlonet'snametrorn JAMl!SA ••ODlltlCI( PA SY LOUISE HUDSON to PAr JMl .lllhSI. JO s. CHI• Mew Ca mu t IS ORDERED ll>•t •11 P•lr-~tn-PuDfl~ c,;.,. Co.st D.olly Pilot :-.;;.!~"~~C:~,:'~~~~:·~;;~'.::.: DK•m~r 11. 1'11 S21J.11 on J,nu••Y 2•, 1'71, In lllt courtroom ol Oei>t •lm•nt J•t tile Superior Court lor ll>e County ol Or11n99 Coufl'-" IO<tl· PUBU<! NOTICE to 61 100 Civic C.nt•r Orlw Wol. Stn· - la Afla, Or~ C°""ly, C•lltor,,Jo1, ano •M"' uuu, 11 any, wf'ly llltt Pellllan lor <f'laltgt of """"' should not Do Qr anted 1,..IS FURTHER ORDEllEO Ill.ti a cop.l of '"" Orae• to Siio• Cavw be .,..oilsMd In I/le Or-CN" o.onv Piiot, • ,,..._, ol 0trwral clrcu••· llor( prlnl•d In Or•n9e County, cau(orn••. ClftC• ..... fOf" tour !.U( US!ifYt -~· ll'!or IO Ille ""'-HI lor CP•'4S7 NOTICE TOCltlDITO•S Of aULICTltAHS"E• ts.cs.Utl -'101 u.c.t .l M•""9 on tile "911tlon o 4ttd: 0.C.-U, 1'77. • 1..HttrVanT•.......,.,,. ' J""91follr-eSUl>erlor Cwrl M•~O&CllAll.. .. tllf '"" .. L..aw ltOlj> .. • "'"'-lollle 110 ... _,,-..Cit, Ce..,... TeitMM: t1t41~ Alt MYSlw"9tlV- ll11\llecl 0.•119' C:O.sl D•ttY Piiot 0.Cf 11, >•.JI, 1911, Jan.1, 1'11 JUO 11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Ille cred•IO" of CH ... RLES E. VAUGHN ... a MAf:IY VAUGHN, S.S. No. 111·11·1 JO a no 111·14·0701, T••n•ltrors. ""'°"' -reu 11 SJOI H M•rlna P«lhca 0.l"'l. Cllr Of l-aeecl\, C-y o4 LOI .A"QeiH, St•I• ol C.tllorni., INt a bull< lr.,.il•r la about lo 0. ,,_ to GlEH CANALE, SS NO ))1·11-1"2. Tr ... Sltr!M, Wllo~ •OOr•U 1, ISU Mew lleroe Drive, Enl, Apt. Y> c. City Of CO\la Mesa, County of Or-. 51•1• of C•lilontl•. Singer Siinon Still W orrj es By USA ROBINSON ....... ___ ,yMluU Hard u it is to believe, Paul Simon still worries atter all these years. On his r~erit NBC apecial. Charles Grodin, who plays the director. constantly chides the star, "Paul, you worry too much ... " Doeahe? "Oii, YES," PAUL SAID in New York the week the show aired. Paul had a cold bu\ was will- ing to talk to me about his first TV special. He had even held a joint press conference with producer Lorne Mlchaels atop the NBC Building the day 1.,~Tops in Pops(c:; before. ~ · \ z "I mean I 'm not real· ly worried about the show. but neither am I confident that it will be a huge success . . . "I always •rry every time I do something. I worry when I put an album out. 1 don'\ think it's necessary to worry in order to create something, it's just lhe way I am." THE SHOW, WRITTEN BY PAUL and Lorne Michaels, features subtle humor -with bits that in· eluded Paul's pals Lily Tomlin, Chevy Chase and Charles Grodin (Twyla Tharp's dance contribution had to be dropped when the show was cut back to 60 minutes from the originally planned 90) -mixed in with Paul's singing performances. . Considering his rather large repertoire, how did he pick the songs? "I tried to pick ones that I llked, and ones lh~t were familiar. 1 thought it was ni ce that Ar_he <Ga rfunkle) and I did 'Old Friends' -as opposed to us do-1 ing ·Bridge Ove r Troubled Water ' or 'Scarborough Fak.' We'd never performed 'Old Friends' on TV before, and it 's not a song that immediately leaps to mind as a 'Simon and Garfunkel song . Yes, people still ask us when we're jletting back together , but Artie and I don't mis~ It al all. It's a pleasure to be able to do something together whenever we want.·' IN ADDITION TO THE TV SPECIAL and his recently released "Greatest HJts'-' LP,. Paul has spent much of lhe past year writing a movie that he is somewhat reluctant to discuss In detail. "H's not that it's a secret." he s~ys, "it's jµst that there's no point in saying anything about it un· til it's a reality. There will be music in it, and I will sing. It's a story about a musician, but no, it's not autobiographical. It's funny, but it's not a comedy. At least I hope it's funny ... "I wanted Mike Nichols to direct because I .know him, we've worked together before on 'The Graduate,• he's musical, and he has a good sense or comedy. Also. he's had.experience directing plays. and. as this is my first screenplay, his criticism on the writing is valunble lo me. I'm jus\ about finished writing it -It's been about a year, although not full lime. "I DON'T KNOW WHO ELSE wilJ be In it. I hope Shelly (bis girlfriend, actress Shelly Duvall who lives with him in a large Manha\tan apart- ment> will be if she's'available, but she's starring in the new Stanley Kubrick film, 'The Shining.• with Jack Nicho.lson. lt's;ust a question of timing ... "I'm getting more and more comfortable with TV, and working In front of a camera. l 've done two 'Saturday Night Live' shows, the Inaugural, that bit in •Annie Hall."' Although he's performed in front or live au· diences for years, does he still ge\ nervous or scared before a concert? •1NO, I GET SLEEPY. IT'S a form of nerves. I get a mild case of narcolepsy. The more important or the bigger the thing is, the sleepier I get. I was almost comatose before the inaugural, I could bare- ly get my eyes open." And how real is his tear -as seen in the open. ing routine of his TV apecial -of nobody showing up to his concerts? "I've had that anxiety dream, that no one will be in the audience. Also, that the microphone was too high. I once had a dream that the mike was too higH end it couldn't be moved, and I bad to sing standlng on tip \oe durina the whole concert." Ef feet Doesn't 1..inger BOSTON <AP> -Women who have legal abor· Uons do not harm t~ir chances of bearing normal, healthy children in later pregnancies, ;a study says. The study or 571 women, conducted by the Washington state Department of Social and Health Services and published In the New England Jourf?al of Medicine, found that the outcome of pregnancies were aaenlical, regardless of whether the mothers had earlier abortiona. -. Patients' Sex Acts A lleged SACRAMENTO <AP> -Men tally UI patients engaged In sex acts ln Fresno County 's psychiatric unit, the state Health Department charged In moving to re· voke the unit's stale permit. The department an· nounced . it asked the state attorney general to seek revocation or the county's special permit to operate th~ 27·bed unit in space leased from Valley Medical Center. It is known as "G Ward," funded 90 percent by the state and 10 percent by the coynty, ttte' depilfl· menl sald. \ FOR TWO years, the county has been warned abou\ overcrowdin1 in the facility, the depart· mentsaid. The Fresno Count.y Board of Supervisors last month ma~e 29 re· commendations to r e· medy conditions at the unit, includtna provision or a 50-bed racillty. B ESIDES T H E sex acts , the department said there is inadequate stat(, low standards or acute psychiatric care. lack Qf privacy for pa- ti ents and insanitary conditions. Other ques- tions of adequacy or care wer e .raV;ed a fter a woman patient died at the fa cility this year. The department said male and fem ale pa- tients are housed on the same corridorJ separat· ed onl y by a line painted in a hallway. NATIONAL I MUSIC THEY LIKE TO CLIMB, DON'T OFT!N PINCH Hermit Crab• Can Lfve 12 Vear• H HouHhold Pett Crahs Captivate Shel/,..tboollers Catch On as Pets BREMERTON, Wash. <AP> - "Hermit crabs are clean, hardy, eat little and won't reproduce in captivi· ly. They are active, whimsical and have a cute llttl~ walk," !'!lads one store's sales pitch. The. delighUCll decapods have become big sellers al pet shops. gilt stores and even some department stores across the country lhe past year. said a pet s tore assistant manager. ··TU.EV 00 MAKE good pets," says Barbara Pyper, assistant manager of Import City here. She is planning to buy two herself and already has sold more than a dozen for Christmas. Hermit crabs are good gifts for lonely people, Mrs. Pyper says. She knows of a man who takes his crab to local taverns and shares his beer with it. "llE WOULDN'T THIN~ o f pitching it out," she said. ''They're good friends." Crabs are easily tamed and aren't I violent by nature, she said. They don't bite. They do pinch with their one large pincher, but only if abused or held too long by the shell. Care is minimal, she said. They eat almost anything, enjoy a fairly warm and moist climate, get a kick out of climbini things and like an enViron· ment of moist sand or vermiculite to burrow into. CRABS ARE A GREGAIUOUS lot and need company, which belies their name. The Hermit Crab Co. of St. Petersburg, Fla., warn& that alone they become wilhdrawn, stop moving, lose interest and eventually die. But a\ S2.50 to $4.50 apiece, depending on size, it isn't expensive to preserve a hermit crab's sanity. The land hermit crabs are native to the Caribbean and Central and South America. Their most interesting characteristic is their search for a l shell. Possessing no a bell of tbelr own, they spend a lot of their time house. hunting. trying out shells that have been cast aside by mollusks, usuaUy snails. "BECAUSE OF inade· quate staffing, male and female mental patients frequently are able lo cross the lin e u n - observed and violate the right to privacy of mem. be rs of the opposite sex," the department said. "Mentally ill patients Band's 'Coaeh' have engaged ii) sex acts --------------with other mentally ill Damages Backed patients on Ute unit on several occasions." The department said insanitary condition ln· eluded disorderly beds. linen and supply closets in disarray. dirty floors, broken oveThead plaster. peeling wallpaper artd dirty rooms. · Sunshine Hailed in Notice WASHINGTON (AP > -The Letter of The Law Award goes to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, for its strict adherence to the federal law that requires gov- ernm ent agencies to meet in public and give adequate notice of their sessions. The following press re· lease was sent out by the commission: NOTICE OF MEETING: The conference call set for Saturday, Dec. 3, at l p.m. has been canceled. Please, i1nore the pre· vious not.ice issued Mon· day, Nov. 28, 1977. This notice is given in accordance with the Government in the Sunshine Act. Buddy Rich Wants to Win In Court NEW YO~ (AP> -Buddy Rich bounded in the door, we g a New York Yankees baseball cap and a silve racing·driver·s jacket. He looked like a trim high school coach. Rich was t$king the field. Not to play a game but to record an album with his 14·Jllember band, which occasionally calls'itself the "Killer Force.•· MEANWHILE, THE BANK MEMBERS began drifting Into the studio, kibitzing with each other and Rieb and getting their instruments set up. Eventually -at one point Rich sa\ on a stool ln the middle or the s\udio and read a favorable newspaper review -the band settled down lo concentrate on the music. Afier cuttin g the first side. Rich and the band members went to the contr<>l room to listen to what the longtime jau drummer calls the "best big band l 've ever worked with." The inform a lly 1 dressed jury -foreman Rieb was wearing jeans, a short-sleeved black shirt with a Ferrari logo and jogt=iog shoes -re· BUDDY RICH viewed rt.sown work and pronounced itself satisfied. After the break, the band wen\ back into the studio to finish the session. S AN FRANCISCO CAP> -A $73,000 nuisance damage award imposed for stench waft· ing onto a vineyard and home from a Mader a munlelpal sewage treat- m enl plant was ap- propriate, the Californfa Supreme Court has ruled. The court conceded the trial judge erred in in· s tru c tions on the measure of nuisance damages, but said the er- ror was not prejudicial. MI CHAEL AND Judith Ann Varjabedian acquired the 80-acre vineyand in Madera County and moved onto the property in 1971 with their three children. In 1972, Madera began operating the treatment plant on land located some 600 feet from the Varjabedlan residence. The plant emits odoTs which are blown onto the property by prevailing winds. Ti-e P,._..v to be t,.,.,,,,.,.o •~ Ge1<rlbecl In ge .. n11 .. , All slOO In tr-. fist""'· tQUIPm•nt •nd VOOd •Ill of lllel ... allll IOO<I ~IOrt bvllMlS llnown H THI! SPECKLED 811'10, •11411 l<K•t•d al tSl$ Mu• Verile Drlv• East, City of Cow• Mew, C.Ounlr ol Ofenoe, ( SIAleol C•lllOrnla. !---------------------------------' PUBLIC NOTICE TllOullo.lrllft<lerwlllO.con...,,,,.,.1. "Was tba'\ as great as I thought it was?" Rich, wiping the perspiration off his. race with a white towel, asked at the nd. THE FAMILY noticed septic s mells on their property as soon as sewage was delivered to the new plant, repeated· ly complained of the O(jors and was told cor- r ections wer e being made and assured the plant would eventually ----------td on or alitt t,,. 2111\ d•y 01 O.Umlltr, HOTICID,.IHTIHTIOIWTO 1'11, ., 10:00 ........ Prol•ulontl • •MOAO• IM TMI SALi 0 , Elcrow S.rvkn, wlloW -•tt>o 111'11 '' Al.COMOLIC•IVlltAOIS Horth Tu1lln Avenue, Santa Ana, • 12·IJ·1' C•lllornla. ;!lloM llMay(,on<erftt So far as Is llnown to llW Tren1f•r•e. bJ9<1 \o ·-· OI ,,_ """M AP. •II Dull~u ,,.,.,.., -..icir ... _ uled IOr';notlcltl1Mt'....,tl.,.nlllaltM l>Y Ill« Tr.,.wr.,, IOI' \tie pa\t 111,..,. r~ OtllCIOSn lo Wll ••<Oftollc l'lt•,. .,. · -· '" , • .., at .,.. pr-IMI, oeocrlboo<I D•ltCI: 0....mbff "· ltn. n ll-1lr>IM~ProvlC1tObe1ow: Glen<:Mlete , 1 1 ""°" ei.o., HawPOf'I •••ui r,_.., .. -to well fnt•nrfon flt« un-'lt01'1HIOlllA&. • IOfttel ,, ecipylng lo ,..; ~··· •te:•o• H•VtCl!S I of Alcel'>ollc a.var• Coftln>l lor Ml Ill~,.,... .. _ lu en<• of '" •1~0'10•1< bev•••oe Sallt•AM,CAtull I ,., ,1<"'91H) lor ,,,. .. ,.,.,.,,Mt IKN•Ma.n-t-.oo • lltwt: PuDlhheo Or-Coast 0•111 Pllo4 "47" De<ambort7,1"n sn .. 77 • J ONS.ltt~•I ,_ l'kle l'IAlll< , ...... Pl«•t Huaf\ 8. M<Mafl 188.TIDE FOODS I.,._ Ortl09e C.0.11 O•lly Piiot, . n,ttn P\JBUC NOTICE THE SCENE IN THE CONTROL room, with Rieb in the middle concentrating on the performance, was repeated. The result -a swing· ing, cohesive sound -met the ~oach's approval. With a "Good nJght, folks," he diamissed his team. At 60, Buddy. Rlch, whom some critics ~ave called the "world's gre~tesl drummer." radiates energy. He is his own greatest competition. "Buddy demands tbe be$t. He demands a high level of concentration. That's why I like this band," said Greg Smith, a baritone saxop~one player Jrom Scituate, R.l. I Rla:l'S ATl1TVDE TOWAaD HIS players is aim pie. "l 'm their coach. I'm their Mend. J try to lnstill pride in them," said Rich, with a hint in his voic:e or the Marine Corpa buerved 1n durinJ World War JI. uu I can dolt at 60, 10 can they .•• r sure don't weot to hear _.,y bad notes. I don't care what they do unUl 8 at ni1ht, but from 8 p.m . unUl whenever . we finish lhey belong to me.'' • TYPICALLY, TBE BAND MEMB8' h~ve played wt\b other baads ¥ore joining up with Rich. They're ~g -the average aJe ls 24 -and °" tbe road a lot; 80 percent ol theil' eniaaements are 1*on b.lq acbool and co'U•e aodlencet. ·~n•a not what t.lley are wben they C0111e1 tt'a what they become after pla,vtni with UI," Rlcb Hid. "We're Ukt lbe Doctsen or the ll~ Sox CM' the Y ankM1, •c. IUcb said, expt.l.nlns lh• bud 'a ouUoolc. · "When we IO OU' there, Wt 10outto1'1.n ... I I , be odor-free. The suit wu filed in July, 1973. The nusiance cause went to trial and a jury awarded $32,000 lo the couple for loss in value of property; $30,000 special damages for loss ol a Cal-Vet loan, and Sll,000 other dama,ges distribut- ed among the five family members . TH E CITY argued nothing done ot inalri- la ined under express authority of a law can be deemed a nuisance. But the court's un· anlmou.s dec~ion reject· ed the contention that the 1eneral authorization oJ munlclpal con1lructlon of sewage plants el(· pr111'y onctlons tho p r o d ucUon of any particular level of odors. IT AL80 aaJd ft fo\UNI tbe award for Joea of real • property •alue and pel'tObal diJcomfort WU not ~cell!". PUBLIC NOTICE '$1AT•"'1-'01'MANDOHMliNT Ol'USao .. "tTITIOUSIUSllflt4NAMI 1"' 1011-•na llefMn "4• -noonte1 u.eu ... ofthtl1«11i-1><111ntt.tf\,tme: R. F, MAINIENANCE, 41) 0111 Str..,t, HW11119on ~.t<h, C..hlotn•• ,,.. ,,,. fl<l1tloon 111~ ............. , .. .,,,,o to •OOV• """' 111.0 In 0•""941 C.0....tyonNuwnlllltr 4, 191 ... kOO•t 1(.k h ... h ·•ni4'n •nd or !too y ,. r90'Nln. 4 U ,., SlrHI, Hunt 1"910tl ll-11,Ulllotnl•Y2M> lh1\ bu'4f'ftlow•-.t~l..Oby •fl 1n- C11"10U•t. Noelerl<ll H. ~'""..., T "" •l•l-1 '*•• 11100 "'"' '"" Coull•• Uerll ol Or~ CA>l>l•ly on No• tmbtr U. Wll. PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS IUSINISS NAAllSTATEMlltT n.. 1ou-1no __ ,•rt doing buti· nen ., IEACH ENOINEER•NG, 1'1 C....I Vhrw Ori ... , L~VM 8e•<ll, CA t2Ut Otnlt f lllm.tn, SIO Crtu SI , L-OUN 8t.t<ll, CA 91U 1 M1rt1n CrtO«V. SU Tll•Ouoll. L.tgu"' BHCll, CA '1UI Th•t bu•lntn h <ClftOU<l•d by • Olnt•tl-IN rV>IP 0...1• TIU,,,_, TM• tl•l-t wn liltd .,,I~ I~ County Clt•ll ol Or4n90 County on De<.. , '"" "6JSf Publli-Or.,,OI C.o .. t Oa;ly Pilot Otttmbtr 10, ll, 14, ll, "" 5114·11 FU.It ----------- Put>h\heel 0r""91 toa•1 IJ11ly 1'1101, PUBLIC NOTICE Now. i6, ""° 09<. J, 10, II, •~11 )(;40.111 __________ _ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IU~IHE.Si HAMf. STATf.Mf.NT 1 lie lollov.lrig porwin ll don111 txltl· neu•\: MISSION TEC.HNOLOC:.Y, till Eau Vlltnclt Orl•t, hillerton, CAlllor,.ltY~I Oan P. Rieth. an ••••du.ti, J06 'n••t Alpine, !.ant• A, 1•• Y2/0I l ftl\ bliMl"MtH ,., <. .o111K •fl> b .. •n lft• cuv1du•I. O•n I'. N1e1~ l nu, •ltl.tnwnt "'"' 111.0 ... 111 tn. County Clerk ol CH ""90 C..OUnly on No•· •mtltr 2l, 1911. FU'" PUb41\fltd OrlO!ll C.o.•I OJ1ty Ptlol, l'ICTITIOUSIUSINUS HAMIESTATl;MINT Tiit lollov.ino penor>S •rt <lolno DW.I· nen •-' OA-'INGE COUNTY CINEMA CO· OP, nOO !.ilw rle.I, Or•noe. CA 91M9 Ntehol~ Kyp10., IU•I E, M<Fao. dtn • U , Tu\lln, CA n4IQ P•Uf G. C.ttrll!<•, 1:i. S...dplpe1 Ave .• San C1tmonlt, CA '1'11 Thi• bu.intn Is conducted by • t1t11tr41 pHlntrthlp. NIChOl.tt Ky0ro\ Tn•s ,111em.,.,1 w a\ 111tc1 "'"" '"" County C.••r• ot 0r•n9" Counly on O..c. 1, "" l'HUf Publl•hld Or-C:.0.•I DoOlly Pilol, 0.< 10, 11.14. ll, 1911 PUBLIC NOTICE NOY.1•.-o.<.:J,10,11,1977 ~JI // 1----------- PUBLIC NOTICE ~ICTITIOUS IUSIHIEU "'""'lSTATl:oMEN1 lf'Mt IOIW..1niy JAfMW'\ I\ doing t>M\1 M.»••· lHl. l kV~I lJll:[)lk ~. Jiil Vt COA\( H 1w.;y, 4b, '4t"WPOft b~•<n. C..1ttorn1• "~J J•tnP) k Vtll I'' • •·•'" Aveouit, tl•tt>o.J f \1.-hel, L411fOrm ., 'tMI l "'' bU\.I,,..\\ t \ t.UtKJ\illeeJ tly •n In 01¥1Ut.t4tl J4Ml14'\ k (.,111 l rU't •l•\~n1':'(l\ WO\ W~O Wtl ,,._, County (letk of (Jr .nQit <.oYnty on,._"~ crt1CW' n . 1'fll FICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAME \TATEMINT Trtt-1ouow1119 r.-enon.1 •r• cSolno t>Y-s1 nt:\\ ... LANCER ELECTRIC, ll141 Miian !ii • Wt>lm•l'6i..r. CA 916&.l R0..•111 A Py'"°''• 101 1.in !ii • Hu1111n91on lk.t<n CA '1164 l•ur•n A B~rQeron, Jr . 10U 1 Ru\\~11 Ave.,Garo.r>Gro•t. CA"16_, A•IPh C Ft•ltoer, l)/H M1l.t,., Wt\tm1,.\tlr. (.A 9'l6M3 This tu;sfnt1~ ·~ tonducted by • ~rwr•I S)lrtntr"'10 Ron.toR.PrV•t-r "'1ot;1 U•t~t W4) rU.-d With the c.~~ .. 1r '-'"'' OI Ortnoo Coun1y on Dec. ll. ,,,, ""'" FUM6 PublO\i..d Ornngp C:O.sl D•lly Pilot fo'Ubl1\J\t."O o,.nve <..o.~• 0d1lr 1-flol, Oort ,,,2,,l1t l911,J•n./, U18 t4(.1¥.l•,•nd0K.l, t0, 1/,1"f// ... :J 5249.71 PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE F IC11llOUI> IUSIN£ S$ NA.Ml STATIEMfNT FICTITIOUS •USIH£SS 1 nw lollowmg """"°" " u.>1n11 bu>•· NAME STATllMENT "'" .-. Tn& following persons.,. dOlnQ Dusi· lHt. Alli fUVL. l l'IMtU'tfh.+Avu., ne\\a\ ll•lbu• 1>1•00, t.tl11orn1• LYNN'S HALLMARK SHOP, Jlll c:,.,,.1m,, fie<•••· i>l 1 ~"""" .. ~'· 8rhlol SI reel, Co>t• Mel•, CA. 911>26 ~nl• And,.<Aiiiw nid Cross C.rft1liog\ .. nd Glth, ln- 1 "'" bu,..•on• ,, corw:suueo O't .n ill· corporalM, d CAtifornl" corpor•tr0f1, o .. IOU•I Jlll Brt•lol Slrut, C.osta Mou , C:.unl,..r .,.,,,., C..tlllornl• 9'1616 lh" il•l•m•nl .,., 111«1 w1111 tountr This ousi,,.u I• conoucled b'r,. cor- Clerk ot Orln\jll tounty on t1owtH1Wr Po••tlon. u 1911, Cro.,Greet1nosan0G1t1>111e l'UMI J R08ERTCRO!.S, Prttldent l'uo1tsht0 Or•noo to4•t O.tlly 1-1101. l11h ilottrne<'ll ... , llltd .. 1111 '"' No•. a, C"< J. 10, 11. 1~11 •W'i-11 ~~~ Cltni ol Ortf191 Covnlyon a.<. PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS IUSIHESS N-1 STATIMENl n.e 1011owino 11<•_, 1, oo.no t>u•I· M"•' LEGACY BUILDERS, t-00 Ed· MA•Y1H O.MAYIR Anorr1ey ti Ltw • tJIJ Ov,.... on ... , Sullo Q lrwirw, C•l•t....itfUIS ,. .. ,u Publl•hl<I Or-C.out Delly Pllol, 0.C 11, l•.JI, 1977-J.tn.7, 191f Sl44-11 1-r. /1 l 21)j, Hut>fl~on Ile.tell, C.A -., ... , Pt:BLIC NOTICE St .. tn A 0. T'l\oml\, 1•00 Edtnver. :: Z·104, Hunllnofon 8<t..c11, CA OUI TM• llU .. ~•" tondu<l..O by.,, In dlWldU•I Sh•ven A 0.1 hom•' fhh. \t•tem.nt • .,, fUta wllr. t,.e COW>IY C.luk ol OrMIQOt Counly on O.c. '· 191/ l'•u.t PubliW>td °'""O" Coul D"IY Pllol, Dec. 1~. ll.l4,)l, 1'17 1111·1/ PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS I USINHS M-ll STATIMIMT 1'1141 collo.orlnci po<-h dolno bu•i· ~J,·s,· l'llAN'S f'OAEICN C Ai;t REPAIRS, 1"5 Harl>Or 81Vd., C;nl• Mlw,C'-nut • BtMI OIOI JoNnHOn, ll01 Htndrla St., I rwl,.., CA '1714 l'ICTITIOUS IVSIHl!SS NAME S'fATllMIHT Tiie lollowi"ll per-Is doino t>u•l- MU ts: WC. PRECISION SCREENING, lUll S•ddl-tk, M1u1on Viejo, C4 •UIS WILLIAM PAUL BISC>-IOFF, lUll !Hl<ldl-t~. Mluklll V1tjo, CA 976/S T nl\ outlntu Is <ontlUGl..S by an in• dlvlduol Wllll-'IM PAUL Bf SC.NO FF Thi\ il•t-nt WIS filed with Ille County C.lerk ol Oranoe County on Dec. IJ, "" 1'9'111 Publltlle<I Or-Co.ts! O•llY Piiot 0~<. II, 24, ll, 1'11, Jtn. I, H, 1,11 52'7·17 PUBLIC NOTICE 1'1111 bonlnn• I• ~-Id by en In· ----------- dlvlOu.tl. "CTITlOUS IVJINISS 8~Jo-uon NAMEITATl!MENT 11111 •1.tt-1 .,.., 111..i .,,,,, 111t '"" 10110w1no ..wton 1, ooino llUsJ. Go\inly Cl ..... "' Or-County on NOV llO\\ •• lt, 197' c; E. M U11llmllod, 10940 SM> Uon, ,, .. ,.. Founleln Vall"'f, CA ft708 PVbll\lied Or-C:.0.•I D•lly PllOI, Ernt\l Gl...,.Slltll, 109405-n Uo•" O.C. J, 10, 11, 14, itn Foun111n Vtll•v. CA 911ot 5050-71 Thi• t1u\l11H1 It <-led by •n In· ---------01wlduel PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINUS NI.Ml STATEMENT T"-lollowlr>O per-art doon911U•I· ntll ••: CUSTOM P-'llNTING, IOJt iteswlo, Hunllnolon Bte<ll, C.A Toni Hiii, ttffl KU..,lt k, HU111· tnoion Btt<ll, CA Er~IGIMV>Shell TM• \llloment WH llled w ill\ IM Coun11 Cieri. OI Or11>go County on Otc u. t'71 FMaU Publl•hld Or•not O>ost O.lly Pllol, Dt<. 11,l•.Jl, l'll,Jan.1, 1911 PUBLIC NOTICE Mil<• Derllno. lff1' l<U .. i(~. Hurit· -----------lnoton B11cl\, CA Tiiis 11u1ln~s 11 conoucltd 111' • 9fflfltl P.trtNrthlp Micl>MI O.rllno Tllll &1at1rnont wo llltd wl\11 1111 county CltrM ol Orenoe Counly o~ 0tc1...,bl!r 7, 1'11 l' .. JO l'ubllsl\Pd Ortnoe Co.tll D•lly Piiot Dec. 10, 11, U,JI, 1'11 PUBUC NOTICE "CTITIOUS aUStNt!SS NAMI $1ATIMINT Tll• IOllowtno ...,_ Is dolno b<i•I· '-" .,. JOHNSON'S CAR BEAUTY, 1'350 HtrbOr Blvd., Sanlt.41,,., CA. '117().1 Don1lc:l Kenl Jol!nson. t•1'0 H1•110r 81vd .. S•nte-'ln.o, CA. 927().1 Tiii• bU•IMH ,, conducltd Dy •n In· dlvld\111. • Don IC. JollMon l Ma •l•J""""I WfS lllfd llrllll I/It c-1v Clm o1 ~ <:ourity on DK. U, It/I ,. ... 14 l'ubllt'*I 0..""'09 Coast O.lly Piiot. Die. 11, 24, JI, lt17MldJ,.,.1, lt78 .SlOl-17 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L_ A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 •• 5 6 7 B Saturday, ~•mbo1 17, 1917 OM. V PILOT f: J 111 -) ~.~.~ ....... ,~!.~.~ ...... . G,..c tit I 002 Q..,.., I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . DEAR SANTA ••••. '1.1.AH 1a1NG ME A. ..•. ATRJUM view from the t11nm~ area iu this 2·l>lory Newport Shores :\-lranw; huge patio off sedude<l m$lr. IJcfrm. S107,000 JACU111 with an ocean v1ow. i,en .... ational Newport Heights 2 BH. + guest/ in-law quarters: Kings ltd .. lullside lot. like new. S265.000 PRESTIGIOUS ADDalSS Near Back Bay, 4 UR, + maid's rm .. huge fam. rm ., formal dining rm., gracious entry. poolsize yard. $279.500. IE.ACH HOUSE near ocean. 2 BR. + ~tudy. pnrk-like setting : lus h ~ :,,ccluded. All the goodies ! Only Sl3i .000 DAVIDSON REALTY '>RO I W (. o.· ti,.., r. p, 645·/575 3116 N•·""P'"' B1.<1 r~ I'· 673·\::1060 1002 GaMrd 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VAHODOWH Peninsula Point 3 Br & dining, beam clgs. fpk, $Ul2,000. Bu rr Whill: H~alt~r ~901 N e wwpo•I Bl~d NB (]q ) 67'> 4610 $65.000 Charming country ~ct· ting. Tile entry. Gourmet kitchen. llu~c living rm + din urea. 3 Spucious bdrm:., uffice tou! Ter· raced IJUck yarll . No down to qu :i 11 fled VA .·;;;::::::;::::::::;::;.1 buyers . Call fai,l! 752.1;00 1£ UHIQUE IH '78 v1 ""' / • " 11 ., '"' 1 "" Does the thought appeitl [e I to vou '! H so. tons1der -~ (l~_ftHW ~}~g oihJm~~~~~~~~~ _ ~··-••••m:;oo for a fantastic 1978. Ac· celerated commission MARVELOUS :.chedule, in·houSe swing MONACO loans. <-reative salei. C;ill ui. about this im· aids. computer terminal maculate one owner. ;i & 11ct1vc training & ad· bedroom. con\'crllble rrum:.trauon. Be unique den home 10 llarbor ln'7M withUniqueHomes vi cw H 0 m L' i.. The Real Estate, contact Jim owner's met1l·ulous n1re ~W~ood~~a~t~6~75-~6000~~·~~~I to e\ ery mu1ntcnance . m:l!C.I will 1mpre~s you. ----------And the hi)lhly com. IALIOA PEHIM. 5 Years yot.ing, duplex. 3 H.,.., fw S. tto.... .•.~r W. ~ ••••••• ~.":'!: ........ ! ~.':'1:'.~••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• GtMNI 1002 1002 G1Mrel 1002 Ga .. ,.r IOOJ ....................... ······················· ······················· ......................... . MANY SPUMDOlllD 1 Ii DIH IM lllVIMI TlllUCI Elegant simplicity, spacious rooms, finest construction & detail. magnificent Hv room, h~ndsome den, secluded patio & modes[ ocean view. Off cred at $275,000 incl. land. 1807 TAHUNA TUil. S.t 1·5 IALIOA ISLAND -$119,500 What a great fun place to live! Steps to beach, quaint restaurant.£ & unique shops! Lovely 3 BR Cotner home incl spac. mstr BR with study. Corner t'. P ., 3 baths, south patio. 201 PEARL S• 1·5 CAMEO HIGHLANDS $179,500 View of ocean & hills! A delightful area -quiel living yet close to s hopping. Sec this great family home w 4 bdrms. fam rm, formal dining + bonus rm. Private front court-yd for entertaining. ~ Private beaches. 450 I SURREY Dll. Sat/S. 1-5 llG CAHYOM TOWHHOME S Million view ot' fairway in 2 directions. Choice end unit Pinehurst model. 2 Bdrms, uen, 3 baths, closed dbl gar age. l mmed. possession. Comm. pool. jacuzzi & tennis. $198,500 61. SE.A PINE LM Sat/Sun I ·S ltG CAMYON -$249,500 Abs olute perfection in this choice corner Bordeaux model. Completely rcdecorat1..>d in soft neutral colors. 3 Bdrms. 3 baths. 3-car garage 2 RUE CHATEAU ROYAL Sat/S• 1-5 IA YFtlOHT A,T -FOa LEASE Lo\·cly 3 bdrm 2 bath triplex apartment for lease. Plush cptng. lge rms. Terrific bay view & on sandy beach. Close-in Joe . walk to shops. S750 mo. 418·2 VIA LIDO HORD Sat/Sun l·S WHUY H. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 2111 S-J~ Hflft Road Nf WPORT ca..ra. H.I . 644.49 I 0 OPEN HOUSES SAT. & SUN. 1-5 CAMIO SHORIS. 207 MILFORD Oil. A most unusual home -you feel Jlke you art! 1n tho mountains with this beautiful canyon view -yet you look down the canyon & tho ocean is only a lew hundred feet away! There':. u private community beach t oo . 3 Bdrms., ?.,1laths. $269,500. THI ILUFFS. 359 VISTA MADERA Owners have bought another home (in the mountains), & reduce<.I tht! pdce on t}tls super clean, end unit, to only $\44,SQt.l. We think this is the best buy in the f;3luffs -so see it today! CORONA DEl MAR -5 IR If you've been looking for a family sized home an a terrific location -look no more. Only l ·bloc k to Big Corona, on two lots. Spectacular oriental interior built around private, beautifully landscaped patio. The mahogany paneling alone. is worth a fortune! Shown by app't. $330,000 IS THE HOMI! YOU IUY ,ROTECTID7 AJI our listings receive a one year home owner's protection plan to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Just one more reason more home buyers buy through Harbor Realty -how about you '.' 673-4400 DMtiOft of HcstMlr .... ..._... Co. wtMral 1 001 weMt'el 1 ooz •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• petilivc prtcc or S!Jli.:>OU. Ice will pleai;e your pocketbook. c..i1644-1211 up & 3 down; ocean side l of hlvd. Pride of GeMrol 1002 GeMral 1002 owner ship properly; ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• /JD.NIL[!. GAILEY & ASSOC I Al E.~ HORSE ESTATE J acre with a beautifully landscape d ele ga nt Ranch home. 4 Bdrm. 21".l good rental hh!'tory. $189.000 Including land! 613·3663 642·2253 Evei; associated BRO t<f R '.) QfA , '( .J', l 1' 1' \/Iii ~ .ltl l '1 ' f, #-, baths. Covered stables.j~~~~~~~~~~I Many amenities. Call anyt.ime549·3344, Agt. REAL EST A TE SALES Broker:; or salesperson:., full pa rt time. Earn 90/10. On your next de11l. • •UMed lrolcers, 646-7414 1000 W. Ctt Hwy, N.I. CAT AUNA 3 Bdrm .. 1 ba. kitchen, dmeue cottage on level lot. just 4 blks. from downtown Avalon. Vucu· t1on run spot. $75.000 llLLGRUMDY REALTOR 6 7 5·6161 ------BY DWNER Custom 5,000 sq ft Rmclt Estot• Stable. separate maid or guest home enclosed bland for aviary or animal enclosure on ap· proximate 3"'2 acre parcel. Adjacent approx 3 acre parcel also avail in whole or part. 745 E. Peralto HIMs Dr, Anaheim Shown by appt only to qualified buyers. (710 Super Clean. 3 bdrm, 1~, 521·8430Courtesytobkrs. ba. pool home. lo main·------• lcnancc yd, f/ p, VA no dwn. A~t Merla . 8.t7·6010/ 897·0031. The Real & taters. GARAGE SALE adg in the Dajly Pilot bring hap· PY results. To place your draw1n.: card, phone 6'l2·5678 today ON RUBY NEAR BAYFRONT $289,900 Two separate units with 4 & 2 bedrooms. ON APOLE'.NA $275,000 Remodeled 3 bedroom & bachelor unil NEW ON OPAL $298,000 Two separate homes with 3 and 1 bedroom units. WATERFRONT HOMES '450,000 Two individual units on S. Bayfront wjth 3 and 2 bedrooms. Across from Pavilion, VIEW. Owner will exchange. BEACH DUPLEX ON a.ahor• S175,000 Two 2 ~room units, Redecorated and sold Fltrnistted. EASTSfDE COSTA MESA s1ao,000 Large eorner 2 bedroom & den home. SPECIAL TY GJFT SHOP 12C,OOO Prime main street location unique inventory. I • LOOK! COMPARE! 2 TIEMENDOUS VALUES IH IRVIHI 1. Lowest priced 2 bdr m . condo in local M/L SU.950 * * * * * 2. Where else can you find a 4 bdrm .. 21 2 bath home with mt. & golf course views, community pool & jacuzzi, ten- nis, bike trails ... you name it -this home has it. Fee land. too. $109,'50 * * • * • We are also offering a very fine 2 bdrm .. 2 bath condo in a great location. Neat & clean , quiet, convenieht. Pool & all other condo amenities. $51,900 1002GHffel 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSIDE CHARMER Fantastic home nea Golf Course! Large lot! New carpets & paint! Low down! Call Re Carpet' 754, 1202 COLLEGE PAllK · ANANCING A PROBLEM? We have properties where the owner's have aareed to help work out financing. •LAGUNA 114CH (V~W) •NEWPORT BEACH (HARBOR V1EW) ~ 3 Bdrm home. Open moat anernoons & on Sat & Sun 10·3. 204 Wake Forest Rd. $77,500. By ownr/ agt. 751-11999 Mart.ft R•al Estat• 640·5357 1002~~~~~~ LAGUIA IJIYISTMEITS, llC. • lB 494-6525 P(At ro.I DESIGNERS DELIGHT A complete store dedicated to furniture & interior design. CommneciaJ & residential a specialty . Cal I us for a complete tour. SlS0,000 IM:EAN VIEW CONDO Very attractive 2 bdrm. 2 bath with' an over11Jed master suite. $79,9oQ No. Laguna Motel-22 Units . $820,000 2 Lots + a charlnlng house $275,000 Income units from 1225,000 itl Choice Laguna Locations. • EVBtYTHIHG IS FIRST CAllN . . . .. even the view! Breathtaking with tree tops. roof lines. harbor and ocean and twinkling lights by night. This m·iginal Harbor View Hills 3 bedroom has been redone to per(ection : new paint. carpets. decd'rator touchd. lighting and landscaping. This 2650 sg. fl. delight is priced at S298,500. U~l()UI: fi()Ml:S REALTORS'; 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar also in Mc$a Ver<lc, Jt 546·5990 w1111rClll 100,/c;._.... 1002 ······················~······················· ON WATER NEWPORT $125,000 Unobstructed view condo with 2 bdrms. Adult, prestige, security. VIEW CONDO NEWPORT $159,500 Three levels of interesting living with water & night lights. 3 bdrm, dining rm. corner location. BEST "POINT" HOME $275,000 Prestigim,1s corner across from Bayfront & steps to Ocean. Open and interesting 2-story, 4 bdrm. fam. rm & den home. Soaring inside greenhouse. ON BALBOA ISLAND $298,900 Beautiful young two story duplex wilh spacious 4 & 3 bdrm units. Balconies & patios for indoor-outdoor living. Live in one and ·enjoy the benefits or an income property. THREE UNITS LIDO $450,000 Beautifully i1ecoraled units across from best Bayfront. Especially lge 2 bdrm. with patios balconies and much more. Owner will exchange. VIEW, WATER & LIGHTS $425,000 Fabulous Irvine Terrace home with privacy and prestige. Gr acious 4 bdrm. fam. rm home with pool & beautiful decor. You own the land, too! CdM DUPLEX Crnr DUPLEX lse/ opt. PENINSULA HOME CO&TA MESA FIXER VIEW CONDO JlOME IRVINE CORNER CONDO $175,000 $167,500 •. Sl63,soo· w ......... . Ho••• 2633 W. Coast Hwy. Nw.iport Be.ach 611·1400 $73,950-· S89,500· $94,950• \ .. .......... w. ............ w. .............................................................. !• t.. llft •111141 ... , .... .. ·~·················· ............................................. ~ ~ J -.OOM COteollOa ADULTU .. -. 161.100 sn.100 $44,tlO S.Ucr la ....... Good 11\1& twio Wnn la clott' to &la.ullfully maintained area wltb 1om• alee n~ ~llldl.AC I.be Mdl&!t ool.)' &olllfnbom.; In xtru. Your Cbrhtmu beach, Psiti.t for 8 COU· \deal *•Uoo nHr Ibo~ prekftt (Of' your (amil)' pie, aln.ilc person or tf Pl\I ~ lbe beach. can' Will ll.lao 1:0 VA. caJllAa yuu justltad •baby. can ao wrona w/ tbla bill ia a m1.11t. 541·2313 l.ISJ)OW. N8-ZIJ3 piece of ~petty fl IU.Cb • O/JfN tU 9 • 111 l "'°'IOffl fl ·11 CillHH UVIHG OffNlll••lfSIUNIOlll"llC(' alowpric.'e. '"-1'711 r ~ I 1 e .,111111 [.o..'!~.!.~m1 t~, nv111 Beautiful Bluffs ''D" Plan with extra la rge living room. 3 bdrms. Mature greenbelt view. Quiet location. A delight to show. Offered at $159,500. CORONA DIL MAR ' ' ~ '• ' • G...,.el 1002 GtMHI 1002 HIWUSTIHGI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• · COSTA MISA ' CHINA COVE LOT This is the last available level vacant Jot in Ulis unique neighbor hood. 32' x 120•. Bay view. Small cottage on ~ • Build one or two homes· $300,000. South of hwy .• a very motivated seller offer's a most attractive duplex; front 2 bdrm. with frplc., -al ways rented; large rear patio separates brand new rear unit of 2 bdrm. & 2 baUis. Garages f•r 4 cars. Asking $189,500. 511 Acacia. 0penSat.12:30to4:30. Sun.10-2 mac nab / Irvine realtg FINER HOMES FROM $46.000 TO $895.000 IUtDS DO ITI Fmd your own "'little nest" in bcaut11 ul DeAnza Bayside Village (1.2-mobilc; 112-housc). Just a few ste~ to water & private beacn. Low Price of $50.500 ! Lois Mill er 642·8235. See tor :vourself SAT. 1-5 P.M. or SUH. 1 l ·l P.Mo at 300 E. COAST HWY #50., HEWPORT IEACH. CA21 ) CHRISTMAS IN BAY CRIST Spacious 4BR home on Jg. corner lot. Immacu lately maintained by origin\U owners. Bra nd new kitchen w/top-of-line appliances. Lg. pool- attract1\•ely fenced for safety. A home for family & entertainipg.· Jeanelle Havens 644-6200. CA22> DRAMATIC Custom. quulity-built wood & glass homl' und1.•r construction So. of Hwy in Old Cd~J. Great VI EW! 2-story, 5llH, •I bath w/ -3 patios. Sauna - Jat·u1.1.1 walk-in closets 3-car garage Approx. 3700 sq. ft. of rnrnlorl s:m:-1,000. L y 1111(' Vall·ntinc I> I I li:.!00 I :\23 > WELL MAIHT AIMED DUPLEX o;;1xs.000' :\'ewer 2BR, 2 bath corn(•r duplt•\. 111 hest West Newport lcw.1111111 Lower unil w/ovcrsizcd '.irdl1ht• p,itio: upper w/ lg. b<ilton~· +-partial W<lter view : hoth " ltrt!pl at•t•s. Steps lo b~a<:h & i puhlll· tcnnb courts. Puula Bailey f>-t?.-823:1 L\24 ! DOVER SHORES - FRONT ROW-VIEW! Cu...,1om-buill lor owner on Galaxy Dr " panoramic vil'W of Upper T3av & Fashion Is land. Immaculate 4 BR, .J l):it h w formal dining room & Sl'P· Jam1l.v rm. Lg. po~+ foc:uzzi. 1 s:~%.011n fee. Appl. only Harriet l't•tT~ li.t2·8235. (A25 I WESTCLIFF "CONDO" c;real location on quiet tree-lined :.trcct, walk Lo shoppu1g. Be1.1ut1fully upgrrnlcd & decorated 2BRs. 2 baths. dining rm .. fireplace, 'lt.'t'IUdt.'cl patio. Pool. Asktnj( S81.500. llarnet Perr~· 642-8235 < A2ti I BIG CAMYOH IROADMOOR Twu Homes avail. in this exclus ive guard-gated community. P lan 3 - 113fl w• pool & "jacuzzi + golf course & Cpper Bay View. Plan 4 -highly up~radcd & prof. decorated. Both horn<.·~ available ror lease'optlon. L)nnt· Valcntine644·6200. (t\27 > NEWPORT HEIGHTS DOLL MOUSE Charming. one-of-a·kind 2 BR, 2: huth w1add"l 2 room. complete guest quartl•rs 111 rear. Authentic "'pub"' rm. w beam ceiling. Massive brk ffrcpluce & most or antique decor is available! Lovely neighborhood. $142.000. Jeanne Barnett 644-6200. (J\2jl) SANT A STOPPIO HSlE. • • to cnJOY the panoramic view of this dehJ,!htful 4BR, formal dining Cape Horn mode l. Sparkling enclosed pool & jacuzzi. Fountain & lovely garden patios. Every amen ity PLUS! ~.500. Jeri Hunt642·8235. (A29) DON"T IE •LUFFID Mirrored walls + wardrobe doors, decorator papers. butcher block counter top._. lovely private patios + 3 BRS, 2'12 baths & immaculate! A good buy at $157,500: Hurry-short· .escrow possible. Jean Dales. ~-82M. (A30) GIFT WRAPPED Christmas special ln Harbor View! Owner can move qui ckly -flexible financing! Perfect l·story on market! Used brick e ntry & patios -country kitchen & f am Uy rm -4 spacious .BRs --Best location w/speciaJ park view! $152,900 fee. Joyce Edlund 642-8235. (A31) · 1nM SCR<*>el WOULD IAY Ylll Harbor VJew Homes at lt8 beal ! J.AwelY 4BR· Montego w/Jg. family riil.. Ready for occupancyl You~ll lOfethe landscapin1 & decor I Super Buy at $157 .500. Sob Owens 642-82.15. <A33) BROOKVIEW TOWNHOUSE, 3 .BR, 2~ ba., all elec. bit-Ins, brick frplc., upvaded carpet1, 2-Jand1caped patioa, pool area '9',990! HEW LISTING! • OCEAN VIEW! Steps to ocean: deluxe duplex, 4 & 2 bdrm. units. Park 3 can. $189,000 ! LIDO SANDS Hop. skip or jump to ocean; like-· new 3 bdrms.. 2 baths, used brick frplc., new kitchen & all appliances, carpets, drapes. Only Sl'5.000! CORONA DEL MAR Ocean side or hwy, de- ligbtrully charming 2 BR. home +near new <t BR. apt. + 4 car garage. $185,000! Balboa lay Prop. R.attors * 675-7060 * YA TlttMS ONLY SU,500 Best buy in the area. Air conditioner and some other nice xtra'&. Calling us is a must -The dog bites? A c(uick escow and this ye ar'a best Christmas present 1s yours. 546·2313 OPlll 111Q•11 ~ IVll ,,.., fl/ 11•(f' ·~U!IMI GOLF COURSE HOME Soper s BR. 3 BA. 3 car gar. Lrg. YR, stone frplc. patio on fairw:iy - llVIMI TlttltACI CUSTOM "Extra large rooms wi~ lots of glass but with complete privacy. 2 bdrm, formal dining room, huge fireplace, inside utility rm. New on the market $140,000. Extra land available in rear. IWffS-4 IEDloOMS , Popular ••w,. P lan. with coantry size kitchen, formal dining area, near schools & shopping. Immediate occupancy. $120,000. DIAMATIC IMfHTAl~MIMT HOMI • Cathedral ceilings and lots of glass. Formal dining area, 3 bedroom, informal family room. Possession by Christmas a possibility. $124,500 E.ASTILUFF VIEW Secluded entry · Massive used brick fireplace. Open plan • All new kitchen with Chambers range, View from living room, dining room and master bedroom. Two other bdrms & den. Be one of the first to st!e this! 4 IEOROOMS-$128,500 Newport Crest's largest model features formal dining r m, cozy family rm. Top location near tennis & pool. Some view . Several interesting financing options available. CALL 673·8550 l J2 MAlGUutTI. COlOHA DIL MAI OCIAM-MEAI Just 4 doors from Ocean Blvd .• beautiful sunsets & oo·ating ·thru the jetty ... An exception·auy charm ing one·of ·a-kind 3 bdrm: New England style home with formal dining rm.:. all rooms have cathedral ceilings. This beauty is ooly l~ years old. 215 Marigold. OpenSun.12:30-4:30. SECUUTY IM MESA YBDE This 3 bdrm. & den home ls eptionally sharp & lovely. Also has family rm .• formal dining rm .• large frplc .• wet bar & a profess. security system. The 3 car garage bas considerable storage space added. A really great buy at $129,500. 2798Bluebird . OpenSun.12:30-4:30. HAllOI VIEW HOMES The largest !·level 4 bdrm. home <Montego Model), with family rm. & formal dining rm. Close to clubhouse & pool, but not too close. The lowest price av~ilable for this model, INCLUDING LAN D ! S145.ooo. 1 7 12 Port Westbourne. Op n Sat/Sun/Mon. 12:3°":30. TUSTIM/0.ANGE AREA Quiet cul de sac location : 4 large bdrms.. family rm. & frplc. +large game rm. Immed. possess. avail. Lower county taxes. Sl24 ,000. 13031 Malena <please call for directions.> Open Sal. 12 :30-4: 30. \~THE REAL ~ESTATERS 71;9.QS I I forever view. $21'1,000. fiuf '6aM LAKEFROMT I '8 COM DO GeMral I ooz GeMrol I ooz . Glut Wu~ Ug. Luxury. 3 BR. 2 BA. lr~. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... den. sty. LH. frplc. Nr. ==============:ii== clubhouse. sec. gatcb forever view. $100.000. PAR.EL WALKER 675-4144 m ltAllOll JJ COMMERCIAL LEASE CO.ONA DEL MAR • -tn the heart. or Corona dei Mar. ApproJtimately 4.000 square feet on ground noor plus 2 small apartments. Parking for t1p..t6 30 automobile!. ~ Phaq11are r~~ COLI OF ........ roaT r REALTORS '7'-5111 FANTASTIC DUPLEX ova 6000 soF.T 6 BR'1, Z dens. 2 d'lnihg rms, 2 frplc's., ull bltn.s., sep. laundry rma It over, sized 1ara1es. Wood & bnck e.xt ';V/Oake roof adds lo lt.s' masitlveness. Buy Bl! a duplex for . $289,500 or each unit can be sold separately lllke a condo) each Cor $149.500 TWO YRS OLD BONO REALTY PRESENTS PASTORAL View -)ton arch Summit II. Plan H. J BR. 2 B.-\, prof. lndscpd & decorated. $119.500. OPEM DAILY. FAHTASTIC Fa mily Home 4 BR. 2 BA. delightful kitchen w/new appliances, dining rm. newly decorated, new plush carpeting thru-oul. Prof. lndstpd. H.oom for pool. $117.500. OPEN EVERY SAT 1:30-4:30. DAHAPOINT Duplex -Lrg. l ) r . new. UPPER 3 BR. 2 BA, w/ocean \'iew for fse. S450. LOWER 2 BR. 2 BA. Parking for 4 cars &priced right atS165,000. LAGUNA NIGUEL -4 BR. 2 BA best huy in ar ea. Perfect for family. Master BR sep. from other aR.·s. $124.900. WISTMIHS TEI 0,.n •"..-Y S• I :30·4:30 at 9392 CorOMt An. • Beau t. famtly home, 3200 sq. ft.. 3 Huge BRs, 3 full BA. Prof. lndscpd & decorated. Many a menities. Mos t beaut home in area. Sl4.9,500. RENTAL Former model home -3 BR. den.· 2 BA, pvt. beach. 2 Pools, tennis crts, lease option. $460/mo. Plush Blue Lagoon lease -ocean view, 3 BR, 3 BA pvt. beach. 2 Pools, tennis cr•s, gate guard. Washer . drye r inc Id in laundry room. S650. Rent or lease option -3 BR, 2 BA. pool. recently decorated & lnclscpd. Low maint. $475. Dana Point DUPLEX a~ I 9411 4944035 Close to the beach. Clean •-;;,111·---=---=========~~ 3 & 1 BR, Cpl.'&• drps, bltna, •car, eeio. $119,900 JACOIS REALTY 675-6670 SPAMISH ISTATI IMCHJ.OIY ••..flOOL $71,tOO Park·ltke 1roun ds mbance formal entry to (bl• eJe1ant home. $J>aclou1 living room. Flesta party room over- iooJts Jueh courtyard. Wet bar. Garden view ~chen. Spanl1h tile mlr- n)l'f le wood d.ramaUcaJ-11 blended lo complete mood or The c.urornla U testylel Open stairs awteP lo hu1e mHttr allte fc 1uest quarten. Gl'a try no~ Hurey I ... t aacrU,ce. Call ~l -=.c.:c.;.;;lllc..;;...t • " HUIHO /ff NIC'l 1 I 1002 GeMrol 100% PRISnotous IACK IA Y -lots of room lo live in and to live it up! 5 Bedrms, 3'h baths. cozy den, formal dining + huge BONUS ROOM, sundeck and paved rear yard for lots of RV's. A must see! $1951000. 14'·4141 PIOPLI tcMOW A GOOD THING - when t hey see ti. Another quality DEERFIELD home In one of Irvine~s newest areas. You and your family know a gobd thing at only $84,000. c• 112-6161. ,. • 1nq ""'·' • M•·'-. 1 lr111n1 · l1l111:,11q!•111 Ii•·" I• Nr·wpurl (il',I( t1 ~~ .......... !~~!!~~~ .......... !!~~ THE STARNES COMPANY REAL TORS 640·5711 180 NewP.ort Center Dr .. N.B. PR!SEMTS •Bit Canyon GoH _Courst Estate• The ultimate in living luxury on nearly ~ ac. lot. Enter parking court thru remote control gates for privacy & secwity. Marvel at nearly 7000 sq. f t. home i deally d edlg n ed a nd decor ated for formal entertaining, yet h as a cozy d e n fo r .lleJaxing, a separate 'am e r oom /wet ba r • for casual parties, spectacular free form pool /jacuzzi and separ ate pool house for wet fun, 5 huge bedrooms. 5~ baths. breakfast nook. and of course an exercise room. LO CA Tl OM LOCA TIOH Immac. 3 BR, 2 BA, in one of the best areas in Costa Mesa. Beaut. big yard, close to all schools. Priced to sell, hurry call today. IALIOA ISL.AMO "'HEAr" CHARMER Beam celling, walk to s hops. market. See this one. .... ,. t OOJ &1•r• I 00% ....................... ·····•••·········•····· LE:. 111111 ILlllS UD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE S11CTACULAI LIDO ISLE New Listing. One Of• A Kind, BeauUful, Cheery, Sunny, Street To Stra da. One Sty Hom e. T~~ee Bedroom. Two Baths, Lrge. L1vmg Room, Sep. Dlnlng Room. Lovely ~un Room Plu.s South Patio. ReallY An tmmaculat~ Home. Built BY Hots ein. Price4 at $235,000. A ••Joy Of Newp<>rt'" LtaUng. ... ~Coldwell Banker ~ REsaNllAL BROKERJIGE C~ DB.UX& TOWNHOUSE DUPLEX 9 bedrooms. 3 baths and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Perfect for investor .or owner occupied. Can walk to Lido Village, markets and steps to canal and ocean. Some view of ocean. Owner has to sell! $265.000. CAPE COD CHARMER Close to the water in tree shaded Bayshores private community. 3 bedrooms, den, newly decorated and landscaped. Sl95,000 and you own land: TREASURE ON TEftRAPIH This Baycrest family area is i·arely available. See this exclus ive 4 Bdrm. plus Family Rm. home on pool.sized lot. Refreshing --a nd its yours for$185.000 Fee. , PICTURE THIS Your home is delightlul. with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, patios. fully landscaped and draped. close to a lovely lake. You can have it all right in Woodbridge for only S92.500. OLD COROHA DEL MAR Finely crafted contemporary with extensive custom use of wood & ston9. Two bedrooms, large adult familv room with wet bar. sw1mm0 ing pool & guest house. Easy walk to the beach. S225.000. mG CANYOH·TO, GOLF couise VIEW 2 .Bdrm. Greenbriar in prime location close to tennis, pool & jacuzzi. Lge. enclosed front patio, 2 balconies on the view side. J:"'ormal Dining Room. Wet Bar. Fireplace. Large Master Suite. Sl 74.500 including the la nd. SPRINGTIME FRESH ••••• and ready to move into. Like new condition inside and out. 3 spacious bedrooms. 2 bath s . plus kitchen.family room on q_uiet Eastbluff Cul-de-sSac. This could be your finest Christmas gift. Sl3.9,500. HARIOR VIEW CARMEL Owner is moving and has round a new home. This is the first time this lovely 3 bedroom. 2 bath home with a large yard. has been offered. Asking Sl47,900. THI VIEW FROM THE TOP ln beautiful Turtle Rock President Homes. A fabulous plan 50 w.lt~ 3 bedrooms plus family and dmmg rooms. All large rooms plus a l.arge private yard on the top of the hill. A very rare opportunity at S2JO.OOO. . . CORONA DEL MAR MOOERH Three Bdrms. Two baths on R·2 l~t. one/half block abo.ve Bayside in woodsy seclusion -This one must be seen to appreciate. $159,000 . NIWPORT CONDO Newport Crest 2 story, w/greenery galore. 3 Bdrms. Upgraded car~ts, fixtures. decor. Astl'o·turf balconies. Seller leaving area. Quick Sale. Priced atS127,000 fee. < ,.. ~· ~IMG SPECIAL - llG CANYON Lovely 4 bedroom, familr room, dining room, VIEW home with ~real privacy on Cul-de·Sac street: Nicely decorated. Beamed ceilings, upgraded !loor coverini<; d~cor by L. Harding. 3 separate p~taos. fire plt. o_verlooks community pork. Special atS317.000. ~ A C0UWB.L ...._CO. 644-1766 2'11t IA~NHtLLa "O. IN NIWOftTCl,NTP .. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 111 li11y\Hlt fJ1 ""' N B 6/'} 6161 DIRECTORY ...... ...., .. K twJwMl r-tWt ........ n y.. ... _, ......................... ~ -~ill ,,...._. ... .., .................... ill...,..DAA.Y,N.OTWIMJ ADl.Ptllrw ...., .... ..._..,. .. _..,__-.e4tethtw••••www"-ill ... ..._ .... s• •1• -.,. 4633 Cam. Sh rs. Dr, Cam. Shrs. NB HOUSES FOR SALE 1>45-2848 $425,ooo Open Daily 1·5 :!745 Drake Ave., Mesa del Mar. CM 2 I EOROOM 34<»2 El Encanlo. Dana Point 496-7711 S85.000 Sunday 1-4 432Westminstcr, Nptllls, Npt. B<:h 752-1920 $11 5.000 Sat&Sunl·5 9715 Bi ekl cy, lluntinglon Beach 898-7855 $63,!){)0 Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Surfside Court. Nwpt Tcrraec 645·72~1 S8:J,500 Sat 1-5 2 BR & FAM RM or DEN 300 E. Coast 1 lw v i150( DeAnia Vil.) 642-8235 S50.SOO Sa 1-5/Sun. 11-3 •2927 P erla (Bluffs) N.B. 6-10-8826 $154.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 646-7711 Sat.1-5 •21 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 752-1920 $250.000 Sunday 1·5 Ul812 Windja mmer, Huntington Bch 898-7855 Sll9.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 302 Avenida Cumbre' <Bluffsi N.B. 759-0811 Sl 79.500 Sun. 1~:30-4:30 2798 Bluebird (Mesa Verde) C.M. 759-0811 $129.500 Sun. 12 :30-4:30 436 Cambridge, Newport Beach 540-3666 $109.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 2725 Fremont. Co~ta Mesa 540-3666 S82,000 Sun.1-5 19322 Sierra Bello, Turtlerock · . 675-3411 $119.900 Sal/Sun 1:5 2951 Catalpa (Eastbluff) N.B. 2.80akdale CWdbrdg > Irvine 673-8550 $124,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE . 2 IEDROOM **633 Lido Park Dr. #A·l, N.B. 673-7300 $215,000 Swt. 12·4 •28 Lakeview, Woodbridge, Irv. 759-0087 Sll4,950SatiSwt all day 1638 "B" Iowa St, M. Verde.CM 545-9491 s.59,900 Sati Sun 12·4 14636 Oval <Walnut Square) Irvine 833-9781 s.53,950 Sati Sun 1·5 1192 Mitchell Ave, #104, Tustin 833·9781 SSl,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 IR & FAM RM or DEN 2444 Vista Nobleza, Bluffs, NB 631·1800 $157,500 Sunday 2-5 61 Sea Pine Ln <Big Cyn) N.B. · 644-4910 $198,500 SatiSwt 1-5 3 IEDROOM 2960 B Greenville, Santa Ana 540-3666 S68,900 Sati Sun 1·5 3 IR & FAM RM or DEN 359 Vista Madera,TheBtrs,NB 673-4400 $144,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 UO Orchard, Irvine 752· 1700 S76,900 Sunday 1-4 673-8550 $194,000 Sunday 1·5 · 1 TOWNHOUSES • ,, l BEDROOM 4515 Hampde n Rd,CamShrs,CdM 675-6000 $228,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 507 Marguerite. old CdM. CdM 675·6000 Sl38.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2907 Perla, the Bluffs, NB 675-6000 $142.500 Sal/Sun 2625 Vista Ornada. Nwpt Bch 640-1350 $176.000 Sunll-4 :30 .31086 Via El Husano, San Juan Capo 496-7711 $79.500 Sat &Sun 1-5 29252 H1dgcv1cw Dr., Laguna Beach 751-3191/831-0295 Sat/Sun 1·5 1195 Temple Bills Dr .. Laguna Bch 494.9473 5198,500 Sal. 12-3 1803 Iowa. l\lc!'..a Verde. Cosla Mesa 751-Jl!H $79,900 Sunday 1·4 2915 Broad St.. (NptHgts> NB 675 -4961 Sl45,000 Sunday 2-6 1213S. Driftwood, Santa Ana 847-6010 $66,000 Sun.12:30-4:30 •10710 Peony Circle, Fountain Vly 554-3576 S79.960 Sat/Sun 11·5 •11 Sundance. Npt Terl'ace, N. B. 498-:3240/645-8681 Sat 1-5 2 RueChatcnu Royal <BigCyn> N.B. 644-4910 $249.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2289 Republic, Costa l\lesa 646-7171 $74,800 Sat/Sun 1-5 215 Marigold , Corona del Mar 759-0811 Sun.12 :30-4:30 207 Milford Dr,CamShrs,CdM 673·4400 S269,500 S::it/Sun 1-5 3145 Court Ln, Costa Mesa 546·2313 S78,950 Sat/Sun 1-4 •1M9 J asm ine Dr. Corona del Mar 675·55ll $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 8195. Broadway, Santa Ana 540-3666 $52,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 27~Cliff Drive, Newport Beach 752-7315 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •8 Monterey Circle, Spyglass 675-3411 $249,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 406 Plata. Newport Beach 731-4911 107 ASt. Peninsula, N.B. Sun 1-5 631·1400 $265.000 Sat & Sun 4102 Brisbane, Univ. Park, Irv. 631-1400 $94,950 Sat&Sun 3 IR & GUEST 415 Pirate Rd. <CliftHaven) NB · 646-0931 $156,950 Sat/Sun 12·S J U & FAM RM or DEM 2173 Ocean Blvd., Balboa Penln 751-6373 $315,000 Sun.1-4 725 Bolsana (Porta Fina), Lag. Bch 499-4551 $279,000 Sun 11"'4 2284 Fordham, College Pk, CM · 545-4289 $86,500 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1634Skylark, Newport Beach 751-6373 $195,000 Sat 1-4 201 Pearl Ave. <Balboa Isl) N.B. 644-4910 $189,500 Sun 1.,s 321' Montana. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $82,500 Sunday 1·5 133 Masters Circle, Mesa Verde, CM 545-9491 · Sat. 12·4 9372 Grand Dr, Huntlneton Beach SQ.7881 $70,000 Sunday 1.U , 4 IB>ROOM 5411 Neargate. the Landing, HB 546-5990 Sl44,500 Sat/Sun 11·3 •6052Jade, Huntington Beach 962-7788 $77 ,900 Sunday 1-5 •17511 Luther (Culverdale> In:. 551-0714 S125,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1706 Dover Drive, Newport Beach 673-8661 $146.500 Sat &Sun 2-4 5881 San Souci, Huntington Beach 898-7855 $76.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 345 Universit y Dr. J -2, Costa Mesa 546-2313 S84,900 Sunday 1-4 935 West Bay, Bal Penn, Balboa 675-5511 $350,000 Sun 1·4:30 4 IR & FAM RM or DEM •1839 Sabrina Terrace, N.B. 631·1400 · $425,000 Sat. & Sun. 421 Seville, Balboa Pen Pt, NB 964-1681 Sat/Sun 12-5 27922 Calle Be lmonte, San Juan Ca Po 751-3191 $85,500 Sat & Sun 1·5 2324 S Pt. Durness; (HVHmes) N.B. 644-2601 $159,500 Sunday 1·5 24 Inverness Ln, Big Canyon, N.B. 759-0087 $320,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 25 Pinehurst Ln. <Big Canyon> N.B. 644-0786 Sat/Sun 1-5 4501 Surrey Dr, Cam .Hilnds,CdM 644-4910 $179,500 .Sat/Sun 1-5 •4531 Camden <Cameo Shores) CdM 644-6200 $349,500 Sat/Sunl·S 1915 Windward (Baycrest) N.B. 642-8235 Sat/Sun 12:30-4:30 •2101 Windward, Baycrest. NB 642-8235 . Sat/Sun 1·5 13031 Malena, Tustin/Orange Area 759-0811 $124,000 Sat.12:30-4:30 1507 Mariners Dr., Newport Beach 833-8600 $135,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 3045 Garfield, Costa Mesa 556·2660 $74,900 • Su nday 12-4 3286 California St. Mesa Verdel. CM 546-4141· $77 ,900 Sat 12·3/::>un 1-5 829St. Clair, MesadelMar~ CM 546-5880 Sat 1-5; Sun 12-4 1835TahitiDr. Mesa Verde, CM 546-4141 $139,900 Sat 1·5 2036 Phalarope, Mesa Verde. C.M. 675-5511 $128,000 Sat 1·5 18317 Foxglove Way);. Prk,lrv. , 833·9781 $109,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 14942 Elm, Irvine 540-3666 $119,500 sunl-S 2010 Balta P.I., Costa Mesa 546-2.313 $120,900 Supd~y 1.5 #5 Red Rock, Deerfield, Irvine 646-7711 Sat/Sun 1..S 1712 Pt. Wstbrne, HV Hm.s, NB 759-08115145,000 Sat/Sua/Mon 12:30-4:30 *2077 Mandarin, Cost a Mesa 646·7171 $142,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l!>Ml Sonny Cir, The Ranch, Irvine 752-7315 $103,950 Sat/Sun 1-4 #14 Shasta, Univ Park, Irvine 752-7315 $137,650 Sat/Sunl-4 873Sandcastle Dr. Harl>Ot'Yiew 675·3411 Satl-5 #!Snapdragon, Deerfield, Irv. 7~7315 $85,900 Sat.1-4 FOR SALE ..,. 3 IEDROOM *29 Canyon Island, Big Cyn, NB 759-0<m $169,500 Sunday 1·4 621 Shasta Lane, Costa Mesa 646·7711 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 21R&2-t IR 616 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 640-4708 $179,500 Sat/Sun 14 2 .. & 2 llt 414-4141h Acacia, Corona del Mar 673-8494 S199,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 511 Acacia. Corona del Mar 759-0811 $189,500 . - Sat. 12:30-4:30, Sun 10-2 479-481 Morning Canyon Rd., CdM 545·3483 $162,000 Sat l·S 3 llt Ir I llt 415·4151h Heliotrope, CdM 644-4848 $230,000 3 IR & 3 IR 512 Bolsa (Npt Hgts) N.B. Sun. l-5 646-7171 $185,000 Sat/Sun l·S 3215 Clay, Npt Hgts, N.B. 646-7171 $179,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 4 IR & 2 IR 704-7041h Larks pur, CdM , 675-5930 S234,ooo .sat/Sun 1·5 HOUSES ON A LOT 2 -3 IR 1041 &10411h W. Wilson, C.M. 752·0512 $99,500 Sat 1-4 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE Jll&llR '*411 Seaward. Cor.H'lnds,CdM 675-5511 $165,SOO Sat/Stm 1-4:30 3 II Ir I IR 718 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 631·1800 $154,000 Sat/Slm 1·5 RANCH FOR SALE 41 11.0IOOM 7305 Saddle Hills Trail, Orange 559-3344 Saturday/Sunday MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 2 llDIOOM '**C.AochrgeWy'TlOUdoPkDr,NB 67$.5857, S.SS,500 Sat/Stm ICM APARTMENT FOR RENT 3 ••OOM 418·2 Vla Udo Nord, Newport Bcb 644-4910 S750i mo. Sat/Sun 1·5 * ,... w ......... .......... ,.,. I OPEN Mi! Lv?~o~rta~~~g in thls lovely 4 bdrm., FR, 21~ ba. home. Has just been totally up-graded thruout. GOOD LOCATION. Priced to sell at $135,000. 1507 MARINERS DR., N.B. A STEAL! View home on the bluffs above the harbor: 3,000 Sq. ft. hOme with sunken bath & frplc.; all on a big, tree lined lot than • Worth much more the asking price of $.184,500 McCornwc.k REALTY 494-7551 OPEN HOUSES 1-5 PM • CAMEO SHOUS -from the moment ' you enter the courtyard gates of this Cameo Shores beauty you are a ware of an immaculate 4 bednn + pool ~ h o me. Tota ll y upgrad e d . MAGMIFICIMT VllW. Offered at- $315,000. Open Swi; 4639 Gorham Dr. • .. HARIOlt VIEW WU -tri-Je.,1el home :: has many custom features. Large ~ courtyard, beautiful olive tree and • many rose bushes. Bltn bookshelves. I formal dining rm, paneled family rm w/parquet. floor, huge pooL Open Sat;_paSaadeasUe Dr. • ) ~ TUl1\EROC1C llOADMOOlt-newlJ d.· : 4 rer ed, 3 bedrni. (amlly rm. home. :· Corner lot. Approx 1750 sq. ft. Nicely ~: , landscaped. Vacant. Owner amdous. : · ore ered at $119,900. Opeo Sat/Sun; ~ 19322 Sierra Bello ~ ·A SPYGol ASS-llST YALUl-bemltlful 8 bed rm Portsmouth model features beautiful pool and jacuzzi. SUper deep 3 car garage that has a Cbildreo'a • ~ game room and a bath with dressing ~ ~ area tor pool Highly Qpgraded. Move ·~ in condition. Offered at $ZO.:iOQ. Open : : Sat/Sun; 8 MontereJCircJe. ~; S"GLASS -This p0pular Portsmouth !° .4 :model offers 3 bedrms, 2 ba th. :: 1 'Imm11culate condition. 3 Car garage.·~ . iApprbx 2 yrs old. Also offers beautiful 1 !Ocean view. Tinted windows. Owner ' ·will carr 1 l arge 2nd trust deed .. ()ff ered at $298,000. Located at 19 San. Mateo W~; openSUnday. . OTHER ·PROPERTIES !) llG CAMYOM DEAHi -most popular •. J Versailles model. end unit. Gorgeous • night view with Catalina as a bonus. • • Highly upgraded. Priced to sell. ~ ' I RUFFS FIRST OFFERING -spectacular ~ Bay View, one-of ·a·klnd enlarged · J Bluffs 3 bed rm home w /3 baths. This JI! home provides excellent privacy with beautiful courty ards. Highly up. graded. Call for details. $50,950 CORdMA DEL MAR DUPLIX - t his - 2 Bedrm, 1 ~ bath Condo. duplex has been completely remodeled ti"! New carpet.a. & paint. new carpets thruout n ew paint inside End unit lacing green d t N • I. j area. Hurry. won't last. a~ ou • ew a pp 1ances. Each .. ~ 546-5880 urut features: 2 bedrms.1 batb. Highl,y ) · desirable rental area. . ~~~~ HERITAGE . • REALTORS ..... & lncol9e Deluxe Duplex, golf course view. 2 Bedrm each. Private, quiet, la rge garages. Only SU0,000 Cal I S40-11Sl ~ ~,$~ HERITAGE . • REALTORS Wl•Opea.5~ 2 BR & lamlly. Near pre-aligious Canyon Lake. Large lot. Loads of nowering trees. Country Club members hip available. Only $30,000. Cal.1 548-5880 ~~~ HERITAGE . • REALTORS OCEAMVllW NEWPORT IEACH -Call us to see this: outstanding 4 bedrm, 2~ bath h ome in• one of Newport•s fin est areas.~ I BeautUul family kitchen area with ' custom s hutters, wet bar in family ' room, pool size yard, close to com-· , munity tennis & pooL All this for under • $180,000 Fee. I • ,. COSTA MESA mPLEX -reduced! Ap.; prox 2830 sq.ft. of well maintained Jiv. .. : ing s pace. 4 Carports. 10 yrs old. located in good rental a r ea. New *' / carpet, paint & wallpaper front unit. • DW ~ bltns. all units. Offered a t ~' $144,5oo. j • . . " .( New luxury 2800 sq.I'\. •••••••••••·-.. -·-•••••••••••-·-·-~:i:~~'d~;~~ GUESTHOUS! . $175.000 IMllced 1 for'tnal living rm, w/ Goes with over 2,000 toS 159,500 ocean view. Formal din· sq.ft. prime Cliff Haven SELL! SELL, SEL~t ing rm, fully equip'd home. W/sunken livin1 Ownerdesperate.IBR.i kitch w/brea.kfast bar & rm. formal dln.ing rm, 3 BA,MBQYextru.OceU, tile separate serving lplc's,&morel3Br2Ba. cityligbtavlewwltbaua. Island. Lee family rm $158,950. By owner. set.s.C&llforappt.toeee adjacent to beautiful 848-0931 aft 4PM Open Century 21 Crocker , laodacaped & tlled House SaVSun 12·5, 415 80-S082 courtyard. Upstairs IPir::!!' ~a~te~R~d.!.!..' ::!_N!B·:__ __ j~~~~~~~~ master bdrm w/walk tn -I closet " pvt bath. Addl· GIMHI 1002 G1Mr.. IOU tlonal bdrms w/bath & 1 •••·-··~·-·•••••• ••••••••••·--- with outdoor patio & .. -------------· ocean view. Spacious 2 car garage w/3rd out· .• door parking area. For the dlscrtminate. Full broker cooper a ti on. Price redu ced to s:ns.ooo. Open Hou.se Sun l~M. 21'73 Ocenn Blvd. CE 110111 ILlllS ca .. ***** IAYClEST DEC POOL HOME complete-ly remodeled 3 Br 2 Ba executive h o m e w/decorator patio it pool. 2 tplc'111 all new cpts, cabinets & tile thruout house . PresUgfous location. Dbl gar & home just repaint· ed~ Muat aee to ap-p r e ct ate. Broker cooperation. Priced S\95,000. Open House Sat. 19' PM. 16lW Skylark, NwptBcb.. A'J"0'4ttl ....... ,.... ... 714-751-6373 Doo't «itve u,p the 1blpl "Ual" lt ln cluslficd. Sblp to abor• r.ultal M2.-r1· ,, OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE REAL ESTATE IROICIRS We Have Openings In Our Newport Beach Offjce For Experienced Real Estate Licensees Who Feel Comfortable Listing And Selling Homes Jn All Of Newport aeach's Prestigious Areas. Applicants Must Possess High Integrity And Be Qualified To Give Top Service To Ho~eowners And Future Home Owners. As k About Our Commission Incentive Program. All AppllcaUoliS Held ConfldcntJal. Please Call · J ohn Merrill, Manager. , Ill DOnl DllYI &Jl.) •. : I Y _.,lOT 8atutday, ~ tf ,,,, ...,.., ,_ w. ....... ,_ s. ........... w. Ho.wt .... w. ....... For,. ............................................................... , •....•...................•.............•...••.•..•.• ~!~!~~~ ........ [~~~~ ........ ~~~~ ........ ~!~~ •• :-: ... ~~ ....... !!~~ ~~ ....... !~!.~ ~~!'. ...... !~!.~ ~~~.~.!!.~! ~'!'! ........ : ... !~.~! ens 1i11 10tz•wr_, 1 cletM• 1022 C.W .. M• 1022 MISAVIRDI IYOWNB ** $158 500 . •-•••••••t-••••-•• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••••• ••••• •••••• -.-y CLUI <>Pen Sat 1·5 * S4U IY OWH8l • u . Cvvn•" Super clean 3 br, 2 bo, BELIEVE IT?. 3 Br, l YI ba Condo. Liv Dea~~ home-•• na v. REALTORS. '75-5$11 OPBI HOUSIS 935 WIST IAY AVE -Cholc• apot Oft Ha. IALIOA ....... MSUU: Clow to tot.wpert HertMw pcht club. Step out tM frollt door to • M1Mfr bHc.h. Lo•.ty. cuatoM built co,. Cod. Hvff bedroom °" • R·2 Sot wltt. "'°°"' to Mild 2nd uNt. OPEN SUM 1·4:JO p.M. $350,000. • 441 SEAWARD CORONA Hl6HLAHDS -s..r,nn In Cot"OftO def Mor. A 2 b.droom hCMM with sfftall lwcCMM 1111it ..... I to ... Ip pay the costs. Also o gnat swinning poof for yow pleoswe &. nluoHOft, or priYate beach. OHM SAT & SUH 1-4:30. $165,SOO. 2036 rHALAROPE, Mua Verde - Owaer-agettt wonts sole this weetc .. ttd. bcelltnt lcrge, two story fOfllily home; · • Hwly c_,..t.d, formal dlnfnq room. fomlty room •wty Cor'p•t~. It's o buy. OrEN SAT I to 5. $128,000. lDrin to ... octttffo to Swan to P"oloropeJ. # 49 JASMINE DRIVE -JASMINE CREE« -One you have but1 wait'"9 for. Plan 6 and beautifully decorated: most.r suite wlttl prhate study and ocean view; three t,»,droom home In pri•ote community, TEHNIS, pool, jacu11.I, clubhouse. Where the IMtMJ Is greaf -REMEMBER, I lcnow because I live there too. Jean Cole, S225,000. OPEM SAT, SUM 1·4:30 COLE Of NEWPORT REAL TORS 2515 E. Coost Hwy., Corona del Mor 675·55' ' l'M 14Ck IN COlOHA DEA. MAR Come & visit our new office at 3601 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Ma~ (corner of Orchid A vc. ). Our associates are Carol Pukli & Tom Fleming. Por the convenience of residents of Laguna Beach, visit our office al 1213 N. Co~t Hwy., Laguna Beach. MAURY STAUFFER SEA LION RE.AL TY l601 E. Comt Hwy •• CdM '71-5354 l 2 1 l M. Cst., Loguno leocll 497.3 311 I COf"OINI cW Mer I 022 Coroeo cW Mer I 022 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPER DUPLEX ! ! 704-7041/a LARKSPUR OPEM SAT/SUM. 1-5 The home you have been looking for + an xlnt income unit! 4 Bdrm., 3 bath home with every quality feature; cottage with 2 bdrms. & 1 bath, leased at$450. Come on BUY! $234,000 lc6oa ,.........,o I 007 Corotto del Mor 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• VILLA ram.rrn .• onquletcuJ-de· rm, din rm It tnatdl' Park ~naln,cton mdJ. 3 Btdroorn, 2 both. sac. Nr 20Ua & lrvlne •3 ..... ,. lmmd rm. Upi:rude<l No w/pool, Jacuul " air. Please call 831 ·0295 Dnve by, 2038 Allao & •2•/1httt common wall 2 ~tor)'. U!tm!pootMd.~~1·1~ '1VITll!lr/agt. cal l 548·&897 or •1700C-ff. S68.~ Ph ~623527 NO aq . l. in · :c \Zl3)43'/.1809 •T--.ts?'.............. AG'n;. tbruout, Comlna Cook· EHT9TAIM --... loP slove. lush atrium, OFTIM7 MESA GREEN BROOK •'ool auto spnnklen " lites. WOODS rOOL Located ln ctr. on trnct. ONLY Sll,000 Good CMd l'ahloMd Ownrl Aitt. ~ HOMI Tastefully decor 'd. PACIFIC COAST Friettdshlp DICUTIVIHOMI See this gorgeous 2 story lhruout w/ground! m ror PROPERTIES HUNTINGTON Culverdale, 4 Br, 2 ba. beauty w/fmly rm & aldne! 631 •0400 AonAime Cond~~~~~~\> for Luxuriously appointed. frml din rm. Fabulous 714-7eOO "J"' tttlult..~, rull rccrcatann i,-. acre re~ard w/3 side yrd & pool area that * * * fact!. ~ hour security putlos, redw sundeck, flows from Ii v rm used brlck plant.9ra& w/vaulted celling11 & 1ate. For• holiday ever. BBQ, custom pool & kitchen. Call todllY to In· fill Up yday, c1ill: jacunl. New carpets, 1pect $45-9491 Jtldl Fick A ASIOC drapes, latUce, mirror· · and Save! '6l-.0926 Ing, stained glass. St.one ~ Walker 1; Lee Real &late Fix & Save SSS Use your imagination! With paint, carpet and some!ixin' you can turn Ws large 4 bednn, faml· ly home into a showplace. Big famjly room, pool siie back yard. 3 car garage, & much more!! This won't last! Call now MS-0303. FOR EST £ OLSON '• ....... . *** OPEHHOUSE l•--------1 Great Eastside location, Medcan floors, Mexkan R U S T I C .....__..._ tile counter tops, &a.a extra large lot, fruit .... '!"#on stove, new dlshW1lsber, trees .. SkyUahl upslairs, H.tiaw I 042 Kitchen Aid shutters, CH •RM 3 bedroorrui, formal d1n· ••••••••••••••••••••••• grass doth, parquet " l n g • Ii v in g r 0 0 m oc1: "'NFRONT n Wed blt . b O.._. BLUFF fireplace. Trailer park· ~ oonng, ·m ar, n \ng, $79,500, BKR, call Sunset Beach French doors, converted Bk A closet.s. etc. , $74,900 540-l720. ~=· 2 lot.s. r/ gt 3'7o agents welcome. TARBIU. Price $125,000. Open ONE OF A KINDi Heavy house SaUSun. 11·5 pm. wooden, open beamed SEAGATE 17511 Luther, Irvine. :~!~,!! t!:!:,~~i~~p~~:: "#I le Cdlfonllo" DEEPWATER TNHSE 1_5.51_-0'1_14 _____ _ ~.... ---------• Lowest priC(! waterfront WOODBRIDGE with 3 large bedrms, 2 lull baths, and oversiz.ed RB>UCB> $10,000. at only $l9e,SOO. Call to-CROSSING ltvina rm. 8500 aq.ft. Fantastic 4 BR Mesa da~URCELLREALTY The Village of Wood· estat.esnelot. Zoned R4. Verde home. A real bridge. The best or both NOW VACANT for Im· bargain for the wise in· 846-2:848 worlds. Arcbltecturally mediate occupancy and vest.or. Agt. MS-1103 unJque 2"3 bdrm al· priced for fut aale! IEACHCOHDO tached & detached re· Hurry. call now! 963-8961 1)-. PoW I 026 BR Cpl d k OW sldencea from $96,990. "-'oolaJ Real "'"'ta•-1 • c, sun ec • , "'""'llBl """ ~ """ ••••••••••••••••••••••• custom upgrades, tennis, _ _. _______ _ !~~~~~~~~~~!·---~~~--pool, must see! Woodbridge 2 Br+ den. z IACK IA y COMDO A STEAL! COUMS&OR RL TY b a , e r o a d m o or E.Slde llbr en, 2~ba. 345 View home on the z.rs 960.4311 w/atrium, cor. nr lake, University Dr. See Sun. above the harbor. s; pools, & tennis. $107,000. Opn Hae Direct ory. Sq. It. home withs n 8"hw I 044 551-0685 1076 Bk bath & frplc. • all on a ••••••••••••••••••••••• •--------- 6'5-' r. big, tree lined'tot. Worth Condo·lBr, ORANGE ''THE RANCH" by MEAT AS A PIM! much IDOl'e than t..be ask· TREE, upgraded, must owner, 3 Br/FR, 2 Ba. Sunny E/Sldc, 2br home lngpriceo!Sl84,500 sellbyl~31PPS59-6100 A/C, ~ndscpd yard on Duplex, different, un-ooquiettreelined cul·de-Mcc.r-ck quie~ CUl de sac. Perfect OPIH 12-5 usual. xtras. Front house * * * H l REALTY 494-7551 !amlly home, close to SAT 1·4PM 380 MIRA LOMA PACIFIC COAST PROPERTIES 631-0400 C..tOMSledr1'1 2br. 2\ia, liv. dining rm---------~~tcchenu~~e~1°o~ki~Y OWMl'S9Y1Sell! ~~ & park. $92.500. aa.booPet1. Pt. area Washer/dryer rm. ELEGANT manicured back yard. Fountalft V~.y I 034 Prlcereduced$2000. Lov---------- .. 21 S••ill• Gd storage space. WcU TIU-LEVEL P06slble VA Agt 645-3009 ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• ely 4 bedrm, 3 ba & fam ltt.AHD HEW .. .. built, new! Rear unit, ------';;;.__----1 3Br2'4 Bahomeonculde rm home in •'The Completely remodeled Up:i tairs lbr, lba , MlSAVEtlDE sac, acrosa from Mile Ranch". Decorated in S76,900· executive home! Better kitchen, liv. & dining This home is like buying IARGAIN!! Square Park, sparlcling warm earth tones, up-Thick brown lush carpet. tban new with custom area. Lovely outside brand new. lnt.erior com· 3 Bdrms., 2 baths; com· pool & jacuzii, or shops graded carpets 9 mos. ing. Warm fireplace. 2 amerulles too numerous deck. Downstairs. 1 br, pletely redecorated • plet.ely remodeled, room &c school. Open House new, one block to park & King sii.e bdrrns + den. to menuon. !luge family Jba, 3 Car gar. $179,500. plush crpting, drps, tor boats & campers; a 11.5,SaVSun.5S4·3S76 tennis cts. Over 2100 Handy gourmet kitchen. rm, den, formal dining & Courtesy to bkrs. Gl6 wallpaper even new must see; . Eastsid -=-~....:_....:_ _____ sq.ft. for$ll2.SOO. Home overlooks green· more. 41 2 baths. 2~2 car Gold od Cd M "AO 4708 vinyl. 4 big bdrms, huge ,..._la M'"~a. Cl.Ill ---------1 645-1474 belts. Call now 752-1700 garaoe + workshop. Call cnr · .,.. . !ml'· 1r I f r """ "~ ""c:.".!r:~=~:·~.... ":.:~~i~~~=:~· dln.'.~:...~,;:,~, ,m "'~'=.==•·==.==~r' ~~i~5~:~·~~ BB ti;&Ni1: ~stranoleoch 1018 This charming 2 Br --baths, 3 lge bedrms. --~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• home, hus a most spec· »OH v. r'RJiHl<llK !!pac. patio, dbl gar.. UNIV. Part Village III. tacul<lr \'l<'W of ocean & EASTS IDE CON DO. I RE:AJ. TOM ' VA.FHA or conventional 2200 sq ft df!tacbed home GfftffoJ 1002 ·G~rol I OOZ OCEAN VIEW 2 br, frpl, quret s t . C l s to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • be h/ hi R f bo t ac sc . m or a. harbor Jetty. If you lrke Beaut decrt'd 2 Br, 1•·, 3:l50reo.-, termsat$77.SOO. . Room for inxlntloc.4brbighlyup-beumrd t:ln~s. antiques ea. wt pool, rec rm & 6'40-7000 531-~. eves.963-0391 graded thruout, lg. yd'. ~" . l : • U' , . FORMER MODEL SUPER SHARP $15,900 Spat'lllU.\ ''ntrv h;1ll .of form1•r model hom('. leads to larrie. lui.urlou., hvrng room finrshl'd with premium i:rude wall & floor coverrnl(s. Natural -.ooct burninJ: flrl'plut'l', profes:.1onally landscaped. Owner nce1h fa1>l i.alc. Hurry. call Elrot 9(;2·7788 kEY REALTORS. G~ral 1002 General 1002 ·······••·•·········•·· •.•...................• * * Frank A .. ers I 527 Santa Ana St. CostaM.so You are the wrnntr of 2 fn·c l1t•keli. worth St I tu HOLIDAY OM ICE at th<' ANAHf.lM CONVENTION Cf.NTl::H Dec 27th -Jan 1st. Free Tickets l(OO<l for Dec . 30th or 31 s t perf or man l cs. (;al I 642 5678. C''Cl J:J:l, lo claim your t1ckt'I!'. •• INVESTOR 'S SPECIAL·4 PLEX 2YRSHEW MEAROCEAN $45,000 DOWN Pndc of ownership units with fantastic stone fireplaces. l::n closed 1;ura1tes. All beaut1tul spacious units. Owner boul(hl another · must sacriflcll~ Hurry~ Many additional investment opportunities. Ca II now! OOJ.7881 ~ 1,,1,,?. 11 \, '"' "' f1+ .. , rt· • 002 Ci.-ral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• c:;::SELECT T:PROPERTIES MESA VERDE REDUCED Roomy 3 bedroom, 2 bath with cracklinl-{ britk fireplace. Super Mesa Verde location. Close to schools. shopping. & freeways. New paint & decor. The owner is anxious to sell. Full price now is $79,900. CALL 751·3191. RV, etc. SSS,000. Prin on· ly. 493-5472 &peaccfulhv1ng,callto· lndry Cac. Won't last. --------•i lllt1REHetwork The Holidays! $134,900. Ownr 551-46.12 day S00.000. Wm. Powell Real ~~~~~~~~~J 2 Story home in '1'he aft 7pm D. Ricketb Rltr E$t ate, ask for Carrie 2 Easts1dc Sleepers Hwwti'")ton leach I 040 Ranch·• area of tine --"--------&--T--f-•"9-.-1 95.S~\17 642·3263 _4_97_·_17_5_1.____ 1·2bedrm,$7R,500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• homes.I Mother·ln·law PRICES~~~! ec rans err . I S I T -d -d29 NDYM .A.N'S 1·3bedrm,S85,000. MOTHER, .... • "'W quarters, 4 bedrms, Subper 2 stobry u :,..,., ome. Beaut. 3 bedrm, form a pyg ass ra ewm 5.' HA A Call for appt. only • ,....,_ formal dining, den. brick 4 r, 2~ a. rnar.mY up. dining rm, 24xl9 beamed Ca mbrr a , ocean view· Century 21 Doyle . Welcome or teen delight. fireplace. Extra baths, graded thruouL Nr. park ceiling ra m rm & sngllttory,4br.2~ba.Dy DRr..A.MHOME rna 1168 Private quarters, $99900BKR ... 01720 &comm.pool.Best buy massl.ve deck w/com· ownc•r. 644 18311 _____ , s;A .,..,. • · '"' · • nl $106 000 H Fantastic opportunity separate from main ato Y . . ur1"100 manding ocean view.1.-_-;. ______ -i for the bandyman seek· Landtobulld2Units house. Very upgraded TARIEU. thisone.Callnow! Over 2000 sq.ft.. les:. than DUrLEX Ing a I rge workshop at Plus present housl' "Beachwalk" wt jacuzzi, 963·089 I , mt lo beitch. Only . home. Big separal<' RcntedntS380/mo. wood decking-3 bdrms · --======~~ Sl 15.000. Owner mu!>t 2·2 lx.'C.lrm, I bath um~s. building in back ltWtable Call for details 3\lz baths. walk to beach. ..#I In CaHfontio" sell ' Red Carpet Come set!buy (OpenSat ror mechanic. wood Cent..ury21Doylc 968-3371 Realtors 496·4775 l·S. 47!1·"81 Morning Ca· 548·1168 • nyo~~~~·~:S448 ~~k~·u:~e~~~~~~nci1~ --8-__.---41--..,-su-al--(ro=--.•"~"'m•. 'l'!u•m•11P.11ml'l1•4•a• ~~"ir~~ PB~~~~~ Corona de4 Mar 645-0303. ~.. rm. 2200 sqfl. New cpts, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. Din Rm, l"am Rm, Real F..state drps, steps Crom maJ . top cond. Close to ever greenbelt & pool. Owner. >1hrng. Broker. 8~·53W. 4 BR. frplc. very clean. Avail immed. $112,000. S 13,450 DOWN 213·598·72711 e\;s. $71.795. Approx 1550 sq fl. c.c."."""". Owner oul of s tate. _ ...... __ .,,,.,_, ______ ·~~~~~~~~ COtlOHA OEl MAR 4 Br H• Ba. 2 car gar. WW 960-4144. W"' ..... ED ..: FOREST£: OLSON •4< •••A•' JH..- 2 BR. l BA home on H.21---------1 ••c--~ t d s M del ---------1 ~""' lot. Live in front unit LOC ..t.TIO ..... •. •. --------~IP s. s78'P250. 8 i::;a FIXER UPPER' Have buy er f or WOODIRIDGE "" " MESA VERDE " ar028, • · Y owner. · • Sycamore Plan on cul de PRESCOTT while building 2nd unit 41• Aca"ra, reduced to · "·'" I 3 Bd 2 B $65 000 d ., ~ IUCCOL"' ~.,. rm, a -· sac (Woodbridge L"sl Woodbridgehome.S on rear or lot. Outstan · $199,500! First user·s tax ~ Cl t G ld w t " I C!L..t..-L. c· I "'R"-E co .... D• ose 0 0 en es Creekside) Write P .O. Bdrm or 4 Bdrm+den. mg investment. On Y break on the new plush 2 271l ..7W,,_,,. tr. .,_ 'WI' "" • College & shopping cen· d 1 r II $134 500 "b h t y 4 h d' ram $59 500 Box 3001, N.B. 92663. Oversize ot. u Y . · bdrm., :o ut vrew uni ; mmac. yr, in rm, , t.ers. ()pen Sun 1·5. 15841 A t lnd.scpd. Jdeal tor pool. unusual 2 bdrm., 2 hath rm. 3 car gar. Xlnt. loc. Two story, 4 br :J ba, dbl Carrie Lane. gen · All upgrded. Mexican CALL 955-0350 I .fl ''~•l..LHI I ,1. • •·'~ ~ R I J\\ T [.JO', I U VI l I )Pl 11' t BY OWNER no stell6 tiome. Open for Premium size lot at the garage & wkshp, lg SO CALIFORNIA RLTY u~•v. p .A.RK pavers tile. A/C. Liv, din youSat/Sun.1 to4. end of the cul·de·sac. patio, built·ins, acres 546·5605 ...,., ~ rms. 3 bath. 3 Car iar. i . I LI • Great family home. gardens, play areas, . . Deane Home. Jbr, 21".iba, Nr park. Walk to lake. ~oit>na<Zav'l'Ul!lt REF.SEREALTORS s wim pool. Owner . S&S Resale Spec1alrsts. din rm, fam rm. Sl86,000. Brkr/Own.r t1A ~J....v. ./_• _, 751 ·1473 5454526 3.4 or 5 bdrm models $142,000/trade. 673·8'C37 5524121 or 835.3535 -o.&~ftr'v·r.vrw""6<>----------• avail. some w/pools. ~ ~"-81.9~ SPARKLIM' MEW Price Reduced 968-4602 lrYine I0441rvlne 1044 "Iv BUYERS CHOICE OF Pennington Properties ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2435 E. Coast Hwy .. CdM COLORS-now under Sharp N/sidc home. Cul· construction-this de·sac street. 4 bedrm, custom 3 bedroom . 2 covered patio wl j3BQ. bath home with fireplace Top condition & fai & fenced yard ism lovely price of $79,900. Ca I Eastside 3.rea. now! Owner ls anxious 710 Fernlcaf. 2 br. 1 ba l•--------1 front house. Cpls, Frplc. ---------1 New 2 br, 2 ba 1000 sq. fl. apt. All bltns. cpts, drps. 963-9470. $194,SOO. WOODSY2STY Rustic architecture with abundant glass .. Heavy shake roof. vaulted <.-eil· ings, s weeping master and children's wing. Open hearth fireplace. Ma gaiine perfect kitchen. Multi.purpose area. In the S70's. One or our newer homes. Bkr 536-93ll. mac nab I Irvine realty IT'S DIFFERENT Redwood ext .• 2 patios & deck. Front 2 br. 1 Vi ba. rrplc., wood panel. teak cab., slate Or., blt·JOS. Rear; up & down 2 br 1 ba. wood panel. $169.SOO. Owner 644·1687 after 6 PM. ENTERT AIHMEHT CENTERM. ~Macnab· lrvme I I \I I , I I 1\1 • \ . I DUPLEX-$ I l0,000! Great So. of hwy. loca· lion! 2 BR + I BR. each w/prr vuk patio area. One of lea:.t expensive in· vestment properties m CdM. <Offered subj to c11ncellal1on of ex1strng escrow>. <A20 1 Holly Markas 644·6200 Spacious 2 + fam·rm. in private Irvine Terrace. Many custom reatures. Costa Mno I 024 Full price $161,000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 644·9513 * * R-2 * * 645-7221 an'=·~~ a..---a.1e. ..-. -..;$i-t9l0 . 1400 ®All n HIW HACH , Mesa Verde Golf Club 5 Br, fantastic vrcw. ~ Acre. $295.000. Shown by appt. only. 1790 r i1nay Cir. WHtdlff Realty $2000DOWN Want to see little bucks. turn into big bucks. ll', simple, buy this cute BR home for only $52,500. Low down & cheap pay men ts. 540-3666 FA.MT ASTIC IUY I rcn HunthtCJf oq S&S Quality built lath & plaster. 4 br, 2 ba 1 story. Approx. 1850 sq. ft. Highly upgraded. prof. Jandscpd. At $112.000, better hurry. Call : 968-4602 NEW LISTIMG! If you want privacy -you must see this lovely l BR + conv. ~en Deerfield Patio home! Qu!et cul-de·sac location. $83,900. Natalie Benjamin 752·1414. CA34) I FISH YOU FISHERMEN! PRIME DUPLEX 11•-------•I ROOM TO BUILD. Recently remodeled 2 Wltelc*111 41RS73,950 Swimming, boating & a ll kinds <?f activities only steps from this sparklin g Woodbridge Villager w/2 spacious BRs, family kitchen &: super patio. $72,500. Forrest Power 752·1414. (A35) Well planned & well built 2 bedroom. 2 bath units in great Costa Mesa neighborhood. Each unit has its own private garage, yard, built-in e lectric kitch.en & economical natural gas heal. Very easy to rent. Full price S89,900. CALL 556-2fl60. MESA WOODS This is one of Costa Mesa's lavishly decorated 3 bedroom homes with antiqued, hardwood paneling, expensive wallcoverings. plush, p lush carpeting & a great neighborhood. The property is \'acant & ready for a quick sale at $95,900. CALL 751·3191. SUPER rooL ln the spacious backyard of this totally upgraded 3 bedroom home. Features include cozy brick fireplace, no-wax kitchen floors, Del Piso tile entry, ceramic pullmans ln both baths • It's sharp as a tack. tun prlce$89,900. CALLSSG-2660. llSOH_...... 2U2 S.l. lrl1tof, c.M. 711 .J ft I • M.I. 11"'2'60 - To place your message before the reading public. phone Dally Pilot Classlfied, 642·5678 bedroom home on R·2 lot! Great income poten· ti al. $87. 500. 1£1~=~~ Propertln 7S2•1920 IHAl l \fAJ( Fantastic offering. great l .R ~ I.._ HB location. Clean & re· -~ ~ ady for your lnspection. $59.500 Call today! ~alhot1::t ~~o~rt~a~! ~~ ---------MOO QUAIUl. HIW f HACH ------~--·--~~~.;,.;;....-~- Don't believe It. we VAL.LEY 640.9900 didn't either, but it's for ,....... l down, payments like \::....__~55!;E5~~~l rent. Put this on your .-' S<C\\.41 lA-a "B~S • That l1ttri9uin9 Word Gome wHA o Cliudlt ~~OAT L POW.11----- • hw,..... ...,.,. " .... '°"' _........ _. ..... w19f_._...,. .. _.. TAN OS A fl I I I I I ,.~ltW,ssunm ~ I' r I' I* t · r I ! ~'#'IN®' 0• I I I I I I I SCl•M-UTS 4Mwtn .. CS.11f1e..._ 1010 MESA. VERDE mustaeelist. H.I. DREAM 3 Br, 2 ba. $82,500. By owner. Call K.W. 835-1205 540.3666 Don't pinch yourself. this PRICE IS ~IGHT Wllela11 A!Al l \f Atl P\'l party; mclst sell one --------- o( t.wo properties on CoUege Park; 3 BR, 2 ba., F1<rwer St. \n East C.M. 1 ram. rm .. din. rm .. sew. duplex or l lol w/2 rm. or office; lge. encl. houses. 673-6372 patio. RV parking. NISH t4!W $86.SOO. AIJl. 545-4289 is (or real. 4 BR. 2 BA 2000sq. ft., atrium model home. All tor only $78,500. If you can find a better deal, buy il! 1ta.11ss Wltelc*111 "IAI IHAH LISTING IROAD OCUH VIEW UKE calAM PUFF $11.000. Sharl> & tnott. au.roctlve Not a condo, older 3Br, THI IEACH? 1 bdrm + den cond~. 184 UPIJ'•ded home, lit Want to teel the sand Premium location, Cov d ) o t , W. SI d o C. M . between your t-OH. 2 BR. patio. Oarnge & ittra 8&ZCJ.8, 64.5-1501 2 BA condo comm. pool, IU'ott parking Just. steps ' carefree ttfeatyle. Close from your door, Ideal New Condos, 2 Br, 2~ Ba, to the beach. Move in •tarter ~me ro1r youn,g 2 frplc's, ceramic tlle w/$3900 down. Don't or ntlNd coupe. Wont ldtcbens & bath, Pool & miss lhtsone. lts• hot. Jut at $59,500. Call now 1pa. 67s-4912 Broker 191-7155 for a&>Pt. to see. &45-11491 Llke new. by ownfr Princeton. 4Br. 2ba, J100l. ... IOO. NUT21 5. tlf ltela11 •' 1 I'' 'I FOR YOUMG MODERNS! Shutters -oak floors -pine paneling -stone fireplace -warm earth colors! Beautiful 2 BR townhome in Woodbridge for ONLY $85,900. Madeline Cross 752-1414. CA36) SLEEPER ! Irvine condominium at shocking price of $58,000! · Make it ;your 1st home or investment! Beautiful park location across from comm. pool. Mintl condition! Lois Miller 642·8235. (A37J ISTATE UVIMG IM WOODIRIDGE Lovely 2·story, 3DR + family rm. home set back w/spaeious lawns & abundant landsc•1ping. Over 1800 sq. ft. of luxurious living. Hurry-this won't last at $110.900. Natalie Benjamin 752-1414. (A38) '42·123S 644-6200 .01 Dover Drive Harbor View C.l'lter Irvin. •t Campus Valley Center 752·1414 ' f 1 1 .. ' J .. ~.::~.~ ....... ~:.':'!.~ ...... ~.~~ ....... ,~.~.~ ....... S.turday, D.cember 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ldile Fonst I 015 He.,.,.. lffch I Hf Nous-. For S. HMH1 Fer S. ..,... I044 L.pMIMdt 1041 ~.....-. ltll"-111-...... IOSZ ....................... ........•....•..•••.•.. ···················•··· •...................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CNhlrlttlllat ... 552·70~ THE . VILLAGE. · · REALTORS N ORI N S REAL T Y Lingo RulEstAn HUR GOLF COURSE DRAMATIC •HAllOI VIEW Hewporta.ech 1069 ... wperthocta 1069 ...................... . llelll'thslde. Located In S 8r CARMEL. Owner. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......_ ..... . the vuta11e Exc1t1nii 22UO S136.500. Appt S.11·7730. .~~•~•••••••••~!.~! :iq ft. tn level. 4 on. In clu<l1na huge mnster i.wte, Cam.rm, St:J) I.Imm~ rm. Hleh cathedral c:e1I. Ing:. gl\es romantic ::-et ling to cozt flr.:plure l"OO\'er:.atwn pit! Nucd 11nmed. :.ale. Pnn-cJ un <ler mkt. atS105,000. •TOLLE * *REALTORS * •586-8500• WALKTOIUCH from lh1" dchahtluJ 2 BK rondo. XJnt cond. OnJy 3 yrs old. IW.500. HOU.JS WOOD REALTOR 673 8ST~ llGCAMYOH TOWNHOMI SI 59,900 llG CAHYOH-steUllTY fa PlfYACY Charming 4 BR homf' w/spac mast(1r BR, living room & kitchen looking <'Ut onto attractiv~ly tandscapt:d private yard w/magnifict:nt pool & Jacuzd. Cath~at ct:lllngs ln Uvlng room, dt:n & Cormal dining room; 2 lrg noor to ct:iling firt:plact:s. Ux44' Ntw Skyllnc. lhr, a•od Joe. neas reot. Pnc1,.od tu 11elJ. 548·7891. MAICIOffllt URGENT! Owner muat' isell! Home vnc4nt! B~l pri<*l 3 BR, 2 Ba, In 81.umc Street . 241'52 Sunn)'broo lr . 1972. l'191X·U beautiful shlll'P ho1nc . Paclh c Cout ResaJua Inc. 210$ E. Dull Rd, Anaheim. l l00Hl660 WH84 tT'S k aGHT ... you'll know it, le lh1 houae t:s ri1ht ! • Sp~clou~ bdrm¥., 2 bath$, family rm. Lovely liv1na rm with frplc. Hard to resia.t extras l1lr11t, 1olur1a11 flooring in kitchen, uµ· graded camtil i.uedeo carpet1n1, upgrutie d WOULD YOU ll1ht fixtures & (lhlC'. CONSIDIA ~v .. y ho• off•rlnCJ ,,..CJl'lf1ctttt •lewi o••rlookln9 9olf couru, hlll1 and s.dcltbock M06'fttainL 4 .. droolftl, dlfli'"J room, and lar9 • f am l l y rOCHft. ••• $219,500. Minion Viefo I 06 7 Lge 3 hdrmll, :!' ~ tmlh El .Dor11do Mottet. Nuar l-1001 & Jocuu1, tennis & goll courae. Upgraded cpts. Sunken h v rm , wet bur, frml din, ll(e mtitr bdrm w/balcony . Sticur lty i;ate11. 75'J.15lll By DPPoinlmegt only 64().5971 IY OWHB -$301,000 499-4551 garage dooropener . New Jiving 1 block to the 4'never lived in. SlOS,000 beach wi th 2 lJ<lrms., 2 LAGUNA l>t\NA LAGUNA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' <>Hf.STOP MOllLI HOMIS Member of C.M.L. HEID ILIOW baths, e tc. inclu<l1ng NIGUEL l><>INT DEACH HILLTOP VIEW ROOM? privary, nice neighbors 495·1720 4!13 ISSI:! 497·2489 Magn1f1cent 3 br home. .._wport hoch I 06' ... wport ..... I 06' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s:!S-80~ Ono of UnJ"erslty Par k's & fleioble terms'' Wciuld upgraded thruout, iud 'i:. lu r gesl m odels; de· you consider our 0 -Y·O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cntrl air. Pnced $5,000 '61 Trailuama, 10X45 w /I OXU Expand o w/10X30 CuUf. rm. 2 Br, OC:'C Dnfront v le w , (~~) t ached 4 bdrms .. (could for $8S,500. ,,,-below mkt. SIO!l,!.100. be SJ, 3 full baths: new ~ leoch t 048 Laguna Nfguet I 052 7s.1·7800ai,1. Heal Eo;tate --- carpeting, paint, drape!o; HOUSE ALO ME •••••••••••••••••• ••••. •••••••••••••••• ••••• •• ~~~~~~~~~ inside I aundry rm., is worth thi!o price. But OCUHVIEW Lge 4 bdrm nt au 3'· fordable $163,UOO You won't find th1:1 pri~ in Npt Bch -but right n~xl <lonr. Call us for tietalls. 7~J.IS01 'S9 Tra1l aramu. 8X40 w /8X40 t::xpando wtl2Xl2 Calif r m. l Br, ocean fr o n t view (BH98TS> s$1e13pa,000rate m:str. s uite. you can live near the Loftv Recluse beach m Corona dcl Mat ,j ~ f~ CUTE AS.. & have rear tenants help Absolu tdy hidde n & FORMEI NORTH VIEW MODlLHOME •TENNIS• *SWIMMING* • A lady bug in a rug, pay ... ~m.ooo. :~~~~lll~~"tt~~~e~:~ you're going to love this 3 * 494-8057 * a mind boggling view bdrm., 2 bath home 1n ---------both d d R California Hom-·. al " ---------1 ay an night. 2 U Out'llandinl( Vlt!W or hills & lights Upgraded thru- out. S 0 . freeway to Crown Valley Parkway. Ju~t steps away from lri:: sngle ~try .ibr Deane home. $98,500. 'S8 .Mnr wood 10X4S. 1 Ur. <DN9829J Miller IUty, 768 0319 OCEAN VIEW R2 ... ~ St21,000 new low pncc or $74,000 ni.:ht N1.1:uel road lo lop. ---------979-4191 '68 Hom ette. 12:uo w /12X1S Expa n du w/23X 7 Ca li f . rm(G09Ul> COZY UP .. in front of a cruckhng fire in this c:hurmer; JUSI right for young family; ~olarlan low care floor 1n kitchen, cook-out putio; 3 bdrlllli., 11,11 baths. Santa Ana. $67 ,!JOO 552·70~0 THE · . ·:. · - VILLAGE. · : .: REALTORS THE WILLOWS Countr y kitchen, cozy family rm. with frpk , wallpap er & woud , make:. this a dc:.1r:.ible family home, in Jn int•: only $79,900, for J bdrms .. 2 baths. Call for app"t. ..., # I I I l>Olf Y. l'R.AXKJ.IK I !c,~&J.,0,!_ ' tcw....clo0-640-7000 WOODIRIDGE BROADMOOR, .i HH. fam. rm., pool & s pa, nil lndscpg., dcckinl!. fcnl'· Ing, sorgeous i mprovc- me nts. model home cond. Move-in ready. Agent 6~0 5560 JUST IMAGINE The room you'll ha\e with this 3 bdrm., 21 i ba . spread O\'Cr 2200 sq. ft. 2 Fireplaces, one In <am. rm. the other In mast bdrm. End unit. which gives you a '1ew of mountains & extra laree lot. If 5Z3 CAMPUS Dt: IP.VIME All the financial experts are predicting un ex· cellcnt first quarter for 1978. Take ad\'antage of current conditions and year enll slow down by m aking your decision now. The Inventory Is g~at ·and the pnces are ®wn. For your real estate needs, consult lhe Ovcrs1te lot w/older 2 ' Br, Iba resld. 5 min walk right Highland, left to l9~52 Ridge\ 1cw Or . Open house Sot & Sun 1·5. Cnll 8.11·029~ owner/ agt. _ See the l>parkhng lite~ 00.Ft. bayfront.4 BR, den, '62 Trallar a m a 8X40 rrom this 4 bdrm home in pier, on Pcnins uJu. ' w/8X40 Expaudo wl6X~ SUPERB VIEW to tht! ocean in Laguna Beach. Great value. Owner motivated. Reduced to Sl20,000. Open Sal. 12·4. 2770 llJl(hlan<l Way, Lag Bch. ~~ Rancho NICJUel RJty Crown Valley Mall 831-7010 495-2200 FOHEVEH OCEANVft-.:W Blue Lagoon Villa II l. Presti.:c pri \'utc l'Om · mumty. Prrvate heach. tennis courL'l, 2 pools. 2 bdrms, 2 baths. Open Sut. 1·5 $159,500 VILLA PROP 499.3593 g r c a t f a m i I y Marshall Hlty 675-4600 Mewpoei S.och I 069 HewpOrt leoch I 069 Cahf. rm.1 Br. tED 1303) nc11{hborhooll. Only Oceunfront house . 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '6( Marwood, lOX45, 1 IRA.HD HEW S79.900. 75-a· 71'<Xt nl(t. Bdrm. $3.'15,000. lnqu1ricsl---------1---------i..o.r .• 1.o.zr. •• 1.:JO•>----• LakePark homein 11uper _ t o: P.O .Box 1025, UDOISLE HIWPORTIEACH lot:ulion . affording IMMAC. 3 br, 2 ba. As· Temecula 3 Bdr ms., family r m.. TRIPLEX Acreopfor1al• 1200 pn\'~cy & pleasant walk sume FHA. Eatthtonc-...1 _________ s undcck. large stonti Steps to water. Priced to ••••••••••••••••••••••• to N1~uel Park. 2 DH, CDS, nr. quiet grnbll. frpk., private club, ten· ell FIVE CRES S den. 2 HA & wet b;ir · M a n 1 c u r r rl v r ,, HARBOR nis, beuches. ~259.600 sN~rt Pier Realtw A. 94,950. sprnklrs., country k1t~·h HIGHLANDS LIDO RE.ALTY ···r· ' loaded with oak trees in SPARKLIMGPOOL wi no wax fir. Und~·r Sparklin g Newport 673·7300 + lri$$¥ the Clevela nd Nat'! &:.paisyours toenjny111 mkt. SW.900. Uy ownr. Ucach pool home. 3 ~~~~~~~~~ JiAlll!i ..... ,111 ll'lllMIUTill t'orei.t ,So.orOran"eCo. th1:. C111c family home, 4!15·57:.11 -2005 Balboa Ehvd. Mun1c1pal wutcr, gentle lcaturang 4 BH. :.pa1:1uus -------Bdr m. fil m. rm. & din. NewPorl Bch.673·2058 "rolllng knolls, beautlrul Lile entry, J;ir11e Jam1ly Newpori leach I 069 rm. Ucuut.tful carpet.:. & GORGEOUS view sites. Owner will room with firepla<·e & •••••••••••••••••••"••• drapes. Priced for a Cast curry. 'l'erms . BKR. • THIS FantaRllc ocean view wet bar. Very prl\·ate ~ale 111 Sll~,!>SO. llurr) ! :i Bdrm Ttina end model S.Q....,,... 1076 <714)ft76·5717 OLD HOUSE abo\'C !\lain l>cad\ WOOd huckyard with co,·cred * * * Call 540 1151 with priv<1I~ jacuui & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORS22·20tl0 &glas!o Jbr. 2ba s219,uoo. patios1s1.1so. OWNER MOVING wrap around patio & fire· PROFESSIO ... AL IS LOCATED JUST ,\ 497-1153 llAUTIFUL This Harbor V1t'w hm nng. IUILDl.._.G FEW BLOCKS FROM .----d · h 3 C II Do Br o " 'f llE BEACH. OLDl!:R loCJUno Hills I 050 upp(!r con o unit w11 has been highly upgrd'd a n Y n San Clemente prof. bldg. Sp AN l S H ST\' LE ••••••••••••••••••••••• BR. 2 BA fronun~ on El thru ·ouf. New t•p t -l•--------1 AESOP REALTY oUil•e suites avail. 1·8 h 3 d N1 i:ucl Goll <.;ou r:.c. fantasuc ma.~ter llR-3 -7314911 R HOME. De taile d ex· Town ome. Br. in rm, G .. """ ONT oorn:.. Lurge parking le r Io r or II EA VY ""· rm, 2ba. 1600 sq fl aragc & extra parking addlt1onal DR·.,, 3 OA h .,.,( M ' F.:G04br, 2ba. $ 154 500 area. Rent al 55' per i.q 'T S75 000 5511234 \cf\ close, near vool & Stcp·down FR w/wct fam rm. Ownr 2015 Port ' • ft. Cons ider trudcs & PL.AS l<:H. RED T ILE · · · adJUCtml to finc res1den· bar. n~aut buck)·artl Chelsea 64<1·1!1>11 n O O F J, r ,._ E s & -----""' At-aullful Tri·lcvel "R.. Lerms. $252,500. 493-0;,!33. R H · LOCJUftaHlCJU.C 1052 t1aJarea S94,SOO. w/gnzcbo & Jacuu1 ---model m theBluffs.Lu11h A C ED PORTICO EN· ••••••••••••••••••••••• LGCJUnO NiCJU.I Redty OWNER IS .\IOVJNG & OCEAN VIEW ma~ter suite upSta1rs. ~~ TRY. JUSTREOUCED 495-5220 496·2413 SAYS "SELL". CONDO,RH>UCED llugebedroomplusfam1· '-- Formalliv.rm withbav Lgelot,3bdrm.Closeto 493.9494 830·5050 $199,900 STHOUSA ... DSS ly room downstairs. ~ wmdow, hus CENTER beaches & frwys. Don't ---------SUBMIT ALL OFFEtlS! Reduced for a fast sale. Custom hardwood floors FIREPLACE, "OLDE" miss this -cull now. Vacant & seller Is an"· in entry & kitchen. 3 o A K EN 1-· Loo Rs S46-00'l2 Lowed Price In PACIFIC COAST •ou~. Ueau11ful 2 br end Baths, Cireplnce for mal \A) TllRUOUT. Middle cor· Moncrc:h S..mmlt II PROPERTIES unit w•frplc. Community dining room , PLUSH l1 d I d t .,._.. •-pool.saunu,&1·a1:uzzi.At c-0rpets. 2927 P erl a.---''--------n or ca s o;. uurms. ... SS!J,SOO 631-0400 .a.nytime BY o 3 •· l b ccntrul bttlh, FORMAL 2 Ult. C·Plan "" U11:. pr1l'C u. won't last! Gruber R.E. 75!Hl259 wner ur, n I) I N I N G R 0 0 "'I * * * llurry! Call 645-0303. ---------1 oceanside El Camino. " Owner/ Broker 675·4562 °~ tif I h · C Wood 11 I W/MOORISH ARCH,'l ___ R_e_al_&<i_ta_t_c __ ---u.:DU u ome 1n ameo ' Wll pap('r, pr n. opens to Ion~ kitchen & OWNEH BEING Shores. Jdeal teenager, only.$80,000.4~·1207 SPECTACULAR 1'R,\NSFERn~;o ln·law,orguestquarters. scparale~en·1l'c rm. VIEWS FROM OCEAN Vl~W BIG CANYON' (ircal for entertaining. SUPER OCEAN Spacious rear grounds MONARCH SUMMIT Pntao h.~e. 2Hr + den. <IOOOsq.ft. tmmac. cond. ·VIEW kad to outside untrance t·u ... t.om mtt-r., hurtJ.,.,uod IY OWNER ,.~_-"--_ Pnol , jacuzzi & urn B b h h ' ADULTTWNHMES del!r ec \'ICw or oct>an. 3 r, 2V.. at twn me. 2 5-10..20 ACRES No. Idaho, 40 mi. No. of Spokane on Hwy 41. ~aut. forei;ted terrain. nr. Ink~ & rivers. Fis· hmi; & hunting. $1200. per acre. Call noucrt Turnbull, SSG-:1610 FIVE ACRES Hard to find horse pro· perty. Brund new 3 BH, 2 BA home. Hui:c famil y room. wet bar, frplc., 3 car garage. Won·t lasl ! BKR. . (714) 677-5001 Olt 522-0530 GOLD MINE TIMIER DEVELOPERS 51U acres. 80 Mi. N/0£ Sacra mento $12~0 pt-r acre. SWARTZ, 640-1127. 1 o ST 0 fl M TYPE llr, SI 07,000 II rs .. I u "<. l'I• r pt• l ~. EL DORADO 3 Br. Jha . LEASE/0'1IOM 4633 Cameo Shores Dr., View balconies. $7!1,000. CELLAR. Might be con· Zlr O SI IS OOO wooden ~hullers. hnck highly upi:raded l'~t :! Open Daily 1.5, Call Aot OWner 49J..95G9 $11,000 v1.•rled & used for WINE , eft , , put10. 1:cram 11: till', car !!ar . Sperlal·ular Nt:WPOHT JIF;JGHTS. " 20 40 HO A I STORAGE & TASTING 2 ... DM S 120,000 \ .iulted ccllrngi.., ccntraJ \'1cw of ll.C golfcour~e. John Saar aJtt, 546·2020. :.a~6~ 14 or Ow 11 e r S..Ju• F;om' Sll .~~g ~:g-c~~'r - ROO)t. Please call for llr, Dett s I 35,000 l"hl, JaCUlll. adult In Fa ... h I 0 n l s I a n d &-Quail Plu1.·e l'rupcrtics. . c•atrano I 071 parcel. No. cam. Term:. upp't. 21r, Dett S 140,450 mi:. Pn1.·c<l to mo\'t' a l Catalina. Feb occupancy By Owncr:-01~ Canyon ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coll SWARTZ 640-1127. s I 01,000 f'Utl rric• $U1,500. flexible terms. 5220,000. p rt n . only Townhm. 2 Ar. 2 ba, crnt, POOL WHY rAY MOAE1 . SEE TODAY !'. ~~o:~~~~ !:~~~a~o~~~ -'97 2A04,499·t45_7 ___ 1~673-~· ~1~689~~~~~~~ drps. S149,500. IW·082i"or 4 Bed r oom , F a mily J ust $84,000. Dig two leach Property 1350 GONE TOMORROW!! \lew homes. Rec area, PRIVACY.I 1~ 64007fil. room, SJ69,500. UNITED s tor y home wi t h 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MISSION REALTY pool & jacuui. Sales ore. BROKERS R~ALTORS. Ddr ms .. 2 1 ~ baths, Sandpip1rrotnt 98SSo. Cst Hwy, Laguna open daily on Star View Foothill patio homl' 2 WESTCLIFF 4 IR HOME M2·2589 fnm ily-di n1ng r oom , With spectacular view ,"'---494-0731 Ln.offofPaciric l~l11nd Bedrooms. totally irp ASIUNG$124,900 -------wood r oof , brick from Encinitas Bluff:. . ._ BcauUfuJ 3 bedrm. 2 b:ilh BIG CANYON 4 b 0 f I ·1 k h Dr &Crown Vl)'. Prkwy. maculutc. surrounded b) MUST RE SOC.D n us r. pen 1rep ace, t1 e 1tc en. one or few rcm:uning T.al & labcock R.E.. greenbelt. lot•ated on home with 1Sx2A famtly w E i:; K EN o . N o SullSUn 12·5, 24 Inver· tras h e;ompactor , elcc· oceanfront units. 2 BH, 49:J.Ol3 I 499•4797 corner 11( qu1ct cul-de· rm. S t 55,ooo. Call RF~ONABLE OFFER n ess Ln . $320,000. tric garage door opener, 2•<a Ba 2 Crplc, jacuw. OP!NS.AT/SUN 1•4 161LalrH :.nc Priced to sell at s.a6-S880. nEruSEO. iS9·1515, 759-0087 agt etc. By owner . Call pool, r ec. rm. Liv-rm S75,:)(X) 182) Across from JI arbor Hi On Private Canal. Near 498·2709. w I wet bar & v I e \\ Immacul ate home,---------,,~~ HERITAGE 1.1t·ean side hwy .. short walk to J>OpuJar beaches. Redecor ated thruout . with 3 lorgc b<lrms., 3 bJth$. Sl9'J,SOO IMMACULATEl This 2 bdrm. home is located on a quiet street in a good neighborhood. Beautiful yard, ocean \'iew, potenti a l +. $135,000 CLOSE IN This 2 bdrm. collage would make a n ideal starter home, but bas lots of potential as an in· vestm e nt. C r eati ve finan cing avail. l o qualified buyer.$ll2,000 MONARCH THRACE Elegant & gracious llv· in!{ in l hi11 4 Br, Sba custom home. Pool & j acuzzi with ocean view. Com plet ely upgraded thru-out. Excellent for entertaining. Open house Sunday 12·4 a t 22351 Aegean Sea or t·all for uppt. 2'll2 Mar1wret Dr . NB ocean lg quality 4br Jbn. A balcony. New. Under S• **Un1ted Broken1 In top condltton, lg deck, market! $147,SOO. No r e-l~~~~~~~~~ _ JohnCnrcy.64G·74M_ rll'epit area club, pools, CHRISTMAS nsonable offer r efused. t-SP~l•L By owner .l213l275·7996 Bei.t huy In J:o:o stblutr, tennis court. "'"' ~ o r (213)276-4755 or Rt".I' I "'·''" ''" . • REALTORS I M.,11,111 I• II.iv 111.11.1 ohl llb l 1\11 .HlllH STAY AWAY ... DOVE R SHORES·Ni«e yrd. no traffic. CUSTOM, pleasant 1 level 2llOO sq. ft. Great C'ntcrta1n- ing/famLl y home. J c:ir unl ess this VA AS · gar. Really :ihurp, :.it · SUMABLI': 4 betlroom. tractively priced for fast home with pOOI & jacuz7.i i;ale. 631·2.342 compkte with a sweep· mg hillside view doci.n't W~TERFRONT APT. appeal to you. PfllCE Lido area. I BR, l RA. REDUCED to $91,900. pool. boat slip prvl'gs G1w yourself a present. Total;iec. bldg. Fee land you·re worth it! $97,500. 631-2740 Sl 15,500. Vcr~atilc 4 br, _64_5_-024 __ 1 ___ ..,.S_l5_S..,..OOO_ Ch3 rm in g 3 BR Las < 2 1 3 ) s 5 3 -s 4 l 1 t I t I I t Brisas home. $79,500. on pv rorm•r o n x n "911!.~ HOUSE OpenSat&Sun 1.5 !2131275·8994 cond. Byowner040·1108 -..-~ SUNDAY 1.5 3l<Xl6 Via El Rosario """'9s1 Prop1rty 1400 LIDO ISLE 3BrJ1;it Bu. Sln.soo Owner 673·6915 21 I ... LIO... ~ AMCHOllAGI ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" "" MfOICAL ILDG. COVES IHVISTMEMTS In prime Newport Beach Newpert hoch 11141 496-77 I I loca~lon. 12 ~pacious pro· Relait & watch the sun fess1on~ swtcs w/plcnty set from your la rge patio Sonhollow. 2br, l Y.abn, up-of parking. Gross Income overtookjng the bay & 40' graded crpt, frplc, cov-c~cced.s $80,000 per year ! boat slip'. This r are 00 • ered pati o, g3r & 646-7711 the-water home bas 3 cnr por t. Call e ves (,.-,,.,. .. •••• .. ••• bedrooms, 2 balbs and is 496-4625 -~•wm:rn1t1uu1 close to schools SCMta AM I 010 RcaJ Eiltate ....................... ______ ...;__ __ Number I company in 4i!1 Jrvine ... REO H IL L u .. ~ •• credibility makes the dlf· ~/ ,,..,,,,~-REALTY. "Professional ~ eblQgO Farrell~~~ BIGCAHYOM DOVER VILLAGE adlt TOW twnhse. 2br. 2...,ba. frpt. MHOME Ownr. $8.5,500. 645-6081 -Designers personal re- sidence. Sunken living INQuai~ liilPlac• Prop•• tilt• 7S2•l920 .OHEYEARMEW TRI-LEVEL 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR, 2 BA. highly up-Newport Beach C· l, cor- lfT~ed, with s~ep-down ner lot. Good parking. h\'ina room, ra1Sed din· Great for small business. ference." llOS N.Coon Hwy.,LogultCI red hill ~, ... ~52 -7500 494-1177 31601 Coast Hwy.,S.Loguno 499-4591 Rancho HiCJU .. Rlty FUN Crown Valfey Mall ~~~~~~~~~! Profitable, own your own 495-2200 ll 1-70 I 0 1'w:11ncss. Second hand STONEWOOD ?tfodel In d e 0 s l r able WOODBRIDGE PLACE. On a corner location aivea the reeling oC li ving Jn the areat outdoors. .Ready for immediate move-In. Shown by ap- ~otment. 11fure with good walk-by ---------1 traffic. Ma k e o ffer , 9assified ads .sell bil'! $12 ooo items. 11mall items or1 --------- ' 21R.COHDO a ny item. J ust call Features private lanai, 642-5678. Want Ad Results 642-5678 Crplc., den & 2'11 baths. A ........ Mf91ff I 051 ~ Ni9M1 I 052 bu.Y at$117.500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-l'LIX Clean 2 bdrm. units tn good r ental aro a fn Anaheim. Priced riabt at $145,000 LA~UMA CHAltMa .. .ith all the quallftca· tlona. Loft & frplc. Ownef will finance. Rare opportunity, $127.500 DUPLIX IUILD YOUR OWNI WOQOlllMI Crut owner's unit + 2 llALTY bdrm., 2 ·bath Income Extra large building site in a n extremely desirable custom estate area of San Juan Capistr ano. Rural atmos phere, views across t he Capistrano Valley. $124 ,500. Ill 2000 apt • .Frtilca., & lux~ry -----------"--•features lhruout. AJI for ...... IMclt I 041 Sl4'7,500 "••••••••••••••••••••• CAN »IYISTMIMT •• =OPPO RTUNITY : a fUJ toot.el, heart ol Blach. CJ0t• to beecti.1 • parka. Xlnti Clellld. l150,000 Well est. business & xlol eq uipment. Lease la translerabt• It price bQ been reducod to only $11.800 ~~ asitt-:.. . ....,. ... SAM JUAN RAHCH HOME Very large Ca pi stra no hacienda home. 5 Jarge bedrooms, 4 baths, beaullrul country kitchen & family 1•ooms. Pool & large yard on an ~tale sized lot. $325,000. • COLOWIU. ..... co. 496-7222 831-0836 SE.A VIEW room with 12' floor to New upl(raded, Bar ce1hng ftreplace sets of Harbor, best view. room this benuUJuJ 2 bedroom for pool. S2S.OOO less than home on the 6th fairway. market at $250,000. Located at the end of a 6444 597 qwel street, this home la priced at ... $155,000. Al110. BV OWNER availabl e fur nish ed NO. BLUFFS BAYSIDE at. ... 5159,500 • BAYSIDE 3Br, 2'"1 0n, DUPLEX-OUPLEX beautifully decora ted -In old Corona del Mar. $116,000 . 2625 Vi11 t a Uve In 2 bedroom home Or n a d a · OP e n Su n and rent the 3 bedroom, 11--4:30 Courtesy to Bk rs. while you enjoy the pool NEWPORT HTS and jacuizl .. .$189,500. Three Bdrm, 2 ba home CAMEO on tropically planted Jot. HIGHLANDS 1400 OVAil R HfW f IUCM MEET YOUR Ing room, step·<ln mn!!ler $97.500 Agent 646·4380 BR. Luxury plus offered --HEW HOME! at$68,900. Condo1111nlum~Tow•- OP84 HOUSE 540-3666 •• ~~~!:!°.~.~.~?~~ 432 WESTMINSTER 1 Br 1 ea Condo. bltns. SAT-SUM l·S cpts & drps. Near ocean N•wporthach & s hop pin g center. A grnceful, arched entrY $42,000. 963-12il2 introduces this lovely Wftltftllllfw I 098 Newport Heights home, ••u••••r•••••••••••••• D.1111~•~1/at 1100 handsomely remodeled HERE'S 'YOUR CHANCE Onit. 5 • with impressive lava Beaut 3 BR home, $2500 ••••••••••••••••••0 ••• rock fireplace & beamed dn. Call n ow 24 hr ceilings. In NEWPORT service ~79 al{t . HARBOR H I G H•---------1 2On1 SCHOOL DTSTRICT, this OUR llST IUY 2 sharp E/Costa Mesa coiy delight is on huge · houses on 1 lol. One. is comer lot with alley ac· Vetslets'goonthisone.3 new, one is 'r ebuilt. cess for your boat I BR slarteT deliitht. Great Owner very ANXlOUS. SU.S,000. investment on R-4 lol. or. submit all OFFE RS. Call lered at$56,900. now645-7221 One or a kind. Waitin& -lmm•culate. ne wly tor a special person. painted & recenUy rc- Designed tor fun llvin~. d ecora t ed home. 3 Open Hse Sun 2 G. 2915 Bedroom & a d e n, Broad. 675-496L beautifully landscaped 2819 Newport Blvd, N.D. Thl.t community. bu ·3 di. •..::. IY OWNH private beaches, & parks Ha.7855 ~ Wltelc-.n RIAL f\IAll THE CAWSON CO. yard with room ror pool. I£ IQ I~ Qlff Hav""n Ex•c Hme. a s ho rt w a lk a w a y . •Pt .... Dp!!!--~U.M.i.a ' ,. '" P r I c e d t o 1 e I l 7S2•"20 W/guest house, sunken &l ... s174,500• 1t00 aua1ut NfW atACM OthilrlMl llhlt• Wntdfff Rffffy living rm. rormal dlnlnl( m!UCH .a. ~l ~ rm, 3 fplc's & quiet m "'"' Mw UDO Isle Dutch dr cot·~ ...................... I•°"" Prop1rty 2000 elegance! 3 Br, 2 Ba, by RITIEAT tage.2bi-,2ba,den.st.to ....,._.._. •••••••h •••••••••••••• owner. $15'950. 646·0931. -Spe«acular, bedroom st. loo. $195,000. 673·1020 ,_.S. I I 00 CMta Mesn Beauty, bread Open Hou.seSat/SunJ2.·5, home with oc.•n 6 nlitht Bkr ••••••••••••••••••••••• & butler. 12 Uruts. S~ws 415 Pirate Rd. NB. light views. Oaltd e ntry VIK1NG, 24x60, 2 br +FR, gd pot.enUal. Amcmlles IY OWNEll lo l&ri• tro_plcal 1arden UDO ISLI top cond. & loc. nr beach. Ind pool, all units Cur'!. courtyard. C\Altom home Ch11.nntng, 4 bedrm. 2 $3'7,500. Alt64M380 Asking $~.~· Subm1l ~P#fklh,g vlew orllteit Ir t e 11 ua rt n i 10 u r m 0 ~ bnlh hOme. Walk t() tho y MG all orrera. Curtis lnvest-ldL Baldy fr om thl11 kitchen. formal din.Ing+ beach. Shows Uke a ICOHP.!'f LIVI mcnts962·2456 'Harbor View Monteao 4 familf' room. ay appt. model. SUbmlt all offcrt. Several Homes prtced i--------• Br. aba, fam. t~11 nr only5348,600. Century 21 Crocker from '9,'750.• to $1$,250. pool le tennl11. many 644•7020 ..... """'" Adult P a r k. Orange amenitl•. Prine. only. .-~~-~~~~~~ Oluo\i. Park rent undor 644·2160l ()pen .House SUn· ttlWPOIT :.. $100. R«biill or fixed In· d.ay l-5 . •••CH UMl&llVAll.lt come, let us ahow you Dan\ fl~o up Uie ahlp!i---~-----•I A houtt fo Newport f =•~ 8f': !!ri~.~:; "Lilt' lt ln claa•ICled. '12,500,.lao4lod~I at• P·-'n "·-·• Shlp to 1boro r eauhal 100/oDOWM J• MAal•SCOYI can ~ans . ..,, c ~ .. ,. .. U>"1 .,,, •••• -64.._ ,. ... , lt.la.i. toe. 210S e. Ball _._.a. 2i.tba.A0411-3340 "-' • _,. Rd,Anahelm. l/981-864!0 I ·~ l.UTSIDl/CM Reducod $10,0001 3 on l lot lnd. pool + rm to build 4 mOfll. Viana In· cludod. Fw d.taUed l.nfo. call: .....,~ ..... J4t.lm 75%<2817 • I o --.. , DM.Y P OT ellird .• 0.0.mbef '7, 1tn ..,..., .,.,..,...., ....... U~ ..._..U.._.ellH H.N•U.'-lll•cl .,....rff"9rw lHO ...... , ...... lat1• ..•....••............. ••..••......••........ ···~···· .. ••·•······ ......................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~!~~~.. ~~~.~~~ ...... W'""f. •100 C.W.,Miir JHJ .............. l240 a.:.:....=.... -• • • • • • .___ .. -2000 • • ' ............................................. . -....,.•tr looo-n•••NJ .................... .. lrwMe • U44 Mlwporta.tielt lZ6't-~---~-S.CI••• 311' ....................... ·····••·•····•···••··· ...................... . ~Mar.nab-Irvine lllr. utU pd. mo mo. J im •98-1000. ext 518, or -.OlGafU -•••-.•••••••• ••• ••• •• ••••••••••••o••••• •••• !O' ~/aportllatier fOC' NmY. reRU>CMlod, 3 br, t ~ nlce 4 br. 2 ba. fptc. Univ. Park. z UR. 2 Ba, NO E'EE! H°'laes, condos, i---------•lcxmdo bome mobile or be.S.o/Hwy.~rno. c&>tl. coav. area. Move $4SO.mo.le.1eorlte1op-duplex~•. Rent&&I 2 HOUSIS mtrh~. l.W~eotl Daya 536-0:MJ, £\•ea 6 riaM tn. "'9$, ~. tw1~n •. .,&Sl .. 072 an. S.30 Pavlllnri,8'7&-49U Bk.r. Ow~r ~ taJd "SUL wtndtf7S.,Mt Altent. noree. dy. lmtut')' COodo 3 bedim 3 w MTIR Al. Mallh JT ' · rricc reduced ........ .,..~ .... ~-3•24 Walnut SQuere Condo. bath.den waiktobt:uc0h 1 u.fn1h~ sw.uw• 1~u ap .. c1owi. 3 W-"d ZfOO ===••••••••~••• 3 Br. 2 ba Condu. Fr~!~· Juat remodeled! Like Pool tennis. "50/mo: llACH VACATION •••n••••••H-•••••••• Bdrm huust'11 Prplc s. ....................... park, pool ~ tonnlB. 1.,_ ew : br car pool No A ail 18 1 A 'k 2 BR, 2 bath upper Oe•r" 3102 '?t't1ml'li l'~U1n1u1 Ii more! OWN prop er t 1 t ,, SPICIAL bl/ Jut+ dep. After $, ~ti: 533~) ~l·*5. · ,; J•"', Ama:i. :::.~27os du.Pl " tastclUJty f\lnl. It .. -••••••••••••••u••• Subm1tofft'r lnslewood., H»wlhorne S Br 3 Ba home on 1wtr M2-8SH3 L _________ , ___ ...., __ -..;;;. ______ ,decorated. L.K. balcony •- n... 11 1211" w~artJll ocaan •lew. •l ·Br Sl6S. Loaf _,ech. or So. &.,y &&rcia! H Srou89Sne. ~!~al . "· Executlvo hOmt< n1•11r 3 Br2 Ba-beautiful Culif. Y ••·-to" ...... acb "· Stv, ref. Adlult. No pet.a. IQl lstatl WIUPAY CAS !I mo ........ .-. ocean~ .t bd, 3 ba, htul llornei1 are•. New cpts & WALK TO BEACH, pool '4',... """" "' 7141aswt74 Ph."'-I>'All __ _. di fl -Int I'""" mo -3 ~....... •· tennla. Ex"itlng 2 !fublic lcnnls. AvaU. 'W ---------••• ....1 ... , .. vm eaa ....... ro 3 br cot•-ae. pool. jacuzzi, rm, n rm. wet bitr, ro .... • _., · v • ..... ~ .,. " .,...., (Al") · .... . . . .. ·'• .. •I I •• 11 I o•I II• -"' TD Pltor-TtES .... 1 'd a BQ StN'V, ~ ""~--. • ba. sun· une. -mo. • ............. _ l.a.d . · 3106 f71 4l IO~?S • • U\ d.lllhwasher, adull8 only. rlnJ, 1•o1~1 oor C 11 & Woodbrld&c creekside, 4 d"vc•lt ~ .~ ~tri':"m ... •""Si mo Puuha Balley 642·823S ~•••••••••••• .. •• · ·)Bf\ HS£ + duplex, unc. •--~~~~~~~I (213)674·6907 or (710 645·2498 pool. .,., nlo; on•' ur br. 3 ba, dlnlna rm, tam. " • '"'" IW"1tt1cs. Good c M. toe.• ----54tHt201 anytime ur lse/opt.848..()707: 068·4347 rln llttulm cpt drps lae. Lovely 4 Br 2 Ba, dupleit, · • '$92,~. Ukr.6:11 ·12.U M~A VERDE4·Pl.EX (714)846-5221alt.6!!!!.__ r-:iou~~~~ ~':~e11R ~o~~O:i 4Br + bonua rm. country p111°lo, leodtc: nrby park'. ~~T~~~ !iJ: ~mtod okn ..,.._MshnMthed -;:0~':r't~~o new."°° TRIPLEX Cotlu1 Mu&u, 2 OR. 2 UA, ca. rvt. pot1011 eu u111t. Good for uwner occup1rn l'Y. $139,000. HOLLIS WOOO REALTOR 67S.8G7ti 100+ UNITS 1'' an ta b t 1 c p r 1 d e o l owner:.h1p un1h, onl y •l yeurs old, ncJr ~tale Unlven.1ty. Very stron.i 'rental area. $<!,750,000 lm"'!'r~ulale ~l, $161,000. 1..,...1 PuvUton, 615-4912 Bkr. kit, pool. Liie or mo/ mo. luke It pool. $493/ mo. ,.. uvll oc .• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al!!_J n on!r_ 6't2 8~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• S47S. JUtu Myura Aal. 840.ZlWZ 2 Story! w/4 bdrms: fom lc6oe l.,md 3706 ..._. P•••• H01 VIII Cr k Co do Nr .. -"'""" """ ........ rm, d n rm & privacy ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• UNIQUE NEW 12 UNIT HoMHt "'""sMd . age ee n . _, . .........,; """·..V.v Sharp • b"drm, 2 ba SlZOO/molsc. LUXURY C 0 N 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• So. Coast Plaza. 3 br, 2 3 BR 2 BA. I tenc:cd W/cpt11, fenced yard, UDO NORD best loca· \llructlvc 1 br w/11ur., nr t:OM PLBX. Sll'ong 0.C . ...._ r-.....ta 3107 bu, frplc, 2 car gur. Poot. yard 2 car J:: 'c1oic LO 11uper area. 1395. 963·4:561 uoo. Exec. 2 Bdrm. den. town & w11ler. $300/mo. lc>c. Urut.a ~urre?l1Y renl· ••••••' .. ••••• .. ••••• .. 644-0499or548-8240 schls & 1ihp11. '$39:1/mo. A11ent, no tee. dining rm. New in & out + util. 675-2773 e d. Prrce $621,000. OCEA11n'RONT 4 br. 2 ba 2475 Orange A\•e. 3 Br 2 lst&last. 673·4545. 3 nr 2 Ba houie In Turtle $700/mo. Olarml.nl, beaut. turn. l Owner. 83l 1204 or bomeuvall.Curyrly ren· Ba. children & pets . . ltocklllll 1600 ON LIDO. Special 2 Br apt, putio, suodeck. 1(15~ tal. Fr plc, wuah/dry, welcome. 1475 mo. $200 Biketobchfromthiilae ~-bdrm++. Glamorous S32Smu.Utilpd.67S.1392 -.-,S-l_D_E SP'ECl"L d.shwhr. 2 car aar. No sec. 546-7tM.s luxury twnhm w/vlew of hideaway. $850/mo . Balboa Penn 2 Br, deck. aar. new cpts. paint, yr· l y . 1400. 113·2071; 675-6670. Quiet Zbr 1arace .apt. Cpl pref. No ·pets. 1309 W. Bay, S3SO/ yrly 67~ Wi.I "" pets. 644·9582 lites at n1tc. warm rrplc, Orengclrff, new 1 bdrm ON WATER Fitbulous 1 Br, yearly $325 mo. UtU. 19 UMITS POOL Ir TEHMtS Jacuui. pool, dbl 1t11r. wtlolt. Brown cpt. self. VIEW 2 H · 1..._ d incl Avail. 1mmed. STEPS to Beach. 2 br. l 100'"; occupied!! Great2 Br, winter. $320. 114 4Ur,FamRm,3Bacon· A\'all now. $495 mu. cleanlna oven. Avail. rw..,..uul e. 675-9220 ba,$32$/yrly.Gas&wtr. buy, mul>t see. Ca ll for Balboa Bl\ld. Balboa. do.Lgepvtpatio,rec rm. 213-926-2890 now.S32.Slmo. t.'0!'$650/molse. · pd.&&2·8216 mur~info ~l~·~. 5 9 91 or :i1~i~470 . 673-7377; DELUXt:, m•w _J_b_r-. -2~ M2·7S.S2 -WaterlroertH.o,..s ~~~~: •• ??~! __ OC_EANF ___ R_O_NT __ _ ba , xtra h:. dbl 11ur. 1 blk Nu patio home uparaded c-631•1 .. 00 B"'"ClJ y1·ew Pier 2 "r Q\llel bacb, $320 Ind uUI. 1.-.auau ~ -··Iii IPlac• .. Prap9rti•• • 7$2-1920 CoroMdefM.-3122 F J J 1 1978 Ex· lo bch. End'd yurd.~S2S 28r 1Ba. p~ot. aYm. -... s~. i Br S375. 's32s. lperson,nopels.613-6372 •u"ll••ns ••••••••••••••••••••••• :"c e~°o ,:ne: xi n t mo.000-6209ur 5JG-2331 jocuul, no pel1, 5385. Adlts, ut1l pd. 303 E. C:--4llM• H2Z o PtN HOUSE "u Ln 2 BR, block & ·~ to bch. neighborhood, nr S. Cst Really neut, 2 br, 1 ba, S.SHI045 New Seaview. 3 Br, 2 ba. Edgewater. (l) 871·21166. 1400 QUAil U. NIWH>lll HACM TRIPLEX, C.M. Great Eall t s1d<' Jo e, newer Jbr, 2ba, frpll', yd. ' 121 2br, Iba, p:ilroi.. l'l\d . ' gar. SltiS,000. 11el0.."9•.Co.1aMe .. $550. Plaza & Frwy. Buses to k'•'·· K Pool tennis jac 645-9161 tiU Ulil.I. schls, nr church, lge3 br, OW, t'plll. lua/pet 0 On the Lake. Woodbrid11e $8·1c1 • I 87 ;..«>., . M Room fur f.i ngle 1----------------1--------3-1_4_8 2 ba, w/w cptg thruout. SJ:i0.96J-45S7Agt,nofee. Crosslna. 2 nr. Nr. "mo.yry 5·""""" person. Nr. lOlhSt. Bay. ---------1l.acJIMleoch Dining rm w/\faulled 2 br '"'"ar. $260. Cp•u, Be, •uch ~lub. SGOO/mo. Sharp Harbor View bt'ach. Non·i.mkr. $125 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "• ... CullMIJ~-· M 38 cc1llng.stepdownliv rm Water pd. 2710 "A" · " onaco r,nrpooJ,m. mo. 7H·546·0G01 & No. end 2stry, charmer. w/vuulted clng & fplc. Delaware. 636-4120 LG91Mle.ch 3241 cl 11rdnr. Avail now. 551 ·2351 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·--Tom Lee, l<ltr, 1;.i2 Iii-OJ Huge garden kit. & ram 1·5pm. -••••••••••••••••••••••• 64-4-4728 --Cotta Met.a 1724 GARDEN APTS rm.OW & self clean 2 lir, North .,nd. Churm Beaut. Bluffs " br. up.••••••••••••••••••••••• • l .. Good Write Off! Great renl;il ureu 2 Triplexes, 6 units, ul l 2Br, l' 3 bu $2:15.000 So. Calaf Realty 5.jfl.56()5 oven. Water cond .. fire l II I & l Cl CORONA DELPt{AR 11lcrt sy11lm, oversized Two swry, 3 BR, 1 \!'A DA nw., II ll u i·y. OllU to gr Ude d • po o I a l $50 Wiii( Ir Ur 2 Br Townhouse, Crplc. gur w/ gar dr opener. condominium. Fully beuch & url muMoum hrtckdoor. S51!S mo. Studio. I bedroom Pool, tenn.18. Som e ocean lndry rm, lots of cup· carpeted & d r u pod . lJUl, ''J)tll, lllovu, rofri". 494-6!63 Maid service, pool & Catalina vlewa. Close I. , IJUS. Opn Sul/Sun 2211 ---------.,..,7 'N Bl CM boards, 2 pauos, beaut. Modern app 1ance!I, pvt. M 0 n l e r u y 0 r . Sub-lease, no deposit re-~ 6 ewport • · • lo Fashion Island & fine lndscpd w/ gardener. yard. Washer/ dryur 213.$45.7948 quired, 11vait. immed. 548-97Mor645·3961 beach. Alsol Br. &u-2811 rcf!I. req. S67S/mo. l'·or hook-up. Pool & Rec. rm. 675·4912 Bkr. l----5-T-U_D_l_O ___ I~~~~~~~~~ apptto see 714 : 97!1·3068. c h i l d r e n & p e t 11 WE • .,LY • .. TES welc ome . $"50/ mo . *,, Super 3 Br. fum rm. -""" Reul F.statc Exel' ex pr'cl E. Broodw11y 3 Br. 1 Ba. no " H b v H ""·It Ki'tchen •·TV AvaLI. now. Call TOUIN u•~ leca.-er ar or 1ew omes. ru "' rn i.:o' ernmcnl ~uh~1dy gar. new paint, c pts. " • .,. 5600 per mo. Mo to Mo or Linens&: Utilities Spotless. Walk to bcb. 4.Br 3Ba Fm rm 2100.qfl Yrly, 3'19 Acacia 645-7°"8 prol{rarns WJnl:. lUJ•llnl HousnUnfumtslMd ~.S-IOOmo.645-4461 p R 0 p E n T v P01ox4ll tease. Call Paul Martin t:LOSETOOCEAN •cnture w rn•l':.tor or ••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGEM ENT, • ....._ ,.,_... lt•aJ""~t te""'7.,.,.. R ~s..a M t...t • burhler to build uµt pro· G9Mral 3202 NPT. Hgts. brand nu 3 br. &16-1311. No fee lo tenant. --• -. c c.o a · .,..... ....... 0 Y• nH 0 "' 2""J ba duplex. frpl, els tu You are thu winner or 2 WE·STCLIFF 2080 Newport Blvd, CM 1etu. 1111.th prulll paten I :==~~~~==~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• schls & shops. Kids OK. free ticketis worth $14 lo 6"2·2611 trul. Write Uurly 1'1lut.11 HOMEFINDt.:RS $4ij()mo.G4S·l06l 2&r. lrg Uv rm. I.bu. upper HOLIDAY 0..CfCI 4 BR. 2 BA, fplc. fenced --------- ,, 1\d:: 113, Uo' 1500. Co~ta -Thousand11 of Renlols duplex. Fncd yrd. $275 at the yard, frwt trees. 2 car SUS CASIT AS Mc~a. l't\ !12ti26 FOURPLEX AJI areas au pnces E/Side. Sharp 3 Br 2 Ba. mo. 1142·1205 ANAHEIM gar .. spacious. S600/mo. Nicely furn. large & 2 Br. 1 Ba, 2 story. Cont· SHARP · APARTMENT 5 UNITS COSTA MESA r~o :! tx:droom. thrl'(' 1 bt"<lroom unrl s 111 ~<><>tJ rt.'11tal ~1r t•J S t•llt·r • '<I •PIQuail ~ liilPlac• Prap•rt:i•• 7Sl •1920 !llOO OUAll ST. NIWH>lll HACH ,M Untl'!, Hread & Buller. Co.<lta .\te;.a-j?real rental Sample· Orn Rm. fplc, patio & CONVENTION 1st & last. 673-4545. small l br. Adu.Its. only. mun i l y po o I. 4 352 arcu owner·~ un11. SISObachrurnuttlpd yard . Hefng ~lv, $485. 4br, 2 car garage. 3 blks CENTElt SPECl .. L n 8 o 1 ,·dpe. ts. 2110 Newport Shorecrest. $295 mo: ~150,000 Sl60 collage walk lo bch 645.5()1j!j from lhe beach. $475 mo. -J "" 67S.23ll AGT. Days. NO 646<J928or~l5·3483 ~ lbr mobile ut1I pd 536-2307 Dec. 27th on Jst. 3 Br 212 Ba condo. newly 1----------FEE S90 lbr pets utrl pd t.it•an J br. 1 ba, garage. f0~ree Tic0kehts goo<131ror dec.,'Or'd. Opt a''a1l~Jan 1. HuntiftgtOft leach l7 40 ~~ SISOlbrk1ds&pets Sa75. Orl\'U by 2060 2Br, 1• •• Ba. cpts. drps. ec. 3 t .or s t SS25mo.640.298t ••••••••••••••••••••••• S22S2br kids & pcl!-> f•t.'<leral. 54li·0063 bltns, dshwshr. lg yd. performances. Ca ll :>o:ew Ocean View Bach. Lachenmyer Realtor $1503brrenttobuy cul-de·sac, $350 mo. 642-5678, '-;Kl. 333. to Bluffs l·levet 2 BR. 2 ba. inc. ulll. f148·8300 <Mikel •-~~~~~~~~ 52253brkid.s &pels l Bit home, real wood 546·7682 daimyourt1ckels. Beaut. park locataon. 871-847JS22Spcrmo . SJ654br kids. frpk punehng, new cpts, drps. -* * $650. Agent 6"4;1133 • --leach 3741 Begonia 2 Br 1 Ba, shut· ters. bltns, patio. gar. adOlts only, $350. 675-3446 COSTA MESA DUPLEX LIFETDiESt:RVICE nuchildrl'norpets.lncld 4Br. 2Ba, cpts, drps, _,..... 2 Br 21>;Ba,den,famrm. 11rdnr. S2tl5. Isl & lusl, bltns, dshws hr, dbl 2 Br, den, l 12 bath, ••••••••••••••••••••••• fplc, patio, gar. S600 mo. 557-0822 SlOO. 2ti7 Palme r Ln. garage, cul·de·sac, S390 panoramic occ:rn view. LAGUNA BEACll MTR. 640-4019 ''42·SIUHI or c ol le ct mo. :>iG-7682 s.150 -197 2370 INN $"5/"'k S"•0/11)0 --------- " • 1 • " ~ • '" ' 2 Br 2 Ba, like ntiw, 2 car <!ll-S4l·l449 4 Br+ fam rm condo BylhcbenchlBr.1'2Ba . Maid serv. colur TV, gar washer/dryr. $4~ I r 1 ·11 heated pool (714) ' ..• .....,,, 3 BR. bltns. dshwshr, gar, w/beaut. view. paol & rp c, beam cc1 ngs, 494.5294• 9115 N. Coast mo. 759·1131, 494·~ Ced yrd, nr shop'g ctr &I jacuz:i.i. $550. mo. Avail. patio, iar. Tropical set· HARIOR ViEW frwy. $450 mo. 644·1:!00 or i mmed. 961!· l ll! 7 or t.ing. Ocean \fiew. Mature HOMES llwy BIG cozy lbr,. frpl, pool. PHrc:r-: ru:ouc:Eu· o n d cs Ir a I) I(' c 0 RN F. n1---F·a·R-L·E·AS-E--·1 I.OT. 2 bedroom units J BR.$575/mo. with pr1vute patios & re· mocll'll'<l extcraors 1'\0W S5 Acacia Treto' La. ONLY Sl07,500. 3 BR, S5i5/mo. 428 Begonia A n aoti e 11n . I' r 1 d 1.• u f uwncrsh1p Sl!IS.fl\IO a~k · 111i;:. Submit <il l olfcr:-. Call 962·2"'56 Curtis In ,eslm1.·nts Im· jQuail ~ CORONA DEL MAR Pia!=• · DUPLEX Prap•rt••• 752•\920 Super pride or ownership 1•00 ouatlST. •ow11oaT uac.M 2 BR, den. S625/mo. 1947 Port Cardi(( 2 BR. den. \'leW, S97S. 2125 Yacht Radiant 2 BR, den, view. S600. 957.0573 1 \163·8364 couple prer. No pets. Clean 3 BR Carmel a\fail. L~ HICJI* 37 52 Snil/ ~arried cpl. No Some lurn1ture avail. yrl.v or mo ·tO·mu. ••••••••••••••••••••••• pcts/cruld$3S0.640.7030 Coll eRe Pork, :Jbr. 1~ 1bn . 2 Br. 112 ha townhouse. S375 499·1916 dbl frplc, upgraded. S<l75 Pool. jacuzzi, sauna · Outslandlng loca tion ~ Scenic views, luKury lmmacsepunit2Brl &. mo. Adlts. 549·2066 Adult comm. Frplc. ~cur 3br, 2ba on•:. acre w/pool. (Al8> adult apts. turn & unr. +photo room, fplc, miru gar. SJ8S. 960·3786 Quiel canyon setting. Cart Butler642·8235 Near Regional Shoppmg ocean view. End gar. 2 Br. cpts, drps, kids OK, Great ram. home. Li.e Center. Heat ed pool, lot.s or charm, close to Z1 Monlaoas Este un1li. with f1rcpla1.•es. ----l'ncl~cd J(arai::es, shake TWO 4·Plcxcs In ~esa del roofs & haH~ l>etm l'O m ~lar Sl·lf!.000. each. ~ no dogs. (pie, gar. S285 4 Br l"• Ba. 1 BLOCK TO avarl f'eb 1. 497.1934 Harbor View Homes 3 br jacum. ~r. corner Ahc1a park & tennis. Adlts, no mo. 645·22'i4 BEACH. atrium entry, • Pkwy & Paseo de Valen· pets. $375. 642·8833 or fplc grdnr. S495 mo. LocJ-crNiCJIMI 3252 212ba,lge.famri;i:i.2sty, c111 644·1179 3 BR. 2 Bo, frplc. bltns. 499.i501; 963-8377 ••••••••••••••••••••••• hAugk~ P3 5t1 6°5·0 quFilet lbulc. AUCIA PLAZA ----------885 Senate St. $425 mo. s ang . ex1 l' & VILl..AG E 2 Br. 1 ba, view, frplc. bl & la:.t +!\CC. 833·9305 Sharp. clean, 3br, 2ba, Beaullful Sea Terrace terms. 640·1714 581·6151 sa1.a1JO bltns. dshwhr, wash/dry • pletely rdurb1~ht:d ' Agent 645 110.1 l I ....... '9 I\ I \ l I ) . . . .".>'If C;~1· 1t•1 Ct11n1 Ill· Ml• .... Quail ~ liilPlac• · • Prap9rti•• 752-1920 1400 OUAllU NIWP'O«T If \CM 4 PLU C .M. f':xcc!!ent rental an•a I·:! BR.2 &.22 lm.1 HA+ b..ich. St4!l,SOO 640·5711 Tll!.::STAHNESCO. DUPLEX l'u::.la Ml'~<i (2) 3 bedrm units SIOS.000. Xlnt reo • tal localion. Owner unx IOUS. Submit. Cftlfury 21 Crocker 642-5062 HuntlrMJlon Units 4 Pl.EX DOWNTOWN Super owner1 unit, 3 blocks lo ocean Try 15', Down 4 PLEX llAR BOR Like new. larite units. lligh income Try con· trn<1 No loan fees. •Principal::. only• COUNSELOR RL TY 960-4388 DUPLEX · I Plcx. Tu!>l1n. S uper .. harp. no \facancies. -------- 3 -2-0-6 Ocean &city lights view. 4 I Jbr w frph-, 3-2brs. lalboo Island )>r. $575/mo. Century 21 l'nn only. Bkr. 838·5700. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Crocker 642·5062 Druke & 0 Ass0<' home. crpls. drps, bltns. home. 3 Bdrm. 2 ba, (am . Sorry, no pels. ear. $485. lse. 6'0-0218 dshwshr. gar dr opener. rm, frml dining & living. 2 bdrm. 1 ba. Lease s:ns S4SOmo. Evs9fi2.422.1 Pvt community w/pool, 105 15l,h Sl. N.B. Open ~leoch 3769 Luxury1~r w/minl ocean jac, t ennis & be ach. llouseSnl/Sun.12·5. ••••••••••••••••••••••• &jetty views, only steps 2br, 112ba hse. Frplc. $725/mo. Poss. lse/opt. Sm1 Juan to Chana Cove. $450/mo. 3Br,3ba. for lease, $425/mo. lncld fnc 'd yrd. $365 mo. 752·9223or499·4Gll C-'str-* 3 .,78 675-2535 LIKE THE YrlylseSS2S/mo gardener, kids/pet OK. 962·7787orS46·8609 ..,.. -" BACHELOR APT -------A\fait. 1·15·78. Drive by .... -"1.....4 Mi1siot1 Vl•fo 3267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Lg 28r 1 Ba. freshly DESERT? Salisbury Reatty 595 Fayette Cir. Call • ~"'!'"I"°" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pr!v. community condo. 3 ALL UTILS PD! puinted, south of hwy, 6 Un1ls, S89,95U in Call673-6900 owner/agent Chuck H.-bOur 3242 New 48R,2·aty,ml.view. BR, 2 ba. Adults only. 100' from the ocean. aduJts,nopets.S32Smo. Coachella Next lo Pa.Im Everett559·4026 •••••••••,.••••••••••••• Lndscpd. No pets. $400.SeaLionRealty Semi-furnished. Avail 67S.SQIS Desert. Palm Springs I 320 ---------iwatktoSh 3B 2~B $425 496 4094 497..J388 6735354 now!201B.BalboaBlvd.---------arca, never a vacancy. Balboa'"' nsula 1 IMMACULATE! pool j~c~~f $~ m:.' 4934:.'::0 • • ; · Yrly. $250 per mo. NO 2Br, 184 Dplx., in qwet Penc11edoutto8.7gruss. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Family home, choice J\sk'~ror Mary Ellen 3 BR, l'h ba, fp, hobby FEE. Call : S u e at H ighlands, b l tns. Sl,784 Isl yr return on DRAM A T.1 C Ba Y & loco. 3br, 2ba, fam rm. f340..l7S9 or 846.1371 agt. 4Br, 2Ba Dorado, $400 mo. are~. comm. pool, l mi. 556·7707 anytime. dshwshr rerrig, lndry nl'w 9'":1' ;, fi rs t. Call Roy N'ewpot't; mte lite view fr.pie. bltns, nu crpt'g, at· Dog OK. 26863 Callll manna. $370. 581-2464. · rm. patio, gar, pvt bch of United Brokers. (714) from this spectacular 2 tached gar, fncd yrd. No '"iM 3244 Alcala. 494·1053 W-L-f1t1t-3298 access. grdnr, adlta, $385 G42·5319or646·7414. br, 2 ba Newpart Bay pets S450mo 6311266or nTilll ... mo 6734132 Towers. front condo, Jrd 549·l438 · · ··~··•••••••••••••••B•o ,.,..wport le41Ch 3269 ........................ OC'EAMfflOMT --·-------- TRt.PLEX llr. $595 mo.675·6775 ----------iUn1v Pk 111, 3 Br 21h a, ••••••••••••••••••••••• AJtnostnew. 4 bedrm, 2 ba 3 BR. 2 ba, yrty. $595 3Br, 2Ba, nice, ~arge, ':'60 E/Side Costa Mesa Smalf2 BR•-Den or 3 BR Home tor the Holidays + bonus rm. Oxford, Wattrf10RtH01M wtrplc. OW & c pts . STEPS TO IEACH mo. 719 Poinselt~a. I yr. old, lg 2 br, ~'t.l-2 Dplx.pUyfurn. Yrlyren· rfshly f~n~,9~br, $525.547·7044 ;833-3215 Olarmlng2BR +many p r hbs thi gdi ~4~ s 2Br,2ba,fum.yrlyS310 _!_73-_2009 ______ _ bJ. units. Ea. urut has Lal. $400. mo. lst & last. P .gar. · · RIEHTALS extras. IS2S/tno. Hurry nelg or 00 · , S. 28r.houseunf.S37S 3 Br apt. frplc, gar, S. of frpl. frml dining & lndry $1 00. Security dep. Spac. Brookview Condo. 2 BR, L Ba....... .$345 + dock·avaiJ. S65mo. . ~4567• Agent, no fee. Hwy. $500/mo. associated area~. 5 garage spaces. 645-1344 end unit. 3 Br, 21) ba, 2BR+D.2ba .... $500 **•UtMtedlrok..-s 3 Br 2 Ba, fplc, prof 673-S767after6Pl\f Sl85.ooo 1\gt. Days: frplc, 2 patios, near 38R,2Ba ....... S475/535 JohlfC ... y,646°7414 lndscpd. pvt patio. S450. CosfaMHO 3124 8ROKEPS IHlltTOl1S Ji"]'. W Bab-o ,.,•1 166J 552-0434 e' es: 552·0507 Corona def Mar 3222 pool/leno1s crt. $495. 3 BR. 2'"2 ba ..... $475/495 incl grdnr. Jo Kelly, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loh for S·at• 2200 HW1 3 Br, Fami(y. 2 fplc 846·9403 4 BR, 2•'\i ba .... SS00/625 LIVE OM 846-1371 & 846-1985 ••••••••••••••••••••••• oce~n view. S900 mo: •t Br. stove, S200. Lge FINISHED LOTS 759·9448 yard. Adults, no pet.s. 83U974 Six loL'I ready lo build. Bay view 3 Br 2 Ba. gar. ----------1 Plans permit, street rs newer duplex on park. Montello Complex Condo. 10. One lot or all. $45,000 Avt l/l /78. $530. 644.6125 3Br, 28a, avail Jan 1. to 149.000. Please call $400 mo. isat lst 552.3322 PACIFIC COAST SPYGLASS ocea.n view, 4 •8 28 C 11 g Pk OPERTI S Br 3 Ba. 2 fam rms, pool .. ri a, o e e • PR E table, oversized patios, frp c, klda pela OK, $450 631·0400 An me all xtras. $1450 mo. Unit· _m_o_._546_·84_7_7 ____ 1 45BBRR,33Ba8a ....... $600$/878755 THCaEGOLFCOUISE! Cl*da....... COS TA M ES A -2 • .. ....... ·· Big nyonTownhome,2 ....... _1_.__... 3425 Bedroom f mature 3BR2 b HVH $650 ~ Allen: Straiaht pror. • or ~z a ms br, 2 ba S700 per mo. Wh " h" adults only. No pets. '""" """4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t t ng "'""'""'' man. Y no some 1 Refer. 12•"' mo. Quall ---------1 LANDMARK. Magnolia-better than a lonely apt? "" 4 br, 3 ba, ram rm. Atlanta HB. Adults only, Share equally w /2 Place Properties, loc. .sq.It. 1444 Santiago, N.B. over 40. l\1illion S rec others. a tux. furn. ocean (714) 752-1920 or 548-3553 SlOOOmo.Acent,6'1·5032 facll.Secur1ty,aUapphc. vu home in Newport. weekends. Ask for 960-1366 eves.. d u Wanda. $100 3 br Condo. Cls to ---------$300/mo mcl gar, ut ., ________ _ NEWPORT CltOlCE VIEW LOT ed Brokers 646·7414 o ... rohlt 3226 Faahtort Island. Short 2br. Pool, enelesed gar . lge pool, maid & grdnr. --------- term only. 759-0087 Child. OK. Gard e n Gdflnancialbckgrnd eS·z eR.tBaduplex..Cpt.s. Grove. $300 mo. Call sentail. 644-o484 drpe, refrtg, stv., encl FIMB HOMI Mll·U88, Tim Moron gar. No pets $270 mo. : HEIGHTS Neille Gall Ranch. 3 BR. 2 be., beam ed cell, •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• z Like a doll house. 2 Change in plans forces den. frpl. $525 Le1111e, new 48r. overl~· lf5 3 c.otPUSDl:IRVl~E BIG CANYON. Absolute· • 646-U16 ly srnuhin& Auausla Tustin 3290 Tustin 3290 --------bedroom completeJy re· the sale or our .55 acre. 4 BR. 2 ba., frpk .. new Ing canyon, oceall view T ti Rock Campus hilll tri n 1 t ss· ·carp. s point. S600 rrom backyard gazebo. u.r e . . done, PLUS a s parkling x 10'!~. e,~uveesl aarea.o Pri. n 2 BR apl. Cathedral ceil, S5001st "la.st+ $300dep. View. 3br, 2 ba, atrium, Plan. A masterpiece of ••• ••• •••• ••••••••• ••• • ••••••••••• • •• ••••••••• COSTA MESA _, 2140 "1 new 3 bt'droom atudlo. " " wet bar lndacpd sprklr dramatic design wilh un· Thurln Streel. Brand Only. Askl·ng $99,500. Ph bri'"ht & airy, $39S 831·2138 • • • • 1 Two baths each, cozy • .... c Lovely ready Jan 1 surpassed golf course new deluxe 2 bedroom vlewt 3 BR. & "en. unJts. Lovely spacious fm/Month lownhame type wl\I\ HASTl ... s s,4&Ac,o,.,o ~~·~ r~m1i> ~'c£ 83{·.2160 eves. SEA UON Rl!:AC TY 8 T 32 ""' · ' ' flrefilaces & kitchens --'--------• aro 32 $500 mo. Call 645-2233 ,:,. i·i=!·.ooo~. 3 Rlull~'csCtholcM• 26783-r~ S of Hw:97:a388Jlt ~:,:;·~·o:·e~y·•;•b•;•:·~:· dys,8J3.8282aftS RIM.TOil v-PROPERTIES, INC. · l in os a esa. '"'""• · le· ,,... • • .. ' TurUerock 4 br, lam rm, D\lplex & tn-plex lots tobeach1 nice pat o, S31S. (pie, crpt, Cenced yd, dlnrm, 2 ba, viewofUCl. -.....a15Ii1• .. CH froml85000tol70000 CallbehAM.oralt6PM, kids/petawelcome.$395. ,_ -;,, ' ....tin Pronorty' I louse "~2·..;."" 675-4907 963-4567, Agent, no fee. Avail. Jan. 3rd. Lse. 3 Br 2 Ba, Newport 1 1s2-1no ,.... "'" .-... Grdnr . water. assbn. Sborea home, newly -..... CICIAtlnHtw.o« MAOt 3 er house, crpts, drps, TWnbse cuatom 2Br, 2Ba, dues pd by owner. $575. painted It deeor'd. SS50 HAWAII fireplace. $500. m o. air,aU.ch gar,apaclous, Aat.S4H032 mo.84o.2981 Oloice acreage overlook· fi40.8208 $340 mo, 5'4·l04l tJniv. Park area. conve· •----------TAXSHILTIA -+&IW•DG. a llllltJ, ausitt. loc. Ask· I O "'-$35(),000, Ing~ Padnc. HSOO per VERY coiy 3 Br a Ba, 2 rur t• y..., JZl4 ~Y located nr Jrv. In· ,......._.View H..- acre. One & three acre sly home. Wood p~ed ...... ••••••••••••••••• dust.rial Park. 3br, 2ba. Monaco model, 3 bdrm,.2 pare.ls avaUable. Hurry LR It Mt tr bdr, !pie!, 3 Br.• 2 Ba, erpu, drpe, frplc. Cncd patio. $500 b1, carpe ts. drapu. '""best ielectlon. small yard dbl aar, ldeal rrptc. $400, mo. mo. Wkdy 213-414·5107. fenced yard. SS25 mo. In· lta.7115 toe. $_550. 759-0599 aft (21J)MH20C e\!.t/\Vkrlds 714·552·9673 cl. iard•::;::14'0 Wltelc-in A,At 1-..IA.lt DUPLEX ....... htwt, ..... 2400 .. ,. .................. ····················~·· , ·1 flM ltVACIMel TWO detue I bedroom, 80 Ac:rea wltb dirt tralltt;> • .2~ balh, J 8~ u.nli. &orgeouA View, fresh tMh wtua famlly room. water 1prlna •Joh\ ftmllact, •approx. 2.000 cl Ill mt. ~rro,uld by ~ 14. Jt.. 1Uteben overlook• 1 o v e rn rn • n ~ l a nd • ' 1 • lo•elf 1arden area Silverwood Ai Arrowhead rl~~~ :.i:f:..: • Info: ,:1 , • BlnRinld•R.! ., .. ..... ~ ,_,__ . . • 6PM ........... IMcr. Jl40 New 1 br Oran1Jetree C9n· --------• ' •••• .. •••••••••• .. ••••• do, A/C, pOOl, j1cuul, 4 Br, 2 br Jovel)' Colonial 4 Bed~ pool home. tennis , clb"hse, $300. mo. homeCaJ. Lr1 I fncd yd. $600 $'50/ mo.nth. SHA R p. Owner/ Ait 548-0185 mo. 642..00S Availablenow,caUMack Lwcurlously appotnUld 1 HVH 4 Br, Fam Rm. atesa.7'718. level \wnhse. Unlveraity clean, uparaded. park Parle 2 Br, den. 2 Bl: view. Xln\ cond. $675 mo. MIRR~ 1uper view, covor'a 8'4-2185 • ~ r-i u m & P a \I 0 ' BluHa 3 Br condo nr CHRIST AS . :~~~. ~:::·.t~~~:. J)OOl1, ahopa & school. Spnd 11"11 la • bra~ Cplc. adlts, U95. JJ>' k5omo.Cllt1844.0lt2 new buob bome. owner, Jmm.crd occ~)'. W•tcllf( 3br. 2ba, pool Sp.ctouti,upsrlel«tthn1· -..a1aor6'7~ w/aerv. pello. wtr pd out, trple., At. 1ar•1t. •mo. Ml-t991 pvt. 1ard. CbUdren II New 2 BR , 2~ ba . -------- P•t• welcom•.. Only townbome ln HerH•I• BAYSHORES, chsrmlna SAS/•, SM d.Uy 1·5. Plrtl. Hlply up1r-adtd. a •. J Ba hort1t, bUf1J, IU UUI IC.: e\al ....... OOOd Joe. on cretobelt. dabw1hr. rplc. beam or•mL .-· d• .. t bit baf, '*· Ar!! m.m:s nuew. . · .. , .. •• \ Attention roommates: Now11 the time to take advantage of .The Californian's uniquely.designed 2+2 plan ... it adds up to two-way value! I ...,_&,........trroa . IMI IMO, lachadlat Vdlld11I the ,,. Califomian, a btin L-·...s.:.::· ~71 (714) 752·1920 or 548-8553 evenings or weekend•. RENTAL AGENT ON PREMISESSAT&SUN. 2 Br, 1 Ba, 1 story, shag. ctrapea, pallo, frplc, beem ceil, 11race. Adultt. $275. 2S4f Elden Unit-0 . 538-8406 MESA VERDE area . Home atmocphere 2 6'. 3 br deluxe apta, 546-1034 --~~----------3br. 2ba. a'plt, drpt. sa$o mo. tmmed oce\lfan.or 25fl·B San\& Ana A\'f, 846-31'2 You don'\ -' a tun to "draw raii'' _.bin you Dl•c. an Id In tbt batly ~Want Adil C.U ftoW -M2.s61W. r . . .. 11 .. Saturday. Dtcomber 11, 19n DAILY Pl.LOT C7 ~·~ ----' . ..._ ~-... ..... -... ..__ . ~·· •. -~~ lt ..• Bultd lt, .. Oiaper it.,.H mme r it Carpet tt •.• c~ment it ... W1r I t. •. Hoe u ..• Clea" lt. .. Move t it ... Press lt...Palnt lt. .. NaH IL.Plaster It .. Fix i t.. SERVICE DIR_ECTORY Plumb lt. •. Patch it. .. Plpe 1t ... Remooe1 1t ••• 1 Roof IL.Landscape It... Tile lt...Trlm lt ... Sew it... Haul lt... Add it ... Plant It ... Alter it ... Lcarn It ... • •n· 1 • ..,. c:.P-t ~ke c-.t/Cw,... 011.l~Senkft ~ · M•wY ,......,,,.,.,.,., P~r..,t119 RooflllcJ · ............................................................................................. ~ •.•••.•........••.... •·····••··············· ··········••·········•• •·····•·••··········•·· .....•.••....•......... • 86, ""'1.Mte lihlltnPoO Is ate.urn cle.:sn A LL Co nc rolt work. 11.ANDYYAN: Carpentry, Want a REALLY CLEAN Brickwork. Small job~. PROFESSIONAL l'REP Painting. Hom" fnlr & ROOFS rOR LESS TllP0tAROE$10 Color bt'iahLtriera, whl Block, bnclJ. alump le electrical, plumbln& Is HOU81t7 Call Gingham Newport. COIU Mean & &PAJNTlNG EXTER Exterior. Speclulty: All typea, no1.n avail. -Kalca,S A q:Jts 1'> m 111 blHch Ch•:io concrete waJls Secunty floors. Pb ICT·2'181 Girl. ~•t&4.5-51Z3 Irvine. 67S-317S evff. Reu /lnar. Lie. 23G74l. ApU. Lorates631-2S08 Free est, lk/bOnd'd, in· ~ 157 Oii~ hv din r m, h111 Sl5 Ava Rwldeni. llM·9118 .-. • H 1 ho ~ 1 Mo a... ~eeest. 638-7394 .sr. Senior clllte.na dlacnt. --. -rm $7 ~ couch $10 chr -I• 'I ave a c ean use l01' t le v....,, 894.o.&21 anytime f"...,11t11 $5 0~.,.· ehm ~l cXtor A&phall/Concrete & tree ....................... Holdidayg. The IYoppetl ........................ YOUNG MAN. s yns expr ........,/lt.,-r ........................ CPt repair . lS yrs cxpr: removal & cleanups. Sldploader. Dump truclt. Qeanina .Se.rv. Reliable, HAVE VAN. Will do lite lo wallcoverinJ. Free ........................ ROOF'S lnatalled f•c:toc'Y Catpectry, any typ11 Do work myaelr. Refs Free Est. 631 ·5078 . Hauling, tre" w ork, reas &refs.546-2393 moving. Expr'd, reas. e&l,s.645-8578Ao4y VERYNEATPATCJl d.lrec:l: ftlab35yn. Call P ..... doors, etc. Miao S3HUOI. U rensed. f.ri•1~7ng, d e mo etc ATTEN: Re altors & Rick 3.12·S568. art 3:30 HousePainllna.lOyra ex· JOBS&TEXTUR!!: Haro&dGUJ\ll~ CIODUD'l, Uc/eat. &48·Z7l9 a.ctrical · wndlords. Eisx:rt, ex· wkdys. pr NB. CM area.s. l'M Freeest. 893'1439 ~Alt•-"-• at\I • We Care Carpet Cleuners ....................... HMlncj l>Cf. oleantni Of hmfJ & Stude nt 1\1 ov e r s. SMALL -MY .PRICES PATCH PLASTERING ..................... .. DOORS. windows , Sleum clean9or ~h11m.F.LF.CTRICAL SERVICE ••••••••H••••••••••••• at. rcntl'1. faJt, top-Intelligent s ervi ce ARE SMALL. R o n All type s, FrcoCUSTOM SEWING Xlnt. ea bl n•t•. 1 be Iv cs . poo also upholstery-all CAU.S S.15 br, & SMAl..L Tree/plant trim or re· notcb, deptNl. servtce II che•pest rates. Also onll: 642-6'799 ~Ul!\3let. Coll~ quu.11\y, abo alterations. llouabfflnlsh. Pickup work guar. Tn.rclt mount JOBSM241233 move. Yard cleanups, est. ~ Hol!day cle~· que dell ver y, short doll clothes9'19-1070ev watk.642.f783 urut Fr est, reas r ate\ ti....__. a-....a.....1 lawn work. Ute movin1. lng,sliverEl\)Olliahlng, wan· notice, alter hours. Proting P~1.~~'1ln"w~~kr~auna&r· ..........., ..,._ • -645-3716 ~ ~nc ~·5863 dows,elc. en968-4143 ~1448 · "" ..... • ..,. .. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·- C.rpenter, all phase:>, re.-------Uc 32'7136 645·0074 Free tlst 957·0941 , HOMESAVERS. Plumb-••••••••••••••••••••••• models. patio covers, Steam Clean! Holiday ELECTRICIAN Pri d Student, big truck: Haul-ThelmmaculatcCleaoing ,........,,.,erfng --536-4383 ing & Heating. Free est, !Ceramic tlJes, kitchens, etc. Free e s t. R ef. Spec1aJ cpl & uphol (3 h r · ce ana. clean-up, trees cut. Co. YOUR SATISFAC-••••••••••••••••••••••• $10br.Hoaest&rellable bat.broom"· & entrys . ~ Rms) $19.95 up to 400 n g l· ree estimate on Any s 2 job. •9'·7669 TlON OUAR. 7~'7 PETERS PAINTING Paint Your Cattf• service. BofA, M/C OK. Freeest. Chuck !WS-6305 sq.ft. + hall & bu th free! I urge or small Jobs. . Gregg Dependable, own trans. Ex pr 'd. Reas Rates. Averaae Extr 1 Stry $!95 7Sl-31500l' 847-0383 " CUSTOM FRAMING L·l·F-£Systems Licensed 673-0059 , Free Est Call Gene 2Story$545,lntr S45rm Ceramic Ule & marllte. Room Adds O.K. <Dry 631.5350 645-~JaS art 6 G-"-J-CHEAPF.ST hauling in Xlnt refs. Kelly sss.4890 • Prices incl matrl/labor REPAJRS/RE.MODELS Around tubs & shower... Wall). ~t-4820 ------~ t.own. Fr est.s. CHEAP! Call Sat & Sun only. 552•0458 Guar/lnsr-Fr~ est. Reasonable, qual work. Reas. 83z..2468 Cohrin9 ....................... 642·299Sor!J45.1300 PROFESSIONAL Pamt· u Ted Euaene536-3688. Wd work, al.I typ~s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WEEDING-CLEANUPS u---~ Jroning&Cleaning ing. Inter/Exler. Reas, c32088l, 636·7085 TNeS.-vk• cabnts, patios, lite F b ff 1 All W~klyMamtenance ~---.. Cheap workguar6'20386 MlCHAELS PAlNTING: Any plumbing, water ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·remdls, some elec, ht ort eopen aira 8 r. Freeest 642·9907 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64S-7487 · ext. houses & comm. s erv. leaks, bathroom Removals, trimming. qual. Prompt svc free occas ion persona l Fi Pal t.' t t b d I ea 'ctlle Reas -1-Fr t U 'd est. 642-1738. service. Cabana Cater-Dig ll Landscape l\faln· • Houi;ecleaning over t he ne n g a s ay usy bl g's. 675-5141 alt. Spm. =-2.~r m1 • • pruy'"ms"fl·ured~A~..;..,.. c • ing 645 9858 M •-1.'d S~CI-! holidays exper. w/xlnl prices: Try me, free est. full ...... -· _ tenance: ow .,. "' ge. ,._,, r 731 ;...,.,., St llc/lnsr. 836-SSSS Professional Painting, top . c:.,.tSenlc. C.......;c ,... i''u ll ma1nt, hauling, Windows, w , etc. Mr. re s. ...,._, quality paint. Results Rttmdel &ll.,.ar .... ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• oec e clean-ups rotot illing Lynn 960-5844, 536-7711 • ~--.1-Painting. Ext.r/Jntr. Ex-quaranle,... Lie. "•"""". ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • . -------..-----~ ........ ~ cu. ~~ CarpetManwilllay_yours CEMENT WORK Al l Frt!i!F.st.675-SSltJ SU .... SHl .... EGIRLS ••••••••••••••••••••••• IT~~d~~~SD~~~ reas. 646-9288 Pai,_ your house for Pine & Solid Oak or mine. Repam; & k" d Ra blc ·1''rec GeMralS 1 " " . Walls,paUO# newJawns, Christmas! K&.K Paint· walerbedsCompleloJlnt! cleaning too! Cuar work 1.n s. e sona · '••••••••••~.~~~•••••• AUtypesofhome&o!Ctce sprklers, iron work, Interior, exterior paint· CHRISTMAS lngCa11ustwo!499·37SS & acc. Re a s onable . at blgaer saving11. Free _cst.s.Call750·662~ -""""'"'I HR• ... IOR ~l e&;nlng packages. fountains. Licens ed in g . Su Prem e 5pe..i.-••L Terry'.s Nwpt ·Bay est,645-3646 Ce m e nt W 0 r k "'ES _. Spec1a1Apts&R.Ework. 83'7-4353 workmanship Call Jack 5'.iolA Don'tdropilieball!Geta 642-0181 Ori veways. pat 1us. fo r m e mbe r s. A 11 lionded/insured. Free 963-7894 · Average 3 bdrm bm$22S job with a low-cost Dailyi---------~ w~al you :-vant in walkways. Reasonable, ~rvires $10 hr or less ests & instant service. Find wlult you want in satisfaction guar. Call Pilot Class iCled Ad. Find what yo11 want in Dally Pilot Class1r1eds. free cs ls. 556·0757 biJ.5013 ~9525 &552-0'l.45 Daily Pilot Classifieds. Want Ads Call 642-5678 aft 5pm. Gary 548-0095 Phone842-S678. Dally PUot Classllleds. ---- o# .,_....._._ Uwfunl. Apcri1Hnts u.rfwft. Apaffln.nts Uwfum. ApartlHllh """"8o Apa l•Hh u.t... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4400 ......... Lost .. ,..... • 5300 ······~················ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ty 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Office Retttal 4400 Office R...tal Costa M•1a 3824 Costa M.sa 3124 C0tta MHa 3124 H..tlfMJhM'I IHch 3840 Mtwport leach 3869 ..•.••.........•....... ·············-········· ---~··················· ..............•.....•.............•........... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: ldon. 11/28. Seal SAH CLEMENTE Point Siamese cat. l yr. • SHARP 3 Br deluxe beach UDO ISLE Woodland Village , 5MflSHIN(j/ urul. D/yt, Crplc, patio, Luxurious Waterfront 3 EXECUTIVE ROW. Inc. Pet Shop & Grooming. old, .female, s paye_d. Retiring after 7 good we.anng Oea collar. Va~. years. Pine 1ocaUoo & Rock.led&e and Vic&ona 845 Paularino -gar. Avail96().2358 BR. Penthouse. View Of Beautiful, n e w. :idult EW The Bay fi'rom LR & Prestigious office space In Newport Sch/Airport area. Tasteful reception lob- by. telephone me•Hge aervlce, con- ference rooms. kitchen. beverage. In- outgoing mall service, dictating & copy machines, travel consultants, com· puterl zed typesetting. Complete secretarial services available •• needed. From $290 per mo. clientele Dr. Laguna Beach. apts. Great location. 2 IRAMD N MBR. Only $900 Per 1>0Qls, 2jacuzzis. A winning combination 3 Br apt/condos, conve-Monlh. l Year Lease. BERTHA HENRY Reward!! •94·9486 or REALTORS 494-207 aft 5:30 PM r.1ove in immediately of adult oportmenl homes ruent loc, 5 unjts avl. $400 G..-,. aiM Co with luxury appointments and up. VM-1S07, 6'0-1751 881 Dover Dr. N.B. 215 Del Mar 492-4121 Lo6t mal& cat 10 mo old. Bnchelor S22S·S2·15 I Bdrm $265-$275 2 Bdrm $295-S325 Rental Off1c:e Open Daily 9 Ii TSL Management 75.J.<)081 or G4l! 1600 superb recreotlonot a premium New deluxe 4plex. 3 BR. 631-1100 .. locorlon. Tennis • gym • ftleroµy frplc, bltns WD hkup nAVB.AGEMCY bllt w/wht marldnp vie Let us show yoll how to Beach/Garfield. 96CH286 spa • swimming • bllllords. yard gar $395. 545-3604, One & Two Bedrooms, One Both /fl': _962_-42_1_8 _____ _ 9 :=,i:= jark Mesct,V..,s ~~ ~~~r~~n~:;i~1~ 550 Paularfno Ave .. Costa Maso 75HS99!5 hkup patio dbl attach gar ·-·-·-........ $395. 545-3604, 963-4218 PARK MIWPOltT Bachelors , '1 '()r 2 Bedrooms &Townhouses From$274.50 Spectacular spa, total Cal 1714) 752· 7170 st.art an agency. Travel Reward. Lost Female exp. not necessary. T~tal Keesbund pu'Jf!!u vie s tartup & operating Brookhunt & · ton. capital required, $30,000. 96J.931.3. ~=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ (714)838·9242 ---------.-: 1----------1FOUND! G·erman Shep re<;.reatlon program, llOOIM 4000 Offl lt...tal 4400 Inves tment/working puppy, male, Santa Ana social program. 7 pools. 8 •••••••••••• ••••••• ••• • ce • p a rt n e r n e e d e d St CM 642-0757 tenniS courts. At Fashion Room w/ kitchenette ••••••••••• •• •••••••• •• • · · AU.active, clean, 2 Br, l~ 6 • -Cl'\ Outstandlllg opport. w/ ---------· bath condo. $295. POQls. lsland, Jamboree & San $50week &up. 5 r~..,. FT great potential. Call dur· FOUND: Cat. grey tabby, WUTIAY TRIPLEXES Costa Me1a 3824 Costa MHO 3824 COST A ~1 FS A ••• •. • ••. •• •• •• •• • • • • • • •••• •• • •••• • • • • • • • • • •• • BKAND NEW I Brf'romS~ 2 Dr From $305. .1 Ur, 2 Ba From S3'J5 play areas, close in. JoaquinHillsRoad. 548·9755 1617WESTCLIFF-NB ingbus.hrs.844-8234. young female, 3 BR, 11-:! ba. 2 sty, dhle CITY LI CHTS-~Br-Vu 673.9468 C714) 644-1900 AGT. 541-5032 Brookhurst & Banning, l(t1r. f1>. s unde1·k, \a-Quiet adlt bldg w/hltins. ------------------•Ambassador lnn in Costa FUNKY HB.963-~ ea111, $380/ mo. for de· S:.15. 631·0537 appt. 219 Adams. 2 Br l'h Bn Mesa, 'ZZ17 Harbor. Cen· 150 I W•stc:llff Dr. tall!>. A~enl. 548 1168 or ----i,tudio, gar, D/W, pvt BACHELOR APT trally located.23Srooms. Newpe>rtFinanciaJCtr UlTLEPLANT FOUND: Male Blk Lab i:V~s Chris. 557 0075 Mesa Verd_c 2 Br 2 Ba, patio. no pets. $325. • MANY with kitchen, •--'-Offic·S-• STORE puppy, vie Sant.a Ana & lll'aut1ful new :I unit ---spaC'1ous liv rm, w/fplc, .,.,., '""3 ALLUTILS PD'. ~ .... •-TV Swimming -_.._, ... r---Santa I s ab el C M b Id XJ I °"""L""" .,....,.... .,. . ca11 on Site Manager In prime location. Anlt· /!Al>,.,,,,.,,, • w mgs. ~t ocat1on 2br. 1 ba. vacanlS25C) dining rm & gar. close to 100' from the ocean. J>OOI, jacuzzi, and rec. (714) 64.2·Slllext 246 ious owner must sell .,...,._.,, near So. Coast Plau.1 2 hr. patio, gar. Ip. Va· sho1>11 & transp. $285 mo. 1 BR. pet OK. $220 mo. 326 Semi.furnished . Avail room. Dally & weekly --------- Children welcome. No cu nt . w / o a r ,. a, 54643009aft 6PM 13thSt.caJlaftS:30 now! 201 E. Balboa Blvd. rates starting from$48 a EXECUTIVESUmS quickly. Full price$S,OOO Lost blk &wbtcat.male, pets. Rental omce open S32.'i/ mo 960·4982 Yrly . .,.,.,n per mo. NO .. -... ·plus inventory. Owner Htg. Bch area. b _, w~. B e a u H t u 1 b I d g • h 1 r· H .. daily lO·S.840 Buker Sl.I 21Jr.l h<i.$215 2 r unfurn. S240 mo. 1 FEE. Call : Sue at 645-4840"" may ep ma.nee. urry, 536-0409a •• 8PM blk w. of Bristol 2 br, 1 ba. ref. S<!45. 1-·or child, no pets. 2br. Good location. wlk to .... 1 Personalized phone cov· lak e ad vanta ge. 557.5215 details. Agnt. 548.1168 or 646-1251 ocea!' & stores. Stove & S56-'1707 an" ... me Room w/ba, pvt ent. 2 erage, secy service, conf. REALTOR. 962·'1788. Lost: Female Puppy 3 cvc!>.Chri:..557·11!175 2-b 2b· 1 Id h"ldOK r efr1g, c rpt & drps, blks beach. SlOO. mo. room, xerox & more. mo's Shep4'?mjx.Gray ---------1------r, a. o ere 1 . carpe>rt.536-1286 BAYFRONT, lse 2 Br 2 43rdSt,NB494·6044 Easy frwy access. Near SAIL SERVICES w/tan. Wht paws. wear· LACASAILAMCA 2 Ur lower, ga!>. heat, n.o pets.~~. mo. 1570 Ba,gar,priorltytosmall V otioftRMtai 4250 So. Coast Plaza. From Work with sail mailers, ing brown c ollar, a.ch, llr·AYIHow water µd S225. & S250. Coriander D . Walk to beach 50617lh, 2 boat sip. $600 8339442 ac 5 $225.979-2161 yacht owners. Many re-NcwportHghts.Reward. :- All ut.Jls pd cpts drps 631 2177 360 V1ctorr J 549-1240 Br 11,';t Ba, fplc. gar' $300 evs • • •··~···~··••••••••••••• Koll-Irvine Center wards.Dis.Kl . PRlel ply PBoOx 642·2283. .. , · · no pets. 833-1693 · ~bin, Big Bear, sips 4-18. 131 'A t --------- pool, lndry. fac s. Adults Lr~ 2br Hiiba. t yr new. Lrg l br, 734-D Shalimar. 2 B l lAI B T hs t I $35 up Pool tbl cir tv Executive Suites " ru Y 0 • · · Lost: Small golden brown 0~f{d 35 · n~ f1et~ or Adults' only. no pets. Nu pnt. $215 mo. 9'11....cl.-.Acllh adlts na~ ;:h e $ls:· dbl. frpi, 494-8611.' · ' All size sultes now av ml, Box 1560• Costa Mesa, dog, while spe>t in left ~56 . 7~~~-a H u e: 1-827-2479 642·3288, 554-1616 Near beach~ shops, 2 Br 1 :ws-2682 • . BIG BEAR CABIN r l 1182·400 Ii.A· n. ) Rent in· Ca. 92626 eye. Vic Talbert & or c nry · ---Ea .d . 2 b i•~ 2 Ba. pvt pnlio, gar, $310 Pc, cl: Becet>t .• phone ans., OCEANFRONT Beach. Last seen Dec. 9 • . 842·9137 ~e 3 Bdrm 21 i bath con· s1.S1 e-qu1et. r, 72 mo. 96().1Z19 Spacious. bright lbr, lba slps 8, week or wkod. util., janitorial, mall & MARKET Reward. "7·141.5. __ do.1All m aJohr dappl. ba.gatr.$.360pati~~fpldc,tDI~· apt,neww/w cpts.bltns, ~SS6S coffee serv .. cont. rm, Must sell!Net$3S,000 yr. r~ L ...i.... 1 Pk Frp r. allac e gar vacnn , ... or e aL'l,[)eluxe2Brin4·plex.Nr. S300mo.caoneryarea.ll__.toS .. ~ 4300 lounge,kitchpri•gs& Agenl.642-4758 ~·= tn:io, sm e -1 Br. crpts. drps, y d, w1opcner. Comm. pool. agent. 548·1168 or eves. 5 Points. Encl. gar. No 673-6522 --• _.._. prof. secretarial serv. on 1ngese ndt s:nedlcatl•n. carport. Kids ok · No jac. lcnnis. S. Csl Plaza Chris, SS7-0'J75 pets 540-4484; 648·3-142 •••••••••••••••••••••!• premises. (714)549,9595 Dating, escort & share Crest & Matn St. H B. :!.0.,~227i1. 4S8~25_5· In t. ulil. area. J::asy frwy access. 2 Br apt, steps lo ocean, Need rmmate M/F, on re ntals. Sell or take ~3262 _.,...,_ -----S4751mo. 536-4976 after ~aliBllU LlVENearTbeBeach! ulil. pd. $370. mo. Peninsula, Sl2S mo. Call artn ,,.,,,. • .,,,. •---------~ C cW Sol THE EFFICIENT p er . .....,..""v FOUND: Samoyed mix 2 BT. 2 ba, all bltns. lrplc. flpm ----Bachelor- . $225 asa 642-IJ34day,642"6578ove aft6.631-0824 .__ do I I Beautl.ful Adult Apts *LTER.._. .a.TIVE '""""""'t g, ma e w' co, lar, Vil' encl gar., ball'ony . 2Br apts & Jhr tnhse. 2Br S295 Gaa&WaterPaid. Cliff Haven, 2 Br 1 Ba. Christian Female, to shr Mo':° to mo~~nt incl: Oppariw.ffy 5015 CdM. ~days ext Laundry rm. S32S. , Acll ts. dsbwhr. Gas pd /\dulls, no pets. 21681 Brookhurst, HB cpts, drps, patio, etc. No deluxe furn condo. Sl50 u e c e n l . s e r v • , ••••.•••••••••••••••••••. 515 TSL Mgmt &42-1603 7711 Scott PL 642·5073 161 E. 18th Street 962•6653 children, pets. Pref older mo. 646-6300 ~ r • · ------------------• personalized phone cov-1f you re not eettlng 2 Br. ;\fonticello condo, sigs 1 Br. mcl. util Crpls. _ _ S42-0856 adlts. S295. 548-5306 Roommate wanted, fem. erage, conf. rm, an ail 13.8'/,• return on your in-Jl?OI & Rec rm. $35()/mo. drps, palto, quiet adults. Villa Vista Apb READY NOW Newport Shores , 4 Br, over 21. Neat 2 sty, 2 Br serv .. undergr•und prkg vesta'\ent. call Sandy * * ~~:r· lndry hkup. no J?ClS. 1828 J>l;1cent1a. 2078Thunn 2 Br, painted. crpts, dplx,fplc,2Ba,s"'1gar, aptinCM.Sl40rao. Don· &moreinNewpe>rt. Ross.AJaxCo.837·3744 J_,,...... · 644·W58 Brand new. large 2 br, drps, 1 ba. Gas stove. $500mo.64S.7450 na. HM 548·8lt 3, wk THE EXECUTIVE •Average yield on pay-24515 a..... .. 2 Br, H'S ba townhouse l •<i ba townhouse w/fam Adults,nopets.$250.425 540-0500 SUITE,64G-5470 offs lo Ajax investors, • MJasloeVJefo W/p"lio. 610 Joann St. Eastside 2 B,R. 1 Ba. near room. XJnt arc". S350. 12th. $430. 3 Br, 2 ba, encl. gar. Jan. thru July. 1977. y the • r ,, s j 1 638 Back Bay. Encl rear yrd. TSL M t " 642 1603 Blk to beach. Balcony, no Fem'l needs ro.mmate, ~ State law permits a pre· OU are wumer o -ma pets. 548·7 gar. $300. 548-7933 _ • gm · Beach studio duplex;. 2 pets. free laundry fac, patio, SAN CLEMENTE payment penalty charge free Uckets worth $14 to 2 br townhse. 2 IJr apt ------.---NEW2BEDROOM BR, 1~ ba .. gar ., patio, TSL Mgmt 642·1603 gar.,nr.bc:b. 960-5398 Ocean view ofcs. 2 main equivalent. to 803 of 6 HOLIDAY OH ICE w/pool &Jacuzzi l. 2 ~ 3 bdrm apts. in ton-2 Br garage A/C. $315. nopel.$325. 645-1682 st. expasures. park'g., months unearned in· at the · ,·ement location $195·$275 ' ' Park. Newport spacious, Female or male, young, 600 c m 5 s· ll' 2 te est on the balance ANAHEIM 645-2498 /\"'. 642·"050 mo. 645-4655 Condo vacant, 2 br, 2 bath, sq. t. · im Jar r · ...,. <JO di good loc. 1 Br, lse. • S 1 2 5 m 0 • • 0 r · above + 2500 sq. ft. Mortgage Broker~: Of· CONVENTION' •i.&SME.SADR.• ------Large 3 Br Townhouse shwashe r, range & 644-4290 Garfield /Delaware. st.orage S400.Agt. fered to California resi-CENTER Lovely & new 2 Br 2 Ba 1t~~b~obl\n\~[J'Qitrf:-with patio, garage + ovetn. Cf~· dSrps, ~l l,B --lk_e_to_be_a_c_h_f-ro_m_s_h-ar_p_: __ ~ ___ bl_wn_S.._7P_M __ _,~ dent.sonly. Dec. 27th-Jan.1st . upper. O'looks. SA Coun-. · c · 0 pool. Quiet complex. pv pa 10· ccuri Y · E ROO E ---------• Free Tickets good for try Chlb.631-1816 pets.8:ll·344S.~5·3417_ Adoltii, no ))els. $350. S32S/mo.554-t332 ~:i~~ ~!'\!! ~n~~ded !~ NCa~~ePr•~s~i~~al; •COSTAMIESA* U-toLo• 5025 Dec. 30th or 3 1s t EASTS.DE 645·338Ior675-5949 tr-.iM \ 3144 646-7115Agt you'vescen&heardof! Deluxe orrice space w f :;:;;:••••••••••••••••• pe rformances. Call Lg 2 Bd l ''.l b 2 ••••••••••••••'•••••••• ---------1 Radio-TV wetbar.830s~f'lJOC sqft. 642·5678, ext. 333, to * * llUGE newer lbr. bltns, s:Ory ~Jmkds OKa, no Orangetree, new l bdrm S-CIHJ•• 3176 Time Magazine-Press 642-4469642·7604 Money Available, many claim your ticket!>. M. T~tr crpLo;, drps, lrf: walkin ,..,•e. 'Nr s.chl's. $""'c'tup w/loft. Brown carpet, ••••••••••••••••••••••• housernatesllinesig ---------sources, all project s. • * 525 C closet h /d ........ ......., BEAUT store or ore best S50K min. 752-0052 •---------ypnss No pets ~~ :Z"'i4~a:r <!310 Santa Ana Ave. se lail~·cleanlng oven. Sparklinf2Br2Baco~do, ~E-ffiATtS\JNw.uTW locationinCannerySOO& foundwbitefluffycutap· LGCJlfta•ach 63 266· · · 64S·S088 or l213)371·4032 Av .now.$32S. aar, minl ocean view, ...... . 600sqft $560&$650per po 4 mos Id Mes You are the winner or 2 l·l ---552·'7552 $32Smo.633-4720 (714) 832--4134 mo.675.3551 ~I. Trvst 5035 Vre;·d e a r e~. ·Day: frff tickets worth Sl4 l<> (2) 2 Br t ba 1 With fr le Lge 2 Br. clean upper, in 4 · -.-979-2731, eves 545.1304 HOUDAY ON ICE Also. '(2) ·1 brs. tali plex. Cpts, drps, avl Dec. 2 Br. l~ ba an Wood· Spacious 2 Br garden apt. Rmmt needed. Ocean vu, •••••••••••••••••n•••• ---------th 5484411 22. Adlts , n o pe t s. bmlge. $350. A(lult.s. no $2160permo. upstair&,clean.$150mo. lusiMSs RMtal 4450 Found: Black male Lab A:~E!tM ----.-645-7485 pet.s.83J-8080or833·3307 491H137or834·3471 835-G012 •••••••••••••.;~••••••• LOWEST mix, 1 white back loe. CONVENTION Large 2 b~,lba,WesLSide, Families small children ...... leaclt 3141 S..elt....... 3al6 Rmmate to shr lg CM 4 Dl!LUXEOFC'S WtntfllatH MesaVerde.540·4070. CENTER rncd patio. dish was~er. up t.o 2yrs 2 Br apt. S23S ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• home. No pet/ child. Con! t 2S II Dec. 27th-Jan. 1st ~ m 'ildrenl pets. Call mo. 2077 'Wallace Ave. LwlurY pent.house. 2 br. 2 21,; Br. pr\v. bcb, small 646-9634or645·1331eves. panele!;~;~~~hse 1~ :e. htT.D.' .. aiM F~t~. Rv~ ~~~b~~al: Free Tickets good for _· ---__ CM.646-2826 ba, din rm, frplc, big yard,newcpta,cozy.NoPe to b lbdr ar.1or2yr.lease.Lake 2'MliT.D.LoaM. Yorkt.own,HB.640-7329 Dee. 30th o r 31 s tEA<.;TSJDElg 2 br Z ba view. Block to pets$29$499-2567 r&On 8 are m, Forest are a . Ke nt FairestTermssince1949 _ performances. Call frpl frml din '1ndry EASTSlDE cozy 2 br , downtown. U75 mo. . • 2ba home in E/Side CM Hark.ins. 5attllf'Mf9, Co. FOUND: Blk Lab puppy, ·642·5678, ext. 333, to are~ $375 m~ Agt patio, garage, bltns. 494·2319eves;957-0282 Wftll .... lf' lltl c'ma\'"'~quletsor:fan. 714-581-9393 642-2171 545-0611 vie Magnolia & ln- claimyourtlckets. Da>•s': 552-0434 . e ves: S27S.1602istSt.S48·2127 1 B 0c . l blk t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oo~pSi"''" u+r~ uttlLu caeollt ------------------• dlanapolis,H.B.968-0803 • .,, 552.0507 · r. e.an ~ ew, o 2 BR. l ba, nr. Brookburst · -• Approx. 400 sq. n. C-2, WANTED: 2nd·TD loans. --MISA.PIMIS bch .. Adlta, u pets. & GG Ftwy. Sm. pet. or &IO-l.984or646 8265 N C. at 130 E. 17th St, •Oceanfront. Properties. LOST: blk Lab male. Vic. Code Mffe 3824 Costa Mesa 3124 New studio apU230. 1 Br S21S·S295. ·'94·3280; JddsokS2SO. ea~ Fem bas nice condo 1150/mo. Doyle548-1168 S!i<IM Secured by Del Pomona St .. C.M. Nwpt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S285. Avail. Jan. 1st. 499·:pl0 1,,_,., ._1 1 Mar Houses Will pay t~gs. 645-8648 ·, Pool. Jacuzzi & l1u.ndry . S230ttiCL.ALLUTIL. w ~,sauna,,.... acuzi • $280 lse. Store-Octlce. 10% +10 lnU Also will - ! , rm.Adull.:s,nopeU.Opeo Choice cohdo at golf GreatlocaUon.overlook· ~ m1 Crom ocean. 960sq ft under 30<'. 19478 see1J S40if 2nd.TD' 153 FOUND: Br/blk, w/wht 1 BEDROOM + OEN IPJS daily. 2650 Harl a Ave, course; 3 BR. 2 ba.. bag park. L&o attractive 6'6-0G> Beach Bl, HD. 14.2·2834 d i s e 0 u n t P / P paws. Setter max. C.11 -" C.M. <Mesa Verde Drive =~ ~ll, 'tei leck, 2br, w/trig. & bltna. G•OCJ11• M" el m4)64W032Daysonly. 96J.1400Denlse orKart'n • l Bedroom, 2 bath Ea.at oJf Harbor Blvd). S4!!0Mo. Agt.~51?er. Quiet. well mana1ed fwll...t. 4150 ~~r.:-Rd FOUND: Tame bird. 549·2447. buUdinJ.$36-"90 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ret .11 ffl 673 r't 183Yleld"5.0C;l0.3Yr2nd beach walk/sea cliff .... ..-.. .... ai o ce sq. · T D 103 11\.lerest &Slcle home)' Jarae Z Br, 0C-""'0"' qi -~...,.latd Wanted:' 1ar/1torace ape RetalJ/warobouae 1336 quarterly 00 ll acres area. patio. Walk to school. OILUXI •UafwW•~ ltOO l m m e d 1 •tel Y , sq.ft. Bomall· SU 818 4 yr lst 536-2797 _ S3b0. rilo. 675-7396 ....... I Me."'" •• .. ••• .. •••••••••••••• ~:~~4N B I CM· Ca II Office 28hq.rt. • T.D. saie at $U,OOO. per F O U N D : 0 I d e r D-.Pohtt ll2' 2·2BRtr.$500.8'6-050$ TJfEEXCh'l.NO · ' ~vaJIJEqm~~-acre. 15% discou nt. sc.hnauzer, male. v1r H PALM MllA APTS. S.~e garaae overhead ...... tale uiues < 7 14 > 7 51·48 2 7 or Trabuco &i ~ Toro R<I. •••••••••u••••••••••u Logllllt .. 3110 Ml.NU'l'ESTONPT ..a~ ..... u W AgtSteR·l (il4)'93-ll.53oves FJToro,581·5715 Panorama view, new clll ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'"'°· -· _,. no. 6• 731 • 831·1633or~ ~ 1MhSt.CMS73"7i87eve ·-y 2br, 2 ba + den 4·Plex. View Tnhoroe: 3 br, atch Bach. lH BR. .......,.., It...,.. 4500 AO,. ield $80,000. 3 yr. FOUND: Pet bl.rd, owner No.-. ll(lr'98-1087. dar, re.c. facllitl•. nr ,_ • ._ •-SINGLl!G ... RAGE 2nd T.D., 10% quarterly may claim on dcscrip· SP;;;LING 2br. dco, !~~~ys. Lu U7S. Aduitr.NoP:fa eo.t.Ke1~$30mo. ;;;Sq~·~·;··~··~·~···· on 20 acres prime Vista uon. • • t, • t I • Over 1000 sq. ft. •Large balcorues ,. • Walk·in closets. , • Paneling & fireplaces • And much much more! J: · 2ba twnhle, ocean vu, ...... _. '1561 MeHDr. 6'73-0llM 67.!:!!:!! pe.rty w/~~:: rt ~rP!fs: ~"j,~ ~~.00:,?~~~ 54Hl98 r.1':. ' 557-8820 dbl ll)r.$31S. Cberl ~ ...... 3152 (5BJbEastoCNewport Oftlce....., 4400 condofcs.$4&-J.m,2956 ty. U '!Gi dhcount.Found : 2 remal( ~ 1, • 861·1BU, 493-6515 •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• ,:vd.) ••••••• .. •••u••••••••• Randolph Ave. CM ( 714) 7 51 ·4 8 2 6 or khnauirr Pupples. Vic. ~~ ~ 1 .. _ ... ~.,.. a..; iar•ae, Nlccr t le 2 Br, ass & up, _ ·llMO --PVT. Otc 6 Recpt. area 3 2 O 0 S t t I <n4)493-1153tvet. OdM. 873-7469 .,_ :~~~ ...... u ,c::ao PM•every d"'v .~ 1 ~ ... "'"' • pool II rec room qwet ._ 4000 f o I" ren t . Np t q · n • ., '""'n' .. ....., ..,.... .._........ 1 ivJJe to beach. At Dana • Bth/ Faahlo'1 Jal and, dust/Comm'l. 2952 Ran· Found: male .HUAky, blk fllf~ • ~· Poln\493-0015 ar ... 83M7M SI··:.::·······::.::·.=··-, ..... Of not ··-Call· dolpb Ave, CM Call • p I ~-flh/ W/tan b\lrklogs. 12/H, 11.1 ~ ... ,,..,...._. 3169 ... .,.ntrma •• .,.. -•· 7-•· 4 · _..,, • 548-llSJ. mruhl vie. Bea eh • In· d•t ij(( aBr,tge.modtrn•Pf. ••••'••••• .. ••••••••••• All S!O. wk. Sllare k:ltJ. -.m . LAltt&....., dlanaPQlle. H.B. -.mo l errafleafl I agr1:1 '300/mo. WC• 3br 2b pl Su b•tb. $Mttm Mon.Sat. DILUXIOllftCIS FOi" rent Approx 700Sq.ft ........................ tG-6767.Skfor J~ ~l 1., I\; Ev•"9-0318 deck.Jblbt!kta:~· Refs req'd.-..... or _..,,..,. ft N Sch Lal, Cyn Rel. UW. pd. LM&,._. UGO I[. ~-act-·-1m ·~fl duple11 mo """ ............. st' ..... ~ •.. -L~ _.....__. t9CI· c' ~pl Sci saoo. •7·l143or494·9806 ....................... Loat, Au1\t'a1Uan Slllde ;i· '" ,.. .._ NUlt • , , ..... _,..,. : -, , --aL O .. Alrport. male, trey " reddi11h ,,; 2400H&rb« Blvd., •l't. 2br. 2ba, en. lndry 4N-ecN4 ' Yoana pro( M/P~·"Pvk ~· &*klftf, attrac· 1500Sq.ft. MlA for Ute FOUND: Poodle mix, la.n w/vlnyl • ...., Vic ",.,.~ 1• -Colt4I Meta, Calif. ! rm. •1t91, ctptd, Ira , Jlllwpt. rfll. tlN m o. &1.-ebldnj. man u fact 11 r in I . lonJ tall. A.pricot w/1ra1 ~to llw' 6 La Oa..ta' o : 1·'-cle$. ~Pf. $.0 sell~futwt&llQ~ 7A·Oltt na: •:711·0150 M Dlctlnlall.AJl. Woodlhop O.K. 49'7-1143 P•lChH, $'8·10H or o.& PL JJ/12 -.Lai r~ ,, ~,. ·~ --,.. • mo. l -52MOIS c' Pt.lat WamAck. I Q9. --•n .. 1n,_~ ar484.()808 eeuae. L.4'7-11138__ -_·_ ~ - • .. ,. .. j.. f. 7 ' L I ~ t f .. .~ DAILV PllLOr -8alu•~IY· o.c.~ '7. ti n • ~tr.~.~~ ......... !?.~~ ~.~~ ..... ?~.~ ~~~~ ..... ?!.~~ Un •ni pro&.. m ! C' .tlJ .\kuhul 11-flpltna ~-J •!:.) ..U.lalo l'H M6Nl\~'T'" C~rana cuofK.lr rnt.il i'Ou!\.»t'hnai A. rt'lt'rr .. t, Abort tun, "liuptivo II 1.t"-1110.11 W~A tt E ~7 c:56J --- LIMDA I VICKI o..tc•Mcn104Je For ttw ,,.,. of ltf N.>rvtnJI all Oran.cu <A>. ~5·731J COOKS 1-'\ill On·Tb Job 1'raJn1na . Now art"eptJna apphc:ation.s Mon thru Fridtt)' J Spm J.P. Macs OrmNJe COUftty's Mewed Rntaurant I 0142 Acloas A•et1U• ~Oii .. ach 963·7129 ••• . .. ~~~ .t. .. ?!.~~ ~.?~ ..... ?!.~! ~!~-... ?!!! ~!~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~!!~ ..... ?!~ G!NB.RALOl-'FJCE UOUOle&.•IC MUISISAft>IS UC.,.IOHIST ._ .. _,ti• Of COOl..uAD Utetntoa luales. PUn Nwiitlkh MMta Ellptrien.cedonly. Busy conv. hotp.. PTont aeca Wlft • c L l m I t • d m • n • • or part tlrM. SST-Oas Sat •sun aam.apm. Sa\ desk. Ute typlna. A'f Y, P/C ~· ....,,,, ~~~~a~~!!: LtVE·IN Companion I& &ao 8pm-8am, Alaol 14'5Su~orAve.N ~~.....!,. .. ~.., r houu keepor ealar1 nithl duty Mon tbru Fr ~ _.._.._._, &My 111 ~rlOC'I, Gll.lllvcra "EHEIAL open. Prefer cultured 8pm.atm. Elderly man RECEPTIONIST Brt1ht ~ Blttb.S&.e lot lh s l "u r 1 n t , 18 '8 2 a woman iblo to travel. bed paUent. Ca.JI eoUoct indl11. for am. architect Newport Blllac:b 133-&lJQ MacArthur Blvd, Irvine. LABORERS Valid C.ll/ dri ver'• lie, (ilU'7M030. ofc. Od. telephone mao· C.11 rOf'Appt/.Eist.ab •u lktwn 9&10am & S&Spm, JOod drJvlni record. oer. Atlractlv~ •PJ?-111' . .It~~~~~~~~~ C"'.oolu, over JS, wlll train. Needed lmml'diately Non·amolte.r. No heavy M\MSISMDIS ~~~~1s'1' Coot ct ~cre&1ry-Purchaalnt 0 1 !> h w 1.1 " h e r 11 • Long It sl\ort term u-houseclean1n1. Oood re· & OltD•UIS • ror promlnt1nt Oran&• wullrcsse5, hostt-,sc-s & signments. Holid ay & t'Ommendatlons. 493"44J01 Needed to 1Jve tender R.E. SALES, 90~ $pllt. Co ast By\ldlftl flrm ~eneral help. 2~254 Lu v a c .a t 1° n P 8 Y • btwn5&10PMforappt. lovinfcarotothoclderly Computenied MLS. You localoct n Tua\ln . Pu, Mission Vrnjo, 1n lfospitallutlon plun LOAMNOCISSOl patients. Will tralo pay $50plmo.SS1·4T41 Prevlout con1tnictlon M1s~1on Hills Plan . vallable.StlU"lToduv l A. qualified personnel. eit~r. required. Type , ..-mll req d. Contact Cyndie shll\a avail. Apply 1"5 J:l\.IU & p/Umo ovenlnp Contact Peny W.3001 581-8440 'a~ •] &,; FH-:'·VA·Con v. expvr. Earnwhlle youleam.Al.I llSTAUlAHT.fttZLl 60wpm .• no 1horttland. Cosmetic Sales, cxper . LaNler, <714> 8M-05811, Superior,N.8. for aeneraJ reat. workliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~----~~ Full time, permanent MasonMcOulneeo. nearOCAlrport. Must be SICalTilY •MICHELLE'S• potj.PresliieOrugStore ll41C....,.ort .. ~ngtorbr1Jbtyounf. HUlSfSAIDU 18 or over. Apply tn $149-SUm.PerMo. <>utcall Musirni:~ Hefp W•t•d 710C Help w ... teod 7100 bch area. Mr. ElwOod 54~7'41 111 for an arch1Lect1 o . 3-11, exper. pref'd. Coun· penon. Cit otN ·port Bo h 101\M lAM 731 4411'.! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~OlSO (Acroes From Ch. Must be uble to type try Club Oonv. Home, SGT. PEPPF.,RONl'S neq', 3 y.;wfncreu~efly SpiriivalReadw-N. bele Bicycle Mechanic nct't'led. COUHTERGIRL OraoieCo.J\irporl) well.Call Ten-y,875-6200 ...;.S49-_306_1_. ______ 1 r.,. 1 p 0 n 1 I b e 1Kt5So.El Caminoflcal seELECTROMIC Previous expcr. Hlta A ppl y a t Ca U\t!O EqualOpporEmployer NUISISAIDIS ~2t'E~1~~t~ steoo/dericaJ work. Sh Duke, (21.3> 4lij.g151 ext Cleu ncrs, ltl5U Sun MACHINIST 3Sbifl3avaU. '-'"-aAna l" .. luhlii tll 100 wpm, typtnr ~ San Clemente 1-'Ully h e. tr.VDERl~CED :S13 O><U1 .. ~ o .-.m. Ap~•v by 12/21177. fo ppt 492 7296 llOAI"" ...... --------,--Miguel, N.B. GENERAL 4D•y/40Hour WMk UCL~ 11/T. S41Hl674 .Personntil" Office, 3300 -~ ·-. --lli.tpa<lly growln1< Irvine llMDERYWORKIEllS, MAJNTENANCE General machine work 3·11 :30 ahHt. Apply <Nextto McOonaldsl UANCEOl-'1-'UN t·ompany hos 1mmed. W/tr a &11. blndcq CUSTOMER Immediate full·llme Ott quality aerospace 642-8044 u k tot Mrs _2Eq~u~al~Op~po~r~E~m~pl~o!y~er:_~~N~uwport~~~B~l~v~d.,~N~B~·~~ l:JUl.nude teirls dance & openings In the follow-helpers, rltime, permu SERV/SEC'Y opening& avail. For ltl· compone nts " 8 9 • Isaacson, Park Lido rap Sl'ss1on. JOAM to wg nenl Position. lmmed Sm. coro .• based ln terview a ppl cttll Lido sembtiea.Muatbeable to Conv.Hosp,466Fia~hip RestauranlbelpforJack· SECRETAltY 2AM Mon Sat 625 N. •II and Soldenng openings. Call 833-9Sll Irvine. Telephone eit-Village Center. N.B. work rrom detailed plan· Rd .NB ln·The·Box, 1mmedlate F,uclld An ah~ 61!'>0 •Ware wrapping P Ille occtg/ typma nee. 675-8662 .. 1 .. ft aheeta .ta blu•nnnt.s. • operungs on all shifts al 3 Newport Ce 1 nt4::i Law l''REESESSIONW//\D Successful! applicants IO•TBUILDER c.ill .S407800 ...,.. 1 J P__.. Nursing aide & some CostaMesast.ores Pleasc firm. Some e1 expr --- -wall hi.Ive good manual "' GlRJ..S App Y n erson hsekp'a ror disabled rem. apply In per~n : Pftf, but migbl consider ltEl.AXIN<.i MASSAC t:: <ll"xtt-raty & a positive M.tw Product Line counter help. Perm. PoSl· Own your own bu.sl neM. Monday ~Thursday Exp pref'd but not re· 385 E . 17th St, triunee. lntelll&ence , 8obJame-;f..1c Masscur can do altitude. Work Look1ng For ExPt'r'd tion Mon·l"r•. M/F . Sell cust.bikinis.Fun& ...,.......,..HIK quir'd. Live in or O\lt. 1205 Buker St. shorthand & typlnc re. Outcall99,494·Sll l hour!> SAM 4 :30 l'l\1 . Electnc1ans 6-14·2030 or 644·2031 Ask profit. 642-2455, Iv . 2101DoveSt,N.8 . P/T.898-223! 223SHarborBlvd. qwred.C&llR1.1thBra1er Salary op1•n, company Engine Installers for t-;J Roberto messg. .... .. CHlulST •-.--------•l-844-·_2tn_l _____ _ paid benefits. Call or ap. Plumber~ --~ " Part/Full/Time, take or-.. !JIY 1n perS4tn, Carpenters Counter girl Diveraltled work load dA!rs & make deliveries. ftEJAll SlalTARY PROGRAM Top pay, xJ nt worlcani:: Part/l'Ullt1me GUARDS mrg electron ic In · Avg SS.ST per hr. Must II Ortice or continuln1 conds & good benefits. 4 Demilt Cleaners CdM sJrUmentation. Modern have re liable e ar & CLERKS educuUon In Saddleback • DATA I NC Day week. ------full & pf time. Work any shop, Advanced Kinetics phone. We traln. Call The eoueae. Mission Viejo. • APPLYJN PERSON COUNTER Girl/Printing stuft.N.B.area.Unlform Jnc., 1231 Vktorla Sl., Fulle r Brush C o . Typlna&shreq'd.Exam · _ _ lt>7~Hale Ave. Irv. DOWN EAST YACHTS shop, Npt. Bch. 0 1>emng furn. &tired ok. Teleph CM.846-7165 .E.O.E. 754-6411. UTOT......, will be administered. F-5CORT Si-;HvH:f; 714.549.0335 700 EAST ALTON SA av I. I m med . Ca 11 : & car req'd. Nal'l co. -Mon thru Thurs 1:30pm MOOl::LlNG OUTCALL •----------. 644-8233 for appt. w/top pay & benefits. MAINTENANCE PART TIME Coa•-...Ce Mn... to 10pm, Ftl 8am-5pm. MASSAGE FIGURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCALL OML Y 631-3811 I ASSEMILERS ~kket!per, _full charge. Ve i l ve ry D r i ve~ & Call 833-4mS9am-2pm MECHANIC SUNDAY OMLY Help Wanted Call betwns &5, 831-9700 :-i 4l uurs 8476520 W "li t . A I 7am HT f Ill f b • lst,2nd&3rdShifts -Y'S l/'/cwG1r·':oar1nY. u~~ Yt:orp CPAoorfcu1n iNm~ oE~xpu~yn Prod u1•twn Worker. $3 lo Experlelnce llln I ma Ind· DriDa·ilvyerPiloldrot·otop b~nadrrileesrosr. Noexper. req'd. We train i_e_xt_302_. _____ _ "' SAND * ' .i "" • · • • start <Aili 642·2256. llAIRSTYUST, enioy the tenance nsta at on an .. tr.JI Placentia t:M secretari al skills re<1 d. -...... · ""· I r d ti M t h I those hired. Applicants SICllf ARY OUTC,~7~1·,~~Si\CE ,"'''° .. 'MuLF:R TRAJNEE Salary open . Call OF.LIVERY MAN-Eat· ~elaxmg profession oC ~~p::e~. f!e~~;ne~~ st~ona~~;:: ":. ~ apply at Utotem Swres Typist, Rec:ept. A/Paya. ---'"""'"' u &t0·5141 or640·7734 ly AM, Los Angeles ~~!~~are. Xlol salon. ""'"iU'o ... Must be wlllln• drlvl c r "Ord Call located at: ble Combo. Good typln•• SANTAANA Times route, N. C.M . .....,...,.._ to wo;k overtime. Ex~ 642-432~. as~" for 0Harry lllDelMarAve.C.M. & gen'l ore skills req'd~ * * __ Ca ll 54 9 ·2475. BOYS· GIRLS area, $350 mo. 546-4481 H06tess. days. Personable cellenl be ne fits and Seeley or Don WIUianu 1390 N. Pacific Cst Hwy Ena.lneering ofc In Santa Jeff Robflison .A.SSEMBLHS 12·16 years of age. Bven· attractive & lite typing. work ing conditions. Laguna Beach Ana w/fuJl benefits. Call ing work. Obtain new OEl.JVHY Dinner House exp. pre· In cludi n g 11 p aid PART TIME We are anequal JimHayes,213/437~1. 2106 ,.i9hlond Dr. WAHTEO suhscripl1ons for the Dai· Messenger/Courier C'd. Apply Victor Hugo holidays, company paid • opportunity employer N~wport leach C' anon Bu s i nes s ly Pilot working with an 5 day wk. P/lime am or Inn. l6l c mr Dr. Lag. group Insurance plan, Male, female, no exper Secretary/trne needed You aic thl' \\llllll'r of:! ~luchines. Inc has am· adult supervisor. 1-;arn p m . Know Or g Co. BcbMon-Fri,3-SPM aide pay benefits, liberal nee, no ar e require-with xlnl typing, gd t1 •'<!lll'kl'l~ wui th Sl4 lll med. openings for as· S20 lo $30 per week or 835.3149 b<wn 8 & JOAl\f vacation benefits, etc. ments, transp furnished. IN 7-3:30 phone personality, to de· HOLIDAYOHICE -.t.o m blers i n their more.Call (213>S96·02!!6 Hotel Call for appointment or Work20hrs,earn™+. Countr y Club Conv. veloplegal&magcard ;itthc l'.tlculator ma nu!. pf.ant. noon to Spm <213 > DENTAL.ASSISTANT c.W.,./CoffH Shop come to personnel omce. For interview call Home.549--3061. mncbine e xper. Call /\pply to personnel dt!pl 4!J8..2473. Spm.9pm. <.:1111 R.D.A. ehl{able, ortho of-Bnght perky perBOn tor 9AM--4 PM Mon-F ri. to 551-0B:USun 4' Mon only. •---'-------644-8150 cu:~~:~~;/~\N 3191 Redhill A\'C, Costa Collect. flee, cha1rs1dc exp. prer. day sllilt Good fringe completeappllcaUon. PIXA.swerSet"Y. AMSUPIAVISOtt --------- CE'\'I ~:It ~lcsa, 92626 :.. 556 · 47 <>0. Bnght rouple with ab1hty Newport Beach. benefits & oppor for ad· CAUFOAM Wuttoworkda)'8, alter-:c:lp!Ten'!~~~~~o!: SECRET ARY lllT :!Ith .Ian l~t. Automotl\e V> manage a business full 640-0121 van cement Apply lo 16661 YOft K.._R noom & evenings in NB leadership qualities. 1 Ute bookkeeping " typ- ,..rl'\' T11·l..1·h i.!ood fo>r :-.cw Detail Shop llt!~S or pit. Unl1m1led an-DENTAL person to Nancy, 2-4pm. lrvlM & CdM areas! Work Wknd per mo. Apply, ing, mual be mature, UH 3Ul h oir 3 1:.t help come RECEPTIONIST Sheraton Hotel. 4545 557_7110 f /llme or p/lime. l-MSSuperior Ave, N.B. neat & attractive. Con· l•<'rl•1r m.1nl'l'' CJll Top w3gci. paid. Engine 1>'73·3609.675-6200 Costa Mesa S41M07<t MacArthurBlvd,N.B. s-• ...1 Weekends a musr. Xtra 642-2410 tact645-2216S 1 • I" .JlitH, t''<t :1:13, tu Stc,1mcr!I, t-ng painters, --....,... pay for e x 'p e .r • d ~~~------1----------- 1 IJlll1 )our t1<·kl'l~ l>uflers & polishers. up· Carpel layer help1:r DENT.AL RECEPT HOUSECLUHIMG Oppor._.ty ~yer operators. Call 640-0812. SAW SECRET ARY • * hnlstcry s hampooers, needed. Exper PaSONHEl. -.:..:..----=---=---=--• E.O.E. s•-........ ~ l·heck out, pick-up & de· 645·3646 1-.:xp in appt scheduling, Day work F /lime &. Malntenance·Llle, days. ---------.'"" .. ...,..""' OutstandingopptytoJoin I (., 1 & ans Must enjoy de.almg d 1 31 e k B YOUR IHCOME h l 1 ld c l\llra1 '"' 1lrl!>lla11 ~:i llH·ry Apply al . p/t1me. Wkn & eves App y, 11 ac ay PIZZA t e exc t ng wor o :!1.;, ~ ·• J:!..11!,., 1'kc·t-.in :ro59 llarbor Bl, c:.1 CASHIER w/ pu bll c S al ope n . work avail. Need window Drive, Newport Beach. $SSS SSSS catering lo the hospitali· u •rc l!UY 111 :~1 1•.u . lk1x 64S·l030 Full/pi t Resp person 543·!H31. washers also Must P. ro· MANAGEMENT Help Wanted1 · Nbeed shome PAltTTIME ty Industry. Above 1118. (; (o !l:!.H 12 --ovr 20. wtll trn. gd pay ~----~ v_1de own transportation. PEOPLE PERSO. N exper. App Y Y P one, average typing & pre---11.l,"fOi\l<Yr lV"'. •·t E"'RO CARW""H . 548·7863. Ta.HOMEWORK · ""al r, " • '~ Des Engr/Deg toSl8,K S3/S4 perhr.540-9525 Exec. needs p/timc 88• ---------OU V v1ous secreta.. exper VOLVOMECHAMIC 2li50 Harbor.C.M. Accounlan~Clcrk $750 TheSuMhlMGlrls soc. lnwholesalc supp1. PLUMBING H SEWI ES required.Xlntbeneflts& •!'111 1,;H I l.t·:i-:• Ccrll r wd ,\I <J~lol'U:.l' llou:.e CJlls lly l\ppt. H:IH 6HJ8 Jluwu11:in Val'3l1011 Yuuni:. fr\'c, un111h1b1lell lady wanted lo accom vany 2 uninhabited dudes lo llawa11, all cxperu.e.., paid. 494 122:1 ------·----1 Volvo experience only, ExecSecy's toS14K 11 1 Ji Experie nced drain· COUEGESTUDEMTS worklngcoo(liUons.App. expandini: new car de · CASHIER F/CI.lookkeepers to $15K Housecleaners "needed, Fu Y c ap la ze · cleaner wanted. Earn Guarante ed Hourly lydlrectto: aJersh1p, 5 day week & We are now opening 1J lrvlncPersonnelAgency Mature top S$ Call Nee. _642_·_l634;.,_·------• $400. per wk. Call Wage Plus Bonus. 5:30 So.e...tPl ... Hotel now e\enm11s. $8.25 nat newDelTaco &areslall 48HE 17lh <.:osla Mesa 642-1403 or64S..3439 MA ..... •GEMEHT 499-482lbetween8am&5 pm to 8:30 pm. Call 666AntonBlvd.CM rate. CP warranty & In-1 n n eed o r H o s t • Su te 224 642 l470 ~ 646-4223 or come to 2SO E . 540-2500 EOE·Jd/F tcrnal, lots of work & on· Hostesses & Cashiers. _'.__ --·-:__ Ho usecleaners, own CdM Businessman seeu,...:.P_m..;'-------17th St., Costa Mesa. ly dealer within 20 mile:;. Apply in person only at, ~--trans. TopSS Par l n e r in f u 11 Y p R 0 D UC TI 0 N I __ __..;.______ SICUT41Y Cull Bill Light. 20921 Magnolia, Hunt. DIETARY Asst. Immed. 642-7207or646-4871 cap!tallied wholesale MATERIAL CONTROL SALES Versatllepersootoauist MAlt"'UIS MOTORS B c h . (<.:or n c r o r openings. Lido Conv. Houseclean1·ng Serv1'ce busineu, xlnt oppty CLERK/ Trainee. Exper SALES PRO .. OTION oen. man••er, div. sales ,.. Magnolia & Atlanta> Ctr., lSSS Superior Ave., 640-9078 desirable, bu\ not man· • " .... h MJSSIONVIEJO M Ft'bet 3&5 needsEngsplcnggaJ full , datory. Tbe following BACKGROUND-Pro manager & branc 831·2880 495·1210 on· 1 wn pm. N.B.64&TI&4 p/t. Car nee. Top S. Manarement Position, will qualify· TYpina ~ sportsopptyrouomeone managerlnhandliq~ CIVIL Donut Shop, Night shift. 5S7--0609alt5. Sales exper. nee. i:.,\~ wpm accur~cy 18 more •Wllh advertlsinl & ticket dresp. " ... ~sect ~80 Oy-nt & Auto Trans Mechanic 11:ao...1G111o..1Eaal .... G 25.45 Years. Full-lime. PocoC.lld.les,.O F l-po'rtanl tha'" 5_..,., sales ability. Pro. ven ut.ieS. ~· &>Nt 'IPlDI • ,,_ Orange County's lariest '"" " '""' n HOUSEKEEPER. Live Island. Newport Beach. ... .. ~ ~· d ed Exper. lll persoooe.l "in· reparation trans mission Co. N(le()s 3 OESIGMER 135 E. J7lh Sl, CM in. Refined lady English Business machines, ex-ecor reqwr · sura nce desired. Sal ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 · r d R & I' d · b d' · · aki 6d R r e M"' .... ICURISTS per&acrurateonlOby.' or iented, In· at.e /a.per Jobt Wanted, 7075 'I u <1 1 1 e ' Exper' an su 1v1s1on DRIVERS p/hme d e-spe ng, ys. es r · "'" Math, mus t possess teres tlng _financial oomme~ · w • mechanics. Top w.iges & work Apply in person. to livery. Male or Fem. quired. NB. 673-42$6 F/Ume for busy salon. bas 1. c a r l l h met i• c pack~e ror nght -rson. & ability. Irv~ area. • • • •• • • •• • ••• ••• •• • • • • • ""-·-· f f ·1 F R b l RI bard 0 ll l 200 .... Call ror ap..t S.0.7839 Wall 111: }our nur!>e & ph~-.1 cJI therapist. \vu1l. lnr 11:1) '\\llrk. <.: ~. tt re a 1.ir t' I i-; x p e r . ~.:IJ46 1-:ves ~l.oturt' women dt•s1re homl' ~ olf1cc dl•anang. Hc•ao;on11hlr ratei. . • tt1i1!.1rt1on ~11;1rnnlecd. l'hurll' li42 J4tj() any hnur. Ht4pWant.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• uo:nc Its or eltper. peo. " r . uentes, o er . Must have gd driving c ue et J?, • knowledge &. capability. Sub t resumes to .It. .,.... · pie w/uwn tools. 962·6855 Bein. William f'rosl & rec. 19 yrs & older. $2.75 HOUSS<EEPBS Newport Ctr Or, NB Telephone, considerable Jaffe. 1100 Quall, Suite 1 _E_.O_._E_. ------ -----A~wc., 1101 QualJSt, NB. hr. AM & PM routes No ex per. nee. Xlnt incoming &: outgoing 101, Newport Beach, Ca. Secv/G-.Offic• ---------1 open. 548-0470 benefits includ. sick pay. MECHAMIC/ c a I ls . Cont a cl w I 9266C> , ,..SllCAL FREE Bayview Conv. 2oss YARDFORIMAM customer1, vendors & ---------1 ~~· /,8Jl~';'p~~ntgb~~ -. ELECTRICIAH Thurin,CM642-3505. Exper. In diesel aas l S e c·a11· 'ng In °11 Ex 'd I · I • par e o company . SALES o~"''"g for mature, am-p 1 '' .. per n commercia • HOUSEKEEPER Must engines. Resp dlrectly to Pers onable telephone t""'"" l trl Chri1hna1Earfti-' clerical, secretariat, resid&servlce.642·3482 VP S 1 le bilious genera o ce ··7"' sales & adminislralive speak, read & write · · 8 commensura personality & manner is BICTltOMIC cler~ in 1 person ofc. ::t~:~~ jo~LSOFEEJOIS , __ EH_G•l•M•l•ER-IH•G--1 ~~'k_"A~~y ~c':J~f: ;~~~·e~~e~orv!fi~~ kf~n~ r~~in! OIC.AHSALIS :-!f:pho~~v:of!:~~·::J REPRESENTATIVES Emplymt. Dev. Dept. for Crest Landscape, Inc., division of Brown Jordan HI G H EST C 0 M • typist. Uto bkkpog. Call Bci.t lime to establish Call 540-6055, Coastal AIDE II direction. Advertisement 1920 S. Yale, Sa.nta Ana. Co. (we makecaaual out· MISSION I GU A RAN. Jackie, 957-1071. • AVON customers. Interested? PersonneJ Agency. 2790 CityolNewport.Bencb paidforbyemployer 714/S46-1V7S. Equal Op· door furniture>. TEE I F RING E --------- HarborCM. $ll.3641381PerMo porEmployerByCholee. 714·979-0131 BENEFITS. Sell In high SEC'Y ---------i Call S.W-7041 or Zenith i..a...--------• Filing dcadJLne 1/9/78. Hsekpr for 2 adults, pvt ___ _:.________ traffic shopping malls. An'lng Blskpng 7-l359 Clerical. p/ttme, typing, For information & BP· rm/bath. Refined lady P/TIMEOFCASSIST Some ability to play the Our company ls seeking TEMPORARY filing, telephone anawer-p\lc alio ns conta ct who Jll'efers good home MOLD MAKER 20 Hrs wk w/Ute boot· organ req'd. Prevlous an enthusiastic sec 'y l<cgister Today to work BABYS11TER wanted in ~n!i!1siiorr!~~k.CO~Ti Personnel Ofc., 3300 tohighwages.644-8819 keeping exper. XJnt typ-sales exper. useful, but w/good typing & dicta· 1m various accounling & CdM hme. required to 714.83J..94SO Newport Blvd• N · B. Del!lJn & build rcclslon Ing cSr organization at we will train you. Call lion akllJs to aid an ex· nookkeeping assign-stayover'nitht.sattlmes. 640-2101. Insurance Property & single le mull cavity akillsreq.$380/mo.Seod Mr.Lyno.89:MIS31. pandin« secretarial rnenls. Work close lo 64().5143 C&.ERIC TYPIST Engineer s pecializing in Casualty Secretary. Ex-molds for transfer le la resume to Y .S.P. JDc., ~~~~~~~~~~! service to the c.M. area. .vou r home. Figu re , Tr · I · r Bill · 1 i per. nee. Xlnt benes. Jectloo mold macbhaa. 3303 Harbor Blvd. Sle . lfust be depend.able & a <...1erks to Sr. J\ccoun.BAKER Expd or appren· ainee pos tion or . e lec trt c a tran s. FredS.J ameslnsurance Smallshop.GoodwOtk· J>..13,C.M.92838 Sales Lad~, mature, self·starte r. Pay c:om· tants needed thr uout lace. Call btwn. SAM & ~ :;;eN~~~~ur~~ Mmiumumrequirement, BMkaru'r~nage BBerha.dfeayll, lngconds.Daysooly. E.O.E. HaJlmarkGlftShop.Hrs mensurate w/skllls. Orang"Co. noon.496·1410 -... 8 Master s Degr ee. STACOSWITCHINC incld some nlabts. s.6-2982 "' typing sltills. Salary lo Flue ncy in E nglish , 494 ·1087 or 549·3058, ~1SS7 ---------Hobert Half s Banking $500 & good company Dutch, German, & In· EOE. ll39BalterCOstaMesa PUK.ICWORKS SECY/RECEPT Accoontemps TH.LERP/TIM! benefits.833-8450 donesian. At least 10 ----------549-3041 IHSPICTOll SAllSMAM Good typist, full time, ~S.Maan,SteSOl We a r e seekin g a years exp. Willing tol•-••-----•I llltttvlewingSiturday Cit otN-Be ch PlumbincDepartment must be personable. NB No.Tower.Un1on8ank customer on enledmdiv. a..ERK TYPIST, canon travel ext e nsively. INTERIORDESIGNER Ba.m·llOOD& Y ..,_..,.... • 48Hrsperwk.Sat&.Sun area.7SZ..05M.Lorena In The City of Orange , . 11 ·u Business Machines, has 7cn ....... 1 Exper'd proressional to Mon-Frlday9am--m Sl,2M-$1S60Per Mo .. must . .,,_,...,.d. Ap..iy, oor p/Ume te er pos1 on · f t _.v,' ·""' F'll g d dlin 1/9/78 .. ...,....,... .,. ~~~7~14~/835-4~~103~~~1 '" our N.B. ore. Recent ~~n:~~ti~ri:d~fdi::-!i _E_X_E_C_.-Se-c._to_P_r_c_s_. _Xl_n_t• wfuorkl In Jg. Aoahlelllm EqualOpporEmployer ~s 4 e:rs e~per. I~ KermRimafUrdware SEMIORCl'Tl'ZIHS ~ teller or cashiering eit· w/at least 3 yrs previous SH, fine opp., must be rn lure storeb s e dnc pubflc works construe· 21166Harbor-Bl, CM You can supplement Acrounu receivable book· per. pref d w/lite typing. ex per. Duties vaned & able to lake charge. Start many name .ran s . lfothen Helper, Mon. tionor Inspection. For in· SALES PERSONS, easy YoW' present income by keeper. App11rel Import Xlnt sal & working con· interesting w/some over-sal. open. 645-21667 pr e r e r des l g n er thru Friday. Refs. Nofl rormatlon ck applieatJons Christmas money. Your benefiting other Sr. l'Ompany, Co~ta Mesa. d~.l\pplyat ttme possible. Requires w/prevlous furniture smoker. Call aft. 8, contact Personnel Ole, own hours , unique Citizens. Do It In rour Mu11t have experience. MARINERSSAVI Nf.S neat appearance, tact & EXEC SECRETARY store exper. Opply to 556-°'31 3300 Newport Blvd, N.B. Crystal Prisms, sell s pare time by visiting · able to take urr trial 1515 Westcllff Dr, NB accuracy. Salary com· p 1 t l work in Newport Beach 640-ZlOl with YOW' friends. Call I I Se d t t.·ft al Op E I ersona secre ary 0 area after 1st of yr ... hen MOTOll IOUTI · themselves. Contact: for ap .... 64<MW63, Senior * ancc. n re11ume o ""fu por mpoyer mensurat e w/abilily. managing pa rtner of .. CRYSTAL Cl "'01 Cl b &3 13 1, c/o Daily Palot.1---------Call Personnel for appt. Npt. Bch. ore of acctg. branch will open ln Dally Pilot route ln RIALISTATE ENCOUNTERS tlzens scwnt u · P. · Boit 1560, Costa Banking 556·4700 firm. Xlnl. secretarial & Westcllff Plaza. Newport Beach. After· Professional, licensed 642.6342 Service Sta. Allendunt, Mesa, Ca. 92626 LOAM PROCESSING 3191Redhlll9've. CM. Interpersonal iikllls re· _ Mett"''* flwn...... noons Monday throug~ salespeople wanted lo exper'd. FuU or p/time. Claaw q'd. Salary o~. Send 714-5313 Friday plus Saturday "' complete office staff. SALES-TIMECLOCKS Apply Arco Station, 17th '""'" COQCT All resume in full confidence Sund~ mornings. Gro111 Computerlr.ed listings, Daytime w~rk contact· & Irvine, c.M. BU8y pleasant N.B. ore WAITRUS to: P.O. Boit 3046, Np\. ._,pet month. SSO cash generows commi.asiona. ingloeal bwnnesses. Full ___ ;..._ ____ _ Xlnt sal & benefits. Real Learn in 40 hrs the most Bch, 92660 E.O. r, Janitor CoUple, days, Uv-deposit required. Call Advance training. Call or p / time. Men or Service Station Allen· ~~~~:ra~~=J~~vrc:~~ advancement avail. exciting, glamorous. Ing qtrs. Apply, 1131 8Q..ml. Ast lorClrcuJa-rorpriva~lnt.etvlew. women. Some leads. danl, exper'd. Day & Must type 50wp m . h1ghly paid profess. Day Jo'OOD Processing P /T Baclt Bay Or, N'.B. Uon. 642-1062 Commission. Call Mr. AJ. Eves. F\111 at p/Ume. Ap-Req's per. In directJng Telepftone & customer or eve sessions. Place-eves. 6..S hrs, 3 day weelr. MOIW'OR ROUTI "'-...-'121 Crocker len. 839·5322 ply, SheU StaUon, 17th & work of up lo 10 81· conlact. See Madeline lrvine.-Hvy llfting. JANITORIAL. laun-., WIS Irvine, NB. srmblers. Day shin. Oaw11on, 673·3130. rm. mentassist. CoodJobop· S3.SO/hr. 751·2600 dromat cleanup, retired DIUY•Y 621 W. lttltSt .. CM Sales : We need 2 __ ...;._ _____ _ STACOSWITCH IHC perlol S11vings & Loan, pore.• 7141751•9 l94 couple pref. Fl Vly· To deliver Jarae motor n-a1 ""·ta•-Salet People 111lesmen lo n il ad-Set"vlce St.3. Nilbt Attend U.39 Balcer Calta Mesa 3366 Via L.ldo, N. R. Food S9"1ct Aid Weetm. area. 847·5058 rwte ht S La nd _, .,. "" Jeet'ti.sing for local dJrec-2 Or 5 nlt.es a wk. Apply, . 549-3041 ~~~~~~~~ So. Colif, Cocktail Sublm.te . IUU • wanted. Up to 90/104JIJ tories, gd commission, Shell,17th&lrvine,NB 1: Waitr:eisea, Jnc. 17922 On·Call Basia. 2-2~ hrs JA~lTOR, part-time, La1una Niguel. Muat eom.m. aplit. Nwpt Bcb protected lerrlt«y, adv . fnter~,;~:::!8:ro•Y ._________ Sky Park Bl. Ste C, per day. $3.lO per hr. A-p-jan1tor1al le Ille main· ::d~~J~n:u~ 631.Q800 sales ex per preferred, Service staUOI'> alte~nl l\fon·Frld~tam-3pm Banking lrvine,Ca92'11' ply to Irvine UnHled ~ance tor pvt country cub tpotlt required. . butwilltralnilqualilled. Dayahil\a only,ruuume. F.QualOpporEmployer UNION IAHK COOt<S School District, 2&41 club.S.W.~rouppt. 1 For i*rmallon call w!~~:~~rorit IMS-9708/ (213)8)3-4007 ~~~~~~:co. 4678 ~T llACH Breakfast, Lunch, din· Alton Ave, lrvl.n.e. (TH) LlaAL SICY &42>A3ll. ut for Harry om~ ap~aoce. Boat-seamstress. pay com. HA.SANOPENINC ner. Exper'cl Apply In SS6-4900. Sm. butlneaa uu,.uon SeeleyorDooWUUama lng background helpM. me nsuute w /exper .. ~Serv.StaHclpneededim· FORANEX.PER'D person. Ma Bll rhr's EquaJOpporEmploy!:'j nrm lb Npt Cfttr NekM a Newport StatJoaen, Inc. Send resume to 2122 Santa Ana.CallS49·247S. med. f'Ull or~/l. Apply, PROOPOftMATOR Restaurant, 212 £.nth exper. legal aecy. ust needs tbulre ticket NcwportBlvd.N.B.92663 990 E. Cst wy, Nwpt •~SEMBLER St C.M General C>rflce I h a v e x l n t g k ll I 1 . clerk for mutual a•enc'j. 8'TU511 ~EAMSTR ESS, cUJhlot1$ _Bch. _______ _ fti> Pl a t t Do ls · · Sbortb ~ ... req. '"•bmlt • •ca11vas products, some ,,., ... u TRAINEES Ml~cg!u~0J\oacNew~rt ~hlerM• SECREJAllES reaum:'l; eooti~ to =~f= .. ~;e~':: lt~toMIST eiper necessary. 4 di ys Sr.nmO, lndus'!'al, hot Neededlmmedlat ly ~~~~mployer ~=.~:it1Coll & TYPISTS ~~o.'e:!s ~~ ~~I~~ fllL ~!~'i~ ~:=~~un~~hc~~ ~Sk::l.aETre:63RJY-308.1 ~.~-=·mm exper '"'"& CJ ahort term •1-Mesa. CA.92628 M-xi111u1r NfttY Nwpt/FHblon bland. ~ "' Shl1ppln1 g1/Warehousln1 ~nmeolt. Holiday ft COOi Be part.lcular • ge& tbe • .,...,.._..y M:;; ~p. adlilt for Phol\040·2390 P'u t 1rowln1 Real aertc. Exper'donly. Call v·a ea l ton 1> a y , BARTENDER f;xper'd only. All 1blft1. best. Work temporary LMAL__,,,.,._ early AJit dtllv. l(nt . •tate firm neat OrAnP S46-62llO JQ) 't l1 tlo 1 Experienced CoOd pay ft btnefita. AJ>· anl1nmeot1 with the N.B. area. Gff, Prac. tt· ~tram. MO-.nat. ltlCPT/TYPfST County Airport, needa • ---·----- Cllll Bob, 911M"° PlY. JoU)'. Ropr, 400 S. atenoy that worka lot ,e.'75-0141. Ollr co. la 1oektn1 • Mcretary w/JClnL t)'plo• SH•lllCllYIMG BARTENDER, COOK. Coaat U.wy, Loauna you. .._._IS ' U :.... n..: •-NlGHT CLERK Good quaJlrtcd, tnthuafaatlc aldllt .. ablllLy to com· Apply In Person, CPC, C 0 C K T A I L Beach "vrw ye.in wan ........ ,y ....... ..,.. AnlY la~ rHpM'Jpftt W/a ad. pose corroapondonco, *Harvard,Sant.aAna WA 1T 11 ass es • 1ST COOK Z.p'd. on! • CallTod•'ll room. Ocun 1Jaw. oniy. Alf 'Bak 119l9t, C::: penoulll.y tor• zoroic soo knowledfrO ... =.~--~·,1 a.a••·' BDSBOYS. lntervteM FUU time.-... Cluh. ~8~ offi,,.e • !.f~~.-+~lar1. ZllONewport81,C.ll. Y.~gotc. Must llelpM. ~al Baute n. STUOIMn -, "" ., """ ~ --··-have • .--yoC. •J>PCAr. v.tment ot ..crow ex· 21·25 1 r1 old for 'I~ ,.. ~ .. , ~=~.r.: :u~ m.m.s Wed. ovel"load OARAGE SALE •4-tn MUalllAIDIS a. ...... , '*'· req'd. S'alary COTo• barteQCler lrot. Must be (Atnuflom -*---:.::1117WntcWIDr. .. •h.J>alb'Pllotbrtn•hap. IOlllD1• mua~ntea w t up. ctn cut.. p/UnMt suo + '~CO;~) N.i\ /j-• ~ COoK. r~Uer, Ullte • 117.ff61 ij"' .... 11111. To piac:)'ow-XJol M•ellU. l.~lud. 'b-ldi JOW old ltult (Ot Q u A IL p LA c It Upe. c.u Mr. Bennett 11 ieMl°"9r~ ·-b ·Her Call btwa 3T218ltth~NB •r 1 I ard b H aldr_e_17._~C-v. !!.•• .1oodlu wltb • PROPERTIES. INC. lloeduDec19tb11-4:a. ,ar• w.iMRinlca ~....,;..;.;._;_ a.ifPM,.._ZZ'fl ..::,,:~ .. • P 0 -11111rt11.C11-... 11.aatallltdad.MI...,. C'714>7S>JMe. 65f.JJIJorau., ·--... .... .. ASSEMBLY LEAD . ..... ' . l t ~!~ ..... !!.~of~ .......... !~!~ ~ .......... ~~.~! !::!'.~!~ ....... !!!~ !::~.~ ......... ~~.~~ ~.~~ ...... ~~.~~ Saturday, O.C.m~r f7, t9n 01\tl Y PILOT ~· , ' Clannl't ~ caae $60 Vo t Ml .Cl 801 Mltcftl .... t 8010 Mltc .. WOQI 80t0 •• TAX rtlfPA•HI A.NrlqcllS !USpe«i ~yl I blis:o 20~Jj 8111.ekt.ab rem .11payc.'<1 . to Mu.t Sucrifl4!el Love11eat, ~pW'rUer & CHC s7&, .~.; ••• ~ ••• ~.·.~ .............................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• JU ah \ o1u11'.h .. ) "'.ir AMOMYMOUS :,~ t oci, • good bonte. Well man· motchfnr overstufted 1.el\ith 'l'V blk/Whl port Beautiful oriS£inal oll CARPETING: ~ood coml around tu OIL 1tc\lCl ~"' • nel'ed •trained. 562.s.890 c h u i r w o t tom• n w/stMd & rtrnote l'On . WANTED 1 pc 14 yds, a pc:s. J1 )'d.~ swr'd 11coplc:. for ~r•· ('~~lAINST JTALVEGA, Nouvo cvt/wlcnd; carthtones, plaid. Xlnl trol$75.642-693S f~':st~:&s: S~l~d~t~::_.n ·ror CASH OOLLAlt oa.Sl$0pryd. p.&arcn., cbvt'kt'n, fnml ' t;NGROVE Jhtord . Columbut 2 Yr old Malo Lub/blk cond.BlltoCr.'94-4863 . pes. . --PAJD "'OR YOllN 556-8842 ·ofo 61•1 C11111u l't \t1 SPECIAL fr41mt. ('ampy, nu paJnt, Tulned ugh1ti:red' Dining Table Bev,led Monet 8060 Snuth/Corom1 1JU1mud of. J fo:Wt:;LRV, WA'C'Cll~, ---.-----Swnd~l"iQnur Mr 'l'rapp nu puts, 24 ~" $325. 64&5'173 ' · eius top wt•icnt.-d tor· •••••~·••••••n•••••••• flcetypcwr1tcr. /\R1' OBJECTS GOU) Mr. Chn:1tmas ~:nu, .for lntcr,·w :it Wc~kl'll SALE Flandria 10-spd, ad cond. ner etchl.n", set in Queen Reg 1st er c d A r 11 b $15. 645-170!1 s 1 L v £ R s I!: k Vl c £: white, portable for •MY Bu111n"'"-'" S~r,lt'l'~ .. ;Jia CHJN\Cl..OSJo.:TSllALL $60557--0250 2BlkLabP\lppie4,4mo's Anne fnune cucitom Chestnut. 3 yr o ld , FINE l''ORN & AN · take down to 1tore W UlthSt l'~t M :t oi ti TrH:fo:.~ HOU NO ()AK . -d-old. made $ll~SO 'Country-Stallion. Green broke, Skutt kiln, never used. TlQUtS. 645•2200 ~I · -TA8L~"i Schwum girls l''alr La 'i· 545·7MZ Engh ·h Chai.:_ m·itched great llhow potential. Elect. pottenswhJ. ------- Tet.,aton. SatH ____ sx ~ ~~ew. $6V. Call Adorable Black Kitties, 9 p1ur,i. uphol. bl~r/wht $El500. tlrm. 675·1U30 fi.W.2896 LUGGAGE TAGS ~::rl ~~~~~u£t!~sR$l~ Want to nwkl• mone} ., · weeks. Box traim:d. phud. SlOO. eu. 5' Gurdcn ves. F\111 length Autumn Haic r:om your buslne~s card. up. 497.a 14 Can you "l l!ll o n lhl• Boy's :tO" 3 spd 01cy1•lc. Cal175l·5729 1''ountalo w/p.ump, 3 Rl'g8yrold Palomlnoqtr mink ('Oat, excellont Send one ci1rd for each ---------- phone'! Top$ in our hu:-.i ••. •• UftAcpl!fl excellent c.'Undlli11t1 $35. Graces. $300. Jlouud horse show trained. cond. Sacrifice $800. tag plus otw 11parc. Wt! Re!ng. microwave, QWld ness. ~6·:l030, \i1>k tor -v an Ant 41"9 1133·8488 Garden Tbl w/2 benches, $1100. Afl6pm, 53fJ.t>756. 557.9047 return pc rm1rne11t1y system, $lorage unit, Ray. J ANE'S AH'Tl9UIS . .. roncrete. $200. 640·5332 :sealed atlrud.-lve ta11 & rnisc. Ga,l-1328or631-1374 TB.EPHOHE S S 1J11y, sell . take consign. H>;Spd, 26 • boys bJkc $45 Furnffutt 8050 Appy Mare, tra!ncd, '-!Cn· Two deep sea fishing rods strap, meeting airline ALE rncms, lurmture, chma, Gn.-<en, Jv g Cot service. •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Ue, $400. Yearling filly, withreels.$100. I.O. Teqwremcnts. Pre.I•--------· TIJ'~Of the ruut1111·~ i·rystal, satwr, unusual Call 631-le!JS. STOREWIDESALE ~Sale IOSS Pnudit bloodllr\e, t•111I 548.6204 vent lo:;s & then! For a FAN'fASTlC '"C!/1°~~sJ~~ ~lu ! dcc.'Orator items, jewelry lO·liPt.'od r<ic~·r, man's, Nt:'w & used furn. appl's, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 968·€i964 5 Pc Girl's Bdrm set, S~SO. pef!ionalizcd tag enclose CHRISTMAS ~RES1E~ MOftofri 10·4 hrolci·n h und brake. S35. misc. Wilson's Bargain PUIUCAUCTION . 1 d t . b d wollpaper, fabric or &ttutlful han pant 833-8095 .. Nook. S45 & 814 W. 19th, MANY FlNElTEMSOF Beaut. registered Ap-toe u es win e "D<\Y Glo" JIUl)\!r & we ceramlc poodle, airay. Tl~1E·LIFE Sat 1 1·5 xo :l836 CM.642·7930&548·3262 ESTATE JEWELRY, paloosa Gelding. Must 64()..1716 will back & trlm your Only$35 LIBHAHil::S 272 t E. Coait Hwy. USED BIKES ART OBJECTS, AN· ~~~~ apprec. $SOO. POOL TABLE·AMF, 4x8, tags. Or try two cards 8464j571) l!;qual Opp ~mplyr m/f COf'OftCl del Mar llecood. Buy, sell, trade **I BUY** TIQUES, FINE FURN., slute top, all accessories back lo back. --------• 673·57$2 Cycle & Co. ~88 Newi:ioc·t Good used f\irnlture & ETC. PHONE F OR 1N· HouMflold Gooch 8065 $400. 545·0336 PRICES: ·Telephone Sales Blvd.<.:.M.642·7910 Appliances-OR f wilt ::1.~ BROCHURE •••••••••••••••••••••••• UOSQYARDS.otwhile& ~:~a~~l~OOe:i. Reel type mower. Brlgg.c; Stratton ena:-. Seldom u s ed. mak e orr ~1297/968·3459 PM Vfe :-Viii train. Earn Sdwolhsc C'lot•k , c1rcu Girl's 20" blcyde, scllurSELLforYou. MOVIMGS~E sauterne carpeting. Xlnl 6/9tagi;Sl.50ea. Chr1stmus mo1n•y . l!JOO.Completely recond. nowercd banana seat MASTERSAUCTIOH Loadsofwetsu.its,nr-nu •Everythlngm1nl <·o~d. s hape. Reasonably 10ormore$1.<10eu. .Sulary <ind commission. SICHI. 71~·552·4839 and t>i1io ket. Like new $20. 646-8686 & 833-9625 Herculon den furn. Ing cash & carry, Fragldatrc priced. 496·4.098 eves or Sales Tax lncludtid DOLL HOUSE, l 'x5' Call: ------833·1051 boy bed, Hotpaint refrig, rehig, 16.6 cu ft, frost early AM NO CARD? 631·0337. ask fol' Don ,\rmo1rc, Oak 'fublc, ----CASH PAID dishes, 2 sets of glasses, free, avocado $350. Also Draw your owo or scad $lOO. -----Vrt'i..!>t.-r. Cradic. Vt('· Suve 530 o,. used boy's f'or gd used furn, 3nti· Kirby vac, Sat 9-1 at like new Kenmore lg Moving Sale! Lo prices name, address. phone & __ 64.2 __ -863_5_o_r_7_52_·_l034 __ Tow Truck Dr1 ver'f ex-trola. 1.>oll~. Bed. 759-1.)00 bake, red Schwinn. (Pi:<· ques & ci r TV's, 9S7-8133 20371 Bayview, S.A. Hts. w s h r & gas dry r Tll sold. Antiques, furn, we'll make one card per ELEVATOR Chaarglldc, par'd. Top pay. ,\pply. --ie).Gdt·ond.839·3736 &much more. avocado, $400. 10' sofa wicker, wrought iron, t 'Ad .. 25teacl\ al t · Ad G&W Tow1n~. 100011'\'llW Christmas G1fts·Bcaut1ful ---------&c:efl...t G ift!!! & ag. " · runs ong s airway. • . Ave, NB&l2·1252 Ant11•ues & orl''. phuto· PEUGEOT JO s•v'. boys 5 •L ft. lond custom Aquan'um & access., pool olive grn & white, prime planl5 misc items. 2915 Send check or nionuy or· just able, best. offer. ___ __ _ ____ ' ., ,..... T:< .. $350, Decorator item E. 6lh St, Long Beach. der lo· 673-4256 · gruphs. Sat & Sun. l l·6. 7 20'' white, like nl'w. ~1ust padded portable bar with lbl, van seats, & other lamp $7S. 2 Redwood 213·•139·1704 PILOT PRJ"'1'1NG TRAVEL .AGENT l..ocw;t. Jrvine. Off Jcf· sac. SlOO. 54M·7051 multiplex tuner, 8 track misc. avail. 962·4.112 lounges (outdoor ) $80. --------- Outside sales, l'Omm. lrt·y Hd & S .O. Frwy. ----& turntable-all are built· Open Sat & Sun 1.5. 29436 Powt:r reel mower. c.>dger. P.O. Box 1560 Bumper pool table, $95. Travel exper. req'd. SS!MlS.14 10-spdboys~!~~.G<.Jcond. ins-plus two custom Girl's bike, int doors, Vista Plaza, Laguna sewing m ach, $20 ea. CoetaMesa,Cil.92626 Xlnt cond. Great !or Estob'I N. B. a1.w ncy. l'edt!!.lal sinks, aid copf1cr 545·2611 wrought iron bar stools. fri~er::.c~o~![1'0 hf~dr~~ NI g u el (off Crown Cash reg. $350/tradc for PUILIC AUCTION Christmas. 552-8114 Please call 644·7:l7t. w11sh1n~ tub with woo<l . . Sharp! 581-7441;. tools, AC/DC gen, !Or • Valley, 1st left on La slotmnch. 642·2627 MANY ITEMS OF FlNE Super Factory Sale! Det• TRAVELAGEHT wrsnJlt'r.s;lti.J:«i2 Btiy'e; Sch~·inn Stmi:~".V· Me<lit cabinet $145, hide-trl/bls, compressor & Plata coming fr.om Waterbed, Lamps, Sofa. ESTATE JEWELRY, 18th to 23.rd. All fabrics • --------<Jood cond1t1on. S:J5. a-bell, queen sz, oak misc. a wning, camp ocean> 499·1625 rmyllme Spt!akers, Desk, etc. gd ART OBJECTS, AN· 50c yrd. 1..ols of trim.s. Expcr ~ only for lf.'m Applianc:~s 8010 &15·7408 drf.'sser w/beveled mir· gear, Sat/Sun. 1929 Con· or499·3732, 1·5 anytime. cond. 64.2·9672 TIQUES, FINE FURN .. ribbons, etc. Bikinis, 'r porary in J:m. l'o:.sible ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---ETC. PHONE FOR lN· shirts, pants. tops & f/llmc pos.i:>l 1555. __ 1-'RC:ll'I' Ui\M \Gl::f> DcinG!-'rnt·y ~l~.20"b1kc, ~op~.~~~~~;.u now. Aft tinental,CM Jewelry 8070 PoolTable,Couch&Chair FO. & BROCHURE. lrunks.allSS.Park.ingloL T , ·.. _,.,. · ·ll. t H<YfPOrLlT SALE. 33Qlj $65. Sdhwmn f ll<ie, red, G o t t o M o v e ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Baby Items , Clothing, 64"·._,,., Sale. 2000 Placentia, CM, ; pis.. f{vvu spc t r• or ' S:JS 673· 19J3 ..,..~vv occasional ovt•rloa1l, al W. V. :irm•r nr llarl.101·, · N l' w custom mad e Furnishings, new & used WANTED dog house. 759-1500 corner 20th & Placentia. home or m ofl . nr ().<,; S111,tu A1H•:..~!l-i!92_1__ SCHWI:"IN wrought iron bark art clothes. 6201,-i~ Marigold, TOP CASH DOLLAR Dishwasher, port. xtnt WATER BEDS 645-0544 Airport. flex. hrs. ll1·pl y (.;Mill PAID COLLEGlATE with 2 glass shelves & 8 CdM.10·5 p A ID FOR YO l1 R 580, Organ. Magnus elec. DISCOUNTED •-Uk-.-e-ne_w__,po-ke_r_t_b_l.-n-:i-c-c to ad ii86, U11ll.v Pilot, F' w f · 24" Boy's. Like new. S75. bottle holders-s75; M 1 G s \ • N' k JEWEL.RY, WATCHES, un. Loe s·tuffed ani'mal, or "hr, Dryrs/ Re ng H hb k I h · ote arage a e. 1c .-.v .. FromS117.77 complete for Christmas S3:>. 60 P 0 . Box l :itiO, Cost•• workingornol9571U33 &10--1577 ig ac casua c aar nacks to furn. Store ART OBJECTS, GOLD. 535. Belly Dance cos· A H 5547590 rds h • $3.5 Mesa, CA !>2G21i_· --(needs recovering)·$JS. ""'WP. etc. 1575 N. Const S l L VER SER V l CE. tume. reas. 963·7572 qua eaven . Y grn s ag crpt I . 1---------1 C~rai& Call 642·0l31:1. ~... FI NE l''URN & AN· FORSALE;: One of a kind ~7~;~e rods, $ ea. WAITRESSES ll <' c o n d 1 t i o n e d Ecppment 8030 Llkc new Ital Prov sofa Hwy, Sal. only. TlQUES. 645·2200 Fur coat. French rabbit, true ('Ollectors it.em. lm·1--------- E:x PC r · d · A I' PI Y 1 n llcl'r1geraters, washers ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5195. L~e blk 1laut:ahydc FREE $2001best offer. ported from Thailand, Jim Beam botUe colle<'· person,fl·!Ourn&:1.511m & dry 1•r s. Frc'1ght chr$4.'>(asis)2·Jl''x3l" EME R AL D Ring & 673·0801 exquisitely ca rved tlonforsale.Approx.65 Mon thru Th u r '\ dama,i:eu&MoclelHoml' ottomans on casters, GarageSalesignswhil<: n eck l ace w /many S T . h Teakwood panel-G'x8"· bottles.Offer 673-5990 Culliver~ Ht·~taur:i .... t , returns. Guar/del. Also both S?5. 4 Tbl lamps S2S quanlitieslast.645·7221 diamonds. Exquisite set· eth homas weu: t showmg village scene. after4:30 18482 ~taci\rthur Hl v1;, new appliances at cost + each. l Occas. tbl $50. CENTURY 21 tings. 631·1328, &31·1374 dri vc n clock. 1916 Good investment art•--------- ' Irvine. 10·,. DUNLAP'S 10!160 w1·11ta'·eoffer"."59·5038 M ' h' Id dd' Shotgun. 2 Men's values appreciate. Call Fend. Band Mast. Lc;i~~ -----· "' ~ " W•stdiff Realty ans w ite go we 1ng diamond rings .. 7 mm G40~0838 gtr. amp & cab. 12 WAITRESS T~ilbert <at Euclid) FV. f ring, never worn $65. Sporterized nne. La Sele spkrs, reverb, wow-wow Wanwd. ex per Full & !16J-<n;:1Opn1 dnys Must sucri ice, new game Garage Sale-Sun Dec. lfs, Call 893·5381 clannet,·'2 beautiful ac-Pinball Foosball Videos part time. Apply at Orm _ _ _ _ _ •CHRISTMAS• table, converts to dining, Furn, bikes & s ports cord1ans. German & New & used, guar. del. ~:;Ja box &cords. S22;; •SPECIAL• bumberpool,&paker ta· e quip. Misc. 19911 211'K dome cl us ter Italian made. '62 Cad, $350.&up.840.2341 C<irlos Htstuurnnt, 2956 lll•avy Duty G. ~. Wa~hcr. 1.8 lens . $279.88 hie. Solid Oak, $395/ofr. Providence Lane, Hunt diamond nng, ~It bag -1930 era chest...& 'vanity Silver nute $325. S nare flnstol,C M. & Holp(lint 220v Dryer. Immediate Delivery !135·3291 Bch gets & round diamond. w/marror. SlvTt Sungodl•--------drums $30, Practice pad WAREHOUSE Sl50. both. -l!M·!llilH ~ Like new! Yellow/white · 5-tler. Same ring selling (RA) radiator cap PLANTS SS. Hockey equip. $5 to ~ • . #.SI .. h L".b ·1 . I h/I t Fri, Sat & Sun. Front loca lly $3500, $1400. ·g ht orl" DfRECTTOYOU "''><.Miscgames50<to$1. · .. JOrn °" . 11pp1n..: Seel e new n1r y C ass1c . ve vet l'OUC ovesea . Yard Sale, Utll. Trailer, 640-6849 ~~-~~~we I .. · ..,..., Clerks. Hrs l0am·7pm. III demonstrated in your ~ Just cln'd, bst ofr. 6, Windows Bird Cage 8" han g in g herb 833·1991. :'\u lw;"tY lift in1o:l. :\lutslt b~ hi omc al nol consl or obr· G:: ~Ryie'S 842·7210 3'h, 4'w. St-0~e. TV's, 10' 4.36K wedding set. Great kga1_trcdheennss'. $6~'phaunpg1·rnogr -P-o.t-tcr--·s_w_h_ee_I_, _Lo_c_k_er-bi-e at·c ura c 10 1H11C m g 1gat1u n. oom o Camper, self cont., misc. investment, rea11onable. Qrioinal old lime movie i.mall 1wrts hy p~1rt •"•rnct l'ham"'"'Cd J·ust KING size Waterbed 860 " plants .,1,49 up. Also luckw/molorS200. "' •• " ,..vv I f Ii & 850 W. Wilson, C.M. 54!H posters,makegreatwall ... 5402491 nu mbcr. Good l 11 n J.:t· tor lookini.;. 75!!-0629 w rnrne, ner new African Violets from 98c, · ...... • A 1 \ 1 heater ., .. n Blk Leather 64S·7285 BU LOVA ACUTRON decorS3each.968·6181 u<'m·llts. n!JP v · .it \'nc . -.--.-Y ASHlCA TL Electro X · . ....,. " For the cat, live catnip DOLL.HOUSES ~l £•c tr o n1 l' ..... :i :;o Hcltualt Kirby Classic , 3Smm w/50mm lens & llldc·a·bcd w/mattres.s. Leaving the country, mans.calendar watch. Phone-Mate 800 Answer-Sl.49. 17362 Gothard, ForChristmas,flnished, '\JrC<)l'm•d• A\'c, C:\I Ilk~ n~w.7~~~~ a;()mm lens w/a 2 to 1 s50.a73·l820eves. everything must go. Wo!" •n contest SSS. ing Machine. Deluxe H.B. (North of Slater) assmbld. We deliver. w \RE 11 0 u s E :\I A :-oJ . Tele converte~, make:; 3 pc Bassett gold & wht Baby Grand Piano, Oak 642·3622. model in xlnl cond. Call 847·5141 644>7656 Rt>sponsablt• per~()n for Freezer, 15 cu. ft. upnRht, 26_(1 to 520. Incl g. case & king bedrm set. SSS. Tbt, Chest & Dresser, Beautiful diamond wrist 840-3980. _R_E_F_R_f_G_E_R_A_T_O_R_$50 __ _ ·raliric w;irchousc. ~d up· i:Ootl cond1hon, white. tripod. SJOO. 496·!1704 752-6618 Silver Flatware, gas watch & band Wgt 1 H I s•o F' l PAINTSPRAYER$70. $50 548 4308 dryer chain saw & · umme s .. · irep ace ply w 1 growing company. -, -. Cats 8035 &,1 d walnut. rolltop desk h , D ~ Karat. like nu. 540-6758 tools $45. Argentine oil * * 646·5364 Salary co~ 1~"nsu r ll tc GE: Hcfrigeratnr, a vucado ••••••••••••••••••••••• 48!. S'roll, beaut. orig.' ~:~. r;~rc~· \ 7 _ay3~ l /s Uve-stock 8075 ~riit. Sl50. Other paint· Tcnftltra Chriss ~/ex1X·~7~5 grn, ldnt cond1t1on $150. PERSIAN kittens, CFA cond.$1200.640·8208 Virginia Wy, So. Lag. ••••••••••••••••••••••• mgs S~0·$75. Gorgeous 31635 Via Madonna Anti ... es 800 644·(},\03 registered. Show quality. 499·l636 Reg. J\•organ mare, broke mink Jacket. S'l. ~0-12, .•••• ;';'. •• •• •• ••. •• •• •• 638·9308 Brown Jordan 40x60 oval ' worn twice $475. Cash. San Juan Cap. Gas sto\'C , O'Ke cfe & table & 6 chairs. Orig. Sat 8am·2pm, Sun Sam· to ride & drive, .blk 5'18·M59 You are tbe winner of 2 PUBLIC AUCTIOH Mcrnt's dassic w/e1ev SABLE Burmese kittens, price $1875. 1st $500. 6pm Bikes toys furn parade Morgan gelding, ---------tree tickets worthS14 to MANYITEMSOFf'INt: uro1lcr.lrgoven,shclf& will hold tit Christmas takes!640·8208 etc.2s..35Edgew~Rd: Eng, Western <7141 4 Co~·t style pinh:ill HOLIDAYONICE ESTATE JEWELRY, grill.S70.646-8750 (213)865·7710 SJc49s..lSll. 338·1011 machines. Good cond. atthc ART OBJECTS. AN . EVERYTlflNGMustgo! Mochl-8078 P r i ce negotiable. -fE T\QU ES. F 1 NE FU RN., Elect Classic range w/top ~ 8040 Five complete rooms! GARAGE SALE-~!, Sat, •••••• :;;~!••••••••••••• 493·4630. COANNVAIENTfIMO .. ' 1'.'TC. PllUNI:: FUR I N· mlcrowavl' oven. $-150. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 545-0546 Sun. N.B. Athletic Club ------. ---1" FO & BROCllURE. 8'J8·2772,827·3910 DOGTRAlNlNG ,...-fr t bl 24 60 d k membership $90. 962 La~~e ~olchester 1975 FINAL DAYS-GOl:'olG C~NTER King sz bed, $120fBest of· , fer. 540-4970 Sal, 559·6171 Sun •Pinball Mach._. Stingray bike 673·8063 NEW ELECTROLt}X UPRIGHT' & tank t,ypc wf pwr head, .cheap 6424391 645.2200 YourPlaceorMinc w ee a e, x • ar JuniperoDr CM 17 x60 S5.775. D.S.G. OUT OF BUSINESS Dec.27th-Jan.1st. l2 cu rt Hotpomt, Harvest Joh.n Martin 548.0059 color, itood condition, ' l<t"x30" Sl,000. Shaper 10%·50'7o offentirestock Free Tickets good for MiM:e4fCllMOU$ --------• guld,6moold, / $40.546-9434 Ownermoving!Mustsell 16" 1974 Slrock Sl,400. ThlrdHandShop Dec. 30th or 31st Wanted 8081 MUSIC BOXES $125.960·3836 everything this weekend. Punch Press 1974 30 ion 4th&CoastHwy performances. Call••••••••••••••••••••••• CLOCKS LhasaApsos Moving to East. Coast, Furn., pool tbl, '73 914 $3,300. (213)961-3434 so.Laguna 642·5678, ext. 333, lo WANTED: Washer/dryer, nr new, Yorkshire Terriers m!lst .sell, furniture & Porsche, VW parts, 994 o d ii 10 5 until claimyour,t.i ckets. SHOTGUN. Slot Machines. Nlckelo xlnt cond. $350/both. Dachshund 1D1sc items. 540·0292 art OnkSt.CMSat&Sunon· pen C~ri;tma~ * * 642.2073 deons. phonoRraphs . Brq(gs & Stratton gas Mixedkitlens 6':30 ly.645-4112 t;;~~~;;;~;;;;;;;~;:!.j~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~mt World's l<.1rg~·:.t sclcc· eng. l awn mower S50. S65 II lion. Also gift s, Days 1142·5027, after 6 Himalayans Desk. modern style, YARD Sale! Tools, ant·--------- f l e n l ·1 es cc".'"'7" PARKER'S PETS metal w/woocl lop. $35. & S WW 5hp shr-...1...1 __ urn1 ur . a qu . ""'...,., qs., appliances ervel • • ~. American International; Next to RALPH'S al 898·9l24 reCrig. 433 Begonia , 642-7347 1!!02 Kettrrang ; Irvine.Kenmore Wai.her, gd FordRd.N.B.640·0090 Wroughtlronbarstools 2 CdM,Sat&SunalJ'day 754-1777. Open Wed.-Sat. cone!. White. $35. ·gold seatSlOea. • Misc:effaMous 8080 645-7096 Poodle puppies, Stan· 5~1-6682 Sunday Dec 18. 1412 Keel ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------•GE: RBFRlGERATOR, 4 dards, AKC, shots, M/F. . . Dr. CdM, refrig, Connor· Bl k B dt 'l . ck t STEW ART ROTH mos olcl. Paid S400, sell 83().ffiSl Sofa bed, R1v1era1 s ngl. gan other mJsc. ~~ ~~ w~rn J~wl~e: A...rTll"'iUES S2SO. 545·7448, can deliver . . Very good cona. $95. Moving. Car parts hi>ehld sacrifice (8) 494-7346 ,..., ,,. ---------ln sh Setter Puppies 9 545·6035 •AMERICAN OAK• Air Contlitioners, 10,000 weeks old. $50. Call aft 5, . I . ~~SM!13~;oLn s~~Sun. FIREWOOD The largei;t most com BTU. t.ike new. SlOO. 536·~ Light wood f n1sh coffee · $85/corddelvd002-2503 prehensive inventory o 494·2805 -:-table &2 end tables, $30. RE-MODELING SALE: ---------1 American Oak Antique PitB~ll.Gmonthsfemnle. 548-6668 P ort ds hwshr, elec MOVING! Bikes, train, in Calif. We buy direcl Elec. dryperf. DoeludxcWKh'=1nl. Rfetg1s6t~~ed. Sk25.d646-4716 New Spring Aire ortho. dryer, louver drs, 8'x14' la~out. bar, crib, baby pass .the savings on t more. er. c n . c a er ... wee en s. bed C $300 louver s hutters old things, toys, clothes, ,___.lilloil..,.....:..tM..o.u:ii..;......,_LO.L~..:.,..;.;=_.;;~...,.~ .... ;llU...;_;j, ..... 11~~i.,,;;.;,,:.....;;:Ju; you. Als o . A ntiq u SlOO days 979-4242 X26 queen set. ost • trunk&much mor~ 420 furn lamps motor cy-Reprocluctions are avail. eves645·7317. Box.e r pups, A~C se11$2S0.673·2332 Se Dr CdM S • nl cle etc 631-iw.2 at the very lowest prices. U _ _. K • d ~eedg1stered, Champion HlDE·A·BED Blue Green 94~ra • un o y --·--·------1 Located al. !l'-'U enmore gas ryer. sir . f . SCRAM LETS 750,E DY.ER RD.,S.A. ~~~7~~rking cond. $85. M7·0688 v~nyl, xl~~?ifa~7 $65• Garage Sale, going lo • (At f he Newport f rwy) Cairn Terrier. l Yr old, Europe must sell many ANSWERS 751-8922 FROSTFREE Frigidaire male. AKC papers, lov-Com~r group w/o tbl $75. sporting good items , OpenSun·WedlO·G btm. fzr., xlnt. cond. ing disposition, gd hm Antique platform rocker motorcycle & some Sonata-Minus- & Thurs-Sat 10·8 $135. Lldo Isle 673-3073 more import than money $250. Golden oak coffee household Items. 2209 Virus -Vendor _ Make ofr. Org cost. $200. tbl$75. 640-7875 Miner St, C.M. 545-0850. MOVIES Special Showing of Anti.,e& Estate Jewelry lack Door Anf1C)IAH 1896 HsborMC/V1s Lady Kenmore washer & 9S5-l93S. Lge China Cabinet, de-Dishes, boys' clothes, My parents hated me so d $250 A t s SHEL TfE J>'up ... les, corators design, Pecan girls, clothes. wrought much, they hired a child gas ryer · P z " finish. 4 glass doors. adj. iron table, 4 chairs, sm actor to play me in our refrig $65. Kenmore wshr shots & wormed. home MOVIES. 595, Whirlpool wshr s6s. 847-7017 shelves, int. lighting. desk. back pack, misc. _________ , Big 10% over cost sale Cost $2500, sell, $500. PP. 25430 Vassar Pl, CM• Lge. wrought iron cban· S , S •. M Female Samoyed, 5 m~., 559-4777 SaVSun delier. 6x9 fl. area rug, a~. un "' on ~n new has shot.'l, good w/kids. . hild' k' h · 2 Maytag, Admiral & 530 Dan 645-7782 Two month old frostrree Selling His & Hers to buy c 5 ~.mg c aar, Whirlpool applicancs. · ' Frigidiare refrig, $425, Ours: frostless refrig, children s bikes 556·7248 Burke's Appliance. Miniature Schnauzer, Oak hall tree, $150, washer, dryer , dinettes, Indoor and Outdoor WHOLESALE 5'\6·8672 AKC registered. Male, autum~ plaJd 11ofa, $275. '71 Pinto, bookcases, plants. Beauttrul pic- 5/moold. $100: 963-6391 GoJd m1rror, $80. 631·3861 desk~; dress~rs, sofas, tures, bookshelfs, anti· r.~ TH~ :IRADLEtd. Auction IO 15 Scottish Terriers, 1 male, Elegant floral spray Sofa, ~~~z.e ~is~.w Eas~~~: ~9~~air, candles, etc. _.,. AllTI••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 females, blk & True matching gold velvet NB, 10.5. 752·7183 11292 lolta Chica SACRIFICE 20 yr old Art Brindle, shots & papers, Swivel Rocker, Sq. . ROAD RACE SET two H.I. 17141193-7509 Collection, representing (BOS) 324-1408 glass/wood coffee tlbs, Paintings, toys, boots, Elden 100 raceaets. Both ~~~~~~~~~ 1Sart!stslncluding3Dali Doberman 10 wks male wtng back chairs, quallly Items, 673·0444 foc$30.497·1493 'Armoire, 1800 Oak, handcar ved. One-of-a- ki1¥1. Sac. $375. 548·5441 ..: etch1nes. Many lg. ' • herculon sofa & Jove-Sun 9·5 19 Beae<>n Bay pieces. No reasonAble Pure bred. $75/bst ofr. sent, king bdrm set, NB Genuine EXERCYCLE, ofr. refused. 891 Balboai No papers. 559-3395 lamps. g-ame tbl & chrs, S l t 570 e.spd, Uke new, $425. L B h (A ch tolls server , wall unlla, GorAge a e a 7~·2871 agu n a c • r Fr.ff to Y• . • storage coffee tbls, &la111 Hamff ton, CM. clothes, . Antique fire exUngui11he Beach Hgts) Sat & Sun. ••••••••••••••••••••••• top dinet te misc. babyfum,ltotherltems. Uftlveralty Athletic Club Jamp, beaut cond, cop• lOAMto9PM,499-468s Q-5868 • Mem berahlp tor sale al per/ brass, pre 1930. llcydes 802Q * * ALLEY SALE, Sat/Sun. $275:-813·2'104 business 53G--0883. ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• G.yTalaor 5 Pc. Bedroom Set, de· Some larie auto toolr. hra. 6"motre, English circa Scbw,lnn 27" 10 s~ced. 1741 I Ttoe...,. An. r-a~ llnb. Yello'*f or:· 400 ltth SL H.B. _B_e_d_s_, _q_u_e_e_n_,_t w-i n-s-,·t1 J.810. Mu,nlflcent cond . .Boy•· Xlnt cond lion. IN~ c:~r~·lld~~~~u~o'::b'. Moving, mS~t15sell e1v0e5r-Re<?linf'\"-. BfW TV, Sew. 8'2"it7'8". Moving. Sllver.$50.Co.118U·OJ96, Youare thcwmocr of2 rnblnet w/book shlvt ythtna. a. un. ··.Mach.. Paintin gs, $8,000fbst ofr by Sun. Boys lO.spd Schwinn bike, treeHOUDtlck~:~i11e' t 1 o $2SO/bst ofr. $48.JHS • 1 ~o.!~. w67 ... '!!!¥ .. St. Newport Sculptor, mite. 615~ · 12/18/71. Ptc:11se CAll for 24" whl base. $80. "'' vn """" ...,_,., PW ..... ., m"·• sac, 2 Rem· appt, 759.-0450 PP 54&"'4.'55 t the Stereo, $350. Bdrm set • 1 1 ..... ., ~ A.N~BIM $375. Ohrlatmas orna· All ponou <>Mbdrn ahcom· ln(tonelect. tylleWriten. 0 a k d r a It i n a d s k Man.<t 1-0 speed Scbwlno.Le 0 mtlM Ma RUI $12. Apt pl. furn 3 m ome Cciij over "90 ea. WUI fll>c:xlior,oak&wal<tgka. ToUr. Rfdden once. Can OONc!!iPER, N refri ·.-so·eorteetbl#& muat be aoJd quickly. tatetalOea.Cal\846-8892 Playhse 642 7347 11 1 ,1.,., r..i.·u "•· ~ • • Incl ,_. w/toola, camp. · • • net ~ rom new -· Dec. 27tb-,lao. l•L ~..oo&4 tngequlp, patiof\lrn,etc. Men'aakipol• e. Utll tbl, 'AnU(l. Pool Taf>te, Slate 628-93'8 Free Tickets aood tor MualSeJl: queen•• bdrm $1-$25. RealOftt Dlvorce. pot•, 8kllleta, n u ak' Top.Ballreturn.t.ealhe l!rlen 'a Bike. Nlshlkl D,c. 10th Ot 31St ·Mt bodlfp.rtad lalDJ>I ..;.&;;:;•;.;81=48~-----l)efttl,ml•e63H222 Pockt!t.I Call ~5851 -01 1 .. d petformanbea. Oall • b h .;.'-•\ i..' · · ymp c 21 10 •P0 • 842-5911, ext. 333, to coue • t ...... wiaerac,... a Fam. Oar, Salo; JlM '°" a..S.: 6'8" surfboard, ISTATISAUt! ~~Good c.oiid. • <?lalm yourUcketa. :~=:::~ft cbaln. KtrrY Lo, CM. DIM.tit, excelleotCQnd.181;41lec- A n t q • c h 1 n " s c '* * lkl equip., l'Oekinl chair, t rlt b ass aultar ••~; Porc•l•I~, furn .. •m· Wom.an'• Sean 3·111Med 8 DRAW E R Wa lnut l'rttlt.h tel, l O·apcl. Olblcla "Kop,nt•• eltc:• brolcferin, Jron/bnu hicy~lt.z. rd cc>nd. sss. Pus-tor Chrl•tmatl Sm. finished drttHr uo. WtttAtr~addMJ)•--'" '~..!' tric ,Wt.er 1,'aDd ••• .,..d•• screen•. Chilli. 2111 tule11h, ex, a«m. SMp/S.tttt mix. JUtch'c. duk us. mite • ...,.. ,.__ • ..._. SdO. Cell Ken. •• at -3j76 ~•vaorwltftds •maJ•.U•m.'42....,D NI-oat satM -.....,,~;.;.,;.;;;._ ____ _ . \t We arc pleased to announce that this newspaper will run the HOLIDAY ON ICE "1'"ind Your Name Contest" in the classified section beginning December 16 thru December 26. Readers whose names are listed, (some where in the classified ads) will receive, absolutely free, two reserved sea t t ickets to HOLIDAY ON ICE opening al Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim Calif. De c ember 27th a n d running through January 1st, 1978. . . You may find your nn me hidden anywhere in th e classified section preceded by two stars (* *) making you eligible to receive a pair of tickets for a night at HOLIDAY ON ICE as guest of the Daily Pilot. Cl• C».A.Y ,.,LOT .. hturO•r. ~ H . ttn I HeN'I How You Can Use -Our Famous Dim e-A-Lines • ,..._..,. ••ua u-.m wtlh corr.ct caa .. "'eM •ew 4 coeullhm o~ • .._ l"-Stodl, prodwce °'pl•"'' • Noeot11..,.clal adaaltow.ct • '-" ite1ll mu1t be priced with no Item ewer as. our famous DIME -A-LINES ....... • • • It FOUR CONVENJ ENT OFFI ces TO SERVE YOU DEADLINE : Jp.m. Friday-:tlO W.S.ySt.,C.M. ti noon-All Dr.anch offices • LAGUNA 8!ACH ................ 11M Glennayre St. • COST A Ml SA ........................ 130 Wt9l 8•1 • HUNTINGTON 8£ACt4 .••••••••.•• 1 'TITS hach Blv-d. • SAOOLE8ACK VAUEY2520t LaPa1 Rd., Legune HIOa MEXJCAN chAi"3. and l{I UICV<.:u:. mon·s AMF' LADl£S b1k<· sz:, R11b 1y TIRP.S. S<'l or four C78·14 ~1''A, very nke large, , I::XTERf9R Christmas TWO mower motOl'I 3 5 CRIB und mallrCl!l, Sood bte, SU. Sink, ni•w hllct· Sii R1.uut1ful b1kecJrrll'rS1.1tJcJru11r AtlJ:. lic:llt-d wh1tl'walls, h<'livy, two cui1h1on. [)IA&tc:_A-LINES llg,ht 11lrmg3: 10· $2.SO, H .P. $9 each: lcn con dition S20; i•• bathroom St4.SO. Stove 1ele1-1hone tuble. wrouJ:ht mo v I l' H rec n S 1 O. 1re1i1J near new. UJ1ed on curbved ~tylt!. 11old silk. IYK; 25 $6.25 New 110 diesels aluminum lawn choirs Sl powered luwn mower cover $13.SO. Puintlnl(s tron. ydlow t;lus1 top $25. Ge rm un <'01 n:. w 1th ly 6000 mi $15 coch. Will Need room $20, H.8.. S8·St0. 'l'wo hair drye"." cuth; ono luwn J)')wcr grass catcher, works fin~ S2.S each. Old C'locks $25 M utch1111o: chul r with swattUka 75c·~ Holy bl· 11ell 11cparat.ely. Sulurd11y 846 0204 An For SS each. J& mliit h111r mower 3.S n P. compltile $25 962·9788 "•Oh. Brau eoul box cu~hlon SlS Ultl'i unit. blc, nl'W S1 Portable bcforu noon or during Pri•• 'ertlu styler S3. 1970 'l'oyuta sis: one h oll t rec,1--·--------Sl8.50. Jewelry 25c SJO l11111cn S20. SJ)cu~ emeruertcy oxyi:~11 unrt "'ee •. ~a7G8 WAGON wheel $10. Lua· ONLY ., whl·els und covers St handmllde, beauUful AIR freight kennel for eodl. Dress~. fnrmnls, Rernrc.S J>l uyer S20. model UX>0$4.50 Metro gagerackS'T.BSAknob· enl'h.lilectrielanS3.GE sits: o ne antique J41rgti dogS25:edger.$2$. 12:112 each. Two btkH 557 98tt7 skas 200 lum1nuh-tJ 55. PORTA.CRIB S20. Bed· by motorcycle tire S'lS. • '• 11P geur hcod motor Colernan gas iron S2S: 538·3!'23 $10..S20. Tree ornaments Ludiei. blond w1g SS. frume headbo11rd SlO. 15" tires $5. Sliver plate Adi,....... '4ttJM11 SI!. lioove.r upriJ,1hl. one cost iron clothot1 tron•---.------- 10<:.$2. Red vclv(•t bl<ackDfil'~SSY ond wurm 646·36!!0 IHG-7220 P aul Revere bowl SlO, ......._tHHot v'lcuum (Junky hut S4.5();i1lxanllqueund old MOR~/~' Boogie Board, mel'ul chair S25. 948 Purk clothes St·SIO. Crazy curl Si Iver plates S5·S15. Accepted works l ss. &iu-044l. 20s9 Kerosene l umps 59: nit•dlum $19 1526 at Uu• Ave, Laguna n euch. 10 SR. Cluirol ha1rseltt!r 16. Ul£LT sunder. <;ru/tsman VIOi.iN S25. Tank t::urcka Schwinn ivory r ln&Sl6. • R c r> u bli c AV(', c M. thrt•c old gus Mun le i UeachJ Call N11ncy ot At\fSaturday Car :.lcreo tape pluyer S:.!S Lead Curnnce S2o v acuum cleaner $12. MolhtrotPearl ring $20. Acl .. rthera •loleth19 Suturday&Sunclny l:imvs '20 each: one "~12·3'17:t SUn .. c11ssellc S20. Cr a lg 8 Muchrmst table level $15 Upra~hl cl~aner SG. 'l'o· Turquoise ring $5, Pat· tliew Chorley ~he Chimp hut· ~c IWINN gruy, 20 .AQtJARJUMSlive gallon~ tnu·k ~ten.'O tup<.' aullio Calipers~~. 548 6232 blc lamp SS. 846·2377 terns . lOc. Bunks 50c. ,....etlo11a "'11Y RE F. RI G ER ATOR, tery operated. bke' new wheel excellent condition S2. 10 gallons SS. Bird reµeut S2S. Toyi. 1'k·SI. G lTA R d Record cabinet S10. Dog be • ~ of State Norge 2 door top freezer S2S 842 3772 cages Sl·S2. Recliner ss. Saturctay only, 467 E 1968 VW bt,•g l?Urls: front U .', 100 quality b d' j hi h FraaclllH lo•r4 Ii · S9; Laurel and Hardy st· __ . __ . ------ Exercisor SlO. P1ctures Co:.ta Mesa St bum11er s:!.'>. Stock dutch S25. 30 r.an~~ hoQd, o e tence umps : i local buiM11 lie..... S2S. 557.:wsg qlu4:s• new, 2for S20: one NEW Samson ite two 2Sc·Sl Vases 25<'·11 2().j9 S7 Hroncl lll'W racm~ .i:r<:un, S8. 36 r:inge jump $25. broad jump ~lflo... CA RBURETOR. Dat!lun antJQue Pi.cture frnmc sulter suitcase, sacri!lcc Jo..-~r'al. Costa Mesu n A TT AN sw~·<'t he a rt clutch rhsk ,., Stock a hood, white Sil Walker, : db:.:-~p ~S~ :~~t or Renault JU. S25 each. S2S: two ~mt: and Con. S20. 960-4931 -.-.-----------1 chair S!I Ski equpipmenl. mon1ro1ct SS Ai.sorlell t!dJuslitblc chrome SS. .., 835·8886 dahn Chnstmes platci.. ---------- STRADIVARIUS \lohn c·hild'sorluiticsaftcrski knobs and door handles Sc•hool desk with seat ChnmlnltgatesS2S.2421 SIS each: one Roy11le NEW Samsonite on e S 2'. Vorghll andcr boots, hkc nt•w 88 cuch Jck SI. T\\o stet•rini: SIO Custom ~la:.s coffee Zenith Ave, SAH. L96!lToyotaCoroll:lparts: CllROME dinette chairs Mothers Day platc, 1970 su1ter su1tcase,sacrlricc c~era SS. Hand :.e\\ n Child's :.kw• & pok·s long wlk·ls SJ.SJ. Smo,11 de· toblc S25 Iron dining fix · M6·<1928 new Monroe rear shocks $20 each. Desk 820. first Edition S2S: one SIS. 960-4001 1et pot covers SI. Or1en s l so.$. t. c; us 10111 \ 1~ SIU Cal cu~tnm turc SS. Ski's 11nd 6' bmd· 10 SPEED bake $25. Three SS, front windshield S2S. Boookcaso S20. Dressers Berlin Mothers Day 1971, --------- la : porcelain fl1ec1>~: wrou1tht iron chandelier chro.nc air cleaner SIO. an g~ $20. Small oc· radial tires R70·14 $5 sr2esa.rtrwans1ndno1w1ss1so1ns.M~oo. rre~ SlO·S20. RechnerS2s. C:1r first ed1t 1on S25: two T RA NSISTORIZED lllJ Cbolllel>SJ' l'~oollo,:\i. $25. Sclw.inn JO-speed T\.\o i.tock Che'.Y Ula,er l'aMonal table SlO. Three each. Audio VOX t>.C. ""-" and home coolers S2S quilt tops 110 each: one w alnut wall c lock. S1 t~al racks s2s. pcoplt' S2S. Rarbw toys, some nm s S5. W a II s e 11 :.tad 1 um . .,..,take.r:. S2S power supply for radio or :~oe~dtl f::·r~~~~?,r/~~J'. each. 'fwrn beds SI.20 quilt top. Sunbonnet J:lrl. socrafice S20. 900-~931 S llC. glni::er JUl'li S.r; new JOc S3. fl:.rb ilrarls separntely. Uikl' parts· each 206 W Wil son, at cassette deck convertor. each. JJ arbies and beautiful 25: one quilt NEW electronic TV game l e-pots SlO, t'rll·kct $;t.S2S Samii lam11s rim~.frJmcs,llre'>,han f'J1n1t'\\,Sl81915 Jlrrngyourcassette deck St~~e~~~·;.d~r\~~;~o~!~ clothes lUC·Sl. frames ~5: one anl14ue white plus AC adaptor pla)'S h ~ ll er 8 1.IL op 1 um 50l' SI Shower cnscnihk '""' ha1 s. rork~ Sl· S5. . 1, . l>oo 1 f d in the house and plav 25c·Sl. Linens 10c-Sl0. guld weddmi: set; set four different games. pl elu1n: pillO\\s St2. hol pmkSt:! JOxl:!yt•lllm' Kiel:. to~~-ant farm 7St· {,\,\~ !-.Its t 1A1r or StO. 25. tow chain S2·s: 810, brukcdrumsSIO, re· lled bricks Sc each. with diamonds. 1>erfect sacriClceS20.960·'19ll ht er 524. 111pe S:.1<1. An shul>( ruf,l \\llh pad SJH <·rt•ctor ~c·t \\Ith cll·<·tnl· pit up 115. ~or or 6.16.01s8 256 Ei;ther <ar :.pnngs SIO, hroter Sl:uned shelves Sl each. S25: 15 old llthogruphs. --------- 11 piec(':,: trumpets I>uubk· sink \\rth smull 1•ng1111· ~ Sp1ro1o:r;1ph c·u1.111:(·r ll ~'!>, u:.e •over Costa MeSa ' core StO, instrument Old doors S3 each. all sizt!S 20 & :1'r.s.,S3-SS: KEROSENE glass lamp Sl " sewinj! m achines <'hip SI. JI) :.pl·t•d. 110 ~t·:if S2 50 Ai.trollt~· ~'. f\11 JOO, SIO 55(, t9'.J8 . pun cl S5. interior trim Eastbluff, NB. 752-71R3 two copper strainers, with shade. beautiful an· St .curvro trovlues SJ4. or hanfllt•burs SR. <':ir to)!> hkl' n.l'~' ~:~10 I u~un NEW c:mmni: Jars. pints TWO tares ~JIHS SlS·S20. s1.ss. S<IS.191•1 iron halJdles. S9.50 euch; ti q u c r e prod ucllo n. picnic buskeL'I 58. large rudio anti 8 trat•k tapl' A\e, NB.G4w !IG:l2 ''"ti quurts S2.:lOS2 50 i:ood co~ditaon. Chest or J Lf? fashioned mall ~~a~ ~~l~r~~t5e[~t~~t:: two copper water dip· sacriClceS20.960-4931 PiJ4!>m1n c·ai.t•s I , cartrldgr pltiYl'r S3. ST1\f:-O:I FSS Sll't'I cabll' llul Ooggcr SL Two five droweri;. tan $15. Two ma1lorS12 645·024 1 835·881!6 pers Sl2 each: one two r111:.1~;irds 211c. t·:11·11t•d Sh uttl·r~ St l'ac·h. Pie· .... ' 1 •0~-,·foot New g..ill<>n .iquai·iums s3 tw111bed~preads~each, quart antique cop per KODAK Jnstamatle S7: t•1rnk1c molcJs 8;1. ·'"".•' tur1·s SJ S5. 1 .•. ui:i:taRc. '"1lv"r111t"I tur·nlJ11•.'k1 .. ~. c·a c•h. Stroller S.'J. Two brownpnnt.548·4:J08 IO·SPl'.ed bit.Yclt!~. ti?<><' TV, H&W Portable, plays water pitcher S?S: two Arlmirnl clock rndio SS: com so 1r n s I I s s II .... a • ' <0 r d l S2S s ll s c 0 p p e r p 0 t s • Hal!icrafters short wave . ~mi.:. '· o ~ .. ;irgc p1cct• h. • ma 111-.1 vv dtit , .. 1.x12" $.'t ''• . high rhttirb $8 S9. oily PEDAL car $10. Redwood <:on I ion . " • uo ll o o d S 2 5. Hoo v c r Mashrabeth. SlS each : rud1" Sl5; Speedom atic m~n!?lur~ \\~I l)l~·c~~. show aquunum, 110 lop <·11 Ill'> ::-.i '." l'lc\'11> c•huir S2.50. Car :;~al bcum~ S2S ench. will sell after 11am.557.5073 canis lrr vucuum S20. two copper kettles with for 26·27" bike S7: H.0. 't.1111ature \\OO<~. p1c,n s s2 Lar)!e aquo.num with St :! 1;, s.11n;2:12 S:l.f>O. Ba~:-.111ctlc S7. Car separately. Push mower STER EO AM·FM 8tk S25. 8mm film editor SS. 32" iron handles. $19 each : ~auge slot cnr track cars ''! tnl'lul people S2. iltu1~1b lop tor reptil S2 SO 1\rt·.1 - ----tied S2 ~l Two Porta· s.'>. Vinyl auto top carl'ier Two floor s c kcrs S'>S boy I.loll SS. Approx· one ash shovels, large. SS: motorized c.olor ~.!. ~r\'ed un1muh. S~ 1 ug. ru ... 11 c~olor:.. l1k1· Fl H 1-; :Jldrm SI5 Ant14ut· c·f'il11.. cint• rnc~ll Sii 50 Sl 5. La r g 6 st 0 r 0 ~ e ea~h Two s~a:e; lob!~:. lmatcly 36·'xJ8"x9" suit-copper and Iron S2S: live wheel SS: three habitrall 1.,:<:. ac~· p1ect•s. JU\ t• 11<'\I . \\1M1 :sx l'•Jl'l,1hlt• b<ihv sr·ult'l> Sl5 Wult-1 111lt' \\IW.Mlt•n SIS M;1ple cabinet $2S. Two ~aw S5 lleudphoncs SlO. Alim case. like new SS.After 11 flat hanging pans. COP· sets nU for $15; one de· S_J_ m.etul S8 011 paint t Y II t' wri t,. r 'S 'l !>Oltnt•rSIU 00!!·1267 ·pla\l>l'll Sl5. l'lu)le>. horses $10. Play horse i:ood sh111JC. Rucksac top AM.646·1525 per and brass S12·S2S· luxe set S7; one starter 1111,l) Sl2. Buffalo horn 'l'rh·phunt''> :>:! 'S7 ;\tc11·~ ---hull ll· <.{'l:; :l!h• soc. SIO folding clothes pole • t •c I · d 'nUfl bottles S25. Mctpl " <Hn l' 11 • ., :1 n d g I rl ' ro11oc;<;,\ N. ne11. If S25. \\ .111lkl•r $J so. 6-12 8906 s10: Two bar stools SlO. s h a Pl' 520. Well used S K I boots, Io dies 8 B two new real pheasant St' .... : ones eeping en 111 tH' es . sh IJl s s .1, <'lnlhl's .Jntl ~ht1t.'!' 2;)\' s.1 ('andlt•ahra:.. 7 l'andli·. -SM·O:H'> do\1 n parka Sl5 Cassette Henke foam, Cur tined. leather ne<:klaccs. made S3; pipes and lees S2: .1 1 r p I a n e ~ S :i. r •1111 Blue li·ather ,.,hnut•ll'r· floor ~ttwcl ~5 J\1n·1 alt Sl n Fl NG !\1 L and XL · -tapes Sl each 5 gal. (las 4·buckle. like new S25. by Juliette, chea1> SlO Uberty cxt;rcise ball Sl: \.\armer"\ ·1 11andcan1·tl pur~t·:. ~I i·ai·h :i t:it mark,•r n•1·1•1\1•r Sl5 ,c • ..,h SIS Xl.lon1tJOhn 1.ADIESLaDolomitcski canS.1.Aulobikccarner 640·7427 and S20. 963·8013 two bowhng balls SS 1111·c1•o; pt·ncil lwlclcr!. KN•\ Lil. 1·11..,10 !\h•sa <::ipa1·1111r 1·ht-tkt•r SlS 2~. Small :.c•uha tunk boots. S:'I:. SlS. Ski pant~. SJO. PA :.p<'aker for anytime. each; womans bo\\·ling ~I I FcmalenutnaC'kcr' Sii.:n., .H l-;un11.,, ;incl ~H1i2:12 \\llh \alvt• viii ~I ~ site 14. SS. Thermals mobile CB S.1 Vacuum BOY'S ski pants. size 12 shoes SJ .50: Hot Whed \J:! lron\\ood fl'"OJ>lc· SJ6 ~lt'Cttr nui<:k ----------nc..:uJator ~JtJ T"o pair S3.SO. 540·04fi6 Aua~e. Scars S3. Pt"nsake SS·SlO. Ski jacket SIS. 1·x11· shag ruJ: S1. Nitc track and acces5'>ries $8: l'.imel!.kin lamp-.hJdl'' ---1' v1.ona:n .tlu111mun1 old tounn~ llkui. 5 pair . 10 tachometer. nearly ncw. WA rm ups S 8. S 1 o. i.tand Sl8. End table $18. Matell Siul~ sel with \Iii Ol'v1 I pla<fUl'' SJ GIRL'S l\\tn hi•cl. ,.,1r,. ('hr1s1m.~ lll'l' Ill lh anrhor and chum SIO FRIGIDAIRE S2S Scari. SIO. l nstamat1c 20 Ther mal&, mittens, hats PolelampS4.645·8615 c:irs $10: Dare plane ,. tr t "" \I 1 Orn;mu•111:. f><· ~1'1t· 1, \!.J' :-.; •• 1 d ....,, RCA 1 camern SS Must -.ell all. Sl·S3.SO. Rieker boots. iitunter set Sl; two new uo i·.11 .,., a1oi:an) nice, \\hilt· S25 t'h1lcl I I II ~ ,'t•<>prc·ne '" pan~ gas ryer.-,. eoo1 S.·1turdu•.2l"Guldilnrod, 91'l SIS. llnad .G R03 POOL .Ploye--"'-au11·ru1 h"n·'made ha1·rp·1n lace f11ano :.t•ic1I !>Iii l.:1rll.l' c·<1rricr bike st·al S3 11,recn m,i ~ IJJ! rui.: \\I 1 520 $25 Medium :.le~\•es TV console. needs \\nrk ~ -" "" " "' "' ...,., " u tll':-.k '>\\1H·I tl1.iir \JH :\ire. nnrte1hh• "'t'll pall S25 T \\o ... nh1ll :>15 Shor1sleeve1ackets. S25 Couch S25. Queen <;d M.af\erlO 150ansk1sS2.'>.S<I0-0466 t_wo piece cue. and sort sloles,one navyblue.one •· cll •·:.srr,.. s.'> c.il·h Cnh hned case $20. 962-~10 tartan plaid $20 each. F1,bm~111)11hS:!hC:.int>Sl broilt-r SS. GI·; dt·tlrn SIU hrn pl;i~ lh'll:. S.S ull s11e:. SlOSlS Extra headboard SJ7. 114S1l POOi~ toblr SI:> S\llm ROLLAWAY bed with 962.5880 l'nq1 cue ~lCI ,,,; ort\\a\1· <1u111malll' r11111l 1·ool.l•1 t•.•c·h lnfunt l·;ir M«•l s.i :.mall 1ac·kets Sl2 50)~lll· Civic Center Dr. SA rnin~ pool heatC'r 825. foam mattress, t wo Cll Rl~TMAS tree, de·---.------ rn1llo:; S.'i Oltt n•rnrd., slt'.Hn~ a mm11l1-ll' 11111 1 .•• r lwcl $.i Infant IJikt• 1111: 1wnh $JO·S20 u111g 541·2103 afternoon only. Four 11 inch tires S:W. availahlt' 515 each, will corat1~s·i.ome nld SlO: FOU.R t ire:i HR78x14stc:el 'ii II I r.11•k taf1l'' S:? \'1c m·r 510_:2~"' m•w "> IK IK:!:! ran 11,1 ~ ('lot:k 1 ad iii 111hns. d1 \'Ing SI 5 S25 835·8886. Phone first. Electric :.love. 2 hurn£>r !>ell .!>Cparatcly. Corner Relax1c1sor SS: n_cw luwn radial llmroyal ~ p~1r. ~';" '.~~1:!:'~~ ':.•;:~:1~~~'.,.'1~~ ·i· -;: L i-: s (,' 0 I' 1 \: t; ~l Four \1'11111\ wroui.:ht 1~~:~.trtN~~1° ~~~\~~i!~~~ BOYS Schwinn 10 !>peed \1 Ith cabm<•l S2S. Shell desk SS. Invalid's porta· mower SlO: ~:rn1sh table Small radio ~. F1sh1ng ... irnn h..ir ~toot... SllJ t'al'h S L d 3 ed S20 animals 7Sc each. Roof ble toilet S20 Quad cane SlO; four chaars SIOeach : poles S2·SJO: Reels S2·S25. l.~c t.1ps S:t a· \t'-e f1bt•ri:las., nu1r1..:i.:e1 5'lrnken;r..ickS1 2 l'ro<'k man'ss11.l'~andSdouble 25. a ies spe .. escupe hatc·h lor motor s12 968·5658. electric Smith Corona Dar stools, metal SS ,~-. ·11" 11111t.• clamp.,":! SI :is. h ''Oil Jahsl·o h11r1I :.11lt• SS pair . Two girl's 20" s!ngl~ home SIU. La\\ll rnmn•r t ypewriter S25. 612 each. Lamp, table SlO, 11h:(t1 .. sk.ul1hn$lrnat•h111l' l\'at1•npupp,1 i,;11l \\LJlc•1 pot 51 Elt•rlnc· i·un W11m1·n s :.urf. dive !>peeds,S1S·S20.Boys20 SS Sundav onlv 221 E KENMORJ<-;llydro·Action AlabamaSt .. Huntinslon Tools50c·S7.334AlvaLn. "I:! 1>011r ha.~ ps S l 1>11111 p Sl2. ,Johnson or uprnt·r s.! <:.iht·nit.chm.: 1 a t' k t' I :. t.'i S 2 S . l\totorcross handlebars 191·h's·t .. ,.;.. · · · dishwasher for counter Be<ich. 531).1059 C M. off Sa nla Ana. I• " II I 110~1 $2 t.1i.:ht fixture S.'i · l S2!l T •'<J port.,bln I' 1w ~"" lllll il t'~ ;1l1t'. ~:17 :IROO . ',Vllll'lh•l' OU >0:1r< pro ... N1•opn•rw r<'C'IUl'lllll lw IS ·. " u " " topS20. c:111.31:"' "f"·2252, Sunday .t. Mon-11 I "'" l !J:l:! Pt•mha DR: CM. TV S'>S t T had or "'" EXECU'flVF. I · uu .,. :-.a111nl.1y!l t pc• ar, no '1111.::-. ., ·"' S2 t·a1·h. M.1tch bootit"> s -e:ic 1. wo n BICYCLf; rntm" wheels MOREY R . D • co ormit 1J·•y only 11 h I •~I '" '' \ "1 1 I c• I·.· "ti <I I S" S 5 " d b k I • 0 .. "' ---~ al\' :1< .1ustt•rs. ~tam-~ "· • ... ·Sl·SI l'aCh. XL full !'lurr awn mowers ,,. . with phil huhs $23 each. . oog1e our . oo • g ve your 'noss --------- SCll WINN hit') de S:!ll l<>i.s !>led wath lock1nl>( d1• ll;okt·r Sa I urd :iy !I 4'· suit:. SlS ThrCt• XLsprinl! llome after 12. 494-6228 Stem, burs, brake lever medium S19 CS26 at the an original l'Ollcctor's POOL table ~. 6' sliding H1kl':.CatS2.·7:1Fonl:.ta 1'11'1'. rn•w, rn l1ox Sll:-,11 Mll778o su~li. ~5 Suturda~· 9.2. WALNUT DINING room seC SlO. c luster~ SS . Rcat'h~ Cull Nancy·at itemS20.962>i.>lO glass doors S?O. Double lion wagon murller :ind l'Jt'I\. Ill fl 1'1•1111 Senalur (;Ol/Cll )llfl Old hut no :!11~7 I ll~}'vlcw. Sant11 table hke new S2S. Six lle lmets $2.$20. Stand~ 842-377-CROSLEY radio of the sink ·SIO. Garbage dis~ t:11l p1pe.nc11t•ru-..•d Slll f11lsh111i.: .'l'''' ~2 1 rip!> or lt'ar!> ltlsµeecl An;i lle1$lhts mat('h10l!Chairs.w1Jlsell s2.s10.Campyfm.i:ert1psnoYSSchwmnStingray, 1o·s.S20.96:!i.>IO po sal SS. A ntique <~oft ~hoe..,. 1 t. ~a F1~ llt.'t•ur<_IS. t\o~tt•tant•s , htkl! S2~, :>15·71'8 --.-.-scpurutcl.>· Sll.50 earh $10 fi14·7367 20·· \\'hftnl nvc•ellent COO· b1rd!)CYC maple dresser /11nj? rod !ii <'a<'h Cur !'Jul \\1...,toe1. Bull 1\1·:.. - --TO'l S Jnd i;ames l()c>.$:1. -----"". ~" SHOWC SE f 1 S25.Green shag rugs St rat'k S2 Howllni: ~l\r11 ;1 n ti ni.1 n' llO nu 1. .. r "" ••nllor1 ac1u11r1um. ,,--.. IJ o IV N j.!aus:e. cnJ(ines. 2~ .. 1-:stcy ekctric organ CC/If hoc.·k~.v skale~. sue 4 d111on ~ 842-3772. or ~maAll an1omralrse.plw1 lelhs d 20 rd r · J • ·,· • "v "' '"'" r 11 " t k d c SlS 31 i "ards linoleum s 0 .. , Jk T lk S8 ~ square yur • Y8 l>. hag St T\\t1 lraill•1 ~m~1·r.,o 4U !--an1 511:. s:ramC'nloredframt• b\ o in,. snc an a · " 1 ""it• a 1es ·CROWNflootmodelAir legs.l!lassfront.shdmg Toys&gameslOC·SOc.1 .. hrtchc•o; s1s10 ·1\,n ll\' 5llt'••ach 1;..u.9~; Ll\1ng Worlll. ,qth hood. ce-.sor1c~ 3Sc Sl3. remnants SJ.SO. Thirty. Motocross bike !ll'at S8 Hockey .:ume like ne\\ lrd light Olnd clean $25. Ill' electnc motors s.1. vlu~s S3 l'ach C'hrumt --lights Sl7 S1knt Grnnt Chrastma" rll'cnrat1ons six Armstrong ccllinij Motocross forks 56. 2076 costs ·soo. seli for $25: 89j.5813 2t352 VarmouU\ Ln. JIB. 1 .. ,u1U<m an<I M'Olc·h bot T \\ 0 rct•ord plJ) 1•rs pump. l\\O 'bubble·up" lOc SI 1-·1oral arran.i:e support.s,4·1engthsS7 f1'l Santa Ana Ave, CM, Scurscanvasfullsizecar 536 1144 1l1·r., S.15 ~ct. Hc·i.l>tUr S\SIO &-wmi: mac~ne f ii t e rs. t ., 0 I u r ~ e men ts und bout 1q u e Schwinn Pixie bicycll' S48·2S89 top carnl.!r with lick. re· BLACK walnut <fmms ta WOR 0 Book ed .. n.1nt .,1,11nless ~•<'•·I ro~t S21 !'d"an.m J:tlllar.25 art1fic1al plant•,, four it('ll'ls 25c·S3 NC:\.\ \.\lthtramingwheels~20 I Ii blcandlhreechairs ss· L 1965 Jllon !':; Plumbanc r1u 111 i:, :'\h•n" lnnl! Knlt'!>.I ~k11 ... m1:ihum pl:.inl'>. hcult•r . \Jpur~1t<'r hum1~llf1er Wilirnn T2000 tenn1:. GEN I F: sto ra ge door ~~ n~~=~~os~~O~~~o~J Black/while TV jg··: s2s. Cyclo teacher 520. 1or s:1 i\nt1\lue l'll'cll ll p•1h•.,. '>hoc" 1111 ·<it., alt h 1 u 1• ~ ,. ,1 , \' 1 . Sltl. l u tlery. d1~he:.. rarkct SIS. Three 1nd1an open('r, romplclc 125. t · d. 1 l SJO good condition szs· cor Paperbacks 20c each. lrtl· rl\tun•s 1<1c SJ Snf.1 I 11dt•r11 Jl\'1 ma'k "'' thermonwll'r ollwr l'' mug.,, l(lassei., JX>tS ,incl "'"r<I:. S5 each Atlai. all Garal(e door hmgcs \.\1th t· ad w~~ 1fr~m d rd ner love seat sectional Youth skis SS. Ski poles ht••I ::.:..>.:; t'offt'l' 1111Jll• S.'J '1\\11 l11.r1:1· p1rt11rc•,.. S2 1 r as. a 11 r 11 r ~ 1;. µ;in.., :;c S! S" a1: lumps i: I ass aquarium "11 h sprm~s St5 Sunday only. si~c <'1~~~ Iv re~o~diLio~ed S6: blac~ walnut dt?sk SS 82. Double ~~tr\esV s S25. l\\o s11• .. 111tflcr nr.,"<'I' 1•.11·h (,olf 1'1~111-.. ball & EH•rrthinj! under imc Sii 10 TV S2S Clock d)naflow filler !>lam1 :ind c<1sh. !'l.'>7·1180 · : • . · 845.3713 ox spnns: ..-.. omens s;l 1•ad1 ('h;11r lll'l'CI!> ro\ l'arl SIO. Men s like new \ear -llran ot•w "llushl · radio:. S4·$8. Cush Satur. all accessories S20 JOOS ---• . S 2 S · r 0 11 ·a· b 0 u t clothes. size 14. Sl-S3. 1•r IS ~·uua fan• plah•s ~hoc~ i.111• 10'~ '5 each irnmpsi.'r..ir,.Rl6!l day l{ Sunday 10 .. 1 J0.17 Grant Ave. CM. ~6·537'1 TENNIS. over~izc rac· typ('wrlter stand SlO. HOTPOINT dlshwosher C hristmas decorations ·•!l.d f1n.s 50c S:J fol<ftng ne,·ol\'lnJ{ trr rack S3 -Country Cluh Dr. Costa or 5-16-0030 queli.. U~e Prince. new 536·4314 S25: blue couch loose 5c-S·. Household items C'l\.111 s sf e;wh. Thrc~ 1'01:.. J>l.llh SOc·SS 310 21st DRESSER .i!I. Picnic tn Mesa TIRES t 12 600 • S2S. Tennis balls. used. MAN'S 10 speed bike S20· cushions S20: 1make cage 20c·Sl0. Saturday only. h~ po)(' $J. Douhll• bed St. Co:-.ta ~1P~a ble S2S. Picnic benche:. • • · "0 x · prac· JOc Jumpropes, new · I 3 peed SlS· · l s '. ~; crib SS; books 2~ <iflcr JO. 219 Goldenrod. fr e S.1. New burn per ' • SS. Double bed SIS. Two SLI DI.NG ~lass door. ap. tically new S7 50 each. 6 cost $7.95. st•ll ror S-1. ~1r s s .. gar s t 894·9103 CdM j :ll'k s5. Metal s hlelf LO\ I:, st-at floral pattern. benches S7 each. Couch proximately G2x79. good aluminum s ter ladder 644·7367 m~ray Sl2; single ches t --------- upholstered good conclr s 5 8 k · • 0 C'h I frame :lncJ glass s2:; 510. Blrd cage SS. E. lght . • . bt.>d s20:. new oa.~ PAPERBACKS. Harle· NORl TAKE china plat-brakes l5c cuch. He~1na · s· · · · 1 · 00 C.4Se .,\ • a r ' dr••wer desk SlS. Rissell SLIDI NG l{la~s doors \\1\h pullman S25 . new 26xl-• qu1'n rornance. ll"rl"quin ters . p l a t es, c ups . po/ii.her S.1. Refrig(lrator lum 25· Two t"'·m l>e<ls flO. Dnln~e tttblt> S2ri. G·l6·l005 " bik ti Sl 25 12V 8 " " ( I ,.,.3 T•I • h compl1•tc S20 each Old Foot locker S8 Oak desk sweeper SS , Vacuum screen, hange r!\, 10· S25. e res · • presen ts :me • soc. sau cer s. s oup and nr!>oragt .... cip rmc llunu tw bt>n<'h <lark · · • PI Nl.111111~tahlewithtwo broom SJO. Table lamt> Trailer frame. one track ~ape de<"k SlO: Chi l d r en's wooden vugat;lblcbowlsS25all . s I. Elec.tns ho\ nlott.' s2. ! ~' 001f s20 23" n& w ~s .crib SIS. A~!tque ~ak rll'I~ SIO. Wel1>Uit'I S.'i-S2S. s:i. New ironini:t bourd wheel. Sears type S25. Pnl aroid camera S12: rrnzzlcs St euch. 5J6·815'1 750·0623 yard s ltl plai.111• ru11 r . ·I . ' . ·I chair S.'1: Chani;mJ: tuble Ct1h1nrt <'h c11t with S7.50. Exerci~or board Car top currier. large cab over camper s hell-'------------------cover S2 Gas burners ~H ri nn pr m rncnc w c<m· SIS. Cur•seal SIO. Trunk tJ S25 s b ss. Metal bookcase SlO. aluminum. with cover for Chevy s hort bed S2S: WE L 0 ING hoses. r e· 67 Mustang• rear bum.pet' outdoor. patio S:J Shir· ~olc 1TV.h"orksd. as i~I 52r"0· S20. Queen mattress $15. l\fi"x"'~~e.t~1: 11 ~~ ~~~ 3105 v·111a Wav, NB. SIS. Roof racks. padded 283 Chevy motor b.locks gulators, and torches S7 S20. Tail light SS: each. . t 25 h ,,tee w ip an cot or Queen sprin11 Sl:J ll'Jbv q pin ~ i!pe c rue CIJ SlO Wm Ro c r s ,' '~bowls $15. Twn table 675·7961 forF'ordvonSl!.642·8483 S25;Chcvy6boltP1ckup toS25.SmallArgonlank Right-sidedoor S20.Alr Lamps S2 each Scales 11 · d ~ff · rocker S7. Three lamps lump~ !1J and S2S I.onJ{ · · . wheels~; big bird cage and reg ulator $20. shocks SZO. VW starter SI. r-:lectric m;xer SJ. s, vcr tea. an • co ee $5 e.ach. Dinette la bit', 4 hov b~I a~d fra~e $25. BOXED whistling ketlle OCCASIONAL chair. good S3. Craftsman reel type 897·7082. SlO. Four VW tires SS Blanket. el~tnc double ~~~~ry~~~~h~ ~md~!~ ctfa~r~i1-t~d tables SS TV trays with metal rack 84 SO. Boxed ironing CQndltion St5. Fireplace power lawnmower S25: SM ALL vocuum pum· each. GuitarS20. 642·S339 S1!~ 2D01cshes ahnc1St~las1s~~ t>0Wl'r F!\l,;ir PSB. DE. eac · S.'\ so TV stand S2.SO huard S6. Other ironinit ~rule SJ. Step slool S2 electric toasler·grill S6; p /air compressor $12. . . .... -. eac . arn eso MB. AM. A\-OC. Raclio BLENDER SIS 35 cup Cherry end table SlT50 bourd SS. Gold desk S2S. New hood type heir iron coffectablebaseS2: Gatc·leg table. as 1s, $12. B~ACKrechner~ha1rS20. steel p~ctureS2 Ste.cl tea 515 GE sold• -;talc radio coffee um SIO Sslad Fram~d puinttn~i. S3 Hinck bedroom set: dryer cnst S2.'>. sell S12 misc. LP. records 50t', 11 HP ball bearing dou. Small radio Wlth c lock Pk no lshs 311"~-a~.~ ,,s1 tea.~ ss Electro radio "ith ho" Is s.s. <:harmi: dish S.'i. <'llrh. Typewriter table chei.l drawers S2S ~old Bar stool SS. 17G Cecil Pl misc bike parts 50c·SS. ble shafted motor $10 and h ght SS. New na.ir iv..-u.x.. na e 1ro .. AM FM TV 1 T\' '> {'offee "11 rmi•r s; S.1 drapes '2·SIS T\.\o trim. headboard shcU 642·5872 ft.IG 5972 Sterling silver candle blower SS. Sm:lll electnc SJ Orani:e steak plate~ 1·. . I . I ~. T II •1 L.-. lnr"C Wls of olass~ $15 SJO. bedside lamp table . . hold ers SlS. Ster ling heater ~5. T .• v stoi:id. SI. h R tt I I • .; po ic·t•, "cat ll'r, AC· X.' rave 1111! iron ., u .-on .. " S 6 • . Two s m a I I T W 0 old (gs hi nn ed TWO 1178-15 tires. new silver ~andy dash Sl5. roll away 20 $2. Sick . cac a ansoo"" S2S 10 trans1 s 11•r due pol 12 !orks ,5 each.Saturdny92.20:171 • 1':Rlde clr~S3sk1~leht OS21d AM.P,\f,nnrke· radios:; Toaster S6. Electric Ba~l'iew. Santo Ana mahogany tables SlO dressersS2Seach. Unlcy. retre.ad~, never used S? 897·7082 room commode SS. a 1os ~ eac ,.... JI i.!hl earh. Christmas lrec $3. cle SS S'18· 74S8or 615·fi083 each. 8 sofa. blue 525. 548-6328 h r 5.1 ~S: nd s re'. S3 1-'olks fu1tar. new strings <'arvlng kn1r<' Sa. Ice <'I Ii Orna'menls lOc each. 66 &"a VW . • Hoover upngh~ sweeper CAR ft .track & FM Stereo SCUBA t -1.~ t C ~"· Caa~pct. ·a~d ;B<~dinv. SIS Wec;tJnghousc l;IJaC'e pack SJ. Nl.'Cdlepomt pie· Oil! E:NTAI. cnbinct .,,, cnarne cover 520 842.5631 S2S Car casselle & FM o,.....,, wo or -... St 53 L' 1 SI saver rad1C1 SS Pu1r lure SS c·ach. Green 1 thd · 191!6.l Claremont Ln. S25each.63lertrrontVW · ste.reo S2S Older 12. regulator S25; weight · ,'. ino eum .• botasjacuhoohtan.sitl' amber rerl i:las!lcS ~ ~;~C'W.' ec<iratr\'e.ac· behind Mervyns on bus door $20. VW 011 VOLKSWAGOl"rrontseal chann<'ICBSl2 IS·~DJlon bell,pressuregaugeand Caml'r.i<1 Sl·S3 S\\eatl'r 12 StO lhgll ton \\Of'k doZl'n.181 E.C:osta Mesa ttssorie~ SIK for >tll Ad11ms <"Ooler with filter S10 S2: fiV·VW"encrotorand airtank ~. T'ru~k 31·r knife in sheath, all !or a nd tops soc SJ 121' i . ,. • , C 6<12 11'J 17 " ""v ~ Ppoin sett ., CU!\l ... hot•s. size 7 S.1 Seven St. osta ;\1e5a t---------tlOLlDAY ceramics 55·58 VW SNlon front rej:\ulator S~5; VW compressorS20.s97.7082 Sl0.8"16·227l 675.5218 1 · · · p1ec<• hrnss (Ire J;tfeen G 0 Lr-· 1 , 11 f r GAS built·rn oven and 25r.SlO. Record ulbums. endsS25ci1ch.7.ca(mai: \.\lndshreld wipers Sl ..:.::.::.:.!::.::.::.:~=.:::.:=.:_:.::.:::::_•---------- ----------1 sci S25. llca\'y cluty 220 Ch . t 111 T :. fl'~ broil('r,niccSlS.675·5258 SOc·Sl each. Jewelry wheels, new S2~ each. ench; Baja Bug r e.o r AVON representative RATTAN end and coffee KING siiegreyblueand volt h1·ater with ri~ mas. op 1 e, s $2SS Dish mugs for mini c;igc bumper S7; used sellingallrlcmon5tr:nlon tablesS2.Seach.67S-0623 white cotton quill erl thermostat S~o. fi\le Titleist.best brands.l~kENJo:W shishkebab sctSlO. ~~;n2·1~P~li:~~dte.Go~ pickupS25each,wlll11>ell Baja tire11 two E7!HS producls.JewclryS;OC·eoYSmotocrossbicycle bcdspreud szs. Flowered j!ollon jui: with stand S.~ new 3 Io~ SI. r r:ictice Jo'runr jscon .ware coffee log SIS. Smokey BBQ SS. separately.645·5613 Gates Comm~ndo SlO $6. Golden harvest hand 520. Girls three speed cotton linnd shl)rl dr"""'~ Twn s ~allon ~lass Ju~s balls ~. :tt9 Poinsettia. sc•l S20. Cutting board S2. T each : two 10 wide by 15 lotion SJ.SO. Country b'i"yclc $lO. Child ... ba"k " "''"° Corona del Mar .,. w Bookcases S6-S15. oy ..,, ca~ Hot Wheels set with ~ ., .. SIO. Sheer off.white !'OI, S2.SO each. 597 Victornr. , r ra n c 1 sca n n r c S "" ' Gates Commando $8 pump. body lotion $4.50. bike seal $2. Ana·mal cane C S · d " "M d ·r .. $2 Sl:J · drt1m set S4, caturduy 4 currying c1111e11. lltatlon h r d At .. toa curlain5 short and M •. aturday on ·1un· THREE piesc silver set: a l'I u . • p1~ce. 12 / l 7. 9 AM • 18 7 22 and tracks. In excellent eac ; . ront an rear . Pre~ious doe coloitne SZ. Sl. M(.'<licine cabinet anti lonfl 520 euch. Light blue day lil2·1l135 sugar and cresm~l' and Lead cryslsl stcm"are Saginaw Dr. Irvine condltlnn. Oriainul co~t toy b1cy~le wheels f!'r Christmas surprise S2 . mirror $3. Solid blrcll wool carpet S2S. Green vaseS20.Books 10<'cach. $2~ PIH<', ~viii se ll " sew.up hr~ S20; mis· Chrl~tmus oolls cologne door. new $l2. Sears n YI o n car p c l $20. TWO motocr oss type Bank 2Se. Oike parts $6· separah~!Y· Salver .tray F' R E ~ II Ca n d In g 5100. Will sell for S2S. cellan~ bicycle parts S2. Sewing notions col· camping col S3., Auto 646·23Z8 btkcs Sl7 each. Animal for all. Old bed $15. Baby Sl 6. Stainless divided tetherball pole SS . 646·9747 SOc·$3, Singer battery ognc $2. J ust a twist gauges and tack' S&W S lhinKS 2$c•S'T. 2170 .Maple trays S2 each. Colonial 64<\·8317 BEDSPR EADS : t win. operolcd re<:ord. player S2.75. Island parakeet SIO. Antique hard back RADIAL tires: LR'f8·15 cage 30xt2 Ill 979·5204 St co~a Mesn barometer $25 Copper blue/fr(.-en, like new sts. SlO; portable toilet S2: S2.:;c>. Unforgettable and chair SJS, 536-3336 SS-. ER78·15 55 17517~ EVAPORATING cooler, • chafing di!lh. used twice 1969 Oauun pickup parts : Doub e gold/Jacquard. hand lantern St; used Ariane coloj!nc sprays1---------- HR·l3 S7.50. All good 12 YOll. recirculating HONDA 600 mag wheels, S25. Twin spread sa. rear end $25. seat $10. excellent 115. KJng. pink motorcycle tires front S4. Oemi·colognes 8Sc. BOYS aki boots. Gar· tread. &16 3GIMl pump. working condition pair $2~. 646-3006 Lady Remington S3. front suspension $25. cab quilted $25, King green and rear S2 ·$10 each. Upstick 50c each. Nail mount J .R. J et&, worn s.is c t lrce levels 5.1 Sh(leskates 13. White S25, frameS2S. 545-1914 velvet quilled with &17·9500 enamels 75c each. Snow one ski trip. Si1e 5 or 6~ TWO largo custom mode · 8 · COLEMAN gasoline Inn darn ask Ch rt st mu h bed dr S2 Bunny's cologne $3.mis. s10. 613-2230 Ox45 tiger fal<e fur noor A.C. utum. heavy duty terns $6.5().$8.SO. (,evl tablecloth and elah~ HEAVY Ii volt batteries mate 1~ opes 5 SCllWINN Stingray girl!! Oland $hower soap $2. -----. ----- pillows. cxcellt-nl Condi· mooel ~ n-eeds. work i>•nlA, 30-32 wuisl $2·13. napkins s10. Ar«ientlne $15. Bilge pump S2S. each. wl I s~ll separ ate· bike St5; unUquc radio WaJly Walrus toothbrush COLECO air hockey, ta· Uon StO each. 6423767 \\ithmunu~I SIO.Kitchen Bnby wall<er on wheels crystal dessert stt S20. N•vlagalloo lights $10 1)'.642·0000 S25: Eversort waler holder SI.SO. Sweet blctop48x24,foodcondi· 402 l'tfosnolln St. Costa ~11~~tl~iz:f8h':aJ~~:~: ~. Bab1 toUd /sS3.50. Twist·O ·C!ier 11. 549·3470 Gl.RL'S lO·spetd 125. so~~n~r 525: Free S~irit ltonesty girt s et ss t1onS20.9G3·90S6 Meu antiqu e white SlO. Ladle• now golf shoes, Skattboord$1. Fake Cur 1910 TOYOTA M rk ll Pac hlnko game $15. 27 bikeframeandnms Patchworkcream sbchct 1-·1vE11pecdSchwlnntJS. OEl::P laundry wash sink Clothes line. umbrella ~~ Ttf~t~4fr• ~~~·~ coat $20. c-..,h.648-8459 puu: doOr$ SlO ~. rtar Guitar St5. Alllikc brand SlO 947·i0l7 11. Bu n~y ceru ml c 16" i:1rls bike $10. Wlth 110. Port.blo air tank (or •tylc, foldl up ss, Oallon womM's, kid's boou and TOYS~·SS. Child's lamp 1prlngs $10. brake drum& new· 3351 Marleold , GARRARD 4'° tumtablt plant~r ~. summer but· training wheels and blowlnau11tlmSt$.l068 cuns. teflon lined ~c shoes Sl ·Sa pol r . $2. P ool lounae $6, SlO,hcotcrcorcandH· North CM.SS6-0149 wathsurecartS2S;clec· ter~lres soap, winter co111stc r brake·. 1Jtan' wlndshleld S20. each. Auto AM radio, 12 s kateboard u. 5o, Upholstertd chair1 need• •crnl)ly $1!5 . master ANTIQUE ornate picture trlc t ypewr iter $25; ~r:!•~s iS:a~e S2e7:x''":~J Sknteboard S20. 5S7-0678 t "II ndow 11Jan SJO voll Sl. K1lchen sink. Crut01es $5. Five new repair 15. Stocj( van brakt as'-.mblyS15, !~ar frame ZJ~'XZT" elyh with stereo nmp ~ wull SlS. aln ••e rbrcud pin pal BIK"'., m»n's lO·s...---i, •• f truc:k tilt whcf'I tnamtl, Whit~ 11. P:\nel tol)tl Wilt, m•Jco lood teots 1:0 oath • .Bean windowSw.lnterlorw1m inset125.fH0-742'7 846·347'7 "t ., ( kid $l otn h r. ~ .,...~ - tn1 colurn.n SJO. 1962 metera. 5c Inch, 50 min· ~ctur• frame. t1 e~ti. baAa. need rep•lr sa Sl·SS. 545-1914 ~:0c: J°!'welrys it-:',. ebancby: ls $2S. 646·1281 vrold p\ck1.1p bed coomrc movcm~t 110. 5" t k •• Q d a b Pl \ bl LARGE rabb\t hutch. new KANDMAOE a(~ans. new "' ,.., ...,... , .. ~• "''·tomnti,. 100 t c lllCet .... ar en ' c., • na 0001 • e YW 1 now ch&lns SS'. SlO. Small anlrnal ca"• full ~Ile S?O: cnb or \9n h 1 p p o S 2 . 2 s : T H REE llvl ng room .._ v'"' "" " ... m croampmo..eme{I weeder 13. W?IH.t ~vcr• $2&:~-411.2 • 1 ,,...,•1914 """ b I •12".' I b d h $3 c haa·rs $10 -o Laro ... t nsmlsalon 125. Ftve with mulU scales S5. 3·: $1 Broom handle• 9.>l I ' i ' ' , .... S3. Sm1ll 9added rocklnl r o e s ie, new ., • g nger reom ouse ; ·-. """ f Uooupar varnl h s10 150 mlc ro11m1) move· New ihort blocka lumber ~~~~ ,:1~eJ'iJ?ne"'8hi POOL t.b19 with all ac· chair '5. JaJtUoamellcs ~:;~.u~:~~~~ns~c;cG ~e~~ e~~\';~~e~e~~: ~~~~~~~~d'"~~~: =:: ldll• truck Ove Sf>O~ ment, 2TO dc111rce scale 2.~NOc. Coortbocks'JMf, e, · '·a.&. c~rt~. JCteat 11tt ror and Tu p P er war • y~rd:-.329Sor~988J each : Chrlstmos l07? 63l ·O:W tt ansm11AlooS25. QM ~Ir SS.SO. ll42 Charltalon l'aperbecks to for 1f B' ACK .. ,._.,1 lr;·;n" lcld•S4$·31548 u mplt-f Sc·StO. Pon y I t .. 5 ••·II hi 1 1 --------c JidltJOelnj pumC> a-.es. Dtil, Cotta Mu ·•· 642Kto .. • •• ., 'f "• •addl•'25 4i'Ml~>S 'M Y ltlah *>I: p se ... ; ... ~ J)S l cJ')CARPETlNO· aocXI t~· J 1114 Lln/•roln p•rb 640·6.tlB ' dormttory slie, JO<ldc~· WtDgBAND AMPS $2. ' a 4 c motorcy· •20 : Much more, all d'tl l 14 rd 2 u BAB \' hl"b chair ti dlll1>t1, hk_e otw SU. ft •l•"• Sl. Computer BOWt.JNG ball , 12 tbs clc. S2S cash. 9161 below boOk. Sprlnd11lo 1 on. ~ Y •• s. pu. ~ ·'*1141 ' IQUJli:N meureu 125-. At.it'>flll{\J c r c~ord G46·3S78. 2060 Htws>Ori P.QW•r aupplks SlO. HT nsw and undrUtod at~. CrttwfOC'd Circlo. Hunt· and Slater. 5891 PIMn 17 Yds each ...... so pd r. ~IPIO. m•l., ... ,~~ 86x 1-1111• •Ad frame chenaertl.I fl pla)'tr • Avt ti• ~ .t. ,lllterMltl. Mt·3470 Gulhr. li ke new1 $8. l n If L 0 n B 0 • c n Or. Huntlntton Beach yard.~ I .. Oaie.h~9"f1! ... ~ •~. Atloa4flnf' equip· ~·2'itt · ..,. .t,__. ;:-.,., .. 54-0Ul&.1 1Ahm 1/Ma1nolla 1 846·4125. Betwucn .... ....... rim "Clll,., .... ,~ . -I SANDER, vi.rellftl iv ..... 19 Packard 963·7127 9X30Xam to2:30pm, No GlRL.S26''blueSeln~lnn }lt;J&ClllP .... ;.-1 ~1111 po derfAllTtCLEboe .. :Jx$SJ; C.-a./t1nun, !!_OC\.et .eU.'-.iid plcture SZQ, FIREWOOD 12' IO•d·~"BLU&.g1r11 Slin.ray c alh ;ifler 2:30pm S20.Polelamps$$e1c1'. SJ 5hadl.11541#3 ,.. , mtu ureSl1$.S)G lie-I ~ 1'13·7100. ..• U\•, ;":'~ "U0,798U10.:..... ~7""'~ ~~Ii.'.~ 192· 1214 " blke 125. 96:l·7379 Please. Gaa mOWtt '20. 6'().'71'7) -... r" ~!; f ro ~ .~ . • . , ...... 'TV...... .... ,..... to40 Meferia.d.... 9140 ................. s~ Saturday, December 17, 1977 ~ILY PILOT CJ I Jr II .... '91....... lffl ....................... •••••••••••••n••u••u ... /Stot:ep fl60 · _.. ................. ....................... FOi SAU.111 ll'OXJ ·11 adeonct. ....................... ,_., 95,0 ...... l~ed ..,._,, 1-.artld ~~!:•uR~ ~~· l2' 6'1W port~ TV, '77 ttea Ray J4 ft . $300.~offer. ....,...._ • ...., ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••p k ~ \YPt c /' · JOOdworkiQCIHldJtlo.o. W•tkonder wllh 70 &4e-2'X>S 111/J .. U' ··El Camt.fto.Rtblt ena. Chtwr.. '701 W t7la __ _.;.. _ __. ___ ~! .,., k!O c;,u.n:z: •up P> MS-1705 bow"I. lluft •di; boul. hntt J\alb'tti1C9nt.i• Now paint, camper shell, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••" ......._...._ •• , .-m · ~ boal.. Prl. pty. Call '11 BURGUNDY 8at.avua ,J\eMrvuowfOt' P/S,P/8~ •. -.. .. ._.,_ Peh IOl7 ~ ~ 6y1tcm. JCIT)'lll Mopad. Xlnt cond. HoUda191JWffkenda * w • • Call'S23* •••••••••••••••••••••u Pioneer Rtt. SX·lOl0.100 14 ... ISI W/lock. alde vlew m lr· EG&NCY MOTOR. '56 Dodao work tru<'k, • 74 IM IAVA"lA. ---wotls p/cbanl RMS: ror11, buddy seat. buket, RHOM.ERENTALS runt1o0d.1dtrantporta· S.~e With only 21.000on1iiW Steel str!Jlt folk au1ta Canary, younc male, Te!chn1c1 direct drive wl46-f200 gas can, dire. 11l1nah. mN.HarborBlVd,S .. A. Uoa."'°°.$15-317SEves POlo1tllt nula' Sold &. acrvked 'W/cu., x1nt cood. beauutul 11n er. Great turntable SL·L~. with CaJI. SW-J9l!O ••'3l·2S03•• , Fela.e• ¥.-.Y by w . Autonu1Uc, air 83:S·7~7t d1ys, 673·39 Christ mu t•ft. US. Pike ring SX· U / 1200£ SEA RAY'S 74 Dataun PU, &ood cond, You llt9 tha wirul r uf 2 con d . & t c r c q , . t\W, UG-3756 cartrldce; two Kt!nwood D Tlgre M1ru 8ikt1. Xlnl '77 Ford Mobile Home. camper. spoke w bls. free ticket.I worth i14 to (74LKYQ>. .: ....... ar..,_. IHO 110 wat.t loud 11ptialttin1 All 1971 ModefJ cond. mo. complete, coat $16,000 $1400. 840-2.056 HOUDAY OM ICE SADOUIACIC • ••••••••••••••••••••••• L K • 7 7 7 A ; San s u I I l'•lO' 968-8581 new. Make oh'. 5000 ml'•· ,64 lnteroatlonal PU. at tho VAU.IY tMPORTS .. _ New Brand Name Pian<M! R e ve rberation amp Foxi deluxe mo....,., $325. 644~· ......... New wide tires on . •"''AHEIM Ul-2040 49Mt4t RA·SOC>. & Sansw stereo ...,.... ... ..., n.n OVATIONAccoustlcolec. ae!:~:rc~~ter oaasetle deck sc.137 HARRISOt-rS Also motorcyle Trailer. '76 Mln1MotorHome.Slps rear. HOO or b•l ofr. CONVENTION .. 788MWSOSJa to s""" 12 •lrinl w/caae. ~. 17404 Beach Blvd, H.B. lw/dolby>. Component& SEA RAY M7-«196 6, ronl $UIS wk. + 6• ml, 49H298 CENTER roof. AM/f'M 11te~~. xlot. • 675-41363 847-8536 in superb cond. S1300. 2327 SQ M I S A Vespa Motor Scooter, Ital, 536-T007 '64 lnternaUona.1 uterin" Dec. 21\h-Jan. lat. oond Pl P 64-0-0915 "· ---------t--------• 843-9498 aft. 3Pm 540.6ss'5 · · 1.25cc, '73, only s.ooo mi, ,......._ T.._... fl 70. van. CU1t. bit. int.er. Low ~r~, T;cokte~1t :~ i':~ . . ---.. · Cleveland (KI n g) Baby Grand Plano, good AM FM t 3101Coast uwy,N.B. $475.$45-0062 •h•••••••••••••••••••• Mlle.Otrer.494·5488 perrorman"'M•, ''1•1 1 C_... 9711 .Trumpet, Gd cond $80. cond. $lfi00 or heal ofr. • ater~. auto un· n .. ~.. .., ...,... Lv'a for service mus SS7·6100evebe11t ing, panasontc receiver, 631-2547 Moped Jawa Babbetta 1972 Santa Fe 28' SC, '63 GMC ~ tbn 4·spd 642·5678, ext. 333, to ••••••••••••••••••••••• seU.631-1235. turntable, 12" spkrs . xlnt condition. $l95/8est JT:.~ ~th ~ht .=e; hydrallc Uftcate. $995: claimyourUckel:i. "76 Cupri fl, AC, lo mt. Conn t rumpet w/case. ~RAND Goodcond.W. 552·9390 looh. R .... / olfer. S48-6812· 2286 Ca· AC a~ E&·lift~tch" S48.e702 * * ~~~~o~~~JeCorf .. '' Xlnl cond. Like nu. OPENING STEREO-Macintosh Chcrttr 9050 nyonDr.ApUa .-.Sat/sUDW-ll2l ''68 Datsun PU w/'73 t.300 AHoR-o 9705 -------- Perfect atu. ln.1trument. Antique P lano Co. & MR67 Tuner, component ••••••••••••••••••••••• p Chev. Vega, brand new ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• ml '•\ S140.67s.5&41. Louis PlanoServ. Recon· parts. $250. or be•t ofr. Wanted; To Rent A Small Motorcfek1/ lwlfl& .. 5!"~ ... ,~00 \.Ires, paint w/2 tone pin • ALfAROMIO • dllioned American up· S48-6804 Yacht'!" N.B. fC?r 1 even· Scoohn · 9150 _q...,.... .. Jlrlpe, atereo tape deck, will be '"""lured at a "Or Glbeon acoustic J -4S, 2 yr1 1 t S • lng. Wall keep 1t docked ••••••••••••••••••••••• all •• -' old w/hard case. Llk r &ht~ rom 450. ~ Beaut. 21" rr.tacnovox rorspec1aluse0Clcouple ••••••••••••••••••••••• gauges, many ""u. show December 16, 17 & new. S275. Call And Kawaa Grand, very reas. Color Coosole TV, 'flew I 1 Dec 21st 1974 2SO Yamaha MX· '6'·'71 Uaed Muttang Cleu. ra.st 4 depend&· llJ. Harbor Vltw Pllua, 64.S-8S78 Beaut. Art cu4: Grands tuner. Sl7S. 968-3162 ~e~~·tt · · Terry kit front fork, Bog ~· ~No. Parker, ble. '2000. 546·'217 San Joaquin Hlll:s N 41 ----------1 at pvt. PlY pnces. 895 ' y. shockl. etc. $500. Call ire. 997'2000 • San Miguel, Newport COmplete Ludwig Drum Glenneyre, LaaunaBch. PIONEER636 CHRISTMAS PARADE, 962·9898 alttr7p.m . '72 Poracbe9141.7en1on· 'S5 Chevy,Ruos. Bea.ch. set, Zlldjlan cymbols, ~ Stereorecei\'cr 38' Ketch, STS nightly In· . ly, $100. 'M Sulek V6 :. must sell $550/Blt orr. 1bomas transistor organ, 673-0194 cl<ls all. 64&·4005 Honda Trail 90, nds work, reblt a: bored en1. like '78Spiders ore here! SSHWeves. model AL·Z. gd condi· New CB radio+ antenna, 9060 ~:Ws2S(J Yamaha $300. 09WSSOO. New MOHN 1lrl '73 Ford Courier, 38,000 i\ few '77s left at. fottory Bundy Flule s15 w/cas lion. Ask Ing $400. GE, 40 channel, in orig. loab. Soff racks for '7$ or '16 miles. Jdnt cond. S177S. reduced price. Xlnt cood. Ideal for slu· MS-2745 boxSlOO. 646-8681 •••w··:·:;;:•l•S•U••L•T•S••1••• Like ne~. ca~plng trlr, Porsche 914. $30. 631..0105 PI P494.98J6or833·1419 BEACH IMrORTS dent. 642·2342 ~"'" takes bikes Inside. KJtch, a!t6PM aJ 848 DOVE STREET ---------iP I an o. Yam n ha Zenith Blk Matrix cir Sellyourboatlhru sharp. 77 Honda, dirt/ 1971 Ford Pickupfors e. <NoarMacArthurlilvd. flute: Artley, new pads, Conserva t o r y C· 3. port. $200. 2060 State CM. SOUTHWESTERN slreel, 175 ml. 72 XL lZS, lOO VW Part& Cor sale, Good cond. Reblt eneine. &Jamboree Roadl. $75 or bc:ot offer. Cull lleautiful ebony. 6'. l\lov· Follow Oak aftZpm. ye.CHTS-"LIS ~.Sacrtf."...,·""'"' some new. From 1957 to Call Mon-Fri 9 to S. NEWPORT BEACH l •4 000/b t fr b "' "' ...,4 .,..... 1969, 994 Oak St. CM 7&1·3MO 53695 John645·4112 nc. •. s o . y . FUJl/ ... ~RT s 645-4112 --------752·0900 Sun, 12/18177. Please call JVC . SRlOO Receiver nm;;nrv ale: 1969. Yamaha 125 ' '81 VW Van, tebllenaine, •--------- CeUo, fullsize,solidwood. fQrappt,75e·MS9PP w/Bic 920 turntbl; & 2 DEALERS Enduro,d1rtblkt.$2SOor Side pipes, 70" llhielded new brakea, $900. '76AlphaRomeoSpyder 1-..:...;;;=====;__- 0ld, nds repair. Case, SRL spkra. Xlnt. cond. (714)673-9211 b6tofr.631.o668 c hro m e, mufflers, 963-0434 Convert, stereo, 25000 DataM 972Q bow. 581-:1956 SELLING OUT! Horner Under guar. Uke new. CORO ..... DO 25 Lik K 1~ E d hrdWl', brand new $65. mi, must sell before u••••••••••••••••••••• Clavlnett $675. Roland Asklng$235. SS1·2525 ""' e new aw " n 1;1ro 549.1484 y_.. 9570 Chrlalmas. se,750. or • CONN Alto Sax a phone, str1ng $750. 67S·8363 WESCO 100, 10 spd. spec. h1·l~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• besl offer. 675-8867 * DRIVI A * , gd.cond.$200. loahlrM.-f Xlntc.-ondltlon, many ex· gear bQx. Very few nu. AutotforS•• 1971 Dod B bbl T *LITTLE * 833·0639 C:f:i~I ~~~~r~ln~~~~~ EqilipMtwt n• tras-WlTH SLIP. Must $395. 673-4054 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Van, rufry c~nv!rte1. harp Alfetta GT, super ••• • •. Trumpet, silver, Bach beautHul cabinet & ....................... Sell! '74Suzultll2S,$225. General 9510 many xtras, must see ~~onrgocrurr •• .,'.!1 .. ~!!~~elolr! SAYE A LOT Stradivarius custom bench S750/Best otr. Getwrd 9010 751~9rivatePar~yS7·0396 Runsgreat. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $9,875.SS2·5849 •..-v '""'U'l'U SHOP&CO!'llPARE made prot model S4SO. 644--04-03 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M6-1281aft6PM 77 Flberfab Aztec '1 ,_61_s._soss _______ , 545-0062 8 EA u T t F u L • 7 6 . . llllidenclne. V-6. Comp. 176 DODGE 200 A...s '707 Hammond Organ, beaut, * * CATALINA 22 Uk 71 Kawasaki 100, dart fin. & beaut. $9000 Set# Full C$lm. All extras. Lo ••••••••i •••••••••••••• Bcelnners Orum Set. good hke new. Walnut. Value · e new bike, xlnt cond. Greal (Oll82) SSl-5522 i s · s conditlonS45.S48·4258 $3500, mod. t.. 100, w/ Mwg.A.-.Oft w/trlr. Many extras. Christmas present. $425 m · uper nice. ac. lt7 AUDIFOX ---------LI' 1 k od 225 170 t021 Aff_.o SS700.Call C7141586·1098 offer.673-3025 ' ~ $6:ill0.S3H042 Automatic, air cood., Office hmffwe Ir i. ac sp r, m · · ~Cl 9520 '73 DODGF; XJnt. in-oot. suru-oof, low mlles & 111 Eqyi,_nt IOIS ;;;.~~:1· $ l , soo. PP· · Hwllw9• leoch "':i· 30'dChppcr Mntncd f~I 1975 XI.70, Honda, 200 mi, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 47000 ml. Family con· immaculate condition! ••••••••••••••••••••••• You are lhe winner of 2 ea room, oa e . newcond.SSOO 1937 Chevy, 2 dr sedan, venlon$3600.646-9420 (328NPZ). ,I L......-s~95 freeticketsworthS14to 837·2644 54G-403z _,..,R.~ Copier D1azo. Makes ClnOSTTVm.. • .HOUDAYOMICI eng. reblt, body nds ,68 ,..._ V 250 6 M-~ 812xll sngl coplci.. Orig 4S"WlntConsoleS795 Fully equ1p'd 470 class '7SYAMAHA 12SEnduro, somewo ~,..,vy in eng. rost $321, asking SIJS. Call RentaJs avail at the sailboat Sl500 or best of· xlnt cond, very low mL cyl. reblt, 15.000 mi. crpt 1146-2136 Stools, benches&gifls ANAHEIM fer , tnclds trlr, call $400. 542.3749 lir1Fords: Conv.$1100, & panel, must see! $1595 Shop & compare values CONVENTION Steve. 962·5944 arts Herd top$700. firm. 5411-1928 Oak plan mes. 2 drawer , ..... rlano s~ CENT EH I ' "72 Hodak a 125. brand nu 557·'72183 '73 Ch n A to crpt f1rep.roof files safes. Ex-728 W J9th CM 548.7272 Dec. 27tb-.lan. lst. Must sell. 23 Sloop, eng. Neverused. lmmac. evy va · u • · · '75 AUDI FOX, auto. N°ul1ve oak desk. ex·_ · Free Tickets good for W/sllp. Moving to cond $32S 646--0386 Mil. Jeep 1943, restored, paneling, slereo.· Runs R&H, air cond . ..Xlnt. t!Culivedesk &credenza. SACRIFICE _Shafer Dec. 30th o r 31st Denver. Ask for Bill · · all weal.her top, nu eng· ereal.$3000.646~52 cond.54S.1701 Wood & melaltbls, childs console piano. Excellent performances. Cal I 645-7081 '67 Yamahal80CC, street. i ng • beauty· $2900. 070 Dodge Tradesman, 109 1975 -"UDI FOX desks. Hot/c~ld water shape. Merry Christmas 642·5678. ext. 333, to . , elec start, like nu, less 540-0999 whl base. 318 vs. mags, " l'Ooler w/rcfr•~. new 2 for s8oo. 213/ G96·8l84 claim your tickets. Columbia dinghy SSOO. 8 than 900 mi $300. 846.9574 ~a SOMIO..al n1 ,. 1 bed With all lhe extras. One olrawer files $42.99. 4 aner6PM * * black fiberglass hull. rv " pa ·,., curta n, cpt, • owner. Sh a r P I drawer fi les $69.99. Sails, oars, trailer, can· '75 Honda CB 550, perf. WHOHAS s tereo, cass. Mech (600NKA >. M l\\tON VII JO IMPORTS o • I ,. ............. 8Jll7411 49~1704 BARWICK DATSUN " 111 I ,,q I 1.1, 'T 1 . ' 8 J l.tl7549J.Jl75 TM 711 Art Hen . All modtil "colors.. , 1 .......... Oell•"'YTocl9yl Last chance ror fanlastfl" savings on all remainJng '77 models in stock. ' COSTA MESA DA T SU~ 2845flARBOR BLVD. S4M4 I 0 140.021 l · HfWPOR r DA rSUN Judge's Hl·back chrs, Buldwln Organ , Motorized surfboard, vascover.Allgoodcond. cond . $1000. Days EVBYTHING sound. u 95o. Call OMLY$3695 c.:lt•ctric typewriters, w/percussion,$700. $100. (costS.500) 675-6160 · 67S.1636cves: 644-1630 Rare Collectors (tems _67_5-_7_34_3~·------71 c:a..-ce n1 lcu I ulors & copy S45·0062 1·661·2626 . Cal 36, 8 winches, lOsails, '76 Yamaha YZ12SC 53 HASH-HEALY '66 Ford EconoUne Super HOW ARD Demo & mcecuUve sale . mach1nc!I. C.E .Se U I h . • . rib I VHF . tS33000 Mono·shock. FMF Cou C Van.SUndall cmprcon· CL-rolet nowgoin~on-hurry!. • Whnlc :-.u lc Office tter~ren prg tpiano18 .Amencan erg ass ,JUS , . peor onvert version. A·l, ready for .-v 88SOOVf'STREl!.'T l''urniture 2044 Placcn· $500/Bestorrer. dinghy. Almost new. Tiburon 36, 1976 dsl. Porcupinehead.$550/bst BaysldeVlllg675-2085 Chr istmas cabinets, Dove&QuallSt.s. (Near MacArthur Blvd.'. .. t1;1, C.M. 631·2777 or 963·0434 $39S.~days. ketch,loadc<l.SS4,500. orr.548-6204 refrig, stove, sink, ARA Nl:.~PORTBEACH &JamborffRoad1 Newport 30, 6 sails, ReaNHIMllll Ill 0$55 UJ 0116 :;K '!_:Jt.2Si0 Sewiftc)MochiM1 1093 loab,MmiH K.M.,stcalitat$2l,500 '72 360 MX Yamaha. V.Wdes 9530 AJC, stereo, lop carrier---·----·---NEW1~~1T3n0E0~AC ; r d h ••••••••••••••••••••••• s-.;-..t 9030 Newport28 '7S d!!I RDF SUperclean! $-400. ••••••••••••••••••••••• box.. radials .. Xlnt cond, •74 lOOLS .. dr aulo air •• The ast:est raw In l ( ....-r-. . . IH"' •966 $1650. cc,to.51ss art 5.·30 ' • ' ' • , ________ ....., • . n Sears Kenmore Sewing ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3sails, cleanS32000. '"°~ ,.._vt • sea• atr....,• leial ....., t d lux 1nt \'tt>sl. a D<lllY r·1lot . ......., • • ...... PM sunroo • e e , Cla~sificd /\cl. ·Phone Machine, xlnt cond. Best G~Y MARIHE T.O.Y.S. 675-7674 '78 Honda Express, 165 dune buggy. $800. Call SJIOO.f73·7S48 &12 JG78. offer. 673-6277 The l;raclitJon.al heavy ~u· ISLANDER 36 Bristol miles, new, basket. $28S. 529-8486 '77 GMC ~ ton. lone whl .._ ............ _ ,7°' 41'.~G--...a... 8094 ty, hght we1dlt manne 1 _ _._,, .. _..,.,_;. ..... ...,.,.,• 496-9806 base, deluxe cab a.rea -r ~..-• ..., -.... .n ..... To 350 HP. Ge· o .......... n..--·"""· '75 ConCOC'd Mlnl·home, w/ttl• .. 1eat. 7,000 Miles. ,••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~n·u--·1ne new parts. PP.613-4220 HONDA"IU\asnew-nd. 1-......_.. '" n1 .,. 60 AUSTIN HEALY DIME. A-LINES Fischer Superglass ... _...: • ...aD· Bri ol """ w .,_. ... .,. 6, very u · under warranty. $5,50(). -/ Au ... ..,.,._. ~tr: .st 2s· Coronado Xtras Per r. for sm . child. que.111,000.~ 331,227s Classic, Convert. mdl snowskis, 19~ cm w o Se . C l M • . S22Slolfer. 499-4153 0000 $2800 Xlnt' 675-8344 bdngs . .$75. MK·SOO Wood rv1ces. os a esa. Leaving area, must sell. SAND BUGG . . f'HRtSTOMAlcS decoratlo,nsl 170cm w/Eckel bind· <714>992.aMl S7200.67S.3873, 768·~. CHRlSTM~SPKClAL saooor bestoUer. 'gJ.;c)~ Y:~n~~= IMW 9712 "t·Sl · ommerc a 1nac.•Ac:, Ski boot.s·sizes '73 Ya--ha lOOMX. lo Wlt.htrall•" h)!hl:i and streamer s ~--,,..., S szs •ZODIAC NEAT Gift! Lehman 14 ,.._ ... Mustsell644·S793 •••••-•••••••••••••••• -''"-c·50c fool. Complete 6'A,, 1• 8\.-\· JO; 7·50• • p ... · Fiberglass Dlndhy, mi. S250/besl oCr. NG-5725 v $35 & S45. Girl's Ice Orl·A·manne • 675-9768 W.. W..t.cl f 590 Santa suit. red velvet skat.es-Siie SN, skate bag Inflatable BoalS Dacron sails, trlr. $395. 4 ~ Dth" fSlO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.!:; Heard 625. W11t S25. & skate dress·sizc 10 2925College,C.M. 835-8959 '72 Suzuki Motorcycle, •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• WIWILLIUY S11c .io. short. worn only 1 lctuld)-all for $50. Call (714)540-2070 SS28.Sabot., 8 •• !uUy _,ulp'd '![~_9038i1 Hopper MTSO, $100. JEIPS .,77u ttmt•. 1972 Magnttvoic col· 138 ~... .,_ YOUR DATSUN nri:u TV m . Turntable G42·0 · GRAY MARINI CJ • 5 '• • C J • 7 ' 1 PAID FOR PR NOT ror same $!.5. 64S· 1786 Never used: Domonlte 'Ille traditional heavy du· _ 645-7408 '77 Honda XR75, excellent Cherokees, Waconeers, TOP DOU.AR . (Pantera> ski boots, sz ty, light weight marine Blazer2S53 condition.$350/orbatoCr. Pick-ups,uptoS1.290dla· POITOPCAIS ~TUDIO c.-ou<'h with at· 8'h man's, reg. $150 now engine To 350 HP. Ge· 646-8440 counts. S yr 50.000 mile lach~d end table, perfect SlOO/bst ofr. 67s.1029 nu In e new p 8 r l 3 • Ji:~in warrantys avaUable. cond1tlon, hrov.,, tweed Authorized Di.s~: Bristol '74HONDAMR50 eo,.t•Mtrt ltte l'il ;,. Iron dlnln~ sfnols Loada of surfing diving Services, Costa Meaa. 19' classic sailing dory Like new $2SO. 2001 E lat, SA 558-8000 2G"' klgh' nec<Js i;imple wt.r & snow skll~g suits: (714)892-8541 Rel.be keel lnbd well11nu 548·1795 reuphots•ering S3 each Yard sale Sat 9·1 20371 mLr&trlr$1790 645-8615 or 4 for SlO. 646·1929 Bayview, S.A. Hu. Sacrifice·l Gray Marine · '76 Sutuki RM250, xlnt --=--'--------1 Eng v 8, c 0mp1 et e to.ts. Sllpa/ cond, must see & ride to II ACK.PACK $ 2. Spademan bindings, like w/trans, clean 25 hr DocU 9070 apprec.1695.MS-4853 Playboys JOc each. Desk new,sllver.$25. since OH l Chrysler ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOPEDPUCH ~10.DlshesSOc·SS.Boy's f7Ml(2 559-4274 Crown •. complete..,,,..,R ... ward*orbelping • ....,., ·3 old clothes SOC·SS. Bed rest w/trans 642-9224 ~find "'u 'ta1' f , ~mi. mo. · pillow S2. Skateboard S2. DUCK J!UNTERSI We · as Pren or~~ 494-2895 Picture St.SO. Picture have 100 s of Blinds avail FUil size Binnacle rrom Islander. ~am 11 1 ,• ·71 Suzuki l85cc, dlrt bike, frames S2·SS. Tonka In 33 locations throout Libertyshlp compass verticle clearanCi! 46 . load'sofxtras,rnsgreal. 1 ruck $2. Women ·5 Calif. For Info. Call Mr. worts. Navy grey paint. Wkdys (714) 983·9657, .-lothlng SOc-SS. Car Drake,558-3636 Ready to restore. $SOO. Wltnds (714>987·9617· $200.963-7l27 SIOOOOff ALLHIW •CHIROkH •PlCl(UPS •WAGOMlllS Offer Good Thru 12118/77 HURRY 30ToChoeM"- COP&AMD MTRS 2001 E 1.St SA SSl-8000 ''.acuum vacu·malic-Sl. SKYDIVlNG GEAR S56-ro40day1. Wanted: illp ror-30• sail '74 Honda 550cc • cycle. Kodak camera attach· Bob , boat, Npt Bch or Dana Wixon windscreen. Xlnt. COSTA MISA ment!i '2. Dalis SOc eac.-h. 548-6547 im Boal Trailer, heavy Pnt, ump or perm. Mar· 5600 m i. S900/bst ofr. .a. uc & J ... Wood .Jewel box SS. duty. ried cpl w/refa. Days Mustsell.642-0782 ,.._ ~ r!~:h~h~~ 5~{ r~\ New K·2, 244 skis. USA's · 673--493.1 640·3368, evs/ wknds 1-.7-4-H-o_nd_a_XL_l7-5-. -19-00 -m-i. TOO k ks lf e . nae 195 cc, still In factory Mercury O/B, 1977, 20HP. 752-1786 org owner, like nu cond. MA.MY n~c.-she $1. Sunbeam plutic. $125. Call Lynn 5 mo old, used once. Collt ---------.195 hairdryer S2.50. 2430 542.3721 $9l7 must ·.en asking Pr1vat. Dock available, SS50. 831·3544 MUSTSELL 70 VassarPl.Cl\f,S46-S9J3 • . $750. Pb 837-i760 or north/eut point of 76 Yamaha TY 175, xlnt JEEPS BY BEAUTIFUL fl I h 2 Pr Jr. Volkl skl s w/btn· SU.7632 Ne'WPQrt bland. 615-1906 cond ISOO/ orr· Alao CHRISTMAS oor cngt dings $25 ea. Pr Men's y ·h 250 End · · Pl Call black knit dress with Lamberglnl w/bindg's & Auto Pilot 12v Signet For ama • uro u ta eaae long s leeves. high neck, poles $25. Si 8~ Nordica tiller. Perl. S2SO or trade BOAT.SUP WANTED: $37S/ofr499·2393 149.a02l while flowers around skibootlSl0.640·6232. euno1"'~ M Powerboal '17 KZ·lOOO LTD Xlnt 2524HARBORBLVO. hem, size 12 cost $300, · Seldom used by out of nd. M t · eit · 1 t Costa Mesa sell S25. Other holiday Ladles set of 4 Lynx loah. Power 9040 town owner. Call collect: bo us042~ rea ---------1 dresses. long nnd abort. wood11. Practically new. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( 7 14 ) 3 2 3 • 5 61 2 o r uy. $2500. 1977 Scout lnternnlional. SS·S10.646·26S2evesand $t00orbest.673·5990aft 26 rt Thunderbird (714)~ •74 Yamaha 100, xlnt Many xtras. $6700. weekends. Hours Ir· 4:30 Farm:.1 fr ho ) , cond otc road Ii" to 5M-443'or646-8591 regular keeptryJng wa Co s re . 3Sl Boal sUp wanted, 38 J ·,78 X r t '"hi 6 ________ __, ' ·' Chri1tmu Special· V8'a, all navl1atlonal Bertram. No partlers. une · tra\m w '73Chevy4x4.~Ton.All HIGH chair $8. Scarvca Custom Boogie Boards: gear & ground tackle. tlve, bay club. 642-4734 bu~4~r carr er. 1450• new lhruoot. Must eeil IOc. Costume jewelry Large$28. 644·2108 Sleeps four. Under SO or642·409'7 546-.,, this wlmd. '93-11)2(). 20c·Sl. Drase1,slzel2·14 hburt used alnce new. 8 Spl bltlt wtSLasoHond• . S2 each. Ladles gloves SJ TY, ltdo. wheel trailel' included· IMh. S,...t & racer. Divorce createa. '74 Dodie 4x4 P.U. New 1$A RWICK OATSUt-4 •I I I II I •' 1 r ,1(I 8 11 • I ~ 1 '' ·l 9 3. J 37 S WE BUY CLUM CARS &TIUC«S CONNRL CHEVROLET 21128 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MF.SA Mt.--1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP USED CARS FOREJGN, DOMESTlC or CLASSICS 11 your car is extra clean s~usflrst. IAUHIUIQC 2925Harbot Blvd. Costa Mesa 9'19·2500 Tor DOLLAR PAID JllORCLEAN ~z:i ' • I• ' I ~ t ...... l ... t, \ ' I ' q • • •• '' ~-Ii 'I ) ' ~ : . 1 : .• pair. Sults, size 10·14, 13. HIA. S...... 1091 aiso full canvu. Call Sid · fOIO S200 64&81'8 wbls, tlre1 Ii paint. sweaters, size 12·14 S3. ••0••••••••••••H••••• JohnFelterat&U-OOlOot ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Super. •4300. Call IMPOITCAIS Tops soc. Metal ironlns Several beautiful color 540-82ll. Racins craft bull '•• '77 XT 5000 Yamaha. 600 _m._21.S_L______ ALL MODELS board 14. Shoet. 11l1e t TV'S, S99 •u1p, S &S TV. . . (CZJ) w/ta.ndem tlilr, lota mi, like nu., mutt al btf --------1 narrrow SJ. Pur1es, 205a Newport Blvd, H, • tl. Unilllte S\)Or'tllsber. olxv•. Mmtaee to ap. 12/U. suoo or ofr. '7S Ford Rani• w/cmpr leather ruo. Shoet, alu CM. M2.Q40 1 owner,1a mint coodl· pree."700. Pb:~. 5'f.98ll tMU, auto. alo. *2,000 61.\ medlunt 10c 2'" TV tloDidoadedlCuatomln· -ml.--. consote new tubtl no 9 Ft. walnut s tereo terlor , pilot. A.D.F, 11Ht QfRIS Craft mdl. B '7t JU> 250 Encluro, 1500 -------9-NO- Ext otkincordt~. Sta: cabinet. ~nt for com~ V.RJ .. 1uftlo1. outri1· Speedboat. Bris tol! ml, Ulte new, helmet, t I b n 1 r y tub S8. nents; 21 Admiral color g~. AC/~ natural au 213-S·n5 · W0.41N$$l ltJ•TOYOTA StJro1'otm cooler. new TV, needs ttansrormel'. f!{nierauon ck toOllna, .......,.._.. St/llt/ n. c~era fl<lulpment ~VJta ~ tos>1;';:c,!icr~· Tr•t••"'..._ •MJS••• · tt60 lht19'1~PW.. s1.ss. BMatneue mat· 1 Ulae 4000 Baas CB, Cost riRn ~bows l)lus ex~ ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• .. , fo exceUeial cond[tloo ~~~· T~eeO:~r1~~~:' l::ie ~~~fi •1i~ f tra t\atl. Call Dal• at C ~· S. Wei fl IO Rtnt a 1917 :Excu\lve ~!~' ~P:::u r/o~~ ~ rtp11lr 110 •. ~.c.l~y Tecbnlo Wralabl~ Model •2"l'Oe. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mo=oi:• 1r:"m .MJ:rlb mllel. (NMSY). flower pots 3 ,c ,8 • 1 s O o w / 8 t 1 n t on '7• MAl\AUDER a.• Opeo '11 l"ord C.mper Van ~.:r Call AA.)' cl OMLY IJ3'5 Jr;~·Bh1e~ntnl~ cartrldl•· uoo. CrulUf w/1$5 Mere. Ooalpl "111P. Lo ml'a: tbesenwn...n i1~~ uZ1e:·:: e~. "11oor 81U.UOexm cnilter.Loboun.~.850. row Uru. uooo. "'"'"' model l2C) 1~ Cloy st. MedltetTanean ape htsh·n m..n .... im. 111.n11 fo!'wec?rt Be~ch cabmeL Bantlful piece 'lbr..relec. ltaJboats, tlf', CaboYeretmper,1•,4...-u•·••• C C'°l lAME ~A 01\T\U~ Grrrs.' 10 11 11 h or furn. Ul·6ttU hd• work. Taite your b7drallc Jacka. Good t•nk,. eo ttof" •1~. evs/wbdl p!ck • .,,., coo~ueoo. MMa28 •• &tab'• hot,f)' 1\atea, J*"eolotTVeotlMle •• _. S..aa.ft. c.ni .. con-... ,.., '.W!I~~ ••• H • BoY'• alatn, t11s aote. tow.r. ~dptt, at ....................... :·n . ,,., II u. lfoitltq 1llck l'IMT31 J>laU l"'llt Jaancb ,..mp. •n Honda Jtxpr .... lo a&NT ,,,.._.. ZI' .., , ________ , u. AM car radio II. Mir· Solid la 1 • lledll Priced rllbt at fl.aeo. rntt•aa• lilln' ooad. tor _,,...,..., pertert ~1• 2.r., .,...,.. '2'71/blcOit • .....am .... IM-OUe .... W:.., .::: ~ .. 8'1 • l'lt· <lO\.r~ gu11:e MW, bar. haat, ur,ed, lllaf Boat, I' Bum. ~t'C)ft lraM. M ucrtftoe $W5. AA.,... Co111ole, ''II 40H P and ,utt..,.szs. "Ml\T M$.11S'7. ~~. fUSD. IG...:!!!_ 1978 BMW's • H~RENOW! COMPLETE IODYsHOP HOWOftlN EXClf..LIMT SELECTIOM, OF "IMW RESALlS We may have yo"r ne~t car in our inventory. call us today! 131·2040 495-4949 WAMnD TO IUY Qualllyused BMWs. ROY CAIVB IMW 1540 Jamboree Road NEWPORT BEACtl 640-6444 CREVIER &I ST Ii HOAOWAY SAlOA AMA 835·3171 'fHI UU'lll~ OAWINQ MACMIHI . •US!D IMW's* '17 S30I 4s pd 2865 EU '77320iaS/R 177RSK '7620024.spd S/R401POP '77 320l4 sp OORTI' '16S30iA SIR 71.2PQM • a...d 0. s.cNy1 OIANGE COUNTY'S & lt1SDATSUH t-210COUPE . 2 Door. 4 speed trans. ft low mil~. In excellent. condition! (233NDNl. . ' MAICEOffER 1977DATSUM IUNGCAI PICKUP with camper !'lhell. S speed trans .. factory a•r cond. & AM/FM 1leteo tape. '1E47S77). • Ml~~'ON \Ill JU •MPOllf', •' . .. . . .., 1111 I 148 49~ 111,4 Call . ' NlWrOltT DA TSU~··; for the beat buy in a new. or used Datsun I 833·1300 ' I 973 OA TSUH 240% Automatic. air cond., AM/ 1""1 stereo, alloy wheels " only 37 ,000 · mile~ Super :<h:trpl '(396.100). • Sde Priced-$4016 MtRACU MAZDA/RENAULT . 2"°Harbor Blvd., C.M .. 64S.5700 lt74DATSUH 260% 4 speed, air cond.. etc, Ext.rasharpl (645LKS),. ONLYS4595 ' HOWARD .· Chevrolet Dove & Quail St.'1. · · NEWPOHT BEACH ' 8]].0555 833-0111 '7.l Station wagon. very economical $005. 492-8263 arter4.PM. 1974\IJ 280Z. lmrnac. conct ... Map, AM ·FM stereo 8- Cttt, air. 49,000 mi. $490!1 ~7 ) , CJ2 DAILY PILOT _.u,.,et. O.C.mlleir 17. 1177 ..._. • .,....... ...... l•partad MIM. l•potiad Mtot. l.,art.d Mtot. a.porW ........ Uaed .......................................................................................................................................... ...._......... ...._1.,uW ........ ,,,.W ....,_ t7ll Marc_..._ t740 ~ t710 Torafo t761 Vol&tw..-9770 CrM• ttll ........................................................................................................................................ ••····················· ............................................. . 1!nl Datsun 510 Wgn, air, R&ll, l'letto. $1450. &lb~ Fiat FIAT 124 SPIDY COMYHTllLES (4) To Ch006e From '74, '75, '76 & '77 All with low mileage & in excellent showroom con· d1t1on. (81973). Pric.cl to SELL! MISSION VlfJO lMPOllfS ...... ···-.......... 83 1 174 8 495 1704 9727 •lllllliillll~ • • :i::=;;=,~~I: • • • • ,.MMl•INM • . ... ,.. ,. it ,. it ,. . ,. . ,. ,.. ,. •********** 9732 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1974JEHSEH HEALY m ira cle mazda 7 , ~ Mt~~ION VlfJO 1MPOlll\ .. ·' ····-· ......... BJ I 11411 4Y ~ 1704 l!lm Mercedes 230 6 cyl. Make ofr . Suzannne, 646·7711ore.642·1999 evs 1975MIZ280 SEDAN. Tobacco brown 78 4.5Cl8L. u.oder warranty, Pcncho f" map, 911 & • xlnt cond. z tope, 1tereo llU ena as Lrana parts. bta cuaette. '18,500. 640-4181 selection, 539.2303 or alt IPM MO-Oe'76 1~----~-~~~1 '77 2400 Pwr windows, '74 91' 1.8 Silver blue, AM/FM CHI. $12,900. AM/FM CUI. Nu paint, 615-1285 x.lnt cond. "995. 673-0497 '76 912 E. immac. Mu st sell. Xtras. $12,700. or of· fer. 494·7675 Clt9wlc•S. 1977Toyota Pick Upt &~· • ..4~- SUf'M SAYMH Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 1111 .1 •• •l •·o I •,,., HUr•' H(,.,,(>Hll•• U ''76 Rabbl\h mu1t aell, leaving t e country . $3200. 491>-11136 '64 VW Squareback. good t.ondltlon. $750 or bat otr. 615-7319 '68 BUG £):\&. JUSt reblt. w/ appro>< 2:;o mi. $l:ic>O or offer.I Runs great . 847-0097 Vol•o 9771 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llfOREYOU saLYOUR Nabers · Cadillac -USED CAR CLEARANCE sALE • Or-.p c:o.ty'a VOLVO. Snlilec ...... See us for a top dollar 1976 ,.. ......... 1 •c estimate! ---MARQUIS VOLVO SIVILLE '77 Corolla. Standard int, MISSION Vl&JO All leather, 1tereo tape, deluxe ext. Must sell. lll-2110 49S.1210 cruise control & all the ~-5744aft6 ---------1 de l ux e ex tr as. '71911T, xlot cond, -,7-4-C-E_L_l_C_A_S_T-4-5-pd--1, 1977·YOLVO (&?9N RO>. 6SK mi,$7500. 50000 ms, xlnt cond. 265GL WAGOM $9888 673-0214 ---------1 $2800. 586~ aft 6PM 1-\slly equipped Including (5) 1977It1976 SevUles '67 912 Rebll eng. New Bil stereo cassette & mag 'l'oCbooseFrorn & in Immaculate condi· • lion. (229MFW>. Must • see to appreciate! • paint. Ferrun seats. wheels. (0038). Cao • • SSlOO. 552·7916 lease. • SADDLUACK • '72 914 . Weber carbs. VAWY IMP'OltTS Mi chelan, s tereo, nu 1977 CADILLAC DIVILLIS Cup u & Sect.ts (7) To Choose From AN EXAMPLE : HOWOHLYS9995 • rings & valves. 48M m1 . 831·2040 495-4949 MISSION VlfJO IMPO R1S . ··'· ······ . ... .... ,,. . -- BJ 1-1148 CY l 1104 1972 Mercedes Ut lt/T, IV•U<V car Sitt. l lJ.ll02A Good lhtu 12· l&-77 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 1111 1 l•od1il l•tl 8t1 8\~'> HUN tlHC,f OH lt•.._H • Immac. $4795. Cull 197~10 ~ECOUMTY "''' cono., AIT. r1010, low VCOLVO 9756 m11 .. 11e. ecoriomy Pl~• t:te&POXI. OooO ttwv 12.111-n. EXCLUSl VEL Y VOL VO •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. 5 3 3 9 5 ~tC:~~Q,~t~fr Leather. Cabriolet top, cruise control1 stereo with digital reaaout, etc. (318RXH). Priced as low as $9588 IR ROY BlJYorLEASE ~ CARVER D RECT .. ..... ~er .. \---~_...5~If.£ [ft~, fa~~;~~ 537.nn a:i • cLo~o $UNoAvs 2025 s. Mand\este( AN EXAMPLE: 't::=:;;'.~~=t • ------------------Anaheim 750-2011 LeaLher. Ult wheel, ,. ~ e.coFW~ ,. 66 Rolls Royce, Silver Triumph 9767 ster eo, Cabriolet top, ... SA1'4 0I .. Shadow, xlnl cood. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------I d d · h "" " '71 Volvo1800, xlnt cond. oa e wit extras. If While. $18,000. 631·0545. 1976 TillUMP'H $4200 or best offer . (9S2NlN). Priced as low it Robin TR7 Trades cooi.1dercd, as It LATE '73 Holls Royce With AM/F'M ster eo _SM-448 ___ 7 _____ _ It S11\er Shadow, 25000 m1. cassette & only 22,000 •. 1 owner, nil options rrules.ln exccllentcond1· it Q>,000. 831·2'.!711 lion <HHSTR7). • ------SaleP'riced-54891 '68 Volvo wag. 122$, auto, RMI, orig owner. $1850. 644.5488, $7388 • A gleumiog beauty~ '76 MIZ 4SOSIL .it • Saab 9760 MIRACLE (42SRBH>. Fully luxury equipped 1t * ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAZDA/RENAULT OldsMObile OHL Y $4595 Including crulse control. it .,. *SUI * 2l50Harbor Blvd., C.M. Honda Can • GMC HOWARD sunroof. air cond1t1onlng. * * will be featured at a car 645-5700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9901 1975 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLI! 1-\sll Power, air cood., leather, cruise control. Cahnolet top & loaded! (920NCW). Trvclra stereo tape & leather in· ---------show December 16. 17 & ---------••••••••p•••••••••••••• $5988 2850 Harbor Blvd. Che•rolet tcnur. ((}:toos:J). '74 MJDGET R<.'<I, 27350 18. Har bor View Plaza, '69 Triumph GT6, very '"'l-~~~~;Jfl ~ _Cos_ta_A_rte_s_a ___ S<t_0._964_· o Dove & Quail Sts. mi. tonneau cov. $2700. San Joaquin Hills N & good c:ond. 51,000 mile!>, ·"SPECIALS" • ;:. • NEWPORT BEA~J 646-5063 or 642·4532 Mon. San Migue l, Newport must sell $1675. 493-6304 • * '75 Civi c, radials. AM· 833-0555 lll·Ol 16 Wed, Fr i. only. Beach. '76 TR7. Lo"'dcd. 3000 m1. • ,.. FM, blue. Xlnl cond. .. '72Men:C~t Auto trans. Power steer. iog. Radio. H eat er . 651DUE. 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILU Only 26,997 miles! Full leather interior, AM/FM stereo with tape player, tilt wheel, etc. (647LFK>. it ,.. $2500.642·2701 KcrnaN1Ghia 9735 ---'65MG1100. '78SaabsAre Herc! $5195. 549-3985 art 5, 57 MBZ220S. 4 dr, immac, gd rond. SSOO. A few .77 Snahs left. 213·532·5010 X-2258dys • MN!Ml141MN• ,.. '72 Honda. 43 mp)(. 4 :.pd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• second ownr. $600(), 673-5719 ,. gold/blk, A~·f'M radio. 1973 YW 63l·2420 t312'l). From S5925. VollrsWGCJeft 9770 it htr. snow chains, depen· KARMANN GHIA -------MGI 9744 We are now taking re· ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. d bl 5435 .,.0 3023 •74 MIZ 450SE ••••••••••••••••••••••• servauons for the "tur bo 197 .. YW : ~ e.__ . .,.. · ·• speed, rall_y wheels & car"! ,. ..-77 Red Honda 7 600 mi only 43,774 miles. Hard to Complete with stereo. 1974 MGB BE•CH IMPORTS "LOVE" BUG * 0 · ' • find! (105581. pwr. windows. <'rulse ROADSTY ii;A Like new·not very many Jt S3000. wncr. 64-1·5441 or Sal P'. ed-$3340 rontrol&lc'iS than 34,000 Simply beautiful ~ 848DOVESTREET left! (346LKXL 540·2372 e nc miles. A rare f ind ! (932M!Ol. (!'frar MacArthur Blvd. ,. -MIRACLE 042LlW> &JllmborccRond>. SalePriced-$2216 * '75 Honda C1\ic htchbr,k MAZDA/RENAULT · · OHLYS3295 Nfo:WPORTREACll MIRACLE Vans 9570 ~d64~-~i79 R/ll. Pl · 2150 1farbor Blvd., C.M. HOWARD 752·0900 MAZDA/RENAULT ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 645-5700 ------~ 2150Harbor Blvd., C.M. Chevrol.t Toyota 9765 645-5700 SURFER, VANS 1 m -3 TO CHOOSE FROM DODGE-8200 s7409 1973 convert. 32,000 oni.:n ------Dove & Qu:.111 Sts. •••••••••••• • • ••••• •••• -· nu. Very cln. Best orr Nl!:WPORT Bl::ACH *ri-=--"--"'--'>...:i...::...::...:>-,*· 494·5931 ·s.i M BZ l!IOC 4-dr. nuns 833 055 833 0 I • -----• j!OCKI, sorrn .. dents S!ISO. __ • _s __ . _ 16_ • ·;o Karmann Ghia. air &t2·~3Safl5 &wknd'> Opet 9746 + $1950. 127 :mh St, NB. afl ------••••••••••••••••••••••• • 6. 759.5752 btwn IS·4 1975 MIZ 210C .71 Opel CT Auto, Sue • '67 Karmann Ghia, nds A s u,pcrh car w ith Mus t sell. Make ofr • lite body, cng. runs AM/FM stereo cassette, 751·5802eves/wknds * crwsl:! control & very low --_._. - perfect. $450. 751-1434 miles. 0053021. '75 Opel M llnta, xlnt cond. ,. Mcuda 9738 MUST SELL!!! lo ms. fuel 1nJ. AC. ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM /FM,S2800.97<J·9127 MISSION VIEJO IMPOll1S • .. HUG F: SELECTION NEW&USEDCARS ,. Top ca'\h SS for your VW. ,. Paid ror or not. Call ,. Keith or Jerry. • BOB WITHAM VW ,. 7600 We!>lmmster Ave. ,,. IS93·7S51or638·7880 '72 VW Bus , clean, private • party $2250/0fr~ 673·3012 $1099 72Chevyl ..... a Auto trans. Air cond1· llorung. Power steering . 560Fi\H. . s 1199 '72 HORHET Auto trans. Air condi· l1orunA. Power slecnng. Stereo tnpe. 311 ECB $1995 '7 4 AMC Matador Cpe. Auto trnns. Power steering. Radio/ Heater. Vinyl roof. Tilt wheel. !iOlJSW $1499 '7 6 AMC Hontet Auto trans. Air cond1· l1omng. power steering. Vinyl roof. 094NEl. $2899 '7 4 Chevy Camaro $5388 • 1973 CADILLAC SB>AM DE VILU Full power, factory air conditioning & loaded! (768RIJ>. $3788 • OVER150 QUALITY CA RS TO SELECT F ROM • Nabers · Cadillac 26< 1(1 ti .ir1'11r Bl vt.I. Co\1,1 M,·,,1 5~0.111110 Blue, sunrise special. 98076 OODGE-8200 $8499 '74 RX4 Wgn, xtra clean, 22.000 mi, AC, A~t/FM, lug rack. S2350. 84&-S0411 Auto trans. Power steer· '!~~~~~~~!. ing. #6lW :: .... '.. \' ..... -~. • 'Q .................... . 831-174 8 49S I 704 fied. Alloys. Custom Paint, 43465 DODGE-8200 S6999 White, wheels. design 11• 21693 TOYOTA CAL CAMP.ER s9500 Home on wheels, loaded! 95778 7 '7 HOUSE of IMPORTS 714/523-7250 6162 MANCHESTER ILVD. IUENA P'ARK HURRY-HOWAT MIRACLE MAZDA WITH'tHE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW 1~78 MAZDA GLC You will receive on AM/ FM stereo 'MEI" or'" the cash iqoivnlent thru Tuesday, Dec. 20th. 1969 280SEL CONTEST SALE ENDS DEC. 20th MIRACLE MAZD•'REN•ULT Xtra clean with all oP· _, ~ l101ll1. 1 Owner. Deluxe ... 0 ... 2150 Harbor Blvd. C.M · sedan. In fine cond. All Autos, Mew 9100 ... OS, "•w 910 ,,, 645-5700 f' ••, ·~·~·~·:· ·~·~·~·;·:· ·~·~·;• ·~·~·:•:• ·~·~·~·;•;• ·;.;·~•;•;• •:;·;.;·~·.:,••:;•;;:•;•:;••;;·~·.:,·.;;•.;;;;;;-;;:;;;;;;;~ii ong. $6000. irm4 640-641 o • or 644-4684 . . DATSUN 810 • THE FUEL-INJ~CTED FAMILY CAR ~WITH THE · PERFORMANCE OF A 240-Z ENGINE THE 810 FEATURES: • 6 WAY ADJUSTAIU DltY•'S SIAT• • .u..fM S1'910 MUt..TIPLIX RADIO • flM19 GI.ASS • POW. StmlMG & • THI 6 CY}. PUii. IHJICTID IMGtMI • PLUS MUCH. MUCH MOllUI MURR~ NOW! HUGI llUC110M MOW llAD lta•IA110IUVllY ~WIAllDIAUMal 51DA .. . .. 1972 MIZ 2200 Automatic & air cood. For the luxury (bf a Mercedes & the efl'Nien· cyofadiesel. 1834EIE). MAKEOFFEJl MISSION VIEJO IM PO RrS ••• '. • •• 4 • . ..... . . . .... 831 1748 49.S 1704 '61 MD l~L White wi red int. Hrd & sort top. $4995. 497.3020 l\'41~\ION "110 iM<")IH~ r I I 74k 49', I '04 •••• BILL M AXEY TOY O TA I I • I ,,, .. I \ 1'' I ' h •• • .. • ... ...... '65 Bus, new engine. $1000 or make offer. 'Ctlll 541J.1819 $2499 '74 Ambassador Wogon Auto' trans. Air condi· uonmg. Power steering. 340KJK $2695 '76U..Sed91 W/jumJ)loata, dual air, 1t reo, e,tc.. 20.000 m l. RSCXXX, $10,900. 76 s..• MOOft roof Wtre1, all pwr, ve ry 1b1rp. WPVJ. $9550. 7SH617 or 64-21183 DI r. 1t'7l La.adt'JViter, saooo. '65 Sqbck .unroof. ad 729 DIJ>a . C all Tom Urea, reblt en&. Nda '73 Cpe DeVllle, 104ded, 648·0US or Donnlae 1ome 'body wk. ••so. Ranest yellow + lthr, 6*-alN MS-1546 eria ownrm~ '77&76 CADILLAC SEVIWS JO to choo:wi from. All loaded & pric<!d to sell. (0353). HUGE SAVINGS ALLEN Olds/Cadlllac/GMC S.D. Frwy.·Avery Exit LAGUNA NIGUEL (7141495-6430 71 Cpr DeVlllc. Sharp. S2000. Will trade way down. 645-14!!6, 645·9649 72 El Dorado, ~rn, wht vinyl top, loaded. lo mi, orig ownr. $2900. 673·3994 9917 1975CHEVY CAMARO COUP'E Automatic, pwr. steering & bra.Ices, air ~md., etc. Sharp! C257LXI). OHLYS3795 HOWARD Chevrolet Dove It Quall Sts. NEWPORT BEACH 133-0515133..0116 4 Cama.ro LT. AM/FM. air, 48.000 ml, new radls, xlnt. $3500.080 , 646-4512 1'73CMEYY CAMAltO SPORT Don't mlu this one! It's daullna! {tl7NXN). OHLY$3295 HOWARD Ct.¥l"Olet DovolrQusUSla. NEWPORT BEACK 133..olH llJ.0 I t 6 I ~~.~ ........... ~.~ .......... ~~.~~ ........... ,~~·.~~!!'. ........... ~!·.~~!'. ........... ~!·.~!~~ .......... . C • ft t 1 ~ ttJI ..... tHO ow.-wa. ttH "~ 9960 Plymouth '960 .............................................. ···•····•·•·•·········· ............................................... ··········•······•···•· • aa 1J,t eoniit. .._.. s ... cHeiR ow.w. SlJ7I or ...... Mew I f71 r ..... .._ CHIYSLM 'n LT Xlnt. rond C OIOOIA ml AJT. \IJOYI roof, AIC Buckt-l &U\.I, aulu ln11.11. • AM/f'X$3000. !!31·t!llT CID I · Vs. rtmol~ Cllll•1.... tt2 control m lrrora, body •••••••••••••••••••••• aide moldlo11. atrl p~ deck lfd, lrotucllve ··~"""'!'-------4 •tlipi front re11.t, •ulo : •peed control, ult wheel, •landa u va n >l rout, • AMI FM 1otcrt.·o. "Ir~ it wbecl covers. buclui1 • z;eau. power stct:rlng & • it brakes, factory 1m con- • • dlllonlng, tintecJ &lus it it (Ser •SS22 J8R 1200821 : : $6495 • • • .It ROGER MIUER SAYS, ··~ IY PHOHI" 4t4-l IJI 546-H67 AT LAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Open Dally & SuncJay 'tll 10 PM 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa M esa 546-1934 lt76 CHRYSLER COllDOIA Automatic, air l'ontl., ---------i vinyl roof & In excellent --------~ condillon. 24.132 miles. · *HE'W77CHEV. (447Nll >. Sellin~ o l n )''ord babble top farolly win van. Or1,1n(lt wll'tlltt> ltha. Good uut Ill.IT\ Hhlde. 8 cyl, auto, PS. Hi il, Xlnt rond t ual &ell S 1H ~\ ~.(31WPW> '76 Monarch Ohw 6 ''>I. 1 OWNl::R. Only l!tl,000 mt. Blue m.-t al II c f1rll11h w/blue leatherette inl. AC, PS, PB. new raidlaJ t1re11, xJnl gas mileage.>. Sue. must 11cll, $3695 (J J Hlll) "T3 Ouuun :lSOZ. S1h er metallic w/blk iol. Auto, AC. tinted glass. spcd1tl sports mags. Only 47,000 mi. llrand new cond. S4295 \IY1S.IST > '7:! Oldl 18. •d ('(')od Lo mtll'll.• 11lr, I' 8 , PIS. AM/FM slert't>. llJl whJ , crulac tontr ol. $1160 551 2385 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Pmto ~wre wugon - Lui:au"e rack , mag wbl'cli, (wide>. tupl: dl•1 k r11d10. auto. lo" rrull's. $1005 or offer. Can be s1•en In <:osl11 Ml:sa Call 1170·4564 for location '74 r1nto Wgn, t owner. 40:0.t. 4 i.pd, &d tires. $1375 or bci.t. 97<J-3667 or 836-0365 Ask ror Emile 1975 Pinto Squire Wgn, 6 c·yl, u1r. AM-FM cuss. t'B. m.1i:~k. 536-1586 '7S Monarch Ghia 8 cyl Auto, PS. AC, tinted n Prnto Runabout. Auto, glass. Lile l.iluo metallic ,\C. 54.000 mL Cherry w/blue vinyl Int. Only t'tllld. Sl750. 675-7052 29.000 mi. Xlnt cond. 75 Runabout. 6 cyl. Elec $3685 (891Af0ZJ »nroof Xlnt cond. $31 '72 Buick Electra. Xlnt l!JlJ 2393 t'Ond. Brand new lrrcs. 8 - c·yl. auto: ?"S· rn, AC, Plymouth 9960 rully equip d. Car runs ••••••••••••••••••••••• xlnt. Good 2nd car for S-'--"l I a m I h · . S a c $13 9 5 Lanie onino• Oft \265lllJ) lrClftCI ~ew I 978 ANY llEASONAULt; OFF ER PLYMOUTH YOU.RE SEDAM L-. S .. tdlott SrGIMI Ntw I t71 PLYMOUTH VOLARI WAGON J\uto1Ntt1c transmission, 225ClD ~naine-, S cyl, Unt· ~'Ci $la.'ls. factory uir con· d1t1on1ng , hody alae mold1n11s. bumper guards front II rttur, POW('r s lel'rtn ~ A M radJo, deluxe ~ hl•t·I t.-'11\' er~ \~er i.111.ASCtlfl 12'079) $5195 ATI As CHRYSLER .. PLYMOUTH ()pen Dally le Sunday 'til 10 PM 2929 Harbor flfrd. Costa Mesa 546·1934 ~SMctlott .......... .,,. PLYMOUTH L .... Stftctl0tt lraftd H•w 1971 Pl YMOUTif ARllOW V10) I bucket •••at!\, 4 speed tnMmiaslon J crl eng1nc. IOOOcc, nny l 1jdc m o ldin1 s (Se r #7124K8215003ll l $3695 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Open Dolly & Sunday 'til to rM 2929 llarbor Blvd. Costa Mcu 546-1934 '73 DUSTER P/S, new llrC!>. 6 cyl. Gd. cond. $1750. 831 2(H6 Pontiac 9965 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·14 Grand Am 2dr, AC. AM/FM streeo, PS. PB • new tires. This car is like new w/only 42,000 m1. Sacrifice S2990. 960-3531 9970 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1960 T-Bird. S~1.000 ml, new tires, 8-trk. Sl(J(J(). Call 675·7420. . ~ Sa.rurday, December 17, 1971 DAILY PILOT f:J3 AMto1.UMd lf74000M lt74HOMDA lfMTOYOTA COROHIJ WAGON cmc ~4DL AwloM•k Owf ~ ~.., AvlO,,.•hc ~ llul., a onl'I ~.._.._. . ...,.._ cOnd a 1001 ••ci.. "'" .,, 2' 000 -llOQICSQ} -IVTVtll ('41&~111 i i 795 5 1995 5 1095 1'71 CHIYf 1'71 CHIYW' lt74 D•T'SUH CAMUO 'fJ... ftCl(Uf> HftJ+J ~toe.-~ .... --. .._.. -·--.. _._. ................ _ ... ,,. ~ 1-...0~ DOC U O• Only :n 000 ... u .. -··~ ...... 1533UOll l .. IHVI 53595 52995 54995 -.\.so HUGE DEMO SALE!!! MONZA MlllAGE wholesule blu!.!book' 2+2 HATCltlACK Cort Fox L.asiftCJ Auto. trans., air cond., 645-3661 WILL BE ACCEV'rED <.:ull Mike, 963-3222 Automauc tran:.mbi.1on, 225C IO enginll, (i cyl. bumJ>t.•r guards lronl & rear. power :.teen ng. (Ser 1111141C8Bl27407l YOU.RE COUPE AutomuUc transmission, ~ CID engine. 6 cyl, 11ntc d w1nd11 h leld , bumper gua.rdi; Cront & r ear, power s teering. ~pan• saving spare. (Ser 11l1 L29Ct181273771 $4095 ~~ ............. !!!.~ l!:::::==9=0=0=So=.=C=o=a=st=H=w=y=·=a=t =Th=a=ll=a=, l=a=g=un=a=B=e::::;a=c=h==-==-ll 1!}73VEGA pwr. steering & brakes, ------.,, • ... d c I XI 1 77 CO RDOBA 'ull." "''or aC1x1c .n radio, special new paint • t t 1· job & much more ! equlp'd. $1,000 & take ran.->por a ion car (12St22). over pymts. 545·5736 $400. 497-1153 HowOftlyS4998 HOWARD Chenol.t Dove & Quail Sts . NEWp0RT BEACH lll-0555833·0116 Lcrge SelKtion lrCMd Hew 1978 CHRYSLER L•IAROM ----------1 Automatic tr;ini.m1:-.'imn. ** BoineRffdy '70 Ford LTD, 2dr, air. P S. P/B, orig owner Very gd cond. Near new !ires. $7!!5. 495·0681 ____ __....___ "76 Ford LTD 4 dr $2850. Fully equipped , xlnl c-ond. 559-4529 for appl. --- ·54 Ford Station Wagon $550 Or Uesl (JI Cer $4095 AT LAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Open Daily & Sunday 'til 10 PM 2929 Harbor Klvd Costa Mesa 546-1934 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Open Daily & Sunday 'til 10 PM 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesu 546-1934 $800/ Dest ot rer 847-7138 or 539·0094 197'l Vega. <t3,000 m1 . AC. Good cond $3511 G73-4.(9'J '71 Vega, rebll cng. new clutch. x lnt in/out. $650/ bst ofr. 962· 718S ---Have !>Omething you want I la\ e sometblni.: you wan I lo :.ell ·~ Cla:.s1f1cd ads d · toscll?Classiflcdadstlo 1t well t:all NOW, il well. 6'2-5678. 1142·51i78. Find the wheels you want or sell the ones you don 't . Rely on the automotive classifieds In the DAILY PILOT 642·5678 6061/z MariCJOld Cot'Ofta ~ Mer You are the winner or 2 free llckets worth $14 to HOLIDAY OM ICE allhc ANAH EIM CONVENTION CENTF.ll V-8. !HS Cl D engine, \ ansty mirror 1llum1nal · ed. <Juul remote control mirror. v1n}I l>ody side molding, corner ltl{',. bumper siuurds , auto speed l'Ontrol, power steenng & brakes, pow~r wrn<lows & door locki., lilt s teering wheel, AM/t'l\l stereo. wire wheel covers, air condi· tiomnR. 1Ser i: Fll2'lllKG 14-1536) 673-7859 AM. Unc:oln 9945 ~~~·.~!~!'.••••••••••• ~:.~!~!'.••••••••••• ~!·.~!~~••••••••••• ~~O::.~!~! ..•..•..... ~~.°.!·.~!~~•••••-••••• ~!·.~!~! .......... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oet. 27th JJn hl Fr ee T1ckch )!ood tor De c . 30th or Jlsl performances. (;;ill 642·5678, ext. 333, t claim your 11ckl'ls * * 17 Monte Carlo, xlr11s galore, xlnt maint. Like new. 493 3686 $6595 L1 ll~J!wi.1~M Open Daily & Sunduy 'til 10 PM 2920 Harbor lil\ cl "66 Malibu. i:d t:nl:. nr nu Costa l\1esu radials, lo miles. 546-19 3 4 $650. 491·3537 ContiMfttal 9930 ·oo Impala, 2 dr blck \'ynl ••••••••••••••••••••••• top, xlra.'I, ,iid «ond S5l."'> <'or Chnslmas-··santa~ 848-37 13 7611 \'olJ.:J l>r Cream Puff Special", 72 Apt Ill. II ~ L C. Mark IV. blue & --white. only 15.600 actual '53Che\•y<CdrScdan. mi , Wknd only. Shown ~fust11ell lhis wknd. only. by appt 548-97!!8 or 9f.S·3624 759-0759 ------·10 Malibu, ong owner. CorYeff• 9932 Looks & runs good .••••••••••••••••••••••• Almost everything new. . See to appreciat e . 75 Corvette, 111lyer / red, 847-8418 T-top, 41,000 m1. loaded . ---------• $7450. offer. 752-7521 "63 1'ova Convert. Xlnt wkdays cond. ~i 557-9278 I :orvetle 75, rull pwr, ---------1 auto, air, T-top, Bronze. '73 MONTE Carlo. full lo ml, minl cond. 17700. pwr. A/C, \ery gd l"Ond 67S.3823dy~. l -896·342L $2250. 831 ·21M6 Cougar ---9' 33 ·75 Monza 2+ 2. 5 spd, air, ••••••••••••••••••••••• orig. owner. 22.00 71 XR7. Xlnt c:ond. AIC, careful miles. Clean. AM-FM stereo. turbine $2500. 673-9184 mag whls, landau top. '72Capncc 4 dr. A~f/f'm. none nicer . Art 51'M wkdyi., all dy wkn1h 846-4600 '74 Mork IV. Xlnt cond. Fully equlp'd, new l1rt:s. lo mi. 645-7'108 '75 Brwn Maverick. rt&H. a1r, PS. PB. dl'luxc. lo mi. $2950. 673· 779'1 ----MGYerick 9947 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976FORD MAVERICK Automata-. arr t·ond., pwr. steering, r11d io, heater & vinyl top. Jn ex· cellent condition with only 24 .657 m Iles! <423NPLI OHLY$3295 COSTA MESA DATSUN :?MS HARBOR BLVD. 540.64' 0 540·02 I l M«cwy 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S MEW EST LINCOLN-MERCURY Dealership is now OPEN RAY FLADEIOE LINCOLN-MERCURY 16-18 Aut.o Center Dr. SOf'wy-Lake Forest exit IRVINt: 830·7000 1967 Monte Clair. A-Int mech cond. 75,000 mites. s.500. 752· i 850 or 548·9888 '71 Capri 1600, 4 s pd, runs good, nu radials Make offer. 675-7013 eves MustmM) 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RMI. A <.:. olher xtra' · Tone wbt/gld. St075. 496·1730. 00. all power w/lUP<' deck '74 MUSTANG Jl 2800 V6. .73 Ch 1 1 C s tereo. $1100. li·l I 6768 S2800 or besl offer. Call evy mpa a usto after 5:30 Chn~ afl 5·30PM wkdys. 2dr, hardtop. Auto tr ans. ---------Must sell. 846-3153 A/C, P/S, P /B. 58. Ooclcp 9935 --------1 miles. like new. $L!J95. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '66 MustanR. PIS. P!B, 833-3366 75 Dodge Monaco. Driven siood cond. $1000. t 977 CHEVY only 10.~ mi Be nut. __ 54_5.:_6253 aft. 4pm MONTE CARLO cond. 644 ~259_. ---'65 Mu'>tang convt. Part Factory aJr cond., vinyl 68 Coronet. 25,000 mileo;, res~orl'd. 28i V8, MT. top, full power. electric aJr cond. Very gd cond. Pis, PJB. air. 675·7343. windows. AM/PM stereo $700. Coll 847·8009_ _Bs_'t_o_v_r ~ooo._· ___ _ tape & loaded with ex- tras. (42111EP >. $5888 Nabers Cadillac .'!6011 tl.1rb• 11 Blvd. C:! "'·• Ml'>ot 540-91 00 1976 CHEVY MOMTECARLO Full· power, factory ulr cond., spill pwr. seat, eJertric windows & seat, c:rube control & au the extru. (9S2NIM>. $3988 72 Charger Special Edt· tion, Mags, stereo. air, full pwr. Make offer. 957-1201 '6S Coronel. 2 dr, PI S. Pl B. air, nu to I runs. xlnt running. $500. s.u;.611} 1_ "66 GT. Pony interior. Orig cond. Must sell. 642·8135 '65 Must. Blue. 4 sp~. Hurst . Holly. 4:11 pos1, ~arµ. S!JOO'ofr. 5'16·59.!!. n MustanR. Auto, AC. PS. Ford 9940 PB. new ores, tuneup, lo ••-••••••••••••••••••• mileage, Xlnt cond. $2000/bslofr. 631·2345 ;-.-PHIL a..-bll• 9955 LONG ••••••••••••••••••••••• FORD 1969 OLDS ,lPe fwt• l•M 'I•• DI• .. J•••••r ·····~.._..c.~., , ........ DB.TA 88 SEOAH Only 57.000 actual miles, air cond. & vinyl roof. (719A8S). How0Ny$H8 twwportw If Mtn 1900 Harbor, Costa Men 642-07'5 Nabers Cadillac ForSale• 'T2'FordCoorier '76 Starfire, A/T, A/C, wttb utility rack, xlnt AM/FM. a trk, P/$, till cond$1'100.96M694 whl, pvt pty . .552-l@S 2600 H.trhof BlvJ , C:oSIJ M~"' 540-91 on '76 Grand Torino all pwr TORONADO-Clualc ' • 1968 AC. Good cond. Call stereo, AMIFM 8·trlt, Bob dys 714-675-87ll, eva xlnt oond. ~. 73H433 714-640>4999 '~~~!!!!'!!!!!!!l or7Sl·5050 ~-~~~~--~• .;. .,.. M '70 CuUaa.s Supreme, Clryslw tt25 ' uslang,, V8, auto. lood trant. tar, runs ••••••••••••••••••••••• trans, pwr steer, stock. sooct.$850,9'34405 1977 CHRYSLB Sl.500 • .551-1755 Eves • . .COIDOU 71 Country Squire 9 paas, '10 Delta 88. A M·FM ·n..1 •u1r~ •• l tteno, AC, PW, PS, PB. ,,.,.,y 4,IN mUea ! Full n.m .,. .. pe, owner. $800. 556.3725 531f.oll4 power, air cond., crua& $995. PP. 759-0096 ' C!Dlttrol, alereo. tUt whffl eve/wknd $500 Down S75 mo. buys 6 all t.be~el :ictr~. Ort.Qo, 2 Dr, HT. Xlnt 1973 Cutlass. loaded. Clln'DD). • cond. Muat sell. Call 645-075&, e.4-6868 $ 9 8 8 54&-saM. '71 CUU1a1 SU.preme, A/ C, f ' ·-'10 Sta Wgn. Nu 4·ply P/8, l"/B, A/T. 1.., ... t_i...:1_ ' Uru/batt. Reliable seoo. 'TQ.5.m 1~rs iram.teoo.'73-4803 ·a 01c1~ai.., oooc1 Cadlll~,_ '1S<frullda I Dr cpe. 30K &rant='=~ ~ mla, vtnyl , P/S, P/B, -------- '2t'OO lf.11flm Rlvd. A/C.S2'7~flrm.MS-8268 "T3 Oldl Toron~do, m· C.11,,,, M~~I 541).IJ)I)() SELL ~re ....... 1ur ~·· Im~. c •t•. Dally lol Cluallled Ad. ' eau 8'.i • NABERS Gr CADILLAC HOLi -DA Y CLEARANCE SALE '74 '7 ~D GRAM T<»INO 7 OOOf V..@ •·' , 0 6"'\ oowet .. ~ & tJtai...-. ""' c~ , "''° o-toJ•• dof,, '"'HtOI ~ eAtenot 'OOf1 CHit~ l< IMiiJPI FOID "NTO 4 CV' W'f'iq!Ae • ~ ,.~ ,_,.., ....... r()ll OieCCil' ?1000t•h•flu•.,,..ft l .... ·~~·' CADIUAC SEDAN DE VltU Pow•' O('ltt\ M'at• At.,1!1f M ... '° "°'"' Wlt\00-W'\ OQ/)I 'DC.kt t.tt wftMil "'1nyt \op ~i;_;~h: ,._;~ 0~~1 .~~~~4•'•~$f, f4 IOO llMCOUI M»t.J. IV ~11 1.-1tttw ..,. .. h. AM 14110b •t~9() t .. ~ JW'INN ...,.~ ~111• ~;~ ,. ..... 6 L~ tVP uc. 1ouro v OtDSM081U 98 R• .... ncv ~· '~I 00'11'1'9f tftf& 1..-~ cru1· fl Cf\l\h 1• AM , M ,, .. ,,.,, M••' W>nd~ Ot'KA Jot. Of lu•eA~.,,~ .,n"tl too L.o; O '>C>HOC Pl.YMount oustt• 1 OOOt 6 cyf 'M.lfn tr .. ns., ~ M.Hn~Q '" CON1 nirt.,.J ~n.,t .~. itlft(tOf' 91"9 el(l..-K:W, -31000to•,.,,,.. loc:. '12()0jX0 OATSUM 8-210 'l Dlt A•t ('()NJ . 4 IPMd, raolO 38.000 '"-"'' L-~ 1J&6NVl llOl(X RfGAl 'l Oii. AulO lt~. OO*flf ,,...,..nq or• ... ~ ... cn"'1 ~I _.... AM1fM 11-~ coo •aooo -.,..,.. L..: ••11.ll'T AUOl lOOlS Auto "'*"., '• tool l"-•M .. tt l J CADIUAC SO>AN DE VUE ~., ._. ~&h· t•tt •heet AM1JM tt~ , ___ , __ , ............. VO.(TW~ lllillftlle ¥1""'4 too 4S 21' ~.. L.c OllOJOA OfRYSUR COflDOIA ........ , ~·QM -.... -.. _ ' --""""'' ""'°· ..V'lt COl'I"" UMIU -31 000 -lie •tell.Wit I'\ Y. VOWtf mMl€a WAGOH V 8 A•J10 ,,.,... _.. COf'd P<" _.,, ,..,,~ 6 D'Jllft"'t. A\4,F"4 '"'llfO Crut • cotWrof C:o4-1~ ft)Cll~ .eal• root tll(;6' 22 000 m.lih ~ •109140 CHEVROlET CONCOOltS 2 Off. ...,,,, .,,,.,,., -'C.~1 ~ ,,..,,,N)l (W'~ 1• br~ , 'O"• t>Pnc:h Ml~ ,.,..,. ~ tt-000 1'1'11 ... 1 t cnoc:.t ft.;Jn"t LK •aMP'Xl 11\USTAHG GHIA v .. •uto ff4"'11 Alt C'Ofl'd DO......, ,,,..n~ A ora .. ,,.. con¥..Jlr °"'~ l~n.1"u tJO. ,., • .,. '""""" 12 000 m.IMI ~ t &41RtQ DATSUN I -'loillQ lr•b ""' ......, AM ,.._. ,_..,_., t<l()f "9 t'J .,,..,.'". l r.t1f.1! liff F1f\1 ~ ,n Wtt'llf-1'11 UOdl4t h~\t ll(. •'12~SO CAOIUAC COIWf Dl VIW ~t~-..PI~ ttlf~I CtlJlrCOt'l"t'Of A~ FM Vt'fftt') llOft. ~-. ""'"""' I ,,. ...... ,, ~ .. , F"·~~.., ~ U:tftOft , ,~ ,, 000 mot-. L.ic •O()OP)S CAMAROLT. V 8 .AJf() tr•''' pawHr ._,,.Pool). Coflwt'' bt»•~ O(IWOI" WI'~ dOOt 1.X.,-1 111 whMI au c 1n<t. en'""'"• '"'fft w1'Mllef1 t4 000 ""'''", t.~ .,,~ ... MONTE CARLO l.AHDAU f11t .-noo. Cf'Ur .• n OC>fltt<A. ~., .,1f"d0trn. UMl u 'oP ,.,..1,,. ....,.,...,._ F1nttl'Jld m can,.on ht11Nal ffftBF~I I 1c 1636REE CAOIU.AC COUPf f II _,,... A~ FM 99'90. 00...... -.~ ft/•-~ tollt'l d{)f l!f ~~ f.1nt~ •"' llOeflt:hnO ""'~JncJ'f. 28 000 ••w ,,.,...., lee: •M4LOU CADIUAC B..DOMDO Soht r\oOt.H\d\lnnt" a~11. llH -~ c:tuJff (OtUtOI AM f:M tif'fl.fJ fW'9 OO'W9f 'lllfWMk>A CADIUAC COUP£ DE VIUE S.UnHJOt. .,..,tr'I(., 1n~-'c)t. IUI wftof.f AM.lfY t.f\'f*O ·~ OOW'Jf' Wtf\Ot)Wh ~.qitr. ' dGOt' ~"" ~toP FW Md+"ooi~~e 30 •oo -lie • 136MPY. COIVfTTI fACTO«Y T-TOP A•t ....,.,.-,_.~,-­ -h'I -' AM FM •Idle> IN"* m~' ~ '•'tyf' ~'1 & SIH f r.0.ft l '<. •d1 SPXI( CAOltUC COtW Y11t -"N;M ''""' t COl°'lrol A""4/fMlt""9)1._ • 'Ckt DO#f9!t ,-o411i_ dOOt toe» ~ Wtf'IOOM ;'t~=.!:,;.~ ~~JlttN ,-.ftow '67 ~~-~ $2500C~SSICS/67 AMIFM .. _f"I--• --·-IOCUT ... ... ~ ... -..... ,,C>l..ie ... 111.~-... --. ... u .. 1n *INCLUDED IN TiEIS PRICE IS A * * * * 1 YEAR, 12,000 MILE SERVICE · AGREEMENT TO TME THE GAE OUT OF BUYING A USED CAR. . . .. . . • . . . = . . • . . . . .. I . • ~ ,• • ~ large Selection of . CUSTOM COR•ER YAN CONYERSIOllS • THUNDERBIRDS • HOUDA Y • MESA SPECIALTIES • LTD's • LTD ll's • RO_LL-A·LONG • SIERRA • SUNDIAL • GRANADAS ~COURIER CONVERSIONS- • FAIRMONTS • MUSl:ANGS • FIEST A's • PINTOS • FANTASTIC MINI TRUCK • MARBORO 4·SEA TER • SOUTH BAY 4-WHEEL DRIVE NEW '77 FORD PINTO 2 DOOR SEDAM AM llOI0.4--~ ...,,,......,.,._ all vinyl OUCMll _._ eatl*lnl! ,,_....,,...,.., el4!dnC ,_ .,,,_., oe1ro1t•. -cove<t. 2 3 ... ., ~v ·-· -1actt 1no p.n.on •IMrrttlQ. lronr 11/'ttJ r•M bumc>et OUMdl. llnl.., 91~·:... '1114707 ~·· • '°"~ s3399 '76 BUICK OPEL • cyt., • speed, elr cc>Mlllot'llne, r&dio. heater. P11ce<1 to eeil' Only 3,000 ""* Uc. 868724 S•k t$4~A. 53199 '75 FORD MAVllttCIC 2 Dlt. ti cyhnder -•-•ne. tlOIO, "-""'· ,....,_,,,, '""- vlft)'I 1001. litll.O QI--~ lie. •S30Hl0 Siii. "'°'"' '76 PLYMOUTH V 4.UAHT lllOUGHAM ""'" .,_., ~ -•I-,.,,_IF~ &te<eo r--· ___ _.. 11-. vinyl rOOI. Uc. toeoNRO~ •2071.. ;Ji\ . l:atge election of TRUCKS • RANCHEROS • BRONCOS 4x4 • F-100 • F-250 • F-150 • F-350 NEW '78 FORD FAIRMONT zoooa SIOAM 4-speed manual transmission. front disc brakes. carpetmg, all-vinyl bucket seats. accent paint stripes. wsw tires. convenience group, power steenng, deluxe bumper group, AM radio. tinted glass-complete. light group. delu1Ce wheel covers. Ser #105061 Stk. #0151 s4099 '73 DODGE 1-IOOSUUMVA ... v ... -...... .-. -·· ---· ~ peinl, fM9 -Uc. tll86eV Slk. I049fl '76 FORD GRANADA 2 DR. v,., •uto. tr-.. leclOf"y elr condlllonlng, power stffrlno, _, brakff, recllo, tiuter, ""'"'""'" tires, vtnvt roof, tinted oteu, wllfft cown. lie. •'41MWO, Stk. e PJOa, •7 6 CHEVROLET c.lMAIO .a, auto ir... tedtof'/ w corldllb•"' power ~ -~tie ....... r'ldio. -· -..-............ ...... wflH _..UC. tlMHt.&. ea. fl'J141 '77 FORD GRANADA . 4 DOOll GHIA H04M · FACTOH Atll COHDmOHtHG S1_11.., ,_ P'V ins. -•"'YI _ _,... ••t•ttOf aCUf't OI•"' ltrtot"f DUCk•I ...... oehi1•• -~. _..,.. --· .. -nolellQrft. 111 g•llon ,,... lank. wl>ll• vtr>yl 1001 302 CIO V .. -·ne-vv. C..hlOtn.a • ......-OQvtP<Mnl, _.,.II ctu~llC., fA76•14 waw 1.....i ...... - g,oup. Otgitol -. hll 11-tng -· -11Mlllf18, hnoert•P ~cont~ 4-way-••••. -"°"'-.,._. att conoo•--11,., AM/FM otweor-- 1-111<onuuorc Fe<O t80IC> lll•Ufll oeco< -..,_ ~ lloN -plMe bf~ -CIOOI -s.. '124040 $Ur.. .014~ a.mo · '74 PINTO RUMAIOUT 4 lll>ffO, teaoo, ,_., bllll nice c-1 Uc. t~VI Slk. f 30;4-A 51799 '75 FORD LTD 2 Dll. H.T. V .. , lulP. "-• i.ctcwy Ill QOnCllllOll"'O--........ -OllC llr-·--.Whtl-lllt ... ~-1 llnC.., g ...... --· UC. eOll3NJtN 52599 I . LEASING? THEODORE ROBINS LEASE COMPANY LEASES ALL MAKE CIRS and TRUCKS AT COMPmtlYE RATES NEW·'77 FORD COURIER ICOMOMY f'ICIUP 106.9 lnctl whfflbaM. 2300 cc engine. pawer front disc brakes. bnght front bumper, AM/FM radio & cassette. ~ manual trans .. 1400-pound capacity, class 1 trailer towing cert.. wsw tires . Ser. #P23507 Stk. #T1.621. Demo. sa699· - '76 FORD SUFERVAN v ... auto. lrWlt., radio, healer, meo ""'9ets, wldt oval Ure.. l..cl ml19'. Lie, PU30T·I041Ut,.. 172 CHEVROLET LUYPICIUr 4 eyt. 4 llleed. fedlG. '-· -ellell. UC. "94nE 841<.•T404A NEW '78 FORD f.100 snl.lllDI PfCKUP Chrome front bumper. full fqam seat. folding s eat back, dome tamp, headliner. 302 V·B engine , gauges-.mmeter & 011 press.. power steering, mirrors-tow mount. pawer brakes. glass tinted-ell around, cooling pcak~e. bumper-rear step painted Ser. tAJ6270 Stk. #TCM22 '74 FIAT IJI STAnoM WA~OH • c:yl •• -tadlo, -· -CO¥en. ~ t1ld(. Uc. 90I n. TC Slit teO:IA '76 FIAT 119 4 eyl 4 ..... AAl/Flrl ndo + '-9. hNler, ,...... .... ~ ........ Uc. tt44AOG• HIM