HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-, - • am • "' • I Two San Diego men shOw t eir frustration anCI anger u flood waters caused by weekend rain sink their. car. bi Mission Valley alongside the Stardust Country Club golf P-.AJ r. t trlbuttni lnc., blred the trio to f klll Bovan. f · Pollce claim indicted Anthony ''Little Tony" Marone Jr., 23, and Raymond ~en Resco, · t 28, both ol HunUnatcm Be ch, 'Were workln1 with Fiori at the time Bovan was sunned down ~outside the El Ranc hito t restaurant. Also free on ball today after , being ordered to return to the 1 courtroom Jan. 23 was Kulik's t wife, Elsie Caban, Kulik, 28, of r Newport Beach. l ~ - : Search Ended f ~ For A.ireraft t ' • LOS ANGELES (AP) • Rescuers have called oft the search for a llahl plane reported to have cruhed oflatiore neat'. Palos Verdes &Iler no wreckap was sited, autboriUt.s say. Several citizens had reported 8eeing a brl1ht flare crash t oward the ocean Saturday nieht. t rescue team• found nt Sunday and there were anes reported overdue, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Lio Gross. By 'l'be Miloc:&atect Preas A new 1torm moved loto Southern Califomla today ln the wake ol droueht·breald.ng rain which battered Southern Callfornia over the w"lcend, flooding roads , leaving thousands without power and claiming at least three lives .• And forecuters aald tho new storm would bring rein and gusty winds through tonight, decreasi.ol Tu~. Hea\ry rain was blamed for the death of James Ed-ard Perkins, 18, of Claremont, wtto.e car struck a railroad cros1Jn1 gate arm in Pomona durinl the storm, authorities said. About a doi en expensive homes alone Malibu Road near Pepperdlne Univenlty suffered damage when mud slid down the surroutldini hills. About 2,too peopte in south· central Los An1eles we re 'ft'lthout power for up to slx hours when a tornado-like wind knoeked down several uttllty poles, said Ed Freudenbur1, a spokeaman for th• J,>epartm t Pok../Jlfu!f ts JailM~ SAN DIEGO (AP>-A ~yeu· old Marlneotrloer races a 1eneral court·QJarUal oh four cllar1e1 ol •tealln1 and 1ellln1 1overnment property-99 ullllty poles, says • spokesman fot the Marine Corps JlecntttDepotl The charges revealed Tuesday accuae LL Kemp D. EWa of En· clnltu of tteallnl the poles on two occaslom lut August and ,September and seJUq them for nearl}' •.aoo. ' &JUa-t~ u officer in the 3rd Recruit Tralnl111 Battalion and ll in cbarfe off our platoons of tral.n· tn1 recruits and their dQ.1l ln· atructon. of Water and Power. A soppln1 ~et palm frond, tent tryin1 by winds, short. circuited a ·power Jtne In Inglewood, causing a temporaey power lou for about 800 customers. In Lawndale, another 1,300 res· ldents were without. power when a CB antenna broke iooee and bit a power line. In all, Southern Califomia Edhon sai d about 4,0001 customeni were blacked out in El Monte, Beaumont, Corona, •Lancaster, IJ~verly Huts and Lale Arrowhead, wbll• another 2,200 were blacked <nll in Alham- bra and Comptqn. .....Mountain resort areas rep0rt· ea 9S Jncbes of snow after the current storm, but winda and treezln1 temperatures reported· ly made skilo& poor. * * * Fromr ge..tJ RAI~~ •• Beaut1.tu1••an4 "Battle Hymn oC the Republic.·· Kenneth La:ndsverk, a Fair· mont, Mlnn. cust~l n who waited four oura to s Ate casket, Uid be admired Hu • phrey for hls "honest)' and drive and the way he tried to Jtelp the needy.'' "He wu to elncere In ~· thing he was aimln( for;· Landavenc aaid. Bob Sands, 23-y r•old welder from Bi'ookllri Center, • inn., sat ~ a S&lv Uqn Army van drtnkll)I coffee anc1 holdlnf lb1a 18-month.oold daughter' who b d bel\1ft crylna from tbt cold. "I admired hlm becauao he stood for the averaae common workm1 man," said Sands. "l shook hll hand once when l was 11 years old and 1 never foraot il. .. To Thelma Johnson, 30, a black Mlnneapolls houaewlfe, , Humphrey'• death was Uke "Jos. 1nr a membet: of the family. "He dld more for the black people and the µnderprlvlle1ed than any man ln history, lnclwl· tng any pl'esldent," abe 1ald. "The lea.st l can do ls be close tO him at a time lil'e this." -GARDENA (AP> -A nrt of unknown origin has destn>Yed \he Ele1ance turnl\ure M anufacturln1 Inc., plant In Gardena. . ---___ __,,_ -~ ~'.:& ~~ - , hther 7 RAIN ••• 10.5' inches, compared to 5.95 incheslastye ratU111Ume. . The Orilri• Co\lnty Harbor Patrol tn Newport Beach rei· i1tered .97 lncbeJ over the weekend for a sea1on sum of 9.03, up from 5.89 last year. In Huntington B e a c h, rainwatcher J. Sherman Denny. tallled 1.66 lnche1, brintln1 the season to 10.SS inches. Last year's total at this time was 8.52 1 inches. The Lasuna Moulton Treat· meat Plant lri Laguna Niguel re. ported a measurement or 1.98 inches, ror a season total or 11.05 inches. Last year at this time the total was only 3.98inches. * -* * New Storm Kill,s Three, Cuts Power By The Associated Pres• A new llorm moved Into Southern Callrornl' today in the wake or drought·breaking rain .which battered Southern California over the weekend, floodihf roads, leavlnt thousands without power and r 7claimini al least lh.ree llves. And forecasters said the new storm would brlnt rain and gusty wlods throucb tonltht, decreaslnc Tuesday. Heavy rain was blamed for the death \of James Edward Perkins, 1.1, of Cl•remont, whose car. atruct a rattroad crosslna gale arm ln Pomona durlnc the SAN DIEGO TAKES STORM'S 8RUNT-A3 NORTH BATI'EREO BYRAIN-A5 er abed down onto his p rked.m Plan del Sur. U'llday. similar problems were ~rted by Leslie Ann Crawf•rct, who told police a Jarae bflUlCh hit her car while it was parked at Hu,hes Market on Via Lido and by Charles Warnick, who reported a eucalyptus tree crashed onto bis patio at 501 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. Jake Mynderae, director of General Services noted that mudslides were reported at the Corona del Mar Main Beach, on San Mi,-uel Drive, where por- tions or one northbound lane re- maln.s clOMd to traffic and on Back Bay ad<I Bayside drives. M yndet'se s aid all or the problems.were minor and that ci· ty crews bad no trouble cleaning them up. CO rd ova Will Back Jarvis Plan By JER ~ CIA1JSEN oe .. o.it, ""' 'wtt Assemblyman Ron Cordova, D·El Toro, says be'U vote for the Jarvi• property tax llmltatioh initiative if the state Le&Islature rans to pass a suitable tu re· form package before election time. Cordova's statement :-atone with the admiu' ..... • .......,.. ... _ sldering run· nine for the state Senate -came after he attended the Sad· dleback Area Coordinating Council awards din· ner at the Holiday IM, co11DOv• Laguna Hills Friday l!lght. The Oran1e Coast as- semblyman said that, if the Legislature can't come up with a better property tax relier blll, the Jarvis proposal deserves passase b¥ the electorate June6. The Jarvis lnltiative ii a ! 389-word directive that would ! limit property taxes to 1 percent · or market value if approved by voters. The Petition placing the issue on the ballot wa1 sl1ned by 1,264,000 Calllorrua voters 9nd ls considered an opportunity ror taxpayers to let politicians know how they reel about increasinc pror>ertr asaeJSments and taxes. . Cordova also said he ls eyeln1 the state Senate seat now held by Dennis Carpenter. R· Newport Beach. Carpenter announced Dec. 13 the~ he wotlld not tun a1aln for bl• 36tb Senalc)rlal District aeat, leaving the door open tor a p011lbte T&tir bld for the 'U.s; senate: ~sited when he would make up hit mind whether to run for tbe Aaaembly or the state 1Senat.e, Corao'Va aald lt would be sometime before the flllln1 de.ad.I}~ Candidates for state seiiate and Assembly posts are re- quired to rue with the seer~ of state between Jan. 30 and Reb. 9 an iiitention to run lor ot- ce. By Tbe A11odated PreU .. Thousands were. without power alone the East Co&St to. day after a weekend anow atorm. Early today the LOng Island LlahUng Co. said about 133,000 suburban New York cuato0ten still were Wi\hotit. power. Service micht not tie restored until TUes· day ni&bt. · ~ The weettena atonn dumped up to U inches of anow in stc· tions of nofthcm New En&land. A spokesman for Nar· ra1ansett Electric Co. tn Rhode Island aaid Sunday ni1ht it may e four or five days before power ia restored in sections of Cranston, R.I., where winds con· tinued to knock down power lines as soon as they were re- paired. The company said about 21,000 customers were without power Sunday night. Cranston 1cb0ol1 were closed today. Rain, snow and sleet were ex· peeled in wide areas of the Southeast today. Georgia bad unseasonably cold temperati.pu Sunday, with the hlah In Adant.a 31. In Miami. temperatures were expected to be in ttie 405 to- day. More snow was forecast for Vir1lnl~. alt.er • weellend storm knocked out power 1n scattered areas; more than 40,000 people in the state were without elec· tricity at Qlle time.Saturday. Historical Dnmer The .Costa Mesa Hll!tQrlcal Soclet~ will hold installation ceremonies and Fi,.._ Page_ AJ COMPLEX. • • • : Lull for tlae Gulls • seagulls in Lquna Beach enjoy two-day ~ respite from recent rains as'they head out · in search of food near Main Beach Park. " But weather forecasters say there will be more of the wet stuff thi.S weekend asa new storm moves into Southern Calltoi'nia. J 11 . LNG Locations Studied Terminal to Be Built Near Onofre Pliml? A Camp Pendleton lite only.five miles south ot the Sao Onotre . Nuclear GeneraUng Plant is one of seven sites being studied by the Califontia Coastal ComnUS'aioa as locationa for liquefied natural gas terminals. Eliminated from consideration are 7~ other sites, inclu<lin& bile near Huntington Beach, another near Dana Point, a third on Camp Pendleton Jess than three miles from San Clemente and a fourth in A ranking must be submitted to Cocldeburr Canyon at Camp the Public Utilities Commission Pendleton within four miles o! by May31. · Oceanside. Also U?$1erco.nsideration for the A report from cpmmlJSlon "*controversial LNG sites are loca- director Josepti &.; BodovtU bOtea tions ln Sari Lula Oblspo Santa that the commission will bear Barbara and Ventura coun'ttes. public comment on the proposed The Homo Canyon location be-sites. Jan. 18 at the Los Angeles Ing considered on Camp Manna Hotel. 8601 Lincoln Blvd., Pendleton 11 within a mile of San Los Aneeles dUrlnl the late mom· Onofre Beach State Park and ingorearlyattemoon. would seriously affect its ocean view, BodOvitz' re1>9rtsa~. Daughter Released There would aJao be problems with nearby population density because of Marina CorJ>s bar· racks lbree ane a half miles away· and because of heavy use of the nearby San Diego Freeway. Dad AssailS Story Of Pot SmU§glif]g Reasons cited for selecting the 1lte Include evidence that there are no geologic bitzards, that marttlme conditions are fiivo~· bl•. and that no bicbty sensitive marJ~~.~cesarenearby • 'l'he s~urrently the pro~­ [ly ol' Uitt fcd~ral go~ent. w Cti ilri t Laetrile Trio Plead GUilty MOSCOW CAP> -Two et ~osmonauta retumed to earth from the orbltln1 Salyut 8 .apace 1aborat91Y today alter the ftnt supply lnlsaJon 1n apace a.aid the fitit llnnp of ~c ~ Tass tePortect. The otflclal SOviet news· •Im· cy 1ald Vladhnlr Daheplbekov and Olec·Makaf()v Jud@« "dter carrylna out the planned re· search and experiment• on board the Soviet orbital scien- tific research complex ~ut &-soyuz 26-~Zf •• .. Cosmonaut. Yuri llo· maneDko and Georfl Grechko conttnue the work on bQard the orbital station ~ut 6." 'tau said. Dzbanlbekov and Makarov re- turned in Soyuz 28, tbe apace sb~p that brought Romanenko and Gi'ecbko to the 1taUon Dec. 11. Romane.nko and Grecbko are remainina in orbit aboard Salyut 6 amid speculation that tbey will trr, to brei.k the Soviet record d 61 da)'s ln apace and poaalbly the U .s. record of 8' da)'s. Dzbaillbekov and Makarov are leaving behind Soyuz 21, the space ship that to0k them up WedneSday. The Tau report Sunday said the cosmonaut.a were "switchln• on and cbeckln1 on·board systems" of Soyui 26 and "transferring research material." Cosmonaut training chief Vladimir Shatalov said In an ln· terview today ln the newspaper AJr Transport that the Soyuz Z1 mission demonstrated that space stations can be resup~lled whlle ln ruaht. "Usually all the scientlllc ap. paratus and supplies required go to outer space aboard the sta· lion," be said. "ThiJ means the station bas to carry a maximum payload. Now we can revise our views u to the auppllea the ala- tion has to take." Shatalov said It w1ll be pogsl· ble to "make room for more Im· portant"'sophi&ticated equip· ment" ln the station 1hip. And speclallstl could fly to the sta- tion to perform one experiment and then return to earth. he en id. In the future, Sbatalov con· itnued, ferry craft could 110 bring back materials th t must be analyled quickly on the .cround 'berore declllons ff t- in1 the future of the mlaSlon could be }Dad • hata v lill d anot r. poJ ibllity wos taklng raw maten&la bito pace, using them in experiments and returrilng the Clnal products to. earth. Flood Chief In Business SACRAMENTO <AP> - So bow wet la lt ln Nortbem Callfornla? It'• 10 wet Don Neudeck has returned to work •• California '1 fiood opera- tlon1 chief. .. My busii'lesa cards are rt1bt aaaln, •• Neudeck beamed as ralns filled the· realon'• rivers and ~treama Stmctauo. the 23rd day of rain in 80 days. Durinl tho put two cley: yean Neudeck tolled at a :somewhat dtfferesit tuk -ebief of tbe state Drou1bt Information Center. WHILE BE AND TBE other Jatecomen In SQJ1dQ'1 crowd ot 12,000 wandered lb.rough the ezhlblt. tbe m empl071e1 and volunteers toasted each other w'ith cb~ end ate ·•Farewell Tut" r.,te cake. At 1 a.m. when museum DfrGctor John Bullard told tboee stlll lookil_lc at the treuurea tbt "'Tbo JQnc Tutankbamun Ex- hibit is naw offJcliJlJ eloeed. thank 19'& tor ~." the tmplo~ and whm~n broke Into pplaue. ''Hurray! 1t•1 ov~r." aald one. "Am J alad." SAN DIEGO CA'P> -89HY from a tonaiUal rain ID which a couple drowned, Mi111it>n Valley'' bualileuaien iDd plush hotels braced today Cor ~ new fiooding. The normally my S8n Diego Rlver, which formed the city'• new bllllon·dollar business cent.er. ~ame a rqinf tornot after a ne&r·NC<>rd doWnpour of 2.81 'Inches of ram ID 24 boun. Up to four lncbes fell ellewh e ln the metropolitan area. Aa: arthm...damLCt-acktcl at Fallbrook in northern S&D Dtt1<> .County. fiOodiJ11 streets •Dd homes Swlday. :A couple drowned as Uaelf car was awamtled witblD view of California's oldest Catholic Cburcll, Misaloo San Dle10 Cle Alcala. la 'l1huina. r two lh"ls &Pd S and ,.~drOwiied 1n a canyon. At leut 18 wooden homea ,_.,.e • • . . IF A NEW GOVERN ENT cannot be formed, elections for a new parliament would have to be held: But all parties oppo1e this. Opinioo pOl1a indicate deCUoQs would further polarize the country tilcreuini support for the Cbrtatlan Democrata and CommWllsts at the expense of the amaller parties. The Communlatt got 3'.4 percent of the vote in the 1978 elecUon. four percentaae pointa less than the Chi'istian Democrats. AndreOt- tl '1 all..cbr1sUan Democrat, minority cabinet 'VII able to •~Yin of- llce becaus• the Communlsta and other partlea,agree4not to vote against it on major Jsauei, and in turn the Commun.lats were consult· ed abQut government poUcles. THE oPP06inoN partl~ abandoned thll policy of tacit sup- port lQt week and demanded ~t the Christian Democrats form an emertency, illl·party government lncludllig the Communists. Andreotti'• tovemment was li..ly'135tb since World Warn and the third he bas beaded durine 30 years in politics. Fi1'e AttClt!lced ·Cops Hunt Rapist . . In Coeds' Death· • TALLAHASSEE, Fla. CAP) ..._ Frightened IJOrOrity sisters re- turned to class at Florida State . WASHINGTON (AP> -The Arrnv 60(ID wlll start J>U!Un( nr,tUlery and othert equipment frotn l'lationahGuard ~.Reserve unltstos\retiit>!CA ~ulat U.S. forces Jn Europe, ere tint a conruct between two Cartet Adrninlattation J>V>.Jrams. Ttie &dminllttalion ls committed to atrenathenln1 both U.S. forces defending Europe wbDe enhancm1 the tni&tht of Guard and Jleserve &mita at bome. . II 111111•11•111111••••1111 BUT ~ISTANT Chief Daryl Gates said last week Miss Collins wu never taken off the list. SkatebOar.d Sense It will take more than a new co':!L, ordinance banning akateboards from roadways 1n corporated Orange County to eliminate accidents and near-tragedies involving skateboU'ds and motoriats. · But the ordinance, combined with good common sense by skateboarders and stern warnings b~ the parents of younger skateboard hobbyists could make a difference. The new law. set for adoption by, county supentsors tomorrow, focuses attention oo the dangers skateboard riders tempt when they take to traveled streets to eitjoy . their sport. County law enforcement officials say the mka , become greater when skateboarders are attracted to • such hilly areas as may be found 1n Laguna Ni~l and Mission Viejo. Oftentimes. officers say, skatebOUders reach speeds of 10 to 25 miles an hour downhill on boaida lacking brakes or othef safety devices. The ordinance would permit law enforcement of.flciala to Issue citations to skateboarders who lnalst on tryfug to share the roadwaY. with cars. But u offichlla in cities with· such ordinances already hav6 learned. an ordinance alone may not solve the problem. Skateboard travelers must .alsO use enough judement on their own to realize that can and skateboarda cannot. trav~l safely together. Killing Ourselves SINCE THE heroln war bt;8tt tn the M~can blntedandl. the United States hu contrlbUt.ocl S:iO mUllon to the effort. SlQW11. the b~ poppy,~ are b.- lq flUahed 0u1 ot the ~ Into the crowded towna that border the Sierra Madre.i But thei are fithUDc Wflll7 'tbat be raft lt over anc! oYff tD 1llaht varlat:tons and it became known a1 .. the speech.". Goldwater Jolt the elecUon but Jlo1Ulle came oat a bero. . Atieut One.Wrd of Ainerlca'a rejJ flistfte ta tu-esem}>t. Ami tbat proP8ft7 la wortla man ~ l>t1ll , aCCOrdlnc to th•~ Commlaston lntereovemm ta1 Relaticml. LOCAL GOVEaNllBNTS DETBUllNB bow much ptope1ty th ibould ~ cqllected eacb year d then di.tde that burden amoq aTallable Pr°" 'PUt1 ownen. What one prol*tJ owner ll aculed from paying, mecme el.le mGlt. :itemptions are sranted tor eharehel and noa- -protit cemeteries In all so 1tate1aDd1fahbl~i D.C. Thirty-Dine at.ates exempt paracm.,ea ano W11venit7 dormS. 3' uempt YllCA'• ud YMHA'•, st exempt •eteraa 01'• __ ....._. ........ ...;....--._.-1u1Jatlou, 2' esempt fraternal or1anbations like the Elka d the • , Eqlea, and 10 •tat. ea•~ · •met l~bor and. pro- l••lonal or1anlsaticm -to name juat a few sroups that moat commonly receive favored treat-mut. MANY 8TATF.S ALSO GIVE wbole or putlal exemptions to p1'!perty-ownlu HD.lor ctunm, 'veterans and welfare recipienta, bospltallw u.d certain bustneaaee and their 1Dventorte1. "I don't tblnlt there'• a public awareneaa of juat bow much property eacapea taxation," says · John Coleman, who 1uney1 exemptions every five year• tor the U.S. Cen.aUJ Bureau. .. Jt f Ult lln't appreciated bow much the uaeas- mentro atebelntdlluted,"benn. The reason people don't know, simply, la that 1111 than hall the 1tatea keep recorda on the amount ot proPerty that 11 untaxed. Even ft"ftr keep annual a~ountl. And the Cmlul Buren ..,. n •eta usable informatloa from GD1,y 11 ltat.. -ud WubiQltm, D.C., in ltl effort to tract tu a· ~mpUODI, and even those fllurea are eomidered roup .. AN ASSOCIATED PBF.88 suaVEY of aU so ~ ·states wu able to add onlJ three more states wltb partial 1\,atlltlca ~that totaL ... • . -,J.'he cemus flsures, combined wlth ~ . to the AP survey. 1bowed that taxcempt rolls an .cllmbiDI rapidly every1rbue -la m~y state(, even fuler than tbe aroWth of tb• value Of.all re.i · property. • · · · l'he tu-exempt problem,11\.."1}9",acute la •I· in1, bi8hlY taxed }'<lortheut siirea, the 1urvey . Bbowed. • • · Alfred Balle, author of th~ boot •mi. Frff •. IJst, .. 1urmlaed that about two-thlra. Of Ui'e••.iue of exempt property li owned by 1overmneat1. an4 the rest.by private sroupa or~ Visit our new La9una Hills office ••• ~5 Calle de a Louisa La9WU\ HIUs Center next to e Akron • 770-2816 • ALSO NAMED to the committee are Grover C. Brown Jr., South "IT'S THE lNTEal: ·GROVP pouu th.• Jdea that the 1tat.e 11 really run bull ~ croupa that exert iDfl , " IJ1c1 .comprom.bel between labor, crowaw, vlrcm· meotallatl and eoeray tnduatr:l•, he Nl4. Loeal l~ato wlll be Invited to 1peak to tb class, Wert •rild. ' "And then I want lo spend IQOl"e time OQ local eovernment. I think tbat'a more ls n ed. Mo.t atudeilts don't really mow bow 10nln1 and planntnavoru;• b aald. Grozq1 Slates Field Trips Lasuna; Wllllam Crod·----~--~~----------dy, Santa Ana: Robert L. Flynne, La1una N11uet: Dr. Fred Ka1. Fullerum; Pbillp Relll1, Mlsstoo Viejo, and Jim Warmtnitoo, Balboa. Student AdvcnturcJ in Leam.big, 1 prosram of lectures and field lrt~ lor sifted c:hll4ren nd their parents, b plaoned a number of eventl th15 Louise Saw>' r or Arnone Students in Coma del Mar, a senior American UnlveniUes at Pacific Lutheran and Colleees.'' University in Tacoma, Wash .• has been selected to be ln the 1f177·78 edi· lion of "Who's Who month and hl Febrpary, Oo Jan. 21, members wlll tour the V ctor CODtrol District facility lo Garden Grove: 91\ Feb. 4. vlSit El Toro Marine Base and Weather,iSta· lion: on Fcib. 20, tour KOCE·TV. and oo Feb. 19 see Fiallerton Civic Ught <>Pera'• •'Student Prince.•• .. lnformation ltt available b7 catung Torn &etwfck at 89'1-1529 or Andria tarson MM188. AdditlOllnl committee member•, 11 .of Newport Beach, are Virgil Baker, Metnll Butler, Ray N. Gibbs, Barbara Grant, Gavin Herbert Jr., Harry C • ...._....:,.,_,__ ________ ...;...;..,..-:.,..-~-..,~----'-:----------:---...... ......_---:-..,..--~-"'!'"f'..._ ..... ~..._~.,__.-.- John1on Jr., Jama W. Murray, Carol Porter, Geol'ge Ryan, Paul T. Salata, Don Shaw Jr. ud A. James Weat. · StUJents EUgibk :Par-Prize IA"&-.-.-.. :.4~•-..A· -califcrnla ehll.dffllli..ID tile •tate•a eer ehfJdhood edDc.tkD ~ ~did bitter thin the aaUonal aver .. e In readl•• and mahematlca In 1976. the atatereporta. Wllaon RllH, th~ state•• edacattOD chief wbo Ila pushed tbe ECE pro&J'am vl1orou11,., •aid that the proeram ••• men than .tun a llCOr8~. ~ . . Tlio National Aeronautics and Space Ad· mlnlltratioo'1 apace shuttle will carry a UC Irvine 1tudent'1 science experiment Into apace tn 1881. Flvo cubic feet of carao apace have been re-served for tbe UCI "Project Enterprise," tbroulb the support of the Oranae Oounty chapter ot t6e American Institute of Aeronautic• and Aatronautlca. . "ENTDPIUSE" IS THE NAO ol the.apace shuttle. AIAA repreaentaUn Fernando Niebla 11 scheduled to explain details ol tbe project to ~ denll Thursday, durln1 an 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. meet· Jn1 tn room 220 ol UCI'• Social Science Tower. Applicatlons few atudmt pl'OpOla1a for the UCI eJperiment wt11 be available roUO;tlll tbe lecture. All UCI atudenta are elilible. THE SPACE SllU'ITLE, CONTAINING orbit· Jn1 laboratories and obsenatorl•, will be manned by four to 10 astronauts and adeatilta on each of 11 lli1hts planned for 1181. AIAA ii raiilng $10,000 to pay for the space opened for outalde-acency experiments by NASA. F,....PageA7 TAX-EXEMPT ••• ' _,,_ ................. Md. IAll I,_ on .. .,.~,. ~· Dallas Defense. Diil It NEW ORLEANS CAP > -This time it was the "unskilled labor" that walked away with the post-garne honors at the Super Bowl. ll.arvey Martin and Raody White, the right &Ide of the Dalla$ defensive line, were named outstanding performers in Sunday's National Football wague champlonshlp 1ame. That honor is usually reserved for runniDg backs, quarterbacks or receivers -players at the ao- £tlled "skill ppsitlons. ·• ·!'The defense wu veat," said Dallas quarterback Roger Slaubach • • Dallas won the game 2'1-10, fbrcing Denver into eight turnovers, seven in the lint runr. "We didn't do anythin dlf· ferent." said Whlle. "We tnew goln1 in that one ot the keys wu getting preuure on Crai1 1.lprton. and we pul the pressure oh." 1 : White is one of tour nrat·year $Arlen in the defensive lineup, nd the laek of experience raised questions about whether ~ey eould hold up throu1h the thg g mes at Utt end of the son. • II# .... CRAIG MORTON (7), PRESSURED BY RANDY WHIT£ (5'), HARVEY r.tARTIN (78) AND ED JONES. =They Took Everything Tlwughl We Were Still in the Game;..Mortan NEW ORLEANS CAP) -Only the uniform was ~lfterel).t. Cl'alg Motion, who e6dured a bitter Super Bowl loss as the Dalles Cowboys' quarterback of aeven years aeo. suffered four dntercepUom ln a return enga1ement aa a Denver Bronco. Tbe Brcaeo1 w~re un· able to withstand eifbt tumoven aod a fierce Dallu peu rush, bow· toe 21-10 Sunday in Su~r Bowl XJI. • 'They bad a great rush," said Morton.. who accepted the 1011 pbtlosophJcaJly. "They took ever1thfni away from ua. They seemed to know almOlt every plan ,. we were calllns. I' tried 1,o audible but they even read some ol those." Denver squandered good field posiUon early in the game. Then turnover followed turnover in rapid order and the Broncos fell behind 13-0. 'Ibey were lucky to be so cloee. ••we fave them the ball seven times in the first half and they only $COt'ed J3 polnt.s," aald Morton. "So we thou1ht we were atlll in the aame the second half." Denver aot a break early in the third quarter. Bucky Dilts was stopped for a loa on a fake punt play but the Cowboys had 12 men on the field and Denver kept p911e11loo. Jlm Tumer ~eked a •7-yard field aoal to reduce the lead to 13-l. Six mlnutts later, however, the Cowboys went to the bomb and Roger Staubach hlt a dlvirif Butch JohoaoG lD the end zone from '5 yards out. "JohnllOD'a catch took the air out ol us," ad· mltted Denver defensive eQd Lyle Allado. "I haven't seen one like that lo a )ong, Ioni tlme. '' Sotb 1001 Dallas touchdown puae1 came at the expense of cor· nerback Steve Foley al)d 1om~~btn1 that hap. safety Bernard Jackson. pent. "I didn't think JohuoO The U-year. pro was had any chance to catch Intercepted three times the ball," Foley aald ot Jn a 18·13 1011 to IIII1 .... ... . . .. .. . . . ' . Baltimore in Super Bo•l Bucket at End Pro Cage, Hockey QUALITY USED CARS . '74 IUtCK R!GAL COUP1 s2 "•41 •1'rllltt ..,,,..,, loll & f11twtw.·'" A11tt11tttlc tt••tnilule11, •owe.--, , ,, -""'f .... 11r1--..11>re11u, AMIFNI ...,_,a1r--.~i.11111e&. Cl1tJ,.Th • • Adrienne Barbeau stars as a nurse in the Korean War in the premiere of the new comedy series The Fightine Night- ingales tonight at 9:30 on CBS, Channel 2. Guette:: ~ ca11u. Chuck Woolery, Nana MOUlllrowt 7:00 I N8C NEWS LWWCW9 AICHEWe. ILOYIWCV When l.ucy buya • oadQ9t In ,....,onM to M ed, Rlcity ~·mad. • Al»Jrt.12 • MACtEi/ ~MR Ml"()ftT ID '(00AWm4 MADE.IHI! TO TILL THE TflVT'H CONSUMf" 9UYUNa NOY\.YWIO OAMI D THAT'I HOL.LYWC)OD "The FUMY Side Of ~ wood" G) THE MADY BUNCH The boye ""' •foul of "' lfeflMologlst. Oaannd Lbtfng• KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles ADAM-12 L.A. IHTIACHAHQ& "Popcomw G FAE04CHU "e.oirt With Shrimp" (A) (I) •100,000 NAM THAT T\Nl D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles KTLA (Ind ) Los Angeles KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB (CBS) Sin Otego 0 KHJ-TV(lnd) LOI Angeles 9 KCST (ABC) Sin Diego 9 MAYOR ftAUL Wll.IOH'l ITATS OF THll CfTY ADOfillU KTTV (Ind ) Los Angelh KCOP·TV(lnd) LOI Angeles KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angeles Cit KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Buch a:oo II Cl> t.OQAN'I NJN Lopn'• msnory of the PM1.,.. ~ wttfl.,. "*'-1 wwp edminll- RoO.kie Threesome Score H'it By DAN LEWIS TV M• l«Yke Until John Ritter got married a few weeks aab, the principal Charact.enr in one of televialon's inost successful series, Three's Company, appeared meticulous- ly tailored for their roles. 'Ibey were all sinfte when the show became a late-season entry and major hit lut aprtng. ~ Now, 'l'hree'a Company ls rid· tn1 an enormous crest of pul&rity. It's been amona the op 10 all seUOD and t.be beat rated regular 1ertes for the sixth week oJ ihe HHOn. Tbree•a Company was topped only by t.be first three games of the World Series. JORN PIA YS the sin&le male who lives with two sintle females in a Santa Monica apartment. 1bere'a oo hanky panky among them. and tbe t.bree have promised that It Will stay that way u lons aa the series thrives. . The roles of bla llve-ln compa· nions are played by Joyce DeWitt and SuzaJ\rie Somer1. Jt•a a contemporar~ aeries, fqcusina on aocial mores of a more liberal·minded 1e1W1ration. I '"America is not ready for it (Johnny m~g love to either of them)," Suzanne declared. • Joyce added tier opfnlon: .. The producers want to keep it in a ll&ht veln." TBE TBBEB SAT arouna aDd 'PopUlar SOng~ Stirs· N~stalgia won a Peabodr award tut year. Each Sunday, it offers what he considers the best of America's popular music, performed by ••friends" he invites in for each how. His 'J)a1s range from such titers• as Tony Bennett. and George Shearin1 to relatively llttle· lcnown, but respected, aingers as Irene Kral, Mark Murphy and Anita Ellis. '.;their musical backing com Jrohl a trio Jed bY the serl ' co- "boat and pianist, Loonls the .hole mood l relaxed;' McGlohoti, a big-band veteran Wilder &Id. He laughed. •tU\I and 0111 communlt.Y relations do lJley kriow I m sitting on director .for st lion WBT in bed ofspik all the Umc." Charlotte, N.C. All tM taping ls done at the lnkeftont oome of Dick Phipps. director of Uie radio aeries • .A,nd what the national audience hears la literally livlng·room performance. w,llder says. ..the :rooa ii t.hel'(l, the boOze l ther !Of Uios want it, arid IS THIS THE LAST LINEUP FOR MUSIC HAU. RcSCKElTE ? :Jackie, Joan, Carol end Eiieen Bemoan Plan. for CIO SI By The Auoclated Press Tbe followina are Billboard's bot record bits for the week ending January 21 aa they appear in next week's issue of Billboard magazine. HOT SINGLES t . BABY COME BACK -Player (RSO> 2. HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE - Bee Gees CRSO> 1. HERE YOU CO ME AGAIN - Dolly Parton (RCA) • 4, YOU'RE IN MY HEART-Roel ewart <WamnBrot.) SHORT PEOPIJE -Rudy wmnn (Warner Broe.) ,,'.I!.. TOP.LP• ..J., ••saturda7 NJ&bt. Fever .. ndtrack <RSO> ,. ROD STEWART-Foot LooH • ancy Free (Warner Bros.) , 3. EARTH, WIND Ii l'IRE -All 'N' All (Columbia) 4. ELECTRIC LIGHT RCHESI'RA -Out Of The Blue !(Jet) 5. FLEETWOOD MAC -Rumors arner Bros.) EASY LISTENING JUST THE WAY YOU ARE - 1 Joel (Columbia) i . HOW CAN I LEAVE YOU AGAIN-John Denver (RCA) -·-::.i;;;.-.--_p.. --·------:.· ~ ... lJT WATER Wn1 from the mainland to HawaU? • ... Well, after'a fashion. • trh~adventur.ra from San Dioeo clalm to have ac· UC• Boating Class Slated f tlr Tea hers UCI has Announced a a~ial c ss for bonUrlg administrators and instructors 1 one of the tbree-quarter sequence of special clasaes, which include one on-campus evertln1 lecture per week, plus ono afternoon on. the-w at.er lab. A unique aspect of the course i& he empt)asis on economic, political and legal cons1dera- tlon1 in developin• a public boat· int safety curriculum, accord· Plain f'act11 Ing to Carl Relnbart, instryctor and saillrii coordinator. Topi~ include PQwer boaUn1 theory, outbOard motors, in· bi>Ant engines, navigation, elec· tronic,, chart reading, compass, main{enance, construction, rules of the road, Ughts, trailer- ing, weather, ceoarapby. rivers, Jakes and oceans. " For further information call Carl Reinhart, Room 1104 Crawford Hall, UCI Campua. DEAR PAT: I plan to refinish sop:ie of my livina room tables and repair a veneer table top. Is there any 1ood. easy-to-understand In· formation about furniture reflnishlnc that would h'1p me with these proJ· ects? L.D., HooUncton Beach A YS 1a11est1 orderlag &he pam· pblet, "Wood aeftnl1bta1 b Tiie Home," b1 Andy Laa&. It detailt th techniques of usta1 vandlb, lacquer, •la•Uac, bl,acb, 1&1lli, ek. 8md U .,IT WAS A LONG, 1rueUn1, fun, scary Lllld •verythtn1 you tao lma1ine trip. Once wben I was on the ski I hil a turtle who waa as 1tarU d as I. I was thrown in the w ter." Calderon admitted 1ettfng seasick once nd Calamia ad· milted that "now and thep we all 1ot qucazy. •· The two men usually rode for aix h:(>ur periods while Sbell y, a colle1e coed, usually took three- hour rides. ... CALAMIA SAID that at n.iaht the skiers would ride In the wake of their support •h1p, th a strobe lieht givlnc aome-.ea&e ol direction. So what's next for tbe motorized water skiers? Calamia says he now bu h1I sights and skis aet for a trip to the Colorado and Feather rivers -and maybe even a craek at crostlnc the Hokltatdo Channel Jn Japan. l I BJ JUDITH OLSON Ol•o.11, ......... It la estimated that 10 million Amertc women use orat contracep- Uves of me brand.or another. • Most women pop.them ln ttielr mouth day after day •ith little tboU&bt about what they will do except that lbey pr. · vent preanancy. But the eft'eets of the pill are extreme- ly lmportaflt. one doctor, lnteniewed for a mapzlrie story, said tbat more thJD 50 metabolic Cbanies occur wben women use oral cootracepUves. Needs for certain Yltamlns and mineral.I are mcreased while others are decreased. StudJe.s 81' Wlder way to determine how women are affected by the pW but the cootra~ve 1a too new to know about lon1·rance effects, accotd.lni to Deryclt Kent, a Newport B~cb phyli- Dr. Wiiiiam Kandel: 'I'll wears tie aboUtonce a year.' ~~--:--- -"' -----_!_----~--.,__._ ____ ~-~ DEAJl A LANDERS: Your an1wer to Lh•ln Nightmare did b police across ~ n lion a dluernce. You aid, ''The wife haa to call the police wbJJe be'• •till hlttint her (a neat tiick) or enu.t tho help ol the children or netghbora. By th• time the police show up the ekunk i• acUo«i like a puaaycat. He eap, •Sbe'a nuta." The police believe him and that'• the end of it." No, Ann, we do not believe blm. Don't you think we have eyea and can see what be. baa done to ber? It'• true we can't arrest a man and take him away for buat· lnl up his own furnlture, but many times my partner and I have ot~ tered to take the wile to a friend or relative until ehe can coot.act an at- torney. Nlnett·nine per- cent of the time •be re· fuses. I can't count the number of times we have arrived wblle the husband ii actively beatin1 the dayllahts out of his wife, and what do you suppose happens when we finally _get him o See Need.-Help ... • 1-U A•• .l.allders pulled Off ba'f Sbe turns around and clobbers ua with • chiir or a lamp. I bave scan to prove it. So, Anni wben you say, ''The poUce believe him and that's the end of it," you're way off. We want to help but there ls only 10 much we can do. -BEEN THERE A.ND BACK DEA& 8.T.A.B.: Y• are 1'1#. Wlaata'• mwe, doieaa fll pol.lee offJeen llHe a.-abet tr.JIDI te break .. I 111 ~ It'• ducerom d ud more · oftea &hU DO& a u .. atle11 Job. 1117 apoJope.. DEAR ANN LANDERS: It baa become faahioaable for women to wear blouses unbuttoned very low - apd no bra. On those who have good figures it looks quite attracti•e. At aeveral parties re- < Pace ct) trlglyc des and cbolesterol, Dr. Kent aid. "But there are certain suscepUble pa· Uenta wbo have a marked lncreue." The ml1d elevaUoo doesn't \llll~ cause probterm lince the levels return to normal within aix months, Dr. Kent said. "But doctors abould determine whether a 1"0man' already bu elevated levels." Marked elevations can lead tQ pan· ereatltll, (an lnfJammatlon of the pall· ere •> or heart attaeu. O AL OONTMCPBTJVF.8 alsO Jiavo tom .. definite elf•cta on certain vitamins and other 1ubltuces," Dr. Kent noted. Wome:n u.uall.Y have low serum leftll of folacln, a 1Qb1tance wblcb l1 neceeeary for cell growth end produc· tlon, •Cf!CJl'Clina to Dr. Fredtrtck Stare, who wnite about the pW for ~·1 Bazaar magazine. Deftclmciea in follc acid can lead to me1aloblaat1e anemia, Dr. IC.nt elaborated. "It'• rare (or a woman on the pW to deYelop mecatoblutic anemia uni•• there'• an underlylnf defect; But any woman wbO becomes preenant Within three or foar months after 1oln1 ott tbe pUl may be vulriuable to deftdency ... The C011Sequence1 for a precnant woman, Dr. K«Dt nld. are a bl&her risk of fetal anomaly (bktb defect.a), ~ matUrltJ or fetal death. ... David Rank of Texas add ~es the crowd I i . 'befOre the bu I/fight j I I • I PVBUC NOl'ICE Monc:aroc.aonou IU ""'°" CIOUln'OllTM• ST Aft Gt' CAUflOlllOA POlt T"• COUWTYOP ORANG• ........... PUBUC NOTICE CN1M MOT1CI TOCfllOITOfQ SUl'lfllOlt coun 0, TM• ST A Tl ~ CAUP'OttMIA l"OR TH• COUNTY Of' CMlAMO• ... ......, !!stale ., VIOU H. MOHN, alte 1-----------1 VIOLA N08UIMOHN, 0...... l-----C...-lr-Cl-----1 NOTICll t$'ttHUV GllllN ... ._ "OT1CJTOC'llOl- PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITICIUS8USINIM N~STATIMINT Tiie loUowtne--•••.SO.no°"" -~ ... PUBUC NOTICE NOTICI TOCR•DITOH SU .. IRIOfl COURT 0' THI STATaMCAU,ORNIA 'Oii TMaCOUNTYO,ORANG• .......... PUBUC NOTICE f'IC'TITIOUS IU5111U1 • ·"* .,.., • .._ ... , •i. ~igw-a••llellne "'"' .. l fA,IJTRY IMPORTS 0' Nl:Wl"OltT, I' 0 lo• W St• A; IS" T•••••tucli ''"•· luu• Park. CAlllWlll•,..,1 NOTIC't TO ettaOITOltS SU .. IRIOfl COURT°' TMI IT ATI OI" CAUPCMIMIA f'Otl THI COUNTY Of' OltMCGI .... .,,., E11ete of ANGELA T MASSARI NOTO. Oecuwcl. NOTICI IS HERllY OIVEH lo the tr9df!Ol"I t/I "" ..,_. ... MN dtCAldtnl lllat all ,,.,_ 11Avl111 ctalms ... 111st 11\e 1el4 _...,,. aro requlr9d to Ille 11\em, wlll IN~_.,.,._,., 11\9 office ef h cler'll .. • ellow - PUBUC NOTICE fllCTITIOUS a.uSINUS HAMS ITATllMalllT PUBUC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS llUSIMllt NAMlaTATllM&NT cr9dlton ol ttie ebOve Mmiid ~ ,.,,. .. II.al all...,_._.,,,,. Cl-egeon.i IUP••t011ClOU•TO,TI4• Ille sefd dt<edlftl.,. ,_.,911 to me ITAT•~CAUllOftllOA l'Oil U.m, with h -~ -'-"' In TM• COUlfTY OI' otli\lfO• tM efflco of IN clerk of tne nove -.... ....,., titted court, or to sw-t them, •Ith lttato of OOMAL.O AUOUl1'U$ 11\e "410..._. 110<!'1\ori to 11\o un• McCAii, OecNMd. dertltn•d at .... law olflco of NOTICI IS Hl!RllV GIVEN .. Illa 'NIL.LIAM v. $04Ai110T, WI• JOO. w crHltw• """...,. """"-..n1 S.n Ml9uol Drl11e, Hirwport OH<ll, CA tNlt 111 W-b•kal cuim.~ A 92660, wtlldl ft the,._. ot b;ltl-of Ille aald ~ .,. '-lf'ff lo 111• the undets!OMll II\ all malton Ptrtalft. 1"'m, wltll ""' --8rY YOUCllett, II! Int to tile e&i.to ol aafd dKacl9nl h eff!U ti• derk Of .. Me• -"'""'" ·-"*''"' .... , ,,,. ffrti ....... c-1, • •• •-• lllMI. wllll Mrs. Beverly Reese Of Newport Beach ,..olkatlonfl 11111 notla Ille M<aMatl' -.Mn, to Ille IHI· 0ato0o.c_.11 1;,, Cit~• mtt ,._ • vate11C1e. shows off her new son, Stephen Robert, to ::'!t~~~r... =:.!:i1k:fl"=p1:!1:t~:::i~ Newport Beach paramedics Nick Waite 11 ....... "°,...*'-1 :::",~.:!~"::r:=~ Oelt) and Mark Walker, who helped her :~~~Y.aOll•UDT wlt11111 l•r "*"lw •tt•r 11\e 1rti deliver the baby early Friday When it * ......... °".. ..lull9lltl ... ..uct. became apparent she wasn't 0 olnf to N..,..ri ...,._CA tl... 0.IM J_., a. l911. e time. Although premature, 1be baby ls re- ported doing well at the hospital. lt was first time Newport paramedics J!ad de- livered a baby. Ma. Reese'• husband. Robert, missed the photo. He was home taking care of the co'8)1e's other chlldp Ttfr 0141......a:z . ~;~~'°' make it to Hoa& Memorial Hosplta in AIMrNt ----- Carter, 5. ""*"""a.-.,,._ C:..t 0..19 P•tot. TMCIMASU..t..':o _,..._,, J-. t. '· .... n. tf11 ....._., .. '--·-~-~--..:..---~~=S>=::: ...... ~ • .aat ,._. ,,.._ .. PUBUC NOTICE U.-. ...... CAftUI -----------~I 0141 ltl .... SJM .... Pt'8 ... 'tCT1Tt0111 a1111111u ~ITAT~NT PtJBLIC NOTICE Ntllllllld er.., c..t 0.llY Pllelf Ja• t, l4. a. •. tttl PVBUC NOTICE ~fl!"Phrey SOared With Joya of Politics He ttiOUjht and ho talked and he ran like the wind. ln vlct.Qry, he w11 ecstatic. In defeat, be bled bUl not tor long. He had something lnaide. an tnner CYTO. a sel{-aealing mecbanlam whlch enabled him to look at the same Jet of facts and replace eloom with cheer. Ht was almost never wi•.bout momentum. He was al'ln)'• his own best cheerleader. Hbtory and the election returns might astlY have inad him a Jlaml 1Unet ed n n l. n clne but bl~ci spirit. console bfs old friend, Jerrf Ford, on hli defeat. He pointed out to the rejected president that he bad restored public truat hi the White HOUse. Ford was ohly partially consoled. Humphrey tried aeatn. "Mr. President, you've bad 2~ years lri tbia bouae. l'cl have given 10 yean·ot my llf• to have had two days or two week& here." o months later, aow 'tel'· tlbly eaunt but still 1mil1Jla-, Hubert Humphrey was up there on the lnauguri.1 atand before t.be Capitol watdliag yet another man take the oath for the job he bad coveted so long. How did he feel? "I wOWd have loved to bave beeo prel51dent. It WU the ·•re.at heartache Of my U!e that :I dldn't make tt. because I think 1 ~oulcl have done ir-OOCl tor th1a country. I really bCiieve that. But I w11 not destined to be." .. t came •"11Y from that ewe-nlna t.b1nJdn& what be bad meant · to thla country anCI what his life had been, and l reallied you didn't bave to be president to be a IJ'eat man and be respect«! by your fellow citizens." .. l'VE BAD 80111£ marvelous conaolat!oa prlies, .. he eald ... 1 Just ean't tell you bow much tt mean.a to me. I noUce wbell I walk around now Jn tho Senate h•lla how c:aaslderat.e people are ol me. They ask about me. They are concerned, and I know that. I'm part °" the hlstorJ ot th1s place." •'This Is our test for quick reflexes and steering abllltyl" .FUNICV WI NKERBEAN .. ,_ . . . . by Tom NM "THURSDAY IS ~£.LEE~ eumtMY ... I -rn1~t< tu. SEND ~A CAA!> ~lei. &PUbtlo ftotlc:et: lnfottnaf e tmi>Ottune 7 Willow twig 8Montrnl &ubway Olnjured tOG11t11ot ~h•nct uw hll'I: Comb'°"" UJtwtah lnClfttb 68Petfomla A "WaltlnO for hftobt.• -· ~ ............. NOticei ~ Atreal estate advertl1ed l in th11 ntwapa~r ii 11ub. Jec:t to the Federal Jo'a1r ' Hou1tn11 Act of 1018 11 which muet it 111.,aJ to t advertise "any pre· ~ fffence, limitation, or t dt.crimtn,uon baaed on " race. color, r•lillon. .. x. .. or national onain. or • lotent.lon lo make any 1bch preference, llm1ta tioa. or discri minatloo." --- ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE, INC. A l OCAllY OWNlO COMPANY Sf HVING Jtlf SOUTH COASI AHLI\ _SINt:I 196! THINKING PERSONS HOMI - "Irvine is just one of our ideas for thinking peofle. Doesn't a low care home appea to the thinking person after a hard days work? Vet you have an efficient 2 Bedroom, den home for only !84,000. c .. 5529'161 ~DDED SPACE -Freedom Home has big detached 1ara1e with separate work room added. Priced below value at $4,000. 146-4141. Serving Costa Mc5a-lrvinc Huntington Beach-N ewport Beach Th.ii newspapt!r will no knowinfl>' accept any advert •Ina for r e. -------------~1111!1'--I sate which is in viola GNerol I 002 G..,... I OOJ Uoaollhelaw. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._..for $ale T!H U, OR •••••••••••••••••••••• TEH OOWN? G__... Real Eslale Valuu avera1• 10% fain per year, dollars i.eem to laee that much, Which should you own? I\ u rr W hi k I? -:,d l ~r 2!.lO 1 No:wpo rl BlvCI N B 1714) 61~·4b30 $49,950 Beautifully malDla1n~ adult only townhome In 1deal loc•tlon near ahop· pinJ • the beach. Can't 10 wron1 w/tbb btfl piece ot property " auch a low price. 646-7711. ~ Walker t; lee SIA SUR, SUM $17S.000Foura. See Ii hear Uae 1W'f and buk In the sun of Newport Beach Uvlns. JUST STEPS TO 'BEACH. Laree 2 Bdrm unit• with P•Uo1 le balconies offer excellent rental unlt1 for sum- mer /Winter rentai.. OPEN DAILY 1·5 460& SEASHORE DR. WHAT A IARGAIHl LilA Realty h 111 to offer ~pew and experienced lil~ le. •Receive top comm. POOL HOMIU SH,toOU VA.TUMS Tremendou. 3 Br home w/overalzod fam rm a. masalve brick fplc on UDO IS&.I 4 BR, 41,I baths: prest ge home, oversiied comer lot . .$375,000 UDO lS Newly remodeled 4 bdhi1., den, 4 baths, llvlnf rm. w/cathedral ceiling. Lge. master bdrm. suite. $224,950 llG CAHYOM 4 BR, tam: rm., 3 baths. Beautifully decorated Broadmoor Plan 3, on extra large lot. ~.ooo BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR :J4 I floy\1tlt• 1>,.,,,. N B 6/5 ·I~ It'> 1 vtew. SZS>.500. c 644·7211 roRDETAILS /.Jn l'illilL UAILL Y ho ASSOCIAl(S associated llllOKlll~ NI 11, 1011', ••J/' .••• ,, ..... 'I' Jt-6 I IOOZ CitMrol ............................................... HARIOR VIEW WSIC PalVACY-NtvACY -NIVACY This 4 bedroom haven is an execuUvc reward -green hills, blue Pacific, a homo to make it all worthwhile. Corona del Mar at its best! 1436 Keyview. Open daily till sold. $259,000. CAPICOD SH,000/$2,llO TOTAL DOWN WlndlDI roadw•y to llOU'ina 2 1tOC')' reczeat! ER-IEAL ESTATE NEWPORT ~EACH llACH llTllAT S57.tOO YllW ::r~=rB~ yard " ba,y are. .,..,. ~. Wlndln1 wqod walkwaya to aechadcd • tfyJ OOUrmet kltcben. St.tp.41own con eruUon uea plus flreplacel Sunablhe breakfaat SS0,950 2 nn.1Mi bath Condo. New carpeta &i paint. Erid unit facing reeo ues. HWTY, won't. last. ~~HERITAGE REALTORS IE UM19Ut IM '71 Does the thoucht appeul FO~ESTE OLSON ................. ··-- ,to you? ll 11<>, con.sider jobdq th• prest1alous olftces ol Unique Homes lot a futuUc 1978. Ac- celerated commiaaloo schedule, in-house awlni loans. qeative sales au1a, computer terminal le active trlllntng & ad· ministration. Be uruque in '78 with Unique llomea Real Estate. Cofltact Jim Wood al 67$-6000, Jackie ----------• Handleman ut 546 5990 Cc:iro.to d .. Mer I 022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOUSEALOME is worth this pn<.'el But you can live near the beach in Corona del Mar and have rear lenanta help pay. $175,000. I NORINS REALTY *494-1057 * Soutll of Hwy $139,500 An absolutely charmina 2 bedroom on Poinsettia with beautiful hardwood floors. Owner occupied forever and in xlnt cond . SBedroom F~ESTE OLSON '"""' ••••tt'l•• .. • thru-out. 2 Fun· double--------- 1ara10&CNot tandem). A1--------1 real doll house offered tar the fint llme ln over 12years. Call 644-7211 fordetaH1 cae: llDllB ILllll DD. CORONA DB. MAI 'I PLAN• TOWNHOISI --"~ _ ... ~--~ -----. : ---~ - @~.~ --., THE REAL I ESTATERS , ___ __.. r-OR~ST E OLSON oa.t• lo• ' ., '"' S.CJfffwy, 2Br1 Ba, mo. cqi ~ eves. ~1 3 B~' Ba w/bltns, frplc, -., A\Wl Feb 1. Stev IM-fSl0/5'0-11.Sl associated H rl f' r ~ · .i • ' • ·~ Jl1; \ll'IJ' ... ,,, • r,' •• BANK SAVIHGS COUMSELOI GLENDALE 'HD!R4L SAVINGS lOON~ Centu Dr Newport Beae!h, CA Equal Opportunity Employer.,M IF • CARL'S JR. 20925. E. Bristol Santa Alla. eour. - ltLLGliVIS SANTE FE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIO 6055 M•lt era..ge, CotZHI • l l • MllPW..W 71 ...................... ____ ... __ ..,.No exper. nece11. No Lecal SecrttarJ, NeWport . GENERAL alrikes or layofb. Plent)< Ctr criminal as famllT ot work. Call 539·1183, law attorney la lookinl LABORERS 9am·2Pm. for britht. re.p, exper'd letal eecy. Call 8"·'121:1 Needed lmmedJate17 for appt. Lall & abort term U· I b t ali:oment.e. HoUday • lmmedlat.e opeolnp full ~ •bo:;!~•a -:/.,:t v a cat 1 d D pa Y . orp/Ume.No~.nec. qechlldra.llwitclri•e. Hoapltalhatlon plan A&• lT thna 2& ~. Jlnlea1&17 MT'41SST ... ilable. Start Todla Kanne Corp. • I t L • l.. Income tu preparer, MACHIMI SHOP ~. m+d ~~~ Forems M/F •· .. -o-t_e_l _M_a_n_a1-er•_r_/_C_p_I-.. 314tC-..SDri•• -TOPPA1-Small motel. beb cu. 146-4741 lmpectlon If 70Q ue lootlnt for Km f/tlme ma1ntt wife <Acroa Prom RECEIYIMG permanent •t.eacb' poel· b o u • • t • • p t a a . Or~e Co. Airport> IMSPEC'ROH ~~=\,;Lf:!,~1--.-:::=:::-:-~:::--1..:=.!::..:.;:.:..;...;...::.,_.=,;::=.:.;:: Eq11al Oppor Employer S m a 11 pr e c l a I o n le penooal recoanlUon machined " molded thenwewanttotalllwltb GENEBALOFFICE part• for electro-you. Position requires mechanical ll'fl'felan k (/\I I ',II\ 11 J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ 1001 ....................... MUSICIOXU CLOCICS WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE EN GUSH SHIPMENT On Sale Mon. Jan 18, 9AM s..lowlt ........ Ltd 112'2 lolM CWH H.a. 1714) 191-7109 STEWART ROTH ANTIQUES Amertcao Oak Dealer• 150 E. l)yer Rd. 8.A. (at Newport Fwy) '151.-Z Elect dryer Deluxe Ken· more. Perf c:ond. Whitt. 979.4942 X -28 411, 645-1317 eVI DRYER. Gen. Elec. U1ed very lllUe, xlnt toad. $100. Pb 183-0165 Westlnahouaerefrit, F/F, 20 cu fl. aid• by aide $295. 5C8.a251 ' DOfJI 8040 ....................... DOG TRAINING YOUl' PlaceOI' lllne John Martln 541.oos& SPRINGER Spaniel, AXC, B/W, spayed rem. 8 mo'•, ceoue famJJ1 dot. szoo. 67i.(llllO DOBIE PUPS AKC, 1lre Olamplon Mllrienburs'• Cheyenne Autumn. 968-37$.3 FNeto Y• 8041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fem. cat. 1pay*9, vtf1 &r· fectloD1l• to a 1ood bome.955-0638 r.wtwe 1050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----------~ . - .. . 'UARWICK DAl'>UN I "',, 1,, l'1I •• '•' I 831 -1375 49J.Jl75 , l B1 aYCLA. GI .. ..., ...... A• blnPan coracwa. D·&l!'l tall 'U J tax um ~~·._ UM mate LelJllil-fa to pa1a a aultablo tu ,... 1 form pacb&o before electloo Ume. Corddra•• ••• ~Ith the 1clri"ul sidertns run-ninr for the state Senate 1 -camean.. he attended the Sad· dleback Area Coordlnatln1 Counci1l : award• din· : ner at the • Holiday tnn, CXNtDOVA La1una Hll.11 Frid~ nl1bt. The Orance Cout H• aemblyman 11ld that, If th• Letl•latme can't eome up with a better property tu relief bW, tho J arv1s proposal dtte~es pHH,.bftheetectorateJuoee., Tbe Jani• Initiative I• .a 389·word dlrecUve that would limit property taxes to 1 pel'Cttlt • of market yalue if approved by voters. ' The petiUoa placlnr the bl\IO on tho ballot waa 1l1n~ by 1,284 000 California voten and ta considered an opportunity fOf' taxpayers to let polittclua know how they feel about lncreaaJ.ns property useasmenta and tue1. Cordova abo said he ls eyeinf the state Senate seat now held by Dennis Carpenter. R· Newport Beach. ' Carpenter announ~ Dec. 13 that be would not run •lain for hia 3Sth Senatorial Dtstrtct seat. 1 leaving the door open for a possible later bid for the U.S. Senate. Asked when he would make up his mind whether to run for the Assembly or the state Senate, Cordova said lt would be sometime before tb• tnlln1 dc.adJJne. Candidates for atate Senate and Atatmbly po1t1 are re. quired to file with the 1eeret.ary oC state between Jan. ao and .F•b. 9 an 1ntOJJUon to ru.o tor of· nee. For i:4.tiCJiiltr LOS GJ!&fl-:fh> -Reacaera have called off the search for a lisht plane reported to ban cruheet offabore~ ear Palos "fei:des aftei a\o~ qe wai •lted, authOfttlea iay. Several ·clt.leeu had re~ seeing a briaht flare eraah toward the ocean. Saturday night. · 1 But rescue , t•am1 found oothl.na ~ and tbere Ytete no planes tel>Ciirttcl overdue, •ald Cout GuUd Petti' otncer ·Lee . Gron • ... -:'I.:·-:· .~ii,:.-.-. Mobile Home Fire Blamed . Dn Cigariette A 4llcarde4 clrar tte u blamed todt1 tor 000 flre that damai a '72,000 modlllar mobile bome beln1 cllJplay.ct at a Fouuta!D Valley factqry day. ~· The ll:IO a.m. Dl Wblcb wa• quickly deteettd by employees ~ Levitt ConltnaO'! • ti.oft Sflteml tnc .• 10800 lama RlHr Ave.. Wat ruled accidental by flre departmellt lo· ve1U1aton. Damap WU confined to the mobile home located at the LCS Inc. firm•• plant In the clt.)''• in· d\11trlal uu neu the SH Dfeao Freew~ ~Euclid Street. l'lre department autborlt111 ••ld today tb• dl1carded ~rette ~have fallen out Of an uh tra)' or Waf dropped by a smoker. Upholstered furniture ap- parently was i&nited by the smolderinC b\llt. Firemen said a ll'O\IP of pros- pectl ve mobile bome·buyera had been ushered tlarouib the model abortly before the fire broke out. The three workers, Joe Abeyta, L. E. Ffndley, and Oliver Desmar&la Mid they al50 oppose e!forts by the company to create an open ahop. Mias Charkey said e e>pen shop queauon &l"OIO becauae leas than alx percent of tbe 1,472 workers who went on strike last April remain off the job at the Coors brewery in Colorado. Small Boats NixonHea& Ba£k ID HUMPHREY New Storm Kills Three, CuuPower ST. PAl.114 inn. <AP) -Mr. and Mn. Richard Laine felt it H lmpartant lot their Uiree-onth:cld baby to Joln In Min· IJUOta 'a farewell to Sen. Hubert Jl.Hum~y. . Tb• couple tood patiently ln a I ear-zero deeree temperatures n the state Ca itot ate s Sun· cJay ni;bt. Mn. [alne hef d lhelr infant. dau1hter, Teresa, 1 wrapped in a yellow down com· lorter, while her husband held be hands of 4-year·old twins Jeucrind Jennifer. "When thia happens to l somebody as 1reat as Hum· iphrey you just want to participate in a personal way," Mrs. Laine said. f • Laine. a draftsman. said he admired Humphrey's stand on c}vil ri1ht.a, and the couraee with which be faced tbe caneer t.hal kllled hlm. ... " "We've been tellln& the WRITER REM!MB.E HUMPHREY'S CAREER~ Irvine Surchara Studied by Cor.areil • .. . The rally 11 f.l:nned at Teamften Union al 85' at 140 s. ~ Way. Oran1e. at 1 p,m. The Uu'eo workers present at today'• preu conference 11a1d the strike fl not over wa1es but concerna what they called dJpt. ty and human ri&)tt.s. ~ Amona their complaints ls a lie detecior test given brewery workers which allegedly in- . ,dudes queatlons about penonal linances, religion and sex. Ml11 Cliarkey said the test does not include personal ques- tions and consists of only seven queaUons. The three workers, Joe Abeyta, L. E. Findley, and Oliver Desmarais said they also oppose efforts by the company to create an open ahop, M lss Charkey said the open shop question arose because less than six percent of the 1,472 workers who went on strike Jut April remain off the Job at the Coors brewery in Colorado. Tiro Men Held On -~~loaive RapainSC P,....PogeAJ HUMPHREY his IS.month-old daughter who had belWl cryin1 from tbe cold. "I admlred him because he stood for the avera1e common worklng man," aaid Sands. "I shook bis band once w,hen I was 11 years old and I never tor1ot it.'' . To Thelma Johnson, 30, a black Minneapolis housewife, Humphrey's death was like "Jos. ing a member of the family. ''He did more for the black people and the underprivUeged than any man in history, includ- ing any president," she said. "The least I can do ls be close to him at a time like this." .Flotilla Protests AUCKLAND, New Zealand (AP) -About 100 small boati. carrying demonstrators greeted the American nuclear-powered submarine Pintado, trying to block the sub's entry into Waitemata Harbor. However, police patrol boats and an escorttna warship screened the protesters• flotilla today, and the Pintado docked a._ld smote bomtit, bovenna heJJ~pten and overturned small craft. Ctdifomia WASHINGTON (AP> Former President Nixon headed back to Call!omla today after at- tending a memorial ceremony for Sen. Hubert Humphrey, the man he defeated ln the 1968 pre· s1dentiaJ election. Nixon. who ended 3\A.a years or self·lmpo ed exHe from Waahlniton, attended Sunday's Capitol Rotunda ceremony with the approval of Mrs. Humphrey. He lert aboard a scheduled United Airlines flight to Los Angeles from Dullea Interrta· tlonal Airport 1hdrtly before noon after beln1 driven to planeslde by autornoblle, tho airline reported.. Congressional sources said Nlxpn a!'ked whether.there would be any objection to his attendJng. The request was relayed to Hum· phrey•a widow, MUJ'lel, who tald she would "absolutely not" Object to Nixon'• appearance, sources reported. .. It seemed a good Ume for him to come bade~· 11ld Sen. Mark Hatfield, R·Ote .• who joined otbier Republican leaden Ip meetma In- form allytlrith the formu cblef ex· ecutive. ·Wife Patrol • Totl~ured When Thief . S~:4Uro r By Tbe AlloclAted PteU A new storm »ioved Into Southern California today in the wake of drought·breaklnc rain .which baUerea Southern Calif ornJa over the we kend, floodtn1 roads, eav~ng tboueandt without power eDd clalmlng at least three lives. And forecasters said th new * .. * Fro.P A1 DELAYS ••• • 1torm would brlnt rain ancl au•ty winds throu1b tonJlbt. decreaam, Tueiday. Heavy rain wu blamed for th death of Jarnea Ed"ard Perklns, 18, ol Claremont. whole car atruck a railroad croSaing •ate nJl lo Pomooa du.rint tho SAN DIEGO TAKES STORM'S BRUNT-,U NORTH BAnEREO. BYRAIN~ storrn, autboriUes aald. A bout a doaen expensive homes along Malibu Road near Peppcrdino University aullered dam a when,mud 1Ud dou tbo surroundin1 hills. About 2,400 people In south .. central Loa An1ele. wer• without pow r for up to six botarS , when a totnaao.Jlke wind knocked down aeveral utility poles, said E4 Freudenbur,, a 1polreaman for Ute Dc!partment of Water and PoWer. A aopplnc wet palm tronct. sent Oyin1 by wlnd1, ahott• tireulted a power line ln lngl wOod, caUJlng a teznporJJY. power 101 tor about aoo customers. :1n L wndal • td>oth 1,100 :dents were wltb.out. pow" when a CB tenna brote 100$0 .. and bit a J>()Wer line. In all, southern Callfornta Edison 1ajd about 4,000. cuatomera were blacked· out in El onte, Beaumont, COrona, Lancaster, BeverJ1 HUIS and Late ArrOWbea<!, wbllo another 2,200 were blacked out in Alharn· bra and COIDpton. Mountiln riaort areas repcrt. ed es Inches ol snow attu the current 6tonn, but wlnCIS and freeztn1 tbnJl!lratuut repOrted· Jy made akilba poor. * * * l'ro.PqeAI TREia PlllCE APP&BaA'l10N over the put five yeart ranaed from 25:5 percent for J\ayanond lntemaUoaal to 425 ~ent for Unlttd-Enera Resources. Here arecapsuleprofllea of the top five: Unit.cl F.Derc1. operator ot tbe natbnl ,.._P111 lne. wu spun~ by PennioU ln lrtC. Moore MCCofmact operates ca~ Una and coal ~. Watm0ttlmd ls one of lbt nation top coal produetra. £.Systems Ii an elec· tronlcs ap~~!!~ 1from the LTY eongJomer.ate. Earth Resoureee rama and markets oU. Wft"R 1112 EXCEPl'ION OP Uolted Ecctty, oone baa aalea exceedinc S:SOO mllUon. Three of the five wtnnen -United Enerjy, E~ et'llS d Eartb Resources -are baled 1n Texas. Adrienne Barbeau ~tar.s as a nurse in the Korean War in the rpremiere of th new comedy series The Fighting Nieht· ingales tonight at 9:30 on CBS , Channel 2. Ouell&s: ~ Ctllae, Chuck Woolery, Nene ""°'*'Otltt. 7:00 N90 NEWS UAMCt.UB M!CNewa ILOVIWCV When Lucy buys I OllCIOM In rMpOnM to 111 lld. Alclly ~"'*· • ADAM-12 Oaann~I Lbtb•fl• 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles KNSC(NBC) Los Ang1t11 9 KTLA (Ind ) Los Angeles 0 KABC·TV (ABC) Los Ang1l11 Cl) KFMB (CBS) S•n 011go D l<HJ.lV (lnd.) Los Angeles 0 KCST (ABC) San Diego I KTlV (Ind) Los Ang1111 KOOP·lV (Ind) Los Angel11 e KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angele• CD KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach By DAN LEWIS TV OMa S«vka Until John Ritter 1ot married a few weeks aJo, the principal characters in one of televlalon'a most successful aeries, Threo's Company, appeared meUculous· ly tailored for their rol s. They were all 1in1le when the show became a late·aeason entry and major hit tut 1prlri1. Now, Three's COmpan71a rid· ;n1 an enormous crest of popularity. It'• been amon1 the "Top 10 all seuon and the be6t rated relU)ar aerM; for Uie llith week of the 1H1on. Tbree'a Company was topped only by the first three pmee of the }Vorld Series. ,. • • ·host nd piani t, Loonts McGlohon; big·bend veteran and now community relations director for atation WBT in Charlot~ N.C. ' • Totl~ured WhenTHUif Steal8 'Auto . Altecl •hen he wouJ.4 mu• up Ills mind whet.be to nm for the Aaembb' or the atate Sen1te. Cordova •aid It would bJt 1omet1me bet ore the flllln1 dtadllne. Candldites for state Senato and Anembly .J>o•ts are re· qulred to file with tbe 1ecretary ot 1tate betweea J~ 30 and Feb, t a lmft>tion to nm for ol· ftce. More Due Ton.,,,.t Three Lives Lost In Weekend Storm By fte Aaoel1ted Preis A ntw storm mo\led Into Southern callfomla today In the wake of droulht-breaklnl rain which battered Southern CallfomJa over the weekend, flooding roads, lea vlng thousands without power and claiminc at least three Uves. And forecasters said the new storm would bring rain and gusty "lnda through tonight, decreuin1 Tuesday. Heavy raJn was blamed ror the death of James Edward Perkin.I, 18, of Claremont. whote car struck a railroad crOA1D.1 aate arm in Pomona durln1 tbe atorm. authorities. aa.ld. About a do~en expensive homes alon1 Malibu Road near Pepperdine University suffered dama1e wbq mud alld down the aurr0Wldin1 hllla. About 2,400 people th aout.b· central Loa An1elea were without power for up to aix boun when a tornado-like wind knocked down several utUlty poles. said Ed Freudenbura, a spokes~ for the Department s.\N DIEGO TAKES STORM'S 8AUNT~3 NORTH BATTERED BY RAIN.....;,\5 of Wit.er and Power. Tiro Men Held On ExplositJe Raps in SC A aoppin1 wet r.•lm frond, sent fi)1n1 br w nets, 1bon-et rc u lted a pow,tr line In .. Jnclewood, eaualgc a temporu, power lou for about BOO cu1tomers. t I In Latmdale, another 1,300 rea-! den ts w•re without pewer whert a CB antenna broke t~ and hlt a power Une. In all, Southern CalJfornla Edtaon 1ald about 4,ooo. customers were blacked out ln El Monte, Beaumont, COrona Lancaster, Beverly HUJs and Lake Amnrhead,.whlle anOther 2,200 were blacked out 1n Alham- bra af!d Con\pton. Mountain retort areu report- ed 95 lncha of snow after th~ current storm, but winds and freeiing t.emperature1 reported- ly made lklinl P°-Of. Elltg-'.l'hat'• Nitt9 ~ Lagun Beach Lions Club member celebr ted the club's 50th onnlveraary Friday nJcht with dinner 8nd a~eches at the Hotel Laguna, Curr nt preitdent Gerry Matlock, left, and past president Nixon Head. Baek to Uilifomia WASHINGTON (Al'> - Former l>restdent Nixon headed baclc to California t.Od1y after at. tendins a memorial ceremony for Sen. Hubert Humphrey, the man he defeated 1n tho 1968 a>n· sidonUal election. Nixon, who ended 3\i years of self ·imposed exile from Washlneton, attended Sunday's Capitol Rotunda ceremony wilb the approval of Mn. Humphrey. He left aboard a athedwed United Airlines fllcht to Los Anseles from Dulles Interna- tional .Airport ishortly before noon after beln1 driven to planeside by automobile. the airline reported. Conertssional source§· aaid Nixon asked whet.her there would be any objection to his 1ttendln1. The reciuest wu rel1ytd to Hum· phrey'a wfdow, Muriel, who said she wouJd ''absolutely not" object to Nixon's appearance, sources reported. "It seemed a 10od tlme for hlm to come back,·· 11ld sen. If ark Hatfield, R·Ore., who jolned Other J\ publican leaders In meetmp tn- f orm ally wfth the fonner chle ex· ecuttve. * * * FroaaPage.4~ HUMPHREY mont, Minn., cu•todlan who waited tour houre to aee the casket, aaid he actmlrld Hum- phrey for his ''honesty and drive an cl th& way he tried to help the needy." ••He wu so sincere In every- th ln 1 he was· almln& for:• Landaverk Aid. Bob S1nd1, a 23-year-old welder from Bi'Oo1tlyn Center, Minn., Ht .tn a Silv•Uon Arm'1 van drinkinc cof f eo ancl ~oldlaa hJ1 1s;montl\-0Jd daupter who had bep ctytng froin tho cold. "I admired him because ho stoOd for the avera1e common worklnc man:• said 1 Sands. "I •book his hand once when t was 11 Yt&n old and t .never foriot it.'' To Thelma Johnson, 30 a black MlnneapoU.a houaeWffe, Humphrey's death wu like "lol- tn1 a member ol the family • .. He d!d more tor the black people Md the UnderprtvU"td than any man In blatozy, laclud· !DI any pr ldent," .she 1ald. 'Tb t I can do ls close t.o him ta tlm lite this ... F~ur Take Plunge Off Ne~ort ~ier A dot that plun1ed lnto the chilly waten oft the Newpoct Pier early this momio1 ,,trt1- 1ered a cha.in of events that ended with one man auffenq from •hock, one booked tnio ~ Jaitandtwoothenwetandcold. Accordla1 to Ufepards, the Incident be1an at about 2 a.m. when the dOI apparently de· cJded to 10 for a 1wJm nd jum~dolfthtpJer. In succession, the do1 was followed .Jnto the 60·decree water by-,_il o•ner, Eu1ene Bockert, 31, of Newport Beach nd two other mea, Brian Blelfuss, 22, of Newport Beach and James Jenntngs, 28, addreu unknown. A lifeguard apokeaman aaid It appeared that the three bad been drinklns earlier In tbe evening and that all three were trylnc to either rescue tile do& or each other. Pu1ereb~ ~ailed police for help and atrolmen diapatcbed a Another , RAIN. • • 10~ inches, compared to S.95 inche1 lastyear al tbil tlm,. • Th• Oran•• Count)' Harbor Patrol in Newport B~ach reg· tstored 1.97 lnchee over ~b weekend for a season sum of 9.03, up from S.89 lasl year. In Huntington'-B e acb, Tainwatchel" J. Sherman Denny. tallied 1.86 lncbes, brln1ln1 the , ~eason to 10.55 Inches. Laal year's total at this Ume was 8.52 inches. The La1una Moulton Treat· ment Plant In La1ut1~Nl1uel re· ported a meaeurem !ll at~~ jnches1 for a season t al ol 0$ inches-Lall year at is time total waaonly3.!)Slnches. ) * * * New Storm Kill.s Three, Cuts Power By The Aasoclated Prus A ne w storm moved Into Southern C&Ufornla today in the wake of drought-brealdnt rain .whic h batte red Southern California over the weekend, flo o d i n1 r oads , leavJnc thousands without power and claiming at least three l,lv11. And forecast.era 1ald the new s torm would bring rain and gusty winds throu1b tonl1ht, decreasing Tuesday. Heavy rain wu blamed for the death of Jamu Edward Perkins, 18, of Claremont, Whole car struck. a rallrQaC! crOaalnC gate arm in Pomoaa durta1 the SAN Dl!QO TAKES STORM'S 8'nJNT-AI NORTH BATTERED BY RAIN-AS 4Mesans I Jailed in • ~Bust Four Colt& M men were in In today after belq arr thl1 weekend ln conneetloo with the aale of S500 worth ot heroin to undercover Newport Beach offtcen. Two of the four. Bruce ElUOtt Jobn1on, 20, and Jorte Arredon· do Solla, 24, were booked on IUI· plclon of sellin1 the Ullett • narcoUc. Both are held tn Oran1e County Jail ID lieu ot $10 000 ball each. The other two, Alan L6ckwood Brown, U. and James Robert Andenon. 22, were booked into Newport Beach clly JaU on· charies of belnc under the ln· nuence of HerolD. Th•Y are be· inl held in lieu of $1,000 ball each. Polle' aaid the arrests, which occurred at the apartment that J ohnaon 1hares wit.b hJ1 mothtr on Fairview Road in Costa Meaa, ended a two.week ln· vesti1ation of Johnson and Solla. Ofttcers 1ndtcated that Johnson:. mother wu unaware of tbe alle1ed Uliclt actlvttles ln which her aon was engaaed. Detectives said that, In aC:ldl· tloo to the balfo00nce ol Mexican brown heroin, they aelzed • )edger lialln& alle&ed heroin transactions. Tun Men Held On Explosive R!JPs in SC ' Pr ident Carter Cleft) tops this year's list of best dressed men, according to the Fashion Foundation of America. Others on the list were (from left> Egyptian · President Anwar Snda~ New Hampshl Gt>v. Meldrim Thompson Jr., singer Tony Bennett and baiebaU player Reggae Jackson.· B1 Th AallOtlated Plett Thouaand• were without pow r along the E t Cout to- day after a weellend •now 1torm. 'Early today the ton1 JJJind L11htlnl Co. 1ald about 183,000 suburban Ne..+ York customers atlll were wtt.hoUt power. Service mliht not be reltOred unUl Tues· day ntctit. The weekend ttorm dumped up to 15 lnches ol snow In •ec· tlODI ot nOrthem New En1land. A 1pokHman for Nar· raianaeU Electric CO. in Rhode Island aald Sunday nJa:ht It may tie tour or five days before power ii restored ln aectlons of Cranston, R.I., where winds con· tinued to knock down power line• aa aoon as they were re- paired. The company tald about 21,000 customers were without power: Sunday night. Cranston achooll were cloeed today. Raln, snow and sleet were ex· peeled In wide areas of the Southeast today. Geor1la had unae•aonably cold temperature• Sunday, wlth the hlib ln Atlanta St. In Mlaml, temperatures were expected to be In the 40a to- -day. More anow wu forecast for Virfinla, 4fter a weekend storm tcnock~ oul power In acattenel areu; more than 40,000 people in the state were without elec· trl~ty at one time Saturday. CdM Trio Selected By Honor Group Three Corona del Mai Hl&b School mualc 1tudtn" have been aelftted by al.lcUUon to pei'form wttb the AJl·Southern Callfornla Hlth School Honor Orchtttta. Stleet.ed were 1JunJOr Richard Chaetn, who pfa11 trumpet. aenlor Outllt Kriiten Wtntet and atrln« b&mlt De'na 'errell. ..... Temperatures remained well below freezing acroa most of Maryland and DtJawar • Stmllar 1roblem1 wer ex· perleaice Ja wide ar•H of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Rain and ovemllht fl'Oltl hit Alabama from a storm that wu dumpln1 snow on western T n· ne11ee. Hunt~on Oil Slick Disappears No trace has been found of a driftlng oil slick reported Satur· day nt1bt alter up to· 500 canons of crude petroleum aplllcd dur- ln1 Joadini of the 300-foot tanker Ocean Victory off Huntln1ton Beach. Spokesmen for the U.S. Cout Guard Search and Rescue head· quarters In Lon1 Beach said ~ day they dlapatcbed a helicopter to aearch for the driftlDS crude oil at daybreak. T~e chopper returned to bue alter ltl crew surveyed a wide area ot the aea alont the OrAn1e Cout Without 1potUn1 the slick which spewed Into the ocean two Jllltlta.a~~ .... ....-AUtncmtle• aald Saturday nl&ht after offtclal1 Of Gull OU ·company reported the 1pll1 that they expect lt will drift aabore downcoaat from Hant1n1ton :Seacb. · Coast Quaid spokesmen nld no pleesure or tommerct.11 boat • crew• have reporkd •l•ht· lii8 the reJaUvely small oil spill which orllinated at • plpeltne loadln• tmnmal Off aboN. The mlih•P occurred offabcft trom Padtlc Coast Hl&Jlwa7 and Huntlnatoa Street cfurtn1 the pumplna operaUon, In 'Whleb the Ocean Victory w11 taklnf on petroleu!Q fJ'Om an lftlaild ti.Dk fartn. • BOVAN ••.• · WAITER REMEMBERS HUMPHREY'S CAREER-CS Parking Lot'• Full Two San Diego men show their frustration and anger as flood waters caused by weekend rain sink their car in Mission Valley alongside the Stardust CountrY. Club golf . 1 HeldAfter children about Senator Hum· 4 T.'ake Pliing~ phrey. and thl• .. will b• a --e~ t--a...JllUIJlCl.Ql:;¥...Jlar...J~:n..;.;;..ma.....&..1im.~~~~~~ 1 l In NeivptJrt In succession. the doc wu followed into the 60·de1ree water by bis owner, Eu1ene Bockert. 31. of ewpotlt Beach and two other men, Brlan\. Bleifus, 22. of Newport Buch and James Jennlnp, 28, address unknown. A llf eiuarct spokesman s Id it appeared that the three had been drinklna earlier in the evening and that all threo were tryln1 to either rescue tho dot or each other. WUe y JACKIE 11\'MAN OI • Oli!tr,.... M4llf John Henderson 'Of the Na· tronal W~r servtce 1111 the f orecatt 11 for lncrualrij rain tonl1bt ind bowers Tuodty mo ming. "And then It abou1d quit ratn. 1na for • d._y and a half," ht la.Id. Stritinl btewel')' wtrmen"ftJr the Adolph Coon Co. h v lm1!- ed the public to a Sa 1 rally to "drive Coo... r OU\• Of Orance O>Uftty... ' Ue e sttt Q o eonWid~ ~q Jllne.;,.~."!"­strlke an<t tiOycott effort a1llril Coors has harmed Calif omla sales, spokesman for the local Coora diatrlbutorahlp termecl effect .. minimal." The 1poke1man. C rolm Char key, aald •¥ have been affected somewhat by 1rowtn1 com petition la Souther~ Callfornla u well as a lack Of public acceptance of 1he DOW·· scrapped Coors punch tab can. Three of the 1tdldn1 worken me m ber1 of the Brewerf Workers Loial 386 in Golden Colo., announced Saturday's ral·. ly at a preas conference tbia morntn1. They were accom· panied Pete Remmel of tbe Cen- tral Labor Council of Ora.nae CPunty (AFL-ClO). The rally la planned at Teamaten Unlon Local 8M at 140 S. Marki Way, Oran1e, at 1 p.m. Tbe three workers present at today's press conference said the strike ls not over wain but concerns what tbey called dlpl· ty and human ri&hts. Among their complaints ls a lie detector teat elven brewery workers which alle1edly in· eludes questions about penonal finances, relialon and sex. Miss Cbarkey aaid the test does not include personal ques- tions and consists of only seven questions. The three workers, Joe Abeyta, L. E. Fll\dley, and Oliver Desmarais said they a1ao oppose dtorts by the company to create an open shop. Miss Charkcy said the open shop quettlon arose becaua• less than six percent of the 1,472 workers who went on strU<e laat April remain orf the job at the Coore brewery in Colorado. Pole Thefts Jail Marine SAN DIEGO (AP) -A 28-year- oJd Martneofficerfaeet• 1eoera1 court.martial on four cbar1es of slHllnl and selllD1 1overnment property-• utility poles, •bl• spokesman tor the ldUIDe Corps Recruit Depot. The char1et revealed T\a8'cfay accuse U. Kemp D. EW1 ot En· cinitas of st.eallnl the polet oo two OCCUIODI last Auaust and September and selling them for neatly $3,300. Ellls la an offtcer In tho 3rd Recruit Tralnina Battalion aDd la in char1eoffourplaloonloflraln· inl recrults and tbelr drill in· atructora. Search Ended For Airera[t Set, One, TtDo ••• Karen Woodel, juniors' quarterback, is recelVlng ball from coach Ken Bares -while coach Rich Brown gives advice. It's all a prelude to the El Toro High School Powder Puff Football game Wednesday at MiSaion Viejo High School stadium. Pregame activities be~ at 7:30 p.m. with kickoff at 8 p.m. Proceeds from t.icket sales tor the classic battle between the junior and senior gifts will support women's athletic activities. Saddiebllck Council : -.Presents 18 A.wards Awards were given to 18 peo. pie during the fifth annual S•d· dleback Valley Coordlnatlne Council dinner at Holiday IM, Laguna Hllll. Exceptioaal Award recipients were Henry Beaudry of Leisure World. Harold Beck of South Laguna Hilla, Jamea Bone of Aegean Hills, Alfred Driscoll of Leisure World, Herbert Tellman of Laauna Nhtuel.· Peter Nixon Heath Back to Thommes of El Tore). Derek Whlte of South Laauna Hills, Boll Price df South Latiuna Hills and outgoln1 president Rlck Bobay. who . alto received Outstandln1 Service Award. • Meritorious Award recipients at the Friday ni&ht session were !Ury Cornellua of Leisure World, Mary Drane of Lelaure WC)rld, Georae Goodale or t.as~o• Hilla, Mildred Hud81ns ot El Toro. Frank Lovett of Lebure World, John May of El Toro, Phlltp Murdoch of Letaure World, Mar)' Phillipe of ~· oreat, lrene Pubhnan of La1una H1ll1 and Marcia Rudolph of Ae1ean JUlls. SACC acta an an umbrella or- • ganlzatlon of varlou1 homeowner oreanlzaUODS in the county'• Saddleback Valley eetvlce areu and offera recom· mendaUons on ilsues and ap. plioation1 scheduled for coo· 1lderatlon by county 1upervlsori and planning commlssionen. Guests honored at tbe awards dinner Included county · supervilon Ralph Diedrich and Tom RUey and 14th District Al• 11mplyman Ron Cordova, D· Lake Forest. Boyle Jw;r EY,ed ............. ) BOYAN ••• man. Pollce claim Kulik, Fedorow1kl, former H•re Kr11bna devotee Roy Cbristopber Rlcbud, 28, and Newport Beach buslne11man Joseph Shelton Davis Ut, 28, all partners ln the Newport Beach investment flrrn. Prasadam Dia· tributin1 Jnc., hired tbe trio to killBovan. l'otlce ctaJm indicted AnthOny "LltUe Tony" Marone Jr., 23, ancto'lt~ond Steven Reseo, 28, both ot HunUnitoJl Beach, were worklng wtth Fiori at the time Bovan wu 1unned down outside tbe !H .Ranchlto restaurant. Al10 free on ball today alter beinl ordered to return to the courtroom Jan. 21 wu Kulik'• wife, EllJe Caban Kulik, 28, ol NewPpl't Bo ch. FroraPageAI FUND ••• 'stadium. :l'homsley Hi~ the $10,500 special campAtan fund to pro- mote bond approtal would be dlvlded amonc the dl1trlct'1 •even tnatees to u1e aa they see fit. The amount ls fiaMd on what the dlatrict hu apent IA previous elections, be 1Jld. · . An alternative to divldln1 bond c:ampal1D funds 1mon1 truateet would l>e to use the moaey for board-approved ne.w1paper adverUelna. telephone campatptn1, printed fllen, ar other' promotion tech· nlques, 'lbornsleys d. A third Choice suuested to the l>Oard Would be to e tho fubd or a oombl&i&Uon Of •ndlVidual truatea' and bOard-~DsOnd projects. • • nu TBB EXCIPl'ION or UD.lted EQero. none bU •alet exceedin1 $500 mUUon. ... Thfteot the live WiDnett-Unfted Eoera, ·~ IUld :Barth RaoUreee -are bu4ICl Tnaa. Oaann~l Lutl"fl• I) KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D 'KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles I KTLA (Ind ) Los Angeles KABC-TV (ABC) Los Ange4es Cl) KFM8 (CBS) San Diego D KH.HV (Ind) L°' Ano•••• 9 t<CST (ABC) San O•eoo I KTlV (Ind ) Los Angeles KCOP-TV (Ind.) Los An~tes KCET-TV (PBS) Loa Angel .. G KOCE·lV (PBS) Hunttngton Beach By DAN LEWIS TV DM• lenlc• Until John Ritter .eot marrled a few week.I a10. the principal c:liaract.era in one of televtalon's rnost aucceaaful series, Tb('ee'a - Compuy. •ppe•red meUeWOus- 17 tailored for their roles. They were all 1ln1le when the show became a Jate-seuon entry and major hit last 11prtn1. Now. Tbree•s Company ls rid· J i an enormous cre1t or popularity. Il'• been amon1 the crop 10 all season and the beat rated regular series for the 1lxth week of the 1eaaon. Three's Company wu topped only by the first three sames of the World Serl ea. JOHN PIA YS the alnale male who lives with two •ilJB!• females in a Santa Moiilca apartment. There'• no hanky panky amone them, and the three have promlled that it will stay that way as tone as the aeries thrives. The roles of his Uve-tn compa· niona are played by Joyce DeWitt arid Sunnne Somera. U'a a contemporary aeries, focuatnc on social mores of a more Uberal·mlnded •eneratlon.