HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-23 - Orange Coast PilotStolen Antiques Probed KIDNAP ••• BONN, West Germany CAP> -.. Soviet Preetdent Leonid I. Bre&baev sent lettera to the beads of NATO 1overnmenta warnlng them against the in· troduction ct the neutron bomb, Weat German and NATO of· ficiala confirmed today. No details of the letters were officially divulced, but the West German daily newspaper Die Welt reported that the penonil note sent to West German Chan• cellor Helmut Sebmldt w~ "al• le1eC11)< written in a 'rude' man· ner." A Bonn government spokesman confirmed that what be called a "direct" letter on the neutron bomb bu been sent to memben of the North AtlantJc Treaty Orllhlsatlon and ~ countries that algiliecl the ms Helsinki accords on Europelln 1ecurity and cooj)eration. A spokesman at NATO head• quarters bl Bruuela, Bellf um, Hid tbe letters, received about Ulree ft'eeka 110, were sharply crlUcal of U.S. development of the neutlul bomb. • Brrilmev recat11 bu stepped up tile Soviet dlplomaUc c · • palgn aptmt the new nuclear weapon, 1aytn1 Moscow ml1bt re pVnd In kind if President Carter decides to 10 ahead wltb production and deployment of the bomb. The neutron warhead pro- duces twice the deadly radlat.lca of a conventional nuclear bomb but less than a tenth as much blast power, beat and fallaat. Thus destruction to buildlnas al\d other inulmate object• ould bo tar 1•11. and tbe , w 1pon wou.14 be Ulied primarily agaln1t enemy troop concentra· tiona. • Defense officials want to deploy the neutron warheild on Lance mlullea and artillery ahella 1n EF.Ope where NATO allies aN OUlnumbir.,ct • l>1 SO.: vlet bloc~ anCl tanki. The tuture ot the bomb bas become a autjof polltlcill t11ue in West Germany. where m0&t of the warheads probabt;~d be deployed. · Die Welt quoted Bonn "P· ernment elreles"..,u 1aytn1 tbe Wat Gtrmana would take their time abOut ans"'8rin1 the let&«' trom QSCO.W. Marine Listed As Serious After SlayiQgs ffigh Court Sets He~ On Pensions WASHINGTON (AP) -'!be V.S. SupreJAC Court rule unnnlmoualy ~•Y .. tbat def dants who suecesaMiy ci Shtl suits mQ: gei the other aide to pay their lesat costs When the SUit WU "frivolous, UD• reasonable or without founda· Uon." ,. The court'• op'hilon, written t;i,1 Ju1UC0 Potter Stewar_t1• ap: peate<t to fQblon a inia.cue-of'·, the-road approach to a ~I;.\ question answered differently bY; 1 varlo\11 lower federil courts ' tbepast. , 1 • WASHINGTON (AP) -Presl- r dent Cart.er sent Conareas today a budaet he described as "lean : and tight," but that may not be l fean enough to please some key t members. Cart.er'• bud&et proposal calls for ~.2 billion to be apent for fiscal 1"19. It provides fOr new ~odlni for dertnte, education and hea.IU'I, and leaves a deficit Ol $80.1 bUUOn, UI tblrd Jariest ever. "I would Uke to '" ua under $500 billlon," House Speaker l'bomaa P. O'Neill told re- porters, rererrln1 to Carter's apendin& plan.' But O'Neill said proirama for jobs and economic itlmulation CARTER'S BUDGeT IMPACT VIEWEl>--A4 STATE'S PROJECTS TOP WATER ALLOCATION~ would not be aacntlced uror fense or miythlq e!Je.,. The admlnhtratlon'• economic, plan "ls not without considerable riska,.. aald Rep. Georae Mabon, D·Tex., lflorie €...ediaa f tn addition, the flowlni sewaae iw to fears of under-ground damage to the heavtly traveled roadway and police diverted all traffic off the highway between Riverside Avenue arid Dover for more than an hourSUftdiy riftetJM>O~ Newport Beach rape aiut buralary euspect Gerry CurtW BrJn•I• wu ellmtnated todq .. a ·~ m &be tntunoua Sact'&mento Eutalde Bapllt Cl.I • Nobl,ernan . KU/napped In Paris PARIS (AP) -Gunmen CID Ii motorbike anc! bidden lo a parked truck cloeed 1D OD the chauffeur-driven automobile ol Baron F.douant Jean Empaln oo a Paris street today and kid· napped the BelctaJ) nobleman. one of Europe'• wealthiest ID· dustrlallab, police sources said. The aources said no ransom de mand had been received several hours after tbe late· morntnc abduction. The 40-year-old Empain, whose mother waa Columbus, Ohio-born music ball atar Rozell Rowland, la president and m anaatng dl recto"r of the F rench-Belgian Empain· Schneider ll'OUP· The conatomerate, which bu a n annual turnover of $4.S billion, is France's only nuclear power plant manufacturer , building U.S. Westh11bouae plant.I 'Wlder license. and baa large steel. shipping, b1nldn1 and machinery production in- terests. The chauffeur was reported badly beaten by the kidnappers and hospitalized Cor treatment of his injuries. Ero• Page Al PARCEL ••• S•cr Colthty 1 Deputy st1i 1a14 ~ that BrenaAD ta illO lon,.. be- ing probed 'Y tbe Eaatalde Rapbt tut fOC'Ce becaUM &be deteeUftl ~blllbed that be was In Utah at tbe Ume .ome d our cues were hpoa1od." Meanwbllo, bOweYer, det.c- t1ve1.1D Prcwo. U&ah, lndUdllli one oftlcer from Newport \ Beacb, HUI the1 expect to a pend tbe next few d111 c&talOluin& 9'aat ~1 beUe¥e ere stolen anUquos towad 1D Bran1pn'1 Provo bOme •• 'Ibey tatatlveb' • tbe nlae af the Ueui• at men ttiaD $1 ID Branaim hu ~th rape and ~ In eoll• neetlon wltb two bieak·lns In Corona de1 Mar bOmes in wb1ch rapes occurred an4 anUquu were stolen. He remains fn <>ranie Count1 Jail. held ln lieu of $50.000 ball. Branagan WU lnlUally llnk6Cl to the Eastalde Rapist cues Friday during a ball hearinl held ln the Barbor Judicial J>b. trlct Court. Newport Beach detective Michael Blltcb teatlnect that• similarities between the rape cases in Newport Beach for which Branagan wu lirrated and the 29 cua attributed to the Eastslde Rapht In Sacramento. He also testified that two rinaa and a rtna box found in Brana1an'1 car matched the deacription of ltems stolen in one of the Sacramento cues and that the Eastslde Rapist's blood type matclled Brana1an'1 "down to a relatively mlnitcule subgroup." Later. however, detectlvea said the rin&s were definitely ideoUfled as belnc from two Southern Calllornla buralarte1. Sacramento detec'1vee, who bad been in Newport Beach alnce last Monday, dropped out of the investigation. ...... _ .... 1 · SNUFF ••• bis illness and cletennfne If the disorder is of cardiac orl1ln. Douglas ls free on $100,000 bail while be awaits.trial 011 cb~ of attempted murder at'\d sollcitaUoo. of murder. TllOff dW'tet were filed last Jul,_.31> after the turnlture re- finilhef was aitelted at a Yucca Valley cabin by two undercover police women who sald he rtcrulted thelJI for role• ln p rooirapblc 19ovlea be ln• tend'd to make at the desert location. It ts alleged that Douclas ln· tended to murder the two women and dlamepiber them 11 tbe final scene rln hl• "snuff pomo,. movie. A wltne11 testlf.ed ln munJclpal court action aplll.st Dou1tu that be offered her $1,000 for each of flve women be uked ber to rocru1t tor mcme matina that woUld ln.c1 thell' sublequent tm.uns aQd. 8UDW2a· Uon. Sb• testlfted that DoUilu told her be hid alteadY ltllle'd five auch women WtiO Wftd m his movies, dlSmem "ed ~tlitm 8M buried them lri eurrotmdlil' nmote cSetert area. An l~lve aearch of the crease 1WTouDdln1 the cabin falled to produce any elsn of human 1tmaln1. WQllND• e1e7e •:ten ...., ............. MAP SHOWS LOCATION OF TRAFFIC FATALITIES IN MESA DURING PAST TWO YEARS. N9WpOlt 80ulwai'd H• DUbloua Honor •• City'• Mott Dangeroua Street. OC Air.port Fight Eyed ByN~ort Newport Beach city coun- cthnen will be uked tonleht to set ulde '350i000 to be uaed to hire experta to belp the ctty in ill fight a1alnlt expualon of Orance County Airport. Clty Attorney Dennis O'Neil, In a memo to tbe counell noted that .. if we hope to at.ave ·off· • • • presauree for e~nston. we mp1t lac:e tbe bard reaUty ~t It wtll COit money and perb8JMI • lot of money to protect the cit)''• lntereata." He auuested the fund, which would remaJn qnder the control of the councU, be estabUehed for retalnlnl attorneys. consult.anti or any other experta necessary in tbe city'• on·sotna battle wtth the tounty-owMCS facility. O'Nell's recommendation f ollow1 by two weekl a almUar recommendation made by: homeowner• who bave been fi1ht1n1 airport nolle. So~e of the area wbere the clty la ba"1lft; U.. county over the airport Include tbe city cballense of the airport environ- mental Impact r,port, the city challen1e of tho 1tate·1ruted nolle variance. Ht for beartn& thJ1 summer, and several pro- cee41naa belore the State Public UtUitiea Commlaalon and the federal a.ti AeronauUc1 Board over p~ new routes into the Counll alntdp. , . , l',...P,,.,Al TRAFFIC OUTLOOK. • • . Plan'nlnc COmmlasionen expected to seek a 204·f helght Umlt on the cent.er so air traffic t Oranae County Airport wUI not be hJndered. Developers have presented plans for a three.level parking attucturt end underarouna facWUes that would house 741 car• for th8 Prudential buildi.n1. , AddlttocW · l'arklDI woQld bo provided u the CMter de\'etoi-1 over the next 10 to 15 yea.rt. , • Besides concern over triffiq Smpactl, lhadows from llfl4t buUdinp so were dlacu.5abd 1rn lanotng ltarf: .. 0 Beadg for Weather Kindergartenera in the Soviet oil-producing city of Surgut don't let the 'rigors of winter in western Siberia prevent them from stretching their legs outdoors. Underground Basin Jlas Water Sur.plus ,. By IERRY CLAUSEN Of tile Dltlr ..... Motif · Oran1e County's dN>uebt· 1tricken underground water basin has been settlne an extra ~ectlon ot much needed water. Ortlclalt of the Metropolitan Water Dlstrict ClrlWD), wblch aopplles tho county wttb water from Northem Calllornla and the Colorado River, are in tbe unuauaJ poa1Uoo of havln1 ex- C!es1 water on hand beoause taln1 have reduced need and the Colorado River' aqaeduct baa n operat.d bt~d nonnal i.l~=:.-~~lde Q>unty la nearly full of river water. Tbe lake 1torea the water o.nlU lt Ja fed to water dJatricta or Into the county's underll'CUnd WidowSu~s Over Plane . .. Crash Death • Pilot Wins P~ess A • Murphine, Granville Capture Special Hano.rs . Dally Pilot writers, edlton nd photographera capt'frtd flrtt place honort In nine cnt iones 1n th Orange COUllty. Prut Club'• alrd~ nnu1l awards contest bonorlnc ez. cellenco 1n JOurnallam. They were amon1 the $4 JourJJ Utt• who ahar d tbe 1potU1ht and $3,150 ln caah prti durlnJ the Club'• w rm uet SaWrday zqht l anta:Ann. Daily Pilot wtnnen included: .-.Orance County Bur au Chief (ia.ry GraavWe, W~O WU th r clplent of the Pt Club'• first "Watchdo1 Aw rd" stabt Mtt to combat ~ · by:pub't.lc bOdi • G .ranvllte'e 'ltorle1 in December 1918 dl1clo1ed a ecret redJ.JlrlctJna plan devised for the ·county' five aupervlsoriaJ dlltrlets. CommenUn1 on Granvllle'1 atorlea, the Jud1e1 1ajd tbey "affected ao many people. • .It really atopped aomethin1 that could have been diautrous ... Jn addition, Granvllle won first place award1 for his editorial on · animal or nature photo of the year~ -ormer 1.Aatuna Beach city editor lack Claappen. now the public loto1111at1on officer for CoHtUne Community C0Ue1e, won fint place tn tho modJd.M cate1ory for bl1 1tory on paramedlC8. Tbe Press Club'• preatiJdous Sky Dunlap Award went to Dally Pilot Mana11n1 Editor Thomas Murphlne. He wu cited by the Presa Club'• Board of Dlrectora for exempt~ professlonallam and dedication to Joumalllm ~ for bl• entoura1ement an4 a•· 1latance to developloe youna Journalllta. political cam- pal1n reform in Oraore County; bla feature atory a bout poll ti· ciana Indicted by the COWlty Grand Jury and their trip to Jail, and bl• blatorical piece dealln1 Wftb the burnln1 of China&oq in Santa Ana in 1908. Los An1eles Times reporter Richard O'Rellly won the fourth annual Society of Protesslonal Journalllts, Slama Delta Chi Award for lnveaUaaUve report· !n•. Hla ccount of tho pollUcal • macbln•Uona beblnd a multl- mllllon dollar Oran1e County data procea1ln1 contract was Miected by • panel of edltona from five county newspapers u 1977'1 belt ~mple of lnitlaUve, enterprlae and 1nvest.i.at1ve re- port1n1 lkllla. • • G ranvlllt, tbe Preu Club' a _prealdent f« the put year, wu the only four-time winner in th• Im contat. -Sunday EdJtor Carol Moore, won first place honors for ber lnalde pa1e layouts. -Pboto1rapher Gary Am- brote won the top prbe 1n the 1porta photo cate1ory for Ills picture ol acUon and an1w.h at second baae durlnf an An1el 1ame. -Reporter Mlellael Pukevlcb, who captured 011 film and 1n word.I an aravment over Junk foOdl betweea irate mothers and a candy vendor In a Coata Meta ne.lab.borboOd, took first ,lace for the best •tor o ti)' aa -Photo1rlp er Patrh'k O'Douell'• Photo of aea blrGs and &he boat1 of Newport Beacb'1 dory flahermen won him tbe top prise for beat lo Hy Seaman, lon1ttme Weltmlnater Hiib School Journalism teacher; Joe I , diatrict mana1er of publlo al· falra and public relatlona for Pacific Telephone Co., and Olive Wllllam1, lon1tlme Anaheim Bulletin Journalht were awarded lileUme membenhlps In tbe Preu Club. Jnatalled at tht annual ban- quet as tm Prell Club presl· dent wu Senta Aila Reliater ,.. porter Charley Roberta. Hctlon1 were awarded 14~ fJrsta and four aecondl for a total of $1.111 • .50 in pibe money. The Rqister fin.labed aecond with Sl,100 in prtie mODey for 10~ first place awards and 12~ aeconds. The Daily Piiot placed third, wlnnlng nine first prl1t1 and 12~ second place awarda and $987 .50 ln prize money. J'iolablng fourth wH .lbe Fullerton Daily News Tribune with two (ll'lta, four aecondl and $250. The 4Weekly SaddlebaCk Valley Newa ataff won $115 for two flrsta and one second place 11Dl1b. Jud1es for the 19'77 contest were lrom tbe San Dleao and San Jose press clube, the Twin Countte. <Rtveralde and Sao Be.rnardtno) pre.a Club and the Lo• Padres chapter of th• Socle- ty or Professional Joumallata, Stam a Delta Chi. FolloWb:ll la a complete list of the winners: , I Carter Bu~et I Impact Vie ed A SLUll·DWELLBR mi ht cet ttie l1rBt chance to Uve ID d • cent housing. A businessman accustomed to the so·called "three0 martlnl lunch'' mtOt find bis company crackln~ down on auch alf&ira In if Con1res1 aoea along with Carter.11 plan to halve the amount that can bo deducted. For those who could benelit or suffer from Carter'• budget, the impact is not yet certain. Contress must stUl accept, re· vise or reject Carter's plans and that could take until next aum· mer or fall. BUT IT'S POS&BLE to aav what tbe impact would be if 25Years01d Navy to Retire Sub 'Nautilus' WASIUNGTON (AP) -Many Americans no loc:t1er are Just dreamina about a carefree tile in the sun or the mountalias. They're movin there at ever iii· creasing rates, aaya the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition to rapid iroWth In the "SUD Belt" .stales, the IOV• ernment aeency said Sunday 1n an interim teport that there have been significant populaUon hift1 Into the weatern moun· taina and the more rural north em atatet of New En&Jand. "We were surprised et tbe very 1tron1 1rowtb of the moun· taln atates, .. uld Dooald Starslnlc of the CenaUI Bureau'• populaUon division:. 'Ttie. winter of i97g.71 brought little snow to Northern California and the Ski Shasta ski' resort was unable to open. Currently, it is. closed again following a storm last week LOS ANGELES CAP) -The recent serl• of atorms w. cb pounded into Southern Calilornia beaches took a bit of the area with them -up to so feet of beatbf?ODi ln aome st>Ota. authorities said. LOs Angeles CountJ Ure&uards credited bigb tldea Ula poundinl surf 1enerated by the 1torm1 !01t what they described u tbe m01t intensive erosion lD a decade alon1 the couot1'1 west-racina beaches. But, they predicted, the und will return, probably tills sprina or summer. storms gobbled up a swath of beacbfront about 45 to SO feet wide along the entire section. Lt. Tom Johnson of the deJ)art· ment'S central section, said llfefunrd towers near Santa Monica have been withdrawn 75 yarda or so. ' "WE'VE BAD A GOOD 25 yards of beach eaten away " Johnaon said. ' Northern beaches from Topanaa to the VentUl'a COunty line also lost sand. Lt. Fred Gerth said that near Zuma. a · 30-root loss ot beachfront cut the .beach to about half it.a size. Lifeauard towers in tbe area have also been pulled back. • "REAUY, IT'S Just a normal winter beach condition but we haven't experienced it In a long time.'' said Lt. Steve Voorhees MEANWHILE, a man who of the county Lllesuard Depart· discovered two four-foot sharu ment's southern section, runnlnit . in tl'io Los An&eles Rlv~r Stin· from Palos Verdes to Manna day, nearly 35 miles from the Del Jl,y. ·, · nearest oce n outlet, sald he Voorhees eaUmated th'll the believed the sharks got there 1 because or the storm. Wtlllam R. Anderson, who noticed the sharks Sunday all ho Jogged alona the river bank near bis Sherman Oak's home, speculated that they awam up the rain-swollen river and were stranded by the recedinl water. However John Fitch of the stale Dej>artmeot Of nab and Game was skeptical of An· derson's theoey, saylnc the chance ot the occurrence WU abOul ••one in a bllllon." INrt'E $13,396,000 for on1o'In1 ipre· construction work at the Aubum-FotsOm South unit. !ti expl•nator1 tatement. bowever, adds that .. the fiscal year lt'lt requ t include. no fuoda tor the c:onstmc1Jon of the Auburn dam. J>tiaya. have oc· eurred in the CQnst.r\lctlon of this feature d~ to th• current re· view of eeol<>1le condltlons at the damsite. "The amount or funding that would be required in fiscal year 1979, if the related problem• are tatlafaetorlly resolved and con· $lructlon can proceed .•. can not beealimatedatthisUme.Ift.Mre: solution of the problem• indicate the need ror tbe &ddl· tlonal fundin(, timely request will be ma to the Cohgreas." SPOKESMEN ADE clear. that tbe still undefined danger from eartbquake1, not ad· mlnistratlort finaaclal re uct· tance, aa a year aao wben Carter tried to scrap Auburn, l• the reason f« no fundi~ .now. . Charles WallJce, an }nterlor Department spokesman, said that re~ on whether or not the AubUrn dai:n near Sacramen· to wowd be safe stUI were not complete, ''but it loou hopef11I." W. Joynel MacFaTlan, spokesman for the ~ureau Of Reclamation, aaid that ~cau.s ot outstanding difficulties, ••there probabl~ will be no prime contra.ct sor dam con· atructtoo unw Jate ma at the very earliest." YOSEMITE NATIONAi; Parle 1 to 1et *1,S00,000, subject to ap- prov al by Congress, for con· atruction of bulldlng1 aQd utlliUes. '11\e Fort P.olnt Netlonal Historic Sile. Lassen Volaanic National Park, Joshua Tree Na· tional Monument, the Point Reyes National Seashore, and Sequoia National Partc an come n tor l amounts, raniln' from UgHthOuse conversloo to buUdi.nC aewa1e treatment Jaclllties, with no price tab lilsber than half a million dollars. Cal oi'ala r with T about en nns in the oomber of projects for whlcli the U.S. Anny COrp8 rs is re- questln& tumla tor fiacal 1t'19. f I EdltorkJIP!Hl_~e---~~~~.~~~~·'...._. ___ ................... ~., Oran ·rv Pik>t ------ - ----- Cheery View ef A Few Raindrops Raindrops were 1ti11 f alllng on our head.a last week - and seeping throuah the roof and wa.Shing out a few roads and caving in some hillaldea -when the Orqe County Environmental Management Agency aet about putting together a Storm Progress Report. You doubUesa will be pleased, lf somewhat surprised, to Jeam from the EMA gtorm reporters that damages from the downpour were "minimal." Impact on the flood control system also was "minimal. .. Overtime compensation for clean-up crews was .. minimal .. too. They llkethat word. 1'he descent of part ol Capistrano Palisades onto Pacific Coast Highway was not called minimal, but clean.up, we are advised, was "routinely performed.·• As for the rupture of the sewer main along A~o Creek, the health services agency had been "advised to monitor the problem.'• In undeveloped areas, the EMA was pleased to announce, tbe rainfall was "laraely absorbed into the pervlous earth mantle.'' No doubt this was a heck of a lot better than having it land on impervious thlnes like paved roads, where it bad a · tendency to overflow and wash things like automobiles into creekbeds. The only "serious problem .. discerned by the EMA was in Irvine where "the demise of a small bridge on Culver Drive .. impacted traffic circulation. (At last word it was still impacting it.> The EMA report does note that several road and other construction projects probably will be delayed on account of the rain. But on the whole, its storm report is cheery enough to lead those who were out and about in the wet stuff to suspect that the EMA folk did their storm research by telephone from a warm county office. Or maybe environmentalists are just naturally happy folks. They're at It Again Remember NOx. that costly little anti-smog device we were ordered to put on our cars a while back -then told we didn't have to because it messed up engines and burned up gas? Remember the California llighway Patrol's smog i:levice checking program -that was abandoned because 1t was using up too many patrolman hours? Air Resources Board Chairman Tom Quinn either hu a ,hort memory or is an Incurable optimilt because there's vet another anti-auto-smog brainstorm brewing In 3acramcnto. In fact, it's already being tested tn Riverside County .ind is due to spread through the five other Southern California counties by next year. Northern California is ?XCUSed. This one will be a network ot 1'1 computerized •lrive-through smog control lnspecUon staUom. set up in '>uildings that resemble car washu. In 10 short minutes the inspection 1t1Uon1 will i>roduce a computerized read-out on malfunctlclllnl 11Jlog ~~c~. . Mr. Quinn says the program not only wUl reduce >mog in the South coast Air Basin, but also will reduce tip-offs by mechanics wbo charae for necessary repairs. How this will wofk 11 not quite clear, beCauae the in spection stations presumably won•t fix your malfunctioning amof devtce for free. But they will tell ·1ou to pt 1t fixed. Thia new state ef£ort Is described as a milltl·mlWon lollar program. ~ We anticipate lt wUI be at leut as popular u NOX. I Comnmter Note Oran1e County commuters who are tired ol battlint he overloaded Santa Ana Freeway may find relief when 1 new Amtrak rush·hour train b¢gins its Clally run between ..osAngelesandSanDiegonextmonth. Four Orange County stopS, at San Clemente, San .Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana. and Fullerton, ar 1Chedwed ror tbe El Camino, which Will be f undecl Jollitly by Los ugelea County and CalTrans. NorthbOund. th am Will leave tSu Diego at 5:45 a.m. and amve at LO Aqeles at 8:20 a.m. The return trip Wi)l J Unloll StaUon at 4:30 p.m.. and reach San Diego t 1:05 p.m. Amtrak will laave :•precise timetable for the Oran1e Countj tettons earlY lh February and many reSldenta may flnd lt apractlcDlalternaUv t.Othefreeway. Thos wtio tr vel regularly or occaalonat1y to dOwntoWn LOS Ang lei should give aome thouaht to saving goSOUne and nervous strain by 1ai;npllti1 the tvlce Of El CamlnO. RoJlroad bufft, ot courao, WW need no encouragcrncnttOclimb board. • oPtl)lons xpNIMd In the •PJC• aboYe are ttioM ot th Dally PlfDt. OCher V1ewa pteeted on thla p~ are thote Of Ir authora and lltl. Reader comrn1nt •• Invited. Addreee The DallY P.ilot. P.O. Box 1580, Cotta MctSat CA 9262&. Phone (71.f) &4M32t. Gloomy GDI . . . '· • ,11_ .--__ . .........__ - + .. ....... Castro Defends Africa Role WASHINGTON -·1na dO&Ued la a face-t1>faco dll-cuuloa with CUba'• Fld C tro ii lik• ~ to rell8Clll wltb • fox &Del .-wolf. Tbla wa1 tb ex· perleoce of Rep1. l'rederSct JUchnaond. J>.N.Y •• end Rlcbard Nolan, D-Mbm. duriDI. receot four-ud-a·baU·bour private aealOD with the voluble bearded Communlat leader ln Havana. The wily Cutro, accordlili to their coritldentlal account wrl~ ten for Secretary of State Cyrua Vance. was affable most of the tlme, amillogly pro- f e u to a bis wiab to mend fences with the United State• and hls peraoaal llkiq tor PrealdeDt Carter. He 1rowled lmpatientlJJ when aeoaltlve toplca were ralaed. such u Cutro'1 mlUtal')' lo· tervenUon In Aqola and other African nations. From the secret report to Vance, here are verbathn ft• c erpta from th• Havana dialo1ue: CASTRO conve1ed "sincere wl1be1 to Improve nlatlont" between CUba and the Volt.eel Stat .... DOtlDI that HHHI polltlcal prl1ontn bad been 1prun1 from Cuban /atla at the request of U.S. or lclala. He added that he'• "favorably dl.I· poted'' to allowlrur Cubau with dual U.S. cttbenllilp to leave tbe island if they with. Deaplte run·lna with Carter over polnta of foreltn poUcy, Caatro 1aJd be liked the Georgia peanut farmer as a fellow chlef of state. The Cuban Communist said be was 1ure Carter would never coadone the assaulnaUaa attempt.I OCl hi1 lile. . "Will the premJer, then, meet with l>resldeot Carter?" asked bll consrealonal guests . "We'll meet." the foxy Cutro replied with tbll polttJcal klcter. ..du.rtn1 b1a second term!' Jn the Mme vein, ~ ~ die tea blS lppt'.QVal ot Mvcral o&her aa.... mad OD Carter'• behalf. The CUban •f.roftlmtn. for lDstanco. wu "f avorabl,y dis- poeed .. to a 1u11eat1on tbtt direct air Hrvl~e resume betwem the two COGDUi • He eothUISalUcalb' = to tbe idea of cUllW'al nc between the two peoples, lo Y• tna palDt«'I. dancers. maalctans and buebell playera. Amedcan experts In a1rlculture and tourism. Castro told the con-e re um en, would alao be welcome .. at the appropriate time." BUT CASTRO 1Uffeoed vlslbb' when bil vlaltora advaneed the idea of establlablna:a U.S. pnaa office IA Havana. ''1 bave doubts about this," he retorted. "I dO not mue unilateral deelllou," be added. 'Jben he ac:euaed tbo U.S. preu ot •'t.elUna u .... about hia 1ovemment and b1a people. "My comndea are not con· •lnoed•• that 'n1lorln1 un· resttlcted American p ee11 to Cuba would b• '"a poalll" step ... be declared. AU aemblanc• or amlablllty vanhlatd wben the two Americana meatloaed that Carter, tboulb .... ,., .. to bettc1" aUaDI Wlih CUbe, pndlcated ora CUtro'• wllllricnea to dlmlnlsb Cuban military and polittcaJ in.id.11Df 1D An1o1a. u1n Abica, we are not willing to compromise,.. be bee an a brt1t11n1 harancue. ••Fe: many )ean. CUba was blockaded.'' he lectured b.ll iueata. But de1plte tbls enforced iaolatlon, be 11ld. hi• covernment manaaed to de-"elop Uet Witb emer1ent COUil· trlea lD Africa an4 Soutbeut Alla. .. These countrlet, •• he em· pbaslzed, 0 alao have been tr7tna to become Independent.•• By aakln• bll Communllt ncfme to retreat from Anaola, Cutro pro. teated, .. the U.S. 1s DOW uldna ceoeraUon would ha•e bap. pened~lf had ln...ted ln the old D , IO tho th1nk1Di ioa. ldeallzed civic, com· mantty Ad tamWal life of the half.lmqlned past would have ";~could ba•e bPt that geoet"atlon of American fait;JW• ID tho Inner city. 'lbe bon came back home from Berlin and Tokyo 1n 19f5 having consecrated themselves to a ra11y pltd•a-terre and bun.aalow 1D tbe aubu.rtil. U tbe savings and loan associations bad tried to keep them where tber were by manlpulatln' eredlt, their own cuatometa would •e 1'ut on Mickey Mouse maata, 1olt.en abotauns and lobbed tbeiD. Iv Phil tnt•rlondi Me~akers Shovel Off to Buffalo .. . By BVGR A. MllLUGAN c "'~~···· . .. BUFFALO, N.Y. -J!;ver d--- 1loce an American Airlines ~~Stew ) stewardess named Toby Pyle : :. <wlfe of one ot our Washington· • . ~ . . writ.en> told mo Buffalo bad the wont weathet of any city she flew into, I have admired the spunk and tood humor of lts frosl·bitten cltlzenry. So it comes u no shock that Bu.ff&lo has decided to remember the Great Blizzard of '77 by 1tastn1 a 1iant snow ball -black Ue, if you please -on Saturday, one year to the day after wi.nds howl- ing off Lake Erie began buryin1 lhe city under a snowfall that 20 days later meaaured.U inches. '"f •.• ~ .. ·~1':!~~~······ .. T..-v1~' ........ _ .... -........... _.,._.._ l·ll • '"I'll uy they're important! I'm shreddine my New Year'• resolutions!" TRIS IS NOT only taller than moat St. Bernard docs and enough to obliterate hundreds of acres of abandoned automobiles, but the drifts were hither than many houses and thousands of people were stranded for days ln courthouses, supermarkets, bowline alle11 and gin milll.. . Deatlu Elsewhere WASHINGTON <AP) .-Freda UUey, autho~ Deatla Notk!e. CCNIS N\AX G CENIS, ruldtl\l of ly,,.,,ood. --twty Jtl\ ... ry It. 1'71. Survl-llY ->litn, H•rrlet C11ri.tlanMn OI Coll<I INw Me~l•I 1•rvlCH wlll tit held on Wedh41.CS.y J•,.w•ry U l:lO PM Bell Brotdway Ciw.p.1 wllh ll\llrfV'Nllt II\ Irwin, P• In llt11 ol fl-rs. doNtlons ,,..,.,. II• -to .... AnltrfCMI ... .,, AsMICI .. u-. 8•11 Bro.ctw.y MorlUtr'I' Olrec- lors. CKAMA••LAtN lUClllf: O. CHAMBE•lAIN. IN\Md twty J-y II. 1971 In Y111:· <• V•ll•'I'· She Is 1urvt,.... by her d•uohler, Donn• l. Bouro•ofs, n1tll1tr, Lucy E. 0.1-. broltwr. Mtrvl" A. Oii-. S .. ...,.,, .. .,. _,. l ftMl-QrMllthl-lenl<ft Wiii ... WedflftftV J""*'Y ,,, t PM In tfle Chtpel et Pecfllc VI-IMMMl•I Ptrll. 3.MIO Ptcffk vi.w ~ • New-1 .. KIL Peclllc View ~ Ofrtc· Wt. HATTO DORIS flf:NIE HATTO. !Nlltd twey 0<1 J_.., 20. 1911 In LA.- Hiii\, Ca A ,..llw OI W•sN119tOll \ha <...,• lo C.flfo<nl• U years ato PM! owner OI Ul9UN MU\lc Ce. Siie end lier hus~ ..... 1111afntc1 Ille bu\ltlU\ IOt 11 yur.. She '' wrVI...., by her -nd SlarA..,. of l.,... Hlll1, Ca , • .... wr•ld Lee HtOO of Thovwnd 01•1. Ct.,• dauGht.,. Kat"9rlnt Merl• Bulllnoton of OU"'1t, Ca , -loo.Ir o•••ukhllcltt<1. -.. 1 wr'tlctS wlll be lleld T-y .Januotry 14. lf71 tt St. ~ry't Epltc-f ClllK<h In LAllllM B•tcll, c.. In I..., of 11-.n tamlly ro· -IS CO\llrlllllti-lie ...... l• el .. r , ... Cenc., Ot ....., FUl\d M<CMMI<• Mortuery L.a11111\t Hiiis Cllrec1on. ,....,,,. ltUP .. GlAOYS ltUPft, ,.--•Y Oft -'"""'Y 21, 1t71. Belovect wtlo of lll<lltrd l. .._, IOVlno l'ftOOwr of ••rry AuPO Of eor-oat M•r, Sltwn •upp of Watlllnglon, 0 C. and 1.l1tor Of Mr\. Gtr.ict Borrtll of Ctmdtn, M ichloari. Mn. R-wn • Melnller of -u1111.i MeCl!Odt1t Olw'cl> Clttl• Of ~Hllll.C..-•,,,.......Of­Clfl ... IMI-Oia .. U.-Hllll, C.. Vl•U•tlon on Tues<Ny J•n.,.ry 24 ''°"' 2 00 PM to S 00 P.M and 1 00 PM lo t 00 PM ti O'Connor ltQUN Hllll Mortuary 25301 Allcl• Ptrkw•y, Laoun• Hllll. C.. rllfM'rll MrVICH WedMld'fy J-V U. 1'11 .. o·c- ... , l•9un• Hiii\ -rlu•ry Cl\as-1 with "ev ltw'fl'(e F. H•wley ol· ft<l•tlno 1111..-......,. at Peclllc vi.w MeMorl •I Park. O'Connor lo9una Hlll1 Mort_.y d-ton. ••c• GRACE A. BECI(, rHldent of l•Qun.t Hlllt, paned away Jtn.,.ry 21, 1t11, S..rv1¥M by -'°"• Burton llo<k .. Ltkewooct, CA., one lister. lllll.,.. t l .... ..-1. of o.to -· • l'l'K•, MM!• •nd .......... Ge«91. MMt of the Chrlttl•n lkwtal on TllllncNy Jan ... ry U ti 11 lO AMS.... Fer-Mfulan CMpel wllh I~ at s.n ,..,_ w Minion ~y •.. If BrNClway Noort""'" OlrK'°". and lecturer on pollttcal isaues and social conflict in the Far Ea.st, Europe and America for more than SO years, died Saturday after suffenne a stroke. She was 79 POWAY <AP< - Newspaperman Edmund P . Rocker, who once look a trouncinf in the ring from Tom Sharkey in preparing to write a boxing story, is dead at 99. SAN DIEGO (AP> - Geor1e Batara Zl1I Naalok, a chef who worked for four Mexican presidents and once briefly for President Kennedy, has died al 81. Seniors Get Free Tax Help Free Income tax Ten people froze to deatb in their automobiles out on the bleak hi&hways where nothing moved but rescue snow scooters, and another 18 died in bliuard- re lated accidents, including fires that raged out of control as water !rote inside fire hoses and hydrants couehed up ice cubes. "MAYBE THE BLIZZA&D was lousy for bu.slneaa and a lot or other things, but it brouaht out fellowship amona the people of Buffalo," said Bill Eaton, an art aallery proprietor who or· canlsed the bli11:ard ball. The memorial bliuard blut will be held in a lovely Buffalo mansion called Butler Hall, which to me anyway seems ex- ceedingly approrpriate as it waa the home of the late Mrs. Edward Butler, the long-time president of the Buffalo Eveninc News. I MET MRS. BUTLER. a lady State Ups Mimmum service for senior cltlzens lo Laguna IF/ nH~Q Beach will be available '1' 4.-e~ durtnc February, Karch SAN FRANCISCO and April from 9 a.m. to <AP> -l.l'he 1tate Jn· noon in council cham-du.atrial are Com· bers, ~ Foresi-Avenue. mission has voted to in· beglnnms Feb. 2. c r e a s e th e s t a t e Participants will need minimum wage to $2.65 to bring last year's an hour, effective April federal and slate lax re-1. and to $2.90, effective turns, Internal revenue Jan. 1, 19'19. forms and w.2 frms. AP· The action will make polntments may be, the state minimum - m a d e b y c a I l l n g now $2.50 an hour -the 49V·2441. same as the federal minimum wage, which was increased from $2.30 an hour on Jan 1 Gets Diploma this year. The commission also Thomas J. Gervalse of announced that it will ----------Hunllnaton Beach has conduct hearings later received his diploma this year on boosting the from the School of state rate ahead of the Radiologic Technology federal standard. McCOIMtC« MOITUAalH Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hiiis 788-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495--1778 IALn.tn•aoM M•ALHOMI Corona cNt Mar 873-9450 ~a Mesa 848-2424 ..... OADWAT NOllT\IAIY • 110 Brotdway Cotta Mesa 842-9150 IMITMolVTMILU.AMI WUTCUff CHAPIL 427 E. 17th St. Costa Mell • Ms..4888 Santa Ana Chapel a UI N. Broedway 8anttAna * 547 .... 131 at St. Francis Hospital The slate atandud ln Lynwood. covers about a million ~;id;i"R£~~~~~r workers In agriculture aaldwl , and small buslnessea Plano• ~I U,~0 ::d&:'t ~=a'>~ and 'H'·~ i ~.. wa e. Organs ~ I .-!~~llllllli--... iililll feclf#1 nwMlni LESSONS• f fRUME~TG MUleC of areal charm and wlt, on an alrplane once coin& to Ireland ano sbo wondered aloud whether It would be raining when we cot there. I thought lt •trance that someone from Buffalo should worry about the weather anywhere, which elicited both a Jauch and an anecdote from my seat~nale. Mrs. BuUer related that one year in the early 1950s the . weather was so horrid in Buffalo she decided to cheer up readers by giving them the weather re· port each day from Fairbanks, Alaska, by way of su11eslin& that things could be worse. "THE FD6T DAY we tried it with a front pa&e box," the lady recalled. "It was 8 below in Bu.I· falo and 15 above in Fairbanks. The next day we slipped to 10 below and Fairbanks was riaht on zero. 'lbe third day I said to hell with it and went to Florida." Those who sttovel off to Buf. Calo for the bll snow ball will tlnd that the indomintable spirit of t.trr. BuUer and weather wile people like her invest this up. state New York communJty with a roueb and ready pioneer.type humor, which la why the town became one vut slumber party durlne it.I wintery ordeal. I have no Idea wbo 11 coming to the froetbit.O frolic, but I hope the guest list includes the 190- pound traffic cop who was blown over aix limes while on duty that first bowling January ni&bt, and all the 1uys snowed in at the bowlln1 alley who jwst went on improvine their game, and the. weather forecasters who were snowbound in their obsenoatory out at the airport . IT WOULD BE NICE if the guest Us Included the Rev. Hubert Reimann, the priest in rural Sardinia who bunked down 30 orphans of the 1torm and always 1n.1wered bls phc)de, • Jude's Ski Lod1e." And Ruth Rusinlak, the widow with ahc. kids, who cooked up enoucb aoup and souJaih to feed 120 retuc camped out In tho volunteer lire house In Cbeekiowo,a. Also the lady who couldn't make it home from Nort In tbO storm, went into a tavern, bought a lottery Ucket and won $1,000 a week for the rest of be.r life. . Since, as Police COmmissloner Thomu Blair noted, "the storm brought out the best and the worst in us," maybe a few of tile ;w..,.-._.i.-...-._...,._ rnore outragious looters should be on hand for the crand march. especially the CUY who stole the snow plow. THE 81G BLIZZA&D ball un .. dottbtedly wlll brlnl out lta share of "Buffalo Bllaurd Bores," a lar_Je·mouth species atven to endless recital.I ol boW' hlgb the drift.I were above their 1'111 Aelaing Tooth Monty. a 4-year·old Siberi~ tiger, shows hlS broken upper. canine tooth s he yawns at the Philadelphia ZOO. Ile yawns a lot because his bad tooth keeps-him awake. Monty l.s scheduled for a root canal opera- tion Friday by a .. ~pie" dentist. He'll be asleep during surgery. aecond·atory bedroom windows -------------------and how after 10 days they flDally found their falthful family can out on the Thruway and ensine kicked toliferi1ht away. Steve Weller, columnist for the Bulfalo Evening News, dld a classic snow Job on the bUuard bores when ho shoveled up a yam about his own car belni found by four 1uya drillinl for natural au. It bad been burled more than a week, "but tbe llChts were on and the radlo was playlna April in Part&."' No-Collapse Seen In Moral V aloes CIUCAGO <AP) -On the basls or surveys the put five years, sociololist William McCready/ 1a1s the much-publicbed .. cOllapse or moral stan- dards" ot Americans ls largely non-existent. llcCready, a senior dlrector of the NaUonal OpJ.Dlon R reb Center at the Unlvenlty of Cblca10. reports ha "OVervtew: A Continulnt Survey of lsauee Mrectlng Catholics" that most in· tT~e rebauli urlndeb t1h1llnDIBulf•~\4 dlcaton lhow a low level d ch.ante retarding s aging a uar a ~o moral ebolces and standards. · la that the oreamz.lnc committee "CondemnaUoo of extramarital sexual rela· doesn't have to book the hall for tloo.s ran about 69 percent in 1973 and 72 percent in an alternate date in the event of • 1977. People who said they had aeen an X·rated inclement weather. Just so lone m.ovie totaled 2S percent in 1973 and 18 percent in u the band can make it.a way 1976. In 1173 2S percent of the reaponse 1ald that throuch the drifts t~ play "Let ll '"there was no rt1ht or wrona way to tnake mo,ney. Snow. Let It Snow and similar only easr. and hard,'~ and ln 1976 the ficure wu ZS seasonal ballads. percent.• e cue f r # ... . t ~. Jll\uary 23, 1971 The honor, named after a now deceased S~rlor court jud1e. la liven to the member of the le1a1 profession whO, lo the oplnloa 'of the county bar, ha• be6t MtYed law and Justice ln the wecedine year. ,. JUSTICE GARDNER, il Newport Beach resident, will accept the award durln1 ceremonies Thursday at the OCBA annual meeUn1 and in· atallation ot officers. He will also serve that night u muter or ceremonies durlna what is billed as .the county • bar'• "flrel annual roast." Justice GUdrier, r garded by many Orange County lawyera as the are '• m01t capable and popular juriat, was appointed to the San Bernardino court in 1970 after 1ervin1 for. 23 years on the local Superior Co~ bench. RE DAS BEEN NAMED "Man ot the Yeai" in recent yeara by the Orange County Preas Club, the city of Newport Beach, tbe Newport Hafbor Kiwanil and the Newport Harbor Spastic Lea1ue. A prolific -and often am~· Ing -writer in law, Justice Gardner la acknowledged by the lepl profession as a na· tlonwlde authority on many le&al issues. M~m Guilty in Attack A Dana Point woman accused on arrest of attacking her 3· year·old eon and her sister-In· Jaw with a bottle has been found guilty of lesser charges ln Oran1e County Superior Court. Judge Robert E. Rickles found Lora Jane Berger, 24, or 33832 ValencU. Place, 1u11ty of a misdemeanor count of assault with a deadly weapon after she agreed to let hlm rule on the basis of a readtn1 of the municipal court preliminary transcript. MRS. BERGER WAS charged on arrest laat Aui. 25 Commuter Train Stops Set ill OC A schedule bas been eet for Orange County slops of a new Los Anaeles-San Diego rush-hour commuter train, a spokeswoman for . Los Anaelea County Supervisor Baxter Ward bas announced. However, she said the schedules are not yet available throuah Amtrak because It has not had tllem printed yet. The train b scheduled to begin its run Feb. 14. THE MORNING TRAIN WILL LEA VE San Diego at 5:45 dai· Jy except Sundays. Oranae County stops are: San Juan Capistrano, 7:03 a.m.; Santa Ana, 7:25 a.m.; Fullerton, 7:45 a.m., arrlvln1 in Loa Angeles at 8:20 a.m. Two trains will leave Los Anaeles in the afternoon for San Diego, one at 4:30 p.m. and one at 5:30 p.m. STOPS INCLUDE: FULLERTON, 5:05 p.m . and 6:05 p.m.; Santa Ana, 6:21 p.m. and 7:21 p.m.; and San Juan Capistrano, · 5:'1 p.m. and 6:'1.p.m. Los Angeles County and the Call!ornla Department of Transportation are 1pon.sorln1 the train and will be relmbuned . • by Amtrak lf the run la profitable, with felony counts of usault with a deadly weapon, cruel and inhuman punishment to a child and eodan1erln1 the life of a child. Judie Rickles sentenced Mrs. Beraer to 60 days in the county jail and immediately ruled that be considered the jail time served. She wu placed on three years probaUon and ordered to stay away from alcohol. MRS. BERGER WAS arrest- ed after ahe aJJegedly stnict her slster·ln·law, Stephanie Berger, 25, and ber son, Eric, 3, wllh a wine bottle. Police said the defendant and her husband, Eric Jobri Ber1er, were Involved ln a dispute about the custody of their son at the time of the incident. Boy Scout Banquet • PVBUC NOTICE ft1BUC NOTIC PVBUC NOTICE PVBUC NO'l'ICB (!All,,... ....... ef ~ .. AMllltCAll ITATe UIQ(. .. ,........ --... or-.. c..lY. • o-.tic •1••• .... • • <:t-• ....... • PVBLIC Nones O.C.mllw'1, ""· ............. ----~...::..--------~ ...... ......, ...... ~!'"""""'!"-Alsnl oou.A• AMOUWT ... TMOU .... OI c...i ..... ...., .. ~ .. emu• &ill• ~.,.. ... ,...... ..................................................... •• or_. c..tr. _, -..c. ,_.._,.._ .. .. U.S. Tt"MtWYllCIWllft ••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M ...,....,..,.. 197. OfllllntlNlnl .. U.S.~""'*" ~-_............ .............................................. All4lft -.&All hi~· otNf' ...... NM.W ..... tM'n •• ,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Gllfl_... ....... ~ ••••••••••••••• , •••• ,,,,,,,.,, •• ,,.,,,,,,,,,, ••• a.,.-• .. a,,...._ Ttltaf Wac.l\ldttlll .,....,,... 4ftC9nll),,., ••••• ,, .11..... U.S. T,.....y llCWlttee. • , ••• ,, , , ...... , ..... n•••-••• -•••••• , ........... -ll.LHl:~tw,........IMn ....................... ,.,. <* ... ,...,..,.,_u.s.o. .. 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LIAIHUTIUANO IOUITY CAPITAL ........................ la,161 c. T~'-...................................................... 27,311 MIMOaAMDA o. Tlme.,..lta•Utoo.aw._. A-... •·•~-.......,..1tflcallt11ea: ,,.~,.,.~ ..........•...•.•.......•...............•....... .,.... !.·(Mb .. ~ ""' .... ~·~~.!;~·1t'•'···:.:..:::~:.:..:...:.·~··········:······~. -t .Tota1-..it1 .................................................... »,.m ., ,._ -----.--·-- f, fl.otr• IW!dt lllK"'""Wld llClltlt'-Nld ~ ..,_,.. ·~ .. ,.... .......................................... ~··· .... to~·•·····••·•·•••••••••••••·•••••••·········-··•••••••••• 40 c. Totat .. •••························•·•·•••••·••••••••••••••••• t:l.IJt StatlOll'f lltWnolcr-.ctll..Catandl"t ...................................... J02 •· Timt ... ti9ftlOO.ooter-.11t-.....k9ffltft ~ ............ l.SIJ Tlme•.,..i11•s10t.0000r .-ah1--.uttftk•: •· T.-aldllllllts ................................... , ................ .... •· TlmettrtiltcetNofdltl*iltiln · Tlme.._.1not00.omormerel11•t1tttlc efllcea: ~NtltM o1 s100• or mor• .................................. a,.n1 a, Tl1nt ciwt"iut• of 4'Potlt 111 cte-•flllt ..... , 11.0llwfUrriedtllD\ltlln~1Sof$100,tooer111ort ................ 1.-.,t1Cll,OOOtr"*'• .................. , ............................. t..U Mef ktt vtlut Ill fm191lmtflt W<lll'lllH ............ , ....................... 4.2M Martrtt vlluo .. mv.lmtftt 1ec:11rlll• •••• , ...... , •• , .......... , • , ........ 4,t7' TM""°''""'" ftAYMONO W. MMS, l'r•ldlllll elld 0, •• MAAJOI, Tllt11 .. ....,..,hifeV.Sln1111t1t,,.,..,..,...,..JMMIW.W .... Sr.V.P1 Vlu Prftldtlll/ca.nter., Ula Mlw _o .... Mnll, Ntll *<i.,... tor lllmatlf & C.tlller .... •i. ~ Mf111.-*' ......... w llllNllf ..... -- 111-elld '* • ocw: 1ort11tet11er: I llav. plnoMI ~--Of tlle INlterl ~ 11111\t. ,...-t, aw I I Ila#.--.. l!llO ...... ., 1M mattws _.....a.. WI,.....__. t lltllew thtl NCtl atlW!wll In MHI r....n la v.. bell .. tllt .... ,......., '* llel\eft tl'let each tt•-.t 111 NM r.-n It trw. bellef 1111 u .,t ...... w N111te11 _._ ltftl.,.. tor v.o ""*'• cenu-. Ulldlr P9MllV tf •!utJ tMll.. lllmttu aion.,,,., not ftt ""'.u.r, urtffln..,.....,, 11 •turY °"' .. ~~ J1 IMM!d<etncl, . ..,....,. II In. W Cllfnct, Eaocllffd•Oa!141Wy "·mt.., ~IMO. C.llfenlle. auc:..,tn.i-y "· '"' • Cel\t_,., Cl!Mlnllt. ~W Hui.Prei..._ ...... V.SI,.._,~ G R.MenlJ\,VIU~;~ .... W.Wltll\Sr.V.P.&~ Or.-CtMt Dill~ f'llClt1 ~ D.1'11 Dl-" Pullli.... ~ ~ Qllly ,, ... .,_.,u, 1'71 I ' Bruins Bring Out Best In Notre Da e ·Players ~ SOUTH .BEND, lnd. <AP> - Tbe UCLA: l}ruins apparently bring out the be tin Notre Dame basketball players. "Thl11 t th Juke we needed," satd Notre Dam co ch lgger Ph Ip aner hl t m cdsed the Bruins, 75·73, for their fourth ~ 1ctory 1n five g m gainst the pcrennl Iba k tb II po r. "W pc kcd wh n we beat UCL.I\ t Los Ang I tlii year let down nd now we've pcuk;d alo, '' aid Ph lps aft.er hi$ team survived the third-rated BruJl\s' serond hall comeback In the natlon11Uy televised came. The lri hJ 11·3, can't celobtate the victor)' ror too lon1. They play here acain tonight acalnst Dartmouth. "Our players have to realize they can't think bout this vie· tory with the schedule we have," said Phelps. ''l said earlier J thought we needed 20 victories to get an NCAA bid. Once we get that, w~·n be able to relax." Phelps said he hasn't been working his players as hard as h has In past years. "We gave the players IS days off within a 30 day period," he sa1d. "We have five freshmen from f1\ e d1CCerent states and I belte\e we had some homesick players. The time off has cost us some down moments, but l think it will pay orr. The colte1e season is too lone and we think you've got to get a break." Both Phelps and UCLA coach CAUGHT IN BETWEEN -Notre Dame's Gary Cunningham, wh06e only Jeff Carpenter became entaneled with a two setbac~ in his first year as pair of UCLA Bruins in Sunday's basket· head coach liave been lo Notre complished a lot n th aam . "Thi was one Qf the truly standing game In coll bask lball,'"' aid <funnln hom "I'm disappointed, but not dli· courated. We cam back Lrotig ~nd that's a mar of ood tum ... If Dave Wilk h d h1L both ends of a one-aru:t-one opPOrtunl· ty with four second to play, lb Bruins mif ht have lcfl with th ir 14th vie ory. ttowev r, h missed the first hot and Bruce Flowers gr bbed the r bound. Flowers. who sank two free throws with SS seconds left gtv· Ing the Irish a '14·n dv n e . made a free throw with on aecond left and the ,najotlty of the c•pacity crowd of'll,345 lax ed. The dramatic finiab come after UCLA climbed from a 46-34 · deficit to a so.:•T advantage by outscoring the home team 16-1. Roy Hamilton's etx points sparked the comeback. Senior guard Duck Williams. the leading Notre Dame scorer. didn't start but came otr the bench to score seven 4lralcht points and 11 of !3 for th Irish m the first half. His spurt pro· ba 11 ,game from South Bend. Dave Dame, felt their players had ac-! ,__::..:..::..:_:.:.::.:.:.:_:_:,.:..:;;:._;::..:;.::::.:.:.:.-=..:.:.:.:.:......=..:::..:..;~~~~~~~~:---=-~~~~~~~-:-----~,;..._-:--~--.-....,..":-.'::-:-~ ,. 16-'1:,eaT'. Drought To End for EWyd?. ... , Tonight in Tampa I ' In Pro Bowl Game .L TAMPA. Fl.ti. C~Pl ~ Pretty 'oon, Jim Hart js going lo start clearln his n1endar \h arter each Sut>cr Bowl. A year ago, after Minnesota lost in Super Bowl XI, Vikings quarterback Fran Tarkenton bened off participation Ul lhe Pro Bowl. Hart was summoned t<> Seattle to suit up for the Na- tl on a I Football Conference Past Rockets ~rt.8 Clf,pped ShOrt Borg Out asts Connors NASCAR CHAMPION CALE YARBOROUGH WAVES A"EA RIVERSIDE WIN. RACE ••• Continued From P•1e 8 -1 on the others in as much as he debuted hla new Oldsmobile 442 here and won with lt while most or the competition ls waiting un- til lhe Daytona 500 next month to wheel out their new machinery. "We were just hoping to finish well with it the first tlme out and stall learn a few things before Daytona,'' said Yarborough, whose win was the first tor Oldsmobile In Grand National. raetng since 1959, Tiit ordff Of llnl1ll In 9'#wlay'1 t14',oot w.tltnl JOO Qor•nct NetlclMI ttock <II' rec• et 111...ni• lnl•rNlloNI lltetWey, wltll 1.,,. tf <•, i..e comJllttecl.,.. wlmw'I twr--"! 1. C••• v .. 11ou11oh. Old1-it11e, tit leps, 102.1c.t mllll.; t. a.nn.,. "•rwnt, a.v,..ltt, llt; a. O.Vl4 ........ Mercwy, tit; 4 Nfll 8onNtt, '*'"· tit; 5. o. .. ~11, CM,,,...., Ill; 6. Herllltl -..CGrlff, 1'or41, 11•; 1. Jim lfttolo, Clltlrrtltt, 1191 t . Al Holblrl, CNvr.iot. 117; t, lltv SmlUI.: CM_...., 11t1 It. O. IC, Ulrlcll. Cllt"fottt, IU; 11 •"411• ,.,.,lftlfon. °""· 1 u ; u . llk lt MtCr•y, Clle..,,.Olot, llJ; u. l'r•nk Wenen, ~-112, w. Html ,.,_ °""' llh u. Olck lrMllt, l'trd, 111: u ~lch•t41 ,...,,, Oodtt. t•; 17. JM\ 'nllrllttlll lll'lck, .... "· 1 QM k<ttt. ~ IOI: "· llr-St•ly, , .............. . JO. lll<ll °"'*-· OWmllot, W, JI, Skip,,,._ "'llO• Ole,,,..., N ; 22 Jtclt Sim-. OWvrolet, U; it. ~I W .. trlp,. Cllt•,.. ... 10, U "k"9r41 Wlllt .. °" ........ 1': u ~· ~. , ... _ ... SJ; al, Roc;ky MM .... 0.W.tet. SI; J7. JoM 11'_,,... 01111•olet, to: 11. JD. M(Ollffl•. CU•r•ltl, 4S; ft. Vinet Olt11ler111e9,1e, a..wrolet, 41. JO • ...., Ant-.~. fO; JI. Deft ~-ldl, CMv,..et, J6; lilt 5clllnlll, O..vroltt, tt; IS. E• 411t ,,..,.,._, 0-.elet, U; M. "" &I.,_, °""'' •tt; u. Gery JCW-, Clwvrotet, a. Volleyball Outlook For UCI: Improved UC Irvine railed to win a volleyball match in Its first season of intercollegiate com· petition a year ago. but don't look tor that to happen in 1978. "The difference between last year's team and thla year's ls like day and nieht," says Ant· eaters coach Miles Pabst, whose club opens play Tuesday nleht at Cal State (Northrldee>. "Last year we were just total· ly inexperienced wltb all freshmen. except tor sophomore Rick Stlnehart. But we'll be able to compete with people thls season. They won't walk over us like they did last year,·• says Pabst. Besides Stinehart, UCI bas four other players returning. They include Glenrt Duval, Kevin Mastin, Fred Ahnert and Pete. Hubbard. All are sophomores. The best or the incoming group figure1 to be rreahmen Terry Cline <Newport Harbor> and Steve Vrebalovlch <Costa Mesa). And Dave Lundin, a tranafer from Texas A&M wtll probably be a starter. says Pabst. Other key personnel In the UCI picture include sophomores Mike Burbank and Lance MaeLe1n and rreahmen Jeff Hamilton (Dana Hilla), John Mooney <Canyon, Anaheim) and Gres Bennett <Torrance). Vet,,...,..,, k'llMll .. TUM., Jlft. 24 ... Mlttllrldtl. Wed .. ,_ 1-AllolMI (..,,,.). '''··, ... ~,.._I. Wtf .• l't&f-UYole (lllmfl. lel,. I' .. tl_.YU llllMMI. ww .. ,... ,. .... u ........ l'rl., , .... 11-c..I ,..., IS&.01 1i..,,.1, ,....v ,_ ~ tenefer IM<NI. l'rl., ,., ,. ""'91dlllt' •-•· s.c .. ~....._lie ..... ..., ••• l'rt.,Mwo~• 0.-1. WM •• MlrCfl t-4111111 Olttit Sitt.', l'rl., M••"' .._.... La\11111'. Ill., M.,dl 11-c.I ~·Ill)• n.-1. S.t., Marcll ...UK' C!lomtl. l'rl., MMC:llJI ....... 0...-fYt•• tt.mel let , Allfll 1--IJ9C•, w.s.,,,... ~ .....,,.,,.., WM.,Aorl u-..c:.i Slate CLll'. S.t.. Alftl 1S4JC s.nt. l«llare• ~>. w.-.. .,,.,._.ucu•. "''·· ""'""~·· ,....,..,, ·~· ltllCWft C.Uftrnl1 ll'lttnol ....... Vtllf'INll ,._letiOll !Nl(ll. All l'lttdwl Mel• et 7:IO p.11\. Pro Cage, Hockey Alamitos Race Entries ""'IHtlpllle .... v .... Iliff•" ....... • MISCELLANY .MV SwimmeFS Expected To Dominate Prep Scene By OG RCA L60 Of ... Ot ff PIMt , ..... The 1978 h11h chool a iro seuon t Wld r way along th 'Orance Coast are • a r 1\onj.bat h11 been ynotymoua with • cellence. Looming bove the tal nt of area &wlmmera from Hunt· inaton Beach to Stn f:lcm nto are Minion VleJo Ug • Dlablos, the mighU t l eton of talent ln Southern Calltornl bia· tory. All one bal to do ls Cb ck result. or lhe CIF ,.4 cham· plonshlp finals of a year a o. With the exception of two-Um Olymplc Gama champion and world record holder Brian Goodell ln the dlatanc rreestylee,. and Jeff Scolman, the same namea th•t led th& Dlablos to a lhird cons cutlv runaway are back ln the Mlaston Viejo stat.le. Diamonds •mone the eem·Uh field of talent at Ml11lon Viejo include Junior Jesse Vauallo. Junlor Paul Kontrimu, :aenior Ed Ryder, Junior 'Steve Barnlcoat. and seniors Jim New and Victor Vuaallo. Other 1un1 returnlnt are Junior Norm Brown, sophomores Steve McDonoueh, Rick Robh11ori, Dave Barnes and Dave Eby. jurilor Ra)I Novotny and d1vera Don Lebel and Bob HJvner. Alao 1enlor1 Charlie Ray, Mike Bamee. Steve Hall, Mark Barber. Ron Beshk. and Jeff Lee. Tramren Rick Ben)amb:a (El Toro), Mlke Haley (FU.llerU!n) and Kevin and Mike Wasko <HawaU> add more talent. And there are rte1hmen Carl Salyer (breaatatroke>l Blll Kasmlerowtcz, Chrl1 Wi llama and Steve Moyer. Freeatyler Kumlerowtci 11 a blue chip .P!'O'" 1peet. . - "We realize,'• 11ya Mluton Viejo eoath Mike Pelton, .. we have to replace a 1upentar 1wlmmer ln Brian Goodell, and we're countlnl on aome;)'.OUDI kids to do a · job tn addlUOG to tome new talent. "But yee, our kids thl.b.k they · can be better than lut year's team." Here are llOme Of the thlpga the Dlabl did to the rest of the CIF fiSt. year: J e Vusillo won the zoo.yard tncUvJdual medley in 1:53.03.and tblrd in the iCO tree <4:1171). Victcr Vassallo c IJ)Ju~ the 100·yard backStfoJC (Q.00 jMd wu alxth in the 200 lndo <1:sa.rn. New WU third (l!U.11) to Goodell and BUI Babaahoff <Fountain Valley) in tti 2o0-free 'and fourth IQ the 500 (4:30.00). B•rnlc:oat was second ha th 100 ba~ at ~.41 and tho enure medley relay team (third at 1: 37 .81) retwv. Of the \L'lnnlni free retar team. GoOa U muat be replaced, probably by KOn- t.tlm aa, Ryder or Benjamin. Kontrlmu was ClF so f champion (22.41) and 100 nm< nerup C48.'U> and posaea ts tremendous potential witb hll 8"6 fr me. Tbo Vassalloe are back in the fold •rter leaving the area tem. pqr rUy. "The Vusall01, "aaya P.etton, "are very goal-oriented. Jeue may be the closest to th family 1oal of itroduclne 1n Olympian. but thla ii an amaz. uprem cy which h11 c l -1 lna family. Vincente 11 only an foothold behind lho N1S:.:iv100 ei1hth·1rader and Is 1wlmmlng Jo Na_, dores sWSm club. raster than his older brothers The Dlablo. betln their que1t dld at the same a1e. And tbWe for a foW'th 1tral1ht CIF crown ii 1 l0·1ear-01d coming up." Wedneaday when they boat Ryder adds more muacle to Unlvenlty Hieb end a rn.sc>r the MJwon VleJo attack. lnellit· ltem on their adaeClule la the ble last year on the prep levd, Miislon Viejo JnvitaUonal Feb. Ryder and Goodell •w•m the 200, 4. when one of the 1t.ron1e1t and 500-meter freestylea f« the • fleld1 to ever compete on the United stat. a1atnst tho East. pnp I vcl mYadea ar1uertte Germana laat summer. Swlm Center. Tbe Dlabloe are ven1Ule-lmPQrta OG the team include Pelton can Juille hJa UDeup like the V,a11allo brothera from adeckdeards. Puerto Rlco, Barber or The South coast Le has Plllladelphla, the Dames are outatr·u .... lndi ld _,_aaue...a .. 6 -from ClnclnnaU and New of 'IU.Ul5 v u..-ln ·~ Portland amon1 othen areas. 1uch u El Toro•a T~ Jt'a 1 ~ta.r·ltudded field and Choquehuanca, Costa Mesa'• altbouch not entirely home Bob. Dolan•, and Unlveraity 1rotrn, surely the moet formlda- (Irvane> High 1 Steve Braun. ble 1roup 111 CIF aMala. But in depth. there ls nothint to The future? Nlne of the ~ hi m !l t ch Ml 1.1i on Vt eJ o • 1 the MV proaram are aenJora. Readers Speak Out' Dear Mr. White: I tee wbere Pat Hac1ea tblnka he ahould be reapoali.ble tor the fortunea of \tie Ra.ml. • f7 Um tbcr la a tol'Y about the Rams. 1t atarta off with P t Haden •aJ\Da, "'L •• •• • J am eo Itek ol reMl.na ••t .... 11.e Ja Dot the Oat; one CJG tbe team. And •hat maku hhn think he Ja IO lrn~t 8D)" w01? He :wu Just lucky all feal', and that wu proyed wbtn he choked in the plA1off 1ame. Wh1 do you continue to priilt Haden'• "L • :• aod set dOWn to ,.~. tbe real Den about the RAlal ••• It JOU cu call an.)'thlni aboUt the Rama new.. Joan Bel.lint • Newport Beach B16eA&10CAaWPl"9M The folloWinc ate Blllboard'I' bot record hita tor the week ending January 28 ., they appear In A st week'1 liaue of Billboard maiulnt. BOT81NGLU 1. BABY OOKE BACK -Player <RSO> 1. SHORT PEOPLE -Randy Newman (Warner Brt'll.) 3. SfAYJN' ALIVE -Bee Geea (llSO) .C. YOU'RE IN MY HEART -Jlocl Stewart I ( amer Brota.) , S. SLIP SLID IN' A WAY -Paul Simon ~<~owmbAa> . ""' e. WE ARE 'l'HE CHAMPIONS -Q\aeen lektra> 1. HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE -Bee Gees. tlSO) t .OOMESAJLAWAY -Styx (A&M> 9. JUST THE WAY YOU ARE -Billy Joel lumbla) 10. LOVE IS nllCKER THAN WATER-An· Gibb (RSO) TOPLPI , 1. ~'Saturday Nl1bt Fever" Soundtrack < RSO) 2. ROD STEW ART -Foot Loose • Fancy ree CW..-ner Bros.) 3. EARTH, WIND 4c FIRE -All 'N' All (ColumbU> °'· ELECI'RlC LIGHT ORCHESTRA-Out ol the Blue (Jet) 5. QUEEN -News Of Tbe World <Elektra) EA.SY LISTENING 1. JUST l1lE WAY YOU ARE -Billy Joel (Columbia) 2. D~IREE -Neil Diamond (Colombia) 3. HOW CAN I LEA VE YOU AGAIN -John Denver <RCA> 4. HERE YOU COME AGAIN -Dolly Parton (RCA) ' 5. EMOTION -Samantha Sang (Private Stock) SOUL SINGLES 1. OUR LOVE -Natalie Cole <Capitol) 2. FFUN -Con Funk Shun (Mercury) 3. WHICH WAY IS UP-Stargard (MCA>- 4. ALWAYS AND FOREVER -Heatw.ve (Epic) 5. GALAXY -War <MCA) COUNTllY SINGLES 1. OUT OF MY HEAD AND BACK IN MY BED -Loretta Lynn (MCA>• 2. WHAT A DIFFERENCE YOU MADE IN MY·LtFE -Ronnie Milsap <RCA) 3. YOU'RE THE ONE -Oakrid1e Boys (ABC-Dot) 4. TO DADDY -Emmylou Harris (Warner &ros.) S. lrflDDLE AGE CRAZV -Jerry Lee Lewis <Mercury) Deatli of· Patton ~pires Movie It ls based on the book "The Algonqwn Project'' by Frederick Nolan. BO O HOLLYWOOD (AP> -For the ftnt Umt in 15 years, It's J real race tor the Oacar u best ac. treas ol the )'tar. When the sot!\ wardt ol the Academy Of Mo. tlon PictUN Atta and Science. are preae,nted al the Loi Anielet Mullc Center April a, the bis t auspen.M wtll likely be in HleetlOn of the actress winner. Oscar hiatorlana can't recall as Im· praaive a ftold ltil~ J.N2. That wu tbt )'UJ' Anne Dancrdl •cored tor .. Tbe 1llrade Worker." The ether 1)()Cft\ntet were equally diltJ.uuilhe4: Bettt Dam, .. Wbai Eyer Happened u;·&aby Janet"; katltartne Hepburn, .. Loni Day'a Journey li1to Night": GeraJcltne Pa1e, ••sweet Bird of Youth": Lee Remick, "D•>'• ol Wine and no.ea." IN MANY OP THE POU.OWING yeare. Academy voters were hard put to nnd fiv• reasonable riomtnees for atarrlna actre11. Producers 1lmpl.Y weren't maklnl vthlclet for women. and all the excitement ln the Oscar race wu centel'ed on the actors. ;1 Noc. this )'eat. The fllm compe.lea have final· ly reallud that audiences are also 1.Dtuated 1n eubJecta about women. Two Jg'17 movie• otter double poulbll.ltlet for nominatlom as belt perform&Dee by an aetress: "Tbe Tumtna Polnt," Shirley MacLaln• and Anne Ban.croft; "Three Womo. Shelley I>t,val and Cl111 Spacek. Diane Keaton could be nomlaated for either .. Anni• Hall" or .. Look.la, for Mr. Goodbar." .JANE l'ONDA, WINNl!!Jl for 11Klate1• tn 1971, Is a likely c&ndldate for "JullL" Vaneaaa 1\-1- grave mat be mentioned for tho 1ame film. though perbaps as 1upportin1 actreu. Kathleen Quinlan ls a 1barp posslbtllty for "I 'Never Promlsed 1'ou a ROM Garden." Others: .Lily Tomlin,, "1be Late Show'•; Sopbla Loren, ••A Special Day0 ; Gena Rowlands, "0pebh11J~!iht"; Maraha Maaoa. "The Goodbye Glrl"; Mio- nelll, "New~. New York." ComedY performances dom.laate the race for beat performance by an actor. Richard Dl"IJful b a probable nominee for "Tbe Goodb.>'• Girl" ·rather than "Clole Encounters of the Thi.rd Kind," in which he wu upsta1ed by 1pace creatures). Two ltand·up comics turpect eton · are bot proepecta: Woody Allen for ''Aamle H•ll" and George ):lurm lot-"Ob, God!" Arid another - Art Camey for "The Late Show." Otber po11lblllUea amon1 1tar actora: Gre1ory Peck, "MacArthur"; Jahn G~A~ "Providenee"; Marcello Mut.roi.a.Dnl. 11a LOS ANGELE.S (AP) -Geor1e Kennedy will star as Gen. Georfe .S. Patton ln "Bran 1'ar11t," a 1u1 ens• pi~~~~~~;ii!i~~~iiiiiiiii~~:;;::;::~E~~~ ma Uaat pacplatee I atton'a death In an automobile accident was the result of a criminal conspiracy. The film also stars Sophia Loren, John Cauavetes, Max Von Sydow and Pairlck McGoohan. SCIENCE ftCTJON DOMINATES the field for best picture. The ·rront-runners: "Star Wars" and "Close Encounters of the TblMI Kind." It'• 1 curlo\l.J fact that bard.,. are uenss to domlllate 1ucb films; no performances •appear likely for nomtnaUons. except perh•P4 Alec OulnDtu u aupportln1 actor ID "Star Wan!' Tho field for beat picture, alont with the .dlr~t.On Who m~ well be nominated: "Star Wara .. ' Georce Luc11; "Close Encountera, .. Steven Splelbtta: "The TumiDI Polnt," Herbert Roaa; "Annie Hall," Woody Allen: "Julia, • Fred Zlnnemann: "Tb&S Obscure Object of Dtat.re " Lu11 BUnUel. ' Tbe •uppoftln performance nomtnatJons are leH easy to ptedJct. Amoa1 the posslblliliea: SUPPORTING AttJtESS -Vanesa• Red grave, "Julia'•; Joan Blondell, .. ()penln1 Nl&ht"· Bibi ADdenon; Sylvia Sidney, "I Ntver Prom.IJed You a Rose Garden"; Karen Lynn Gorney "Sat~ Nllht Fever"; JanJce Rule, ''11ar~ WoJ:Da"; Dominque Sanda. "1900''; Diana RiH .. A LiWe Nllht Mwlic"; Le&lle Browne • ...,.,.,· TW'Dm.~".' • ~u S~portJnf actor -Bll1 Macy, ''The Lai. Show• ; Bwt L&Deuter, Sterllne Hayden, 1'1900"; Alec GuiueH, "Star Wars .. : Peter Firth "Equua": Juon Roberds, "Julia": Tom Skerrlu: MUtbaU Barysh.nJkov, "Tbe Turnllll Point": G.D. ~pradlin. "One an One .. ; Uooel Stander, "New York.N York." • \IC ,,UA \ --- E G Double Oscar winner Bette Davis makes her. television debut tonight when she stars in "The Dark Secret of Harvest Home" at 9 p.m. on NBC, Channel 4. kMPlrlt C81HEWS 7:00 N11C NEWS UAMCLU8 CD ILOVIWCY Cl) AOAM•12 Melloy end Reed COC)e Wltlt .,, antllQOnlallC robMfy vietlm. fJ3 MACNEIL I LEHAP AEPOAT Ota111tel Ll•th•fl• t> KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles I KltA (Ind ) Los Angeles KASC· TV (ABC) Los AngelH (I) KFMB (CSS) San Diego 0 l<HJ. TV (Ind.) Los Angeles 9 KCST (ABC) San Diego I l(TTV (Ind) Los Angeles KCOP·TV(lnd.) Los Angeles ID KCET· TV (P8S) Los Angeles \ I!) KOCE·TV (PBS) .-.Untlnglon Beach (D AACM CMl.IZA T10H A spoof of ttle J.9oob l Bronowtky'• "Alceftt of Man" ill offeted ([J TO TfLL THI Tf'UTH 7:30 D CONSUMl!A 8U't'UNI Q NEWLYWEOGAME CD THI 8AAOY IVNCH C1J AOAM-12 CltrletmH Eve bring• m1ud blealnga to MAlloY and ANd when tMy have ro arr•t Sai\ta ca-. • LA. INTEllCHANO! "Popcorn" • FMHCHCHU "Wonune Wllh Cftooolate • (A) ([J S100.000.W.THAT TUNI t:OO t> (I) YOU'M A 0000 UOAT, CHANJl MOWN Chaflle •own le •Id lfltO entering a clterlty "'°40Clr-•• motorqoele ,_ O¥er a rOU9'1 OOetacte "t Ramembor, I ~ bet" On t!MI occ:ulon ol ttlelr IHddlnO Mn!Vlfury, CetollM lftoalla f9Clllll tier ~wlltt ~Chair ~~andtfle Ol.llt«IM mey P4d lo ~to beoome man enclw!M • • MOVllI it*'* "Unconquered" ( 19'1) 011y ~. 80ril Kartoff. Front' Fort Pitt ltrugglil!t ao-IMt l!ldllnt Ind tr..cftetOUI lllllitM ~ Ille ""' of • VltolnJa (1' lnM 30 lftln.) JOKEA'I WIU) I CNQ. llUANl!TT ANOFMNOa • MOYie •••~ "'Beeu Ja,,...~ r1t11n 9ob Holle. v.,. ,,... In tM 1920· .. .-.. Walker, e-y tMad'9 ol ,,,. .,., .. atected ~ ol New Yortr City. 11 "'--> -~,,.,... ''TM~ Of~~· Tha PrtaoNr '"""9 tMt It Ii only a metier o4 tll'lle t111t 10111 a dramatic ~ totnc> ..,,, e aur 'AIA. u.&A.' t:ao II IJ) MaO-TIOOo TAvt Of9Q{' We!IM nanatn ~d t(lplng'• .... fJI e rnongooee. NYed trom drowning. VltlO jolll9 hi9 ~Of'• fMllly .,,. P<ot«:I• "*" tt°"' (tie dreadtd co~a. (A) l ~TIOH StJS.000 QUE&TION OWRl!ASV A-Blalctly; melclng the moll of U\llngs; rtcord- ~MOWIO HO 8 CJ) CM MOVll ·-oi. ~ OI Simu Kudltb" ~) MM Arllln. Slllttey J(nlgM. A UlhYMIM MIMIM malt.• a daring attempt IOI' ti-. dom b)' IMp6ng trom a Aualalt ... moored otf 1he cout °' M..ac:hu- --ont9 an American COM1 ~cutter. D NeOMOYte "TM Oettl S.0.. Of H.,._ .... ~~ (~) Bell• Davia, Oav10 Read! for Roots II? By JAY SllARBtJTT LOS ANGEL.ES <AP> "Roots" got record ratln1s and a lot of hype last 1oar. Now. ABC plans a sequel. It's prlmlnt the publicity pump tonl&ht at 9 on Channel 7 with a one·hour show caJJed "Roots: One Year Llater." '(, • • N arrat.ed by Enu11y"'4inninii Rootsman Louis G06fftt Jr.. it purports lo examine what ABC calls "the far-reachln& lmpact" of the 12·hour, ei&bt.part miniseries based on Alex Haley's besl-sellin" boOk. The impact has been amply reported. But 1 don't believe anyone said the show's story or African roots and American slavery and freedom "lllerally / blazed across lhla nation's screens .. • 1'1onday's Clo in Pric • NYSE COMROSITE • TRANSACTIONS N DAILY PILOT "'"j~ll'~ HOOD·'l'(>:HOO CO PAtlSONS Underline the lnroah impol'Ud mod b have made In the U.S. market~ Jn 18'77, more than two mllllon loretcn au\Om were &<>Id in tb1J country. The prevtous htth WU 1,1 mtlllon m 19'3. 0n Of e-ter)•tive n 1' CUI boU,at tn Am rlCatOday an mport. It xnak und lindablf , It Dot encU7 admirable, the recent propo1al by labOr leader J.W. Abel that 1ovemm nt employea be barred from ownlni foreign cua. Abel, former p l nt ot the tJnlt Stfflworkan, comptalned that Jody Powell, PrHldent Carter's pres' aecretary, ••makes US.000 a year and drives a Volbwag n to the White House every day." He added that • Po.wen la .. paid witb the tax dollars ol atoel worken, rub- ber workers and auto workers." Abel didn't mentlon that the company that make.a the car tbat Powell drives la aboot to become the llrst tonJ car manufacturer to open a plant tn the United Stata, creating, dlrec:tly and tndtrectly, aome 20,000 •obi. He a1JO didn't menUon that the compuy that makes U,e car that • · PoweU drives has a bo rd ot dlrectora on which labor hold.I one·thlrd ot the seats, wbueu hil Wdoo bu oo Mata on the U.S. Steel board. THE Pl.ANT VOLKSWAGEN WILL open ln April Is at E11t HunUnedoo, Pa. 1t•1 constructed from the lhell of a factory Chrysler once pJai\neid to ..-ate, bUl ~ er'• marketahareplun1edtoontolibloweatpointalnbJatory,l.9 per~ent, lut year. Tbe German mark bu ~. ao at.ran. vl&· ·VI• the American doUar, that Rabbltt Productct ln P DDSylvanla will probably be cheapor than those made In Gtrmany. The U.S. plant wlll have an lnitlal producUon rUft ol 200,000 Rabbit.a. For arac:ing Pennsylvania with Its pr aene , Volk&w•ten ls settlnc tho nd carptt trutmtnt. Writer Ron CMmow, in tbe JanClarf lul.M of Motber Jone. m11arlne, deWl.a the lnceotlvts ln an article oUUed, "The Rabblt Tht Ate Pennsylvania." CHEllNOW BAYS PENNSYLVANIA put toaether a • $10 million aubsldy pack11e to enUce Volbwaaen. "The tdea of briblnf Industry to brln• money Into an area . • . bas beeomo accepted u a fact ot We," COG• eluded ChOmow. The same obcervaUoo waa m""e earlier by Uie Wall. Street Journal, whlcb questioned P n· naylvanJa'a Jud11nent In beatowtn1 ''lta favon so 1eaerous.. ly on a alngle investor that 1t thre tens to lmpoM burdens \ on other tupayera." Th Jap es ,.. next. Wttti tht VoJklwaaen· Penns)ivanla mple before them, Toyota d Data c n be expected to drive a tl1N barptn. l It• wanta to be the tint to bave a JtpAn auto aijant? Tho bldd~g ls now open. ' · ~ f • ~ e Uum 100 boats in 12 cluse5 turned out Saturday and Sunday for th~ Balboa Yacht Club's :Winter Reg tta, aalled on iru;lde and O\lllid courses. U w the largest regatta of the new season. The Jargest class was the Performance Han· dlcap Racing Fleet with 21 yachts racins over ocean courses startine off the Balboa Pier. Other classes raclna outside In the ocean were the Elchells·22, Luders·l6, Santana·20 and Snipe. :trophy winners; ETCHELLS·ZZ 02> -l, No name, Dick Deaver, BYC~ 2, Otherwise Enaa1ed. Joe O'Hara, NHYC : 3, SPirit, Scott Ramser, NHYC ; 4, E1ad. Durcan/Am[cs/Cotton, NHYC. . LUDERS·16 <5> -Three way tie amons Ao1el, Bill Fundenberg. NHYC: Inflation, David lluostron. SSYC, and Matinee, Joe Moulton, SSYC. SANTANA·20 <8> -l , Andastu, Will Templeton, BYC; 2, Hummingbird, Robin Sodaro, BYC. PllRF (Zl) -1, ALTHERIS, Ray Booth> BYC; 2, Animal Farm, Hansen/Byrne; 3, Pussycat, John Szalay, VYC : 4. Bold Forbes, Ed Cummins, Capo BYC; 5, Spray, Lee Painter, UClSA. SNIPE (8) -1, John Shaddon, LBYC; 2, Jeff Case, ABYC. INSIDE CLASSES LASER·A (6) -1. Martin Williamson, BYC. LASER·B (7) -1, Lyn Malanosky, DPYC; 2, Kurt Karst, BYC. • LASER 30 plus m 1, Bruce Twichell, VYC; 2, Ben Green, BYC L100·14 03> l, Mark Gaudio, BCYC; 2, 'Orlan Ucnsch, BYC; 3, John Thorne, BYC; 4, Chad Twichell. BYC SABOT A (10) -1. Jon Pinckney, BCYC; 2. Joanne Norman, BCYC; 3, Joe Bilsborough, BCYC. SABOT R CSl 1, Mary Bubb, BYC SABOT c; 15> l , Steven Stinson, BCYC -Power Squadron Changes Office..s Herman A Folener was installed as com- rpander of the Balboa Power Squadron in the annual Change ol Watcb l'eremonies at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Friday. Otht•r new ofCicers in· stalled were E. Eugene Yaeger, executive of- f4cer; John E. Sigler, squadron educational of ficer; Thomas H . McCluln, administrative Qfflcer; Fred Van · d..erWeele, secretary: Theodore W. Kerr , treasurer: Richard R. Local Pilot ')f Wins ~Wings Sand burg, assistant treas urer ; John U . Crotes, assistant seoretary. The Balboa Power Squadron is a unit of the United Slates Power Squadron, an organiza. tlon devoted to safe boating education. BPS runs two free safe boat· Ing classes a year. The spring class. now under way at Newport Harbor Yacht Club, has an enrollment ol 220 for the 13 weeks course. HOBIE CATS HEADING FOR WINTER BLAST. Hearty 200 to Compete for N•tlonal Point•. Hobie Cats Ready For Midwinters More than 180 Hobie Cortez, making about a Cats are expected to seven hour trailer drive compete in the annual for participants Crom Midwinters West Regal· the Orange County and ta l''eb. 4·5 at San Los Angeles areas. Felipe, Baja California. The event, sponsored by the Hobie Class As· socialion, marks the or- ficial k1d:on of the Ul78 Hobie Cat resatta season Top place finishers in each or the three competlns claasts -Hobie 14, 16 and 18 - will be A-ardtd qualify. ing points toward the na- tional championships to be held next fall The Midwinters West will draw skippers. crews and their famllles from several states in the southwest. San Felipe ls about \20 mlles below the CalHornla border on the Sea or .Joint 1'J Racing Group Formed The Southern C lifornlo Ocean R clna A oclation CSCORA> w a 'for,nally launched Thurs· day night at a me tin1 or the Owen Minne)· ot South Shore Yacht Club, Newport Beach continued to ct th pace ror the speedy Pacific Catamarans Saturday and Sunday when h trailered his craft to Redondo Beach and handily won top honors in the class ln Kina Harbor Yacht Club's Winter Reeatta. Other winners: PllRF·A -Zap, Richard Busch, PVYC. PHRF-B -Lone Ranger, Robin Martin, KHYC. CAL·20 -Annfe, M'ke Shfens. KHYC. LIGHTNING -Wendell J larter. KHYC. LI00·14A -Warren Fox, WYC. LID0·14B -Bob Walecki, KHYC. LASER -Pat McPherson, KHYC SABOT A -Steve Garland, SMYC. SA BOT D -David Wiedeman, KHYC. joint membcnhip of lhe O an Rac1nf\ Flectf of Southern Calirorn1a and the lnternution I Offshore Rule Yocht R cing As· sociation at Long Be ch Yacht Club. SCORA is a new organh:11tiQn lormed as the result or the amalgamation of ORF of Southern CalUornlo and IORYRA, ~ OFFICERS OF THE new or· ganizaUon are Bill PllllCOC, pres- idcht; Milt Smith. vice prcsi· dent: Tom Tobin, secttl ry, and P.hil Murray, treasurer. Retiring heaas of the ORF nd IORYRA are Mor111c Kirk nd Dick.Foxx. The purpose of the new or· canization a erincd in the bylaws adopted Th\ll'lid y ni ht is: "To encouraae and promote yacht racing in Southern California under the lntern ' tlonal Oflsbore Rule <lOJl> as C4.NNllU4 ·116, DIFS • ARAWA, Papua New Gwnea CAP) -A cannibal chlef who ls said to have eaten early Euro- pean explorers on the laland of Boueainville died at tbe a1e ot UI. a newspaper reported. The Arawa Bulletin said Roter Handu, who late ln life became a Christian, "was one of tbe first cannibal chiefs to taste the flesh of the first Europeans when they patrolled the area." • \fmtage. A lot cl taste without a lot ci ...... INSID : • f Robert Snyder is a national champion of I the mental. sport. He likes chess t because 'it teaches you to think.! By DENNIS MeLELLAN AND, IP SNYDE has his way, l .. DlllY .._..... more ii.net more Orange Countlans I llobert Snyder waa midway will discover the pleasures of play· . tbrou1b his chess 1ame in the lng the ancient 1ame. Amert~ Open in 1972 when b1I Startinc Feb. t at.1 p.m. he'll eoncenttaUon was broken by a Jow teach a be1innln1 chess class rumble from the audience. The throuah Coasttlne Community noise arew louder. Colle&•. in room 8 ·19 of FO\mtaln ''Tbere'a Bobby Fischer," Valley High School. He also someone screamed as the cheu teaches intermediate and ad· superstar paased alowJy, then vaoced classes at Santa Ana quickly throu1h the crowd. Fis-Collece. cher barely made it outside, but The Garden Grove resident has not before an overly-enthuslutic been teachin1 the 1ame at col· fan had ripped the ahlrt ri&bt olf leges and univefllties since 1974. hJs back, He aays that since the famed Fis· Snyder, a 23-year.:Old national. cher-Spassky match several years che111 muter, Jau1bs ln rec~ ago the number of chess players the incident, which, if notbin1 baa doubled. else, proves that even chess, has But while be once had 70 people its flashier moment.a. show up for a beginning class, Flscber-mania aalde, what is there are only about 50,000 tourna· stereotypically portrayed as a bor· ment players in the United States, ina game played by dull people-he says. an old cartoon ahowa cobwebs ''Do you know how many they growina on a player contemplal· have in the Soviet Union?" he asks lng hls next move-continues to rhetorically; "Five million." addict mllllona throu1hout the It's a naUonal pastime in that world. country, he says. People even get For devotees such as Snyder, college degrees in chess and it's chess ls an intellectually stlmulat-taught in all the achoola. "Every ln& same that never ceases to be kid learns to play chess there." fuclnaUnc. <SeeCHESS,Pa1eCZ) I. j • • I ;Eye I . Coataet Here are the advantages and disadvantages of hard and soft contact lenses. • I, • ! DAA.. Y Pll.OT • • OellY ........... """'"'~ Robert Snyder: Some correspondence games take tw~nd-a-half years to complete. I I • OT ~.,. 'Secret Meetings' __ A ANN : Som tlmt1 you prlat m ted l from another toUre • 1\li poern w · nt to me but I don't know who wrote it. Pl•ue ahare lt witb tht world. It's priceless! - EAST COAST RBADER IECaETMIETINGS A•• Lallden Ellleud Marvlll tba • Have been bavlnc ia not only Wite.ibUe done no J:ore n secret IDCetln .. twice a . but irrelevant. ii d bealf~ I week He bu deve ope She•a developed ~1• montr tbe pa~t als aha'fn~c\=~~s and IU1, and .But have tbUI far ahe•a I~ ~~o. eel * He baa de lo 1 failed to consummate Hfuf ~M~· · ~b .. ~~ ~ .tbelr passion; ~ri:e forty miles to She ·hu started bit· ~~~:set>Ot.b of lhem sneaky luncheoftettes inl her, nails, and In separate cars He 11mokin1 •Jrain. agree Thal marital fidelity But have thus far Ellie and Marvan ••• Contaets (From PapCU . Beware of anyone who "pushes .. contact len1e1 lnltead of eyeelasses. You need a atnlnl · motlvaUon in order to adjust to lenses; JOU ~an expect the doctor to queallon )'OU carefully about why you want lenses. It takel tlme for the eye to adapt to contact lenses. 1be eye must get used to some arnouat of frlctloo, to a different way of getting oxygen to the cornea and to excbanaing lhe tean held underneath the lens. Wearers may suffer from watery eyes, burning, redness, swelling and un· clear vision at first. Report problems to your doctor. · . Caring for lenses can be a nwsnace, but it is essential. Both hard and soft lenses can be con· laminated by bacteria if they are not properly cleaned and stored. When practical, contact lenses should be handled wilh clean hands and over a. clean towel. IC you have to handle the lens with ~ wa•hed bands, clean the lens before puttlnc 1t on the eye. Fingernails can damage contacts, scratchmg the hard variety and tearing the soft lenses. Learn to be carerul. . Consumers should follow cft!aning instruc· tions provided by the doctor. Hard leDJowearers will need lhree special soluUons: a soaking solu· tion In which lenses are stored, a cleaning solu· tion to get rid of contaminants and a .wett!ng solution to keep the lens clean while lt 1s bemg applied llnd to help make it more comtortable. The optometric g,oup says, "There are some all·ln-one solutions on the market for hard iens wearers, but many optometrists find these Jess satisfactory." The optometrists also recom- mend aealnst mlxln& solutions from different manufacturers. Soft lenses are usually disinfected by beaf- ln1 them in a aall solution. They also may be disinfected by beln1 stored overnieht ln a chemical aolutJon and rinsed in the solution in the mornin1. Find out what type ot cleaning p~edure Is ~commended for the lens you select and stick to it. ••• Madame <From Pa,eCl> One WU that she wouldn't have to worry in · case h~ h~atcl '·ever-. lost hla Job. The Other atemtnedfro,.CiQCernlorJiercbildrea. She elaborated: .. tthought, 'Wbatlfon.ofmy sons isn't a sood student? Then it would be nice to have a business to hand over to him.,.. Her hus.,and had betn appalled at her re~D:J and told her not to breathe a wordoflttotbelrc~dren because,sbejoked ... the1Jlbey'dnev~1tud1!• Today. her nons Patrick and "'eor1e are lawyers; her daughter, Loretta, ls matrled to Dr. MarcusWoagandtiastwollttleboys. Elahteen yean a10, when lt ~amt Uine to open tho amall restaurant. wblcb bad apace for juat 40 people, Madame Wu .. coutdD•taleep. I wi>r· rted about Wbete l coWd find ~ cOokl. l Went to cburcb (SIM la a d6Yout Cathe>Uc> .and lit a caDdle and then felt very peaceful. .. Daya tater, &he aald. two c:bef• came In loot· tnc for wOrt. 0 1 thut God the restaurant wu a aucceaarrom the very first day. Myflntcmtome\9 was Lawrence Welle. When he asked me for mJ autocr•Ph. my bus band lau1Whllbeadolf. •• SlDte openmi. the haute culilDe at 11.uia• Wu•a restaurant has mid• tt • popular eatlag place f~. numerot11 famous people. celebrities and dlsmtanes. Sbt bu beetl ciffered $3 mutton for th• reateurant, but won •ueu. TP years 110 Cary Grant asked her to open a r aurant m tho Newpett Beach area. 0 1 'wu tempted, bUt1 a111Ced tn1Hlf. •What do 1 want to 'rove? WhyTUUaU. thenallmyhardWOrkelff~~ 1ear1Wlllbelnvaln Solbette behavem11 . . Sh• credlta her IUCCUI to .. NC~k~ar'd wortc and detennhiatl~ I'm happy ln wa ~~ a 1"9metsoman,ynlce~and---ao mach. I thldk 004 bu been very tbMS to me. t hue a marrlfl a.Dd cb114Nil and acnv two gr .. Yearn to have some love in the afternoon at a motor: hotel But have tbua far only bad a lot ot Coffee . Because, He ta convinced tbat bil phone la bela1 tapped, and She ... COD'YlDced that a man l8 a trencb coat 11 followin1 ber, and · He says what lf the. motor hotel catcha n~. and She saya what ff she talks in her sleep some nlebt, and She thinks her husband ii acUn1 sus· plclously hOitlle, and He lhinks his wife ts actine suspiciously nice, and He keeps cUUln1 h1a face with hla double-eqed razor. and She keeps closln1 her hand in the doOr of bercar.ao While both ol \bro aaree that IUl.lt la not only neurotic but allo obsolete. They•ve also a&reed Toetveup Secret meet1n1s. -AUTHOR UNKNOWN DEAR EAST 00.UT: The au&bor la known to me. Her name la ludltb Vlota'-Site la ODe qt U.e mo1t •••Oac•lar wrHen aroad. I fl8d laer poetry ••Helo••· .JacUdl .. .._ fer lted· Milt .... de'tcked )'Oii.. __ ..... 1oar re ae c Utat I a•arelL CONl'IDENTJAL to ~te to Face It: Grow" up. Honeybun. One Of -the hardest tblnp about maklnl a llVlnl ls the' reallaatlon tbat 1ou have to do lt qatn next week; ••• Oiess vlctoriealnl977." The National 0raanl11Uon for Women was a prime target as ere the Status of Women Com· minions •'They tell us women are kept in serfdom . • . They tell ua women are not even peraon.1." U these croups have their way, sbe charaed, there would be more women in the labor market. lhrowln1 men who have to 1upport their famillea out of work. Tbe coal of "women•a Ubben" she 1aid ts lo replace "diversity .. with "uniformity.•• She cbar1ed ERA supporters with thlnldn1 .. every problem is solv.cl by Ht· Ung 'up another <•overnment) a1ency." Mrs. Schlafly Hid tbo women'• movement ls "pushlnf reverae discrimination and quotaa" and warned the country's educaU011al system ls in danger tiecause the movement is trying to make them into "un.i.sex .. lnstltutions. "They think God aoofed by mak· :ng two aexes. The textbooks are beln1 challled • • • Now you must show a roan in an _,roe ev~ fOU bave a woman In an ~" • •h• 1a1d. She charged her oppcmentl "1ilh beini respo;.slble for .. 'eord'mrtna cblldren as to whe th 1 aN boyt or atz:la'\ a~ stated b ~·au for" "ui.I tt~ta fm-·emplQy. ment and . .SucaUan but saldiheie ia no need for ERA tiecause tbefe 'ls already federal leliliation cov· erin1 these areu. She appealed to fellow Republlcana to contact theJr COD· gressrnen and ur1e them to stop the attempt belna ma~ to extend the time nece11ary for ERA'• ratlficaUon: "Women's Ubbe,.. do work very hard and they have been very sklWul in golna after the media .· • • Their tact!e th.ii year la to 10 out and beat the le1illators wbo voted a1aJ.aSt A. • "Thal'• why we bave to do the same ... ·' co-champion 'of the Western U.S. in 1973.' "They Just alt around and eollect d~t,'• heHyl. iTbat'• not the only thins collect· inl duat ln the room. There are two chess bQarda set up with sames in Pl"Olre8$. · An ln&Asmatlooal correspondence chu• player, he actually ha~ abOµt 20 1ames in proiress. with 1 opponents as widespread as trance, Chile, Denmark. Brazil, lcel•nd and T\Jrkey.• ••• ProspflrltY Consckiusness Seminar Saturday. January 28, 19'18 0BALBOA BAY CLUB 1m MCIFIC~HMMr NfWpat a.ott 9:00 A.M •.. 6:00 P.M. MP• Pncn ~lidJd«I ~"'*tr. l'Off NlfTHElf INFOIUMT10N, """"1ot SUCCESSEMINARS· 4019 WE31!RLY Pl.AC£ 1103 NEWl'ORT BEACH (714)s:Jl.10IJ 01(1H)41·a-15' ··1 oet to do the countdown. With any luck. it'll blast off!" FUNKY WINKERBEAN CASEY ••• • • • • mJ.. ME I ~'TOR VALE I WHlrr KJND OF STRFF 00£& lJ.fE AVERAGE SENAU HAVE ~ by Tom Batiuk OR. SMOCK I l j I 1'HIS ONe IS S~MF=>l...Y A AOU1"tNE! 0Pe!RA1"10N, POC'T"OA br Chari s M. Sctiufl NO"r ~A'f" KfNP OF' ROU"TIN., Ml1"Wt"f' ! ·.. ~ ~ ~ -''-•- -· .. ~ .. . J -~· .. II IA 'IAIR ""'" ·-· .. .. , I Ril ~:~: .. ll I -~ -Ill" !!I l -' A f • I 11 -·- l I A~ I 'I ' j i 1, r v I 11 t if.. i E ~ ' PUBLIC NOTICE fllCTITIOUll IUUlllUI .. AMaSTATlld"T 5 6 7 8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ,.. 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DUPLIX 3 btdro9m unite . '10$,000. Pride of ow1ter1hlp. Excell nl Co1ta Meaa location. Ch\1'.r anxlOwl. 642-1062 C....., 2 l C~cktf' OMISTORY CONDOMINIUM DaUXI ftlPUX Spacious 2 BR. 2 ba .. each lflth laundry ereR, patio. frplr. " encl. aaragt. Convenient toe., 1n East Coit• M~u. $11.S.OOO BROKER ~ ~~---....... ~~~· • • HERITAGE fllALTtiRS IALIOA lSLAMO-tltt,500 Best buy on the isl ndl Deli btlul 3 bdrm 3 buth home wlth inviting corner frplc in living rm. spacious study off upstairs mstr ultc. Overslzed dbl garage, stmny gout.h patio. Woll\ to beach & shops. WISUY H. TAYLOR CO •• ltlALTOIS 2 I I t S. J~ I loiid HIWPORT CEHTB, M.I. '4~4t I 0 -- BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J41 Bay,,.J,. Q,,,,. N t; f,l'· t.ltil 1002 G......a REALISTATE SALES Want 2 11mbH1oue saleipeoplf' for per, on al lrelnin1. On ronfput r. super lo<'. Progrcuh·e comm . l"or your br111ht future. cull DO IT YOURSB.F -and save s·s. You can own a home on this R·2 lot and build more Income units whJle enjoytne hbme ownership. Call and let us a11l1t you to movJng up to prfde.-of-ownership Jiving tor only $94,750. '4Ml61 llAUTIPUL MESA VERDE - •'Exceptional" describes this beautiful adult occupied condo! Immaculate condition, new carpeting. outstanding location across from pool and school:Priced At 162,900. 54Ml41 Sen11nq C.o:.ta Mcsa·lrvinc tlurit111gton Bcach·Nr.wport BeJch Cia•r .. 1002'G ....... ....................... ..................... . HARIOR VIEW LUSK PRIVACY -PllVACY -rRIYACY This 4 bedroom haven is an executive reward -green hills, blue Pacific. a home to make it all worthwhile. Corona del Mar at its best! 1436 Keyvlew. Open dally till sold. $259,000. . • • -... ! • LUSK@HEALTY I} Ju ii II n. 1.11.\/.. l( ...... ,,,, Cu. 2'> 15 E C111.1\I Hwy. C ~ I USTSIOI Sr!CIAL rtlMILOCAnOM Warm aUractive 1 bdrm + d•n condo. Cov'd patio. Abundant atreet parkin1 Qear your lronl ----------door. Adi.lit. only. Ideal IVY ~VIUD SH GLI COTTA•I No fooMnl 2 bedroom. 1 bath shingled home with beamed ceilings, paned windows, s~e root and a wtndlng brick walk thiu "'1 lvy covered yard. No fool.in. but there's more: a sunny detached one bedroof9 income unit with its own private pttio yard. Both for SlSG,900! No fool·in! UJl!WlfJUI: t1()Ml:i REAL TORS", 1576-6000 2443 East Coast HighW1y, Corona def Mar •lso in,.. Vardt. et 6'46 ·5990 '°" )'OUftl Of' T'flired eou · pie. Priced tcfsell at onJy sso.soo. 5'5·9491. MISAYDDI MIMl-UTATI F~ • bdrm, lmly ••• ,. ... ·-••'T l•-------111 rm & frml din rro -~ -·"-WHAT A IAIGAIMI w/ilamoroua 1exae pool ~~·=:' aurf IA.Ilk Realty bu to offer &cl.Iv bnL Blt1eat tot on and Cl')'Sla1 aandl Back to now and aperkDced block. Comer lot w/vlew IOOJ •Heral 1002 .............................................. yard is bay area play· aal•~I•. of park •uchool. Clot• to around. Windln1 woodea •Rec!ttvat.opcomm. tbopplnc, cburebt1 & walkways to secluded an· •Incentive prosrarn Mesa Verde Country try 1 Gourmet kitchen. •Guaranteed Sal• pro-Club. Don't btieltate. Call Step-down converaallon sraru nowt 645-901. area plu1 fireplace! •Gre .. t referral pro. -.~ ... HERITAGE . • REALTO RS ,.,,~ ..... lllAl 1\11\11 Sunshine breakfut gram patio. Poot.jacunl· •PIUI much more CM.EMMAl volleyball. Garaen livtn1 Call today for confltkn· Real ES late emtom courtyard entry, ~ Walker 1; l r.r. alllll finest 847.0014> Uallntervitw. M<MJel 0-'°"" I 0Z6 apaclot.11 open livln1 rm, ~"'".,.,,·,,VN,oeuk1• --------1NewCondot,2 Br, 2~ Ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Open hearth fireplace. 3 red hill ~ !>52-l SOO --. Ill ,~. I 2· frplc 's, ceramic Ule oc.:-n'VlEWDUPLEX Bedrm•. Countrv • ___ lmll!I ___________ ~-11~1. ;11·. l UNITS IOtchens Ii tialh. Pool Ii DANA .. POINT, cloae to kltcben/famU7. Quality 11pa. 67s..1912 Brok tr uartna. Ea. unll bu: --•-EASTSIDI LI & .... DY .......... 5 i5.. lq ft Iv area, dbl ;:"j_;rt ~=r :::'.1--..-.-~~~-.-~ G&MHI IOOZlfh"'r" 1002 nlll ideall)' located In-""" MAn ctecklna,2car1&r,lbrm 6»CISll ... -.................. ....................... PERFICT f:.tme~~ .... ~1:9 DREAM HOME ~~ ~ b\~·O:,~ ,-... -.. -w-.----- '· MANAGER-JIEAL ESTATE NEWJ'O T BEACH A prfme opportunity with an outstanding real estate organization + hlch earnings! E xperience is a must. Prestigious location. All applications held in strictest confidence. Please reply to Ad #68. Dally Pilot, P .O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 IOOJ Gftffal 1002 ...••....•..•......•.• . ..................... . .-~-.. HERITAGE . • REALTORS COHDmOH for, One a bdrm, a ba1b f Fantastic opportunity Al\. l'.>ealaf N'.lam i;i. , ... •• I 042 Jl(ove rt&ht ID'9 this J ooa Wnn onlt.a cloM to for the handyman Helt· ~ ...................... . fes1ionall7 decorated aboppin& le tramporta. lna a lart• worbbolt al .NSTUSTID and landleaped s bedrm UaD. -.nu. heme. Bll Hparatt PIUCI SLASHED ltarbour Lane a Br, 21.t plus office home. bulld.ln.ltn bacluultabla Z Bdrm Dplx. A•l cond. ba'elid Wlit W/%4' boat Gorieous sunn1 kitchen· for mechanl~, wood Poulbly UM lowest prtce altp. Super a harp! famlly rm, wlll a teal worker, eltetraclan, or ln Dana Poiol. HURRY I $155 OOOCaU now your heart. Formal din· Real Estate ??? Better hurryl Call 1103,000. Owner/Brkr. MCBJ.IWn in&. Watel'fellsanddeck---------fWS.0803. '15903SI <n4)~ ing: Many xtra1. See l .._ P•••a t 007 believe. ••••••••••••••••••••••• FO~c:src: OLSON 400[.Jr" JOR All T Unlt1, 8 • 2Br & 1 CM.-AIW Bachelor. pool, 1teps to tfd~ . .., bch, "5(1,000. 2~ down. •·~-~ -~-Owner&tH721 --''-------- ...... P••1' ... ~ HwitMg'toi leach I 040 Im. 1144 .............................................. JIDRM+POOL SIS.000 In d•lrable H.B. toe•· lion. Oceanvltw 1ebool dJ1trlcl. Shake roof, ll.W. noon, wO<l(l b\lrn· loi frpJc. Calm pool w/auto-1weep. Many up· 1radt~ ftaturea . 97-0321. ~ Walkr.r G I et: WOOOUIDGI UA&.n Hl.JOOO HAL PIHCHl.M REACTOR 67MH2 OCIAMrllw. e.o..o:muc ·-l~S$ - I f ' UDOIYOWMEI er.4Ba m-1 :------••••••••••••••••••••••• Mobletto.e. FwSale 110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 t $100/Mo.RIMal • COSTA MESA a ltnl Skyline. 28r, 2 ba . I Ot Ylo w-.... plush pat.io porch for tha ft..-ft.&. I J-6PM 'special couple or person -..---1 who enjoys luxury. Love S~cious 5 Br, den, ram ly location. awlmmln rm, w/2 paUot, sundeck, I 50813) -900 n~arby moorina avail. poo ·~t{.}J co.AST' · Li&bt "cheerful! Ask1na Mobile Home Sales $32$,0001. '.f 2706 Harbor. Suite 208 1y Wntr CALL540-S931 67J.1'7: 675"'4'37 . ------12x44 New Skyline, lBr 1ood loc. Reas rent QUICK SALE Priced to 11ell. 548· 7891 :>Br, view. HVH, $174.500 10 x 40, r•t0diltcl. •• ~=er 759·0143 or Ira cleaft,; S7IOO, fWti 2.214 Port Carlisle Pl AcNtl fro. IC.W OCe. ........ FROHT ahopp •9 ce11ter. """" 646-6911 owaer Dur.LEX. $295,000 191 ..,__,,__ 34 Pet Broou Rltr 8'$-1531 2 ...,..._-, ap OPEHDAILY 1·5 1139 SatwlH Terr $425,000 VIEW. LIGHTS and glamour clOle to yacht clubs. Beautifully dee 4 Br home+ ram rm. Beaut pool & pallo. Vee land AND 107 ..... 5,,1 .. , .... $265,000 CM.Mitt_, co.taMna •-••v~ Sll4Mo.a..t Double wide luxury, pe welcome, 2Br, lBa, one ot ureas lovelies Mobile Home Parks Under$20,000. CCF1016) SOUTH COAST Mobile Home Sales 2708 Harbor, Suite 208 CALL 540-5937 --- ' t r f / o ~ • I If I { f ,,..,,. lf\ "4 ~ I I I u r t ~ t I ' I o I " I ' 1 J • •I t I I SSMIWOM TO SIOMIWOM 111 lsaow Closktgt , ... Moltttt OUR IMYOO'ORY SHOWSWHYI lur. Sell, or 119' . V/e'te L.-p ToSene& boughToe .. UNITS PRICE 2 .••••.••.••••••• $180,000 2 .................. "225.()()() 2 ....•.......••. $167,500 Do you: likepeopl ' Have aal ab11ily': Like to be creative! Wanttobethebnt? Are)'ou: Ate m player! Profitorici>ted? SEVEN UNITS in San ClcmeQte, S240,000. ....................... G ... ,.. 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• , .... __________ -.! HOtilP'lNDERS ~hdl of Renlal All a.reu all pric• Sample: S100 l Br, ldds,tntd 1d $200211r, lddl, lnrd plex Prine onl» Ownr. _ _.;.~------~- 540-0004 evs. IUHITS 111 yeorJ old. Huie lot. noom to build. ..~lxera. associated llllOK[ll' •• rA . 11'. ,.,. • "" • ' l ' .• WOICllalld Villall MS Pautartno Beautiful, aew. adult apta. Grtai locallon. 2 JIOOlt, 2Jacuuil. Move 1n Immediately Bachelor IZZS-1245 1 Bdrm DSU2'U a Bdrm $295-S325 Rental Office .......... •• .. •••• ••• •• 0peQ Dallf 9·8 "'-~ ... w. , '!'St. Manasement ·-a -a .a. •• 4..ptex. 7w.oon or 842.1803 AC. cpU, drpa, bllns. ______ ....;.._1 encl aar, no pets. 586-168'1 orS81·1137 WHllA Y TllPLIXIS .......... leech Jt40 --_;....;~......,._ __ COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAND NEW llAHD "IW l Br From $280. 3 Br apt/condos conve· 2 Br From '305. nl •~ • I Br 2 Ba From $395 ent ""'' 5 unltl avl. $400 • · up. 984·150'1, 640-1751 Beautiful new 3 unit New delu.xe twnhs apts lg buildin11. Xlnt location 3br 2ba Cplc bltna WO near So. Cout Plaza. hkup patio dbl at.taeh aar Children welcome. No $39$. ~36CM. 963-4218 .,.u. Rental omce open dally JO.S. l40 Baker St, I lJVE ~r Th• Beach! blk W. ol Bristol. C... .. Sol MH215 BeauUful Adult Apts Gu & Water Paid. 2 Br. 2 ba. all bllnl, frplc, 21Ml Brookhurst, HB • encl.r 1ar .. balcony. 962-46ll ·~ 4000 LawJdry rm. $325. --------·---• TSL.Msmt 842·1903 New dlx 4Plex. 38r. •••••••t••••••••••••••• · Frplc, blt.na. w/d hkp. Room w/ kitchenette Y91Vfth1Apts yard. pr S39S S4S·3604 $.~heek&up. 207I Tbw1n 962-'218 • 548-9755 Brad new, Jara• 2 br.1-...,..--------• 1 ~ l>a townhouse w /f am room. XJnt area.~- TSL M1mt 842· 1903 EISldfo. li&ht., airy 3 Br. • 9a, bkns ln tn1>1es. aeo No pets. 162·'201 o 551-1241 EASTSlDE a Br 2 Ba, n 21st • M6-6915 E/Side 2 Br 1 '°' Ba, fplc. pool: klcb ok. - - - l\uri Whitl'. Ul.ilt ~r 1•101 t4•' .. I"''' Otvot N It 1;t.,1f,7', 4hJO ACCOUNTING CLERK 10 Key ulcul1lor, by touch a mu1l, type &5 WPM . ple11ant tel phc;ne ,·olce, front of· OMCI ,_.AMAGlll IOOICkHPIEA Bar lady for mellow tavtm by beach In HD. SALES . A FUNNY THIN HAPPENm ON THE WAY TOWORl ·t DIDN'T. ·WANT TO GO Seamatreu, nil loft needa aeatn1tl'es.tH., _________ 1 Some exper. desired. m.:uso TYPISTS. SPCPLAYPEN (Z)l'SOPAS. m LOVESEA'l' 201TOMANS SACRIFICE ONLY$488. JPCROOYGROt;P 5PC BED ROOK '7PClJVINO Bil STEWART ROT1l 'PCDlNE"ITE Amen~~~ • 1588 750 E. l>)'tir M . S.A. 4 DRAwER CBJCS'l Sii. (alNewpOrt Pw7) . Wabrut ftnlah 711.-Z I c.tts .... . WEAV$0BUY~· 1161 ..... 11.CM q\19,altver,JeWl , u 64Mllt Porte fioUp. a1 .... .................. . 111Urdl4Lab lloUQd. well minded, need• taol'e ~...-atts. DAILY PllOT f . '11 Toyat P.U. Supe clean, custom palat Sunroof, custom tlrea. Xhtt runntnc. Man) xtrH. Avail for ul 1/28/11, 14.5-3153 Al o Jim URWICIC OA l SUPo' """·'" lu.t11 l .. '"""''' ... , .. 811-1.175 4q3.3375 WEIUY CLIAMCAIS &TaUCICS -. ''H Qevy _. ton Pickup CONNELL Loml.P.P. Ql..7JN ms Chevrolet. ai~ •id CHEVROLET pickup uuclt, elec 1trt .1121JfarbOrBlvd. •. l ld COSTA MF.SA ••t• -lffV ct • 146-1200 Uclla, 11.000 ml, '4$00. --------See at DUNLAP'S 1096C Talbert <At Euclld) FV. CREVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••• &I If • &IOAOWAY WE PAY TOP DOLLAR SAMfA AMA FQRTOPUSEDCARS 835·3171 FOREIGN, DOMESTIC '* lll.NIAT'I DIWV• MACHJIC or CLASSICS •USED IMW•1 * If your car ll extra clean "72 Bavaria auto, S/R see ua lint. 165P'AJ IAUH IUICK "74 2IDO% Auto. 608LPO 2925Harbor81vd. '75~hpdS/R ('982) CostaMesa m.zsoo "M2002~~fi~DP TOP 'Tl 320IA S/R 177RSK DOLLAR CloMd °" 5-day• PAID ORANGE COUNTY'S FOR CLEAN OLDEST IMPORT CARS ~ ALL MODELS 'ill Sate.Servlce-Leuin1 Roy Carver.Inc. RoUt koye9 BMW U40 Jamboree 1978BMW's HERE NOW! BARWICK DI\ TSU"4 S.1u .lu.10 t ·.,~H ·lr 11111 8)1 .1375 4q 3.3375 COSTA MESA DATSUN Newport Beach 1140-54-« 284$_.ARBOR BLVD. WEaUY ivro BMW "Claulc" 2800 S4M410540.021l USID CARS!' a; Coupe-4 speed, tun· We're~ new Chevrolet rod, factory aar cond., 4ealers?Pp In the Irvine AM /FM atereo, electric Auto Center. We aeed windows, pwr. 1t.eerln1" 10W'usedcar! brake1, llsht alloy JOE wheels Ii ooly 63,000 ntUes. MINT condition! MAC PHERSON Sll.$00/best ocrer. Prl. CHEVROLET pty ·Call 642'°138• 21 Auto Center Drive JRVJNE 761-7222 The Mac PhOftOn RTV BIQer s a two-wheel drive vehicle that do most eVefYthing a f our-wheeC drive will 4o nnd aome things It won't. It also offeta econom ot optretlon and malntenanco that a four-I drive can't touCh. IMMEDIAn DELIVERY we HAVE AN OUTSTANDING SELECTION OF OTHER 0FF ROAD VEHICL~S ~******'t'#c*** Jae Mac Pherson NEWPOPT OATSU H •t DEALER IN U.S.A. ~~~VER ROUS·ROVC£ twe~ .. ~ .. Kii ,...._ __ ..,.... TAKE YOUR CHOICE! SAVE SAVE S~VE • I . Glass FalU From LA High Rise LOS ANGELES (,\P) -Two large pan of 1lu1 from • Wilshlre·area hl&h·rlae ofOee bulldini shattered end fell into the street this mornln1, and several others were removed from the 1tructure when they began cracking, pollce aald. Police blocked off or:te block ~ Wilshire Boulevard ln front ot the building, and ctty fire de· partment and department of buildini and safety inspectors were summoned to the scene. "For some unknown reuon, glass panes -one from the 21.st floor and one from the eilhtb, just blew out onto WUsbfre,'' Sgt. Norris Solomon said. "There's glass all over the street." The noise of the shattertnc glass prompted initial reporta that an explosion had occurred, but Solomon said there was no explosion and cause of the breaking glass had not been de:- term lned. The cracked panes ware re· movtd by enaineers from the buildin(t, whlch Solomon aald waa "about~ or 301torie1 taU." No injurle1 wbre reported from the Incident, which oc- cured about 8:30 a.m.. before most oUlce employees had re· ported to work, Solomo'1 said. ·'Fmal Say' By Governor. RAL!;IGH, N.C. (AP) -Gov. James Hunt 1oes on 1tatewtdo television tonlaht with what b says will be hJs fa.nal word on tbe case of the Wllmlnat.On 10. Hunt has lour baste o)>t.lom: he can crant a lull "pardon of innocence"; he can 1rant • Je11er 'pardon ot for1tveness": he can commute ttielr aentene to allow at\ earlier releue or parole; or he CIA do notbln1. The nine black tnen allll In prlaon were conVl~'ln.tm of flrebombin1, a white-owned grocery In Wllmh11t0n. N.C., durln1 racial ,·w,Jence therein 1971. A white woman convJtt«t of betn1 an aeee .. ory w•• paroled. • CARTER'S BUDGET IMPACT VIEWED-A4 -STATE'S PROJECTS TOP BUDGET ALLOCATIONS-.U budget will hike spending by $38 billion over 1978 and will be the first to hit the half-trillion-dollar mark. Spending would bo equal to about $•.200 for e~ery Amtrlcao. But iil his budget message, Carter said tho real Increase lo federal purchasin1 power would bo only 2 percent, and that the budget will actually reduce tho federal share of tbe nation'• 1ross national product frQD1 22.8 percent to 22 percent. The budget doesn't provide for any m~or new propam1, but a contih1enc1 fund of $3/blWon could be used to finance the start of a national health ln· IUl;•nce proararn or an Qfban aid procram that Carter said be will propose to Congreaa in March. · The budpt includes Carter's proposed CS.billion tn tax cuts that the administration contends are needed to generate one million new Jo in the •conomy in 1979. Carter sald the bu~get, the first produced entirely by his ad- ministration. may abo be the most important because U repreaeata the "lint full •taf.e. ment or ita prloritiea. polkies and p~&ls tor meeUna our naUonal neect..'' WO.t Griard. RescruiB Pilot SAN FBAMCISCO (Af) -A pilot Who brought down a small plane In the Pacific 90 miles west of bere afttt it devel~ engine b'Wblo hu been rescued by a Coast Guard he)lcopter, of- !lelala nooiUd. , Rlck Ll~yd; 82, of Pleasant Hill, wu flying a sln1le-en1ine Plper Cherokee from Oakland International Airport to Honolalu Sunday when the mechanical problem• becan, said coast Guard ofllcer Helen Waters. She said he radlOed his Mend, Gary 'Scbwln1, 32, allo of' Pleasant HUI, who wu fiJlnt ltb him to Hawall 1n a nearby 1ln1te.ecgtne sna, and the two plau!s beaded ti•ck toward Uiecout. A sewer ml.Jn that ruptured Sunday altenioon Jfft two lanes on acme Coast ~llbway in NewpOJ\ 8eub closed to traffic today and"'a·,.pc,ruon of Lower Newport Bay under quaranUne. The bJ'Uk in tho main was first reported u a water main break to Newport Beach poUee at 10:30 a.qt. By the time the gput bad bee Identified, cleaned up and tba 1ewage diverted to another main at 3:IO p.m •• eallons ot the W\treated sewage had apllled Into the bay near the Sea Scout bue on Coaat Hlthway. In addition. tbe flowln1 sewa1e Jed to leara Of under· .around dam11e to tbe heavU)' r WASHINGTON (AP) -~ u .s. Supremo CoWt acre.a to- day, in a cue hlvoMnf penalon euitblllty, to decld.o·w~ a state hu the powtr\o ovemde a work coatract between a com· pany and tu employeea. The cotiit aranted a bearing to tho AWed Sl.Nltural Steel Co., which operated aa offtce in Min· nesota wttb 30 employees unW it closed In l974. 'the firm •1 non-contribu~ pension plu provided that an employee m\1$t work ;a1 least 25 year1 to have bls pensioa vested il be retired at •I• ~ If be were older than ss; tbe contract Pl'C>- vtded peijaloo elltlblllty U the worker'• •I• pfUI hla y'8n ot empJoyment by the companr totaled at least Tl. Jn 197,, Mlnftesota enacted a law that 1ranted pentlon elltlbWt,y to wOTken wltb oniy· 10 yeara of aemee or more •bo were 11.ld off beCauae of a ptmt cloatnc. It Wal estimated by a court- app<>lnted expert that tbe atate Jaw woUid eo1t the steel com·· pany tron:a tn•.'111 to Sl.85,761 more la • W"'91P.ageAJ BlJI~DING. • &reramento Di8counts· Sus~ct '1 JOANNE EYNO ... _,,,......,, Newport Beach 'Tape and buralary &U5J)ect G~ eurus Br n ~ as eliminated to(lay as a auspect lD th infamous Sacramento Eaataide Rapist cases. • Sacramento County Shertr1'1 Deputy BW Miller said today that Branagan b no lon u !)e. tna probed by the Eut1lde Rapbt task force becaus tho detecUvea ''establiibed that be waa in Utah at the time some of our cases were reported.'' • Meanwhile, bOwever, detec· tlvea m Piovo, Utah, including one officer from Newport Beach, said they expect to spend tbe next few days catalogulne wbat they bell ve are stolen .antiques found In Branagan's Provo home. They tentatively set the value of the items at more than $1 mllllon. Branagan hu been cbarced th rape and l>ar;tar1 In eon· nectlon with two bre.k-lns n Con>na de! ar homes ln which ~apes occurred and antiques were atolen. He :remains in Orane County JaiJ, held iln lieu of $50,000 ball. Branaaan was lnlUally linked to tbe Eastside Rapl1t c • Fr!day duriag a bail hearing held in the Harbor .Judicial Dis- trict Cowt AmtaPlmu 'Jrigil' for W PilOt Averts Milltaey]et Bi'Diving' LOS ANGELES (AP)° -No in.' jurles or damage wu reporteCl whon a commercial airlinerdovo r pidly to avOld a colllalon with a mUitaey alrcraf\ that WU ~ too low. officials aald. • According to a Federal .l\vla• lion AdrnimbtraUon offtctal, A1.r. California Fll&ht 708 from Sacramento to Orance County Airport turned end dJpt>ed 2,000 f et Sat.Urd y to avold tho mlllt&H')' pl . artin Smilb, a paasen~e~ at.Oard th Boeinl 731 jet, aa1d pilot Ed Mltcltell exp~aineid tO the 77 pusen rs aboard • flight that tho mtuta_ry craft was flytn1 close to l.he 28,000-foot level of tho Air CalllomJ• llilht rather than lt& asslsned lever Of 29,000 feet. "It wasn't even a close call," said Ken J.;onf, 1lh Alt Cal11ornta apoke1man. "Tho crew re11lled th•t it was a potential accident and took action to avoid 1t.'' The mlUtary airplane was nbt lmmedJately identified . Xhe incident oceW'l'ed OYer the Los Angeles metropolitan area near the e~ of the fllcht. Loni sali! the air Callfomta • flight landed on aobodul without further incident. ' • J •J&9'111~~;:,;;~~~-.......;......;;. __ ..-..... I California D~eamin, A pen~ve surler takes a break in Newport Beach, sharing his reverie with a solitary seagull. The weekend's sunshine brought out crowds to parks, beachei meets after"'weeks of rain. OCAirport By Newport Beach city coun· cllmen will be asked tonl1ht to set aside ~.ooo to be used to hire experts to help the city in its fight against expansion of Oran1e County Airport. City Attorney Dennis O'Neil, In a memo to the councll noted f.hat "if we hope to stave off· • • . pre!Jsures for expansion, we must face the bard reality that lt f pill cost money and perhaps a lot of rooney to protect tbe city's •~terests." He sueceated the fund, wblcb would remain under the control of the council, be estabUsbed for ntal.µn, at~. eonsul y ~ ex~ asec~P'Y hi the clty'a on·golns battle the county-owned facility. O'Neil'• recommendation (qllowa by two weeka a similar recommendation made by horn eowners who have been f)aht1n1 airport noise. Some of the areas where the dty Js batWn• the county over the airport include the elty t.ballenae ol the airport envlton· mental impact report, tbe city ehallen1e of the •tat•·aranted f9l1e variance, 8'l tor hearinc 11\ls summer, and aeveral pro: edlnp before the State Public Utilities Comml11lon an4 the federal Civil AeronauUca Board ever proposed new routa into tile county lint.rip. The aftidavit submitted by Deputy District Attorney WUliam Evans effectively re- moved Judae Paul Mast from any further involvement in the bearin• ordered for Norton, u. of Santa Ana. Tlie case ts now usltned to Judie Edw.ard L. Laird, a choice that will not be challeoied by the prosecUtlon. Norton silc1 bis lawyer will not oppoae Laird. . 'Becoming a Realii • .. ·Bu~get -~fEered:. ~arter Propose_s $500 Billi.on·. : Career Enda For Politico budget WUl hike spendln1 by .$38 billion over: W18 and m be the nt to hit the ti U-trillion-dOllar mark. · g would be u to bout 1•.200 for ev f¥ Am rican. But ln bis buaget m , Carter Sold the real increase in federal purcbasln1 power would be only 2 percent, and that bud1et will actually reduce the I ' • A Bard BOID ta Boe , . Gridder's a-heft Trial Set · A Jury trlal h n ord red fot a Univ tty of Waahtnau>n footb U player rrHted at the Reitatr1 Hotel ln irvm on a c:bar1• ot bur lat')', tho day after b1a t am won th Rose Bowl. • Hustle defen1lv safety Klehael 1J. Oathie 11 1chedl.llecl • for trial Feb. 28 in Harbor Jlunlclpal Court. lf convicted. be face1 a year In jaU and diS.o mlaaal from tbe footbaill team. 0111.i WU arrested by two I"lne Police otttcon tn th '1ft •hop Ol"th 'hotel Jan. a dunn1 closed earlY mor'nlnl boura. Police clalm Ogilvie surren- dered blmHU and· led th m to hle room. where they recov d1arette1, cb~ auml eaildY. and a blrU14ay card plc urtQC a turkey wearlDI a football helmet. Police cbarled the loot taken from tho ,ut shop. Residents of Farragut Road in South Boston excavate their cars from snowdrifts after a storm deposited about two feet of snow on the Boston area over ~he weekend. Otllvie did not play ln tb Roa• Bowl 1ame becauae of Injury. . Wublqton Hea4 Coach Don Jame• reportedly aald, after bit player'• arrest, that Osllvle would be booted off the team U lt were prond be did anytblnc u. lecal. . ·Belgian Nobleman Kidnapped· in Paris PARIS (AP) -Gunmen on a motorbike and bidden ln a parked truck closed in on the chauffeur-driven automobile of Baron Edouard Jean Empain on a Paris street today and kid· napped the Belgian nobleman, one of Europe's wealthiest in· dustrialists, police sources said. The sources said no ransom Pil,ot Averts Military Jet By'Diving' LOS ANGELES (AP) -No In· juries or damage wu reported when a commercial airliner dove rapidly to avoid a collision with a military aircraft that wa flying too low, officials aaid. Accordln1 to a Federal Avta· tion Admlsnistrattoa offlcial, Air California Fltcht 708 from Sacramento to Oran1e County Airport turned and dipped 2,000 feet Saturda,v to avoid the military plane. Marlin Smith, a passenger aboard the Boeing 737 jet, said pllot Ed Mitchell explained to the '17 passeneers ab6ard the night that the military craft was flying close te the 28,000·foot level of the Air Callfornla·ruaht rather than its asslaned level of 29,000 feet. "It wasn't even a ~lose caIJ:• said Ken Lone. '1\ Ali' Catltomla SPokesman. "The crew reallied that it was a potenUal accident and took action to avoid It. 0 The mllltary airplane waa not 1mmedlately identilled. The incident occUrted over the LOs Angeles meU'OPolltan area near the end of the rusht. Long aald the air Caltfonua tlllbt landed on schedule wJthout further 1nciden~ demand bad been received several hours after tbe late- morolng abductloo. The 40-year-old Empatn, whose mother was Columbus. Obio-bom music ball star Rozell Rowland. ia president and managing director of tbe French-Beleian Empain· Schnelder group. The conetomerate, wblcb hat an annual turnover of '4.5 billion, is France•a only nuclear power plaot manufacturer, building U.S. Weatlnehouae planta ·under license, and bu larle steel, ahlpplng, bankiDC an machinery producUon ln· terests. The chauffeur wu reported badly beaten by the ldctnappen and boapitallzed for treatment ot bil injuries. Police sources aala Empaln had just left his home in the city's fasbiom~ble 16tb District and bis car was trytnc tO pull around a amall truck parkecf away from the curb near the apartment buildin.C when a man riding ·a motorbike faked a tall, forcing Empain's car to atop. Three or four masked and armed men Jumped from the truck and the man on the motorbike pulled a 1un, the sources aaid. The aunmen beat the chauffeur and threw him in· to the truck, and most of them then piled Into tbo car and roared off With Empaln. The chauffeur alerted Police after be was freed lesa than a mile away. Police lmmediately went on a nationwide alert, but the sources said the7 bad little to so on. Altec Cliief:s wnt propose to Concresa In March. · The budcet includes Carter'• proposed $25-bllllon In tu cut.I that the.admlnlatration conten61 are needed to senerate one million new Jobi in the economy in 1979. Carter said the budget, the ttrat produced entirely by bis ad· mtnlatratlon, may also be the most important because tt represents the "'flnt lull state- ment of its prlorities, . policies and proposals for meetmi our national needs." The budlet la for tbe fllcal year beeinnlna next Oct. 1. The projected outlays of $500.~. billlon compare with outlays durln« the 1978 fbcal year of $C62.2 billion. Recelpta are projected at $439.6 btlllon, leaving a deficit of $60.6 billion, compared with an estimated deftclt of $61.8 bUlion this year. The record annual deficit was $66.4 billion in fiacal 1976. Carter 1ald his propoaal to eat taxes permanenUy by $17 bllllon for individuals~ billion for~ poratlona and~ btlllOll m exciM and payn;ll tues ts esaenUal to enaure adequate growth of the economy in 1979. ·enn 1f St meana a delay in his 1oal ot balancing the federal bud1et by 1981. . "'I jud&ed tltat the most lm~ tant priority thil year was to re- duce the burdens on taspayen," • be aatd. uon1y tn this way can we ensure a vicorous economy. a declining unemployinent ra~ a 1tron1 expansion of private lD- vestment, and a stable bvdiet balance iJl tuture 1ears." Little" wu said abOut bal~ tnc the bude~ ln 19811 . which clearty hu become an mcreu- inely lea Utely prospeet u time 1oe1 by. Bud(et Qlrector James T. McJntyre ~ told reporters that lf Carter recommebCll'addl• tional tax reductloa Ill tutut9 year1i{ u be has 1atcl he mtlht. · 1t w! be lmpoulble to acbleve bala9c. ln 1l8L The I>epartuieot of Health • EducatiOll and Welfare woaJ:e1 rece\ve tbe larcut ~ fJl Carter'• budcet, a total ot $1ILS billion. up from $1M.e blllk:lli In 1978. Some $103.1 bllllOD of UWI ""111 be for SoCi4l Securlt1 PaJ• menu. Tlie Defense Department would receive the next larstst ah are, tll.5.2 bUlion, up.~trorn. $150J3 tiilllon in lt'71. Carter Ulcl this ~\I an increase m real 1~ -meaDl.Df aftertn; flatloh'lJ'dlico&&nted -of a &>el'- cent, VJttUaUyallOIU..twou)4Co to str ngth(!n U.S. p,rtlc:JpttWft in th North AUantlc Treal7 Ot1aM!at!on.; James aald Friday •decision on O&llvle'a future with the teaJD depends cm the court action. .......... ge~1 BEES ••• but not more deadlJ ... Observers also found th t the hibrid bees tend to mierate 1reater distances, ~rhapa SO miles or more whCD they feel the uree. ..So far, absconding swarms of Afrlca.ohed bed have moved northward u far u Venezuela and welt.ward into Peru and Bolivia,'' the report 1aid. "'They also bave moved lolith lnto Urupay and Ar&entlna. '" Meanwhile, in an attempt to deny tbe insect& a free ride to tbe United States, Con1reas in 1978 pused the Honey Bee Act •10 prevent bees, lncludln& their e111, larvae, pupae or aemen from being Un Ported." Bees .trom Canada were exempted. Fishing Boat Sinks SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A tommerclal fishing boat with nine penons aboard aank in SU Francisco Bay near Angel bland today. tabbiJJg Ho r porte4ly bad lost control ot a three-ton truck tbat tumbled down a 10.foot 4i'alna1e dlteh, and may hue been upset over the accident, which killed Pvt. Henry Martines, 21, ot Los Anselea. aald another baae a.PQk m~ Lt. Charles Oweii. • Owen said :V•sques became unru.ly at the boapital Saturdat and allqecUJ cha.reed a atH:wity 1uard who tliecl to 1ubClue him wltb teal" 1u. The 1uard - Navy Hoepltalman Second Class Ivan Blake, 35. ot Cb:aUanooca. Tenn. -was reported ln aatllfactory condition wit aclasor wounds in the back, fe.c~. both~ and a leg. Vuque1 then alle1edly en· 1 terea the rootna or retired Chief Warrant OUtcer Jobn J . ConiloP l:r • A, and Jaaet S. Merrim~ 62, Widow of a retired army man, autbdi1.Uea said. The two Ocoanalde realdents were at· tacked and diecl from mu.ltl.P1e atab wounds from ldllora. p,...p~AI ctded to doPt a bt'MZler ata19 name ... OJkle .. was an ex• preuion he often used: "Jae~" seemed llko a aood acc-.nm.-panlme.nt. · He ltaycd at Parmount i nine 7ean, and In We utount~ Ing re~r awe~ In lJ moVies. .HlS f avortt.e tlJm WU u!!lme the Great.•• He 11 perhaps most known for his )mitaUon of Mu:aaollm to Charlie Chaplln'f; HJUet 1Q •ante Great Dictator.•• • • THE PIANT VOLKSWAGEN WIU. open in April ls at East HllllUngdon, Pa. Jl.'t 1:0nstruct.ed troan tbe ahell of a factory Chrysler once planned to operate, but tbryl1 '• mark el ahare plun1ed to one ot its low t polDta in history. 8.9 per.cent,lastyear. • .. The German marti bu ~a.,,..,,., •. \Ut•·Yh ~ American dollar, tliat nabbtts produced ln Penn11lvanla wll1 prob bly be cheaper than those m•do 1n Germany. i~t~i!: plant wlll have an lniUal production nm ot 200,qoo f.-or aracing Pennaylvania wlth It• pr.aenu. Volkawqen ii ••ttlnl the r*9 tarpet tn1tm t. Writer Ron Cbemow, ln the January iuut of Mother 'on maaal!M, detalla the JnceatJv Ill u arUcle eDUUed, ''The Rabbit Ttaat Ate Penntylvanla." ' CHERNOW YS PENNSYLVANIA put toaetber a $70 mlllloo tublldy p1ck11• t.o enUce Volk1w11en. "The idea of bribing Industry to brlnJ money Into an area . • • bu become accepted as a fact of Ufe,'' e<JO· eluded Chernow. The Hftlt obMrvatlon wu made earlier by the Wall Street Journal, which qutttloned Pu .. n1ylv11nla'1 jud1m.ut tn beltowtna •·tu favora so 1enel'OUl- )y on a ainsJe lnve1tor that It Ulreatena to lmpoH burdtna on other taxpayers." Dow Dips Broadly' After Brµlget Vieu' Stock.J>rlces declined broadly today, 1bowin1 UtU1 We ln the wake ot Presl~ot Carter'• la.I ud ~~t pro-posals. The Dow Jonee average ol 30 lnduatriaJ1 clCllled dowo 8.24 at 770.70. . . Losen held a 9-5 edg1 on galnen arnona New Yott Stock Exchange-l11ted iuue• Analysts said Investors found few 1urprtse1 ln Presi- dent I • • i ; • ' i I lh n iop boat• in 12 clw turiioo out. Saturday nd Sund y tor the Balbo Yadll Club's Winter ~g tta. 1alled oa lnaid d outside 'courJ • It .was the Jar1e t reaatta ol lhO new season. The J rgest cl 1 was the Performance fbn· dicap Racin1 Fleet, with 21 yachts raclni ovet ocean coun. 1tartin1 oft the Balboa Pier. Other class r cins outside in the ocean were the Etchellfr22, Ludera-16, Santana-20 aod Snipe. Trophy winners: BTCllELLS·ZZ UU -J, No name, Dick Dcav r, BYC; 2, Otherwl e Eo1a1ed, Joe O'Hara, NHY.C: S, Sl>lrit, Scott Ramser, NHYC: 4, Egad, Dur11n/Amfes/Colton, NHYC. ~ L\JDERS-\6 (5) -Three way tie amon Angel, Bill Fundenbert. NHVC; Inflation, David Runstron, SSYC, and Matinee, Joe Moulton, SSYC. SANTANA~20 <8> -1. Aodastar. Wlll Templeton, BYC: 2, Hummingbird, Robin Sodaro, BYC. PHRF (21) -1, ALTHEllts, Ray Boioth, BYC; 2, Animal Farm, Hansen/Byrne; 3, Pussycat. John Szalay, VYC; 4, Bold Forbes, Ed Cummins, Capo BVC; 5, Spray, Lee Pamter, UCISA. SNIPE (I) TT' 1, John Shaddon, LBYC; 2, Jeff Case, ABYC. INSIDE CLASSES • LASER·A (8) -1, Manin :'llliamson, BVC. LASER·B (7) -1. Lyn Malanoslty, DPYC; 2, K url Karat, BYC. LASEll JO plus C7 > 1, Bruce Twichell, VYC; 2, Ben Green, BYC. LlDO·l4 (13) 1, Mark Gaudio, BCYC; 2. Brian Hen.sch, BYC; 3, John Thorne, BYC; 4, Chad Twichell, BYC. SABOT A UO> -1, Jon Pinckney, BCYC; 2, Joanne Norman, BCYC; 3, Joe Bilsborough, BCYC. SABOT B (5) 1, Mary Bubb, BYC SABOT C (5) l, Steven Stinson, BCYC. Power Squadron. Omnges Officers Herman A Folgner was installed as com· mander of the Balboa 'Power Squadron in the annual Change of Watch ceremonies at the Bahia Corin\.hian Yacht Club Friday Other new officers in· stalled were E. Eu11ene Yneger. execulive of· {icer, John E. Si11ler, squadron educaUonal of· ficer , Thomas H McClain, adminiatratlve officer; Fred Van· cterWeele, •ecretary; Theodore W. Kerr . treasurer: Richard ll Local Pilot Wins Wings Wearln1 Air Force silver wings followin& araduation from pilet training at Columbus AFB, Miss., is First Lt. Robert 0 . Van - derhoeven, son of tt· tired Air Force Capt. and Mn. Gerard L. Van· derhoeven of 31321 Paseo Del Sol, Laguna Niguel. V&nderhoeven is betn1 asalaned to Norton AFB, Calif., for flylnt duty with a unit of the Mllttary Airlift Com· mand. Sandbur1. assistant treasurer: John U. Crotes, assistant secretary. The Balboa Power Squadron Is a unit of the United States Power Squadron, an organita- tio n devoted to safe boatin& education. BPS runs two free safe boat· ing classes a year. The spring class, now under way at Newport Harbor Yacht Club, has an enrollment o( 220 for the 13 weeks course. HOBIE CATS HEADING FOR WINTEA BLAST. Nearly 200 to Compete for Natlon1I Pointe. llobie Cats Ready For Midwinters The southern Callrornia Oce~ Racln1 A1 ocl tlon <SCORA> waa formally l unched Thurs· day nl1ht at a meeting or the Owen MlMey or South Shore Yacht Club, Newport Beach, continued to set the pace for the speedy Pacific Catamaran Saturday and Sund;ay when he trailered his craft to Redondo Beach and handily won top honors In the class in Kins Harbor Yacht Club's Winter Regatta. 0th r winners: PHRF·A -Zap, Richard joant membership Of lbo Oc n Racing t'lect or South rn Cahromia and the lntermatlon l Offshore Rule Yacht R c ng A • socl lion at Loni Beach Yacht Club. SCORA is a new organiuit1on formed os the result or the umalcamatlon of ORP of Southern California and IORYRA. Ol•'FICF.RS OF THE new or· ganizallon Qre Bill Pa coc, prt!S· ident: Mllt Smith. vice pre i· dent~ Tom Tobin, gccretary, and Phil Mu~roy, treasurer. Retiring headS or the ORF and IORYRI\ are Morru~ Kirk and Dick Foxx. 1:hc purpos of the new or· ganiutlon H defined in th bylaw adopted Thursday ni&hl is: .. To eneourage and promote )'achl racing an Southern California under the Intern • lionol OJfshore Rule <IOR> as Busch, PVYC. PHRF-B -Lone Ranier, CAJVNJB4L; Robin Mart.in, KHYC. K~¢~:20 -Annie, Mllce Shlens. 'lJ6, DIES LIGHTNING -Wendell ARAWA, Papua New Guinea Harter, KHYC. (AP) -A cannibal chief who ls LID0·14A -Warren Fox, uld to have eaten early Euro· WYC. pean explorers on the island of LID0·148 -Bob Waleckl, Bougatnvllle died at the aie of KHYC. 116, a newspaperreportect. More than 180 Uoblt Cortez. making about a LASE!\ -Pat McPherson. The Arawa Bulletin said Roser Cats are expected to &even hour trailer drive KHYC. Handu, who late in life became a compete in the annual for participants from SABOT A -Steve Garland, CbrlsUan, "was one of the !int Midwinters West Regal· the Orange County and SMYC. ~annlbal chiefs to taste the flesh ta f''eb. 4.5 at San Lo An&elesareas. SABOTB -OavidWledeman, ofthefirstEuropeanswhenthey Henry Sprasu Ill continued' lo domlQal th one-man Finn Class Sunday wlth a declslv win over nine competitors lo Newport H11rbor Yocht Club's lnalce 'rrophy ruce for the ctnsa. • It u n n.: r • u p w a s R a n dy McLaren ot Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, and third was Brian GaQ1.t Oceanside Yacht Club. Only )h·e Lehm•n·l2s turned out lot the annual CoTk tt • Trophy race. The "'inner wu Pal Allen and runner.up wa Jeff Mertckle, both Of NHYC. Felipe, Baja California. , KHYC. patrolled the area." ~------------~--------------------------------_..;.--~--------------------_.:;..--..._ ________ __,.;;:..;.~ The event, 1poMored by the Hobie Class Al· sociation, marks the of- ficial kickoff or ltie 1978 Hobie Cat reeatta season Top place finishers in each of the three competins classes -Hobie 14, 16 and 18 - will be awarded qualify. ing points toward the na· tional championi1hlps to be held next fall The Midwinters West will draw skippers, crews und their famUiell Crom several slates In the southwest. San Felipe ls about 120 miles below the California border on the Sea of ''Van eisc a lot of my fee s about smoking!' R~tMcnthol and Vclntn e lOOs A lot cl tastewitbootalot cl tan ' ' • J ~CalitOrnlG Drea•in' ' t 'A pensive surfer takes a break in Newport out crowds to parks, beaches and swap Beach, sharing his reverie with a solitary meets after weeks of rain. seagull. The weekend's sunshine brought Sewer . Spill Closes .NB Highway Lane A sewer main that ruptured Sunday afternoon left two lanes on PaclCic Coast Hi1bway ln Newport Beach closed to traffic today and a portion of Lower ewport Bay under quarantine. The break in the maln was t reported as a water main reak to Newport Beach police t 10:30 a.m. By the tlme the 111 had been idenUfJed, cleaned and the 1ew-.e diverted to other main at 3:30 p.m., on1 of the untreated aew.age' ad •pilled into the bay near the ea Scout baH on Coast •hway. . la addition, the tlowlal gc le4 t.o leans Of • c~·-s~-""" pound damage to th• be.avtly traveled roadway and police diverted all traffic off the highway between Riverside Avenue 8nd Dover for more than an hour SWlday afternoon. Today, both eutbound travel lanes remain-closed with all trattlc beaded that direction restricted to one lane which travels on the left tum lane in lbe middkt ot tbe hJChway. Ray Lewis, apoltesman tor the Oranee CoUnty Sanitation Dis· tricts, owners of the maln, said the break tOoJf place to Uie older of tw .. 1m1u:·nu:UU1ll.'>1:1muw each 9th« under the b hwa,. • he n't w ca d Candidate's Stana Told Stabhirw Suspect 'Guarded' TEN CENTS fu 1919. Carter ld tho budi t. the ftnt produ~ enUrel,Y b~ bls ad· ministration, may alaO bo tho moat important because it rep enta the • 'llrst full at1te. ment ot its pnoritfe1, J>!>llcles and propos for meetirig our national needs.'' The budiet la for the &cal year ~nm Oct. L Ttte projected outlays of ssoo.a bllllon compare with ouUays dwinJ: the 1978 fiscal year of <SeeBUJ>Gl:T, PaJeM) Laguna Teen Back ' From Aussie Trip NB Suspec~ 'Not Eastside' By JOANNE REYNOLDS OI tM DeltY P1"4 IUlft Newport Beach rape and · 'burclary suspect Gerry CW1h Branagan wu eliminated today as a 1uspect in the lnfamous Sacramento Eastalde Rapist cases. Sacramento County Sherifrl Deputy BW lliller 1a14 today that Bruapn ii no Jon1er be- ing probed by the Eaat1ide Rapist tuk force because the detectlvea "establlsbed that be wu in Utah at the time aome ot our cues were reported." Later, however, deteetlvea Hid' the rtnp were deflnttely identified aa beiDI frown two Southern Ce)itorn.la burgliii . Saeramento diteettvet. wbo bad been 1n Newport Beach atnee last Monday, dropped out of the investlg.UOO. · Pollce from Rivenide County jurl1cllctions, however, Joloed the tnvesttaatlon,;wbeD aeml*I of Brana.c..,•1 m6tber'1 Ontarlo home alle(edlY tumed up an· .tiques stolen from Newport Beach and Riverside. ....................... ·-· ,. .. • . ; .......... Meaowhlle, however, detec- tive• in Provo, Utah, includini one officer from Newport Beach, aaid they expect to s pend the next few days cataloguing what they beUeve are stolen anUquea found in Brana1an's Provo bome. They tentatively set the value of the items at more than Sl million. Thia weekeDll, a team of U.. teotives from Rlvenlde, Newport Beach and Provo, armed with a eu.rch warrant. fouqd what they claim la a "Smithsonian" ot 1tolen an- tiques in Branagan'• home in Provo. PRESIDENT CARTER PROPOSES 1500.2 BILLION BUDGET FOR FISCAL 1979 It Leaftt e Deficit of $80.S Bllllon-~e Third LllrgHt Iver Brana1an ha1 been cbar1ed with rape and bur1lary in con· nection with two break-ins in Corona del Mar homes In which rapes occurred and antiques were stolen. lie remains in Orange County Jail, held in lieu of $50,000 ball. Branagan wu initially linked to tbe East.Ide Rapist cases Friday durlng a bail hearing held in the Harbor Judicial Dis- trict Court. Newport Beach detective Michael Blitch testified that similarities between the rape eases in Newport Beach for which Brana1an wu arrested and the 29 cases attributed to the Eastside Rapiat in Sacramento. He also testified that two rinas and a rinl box found tn Branaaan's car matched the deacrtytton or items stolen ln one o the Sacramento caaet and that the Eastslde Raplat'a blood type matched Branagan's "down to a relatively miniscule subgroup" Heavy Raina llrdt Signal In Clemente He&'fY rains have delayef a $40,,000 traffic 1l1nal synchrcnliatlon project alon1 El Camlno Real in San Clemente, expected to eue tralftc con1es- tlon in the downtown area. The modernization project, which should take from 90 to 150 day•. wUI affect nine midtown intersections, from Avenlda Pico, where the hl1hway turns inland from the beach, aouth to Avenida Valencia, where lt pHHI under the San D1e10 Freeway. Stein)' and Company of Anabelm bave been awardtd the city contract, which covers 1yncbtanbation of atgnals addl· tlon of left tum arrows and crea-tlcm of left tum pockets. JJ'edttal tUndl will cOYer 83 percent of the project's ~t1 with the remainder to be pa14 out of the city's psoline ta re· batt. Etc!1m:!l~~810:,:!~ etieb side ta planned lot 1'80. FedeNl tunda will alto, P11 a percent Of that ptOject, 11ld :Ben Villa Of the clty'1 public worb depa.rtr4enta. Brezhnev Warns NATO Development of Neutron Bomb C~ticized BONN, West Germany (AP) -Soviet President Leonid I . Brezhnev sent lettera to the heads of NATO iovernments warning them against the In· troduction of the neutroD bomb, West German and NATO of- ficials confirmed today. No details of the letters were officialb' divulted, but the West German dply new1paper Die Welt reporl.ed that the penoaal note sent to Wert German Chan· cellor Helmut Schmidt wa1 "al· legedly written in a 'rude' man· ner." A Bonn sovernment apokeaman ccallrmecl that what he called a .. direct" Jetter on the neutron bomb bu been 1eot to P ..... P ... AJ • CRAIG RETURNS. • • to younel!." And, he said. he didn't have to worry about harassment for aleepinl on the beach. "We camped riibt on the sand," be aaid, shaking his head. "You sure can't do that here." 'ut homework didn't leave · Cra~ with a Jot of Ume on hta bancfa. MOit of the top student.I do about flve and slx boun of homework a nlaht, and cnt1 said be did three to four bCNrl, ••juat to keep up wttll It beeauae I wanted to aet around and ... otherUdnp.'' The eznPbuis on bomefttk ts Oue to a batterl of teata~:'\hat lace Mal« hl'219chool ltUdentl in Austnlla. Seniora -or those ln the slxtb form aa that claas ta called in Australia -must take about 18 hours of tests to receive a bt1h school certificate. Crail paaaed testa in En,U.Sh, biology, art, mOdent history. general studies (current affairs) and math (they call it maths). .. The student. have to keep every Jiot• they take during their last year because tile teats cover the whole alxth form," be ex))lalned. He •IYI Auatrallan atUdenta take their education more aerlo\&Jb' than Amlrican kids.· "They have a inore academic life with UWe extracurricular activity," be 1aid. ''You can't 1et by Without do- tn1 lioul'. homeowork -you'd juat unit out," he ahrusged. But when 1cbool'I out, stu· denta make the rnoet of their free time. You mlaht 10 down to alt in the pubs ud laave a bit ot a yawn (a Iona convenatlon), look at 1punty <Sood looktn1> tlrll, or bave a iood ra1e.•(good Ume) lQ the outback (back country) watchina 'roes Oran~). Wlll Crate contln to IUl'f, DOW be'•~k bonle? "No way,' a laaped. •<Jt'• too blocid)' tald. .. members of the North Atlantic Treaty Oraantzatton and other countries that signed the 1975 Helsinki accords on European security and cooperation. A spokesman at NATO head- quarters in Brussels, Bel1ium, said the letters, received about three weeks a10. were sharply critical of U.S. devel9pment of the neutron bomb. Brezhnev recently bas 1tepped up the Soviet diplomatic cam· paign against the new nuclear weap_oa, saying Moscow milbt respcmd In kind lf President Carter decides to 10 ahead with production and deployment of tbebOmb. The neutron warhead pro- duces twice the deadly radiation of a conventional nuclear bomb but less than a tenth as much blaat power, heat and fallout. Thus destruction to buildlnas and other inanimate objects would be far less, and the weapan would be used primarily a1amst enemy troop conceQtra- tlons. . Defense ofrlclals want to deploy the neutron warhead on Lance missiles and artillery shells in Europe where NATO allies are outnumbered by So- viet bloc troops and tanks. The future or the bomb has become a major political issue in West Germany, where most of the warheads probably would be .deployed. Die Welt quoted Bonn "gov- ernment circles" as saying the West Germans would take their time about answering the letter from Moscow. p,....pflf#AI . SUSPECT ••• p,._p~ . .41 BUDGET ••• $482.2· blWon. Recelpts are projected at $439.6 billion, leavtnc a dencit ot $60.6 billion, compared witla an estimated deficit of $61.8 bUllon this year. Tbe record annual deficit was $66.4 billion in fiscal 1976. . Carter said bis proposal to cut taxes permanently by $17 blllloo for individuals, $6 billion for cor- porations and $'2 billion in e~elle and payroll taxes is essential to ensure adequate srowtll or tho economy in 19'79, even if it means a delay In bls goal of balancing the federal bud1et by 1981 . "I judged that the moet lmpor· tant priority tbls year waa to re. duct! tbe burdens on taxpayers," be said ... only. tn this way can we ensure a vigoroua eeopomy, a declining unemployment rate, a strong expansion of private ln· vestment, and a stable budlet balance in future years.'' . ~ ·. .. ·' ... p,....p.,,eAJ SPILL ••• 1ewa1e was flOWint lftto a ltOrm drain near the lntef&edlon Jn4 ranJJiDI direCtly Into o bay near the Se•~t faclltty. A health omcer from tt\e ~un­ ty Health Depart.aie'Dt called to the scene imposed the quar81\· tine which will be maintained until water samples ahow norm al counts of bacteria. Lewis said a repair crew ls ex· peeled on the scene by Tuesday and that at that time the cause of the break and the actual damage to the htebway•s roadbed can be more accurately assessed. , Carter Propose_s $500 BilliOn ASHINGTON C~P) -Presl· denl Carter sent. Confrea• today a bud1et he deacrlbed aa "lean d U•ht, '' but that may not be le D enough to pleue some key members. Carter'1 budget proJ)Osal ell.JS for $500.2 billion to be 1pcot for f&S~al im. It provtdes for new spending for defense, edocation and health, and leaves a dellclt of $60.6 blllion, the third lar1e3t ever. • '1 would like to see us UDder $500 bilhon," Houae Speaker Tbomas P . O'Nelll told re· portera, referrina to Carter's 1pendin1 plan. But O'NeUI satd programs for ~bs and economic stimulation woald rd be saerlft~ uror de-: tense or anyU,ljng els . " The aCMblnhtratlon•a uonQmlc,:plan "ls not wl\hoUt considerable risk.I;' said 'Rep. Geor1e Mahon, D·Tex., chairman of the Houae AP· proprlatlons Committee. "The areatest risk appears to be lnfia· lion." · Rep. Al Ullman, D-Ore., chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Com. mittee, said Carter included in his cal~ulations a re\tenue pickup oftt billion "fk'Om tax re- form, two-thirds of which ii not going to happen." If Con1ress approves, the budset Will Jllk.e spending b)' $38 1'1orie Co.eclian I Actor Jack Oakie I i Succumbs at 7 4 hOLLYWOOD (AP) -Jack akie, the breezy, wise-cracking ornedian of scores of campus, ackstage and adventure mov· • died today at the age of 14. Oakte was admitted to ortbridge Hospital at 4:50 a.m. jth severe abdominal palm. A ospital spokeswoman said the omed1an died at 9:30 of an ortic aneurysm, swelllns of a ajor artery in the abdomen. His wife, actreas VlctorJa. orne, took him to the hospltal om their home in nearby orthrldge. Jn recent years, Oaltle bJd, n a familiar fi1ure at Pf'e-. lere• and partiea h ollywood, at ya \OU I old aQd new acquaintu.c.. Hi• lut television appearance aa on the Johnny Caraon pecial, "Sun City Fomes:• ree years aao. His last film as "Lover Come Back" with rls Day and Rock Hudson 1$ ears aeo. Oakie had bun devotln• hi.I <See OAIUE, Pa&e .U) • · CARTER'S BUDGET IMJtACT VIEWED--t\4 . STATE'S PROJECTS TOP WATER AU.OCATIONSF-AS federal share of the nation's gross national product from 22.8 percent to 22 perceoL Tbe btidget dOesn't provide for any majof new projrams, but a continsency fund of $3 biWon could be uted to finance the start of a national health in· aurance program or an urban aid program that Carter saJd he will propose to Con1re11 in March. The budget includes Carter'• proposed $25-bllllon in tax cut.a that the administration contends are needed to 1enerate one million new Jobs In the economy in 1979. • Carter said the budcet, the first produced entirely by bi.I ad· ministration, may also be the moat important because it reprnenta the "first full elate· ment of lta priorities, ·policies and proposal,. for meetlnf OW' national need.S ... The bud1et is for the flacal year beifnnin1 next Oct. 1. The pr.ojected outlays Of $500.2 billion compare with outlays durin" the 1978 tJ.acal year ol $462.2 billioa. Recelpts are projected at tQe~ billlQll. lo vt~ a dell.~ll or *60.$ "biWoa, compartd tb an tlm.a dCfldt Of 1.8 on Uds ar. !!'tie r• O(d nu def lcit waa $68.4 blWOll ln c 1978. Carter 1ald h1s ~to.~ taxes pertnanent11 by $17 blWon for indJvlduats~ billion for cot· POrations and~ b IUon in xme &l\d \>a1t0Jl taxes IS ,essentr1.1 to en.sure adequat4t troWU. of the l~ IS\IDG&T, Pa•e AZ • .,.,.,.,......,. .... OBSERVERS WATCH COAST HIGHWAY SEWAGE CL!ANUP Eff.ORTs IN NEWPORT . CoHt Hlghny Sealed Off SVnday Afternoon •• Workers Mop Up NHr Sea ~ut M Spill Closes Highu:ay; Bay~ 1 each other under the bllb\fty. He sald he d~n·t know wbat caused the line to break. The sewage wat r wu first apotted at the lDtenect.ion al the hi•hway and Tustin Avenuo. Police notified city water crews. who called in sanitation d15'trict crew When they reallied th broken line carried aewage, not water. A police apoJcesman aaid the HW a&e WM flowing into a Storm drain near the I ecUoo ao1l runnlnt dlr cUy into the bay near the Sea Scout fac1Uty. A health Officer frotn the coun• ty He tb Department called to tbe acene lmpoHd the quar tine ch will be m intalned until water •samplet ahow normal counts of bacteria. Lewi.I aaid a repair crew ls ex· pected on tM cene by Tuesday and that at that time Uie cauae ot the break and the actual dam age to the blctiway'• ro dbed can be more acC\lfately .,, __ .&. AidtaPlmu 'Y~' I or 'l'Y J t BJ:TOJI BARLEY Of .. .._ ..... ...,, A Colt& lleaan acheduled to face trial today OD alletatloas that be planned to murder aD4 dismember women be blre4 to play ln JJQl'DOll"apble movlet blld what appeUecl to be a beut at-tack over tbe weetead, hl• lawyer told tbe trial Jud.Ce In Or&DQComQ ~Court. p,....p ... AJ . OAKIE ••• time to wrltlnf ma1aslne. article• about his Ille and career. He cledined off en to ap- pear on TV talk shows, beeause the salary wu only union scale. A canny man with money, be w a 1 reputed to be one of HollJWood'• wealthiest acton, and be dld nothln1 to di.lpute that. Said Oakle: "One of my pai. said-I bou&bt General Electric when It wu General Candle; he could be rifbt." Lut June, Oakle celebrated 50 yeart in Hollywood, appearfnC at a party with sucti old friends as Mary Brian and Laura La Plante. Later, in an Interview, he ex- plained why be hadn't been workio1: "There's no call for a 73-year-old, whlte·h•ired foot· ball player." He added that he once earned $7,500 a week in movies and wouldn't go on talk shows at the mlnJmwn -"If you do a job, you oughta get paid." He was born Lewis Offield, in Sedalia, Mo., on Nov. 14, 1903, the son of a hay and eraln merchant. After a boyhood In Muskogee, Okla., Oakie went with his family to New York. where the boy wu aimed at a Wall Street career. His Irrepressible humor in· clined him toward ·show busi· ness. His first work; chorus boy in George M. Cohan's "LltUe Nelly Kelly." Whlle in the chorus. be de· cided to adopt a breezier ataae name. "Oakie" was an ex- pression he often used: "Jack .. seemed like a llood ar.,.nm. panimenl. He ad\'anced from the chorus to dancer and com le In vaudeville. In 1m be came to HollyWoocl to appear In ••l"fnders Keepers" with Laura LaPlant.t. He stayed at Parmount for nine yean, and In one utound· inf year appeared Ln 12 movies. His favorite film was "Elmer the Great." He Is perhaps most known lor his imitation of MuuoUnl to Charlie Chaplin's Hiller in "The Great Dictator." Amoni Oakie'• other fllnu: "Million Dollar Ues." "If I Had a Mllllon," "Call of the Wild," "The Texas Ranier•.'• "Rise and Shtne:• "Tin Pan Alley," "Foothght Serenade;• "Sona of the la lands," "It Happened Tomorrow," "When My Baby Smtlea at Me, .. "Thieves' Hlebway." .. Around the World in 80 Days," "The Rat Race" and "Lover Come Back." Oakle was married to Miss Horne for 30 yeara. He wu pre- viou1 ly married to actress Venita Vardon. He had no. children. FuDVal arraniementa have not been announced. Career ErUU · For Politico Julee Mason Fenton del.J)'ed the trial ot Fred Berre Doallaa, o, of 27S 18th Place. unW Tblll'l- dar. after defense aUorDeJ 1'~ Gl ea aplliDed that bis ellellt la now UIJdersolq teats ln ~ Beach Veterans HoepltaL Jud1e Fentoo told Glle1 that b espeda to be informed ct DoUllM' condltloD and Pf'Oll'9l9 between now and Tburaday, espeelaJ.b' If there ll • poNibW~ ot a further delay ln the trial. Gllea Aid DouaJu was ftnt treated at a Loma Linda holpltal after complalnln1 Of ill· neu and chest paina and wu liter transferred to the Loac Beach facility. ~ospltal offtclal1 In Loni Beach today aald Dou1Ju ll ''dolnJ vuy nicely .. and la able to receive vlaltora and take telephone calls. They said Dou11a1 ls scheduled to under10 test. de- 1ianed to pinPoint the cause of hi• Ulness and determine If the disorder ts of cardiac orlatn. Doul)Jls ts free on $100,000 bail while be await.a trial on cbarces of attempted murder and solicitation of murder. Those cbar&es were filed Jut July 20 alt.er the furniture re- finlaher wu arrested at a Yucca Valley cabin by two undercover police women who said he recruited them for roles in pornographic movies he In- tended to make at the desert location. It la alleged that Doualas in· tended to murder the two women and dismember them as the final scene in his "snuff porno" movie. A witness testified fn municipal court action against Dou1l1ts that he offered her $1,000 for each of five women he asked her to recruit for movie makln1 that would include their subsequent torture and ellmlna· tion. She tesUfied that Doualas told her be had already kllled five such women who starred in his movies, dlsmembered them and buried them In lhe surrounding remote desert area. An intensive search of the acre11e sWToundlng the cabin failed to produce any sign of human remains. Volunteers Sought in NB Dimes March Volunteers are bein1 souaht In Newport Beach to participate in the Jan. 28 and 29 Mother's March on Blrth Defects for the March ol Dlmet. The annual campaign, noted Carolyn Bollman, Newport Beach coordinator, ll not limited to mothen only. Sbe pointed out that aeveral ctVic and church or- pnluUons already have de- cidtd to join In the door-to-door campatp. Th• funds railed ln the two. day drive wlll be used on re- search on blrth def ectl as well as the services the March of Dimet provide• for crippled children and their families. ){rs. Bollman aald that In adldlUon to the tradiUonal ap-peal for fund.I, the marche?l will dlatrlbute to each bouaeliold a health department leafiet sboW· in8 locaUona and tlme.s of free lmmunllauon clbµca. . . She said a new approach to the 1971 March ls to encouraie eventa such as block part.lea to aupplement the nel1bbor·to- nelthbor calla. Ye>r fui'ther tntormatlon, call 979-2210. The mud~ field near San Miguel Drive and Ford Road fn NeWPOrt Beach was beginning to lOok llke a used car lot Sun- day aftentoon when a succession of city- pwned · v~cles became mired ln ttie goo .. It started with a police unit and ended with three other vehicles stuck trying to get each other out. City officials sald rescue operations today were mQ,te sue~ cessful. Brezhnev Warns ·NATO Development of Ne~tron Boinb Criticiied BONN, WeJt German~ <AP> members of the North AUanUc -Soviet President Leonid I. Treaty Organization and other Brezhnev sent letters to the countries that 1i1ned the 1875 heads of NATO eovernmenta Helatnkl accords on European warnln1 them aeaiil1t the in· aecurlty and cooperation. troduction of the neutron bomb, 1 A sPokeaman at NATO bead· West German and NATO of· quarten in Bruaaela. Belgium, fl cl ala confirmed today. said the letters, received about No deta11s of tM letters were three w..U ago, were sharply officially divulpd, but the West cJitlcal of U.S. 'development ol Germ an dally newspaper Dl• tbe neutron bomb. Well repe>rted that the PfJTSOU1 note sent to West German Chan· Brezhnev rtcently bu 1lepped ceUor Helmut Schmidt wu "al· up the SovJet diplomatic cam· leaedly written 1n a •rude' a.um-palgn a,atnat the. new nuclear ner. •• weapon, sayini Moscow mlaht A B 0 n n 1 0 v e r n m ell t respond In kind lt President spokesman confirmed that what Carter decides to ao ahead with he called a "direct" leUer on tbe production and deployment of neutron bomb bu been sent to the bOmb. • p,...p ... AJ SUSPECT ••• "down to a ntatively mlnlscule sub1roup." Later, bowever, detectives said the rlDp were definitely identified aa beln1 from two Southern California bUralartes. Saerameirto detectivet, who bad been In Newport »each amce last Monday, dropped out of the inveatiplion. PoUce from JUvenlde CO\DStf jurlsdictlon.a, however, jolned the investlfatlon wben aearcMI of Branaun's niotber's Ontario home alleaedly turned up an- tiques, stolen from Newport Beach and Rlveralde. The neutron warhead pro· ducea twice the deadly radJaUon of a conventional nuclear bomb ut lns than a tenth u much blast pe>wer. heat and fallout. Thus destruction to butldints and other Inanimate objects NB Studies COm~uterized 'Traffic Plan Newport Beach•s much· delayed. computerized traffic mOdel coUld taco a new d~lay if councilmen .,ree tonlaht to con· duct a survey of motorists leav- tn• Ne~ Center for 111cluslon in the model. • Thd 1uney -'flhlcb would to: volve talkhlJ to motorists atOpped ln the Heavlly conaested westbound lanes of Paclfle COait Ht1hway at the Upper ·»ay would be far leas, and the weapon would be used primarily against enemy troop copcentra- tions. Defense officlals want to cleploy the neutron warhead ou Lance mJ11Ue1 and artillery abella tn Europe where NATO allies are outnumbered by So- Viet bloC ~and tanks. Tbe •future of the .bomb bas become a major political lsaue iD Weat Germany, where moit ol the warbeida probablY would be deployed. Die Welt quoted Bonn "eov· emment circles" •• HYUll the West Germans would take thdr time about answerinc tho letter from M011COw. SAN JOSE (AP) -, Police were aearcblng to- day for a man with a "beer belly" who robbed a food market of $60,000 after boldln1 a clerk hostage at the end of a sawed-of( shot1un. Santa Clara County authorities aald the robber entered the market in Sin Jose'• Cambrian Piasa shopping center shortly after 7 p.m. Sunday: Officers sald be was "cool and profeaatooat," had the shotCUri attached to his waist with a cord. and wore a ski mm and bib overalla. BUDGET ••• Altec Chief!& Death Suicide' Funcril cea are ~ today for bus1D man \Villlai£ii Floyd Garmoe Of Coroita del Mar who wa found dead lnskt& his car in Laauna Beach s.tur. day. The body ot the 5e-year-o14 president of Allee, Anaheim; was discovered by police at 8:50 p.m. Officers 1ald be appar nUy died of a self.lnntctecl woUJtO from a lt-1au1e •hota~ Ttw). said no notes were foUncl. The car, parked In the ~ block of Loma Terrace, wa• re1latered to Allee, a flrm Ulat ~anuf1ctura 10mtd systems. • # 4 Kids Saved . , In Home Fire· LOS ANGELES (AP> -Fout . chUdren were reacued trOm Thi• weekend, a team Of aie.: teethes from lllveralde, Newport Beaeb and Pro•o. armed wltfl a search warrant. found what they claim I• a ''Smltb1onlan" of 1iolen an-tiques iD Branqan•a hom• in Provo. brtdae -has 1001 been request· ed by Councilman Paw RyckofC to aupPort. his contention that the Jrvine tompany development is the soul'Ct! of the clly'1 major burning bome by a pair Of LOS Two 'ft'Tom•n Kill.-:..1 Anaetes County •herm•s dePr w' ~ eu uUea who spotted smoke •o4 traffic .P.rOblems. Councilmen ajJricd to dlac tbe propoaal and .. ~ at ff memt;era to comment on th ~$lbilitt of dolnte what R1ckoff descrllH!t as "an. orlittn •nd deatliJaUon" study. TRACY (AP> -Two women. Annette Coata and Eltaabeth Edwards, both 18, of Tracy. were kllled instanUy when a brand·ne• sports car aped tbrouah huhli:ag 1lpal1 and amaehed into the alde or a tralir aouth ol here. ~an Jo Wll Cqun- ty offldala ~. names at the Florence dlatrli home while on patrol. After rei>Ortlnl Sunday'• ft to the Loi Aneeles county Pin ·Department, Deputies Rob8t Bram , 28, and Adolphe Geotl frion, ~ pc>unded on the fro ck>or wot• Floyd Jeftklriij '°· tbe owner. • 7 I 1 Callfornf.a D~ea•f.n' l A pensive surf er takes a break in Newport Beach, sharing his reverie with a solitary seagull. The weekend's sunshine brought out crowds to parks, beac}\es and swap meets alter weeks ol rain. \Nobleman Heari~g on Norton Hits Legal Sn~ ' Kidnapped In Paris PARIS CAP) A prellmin,ary hearihC into criminal cbaraea faced &Jy fol mer state senate candidate Loran Norton was delayed today in Santa Ana Municipal Court when the prosecution filed an af· fidavit of prejudice agaln't the judae asaigned to the bearing. The cue is now asslped to Judie; Edward L. Laird, a choice that will not be challenged by the prosecution. Norton said bis lawyer wUl not OpP,Ole bird. • Judce IAird ls scheduled to hear t.estJmony that NortOn, a for1n er aldo to county 1u~rvisor Laurence Scbrnlt who ran for the state senate aa a Republican in 1978,• violated the state's cam- paian finance laws. It la olleaed that Norton fUed a campaian f\nance report which inc\lcated that be personally loaned his c1unpaip $6,600. • Norton was Indicted by the 1rand jury on the current . cbar1ea bul the allegations were dismissed by Superior Court Judge llasoa FentoQ in pretrial action. p r t to 22 percent. The bud&et doesn't provide tor aoy ml(kW new proaramsb· but a contin CY. tund ol $.1 llllOll could be used to finance tbc start of a nlltfonal health ln· .e ranee ~m or an urbali Bid prori:am tbat Carter said he will propose to Conareaa :tn II arch. • • The bud&et lncludes Carter•• proposed $25-bllllon in tU euta that the administration coat.enas are needed to generate one million new jobs in the econQmY Sew~e SpiHS .. On Road • A sewer main that riptUred Sunday afternOon left two lanea on Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach closed to trafftc today &M a pottjon of Lower Newport Bay~der quaranUne.. . The break ln the maln 'tfU first reported as a water' main break to Newport aeach P9\lce at 10:30 a.m. By the time the spill had been identified, cleaned up and the sewage diverted to another main at 3:30 p.m., gallons ot the untreated sewage haCl spilled into the bay near tho Sea Scout base on Coast Highway. .......... PR!SJDENT CARTER PROP08!8 $500.2 BILUON BUDGET FOR l'JSCAL 1171 It Leavea a DeftcJt of MO.I 81Uton-The Third Largeat Ever Defendant Strlekea Pomo Snuff Tri~l Delayed by Illness BJ TOM BAaLEY °' .. .....,,.... ..... . A Coata Mesan acheduled to face trial today on alle1aUon1 that be planned to murder and dl•member women h• hired to play ln pornotraphlc movlu had what appeared to be a heart at- tack over the weekend, hi• lawyer told the tri-1 judee in Oran1e County Superior Court. Judie Muon Fenton del81ed the trial of Fred Berre Doualu, 4t, of 27616th Place, untJl Thun· day after defenae attorney Terry Gllea explained that hla cUent l• now under1otn1 teata In Loni Beach Veterana Hoepit-1. Judie Fenton told GUet that he expecta to be Informed ot Doualu' condiUon and pro1rt11 between now and Tbur1day, eapeclally if there is a possibility of a further delay in the trial. Gilea aald Doualu wu first tre ated at a Loma Linda hospital after complaining of Jll. ness and chest pains and wu later tranaferred to the Lone Beach faclllty. Hospital offlclal1 in Loni Beach today 11.ld Dou1la1 la "'doln1 very DieelY .. amna able to receive visitors and take telephone calls. They a a ld Douala• 11 schedul~ to undergo teata de· signed lo pinpoint the cause of hi• Ulne11 and determine if the diaorder ll of card.lac orlfln. Douslu ll free on $100,000 ball while he awaita trial on cbu1es . . Altec Chiers Death Suicide Fuperal HJ'Vices ere pendln' today for buslncaamaa William Floyd Gumon of Corona del Mar who wu found dead lnalde his car in Laguna Beach Satu.r· day. . The body of the 58-year-old pre1ldent ot Altec. Anallelm, was clllcovered by pollc• at 3:50 p .m. Offtcen aahthe apparent!)'. <f ied ol a telf ·infflcted wouod :Jrom • a.1aua• •hotpn. They 1ald no nota y.ia. found. The· car. parked ID the aoo block of Loma Terrace, waa re1l1Wed to Al~i a fttm that manufattulel IOU?lCI 171tem1. or attempted ~urder ana solicitation or murder. Those charges were filed last July 20 after the furniture re· finisher was arruted at a Yucca Valley cabin by two undercover police women who satd he r ecruited th~m for roles in porno1rapbtc movies be ln· tended to make at the desert location. It 11 alloted that Douatu ln· tended to murder the two women and dismember them as the flnal scene Jn his •'snuff porno" movie. A witnoas t es tified in municipal court action against Doualas that he offered her Sl,000 tor each ot five women he asked her t.o recrult. for movie makina that would include thelr subsequent t.ortw-e and ellmlna· Uon. She testified that Douatu told her he had already killed five aucb women who atarred in bis movies, dlamembered them and ~ri'd them in the 1urroUDdin1 rarote deHrt area. An lntemive search ot tho acreaie 11urroUndJD1 the cabin failed to produce any a1an ot human remainl. Seiu;ae Rem;t,y For Panama . Jreaty Debate WASRING~ON (AP> - Senate M8ljority Leader Robert C. Byrd announced today an a~· celeratecl acbedule for be8iDDlnf Senate debate on the proposed Panama Canal treaty. Byrd alao 11ld tbe debate probab1YwWnotbetetevb1td. He aald tha Senate would 10 to work on the treaty within the n•xt two weeki, two or three ween earlier than bad been ft• pectod. Before Congress adjoumec1 ln December, Senato leaden gave their approval for tac. to be ran tn tht .Senate cbamber on the J>OHlblllty of televl•lD& the Pal\ am a debate. It wQUld bave marked the ftnt time a •bate ln either Houn ot Con1rt11 had been televlatd. At a brief new1 conference before tho openJn1 of today's Senate MNlon. Byrd aaid tho plans !or 1tarltn tho debate. early will prevent TV coveraao 1n the Senate . .. Tb u.au aro ruabln on fast ttiat 1 dori't think WU! be tJme to work out the t ebnleal pro lema for a telovlled bate, .. Byrd uld. p,...p-&J BUDGET ••• $482.2.btWon. Receipta are proJected at ,..39.8 biWoo, leaWll a tteftclt of $60.6 bJIUon, compared with an est.tmat.ed deflcl\ ol '81.1 bWlon .this year. Tht record annual deficit was $68.4 bSWon lo tlacal 1976 . Carter said bll propotal to cut t axeJ -permanently by llT bUUOll fo r individuala, $6 blWon for eor. porattons an4 $2 blWOD ln exdle and payroll taxes Is e11ent1al to ensure adequate irowth of tho e conomy In 19'19, even lf lt means a delaf In b~ coal of balanclna the federal bUd&e& bf 1981. "t jadaed that the moat lmpor. tant priority thll year waa to,.. duce the burden• on tupayen," he said ... Only in thla wa1 can we enaure a vl1oroua economy. a declining unemployment rate, a 1tron1 expansicn of prtvate ltt· veatment, and a atable budget balance in future yean." Little wu said about balanc· ing tbe budget in 18111 whleh clearly bu ~me an mcreu- in1ly leu likely proepeet u time goes by. Budtet Direct.or Jam• T. Mcintyre Jr. told~ that if Carter recommeDCfl acid!· tional tax redw:Uom ln future years , u be bu sald lie m it. will be impoqlbl• to achieve balance ln 1181. • Th• Department of Health Education and Welfare would receive the largeat portion of Carter's budget. a total of $111.3 blllion, up from $164.6 billion in 1978. Some $103.1 billion or lhil will be !or Social Security pay· ments. T he Defense Department would receive the next largeat share, $115.Z billion, up from. $150.3 billion bl 1978. Carter laicl this. Hpl'elel\ta an lncrtue lJi real 1pfndJq-1ne.Wnc after ln· flaUon Ja d1lcounted -of a pa-. cent. Virtually alloftb&twOuldJO to 1treQtbln U.S. pantdpaUon in tho North Atlantlo Treaty Or11nlsatton. DAILY PILOT HB Doctors Trial On Baby Death Set nrlDI tllat .,..,, ....... 4ttlL Law1•.._ for htll 11 ... ...... u. trW .... ........... •1 ne AUOCtattf4 A arloe abot by a mllitary policeman atttr ho 1te1odty ktlltd ttwo patlenta wlth actuora and tAJur a security uard wa1 lilted ln aorloua condition toda1 at Camp Pendleton. mrt.tiorlU.1q. Lance Cpl. Armando c. Vu· quez. 20, ol El Paso, Texas,1.~ d been Ustcid lA at.able concuuon Sund~ 8fter belns.abot twtce in bl• UPPf4' torso. How ver his coa4ttton •PP~tl7 deehntct. arl1~. Vuquez wU1 not be cursed unUl be recoven troni h1a ln· jurlu, d Cpl. Joe Put U, bu• apollesman. Vaaques bad been admitted to th• Naval Re1lonal Medical Center after • traftlc accident l'rtday tbat killed one Marine and left 1tven oUJm lnJW"od. Be .reportedly bad loat contrc>l of a three-ton truck that tumbled down a 10.toot dr&lna•e dJteh. and m91 have been upHt ovet th• accident, which kllled Pvt. HeDf1 Martines, 21. of LOI Ancelet, Hid another base 1poke1man, Lt. Cbarlea OWen. Owen aald Vasquez became unruly at the hospital Saturday and alle1edly c.tulrled a aocurity guard who tried to 1ubdue bJm wtth tear its. The auard - Navy HOspitalman Sffond Class Ivan Blake, 35, of Chattanooaia. Tenn. -was reported in satlafactory condlUon with aciator WOUlldl ln the l)ack. tho f ac~, both ar~a and a leg. Vasquez then alleaedlf en· tered the roomt of nUrecl Chlet Warrant Officer Joba J . Connol· Jy, 63, and Janet 5. Merrimin, 62, widow of a retired arD\Y man, alrthorit.les aatd. The two OctanaJde re1tdtnt1 were at· tacke( and die~ from mulUplo stab wOtwtl from 1cl11ora. F,....P"flllA.J. BEE~ ••• ..,,_.. Pi.,,e Al G.ALUERY ••• SACG Grants· Approval for · Niguel ~roje~ 4 298-lot realdentlal tub• dlvtston tentaUvo tract map b been liven conditional approval by the Saddleback Area Coordlna\lni Council <SACO> fo~ property at Crown Valle)"!.: Parkway and La Pu Road in La1una Nl,ue1. Tbe aubdivilioa. proposed on 147 ures owned by J . Warren Lennon ol Corona del Mar ancl Don Lee of SaDta Ana, ta& scheduled nm for consideration by th• county pl&Dnbil com• m11a1on. SACC'I pl•bDlhlt rft!w botr4 recommended, how••~· \bat tradinl plans be adJua&ed t~ the tr.et to eue l'C*lble flow ta.: • to Nlpel LUe 'and that ftnat countY, mal bo withheld~· tll oCJot rom a arb1 '~ facllltY CUmtnflted. • !J Tho tract map, con1lcterecl by the board Wednesday n11ht, Uata 1' minimum R·l soned. Jot 1liel to 7 ,300 aguare feet. •J 'Beer Belly' ~Bimdle _____.__.,._ -~-----...... _ ----- -------- tor th n 100 bo u ln 12 cf auea turned out aturd aDd Sunday for th Balbo Y cha. Club's Wint r R tt , oiled on lnsld and ouLilde tourses. It wu the largest re1 tta of the n w 1 son. Th lar t cla11 was th Performance Han· dteap Racing Flfft with 21 yachts racina over O(CM eoCll'flca starting off the Balboa Pter. Other da sea racing outaldc in the ocean were the Etcbell ·22, J...udera·l8, Santana·20 and Snlpe. Trophy wfnnera: • ETCllELLS·22 02> -1, No name, Dick D ver, BYC; 2, Otherwise En1aeed, Joo.. O'Hara, HYC; 3, Spirit, Scott Ramser, NHYC: 4, Eead, Durean/Amles/Cotton, NHYC. LUDERS·18 <5> -Three way tie among Angel, Bill Fundenberg, NliYC: tnnation, David Run tron, SSYC, and Matinee, Joe Moulton, SSYC. SANTANA-20 (8) -l , Andaatar, Will Templeton, BYC; 2, Hummln&blrd, Robin Sodaro, B'YC. PH&F (20 -1, ALTHERIS, Ray Booth, BYC; 2, Animal Farm, Hansen/Byrne; 3, Pussycat, ~tin Szalay, VYC; 4, Bold Forbes, Ed Cummins, Capo BYC: 5, Spray, Lee Painter, UCISA. SNIPE (8) -1, John Shaddon, LBYC; 2, Jeff Case,ABYC. INSIDE CLASSES LASER·A (8) -1, Martin Williamson, BYC. LAS~R·B (7) -1. Lyn Malanosky, DPYC; 2, l\Jirt Kant, BYC. • L~SER 30 plua (7) -1, Bruce Twichell, VYC ; 2, Ben Green1 BYC LID0·1' <13) 1, Mark Gaudio, BCYC; 2. • Brian Hen11cb, BYC ; 3, John Thorne, BYC; 4, Chad Twichell, BYC. SABOT A (10) -l, Jon Pinckney, BCYC; 2, Joanne Norman, BCYC; 3, Joe Bllsborouah, 8CYC. p SABOT B (5) -1, Mary Bubb, BYC. . SABOT C (5) -1, Steven Stinson, BCYC. Power Squadron (lumges Officers Herman A. Folgner was installed as com· mander or the Balboa Power Squadron In the annual Change of Walch ceremonies at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club J.'dday. Other new ofCiccr1 in· stalled were E. Eu1ene Y..(leger, executive of· f~er ; John E . Sl1lcr, &quadron educational of· rtcer ; Thomas H . McClain, administrative officer; Fred Van· derWeele, secretary; Tt)eodore W . Kerr, treasurer: Richard R. Local Pilot Wins Wings Sandburg, assistant treasurer ; John U . Crotes , a ss istant secretary. The Balboa Power Squadron is a unit of the United States Power Squadron, an organize· lion devoted lo sare b0atin1 education. BPS runa two free safe boat· ing classes a year The aprtng class, now under way at Newport Harbor Yacht Club, has an enrollment of 220 for ttie 13 ween course. Wearlnc Air Force sUver. wine• followlne 1taduatlon from pilot tralnin1 at Col um bus Al"B, Mw., la First Lt. Robert D . Van · derhoeven, aon of rt· tired Air Force Capt. and Mra. Gerard L. Van· derhoeven of 31321 Paaeo Del Sol, L guna · Nlauel. Vanderhoeven ta beln1 aaslaned to Norton AFB, Calif., for flyln1 duty wlth a unit ol the Mllltary Airllft Com· mand. r.i• neai. lor ¥1etl•f DEAR PAT: Due t.C> a recent h rt (U ck, my diet has be ll restricted. QO ~OU know where I might nnd ll'Ome recipe books with dish lhal ar totally fal·f~ and do not contain ny milk or 117 I'd lso like to lipow about any reatourante that t~\'C e t.yPe of f oOd 1 am aJtowcd to eat. One other Ull'l J'cl like to locale Is supcrmnrk t th t -ha a :p cJal food secUon with producta tti: l h art paUenta reqUtrc. F.S., HunUnatQn B ach ' Racing Group Formed HOBIE CATS HEADING FOR WINTER 8LA$T. PHRP·A - Z p, Richard Busch, PVYC. Neerly 200 to Compete for N lonel P,olnta. PHRF·B ~ Lone Rang~r, Robin Martm, Km'-C. Hobie Cats Ready For Midwinters CAL·20 -Anrlf 1ke Sill • KHYC. LIGHTNING -Wendtll Harter. KHYC. LIDO·l4A -Warren Foic. WYC. LID0·148 -'Bob Waleckl, More than 180 Hobif' Cats are expected to compete In the annual Midwinters West Regat· t a Feb. 4.5 at San Felipe, Baja California. The event, sponsored by the Hobie Class As· socialion, marks the of· ficial kickoff of the 1978 Ho bie Cat reeatta seas on Top place finishers in each of the three competing classes -Hobie 14, 16 and 18 - will be awarded qualify. ing points toward the na· Uonal championships to be held next Call The Midwinters WesL will dtaw skipperll, crews and their families from several states in the southwest. S•n Felipe is about 120 miles below the California border on the Sea of Cortez. makine about a se\'en hour trailer drive for s•rliclpants from the ran1e County and Los Angeles areas. KHYC. • LASER -Pat McPherson, KHYC. • SABOT A -Stev Garland, SMYC. SABOT B -David Wiedeman, KHYC. "I like to smok~ and what I like is a Gigarette that isn,t timid on taste But rm not living in some ivoey, towet l hear the thirigs being said agajnst high-tar smoking as well as the next gtJY. ''~nd so i staned / looking. For a low-tar smoke tha:t had some honest-to.i.gooelness cigarette taste. · '"Itwasn'teasy. The low-tar c~ttes I tried tasted like thalk. And high-tar ci~arettes were starting to taste rougher as I went along 'Then l tried a pack of Vmtage It was smooth yet CANNIB.4L, · l~DIES ARA.WA. Papua New GUine (AP) -A cannibal chief wbo I Hid to have eaten. earl1 Euro- pean explorers on the l land ol BougaJnvUle died at the age of us. a ncWSPaper reported. The Arawa BUiletin said R<>eer Haadu, who late ln lite became a Cbrlitlan, ••wu one of the first cannibal chiefs to taste th nes?t ot the nnt ~ans wben they patrolled the area.''