HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-08 - Orange Coast Pilot7 .as esa • ire Arson? l DAILY PILOT Cyclist Rips L e g O ff * * * 10' * * * In South Coast CraSh · THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 8, 1979 . • • • • 'Chief Sought in Robbery Spree His Suit I Up in Smoke Nuke Soh l I California Champs I RALEIGH. N.C. <AP> - The state Court of Appeals has upheld a Superior Court order dismissing a lawsuit by a man who con- tended be was assaulted by a puff of smoke from his boss' cigar. Tangled In Nets Wanted lnHB Uoldups i The appeals court ruled that getting hlt by a puff of someone cigar's smoke is a form of "t ouching, which must be endured in a crowded world." William T. McCracken, 52. a former Charlotte let- t er carrier for the U.S. Pos tal Service, had c laimed his superivisor, 0 . B. Sloan, deliberately blew cigar smoke in his face during a 1975 meeting e ven though Sloan knew it would aggravate McCracken. C,,clist Loses UginSouth Laguna CrtUJh A 30-year-old Mmnesota man had hls right leg ripped off in a motorcycle crash on South Coast Highway in Sout h Laguna Wednesday afternoon. Delbert Huhl of Rocheste r s lammed hls motorcycle into the eack of an unoccupied parked van near Camel Point Drive at 5:20 p.m. Also irtjured was MaryannJn· gram, 22, or Cypress, who was hitchhiking when Hubl picked her up moments before the crash. Miss Ingr am s uffered a broken right leg and other head a nd neck injuries. Hubl also suf- fered a broken left leg. California Highway patrol of- . ficials said Huhl apparently lost control or bis Harley-Davison motorcycle while on a sharp curve. Both victims were rushed to South Coast Community Hos pital and were later transferred to UC Irvine Medical Center. No condition report on Hubl was available today. Doctors are reportedly attempting to re- attach Hub.l's severed leg. Panel Nix es Carte r Plan WASHINGTON (AP> -Pnll- d.ent Carter'• plan to 'tlimtnat.e ., mllUoD In Social 8eeurttJ beneftta apieean to be ln Ml1Gal trouble ln COGINll after lolilll a tat YOte oa a key eommttt.. BJ I 1M .......... tM eo.. Ways and Means Commlu.. OD Wednesday defeated a .......... ---tonatcn ... pr11l._.'s PNPOMd eltmlDIUfwa fJI -cleath beMflt. LONDON <AP l -An American nuclear submarine became snarled in the nets of a Scottish fishing trawler today and towed th e trawler backwardA for 45 minutes before the crew cut the nets, British Coast Guard and U.S. Navy sources said. "It could ha ve been nasty, really." said a Coast Guard s pokes man at Ardrossao on Scotland's west coast. "The sub- marine must have gone un- derneath the boat and into the nets. Things like that can be a bit disconcerting for a trawler crew.'' Lt. Cmdr. Tim Mennuti, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy in London, confirmed that a n American nuclear submarine was involved but would not say which o ne. The r e is an American nuclear submarine base at Holy Loch in the Firth or Clyde near Ardrossan. There were no reports of in- juries or serious damage. The area where the incident took place is an authorized area for submarine maneuvers. But the Coast Guard spokesman said it is "also one or the major fishing areas. So you can't win, re- ally." Britain Cots Aid LONDON <AP> -»ritain has cut off or significanUy re-d~ed aid to Chile, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Vietnam, South Yemen and Bolivia because of human rights viola- tions,. Minister for Overseas Development Judith Hart told the House of Commons. J4PANESE TY M.4DE I N-IR"lllNE Japanese firms are making television sets in the United States -some ia Irvine. See Milton lloskowU1' .analysis, Pase 88. · o.ll't l'li.t Stiff 1'1'91o The Spinners, a 17-girl baton twirling group from Fountain Valley, have a lot to c heer about these days. They won the . state Tiny Tots Parade Corps Cham- pions hip during Drum Majorettes of America contest last Saturday m Villa Park. They competed against fi ve other groups for the title. T he City of Fountain . Valley sponsors the group. All of the girls are from Fountain ValJey. Oil Price Fraud Alleged tu-court, Indictment 'Tip of Iceberg' HOUSTON <AP> -An 84· count oil-pricing fraud indict- ment returned against two oil companies and five or their of- ficers ls just . 'the tip or the iceberg," says U.S. Attorney A. J . "Tony" Canales. The indictment, handed down Wednesday, charges the defen- dants took part in a scheme lo violate federal crude oil pricing regulations. The sche me al- le9edly brought some $3.8 million in excess profits. "Tbeee cases will be going on Iona after I'm gone from this of· flee, .. Canales said, addiDi that more indictments can be expect- ed. "This is just the beginning," he said. Charged with conspiring to sell lower priced "old" oil as IRAN TO LIMIT OIL OUTPUT-A3 higher priced "new" oil were Uni Oil lnc. or Houston ; Uni president Thomas M. "Mick" Ha- jecate; Uni secretary-treasurer and director Thomu H .. "Tom" Hajecate; Uni vice presidents Charles R. Akin and James E. Fisher; Ball Marketing En- terprise or Lafayette. La.; and Charles Goss, a Ball marketing agent. U.S. District Judge Carol 0 . Bue set bonds of $200,000, apiece for the officials and said they would be released on personal recognizance. The indictment says the con· spi r acy involve d acquiring "old" oil selling at about $5 a barrel and c e rtifying it a s "new" oil that sells for more than S12 a barrel under the federal pricin g r egulations established in 1973. Arson in Mesa Blaze? The distinction between ''old" and "new" oil allows firms to charge more for n ewly dis- covered oiJ than they do for oil from fields that have long been in use. It was written into federal price regulations as a way to encour~_,e exploration for new sources of oil. Costa Mua firemen said toda1 tlMJ were •••••tl1•t· lq tM Polllllmt, fJI .,... ID a fln tbll 11111ro'9d aD illdmlrtal llMd _. lllTl bl.a e..,..ot 1mo'• llUlowtq Into tbe air -~ ....... ......... • llld ... "" ........ out 111ort1J ...,.. I •. ID. I& 1m Wanlioras1 Raiid, la a .W •· taeWtoa .......... fttloe•· Uoa •• aear Orma1• CoHt ·' CoUese ln tbe central part ol tbe cl~ we the shed w11 used ror 1tortac flamm•ble liquids such u laeqmr tbianer and paint re- m o •er, heavy smoke was l•Hraa.I nen tboutb the flre wu MlftDld to a small area, Maedatraakt. Tbe fire trl.,.,... a beat de- tfftor, wldeb la tun alerted .,..,,._. • called ftNmen, ••eda«Ald: He said no dollar estimate of dama1e was available this morn!nf. The warehouse and sbed belOftl to C.J. Segentrom and Som, but llacdulf said be is still chectlnl to rind out who wa1 leaataclt. He Nld tbe lack of any natural cauM rot the nre, and tbe ract tbat no oae wu worlrln& ln tbe area, a.di bUn to...1uuect ~ poulbWty of anop . \ ' At this point, however , a (See RAVO, Page A2> 3 Bai& Net I 7 MALIBU <AP> -Seventeen persons , inc ludio1 three juveniles. have been arrested ln three drue raids ln Mallbu. Venice and Santa Monica. Police said Wednesday. ' l A bandit whose victim!'. say he looks Jike the Iod ra n chief characte r in the film , "One F lew Over The Cuckoo's Nest," 1s bemg sought by Huntington Beach police. ··The Chief" may not be of Jn. dian descent, but pohc1• believe he 1s r espo ns 1 bl e for fr ve restaurant and mar ket robberies m the past month netting a bout Sl.600. His latest robbery took pl:.iet· Sunday rught when he usc.'d a handgun to rob Thr1ft1ma rt. 5858 Warner Ave . of about $100, poli ce said Hi s string of five robben e!> m the city began Feb 7 when he took $468 at gunpoint from an {'m p loyee at Casa Maria restaurant at 16060 Beach Blvd. The next evening he struck at the Pla nkhousc Restaurant. 6060 Warner Ave . and escaped with $700. Eleven days later he hit a second Plankhousc rc·staurant on Beach Roule v ar d. gettmg about $100 and also robbed an Alpha Beta Market on Warner A venue of about $200 on Feb. 28 Po lice Sgt. Lui s O c hoa believes the Chief also may be pulling heists in other Orange County citici. The dark-complexioned rob· ber stands about six feet four a nd weighs up to 250 pounds. He has been described as having collar length black ha ir. Police believe the bandit is between 25 and 35 years old. He sometimes appears not to have shaved 1n sever al days a nd wears a bulk y coat. There have been no mJuries in <See BANDIT, Pa~e A2) Weather Chance of low clouds Friday morning. Highs 66 to 76. Lows tonight 45 to 53. INSIDE TODAY It wo a th e p e r f e c I neighborhood for the home site for the 11 moderately re· torded peopk to lave ... until neighbors found out. Su ··Love Thy Neighbor." Page All Carter Welco1ned &f'Wl,..i.1• SPECTATORS WAVE TO SHUTTLE ORBITER 'COLUMBIA' ON STREETS OF LANCASTER First Log of • Cross-country Trip to lta Leunchlng Ped In Florld• Space Shuttle Tru cked Cr<•s8-country Trip Begins for Columbia LANCA<.;T f':H 1 AP > The ... p.it•t• shuttle Columl.J1a , la ke soml' gn •at whtlt' bca.,t . tum lll'n·d ~lowl y from 1l s hanJlar before d;Jwn today and C'rawlt·d .1long dt>s<'rt ro:.1ds :Iii males to an \1r !<'1ir1·1· haM' on tht• first leg of .1 1·ro.,.., n1untry trqi to ti!> florula laun<•hin~ pad rtw 1~10,000 pound shuttle, d(· .1~·1wcl to 1·arrv /\mt·ric am. un 11111 ruuncl lrtlJ'. into s pace, was mo\ ulg "' 1•11 :11111 tCI the Drvdc·n I 11~· h t Be•"""< h C't•nlt'r <1t 1-:dv. .1rcb J\11 l'nn•1• flil:-tl' l.;1tt•I lOdJy, ti W:J'> tO he a f· ft\t·d p1.:gy ba1·k Jlop a 747 1um- ho tt•I for a two dJy fli ght to 1!:-i l:i uneh s1l<' at Cap<' Canaveral. Th.JI night ht•j.!1ns 1-'mluy '1 lw ('11lumlJ1 ;1 ctw .1rfed 1l:-. en 111111 ilJ!I' "' lllflrt' than ~· dOZ('n 'l'h1d1·-,, nwlull in~ poht·c· car-,.<• fire· 1·11gan1• .ind a small IJUS fil led w ti h st•t urih uml routt· C'leanng IH'I :-.onm·I Thl' ronvoy lrav1·1t·<l .1t ,,.,., th;111 5 m ph ·r lie· ,11111111· 1·11tt-n·d lh1-. d<':-.t•rt l11Wll wht·rl' ">t'V t•ral I rciff1c• 111:hh 'At'll' n111vt·d 1<1 al'l'0"1 111011 111· '" gr1•ul wings , a" c "''.ti h1111dr1·cl '>JH't'tator.., 111·"1·d 1111· n1ol d1·:-.i·rt morning 111 ma1 v1·I al its site M ountt•d on a g 1gant1c 90· whe<'l tra1ll'r towed by a truck. tht• 122 fool long '>hutllc 1l!> Lail fin n sing mort' than fi ve s lortc'-l'meq~cd ta1J -f1rst from tlw twngar where 1t wa:-. .1.,st•m bk<l at tht• Horkwcll In· t1·rn ;1lwnal plant near hen: l>rl\ n ' •,h l'r!'d from both ends I ·1 h t• n l' w g e n l' r a t 1 u n "ll:tt't't'rufl. its aluminum skin p;1rt1ull~ t•ovnNI hy l>quare lilt's to protl'd 11 from the heat of 1t.., futuri· .,paC'(' trips, looked l>hghl Iv rurn1·cl, ltkr-a moulting hird, wlH·r<' somt' l1ks were missing 'l'h1· Nut1onal Aeronautics and Sp:ic•t• Admin1slral1on s aid the 11·rnamin1: ltlt•s, along with the s h11>'s engines. computers and other f1msh1ng touches would be added when 1t reachei. 1-'lurida. 'fhc Columhia's right s ide ht·Jr:-. a United States nag lhe NJ\SJ\ logo and the words "Urul- t•d States " The 1>h1p':-. name ap· pears hC'hrnd the six cockpit wan dowi. I\ n earlie r v1•rs1on of the shut- 1 k , the fa m oul> Enterprise fol lowed a s1m1lar r oute to Dryden in January 1977 The En tcrprase. however, was a test Highway Cleare d REDDING <AP) Interstate 5 1s open again north of Redding today after un overturned truck spilled some acidic weed killer. The California Transportation Department said the truck was carrying 304 five-gallon drums of t he herbicide Bucktrell when 1t overturned Wednesday morn- m~ ORANG£ COAST \ DAILY PILOT n. O•-"Ot for.tO..tr P·t'OI •1tr'l•ftK ft•HOfft lJ•l'W'flftw ....-w\~~' t\0""4.,.,...'t•',.°' .. C ••t Pvtth\Nf\111( ~'f ... .,., •• 4'HltW~Af,. t•or.l•\f';+O ~· IM""'°" f '10.Y fot twitl• lilt " N, ... part &.«ft H~Oftf'O~ '4iMh t OUfll 1 .. 1nV•fl"Y .,.,N t..,.._n.fltfft ~tf\( .. \1 A ~ 1f'l11"' t~o-ttnfl ·~·IKlf\ I\ oiu&fttftfrd t.1Vl ... 'f'\ Mid _.... •• '"""'lf"--""'""Of""'" .. "" .,,,, ,, •• , '\trN't '°''" ........ c .... .,,, •• .,.,. th .. 1'1 .. -1"''" 10.hl •nd ltvbit""*' '"''. c ..... , Vu.,.,,..._ .. "."~ C,.Mr.t• Mtt~ T-••tCe..it LClllO. f ... IM\A MtjfflliM Mell•O•f'G tdtlet Clltfl .. " ..... -~ ~ """ A\\l\1•111 M•llttlflCI l dl'°'> OfflOH to•lf Mil•• 1>0Wul IM•\•tffl l•O""" .. "'" 11 .. C)l....,.yte~rHt """''"°'O'l ll•••ll '"""" .. """"'' .... " TetephOl'lt (1141~1 Cln.ifled AowertJllf'l9 ... 2·M71 ' - vchit'le, and NASA say.., tl will not go mlo space. The Colunibw'::. m 1udt·n night, i.i lread y pos tponed sc•v t·ral times. 1s tl·nlat1vcly schcdult·d ror Nov 9 The shuttll' m1!>s1ons will 1n tludt' putt1ni.: satellites into c;p :H 'f• fur resl'arl'h. wc•alht•r for<'<' ast 1 ng . l'Om mun 1 <' at1ons Jnd m1htary n •l'unna1ss ance Attaeks Staged F.ventua lly. the• shuttle fleet may forry pf..><1ple a nd pa rts for hu1ld 111~ !>Olar satellites. space fal'loraes, moon b ases and h<J ha tats for t·olomes far from 1>:a rlh The fi rst 28 upcrat ional nights starltn~ m 1981 arc booked soltd hy govt•rnmc•nt agencies. 1n dustry and olht>rs who want to put paylol.ld:-. in Earth orbit Chines e Pullback From Vie t 'Slow' BANGKOK, Tha1l<1 nd !AP) V1t"'lnam announced today that the Chmese we re withdrawing troops from some ar eas of Viel· nam "very slowly and an very s mall numbC'rs" but a lso had staged new attacks and occupied more la nd in other parts of the frontier region. In the fi rst oHicial admission from Vietnam that som e Corm of pullout was occu rring, Hanoi radio a ccus ed the Chinese of looting property and burning homes in their "retreat ." The broadcas t a lso s aid Chinese artillery fired hundreds of s hells Wednesday into the capital of Lang Son province. In res ponse to a Peking re port thal Chinese t roops ''love the Vietnamese people," the otncial broadcast replied: "Instead of loving our people, they love our chicke ns. ducks, clothes and other property." !leliable s ources m Bangkok s aid there were "defi nite signs" o f a ca utiou s C h i n ese withdrawal. These analysts said Coumy-baAed Airlines Say Fuel Atkquate Officials of the three com· m e r c ial airlines that serve Orange County Airport said to- day their aviation fuel s upplies are adequate a nd they won't need to curtail flights as some air lines have d one. Spokesmen for Air California, H ughes Airwest and Golden West Airlines said there have been no indications their fuel al- locations from suppliers will he restricted. "We've had no indications of any problems," a spokesma n for Golden West s aid. "We don't know what may be down the road but right now everything is all right." At Hughes. a spokesman said, "Our supplies a re adequate for the present time." "We 're not speculating on the future," he said. "But we have e no ugh fuel to meet our full schedule ." Alr California spokesm an Bob Payton said his airline ls "pretty comfortable '' for Ma rc h and April but that officials will keep a ca,refUl watch on 1upplles. "The biggest proble m la in the Midwest," Payton sald. "We run some charter• out that way and fuel l1 very difficult to come by in that part of the country." The 1hortaae of aviation fuel p artly tnvolvea t he oll cutoff from Iran but la a1lo due to a major refinery flre tn Denver that deatroytd much of tbe fuel in stora1e there. som e infantry and armore d units pulled out or the Long Son a rea . perhaps the most contest- ed in the nearly three-week-old frontie r war. It was nut known in Bangkok whethe r any Chinese units actuaJly r eturned to China. But the Yugoslav ne ws agency Tanjug repo-rted from Pe king that the first Chinese troops ar- rived back home, and that other un ~t:S will fo llow s hor tly to fac1htale the start or negoUations between China and Vietnam on posse ssion of isla nds in t he South China Sea. The islands were not named bul presumably 011 1s believed to be in the sur- rounding seabeds . Kyodo. t he Japanes e news agency. reported from Peking that Chine se sources tlrere estimated the withdrawal wGuld take two more weeks because "pulling out is m ore difficult militarily than advancing.'' The sources s aid the V ietnamese were expected to m a ke sm all- sca le attacks on the de parting units but were not capable of a m ajor attack. The Chinese invaded Vietna m on Feb. 17 after mont hs of c lashes be tween Vietnamese and Chinese border forces and the Vietnamesse in vasion of Ca m bodia on Dec. 25 which d rove a Communist governme nt allied with Peking from Phnom Penh. The Chinese said their aim was lo "pumsh" their southern Communist neighbor for border provocations and to teach them a lesson. Peking announced Monday it was withdrawing its troops after a chieving its goals . On Wednesday. Vi etnam said the Chmese had 'been defeated und would be ullowed to pull out peacefully. But Hanoi said the C h in ese would be "duly punished" if they renewed the fighting . Soviet Women Take Holiday M OSCOW CA P 1-So viet wom en a re taki ng a holiday today from cook- ing, cleaning and riveting to m a rk Inte rna tion a l Women's Day a m id signs t h at a fe m a l e revolt against overwork is brew- inR. It 's "Queen for a Day " as men brin& chocolates and flowers to their wives. m othe rs or fe male col· leagues. The na tionwide celebration is one of the m o s t Important of the year though t he holiday goes mostly unnoticed in the Welt. Pret lde nt L e ontd I . Continental Airline• had to an· nounce Wednesday that ll wu cancelllnt et1ht daUy ru1ht1 to and from Denver becaute ot UM fuel 1bortaa•. Tbe company •••d tbe can- cellat.loM would be-ln effect un· Ul April 4, re1utun1 In a 1avtnp of about 11 ooo 1aDou of hlel a dey, a IPGk'"man 11ld ln Loi AD&el•. Breibnev, Premier Alexei N. Koaypn and tbe Com· m u nl1t Party Central CommJttee con1ratulated Soviet women ud thanked tbem for tbelr "tontribu· Uoa to the 1trer'.llt.Mnln1 of lnt1rnaUonallltlc IOlldartty" and tbeir work for pnce and detente. ) Warmly • Ill Egypt CAIRO, Egypt IJ\Pl Prest de nt Carter . beginning a pil - J.t rim a ge ro r p eace in the Mideast, received both a wa rm wt•lcome and a re minder today that tough issues still stand in the way or an Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. T e ns o r thousands of en thui:.iastic Egyptians lined the !>lreel as Carter and Egyptian President J\nwar Sadat s tood in an open car while travehng from Cairo airport to the former royal palace where Cart er will s tay. But at the palace Sadat isbued a s trong c all fo r "n ationa l rights" and "freedom " for Pale::.tinians. Fro•P~Al FRAUD ... fede ral g ra nd Jury has s r><•nt about eight months investigating reports that more th;rn 200.000 barrels of "old " oil have been sold ai; "new'' 011 at a cost to cons umers of millionb of doll<1rb by the t1m <' the 011 reached ser vice stat1om. In a related matter Wednc:-. d a y , J\ I b e r t B . /\ I k t' k , d millionain• Victoria oilm an. pleaded ~u1lly to a mtl>demeanor charge of knowing about the pricing scheme but falling lo re 1>orl 1t to authorities Undt'r a plea b<1rga1n1ng a~rt·c·mcnt, hl' received a thrct· year sus pended sentene~ and lJ S Distrtcl Jud~c Hobert 0 Conor ordered him to p<J y t11 the governm ent $3 24 mtllton. cooperate fully with federal 111 vestigators. testify al trial 1f needed and, 1r necesbary. take a he dC'lcctur test The House ~u1Jcomm1ttee on e nergy and powe r ha~ been working with Canal es. tht• Justice Department, and the Department of Energy tn the in vestigation. A s ubcom m1tlce s pokesman said Alkc k 's pka bargain raist•s .. several ques lions and we will ht• looking into it." F rottt P age Al BANDIT •.. the robberies. The bandit often tells his victims lo q uietly walk away from the register to the rear of their workplace so he can escape. So rar, no one na s seen a getaway vehicle. Persons with information that could lead to his arrest s hould contact the Hunt ington Beach Police Departme nt at 536·5951 or 536-5311. Even before Carter's a rrival. Egyptia n Prime Minis ter Mustafa Khalil said his country had counterproposals to the compromise suggestions put fo rth by Carter. and said Egypt would continue to insist on l.I timetable for settin g up an autonomous Pales tinian author i- ty in the Israell-occupted West Bank In Israel. meanwhile , Prime Minister Me nachem Begin said a peace treaty can be s igned "1n a few wee ks t1mt>" provided. som e unspedfled .. still outstand- ing issues" are resolved Begin, speaking at an airport news conference on his return from the United States. called on countrymen to welcome Carter war mly when he arrive:-. in Tel 6-viv on Saturday na )(ht "This has ~en a good week fo r Israel." Begm said Carter said he sttll !.eek:-. a · ·cumprt•hens 1ve" pt' act• that would include other Arab na t1ons and "reflect the leg1t1matt· needs of all who have suffered in more than 30 years of conflict ... a reference to the Palestinians Sadat kissed Carter on both C'hecks as the American leadl·r got off Air Force One <Jl Cairo <Ji rport The n thl· presidents waved to the throni~s who hn1·d their route· to the pa laC'c 1n tht· s uburb of Kub~h As the motorcade· pass1·1l about 300 dove'> wc rf' rl'lca'>t·d and flt•w into tht• s ky Onlookn'> t•hecrt•d, 1ump1•r1 and wavl'd h andkerl'h1l'f.., Thi· r·1ght m ilt· drive took 55 minute&. At Umes the crowd was so en thusla suc that police had to re-s train people wh o rushed toward the car carr ying lht leaders. At the palace, both leaders ap peared on a balcony to speak. Sad al praised Carter warmly. ca lling rum "My dear friend and brother ·· ''Never b e fore ha s a11 Ame ric·an president been :-11 f1 rm tn hJs devotion to peace · l)aid Sadat . .speaking in EnglJ!>h But Sadat also said, "We a n· d e t l' r m 1 n e d to c n a b It· o u r Palt•sl1ruan brothe rs to n·al111· lhe1 r nationa l n~hts and regain th1•1r frt•edo111 Gas S tation Cle rk 'Robbed NPWJ)•irt Ut-ach police 1.1r1· ..,t•t·k mg t hi' man who held up " ('orunJ 111•1 Mar gas ~talion for $111 Wt•dn1•:-.day n1~hl f'oht·c· 'aid lhe lone rnhbcr ap proac ht·d the sl<1t1on dcrk at alJC>llt tu JI m when there wnl' 1111 t·u-,tom1·rs tn the 1'rcsl1i.:1· /\ rc·o .,l;Jt ion ltwated Jt 3GJfi i-: ( '11.1.,t ll1ghw.1 v A< n1rd111i.: to poltrt-rf'f)Or1 ' tht -.us1,.·1·1 111111 tlt1· <'Ink h1· h,1d ,f j!llll Ill hi ' 11'Wkt'I .1nd I ht• f'!t•J k h.Jllclt·cl 11\•·r Jlt t ht· c-.1-.h 1n th1· 1·,1,h rt'J.!hll•r Chutists K illed Man, Woman Fall to Deaths NAl'A IAP I A Britis h \\.OmiJn <J oel llltnots man who h<1d <1ppan•ntly Just m <.•1 wc·n · killed when their parac:hutcs fotl<'d t o 01wn ~1., the~ tell holding hands 1n <1 dt!mons tr<1t1 o n 1urnp n t·<ir hcrl', sht.>riff·s dt>pllt II'" said Ttw v1(·tJms both ct1•..,l'nhe>d <1" profc~~1om1I p;.tr achullsts. were-1ch·nt1f1t'Cf W1•dncsd<.1v as Judith H Willard . 27. of f'rome. England. C:tnd Honn1e J M <:L ;1 ughhn. :M . of .Jolll't Ill . T he· pair jumpt·d from an u1rcr aft at 12,000 feel with two or three othl·r persons, then fell to thei r deaths as the} held hands and did acrobatics. s aid William White. a Nc.ip<.1 County d(•puly s heriff who is c.ilso a cornnt.·r ·s dcpul) He said both we n • killed instantly when t heir bodies hit a plowed ft eld in a sparsely populated an•a nc::<.1r the Pope Vall<'y Par achute Ranch 25 miles north of he re. · White s aid w1tnesst.•s and a British p assport found on the .. ,om an·._ hod) indic ated she had tra\ elcd to the United Statc.·s for cl parachuting holi- day and had t ake>n u bus from S<in Franc1~co to the camp earlier in the da) SE-G11 ZEil Immediate FREE DELIVERY .' ·sALE ez. COITAMllA Mt I.11th IT. ~ ffom Ralpnl. • nnt to Marte Colelldcn) M2 ... 17 MCA·~ I~ Sol 1().6 Qoeed 9'Nay \ • MISSION VllJO 211t2Malguertte Pkwy. (Comer of Marguerite and Vlo bCObt) 491-1902 Mon. -ftt. '~ Sot. t().6 OOMdlurmr l ... \ I Orange Coast EDITIO N ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1979 . \ Today'~ C::losiag] N.Y. Stoeks N TEN CENT t VOL. 72. NO. 67, 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES Egypt Greets Carter t ' t I as Talks Open f ., ..... ,... .. CARTER MOBBED As President Carter waves to thousands m Cairo. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat points to a man trying to reach the car from the crowd. Security agents moved in a nd held back the friendly but enthusiastic crowd t 1 Santa Ana Man Hit With Bookie Charge By REBECCA HELM OttlleOally PllolStall fbe a rrest or rormer Sad- , dleback Community College t trustee Alyn M. Brannon Tues-r day in Santa Ana was the second 7 : time he has been arrested on 1 bookmaking charges. t This lime, Garden Grove police.said , Brannon was gross- ing SSS,000 a week in the aJJeged . horse racing and sports bookie , 1 operation from a Santa . Ana restaurant. f In 1974, after his arrest by Newport"Beacb1>0lice, tbe Santa } Ana resident pleaded guilty to , bookmaking charges in Orange County Superior Court. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail and resigned from his seat on the college board of trustees. At that time, the founding trustee of the Saddleback Com-' m unity College District pleaded for leniency. HJ said his $25,000 bookmak- ing operation was just between friends. Garden Grove police this week claimed that Brannon, who bas five sons and holds a master's • degree, has continued his bookie • activities since his 1974 convic- ' tion. moving his headquarter:i from the Harbor Area to Santa Ana . Police called the Santa Ana • operation . 'the lip o r the iceberg" or a mu ch larger operation in Los Angeles. According lo their account, Brannon allegedly relayed bets averaging between SSOO and $1,000 to Los Angeles and met his clients at weekly luncheon 1 gatherings al the Santa Ana restaurant. Police claimed they saw money changing hands between Brannon and suspected beUors 1 durin glbegatberings. • Officers also alleged that : ..Brannon was running bis own in- dependent side operation at the Los Alamitos race track. . . , Soviet Women Take Holiday Oally ~llet Si.tt ....... CHARGED AGAIN Ex-Trustee Brannon FAA Hearings On Airport Postponed Federal Aviation Administra- tion officials, responding to a re- quest from Orange County of- ficials, have put off bearings on the Orange County Airport until April 3. The bearings on discrimina- tion against air carriers were to have opened Monday al the Newport Marriott Hotel. However, Deputy County Counsel Robert Nuttman was successful in delaying that open- in& date because or this week's Civil Aeronautics Board <CAB > bearings in San Diego. Those San Diego bearings cov- er applications of eight airlines, including Air California and Hughes Airwest, to fiy between California airports, including Orange County, and Phoenix and Tucson. A spokesman for the FAA said this morning that location for the postponed bearing baa not been established, but added that public notice will be given when a bearing room is found. Crackdown On Visas Announced WASHINGTON (A P > At- torney General Griffin B. Bell announced a crackdown today on visa policies that allowed aliens to enter the United Slates under a phony student s tatus. The action. which could in- volve prosecution of some col- lege officials, foUo~ revelations that an estimated 42,000 foreign students admitted Into the Unit· ed States oo student visas are no longer enrolled at the schools they are supposed to be attend- ing. Bell said the Immigration and Naturalization Service, a n arm of the Justice Department, is in- itiating s teps which include warnings to the colleges that further violations could resµlt ih withdra waJ of their authority to enroll foreign students under lNS regulations. In question is the practice of issuing blank l-20 forms, the forms that certify a prospective foreign student has been accept- ed for enrollment. Some colleges have been ac· cused of sending out recruiters a rmed with blank l -20s pre- signed by school officials. The prospective student can then ob- tain a visa to enter the United States. The controversy over alien students was touched off by a violent demonstration Jan. 2 by a crowd apparently made up of anti-shah Iranian students out- side the Beverly Hills mansion of the Shah of Iran's mother and sister. Bell said at that time he would seek to deport any Iranian stu- dent who took part in violent protests and any other foreign students who violated terms of their visas by no longer attend· ing classes. AFTER-SCHOOL CENFER J'IEWED Latchkey children -they re- turn from school each day to an unsupervised home. Some now go to Child Space, a n extended day care center in Cost~ Mesa. See Featuring, Page Cl. CAIRO. Egypt CAP ) -Presi- de nt Carter, launch ing his personal peace mission today. was greet ed by tens or thousands of cheermg Egyptians and immediately began his first round o( peace talks with Presi- dent Anwar Sadat. Shortly after the arrival or the American party, Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil pr esented counter proposals to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance detailing Egyptian response to U.S. compromise suggestions to break the negotiating stalemate. There were no immediate de- tails or what the Egyptian pro-posals were. Thousands of e nthusiastic Egyptians waved palm fronds a nd placards as the president a nd Sadat rode in an open car from Cairo International >\irport to the ornate Kubbeh PaJace. where Carter will stay. At the palace , the American president and Sadat appeared on the balcony with thei r wives. Carte r said he and Sadat pledged themselves not to disap- point those who hope for "the <See EGYPT. Page Al) Fraud Alleged Oil Charges 'Tip of Iceberg' HOUSTON <AP> -An 84- count oil -pricing fraud indict- ment returned against two oil companies and five of their of- ficers is just "the tip of the iceberg." says U.S. Attorney A J "Tony" Canales. The indictment, handed down Wednesday, charges the defen- dants took part in a scheme to violate federal crude oil pricing regulations . The scheme al· legedly brought som e S3.8 mi Ilion in excess profits "These cases wi ll be going on long alter 1 ·m gone from this of· rice," Canales said, adding that more indictments can be expect- ed "This is just the beginning ." he said Charged with conspiring to sell lower priced "old" oil as higher priced ··new" 011 were Uni Oil Inc of Houston. Uni president Thomas M ... Mick" Ha- jecate; Uni secretary-treasurer Oally "''" Staff P- 'ST. CL YOE' DISPLAYS FAMILY OF GOD FLAG Nomadic Piigrim• Make Camp In Cott• MeH Sect Opens Rally In Costa Mesa Park By JACKJE HYMAN Of tlle Oally Pllel Staff There were no trumpets. loud s peeches or cymbals Wednes- day. Only a battered brown bus and an unusual nag revealed to Costa Mesans that the Family of God was in town. Slightly less than a dozen members of the peripatetic sect s pread their towel s and themselves on the grass at Lions Park, quietly spreading the word lo passersby as they absorbed the sunshine. "The Christ family's all over the world declaring the second coming of J esus Christ," ex- plained a group spokesman, who identified himself as St. Clyde Christ of Jerusalem. St . Clyde, who puffed on a cigarette as he spoke, said, "The Lord is calling all the people to close down the slaughter houses and to take down the barbed wire fences and to close down the gunshops and to live at peace with one\another." His group eats no meat or dairy products and won't use leather, St. Clyde said. They re- nounce a ll possessions. go barefoot and wear white as a symbol of purity. He went on l-0 say that the Family or God m embers - about equally divided ~tween men and women -believe in celibacy. All property is held in common. Asked where the group last visited, St. Clyde said, "The Orange police department.·· Asked rus business there, be said, "Getting straight some matte rs or discrimH>atlon a mong police departments about freedom or religion ..• a nd director Thomas H "Tom" Hajecate: Uni vice presidents Charles R. Akin and James E. Fis he r : Ba ll Marketing En- terprise or Lafayette. La.: and Charles Goss. a Ball marketing agent U.S. District Judge Carol O Bue set bonds of $200,000 apiece for the offlc1aJs and said they would be released on personal recognizance. (See FRAUD, Page A2) * * * 3Airlines In County Have Fuel Officials of the three com- mercial airlines t hat ser ve Orange County Airport said to- day their aviation fuel supplies a re adequate a nd they won't need to curtail nights as some a irlines have done. Spokesmen for Air California, Hughes Airwest and Golden West Airlines s aid there have oeen no indications their fuel al- locations from suppliers wi ll be restr icted. "We've had no indications of any problems," a spokesman ror Golden West said. "We don•t know what may be down the road but right now everything is all right." At Hughes, a spokesman said, ··our supplies are adequate for the present lime " "We·re not speculating on the future," he said. ··eut we have enough fuel lo meet our full schedule." Air California spokesman Bob Payton said his airline is "pretty comfortable .. for March and April but that officials will keep a careful watch on supplies. "The biggest problem is in the Midwest," Payton said. "We run some charters out that way and fuel 1s very difficult to come by in that part of the country.'' The shortage of aviation fuel partly involves the oil cutoff from Iran but is also due to a major refinery fire in Denver that destroyed much of the fuel in storage there. Continental Airlines had to an- nounce Wednesday that it was cancelling eight daily flights to and from Denver because of the fuel shortage. The company said the can- cellations would be in effect un- til April 4, resulting in a savings or about 11.000 gallons or fuel a day, a spokesman said in Los Angeles. Coast Weather ! MOSCOW <AP)-So- viet women are taking a holiday today from cook- ing, cleaning and riveting to mark International Women's Day amid signs that a female revolt against overwork is brew- inl-It's "Queen for a Day" Trawler Nets Nuke Suh St . Clyde said the group is con- cerned because, when they are preaching or chatting with by standers, p olicemen som etimes demand an iden- tification check, which can take several hours. Chance of low clouds F riday morning. Highs 66 to 76. Lows tonight 45 to 53. INSIDE TODA V f ) . t I as men brinl chocolates and flowers to their wives, motben or female col- Jea1ues. Tbe nationwide celebntiaa ii one of the most Jmport•nt of the year thou.Cb tbe bollday loel 1DOllly wmotlced iD u.ew..a. PrHldeat Leonid I. Breslml¥, PNmler Alexei N. KOIJPD ucl tbe Com· maal1t PartJ Ceatral Com..UU. COD1Htulated 'Sovlet..,... Md tbanked tbem IDr tbiilr "ccmtrlbu· UoD totbe~ of lnternatlon•H•tlc ..uurttr'' -tJaelr work ,. ....... cllleate. Fuhing Boat No Match/or U.S. Submersible LONDON (AP ) -An American nuclear submarine became saarled lD tbe nett ol a ScoUilb Otbl.q trawler today and towed tbe trawler baekwv9 IOI' '5 mlaaa. before tb• crew eat tbe nett Brtt.tab Coatt Oaard ud U.S. Navy '°""* Mid. .,It eoaJd bave bffD Duty reat17,•• aald a Coaat oQ'Ud 1pollnmu 1t Ardrot1u oD lco&lmd'• Wit coat. ''Tbe aub-merlM m••t b•H IO•• •• dm111111t lite Mi ud into tbe nett. Tldnp like tbat ca.G be a btt dlscoocertlng for a trawler crew." Lt. Cmdr. Tim Mennuti, a 1pokeaman for the U.S. Navy in London, confirmed that an . American nuclear submarine wa1 lDwived but would-not 111 More Coverage Addidonal Harbor Area COV· .... appears today OD Pip Al4. wblcb one . The re Is an American nuclear submarine base at Holy Loeb ln tbe Firth of Clyde near Ardroaan. There were no reporu ol ln- Juries or lerioua damaae . Tbe area where tbe iDddeDt toot place la an autboriMd ana for 1ubmarine maneuven. But t;M COllt Guard spefl•maa a6d tt 11 "aJ.o on• of dle •a.tor fttbm, ..... Soyot1can't ..., .. ally." The group, which lives on donations, bas no plans , St. Clyde said, and the refore can't say bow long they'll stay in Costa Meta. (he ll'AlllLY, P11e AZ) ,J4PANESE TY M.4DE IN IRJ"INE Japanese llrma are meklnl televlaloo sets In the United States -some iD Irvine. See Mllton Moako•ltz' aaalnls, Pate 88. It was the perfect neighborhood for the home lite for the 11 modnolelj/ re- tarded people to live ... vntll neighbor• /ovn.d ovt. Su "Love ThJI Neighbor," P~ All l AZ DAIL y PILOT N China Pulling Out Withdrawal From, Viet Confirmed bANGKOJ\., Thu1hand 1AP , Western obffrven wnflrmed to d a Y thtH ('h1na h a11 heli(un w1thdruw1nu from Vl.-tnllM•'"f° t rritory 11nd J uinrn at ld u ~~ al·t•nt: 11s "' medl•lOr in lht' ('h111~t4 Vtt.•ln•me • war \11.i ly:-l:-. 1n RunJilkok said tht· pullo ut "a' ,·uut1 ou 11 und hrudu.U, · llut tht1rl' ~t>re def Hiit,• ~1~11'" It hill.I ~t.irlt'd Cblot< " 11ourc~• l•erller 1n dlC'ate'd th~ wilhdr..,,•I would M d1fftrult end 11lo w, po'islbly tuk 1ng two wc•t'kK or mor t' Vlctruun attld tht-withdrawal wui. "VN'Y 1,110" 11od 1n v~ry 1m111ll num twn thno1 'a 111 .. "t bettlr n •port ~81d "th•• Clllnt"•t· 11:ri:r .. i.i-11on fun 1•' t0tla~ l'Ont1nu1· ttwir lit UH k ' nlbblln.c Ml Vlt<tnaml'¥t' tt•rr1t11ry 11nd hurntnJ< ttnd loot VCI Medical Vnit To Buy canner' I kc tH' ln1nt: Mi:dll'lAI Ct!ntcr h.i., ~n l(I\ en ~l.llt-aµproval tu l>u v a $635,000 computt-ritcd X ruv head and nel·k ~l'anner , used lo d1agnoise tumor~. blood <.'lots :.ind other abnormalities. ApprO\al by the Office of St.itewidc llcalth Planning and Dt·velopml'nt becoml'~ effective MCJrch29 Dane Ho1bt>rg, actrng director of the medical center. s111d the addition of the scanning eqwp· ment . called a eompute d tomography head and neck sca.n- ner , "will greatly improve the d1agnostk capabilities" of the center 's radiology department I' rev1ou ~l y. pa t1ents who net:ded a head scan have had to His Suit Up in Smoke HALEIGH, N.C CAP> The slate Court of Appeab h<.1 s upheld a S uperior Court order dis missing a lawsuit bv a man who con· tended h.c was a~saultcd by a puff of ~moke from t11s boss' l'Jgar The apl)l'als court rulc•d thul getting hit by a puff of -.omeonC' cigar's smoke is .i form o f "touching. which must be e ndured 10 a cr owded world." William T. McCracken. 52. a forme r Charlotte let· t cr carrier for the U S. Postal Service, had c laimed his super ivisor , 0 . B. Sloan. deliberatt?ly blew cigar smoke in his face dunng a 1975 meettng even though S loan knew it wou ld agg ra vat(' McCracken. Front Page A I EGYPT ••• long·unrcahzed bul deeply de· sired state or peace to this re· g1on " After the arrival statement, Carter met with Sadat lo review the U.S. suggestions for break· ing the stalem ate in the negotia· tions. They were accompanied by advisers. Carter, after a 12·hour night from the United States, said at the palace that he was struck by the eyes or the Egyptian women which held "a hunger and a prayer that their sons and their hus bands would never again have to suffe r in the cause of combat." T he long journey by the American pres ide nt is being viewed by Egyptian and JsraeU leaders as reviving prospects for a peace treaty that bas so long eluded lhe region. Bolh Khalil and Israe li Prime Minister Menachem Begin have said that Carter 's trip could lead to a treaty signing. However, several difficulties re main, and Sadat addressed one of them at tbe palace: the Is· sue o( lhe 1.1 million Palestin· ian s who live in Israeli· occ upied territories on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. OAANOE COAIT N DAILY PILOT r~ ()r.-""9'(0HI 0.llf P•tot. with Whfeft '' c.°"" btt .. Jfftot ~~·•pUtllli,,...oYt,,.OtM\Qllr '""'' '"''"""""'c-~ ... "",_.., .. llUDl .. Md -y ,,,,...._. ,,l<l•y lot (O .. f MP'i.4, HH•Pof1 0..Cft, ti'U't'\OntfOfl hMhlt:°"" '"'n \/elltv, tf1'rM, L~ 8•t<ft/$outh C-\t A '"'<I'• •-OIONle<IU""' l•pul>ll-Sotlu"'O•f "ll 'w"<l•Y' T ... Oflfl(~I -1>1>1"<1pl.nl1 .. 1 U0 Wu! 11 ......... CAI• Mtw. C•lllOffll•Q,. .... 11"·-Pr•\IO.f\t tftO PUbl1Wt ,_,A.M_... IMl\f9l"t lclilllr CMflttM ~ ~~. Nel A•.i•l9f'l Mf't""' ui.. r .. .,....._ m•110m1 0• !fled Actv•ftttlfll to4'7I bt• ~t'OI to SI J 11111 1111:.plhtl in Fullerton · In support of their Jpphcut1on for the equ1pmt·nt, m edicul tenter administrator:. asserted that s uch mov e~ to other hospitals expoi.ed c rit1cully ill or injured pallcnt~ to ~realer risk, and added to the <.'Ost of treat· ment The ~p1tal a lso attempted to justify purchase of a full body scanner. for the same reasons, but its petition was quashed at the local level. Last year. the Orange County Health Planning Council refused to endorse the application The planning council is the coun ty's des ignated h ealth system agcnl'y. It decides mat· t e r s o f d e livery of hea lth ser vices, including expans ion or exis ting racllit 1es a nd the purchase of new equipment. Patients who require full body sca ns now are taken from the UCJ Medical Center m Orange to Me rcy General HospitaJ in Santa Ana. The local health agency's failure to endorse the UCI ap· plication in part led to the res· ignation or Or Stanley Van qen Noort from the planning counc1l 's boa rd of directors. Van den Noort IS dean or the UCI Medical School. f'roM Pa9~ A J FAMILY ... His companions on the grass. all of whom use the fa mily name or Christ and gave their address as .rerusal e m , i ntroduce d the m.selves as St. Theresa, St. Dare ll .. St. Joy, St. Laur a, St. Virginia and St. Rose. There we re two me mbers n amed St. J a m es. The only member not present was St. Jill, who was using the bathroom on the bus, St. Clyde explained.· The me mbe rs appe ared to range in age from early 20s to mid 40s. St. Clyde s aid visitors are welcome In the bus, which is the group's church. On the outside is a two-sided flag. One side shows a Star or David, symbolizing the coming 1Gngdom of David, be said. The other side depicts a bolt or li ghtning, which symbolizes Jesus, and seven stars of David for the seven spirits or God. The interior of the bus is s ur· prisingly plush, with dark blue wall·to-wall cus hioning. In· dividual bedrolls neatly line the sides. As ked how the Family of God's message h as bee n going over, St. Clyde said, "Not a whole lot or people have been re· ceptive. "That's why most of the world will be destroyed. Only the meek will inherit the earth." f'ro91Pag~AJ FRAUD •.. The indictment says the con· s piracy in volved acquiring "old" oil selllng at about $S a barrel and certifying it a s "new" oJI that sells for more than $12 a. barrel under the federal pricing regulations established in 1973. The distinction between "old" and "new" on allows firms to IRAN TO LtMIT OIL OUTPUT----A3 charge more ror newly dis· covered oil than they do for oil from fields that. have long been In uae. lt was written lnto federal price regulations aa a way to encourage exploration for new sources of oll. At thll point, however, a federal grand jury baa a pent about eight mont.bl tnveaU1aUne reports that more than J00,000 barrels ol "old" oll havt been told u "new" oll -at a COit to conaumen ol mllllona of dollan by the time the oil reached service llatlona. In a related matter Wtdnel· day, Albert 8 . Alkek, a mllllonalre Victoria ollm•n, plelded pillty to • mlldemeanor claar1e ol tnowtn1 about tbe prtctna scheme but f a1Un1 to .... , port lt to •uthorltJn. 1na property 1n Vletnamc border 11tt•" " But mt>llt rcporti. of hosllllUes from the VictnumcM.· :.1dc wtirc confln(-d to chart(l'K of Ch1fll'llC wu cn mc•. 111dud10.c lootlllg .1niJ burruna of homl'-. v ll'tnu m has ~aid 1t would bt.- 11rt' µ1.trl'd lo Ot'j(Olllttt' Oll('t' .. tut .. 1 Wlthdruwal ur Ch1n1''l' trooPb took vlun· Analysts in liunJtki>k n•1)()1ted ~k1rm1Ahmg m 11ome t ront1er provmcei. and th•~ w~111 expectt.>d to continue But de1>p1te firmer ev1dcnn· or a pullout, some In dol'h1na watchers still l'1tul1 oned that the s 1tuat1on remuin(•d tt'OSt' and larger M'alt.• hl(htmg could resume J ~1pane~e f oreign M1111:-tt-r Sunao Sonoda told a parhamcn· tary committee 10 Tokyo lhCJl Japan was asking Chma to pull out and asking Vietnam to allow a s mooth Chinese w1thdrnwal He said Japan was m eeting separately with each side and relaying the peace conditions de- m anded by each Branching Out Kare n Farquha r . 8. a third grader at Adams School in Costa Mesa, examines a Norfolk Island Pine, one of 2.300 tree~ donated to Newport·Mcsa Unified School D1 slnct student ~ for Arbor Day Wednes- day The tmy trees were a gift from the Rotary Club o f Ne wport Beach-Balboa and Hines Whole~a lc Nursery in Irvine. Space Shuttle Starts Journey LANCASTER IAP > The s pace shuttle Columbia, like some great white bea~t. tum bered slowly from its hangar before dawn today and c rawled along desert roads 38 miles to an Air Force base on the first leg of a c ross-country trip to 1t~ Florida launchrng pad The 150,000·pound shuttle. de- signed to carry Americans on 100 round trips into space. was moving overland to the Dryden Flight R esear c h Center a l Edwards Air Force Base. Later today. it w~s to be af fi xed piggy-back atop a 747 JUm bo Jet for a tWO·day fh~ht to Its la unch site at Cape C<Jnaveral That night bt•g1ns Fmlay The Columbia dwa rfed 1b en tourage of mQrc than a don·n veh1<.'les. including police cars. a fire engine and <J sm all bu~ fil led with secunty and , oute·cleann~ personnel. Tht:· tonvoy travelt!d a t lt•s:-than 5 mph Condo Conversion Eyed The shuttlf' t•ntered this desert town . wht.·rc :-.1•\'t>ral lrC:1ff1t• light:. wen • muved to accom m odal(' 1l!> ~rcl:lt wings, as several hundred s peclalQr') braved the <.'OQI desert morning lo m ar~el at its s ize Mounted on a g1gant1c 90 wheel trailer lowed by a truck, the 122-foot-:ong shuttle -ill. t<.1tl fin ris1n~ more than five s tor1t•s eme rged tall-first fro m the han~a r whe re 1t was asst.·mbled at the Rockwdl Jn ll'rn at1onal plant nea r here Ori H rs s teered from both e nds Newport Planners Study Criterion Newport Beach planning com missioners will discuss further limits on conversion of apart· ments to condo~iniums torught Late las t year . city coun cilm e n adopted an ordinance that put som e restrictions on conver sions based on com- pliance with existing city build· ing and zoning codes. Under discussion tonig ht will Tonne Liked Michelle's Recording LOS ANGELES I AP > - Singer Mel Torme. testifying for Michelle Triola Marvin, said to· day that her 1966 record was "llstenable, plea sant and it had potential." Torme, called out or order as a rebuttal witness because he was leaving town, took the stand in the midd.Je or the derense case in the landm ark Marv in vs. Marvin property rights trial. The singer, qualified as a n ex· pe rt witness in the field or music, told of the hard road to recording success. He said even after bis career was established in the 19408, he had to continue promoting his records by visit· ine disc jockeys across the coun · try. Torme said he believed Miss Marvin's record, "Promise Me Your Love," could have suc. ceeded only with a heavy promo· liooal effort. "To promote a record at thal time would have taken a huge e rfort on the part of the artists and perhaps the record com· pany," be said. He noted that In 1966 the Beatles had changed the sound of popular music and a "middle or the road" performer would have bad a hard time getting air play. "An unknown performer. if the record was believed in, would have bad to quadruple the efforts,·• he said. Torme was called to rebut the earlier testimony of Joseph Smith, chairman of Elektra· Asylum Records, who said that disc jockey visit s were not helpful in promoting a record. Gas Station OerkRobbed Newport Beach police are f aeekinl the man who beld up a Corona del Mar gas station for sin Wednelday ntaht. Police said the lone robber ap· proacbed the station clerk at about 10 p.m . when there were no cUJtomera lo the Prestige Arco ltatioa located at 3638 E. Cout Hl&bway. Accordinc to pollce reporta.J tbe 1uaperi told the clerk be baa a 1U la Im pocket and tbe cleric banded tWflt all the ca1b in the ca1b reclfter. be lhe length of lime m which the apartment dwellers must be nol1fled of a pending convers ion Commissioners will also talk about setting an a pa rtment vacancy rate as a crite rion for conversion. T hl' present c9de require~ a partment owners to give their tenants 120 days' notice of pend· ing co nv e rsion lo con domiruums. The plan unde r con s ideration would extend that notice period to 180 days. The vacancy factor plan is a device that would prevent con· versions when the availability of other li ving quarte rs for renter~ is limited. A citv staff r eport on the s ub· ject said there are two ways lo meas ure t he vacancy factor the biannual Housing and Urban Developme nt CH U 0 > Pos tal Va cancy Survey or tht l976 Special Census The HUD surve) covers only portions or sele<.'ted la rge apart ment complexes and the <.'1ty rP port said 1t found a vat ancy fat.· tor of l 7 percent The census d a t a covered 11. 775 renta l uni Ls and revealed a 6 6 percent vacancy factor Starr membe rs are recom m e nding neither process. but a re suggesting that planning com missioners set up their own cr1tena for the survey that will be used to determtne the vacan cy factor. The staff report also notes that commission e rs will have lo select a percent of vacancy to use in judging conversions 1t' notes that other c1t1 es where such a device is used set the J percent level as the determ1rung vacancy rate SEmR anzm SALE T h (' n t· w g e n e r a t 1 o n .,pact•rrart. its aluminum skin partially covned by Sf~u itre l1le:- to protect It from the heat or it .. fut ur<> c;paC'e trips, looked slight ly rufnt'd. hkt.• a moulting bird. whf•rt· sonw tiles were missing The NahonCJI APronautics a nd Space Administration said the r em a1 rung tiles. along with the ship s engines, <.'omputers and other f1rushmg touches would be a dded when 1t rcCJches F lor ida. The Columbia's right s ide bears a United Sta te& fl ag, the NASA logo and the words "Unit ed States " The ship's name ap· pears behind the six cockpit wm dows An l!arher version or the shut· tic. the famous Entc r prist· followed a s imilar route to Dryden in January 1977 Immediate FREE DELIVERY h SALE ENDS VISA' , ...,_ll_D,. MARCH31 Whites 1111»':1/tJY Showcase • I OO's to choose from! .,I' Many fabrics, Many styles COSTA MllA 369 I. 17th IT. <Ac:roea trom Roll:h. next to Motte Colenacn> 642-1617 Mon.. fft. 10-6 sat. 10-6 OoeedbdaV • MISSION VllJO 21192 Marguerite Pkwy. (Corner of Marguerite ond "'° ftcOlar} 491-1902 Mon.. fft. 10-6 Sat. 10-& ao.d~ l • ( ; . Iran Oil Cut in Half Due NEW YORK tAP 1 I ran plans lo <'Ul by b U tht' .imount or oil Pf'Odurt-d und.-r the n•.c1m' o r S&ah Mnhummed R ('n Pohlavl and to '>t't•k th(• htl(ht>st prtce pae.s1blt• thr nt•"" rt>volu llonary gbvt•rnment 'u1d tochl) The annount t>mt•nt <'amr 11111 day after Mexll'o ""huh 'u1• pllea about 2 1wr, Pill of lht· crud~ 011 ut1t-d (huh 1n tht> l nit t.-d Shalt' ''ud 11 al m1h l 1 t'f taanly" will bllO:sl pri('t'' The llnilt·d Stalt•., wutht'1 n nl'l(Chbur .tlsO t'8Utl0nl'd W\'drll'' duy lhBt II ('Jn t ,l"ll\1 .. 1 l'.., 111rllne:.. ~omt• "" hard pn•:.:.t•tl they huvt• can<·t.>lt·d hundn"<b 111 fl1~hh "Wt• manuhH•tun· Jt'I ruf'I but Wt' unh mJke enough for our n.ittonJI C'on,umption ~aid u AIRLINE PROMISES AL TEANATE FLIGHTS -88 spokesman for Pemt>x . MexlC'o , state-run 011 monopol) In Tehran. tlasan Nazih. ht.><u.l of the National rranian 011 Co said. "Our prot.lut t1on pol1c.·y wi ll be dictated only hy lran':o. na l1 onal inlerestll " He said tht' target w1 II be :i million barrels daily, compared to 6 -million undt-r the shah, who fl ed Iran on Jan. 16 Natth said production " <ibout 2 m1lhon barrels a day of which 700,000 a re being used for domestic con- sumption. Nazih sajd Iran will remain a "militant membe r " of the Orgaruzation of Petroleum Ex porting Countries and whenever possible sell above the price set by the orgaruzalion "In our view, oil prices set and announced by OPEC a re re- garded as floor prices a nd whenever possible we shall sell oil at prices higher than OPEC prices," he said The OPEC price 1s $13 35 a barrel. But m a n y o il st ates a lready are selling above this level and Iran resumed oil sales Monday with a shipment to Japan at a reported $20 a barrel The worse ning oil crunch wa:o. detailed Wednesd ay in a con gressional study that predicted world oil prices would rise 7 per cent above previous increases announced by oil-exporting na- tions. The extra boost , the report said, was due to Iran's pro· longed production shutdown. The General Accounting Of- fice preliminary study said the loss or Iranian 011 could raise un- employment by 200,000 through 1980 and increase the U.S. infla. tion rate by more than 1 percent during the same per iod. In a move that could help re- lieve the oil pinch. the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission announced Wednesday adoption or final rules that should start ··surplus " natural gas flowing to market. some lo replace import· ed crude, "within a matte r of months " Government and 1ndustrv of- ri cials estimate about one trillion cubic feel of gas can be brought to market provid ing e n e r gy equivalt>~t to472.000 barrels of oil. C.Ourt Uplwlds Adult Ruling SAN DIEGO IAP) -Sixteen· year-old Brenda Spencer's ap· peal of an orde r that she be tried as an adult Cor an e lementary school sniper attack that killed two men has been rejected by a s tate appellate court. In a bearing two weeks ago, Juvenile Court Judge WilHam Todd Jr. decided Miss Spencer was unfit to be t r ied a s a juvenile and remanded her to Superior Court for t rial as an adult. Wi11gi11g Ii l'hl'Sl' :-t•J g ulb t..1nd U:rn:-. are used to ha' 111g I tw twacht•s along the Orange Coast lo t hl·m st·ht·s th1-. time of year Wednesday. Lht• n owds that showed up al Doheny Sttttt• J k al'h 10 t·..,t·up(' the 8()-degree heat inland put the t"rds to flight \.\'{·ath(•r f orcce:tster~ say it looks llkt: the flock is likely lo r e main a1rbo rnl' '-lnl'l' tht weekend promises morl' of lhl· sanH.· hig h tern peraturt·s Cypress Fire Lntest Blaze From Arsonistr Another blaze in what Orang(• County fire crews believe 1s a 30-plus arson string in Cypress caused $15,000 in damage to a residential garage Wednesday night. fire s pokesman said The blaze at the home of Thomas Roman Panasew1cz. 5152 Myra Ave .. was the first major properly damage at tr ibuted to the arsomst. firemen said Fire official~ bt.>heve the blaze setter h a s been al work in Cypress since J anuary s etting numerous fires in trash bins and shrubbery Panasew1cz's property was damaged by arson Jan 5 as well, firemen said . when some· o ne a llegedly torched two palm trees in his front yard. F iremen s a id they don't believe venecance was a motive in the blazes at Panasewicz's home They believe he was the victim of an arsontst working at random throughout the city Students to Help Nixon Write Book SAN DI EGO !AP l Four slu dents at the Un1vers 1ty o r Ca lifornia at San Diego taking a C'ourse on the presidency have picked up part-time jobs helpin~ Richard M. Nixon write his next book The four undergraduates v1s1t ed the former president at his San Clemente home Saturday to get their assignments d1ggin~ up racts and anecdotes about Nixon's famous contemporane~ lo be featured in his next volume or memoirs "It's a fantastic opportunity." said Edward Lazarus, 20, of San Francisco ''There a ren't m any ex-presidents a r ound and I Agribusiness Fears Hike in Water Rates Jumped .11 lht• JOI "'ht.·n I ht.•J rd 1t was a va1lablt.· Thl' otht.•r studt•nts purllc11H1t ing in lht.: proJe<·l . ;;ti I 1.:ho~t.·11 from amung 60 \ooluntc(•rs an John H Taylor, l.csltc Lambt.'rt and Paula Ma ngini Fur about $1 25 t>a<·h, the~ will t•a ch rt• -;ean·h a ramou:. f1 gurt• lht·> declined to name whll'h Ont's and pre pare a \\rltlt•n a n :ount or their f1nd1n~s 1r1 a hout ont• month The Nixon 'lJrf '4 111 n·\ 11·w lh1 work and d1>c1d1• whet h1·1 tu l'<Hl tinue the proJC<.'l UCSD was r bn:-.en bt-<·aust-of 1ts prox1m1ty to San Clc mentt' and becaus(' 1t 's the workplace of literature profe ssor Ronald Berman, a memlwr of the '11xon adm1rustrut1on as head of tht· National Endowmenl for thl· Humarut1es Althou~h Nixon w as 1n his of fice at San Clemente. "We didn't meet him, but we met King T1mahoe." s aid Tay lor. 24, "T hey call him the former Fir~t Dog "We also s aw a } t•llo"' golf cart sitting by the :,tc ps ," Taylor added. "They call it ·Cushman . .,,~ ' Tht.tr!d81. March 8, t979 DAILY PILOT A3 First in Countg San Juan OKs Rent Controls ,. By RAYMOND ESTRADA Jr. Of, ... 0.llY f'ii.t Uott Despite a threatened lawsuit, Sao Juan Capistrano City Coun- <' ii members voted 4 t o o Wednesday to become the r1rst Orange County communjty to im pose rent controls About 100 elderly residents ap- plauded as the council approved the ordinance limiting rent hike~ on mobile home park spaces to one rncrease per year and not to exceed the cost of living index fo r a ny 12-month period Councilman J ames Thorpe was absent Wednesday Adopted as an urgency measure. the law becomes effec t1ve 1mmed1ately T1 m Twrney. attorney for Ra ncho Al1paz Mobile Home Park owner Al Wilk, said his d1e nl ha:. authorized him to hght the ordinance in court and has allocated $100.000 in legal fee~ Tierney asserted that the new ordinance conflicts with state la w and 'condemns a portion of mobile hom e park o wner' property n ghts." Tierney also said the rent law would cost San Juan Capistrano taxpayers thousands of dollars _., ctdmirustrative costs The ordinance establishes a t·o uncil-appointed five-member mobile home park review board that may hold public hearings to d etermme whethe r pr oposed rc•nl hikes are Justified. The board will cons 1st of two mobile home owners, two mobile home park owners or managers ;ind one outside party S uicide' Try Ends in Injury Seven mobile homl' parks with 2,300 residents currently operate in San Juan Capistrano Millie Ptttman, a Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park rcs1 dent. told the co uncil her rent <;hot up from SJOO to $160 a month between Detember, 1977 a nd thts month Another Capistrano Terrace res ident, Artclle Pay ne . said many or her neighbor~ hvt: on fixed incomes, are between 60 and 80 years or age and qwll' often art• 1nl1rm All four councilmt-11 pn•,en1 )>aid they supported lht> rent Ill\\ wholeheartedly and wer e ready to fi ght attcmplll to '" l'rruh_• the ordinanC't' in l'Ourt Counc·11man Phil Schwc.trll s~1d, I'm sorn lo "t.'l' •Js resor1 to our police powt>r hen• If ..,omt· park owners would havt• listened mort' to their ll'nant:-. and less lo I heir (•ash regis ter' we would havl· fe wer problem.., today " Councllma11 l.arn Ruchhc1m -.aid, ' I would bl' t11·klt'd to death 1f the l'ounty would ;:11l1>pl this ordinanct· .. Cyclist Loses Leg in South Laguna Cr~h A 30-year-old Minnesota mun had his right l<•g n ppt.·d off in J motorcycle crush on South Coast High way 1n South Lagund Wednesday afll'rnoon Delbert Huhl of Hochestt>r '>lammed his motorcycle mlo the baC'k or an unoccupied parked 'an nt:ar Cam el Point Dnvt.· at 520pm I Also injured w.is Maryann In g ram, 22 of ('ypres-.. who wa~ h1tc hh1k1ng when lluhl p1r kc·d hl•r up momt•nb ht'fo re the A 33 year-old Santa Ana man cras h "'as 1n critical cood1l1on at 0 Mi ss Ingram :-.ufft•r ti t.l a local hospital today after he ap broken right leg and other h~'ad parently tned to commit s wcid<: a nd neck injuries lluhl also sur Wednesday by JUmping from an fl'red a broken left leg 0 , e rpas!> onto the Santa AnJ California Highway patrol or Frt.•ewa)' hc 1als ... aid Huhl apparently l<1st John Espinoza Medina wasn 't control of h1:-. Ha rlc•y·Dav1son hit by any cars when he lande<f motorc)clt: while on a s harp 1n the northbound freeway lanes l'Un e after allegedly 14mping from the Both victims wen• rushed to Firs t Street overpass. police Sou th Co a s l Com mun 1 l y sa id But he dld suffer crilJcal H os pital and were later in1uriesinthe3:30p.m .fall. tra n-s fe rred to lJ · l rv1ne Medina is being treated at Medical Cente r Santa Ana Tustm Communil) No condition rtc·porl on lluhl HospitaJ PQlice said they don't was :\vallablc• today. DCJt lors W ornan Dies, Mate Injured InHB Crash LOS ANGELES 11\P 1 Ca liforni a 's $6 b ill ion agricultural industry would be hit hard ir the Me tropolitan Water District raises its rates by a proposed $5 per acre foot. an attorney for one or the district's customers says. One'" know why he went off the over· are reportedJy attemptrng to rt...'- ~~~__,p._as ~s"·~~~~~~~~~~~~~a_t_ta_r_h~H_uh~l-'s_sev_e_r_e_d _le_g~ A 70 -year-old Huntington Beach woman was killed and her husband injured Wednesday night in a traffic collision with a car carrying three teen -agers who s uffered minor injuries, police said. The dead woman was iden- tified as Dorothy M _ Smith of 9412 Nautilus Drive She died of injuries about one hour after the 9:55 p.m . accident at the in- tersection of Bushard Street and Adams Avenue. Her hus band, Me lvin, was taken to Fountain Valley Com- munity H ospital whe r e authorities today said he was treated for injuries a nd r e leased. Traffic 1nvest1gators said a charge of failure lo stop al a red light has been filed against 18· year-old driver Melanie Sue Creager of 16562 Wheeler Circle, Huntington Beach. She was r eportedly driving eastbound on Adams when her car collided with the auto con laining the Smiths who were southbound on Bushard. .. At the very least, agriculture should be exempted." Maurice C. Sherrill , counse l for the Eastern Municipal Waler Dis trict, told a public hearmg We dnesday IC not. he said , farmers would suHer a "severe econo mic effect. .. The district's board of direc lors 1s expected to rule on the rate hike proposal by March 13 During the hearing. consumer groups also urged the district lo base the rate hike on percen- tages rather tha n making il an across-the-board boost. However , deputy city attorney Edward J . Perez said the rate boost should be even tugher He reminded the district that it had agreed to pass o n increased costs to the consumer rather than to taxpayers Funeral Set For Former t1D1es Official ~Designer \ Chairs ref{ . .109. Nou' 249. ; r \ Priolo tO Quit GOP leadership Position Private funeral services have been scheduled in Pasadena for former Los Angeles Times ex· ecutive John Andreson who died Tuesday after a long illness. He was 72. Mr. Andreson, who worked as a fire warden and assistant park ranger before joining the Times in 1932, was executive director of the Times-Mirror Foundation and the Tim es Mirror Fund at the time or his retireme nt in 1972. SACRAMENTO <AP> As· sem bly minority floor leader Paul Priolo, R -Malibu, said Wednesday he will step down next January as Republican leader of the lower house. A sse mbl yma n Bruce Nest.ande of Orange, second in command among Assembly Republicans. said be will seek tbe minority leader post when Prlolo resigns . The minority leader ls elected by the GOP caucus members. Priolo, who bas been minority leader the paat 3~ yean, pre· vlously announced be either would run for the \J .S. Senate out year or retire from public office at the end of 1980. Re added in a news conference Uult in either cue be would tum tlte GOP leadership over to odten for bl• final year In the Le~lalature. • My tboucbts are that in Juuary 1•. the caucus ahould be looktDI for another leader." • f'lllOLO NBSTANDB Priolo said. Ne1tande would have an early advant .. e, but there is no finn tradition of 1ucceaaion ln t..be le1i1l1Uve posts. And 1lnce 16 ot the GOP'• ao members are new- ly elected tbla 1ear, that make& the race even more uncertain. "At of today it would be my Intention to nm when P.ul 1teps down," Neatande aaid. "It micht be uncontested. ll ml1ht be heavily cballenced. A lot u n happen tn a year." Always active 1n volunteer work, Mr. Andreson listed the Girl Scouts, Salvation Army, United Way, Los Ange les Boys Club, the Boy Scout Foundation of Southern California and the Los Ange les Child Guidance CUnlc among organizations he helped over the years. Mr. Andreson received a numbe r of awards for h ls charitable endeavors, among them the Sliver Keystone award of the Boys Club of America. He Is survived by hJs wife, Helen Norton Andreson of Puadena ; a daughter, Mrs. Deborah Bums or S.nta Paula; a son, J ohn Andreson Jr. of Newport Beacb, a sister, Laura Andreton of Los Angeles and two ll"Uldcblldren. You c..in SM <• d b•Q $60 00 on Pacn 01 lhP~ I""" dos1Qner ch.m s ol unsurpassed Quality and crall.,man<1n1n You II enioy the tastetut styhnQ and dehQ.htlully comlot1able seahnq Expertly 1a1torr J in your order 1n an exc.111ng variety ol special labrics Armcaps are included at no extra ch11rQe Some stylefi may be ordered as .1 swivel rocker tor an ac111onal charqe or $20 Your Favonte Designer W1/f Be Hsppt To Assrsr You 11.J.GA~l\ElT fURNITURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR OESIGNCR!> Opeo Mon., Thur\. & Fri. Eve\. 7'1$ HARBOR BLVD COSTA ME SA. CALI F. .... ·I DAILY PILOT JuNt ·· (,oa ting . . TnutMtay. Match I , 1979 ~ ~\ ~ ..... ( Tom .'larpbln~ Only Way to Go IMYITLEN•:no~ Ot:P'f ft)-uzlf'd motorlat.. who have-Ion~ 11uJf«"rf<I burn ~r w bumPtr a1onJte alon& thltc bt·~t of Mil po\.'lblf' c-oHt'I mi1ht now be Vlf'WJn& Dana Pu1nt u ia allmmer of ho~ at tht" f'nd or tm lr•rrlc tunnel l>a1nlcl Vumt was onC't' JUSI • "llt 'PY hltlt' tltll'lldt' vlll•at twtwt.>t-n Sc>uth 1 .. acuni. i•nd C.1p1•trano Hi:•t·h lhi only rl•1m lo tam ... c·ame frum tttc-hard llf'nry Oana, who wrote ..ibuut Ow pl ~ when ht' w11' befon-th4: mast 1'twn lht"y built a harbor al Oanu Point Now' ll '5 not Ju~t l\l ... •Jly ll'lt slt'l'Plt•i.' c.l ut· to linitrlt<:d tr~fflc •nd honk llllol hunu. Thu:, 1t devt-lopb thut tht Or 1.ngc County Board of ~UPl'niu.or5 111 <'.Ulintc about for a l>an• Pomt tnsmc bolu llttn i.nd h~ rom t: up with .. plan T HE S<.11E ME IS TO make it i>e~tJon of Peclf1c Coatst ll 1~hw1ty ont• w<1y hcadt'd upcou11t ~ut hbound traffic.- \ Earl y-day f;rpenment Ttn~rmg Around With One-WOJI Trof/IC would go one way on another street calJed Del Prado. All of this IS anticipated to cost '$600,000. In Uus day and age, that sounds like a puny price tag fo r a road job. Today, mo1>l tram c engineers start talking in the millions before they even get the blueprints rolled out Maybe the one-way notion at Dana Point 11> bomethlng wt.· could look C;tt for some or our other chrome traffic bot· tk nl'cks along this coasthn<' T ROUBl.E IS, at a lot or these. like Newport Bay Bridge, you can'l rand a secondary parallel road to make one.way So il the traffic savants could just figure out which direction the bigges t rush goes at a given hour, maybe they could assign more la nes to traffic going that direc· lion. Then 1t might s witch the other way in other hours. Seems like they use this system on the San Francisco Bay Bridge. On our coast , we have other equal traffic bot· tlenecks hke Newport Boulevard through Costa Mesa and Coast Highway through downtown Laguna Beach. WOUl.O A L/\NE SWITCHING system work here? Uon't ask me Hut 1t i.urc m ight provide a lot of new jobs for workers who would be putting out those lJttle orange traffic cones evt>ry mornmg , and then rearranging them for the evening ru:.h h<>ur City Gets the Message 1-'RESNO <AP) She stood In a big chuck hole wearing a wig, a halter top and a sign that pro· daimed: "Help, Fresno Street Department." Within a n hour. a city crew came a:ilong and 11tarted repair- \ng chuck holes on Pontiac Street here Wednesday Ted Meeker, a realdent of lhe block, said he didn't know lf the repair work resulted from this complaint to the clty or the man- nequin be facetiously stOod ln a chuck hole. WORLD I NATIO"' Food Prices llp Sharply WASHJNGTON CAP> t 'ood prices j umpc;d 11 harpl y in l"ebruary for the second straight monlh to pace a l percent In· creu e in wboln1lc prices, the t abor 0...par1ment reported to· da)' Tb whottsale prlc49 ritea were ool <1ulte u sleep H lboee re- corded In January. but they were Jugb enough to guarantee eunaumers a further boolt in re- tail pricea in coming months Wholeule pnce increases for b eef and ve 1tl lowed from J •nuMry, from 13 3 percent lo 4 1 J>t-r cent an F e bruary. But vegetablell, pork, s ugar. rrull and fish showed sharper boosts ltnt month H E FTY PRIC~ rises also were recorded for s hoes. tires, gaso l i n e a n d a l c o h o li c beverages The latest n se an wholesale prices, involving goods al the stage JUSl before they reach i.torc shelves, <'Ompared with u I 3 percent jump in J anuary, the :;harpest one-month increase an four years. The latest re port gave the Carter admanastratlon an9ther setback in its efforts to control MajorFinm S/,apped With Violations WASHINGTON <AP > -Three out of five of the nation's larges t corporations were the objects of enforcement actions in 1975 and 1976 for allegedly violating federal laws, a government backed study shows. Nearly half of the largest firms were c h a rged wi th "serious" or "moderate" viola- tion s, sociologist Marshall Clinard said In testimony pre· pared for presentation today at a House Judiciary subcommlt· tee hearing on cnme. He did not s pecify the dlf· ference between a "serious " <'rime and a "moderate" one. CLINARD, A professor at the University of Wisconsin, un- dertook his research with a grant from the Justice Depart- m e nt's Law Enforcement As sis tance Administration. Final results are due May 31. The subcommittee on crime is in the midst or a long.term re· view or white collar crime and also is reviewing possible c hanges in LEAA. Clinard said he found it unlike· ly that a· corporate executive convicted or a federal crime would be forced lo spend time in prison. Even when these ex- e cutives are incarcerated, he s aid, they gener a lly r eceive li ght sentences. THE 582 unidentified corpora- tions he surveyed were m<>-"Uy ma nufacturing concerns. Bank· Ing, insurance, transportation. communication a nd utilities companies were excluded, ac· cording to CUnard's prepared statement. The companies in Clinard 's aurvey con.slated of 477 manufac- turing flrma, 18 wholesale opera- tions, 86 retail outlets and 21 service -related businesses . Tbelr 1975 annual sales ranged from $300 mllUon to more than $(5 billion wtlh an average sales volume of $1.7 billion for the parent ftrmf. lnfiation, which ls runnJn1 above 9 percent a year. Last year. there was only one month -Aprll -In wblcb wholesale prices rose as much as 1 percent or more . The la teat rlae in who leaale prlcea tranalates into a 12.7 percent an· nual Increase. Food pr ices in February jumped 1.6 percent, equal to an unnual rate of more than 21 per- cent . In January, food prices at wholesale rose 1.8 percent. Foreshadowing sharply rising prices in the future, the Labor Department said prices at the beginning s tages of th e wholesale process. called the crude level, Jumped 3.3 percent in Febr uary. 'that waa the lareest monthly gain since May 197$. Prices tor crude roodt prices farmers receive before the food is processed -leaped 3.8 pe~ last month after a 2 8 percent riae in J anuary. Tbe report confirmed rlndlngs released by the administration Wednesday that farm prices have been rising at al annual clip of 40 percent since No- vember. In response to the s harp rise tn rarm prices, which the govern· ment concedes wlll continue for a while, President Carte r 's chief rnflullon rtghter, Alfred E . Kahn, uJd Wednesday that of. flcials are conaldennc ways of slowing prlce bike• a( the farm level. The Labor Department said wholeaaJe prices for roasted cor ree, processed poultry and passenge r c an decllned in February. The increase foe cars WH 0.7 percent, compared with a 2 . l p e r cent advance to January Prlces for household furnllurc also rose much leas than in January. while luggage and s m a ll leather good s posted declines after substantial tn- crea ses a month earlier. Troops Near Kampala " Amin Soldiers Offer No Challenge NAIROBI. Kenya <AP > -In vading Tanzanian soldiers and Ugandan exiles moved lo wilbln 25 miles of the Ugandan capital of Kampala today without meet- ang resistance from President ldi Amin'11 troopi;, West e rn diplomats said. "T here 1s no f1ght1ng now because the T a nz11n1 11ns a re Grin And Bear It Dr. Willia m Powell drills o n the a bscessed tooth or a 220 -pound sun bear in a n °'perating room a t th~ University of Tennessee's veterinarian hos pital. Cht· quita_, on loan to th e Knoxville Zoo from New Orleans Zoo, was given a tranquilizer be fore the two-hour root canal operation. moving up and nobody is abool· 1ng at them ," a Na i r obi diplomat said. "We don't know how rar they've gone but, ii they keep at up, they could be with.in artillery range or Kampala in a day or two." Nairobi diplomats said two days ago the invaders apparent ly began t o move beyond Lukaya, on the road north to Kampala. after shelling the town for several days DIPLOMATS IN Kttmpula said the city of 400.000 was quiet, with factor ies, schools a nd gov e rnmenl ministries ope rating normally. A8ked about reporu. Tanzanian force s advanced within l2 miles of Kampala a diplomat said, "I don't beli~ve 1t Ir at were true. there would be so m e nervousness here, a nd there isn't any." There were no offi cial Tan.za nian statements on the war and Uganda governme nt radio. monitored in Nairobi, broadcast African pop tunes Instead of • ne ws . Re porte r s seeking a coherent account of the conflict sifted through wildly conflicting data from Uganda n exiles . diplomats. travelers from Ugan d a a nd Ugand a n re:,idenb reached by telephone. And ther e was no sign of Amm's promised counterattack. although diplomats said daily Jrms flights from Libya were continuing in an attempt to build up tbe d is pirited Ugandan m ilitary. Unconfirmed reports s aid the shipm e nts Included csbout a dozen MiG and Mirage 1ets and tanks and artillery. Flood Worst in Memory Wailing la Hear? Kankakee River Wreaks Havoc in Illinois .lllMflY .llll>u'q ... ....... ,. lleltlmo<e Bl\m•rcto: lk>h• 80lton ,,,..,.,v111e Hl0 "'-,. .. , ......... M!~ ............ L,., lvtleto (M<eoo Clft(l-'1 (lnetefld Oel Ft. W\11 0.flVtr On Moll••' O.troll Oututll Felrbflh Htltfl• HoflCHutll Houlttti 1Cet1't City Le• V90<t\ Lfltle lleO LK .4-""' Mleml Mllwel/kfOI> Mpb St " Netllvlll• .....,or'"' HewYOflr Olll• Cit, ~· '99tllM'llfll• ..._. .. ~ ... ........ °"' --ML.wit .... L-. .... ,,.... n :a. M ~ .t t SI J2 u n .01 u JO Ml .0 •• , "° 51 " 2S lT ll .Ot )0 ,. • " )I )I .. ,. ., ., ,, " " JO ,, •• 02 . ' 41 i> II 10 " "' .0 ,. ,. 41 ., u IS H ,. ,.. Ji » u " ., ,. 14 " ... 40 .. Jt H II SI aJ u n ,, » ., at n u 1' ,. ff SJ M S7 ......... ......, ...... 1u• ==."::'.~~ ~:=~ , .. -Yo<IC.00.. ...... -- "-•ll'M.,. ~·t II V'N to 1'(11 '"'" ..... ~ -by •• .,. r.111 ~IOt• 11 ........ , "' .. , • ..., ""' .. °""-· .,"., " cxmJ •••ft ~ ~ .=..::.::.. ~ '4••·••"•'• Ou 1"'4'• lllilllll - - -= = = Mereti.ft Me•lde Mollt ...... y Netwu T .. IKIO-lcN Trllllded ,_,., lt1 N.-H-"lre -Ver "'°"' --.. '° -1...-..«1 l>y llo0dl119. Weeti.r bllr9.u 1-uter f J SolO!nOft ....., Ille ~eel c-c. ll<VI Ill..., wet ncedlno tlowly et ~ 51relford 91111 '"'111 5'retfllrd, H H . wt>en ... .,.. -•'-t ...,.,, fM1 •00¥e flOod leWI Wlldl ........ f.-clnQ ,.,,.,. ttlen 100 femtllft from llielr '"'"'n. Tiiey retNilnecl evecueled IN•_,..... u ,. '° ,, .. ,, .. ,, ., ,, 11 • CaUlentla Aftff e coal, cl9ud'tr M Y -.ctey, "" ~-....... 11 .. C'fl ... ~ ... .,, ''*Y 11111 Imo IN -41efld wllll ~----N flt IO, Ille N .. ltllel ~ Sefvke M"-11 wn IS 111-.nt-Lot .4"91lft Oft WtdllllMy, elld fW 1M MC.MG •lrtltlll Oey fMvHllO• of tllfl· w•nll1"'9tt ti.cull te k11t11tr11 c.l ......... '1~ TtNy't CMtltl ... wH ••41KIH to 111"" tiff .,,._.,, etlOWI~ IN ..... rcury It rltt lftlo h Ill ... 1h Wtlll lOm t MMlle\ ""'"' 111t It IO, '°"<•••-.. Ml Moul!Ulft MNt wlll werm It ts f<rldey wtttl wlfld't '""''"9 -1 ... ll •' tptt(lt f//f U lo JS mpn. Tiie WWflt wlH t\9r1 to IOOll 11-t deter1t, wtlll """"' .. _, In IN eot . HW111""911 tMQI· W--lo """ ..... ~ ....... , .. """ Ht..,.n e..dll w--.. ...... Have you aent for merchan- dlae and not received It? Are you having a disagree- ment with a bllllng computer? la City Hall giving you the run- e-round? "At Your Service" offers help In all theae matters and more. You can count on Pat Dunn and her 0 At Your Service'' column to help solve problems. If you need help, mall your queatlona to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Piiot. P.O. Box 1580, Coat• MeH CA 92628. Be aure to Include your telephone number. Pet Dunn geta adlon and flghta red hlpe In ''At Your 8ervlce,0 publa.hed every day except Saturday In The Dally Piiot. ... .,._ ...... .., ..... ~ ___ ...... AM 1'1Wf Jttty, -----------------------------------------' . --.... . CALIFORNIA To T a ke Stand ....... ,. ...... Black Paf!thcr leader lluey Newton. shown with his wife Gwe~ dun~g a break m his trial on charges he killed a pro~tltute m 1974 , says he 'll take the witness stand agau~t the advice of his lawyer . He said at an Oakland !le~s <:onf erence Wednesday that the charge against tum 1s stnctly a f abr1cation." lhund.-,, March 8. 1979 DAIL V PILOT AS Ring Pkases Scientists PASAJ>F.NA <Al'I Sc1en tlst~ arC' oburi today over Vuyugt.•r J ·~ <i urpr1-.1ng db. f.'OVl'r)' O( Ii thin ClrCIC Of debn~ orbillug Juplhir like a fulnl 1m llallon of Sutum·s famous rlngs The-Jovian rln~. which moay bt• lhf' rtimain.~ of a shattered moon or material left over Crom lheo plnnt>t'i1 birth. was an nounc~ ill tht.-Jcl Propulsion Luboratory on Wt.odne.sduy THE THIN, .-t.AT ring wa., found In JUl>l one photograph luk~n Sunday as VoyaMer 1 ap pro;u•hed 1ls ('IOM!St enCOWller with th~ gul.nl plM.nel, satd Brad SUPER GALAXY SIGKTED-Story, A 15 ford Smith. who heads the Voyager photography team "Thus Jupiter Joins Saturn and Uranui. to become thtr' lhud wr lhl' rune planets) tn out~qlar l)y:;lem known to posses's a planetary ring system." Smith said Saturn ·~ three large and brilltanl rings were discovered by Galileo in 1610. Astronomer~ first saw the faint ring of Uranus two years ago. THE BLACK AND white pie ture of the Jovian ring, released Wednesday. shows six string hke lines stretched across the dark background or s pace. Smith said the lines represent a m ultiple exposure. six images or the edge of the nng. lie said the rmg had escaped detection u.ntd now because il ts less than 18 miles thick and so dim It's virtually lost against the planet's bnght surface. The ring is at least 5,400 miles wide and ats outer edge 1s about 35.000 miles above the Jovian equator, Smith said, adding that the size and composition of the particles hasn't been de- lermineci. "M Y BEST GUESS would be that 1t 1s dark material, and may be due to the break-up of a satellite (moon> that wandered too close" to Jupiter, and was torn apart by the ph1net s im- mense gravltattonal pull. H e said 1l abo might bt· "pramordJaJ material that was left over from when Jupiter wai. created" about 4.6 b1lhon years ago. Voyager. 1 will :>tudy Jupitn for 17 more days as 1l head'! for an encounter with Snturn 1n November 1980 " Lettuce Boycott Eyed Oiavez A lso Plam to Escalate Chiquita Actio11 SALI NAS <AP>-Uniled Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez led more than 4.000 sup porters on a march through th1s • communHy and hinted his uruon may call a national lettuce boycott as part of a seven-week s trike against vegetabl e growers Chavez also satd Wednesday that the UFW's national boycott of Ch1qu1ta bana nas will be escalated. Asked about the possibility of a natfo nal lettuce boycott. Chavez said. "When the time comes, we will." However . Marc Grossman. a Chavez aide. later called the threatened n ational lettuce boycott "an option •· ( STATE ) Deri.rion No t. Dint ed SACRAMENTO <A P > If state Supreme Court JUSltces plan to r everse their r uhng weakening the "use a gun. go to prison" law. they gave little in- dication of it JO a rehearing of the case. Instead. the four JUStices who made up a fragile majority m their Dec. 22 ruhng took turns Wednesday grilling Attorney General George DeukmeJ1an. who 1s seeking a reversal. lldBt~ 10 lt'alf LOS ANGELES <AP> Of· decision of U S. District Court Judge William Enright JO San D1e~o "Deflbi.f>' f o Be Catt LOS ANGF.LES !A P 1 It .!> back to the cuttin~ room for pm ducers of the adult movie .. rklJ b1e Doe:. Dallas ," who have agreed to splice out l '"~ minuh·s of ri1 m showJOg the r1 Im ·~ :.tar in a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader uniform Attorneys repre~entmg thf' Pussycat Theater chain agre('d Wednesday to excise the part!> of the fi lm that show the roi-tumf' worn by Debbie. a high :.l'hool cheerleader who goes to DaJlas ffOWte B ecome• .Jail OAKLAND cAP l A JUd~1· Beatles Reunion? No IJUUrance B i ll Die• SACRAMENTO <AP > An ef· fort to block automobile insurers from charging different rates in different areas has died in an Assembly committee. f1c1als of the four m ajor California utilities say they will await the outcome of appeals on t he overturning of a slate nuclear r egulatory s tatute before applying for hcenses to construct nuclear power plants. decided 1t was cheaper to put Rebecca Brown under house ar rest for a year than to put her in Jai l f or her involuntar y mans laughter conviction of shooting her husband Harry 111 tbe back. 'Happier' George Says Plan's Just Fantasy Asse mblyman H ersche l Rosenthal. D-Los Angeles. sponsored AB 16. which failed to get a motion fo r passage Wednesday from any member or the Assembly Finance, Insurance a nd Commerce Coin mittee. In a squabble Jus t before Christ.mru.. Mrs. Brown said. her husband pulled a gun. They got into a tussle when she told him to put it away H<' died of a pi stol s hot 1n th e ba c k , authorities said HOLLYWOOD IAP> There are s ome things that rock legends don't have to bother with. Endless one-on-one in- terviews are among them. So former Beatie George Har- rison , in town to promote his latest aJbum. took on the entire Los Angeles press corps at a tea· and-crumpets news conference Wednesday afternoon. PUBLIC CONTACT with former Beatles has been rare since they split in 1970, so some 40 reporters crowded into a Warner Bros. records con- ference room to quiz Harrison on his music and other recent activities. About his new album. "George Har rison." and Its hit single "Blow Away," he said: "I feel h appy about it. ... Sometimes you can do something and it's like swim- ming against the tide. No matter what you do 1t doesn't have that natural flow going wi th it. . . . " At 36, Harrison seems to have toned down the mystical bent that influenced much of the musi c on h is earlier solo albums. "All Things Must Pass" and "Living Jn The Material World." He admitted that the extent of his musical message these days is ·'to try and be happier all the time." IT WASN'T LONG before the inevitable Beatles reunion ques- tion popped up. Al first Harrison DIAMO ND S • GEMSTONES Jewels by 1osephs 1s searching for diamonds and gemstones from pnvate ind1v1duals and estates. Careful examination and evaluauon by our ellper1s. Highest p.1c:. paid. Call 540-9066 10.9 dally, Saturday 1<>-6, Sun· -cloeed. Ask lor Betty Grace or Frank VanderWall iewels by ioseph South Coast Plaza • 3333 Bristol. Costa Mesa • 540-9066 P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ------FIC'TtTtOUS 8USIHESS FICTITIOUS aOSINEss--' NAMl: STATEMENT NAMIE 5TATIEMIENT T"e lol-'119 PH_, '' OOlng bUsl The lollowlng persons ••P ooln9 M\\ as lntts as NIGUEL PHARMACY )()100 Town 0 RA N G E C 0 U N f y Qnt~ Of"., IAOun.t Nlguel, CA '1611, ZOOLOGICAL, 131M Logan AvP . Unit Suol• G , Costa Mew. CA Allred -rt J..,,nard Jl'ISI Ent G••v Wavne &.qnalt. 201• Walle<• NI ... Or .. La9\lna N111 .... 1. CA t16n ' . Unit o. Colla Mew. CA t1'21 l his bus!~" cc1nd<1tteo bv •n on· c uovo Le<nl!e, ,,_, S Cvl>fel\, dlvldual Unit c. Or-., (A., ... AL JANN•RO This b<lsln.ss Is conducted by • Thos "alement was llled witll tllf! neral p.rtMrV\lp. Countv Cieri< ol Oranll" County on c..<y WayM 8~11 FIHl< ... ry1', 1919 Tllo, st•l•nwnl was loled "'''" I~ I' 11fM7 County Clf'rl< ol Oran~ Couf\IY Ol'O Publisheel °'""~Coast Delly Piiot, Feb. 16. 197' M•rch 1,1,, ISL2'l. ".!!__ _!14 1'1 1'11t1tS P UBLIC NOTICE PubtlsN!d ~-CCMISI D•ilY Piiot. Feb. 22, Marc" 1, a. u. 1'1'1 pretended not to hear "About the what?" he quene~ cupping his hand to his ear. Then he relented. "The last tbjng l heard about tl)at was some guy in San Fran- cisco who had some proJect or gelling John C Lennon l. Paul <McCartneyl, George and Ringo !Starr) together "ALL I COULD say to that was. 'Look. that was then.• This guy 1s on a trip about the Beatles. "He's built up this big fantasy about how the Beatles are the only thing that can save the world. And that is complete rub- bish. "The Beatles can't save the world. we'll be lucky if we can save ourselves." The executives of S<>utberr. Ca I ifornia Edis on, the Los Angeles Department of Water a nd Power. San Diego Gas and Electnc. and Pacific Gas and Electric Wednesday praised the De ntist Sentenced TORRANCE CAP> -A dentist has been sen· tenced to six months in jail for the anesthetic over - dose death of a 26-year-old Gardena woman. Dr. Richard A. Litman. 45, convicted or in voluntary manslaughter Feb. 7 in the March 1977 death of Marion Newman. was sentenced in Superior Court on Wednesday. Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney George Oakes said an autopsy found a "lethal dose" of Nembutal in he r body as well as a "toxic dose" of Demerol and som e Valium. 1tEARJ.'S Pl..UMalHC. H£Af1HC. •11!COHD "' 4..l4-,,,~.,, °.)~'"''l-· 11,,.., .,.urt .. at 'rOU• l.Xlvr 1l•ll ~4ort> NtUf't'4>1 Your Ar• 4 1 'OSUMU.•642· lJSJ 1u........_1a1"" MISSION VIE Jo49S-040 1 1"11 c..m. ... ~ .. It-o F .j\ A•er Ptlw > Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. l"\rsa Verde CUT RATE l9iquor EXCEPTIONAL WINES SS AND UND ER IAICElt AT HARIOR 549-4044 Castana Sofa Sale 11 ·i Saveupto$200.00! Sofn Every Sofa, L ove Seat, Sectional reduced for this eve nt! s499 l•l / /u kt II\ /, 11 • 11 I ~ Wt1V hand tied sof d cmd love -;eat. All hardwood fr •. m1l'. /\v,11lc1bk· in the cover :.-.hown (immed1dte d~hwrv) or choo~e from a wide -.election of custon' fabri cs including pnnts ,rncl c;ohd-, Our decorntors will gludly ,1ss1"t yo11 l.nvc St·ot $ ~nq l\.-11 $,.>()I) ~ CALIFORNIA ~~ GAi.i.ERiES COUNTRY & TRADITIONAL INTERIORS Interior Design Service A vailable 1515 North Main St. Santa An a 547-5895 Van Nuys •Canoga Park • Ventura La Habra-Whittier Open Mon .. Thur-... r ri. 10 10 9 P. M.· Tut! ... , Wed. & ~dt. tO Ill 6 p M .• ~un. l:l h I ~' p M FREE OWVERY • BANKAMERICARO • MASTLR CHARG[ • Hl:VOLVINt, Ut1\U(1I ... . .., t . . ,. - - : • ... •• .~ • o.ang c aa·.1D•••vP••o• Editorial Page --~------------------------------------ l huraday, March 8. 1919 Robc•rt N. Wee<J/Publlsher Thomu Ktevfl /Editor B~rbara Krelblch 'Edltorlal P• Editor Fund Limitation Also Has Limits Ln::oil NO\'t.'mber bPrkcr' of lhe ~r"port fkar h bluff prP~t·rvollon b,ttlot inmat1vt• ~l'rl' mcensrd when uppo\ m•nt~ of th(• mf>asurt' 1'1)4!nt more lhun $21,000 tn a (',1m va1~n that dt'f cukd lhe proposnl A~ a u·~ult <.'It~ eounc1lmen hove t•nacled un ur· drnant.·t• .Jlffit'<J at rt"·strictini donullons to campu1gn:. fo1 both ballot mt•u::oiurt•s nnd C'1ty rounc1I C'andldult·l'> ·rhc rw w mt'•l!°ilffl' 1lso n•\'ll'>t'~ tlw rt·pnrtlntt vf ronlrlllultun~ lo h.11lot 1·,tmp.11.:n~ l roml'all~, tht• StO uoo plu!> ~pt•nt b) ttu.• In 111t• C1>m panv m oppo:.in~ lht• ltluU~ 1nit 1 lt\t' "ouldn'l ~ affl't'tt•d by tht' rW \\ l~rn l'1t\ Attornl') Denni!. O 'Nt·11l ~a\>i. th.tl ''> .1 d 1rt•t•t hu,11w:.:. t•\pt-nd1turt" und ht> l'>U)' lhc•rt· ~ 110 Ytd} lt·~ 1:,,latl\ t'l.\ Co n>nt m l l hat k tnd of l'>J)l'nJ1n ~ llm'-t'\ t•r ttw llt''-' rt>lltri<'lwn'> '-' h1r h set 8 $200 m..i\ 1mum on mll1\ 1duJl l'ampui.,:n l'Ontnbut1on:-. Jlld lu..111:1 would havt• put a IJr,.:t• dent 111 tht• m ore than $10,000 ru 1~ed <md 'lwnt by t ht· Nt•" port Bt>ad1 C'1tw:ns Pollt1e·al · Ac tion Counr il T hat group. ht'lH1t.>c1 tn utturnl'Y H 1chard !-ipooner. took m $8,000 rn loan~ that induc.frd $6,000 loaned to thl' ('U lllpa1g11 bv Spouru•r 111 an t'l'J of t'M'alahng rampii1gn <·o:-.b 1t ~t.>cms that rund ra1:-1r1g llm1l.!> M l' probabl) in order At the saml' t ime. though. 1t ~eem~ doubtful that the new law will put tht• brnkel'I on h1g t·ampa1gn s pending It JUSt mean!) cam· pa1gn comm1ttt•t·!>. ltkl· candidates. are going to hi.I ve to a::-ik more l)t.'ople for s maller contnbut1on!t to ral!>l' the !'lame a mounts of m ont•y tht.>y took an pn or to pa ssage of the r 1ty ordinance An Old Debate . ll was a s tep back in time the other day when Coun· c1lma n Don Strauss told councilmen the cit y had to o pe n the City Hall Police substation to protect neighboring res- ide nts from crime. . That convers ation first took place a m ong councilmen m 1974 whe n the new station in Newport Center was opened . It happened again in 1976 whe n the su bstation w a s finally c losed. Her e it is 1979 and it looks as if city councilme n are going to s tart all over again on it. According to Strauss, residents of Balboa P eninsula, West Newport and Lido Isle believe they would get better po lice protection fro m a City Hall substation. Regardles s of thos e beliefs. the simple truth is that the one -m a n substatio n that o perated out of Cit y Ha ll for 18 months was costly and non-productive . An officer had to be stationed in the office from 8 ". m to ~dnight. He couldn't leave to ans wer emergency <.·~tl b and in fact spent m ost of his time giving directions to other city hall offices. . In light o f the city 's post·Proposit1on 13 income. re- o pe ning t he substation unde r those cir cumstan ces ha rdly ~ccms the best use of the city's limited fina nce::,. And hardly a c rime dete rre nt. If residents of Lido Is le including Councilman Str;.iuss -are that con cerned about crime. perhaps they rn1ght wa nt to cons ide r hiring a security pa trol. Stability Needed One is somewhat hei;itant even to m ention the name of Richard England these days. The popular Newport Harbor High School music teache r 's s uspension on unprofessiona l conduct cha rges and then his t rans fe r to Corona del Mar High for the rt•st of the year · a rc explosive issues. The fact that a state hearing officer won't be availa· bl e for a fi ve-day hearing until July hasn 't helped cool the tempers of pare nts seeking England's reinstatement. The primary con cern at this point s hould be the well- being of t he s tudents. m a ny of whom to ld school trustees the y've s uffe r ed e m otiona l distr ess a:nd academic troubles because of the tension. Perhaps, a s some parents a nd students believe. the y oungsters woul'd have been better off with England back in the class room. But at this point efforts to have him re- turned before his hearing appear likely o nly to keep the situation in a n even more unce rtain state. A te mporary teacher who has been handling the classes on a week·to-week basis has now been given the a uthority to superv ise them for the rest or this school year . In the inte rest o( stability for the youngsters . he s hould be a llowed to r e m a in. Provisions s hould be made for England to write tne c ustomary letters o f r ecommendation for college or other activities a s n eeded by students. and he s hould be p e rmitted to a n s wer any ques tions his temporary replace ment wishes to ask. But adding more fuel to the fire would be a great dis· service to the students . • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists Reader comment IS invited. Address The Dai ly Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. Boyd/Dining Rooms By I. M. BOYD That renowned cook Julia Child is quoted as saying, "If I were bulldjng a house, I wouldn·t bave a dining room . It's s pace wasted." She always eats in the kitchen, s he says. Quite so . Who doesn't ? The place in our Dear. Gloomy Gus Wonder ll any or those Lido Ille reslden&a who are demandinc In· creued police services voted ror Proposition 13. Of course, they didn't think It would af. feet tbemt HAHA scatter long ago was turned into an auxiliary TV ·music· reading room. Small groups have taken their trays there from the bounteous buffet. But no m eal has ever been served in our dining room. First telegraph message was ··what H ath God Wrought." You knew tbal. But did you know It wasn't the bright idu of Samuel Finley Brene Morse? No. sir, Annie Ellsworth long in . advance thought lt •P· proprlat.e to uae the Book of Numbers verse. She was the dau1bter of the U.S. Com· missioner of Pa~nla. Our Lancuage m an can't seem to find oul bow we came by &bat expreuton "SCOt·free." Once mentioned here that P a&il Revere'& expense ac· count for lbal ride to Botton came to about $190. Failed to report, however , tbat tbe book bi wblcb \Ml account ls recorded recentlJ t0ld ror $10,000. • Nit•holaM Von Horfman • Time to Set Realistic Goals ~an;. Re>t!bu~k hos given up on trylnit lo be tin equal op· portunlly t>mployer , al least as that phraae bas been used by the ft•drrul runclion»rles who en· forct> affarm auve action. That S.-»r~. or all major corporaUoru;, should fl ump down In lhc middle of th~ road and :;~y. ~orry fellas. ~ ~ JUbt cun 't do It, 1s most dis· ~·out 1tg1ng l-'01 decades Scan has been a t·or11orah.• le11dt•r in the human rt-I Jl1on .. f1t•ld Tht> 111 ,1 n ~ h o 111 u rt' than ranyone else built Scars. its late board c h<t 1rman , J u I I u s tto se n~ald 11862 1932 1. pul m1ll1ons into hlack education in the South, pioneered low income model housing and personally helped lead Chicago back from its terrible 1919 race riot which sa w mobs of whites drag blacks off the streetcars and beat them to death with bricks and cob· blestones. Mailbox F or Dec ades after Rosen· wa ld's death. Sears continued to b e the major corpora· lion that would put money Into race relations. Often they were bold ; seldom did they have Ro11enwald's courage. but t.o the extent a huge organization can. Sears had his spirit The heart was in the r ight place. the money sometimes could be found where the mouth was. and in comparison with DuPont or the millionaire Mellon s or G e neral Motors, Sears has always looked outstanding. IT STILL may be. For Sears. instead of using its house lawyers. has retciined Charles Morgan to fight this suit. Morgan is a whjte man who got run out of Birm· ingham. Ala .. in the early '60s for standing up for the black man and then went to work for the American Civil Liberties Union whe re he handled many con· troverslal cases. representing the sid e cor porate America would be unlikely to approve of. Some of Morgan's friends are whispering that the fight has gone out of the old boy a nd that he's now using his civil rights expert.ile to make t.he dollars he coulctn•t make when he wu de· fending the guys in the white Cwhoope! >bats. LIBEaAL columnist Ellen Goodman writ.ea . "The auit is ... a perfect New Conservative brief. It contains an effective, jabbing, anti.government analysis ... the lawyers for Sears can develop te rribly intricate and wise a nalyses for anything and then use them t.o rationalize our inac· tion -to call for retreat." ll doesn't necessarily have to do any such thing. The suit might help us define what is retreating. what's standing still and what's moving forward. The suit, for example. alleges a muc h highe r percentage or women than men desire part· time .employment only. Jf Sears has its facts straight then it makes no sense to ask a large employer to reach affirmative action levels which presume there Is a n equal desire on the part of both gende rs for the same kind of employment. WOULD rr not be better to set realizable goals and insist they be met Utan do what we do now? That's to set unrealliable 1<>als and then allow the lllsue to languish in UUgation and lnef· fectual paper stacklnc at the Equal Opportunity Commiasion. an agency or government which r ivals the Department of Enerey in failing to get anything done. The Sears suit puts the ques- tion of past discrimination in a different light. Sears quite ac· c urately observes tha t the number or minority and femaie employables with the skills and training Sears needs has been shaped and limited by several generations of government ac lions and policies. T hrough the G. I. Bill and other mechanisms. the govern· ment has trained far more white men than black men or women of any hue. This is owning to federal discriminatory policies, enacted by Congress and approved by the federal courts. EVEN IF you believe that groups previously discriminated against should be specially com. pens aled for past wrongs, even if you believe living white males s hould be punished for the sins of t h ei r f a th e r s and grandfathers. the least practical way lo do it is through in- dividual private corporations. The danger of da maging them and impairing their ability to function is too great. The be& thing to do is lo toss the white males out or the Department of Commerce and replace the m with the new preferred groups. This suit need not be the retreat Ms. Goodman fears it is. It may be the way to force the wr iting of equitable rules and re- g ulations whic h a r e n 't so politic ally impossible, ·ad · ministratively screwy. and de· mograph1cally unreal they can't be enforced. WE HAVE been in retreat ror several years now with the stumbling failure of the ERA ,. and these ludicrous debates about allowing fe males to try out for the wrestling team. Get ting white males to call you Ms .. the chief accompli shme nt of the 70s, isn't an advance. They've been doing that down South since Rhett Butler walked out on Scarlet. Ponder the Lesson of Little Mines Field To the Editor Do you remember Mines Field? And do you remember the goq~eous Spanish homes that s prawled over the Playa del Rey , luxuriating in the beauty and tranquility or the Pacific Ocean that lay beneath them, miles from Mines Field? Well. today, Mines Field is Los Angeles Inte rnational Airport and big airplanes like DC-9s and 727 jets take off from there and fly directly out over the beautiful Pacific Ocean and there are no more gorgeous homes on the Playa del Rey or anywhere near the Los Angeles International Airport. Some very important and con· cerned airport people said those lovely established homes were in a dangerous place and so they were flattened, torn down. and carted away. Playa del Rey is nearly barren old cracked concrete roads are s till there I g uess. And Mines Field was s maller than Orange County Airport. Maybe you didn't hear what I just said ... a 727 was jus t tak· ing off from little olde Orange County Airport. right over your community. I s aid a 727 and a DC-9 ... NADINE DAHL FINK Aleotlaer Vlfti' To the Editor : Whe n a n e m ployee in the private business world Is con·· sidered to be insubordinate over a pe riod or time. he is dis· charged. If he can't take direc· lions or follow orders, out he goes. How do you deal with this when you work for the public trust, like a school district? Well, these days you get a lot of sympat.hetlc, biased, do gooders to handJe your personal quarrel with your employer and lel them solve your problem• for you. You use the innocence and naivete of youths, who wlll take up any cause that c h a llenges tho system and n aunta authority. As a parent·taxpayer In tbe Newport-Mesa School Dist.Met, I am •ick lo death of the bleedln1 hearts who are pleading for the reinttatcmenl or Mr . En1land as b a nd d irector or Newport Harbor f.U,h School. The only Ume YoU hear from apeclal In· tereat sroups la when &My have an H to srtnd. Tbe1 never abow up at the school board for con· structive purposes. IF OUR students are to learn self discipline and respect for rules and authority. then their instructors ha vc got t~ practice the same things. lf the inslruc- tors don't choose to do this. then they can choose not to be in· structors. It is as simple as that. IC the school board of the Newport·Mesa district does not support its own leadership and allows a breakdown of rules and encourages it, then what good are leaders? In turn. what good are the r u le s if we a llow ourselves to give in lo those who would break them? The principal of Newport Harbor High acted unde r policies he has to follow· in order to gjve accountability to the school board and in turn the tax· paye rs. He makes decisions for the entire school campus and not just lo serve one special group. I am compelled, by all that I believe lo be right to sup· port this man's decision to re- lieve Mr . England or his duties. I hope school board will up- hold the actions taken by Mr. J acob se n and make an authoritative stand when deal· 'ing with faculty members who openly defy directions and flaunt their union cards in our faces. We all know that Mr. England has been pouting for months over recompense pay he wanted for extra services. Holding back his services was his weapon. It seems to be he has more on his mind lban his mus ician s' welfare. Making a hero out or a man who has upended the '!ducaUon p r ocess at one or our high schools because or his own bad judgment does not make sense to me. Making a rool out of a fine administrat or who hH worked bard to Improve condl· tions on his campus doesn't set well either. In any l11ue Uke lbls, educ•· Uon at.ands still while sides are taken. Persuasion and rumor take precedence over (actual In· formation. It ls a sad day when we are duped by weak emoUons and u•ed to further deatruclive causes. JANET PELICHOWSKJ Die Pull•~ l•tn-n• To the Mitor: lQ respome to .. Wbo'a Run· nmg Newport Beach'>" <your editorial, Feb 22 > the etnswer' is that for the first time in years lor n'laybe ever ) Literally hun· dreds of people a re involved and being represented For many years. the council has had a tendency to accept staff reports and recommenda· lions without giving due con· sideration to citizen input. The present council is not only seek· ing city staff input. but is using the expertise or a broad range of interested and highly competent citizens of varying viewpoints. The editorial stated that the guidelines for interpreting the traffic phasing ordinance were prepared by the council ma· jority 's s upporte rs "without participation by city staff pro· ressionals ." In actuality, the guidelines we re pre pared by s taff. representatives of de· veloper interests, citizens who r e present the r esidentialist viewpoint. two planning com· missioners, and two councilmen. NO LONGER are we ignoring the well·re asoned and re· sear ched views of r e presen· tatives or t he public . Even though the views are unsolicited and lbose staling them are oot necessarily paid professionals, they deserve and receive high status in the declsion·making process. This is surely the intent of democracy in action. This council is working very hard to keep Newport Beach a pleasant place to live and aiid the continuation of the past at· terns which have created e high density and traffic prob· lems we now have. If it appear~ to ...... , ... .,,... ... ,.. _.,._.,.,or• Ml"'9 .. ,...,.. ......... ... .,. .. __ . ..,.. some that we stumble at times. It should be re membered that the problems we a re addressing took · 20 years and more to cre ate. They cannot be solved.overnight. RAY E. WI LLIAMS Mayor Pro Tern Leeld119 ·~k To the Editor: As a former Newport Beach City Councilman: It is with interest: I read about the Orange County airport problems. fl is with pride. I look through my scrap book and read my stand of 11 years ago. It is with regret. I was not able to sell the Newport Beach City Council and the county Board of Supervisors. my views at that time. Time has proved my reason· ing valid. When "federal funds" are accepted, local control is a thing of the past. If my me m ory is correct, somewhere in the county archives ls a resolution I.Board or Supervisor s ) s tating the airport will be used for private planes only. P. DEE COOK City or Bishop Councilman Gee Petid0tt• lrt To the Editor: Has anyone re membered to do something about putting a cap on government s pending? I know that many have signed a "Spirit or 13" petition but where are those recently sent out? I 'll bet thi,l your spouse, not you of course. has one under the grocery list or in the "bold" basket where it's sure to be stained or tossed. We are still short the requ.lred number to qualiry . Wbat's needed ia an impressive owrlnU to help our legislators ltfl the message. Pleue find thole peUUona that others have worked so bard to send out Mail the m ln tod.,,. LYMANS. FAULKNER . .. .. - -· -. . . . MOAE OPINION Earl Wat ri t Re~gan Tempting Fate? No'<' that ll c1i1n cleuh ht> een ev1•11 by the hll11c1 thttt Ronald Ren~ '' wUI l'i<'l"k th.-ltP1>ubltcan oomlnat on for rrl''ldl~nt next )'ear. ,many art matr\'rhna t thl" Jengtbs to wtlirh l'lom,• Pt'<IPle will ao to ach1cvc lrons1tory powl'r for ~ qucat lor powt1r 11 th only e(planatlon for tht• mnttva tlon whi c h I m pt I s H t' 1' i u n . What c l ~l.' w ould pru V I d U t h l' I I b I J 0 ne\:e&sary fur a man ap proachtn& 70 yt-arJ to e ngage LO thl' . rigorous campaigning essenual t o win that nomination., Or Lhe ambition to assume the even more arduous Job ahead should be be elected? It 'i1 ironical that Reagan. who s tarted life as a radio unnouncer without political aspirations and moved on to screen acting still )Vithout such notions. should end lip being something he had 'always derided, a politk1an IT IS ALSO an Irony that, hav- 1 n g achieved a fin ancially ~ecure status a s well as a ,modicum of fame as 1:1 movie personality, he should have been bitten by the "bug" in what 11hould huvt• bt~n h.11 retJremtint Yf'lr~ Evtn more 1ronk.-l 111 havtnft a:alnN further auccc11t1 a11 a two- term &OVt'mor lH wt-II UI lhtl hrst h1nd knowledao or how burdensome public ofllce can bt. he should have dovoloped 11uch a rev r tor the 1ro11te•t rcaponslblllly or all. 1'hl11 ht t!Spf'dally amatlna since Ru.can Is a person who love11 hi~ privacy far more than mOflt. Still his wllllnacneo t o ucnlit't' privacy to th.-extent necessary In the ho lding or pubhc office 1 nothing to his ob v1ous detform1nation to override hi" mortal fear of the danf(Nii 1nht>rent 10 bt·ing c~poi.l'd an i>ublll' life DUlt.ING IDS two terms m of· hce Reagan brought to the State Capitol the most extreme secun ty measures for himself and his family. Until Reagan, personal security for governors was non· existent. Although previous gov- ernors did tolerate a s ingle state policeman at the governor's mansion. tbe role was more or a watchman. There were no con· tinuous patrols, e lectronic perimeter fencing and constant bodyguarding wblch prevailed during the Reagan years. Knowing then that Reagan 's terror of the person iU peril to those holding high public office is much m ore inte nse than normully felt by off1<'e seekers, 1l 11 dlff1<·ult t.o believe he lS a<' tuallv M'rtous ubout running for what hi11tory hH proved to be the most dungerous ofricl! of ~JI. PEIUIAPS ht• hnsn't troubled to study history well e nough. If he had he-· would know that Presldeotlal deaths Lil office have been· almost on a 20-year t•ycle with the next reaching Its 1.t-n1th during the forthcoming lt-rm commencing in 1981. Starting with William Henry Harrison who. taking offi ce in tlWl al age 69, became the oldest ever to lake office and died a month lah'r. the pattern has bl'l'U unerring. give or take a )~dr or l'4-0 each way. Lincoln's j Ss a ss1nation 1n 1865 was followed by Garfield's in 1881 .rnd McKmJey's in 1901. Warren Harding died m ysteriously in San Francisco's Palace Hotel in 1923 and Franklin 0 . Roo~velt suffered a fatal stroke in 1945 while Kennedy was s hot in 196.1. WITH THAT being the record 1t would seem Reagan is sorely tempting fate, But , then. perhaps with the knowledge that death comes soon or late lo all. Reagan is willing to take his chances for the privilege, of going down in history as something more than just a movie actor. FLEXOGEN HOSE WEED EATER® . j • You ve seen 11 on TV you II love 11 • Cuts wtth nylon line . . no blades sate• • Cuts along sidewalks everywhere. • CllrrtE #307 1499 • Srnppy #407 .......... H .'5 • Superior Quality • Heavy gauge brass fittings. • Two layers of cord reinforcement • 400 lbs. burst strength. Not effected by nozzle shut off. • L ow temperature flexibility • N~e #507 .......... 14.tt •True Temf)ef Cordless #7700A ............. 49.H 5/l"xSO': •• 12" .. ~h25' 9.81 \lt•75' 19 .88 ARMOR ALL PROTECT ANT • Ha,ve you trjed Armor A l[ yet ? • SUPER • Protects and beautifies l eal her vinyl tops, -dasttboards. rubber. plastic. shoes. etc .. etc. .• et<;. ~~II .OL 149 RUlllMG COMPOUND Cleans and restorett badly weather~ . finishes. Adds lustre to your cart finlsht ·-88~ 1<30-A2& RALLY CREAM WAX • Shine ft ont • Cleans & Shines deeo •Applicator paci< ... fast easy way to long lasting car beauty 10 oz. J 49 • Stash all your trash . . 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Santo Ana: 979-7580 S.A.Foahlon Sq: 834-0717 Newport Beach: 631-2611 Huntington Beach: 898-9666 GIBRALTAR SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FOUNDED 1886 •ASSETS SJ BllllON ·OFFICES STATEWIDE FREE } LOe ANIMUS 2-FOR-1 HI Fl STEREO TICKETS! MUSIC SHOW $3\/AI I ICf March IS, 16, 17 & 18 Y~. SHERATON UNIVERSAL .. Out Front in CB by ~ Country Mile COMPACT MOBILE CB WITH SWITCHABLE ANL SAVE 40°/o TRC-421 by Realistic -.:J Reg. 9995 '1 3-CHANNEL, 300-MILLIWATT ~--· .. . ,. ..... r 11111111111 J WALKIE-TALKIE TRC-82 by Realistic 21~~ Reg. 2995 Each SAVE 27°/o Great for camping. boating. any outdoor event. With bat- teries. crystals for Channel 14 -add opt 1onal-extra crystals for up to 2 more. 2 1. i 604 f CC I VIM' Acc~pl~d 10< V>e on Ail 40 CB Cn1nn••• Fits 1n even 1he smallest vehicles! 01g1tal LEO channel readout. modula- 11on 1nd1caror. lighted S/RF meter. 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I A OM610N OF TANDY CORPORATION 11110 ava1ltble 11 1o11w"()llf ""°' R1d10 Sheck . .=.:~ c:' =.., Deiters 1.AOUNA NIOVIL -c:..-·~ ,_. Look fOf th11 11gn 1n y0ur O••&.•• S•N 'UAN CAl'ISTH NO .,..c..-.c.-- ne19hborl\ood. ______ .. PRICES MAY VARY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ' ' I . . . • • • . . • .. l I . . . • ' , f l /18 _pA11. V PILOT This Hurry Limited Quantities • IS Roy al Converse Printed Queen Size 5 Gal. 17act Allstar Sheer Dry Shop X' out Training Shoes. • Fabric Bed pillows 1 OO°lo polyester Vacuum with Golf Balls 100'1'• pc>lyn ter f1ber11ll ... accessories Wh11u w11n r1HI tr1111 ........ "' Specl•I Specl•I Special 1 ,99 yd. 2for7.99 27.88 4.99 dz. 9 .99 . Olympic Zeb co s·ave 30°/o Luggage Fres h wate r 202 Reel Decorator Sheets Assorted Vinyl Spinnin~ rod With 10 lb. 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P.J.'s Various sizes Ortg. 8.50 •nd $8 Now 4.55 and 5.60 Boys Crew neck To~s Sizes 3-7 Orig. 4.50 Now 2.25 Boys Ski Sweater Assorted colors 100% acrylic Sizes 5-7 Orig. 5.99 Now 4.20 Boye Varsity Crewneck Shirt Long sleeve. assorted colors Ottg. 7.00 Now 2.99 FASHION ISLAND. STORE ONLY 644-i313 .. - . . Womens Dresses Jumpers. poly sneers. cotton and poly 1 pc Assorted colors Limited sizes. • Orig. $16 to $25 --Now 5 .99 " Dresses 2 pc. cotton and poly. chfffons, 2 pc. gaberdine suits Assorted colors & sizes Orfl.115•"2 Now 9.99 Womens Dresses Some 2 pc. suits. poly sheers. some t of a kind. Assorted sizes Orig. $39 to $49 Now 12.99 Jr. Tee-Tops Banded bqttom ::.tyhnq Poly}Cotton Specie I 3.99 50°/o off ar. and Missy Sweaters Pullovers, cardigans and vest.J. Assorted colors Orig. $12 to $30 Jr. Terry Short Assorted pastels Sizes S-M-L Spec la I 3.99 30% off . Jr. and Misses Dresses · Poly-sheers. Prints and solids Sizff 5to18 Thut1dey. March 8, 1979 DAILY PILOT A9 FASHION ISLAND STORE ONLY Take Three Pantihose Ortg. 3.99 Now 99¢ Ditto® Pants corduroy hopsack twill fabric, assorted colors. Jr. sizes 5-13 Orig. s1s to s20 Now 10.99 Short Gowns and Baby Dolls 100% polyester Special 2.99 to 9.99 Sheer and Eyelet · Bras Broken sizes Orig. $5 Now 2.97 Poly Cotton Short D·usters Oftt .• Now 3.99 50°k off Velveteen Handbag Orig. 17.00 Now 8.50 .. Canvas Handbag Special Buy 3.99 Womens 50°/o off Wallets Orig. $12, $16 & $20 Now ss, ss, s10 Fine Jewelry • • ) 50% off t Stone Rings :J 14K. 101< and · • sterling silver • ~ 1 settings l Orit-7 .ti to t1IO !t Now 3.98 to •as Starts Friday, March 9th 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Men's ·: Unpackaged · Underwear : T-shorts. shorts : and briefs • • Orig. 1.99 to 2 .69 : ~Now 99c to 1.99 ., Hobfe Shirts Assorted stripes Sizes S·M·L only Mens 3 DC . Suits !;011d colors Limited quantitiesand sizes Orig. $85 Now 37.50 Mens Dress Pants Broken sizes and lots. Assorted colors Orig. $13 to $15 Now 3.99 ''--·"'""'··-'""""' Womens Shoes 8'orettoura Mon.-Frt. Heels, casuals, sandals. Many styles. colors, leathers. and fabrics to choose from. Limited styles and sizes. Orlg. 15.19 to 19.n Now :11.99 .. 10 •.m. to t p.m. laturUy 10 •·"'·toe p.m . ....... , 12 Noon to p.m. Girls Vinyl and Canvas Sandals Selected styles and sizes Orig. 5.99 to 8.99 Now 3.99 to 5.99 Men and Boys Arrow bottom Athletic shoes Orig. 14.99 Now 5.99 Children a Sesame Street Tennis Shoes Sizes 8 to 2 Orig. 4.99 Now 1.99 Boys Varsity Crewneck Top Various colors, chest 34-36 Ortg. S7 Now 2.99 Boys Short Sleeve SuoerwearTop ~zes 10/12 to 18120 Orig. 5.50 Now 2.75 Boys Mesh Football Jersey Various colors, sizes 10/12 to 18/20 Ortg. S7 Now 2.66 Fine Jewelry 50% off Men and Womens l.D. Bracelets Orig. 8.50 to 22.50 Now 4.25 to 11.25 14k Earri nas Hoops, hammereo and geometric designs Orig. 29.95 to 67 .50 Now 14.90 to 33. 75 Fine Jewelry Mens Arm Itron Chronograph alarm watch Gold tone Ortg. 99.95 Now 69.95 FASHION ISLAND STORE ONLY 644-2313 . . .4 •• DAILY PIL01 Thu,.dey, Maron 9. 1919 OCWorker Bonds Pla11 Announ ed 1977 Year of Grotcth Oraflie County «rew In m•n:9 Wi)'I during 1977 In popula· lion, buildln1ts. lrnitblt" s•ll'll and n.-w Jobs. along with hlrcher llv· IOI( <'ot1l'. <H'<'Ord1nl( lo ('Ounly governmt1nl'~ unnuitl Vrogress llt•l>Ort Orunac l'ounl> ~o' t•rrrnwnt ~mr>lo)rt•s no~ mu\ t•nroll in thr f deral .:ovt'"f'nmt-nt " ·""'"Ji:!; bonds pa) mil dt"t)udiun Ill an Supervuwrs rue day ~~t~I to ksl tht• tllan for thrf'4' mon~ Tht•y INrtwd n·ct<ntly that lht• \.J S l>.>1lt ul lht• Trc11 ur)' hud ld{'lltl(wd Orange-Count:, "' orw of thl· fl·~ t'Ouohes 1n lht' t'•lun try nut p111rticlpnllnv, 1n lht I N1 t• r a I pro.i.ru m Tht· report. modr uv1ulublt• to the public ror SIO each by county 'ur>t<r VIM>r" 'h0'4 11lht1l40.200ncw rl'-.1dcnl:I wen· addt'<1 lothecounty 11opul11tio11 w 1977 for at year end totlil or 1 It million The figures wut> the mo1t rcctnl ava1l•blc • UC11 PIP.OPLE G&OWTll. Sul)tlrv1sor11 Chairman Philip An· thony said. aa equJvalcnl lo •ddlntt the city 1><>pula tion of either Irvine or Fount.in Vialley lO the county In a one yeur period. Alona with new realdentN, lbt-county f(rew In t1mploymeot with i1n averaco civilian labor force of 91:>.200 for the year , the report U td llt'1·11u ict• t ht• C'Ount y 'o; com 11utt•rt1t•tl p&yr<11l 'l\Slt•rn ~ •• ., dt•,1~nt~I lll lllrlutll" tt dt•1tu1·11nn prot•t•Jurt.' for t ~ ~.1\ 111.i' Hond,, 1•0,t 11( wllrnl' up th(• pro l(r11tn wall bt• llho\.tl S:).5'1tl. cuun ly adman1i.l1 utur.. '""' Tht' avcru1ee unemployment ro,.lht< yi-ar stood nt :>4,400 per month. lhc re&.l(>rt conllnut"d. "subi.tanttally below the record f1~urt> of 64 ,800 pe-r month during 1!1'16 " As a n:suJl. the unemployment nth: dro11ped from an average of 7 7 Pf'rcent for 1976 to un csveritgcor 5 9 pcrcl'nt for 1977 i\1> Pt'<>Vk and Job moved Into the count). !>O did bulldozer::. and cocl.."'truruon crew:. Tht' ovt.'rnll dollu volume or con::.trul'l1u11 activity reached a Willy Case Rests Balloo1i GrollllLkd Until Sept. 6 Willy tht· "halt• \.\on t lK•lome a 1r1al balloon now until St-pl 6 The on·again, orr again ca::.c de- 1 a yed in January becaul>C:' of a <:ro wded docket at We::.l Orange County Judicial District Court wits continued again this week by Judge Wilham Mock. WILLY, CONSIDE R ED a n ad· vc·rl1sing device, once bobbed over the S unse t Ford agency i n Westminster off the San Diego Freeway. meanor uctaon with fl ying Will y anyway The agency is near the confluence of the Garden Grove and San Di ego freeways. Permission to Cly the whale as an advertising gimmick o riginally was granted becaus e free way trees had grown so tall Sunset's signs were obscured. But, says City Attorney Paul Morgan. the state trimmed the trees and the signs are now visible. n cord Sl.81 billion during um, up 8.2 percent over the 1976 figure of Sl 67 bUUon. However, resldenltal building was down for the year. county analysts reported, with about 10 percent fewer res1dent1al building pcrmits1saued. fn aJI. 27.852 new housing uruts were added to the county hows· Ing stock in 1977, compared with 30.Sll a year ear lier There were 667 ,896 b'\ngJe-family homes, apartments and condom1ruums in the county at lhe year's end . Taxable sales in the county reached $8.66 billion ln 1977, a 24.3 per· cent increase over 1976. And lhe consumer price index. used to gauge tbe coslolllvtng, rose6.9petcenlforthe year. The county report showed there were nearly 1.4 m illion vehicles registered in Orange County durmg 1977, including 990.385 autos, a 6 percent increase rrom the year before. THE COUNTY BIRTH rate Increased 2 1 percent during 1977 from the 1976 rate of 14.5 bi rths per 1.000 population to a 1977 rate or 14.8 births per 1,000 resjdents In addition. student tegistration tn kindergarten through col- lege sophomore classrooms was up 1.2 percent with • total of 573,193 students enrolled 1n county schools in 1977, the report said. ORANGE COUNTY Call Slwriff ·Toll Free The O range Co~nt y SheriH'i. Department ha!> a ne w loll free telephone number for southern Orange County resident::., 770·6011. A spokesman-said the number wtll provide direct accesatotheshe riff'tt offlce in Santa Ana for residents of unincorporated south county areas except Mis - s ion Viejo, El Toro and Lake Forest . Call 642-5678. Pul a few words to work for you. The balloon and the car dealership a re charged with defying a city or- dinance forbidding advertisi ng balloons. Willy began Oying in 1974 with a permit issued by the city, but the permit was not reissued last year. Sunset Ford is charged in a misde- MORGAN S AID WE DNESDAY morning he can understand why the case is continued in lhe courts. "The citation offense is little more impor· tant than s pitting on the sidewaJk." Mbrgan vowed, however, that lfthe whale goes up again he'll file the case in civil court, seeking an injunc· tion. The important point. be said, is keeping high.flying Willy grounded. General Bechic Rebate Offer Saves You Up To $5 On Your Purchase! ~r-~~-.~~ Heating, Cooling Hall Due New System Pnrts of Orange County Juvenile Hall. cnticizcd as being loo hot in mmmt!r and too cold an winter, may ~et a new solar aar condil1orung and .lcaling system. County super visors decided this stalling a solar a ir conditioning and heating system for the entire facility but rejected tha t Tuesday after learning it would cost Sl.3 million and onJy $600,000 in federaJ grant funds would be available. week to seek $308.700 in federal funds o put toward a $714,700 solar heating ind air conditioning system for sec- 1ons of the juvenile detention center. The solar system supervisors now have selected would be installed in the administrative area and 11 adja- cent security units. But they <1lso said the proJect could >e killed later 1f the $406,000 in locaJ unds can't be found to put toward he· project. Superv1son; earlier considered in· It would cost $72.000 more than a conventional heat ing and cooling system but a consultant predicted the equipment would pay for itself in 12 years by saving money on energy bills Clerks Replace "' Iliree Bailiffs Three legal clerks will replace three deputy .heriCC's bailiffs in the civil law and motion depart- nent or the Superio r Court, Orange County ;u~rvisors have decided. The switch, proposed by Superior Court Walter :haramza, is expected lo save $20,000 annually in l!mployee salaries and benefits. Suggestion for the use of the clerks grew out or '.he courts and sheriff's department. The two agen· cies were looking at possible ways to cut costs. . In proposing release of the bailiffs, Judge Charamza said under normal circumstances iecurlty problems do not exist In the affected de· >artments. Also, he added, several clerical func· Jons are assigned to the positions held by the Jalllff deputies. Housing Meet Topic The Or ange County Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a March 22 s eminar in Garde n Grove on problems as · socia ted with creation of m o d e rate and low · income housing. The seminar will begin at 7:30 a .m . at the Garde n Grove Com · munity Center. Workshop session s will focus upon govern· m e nt efforts t9 solve housing problems. "Living Jewels On Display Each Day" IN•IOaED •T Tiii: nsa1s1 KOi CLO or OUJIGS CODllTt ~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA In'\ MARCH 10th & 11th YU.AGE Located at Sunflower & Bear St.1 Santa Ana, Ca. Opposite South Coatt Plaza Mall 2 and 5 Gallon Plants 5.88 Choose from Aral1a Slebold1 Shellleras False Arahas. Gold Oust Pla nt. Lemon Pl ant. Assorted Ferns •L1m1ted to auant1t1es on hand W N11MjJ1t '"°"' StMCI MCIW rot $ 5 RetHM Dnctly ~ G.E. G.E. Toast-R-Oven Y-,cry Wootworltl .•...•..... , •.......••.........•..•. )7.77 a.-...~G.E. ............................•.••......•. 5.00 Yo.r Toas1s bro11s bilk!•'> hPar-; 4 •1tcr> roasrPr ffflcrt 3 2 77 seoarale broil un11 b1q ovPn With ilutornatic C«>'t shut-off A qreat valu1·1 S 5 Rebate Dirtt "v Fr-om G.E. G.E. Spray. Steam Dry Iron Ballery operatr>d sounds alarm even 11 household po w e r larls 3 -p o1n 1 chec king c;yc;lem Test button Low-battery audible warning system • ~ Yow l'oy Woolw«th G.E .. ........... 2).57 ........•...•. 5.00 =1 ss1 Cott .,._~ $ 3 RtMh Dfrectty m. ~.L G.E. Home Sentry Smoke Alarm =I Q97 Cott Yow l'ay Woolw«th .. . . 1 l 97 R..tlate~ G.L ................ l .00 AS SEEN IN FAMllYWEEKLY • . . . .... ).9' SALE 2.99 !SC•8l ,-.as,..... 3pc.,...G1Md TCMCJ lnstaftf Us.s hot air-, not ho oil, witt. 1to. Messy cl•CIMlp. 7-1 ft ... rtctw. s.t INdrfast OrWl ........ a..,1u1 HOW HOW 12.97 1.57 40.5 ... 2 .47 1-16-x20" 2-8"x10" Choe..._ C..tyP..tyP•s 1.73 12 ... ,_. ~W..,·MAM'1 Srtldiwa • l ...... ...__ G.E. 60, 75 I or I 00 Waff Bults Pa ... of4 1.49 W1110f1 Challlpi•IMp TetWtis lolls •99-2.4' SALE 2.00 ""of ) Texas lnstnaments L.C.D. Watch ~F Tricycles I 0" 199. 16.66 12.96 IZ" .... lt.t6 15.96 Redllced to '19.97 General Electric Frank n' Burqer ........ SALE .88 611 HanglftCJ and Show Plants 3.57 Audition 8 Track or Cassrce StOl"CICJe .... ".~. 1.57 South Coast Plaza 546-5222 •UY WITH CONFIDKNCE! •AT-~ACT10llf QUARA•T•aOf # '""11111"' tf _,, t ~ . !I ~ J Cl NATION I AT YOUR SERVICE &~ Y!@onf? ~®(?WO©® "<:or 11 Pf"t>l••m ·• 7 llP1 u "'' '" 1•111 I ;w1•1 1•.11 1; iU ~•d rtd IOJ)f' 1Jtll1n1J lht' tmw,, A""'' •M 11 .. n ., '" ,,.., •f to &oltir lflt'Q1'1hr' '" ti"' t•n1rt11"11 wd l•1lX1m•\• i\11111 Jl'O'" QW honJJ ht Pnl l>urin At \ ""' '•1'1 n t Orur1111 Coaat Oruly l'tl.u( I'<> U111 1.w.1 1 ·w1u \r1·s11 r 1 92626 A.t l'lklllll l1·t11·r~ 1H 1""~1t•l1 '' 11/ ho 1rnm , r1·1I bwl 1"'°"""1 mqtunrs '" lf'llf r• ''"' 1111 1i .. 1m11 Ll1t T~t'I ' full IMllll• uddr1 \\ t111<l l>t~\IPI• ,H 11111.11 '''""'' reumht..,<·01mol h1 t'cit"l•Jrrrit I i11 H 1./um•l'lf'1·• """''" IJI l'J't t'J)I Sc11urc.l.111' \11 ... IR•: l '•r M Ifft Corr OK'\ H I' \'I < "" , uu ~'' ,. m1 •• n t ''"' tu underst.md t•\pl.uwtwn of 1ht· d1H1·r • 111, hd'Al't·n fat bolublt• und ~.1lt•r '11l11hl1•, 1t.11t1111' • A J -.untu '\n,1 lk1.:ht-. •'•t 80lubl.-\ llam In ... art' dl,..wh ahlr In fat-. ur Olis, but ool In walf'r 8 t-t'au:M" thf' f' , It a mini. un b~ •tored in tht' hod). dait)' do'>llCt'' are not oeeeu ary. How .. \•f'r. \llt1mln lOAkUy c·an rt"ult rrom &oo mu<'h of any ou .. of tht'i.t' \ltamlni., partkularly vlt.imins .\, 0 and K Toxldt) sympt.oms are hudach.-, nausea. weakneiiis and fat11ue. Water-soluble vitamins Incept vitamin (.') •re part of lbt> B com11lu, \4 bkb ronlain al least II vitamioi.. Eight of lbt> moM t·si.eotial art> Bl, 82, 86, 812, biotin, follc add, niadn and pan totbea.ic acid. W1ter·soluble vitamin& t'annot ~ i.tored In tbe body ~•use excess •mounti. are excrewd. They are not t.ox.ic in large amounts, just expensive. Don't like large doses of any vitamin before checking with your doctor Collectibles R e q uire Agh19 DEAR PAT: I have several items thut rnay bl~ quite valuable, but I don't know where to find buyers or collectors . Among these are a front page from a Dec 8, 1941 newspuper, which tells ()( the U.S. entering World War II, a nd some Look magazines with pictures of President Kennedy's assassination. I also have two49-star U.S. flags . A.K .• Costa Mesa Sorry t.o disappoint you, but these items don't have much value yet. They are "new" collector's items that need about SO more years or aging to be worth much. Tbe newspaper and Look magazines were kept by many people, so they aren't in great demand at tbJ1 time. The 4t·star flag is a "transi· tlonal" nag that will be valuable ln the future, but not at this time. The Americana Collectors Shop in Santa Ana buys the type or items you have, but wait as long as you can before selllng. Broadr a st T a pe Delayed DEAR PAT· Can you find out why I haven't received the merchandise I ordered las t No- vember from Kendall House" My c heck was cas~ed, but my letters asking for delivery of the radio tape I want aren 't answered. S.K .. Cos ta Mesa Tbe cut.omer service representative for Ken- d all Rome, a cUvtslon of Jay Norrts Corp., says there was a Jong delay in getting these radio tapes from the supplier. Sblpment Is under way now, and all orders are expected lo be processed by tbe end of Febnary. U your tape doesn't arrive soon, con· lad Mn. lrepe Barr, Jay Norris C-0rp., 3131.Jlanse Ave., Freeport, N.Y. 11521, and reques t a refund. Pett Pab a P o ••fbHity DEAR PAT: I've heard there's some or- ganization in the East that provides names of European pen pals. Can you locate the name and a ddress for me" E.P., Costa Mesa Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the International Friendship League, 22 Ba~ terymarcb, Boston, Mass. 0%109. In retam you wUJ receive a registration form and explanatory brochure. U you join, the S3 reglstnUon fee en· titles you to the names and addresses of prospec· live pen pals in two foreign countries of your choke. 1tldoac'• Benell•• Claa Rged ? ~. DEAR PAT: Can you give me a rundown o( the change in benefits veterans' widows and de· pendents are now entitled to get' J.K .• Costa Mesa The new legislation applies to widows and de· pendents of veterans who bad 109 percent service· ceaaeded d!sabUJtles for 10 vears or more before deata.. lo the past, widows and dependents were not eUstble unless the death was related to • service-connected disability. Under the new law, benefiu wUI not be paid unless an application Is made. Widows who lost their prior benefits becaue of a subsequenC marriage also 1hoald re· apply if that marriage bas been te rminated. Phone the comaty veterans' office at 834-ZOZO for more In· formatioll. """''"--· HOME FOR RETARDED PEOPLE SOUGHT Executive Dlrector Robert L•mborum Swindler Senlenced MOSCOW IAPl The Soviet Union's richest sl ref'lclcaner has bee n sentenced to 11 years in prison for bilking people out of $126,000 by promis· 1n~ she could gel them good apartments. the rll'wspap<>r Trud reported The lradt! union paper said Lesya Treshchova, a stn•etcleaner 10 the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. t·ollc<·ted from 150 to 4,000 rubles -$226 to $6,040 from apartment seekers by claiming to have in- fluem·e with housing otrieials. Forum For Gays So ught SACRAMENTO <AP > About 10 percent or all Californians are homosexual , therefore the state needs a Com- mission on Sexual Orien· talion. a pro·gay rights asse mbly man m ain ta ins . The a s semblyman, Art Agnos. a San Fran· cisco Democrat, said he asked Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. to use his ex- ecutive powers to create s uch a commission. Thursday. March 8. 1979 DAIL y PllOT A J I 'Love Thy Neighbor' Perfect Home Site for R etarded Opposed • McHENRY. Ill. <AP ) It seemed the perfect neighborhood for them Towering elms along quiet s treets. Transporlallon. shopping, banking , medical care, churches and recreation nearby. So the McHenry County Association for the Retarded bought a vacant lot in the neighborhood. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development agreed to loan money to build a one· story brick home w th 11 bedrooms. one for each of the 11 moderately retarded people to live there. The association said the group home wouldn't detract from the neighborhood. There would be full ·lime s upervision. All seemed perfect until the neighbors round out. THE ASSOCIATION REQUESTED a zoning v·anance so non·related persons could live on the residential property Neighbors hired an attorney and protested to the city Zoning Board, which will vote on the reques t Friday "We have no lack of compassion for the cause," says Bea Newkirk, one of the 67 neighbors who signed a petition opposing the home. "It's just that we just want to keep the neighborhood the way it is We obJcct lo changing the character of the neighborhood " Mrs. Newkirk r efused to be more specific about her fears. but Oa v1d Mack of the HUD office in Chicago said the typical objections to group homes are fears that the retarded persons are "perverted people They have these false im· pressions about retarded people The neighbors are afraid their children will b<: molested " MAX ADDISON OF THE National Assoc1at1on for Retarded Citizens r,i oted that the proble ms in Mc Henry are not untypical lie says there are 165.000 retarded Jl<.'r~on~ living m institutions und with relatives nationwide who could live in com munity homes. if space could be found. But effort~ lo build homes have met resistance nationwide. Mack said that in Illinois, HUD funding for such homes has been available since 1974, but no projects have gotten beyond. the planning stage, mostly because of problems similar to those in McHenry. • "The biggest problems." said Addison. "arc zoning requirem~nts a nd the misguided belief that a retarded person is a sick. dangerous person." BUT, HE ADDED, MOVING retarded persons out of institutions "is a trend t hat won't be s topped. In the past, these people were JUSt stas hed into a corner They never had a future They weren't expected to contribute to society That's all changing now." Opposition to the McHenry pro1ect was or gan1zed at a meeting or neighbors. but one neighbor who wasn't invited was Kathy Alvary She lives about a block from the proposed home and s he and her husband have a daughter with learning disabilities who lives m New York. "My neighbors know I've represented this community on the special education board and would speak out m favor of a group home. But they didn't want to hear the posil1 ve side," she said. MRS. ALVARV T ESTIFIED BEFORE the zoning board m February. urging approval or the variance "I've been neighbors with the people for many yeurs and I 'm very d1sappo1nted I'll never feel the s ame again about my immediate community," she added 'Tm pretty s un• wf''ll losc, both at the Zoning <See RETARDED CA RE. Page t\121 THE REASON is that t w o bills i n the Legislature to ban job discrimination on the grounds or sexual pref. erence have encoun. tered tough going, Agnos explained. Oakland. He said the com · mission be su ggests would pro vi ~e "a dignified, prestigious forum to properly study this issue and its many ramifications." AGNOS' LETTER to Brown said that s uch a commission "would con· duct factual research and set down an un- biased account of the is· sue or gay civil rights . Io order to be taken seriously, such a com· mission must be given h.igh stature by the gov- ernor'soffice ..... He said "continued dis tortions, misconcep- tions and stereotyping of gay people ... has created an overly emo· tional. unobjective atmosphere not con . ducive to the passage .. of the two bills. Recognized Russell S. Penniman. sqn of Russell S. Pen· niman of 830 Harboris Drive, Newport Beach. was selected for both the S upe rintende nt's and Dean's list al the Naval Academy, Annapolis. Md. rt'• Rugs and Carpeta , Pakltten, Rumanla lmpot1ed In a wortd of d texturea accent the Carpet• alto fealurN I wall·to·wall carpeting. Non-stop daily. Seattle. 2 flights daily. Hughes Airwest. Oakland and Seattle right from Orange County. It's faster and easier when you start your trip from your 10c::a1 airport, so handy to Orange. Anaheim, Santa Ana and Newport Beach Oakland International . Seattle. Leave Orange County 11:40a.m. Leave Orange County 7:15a.m. 11:40a.m. Arrive Oakland 12:57 p.m. non-stop Arrive Seattle 11:30 a.m. two·stop 3:04 p.m. one-stop Leave Oakland 6:20p.m. !:.eave Seattle 4:03p.m 6-18 p.m. Arrive Orange County 7.30 p.m. non-stop Arrive Orange County 7:30 p.m. one·stop 10:24 p.m. two·stop Just call a 1Iavel Agent your Corporate Trdvel Arranger, or Hughes Airwest at: Orange County (714) 540-2060 Los Angeles (213) 772·5100 Official airhne of the Lak.ets and the Kings. ~* I Schedules eff~ve Mar~S. J -. . .. -. .. All OAllV PllOf ThurtdlY M1n;h 8, 1119 ",. ..... ..-. B ow Good It Is Georgia native son Ray Charles rocks to the ovation given him Wednesday al a Joint session of the Georgia Legislature in Atlanta. The Assembly made his version of the song "Georgia On My Mind," the official state song f'rom Pag~ A 11 ·RETARD ED CARE .. Board and the City Council," said Robert Lam- bourn. execut ive director of the association for the retarded. Lambourn described th~ neighborhood, which includes the country club, as one of the best in this city of 10, 100. "SURE, WE'D HAV E AN easier tame in a less desirable neighborhood," he said. "but who says retarded persons can't ltve m the best environ- ment 7 " Joseph Condon. attorney for the neighbors, sa id his chents feel "the area 1s the most stable and long-standing single-family neighborhood m the city, and are only interested in maintaining that status " He added that his clients would op· pose ·•any commercial facility in the neighborhood. whether 1t be a Lions Club Hall, hardware store or doctor's orr1<'e · · 1 ·ve had the sense that some people suspect my chents have a 19th century mentality toward the developmentally dis abled." Condon said. "This is not true, in fact many of my clients have been fmanc1al contributors to the cause " LAMBOURN SAID ... THE COMMUNmES in McHenry County have always been wonderful about supporting our programs But everything we ha ve so rar ls ... away from the neighborhoods where people live." Lambourn's association, private and non- profit, runs programs for the menaUly retarded in· eluding vocational rehabilitation, day care for children and adults and a community living faclli· ty for 20 mildly retarded persons on the outskirts or nearby Woodstock. The group home would be for persons more re- tarded than those living at Woodstock. No residen- tial facility for moderately retarded adults exists an the county -a gap lbe group home would fill. Dr Robert H. Bruininks or the University of Minnesota, who recently completed a study on facilities for the retarded, said the theory is that such group homes can help them to "grow a nd learn " But he said a Wlde a range of services must be available nearby LAMBOURN SAID 109 RETARDED adults in the county would qualify lo hve an the group home. Ball Pierce's son. Robbie, 23, is one "My wife and I have given htm as good a home as possible," said Pierce, who does not live m the neighborhood or the proposed home. "But we realize that at our age we have mighty few years left. and Robbie will have to have a new h.ome. "We've been to the stale institutions in Dixon and Lmcoln and we know we'd never let him live in a place like that. Whe n he was born a mongoloid child, the doctor told us to pul him in an institution and forget him. We thank God we never did that. We don't want him going there after we'regone." Said Mrs. Newkirk: ''Our objection bas grown out or proportion. We don't hate the mentally re- tard~d. We're not against motherhood or apple pie. We Just want to keep our neighborhood the way it is." . No6enf riznltt, 0 .0 . Phone: Ml-0292 -------- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Class Set ·In Shop A f ou r -m ont h fe d e rally-funded pro- gram designed to train persons for machine shop positions will be of- fered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa beg1nrung April 2. Financed by lhe Com- prehensive Employment and Tra1n1ng Act tC ETA >. persons who q ualify will earn $2.90 per hour while attending 40 hour a week classes. For further informa- tion concerning-the pro- g r a m. contact Cory R1char~. OCC's CETA fac1l1lator at 556-5907. NATION For Fair Roles Set Youna people 15 to 21 who would ll~e lo perform as storybook characters ut ne"t sum. m~r ·s Oran&e County Fulr ean audition March 20, 21,27.28or29. >*DAILY ...§JDINNER Famll)' Re11tau raut~ sP~CIALS Served -J:OO PM -10:00 PM .l.:.J AudltJona will be held al the relrgrounds ad· mlnh1trallon om ces. 88 fl'ulr l)nve, Costa Mesa , from 4 to6 pm Contestants can sing, dance, act or perform ·kits. and costumes are not reqwred Reservations for audi· taons and further an - rormallon as available by call.tng751 ·3247 Vi Chicken Veal Fish & Chips Spencer Steak Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursda)1 New York Steak Friday & Saturday unday .,.,.,,. .~d ._1144. thotH ul ptttalu vr "'" ptl_.I. rnll .~4 bwth r 1'1 l.l Ot.h Ill. \I kt\1.1. , • 111ov• tiiful utad 1 huu r uf P''t•ln Hf,. .. • l)ll1•f. wtl .rnd bult. r ~'' I l I•~.' m \ • "\t.t Ill.let""'' ""l11d I h11M~ i;f p.1\•l•.,•f rh1 v1l..-f, rull •11d b•lh r l'l l.l 111.>-HI \I H 11.t , ... -.p .. "'4 ...... , '._.. ....... ~ ................ , t"'"'' r .. 11.,.41,.,11, r 1\111111 'HI \I H~t.I , iw~p •"4 ... 1.ut , .. , ..... •if Po•• 4h• '" , .. • u11 •' r+·ll •r><I bull" 1\1 I I Ill 'Ill \I K \I, I Top Sirloin Steak fwr• 1·d rioon-IO:OO pml $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $3.25 $3.65 $3.25 •Anaheim •Bell •Buena Park •Carson •Cerritos •Costa Mesa •Downey • Fullerton (2) •Irvine •Norwalk •Orange •Santa An a • Torrance (2) •Tustin DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5678 An Invitation to Country Style Comfort . Henre don 's Four Centuries • If YOU t-nJO~ the tnformal ,_. ay Of hfe. lhen ,_.e tnYltl' \'Ou lOM-t• llt•nredon ·~Four Centunes Colle<-t1on . It's French country style rum1ture with 11 casual t•harm that is so easy lo hve with -beautiful simple ele~ant but not overbearin~ There are over 90 distinctive designs for everv room in vou r home. Come see Henredon's re~arkable Four Cenluries Collection today. DICK METTEER tntenor Oesiitns by· Dick Metteer Polly Dodds Hitchcock MorganA.S.1.0. Fine Furnishings & Interior Desig11 1727 Westcliff Drive. Newport Beach • 646-1678 Open 9-5:30 • Closed Sunday Evenings By Appointment ... • Westminster (2) . • • " • l . > ' . .. MEDICI NE'1' LOCAL lhurlc:My, Man:h 8, 1979 DAILY PILOT .4 JS French Course Slated Child Bottles a Threat I A nin~ wePk cour • tuch1n1 P'rench for travelers will bc11n April UJ rrum 7 to 9 p m. at Co!Jta Meb Hlaih School room 11 l CHICAGO <AP> Drua conlalnerR that are dlfrln.1Jt for children lO open ''can be a direct threat to th llrl' of an Plderly patJtnt." a com men· tary an Uw Jour1ual CJ( the Americ1an Medical As- toclalion aay1. "Moat pbyau·a.an are not aware of the burd n that cbJld-reHlatant medication conta1ners have lmJ)CMIN un the Plderly." the commentary uld "Jl;ldcrly pAllent11 , however. are keenly aware of the problems of child-resistant medic•· lion t'Qnlainers but are 16'norant about methods to overcornt• lht> tl1Htculty In operung and cloalng lhtim " Tht> Coas\lint> Com rnunlly Collea:" 21pon{IOrttd course wall Tiit: COMMENTARY BV DRS. Leslie S. teach J)fonuntlahun, Llbow und 1''1t•drack Sherman of the Jewish Ullll•nce p1.1tl.,rnlf and Institute for Gt>11atrac t:are 1n New Hyde Park, citpress1on:1 t·ommonl l t1 ~1 •11>wi.-.. N.Y . wwJ Or JD Waruch of the New York uaed In travt>l u i d Sen I .owell WE'i<.·ker nlven ty School of Ml' mnt> appears in Friday's Hegastrutluo fee for t-e non t'red1t t'O Ursc 1s Sl4 It may bt• paid al t~e first dub~ :.e:-.saon or t•e ~ollegt"·s m4tlo ad nUnlstrabon offlt'e }'or 1bformut1on. cull 963-0824. 11aue ot the journal Jr of Conncetl('Ut The three doctors burveyed 120 elderly people will bt.·romt-the ftflh hvlng in the t•ommumty and found lbat 60 percent announc('(f randidatc 64 percent or the women and 36 J)ercent of the fo r t ht-Rfpubhcan men report~ having ~ifftcuJty with mediclne presul1•nt1al nomina-('Ontainen that ue made to be diffi cult for t1on m•xl week, an t•b1ldrtmtoopen aide ~JYS ( Piiot Logbook J DAILY PILOT Candid commen1arles, exclusively in tho DECORATOR QUARRY TILE • llAUTtf Ul PATitllll • COLORS ADD IAZZLE· DAZZLE. TO ANY f l.0011 • f lllD-011 &LAZl HIHIMl . 1\/98~ ara~· CERAMIC BATH FIXTURES 349 • YOUI CllOICE-PAPU M..U, , IOIP NH 01 TOWll IAllt ~ U. ... In addillon, 87 percent of those surveyed did not know they could obtain their medication 1n easily opened containers t>Y aakin1 their pharmacist or phy~iclan . the doctors said. THE COMMENTARY URGED oocroas and pbarmaclsts to tell elderly patients that euUy openlng containers are avaHable. It alao urced doctors to test whether a patient can open child· resistant containers and to specifically liat an easy-open container on prescriptions for those pa· tlenta who cannot. "lrooicaJly, what prevents a hfe-threatening situation for a child can be a direct threat to tbe life of an elderly person," lhe comment.ary said. FREE DEMONSTRATION GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY An Inclusive Approach To life 9:30 -12:30 Saturday, March 10 R.S.V.P. I ii La Pointe 494-9613 LlcettHCI Therapl1t OLEFIN CARPET TILE • IHRU&S OFF STAINS AND DAMA&IN8 MOISTUIL • IUllT ..fN PADDrN&• • SElf ·ITICK IACKli -;;~z:39c -so. '4 "' FT. VINYL COUNTER TOPPING •UIY IClllll·TllMI •HUT IUtll'MTI • INA,,Y DEllUll 0""69c • I( 'P"'il-" :I: ... ,. --•••awn Bfml C1tMT Tl CN111 WESTMINSTER 15191 Beach 898-3388 2221 HarbOr Bl. 322 W. 17th ,:.·M~~ 547.7711 I COSTA MESA I SANTA ANA DAILY M -SAT./IUN. 9 • 5:30 P.M • .. Netl'Eaflle Douglas C. Watson of Troop 106, Costa Mesa, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs . James Wat son of Newport Beach. GETAJU#p ON IMl'lllt'Ro. WI 60-FT. 5/a-IN. 1.0. VINYL HOSE Nylon reinforced, stays flclC1ble Won't burst if shut otf at nozzle Brass c.ouphngs. T66&6G lRUI llMPIR. r 6.99 r 7 ° 99 DIRT '//' HOVEL I-piece steel heat.. 15 Heavv duty. Smooth finish apered teeth. Long, Fire-to shed dirt better. 47" ash ar~ handle. -815 andle. C2LR H I 0 n ~:::i"" ~ 1074 IRVINE AV t IHWPORT BEACH 647 11 Jj 'l'CMtl .. l~\I~lJI~ PRUNING SHEARS Compact·•ize. all-steel pruner with non-stick coated blades. Coil spring, soft vinyl grips. Handyloclt. 68 QuMdtln Umittd .... .. • 4-CU. FT. GARDEN CART Dips for loading, unload- ing. Enameled·sleel body, 10·m. wheels. steel a•le. chromed handle. LC 4.99 22 tempered·steel teeth with space bar for flew. 52·1n. wood handle. SL22 ~ 4-PAK 77t BAmRIES 11"' Choose C or D 1lze. For 19'1Jer tov11. radio• •nd flashlights. 1C/2tM r ~ . AJ.f DAii. V PILOT c O•ll• 1'111'1 ,. ..... , •Y RI< ...... •-ter Private Guard Pact Set L1fefuard service at county bi!ach~ alons the South Coast wau1 pl•ced In the hands of a J)rtvate comp111ny by the Orange County Hoard of Supervisors. ApprovuJ of a Sl 12,438 contract with Lifeguard lnte rn•tional Ueacb 8er v1ces ended a long stundlng county practice of con· tracllng for Ufeguard services with Laguna Beach and San Cle m entt: NOW, SUCH county operated bucbt'i. as Niguel Beach Park and Aliso Beach Park will be :safeguarde d b y lifegu ards employed by the private com· pany The firm wo n boa r d of :.upervtsors' approval by offer· ing a service contract at roughJy $6,000 less than the combined of· feraog or the two cities. SPRING: A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY TURNS TO RAFTING Lifeguard International Beach Services aJso aereed to provide additional services not offered by the city Weguards, including maintaining trash containers a nd som e b each c leaning services SUPERVISOR THOMAS Riley said he expects the lifeguard ser vice company "to provide us with a sufficient level of service on the county beaches in the south coast area." Riley said he supported the contract with the private com· pany because or the savings. ad· dillonal ser v ices a nd "the unique opportunity to direct a governme nt s ervice into the hands of free enterprise." The contract approved by Riley and his fellow supervisors calls for the firm to provide services from June 9 through Sept. 9, the coast area's busiest season. IN PAST YEARS. Laguna Beach and San Clemente hired e xtra lifeguards and d irected their activities while, in effect, charging county government for the service. Unde r the agreement, tbe company agreM "to e mploy on- ly properly trained and qualified lifeguards." The company also agreed that no county beaches shall ''be left physically unattended during ex· traordinary conditions which in· elude crowded conditions or hazardous surf." HE FINDS IRVINE'S ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND SHAKY And , the company Hgreed there shaJI be standby personnel available for duty in case or e mergency. ~UT JUST LIKE A GOOD CAPTAIN, ALEX CABAEAA,.8, GOES DOWN WITH HIS SHIP Class Slated In Drawing Artist Mi Mi Sharon Stein will te ach an eight-week drawang course starting next month in Newport Beach. Ms . Stein's course, sponsored by the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Depart· ment, will focus on ink, wash and mixed medium art work for beginnen and intermediates . Cla11es will be held Wed· oesdaya from 10 a.m . to noon beglnnlng Aprtl 4 In the multi· purpose room of Mari n e rs Llbrary, 200~ Dover Drive. fte1i1tration begins March 12. mt. 'Thief Hite Trailen A bur11af used a master key to set lalo Mvtral motor bomt1 puked on the ulH lot or IAlaure U~:!i 19 Travelud, Irvine, 9Dd five microwave ovens md three radlol, poJJce aald. Offtdall told police the ~~llwonb'2,7JO. ,• .. McDowell Elected To Arwther Tenn Mayor Jack McDowell was elected to another one-year term as the man who wields the gavel in Laguna Beach, after heated debate among council members. When the smoke cleared, McDowell was re-elected mayor and Councilman Howard Dawson was named mayor pro tempore Tues- day ni&bt. "We have not had open city But the vote was not un· government ln the past year," anJmoua, with council members she said, addinC the mayor often Sally Bellerue and Wayne "cut off public debate," and Ba1lln calling for a chance ln called for too many closed door leadership in Lacuna Beach. executive eeuiom. M ra. Belle rue moved that "I th1nk we need a new ima1e Baclin be elected mayor, and in Ltpna Beacb," she nld. when no one eeconded her mo-Bailin a1reed , saylDI tl on , D a w •on 1 u 11 eat e d • "Lasuna Beach ta a city ma McDowell be allowed to serve a up of many con1tltuenu 1Dd second term u mayor.· many people. t feel a need to•Me Councilman Kelly Boy d alttbe constituencies lb t.be clty seconded Daw1on '1 motion, re reMllMd." which 1p1rked 1n ain1r1 e aald he is oppGted to a ruPonM from Mrs. Bellerue. 1trona mayor form of lOWl"'D· "We bave eeea a mayor treat· men~, lnltead for a •tronc 101 tbll city llke a cloeed eor-non· Ue city mana1er. poraUoD," lln. Bellerue •aid lD " ar tb1I reuoa, I believe we ops>9S!Dl a Hcoad term for , IJlolald bave a turnover," Ballla Mer Dowell. said. \.OCAL West in Middle Chamber Head Seeks Compromise By JACKJt; HYMAN Chamber of commerce pres1· denta in some towns may s pend their lime banding out keys to the city and crowning beauty queens. but the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce·~ Gordon West instead faces a political maze. West, the m anager of Park Newport apartments, took over recently as president of the chamber that serves Newport Beach and Irvine. AND IN NEWPORT he '~ found h.imself in the middJe of disputes between commercial and development interests and a City Council m ajority described as "residenlialist" by some and "anti-growth" by others West . a fi ve-year Newport re side nt, o utlined bis policy as identifying areas of agreement with the council majority while continuing to seek mutually ac ceptable solutions to the issues on which there 1s disagreement "My principal concern 1i:. that our basic inability to agrec· with the majority of th e council s houldn't affect our abilit y t(I work for projects in thl· best in terests of Newport Beach and Irvi ne." he said WEST FOCUSED primarily on the Newport situation in an inte rview because he said that·~ where the most controversial 1~ sues are Areas of agreement that sur faced in a rect:nl mcetm~ with Mayor Paul Ryckoff. We~t ~•H<L include tryan~ to mitigute the i mpact o f Oran~(' Co unty AirPOrt and tryini;t to prevent pollution of Newport Bay at its sources upstream West said he and city leader-. also share a concern about the lack of affordable hou~i ng 1n the area. "I DON'T THINK we'll ~Ive 1l by putting m barracks and I doubt low-cost housing will ever O•llY Plll'I Sl.IH P ..... MAN IN THE MIDDLE Chamber President West <'Orne to Nt'wport Bcarh and Irvine." he said ··But 1n Orimgc County there an• solutions within reason. suth J S pr(• f:.tbnrated hous1ni.: on 1b. own lots (such as J proposed own your·own lot mobil<• homt· park in El Toro 1 J\nothl•r an•a in which there 1~ a~reement 1s lhl' nPf·d to a-.sun: sufficwnt t'll•ctneal power for 1 hl· fulurl'. W<•:.t ~aid HE SAID T HAT cnv1ronmcn tall y the best solution might be nuclear power "even though th.as ra1sesa lotofhackles " l\ey areas ol dissent lffl' rt> ductions in density an the city '> gl·neral plan, and how to solvl' the traffic crunch. West said "We don't agree with them on their approach to the traffic problem," hl' said. referring to Newport Beach·s tr<.iffl(' phasing ordinance Tht' ordinance 1~ s llll 1n lh1· process of heutg interpreted . but bas acally links approval of de velopment tu rcducUons in trnr fie con"esllon. SO FAA. WEST said, lht< c hambe r hun'l developed a counter ·proposal He also said hl' disagrees with the council'!' recent action in re ducing permitted densities on " number of large tructs, densalie~ that had bcf>n· worked out between dt·vclopers a nd pre v1ous couneils If you hJvt• a ('omm1tmcnt b.> ,, govcmml·nlal body. regard less of thl' people sitting on it t hl'Y should t><' r equired to stick to at.·· he said "TllJS IS NOT to say we'n · not concerned about this area being overcro wd e d and s mothered in autos." West said "I think where our diHere ncei:. lie 1s in approach There should b<' due conside ration to the basic unfairness of making developers spend money fruitlessly .. Tht• chamber 's involvement in pol1l1eal issues will include mt'l'llngs bc•lwt•t•n Wl•st and in d1v1dual c·ounc1I members to dis· <.·uss areas of concern. he sa1d But the t'hambcr hai:. already 1nd1tJled 1l m ay take some mon• d1rt'ct action before the C1 1 y Council t'leC't1on nt·xl year, W e~I said C HAMBE R OF~ICIALS re n n ti y wrot« to the New port B('ach C it y C'o unc1 l s u g · gesting that council elections be l"Om brned with general e lec lions in order lo increase voter turnout and save money Council mcmhcrs turned down the· -.uggc-.t1on. saying 1t 1~ alreacly too expensive to run for city ofhcc and that, dunng a general election. 1t would cost 1·ven mon• lo draw public atten- tion lo lol'al ISSUCS Wt•st :.aid cha mber ofhc1ab .1rt--.till rl1-.t·1.1:-.?-.1nR hnw bci:.t to in1·n·as1• voll•r turnout Parkland Deal Mulled Newport Eyes Housing Site Swap Plan Newport Beach Caty o m caals a r e cons ide r ing a plan to d ecr e a se the am o unt o f parkland required in new hous ing developments in exchange for money to develop and marn ta.in those parks . This week, members or the Parks, Beaches and Rec reation Commission got their fi rst look at the idea during a d1scuss1on of a housing tract proposed for the site now half occupied by Ford Aerospace and Communication Corp. 's Aeronulronic Division. THE lot ACRES not used by tbe aerospace firm would hold around 600 reside ntial units an a plan being prepared by Eagle Developme nt Co a nd Dao n De velopment Corp. The de velopers have yet to submit any formal plans to the city. but they have discussed their conceptual plans with plan· nin g and recr eatio n com- missioners. According to Ron Whitley. director of Parks. Beaches and Recreation, the plan would re· quire EagJe-Daon lo give the c1· ty about 10.S acr es of parkland under the Initiative passed two years ago. "WE FRANKLY DON'T know where we'd get the money to de· velop that land into a park," he said. "And even more ser ious. to School Slates Paper Drive The Costa Mesa High School Parent-Teac her -Student As · socialion will hold a paper drive Saturday lo r aise funds for scholarships. Newspapers can be brought to the student parking lot from 8 a .m . to 4 p.m. Saturday Ar· rangemenls to ha ve newspapers picked up can be made by call· Ing 545-5214, 546-0742 or 557-5574. The school is localed at 2650 Fairview Road. across from Orange Coast College Porcelain On Display A collection o f Chinese porcelain la on exhibit at the Newport Beach Public Library's Corona del Mar branch. On dilplay throu1b March. the collecUon belongs to Mr. and Mn. James Mab of Newport Beach. They acqu,lred the porcelain whlle llvln1 lo In· dont1la. Tbe pieces were round ln Chlnele burial 1round1 . Tbe public la Invited to view tb• collectlon1 durtn1 library boun. my way of thinking, 1s ho"' we're going lo maintain 1t once we've d<'veloped it · · A standard neighborhood park costs about $4,000 an acre for an· nual mamtenance. he said The proposal put to com- missioners Tuesday. which they will recommtind to c1ly coun c1lmen. 1s that developers only gave eight acres and pay for the other 2.5 acres usmg the fee system set out in the initiative City officials have yet to come up with an exact figure for that fee, but Whitley estimated 1t would be about S200.000 an acre THE FEES WERE tncluded an the m1tiat1ve to be applied to de· velopments of less than SO unill> 1n which a land dedication wouJd be 1mpract1cal But Wlulley said he and com m1ss1Qn membe r s f eet it would be to the city's advantage to use at in a tradeoff such as p r opos l'd b y Ea g le -Oaon bt.'cause of lht· city's limited finances for park development and operation The Ford Ae ronutronac site would be the first maJor residen t1al development to which the parkland initiative would be ap plied. Whitley said Additional Parking OK'd for Harbor Plans to build 120 more pub!Jc parking stalls at Dana Point Ha rbor and to relocate a boat storage yard there we re ctp· proved this week by the Orange Cou nty Board of Supervisors. The date for accepting con· s truction bids was set for April 2 al 2 p.m The estimated cost for the proJ eel 1s $194,000, county officiaJs said. Plans call for construction of the parking stalls in the Harbor's commetc1al ar ea and relocating a 141-stall dry boat s torage to a nearby lot The parking facilities will be operated by the county. Dana Point Marine Corpo r ation . ho w e ver, will continue t o manage dry boat storage . In related action. s~pervisors approved a sublease a nd a re · assignme nt of a lease for two Dana Point restaurants . Operators o f t h e Brig Restaurant In the harbor were ' ~1 ven permission to s ublease t heir six-year-old operation to another resta urateur. The new fa cility will be family-oriented and specialize in seafood, county officials swd. Alfred Cornwell, who leases El Adobe by the Sea Restaurant, was granted approval on his re· quest to reassign his lease to new owner. Ellie Allen Ms AJlen presenU y operated th e El Adobe an San Juan Capistrano and will continue the Mexican specialty of the Dana Point El Adobe, according to Cornwell. School Approved S AN DIEGO <AP > -The Board or Education has voled 3-0 to go ahead with what may be the school district's final major project the controversial $17.2 mi Ilio n Uni v<'rslty City High School Pancake Fete Lions Set Annual Breakfast The Costa Mesa-Orange Coast Lions Club will conduct its fifth aMuaJ pancake breakfast March 31 in conjuncthm with an art show and a pair of races at Orange Coast College. The breakfast, to raise scholarship funds for OCC, will be served from 7 a .m. to l p.m. at the campus restaur1ot, Tbe C•p· tain's Table. The price of 11.50 includes pancakes, 11u11ge, cof· fee and juice. Jn addJUon, the Bank of Newport will sponsor prizes In a pair of scholarship "fun rurui" or 10 and two kilometers reapec· Uvely, and an art show and s aJe will be held al the same Ume. Ttcketa for the breakfast will be available at the door or can be purchased ln advance al the OCC ticket offl ce ln tbt Ad· mlniatraUon BuJldlng. The u mpus is localed at 2101 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Additional Information can be obtained by calllng ~5*. • Super Galaxy Sighted tar Mas aid to b Larg t WAS HINGTON 1AP 1 r.trooom~rs hatve-1dl'ntlfltd " .:t .. nt :1p1ral gltla1C.v of bllltoru. of i1tar~ that they H.)' 111 tht> largl'al. most mas5tvt• tn1thtt'cl 1n Ow un IVl'rbl' Thl' Nt1l101u1l SC'll'Ol.'t' t•oundu hoo 1nlll0Unc.td Wt•dnll~dMy that th1.• e.u~r i.p1rnl t;ulll'\'r , -..h1ch look~ hke u .:1 rnl vanwhN.·I probably t•onllun~ 10 tlmcb mon nutlt~r thun the Milk) W;>y , lht· ~Jl.alll )' Ill '4h1d1 uur l.O lar :i)'Sll'ffi 111 h~·.ilt-tl Ot;a•: Al.SO ARE 1nd1t·a .uom. al tht• itwnt ~lihn . .,. md) ha Vt' ~·n rorntt•d b)' I hl· 1•111 Balboa Pier [ __ 1_EN_CE_J luuoo of two 1mullll r crnt·i., aAlronome~ i1ay Our Mllky Way. beHt'ved to tw nn avt•ragc h> huge "m ·d 11p1 rul galuxy. rontalns an t'ktlmutt·1t 100 b1l11 on e.tuil and hu' u d1aml0lt'r of 200.000 light Yl'itr'I The 0 l(l•Hll galuxy, c1tllt.-d N<•<. U161 In ll6 unl"um1rnl1c ''lltulog ha.I 1n&. cont111na. hundrt-di. of bill1<lne. of 11t1:1r ., i.nd ha., u 11t.1mell'r of li00,000 li ght ytiur' Concession Stand Reopening Sought Newport Beach city ofhcuds a re going to have another try at open· mg the Balboa Pier conceMnon stand City councllmen set March 27 as the deadline for bids from pro· spective concess1onaircl> THE CONCESSION STAND has been closed since September 1976. Last spring city coun cilmen tned to ~et the facility re-opened in time for l>ummer, but were unable to attract a qualified bidder Plans approved last week b> councilmen call for the city to spend $18,000 renovating the ex terior of the building and install · ing a sewage holding tank and an electrical system THE CONCESSIONAIRE will be required to do the interior re- modeling. The miru mum bid acceptable to the city calls for payment of $1,000 a month for the months of June and July. SJ.500 each for 8 From Newport Harbor Honored Eight Newport Harbor Hjgh School stude nt::. have been named finalists an the 1979 Na· tional Merit Scholarship com· petition. They are Steven Black. John Geumlek, John Hansen, James Harrif(an. Justin Hecht, Erik J essen. J ennife r Quain and Charles Steak. August and September and a percentage or the gross income from the stand for the remaining months. Charles D. Larson Jr. of Troop 106, Costa Mesa, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs . Charles D. Larson of Newport Beach. en in U Diverse A UGlff YEAR ts th~ unit of d111tJD\' hghi Lravels 1n a year 1&l 186,000 mHes per Hcond. 'fhl' dcwlls about NGC 1961 wt'r(• diM'overcd by Ors Vera C. Kubtn und W Kent Ford Jr .. of tht.· {'urnegit' Institution of Wuiihlnl(ton , 0 C . and Or. ~orion S Hobt!rts. director of tht> N ,,t1om1I ttadio A!!trooomy Ob11crvutory ul Green Bank, W Va Robt·rll> ul>ed the 300-foot· d1.&mder radio telescope at C r ecn Rank to study radio l'm1bStOl\l> from the galaxy. The other ai.tronomers made optical ob:.ervattoru. with tbe 160-inch M"yllll telescope a t the Kitt Peak National Observatory in A ritona Both rac1ltties a re funded by the foundation MS. RUBIN 'AID in an 1n· tervll'W that NGC 1961 ts located 1n the co n s t e llation ('ame lopardus cthe gir a ffe !, about 250 m1lhon light years from Earth. The galaxy was catalogued more than 100 years ago by the British astronomer Sir John Herschel. But lil<e hundreds of thousands of celestial objects. it has taken this long to examine it in detail and 1dentHy it, she said. While NGC 1961 is large in absolute dimensions. it is so far away that 1t looks like millions of other tiny galaxies Large galaxtel> can be missed unless ther e 1s a special reason to look at them closely, she said. "ABOUT 10 YEARS ago. another astronomer said this was a peculiar galaxy. so that's one reason we looked at it ... Ms. Rubin said. "It looks like a beautiful spiral galaxy. except that a quarter o f it looks pathological it has blobs and lumps instead of long, spiral arms. "We think this is where a large spiral devoured a smaller one," she added. Ms. Rubin said that when galaxies collide, it appears that most stars have enough room to pass around one another. But as the gas and dust crams together, 1t c reates shock waves that in· iliate a sudden burst of star formation. The characteristics of NGC 1961 indicate there may have been a sudden increase in new star formation about 200 million y.ears ago, the astronomers say. We Started in GOO D COMPANY ... 100 YEARS AGO! ALBERT EJNSTEtN Alhe rt E1n11lein. 1879-195!1, Am er1cun theoretical physicist wr.n the 1921 Nobel Pm:e fur contributions lo theoretical physietJ. In t90fi h" 11et forth his special theo ry of rel11t1v1ly on electro·dynomiC8 of moving bodies and equiv11ll•nce of m11!<h 11nd mechonical energy. In 195:1 he onnounc1'<1 completion of work on his unified field theory. which 11llempt" tu expluin gravitation. elec· 1rom!lf.ln1Jt1Km. and Kuhotmnit phenomena in one set of luws. 100 )t:llf~ ago thl .lohn 810t'~~r ror~t C'n began i.elhng finl' cerpt:t.. and rlrJper1e' t<• Southl1tnd hornet. end h111ld1n1t 11 rl•putuuur1 unmatcl1t'<l 1n the Southhwd. 1'c Are The Olde t Carpet Co. in So. Calif. We Will Continue With GOOD SERVICE Introducing: LUXURIOUS . . . /1 Stands Alone . . . l11J11riously Rtlyalwt1ve'i. new Luxurious carpetln~ n. beauty beyond compare. lta unique ~illly 80fln~• IN more luxury than tn anv other comparable Oucr covering. And. thanks lo Royolweve s exclusive Satin·Set pr0Ct!S8. Luxuriou•'• resiliency B1>11urei. ~uch lu•urv for a lifetime. Thi!> p11me quality nylon product is 11v11ileble in :JO r8dianl deaigner-orient.ed col.ors. Luxuriou, dt·n94!, atvli~h. highly te~tured ~urf&Cf' ie perfectly attuned t.O the la~tes of thnllt who want only the best.. All Satin-Set fabrics feoture Action SocJ. 1he 1deol se<·on<lery backing. AcliOn·HRr is woven of polypropylene wilh a locked·in leno oonsLruction U> do away with edge rray and ravel. h 1K mildew and moi11lure resiswt. -Enk•h•R Nylo"' I& Ulllld on all &lln•~I producu.. 1'rllde Ntm<! nf Amtricln Enh 0 ""1"'"' . , . Yet in Tune with Today! Lu1urioua mee1.I t.he m<l9L 11.rlngent requirement. of contemporary buyen or floor COV9ri"f· Jncomperable dentit.y gives random hi(hlight.ed effect.a that. are eo much 111 vorue M>day. An array of 30 of the neweat fashion colon 1tre correlated with the world's luding high-at.yle fabric:t -to enh1tnce any deccw. The unmet.ched. enduring eoftneea or lu1urioua 15 denier Enkalort nylon yam e1tablilhe9 a at.andllf'd of luxury t.oWatdt which ot.hen will 11trive for yeani to oome. Totalty lnataUed Over Our Flneat Heavy Carpet Cuahlon Introductory Price Good only till March 31st LOOK FOR ALL THESE Fl NE SATIN SET PRODUCTS •Velvet Glow• Take Notice •Amorous II •Conqueror• Canibean • Sunset Splendor :~ ~~ '\ ...... . . JoaNBJ,0.S.&C.BPnGo. ~ ... .t · "6mnil,, ottuuJ 4i1we 1~l!J '' i OOL Th\ndey, M.,Ch 8. 1979 0.P. SEPARATES FOR WOMEN ON SALE! spectacula r savings on darling terry separates! Stripe terry T -top Reg. $8.00 and Terry shorts Reg.$10.00 NOW$5.99 (as!>orted rnlor'>. S.M.L otfer good fo r 10 days only-hurry I ,~ 1---~, ~~fl . '\ --' .. DAIL V PILOT A J 5 OCEAN PACIFIC KNIT SHIRT SALE ·'· T BOYS LEFT BANK TERRY & RIB KNIT SHIRTS FOR LESS! 100 % acry lie stretch rib knit & poly cot- ton terry. Great as- so rted sty le s & colors! S.M.L. Reg. $14.00-$15.00 NOW $849 _ $1 Q49 "SLIDE INTO CHEROKEE SHOES" slide into the latest spring fashions with our fashion conscious "Nu Buck,, slide in honey or caramel for only $26.95 or Natural leather for $2495 l 0 0 ''<· cot to n knit , popular engineer stripe & s ilk sc reen styles. Assorted colors. S.M.LXL. Reg. $18.00-$21.50 NOW ALL JUST $12.99 HOURS: Daily 10-9:30, Sat 10-7, Sun 10-6 OP£1111t' IN APRIL HUMTlllGTOll BUCH ORANGE WESTMlllSTtR PASADENA SMERMAM OAKS 1011 1 Adams Ave 789 S Tusho Ave I S4 I 2 Goldenwut St 3660 l foothill Blvd 4~20 Vin Nuvs Blvd 81ookhu1~1 & Ad1ms ~sun Avenue •t i.ert to Goldtn Wttt Ro~mead & 1001~111 fo11ne1ty NahH store 114 954.mJ Garden Grove fwy Colleae 2115/8-1692 213'783·2Sl I 714 639· 1191 114 898·SS4 l CURITOS/ ARTESIA MISSIOll VIEJO AREA SANTA Alll llORTHRIOGC TOHMtCE 18600 Cttdlev St 2~m Mclntyit 3'30 S 8111101 Avt 19320 i.oidllott St 22 m H1wtholne Blvd 0PllO~te RotMnson \ l• P11 oft 1;mp ot Brt"ol & t.tacMhur Opposite Non~nd&t Pl111 South of lht Del Amo Sin l>te&O fwy II• 9~1 8100 l.t mpa & i.oidholt h sh1on SQualt 714/Sl'-6100 213'993·7097 2131373-739a ,. AJ8 DAil v PllOT Thursdey, March 8, 1979 ·New Cruising Yacht Unveiled By Ericson By ALMO,N LOCKABEY .,...,, ................. Enraon Yachta of Santa An• baa lntroduced a new cndtlna yacht, the lndepftldeace-al, dul1ned by Br~ Ki~ a• an idul y1tcbt for cruialq by two peopJe Th«!! )'•<'tat wnl' dH lt ned and enam red to be aafe, easy to handle and outfitted to mnlmum comfort for 11 l'ru1~ln1e <'ouple The hldrpc.•nlh·m·.-31 not only L<i practical Kina has <'rt•ah•d u bout with <'la.aaic 1ood look!! featuring a r hppc.•r ~1w, heart haped tnmsom, curved rockr1t ro1i1 m 1ngi1 ... .,11 proportioned u bln top end a lloOf't !>pran.: to thl' ~hf't'r to rorm • ya<'ht that 18 grul'~Cul und uppt-Mlang ~ht• ti. a blend of the old and ne w an t•om•l'pl, dt>s1gn and manurar lure. THE VAl'llT HAS A F ULL run k eel, modenuzed to provide a lo~r wetted surface and less drag She r an be effa r1ently sailed orf a lee s~ore and lar ks through less than 90 degrees to Windward . A .partJally skegged outboard rudder provides d1recttonal stab11Jty and a comfortable ride ao a following sea The cutter n g with roller furling gear for both the heads'I and stuys'l as welJ as the roller bear· Ing traveler for the loose·footed stays'I -gives the boat an extra dimension an handling ease. The rig even suggests single-handing and eliminates the risk or foredeck sail changes ln heavy weather. THE MAINS'L, BENT oo a sheerllne boom with internal tracks, features a quick, jiffy-reefing system. High cockpit coamlngs insure safety for the crew, and a teak anchor platform eases the chore of anchoring The interior of the lndependence-31 features an epclosed owner's sta teroom forward with dou- ble bed; huge head with vanity; and hamper; a large U-shaped galley; pull·out main cabin berth to starboard; full-sized navigator's station; wet locker: hanging locker, and chain locker THE INTERIOR WOODWORK is oiled teak with solid teak hull side planking in the main saloon. The cabin sole 1s teak and hoUy. The Independence-31 is available through all Ericson dealers. For full details contact Ericson Yachts, 19.11 Deere Ave .. PO Box 11704, Santa Ana 92711. DESIGN OF NEW INDEPENDENCE 31 Practical Boat for Crul_.ng by Two People 'Cape Horn' Fihn Slated for Mesa Hood Sallmakers California will present a documentary film. "Cape Hom to Port" oo Thurs- day, March 29, 7:30 p.m. al the firm's sail loft, 861 W. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. The film Is the official Royal Naval Sailing As· soclation documentary on the 1977· 78 Whitbread Round the World Race Pre-registration for viewing is a vailable by contacting Hood Sailmakers, 548-3464. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE lllJ'/H SUPEltlOlt COUltT OF THE SUPf.ltlOlt COUltT OF THE n ATf. 0 1' CALl l'OltNIA FOlt STATI: 01' CALll'OltNIA l'Olt THI! cou-NTY 01' OltANGf. THE COUNTY 01' OltANG E No. A..ftm ~wNe.A·tl116 NOTICE 01' HEAltlNG 01' NOTICE 01' HEAltl NG ON PETITIOHl'OltPlt09ATEOF'#ILL ltf.SPONSIVE PETITION 9Y ANO LETTEltS TESTAMENTAltY SUltVIVING Sl'OUSE FOii OltOf.lt l'Olt AUTHOltlZATION TO AO· CONFlltMING OECf.Of.NT•S MINISTf.lt UNOElt THE INT E It f. ST IN Pf. It S 0 NA L IN Of.PENDENT AOMINISTltATIOH PltOPEltTY PUltSUANT TO HIS 01' ESTATES ACT P.~STATE OF ROGER G HAUSER Eitate of HELEN PEARL POTTER, Oe<H secl • 0.~~~~ IS HEREBY GIVEN lllal Mesan Gets Army Medal NOTICE IS HEREB\ GIVEN that• JOHN D POTTER Ila~ llleCI i.ereln • PUBLIC 0 Petlllofl Ila\ bffn llleCI oy I,,. s.ur•lvln9 petition 1or Prol>al• of Wiii ,,nd ,. N TICE . \PoU\t! lor order conllrmlnQ deer wr<ince of Lell•r\ Tl'\tan>Ml.,V tt Starr Sgt J ames R D y kens h as bee n awarded the Army Com· mendation Mf'da l 1n Schweinfurt, Germa.ny Th e se r g e an t 's parents. Mr a nd Mrs George Oykens. lave at 649 Surf St . Costa Mesa __ ----den1·s onterHI on per-• propn1v 1iw Petll-r and tor aut...,..•zation to l'ICTITIOOS aUSINESS purwant lo Se<Oon Ul S p C and I Mt Mlmlnh t,.r under ttw n•de~nt ad· NAME STATEMENT ll>e ~tltlon IS WI lor l>eMlnQ qn M•Y •• mlnl\h .. llOn of EstatlK ACI, reference Th<' IOllowl119 """°"Is dolr19 IKl>I· 1•7,, al• 00 • m I" Oet>•rtment 0,,.. lo which I\ m"d" lor furlher ,,.\\ "' ol the abo,,,...nlltted Covrt •o<aleCI •t OMii< ula"· """ that IM time and UNITED U RPENT RY, Sii 8.lY IOO Covoc C""ter Drlvl't We\l, S<l"le plac,. of MMlnq tlW> ..ame ha• been Wt IW) Co\ta Me ... CA 91&77 Ana, C<1hfornoa lor March 10, 1w•. di 100011 m . In Ille AolM'rt l(~rQen, Sii w Bay, Dated Janu4<V JI 1979 courtroom of Oepllrtmenl No l ol \aid Co\la M,. .. , CA '11611 By M&rl< S RC>loen court, al 700 Civic Center Drove Wu t, Thi\ l>u\1~• I\ conducteCI Oy an In-Allor""V' for P"ClllY A HauMPr In the Cltv of Santa Ana Callfornla dlvldual KAHN. STEltN, aL.ANEY Dated F~ 2I 1'7' ' ROllfort l(p('SberQen & IC I TT Rf.LL LEE A. 0BRANC.H, T"o< ~tell!ment wa\ riled wltto tlW! AttOf'MVS It L...,• Countv Clerk County Clrr~ of Oranoe Covntv on Tllhm•11 Al.,..... C9Mer JO!EPH G. HALL March •. 1'11'1 st5' Well c.tltvrf Boule•Ud UU Eut 4tll Street ""I 114 LOl ......... CA ... s Sant• Ana. CA '1701 Puo1m-O.anoe Coa51 O•llv PllOI Tel· 77 .. ,.,. An.,._., IW: -ltloMr M.trcl'lt, IS n ~. 1'79 ' Put>11>1Wld 0.-Coas1 Dally Piiot Published O.ltf'9e Coll>l Daoly Piiot, fS4·7' March I,. IS, .. ,. M•«ll 1. 2 ••• 1'1'1 164-1• ··. OCC Salling Course Crusing Taught petency in anchoring, mooring, reef· ing. boat management at sea, navigation, radio communication, BOATING •• A field studies course designed to help local sailors refine skills and techniques or cruising will be offered by Orange Coast College lhb sum· mer and planning and preparing for a BOAJINC cruise . Aboard their own boats, s ailors will spend two weeks sailing waters between San Diego and Point Con· ceplion, Including the California Channel Islands . The cruise is scheduled June 30 through July 14. Underway, a 50-fool cutter will act as mother ship, providin& support and radio communication. The cruise will avoid crowded anchorages aa much as possible. Named to Post THE COURSE Instructor is Wa lt G leckle r , coordinator or OCC's marine activities program An avid sailor for many years, Gleckler spent the 1974-75 school year sailing the South Pacific on his 5().foot ferro· cement gaff-rigged cutter While sailing the familiar waters of Southe rn Cali fo rn ia , s tude nts enrolled in the class will gain com 0 . .., "THIS CRUISING experience of- fers the boat owner as well as the veteran sailor an opportunity to visit interesUng and beautiful anchorages of Southern California in the com- pany or others with similar in- teres ts." said Gleckler A $10 fee includes registration and necessary permJts. For further in- formation about the course contaet OCC's Field Studies office, 556-5693. Bayside Driv~. at Jamboree Road fAt the Entrance to Balboa JstandJ REEDLEY CAP > - Larry Rihl. assistant ci- t y manager a t P aso Robles, has been hired as city administrator in this Fresno County com- munity. Rihl. 34. SUC · ceeded Nick Pavlovich, who became city a d· mlnis trator at nearby Selma. Happy St. Patrick's Day! . . . . ... • We've always had to work a little harder and do things a bit better. We grew up competing with giants. W!'ve never had the time to be complacent. And we sure can't afford 'to be now. The airline industry is in a state of tunnoil. There are more discounts, more people flying. And dere.sulation is here. We had a choice to make. Get tough or get out. that make your flight something more than a bus ride. We offer free stereo. We serve only premium brand liquor. We work harder at being on time and getting your baggage to you. And our Super Saver discount fares are as low as they come. These are the tangibles. We're working at any time . So they work a little harder to be friendly. to be courteous, to be helpful . A lot of airlines say that. But if you compare Continental to some other airline, we're confident that you'll feel the difference. If you don't, we're in big trouble. If you want your next flight to be extra special, see your travel agent, company travel department or Continental Airlines. So we're working even harder to do the things on some intangibles, too. Like a winning attitude. Our people feel that we can succeed in any market ---..lc:DNTINEN°iAi 'h•AIAuNES 8 North America/Hawaii/Micronesia/Orient/ A~tralia/New Zealand/Fiji/Sarltoa/ i.., • , ' ' INSI DE : •Stocks •Business - ----·M-o-vie-s -·T_e_1ev-is-1on _______________________________ S_;no' ,.. 1 ~ts· Thu1'11d11v Murch U. t~/'I DAil. V PILOT ....:. ,l 8J ,,-.---------------------A Labor of Love-------------~---------. Owning a Tennis Club Is No Gold Mine; I• By D Vt;(' NI Gtt M °' .... 0.11\' ,._ tieft O wnln.r .i t l'nn1s dub c'11n be h urtk>u!4 tn your J)O<'ketbook ht>lp1 clean lbe courtli. uncloK the Jacuau. o raanil('I Lht' IOUtlUHllt'Ob und aerv" the drlnka which duectJon you look "Our people d1dn 't get involved as .An investment." says Ken W1lhg, speaking for the owners of the John Wayne Tennis Club. "They like ten· n1s and they like·the idea or getting µt-rsonaJly mvolvetl " but we finally decided that we didn't want lo sell " "For example, the Newport Beach Tennis club spent approximately S2.400 per month ror utility bills over the past 12 months. We could turn off the lights al an earlier time, but this is not in keeping with the amount of playing hours required for our mem- bership." the letter says I 11 ' Y \)Ur nwnt.11 '"'"ii'' ol u w"allhy dub ownt'r m1eht run aomt-thln11 llkt thl1 l>taunteul!.ht•d. aunburnf'd and &reylng ut tht• ll'mplu. ht' u clad in whllf' IC'Mll'I lllG" a t'.lJl bhtt"ldlnJ,1 hi' t•yt•s, und ht• ~Ii•~ .l nl(ll t I a~ ht• reehn on u cool \ t!randa O\'Prlook ang ct'nle•r t·ourt lie> may be dl~lloguu.h1.'d , ,,un burned and greying ut thl· 1,·rnplt>11. but ror him. running tht duh 111 u labor of love, not a a:old nunt• You have o hard urn.-<'Ull\lllH'ln~ tn\ t>alora tht.'y can gel t'\ eo u 10 per crnt return on their mom')," '>UY' lhHo W ell ~. to ownn ur lhl' ('ap11lrano Racquet Cluh They were also cons1der1og selling the club two weeks ago, but the three other owners decided to tum down the offer on Willtg's advice At nearby Newport Beach Tenrus Club, membership dues have been raised from $55 a month to $63 a month <regular family membership> because of the cost crunch. But 1l d<>t•~n t n~1·c•t1urtly hold true U It dOt'ti, '.)OU l;IUI l>t't tht• wt•talt h)' tennis dl1l> ·u\\ rll'r madt' his nwnt>v bOmewhert' t·b.- Wt:L~ SllO\JLD KNOW fk Jl111t had th~ rent on his land riu~ed ~!> perrent. lnlormed i;ourct·i. l>J\ \\ells hai. ofrered the club for sale l>eraust: or the massive rent ra1:.e "THE\' SAID THE DEAL was good und that they 'd go along with whutcvt'r I wanted to do," says W11l lg, who owns 46 percent of the dub 'lt w~s a fair deal that every une \\Ould haH been happy with. A letter sent to me mbers last week reported that net profit for the club m 1978 was "a httle over SS.000 which, based on an investment of better than Sl million, 1s a s ad state of af fairs." "We wash the courts on a continual basis and we have drinking water on the courts which you will be interest- ed to note costs the club approx· 1mately $230 per month," the letter continues. A MOR~ A('(.'t RATE IMAC.1-. ol the dub o" nt•r 1Aoould be llkt! Lim llusthng t'\ t.'ry\\ ht.> re ht: .:ot''· ht: The s1tuation is similar no matter THE LETTER MAKES CLEAR the problems that tennis club owners a ll over the Ora nge Coast area are racing. "Many courts need resurfacing, a nd new windscreens are a must on some courts." 1l says, "You will be interested lo know that the Newport See TENNIS, Page 84 1 Lessard 1Sparkles I Again I F Tark Cheats ••• • • .Does Punishment Fit the Crime? l PITl'SBUBGll oAP> The Los Angeles Kings cam e a little t closer to second place m thl' Na t1onal Hockey League's Norns f Division w1th a 4·0 win over its I closest contender , the Pitts· burgh Penguins "We just can't sc·em to find the net." Pittsburgh Coach Johnny Wil so n s aid after Wednesday's defoat "We've got f ' the best guys out there. They've i had success before but they're )lavingprobleml.now .. The shutout was the fourth • this season for Los Angeles l. :t~:~ .: 3;.~~ .. h~~;~ ~~~ts.~~~ win gave tbe Kings a four-point edge over the Penguins in the battle for s"cond place behind leading Montre:.11 · We 're still f1i.:ht1ng for a playoff spot. · said the Kings' Butch Goring ·'This is n 't the e nd of the world for Pittsburgh No matter who fin ishes second. we both s till have' a chance at a wild card spot m the playoffs." There 1s only one game left between the two teams this season. However. the Penguins have two more sc·heduled games than Los Angeles before regular play stops. SITTING ON THE ISSUE -Universit y of Nevada-Las Vegas basketball Coach Jerry Ta rkanian takes a seat to explain his views in a recent practice session with the Runnin' Rebels. Third of a three-pan .sene.s By FRED ROTHENBERG Al' l,_,.•WritH LAS VEGAS CAP 1 -Hear ye, hear ye the cast' against Jerry Tarkanian is now in session. Is "Tark the Shark" a cheater" How strong 1s the NCAA evidence against him? And 1f he does cheat. does the punishment fit the crime" You be the judge. Tarka nian was suspended 1n 1977 from toaching the Un1vers1ty of Nevada·Las Vegas basketball team for two years. one of the worst punis hments against a coach in NCAA history In· vestigators say the severe penalty stemmed from Tarkanian's pattern of past violations at Long Beach Slate and. more importantly. a n alleged ef· fort to interfere with the NCAA probe. A NEVADA J UDGE found that t he NCAA violated Tarkani an's due process. overturning the suspension and allowing him back on the sidelines. An appeal 1s scheduled lo be heard in Nevada Supre me Court in December The Associated Press has gained Possession of confidential documents and infor mation pertaining to the cases against Long Beach and UN LV This story will discuss the most s1gnif1 cant charges against Tarkaruan and his responses Long Beach went on NCAA probation for three years for violations allegedly committed by the football a nd basketball progra m s Ha lf the charges against the basketball program involved fraudulent ACT <Amer ican College Testing ' scores, enabling athle tes Ernie Douse. Glenn McDonald and Roscoe Pondexte r lo e nroll al Long Beach. TUE EVIDENCE SUBMITfED by the NCAA 1s a comparison of the players' high school work a nd their ACT scores a nd, in McDonald's case. a misspelling of McDonald's first name. Whoever look that exam spelled it 'GLEN' but McDonaJd spells 1l "GLENN ' In another !)ect1on of the exam . the name was misspelled again. but this time a second 'N' m a different color ink was apparently added According lo mvest1gators. Douse finished m the top 10 percent of his freshman clasl. in the ve rbal ACT exam. However. Douse later signed an affidavit in Tarkaniarl's behalf that wal. barely in English When Tarkanian was given tht' Douse <if hda v1t. he said "Ernie was never H•ry bright I don"t behe\e he took the exam .. T;irkanian abo •f.Antg B eath bl#'V' •Y •ind; if fore '"!I heart out. It hurt •e more ~awse the rhargn ~ere so ridlndows.' <;a1d he told Pondexter that no om· "'ould believe he took his exam BUT DID TARKANIAN arrangl' for -.omeone else to take those ex a ml.·· "No . I'm an edul'<J lor I can't m<.•-. ... arLJund with that stucc:· ht.• -.aid Hut I rl'ul111· a lot of blacks back then d1dn t take their exam11 The ACT exam was a reading test and 1t wa ... anti black The f'CAA nc\er connected Tarkan1an with tampenng, alleging that his assistant, Ivan Dun· can. arranged ror stand-ms to take t.tfe tests. Duncan 1s also connected. b)C.cancelled checks and ticket receipts, with providing free round lnp airfare for ·several players. including Ed Ratleff, George Gervin. Douse and others. TARKANIAN ACKNOWLEDGES Dunean's role m the free transportation and also admits knowledee that the players weren't walitJng. JJe See TARKANIAN. Page 83 After a scorelf>si. first period. ' Marcel U1onne put the first Los Angeles point on the board al a: 59 of-the seeond period. He '. s lam med a 5().foot slapshot past Penguin goalie Gregg Millen. ''The first goal was impor· tanl, .. said Goring "We had OP· portunities and when we got the < goal 1t kept the momentum go mg our way l t hink after we l>cored they had a little bit of a letdown." Basketball Just a Hobby to OCC's ~ Glenn Gold up scored next at 4. 10 of the last period when he picked up a loose puck a nd skat· ed in alone lo beat Millen from 15 feet. Just 59 seconds later. Sy) Apps 1 drove a rebound ort the board l behind the net past Millen for l~~:';~~~r Dead at 29 Dodge Parker. 29-year-old player. coach and part owner of the Or~nge County Stars pro volleyball team, collapsed and died of an apparent heart attack this morning after jogging -·ar his home in San Clemente. Parker. a Long Beach 1te graduate a nd considered a 1 ng the greatest setters to pla3 •ro volleyball, was pronounced ad on arrival at San Clem l e General Hos.Pita!. Fire department paramedics say they received tbe call al 6: S3 and found Parker lying in his back yard, still clad in hjs jog· ging clotches. A four-time lVA all·star . Parker had been preparing in • recent weeks lo move his team to Colorado, where it would m erge with the San Diego Breakers t o rorm a new franchise. He's a Winner, Says Pirate s' Gillis By J OHN SEV ANO Of tlle D•llY l'I ... Stlttt The following succeH story 1.s brought to you by Paul Akin's mother (Barbara) and mter fChnstyJ, Mr and Mra. Pomeroy; E . J .. and Renee Without the aforementioned, Ora nge Coast College's basketball c aptain, Paul Akin, would probably be o ut or school and packing alfalfa sprouts today. "Those people taught me m y values and what's important in life," explains Akin. ''Without them I don't know what I'd be doing " Jt is because of their efforts that the colorful backcourt ace of the Pirates is playing currently. You see, unlike most collegians. Akin looks at basketball as more of a hobby than an occupation "The game is not my life," remarked the 6-2 outspoken leader of the team. "My feeling Is that it's a great sport. but I don't want lo abuse it. "l'M DEDICATED to the game but I don't spend four hours a day shooting in the gym. I'd get tired of the sport that way. That's why I would never like to be a coach ." Fun-loving and free·spirlted, Akin bas transferred his love of life to the basketball •KIN court where the Pirates ~ are preparing for the state JC playoffs and their first round encounter with Riverside Saturday ni1ht. "I've really eajoyed this year." he says in rellectioa. ''Thia ls a 1reat team. "I think to win in anything you either have to have talent or team unity. This club has the unity because ':Ve don't possess that one 6·9 guy in the middle."' THAT UNIFICATION is more than ex· emplified in his teamwork with backcourt mate Ray Orgill. Together the two have formed one of the most powerful and effective duos in the state. "I've played with him for two years now and we know what each other is going to do on the court." says Akin. "He's very intelligent and knows what lo do in game situations. His only pro- blem might be that he's loo modest.•· Akin has been associated with nothing but win· ne rs since he entered Tandy Gillis' syste m at Corona del Mar s ix years ago. His teams won the league championship and were a combined 50-6 his last two years at CdM , including a CIF cham- pionship. AT ORANGE COAST, the Pirates came withfo one game of making the playoffs las t year . and this season they're one of the teams to beat in the state tourney. "Paul's been a winner ever y where he's played." says Gillis. "He plays his best when he has to play bis best. "He wants the ball under pressure and usually gets the job done. His best quality, though, is his leadership." Akin was named the captain of the Pirates a fter the team 's first game this year. It's a role be not only enjoys. but cherishes. "IT MEANS A LOT TO ME because I'm able to communi cat e more." he says. "I feel it's my job as a captain to keep the team together, keep everybody loose and keep everybody happy. I'm suppose to be the quarterback of the team who keeps the fi ve guys on the court as a unit." As for his relationship with Gillis. Akin says, "Gillis speaks straight to me. He's a sensational See A.KIN, Page 82 ! Milner Succeeds Pickford at FV l I By DAVE CUNNINGBAllJI °' .. Oel .. ~· ... ,_ Defensive coordinator Mike Milner bas been cboeen to succeed Bruce Pickford as J bead coach of thle defending CIF 4-A cham· pion Fountain Valley Barons football team. l Tbe announcement was made toda1. "Mike ii youn,c, eathualutic ad •ery popular wltb the 1quad," says Pick.lord, t who res!gned for personal reasons and Is currenUy recuperating from stomach aur· aery. ' "l'M SUaE Hlt'LL continue with the same baalc offen1tve and defentlve ~ ••'v• always bad," Pickford added. "There will always be a few little chantes whenever any new man takes over, but our whole staff basically had the 1'ame pbiloeopby I did." Milner .la inheritlnt a team currently re· earded among the beat in the state. En route to the CIF crown last season, the Barons compiled a 12· l record. OVD THE PAST three seasons Foun· tatn Valley baa run up a composite record of 32,.., and Milner can certainly take credit for much of the success. Hl1 detentes Jo11ed five shutouts ln·l978, four in 1m and three more this past Hllotl. "1 alwaya wa11t.d to be a bead coach and l 'm tickled to death that I have the chance now at such a great school," Milner said. "I don't think there will be too many changes," Milner continued. "Over the past few years we've e'(olved from a wishbone to a hltbly sophisticated passing attack. mainly because of Dave Penhall (quarterback coach > and Stan Clark (line coach>. And It will stay tbe same." NOW THAT MILNER bas moved lnto the bead job, who will nu the void he leaves u defensive coordinator? "Me. I'm eolne to keep the staff basical· ly the same as it la now," Milner said. See MU.NEil, P age 8 2 • DMlfHilt ......... LMP .... ORANGE COAST STANDOUT PAUL AKIN. l ' 182 OAIL Y PILOT Thurtd•y M•fCh & 1979 BASKETBALL /SOCCER • A Capaule Repor1 From the Wo rld of Sports ..... ,_ .. NAMED TO HALL OF FAME Warr~n Giles 1lc•ftJ. J formt·r National Le&Jgue P n·~adent , and H.u·k Walson . a hard hitting outfwldct or the 1920s und JO:., were named to baseball's Hall of Fa mt• po5.thumous Iv Wednesday They were i.ell'{'tC'd bv a spe('1al \etc ram. C'om m1llt'l' A Truly P e rfect G a m e: Covina Explodes, 28-0 COVINA Y es, the score was 28·0, and no, 1t Ii wasn 't football. It was baseball. Covina High blasted Ontario High, 28-0. Wednesday afternoon in a non.league baseball game that was called after five fuJI innings, presumably as a gesture of mercy Covma 's Bob Arenas broke the CIF record for most • RBI in a single game with 11 whHc Bill Moore and Chuck Marty combined to pitch a perfect game against Ontario. Arena singled home two runs in the firs t inning, tripled home two more in his second at·bat, belted a grand slam an his third trip, then walked with the bases loaded for his ninth RBI by the third inning. Drrvt'• H.....te• Sp•rlc •• .,,,. AUanta 'a J4*a Drew lcored I field toaJ It m lht• b1u.et•r .. net sent the 1ame into overtime. lhen h1l 111ll P«>lnts in the .,xtra period to le1d the ll11wks lo a 122 120 National Uaaketball Aaan. \ 1C'l11r O\t.•r thf' Kansas City Kings Drew scored 36 poloti. A tu.111kct und two free throw!\ by Fred Brown m axc.•d with u bHket by Gu WUU1ma lo lhe final ~2 '''rondJC lined lhe Seattle SuperSonlca to a 9t-93 win over th· Detroit P111tc>ns . The wln pushed Se1ttle to within a half .:umt> of th .. htlc Luktr"I Guards Bon Brewer and l>au Tward.dk tomblned for 19 of Portland's flnal 23 points as lhc Tru1I Ulaiera edged the New Orleans Jazz, I03 102 Lloyd Free scored 34 points to lead San Diego 111 J J:ut 115 victor y over Houst on ... Rookie Mlke Mltdtt'll bounced in a sort jumper from the middle of the kc.-y with urw econd lert to g.lve the Cleveland Cavaliers a 1113 101 win ovt.·r the Golden State Warriors ... Jolaaoy Oula und i\lf'Jt Eogllab scored 20 points apiece as Indiana turned buc-k Washington, 109-105. EM.a Hayes led the Uullt·lx with 34 points and 22 rebo41'ds ... Bobby Joaea .. rnr~ a scabon·blgb 33 points In helpinC Philadelphia de- '"ul Boeiton. 114 ·107 Cbrla Ford bit 33 points for Boston Kf'nl Benson tied a career.high 27 points as - M1lwuukt·l' burled New Jersey, 133·98, for Bucks' Coach l>uo Nel5oo ·~ 100th NBA victory. -----Qtto•~ of ilw Da11 ----- N 1ne yea r -o ld Petey Roae s t rod e into Philadt·lphla Manager Danny Ozark's office and iiSked, "Danny, does my pop have a chance of mak- ing t h1s baseball team?" To which Ozark .replied, ·We II, l 'd say he has a pretty good chance." II a r rb' Go•I Gl1'e• l•la•fln-• Tie Winger Biii Harris' second goal or the night, ~ .1 wrist !>hot with 2 28 lo go, tilled the New York , hlanders lo a 5·5 tie with St. Louis in a National Hockey League game Wednesday night ... Al MacAdam and Steve Payne scored two goals each as the M 1nnesota North Stars ended a six-game winless streak with a 5 l victory over Detroit ... J erry BaUer and llon Ellis scored goals while Mike Palma&ffr blocked 40 shots to carry Toronto to a 2·0 triumph over Vancouver giving the Maple Leafs their third straight win under reinstated Coach Roger Nell.son ... Pat Hickey and Walt Tkac1ak l)l'Ored 14 seconds apart in a four.goal first period which carried the New York Rangers to a 5.3 victory over Colorado. World T~a• Tftuds Folds -for J 9 79 The Phoenix Racquets folded operations • Wednesday, leaving lhe Golden Gaters as the only remaining franchise in World Team Ten· nis. No WTT matches, obviously, are planned o.tll• ...... ,,_"' o...., ·-· LOCKING HORNS -University JUgh's Hal Nourse C8 ) battles a Saddleback foe in semifinals action. University 1s in a ction Friday night at Pioneer High (Whittier> against Ma rk Keppe l in the Cl F 2-A soccer cham pionsrup finals . Uni Finally in Final Soccer Title Game Friday This isn't University High's firs t appearance in the CIF SOC · cer playoffs. It just seems that way goals He missed six games dur iog the regular season and !>l1ll has 31 goals overull, an avera~1 o f two a contest. t In the fourth inning Arenas capped it with a two-run homer Covina. now 6-0, also got homers from Moore and Da n Milton. Moore struc k out 10 of the 12 batter,; he raced in his four-inning stint. Ontario, dropping to 1·3 on the season, comm1tt~d nine t:rrors an the ~ame and allowed Covina to explode for 16 runs on nine hits in the third inning. fo r 1979, but the Phoenix club wiU remalo intact-for the time being, anyway-in hopes that the league can be re- vived In 1980 ... Women reporters will be naoted access lo t he Pittsburgh Pirates' locker room followlog a direc- tive from ma1or league baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn ... Gaylord PerTy, 40-year-old Cy Young Award winning pitc her for the San Diego Padres, bas been unable to secure a guaranteed contract for 1980 and has sought the help or Lloyds of London, the multi·national insurance firm. Lloyds representatives say lhey may be willing to in- sure his earning power to the tune of $200,000 . The Tro1ans have reached the p ost-season tourney every season since the CIF recognized the sport four years ago but until this year, Uni has never made rt past the fi rst round Coac h Neal Garbe r hd ' f ashione d a i.trong dercn .... • which re volves around ~oalit.· J on Glenn. After going throui:h the regular sea~on without a s ing le s hutout , Glenn h a ' chalked up four an the µlayofh ' Covina only needed 18 ruts to produce 1l~ 28 runs lfalf of the hits were for extra bases, as the Colts produced four homers. four double~ and one triple. Marylartd, C~•o• lt'fa NI T Ga•e • Late heroics decided five or the six games contested Wednesday in the first round of the m National Invitational Tournament. Albert King, who s at out the first 27 minutes with a fool in- 1ury. scored all four of Maryland's points in the third over time to give the Terps a 67-65 victory over Rhode Is land T~l~181ott, lladlo Followinq are the major sparts events on television toniqht. Ratings are· / I' 1 excellent ; / 11 worth watching .; ~ fair, / forget it. • ~ 6 p.m .. Channel 9 ./ ./ NHL HOCKEY: Los Angeles at Buffa lo Announcers: Bob Miller and Peter Weber. The Kinqs are second In the Norris Division and Buffalo is second in the Ada ms Division and both teams a re being pushed from behind. Pittsburgh 1s trailing the Kings and Toronto the Sabres. OTHER TV Horse raclng-Today at Santa Anita. 7: 30p.m., Channel 52. Basketball Nevada <Las Vegas> at Athletes In Action. 9 p.m , Channel9. Tapedelay. TONIGHT'S RADIO Hockey -Los Angeles afBuffalo, 6 p.m., l<RLA c11101. Basketball -Nevada (Las Vegas) at Athletes in Action 8 p.m , KYMS C106 FM >. ' FRIDAY RADIO Friday nig ht , however , University wlll be bidding for the 2·A championship when 1t takes on Mark Keppel Hlgh at neutral Pioneer High in Whit· t ier . Game time is 7:30. Just a few weeks ago, the odds o r finding Uni in the fina ls seemed shm at best. The T ro· jans posted a 14-7-1 record dur- ing the regular season, including a 6·3·1 mark in Sea View League play where they wound up tied for second Equal credit has lo ~o lu Peli•r S tubert, Gary Oliver, Scott Zartler and Ron Thompson, who allowed ~ddleback Jess than a h a lf dozen shots on goal 111 Tuesday's semifinal game. Parker I nsure d For S3 Million PITJ'SBURGH CAP) Sei!k ing lo protect their "franchise". the Pittsburgh Pirates have in sured Dave Parker for $3 million with Lloyds or London. .. ,, .. BIUy WllUams hit two free throws with 12 seconds re- m a ining m overtime lo lift Cle mson to a 68·~7 victory over Kentucky . . . Freshman Ron McAdoo grabbed a r ebound and dropped in a layup with three seconds left that gave Old Dominion an 83-81 triumph over Wagner Mike Gray of Nevada-Reno hit a jumper with seven seconds left and then added a free throw to secure the Wolf Pack's 62-61 victory over Oregon Stale . . Sophomore Jeff Lamp canned a seven.foot baseline jumper with three seconds to go that lifted Virginia past Northeast Louisiana, 79-78 . . Ohio State bad the only runaway, downing St. Joseph's, 80-66, as Kevin Baosey and Herb Williams combined for 35 points. Baseball -Texas vs. Dodgers at Vero Beach, 10:25 a m .. KABC (790). But in the playoffs, University has not only been unbeatable; 1t has been unscored upon. In suc· cession, the Trojans have posted wins or 14-0, l·O, 4·0 and 2-0. the latter coming at home Tuesday over Saddleback Hi gh During t he playorf stretch, Nader Redjaian has scored nine Parker, who recently agreed lo a rive.year contract reported ly worth about $6 million, 1~ the only Pirate so covered, accord 1n g to the s tor y by the P 11 tsburgh Post.Gazette. Fr .. Pflfle BJ F,.....P age B J AKIN PLAYS F OR FUN. • • .. MILNER •.• coach who knows the game of freshman year tO this season. "Some coaches change around basketball. There is no other "I don't really know what m y when lhey become a bead coach. coacb equalorbelter... potential Is," s ays Akin, who I 1 k 1 tb.lng A'-1'n becomes philosorihlcal ed 1 but Pan to eep runn ng s .. averag 5.7 ppg ast year and is l'k bef " when talking about the P rates' at 12.2 this season. 1 e ore. ch ances ln the playoffs. Whatever that potential may Pickford, who bas guided the "I think any of rive teams can be Akin is sure to find it . . footb a ll p r ogram since t he w ln t he s tate." he says . with a little he lp fr om h1:, school opened ln 1966, will re- • ,··~nd as for us being a power , friends. main al Fountain Valley in a we haven't played anybody out * * * teaching capacity and for tbat, ., pf our league for two months. Milner seems glad. Teams change radJcally during Tickets OD Sale "I'm sure he'll support the tbal time. h. program everywhere possible "I t ink the key to the touma-Tickets are now on sale for a nd offer advice when asked, .. •• ment will be consistency and the Orange Coast College's opening Milner said. "He's certainly an • ability to stay healthy.'' gam e Saturday night 17:30) in Ins piration for young coaches 00 the state JC basketball rlayoffs. b " •, AS FORIDSFUTU RE,Akin ls T h e P a rate s wl I m eet t e way up. ,•' ,u11 undecided although he does Riverside. the No. 2 represen· M liner cam e to Fountain • admit he wants to continue play-lallve from the Mission Con· Valley In 1973 after playing root- big . fere nce, ba ll for Pierce College a nd Cal "I don't feel I've come close to T ickets, priced a t $3 for State <North.ridge>. He earned a my potential yet,'' he says. "I general admission. $2 for stu· Masters Degree from Az~sa tblnk I've improved lremen· dents with OCC student cards, Pacific and coached at Monroe dously from my senior year in and $2 for children 12 and under. High Ctwo years> and Los Amigos blgb scbodl to my freshman year are on sale in the OCC ticket of-High <three years> before becom · • at Orange Coaal, and from my fl ee. Ing a Baron. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:;_~~~~~~~~~~ Angels T1unble PA L M S PRIN GS • CAP> -Tbe home plate • umplre was a awlmmJng • pool service comp1ny owner. The flrst baae • ump wu a poUce Ueute· • nant. Tbe third baae ~ ump wu a retired Alr Force otncer. Tbe Calilomla Aoielt and Su D1e110 Padrea • ope ned tbelr 1179 ba11ball eablbltlon • HUOD Wednelday wtt.h mllUoD dollar pl1yera ln t.belr 1lDeupt and $.o I d11 umpirH b1ndUn1 lb• olftdatlq. -· Fhe San Dle 10 pltcbera combined to bold tbe Ml* '° et1bt llJta for 1 '-1 vletory. MGIC regular Spark Plugs§ l"OIC ~np~:,~eo 69C •8PS.fS 8PSEAL. eP6ES. e6Es, BP7ES ror Datsun. Toyota. many u.s or1mportoo ca" ea ESpedalY fOr ~~1 cars that use 'li'OIJ' unleaded gasoline OU Pont Ortve and _ Clean™ l'letos vou ON oetter gas mllf.>aCJt> ln'lPfO\led I eno1ne i>e<tonn· ance . .JOO s.w1no~ ont:me uos TREATS 20CAllONS ........... 129 . ·-. __,. ea. • Spark Plug wrench ~~:::79c 119.13os ea. @J•LEJ lleetrtc Fuel Pump !!~~212v cars 18'5e'".· ·suooestea price .. CCali:6/ol ' -.(~ Disc Brake Pads FormanvCM FOrO Cl'l~er proouc~ I 7013'!, 7018R. 7019AR, 7026R. t027R, 7288R. 773AR 779fl ~ Oil Filter wrench 6 ~"! set ~~V N K~ t::. .... 1 EnJf 1ne • Brite AmHN' t\ ,-.n t ~nft flt".J"H •\ort~ ,,.,, mtJ&,\fflf1 ~f l'fTIUf"ttV tftii) ()rQfNYf fClf' .tUfO m.wnv ,.,, '"' LJwn ·""' ..,.,._, _ .. toflgmM "~' 99 ! -----·,, @].[2] Air Filter •A40C, 117C.i..H4C. 169C'N,32~.l48C.357C. ll67C,J32C ·su~ted or1cp AClilNE SHOP SERVICE AVAILABL E South Coast Auto Supply 688 West Bake r (at Bristol ). (7 14 ) 545-84 08 United Auto Parts 2902 W. Coast HiQhwav. (714) 646-1647 Most \torr\ open 1 tlii ys ii Wl!I~ Cilll !ht ltc1h1n ntilr you for tuct hour\. \••• ,,,..,, ""'''•• •• Q••••·•·•• •• .,., , ,,. , .... ,.,,. ,.. .......... .... --~ ' . BASKETBALL /BASEBALL ~y. March 8. 1919 DAILY PILOT 83 Vanguards Roll Past Mudd, 12-2 Mesa Erupts for 4· l Victory Tars Topple ) San Clemente ('LAREMONT Hut('h Plank and l3n Thom~ ~ltf'd hom runs and I.he Soulh~rn California ('oll .. .it bu~t·b•ll t ... m ronUnut'd It• luaKll\Jl Vta)' wub 1? z non <·onfef\'n<'e '''C'lOr)' O\ e>r ~t Clor.-mont Mudd Coll<'.rt' h<'r<' Wcdnt'M.la) T h t' S l' C \ ,1 n .i u a r d :-1r t• ,l\'t'rH{ll~ ulmo:1t t>at:hl 111n!\ a gurnt Uu11 't>n!'On ~1th a HI• 1 rt•t'ord dll\J 111 tht• ··"' rive 6Cltffi('' huvt• M'Of't'd 1n cfouhl1• f1.:urt-' ctnd hlhl thl'lf hit t11tal in lht' '""'t' r 11tt•.:or)' l'lank b1•lt1•d J thrt•t• run honwr 10 tht' .,,.<·on<i 1nnm..: ~•th Hand)' Hc>no ur11t M1kt' Pc•t.-r., 011 h,,,,. t<l Jo?I\ t> ... tttrt1ng fHll'ht'r .l11h11 llrOfiLtnt 1·nou.:h run-. fur tht' vktor)' Thoma~ blu:.tt'tl a '"'" hon1t•1 1n the e.t>Hmth inning Bnmzm1. a left hunder <'&me out of tht> bulll)t'n to make hi:!> f1re.t . ta rt and with rl'llt'r help from Rl'no 111 the -.1xth, rom bined for a four h1tlt'r Thomas had three hats m as m~ny plate ap~arances with two RBI wtule Plank was 2 for 4 with four RRI and Rob Stonelake was 2-for-5 with a pair of RRI SoCal plays San Diego State at home Friday at 2:30 with John Mondragon. a nother southpaw. getting the start Saturday , wh e n th e Vanguards return to NAJA Dis- t net 111 action at home against Azusa Pac1f1t, 11 will he Kent M 1yasturo and Dwuin Meyers on the mound f 'roffl Page BI Co~tl-l'SD 1U1b'1 Mu"lhantt'" urt•tl th rel' 1 Ona lit th~ botlum uf lht• ''"th 1n n1ng lo post a 4 I v1rt11ry uvt•r kum·ho Alam~t In non I aau1• b wlH1ll •H·t11111 W~dn y oll(ht Ill Coi.t.i M•·'u City l'dt k In l(Omt• lnvolv111~ .111•..i ti•dm' ('orona I Mar lo:-.l tu h11.,1 ru,ttn, " .1 . llnlvt>rs1•·, Trojan> 1.u•r1• llnuttd Lo thr1•1· hlt!> ai. otanJitt> roa11lt'd tu ''" fl 0 h 1u11111h and Vitlt·~1,. lwlt\'d l>urw 11111 . 1~1·&11n th1· loa.M '» field <'OSTA •t:SA ('i\M t. fro111 l~:h111t.l 111 lw the b<'Orl' in tht• !SN'nnd innlni,t ~111•11 l\nd\- c:oldlwr.: 111~·nt'fl with u duuhlt• und Jt•ff Suth'rlwhhiln~IN1 l(1 g .. t t11111 hornt• Ttw \('ON' remulnl'd ut I I u11t1l th1· '>lxlh wht•n ttw Mu-stunA'-11c·ort-•l ttan•1• lunch Paul t\nk<rwn 01~rw1I lh1• 11111111.; v.ith ., .. in.ch· 111111 Htc·hurtl l.on.c °" ·*' hit 11' ,, 1•Hd1 Mlk• TNl')tl:O. 'Jl'rlfln·tl tlwm '" '>l'<'ond 1.11\d lh1nl 111111 (,111111..-r N lw.11 out J Cl'~ Guti rrez "lllt'l't.•• t>unt to get lhc go.ahead run .w ross Ho1I 1 lu mphn·y tht•o doubled to get an 111,urant•e markl•r 1n and Phil Krekel ,qucNed tht• \h111t one tn with another hunt -.in.:lt• UAV•: ("AMPBELI, WENT all the way un the mound for the Mustangs, limiting Hanchoto ttar~e hits whtle strikmgout 10 and KtV tn~ up only one walk t 'orona dt>I Mar committed s ix errors in duding four 1n the second innJng to gave lhl· 1'illt·rg the1r first three runs . Ci fl'~ Cole belted a home run in the ,,.,·ond inmng for the Sea Kings and Steve Lt.'shc had two hits. a single and triple Mano Ybarra also had a triple as the Sea Kings' record i;hpped to 4-2 for tht' pre ll'dgue season CdM plays El Toro an 1ls fi rst lei'.lgue en n1untt•r F'r1da) ~harp II a rd ludt plll·ht.-r K t.-n t; ul ll"r f ~/ (1nally e<>t ... Offi(" hllt1ng from h1:. teamra1tt·~ Wedne~d.iy dr l~r n-0on ~Ad th~ lJC l r,toc baseball t~am dt.>foatcd l'ht1p man Colh ge, 5 4!, in .i no11 confere nce out mg un t ht· \lo 111 ner 's field. ,,., ond and third to put the cit· l l,IOn out of reach Gutlerret had lo~t ha:-. rir ... t three start.a by scort•s of 4! 0, :J 2 a nd 2·1 l:lofore Wednesday ':-. game. All of his outing~ haVl' been compete games Against Chapm an. le allowed seven hits. had two strikeouts and no walks The vict>ry brought lJCI':-. season r etord to 6 12 whllt• Chapman tell to 7 11 for the year After spctting the '1s1tor .. u run in the first. UC I came l>at'.k to score a pair of runs 1n the J 1 m l>t1 w~on led off the second "Llh a doubll.• und Ken Munger "alkcd Bob Ru('<'t then brought naw .. on homl' \\tlh an infield oul and Jl'::.i,e Moore s ingled to get M ungcr across Polo Game~ Set The Junior and senior nat1on<1I water polo teams from Cuba and Yugoslavia will meet their coun- tl•rpurts from the United States in a two-night set m April. Newport Harbor High will be I hl' !>ale of the April 6 a ffair which pits the ll S JUn1or team a~ainst Yugoslavia cit 7 p.m and the U S. senior squad again!it Cuba at8·30 TARKANIAN ... SPECIAL OFFER e.ays he is responsible for the actions of has asSls· tants but doesn't sound parucularly remorseful. The only serious allegation linked lo Tarka· man as that he promised Eugene Short, a high school All American. that his ramily would be moved to Long Beach aftd that a job would be round for his mother Tarkanian denies the charge and says the Shorts did too. adding that the source on that al· legation was Eugene's high school coach. "I only met him once," Tarkanian said . "Do you really think I would tell him something like that, especially since ~ugene 's brother, Purvis. was e sophomore in high school. Does it make any seni:e that I would tell the coach I was going to take away his star player" ~ s15ooOFF AMY MEM OR WOMENS WARM-UPS JOHN rs BIG FOOT Athletic Footwear Sizes 2-17 Racquetball Equipment and Apparel Oft lristol at Rftl Hill Costa Mesa, 1714) 95 7 -2991 UNIVERSITY'S TROJANS were hmtted lo three tuts. ull doubles. in losing their third s traight dec1s1on. Steve Redding in the fi~t. Dave Langmade in the second and Mike Adams in lhe third accounted for tht three h1ts . Dana Hills felt the arter·etrects of its 10 1nrung victory the day before in los ing to Valencia. The Dolphins could get only two babe hits, Bob Brown's rifth inning ~ini.lle and Kurt Leander's sixth · inning double Danny Correa. Valencia's pitcher. went all the way and had seven strikeouts while issuing four walks and watching his team· mates commit four errors to allow the Dolphins to score. Valencia scored five times in the second inning and added four more in the sixth on 14 base hits. Dana Hills 1s now J J for the season NOW'S THE TIME TO SAVE ON STEEL BELTED RADIALS From one of So. Cetttomla'• okteet end largeet Michelin T1,.De91an MICHELIN zX a_n_d_Xz_X __ •.u ~· Newport Harbor. the No. 1 ranked volleyball team in Cff. opened the season with a 3·2 v1c tory over No. 2 ranked San Clemente Wednesday night on the winner's noor. The Tars captured the match, 8 15, 15·7, 8·15, 15-6, 15-8 with Btll Yardley, Kyle Slaughter, Kevin Droke and Bruce Caldwell play- ing well for the victors. San Clemente was without the services of one of its lop players. Mark Anderson, who was out with a hairhn.-fracture in his foot. K.irk Tobiassen and Tony McGraw played well for the Tri tons Newport plays host to Pacifi<' P ali sade ... Friday night at 7:30 IAL.m"'9CS ··WNG BEACH BLE W my mind; it tore mt heart out." Tarkanian said. "It hurt me more because the charges were so ridiculous. Las Vegas, of course. was more serious because the1 Lned to take my job away Neic 1 to Werd/Harrongton 10.7 Mon thru Fro 10·5Slit 12 30·5Sun ADD 1.03 IO 2.11 F.E.T. 145-10 XZXT REG 27 88 25.88 165-14 XZXT REG 44 88 42.88 "If I kept my mouth shut and thanked them for hitting me over the head with a club 10 times they wouldn't have come after me. But fighting them just made the m madder and madder." Tarl>.anian says his problems stem from a col- umn he WTOte, criticizing the NCAA's punishment of Centenary College. "I wrote that the charges were Mickey Mouse. It was the biggest mistake I ever made." THE LAS VEGAS CHARGES provide less of a direct link to Tarkanian, which the NCAA at- tributes to "lark the Shark" learning from his mistakes and insulating himself better. The NCAA IS a lso skeptical about the amdavits Tarkanian has produced from players which allegedly con- flict with their previous testimony to investigators. The NCAA says it never punishes anybody un- less it has proof, but one coach feels otherwise ln the Tarkanian situation: "lf you know ,\1 Capone 1s killing people, you get him on infome tax evasion." Most of the big charges against UNLV are directed against Tarkanian's predecessor, John Bayer. The most serious allegations against Tarkanian are that be arranrzed for instructor Harvey Mumford to provide prospective student· athlete David Vaughn a "B" grade in a course- w1thout attending class and that be pressured ex- player Jeep Kelley to change his testimony to I.he NCAA TARKANIAN DENIES both charges. Mumford's attorney, Charles Thompson, said Mumford might have said to NCAA investigator Hale McMenamin that be gave Vaughn a grade he didn't deserve. ''Harvey was mad because Vaughn was a friend and be stiffed Harvey on a $400 loan. But the evidence ls what counts." Thompson points out that the lowest grade a nybody in the course got was a 'C', that he has af- fidavits from several students stating that Vaughn did attend class and did do a term paper, and that Mumford took a lle-delectortest. Oid Jerry Tarkanian or any member of his See TAllKANIAN, Page BS * * * AIA Faces La.s Vegas The Runnin' Rebels of Nevada-Laa Vegas may be ineligible for NCAA tour nament play but the y won't exactly be idle during the posl· season. For the fift.b time in as many yean, UNL V will take on Athletes ln Ac- tion when the two pre- mier basketball teams square off tonJ1bt (8 o'clock) at the Anaheim Conventlon Center. AlA carries an elabt· game wlnnlna 1treak and l1 28-5 on the seuon. UNLV, No. 2 on the DA· Uon '1 ICOrinC cbarta, la 21·8. Tbe two clubs have pllt the n.nt four meet· lop. • 'We Go To Great Lengths To Serve You" NEWPORT *SK•* COM PA~ .. SKIING IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS" SALE 10%-50% OFF STARTS .SAT., MARCH 10 2500 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, CA. 17141 631-3280 OPEN: SAT. I 0-6 SUN. 12-5 I 165-13 XZXT REG 4088 38.88 16$-IS XZXT REG 4888 44.88 11S-13 XWWT REG 51 88 185-14 XVNfT REG 58 88 195-1' 'tWWT REG 63 88 20!>-1 4 XWWT REG 6388 215-14 XWWT 205-16 XWWT OR GA78-1S XWWT REG. 73 88 185-15 RED LINE TT. REG. &088 48.88 55.88 59.88 64.88 68.88 56.88 185-71>-13 ZXT REG 5388 48.88 175-15 ZXTWN REG 65 88 62.88 - MICHELIN -LM'lllO I I oo1101••.s.,.,..,~ ,.., .. tll""'"""" 'X' WW ~·-.. ,:::.. .. .,,, ..... -~I""""" "'90"', .... .,.. tnf'~ W'\ .. 4'i" IO.: 215-15 XWWT OR HR78-15 XWWT REG 77 88 225-15 xwwt.OP. JR78-15 XWWT REG 79 88 23G-15 XWWT REG 89 88 ADD 1.71to3.33 F.E T. 72.88 75.88 83.88 ... ,.... .,....._. .. ~-""" ....... ..... ,°""'°" .. '..,.,,..,,. ... -;: ,......... ...,, .. "'"° .. ...... -· <Jtlllllll,,. ... -'""""""". -"" : cf.11"! "":: ~ _..... .... "' ... ,... """ fO"..., ... ................ __ ......... ............................. ............. _ ... _... I -FAU INSTAUATION I ROTATION. HO TAAOE-tN NEEDED! llANYOTH•ll SIDSAT TR••NDOUS SAYINGS '"" l MQNTHl Y 'A'l'MINTS WITH "'~lO CRfOIT (25.00 AUTO PART8, TIR•8 AND Sl!RVICE AT THESE LOCATION: Open: Dally 9 -9 : Saturday 9-6; Sunday 9-5 llUeNA PARK . ANAHEIM -••a ah lloul1'Nfd 1llO N. ~\Mllld ~-~---._., ..... ...,..,, ... 1_ 7n4l40 TIRm•A.N C08TA-8A 1nt1111111rtet ....,. -··· ............. . a•ftVICll ONLY AT THll-LOCATIONa: SAN CLEMENTS 8ANTA ANA 1133 I . !I Cemlno R••I 411 L 4th U2.-.0 .... lltt •••.aillll.t •I Dlllrt 19UI 111.t•t:oi..t .... -.•:o.;....i,. i ···-~'-• ••I..,•••••----•••••..._ •• • .. I J J I - DAILY PILOl ~ . . .. . At "'"'"' :.:::.::·TIO.. eAU eA l I '\Ml ,,,_ "" .,. •at • ', c etttotn•• "'°' ~ °'10 1 t • ..,.,,, ~ • ._ .. •• t• ••uu•tln r ,,_..-.. ., .. .,,.. . ·~·· , ..... , , ' ' ........ .. n•~ I t l •MVt flW. ' t\.t• I f "°"""' I •hfl Ha.tthillW•• (11ot""' " "' h'fW' i & ••oc-N ,Of :A/\ l't•iAii' l ... 1 '\ ····-~i.. '-•bu •• .... " :'\ 1 \'\1 ~\ ~ • ... ~~~''1{' ., .... ~"''• ~, ''"' 1lh ' •• M•t ,rru • • N•41· f "'"'' ,,_,...,' ,,.,,,," f. ' ., ...... • J.·• rt ..,_ " 1 I ••• ""'"' • .. ... t Nl\V''" W '\aut•t \ "ft. ..... ,, ... , .. ••1thf'u•on At Te,.,... Ath .. ct•utt .,\,.I ,,,, '~ .~'I I I • V•H•.. •U• \II, ,,,, I • flo .. n• ""' •\r.,.-~1-...0 """" '''' 1 ¥•'-'"""' \ ft.. • 4 t1 'U '""n ,.._ QC>."• l O•"''*''"' AIOr•mM .... L• ~I'• \ton ,.._n !' 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An1onl0 XI Cy.,,.. .. 1 HIGH SCHOOL Seo.-. by '""i"9' R•nc hO AIAm1tO'\ 010 on() 0 1 J 1 (O\I" M~ 010 OOJ • 4 I 1 John\ (l\n•ro\ ,., •"d Rodriou .. , c .. mot>•ll '""' K••OI w Camot>ell l Jof\n\ ~.,, .......... Coro"• del ~r t> 1 000 0-J I • Tuitln 7'1 001 •-• & 3 Mt'I-Sftolhn (I I and Holl W•lt.on •nd Gold\Dy. HA-Bolt' ICOMI W WolMln L Mell>On konbylMI ..... 0 <0119<' 030 ICM I I I< 0 Unt~@f\lh 000 000 0 O J J All••• •ncl Vllr.tn<) llODu>en• .. , l lllAkl•. PtrUr 121, J<t<k\Otl ••l and Lanomadt w AlllU L ZIUkl\ Hll-Or•n9<', A1110. MellOf'I kon 1>y 1111111191 "'''"f><'-' IS3 IU 0 IS !< • Odn• Hiii\ 0tn 001 0 4 ) I Corrt6 .,_, Mont\\iOf' M11(~11 M1llp, <71 fl\low 111 Sloul l&I "'°'d e-tllk" TOV"• 161 w Corr~• L Mii<""" "°" ···-F \C>Uctn1<1 10 S.On11.ogo 9 lOWtll 4, fWena p.,,. J Lot A m lllD' s. Sadellel>eca l '>0110 r" S Nort'.o • G•r""1> c;n, .. 11. 8on1ta • SC.ORE aY "EltlOOS lo\ A-If"\ 0 I H Pl!!ibuf'91\ O O 0.0 F tri l P•rlO<l-NoM Pt'notl11U·Mulll••n. L ..... ~ ~lone. Pot & " H•me>IOO. L.A. 6 U Holl LA. 11 7• Bl""°"· P 11. 11 )• ~Oii. U. (l')A)OC. 1J •). ,.nclfo,_, Pll IN 1or·mlnor. U 43. H•lw•rO, LA. U '6. S.cood P9rlocH Lo• AnQltlM, Olonn,. •7. •T•vtor. HMnplonJ l \~ Pen•llv·GoldUC> LA 10 00 Thi"' "-tlod·1 LO\ A~lt\ Goldut> I) IGorl119. Murpflyl • 10 ) "DPS. & IM. Wil'!,On. Murjlfly l, S Ot • L<K "~'~ Gor lnq ,. IGolduDI. 11 U ~"ll•tt·H•lword I"· 1 •. T•llon, P11, 1) SO Slloh on ooa•-l o• Ano~•u 12 ' 1·7• Plll•bur9" ...... 1' Go.ll"°"L°' Aft99i.\. LHWrd P1llU>urQ11 Miiien ,..11, •1' NATIONAL aASll([TBALL A$SN. --Y'lkM-tt Att ... ta m , K.....,, 01,. no. lllll Phll-pNe 114, Boston 107 'loullle ":....Detroit t3 1"41-'"'· WMfllnqlon 10\ Mllw--Ill, H-Jen1>v" ....,,_ IG. _ ~· un S•n DM9> 1•, Hovllon !IS Clenlencl 1Gll. Ool<Mn ~•t• 101 COLL•OE MIOW1llT xo .. r. ONotl. v.,,,.. ..... "° TOIJl'N.MllNTS NIT "'"' ..... c1emw1ue K...,.uc_y t7 (OT) Maryi.nci•'1. AllOIM •si-•s.aOT OfllD St. IO. SI. JOMpll's. Pa., .. Oki ~'3. w.-11 Vlro•ni. n. HE Lou11i.n. 11 Ne¥acl1.-lt-6f,~SI 61 NAIACM,,.._.." Dl"rlet J 0om1...,.1 Hiii• SJ. Point Lom• ~ JUNIOlt COLL•OE SWiii c-t CM!f-• "1ayetl F11l .. rto11'7, Senti Al\l 7S Mt..-CIMlewe ~.,.., A l.,,.nldot '4, SM l>teoo CC 1' w.-..s.-.~ ,.,., ... O•n•rO 7l, COnlpton '3 HIOH SCHOO\. eovs• c11• l"\.AYOl'f'S .... ,....... .. V1rOum Diil 14, Momll\9Mcle 11 L°"O lllMcll Pllltly 54, St. 8efl\aro S1 AYSOTeam Advances The Corona del Mar. Rangers AYSO youth s<><:cer team bas reached the quarterfinals of the California state playotrs for 13-14-year-olds and wUl pl~y at Hawtbome Saturday at 9, hoping to a d vance to the 1tate fl His March 24. The R anaers are coached by Dick LJghtbume and have on- ly 12 players on the roster. · On the ro1ter are David Martyn, Gregg Prcbal, J eff Ewlnf, Paul Magruder, Cbr 1 t.ightburne, Ian FitlaJb·, ~n. Ad•m Mallar, Scott Brown~t-eraer , Scott: M cCrammon. Danny Kart ed Tom Matt. Thurtda)' Match 8, li79 OIAI.\ Cir "'-'"OPP t ................ II ,. • ., ._... ·--•tll l1t11 ~NM \I t •""' .. hV a, I A '9 ... ll_h .,. •• -•1 l"' "''°' ~ •.. .,,~,..,.. ,,., ...... .,...,_,. -.... ~ \Jfl"' .\ Al1• _..ti ,_, ... ,.,"" YtiNlW'• '• , ......... _ .. wl•• I( U't M V •U•f t ,... h•~ •• I t~f 1 Ofttaf Mt (~UU6" ~ f,.,,_. ••• \4 fot• IVHIOA COi. l ftU ,,_,.,, \Wl_l .. 0 ~ ......... c. ...... ,. •<» .. ,., , ,.,., ,.""'" 'W• ' t ~ t ~ tt .. t .. ·•·t J ., H"""' c.t tO .. , t .. ~•· ,, tO \f ' 1 ,, ..-i "'r~h r, •" I v•Jh 1 t'-I t .. ••.\JO~ lt 1 I \\ 4 \I It•• 1 ._H9\' f 11 • W hitt f . U I l ...... ,,,, l• 11 1 XIO i~ t k tu., ,(t1 I 0t J I Uwt .. t U.ol > It I I ll11uno~ IC,• I 10 t I~,,., ' -.,...,,..,'° I Ot • , ,. .,. ••••• , C. J 0. J S W f\U• r , 1t \ 100 ,,... I Hllll•V (. ... \ I W htl• ht t• \ l An'\nwM 1(, \l 4 lOO N t tt. 1 v~A,n ~C ,)I\• l •Iv• (.,'I 1•) l "ttrat (, l ti I \MfrH t ..-Ufl '<I'.)"', 1 , 1ml••O tC,.. • " 1 ' ~..,......, '" ' , •• 100 nh•'' 1 t-tuh""' 1 1 J • t / Uoll~d ' f / It 0 I 1-fv ,,_. • ) ... .OU htt ''"l•Y I •,,.to~ J ,IA WOfllll"' \ )WIMMING ~ ....... u c.,, ... , .. Oft mfldtry r~1 •·y r .G'Ot>n W•" ) I l t 100 In.JO F.c:• tC,' J 1•. \0 .,...., \ •\ft'f (.1 ,, I HlO -· FOH1 IC I I °"I 100 I>""" C.r•• 1(1' •• \ 100 llH' C••·• !GI 7 ... \0 llr F .. .-n IC II 0 •OO .... ro•d •(1 \f ~ IOOlly F MP C.I I (I'\ \01>•"' SomonHn t( I YI • 100 ln<IO roro t( J ' ot I 500 "" Cu'ltlm•n (GI s JI 0 \0 oree\I G'•' C U I 700 .,..,. r-•l•w c .,, 110\1 50 > WOMEN'S ,..0 TOUR NAME NT (Al '°'"IMe ..... o l "'"' "-s1.,.1e. K4tfP'11 Jordan ~f T'•<'f Au .. tin 6 l 67 A'o~mar; C•\.&h dftt M•t'\• k tuQP.r • 1 • •, lt-0, S... 8 .,ker Clfol Sl<KY M•r9011n • 4 ... ; 01-Fr-Ur Ck'I ....... IC lon .. , lt-1 VtrOlfl•• Wede do!f. Betty SIO•• t-1, U lt-3 Se<-RWM Sl"91tt P•rn Sl>r1wr CM{ Mlm• JauM1vec •·3. • I WOMEN'S TENNIS ~ W..I '· Cypnu 0 SI ..... , Bird IGI ~I Cil,,_,. t-0 r elt""' Nt'•I IG I dt'I J~lln•l'IO• • I • 7 11•<• IG 1 0.1 9..,. co &·O. lt-0 Mor<JM> IG I Ofof Jollnson f>-0 fH> F auli.ntor fC.t o..t Mull•n • 1, f> O C~r.O IC, I Ck'I Ttal I> I •-O Ooulltfl Btrd lllCt' tGI won l>y <lfl4Ull, .... I Morgan IG I d~• 8<1nro ru1 & 0 & I i:~h.tl.,ner Nto\,l/tr 1c,, def John\on·M Ulff'" & 1 • 0 MIEN'S TENNIS JUNIOR COLLEGE S--••.Cltnnl SI,.._ .,..1>11 •~·~ O.A""90..0,t-J: Ver~ ISi d<'I M~vl• IH> It-• • AllM ISi Ofol WIOy•I ma11ta ..0. • 1 Ol"'n ISi ck!f Mt IC,.lvy • • to I. Morr" ISi Of'I JonH •·I t-0 Jol>tS ISi Ml. Ne .. ln. lt-0 f>.0 I -Alba·Olwn 15) oet 0.A--M t lCt'IVY & I • I ; V•r .. s S.bll ISi °"' W•du1m..01 .. Jone\ lt-J. l>-1. ""'°""Jon.~ (SI cl<el M•••,.· N&Wkltkf>.l, .. 3 ~ ""' '· LA V•ll•Y ' Sl......, E1•m fGl dl>f llt'ller • l •·& 1 ~ HAr<11nq fGl Ofl eoo.1>1noer 4-4 '-0. 6 l , Anno 1G1 cl<el lttrcr.t •I 1>-I. Ar~i1 IV I O.f Bell lt-4, l>-3. Alclwlnh tv J O.I W1n1.-owd I • f>ol; Olm-fVI oef T•llOt'°" 1-•. 1 .. , 1• ~" Hudlnq El•m •Gt dtl 8001<01n<1er Olm•l@CI 1•, .. , Anno Tollott.on IG I dr4 Al<h•rdJ-0.y 1 ... H , & J. 1Cercl\el·Arbo9,u1 IV! 0.1. Wlnt.,.owd·Aralln f>.1, • l, t·J HIG"SC"OOl ~i. i., Villa ~Mt! 11 Sl119i.t A"p.cjondD IE I IMI to M<lllhe•\ •·•. del Gr•nl f>.l, do!f JoM\ .. , def Miiier It-I ~iltt (E l loSI 1-4 ... ,, won 1>-7 • I OlllOre IE l 1011 Cl-6, won l>-4 ...... ._. Belyu IE I ml 1 ... Cl-6, won M . ._. ~ 8•k•r~Mamr•\ fE • !tPltt with Hunt•r 8•rrll .._., .. , Ofl 'l'Hllt'• Zu<Urm•n f>.1 &-• SteO"f"n,..,,..8rt911' IE t 1011 $·1,1>·1, \Pltl •-0 .. , T~ln 1', c:.. .. Met• t Sl"l!ltt lnhy <Cl lost to O.rtl•v 1·•· clef Ot<to f>.J. d.i A-1-6, clel Wu-.• 1. w.-,,., "' IM 1 .... -M ..... •·l . Wolle IC) IO!ol H. 6->, won, ... , los1 >-•;RI~..--(Cl 1ot1 , ... won M, 6-0, loil s-7 °'°'*'" P•nl~ ICI IMI lo Moort-J- , ... 1 •;, '°" to Sten>be1"9-Vtnder'llffl 1 .. , •·•. HIVW.,,,...._,. ICI lo•I l-t, I·•, '°'' 1 ... ,.._ S... ""'-•JS. i.._ Hiik J $1 ... lft 8•u (51 Ori M<1<••uM1 f>.J. <:tel. Ponnr M. del ~r .. 1. clef H-e .. o; Mitchell ISi won ..0, l>-0, M , ..O; 0111 CSI -1>-1 M .. 2,M. T"-. ISl-M ... t ... 1.t I • • -" p,.,.,._..~ <SI Ori Slaf'd-Funnan 4-0, lt-1,. clef LY1i.Mro4n f>.l, • I. 8ul(,., M11llory ISi IO!ol U , 1 .. Ori f>.I, • 1 fr-11, Oen L-I , ....... J•MWlft 11 l clef N-ell f>.0. Off MorMt'\ •· l , dtl. Da vi\ •·O, del Btol>y •·O lef'l'lpltton (I) -.. 1, •-O, •·1. •-<>. GlllMm II) #Of\ M , M , M . M ; L Th11m wOf'I lt-1, M ,M ,MI. DIW!es L~ (I) clef. HelM.-li M 6-0; - 1Cr11fl·O.-na M , lt-1 ; Me.o Ao .. kran• won M ,M ; M , M . U,.... hecll Jt, c.._. V•ll•y I Sl"IMt Tollwr <Llcltf.l.oOer•lf.._.,del Jenllln• .. ,, cltfeult9cl to S.llion -Hein; Welll ILi WOft .. ,, M , M , Otf.ult._,, P. 0.vld-. (LI won 7 ... ••. M . f>.2, l"lethff Ill won .. , loll S-7, _, ._., .. ,. • DwlMtl Joflnton.E. 0.¥~ (LI def WUntlf'l'I Wlllutn•t ... t;*'. R-ro-McLun"I do fault.cl; Cllflen.Howerd IL I WOft M t -1 • M dlf.Vltltd. • • , LO\ ALAMI fO' ,.,..,_., , , ,. .. "'~ ......... ""'" ..... 11 .... , ,,. ' r•t f41Y".ood A tM1t• 4Vell.nd ln11ri•111• ••O 110 100 ~n1011 VII •hw ~•••"~ I DO t OD ~''"' 6J"'lhp M•t• ~•flfd " /41 ,,,.. .. .._I• \ • pe•O ))t IO ~..,,,,.,,, '""• twu M""'* Wtt•~no '°""' ni\I I •it t W '10 ~111ntlt'I t '"'° IC,.OtOUA I ,, 00 \ .., "'..,.,~ Jonr. 1WHt1•rn\ I, "" ''""' •• • ll•• -t .... ...i. • .. 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"'"II Ftr·\t '*' (¥ ... ,Sold P1ttt"I ~'4.360 • IO Wlt'(JY .. lndl1tf'I rAo"'4t"''' • 00 .. IO C.otcl'I~ Now CMc-... "'9Vf'•. tO Sf'COnd f ¥• F•hu1'\ Pf1n("~' tHAwWv• • 40 ) llO, 1 llO Gr...,1• S....r1• IMt H•rourt l 00 7 .0 H.O A Not'°" IOltv•••" l IO J1 O•lly <IOllOlt IS.•t D<llO \76 00 T1tlrd ri•o F<tlr!V Maid IH11w1.,, I I XI. • IO ) '° I Ar" R•dclv ICorde•OI • oo. l 00, Prl<k ot ,,.. w .... 1IM<H•t9ut•J00 Fovrth r¥e WP'h\tl+nq E nvov t(Ot'°'"'O' \ .0 4 10 JOO J"<" IM<Hftf9U<'lllOO,•.t0 Prh°'C"'., Ao•• CH•wl,.v 11 tO F1tlh ••• ~ov . 810 COllv••"I 73.00. I tO t llO SolenClld Gori IM<H•r-1 4 10 ) 90 Fn,.w• Ai..-1P1•«rl 1t 00 \S ••Ml• " I l P<l•d \230 00 ~1 • l" r¥• 8ynootrm t Pinc •Y • 1 00. 4 10. l >o '""'v Cllld 1cu111neoo1 110, J 10 Hod lMI IM<Cor•olll • 00 SevMlh r<Kt-Ho<>ey'• Pollcv IH•wlt'YI I 00 ' IO. 3 OO: Cult Sl•l•r IS-motr' I 00. • tO Fren<h llow tCrs~ I 1 ... U ••UIO IS.JI NHI \1\9 50 EIQhth fAU -Oultl (•O\\lnq IB•ll••••I 11 •O. n •O 10 JO· Preml•r Mlnhtre l'lollO.f\l•\tr I • 10 < M>. Swlltl\ P•n...,, (McC•rronl S 00 N1ntr\ r-.•-ConmfPfT'Of•t•YO CM<H•rou-~ 1• tO. IJ 80 • 60. ltl• Mftla tFrutert • 00, • '° h••nnt<al IPlnuyl I'°· u UMl• U 10 I N iii \I 016 00 All•n<IMlCe 11.t/6 ~ • t . " WOMEN'S SOl'TllALl JUNIOll COllEOE Scweby l11111,,.. Gol<kn Wo1 000 100 3 • l o Cyoreu 000 000 o O 1 • S.cr••• -Your>q AKUrl • ..., o.v .. W St'<rhl l -A1t ktrl Sc-"' lftnff19t C•rrltos XII 000 o ) l o Or•n9f Co.•t 000 000 O O 1 • 8orre90 •nd Be11<11 JeOton, """"" 13t and Hrr..-.ra W -80"~ L J<K~$0n "IGHSC"OOL Scarellyl""'"'' S•n Clemente 007 050 1 ,. ts 1 Unlve,.lly 001 000 o I • • 8ucclnl -9,,.....,. Jont• ADDI~ 15 1 •nd Kerr HA McCorm1c1t 'S." Clftm f!ntP.>. Ad&ms !S..n Cle,.,.,ntel, Spiro• run1v•r.,lyl. w Bucc '"' L JOM\ sc .... .., 1 .... ....,. lllenctlo Al.,...m J10 020 00-1 • I Ocu" VI-1o.i 101 oo T u 1 MU< ..... llWllfl'. Met>le ISi .,.., Aiu Wllltt. ICaufm•" Ill -l utlrell. Howeth ltl. HA-CMllY IOVJ IUTANCIA TOURNAMENT s.mH-.is kw'ellt¥1•• l(enMdy 000 010 004-S 17 • lr1tlne 001 000 001 1 J • loper, Bye~ ISi -Llbell lo<ke one! Velo•. w-a~ L-t.oc-t. HIGHSCtlOOL .. ._. H-n.1', La,..,., n .u F._a .. rcl..-8ylng1oo (NH) •• 11 . Pom· mel ho•~ Ber-dull INH l 3.8 ; Alno•- G•llow•y ILlll • JS. VAulllnQ-llylnqton (NH, 1.0; Pllr•llt'l IMr Bylnqlon (NH I . 1 Hl9fl ""r-Bying1on !Ntl) • 1. All·•-- 8ylf191on (NH l S 73 "'" \'el,.,. llS "· w. C...lna "·'· s..i O.llntlfU Floor e•n:is.-Gol<hteln (FVl as. Pom- mel hOfH W•H~·· fW I s J; Aln9i- GolCKltln <Fv 1 5 1. l..onQ 11otw-Go1<111e1" (l'"VI t .s. P.,ellet 0t•i-Gold\le1n IFV,. J . Horlrontal bert (;olO.ttrl" (l'V! 1 '51 All roun<1-Go1<1t1e1n IFVI ... es. Misc. HIOM \CHOOL V~L•YaALL Newport H•rbor dfof S.... Clem~n1~ l·•S IS.I, •U, 1H. 1W INOLIEWOOO TOURNAMENf lleverly tlillHltf Untvennv 11-t. 11 5 MIOtl SCHOOL OOL~ 0-Hlll1 241, Celt.a~ 111 IAtlllN ..... CCI ,, ...... 1 Ille! ~ IOI, Hunt., 101 - P•ulM>I> IC) O . • R~., 10 1 4', S. Krailt (0) 51, •· Miii• <DI "· TENNIS ... lleach Tenms Club did not ex· ptra e n t"e an y benefi t ll whatsoncr wtth the Proposition 13 tax cutbacks und did not re- cel ve any reduction In pay ment11." BUT IT'S NOT AU, gloom and doom The John Wayne club Is moving ahead with plans to Pour 10 or 11 m ore courts. as- suming a deal can be worked out for the addttlonal land and th~ necessary permits ar e secured from the city planning com- m us1on and the California Coastal Commission. The Undborg Racquet Club in Huntington Beach 1s doing well e nough that Lenny Lindborg is reportedJy considering purchase of the Capistrano Racquel Club. And Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club as burgeorung • with const'""clion still continuing on a complex that will someday include 68 tennis courts, 26 rac· quetball courts , a n Olympic sized pool, two basketball gyms, two volleyball gyms, twin health spas and a sports stadium On the other hand, it took several years for the Balboa Bay Racquet Club to finally an- nex its seven new courts. de dicated last month PETER PAXTON. who bought the Laguna Niguel Tennis Club for $1 million and Jus t recently turned down a $4 million offe r for it, says there are a few con- crete reasons for the difficulties some clubs face. "It costs almost as much to run a club with six or eight courts as it does lb run one with 16 or more," says Paxton, who is a lso president of Tennis Clubs Consultants Corp. "I think the bag clubs are go. ing to be OK, the clubs like Newport Beach, Wayne and ourselves." Paxton says "But some of these smaller ones like San Clemente, Capistrano and Palisades are having trouble just breaking e ven. "Remember, this is a bus•· ness. Just like anything el~. and som e club owners get into it just for the sake or their ego," Pax ton says. "Then they find out there's a lot going on behlnd those doors " In some ways, however, run ning a Lennis c lub is unlike any other business. "We 're open seven days a week. including nights," Paxton says "You can pour your whole life into it, not to mention your money For some people, It's go- ing to be rough " TENNIS I SKIING Slalom Ral!es Top Women Pros At Snow Summit 8y DAVE CUNNINGHAM 00 -Otlly ,....,. il.tH Ttus will be a bag weekend for Snow Summit, the popular i.k a resort near Big Bear Lake Top women pro racers from throughout the world wall be weavt~g down tht dual slalom and giant slalom courses a~ lhey vac for a piece or the $10,000 purse offered by Budwieser THE SNOW SUMMIT RACE Ji. JUSt one sto.p a long a ninf' competition tour leading to the Sunger Cup A total of $55,000 wall be won along the way I More than fit racers are expected to enter Saturday, 1nclud1n~ Lynd all Heyer, lhe leading money wanner lhusfar, and several of her closest com~titors Toni Forland. Judy Nagel. Su~an A~lett, ( ,..--------Am y GnCfith and (;aal Hlackburn. SKJ/NC J Spectators will be admitted free t" walk up alongside the course ror prime ---------·--· vantaRe points to watch the action • • • Interested h attend in~ lhf' 1980 Winter Olympaci. at Lak1· Placid" Send a letter or post card reque~tin~ ticket 1nform~t1on to Tickets. P 0 Box 1980 . Lake Placid, NY 12946 Name!. will h" placed on a comJ)Jterized mailing list, and 1nformat1on will be i:.t·nl when the ticket pahcy bas been fanahzed • • • SNOW VALLEY IS ANTICIPATING good sk11ng throu~h Easter week Tte present pack mea!>urei. 7 8 reel and, barring warm rainfall, th! 81g Bear art-a resort will probably gel it:. w1i.h To date. Sno\' Valley has logged more than 300,000 s kier duy" tor the season. aa increase of nearly 100 percent over las t year At the present pace.the Snow Valley folks pro1ect about 450,000 skier\ days for the seas.n. ••• "Anyone m food e nough physical cond1l1on to c hmb a Oa ght r1f stairs can learn how to ski ." !>ays Ray Patton, Ska lncune s re'>• dent professional Patton runs )k> Inc-line i. large lt•arn·to ~k1 area and la!>t }f·<ir supervised~.()()( lessons, L2.873 or which we re to beg1 nne ri:. Nearly even r e'iort offer<.. ;i ski ~chool , und c;everli.I IHt hn1•., have warrung sa~ns posted adv1 '>1ng ntoohytes to take advantage 111 the lessons 1f they doubt their ability Sure. at·s a1 obvious ploy to push commerr1al lessons. but speaking as one who went that route a~ a beg1 nnf'r, I recom m•·nrl at least one less>n or refresher course per season t-ven a Phil Mab r e can break his leg And for thoie of you who always find a baby!>1tter whale vou head for the s lo>es. why not take the tykes along? Several re:>arl\ now feature kadile schools which teach chtldren barely old enough to walk the ple$ures of skiing Youngsters seem to pick it up quicker than adults. wh<1 perhaps have been walking too long • * • YOU OONT HAVE TO BE young to '>kl JU!!il young Jl heart There a re a lot or multi winterl'd skiers out thett-wh<' n • member when s kis ~err mudt• out o r ~ood. and wtwn Southern California only had three or four lifts an 1b mountain~ For their ~ake. two area~ arc g1v1ng lift t1ck1:t~ away frt'c t11 senior citizens k1 Sunrise at Wright wood and Snow Valley nt·.tr Big Bear Normal prices are $9 50 a nd $11 Bear Vallry offers a discount of S4 off its regular $12 fare Lo seniors 65 years old and up Several anas in Colorado offer similar discounts. among Lhem Aspen, Keystme. Purgatory and Winter Park. Ask about the senior citizen rates when you ch~k in or. bettec still. phone aheact Lobos, Downey Vie Tonight LONG BEACH-Los Amigos H igh's Lobos. with 6-10 junior Clayton Olivier. tan gle with Downey High tonight . at Long Beach Arena in the CI F 3·A basketbal l championship semifinals at 7. While Los Amigos e nters with the 6-10 redhead as its major weapon, Downey counters with Rich Chavez. a sensational 6-9 guard who has aver aged over 26 points a game and boasts first Jeam AJl·CI F credentials as a \junior . Los Amigos m ade 1t to the semis with an 84-74 victory over Coronadel Marin the quarters The other half of ton1ght'c; sem ifinals show is No. I seed North High <Riverside } and Sun· o y Hills . the latter having eliminated Sea Vie w Leagu(' c h ampion Estan cia in the second round Wednesday·s action involved pre~ent tht> 4-A semifinals and N 11 seed Verbum Dei a nd M t){)rt• League champion Long Heach Poly prevailed, 3!; expected. Morrun~s1de. the only team to defeat Verbum Dea this season was buried on the boards as Verbum Oe1 's 6·8 Cliff Pruitt. 6 5 Ken Gordon and 6·8 Ken Field-. dominated b} a 44 -13 m a rgin 11' a n 84 -78 victory Long Beach Pol~ chmanatl'd St Be ma rd. 54 37 The Fir't ,\nnual OranJ!e Count) I' a~fl'r ~~al' Run for R"IO 10 Kilometers Saturday, March 10, 1979 • 8:00 A.M. Easter Seals/RIO• 1800 E. La Veta, Orange• (corner Tustin & La Veta) Telephone(714) 633-7400 or 541 ·8822 COURSE: /\n oua ,\ h.1l I. 1.o ur"· 1•11,l\ph,111 ''" "•lT \ "ht:l•kd 1.1•111" ,1111t1111.1111. 111111111· PRE-REGISTRATION: l 111n1.·, ri:t:1.'1\\:d hy Mond.1v. M.11d1 C\1h 1n,l11t: .1 r.tlt: p.11.h·1 \\h1d1 111.n h1 p1t:l.t:d u p 1 hur~a v m l-r1fJ,1v I \l.11 d 1 I( or 1)) .11 I J,11.·r ~.:.11-. I XOO I l.1 \ ~l.J. Or.1n!!t: o r lhl' m11rntnf! of th.: 1.1t:l'. hq rnrn1nc. .11 <• i\ 1\1 I ,111.·, nttit:' .ic1.i:rr.:tl 1hi: t.IJ\ <ti 1ht: 1J1t:. I•/\ 1\1 7 10 t\ \I AWARDS: PARKING: M.11. tw .1 prohl1'11 ('0\11 I \l{I \ ENTRY FEE: • l'rt:·rq11,1.:r1.·d ts m1ntt1H1111 1111. ludn 1 ,11111. 1111111h,·r, ,111d 11111.: d1,111H on< 1r.1nll Prt1l' • I ull: lntni:' ~7 • hu e.ich add 111.111,tl "'\ ll• 111,1111111 r h1 r.11111 q1,1111 1 1 1 1 ~"' 11111.: .1dd •t 1<111.1T rh.111.-· lor I ht: Gr:md l'r111: ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT ORANGE COUNTY EASTER SEALS' RIO GRAND PRIZE: AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP T O RIO DEJANIERO SERVING THE J~ ........... ~ for the flr!'it Annual "Run to RIO" lnH•rnationnl Marathon. July 25. 197~ -Au~u!'lt S, 1979. ArrnnJ!cments ma de throuJ!h Travel Connection include: • Air fare on Braniff lnternutionul • 9 ni~hts tccommodatiom 1&t lhe llotd RtJ!e nte o n Copa Caban1& Btach • Entranct ilto lhc lnternutinnal ;\l:trathon in Rio cJc Janieru July 29, 1•79 • Plus mud m ore for more ini>m1ation regardinJ: the Tour 10 N 10 contact: Travtl Co1nection (714) 4fU ·77R I (71..a) 455-0 100 --------------------------·-------·--------·-------------------------------------------------·· .... .... -..... ' J f f 1 I ------.. BASKETBALL TARKANIAN. • • ~laff t'\'rT llbk you t1• .,-iv .. Vau11hn a rnr1a111 i.:rult' 1n the t•l•M•" An11v.(•r l\n Evuhrnt11111 Nu Jt 1. "l'tion 1ndn 11h·1l 01() J F.llR\ TAR A'lill \~ 11t 11n) mc-m~r of ht1 slalf t'\l'f •"k '' u nol tu re-quan• \'uu.:hn lo DI lend cllll'' ur l111 ''''"'I 'Work" Ar~v.,•r Nu €\'1th.11tt11.m ~o Je, t'pt1on 1nd1c-i.h:d Th\' NCAA 1nH"'lt11U•lnr'I rwHr mt..r\11!-wf'd n) bod.> ,. <''-'Ill ~umfu11J, \l't tb1• fnfr&cllon'> C'ommlllt"I' (\nuul ·1,u'-nian .. nd MumfurJ LuHty u( lht• ch.ir~t•, -.l.&llnll m 1h Lonf11it nl111l R.-port "The l\1mm1th~· b••IH'H'" Mumford dad 1n f&1•l, WO' 1dr lh1 .. 1nr11rmut111n to tht· "IJC"AA ~nd l1 nov. uttPmptl~ lo ft'O\OH h1mwlf fn11n th•• r "' "That dl'Cl)JOO v. "' n•rki.,,~ 11nd antt•lll'C'lunlh dt!>hont""lt · 1-.ud Th(1m11,on rt .. : C'U A R<o t Ot l !'llT•.IU t RIM· 4 llh lt'i.tun1'0\ .. cnkr., ti\ tht• twart I)( tht• !'.<AA'• 1n 't''llKlltl\ t' µrm .. ,, \\ 1lbuul .. ubixwn11 powt•r, th,. NC AA lllU!'.t n •h 11n lht l'O\lllt'r.111110 •• r pl .. H·r .. Uriel t·um·ht>s II\ r\'IXlrttnl! \ 111111!11111:-. lht: N< A\ ~&Y' Tdrk .. mu11 l'ot·r1·,·ll l\.••llt>\ ll:. kn "•lm•i.i. lo l'han..:c h1 1t·,L1mutl\ µrumlJlJ~ tin• :>t v1·rt· lv.o )t'Uf bllb~ll~IUll 'fh1i. t•har~t' t•om,., t "\( lu"' t'h fr um 1,·lt>phu11c t'On\ eri..ilaons t\f'llt'" .rnd hi' .wnl I< r11nre'> Purkt'r. had w11h Dav11l Ht>r'>t. lht• !'\l AA !> dart'( tor Of er\Jor('eml'nt, from Man h ;1 t<i l>t·C 10, 1976 Tht> AP has po!>"C'i.'>aon of tt1·r!'.t l> ml'muranduin o f tho:.e phone c·Jlh According to an Nt'AA official, Kt-llcv 1:. thl' kl'y .. Kelley WJ!'. found in Lab \ t>i,:a:., "'hl're he was working a:. J l>i.'t'Urll) guard in a hotel .i JOb hned up hy Tarkan1a11 Kdll•v was made civa1labll' by Lois Tarkanian, i.o II 1:. n·asonablc to conclude that his answer!> \\OUld not hurt lhf' Tarkaru..tn:.. nor would he wunt t11 Jcopurdl.u.• his Las Vega.-. JOb and Lifestyle KELLEY -CONSIDERED "naky" by both sides in Uus case denied teMimony he allegedly ~ave to Berst 1n May of 1975 He also has a d1f· ferent recollect1on of his phone conversations with Berst in 1976. Thus. the eVldence tn the NCAA 's harassment c.-ase comes down to a key Wltness who, at best, 1s unreliable and. at worst , 1s now hostile to the NCAA NCAA ronf1dent1al documents report that Kelley told Berst that Tarkanian was pressW'tng him a nd that Kelley was scared and didn't want any harm to come lo his family Kelley admits talking to his aunt and Berst numerous times during this period but does not clearly explain why he was so willing to talk to the NCAA if he wasn't providing information against Tarkanian. He said his conversations with Berst were general and at the urging of his aunt. whom, he said. hated Tarkanian because Kelley had flunked out of UNLV KELLEY SAID THAT SOME of the lhangs he was telling his aunt wer e m1s10terpre ted and then relayed to Berst and taken as fact Phone records s how that Kelley 1mtaated 27 phone calls to Tarka na:rn over the same general period. "If I was being harassed a nd if l were frightened, would l be doing that?" he asked Tarkaruan admits to contacting Kelley and asking him to sign some statements. He said be would often contact people for the universit y because of his rapport with black athletes. who would not r~lurn phone calls to UNLY in· vestigators. He also admits offering to arrange for Kelley to get a tryout with a California s ummer league, where be might be scouted by the Los Angeles Lalteis, and arrangtng for Kelley lo enter lbe Un iversity of Hawaii. "l would do that for all m y players," he said. THE NCAA, CONTENDING all of Tarkanian's contacting and arranging came because Kelley was freely talking to Berst. found against Tarka· nian on the interference charge. "The Infractions Committee believes the in· formation reported to the NCAA during this period by Kelley and Mrs. Parker clearly supports the finding that p ressures were applied and various an· ducements were offered and provided in order to ensure KeUey's assistance in protecting the in· terests of the university and Tarkanian in this case." Tarkaoian does not claim to be a saint but can't understand why he's been singled out "MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE we won too quickly and they ass umed we were doing terrible things," he said. "We do so little cheating, it's incredible. They tried ha rd as hell for a ong time to find cars and apartments here, but they never did. 1 wonder how many othe r s chools can withstand that kind of scrutiny?" Several coaches interviewed by The Associat- ed Press came to the same conclusion: Tbey were certain that Tarkanian has broken some NCAA rules but were also convinced that the charges didn't amount to very much. All the coaches said many schools were worse violators, and Ke ntucky, UCLA and USC -in that order -were listed by several as the worst offenders. "Ot.ber schools make Tark's activities al Long Beach and Las Vegas look like Cinderella," one of the coaches said. "I think the NCAA is angry because they feel he tricked them at Long Beach a nd got out before the charges came down." TAllKANlAN WAS ONE of several coacbes who told of their ordeals during the Congressional Investigations and bearings or the NCAA last year. Tbe Subcommittee on Oversight and Investiga. tions concluded that the NCAA has abused Its power and recommended various procedural and policy changes. " ... The NCAA enforcement branch is not equally fair and just," Tarkanian s aid In bis testimony. "This ... can cause horrendous effects upon the lives of the indJviduals involved. "Why have I bad to suffer what I have suf· fered over the last six years at the hands of the NCAA? I bonesUy don't know." Tarkanian can certainly be faulted for not stressing education, for breaking some of the NCAA 's rules and looking the other way on the violations committed by assistants and others close to bis program. BUT THE EVIDENCE against Tarkanlan, alter two of the most exbauaUve lnvesUgatJons ln NCAA history, would probably not convict him tn any court ln lbe land. And even tr all or lt were true, Tarkanlan would aUll be more honest than some OlbeT coaches, wbo have remained free of any NCAA penalUH. · True or not the NCAA puni&hment doa not flt lb• c~::{ ~ tarbalan carrles the reputation ot a crt . Texu Coach Abe Lemont, a former president or the NaUonal A.asocJatlon ol Baaketball Coaches, hH a down·bomc way or putttn.a Tarkanlan'a trav~::i:npectlve : •• me ot the l"Y drtvln down the road doln' «> Md everybod1 ll p.autn' blm cotn• IO. A cop 11op1 the'"' and he qy1, 'Wbr met' And the cop qys. ·cau.ee you're eamr to c atch •" Pl HU( N01 H I• "Ol•c.• O~ \•I e H) Hl{>Hf\I a100I It DClAll VllW \(HOOi 01\lltl(l' ""··-·-"""" ....... ·--, ... ,.., .. ~ft • "-••ht., . ., .. ,, tt••I I 1••\. till' tf tw ••• •••M '"' •'• lft ttw t f ,,_.,,, lu • ·l•tf\1 ol "''' •fi•~t"" ''''"1tu1• • .. IJtf'ttt•tH •11•• ••I •Owe 11h41d,.tf'! ... ,.,, A H ul •r.t. •I fft• • ... , \t••• "r••• I l1u•1 ~•I ................. -.. fW..,........ -~ tiWW•-', ·••ti •• ' on •• ~ '"" Mtw-••t .... ,. rt I• lrtn •t '""' a.••" V1ff• ''~I I In ., .. , ....... , •• WIU>'WI Ave,, ... """ h"Ot1,., h•tw t. I •l1lttfft1• .,,.,., •u· fU.Ut'\ •uU\ I""" ....... ''""' 1tlt.. I~\ l'Wttl •Hnv "·~ t to. •hofl vt •t•"'' '"•~ ""' Mill••"'"" ftt. .. u II• U\il 1r.1 1tf1t• l'tll W••twr A..-t fl11f t'f"''' "Otn" fW*" f t •life,, M•• •i••' a 11 ,,_,.,., "'•Y l;.t if''Jlllf'• t .. 11 tft.-1 fn1U l"'(,f ... n •• ,.~•)H•h••tU ••th""'' °V•• ...... ••u• I (~ r•c tvt M••nt•f'•nt• 411111 ""'••• lfM)fH ...... ~ ... IU • .,, ~· ..... ,~ltf 4'''"'' AH01•tn1>1¥1tll .. , .. l'°'tt P•"-"lll\U>ll 9 't ~ tf\fo. \UA ( tt\\fVI f)1tk)roT ,, t ~·~ ••••• u \loll: .oo .. o IC> I 4•1 fj .......... ~ \,,..... "•hff ••••1i \.al"' I'•• ,..,, M'l•t nwn-in. \u.tttY•1ft•d UI" v ~, 'j•••f, .. ,,. •v• "1 ., ..,,.,,1""' 1no htCl '"'" h~ .. "' ,.,wt._,;c ,,.., t1Q"9 tu'" I" I /ltn ti •lwJ •ti U•U\ 1.>f to ••!vf' •••t t••0t ., •••• ,., .,, h •rw••• •Ir 11 '"• ChG I '''"" a n ''"-'' • "'' ,.,. 'WHcJ 1n •n fl'I I• f Of"lJiltUfl f ~-{J1\ffl' t fll.,f'\ "'' vu•t •nl.. w i 1tt .. t1 1u ln'Ollrft A\ If\ t~.. ~·O•lttlt'I ti •f'lt ten1 .. AYtn•nt '" •uH '""''.,., ~···~ ... ,,.,.,. I .,,,...., ·~.,.,......,_,,'"'" ...... ~ ... ,.. "•'~ A~l tn. tn.1tt-t1111 mu\t a,.. "' mn ... o tro•,.1 ttw-U1'h ·~ ' ,111•f'lu~~ •• Int tunr l"•f 1..-H l.•·••,,..,.'" '•Alft•U f C •rt•' t \.florti Of Ir.fl ~U.r(JQf ''"'',.... lJ•tr ot N olu • M4rr n \ 1'141 Cl•t• nt Po\tinq M41tt t-• t4fflf J:•Lobl~ .i"ifd Ot4'ft\lf' (~.A\I ,,,•I• Ptlot ~.,,,,,. t\ 1·-flQ ~, ,. t'l RI.IC' NOTICt: 11 1~1 SUPfl\1011COUlfT0, THE ST ATE 01" CAll,OllHIA "011 l14E COUNT'l'O,.Oll•llGE No A "lOt N 011CE O jt HEAAll'l<i 01' PETITl<>ff 1'011 PllOllATE 01' WILL AHO '011 LETTEllS TCSTAMEN f AllV ANO ,011 AUTHOltllATIOH TO AOMIHISTCll UHOEll fl4f INOl!PEHOENT •DMINISTllATION O" fSTAl'IES ACT E.,., .. ,,. OOROJ .. v r. \UL 1 •v•N 0.<U \MI NOTl(F IS H[RfBV ('.1vri; ,,.., A>IMAN~ON TRUST (0MllANV ~ (•t1torn•• CorporAl1on "'•' -11,.d l\Ufll\ • IJ('tlhon +Of Pf_! .. OI Wiii •nd tor l\W.nc:t ot L~ttfln. T Mtam .. n 16ry .,.,a fOf Autt\OrtlAllOf'\ tn AO rnm1,ffl'r u~r thf' ln04>i"Jllf'f'h1en1 Aft Mtn1\tflllh0f"I ot [ \'4,tf~'\ Atl ,, ff•Pn(f' Thur'aday, Mwch 8. 1979 ' : PllBU(' NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 79·1 A & B NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing wlll be held by the C1ly Council of the City of Hunt1noton Becicti, 1n ttie Council Chamber of the Civic Center. Huntington Beach, at the ho1;;1r of 1 30 p M ., or d '> soon thereafter c'IS possible, on Monday, the 19th day of March, t979, for the purpose of cons1der1nq GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 79·1 A & B, proposed amendments to the Land Use Element and fhE- Circulation Element of the General Plan for those areas shown on the above map and summarized below AR EA 2 l 2 2 13 '}" 2S 3.1 31 33 3 4 J 5 36 3 7 38 3 9 3 10 3.11 AREA A B LANO USE E LEMENT • PART A ACREAGE • REQUEST ' 4 18 Redes1gnate from Medium Density Residential to General CommerClcll 2.83 Redes1gnate t rom Low Densily Residential to General Commercial 38 85 Redes1qnate trom Medium Density Residential to Industrial 8.02 Redesignate from General Commercial to Medium Density Resident1c:11 ~ d4 Redes19nate from Planning Reserve to Mixed Development 10.00 I 47 I /Q J 09 2.08 2 45 71 95 2 00 4 09 4 34 3 3t ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Redesignate from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial Redes19ncite from Low Density Residential to General Commercial Redes1qnale from Low Density Residential to General Commercial Redes1gnate from Low Density Residential to General Commercial Redes1gnate from Low Density Residential 10 General Commercial Redes19nate from Open Space to General Commercial Redesignate from Open Space to Estatf' Residential Redesiqnate from Medium Density RPSidential to General Commercial Redes1gnate from Low Density Residential to General Commercial Redesignate from Low Density Residential to General Commercial Redes1gnate from Low Density Residential to General Commercial CIRCULATION ELEMENT · PART B SEGMENT REQUEST Lake Street. between Garfield a nd Yorktown Avenues Delete primary arterial des19nat1on Talber t Avenue, between Goldenwest and Gothard Streets ~~rt7t:~~~,,'~n;'~p,o;; ::: ,:!:':~~ C Ellis Avenue, between Edwards and Golden West Streets Designate as a secondary arter1.H Reallgn Eiits to intersect with Talbert Avenue at Edwards Streer Ol8Cf' ot P'ltd•i"'9 lf'w• \i:,\mifll' "'"' hiet'n \#I tor M11HCh 11 t91Q. (l't 10 00 ~ m 1n '""' courtroom of O.,p.i1rtrT'Wl"nt Nn 1 nt '-.&•ti , cwrt ot 100 (1v~ C"1>ntflr Onv• Wr\I 1n th• (Uy of Sant4' An4t, C•h torn10 Da led MA re t> b, 197• lEEBR,.NC>< Countv (If'•• B"LL. HVNT, NAiil aROWN ANO llAEllWITl Attorney• •t ••w p 0 . BnlZl1 11t Li""" A-L-.. Kii. C.11,_•• -I hi: 11131 ~MJI •tto•"•" tor· P•llllo,..r Pul>fi<,_ Or•-C<>4\I D~1lv P1101 M•te I\ I 9 IS 1979 881 ,. PllBLJC NOTICE lltCTITIOUS llU~INESS NAME ST"TEMEHT Tn,. toltowu'W) Pfl'WMi a rt' d0U"9 Ou'\1 ~\!ail\ CENIRAL P•RIC INOUSl~IAl 1&1&1 &t<t<tl Blvd Su11~ l!IO Hut\I· 1nqton 8ee<h. CA 'l?l>tl F•mdy Hom,. 8ulld-r\. Inc tCcttitotn•••. ••1&1 8e.t<h 81vO . Suite ISO, Hunt1"91on lk•<". CA '11.11 Seaborq, tn corpor ~ted f(allforn•~I. 16llO L••• Ave , Lo1 G•to1, C.A 950JO Tht\ t>u\1ne\\ I\ <.OtiChJCh~d by • l1,,,1ted p.trtf'Wtf\lttO Feml•v Homt' 8u11Mr ,, In< G '-""" Gratl&<hO 111 P..-ldffll l"I\ \tat~t wa\. fll•O ••tf't Uw C°"nlv Clerk ot Or611911 County Oft February 16, 1919 fl111U PuollVW!<I 0r""91 (out Oe11v Piiot l'~b 11,e,...,M•• I & IS, 1'10 PUBLIC NOTICE CP-Mn HOTICIE TO CllEOITOllS 01' BVLKTllANSfERANOOf I HTl!NTI~ TO TllANS .. IEll ALCOMOl.ICBIEVEllAGIE LICENSE IS I !Seu . 6101 .. 1t7 u .c c. a"1d/Wl .. 1>11&P) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo It>~ Crtdllor1 of Herr•" Coroor•"on Unllmlt•d. • coroo••••on. Socl•I Security NO. S.1·7834-?1, Tr•Mtuor and llcen!iH, wt>ow 1KJ1lneu .od•e\1 111s.?Newport Boulevatd,lf\li..C1tyol eosu .ww. Countv OI o"'"~· St•lt o f C~.llfotni• 97U6, 11\al a bul ~ tran1fer. I\ •t>oul 10 bt med• lo (.hrl•llne (,. ~. Soc:IAI Se<urllv No S-9 09 0617 TrAn\f""" And In t~nde-d Tr.tn'\t~rff. whoW bUStt'"l'SS Ad dreH ,, 111 e ....... Sl~f'I In Ille (1ly of \/IU&. Counlv ol S.n D•too. St~lf' of Cellfornla ~ Tiie P,_rty llOM<roblod II\ Q<!M<•I .. , All sloc:k In Ir-. lloturf'\ .c)UIP l'>ent """ QOOCI wtll Of <) Cf'r'IAll\ l>ffr •rwl wine ,t>•r buslnu s ~"own •.A An<llOr Room end louted "' H•t "'-"" eo..ie..ans •n .... Cllv OI c ... 1 .. MeH, County of O••n~. Sl•lf' 01 Celilomla, ltt'd tr8"1fer Ille 1o11ow1no el<ollollc .,.ve••Qe llun.., Triw • •? Number •mo. now luued to P•f'mt\f\ IO<•lect at ISU .... wpor'I Blvd • (O'I• MeH IO< Jhe P'eml-IO<lllf!<I •• IS., Ntwporl 81v<I. In Ille City 01 Cosio /lolou, Counly ot Oral\Q4t, Slate 01 c111ilorn1• fl\al I,. amount OI Pur<ll••~ orlc. or tonshlerallon on COt>l\llcllon wllll .. ,o tr•nlfef' of "4Jl<I llunse •nd .aid l!Vll"4!H, lnclU(flflQ ""' e1tlmet..i In vtntory, Is Ille"""' ot '-'1.000 00 whlell tOl\\lst1 ot lfle foOow1no· (Hl'I deollslffd lnlo r.cr-0 .000.00 Promluory "°'"· two ul1t1no notu to M es........, S.,700 00. T-lblc! pro. peny, '"""''°"' feOClf'O•l Jl,000 oo In lentlble _,,..,, M<IHlly eQfHm.nt 6 note U•,300.00. All OITler lluslneu Ntnft •ncl •d· dftn•s uMCI try the Trensteror within lt>rff Ye.r\ !Mt PHI to fer H known to Ille trensfefw•r•: ~. net II lies been 4111""° between Hid llGeo--lnt...otd ltllnllerte H rt Quired try 51<. 7ol01• of ~ 811\lneu eM ProlesslOns C-, lfl•t "'-~Oft· ll<le•etkll\ tor 11111 tr-fer Of "'Id bU11 nen eno ,,.,..,,.r ol seid ll<tnM •• lo be 119ICI only efter Miki l••nsfotr llH been ._.._ by WIO OeHrt,.,..,I Of Al<-'IC e.wr-COnlrot TIWot • t.tle, trM>sler •nd H1lonmMI Of tlle ....,..,,.,d llOO '" treele, fl- t11ro1, fCIUl-1 encl~ wlll 01 •••d tKJslfltu wlll i. ,.,.._ •nd trw ton 11<1e•allon -..,, 1ooe1rwr w11,. '"' coHlcler*'ioll for Ille tran\f•• •nd ••· tiOIWl'ltnt Ol I,_ ....... kl lkellW I• 10 tie (Ofll-Oft Of .tit•• ,,.. "" OH of ...... ,,. et tN H<row Ot oettmeM Of ~ Mutuel Ekrow CO!lefttlofl tt "1 f:. GofNnollwHllll •-· In Ille Cny Of l'lllltrtofl. Co\11\· IY ef Ol'llllOt, SIN of C.llloml•, SW• "'°" 11\M tN o.-1,.,...1 ot Ale-I< ll-4191 ~ llet ~ .... N ici treftt~Of~ll<:-. S<lbmltj!on Of Clelms to De ,,..._ 10 ~ ..,...., l!acr ... Cerpotetloft, Ut IHI Cem,,...f!W .. ltll Av•nve, l<u•n.n, Cellfor'rlle ~ L.nl ... , .., fllll't tl•lm• ,, ...,I !. "" OMH Merctl t. "" H¥rffl C.O.-et~ "'"'lf!ll*9, ·~•tkMI Ml ... kMTlfl. l'rttkleftt "' ..... .,.,.,, l"-°""""' o. (119'N Tr.-... encl '"'"'*° ,,_,.,.. ............ IC ... Cenl, "-0. ..... ....... CA-.. IMtewNe....-1·1 l'llflll"'911 Or....,_ C..11 0.11" l'UOI. """"""' '"' ENVIRONM ENl AL DOCUMENTS The Ci ty Council will also be cons1derinq lht' following environmental documenrs PART A PART B Negative Declaration = 78· 110 !Area '7. 1 1 Negativ<' Dec la ration = 7q.3 i A red A 1 Negative Declaration ::79.7 I Area 2 21 Neqat1ve Declaration = 7Q 1? IArea A 1 Negative Declaration ::78·11 (Area 2 J l N~'9at1ve Declaration = 7q 13 I Area c 1 Negative Declaration = 7Q-S !Area 2 41 Negative Declaration :7Q-4 <Area 2.5> All interested persons are invited to attend said heannq and express their opinions tor or against said General Plan Amendment 79-1 A & Band related environmental documenh A le9al description is on file 1n the Planning Department Office :. Further information may be obtained from the Otl•ce of thP C1tv Clerk 2000 Mam Stree t. Huntinqton Beach, California 92648 '7141 536-5226 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot March 8 1979 P UBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC' NOTICt: l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS P'ICTtTIOUS aUSIHESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STl•TEMENT Th~ follow 1nQ Pf'rt.ons ctrt cto1nQ Tn~ toltOw•nQ Pf)lrsons •rt t10•"9 bu\1ne\\ ., btl\•nft\\ ~\ E & R OFFICE SUPPLIES 101 DUESENBERG RAC.INC. 111 W l'em Leal ,..,.,,.,., Cofone Gel M•r, 11111 StrMI. SIP £ 10. (~16 MP\• CA Ccolllornle mu 1•11 Ted fl-In, 207 Fern Lut Ave,.ue I( W Du•'•"b•ra Int • Coron• de4 Mllr, C.htornl• t1•H C•lllOrl\1~ tort>Or•llon, II I W I /In OeDor• R-1p11 Elktl\ 101 Fun trttl, ~I• f ·IO (~Id Mn.t C" •1611 l e-af Av•ftu~. Coron• df"I M•r Tht~ O\i(U'11P\S 1'\Condu<.1MJ OY *' '0' C•lltor-n•• '762\ oorc1t1on Tn1$ OU~H'"'*"' " conduct•d by ., tt w Ot.Mt...,nbtrq. •m Qe"4!r•l _,NfV\1P K W OIH' ... nllt'rq T~ !! .. In p, _ _,, fhlS tt .. "1"11t'nt wa1o tlle<t wit" '""° Th•\ \lf1~t WA\. fltf'd ""''" tf'W> Counly Clerk of O•.,noe CovnlV OI\ Coul\fv CINk 01 0"'"9" Counly on Ftbruery I, 1979 Feb. IS. 191'1 "'""' Publhllecl Or-(NM o ...... PUot .o ..... l{._r' Mlltllell M&rcn. IS, n . 1't. I•,. N1J! Attor ... Y' •• uw --"'w-" ~t•• Oro .. PUBLIC NOTICE l'our1 ............... __ --------••P9'1 llHdl, CA '2- Pubtl\hed Or~ '°"'' O,uty Pilot Ff'O 71, M6r'ttl I ~ I\ t•I• J'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS "AME STATE MENT TM foll-lnq pet'°" " dOlnq Dut• n•\\(J'\ CINN,.MON SOUND. llS S C°"<I Hwy , L-B•<K", C.hfornl• '1•St \('OMr<I P Soll>'° Jt , 7'9J Al•• 61\0tn, L.,qttna Bf.4'Cn. C"lifornut ~' Thi\ ~> •> <on<lu<ted Dy an 111 dl¥1du•I Le~"''d p s.uto Jr Tnl\ '1a-nl wn loleCI wolh Ille county (letk of or .. n9e Col;nty on Fet>rvarv 13. "" "'~ Pubhi"9cl Or-eo.y O~llY Piiot, Feb. ts, n .,.., ~· 1, 1. "" 51'1•19 PUBLIC NOTICE OJ 10 P UBLIC NOTICE I P UBLIC NOTICE •• Alic ia M Wc>ntworlh City Clerk. 847-79 PUBLIC NOTIC•: OAILY PILOT .. lJBLIC NOTICE \Uf'.,1104t COUllT 01' THC \l'Ue 01' C•Lll'OltNIA ,0._ tHf COUNTY 01' OltAH(j[ "• .... ,.., HO'TICI 01' SALi! Ofl Pl!lllONAL f'ltOPfllTY '" PltlVATr '>•~lft '" '~" ~"" ot tn. ,.,,.,., o t l f O J-'> 1fNOf11 ~reY<l N()T1r r ... Hfotf ""' 1,1v1 N tll•I ttu11 un<M•"O~ •Ut \jil)ll 11111 i1r•y•t .. ,.1,. tn t~ hlQht-'t •~•t tJJ'l\f ""' h•Chh•r ftl'I It\• •"''"'' """ f'(ll'Wjlt1n"' n••r•H•r ""'"''~ MWJ \ub r t t tu1untoo\f l •M rty "" l••uff °"' t/ttt t\_..,,. ttout•••tf1. \u1h· •01 t1unhf'ffnt\ &<t .. ,,, ( .. mo ..... ~1b01, ••• j()" ''"'" • M 01' M.fl,rrn ll 1'1'f ot tn IN> tttor thrr••ft•r "lttJw•fJ t}y '"'""" ,.11 '"' rtQM UUt <fNJ '"''"'"'' Of dft<•dr"t .. 1 tnt ""'• ot "'' ~•t9' •t\O 1'u tN> '•ont IHI" ~ft(J 1ntttitto\I thl\I t~ .. ,t .. t.i hot) •t qutrfl!d otht'• "'"'" '""-' flt ft• c,.Mnt At trw-um,. o1 n1• ttt-atft tn '"""' 1noo .. ,.,,., 441\f ritw-d P"''""~ut 11• ,...,_,1, •f'I tt\ Ph w~t (OAt10MJf"I without .. n.,. '"P''""«'fl1~ t+O" n ,. #lftrloityu1 ,_.,., ~1fhl 1 •O••''• or '"'ll"'"° , ... , r,,,.,., I ff~•"' ~' b·t• MVft'• '11.-nvNt1 I t ''' \tlf1 t\1(h, l'I• M l,.f\ •ft 1n•tlt•" tnr ff\,. f''O Oftfl'f' """'~'I ht ''' #flfl,.!i •'t'HI W iii n• ,.,, ... ~, tJ .11 1n.-'"'""" "'' ' .f t.t OAr.1 ' '4.rr.f *~',., ..... < ••oo•- t 10ft ,., l/111 th·~1 n Mhulf'"''" \u1h It')\ ••11n11nq10f"' 9;~ •• ~ '' f ~ V)MI .. , m ft f' n.-111 .. ,t ••1'\ """ C l••r• , t trh "l)t'I•~ '""'''""'f1 nurt r •• ..,, ,..,. t • '"-"" ,,f'H'h ''-Hl~ Of'' ,..,1111 ,1t •'' r h•~t •ftflt lf\r t uf1111 ••' iJt\ 111 lh1 ~,,,,, •• •"cJ f.li"IO•• trw f'T\11• 1,,,, n• It\• ,,,11 '"'"' .... N1 < "''"'•'·•in .. nt •,,., .. t '"• • fOf Ith (h..tr "-"(Ho( t trt (\, t14H1 .tf 'fh I '"" ot C•t• Vof'lf.111•.n •11 ~·•1 •f\ ( n-f\ flrmtrhon 11t ,,,..,. ,,.,. t~ t •ud ,,.., rnflnt qt 1..-•n\h .. , , • h ,.,.,,, "' ft,,.,, ,,_,.' hu will n; hy thor r•u• n .,. f ,,_... t1Qt\t I O\, .. rlll'"'(j tu 11·1r t I flf'lj'I And .. It bt-d' l)••t•, 111 rtHt., nf ,...n .,.,.,, '°""'"°'tf'W'l f,.. ,,.11 t nr turrr. .. , 1nf•>•ntn tutn .1•H1 tun •orm' ..-001,, 11t '"• ,,,..,. nu.,. ot r r l')R(.f I U OI ' ... ~ L •• (oroorAtion UtH Hr,,.tl\ Rfl.t.11_,. .. _.,<t \u1t.-If)) Hyn91n('tt~n u,..,., n t. A"'""'' O• l r D f,.nru4'rv 1~ '"'"' Qor\f\'-f# .. ,,., t\Aft"11tt_.l,.thn 1 I'"' f \tttt,tt•Ll <'• TIN(t fi "'''"••Yn <;torqt L "-" AL•• C~"'"°" Ht 1t ee«.t\ Blvd ~v••r 10) Mul\111\9' ... 11 ... (1\ (A o .. r Tel 11141M l-1 Attof'f'•f'Y tOf AO"'lft1Ur•trt1 '''-'Oii\~ OfAnqr Co..•t Ott , 'lilnt """""I 1 A tilt• 1~1 IV P UBLIC' NOTICE lf0TIC£ T0(11£01TOll~ 'UPEltlOllCOUllTOF TOI( ~TATE 01' CAL!FOllNIA FOii l H £ COU"T Y 01' O~ANGE HO A-ten• t ·t Jt• n f "'4t-i f N ltH t\f (,llflll\Tf ••• Mt(I N <.l>fVl'll °'"' ... ,4Utrj NO f 1('J1 ... fPt th-C•'Jff-4 1 • .,. r r•(l11f')f · ri• tn• •tvl,,, "'"•ft th J• nl '""t 1tlf ()l•r•.lll'I h tt>tlf'O 1.111•1• ,11''"''' thf• '"'" ~rdf'nt ,,,.., 11•fHt1r"°c1 ttt t1tj tP\fi>m _,.,,~ ,..,_ rw •fl'''·•',, wt•ut h•' u 1"-• ~t11, "' IP'lt •It f ~ •' tt t o4lV•vt t t t th•CI f')on nr tt ,,,. 1 ,,, '""',.. #tft fP'lr f'H ff' ,,.,., W'Ot;f "' • to tt•11 _,,, '1• ''-•Cl""''d ·1' ti I/ V 10\ 0 f>t>rlu "11 wOU• R ... , f\ (.•t11ntft1 • '»)fl\l 1 wt H n 1 lhl gl,1f"' "' "'6\tn• .1 l'M itfll1t 1 'I~ rt u -.0 '""""'' ,.fl,t1r,.nq h t ltH lftf .. 1• \111d ,,~,.,..,. nt """''".,, 11101 "'""" ""'•' ,., .. t1r t out''" thnn '" ,...,. n'Jl tr • (Alf',, t '"hf'U"4f ._, ~ IQ/(J W1U1~,.., U ~lt'n\ h t•t-•v•t>trtttrwW•ll•'' 1tw 1100"'• f"llif"U...,, O•·f r'O••nl JAMES L OIUl!EL J OI )OJV1~~0 N••Hf'1 8-.t<" C•lttorn1., tJ'4t Ttl U)..CtlJ AHotftPT IOI£ •-<t11or • tJnh•~ Ot ti •)I• ( ·1 .t fl~·•• ''11 ' J """ '\ 1'1 4n(J Mott 1 ., •l'f 11 PL,81,H' N01'1C' ... 110 ,. "'"I• Publhfllld OowlOt Coot OAll'f PHol. F•b U -Mar 1,1 U 11" . .. n • '" .. ) I • CWLVPtLOl r"urac:tay. Match a.. 1979 I Special 9.99 Our unrquu Squtrr1•I ~ r 001 ' Forn 1n on 8" hanq1ng redwood ' tub is a temt1c at.1d1tion to your plant colleclton at a iuper low pnco now• House plants in 4" pots to group for unusual effects. Choose from: Peperomia, Pothos, Cordatum and Dieffenbach la. At this low price, collect them all! ,., Special ·~ 8.49 ~ ~ Beautiful house plllnts in good I sized 8" pots. Varieties In this group are: Dleffenbach1a, assorted Sy1ionlums and Scheffleras. turdy, beautiful additions to your home at low, low prices. ' • --- This . IS I •I : ' • 1 • ' 1 I '1 J1~ " 'l I I \ ' ' 11, • • " ' , I l "t ' I I ' I ' ,, ... ,..,,,,,., . ,\ .. .. - Sp~ 2.61 You'll want to bt beautiful hou: Je Included are: Pi Nephthyt1s, ~ 'ar and Ivies. Anc I a low price' / ,.,._ .. _,. .. - \ ' ,, . ' I ~ t l 1 ~ . cial 9 r several of these 1lants In 7" pots 1gyback. daring Jew. C1ssus a fantastic Special 1.88 Shamrock plant tor St Patrick's Day has clover- fl ke leaves with dainty. fragrant white blossoms. Bring the nostalgia of Old Ireland into your home at our low price. --- Easy-to-grow Philodendron with a redwood bark support to climb on. Varieties i nclude red and green Philodendron with its attractive heart shaped leaves. In a 6'' pot. ,. . • l'hursday. March 8, 1979 OAIL Y PILOT @ Sale 169.95 Reg. 189.95. McCulloch Pro-Mac 'J I 0 chain l>Jw 1s a super buy at th is sale pnco but since the bar qua rd 1s included dunng thts Pvent tt's a super saving • M.li..cs tough c.ut11ng 1obs easy ¥2025 Sale 169.95 Reg. 198.20 McCulloch Power Mac 31 O chain saw with wood cutter kit included lor this event, making this a super sale. Kit includes saw case. tools. 011 and chain saw cutter book 2 1 cu 1n. engine, 11.4 lbs .+'2050. JCPenney Days lawn equipment sale now! ' -') ~ Sale 184.99 Reg. 219.99. Easy Bagger rear bagging mower Features 4 HP Br1qqs and Stratton engine with Power Protection rear bagger grass catcher included 10276 ~ ·~ ,; -'&:.:.;..,,I' 1:" ,.:ii\ I l':\ , ..... ~:.,.. V\ \ ' \ \ ' Sale 349.99 Reg. 379.99. Mclane 3 HP reel mower v11h Briggs & Stratton recoil start r nginc. 20 ·width cut and grass catch er kit •0524 __ 1~ ,_ Sale 264.99 Reg. 289.99. Power propelled Mclane mower. 2 HP Briggs & Stratton engine. Grass catcher kit included. #0520. Cats Paw nylon reinforced vinyl hose. o/e " diameter. 50 ft. Durable nylon reinforced hose has solid brass couplings. · 50' by % ", 9.99 Sale' 14.99 Reg. 17.99. 3 cu. ft. wheelbarrow with self lubricating bearings. Steel construction. 4 cu. ft. wheelbarrow, reg . 27 99. Sale 22.99. Mclane'! ·I I Reg.154.99. Mclane edger has 2 HP Briggs & Stratton engine Left hand cut 4031 I ..... . '\ Sale 17.99 Reg. 19.99. Toro 2 5 amp line trimmer 1s double insulated. l1qhtweig ht. *4400 1 a . ._, -f y .;. I Sale 37.99 I I Reg. 39.99. Toro 3.5 amp line trimmer 1s double insulated. lightweight, avatlablc cordless. too. H4401. 3.99 yourchoice Your choice of long handled garden tools. Leal rake. garden hoe. garden cultivator. bow rake. Wood handles. metal heads 99~ your choice The most useful short handled garden tools. Choose from trowel, cultivator or weeder. Chrome plated blades or tines. wooden handles. How does your garden grow? ·sweeper' hose nozzle, 1.49 Fan spray hose nozzle, 1.79 Floral hand pruner, 3.99 Deluxe hand pruner, 4.99 rr~CPenney ~ Sale prlctt effective Friday, March 9, through Sunday, March 11. Use your JCPenney charge card. 24 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ~TORE ONLY . . ....... _ ---..,., ~' .... -.... ,. ,f . •"' . . .. ' .. ' i ' ' ' . " t . I " ) . . \ • f , i • ,. ~ • t I l ; { 1 1 J 'f . .. DAILY PILOT Thurtday. Man:h I IQ70 Business Japan Makes U.S. Televisions Some in Irvine ft) MI LTON MOSl(0 "'1T7 Tbe rolor TV 'let found in )'Out h o ml'" riroh u h l' bt>ars .n Amtrit'ln bra.nit nu mt" Out that tlof't n't mt•un 11 "' •~ madl' h re Nor '1cwi. 1t t'\lt'n m~an lhaat 11 wa11 m•d by ian AmNlun t'om pany And it'" nen 1 .. ,11 ll kt·h lh•I )'OUr nt''ltt 5l'I wlll ('CIMll trom an ml'ncan ~oun·t• l ~ rnurkt•t Today tht'y muy l'O m m.-nd more than SO percent 11( It Tomorrow who knows" r orPl lll IH tldUt'' ,., h 1HI' '"hipped ewav J1 tf'ac11ly ul lht• A l>MlllAI., Wtll('fl hltd l>et•n produr lng 111 Tolwun, checked 'Natural Market' By Terry Grant. R Ph Mexico Po1ulers Future Oil Exports \1 I I 1 h I ' II tt I'\ Ct r1 l•ft'\ 1'11111•11 tnlllllh ''"'' ~·· ~ 1•11111 111.c.• t •1 1io111l out 'h• it H••!••r, t1f ,t It,, I ,, m I I I .1 r I \ I' ,. •• ' 111•1,1<111111.• •H't uh 111 I h 11 I' 1.t ... Uh' ·•lflU .. 'fh t l'f'' pr1·•• I lf•ll\tll 1111 1!11 11'1 IJ1•1 111'• lht ,, 1111'1••11\ "' .tll tlh1t·• 11'1" t1 I l•t 11\r' '•llllt' I \lllll' 11111\ \11111 l•h\'\1 .... 11 1 ._,,. prop• rl\ •h •> "'''' '1•111 1111 the II pr11blt·rn " 11 .t 1• • 1 • r 1111• t h ,, '"''' !111 1l r111' •o hl'lp 11\1 '"'1111 lh.11 l•lt•hl1•111 Ht h "'' 111111 1 .. 1 1•111."' rn •· • t 1 • • 1t 19 ~ 1 t • \ •' t \ Mf,Xl l"O t'ITY 1Af'1 Tht.' l 'nllt•tl St111t•' 1"' 11hll lh1• n.-tural murkt.•t for M l'Xlt•o'" 011 f'ltJlOll '>. Mt-xt<'ll' .1m t111"'••dur lo tbt• lln1tt-d Stales !>II>., r ht' ''"".,." Hu.:o B M urguin, i. • .11d .1· .1 nt>w11 ronh•n •nt t.· thut Mt•x11•0 "'ill h.1H tu r1•a'>11t'.,., It:. produc·t11111 l1 m 1h 1111 oil roni.t.tnlly Currt•ot i1l.11111 t' .111 for u produ<'l ton t't'1hn51 of 2. 25 rml11on ha1 rt-b ..i ""'> tu l1t- n>a1•ht•d in 1980 and ma1nt1Jirlt'd tht•rt.' fti r 'it'' l.'rJI :>t·ur-.. PIU~S &D ENT J OSE LOPt;Z Por tillo h11s said pnxluc t1on will I>.: limited to about 2 5 m1lhon barrt:b u day through 1984 to a void hu~t! 1n nux t•i. o( 1nnauon.try petrodollars The liurplus KU'> fro m 0 11 produt' I ton will bt· ont• of thl' bigges t ques 1111n,,., M11r~a111 !luld ~1·a use as 011 µ1 utlur tum goes u p mort! natural gas "111 bl' J\ a1lubh: for Uhl' tit• J1hh•d , hv~t'Vt'r, th.it 1r oil pro· du<·t 1on hm1h arc a dbert>d to, the ga:. "111 lw U.'>l.'d an Mt·x1ctl 1\1 a rgain recalle d that JUSl s ix ~t-ar:. ago Mexico was a net importer o f ml But production boomed in the large Heform.i otl fields in the Yuc<llan and Mexico quickly shined to self sufhc1ency and then became an exporter · Pell• Ill .11Ht II '41•11111 h .... rl"'k 111 11 • • tlrul! th.it ,,,,,, 11111 IK ''"' l•l!ht 11111' ror \ ollr tlln1• ... , llnn t I ak1· •• 1'11 rm• don I I ·'" I' .111 \ 11111• 1· I'.. ~ CASH FAST Airline Pro m ises ""''"'""''' 'Ill II l>OCTClll t ,\' rllO!'I. .. : I !'> "ht•rr \1111 n1•1•tl " 11lt'•l11·11•l' l'wlo. up \1111r 11r•·.,1·ri111111n 11 'hoµ p1nit •H·arh\ or \H' will tk ll\ Pr '"um pt I\ witho ut ,., Ir .1 r·h.ir~" I\ i.: rt•al m .r n\ IH.'l1plt• 1•ntru,1 u-. ~ 1111 tlw1r p r•·,1·npt 111m. \1 ,1 \ "'' 111 m1.1 11 u11 1I \>t•ur" 1 H o meowners . loans arranged for any reason. Credit. no problem . B orrow on your eou1ty. Call now for cou rteou s. fast information. A l ternate Fl ights WASIUNGTON (AP> For the traveler worried about flight cancellations because of rue! shortages the airlines ha\IC a reassuring message:-You'll get there "In almost all ca ses we have selected flights for cancellation where there rA•I UDO l'HAllMACY ~Dt41•..-, )51 ~~·oed ~ ..... 642-1510 l714J 547-715 1 AMERICAN MorlcJocJe Co. is alternative service go- ing lo the same destina- tion the same day,·· says Jim Linse. a spokesman for United Air Lines . Authe ntic 1715 Gold Finger Bari 1 ovl'r 4 1 2 ounces pure gold l from the Spanish coast or U ecove rcd wreckage of a Ga llcon orr the Florida. Co mplete with <'t•rttf1 catc of Historic Artifacts $7500 Value For Sale or Trade TRUST DEEDS, REAL EST ATE, COINS Call 64~·1744 or wrlle P.O. Box 2506, N.8., Ca. 92663 IN SOUT-HERN CAllFORNIA THE DIRECTORY TO BUY IS Orange County's BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY BRAND NEW -ONLY $28.50 The 1979 Ed111on hsts over 5,000 firms w ith name. address. phone number & key personne l. These are grouped alphabetically by product or ~erv1ce o ffe red. This Business & Industrial Otrector'f tells what products a nd services fir ms with 10 or mo re employees provide -IN ORANGE COUNTY I Orange Co unty Chamber of Commerce 401 Bank of America Tower. Orange, CA 92668 NAME FIRM ADDRESS Check tor $30.21 line. Taxi · Check mu11 Accompany Order UNITED IS the cur· rent industry leader in cancellations with 429 flights s cratched this week. mos t of them Saturday and Sunday morning. "The reason we've c hos en most cancella- tion s at that time because that's when the fewes t people fl y .·· Linse said. "Saturday and Sunday morning are the botlom of our valley in the week." United normall y operates 12.000 flights a W<'Ck . each departure counts as one night T H E AIRLINE'S prob- 1 em c o m e s about because its fue l supplier in Chicago. Shell. re· duced its supply to the March l978 level. That's about 5 percent less than U nited needs. Lins e said. because i t s s chedul e ha s grown since then The problem began last week. and on Thur!> day the airline began c alling weekend travelers to rebook them on other nights the same day P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 01' INTENTl()tf TO ENGAGE IN THE SAlE 01' AlCOHOllC 9EVEllAGES ,_.,,, To WhOn\ II May Corteern. Subl•U 10 IM<Unu o! IM ttun ... •P· Pll"" IO<, nollu ,, ...... by QIYe<t !NII t he unde"l;ned p•oPO>U to ull alcof>otl< bl!ve•-• al IN premlw • dei.<tllleO u lollOW$ 1n ltte >Pk~ pro vid&d below • 1 Town Cente,. Co\taMew. CA Punuttnt to MK" lnt~f"tlon, tht! un de•\lo.-.. apptyinq 10 IM O~P••I menr of AIC-llC B,.,,,.,_ Control rot l\WMIC"• of •n •tcohollc Mv~ra9" tlc~n'~ tor tk~"W') tot •~•w pre m1'M"\•\fOtl~ . ., .. °" s.i. ~ .... IB-F1~ Pul>ll< E•t•"q P loK•I 1rw1n Murn~n M=•u<t>~ltr,r.,•i;r CIU\I O•lly ;:,~~I' PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tll,. 101•-inq Pl'f!oon •• 001n11 Dus• ., ..... TIM'S FlOWEPS. 106'1 Soulll Gour Hwy , Sojsll\ lA9u"-· Callforrua '7&SI Tlmo111v S. l'1c11aroso", 11101 Oen" Vl\la, .Apr. E, South l&oun•. C•lllornl11 '76S1 Thi, ~lneu 1\ conouct..i Dy •n In· dlvldual Tlrno11w S. Ricllel"d10n Tiii\ \letement .. .,, flied wllll rtte Counly C:Jer~ of Or•"°" Countv on February 13. 1m "'-Publl"'9d Ou119e C.0.>1 O.tllv Pll01. FeD. 1 s. n ""° M.ar 1. e. "" st?·I• Your money never had it so good. 9 .665°/o Interest Rate = I 0.146°/o Annual Yield* Republic's Money Market Certificates This Republic High-Performance Money account pays 1/4 i more than any commerdal bank. There are no. broker&Ot" fees or other charges. Call us. We'll arrange for transfer of funds from your bank or other S8Vlngs institution. •t0,000 Mini mum Dep osit 6-Month Tenn (26 weeks) MMt•.,.. ....... M9r.llnMw. 14 ·Annual '(leld II lunch ..,ert to rt1m11ln •t w mr rate for oo~ year. llllt'lt•t ~n11tty lor wot~ ... 1tl'lch<1w11I, • • * * * * Every time the Rooster Crowa your Money Grows RFS REPUBLIC ~~~~!~L SAVINGS 11111111 IN'OA A~A 17th SL Well of Newpon FteeMy 1714) ~1·~~86 MAHEIM 202 Mohelm Plata.~ N. Euclld St (714) 9'6·8290 ~QOM f'UO<JEl.30232 Crown Veney Ptrlcwey (714) 49~08~ W!STllUtUftlt 1)4 Wntmln1tar /t\1111/BolN (, Stln ~go ,,wy (71<4) 89'4·'j47 ..._.. Oflla: AL.TADENA 2246 N. Like AV'I. (21.l) 791-1281 , 6&1·661 l . . oul or lht• bus tnt.'115 las l yt.'ar Ai. a ruult. tht' num ber ot U S manufacturers can be t'ountt:<J on the hnners of o ne hand Zenith. HCA. General t;lcclnc. Sylvanta. Curtis Mathes What happened lo Magna\lox" It has bt.-en taken over by lhe Dutch electronics giant, Philips What happened to Philco? It':. part of Sylvania. WHAT H A PP ENE D to Motorola? It dropped out of lhe television set business. Its plants were a cquired by Japan's Matsush.ita, which markets the sets under the Quas ar name. Here's how it worked out last year Americans bought 10 million c olor TV sets Of that total . something like 2 8 million were imported The Japanese sent 1 6 .. ,. w1,,.,.... Notw fnofrd Tiarba1a Uarne s Hauplfuhrer of Huntington Vall ey. Pa , h as been nominat e d by Knight · Ridder News papers , Inc .. to become its first woman dire c tor Ele c tion is scheduled for April 17 mlllaon The Taiwanese .supplied 625.000 And tbe South Korearus shipped 415,000 That's 28 percent or the rn a rkct. AN0111EB TWO million sets, representing another 20 percent of the market, were made In tbJ!I country by J apanese-owned companies. Matsushita, for ex· ample, tur n e d o ut 600,000 Quasars. Sanyo, manufacturing an Forrest City, Ark .. in a plant formerly owned by Whirlpool, made 570,000 sets. 85 percent of which were sold to Sears, Roebuck. or the 670.000 Sony sets sold in the U S last year. 425,000 came from its six·year-old plant 1n San Diego Other Japanese companies mak ing TV sets here a r e Mitsub1stu. which is assembling MGA r~eivers at Irvine. and Tos hiba. which has a new plant at Lebanon, Tenn., capable or turning out J0.000 units per month Still another Japanese company. Sharp. e xpects to open a new TV set facility near Memphis later this year ON TOP OF THAT, Dutch owne d Magnavox produced at least 600.000 s ets In terms of market share. the• two top companies continue to be Zenith and RCA. both or which get some of their product orrs hore. RCA. the early leader or this industry, was overtaken by Zenith in 1973 Today Zeruth's s ha re is estimated at a Little bet ter than 20 percent, RCA 's at a little less than 20 percent In third place, with nearly 10 per cent of the market . 1s Sears, Roebuck The sets sold 1n K-Marts are imports. and the discount chain has bet'ome embrotled in a bizarre dispute with a supplier It seems that the computer at K Mart sent. by mistake. a S2 million che<:k to National Trade Corp., a TV set importer K -MART ASKED National Trade to return the check Na (),·4·r Tiu· Coun lt·1· HA.SO Listinqs Money Tree Uooal Trade s aid "nothing do- ing." charging that K ·Mart bad reneged on a contract it bad lo buy television sets from Na h ona lTrade The ruspute is in the rourts . K Mart wants its $2 milhon back. plus 6 percent interest. National Trade has sued K-Mart for SIO mtllion. alleging antitrust viola- tions. breach or contract. de famat1on and attempts to drive Na tional Trade out of business. Meanwhile. we• have gotten th.: Japanese . the Taiwanese and the Koreans to moderate their exports H thf'y want a big- ger share or the American market. they will have to come here lo build their sets. And they !'eem quite prepared to do exact ly that Higher Food Bil/,s F o recasl WASIUNGTON IAP > The Carter administration's anti· inflation council has expressed concern that rapidly rising farm prices will pus h retail grocery bills lo higher levels in 1979. Wednesday's 20-page report from the Council on Wage and Price Stability also pinpointed ris ing costs for e n e rgy and med1caJ c are as trouble spots 1n the economy. but s aid housing price inc reases are likely to ea se The government recently an nounced that consumer prices rose a seasonally adjusted O 9 percent in January. for a pro Jt>Cte d annual rate of 11 4 per cent ,. n• • ,. . ' ~:~:~i\ 1\ I• ,. .... ,,. •• 11#""-.,, " II• 18 10 • 11 1~ 11 ·~ .... . '"'• , ... . )... J • "· t t(µ. 11\. .. '° '''· I• 1"-•'-\ &~ ''· ,,.,, ,..., n .. 14• .. 1\... ..... 71•. " J? 1" Jl... .1 .. !!""-.... "'• t~ l"-••• '~ 11. "° u 11'• 11•. '-'-10\.. 79 ,. ~ll"-1' ...... '•"· t)\'J 10 ... " .,., , •.. n·~ 1•" ~····~· s,,_,..,rt Sul>"•EI TIM E or f•tn04• r~cu"'P lf'ftn..tnt ,,,,.,,., "'"'"''• Toi.<oCp T•,.•0<0 fr1t0Pd frll..oG Tyson I'd UnM<Gtl US S""I US TtO u vae,,, UPP•nP V•IYG•• Van Ou\ Vilt('~~ v .. •cro V•N8\I\ W\l\£nr W~OOP\ W•tdtrn wrornMo WethG.o wt"M1o WmorC' WOOdlol WW Eno WrlQMW 7t0f'UI• , ... , .. • • 11· 7" l P" a n d Dou:n~ I /\• NEW Vl)AK IAPI Tiie followlnq .... \ • \ .,_ \MW\ I""" °""' tM (°""1er )O' H ~fO< II'\ •nd .,..,..,.•nf\ fMf ~--~ QOfW up ... M ,.,. mQ\I --I~ mo\I IM~ on l'I 11 ~"~"' Of <"-'~""~" 01 •olum. )/' • ,..,_ f<ff Wed •' tO No W(urlt~ trMt1nq brlow U •r~ tn<t •• • ' U0.0 N~t •I'd ~c.m.tQI" < h.tnqir\ •r~ IN •t-"t 1• ldlft,,.,en<.e btt..,.,...,. t,.... pt'f'lttOU' <IM l"'Q SJt. ~ S.'-1 btd prt<e 4tf"ld tocUy 1 l•\t t>tO prier 4•.., S UP'S I) I• N•-l•l\I Cl\9 10'• tP . t Act'IP .. ,.,. \ 11 • 9'•. t•i... 1 l -;"°""T ) 1 + ,., 14' • ..... l P ent>llb 1 11"-711 • • E •-<"' 1•.. .. 1 u1 '''• \ '" '"° ''· • ' 10' • 10'. • E PC CP 4l "' ·~ • II 1 W•IP.11 ~·· " ''• , ..... I Mtt1r'Ef'Q l,.~ • ', ••• • 1 "" • 8.+f8•V• 1ri, • • '4 • t\ 10 Pr-tnA\ 1' • \.t. I f t• ,, P•nid(AO •'• • t 11 • •1 u G<•Sc "" n•. • 1 ... 1 ,,_. U GoY1Sl-'' • • ''' • _. • u ColuN•t io • "" 1 ll.. t) .... ,ow.. -~· ':\· J1 1 f ,, Q 1 (O'D H • • 1' t 11 11\• t 1 8•r1<hr 1"-i • '• 11• > 111 • UI F•lcnPo •a.,. • t ' 6' • 1• AmA .. tn SI\.• .. 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M:t': rn ~:: ~~~:iod ':!:.,!11s ~:~ ~~':, 10 07 NL Fund 10 10 II 01 .AIM 10 u , .. , St>e•m 0 7 .. 0 NL •Uon ol S«u<l11f~ Monti> U 11 U U Am Lelr I 77 I )1 Hl91tYld II 13 11 01 lncom I ID 'U Tlmp 10 ,. II 71 Slqm• l'Ut>Cll OHlers, Int . ••• NIWS •.JO 100\ Emplr 11" HolCIQ Tr 100 NL Munl •'7 IOJOioTC ~c t•l7 1t1" C•pll 1006 10 'N .,,. pd(es al-"ICI\ N'l'Vn 13 4' U.11 Four E 11113 Hor M•n ,.., IS541 us (l<)v t7S 10 11 Paritm M •1s ••s ,,,,,,.,, t'll 10•1 01411' -urlUes COl'unO 10.47 1111 Hllcm 11.U U,00 INAl'd 1t 4" 17 7'1 Mowt ll"'"'tt Co Penn Sq 1 10 NI Tru\t I 80 • U t OUld ... .._ bMft COlncm 1.1' I 31 MonM 1.00 NL ISi Gnwp. Ftfe<I 1 '3 I 61 p.,.,, Mu '.U NL Vent I 80 •.61 \Old INf'I •ue• CtlllhM 1.00 NL MMM 1.00 Nl Gr•I" s '° \.. lnOei> • ., • 61 PMI• 1 " • M SB Eqly 10 n 11 :M ••lutl M bowf\1 C•PP•H 100 NL ()pin 13.01 ll... rncom U I 3" Mau 10,. 11.1' p"°" C•P • oe 113 Sii l&G• 1143 13.0I lvalu. plu\ wiles Gtnl CC 1.00 NL h Fre 11.0S NL Trst \II 10.80 11 80 Fdlnc I• 07 U.)1 "-n I'd '0. q • SoO.n '" II .. 11 0 <h•rqel w.a.. CenlSllf 10 ... 11.76 US Gvt t.~ Nl TrPeSll 7 •1. .. Mus ,._,cl· Ptlorlm Gfp S• lnV\ I S7 1-11 $tit Illy Cha rtFd U.'115.77 Fldellty G<oul>: lndutl•Y 3.15 MIT ... 10~ PllQ Fd 11111? 0 Swln GI \.JI S.87 AGE Fd •SS •.M Cllue ~ Bos Aqru t.6' Nl lnrcap 1.00 NL MIG t 6' • J1 MaQ C l M ) .. Saver lt1 II 1'0 1119 A<Otl\F 11.0J Nl Fund •...O '·" 9ond 1.e» Nl Int lnvst ti.It 1'.n Ml 0 ~ 11 I• II ~ In t 9A '" Sllte 90fll!Gr. • AdYnll'Y U"•v•ll F•Oflt 4.U UA Capll I.IS t .•1 '"" Gu10 H• NL MCO t.15 10.0I PloMer FUt>C! 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I U Schus 10.07 NL l1Mllfl •.73 NL Tu Ea • M • U C•Pll U 7• I• 13 N Ere 11 ll NL lftvest I U NL Bond 13 .. IS 11 Cofonlal Fut\Ch Purltft 10 1 11 11 Sto<k 11.•1 1• 41 Equl8 • '3 10 03 N Horlr t • Nl CXH t1 S ll NL CsflMQ '00 NL Se" Sf!< I IS '67 Selem s ,.. S.61 S.IKI a.n • J7 HI Inc 'IS 10 OS P•lme 10 00 NL St•ln "°' Fcts FdlfW • II , 1:J """" • 00 • .. Thrllr •IO Nl V•r Py 6 13 1 11 Muni • , •• " l aFr• • 67 Nl 11.1.,, 11 •t NL OtW11\ 1 31 t 07 Grwlfl • 11 S IS Trena 11 .. U.91 lftv R•\11 S Sii • 10 PdA\I I 00 NL Pro Funo I 03 NL CAP 0 II 10 NL rnco"' 1 .. I •7 ln<om I•• I tt Flt111tt<l•I Proo later :13 2J tt •\ SpV•I • 17 • jO Pf'Dlnc '.. Nl Sro<• 12 :M Nl IC.t. .. ., •• 31 ()pin 10 .. '' 31 Oy11a s.n NL ... , • H NL Mlcl AM s XI s u:-P•u SI p • n 10 " St•alGtl\ 11,. Nl NPf .. 61l •IO Ta• Mo l•OSU» lndU\I •U NL. JP Or11\ IOU 1107 MON 'I' F •07 .,, Putn•m Funcn Surv•y F 10.131101 WlhMI • IS , 31 (Olu Gtl\ .. .., NL lncom I 01 Nl Ja11us F II., Nl MS& Fd •• 11 NL Conv 11 31 17 .» TUMOCI '°"' 11,. ,.,.,,., c.-•• Cwllll A8 .. 1 01 F\t r11•n'°'1 JOl>ft H•ncoo. Mui Ben I 11 '" foul! 17 56 ll IJ hmpf GI SSA •OS C•P8d • ,, • 04 Cotti .. c I J1 I .. llnd Ap ",. 1J 37 eono 11.U 18 .. MIF I'd , ... )I G.a•o u OS ,. 1t Tempi w u ... 1J ·~ CApGlh A JS 4 1' Gofftp lid I )t I• 011<,o 6 10 I 11 Grw1h .in • SA Ml F Gii\ • )t • 61 Grwlh 10 SS 11 \J Temp Inv 1 00 NL Enlf'P • U • 71 Comp Fd I 47 I ti Gnoll\ l .n t4C 8ar•n I H I t i MUlualOf Omllla Hl'W'ld II "' .. 1' rrM C ... I.St I 7! HI 'l'lo " 7' ., .. CoMord ll.. NL IMom • 01 • ,, T••E• Am•• 10 .. 11 SI tncom 1 .» • OA Tr ... lnvs •.oo • II rncFd 6 OS 6 61 CofU In• • U 10 00 Slo<l I~ I 61 1J 11 14 W Gr•lh l '1 • 71 lnvH1 7 11 7 .. frav EQ 111l U 111 MUftll 1J" ,, IO ~°"'''' G , )J NL ""Mil A • AO Hl Jot\<IJtn 70 16 NL 1ncom • .. • ,, Optn 1l.n ••.•S Tudr Hd ,..... NI Toi Ret 6 .. 131 ):;!"' Mut •11 Nl FIMllOI ... NL Kemper Funcn h Fr• U17Ul\ TaE1t 11.-.u 06 r-c Gt Sii Nl Veno 16 61 •• ,, ~!""Yid Se 11 31 It 11 "" Var 10.00 NL rncm • ., 10 61 Mui Sh,, "03 NL Vista ,, ,. 1:1.A.l TwftC: Inc I II NI Cm\I-I " '" lr\I c ... 11"' ,, .... Wall 1•.n Nl G•ow • 0 • u Nall Ind "S1 Hl Voyao 1117 "·" USAA GI , .. Nl Eo tGtft 7 j0110 Oly "'"' 100 Nl Flld Glfl l .to 426 "' Vici 11 ... " •• N•t s.<ur Ser llalnbw 1 J1 NL USAA Inc 10"6 Nl FdAm 6., I .. Oryln<m 1 00 NL ,......,.~ Grouo: MOf\M 1.00 Nl 11.1... • , ••. ., llt~rve 1 00 Nl Uni AC<U l • NI ... ,.., .... •.n Otl•w ... "'-Grwth ._.. S.)4 MUflB 10.16 10.AI Bolld •.JI • u fltvar• s SA NL U11ll MUI '-" Nl !'.ct 1710 .... 0.Cll fl.n 17.11 l11<om "·°' IU1 ()ptn IUI 13,. OMd 4.U H I SafK EQt • 32 10.tt uu"LE"!" r,g' 00 Nl Provld i 7l C 07 0.llw 10.ft 11.tO MUl•I UI t.'7 Summ U.,. 13.7' Grwtll S SJ S _. S.IK Gth 1114 n 13 118"':'_,:rt _ . •AG!tlFd • 2t 6 71 Otlch I.It t .,. $tM<I 10.11 11M TKh 1->4 t .11 Pf 5111 •.'3 7 Q SIPC.fl I 7' •.lS ,.,.., "" 11.ll AH.,1111 1:7' .. : h"•• t .05 .... Fr•Mllft ~: Totfl '" to.JO fncom us s ... S.POwt •.en u o "·!.~"" 6.30 6.,. Alntlll"cl c 6) S 06 Della S.43 UJ ll•-11 Ut U6 l(o-ptone l'\r<lds: SllKll 1.90 t.n S<lldcler ~: U ....,p 11.lj 14..1' A!nvett • M NL Dir C•P >.•t ._,, 8"rc L«I .. ., Liq Tr 1.00 Nl NELllO F\llld• Com SI 10 l• NL Ull IMm Alll•ll!C 1r.t1 Nl OodC•8 21.4' NL rWlfl .. 01 6.41 Cln g 16.50 11.74 £quit 17,. IL7' rn<om u 11 Nl 1 ~ • 11.1' n .11 ANIOth U• uo OodC.Sr U.'7 Nl urns 4AI S.05 CIA • 11.'1 20.lS o .... tt1 11.GI 11,ft Intl l'cl IS 0 NL Uft ,.,.. """"' A!nW•'f 1.. '·'" Oru llur 10.4' flfL rncom 1.1' 1.'3 Cui e,03 1.1' fn<I"" 12.7J 13.M M111 fl IO 00 Nl A8«nc1"' •6 .. u 1 1 Ol A~fo _..... Oreylut Grfl• us oo ..... •.S1 Cus l(j 1.n 7.tO llttl!q IS.CD 16.M MM& •.n Nl 0 . .31 "•• H~ oreyt · rl.61 1us c ep11 >.14 uo cus llt s.10 s.sa flf..,ibtr.., e.m.· Spec1 31,. NL ~°" or •.Ot •.tl "lld 8 1 E • ,. l t VOt ••.SO • 03 E111111 1.7' 4.09 Cut ' 17.14 10.1. e,,,.. !4.a Nl Se<urity """'"' I Of\ Inc ···~ 'o .. 11\COf'll 4. .... LIQ A\ !,00 Nl LQAUtt ~II\ 7.lt t 6, Guard ,. 6) NL. llof!d • 77 'Sl llCom ·-1 .U SlO<ll 6 ... HNI,,. 7,ri Nl 1.00 Nl llS C.'6 S 17 ,..,Ill 11 .. HI. Equly ~ Cl ,... Munl • n • II : \.C 01 11· .. "71 lpl Inc •. ., NL l'unde>ll "°' • u Olat ,,,. J.SC ..... Wld fl.11 NL 111 ... \t I 21 , ., S<v 1... 6 ", 6 ... ....... 1... Nl •'"' tc.13 Nl ,..,.,, Inc ~· L• .. lllOtOtl (;rp N••tGt 17.. NL Ull•• "°' ., .,. •no 6 •• 6., ...... Ill" ,;'° NL .,,.., ( "" N~ Coml11 a.10 NL C• Ldr ,, JO lUS Newt Inc • 111 Nl S.IKIM ,,_ ~"11 !hL~' 2..._!.0 Nl ta<Olh Ue flfl. l "'Olt Or a.t• I 9' fmpK 1.14 f 0. 1,.t• Gr 11 r. U \t NICflll'd t1 t4 NL. AmSM 6 .. Nl t ue N .-..· ..... II • ,.. NI.. •IO!I .. ........,. 11\d T• 10Qf 10'1 l ea Ill •.• 10.•I N .... 11r• 10.0S tot1 'plSM rt,, Nl WV~tSll~ ·6·~, ~ ',', lff.I" Q4"lllP •• ,... , ~ 7" l'llot I" NL Lu R u Ge u.~ ~O•H\t 1J..1'1 " Sefttl ... I C<ouP .,. "' • lOf ~= == ~~ ~~ti ~:r.1,N}A ~O!~ ari :t ~::..• t;~ ,:: 10 N°l ~Nuvee1> ~::;. ,:n r,:A'":,. :~ rn W~I~ :t ,e.. t ..... ,. =-s s . en llS .. !> UM . LOOftll' S.ylft "' IUO NL s II n 11 u ......... ~·-·· • S.d J... I 7 t... 11 le< IO.fi Ml C:~I 111• NL fl!MI-~· ~Ill I 7• US tv._ 'ti Hl-'"4111 •a IOOS •O • tS. HI"' I NI Miii 1''7 HI. 6. !i a 17 .. NL. -Nl-1111 ~ ... :!. . -1011 5-n.u I'll-"' ,,.. 11 NL lMd A'*"I, n-t t , 14 3' IHI ".!~ ... 1 ..._.Hl ~ I'll-d-o t.tl NL. Mtllllltoll Atflllld 1 :11 7 ~ In<..,. e t4 t .,_ ~ ,.,_ --~t \ '-Ml lfilft lr 1U1 I' MOA • II •.. 8M A 10 t• II I' Moftl I llO NL. APPH JO 10 n .. IMllM ( ....... I .·. . . l t I 7 STOCKS BUSINESS T h ur du)~!'\ Cloti int; Pa·it••·-. ... . . I II w. I ... I •• ~~ :. . . " ""' .. 1\4 ,_ ... ' • ,. I OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ....... ~ ·--'"._ .. ...,., °'' '"-H•• .,..,, ' M kh•••t P•t •he. .. ttw 0.0\t~ t>ttrOU •"<'(JI\( lfH\•tt ''t>U1 •• "-'""' ~ ·~pivtlf"tJ lh tM ...... tift4f A\\04 l•tl"'"Of ~v•U••\ Oll•'-n •filMI ."''"''' .. Thul'lday. March 8. 1979 N DAILY PILOT 88 Tcu Time '78 Law Means Some Benefit By SYLVIA PORTER L•tl .. 11 <-"' Under lhe 1978 Revenue Act, a wide range or 1n dividuaJ taxpayen received either new tax breaks or new penalties. (l) Teachers or employees of tax exempt organiza. lions have long had an opportunity not available to other employees: deferring tax on part of thei r salaries by hav- ing their e mployers buy tax-deferred annu1ttes for tht.'m with part of their sala ries. TREY ARE TAXED ON TIDS deferred portion only when they receive the annuity payments, generall y afttr retirement. This spe<:ial tax break was h berahzed by th.e 1978 law. Employees may cash in the annuities when they retm-. and defer taxes evt-n longer by plac1n~ a lump sum amount, no matter what its size. tn an 1nd1v1dual retire· ment account With this break. the funds can continue to earn tax-free interest Money's Worth c 2 l Peopl(' who qualify ror the 20 per· ce nl c r ed it f or e~loyment-rclated ex· pe~es ror the care of children under age 15 will be allov.ed to claim this credit for paymen~ made to their parents fo r car e or children as of 1979. Formerly paymenti. to a non dependent parent could not qualify for the credit beca~e of a Social Security technica!Jty Ttus tax break can apply onl y if the parent is not abo a dependent. 131 ON THE UNFAVORABLE S IDF., the 197 X Rev€.'nut• Act reduces somewhat lhl· tax 'lhelter nature of unemployment insurance. While· unemploymt•nt msurnnct: paid to someone who doesn't work ~enerully will remiHn exempt from mcome tax. the law now provides that re c1pients must pay income tax on unemployment m!>urancc to the extent of half the amount by which ad1usted gross lD· come. plus une mptoyment insurance, plus ~xempt d isability payments exceed $25.000 for married people and $20.000 for singles. Under tttis formula, taxes are never more than the amount of unemploy ment insurance received. 14 l Another 1979 benefit: People who carry a battle with the Internal Revenue Service into the Tax Court may use that court's small claims informal procedure after Apnl 1979 for disputes involving $5.000 of tax or refund for each year The form l·rlim1t was $1 ,500 • 51 Owners or µartnt•r-. in untnt•orporated bu .. 1n1•..,..,es may benefit from I ht• lax law 1r It 1.., practical for them to run part or all or the business as a corporal111n The reason: Business income 1s taxed at favorable rates in a cur· por alion. In 1979. a corporation that has $25,000 of income after expenses pays a tax or 17 percent on that income Stock Market Adds To Week's Advance NEW YORK (AP) -Gambling and casino stocks rose sharply in active trading as the stock market posted more gains today. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stock:. was up 10.56to844 85. OveraJI, gairung issues outnumbered losers by a 2·1 margin on the New York Stock Exchange .-.iot•k" 111 The .'ipotlight )0 '"O 10 ''" II Ull 6) '>I• '"0"~ fr An Ulol~ &S St• Mhat .-.fo(•#..:!f Did NEW 'l'ORIC lllPI ll<tvl"Cl'<I 0.<l•r>ed Unch.-nQl"O To•a1 •\'""' Htw h1Qh .. M!'W IOW'\ Pr~v Todo o-. 1038 ·~ «• JJl )87 ... l8f>t IU. •I JI II II NEW 'l'Ol'llC Appro• tlftAI Prt_,IOU) dav Wt"!k ltOO MOMll "00 Vt1H "00 NY <,100 '"'""'\ J1000000 Two ., .. an ~00 Jan 1 tn oa,t,. 1•18 10 cMIP 1•11 lo Odl~ WHAT AM[lt 010 NEW 'l'Ollk IAPI Advancf'CI OKl•l'td u I'( "•"91!d fot•I •UUfS N~w Iii~ Nt• fow' 18 9:10 MO 1J IJO 000 13>00000 71 810.000 18 •X> 000 I H• ol• ('Ill ·~ llO 000 I (MO m 000 Pu·,., fOO..tY OAV J7'1 J\J 1J9 1)1 740 '" tllll w .. ·~ I I \ l 1 1 7 BJ• DAIL y PILO T Thuraday, March 8. 11U9 Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS I Ill HSUAY CVENINO ...... NEWI IJootPO«HCY OHCl .... ~ '•• ~'· tN1'91o ()lhl•h"""l1 I 1.an' 119' '" "-' Cl NHl HOCf<CV 1)1.iltM> a.u:.... "' toe "no-Kw" • ™I IMAOY llUNCH Cil'dy 11 11111• 11.g tr.. JHll1Qe ol ti.I~ 11 .. """"'"' .. , 111 INI I~ .. ,,~ - ~0.. .... -, ... , ...... • ITNET8 cw "'" "'4NOleOC> • OlltO...O HOU ~ ~ocw On <.:IJIU< I CM..WS uo..we • 1• PUOOf ltM.AA ~IV ... ,,..,.,._,l t> QllllNl'll•>g ""Y ... a ... r*1 0119 10 ~tu-t ....... . • :t& I ...CHA.ll .IACIC.IOH t )0 IL OVI! lucY r~ ~\I<.$ enJ Me111 ... • • '' Up from The 11 .. Clll ( t91101 Cttll Hobel I"'" Ir tne OemK.11 A II 8 on-l)(Otect• • O•W P ol f r~h-on the wey 10 t1*1 W8110tn town (Lhnl • *11/A The l\Mf"1e';e ( •j)e<I Mer11 rtw ptoblem• 01 too melly epeelell1t1 and too I-pllmafy ear• ph'flll c1en1 .. beNlQ tacloi.<I by. tMdleel e<.hOOI IC> 1 ..... D CCl.IMA rlOH ~ STIWJll WM 8oel<~y ~I ,,.. I/ i80N "'1lttlat rnot\tCI Or<.t1e11t• In the rnullk: ol the Str..,.. IM1lty uo D 9 JOHN DENVlR AHO THE L.AOIE.ll John OtnvAr and hi• guoal• l/altrl• H.,p.,. C'*Yt Tteg1 l tn• Turner tsm• Bc.mt>ec:~ 111\0 Ct1eryl l .Od pt-11 .,, hOU• ol mu11<.. com4t()y and donc,o m THE 000 COUPl..f 0.Cllf •11 engot IOf fell A IO c.over 1n 1nl9fn111on11 ... 111no metch TUBE TOPPERS KCET ~ 9 : 10 "Last Stand in !<:den " The plight of elephants in Kenya 1s examined in this National Geographic specau! nar;rated by Alexander Scour by. KTLA 8 10:00 -''Scared Straight." Young offenders get et took al prison from the inside in this brutally Crank special hosted by Peter Falk. KTTV • 12:30 -"The Court- mart1al o( Billy Mitchell." Gary Cooper stars in the true story or a general who defies military authority. Of eltlM end l•rm l1nd• U08 @ 80AP Corlnr>e'• btby begin• tell· Ing Tim ott tn l•lln In<! Greek anc:I bouncing him ott walls. end Mary Ooeen'I bollevo 8url'a ltying MUCet atory In one OI Fell•'• &dllflrtl .. ~~E.8 1':30. (I) M'A•a•H franlt b&COmH UP••I Whan he •• not Mlectlld to bll 11\e ,_ commending otticer of the 'l>77th IAl 0 TOHtOHT Julie SOmmetl ~ , .... '°' • pollcewOtnen he meet11 WllHe wor1111-o In the Mounted PoMCe unit 12'..IO • MOVll • *'A ' Wa'ro NOi Motrled" ( 11162) 01vld Wayne. GlnQ9t AoQeo'9 F"'8 flOUC)tel 11te -l)(IMd 10 IMtn that thetf m•rrllO· • are Ulogal. (I hr , 26 "'*') • MO'lll * * • "The COUl1 M1t1..i Of Siiiy Mltd*I" ( 19651 Oary Cooper. Ch•rlH &ldlfOfd. A m111 i. put on tnel ..non ho 0-.. mtll- tary .,,... In Old« 10 lhoft.,, World War II 12 lwa) • MOVll **'A "The Condemned Of A1ton1" ( tlle31 SOQhca l0ten. MPlmllilln 6eheil A dying bull~ trlet 10 peee 1'119 buelnMa on 10 f'lla younger '°" whfln hill paychotlc older boy beCOtnM I recluM (2 hra I 12:37 D 0 MAHHIX PW1t'"'*'8U.~ ~ln a M< ... Of empty and ~ •ll•lra and on.,·nlghl tttnda (2 hr• . 'I min I 2-.tll NEWS a:00 MOiiie * •,;, "Ownon S.rl>er Of Fio.t Street" {193e) ToCI Sl1ught", Eva Llater Well-heeled CUlll>nWltl of • oenaln belt>er ahoC> find t'*"MIYM tn IQ< ~ lhlng deedly. (I hr , 30 mm I 4:00 G MOW ••'A "E~ Man It My E-y" ( t1167) Robert Wet>ber, Elu Martlne111 A Mill• hlHnan •rtempta to pull Ott 8 fWllUllC die mond......, (2 "'• ) 4:30 8 MOYIE * '" "Wings Of Dono«" I 1D521 Zachery &ott, Neo- mi Cl\anee A pllot d1acov- •s tt\at • coti.egue •• l>ecOmlt\Q invot"l'ld wt1h •muoo~• t t hf , '30 min I m MOVIE i-on~ ,.. ... ,.~ '" '"" ~w1NAfpa Ci) HOME ClAAOEHCA ~"W••t ll ,1\u·ards llosi t1>0 1J PEOPl.6"8 CH0tCEAWAA08 1~ 8 8CAAEO STfWOHT Peter felk holtt th11 hOUr· tong IC)ecial lllmod el Ille Rahwsy Stato Prl80n 8 9 FAJAY Guea1 hOat Oeorgo Carnn D TWIUOHT ZOHE An 11t-con carrying • matehbOOk wtth Mann1x's name ...,m.,. 1n '' •• louOO mutd«ed • • l he R&lurn Of The V•mPlrll ' C 19•31 Bel• Lugo.U, Nina Foch 4·46 fJ STEVE EOWAROS •J I CAOO&-Wnl if§I MERV ORlfHH 0-11 Cot111Mt b1'•-M•rioe <.0<1r.., fr•11~ w ....... 7:00 I C8S NCW8 H9CHEWS 1>11'11. V.UI l>y kl· \.\Ill h11 ... t 1lc1 • fift h .111 nu.ti P t'\1plt• ·..., ( 'h 111t·1• \\\ ,1rd~ honoring lh t· 11.ilton ~ f.1\IHlll f nll·rtat1ll'I '>, lor11J:ht ,1t !} on ('H!-1, ('h.inm ·I .! Clock v.,, Dyke 111<1 Army Archerd ar• co-11ot111 for the hlth annu61 pre-t1- 11on ol rheae awerda llOflO!lr>g Arncl'tce. a llVOt • 1111 entllf111neta kl tho 1e1o-•••k>n. mot1<>11 ptelure Ind muaic tnduatr• Buddy bf-h«Mll l0t the aulcldo o1 • fettow atu- dent en. cM!Mted Ill • ICholaattc competition I :OAU.EAY A Nice Plac. To Viti!" A amell-ttme hoodlum II kHle<I by the pot!C;4t 10< rob- bing • loarl company U 9 8TAA&t<Y & HVTCti Two &kid row dilretlels set Sterlky and tiuteti up u their next vtc1lm1 (RI 1:00 0 TOMOMOW Gueeta. CatOlll Sh•w. !Id•· tor of "'Big 8eau111u1 woman.tt • rneg&zlne lhal glo<ll... ,,...,., WOtTlflfl . Abby Hw.dl, CO-IOund« ol 'Th• Oodmotllera." • m1tchmeklng company thtl cat«• 10 Ille•""*'• G LOVE EXPERTS f 'riduy•• Duy• im ... tlot•i.-s AFTERNOON J J0t<EA'8 Wll.O HfWl. YWED GAtotE 8 AlllCHEWS 1 *> 8 018CO MAGIC m 8IX M1u.io.. DOU.AR MAH SI..,. IMJT>t up woh 11 I~ wrlh CSP lo pt9\lenl 100 Mtreb dbQIJI ••-"'P<l<" from lall111g 1n10 enemy h81><1• Q) 8ANfON> AHO 80H fD MACHEL I l.E>4RER REPORT ~ HUMANmE.8 ntAOUOH THE ARTS Otwn•. M6anlog F0< Evv- ry Age . 1108t l ™t Al1Ch14' r emlty Guesi. 01011• C'lAyrior Melba Moo•• lhuoltl Melvin D IHSUACH ~ P1ych1C. StMI ttunl D DATINOOAME U THE OOHO SHOW Q) AOA .... 12 MaJIOy an<J Reed 11111111 "'" d•ughtor of a w1uillhy 1ndu•1rl•Ull 0<1 a bh1>pllll t~charg• fD 28T~IOHT C'hannPl ~bting• f) KNXT !C..BS) Lo'> Anqel"'• 0 KNBC. tNBC) Lo·, Anqeh•'> 0 I( fLA (lrlCI I Lo·, Angele'> G KAHC TV(AOC) Lns Anq1•i.., (eJ KFMB tCBSI $,in Diogo 0 KH.J TV (Inn ) LCl'o l\nql'li"• no, KCS T 1AllCJ •,an Du•go CD KnV flnil 1 ltJ'> Aru11e11 , al t<.COP TV 1lnll1 Li An91•h• fD KG[ I I 11r>B•,1 LrJ', Anr1 .. 11· C!) K(.IC{ IV dJU'i1 Hunl11tqt1111 lll'o1• 1 Change Toward Blacks? Nope By Pt;TF.R J . BOYER LOS ANGELES I J\ P > Hollywood has never hccn known for 1ls ~cnerous disposition toward black actors Oh. there' were always plenty or roles for blacks. but the work wasn't or the sort that 1ust1ficd long hours spent mastering the cr aft. Long after thf" gno-and-f;hufne dayb or Slt'p.in Fctch1t, the bc~l roles offered to black actors wen~ m indless Mr. Mac ho parts, the kmd Jim Brown always starred 1n TllEN CAME "ROOTS,'' which, among other things, paraded across the screen a hoi>t or very fine black actors, many of whom had never before worked before a camern. Surely, "Roots," loved by viewers and professional pointy heads alike, would signal a new day for black actor!'., the <'ntl of ,, n old Hollywood attitude. Surely. "Nope." Meet Stan Shaw. accla1mc."d a ctor and f.'X· µerienced reJecter of t rashy roles. lie was Will Palmer, Tennessee's first black businessman, m "Roots: The Next Generations." ll was one of the c lass miniseries' beefier roles . So, bow 1s llo llywood responding to his fine performance" "BELIEVE IT OR NOT, Universal called my agent after my first night on 'Roots II' and said, 'We have this series we wa nt Stan to do. It's about an ambulance driver who's real reckless, wbo d rives through s tore windows to save babies, and has name is Red Light.' "1 told them to keep the script." "Hoots" and a starring role in "Boys from Company C" have elevated Sha w above the hun- gry mass or black act.ors looking for honest work. Now he can turn down s hows about s lapstick am- bulance drivers; now be can slip a diam ond stud into hls ear and ha ng out in a hotel lounge with a reporter all afte rnoon. But he'll spend much of the lime telling you Hollywood still lsn't right . "WHEN WHITE ACTORS work, there's not a tot of referring to the m as while actors . . . they're just actors doing a role. Like 'Heaven Can Wait, 'theguydldn'thave t.obewhlte. "It's a shame, but right now, black actors are stll1 s pecialty acts. When they send out a call say. ing they want an actor who ls 35, handsome, suave -unJess they say 35, band.some, BLACK and s uave, they want a white guy. lt's an injustice. T here are black actors who are powerful in their cralt and can perform credibly.'' I m N£WSCHECK {f' I 1 N BEAUTY SHOW ®j MAl CH OAME P M I 00 6 (IJ ntE WAL TOHS Wllh Olivia abMttll, !nil W1t10<1 t.lllld1en ere upMll by tne 11rrlval m town ol an 0111 g11llrlend ol th1111 l•lhor 1 0 UTILE WOMEH A rom•nc• O•••lopa tH11woen Jo's a111ng Aune Match end hor ri11•t·OOOr n&lghbOr Mr l•urenc. (Ro1>er1 VouogJ U MOVIE • • • ··Roobery" ( 1967) Stanley 8ak&r, Jamu Booth A Bttll81\ Ir ain ta robboc:t ol a fortune •II« b<llllan! planning by uwi thi.vea. 12 hr• I 0 a1ll MOAK & MINDY Two atunnfog girl• give Mont end Mr Blekley the surprise ol their lh•es etter p1e:k1ng tlle<'n up ti • llln· Q_le5 ber CD CAROL BURNETT AHO FRIENDS Gumt J8Ck Wetlon '1) MOVIE u QUtNCY A my1111r1ou1 dllllHO orupia al a uke Tlh<>ll rOIOr't. battt1no • COl'PI ol ooc1or1 and C11Ual"O a mau o•odu• ol t8frllied Q_liMtS. (R) U COLL.EOE 8A8f<ET8All Alhle1 .. In AcllOn .,. Un•- YOftlty Of Nevada, Lu Vegas m MERV ORIF'F1H Q1191ta. Connie Stevena, Merjoe Gortner, Frank Welket, R4tb Brown. Ore- ~ HerrlllOfl C!) THE A8CEHT OF MAN "The Hidden S1ruc1ur1 The Shano t><onze cratta- men ol China •n<I IM Samurai awordamlth ol Jtpan tauetrate lhla looll el lhe hletory 01 Cfleml9try 8:10 fD NA TIONA1. GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "'LUI Stond In Eden" Alexendar Scour by HptofOS the plight ot ele- phanla In Kenya belno pullhed OUI by e•panaion 'IJaursdag Night fi'el'er Any resemblance to Fred and Ginger is purely impossible because that's John Denver tripping Oitcr ally) the not·so-light .. F 8CI Of toe'· During an "out ol body" 11J1pettenu. •woman wttneuet • 1ata1 lhootlng and beoomee II victim of llntlell• 10: 15 8D P£NHIE8 FROM HEAVEN "Palnllng The Cloud•" Arthur and EllHo !tee ette< they dhlcovef he la wllTtlld tor a mur<lef committed by lhe Ac:COfdl#I Man 10-.JO 1 • HEWS 11:00 0 0 Cl.J ®J HEWS 8CARED 8TIWOHT FOU.OW-UP Otc;k Cevott tak1111 I IOOk 111 •tertllng r_,tt• in thl1 Interview with A•hwey St•le PrlllOfl tuponntlltld· ent Rober1 S. Halrek D MOVIE •'h "W1~11" (tll721 Henry Sllv•. Richard Conto A M•na ltlllQpln hlrn • hit man to ellmln•te hla rlvlla •nd then plans to dou~oe• the ltlller (2 hrs) m THE 000 COUPl.E felt•. hie coullln Ben and Oacar au 1-Jell lor lraua m ntE OOHO SHOW ti) OETSMART KAOS plents a bomb In M&Jt'a ap&11mont 10 kill 11 vltlltng aclentlet 1 1:36 &3 CAP'TlOffED ABC H£W8 MOR NING 12:00 D TWIUOHT ZONE "The Big. T•ll Wien" A Ill lie boy .. ..,... • pr1z:e llQhl tit good kick In ho• come. bed< fight m ALFRED HITCHCOCK PAE8EHf8 "Bang, You're Oeftid" A Ill· tie boy llndl • l)fMlll'lt he t hinka Is for 111111 a.nd OOo9 out lo ptsy wtlh 11 ti) OETSMART KAOS bl•ckmalta tho world by tf'lrNtantng to teunctr • mlaelll fD DD( CAVETT Gliftt Kelhlllne Hepburn (Plll1 'ol 5) 12:06 8 (I) C88 LA TE MOVIE * • 'h "MCCioud Thi 4?nd St111111 Cavalry 1111741 O.nnll Weaver fantastic with Valerie Harper in ··John Denver a nd the Ladies." a musical com- edy s pecial tonight at 8 : 30 on A BC n L KOCE Airs Gospel Sound Tennessee Er n ie For d dreamed or doing a TV show like this for 20 years . And now, his dream has come true . KOCE·TV or Orange County, in and lets the Happy Goodman association with Two Feather Family swing the audience Productions of Hollywood. t hrough •• 1 Woul dn't Take Notbin' ror My Journey Now" 1:30 Cl> WANTED: DEAD OA ALIVE 1:410 HEWS 1:16 8 HEWS 2:00 SI ~BERAY flF 0. 0 MOVIE • * "Ac11()(1 Men" I 19671 J.an Gab4n. Robe<1 Sltck OllrepulllblA Characters jo+n l0ton 10 perpolr•te their CTI,,_ 12 lwa I 2:101 NEWS ~ MAY11£AAY R.F.O. MOVIE • * "The F'lyinQ Mlutltf' (1115t) Glenn Ford. Vhr•ct llndlon An QYe<embmoua World W11 II aubmarlne commandtlf commit• 11 1r11g1e mltl!MY err0< when he rnlkM unaulhorllll<I UM ol • l•ull., mlaalle 2:40. = • • * "In The French Styte" I 11163) JMn Se~o. Steniey 8•1<11< A youno AmMl(;On •rtl•t 1ra"i111 10 SOUTH CO.AST ACToas co-or He1 ,..,. HXl ~ ,,, "-1..-inA• <M"m~*" vrw-• .,..... '''~ vf '"'~ ~ .. """' .. "'9'",,.,.... ,..._ 17141 '57.0212 MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,,,. ,.... ·~ d •• , ... ,....,.. '•i ~ """ 1'4'.,"" •lnll ,,,._ tt1fa()*"F •1' ITO .,I tlffif.,,,, V "••< .. J (•f In••' 1' •l••n ~ Dlf'l.t AHO [MJr ll"''> RI r1 l\IE ni( SI "l. "'n1r M0h()N Ptf !\JAE c:"10( ~ $1. V AtOUl.A !ION PUBLIC NOTICE The "dream" is a 90-minut.e national public te levision special FORD IS JOINED by special and "I Believe He's Coming ,.CTtnounustMlf n 12:00 G ••• "The F1bulou!1 World 01 Jules l/eme" ( 19811 loula TOOie, Er,_t N•vara A band ol Pl<••• l\IOIUIP9 en elomtc: acier>- t11t to l)fObe hla mind tor ••'f9 10 controt the WOf1d by ..-na ol atomlC -- Qt ( 1 hr . 30 min I tlJ **'A "The Hiii· Breed" (1D521 Rob•rl voung. Jen•• Can« Vll- '-"'Y 1!11 uposecl tn en A~ rooa Apjl(:he r ll'\lotl ( 1 hr , 50 mln I 3-00 9 * * '" "The Houw Of The $even H .......... ( t11591 Robert T •ylor. Linda Chrtallan. When• PH-'· 08' turns up dfl80 on his lf'llP. 11 ChW1111'bOet •ktppef dl9COV8f& • atr•~ map tt11t llMIOI to 8 hld<l6n NllZI fortune I t hr , 30 min I 3..30 D • •.,.. ·ca1t Her Mom" I 1972) Conn.. Stevens. ven JonnM>n A cotreoe town t>econ'9!I the aoer>e tor nauon&1 dispute over -•llb-••lur>- nlno w•nr-tak .. 0-.. • lr819fntty llal.la«notf'ler (1 f'lr • 30 min ) An THEATRES ( MAHEJM AREA ) CINEMALAND •• I l"• 1"11 u •4 .. u,oo• 61•1l ,,,.,,., •• ,no ~Gr..eTre61lR~ I 4e "COH'fOr ---·•~N!_ __ _ "KING OF THE GYPSIES" .... ..,..ETTf IAlr (II .~ ........ ( COSTA MESA ) So. Caas1 , .. • .,, "" lttlt 91{,;~. f ,,. .. .,,, • .,,Q J ACMWllV-... nows SUPERMAN (PG) 'tl-4 ·~· ·~·· .. _o.-,•-- ----,s~ Hrid1 __ _ "NORMA RAE11 2 ......... IOlf'GI THE WARRIORS 2:30-4:30 6:JG.8:30-10:30 (A) PUBLIC NOTICE called "Thlft. G r e a l Am e ri ca n Gospel Sound," and lts d ebut on KOCE-TV . C hannel 50, and all 279 PBS stations In the country guests Della Reese, the Happy Back." MAME STATuuNT G 0 0 d m an Fa m i 1 y. l h e The highlight or the program 11u:~o:-·1111 S-ilOn\ er r Oolno l'ICTITIOUS-•USll~US Jordanaires, Micki Fuhrman, arrives when special guest star s•Het.ETOH 1NsuLATrON coM MAAtUTAHMlfMT ~O"D I s s e t r 0 r Saturday at 8 p.m. It wllt be part or a 16-day ''Public Television Festival '79" celebration on Channel SO. "That Great American Gospel Sound" was recorded In a live performance be fore a near· capacity house at Opryland, U.S.A .. In Nashville, Tenn. It is a national PBS production by and th<> Fis k Univer s ity Jubilee Della Reese l a k es over t he l>ANY, non 0-1 uoo-. u ... , o 1• Th• ro110••.-o IM'"o'" •r• ttoi"o " t I h t.oun• Hlllt, C..ttlom•• '1•SJ llu\l,,..n •• Singers In the first national TV stage. She blasts ou nto t e c & c 1NsuLAT10N coNrRAc 0NrAR10 f'l>NNFo ""~roEN s how of its klnd. auditorium with 3 fast-paced "I TORS. INC,. Qlllomla (01pou11 ..... TIAL DEVELOPMENT JOINT VEN Wb non 0.1 ~.Unit 0 1, L--Hiii• TUllF. 110 N••POrt c ...... O•h•, "Gospel mus ic is happy Knew Jesus en." c:.11tof'nl6m).l H••por111 ... 11.cA'1660 music," says the host. And tbe TENNESSEE ERNIE then r111.~rwulHOftdu<te<1bye cor •ME RI CAN N"T10N A1 ht · poteUIN\ HOU .. ING CORPOllAT tON." mood Ls infectious. has a cbance to ~el into w a as o & c 1NSUL,.110N c1111orn1• ,.,..00<.11on. 110 N ... .,.,,., The program opens with the definitely his favorite style or "-£ Cowv. C•nt•r Ortn, N••POrl 8U<h. (A e ntire cast singing a stirring mus ic . He t eam s up with n." .=: ••• 111"" w11h ,,.. .,~N TA1110 C'AUFORN,,.. ... scor version or "Put Your Hand in Musical Direct.or Bill Walker 's County (IMk of Or•-(OUlllV on OEVCtOPMENI, INC ... (elllor"'" the Hand.II a nd that sets the piano to stroll through a medJey Fnruery u .... ,,, corporetlon. )00 H&WPO•t Crnlor P1"9M Orin. N--1 fkKh.CAttlU post live tone for the rest or the or • 'What A Friend We Have in Publl\l\od Or-C.0.•I o ... , Piiot. Th" ...... ""' I•·--by. COi proeram. J esus," "Othe r s,'' ''In the ho n.n-l!Mr 1,1, ,_ SI0-7' POr•"o" AMfRICANNATIONl'L Garden," "My Task," "Come on Hovs1Nc; co11PORATION THE NEWEST talent on the Down" and "The Old Runed PUBUC NOTICE ~';';~.:;,~O.oomtion. program, Micki Fuhrman, a Cross." MUM Tuavou 19-year-o ld discovery from The final segment, a joint 1>1nmouuus1 .. u 1 ~.~~:!!:::!:' Co h lta La Pr ents SOme of number by all or the performers, MAMESTATIMlfMT s.tee ,. US a t • • es TM tollo•ll'O fMr\Oft• •re OolnQ her orietnal compositions. 'Ibis combines three well-known in-1111tirw• .. , .... lllff1 ...... c.-.,... ,,11..., ia her national television debut. spirational songs in a special Pl'vtns CLEANERS. ,.. Oki ""'b"~ 0r..,. c-" 0.,,v P•iot T E · N.,,.port 81Wd • ......,,..,., 8e4ttll. CA ~ Tennessee Ernie introduces ble nd that ennessee rnae con-~ ... erc111, u.n.n . cm One or hll favorite aospel groups StrUCted just (Or thi!J prOl(ra m. Dorothy A. H•MY, "1 E. 10th, e CMU -·CA.,.,. -;::::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;=:::;;;=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~=====-==-=-=;-------------------------"----------:-------------1 Kay A. Wllll•m•, "' E 10th, I Ornngt Coast Colltgt prtStnls ll:l:aMVaAeA&. eTUOeaeTcaM ~NIVtl"9AL lrTUCM08TOUA c.et1•-.CA..,.,. P UBLIC NOTICE -..nMCA~ ll'IOIOOAM WllOlllHO"' ..... MCA-• Ol'l•IOOO•,. 1•\ll11u•lh"'' Ooftfta L Wiiiiam•. fH Trenton ---- OGUE SERJES W•y.Cod•Meu.CA'1•24 SU .. ElllOttCOUllTOl>TMe 'T"OA\/C'I 1 IC:llB~lllY· ··---~ Tiii• bu1W.•'" c-.C1ed by• STATEDl'CALtl"OllMl"POfll I "'"'v L..L.: -" !llM••I Nrt~lp T NI! COUNTY 0, OfllANOE On e rai o o n uir ...-•• _......., Thi•,,.,_, •• ,"'""'•"" t... MoT 1c1: o" .. lf • ._1 .. 0 o .. . th T I f J h M I 4 ACADEMY IWUD DOROTHY A HENltY ... "...,... I ... -· ......... COUnlv (I••-ot Ou~ County on PCTITIC* l'Olt l>._0.ATt: Ofl' WILL with Bil Kimts OMINlrlONS "'"'"•rv,., "" AMD "o" LfTTlftts TISTAMI M MARCH 0 N Ptl_, TA"Y AND POii AUTMO"IUTION fRJOAY, 9 -7:3 p.m. l>uOll"*'Or-Coe\IDellyPtlct, TO ADMIHI UEtt UMDll" TN t flNE ARTS J 19, 2701 falrvlew Road, Co111 Mtu , Ca. l!Mrcl\ '· 1. n, "·"" 111" IMDCPl'MDl'MT ADMINtnlllATtOM tnciudlng: DP ISTATaUCT Admission: $2.50 (Strit~ liclct/5 41)01/abltl [\Ill .. ol fVflYN SAXTOM F I f II BEST A~or STAlllCEY,O. ... wd or n ormetcon,u 556-S&&O "'~ PlJBUC NOTICE NOT1rr '"HE Rt RY GlllfN thAt Ellen Alan Burstyn Alda ~'11mc. "Next~" ·-----------~ICTITtOU• •UllMl'H NAM• •TATIMaNT TM fOl-lllCI pe<Mlft tt dot"9 llual MU et llEl.VlfOER• Pf!T"O L UM. t.TO .• 54111• 0 -GleMeyro SI . 1.-.vn• 9eetll, CA '7tS t C. Niii lteHloo. 0t,..,e1 per1·ner, Ote,,,,.'f'W S. , Me D. L..,.._ Bee<ll. c;Af26jt Tiii\ !Ml;lfttt• la COftCllKtt<I W e llfl'I ... ~ C. Hl!IL "IHICOP Thi• t-1 •H lllecl wltll Ille Cluftty Cteo at Or..,.. County on l"Mr'Wrt "· .. ,. lt•fftt~ "1 w. lldllltMt, hlM m• IMA ...... CA .. t1 "tlttJ ~MltllM Or.,. Ceett Oallf l'llel ~" t,t, •tn t'1t 11J.1t ' .~-... ~ ...... •£-.•• -"'---· . . OTIS PAUL STARl'!C'Y h•t llted ... ,.fl\ e ~lllCWI IOr Pf<oOotle of Wiii •1141 for '"''""°' Of Latten Tt\I em•n •••• to Ille pf'll t•on•r end tor •UlhOrlretloft to •11m1n1'"'' _, the l~I Adm1nl\t,.1lloft Of E•l1te• Act • .-,_. 10 •1>1<11 '' mll<lt tor fllf"!Mr 06t1kvl.,.., _.., t.,.t the t-"ond Pie<• Of -•1119 IN ...,.,. h<n °"" Mt tcr l!Mrc h '1, 1'1', •t to 00 • "' , tn ,,. c.-m1om of 0.Nrt~t HO i el ~ t-1, It rt0 (IVI< C,..,"'r Orlv• ~. lrl IN (tty Of "'"'• A111, C.lllornl• O•led M111111 '· ''" LI![ A llllAHCH ,_lVCte•• ,, ........ ,'°" .. .. 1t••~-·-.... "" 8-tl, CA t1W h t:.,...,. ""-•'-............ , P\#bth"4d Or-Co.ttt Delly flllot M.r I, I, t•, ''" t)t " . .. .. • I I 1 • 7 ENTERTAINMENT I INTERMISSION I MOVIES Premiering • J a(• k U.•m mon point~ o ut som ething to J a nt' Fo nda as th<•y meet tht•ar fa n~ oub1de a Lo~ An~t-lt•s tlwah•r .ll the pr('mlere of tht-1r nt w rno\'tt' Thl' Chln.1 S) ndrome · Starry Salute For Hitchcock By BOB THOMAS 4.i HOLLYWOOD (AP I It was a macabre kind of ce lebration. with the 79-year-old guest of honor being saluted for a lifetime In crime. Allred Hitchcock, the master of the s uspense film . was honored Wednesday night with t he Lifetime AC'hievement Award of the American Film Institute His misdeeds. ranging from sta b- bings ("Psycho") to gar rottiogs ("Dial M for Murder "> to simple shootings <"The Man Who Knew Too Much">. were portrayed on the screens of the Beverly Hilton Hotel "HITCll IS A GENTLEMAN fartner who raises gooscflesh," said Ingrid Be rgman, mis tress of ceremonie-s for the program, which will telecast Monday on CBS. Actors who have a ppeared in Hitchcock films gave testimony to the director's authority on the set Miss Bergman told of pro- testing that she couldn't portray an emotion the director asked for in th€.' 1945 ··spellbound." llitchcock's rely · "Ingrid, fo k€.' it .. JAMES STEWART , STAR o f "R ea r W i ndow " a nd "Vertigo,'' rema rked : "When you work with Hitch, you don't do a scene two ways ; you do i,t HITCHCOCI( one way -hjs ... Said J anet Leigh, t he victim of "Psycho-": "Actors are there to accommodate him ." J ohn Forsythe, or "The Trouble With Harry," added : "Hitch's genius is that he can put so much life in death." Others appearing briefly on the program in- clude<J s uch co-workers as Teresa Wright, Jane Wyma n. Edith Head. Rod Taylor, Vera Miles , Sean Connery, Jud ith Anderson, Car y Gr a nt a nd daughter Patricia Hitchcock. ALTBOUGH Al LJNG WITH adh~itis. Hitchcock was able to walk to the table of honor on his own, amid a standing ovation. His wife for 53 years. Alma Reville Hitchcock, sat beside rum. Hitchcock rema ined his usual droll self in the acceptance speech, terming the a ward "mean- ingful because it comes from my fellow dealers in celluloid." "Afte r a ll , when a man is found guilty of mur der a nd condemned to death, it always make him feel much better lo know it was done by a jury of his friends and neighbors ... with the help of an inadequate attorney ." *NURDER BY DECREE Robtt1 A. Coldlton ~ A film By 8ob Clar- SUmnt CHJUSTOPKER PLUMMER · JAMES MASON DAVID HEMMINGS· SUSAN CLARK · ANTHONY QUA YU: X>HN GIELCUD and FRANK FINLAY and OONALOSUTHl:IU..ANO • 1llr Plivrluc· Robtn Lees and CENEVIEVE BUJOLD • AlwW Croo1t 'MUROE.R RY DlCRH . Saftnpl4y 8y John HoploM Ml.-.c 8y Cati Zmnr and P.ul lAu. Eiita.111~ PmduC'n Lr11 I~ ~eel By 11.tne. Oupont and Bob Cleflt · O"«:tfd By Bob CW1c A "'8fllllht "T'hN«rical Produttior. Prbduc:tlon l'rodlattd h'I Cooperadon With The CAnlldlM Film Oevto~ Corp. lllld f8"ICJUI ~ Uml~ Rde-.d By~Nlco ~PlcturtsCorp. ""'"'°"-·~--·--~ _ ............... New Oldies Opening 'Sunday,' 'Ladies,' 'Set z uan' on Boards Tbr • playa which date back a fe• decade•. but haven't been aee n olon1 tht Oran1e Coa11t In lh~ put 10 yeara, open loruaht anll Priday at a colleSt' and two community tMalera Tonlec ht '• 11frt•rln1& Ii• "The Good Womu11 o ( Setiua n ." launchiflJ( a two wet•kcnd run at S.addltbut•k C'olle~(' Sh•rlng the apntll1ht l-'rid11y wlll be "Sunday In Nt'w Y o rk " a t t h e Wt'a tm1n s t er Co m mun ity Th~Mt•r und "Ludlet1 In Retire m ent" at tht' Newport Harbor Com munlty Theater 80NNlf; COGBILL ht direct mg "St-tt uun," fl morality play by Bertolt llrt'<'ht, which mounts tht" m atn i.t ug of the Sad- dJ ebut k t-'lne Arts Complex for perfo rmances tonight through Saturday and Mar ch 15·17 at 8 p m and Marr h 11 und 18 at 3 pm T he show features a cast of 34 and Is dt>Scr1bed as a struggle between good and evil In the hum an :.p1r1t and the world R eservatio n !> 83 1-7414 o r 495-2790. LAURA BLACK and Michael Blelitz head the cast or Norman Krasna 's "Sunday ln New York" at West m inste r. The comedy, set In the summer of 1961 "when virtue was its own reward." cen- ters on a young woman's roman- tic entanglements during a visit to t he big city. Completing the cast are Jerry Benner , Frank J a mes, Ma ry Be nton a nd Chuck Gres ham. P e rformances will be given Intermission Tom Titus ] Fl'ldays and Saturdays at 8 · 30 at t he theater. 7272 Ma p ie St . Westmlnst.er , through April 7 Reservations 893·8626. "LADI ES IN Re tire m ent" turns back the clock to the late 19th century and focus es on the intense relationsh.ips in an all· fem ale household. Nancy Ebsen 1s d irecting the d r a ma by Reginald Denham and Edward Percy. Cast members include Carol Grant Smith, 0 . 0 Calhoun, P at Gilchrist, Carol Stockmyer . Liza Stratton, Pam Burden and Rick Yorba. Perfor m a nces will be given Fridays and Saturdays a t 8:30 a nd Sundays at 7 30 thro ugh Ma r c h 25 a t th e Newport Theater Arts Center. 2501 CWf Drfve, Newport Beach. Reservations 673-Sl lS. ,/" WI NDI NG U P a t h ree - weekend run for the Saddleback Valley Community Theater with final performances Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m . In the Mis · sion Viejo High School theater is the comedy "Oh, Mama! No, P a pa!" Carol Knight is rurect- ing the show, which stars Ellis E s tes and Va ler ie Mcllroy. Reservations 586-8342. Continuing the ir respective engagements along the Orange Coast are: -"The Sorrows of Frederick" at South Coast Repertory, 655 91CIDEMY IWI• IOMlllTIOIS lllOOllllUllS r An.llletm , 11 f,.U6 •UC.CKt.1 Me•..1 64&-~:?'> MISllOll Olllft·I• $Jn Jlloln C.Otlll illO 49J 4:,4', STAOIUM OlllYM• O<•"Qt L39 &110 CllfllU WllT Wtstmo<IS!I< an .. q3 SAOOU U Cll t 1 !OfO ~1 5!&0 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa !957-4-033 ). Performa nces nightly except Monday at 8 with 2:30 m atinees Saturday a nd Sunday through March 18. "Vanities" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (494 -0743 >. Perfo rmances Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8:30, closing March 17. -"MAN OF LA Mancha" at Sebas t i a n 's We st D inne r Playhouse . 140 Avenlda Pico, San Cle m e n te (492-9950 >. Performances nigblly except Monday at 8:30 through March 18. "The Fox Laughs" at the Sa n Cle me nte Communit y Theater , 202 Avenida Cabrillo, Sa n Cl e me nt e <4 92·0465 >. P e rform a n ces Tb u r s d ays through Saturdays al 8 :30 until Ma rch 24. "Oliver Twist" by the Foun- lam Valley Community Theater al the Fountain Valley Com- m un 1 ty Cente r . Brookhurst S treet at S late r Ave nue . <839 -0173 o r 968 ·3509 ). Performances Fridays at 7:30, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 through March 18. Price Ne w Chief HOLLYWOOD <AP > -Frank Price. former head of Universal Television. has taken over a s c h ief of Columbia Pic tures ' movie di vision, apparently com- p I et 1 n g the s h ake up t h a t followed the David Begelman scandal tt•Jttft ............ "4-2'°° "•1, .. . ........ , ... , "4·2400 .,.., Otta -" w-•· TAICI OOWN1.01 l.W e JtlJ e t 1M , ..... ·- ........ l CAPUH PAIT IUAK 1.01 l'Llll OHi ON 0 .. fl'OI -c.ac:on HAID COltl !WI I >oao e 11H e 41ao ••M e l 1M a I01ao ~~!tl'mr--:,-,.,-.,--. IKiaTWI llOfJ_,. e YA .. 11& lneUW •'-.... --.AOATMA (N t c1nenome c scAeen 63U 255 3 c comPLEX C111pman A .,. &. Santa An.a F rH WO' MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "HARD CORE" (R ) "THE EYES.OF LAURA MARS" WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS "'NORTH AVENUE IRREGULARS" "ICE CASTLES" PG) (G) "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" !PG> "CALIFORNI SUITE" "INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" (PG) "FAST BREAK" (PG) "ICE CASTLES" (PG) THANK GOO IT'S FRIDA'(' "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY' (R) · "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" "MONTY P HON" (R "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" (PG) "UP IN SMOKE" "A BOY & HIS 000" (R) "TAKE DOWN .. "ONE ON ONE .. (PG) ALL DfUVS•IN f'ONN 61JIP.M.MMMn.T C11ti. Uneer t 2 ~~ U11fft1 • t<)ctele "'8nreund 11)1UI 9SIO 1.-e , ... es.- ... .., "'-113/Sll ~IO .*"""'' t•l ...... 17t.NSO , ............ ,.. ... _, Ul'IAN PAIT MUI( I"! It•• e 1JH e 41M -····· .... --C.tc:On HA.I D CGae111 ,, ......... .... ..... , ... . CUNTIUTWOOe MIT WllCJI ':M, M lOOll !NI M OUWUW arT WWI 1"I SUHC_,. .... ,QAIM_,.._ --.,,.. .. .,,. \ATfMIM.-1~1"61~-· J.A.a. TOUCIEH'S "\.08 Of THI IUHGS" "GI , ..... ., .. t AC-TAWA--A- "HEAVltf CAM WAfr' -..OUSI CAUS" lf'GI MUY r•l.9 8 ION u ...... NOUMN IAI 1N1 -ITU teHT TIMI raJ 8111 fr~~ I ""'W:f008 '"' •l ,~1 """ raw • "'" aona '"' ..... 'S '°''"' -'"' ... "Jl'"' "MfOMll ·•·-· TAU DOWN IN! .. .,. OHi ON ONI INI elOltel C. ICOTT MAID C'Oll re1 .. .,. loon. rot & IOOIUl111 -...n:o-• _ .... .-........... DAIL y l"ILOT B J J ! ~.I( • rt"y.11 0 Of:0t:R lllJNTER " THU9'S. 2:00, 1:00 ,Al l :SO OU lll0 .. 111 ... 00 CO U: HA(AMAN MON fNUftl 1 >I tt •I , .. , •• 1 0 "" SAT1t4Jfrrf U JO .> U t M I t$ l t U WINNIJll ACADl. .. Y •WA.RO -NATIOffl llOU H l1 l'ICT\Mt. ~~·· HEAVEN ~~ CAN WAIT PLUS '' WINNER C ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS "THE WIZ" MON .-THURS 7.tS,9:15 GABE KAPLAN IN "FAST BREAK" Plua IPGI "ST AR CRASH" FAST BREAK Ptua (PG) Winner of 9 Academy Award Nomlnetion1 "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" Plus (PG) ONE ON ONE" "\! m \ ,,,, .,. ... llrii~ THE CREAT TRAIN 1 RDBBEAY .. ~ I WED-THURS 7.30. 9:45 l!dwerd H•rrmenn Lorenzo Leme1 tit "FAST Kethl .. n Uoyd "TAKE HEAVEN BREAK'' DOWN '' CANWAIT IPO) (PG) ~M~, ,IUI (lllG) ''STAR Mono Tllure. Pin 1:11, 9:11 "CALl'°"NIA CRASH" IUfT'l" r I 7 8J2 0 -'!L Y Pll 01 l hur1day. March II. t971l NATION I LOCAL Booze Bet Win Sparks Campus Bashf . ''' I/,,,,,,, ''' '"' '" MERCURY SAV INGS NOR110lAMrTON, M aas IAP ) Whe n S mith Colle1P opho m orf' Miary 0.<'kilUIOll won a $2,SOO bet lhat aht• could rorcKo alcohol far a year h~ l't'lt•bnt~ wlth a m1dnrc ht 1ulpof J~ppt>munt chna pJ>"' Thc>n Uw rt>•I c lt•hr lion t>f>a1rn tier •m•ll jrtv 1n hN Mrm1tory 1 uom •prea .,pontunc>oualy from dorm lo tlorm 41\ hundred' nf SoHlhlt'"I, f!lomr In n11ht1nwn11. l uvorh'tl 1u•nm~ t•ampu Bt:U. alNGING IN lht• f1nn dorm 'IHtrkt-d Ult' rt'Vt'lry W 1111w 11 dran k 1rnd d1u1t t-d on Lht' 11uadrunglt• T ht•v w nt 11111'\tC' blor ln& ncroas UM-quad from 11h•t \'<I aµ<·•k "r11 In dorm windowa ··ft wu 1·ru.cy fl waa 1ncrt.'Cl1~• ll w ae J uat l «rrlt1c ." 1oald M11 Dlt'khwoo. an eeonomlu and hiatory maJorfrom Brainard, N V 'rhf' ruc ku a awo k e Jill K n c.;onway. preald cnt o f the 2,200 atudl'nt colll'l(l'. and lhc revelt'ra rt'c•llln1 th l Ms Conw•y bad m 111C!d tht' trad1tlon11I {'hrh-ilrnu" carol""' lu.t n·ur 11t_•r(•n1tdt>d h r with ". II nt Night " T HE ANYTllJNG BUT l'illt•nt nJl(ht w111 lhl' reirn ll of a bl't m 1td" 1.1 year 110 hel Wt_'('O lhC 20 )'Cllr Old 8lU• d t•nl ai od h er m o the r , Eile e n Dick ln:wn. Thti ~t requJred M11. Olcklnaon to 10 without booil' for one year her mother 's wuy of s howing her how to 1et ulona 10ClaJly as a non-drinker. "It wa.11 a really good experience," the d11u1hter auld "I don 'l feel like I Ot'Cd to ha vu u drink to function 11octally " She said the toug hebt challenge t•a m e IWJt s ummer In Washington, I> C . where she worked as an Intern In the office of Sen. Darilel Moynih an, l> N Y. QUEENIE: IAU PllCU IOOD TIU MAICH 14. 1171 I f''t f • ._, t 1 01• t • • ,,~,.,...•to u.. VI• tol tl-4 , ........... ; \\1 d11 11111 111.1k1 rl'fumb 11111t·..,~ )"II l!J"' J rt·n·rpl or 11u lir111g 111 \our ... ugJr cJJclrJy License Battler Loses Trial Bid /\ ('osta Ml'!><.t bui.inel>S license protester 's bad lo hav<· her t rw l moved to federal JUrii.d1ctaon has !Jt'en tumt'tl down, city offi cials i.aid. Marl. llu<•bsch. deputy city attorney, s&1d U.S. 1>1stral'l Court JudJ(I.' Irvine llill has turned down lht.-rt.'Qucsl by J linc Mc La ughlin. 31 MIS.~ Mcl.AUGllLIN , OPERATOR OF' Morn· 111i,:ri<J1• J>rinltnJ: 10 Costa Mesa, has been ba ttling th<· <'llY Mnc<· Mliy, c luiming the city has no right to rN1u1n• Lha l i.he obtain a business license. Tht.-t'tty cha rgt•d he r with doing business without a hccn!>c, a m isde meanor charge carrying ,, maxim um penalty of a $500 fine or sax m onths in Jl!ll, or bolh Miss McLauJ(hhn , whose Harbor Municipal Court tnal has bt.-en tentatively set March 20, as ked that her ca!>e be mov<.od to federal JUr isdk · 11on because a s tate Judge ruled she can't be rcpresentL'd by someone. o ther lha n herself, who ls 1l0l a hcena.ed a Uorney. HOWEVER, H UEBSCH SAlD, JUDGE Hill ha!> ruled that Mas~ McLaughlin doesn't have the nght to bP represented by a non·attorney, other than herself, and that the &la tute under which s he pct1tmned 11> not re levant because 1t applies o nly to 1·ascs involving racial d iscriminat ion. Miss McLaughlin, who believes gold to be the ,,nly farm m edium or exchange and keeps her books balanced in gold grains, is objecting to the <·1t y li<·ensing req uir ement as an infringe m ent on he r rights. FAMILY AFFAIR SINCE 1894 rherP s no sub8t1tute tor exoerience• -K DEN'S c~ir;,e·i~ · 1 :iiistailatiiin :·custom draperies ~~";; , linoleum • wood floor I H J .,._....._ A•-• c .... W..., C91f. •2'27 ,..._ '46-"IJI • 646-JJH PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUS I USINISS PICTITIOUS SUSIN8SS NAM8 STATIMI NT NAMC STAT8 MElllT T llP IOllow1no """""' ll dOlnQ bu•I Tl•• IOHowlno perMHI\ ••• dolno ,_,.,, ., W•lnM• a\ MllNl(H P£TAOlCVM l TO , :.0 CJ'\ SURFACES, MOO Edlno-r c.1.,,.,.., •• SI • Wlte o. L<IOIJ"" 8H<ll, " .... ,. .... ""'· 5201, HunllnQlon 8Ncll, CA •?UI C.lllornt•'7'47 C N•ll R-OI>. Gentfr•I Per1Mr, no Jolln f'urpur•, 2505 Oel•wentSI. MI, l',1tnneyre SI., Ste. 0, L-• Oe<Kll, Hunllt>91on llelld\, CAllllornle ., ... (A 'l?MI CllerlH '"odon. 9'100 Edlnoer Tllla bu\lnns " <onducted by • Awnue, HuntlnQlon Be.Kii, C.lltoml• llmlltCI __,.fthlp. .,,.,., C. NE IL REHKOP TllT1 lwslllft\ 11 <Ol>ducled by A Thi\ ,,,.._, w•t lllecl wllll ,.,. llmltlld ~~p. County Cl•r-OI Orenoit County on JolWI Puriiur• hllruery 2', "" °""'-' lt19don ".,, ... .,..,, ... 6ll W.Mltll..,...,1""9 U• LetA ........ CA-11 Thlt ll.9t9fMnt WH filed wUh the County Clel"ll of Or•noe County on Fet>t1>ery 1J, 191'. Pl .... Pl-Putl41.,_, OrenQI! Coest O.lly PllOI, t•ublhlled Or ..... Coetl O•lly PllOI, l'ICI. U, 22 -MM I, I, 1'1' ~1' ~erc11 1,1. es.:n. 1'79 111.,. ---------- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 41 ""''• .... • ,,,...111 .. o.nc.i ... ~ lnen .,, ~I le CM~"'"°" • u ..... 11-lft ~· ••• SI<>(~ -..... , Before you PJlnt. speckle A permaneni Interior 1ur1eclng compound 1·1b box. Reg. 89'. rlla to grealblW•b 1/2"x8" brHkoff pleetlc •Prlnlcler Mid rtnr. Allowt you to NI ttte height of your 1plnkler helda. Reg. 19'. sprlnlcle a Hiiie or a lot liners mean ~ less to clean-up Handy pa1n1 tray llner that you can use once & throw sway or reuse 11 rOu wish Reg 29• spray away pests & disease Great garden sprayer by Servess 1 'h or 3·gallon compressed air type with adjustable noute and H9Y. to-handle hose. p; .... , f6lffi l ..... #'1l0TT 1411 1711 THE ••WAS HINGTON p arty circuit " provided strong tem ptaUonj almost every evening, Ms. Dickinson sald . However, the end of the year ·lon11 bet "waa one hell of an excuse for a, party." ahe said with a laugh. The college president Joined in the high aplrtta, coming out of her cam· pua house a nd walking s tudents back lo the ir dorms. BEFOaE PAaTING with Ms. Dlckloaon, tbe president joined her in a ce remon1al drink orteq ulla as students sang, "Goodnl&htLallles ." ./ \ nature's handful of color naturals roll on the color Ooep well plastic tray w11n l.1dder hooks, 9" roller frame & all.purpose cover #1 & 2 Reg 3 49 2~.~ build your own pipeline Schedule t25 PVC pipe Eaay to cut & work with 10.1001 teng1hs. 1/'1:" ._.,., .... Sf• 39° l/4" """'"· . ...... 49° • Gliddens finest latex wall & trim paint In exqu1r.1\u colors. • Washable. spatterless. on~ \.Oat is sufficient, unsurpassed durability. • When applied according to d1rect1ons a 11m1ted 8 year warranty applies • Quick drying. color last 5ta1n so1l '5 !>POI roo:.1 .. t.in1 Reg. 13 99 tough. sensible performance -!SP lS 1t1J<>d1um phO!lpMIO bul 11 means powerful cleaning for you• Hoavy duty. &ll·purpose l·lb boi Reg. 1 35 L;°~ank UMful energy tn a bottlo For camping appllances torches etc. By Tru· Teat 139 hot water when you wish Super elflr1ent gas water ne11ert with gless-llned tanks, rapid hot water recovery system & energy savi ng laotures 79~!11- lO .. •H•n ..•.... 94.95 40-tollo11 ... '. ... 104.95 SO-fall•11 ....•.. 114.95 water full circle or Just half Impulse sprinkler featurea tange t11p. prec111on l•t. friction coner1 ind lull or part circle edju1tment. Sprlnlcler ,, Wiier lu~ted. 125PJDA Reg 12.25 """8S Witlr ' topMdlicf ·' Full or p arl clrc fe ad1u1tmen11 Olatance contrOI Ad1u11men1 ptn tor ttne 1pray. Guer. 1 yeer New PJ arm IP·5.C. Reg e ~. SANTA ANA place• Dual 75 n x Sii in. ITYlon relfl· loro.cS garden tlOM. IS'-Yt ri.xlbMt In 111 W9lltNr #71110 Reg 11 96. 4aa .. f I 7 \ t.. INSIDE: •Erma Bombeck •Comics •Ann Landers •Horoscope Nhi Ho is encquraged to participate in activities at Child Space. Latehkey Children They return from school to an unsupervised home. By CHERYL ROMO Of , ... °""' ...... SUff Latchkey children. Definition: Youngsters under the age of 11 who return from school each day to an un· supe~vised h.ome because both parents are working; or, m most cases, lhe female head of household is divorced or widowed and unable to afford child care. Both psychologists and educators have viewed wit~ alarm the mushrooming number of latchkey children across the nat.ion, and, in the last ~ew years a movement has been growing to provide ext.ended day-care facilities for chlldren from low-income families. Last year California's Office of Child Development made more than $11 million available to expand child care facilities in the state. Cblld Seace, an extended day-care center for cliildren lrom 'low=income ramllies, opened in Costa Mesa last November. FUNDED WITH A $35,242 grant from the state Office of Cblld Development, the center with a current enrollment of 22 youngste~ between the ages of 5 and 10, is located in the Costa Mesa Community Center. The program is geared to assist families living in the Newport· Mesa School District. The Child Space concept was born out or a controversy which erupted last spring when the Newport Beach Assistance League decided to terminate a similar pilot program for scbool- age children. The league program's former director Maryann Somerville-Sneed, 40, is founder and director of Child Space. She says most or the parents in the program are widowed or divorced females who pay on a sliding scale determined by the state for the 7 a.m. t-0 6 p.m. five-day-a-week care. The number of hours each child spends at Child Space depends on his or her age and school schedule. CIDLDREN RECEIVE a bot breakfast in the morning, then are transported to their schools by a district bus through special arrange- ment with the school district. 1Gndergarteo pupils receive a hot lunch after school, and all program youngsters are Calvin Goodman, marlceting expert fed what Ms. Somerville-Sneed refers to as a "nutritious afternoon snack." To become eligible for the program, parents must agree to attend monthJ y meetings a nd must maintain c lose contact with staff about their child 's progress. In addition, program parents must be e mployed fuJl-lime . e nrolled in employ ment training or be fulJ -time students. lo special cases. Ms . Somerville-Sneed says, cbiJd care will be subsidized for 60 days if the parent ~an prove he or she is actively seek- ing full-time employment during the period. CHILD SPACE CURRENTLY finds itself, says Ms. Somerville-Sneed, in the "baffling position" of being under slate enrollment re- quirements. Child Space bas 22 children but the stale says the program should accommodate up to 30. -So participating parents are being asked to (See LATCBXEY, Page C:Z> SeIIJng A.rt Artists must become their o wn sales staff to suc- ceed, says expert. , By .JUDITB OLSON °'""°"'""*' .... U you're an artist with a closetlul or old paintings you'd like to get rid of, Calvin Good- man suggests using the old-f aahloned Dale. Carnegie selling techniques. Goodman is a management consultant lo the arta. Many artists don't feel comfortable with this idea, Goodman said, because using sales cam.~gnsisconsidered "selling out." Wasblng dishes to make a living isn't con· sldered selling out but doing well ls," Goodman recently told Orange County Art AuociaUoo llem'-9. Goodman, author or a book on marketing art, contenda that artists must forsake tbelr "toity motives" and become tbelr own aalea atatf if they are to succeed. The public muat shift lta attitude to accept !:!.~~ efforta, be added. Such a chute will be uu11,......, in tbe United States where "mmeUnc ii commerce and commerce ii dirty" Good· manNfd. ' _..,,. BCONO•IC activity la not all bad. AD utilt wbo la Mrtoua about bla work but doean't aell ll mixed up." Goodman, a Harvard 1raduat., aaid be Clee SSLl.ING, .... Q) eoturing_._. _. ____ CJ Cheryl R omo Above. Knstin Per- rine climbs a tree. At Jeff. pool players at Child Space are Jason Lassere. Ryan Droher and Nghien Ho. Daily Pilot Photos by Richard Koehler After the birth of a child a· parent has only one big event to look forward to. Work Ethic Pays Off There are few experiences as personally fulfilling in one's life as the birth of a child. And after such a momentous event -little can compare to those first exhilarating mo- ments when you officially become a parent. Later, things like a toddler taking his tint steps and knocking over a supermarket display or putting his socks into the toilet bowl are anti- climactic. It is only as the child grows older and nears maturity that a parent once again begins to feel and experience the exhilaration of the closeness of another meaningful event. Moat mothers and fathers look forward to the day when a child becomes independent and hap· py: the day be rtnds bis own apartment, 1oes off to colJege or marries. Such expectations are bow we maintain a aenae of sanity in the face of p-een bubble pm on couch. cuabions, 1u1ar in the salt abater and, lntbe bathtub, a seapll that bites. We know .omeday the cb1Jd will leave. Arid lf you are the IOl't of parent wbo dls· ml1te1t recent studies which lndlcate cbUdren are stayiq home until a later ase, often u.nW their late 20s and 30s -or even returning after college or divorce -you will remain optimistic. Meanwhile. as the taste or impending freedom breathes heavily and begins to break down your reserve, there Is nothing quite as ex- citing as the day your child comes hotne to tell you be bas found a job. It is akin to winning the Irish Sweepstakes and having the president invite you ror tea in one morning. I bad such a feeling tbls weekend. Something snapped inside when I saw my 16-year-old son Jumping up and down in poeo stick fashion shouting, "I got a job! I got a job!" His after school business-to-busloess can- vaasing finally paid off. My sonil Steve, had been hired as a disbwasber/poten al bulboy at a local beachf ront restaurant. There is only one bitch: He hasn't yet com- pleted a driver's education class and, therefore, baa no transportation. But for a parent to maintain such a f eeUng <See aOMO, PapQ) • 7 f-a OAILVPILOT ! [...__B_o_r_o_•_c_o_p_e___..J PAIDA y I •Aaat t •1 \'DN \' OMAaa A.alas <Mar 21 Apr 11 1 !xcuemenl, 11~ulaUon and dlst'ovtry ere fulunid Socl•I life a~&enl• Burden ' Uf\ed You covld heve a.cltlmale u~e for ~lebrallon TA.Ull\18 CA.pr JO·May ~> SUcll lo facu. bt familiar wltb bulc metenal, ercent ecwi l )', quality mat.rial Aquarta.n llru,... prom I Molly. aldlna lo 1ettln1 you "reco1nlUon from the noor .. G mNI IM&)' 21 J une 20 > ~chance Id H wllb rolaUvee, clON n•lthbon 8e 11 t1, w1Uln1 w W8l, Inquire and t'baUenae S.JIUart,ua, Vtraro and a~r Oemlm fl1ur prominently CANCE• tJune 21 July 22 1 mph••I• on valuabh .... Spt<'l•l eollectlont. lnrome \l()tenUal, lt"ai&Umalf" bar1a1n• Home, life atyle. bt-auuty 1n1 aurroundlnga theae are 1Potlh1hl11t1 l.J;() tJuly 23 Aua 22 I Cyt'le hlCh. detan .. terms and 1101.tn•t•s, lf'er clear of 1elf dflt'~pllnn renon•ltty 1, emphaal&t>d Make •P1H1•I• J)('rROnttl lip~arancoa, be conhdent VIRGO IAU¥ 23 S.-pt 22 > Mut't1 that 01· C'ur la qu1t't. twh1nd the ann ·•. uraoittd tJur inl( clos('(f door eonfMen('t':'i UBaA <St.•pt 23 0 ('t 2:11 i''lnlal1 1 »Ill,,, lhltn 1ruthtlt' llJ)f'~•d lnfiUCIO('tl, 11hlal11 )UIJI right to dialnbuh1 and d111ph1y pmdu<"I SCORPIO tOt•t 23 New li t l Vuu hrc11k I hrough red lit pt', hurdle obataelt'• 1uid «'rt\&1r11u dett rmJIW'd IH\d 11t ronai SAGl1TARlll>i 1Nov 22 C>.tt• 4!1 1 Vvu1 11hllaty to w\n tr1rn<11 amt lnfluom•c 1~111 I• testt'd K.-y b to oH•n·ome dl1t1 .. 1t't'. l•oiu•ttt• CAPRICORN tl>c•l' 22 Jun lU I At·t'cml on pOSSCb lilOOll. rnunt'\' 1 ll\t'Ollil' Vulcnllal 11 t rartntr. matt• or .anuthnr who h .. "lciteal t1e1" h• you AQllARIUS I J itn l.'tl l''t1b UI I Uo 11lu"'. llt• low, defor to purtnt'r, multi or """ who la 111 \ ol vrd Wllh you 1 n m uJor 1•roJ.,,·t Oc1I •ct'11111t wind PISC ES t fo't·t> 19 M11r :!01 K"' 11. 11• analyze em ploy ment s1tuaalluo Vuu h•vt'I friends who want to aid you ••• Selling (From Page Cl ) learned once he became involved with the t'reative world, .that the re was ver y little literature about selling art. Part of the problem in marketing art, he noted , 1s that it is difficult lo define what art is and isn't Goodman s uggested that a rt 1s something that gives "J>(!rcept1ble form to certain emo· lions." He said a n urtist. then, 1s "a pe rson who is trying to give perceptible form lo eertain emo· lions." GIVEN THESE premises. Goodman said "most artists a re deserving of some sort of market, .. but many a rtis ts feel alienated because they have a difficult lime selling their work. Rather than s itting a round feeling isolated and unsuccessful , Goodman said artists should learn and use sales techniques. A mar~et begins with an artist's "im - mediate circle," Goodman s aid. He offered tips on turning the initial list into a workable sales tool and gave several other ideas for getting customers. First, the a rtis t must develop a mailing list on file cards. The first names on the list would be friends. rela tives a nd other acquaintances :such as the artist's doctor, dentist and attorney. Each person on the inJtial list should be J :.ked for the names of several friends and voila the mailing list 1s complete. ONCE THE LIST is made. a public showing :.uch as a "studio exhibition" should be planned. An art party much like a Tupperware party <'an be given too, Goodman said . ''Here, the customer bas a chance to get close lo the art work and, if done right, the artist." Artists s hould be aware of why people buy art, he added. "There Is a myth that people buy as a hedge against inflation. The real reason is that they fall in love with it or It reminds them of their childhood '' Goodma n said the most effective way to sell art is through a "private sales presentation" where prospective clients are lnvited individual· ly to the studio to view art works one at a lime. Thal way, the artist c an match the prospect's ne~ds with the product "Talk about the color, form, subject matler, em otional references and historical context with the customer," Goodman said. "111E CENTRAL part of selling is finding needs and filling tbose needs .... those people need art. "The problem in the art world is that generally people who know they need art don't know what they m ean by that." If the pros pective customer hesitates, the artist s hould find out what the problem is, then try t o solve the problem. If the painting is too big, show a smaller one. If It's too bold, show a more subtle one. "Theo ... close the sale," Goodman s&1d. T his may be done by asking questions such as, "How would you like to pay for this?" or "Do you want lo frame it yourself?" If an milt doesn't have the courage lo ask a customer ll they would like lo buy. then the art flllJ bis cla.et and "everyone ts unhappy." Goodman said. "All this happens because there is a feeling that selling is dirty." If 11011 hcli.it Cl1I dem /or Ille Sin{IW1 Calendar, &end 1t to Chert/I #«>mo, F'eatur· ERMA BOMBECK I ANN LANDERS I HOROSCOPE • • • Latchkey ••• Romo (Fro• Pase I> rer rutt oth~r low lneomc worklna parents who Of't'd rhlJd t'afl' Allhou1h the pro1ram dot-sn't place mur h C1mpha1la un •ndt'mlca durlnic the 11chOOI ye11r. ch dlh•1•tor H)'• t'hlldren ara eneouraa~d to use 'tool•, wordil 1md td .. u " whUe p1trtkipatln1 in u varh-ty of urllvltlc•11 which ln<"lude ma.klnJ: rrafta and ta .. lna tripe lo the library. puk and 1buppl1U1 ,. nlc;n ''Th" amphaala ht1te 11 tu provide a place 1rnd •11 •l 111v.1•ht~rt . ' flht> lj~yi. ·w .. ari· m w't tnll'rl'1tled In tht'lr llht' dllldr.•11 ,, 1 1h•\<1•lu111111•nt 11odnlly and as In 1JI ~ hh11tht • t h1hl ~fl••". 1oh .. t•J1.plalnr;, will continue lh1ou11h '"l' 11umnw1 w1H1 niort< e mph.1usii. 1•hu•1 .. 1l 1m 1u•1&1l11mfr d1111·111ll11e Hui lnM the· ~unim<'r tht•n• will tw mon· 11ll ul'lur,-l•••t•1u11w ll1t1 t•hlldrt-n will bt• ht'rt• 11111rt• hour11 " M 111 So111urvlll1• St1"ed aay.11. "But 1111111 .. 1 II) w1· u11• .. d11ld llt•\<\•lopn'wnt proacram 111111 llllN&1•l1-tl Ill tht• llltul tlc•vt•lo11111t'11l of lht' 1"11lltl . •.A( ti MONTH Tll t: City of l'1li.lu Mt>i.ll 11> 1••111 ~I tw uiu• l)f 11 11ort1011 of lht• t•ommunlty 1·t111h•1 .. ml llw Nt'wpw 1 Mt•11t1 Sd1ool l>l~trkt 1., 1 r 1111h111 1u-tl f111 t 'hlhl S11ut·t• ~ hot lunt'h pro lol l 11111 Allhou"h 11ho1 t 1111 11luy t-c1ulpmt•11t u111I toy~. lh1• l'l1lhlr1•11 huvt-lht• 1u tv1111tu.ct• of ia purk 11111•1 II\ m 1U'l11 lhu 11tt1•1•t ancl 1•v1•ry other a fkr 11111111 lh•'\ hnve• lh1• u1rn of the• clly'11 11rl 1 l1u11t1t1m11 l11 lh1• 1·ommuo1ty C'unt«r Wh1al 11w l't11lclrc·11 n ·i1lly Ilk•• to do, th1· 1ll1t•1•t111 1u1~11. 111 plnv with t·ur<1ho11rd boxu11. unit •11ut1111I 1•11r ~ ull In 1111' pluyroom 11li.nd lnqw 1•011lh11111 cl hox1•11 with IJ4•t.tpholt·~ und armholl'b t.h Se11111•1 v I Ill• Snl•t•d . who 111 a Coro nu de· I M t11 111111l111r of thrN• u11d 111 workln.i <111 11 1111ut1•1 " 1ltlf'I t••• l11 hum1u1 '1l·velop11uint, b U!'t 11 l11h·1t hv Pu11wl11 lt1•n1wr. 2•l. who hus ,, h11dwl11r'M cl1•.i11•1• 111 i;ot·111I 1•rol11t¢Y from ltll' l l11l \1•r101, of {'11llfornl11 . lrvlnt• Tiii' third 11t1r11on lnvolwd In ('hll<I Spacl'. I .cllll t-!1trnom1on, uhm WU !'t u for11w1 t•mvloyt•t• of llw Nt'"'llort Ht'U<'h J\1111i11t111\l't' Lt•ul(u<''i. cluy 1·ur1• IH'OJl't'l Mris t:dmonson. 4~. a Cm1tu Mt'M.1 mother Maryann Somerville-Sneed helps Jamie 0 'Connor with project. o\two r hlldron. ti. Child Space's cook and book· kt•c•pt'r She 11ay11 ht.•r position maJtes her fetil s he 111 <101n1< "11Unwthmg really important " J\ccordrn.: to Ms Somt·rv1lle-Sneed, ChHd Spul'l' 111 Uw only pro.:ram of its kind 1n the 11r,•11 She 11uid :ilw hopt·!'t th!! concept will ex- p.111<1 to ullwr parl\ of th1· country "On1·1· Child Space become~ al home m this 1·11111rnunily." ~ht• ~llY~. "tht·n 1t will he time to I h111k of .irowt h " 1''11r 111formut1nn Jhc)Ul Child Space, call 7~ 5UH. <From Pase Cl> of uhlJaraUon, il la no bl1 deal to drive bJm back and forth three days a week. A• a topper lo the good new1, my 13.year· old daughter worked most of the weekend at her frlead'a parent.a' appliance store and waa elated with ber eamlnga: $10. Now my only resporuilbllity other than beln1 a chauffeur -Is to continue encouraging both of them In their Independent pursult.s. Obvioualy, tbe reward is two-fold : one may pat one's self on the back for having made it tbrougb all those struggling years: and one may now feel free to view the future in a tot.ally selfish perspective. No more aavlng old wrapping paper and re· using It. No m ore hardboiled eggs In brown bags for lunch. And no more subllmutlng your own desires ln favor of purchasing bicycles and Barbie dolls. And so it was t hat by utlliz1ng this abs urd and premature premise and expanding It to the very edge of impracticality that I was able to go out and spend, among other things. all my good feelings This weekend I turned in my modest white lfonda and became u wanton silver Alfa Romeo. Singles Calendar ,j RUFFEll'S UPHOLSTHY _._, .. w_. ....... , 1122 HeftlOr Blvd. SAFARI SINGLES: ~=C=o=.._=.._= .. ==141=·1~1~51~ An international dinner - will be held al 7:30 p.m. Saturday , Marc h 10. Reserva tions limited to 10 Call Ann Sommers •l 631·437S. AUTHF.NT I C R ELATING : Coastline Com mumty College 1s sponsoring a lecture~ She's the Other Woman series at 7 p m Wednes· d ay. M arc h 7 . i n Ne wport Beach. For in· formaUon call: 963-0811, exl. 256. S I NGLE EX - PERIENCE: "Deal· ing with lbe Anger and the Hurt·· will be the topic of this week·~ pro· gram al 8 pm Friday, March 9 All ages, SS Ca II 997·9600 for direr lions . Spring fashion Show See whats 1n lor 79 at ll"P Huntington Center Mall Fr&e shows a• f 30 Thurs ltooav & Fn & Sat at 1 ·~·3 8parh Blvd & 405 Fwy DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've never read anything on this s ubject in the way that l am go- inc to present 1t. I hope you Wlll pnnt my letter J am the Other Woman. Dear Wife of My Lover . J am younger than you . more sensitive, more cultivated, m ore in tftrest1ng and m ore r e s pons ive to your husband's needs I am not a raving beauty, but I do know quality when I see it -and lady, he 's got it. If you don't want him. just keep on nagging. complaining, being a frump and a bore. Make him feel guilty and he 'll continue to escape from that icebox you call a home. I'll see to it that be finds plenty or comfort in my warm and loving arms. This is my first affair, and his loo. Ours is no beds pring romance. We are in love and it is pure magic. No guilt, no shame and no future. No future, thal is. iJ you see yourself in this lel· ter and go to work to get him bac k. Half of m e hopes you won't -because I want ~his man more than I've ever wanted anything m my life. But the other half of me knows he must have loved you once and his young children need him. No man leaves a wife and a family without paying a tremendous price. I a m writing this letter because I need lo go on record. I must tell myself. "You warned her . You gave her a blueprint. You tried to wise ber up but s he wouldn't list en." I hope and pray with au m y hea rt that you will ignore this Ana "'anders letter Then he will be mine. -PATJ ENCE DEAR PATIENCE: Your c:banc:e11 are ex· cellent -unfortunately. Thanks for writing. DEAR ANN : Can I play Ann Landers and answer "Had It in Janesville" who was misera ble because her parents a lways seem ed to beht tle her and make her feel as if she was failing them? DEAR HAD: You are the only one who has control over your feelings. No one can "make you feel" inadequate without your permission. T ake respons1bihty for your own feelings. a nd allow others to be responsible for theirs. What r am talking about has nothing to do with blame It doesn't have anything to do with changing thmgs or fixing them up. It has to do with growth Wben you can deal with ttungs as they are. you can become unstuck -BEEN THERE DEAR BEEN THERE: Thanks for stttlng lo my teal today. Your advice was rigt.t on. SINGLES RAPS ; J er - rold Cohen, Ph D . will lead a s ingles discussion group at 7·30 pm Fri· day, March 9. in Tustin Call 832·l353 for reserva- tions. S I NGLES EX P O : Singles will be admitted free lO the exhibit hall from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . Saturday a nd Sunday, March 10 and 11. at the Pacific Hotel and Con· venlion Center . Culver City ORANGE COAST SI NGLES: If you are over 39 and single. call Allee Forney about ac- t1v1ll~s WOMEN ALONE : # # t •I' .,H ·••• 0~1"1' 1' p .,,,, ,,_... .,, ,....... '" "''"~'"'',. (,,.. 1r,01h '" tf'Wl\l')I '' ,,,_., u•tt'11'l •' ' V"J#'' > \( .. \\lll"A .. , '"" -' fllJ(jl flit'--.fl' 4! • 141 Kid Works for Tax Return University of California Irvine , Wome n 's Op· portunities Center is sponsonng seminars for s ingle wo m e n . Ca ll 833· 7128 for information The whole philosophy of Motherhood baa been built around the theory that children may not act like they appreciate your s acrific e s. but secretly. they think you 're really swell. You see ll on com· merclala. The one where the frauled mother Is hustling the laundry from one r oo m to another lamenting, "He won't even notice bow fresh his u nderwear smells" only lo see the kid bury his face in it and look like he has just seen God. I personally see children as a Christmas club where you make deposits all year long and get a pleasant sur- prise at the end of the year. There's no in· tereat, but al least you get back what you put in. One of those "cas hing in·' momenta occurred this week when we were putting together our ln· come tax. We said to our son, "Do you have your W-2 form when you worked this summer? We are going lo declare you as an exemption." He looked puzzled . ·'Why would you do that?" ··Because for the last yea r we h ave f ed, clot h e d , boarded , transp<>rted, indulged and kept you in good bealtb." "I 'm filing separate· ly," be said, •·so I can get a refund.·· "But if we claim you. the government allows us $7SO right off the top. Jf we don't gel that ex· emption , we're In a hi gher bracket ." ''You sh ould have thought of that be fore you bugged me to go to work this summe r. I wanted lo stay her e al home and visit with you. E,.... ... 11ee1c S IN GLES LIBERATION: Robert Davidson. Ph.D .. will conduct seminar ser ies b eginning Thursday. March 29. For lnforma. lion phone 833·7128. ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY ORANGE (714) 547-12.21 and Dad and discuss m y was an orphan. A child Ornrigc Con,f Cofll'gc prc:.en/s philosophy of life, but who would keep me in TOTAL LIVING no, you weren't happy my old age and put a until I was out taking a pay TV ln my room. w ith Kathy Alls job away from some As we pored over the poor unfortunate who return, I thought of the e Get Wha t You Wan/ Out of ufe1 n eeded his c haracter 16 hours or labor lbal e s C I d A I · Tl 1 built." went into his birth . et oa 5 tm c llfl'I' li'm · the de manding infant e Learn How to Attract Pros1wity r looked a t this child years · · · the dedlca· SATURDAY, MARCH 10 d hi lion lo his bad skin . r:rd ;~a~e~y .;:: _ ~ t h e years of car ing , FINE ARTS 119 -9 a.m. -12 noon pe rson wbo would te ll running, and fetching. 1101 F111ro1tw RouJ. Costa Mrs41. Ca. the Gestapo his parents Somehow, It's bard to G TRATION FEE 1r5 00 listened lo Radio Free a ccept the fact that your RE 15 : JJ • kids will sell you down For 1nformal1on . rail SSo·SllBO Europe from a r adio _ _. the r Iver for a lousy ~!a:acai:mi:msi'1:1Pl:lhol:lnl:el:rl:Hl:el:rv:la:l:t1031nils:l•:lccl:lel:lp11:1...u1:1li:::s:=a:::a:a:a~ hidden unde r the floor. A child who would see us _s_1_s_95_r_e_fun_d_. ------------------------attend open house at ca mp a nd pretend be Ftnt! Shu•"' Smet' 1903 --------- WOMEN: ADVANCE IDUR CAREER By earning a B.A. or M. 8.A. in business. one of t'1• world's finest '"oes to complement your spring and summer wardrobe, w'11te calf, s lmllar styles In Bont, Camel, Navy or Black Calf. a lso Black Pat4tnt •.. Mid HNI. ' l11g Department, Oronge Coo1t Daily Pilot, P.O. Boz 156/J, Com Meta, Ca. n6U. Plftlt iracWck l/O"T nam1. oddrtu and phone n11mbfr Sprtng Into Spring At The ......... The University of B<>verly Htll:. h," dt•\'clof>'!d .i,-gn~· pro- ivam~ 1deelty su1ttd to W\'men bet wren 25 .tnd SO yean. of dSl' planning or pur5ulng rMeer<> in bu"n"'ss i\ppl'r )'llUr bochek>r'a d~ (in ""'"Y held') tow.n<h /1 M.istl'T'S m Bu~• nl'SS Adminl trat>On Or .ipply 60 on1t\ ol rollriw rredl1 or 11n A.A. ~ towan:I\ th<' Unlv.oNly''-'l'quentlal &chelor'~/ Master's program 1t1 8U!>irleS$ By build1J'g on your prev1oui. woric and life cllpc?nenCft, the complete progr.im u 111lly lake-. from 12 10 111 mon111~ No cUMroom attendance ., nc'quited lndel'fl'dent courw wotk I& dt'itgned jround your -.ched~ and uns of profn· aionall~st Sprtno hll 1P01no1 -Cofne '"OUf new ooti.ctton of all t'1al'1 bHutlful and fun to wear -for ttle vouno and the vouno at hurt1 3467 Via Lido -Newport Beech 673-4610 Pltklno Lot Entr•nce E.vn • Yalu.bk' .tdv•nml ro!Jege d~ lh.ll will .tllow you to join the thoufolnd~ of womet1 now adv•nang lhttr carttn In butlrw.... <AU or write for more 11\(onnadof\. UNIVERSITY Of BEVERLY Hlll.S 11eOO \.Wll'llnt etvd .• Oepe. IC I• ~y HWt. CA 9021 l {W) 659-7700 Authorl&od to conf~r degrn• by th" S1 .. 1e or C.1llfom1il Superintmdtnt of Public 11\Jtl\ICllOfl . "AAA ••••• ,. AU ... M •" "" ...... " " .. ··"' .. .. .. . ~ ... c ... "'•f. _ ... ..... ,_.,..,.. ~ 1~~ SHOES " FashlOf' Island •.• Newport Beach 759-9551 . .._ .. "" ...... _... ... --... ""' ......................... ,.. -... -,._ ----... 7 l COMICS I CROSSWORD MARMADUKE by Br~d Andenon ''That explain• why the bird food disappear& so fast. SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS MAMIE, BABY! HAVE: 1W COOK BUILD lv1£·,A HAMBURGER. By Bil ~eane "Don't worry, Mommy, I didn't wait on y<Nt papers." DENNIS THE MENACE FUNKY WINKERBEAN MISS PEACH e 11·- I.AH, WHA~ WITM r..~e T.4PI ~I MA,C.IA? ~~ fO "JMA'f t MIGMT ICl!P ~It ~l't)f ~ AT MY ~~1 ALWIN~ Nl.4f ANO nADY n:> OIU<iMT MV IWt .•. by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta DRABBLE by Tom Batiuk e u·- by Mell Lazarius MHO, IF N8iO e~se,1 CAN tCAM 'T'Mi CAHeTTa OOWN VOt.llt THllrOAT. r J ' j by Jeff MacNelly OR . SMOCK by Ferd & Tom Johnson @;~T~ ~~1''- GORDO JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS Perhaps you're t oo affectionate, Putun! Bride.Be m ore aloof; as if yt>u didnt ca.re. NANCY COVE« TME 5TAllWQU I WANT TWO IN THE l.06&Y!THEl'£STlO THE ELEVATOR! 6ET ni£ ~ KEY 10 THE &ulTEOM TWELV£f YEP·-·ALL THIS PROPERTY 15 OURS·-· A5FAR AS YOU CAN see • wei..t... YOUR Nos e IS COt..P, SO "THAI" MeANS You·~e OKAY i"O Me, KIDDO! by Gus Arriola by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Ryan by Ernie Bushmiller I ! J I I • ~. Matctl .. 1t79 DAILY PILOT a PEANUTS to\At>? WM'( ~1.0 I ~ ~t11.1" 'OJ'? '40\J Nlb-l"T t~ANf ~ 1'0 eE w.t1 AT, ~U ~v.MtfllM.LT' L111L£ ~rt'4 . by Charles M. Schulz J ti if OU uJERc RIM ... l(OU CAN DANCE UFA STORM ! by Kevin Fagan {,(X)O I ~i '()I.) WE~ "'~O ~ -.e: ~ A li\I ~\)ff. , 1\lf.flE . by Templeton & Forman rm ME SOMEnllN~ QX, .. 15-rHEJ2E A COVE~ CHASl66 FOr< -n-16 ~~ &HOW~ TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACflOSS ~Burro I P1eks dowft 57 S(>loot II Nimble S9 Seragtro 10 Measles, 61 Dead e g. 84 Movie 1' Deft 67 EPI' 15 Rtoener 68 Methodical 16 Can. prov 70 Pope - 17 North Amer!· 71 Therefore can flower. 72 Jtgged 2 words 73 Biblical 19 European weed 20 Tnple 7' Colored 21 Cessation 75 Perceive 23 01 bristles DOWN 2S woo 1 D1plomacv 26 Desire 2 Culture me- 27 Decide dium 29 God ot IOYe l Canadian 31 Curler's cap aibmet 33 Fib members 3-4 Tubes 4 Jet 36 Crest ~ Calmed 40 Sassv 6 Pigeon pea 42 Jacobin sup-7 Shield porter 8 Hat labrics ~ Feat 9 Test· '5 German c1tv 2 words 47 Bodies ol 10 File knowledge 11 Retle¥e 49 Wheel toolfl t? Ptiue 50 Egg drink 13 11arbor 5? Gasp 18 Warning 5.3 Cakes and sound Archaic UNITED Feature Syndicate wednesday's Puale Solved !.~ .i.! • 0 'c " . S Pb ..!.~ .!~ ~ ' I A A L L 0 I ~~ .!~ A L L p u • ~ 0 s ( [ .. I II ( 0 ~~ ( . L A I t •• 0 u c •• -0 • 0 ~ I I L 0 c 0 S I • c A I I ( A $ l II 0 V I I G £ " ( A A L II A H A G l A SI 4 I I L [. l I I E •• " ( ' l u • I • A ,. I II 0 ---S A y s 0 II A " ( 5 s • II 0 A It I 0 0 " ' , I C I ' I A "I S II l l I 22 Fru11 2' Reg1011al 27 Greek pitcher 28 Pastnes JO SNrpen 32 Cenlral J5 Abfallam s wile 37 "The-" 8occacct0 worlt 38 Coll sub1 39 Advantage •t Numbef l u . " I I 43 Card holding 4 I s 0 R • II I IW • c. C A ( ' I r 0 s 1• .. 0 ~ _,_ bene 48 Progress 51 Heaved ~Proficient 5!> Color 56 Scrub 58-Como 60 Harden 62 Being. Lalin 63 Genoan mag11tra1e 65 Gather 66 Toward shel- ter ea Flah - .. ~.A l •• .. ... ~ ............... " ..... ·-. -•• - 7 Public Records MAL.ATSl5 MA!.TER THOMAS C. HALATSIS. J "tt•r Oki toft Of Ml. -Mn . '#1111 .... Heleli" flll GMWft Gnw, C.. PelMO •••10fl~7. tm. He•llOISMW ¥i¥•d by llit brotll•r K•1t1t•tll, ,., • ..,.,..1 or.....,_, Mr. Mid Mn. JoM"" 5'lddDf\ flll Nll...t. ea .. NI-I orM\41~,.nts Mr ...., Mr~ Pfl•r Heletsls Of l.Ofl9 llNcll, c.. ,,_ .. W<"Vknwllfbe....,Olt F110eye4 lt:OD AM •t n.. H .... i..-Mem«i .. a.-1 w1tt1 ""· CMl1et o. o~ ot -""' ""''" Mt1Ncll st °"'"'" Of C~t• MeY oftk let"" 1-....1tt wot " "' -,..., .. , ,. '" w.,.,,_ C•-te,.,, WM•rtOWft. Mlclll .. 1t ~n -tfledlnlc'tlolt Of H..-~=. °''" Mort-. C.0.t• ( Deaths McCAllTY CHARLES R0 8EllT M<CAllTV JR • ruldtnt Of -""-Im. ea. hlo¥"9 • E • -a..,L -.. a llu\Wnd Of P .. M<c;.rty of An-Im, ilJ~Mlf~• ~ Ce • l•t-of 111-ri M<CM1Y •nd J•~· M<Otr1y Senrk•• ~., .. , 00 PM Pe<ofk V'-Q>epel Prlvele lftferm@nt Pe<lfk View Memorl•I Per11. Peclfk vi.. Mortu•rY di,.< '°''· ..... ,ll)O SMITH OOAOfHY ""-SMITH, peswo ewey on Mer<11 7, tt7' et rM Fovntel1t v .... ., c.on-ity Mosc>+t•I 5enrkn ""4\ll1t9 et He'110t lewfl Memori.I 0-0.1 ~"1Sf •••••at MARV C. fl.ANNICK, ~ ewey Oft ._"'" 1, .,.,, .. TM UltlftrMly Of Cellfonll• ~ Cefttff. Se<'YIC•l peltdl1t9 et H......, LAM> Memorlel c~ ~w.a. ' ~INCMAM H.1118ElllTWILLIAMFIHCHAM,r• sl•t of Or-.. ea. PHMd .... , Oii ~" S, .,.,, !ft n. city Of A ...... lm. U .... -• lNC'lldri...,for tlw C.0.le Mew Sc:._. Dlltrld for • veers. • ,......lief ot U. Sefllot Otlr-Club o1 Ar>eM•M -"' St. Ml<llMl's Epls.cope4 CNir<ll of Af\eMI..,, S.nlcn were lleld 111t ~ .. >cot PM at !fie Hef'bOf C.-._!ti 0..1 ~1111 tlle ..... C-JoM K s...ille of St Ml<l\Ml's IE.plw.ope4 Oturcll offklet 1"9 Entono1+11 WNl<H lmmedlete- '' tol-lftQ. s.Nkes undor .,,. dire. llOll of H.-~MovM Oll•o Mortueryot eosi.-s.s»&. ~INS AATHUlt 8RAOFOAO CO\.LtHS. resldont of ~ llH<ll, ea. PetMd ••• , ... ~ 1. ,,,, ... L...-. 99 .. 11, U SvNl¥H b., llh wll• Ftoreft« Of ~ 8HCll, Ca. SOii 1 e\te• Colllns of ~ h«ll. C.. , son 8reclford L Coltlft' ot Pe<N<o. CJ • '°" Or Kettll A. C.ollln• of "elley ~t.,, Ca. --dMlfMor ""'" 8•mlf of~ e.ec11, Ce Soervlces Frldey, "'-'<ti'· "".i 1t:OD AM et tllo Pe<lfk ..,.._ °'-' Pr•wete ~ mcftt l1t Pe<llk View IMfftorlel Peril l1t I~ Of "-n -let <ef'trlDU- tlofts to Souttl Olet4 MMIUI ~. 31,1n c;.,.. -.... So11tt1 lAQllM, ea. ft611. Peclflc V ... Mort\lrt dlroc· •t.Ma-2791. SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -lllg•el de Laveaga, 70 , an oll geologist and member of a pioneer San Francisco Bay area family, died after a long illness Fri· day . He wa s tbe grandson and namesake o( Mlguel de Laveaga, a San Francisco financier ;;;.miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:-of lhe late 19th century. I PUBLIC NOTICE IALTl-.. OM N•ALMOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 6 73-9460 -.L. llOADW A Y MOllTUAIY 110 Bro.ciwav Costa M&A 642-9150 SMTN A lVTHa&. N09TUAIY WDTC&.W atAPIL O'en1atOtV • Fk>Wer Shoe> 427 E 171h St. I I Co6ta Mesa ~ PlmC.f •O'f'Hml SMwrs MOITUAIY 827 Main St. Hunctngton Beach ~538 .. '-"'&, COl.OMIAL N•AL .... 7801 8olta Ave. w..tmlnst« 89$-3525 -t1 ·-°"''' • .-, '-"' .... .,.,. ........ ,, ... .. , t14 '9f f1 .. l"'fl h.,. I I • II Ju,, ..... J-...,. """"' ""'"O ·~ •..-t." l ... ,,, l.vdtOC bttth' .,, ...... u• .. """""' .,. ........ •<-.. " M-aM :t:' PICT1TIOUS 8USIMEU NAME \TATEMEHT TIM fol~ P9'Wlt Ii Oo1"9 l)uSl- IW\' ., THE H URO COMPANY. SIOO c.tnPV\ Or .• "--' hedl. CA "1t60 A,,.,.,, G<-llle ......... ,..I Via Laro. Pero. Ven!M Estem9211• Tllli Ml-ll ~ted by .,. In dlvlduel. ARTHUR G. HURO Tfll• , .. ,_ ... Iii.cl •"" Ille Cou1tty c1er1i ot Orenoe County "" ,. •bn>•rv "· '"' ~" .... Publlw.d 0r.,.. Coeil Oe l1y Piiot \o\8rth I, I, IS, n. "" 11().1'1 PUBLIC NOTICE ,. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y The Biggest M•rketpl•c• on the Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell H, Find ft, Trade It With a Want Ad (842•5878 ) One Call Service Fast Credit Approv•I .._.....,. Motkr. AU real ettale adverti&ed ~lb.la newspaper 11 aub ject t.o the FederaJ Fair Hous101 Act of 1968 which makes It Illegal lo advertise "any pre· fereoce, llm1tatlon, or discrimination based on race. color. reUclOO, su, or oat.Jona! orig10, or an i.nt.eot.100 t.o make any such preference, hm1la uon. or cbscrimlnatlon .. nus newspaper wall not know1nfly accept any advert sing for r eal estal.e which ls tn violu tionof the law. ....................... G11•1 ill I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERDE Be tter than new . spacious 4 bedroom. 2 bath home with a large master swte overlook mg a llWI, tropical atnum court. It's well located on a quiet c ul·de i.a r 1n Costa Mesa·s finest neighborhood. SlUl.000 Don't hesitate . c.'J ll 751·3191 C:SELECT I PROPERTIES JIEDtlOOM +GUEST Gt.ANT VALUE! Giant back bay bargain' Over 2400 fl. of peaceful bvtog 4 Bedrms + 3 baths OR ·3 Bedrm + separate guest/maid's qtrs. Formal livmg rm Ho.M~ Few s. Hott.-. fcH-s. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 002 G.,..nl I OOJ Ga•N I OOJ bch offtolt l~..,tly -Md llftCf oPeflted. THE UNIVERSITY P All THRACE 3 bedroom. 2 bath. single story. near schools & shopping. Very motivated seller -Submit your terms. Offered at $97,500. ~ R.C. TAYlOR CO. 640·5112 ·WESLEY N · TAYLOR CO. R£ALTOHs s111cc tH4u JASMINE CRHtC-$239,000 Some O<'ean view from this beaut. NEW split·level "Sea Breeze" model. Never li ved tn. 3 Bdrms. fam rm, formal DR. 3 baths . Highly improved w /air-conditionin~. prof. landscp. auto sprinklers. luxury cptn~. mirrored wa rdrobes plus other features. Tennis. pool & Jacuzzi. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO .. IU.l TORS 2 I t I S.. JOOCfllM H111 Rood NEWPORT CENTU, H.I . 644'49 I 0 TUSTIN ESTATE ••••••••••••••••••••••• IT'SHOT rr5ASTUIJ! It's only $139,500. Pre s tigiou s oelgbborhood. large en- try w/step up ltvine r oom & cr11c kl1oe fireplace. Formal din 1og, sun·abaoy llllcben w/br eakfast room, 4 rna..'lter bdrm1. catb<.odral <'ell.togs. a JOY to see. HWT)'' Call 00 0303 F ORESTE OLSON ~. "' ...... . MARRIAGE SALE Lvly 4 br. ~ ba fmly home wlv1ew localed m highly t.le:.u'abk Casulle area of M1 s1>1on V1eJo. lovei.t now 1n one of Orange County's fa::.tesl ap· preciaUog area.a. Seller J~t mamed. does not need 2 ~. Agent 1s seller. 646-TII t $52.000 COHDO LOWON BUCKS m.LS IS FOR YOU 2 Bdrm roodo complete ly remodtled with all the dmemttes. Low down. t•a i.y payments. great st.art.er home for mvc~t mcnl. Call 540-3066 **U.S.* * *VETERANS* <1,250 000 Ready '° Move in. >.:.-., P sumable loan. 4 BR, tai. F'a bu lous 180 deg BA. dbl garage, frp4c, lg Orange Count) night lol. Nace area 1n Orangt bghl vtew Gated estate $79,950 By Owner . entry tn bnrk and tile ~ P f'anu.ly rm 2 Fplcs Cov. ered bnck patio. Potting house and much more at a bargain price' Rec:'eol change:s an V A ttltS may enabll:' you to qua.l!fy for $100.000 homl' toan'I with absolutely NO OOWN PAYMENT Worid Real Estate an On n.:e Counly l1rm spt-c11:1l11111l( in VA homl' loans We're Uw Vt::TS that help the VE rs C'll'ru.lar dn ve. Spacrou:. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; foyer & dtrun~ room ho~t It mg m1rron·d ce1hngs Marblt 111.tnl! room fplc 6 Hu~t· bertrm'> H~ Bath!. Maid·., qu<irters Game room Sp<i & masi.age room St-win~ and ~rv1t'e room Swim· ming pool. Cabana & recreation r oom Tennis rourt ii Car l!:.l ragc & much. much more! Call for pri vale previe w E'StDEC.M. INCOME UNITS TRI PLEX 1n PRIM to., LOCATION! Almo:.t New! Mu:.t :.ell 1m rnt.'daately. ~ood term' Two 2 Bdrm. One 3 Bdrm untts wrth shady matun · lrtti. surrounding pro perty I [i"·-~,.~:~ ~ L IMMEDIATE ,.., .. more 11110 r ... 11 Iii Morloft. Ac)t. 541-0800 0 OCCUPANCY 4 BDRM, $94.950 Owner leaving f o r Oregon. Leaving t.ernfk SUPER SHARP aaow MARKET Highly upgr aded 4 l>r w/centraJ air on pool sile lot CalJ now. 894-0611 T Real Estate potenllal in this immaculate 4 Hdnn, 2 bath home oo 1 arge lot. 480U7"* FOR AU. c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 C.M uw 4''~ •---n-,-nu-. ----___ .-Greotlnco..!! GRUTIMCOME! IALIOAISLE Residential + 2 com - mercial reotable spaces s Car parlting, l block to water, 3 bedrm 3 bath un· It. Fireplace. Super for summer /winter rates. 67J.3S50 QPftv fff IJ• I'\ l ltf./ ,,,k' NW I [9·NNtl Single story owner uml wit.6 2 townhow.e desi~n r ear u nits All with private pallo. WI D hook up & mdlv1dual enrlol>ed ga ra .ce~. Call now fi73.8S50 !i.iai\I USTSIDE SPECIAL Front tiled courtyrd RV storage area. Copper plwnbang. Re<.'entJy re · modeled. A real beauty. New applianres Self cleaning oven. An exc1t· ing 4 bdrm home in a shake root neighborhood. Call for appl to 1~pect 545-9491 UNIYRSITY PAD Bright. spacious Rutgers plan. Backs to adult pool and jacuzzi on major greenbelt. a very desirable locaUon ror $124,950 including the land. A COUMIU. IAl'Cm CO. 844·9060 2111 IAH JOAQUIN HIU.S RO • IN~c:onVI 'OCC\\.4.l~ -l& 'E~S • That lntrl9uln9 W om Gome with a Cltudle ------16.4.,. QAT e li'OUM __ _ • ._,..,.. ....... of ... four ICIOl!'bled ~1 be- lvow IO •-lovr 11111Ple -• . . . 7521700 ()Pff,; 111 > • tf \ t ,, fr)H .-<1 • ROGERS REAL TY 67S.2l I I [~lfiMtl ~~;.:u~~ru! --a.-•1tsy ..... EW~-to $100,000 NO DOWN-~ " OOlTNOW!! LISTING ~· 547.2909 Your own babbling brook Vet Ca•Mlor pasl the liv rm. A truly ''liiiiiiiiiimiiiliiiiiiiii• d1sl1nctive e nd unit •' townhom e for the f~l of buyers. 3 lge bdrms fnnl d in. fmb rm. t.red frplc. space lo spare . Near So. Coast Plaza Mu:.t be seen . !Dl-0611 WATERFftOHT f>ler/floal. duplu on legal R ·2 lot, close to shops. Lido Village · a re· aJ value for 1249.500' Wboa lay h'op. R.-.on • '75-7060. 83A% Triplex a s:..umable Owner Will carry 2nd TD Only $1.35,000. Call : 64.5-9161 ~. OPEN HOUSE REALTY x · 2 MESA DB. MAit 2 STotltY"S Take your pick of these 2 lovely S bedroom, 3 bath homes J offers a pool & professional landscap an g The other, new carlhtone carpeting. ~ .. ~ • WOODS drapes, appliances & a ~--comer lot. Both owocr:. FOR LARGE Bt'e mollva~. so make F & ..... ILIES an o(fer! Thts pnc-es arc IV" $13>,000 & $l.2S.OOO. Call Lvly 4 bdrm. 2 story ~. home w tlge fmly rm & • SELECT frml cbo rm. Lse bonus rm can be easily con..,erl PROPERTIES ed to 5th bdrm. Lile pool sized lot. 2 blks from 10 CO%Y & CLEAN acre park. For appt. call MESA DB. MAR t.oday. S4S·94Sl Upgr11ded pluah crpllj r~tVM!iNl$1Jj ::in:,~ t:~·y~!c~~ Real Estate wax lutcben noors. Pndc ----------• o( ownership. Lvly & warm home near scbool6 from elemenlary to col lege. Shopping nearby . RV access. Call today! Open Eves ~9491 ~ Walker i; lee Real Estate CE llDBll ILllRS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE SPECT ACULAI SPYGLASS Lovely s BR Coronado Model With Ni ght Light View. Professionally Landscaped Yard W /Many Extras. Pool. J acuzzi, Sauna. Entry Leads To Large Liv. Rm. & Formal Dining Room . Completely Modem Kitchen. Downstairs Game Room. Call For Appt. To Inspect. $600,000. MEW ILUFFS llAUTT In Great Location In Newport Bch Bluffs. Fabulous End Unit On Huge Greenbelt. 3 BR W /2 Ba. Large Master Bdrm Suite. Putting Green + Largest Pool In Bluff!;. Call Now. Only $155.000. A "Joy Of Newport" Lia Ung. (!) :::;.~ 131·1• 111 -..DO-·---DIM • , , I • 7 l l l I . ' , ....._fwS. ..._...._,W. HoneaPor W. .._..._.S. ............................................................................................ Ho.wt Por w. ....... ,._. w. '""6!d!Y· ~he. 1m OM. v PILQT A .........•...•......... ·····•··········•••·•·· -c-.M.. 1024 ............. 1040 Hottw1ForW. ........... w. ~ .... w. . .. ... .. ................................................................... ·······~············ ... 9111F4 llOJ •••rlll I IOOZ 1 111 .. IOOZ ....................... ...................... . ............................................ . UDO ISU Bay view from 2 patio deeks Pnhanres cuatom spacious 5 bdrm . 4 bath tradlUooal hom : Ilk n~\\ ldtaJ ror ent.tttainine Comer lot ssoo.ooo OCIANRtONT Quall&.1 craf'lanu11' h\p ln m ~ tnm & Oak floon uo; ofr this landmark. 4 BR , 3 ba homP an fm~ lO<'allon. Eatabllahed tree & lown. .. $4~.ooo. IACI IAY Fine 4 bdrm . 2' :J bath fnmlly home on quiet cul de s.ar . O\•t>r:~llC'd pool, plsyhous . st«atc• $169,000 T<'rms IAYROMT St>vcral f me ba front homt-s with pi<'r & shp AYALOM Well l'Ot'\.'ltru<'tt"d. 3 BR . t ba. oak noor. partial basement, ('On<'rete foundallon to'lats area. Sl20.000 -Fee. BI LL GRUNDY . REALTOR • ' 1 • ' • ' ,..,. • .. , f , t· ----------- LO'I& 'f UDO NIC9 ltleHT BcouUfu1ly r~modeled 4 bedroom. 4 bath. 2 story with beams. brick and gla11! Spacious mast r bedroom, fee land and close to t cnnl8. bey and boabn". Pnc(.."(i properly al $270.000. lJ~l()UI lit)M § Rf Al lOAS', 6756000 1443 l ait t;o.,~t ..,lt~hw•v. <.:0•01111 dul Md1 .ii'-<.> 111 Mi '>.I V1 "h ..at ~4b '1!>90 WOMTLAST 8uuUluJ su~,.. rl~110 3 BR. Tow~ 2 p00l11 .. ~ Only $67,000 Aat ~ HAllO' HL.MDS. Wbeo bW lders bu.I Id for a ~mber ol their family. they generally include •••••••••••••• • •• .,..._ I 044 &..Jiii-...,... I 052 ~....... I 0, Pri'..1-. an .. ·....... NO ....................... ··-·················· ····················· US ~ By owoer. Or an1etret Ow_,._ c.oado. Adu.It.a only. Ten· ~ ._.. • • QU111fYING1 rU. swimml.ni. jacuul, -,_,,-t:x~!"~!,m Mesa v'!Je 3 bech-oom ~= =.·ia~ 3 · 1 ho roe. just Hated! 4 pool home! Owner wall Bedroom•. deluxe linauce!CallNow! kitchen wtth bWIUN and T• tD lecl C.,.t dec:orator tile: formal W.u..! 754-1202 dlola1. family room. ·-------• tln!pfac. and bar. Patio, 3 " ... J&r•ll•· $118,900. 8KR Call 540-1720 Tllllllll -· 1HISIAACH ISIMDIDU E~lhinl you've ever wanted 1s 10 this beaulilul 4 Bdrm 3 bath VA Lovely Mesa Verde.3 Bdm, Family Rm, 2 bath. flreplace. t89.500. Call 6'5-9161 . OPEN HOUSl RlAllY / WOO•IOGE SPECIALS Desirous ot li vi in the beautiful Lakes't:e com· muoity ot Woodbrid$ti? We have homes avalla· bje In tbe price range fnxn $12,900 to $145,000. Please call for detaila. Jr ./'I• •'-•fJflHIOt .t fl[ Alf Y ~5 1 -3000 home. It features a --------~ BR + bonus Cor-11 custom pool and jacuzzi • ..... and s undec k oH the 0-Polllt 1026 Plan.Coil. Pk Sl13 000 master bdrm. Pnce has Just been reduced $.S.000 Hurry and call 546-5880 ror more details. 1!1 .1.,:·1111 .. ,\ ~11. 4!~ I , :l !i 11 1 ~,. HERITAGE . • REA LTORS ••••••••••••••••••••••• F ... a..OkSHVw L«e 3br, 2"'ba <total sep. suite> + oversize 2 car H Pq t-"lfl .... ~.,., >1 J ~\nyt1rri•" E.l· ::}ll•r• t·r • Ltd~ gar. Dana Potnt's best======== ocean vu buy al $185,000. LAGUNA MIGUB. IS HILLS ILENDING INTO THE SU. IYCO,INC many extras to construe· ~~~~~~~~ taon delalls; let us show - Jenaeo & Co. Wkdys m 11164; eves 644-5742 OCEAHVIEW DlrlUlg starter hOmt>. 1111!!!!!!!11!11!1!!!!!11!11!1!!!!!11!11!1!!!!!11!11!1!~-----------t ~ly redec Qu.11•L Hli loc $110,900 you the large ram11y -MESA VRDE ""ed lot. 7SX 130. the & by the country club. beauWul pool, the cross· One o( the most enJoya- fenced pauo area, the ble pool & jacuzzi homes spacious 3 bdr m . & avatlable. Xlra lge one forn:wl drnmg rm. " the story home. Call to see at wade '"OVERHANGS"'. Dl¥'ll 968-3371 IUCHPAD 2 Bdrms w /lge rec rm c!t yard. Frplc, spa, custom st.awed glass doors, Fr. windows. Incense cedar clOllel. Loaded w /wooded charm. Askmg $123,000. Call toaee anytJme. COUNTRY STYLE LIVING IRVIME S A LE OR LEASE OPTION Gorgeous 4 bedroom tri·level Yale model. $109.900. Ask for Roy Siemens 631-1266 IE/MAX of cosia-SO. lrYiM, Hwpcri beoc9'. IRc. 2l4E.11thSfreet, Cos .. Mne6ll·l2'6 NBtionwide Network of Individually Owned and Operated Real Estate Offices ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE , INC. a lOCIHlY OWNED COMPA NY SERVI NG THl SOUT H COAST AREA SIN_Cl 1963 5111 • MOVED OUT -He is in his new home. and wants to sell this cute 1 Bd rm condo in an adult complex close to shoppi ng and transportation. Submit your offer. only $49,950. Cal 546-4141 2·$tory cor loc 4 Br or 3+playrm, wcl bar. de· coralor paper~. Xlnl cond. $135.000 LIDO us u all y found l"'n r:=-,·..,..,.im~ .. -g;r~M HO~F.S. Only 1~1wtt1541mrn1 Only avad lol oo Lado. St. Real Estate Ca ..... Propertiu 496-1338 .. .-............. &Toro 1032 lO sl. loc. Quiet ~od or BAV a Island. 1 I 67341441 'UCIPT10H.AU y ••••••••••••••••••••••• BE AiCH GltACIOUS" By Owner 8'h~ assuma· U'I Northwood"s beauuful Amberwood develop· ment . 2 s tories , 4 bedrooms & family room. central air. fully landscaped, cul-de-sac & outstaodl.og value. Price Slll.950. e. -RANCH REALTY 551 2000 DB.IGHTFUL ft This beauWul 4 Bdrm 3 ble VA opOoo. Newly re· home you can really en· 450 NEWPORT CTR. OR. bath custom home 1s decorated. 3 RR . 2 BA. -------- JOY. The home is de· JHl l located "'2 block from the Fam. Rm. Frplc. Blttns. R.ACl'\l IET CLUI lightful&lhepriceas de· ---=-=-:...:...---•Mesa Verde Country Nearsboppmg&schools. T- bghtlul. So is the 10<.'a· Club. It features a Low$80's Aft.6.768·4447 POOl&JACUZZI uon. Call now 979-5370 ,..~ ..L..I M-I 02• separate family room F ·-r-v~ I 034 Completely refurbished 4 A __. _.. -" and dining room & is on a =oiac ,.._..., bdrm. wood floors. new LLSTA ff.••••••••••••••••••••••• large pool sued lol. Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• carpet. drapes. bwlt tn I,. SO? JASMIN EAVE. 54&-S880formoredetails VETERANS M 1 c ro-Wav e e l c. Prmcooly.$129,500.2 Br. Beautiful cond1t1on. REALTORS 1 ba, lrg patio & garage. No down Townhouse Corner lot. Tenrus. No --------i Super cute & cln. all Rare Tiburon. Many ex dues. Owner transferred. COMFORT AILE freshly done. By owner. tras. Pnnc1plesooJy Sl29.500. ~-1491 Pnn· LIVIHG <808> 879-4073 or < 714 > --------World Vet Agent c 1 pa I s on I y . Open In Uus open. spacious & 536-1857· IRANDMEW 559·9270 SaVSuo.12-5. delightful 3 bdrm. 2 ba --------family home. Gas BBQ 2 IDIM COTT AGE TOWNHOMES GOOD AREA Woodbndge 4 bdrm 3 ba. in lotchen. Fam rm I OR ..... lllCOnR UNt "~II-Woods•• Near best schools, shop· tughJy upgraded Wallow Lg. well lndscpd lot ("'--... •de'.,. M > ~· & freeway. 4 BR, 2 Prolessional landscap-p .... aed hardwood floors ~• Costa esa me. 1na. xlnt. locauoo. Owner Quiet pres tigiou s -.... • 2432SantaAnaAve . ~.... n.... neini.bortlood. Set! to ap beamed ce1lmgs. 2 brick Park Place,lnc 842· 7461 $129.900. 559-6337. ..,~ n 51' y 111 fireolaccs and ruct: coun· House Sat ll·Spm. Sun predate ou w1 ove 1t. ll'y kitchen English Tudor 2&3 Br IY OW ... ER l-~m. ~• Soogsparrow. Ownerwillhelpfmance. PLUS -s pilt leve l, 2&3 car " ..,.. Home is guara n teed. 2 Bdrm. 2 bath income garage. fr p I cs. Beaut Green Valley. COHVIMl&4T Call Today 97!1·5:170 urut with pnvate patio oucrowaves, greenhouse Queen's Park 3 BR + . Serving Costa M esa-Irvine Hunt1ngl on Beac h -Newport Beach A windows, pool, s pa . formal dinlni:. Custom locatioo nr San Diego LLSTA ff and,{:d1h, Sl8S,OOO TENNIS court. thruout. Huge brick fnly, lrvoolsioe Jnhd. com· .'" ' From $89,950 cov'd patio. redwood ho\ plex, scb & s opp1og. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = Ar••TOAS l:o~'O.RJNFORMATION 646-006lor~l920 tub, boat storage area, Nice Sbr,2"'1bahome. = ~ Cal 644-7211 Developed by fantastic kitchen w/solid Park Place.Inc 842·7461 FREE WoodtreeDev.Co. maple butcher block 'DRAMATIC 11-AcnLoh Sub-division, ready t bWJc' WEST MIWPOIT 2 Bdrm beach cottage. b&ock bay & beach. PALMDISBT 64UNITAPT COMPLEX W/adJoinlog land tz.eoo.ooe. Q.lffHAVEH 2 Bclrms .. 2 baths, den, frplc. Close to schools & churches. Short escrow posslble. $149.500 m.3663 64.2-2253 Eves M!SAVBlDE s Bdrms., 2"'2 baths. new carpets. draperies. wallpaper: profess~ de· corat.ed. Call for app'L 0 Sl:IJ.500 613-3663 615-4TI7 Eves I ~ associated ffl1')~(U'"J '-'ffl "'GRS • : V\ Ill ) t~ ' ' f , r. ~!~~&•Y 673-1700 __ .....__ _____ ,G<lrgeous white water & counter. Buy before CURvB> 2 Brand new 3 bdrm. 2 ba. April & s ave $7000. "' ... list ot VA homes. lOO's homes, formal dining $108,000. 10638 EI STAllCASE to choose from. Some rm. sep. fm rm, 2 frplcs, Adelaot.e, 963-4133. ~story, 3 br . + den. with NO DOWN /NO -deep lot. 2 car garage. -, .. --'rf-Oll,;..._IMelt ___ '_0_4_0 2'h baths. Family room. ~ N bli t' 2076 & 2080 Orange Ave. -...,. walt·ln pantry" walk-an ~ • .,.. 0 0 ft8 aon, Dup6ea, 717 Femleaf, 1 Br S 13 5, 0 0 O e a c h . ••••••••••••••••••••••• closet lo master br. call for your >St al t e. each, cut.e & clean Owner/Ag\, 642·2164 or ..WIE.ACHHOME $122.000. Call George ~t 64.S-722!. + room to b ui Id . 673-0782. By builder, block to <TI4)5S2·3700 between 10 $162,500. By Owner. beach, ocean view. 5 BR. &Sdail,y. ~JJ40 VA FHA TERMS 4in ba, 3000 sq ft.. lrg 1rvtne PaeifK- 21 -carrAMESA balcorues. 208 15th St.--------2HOUSESowLOT Oean 3&. ltnBa, lg lot. Sl.95.000. AJso 4 BR, 21~ NJVATESPA ... 2 8drms each. $185,000 quiet st. l ~mi from bch. ba at 00117th St. $129.000. Beautfi 1 yr old Condo ..,. by ,,,.,.n-$74,500. Prio only please. ..-...1718 ... · · 2 BR . Westclff leafty owner.'""" .., Owner/agt. 556-2725 _,. . Wlu• IL s own s pa. SWSOCEAM VU Assumable&~ VA 2'1ltba quality home. 11G & IEAUTIFUL AS.5UME VA 9~% LOAN 1 Slll7,500. GUdDIDBfTIY SlS OP ~ h $12,500 D.P .• DO qua · So.Calif.Really SO' wide lot, Yi block to Jumioe Creek, plan 5. Sun,OOOU·S, .or. c I n557~707se Yorktown Villas. 2 br 1112 546-5605 beach. s Bedroom. 3 bath ooo .,, '----.L.. ""--1 gar laun with bonus room & 2 Pool/tenn/jac. S29S, · aft 9 p.m. 3424 Santa .,. ... ........, . .,......; ' · -------- 0 WC Pn'nc Only Call Cl ....... 3 br, 2 ba, i .. fmly dry rm. Eves ~11 fiireplaces, buill·ins. etc. · · · · · ..... 16 By--r Even has OCEAN VIEW for a ppt. Owner/Agt. rm, central atrium v ...... • from deck. PLUS a ~ll2'1orS68·3974 w/jacuni. Total sec VAIEPO sep~rate 2 bedroo'!' Finest duplex in COM . system + much, much 3br.2ba,freshpalntio& furmshed rental uni\ Bldr. just completing. more! Byowoer. out. New crpl. $634 mo. BEST PRICED 495-1720 On the Orange Coast-took to Lingo first ....,...~ I 048 t ...... IHcll I 0'9 .............................................. •IKWLEX * J)cean side of hwy, level kll. easy a<'cess to beach COMDO IY OWMER 3br 2 t.;ba, $99.500 Near Hoag ~-3Q9 Needs pa.ant. minor rt:'· m.. c TWllltw ""''"": ideal for hom(' & -,m'fOll • ,...... ~ Sweepuig golf course Vll. income . Hurry, only 3 br. 21t'.1 ba, lg Augu~ $145.900 mdJ Eod unit. poolside:&. MJ.ss100 Realty 494-0731 ;acuui Lo dwn, a:.s~ PERFECT LSTHOUSF: ba la n et:. By o wner- Sm 2 BR cottage. nr ten. ,_&t0-__ 7778 _____ _ rus. huge backyard. all wood. frpl, sep I BR ren tal. Assume IOBn. SIOK dn. payments fr.JO/mu. By owner Prine only 642-9401. EMERALDIAYLOT 673-6634 •CHOICE • Oceanfront properues Peg Allen, Rltr 494-7578 •ADORAILE 3 Bdrm. home overlook· 1n g Bluebird Park . Grounds s urrounding home mcl. adJacenl lot; t'OWlLt'Y kitchen. scwmg nn.$3'AOOO. <C0460P> 900 ~St. ~~-11 2 BR +den +POOL S168,000! Harbor Vi ew home~­ Monaro plan hos t :s beauWul lBX40 pool + patw. 2 Bedrms +' den. Excellent locauon. Quiet· st roet and easy green be I)> acttSS. Owner will can1 large 2nd trust deed!- Hurry to see· 752-1700 ;PttJri•'>•H\'A·rlU>HI Nfl"I•' l ~IHMffl . i!~qJ!~~ w/pool, jac. fam rm"" complet.ely remodeled. , Bag lot-muc h more Owner W1IJ finance. No cred1t needed. $155,000~ balance Ask for Ed OMnlow 964-2455 EASTILUFF 9.2o/o IMTEREST Dana Harbor vu. 6 BR, EngUsb Tudor s tyle pool & spa by Champion. ~ious 3 bdrm. 3 ba 2 Excel buy & t er ms . story adult condo. Pool . _"96"8294 ________ , overthe4-cargarage. :m Marguerite. $325,000. F.astslde By Owner. 3 bd, PTI. John Vanian Co. JACOISIEALTY Submit terms ·Poss. H4ba2patlos, F.P. Xlnt _63_1_.0000 __ . ----- Bradley Model in Univ. Park. 2 Bdrms., each with its own bath. Sunny ~~====~~ attractive patios. Ex· celleotlocation. Ideal for older couple or young OM>tce corner local.Ion. aiijacenl to park area. l Bdrm 3 baths with many : extras. Top cond1t1on. $19'l.SOO. jacuzzi · sau na · ocir.• ... v1EW clubhouse & rec rm. .._,. "' Take over subject to ex· IUCH PAD isling Joan at 9 .2%. 2 bdrms w/lge rec rm & &t&-m1 yard. Frplc, spa. custom -Walker & Lee stained glass doors. Fr wtndows. Incense cedar closet. Loaded with Real Eat.ate wooded charm. Asking ---------1 $123,000. Call lo see, Make your shoppin ~.:...,P~es easier by using the Dall 49L •3 PUot Claal!ied Ada. - macnab I trvtne raaltg FIN& HOMEs-llDO ISLE YOUU LOYI m Charming 4 BR home that has a "certain appeal" that makes you want to Unger awhile. Oversized ~master BR w/priva te entrance - bea med ceilings in living & formal dining rms -cozy den -gourmet kitchen. Located ne ar t ennis, beaches & club. Have a look! t.189,500. Cathryn Tennille 644-6200. <W-108) CHARMING W a rm & c o zy 4 BR w /1t r:eet-to-1trata location. Huge muU!r area upstairs -inviting den w/lplc downatain -enhanced by catfledral ceilings. Delightful patio fttl'Y. All the advantages ol Lido lJvloqt 1287.500. Lynne Valentine Mt.QIOO. CW·108) eil4T LOCATION L«. street-to-street lot. Traditional 4 a-a residence w /Span1ab toucbee. 1.c. living rm -formal d1Dinl rm -famil1 rm w /bar ft booltc .... - RDDY tlled patio w /ramada • . fol!ataiD. Offered at 1375.000 incl. prime land. Cathy Schweickert Ml-ta. CW-110) 675-6670 trade? cond. $91,500 Open Daily GOV"T REPO 12-4. 548-7454 l'f OWHB 3 Br 2ba, new cpl. $8500 WESTCLIFf CORONA ffiGHLANO R.V.DBJGHT dn.~72/moP/1.$76,500. Ma ny desirabl e MUST SELL T HI S 4br 2ba Mesa Verde FIXBUPPER qualities. Nice pool, 3 WEEKEND BEST OF· home. oo lge corner lot $5950dll. 4 Br 1~ ba. $475 Bdrms, family room. FER OVER w/separate driveway. & total mopymt. $65,950 added sun room, plus S175.000. storage area, 13fl x 60fl. Mulhearn Rlty Register more. Indoor BBQ. m-<K56 or 549-9595 dur· Coe all your R .V. needs. "'"7153 hreplaces. easy care ing week. 675·3923 Conveniently localed --------1 yard with extra RV or _wknds:.:.===..:.·------work.shop w/240 & 120 1•--------i boetpanmg. $175,000. lfJ at. au-volts outlet& avail. Close T&NS HAI01 to country club & golf Court.side charmer. Mile By Owner 3 bdrm. 3 ba. course. $122.500. By from the ocean. 3 Bdrm. ram. rm. din. rm. 2 Owoer.962-7620. 2~bathTownhome. with frp&c'a$249,500.~728S all the upgrades. CDM CH .... •ua EASTSIDE R-2 $102,900. ~ Freshly painted 2 BR 754-7100 ~rm~~r'.u~~~!:i cottage oo buildable R·2 --------• glass & so much more. lot. $74,900. Agent. $2119,000. 413 Acacia Ave. _552_·7367 ______ _ 5 IDIMS. 67S-1784. Jnvester must sell 6 ~amongmoreex· eo.e.MeM I024 bomesinCostaMesa.No pensavlifef homes in thet ••••••••••••••••••••••• bn>kerage. Westc area: a grea 205 Amburs\ $82.500 bomefougrowlngfami· ISTTIMEOFFlllED 2332Fordham $83,500 marrieds. .. 523 ~k:IRVhfE Acaoss STREET RtOMLAKE Woodbridge Arbor Lake. beautifully upgraded 2 br. 2 ba, den, huge master bd & bath. pvt beach & jacuu.i. Corner view. $80,000 8~% lsl TD. Only $115,000. Poss •· ble trade. 640-1922. ly with all new carpets & 2385Notre Dame $82.500 new paint. Listed at an IMSSYIAllS Z!S Wakeforest SSUOO --------1 ....... INch 1048 old·fasbioned price or u you've been waiting !MlSerra Way SllS.500 FIXER UPPER ••••••••••••••••••••••• $119,300 for this one, here It ls! U58Mission $85.500 Perfect ramlly home. ,1, .. ~ R-2 lot (2 Bdrm bouse lo· Call83HI08l for lnlorma· Lge 4 Bdrm ••Du tch .....-v duded free). Room for tioo Haven". CUl-de·sac st. HA A 80 A duplex plus. (8173 sq.ft.> .:-,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;-. Su per i n v es l me o t . Great ta&llllde locaUon. 1• $75,900/submit. ::~f $65,ooo. Call G~ SAVER s~~.E. A l>lvl111M or llnrhor ln\'t>'ltm{'flt t'n. ~ ~ ~-HERITAGE . REALTORS ~~'!!~~ •••••••••• ~~~ ~~'!:!~ .......... !~~ MllVEUUS YAIJE-POOL c .......... ..,.. ....... 11...,..,... . ... . ........................ . w•~J•••n-.t-,,... -......... ··••••9" .... ..... IOOM. .......... ~ ......... . ..... ...., ............... ... ...... lNla. , ....... II If ...... .. ................ WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. ~ W.Coa t Highway Newport 8«ach 6S1·1400 Walk to schools through occ. Expanded Colle.ge IY OWMa Park home. Huge f am Uy Jmmed. poseesaioa. 10% r oom , opeo beam down.Lce28drm,2bath cat bed r a I sto n e Townboule w/frplc, gar, fireplace. Move ·l n 2 patios " laundry rm. ready. OPEN SAT. H . Pool. sauna " rec! area. ZM6AadoverorcaU 0pm bowie Sat/SUn 11-S or call 962·3790 for appt. 1864l Maplewood. ~ a7,500. ~·· ~ ............ !~.~! tkw,.... C..... Slledaua 4 BR 3 BA home 640-1357 {a WoodlM1dge, prof. de- MARINA HIGHLAND& Dellper homo, cuatom =· 2 yea rs new. by appt. Jo ADD Dann ACf.. 7flt..Olll IYOWMER IAITll•CO. Comfortable lo ma lot bc9e. IOOO tq f\ w/man)' 1IU'le. Room ror RV or boet. ClHD, read1 to mowe la. aao 12od at • ...... canted • landscaped. rrp&c, ral.aed brick plan· tfl'•, auto s prinkler. Uablll. 1plaahlaa foun· t.alo atrium. Low main· tenance yard. 3 m in . wabt to pOof, tenn.ll crts, Jacunl. $150,000. By Owner ..... .;,_ -. EMBALDIAY Hard to flod oeean view loL Private beach, sec. gate. $195,000. Ed Perroo Realtor. 645-6233 or 642-0:!86 st•MM.ID CHARM• SpHt-level on quiet hW10p with whitewater viewa. Spacioua livlnt roocn. fireplace. wood p aoeltn1 . J bl1 bedrooms, 2\iii baths . SIJUOO • llOCSo. Coat Hlwa1 in Vtllqe Fair LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 ... . . " ....,....,,.... 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roy McCordle. RJtr 541-7729 Laguna Niguel Realty ~-------~ NEWPORT DUPLEF S l 39,500 Steps to beach. This is a Newport Classic al an ar fordable price. Good summer/wtnler income poe.enuaJ. Investors bel· ter hurry! Call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE MIGUB. SHORES For gnat beach l.Jvmg. An outstanding 4 Bdrm home w /formal dlnlog nn&family rm. Located da6e to clubhouse. pool, tennis. saunas. spa & pnvate parting to white sandy beach. $157,500. 49).94'4 495-5220 ., ... 2413 130.5050 i 3 Br l~ Ba._ frplc, patios, Blg 2sty, newer 4br, Jba, I no a ssocaatlon fees. Back Bay. Huge lot. REALTORS $85,900.495-4779 Horses OK . $149.999 CONDO, Ocean v1ew,,_P_.M_. ______ _ MONARCH S.l.l MM IT Prin. Only. 645·77&3. ! plan C. btfly decor. MEWPOIT CREST w/oow crpt, drps, etc. COHDO ; f!,~Prop. 897-0365 Plan 3, 3 br 2-..; ba. gel I M/F locat. upgraded, wet bar . ) · mirrored wardrbs comm i Mi.._ YM-fo I 06 7 pool, jacuzzj, tennis crts, I~ ....................... *135.000 Beautiful upgraded 3 BR. PCM Realty 833-8430 2ba. Tiffany model home Wbllt's Your Trade? for saJe by owner. Lrg $1..'T7per[)ay corner l ot, newly 1bal'sliWetopay " laodacp'd, skyllled h v far 80 ad in the De.Uy Pilot I rm w/wood panelling. '-'-"'ce na-~ that can Decor ator Mstr BR, ..,..,, ..... ~,, ~ty wallcoverings lo estabh!lh )'OW' professiooal all rms. patio w /cover. identity. For m<>re m • ()pea hie Sat It Sun. or formatioocall642->S678. • call for ·~ 830-4033. LaiJ-""1-t I 052 1 26401 Vera z. M. V. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~!~i rACtRC ISLAND Vil.LAGE Live at the beach & enjoy adult living. 3 Bdrm., 3 bath condo with Ocean, Coastline, & City Light Views. Comm. Pool, Clubhse, jacuzil &c putttng green. Must sell! $135,000. A COUtWB.L ....... CO. 496-7222 831 -0836 "'" ..... dl~ .... .L....-..... .. . • v I • 7 I l l l - ( (I DAll Y PILOT a..-... ..... ...._.,.,.__, .._..u.ftnl....., ......_u...,.. .. d •• .._ ... ,.,..._. ~.~.~·····3· ~.':":'..~ ...... . ... ...,.. t INcaa I 069 ........... .._.. I Hf ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... ,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• s.a.-• 107' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._ ,,.,.,., zooo 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lN'Vl'S1'"M ENT l0!!'4 wllh add on.I.Iv Hm. PROPERTY ..... ...................................................................................... . C:.-.. W. lU2 8T_.. 3232 ............ JZ52 Y6y J7J4 ....................... ....................... ••...•••.•........•.... ...................... . Q.EAN.,2 BR. Oara1e. 2St«y, 4 br, 2 ba. dlnlaa ' BR. den. 2 B•, fplc, pper bache lor a pt, patio• ocean view rm.[rplc,dabwbr.pallo. blt.na, pvt atrium, 3 car washr"m he., 11on· SlllO/mo.S.1·6177 •focd )'d.gar.Klda &~tt 11ar. Tenn11, pool• s mokt'r, flu1ble rent S-Jmla .. ~~ ..... !~!.~ Btaul. "'*1, 3 br, 2 ba fm rm. f'll"t' Jlar, cl• h> puol. ... IC'htl 41 bi•b $72.000 Buy 00111 lKlf 11ru·t• up wnmcr Own 9» 3J2l! ---- lo n-nt patk, CM SI 1,000 10 Ac:rel, can be emit lo 1~1 Q.'183 2.,.. acre pare.iii . Shows xlnt re turn. lnvutor DAY FRONT t.erma. broker. Lwtunou.a mobUt· horn" m-5aldl'7t-2823 llvlnl with 1padou1 rabana. lbr wtlh drn. <'~ 1 UMffS.C.M. mrnt PllllO, 111.ooe frpk Beaut. new bulldln1. plu1b hew car~tlna F\replacet, dntlocaUon. Utrou1bout. I levab, TSLlovmtt M2-leo3 opt'n beam~ ~1llnf "· xlnt cond Homt' n MIM lllAI IVIH i·l\ad(o1 &lOvo and rcfna 18". DOWN Ml w1belwvably low prlet •·Pt.x. A.nume. Seller ol 148.'°° 873 1890 w iJ I ta rr, pa p e r . El.TORO l"AMll.Y PK Plhu1•1neot avail . Convt>rtli to adult 4·1$ 19 A&ent-Oary D. Boi ler SUU uroo w purthasc 11 -...orS36-2A98 ,.__._ ~-3124 ok. ~. Aft. No fee. beach. Pvt. comm. l800 w/dilld altlillg. ~137 ---•2*: 973-2971 'is.1465 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------........ lffda 3740 Cottaae. clean. coiy 1 fl ill... v.-.y 3234 1267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm f um. Vy pvt. 129$. •••••••• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • ....... V'iefo incl. all uUla.. no peta. ac.. lo elementary •chi, •••••••••••••••••••••• • W 8 !eldvci""•• lRudote 1 ,... ._ s ~ 38r 2Ba w/li den, frplc, LEASE•Br. 2Ba. rum rm. .;C.OUx's ..... lk ti ll•IHdl 1140 ~w~!~:Q: ~::i~eoi~ ~~·view, $525 mo lBedroomSultes ••••••••••••••••••••••• No pee.. SS8S mo. Al\ 00 Complete Kltc_bena. New2br2ba incl. util Ten· fee964-2566; 913 2971 .__. :~ts:~~~ nla, pool/Jee. rec, rm , bdnn 2 .,_., L b k t4ilwpcMt..-J26' tMUetoOcoeo 156() 972·10. . •-1 · g ac ••••••••••••••••••••••• · • yd. Exclusive are• Walk llACH LIVING Roval Sui•1 ~.._. 1141 1.o Mlle Sq Pk. 9G8mo1 mv " ....................... 963-6808. ....., 21r3 .. tto-1 Bt'~h = •l 28R teml fun1. l90 Ca· , ...... le«ll 3240 :'~de~t·Rp~t.rar,.1p1~~.' 536-0411 or nyoo Acres Dr. $395. Pb s4~zooo l Br, 2Ba + boouil rm PriDclpala o«lly AJC t"OllCh $33.000 Call POUi UNITs.c.M. 0 /AM9-576'1 Neat oew, 3 Br owners ~--------~~~----~~~is..... 1010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 213/:118-~l or 645-89 ••••••••••••••••••••••• elec ear-opener. ljot h .-New~egant 2 bedroom proCeSSJooaJly dtcorat r-1-.-,-1-.-__ -.. ----Mlwportlffclt 3169 ~.or 2 bedroom +den ed $600 It S700 Call __.. 3741 WATBRtONT CONDO lt)f 'h" \ ..... ,1111 1 • .,.. upt $l)tl 3U11 ~.tf\:i ~Kl.UDE:O llACHHOUSE J bt"tlroom & l>oqus "'""' Liltht. bn it ht Ii v111.: itrl'd luVt'ly µat1u, :.! Lhot•I..,, t v l' t• J n o w n 1· r " II lmurw'1· on 1•1111t1 Jd "''l low clOWrl pll> ownt NEWPORT CENTER REALTY 640.1812 OtllGIHAL Ualbon l:>land bl',1d 1 llUUbC With 2 bclrrn~ -f Mwcr 2 bdrm upl l tlllrm I L11U1 vn fl\ I t:h .. rry I.uh ~uon ) dl.'\.·k.i. & 0011t dork lJ111 qui• $2Uj 000 Pn n ooly ~I~ llt'1tlht4r Litnt' N k l 'lpt·n Sun I 4 Pr111 only l..U l l.21 ll )'!> 01 67~ 11:, It t'\I•'" wknd-; USTllUFf VIEW ~R.lill)J'Y.<'I AL AA11un~ 11%, $464 fl\O •fir. 2&, 2 yni old. nr Harbor fo.:d1 nt;t'r S7U. llOO 1-'P Owner M7 61W FtlST.ATIMll C'lJlCO do M 'YO Ill j1J11 l 11round lh c o rnt'r Ct'lchruu.• by 1i1vcn1 .1 f1cst.1 m your own home Thil'l luYl'lY 3 lwdrm, l"1 Wl.h horn.-h:u. 11 lum1ly rm, not w mentum the l!l'rfrrt bat•k urd for t•n l.(·tt111run~! Ha~ 11 hu.:e pool w11h drt·~i.111ii room.., And lari:l' bll 1n bu Artord.ibll' .1t $76,400 Cull P U I ~·2'131 Illa 0211 pugcr ~- Nt!wport beach lbr l blk unit. 2 ba, frpl, 2-car w0<·~an $12,SOO gar. J.2 Br, 2 ba, uruls. 646 ~ TSL I ovstmts 64.2· 1003 Mobile Homt• Improve m l' n l s p c c I a I I s t Kerwssanvt• 499 3816 Uu-tee 2 bt.I, 2 ba, we~hcr & dry('r, ~, blk to be11rh, AJull.11 , oo pets, luw l>IJ rent, own900 1702 •IRAHDMEW • 1973 l>bl Wld l' Kmgsbrook. nr beh. lo plll'k rent, (S6280J. Worn last at $31,900. Monterey Mobile Home:. 8:S-65JS ***** ,, ....... By owner. firices ex· treme~ low. Seller will ClllT)' aU financing at 9.,.,%, ls'9t Cotll Row Low 6oww ,.,.. .. llr.714/54Z·3676 CAU. f'bR SETUP *'**** ••••••••••••••••••••••• $575. Cedar & window Marlene al 631·34-« or ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • Dix Bayfront R plan con· home. Five blocks to 644-81189. GUNA BEACH MTR do Ul Blulrs. 2Br+den, beach. Private 2·rar INN. S7S/wk & up: Maid 2~ba.Nrpool 675·3371 garage F'ully m ain· llGCAHYOM serv, <'olor TV, hcate4 Lamed yard. Adults, No DEANE COMOO pool Ulll (71') •lM-S294. New Cape Cod, 2 BR 2 Ba. $700, short term OK 64().9990Of'759·136'7 .Ct.S Oceanfront 2Br I ba avaiJable weekly start Ing Mar 17th. 6'73·9060 or 631-1265 l Br beach hou5e I.JS() Adults, DO pets 731-3462 pets. lnqwre at 527 18lh FOC' lease· avail now 3 98SN Coast Hwy Street. (714> 960·6331. Bdrms : ~ baths, with ~ .. -oc-h--3-7_6_9_ &lsa/Spnogda!e 4 br. 2 spacious hv. area. Love· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ba, fncd yd, garage. Kid& ly yard II eotry area & pels,ok $445 ARt. No $UOOMo mcl.gardener ,,... _______ _ ELEIH HUDSON TOTAL fee 964-2566: 973-2911 UM.TOil 644-0322 Adams/Magnolia 4 br. 2 ba. {rplc, dshwbr, patio. focd yd, garage Kids & pet.sok. Edison H.S S465 Agt, no fee. 964·2566, 913-2971 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo rentals. Rental Pavilion ~12 Bkr. Tues-Sal LIVING ....................... ..._ 1"-d 3206 Ternlic 3 br. 2 ba. pallo, 3 bd r m M'h ba Townhouse Beautifully decorated. boat l>lip avail $850 pe r mo 8'J'9..6310 or ~5 1 Bedroom Furnished Apartmenta owr dbl ~;1r.1~1· "Ith A Real (rpl + J!UC~I 11 pl with ~ L1 . J bu t'Xpirnd1•c.I II v rm, marble frpl<', frml din rm, lo-<Jown AbsUffi\' balance By uwnc1 ~ fOf' 5* 1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Plex or "T he City" l·lbr J.2br 2ba S162M LOSAUMrTOS ·-•••••••••••••••••••• feocd yrd, gar. K1db & DAyf-t•br, 3ba. family pets 0 K . $445·S455 ... ,.,.. Ag e n t . n o f e e rm. pier, no pets. $1200 964·2566,973-2971 Lease. 67s.-0525 . Bluffs gorgeous 2br 2ba VJeW, custom decor, wet bar, gardener. pool, SS50 640·6259. 557 4700 ext 23 12 dys . 640·2426 cves/wknds. • Plua Beautiful Sln9I•. & 2 B.clroom CFum.& UnJum.) rrpl Clt<tr Sl'lln w1l Showcase! f•IUIJK't' $24!1.000 11.UffS OWNERS For the fussy buyer' ti40 7Tl8 21/1ACHS Start your own ranch. Plenty of room for mobile or, home and barn . Xlnt t e r m s Broker . 8 plex, gold med. pool 2br t .,..ba Adult $33SM . Beautiful new home nr 2 Bdrm. hreplace. patio bch. 3br. 2•nba .. den New paint. No pets. $475 w / fr p I c . Su n d cc k • • All UlilitiH P<Dd NEWPORT IEACH Prof & courteous sen 1r1· Gracious 2 s tory home REALTY 675· I 64 by !ll)K'1al.J sts 1n selhn.i with 4 bedroom~.-dmlng, 6'7>2172 Ow !U' / B k.r • No t.--11..qWred • Swunminq. T•ivua. yrly. 615-9229 g a r a g e . $ 5 9 o m o ---Unlurn or furn .. 2 BR. 2 _soo. __ 1032_1_536-__ m_i __ _ HARBORVIEW BW.-ia yourhome. Pleaserall ealfng area. fami ly HEW EXCLUSIVE 64() 62..C.tl .You can tru~t kitchen, fireplace and 677-5609 & 679·2823 7 IEACH UHITS 3YEARSOLO MUST SELL F/\ST! ba. Apnl I.July I. $4:>0 2br lb od S rf d mo. 675·6710. 837 ·6050 N • / cob 0· c u ~1 e. PORTOFINO 4 bdrm. 31h ba,F R . 2 story bonus rm. pool & Spa. seoo. 960-1326. • A<11Yll>M Dv.- t'r•• Sw>dav Brunch LISTING ~ bonus room. New plush UDO A'l' ITS BF.ST / A ~ 'II/ mosphere and HEATED /, ,,,~/ carpets, c heery a l · 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, R E A L T y POOL!! $118,000. BKR. larJ!e rouotry kitchen ---------CalJS40·1720 SCOTT RlAL TY PALM DESERT 536-7533 Zone for approx. 56 con·---------- dos or apls. Approx ~ 2 houses + 2 barns. 80 acres. All ulll avail. 4 acr es. Zoned for RV street frontages. Price Park. 5 wells & cross S 3 7 5. o o o . 0 w n e r fence. $170,000. 646-3345 XS72. schools & stores Dbl car CoroM det M• 1222 garg S3SO + 1st & last & •••••••••••••••••••• ••. deposit. Call 498-1078 aft ctrrE 2 Bdrm w /frplc, bnck walks, lrg patio & yard . $485/m o . l'h ~ • Heohh c1...i... Sau..- ~ PLUS MUCH MOREJ With ftreplace. Fabulou , ~ M ts-· ~ ... ,,..~L for eotertammg. Com --.rnn-Ill ..... I i ~ fortable home for larg Cut.e beach house near --------·----• farruly. Call now, ti won't the bay. 2 Bdm;is +guest Coey, clean starter home last! $475,000. i~~~s. Asking only near So. Coast Plaza . 3BR, fam. rm .. J asmine _6P_M_. _____ _ Creek : on greenbe lt, Sharp & c lea n 4 br some view $1100 Mo. w /heavy shake roof. lge Oakwood Garden Apmtmenta BURR WHITE REAL TOR, IMC. 67S.46l0 TKl-PLfo:X In l ovl'l.Y 'llwpl ll~h 11101 Cl.1\ Opt·n S al ~un I 4 ·~·~l'\i'" ~I HK :!' ~ Iii\. I rplc pro 1t•.,.,1ona 11 y tk n ir at 1·d 1·ondo $115.00U /\L..<;1 I 2 llH + dl'n, 21 2 K/\ ro11do. hnlwd Ors, nt•w c·arrw·ts, lt;1t•kh:1y \'l1·W Sll.5.000 lh Ow1wr li44 1$~l().I REACH ou r1.1':X . ti I k 111 Ill' c " II w N1·wport 2 hr .. 2 hr l I l1r gu1·~1 J Pl <:n•al ~um rnt•r wmtt•r n •ntah Xlnl 1m:ome. (21317!10 :Ct:IJ H~ 11Wlk__3.._ OPEHSUHDAY 1820 Trodewincb Ln ~mal>hmg 4 HK. Dr n & .. ·um1ly Hrn 1-SW,000 KITCH J:;N Call t.:ll:o lJ1cll' aJ(t•nl ;i L l:mLed l:lrok..r:. t;tl>-7414 fYIB 27:1! .,._,..pot t pfer Rlty ::::.; Qill at.er 3PM. ___ ,_13-_20_5_1 __ TYStift 1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BLUFFS CONDO De:.1rable 2-story newly ASSUME dt•rorated 3br, 2•12ba . Ex1sti~ loan. $49,000 to l(n•;it kitchen w/lob of assume. Live where the l'<ib1rwt.:.. many cxtrai.. l'8gles soar. spectacular l>c<tullfuJ view. wrou1othl view of night hghts to lhe ll'oo enrlOSt:d pallo Oµen ocean, 4 BR + fr + fp. hou!.eSat1Sun 1 51'M On vaull.t"d cc1hngs & walls ly $1t;6,SOO 21!!3 V1:-.la 1-:n are acrented by clear trada Qwnn t brok\·r cedar woods. Lavis h lcavin1ot area. h44·474ti bat.h.-> arc gract•d by i.:old -----fixtures fo:ntcrtamment Hy own<:r R-2 lot, ;ipprux :.1ze decking. Properly ~I w1sm h'>t'. rc11ted appraised al $365,000_ al $150/mo 3233 Clay St Owners mus t sell ' Npl lk h $92.500 Buyt>rs $329,000 uoly. 1r bkr represents RUMAR REALTY huy1•r. l'omm lo be pd by 558-7977 buy(·r Call owner ·., ---------~• lawyer, 5411-7111 If not in lvmi-K UDO ISLE COUNTRY CHARM 45' lot. 3 br & den. liv rm, din rm . Nl'wly r t•· m00ell.'d country kllrhen w ~ub-iero n•fng 311ha. I Rl' m s tr s ui te w /balcony . ~u nny so. 1098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HO QUALIFYING to purchase this ' br, 2 ba home in good area. Full pnce S72.950 Park Pluce,Inc 842·7461 TI4-:J28.3720. aft 5. Agl. --------~ I ACRE C.M.' PLEX. 2Br 2ba un· FOR YOUR MOBILE or, Its. lnc:S16,800. Pri.ce HOM ~ITE. Room for $1.95,000. 1967 Anahe im pool, barn. corrals and Ave. 10 mos old. 673-832'7 a nimals Xlol ter ms .1----------Broker. 6'77·5609 & 679-2823 365ACRES You won't believe this serene valll'y loaded with oak trees that you will walk investors thru after the sub·d1vis1on. So. or Orange County 1n the path of g rowth. In· vestor's te rms . Bkr, l/biG-5717, 1/5234462 ----- lNVESTMENT PROPERTY s Acres, can be split to 1~ acre parcels. Shows xlnt return Investor terms. Broker. 677.5609 & 679·2823 700ACRES Riverside County al a main freeway offramp. Some xlnl commercial potential. Rapidly de· veloPing area Ii Z mileio cl freeway frontage. lo· vest.or t.erms. 5UNITS Owner anxious! Looking for installment sale. Sub· mit you.rdown. Xlntloca- lloo. close lo recreation. park and golf course. $158.500. a'n'®i~1i;mm 962-4471 crw: 546·8103 6 UNITS I l,OT BAL.BOA PENINSlfLA lLotOHThe Beaeh Ba1boa Peninsula. Will seU on contract. All new carpet & more. OPENSUN.10·3PM ULSW. Balboa Blvd. RONSON REAL TY 170-6500 lndlllltrial I ,,..ty 2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PRIME INDUSTRIAL BULL DINGS •3250sq flol'c/1nd'I Agenl 673-53S4 liv rm w/frpjc & bnght SPYGLASS Hill cheerful k1t~hen. $475. 4 & fanuJy. dining rm, S47-lS22or848-9840. ocean view, gardener & 4 br 2 ba. frp I , n r waler Included . Sl6SO school/beach , :.hop /· mo. Newport Center park, fencd yrd, cov'd Realty, 640-1812 pat.Jo, 2 car gar SSSO (213)466-4m<>l213 387-0731 Costa Mesa 3224 3br Iba close to beach •••••••••••••••••• • •• • • Oean $495 mo No Pe~ New 2 bdrm condos, frplr. 536-7000 blt.ns, 2 car garage. $450 ---------& up. 1076 C11nyoo Dr 64.S-5637. Neat 2 br, 21,; ba condo w /2 frplccs, p ool, dshwbr, washer /dr yer. Sorry, no kids or pets Singles ok. $435 Agt, no fee. 964-2566, 973.297 1 1 RR, stall shower, pallO, lndry rm, 'h blk lo Jo: 17th St. shopping & bus. New crpl, drps. tile. stove & paint. Mature adJts, oo children or pets. S295. 95.> 1178. &lper clean 3 Br t Ba. encl. garage, ocean vu, no pets. Call 675-1094 or 6'T.H023 OCEAN VIEW CONDO 3 Bdrm, 11, ba $450/mo Ca II 556-I 795 '"'-3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WOODBRIDGE Cneks.ide A~n 3 Br. 2 ba P alJ<1 home Dec 1n earthtones 1n planned community w/lake. pools & tenn1~ crts F'rplc, sic: ovens. lge dressmg rm w/m1r rored closets. elec gar dr opir, 2 p11tios, lge yard No pets SS2Stmo. Call 8:1H730 or 559·070 t 3 BR, a huge bonus rm. 2 ba. new crpt. Great loca lion. University Pa rk. $1'l25. Newport Center RJ. ly. 640-1812 BOAT SLIP, 2 bdrm, 2 bath lower unit with fire place. $750 /m o . Wa te rfront H o m es 63].140() 2 BR 2 BA condo. frplc, Newport Terrace. S475 548-8038 Beauuful Dover Short.·~ 1n Newport Beach 5 bdrm S w1mm1n .i poo l . 2 Newport kach/Noltb 880 lmne (at 16th) (714) &4>0~50 N•wport Becicb/South 1700 l61h St (Dov"r al 16th) (714) 1>42 81'10 A•Jull ,nty no ~ MoJ"I• "P"" cu11ly 1n 7 fireplace., l'ool & lawn rttOMOMTORY mamt.enanct• incl Only POINT $ll75 per mo Uul xtra View Villa Complewl7 N.k for 1'-'rank 645 3000 funu~oo. l BR &. Lon days, 64.2.&936 eves Available now. TenD.111, 3'lf'TBOATSLJP3br 3ba pool & s pa . De nn,· coodo Motor boat only. Soderl ing , U n ited aft. 4 64CH!ll9 Brokers 67S.5626 Brand new Condo, Nwpt 1------Terral-e, 2Br. 2lia. fam1 l•--------- ly, rarport, pal.lo. pool. sauna. SSOO mo 840-2992 TifECOVE Bayside Onve. l Br. den. frplc. pvt. beach. pool. JllCUlll. Deluxe S850 ••• SEAVIEW J Br, 21n ba. family sm-s TO IEACH 2 BR. I ba, yrly . S400 4 BR, 2 ba . yrly $750 2 BR, l ba, yrly. $4~ associated BROKERS REALTOllS 101' W Balb~·a t>~I 1 t-b rooro. VICW, PQOI, tcnnli> ·-------1811!--S1050 Call 759-t092. N H 2b •-d $500 2 BR, I BA, fully furn, t llarhor V1t·w llumt•s M 011 Pa 11 o w I f u u n l 11 I n PRICE REDUCED Sfm>_ on this super 4 br. 2"'2 bath, lge ramrm & formal din rm. Park Place.Inc 842-7461 FARGO R.E. l /677·58H or 1/522·2080 •6390 sq fl 24< gr oss, machshop Mesa Verde 3 br. I~ ba. newcrpts&drps. 2 frplcs & family rm. Quiet cul de·sac. SS2S mo. 549·2744 or days; 557-0276eves. RENTALS pt gts. r.,. en bUt to ocean $450 mo 1st.last & sec. Older cpl. Adults, no pets 675-0475 INVESTMENT No Pets. 442 Redlands . --.--"------- 548-976'7 STEPSTOBEACH.2 br, I 11•1tn ·lhr 2ha rll'wly dt• $420,000 By owner rnralt'<l. dt>'>t' lu .,chonls, 673--0711 11ark & pool »~ Ow11l'r •_--------• OtherRMl&tate PROPERTY 10 Acres, can be split to 2'i'z acre parcels. Shows xlnl r eturn . I nveslor terms. Broker -0000 sq ft 23< gross, 91 Fwy •SOO •S.SOO sq fl, Tustin $2:54,700 l BR. small hoose. Al cond. Easlslde . S295 Adults. no pets. 546-3937 SanClemcnw 2 BR,2 Ba ..... $4501500 3 BR. 2 ba . .. .. $475/650 4 BR, 2"'2 ba... S700 ba. pool, laundry, el>C'f Bluffs, lovely 2 BR .. d~k . gar. tn5. 640-507&. :'157 tH22 ti Y'>. 833 I Hti I SlOKBEU)W\1 HK fo:T' RIG CANYON, 2 br co<lo 1550"S1 5K. 700 !\I.SO elegant 3 hr horn<'. 211x40 pool &. JUCUl.ll. IJ:e yrd $129,900 Agl 673-4311 OHL Y $40,000 take over 9'"1% loun ut SlOOl mo. 4 BK. J:i,,. ba & pool. Hurry! Owor/agl. ~ llG & IUUTIRIL &EAGaTOGO 5 BR . 3 Ba . Somerset. kitrhe no ok r amllv w /w t"tbar. dininJ( rrn. 2 fplc'i1, view o Newport ('enter. A pollin l( shed . privacy & a pri('e you can't hrat . Owner has bou#!ht an o th e r home Submit all offers JW,SOO. 1801 Port Carlow •BYOWHEtt* Hartx1r V1cw Palermo <·u~t1Jm1z.ed ru~l•l' look. 4br 21~ba . J ae, 2 BBQ's. Own<:r will rarry large 2nd T 0 $198,000. 2()12 Port Bnstol Cir NEW EXCLUSIVE BLUFFS LISTING Custom Condo. Up· graded & enlar~ed end W\lt. 2 Br, den in lhjs l · stor y home. $149,500 . Open Sal/Sun I 5 al 504 Averuda Lorenw. • BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 67S.4630 •CHARMING* SLIOOISLE * Newly decorated, French country home. 2 Bdrms & den Lovely patio entry. One of best buyt1 $225,000 D.M. MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES 644-9''0 HcriMM-View KMll Rare 3 bdrm, l".R. Cupe Cod Condo. lrl·level, great view, pool, tenm~. t&Mumable loan. $179,900. 646-81.81 Ageo l. 1076 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut. Prea. lll(ts ocean vu condo, 2 lJr 2 Ba, trplc, pool. Open Hae Sat/5'ao 12-5. 83a-38M ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FAMILY PET PAHK 677.5609" 619.2823 •3949 s q rt, T us tin $191,SOO 17I4t131-5970 d'f• (714t 511-5787 38r, dbl wide Kirkwood, tz wnh will sell fast al $22,900. ,..for Sale I JOO Loh for 5* 2200 (SM•~76) ••••••••••••••••••••••• .......,. ••••••••••••••••• •••••• See ad, beading PALM Mot.a.~ Stott By Owner 2 •·Plexes. O~ERT, 56 condos 110• ----------• Q>S,000 each. Prine. On· derclass 1200 2111 ACRES ty 494-0536or $40-1219 . Start your own ranch. ..._..Property 1400 ~ce P~i~ ~tc"~:: Plenty or r oom fo r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner build to suit or mobile or , home a nd ll.E.OfftCE sell $200,000. 5'43·61'8 barn . Xlnt t e rm s . FORS.ALE eves. Broker. ----------677-5609 & 679-2823 Complete with office ATTN: IUILDBS. •---------• eqwpmeot & furniture. __ _., fta.ay LOW-PARK RENT Single-1.340 sq. ft. Pvt & semi. ---wide 2Br Cba m 1J1on. pvt ol'Oces. l'h yrs re· Hard to find ocean view shows like new. owner malning on lease at 55< lot. Private beach, sec. an x 1 o us. S2 0 . 5 0 O . per sq. fl. with 3 year op· gate. Sl95,000. Ed Parron <FF'll46-77). tion. Call 673·4191 or Realtor, 645·6233 o r Mobffe HOft9 Stor. 96J.3190. 6'2-0586 ___ 848_-8895 ____ C..h!J Lota/ 2-le-ve_l_R_·_l -lots--w-/-pl_a_ns_, I ACRE Oypti 1500 village of Northwood, FOR YOUR MOBILE or, ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrvi.ne. 6'0-5112 Bkr. HOM~ITE. Room for Corner . Buria l Plot. .....,....._1 pool, barn, corrals a nd Sunset section. Ha r bor TrtrMs animals . Xlnl terms. Rest,CM.$300.631MS21. Broker 677·5609 & 619.2823 PRICE DROPPED $7,000 2Br, 28a, dbl w id e Madison. 5 mlo from bch, sm pelS welcome . UC712fH7) Mot.a. HOMt Store 848-8895 Ca srdal rra,.rtr 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .tNPT HACH C· I Six retail stores for sale . P>O.OOOw/terms.Agt. Tri·CoRlty. 645-062 1 2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DeAma Bay Side VlUage. 3 br Mobile Home, Newly decorated. $27.SOO terms. Boal Dock. Pvt Bch. Poo l . Ja c u zzi. Clubhouses. Broker/ Owner . 631 -4920/ 675-8458. o..tof~ ...... rtr Z5SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR. house, pnvate yard, garage. Pool. Small pet OK. No kids. $38S per mo Manager 2'53 B. Orange Ave. b', 2ba, dbl grg on quJet St. in Dorset Ln. $485 mo. Call Abe. 556-9956. 4BR, 2~ ba, SlOOO NB wide g reenbelt. pool 28r furn/unf for retired 3280 per so n who w ill an11 phone. etc for reduced SS50 Agt 644--0134 S...AM ••••• •••• •• • • • • •• •• • • • • rent 15 uruts, 646-54·38. Sharp 3br H~ba Condo S450mo. Obi alt. gar . earthtone i·rpts . pool. club h.se. Pam Alo!l No ree. 751·2060 ms W. Oceanfront, super loc., 2 HR. avail now. w~ ly lo 6/15·9/lS 673·7671, ~ Super4 BR, 2 sly, nrS. Cst Back Bay area house for ... 5.,3,. .... a.ie1\...Jnv..,E Plaza. lge sundeck. den lease. ' br. 3 ba, 2 car 'T ' """'rv"»I' "'"" w/fplc •Cl>< 556-6576 gar. Tennis cts. Jacuzzi, ---------'_..,. · PROMONTORY PT. 2 Br, 2 ba. balc on y, frpl, magruf1cent view, a ll re<' facilllles. cmpltly l'um $8JO. 3 or' mo. 67S-0360. pool. SS25. mo. No pets. Woodbridge, new 2 BR. So.II...,_. 3216 2•16 Les Pa rre Way. 1 lh ba .. frpl. No pets. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IW6-N34 or 544-8071 aft $450/Yearly . 640·8586 Uruque I br, ocean vu. Short term rentals, 2 & l pm & wkeods. O R A N G E T R E E f)>i, 2 blb lo beach. May BR, from SSSO up. Ageat 2 BR, lrg dup~x. yard Spa~1ous I BR condo ptJy furn. S42S 499·2S4I No fee. 6'75-3170 garage . Good area. Pet w/paUo oo st.ream. Te n· eo..doRli.._.s 'f! lwwllh OK $300 mo. Ask for Lyn nis, pool, jac. Adults On· UlllfwWlhed 3425 UnfwWlhed s.s&-2ti60 I y, no pets. S330. 552· 34 7 5 • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • •, • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • eves. Condo. 2 br, 1~ ba. bltn lcAool.a-d 3106 3:-:r~~i.dbJtf~~.Lcg:nRd~ Woodbridge condo. '!'IC •. sauna , Pool & ••••••••••••••••••••••• $..25/mo. Furnished or lmmed. occupancy. 2br Jacuzzi. New cpl. Nr S. l Br, beautiful, roomr. unfurnished.631-09$4 +den. 31 Woodland Or. Cst Plaza, $400. 559·8420 new, quality. Carport. S5CJO mo. so&o&-4025. aft 6 pm Yrly. $425. 675-4857 &side $325 lbr dlx mobile dream house. Adlts, n pets, quiet 6'7J. 7787 l Br. pet:S ok. $325. mo. $200 Securll-f . Call ~~aft.5:~. SHARP Mesa Verde 3 br, family rm, frplc. a ll bltns, new crpt.s & drps Wallt to sclK>ob & shop· plnl. $S25. 955-0171. 3 BR. Condo Woodbndge. Sparkling 3 Bdrm, I~ Ba. lc6oo r.-ad• 3107 $375 per mo. 673-2026 Ask condo in CM No pets-••••••••••••••••••••••~ rorOoug $475 mo. Agt. 957-1532 2 br, frplc, yrd, gar. naer evs/wkods ferry & shopping. Woodbridge Crossing $400 536-Ml'J Townbome. 2 BR + den. 28r, 2Ba, r h1ld OK. pool, --· ------- 2'h ba. 2 car garage 1acuzz1. clbhse. nr So eor-ctetMs 31ZJ w /ope n e r . La k c Coast Plaza & OCC. $395 ••••••••••••••••••••••• raci lllies. $570 mo. mo. 673·5781, 642·1008, 2 BR .• So. of Hwy. No 55&-5588 734-0072 pets. $450 Mo. Agent ~ ~•u a...g.a leodt 3248 2 Br penthouse, pool. ••••••••••••••••••••••• adults. $375. Mary Ellen: Cute 2 bdrm .. l ba.1 Beach , Pool. Te nnis, OOH311,eve1831·7584 .F.ut.a1de C.M. encloseo Security. Short te t'm, Ou&mung 2 br. 2 ba coo· Cod9 W.to 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VA APPROVED MUltSBY SCHOOL Uc'd for '4 childre n + 3 bcdrm, 2 ba home on back of large lot Park Place,lnc842·746t )'d .. ovenlzed 1 car gar. 1oag term seoo per mo VlEW LOT, Mammoth $420/mo. Rtf's reqrd . .._3193 • · do. Nr.jio. Csl Plaza. Lakes, VISTAS 11, by Lve name & Phone If Pool, sauna, jacun 1. LA MANCHA ArTS Larg~ 1,W bd gar4H aplS. Adults. Dtbwbr , b&lm, encl. gar, gu bbq Pool. Gas Pd. 718 Seetl Pl. 642-5073; 64S-56U Famll,y Park. 1977 triple w i de Barrington (AOB0C0854). $33,900. Momvey Mobile Homes ~ Dlllleus/ owoer.1·934-2194 w/am.aer.631-1123 ~Hll• 3250 Sorry no pe ts. 2511 Ullih We 1100 •----------1 •••••••••••••••••••• ••• _Su_' _nnowe __ r_. ____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Family Estate Home, ~ID~ delwte coodo. ~ 3 bedroom, 2 ba, MawpcM t leach 106' -------- IASTSIDE pro11. 27SOsq. ft. w/a ll ba. spUt·leveJ. frplc, 2 , gar. Kids & pets ok. u..fwwlsMcl 3525 Smiley Pan Home ae· 'Woods)' sett!q. 3 br, 2 it!.dshwbr. patio. fncd To~auM O!stom urutsonlge.lot : conveolencetotcltY.Vet tar + storage earage . 435. Agl . No fee .••••••••••••••••••••••• w ............ Beautiful brand new adull·apta. No pets. Pool. jacuui. ()pen daily. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CE 110111 ILlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE WATll .. OMT COMMUMTY In The Fabulous Bayside Cove Com. W /Sec Gate. Nr Pvt Beach On Bay. 2 BR. 2 Ba. OriJ{inal Model Rome. Furnished . Pool. Jae. Exceptional Olferlng. Call To Inspect. •• 000. NO DOWN PAYMENT 3Br. dbl wide Madlson. ' ton AC, priced lo sell fast f,12,900. (19'2U·76). OAC . Mobll9 Hom ShN'• 84Mll85 real teak wood Interior; prtvat.e located w/swlm· Pool. $575 m o . 345 964-254!8' 9'73--2971 p_._.c VJ.w huge frpk .. new plurnb· mi.ng pool membership. University Dr. Days ' 2 br, 2 ba, den, nc•w lfl8 & roo<. Only 188.500 A panoramic mountain 64M21112: eves64S-9$43 llllO. New 4 BR. 2Y. baths townboule 1n TurUerock Owner646-0917 lop vtew on approx. 1t14 "Shadow Run". 71'/ .__ ,_r..,'f 11000 acre.Sll0,008.867·233'7 2Bdnnbousew/2caraar. 9824112Sorl92·7530 $5815.~r•: 955-21$4 -~-n A Yard maintained, no ---------....................... ......... peta.M&..S832or548·2720 LElSUREWORLO 4tfi llwllh,_.sMcl 4 Hoenes Ir ~ W..e.cl 2900 Brand new Beaul 2Br 2 ••••••••••••••••••n• •• 95S W. 19lb St. Bach. S2SS-S265 l Br 1291>-$305 2 Br $335-$350 TSLMgml ~121 5 28R t t BR Ith ...... , ................ DmmPeW 3226 btAJCcondo. Equipped ..... P1a11d1 1707 D!aut. bra nd new ad.it •MO DOWN ee & yards. ~reat Wanted houM or condo -•••••••••••••••••••• ldtcbea. COaple must be ••••••••••••••••••••••• apt.I. Spac. 1 fr 2 br PAYMBff• r:::,locaUon teOOOO uodllrteOOOO. 41r,3bupt,ornew,cloee 52+Jrt.1 lmmed. oc· Weekly/monthly ocean· w/townbac style. Frpk, loCormatloa OAC. down. Owner will cam 84iK71 toDual:IWaHJ~l3101 cupa°U S495/mo. Call tront comPI. rum. 2 br. ~rm. lmmed. Ot· :.a.3-Br..U areu. Adlt, contract. Full pric e...... Blrc...,..-. aft7P SSl-tlOS frpl , balcon y. gar . f~,'iea -.sm ==G ;!u tllO.OOO. -••••••••••••••••••• ..: OCEAN vu. uv. a aa 2 ba Coado. Jqc cnc.r MM'1l4 2 er. 2 ea -.MZS uuuc omH ~ ..._.,_..._. C!OUt aide o1 PCH Is pool. 1485 /mo. Call C:.... .. Mw 3722 TSLM1mt 142·Nl2 ·~~~~~~~~~~ f 1€~TIG€ .. _................. .c1to.1J00eqftCoDcSO ~!.:.t4Sl or 788·0405 ....................... .._...VJ,._,,Rl".,'' I· -HOM€~ ...... ~ 1106 .. ~kb. Pool, Jae, --a BR, 2 BA. new cpts, er·::=-... i-.... ~vbans~ 116.900 ~ l:oettffw ~B ....................... *·Mita/DO peta. "35. pai nt, VUD. UOO . 2 -1~ w/r,ar, n.tTONACH · '· ,_&.... _.., &..,111111~ JZl2 M0<_,;751-1W7att5 Mtlta, t~. ne• drpa, Dbl wide '11 traJlerama '4M'46 'Bdrm, tharml.DI older Ot.-11viewbome.2 BR 2 .......... •••••••••••• rante. med yd w/paUo, (DH5111) J Pvt bcb a IHVDTllENT furn home oa Balboa S., + 1ar. W/D, '450 Nlluei:::-tw~~3bf C..Mtte 3124 wtrpd.$30$.88'1Vlctona. *· 91ab a.tthll allowed. PROPERTY bland. Pier 6 lllp let&d. mo, lecla util. ... lilt :::. ~ *-~•l' ... u . • ••••••••••••••••••••••• _113MUO __ __;..• -1'-5·-----Lot..-in Trulure la. a Aeret, can be spilt to at SJ..800 mo. for 2 1•*"'· e\'11 • SUS CASIT AS Newly deeofated a br. 2 ba 11D1 Plctfto OMat Hwy. 1'4 acre patttla. Show• Owner analoul f« car· l..lrB • rei. l bdrm, towabouse. S paclou. Lq, Bell. Offered bJj a lDt return. lovtalor 1n1 uoanta. Call TtMtwl3or4bc'2bafam. S.Uwtth&MEI eocl 1ar. ~$. fr up. ruep&ac. • poot Quiet RuaJu 11ee II .I' . ._...Broker. Vfl'll.lbleffulJ,17~ rm.merbaadl.Ae.ntor ll'ullJ:EZE Adults. no peta, 2110 area. Adulta, no peta. ~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~:..::====-~ m.a.. m.ma UWIQUEROllJ:I, INC. .... 'T7l4Zll a...uw Ml 6f.2.58'78 Newport Bl.~. M». MS-1.'111 : 815-SMI. 7 1 DAILY PILOT CZ .Al• tw•h ~ .,_....h u..twn.. .,....... ..... u.fw1' a--4000 Offk9 l..... 4400 ...._..,,..., ... , ....•................. ·•·•················•· ·······•···········••·· ·········•·········•··· ····•·•·••······•·····• ........ c..w... --JU4...... ..... ,._.,. .. , ..... 1.. . ...................... --,1oi.o. IOU i.ot&Fo...t noo ........ ~. USO .................. ?'!~~ ........................................ J~.... .., k• c:>t-1 Tlit~ ......,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• &o.CoulPtuaarea,db WllMGG&.1AM1ti&G1 Jbc Z~b• Urinit No• =~-mup. W.A.JERI Op lwlty SOOS i.c.tdoelarcemt/brown Needed· 3 a\lractlvt• 81'2 8&4-pMx,•ncl. (l•r, $&&11rAah10 a DRANO Woodbnda•· saMlmu 2 A • •••• •••••••••••••••••• ./NEED Rctr1ever/Collle mix female companionA. (2l Thuf!day. ~h 8. 1919 -,..,..u. bk 1 u NIM• """ Z lldnn, I" "''""" Zl.1""' .UI I auUlul t.a1una Motel l'UISH sums ROLLER SKATES. Ren· -..... epllepUe. tn "'' fO< ,.,.,. l<l Cabo --..'TJ38afUPM balh duplo Vaulll'd "·-w upurad-.. 1 •. 1 a&>ta..,..!'Jweekormonth 35Cltol300.cJ ft t&la•..ie..Beatbuyon (Tabatha> 964·1741 or San Lucaa. oo •new Ct!iliftp & skvh w t ... ~ .• • "" ur llP • ~ FeA:atk Ylew• ooa&l. Hlah net prom ./MONEY ••ll boal. Oepar\1ng lal~er M1W OUPlU bdrm _ Crvu ' 1 1,,... t on u o 0 r o u t I r u I Wel Sar$ Low lnvt:1Uneot Agt part ol !!tlatth/arrivtn(( 2br, 1"'9 ba. ,,cry amt!J\l thnaou~ K1trh• n 101 hb Jjjndae.af'' w t uinph•h• to'leaaot •·uhlon l Pvt U. M9ri.. TIME. TSl 1400 L06T: Ion& haired btk end of March. Food and ty, 1 g50 aq rt Oblf' bltn, & dith•uhi•r not· rart S.~I <''111 Ch n Matun rrnp!oyed S'ITS vm-BEER TAVERN~t Brh rermte cat. Vic Tu1tln" transportation pd for 1ara1 Hua• yud IU 1t7ta1· .. 1ntlwllv ru M4SOO?o,~!11 4"23 M().IS:JM ._,,. lleipru.n Nets mo 20th . REWARD Ph·646-33TOaJ\S:30PM W/room for t rl r. ..,,. ·-.. t • I• I t I Newport 675 8662 • 548-2171/S57..o2l l .. ... ~ ... rn1 n 11u... 1 a urt t·rudl "hr t t•nlln l..tll'Wf'M.'<'OCedslUCcrm. Troublc·frr" Owner .. mf.Dl.fi I • dr)' l11 rthllf' mpll N11• ll11&hl y 11111nul 11001Jnokcr ur drinker. $UIO Up orr1ce-atOH. ~ buyllll( cocktail lounl(t' ,..~ .... ,.. Found lnah Setter. well ,., .... Set-ficH5l60 AU. ADULT Al'TS ''°' U• •• •"''" "14• "•'" Indy '"' -1 131 -II. AIC. 17301 Beach 81. T"ms. .., . TIME --• --••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ..," .., • ..,Ill Mll"lu...'Ct iara•f' I 1.1n11 llbt rtM'I 1111 w oPtlr H 8. LEASE&G-2834· ~M400 rtOILIM ~1508or644·3656 &"llponstble teacher on ""'"" o1•u---htt~ a v .. rrl l lo'r 111 dttk l1t1C1I MA.II> 1.1~ :uw SWpt to lkh Lov t.y un JMlli JrdTDto.s sabbalicaJ will house i.1t 2 bf apt Vool. )ac-uut a. "'hool" ..,.!JltN' & l1u, tll ,, wkntt rum i nn aw to w/ba. Pvt ('tu.sh ofllc:H. up to 150 sq GOAL $1000 MO. 547•54 OZ Found Oalmallan type wtule compleUng book HUQarH f.nrl 1;ar•J.tf' Only ~ Jll'f tn<' t.11J1; 1t11nli'n t•o&rauce. mature fl ln xlnl bldg. 18lh " BuUd a t>uslness. Spare dog, Uver & wh1t.e, lge ggs.SQ tilOIUlYNO Pl.'TS OK. C..Jll n.~ 6' ''""" Ulti\NOI' IKt.t" CONUO. t'mpt 'd l11d y Non N e w P ort 8 Iv d . umo. Invest $7~. 640·6:>94 t\tl'angedby male.6'5-l.508:644·3565 1_;_...;_...;_ _____ _ tn. 12ND!fr •• pnll I ' all "" ' " I ... 1........ ...... •m••« •••• , • 1300 ... 3111/-· ..-612&23. c:-t-...... WANT MAIL PRIVACY' ('4,llj&a Mt'.. M.I\ 2'tU8 r.Span \dillt.' I-~ 640903l/'7~ 900 i;q Ct 3 rm suite. Nr BE YOUR OWN BOSS CREATE YOUR OWN ~;e~,!~~o~~t~~ Rent a pnvat.e P.O. Box. Z 1r .2 a... all •I"' ""'" t:a>l>•d• Z 1111 I ' 11" 1~ ~.. V-·-· 4JIO O.C. Al..,.._ NB. Mall FantatU< bus. opply. No LOAN! ye II ow I ab. M a I •. =-~:~~M . f"o• rl\lur, cov vark. llV v-•ltl. f\»,. ·1\t l P"lm ""''' · w1 ~ leoctl 3141 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Marl. Contact 752-8263 Invest. Call eves for We have a variety of 665-1.508; 644-3565 1-.:..:...-------U SO :HU \' i I' 1 ur 111 ~t>< t\,ad .. Ok 1;1:0.11 •••••••••·····••••••••• 111~ ror rent, Rig He•ir Dana Point. deluxe office appt.&&5-:lll.3. nexible loan prof rams to ..;.;;;_::~;..;..----~Private Aerobic filncsl> ... 316'/llT...,.. .,,. .... --".'.'" • ~1.m, ' r.·"•" "'"' <'•Y ""' t: Un•ns furn ,..,. • .,, •• n .. m ... Prditable .... bll•h .. ••· fit,..... penooa or••••· .. !.O::'::'ound =• Lodi" •pe"•I. 2 I •· ..,,.,. ... • •--.. .tra.t ~l 1-17!> ,11u11 $2S n.IU>ly '" cpl Call from Bof A. 49S 497S. tiq•"' cons1'Fioment bu~i· ness needs. All loans ... c • ..,,.. "H . .,,..., 2 Bdtm \ U.th, S3."i<> mt>. " v. ~"11 ..,.., ,,,.,. , , ur11 v tll'tm 1t t 11 1 II.A 3 5.c1 t• .~ _,." .... " over$10.000 .....,.wuuor ...... ·......v ., __ , .. -,,..-a.-..... ---5-400 ZUl8 P•c-lflr, 00 s-it• ('all , rµl. 111111 1 •• )•I .. , ... 1111 '•H t>I~• 1w1 i.;M 11~ ... , .. , • -r Pm _. _ ._..._.., ness. Pr ced be low LFC (7l4) S49·7220. ~ -· u.o>n 1 ~ •· r ... 1 .. l' "·•1,.. .,.... " mar·kel for amm""" sale FOUND: Black Cat, male ••••-·•••••••••••••••• ,.. .. ,.. u.v pool u1blr, rolor TV , 2 I d l1 Forappl call496-9151 Mo. ...... S. Trvst approx. 6 mo. 10:--abte. OVER 30 SOCIAL I~ *-· •am :~':' 6 .r-, 1~·1• • • ·'• 1 -""''"' .-11un IUG Of.AR Cabin, sl~ l4. O~CORATORS desk ""· 1 BR. 11Ulll stlO~M paUt> J l\H :! hu ... hllc WJh r rr I 54S f816 spaceNsamBcp ~· e J:2ry Deidi' . 5035 ~· Vic. Universl· TROOUCTI ON . Con lndry rm. ,.., blk to 1-: l Kl .1 11..1 1uwnh11u . IH .. "" l>t h rpMI -area pt. ~1· Womens Sportswear······················· ly&:trvme.CM548·4908. r1dent1al. Ad •484. ('l o 17 ... St .i..-•. .. fo'it&r\ ..... II. 11.i..·r . I• \ 11'\H.. • I 'I '" ·•c . d k I Shop. xlol local. high Cl r d D I p·1 l ... "'"'1'p1nlil .,. •• us N•·"' .i111t11. 1\11'• """ c oo u on ~ I .. ope 1n 2nnsuate.390sqrt.ampte volume. Esl. 18 y rs LOWEST roUND Friendly Pigeon. ass1 1e a 1 y I II . N.-w rrpt, drk'4, llll'. Pl'b 'H 1 t!!K:' 111t1I k11t:htn\ ~ h1i11J1, Snowmass. Colo Wkly park. ull tnel A/C ad/a NB/CM area. S48·139H art vie 1rvme. Call to ideo 330 W. ~ay ~t. Costa i.to~• lo paml M .iturt' lll·lu.-u,1 :.!be~ 1111~ bah l·'t•·n•·ti 1loon &~11utow' th ru M a r e b AP ral rent to Set" Par1 Ir 6 :.> 1..._.. t Rote Ufy. 5.52-8624. Mesa cahf 92626 :.dulla. 01> chaldren or h•tv.11 rll'» on.-11 bt•w11'"· ~I Drl Ba""· Near E. 17Ul & · pm. 1 , s Nu 1·.i~ i\tlult.1 I.ml ,~ .. "" I tT.0 ...a Lui:~&. -.-. ... 11111 ""' °''""" I•"' lcf'I' d«'I"'' & llGIUJl Ounge. C.M. 642-<210 SECURITY AGAINST I • s,mso Found Wh•I• Somoy... r. ...... ...,5_Nr-~2 '·r.2 b,,, .. t.1111.a, 1lbl t(Jf ~ Roxle GAS S HO RTAGES WT.D.LoaM. rem.H.B .. nrHe11/Beach1CM1 -· --u • I N •'n"1n for -ot fpl" F -T · .,.. .. '"'ambra.a~"·lS14 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aar. frplc bak CIOtie 10 LUJrun 'I RR in "' tr1pl,, .ar• orlh I ,q;una ...,.,, ... · "· CompetJtJve Service sta aittSt ermssm<:i! 1949 .,..,,..., .,..... _., • Puol ... unt11· I.. "-" 111 llh $'7'•> lhllat• t!M 7~Sl W\dy/mnly 548·2596 CdM dlx swtes. uW pd lion complements xlnt Sattler M6A Co. ---------•Jabs W..ted. 7075 a.u Sl-U i7U AC. ampl pkg. Fr S19S C · 0 C w h • .,. Lost : Siamese. coC'oa ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1SL Mtimt 642 t603 JTe.J · ' 1 ~~ .~ ">m.111 \ ltr ·"'' · Jll W"'Jtl :nl'. No tse reqd. 67~0000 °1 n · P a r as 642-2171 545.06 I I Fem. small adult. no col I;'"""· Mech. T""h 17 years • "' iL-V .-.Lt--Compl car cent.er pkg1---------1 a;.A., "" 11" w Iv , ,. d n r 1 11 f I( .--r OClllnlVf'I 1 673 oiss 0 .. ..-..irv ,. y ... L,. •• E tar Ba boa Isl 673-9522 exp. oo a vanety or prv- 111 k:vrtl 6. ill'lk, s.!llO/rnu I learfv R...t.is ApproE. 17Xth. 400Sts.qSufla.teC·~;L1~ ~;~1 . . wner """""~' • ""' -ducts can do prototYP'" 1111l 1nc &\'' 'l401 l\va1la&leNow ---------ZndTDLOANS t.a;T: 3 legged Siamese service work and 1( 2 Br, 1 ~., Ba tow1\hou!H.' garage. patio, pool Jacu.ul. hreptace Adults only s:llS. 631-4984 MESAPIHES llltd1 $:!.>:1 l Nr $:11:.. f'rplr pool. 1.u·uu 1 ••• 1 bbq, ~·lt)M'.'() i'Wr Atlulh nu pelb 2650 Jlliflil i\ v1 ~2447 I.as I".• Stuchu '1 hludt lv b1•J( h In• I all ut1l $..!'15 ~~· :.'79' . 1!13 7137 Yrly:JBr.lBr.&Hach. SlOO.mo.DoyleS48·l168 CERAMIC BUSINESS SWINGLOANS cat.fem.notail Vic\8th necessary produclion Entire st ock. Molds. EQUIPMENT s t & Ora ngc · C M runs Small parts u CONSTRUCTION Reward. Please call show cases. grecnware. OR ANY PURPOSE 64.5-:ini. specialty. Wnle Class :m sq. ft. Waterfront of· Hee avail. Canne r y Vil lage ar ea All'TI08t new condu 2 (l K 2 Sa, compleh' k1td1en toNES kilo. potters wheel. DaVldP Carey&Assoc. ---------•Ads 11458 D1uly Pilot. 330 pubhcataons. $1.500 H.E. Broker.960·l9S7 REWARD ror l<X"t female W. Bay St. Costa Mesa. (bit-Ins d1s hw u~oc r ComlorU1bh: n~w :!br, :.!b.1 V11·w •Wl l liH sun rm. cJ1•ck. Mo11turl' Adult!.. No p1•1" Ht-rcn•ncci:.. $325 pc.•r mo -1..<14 li77K RE.ALfY INC ~l.l'Mb 1137·6123. Sealpotnt Siamese Kit _ea_._~------- 523 sq. ft. office La Pai ~s PRIVATE PARTY ten. 4 mos old . LaRuna PRACTICAL NURSE. TI4 /673-1003 trash compactor j ~8S kld!I Ok, 00 !>t'lS :'lU:I~ BBQ. frpk. w /w carpclll, W~Jace. C M . 5SNAll:S!> drapes 2 car gar .. l.'l1:ctr s:Ji5 mo (714) 673·6210 Rd. South of San Diego .._ ~_... 50 10 will pay more for your 8ch 494-7423 K d · Fwy. $308 month Avail -.--.. 2ndTD's.S42·3S73 · 1n • part·ttmc. r e· now.642"'4321,cxt.276. ••••• ••••••••••••••••• ---------REWARD Lost dog. Part fcrel1C(.'S 494·5684. CA.5H·ANY AMOUNT shepherd. part r~lhe. Lady will babysit your door ope ner. Nr Or. 3 Hdr m. 2 bJth apt Coast con. $425 mo + Adult •Aso (' I hdrm . W/v1ew & deck. $200 clean depo~1l. ~ . .,.. rnu. '11:. Walk Lo wwn $35() mo 557·6473 paid. 642 5073__ • n c Id • s u t i I . C a I ~ ---------13 Rm office. carpeted. air Business Ta Business On your bome paid for or Ans to Sunny. La Mirada ood oot.Foraoypurpose! St. Area. 49 4 .47721 br weekends $100 Newport Pacific 497·l651. ~before 9:3011m 19-t :tb/2/lifl t 161 cond. Skypark Circle. Funding l>8955-L0$5 Ev 67S·5535 FOUND:M. Aust. Shep HtlpWClfttfd 7100 mix. What/blk spots, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' I/ M~HS Bachclorapt$85 for part ~~-_ 81gBearCabin trvine.$250moS49·5033 2 ""' ume mainlt'naocc• 01 .111 W .... korw....,.kends. •---E.,• I Hllrrn Apt Nr Victoria ...-""' _..,"' r;: Senior c1uzen. Uut pd Unirh $.'IJJ. ulil rncl l'h 642-8171 Bayfroot Office, Lido MOW RIMTIMG 646-USl. ~ 1950 llentds to Shen 4300 Village . $246 mo RAND MEW J extra large Rr V1rw o •••••••••••••• ••• • ••. •• ___ 549-__ 5033 ___ _ iAa a181Cc•nh/ very fru•nd ly . Vt c ACCOUNTINGCLl-:KK PtnO#/As/ lrvlne. 64.S-3105 Full ume w /some ex per 2 BR, 2 ba apts. Perfect pets Adults onlv Pool & ...._port ~och 3869 ROOMMATES for 2. Great C.M. loca· patio. Hon r.{onrov1a •••••••••••·••••••••••• CM!ldeotial pnvate omce comp! rum. Self con· tamed. New bldg Excep· uooal value. 120 sq. ft. C M. 7S4-TI44. A MARKETPLACE for Purchasinl! Agents aod New &ismesses. •• ~.~.~ •••••••• Ulst cocker sparucl pup call 66l·l313 it au c 1•..+s 5 I 00 Hanultoo/ Harbor area ACCOUNTING CLERK uonl Available March ~.645-IB30 PARKHEWPORT Shart-H·Sav~ 1Sth. $375 & UIS Call for & de 2 b Bache 10 r " • 1 0 r 2 En""' more. Pay less! This Is a new DAILY PILOT classlfiullon to ~et buyer and sellrr to~ether ~el l your surplu~. overstocked or no lon~er needed ll t'm' or suoohes of any kind ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call after5PM 631-4241 Ille t yping & filin R. Norwegian Elkhound. Vic general ledger , e_t <' Kellybrook School Phone for appt. Jarcu details while selection si br 1 a. patio & lll'<irooms & Townhou!>es .. -~ ~9258. _lnc_._~_7_422 ____ ~ lasts.. garage. Pets ok $350 From $349 50 All Ages & UJeslyles. 548-8204 or 646-2316 Spectacular spa. Lot al We Check References rec re a ti o o pro~ ram, __ CG11 __ 5_4 __ 6-.,...4_2_8~2.--_1 social program 7 pools, 8 Cut Living Expenses! Ground noor oHicc. at 31$-3rd St . HB $14S mo. Scott R1 ty. 5.16-7533 PENNY PINCHER ADS FOUND: S ma ll gold ACCOUHTIMG CLERK w1rey long hair dog (ACCT.PAY .) R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640.5112 3826 1.eruus courts. Al Fashion Sh9!(' a llOm<' or 3PI Sub I f Ofr· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Island. Ja mboree & San House-Mate• Umimlted I se 400sq l. ice $100 FREE RENT Joaguin lhlls Roali. space. Pnme CM. area. O..Point 3 Br. 21r.i ba studio. Pvt 1714) 644-1900 P~~~~~:~~"~~~9'7a,ie Sl75.mo. 548·S977 or focd pallo. Encl. garag<' 1 '"JHin•n o" TV s11uw , 646-3888. Lots of grass. $495. J.1!>:12 BACHELOR U .. ITS "'"'"'" 110 '" '•mt· m.1•1·""'' Blue Lantern. 496-92:111 / 1111;• l '"'"'"' Office space for rent. /\l>-49&3354or496-5275. $225+depo5it. 7141832-4134 . prox 432 sq. fl. New cpts, lbdrm. Close 1n. newly carpeted $27S mo lnclct s util. Call 494·3672 / 661-1161. 20 I E. lalboa. ...... paint & lighting sys Lem. Call Rtnata 556-7707 Fem nnmatc wanted for Pd util. $250/mo. 64S·~ All adult. no pets. 2 br, 2 bu. from S3JO Jacuzu pool. rec. bldg. LOC'alt.~ across from Newport b e a u l c o n d o or833-2124 w/backyard, pool & ten· ---------rus. Very reas. Call John Xlnt office space 1200sq. at :;52-8132 or 498-3868 or rt" Looking over Laguna. 653-8411M /F8-5. Underground parking. New carpets. drapes & For more WormatJon or lO place your ad, call 642-5671 between BA M and 5 30PM. Monday thru 'f)'1day ror your ad to ap pear tbe ronowmg day or call between llAM and 12 noon on Salurday Cur Sunday's publlcauon. ONLY Sl Sell any item or com binal100 or items fOf S7S ' or less w11h a Penny Pmeher Ad. 3 Lmes for 2 con~cuuve days. t:arh additional une 1;, 60< for lhe 2 days C..'ha rl(e 1l ' No<'Ommerc1al ads For more informauon and to place your ad <'llll 644-3656/548·2123. Ma Jo r Re a I E st a t t• Developer 1s seelung J bnRht 1ndlv1dual as ar counts payable clerk Must be ablo to u~c to round large workman's key t.ouch system & th.· knife. Vic. Nt:wpnrt abthly lo type 40 wpm Blvd/Center St. 648·0303 ldeaJ candidate wall havt• E nl l·2 years accounts paya _v_e_ng.;.;.s ______ 1 ble e xpcr. with construe•. FOUND· while dog, med Blk/grey ftuHy dog. med. 644·36561548·2123. BlackfWhite female pup· py . Vi c . Atlanta / Newland. 536-1144 Found Peltlnese male . t1on exposure dcsirccl We offer xlnl. workin14 sUrToundiogs & an ou l · standing compensation beoe.fil package. For im med. consideration Large 1 & 2 bdrm from $265. Quiet building walh beautiful landscapin~. Jdeal ror adults over 35. No pets. LEEWARD APTS. 2020 Fullerton Ave. (l blk cast Newport Ave & l blk south of Bay). 631-0397. Bach. Encl. paUo. UtJI. pd. $235. mo. Pets OK. 548-8204 or 646-2316 HllnHM)ton tea~h )840 Heacb Golf Course. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shown by appt. only. SHARP. beach 1,2 & 3 BR. _54.5-4855 ___ . _____ _ Mature roommate want· paints. A/C & MU ST ed. 20 to:.> yrs. to share SEE' 549-1186 557 5870 3br house in SJ C. $150 + · • -· Y:i uU I. Call afl 7 PM _499-__ :1122 ______ _ For Sale: Wood & plastic century oak stain. 9·50 gaJ drums & l8·S gal. buckets Sl.00 per gal LS" Sidney Eng1.n Lathe head $1. 000 646-6036 642 5678 please apply in person at ======·======== -Fou_n_d_B_a_s-se_ll_h_ou_n_d-.1 POlllderosa HOll91 Need owner by 6pm 2082 Business Ctr. Dr. Need home by Fn Vac. NB/ CM. 548·21S3 PM . noM93-1200. ~·Retlhll 4450 frplc. dishwshr. garage OCEAN RlOMT & patios . No pets . 3br 2 b /off y Eutside 1 br. natural 900-23S8 . a . w ice. ear· wood beam ceihnR & ---------ly.FrplC',gar,$1050. Roommatewant.edtoshr ••••••••••••••2••••••• 2 metal exec desks. -36X70; conference table. TALENT SKOW·LONG T h u r s d a y Su1te223 lrvine9271S BEACH 644-3656/S411·21S3 Affirmative Action cabinets.$260.83S-8544or TSLMgmt 642·1603 lg CM house. $175. Mar· 731 """l t' .. -Mnd v1·11age ty. 631·5824 eves. 975-4903 MARIMER"S MILE 4 2 ·.' X 9 6 • ' : t B M PRIMELOCATION typewnter. 2 punch in April 28th. auditions •----------Employer Apnl 9th. Individual & Found currency 12·2·78 ::;;;;-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.~-.-.-.-.-;. group. 16 & older. non· Laguna Bca<'h PohN?'" .,,.,., ..lCCl"I 3br 2ba near Lido Village dys. New l&2 bdrm luxury S550. 514 Club House ....,:...;__ ______ _ New delux lbr 2ba twnhse (pie. Supel' k1tchen.~k ~Ocean View. Garages . Pacific & V 1ctorl a ~.mo. call 759.9448 or 644-8722 aft. 6 pm/wknds. adult apts an 14 plans 998-~or826-l928. Fem nnmale waol.ed. 3 on WATER. Available clocks. lots or m1sr. ore for retail or professional eqwp & cha a rs Mat.ch mg offices. Tot.al of 3000 sq walnut desk & credenza. uruoo. 1st place $75 & Dept. Report 117807231. Acrountmg audition on the Gong Show & The lee Palace. For fuformalioo. 2...cprrr. Moo·Fri, 213/596-+lll. rn>m $315. +-pools, um-----BR. 2 Ba hse in CM. Nr ms. waterfalls. ponds! OCEANFRqNT Up~r rwys. beat'h"nandball& From San Diego Frw) unit. Very ruce Lge 2Br. tennis crts. oo pets drive North on Beach to ~ar . $675/mo. yrly . please. Rent $160 + Y.t Edinger then West on 675-1906 utll. Avail now. call Lisa Edjnger to Gothard. STEPSTOOCEAN. View. orPatrlck.645-8737 North on Gothard lo 3 Br 2 ba 2 car gar ..... ft_ brand oew 3Br Con· ft. Ca1L be divided into _1_544I00 __ 1_640_·589 __ i. __ _ smaller uruts. Drive by llwnfAant 2633 W. Coa.sl Hwy. NB. ~ .... .,., 5015 then call •• ::??::"••••••••••• •••• W•h1f1owtHws 631-1400 New beautiful garden Center Onve, East on bl · • • ..,tU\1· 67s-906 • ..,.,...., pool •-Center Drive to llunl· tJns . ...,.,., mo. 1 do, noo·smolter. $160. ---------apt.s. ...spa. ,_.. II lngton Village Lane. Beautiful 3 Br. 2'h ba, unne.ca Forstore&ocricespaceat 126 E. 18th Slre<'t Nor t b to Se aw ind frptc, patio, pool. Xlnt 552-0519 Afters P .M. reasonable rat.es. 646-6816 Y-lllage. (714)893-S~ c'Olld. $55()mo. No pets. Business Man will share 500 to 5000 Sq Ft. 2bedroom. Lbath $340. Townhouse. lovely, spat• 548-0019or646·6789 pvt 48R L.Niguel house MESAVEROEDR lGlE tSth Street & home-like. 2 br with Balboa Bay C lub . w/emplyd lady. Non· PLAZA 00 . 0856 pvt. gated entrance ~ <! spacious 1 br. fabulous smokers pis. Lv msg 1S25Mesa Verde E. C.M. Bachelor $260 palios ~o~e ~ilh all bay vi~w. i;45 9108 or 49Hi906 545-4121 ~:!;~. ~~~~ncfu~1\ 675-82.5.5. Rmmte wold sm h.se fnsd HARIOR ll VD. l51 E. 2lslSLrccl 548-2408 :bedroom. l bath hlk lO H ''"'" h N d B 2b 1 CM $17.SO p/mo + Vzulll. un~..,.on s op t:ar l..l o. 2 r . a ux · 2S+ Reliable 645-7110 St.ore 20x60 + office. 1450 ping ~nt.er mall. Adult~ ury waterfront apt. sq. ft. total. $595 Per mo. No pets. From $4:15. Garage, balcony, frplc. Pro( Fem 25, seeks same Bkr.675-6700 SeaWlnd Village. lS555 $750/mo. 559-1802 Cor CdM apt. $1~+ 'hull. SWre for tease. Prime Via Developer needs in-SCRAM-LETS vest.ors for exclusive & very profitable develop· ·~WERS meots. Various loca· ~ uon.s. :;si-8035. 752·6S49 Gossip -Bound -Curve-Hanger - G ET M 0 R E TH A N BIGG ER Y 0 U R M 0 N E Y S J told the girl at Ule WORTH! $600.000 cash c heckout C'OUnter. rcq, Become part of a "Thirty-five dollars dynamic & exc1l1ng worth of grocenes. and restuaranl chain. 9.25% you put il in that htlle Return on Invest last yr bag?" Sbe said. "You Est in So. Cal. Com· want me to put it in a mercecenter . For the BIGGER bag?" secure investor. 67J.02SS -Lost--li-Fo.d--=---5-3-0-0 ....., to""" 5025 ······················· ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.250 Vanguard Way $4().9626 ~~<~~~~Lant', IAYRtOMT Noo41moker.S73-300S. Udo location. Approx. Slip avail. Spac. 2 br , Male Business ownr w/ 1200sq. ft. 673-1970 •LOANS• LOST Male German Sbepberd. Ans lo Buuy. Ug119l4767. VI C H B ~1.001. Found-Old Eng. Sheep· dog. Shaggy grey/while. Full grown. Magnolia & Adams. H.B. 962-5393.An 6. Lost: RC Glader. ReaSchool 3/6. 548-6S47 VIC FOUND: Eng. Springer Span. t>mo .? V i c . Brookhurst & Atla nta H.B. 962-6186 Found : I Ladles Diamond Rl.ng. Owner 1de0Ufy by color. oo of diamonds • date & loc lost. 536-5621 H.B. Police Oepl 5150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I bedroom 2bedroom. l bath •Walktothebeach• .. ft 2 b t I d ht b I 2ND RD TD S fOUN ADS C ...... ~e-• ucn. a. spec acu ar oaug er t o s are w ~Marl . M"le ,3 •. .' O .. _ _... ..v. view. lovely garden!! & smular looking for house ,,..._...,. • ner s . 1 · COMMONWEAL TH Beautiful sandy beach. Adults. no in NB/ CdM . 759-1408 or Modern 502 sq fl store or GROUP AR£ FREE RELAXING MA.5SAG E Lge bachelor nr. FatrYie Adult Apls p els $ I 2 SO . m o 548-2256 Bruce office. ~C Avon. LOW 847-0Mi BobJames·Lic Masseur & Baker. No ctuldren, o 2lfi61 Brookhurst. HB (714)673-84 14 · rent 213/477-7001 ---------,,_,., •u<1882 962 6651 Share apt. l blk from II you're not readin" the &all Outcall 9· 9 · 49<1-Sl l l Adoll3, no pets. ,...._ . ......,.. . • beach w /neat, clean. S. J . cap. 600 sq. ft. store. little ads in Classified. : KIDS OK 3 Br. new condo. l male to tbr-apt. Near beach. ~el stable male. $150. 2 bl.ks. No. of mission you're rrusslng a tot of 642-5671 SpiriNal Rffder 675-0176 I f l815So. El Camino Real 3br.2ba.poot.$325.mo bea ch . To\al re c $350.mo. .lS\&lst.Ref'sex·---------newsy n ormatlon a:. Cle Full ~10am-7pm package. Incl. tennis. CallSandra67J.63fi2 changed. 494-2646 before hdntrfalletthll 4500 wellauomegreatbuys. ---------SanFor~::t~~.rJr,11c. ill lrnmed. occupy. Av aa I 3PM or a rt. 11 PM or •••••• •••• •••• •••••• ••. =========:=:!.::=======::::;=t • -----'-'------ Vi a Pomona apt 642·2015 (2l3l 91.9-5541 4 Br. 2 ba, upstairs apt. anyt.rme Fri. 3-9 or Mon. lndus1rial 800 to 1600 sq ft MICHir.a • E•S •Lovely, quiet all adul Newly refurbished avail 3-12. wilh orrices. Newport. ~A'I ....., bldg. Hunt. Harbor share sun, now.673-1305 ~ -r.'~~ . .A •o.tcal• ··:5~ldr&82,!1R sand & saving in brand SanactMnh 3a76 Small apt. to share. M/F. 6'5-2lll.~3 ~~-~'~· ... -. UAM·2AM 835·3'749 ~-,... new 3br 3ba duplex $150 .•. Xlnt location, """•SSIAl.a.l "IEJO t•• &:BBQ w/pvt . patio, blt·ins. ••••••••••••••••••••••• largeyard.548·2763. *-""... * UMDAli VICKI •Privategarages crp/drps & w a lk lo 2 BR 2 Ba condo. encl Prime location suitable ~ o.lcalM •Priv./patlo, balcony beach. Days 536·6663, gar .. S3SO mo. 633-4720 Prof. fem .. 24 seeks same for comm'I or lnd'I use. ~~d. Forl1-,,!'~ •1'rHoagH:oepltal,sbop· SlJS.8705eve840-S949. _<7_14...;..> ______ for D.P. condo. $187+~ 18SOto2050sq.fl. A/C of· ~~~·· c#• ..,SsRoC_.1.Tlo..a """'•• mlf•o<n beaeh. ~ u ll I. Non s m o k er . flee. lOO •ODP powe<. Call "" • -~ " Servi .. all 0.-a ... Co. 8181 San Angelo, 2 br, 2 4 llwwta,..,,.tMd 49J.-0.80 (714)522·4254 days. 835-7313 2 br upper. Adult.a, n ba. oew cpts & paint. Tot"u..NmilMd 3900 ---·------(714)67S-3S34eve11. MASSA&E FIGUIE MODB.S ESCORTS OUTCAU. OMLY Dcl'ft. ..... hr 631·2140 ~GIRL peta, Sl75/lst & last. $7 Perfect ror couple or ••••••••••••••••••••••• N.B. E . Bluffs. seeks 1 --'-------- clep . Eastslde C .M . singles.S325.Call after7 THEEXCITINO straightpror man. Umv WHIJ(O 84$-0343. pm Collect. 213/ 289·2426. PALM MESA APTS degree, to share spac 4Br ,.. ... ,..,UTESTONPTBCH ocean vu home w /Eng; Industrial s pace with 2 Br, lb&. cpta/drps, enc 2Br, l'hBa Condo, new "'"" Bach. Uc2 BR f\cct; & Atty:Vy lg pool, elec. & water 20 x 40 In pr. Lodry hookup, cl cpt.s, paint. pool, carport. from $255& up. pvt ent $275 mo. + util. Costa Mesa or lrvlne . to abol>Pln«· Mesa Verd ad Its only $335 mo. Adults. No pet.s. Gar avail 644-0484 Call Jim 4&4-2407 Eves & ...... Adil.a/DO peta ... .., •c.<>1 U 0r Wknds .171-MMor1'11..SUl. wv ... eaa · 2 females need responsi· ---· ------ -. • ..... a. S A 3 Br, 2 Jh, 2 story (5 Blkl East of Newport ble, neat. considerate LAGUNA Hll..Ls-two ad· ..,au.•...,.. ..... near . . TownhOUae Apl.9. $450 to Blvd) female to share super Jae (iO()O sq ft M·l unjts, O>a..b. Bale. 2 tar'Bar '520/mo.9&&-1507 9am·Spm54&-9860 3br bolue ln CdM. Avail new bldg, A/C offc. MOO.GHl1$. 4-1. 640·2877. 640·5564. fronts on Moulton. nr OP94SAT/SUM 10·3 MOl&IHOMI 772-1900. Lake Forest. lease by The Daily Pilot now has a new "BUSINESS TO BUSINESS" classification to provide a convenient method of buying or .disposing of Business items. •ESCORTS* '72-1131 COUMTIY GllL •ESCORTS* ACCOUMTIMG TEMPO•ldY ASSIGNMENTS OralMJ• Co•11ty i• loollliAig! AINI so an we! Wen AOllEAT NALF'!I accounl~. There are many new firms moving into the OranJe County area bringing about an in creasing demand for e>. perienced AccountinR aod Data Processing persoonel. CPA'S Mditors Tax Acea l•I• CostAcc~h Sr. AcCOMIClllla loold&ffpeN Ac~Cleril• Dato&ttry "" 0perotor1 If you are not aware uf the benefits of workliii< temporary -give us a call or visit us al our oew local.Ion. We will be hap· py to discuss it with you. We are located In the: COLDWELL BANTUJl~ BUI LOI NG Suite #200 2333No. Broadway Santa Ana (714113~103 Free Parking ACCOUNTING Come work temporary with a company who cares about you. Im· mediate work-top pay. Call for an appoiolment. 557.0061 lBdJ# unf\l"' raml T1ll2 Newman. New dtx 9"FOIMAT10M Gs:f!.t owner.1135--1808. .... unita2Br, 2ba & 3 Br, 2\.'Jt 43 0 l1 x. no pets, $300. ba w /f ..... lca enc gar RepoNtUlons, buy op· for 5 RENT Ml 600 sq. ft. $175 ~ _, • CoUe11e Ave, ... • · "on", take over pa~m~nt ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. 2IM4 Randolph. C.M. .a.f'NO 980-4145 Information. at)' Sgl garage, workahop 1 __ 67$-___ 5~U:.-6:.-·------ Sell your sur plu s, over stocked or no longer needed items or supplies of any kind . 2" Hrs. 9S7·8'74 t_Q~ off ice • ~07 overload "'r .., Qmet. nr Slater• Beach. " " 2 8dnn, l'AI ba, paUo, sml nnanclna OAC. Tradr area. loads or closet se.wep 4150 .._ok nocblldr-o...,.. •ITOllACH an)'thlnavaJuable. at.onge. Bal Pen. noo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._ • ... · _., Bach. al)L '115. lncl u\JI. Santa Ana 554·7070 mo. 67s.ul.2 .-mo.IMHlOO. Near"Beaeb&.ElUs. Westl'nlnster 848-889$ --------Self ·atoraae. 17801 ••NEW** PRIME TIME ACTION ..... N "-'-'Rl ·-·•.,..... C.AnabellJ\ 9$6·1011 Office...... 4400 Morgan L.o .. H.B .. off ~~~ioal ~ ty _........... E.Aollhelm ~ .......... ••••••••••••• Bch&Slater.848·99111. \'~~ 2Br.2bl.~drpl,enc DeJuu medical suite .............. 4600 .... dtbwahr, l lV. (rpl . .._ 4000 traand Or., Cerone dei eeH••H••••••••••••••• Whether buying or selllng see our .. Business to Business" classiflcaUon #5010. For more information and to place your ad, call 11'e way lo meel new people. Pl•ce your ad, answer ads, aubscrlbe. BoxmC.M.12827. '/PAY·Job costing, N.B. Developer oeed!\ sharp person w /res Iden tlal construction up. Oood benefits. lmmed. opening. Call (n4)$40-~. HU ~looal male, 401m-------· yr• youn1 looklna ror • MIWfOIT -.....-. .,. .................... lllt.RealOoOmlc•Corp. Reapon1lble. work\n1 llAl'h9CTI MIWAl'fHOMIS ~ wrllt r aeeka ooe ~~':"'".WMlDca'"~:... MOW~ •"'*••••r'-* a50-500 •Cl· ft. Qfflcea. bedroom cottage In 642-5678 ·Actoas. 1111. ttanlr ~-· Lovely aardent·Brook• -Prom S1'5. loci. uUl. 719 O>rooa del Mar or Colat.a ad\lli.,no~. ... ww fall w lllhSt .. --Moaa. Quiet.neaa eMtn· --111"' ~~!::_~.':I •l<lt<banFicll.avall. · ·-· tlal • .,,.. .. aus"1ed Ad Cott8 ~ta w. nove, fplcs, ai •Jacuol. be.awd pool Downto•a Kuntln1ton n>6. Dally Pilot, P.O. ,. . .t ll'C••ed, C'Ot¥ , ua =-.J!'.:.'"·, •WlllY0<""'1>m•ld"•· Beodl. 210,. M•I• s1, no. ueo. C.0" """ ct uplu ~.,S~lcllen na. rent· *'l'YA:~avallable Ona i -rm olfice aval1. 92Jlli2l8 lllW. • i:°To;'iiD' .. t.srmo. Low• S1l.IO Wk mo. -.1551. D!SP£RATE need lbr i~ :; :::-cal -.. ,..,., °"'":.::.--~1~:::::1.~"o,·~~~~ ~.:.'"N~t~~ ~:: ~Beach r..-.i penoeMS-m& Balboe m.- DAILY PILOT "" . . . .. .. . ',.. ..... _._ __ .. PCJll\Uve friendship w /a ~uUl\al womao who la tired o r cl u bs, me\aphyalcaUy oriental· ed cari•I· aeo.a1Uve, ar- f ecll ona t • • opo n mioded. Special Lady P'eue call, l 'm ••llln1 i ..... ACftlSSIS" -...ooa.s·· ., romMOWI" Those withins a prof ~lo inoviea. tv • tv commerclaltl. ca ti m.m3ut95 now. . ··--~--·- 7 Q DAM. V PtLOT Thurtdey. M•rc ti I ttTO I ; . • .I I ~ --."" "'"'" ' . • I ~ 1t Tl 1 a .. • :.!'!~.~ ........ ~!.~~~ ........ Cr_twter 8um4'S..ke1 tlouwcM• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •Sa\'f! Mooe)• SNim~ &i at.am t'll.!an R~modt1I , r1~p11r. •rn ......... FtXfT• F'JCPot'l'l'K't!d t1ouacclc11n Drivewa)'S•J>arkln(I lot l'ol<r bn1htl'rwn. wht urt:,ntr), uld 11 m.-"""' A ·'-bl I •Repairs •Seal"t>'1t111~ ""'•lO-•nblA""h "'"'"n h Cupent r . palnll"" iruc va ... I' 3 i uyi1" Li N.. C :,,_ S ,,._, .... '""' ,...... .-ra m• IP ltl yr11 In •. ,. Wft'k Al>lf. $30. Hou1i.111 • r 0 • "' &. Liv dJn rm ball 11~ Avll iltt'll l.ir'd Mr f'11l11m lku ralei. 1~ Yrt. '" D> COtila Ml•11a area. Aiph&UM&.41Tt . nn rr ~ courb lJO. rhr bo &Jl4 anra ~ 1~ <.:aJIJeao.nem 9621 ..... w.. ~ fiuar dtm prt odor I' •--. "' C"" ... ~nl • ( ONtr flt•mud~I • ·r-8 fA----1....,. ...... ••••••••••••••••• ., ... rt'Pl&r tJ yr11 t~xpr •••••••••••• ... •M•••••WWWWWM"9 I will beb) II :t kld~ ror ~o~ri m .. ., n ,. :·~~.~ .. ;~~CllP llANUYMAN Sl-:Rv1n;1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• work1n1 Mu1n, 111t1ot -NI kultb ol' rpp11tr l''rt"e Mind Your Maoncrll In<" OK llU IJ'\•a M!I ~ w Un' C'a~t l 'lunt'ni N4.tw NCWti 1pt to rH.ldl.'I\ foliurrua1c11 oo ~ Auodt-d robable people s 1 \I ~ bath a ul rcm0tl«'l11, wtll ran: r0t yoor home & ...__ Seokt ti!:i!~r~ r;,>rk ":0~~ am C'OllCNL4! • 11lult·r ...... pet.-; ll'ro $_;:_0_1 ___ _ •••••-••••••• • •• • ••• •• Trurk mnunt unit I' r Sl*k tuna, ltr 6itO llH6 •••••••• ••••• •• ••• ••• •• .._ l DtvORCI'; fmm f1lln" to , 1. rt! ,, nl•, iu<. J7tt. • , C Studcint l Ton lIU<'k •• (l.l\&I lro Actloo 1 ".ial ,...., I:. l: l'H~NKto.N toi•n T1uh. lf\'l' tram 01111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T)'Pir'lt 900 ~ti) IA>l lb do tM lltll Jobi hkf' • (oolr t41 ~. KuntW.2 5703 INCOME TAX Rf.•URNS '"'""'P"''"· f1<IOr" ,. 1114.10 .. , Add a room, 1mpniv1· -Prumpt. reasonable . TVPINt:. At•t•urutt-IMI UutC'h M111ntt•ollntl RT~592011nyt11m• Liu.• h11ultntt muvan.i NrwµortBch 833-8199 ooal 20 ),.. l'>·P M>tm tilt 11!'>4 Bedriuit liurlll(ll YamJ cl~11n1n"' l.!NDA'S &\I o.1i1 t pr·J ('arpo.·I IMl•ll1n1t ••••••••••••••••••••••• tC.·u:. r1111· .. li42 070~ fA..'< SEHVICE ttANKRlll' rev &. Rt6palr' n1•11~ooatdc• FJ..t ,("fltll li\N t-nu.:cJ ll;,141, i.k1plo_.dt•r, tlumv Pers1 Bus Income Tax f'rto~. tllt'd. rom11lct l'ooy flr llr ~7 :'l!MK l'll(hl (f\•1• •••llmah: 011 I.I k. ~ruJjni.:. ln'{' wrk. <'~ 1'42 C439 for appl l'd SU() l\1·t1u11 Ll'l'ill l&Jl:t'ut ,u>11l1Job11 1l1ml(Jlthvradc ,llJl ~7 1,..9K• ,..., .. , .... llOO ~lll SATI'Hl>A't ~··~·I I IJn•rw-d tl7J 01:.U · 7 "' ... .., lfuut1n•• •-l'I n n •••••••••••••••••••• ••, • C'~·h 11Ll•<lm d1•ant•ll 11:.-.-l • .... .. t'll u,.. PR 0 I'' 1-; S !'> I U N /\ I ii.rt) Slit .it '>aubnl( lo ,........ "'J l'l'll . comm'I S1K"r111 lmnt( In oiulo & Wltl T t.: k N l'" ,. r e 11,.,. <'!> l umm or Ht•,lll •••• • ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • ~l2 14~. 631 SIDI homt.'Owoer covt:rc1gt:s. It'll"·:.. broc h ur~~ l • K & n,t ·t'ntlntt 9-'-~-n ~, ~ .A'U"•' mi•,.i.ulo(t-t~ Klb2 •· , ... •-r IJ.>W <.., ..... I. STU1>EN1'S "_......., itr11111Lo;, rt'i.urn'-'"• t'dut·a uli..,., .. rnn· rt:puar """' -I As I UOl\31 m"dau mult•mili. Cdi• AcoeHffc ij4() 4090. 644 09Stl ~~~~N ~~.;gTRASH & ..,, 67~ nc. 640-5270 ••• ••• •• • • .. • • • • • • •• • • • • ~~ - "UALl'l'Y TYl'JN(,' i\<'iiu:.ur i.pray 'Wall tl'i.. ••••••••••••••••••••11 • Uilk~e stucfonl necdi. late Jc.itorial "" t~ll'· t-:xp d, R~·u:.unahll· Garderunl!. fll!un u1111 & hauling & movrnR Job:. ••••••11•••••••••• ••••• Ed1l1nt: The:.e ... d•~ titll [U1 C Al·vll,,l ll':> landst'apin~ Gcuri:" 49HlUl8 Off i ce. indu s trial. i.t>rlatton & bu:.111t.!'>'> 900-?.397or900~ tbush1 MS-7072 ---res taurant & home <' n r rt•:. po u d t• n r 1• Health & dearung Rers Lat'/bon f>rompt. rt•:.pon:.1bl<' C....ftf/Conc,..te ..:X~r l(llfckner ('le1111 HNtthClub1 dt.<d /ms 5525166 Mr:. Muir 1.uu H'"h ••••••••••••••••••••••• u• .... L'-t u " ' ,_ .. 'ee Cb nl'U~On ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ~-ilni111n ---~ '~'-. c:~"!~:~io(~~~~~!u~~~~ l'MarN S4!14H!H lk adachl'I Mq:ra n('~ ~~·;: ••••••••••• Tax ftt:turni; omph•I( & rnoo(•y l<<r.>:o ll4!> Wlti y ARD llt-:.J UV 1>;N A flON S~c1ahz1n~ ID prom µt BEJ\Cli C1TJl':S d1ff1cull r1:1ur11 :. llfl' Tree tnmmino •. rt•-relief Pholll' G enc d k I & -.... .... c .. °' ~ l9l6 Landscape & murnl purl' QUI{' ~ re --er. movt1l. yiml rlt•1u1uv & ' -DarT"eU 661 3042 e.w.e~ asonably Call 8-lti O'J051 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.pr1ng planting Hob HouMci.onlftCJ 634 2261 __ _Child care, m y hom1· 644>-lf.!88 ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Landscaping, gardt:n C.-..Rt1t Weekday:. or wc1:kl!nd1> ----* Ro BIN • s 11 o Us E maintenance. s pnnkkr r-6423460 Mowing. ecl~1ng , lrim· ,...,EAN1NG SERVICE, :.yslem:.. 631·3711.i / •••••••••••• •• • •• • ••• • • -ming. dean up:. & ht.: ht ........ .,.. .. 7926 f 3 Carpenter. f)-ee Est. Any Quid rare, good homt• hauling Rcuson ublc for a thorouahly clean ,,..,.,.. 3 t. · saz.e Jobs. Call Allan or romparuonsh1p, ft!nct:d rat.es. 6'75-<M!ll house. 540-0857 Tony 646-8649 yard, ex nUJ"Se. ~ 3098 -- - ---Want a REALLY CLEAN •VERY LOW PRICES• CUSTOM L1rensed Pre·School & on landscape maint. HOUSE? Call Gin1o:ham lnl.enor Carpentry Day Car e My home George :;.i9 ~IS _Girl Free est. 645-5123 by J ay.• 64.2-8809 19th. & Harbor . Cos la ,. _ _j5 _ _.1 --Cleaning ran rwn day -ML'lla. 645·8434 ~ .......... c•s en h w d Lou's Carpentry JO yrs ••••••••• ••••• ••. ••. ••. g Len ours. e o 1t exp Doors, windows. Boat Cl -& .d t l all. 552-0105 patJ06 etc. 551 2054 Trade your old :.luH ror earung e ai · --------------1 nt:w goodies with a mg. Weekly & monthly "JUST US" houscl'lean· Want l\d Help? 642·5678 Classified ad. 642 5678 Reasonable. Progressive mg We're hones t & ef£a. -· Sales Newport 673-~26 r1ent Call t;73-0163 Sprinkler ln.stallattons & llepa1r :.. New lawns. d ean ups and shrub & tree removal. 551 ·2054 SPF:C I A l.IZED LANDSCAPF..: Atrium , Japanese design, rain bow planting, fountuan waterlalJ. Do 1t right thl' tst time, call Glen·:. Landscape 759·0458 HelpWClftt~ 710~ tt.fpW.ted 7100 HelpWoRt•d 7100 H~Wont•d 7100 HelpWClllfed 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ADMINISTRATIVE AS -ASSEMBLERS. we will BOOK.KEE~R CASHlER, Telephone & ST. MAC GREGOR I.rain . /\pply 7am S800 START. cxper at'-Gen! Ofc. Pref mature YACHTS 642·6830 Mac:Gregor Yach ls 1631 counts payable. payroll person over 25 for our PlacentJu. C M. ' & general orflce Co:.la Mission V1eJO branch N~h~si;!s~'h'i·cun ----Me.aarea.549 2238 -~I.Ore. Man 2 yrs l'xper a:.sa~l in our prod dept & ASSEMILEIS BOOKKEEPER ~~ E:;f~~surpf ~,ttf.~:r. pe rfor m secretarial PRECISION "'/Charge or uss1stanl l n{' 28922 Camin o dutJci. Mul>l lype &lwpm Openings available in Good ~kills. cxpenenced Cap1:.trano. M1ss1on Vtc· & be ublc to do paslc up J -""" " E I .. ,, 040 prcc1s1on instrument m""''' openin,.. xcc JO,...,s-I work S al lo tom shop Appl 18 1 salary Call64fl·2666 _:__ _________ _ mensurate w ah1hly ican mus CASHI ER COOK Expanding r estaurant chaio. Over 50 units f'amtly-owned organiza t1on offer s pleasant working cond1L1ons Good opportunity for ad vancement. EJCcellenl company benern::.. Ex· penence desired. Apply Ill person to: Send res. Ad 11425, Ut11ly crvoy lhe challenge or Crown Hardware Apply l'llot., PO Box 1500, Costa tr o u b 1esh 00 l t n g & BOOKKEEPER at 3107 E Coast llwy. 'IW;lollg ~pger.. M c us tom f illin g of esa .Ca.926211 mecharucal assemblie!>. Resp person w /cxpr. CdM. ALTERATlONS Finisher. Good manual dextenty & needed to hand le all •i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-c x p 0 n1 y w 0 me n s mecharucal aptitude e x· fananc1aJ act1v1ty 1nrlud- spec1alty shop, f'ashion per a must Min. 6 mos mg monthly report. Ph Is land Fu II or p /T eicper req. E.0 E . Call <TI4)9'79-2270 wkdys. 759-1201 557·9051, ask for R ay -----------1 Gilman. APTMANAGt:;H ~~~~~~~~~ For ~ units in Co~la -. C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS t~t , ·• A .• •' 22873 Lake Forest Dr El Toro Coot< Mature adult for con- valescent hosp1taJ. 1-'ull lime pos1t1on available Apply Flagship Con· valescent Center . 466 F1agshlp Rd. N 8 . LAMhc ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Europu n Landscaper Top work Fair pnce ~ 640-4871dys/ove1. a..w..Sprtllldtr1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNRISES rRlNKLERS Plan oow for Summer! Coo.<K-rve water w/our ir na system• l'"ree eat. Lic.367672 Hutche.on & suet. 632.8116 635·3:i21f Mowry ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bnckwork. Small jobs Newport, Costa Mel!a & lrvlne. 675-3175 eves MovtRg ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Moving Out & About""' "Ooo'l Oday, Call To day" Local & slult' wide ~torv 24 hrs. 7 day!>. 54().4844 Moving & haulin g l-l'e1Rhl. bldg matenals. hshld goods elc Lowest rate~ to town. J ohn. 95.S-2654 PaifttiRg/PaperillCJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PETERS PAINTING Expr 'd. Rt:as Rates Fret: Est. Call Gene s.52·0458 Prof paint.mg Ext & int Low rates Refs Free esl 5J6.-4780. 536 4JIJ3 Ftne Ext.er Paanling by R SulOr. SL he . IO!> Try me 836-~ 24 h.rs WAL.LP APERIHG Refs ofrered. Eves. 631-3085.675·1266 QUALITY PAINTING lnt/Exl. Neat. Reasona· ble. Wayne (IXOY El 646-8226 Save On Wallpaper Save Oo Paperhangang Prof. & Reason. Call 751 9171 -------~ Want Ad Results 642 5678 • ~I ... .. ..... ,.., ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~tom Wallpapering A1J W<W'k Guar Fr~e Elll 61HlS8 Int/ext. One of Or. Cly'~ belter painters. Refs Greg Riley 646-5631 Painting INT I EXT Neat. honest. reas , 12 yr11. exp. L1c'd. DllV<' 064 100. I • ~' I~ ... Pool Srfke. l.,.WS llooflRt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Action Pool Service R&n«Shm_, Roohng Pool service av.ii Shake. l'lhlllgl<', romp . S8l.lsfact1on guar rerover Sh1nglo ~1dc Grci:&Frank ~ 5977 wall for yoor ext. John ~ ~~ ::;..... 979_7_7_79_. __ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• s..wN.g/AI..,...._. uvourtune·saver'' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Comm/lndus/bomes Expert allt'ratlon "nd 27 yrs exp. cau now !4.'Wlllg ktVlce Cu11l0m MeyerMicml-549·l366 work. Also lron1 n111 EXCELLENT Reu~onable rates. Ex Re PAJNI,!NC t ..._..&R ... .r ~work.642-3460 __ as. rates . .-, ee e11 . •••••••••••••••• ••••••• Tiie 548·2'706 Expr'd JC.it .. baths. comp. room ••••••••••••••••••••••• P8J.nllng & papenng. 26 adds carpentry· elect. Ct-ramie Ulc ans la lied yrs Harborare1 St.Lie B&C Cons truction llrs,shwrs,lubs.~7·2639 1.83281 Refs. 642·2356 548-0512 dys, Ma 70'J7 rve. .....,./aepmir Kitchen & Bath f'ane~t Ill J,... Ser-.lc• ___ _ •••••••••••••• •• ••• ••.. cabinetry deb1Ju1 FTce •••••••••••• •• •• ••••••. Neat patches & t.exlures AlEEEST. 893-1439 PATCH PLASTERING All lYP<'S Fr ee estm:iale11 Call 538· 7113 Plaster Patching . Plas t cr, s tucco & drywall Int /Ext. Free est 546-1641 George H o mes, Add1 l1 o n s. es~ l.lent~ge kitchens. TIM's TR~g SERVIC~. 66 -0428 Bo Stump grindang, prun Home Servi«' Add1t1on 1~. etc Bonded. eJCper, Remodel a nd re pair Xlnl rcrerenct'!>. 839·0175 doar~. windows a nd Uphol•tery Cl.anlftCJ - st.airs 493-3089 ••••••••••••••••••••••• R. & R Marble & talc, 1n-Al\¥ sofa $18 95 gu11ran° stalJfrplcfacings.druin· Lt:ed_ Quality work boards, pullmans. uni· Et:onomy prire. Mesa que work L icensed Serv1C'eCo 5411-9490 642-8712 -Have something to sell? R eslu<'r o Ov e r Blodcwalls Low rates RoofinrJ Classified ads do il well. 58&-4892 ••••••••• •••••• •• •• • •• • .----------, ......,."9 Repair & Rnoof All ~ •••••••11•••••••••11••• ~:r~ .... h~k:~h<'~~~~ ~a~ ... ~~4!·' Plumbing repair Spec in Free> est 541 5930 l,.in ... , .., SO remodelini;.copper rt' Avail. ,. , Ii WHAT'S pipe Free est. Top Hat --------, , HEW Plumbing 537.3194 Reroof & r c·pair All " T ----types L1 r 'd Work ••• WI H HOMESAV ERS Plumb· guar a nteed 24 hr ·,~-'r'OU? 1ng & healing Free 642·9496 _ ~ eslunates $15 hr Hone!>I & relia ble service. Thomas Parks, 1~1t '" BA/MC OK 979-8065 •350256, roof repair & Ingram Plumbang reas r ate:. o n repair ~. Repapei., remodels, 645-0394 People who need people should always check the Service Directory in the DAILY PILOT roal1ng. Ma rch Spec. $100 orr on 1 anseed 01 I tr eating, s hingles & shake:.. asphalt & acrylic coa ting for compo shlllgles & bll·UP roofing 20 yrs exp Free c~l Member Cha mbe r of Comm. No wa1 l1ng 83:.S.mlJ ~--fj _ ~~ - Only the Oallr Piiot IM"1 teila yoil ..., .... -;., ¥0<" IOU! commu"tty ..• _,.. d.-. 1.t!hi¢{.)I HelpWClllfed 7100 tWpW..tect 7100 HelpW..ted 7100 HetpW...totd 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dental Asst RDA Ortho. 1 Exp'd Manne mechanics ---------• G i r 1 s n eed ed f 0 r yr exp, fuJ I or p/t1 me. paJ.Dt.ers. Top $ paid for GEMBtAL OFFICE Npt Bch. Ph 642·2040. qualified pe-Annel. App· housecleaning ser vice •..,., Eleclroruc d1stnbutor. ,.,.,.,.. Good h Iv Lido Sh V d 900 """" pay. ours. Dial A Ride J •P ar · located in Irvine, needs Robb1es Rag & Mop Drhtt$ Lido Park Dr. N . B girl for orrace duties. S48-07S7 Operate modern eqwp 67~7272 Good opponuruues plus --------- •· d d EXPERIENCL'D exc<'llenl l'O mpa n y G n EAT menl "' oor lo oor • "" bencr1ls. Conlacl. Bob "'ft• • • transp. Calaf dnvers he TELLER req'd No prior exper Great :.pot in Dana Tracy. Sam ~pm . Mon SALES JOI HOW nee. Good dn ving rec a Poinl Must type 40 wpm lhru Fri. Phone !>49-09!>4 O!'tEH must. No Sunday work . Outst.and1ng benefits in· -----____ GO 0 D PAY. G 0 0 U Orange Coast Yellow cl. fully paid insurance, General HOURS, GOOD CON Cab. 17300 Ml. lie r · pro(itshanog&bonus INVENTORY Control& DITIONS MANY rmann. F. Vly . Provident Federal S& L. R.ecemng person needed FRINGE BEN Ei'"ITS. 341.SSA CoastHwy. 1mmed Must be exp FAST GROWlNG COM DRAPERY CaJIUHi86-6060ext.168 w /Cardex .,ys, ~ood PANV PROMOTES Exp person needed for I Equal()ppty Emplyr w/fa~ & paper wor k. FROM WITIUN. TRAIN persoo workroom. Apply MiF/H Harbor & MacAr thur 81. f' O R T O P m person: Coit Drapery, Santa Ana. 751.7901 M AN A G E M ~ NT 1702Newport81vd.C M. FACTORY TRAINEE-ST ARTS • • 1 M . Good pay. xlnt future an Ge Off h h M ED I AT EL y " . DRIVER-Weekdys, fast growin g plas tic n c, eavy Pones. KE y 8 0 .. R D ed d d . t I d · typing, filin g. s m ~ nc e 1 u m e 1 a e y . a hes 1 v e co. 1sJ7 E x p E R I E N c L• o.,..,1887 manufacturer. Salary "' ......-Monrovia Ave, NB HELPFUL. WE llAVf: .... ., 5125 commensurate w /exp. . Dnver with car to deliver _.....,_. ________ Callrorappt.642·1916 OUR OWN TRAINING L.A. Tames 3·30 lo 6 AM . f'asl Food-Mature help 3 PROGRAM PUT ON BY 7 days. $325/mo+bonus. hrs mid day Apply GcneralOhf1c:e ntE COUNTRY'S TOP Mesa. Expcr'd rouple . Assoc. Rep trainee. New Husband mus t have Co. m O.C. area needs maanl. exr Wirt• tikkpg men & women or couples e >ip. C;i l 64l S073 or for P /T work Many f213>86.'J.38!St • beneI11.s for nght peo11le. --------Call for appl. 731-8920. AI R Reeept1on isl Ex · BOOICKEErER Orange Co. CPA firm has 11nmedJ8le opening for a full rharge bookkeeper m our H B. office. Re· qwres recenl bookkel'p- mg exper, & ;ib1Uty to work directly w ith clients. Previous CP A firm exper preferred 714/992·4561 Openings now available for run and part time Cashiers on 2nd & 3rd shifts. No t:xpenencc necei.sary. we t rain. Start at S3 per-hour, ud- vancemenl opportumly for management positaon to $5.50 pe r hour 1f qualified. l"or interview Hunl8ch-892·M22. Lynns. Burgers. CM I ~1rl p tl. J\ f>, A·R. 0 R G AN SA I. E S Counter help. Prr & F (f <!AC?<Oi! payrolJ, Bk:k~.htetype-. .PEOPLi'..: CALL AT day shirts. Mon·f'ri. App ---------• _.,...,. __ ""'°" __ . ------Const.rurln exp nece:.:o. O N c E 1-· O R pencnce reqwred. 40·50 ASST MGR. 2 days per wpm, 10 key by toueh, week, It bk!> & mainl. r or f ul I l 1 rr e Fr 1 n ge appL 714/979--0150. lY in person. 11·2. Orange DRIVERS Female factory pkgrs . Call ~9281 <8·12>. INTERVIEW. OHG1\N Julius, 711 E. Blaboa Menorwomen 25yrsor $2.90hrtostart. Ment EXCH ANGE, STAN ben er11s. Newport Al!l'O/LOT Boy F'tr for Bearh. 645-7040 clean-up & delivery. Ap· go to store 36. Monday Blvd. Balboa. older . Know the coast raises. 1537 Monrovia Ga.Bt41. OFFICE NUNN 114/586-7~2 CO u NT ER H ELP-cities. Net $180 a week or Ave. N.8 . 548..Sl2S. Newport Bench omre or Assembler / Mechanical ply i_n person. 140 In· Rotary Switc hes have duslJiaJ Way. C.M · IOOIKEEPER 9am·lpm: Mulli·Corp. Newporl 885Glenneyre B e a c h R e a I Lag. Bch., 494-9235 Mato.re person to wait 00 more. 0 range Coast FfLE CLBK large advert.I.Sing agency Guards tom •-1 t Yellow Cab, 17300 Mt. needs d erk typist. Ex-See our ad under Sccun· Estate/ De ve lopment Equal Oppor Employer Firm has immed. open-_ _ _ mg for EXPERIENCED Cleaning Lady for Motel. ONLY F/C bookkeeper. Good pay & working Llghl typing req. Send cond. FULi or parl ume. resume including datcs 499-2227 cus ers "' nspec '" Herrma nn. Fountain Irvine based hom e .,...__W k nh C dry Cleaning Plant Call cellent opporlun1ty lo ty. ""° ac e ut orp · Valley. (No of S later builder is seeking a learn the adverta!lin~ t~ operung 1n our Al!l'OMOTIVE final assembly dept. Re· MATURE ADULT 642-5466. betwn Newh ope & bn~ht enthusiastic in-t>u,,mess. Coot.act Wallie Counter ·Sandw1ch. eJC· •Euc-•b•d•)------· dlvtdual for an excelJent Roquct. Bozell & Jacob . perienced . Apply in ----------entry level positJon. The f o r appo i ntm e nt , GUARDS Full & p/llme. All a reas. Unarorm::. furnis h ed Ages 21 or over Retired welcomt• No expcnencc nl'c Apply Universal Prott.'<'llon Service. 122b W 5th Street. Santa Ana lnterv1ew11 hours 9·12 & qwres good hand dex-t.enly w/min. 2 yrs exp. Needed lo n;ianafc our m s mall merhanat'al as· lot boys Don t cal apply St!mbly. Cole lnslrument In p e r s on lo M r . Corp 2650 S. Croddy Way Romano. and salaries to J. Krem· ---------- ba s. Qu a i I P I a c e CLERICAL ~Hw~~~·. 3309 E. Onver for Water Truck ~~~~~:~6 ~ho~u~? (714JSJ3.Ql88 Exp Only need apply . rice exper. with 40 wpm. GENERAL OFFICE S.A. 714/556-3100 E.0 . F:_ JI,•.,. ·.i •I ....... •ASSEMBLY TRAINEE -, I .'W 9lll I :~:ii lmmt.-d operung avail for IMf'OUS Properties, 1400 Quail SL, Varied gen oHc duties. Ste 135, Newport Beach. must have good typing 92600 skills & phone manner. 536-0074 typing. We offer ex Custodlans-Su bslilule. DRUG CLERK for pre-cellenl working surroun· Salary $4.70 per hr. 2:30 u· 'd dmgs & a chance to ex· pm·Upm. scnp on store, exper . press your talents with a WilJ train. XJnt benefits. steady full·llme person, 1,66 .._..11.~ mfgr eleme nts. filters c .... ...._. BUSBOY Orange area. Contact New York Life; Mrs Lu· c1ano 547·7451 for appt. E.O.E. Apply Newport·Mesa lO·S. Mon·Frii fringe fas t growing home Unified School Dist. benefits. HiU Pnarmacy bt.ulder. For immediate Classified Personnel Of. 1441 Avoc ado. N . B . consideratioo please ap-for vessels, good begin-"'-64'·'10l., UO.t4'7 ' for lunch Mon lhru Fri. rung saJary w/00 day re-~======::::::! TheRitz,673-6363 llce. Mon.Weds.Thurs-_640-6564 _________ , pl,yinpersonal Fri 9am to noon, Tues ---------i PORdtrosa tto..s VleW. 1-3::11, 5 dys lrvme 919·8860. Equal Op· portunily Employer M IF ~EMBLER lmmed. emplymt. Wall train. Apply 9-2 at: 5401 Md~adden Av. H.B •. E.O.E.M/F Assembly TRAINEES coa oralB4cmt lpm-3pm. 1601 E. 16th. EARH UP TO S2 50 20l2 Business Ctr Dr. Sl.N.B. E.0.E. A WEB( .parftf• Surte223 lrvine 9271S AUTOPAATS -------•ICLERK TYPIST-Small COUMTIRMA.M Bus Orivers-SUbslltule . Electronics Service Co. Minimum 3 yrs. jobber Salary $4.56 pe r hr. needs cheerful responsi· experience.Must be well LiceosedorwUltrain. ble person for heavy in· No expr. necessary. We Affirmative Acl1on will train you. Employer SAIL U SCHOOL Cal 675-4190 woomed & personable. Apply Newport-Mesa v0tcing. Speed nol Im-DayHMtess. Must be well Hard work & good pay Unified School Dist. PQrtant. accuracy cssen· g r o 0 m e d & g 0 o d with growing company. Qassified Pensonnel Of. tial. /f't A I T h FOODSAL''"' Call S-56·2500 for in · fi M w d T hu E.S.S. lnr. 549-8172 w 1 ures. PP Y e ~ ice, on-e s· rs· Der y Restaurant ,!~~~~~~~~~~ GRAND tel'\l\ew appt. Fri. 9am to noon, Tues. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 546-8390. 1- Auto trans. R & R man. 1Pm·Jpm. 1601 E. 16th. Clerk Typ1st-SUbslllute. _O_E_L_l_H_E_L_P_, -1-0-:-3o_t_o ~:::~L~rn ~,:0 ~ ~~ OPEMIHG Exper. preferred. MUST •Sl-.N •.• s .• E.~ .• o •. E_. ___ Salary$4.05perhr. 2::11, Mon thru f)-i. Will shifts. Aid/hskpg, cook-ORANGE CO HAVE OWN TOOLS. Apply Newporl·Mesa train, callaft6, 675-9324 ing. Musl have car OFFICE 548-22118 Business man r equires Unified School Dist. Dependable. Ref's. SJC EVBYONE Babyslller-Llve In , Spanish s peaking OK, smaU salary. reliable, d ean. MS-1708 serious a mbitious person Oasslfied Personnel Of. DELIVERY I R E P AI R area.496-4226. IUYS FOOD spare Lime to assist ln rice, Mon·Weds-Thurs· person, for t?iuipment Oistr. Consulting busi· Fri. 9am to noon, Tues. rental slboillre. ust hahve Engineering CUUIMT ST AH- ness. Opport. to develop lpm-3pm. 1601 E. 16lh. mech a t.y · 40-45 rs EAIM UP TO Ir The Orange Coast Daily l 4 Mon thru f)-1 Pi.Jot has an 1mmed1ale opening in our Classified Hau-stylasl & Marucunst Department for a full have station lo r enl. time person. Dulles in· BeautifuJ S~lon m H.B. clude 10 key adder, filing Call Sue at963-071_7 __ _ and hte . typing. Some Hair Stylist needed im- bookkoopmg expenence medJ.ateoperung. With or h e I P f u I b u t n O l without chentele. Apply necessary. SaJary com· in person. Sec Fafar, mens urale with l'X · Rcgis SoulhCoas tPlaza. penence. Excellent rom· 540-8888 pany benefits. For tn·l---------- tervicw. please call: Personnel Of face 642·4321. exl 277 ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330 W BaySt. Costa Mesa Equal Opportunity Employer EARN $SPJ\RETIM E! Newport Beach. Bruce . 548-2256 Hostess. expr'd, FT. days & eves,. Country Club. 644-5404 H<li'I'ESS·Full time days. Experienced. Apply 3'5pm Jolly Roger. 400 S . ---------1 Coasl Hwy. Lag. Br h. Ml·cro your own bus. without in· SC.. N.B. E.O.E. wk· must work Sat. Call CHECKER . ova $600/$100 Babysitter for 6 mos old vestment. 646-7989 --------• 6'5-07~. United Rent All. CommWloo Weekly Sell· General Electronl.CS baby,8:30-w,on-Frl. CAFETERI A·l~dustrial CocldailWeltnu DILIVBY Ing High Qu a lity. We can oHer you a HOTB.CLERK Ea.stblufC. artG. weekends only. Costa People needed for te m-ResPQMlbllltJes wlll Incl Beautifully packaged change . I mmediate Musl have expr. NCR We are aeek ina in· Babysltter-E•pwoman Mesa area. Day-.swlng. School poraryUaht cltydelivery lnlt.ial review of draw. Me at, Seafood & operungsfor 4200. Apply to David c1MdU&ls foe flrst shift lo care for Infant 00 P/t grave. Grill. casblenng& Earn ut> to $300 per wk. work for S he r a ton ings w/a moderate drall-Gourmet Food products STAT TYPISTS McNeil, Hotel Laguna. poelUons 1n our Produc· basis. Refsreqd. Pis call serviq. Exper. helpful. Low twllon. P lacement Newport Beach Hotel. ing & deslgn·g workload. l 0 new & r e P e a t RECEPTlONfST 425 S . Co as l H w Y. baa Department. We will 759-1374. 994·2331 -::::8.Sllii' iiliil!ltii. 7Siiiii1ii,gi194iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Must be neat In ap. Will consider a year or customers. 10.KEY CLERK Laguna. 494·1151 train the r ight in · ---------• pearance have car and twool practical exp. & 2 EXP HOT NEC CLERK TYPIST dMduals tn the micro Babysitter • bsekeeper Car Wash Help full ~art COLI.ECTOR know cily streets well. yrs college. Knowledge HEW ORANGE Salary depended upon Hoosecl.eaners to work ror electronics Industry IM n rm+brd. Refs. N· time. 18 & over. etro Experienced collector Apply fn person. Please or faatener s helpful. c--~ OFC experience, permanent ::.=~;.:I. :.;g~~r~nn. · smoker. Jnfant. D. Pl. Car Wu h, 2950 Harbor needed by national credit do not phone. Ask for Room for advancement ""'"' • &temporary Jobs. We have Immediate area. 4"4587, 831-6234 Blvd.CM farm. Strong collection Miss Layton rronl desk. for lhe serious can-MOWOP841MG PACIFIC .mnca in Cho followloa eves. CASIDER, Telephone & bacltarouod necessary. 454.S MacArthur Blvd. al didat.e. FOi ltlf'T CALL: r.. null Sen-le. ...... lllUI! B•bysl tte r Working Genl Otc. Pref. mature •per month starling _B_irc_h_. ------12ll,JJ9..J625 1370 E F.ctlnger,S.A mother needs mature ~over 2S for our salary + e~cell ent Deliver newspapers lo IOSAHIHC. 558-7016 •T.... womaollve·inbabysltter osta Mesa branch ~pl:r=.~~:~~&Md:s~ vending machines A.M. N~.~r Garde ner , Spacious 610NewportCtrDr.NB Housekeeper parl·time Thurs tbru Moo. Good benefits. Nice workmg cond. E.O.E. Bayview Conv. Hospital, 2055 Thunn St. C M. 642·3505 •1'11111,..... tn excha.nae ror room & st«e. Mio 2 yrs exper. facility. Call Monday Costa MesaJ Newport EqualOpPortunlty grounds ror 55 unil com· ·---IM0--197_0 __ _ ,,,_._U..... bo.rd.21.M.30-7927. Cashle~ Telephone & ofc ~ ... ""lday • ., ....... ,.,.,.., area. Call a1ter 6 p.m. E I pie" In Costa Mesa. Housekeepm0 Asst. Mgr ...-._ l ..... reqd. uood wtrigurt's. ,., ..,.,, """""' 642-3148 mp oyer. .. r 'd ( 1 .....-aon•• Part tim e babys itter Apply T he Earle 's G chards or Mike __________ 1------'---"'----6G-SCY13or <213)865·38Sl. GEN. OFFICE·Maturt• or mai ~ or pr vatc needed for J6 month old Plum bl 0 a . I 0 c. l II 26 Sullivan. Del. ITl(lO over 18 for I.I\ escaow SECaET ARY woman, bkpic ma ch ex c I u b I' u II t 1 m I! . Coc:nprehenalve com· altl.Ollll~$1N Newport"Blvd, co;u Tlmei1 In NB" C M. TRAINEE. Corona del GASSTATION per.he.lpfulPac1C1c lnd . 7 30 ·4pm . Union ~ blaefitt tncludlnt M ...... 17.... ...._, l -/UN\/ Mu. Must type 50wpm. Attendant S up PI Y . 2 I 6 7 So benef11..s. Call for &ppt. --c:nedlcal and den· BEAOTICli\Nw/foU. for esa.-· -· Companion t or am . romu p.. -_.,., mo. All benefit.I. Bay Q crow Fullflp/ltme. $3.50/hrlo Ha\MwaySl.,S.A. ~5000d20. tal. Call or •PJtlY In NewpocUrlftft --------•I bUlatcry elderly Lady. 3 _646-5844_..,;_ ______ Co. 547·~ w tor Boa· ,_st.art __ ._644_·~-----pstOD to .a Campus ~or~ CAS .. •/SALU or 4 da.Yt per week. Day Dental Alslatut. for a un· nie ,-Ht. AtlDA y House«eeper or cpl, full Drtw. NewDOrt •ach. Ume. Corona del Mar ICIUe employtntnt exp. 1--------GENERAL OFFICE for wanted for amall mtg. charge live lo. LrB busy <TW> HMIDBO. Wt are aa IOOll••P/C CMIYOUTS area. $411 ·8172 days, Join our team ! Flexible IScaOWMAMA•a ll82:t.ore.Some bk· co. llusl be aelf·starter ln Npt &:h. 6 Days, top e qual op.,ort\&Dll)' Pot. •/P"JGI. F.I. R.J;. 17J.1Jl2eveswknds. bn. u a chalnlde aaals-FACrOW compa111 seek· tcw. time. Over 2S. wtth knowledte or ac· ~~ qtn. 5Si·l.2Sl ~ 111r/R 1mt1t. nrm. Xlat oppty Unlq'9t retall Dur.a91')' .... f r -• use 1 u1· d 'd Mn t.chM?..z583 couotln1 thru trlat 1---'~:..:------_,_ · ror up. ar mature baaf\lllar,.nUmepo.J• C,..,,..S --· or• em ... e Ill qua •• e•Ptr ____ ;.._... ___ _ ..-.eaUMMHJ3 Uona available for aalea VVWl 1 r~!!•le deall1t. wort1.o1manacertot.ake balance. Conta c t U W:-lllbowiekeeper/com -'ID~UASK orlenltd =cant. Le Biarrib Restaurant •~ ~.Out.attnd.latopp. --------Maurine: pukJa for elderly COU· I~ IOCU• • Nlfttl'f u ence not ln Newport atekiq qual. D9atal Allt. Excellent GP· ~ ror CJ.nanclaJ • gro-~ ~ ~N~l.I. •-=-Pt...;...·_se.2026 _____ _ COip l:x p trhneed In ......,,.. apply ~.!!a'!~ .... ~ufaort bc~~ef portunlty ror a n a n -f=•l 1rowt.b. "o1r 1'>placeyourmea... ... ... 2 .. 71 HOUSE WORK Sat/Sun I Nita.ant. aecooau.c. lo,......: --.. ..... .... lhualaaUc clrl aeeklng e;;;iata.,.. awan befont.be _.,. .. Permaoeot. Must have _ for &be n.DMt rtttaurant befUorafU.M5-f700. full Ume e mplo,ment. ~thia ,::,..:::::eto~· rHdln&publlc, .-AtlDAY °"1tcat.C.ll64$-0089 ~~~~~~~~I In lAPU 811cb. M111t IOe•S•AIDIHS COOKS·Prlute Club 1peclally olllc•. Ex· .... •• D ll --... u .. , = bav• refere•cn • be m111a1:rn -.... -·""''-' ••·"'e .._ p•rlence o ec. Non ""'IMw, a Y .....,..... ve-ln. nocmldrentoae· Houaewife Prt' or Full/T. " ....i11.1... l u111-n .... -,.._....__, -• ~ ~ PUot,POBosl.MO,Cotta Oall1Pl1ot alsl executive w bo t :30·1:ao. Must have llllft......., .. ,_wu& ~~ .. bqlnwotk m· ,..... nun nu. .u .... .u braillrcooka, 1·2)'n.ex· • • Meaa Ca aGe Clwlfied,841-5878 &ravtll ~ Part time 1ood p ers ona Ill)'. tliillTClihltled ldl do .._-. la1al7 GPID· _.. _,._.. pw. a mutt. Call ror ' · aecreurlal duttu. 549-3373, o.c. Airport ............. ....... ...._ ...... 510. W•MI C.allta.1111 SelUcllellalni MWf1I l1lMlf01, .,.., _ .. . , -.-... ... ,. -..... --...... . . _,. ·~ -. r I 1 j : 1 I ' I I •• .. H.lpW..e.d 1100 tw,W..tM 7100 HtlpW..ted 7100 H.tp WMl•d 7100 ....,W..tff 71 00 ....,W_..., 71 00 OAILVPILOT " ....................... ·············•········· ...•........................................................••..•......•..•.••••••••..•••... 12-...Heectilrlwllhrar l.Aundr')I Work~r tM.•edl'd Me trltalnc• ll.-nllll PR~MAN lrvloeSpare --------fWltW..W 7100 tw,W..W 7100 fWltW..W 7100 :~ :r~:t:~':t·. •,\·~ ~~:diro::'pr wrp .. p'r,r ~~~.~~ l: .. • n':~~.11~~" MOYIE UTR~ :~.r~~n: c"o0:~~~c1~~ ='c;. ... w. .,. ••• Mein.a;:·····;·;;;:~·;;;:;;;~·~~;~ ~~·;·;;a:·;;·~·~;;;; ~P)C Btvf'f'lf Manor,~ Vil will tr1un Min ll )'ri. 1•111 11ou1ithl by llolly wooaJ 1tt'l'kln1t u pre111mun w/3 PtrCOOK' H05'fr.s! P/thnc. 30 hrs +. lt&&l.NewPortC.nteror. operator lookln~ for -ton•. C.M Ml't'hen aplll ~I'll 100\lk• fmn L>u 1200 p..•r Yrs t•xper on a 2 color f'~Ti;PERSON Arch1tecta Ofc, ex per nee. 4'4·30 hn per week. Hmbe.nd/ wire or 2 muu llSl-Xl.£.AN RS E~p fr. Lnd ptnclO 111<nuu-d Skin ly ll'M NI C:uaAt llw)' day 1>011h Loukanl( hit Hamada :550 C D or needed. 11lary neaot. Call&t4-N50 team for coast to c°'u1\ car tor won Mt' 1S hr •lY Havf'n R.-.i Lia .... , l.J&I Hell outgu1ni.( 18 70 yr old11 eq11valt•nt lo work fl.Ill· R ~70 I0.3PM Sec~tary superior typist produce op~ r a l 1 on . sian_n416Motll0 Rd,_... Hll'11 lll1 ~ M=-"<11nt1nl( '" tm•uk into llnw day•. top quallty • 9 •~•n&•y law Otri('(!. AJ,...,.rt ar .. a &'B-5'2. -~ .... ll\OYIM 1714) 7(.1 ·~4 r:: I " --·k L'xrer on " ... ~ ~ ·-" ·---------lbkpr w/ur Expr'll lqal IMM U UN.NINll:-. in v IO t<:O C A b 1' l N ti o,~·r .. um • .,. .... Xlnl ~Y tor eftlc~nt Newport Beach. No leaal WAITRESSES needed • ~ .. 1 -r "'or d"l••I llarul l't ,, .. Mar. l'Vf'll aldc!lberti ord elp(ul ex~rlence required Mr o· Colff Sh .... u. ......-. .... r , IMM L ,. 01 ., NI b~Vl<.:t; (l'lrolw Ill 4U1 but not nee Salary in ac· Mal w/ op secretarial · s ee op"""" ralJ .,. Ta26 AMrtiSIO' I •nc .-u ' • Nl1 >'''II.I' I c:ordanrc w /ex~r. Call 16 r.•IH ,.._., alu.lls &o work lo fast Te phone Mary 833.9912 E. Cst. Hwy CdM MIO'". l'Yl'Olnj(,, l't r lll'lll J'm D•v•~ tor •P~· (71~) Aa--4 Npt Bc:h RE ore "--......... n tn N (I No •P OM" ,11 _ • "' • '" NewportBeach ........,.... · · · ..--:urity WAJ TRESS. Exper for PAITTMI i'a......a..fynist ti.•r11•t1"*. '""· '"'~ h•uv,•. N l' J p hu part Umt•Job .!!:_ls.4 _0u'luaa Call Lila. 833·2900. We are loolwlg for pro retirement home dining ---_,.._..__ .,_" r"' µroflt ab11nn1& AJ1ply uprruna1 t:arn ui.i tot..$6 PRINTING Produetlon Ret.ailSalea Secretary PIT 3daY$ per feulonal Security or room. P /t1me. Apply ~ ~• rui1unnnowava.Jlablt'IO 4M.'1 l ·oul\t ll,.y, Nil ur ptir hr (all 113 1 11,4 S If wk. Musl know IBM netts. Full ls part time Newport Val la , 4000 SANCl..ENE.NTt; tbf' Lcaal Ad\.f'rt1 '"f ill !Nan olr Slop 'N Go 12 .lpmoo.ly ~v~~.•JJ:t';or~Tna JIAMDAHL Me mory type writer. ()peOlnptbruoulOrange H1lara• W ay, N 8 'tbe DAil.'' l'IU>T " [ partnw!'nl <Jt'ooral c> MarkdA, 715 N l.u11r1 cond. Days . 644·8232 DESIGNER Small coneenial ot c. CoTr··--·U""" •-phone 642·5861 ('(lnliOUd.atlnl a aubAl.an fl<T ~t'ntt and ll•ht N\n.hf'im n4 "'210 N c 1: d t• d o ,. C' 11 '1 1 ll n .t I !!:vu ...,., 2010 SPORTSWEAR I .....,...,. -""-" • ---------\lal part ot-111 d~tribo typtna 11k1lh r t'Qllltt'<I biiahY"•tll'r Alt.-r 11thool ~ NeedeXJ)erienced person Send resume " sa ary to necessary. R e tirees WAITRESSES UOOln&oJltlp.-rro"l•·llrl" 1~pml MANlil\l<I N t lllNl'"~I'. & l'Vt'"I :! d11ldrc11 Pruducuon Worker, Hot an sales of fashion POBox1.811,CclM,9262S. welcome. Top wages & F.xperiented dinner ~uJrrna afternoon de• l'OOK .... 111 1t•iai.t2yrl•I( fl.utura ~l!.11~ Air B1tlloons Layout. merchandise.Fulltime.1•--------•1 advan cc:menl op · housewallress,olght & hvt'r)' by molurtuc t;tpo•utt' 111 .rnd lH Jlll'f' S7~m11 10hrwk W cutuoe. seamlnfi, n g Newport Beach a rea. Secretarys·Subatltute . portuolties. Apply in day operuog~. Apply 1n tranaportaUon 11\-nttal Ul'lllt°r'I nd1n111 of II J " <:ul<k·n llrti.;on N~l-.0 XTRA JOH" &•ng .. ~~lli~me win train. Salary commensurate Salary 54.47 per hr. pen!Ofl. The Wacke nhul p~rson betwee n 3,·, ~· •Liberal income 11 l'OUl1 '\)'3~mii. a1t1I lt<1tal tnc· 2003 lharbor utvaJ . l'ack 'tour o,,.u hr) OIJI""'......., wath expeneoce. Call for Apply Newport·Mesa Corp. Suite D. S7l N. Mon.·Fra. J . P. M.AC S, IOwanc."C' plus bonu1 pl1n fthnte ~un•11 """1ra l' M 11141642 71t>Z 1·~·nl111J unlimited Cull appl. 642·2444 Poplar St. Orange. An Danner House, 10142 •Shon 'WOrluni h<>un (1 bl but no< nt>t'o~..r" l1• 11ppl !All 1~ Unified School Oa s t. equa I op port u n t l y Adams Ave . H.B. (At d~~"""""' M11n1run •l w.rntt•ll tor Real Estate Saal cutter-exfr'd. Call Oassified Personnel Of. employer.997·1863 Brookhurst> E.O E. •l':XtelleDl parlUmo in Automobile lll'\"1•11ur ... p..r Nl'wpun ti111y nuil N U HS f': A I U 1-:s t' x I' .....,., Ir s...... Odyssey Sal Makers . flee, Mon-Weds· Thur· f<r 01 riu10011l lt1C'11I dnv lJK'P Mu11t h..iv1• follow Lttf · 1 J 30, gtl :.alory We have an opening in s.57-4013. Ftl. 9am to noon. Tues. Service Station Atten· Woman t.o prepare 5 even fo ur deol~~i-eont :iul ll\IC l-.C\.N•ll .. nt Mmi•111'1} uu: ('ult IJ\tWNll 10 I C'ounli) C'lub ('onvul our ResideotJal Div. for SaJ Cl k ""JO hr lpm-3pm. 1601 E. 16t.b. dant, exper 'd .. Day & mgmeaJs forgenllemun F06~r OUt!ll l 496 Qi()4 bt"fll•(1b h7!• 07UJ IAlorrw. 2o.M'2 i:i~ua Ana an experienced man or kes Set . c.v-Es per Sl.N.8. E.O E. Eves. Full & p/llme . AP· &young boy. S4S.0015 bct~ .... 0 .... 30A'"' ?r~t Vl' s I\ Mtl . w . lataooery xp. ply, Shell Stauon. nth & ---------.. .,., ., ,.. .. woman possessing e n· Management opportuni M-•· f or IDh•f\.l('W, "'l'lllll M11tutl'. l.lllra('tl\•' la(f) Nl lf'~"-/\JU LIVE IN ... us1a.sm and 1n~.e nty. . lrvlne NB -·" ,_ UI ¥i roe the right ~rsoo. Secretary/Receptinnast. . . Mwchmdiw C&U tor t'OUD'!lt"IUI il-liPM -k" $71.0 ""( naonlh. "Y"" ure anteres in a .. G I I c"t . .... .,.IU'"T-1• t()ff M ..... " ..-"',,..u ho: e o era ape r lnternationa o . an ServStaHelpneeded1m· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---~ v.. l''"onnt• 1r.• C1tll ~lufl_. a r-.h.sll Moo thru .. 'rt, weckt•nd) beautiful office In the St.ore Mech lMr,ctor to an!I" 00'3:!1,l'JCI 271 1-'lteurl SliJuru.~47~ off t•·r" fur 2 non f•.....,t location, working .C.M.642·90ll. Orange requires an ex-med. Full or p/L Apply W .. i 8005 '" OR_&..u!.E CO ST u ' ""'" "n'-E lb . . perienced person lo han-990 E. CslHwy, N.B. •••••••••o••••••n•••• vt:ndu ta M<'•lt.'d ptarb ~ A MECHAHIC tlcm11n1l 1ng ladies 1n wllh congenial a s · ~ n us1aslic person dle secretarial duties. . " a . s em b I 1 t' !; I c o&•LY PILOT l.aicun.1 Bt!&t'tl home socaates. we are anterest· to call on people an the heavy telephone & some Sh1pp1ng & Rece1v1ng bluepnnl s~c1f Cito ~ i':JCpcneured w1alr ronll ll cf c' c ra l' I! s n c \" ed an meellng you. In· design trade. Top $ for showroom. Must type 55 Clerk. full lime. Call AnlJque Music Boxes! dldate W>ou.ld h11ve m111 330W Bay St tu o e u P I 1 g h I U PJOHN JI ~ALTH tervaewbyappolntmenl. top pe rson . D esign wpm. Good salary & lvanforappt,S.0·3280. Slot Machines! Clocks! or 3.,... ..... t!lthcr .-~ u~ C'Otil8 MN•ll n~:hw:ural Good sal1t r) ,.AR L• s L~ R v I c ES. w-.a... u y-a...c o~-·-IUC IYtQll HUGE SELECTION ,.u .. '" '"~ I 0 rt l •· ..... ft ,. d '-""' .-_ ,._, "· .,,_. o. nc:>UU.l'-~s • .....,.......,. C beoefil plan incl. SH Ip p I NG DE p T •-rt lns~or ol Mecb par~ ""'4ut1, Pf: uru Y "' ~·1w l ~ uoo Yea• t: OE. (714) 752 0992. o~a1•~ "••-4910 -CGft L'mp r ""-· S•··P nc """ .,.... s l F II /t " otal plan. Call for an· & assembhes rn either ""' O)'t' 1u.: .... t ------------------a e;; u or P ame. tervaew Gail lnterna· 'J_'R~NEE wanted for t•..+ioMll comm'I or Aerospace ~al Secr~tary ,mdl_I f:i4f;..4814 •Nursery Work. Seekwg Real E}state Lamp & shade Exp pref. · farm 10 Costa Mesa. Hrs GaleriH field. Must be able lo in dynamic bus1rk:s:. lit1g11 Ml::CHANIC. MARlNt:. i ntlus lnou:. person YOUNG Recref.Call646-77S3. tJooalCorp.997·9383 8am-4:30pm, ask for Mr Open Wed thruSal. lerprel blueprinti. & t1on firm 1n Newport t;UOl:l oppty with a :;mall ~o~l~c'~lti7r~ ct ~~an~sf AGGRESSIVE Ir Salesgirl, full·tame for SECIETARY/Rtcpt. <llfford.642·5254. 1802Kettenng, Irv. :.ch e matars & ra.m Ce rater <ot~t· k b (•" Com Mu't know uas & One d purse & J0ewelry store. in expandha~ salestmrg. Sitler needed Tues •-(714) 754-1777 wJoonnal prec rnsp an d ., ,,,. .. , J:~.ar t>xper. reqwre HU ... GRY ood .. ,.._ ______ _ Good al perie nce • df1r1e n1 d11.•S<'I 1•11Ji r~pa1r & in "'""""""" " Apply at557W.19th, C.M. company. typlJlg Thurs, 7:30am to 4:30 •·---------~tr~ell r~und~~v~~~~~ e 11erg<·l1 c I e ~J I stall AC & DC helpful ---------New commission splil! or call 646·5210 o r nee. Im med re quire· pm Own transp reqd. $2 Ouna Cl"'""l, early l900, "" set"retury . Shorthan<I, Wntf' resume w/p1C'tun • NURSES AIDES Would you like to be a 645--0728 for additional meot. 714/979-6373 _hr_CaJ_l_67_3-8596 __ . ____ format~""" Mahogany, beru: prog. For an an dactaphoc'M!, xlnt. typ1ni: lo Ad No 468, Ua1l y winner? Our agents earn Wo temew, pls call Person skills a must Salary 1'1101., l'O Hox 1560. Cosla State cerllfied only $4 over twice lhe Industry · SECY/RE~EPT SO. E AS T AS I AN xlnt co · $485 Aft S 30 nel Dept < 714 )S40·6900 negotaable Benefitb Call Mesa. CA 92626 per hr. Xlnt benefits. & average Call Guy Dillow SALESGIRL Rd Lypang skills. some M E R C H A N D I S E _546-44 __ 11 _____ _ x254 or apply : 3715 ,...,.._,,,. __ _ _ __ working cond. 59 bed form· •arvt·ew.B94"'"l E 1 d · · Ilt.te acct'g background BUYER M t'""' bl •o Sunfl S ,,. U'OV"lDVU Ba c ... -vv_. xper e oce . Junior · us ...:a c ~ Antq m1n1 a lure ... r ower Ave, .A .• (.;,, --------M E C ti AN I c Au t 0. facility. yv1ew Ol'IV I thl ( II .. _,.,,UI or WtlliD"DeSS lo d ·-t Tha & womens co ng, u nca.,. • ... rea m wn e 1 Hutch. 58x:JO i;,", 1 of 9'l'104 l.EGALSECRETARY Ma.J'regor Yachts, 1631 ros5Thunn,C.M.642·3505 ~-•1.er•·1eesa·g t ' Th s d learn Interesting fast Ch" l d w 1 ( '-" -ILU\ .. ame. e econ : 1nese. acqua an e k ind $595, 544 21911. e 31'.e aEn E1'qua Mlp· Talented, or gan a zed. Placenlla. C.M. E.O.E. Glance, 2122 w. Ckeao· growing co., pleasant w/So. East Asia Market. 644-:!946 portunily mp oyer IF sharp gal, min 3 yrs exp ---------Real Elitate froot, Newport Beach. SW'T'OOndlngs. Call N1k1: SaJary $12,000 yrly + 1% ---------AMF hlcorporot.d General practice. Largt.' •Mechamc/Oriver farm NURSING 67S-336l ~1395. olf all purchases. Apply ApfaiecH 80 IO Tire Equipment Div rtrm w/beoef11.s. Sala ry diesel tractors & lnJ('ks Nt!t_-d RN or LVN Corl•--------SECRETARY PIT to Fanfare. (7141642·6al2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~n 955-1014 ai.k for Part or full tame. 842-8866 Frr pm shift an 79 bed SALESMAN "'~Wed Th 3PM lns,....... /Qu 1.Jt Co t I C ~ W ff REAL ESTATE SALES Men's "-··taque 20 hrs/wk. Gd typing, ·~ . ur l· FREIGHT OAMAG ED ,.......or a Y n ro ary. M ED 1 c AL As S-T . onv hosp. " 0 er Lice---" o we wUI •·a·n """ HOTPOlNT SAL"' 3J08 Growth opportumly for s alary, ins. & other <L">CU r .. 1 Laguna8each494..5485 S /H or s pdwrite . Teacher needed. Pre· r,. pcrson wathbackground Urology. Genl ofr & benefits Please :ipply you for state exatn. Help ful /not r eq . school, kaodergarte n. W. Warner nr Harbor . 1.n arupectton & quahty LOAM medacaJexpreqd.Other!> Beverly Manor , J.W Vac· Limited offer . Call SALESPERSON: Manne Pleasant workmg cond. Exper or credenualed. Santa Ana 979·2921' control or machine part:. fJROCESSOR need not a pply. Call tona. C M Causey &Co. 494-8057 exper required. For an· Alrport area. Call Judy: 642·4050 CASH PAIU & p recision electro W/Secrelan al skills for MS-2247. Npt Bch. ---------(•--------side & outside electroruc 752·513El.O.E M/F 111.•CHERS Wshr/Dry r:./Refng:.. mechanical assemblies Mortgage Broker Loan MEDICAL RECEPT M sales tn Califorrua. $14K """" workm~ or not 957-8133 ,.. am 1l1 a ra t y w 1th co. 1.oans or e scrow & S ..iURSlliio.JG R.E. SALES to· S20K position. Re· ,..,,....__.....,,......,._-.....,_..-iw Kindergarten te achers, 1--------nu·•·tary srec1f1"cat1on·• ternoons occas at 1"'111 1"'111 Ope . a a ·l ·n . k t F. & PIT f M BARGAIN"lJ· --' f u '" background preferred AM Must type exp not rungs oow v 1 . 1 qwres a mar e ang or SECaET ARY--/lain(>, or on· »-"""' re n gs, helpful. Coe Instrument Near Fashion Js land ·Call 64S-064i> ASSIST ANTS our a ttractive. we ll business degree. Submit tessori classrm. 540.-.4753. wshr's, dryrs, garur, bci.l Ccrp.26.SOS. Croddy Way Call&W-8824. _nee_._______ Full and part lime in our furnished Laguna Beach resume to PO Box 1306. Npt Bcb Branch ore. ods buys, we serv. appl. Best S.A.TI4/556-3100 E.O.E. 1•--------•1 congerual convalescent omce.forexper.ornew-NewportBeachCA.92663 good Secy for 2 busy Teache~·Pre Sch ool. Appl.536-0911,536-4330 Medical f a c i Ii t y . Ex c e 11 en t ly licensed, enthusiastic Mlctg Execs. Lt bkkpg Cert 1r1 ca t e o r ex · Insurance Agency nea1 LVN . primary care 11!--~0ffic• benefitsandgoodsalary salespeople. Xlnl com· Salesperson wanted for nec,gdloc.&benefats. peneoce.Hrs.8:30to l or O.C. Airport. needs der~ Tired of paper work? rTVnT .. aussion schedule & a tru· interior store. Should be Irvine Personnel Age ncy 8::1> to 3. Call for appL J>" Magic Chef gas stove w/dJgital clock. Harve!>t gold 1 "2 yrs old . St 7~. Waterbed healer S25 54&5433 aft 6. typist 50 wpm. Gooc Wanl day shift? Small Jn Newport Beac h ly'""atlocallononCoasl good at decorating. 488 El7th.Costa Mesa 64().8820 be rt Call .._. 5 foulea ton Can .,.~ G ,,." oo •---------company ne • s pnvate SNF' wants you .,.1n1mum yrs. ex Hwy .• 2 blks. from the uaraotee +.~27 -Suate224 642·14~ 833-2261 for appt. Apply in person. 450 penence. Peg board & COff'falesc•nt beach, with ample off- INSRNCE F1LE CLERK GlenneyreLag. Bch. Ins. a musl. Net-'ded 1m Hospital s1Teetparking. TELEPHONE SALES •SECRETARIES• Newspaper subs. Your roc-'d. Classu1ed Adll452, 2222N. Harbor HI SEALIOH REALTY Begmners spot for bn ghl ---------Daily Pilot. 330 W. Uay fi'uUerton. CA ,,,,97•3~aa SaJes Part ti m e pos ition available for sales onented applicant. 14 cu rt. Coldspot fng. w/1ce-maker Like new. 2 dr. $350. 675-7953 after 5 person. Pleasant work MACHINIST Sl. Co6ta Mesa, 92626 ~ -tng condilloos General MILLHAND phone, 4 to 5 hrs a day. office experience pre For proto-type machine Medical Front off. sec Ao Equal Opportunity ferred. Opportunity Co• w/all requJred skills . •-•Em-•pJ•o•y•er-m•/•f/•h-• RlCilVIHG a.ERK F /C BkprCoostruc $200 & up comm. wk. ,-&1-,.__;._. Burroughs Mach $16.800 Exp. pref. Over 21. l.D. R.cond Maytag wshr. gd rood. Wood car tbl & guis bike. 640-ll 77 Aft 6. " shop in the instrument training & advanrement division of the 011 tool in· Some back office desira 37"'2 hr week. S500 per dustry Working from ble 646-8836 mo. to start. Ca I bluepnnts, sketches & Medical Receptionist. pt 549-4100, ask for Aodrea verbal designs. directly time. 30 hrs per wk. Lite _E_.o_._E. ______ -1 with engineenng. to as· bookkeeptng, typang, ins Insurance Agcy has open U\g for gal w /some exp 1r personal le comm. lines ~venified duties & opp ty &o learn what you ma) nol know Top salar) 00.6500 or 546-3205. sist in new product de· 645-3800. velopmenl for world wade weU bore naviga. ---------tJon e quipment. Lathe experience helpful for more variety or projects. Salary open, excellent benefits package. E.O.E Insurance. Property & SclentJfic Onlhng Coo- Casualty Sec'y, agency trol. Corporate Head · Call Maurine 752·099<1 quarte r s, Ne wport E.O.E. Beach Call (714) 557·9051 Model1o-Actnsses Giri...MM-1Cid1 E.xc1t10g New VorJ< Hollywood type personal mgmt & development co now a vatl an OC. Only those wishing a prof. career In the modeling. acting or TV field should apply. 714 /828--051f3 ext 629. INVENTORY CONTROL ~a:: Mr Moll or Mr & Receiving Persoc1"4•--------- ntkded immed. Must:. ---------eiq>er w/cardex system. Maids, apply The Inn at _Models ___ M_al_e_Or __ F_em_a_le- good w/figures & paper Laguna, 211 N. Coast w .. ~..1-"'--••• w o rk Harb or & Hwy, Laguna Beach .. --,,_ .. T-.. - MacArthur Bl. Santa Maids wanted 6 days 8 We are a professional An.a. 751-7901 •. -.... SeaclJ"ff Motel. modeling agency lookanR WQ;A for exp or potential. If JANITOR 494-4892 you are serious about WO?i Lightmg 2031 S.e . Wanted: Manager rouple, modeling, please call for Mam.. lrvaoe. 90+ unlts apl. compl.x. in appt. JANITORS-MAJDS· 0 .C. Beach area Woman COUPLF.S to rent & process ppr Part·t1me eves Nwpt work, an to keep proper- a rea, work Mon·Fri ly Maiot'd & repaired. must be U .S Citizen. Send resume, salary req. good wages promotion & &ref. &o: Classified #467, pd holidays. Call days 330 W. Bay S l, Costa s.Tb&55IJ Mesa 92626. Machini$t 631·5600 New York West Modeling Agency 87S W 16th Sl Npt Bch MOONLIGHTING· Full Ume pay. Part t ime work. Call for appt. 9IB-"237 POMONA EMPLOYMENT BULLETIN At General Dynamics we're hard at work on solid con· tracts that spell plenty or work for years to come. Right now we're rapidly expanding and we need the best people in Southern CalifomJa. Jf you're good at what you do, and proud of lt -join the Pomona team NOW. ELECTRICIAN-INDUSTRIAL GENERAL MACHINISTS FUU time, retail clothing Parking attendants. Neal. store. Experience pre· well sroomed. good ag. ferred Will train. Hours gressave F/M young peo-8:~5:30, Moo lhru Fri. pl e fo r r o s s I b I e call Nancy, ~5070. managerla position .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -..._.._._-.. .Employers Pay All Fees Newspaper Ent.~-SALESPERSONS Liz Reinders Agency l to 3PM Only. 4020BitthSt.Stel04 ---------Refrigeralor, c lean & If yoo like plants & peo. Newport Beach, 833-8190 Tow Tn.ICk D1'1Yers ex· runs good. $15. pie. lhts is your OP· Calll'or Appt/~tab '64 per'd. Top pay· Apply 548-4485 portunily &owork in a un· G&W Tow Ing . 740 B aque retail nursery . ClbmsWay.C.M.642-1252 Sanyoaptttfngerator 1.8 Part & full time. Good Receptionist pay. 831.9030 ANIMAL PJeaseapplylnpersoo: ~sTRAnVE TRAINEE ~cir:;~~ cash & G -..5 Prestigious corp ore . ()peni.og ror lndavMiuals Part Tame: Cull charge HOSP. bookkeeper, real estate ROGBS A.RD....,. wishes to add to their with basic elertroruc & c.otdspot FF refng $195 2301 Sao Joaquin st.arr exper ind.iv w /SH & mecharucaJ background Gibson f'.F refn g. $175. experience preferred. Recept/ Asst. N .8 . F ·T or Approx. 16 hrs pr wk. p1r . Ind. Wltnds/Eveii. Send resume 1600 Dove 644·5463 CdM HillsRoadNn ...... typing skills. Start sal totrainroraruitalJauon& Fr1g1da1re ws hr $85. '""'_.... ~mo. Call 540-6055. serviceoCbanlungequip· Kenmore w s hr .S145 . Coastal Personnel Ageo· menL Wages based upon Guaranteed & delivered St, !HOO. Npl Bch. 92660 1--------- RECEPTIONIST Part·lime Ori vers for BlLLING CLERK Dental Lab. Choice of For 74 bed coov hosp. Ap- mornings or aftnoon. ply at lS55 Superior Ave, Must have valid D.L. & N.B. blwn lOAM & 3PM good driving record. Moo-Fri. Weekdays 646·5068. --------- Weekends & e v es . REX:EPTIONIST wanted. 545-7377. outgoing female, friend- ly & sharp Apply by call· *Part Times ~b~~~.ayne SALES REP. Train at S368 weekly, with 120 yr old, highly respected financial in· s titutioo. Tom Bradley 8J5..8550. Screen printing produc· tioo manager wanted. Must baveexp. 540-9110. SEAMSTRESS WANTED for work on canvas pro-light cleaning. Rapid Receptionist s alary advancement. Immediate opening for 642.7238 Supervisory pos. avail. entry le vel. 60 wpm. --------- ducts. Early Eve. shift only. Young dynamic develop- 540-0766 ment corp. 549-3642 Daily &Sonday. SEAMSTRESS for Cam· bric Sells. indust rial machines. $3.SO hr/start. 645-1950 PART TIME RECEPTIONIST EVENINGS ~~nset!rt ~~~ s,~~ES ml~ce:, AdUlts with outstanding, per hr. 7 hr day. 833--0101 CM loc. MS-0545 attractive personallties who enjoy working with Becept. Sm. law ore. SEC./RIC.-r. kids. Over 21. Start at Alrp~rt area. N .B. Needed by lrvlne real S3.SO per hour. Phone Jncld s proofreading. estate compaQY. Some 642· 4321 Ext. 2 50 , 833-9983. l*kpg. Call: The Village BETWEEN 4:00·5 :00 Receptionist / Cashier . Realfurs,552.7000 PM .... _._"'--..,._....__"° Finance962Co .. ~7 mo. SECRETARY. P /time. -.--~,:-U>'I for nat'I investmen t Equal Opporturuty counseling firm. flex Employer hours-brokerage exp a PB..X AJ\!l service. immed RECEPTIONIS1 +. For interview, call openings. to work varied Newpor t Be a ch Mrs. Kelly. 759· 177 l hrs & wkeods. Pd vac, newspaper is seeking between9am-12Noon. med ins & pd training. full·Ume receptionist for SICaET A.RY (TI4) 645-2550. busy office. Must have r:..a Friday, Cull time/ for minimum typing speed vu• PBX or SO wpm Exceflent real estate mgmt ot Ice. Aosweri n g se r v Ice salary and benefits in· Must have good typing & :.n~ full le PIT. Call eluding profit sharing. ~=· 64z.i603 nx ora. "='EMM.~5a SICllETA.RY Oper 's for telephone Branch otc of NaUonal answering service. Must NEWPORT Corp. has opening for be able &o work some D.JSIG.,.. secretary to manager. weekends. Typing 35 Iii""' " Top typing le ahorthaod wpm required. Ex· 2721E.CoastHlghway skills requi r ed. Must perlence preferred or Corooa del Mar have lmowled&e ot ac· will train. Many com· cnta peyeble lc accot.a PllnY benefits. Full Ume ~ Opportwtlty rec .• payroll, Ir must be orpartt.ime,day &alter· EmployerM/F /H adeptw/Opra. Wlllas· noon-evening s h ifts slat mana1er In all available. Please call Rell. bl ood t ~.. aspects ol branch opera· Moo. lbru Fri. 543-4230 a e, g na u.~. tlons . Xlnt Cr l nee E.O.E . mature seam s tress beoefita. lGCI bealtb, life walW!d IOC' monogram· fc deoi.1 lna. P eid vaca· PISTCOMTROL Ing. PIT " Sat moms. tioa Is 13 holidays. Con· cy. 27901W'bor, CM t experieDCe. U01ted Sare 1_546-8672 _______ _ ALL JOBS FREE loc. 7Sl-3B> Electnc range Very clean SlOO 963-5745 TECHNlCIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS We design . develop. build. test and deliver the best in high-technology s ys tems and missiles. Our con· · tracts and work a re long-range - lasting well into the 1980's. We un- derstand personal development, career goals and challenging work. At General Dynamics we're looking for Electronic Technicians at all levels, whether you're just starting out on a career or you're an ex· perienced pro. CAUllATIOH SPECIALISTS ELICTIOHIC CIRCUmY ELECTIOMIC LAIOltATORY MICROWAVE MISSILE TICHHICIANS RBJAllUTY RESEARCH & DEYILOPMEMT TIST OPERA TORS If you want to work where you can learn from the best engineers in the business. use the latest equipment, grow and take pride in achieving technological challenges. get in touch with us right away. Call me, 8015 • •••••••••••••••••••••• PUBIJC FURNlTUR E •AIETION• FRJDAY 7:30 PM CDealen Weke>WRJ CONSIGNMENTS sroac UQUIDATIONS MASTBS AUCTION 2075't'z Newport Blvd CM 833-9625 646-8686 licydn 8020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bicycle Murray MX Yellow, blac k melal frame Xlnt. like new. $35 833-3.117 Boys S~hwinn Vars y 10.sp brand new cond, as. 640-0488 llilclRg Mat.rials 8025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Copper wire, 600 ft. # 4-0 11tll:N. New, never ul>ed Sl a fl or bs t offr. 67S-7953. After 5. c-ralr ~,...... 1030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 35mm GAF XL camera. GAF body walh 50mm f 2.0 Chioon tens. Self timer. Thru the leM hghl meter. Shutter speed s 1·1/1000 sec. Like new. Phooe 962·5355. .,... 8040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AKC Teacup Poodle pup. pies. M/F also Teacup Sludservlc-e. 714/992·2178 AKC Toy & Miniature ~oodles Puppies ~ adult.s. 1141761-4265 POODLE PUPS, loy·T· cup, s tud service. SU~ I JIG IORER MACHINISTS LATHE MACHINISTS MILLING MACHINE MACHINISTS MACHINE TOOL MAINTENANCE TOOL & DIE MAKERS N/C MAINTENANCE MECHANICS REFRIGERATION MECHANICS MAIMTINANCE PLUMIER CHIMDER.ULTIA PlllCISIOM Steady job tor r labt Eig>'d preferred. Inquire tact Mrs. Frederick. person, trainee, profit al 714·7$1-o?SZ. Terry. Barber Col m en Co .. lharinl It IJ'OUP health. E.0 .1!:. ~ Beacb, 752-0380 ~~rt. 9.12, Lloyd'• The Atl\leCea Foot In So _m_E_. _____ _ PNtCootrol, 566 E. Dyer c.oeat Plau. SF.cRETARY JoeStelmah (714) 629-5111, Ext. 4711 Old English Sheep Dog. 'I Champion Femal e, I papers, $200. 642-9&J6. I ' • t.; -= ll ApplY in penoa at our Employment Ofnce-, 1675 W. Mis· 1ioa IAYd., Pomona, CA IAM· 4:30PM MOllday'-Friday CilNIRAL DYNAMICS Po•-DMslan At~ .. ~J EmploJv 11/r U.1 !P ... ulred ' 0 - Rd, S.A. RDTAUBANT ·lhOrthnd 6 lYPI req. PEJlllY'S PIZZA PleaHnt peraoaallty. tU MOLD °'915 Now twina ror P/tJm• fl a.lat benerita1• Oreqe (ardSbifl) F/ti• .m.u.e. YU'J· ...... CoiUd riew York Teem up witb a wlaaer ln lnl dQI Is bn. [deal IUP.. L lf •, II ra . L uc: I a a o the mfr ot dltpoubte ....,.... tncome. wm 5C'f.745Hor appt. £.O.E. medical aUDOUn. Ellloy work around acbool Secretary Deeded ea.ur a plrallll 11-cln workl.01 IClbed\ale, lluat be 11 Yrt Teacber11 AtlOCI lluai emboamea&w/lllntbenl fsokler. ~ lD penon have aood •kill• . ladd ~med It den· aQYdt.1. fl'M·Sl111. Temporary tal lol + profll lbarlna. 21Alt .. W. Ocealllroet, poe. to J 1.111130tb. E.0 .E . Apply lo penoo: E~c· NB Call Mr. Kopin al t.roarc lledlcal tut.na· -.uoe menta (8ubt ldlny of lutt moved Into '"•' ~-------­CMOO>. JOO Brtua Ave. n. iet Mqualnt.d with C.. lf..a. _ the Cl au Hied Ade. n.r•re tbt eaalelt w.r lo tlDd JUlt die it.ma and 0-UW Ml MZ-M'7I ~JOU eeedl Raft~ wut1 tofllAl,_,. -do ll nU -Call JlfOW, ...... and let's talk seriously. Or, come ln to our Employment Office, Monday thru Friday, 8AM-.4:30PM. Jf you t>refer, send your resume to: GENERAL DYNAMICS Pomona Division, 1675 W. Mission Blvd., Pomona, CA 91766. C8llAI. IYltllCS POMONA DmllOM An F.qual OPDottunlt.y Employer M/F u.s. Cftlzeoshlp Requited . _.. ...... -...• .... -- Shellie puppies. 8 weeks old. sable/white. 968-8407 GennanStaepherd pupe, 8 wlta old, purebred. pepen not av •II. 84().5518 Scbaauaer·mlol. AKC retJ. M/F. Moving muat' eell. $100 ea. -...014. AKCScotUsh Terrier Fem.' moe. Sl50. ~ 4$3-1732 '"9•Y• 1045 ...................... 11\aw, lOwb . Austral.Ian S&iprd/Chow. Loves llda. well b ehaved. ,• ecMJM. ... y I 7 CJf DAtlY PILOT rhur9d1y1 MllOh I . 1971 ....... ,., 1080 ~""'"''-,,. & ...... Power t040 MotorcydH/ Tn1eka 9560 ...._. ... arte4 •eeeeeeeeeeee••••eeeee• I_.. 1011 eeeeeeeeee•eeeeeee••••• Sci .... i f I IQ ••••••••••••• •••••••••• eeeeeeeeeeee•eeeeeeee e "-tioYa. I041 FaAiew• IOIO lhuuhold .... IOH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• wee.-1TA•S • 1 ................ W\11 NU "' lnlotHl l8' ......................... fo'ord, "" ton. Camp .. ._. 9701 from your bwil'*' card. l. y man w I d o c k t o '77 Suiukl, 7~S. like Spc. PS. PB, auto, AC. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M Cat. IOf\I hair. t'ern Two Loult'I XV 11llppor •hOrtbalr •P•yed ul. cbn XJnt cood. 117~ ea Goodw/klds ~ DrHIU • m1lch1n1 • hdbrd. flO OY••ratwfud 2 BLACK MALE RAB chr, f.!O W1ck.-r hdbrd. BITS with \AO ltS D> Rec<.!rct ub1nct. SJ~ ~ n•~•~ L.ovebl~. •payt·•I ft.ro 'IWtn btcb SM Mel.<'hU11C 8ord\"r Culhl', w.:11 ('OU('h, chair. uHoman tr11ot'd All 11hot Mt~""'' earn .. °""' old wvubh,• fr m pup G1vti w .:ood hu1uc ('111 lt»3 O.~ Mid• ay t)ty W0'\1\1\1 . 11.-All l(IW'~ 2b1 :! ~ .. , •l Aw.I ~p ~•mo ~n( ~ OOBF.RMAN f-'U l' ... Y . Mak 8 Wt"(·k~ 1•hl ...... .... to iiuod honw 7) I :M41 llt'tl.. \ nb. 1.R furn1tutt• & mite' 7l4 -4!¥+ ~ ''"'" lloul*• tH ,.,Jfram,. t· a i.rl,y nt 11o , s.MI M11u."(f I~ 01w quntt•r ~ ~ (; .. ,man SIH•11h1·r1I I-' 1• mah• 1• r v we II K foul l'.l1'8 an •h .. cJ1-.. 111 tr1110'/d ~7 it.~3 Aft1•r ift'f'O l?()()Cj t nnd1t1on Kl'M siru Smc••'<i All•'' rnf r~ lab&tl.w 1U1 mnt1•h111M J J b r u d I) r JI up J' v '4nd Lablh, SIOO ~1m ll11U,...tirok1•11 M '" 101( mi 11041'1 Notrl llt'tl ~ tll14 t'"'' KO OO.t9 $.'I() UIU Aftc-r ~ JOl'M l:i.y11 J\M.11. , llf (; -... ,. ...... ...................... ••I BUY•* liuutl ~ t'\lrrutun· \pplu1nce:11 OH I "'11 -.ell or SEU . for You MASTaS AUCTION 64M61' &. lll-962 Ma"*° tk>Ubh• bt"d w, llt 11d .Ii hlUt board. 1lrc-u.-1 w mirror ~ ~ OJ:lll 016»~ lfYiogr/ouufour Kr~n ru.i . llxll SIO ~~ fl:! & aft ~i·M 962 4919, 2 ~ ~oledCoch f15 t)42 4253 /\MWAY l'RODUC'l~ .Ii Nt:UTltlL&T. V1t111n 10 1 1''1>1 YIHH Amway Ol1tr11i <.'1111 ~'.ltl3 Ant1q11• o"al 1abl~ l'owdH tablf'. !\IJ 1uwnur Oul<'ht•r blOf'\ Wrendw fol ouar fbur1 Fri J,at VS. I t.l Avt•nlda l:t11Ja s .. n llrmt•nh', 408 3:1tiJ -..y t070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WC'ddina nnt1• platinum & dl.amun1.h. 1-. rant total wt. D)() )46 tD t' ... ,,, 1011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OA.Kl.f'l' SANOIN<i TUI. Modf'I G. $1200 117~ :111. HIMdl Ut>r hr or litl•I 11andl>r lock on lnMtet!r 11v.1trh. nxh1 kft l111nd bk(• nu jj.M• :tlOU IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ol"llt!t M 111 CIUtlt.>OUt.I Nylofl l'luab S4 00 4' up ~ UI 11615. 5'I06 WINDOW SHADIS Woudi:n 1 hu1t~r 11. mu\lbbnda, woven woodi. & wi.ndow t1nun1 20 40'h df all 1wms A.'\PEN • Q(t 008 raro for .. th TE L F. P 11 0 N P. r u poosiblt• pHaon new Mu.atsee S~. AM/fM Case.~-8527. •74A&,PAIOMIO tat ph&1 OM aparw. Wa A N 8 W ~ R I N 0 f'8fe<1 cond 640 1136 ~l0/~2hlt O. ,74 FOID G'IV. 5 aPMd. t t."eo, e lr relurn P•rmanenlly M AC ll lNP: MaJ o r ''L•"SIC 26' C lfR&s-1•~ CB"ci'E b cond.•tow mU... Ea lil'alf'd attract.Ive ta~ It branda. lafll .. discounts. "' '"" •• """"'' .,,_ aga. CC>UalM c elle nl c ondition I •. I Ph CRAJ''T •peed boat. twin rack. padded bi.ck. 11or t M , M t II 11ltap. mte1llft1C alrim• ll&P • &el"V<'C on tlli Only 2 In So. (;A hnr $350 /li t>at ofr any extras. us ae . {MONXV>. IO ttquU'elTM!nts. Pre· Trunk!. I~~ B..ar h 8'73-lTll -~7 Only $1595. Call ~82.81 MUSTSHlll Yell& lou Ir lbltt• For a Blvd Wt"i1tm1n1at r . orM0-6375 HOWAltDa..r•t prnw:ioalbed l .. tndoH 81140720 •Ct9llS CRAFT* 7l lluaky • ~c Xlnt y 9570 DoveliQuaUSt.a. wallp11per, fabric or Yim 1 t.'Ond1tion. 8 11~. new -N__,,RllT BEA,.._. I Oay C.ilo" paper " wt• • nl:a6CRAFT• lihocks Muat 8('11 '385 ••••••••••••••••••••••• """1.-VJ• •111 "'" wtU b•tk 6 lnm your ,... IOl7 •IOSTOH WHAi.EA AfWr fiPM & wet:kend11 '78 Ford Van cooveriuon -&.1i11 Or trY two cardit ••••••••••••••••••••••• (Phoen1xStoreOnly> 631 5"401 lla11 pwr. icteer iog & •·,5--AJl-a_Rocoeo ___ S_p_y_d_e-r. ti.ell to back 'ia.moyod. M, 3 yrr.. AKC •IVIHIUDE• brakes, aar.cond, r11c.h11l New~ top a: clutch . PRICF.S rel( ~ 4005 Complete~rvicc l><'pt. Motol'Ho...1, s-.v tm•s. c r uan control. Michellna. 38,000 m l. ~x· Sl t'll or 3/~ ---NcwpcK'l Ooal CenlA!r •-"/S 160 A M I F M 8 l rack • tremefy abarp. 416-7193 4/5 l.11a1 $1 GO a ,..._. & ~. 8090 -tor.,. cuatom 1otenor wluch in· lllU lafCll $1.00 ea •••••••••::"•?:."•••••••• lMSNowport Rlvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• elude• Icebox, t able, 9707 aoor '"°"' ll 40u CO'!l&I Mcaa. 714·645·6015 RENT· LuxuT)' '18 Mot.or CllJ'P"t.a. swivel chairs-••••••••••••••••••••••• NalHTH lnduded UPKJmrr plu\08 $49$ lo 2125 E. Apa<' he Blvd. Home 22' Sleeps G, Uke NEW! Pri. ply. A 'IO AudllOOLS. Rb.t en&" NO CAK O! SI. 9:10 · 0,.. nd• from Te m Pe A r 1 ' 0 n ° · W I n t IS u m r a le s • sacr1nre at $8995. Call bnkes. Mlcbebo radlala. Oraw your own or aend ll,25o Rllbld'g, r e OO'l-894·9M3 ~. (1141 537·5659 or (114 ) &odl very 1ood. Vin yl ~. &ddre •· phone .Ii fin.lah'l(s, tunlnj(ll 637-!MIM roo , AM rad io. Nds u-D o.-.r.t ?A' Skipjack 1-'/B, t97S. For rent 24' 1979 Wto• "' 'U mue o()(' curd per ·-·1 · ..-loaded w/trlr. slip avail trao.'\ml.nloa. X!nt ear lllfl Add z:y u<'h llOOO Hamil too Ave, H H S1.3.2SO/olrer ll46-299S nebago. fully equl p 'd, l!r17 Dodge Tradesman for automotive aludent N:nd ctwck or money ur· 536-8775 slllfi 5 adlt.s. $40 per day, van. V8. 26,000 ml • or mech. $600/bal ofr. tier to 18 · c r u 1 s er. loo hp S2SO wk ~ 8• per m1. custom inside, green 2 Mi-8375 puoTNl .... Tl ... G New Y1unaha CP :M> ell·c Johni.on. Trlr. S2700/ bbl 963-2135 tooe 11pcc1al paint, fully t----'----~-... " " tron1c p111no. Y»m11hJ ~ .. •· lied j PO Boxls.60 G !i-0 112 omMl1f1er & _o1_r_OO.t800/54H·l!H7 '73 Honda XR75, l200. '79 carpet"" .. pane n· {".cllllli Mesa.{'" 92626 "All s ide, port holes. air • Rot.~ n11nger. u:il ~ 25' lnbrd. rbll c nJ.(. NU Mooed. 1225. surfboard vents. sun roof. high ,.-0 IOOM 20x I 0' I yr old. fully lruiulated. cptll II c:trps Cost ~. Sacrifice $1400. Can ar ru11aw Wake· down & set up 00 658S or 675 900I O'Neill Supeniwt. TaJ>('d i.eams Use d once cb>sn't fit $110 :>48 0256 8081 M&M.eoffer.9629930. 1;lip. Must &ell. Mk orrr rark fl44·45l9 bat'k :"JW1Hl c h airs, Hammond Organ M 143 ~~dlti~IY7ll 833·4GG9/0thcr 26rt c--1-a-ss----A-.. -=-xw.-lo_r_e_r . Spart> tire· rac•k. wldt' with bench Mint cond .,... •· c W'eS wt maJ(s. AM /FM ----new urt'll. gen · crse · Lape cassl'll1· $6550 . ~ 557·3758 •77 Bertram 28' SB stereo etc JJ.000 one .....,,.a.u(l-\illt:rtonl. -----,.._,, X1 d '" ownc.•r miles. Like new. 0 ,.,.,.,.,., Uprl aht pian<> 1914 ,,...uiser nt con . ,.,IQ .. hrs ~-nooo .,111o L378 SI0.500 Exco fine ·n M 1 S<'hubt:rl. Mahogany _ ...,,, '"""' S4l40S4or&44-07S2 ax1 uxury l'amper M.S() 32' Owens l-1agsh1p, tw111 l3.000 mt. Reg. gu. 963-2759 327 Chevy cng, many New 27' Pacl' Arrow $15.000 640-2045_. __ _ &ldw1n Grand P1i.no ~a.'I l342SlSJl'M_ ~!~p~ow SprinR TheuffilftCI• 4 6'3", Ebony fini!lh SWOO USED 13· Bo..ton Whalt•r. wf1e.ef drh~ 832-2994 35 111' Johnson t•lec. 2 yr., Trailers. Tnrvef 9170 1978 GMC 1 $71.62 OOWN $78.62 PEI MO. '73 AUDI I OOLS 2 door. 4 cyl • aut.oma uc AM/FM stereo. Sunroof Blue with blac k vinyl trim. (Cap. rost S2SOO Residual '899.88. T u per mo. $4 .45. 36 m o. at $74.17. Total required to drive away $'18.62 on ap proved cre d it .> (748MUZ> IEACH LEASING MllC .... OUI W..t.d ••••••••••••••••••••••• old 675-fi833 CVfH, ••••••••••••••••••••••• loft"°" 4019 Weswny. Suite 203 Nt>wpurt 8c1u:h l'eon•~ ----------c 9· 04!. RH.I unuqut' v(·lvt•I Club fo\ill 1-·am1ly Mcrn d.uv~npon $100 ht' t 11ht1>. 6 4 2 O I I ~. Wanted to buy used ctchml( press llf'xJO" or lar ger. Palluth. 35597 AvO<'ado, Yucaipa. CahC. 92399 (714)797-6314. Hobart M. Cable Spinet Piano xlnt mechanl('JI cond solid sound111i: board $1050 499 2964 '\1lv£•r Strea k 1~714 sarnf1('(> lo due to fanan cial 1 needs $1 3,500 9050 86i-2337 Ab!>Olutely loaded with Newport Beach cverylhanl( 1 ma~inable lll-9150 CASJI l'AJD 1-'or gd u.s.'<.I fum. anlJ QU..'S & <'lr TV'11 95HH33 67~~3.'tl 644 OOH1 Mu.~t M'll nt."" hlde·ubfod. JJWd $.:lj(), M'll $180 Ca dell ver 842-llO 15 Sofa & lovesnt $UO Ellht'r in nylon or bt'l'<'uJon & all <'Olor,. H & J Matwsi. 8:11 i-: lbt ST St • S A 838 5636 ~Sol• 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llR~d= :.wtt•, l'e1·a11. Olrulll(/game tbl. & m1!'\c 544-4519 1t.em11 Fri & Sat only - ----21192Gret!nboro. H.B. Crib w/match'g 3 drwr dres.o;er/dn.-ss'i: tbl Ork Kg si mattress. Lwn box wd. gd rond Sf.S/bst ofr 11pmgs & mull . IJke nu Call 67~34 Dinette !tel, l'he~H C)f drawers+ much m111c Trundle bed. botlom mat L10t:.2btSt CM . t.n~'.nc.·v,t'r uwd $50/h'I SUPF.R<:AH/\GF:SALE' olr 7.'-6 9JU2 fo'urn, tu)~. cullc<'l or I" u rm 1 t' u k 1 t ch ,. n 1temi;, f'ri/Sut only 67!'i1 llrt·akfa'>l nook w tit bl~ .larchrn·"· JI 11 847·51175 vinyl t'hrl->.In• t·ond <Gohh•nwei.t/Slatt·r1 S200 9r.l 4751 Mnv1nl! nvt>r:.i·1h. Liv Km. fo'orm.il 1>1n Hm. port l>/W, 13" n1lor TV llonda CB 100 w /trlr !frJ-0289 HllGJ:: ROY SCOUT RUMM/\GESALE Sat/Sun Mar JO & 11, H .'I> to 5PM Lado l!il<' Clhhi.c, 701 V1u Lido Soud Pwr IJWn mower. 20" roU.try w/catcher. lallll• use. s inre new. $40 548-7156 -------(l)em1n De Fer Pants dls rounl.ed. The late~t col ors. styles': all sizes. 99'7-11186 or 63J. 7319. ---WANTEO.Silver I oi bars & metals & tokens & coil"' by coHeetor. Pay Ing $'7. per bar & 4 li')xs race value ror pre 1964 silver coin s. Call Dane 557·~CVCS Magnavox 23" TV . Minical AM/FM stereo. phone, l•"'-lltl 8083 lapede<"k. $350. 675-3420. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 7 foot high metal <'I011et Shdmg doors 2 31 " wade. 3 48" wide·while·some track & hardware S2S or offer ~-4321, Ext 210 Swing Set, good cond. $30. Complete 546·4411 ttft S::Jl HOMEMAKERS: have a tn·<'hcm class. Earn free gift or extra money G-2674 Loose pillow club <'h8Jrs 1 yr. old. paid S400 e ach asJu~ $175 each 559·5017 Gib8on Les Paul deluxe, xlnt condition. $450/or best. '55 Gibson L7, 2 p.u.s. $000/or best. Must sell. 551·2373 late after· noons & eves. ~JCALGUITAR s 1g o ed S AK AZO NAJCADE qtr grained B razilian Rosewood body "ex cellenl quality", ex· lremely close itrained German Spruce lop. Hai. excellent playab1laly & t o ne Ask in g $1800 w/<'ase Call pvt ply 714-&i!'>~ ~ mattress & box spr · 1ng.. ... Suunless sleel pool Wanted Clarinet. Good f1ltt>r mttke o f fe r s cond & r easonable 5.5&7627/581·5851 979-J6439 to4. For Sale K1n1t·O·Lawn Dundy Resomte Clarinet. mowe r, front throw w / Stage Master Guitar catcher good rond. S7:i Best orr 846-25311 Sldiftg 8093 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Skis: Head 250's <'ompet1 tion slalom w /markcr bindings good cond $'.!5 493-7425 Sporth99Good1 8094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED: Jnexpenstv(' backpaclung eqwpmcnt for children. ages 5 14 Ite m s suc h a s ba<'kpacks, down slee p lng bags, hiking boots. backpackers tents etc M7-31.82 Marian »JO nnc. levt'r action. $110 or Lrude 673-3826 Ft.>nwkk, c:u.-;tom f1sh1ni:: poles/reels ~d <'onrl 5'i8·983'l TY,Raclo, HIFl,Ster-eo 8098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beauuful 25" color TV. 2 yr wmty, free dchvery. Sl.28. 646-1786. ···················•·•• Olartc.:r Luxury 00' or 75 · motor yacht Reasona bl<' Hr. daily, wt.>ekly m:>-2112 or 675·3256 1.976 Apache Royal. solid slate, !<tips 7. 3·way refnl(, s tv. lake new $3500 Ca 11960.-«20 rrom 11 unr o of to._---------· fuubusu•r sucker price W 9712 uver$20 000 ~---- looh. Sail 90,0 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '\antana 20, full raCl'. nu spnkr nu OIB eng, StiJ()O HunlJngton by the Sea. 1974 AlJO 18 ft l>elf <'on tamed. 8xl2 cabana, rut Jy carpet.t.-d on locallon $3500 Ca II 536-1637 55(,. UIOO Ron J ucbon 77 T~nt trlr Sl~pi. 8 - - --Stove. ice box. vanity, AsktnJ.? $17,950 or make offer. f.vt•n 1( you don't buy al · you must l>t!t! 1l' IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 •och ll•d. WHhNMM 892·'65 I 636-2500 For Sale 1h 1ntcrc!>t in s torage Xlnl <'Ond Coronado 25 sail boat 979 ~ t:xp'd sail or:. o nly ------78 Ford. fully l'u.>1Lom1u:d. 892 2004 18' Travdcu :wll l·ont all "tra' $6500 Lai;cuno -------Cust built. :.lecps G. Eieach,497 303.'l '64·17'Sloop 12v :.ystem, xtral• 673-7787 -----trlr. o /b, slpc; 2. more '76 DodRf' Van c u:.tom tn $1150 900 3705 8x35 t1amango I Br. full tenor & exterior. hkt' · ba. forced iur heal etc new SS.995 Uy appt on Columbia 22, good t·ond. 12.000 G73-:fl26 ly. 646-41124 Qip eng O/B & extrni. ------ 67S 5717 &..A-"'---~_._ ·n Ford Van Chateau. Fan --__. .._. ~ tnL A/C, F /M Ster cass. Cal 20 w/lratlcr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Capt chri;. lo mi. exc $3500 linff.-1/ cond. $6100 f.l73·7t>JO eve 645 3147 CIOltic1 9520 or9574094day, Kite sail hoat. Good n1111J MakeoHcr . !)48 25a3 <.:oronado 25 9 5 O t 11, .1 ~a1b, HOF. depUl :.dr. raft. slit'> 5. rust. survt•y. Dana Pl sip Wall C'On' car an trade $'7500 hom1• 559-4665. ofc 5Sf).4012 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '~IFORDWOODI F: l''ully rcstorNl 1 $13.000 675 6161 Garal{c for storo111'. C4n n<'fY V1llaJw. Newport Beach ff7S-4912 Tues Sul '&I F'ord fo'a lcon Coovert• hie 9'J7r reblOrt.-d Xlnt l'Ofl<f Must S<'<'' $3495 640 I JJIJ ----- ·11 Dodi((' Van Wide lire''· ma.:,, AM I FM 8 trk. o;hal( CPL' lit hal·k S(•:Jtl't S2!JOO/txt ofr fi75 6550 font Ti El50. AC. PS, Jul•>. t•xtra"> t.o ma $lfil) 714 ~H 100 ---- SADDLEBACK 0 .... -.fi. ~ LAST CHANCE FOR lt71 SlOl'1 SAVE! IUYOILEASE NOW! 79'• MOW AlllllYIHG! Also limited number or 1978 32()i 's ii slJU a vat.la ble. Call UI today! lll·Z040 495-4949 ORAHGE COUMTY'S Ol.DiST SaJ~<1-Service·Leas1nr( RoY Can.r.lnc. Riih A.oyce BMW lS40J amboree Newport Beach 640·644'\ 1-:h·Ranl .:las!. dirun.: lhl. Kitch lbletc·hr:.. stcrt~o w /mtrror pi·dt'o,t a I cbnt. bedding. ~ m.•"c 42X72 6 uphc11!.tcrC'd 1tem.'I. ~729 Sal/Sun 979-6298 Vending machine. Vends candy snacks. No elec. tnclty needed, Llke new $1005. 551·3830 Nylon strin g acoustH' MAGNAVOX 25 .. C I gwt.ar. Brand new $125 • o or Aqua C:lt Catamaran, $150 542·1~1'7 --- '65 Cht'vy pam·I trut·k Looks ~ood. Not running $1200 or be s t oflt•r. 8'\2·1648 R.cnotiOMI Veftides 9530 70 Oodl(c Van 318 V 8 Must CREVIER t•hn •. Nt'w cos t over _1_0._5 _______ _ WXl ~acnf1ce Uar w/4 Garage Sale: l"rt & Sat l'hrs, UI 9f.O 0020 Mar. 9 & 10th 1-'ront or best offer. 631-0852 TV. Console model. Ma· pie cob $475/bs t ofr OHlu F4t wihr• & Xlnt cond. 645·2777 26' Wooden Sloop. ao· moonng, S9.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell fast $1295 good cond. f.4.5. 71W>5 Kmg si:w bNJ 3''2 mo' throw liswn mower, new OrthoGrunada 1400 cd~er. s mall tool s, i'Qlb extra rarm 20 yr !Joo«s. glass, c•ollectabhis warranty Pd S400. will & I otb of m 1 i.c. ll53 "1cnfm: $275 Twin cht>sl Senate, CM ~...... 8015 6 Antique oak di111n~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• chairs. Color TV, 2 yr old Xlnl new & used ofc furn. lg. Pioneer speakers. All plan files. wk benches ex. cond 642·9677 C.E. SURPL US 631-2777 lrvme Coast Couotry Cluh 411" Walnut desk. chair & Me m bership. $800 + pad $95. Call Barbar a tx:cJ. xOO<l cond Wood Horws 80'0 t·ofur Sl.50 960 3K50 •••••••••• ••••••••••••. ltU G S I 2 x I 2 n u r n litcJlhh Sodcl~ l r a n s f e r f e e . 95&-2274 - Eves/wkods 67S-7756. Remington R2. Wet Copy Mach ine. $395 . Call 846·4655. 846·4451 or 2U/592-2871 orange, 1 yr old $50. 8xl With 2 g1rthi. & Enghi.h Burnt orange, I yr o.ld bndlc 1-:xcellt-nt cond1· S3S s..'16-4238. 9·2 & aft t1on1 Only $175. Call Womens leather b lazer. s12e 1. Huns small 5PM 962-4919, 2·5. ~~ $100 846 S329 Coming In April llot; pot;po-urrl That's pot-pour-r i : a confused collection, a miscella n eou s m ixture, a hodge podge Pilot Potpourri It our way of obaervlng INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WEEK by extending savings of up to 50 percent. It's a good time to clean out and spruce up. -----.. ... -· i -:.::r-_ .. APRIL 4th (Wed.) thru APRIL 7th (Sat.> • Have a GARAGE SALEt • Sell your extra PLANTS & GREENERY! • Get your neighbors together & have your own SWAP MEET! t ! Ada are limited to mlac.ll•neoua merchandlM fOf aale only! I (No Real Estate) Write 1 WOfd H e h space, minimum •IH ad la 3 lines. THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO GET IT ALL TOGETHER! I Fiii In the Handy order blank below -DO IT TODAY! t ! f NO. OF 4 DAYS WORDS 12 5.00 16 6.00 20 7.00 24 8.00 28 9.00 32 10.00 36 11 .00 40 $12.00 If you need more room for your mHHge just print or type 4 words per Une and add 11 .00 extra tor Heh addltlon•l llne. ------------------------------------------------- . Or pl~<~ O• Id: S.nkAmtrccard, VISA No ......................... E11plrn ....... . Ma,11r~r91 No. • .............. , .. . ...••..•••...•••.••••••••..•• liJCptrts ••...•.••••• Name ••••••• •••• ·······~·· ••••••• ,, •.•••..•. t••••••• Pl\of\t .•••..••• ArNCod9 ....•.••• Sale· Tape rccordt·r Sony, Mode\ TC ·H30 , Stereo r eel ·to r t·•· I w/p<)Wer amp. xlnt cond. $350 <'Bllh 547· 1"45. --------- Mag JlJl V 0 X AM/fM radio. s tNeo record playl'r French Provincial $100 64(). 704.9. Video Sony R to R . Camera. Zoom lens. TV. All acces $'950. 67S-3641 Zen. 21" rem. control. Cnsl. Clean, wks gd. S'95 548-2429 aft SPM. RCA stereo console. 500 watt,xternl spkrs. xlnl cond. Aft 6 pm 646·9055 loah&Mari• &pi,... ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• G1ur~ 9010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Boat l rlr & Me rc ury motor. $350. 542·1S3'7 lo9h.M.rt• Eqlllfl"llwt 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Outboard Mot.or sin h p J obMon. Gd cond. New w aler pump. $200. 646-6815 eve 4Z7 Qlevy four boll main e ng ine w ith m a ri ne equipment. Velva drive trans. Wieand tunnel ram marufold & Holly carba. (710 3'11·0743 Evenln(Cll 673·7531l '74 LASF:K Full y equipped w /lrlr. Gd rond $005. Ph 646-1136 Naples Sabot. ran· cqwppttd, 2 sails. $425 Call 6404461 13' Ghosl sloop. Good cond. with tratJcr $800 496-8461 JO' Etchells 22. Unsc·oll bwll Nov '76 Yellow hull, black mast. F:lllott satls. $10,000 1·755-621!1 looh. SUf"/ Dock.a 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPS AV AILAILE YAC Newport &IG-0551 ---------SLIP NEF.Ut-:0 ln Newport Habor arco for 25' Sailboat. Cull Larry 5116-2465 loet Sllps w Clltt.d Mr Duke. 645-0015 l>' Boat dock in Newport Beach. Pwr only. no ele<'. $150/mo. 644-4767 . '°m-SpHd & 9080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Kona 20' day crwser 460 Ford·Panther JCl Swim s te p. bow rail, lights, cover. taodom t r l r Xtra sharp B1001ol r. Ca II 963 2963. WANTF.D U'lcd m1n1 motor homt>. in ROOd mechanical cond111on Will consider T .0 I' 547 3182 ----~Rou, Rock 9540 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 l>aL'lun Roadster 2000 Sspd. Great <·ond. 631·5294 ---4 Wheet Drive' 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JEIP'8CKUP 4 wht!el dnve with Vil. 4 speed, pwr. stet>no11. air cond . s ter1·0. mal( wheels. wide ltrC's, mun'. ~· 1974. 131489UI. : $4799 COHHELL CHEVROLET !X.'>l ll..rb.11 ICI\ ti c •ISi .\ \11--"\ 546-1200 ·72 Ford V 8 window vao gd cond 35gal Uc. 8 track & /\M $2:!15 67J.•IB21 ·77 Dodl!P Van B200, automatic. "'"· p /b, am/fm cassetti• Runs on rt·ti: itas Ask1nw $5.200 5.52·38111 -------~WCMted 95t0 • •••••••••••••••••••••• WEWIUIUY YOURDATSUM l'AJ U FOR OR NOT TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP CARS BARWICK DATSUM '.'.111 .I u.111 < ,, ~·I .tr .t ,,. • 831 -1375 493-ll75 $1 Sf A llOADWAT SAHfA AMA 835·3171 ll•t UlTIMATE DAIVfH() MACl<IHl . •USED IMWs• 7220021\iS/R (57~MGl '732002 4s pd (:B4JSP> '7620025/H (497PHJ> 77320; AS/R <OJOTKJ> 'n 530; 4 spS/ R (0179) '78~S/R (0045) i8320lA. S/R (955UOS> 78 320!; 4Sp.S/R (036R > Closed s.,. dsy1 i MW 530i '76: /\/C , AM /F M stereo 8 Track, new llres. 4 spd. $7700 673-:1173 ------ '76 BMW ~I. 4 s.P.C!. 35,001 mi. AC. AM /F M CBS~. WE PAY TOP OOLLl\ft S8000 S7J.26J9. 640-7l34 (or top used <'arc; foreign. '74 BMW Bavan a, fair domei>tJt•s or clossi<'s. If cond Maroon. $4500 or your car 1s l'xtra clean. bestdrer . 494•9882. see~u.c; FIRST• 1'75--B-MW--. -S30i-.-l-o _m_1-. -Im- m ac. $8950. Wltnrt 6'.5-7313 or after 6 wkdy11 '76 ~I. Auto, stereo, air . k I I Brn/tan . 37,000 m1 p I I" O~ C-.ty $10,000. 640-4200 wkdy11. 2925Harbor Rlvd. Mtke or Cathy. 494-0l37 COSTA MESA eves/wknd_s_. ---- 979-2500 'Tl 3201 4 s pd. Ste reo. air Orangc/blk. 37,000 ma WE Buy $8500 640·4200 wdys, Mike or Cathy. 494·0137 ClEAN CARS eves/wknds -----&TRUCKS '72 BMW sunroof, am/fm, lo rru. XJnt cond. $..1750 ~ ..... ,.,..... TrCllllpcri taNoft 9040 ••••••••• •• •••••• •• • • • • ---------- COHMlLL CHEVROLET ··"-~ ll.1rl••I Iii. ·I ' I IST ·\ VI"--" ' 546-1200 IOI McLAIEN'a ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~R-:..& SM/ 9120 '7SXlnt4 wrondhl dri. vAe/Cw. aAgMon1cFcMr lT' Oayltncr Mutiny '7tl. '"" 130 Volvo e ng . under ••••••••••••••••••••••• cass. OH road Lu·c11. Must warr. Jnclds trlr. bris tol Camper Shell for Toyota Sell. $4,800/best offer. ronil. Mu11tsell 645-1271 s hort bed pickup. $225/or ~l~ __ _ WE BUY USED CARS '711 Scarab-330 TS out driv~l~houra r..oadcd' 66 mpn plut. Stored on ttaiWr. Mwit tell/bl:at of fer. n1.a21".._1 146-1 ZOOCwort&I Aak for Jerry J'>erlnru1 '18 Mako 20' ctr console, 1115 I& 1.5 Mere eq lne Roadrunner d lx trlr. tlqlllpped fOI' all flahlng. 110.000. 1M-0361 USED BOATS Select from over lOO ACTION BOAT c1141 nwn1 otf er "93-8099 -------Motorbtd likes 9 14 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• urn Jl-ep CJ7 Renegade fully n~ged, great cond•· uon. Aflcr6PM 491 3122 ntE MO.PEDDLER •77 CHF:V 4 whl dnve P U New .PEUGEOT MO· Truck~ Cam per sh ell. PEDS Reg $469. Now Loaded & sharp, $'7000, 1299. 63J.:B30 675-2571 CALL P APPY U!!it.'<I Car Mgr 54().5630 1011 \SO\ & SO\ • llNfOLN ·MffWllRY '78 Motebe<:ane. car rack, ,-,.--.-,----9-5-6-0 2626 HARBOR BLVD. baas. LUte new. ~50. '71 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA Clm attl, Doosn t run! '77RancheroGT. meta llic WEIUY 675-3&4I grey. CB-trans cooler · USED CAltSI ~=•/ bhsler loaded. $8,500. We're the new Chevrolet 9 150 86'7·23J7 dealership in the Irvine ::u•:t•Sa••:·. :19··~·:~·:;:;; 'flJ Olt-vy pickup, 6 cyl • Auto Center We need '" " " auto. clean )'OUt uM!d t ttr' Spee .. 1800 m l. Sells for 631 5294 JOE ~~t/l~ill sell ror $2900 .._,. ... C PHllSO .... ......_..... '79 fo'ord FIOO Cu11tom ~ " 1972 HONDA E l11nore ~laJ 1700 "!~·/~· CHIVIOLET Entire Bi ke R ecently ~· paml. _,.,.,. • 21 Auto Center Drive Rebuilt. Excellent cond. 6'13·282S/S3l·l770. IRVJNE "Jiit' f\ybrtd,. CJ'Ulaer. U .000. Call evua. '78RanchcroFully loaded 761-7222 ·~ 111 1 U fH..4747, or MO at 482 St. w/fllJ enc. S.MOO. ___, w/eq p, u Can· A8eo~b· •. Dr .. L • 1 u n a 497·2?'01 W .._~ED! ~... Must ... P.000 ... .,. llU"'9 I TOP tlTl per m o . ---------' 1910 C hevy 12'Van Late modrl Toyot aa, '7'DATSUM 210% 4 speed, AM /FM. m11gs BeaubfuJ gold. Only 4SM miles. (:iO'lNQJ) . '761MWJOOZ 4 speed. AM/FM st.ereo-8 track, air cond. 44M miles. (4S3RIY > • '7JIMW J .Octl 4 sp.-ed, SUNROOF a ir cond , blue h!•the r . AM/PM . powu win dows, 11tlver tn color (3mJICV ) • •N. Buch Blvd . LA HABRA (At Bea<:b Ii WbitUer) <n•>m.sm Cloeed Sundaya 9111 ION>l. "77 Hartey CR-1000. Brand Trucks wtlh ramp!'. S3t95 Vol\'08, Plckupit ta Vans . ,..., I I b I new cond. Only 800 m l each. 1930 Newport OaUual.odayl 73 Xlel cond. s uoroot .. commerc • a • one ~ Blvd C M --••...... radio, voyl divil\I boet W/trlr. d iv· '--· -·-· -----,_ .. u. ... ., ~;a I. • Cllv tna equlpmt nt. N .. d• '71 Kawuakl z.1000. Xlnt . '73 Pord Courter GoOd root, s:noo. 73J.'7SOI ...... .O!"Ofa'nge"coii~"tiai' "Pliofciaa'aified Ad•~ •;t.o:'lio'x WOl'k.llakeolr.Mt.eoal L'ODd.manyxtraa. I bl'l'S lr br~~'i..!1.·200· or ,. C.1111 ve. •ut.o traoa. 1 HO ...... w .. •• Co•ly c llf ....... ~ ow N •a. 1t7 e 3 2 I ~ best ofter. 1~ ..... _!'--____ ,.... AM/,.,, CHI, :dnl co.d, ' ..., . 1 ,,., MeN, • .•• .,,.or • I . 1------s 9100/bltot ~111 brtftl lnlO OM 0 t1te n.au Piiot ofllcel. nybrtdl• Untfl te. 235 '11 Honda XI.JOO, 1200ml. 'I» FJ Camlno 396. PB, P • r -~w hn oa eo11. ~s.ooo. Needt new batt. 19 re1. headen, SHOO or beat of· P'l.s wh•l you want tn T"• OrAftel (olei o.uv PllOt rtttrws the rlvht to ecm or re Ject eny edvertlt lnt '°'1· m.-pd. '350. ta.21Di a n . a 1 ..!r~er~. aa~~21'~7~1~d?•Y~'=:=::dL::::==::=:==:=:;::::!J..~Dlli~~~PUot~~c~;1u~N~~lfied~~caa~.:-:. .J!l-=::=:~~:ii=Slllm~============:::::::::::~:::==========:::::======:::!.l.:::::::=:===::i::::=:::J.:::::::===========-·)~ ' 7 1 I ~·-~~ ....... ~·.~-:~ ....... ~~·.'."!r~ ....... ~~~~~·.·~~~ ....... ~ ... ~~~ ............ ~· ... ~~!'............ J!U!dl!. Mwch .. 1979 aero. '716 ec.-GWo tns hndw t7SO VolYO 9772 c 0 ttl7 c.r..tte ttlZ Alltot,UMCI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "73 SM Xlnt rond Ail. 14l In near M-W l'ond 'T111'°4, hlk AC' ~M fo'M OIAl'tGI COUKTY lt71 CMIVIOLIT 'Ill Corvette. black on MleCWJ HSO AM/FM tape deck Lo l.oOldcld. low m1ae.. muat caMette. moonroot bre, VOLVO CAMMO black, T·top . • s pd, ... •••••••••••••••••••• ml AU pwr Nu paint tell tTllOO Ph 9801 burllar alarrn Mu1t 1M•ll A black beauty with map. radla.la, AM/FM ORANGE COUNTY'S .-o.CaUast7'3'f by~ ll9SOtt>«o11t utr 1-:xa.usrv ~LVVOLVO aereo, .-io « be11t of· NIWIST 0...--f1JO ec.-GMe t7Ji al·-L.a~tVolvoOHler ~~~-~'°f~a~~p •• bl~~ t. ..... alUpm. LINCOLN.MERCURY •••n•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10eu~':eL~~· auto1n11t1c. ••r cood • 16 Corvette. new Urea. lo DEALERSHIP '71 Karm111lll Gh11 t·on .....,. 9755 OllU:CT pwr 1teer1n1. r11lye mA p erte ct co nd . IAY FLADllOE *Z's * \l'rt \M 1-M 12400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• whee l a aod mor•! 119U/offe r . 491-3605. LINCOLN·MERCtJRY l~"I~ WOO rv~7 ~113 TIST DllYI OUI Pi),,,.~~ l418UL0> M/W/Falt86wknch. ~18AutoCenter Dr. U•wn ·u CAI ~ i91 '9 TROIOUCSIWIDl! ,. Corvette. stlver1,,.ey. SDFwy·ffvV-J:"texlt .......__.._ 97-OFTHI YI_. ... ----·---21M, Beautiful' 18900. e•A 00 ==··•••••••••••••;ii•~ Ootod 10~ o&ory 1:':0<'.. 2025 S Ma NormParker644-ll040 _.7 0 DISCOUHTID ... ' BARWIC K DAT\UN ... 8 11. I; 1 S 49 l )) H miracle mazda Hu1TY v.hllft lhf'IY laat' A11uhetm 750-2011 ,..,,..,.._, H a • pd I "12Col Park 9 paas wa~ COHMELL CHEVROLET ....... &-a ..,, .. ..,.....,e~.•s 'oml, Wblt . f 11 I .d . -,_ _ _. SHOO or besl offer e. u Y oa e ! MUDA/llNAUl T ·71 Vuho lh·ll-:. uuto. Al<'. &W-120l aft 6PM Xlntt S2,000. 6'7S-6161 AM "' M ~I\' r1•11, Ort It :ll'ill llarbor Uhll 1iw111'1 "'too /!i i t,.J41l 1·cis·1 A Mf<~A _>x;,i It.or I•. I< ' tllSl\\H '-.\ ~40-1200 ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 SO H..._ 11-14 64 1-1700 L-. Selectloe O)'Nl-;W "19 '59 Runs good. Look:i good XJ.ot. cond. $7.500 . '71 camaro, A/C, P /S, _49'7_·_27_0_1 ______ 1 '77fOltD Cotta MHo 645-5700 W.loyce t7S6 VOL VOS INSTOC'K 1mnwd111lt• l.J..'h\l'O'' vtnyl toP. 2 barrel aso. I tJI SILVEI new p1int, llrea Ir MUSTANG II Coupe. Automatic, air cood .. pwr. steering & brakes, radio & vinyl top l673SMQ>. Stk. 17891\ ··~·1··o·r·r·l·[·R·1r!~·i·z·· ~""" tt•\l 1111 Hhll.-na .. R ,.U :>~ ,. ·"''1 1111 ti.• 1 11H1 r brakes. Car totally re IDmON cond 1ns 1de & o u t. ~Uy factory ~wpped s.J&.Ell74or963-2863 Including leuther tn· COSTA MESA DATSUN •HAIOH>R JU\ lJ 140-4410 140..02 I l 1>'<• l'lt>1 IMMEDIATE OWVBtY \NJ) I YMf'HlU SERVICE 11 ['IO I llllk 111 ,ulol! llurt h• ~ 1rr.ont' uu ·''" II• I.\ 1979 MAU>.+. GlC. 6261. TRUCI< 'l,:)() RtEE AM/FM Radio '.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii..__~ l.\tlh Uw pun h,,,,. 111 ·"" "We need to buy dt'all 0.1.&Unuse-d cars" SWUI Pay Top l>oller S COSTA MESA DATSUN <MSllARBOR ttLVL> 540.6410 540-021 l flt'"" 19'nfl,I.( dO•I FtlEEGAS r11Jup tf you tan btout our dcul on .iny new GLC. 626 c.-trix·k in :.tock SEE US FIRST! Mlrocle Mcnda/RetlOllft S181.82 PER Mo. 2150 llarbor Blvd. C<~TA MF.SA '77 ZI OZ 2 + 2 645-5 700 6 c yl. automatll' ---- AM/FM-8 track stereo. ~ ......... •-9740 map. (cap cost $8500 ....,"'e..-1 ~nz Cap. Redul·t1on $1500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Residual $4000 3G mo at '77 21n>E. sunroof. $17,500 $181.82 incl. Lax on ap er lake over lse. 637 9619 p r o v e d c r c d 1 l > eves t016TWP) .---------IUCM UASl ... G 77 MBZ <15()SL. 1 owner. . . hke l'K'""'. only 9000 m1, 40L9 Westerly. Suite 203 $25,900 &t6-7768 aft 6pm Newport Beach - ---- MA.l9UIS MOTORS ~ Moi11>(ut'nlt' l'kwy Sl678 •,u~-;JON Vlt-;.JO Chnrolet t'20 811 -2880 495-1210 ...................... . terior, T·lop. crw~e con trot. lilt wheel. power wmdowa & stereo tape. Red~ thiB week o nly l.O THEODORE 1H~IUI. 1UOOOn11 1977 1MPALA Sll,495 ROBINS \ 10\t ll \UNl•A•\ Sii 000 ~ vox $3999 ~ 1.119~ --V8. automatic. factory Call your sal~man for a demonstrauoo and ask for stock •6148A. FORD . ti''" 1•r noucJ I $111101 ~llH Toyoto 9765 .•••..•......•.....••.. llFORE YOU SB.L YOUR TOYOTA. SEE US! MAA9UIS TOYOTA MISSION VI f:J 0 831-2880 495· I 2 I 0 '72 Corolla ·I dr. 11uto, $1195. J oyce ti75-J509. ~extllll '18 Corolla SR5 ltftback, pedcrt cond. many xtras Must sell. 846..Sl90 l.B Toyota Corona No re verse. but run.' $39!1 496 2825 ·7~ :.M~DL Waj!on. Cullpwr. AtC. AM FM 8 trac k. Jrd ~at. roolr.ick 4 spd. ~.000 rru oe11o brk!> orig own M usl sell b4·Hil92 . .....•..•............. 99 10 ...............•......• '77 t-.lt-c tni, .ill extras, gclUCI, clt>11n cood $5.!195' Call Art t.1~7060 ti73·9187 '6.'i Eleclru. all power. $650/orfr gd l·ond G.11·5294 lwgal '75. V 8 1-'ull pwr. i\1(', vinyl ruor. xlnt c•ond Mu1.t sl'll ~700 IW{J 1722 H.t-1::;il Turbo. 79. white w1blue . .ill xlra:.. mui.t VERY CLEAN '70 Toyota '>UC 673 7002 Corona 4 dr 7UK, run!> . --but needs engine work 72 Bwck Skylark Con $000 646-3104 vert AM f"M. d ean Susan 497 -4054 77 Toyota Cl•IH«• tiT . wt cood .. pwr sleenng. vieyl top& more! Hurry. Uus car Will not last long atthispnce! <783SYG). CON HELL CHEVROLET :~llart .. 1r 111,d t t 11-> I \.., f'-\ 540-1200 l l l-1741 MwJon VieJO lmporu Authorized M BZ Dealer •"78 S1Jver Anruversary Special JM m1 War ran ty, Mmt $13.900/bsl ofr TH /835-4.944. 640·4288 c:o..g.-9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2060 HARBOR BlVO . COSTA MESA 642 · 0010 '65 Mu stang 289, auto. A!C. PS. PB. Very good runrung cond lmmac mtenor . .114 ·496-2299 '6.5 MUST. CONV, V 8. auto. x.lnl cond 640-2522 ................. 'IBCougfiT. pwr str. pwr brk~. A/C. yellow. gd tires. t L1r ZSY741 1. Oean 66 Must. hypo 289, new eng, brakes, paint 673-8954 900 So. Coost Hwy. l~leach 494-1131 9955 $1425. '68 XR-7 leather. ••••••••••••••••••••••• a ll xt r a s . g r een , '79TORONADO AM/FM. lilt, pwr str. at uu. Char grey blk. pwr brks. auto, A/C (Lie Leather. s nrf. loaded. WQW > Sl850. 846·7019 847-0t98aft6PM. Days ~--------' 73 Cutlass Supre me . Dodge 99l5 Loaded. Mu st Sell this •••••• •••• •• • • ••• •• • • • • week. ~. 646·6745. MONTE CARLO '64 POLARA 4·dr Good '76 Olds Cullass Supreme sol.Id car PS/ PB. AC $3995 Well worth $700 631·5823 Xlnt cond. 26,000 m1. V8. automatic. bucket ----Ask.tng$4000 752-0722. seats. air cond. vinyl '83 Coronel Auto, AtC. I.Op, Wll'e wheel covers & new patnl and new low. low miles' 1974 brakes Bcstofr 549-9896 (:tiSLQM>. aft 6pm •72 Royal88 Must Sell $600. 673'2595 9957 Low Miieage, Very Clean IMPORT YALIES! 1974 TOYOTA CEUCA 4 soeed 1ransm1ss1on air cond1l1on1nq mag wheelc; & pretty brown exlenor 1851MEZI 53199 1974 VOLKSWAGEN VAM I oassenger A qooo $ clean van Of'I reddy lor 3199 'iummer t omti l un• 1727LKTI I '71 FORD FIEST A 2 door White with black and wh1lf' .ntenor This $ 3799 car combines Pconomy and room for a .,,x footer (787UZV) 1976 AUDI FOX 2 door sedan Suoer super c lean cJ1' Automatic transmission 53799 air cond1t1oning radio & 37.450 l"Olles. (689RJFI 1976 TOYOTA TRUCK Only 15 397 mtles ' Automatic 1ransm1ss1on s4299 shell & AM radio Pretty white truck I 10297761 lll-9850 DREAM CAR CLASSIC Wtback. 5 ~pd. 34,000 m 1 75 Kwek Regal La ndou. $4900 493 2431 f\Jll power Burga ndy w wh1k vinyl top Good • CO ... MELL Mopa.r rbll 3UI c1 Zerom 1 EveryUuog 1ncld. S3SO ....................... ··----------------- '76 Datsun B 210 lllcbck XJnt shape. S2.200 Call 7 14 /552 8 029 or 213/920-6682 ·73 240Z, AM /F'M c;i~!> 'itereo, air. itrcat cond. $3700. 499-4226 '611900 Mint c-ond. lm mac lhruoul 2 tone· Tobacco brown & tan w/matchmg velour ml A real eye catcher Must sec to ap· prcc1ate Custom sound !>Y:!Lcm Call. 635-1381 200Z, '74 bron.te. l>llck. MBZ :-ncn l90S-L Cl Tri..... 9767 cond Ask mg $25-00or orr • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 963 :BSB/ 963· 2 l38 CHEVROLET ~Harbor lih d co~ff ' ~n:s ' 540-1200 540-5591 '78 Triumph Sp1thrt' wlute t-xtenor. Blk 1n tenor, luggage rack A M /f"M Had1 0 1'1n Slrlpes. 11.000 mclc:. Still under warr.inty $5JOO 870-4564 1 Fu lier ton> '74 Dart Sport 6 cyl. air. I E.AUTIFUL RIV auto, lo m1. xlnl cond L9'18 R.IVlera. Ferrite col $2400. 846-2586 aft 6pm or. PW, PS. PB. pwr door 1966 Chevy Sta. Wagon. Dart '65 lock:.. trunk seals. AC. goodcond. •""" $325 cash Runs Xlot A M /1-'M :.te r co ~ w/rasM•llt'. l'rw5e 1:on· 642-9760 847 8032 aft 5 /\IC. AM/l"M 8-track Ml"" • assu:. ~7 ,000 m 1. Mag :i & newly restored .. Sl0.500 '76 Spitfire. Xlnt cond m1chehns. Xlnt cond . or bst ofr. 498-0150 or 17,700 m1. ~ trol. tilt whl, wire wheel ·73 Capm.-e 4 dr. P /S, Ford 9940 covers. Ming rinish. P /B. a ir, $1300/0ffer .,,,,..,,,,,..,,,,,, ... &•aut. car Only 9600 58&«158 ~ rru .. hurry. $7,995 firm. eves. PHIL $4000. 644-9211 _498-0368_________ _ ___ 9_79_-8826 ___ _ AM 996-0221: PM 833-5853 '63 Wagon: Good running LOOG '74 Datsun 610 Hrdtp, '76 450SL. ~ilan brn AM/FM. rad1al:1 xlnl w/M1l~n brn int $18,800. cond . $2195 99 1M AF 1-400-_1656 _____ _ SSS.1827. 75 280Z. AM /1-,M cass. 31,000 ml, louvers. mal>(s. new radials. bra. car cover. aJI receipts $6250 642-9777 evs. 546 01 77 days. '78 450SLC This hard to get car. riru!>hed 1n silver with black. 1s m immaculate cond1t1 on Sold a nd serviced by I.his dealer. Phooe Len Hulton. Sales Ma nager . for a de ·71 Z Very clean l·ar moru.tralJOn this week. w/72.000m i $4,4 50 Ask for stock 1!6235A. 556-l676aft. s pm 831-1748 1976 TR7, lo m1. fully Codiu--9915 cond. $700. 751-3176 Aft FORD eqwppcd. Sl200 undl·r ~ 6pm. book. Must sell. 839-7598 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,:.-------- or54.9-0644 • ·itf1 Chevette.4 spd, radio •. oew tires, slVl' on blk , Volcswocpn 9770 Quartz lights. 31M . XJot ••••••••••••••••••••••• • -body & mech. 12640. VW · Having trouble sell ' 751-80L9 .ing your car? Try us Top • ---------dollar . Paid for or Not' '71 El Camino SS454, xlol Bring your car to J im OrancJ-CCMmty'1 rood. very lo ml, A/C, Mari no Volks w agen. Sdotodo C...ter PB. PS, AM /FM 8 trk in Ul711 Beach Blvd .. Hunt· • dash, cstm body & paent. LOW ratCE tngtOO Beach Ask for 2 sets of wheels. High Frank Marino or Tom PURCHASE perf. suspension. Must FOil a.ASS Alkln. OR LEASE see to appreciate. can ...t COMFOIT ·75 Plnto Wagon V-6. auto tram. 20mpg. low miles. $2900 /offe r l7 14 1 548-8625 after 5 p m & wee kends or I 7 l4) 498-1000, ext 307 wkday!>. '77 xlra d ean Must :.di' $2.195 1-535·3336 o r 1·~·4707 '71 Pinto. Orange Looks good. 20mpg. SSOO/offr 751·2855 L9'18 Pinto Hatchback new mileage 200 mi.les call 494-m73 L974 Pint.o wgn, 44,000 m 1. New lll'eS. A/C, AM /FM 8 trk. xlot cond. $2400/0f· fer562-8U7 ..,., .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• s•-•1 M1ss1on VteJO Imports --~a.: Authon.zed M BZ Dealer um 280Z. lo mt, 5 spd, '74 Duster . s t ick s hh. $1.SOOor bestoCfer . 962.9667 ~2785. 536-840S. '72 T·BIRD. a classic '72 VW Bus Curtains. YOURHEW WANTED: .71 .73 El oow,withaJJtheopUoos ---------caryet. fold out bed. 1979 Ca Good d' · includi n g s unroo f . rus t colored body '72 280SE 4 5. sunroof. w/C\IM plad mt .. cust pin nunt cond. 675-8434 aft stnp_peng, mags. AC. SPM AM /FM sten.'O 8 trar k. --. beaut cond hurry 450SL 1973. 73,000 mt. $8,495. AM. 996--0221. PM . $13,500. call aft 5 wkdys, 833-5853 Sal/Sun alJ day 962-2223 '79 280Z. AC. 4 spd. ·oo.~ white. gd cood. AM/FM s ter eo cass. Ask for Art 960·2109 / FIREllRDS • •••••••••••••••••••••• Sodium valves S2000 nuno con 1t1on. C .. -LL .. C s 11 v 8 f d cruise. Ult wheel. power Doug. 957 8444 ofl-. """" "' ma · pre er re · sea t s and windows. 67S-2402eves. HOW! Automatic. 547·3l.82 AM/FM stereo. ne w '74 VW Thmg Lome '70 Cbevelle SS xl cond. r adials and s pecial Extra clean • Auto. pwr. 8 trk ster wheels. Well·cared-for. sse-7279/642·6506 $2200/bslofr 7'10-1210. SAC R I FI c E S2 350. ·NABERS 562-783.S. Dave weekdays '76 VW Rabbit, 23K mi, 'TI Chev. Monza Mi rage after 6 p .m . or before lt76 FORMULA 1976 VOLVO W AGON 4 speed with overdrove stereo with taoe power steprmg oowe r brake~ & s4299 a very clea n car' ( 143PCMI 1974 DATSUN 260'Z Pretty brown with 4 speed 1ransrruss1on air cond1t1on1ng. AM/FM & mags ( 135MCI) SPECIALll ' 1977 TOYOTA COIOUA SR5 LIFTI ACK One owner & ONLY 16 862 mites'" Beautiful silver with black 1n1enor A mce car• 1onsex1 $8795/olr. 838·2430. !IQJ.6505 _____ _ V8. automatic. air cond . 1975 ~ PICKU' '!J TOM TRUCK pwr. steering & 8 track Beau tiful black wit h AM /FM. sunroof, xlnt ~ Special Edition new 8::.> a.m ./ anytime on d SJ 00 63 4527 • radials, mag wheels. 40 ··-" ...... con · 4 l · Cb. CB. rear window -~ __ e.,...,. __ . ----- '76 710 Wagon. mag~. air, * 280E 4dr• eves/wkodi.. 7Jt-3344• 8·5 shutter, under coated, lo 171 fOID W AGOM stereo. (154UXM >-LOADED!!! automatic transmission. air cond1tlon1ng. tilt s4999 AM /FM, ltJAgage rack, 'TI all xtras. sunrf, spe _w_k_d~ys_··-------2600 H.lrtxl' Blvd miles Best offer ol over ..,_,.... Sqllre" $3500496--0917 mu s c s y s. n e w '73 VW Bug: New e ngine. C~l<' ~. 5~9100 $4,000. 631·3:1M VB, automatic , pwr. 1975 s1eenng wheel & mags with wide fires ONLY Rat 9725 Michelms,P .P.838-6335. xlnt cond. 15.000 mi. ~~~~~~~~~ 'EB Cbevelle Malibu St. steering, factory air ••••••••••••••••••••••• MG 9742 _67S-__ 7644 __ af_t_4. ____ ..: Wagon. '.1.11 eng. Very6Jd cood .. AM /F M 11t.ereo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • VW p rf C d 2 '78 EJ Dorado: retired motor•-trans. Nds Y 111agage rack & ONLY r.agrr.wg 74 e ect on 41 · G M. Executive. Owner "' -.. j Wi 75 Midgetperf.cond.23K, Nol wagon. <tsp. Rcbu.ell dnvenonly. Pnmecood.1_w_or_k_._$.5_7S_.M&-t849 _____ 8,000mi.les! 007VOZ>. VB. automatic. air cond.. 45.100 miles' (53455Y) pwr s teering, s tereo. •·---------------------~· FantasUc Closeout all extras, must sell $3395 eng. a /c. ne w L1rcs $1!,400493·7893 ·-------•• $5771 V1J1y1top&rallyewheels. I 978 TOYOTA COROLLA S'O IT CPE (6ll9UXG). Automatic transmission on L978 Models 1979 Models now arriving MUST SELL O.B.0 .645-7805 :.>mpg. 12,250. 536 3648 ...;,._ _______ _ MG. 97 .... aft.6 '78 Seville : Loaded . .... P erfect . 15,700 m1. BUY EARLY for SUMMER FUN! THEODORE $4888 air cond111on:r i. ! only ••••••••••••••••••••••• xlot ROBINS 'EBVW Pop-topCampe $13,l•O. 962·3345 days n ew eng .. $2200 642-0000eves. 1972 MGB Rds tr cood.. must sell 846-6463 DICK MlLLER MOTORS 120W WaroeT, S.A 557-2132 '71 MGB. A Clean Classic. • 631-3213 * --------------ConvertJble Classic. 1974 '75 VW BUR Cadillac Eldorado, 1m· Original owner. Beige mac. Loaded. Must sell! '71 El Camino White ID color. equipped w it h a utomatfc, AM/FM-8 track, air rood .. power steering. mags a nd Six ·P a k Camper. <51841K> FORD 201>0 HARllOA Bl VD COSTA ME !>A b.12 0010 COHMELL CHEVROLET 'X')< II.o r r •• , 11:, I ''"-I\ \H-'-\ 546-1200 • AM/FM. ou wires. tires 75 128. Extremely clean. & top. $2300. 675· 1495, w/blk inl. Xlnl cond. Make o ff er . Ca ll S2750/bstotr.640-9103 7 14 I 3 2 7 3 2 2 8 o r '74 Ford LTD Brougham •-dr, vinyl lop, good __.... ........., 496-3270 rt '67 GTO: Good cood Very AM/FM caas. 44,000 m1. 778-2200Tony S2000. 551-5336. '73Convertable 714/3Z4·3424 ........... .........,. a clean. S8:iO or make offer. 4pm. 493-6489 . '70 MGB, good condition. 34,000 mi. $4195. 'TI Eldo, silver/silver /red Fiat. 128, 1975. l~c . Sl800. 494-4275 afl. 640-5326. leather.Reclineogseats, • WANTED : '7 1 -73 Slstcteo.100.J~~ ocoodillon. 5::.>PM. cruise. B·lrack, + all Rancbero Good coodi· ,.,.,.,.,._ '65 Squarebac k : Good pp s8450 850N.Beach81vd lion. Small V·8 pre· MGB 77, Bnlisb Race nmning cond. $700. call =~· . ' LAHABRA fe rre d . Automatic. ·75 Gr. Ville Broughm 32.Q10 mi. Loaded. Top cond. $3500 645--0249 ...... 9727 Grceo, racing stripe. 548-$192or642-8580 ---·------(AtBeach&WhitUer> 547-3182 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM /FM cass, Tone au '73 Eldorado. top of the C7 I 41 522·5333 '73 Firebird F.apree. A/C, ..... Mew •79 cover, s poke r ims, lugg Otampagne addition con· line. xlnt cond, while Closed Sundays 'TI Granada. xlnl cond. Wt. Loaded. $2850. Xlnt H~DA Cars rack. lo mi, $4800 or ofr. ~.~~~3-~ mi. w/white vln.yl top. new 1~~~~~~~~ vs. air, landau, 28,000 ccod. 751-<Mt96. Vf"'lll Xlntcood. 494·9306 .., radial tires & brakes. 1: mi, $3795. 997·2579 or '78 SPECIAL EDITION MAHY o,.e t746 'llJ .Baha Bug, clean paint. Compl luoe·Up. Mr Scott "78 caprice, gold with tan -~;__;_3360;__ _____ _, TRANS -AM. Im mac ToCllaDMfr'oM! ....................... runs good. 25000 mi on 644·7321/552-0943. Cost cloth int. Xlnt cond . P '6.S Mustangingoodcondl· cond. Still unde r warr. UNIVERSITY .72 Opel. Lots of brand rblt eng. Whlte·spoked PIO(). =~:nf se ~~:tr~f ~l~l tioo. '850. Call _559-all64 ___ • ----- ne w parts . You put wheels & Norseman '72 SDV Full pwr. Gold wheel. Must sell given a ____ 63_l_-<l_l95_. ___ 'llJ Fireblrd 400. • spd. 01' 11111 tocelber.S20054.2-l.S37. ~-Sl450. 897·2165 color Xlnt cond. Uses company ca.r. $5795 or 78FordCou..rler AM /FM 8 hood mounted tach, new • ..... C.. • GMC 'EBKadetlL900.oeedsrod · Reggas.$2500.552-48TI. best offer . Call Mike trk. custom inte rior tires+ new trans & ' __ .__ '7'"VWS1 .... IUG .,.,...3657or"""3222 · t.. f d clutc h . $1600/o ffr ,,,_... bearings, make offer . ., "" '78 Seville Elegante, "'"" '""'7' pam su.n roo. un er 31.'SOBarborBlvd . 541-04.38~ Gold metallic paint. Umit.ed Edition, low mi. ·77 Chev cstm Landau warranly$.5,550 493-796S _496-34m ___ . _____ _ QistaM.. $40-M40 sunroof, steel belted golden bronze , com-xtr sb full&-ood 'ft d11Wrd '970 . P11111t 9741 ,-..a•alsF ;rrt wlteels, "''ter. _,.1 optio"'•, i'ncl cpe, a arp, ... · '73 Pinto, I cond. -.. ___.. A/C au/FM ...., -.,. ..., n.·s/Sala 53G-8880. ave Magi. recent tu-·up. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •v """""""· • 1'm • •••••-•••••••••••••••• A M I r a d i o . morf. $4.50 dn & ta.ke over ""1 ~ Still uoder warranty. '12 504 Station Wagon. leatherette & rorduroy lse. pymnts of $436 per Sun dys/eves 897·6204. SllOO/bsl offr Call 8-5 LUCKY YOU 549·"23 dya, 15'·0316 dark sreen, laD lnt. Xlnt interior. A fine edit.Joo or mo. Bud Lynch. 776-5110. _~;...:w><l __ l;...bs_l_of_r _P_vt_P_t.;;...y__ 541).834() ext 261. After 5: if you're in the market eves. lhape. 4 brand MW tires . the Super BeeUe. Needs eves511·9110 82 Qievy 4 door sedan. ~5791· f'!" '. sanduperll~inf:eriurd: 'T1 CIVIC. All/FM, 23•000 auto. trans. radio. Call aome bod~ !fork. Good cond. Very clean. L.lllcolli 9945 ~ °fc mi'•· Xlnt cond. 13100• 675-5eor~l. $2095/ofr. JSm CDV. Cabri.Wot. Ful· $800546-5643 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :r!.s !.TJc~~~re op':fo!3rn: Evet.-.1156 ,_ii:llt t750 552-'1835evenings ~9~3~1 ~ra~fat3eaJ~~~ ~ tt21 "17 Lln col n Mark v . chadmg sunroof. cruise. J.iii--9730 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 71 vw 4tt SQuare beck 41112>111190eves" wknds. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Leather. s tereo t ape. power seals and win· ........ ••••••••••••••• '73 tllS. X·coed, A/C. Good ru aolnt. good ''19 PhaetoD. 1'hi* I.I the '75 Cordoba, sunroor. cruiJe cootrol. Ult whl. dows. stereo. new radials Mlw lt7l It tf7' ma 11. Ne w pal 11 t , tr~.!·,! .. ~!~'!· .. auto _Cad '"·t 1...,...s ll"e a AM/FM, loaded. S2995. full pw r . etc. Ne w andme ~.laJ3 '!~~s ls1n Catblel ' .a.a.II,& •s ~ ... ~. 497•1374 8V8S -~ _...._, .--UUI UUll It. M&-21185 Micbelio tires, 5SM ml. ...,_ ._.., ,....,._.. _,..,._ • convert. Fully loaded. IDOO/Orm.Eves&M·8228 garage is loo many! =XJULa Vah9 t772 Like brand new. Call '17Cordova, PS. PB. PW, MleCWif HIO 552·'1835, Dave weekdays . = '11 T • r a a . Fu 11 y •••••••••-••••••••••••• Mn. Olsen. 714-754-1801. A/C. 8-•""", tilt, 3111 ml. after 6 p.m. or before :t~ 1 6000 ...,.. ••••••• • •••••••••••••• IJIOlt~av w.ror · owaer. ¥0LYO -s-'"r.E "'"•ll bl M85P/P .(L1cCM8RZV> .... u ara"d•r , 4 dr. 8:30 a .m./ anytime oo hn,.,...•ece~~ on blk. $20,500, '" -=-•.......,. .,.. ue. !M8.oa fsl31·1121 '" • '" weekends. TBT _.. · ... ,,.sftl Sacrtnce low wboleaale ---1-----PS/PB, AJT. very &ood --------__ ,00_...,111 S.A&.11.•YICI . bk.64M0871tM2-4738 c.-t tt27 CGDd.112.000mi.MSO.Pb '77 T·Blrd. btrl gray, --... "It 'nJllBO. S eJlline, '71 ,..-1 ••••...ua. ••••••••••••••••••••••• --l08ded. PP. 6'2·4142 dy1, interior, '72 Reg. ("76 __ _.,.,.. 1977 FLEETWOOD ''12CometVB Clea11• 646-5363eves IAU9 MOTOIS Turbo) '17,500. MUr7T OYER8EA8 DEUVERV BROUGHAM All bl1ck -'12 Monterey 4 dr bdtp, Barbor Bl d !:XPERTS wl\b EVER YTHING ~ btue, AC. PS, PB. auto, '78 Full pGWer, lncludinl ~AMESl ' 1 '71 9UT. 57,000 mt. Xlot poealble. ln perfect cond. ttuu "50. 962·01H an windows, seats, tilt, t7'-2100 1 eoad. O , aoo . C •I I IAILI •• '8885 or bet1t offer. Call Ca itl:AJLlll ttJO 6P stereo • Landau. le.GOO --------.. '....,.,•t·llll. VOLVO M1ke!!t3'570f963-3222 ....................... 'e8Mercuryt'1!u ml. Bestolferover'5700. ·•1.,xu2+2. I· 7791 llTM•A ~:Ad· c • ,.17 ·~t~~;_::,r c!i~ WblteStatJoo •aoo 1.m.m1«1-m<2102 nJ:r-, j C.,,.-metalUC!, •..!:~· ....... 1 ..... 467 ........ ••••••••••••••• w/bW'I. trim, lrtbr ... t.I ....._, ''"' ff74 .. -...,... ca. 11.• ... ---------~·•. a.u.,apori. +aptiibtocb,aUUocoln ·•Cal..uTramportaUoa -····• .. ••••••••••• • .111 Oiillc • • •. ~ CGIYll>td.111. "JI Vaho•;.-w=•· 1o-.t1•1octtve!Oad.1 mne. SdK actual ml, uw. Good coed. All/FM ll'wSeJe: tmv.,aMde blidr.-: :1;;« """ "4111111...... =...... eo.1.1 SUit. P /P . M0·4'1v Tb1a cl111lc Mtced to e-. D1W tinl. Butolr. C181r • ... -. • ...._ 1.•·lm?; . en/Wlmd& ..U.Call11l-1LID -..m. llll.·11• I I • • --· t0.945 metes BeaullfUI s4999 dark blue with custom velour 1nteflor 1300187 1975 VOLVO WAGON Automatic transmission. air cond1 t1 on1n g • luggage rack & oower s4999 s t ee ri ng Pretty Burgundy (903Mlll . 197' TOYOTA CEUCA um.ACK 36.100 mtles. orally metalhc brown with 5 speed transmission, s5399 stereo and real wtre wheels (211 PHii 1977 TOYOTA DOLPHIN CAMPIR Great camper This one has ONLY 11.150 miles• $6199 Get re ady now for summer fun• (604$0Pl. 1971 TOYOTA CB.IC.A GT u m ACK Automatic transmission. air cond11eon1ng oower stee ring & stereo with $6899 tape Me ta lltc blue 1472UBYl I t75 POttSCHE '14 2.0 coun Gorgeous car. 36 500 miles. 5 se>eed. wheels stereo tape & metalhc $6999 blue with black trim (IM4MEl) . . - ~ , ' ' • 7 ' I Thut!d!J. Meroft !, t97't SUPER ·SALE llEW 1979 POllllAC PHOENIX CASH PRICE FlllANCE PRICE $ 79 PerM°""' Plus Tax & Lie. Mc .... Tax&Uc. Equipped with: • Factory Air Cond. • V -6 EncJine • Power SteerillCJ • Power Brakes • Aut9111atic Trans. • Tinted Glass Total cash pnce s5e95 Plus tax 4 he s 148. 79 per month for 48 months Deferred payment pnce s 7883 APR t 4 35% S695 total down delivers on approved credit 3 TO CHOOSE . FROM 2Y27G9W102561 2Y27 A9W105484 2Y27A9W101680 ALL LEMANS SAFARIS IN STOCK OYER -35 TO (HOOSE FROM --4 E~ui~with: • FectOI, Air CoM. ......... • A8ta1 rllllc Tr.....a.liolt • Power 51111 ... •Power._" •WSW .... nres • n.t.d Glas• • LllCJ1•P c..n... • Sport Miu I OU I • Power WWoW1 ·lody~ ..... ,. ··Tltw...t •C ..... WMllCOO*en lt74CM•'l•T•~ Campers OellQht. Pickup 4 Deluxe Cemi>ef Thia unit has fJYerY convenience of home plu• all the Item• to oet vou out of your home to 00110-Q<> Equipped with 350 VS. automatic t,.,,1 . ~ ateertng, factory air, AM-FM stereo w/tepe. rallve wide bese lirn & wheels. cabover camper. tilt wheel. dual tankt. custom lntenor. Heavy duty lpped You must eee thla onel Lie. 1977 Dodge V• Thie van la In lmrnaculale condition. Loaded with hi bucket Matt. AM·FM ttereo eight track tape plav.er. cruise control. rallye wheels. carpeting. cabinets. A real bargain. room enough for dancing. Come In and drive II Lie. 11 F236<t4' Sunut\ICll.,. Price S1ltLtl Discount 51000°° SALE PRICE ONLY 1t11c ... s.._1»m Thia 1a the Hard To Find Model. A 19n Chev Suburberi 3 Seater well e<:iulpped with vs. auto iran1 .. factory air cond . relive wheela. new tires. tilt wheel 4 p0wer eteerlng. Hes heavy duty trailer hitch end elec brake hoolc up to pull that boat or trailer + lo 10 milea. Lie. M t9UPO . 1t11ac--. Low. low mlles on this beautiful glacier blue El Camino ctaselc with camper ahefl. EQUlpped with rallve wheela. 350 vs. swlvet bud<et Mitt with conaole. tltt wheel. crulee control. factory air conditioning. AM/FM stereo tac>e p'av•r and much. much more Lie. 11Et8936. 1976 Chev. 'h TOii Plclam It's silver 1n color & a one owner-truci<:-J:ias 350 1VS. automatic trans . power steering, rallve wheels. custom deluxe cab. new tires Truck 'looks. runs & drives like a new one Also stereo w/tape deek. Lie t 1C1S776. 197 6 lmteltero Thia one Is a beauty! Two-tone paint on a Brougham GT Comee with VS. and air condltionlno. custom Interior with split seats. cruise control and AM/FM stereo tape deck and more Come In and see this low mileage Ranchero. Lie. 11874'626. 56398!~ ... &Llc lt71C .... o%21 Immaculate condition. low rNleage. AM-FM stereo eight traci< tape. custom lntenor. rallve sport wheels. cruiM control. oower door loctcs & windows. air conditioning come drive this beautv. lie. 124'9WUP. lt76BC_.., Good value. good looks and OOod performance with this maroon El Camino clasaic. comes with rallve wheels. COroova top. 350 V-8. AM/FM stereo. air conditioning and more This low mileage truck lootcs so good vour wile wm want to drive ii! L!c. 11B99t81. ... cen lold °" ..,,. .. c...... AM Cere Plu9 TH a L'""" All Cen ........ to Mor .... OPEN DAILY - 9 A.M. TO I 0 P .M • WE LEASE ALL ........... _,.,,," MAKES AND MODELS ' ' ~ I 7 .. -. I I l B1•ntington Bea~h Fountain Valley 1' r EDITION \'our Homefow111 Daily Newspape~ I L VOL. 72, NO. 67, 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1979 TEN CENT- ~ Huntington Cops Nix Pay Proposal By &08t:RT ·~••u:a Ot-0.ll't~• ..... Uunttngtou Buch Poli~ of ficers unanimously turned d<>wn a salary propo.<sul Wedn.-.i.du) that would have aiivt•n them u 14 percent pay raise ovt!r tw11 years The two year package wai. re Jected be<'aust: 1t omitted educa lion incentive pay, Sgt J eff Cope s aid today Cope, the presldf'nt of the 233 ml'mbt'r HunUn1ton Reach Poll(t' 001et-ra ASSOtlatlon, said pottcemen don 't Intend to budge on the latest obstede and are l'un111denng steps to press their 1lemands La~t November and December offi cers stopped wr1tma traffic tackets and cut off revenue com· 1ng to the city from court rtnes. They also engaged in a series of "alds·ins" and picketed the homes and businesses of several City Council members Work stoppages and picketing were discontinued when tbe con· tract impasse went before an arbitrator. • 'l\1orale In the police depart- ment is at an all·time low," U . James Walker said today. "We have · conceded on ev- erything and the city is making another demand,•' declared Wiker, a member" of tbe police negotiating team. "It is totally unfair." In their latest proposal, city negotiators agreed to continue paying current orricers for at· tending college but discontinued t he benefit for officers hired arter next July 1. Instead. the city bas agreed to pay for tuition and textbooks !or futureo(ficers. The education incentive pay is based on number or years ex· perience as a policeman plus the number of college credits each officer has received. The city has agreed to raise the maximum incentive pay from $226 to S2SO per month Ci ty Personnel Director Edward Tho mpson said the arbitrator had re commended the city pay only tuition anct books for rutun: police men I "I find it incomprehensible for anyone lo get that excited over unborn generations." Thompson said But Cope said education in· cent1ve pay has played a major role in attracting top.fl ight and experienced officers from other cities 2 Oil Firms Face Pricing Fraud I "o.ityPl ... -HUNTINGTON BEACH FAMILY OFF TO SAUDI ARABIA Mr. and Mrs. Dave Benaon, Daughter• Sue Ann, Juh A.raby•bound CoWJt Family Looks Ahead By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Olll1eD•llY Pl ... SUtt Puffing his cigar, burly Dave Benson of Huntington Beach ' canceled his auto insurance by phone Wednesday because he's leaving town -and then some. While other Americans ar e vacating, Benson and his family are preparing to move to Saudi · Arabia. Benson, a Northrop Corpora- tion ftnance eitecutive and bis family today bid goodbye to ' their Snowbird Drive home and flew off to a place where he says be f eels s afe r walking the streets than in downtown Santa 1 Ana. Gasoline costs only 15 to 20 cents per gallon. One might ask where they are going . Heaven? "Dbabrao, Saudi Arabia," r says the beefy program con· ( t railer who made his 12th busi· ( ness trip to the Middle East in Somet Women Take Holiday MOSCOW <AP)-So· viet women are taking a .. holiday today from cook· ing, cleanift8 and riveUng to mark International Women's Day amid signa that a female revolt aaatnst overwork ls brew- lD1. It'• '-Queen for a Day" 11 m• bri.oa cboeol1tes and Dowen to their wives, motben or female col· leapea. Tbe n1Uonwide celebration la one of the mo1t Important of tbe ,.., thoqb tbe bollda1 ,.,.. moltfy UDDOtlced ln tbe Welt. Pre1ldent Leonid I . ......... Premier AIHel N. Koe1'1a ud tbe Com· snualat P,artJ Central co ....... eoqntalat.I lk'vMtwo .. Mdtlw*ed &Mr fer IWr ........ bu· .... tot~·~· ot la&•rr.1 UoaalJatlc ioff4arttj•' ......... work -........... . January and just finally got fed up with commuting to work. Do the Bensons feel nervous about flying orf to the heart of the boiling pot of the Mideast, a stone's throw from warring North and South Yemen and just ac ross the gulf from bloody Iran? "No," scoffs Benson, 33, a UC Irvine graduate who will supervise several Northrop Corporation finance and ac- counting employees on a job be is not at liberty to explain. ·'There's nothing new in that part of the world about 'those two warring,· if you can call it warring," be says of North and South Yemen. "Saudi Arabia is very stable. The people are very gracJous, although you have to get used to their customs. But they have to get used to ours too." "They drive with their horns, just like they do in European countries, but gu is 15 to 20 cents a callon -which It should be," be says with a bit of authority. Life in Dbahran, a bedroom city of some S0,000 mostly American petroleum industry employees, offers plenty of en· Joyment, says Benson, based on a dozen trips there. The worst part comes in Au1u1t and September, when tbelr late,..ummer -tbe aeuona parallel ours -produces us degree temperatures, with 99 percent humidity. "Thole are the bad months," be explainl, eaUmat1a1 Saudi Areblan telnperaturee averqe 2IO to 30 desNel blaher than in Southern California. "Tbe bouatq la beauWul," 1111 Benion, 8ddlq that be and bla f 1mlly will live in o6e of two compouadl at Dbbraa. ••&ome an double·wtde mobOe bom• Ml oa loadau.. m · oUaen an jalt •bcnne • ..._ ' Uh tlUI ODe," be eoatiDMI, d OD tile teleolaoee wtadlq up o......c.-•m.. .............. Aa, ... ,..... ........ no 41lll ._. operallll! l"OHI Jolt at Baat· ..... bi1R01DanadtJ __. .. to ... 11111 mon. Mn. 81•aa ............ a)lb••--la Uae A•erlea• oil l•d•1trr ........... Al> Old Goo For NelV Charged HOUSTON <AP > -An 84· count oil·pricing fra ud indict· menl returned against two oil companies and five or their of- fi cers is j ust "the tip of the iceberg," says U.S. Attorney A. J . "Tony" Canales. The indictment, handed down Wednesday, charges the defen· dants took part in a scheme to violate federal crude oil pricing regulations. The sche me al· legedly brough t som e $3.8 million in excess profits. "These cases will be going on long after I'm gone from this or- ri ce," Canales said, adding that IRAN TO LIMIT OIL OUTPUT-A3 more indictments can be expect. ed. "This is just the beginning," he said. California Claa•ps Charged with conspiring to sell lower priced "old" oil as higher priced "new" oil were Uni Oil Inc. of Houston; Uni president TbomaJJ M. "Mick" Ha- jecate; Uni secretary·treasurer a nd director Thomas H. "Tom" Hajecate; Uni vice presidents Charles R. Akln and James E. Fis her; Ball Marketing En· terprise of Lafayette, La.; and Charles Goss, a BalJ marketing agent. The Spinners, a 17-girl baton twirling group from Fountain Valley, have a lot to cheer about these days . They won the state Tiny Tots Parade Corps Cham- pionship during Drum Majorettes ot America contest last Saturday in Vill a Park. They '1!0lnpeted against five other g roups for the title. The City of Fountain Valley sponsors the group. All of the girls are from Fountain Valley. U.S. District Judge Carol 0 . Bue set bonds of $200,000 apiece for the officials and said they would be released on personal recognizance. 'Chief' Lookalike Sought in 5 Thefts <See FRAUD, Page A2) PMestrian Walk Nixed A 20-foot·long pedestrian walkway. barricaded by Foun- tain Valley residents who claimed it was a pathway for vandals and burglars, bas been abandoned by the city. Despite protests from resi· dents who said they would have lo walk farther (two blocks) to get to school or bus lines, the council's unanimous decision Tuesday means the barriude will remain. The pedestrian easement at the end of Quaetz Circle was ded· icated in 1974. It provided a link between the Classic and Style Line tracts near Loa Amigos High School. A bandit whose victims say he looks like the Ind ian chie f character in the film, "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest," is being sought by Huntington Beach police . "The Chief" may not be or In· dian descent, but police believe he is res ponsible for five restaurant and market robberies in the past month -netting about $1,600. His latest robbery took place Sunday night when he used a handgun to rob T hrl!timart, 5858 Budget Proposed SPRINGFIELD, 111. <AP> -A record $12.3 billion Illinois budget with a l~·cent gasoline tax increase and other fee in· creases was proposed Wednes· day by Gov. J ames R . Thompson. He also offered a proposal for ceilings on taxes and government spending by the early 1.980a. Chutlsts Killed Man, Woman F_ al,l to Demlu NAPA (AP) -A British woman and Illinois man who bad apparently just met were killed when their parachutes failed to open as they fell holding bands in a demonstration Jump near here, sheriff's deputies said. . The victims, both described as professional parachutists, were idenUfied Wednesday a s Judith R. Willard, Z'I, of Frome, England, and Ronnie J McLaughlin, 34, of Joliet, Ill. The pair Jumped from an aircraft at 12,000 feet with two or three other persona, then fell to their deaths as they held bands and did acrobatics, said William White, a Napa County deputy sheriff who is ahlo a coroner'• deputy. He said both were killed inltanUy when their bodies bit a plowed fleld In a 1panely populated area near the Pope Valley Parachute Ranch, 25 mil• nartb ol bere. WC. said witn-• and a British paaport I ound on the •omaa'1 body lndJcated 1be bad traveled to till Cnil.t l&atel foe a parachutina boli· day md bad taen a bm from San Francl9co to tbe camp earlier la tbe da1. -. Warner Ave .. of about SlOO, police said. His string of five robberies 1n the city began Feb. 7 when he took $468 at gunpoint from an e mployee a t Casa Ma r ia restaurant at 16060 Beach Blvd. The next evening he struck at the Plankhouse Restaurant, 6060 Warner Ave .. and escaped with $700. Eleven days later be hit a second Plankhouse restaurant on Beach Boulevard, geUing about $100 and also robbed an Alpha Beta Market on Warner Avenue of about $200 on Feb. 28. Police Sgt. Luis Ochoa believes the Chief also may be pulling heists in other Orange County cities. The dark-complexioned rob- ber stands about six feel four and weighs up to 250 pounds . He has been described as having collar length black hair . Police believe the ba ndit is between 25 and 35 years old. He sometimes appears not to have s haved in sever al days and wears a bulky coat. There have been no injuries in the robberies. The ba ndit often tells his victims to quietly walk away from the register to the rear of their workplace so he can escape. So far, no one nas seen a getaway vehicle. Persons with information that could lead to his arrest should contact the Huntington Beach Police Department at 536·5951 or 536·5311. Valley High Choir Plan& Performance Fountain Valley High School's concert choir and orcheatr' will perform How1rd Hanson's "Song ol Democracy" and other work• In a Friday nt1ht performance under Tom Ant.al'• direction. Tb• public ll tnvited to the 7:30 p.m. concert 1t Sta. Simon and Jude Church at the comer of tndl1napol11 Avenue and Mapolla Street. A 12 donaUoa ia belq requested . Recess Over .Jn Waddill Baby Trial Arter a on e ·day r ecess. testimony resumed today 1n the murder retrial of Dr. William Waddill, who is aecused of strangling a newborn abortion survivor. Witnesses called this morning by prosecutor Robert Chatterton mcluded hospital personnel 0 11- duty at Westminster Com · munity Hospital the night the m- rant known as Baby Girl Weaver was born to an 18·year ·old un- wed mother. Chatterton is now trying to establish through the Orange Cou nty Su p e rior Co urt tes timony that the infant Weaver delivered to the hospit al pathology lab is the same two· pound, 15-0unce baby born after an allegedly unsuccessful saline abortion. The 43·year·old Huntington Harbour phys ician is accused of strangling the infant fearing he would face a malpractice la wsuit if the baby lived and suf- fered brain da m age from the saline solution. Or :::£L~•M Weather Chance of low clouds Friday morning. Highs 66 to 76. Lows •tonight 45 to 53. INSIDE TODAY It wa• the perfect neighborltood for the home dte /or the I 1 moderately re- tarded people to live ... unhf nefghbora /ound out. See "Love ThJI Nfrighbor," Poge AU f ' A2 DAIL v P1Lo r HlF T nur.d•t Marc: I\ a. t 919 Sonte 'R e tre at' Viets Claim China Forays UA GKUI<. Th111l1tnd IAP 1 Vwtnum .mnoun,•ed toda) thotl t lw t'hltlt'!'lll wt•t t' w1\hdri.~ •nit I roop!" from :.Clrtlt af't!all of Vif'I 11.i m · w ry slow Iv and tn very 'm;ill numtwr., hut ulr.o had ,t ,1.it•tl 1ww .1t1 .wi.., .11ut 111·1·u111rd 111111 t' lum1 111 olht•t 11url!\ 1)( th1 ftPl\t lt'r l"t't(IOO In th,• h l"'t offu•1,1l .idmt,..,tcln rr11m \ 1\'lt\Jm thut '""''' form 11( pullout -.u:-. ot1·u1 rin~ tlano1 I ud10 lH'l'llb "d lht• Ch1 n••,t• or l•wl 111~ pru1•t•rt ' .m,1 hur11111~ hurn1•' 111 tht•1· ri•tr t•.tl f h t' lH I> J ti I' l '> l J l '> v :. J Id Co l unib ia Starts Trip To ·Laurrc h l.t\N(:(\STER I Al'l Thl' s pace :;huttlc Columbia, hk~ some great white beast, lum- bt>red slowl y from its hangar before dawn today a nd crawled alon~ desert roads 38 miles to an Air Force bast! on the first leg of a cross-country trip to its Florida launching pad The 150,000-pound shuttle, de- signed to carry Americans on 100 round tnps into space, was moving overland to the Dryden Flig ht R esearc h Center al Edwards Air Force Base. Later today, it was to be af- fixed piggy-back atop a 747 jum- bo Jet for a two-day night to its launch Mte at Cape Canaveral. That fught begins Friday The Columbia dwarfed its en· tourage of more than a dozen vehicles, including police cars, a fire engine and a s mall bus filled with security and route-clearing personnel. The convoy traveled at less than 5 mph The shuttle entered this desert tow n. where s eve ral tra ffic li ght s were moved to accom- m odate its g reat wings , a s several hundred s pectato r s braved the cool desert morning to marvel at its size. Mounted on a gigantic 90 - wheel trailer towed by a truck, the 122-foot-long shuttle -its tail fin rising more than fi ve !>lortl'S eme r ged tail first from lh<' hungar where it was assembled at the Rockwell In- ternational plant near h ere. Drivers steered from both ends The n e w -genera ti o n s pac<'craft. its aluminum skin partiallv covered by square tiles to protect 1t from the heat of its futurl' :.pace traps, looked shghl· ly rurned. like a moulting bird, wht•n • som<' t1lt·s Wt!rc missing. Cabhie Shot By Passenger In Santa Ana An lrv1ne cab driver was re- ported in stable condition today after he was shot in the cheek Wednesday night by a passenger apparently disgruntled over a $3.40 fare, Santa Ana police re- ported. George Hambaugh. 47, was be1n~ treated al a Santa Ana hospital, police said , but the hos pital location and Ha m- baugh 's home address were withheld Officer s s aid Hambaugb picked up three men at a local bar and drove them to 1900 S. Evergreen St. In Sant a Ana where he announced the fare would be $3.40. One of the three passengers purportedly replied "that will be nothini." pulled a handgun and shot the cab drl ver. l'htni' rt1U"ry flrl-0 hundrtid or ai hellr1 Wednead•Y lnto the u p1tal ot Lana Son provlnl.'CI In r"ponse to a P11kl11(1 report thnt C'hl~e troops "love tho \'lc>tn mese JM>Oplf'." th .. otflcl{tl ht1MdC"u11t rt·phl·d "Instead of lo\'lrl>: our 1-tJlh•, they lovt: our l'lur~~ns, duck11 , t•lvthuai •nd othn propN1y ' Reltablt> sources rn Bangkok i.u1d t1K'rl' were "ddtnit SIJl\b" Cl ( U (' <i \I t I 0 U b C b I n t b l' withdrawal These 1toaelysb 1uud ,,ome rnfantry and armortid units pullt!d out of lhc Lon& Son nt'•. perhap:.-the most contest t>d in the nearly three week-old fronuer war ll wub not known In 8.ingkok whclher any Chinese unit:. at·tuaUy r~turned to Chmu But the Yugoslav newb agency Tanjug reported from Peking that the first Chinebe troops ar rived back home, and that other units will follow shortly to facilitate the start or negotiations between China and Vietnam on possesi.1on of is lands in the South China Sea The islands were not named but presumably 01 1 is believed to be In the sur- rounding seabeds. Kyodo, the Japanese news agency. reported from Peklllg that Chinese sources there estimated the withdrawal would take two more weeks because "pulling out is more difficult militarily than advancing." The sources s aid the Vietnamese were expected to make small- scale attacks on the departing units but were not capable of a major attack. The Chinese invaded Vietnam on Fe b. 17 after months or clashes between Vietnamese and Chinese border forces and the Vi etna m esse invasion of Cambodia on Dec. 25 which drove a Communist government allied with Peking from Phnom Penh. The Chinese said their aim was lo "punish" their southern Communist neighbor for border provocations and to teach them a lesson. Peking an nounced Monday it was withdrawing its troops after achieving its goals. On Wednesday, Vi etnam said the Chinese had been defeated and would>be allowed to pull out peacefully. FreMP~Al BENSON .• : enclave. Americans based in Saudi Arabia are well taken care or by their emptoyers, firms which es- s e ntially work fo r the ne ws media-shy Saudi government. Daughters Tara, 8, and Julie, 10, have been withdrawn from Peterson Elementary School to a ttend the Saudi Arabian In· ternational School. "That's right on the grounds of the American E m bassy, which makes it U.S. soil," says their dad. The Huntington Beach resi- dent for 11 years and native of Huntington Park was still trying to sell his 20-fool Century ski boat Wednesday. but Northrop provides boats for employe use over thel"f'. Benson had to sign a 90-day contract with Northrop Corpora· lion for thf' new assignment , which he says has nothing to do with Mideast instability but the firm's search for successors Some sent lo Saudi Arabia haven 'l liked It enough to stay and the Benson family's assignment could be 18 months or more, based on many factors. High schools, for example, are unknown in Saudi Arabia and the International School only goes through ninth grade, so theoretically Julie might have t.o come back to the U.S. in four years for school. Allen Students CARTER MOBBED As President Carter waves to thousands in Cairo. Egyptian Pre:,tdcnt Anwar Sadat points to a man trying to reach th e car from th e crowd Sec unty agents moved in a nd held back the fncndly but e nthusiastic c rowd. Cwress Fire Lmest Blaze From Arsonist? Another blaze in what Orange County fire crews believe is a 30-plus arson string in Cypress caused $15,000 in damage to a residential garage Wednesday night, fire spokesman s aid. The blaze at the home of Thomas Roman Panas ewicz, 5152 Myra Ave ., was the firsl m a1or property damage at - tributed to the arsonist, firemen said. · Fire oHJc1als believe the blaze setter has been at work in Cypress since January setting numerous fires in tras h bins and shrubbery. Panasewicz's property was damaged by arson Jan. 5 a!) well, firemen said, when some· one a llegedly torc he d two palm treesinhis frontyard. Firemen s aid t he y don't believe ven~eance was a motive In the blazes at Panasewicz's home. They believe he was the victim of an arsonist working at random throughout the cit y. Suicide Try Ends in Injury A 33·year-old Santa Ana man was in critical condition at a local hospital today after he ap- parently tried to commit swcide Wednesday by jumping from an overpass onto the Santa Ana Freeway John Espinoza Medina wasn't hit by any ca rs when he landed in the northbound freeway lanes after allegedly jumping from the First Street overpass, police said. But he rud suffer critical injuries in the 3:30 p.m. fall. Medina is being treated al Santa Ana-Tust in Community Hospital. Police said they don't know why he went off the over- pass. Arrows Hit Helicopter PORT MO R ESBY . Papua New Guinea CAP ) -Tribal war- rior s in the eastern highland village of Baira fired arrows at a helicopter which landed in t heir village, forcing the craft to lake off. police say. The helicopter carried a doc· tor and a police inspector who planned lo cond uct a post - mortem on a man who died In t ribal fighting on the southwest Pacific Island Sunday. Carter Welcomed In Cairo, Egypt CAI RO, Egypt I AP 1 Prest· dent Carter , beginning a p1I g rimage for peac e 1n the M 1deast, received both a warm welcome and a reminder today that tough iss ues still s tand 1n the way of an Egyptian·lsraelt peace treaty Tens of t hous ands of en thus1ast1c Egyptians lined the street as Carter and Egyplum President Anwar Sadat stood m an open car while traveling from Cairo airport to the former royal palace where Carter will slay But at lhe palace Sadat issued a s trong call fo r "national rights" and "fr eedo m " for Palestinians. Even before Carter's arrival E gy ptian Prime M1n1 ste~ Mustafa Khalil said his count~· had counterproposals l o the com promise s uiu:est1ons put forth by Carter. and said Egypt would continue lo insist on a ti m ctable for setting up an autonomous Palestinian authon · ty in the Israeli-occupied Webl Ha nk. · In Israel, meanwhile. Prime Minister Mcnachem Begin said a peace treaty can be signed "m a fe w weeks time" provided some unspecified "still outstand- ing issues" are resolved . Begin, speaking at a n airport news conference on his return from the United States. called on countrymen to welcome Carter warmly when he arrives in Tel Aviv on Saturday njght. ·'This has been a good week for Israel." Begin said Carter said he still seeks a ·•comprehensive " peace that wolttd include other Arab na lions and "reflect the legitimate needs of all who have suffered in more than 30 years of conflict ." a reference to the Palesliruaos Sadat kissed Carter on both cheeks as the American leader got off Afr Force One at Cairo a 1 rport The n the presidents waved to the throngs who lined their route to the palace in the suburb of Kubbeh As the motorcade p asse d about 300 doves were released and flew into the sky Onlookers c hee red, Jumped and waved ha ndkerchiefs The e1ght-m1h: drive took 55 minutes Al times the crowd was so en thusias tlc that police had to r est r a in people who rushed toward the car carrying the leaders At the palace. both leaders ap peared on a balcony to speak. Sadat praised Carter warmly, calling him "My dear friend and brother " "N e v e r befor e h as an American pres ide nt been so firm m hts devotion lo peace.·· said Sadat. speaking 1n English But Sadat also said . "We are dete rmine d to e nabl e our Palesllnian brothers to reaHze their national nghtb and re~am their freedom . In the days a head , we will be working together t o m a k e t h e ~c c heris hed hopes a living re· a hty" After their public stalemen~ Sadat and Carter began their first round of diSCUS!)IOns smoa anzEll SALE Wastal Woman Killed c ' A 70-year-old Huntington Beach woman was killed and her husband inJured Wednesday night in a traffic collision with a car carrying three teen-agers who suffe red m inor Injuries, police said. The dead woman was Iden· tif1ed as Dorothy M. Smith of 941 2 Nautilus Drive . She died of injuries about one hour af\er the 9.55 p.m . accident al the in· tersection or Bushard Street and Adams Avenue. Her husband, Melvin, was taken to Fountain Valley Com· mun1ty Hospi tal wh ere authorities today said be was treated for injuries and re leased T r affic 1nvest1 gators said a cha rge of failure to stop at a red h ghl has been filed against 18· yea r old driver Melanie Sue Creager of 16562 Wheeler Circle. Huntington Beach She was reportedly driving eastbound on Adams when her C"ar collided with the auto con ta1n1n~ the Smith:. who were ~outhbound on Bushard M lbb Creager and passengers Eugene Johnson and Karen Bridges. both 16 of Huntington Beach. were treated for injuries at Pacirica Hospital and later sent home A police s pokesman said the Smiths were to celebrate their SOth wedding anniversary later this week Frot11 Page AJ FRAUD ••• .. The indictment says the con s p1 ra cy 1n vol ved acq uiring "old ·· 011 sellmg at a bout $5 a bar rel and certifying it as "new" oil that sells for more than $12 a barrel under the rederal pricing r eg ula tion:. established in 1973 The d1btmct1on hetween "old" and "new" oil allows firms to c harge more for newly dis covered oi l than they do for oil from fi elds that have long been in use It was writte n into federal pnce regulations as a way to encourage exploration for new sources of oil. At this point, howeve r . a federal grand jury has spent about eight months investigating r eports that more than 200.000 barrels of "old" oil have been sold as "new" oil -al a cost to cons umers of millions of dollars by the lime the 011 r eached service stations In a related matter Wednes da y, Al b1;·rt 8 . A lkek . a m11l1onaire Victoria oilman, pleaded guilty to a misde meanor charge of knowing about tht• pr icing scheme but fa1lin~ to re port 1t to authorities Immediate FREE DELIVERY All three passengers fled the cab a nd are still being sought by police. ORANGE COAll DAILY PILOT Crackdown Slated f N Ot•~CN\t 0..11, PO .. WltftW,,'C''tt\4Mf' tt;Nof'I tNY Hf'~ Pre'\\ ll ...... l\Noh 1,_0t_... '"•'' t-'vOhUht\f(~"'' SfHt•tf'f'(fll~•'f ovn1+,~ct NiOftd . .v IPw°""' t ..... , '"' Co.t• ......... Nt"'l'0'1 .... ll HUftl .... M&.M• ,_ IAt#\V•H•f lfi;,,.,. -..~ ... ( .. Sovth( .... A ,,..,. "0_1..,,otitft I\ _I,,_ $41\lf0.¥Ul'oCI ~ .. ""' ........... 1 .,....,,.,.~ ...... ,, <ti JlO W•'I n ... , i-t'"' <Mt• Mllw, ( et1fonw• .,.,. "-""-PfHH1'tf'tt •M PuM1Ywr J•O ll c-. v ... ,.~lftftt•,,.Oe-.. Mo- n-.. 11 .. .i1 Rdl.., ~":..~:.~ ... ~-::-. 0.••'"H I.Mt lll<Nttr .... ..... ,.", ""'"'"''"'' .. ""' .... ,, ....... ""tl0.-CMHll¥td0i.t Huntll'Hllon leMf! Oftk4I "tlJ ... ,~ *-•t 1M1ll11QACIClrn1 r o llo•IW - l..ot<iMMt4lo~:...... •• Ml't<'I Cb\ ............. "~ , .......... "1•>Ma-4alt ClaHlhll A4wo,,...,. toll7I ' ...... -,., °" ..... C.-t"""'--.... , . ~ri: ~°'"=-~ .. ~~c..i: ,. ~i•tf ... ., .... ...;;r.t MfttA Ny 1111 1.::;~;;.:..:' ........ -., .. ,,.., .... flt t: ::;'.. ! .. ~::-...... -:: • .= ::-• ,,., U 1• _,.., lry ,,..,, M M _,, ,..._,_u,._....,, On Visa Policies WASHINGTON (AP> -At· t.orne)' ~neraJ Griffin B. Bell announced a crackdown today on visa policies that 1llowed aliens t.o enter the u nned States under a phony student status. The action, which could In · volve proHCUUon of tome col- lege offkial.s, follows revelations that an ettlm•ted '2,000 fonl1n student.a admitted lnt.o the Unit· ed Stat.ea on student vl111 are no ·longer enro&fed at the 1cboolt they are 1uppoHd to be att«MI· tq . Bell aald the Jmmt1raUon and Naturalbatioa Service, ID arm of tbe Juttlce Department, ll ln- l tla tlDI 1tep1 wblcb include •arnlnp to Ute colle1n uaat f\artb• ...... C!OUld rel\llt la wWldnwal "' tbetr •atborttJ to earoll fon&p atudeeta UD4er tNS l'el\llaUOM . In qUtMdoa 11 tbe predict of - Issuing blank 1-20 forms, the forms t.b•l certify a prospective forelp student bas been a ccept- ed for enrollment. Some coll:.t': have been ac- c used ol 1e 8 out recruiters armed with bla nk 1-201 pre- •i&ned by school officials. The prospectlve student can then ob· taln a viaa to enter the United States. The controversy over alien 1tudent1 wu touched off by a violent demomtraUon Jan. 2 by a crowd 1pp1rently made up of antl·lbab lr..Uan atudenta out· 1lde tbe Beverly Hill• mamioa of tbe Sbab ol lran•a motber and 1l1ter. Bell aald at that Ume be would lffk to deport any Iranian ltU· dent no took put ta violeat protelta ud 8111 otber fortlp etudaU wbo Yiolated terms of their vllaa by no lonter attend· ln1c1 ..... SALE ENOS VISA' , ~-'-"~ MARCH 3 1 Whites 1111»•r · Showcase I 0011 to choose from! -'1 Mmy falwics, Many styln COITAMllA 369 I. 17th IT. (Acf'Oll from Aafptv, ,,. .. to Marte Cale! Iden) 6'2·1617 Mon. • ff\ 1().6 Sal 10-6 Ooaed~ , MllllON VllJO 21192 Marguerite "'~ (Comer of Marguerite and Via Etcolol) 491-9902 Mon. • ftl 1().6 Sal. 10-& Ooeed~ t ~ • . J t t ' I t CALIFORNIA To Take Stand Black Pa~ther leader Huey N~wton, shown with his wife Gwe~ dun~g a break in his trial on charges he killed a pro~t1tute m 1974, says he'll lake the witness stand agamst the advice of his lawyer. He said at an Oakland !1e~s ~onference Wednesday that tbe charge against him 1s stnctly a fabrication." Thurtdey, March 8. 1979 DAILY PILOT A 5 Ring Pkases Scientists PASADENA IAf' 1 Sclen ll ts arl' nbuu today over Voy ul(er i ·~ surpr1~tng dis rovt-ry of .t thm Clrcle of debns orbiting Jup1ter like a famt &m· itation of Saturn's famous rings The Jovian ring, which may be the remams of a shattered moon or material left over from th~ planet's birth, was an- nounced at the Jet Propulsfon Laboratory on Wednesday. TllE TIUN, FLAT ring was found 1n Just one photograph taken Sunday as Voyager 1 up· proached its closest encounter with the g1ant planet, said Brad- SUPER GALAXY SIGKT£0-Story, A 15 ford Smith. who h eads the Voyager photography team. "Thus Jupiter joins Saturn and Uranus to become the third <of the nine planets > in our solar syst e m known to possess a planetary ring system," Smith said. Saturn·s three large and brilliant rings were discovered by Galileo in !610. Astronomers first saw the faml ring of Uranus two years ago. THE BLACK AND while pic· ture of the Jovian ring, released Wednesd ay, shows six string. like lines stretched across the dark background of space. Smith said the lines represent a multiple exposure. s1x images of the edge of the ring. He sa1d the ring had escaped detecllon until now because 1t is less than 18 miles thick and so dim it's virtually lost against the planet's bright surface. The ring is at least 5,400 miles wide and its outer edge is about 35.000 miles above the Jovian eq uator, Smith said, addrng that the size and composition of the particles hasn 't been de· termined. "MY BEST GUESS would be that 1t is dark material, and may be due to the break-up of a s atellite (moon ) that wandered too close" to Jup1ter, and was torn apart by the planet's im mense gravitational pull. H e said 1t al!>o m1J!ht lw "primord1al material that was left over from when Jupiter was created" about 4.6 billion years ago. Voyager I will study Jupiter for 17 more days as 1t heads for an encounter with Saturn in November 1980 " Lettuce Boycott Eyed Chavez Also Plam to Escalate Chiquita Actio11 SALI NAS !AP )-United Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez led more than 4,000 sup- porters on a march through this community and hinted his union may call a nationa l lettuce boycott as part of a seven-week s trike against vegetable growers Chavez also said Wednesday that the Uf'W 's national boycott of Chiquita bananas will be esca~ated . Asked about the possibility or a national lettuce boycott, Chavez said, "When the time comes, we will " However. Marc Grossman. a Chavez aide, later called the t hreatened national lettuce boycott "an option." ( STATE J Deridolt Not If int~d SACRAMENTO I AP ) If state Supre me Co,urt justices plan to rever se their ruhng weakerung the "use a gun. go lo prison" law. they gave little in· d1cat1on of 1t in a rehearing of the case Instead. the four Justices who made up a fragile majority in their Dec. 22 rubng took turns Wednesday grilling Attorney Gene ral George Deukmej1an, who is seeking a reversal. IJtUltin to Wait LOS ANGELES <AP> Of· decision of U.S. District Court Judge Wilham Enright in S<1n Diego. ·~toBeCut LOS ANGELES IAP ) It'-. oack to the cutting room for pn• du.cers of the adult movie "Dt:h bie Does Dallas." who hav(• agreed to splice out 1112 minutl'S of film showing the film's star m a Dallas Cowboys cheerlead<•r uniform. A ltorneys represent• ng th(• Pussycat Theater t ham agret-d Wednesday to excise the parts or the film that show the costum1· worn by Debbie. a high sch1)(1I cheerleader who goes to Dalla:-, lfoww BerOJ1te• .J all OAK.LAND (AP> A JUdJW Beatles Reunion? No lruuranre Bill Di~• SACRAMENTO I AP> An ef- fort to block' automobile insurers Crom charging different rates m different areas bas died in an Assembly committee. f1c1als of the fo ur major California utilities say they will await the outcome of appeals on t he overturning of a state nuclear regulatory s tatute before applying for licenses to construct nuclear power plants. decided it was cheaper to put Rebecca Brown under house ar rest for a year than to put her m jail for h e r involuntar}' mans laughte r c·onv1 ct1on or shooting her husband Harry in the back. 'Happier' George Says Plan's Just Fantasy As semblyman H ersch e l Rosenthal. D-Los Angeles, sponsored AB 16. which failed to get a motion for passage Wednesday from any member of the Assembly Finance. Insurance and Commerce Committee. In a squabble JUSl before Christmas. Mrs. Brown said. hl'r husband pulled a gun. They gol into a tussle when she told him to put it awav lie d ied of a pistol s hot in th e ba ck, authorities said HOLLYWOOD <AP> There a r e some things that rock legends don't have to bother with. Endless one-on-one in· terviews are among them. So former Bealle George Har- rison. in town to promote his latest album. took on the entire Los Angeles press corps at a tea- and-crumpets news conference Wednesday afternoon. PUBLIC CONTACT with former Beatles has been rare since they spUt in 1970, so some 40 reporters crowded into a Warner Bros. records con- ference room to quiz Harrison on his music and other recent activities. About bis new album. "Ge0rge Harrison," and its hit single .. Blow Away," he said : "I feel happy about it. . . .Sometimes you can do something and it's like swim- ming against the tide. No matter what you do it doesn't have that natural now going with it. ..... At 36, Harrison seems to have toned down the mystical bent that influenced mu~h or the m uslc o n his earlier solo albums, "All Things Must Pass" and "Living In The Material Worl~" He admitted that the extent or bis musical message these days is "lo try and be happier all the time." IT WASN'T LONG before the inevitable Beatles reunion ques- tion popped up. Al first Harrison DIAMONDS • GEMSTONES Jewels by Josephs Is searching tor diamonds and gemstones from pnvate ind1v1duals and estates. Careful examination and evaluation by our experts. Highest prices paid. Call 540-9066 10-9 daily, Saturday 10-6, Sun· ""'closed. AsK for Betty Grace or Frank VanderWall iewels by ioseph Soutti Coast Plaza • 3333 Bristol, Costa Mesa • 540-9066 ~~~~~~~-~ r~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLIC NOTICE PUBU C NOTICE pretended not to hear. "About the what?" he queried, cupping his hand to his ear. Then he relented. "The last thing I heard about that was some guy in San Fran- cisco who had some project of getting John <Lennon >. Paul <McCartney>. George and Ringo <Starr> together. "ALL I COULD say to that was. 'Look, th at was then.' This guy is on a trip about the Beatles. "He's built up this big fantasy about how the Beatles are the only thing that can save the world. And that is complete rub- bish. "The Beatles can't save the world. we'll be lucky if we can save ourselves." The executives of Southern California Edison . the Los Angeles Department or Water and Power, San Diego Gas and Electric. and ~cific Gas and Electnc Wednesday praised the Dentist Sentenced TORRANCE <AP) -A dentist has been sen- tenced to six months in jail for the anesthetic over· dose death of a 26-year-old Gardena woman. Dr. Richard A. Litman, 45, convicted of in- voluntary manslaughter Feb. 7 in the March 1977 death of Marion Newman. was sentenced in Superior Court on Wednesday. Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney George Oakes s aid an autopsy found a "lethal dose" of Nembutal in her body as well as a "toxic dose" or Demerol and some Valium. EARL'S PLUM81HI.> • HCA llN(, Alll COHO ')I ltc. /Utt')/ Y h ttt< l tn"llt" "4Ml\.lllt YOUf Ooc>f" •l1111 ~lon N• ~., •• ,, "r6ut Aro i&• COSTAM ESA642-17SJ •U•~IBl•d M ISSIC>ff YICJ049s--0401 1"12 C..moM C.->l<- i~ .. n 0 F-r. •t Av~r Pkw l Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work tor ou. t\esa \7erde CUT RATE Dqoor EXCEPTIONAL WINES SS AND UNDER IAKBt AT HARIOR 549-4044 ---- Custo111 Sofa Sale -; , SaveuptoSzoo.00! Every Sofa, Love Seat, Sectional reduced for this event! Sofo s499 111 ... / (11"kon.1 8way hand tied sora and love seat. All hardwood frume. Avuiltiblc in the cover shown (immediat~ delivery) or choose from a wide selection of custom fdbrics including prints and solids. Our decorators will gladly <.hs1sl you COUNTRY & TRADITIONAL INTERIORS Interior Design Service Available 1515 North Main St. Santa Ana 547-5895 Van Nuys •Canoga Park• Ventura La Habra· Whittier Open Mon .. Thor1} .. Fr1. IO to 9 P.M.• Toes .. Wrd. & Sar.10 tn 6 P.M.· Sun.12 to 5 P.M. FRE£ DEUVCRV • BANKAMF.RICARD •MASTER CHARGE· REVOLVING CHARGE t 116 D /f' or.ngecoasiom1v~•'c' Editorial Page ............................................................. Thul'fd1y. M1rch 8, 19t9 Robert N Weedl Publlsher Barbara .Creibic:h/Edltorlal Page Editor City Hall Exodu Becoming Costly lhmtm.:ton Ht.·Och hu~ tol\t anolht.•r high runk1ng t.•m plO)'t"t' W 1>: · B1ll "llarlrt>."ho~ <hthelaq(r5ldt-partment 1n lht· ell) .and '"' lht' e1ty'" haghest ptAld d1rector. ha~ 11n nounel'd that he lb offl<'rnlly retann~ next month l .ikc othe~ who tl ult the rtty b<>f ortt h1 ro . tturtgc l'> n•lut't i.11\l tu ht•(•omt' tn\'olvt-d in any unst>t.•mly ('On t rovt.•r-.y with< '1l y Coun<·tl mcmbfor!. Hut <·ollcu,.:\11.:s ~..iy 54 •ear old llurtgt• hab !-Urft!red u ~rt''1l dt•al of t•mburru!'if\rnl'nl over sniptnft b y <'O UO('tl member-. ut publtc ~ess1on.'> Quest10ns anti commt.•nb ut t1ml'b a ppt•url'd to he <ll· libt•rotl•I) phru,t•d hy l'll~ ('ounc1l mt:mtK'r!l to nrnk~ llurtgt• and otht-r dcpartmt>nl hN1d1> look bad Thret· olht·r t op lt-vt•l employees huve qutl t'll)' l'm ploymtml '\lrll't• la!.l April's C'1t) C<>unc1I e lect1onb They 1ndudl' Asb1btant ('1ty Adm1ni!tlrator Richard llnrlow, Plannang Director cdward Seh ch and Building f>1n·<·tur John Behrt.>ni, More than 100 employl'l'!:I havt· quit stnct! lust Arml ,md th('rl' may be more. The t·1ty 1s losing a man o f 19 year s experie nce in llartge':, ('asc That ts a great deal o f background that &:> going down the drain Sadly. m or e will follow af the coun cil doebn 'l bcgm t rt' a ting its key e mµloyet!::, with more consideration maybe even like fello w human bcmgs C:OIDIDunication Gap? If future traffic increase projections from a county s ub-committee report hold true, the re may well be a need for added bridge crossings over the Santa Ana River to link Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa. To the chagrin of some Huntingto n officials. Costa Mesa Cit y Council m e mbers have directed that city's staff to begin dele ting two such c ross ings from the m aster plan. The r ights -of.way, which the county committee believes s hould be protected. would connect Wilson Street a nd Gisler Avenue in Costa Mesa with <respectively) Atla nta a nd Garfield avenues in Huntington Beach. Considering the need for optimum east -west traffic flow between the two cities, Costa Mesa may have acted ·too hastily in responding to community concerns over neighborhood impacts. It also appears that city officials on both s ides or the raver haven't been communicating pro perly o n an issue o f concern to each Proposal Out of Line The ink is h ardly dry on the flood of ballots cast in favor of Propos ition 13 and already som e te ache r unions are s ubmitting negotia ble contracts for s ky-high raises. Ocean View Teachers Association just submitted a propos al to establis h a new salar y category boosting pay of top-ranked te achers by 34 percent, from the· current annual top or $21 ,947 to $29,502. Teache rs currently can reach the $21,947 mark by ::.er v ing 20 years with the district and acquiring 60 units of college study b:cYQPQ a bachelor's degree. Under the new proposal, a teacller would earn nearly SJ0,000 a year by staying on the job 20 years and compil- ing 75 units of s tudy beyond a bachelor's degree. In fairness. e xpe rie nce h as shown that the bargaining unit seldom gets a ll it seeks in negotiations with the Ocean Vi ew <ele m e ntary) S chool District. But ther e is something wrong with the proposal in light or OVTJ\ president Sue Byrnes' announcement: "We want to enter into this year's negotiations with a spirit of coope ration and keep the h assle to a minimum." The proposed pay hikes, believe it or not. also would be lied to the county 's cost-of-living index under another section of the proposed contract. Last year's index increased somewhere between 7.7 and 9 percent, d e pending on whose figures you use. That would bring the asking salary up more than 40 percent in the top category. Do you suppose the voters really weren't thinking of salaries when they put their marks to all those "yes" boxes on Proposition 13 baJlots? • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those o f their authors and artists Reader comment 1s invited Address The Daily Pilo t, P.O Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·4321 Bo.yd/Dining Rooms ByL. M. BOYD That renowned cook Julia Cbild is quoted as saying, "If I were building a house, I wouldn't have a dining room. It's space waste d ." She always eats in the kitchen, she says. Quite so. Who doesn't? The place in our scatter long ago was turned Into an auxiliary TV-music· reading room. Small groups have taken tbelr trays there from the bounteous buffet. But no meal has ever been served in our dining room. First telegraph meesage was "What Hath God Wrought." You knew that. But dJd you know it wasn't tbe bright idea ol Samuel Dear Gloomy Gus If the papers are a lreadY. runnln1 plc· ture• \tr the fl ut beacb1oer1, can the tourist MPOD and the traffic Jama be tar beblnd? Seems U.ke a 1bort wlnterf LOC~ fft .. Mr G4H (_..._J -.... altttlf rmn •M • Ht .... -.. .. ' m:.t"' ..... .. Finley Breese Morse? No, sir, Annie Ellsworth long in advance thought it ap- propriate to use the Book of Numbers verse. She was the daughter of the U.S. Com· missioner of Patents. Our Language man can't seem lo find out how we came by that express ion "scot·free." Two out of three dogblte victims are under age 15 and most of the bites are on the race. Q. "How many wars or rev- ol ulions have there been worldwide In the last 30 yeara?" A. About 150. Q. "I know Israel h11 more lmmlll'Uta than any other country. But what nation la aecond In this cat.e1ory?'' A. AUltralia. Once mentioned here that Paul Revere'• expense IC· count for that ride to Bolton came to about fllO. Failed to report, however, that the book ln wbicb that account la recorded recently told for $10,000. A decade qo ln th1a COUD· try It. WU UM colle•• •tudat who w• aat likeb to bt lD· volved In hum1nltari1n CIUffl, ~. lbe polJt1.en a•"*· tt'• ... .,.. ...... ' Ni holas Von Hoffman • Time to Set Reali8iic GoalS !kn•. Roebuck has alven up on tryln1 lo be an equal op r-ort unlty employer , Ml least 8 S that phrase bas been uaed by lh federal functionaries who en- Cor<'e llfflrmative 1ction. Thal Stlar:;, of all mn)or corporations. should nump down m the middle of the roud und ~ny. sorry fellas. wt> JU!St Nln't do 1t, hs most d111· couraging For decades Sears bas been a ('Orporate leader in the human rt'lat aon :. r 1 .. 1 d s T h \' man wh o morl• th u n <1n)onc c l!>e b uilt Sear s. its late board <'h<tir m an , J u I I u :s R osenwa ld t t862·1932 J, JIUl m1lltoni; into black education in the South. pioneered low income model housing and personally helped lead Chicago back from its terrible 1919 race n ot which saw mobs of whites drag blacks off the streetcars and beat them to death w1lh bricks and cob· bl es tones. Mailbox F'or Decades aUer Rosen· wald's death. Sears continued t o be lhe major corpo r a - tion tbat would put money into race relations. Ottem they were bold : seldom did they have RosenwaJd's courage, but to the extent a huge organization can. Sears had his spirit. The heart was in the right place. the money sometimes could b e found where the mouth was, and in comparison with DuPont or the millionaire Mellons o r General Motors, Sears has a lways looked outstanding. IT STILL may be. For Sears, ms lead of using its house lawyers. has retained Charles Morgan lo fight th.is s uit. Morgan is a white man who got run out of Birm· ingham. Ala .. in the early '60s for standing up ror the black man and then went to work for the American Civil Liberties Union whe re he handled many con- troversial cases, representing the side corporate America would be unlikely to approve of Some of Morgan's friends are whispering that the fight has gone out of the old boy and that he's now using has civil rights expert.lJe lo make the dollars he couldn't make when he was de· fending the euys in the wttlte <whoops!> bats. LIBEaAL columnist Ellen Goodman writes. "The suit is. -.a perfect New Conservative brief. It contains an effective. jabbing, anti.government analysis ... the lawyers for Sears can develop terribly intricate and wise analyses ror anything and then u1e them to rationalize our inac· lion -to call for retreat." ll doesn't necessarily have to do any suet\, thing. The suit might help us define wh.al is retreating. what ~s standing still and what's moving forward. The sull. for example, alleges a much higher percentage of women than men desire part. time employment only. If Sears has its facts s traight then il makes no sense to ask a large e mployer lo reach affirmative action levefs which presume there is an equal desire on the part or both genders ror the same kind or employment WOULD IT not be better to set realizable goals and insist they be met than do what we do now? That's to set unrealiiable coals and then allow the l11ue to lancuish in UUgalioo and lnef. feclual paper stackin1 at the Equal Opporturuty Commlsaion. an agency of government which rivals the Department of Energy in failing to get anythin& done. The Sears suit puts the ques. lion of past discrimination In a different light. Sears quite ac- c urately observes that the number or minority and female employables with the skills and training Sears needs has been shaped and limited by several generations of government ac· lions and policies. Through the G .I. Bill and other mechanisms. the govern· ment has trained far more while men than black men or women of any hue. This is owning to federal discriminatory policies, enacted by CongTess and approved by the federal courts. EVEN IF you believe that groups previously discriminated against should be specially com- pensated ror past wrongs, even if you believe living white males should be punished for the sins o r th e ir f a th e r s and grandfathers, lhe least practical way to do it is through in· di vi dual private corporations. The danger of damaging them and impairing their ability to fun ction is t.oo great. Tbe best thing to do is to toss the wrute males out of the Department of Commerce and replace them with the new preferred groups. This suit need not be tbe retreat Ms . Goodman fears it is. It may be the way lo force the writing of equitable rules and re - g u I a tions whi c h a r e n 't so politically impossible, ad · man1strat1vely screwy, and de- mographically unreal they can't be enforced. WE HAVE been an retreat ror several years no w with the stumbling failure or the ERA and these ludic rous debates about allowing females to try out for the wrestling team. Get- ting wrute males to call you Ms .. the cruef accomplishment of the 70s. isn't an advance. They've been doing that down South since Rhett Butle r walked out on Scarlet. · Ponder the Lesson of Little Mines Field To the Editor: Do you reme mbe r Mmes Field? And do you remember the gorgeous Spanish homes that sprawled over the Playa del Rey, luxuriating in the beauty and tranquility or the Pacific Ocean that lay beneath them, miles from Mines Field ? Well, today, Mines Field is Los Angeles Inte rnationa l Airport and big airplanes like DC-9s and 727 jets take off from there and fly directly out over the beautiful Pacific Ocean and there ar e no more gorgeous homes on the Playa del Rey or anywhere near the Los Angeles International Airport. Some very important and con· ceroed airport people said those lovely established homes were In a dangerous place and so they were flattened, torn down. and carted away. Playa del Rey is nearly barren -old cracked concrete roads are still there l guess. And Mines Field was smaller than Orange County Airport. Maybe you didn't hear what l just said ... a 727 was just lak· ing off from little olde Oran1e County Airport. right over your community. I said a 727 and a DC-9 .. NADINE DAHL FINK 1t'mer PreJeet To the Editor: In regard to your editorial of March 1, entitled "Water Recovery Cost Needs Study," I would like to add a few observa· Uona which were not mentioned. tYou auagested tnat perhaps tne local reclaimed waler project known u the Green Acres Pro· Ject, sponsored by the Orange County Water District to provide 15 mltuon 1allon1 per day of reclaimed water for landscape Ir· ri1atlon within a five·mlle radlua or Water Factoey 21 ln Fountain Valley, wutooexpeulve). 1. You quoted water otnctata from the dtiea of .<Aabelm and Oran1e aa sayln1 lb• true cott o( the reclaimed water terved by tbe Green Acres Project would be S4002Per 1cre·foot. Studies made orthe project indicate UM total cott would actually be lllO .,.r acre.foot, and that II in 1113 dollan, not 1m dollan. w1u, lb• addition of federal fundl the cotl to local water puneyotl would be approximately $128 per acre-foot. To be objective, this proJect must be compared with the cost to develop new water supphes from Northern California or the Columbia River, which has been estimated to run anywhere from S200 to ~ per acre-foot, not to mention the enormous environ· m e ntal problems associated with such an undertaking. As a matter of fact. reservoir sites along major portions of the northern coastal rivers are pre· s ently protec ted by the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. making reservoir development on these r ivers virtually impossible . 2. ~LTHOUGR the cities or Anaheim and Orange, which do not lie within the project's pro- posed service area, oppose the project, you failed to mention that the cities of HuntJngton Beach. Fountain Valley, Santa Ana and Costa Mesa, the Mesa Consolidated Water Di1trlct, and tbe CoWllY ol Orange have all supported the proj~l. 3. You make reference to the possibility or utilizing treated ef- nuent from the Irvine Ranch Water District al less cost as an alternative to lbe project. You fall to menUon, however, that IRWO, which currently treats about 5.2 million gallons per day. would not be able to supply Green Acres with the 15 million gallons per day needed during the hi&h consumptive summer months In addition to Its <IRWO's) own landscape irriga- tion requirements In Irvine. 4. The source of water for Green Acres would be the hlgbly treated etnuent from the County Sanlt1tlon Di1trtct1 of Orange County Plant No. l tn Fountain Valley. The Sanitation Districts 10 to a great deal of effort 111d eapense to treat the sewage to the hJah quality necessary for oteaJl dilpoaal. With jual a few additional treatment atepe <in· line COMUlalion, flllrellon. and ehloriMfion > this wlter can be uaed a11ln for land1e1pt Jtrlja· Uon, tbua ~rVlq our eder• 1round drlnkJnc waler' 1upplles for more Important uses. OrHD Acrea la an attempt to. htlp prepare tor the lnevtuble dry perloda by ustnc reelalmed ••ter iD lieu ot patable ••ter ... ,. It II fa•1Lto be Nfe. practical, and cost effe<'tivc. I urge you to take a second look at wate r reclumat1on and the Gr ee n A c r es ProJec t in particular. THOMASJ.MCC AFFREY Assistant Engineer Orange County Water District /tRnaader•tood To the Editor: Binding a rbitration whi ch Huntington Beach Union High School teachers want is not un· derstood by the public. This concept would allow for Impartial settlement of disputes resulting from an infraction or th e contrac t. At present. teachers and the school board agree upon a contract, but if either side dishonors the con· tract. the board can decide whether it broke the agreement: thus il acts as participant, judge and Jury. This ts not fair. WHAT THE teachers want is an agreed upon contract <wruch they bavel, and lo make the agreement meaningrul they need a better solution for dis· putee. When an infraction occurs concern,lne a. grievable item, a third party should act as Judge lo SJf whether both., parties were ro116wlng the arreed upon con· tract. This is a fair procedure and is called binding arbitration. It ensures the maintenance of the contract. This method of solving dis·· pules would cause both the teachers and the district <board> to be very ureful about follow- ing the contract and would make more secure maintenance or the contract. Many conrucu and confrontations would be avoided. When each party to 1 contract Is equally able to enforce an agreement already negotiated, peace 11 maintained. E;'eryone acta tn good faith , and lood morale and cooperation are nurtuttd. RUTH MAHLMAN SoclaJ Studies cr .. cber WJ_nte;lbur1 Hi1lll SC'-1 • .... ., ...... ell To lhe Edttor: Oovemor Brown has once •t•IA thown bJ1 mar1lnat con· cem for ~en!J equalltJ 1n Amertc:a bJ hll callout dd lr· responsible remarks to the slu· dents at Georgetown University. His comme nt that , "We t meaning men I really do have an obligation to our country. The concept of service -not to the ·me' generation or to the 'now' gene ration -but service to the country and the future is essen- tial." imphes several things: -That ·'obligation·· to service in s upport of our country is beyond the capacity of women. -That he lacks the commit· m enl t o s upport s hared responsibilities by both men and women in our society. That our obligation to the future or Americ:a, as women, is negligible. Are we to assume that women are not to be considered equally and jus tly In the problem- solving that faces us in our na- tion's future? Governor Brown , I decry your tactics, as you supposedly are a o advocate of women's rights. Which face are you publicly d1s· playing today? SUSANNE E. TEPPER, Chair. ERA Orange County Gft Petit lo"• 111 To the Editor: Has anyone remembered to do something about pullins a cap on government s peodin1? l know that many have signed a "Spirit of l3" petition but where are those recently sent out? I 'II bet that your spouse, not you of COU"3e, has one under the grocery list or in the "bold" bask el where it's sure to be stained or tossed. We are still s hort tbe requlttd number to quali fy . Wh1t•s needed ls an Impressive overkill to help our le1ia1atora &~ the meHaie. P.leae find tbOle petltiona \bat othert hive wortced ao hard to send out. Mall tbem ln toda,. LY MANS. FAULKNER ME.DICINE I LOCAL Th\nday, March 8, 1979 DAIL V PILOT A J 3 fi'rench ( Course Child Bottles a . Threat • Slated A nine wtw k rour1a t~achintc Frenc h tor t)-avt-lers will b egin April UJ lr'onl 7 to 9 p m _. Coata Mesa U tah •hool room u 1 : The Coaalllnt< Com· 1'unily Co ll egt- ..,onsored C'ourse wl II t~a ch pronunc1at1on, antence patterns and •press1ons commonly ltt ~· .,..,,.._ .. 'fSed m travel • • Reg1strat1on fee for Sen. Lcwell We1~ker the non-t<redit cour!>e J ~ or Connert1cut it Sl4. It may be paid at will become the. f Lfth Ute first class :.es:.1on or announced candidate th e college's ma10 ad for the Republican m inistration omce 1''or presidential nomma- i n f or m a lion, cal l lion next \\eek, an 9&3-0824 aide says. CHlCACO (AP ) Drua contaanen lhat are dlfflcult for children to o~n "can be a direct threat to lhc life of un eldNIY p&llent," a commen- tary In tbt Journul of thl' American Medical As- '!OClaOon HY• "Most phyalc·tuna .ure not aware of the burden that rhlld rto1i11tunt medlcaUon containers hMvt 11npotwd 011 thu ulderly," th.-commentary aaad "t:ldt>rly patients, however, are keenly aware of the problem'! of child res1stunl medica· lion contiOnl·rs but .in: 1~noranl about method6 to overt'Orn~ lht-dirfaculty 111 OPt:1ung and closing tht>m " THt: COMMENTARY BY DRS. Leslie S. L1bow and l''rcdrick Sherman of the Jewish lnM1tute for Geriatric Cure 10 New Hyde Park, N Y . and Dr J n Warach of the New York U01vers1ty School of Med1C1ne appears in Friday's 1s!iue o( the journal The three doctor' surveyed 120 elderly people hvmg in the community and found that 60 percent 64 percent or the women and 36 percent of lhe men reported having dlfficulty with medicine contamers that are made to be difficult for children to open ( Pilot Logbook J Candid commentaries, DAILY PILOT exclu sively in the In addition. 67 r:rcent of those surveyed did not know they cou d obtain their medication in easily opened containers by asking their pharmucis~ or physician , the doctors said. THE COMMENTARY URGED DOCl'ORS and pharmacists to tell elderly patients that easily opening containers are available. It also urged doctors to test whether a patient can open cbild- res1stant containers and to specifically list an easy-open container on prescriptions ror those pa- tients who cannot "Ironically. what prevents a life-threatening situation for a child can be a direct threat to the life of an elderly person." lhe commentary said. FREE DEMONSTRATION GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY An Inclusive Approach To Life 9:30 -12:30 Saturday. March 10 R.S.V.P. I ii La Pointe 494-9613 Llct.ttMd Therapist \ . 1., SMART DESIGNER WALLPAPER •COLORS & STYLES FOR EVERY SCHEME! •MANY PRE-PASTED 7 WASHABLE! l'l'\o*" PRE-TRIMMED AND' 9 C 1 Si ii OLEFIN CARPET TILE •SHRUBS Off STAINS AND DAMAGING MOISTURE •BUILT-IN PADDINGi • Sflf-STICK IACKSi 'P~z~39~. •tm ,t VINYL COUNTER TOPPING •EASY SCISIOR-TRIMI •HEAT RUISTA•TI •SNAPPY DESIGNSI 0"'\69c "1>'\j,C.(. :f· NetD Eagle Dougla s C. Watson of Troop 106, Costa Mesa. has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He is the son of Mr. and Mr s . Jam es Wat so n o f Newport Beach. ~ 60-FT. 5/a-IN. l.D. z VINYL HOSE Nylon reinlorced, stays tit xd.1lt: Won 1 bur:.t 11 .hur olf di noutu Brass 1 uuptHHJ~ T666·6G /RUE lEMPIR. ~ 6.99 7.99 DIRT HOVEL l ·piece steel heat.. tS Heavy duty. Smooth finish apered teeth. Long, Fire· to shed drrt better. 47" ash Hardened' handle. 815 handle. C2LA '11Mtl~ ~U .. IJI~ PRUNING SHEARS Compact·size, all·ateel pruner with non-stick coated blades. Coil spring, soft vinyl grips. Handy lock. 68 01111ntiti11 Ulftilff 4-CU. FT. GARDEN CART Dips for lo.id1ng, unload· 1ng Enameled-steel body, 10 •n wheels. steel axle, LC 22 tempered-steel teeth with space bar for flex. 52·1n. wood handle. Sl22 ~ 4-PAK 77t BATTERIES IT ChooH C or 0 1lze. For larger toys, radio• and flashligh11. 1Cl2CM r j • I 1\J.f CAIL Y PILOT s Thur1<1ey March 8 1979 ' . '( I l Prost if utr Casr 'Red light' Cannon Craf I WIDE BLADE SHUTTER SETS Hey, nothing agains t a ny country that imports to u s. but forgive my chauvanism, but I love to see something made c ompetitive here at home. And, people tell me. these s hutters are good quality. Ban OverruledL--~~~=---SIZE UNnNISHED WALNUT WHITE 36Jt24 19.97 43.97 47.97 36:11:36 43.97 SS.97 59.97 FRESNO 1A P 1 i\ pro!>latull-hannNI from .. rc·d hght Jrt•a:. or Fre:.no wa:. not d(:nll'd ht•r con:.t1tutaonal right!., u JUd~e ~ay:. A probatmn cond1t1on on a prO!>l1tult0n <·onv 1c taon had barrt:d Hurba n.i H Whale, 31. from lhn·l' an·u:. noll·d for atl.ractinl( prostitute.., M UN IC I f>i\L fOU RT J U DGE DENN IS Cacton gave her a map of tht: :ffea!> 1n ampo!>ing the condition Ms While was n•·arrcsted whllc driving out of one of the specified areas and as serving a 90·d11y 1a1I !>enlence for violating probation and a conv1c- taon of soliciting for prostitution Iler altomt·y sought a writ of habeas corpu!> to challenge the cond1t1 on of probation as a for m of bana!>hmt•nt barred by the• Constitution RUT SUPERIOR COURT J UDGE Robert L Martin ruled that proh:itaon 1!'. not a right, but r<ithc·r a clc mt•nl'y granted by a JUdgc who otht'rwtst• would levy a J<11I term Martin s;.11d prohat1on cond1t1on!i mu!>t be rt'· lated to lht' crime und noted that banning con vict ed 1>ro::.lltute:. from cl'rtain url'a:. mak<'S it less likely that potentwl customer:. wall v1s1t those areas. M i. wtutl''h attorney :.aid a new pet1t1on for a wrat of habeas C'or pus will bl' f1h:d with the state'!> 5th D1stnC't Court of J\ppt.•ul Students, Boss Stage Shouxlown SAN DJ EGO IAP 1 "It 1:. a consensus o( this group that you leav&." the students at Mi ra m ar College told their president "ll 1:. a c•onsenhUh of' the: president that he stay ... said Pn•:.1denl George F Yee "I i\M t\SKJ!'llG YOU TO leave, .. saad Steven Stuts man. president of the Associated Students. In the s tudent government room there were <:raes of "Throw him out '" But Yee stayed , hstcnang to com plaints about his refusal to approve construction of a cafeteria on the campus an northe rn San Diego. AFTERWARD, YEE SA.JD HE never realized how strongly students fe lt about at and, despite budget cuts caused by Propos1t1on 13, would re· cons ider a cafeteria. The confrontation was good for everyone. he sa ad . adding that "thlh place has been like qu1etsvllle too long ' Cooing Woe Tunledoves Must Go SAN LEANDRO I AP J A t urtledove by another name 1s not a pigeon. says Ron Musgrove. even if the district attorney's office says a bird is a bard is a bird Musgrove owns four turtledoves that have been doing loo much cooing in tus backyard aviary late at night, which has been anything but soothing lo his neighbors THEY COMPLAINED TO THE Alameda County dJstricl attorney's office, which ruled Mus· grove is violating a 2l·year-0ld city ordinance against keeping livestock, horses, chicken and pigeons inside San Leandro. ··1 can't believe it ," Musgrove said. "The re Is a big dJfference between turtledoves and pigeons. Pheasant, turkeys and quail are all in the same bird family. loo, a nd nobody would call a quail a turkey." THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE has given Musgrove 15 days to gel the doves out of his back yard or face arrest. Musgrove says he will try to convince City Hall to change the la w and if that falls he will go lo court to keep his birds. no matter what they're called . N emJcaster Retires BALTIMORE CAP > After more than 155,000 newscasts during a 40·year career with radio ata· tioo WBAL. Galen Fromme baa retired as the ·'dean of Maryland newscasters.·' Fromme, 6S, famous for bia deep baritone voice, received taped conaratulaUona from NBC news colleagues David Brinkley, Edwin Newman and lllke Mou. In hla farewell to Uatenen, Jl'romme aaid, "A• we old Umen uaed to aay ln 1lplnc off, 'Tbanka for liltenint.' '' , • BLACK & DECKER ACCESSORIES A sluo of things to choose from (Our head buyer. the guy with hia shirt tail hanging out. likes t o move the merchandise ) !ILl,J.('7 A lll..AOt: JIU SAW 10 111.Arll' ASSORTMJ:NT •U JU? Ill Pr DRILL Brr SL"T •11 1110 299 397 llOIJT[:RMATt: 12•• !lllAPtNC c;umi: •/<+ 01J lx12 NO. 4 PINE SHELVING STANDARD & BE'ITER DOUGLAS FIR 2:11:4 LIN. rr. 26c 2:11:6 LIN. rr. 39c ,.; ,_, I am listening t o M ezican music as I work, d .. lightful. Ever da nce the Corbin& 7 Magnificent! 4 MIL. BLACK POLY SHEETING 12'al00. ROLL 9 97 20'sl00' ROLL 1797 Cover thinga, do th• strawbeni• up right, make a moi..ture barrier under th• patio, wrap a jolly 9rMn giant aub -ndwich. LIGHT BOX 1311 Two tube flzture, but tub.. an e:irtra. Walnut 111:------.a fint.h to b!.nd in with your decor. 36x24 UNflNISHED POT PAKS Choice of Coleus. Marigold, or Begonia. (I paid 99¢ for just O NE plant las t week somewhere else. ) This is SIX plants. n BANDINI BLADE 25 LBS 50 LBS 399 777 If you want a super green lawn, buy it If you don't really care, then yawn and pus this by 27" PLASTIC - FAN RAKE Get two, one for the lawn and one for the kid who says the world owes him a living. ALLISON SIMULATED SHEEPSKIN CUSHION ....._ ____ _ ·-644 LJ Can't help it, T just think about all the sheep who breathe d sigh of relief to 84Ht tho word ''simulated." NEW! ENERGY SAVING HOT WATER HEATERS 30 GAL. 9997 40 GAL. 10997 Well. thia hae double insulation. 5 Yr. Warranty, GAS OR ELECTRIC. ~I el.. UNDERCOUNTER "LIGHT WM'H ThUORESCENT TUBE 4 44 •15115 Nifty. you just hang tt from a coupl• of ecrewa and have light where you need lt. Inolud .. 15 watt fluor light. ( lik• a eo w lncandeecent. ) 36:11:48 63.97 87.97 99.97 36.60 79.97 109.97 119.97 48:11:24 39.97 49.97 SS.97 48:11:36 SS.97 63.97 67.97 48Jt48 79.97 99.97 109.97 48:11:60 99.97 139.97 149.97 S0.24 SS.97 73.97 79.97 60x36 73.97 93.97 99.97 60x48 109.97 149.97 159.97 60x60 129.97 169.97 179.97 12.24 63.97 79.97 87.97 72x36 89.97 99.97 107.97 72:11:48 129.97 165.97 17S.97 72:11:60 149.97 179.97 197.97 AMERICRAFT -STEEL REPLACEMENT ENTRY DOORS Talk about socuraty. but fimsh it off with the right stuff and you have the wood look with a door built hke a 39 LaSalle. With steel jamb frame. b PANEL •ER.21 12311 36".6' -B"sl >, .. 8 PANEL •ER-120 , 12388 36"at> · ll .1 '• . ~T SLAB STYL.£ WITH WlNDOW •RP r; 159'8 32"ab 8"al '•" ACRYl.IC INSERT ENTRY •315 349'8 36 .. a6' · B"sl '• · LEADED ANTIQUE GLASS ENTRY •903 49988 36"•6'· a ...... .. o ·-un1 11 l~ ~:111 •PRE-HUNG • PRE. DRILLED •PRIMED < -:::-") (.;;.;..::;i ~NGINJ. .r-. ~~ .. le -•~ ii' 11J ~ ~~~ • ,µ. DURO SUPER GLUE• 3 63~ooz One drop holde 5000 lb.. 150 drop• in tube. (I wonder who counted them.). WYNN'S • SPITFIRE GAS TREATMENT 1 S OZ. •ENGINE TUNE· UP 15 oz. • CAUURETOR CLWEI 11 ;'4 OZ. YOUR CHOICE 87' EA. ........ ~ .... ,..... ............ ' -Irvine E DITI O N I VOL. 72, NO. 67, 3 SECTIONS, ~O PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Your llon1etown i Daily Newspaper i THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1979 TEN CENT~ Joh l f \Three for Irvine Planning Vie 8y PIUl.JP RO MAalN Ot .... o.Mt\I ...... •w.tt Thref' mt-n two current t'lty ' planrung d1~cton, one a forme-r director weft' pl'esented to the pubh<' Wednesday as hnahs~ for ~ JOb of lrv1ntt commuruty development dtrt>t'tor Both lilies describe roughly lbe same JOb tbe task of head ing the plannmg and develop ment departments of m unicipal government All three fanah tli uareed ~ public inspection of Job upph <'a.tnls was unui.ual rn elthn private or publtc hie, but tnst&t ed 1t didn't bother lht·m The three are Larry Hogle, 41, commuruty development director of Oxnard. a coastal community of 100,000 midway between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara Hogle has been with that city's planning deputment for nme years. the past four as direelor Donald Brummett, ~3. a private plannmg consultant in Simi Valley, a northwest Los Angeles County city of 73,000. He wa s that city's first planning director. and held tbe job for seven years. J ames Hu mmer. 33, djredor of planning of Santa Rosa, a Fraud Alleged Oil Charges 'Tip of Iceberg' HOUSTON IAP> An 84· count oil·pricing fraud tndict· ment returned against two oil companies and five of their of· ficers is just "the tip of the 1 iceberg," says U.S. Attorney A. J . "Tony" Canales. The indictment, handed down Wednesday, charges the defen· 1 dants took part in a sche me to violate federal crude 011 pricing regul ations. The s cheme al· , legedly brought some SJ.8 I million in excess profits I , l Nuke Suh "These cases will be going on long after I'm gone from this of· fice," Canales said, adding that more inru ctments can be expect· ed ... This is just the beginning," he said. Charged with conspiring to sell lower priced "old" oil as higher priced "new" oil were Uni Oil Inc. of Houston; Unj president Thomas M . "Mick" Ha· jecate: Uni secretary.treasurer and rureclor Thomas H. "Tom" Hajecate; Uni vice presidents Charles R. Akin and James E. Fis he r : Ball Marketing En· terprise of Lafayette, La .. and Char les Goss, a Ball marketing agent. U.S. District Judge Carol 0 . Bue set bonds of S200.000 apiece for the officials and said they would be · released on personal recognizance. The inwctment says the con- spiracy in volved a c q uiring "old" oil selling at about $5 a (See FRAUD, Page AZ> Northern California city. popuJa. tion 73,000. Hummer bas held the post less than two years. For 10 years prior. be worked in the planning department of -Tucson, leaving there as assistant plan· ning director. The three rematned after a screening procedure that started"\ with 108 applicants. Applicants were trimmed by an inspection of qualifications by city administrative and personnel staffs, City Manager William Woollett Jr. and Assis· Lant City Manager Paul Brady Jr. T e n ca ndid a t es w e r e •scheduled for oral interviews by a panel that included the city manager of Garden Grove. a San Diego County planner in private business, and Brady. Hank Adler . planning com · mission chairman, was to have been a member of the board, Dul. according to Brady. an ad· ministrative foulup resulted in late notice to Ad ler of the Feb. 23 meeting Adler and the Planning Com· mission saw the omission as in tentional, and last week passed a resolution of protest, sent to the City Council. claiming <See IRVINE, Page A2) Carter Cheered In Egypt CAIRO. Egypt <AP> Pres1 dent Carter. beginning a tlil ~rimage for peace in the Mideast. received both a warm welcome and a reminder today that tough issues still stand in the way of an Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty Tens of thous ands of e n lhus1astic Egyptians lined the street as Carter and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat stood in an open car while traveling from Cairo airport to the former royal palace where Carter will slay But at the palace Sadat issued a s trong call for "national rights" a nd ··rreedom" for Palesllruans Even before Carter 's arrival. Snared in I IFISh Nets Mel Tor1ne Backs Clai01 By Michelle Eg y ptian Prime Mini ster Mustafa Khalil said his country had counterproposals to t•1e compromise suggestions put fo rth by Carter. and said Egypt would continue to insist on a timetable fo r setting up an autonomous Palestinian aulhori· ty m the Israeli-occupied West Bank 17 American nuclear submarine I L ONDON IAP l -An bet'ame snarled in the nets of a 1 Scottish fishing trawler today ; and tow e d the trawler backwards for 45 minutes before 1 the crew cut the nets, British a Coast Guard and U.S. Navy I sources said. "ll could have been nasty, really," said a Coast Guard spokesma n at Ardrossan on I Scotland's west coast. "The sub· I marine must have gone un· derneath the boat and into the nets. Things like that can be a bU disconcerting for a trawler crew " Lt Cmdr. Tim Mennuli, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy in , London, confirmed lhat a n I American nuclear s ubmarine i was involved but would not say which one. Ther e i s an I Ame rican nuclear submarine . base at Holy Loch in the Firth of , Clyde near Ardrossan • There were no reports or in· i juries or serious damage. The area where the incident took place is an authorized area for submarine maneuvers. But the Coast Guard spokesman said ft is "also one or the major fishing areas. So you can't win, re· ally." Panel Nixes ~ Wter Plan \ WASIUNGTON (AP> -Presi· ,1 dent Carter's plan to eliminate $600 million in Social Security benefits appears to be in serious , trouble in Congress after losing I a test vote on a key committee. 1 By a 12-4 margin, the House f Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday defeated a Republican motion to restore the , president's proposed elimination ~ of the $250 death benefit. Coast Oallr ~I ... Si.ft......_ CHARGED AGAIN Ex-Trustee Brannon Ex-Saddleback Trustee Faces Second Rap By REBECCA HELM OltMDalty ...... Si.H The arrest of former Sad· aleback Community College trustee AJyn M. Brannon Tues· day in Santa Ana was the second time Brannon bas been arTCSted on bookmaking charges. This time, Garden Grove police said, Brannon was gross. ing $85,000 a week in the alleged horse racing and sports bookje operation from a Santa Ana restaurant. In 1974, after his arrest by Newport Beach police, the Santa Ana resident pleaded guilty to bookmaking charges in Orange County Superior Court. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail and resigned from his seat on the college board of trustees. At that time, the foundlng trustee ol the Saddleback Com· munity College District pleaded for leniency. He said his $25,000 bookmak· ing operation was just between friends. Garden Grove police thls week claimed that Brannon, who bas five IOOS and bolds a master's degree, bu continued his bootle activities since his 1974 convic- tion, moving his headquarters from the Harbor Area to Santa Ana. Police called the Santa Ana operation ''the Up of tbe iceberg" of a much larier operation ln Loe Angeles. Accordina to their account, Brannon alie1edly relayed beta averalina between $IOO and Sl,000 to to. Aapl• and met bis dleall et weekly luebeon 1atberhap at the Santa Au .......... Pollee claimed tl••1 aaw ~ ................. .. ar... ............ ........ .................. OfftMn aleo alle1ed Uaat an ·-mrk1lll9 ... ... ..,!If., ........ = ....... .. 1-•noe . . =;.~=:=-..: blm ,felleeuid. 0-1ty ...... S!Mf - LOS ANGELES CAP > - Singer Mel Torme, testifying for Michelle Triola Marvin, said to· day that her 1966 record was "list.enable, pleasant and it had potential." 'ST. CLYDE' DISPLAYS FAMILY OF GOD FLAG Nomadic Piigrim• Make Camp In Coat• MeN Tonne. called out or order as a rebuttal witness because he was leaving town, took the stand in the middle of the defense case in the landmark Ma rvin vs. Marvin property rights trial. The singer, qualified as an ex· pert witness in the field of music, told of the hard road to Sect OpeWl Rally In Costa Mesa Park din H ·d By JACKIE HYMAN recor g success. e sa1 even Ol ttoe o.uv ~""st.ff after rus career was established There were no trumpets, loud in the 1940s, he had to continue speeches or cymbals Wednes· promoting his records by visit· day. Only a battered brown bus ing disc jockeys across the coun-and an unusual n ag revealed to try. • Costa Mesans that the Family of Torme said he believed Miss God was in town. Ma rvin's record, "Promise Me Slightly less than a dozen Your Love," could have suc· members of the peripatetic sect ceeded only with a heavy promo· s pread their to we 1 s and tional effort. themselves on the grass at Lions "To promote a record at that Park , quietly s pre ading the time would have taken a huge word to passer s by as they effort on the part of the artists absorbed the sunshine. and perhaps the record com· · "The Christ family 's all over pany," be said. the world declaring the second He noted that in 1966 the coming or J esus Christ," ex· Beatles had changed the sound plained a group spokesman. who of popular music and a "middle identified himself as St. Clyde Christ of J erusalem. of the road" performer would St. Clyde, who puffed on a have had a bard time getting air cigarette as he spoke, said, "The play· Lord is calling all the people to <See MARVIN, Page A2 ) close down the slaughter houses Cahbie Shot By Passenger In Santa Ana An Irvine cab driver was re- ported in stable condition today after be wu shot in the cheek Wednesday night by a passenger apparently disgruntled over a $3.40 fare, Santa .(na police re· ported. George Hambaugh, 47, was being treated at a Santa Ana hospital, police said, but the hospital location and Ham· baugb's home address were withheld. Officers said Hambaugh picked up three men at a local bar and drove them to 1900 S. EverarHn St. in Santa Ana wbere be announced the fare would be $3.40. One of the three passengers purportedly replied "that will be ootb1q," pulled a handgun and abot tbe cal> driver. All three paaeqen Oed the cab and are 1tUJ beint sought by police. J.4P~E TY M.4DE IN IRYINE and to take down the barbed wire fences and to close down the g unshops and to live at peace with one another." His group eats no meat or dairy products a nd won't use leather, St. Clyde said. They re· nounce all possessions, go barefoot and wear white as a symbol of purity. He went on to say that the Family of God members about equally divided between men and women -believe in ceHbacy. AH properly is held in common. Asked where the group last visited, St. Clyde said, "The Orange police department ... Asked his business there. he s aid. "Getting straight some matters of discrimination among police departments about freedom of religion." St. Clyde said the g roup is con· cerned because, when they are prea ching or c hatting with bysta nde r s . policemen sometimes demand an iden· tification check. which can take several hours. The group, which lives on donations, has no plans. St. Clyde said, and therefore can't say how long they'll stay in Costa Mesa. His companions on the grass. all of whom use the fa mily name of Christ and gave their address as Jerusalem , introduced themselves as St. Theresa, St. Darell, St. Joy. St. Laura, St. Virginia and St. Rose. There (See t ·AMILY, Page A2) In Israel. meanwhile, Prime Minister Menachem Begin said a peace treaty can be signed .. in a few weeks time" provided some unspecified "still outstand· ing issues" are resolved. Begin. speaking at an airport news conference on his return from the United Stales. called on countrymen to welcome Carter warmly when he a rrives in Tel Aviv on Saturday night. "This has been a good week for Israel." Begin said. Carter said he still seeks a "comprehens ive" peace that would include othe r Arab na- tions and "refl ect the legitimate needs of all wh o have suffered in more than 30 years of conmct," a reference to the Palestinians.- Sadat kissed Carter on both cheeks as the American leader got off Air Force One at Cairo airport Then the presidents waved to the throngs who lined their route to the palace an the suburb of Kubbeh. As t he motorcade passed about 300 doves were released and flew into the sky Onlookers cheered, Jumped and waved handkerchiefs. The eight·mile drive took 55 minutes. At limes the crowd was so en· th usiastic that police had to r es train people who rus hed toward the car carr yi ng the leaders. At the palace. both leaders ap. peared on a balcony to speak. Sadat praised Carter warmly. calling him "My dear friend and brother." (See EGYPT, Page AZ> .~ ....... JapaMM ftrma are maldq t.eleYlaloa Htl ln lbe United Stat.el -101M In Irvine. See Mtltoa llotkowlt1' anal7aia, p .... U-ylng to reach the car rrom the crowd. Security a1ents moved in and held back tbe friendly but enthus1ulic crowd. I • J I A.I DAILY PILOT Scanner OK 'dfor Hospital Tke llC lrvanr Mt:dtr a l C nlt>r haa bt'cn 11h en •l•ll' appro\ al lo buv • ~.000 l'Omi>ult.>rllt'd X r ») ht'1td u11d ncdt iu·•nnN. u~ lo dt¥1™~'· turnu~ hlood (lot"' .and other abnormahtlc>~ Approval b~ lh•• Off11·•· of Ml.ll t'whtt" llullh Planntnl' 1md l>t•vt•lo11mt•nt het•omt-?> t'ff~<'U v .. Mur,·hl!> Oant' tlo1 t>t>r~. wrllOI( 1hn•1·tor or tht· ml"<l1t·.tl c·t•nll•r ... 1a1d ltw .addltlOn of the ~c unmne f'QUlp lll t'lll , t'llllt•d u <'O m&l Ult-11 tom ottntPh)' he.ad ••nd nct•k !t<'iln llt'r "will .in·atl~ 1mprovr thl' d1a~no.-.t1t· t·ua1.ib1ht1l'i. · nf tht· 1·c·ntc r :. r1atJ 111l11.:y dcpa rt111t'f'll , I' r t• y Ill u:. I )' . p .. I I (' n I ~ w h II needed u ht>ad 'If.an h~I\ t' tuul lo be sent to St J udc llo:.pllal w t"u lle rton 111 i.upport of lht·1r ,1pplHut1on tor ttw t•q 11 1p m 1·11t . rn t•dlt .i I 1· .. nt1•r .ut11111ui.ttut11" J,.,.,rted lh u t '>UCh m ovc•i. to othe r bo11p1WI& cxpo:.ro cn ttclllly au"' 1nJur1·d JWlll'nli. to J:rt•aln ri:.k anct a1l1h·cl tu ttw n1:.t of trcttl m t•Ot. The hosp1lul ulso J.ltempted to JU St 1ry purC'hUSl' or U full body :4Ca nn(•r, for th.-l>llffit' rea:soni.. but its petition wa1> qu111.hed ul I hl• local le ve l Last year, the Or angl' County lleallh Planning Counc:tl refused to endorse the a pplication The planning counc il 1s tht rounty 's d es ig n a t e d he a lth syste m agency It decides mat t e r s o f de li ver y o f health services, including cxpuns1on of t'x1s ling fac i litie s ltnd the 11ure hase of new equipment. Patients who rc.>qui re full body scans now a re take n from the UCI Medic al Ce nter In Orange to Me rc y General Hospital in Sa nta Ana The local health age ncy's r:u lurt· to endori.e the UCl ap phcal1on m part led to the res 1gnat1on of Dr. Sta nley Van den Noort from the planning council '11 hoard of d1rector!'> ; Van dt'n Noort 1s ch•a n of lht· UCJ Mcdk al School t "AA H e arings On Airport Postpone d Feder al Av1al1on Adm1rusl ra lion officials, responding lo a re ques t from Ora nge County of fic ials. have pul off hearings on the Orange County Airport until April J The heanngs on dascramma tion against a ir ca rriers were to h a ve o pened Mo nda y at the Newport .Mar riott Hotel. Ho weve r , Dep uty Count y Couni.el Rober t Nollman wa1> succes1>ful in de laying t hut open· ing date bec ause of this week's Civil Aeronautics Uoard <CAB ) hearings an San Diego. Those San Diego hearings cov- er upplicallons or eighl airlines, including Air Californi a and llughes Airwest, to fly be tween Culifornia airports , inc luding Orange County, a nd Phoenix and Tucson. A s pokesman fo r the l"AA said this morning that location ror the postponed hearing has not been established, but added that public nou ce will be given when a hean ng room 1s found. Police Seek Man's Killer SAN DIEGO <AP > -Polace were searching' today for the kille r of investmen t counselor Jam es Phili p Wasem Sr., 45, who was found shot to death Wednesday In a Hilt.on Jon hotel room. "We feel he was shot four or five times in the race and head wlth a s mall caliber pistol." Homicide Sgt. John Kennedy sald. OftANOI COAST DAILY PILOT ,,.. o. ..... c:.-. o.11, l'llot, "'''""''''"''"'-"'"" .......... ,. ...... -......... , ... °'_ c .... """' ........ ~' .. _ ...... ~ ... """'"--...., .......... ,,,...,, ... c.e.i. ..... Ht-IM<ft _,._ ..... ,,._ t•t~ Ya lte'Y. lfWW'W, ~ .. ~"/'levtft C... A .............. -...... """',_ &.ltlf4'1r>- '-"" y-,.. "''"' .... ..,.i11N,,. 111..W I• .. lit w .. , ., •• r.irw1 t•t• -e.111 .. ••• .,.,. ·-·-,.. ..... ., ..... ,,.,_ U<•• cw... VICl ... t \ .... flt • .. 0.-ollN- T-•tt-Ulltf' ,_ .. ._..... ,,.. .......... ... Olene• .. ""' -... -"t.ifltet .. Mt! ...... .. ~ C.11....-Aft91'tl•111 ..... ~--*~ ...... ~'C ,.,. c=r.. cc.,~ ~~=r=-~~.=g i~::~~,F~*i.: Mii t..f i .. "J.=..t: I •l'WI~ /tloon O v er Jupite r 'J'h1~ vwturt! o ( Ganymcd4.', Jupiter's largest satelhle . was l:.tkcn liy Voyager J on March S from a range of 15 1.800 mi les It :-ihows the southwestern limb region of (ianyml'de with numerous impact cr aters. ISee stor y, Page A.5_l____ _ __ _ f'ro•r-.~A• IRVINE POSITION. • • Woollett deliber ate ly s lighted Adler . Nine of lhe 10 candidates up peared for the ora ls ; lhe ninth declined the inv1tat1on. Rrady s aid . without gi ving a rea son The orals board recommended s ix of those who, thre e day!> later. underwent a day.Jong ex a m inalion by lSlaff m em bers or the Irvine plannang d epartment F ive a ppeared . t h e s ixth ('alled in i.tck. The applicants we re drilled an a series of "real wor ld " ex· ercises. Brady said. J(1ven sum· pie problem s lo solve They de v is e d budgets, di s cusbed managerial styles a nd speculat· cd about ho w the y would work with the Planning Commission and the City Council. ll was the latter a rea or e x pcrtise that appar ently Jed t.o the Fro111 Page A I EGYPT ... ''Never befor<• has un Am erican preside nt been :.o fir m in his devotion to peace, .. !>aid ~adat. speaking in Ef\Bltsh But Sadat also said, "We ara <J e l e rminc d t o e n a b le o ur Palestinian brother s to reuhze their national rights a nd regum t heir freedom I n the days uhe ad, we will b e working to get h e r l o make t h ese cher is hed hopes a living re Cl lily ... After their public 11tate ments Sada t and Ca rter began their fi rst round of discussions . State De part ment s pokesm an Hod· ding Carter s aid both leaders had aides present in their talks, but said he hud no inform ation !>n how the talks were progress· m g. The P alestinian question has been the s ingle biggest hurdle lo concludmg an Egyptian-Is raeli peace treaty, and Sada t's words unders cored the difficulty of re solving 1t. Nevertheless . orriciala her e we re o ptam1st1c that the trip would result m a se ttlement of ge ne r a tion .o ld differences between the two neighbors A ca rt o o n i n t h e l ea d i n g n ews paper he re s ho w ed Aar Force One wath 11n a ngel or peace clinging lo its tall Other Coverage Other sout h Orange Counly cove rage appe a rs t od a y on Page Al<I. Alie• S tade nts fo rced res ignation in February of then Planning Director Eddie P eabody Jr · Peabody's managerial 1>lylt· was much unadmired by three m em bers of the council Arthur Anthony, Bi ll Va rdoulis and Da vid Sills who eventually d irected Wool l e tt t o g e l Pea body's resignation T he re m uining two counc il me m bers. Mary Ann Ga1do and La rr y A gran . s u ppo r l c d Peabody and made publJc stale me nts to the e ffect that Peabody w as the vi c ti m of cou nc il politics. Since the council had mude it:. de c ision a bou t Peabo d y an sctret. and Pe abody was to have gone qujetJy without public re- per cussion. the council majority wa !I a nnoyed with the m inority !>tatements. Anthony decla red he would nt>v er again meet in secret. e x etutive session. unless a ll cou n· c1I mem bers swore an oath of confidentiality. Agran balked. a nd no e x ccut1ve session ha s been held since The council a rgum ent led Lo We dnesday 's public s crutiruzing of candidates for Peabody's Job. The proce ss normally would have been out of public view Woolletl said he did it that way because he wanted to present the candidates lo the council but cou ldn't get them lo m eet an e x· ccutive sess ion. O nly Ma ry Ann Gaido ap· peared at lhe ope n ho use, at Ha r vard Com m unity Athle tic Park. The Pla nning Commission w as r e pres e n t e d b y E lle n F reund . Among the 15 or so other peo- ple w ho a tte nded we r e Don Cam eron, a planning executive with the Irvine Co.; David Kidd, a local councilwatcher : a nd Ted and Marion Ryan, two brand· new r esideot.5 of Ir vine's brand new neighborhood. Northwood, who came "out or curiosit y." Each candidate talked a bout t wo mi nutes about hi~ back· gro und aDd aboul how he was pleased to be there Brummell said he wa nted t.o come to Irvine because the city 1s innovative , progressive and on the cutting edge of planning flogle characterized the city a 11 progressive. innovative and on lhe cutting edge or planning . flummer said Irvine is on the c utting edge of planning, and besides is innovative a nd pro· greaalve . That wa11 the formal portion of the meeting. Wooll<'tt'11 dl'cislon about the me n is due thi11 month. Crackdown Slated On Visa Policies WASHINGTON CAP ) -At· torney General Griffin B. Bell announced a crackdown today on vlaa poUclea that allowed alleu to enter the United Stat.et under a phoQy 1tudent 1t.atua. The action, wbJcb could In· volve proMCUUoo of tome col· 1•1• otnclala, follow1 revelatJona .t.bat an ..Umated a 000 for.Ip 1tud1Dtl admitted lntO the Unit· ed Sta ... on .WCS.nt vl1u a.re no lonaer enrolled at U. 1ebools they are auppoMd to be .-. tn1. BtU latd &.bl lmallfatloo and NaturalluU. lente., an arm ol UM .I.UN l>eputm..t, ll ln· ltlaUn1 1t1p1 wllleb iaclude waratap to UM coU11• tbat f•rtller ¥tolatloal could ~ tn wltbdrawal of U..lr •utbortlJ to enroll foniln ltud1Dtl under INI~. In QUiit..., 11 UM pHetle. ol .. IH ulns blank 1·20 forms, the forma that cert.Jfy a proapectlve foret1n 1tudent hH been accept- ed for enrollment. Some c0Ue1es ha ve been ac- cuaed ot H ncUng out recruit ers armed with blank 1·201 pre· 1l1ned by 1cbool official•. The proepeetlve atudent can then ob· tlJn a viaa to enter the Unlt.ed StatH. The controveray over alien 1tudenta waa touched off by a violent deaaonatraUon Jan. 2 by • oro.cl appanntly made up of antl·lbab lranlan 1tudenta out· 1lde 1111 Bnerl1 HUii mamlon ol Uae aab of Iran'• mot.bet IUld ..... ,. BtU laid at tbat Um• be would Mff to dlport uy lraa1an ftu· dent who took pan ln violent proteltt aad any other fontp 1tudt11&1 wllo Ylolaa.d t.enlll of tlaelr YilM by DO lonltr deftd· lqolaule. .I••• Me d i a tes West Confirms China Pullout BANGKOK . Th1alland <AP) - W"•t~m obser vers connrmed t.o· d ay that China h a s begun w ithdrawing rrom Vietnamese territory, a nd J apan said it was ~ f'...-P,..e A I FAMILY .•• were two memben oamed St . Jam es. The only member not present was St. J ill , who waa using the buthroom on the bus, St. Clyde explained. The me m be n 1 a ppear ed to range m age from early 20s to m id 40s St Clyde said visitor s are we lcome m the bus. which 1s the g roup's church. On the outside 11> a lWO·Slded nag One side shows a Sta r of Duv1d, sym bolizing the coming K.mgdo m of David, he s aid. T he othe r side de picts a bolt of light ning, which s y mboltzes Jesu11, a nd s('vc n stars of David for the seven spirits of God The interio r or the bus IS sur pr1s1ngly plush, with d ark blue wall -lo-wa ll c u11 hion ing . In· d1v1dual bedroll1> neatly Line the sides. As ked how the Family of God 's message has been going ovt'r, St. Clyd e said. "Not Cl whole lol of people buve been re ccptivc "T hat's why mo1>l of the wo rld will be destroyed Only the meek will inherit the earth." acting as a me diator In t ht Chlnese·Vietnamese wa r Analysts In Bangkok said th.- p u 11 ou t was "c a u tlo u!I a nd gradual," but there were "def· in lte signs" it bad started. Chinese sources e arlier in· dicated the withdrawal would oo d iW cult and slow. poss ibly tak ing two weeks or more . Vietnam said tht withdrawal was "very s low and in very &mall num bers." Hanoi's latest battle re port s aid "the Chinese aggression forces today continued their at tacks. nibbJlng at Vietna mei.e terr itory and burning and loot ing property In V1 e t names1· border areas ." But most reports of hostilities from the Vietnamese sad t wen• confined to charges or Chmef..e wa r crimes. mcluding looting and burrung of homes Vietnam bas sC11d 1t would be prepared to negotiat e once a to ta l w ithdra wut of Chinese troops took place. Analysts in Rangkok rcr>ortcd skir m ishing in so me frontier provmces and this wai. eiq:>t!cted to continue. But de s pite firmer e videnee of a pullout , some In dochina watche rs still caut1ont.-<t that the s ituat ion r e m aine d tense and larger M~ulc fighting could resume J a pa nese "'or e 1Rn M1n1ster Sunao Sonoda told a par liamen l a ry comm ittee m Tokyo thul Japan was asking Chtna to pull out and asking Vietna m to allow a smooth Chin<.-se withdrawal C hutists Killed M°"" Woman Fall to Deaths NAPA <A P > A Britis h woman and Illinois m an who had a pparently JUs l met wer e killed when their parachutes fa iled to open as they fell hold ing ha nds 1n a dcmons lrnt1o n jump nea r h e re. s heriff's de puties s a id. The .victims. both described a s professiona l par nr.hut1sts. we re identified Wednesday as Judith H. Will ard, 27, of F'r ome. England, a nd Ronnie J . M cLau~hlin, 34, of J oliet. Ill. . The pa ir jumped from an aircraft al 12,000 feet with two or three other persons. then fell to their d<:<t~hs as they held hands and did acrobatics. s aid Wi lliam White, a Napa County deputy sher iff who 1 ~ also a coroner 's deputy. . lie s~id both wen~ killed ins tantly when their bodies hit a plowed field in a s pars ely papulated urea near the Pope Valley Pa r achute Ranch, 25 miles north of here . While s a id watnesscs a nd a British passport found on the woma n 's body indica ted s he had traveled to the United States fo r a par achuting hol 1- day and had taken a bus from San Francisco to the ca mp earlier in the day. SEllOR anz111 SALE Hi8 , 'uit Upin L nwke HAl.EJC,U, N C !AP) The 1t.at.e Court ol Appeals h u uphe ld a S upe rtor Court nr<l..r dLtmlttdng a h1w 11u1t by 11 man who con tt•nd•·d hr wa~ 1u1uullc d by • vuff of 11moke from h is bo11111· <'liar Tht· upJ>t·Ul'I 1•ourt rull'd thut K••ll 11lJC h1I by a purt of aom ,.one d f(ar ·ii 11moke 1~ a f orm or "touc h i n g , whlrh m11111 tM: e ndured in a rrowti~ worl<t " W1ll1um T MrCr&c·kcn, 52, " form er Charlotte let tN r arr h•r for the U S P ost a l Sf'r v 1e·e , h a d da1med hi!I 11uperiviso r. 0 " Sloan. de liberate ly blew c1"<tr s moke 1n his rac:l' dunng a 1975 meeting t-v1·n though Sloan kne w 1t w o u I d .i J'. .: r Cl v a t t· McC'racken FRAUD ... .. barre l and cert ifying 1t a ... "new" oi l that M·IJ.., for mM1• t h an $1 2 u harrl'I und1•r th•· f r d t• r a I pr 1 r 1 n J.( r •~ ~ u I a 1 w 11 i. ei.ta bllshl'd 1r1 l!J?a T ht• !i1sl1 nclmn bel wee n "oltl" und "new" oil a llows firms lo IRAN TO LIMIT Oil OUTPUT-Al c h arg1· murl' for ne wly di!> covcrt-d 011 thun thl'y do for 011 from f1t•lds thul have long hcen 1n us t: It w ;1 ~ writte n inlo· fcdc r<.al 1>r1<·1· rcgul al1ons ai. Cl way to cncouraJ.(1· explora tion fl>r Ol'W M>Url'CS llf Oi i Al th1!'> point , however . a fcde rnl gr,.nd Jury hli~ spenl a bo ut t'l~ht m onth!> investigating rt•po rt:. thul m<Jre than 200,0011 harreb of ·ottl " 011 have bee n -.old ai. 'm·w" <111 .11 a cost lo l'l1n..,umt•rs of m1lll110~ of dolla r.., h y th1• lcmt.-lhl' 111 1 r eached ..,,•rv1cc stations f 'ro• Pag~ A I MARVIN ... "An unknown pe rformer , 1r lhe rcC'nrd wai. be lieved 1n would havc h<id lo quadruple th•: 1.:flort:.." he s<11d Tormt• wa:. <·ulled lo re but th1• e arlie r t1•-.ll mnny of Joseph S m ith. chairman or Elcktra - Asylum Records. who sa id that d isc Joc key v1s1t:. we re not ht·lpful in promotm~ u record . Miss Marvin, 46, claims her reC"ordmg cctrttr d aed when her bo y rrie nd . Lee Ma r v in , d e mandcd ~he JOtn him on an over seas movie location and give up promotion or her record. Tor m«' sa id he h!'>lcncd to Mi1>:. Ma r v1n'i. rcl'ord Wednesda y n1)Chl Immediate FREE DELIVERY SALE ENDS , _.._'-.'II.. MARCH31 vAA· Whites 1111»:/IOY Showcase .• I 00'1 to clloose from! _,I Many fabrics, M..y styles COITA MllA Ht L 11111 IT. (Acfolt "°"' "°'PN. newt to Marte Colllldatl) '42· .. 17 Mon. • f'tl to. lot. to.t Ooled~ • MllllON Vll JO 21192 Marguerite Plew,. (Corner of Marguerite and YkJ hcdor) ••••t02 Mon.-M I~ Sal. 1().6 aa.dbdov l ... - • CALIFORNIA To Tak~Stand ·~-1 ...... ,. Black Pa~tber leader Huey Newton, shown with his wife Gwe~ dun~g a break in his lrtal on charges he killed ~ prostitute m 1974, s ays he'll ta ke the witness stand a ga inst the advice or his lawyer. He said at an Oakland news conference Wednesday that the charge against him is "strictly a fabrication." .. ~.March8.1 979 DAILY PILOT A ~ Ring Pkases Scienti-sts PASADENA CAP> -Scien ll11t a a re a bun to day ove r Vuya.cc r 1 ·s 11 uri.>ris ine dis· ('Overy of ~ thin circle or debris orbiting Jupiter ltke a faint am ltatlon or Saturn's famous rings. The J ovian ring , which may ht! the re mams of a shattered moon or material left over from t hl' plane t 's birth, was an· noun~ed at. t.he Jet Propuls1on Laboratory on Wednesday. THE THIN, FLAT ring was round an just one photograph taken Sunday as Voyager 1 ap proached its closest encounter with the giant planet, s aid Brad SUPER GALAXY SIOHTE~tory, A 15 ford Smith, who h eads the Voyager photography team. "Thus J upiter JOins Saturn and Uranus to become the third <of the nine planets l in our solar sys te m known to posse ss a planetary r ing system ," Smith sa id Saturn 's th r e e large and brilliant nngs were discove red by Galileo in 1610. Astronomers fi rst saw the faint ring of Uranus two years ago. THE BLACK AND white pie· ture or the Jovian ring, released Wednesday. shows six str ing. like lines st retched across the dar k bac k ground or s pa ce. Smith said the Jines represent a multiple expos ure. sax Images or the edge of the ring. He said the ring had escaped detection until now because it is leas than 18 miles thick and so dim it 's virtuaHy lost against the planet's bright surface. T he ring is at least 5,400 mUes wide and Its outer edge is about 35,000 m1les above the Jovian equator, Smith said . adding tha t the size an d composition of t he particles has n 't been de· ter mined. "MY BEST GUESS would be that it is da rk mater ial, and may be due to tbe break-up of a satellite (moon> that wa ndered too close" to Jupiter, a nd was torn apart by the planet 's im mense gravitational pull. He said It a lso m 1ght be· ··primordial material that wal> left over from when Jupiter wa~ created" about 4.6 billion year~ ago . Voyager 1 will study Jup1tt•r for 17 more days as 1t heads for an e ncountf!r with Saturn m November 1980." Lettuce Boycott Eyed Ouzvez Also Plam to Escalate Chiquita Action S ALI NAS <AP >-Un 1ted Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez led more than 4,000 sup· porters on a march through this com muruty and hinted bis union may call a n ationa l lettuce boycott as part or a seven-week s tr i k e a gai n s t v e g e table growers. Chavez also s aid Wednesday that the UFW's national boycott of Chiquita bananas will be escal ated . Asked a bo ut the possibility of a national lettuce boycott, Chavez said, "When the time comes. we will " However, Ma rc Grossman. a Chavez aide, later called the t hreatene d nationa l lettuce boycott "an option." ( STA TE ) Dtti.rion Not Bfnted SACRA MENTO IAP > lf st a te Supreme Cou rt justices pla n to r evers e their ruling weakerung the "use a gun, go to prison" law, they gave Little tn· d1calion of 1t in a rehearing or t he case Instead, the four Justices who made up a fragile maJon ty in their Dec. 22 ruhng took turns Wednesday grilling Attorney Ge neral George DeukmeJ1an, who 1s seeking a reversal lltlHtte. to lt'aft LOS ANGELES <AP> or. decis ion of U S District Court Judge Willia m Enright in San Diego. •DeflMe' l o Be Cu l LOS ANG ELES (i\P I It's back to the cuttmg room for pro ducers or the adult movie "Dt:h bie Does Dall a~." who han agreed to splice out 117 mmutcl> of film ~how1 n~ thl' h im loo !>lar 1n a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader uniform. Attorneys r epresenting the Pussycat Theater cham agreed Wednesday lo excise the parts of the film that show the costumt' worn by Debbie, a high school cheerleader who goes to Dallas Rome Be~oae• lafl OAKLAND CAP > A JUdgt• Beatles Reunion? No lnnwan~e BUI Dies SACRAMENTO <AP I -An ef- fort to block automobile insurers from charging different rates in different areas bas died in an Assembly com mittee. r1 c ia ls o f t h e four m aJOr Ca lifornia utilities say they will a wait the outcome of appeals on th e overt u r ning of a s ta t e nuc lear regula tor y s tatute before applying for licenses to const ruct nuclear powe r plants. decided at was cheaper to put Rebecca Brown under house ar rest for a year than to put her in J a i l f o r h e r in volunt a r y manslaug hter conv1 r t 1on of s hooting her husband Ha rry in the back. 'Happie r ' George Says Plan's Just Fantasy Assemblyman H ersch e l Rosent h a l. D-Los Angele s. sponsored AB 16, which fa iled to g e l a m otion for passage Wednesday from a ny member of the Assembly~nance. Insurance and Commerce Committee. In a s qu abble Just before Christmas , Mrs . Brown ~aid, her hus ba nd pulled a gun They got into a tussle when she told him to put it away. He di ed of 1.1 p i s t o l s hot in th e ba c k . authonlles said HOLLYWOOD <AP> There "Blow Away," he said: a r e s ome thin gs th a t rock legends don't have to bother with. E ndless one-on-one in- te rviews are among them. So former BeaUe Geor ge Har- rison. in town to promote tus latest album, took on tbe entire Los Angeles press corps at a tea- and·crumpets news conference Wednesday afternoon. "I fe e l ha p p y a b out it .... Sometimes you can do something and it's like swim- ming against the tide. No matter wha t you do it doesn't have that natural flow going with it. . . . " PUBLIC CONTA CT with for mer Beatles bas been rare s ince they s plit in 1970, so some 40 r eporter s cr o wded into a Warne r Br os. records con- fer ence room to quiz Harrison on bis music and other recent activities. At 36, Harrison s eems to have toned down the mystical bent t ha t influenced m uch of the mus i c on h is earlier solo a lbums. "All Things Must Pass" a nd "Living In The Material World." He admitted that the extent of his musical mess age these days is "to try and be happier all the lime." About his new album, "George Harrison," and its hit single IT WASN'T LONG be fore the inevitable Beatles reunion ques· t1on popped up. At first Harrison DIA MOND S • GEMSTONES Jewels by 1osephs is searc hing for diamonds and gemstones from pnvate tnd1v1duals and estates. Careful examcnatton and evaluatton by our experts. Highest pnoes paid. Call ~9066 1<>-9 daily, Saturday 1G-6, &In· dllt closed. Ask for Betty Grace or Frank VanderWall iewels by ioseph South Coast Plaza • 3333 Brislol. Costa Mesa • 540-9066 ---------r -- PUBUC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8 USINESS fllCTITIOUS 8U~HHESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Th• foltowtno PffM>n Is ooh'V bull· The 1011ow1no persons •r• doln9 M He$• slMUIW NIGUEL PHARMACY. JOIOO Town 0 R A H G E c 0 u N r y C:.nt9' 0.. l.eoune Hl9<1el, CA '2•n. OOLOGICAL !:ICM Lo9"" An • Unit Sllile G • Colte Mo>w. CA Alfred ~ JM!nMO, 3lt51 Eest Gary we.,,.. 8-11. 2014 Welle<e Hine Or • ~ HIQuel. CA m n I • Unit 0 , Coote Mew. (.A 9U 71 di!~.~ I•<~ b°I ~ 111-C. l lO'l'd L~e. '" S. Cypniu . nil C, 0r""99, CA '2 ... AL JAHN ... RO Tiii\ bu\IN U h conouctecl by • Thil si.1.nwnl wu llled with the eMral per1ner\lllp County C.ler• of Or•n9t' County on G&ry Weyne Bl>QfWll Febnlery,._ 1'79 Thi\ ll&tl'ment "'""' 111ec1 wllh tr.e "11"'7 County Cterk of 0r•"9'1 COUftty on PubllsNcl Or_,. C:O.st Oelly P iiot, Feb. 1•, 1m. '?'••<" 1,1, u , n , 1m 114'1! ,.111., PubllVolJ<I Or~ C:O.st O•tly PllOI. Feo. 22, Me~ll 1.1. U. lt79 P UBLIC NOTICE 1· ' I ) p rete nded not to hear "About the what"1" he queried, cupping his hand to h is ea r. Then he relented. "The last thing I hea rd about that was some guy in San Fran· cisco who had some project or getting John <Lennon >. Paul <McCartney >. George a nd Ringo <Starr) together. "ALL I COULD say to that was, 'Look. that was then.· This g uy is on a t rip a bout the Beatles. "He's built up this big fantasy a bout how the Beatles are the only thing that can s ave the world. And that is complete r ub- bish. "The Beatles can't save the world. we 'll be lucky if we can s ave ourselves." The executives of Southerr. Ca li fornia Edis on . the Lo s An~eles De partment of Water and Power, San Diego Gas a nd Electric, and Pacific Gas a nd Electric Wednesday praised the Dentist Sentenced TORRANCE CAP I -A dentist has been sen· tenced to six months in jail for t he anesthetic over- dose death of a 26-year -old Gardena woman. Dr. Richard A. Litman, 45, convicted of in· voluntary manslaughter Feb. 7 in the March 1977 deat h of Marion Newman. was sentenced in Superior Court on Wednesday Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney George Oakes said an autopsy found a "lethal dose" of Nembutal in her body as well as a ··toxic dose" of Demerol and some Valium. EARL'S PLUM6 1NC. • HE &f l NC. al II COf<O ')t l•t 111•\I 1)itofYli. .. lt,.,..~\4.tth..tf f (IU( 1.x.lot (dll ">\Of• N>.t• .. ,t •Wf Auol COSTA MESa 642· 1J5J 1Si.N•-181w• MISSl()f; VIEJ049S.0401 >ml"""""" U...••r-l\4f\ Ot ~rwy ,., ~"••r P kw I Call 642-5678. Put a tew words lo work for ou t\esa \7r rde CUT RATE ~q.oor EXCEPTIONAL WIMES SS AND UNDER I AICBt AT HARIOR 549-4044 Cust0111 Sofa Sale ; .. j Save up to $200.001 So/o Every Sofa, L ove Seat, Sectional reduced for this event! s499 ''l I /11 k'"' Till't'l!l 118" x 1 01 ~ Available in other sizes to fit your needs. Custom reverse quilting. Choice of designer coordinated fabrics. S Reg.$1449 .. 8wc.w hand tied sora and love seat. All hardwood frclm~. Availclbl~ 111 the cover shown Ommed1<lte deliwrvl or choose from a wide-election of CU<;tOt1\ fabrics including pnnts und !,,Ohd:,. Our decorators will gladly assist you f OUl.' &_•ul $399 Ueg $5()') Van Nuys •Canoga Park • Ventura La Habra·WhlttJer Open Mon .. Thurs .. Frt. 10 10 9 P.M. • li1e;o., Wed. & lll. 10 to 6 P. M.• ~un. 12 10 5 I~ M. FREE OUJVERY • BANKAMERICARD • MASTER CHARG • REVOLVING CHARGt; l 1r d -4 •• i\8 I orang••Ccm• a •• ,, P.101 Editorial Page ............................ ~ .................................... ..... Thurtday, March 9. 1979 Robert N Weed/Publisher ThomH Ke.vii/Editor Barbartt Krelblch/Edltorlat Page Editor Fire Station Deal Involves Dual Tax An arrunl(t'mt•nt ror county f1re prot~ct1on In thl· Woodbndtitt> trea of trvln ... ems a touch e ollc 1'tw «it}' w ll build the rire 'itallon, at a co1t of about $173,000, •'' lJ rrancu und E••!ll Yale Loop Th rounty will rent the bu1ldin1J. whtt'h wa uppo.sed to haVl' bt><•n u J)urk dubhou.'t'. for$~~ month lf lht"'rount hrl'st tum1 needed that Ion~ lhl'c:llY will umortm.· 1b but Id mg an 16 >Nm, H f 1rcml'n url·n ·1 nccdt.'d that Ion~ 1f ltnOlh<>r l!ltataon t~ hu1lt lo ~er ve th•· arN• tht> bu1l<l1ni;: c-an r..vert to the t'lubhou!.c 1t Wb In lcndt>d to be What 's t·uriou:, about th111> t:, thut city taxpuyc.·r~ m Irvin<' aln.·~•d} puy u ta to tht.> l'Ounty undt•r u fttt.• pm lt•ctmn vut·t lhut mcludl':. a fond for fin.• station!\. County nt-gohator~ managed to c.•or1vmce the.· I rv111c City Counc.·1l th.it Propos ition 13 c utbatks llrcvcnted them · from hu1lding tht.• Woodbrldge station Count1 lmttn only a ftc.·rwards rt•Oe<'tt>d un tht> iron) of bu1ld1n" a fir~ alut1on u 'itng t.·lly ta xl~s to pay for a !.hortagt! within anotht!r public u1.wnty which rccetVl'!. Ir' me taxtb for lht' bamt: pu rpost• Thl· next l1mr a go ernment agt:ncy sugge ts Irvan(• dl11.1·ns pny tw1 c1· for the s<tme servl('t.', thcl'e's hound to bl.' a t·loM•r tnbpvt'laon of lht deal loophole Shut Though there was no gross. individual overspending in the last Irvine City Council e lection . the current coun- <.0 11 was provident to stitch up a loophole in the local cam· paign contribution ordinance. The statut,e as originally adopted included a $250 limitation on personal contributions to indiviq_ual can· didates. ft was mute, however. about contributions to in- depende nt committees that support candidates. In at least one instance in the las t election, that al· lowed an enthusias tic backer o f one candidate lo con- tribute twice the limit -once to the candidate. once to the independent committee.. The ordinance amendment, approved by the council last week. combines the categories into a single all- cn compassing one. still with a S250 limit. Politics, particularly local politics, ought not be a poker gam e. in which the candidate with the biggest ante t .. kes ho me the pot of political office. The council action to limit the bets was commend· able. Police P lan Wor ked Several citizens in the Irvine community were dis- mayed whe n the police department substituted especially trained civilian investigators for police in traffic accident work. The object of the move was to cut costs Cthe civilians <·ost taxpayers a bout h a lf as much as sworn officers) and to free police for greater attention to law e pforcement '1nd criminal investigation. Some residents fretted that civilians might not be up to the task of rigorous and thorough traffic accide nt in· vestigation . Worse, they worried, in the event of a really serious accident. a policem an would be absolute ly crucial because h is decisions might mea n the difference between life and death. Recently just such a possible life-and-death incident occurn.'<i in the streets of Irvine when a catering truck overturned and pinned a man unde r its weight. Chuck Leonard. a civilian traffic investigator, was ther e and quickly enhsted the aid of more than a score of me n. slopping the ir cars in the street to do it. He or- ganized his impromptu group and together they lifte d the truck enough to get the man out. Hi s coolness and efficiency in a serious situation seems evidence enough that a civilian can do the job he and others like him have been hired to do. without worry- ing about whether he carries a gun and a badge. • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s mvlted Address The Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 Boyd/D ining Rooms ByL. M. BOYD Thal renowned cook JuUa Child is quoted as saying, "If I were building a house, I wouldn't have a dining room. It's space was ted ." S he always eat3 in the kitchen, s he says. Quite so. Who doesn 'l? The place In our scatter tong ago was turned Into an auxiliary TV ·music· reading room. Small groups have taken their tr ays there from the bounteous buffet. But no mcaJ has ever been served in our dining room. First telegraph message was "What Hath God Wrought." You knew that. But did you know It wun•t tbe brl•ht idea of Samuel Finley Breese Morae? No, sir, Annle Ellsworth Iona In Dear Gloomy Gus If tbe papers a re already runnln• pie· tu re1 of the fl rat beacb1oen, can the IMlrilt llMoa and the traffic Ja1111 be far betalad? S-m Uk• a lbortWMI'! . LOCAL advance t hough t il ap- propriate to use the Book of Numbers verse. She was the daughter of the U.S. Com· missioner of Patents. Our Language man can't seem lo find out how we came by that expreuion "scot-free." Two out of three dogblte victims are under age 15 and most of the bites are on the face. Q. "How many wars or rev· olutlons have t here been worldwide In the last 30 years?" A. About~. Q. "I know laracl has more lmmlaranta than any other country. But wh at nation Is aecood in thiJ category?" A. Australia. You know DM>,..,.., that Greek who wandered all over tbe place in search or an honnt man? He Uved In a tub. Once mentloned here that Paul Revere•s expense ac- count for that r1cM to Boston came to about SUO. Failed to report, however, that the boot t.D Whtch that account la recorded recentl)' sold for $10,000. A decade 110 ln this coun- t.r1 It wa the colle1e student who"" IDOlt llkety to be ln· \#Olved In bumanUarl1n H .... TodaJ • t.be polJltera • .,..., tl'1 the arandmoUwr. Nieholw. Von Hoffman Time to Set Realistic Goals 1 !oi<' ra, Roebuck bata 1iven US> on trying to be an equal op· ,)orturuty employer, at least as that phruf' h.a been used by the fedt•ral lunf tionarlea who en forc-e amrmnttve acllon. That Son. of all major corporatlon11.. !lhould Oum11 down In the middle uf the roud and :uay. sorry fellas. we ju11t c41n't do 1t, us most dis· t·ouna.c1ng f''or dendeR Se11rs has been u <·orporatc le.idcr In the human r t' I a t I o n -; (i ~ I <h. Th I' m.an wh o mor~ than unyone f•lse built Sears. al~ late board t•haarman . J u I i u s H o s t·nw<J ld <t862·l 932 ). 11ut m1lhons 1tlto black education in the South, pioneered low income model housing and personally helped lead Chicago back from als te rrible 1919 race r iot which saw mobs of whites drag blacks off the streetcars and beat them to death with bricks and cob· blcstoncs. Mailbox For Decades after Roten· wald'a death. Sears continued to b e the major corpor a · lion that would pul money Into race relations. Oft~n they were bold : seldom did lhey have Rosenwald'• courage, but to the ut~nt a huge organization can, Sears had his s pirit. The heart was In the right place, the m oney sometimes could be round where the mouth was, and 1n comparison with OuPont or the millionaire Me llons or General Motors, Sear s has always looked outstanding. IT S11LL may be. For Sears. instead or using its house lawyers. has retained Charles Morgan to fig ht this suit. Morgan is a white man who got run out of Blrm· ingham. Ala .. in the early '60s for standing up for the black man and then went to work for the Ameri<.'an Civil Liberties Union where he handled many <.'On· troversial cases. representing the side corpor ate America would be unlikely lo approve or. Some of Morgan's friends are whisperin~ that the fight has • gone out of the old boy and that he's now using his civil rights exputbe to make the dollars he couldn't make when he wu de· rendlnc ~ guy1 in the wbJte (whoopel > hau. l LIBE&All columnist Ellen Goodman wtitea, "The suit is ... a perfect New ConaervaUve brief. It contains an effective, jabbin8. antl·1ovemment analysis ... the lawyen ror Sears can develop terribly intricat e and wile analyaea for anything and then uae them to rationalize our lnac· Uon -to call for retreat." It doesn't necessarily have to do any such thing. The suit might help us define what Is retreatinc. what's standine still and what's moving forward. The s uil, for example, alleges • muc h higher p er centage of women than men desire part. lime employment only. If Sears h as its facts straight lhen it makes no sense to ask a large employer to reach affirmative action le vels which presume there is an equal desire on the part or both genders for the same kind of employm ent. WOULD rr not be better to set realizable goals and insist they be met than do wbat we do now? Tbal'f to 1et unreaUiable coal• and then allow the i11ue to lancuiJh in litigation and loef. f ectual paper atacldn1 at tbe Equal Opportunity CommlAlon. an agency of government which rlvala the Department of Ener1y in tailing to get anythio1 done. The Sean suit puts the ques- tion of past discriminatlon ln a different light. Sears quite ac· c urately o bserves that the number of minority and female employables with the akUla and training Sears needs bas been shaped and limited by severat generations of government I C· tiont and policies. Through the G. r. Biil and other mechartisms, the govern- me nt has trained far more white men than black men or women of any hue. This is owning to federal discriminatory policies, enacted by Congress and approved by the federal courts. EVEN IF you believe that groups previously discriminated against shouJd be s pecially com· pensated for past wrongs, even if you believe living while males should be punished for the sin.~ o r t h eir f a ther s and grandfathers. the least practical way to do it is through in· dividual private corporations. The danger of damaging them and impairing their ability to function is too great. )'he best thing to do is to toss the white males out of the Department or Commerce and replace lhem with the new preferred groups. This suit need not be tbe retreat Ms. Goodman fears it is. It may be the way to force the writing of equitable rules and re· gulations whi ch aren't so politically impossible, ad· ministratively screwy. and de· mographicaJly unreal they can't be enforced. WE HA VE been in retreat for several years now with the , stumbling failure of the ERA and these ludicrous debates about aUowing females to try out for the wrestling team. Gel· ling while males to call you Ms .. the chief accomplishment of the 70s. isn't an advance. T hey've been doing that down South since Rhett Butler walked out on Scarlet. Ponder the Lesson of Little Mines Field To the Editor: Do you reme mber Mines Field ? And do you remember the gorgeous Spanish homes that sprawled over the Playa del Rey. luxuriating in the beauty and tranquility of the Pacific Ocean that lay beneath them, miles from Mines Field? Well , today, Mines Field is Los Angeles I nternational Airport a nd big airplanes like DC -9s and 727 jets take off from there and fly directly out over the beautiful Pac1fic Ocean and ther e a re no more gorgeous homes on the Playa del Rey or anywhere near the Los Angeles International Airport. Some very important and con· cerned airport people said those lovely established homes were In a dangerous place and so they were nattened, torn down, and carted away. Playa del Rey is nearly barren -old cracked concrete roadA are still there I guess. And Mines Field was smaller than Orange County Airport. Maybe you didn't hear what f just said ... a 727 was just lak· Ing off rrom lltlle olde Orange County Airport, right over your community. I said a 727 and a DC-9 ... NADINE DAllL FINK Gee r ei1i1o .. 1. To the Editor; Has anyone remembered to do 1omething about puttlDI a cap on gover nment s pending? l know that many have slaned a ·•splrtt of 18" petition but where are thole recently sent out? I 'll bet that your spouse, not you or course, has one under the grocery Jlat or In the "hold" buket whero It's sure to be 1\alJted or lolaed. We are 1Ull short the required number to qualify. Wbat'1 needed ls an impr•1lve ovectiU to help our lelltlatora set tbe metHlt. Pleue find thoH .,.UtJom that othel'I have worked so bard to aepd out. Mall them lo today._ LYMANS. FAULKNER ..... ., ......... To Ute Editor: Oovemor Brown bH once a1aln lhowD bJI marllaal COD• cern ror women's equality lD America by bis callous and ir- responsible remar ks to the stu- dents at Georgetown University. His comment tha t , "We (meaning men ) really do have an obligation to our country. The concept or service -not to the 'me' generation or to the 'now' generation -but service to the country and the future is essen- tial," implies several things : -Thal "obligation•· to service in s upport of our country is beyondthecapacityofwomen. -That he lacks the commit· ment to s upport s hared responsibilities by bolh men and women in our society. -Thal our obligation lo the future of America, as women, is negligible . Are we to assume that women are not to be considered equally a nd justly in the problem- solving that faces us in our na- tion's future? Governor Brown, I decry your tactics, as you supposedly are an advocate of women's rights. Which lace are you publicly dis- playing today? SUSANNE E. TEPPER, Chair. ERA Orange County .f.iH !I I • llffN'ff'f To the Editor : How can ll be that the American people sit back com· placenUy while big bu1iness con· linuously ripe them off? II Iran supplied 3.5 percent or our oU and we are in druUc need , why is Alukan oil beini sold to Japan? Why ts Detroit allowed to pro· duce any large aaa·conaumlng cars: WHY AaEN'T electric cant r.roduced for abort term drlv· n1? Are two 1allon1 1oin1 to be allotted per driver or per car? wm the housewife be allotted the same amount aa the penon drlvlai JO mUet to wotk? Will only the rieb drive their can on weekendl for lel•ure becaue on· 17 they can afford $2 a 1allon ! wm tara• motor bom .. "8dn~ to be oroduced and IOld? Will New'l)01t Bay conUnue to be filled on weekends wlth pltaaure boata con= lartt quaatltHI of much pat Wlll ru.1, ullllty prtcn and rent eoatlmM to rite wb111 utlltlf com,.._ and landlardl reap lbe btnlftt of PrwoeWaft U T How lon1 .,111 A ~erican economic inequalities be a l· lowed to continue because the American people h ave had e nough. The revolution or 1776 was fought for lesser causes. TEDDY JONES Ttopped To lbe Editor: I live on Orangetree ofr Irvine Center Road. It is impossible to exit on Irvine Center, make a left tum and then turn right on Jeffrey or continue straight on Irvine Center. The road definitely needs widening. One can't pull to the r ight soon enough to make a right-hand lum because there Is a bike lane sign and because people hog the road to make il impossible. Thank you for any help you can give. RHONDA WALKER Leeld .. a 11e1c To the Editor: As a former Newport Beach City Councilman: It la with interest. I read about the Orange County airport problems. It is with pride, I look through my scrap book and read my stand of 11 years ago. ll i1 with regret, I was not able to sell t he Newport Beach Clty Council and the county Board or Supervisors. my views at that t1me. Time· hu proved my reason· Int valid. When "federal funds" are accepted. local control la a tt\ing of the past. II my memory is correct. ~o m e wh ere tn the county archives ls a resolution <Board ol Supervisors) 1tat1nc the airport will be used for private planes only. P. DEE COOK City of Bishop Councilman &tleree tile £•e To Ute Editor: I have bnn follow-lea lbe artlcl• in the Dally Pilot about the d.,.l'OUI Lapna CAQyon aoad and ho• it lbouJd be made tnto • four lane road. I have drtvee lb1.I road to work m1n1 Umee lD tbe past. I quit drtYlftl ..... not ..... die road la danc•f'OUI, but became U1e l*IPI• wbo drtve lbe roed ·I • I ~ are lousy, se tr-ce nte r e d , dangerous drivers. I don't mean to say that everyone who drives the r oad a r e bad drivers. Howeve r , I sa w enough dull-minded drivers to make me stay away from the road. Think about it. Laguna Can· yon Road is wide enough to ac· commodate two vehicles side-by· side with plenty of room left. The road itseU does not move around and trick people into hav- in g accid ents, the peopl e themselves make a mistake to cause an accident. Over one third of fatalities involved headon col· lisions. This is not due to a dangerous road. it is due to plain, bad control over lhe vehicle. II Y POINT is lhjs: Why spend millions of dollars and destroy the prettiest road lhat I have seen in Orange County. when safe driving laws could be en- forced without spending a dime more than is already spent to pay lhe Sheriff's Department ror patrolling the area? It doesn't apppear that the laws are enforced at alt. I have never heard of any one getttna a speeding ticket and everyone knows that almost all motorilts speed around here, including the police. I read in the Pilot a caae not lone ago involving a man Who was 1truck aod killed on 1·405 on a fOllY day. The article stated tbat the police tald the driver of the vehicle wb.o struck the man was drivina too fasl for the con· dltiona. but no citation wu ls· sued! So. why worry? l\'s safe to 10 40 In a 25 zone because I won't get a Ucktt. I might even 1et p111ed by a policeman I So let'1 buUd •nice tour laner wilb a SS mpb speed limit IO we can 10 70 mph! It '1 sad and so stupid, but true. OAVEORAHAM MEDICINE I LOCAL Thurldlly, Mwch I . 1978 0A1L v PILOT A 1 a fre11£h Wurse Child Bottles a Threat • Slated A alDe·wttlt courH t acbln1 French ror l avelera wall be1ln AprU UI rtom 7 to 9 f m d Cotta Meu J l1h hoot room 111 Tbe Couthn" Com· ,.unity Coll..-1e · ~ontored course wtll teach pronunciation, sentence puttcrnis und eapresslons commonly Ira~· uaed in travt'I • Re11slrallon foe ror Sen I .ow<>lJ Wetckcr tbe non credit cour!.e Jr· o r C"onnel't1cut ii $14 It may be paid Mt will bt.•t·onw the ftfth t~ first elass session or annoWlced cand.ldale the college's main ad . for the Repubhcan rrilnlslrallon office For pres1dent1al nomrna. illformat1on . cal l tion next week, an 9'3·0824 aide says CIDCAGO <AP> -Dna, coata1nen that are ditncuJt ror cbildr n to open "can be a direct U.rut to the l1'e or an elderly patient." a commtn· lary In lbe Journal or tbo American Medical Al· IOClaUoe H)ll. "Yo.t phy11clana. . .aH not aware of the burden that cbJld realatant medication containers have lml)(IMd on the elderly," the commentary Uld "Elderly patlenb, however, are keenly a ware of the problcsm11 of child·resistant medic•· lion conta!Mn. but ure l1norant about methods to overeom the difficulty In opening and cloalna tbem " THE COMMENTAaY BY Das. Leslie s. Llbow and J<'redrlck Sherman of the Jewish ln•titute for O~natnc Care in New Hyde Park, N.Y., and Dr JD Warach of the New York Unlveraily School of Medicine appears 10 Friday's issue ol lhe JOUma1. The three. doctors s urveyed 120 elderly people ltvang ln the community and found that 60 percent -64 percent of the women and 36 percent or the men -reported having difficulty with medicine containers that are made to be difficult for children to open ( Piiot Logbook J.· Candid commentaries, . . exclusively In the DAILY PILOT •SPARK UNG NEW LOOK FOB WALLS & COUNTERS IN KITCHENS, BATHS! •BAKED-ON &LAZE WON'T SCRATCH( STAIN OR BURN WMITl o•·69~ 'P'\tc.' 4'J.". 4'A-:¥. TUI AND Fl.Ill MALER 0•'219 ?'"'' u. 1UI -nu CAULK •IULI -WaPlllflt •P•naTl IATI ,...,_ WESTMINSTER :11111 lle•ch 818-3388 Jn addltJon, 87 percent ol tbole surveyed did not know they could obtain lbeir medJcaUoo ln eully opened containers by aakln1 their pharmaclat or pbyaician, the doetOn aa1d. THE CO•MENTAaY USGED DOCl'O&S and pbarmaclata lo tell elderly ~tlenta that eully openJ..na contalnen are available. It alJo urged doctors to test whether a patient can open child· reeletant containers and to apecifically Uat an eaay-open container on prescriptions for thole pa- tients wbo cannot. "Ironically, what prevents a life·th.reatening situation for a child can be a direct threat to the life of an elderly person," lbe commentary said. FREE DEMONSTRATION GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY An Inclusive Approach To Life 9:30-12:30 Saturday, March 10 R.S.Y.P. Ill La Poiftte 494-9613 UcetlMCl~tt OLERN CARPET TILE • SHllUU OFF ITAINI AND DAMA&INI MOISTURE. • IUILT-IN PADDfN8• •SflF·STICk IACkSf .,,~;~3nc r 11 tr •2111 iJ :l VINYL COUNTER TOPPING • UIY ICtlSIR· TIUM! •HEAT IUllTANTI •SNAPPY DESllNI! .. ~~:.es~ .. Nell'Eagle Douglas C. Watson of Troop 106, Costa Mesa, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Watson of Newport Beach. 60-FT. 5/a-IN . 1.0. VINYL HOSE t1 .. l<1bll:' W on't burst 11 '>hul off "' noulo Brc1ss wuplings. 1666·6G lRUE lEMPIR. ~ .6.99 7.99 DIRT SHOVEL '11)()1 .. lU .. lJI~ PRUNING SHEARS Compact-size, a ll-steel pruner with non·stick coated blades. Coll spring, soft vinyl grips. Handy lock. 68 .......... 'll.mr.d 4-CU. FT. GARDEN CART Dips for loading, unload· •ng. Enameled·stoel bod't'. l O·tn wheels, steel axle. chromod handle LC 4.99 22 1ornpered·steel teeth with space bar for flex. 52·tn. wood handle. SL22 *1 ~::ERIES 77e Choose C or 0 stle. For larger rovs. radios and fleshllghts. 1CJ21).4 '\ • , t t f ' I ' I ,,. f • . • . I ., ' ~ J ' I ·: I 1 t ! ( t , ' f t r Jtf DAILY PILOT L/SC O•llr f'I ... -..., s .. -. Mlldell Keep II. Outside Young~tcrs tagging along with Lagunan L l'XI Johnston at a Laguna Bt!ach ~ccond · ha nd !'.ton· Wt.'rl' told to stay outside with thl·1r IL'l' cn·am ('One~ Which was fine for yuung:-.ll·r~. '4hll lttkl•d t'Ones in t he art('r - noon sun and watched the shoppers inside. T wo or the c hildren be long to Mrs . Johnston T he other three are visiting from Nl'W York . Brief Hearing Set Fo·r Music Teacher J\n admirustrat1vc hearing in· to char~c!'. of unprofessional con du el ;q~a ins t Ncwport-Me s :i mus 1<' lC'achcr Richard l:;ngland will hf' opened Monday but only briefly. '><'hool off1c1ab an· d1 calt'd Kevan Whel'lcr. Cl l>Sistant sup.-rintcndent for µersonnd . s aid the law rcquirei. that a ht·annl'( bt• opcnl·d w1th1n GO days of t•hargcs be1n~ made against a sc·hool e mployee However, an order to schedule a f1 ve-day hearing with a state hc•a ring officer and attorneys for both Engla nd a nd the distnct present, th<• he an ng promptly w1 II be c·ontan ued to thl' Wl'ek of Julv 16 T.hc charges wt:ri· brought an January by Nl'wport llarbor High Sl'hool Principal Tom Jacobson, who said England re · fused to provide s tudent band me m bc>rs ror athletic events as requested French Group Slates Talk The Alha n<'e Francaise will pr est>nt a s lide talk by Dom Claude J ean Nei.my on "La Bourgognt· Romane" at 8 p.m. March 16 in the Bridge Hall of the Congregational Church, 340 St Ann's Drive. Laguna Beach Angry protests by som e parents and studcnti. resuJted when England was put on ad- m in istra t 1 ve leave and later transfer red to Corona dcl Mar High School for the rest or the school year WHEELER EX P LAINED that one of the reasons the hear· ang is being delayed until July is that every teacher who as laid off because of declining enroll· m ent a statewide problem is e ntitled lo a hearing before May As a result. he said, no hear- ing officer will be available until summer for a fave-day hearing, as u.-quested by England's at- torney Monday's meeting is open to the public. It wall begin at 1. JO p .m . at Harpe r Community Cente r. 425 E . 18th St , Costa Mesa Boy Scouts To Sponsor Break/mt Boy Scout Troop 35 of Laguna Beach will sponsor a pancake breakfast Saturday l o raise funds for camping gear and summe r camp fees. The breakfast will be held from 8to 11 a.m. atthe Communi- t y Pre s byte ri a n C hurc h fellows hip hall at Second Street and Fores t Ave nue. Cost of the breakfast is $2.25 for aduJts and SI. 75 for c hildre n IO and under Navy Funds Probed EUREKA <AP> -A federa l grand jury is investigating the dive rsion of up to $200,000 from the Centerville Beach Naval Facility near her e in a scheme which reportedJy involved using the funds to make s tock invesl- ments. officials said Tuesday. REG. The annual /\rthur Waley Mcmonal Speech Coolest will be he ld March Jl atU .C I • S/PRO "PROFLEX" y," WET SUIT '~ Further information may be obtamed by calling Mme Chm. taane Maitland at 404 2648 Evictions Due F ILLMORE l/\P 1 A collrt h a s rejected the i.tatc Agricultural Labor Relataoni. Board's request for an Injunc- tion to stop Rancho Sespe from evicting some 200 farm workers from housing on the c atrui. ranch FOlt THE rROFESSIOMAL TOUCH: DECO INTERIORS IHTERIOR rLAHHIHG AHD COMSULTIHG c-..... ..tect• of • ...,,.,_ •• .,......., c.,..t. ftooriftg. .... ~ • .........,.., .......... KCHMriH, V1s11 Our Design Studio 21"2 M....,.nt• Pkwy .. Ml"'-Vlefo IS• DMcjo Fwy. to A•.ry Pkwy. Mt S..... of Toyoto..,.. 4tS.OZ02 IJ~0400 • U /W KINETIC "SUPER O" LIGHT '39" • U.S. DIVERS B.C. with lnflator '125 • f AIWLON PRESSURE GAUGE '60 • DARRBl AWN SPORTDIVER LIGHT '39" 'I: ... ~,'' '"1 ' ' 4' :• ' J • ~ • • I ' 'l'oo&, Bones LOCAL I CALIFORNIA Artifacts' Age ~nder Study SAN DIEGO CAP) Researchers say an ~ge may be fixed in tbe next few weeks for stone tools and bones found in Texas and Southern California They hope to establish a common culture 20,000 years old. A remarkable similarity has been found in the artifacts. says Barton Wright of the San Diego fff!af& A~lfartf Museum of Man. A spokesm a n for the local AFTER ARCHAEOLOGiS'l'S from both states met in San Diego this week. they took bone samples. which a local private rlrm spec 1al1L 1n g an archaeological ret.carch expects lo date. Arc haeologist Anthony An- dreUa matc h ed bt one tools which he found in Texas with others from the San Diego area Traffic Meet Set in Laguna Laguna Beach residents are· invited to comment on the future of local and regional freeway. street and traffic networks dur- ing a 7: 30 meeting tonight at Laguna Beach City Hall. The meeting is sponsored by the Citizens Advisory Commit t ee of the Orange Coun• v Trans portation Commission. and citizens' comm ents will be forwarded to the comm1i.s1on The commission was created by the state legislature to review loc1I road-building and transit projects, as well as offer com ment on state freeway proJccts in Orange County firm. Richard Carrico, s aid he be lieves the San Diego artifatcts may be even older . possibly 30,000 years THE SO-CALLED Del Mar man round north or San Diego has been dated by J efJrey Dada of Scripps Institution of Oceano- graphy as old as 50,000 years. the oldest evidence or hab1tatJOn in North America But archaeologists have been unable to f ind artifacts d e termaned to be older than 10 .000 years As a result or the big time daf rerence. the age whic h Bada fixed for the Del Mar m a n has been questioned. Fuchsia Society Meets in Laguna The Lag una Beach bra nch of the National Fuc hs ia Society wall hold an organizationa l meet ang tonight at 7 : 30 in t he home of AnnedeFord.325 Diamond St Society members. or a nyone interested in fuchsias or shade plants are invited to attend For more informa tion, call 494-2126 F r e:tn F leck or Laguna Ni~uel has been named pres- ident of the South Coast Me dical Center Auxiliary S he succeeds Ma rie Peart Oth e r o rfi cer s i n c lude Dorothy Heacock. vice pre s1dcnt. Jean Parker r e- cording secr et a r y: Ruth M c Millen. corresponding secretary; Carla Hatheway. treasure r Sheriff Site Contract Set /\ Laguna Beach contracting farm was hired this week by the O r a n g<' Count y Roard of Supervisors to prepare a location for the sheriff's t\!mporar y south county suhstat1on The D W Contracting Com - pany will bl' paid $45,141 to modify the existing Laguna Niguel site for the installation of orrice trailers T he sheriffs offices are now ho used in the south county courthouse T he move to the traile r!>'" b<·an g done an respon:.c.• to court offi cials' re- quest for more room. School Backe d SANTA CLARA <AP> The Santa Clara Plan- ning Commission has re - lented and voted 5 2 to recomm e n d ;l.hat a private J ewish orthodox school be pe rmitted to continue to operate an the Westwood Oaks dis - trict. The vote reversed a J a nua ry decision that recommende d c urtail- me nt of the Ke r c m Hebrew Jnstitutc's con ditional use permit Put Your Home's Lighting On the Right Track DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5878 NOW s1749s s299s s999s s499s s299s PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORE ON SALE! --- ONE WEEK ONLY. STARTS MARCH9 Trakliting is: • Inconspicuous ... the small trac k eliminates bulky ceiling appearance • Simple ... easily installs to ceiling power source or with a cord to a wall outlet • Economical ... save money by illuminating only those areas needing light and by using long-lasting reflector bulbs • Totally Verutlle ... use in any room to illuminate wall displays, reading or working areas -or with special bulbs, to help plants grow TRAKLITING ... Give your home a new look with Trakliting. Use light to create new vi sual statements 1n your own environment. UO llOADWAY LAGUIA llACM 497-4403 'I OPEi 7 DAYS 9-6 ,. 0 fAOM Fash ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ' J \ I ~ q Y o ur Hometown J Da ily Newspaper · Lag1•na/South Coas t EDITI O N VOL. 121 NO. 67, 3 SECTIONS, AO PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1979 TEN CENT Clemente Trims K.arelaer's Fl \ ~ By STEVE lll'IQIELL Of .. Dtlll'f "*"' .... Give .~ people 60 fttt, and they Wlln\ 100 Or 80 ll attmed Wednesday night when a apo&umao for San Cleme~ fast f~ entrepreMur Carl Kattbet uked City Council members for pe.rmis' loo to con :,truct a 100..foot hltb nag Pole at one of biJ eating place1. Counc:ilmen voted 3-0 lo ~ny lbe rcq~t Karcbt-r own.• the Carl'• Jr hamburaer chain and ha1 M>U&ht a luge Oag pole for hia ~n Cltmente rc.-Jtaurant for mort! than a year And. he 's be<>n sutecl\Mul tn tl IS eftotts The city'!; ht!1g hl hmtt is JO feet , but last September, the e1ty allowed Karcher to construct a 80 -f oot nag pole on hi s reataurant property al 3929 South El Camino Real. The followine month, Karcher wais .ba<'k before planning com· m1sJloners. aaldng for a 100-fool 1llumanaled nag pole. instead of the 60-foot structure approved earlier. 8 o b H o I d e n , w h o b.a s represented Karcher at nearly a dozen city meetings since the flag nap began. termed Karcher a "firm believer in the free en· terprise system of the United States of America." He said a similar 100-foot flag pole, displaying the Stars and Stripes, has been constructed at the r~taurant chain head· quarters in Anaheim. And, he said, since Karcher lives in San Clemente he wants a similar patriotic symbol outside his restaurant. He said the flag would be highly visible to people coming into town from the south-the gateway to the county, and site of the former Western White House. And. the spokesman said, he has reeeived verbal approval from the Federal Aviation Ad· ministration that the flag pole would not create a hazard for pilots. le Dan Gabel, an astronom~ teacher who said he lives nea the restaurant, said he would ob Ject to the lighted flag pole. I "I like to look at the stars at night,'' he smiled, adding an ii· luminated flag would make that pastimedirficult. He said he also 'loves our flag, and Uk es to see it fl y." but not necessarily 24 hours a day. <See KARCHER, Page A2) San Juan OKs Rent Controls Ii ~ ' I ~ , I I J 1 i t l ' I Flying Bigla Emily Warren, 9, le ft, of Laguna Niguel, and Kim Larkins, 10, of Dana Point, hoist their kites aloft in the style they plan to use March 24 when kite connoisseur Chris Romswinkel will discuss and demonstrate kites at 1 p .m . at the Dana-Niguel Library, 33841 Niguel Road. There is no charge for admission and the program is open to kite flyers or all ages Nuke Suh Tangled In Ne ts LONDON !AP> -An American nuclear s ubmarine became snarled in the nets of a Scottish fi s hing tra wler today and towed th e trawler backwards for 45 minutes before the crew cut the nets, British Coast Guard and U.S. Navy sources said. "It could have been nasty. really." said a Coast Guard spokesman at Ardrossan on Scotland's west coast. "The sub- marine must have gone un· derneatb tbe boat and into the nets. Things like that can be a bit disconcerting for a trawler crew.'' Lt. Cmdr. Tim Mennuti, a spokesman for the U .S. Navy in London. confirmed that an American nuclear submarine was involved but would not say which one . There is an American nuclear submarine base at Holy Loeb in the Firth of Clyde near Ardrossan. There were no reports of in· juries or serious damage. The area where the incident took place is an authorized area for submarine maneuvers. But the Coast Guard spokesman said it is "also one of the major fishing areas. So you can't win, re· ally." • Council Rejects Crescent Lot l Laguna Beach city coun· j cilmen said this week they don't want to pursue purchase of a Jot at Crescent Bay Point, despite arguments from several dozen • residents that money could be raised for the parcel. .• The council, in a 3·2 vote with I Mayor Jack Mc Dowell and " Councilwoman Sally Bellerue ( opposed, voted to reject a pro- posed resolution that would seek assistance from the California • Coastal Conservancy in purcbas· f log the property l , . Soviet Women Take Holiday The city ba s already purchased three ocean-view lots overlooking the rocky coasUine at Crescent Bay, and supporters of the passive park have long sought acquisition of an adja. cent fourth lot. An option to purchase lhe lot, owned by Lagunan Earl Russell, is held by the Trust for Public Lands -an option that expires May 1. The Trust has offered to sell the lol to the city and the CaJlfomia Coastal Conservancy for $350,000 argued that, even wilb a $150,000 Land and Water Conservation grant earmarked specifically for the Crescent Bay a cquisition, the city would have to come up with approximately S200,000 - even if spread out over a 10-year period. "We are not in the real estate business." Baglin said. He also said the addition of the SO.foot by 250-foot lot "will not add that much lo the recrea· tional value of the park." He also said it would help the view of some of the supporters who live nearby. Councilman Kelly Boyd agreed, saying the city's obliga- tion to the residents is parks in Prieing Fraud? Arch Beach Heights and the Top of the World neighborhoods. But Councilwoman Sally Bellerue reminded the council that the nearly $150,000 Land and Water Conservation Grant is intended for. Crescent Bay Park only, and will be "lost to the city if we don't pursue this (resolution>." She said she did not foresee taking any city funds intended for other parks in the city for use at Crescent Bay, adding she is confident supporters of the park will be able to find grants or raise tbe funds. Helen Pines, president of the ''Friends or Crescent Bay (See CRESCENT. Page AZ) o.11'1' l'llMSc.ff ,..._ CHARGED AGAIN Ex-Trustee Brannon Ex-Saddleback Trustee Faces Second R aid By REBECCA HELM 0111 .. 0.ur P11otstat1 The arrest of former Sad· dle back Community College trustee AJyn M. Brannon Tues- day in Santa Ana was the second time Brannon has been arrested on bookmaking charges. This lime , Garden Grove police said, Brannon was gross· ing $85,000 a week in the alleged horse racing and s ports bookie operation Crom a Santa Ana restaurant. In 1974, after his a rrest by Newport Beach police, the Santa Ana resident pleaded guilty to bookmaking charges in Orange County Superior Court. He was sentenced to 90 days in Jail and resigned from his seat on the college board of trustees. At that lime, the founding trustee of the Saddleback Com· munity College District pleaded for leniency. He said his $25,000 bookmak· ing operation was 1ust between friends. Garden Grove police this week claimed that Brannon. who bas five sons and holds a master's degree. bas continued his bookie activities since his 1974 convic· tion, moving his headquarters (See CHARGE, Page AZ> MOSCOW <AP>-So viet women are taking a _ holiday today from to<>k· inl, cleaning and riveting to mark International Women's Day amid signs tbal a f~ma1e revo1l against overwork ls brew- The city resolution, drafted by City Manager Fred Solomon, was seen as a way lo solve two problems -a lawsuit filed by the Ruuells against the city for holding up sale of the land, and give part supporters an op. port.unity to come up with funds to pay for acquisition. Councilmen were asked Tues· day to send a resolution to lhe Coaatal Conservancy asking that agency lo Halat in the park pure hue. 2 Oil Firms Indicted i • '1t•1 "Queen fer a Day .. •• men brin1 chocolates and flowen to their wives, motbera or female col· Jea1ues. Tbe natlonwlde celebration ii one ot the most important of tbe year = the holiday •oes unnotlcecl in UleWell. President LeonlcS 1. are.a.a..~ PNmler Alae6 N. &097• Md the Com· •"•lat Party Ceatral Comm1tlee ~·t,Jated 8"Mt --... &Uaked U..m ,_ tWr "CClldltbu· taa to tbe .............. of lateraatloa all1Uc ......_. ...... '""' -~ .......... . Coastal Conservancy involve· ment would be limited to a matching fund -ireement -in effect, an interest-free loan to tbe city for a period of up to 10 yean. But Councilman Wayne Ba&lin Sthoola Badget Talk Sehedaled CaD61trano Bay Area ~ of 1tomen Voter• wUl mHt =to dSeuu tbe Caplltnno 8eltool DllUtet propoeed ~-\:JO p.m. mwtlq wt1l be beldltDOIAlipa&St •• lulteJ, SU ,_ Ceplltnno. A MCcmd • ..._to,.._ U.. aellool dia- trtet ..... -...... Mt for llanll •• &be ...... u .. ud locaU.. • HOUSTON <AP) -An 84· count oil-pricing fraud indict· ment. returned again.at lwo oU companies and five of their of· llcers is just "the lip of the iceberg,•· says U.S. Attorney A. J . "TOQY" Canales. The indictment, handed down Wednesday, charges the defen· daata toot part ln a scheme to violate federal crude oil pridna re1ulatlon1. The scheme af· le1ed ly brougbl some $8.8 mHUon ill exc:esa profita. • 'Tbeee cuee will be 1otni oa Iona after I'm 1one trom Wt ~· flee," Canales 11ld, 1ddllll tbat more lndictmenta can btl expect- ed. ''Tbll ls J..t the besinninc." be laid. Cbar1ed wttb contplrln• \o .. u lower prie.I • 'old.' oil .. 1U1ber prle9d "new" oU ._.. U•l 00 hac. o1 .,_..; Uni prntdeat 'l1lomM •. ~·~··Ba- ~. ·'~ ... jecate; Uni secretary-treasurer and direc:lor' Thomas H. •'Tom" Hajecate; Uni vice presidents Charles R. Akln and James E . Fisher; Ball Marketing En· terprile of Lafayette, Ila.; and Charles Gola, a Ball marketing agent. U.S. Dlstrtct Judce Carol O. Bue·set bonda of '200,000 apiece (or tbe olneia11 and aaJd they would be releaaed on penon.al reeo1.nizance. J4PANESE TY H4DE IN IRJ'INE Japanete ftrm1 ire mlklna t.lnll&oll Hta In tbe U.dted St8* -tome la lnlne. See Milton llo1-owlt1' aaaly1l1, P11ta. • The indictment says the con· s piracy involved acquiring "old" oil selling at about $5 a barrel and certifying it a s "new" oil that sells for more than $12 a barrel under the federal pricing r egulations establbbed in 1973. The dislinctJon between "old" aod ,"new" oil allows firms lo charge more for newly dis · covered oil than they do fOJ' oil from fields thal have Jong been in uae. It was written lnlo federal price regulations as a wa1 lo encourage exploration for MW aources of oU. At. this point, bowever, • federal_ fr•nd jury baa spent about elCbt motUha lnveaU.a\i.ng r.;orta t.bat. more than 200,000 barrele ol "oJd '' oU have been told u "new" oU -at a coel to <See FRAUD. Pa1e A.2) .,.., . ,, Action First in Count y By RAYMOND ESTRADA Jr. ()I IM O•llY Pilot Stall Despite a threatened lawsuit, San Juan Capistrano City Coun· c il m e mbe r s voted 4 to 0 Wednesday to become the rirst Orange County community to 1m. pose rent controls About 100 elderly residents ap. plauded as the council approved the ordinance limiting rent rukes on mobile bome park spaces to one increase per year and not to exceed the cost of living index for any 12-month period. Councilman James Thorpe was absent Wednesday. Adopted as an urgency measure. the law becomes effec- tive immediately. Tim Tierney. attorney fol" Rancho Alipaz Mobile Home Park owner Al Wilk, said rus c lient bas authorized him to fighl the ordinance m court and has allocated $100,000 in legal fees. Taemey asserted that lhe new ordinance connicts with statt.• law and "condemns a portion of mobile home p ark owners' property rights .'· Tierney also said the rent law would cost San Juan Capistrano taxpayers thousands or dollars in admlllistrallve costs. The ordinance establishes a council-appointed five ·member mobile home park r eview board that may hold public hearings to de te rmine whether proposed rent hikes are justified. The board will consist of two mobile home owners, two mobile home park owners or managers and one outside party. Seven mobile home parks with 2,300 residents currently operate in San Juan Capistra no. Millie Pittman. a Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park res1 dent, told the council her rent shot up from $100 to $160 a month between December, 1971 and this month. Another Capistrano Terrace resident. Artelle Payne. said many of her neighbors live on fixed incomes, are between 60 and 80 years of age and quite often are infirm. All four councilmen present <See RENT, Page A2) Or:::wi-bC~aM Weather Chance of low clouds Friday morning. Highs 66 ~ to 76. Lows tonighl 45 to 53. INSIDE T ODAY It was th e perfec t Mighborltood for the hom4! file for the 11 moderately re· tor(Ud ~to~ ... until ~ neighbors found out. See "Love Thy Neighbor ," Pogt AH , i I 'S . \ ~ 'I OAJLY PILOT L/SC Thur•d!J' Mareh 8, 1910 K1·ishna WorkOK'd Laguna Backs Sect's Church Use Mt•mht•ri-ol th\' II.in t<n,hna r c·ltitiuu' M'l t 1n I. igunu tt. .. cti rn.1)' ronunuc rcno' at1on of an 1•ld t•hurch bull(hn..: follow1ni;: 0 l) ('ou11r1l 11c:t1un th1 .. W~l'k Cou111•1lml·n \.Oh'd unanimou., ly Tu da} to dt'ny "" •PPHI hh·it b> t "'u duzt•n r\',ldf\nt.s "'M Ir \'I' nt•11t lt1l· old fi'1r't Ch natl an 1 hur1·h 111 L.r1:111i.1 l\•'ett'h 1•t 28.\ I n :1l>n St f'ht• 111·1••hho1' JIJlk'Jitod u lfr 1W l Torrne Speaks J·or 1l1i l'lie lle 1 n s ~ (; E 1 1-: s . A r ' "'1n.:1·r Md Tornw. h'sllr) 111.: ror \lwh1•lk Tr111l.1 Ml\tv111, ~u111 10 11." I hat ht•t 1966 rt'l'Ord "'ill> 11,h'OJble, plcii1u.int uml 1l had pt•I t 11t1.1 I Tttrmt• r,1llt·tl 11ut 11f 111 llt•1 ,1, .1 rd111ll.1l wah)t''' l>t'nlU'>t' ht• "'J' lc•a\ 111~ 10 .... 11 . took tht• :-.t.md 111 t ht· m 1ddlt• of tht• dd<'llSl' t'l"l' an th ,. I and mark Marv 1 fl vs M ;1r\111 proper1 ~· ri~hb trial Till' :-1nj!er . qual1fwd as an t'X p1·rt "'1tnt·ss 1n tht• fil•ld of mu:.1c. told of lhl' hard road to r1•cor rl1ng :-.ul't'C':-i. II<· !<>md CVl·n .1ftl'f hi::. car<'er wai. l"Slabhsh<'CI an the 19'Ws. he• had to continue pro mot mg has r t>cords by v1s1t 111~ disc Jockeys across the coun Ir\' ~rorme said hl' bl'11t•vcd M1i.i. \1 .in m's rec·ord. "Promise Me 'r our Love," could have sue <'l'l'ded only with a heavy promo t1onal effort To promote a record at that lime "ould have taken a huge c·Hort on the p<irt of the art1sti. Jnd perhaps the re cord com- µJn~· tl<' said. lie note d that in 1966 the Bc·atlc-s had changed the sound of pc1pular mui.1c and a "middle of the road " performer would have' had a hard lime getting air pl.I\' An unknown perfor mer, 1( thl· record wai. believed in. would have had to quadruple the dforts." he said. Tormc was tailed to rebut the CJrlier testimony Of Joseph Sm 1th, chairman of E le kt r a · ,\-.ylum Rerordi., who said that disc Jockey v1s1ts wer e not helpful in promoting a record Cyclist Loses ~inSouth lnguna Crash A 30-year-old Minnesota man had has right leg r ipped off in a motorcycle crash o n South Coast ll1ghway i n South Lag una Wednesday a fternoon. Delbe rt Huhl of Roches ter slammed his motorcycle into the back of an unoccupied parked van near Camel Point Drive al 5.20 p.m Also m1ured was Mar yann In· r,ram. 22. of Cypress, who was h1lchh1k1ng when Huhl picked her up moments before the rrash M 1ss I ngram suffe r e<t a hroken right leg a nd other bead and neck inJuries. Huhl also suf· rercd a broken left leg. Cahfonua Highwa y patrol of· fic1als said Hubl appare ntly lost control of his Harley-Davison motor cycle while on a sharp curve. Both victims were rushed to Sou th Coast Co mmunity H ospi t a l a nd w e r e l a t er tran s fe rre d to U C Irvine Medical Center. No condition report on HubJ w <Hs available today. Doctors a re r eportedly atte mpting to re- attach Hubl's severed le g. ( OAANOE COAST 1.1\t DAILY PILOT ffW Ot•"'OI' C'ort ~ty r oot •tlP\wh'tft~<OM r 1~ '~ tww\ "'""''· ., OUbtl\.fW'od ltY tf'W 0r.,.. to"'' p,,r.u~(~y S....r"tt"41~, ... Nbll\ktl ~y tfW'~ Fr•ctet fOf (O"t• M•W IO-i fk> ..... H""lif'OlOft ~-• ~­t~·" V•t1•,, lrvt1W, l~ 9e«t\/\ovt" CN'4 A "•"'l'" r~o..,._• f"OltHtft •t ~1"'9d W\H'o.t'f\ AIW'.t - -. .. """'"" __ ........ _. ..•. ~ ... ,.11 .. si ..... c ..... -c.111 ...... .,.,. 11-..11- Prfl.O.nl Ind-·-,~~ • C-to Vo •Pf••Hlfnl•nct~•ll ""'­ T-o l(-LdllOt , ...... u ................ M<IMOllHIEtlilet .0.-fltON ~ •-r.IMM """l•hl IMM9• ... lOllOr\ LH1111eaaact10flkie ·n .. oi.11M11tkrttt OHlcH "411 lolt•t JM Wtit ti• Wet! HUlllW\florl IH t" 11trt D .. t., eauftw rd clalon lut month by tho clty 'a pl•nn1n.c comm11u11on . wh1r h found no proof lht" Wll' or lhl' bulldlnl( UI'> u phu.•t• of wor'ihl1• w11r. itbandont-d d11r 1111( u !lt-rlf'!'I of sal or th~ pro1x•rly T b t-rnldt•nt!'> t-onhrnd the ('hurt'h u~t· wui. ub11ndonNt wlwn the• hullchn.i wu" ""Ill tu 1111 lru nlJll IOVl'lllCll lot II llUI J>mlt•d S:l ll .~ tn ~Pt"mbt•r. 1977 la f1hnl( th1·1r u1111t•nl. 1h1· nt•1ghbor!'I d111m Uw IOVC lot Ill lt'ndl·d to ut•Ult• a n •Mdtmtlul 11rnJ1•1·t on lhl· Mk. lJut dHtnl(• .. I hl'I mand whc•n ht• 'lolt.1 tht-hullcl 1n.: to tlw t<m1hnu" for $22.'i,OOO thrct' monlhb lalN Hui l'nuoulmcn th1" wt•1•k U~rt·t'd ~1th lht• UllttlllnWu• phin nlna commlalloo declelon ·that churt•h \.11't' had not bt'en ubun dorwd. und t hat lhf'tre WAil no ovMt net to corustllulc chun11e or U!i(' ll uJ lh t• l'OUIH;l l d tH'l(flo d uth rwlsu. tht• 11ect would havt- had to 1u11t>k u condlUonul u11e IJ"rmlt to ulluw worNhlp 11t.'rvict'11 In lhe rt•H1tll•lllllll IU till l\ncl tflt•t•&pt of thut 1wrm1t wuulcl httv(' lH!en m•xt to im po .... 1bl1· tM•1·.iu114• of lhc litt:k of pu1 kt111( .11pan'l'i av..11lnhJ•· on tlw 111opw1)' On 1uhH·1· of the• l'1ty uttorney, 1·uun1•1fm1•11 <iaad ltwy 1•ould find 1111 11hn111l1111nwot of lh1• propt•r1y cl111 1111( lht• ha 1d tt-nun• the• lot "'J ~ 11w1wd hy llw hu'Hll'si.mun Report Approved On Visbe k Ranch S<in ('l1•n11•11h• 1•1t v 1·oun1•1lm1•11 ;'Ill" ovt'll 11 hnul 1•nv1ru1111w11t11l rt•port on lht• :1 prnwllnt: 2.000 a<· rl' Vu;b1•1•k ll:int'l1 dcvelc1p nH·nt in rapid fu 11hw11 Wl-d1wi. dav ntl!ht. i'he <'Ounc1l . with thl• t'lH'•'P t1on of Cou1wtlwoma11 Myrta' Wagner, voted 3 I to certify tht• environmental 1m pat'l report ,Ji. adequate. Councilman Howa rd Mushett d id not a ttend Wednesday·, m eeting. In voicing her objections lo the report. Councilwoma n Wagner said she is concerned over ac cess to and from the develop Fro.. Page Al CRESCENT Park." told councilmen her group has alread y approached sever al groups, including the Sawdust F'estival board, Firth District Supervisor Tom Riley and others fo r help. Lagunan Betty Heckel s aid the resolution "leaves the door open for possible acquisition." And Dick Toomey. a mem ber of the city 's Parks and Recrea- tion Committee. s aid the city should seek information from the Coastal Conservancy. ·'but if a ny !city) funds are spent, we're wast ing time and money." Toomey said the town is dcf1. c1enl in playing fi elds for adults and children. placing priority on those uses over view pa rks. But Baglin and Boyd said they believed the three current lots ar e sufficient for the park, and they were joined by Councilman Howard Dawson in opposing the letter seeking funds from the state panel. F.-.-PageAI CHARGE. • • • from the Harbor Area to Santa Ana. Police called the Santa Ana o p t r a tio n "the tip o f the iceberg " of a much lar ge r oper ation in Los Angeles. According to the ir account, Brannon alJ egedly relayed bets averaging between $500 and Sl ,000 to Los Angeles a nd met bis clients at weekly luncheon gatherings at the Santa Ana restaurant. P o li ce claim ed t h ey sa w money changing bands between Brannon and suspected bettors during the gatherings . Officer s also alle ge d tha t Brannon was running his own In· dependent side operation at the Los Alamitos race track. He al· legedly took groups or people to the track and covered their bets himself. police sa id . E'ro.PageAJ FRAUD ..• consumers of millions of dollars b y the time the oil r eached service sta tions. In a related matter Wednes· da y, Albe rt B. Alkek, a milliona ire Vic toria oilman, ple aded guilty to a misdemeanor -IRAN TO LIMIT Otl OUTPUT-A3 c oarge or anowan1 al>Out the· pricJng acbeme but fallina to re- port it to authorities. Under a plea·bar1alnln1 agreement, he received a lbree- yea r suspended sentence and U .S . District Judge Robert O'Conor ordered blm to Pl>' to the aovernment $3.14 million, cooperate fully wtth tederal In· veaU1aton. te1tlfy at trial If needed and. lf neceaaary. take a lie deteetor test. Tbe HouM 1ubcommlttM on ener11 and power hat been worklna wlth Caaalt1, tbe Ju1Uce Department, and lb• Departmeat of EMru la .... la· vt1U1atloo. A auHommlttM apokffmu Hid Alllell '1 plea bar1ata ralMI "MYeral q .... lioat and .. wtll be ....... -lt.0 1111•111 , t11n 1ll·d 111lu11d of the ~un 111 .. ~:11 F11•t•w11\' 1111 the old V1-. l>t•t•k l<ll tll'h B ut 11lt111t1tnl( cl 1rN'l t1r .l1m l.n wso11 1'11id lt1t• rt.•po rl 1' not 111 l<'nclNt lo ~ml vt• 11rohlm11~. :1ud1 Ill' t'I rrulntlon " It c tlw h 11 u I d ru rt > 1 ~ 1 n h•ndt•d to ,address tlw problem:. 11 's rt•ally an informal 11111 1ktn." h<' s111d. I k said t•1rculallon problem~ and other development factor~ would have to be resolved al later stag<'s m the proces~. in· duding hearings for approval of tentative maps. a nd the specific plan Diana Hoard. a planner re t ained by Nu-West Development Corp . a Canada-based fi rm that 1s seeking city permission to build up to 3.000 umts on the cat· tie land, described the fmal EIR as addrcss1ng what is con- sidered a "worst case" example of problems in need of a solu· lion. A specific plan for the la nd 1s c urrently being heard by city planning comm1ss1oner s. Nearly 60 percent of the land would be left in open space. ac- cording to Nu-West officials. with 28 percent devoted to res· ide ntial development, ranging fro m attached duplex villas and townhouses to half acr e a nd two· acre farm lots. Nu-West a lso plans a high· density commercial park with li ght industry at lhe north end of the project . adjacent to Aventaa Pico. The ra nc h. dubbed .. Rancho San Cle m e nte." by the de· velopers, 1s localed in t he hills north of Inte rst ate 5, runmng south from Avenida Pico to the San Diego County line. The c ity's pla nning com · mission is reviewing a recently completed s pecific plan for the parcel, with a study s ession s cheduled for council chambers Monday al 3 p.m. A. B. Collins, Early Lagunan, Dies at 89 Long-lime Laguna Beach res•· dent Arthur Bradford Collins, who used to commute on dirt roads from hls parents' home in Villa Park to Laguna Beach in a buc kboard, died Wednesday at the age of 89. Collins, who became a build· ing materia ls sales man a nd trucker in the Art Colony in the early 1920s, was born in Villa Park where his parents operated an orange, lemon and avocado ranch. The family bad a s umme r home in Laguna Beach at the corner or Bluebird Canyon and the coast highway, and Collins told his children lt used to take six hours by buckboard to get from the i nl a nd r a n c h t o Laguna's shores. Collins moved his family to th e Laguna Bea ch s umme r house in 1923, becoming the only building supply ope rator in town. He hauled gravel, coal and building materials to sites all over the city In dump trucks a nd was well known by the business community. The Laguna pioneer was a member of the early Lions Club and apent much of bls rree time with his four children . He ls 1urvlved by his wire, Florence of the family home at 1H9 Temple Hiils Drive; a dau1hter Ruth Bartell of Laguna Beach, and eons, Lester Collins, of Laauna Beach, Bradford Colllna, Pacbeco1• Calif. and Dr. Keith Collini, Vauey Center. Mr. Collins it allO survived by nine fJ'IDdchllclrea and 10-areat- arandchlldren. S.rvlc. will be held at 11 a .m . Friday at Pacific View Mortu&rJ cba&Ml tn Newport" ... cb. 8ur1al will follow. TIM fam.UJ requesta doutlom b9 made to South Cout Mdcal C.nter 1n 8outb Lquna. • Disro Nighf Top of tht· World Elementary Schoo) students Cindy T1l'lu·n. 11. :rnd Sean M(jhoney . 10. select records for the PTA sponsored Famil y Disco Night. scheduled Fri~ay from 7 lo 10 p.m. m the school audilori~m. The evem!lg includes a disc Jockey. disco instructions and music. Co~t 1s $1 for adults, 50 cents for students . Fro. Pafl*" A I RENT ... I 1H11d tht•y 11upportcd the rent law whoh•ht•n rtt'dly and were ready to flght atll'mpts to overrule the ordln11nc•e rn court C1111 nriiman Phil Schwartz 11aut . ''I'm sor ry lo sec U!> rei.ort to our poll cl' power here If some park owners would have Listened more lo their tenants and less lo their cash registers we would have fewer problems today." Councilman Larry Buchheim said, "J would be tickled to death if the county would adopt this ordinance." City Manager J im Mocahs said h e has no t bee n off1c 1ally notified of any legal action that ha s been filed in regard to the rent control ordinance. Tierney said t he la wsuit seek· Ing to overturn the counci l's ac lion may be filed n~xt week Police Seek Man's Killer SAN DIEGO CAP > Pohce wer e searching today for the killer of investment counselor J a m es Philip Wasem S r .. 45, who was found shot to death Wednesday in a Hilton Inn hotel room. "We feel he was shot four or fi ve times in the face and head with a small caliber p1slol," Hom icide Sgt. J ohn Kennedy said. T he slaying has earmarks or a ga ngla nd-st yle execution but K enne d y said , "We fo u nd nothing lo esta blish anything re- lating this to a gangland killing " I Ragged Roses Get Clemente Lease on Life Ragged roses m the Amer1(0a n Legion Rose Garden at Plaza Par k have received an e1ght- month reprieve from t he city because t h e San Cle m e nte Garden Club intends to prune the puny plants. But lbe city plans to yank out the four plots of roses m No- vember and prepare the earth for new ones Councilmen un animous ly approved a request Wednesday by the San Clemente Garden Club to s pruce up the long neglected rose garden. and ordered city hired grounds fi r m to keep the garden in good order until ne xt winter New roses will be planted ar. January, said Stuart Frame. the city's Lei s ure Services Coo rdinator To do !>O any earlier would not be economical ly feasible, he explained Dorothy Hendricks. president or t he San Clemente Garden Club. said her organization will prune the existing rosel> The city has also received an offer of S300 toward purchase of new r oses by the American Legion post 1bief Gets Gun San Clemente re~1dent J T Griffith. 218 Del Gado Road. told police tus rifle valued at S525 was taken while he was moving from 602 Avcruda Victoria earlier thJs week SEmll anzm SALE Builder Receives Coast OK A deve loper won loog·sought a pproval for a proposed Dana Point retitaurant Wednesday but the p la n s O r a nge County supervisors accepted ba rely re sembled the builder 's original design. J\ nd . a pro posed operating h ghthou11c to st a nd a t op the rest aurant on the shoreline, cor ncr bluff lot at Da na Cove Road and Street of the Green Lantern was noticeably absent. The on ginaJ design was ap- proved m August im by the cou nty pla nning eommission over the protests or county plan- ners and me m bers of the Dana Point Citizens for Action As · l>OC1ahon. T h os·e pla n s calle d fo r a 13.000 squ a r e -foot str ucture i.tandmg 49 feet high and in· eluded a five-level underground parking garage. T h e r evised proposal ap- proved by superv isors cut the s quare footage almost in half to 7 ,020' square feel, red':'ced the restaurant and bar seating from 386 to 221. a nd shaved the build mg he1J!ht down to 12 reel with no li ghthouse Also, the estimated daily traf. fie by custome rs and restaura nt employees was choppe d from 1,44 1 vehicle trips to a n est imat- e d 875 tnps Develope r W M. Quac ke n - bus h . m addit ion. offered to pay 25 percent of the cost of install- ing a traffi c s ignal a t a nearby inte rsection if super visors later deem that amount lo be "farr." according lo a spokesman for the bu1lder Members of the Dana Poinl c1llzens' group, who appealed to s upervisors in January to block t he bwldmg of the restaura nl, wen~ pleased w ith t h e de· veloper's new proposal and of· fered to withdra w their oppos1- l1on f'rort1 Page A l KARCHER. • Council members questioned lhc advisability of allowing a 100-foot pole. fearing it may lead to a proliferation of s uch re- quests from others . · • 1 hope this is not construed as being anti-American," Coun cilwoman Donna Wilkinson said in moving for denial of the re · quest "There 1s no person I singul ar l y adm ire m ore than Mr Kar~her," s he said, adding he.r motion 1s based on the need to 1:urta1l sign bhght in the city. Council members voted 3-0 to deny the request. with Mayor Wilha m Walker abstaining, and councilman Howa r d M ui.heu .ibsent. Immediate FREE DELIVERY . atA•S PRIGD FROM $ SALE ENOS VISA' , ~-~-.._ MARCH31 Whites 1111»'111JY Showcase • I 0011 to choose from! .ii/-Many fabrics, Mcmy styles COSTA MllA 169 I. 17th IT. (Aetoee from RQfs)ht. ,_,.to Matte Collendcn) "2-1617 Mon.-~·~ tot. lo-6 ao..dUclav MISSION VllJO . 21192 ............ "'~ (Corner of Marguerite and Via &coo, •••8902 Mon. ·ftt. ·~ Sat. lo-6 ao.d~ \ • Winging If T hese seagull!) and ternl) are usecf to hav ang t he beaches a long the Orange Coast to themselves thlS time of year Wednesday, the c rowds that showed up at Dohen) Stale Beach to escape the 80-degree heat inland put the birds to flight Weathe r fo recasters say it looks like the flock is likely to remain airborne s ince the wet·kend promises more of the same high I l' m pt'raturt·s Students to Help Nixon Write Book SAN DIEGO <AP> Four stu- dents at the University or California at San Diego taking a course on the presidency have picked up part-time jobs helping Richard M. Nixon write his next book. The four undergraduates visit ed the former president at his San Clemente home Saturday lo get their assignments digging up facts and anecdotes about Nixon 's famous contem poraries to be featured in his next volume of me moirs. "It's a fantastic opportunity." s aid Edward Lazarus, 20. of San Francisco. ''There arcn 't many ex -p r esid e nts around a nd J Jumped at the JOb when I heard it was available." T he other students part1c1pal- mg in the project, all chosen from among 60 volunteers, are John H. Taylor. Leslie Lambert a nd Paula Mangini. For about S.125 each, they wilJ each re Delaware Case search a famous figure they declined lo name which ones and prepare a written account of their findings in about one month. The Nixon s ta ff wall review the work and decide whether to con tinue the project UCSD was chosen because of its proximity to San Clemente and because it's the workplace of Jiterature professor Ronald Be rm an. a mem ber of the Nixon administ ration as head of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Although Nixon was in his of. fice at San Clemente, "We didn't meet him , but we met King Ti ma hoe." said Taylor. 24, "They call him the forme r First Dog. ··w~ ~lso saw a yellow golf cart sitting by the steps.·· Taylor added '"They call 1t 'Cushman One'" Priest Identified As Armed Robber WILMINGTON, Del. <APl Three teen-age clerks pointed to the Rev. Be rnard Pagano and said he was the "Gentleman • Ba ndit" who robbed them at gunpoint. Joan Van Dyke, 15, squinted and cried as she testified at a preliminary hear ing Wednesday that Pagano was the ma n who stole about $40 from a del- icatessen in E lsmere last month. Testimony al the hearing, called to determine if the 53- year -old Catholic priest should be tried for armed robbery, is to continue Friday Pagano rarely looked at his accusers d uring the 311!2-hour hearing. He gazed out a window or looked downward with his chin cupped JD his shaking left ha nd. E arlier Wednesday. t he clerks vie wed a poli~e lineup with eight m e n , and each pointed to Pagano as the bandit . Pacano 's atto r ney, Car l Schnee, suggested they had been influenced by pictures of Pagano in newspapers since his arrest last weet. But Leslie Straitiff. a 16-year old who was working with Miss Van Dyke during the del· icatessen holdup, said: "T he guy who robbed the store looked the same as the newspaper pic- ture." Miss Slraitiff testified that Pagano was "the m a n who robbed us.·• Virginia Byrne, 19, the lbjrd person to testify Wednesday. sa id the ··Gentleman Bandit" tried to rob her cash register at a department s tore n orth of W il m i n gton i n Ja nu ary However, Miss Byrne said that after a brief s truggle, the man fled empty-handed Pagano is an assistant pastor al St. Mary Refuge of Sinners parish in Cambridge, Md .. and lives with his sister in Mid- dletown. Del. Police say the "Gentlemar. Ba odlt" stole S l, 185 in eight holdups at northern Delaware stores in January and February. P agano b as denied the allega· tions. Police have not recovered the gun or the stolen money. Something Good Youth Makes Up for Fight SAN DIEGO CAP ) -Chris Parker, 18, was 1uspended from school roe ftve days last week for fjgbting and says bis parents kicked him.out ol home. "Maybe aomethlng Cood will happen to me," be told himself. A fire otftcial aays somethin1 8ood 61 happen and Parker did it. The youth waa cJimbint aboard a 'city bus on bls way to eebooJ Tbelday when, be recalls later, ''I beard the 1ound ot brellldnl ,.._. -then I saw a men Jumpln1 out a house win· dow and smolle pourln1 out behind Wm." Pa~ ran= lbe bu1, leav· iM bla 1ebool and lunch on 6i HM. Tbe man wu acream· ... "MJ b9bJ, my baby,'' PoJnt· IMlnto&be..... . l I Jlla.rMr laid Ille ••••bed a win· ellmbed tn1lde "and -Ilda'\ ... 8 llllnl· Jt WU p6tch ... emolte. I beard tbe '9tJ ~ IO J JUlt l&ar&ed fee ling around the noor. 1 found the baby and took it outside to a neighbor who took my name and phone number." By then firemen were arriving but, despite cuts and torn clot.hint, Parker said be "bad to leave and 1et to school." The flre was bJamed on a hibachi that ignited curtains and gutted tbe house, leaving damage estlmat.d at $31,000. MicbaeJ Monroe Jr., 3, 1uffered second and Wnl-dqree bums on hi.I hande and flqera but fire caet. Jim Hunter said Parker probabJy saved tbe infant'• life. A reporter tracked down' Piner, who 1ald Wednetday: ''I let Into ftttita, bvt J dedded lut ..-to a. God late over. Peop&e lell me I'm stupid Nd that I'll aewr amount to an,UW.,, but J don 'tbdev• lhem. •• A Jaior at lhdisoa Hl1b SeltODI, Parter 11 llvlq la a ,.._ .... and .... loaDCt part. time wmilu a dllbw.....,. ----- Assembly Official To Quit SACRAMENTO <APl As- sembly minority fl oor leader Paul Priolo, R-Malibu. s aid Wednesday he will step down ne xt January as Republican leader of the lower house. A ss emb l yman Bru ce Nestande of Orange, second in command among Assembly 1'11104..0 N£5TANOf: Republicans. said he will seek the minority leader post when Priolo resigns. The minority leader is elected by the GOP caucus mem bers. P r iolo. who has been minority leader the past .J!rz years. pre- viously announced he either would run for the U.S. Senate next year or retire from public office at the end of 1980 He added in a news conference that in either case he would turn the GOP lead e rship over to othe rs for his final year in the Legislature. "My thoughts a r e that in J a nuary 1980, t he caucus should be looking for another leader." P riolo said. Nestande would have a n early adva ntage, but, there is no firm tr adition of succession in the le gislative posts . And s ince 16 or the GOP's 30 members are new- ly elected this year . that makes the race even more uncertain. "As of today it would be my illtention to run when Paul steps downf'' Nestande said. "It might be uncontested . ll might be heavily challenged. A lot can happen in a year " F1D1eral Set For Former IIDles Official Private runeT&l services have been scheduled in Pasadena for former Los Angeles Times ex- ecutive John Andreson who died Tuesday alter a long mness. He was 72. Mr. Andreson, who worked as a fire warden and assistant park r anger before joining the Times In 1932, was executive director or the Times-Mirror F oundation and the Times Mirror Fund at the time or his retirement in 1972. Always active in volunteer work, Mr. Andreson listed the Girl , Scouts, Salvation Army, United Way, Los Angeles Boys Club. the Boy Scout Foundation Qf Southern California and the Lot An1eles Child Guidance Cllnic among organbations he helped over the years. Mr. Andreson re ceived a number or awards ror bis charitable endeavors, amon1 them the Silver Keystone award of tbe Bo>" Club or America. He is s urvived by his wile, Helen Norton Andreson of Paudena; 1 daurhter, Mfl. Deborah Burns of Santa Paula; • ion, John Andreaon Jr. of ~••port Bach, a 1lster, Laura nndreeoa ot Loe Anceles and two &ractetdldna. ThUf'ld!Y. March 8. 1979 s DAILY PILOT A :J Cm in Half Iran to Reduce Oil Production NEW YORK IAP I tr an pla ns to cut b y hair lhe amount of oil produced under the regime of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and to seek lhe highest price possible, the new revolu tionary gbvernment said today The announcement t•ame om.· day after Mexico which sup plies about 2 percent of thfl' c rude oil used daily in the Unit ed States s aid 1t "almost cer tainly" will boost prices The United States '>Oulhern neighbor aJso caut1on~d Wedne::. day that 1l can 't assist US airlines, some ::.o hard-pressed they have canceled hundreds of mghts "We manufacture Jet fuel but we only make enough for our national consumption," said a AIRLINE PROMISES ALTERNATE FLIGHTS -8 8 spokesman for Pem,·x. Ml'x1ro·.., state·run 011 monopol) In Tehran. llas;,in Naz1h. head of the National lranwn Oil Co . said. "Our produt't1on pollt'y will be dictatf'd only by Iran's na tional interests · He said thC' t:iqwr ~ill be 3 m11l1on barrels dally, compared to 6 m1lhon under the shah, who fled Iran on Jan 16 Naz1h said production is about 2 million barrels a day of wh1c·h 700,000 are being used for dom£>st1c con sumptaon Nazih said In.in will remain d ··militant member · of th(.· Organizat ion or Pet ruleu m F.x porting Countrws and ~ henevt•r possible sell abov(.· tht' price St<I by the ors;ani1at1on ··in our view, oil prices st•t and announced by OPEC ar11 re garded as fl oor pr1ct•:-i and whcnev('r possibl~· wt• sh;11l sell oil al prices h1ghh than OPEC prices," he said The OPEC µr1 N· 1s $1 3 l5 .1 barr el. But muny 0 11 stale.., a lready arl• iwlhng ubovc thi-. level and Iran resumed oil -;ale'> Monday with a l>h1pmcnt to Japan at a report<•d $20 a barrel The worsenmg oil <.•runch wa:-. detailed Wednesday 10 a con gressional s tudy that prt>d1ctt-d world oil prices would rise 7 per cent above previous increases a nnounced by orl·exporting na lions The extra boost the report said, was due to lr~rn o; pro longed production shutdown The General A<.'<'Ountmg Of rice preliminary study said the loss of Iranian oil could raise un employment by 200,000 through 1980 and increase the U.S. infla. t1on rate by more than 1 percent during the same period. In a move tha t could help re J1eve the oil pinch. the Federal ~Reuraion George Harrison. ex-Beatie. "ays there 's no way h1:-. group will get together Jgain . Visiting Hollywood. he told reporter s Wedne~ day that he's happy with his hfC'. See story. Pa~e AS. Film Poster Nets $2,100 HOLLYWOOD IAP 1 l\ rare 1914 Lithograph poster promotan~ ·"The PN1ls of P auline," a dass1c movie serial. has been autt1oned here for S2 . JOO dl!scr1bed as possibly a record pr1<.·e for such an artifact ··It's one of the finest p1ect:'l>. l 've pur chased. l'ither pr1vak ly or through a uction ... s aid tht• buyer, J oseph Martint:z, 34, who added that he ha~ collected some 50.000 movie posters for has Hollywood apartment The six-color 27 by 41 inc h poster shows silent film star Pearl White loolung terrified as the endangered P auline More than 100 '"Penis of Pauline ' e pis odes were film ed. with Pauline tied to the railroad tracks. riding a log through a , sawmill or dangling from a chrr but somehow a lways survivm~ Energy Regulatory Commission announced Wednesday adoption or final rules that s hould start "surplus" natural gas flowing lo mar ket, some to replace import· ed crude, •·with in a matter of months" Holdup Suspect Wounded A holdup suspect was s hot rn the t•hest <1 nd wounde d by Gardt'n Grove police Wednesday night bt>fore he a nd a comparuon were arrested for what police al lcge 1s d string of at least 10 supermarket robberies Poli<'I:' 'ia1d Carroll Edwa rd Padgt'tt. 27, of Banning. lo\Pcls re- ported in :.table condition today trl the Jail ward of UCI Medical Center lh.• wa:-. s hot 10 tht> chest by Gard(•n Grove rnvest1galor Frank McLean after Padgett al legedly turned toward pursuing o((icers with a loaded handgun following a m arket holdup m Garden Grove Officers alleged the pair il'> res pons ible for at leas t JO c;upermarket holdups in Orange and Los Angeles Counties during recent months Garden Crovp officers sard they had assigned a s urveiUance team to watch selected markets becaus .... of numerous recent holdup<; McLean and Officer Frank White were stationed outside the Alpha Reta Market at Garder. <;rove and Harbor boulevards. when Padgelt and Mugica al lc•gcdl> Oed with an undisclosed ..imount of cash following the !I 40 p m robbery. police said f'ad~ett was arrested after the pursuit and shootinf!, near the market police reported. while M u~1c a was taken u1to custody after ..1 sear ch 1n a nearbv res rdenlaal area M ug1 c a 1s bca ng held rn Orange County Jail. Arsonist Sought LOS ANGELES <A Pl Ars1•n investagatoN> were tryrn~ toda~ to learn who set fire to eight parked <'a r!' rn Studio Cllv Damage was esti m ated 3t Sl3.000 ".Designer Chairs r ef{ . .'J09. Now 249. ~i.. ' ·, ' 'I ,, '~' You can save a btq S60 00 on each ot these hve designer cha"s ol unsurpassed Quality and craltsmanstitp You II en1oy the tasteful styling and deft{lflt1utly comfortable sealing Expertly tailor< J tn your order in an exciting variety ol spec1111 fabncs. Armcaps are included al no extra chsrqe Some styles may be orderod as a swivel rocker for an adlt1ona1 charge of S20 Your Favorite Designer Will Bo Hsppt To AS$13t You PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon., Thun. & Fri. Ev•s. 22 IS HARBOR BL VO. COSTA MESA, CALIF. , 4 DAIL'( PILOT Thu,.day March II. 197'9 WORLD I NATION Ja8t ~ Food Priees llp Sharplg : ~ Coa ·ting .. ~\ ~ witb ~ .1 Tom Marphln• Only Way to Go BOTrt.£NgC'JlS D PT. Frauled motorl•l• who h vu Iona fiUJft"~ bumpt"r· to bumper uaeonlea •Jong Lhls be~t of all ~sibJe coaat..' mlpl now be v1 wtna O.na Point ,., a irhmmt"r ot hope al the nd of Ole t.taftlc tunnt'I Oan1.1 Point "'a11 on<'t' JU ta idHpy lltllf' aeaaldt" village lwt"' ttt>n South Laaun 1tnc1 Capuitrano Beach It. only d tm to flllDc t'&me from H1<"h.a.rd Henry Dana, who wrott1 ubout LIM' pla('e Ytht>n he "'8' bf-ION! the maal ·rtw-n tht'Y built a h~rbor at Da.na Point. Now It '1 not JU t 11lt"t.'PY 1t '11 !!!lt't>Plt• . due to snarled tralrlc and book· 10~ horn» ·rhu:1 It iJevelopa thu1 t.he Oranae County Boa.rd of Supcrv1M>rs 111 cullng about for M Da.na Point traffic ~olu· lion uod hu~ come up •tth a plan THE SC1tEME IS TO make a section of Pacific Coast H1gbw1ty on~ way beaded upcoast. Southbound tralfic would goone·wayon another street called Del Prado. AU of Uus Is antkipaled to cost $600,000. tn Lhls day and age, that sounds like a puny price tag for a road job. Today, most traffic engineers start talking in the mill.Jons before they even get the blueprints rolled out. Maybe the one-way notion at Dana Point is something we couJd look at for some or our other chronic traffic bot· tlenecks along this coastline TROUBLE IS, at a lot or Lhese, like Newport Bay Bridge. you can't find a secondary parallel road to make one-way So if the traffic savants could just figure out which direction the biggest rush goes al a given hour, maybe they could assign more lanes to traffic going Ulat direc- t ion. Then it might switch the other way in other hours. Seems like they use this system on the San Francisco Bay Bridge. On our coast, we have olher equal traffic bot· tlenecks like Newport Boulevard through Costa Mesa and Coast Highway th.rough downtown Laguna Beach. WOULD A LANE SWITCHING system work here? Don 'l ask me. But 1t sure might provide a lot of new jobs for workers who would be putting out those litUe orange traffic cones every mommg. and then rearranging them for the evening rush hour. City Gets the Message FRESNO <AP> -She stood in a big chuck hole wearing a wig, a baiter top and a sign that pro- claimed: "Help, Fresno Street Department." Within an hour, a city crew came along and started repair· ing chuck holes on Pontiac Street here Wednesday Ted Meeker. a resident of the block, said he didn't know if tbe repair work resuJted from lbLs com plaint to the city or lbe man· nequin he facetiously stood in a chuck hole. WASIUNGTON <AP > food pr1cu Jumped s harply 1n lt'ebruary for the second atra.taht month to pace a 1 per~nt 1n· crease ln wholesale prices, Ole Labor Deoartmt:ot reported to- day The wholesale J1nce rlses were not quite aa ateep a.a tboee re- corded In January, but they wtre high enoueh to guarantee <'Onsum~ra a rurther boost ln re tall prices In coming months. Wholdale price increases ror bed and veal s lowed from January. from 13 3 percent to 4.7 pl" rctnt t n February. But vt'aetables. pork. !lugar. fruit and flab showed sharper boosts tut rnonlh HEFTY PRICE rises also were recorded for shoes. tires, gasoline and alcoholic beverages. The latest rise in wholesale prices, involvmg goods at the stage just before they reach store shelves, compared with a 1 3 percent jump in January, the sharpest one·month increase in four years. The latest report gave the Carter admin1stratton another setback in its efforts lo control Major Finns Slapped With Vwlatwm WASHINGTON CAP) -Three out of five of the nation's largest corporations were the objects of enforcement actions in 1975 and 1976 for allegedly violating fede ral laws, a government- backed study shows. Nearly half of the largest firms were cha rged with "serious" or "moderate" viola· lions. sociologist Marshall Clinard said in testimony pre· pared for presentation today at a House Judiciary subcommit· tee bearing on crime. He did not specify the dif· ference between a "serious" crime and a "moderate" one. CUNARD, A professor at the University or Wi sconsin, UD· · dertook his research with a grant from the Justice Depart· ment's Law Enforcement As· sistaoce Administration. Final results are due May 31. The subcommittee on crime is in the midst of a long-term re· view of white collar crime and also is reviewing possible changes in LEAA. Clinard said he found it unlike- ly that a corporate executive convicted of a federal crime would be forced to spend time in prison. Even when these ex· ecutives are incarcerated, be said, they generally receive light sentences. THE 582 unJdentilied corpora· tions he surveyed were mostly manulacturing concerns. Bank· iog, insurance, transportation, communication and utilities companies were excluded, ac· cording to Clinard 's prepared statement. The companies in Clinard's s urvey consiBted of 477 manulac· luring firma, 18 wholesale opera- tions, 66 retail outlets and 21 servlce·related bus inesses. Their 1975 annual sales ranged from S300 milllon to more than $45 bUlion with an average sales volume of $1.7 billion for the parent fmns. Flood Worst in Memory Kankakee River Wreaks Havoc in llliiwis "'~"· Albu'que Atl•nt• ll•ltlrnore lllvnero 8olw lloSlofl llr-MVllle llllff•to Otl<.ego Cln<l....CI c...,.,_ C-1 Fl. WIJI 0.-• OHMol"" Detroit Oulutll flelr11nU Helena HollOfulu HooalOl'I Ken·s City LH V-.n l.ltll• Aoo Los Anoe~ Ml•ml #llweu•ee Mpls·SI. P. N.,llvllle NewOflns HtWVorll Oil ... C.llY ~ ,,.,...,"". ~· :=r:. ._ ,. Uolls SettU-• SM~ MHett.tn Merida Monter,.-, ... uau T...,Cl.-1~ TrllllOM '' ,. "° 1) .. II .. ,, ., 12 71 .. 11.s.s .... ,.. towns In New H~ne •llO Ver mont ~ '*' .. '° tlMft tnuno.tteel by ,_,,.._ W••ll•r IMl"WMI fore<Hl•r T J ~Mid ltlit ~.., '-< 11<411 111-WM rec .. 1111 slowly at Sl•e1fwd 9ltd Norill Streffllnl, Ill H , wMre WMtn ,_ almlel -fMt •!love ftoed...,.. \': .... 119NY. lor"<lfl9 "'4>r• tNll MO t.mui.. "°"' t"91r MfMt. T"ty f'9fMlftM ~Muat.ct ttll• IMnllfll. CaUlontla After• Ull, ,..,.., *" -.v, It'\ ~--.... ~-'"'­........ ,..., .. -.... _, .... wltfl '"-'.._. apclt'NClllt>O ... tM Nall9NI WNIN• WVIU .. ,,. It wet• Ill_....._ 1..M Allll9fft on W.dMlldey, eftCI tor ..,. --••••••Ill d•Y t11ouunds 01 \Ufl• wonfll_,, flOO•d to lout.,.rn C;lllfenll•'•llM<hff. T.Oay'\ _ ... toe WH HIM<led to t1ur11 Off flrklo. •l1t1,.,l11Q IM mercury to ,, .. Into l!W "1911 '°' wmi '°"'• b•K'"• t•lllne "' 10 ... IOfttHl•n "'°"' MOu111 .. 11 -• wlll ,..,.., to u .. , ... , """' ....... tunllflO ..,,,.. .. , et.,.. .. Hto>fl'lltlfl, ni. *-" wtlt tlart to IOOll nu • ..,..,, Wiii ....,,., .. .,,... .... ,,.. .... •.. , . .,,.., HUfltl.,... tMcflr •--to .,... ...., c.MlttoM ... , .. ,.., . tnflaUon, which 11 running above 9 percent a year. LHt year, there was only one month -April -in which wholesale price1 rose as much aa l percent or more. The lat.est rise in wboletale prices translates into a 12.7 percent an· nual lncrease. Food pricea in February jumped 1.6 percent. equal to an annual rate of more than 21 per· cent. In January, food prices at wholesale rose 1.8 percent. Foretihadowing sharply rising prices in the future. lbe Labor Department said prices al Ole beginning stages or tbe wholesale process. called Ole crude level, jumped 3.3 percent in February. That was .the largest monthly caln alnce May 197~. Prices for crude foods - prices farmers receive before the food ll proceued -leaped 3.8 percent Jut month after a 2.8 percent rile ln January. The report confirmed findings released by the administration Wednesday that farm prices have been rising at at aMual clip of 40 percent smce No· vember. Io response to the sharp rise in farm prices. whlch the govern- ment concedes will contin~ for a while, President Carter's chief t inflation fltbter. Alfred E. Kahn, aald Wedoetday that ol flclala are conaiderlq ••YI o1 alowlnc price b.lket at tbe f ~ level. The Labor Department aakt wholesale prices for routed cot· fee, proceued poultry anct pasaenger cars d ecllned ,.., February. Tbe increase fOf' cars was 0.7 percent, compared with a 2.1 percent advance ID January. Prices for household furnl~ also rose much le11 than Id January, while lu11a1• and small leather goods posted declines after 1ub1tantlal in· creases a monlh earlier. Troops Near Kampala Amin Soldiers Offer No Cludlenge NAIROBI. Kenya <AP> -In· vading Tanzanian soldiers and Ugandan exiles moved to wit.tun 25 miles of Ole Ugandan capital of Kampala today without meet- ing resistance from President ldi Amin's troops, Western diplomats said. ·'There is no righting now because the Tanzanians are moving up and nobody is shoot· ing a t them," a Nairobi diplomat said. "We don't know how far they've gone but, lr they keep it up, they could be within artillery range of Kampala in a day or two." Nairobi diplomats said two days ago the invaders apparent· l y b egan lo move beyond Lukaya. on Ole road north to Kampala. after s helling the town for several day~. DIPLOMATS I N Kampala said the city of 400,000 was quiet, with factories, schools and gov- ernment ministries operating normally. Asked a bout reports Tanzanian forces advanced within 12 miles of Kampala, a diplomat said, "I don't believe 1l. If il were true. there would be some nervousness here, and there isn't any." There were no official Tiuua· niao statements on the war and Uganda government radio. monitored in Nairobi. broadcast African pop tunes instead of • n ews. Reporters seeking a coherent account of Ole conflict sifted through wildJy conflicting data f rom Ugandan exiles, diplomats. travelers rrom Ugan· da and Ugandan residents reached by telephone. Grin And Bear It Or. William Powell drills on the abscessed tooth of a 220-pound s un bear in an operating room at the University o( Tennessee's veterinarian hospital. Chi- quita, on loan to the Knoxville Zoo from New Orleans Zoo, was given a tranquilizer before the two-hour root canal operation. And there was no sign of Am10's promised counteralta<:k, a lthough diplomats said daily arms flights from Libya were continuing in an attempt to build up the dispirited Ugandan military. Unconfirmed reports said t he shipments Included about a dozen MiG and Mirage Jets and tanks and artillery. Wailing la Hear? Have you sent for merchan- dise and not received It? Are you having a disagree- ment with a billing computer? Is Ctty Hall giving you the run- a-round? "At Your Service" offers help in all these mattera and more. You can count on Pat Dunn and her "''At Your Service" column to help solve problerM. If you need help, mall your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your S.rvlce, Orange Coast Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Meu CA 92826. Be sure to Include your telephone number. Pat Dunn gets action •nd fights red tape In "At Yow Service," publlahed every d•y except Saturday In The Dally Piiot. .~ • , & r• 'DAI LY Pl!~.©;T~~ . . !' . • .•. •' ~ ;.t .. .. ......,. ...... --.. "'""" ............................ .,....., ........ _,.. "'""'""'· .._ ______________________________________ ..... • I s . ... r I ' • l f t ' • I ' I CALIFORNIA To Take Stand A,.w...._ Black Pa~ther leader Huey Newton. shown with his wife Gwe~ du~g a break in his trial on charges he killed a pro~lltute in 1~74, says he'll take the witness stand against the advice of his lawyer . He said at an Oakland news conference Wednesday that the charge against him 1s "strictly a rabrication. ·· DAIL y PILOT AS Ring Pkases Scientis ts PASADF.NA <Af>I -Sc1en u .. l~ 11rc abuu today over Voyu11t•r l 'l) ~urpni.ing dis covt.'r)' of a thin circle o( debns orbttln~ Jupiter like a faint •m· ll~llon of S3turn's famous rings 'rhe Jovrnn rlng. which may be the r('lmams of a shattered moon or matttrlul left over from the plan('\ 'll birth . was an nounced Ht thf' Jet PropuJs1on LiAborutory on Wednesday THE TH1N, t'LAT ring wa~ round in JUSt one photograph tuken Sunday as Voyager l ap pro1u~hed its closest encounter with the giant planet . said Brad SUPEY4 GALAXY SIGHTED-Story, A 1 S ford Smllh. who heads the Voyager photography team "Thus Jupiter Joins Saturn and Uranus to become the third <of the nine planets l m our solar syste m known to possess a planetar y ring system ," Smith saad . Saturn's three la rge and brilliant nngs were discovered by Galileo m 1610. As tronomers first saw the fainl ring of Uranus two years ago. THE BLACK AND white pie· ture of the Jovian ring, released Wednesday, shows s ix string. like lines stretched across the dark backg round of space. Smith said the lines represent a multiple exposure, six images or the edge or the ring. He said the ring had escaped detection until now because it is less than 18 miles thick and so dim it's virtually lost against the pl~net's bright surface. The ring is at least S.400 miles wide and its outer edge Is about 35,000 miles above the Jovian equator, Smith said, adding that the size and compo1it1on of the particles hasn't been de· termined. "MY BEST GUESS would be that it is dark material, and may be due to the break-up of a satellite <moon) that wandered too close" lo Jupiter. and was torn apart by the planet 's 1m· mense gravitational pulJ. H e s aid it also m ight be "pramordutl m aterial that wa~ left over from when Jupiter wa~ c reated" about 4.6 billion year.. ago. Voyager 1 will study Jupiter for 17 more day!> as it heads for an encounter with Saturn Ill November 1980 " Lettuce Boycott Eyed Oiavez Also Plans .to Escalate Chiquita Actio11 S ALINAS <AP > U n ited Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavei led more than 4.000 s up- porters on a march through th.is com mwlity and hinted his uruon m a y call a national lettuce boycott as part of a seven-week s t r ike a g ains t ve g e table growers. Chavez also said Wednesday that the UFW's national boycott of Chiquita bananas will be escalated . As ked about the possibihty of a national lettuce boycott, Chavez said, "When the time comes, we will." However . Marc Grossman, a Chavez a ide. later call ed the t hreatened national lettuce boycott .. an option." { STATE J Deriftoll Not Hl11t~d SACRAMENTO <AP l lf s tate Supreme Court justices plan to reverse their ruling weakening the "use a gun. go to prison" law. they gave little in- dication of tt in a rehearing of the case. Instead, the four Justices who made up a fragile majority in their Dec. 22 ruling took turns Wednesday grilling Attorney G eneral George DeukmeJian. who as seeking a revers al. IJdlit~ to WoJt dedsion of U.S District Court Judge Wilham Enright in San Diego. '~t.oB~Cur LOS ANGELES IAPl It :-. back to the cutting room for pro ducers of the adult movie "Deb· b1e Does Dallas." who hlf n• agreed to splice out l "2 manut<':. of film showmg the film's star m a Dallas Cowboy!> cheerleader uniform. Attorneys representing the Pussycat Theater chain agreed Wednesday lo e xc ise the parts of the film that show the costume worn by Debbie. a high school cheerleader who goes lo DaJlas. BOMe BecoMe• , au OAKLAND <AP> A judge Beatles Reunion? No ln.nwan~e Biii DI~• SACRAMENTO <AP ) -An er fort to block automobile insurers from charging different rates in different areas bas died in an Assembly committee. LOS ANGELES tAP> -Of· f1 c 1a ls of the f our ma1or California utilities say they will await the outcome of appeals on t he overturning of a state nuclear regulatory s tatute before applying for licenses to construct nuclear power plants. decided at was cheaper to put Rebecca Brown unde r house a r- rest for a year than to put her m jail for he r invo luntary mans laughte r convic tion or shooting her husband Harry in the back. 'Happier' George Says Plan's Just Fantasy Assemblyman Hersc he l Ros e nthal, 0 -Los An gele s. sponsored AB 16, whkh failed to get a motion for pas s age Wednesday from any member or the Assembly Finance, Insurance and Commerce Committee. In a squabble Ju s t before Christmas. Mrs . Brown said, her hus band pulled a gun. They got into a tussle when she told hi m to put at away He died of a pis t o l s ho t an th e ba c k , authont1es s aid HOLLYWOOD CAP) There a r e some t hings that rock legends don't have to bothe r with. Endless one-on-one in- terviews are among them. So former Bealle George Har- rison. in town to promote his latest album. took on the entire Los Angeles press cor ps at a tea a nd-crumpets news conference Wednesday afternoon. PUBLIC CONTACT with former Beatles has been rare since lbey split in 1970, so some 40 reporters crowded into a Warner Bros. records con· ference room to quiz Harrison on his music and other recent activities. About bis new album, "George Harrison," and its hit single "Blow Away," he said: "I reel happy about it. ... Sometimes you can do somelhing and it's like swim- ming against the tide. No matter what you do it doesn't have that naturalnow going with at. . . . " At 36, Harrison seems to have toned down the mystical bent that influenced much of the music-on his earlie r solo albums, "All Things Must Pass" and "Living In The Material World." He admitted that the extent of his musjcaJ message these days is "to try a nd be happier all the time." IT WASN'T LONG before the inevitable Beatles reunion ques- tion popped up. At first Harrison DIAMONDS • GEMSTONES Jewels by josephs is searching for diamonds and gemstones from private ind1v1duals and estates Careful ex1m1nat1on and evaluation by our experts. Highest pricee paid. Call 5-4().9066 10-9 daily, Saturday ICH>, Sun· day closed Asl( tor Betty Grace or Frank VanderWafl iewels by ioseph South Coast Plaza• 3333 Bristol, Costa Mesa • 5-4().9068 ,-... ~ . PUBLIC NOTICE t P UBLIC NOTIC~ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS l'ICT1TIOUS BUSINESS NAME STAnMENT HAMii STATEMllNT The I01low11>9 Off'50I\ I• clOll\Q M l T lie tOll-1"9 persons ... dOl1>9 M U H \lneu ~ NIGUEL l>tiARMi>.CY. 30100 To-O R A H G E CO U H T Y Center Or.,~ H~. CA '2611, OOLOGICAL. IJIM L091ft A,,. .• U1111 S111le G , Cotta IN~. CA Atlre4 ~rt Jl>ft"¥d J l'ISI Ean Gary Wn ne 8aqnall. 2016 W•lllKe NIM Or •• UIQuna N~. CA '7671 t . U1111 0 Cosla Mesa, CA.,,,, Tittl ~s Is Gonduct..a Dy"" Ill• (. Lloyd Lemke. 41' s . Cyp<O•, d!Ylcl"'°I Unit(. OrMQI!, CA '7666 "-l .ll'NNARO Tll1\ t>YtlMH Is COllducled ll'f • Tltls sle1""'9nt wft• Ill"' wllll Ille ..er•l IMIN,,.,-\tllp Co11nty Clerk 01 Ordn~ couney on G¥v weyne 9~11 Fe1>r11ary26, 1m Tiii' 11.tl~rTWJnl ••• llled wltll tlle ,,,.,,, Cou11ly Cl.,• of Or11119t' C'1unty °" P\lbll~ Of""9f C.O..sl Oally PllOt, Ftl> 16, 1•-,q Marc~,1.1~22.1!!!__~·7• ""''" Publl\lled Orlln9P Coast O•lly PllOI, PUBLIC NOTICE f eb. n. Merell t, a. 15, 1979 ' pretended not to hear . "About the wh at?" he queried, cupping his hand to his ear. Then he relented. The executives of Southerr. California Edis on. the Los Angeles Department of Water a nd Power. San Diego Gas and Electric. and Pacific Gas and Electric Wednesday praised the "The last thing I heard about that was some guy in San Fran- cisco who had some project of getting John (Lennon l, P aul <McCartney ). George and Ringo <Starr> together. Dentist Sentenced l"\esa \7erde "ALL I COULD say to that was. 'Look , that was then.• This guy is on a trip about the Beatles. "He"s bwlt up this big fantasy about how the Beatles are the only thing that can save the world. And that is complete rub- bish. "The Beatles can't save the world, we 'll be lucky if we can save ourselves.·· TORRANCE <AP) -A dentist has been sen- tenced to six months in jail for the anesthetic over- dose death of a 26-year -old Gardena woman. Dr. Rkhard A. Ljtman, 45. convicted of in- voluntary manslaughter Feb. 7 in the March 1977 death of Marion Newman. was sentenced in Superior Court on Wednesday Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney George Oakes said an autopsy found a "lethal dose " or Nembutal in her body as well as a "toxic dose" of Demerol and some Vahum Call 642-5678. Pua a tew words lo work for ou. CUT RATE ~qoor EXCEPTIONAL WINES $5 AND UNDER IAICER AT HARIOR 549-4044 C1•ston1 ~Sale -Save up to szoo.00! Every Sofa, Love Seat, Sectional . ' -reduced for this event! Sofa s499 It\, I l1dwn: 118" x 101 '.' Available in other size~ to fit ~ur needs. Custom reverse quilting Choice of designer coordinated fabrics. $Reg.$1449 ~wdy hand lied sofa and love secJt All hardwood frame. Avd1l,,b!I · m the cover shown (immediate deliverv) or choos~ from u wide selection of r u-.,tom f abncs including prints and 50hd ..... Our decorators will gladly a~5i5t vou. I rn1e 5<.'<11 s~nn Hi:g $509 ~.., 1515 North Main St. Santa Ana 547-5895 Van Nuys •Canoga Park• Ventura La Habra-Whittler ~ Mon .. Thor" .• r rt. 10 to 9 P. M. • Tue<> .. Wed. & Sttc. lO ''' 6 P. M. • ~1111. 12 to !l I~ M. FREE OEUVLRV • 8ANKAMERICARD • MASTER CHA.RGC • REVOLVlNG Ct 11\HGC ..•. 116 l./S(' 01.1nqP c"""' o."'' P•IDI Ed itorio I page '""'"''" M•"'h . "" ...... , ~::: ~::::;~:.u:,;:::.:,::E••w ~ -· Council Missed icl1olo. ~on H_o-:_f-rm~an:-----------.;.~~~~;.m-... Chane for Park Time to Set Realistic Goals Lu~1m•• Rc.•.arh lo'll an oppottunll)' to acqu trt• u lot ut Crl't.t'Pnl HJ\' f'urk in the r1l) ~ north c•nd Tut.·bday ntJ(hl wht•n t•uur1 t·1lnw11 n.•Jt•Nc•d a propobal ('t"kln .c "lute f'tiublJI ConM•r\ nnr y rund'I to help in the acqu1~lhon "t'l·u.·nd ... of C'r,,.-,r,·nt Bu~ Purk .. urgurd Hrnt tht> rt'h o l ut1 nn. pn•1>:11 •·d h\ ttw l'ih lor dehv·ry lo lhr ~tuh• < 'ou ... 1i.1l l'oni.1•n urw 1, nll'r .... +,• bf'Ck!l that agenl.') ·.., 111ll•fl'bl 111 µ.1rt1l·11nlt11l.: 111 purl·h,tM' o( t ht• 2.S h)' 250 fo<1t 1111 Hut l'ou1wll owrntwr' lc'<f by Wavnt• B11~IJ11 . voted 3 2 111 r 1·11·1·1 llw tt·~olut 1011 Buf:hn bald thllt t'vC'n with t hl' l'o ..... t.11 t'rn\"'t'n J IH'\ JH•l11l'1Jllltlo n t hl· t.•th would huv~ t.o c•\ ,•11tu,1lh 1·11 nw llJl "1th m•urlv $200.000 tu pu ~ fut th~· p.1rk l.1ml Trut· Coj!>l.sl l 'onbl't .. unq• m.itchln~ fund1.1 urt• 1Ja..,1l-.1lh .111 1111t·n· ... t frt-t' loun 1h.11 "o uld h,n•t• to b_. n · p,m t 11\,\•r .1 pt•1 w<l 11f up to 10 ) t•an. Bui 'upporh•r::o. o r tht• purk l.I U) lhc) could b • ~cck1n~ grJnti. jJHt funth f1 orn otht-t a~cnc1c!> in the mt!ant1mc. "h1h• kl·t·pinJ.t tht' lot 111la~l for park ui-'-= And. lhl·~ .irgll<.'. 1( the dl·ul fdl through the lot could bl· Mild prnhJbly for murt· thdn the $350,000 price tal: c·u r rc·ntly 0 11 lht• lund Ttll' t·11u111·il nh1Jur1l ~ !>houlrl l.lt ll'u~t huvc ullowed the c·1t y t<1 ..,c,•k .in <1111n1on from tht.• ('ou::,tJI C'on~ervan<·y a~ to II!> intt·n •l'>l 111 ttw proµo~al Tht· n ·::-.olut1on would htl\ l' l'Ol'>I nottllnJ:, and m1J.(ht h ave· provttft·d snform:1tum m.:ede<.I lo m.Jkt· a £1nul ell· t'l '>H)ll w I ht• vc·.ir~ Ion~ c·untrovcr'>) Crime Crackdown The rtl'>ing crime rntc in Laguna l:Seach ha s raised a few eyebrow~. A ~ pl'r cent hike tn the number of reported crim e~ in the c ity 1s not to be take n lightly. It "'PJ>t>ar~ :-.omc t ype of cra c kdo wn o n crooks. cspcc·1ally those whu hurg la r1ze ho m es and s t eal autos. is m orde r The exact "'pproach t o the c rime proble m sh ou ld be ct.·tcrminctl by t he police. But the counc il a nd p u blic s huukf know what •~ being don~ Whe1t<·vcr course of action Police la ke will require the coopcr:.it1on of lht· local citizenry. C rimes cannot be ~olv(·d without the he lp of t hose w ho want to be protect ed r1oli<·l· n 1n not be posted on every street corner lo wutd1 for hur~lars Hcs1dcnts m ust watch for s us · p1c1011!-. c·1rc·umst<JO <:<'l'> on their own property as well a s I hat (If Ull'1r neig h bor s. S11ll'l' many rc:s1Cknts le<ive their homes for mOl'>l of lhl· <lay, 1t 1~ t·s~wnl1<il to make s ure windo ws <1nd doors a rt• lo<·kNI pro1w rly With <·001wrnt ion a nd a Jillie common se nse, it's quite poss1hll· for a <k c n •a sc in crim e to be r eported next year . When Minutes Count Soon San Jua n Capistra no 's county fire s tation will be <.•q u1ppc:d with a new piece of fire fighting equipment that will give improved res pon se tim e to the Mission City 's fire (o rcC's . Th<.tl 's tx.·ca use fulJ.time pa ramed ics working a t the s tation wiJI get a m e dium.sized fire truck pumper to use w h<'n responding to s tructure fires in the community . The truck. w hich will be outfitted with life-saving gear used h y lht' para m edics as well as fire fi ghung tools, w ill (•n <1ble t he l\\-O p<.t ra m edics to begin battling blazes twfon· S<in .JuCJn C<tpistrano 's volunteer contingent a rrive o n lht· !-.C<.·m· T ht· new pumpt>r carrtc~ 400 gallons of wate r. Param edics. who also a re trained firemen, reach fires fir s t ssn<·c t ht.•y a r c: working full·time a t the s t a tio n . The few c><Lrn minult·s ncccs~a r y for volunteers to get to the s tatio n and then to thcf 1 re <Jrc critical. Insta lling the n tw fire tr·uck is a wise decision. San ~u<in is •1 g rowing commun~ty and the added equipment m su res a bette r r espo n se time to struc ture fires where minutes a nd e ve n seconds a rc crucia l. ' • Opinions expressed in tho space above are those ot the Dally Pilot Other views expressed on this page are lhose of their authors and artists Reader comment 1s 1nv1ted Address The Daily Pilot. p O Box 1560. Costa Mesa CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·432 1 ( Boyd/Dining Rooms By L. M. BOYD That re nowned cook Julia Child is quoU'CI us saying, "If 1 we re building a hou"e. I wouldn't have a dining room. It's s p ace wasted." She always eats in the kitchen. she says . Quite so. Who doean't ? The place in our 1catter long ago was turned into an auxiliary TV ·music· reading room. Small groups have taken their trayii there from the bounteou11 buffet. But no meal hail e ve r b~n served In our dlnina room. Fi rsl lelcgr•ph m eHage w u "What >hth God Wrouabt." Vou knew that. But did you know it wasn't the brt((ht idH or Samuel f'lnley BrHH Morse? No. t ir, AMle Ellsworth tong In Dear Gloomy Gu rr the p apers are a lready runnlna plc· turea of the flrtt beach1oer1, can the tourttt aeuon and the t relflc Jama be t ar beblnd? Seem• Ukt a abort what.er! LOCAL ~"''I ... ,__., ........ . "'"" ., , .... " ..... 11•1 -·-'~ ..... ,~~ .. .. :v· ~'Ji'i.l"' ,.... • 1rdv1tnce tho ught 1t a p - propriate lo use the Book of Numbers verse. She was the daughter of the U S Com· missioner or Patents. Our Language man can't seem to find out how we came by that expression "Rcot free." Two out of three dogbite victims are under age 15 and most or the bites are on the face. Q "Jlow many war5 or rev· o luUons have there be en worldwide In the t:ist 30 years?" A. About lSO. Q. "I know Israel has more lmmi1rant.a than any other country. But what nation la • second in this category?·· A. Auatralla. You know Dtocenes. that Greek who wandered all over the place ln search of an honest man? He lived In a tub. Once mentioned here that Paul Revert'• ex~n•• IC· count fQt that ride to Botton came to about $110. Failed to report. however, that the book In whJch that account ta recorded recently sold for 110,000. A decade •10 In lhla coun. try It WU the coUe1• llUdenL who •• mo.t likely lo be ln· volved tn hum1nJt1rlan tallRI. Toda1, tb1 poU1t.n .. '"· k'l lbl sr•ndmotber. ~un.. Roebuck hH 1iven up on try1n1 to ~ •n equal op- r>0rtunHy rnployer, al le!lllt as th111 llhra~e hall been us 'd by the fl'dt11tl funrtlonurle1 who en tore<' nm rmallvo action That Sear1'. of all major corporations . 11hoolrl nump down In the middle of thtt rot1d ond 11uy. sorry Cell as. wt> JU11t cun 'l do II. Ir, molit d1b 4•vuragrng t'or decudcs Sear~ ha11 been d rorporutl' h•adcr in the human r l'l itll OOb fhdd111 Tht• man wh o mor1· t h an anyunt· t:lbt: hu 11t Sears. 1t11 lak board ch .. irm u n . J u I I u b HO!ll'n wuld f 1862 1932 1, put inllhoni:. into b lJck t.•ducat1on 1n the South. pioneered low Income model housin~ and personally helped lead Chicago back from 1ti. tcrnblc l!H9 race n ot which i.aw mobs of whites drag blacks orr th(' streetcars and beat them lo deuth with bricks and cob- blestones Mailbox For Decades after Rosen· w1tld'1 death, Seara continued to be the major corpora t1on thut would put monty into r ace relallon11. Often they were bold . sc>ldom did they have Rosenwald'11 courage, but to the extent u huge organiza tion can, S\"a ra had his ~pirlt. The hourt w as 1n the r ight place. th(· m on ey 110m l't1me11 could be found Whl'rc the mouth was . and 1n cor(lparison with DuPont or t he mill lo n o ir~ Me llo ns o r Gene r a l Motor s, Sears h ob always looked outstanding. IT STILL may be. For Sears, inste ad of using its house lawyers. has retained Charles Morgan lo fi g ht this suit. Morgan as a white m an who got run out or Bsrm· ingha m. Ala , in the early '60s for standing up Cor the black man and then we nt to work Cor the Ame r1cun Civil L1berl1es Union where he handled many con troversial ca11es. re presenting the sicje corpor ate America would be unlikely to approve of Some nC Morga n'~ Craends arc whispering thut the fight has gone out of the old boy und that he 's now using has civil rights expertlae to make the dollars he couldn't make when he was de rendiiit the guys ln the white (whoops!> bats . l LlllEltAlr columnist Ellen Goodman writes, "The suit Is ... a perfect New Cons ervative brief. I\ rontalna an e ffective. jabbing, anti.government a na lysis ... the lawyers ror Sears can develop t e rribly intricat e a nd wise analyses for anything and then use them lo rationalize our lnac· lion -to caU ror retreat " It doesn't necessarily have to do any s uch thing. The s uit might help us define what is retreating. what's s tand1n1 still and what's moving forward. The suit . Cor eumple, alleges a mu c h higher per centage of wome n than men desire part· lame employment only IC Sears has its facts straight the n at ma kes no sense to ask u large employer to reach a Cfirma tave actio n levels whic h presume ther e 1s an equal dcsm : on the part or both gende r s for the sam f' kind or e mployment WOULD IT not be better to !>Cl realizable ~oals and in!>1St they be met than do whal we do no•? Th~s to set unreailluble 1oal1 a nd then ullow the tssue t.o tang ''/' in llUgation and lrief · fectuf paJ)f'r t1lacklng at the Equa1 Opportunity Commission. an agenC'y of gover-nment which rlv(l ls the D?i>artmcnt of Energy an falling lo get anything done. The &>ars suit puts the que&· l10n Of paRt discrimina tion in 8 dlffe rcni hKht Sl'ars quite ac· c u r a lcly o bs f'r ves that the number of minority and female employables with the skilLs and tralnln& Sears needs has been sha ped and limited by several gene rations of gove rnment ac· tions and policies. Through the G .J. Bill and othe r mechanisms. the govern· ment hlll> trained Car more white men than black men or women of any hue. 11111:1 is owmng t.o federaJ discriminatory polic ies. enacted by Con~ress and approved by the fedc ral courts f:VF.N If' you beli eve lhal grOUf>S previous ly d1scrimrnat~d c.i~;unsl should tw specially com- pcnsall'd for pai.t wrongs. even if you tx·lil'Vt' living white males should Ix• punished fo r the sins o ( t h 1· i r f a t h e r s a n d grandfathers, the le ast practical way to do it 1s through in· d1v1dual private corpor a tions The danger oC damaging the m a nd impairin~ their ability lo function is loo great. The best thing to do is lo toss the white male!! out of the Department of Com merce a nd re place the m w1lh the new preferred groups. Th11> su1l need no t be the retreat Ms Goodm an Cears it is. It m ay be lhe way to force the "r1t 1n~ or 1·11u1t:1bll' rules and re ~ulat 1 on~ wh1t•h a r e n 't so polllit•:illy 1m11oss1b le, ad m1n1i1trnlav1•ly ~1·n•wy , a nd de moi:iraph1c:illy unrc<.il they can't be t'nfQrced Wt: HAVF. been in retreat for :-everal yt·ars now w1tb the Mumbling fatlurt• o( the ERA u nd t hese I udit ro us debates about ;,illowrn~ kmatcs lo try out for the wrc•slhn~ team. Get· tang wh1ll' males to call you Ms .. tht> chief at•complishmenl of the 70s, isn't an advance. They've been doin~ that down South !-.tnC<' Rhett Butler wulkcd out on Scarlet. • Ponder the Lesson of Little Mines Field To the Editor: Do you r e me mbe r Mines Jo'icld? And do you re member the gorgeous Spanish homes lhal 1>pruwlcd over the Playa dcl Rey. luxuriating in the beauty a nd tranquility of the Pacific Ocean that lay beneath them , miles Crom Mines Field? Well. today, Mines F ield is L os Angcl ei. Inte rnational AirpQrt and big airplanes like DC·9S and 727 jets take off from there and fly directly out over the beautiful Pacific OC'can and t here a rc no m o re gorgeous homes on the Playa del Rey or anywhe re near the Los Angeles International Airport Some very important and con· l'Crncd airport people said th-O:sc lovely established home11 were 1n a dangerous place a nd so they were flattened, torn down, a nd carted away. Plr1ya del Rey 1:s nearly ba rren old cracked conc rete roads urc sUll there I guess. And Mines Field was s m a ller than Orange County Airport. Maybe you didn't hear what I just said ... a 727 was jusl tak· lng o (( from little olde Orange County Airport, right over your community. I said a 727 and a DC·9 .. NAOINF. DAHL FINK Gee •~t1t1 .... '" To the Editor: Has anyone re membered to do somethlng about putUn& a cap o n government. 11pendlng? l know that many have aianed a "Spirit of 13" petition but where are thoM recently sent out? J 'II bet that your spouse, not you of course, hat one under lhe grocery llal or ln the "hold" b11ket where It. 's sure t.o be 1talned or totted. We are 1llll short the required number to qualUy. What's needed la an lmpre11ive overkJIJ to help our le1l1lators 1et the me111••· Pleue rtnd thoae peUUona th•t olhera have worked ao hard to aend out. Mall I.Mm ln toda)'. LVMANS. FAULKNER ...... ., ......... To the r..ditor: Governor Brown b11 once •l•ln lbow1' bit mar,tnal con· cern for women'• equaUty In Ame rica by his callous and ir responsible remarks to the stu· dents at Georgetown University His comm e nt th u t. "We <meaning men l really do have an obligation to our country The concept of service not to the ·me' generation or to the 'now' ge neration but service to the C'ounlry and the future 111 essen- tial." implieR several things Thal ''obhuatton" to service in s upport oC our country 1s beyondlhecapacltyo(women That he lacks the commit m e nt t o s u pport s h a r ed responslb1lltlcs by both men and women m our society That our obligation to the future of Aml'rl(':l, as women. 1s negligible Arc we lo assume thul women are not to be rons rdercd equall y a nd Ju stly 1n the proble m solving that faces us an our na· lion ·11 future''' Governor Rrown. I decry your lactictt, as you 11Upposedly ar1• an advocate or women's rights. Which race arc you publicly dis· playing today? SUSANNE F.. TEPPER. Chair, ERAOrungo County RnttC0tttrol To the Editor: This is In response to your Mar ch 1 c.-dlt.orlal. "Rent Control Risk." A11 a member or the commit· tee appointed to develop San Juan Capistrano's new r ent or· dlnance for mobale·home parks. l have worked c losely with a park owner and manager u we ll as unother m oblle·home owner In developing an ordlnanc to serve the needs of oil concerned In a fair and equitable manner. The proposed ordinance Is I.\ combined effort ot the above committee, the city m1na1er, city council, and city, and, whJle lt 11 unfortunate lh•l lt becomes a necetalty. I bell eve it will be fair lo all cohcemed. IN TERMS or dollart and cent1, tt mU1l be remembered that the mqbllc-home owners have an averace inveetment of $30,000 '" their homtt, ind. fn. toto, have a laraer tnvestment In their parkl than park mana1e· mcnt. M such, they should have tome protection from unJu1lln1. ble and indlacrlmlnate rent ln· creaMt. The p~ ordinance •I· J low' lhv 1n d 1v1d ua l p11r k m anagemen ts to raise rents based on Orange County's co~t of.la ving Index. on a once·pcr year basis. thus guuranlcf'ang ;,i m<Jrgin oC profil to the owneri.. At the same timt-, it a lso pre · vt•nts the park managers Crom c h a r ging p a r k re~ul a t1o ns without a maJonty votl' or the park's mobile ·ho m e o wnt'rs. thus protecting them from "har· rassment" lyp.e re~ulat1ons that have. from time·to-t1mc been an · st1gat ed by a rew It's!> thun ethical park managl•rs r c1o not hkc govcrnmc•nt re· 1:ulat1on uny more• t h:tn the nt•xt m tin On occasion 1t bcc·oml'S n N'Cl\sary. however In this case. two greedy and rent gouR mg park owners brought about lht• request for protection from th1' mob1le·home owners The re i.ult 1s an ordinance dci.1gned to protect the ra ghls or both the pa r k owne r and the mobile· home owner. EDWIN F. CLARK IAOld119B~k To the Edit.or: As a former Newport Beach City Councilman : It ts with int.ercsl, I read about the Orange County airport problems . tt is with pride, I look through m y s('r11p book and re ad my 11tand oC 11 years ago. It 111 with regret, I was not 8ble to sell the Newport Beach City Council and the county Board of Supervisors, my views at that Ume. T lme hu proved m y rea110n· Ing valid. When "fede ral runds" are accepted, local control is a thin& oC the past. U my m e mory '" correct. som e where In the county orchlves Is a resolution <Board of Supe rvisor s> staling the airport w111 be used ror private planes onJy. P. DEE COOK ctty of Bishop Councllman &tl~•ltef..411.,, To the r.dJtor: r have been followln1 the artlcle. in the Dally Pilot about the dan1eroua Laaun1 Canyon Road and how It ahOuld be made lnto a four Jane road. I heve drlvto this ro•d to work many times lo the past. I quit drlv(q the r'CMMI DOt betaUM tho road 1s dangerous. but because the Pt..'Ople who drive the road urc lo usy, se lf.cente red, dangerous driver s. I don 't mean to !.UY that eve ryone who drives the r oad arc bad drivers llow c ver , I s aw e n o ugh dull·mtnded drivers to muke me s tay away from the road . Think about it. Laguna Can· yon Road is wide e nough to ac· commoda te two vehicles side·bY· side with plenty of room left. The road itselC does 11ot move around and trick people anlo hav- 1 n Jt accide nts. th e p e ople themselves make a mistake lo r ause an accident Over one third of fata hli<'s involved headon col· hs1ons This as not due to a dangerous road . it il' due to plain, bad control over the vehicle. MY POINT is tbis Why s pend millions of dollars a nd destroy the prettiest road that l have seen 1n Or ange County. when sare driving laws could be en- forced without spending a dime more than is already spent to pay the Sheriff's Department for patrolling the area? ll doesn't apppear that the laws are enforced at all. I have never heard of any one getting a s peeding ticket and e veryone knows that almost all motorists speed around here, includln& the pohce. I read in the Pilot a case not long ago involving a man who was 11truck and killed on t..OS on a fogsy day. The article stated that the police said the driver of the ve hicle who struck the man was driving too fast for the con· dltions. but no cita tio n was la· sued ! So. why worry? lt.'8 u fe to go 40 in a 25 wne bccauM? I won't get a ticket. J might even 1et passed by• policeman• So let's bu1Jd a nice lour laner with a 55 mph speed limit IO we can ao '10 mph I tt's ud a nd so stupid, but true. DAVE GRAHAM ... , , I Orange Coast ED ITION Y-our Hometown ~ Dally Newspaper ~· VOL. 72, NO. 67, 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1979 c TEN CENT • Egypt Greets Carter as Talks Open ·· : l APWl,.....i. CARTER MOBBED -As President Carter waves to thousands in Cairo, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat points to a man trying to reach the car from the crowd. Security agents moved in and held back the friendly but enthusiastic crowd. Santa Ana Man Hit Nuke Sub With Bookie Charge Snared in FIShNets By REBECCA HELM Ott ... Dall,PllOISi.11 The arrest of former Sad-1 dleback Communit~ College • trustee Alyn M . Brannon Tues· J day in Santa Ana was the second l time Brannon has been arrested 1 on bookmaking charges. 1 This time, Garden Grove police said, Brannon was gross· f ing $85,000 a week in the alleged horse racing and s:porta bookie operation from a Santa Ana 1 restaurant. i In 1974, after his anest by t Newport Beach police, the Santa -r 1\rta ftSident pleaded guilty lo I bookmaking charges in Orange 1 County Superior Court. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail and resigned from his seat on the college board of trustees At that time, the founding trustee of the Saddleback Com· munity College District pleaded for leniency. : He said his ~.ooo bookmak· I log operation was just between friends. r Garden Grove police this week f claimed that Brannon, who has five sons and holds a master's degree, has continued bis bookie } aetivities since his 1974 convic· lion, moving bis headquarters from the Harbor Area lo Santa Ana. Police called the Santa Ana ' operation "the tip of the ktberg" of a much larger operation in Los Angeles. l According to their account, t Brannon allegedly relayed bets averaging between $500 and • $1 ,000 to Los Angeles and met bis clients at weekly luncheon 1 gatherings at the Santa Ana restaurant. Police claime d they saw money changing bands between , Brannon and suspected bettors 1 duringthegatberings. • Officers also alleged that ~ Brannon was running bis own in· ! dependent side operation at lbe t Los Alamitos race track. ' t ' Savi.et Women Take Holiday MOSCOW (AP)-So· viet women are taking a boliday today from cook· ma. cleanina and riveting to mart International Women's Day amid signs that a female revolt •e•inlt overwork la brew· in,. t•1 "Queeo for a Day" " o.ft, PM4it S\atf ..,,.. CHARGED AGAIN Ex-Trustee Brannon Driver OK As Car Flips In Costa Mesa A Costa Mesa man, whose car skidded and landed upside down on Harbor Boulevard early to- day, suffered head and arm in· juries but didn 't require hospitalization, officials said . A spokeswoman for Fountain Valley Community Hospital said Kenneth Roy Barnes, 26, of 2621 Harbor Blvd. , was treated in the emergency room at about 1 a .m . but signed himself out. Police said they are in· vesUgating why Barnes lost con· trol of his small foreign car as be was driWig at SO to 55 miles per hour along Harbor Boulevard just south of Sunflower Avenue. The car skidded for about 136 feet, then rolled over, police said. No other motorists were in· volved, but Barnes' car was destroyed, they said. Arsonist Sought LOS ANGELES (AP> -Arson investigators were trying today to learn who set fire to eight parked cars in Stu -·.o City. LONDON I AP > -An American nuclear submarine became snarled in the nets of a Scottish fishing trawler today and lowed the trawler backwards for 45 minutes before the crew cut the nets, British Coast Guard and U.S. Navy IOUfffS said. "It could have been nasty, r eally," said a Coast Guard spokesman at Ardrossan on Scotland's west coast. "The sub- marine must have gone un· derneath the boat and into the nets. 'Things like that can be a bit disconcerting for a trawler crew.'' Lt. Cmdr. Tim Mennuti, a spokesman for tbe U.S. Navy in London, confirmed that an American nuclear submarine was involved but would not say which one . There i s an American nuclear submarine base at Holy Loch in the Firth of Clyde near Ardrossan. There were no reports of in· juries or serious damage. The area where the incident took place is an authorized area for submarine maneuvers. But the Coast Guard spokesman said ,·t is "also one of the major fisbingareas. So you can't win, re· ally." , Panel Nixes Carter Plan WASIUNGTON <AP) -Presi· dent Carter's plan to eliminate $600 million in Social Security benefits appears to be in serious trouble in Congress after losing a test vote on a key committee. By a 12-4 margin, the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday defeated a Refublican motion to restore the president's proposed elimlnaUon or tbe $250 death benefit. AFTER SCROOL CENTER YIEWED Latchkey children -they re- turn from school each"day to an unsupervised home. Some now go to Child Space, an extended day care center in Costa Mesa. See Featuring, Page Cl. CAIRO. Egypt <AP ) -Presi· dent Carter. launching bis personal peace m ission today, was greeted ,by tens ·of thousands of cheering Egyptians and immediatelf began his fttst round of peace talks with Presi· dent Anwar Sadat. Shortly after the arrival or the American party, Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil presented counterproposals to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance detailing Egyptian response to U.S. compromise suggestions to break the negotiating stalemate. There were no immediate de· tails or what the Egyptian pro· posals were. Thousands of e nthusiastic Egyptians waved palm fronds and placards as the president and Sadat rode in an open car' from Cairo International Airport to the ornate Kubbeh Palace, 1 where Carter will stay. At the palace, the American president and Sadat appeared on the balcony with their wives. Carter said he and Sadat pledged themselves not to disap point those who hope for "the (See EGYPT, Page AZ> Fraud Alleged Oil Charges 'Tip of Iceberg' HOUSTON (AP) -An 84· count oil·pricing fraud indict· ment returned against two oil companies and fi ve of their of· f1cers is JUSl "the lip Of the iC'eberg," says U.S. Attorney A. J . "Tony" Canales The indictment, handed down Wednesday, charges the defen· dants took part in a scheme to violate federal crude oil pricing regulations. The scheme al· legedly brought some S3.8 milllon in excess profits. "These cases will be going on long after I'm gone from this of· fice." Canales said, adding that more Indictments can be expect· ed. "This is just the beginning," he said. Charged with conspiring to sell lower priced "old" oil as higher priced "new " oil were Uni Oil Joe. of Houston; Uru president Thomas M. "Mick" Ha· jecate; Uni secretary·treasurer Dally ,.._Sta" ...... 'ST. CL YOE' OISPLA VS FAMILY OF GOD FLAG Nomadic Piigrims Make Camp In Costa Meu Sect Opens Rally In Costa Mesa Park By JACKIE RYMAN Of ... Dill"~'™' There were no trumpets, loud speeches or cymbals Wednes· day. Only a battered brown bus and an unusual flag revealed to Costa Mesans that the Family of God was in town. Slightly less than a dozen members or the peripatetic sect spread their towels and themselves on the grass at Lions Park, quietly spreading the word to passersby as they absorbed the sunshine . "The Christ family's all over the world declaring the second coming of Jesus Christ," ex· plained a group spokesman. who identified bimselt as St. Clyde Christ of Jerusalem. St. Clyde, who puffed on a cigarette as he spoke, said, "The Lord is calling all the people to close down the slaughter houses and to take down the barbed wire lenceS and to close down the 1un1bops and to live at peace with one another.·· His group eats no meat or dairy products and won't use leather, St. Clyde said. They re· nounce all possessions, go barefoot and wear white as a symbol of purity. He went on to say that the Family of God members - about equaJly divided between rtlen and women -believe in celibacy. All property Is held in common. Asked where the group last visited, St. Clyde said. "The Orange police department.'' Asked bis business there, he said, "Getting straight some matters of discrimination among police departments about freedom of religion." St. Clyde said the group is con· cerned because, when they are preaching or cbattlog with bystanders , policemen sometimes demand an iden· tification check, which cu take several hours. and director Thomas ff. "Tom" Hajecate ; Uni vice presidents Charles R. Akin and James E Fis her; Ball Marketing E n terprise of Lafayette, La., and Charles Goss, a Ball marketing agent. U S. District Judge Carol O Bue set bonds or $200,000 apiece for the officials and said they would be released on personal recognizance. (See FRAUD, Page A2> 3Airlines In County Have Fuel OUic1als of the three com m ercial airhnes that se r ve Orange County Airport said to- day their aviation ruel supplies are adequate and they won 't need to curtail flights as some airlines have done. Spokesmen for Air California, Hughes Airwes l and Golden West Airlines said there have been no indications their fuel al· locations from suppliers will be restricted. "We've had no indications of any problems." a s pokesman for Golden West said. "We don 't know what may be down the road but right now everything is all right." At Hughes. a spokesman said, "Our s upplies are adequate for the present time ·· "We're not s peculating on the future ... he said. "But we have enough fuel to meet our full schedule .. Air California spokesman Bob Payton said his airline is "pretty comfortable" for March and April but that officials will keep a careful watch on supplies. ·'The biggest problem is in the Midwest." Payton said. "We run some charters out that way and fuel is very difficult to come by in that part of the country.·' The shortage of aviation fu el partly involves the oil cutofC from Iran but is also due lo a major refinery fire in Denver that destroyed much or the fuel in storage there. Continental Airlines bad to an· nounce Wednesday that it was cancelling eight daily flights to and from Denver because or the fuel shortage. The company said the can· cellations would be in effect un· til April 4, resulting in a savings of about 11,000 gallons of fuel a day. a spokesman said in Los Angeles. Or::~-Coast -~ Weather Chance of low clouds Friday morning. H.ighs ~ to 76. Lows tonight 45 Lo 53. INSIDE TODA y · •• men brin.I chocolates and flowen to tbelr wives, motben or female col· lea1aes. Tbe nationwide celebradaD la one of tM aoet lmportut of tbe 1ear = tbe holiday Pl UDDOUcecl in *MW ... Arson in Mesa Blaze? Tbe eroup, which lives on donations, bas no plans, St. Clyde uid, and therefore can't eay bow lone thel{'ll stay in eo.ta Mesa. W1 companions on the grass, all of whom use the f amUy name of Chrilt and 1ave their address f8ee t'Alllt.Y, Pa1e AZ> It wo1 the perfect neighborhood for tlw home lite for the 11 modttolel11 re· ta'*d ~to live ... &mtil neighbor• /or;nd out. See ''Low Thfl Neighbor," P~ All Pre1lcleat Leoald I. .......... PNms.r AJeaei N. ~ Md tbe Com· •••lat Partr Ceatral eo. ..... """'8tDl•t.d Sonlt ...... -tbaaked ................ 11eeab1bu· .................... 'of lateraaUoaall1tlc ....., ..... tMlrwork llrfl9!llm •111111. Co1ta Jle1a firemen Hid toda1 tbe1 were lave1tl1•t· baa ·u.e poealbWt.J ol anoo ID a nr. tlllll dllelV)ed an lndultrial abed IDd .-blaek clcMlda ol 1mo•• Mllowlq lato UM alr Wedll•it1i,. A~ Kanbal Tbomu Maedldf uld tbe ftre broke out •bortlt INlfGre • p.m. at Im ................... t..wttawar111 .. 1.'l'laeloea-tl•• .. •••r O~an1e Coaat Colllli .... Mllb'al put of .. ett.J. .. Became tbe abed wu uaed for ltoriDI flammable Uqu.idJ such u lacquer tbinne:r and paint re- 1110 v er, heavy 1gaoke was teoerllted even tboulh the fin was coaflned to a small area, llacduftsaid. Tbe ftre trtaered • beat de- More CO.erage Addltloaal Harbor Ana tov· •a1• ......,. toda7 Oil , ... AU. tector. wblcb In turn alerted employees wbo called firemen, M1cduftlakt. He uid no dollar estJmate of damaae waa anllable this morllln.a. Tbe warebouse and abed belaftl to C • .I. Se1entrom ud Som, but MM4u.ff uid be II still cbecklq to ft.ad out wbo wa• leaalnl tt. He Mid ti.. l9Ck of U1 nallhl CHM for Ille fire, ud tM faet tbat DO OM Wal workinl In the area, ._.. lllm to 1111pect tbe poujtJWty ol ~· J,4PANESB 'W M.4DE IN IRYINE Japuete nrma are mettq televl1loa aeu In the United a.e. -IOftle tn Irvine. S.. MUto.n Jloakowlt1' analy1l1, Pa••• ·-> A2 OM. 't PILOl c 1 hur1day March 8 19fV China Pulling Out Withdrawal From, Yiet Confirmed BANGl\0}\ 1 hulhtnd •Al ' 1 W<'slem ubserve·r~ ''onhnne'<S lo dity lhlll China hu beaun w1thdr•w1ng from Vtl'lnamebt' lt>rralOI") .• md Juµtut \Mid 11 wa , •H'llnR "s a ml'd1ator 11'1 thr C'hinl'st' V1l'ln»ml' t' wttr A111•I>"'• 1n u~nglloll siud lb • 11ul lout w1.1 :11 'caullou1 1tnd ~r uduul. but ttu·r .. -\"re dt•f Jtllh' ""''-' 1t h 1ul i.l»rtc.'d Cblnne tourcH earller In· <1lr1tf'd the withdrawal would be dttrlt'ult and &low. poe1lbly laJc tnll two wct-b or moJ"l' V1t'lnlm uld lh\" withdraw•! wlt!I "very to-and 1n very 1tmall num bf"r., Jlunol'• l•ltt1l b•ttlt' rnpe>rt '.i 1d "the l'htn H 1aarn11lun fmc·•·' loday continued lhf•lf •t tiu·h n1bbhnw. bl V1etn mt't1t· tf'rnlory •nd burnm~ •nd loot VCI Medical Vnit To Buy 'Scanner' l~c l ' lp1111• M1'<hral ('trHt'I hab ~l'\'O ~l\'t'll 'llUlt' upl'rOvJI lo huy u $635,000 ,·mnpull'riu·d X 1 .1v ht'1td and n~l'k :.c.innt•r w.l"d to · d iagnose tumor:>. blood cloh Jnd otht-r abnormuht1ei. Approv11I b,y t he OHire of SliJtL·Wttll' ltt>ulth Planning .md Dt•vt•lormwnl ht·c-omes effl'l'l1v1.• Ma rch 29 l>anl.' llo1beq.L JCting director 11f the mt-d1C'al center, se11d Ult· adc11t1on of lh<' o;(•ann1ng 1.-qu1p rncn l . c alled a <:o mputed tomography head and neck :>can m·r. "will greatly improve the d1agnost1c capab1ht1es" of tht< ccnt.c r's r<id.Jology department. P r1:v10ul>ly , ~lat1 e nts who nrt·ded a head :.can have had to Mel Tornie Backs Claini By Michelle LOS ANGELES IAP 1 Srngcr Mel Tor mc, testifying for !\1 1{·hellc Triola Marvin, said to da} that her 1961> record was 'hs tt·nablc. pleasant and 1l had potential " · Torme, called out of order as a rebuttal w1tnes!> because he was lt•aving town. took the stand m the middle of the defense case in t h e Jundmark Marvin vs Marvin property rights trial The smger. qual1f1ed as an ex p(:rt witness 1n the field of music. told of the hard road to recording s uccess lie said even afte r his l'arecr was established >he l!»Os. he had to conlinue promoting has records by v1s1t rng d1:.c JOckeys across the coun try Tormc ~aid he belleved Mi::;s Marvin'::. record, "Promise Me Your J,ov1.•." could have sue <·ceded 1mly with a heavy promo l1onal effort. .. To promote a record at lhal time: would have taken a huge effort on the part of the artists and J)t!rhaps the r ecord com- pany ." he said. lit> noted that 1n 1966 the Beatles had changed the sound of popular music and a "middle <>f the road" performer would have had a hard tame getting air play ··An unknown performer, 1r the record was believed in, would have had to quadruple the efforts," he said. Tormc was called to rebut the earlie r testimony of Joseph Smith, cha irma n of Elektra· Asylum Records, who said that disc jockey v isits were nol he lpful in promoting a record. Miss Marvin, 46, claims her recording career died when her boy friend, Lee Marvin. de · manded she join him on an over 8eas movie location and give up promotion of her record. Torme said he lis tened to Miss Marvin's record Wednesday night "I think it was a professionally recorded pair of sides. The materiaJ was just slightly better than average for the time. The singing was in tune and very pleasant. ORANQE COAST DAILY PILOT l lW O••lt<l"C04'10.111> PllOI. with Whl(h IHO... orn•d lltc -f'>h•. lt_l....., by thO 0.-'°"'' Pwllll"""t~ s.Ht••tHll...,.••• 1Nllt1\htO -.. '"'"""" Fr•y IO• C...t. _ _. .. ,_ ........ -II-tl<!Mh f °"" t•1"Y•lln l~,l_~~.tf\/$ou'O~( .. ,t A \l~I· , .. , ...... 9tltt• ., ... lthltct khH''d4'Y' Afld '41~1l•O r ... ptlM Ip.ti pullti.i.1"11 Pl .... It •I JlO ... ,, oo ti,_, ~1" "'""· c .. 11~.,.,,.,. . ..., ....... "•••Mlo•I--hi'°' JK'll Cwtoy """~"--~ .. ...._. T-••lt-Ullet '':"'...::.;."'i"J:• o..,,. ... '""' ~" .... " A•>lf4..W loU .... "'9 WMn T1l1p"9M (714)..., Ct•1•1111 Mv1,...111MM111 tk• wnt tu ~t J ull1.· Um1p1l1&I m f'ullt•rtoo lr1 i;u11110rt of lh1•1r Hl>l'lkulum for thl' t"<JUIJlnlt•nt , rotodl ral n•nl('r admtntstrutors a 111>erltd that 1>ur h m ovt•i. to other hosJ>11ai11 exposed <"rtl1N1lly Ill or 11\JUrt'd pattt•nli. to J(rcater risk, Jlld acldl-'d to lht.· co:.t o f lrcut mt.•nt Tht· hosp1U1I ubo tttlcrnptt."d to JUStlfy pun·hu::.t-Of fl full body 1><·an nt.•r, for tht> i.umc reasons. but its pet1\ton wm; quas hed al tht> lo<:al levd Last yeur. lhl' Orange Count) ll1>allh Plannmg Council refused to endorse the uppllcat1on. The plannin.: council is the county's d£'s 1 ~nat ed health :.y:.tem agency It decades mat· ters of delivery of h ealth services. including expansion of exis ting facilities and the purchase of new equipment. Patients who require full body scans now are taken from the UCI Medical Ct'nter in Orange to Mercy General Hospital an Santa Ana The local health agency 's failure to endorse the UCl ap· plication in part led to the res- ignation of Dr. Stanley Van den Noort from the planning council's board of directors. Van den Noort 1s dectn of the UCI Medical School. FAMILY ... as J e r usa l e m . introduced themselves as St. Theresa, St. Darell, St. Joy, St. Laura, Sl. Virginia and St. Rose There were two me mbers named St. James. The onJy member not present was St. Jill , who was using the bathroom on the bus St. Clyde explained. The members appeared to range in age from early ~ to mid 405. Sl. Clyde said visitors are welcome in the bus, which is the group's church. On the outside is a l WO·Sided n ag. One side shows a Star of David, symbolizing the coming Kingdom of David, he said. The other s ide depicts a bolt or lightning, which symbolizes Jesus, and seven stars of David for the seven spirits or God. The interior of the bus is sur· prisingly plush , with dark blue wall·to-wall c ushioning. In· dividuaJ bedrolls neatly line the sides. As ked how the Family of God 's message has been going over, St. Clyde said, "Not a whole lot or people have been re· ceptive. "T hat's why most of the world will be destroyed . Only the meek will inherit the earth." F,.._r~AI EGYPT ••• long.unrealized but deeply de· sired state of peace to this re· gion." After the arrival statement. Carte r met with Sadat to review lhe U.S. suggeation1 for break· ing the stalemate ln the negotia· lions . They were accompanied by advisers. cart.er, after a 12·h0Ur night from the United Slates, said al the palace that he was s truck by the eyes of the Esyptlan women which held "a hunger and a prayer that their sons and their husband• would never a gain ha ve to suffer in the cau&e of combat." T he long Journey by the Arn•rtcan president l• ~in1 vlewed by El}'Pllan a nd llraeU lH den u revlvll\I prospecta for a peace treaty that hu IO 1oQi eluded the region. Botb Khalil and laraeu Prime Mlnl1t.r llenacbem Beiln blve u ld that Carter'• trip could lead to a treaty •ltnlna . However, several diltlculUes remain, and Sadat addreoed one of them at ua. palace: tbe ll· aue of the 1.1 mllllon Paltttln· lan1 wbo lhe lo hra•U· occupMd tenitort• on UM Wart Bank ud Oua ltrtp. . ........ detennlned." Wat =~enable our PU..Ualu to Nalile tbeir uUclaal rl•bta a ad u 11t a tbelr freedoln .•• lnt pro.,.rtf. In Vletaameae bordtr ntu · But moet reports of hosUUUcs from tht: Vltitn•mtisc sldt' w~rt: conflnt.'d lo ch11rath of Chlnt-!if! w11r t r\Mt'fl, tnduding lootmg •• nd bum1n1 of ho mu Vietnam htu; isu1d 1l would be prt>purt'<J t o nC6'0t1utc one{' u total wUhtfr•wal of ('h1nei.t• troop11 took place Analysu In H1rn11kok reported liklrml~hlng In som e• frontier provh1('es and this wu' ._,xpected to contlmw Out dc~plte C1rmer ttvtdt'nt't' of a pullout, some Jn dol'hlna wutcherf! gll)) cuullonttd lhJt the t.1t uutlo11 n·mnlrwd tt-nsc und h1qwr ~l·uh• (lghttnf( coulrl rt~unw J 1q1Jtlt'i.t· t•or t'IJ(n M 1n1st er ~unarn Sonoda told u paruamen t;iry t•ummHh't• ro Tokyo that J11pan wa11 u11k1ng ('hinu lo pull out and wiktnR Vietnam to allow u 1.1mooth Chines(• withdrawal Hf said J<11wn wa '! mct•trng !<!f•J>aratt-ly with l.'IH'h i.11.k und rc•l11y1ng tht• pt•111't• t'orldlllon:. !11• mandl'd by eul·h Branching Out Karen Farquha r . 8. a third grader at Adams School in Costa Mesa. examines a Norfolk Island Pine, one of 2.300 trees donated lo Newport·Mesa Unified School 01stnct students for Arbor Day Wednes day The tiny trees were a gift from the Rotary Club of Newport Beach· f3albo<J etnd Hint•i. Whole.sale Nursery in lrvinc Space Shuttle Starts Journey LANCASTER IAf') The s pace shuttle Columbia, like some great white beast . tum bered slowly from 1ls hangar before dawn today and crawled along desert roads 38 miles to an Air Force base on the firs t leg or a c ross·country trap to iti. 4 Held Florida launching pad. The 150,000·pound shuttle, de· signed to carry Americans on 100 round trips roto space, wac; moving overland to the Drydt:n Flight Research Ce nter a t Edwards Air Force Base. Later tocfay. it was to be af· fixed piggy-back atop a 747 JUm· bo jet for a two·day flight lo its launch site al Cape Canaveral. Thal flight begins Friday The Columbia dwarfed Its en tourage of more than a dozen vehicles, including police car!!, a fire engine and a :>mall bus failed Drug Ring • in with security and route clearing personnel The convoy traveled a t less than 5 mph The shuul ... Pntnefi this d~ert tow n • w h £' r<· ., .. v t' r a I l raff 1 <' li~hts Wl're moved to accom m od a te 1ls l<:r<'<~l wrng!i, C1:- s t·v1·re1I hundred ::.JH•dator .. br aved the cool desert morning to marvel at tl:--;11.e UCLA Pharmacy Probes Prescriptions Mounl<'d on a g11-:anl1C' 90 wht't'I tra1l f'r tow1·d b y a truck . lht' 122 foot Io n.: shuttle tb tail hn n:.ini.: mnn· th.in fl\1· s to r 11•.., 1·m1·r~cd lJtl ft r::.I from the han)!Jr whl'r•· 1t wai-. as~t>mbled al tlit· R1H'kw1·ll In ll·rnat1<1nal pla11 1 111•,11 twn· l>rt \ l'r~ slcerl'd from both 1•1111 .. LOS ANGELES <API Two suspects were arrested today by UCLA investigators trying lo crack a drug ring which used forged prescriptions to obtain a substance known as drug st.ore heroin from the UCLA Medical Center's outpatient pharmacy. Four a rrests have been made in the case, and more are ex· pected, said UCLA spokesman J im Ward. The drug dila udid is con sider ed more powe rful than F,....PageAJ FRAUD •.. T he indictment says the con spir acy in volved acqu i r ing ''old" oil selling at about $5 a b a rrel and cer tifying it as "new" oil that sells for more than Sl2 a barrel under the fed e r a l pricing regulations established in 1973. The distinction between "old" and •·new" oil allows fi rms to fRAN TO LIMIT OIL OUTPUT-A3 charge more for n ewly dis· covered oil than they do for oil from fields that have long bei?n in use. It was written into federal price regulations as a way to e ncourage exploration fo r new sovrces of oil. At t his point, howeve r , a federal grand jury hai; spent about eight months investigating reports that more than 200,000 barrels of "old" oil have ~n sold as "new" oil -at a cost to consumers of millions of dollars by the time the oil reached service stations. Five Y outh.s Held in Mesa In Burglaries Five Santa An a teen·agera we re arrested Wednesday in Costa Mesa ln connecUon with six burglaries and thefts, police said. They aatd all the incidents OC· curred Tuesda y night or early Wednesday a nd Involved thefts of at.ereoe. tools and gaa from parked cars. S1t . Thom as Laur said a phone call alerted police at about 2 a.m. He said Officer Dennis Jefcoat .apotted the nve youn111tera In a nd a r ound a park.t car at 1~ Cheyenne St. and, wtt.h the help of the police helicopter, arrested lhean. Tb• two 15-year-old 1trl1 and three t7·year-old boys were en route to Juvenile ball today on bur1tary c b1r1ea. Stt. Le11r Hid. Ht ukt U.. ltolen ti.ma were recover~ from tbt aua~· car. No ..etmm wa1 evailabae oa tbe velu• of tb• 1tol1n property. morphine Its us e rs usually restricted to te rminal cancer pu t1ents to relteve pain The UCLA hospital pharmacy dispenses the dru~ because of the many cancer patients treat ed there During the two-month period the ring was operating. approx 1mately 4,855 tablets of dilaud1d. with a street value of S97,000 to $120,000, were obtained with forged prescriptions, according to arresting inve:.tigators A C Longo and J Scida of the UCLA police The prescription:> were writ ten on forms stolen from UCLA staff doctors and doctors with of fr ees in Long Beach. Orange. and Los Ange les . the an vestlgators said. Stolen and fie t1tious UCLA patient 1dent1ty cards were used to obtain the drugs When one per:.on e1ppeare<1 at the UC LA pharmacy two day~ 1n a row 1n January, attempting to fill prescription!> for dilaud1d us mg dilferenl names and 1den t1fical1on cards. the police be~an their rnvestigatron Arrested today were Elizabeth Fowler, 36. and her husband. Samuel Fowler. 32. both or Los Angeles Ralph Wrighl. 30. of Los Angeles was arrested Feb 6 at the UCLA pharmacy while try ing to fi ll a prescription for dilaudid. police said Charlene Jule Sherman, 35 also of Los Angeles. wa s ~rrest ed March 6 a nd charged with forg ing prescription~ M'> Sherman. police said. hets had 17 aliases. None of the people arrested were UCLA employee~ or ~tu dents . SEmR anz111 SALE 'f h " n ,. w ~ 1• n I' r .J t I // II ... paC'l't'raft , th aluminum '>k111 parl1aJly l'OVt•rt•d by squJrt' tile .. lo prntc1·t II from th<' ht·at of 1b fulurt> ..,r)aC'C' trips, looked '>h t{ht Jy rume<t. like· a moullmg bird. wh1:n • <>ume lilt•s wcrt~ rn1 1><>1ng The National At•ronault<·s and Space Administration s ;;1d lhe rem a1rung t1lc·s. along with lht' ship's engines. computers and other f1rushing touches would bl' addNI wht•n 1l r1•at·hl!!> f"lond<J The Columbia's right side bears a Untlcd Slettes ne1g, the NASA logo and th~ words "Umt ed States " Thi· sh11''s name ap- pC'ar:. behind the 1>1x t•ockp1t win. dows An earher vNs aon of the shut tie , the fa m ous F.nterpr1-1t-. follo wed a '1mtlll r m utt> to Dr yden tn January 1977 Immediate FREE DELIVERY '.-_, SALE ENOS .. VISA' , ..,._,___~ MARCH 31 Whites ,1/119ll'llOY Showcase • I 00'• to choose frotn! ..;' Many fabrics, Many styles COITAMllA 169 I. 11th IT. (AcfOM from Rcllpha, next fO Marte Calef Iden) M2-t617 Mon. .lft. J~ sat. 10-6 Clo9ecl Sundov MllllON VllJO 21192 Marguettte Pkwy. (Corner of Marguerite and Vk> ltcOIOf) .9 .. 1902 Mon · M 1~ Sot. 1().6 Ooted Sundov CALIFORNIA To Take Stand Black Panther leader Huey Newton. shown with hjs wift.• Gwe~ durmg a break in his trial on charges he killed a prostitute in 1974, says he'll take the witness stand against the advice of his lawyer. He said at an Oakland ~ews confe rence Wednesday that the charge against him JS ·'strictly a fabrication." Thunday, Mlfch 8. 1979 DAILY PtLOl' A~ Ring Pkas~s Scientists PASADENA 1.AP > Sclen· ll1Jl-s arc abun today ovt>r Voy U6C\'r l ':s sur pris ing dis cov~ry t>f a thin circle of debns orb1tin1 Jupiter Uke ft lalnl im· ilullon of Suturn's famous rings. 'fhe Jovlan rlng, wnlc:h may be the remaJns or a shattered moon oc material left over from the p lunt't '11 birth. was an· nounced at Uw J et Propulsion Laboratory on Wednesday. THE TIUN, FLAT ring was found 10 Ju•t one photograph l ken Sunday as Voyager 1 ap ~roacMd Its closest encounter with the giant planet, said Brad SUPER GALAXY SIGHTED-6tory, A 15 ford Smith, who heads the Voy<iger photography team. "Thus Jupiter Joins Saturn and Uranus to become the thlrd <of the rune planets> in our solar sys tem known to possess a planetary ring system." Smith said Saturn 's three large and brilliant rings were discovered by Galileo in 1610. Astron·omers first saw the faint ring of Uranus two years ago. THE BLACK AND white pie· ture of the Jovian ring, released Wednesday, shows six string. like lines stretched across the dark bat'kground or s pace. Smith said the lines represent a multiple exposure, s ix images or the edge or the ring He said the ring had escaped detection until now because it 1s less than 18 miles thick and so dim it's virtually lost against the planet's bright surface. The ring is at least 5.400 miles wide and its outer edge 1s about 35,000 miles above the Jovian eq uator, Smith s aid. adding t hat the sh.e and composition or the particles hasn't been de termined. "MV BEST GUESS wouJd be that it is dark m aterial. and may be due to the break·up o ( a batellite <moon > that wan~ered too close" to Jupiter. and was torn apart by the planet ~ am. mense gravitational pull He ~a id It als o mi ght tw .. pnmord1al material that was left over from when Jupiter wa11 created" about 4 6 b1lhon years ago Voyager 1 will study Jup1t1•r for 17 more dayb us it heads for an encounter with Satur n rn November 1980 '· L ettuce Boyc~tt Eyed Chavez Also Plam to Escalate Chiquita Actio11 SALINAS <AP> U n ited Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez led more than 4,000 sup· porters on a march through Uus community and hinted his union may call a national lettuce boycott as part of a seven·week stri k e against vegetabl e growers. Chavez also said Wednesday that the UFW's national boycott of Chiquita baoan•s will be escalated . As ked about the possibility or a national lettuce boycott, Chavez said, "When the time comes, we will." However. Marc Grossman. a Chavez aide. later called the threatened n atio nal le ttuce boycott "an option." ( STATE ) DeeUiotl Not ff bated SACRAMENTO <A P > If s tate Supreme Court Justices plan to reverse their ruling weakening the "use a gun, go to prison" law. they gave l ittle in· dicat1on or it in a rehearing of the case. Instead. the fo\,tr Justices who m ade up a fragile maJonty an their Dec. 22 ruling took turns Wednesday grilling Attorney General George DeukmeJian . who is seeking a reversal. lltiStin t o Wail LOS ANGELES <AP > Of· dec1i.1on of U S. 01!.trict Coort Judge Wilham Enright 1n San Diego. ·~10BeC111 LOS ANGELES <AP> It s back to the cuttmJ! room for pro- ducers of the adult movw "Deb· b1e Does Oalla:.," who have agreed to :.phC'l· out I 'n mmutt's Of film showing the: f1lm 'b star Ill a Dallas Cowboys cheerleadl'r uniform Attorn<'yc; reprec;cntrng the PussyC':Jt Theatt•r t'hain agreed Wednl'sday to 1•xc1st· the parts of th<' film that show the costumt• worn by Debbie. a high school C'heerleader who goes to Dall<1s. H..w B~t"oMn lail OAKLAND IAf'> A judge Beatles Reunion? No l111111rance Bill Din SACRAMENTO CAP) An ef· fort to block automobile insurers Crom charging differ ent rates in different areas has died in an Assembly committee. fic1al s o f t h e four maJor California utilities say they will await the outcom e of a ppeals on t he overturning of a s tate nuclear reg.ul atory s tatute before applying for licenses to construct nuclear power plants decided 1t was cheaper lo put Rebecca Brown under house ar rest for a year than to put her 10 Jail (or her involuntary mans laugh ter c onv1ct1on o r shooting her husband Harry m the back. 'Happier' George Says Plan's J ust Fantasy A ssemblyma n H ers c h e l Rosenthal . D·Los Angeles. sponsored AB 16, which failed to gel a m o tion for pas s age Wednesday from any m ember of the Assembly Finance. Insurance and Commerce Committee. In a squabble 1us t before Christmas. Mrs Brown said, her husband pulled a gun. They got into a tussle when she told him to put 1t awav lie died of a pi s tol bh 1ll 1n lh c ba c k , authont1e~ ::.aid HOLLYWOOD <AP> There are som e things that rock legends don't have to bother with. Endless one·on·one in- terviews are among them. So former Bealle George Har- rison. in town to promote his latest album, took on the entire Los Angeles press corps at a tea- and·crumpets news conference Wednesday afternoon. PUBLIC CONTA CT with former Beatles has been rare since they split in 1970, so some 40 reporters crowded into a Warne r Bros . r ecords con - ference room to quiz Harrison on his music and other recent activities. About his new album, "George Harrison," and its hit single "Blow Away." he said : ··1 feel h ap py about it. ... Sometimes you can do something and it's like swim· ming against the tide. No matter what you do it does n 't have that natural now going with it. . . . .. At 36, Harrison seems to have toned down the mystical bent t hat influenced much or the mus ic on h is earlier solo albums. "AH Things Must Pass" and "Living In The Material World." He admitted that the extent of bis musical message these days is "to try and be happier all the time." IT WASN'T LONG before the mevitable Beatles reunion ques· lion popped up. At first Harrison DIAMOND S • GEMSTONES Jewels by 1osephs is searching tor diamonds and gemstones from pnvale ind1v1duals and estates. Careful eumnahon and eva1ua11on by our experts. Highest pnoes paid. Call 540-9066 10-9 daily, Saturday 10-6. Sun· dllf closed Ask tor Betty Grace or ~rank Vanderwall iewels by ioseph South Coast Plaia • 3333 Bristol, Costa Mesa • ~9066 --r ------~BLIC NOT~CE_ t PUBLIC' NOTICE l'"IC'TITIOUS 8USINUS "'ICTITIOUS BUSllU!SS NAME !>TATl!MEltT NAME STATEMEllT The llMl-tnq per'°" I\ OolnQ bu\I• The IOllOWlllQ persons •rt dolnQ ne\~ 0 SIM O •S NIGUEL ~•AMACY, JOIOO Town O A A H G E c O U H f Y Cen1er Or , L.tvvna HIQ<Jel, CA '1617. ZOOLOGICAL, IJIW L09"n Aw., Unit suite G . cost• ~wa. CA ""'"" _,, Jann¥d. Jltjl Eul G•rv WAyne 8-11.1016 W•ll•<t NI,,.. Or • I..~• H19""1 CA '1'1&11 t., Unit O C:O.ta Mewa, CA '1427 Tiiis 1111$l....u Is <-led llY •n In C LIOVCI Lem"-• 61'1 S CYP<en OMch.tal nil C, Of'-. CA.,;.... • AL JANNAAO Thi• ......... ,, I\ conducted by .. Tiii\ '>l•te_,.t wA\ h ll'<I WIOI t!W Mr•I P11r1nen!llP County ,,.,. Of 0••"09 County Of\ {,My Wayne 8.on.11 f'et><u•rv1'. 197'1 Th •• •1•1-1 •M 1111'<1 wilh ti.. l'lltsf1 Covhly Cl•rk ol Or•noe C<IUflty on Publl-Or-Cout O•llY PllOI, Feb ... "1'1 Marc111.a IS n . ""' 17• ~ P UBLIC NOTICE FllOIM P\1011"'9<1 0rlln90 CO.Ul O••IY Piiot, Feb 72, Maren I, a. IS, lt79 pretended not to hear "About the what., .. he queried. cupping his ha nd to bis ear. T he n he relented. ''The last thing I heard about tha t was some guy in San Fran· cisco who had some project of getting J ohn (Le nnon l, Paul (McCartney >. George and Ringo <Starr I together. "Al.L I COULD say lo that was , 'Look. that was then.• This guy is on a t rip about the Beatles. "He's built up this big fanlasy about how the Beatles are the only thing that can save the world. And that is complete rub· bish. "The Beatles can't save the world, we 'U be lucky if we can save ourselves." The executives or Soutberr. California Edison . the Los Ange les Department of Waler and Power. San Diego Gas and Electric. and Pacific Gas and Electric Wednesday praised the Dentist Sentenced TORRANCE <AP> A dentist has been sen- tenced to six months in jail for the anesthetic over- dose death or a 26-year·old Gardena woman. Dr. Richard A. Litman, 45, convicted of in· voluntary mans laughter Feb. 7 in the Ma rch 1977 death of Marion Newman. was sentenced in Superior Court on Wednesday Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney George Oakes said a n autopsy found a "lethal dose" of Nembutal in her body as wel) as a "toxic dose" of Demerol and some Valium. '!>~ t ,,.(t-t 1n1o1• 'l1.Hh •II r OU'' 141{1t 1t,11t ~tOf•' Nt•.;tt•••t 'fOUt At• •'t COSTA MESA642· 1753 1~2o H•-po<l 81•d MISSIO .. VtEJ049S·0401 1"21 c..m .... c-.-1-l~df\ 0 frw 41 A••t Pt..• I Call 642-5678. Put a lew words to work tor you. Arsa \7erde CUT RATE biquor EXCEPTIONAL WIMES SS AND UNDER 141(9 AT H4RIOR 549-4044 ' C1•sta111 Sofa Sale -·j Save up to szoo.00! r. Every Sofa~ Love Seat. Sectional reduced for this event! Sofo s499 "' I /11 J..11n /111 '1 1 II 118'"x 1017 Available in other sizes to fit your needs. Custom reverse quilting. Choice of designer coordinated fabrics. $Reg.$1449 8 way hand tied ~ofd t111d love seat. All hardwood fr.inw /\v.1tll1bl(· in the cover shown (1mmedkHe dt'hwrv) or choose fn;>m a wide selecrinn of cu-.toin f.ibncs including pnnts ()nd ... ohd ... Our decorator~ will yladly ·"'~'"' you l nric&·at s~nn l«·y $5()<) ~.,., CALIPORNIA ~~ -~GALLERIES COUNTRY & TRADITIONAL INTERIORS Interior Design Service Ava ilable 1515 North Main St. Santa Ana 547-5895 Van Nuys •Canoga Park •Ventura La Habra-Whittler Open Moo .. Thurs .. Fn.1010 9P.M.•1ltes .. Wed. & Si.a. 1010 6 l~M • '>un 11 w ')PM. FREE DELJVERY • BANKAMERICARO • MASTER CliARGL • RlVOLVING HARC.l -. Edit i I P Robert N WeedtPut>ll!ll'\er Orar'Qf'CO.t'>I Dally 1->ilol or a age Bort>ara l<relbtch'Edltorlal P~ Editor Thurld1y Merch 8. 1979 Thomai. Keov.t/Editor Candidates Face Cltallenging Task Qu 1hf1ed uppht· nts are .,oughl to ftll Ouk~ O Brlt'n '" poMllon on tht' Nt>v. pon M e~\t• l 'nlf1ed School Ds:Mwl board wht•n hJs rt•sl~nutu>n tnk<·s effert March 31 pplll'UllOns t•an lw p1<itt-d up now through March 14 • ut distn<'l ofrll't''I 1601 16th St , Newport B ·~u.-h 'fh"·y must ll\• n •turnt"d bv noon on M4trt.•h 13 Tht.• opt•n1n~ h in L>1 trict 2. tht> tn Jtle formed by N('WJ>Ol'l und H urhor ho ult•\ ards and <·o~ta M t>iH.1 ·, nort h•:rn t'lt ~ II nul' Wt• hoµt• h• :-,t-t• -.u nw C'onrerne•d. Wt.>ll informed <'ltltl'ni. tak"• 1111 intt•rt.•:-.t in tht• uppoinlmttnt \\hkh will bt· t.•ffrC'llvt' until lht• Nun•rnMr t•lrt"tson ('1t ttt·n ...... hou Id ht· thrnl>.an~ a h1..·ad 10 thut t•kt·taun \\h\•n thn•t• rour HJr tNm .. 1lt-o '4111 tw on th\" ballot Th4•y an• u1,t nrt 1 1Cn.,t1t l\frsa f:~Uncla rt'g1on 1. :~ t Nt.•" po11 llt•1i.:ht~ .trt·a 1 and 6 c \\ t·~td1ff <ire a 1, l'urrl'1\lh h\'ld h y Kt.>nn t.>th W;H m.1n Uurbur.1 SkalhnJ: Jnd Thomal> lll'lldl'r-.on, rt''l>t'<'ll\E'h l'Otl'nlwl t:andtdJlt'~ shu uhl noll' thiit tru!>ll't'h fa ct· 'crmus <Jnd ('Omplex prublem-. Tht'M' tnclude Proposition 13 t•ut bm·ks, <ledinan~ t>nrollme>nt and tt>acher layoffs. <·ourt dt·c.·1~1mb s 1µtwnmg off funch to poor er d1stnt'li-., and t·ontrar l 111..·~otiauun' Whalt· ll mtt) bt· krnµt1n.: for l>omeonc with ~rn u>. to g rmd to M't'k u M'<H. at ~hould bt• remembered that th<: wt.•11 lK·mg of i-.1..•n•ro l lhou:-.un<1 :.itudents is at stake. A om• 1:-.~ut• t'anduhtlt· \\ould be dumg a d1s~erv1ce to ct.st nrl t.•mplci)t•t•:i.. tJxpa)t'f~ c.1 nd. mol>l 1mport<.intly. ch1ldrc.·11 Communication Gap? If future traffic inc rease pro3cctions from a rnunty sub·commattee rcPort hold trU<.'. there may well be a need for added bridge crossmgs over the Santa Ana River to link Huntington Reach a nd Cos ta Mes a. To the ch<lgrm of some Huntington o fficials. Costa Mesa City Council members have directed that city 's staff Lo begin d eleting two s uch crossings from the master plan. The rights of-way. which the county commillee believes ~houl d be protected. would connect Wilson Street and Gis ler Avenue an Costa Mesa with Crespectively l Atlanta and Garfield avenues in Huntington Beach. Con~1dcrmg the need for optimum east-west traffic fl ow betwee n the two l'1l1es, Costa Mesa may have a~ted too hastily tn rtisponding to community concerns over neighborhood 1mp<iC t~ It abo appear~ t h<JI <'II y om rials on both sides of the rivt•r hav(•n't bcl•n <:o mmun1eating prop~rly on an issut uf <:onn:rn t11 cc.1<:h Stability Needed One is somewhat hesitant even to mention the name of HtC'hard England these days. The popular Nf'wPort Har bor High School music teacher's suspension on unprofessional conduct charges and th~n has transfer to Corona del Mar High for the rest of the year are explos ive issues. The fact that a s tate hearing officer won't be availa- ble for a five-day h earmg until July hasn 't helped cool the tempers of parents seeking England's reinstatement. The primary concern at this point should be the well- being of the students, many of whom told school trustees they've s uffered emotional dis tress crnd academic troubles b<'cause or the tension. Perhaps. as some parents and students believe, the youngs ters would h <lve been better off with England back in the class room. But at this pomt e fforts to have him r e· turned before his hearing appear likely only to keep the situation in an even more uncertain slate. A temporary teacher who has been handling the classc~ un a week-to-week basis has now been given the authonty to s upervise the m for the res t of this school year In the intere s t of stability for the youngstt!rs, he should be allowed to remain. P rovisions s ho uld be m ade for England to write the cus~o~ary letters of recommendation for college or othe r act1v1t1es as needed by students, and he should be permitted to answer any question s his temporary re placement wis hes to ask. But adding more fuel lo the fire would be a gr eat dis· service to the stud<>nls • Opinions e>Cpresscd in 1he space above are those ot the Dally Pilot Other views e>Cpressed on this page are those of their authors and artists Reader comment •s invited Address The Daily Pilot. p O Bo>C 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·4321 Boyd/Dining Rooms By L. M. BOYD That renowned cook Julia Child is quoled as saying. "If I were building a house, I wouldn't have a dining room. It's s pace was t ed " She always eats in the kitchen, she says . Quite so. Who doesn't ? The place in our scatter long ago was turned into an auxiliary TV·muslc· reading room. Small groups "ave taken their trays there from the bounteous buffet. But no meal has ever been served ln our dining room. First telegraph message wu .. Whit Hath God Wrou1ht." You kne w that. But did YoU know il wun't the bright Idea or Samuel t Dear · Gloomy Gu Tbe new Fire St.atlon No. 3 ll lookln' 1ood! Con1ratulaUon1, Co1ta Mua. w.z. Finley Breese Morse? No, sir . Annie Ells worth long in advance thought ll ap- propriate lo use the Book o{ Numbers verse. She was the daughter or the U.S. Com- mlaaioner of Patents. Our Language man can't seem lo find out how we came by that expression "!J<'Ot·free." Two out or three dogbitc victims are under age 15 and most or the bites arc on the race. Q. "How many wars or rev- o lutions have there been worldwide in the last 30 years?" A. About l~. Q. "I know Israel has more tmml1rants than any other country. But whet nation ta second tn th.la category?" A. Australia. You know Oto1enee. that Gretk who wandered all over the place In search or an honeat man? He Uvcd tn a lub. On~ rnenuoud here that Paul Revere'• upenae ac· ~unt for that ride to Bolton came to'abowt IUO. Fa1led to r•port. however, tha\. Uae book In wblth that account It reconlld receatly told ror ..... -------------------------------------------Nichol~ Von Hoffman Time to Set Realistic Goals ~curl!, Rt>t'buck ba11 11vcn up on tr.vang to b1.• 1tn equal op- porturuty employer. Ml lust 1111 lhut 11hra.<te has been used by the fl•dernl runctlonarit11 who tm· forrt' umrmative, action. Th1tl :Wu111, of .. 11 mllJOr corporaUonr;. 11huuld num1> down in the middle cir tlw mml und suy. !iOrry fellas. Wt" JU!lt l'Un 't do ll. IS mo1>t d1s- c·ouni1ing 1-'or tle<'ud<'S St!urs hu!\ been rt 1·01 pMuk h:m.lt•r In the human r t' l a t Ion s ftt>ltl' Thl• man wh o an \I r ,. I h J 11 .itt VO llt' t:IH· built St'<•rs . 1t~ latt' boartl l'h.icrmJn , J u I I u ~ RObl'OW tlld '1862 t932 I. put millions into black l0cJut'at1on 10 the South, 111orwered low income mo<kl h<Justng and personally helped lend Chicago back from 1t1> l{'rnbll' t919 race not which saw mobs or whitf's drag blacks oH the streetcars and beat the m lo ..death with l>ricks and cob· blcslorws Mailbox For Decades after Roeen· wald's deotb, Seu 11 continued t o be the major corpo ra · lion that would put' money into race relations. Often they were bold : srldom did thty have Roscnwald's couraa:c. but to the extent a huge organization can. Sears hud hits s pirit. The heart was In the right place. t he money som eti m es cou ld be found where the mouth was. and in comparison with Du Pont or the millionaire Mellons or G~neral Mo tors. Sear s hu :.Jways looked outstanding. IT STILL may be. For Sears . instead of using Its house lawyers. has retained Charles Morgan to fi ght this s uit. Morgan is a while man who got run out of Birm· ingham. AJa., in the early '60s for standing up for the black man and then went to work fo r the American Civil Liberties Union where he ha ndled many con- troversial ruses. representing the side corporate America would be unlikely lo approve of Some Qr Morl(an's friends are whispering that the fight hus gone out or the old boy and that he's now uscn~ his civil rights expertiae to make the dollars he couldn't make when be w111 de· rendlnc the guys in the white <whoope!) hats. LIBERAL columnist Ellen Goodman writ.es, "The auit la ... a perfect New Conservative brief. 1t contains an effective, jabbing, anti-government analysis ... the lawyers for Sears can develop t e rribly intricat e and wise analyses for anything and then use them to rationali ze our inac- tion -to call Cor retreat " It doesn't necessarily have to do any such thing. The s uit might help us define what is retreating, what ·s st anding· $till and what's moving forward. the s uit, for e~ample, alleges a much highe r p ercentage or women than men desire part· lime employment only. If Sears has its facts straig ht then 1l makes no sense lo ask a large employer lo reach affirmative action levels which presume lhere is an equal desire on the pa r t or both genders for the sa me kind of employment WOULD IT not be better to set realizable goals and insist they be met than do what we do now?' That. 'a to set unrealizable aoal• and then allow the iuue lo languish In UUgatlon and iner- f ectual paper stacking at t.he Equal Opportunity Commls•ion, an age~y or goveroment which rivals the Department o( Eneray In failing to get anything done. The Sears suit puts the qu~· lion of past dlscrlmlnaUon ln a different light. Sears quite ac- curately observes that the m~m ber of minority and remale employables with the skills and training Sears needs bas been shaped and limited by several generations of government ac- tions and policit:s Through the G.t. Bill and other mechanisms. the govern· ment has trained far more while men than black men or women of any hue. This Is owning to federal discriminatory policies, enacted by Congress and approved by the- federal courts . EVEN IF you believe that groups previously discnmioat.ed against should bt' s pecially com- pensated for 1-<1st wrongs. even if you believC' living white males should be punished for the sins o f th eir f athers a nd grandfathers, th(! least practical way to do it 1s through in- d1v1dual private corporations. The danger or damaging them a nd 1mpa1ring their abtlily to function 1s too great. The beS\ thing to do 1s to toss the whit~ males out of the Department ol. Commerce and replace thero with the new preferred grnups. This suit need not be th• retreat Ms Goodman fears it i!C It may be the wtty to 1orce the writing of equitable rules and re· gu lallons which aren't so politically 1mpo!>!>1ble, cid· m1n1straltvcly ::.crcwy, :ind dff.I mograph1cally unre al thc·y can't. be enforced ·~ WE HAVE been in r(!treat Coe: sever a l yC'ars now with the stumblinR failure or the ER~ and thes e ludicrous debate• about allow10g females to try out for the wrestlinf? team. Gel· ting white males to call you Ms .• the chief accomplishment of the 70s. isn't an <.tdvancc. They've been doing that down South since Rhett Buller walked out on Scarlet Ponder the Lesson of Little Mines Field To the Editor Do you reme mber Mines f'icld? And do you remember the J{orgeous S pa nis h hom<!s that sprawled over the Playa del Rey. luxuriuting in the beauty and tranquility of the Pacific Occ>an that lay beneath them, miles from Mines Field? Well. today, Mines Field is l"os /\nJCe les lntern a llonal Airport and big airplanes like DC ·9s and 727 jets take off rrom there and fly directly out over the beautiful Pacific Ocean and there are no more gorgeous homes on the Playa de! Rey or anywhere near the Los Angeles lnternalional Airport. Some very imPortant and con- cerned airport people said those lovely established homes were in a dangerous place and so they were flattened, lorn down, and carted away. Playu del Rey is nearly barren old cracked concrete roods arc still there I guess. And Mi nes fo'ield was s m a ller than Or a nge County Airport. Maybe you didn't hear what I just said ... a 727 was just tak· ing off from little olde Orange County Airport, r ight over your community. I said a 727 and a DC·9 ... NADINE DAHL FINK AllOflterl'lnc To the Editor: Whe n an e mployee in the private business world is con· sidered lo be Insubordinate over a pe riod of time, he Is dis· charged. If he can't take dirtt· lions or follow orders, out he goes. How do you deal with this when you work for the public tru•l, like a school district? Well. these days you get a lot of eympathctlc, biased, do goode1'3 to handle your personal quarrel with your employer and let them solve your problems for you. You use the Innocence and naivete of youths, who wlll take up any cause that c hallenges tbe ayatem and flaunts authority, Aa a parent·taxpayer In the Newpori.Meea School District. I am 1ick to death or lhe bleedlnc heart.a who a.re pleading for the relnata~menl of Mr. En1land 11 band d l rector of Newporl Harbor Hlab School. The only time you hear from 1pedaJ ln· tert•l troupe _I• when t.bey have an H to 1J1DC1. They never lhow up at the school board for con structive purposes. IF OUR students arc lo learn self discipline and respect for rules and authority. then their instructors have got lo practice the same things. tr the instruc· tors don't choose to do this. then they can c hoose not lo be in· s truclors. lt is as simple as that. If the school board or the Newport-Mesa district does not s upport its own leaders hip and allows a breakdown or rules and e ncourages it. then what good are leaders? In turn, what good a r e the rules if we allow ourselves to give in to those who would break them? The principal o r Newport Ha rbor High acted under policies he hal'! lo follow in order to give accountability to the school board and in turn the lax· payers. lie makes decisions for the entire school campus and not just to serve one special group. I am compelled, by all that I believe to be right lo sup. Port this man's decision to re· lieve Mr. England or his duties. I hope school board wut up· hold the actions taken by Mr. Jacobsen a nd make an authoritative stand when deal· ing with faculty members who openly defy directions and flaunt their union cards In our races . We all know that Mr. England has been pouting for months over recompense pay he wanted for extra services. Holding back bis services was his weapon. It seem s lo be he has more on his mind than bis musicians' welfare. Making a hero out of a man who has upended the education process at one of our hig h schools because of his own bad judgment does not make sense to me. Making a fool out of a rlne administrator who has ~orked hard to Improve condi· lions on hia campus dM&n't set well either. In any le1ue like this educa· Uon 1tandl •tlll while aides arc taken. Peraaaaion and rumor take precedence over factual In· formation. It is a sad day when we are duped by weak emotk>nl and l&led to fUrther destructive CaUlltl. JANET P£LtCUOWSKI &cPfth ..... I• To tbt Editor: H• ..,_ ,. ... mbered to do something about putting a cap on government s pending? I know that many have signed a "Spirit of 13" petition but where are those recently sent o ut ? I'll bet that your spouse. not you or course, has one under the grocery list or in the "hold" basket where it 's s ure to be stained or tossed. We are still short the required numbe r to qualiry . What's needed is an impressive overkill to help our legislators get the message. Please find those petitions that others have worked so hard to send out. Mail them in today LYMANS. FAULKNER Looking Bark To the Editor· As a former Newport Beach City Councilma n: It is with interest. I read about the Orange County airport pro blems. It is with pride. I look through my scrap book a nd read my stand of t t years ago. It is with regret, r was not able to sell the Newport Beach City Council and the county Board or Supervisors, my views at that lime. Time has proved my reason· Ing valid. When "federal funds" are accepted. local control is a thing of the past. If my me mo ry is correct. som ewhe re io the county archives ls a resolution <Board ol Supervisor s l stating t he airport will be used ror private planes only. P. DEE COOK City of Bishop Councllman .... .,.. ., .. ,., .. ftl To the EcUtor: Governor Brown has once again shown bis marginal con- cern for women's equality in America by his callous and Ir· responalble remarks to the stu· dent1 at Geortetown University. His comment that, ··w e lmearun, men> really do have an obUaaUon to 'our country. The' concept of aervice -not to the ·me' aeoet..UO,. or lo lhe •now' 1eneratJon -bUt service to the country and the ruture is esaen- Ual." implies several thinaa: -Thal "obligation" to 1ervlce In 1upport of our country la beyond the capacity or women. -That be law lbe commit· mint to aupport •hared rcsponsibilitic1:1 by both men and women in our society That our obligation to the future of America, as women, is negligible. Are we to assume that women :ire not lo be cons idered equall y and justly in the proble m·"' !tolvin~ that races us in our na· tion·s ruture·1 Governor Brown. I decry your tactics. as you supposedly are a n advocate or women's rights. Which race are you publicly dis· playing today'' SUSANNE E TEPPER. Chair. ERA Orange County Etw l'flfl lllpof f? To the Editor H o w c an ll be that the American people sit back com· placently while big business con• llnuously rips them off? IC lran supplied 3.5 percent oi. our oil and we are in drastic. need , why is Alaskan oil beintt: sold to Japan? . • Why is Detroit allowed to pr~ duce any large gas-consuming cars: WHY AREN•T e lectric cara produced for s hort term driv· Ing? Are two gallons going lo be allotted per driver or per car? Will the housewife be allotted the same amount as the person driving 20 mHes to work? Will only the rich drive their cars on weekends for leisure because on· ly they can afford $2 a gaUon'? Will large motor hom es continue to be produced and sold? Will Newport Bay continue to be rilled on weekends with pleasure boats consuming large quantities of much needed gas? Will luel. utflity prices ancl rent contlnue to rise while uUlity companies and landlords reap. lhe benefit of Proposition 13~ How long will America&\ economic lnequatlUes be al lowed to continue because thf' Am erican people have hact enough. The revolution or I,. was toucht for leaser c•uaea. • TEDDVJONd STOCKS I BUSINESS ThurMdoy'~ 2 p.1n. (ES1') Pri NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ~t•llt•nl#fl1.-1ud,...,.IM...,w 'r.,• ,,,__ .. ~~•I'< ~IW no.c-0.11 .. t-Cl<><•""'"""oo • <f ...,.., ....., •-IOCI l>v ,.,. N••-•I 4ht0041110n of \«urlll .. 00•'-" -IMll,,.1 .,, ,.,. ·-... ... \ ~ .. t , , .. • , • 1 ..,. cw '"" ... (••"• '.. •• JI . , .... r., l o.I • II ,, ... "1,.. ...... I (t ,....,, ' .......... ''° ,,. •"·. A .. OC'P " n ..... "'h"ll(O t!O 1 '" ~· " "'" , •• • • ,., .. "' ,., I 1• l•HI I •• II ••• 1"41iM llf1 I J0" • Mo•!(" 110 ,. n .... v.11 ''° u ,....,, "",.,,.,.. l «l 1 ... ~ "'""' 1 • • (ar r.. 1 n 14 , f '"''' I ., • I/\ II'•• llMflC..> t .. t ) It.. • -• .. \II .. t 1l It , '• A•l<llOt II • 11 11~> ... i''O'O 4 ,.. •i.. • ~ .... 11\I • ~ l ~"' I I ... l • .... I .... n. 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C.IObNler 9 l?l 17'1> -" lilton pt 7 1 ?()ll, -V. P-.:..... I t7 t S• 21 , V. SON Res I lS 1 '1 lS\I> • "' W•19fn 1. «l • 11l 1•'" " 90rfnl U 1' 211 lA • Cow lo\ 'IO 11 6 71.. GIOWFn jC) S ''° 11~ + '" loc•lld S I 11 "" • I;\ PKTT 1 . .0 I IS U>lt I'll SN£ T•I 310 6 6 J8V. • .,, Wl-rA l,tOa 1 7t J4'• • ,,. B<tidwU , X> ~ ,, 10 .... Co•6d<I n ,, ) Sl"tt V• GCl•ICll 1 44 • )2 "'"' ..... Locute '° 11 ,, 1•'· Pt<Tlri ID 6 IS ISV.-v. 5ouP•c l..c> 1 .. 1111. ..... W•llll111 .. I I u v. BldUpl 106 1 111 .. \;, Cr•lq 10 t • IO•>t "> Goodyr I.JO'S 181 16'1o ,. V. l O.W\ 110 • ~ •S'·e• "-PalneW U 4 w• I"'-,,_ 5ouAy 310 • 17 '°'••Vt Wa!Mu l«l t .. n \11 + 1·> 6AllC'p 110 6 6 11'• Cr•ll• 1 -• ,. ,., ......... &MdJW 60 s ' f6~· ~ lomFn .80 I 113 10'• ' PalW Pl I 30 3 17"o-1. SoAV pl"' 60 u 01f4' ... W•llJm ''° s 76 71 ... 8ai1vMI 102S 731'1 &3 • 1', ''~I F 44 I 111 '' • \;, CouiCI 1.60 I llS 11 \+ lomN\ 1.15t f • """ .. 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"" W11U11 pit .a 7 ~. '· BtlcoP ' '° & 11 n , 1 °"'• 1 so a •JOO l6 , " MectrW J 60 t 4 Jt-.. :•"!:t'.; JO.JO 1; ,? 10 · :::r,:1 1 j~ ·, 1~ :'Ai-v. 5'"1Cft f 1 n 1'••-''" wnun pi4 tO .. 1 "~ • • .., 8•1Cl4'n 1 u S 1 23"' • "' OelmP I.JI 1 H 13\, .... t1a1oc.• S 11 1 •" ' '"-• p O 14 • ' IOl'll.' . Sitt< Ill SM S l Ill'• • WU ft Ooflll 1 10\t, • "> 81'1Clnt1 :i.rt 9 10 ... Otll•Alt I 6 17S lt>or• .. M• IFB 1.t • IO 1:J 1•-lo\ Ml'"otn 1-21 6 SI 31\1•.. peop ' SttrlB<P ... • ) 1'"-"' WUTI of 15' 1 17 • '' 8~11How .._ t 19 IS' 1, '. 0.110"• M 101 11"', '• Halllbt l.IO t 1'0 63.,., MAPCO I!!! a' Ut ,.,... • '"' p=~~ 18' 1~ 1~ r.=: • "• Sler11>9 11 10 4i1 '~·-\, WellOEI ti 6 .., II~ ·~ B•lllnd 11& S 100 1 , " OenMf 7 1 I JS t1•m•P 1..c> I 26 71"' '" MfrelM -162 3S" \oio p kl E 5113 let 2'-\1.... Sl•tPre .121> 11 • l'• Wsl .. < 1 l2 I 10 U ... • "-B•llCcl • M 1 • S)'4 , ... Otnllp~ .IO I 11' 71',, >i H•nJS I S1e . U U V•• :u•IO 1 '°If ll~ '7'•' , .. ,,!~~ 1 '1 t llo: _.. Sterrldnl '°IO 11 73"'-,,.. W•1bt9 1 Ill S 1 11'•-""' B•mls 1-0 • l 11', OenlU>ly ID 14 21 1''1 " HanJI I~ • 19 11, M •r:..47.; IOI I ~ 73111 •7\o P•lrle I toa lO , ~ Slev~"J 1 Klb S 1Q 1''•, 1 .. Weyer/If I ' J71 1' -'"' 8tnGI• 1 S6 t 11 3''9 "' O.Solo 1 • 17 11"-\It t1..0lmn I • IS IS er t i 14"'' "-lrol" I 0t I ,. ll'"" ... 51'wW• 210 • 11' JO'>• ""'Wevt pl 71D l cl -\oio B•nlCp 1 llO 6 IM ll'· OelEO '60 • " U llo . I'll MM>CfyH .., I " 11 Nl•rlOfll .... IO ,,. Uh-... Petllls , .,. >O 111 • I SlollVC I :n 10 2S ,..,, • ..,, W-IF 110 • ., )() ........ B•n•I ol. JO J 0 1 ...... 0.IF pl t 17 ''° .. I, ... H•""• '·'° n • )I M•rllCll ·"' n .... ,, .... ''• Pel A• pfi 1S s 10-4: \4 Sl~VC pf I r.SGO 11\. . WllttlPll • 7l ""' 8•~1pf 4 SO rlO u OelE of I .. 110 ll ,..., H••BrJ l ... 1J •SJ~ .... "":'''':. II~ ., ,,.,,, "'Pll,., 1·22 i1 10 31 .... v. SIOMW )l!t I "0 Wllct1Pll pf6 . 110 .. Beno1e ' 70 1'11 DetE pf I,. 110 71 t I Ha..-1 .10 s ,, 11\lo-"" .,, . • ... u .... Plitt 0 ..,,. 74.J 21 SIOftCOfl . .an .. ?9h ... Wlle!Pll"' I . r10 ,. .... ... 8ftkt!yP I S6 •• , • "' OE pf"" 17 d lOO U102 • ..., ...... ,~, I " 141 121't... MrSfl~ ).~ ·~ 0 ., ....... Ph11:e1 1'1D • 11 16V. SlopSf>p 110 • 10 IS'• .... Wlllrlpl 1 '° I l11t ...... '" BnlPCI " • ,. ,.. ....... OelE or 11' 1 71"11. I" Han•h ·'° u .,. 1S • I =·~M l,., • .!' I"'" • .,. PllllE pf .. IS '''° cllJV.-i .. S~Te< 14 I.. )1"' ..... wi.t,1c I JO s 1• '°"'· l!letlt'11 I olO 4 168 t1'1t • ""' Onl... 10 t 6 ""', te H•n8k 1,66 1 16 :itta • VJ " .-1 l7 ' \lo PllllE ltf 7As · ...0 1lllt S!orerB I JO I 61 J:1 lo Wll ltMI 100 .... lo\ 61QTllr IO 12 It JS°"" 1'1> OIGlor .. I 13 """' Hu, ts 60 11 141 ~, \It :•rll( : 1~ 10 Tlvt.... PftllE pl TIO" :!00 1lllt; SlrlCIAlt l.OI 6 1 IP!. . , Wlllt1•1\ ,j() • I.. 11Ye • "' Blnnel .ID • 11 IS... . . Olell\I 1.70 • I• :r111 •• ~ HU\CO uo • , 2' -Md up ·...... St ,,.... • """ Sub .... i .., U\lo. StuWor I.ts s ) JO • Ye WIOH .'2 s II u ... -v, 8 l1FS I S 1S n~ • I OlamS I .. 6 2fM ~ • "' Hert SM • 6 ti 11~. H <O ... .., '° T•l't • 'Ill p ti i.JCI t 2'• M-'41 $ue vSllO 20 U » l~-lo\ Wltbldt .4<1 t II f • Vt 81'Ck0r ... 11 131 lt'!o '.'II Ol•mS wi' .rou10-.iLt 1111 Herl•Hk :s.u .ro ti ;" :•::111~1~ 124 ~ .......... ..::::,.,~ 1' s 19 4"-7 ePrG l.:n I 41 11"11t Y. Wj'll•ms lof011t4 II~•"' Bl•lrJn 1.7t • 11 21V.. "' OIOAB .~ ;. 1SO 16 ' v. HartfZO ·"° ' 141 """• M. ,, I I J'lo ..... """P•I 1'10 1 117 ,,.,._ y. thm ·'° 'dS " .... w ""'° IOj l4S ...... "' Sllnl I T ,. IS"" Ol•l>Old .601l 1l 10 .......... HettS. l.SOIO 1 I,_ •Ur •. (l:J i~· "" f'tlllVH ·.., 4 • 11~ El .to u • 1'"'-v. WlllO• ..... ' • " .. . 81t UiA 1,. •J ,, • "· DjDll•IEq ,. 31S so"". "' HwllE1 1.2• 1 • 2~-MHCll U I .. 4 ..-... .. PleclA r • ,. s Tl 1a... ••• S....Co t.IO 1 m •S -\Ir Wl"l'lfleo • 4S lV. .. 81ue8 160 " 3't ''"'. ~ 0 "'"°"' 57 ' JS ' -'" Heyes,t, 1.2112 1 llV.-.... Meal~ 1.0•.. 4 !Tl.ii.... Pit I y '20 s s '"-" ... $41nbm 1.40 • 1'S ~. ~ WlllttrJ lfj 1 IO'o't, 81U4tl1'd 10 6 II •lllr Ol!IMly .. n JU ll'!o ..... Hartlln ,'<) 6 .. n ..... -"' M•tauE "' ' 1 '". "" .. ,,.o,. 1' S1 • I~ ,, .. ·; v. Suno•lr .IO • II 1JYt-"' WltEP U • • m 2'V.. '" Bol>Dle8r s 11 ......... 01vflldlll » 211 • MHlllh< • " 2t~-M•lt•I .IS. • '" 11'> ..... PktM,v 1., I I? JO.... Sull•M .:IOt 11 200 ISV. -"' w11E "' .... 1150 """ + "" l!lotln 1,J: ' 171 .. ~ + ~ O wr1Mtg m .,., • i. He<h .24 • S1 IOV. .. , •• ~·"r>I wt .. Sol •It!• YI ~ltMy& 1 •10 1 t i 24~: 14 Svpr~•I .~ t SI 17"t , W IE pl ,,IS .. IJO ...... _ V. =~1.~ l n t 1~ ~~~-'°' ~~~~ ~ 11'1 't! ~ .... -~ :::c,,i~': s 1 ~ 112~::-"" M:~erb 1'2' 13 '51 ~·;·ii: Pmrro 1:~,; ~ ~ ... -14 Su=~ ~~ ~ ;~ ~ ~Yr: ~ :1:2,t rn ; ': ~~_: ~ &o•oW 7 s " ,.~ "'............. ........ , .. -Ht n1H t. H .lt\Oo-M•YtJW • s •"'-• \l\r p " .... _. • :p . 11 •"'-.... Wl1<PS 161 , • uv.-"" 8ormn• 0'9 ' 12 ,.., .... OollLJ .14 12 u 3YI ..••. Ht Ill Of 1.10 ' 19Y1 •.• ' M•YlO uoa ' 1S 1)-"" PlallAI< I 61 • -v. roM ·'°' • ' f\lr ..... WllCO 1.10 • 117 n • ,., Bo\Ed 744 I " 23\li+ .... Oonnly I • ., 11 ... H•l-C s " ' McOerf'!ll 1 • "' It~ It! !'Jeni'" .'61• 17 ""'• $\llH'oft ". 174 '""• I'll Wlltrrt AO s " ·~· Ye 11<!\E pr 1 11 1 1~ , ... OorMY ~ i I 12... • ... ,,,1,,1 1 10 6 to IT\tt · · .. • Mcfil II! 2.70.. 16 ""4-11o P1'l'ltOY .T71' '7S 21\o'J •I Si>l>N> ~:AO , .IJlll 'NOlv,w .30 1 • 11 + ,. 80\E ~I At . ,, 1114 5?!~,· .. l·-'1 .. "'2 •,!~· :z !'MIMIP A 10 n ....,:.: .. · ~ r.., 1.~ 't0 712 JOV. ..... "p'·~~L'~ 1'0 .. ! ~-" Syllro" .10 • 20 l()Yo •• W~c .., • IS.S 141 ..... "' B••nlfl 3tt \ uo II """" ·--..... !'Mme .., IS ,....,_ \l\r ...... fcl -llot !Qtllo-.... ,.._,_ .., .,, • .. WOOOPT .... '°' ~. "• llrtVtlC tD t ~ 1t'h + a,, DowJn 1.U 17 S )1\ ... -V. ...,,.11'1< ... • S ~-It! M<OMO .7J 1 11! ll*. "-PO .1'1110 J57 IJ""-_ f'-f' _ Wol""" 1.AO s e&J 11411• to ll•ltSI 1 OI • 17 h '<\ Oravo I 21 I 10 ,...,. . . Herculfl. I •1 .s. 10 • "" M<OEd IAO 6 \01 U ,. \l\r Pof•rold I 11 '°7 1"lt • v. TAIE .. 1 It IAl'J--.., Wotw ~ 210 '1 ~,I 9,1,1M l,W " 25' »••. ·~ Oreur I 1 t'6 ,..,.._ "" Htnl\y 110 • 11 " ..... McG<M 1 ~ • .., t•~"' ~OM ... • ... ,..,.._ TlltW 1 IO • ., D.... • W~ldAlr ..., II • 11,ltPtl Ut 10 ~ u27 • ,, Or.,rB 14. S IS.,.._"" MtHlOll . 21 '"' M<LH l'I .6' 6 J ,,_.,., ,._hi 1,1' S le> ~· TRW fJf 4-iO 6 .. -\11 WrlelY t.• I t .. .-.. "' Brli.wGI 1 OI • I> !~ ,,. 0,..'(ls .71• I 1 ll~• .... "tve>llll T S2 ' IOt It'°" · · .. Mcl.cMlt 4 21 11 .... Portee tOtl I I• 16YI • Tff11•d 60 7 1' 10V. • lo\ Wutl!rr .41 6 10 1Q1't 8-yUG 1 '° 6 II ,, .. _ OVPO<ll • I lt1 1:14\Q • I/) MHttltPI\ 6CI IS 700 , ...... VO M<M..0 ,,041 l IS~ .. PortOI! UO 13 m II • f •lltV 1 1 ll "'", ,,.. WVl•lfl .IO • s U\4-"' 11w11$lll) D s , Tt\11 ®Pfll ptUO.. 2 U~ -lt H911Vlt '1010 4 \It ••• M<HtU .IO t 11411~ "° Jl'9(; pl"·'° dO ttt:-i-Talley Of I .. 4 II ~• Yt Wyltl l> •• S t7 e'°" .. llrow11 '° 1 Ill........ °"-·" uo 1 113 '"'"" Hnton 110 111 11YI . \4 MHCI I eO s t ,.-.. .. '9tltcll U• • T7 JAl'I-hmpl!!: 1 l? 1 174 II"' Wyly ,.,.. ~-"' """'°" I ID • J ,.~ Ouu pt 1.10 tj() ~ ~ Ho!Mln I Cll 1 '° lt41t "" llMHrl .so 14 11 JI-~ ,..lmEI ,,,. • 111 13~. Teftdy 1 4l3 "'" "• -a-•-•· Bwnl'•r 1JO IO Jiil It ' Oullt pf 7 to l!O ICM-11'1 MOl!4•'J' 'S. I ttn T1 : .... MffllCO t .40 I x21 U" + VO _...El of 7~ I cQI I ft!Wly<I\ tt 44 ,. ... , Vt ICt f'H 1.AO 10 "7 U \Q • I.<. B'llSWk AO. ''° 12-. .... D\lh Pf 7.. 1 1''111 ... , .. Hiidy• '1ot 11 ,., ~rn All ., ,. .,~ "°'Ellllf•JCI ,., 41""•1"" "hPOe" ,. .. n .,,__ "· llTll,t,~ ,SJ J 1'7 ,,_.,. llf\IJ/>W I to • ' ,,.... o .. 111r TA 12 ,. ,,...,_ "' Holi'!'1 . : • " ltl'I. • -Miit U6 • ... 1'YI-.... "°''' 114 4,CM . tlOO 42 •I Tclll'l<Olf Ml • ,. ""'· .. ··-· .10 s I ,. -"" BwcyEr : • 147 T7V..-OuqLT In 10 Slf m... 14me0"" IO ,, '~ • ~· • '" J1'-+ ... ~~~ ... IQ • ~. ltc/1111<" 10 .., ··~-.... ZeltCJ I , a IJ9'o .... =~~ '·· ~ 1: ~~:.' t:~ rn ~ ~~·. Yl ~ ~':',}1 ~ m::·: =~.'' '~: n! t ::."' ~10 ,n ~ == r:t~· •. i~'! m ,r.::;~ i=~.--1: ~ :;"': ~ 11-rH t II! f ~-(>(ittfiB 1' II Tl&• "° ~!!''*" 2 ~ t UI MYt • YI !fM"tl t.•,. t.W '1 + Pnellhll .90 I • It -..... Tetprml 11 111 16 , 1..-iltfllt ..:i 11 U! T1'0 •• :"'11tot I= 1 ·~ ffi::: 0yflAlll ·!'.~I!_ "'··"· Wo;'ru 1-14 t ,ll tl\lo-" =~ ~ a ,/i ~ ~ ~'&. I ... ft n ~:~·. • h lu 10 W S\l\r .... lutnll\CI t :12 "'-,. 11:::11roo ,:..·, IOI 11~:::· 111~~0 ·~·.o U J! '~~ ~ ~~ .so;; lii ,:~:.:·111 =~~~ ~ fn?:: ~ R~':w J·lt : ; =-~ ~nlff Ull ~ ., :.t\lt ~ sv• '· I is ~•• • Hoeltrnu .4o0 • ,q ,~.. " 3 S4 ' ~ -. l"kHM t 1: ' m ttYI • "" i~"o .... JJ . 1t ' • ....... • • ~ ............ ,,,.. Thm )S • "" MGM ' 11 ,., 1"11• I~ l'Sw€G ,.,. • 1'7 tJ\4 ..... • r:i~;ri~ ,!°! ~ ~ 1•KO 1 to • 1~ ~ \\ =· 2i: 'i at .er-"" M4tlrt'll t. I 4 " + -, PS ~ llf4:Tt .. r1C10 •> + t 111""' , ;, ;r. J:.. :1\lllr 1 '"l JU! .. =, !As 6 ,,., 11.,..:.: · ~ Mll9! fr.!!. .. 1 m...... G llfS.OiL. ·~ ""' • 1 11119r1n ... ••;t lt\h ei1hl":C;; ~I 11 • .... ltell'l'fUO ... J ~"''4; =~'R'ilJ .~ l ~~ §!!!Jt .. 't~--Vt ,.,.,.. '"'" • ' e11uti 1 to 1 • ,,., .... =::ro u. .. 1~ .,._ ..._ erJ~ .tt . • ''"• YI '":.,, :: '* 11v.:.:.'t; S • 7,. C..-C: -llCH t AO II ,., 114..... 11 .J I 1t4 •~ el A 1 '4 1'._,.,,, ....... , t10 ,._._ \lo .... r a. ~e-. .. 14 • t 25 s • • • ., Ml t .st • "' ~ui. • .. ~11 .. s" I 4 1CIO 1 a plMt 1 Yl+l IM t 10 1.i. ..... 1111 , "° l J ~. I.. . I fl"'' ~iJk ... ,., M\h "' • "'"ti . 'I -"""' '.., J7 3'1'4.-14 ~i'" .14 "* '!""'.'."' ~rJ rE'·"~ 1t ~-11o9~~;1 ,; "l n;-l:=I~ ' ' ..1t:=1••':•1 ,•ft1 1~:l: "'/" tJ! . -1"'+ IP_.. J 1 lit =,,., nlllll~fl • • ' TM ... , MIMGt J.M mi.-~ llr [-!f t M .. ~ t~ 'e • t;~.~ POA"=' >.~ I~ '.;''" ~~k '.~ : _. m;-;-:,~ =Oi.'I t:: I t 1t ···~ 0 t'.li e J. ,:"'·:I\.; "'~H"' t ... I I j~ + 1. ti ... Jt ' ~-..... ~-1J-., -t tt"" ..... M1"9'A1 J I lfvt--. tfl, M iO JI 1~ • ~ • 10 1 ~ t...,_ •MeMt • ,. .-... I~ I"" ·• .. .. • ... !lll•111•1t• i ~Ill• .. • ~ 1 1 u n .1 c ... 'J .. ~. ..,,. ,. , ,. ' .}1flf ... JJ l: ""I M C 'I . " ..., .21111 "' l\oo ..... ~ t JO -Ioli tr,, o it 4l• • I " .. ,. r.• ~ ., It I ._ • 141 "' )I ~~.II 11•1 I Jt t •• ~-.. l!'tAC. 'i S -"' .... ~· "a -It-II -...... .• ,, 11 " \o 111-\t" I •• .,, • •, ·~111 il • ..,_.,_" .. " It \\ !'CA .... 1 ,., ---· "' • " ••-"'''"' r•• ~ '··• .. ,.1u11"t . .n JN t~ :It J! ~"" f! 1! • .s ttl"t•.,. Et :S'i ~ ~~: i~':' !4~ ~! ~:'=: tj't a. ir~·~ =Fi~· ~im '-·~·~ !=r .i;:i ~ n:~,s ec '~~ 1'I • • 4 '' , , Ll'.j.. . .. , lfMNtl ' • • • .a 1 "'12 f • " : ·1·; = . ~ ~ i Ji !ii!~,: :li.11 :~i. u:~ =I t i ~· .. ..,.,.,,. r.~; i' =:-~ ,_,_., , ~ ,:%!' ...... 0 ~ ~-i 11'1~ JI . ~ ~ = ,2, • i.-" r...e 1 • ~ ' • 1 ~· ~ • . ...~n.co ... "' l'N .. ' 'Y • ' ..... ,,J • • ' . ,. • .-. .... .. • Ml•~ .. • .... • j .at........ ll i i ' IHOP Shares to Be Sold LOS ANGELES <AP> -A Swln restaurant chain baa "ached afree· ment to acquire a controllinc lnterest in a Loi Antel .. ·baaed cbaln that o~r•tel 552 rnta1trant1, company spoketmea 1ay • WttnerWaJd Holding A. 0 ., wbJcb o~ratel 750 rataurantl ln Eu.rope and tbe Uo!ted Statea, wUI purchase 2.8 million aharel. or $1 percent, of Los Aqe}n ·bUed rHOP Owp. for about S3'1 million, Wlt nerwald at· tomey Robert Paw said Wednesday. IHOP operates U.. lnternaUonal House of Paocak•, Love's IDd the Copper PenaY re.taurant cbalal ln Cautornla aDd others ebewbe.re. Thur9day. Mlfe h 8, 1979 s DAILY ,.ILOT •• '78 Law Means Some Be.Befit By SVl. VI A PORTER u.1 .. 11 ( .......... Under the 1978 Revenue Act . a wade range of Ill· dividual taxpayers received either new tax breaks or ne~ penalties. (1) Teachers or employees of tax.exempt organita· Uo.ns have long had an opportunity not avaHable to other employees: deferring tax on part of their salaries by hav ing their employers buy tax·deferred annuities for them with part of their salaries . THEV ARE TAXED ON THIS deft>rr ed po111on onl) when they receive the annuity payments, generally after retirement. This special tax break was liberalized by the l978 law Employees may cash in the annu1t1es when they rehre. and defer taxes even longer by placm~ a lump sum amount, no matter what its site, in an 1nd1v1dual relJ.re· ment account. With this break. the funds can continue to earn tax-free interest <2> People who qualify for the 20 per cent credit f o r employment·related ex· Money's Worth penses fo r the care or children under age 15 will be a llowed to c laim this credit for payments made to their parents for care of children as of 1979. f''ormerly payments to a non· dependent parent could not qualify for the credit because of a Soeial Security techn i<:ality This tax break can apply only 1f chc p;ire nt 1s not <ilso <. dependent. 13\ ON THE UNf'AVORABJ.f: SIDE. tht' 197t Revenue Act reduces somev.hat the tax shelter nature of unemployment insurance. Wh1lt> unemployment insurancE paid to someone who doesn't work generally will remain exempt from income tax. the law now provides that re cipieo1s must pay income tax on unemployment insurance tc the extent of half the amount by which adJusted gross in· come. plus unemployment insuraoce. plus exempt disab1llt} payments exceed $25,000 for married people and $20,000 ro1 singles. Under this formula. taxes are never more than lht amountof unemploymf$t insurance received. <4 1 Another 1979 ~nef1t People who carry a battle will the lntemaJ Revenue Service into the Tax Court may use tha court's small claims informal procedure after April 1979 fo1 dis putes involving SS.000 of tax or refund for £>ach year Th< former limit was Sl .500 15 i Owners or partner., 1n untn(·orporatcd bus1ncsse:. may benefit rrom lht• to.ix law 1f tl IS practwal ror them ll run part or all or the busmes:. tJ~ a torporatton. Th<' reason· Business income 1s t<.ixed at r .. vorabl<· rate!> in a cor poralion. ln 1979. a corpornt1on that has $25,000 of tnl·ome after expenses pays a tax 1>f 17 pcrct.•nt on that 1ncoml' * * * Income Listed As Non,.taxable Not all income classifies as taxable. according to Com merce Clearing House, which preparf's reports on lax and business law. The clearing house lists the folfowmg as non-taxable ;ncome: ACCIDENT AND H EALTH INSURANCE premiums paid by employer. accident and health ins urance proceeds attributable to employee contributions : a nnu1t1es, to ex· tent of investment : bequests and devises; dam ages re· covered for personal injunes or sickness and disability payments, but not payments for loss of wages. Other non·taxable income includes dividends on un· matured life insurance policies; dividends up to $100 ; employee death benefits up to $5,000; employer's non· discrirrunatory educational assistance plan payments, for tax years beginntn~ after 1978 and before 1984, interest on most bonds of a state. city or other politicCJI subdivision , the value of lessee's improvements to the lessor and life in· s urance proceeds paid on death of ins ured. Also tax.free is the value of meals and lodging pro. vided in-kind on the business premises and for the conven- ience of the employer. For the value of the lodging to be tax.free. it must be accepted as a condition of employ. m ent. OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS' benefit payments under the Soeial Se<:urity Act or Railroad Retirement Act are not taxable. Also in this category are most scholarships and fellowships. disability retire ment pay up to $100 a week for persons under age 65 who are permanently and totally disabled: stock dividends or stock rights. unless disproportionate, or in lieu of money, or on preferred stock and state or federal tax refunds of taxes not previously de· ducted. Unemployment benefits under Railroad Unemploy. ment Insurance Act or state unemploy ment compensation la ws. veteran's disability pension and payments under Workmen's Compensation acts also are tax.free, accord· ing to the clearing house. Andrew Vaoder Zwaag Jr. has joined E.C. Cochra11e & Co., lnc:. an lrvine investment and banking and broker age firm, as a registered representative. His office is in Fullerton. * Costa Mesa dentist Tbornas R. Davies has been named an Action Council member to lhe National Feder ation of ladepeadeat Baaineu, bued Jn San Mateo and Washington, D.C. The federation is a non.from. non.partisan organita. tion representing the needs o small businesses. * Atto!"Mr ¥a.rt Edward Grosliler, Laguna BHch, ha s Joined Coldwell Banker a~a&lal 8rokera1e Co. as general counsel. He heads the company's law department staff and i& baaed at ntUJonaJ headquarters ln Fountain Valley. Before Joining the real estate ffrm. he was a partner in the Newport Beach law firm of Dorney & Grosher. • • Pat O. 8ryaa has been named engineering manager for Dkeoe Electroalu of lrv1ne. He is rtiaporuilble for en,ineering and product development. He baa 18 years of experience In the elect:ronlca In· du1try, ~ludlnl a previous poeltion at Dlceon, where be w 11 manacer of manu!acturinc controls In 1974 and 1975. He It former operaUons m anaaer at TRW /ctnch Grapb.Ut la City of lnduatry and manacer ol the enctneerln1 dep-rt· ment at S&.anlord AppJJtd Eqlneerm, of Sant.a Clara. ~ llJ• DAIL V PILOT 1111 f<SI H \ l!Vl!NINO ..-001•• Niwa ··~~ P•emedle ~ OllllCJll• 11111 ,,., ol '* .. ~ . ..,., CMl'I 09' IO lllMI) G NHL HOOKI\' 8'1tfalo Sabf"• V. ' M ~I(-. • 1l4I MADY llJNC»t Cindy •• MitMinnQ the peF9 of~ Iii.~ .., In the """"V \jllllft It.I ~ ·--' IM!ttlltlll • ......,..OllAH Al'NC*X> • ODIQf.0 HOMf IN1'PIOM "f'OC-();; Colot I OM..wt MONIWI *'' ~9NAIC Aagularl)' 9c:~ JllO QUll!lfnlng INiy bl OM~WCI dW IO pleOge bfMl\t 1:161 ~ JACt<aoH l::IO ILOWWCV Television • l 't Up ,IOM The Oeacll ' I ttUI Cliff r~ob.itllOft lrtne ~ A U S olt"-t t I>' Ottc:ll a OIOUCI ot franc;......,. on Ille way 10 theit wartOll'I town (!_ h,. I • ..OVA The U....,_• 11C>t't. men•" Thi p.obMlm• 01 too m..-,y IC)IClllll•t• and too ,_ piimwy cat• phyal UMll. ~ ltellted by a tMCllOa( ~In ...... Cl CICL.fMATIOH OI- ~ Wllll ~oYlllV condueta tM \lltnl\a Pnilhafmol'llC °''""'" .,. , .... ""*° of Iha S11..-t.,..il)I LIO 8 di J0HH OENVlR AHO TH£ lAOll8 Joh11 0•11v., and hi• guetll \lal.,11 Herl>*f C.tl«yl Tiegt Tina Turner, l:rtna Bomb«lt. Md ChefYI Ladd pr-• an hout ol m.-~. com.oy and danoa CD n4EOOOCOUPU O.C.1 arrangM tor Flllt to c;O>r., an 1ntern•t1onal ..,. .. 111ng match TUBE TOPPERS KC.ET @ 9 : 10 -"Last Stand in Eden." The plight of elt!phants in Kenya Is examined in this National Geographic special narrated by Alexander Scourby. KTLA IJ 10:00 -"Scared Straight." Young off enders get a look at prison from the inside in this brutally frank s pecial hosted by Peter Falk. KTTV GJ 12: 30 -"The Court· martial of Billy Mitchell." Gary Cooper stars in the true story of a general who defies military authority. 01 cit ... Md ,.,'" 1anct1 fd0 8 @ SOAP Corinne'• beby beGlnS 1111· Ing Tim off In l.Altln and Graetc and t>Ouncing him Off -Ila: and Mary dOMn't blllllYtl Burt'. l1ylrlg I*'<* 11ory. In OM ol Felb ·1 ldvlrtla- i -=-OOOOU 11:30 Cl) M•A.•a•H Frank b•com•• upHt wMn hi II not Miectec:I lo be the MW commending offlolt of thl .C0771h (RI 8 TOHIOHT TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS Jule Somr!w1I McCtoud '•""·~ .... me.t• ...... WOfltlnQ In t .... Moun\td Pollo9 untt. 12:ao. MOYie • •'-' ··wa'r• Not M1tt1ed" 11'52) O.Vld Wayne,~~ ~ couplM .,. turprlald 10 lt«n Ill.ti lhelf INlfNIO- .. .,. ~-(t hr .. 26 mitt I • MOYie • * * ''tM Court MW!ltl Of Billy Miion.i•' 11955) Gery C90ptr, Ch•rlH Bldctord. A l'l\ln i. put on '"" when ti. dlllee mlH-tety bfUI In order to thOfterl Wotld Ww II (2 llfS.) • MOYll • *"' "TM CondemneO Of Mona" (1M31 Sophia Loren. Mexlrnlll9n &lMN A dying~ lt1M IO pMt his .,.,..,_. on to hla younger IO(t """"' hi• paychotlc otdar boy b4leomM a '901\.!M. (2 htl ) t2:S7 8 9 MAHMX "" ...... ~ ~ln ...... of 9l'l'IP'Y lfld -·~ •tf•lra end one-night ltlnCN. (2 llfS • 6 mitt I t:tll ..... UO MOYIE • '4 ~0emon 8.rtler Of ,..... St,_ .. (193e) Tod Sl•ugllltr, Ev• Llltlf'. w~ cuttorntn ot • oet1eln betbtt U\00 find ~ 1n tor-.. ll'llnl o-»y. (' hr., 30 rr*\.) •:GOD M<>'M * ·~ "E...,Y Min II My EMmy" ( 1H7) Aol>wt Webbtlf. Elu ~.A Malle hlt.f\'1111 •tt9"!C)la to pull off • f.ruiatlo oi.. mond Mitt (2 hrl I ·~· MOVW * 'h "Wfn91 Of Oengtr'" ( t952) ZIJCfl#y Scon, NM>- ml CNncl9 A pdOt dlacov- .a that • oollMgu4I .. DeoOmlnO tnvol"9d ""4th atnlJVOllrt ( 1 hr . 30 mill ) • MOVIE f hl ~~ and Merit•• blclonle lnOWbounO Ill 111;1 s-Aio-GD HOME~R "Oetlgn" (Pan 1) Auards Host MO G (I) P£<)Pt.EI aiOICE AWAMle Olcit \Ian Dyle• and Army Archefd 11• co-holtl lor 1ne 11nh annual ~ta­ uon ol tll•H award• ~tng Amlrletl's levor- lte enter1al,..,. In thl t ... vision. motion P1Clure and music lnOu•lrlM 10:00. 8CAMD 8TIWQKT Peter Flllk lloata lhll h<llK· IOnO ~ lllmtd at "" Rah'W1!y State Priton. 0.-1 h<>lt Ge«oa car11n 9 1'WIUGHT ZONE "A N~ Pl~ To \/tilt" A am•ll·ttme hoodlum la kllleel by IM pollCI for rob- bing • IOlt't company An ax-con cerrytng • nlatc:flbook With Mannlx'1 ,,_ -men In It 1a lound murOlred. • * .. Tti. Re1utn Of Thi vamplrt" ( 1943) 8•1• Lugosi, N~ Focn. 4:.46 II STEVE EDWAAOS Cl) ~WfT8 d) MOW OIWFlM 0.-ta Connfl St...,. Marj09 Gortn.,, ~rani. Wtlk• 1:00 I C88 NEWS l>1t·k Van D~kt• will hos t the fifth an nuJI Prople'~ ChOJl'l' Aw<trds. honoring t ht• nJl tc>r1 :s fa\. orttt.' (•11tt!rla1n~r.., tonig ht <it 9 on C HS . Channel 2 8 0 FMM.Y ~ blwnM hlrMll lor the "**" of • lwOow ''"'" °"" the de!Mtld In 11 ICholU11c competition. ·=OAWRY 8 Ill STAASkY 6 HVTC.. Two lkld rO'W d11<eUcts Mt Sttralty and Hutch up u their nut vtc:tlma (Al 1:00 0 TOMOAAOW au.ta: Carole Shaw. edi- tor ol "Big Beautllul WOFMn, • a mag&Dne 1hat glotlt... hMvy women; AbC>y HI~. ~IOllOder ol "Th• Oodmothars," a matcnmaklng company lhat ca"llrll 10 ,,.. attluent U LO\'£ EXP£RT8 f~ridofl·• Bayt i•e .tf o.,fes AFTERNOON . f · t f t t.cNEW8 NEWl YWED GAME ABC HEWS 730 JOf<EA'S WIL.0 OISCOW.OIC 80C MIUJOH DOU.AA MAH St.,,. teams up w•th a t-ager with E S P to Pf'eYenl loO secrets about I-WNPOf\S from talhng Into "*"Y llandl I 8AHf'OAO ANO SON MACHO. I LD4AEA AE90RT '1ll HUMANmE8 ntAOUGH THE ARTS "Orama Mew\lng For Ev• ryA09" Ho.t The R1tcn.e Family Gut.tit Glor11 Gaynor Melba M oore. Haroltl Mell/In 0 ffj~()f' Psyctuc SM Hunl 8 DATING GAME G TH£ OOHO SHOW Q) AOA»-12 Malloy ano Reed arrest ""' daughtet 01 a wealthy 1n0urtn811st on 11 •hOphll 1~ch11ge m 2tTOHIOHT ChannPI l,bting• 8 KNXT !CBS) Lo'> Anq.:?li -. 0 KNBC 1NBC1 LO'> Ange lt•'> " KTLA pno ) LO'> AngE>IC'> Q KABC· TV (ABC) Los Ang1•l1•'> ()) KFMB (CBS) $.in D•eqo 0 KH.J· TV (Ind ) Lo:> Anqdl' , @) KCST (ABC1 Si!n D•eQ< CD t<TlV t tno ) Lo-. Anq,. •· Q) KCOP ·TV (lnrl I LO'> Anrwl• ti;) KCET TV tP0':>) LO'> An tJ"'' CD KOCE·TV 1 fJB~) Hun11nq• '" u .. .., ti Change Toward Blacks? Nope By PETER J . BOYER LOS ANGELES (AP> Hollywood has never been known for its generous disposition toward black actors. Oh, there were aJways plenty of roles for blacks. but the work wasn't of the sort that Justified long hours spent mastering the craft. Long after lbe grin·and·shufOe days or Stepin Fetchit. the best roles offered to black· actors were mindless Mr. Macho parts, the kind J im Brown always starred in. THEN CAME "ROOTS," which, among other things. paraded across the screen a host of very fine black actors, many of whom bad never before worked before a camera. Surely, "Roots," loved by viewers and professional pointy heads a like, would signal a new day for black actors. the end or an old Hollywood attitude. Surely. "Nope.'' Meet Stan Shaw, acclaimed actor and ex- perienced rejecter of trashy roles. He was WiJI Palmer, Tennessee's first black businessman in "Roots: The Next Generations." ll was one or1the class miniseries' beefier roles. So, how is Hollywood responding lo his fine performance? "BELIEVE IT OR NOT, Universal called my agent aft.er my first night on 'Roots Il' and said, ·we have this series we want Stan to do. ll's about an ambulance driver who's real reckless, who drives through store windows to save babies, and his name is Red Light.• · "I told them to keep the script." "Roots .. and a st.arring role in "Boys from Company C" have elevated Shaw above the hun- ll'Y mass or black actors looking for honest work. Now be can tum down shows about slapstick am· buJance drivers; now be can slip a diamond stud f11to bi5 ear and bang out in a hotel lounge with a reporter all afternoon. But he'll spend much of the time telling you Hollywood still isn't right. .. WREN WHITE ACTORS work, there's not a lot or referring to them as white actors ... they're juat actors dolng a role. Lite 'Heaven Can Wait,'tbeguydidn'thavetobewbite. "It's a shame, but right now, black actors are a till specialty act.a. When they send. out a call say- ing they •ant an actor wbo ls 35, handaom!!. suave -unleu they say 35, handsome, BLA\,;K and suave, they want a white guy. It's an Injustice. There are black actors who are powerful In their CD NEW&CHECK (J) I I 98 BEAU'TY SHOW tml MATCHGAMEPM. aoo tJ (IJ THE WALTOH8 With 011v1n absent tho Wallon children are uPHI by Ll'll 11mva1 1n town or an old 0111Jr1•nd ol th•ir latlWll' • 0 LITTLE WOMEN A romance dev•lops t>etw~ JO'• ailing Aunt March and her "fl•l·door ne+ghbor Mr Laurence (Robert 'l'oung) D MOVIE * • • "Robbefy" ( 1967) Stanley Baker, Jamu Booth A B<lllllh train 11 robbed ot a fortune att« t>nthant planning by the lhlevN. (2 hrs I 0 ®l MORI< & MINDY Two •tunning girls give M()(I( and Mr Blcltley the surprise ot their lives etter P<Ck1ng them up at a Strl· glM bar CD CAROL BUAHETT ANO FRIENDS Guest Jack Woston Q) MOVIE D QUINCY A my11.,1ou1 dleease ll<UPll at II Lale• Tahoe "'°"· Ntlllng • corps of doctors and cauelng a meat IXodUI OI ,.,riffed i.._"6111 (R) U COUEOE 8A8KET9All M hlelea In Action VI Ul'll· 11arslty 01 Nevada, Lu Vegas CD MERV GRIFFIN Guata Conni. Stevens, Mar)M Gortner. Frank Welker. Reb &own. Gr .. Q2IY Harnson '1!l THE A8CEHT OF MAN ••rti. Hidden Structure" The Sheng t>rOnH cratls- men ol Chlo• and the Samurai swordtmllh of Japan Illustrate th1a IOok al 1111 history ol cnem<atry. 9: 10 m NA TIOHAL GEOGRAPHIC 8PECtAL "last Stend In Eden" Ale .. andar Scour by 1up1ores lhe plight ol ele- pnants In Kenya beino pushed out bv exp1n1lon 'llaursdag Night Fever Any resemblance to Fred and Ginger is purely impossible because that's John Denver tripping ClileraUy ) the not-so-light "Face Of tee" Outing a" "out of body"~. a woman ,..,,_ • fatal shOOttng and beoomea • victim ot amnetia. 10: 15 &II PENNIES FAOM HEAVEN "Plllnling The CIOucl•" Arth.-r and Eiieen Ille alter 1"9)' dlacoYtr he Is wanted for a murder committeo by the Acc;ordlan Man. 10-.ao •• N(W8 11:00 • ., 8 Cl) 9 NEWS 8CAAE> 8TIWOHT FOU.OW~ Didi Cavett ttll" a 1o01< et atartllng r.ulta In th•• lnt&rv~ with Rahway Stale Prilon superintend· ant Robert S Hatrak. G MOVIE •'h "Wlpeoull" (1972) Henry Sliva, Richard Conte A Malla kingpin hires a hit man to e41mlnate hi• rlvala and then plans 10 dou~oss 1119 klller. (2 hrs.) CD THEOOOCOUPL.E Fellx, hi• cou1l11 Ben and Otcar all f-J•Jt tor fraud CD THE OOHO SHOW ti) OETSMART KAOS plants 11 bomb 1n Mu'a apanment to klll 1 vlalUng leienllat t 1:36 fD CAPTIONED A8C NEWS MORNING 12:00 0 TWILIGHT ZONE "The Big, Tall Wllltl" A Ill· tie bOy WlshM a prize llQhl· et good luck In his coma- b.elc tigfll G» ALFAED HITCHCOCK PAUEHT8 "Bang. You're O&ed" A Ill· lie boy llndS a pt-I he think• le tor hlrn and QON out IO pl8)' With ti Q) OETSMART KAOS bl11ckm1lls th• world by threetenong 10 launch a missile fl) DICK CAVETT GUl81 Katharine HepbUrn (Part 4 Ol 5) 12:06 f) Cl) C88 ~TE MOVIE • •'It "McCtouo l ne 42nd Streat Cev&hy" 11974) Dennis Weaver. fantastic wi.lh Valerie Harper in "John Denver and the Ladies," a musical com- edy special tonight at 8 :30 on ABC C7 l. K OCE Airs Gospel Sound Tennessee Erni e Ford KOCE-TV or Orange County, in and lets the Happy Goodman dreamed of doing a TV show like association with Two Feather Family s wing the audience this for 20 years. And now, his Productions of Hollywood. through "I Wouldn't Take dream has come true. Nothin' for My Journey Now" 1:30 Q WANTED: Of.AD OA ALIVE t:"5Q NEWS t:66 D NEWS ~-NEWS 0 MAYBEAAV A.F 0. 8 MOVIE * * "l\etlOO M11n" (19671 Jewi Gabln. AotMlr1 Staci!. Olan1pu11bl• charae1flf• '°"' '°'°" 10 perpetr••• 11*r en,,_ (2 ht11 I 2:10 8 NEWS 2-.30 I ~ R.F.O. * • "The Ayln<;i Mlaalle" 11951) Gllnn Ford, \llYeea Lindfors. An overambltl<>us World W11 II Wbmarln4t commander commits o lraglc mllnar; «ror when hfl malle5 unauthOrlzed UM ot a faulty m1&11le Q) HEWS 2:40 f) MOVIE * • • "In The French Style" ( 19631 Jean ~be<g. Sl81lley Bake< A young Amertcan er111t I< el/fl4s 10 SOUTH COAST ACTOIS CO-OP Hat , .. , 1CXI ~ "' .,.._.1 ~ ~,. t,... ,.,,..., o• ''"' _ .. _ ... _...,_ ~17141 '57-0212 MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE n.. ~tJICl"""9 cl f'f"9 r•M-Q~ • ,,., ....,,... ,,.,.,.,,.. •GOA.,... ~11•0*) OI M>N t;Qf"Hnf for" .. ~(''..,..,, .,.111·.n M.J.1311!{;3 Al'O [lt] rN.Ms l'CC£1VE °O<( SEAt. Of IHE MOT!ON PtCTIJA£ ~Of Stlf l'lOULAllOt; P UBUC NOTICE The "dream" is a 90-minute FORD IS .JOINED by special and "I Believe He's Coming ,.cnnousausiNus tt:G> 11 '* * * "Thi FabuJous World 01 Jull9 \l•nt" (19611 Louil Tod<, Em.I N911ara A blf\d of plfat• kid~ an atomle aclan-- 1111 10 l)f'Obe hlS mind for ways to contrOI the world by mNnl of atomic enet· gy (1hr ,30mln) G» **'It .. Tti. Halt· BtMd.. ( 19521 Robar I Voung, JlllllS Caner. VIi- iainy 11 ei.pollld In an ~ zone A~ revolt. ( 1 hr. SOmln I 3~9 ··~"The~Of· The S4Mll'I .......... Ct9591 Rob11t Tlylor, Linda C""5tlan. When 11 ~­ get turn• uo deed on 1111 snip, a Chalterboal lklpptr dllocov9fs a stranoa map that '-'• to • hidden "faZI lof1une ( I hr .• 30 min I • 3:30 8 • • ·~ ~c1111 Her Mom" 11972) Connie st-•, Ven Johnson. A COiiege IO>otn l>ecome9 thl SC4lf>I 1or ,.ation.1 dllO'll• ovw -·· ltb wt'9tl • •tun-ning wlltreu l61<1S oww n e fratarnlty hOUaemothM. (1 hr • 30 min I Qn THEATRES C WHEIM AREA ) CINEMAlANO '"'~J~ 1b01 Ult Hat&OI 81•0 lr~t 1'11 .. ng ~ Gnet TNM-•.....,..,.. ·~ "COHYOr ..... 1 • ..JI ,,., "KING OF THE GYPSIES" ..... "PUTTY UIY .. llt ._,.,..,.1 ( COSTA MESA ) So. Coast ,,. ,.,, n11 J•tO 8tt\tOt t ,,~ P,t 1111n9 > ACADltrr HOmHATIONt SUPERMAN (PG) 1.1M 11-11 .. 1-_ _,_ S~Retch "NORMA RAE'• 2......._tOll'Gt THE WARRIORS 2:30-':30 8:30-8:30-10:30 (R) P UBLIC NOTICE national pubUc television special guests DelJa Reese. the Happy Back." NAM«STATU-lNT called "That Goodma n Fam i 1 y , the The highlight or the program riu~':s.t'°'as~'n9 sie~wn• ··~ c!Olno 1'1CT1T1ouuus1H .ss G r e a l Jordanalres, Micki Fuhrman, arrives when special guest star s 1NGLl!T'OH tNSVLAT•ON COM· NAMUTATl!MENT American and the Fisk University Jubilee Della Reese takes over the ~:;:~.::.>;.s~~~s~"'t 0 ·1· ~~~0~~•no "''°"~ .,. "°''"' G o s p e I Singers In the first national TV stage. She blasts out into the c & c 1NSULAT10H eoffTRAC. <>ttTARro Pt..ANNEO REstoEN· S d " d ..I • kind d'tArf wt"th a fast paced "( T'OAS, INC., a C-allfwrti. corpor•I-. TIAL OEVElOf>MEHT JOINT V~H· oun . an show"' 1t.s • au ,..., um · no1s oaH.-. u..n 0-1, L_.... ""'s· TURE. 110 N.-.-t Cet11 ... Drive, its debut on "Gospel music is happy Knew Jesus When." c.111orn1amu N••PC>rtllekh,CAttuO KOCE -TV , mus1·c," soys the host. And the TENNESSEE ERNIE then n11s ~••1e0fldueh!dby.c«>'· AMERICAN NATI OHH h i porellon. HOUS ING CORPORATION, tt Channel 50, mood is infectious. has a chance to gel into w at s c;&c 1NSULAT•OH c.11~ .. 1a torpotetlon, 110 Newport and a II 279 The program opens with the definitely his Cavorite style of ~ E c.o...,, C•nler 0ri .... N41wport eeacll. CA I h """"""' '7..0 PBS stations entire cast singing a stirring music. He t eams up w t Tiit• ~t-'-' wM m..., with ow 0 NTAR10 CAl1FORN1A ASCOT in the country version of "Put Your Hand In Musical Director BHI Walker's County Cleflo ot 0r•ft99 County on OEVELOPMENT. INC ... Calli.t111 .. r 11 h h edl Febru•rv •l. Im. coroorellort. ioo Newport Center P'ORO is set or the Hand," and that sets the pianotostro t roug am ey "t"'" or1ve,N~Bea<h,CA'7m Saturday at 8 p.m. It will be part positive tone for the rest or the of "What A Friend We Have in Pul>llsllld 0r""91t ('.o.!Kt O.elty Piiot. This buSlrt•U ·~ cCWlducl4d by. (Of of a 16-day "Public Television program. Jesus," ··Others," "In the Ftb.u .n--.t.a.im s.n oor•t""iMu1CANNAT10HAL Festival '79" celebration on Garden," "My Task." "Come on HOOS1NGCORf'01tATION Channel 50. THE NEWEST talent on the Down" and "The Old Rugged PUBUC NOTICE ~...=:..0sie,..1o11t program, Mic kl Fuhrman, a Cross." Mu1nu avoss "That Great American Gospel 19-year·old discovery from The final segment . a Joint PtCTtnCM1uus1Nes1 ::r=:!: Sound" was recorded ln a live Coushatta, La., presents some of number by all of the performers, T,.. :i=..:r=~ ... ~. ooino w.e 1• per formance before a near-her original compositions. This combines three well-known in· 1M1ness M: ..___..---.CA..... Pt,..., capacity house at Opryland, 1·5 her naUooal televtslon debut. splrational songs in a special PAYLESS CLEANERS. • Otc1 ,....1_ ar.,.. eoe~ o.ny P11ot A . NewDOrt lllvd,, Ne-1 llffcll, CA M craft and can perform credibly." Orangt Coast Colltgt prtStnts U.S. ., in Nashville, TeM. It is Tennessee Ernie introduces blend that Tennessee Errue con-fM2 erc111.is,n ,2',1'n -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=;:;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:==========--..--•-n_a_ti_ooal __ P_BS __ P_r_od_u_c_u_o_n_b_Y_...:o.:;n...:e..:o:.:r..:hl.:;:,:,s...:.f_av_o_ri_te.....::::go_s...:pe;.__l...:grou::......--=-ps--s-t_ru_c_t_ed_J_us_t_r_o_r_th_ls_P_r_o_g_r_a_m_._ c.osi~= ~·.:!;:'"· 331 e. to1 11 • • IC•Y A. Wllllams. lJI E. :IOlll, I .... ,, PUBLJC NOTICE TRAVELOGUE SERIES 'On the Trail of John Muir' with Bill Klmts FRIDAY, MARCH 9 -7:30 p.m. FINI ARTS JU>, 2101 Fairview Road. C0tt• Mtu, Ca. Admission: $2.50 (Strln licktts avallabt1) For lnlormatJon. QD .5..56-5330. • ICIBIY· IWllll IO•ITIDI 1E11111-.. 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS . ~: IEST Ac:rMSS Ellen Alan Burstyn Alda ~.me'11me. <Next~" --.,_ ___ ..... __ A~~ T~• NOW Pl /\YING • ( Coste-.CAmlt ~ L. WllllMrti, t7S T....-·---------- 0 , (CKle-,CAfttJt SUfl"IERICH9 COUR1'01' TN• Tlllt buslftHJ It<-~ OY • ITATlrOfl"CAUl'ORNIAPOR 91Mrel Pllf1""""'lp, THE COUNTY OP O•ANOlt OOROlHYA.HEN~Y Ha.A·'"" Thlt stet-t •ai filed wffh t,_ NOTIC• 0" H IE ARINO 01" County Cletll of Or•rtoe COU<lty on f'ITITI°" f'O• "'•OUTE OP WILL Febf"81Y1'.1f1'. ANO l'O• LITTERS TIUTAMIN· ,.,_ TARY ANO ~· AUTHORIZATION P\>l>llWCIOr~ Olett O•lly Pllol, TO AOMINISTI" UNOeR TH a Merell'·'· u .n ,ttn 111·1' IND•ll'•NDSNT A081111UST•ATIO .. 01' asTATH ACT PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITloUs eUlt .. HI N.U.STATaMaNT TIM fOllOwinO ,.,_ '' clol"O 11u1~ MttH: ll!L.Vl!DERe P aTllOLliUM. L TO .. S<lltt 0 . "° Gltrt~Y~• St .. \."""8 hedl. CA ms t I ~ .............. ..,..,., _,_, Ott,....y,.. 51,, S... O. ~ e-11, CA'lt$t Thia ll\lljMn 11 <OMIUCIM by • llmltM~p. C. NEIL lllHKOP Thtt ......_. wa\ 111 .. •1111 ltla C-IY a.rtt of OfMte Ctunty °" ,~ .. ,.,. ......... , All .................... 11. "'".a.--. CA_,, Euere Of EVl!LYN SAXTON STARKEY, Olc..awd. NOTICE IS HEflE8'1' GIVl!N tllat OTIS PAUL STAlllCEY 1111 lllelt l'tffelrt e Pttltlort fllr ,.,_.. Of Wiii 8"d fOt' -Of LAntn THl-ta ry to Ille 11tfltltt1tr and ftr IVlllotltatlOrt to ~l ..... M ~ the ,.,.........,,. AdmlNJtretloto Of EM.ates Act, ,...._ 10 wllkll 11 m.w ,., lut'ttlff 11"1~ and tflal ti. ·-Md place Of """"° "'8 ...,,.. .,.. """ wt '°' Motru. 11, lt1', at 10:00 a !ft,, In IM C-1TOWll ot ~ No. ~ Of Mid COi/ff, ti 100 Cl¥1c Cen~ Ori¥• Wt\t. Wt .... (tty Of S.111• An•, Call'9trtl•. 0.IM l!Mtcll S, tm LEE A. B•ANCH °""""' Otrtt "*"' .. " c. ..... .., •• ,fdl ... ...._... ..... c. ..... Tet;W ..... ........... ,......., f'lltllKllM Or .... CNtt Oalty ,., .. #Nf', '·I. M. mot UI 1'