HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-06 - Orange Coast Pilot. Senate Buries . ~ Eo .. ee Family Carter's Plan Out of Honie For Gas Tax . F RIDAY AFTERNOON, 'JUNE 6, 1980 VOL 1J, IHL 1a • laCT.-S, • PAOH By ARTllUll a. VINSEL Of .. Deify ...... SUft Searchers contined combing chilly seas off the Orange Coast today for wreckage and bodies after a small plane disintegrated in mid·air Thursday evenJng. sl\~O'\!_lg debris out of the skies frYe mil~ off!bor'e. The· apparent explosion was witnessed by a Hughes Airwest jetUner captain who radioed at 5:30 p.m. that it appeared to be Carter's Gas Tax Buried --By Senate . WASHINGTON CAP) -The Senate, following the lead of the House. overr"e President Carter's veto today and crushed bis dime-a-gal.loo tasollne fee. The vote was 68-10, well above tbe two-thirds m*'1lY needed to brush aside Carter's veto~ a congressional measure ~al· ing the fee. · It was tbe first time a Democratic~trollecl Coogreu falled to sustain a Democratic pl'aldent's veto since Harry S Tta.tman wu overridden lD 1952. Carter vetoed tbe bill Thurs· 4Q. aayiDg the fee was needecl to belp conaene imported petroleum. But two boon later and witb no delNlte. the Houle voted 335.35 to override the veto. Today's Senate vote ad· ministered the final deatb blow. 1f blle either chamber of Consresa can austaln a veto, two-tblrdl vote lD both ~ a"iy Deeded to Otelitde oae. 1\rlUIDI ~{for tbe ffto to be P.llC••nM. Sen. Gary Jlut, D-Colo.. tald the Seaate tbat faUure to Nduee U.S. de-pead~ oa fOJellD oil oa1J mlk• milltar)' aetloft ln die hrnt• Gulf reckm that much --.a-.,. 1'We need lo tab IOIDe ltronC ....... ~Udl ................... a twin~ Cessna aircraft Spokesmen ror tbe Federal Aviation Adminiatrat.lon said to· day. however. that lt was a Piper Super Cub single engine plane out of John Wayne Airport, piloted by an Orange County man. H'e reportedly had one passenger aboard at the time the aircraft literally ellploded, according to U.S. Coast Guard officials in charge or the off. shore search. Jim Parsons. general manager of Dick's Imperial Aviation at John Wayne Airport today confirmed their leased blue-and-white Piper Super CUb rental plane was apparently in· volved. ''AU evidence indicates that i< was our plane.•• said Parsons. adding that bid firm bad been in contact with the plane's pilot but he declined to identify him "He got ha pilot's licenae in 1977 and ~·s a local boy," said Parsons. ad.dang tbat he is mystlfted by circumstances sur rounding the apparent midair d.lslntegratjoo of the plane. "ID all my years ln aviation rve never beard of a plane ex· plod.in& like they say ft dJd mi· leu lt waa beina sbot at.•• aaid Panone, who explained be bas rt )ears Qying tJme. Cout Guard ChJef Leonard Frost, ~ the Search and Rescue Cettter in Leng Beacb, said to- day a leeond penon was report. eel aboard the milling plane. ( ... ftANs, Pa&e AZ> ... -.....- TOMrbt Attraeifea Even with the devastation of Mount St. Helens still f resb in the news. plans are be· ing formulated to tum the volcano into a tourist attraction. Meanwhile. hundreds of loggers and mountainside property owners have swamped Washington state officials with requests for permits to enter the 20· mile .. red woe" around the volcano. Caterpillar Invasion Creeping Thomanda Force Family t,o Flee .. We open the door very caref\llly to set inside and IMY drop down on us u we walk in,·· Gata .said Tbunday. He baa CQDtlnued to spend nl1bta llt tbe apartment. On Wednelday fire flahten a- lb1 blp.pnaure boles f aUed to drown the bannleu, If unalaht· tJ, taU!!i'pdlan. •All they =as give them a batb!" la an attendant at a netchborbood 1ervlce Sla· Uoo. Afterward ... tbe caterpillan were more numerous tban ever." admitted Areble D. Caesar Sr., town modi a ..... o. teodent and tree warden. Gata aald tbat when u iD· duatrial vacuum wu -.ed to " scoop up tbe tmects ... it eot 10 c&o11ed wttb tbe damn dalap It ato,Pped workln1. • • And. be added, '1ben'a DO Way JGU CU take a vacuum up an -.toot tree." CMMr ant plenMdl to~ a commercial actlleahe, Tualefoot; arcUld tM -. ~ the t1'8ll to trap &be ca.......,.. ·•tf ...... 't wort.'tliie lalt 1tep may be to remott tbe v.. ........ su.. • ClOllbel omc. ,..... ff•Y.Warcl Mid tbe bull .... • ., feed for • ,.., .... .,. ... ., ..... .,, er ·'Kidnap' By llOBEllT BARKER Of -o.lty PIMt ..... Police agencies have in· tensified their search throughout Southern California for a mysterious black van that they believe may be linked to the se>- called Freeway Killer who may have murdered more than 4e boys since 1972. The full description of the van was released Thurs day. lbe sarne day that the latest murder victim was identified as IS.year. old Steven J . Wells of Downey. The boy's nude and strangled body was found behind a service s tation in Huntintlon Beach early Tuesday. The body of another youngster which was left al the rear of a Westminster service station two weeks earlier, remains uniden· tified. Garden Grove police issued an all-points bulletin for the van after two witnesses reported tbey saw a young male hitchhiker being kidnapped in the city on the nipt of May rt. Garden Grove Police Sgt. Bruce Beauchamp said the van appeared to be brand new. (See DJ.ER, Pa1e AZ> Coast W eatlaer Fair through SatW'd•y except for late niabt and mornil:l& low cloud.lnesa. Lowa tca.lght in tbe 508. Riaba Saturday mid to up- per tOa at the beaches. 70 to 1$ inland. 1N81M TO•~ 't' TMN'• ,,..._ of /1llt to be fWttMI cd Coda lfaa'1 JSth caaltlCll llllt ,.,., °"" Conmiol ttd• •~tad. Sot11rcfor'• parade " pwc#IOld °" Paot CJ. ' ' M Q!1, Y f!W! I 'aftr, JlfM f , '90 Jobless Rate WAWIM"l'ION CAP) -TM • ••U•'• ... ..., •• , rate ._ .... , .. C"• •a U..Hjt1&111~,.... • 1811aU. • .._ whln• ••••• •••tl•••• t• •••• li1alftr'lllJ. Utt 10......._ ree' ::::. • ,...., ,. ..................... UD•Sft"°1meot by l .I Plf'C*'• ..... pa6D&a -tbt lart• two- 1! moatb dhnb l1Me WOrtd Wv : u ...... Labor ~l Mid. ~Some 1.7 mllnon Amtrluaa ,..._,._Al :.PLANE ••• pieces ol which were ~Nd Thursday evenina. No trace was fowid ol any bodJea, 1nvelti1aton aaid. Chief Frost aaid the Coa1t Guard baa the names of the two Individuals presumed aboard. but the firm that leaaed the plane and rented it out coWd not confirm that. Hopes for possible survivors were virtually nonexistent, ac· : cording t.o authorities. ·'The hope that anyone ls still alive grows dimmer and dim· mer with each paalnl hour," USCG LL Mark Jonee sa1d. He said water temperature ln . the region belng combed by the cutter U.S.S. Hobart out or Long Beach ls 60 degrees and no one ·.could survive more than four or five hours without a wetsuit. Location of the area where the disintegrating plane went ~down is about rive mlJes ·south of Newport Beach. placlng · it roughly otr Laguna Beach, in- vestigators said. A helicopter out or the USCG Air Station, Los Angeles, was also combing the seas offshore today for any trace of furthef' wreckage or bodies. One OranJe County resident reported seeing a blue and white plane fitting the misaJng Super Cub's description fly low over his home late Thursday after- noon. apparently backfiring. E',....PageAl KILLER •.• customiJed with a very shiny black paint job. The vehicle had no chrome ex· cept for the name Dodge printed in block letters at the right rear oversized door. . On the left rear door the word "shafted" had either been print· ~ortaped. ~ nere a1ao was a tear-drop lriadow ..... u. left ,.,. of tbe ~v.n. • Beauchamp aald two wit- nesses reported they saw a youth forcibly abducted when they were waiting to make a left lurn at Hazard Avenue and ;Brookhurst Street near the San -Diego Freeway. : ''The witneaaes said tbe youth ;approached the passenger aide :where be was squirted wlt.b a •ut.tance and srabbed. ; ••we are aure there were more '.I.ban one penoa ID the •ebicle. • ''We were t'GDftdeat that tbe .teport .,.. true from tbe ~ 'pine... Beaucb'amp aaicl. "But when a Hcood witness came forward a week later wttb the same ·cletalla, it made ua nm more 8Ul"e. "We have no way of knowtng lf lt was the Freeway Killer but Jt ta the btst Jud we bave." Wells, the victim who wu found ID Huntin8toa Beach, la not the penoo who wu forced into the van, police said. Garden Grove police are uk-illi &ll)'OOe with information to call them atm.6667 or m-6783. Cosmonauts Aloft MOSOOW (AP) -The Sovitt union baa fired two more coe· moaauta into apace In an ap- parent test miaaion for the new Soyuz T2 craft. Soviet a~ ot the mlHkm left It unclear lf . the mm would link up with the orbiting Salyut I apace atatloo. Til Jt IHI (n4)MMDt Q111.,..Mc$4I f4...,. .._ ... ~ ..... ........ to _. .. NI.II ... Ad ... 1.1 Pl'Hal la MQ, lt ............ , ...... No-...... 1111. • .. tM rate .. ~ ... a•1111 ......... at.ace• At Mm1 t.llM, UM Labor Departmeat uld wboltHlt ,rte. ..,.... ..., role b1 • men t.J '*"9l, dowa from April'• o.s perNat rise and the 1ma1a.. mantbb lDcRue alDce ~ltn. the .... t price nau .... •Uf· ... t liplftcaat ....... ta 1Al1• tlOD llltr UaJa J•ar for 90G• 1um1r1, wbe t.ave Mea eoe· froated wWl prleel rtl1aa Ill • 11 percent eompouad auual rat• durlna ~· llut ~ .. montha of Ulla rear. o.rtq April and May. •holetalt prte. were ril1nC at annual rata of oa· ly '·' pereeGt.. Wboleule nten to the ltate of productlon for 1ooct. Juat before they reach eonaumers. Prlcea at tbat level are COO· aidered a good barometef' ot IUl>- aequent retail prt~ cban«•· ..,.....,_ RAMSEY ci.ARK WAVES TO KHOMEINI SQUARE CROWDS BUI Radio Calta Him 'W.8t American Agent' Iran Calls Clark 'Vilest' American By fte A.aa«la&ed Press Tehran radio condemned Ramsey Clark today as "the vilest American agent" and as ked Sadegh Ghotbzadeh's Foreign Ministry t.o explain why the former U.S. attorney general was allowed to partjcipate in the "Crimes of America" con-fel'eDCe. ne ndlo aid die aim ol t.be roar-day coafuenca. wblcb ended 'lbunclay 'Wlt.b a reeoba· lion coodemnl.ng U.S. treatment of Iran without mentioning the 53 American hostages seized more than seven moot.ha ago, s hould have been not only t.o in- vestigate past U.S. activities but also t.o prevent future plota. The Sovemment-owned radio, wboae actions and commen· tariea occaaioeal1y anger some Iranian oftid~ the air ol the conrennce have been not only to in~ put U.S. aetlvldea but abo to Pl'8"al what lt Mid could be plots ID tbe future. It aald 1nm•a continued cllpm- dea~ an lmperiallam and the "open ancl~dden eonapirades" of the United State. leave no doubt t.laat Iran must draw up u Music, Money Good Reading .OnSun~y Muaic and money, now and then. wUl be examined ln Sun· day's Dally Pilot. CE&TAJN SOUND -Wby tan 't there a mooumenl to Stan Kenton'• diaUnctlv~ music oo t.be Balboa Peolnsula where it all belan? Staff writer Arthur R. Vimel prolllea memben ol the Jazz creat'a Bil Band who recall the heydays and wisb 1bere wu some lasting symbol. aA&JTY VALUED -Jnlla. Uon bu driven the price ot rare coiDI blaber aod bilber, and a Newport Beach deafer in allver dollars la ridlna the wave ol in· tereet by spotting undervalued cartwbeela for b1a clients. In You/Your Money. DAD KNOWS BUT -Not always, HY• Al Doualus, a Newport 8eaeb bualneaaman wbo wu bcmored u tbe Welt Cout'• '°I> father lD tbe ftllld ol com!Dllft. PuWq famll1 ftnt belptd hla cbllclren &J'OW ID• ~ In SUnd•t'• bulleur pas•. • soon as possible a "com· prehensive proiram" to counter this and to "separate and de· marcate our relations with Amenca." It said the conference and the "conciliatory attitude" of the Foreign Ministry toward the United States need explanation. r ... Pt1pAJ GAS ••. Carter cast 21 vetoes. all of which were sustained. Altbougb no Democratic president bad been overridden alnce 1952, Republican Preaidents Dwiebt D. Ebenbower, Richard II. N'tx- op and Gerald R. Pord bad a total ol 19 vetoes overridden. Democrats have eonlrolled botb boas.-of Coacreu for tbe belt. part of the Jut $0 , ...... In Ida veto mestaa• 'J'luanday. the prw;l4ea& told eon.,.... llaat' wblle be kae.-the fH waa poltUcally mpopular, memberi should rile above PGlltk:9 md let blm lmpoee it, Ile called tbe levy an lmportaDt step bl all conaenatlm. ''eood .poliey Md cood commaa ...... •• Ria veto took two bo9rw to reacb the Houle llDd two mtnut. todiscuaa. . .. We've talUd tile matter to death," said Rep. Al Ullman, D- ore., chairman of tbe Ways and Means Committee, u the roll call wu ordered. Carter wanted the fee t.o help the nation be1in wltbdrawtq from its eilht·million·barret-a. day consumption of forelen oil. But opponents -Democrats as well as Republlcana -called the fee a $10.3 billion tax on driven that would serve liWe p;.arpose but t.o help balance tbe budget. The president announced tbe fee Jrf arch .l5. and.Jl wu. to-bave gone tnt.o effect May 15. But a federal Judie blocked it, aa,ytna Carter overstepped his authority in trytna t.o place the levy oo all IUOllne lnatead ol llaUtlq It to oil lmporta. 11ae adm!Nstration la appeal• tn1 that order Howevet, tbe override ot Carter'• Yeto CCMlld make the outeoaae ol tbat 8llPM1 moot. It wu not lmmedftilely known II 1overamea~la plaJ}Pe{llo J'\U'l\ll t.be ... Carter relt.r•Uid .elalm Thursday that be mo.Id to lm· poH tbe , .. ~bee ... c:oe-areulonal ._....,..,... W. to do so ......... c.~!~br~.:=t'~'.,..a.=:: fteiala" ~ Jae aalcl an •· wWtac .. to face the Political beat ..... U. .u .. eoeee to mike a '°"° dKllliil tir * be••ftt of We c ... 1r1." Re mldeU..,_..to~ 1D tbe O.al °"'" .. be ........ tbe•••-.... TM WI a boe.b ..._ ........ ,_ .... .,...._ =~~:-....... .. ~I '-. biP•u.tti'.wome. Uaemplorment lnereaaea were ~ blC.b amoaa worken bl eoutrucUon and muuaf~. a.pec~J in tbe autolD4UltrY. County Votes Still Counted Employment amon1 blue- cotlar wortten fell by "50,000 durlna May, but wblte·collar emplo)'melll wu up by 200,000 Jobe. The two montha of easing in price Increases al wholesale followed advances of about 1.5 percent Iii each of tbe nrst tbJ"ee months ol the year and signaled some coat.lnued price relief for Americana at groceries. drul at.ores and other retail outlets. A Registrar of Voters spokesman said results from two precincts in Anabeim and Fullerton were expeded t.o be added into the overall vote re- turns sometime today, livin& tbe county lt.s ftna1 but Wdftclal results for Tuesday'• electioa. The county has 2,061 prednets. Blamed for the delays - which Initially involved misaing results from 38 precincts -were computer problems and a balJot mixup 1n a West Anaaeim pre- cinct. A spokeswoman for tbe Secretary of State's office 1n Sacramento said fulaJ retwna from Oranae Count1 were oat in- cluded in the booklet U.Ung re- sults of Tuesday's primary elec· f'ro•P~Af BUGS ••• before spinnlDc gk>say blade co- coons and entering a 10-day pupa stage. But they will emerge aa moths that will lay more caterpillar eggs. Residents are edaY. "I'm almost out ol my mind over th.ls ... They're outside. crawling all over the house." complained Candace Kaley. 73. ''You bavt! t.o brush your way out the door. "I never saw so many cars on this street. People are slopplng and look.mg ... They've nevt>r seen anything like it. Neither h1ve I." "They're not dangerous," sa.id Selectman William Moody. wbo OWDI oae of tbe ...... ''Tbey don't bite•....._ But ._.re a nuJaa.nee." Experts said tbe lnflwr wu caused by a peak in the cycUcal caterplllar population. but Dalton Fire Chief Robert Kirch.Der blamed restrictions oo spraying pesticidee. ~ Electric Car Gets Boost NEW YORK <AP> -A new battery-motor 1,.Wm deWJioped by Gulf ll Western IDdUllJW tac. eoald put peppm, inn· peulww tlelUic can -capable of 150 mu.a at $5 mpb on one claarae for about $3.45 -ln America..,.... by 1•. The batt•rJ 111tem WCM&ld nMd redw'l1al for ab to eilbl boura after every 150 .U.. SllW amda1a MY 150,000 four· PaueDI«' can DOWeftld by t1i1e new 1,um could be prodaced by 1• at a COit. ID ._ clalhn. of M.500 eaeb or lea. ~ ~.-J ~ -. ~ . '-/ . , Uon in Calilornia. Sbe said Orange County is the only one left in California which bu not completed its final tabulation of votee. Los Angeles County vote total. also are in· complete but official• there cboH to submit their results u final for now. Orange County election of . flt'ials have maintained their new $1.5 million vote counting system wu oat at fault in the vote tabulation breakdown. TbeJ lmtead cited problems wht~b arose when results on magnetic tape from 38 preclnct.s would not co through the coun· ty'a computer' which iuuea print· outs of results. For most of those precincts, the information bad to be traufernd to new tapes which were re-fed succeufully lhrou&b the~. But other problems also OC· curred, locludinc those in an Anaheim pncinct where 237 voten were glvea the wrons ballot card Uattng partisan races for otbe!' districts. Tbia mixup resulted in elec· tioG otnd.a1s having to transfer non· partiaan vote results from the old balJot.s to new correct ballots. Votes cast in the partisan races were thrown out and elec· Uon officials have u..ad lbe reai· d ents would not get an op· portunity to recas t ballots an tbo6e races. Officials SaJd apparently no ooe DOb<'ed, not even the voters, . they were casting ballots for candidates in the wroa1 districts for uaembly, atat.e aeoate and eoa,,.., C,as Prices WlOff SACRAMENTO (AP> - For tbe first time in three yeara, the price or 1aaollDe eitber leveled oil or drbpped durin1 the moatb OI lla.y, tbe ata1e Department of TraupoNtioa reports. Tile department also said Tburaday tbat biabWa.J travel for April decreHed C.5 percent from April 1979. Weekday travel (ell S.3 pettent. and weelreod travel z.c per- rent. Bua rtdenbip lDcreased by ZZ.t percent ln April over a year aeo and train travel rwe a bit, but first· quarter a1r travel fell 9.2 percent from the first quart.er of lt79 . Food prices al wholesale showed a ~ant 0.1 percent rise after falling 2.8 percent ln April. Non.food prices rose 0.3 perceot last month, a considerable slowdown from the 1.6 percent lncreaaeinAprtl. Much ot the improvement was due to energy, for which prices rose 0.8 percent, the smallest monthly rise since September 1978. Tbal was before the Organization of Petroleum Ex· porting c.ountrtes began a ctou. bllng ot crude oil prices that hit Americans the past year. Energy prices increased 3 .8 percent in April. Tbe government's index for wholeule prices, officially called the Producer Price Index for finished goods. stood at 241 .0 in May. That meant tbat goods eo1ting SlOO at wholesale lD tbe base year ot 1961 cost $241 last month. c,ems Booty $2.4 Million II ARSDIJ.ES, France <AP> -Gan11tera extorted $2.4 million tn gems from a Yaneillel diamond dealer dur· ing tbe night by threatening t.o kill ooe ol bia children, police said. Elie Guigui told police four masked, armed men eatered his home as be was eating dinner with tus wife and four children. Two men shut Mrs. Guigui and the children lD a room and held them at 1a.npoint while tbe others forced Guigui to give them the combination t.o bis of. fice safe. When they couldn't open it, they telephoned Guigul's home and threatened t.o kill one of bi$ children. He then explained bow lo opeo tbe safe. NolrarUan y a/,edictorian:: ATLANTIC ~~S. <~ ... -Tina Babadori was suppcJBed t.o 1ive a valedictory addreu at Atranlic City High School's graduation next week. But abe withdrew when more than half the school's teachers signed a petition oppostni her. · Misa Babadori, a straight-A student and fifth in her clua, is Iranian. And students supporting their classmate say the teachers' behavior ~ counter to every. thing they've been taught to value about America's Pria· cl pies. 811,· a11,· S11it or • • S11ort Coat In 011r '. Stoek ••• For Onl,· ••• • -oo ·~-. . I WUOilllt!e Gola Prices Spiral Anew LONDON <AP> -The price of gold soared as much as ·'24 an ounce to break the $600-an-ounce level for the first time ln three mon\.bs in Europe today. Silver also rose Sl.02 an ounce in London to a two-month high of $17.02. It traded in New York at $16.80. The value of the dollar was mostly lower in quiet trading. Dealers said demand for gold today continued a recent strona surae that be&an Monday amid rumors -later officially denied -· that three to five American Killer's I Vehicle I Spotted? r a1 aoam Ma&Ea °' .. ....,""' ..... t Police agendea have ln· lellaJ.fJed tJaeir Mardi ~ SouU1era California for ~ l myaterioua black van tbat they !believe may be llnked tot.be ic). called Freeway KlJJer wbo may have murdered more tlaD .tO bo)'1.-.mi. Tbe,... de9mDdai fJl .. 9U t11t•• releaaecl 'l'luinay, the aame day that tbe latest IDClrder vleUm ,... ldentlfted u 11-Jal'· old Steven J. Wells ot Downey. The boy's nude and auanaiect body was found beblnd a service station in Huntington Beach early Tuesday. The body of another youngster which was left at the rear ol a We"tminst.er !lervice station two weeks earlier. remains uniden· tified. . Garden Grove police ls!UM!d an all-points bulletin for the van after two witnesses reported they saw a youn~ male .. <See KILLER. Pace AZ> Boats Up For Grabs . You too can join the boating crowd Saturday if you grab your yachting cap and cbeckbook and set 1alJ for tbe Newport Beach City Yard and the annual pollce unclaimed vessel auction. Dozens of boats lndud· Ing a 16.,loot Hobfe Cat. go on the block at 9 ii.m . ln the municipal 1tora1e yard at 5112 Superior Ave. Police sa)' all chuea are on an u.ls with no auanuatee of eon4i.tloo and aales will be final. Payment must be in C'Uh or ebeck drawo oo a local ball.It. All boats must also be hauled away AmmMlltety after the &atllr'W IDOl'D· ... :a.aetion. hostages bad been shot in Iran. In Zurich, the price of 1old had risen to $605.50 an ounce by mid-day, highest since March 7, arter closing at $587 .50 Thurs· day. In London. the metal was quoLed at S&OZ.50 a troy ounce in mid-afternoon, up from a mom· ing fixing ol $598 and a Thursday closing of $58'1. It closed at '800. Gold closed at $58'1 a troy OWltt in New York on Tbunday. It had been priced iD the ranee of S500 to $530 for several weeb prior to its newest sur"e. It traded today in New Yon at $e07. Fresh buying of gold this week sparked a chain reaction of price mark-ups around the world that CCllltinued today. Gold prices ar6 atlll well below the record $815 an ounce reached duriDg tradinc on the New York Commodtttea Ex· change ClD Jan. 21. SUver wu up iD London from Tbunday's close of SUJ. The mid·aftel'1l00a price was the highest llnce April 9. ff.S. ]obleaa ~~' Piim Ler,el WASHINGTON CAP> -The nation'• unemplo1ment rate shot up to 7.8 percent iD May. the hilbest tn 3~ years. while inflatiao at the wbQJeaale price level continued to cool sigaJficanUy. the 1overnment reported today. Since March, a rapidly de- veloping recession baa swelled unemployment by 1.6 percen· tage points -the larseat two. month climb since World War II, the Labor Department said. Some 1. 7 mUlion Americans were added to jobless rolls In April and 7.8 percent in May. It was t.be higbelt rate since No- vember 1975. But the rate in California rema.lDed unchanged at 7 .1 percent. At the same time, the Labor Department said wholesale prices durln& May roae by a mere 0.3 percent, down from April'• 0.$ pm)ellt rile and t.be amalleat monthly increase a1nce September um. The latelt price fl¢es SUI· ant 1ipificant eulng in lnfla· &Ion later thl• year for con· aumen, 'Who bave been con· fronted 1ritb prices riaN a~ an 11 petc•t compot&Jtd auual rate durlq tbo fJrat tbree moQtha of ~ year, During AprU and Ila)', .tM>teaale pr!'ces. were rilbC' at umua1 rate of CJD· 11•.1..-.. ~ Wllal11• n1 .. to tbe atate Of PJ~ for 1ooct1 Juat before ~ reaelt coaaumen. ' FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1990 N . - \1 ~~1 ea _rash • ID ' ............. AMERICAN TROOPS WADED ASHOAETOANOAllAHDY8EACff38YEAASAGOTOOAY D-Oay lnvaalon Marbd the a.ttnnlne of the End for Hitter'• Tlllrd ~eldt D·Day Honored Today Allied Forces Landed in FJYJ11tt 36 Years Ago Today market' the 36th an- nl venary of D· Day. when Allied lorcea invaded France at Norman~y. doomed Adolf Hitler's Nail Germany and maned the beginning of the end or World War 11. Tbe combtDed Allied forces. tbe mlataUHt sea and air armeta I• lal1tor7. bit tbe No...., COMt oo Junes. lNf. at S Lm.., taodoa time. Time. tide. wind and rain have wubed away tbe atalns of blood and Iron on that picturesque. 60-mlle solar plexus where the Allled punc]\ landed 36 years ago today. Steaming out or a dark. misty morning. the monumental task force slammed into lightly manned Nazi German shore de· lenses. Bombs, naval bombardment and replying coastal fire com- bined tn a thunder and at 6:30 a .m .• the ground lattes hit the beaches. Inching, crawling, fallin1. the first assault trow>s drove forwarct. pound1q at the Uoe al lroo to ta• ca.reatu. Bayeea.m. Caen la a claJ. a week. two wnb. three . • . Tbe 80 by 10.nule bea~ widened bit by bit as American. Brltlah, Canadian, French and Polish f~ began the final. crushing pUSb against Germany. Logistics for D·Day were titanlc: 1.000 planes and gliders dropped paratroopers on the Carentan Peninsula. Manpower marshaled under Supreme Allied Forces Com· mander Geo. Dwi~ht 0 . Iran Calls Clark 'Vilest American' By Tbe Asloda&ed Press Tehran radio condemned Ramsey Clark today as "the vilest American agent" and asked Sadegh Ohotbudeb's Foreign Ministry to explain why the former U.S. attorney 1eneraJ waa allowed to participate in the "Crimes of America" con· ference. The radio said the aim of the four-da)' conference. which ended Thursday with a resolu· lion condemning U.S. treatment ot Iran without mentJonJna the 53 American hosta1e1 seized more than seven months aao. should hava been not only to In· ve1t.11ate pMt U.S. act.lvitJea but a1ao to preyeat tutu.re plots. t Tbe penlmeGHwned radio. whose actlon1 and commen· tar.in occa:lonally anger aome traahm offtdall, aald the alr ol tbe confereaee lbould bave been not only to lllvestllate put U.S. acUvlt.les but a1lo to prevent what it said could be plots in the future. It said Iran's continued depen· dence on imperiallsm and the "open and bidden conspiracies" of the United SUtes leave no doubt that Iran must draw up as soon as possible a "com· prehenslve program" to counter this and to "separate and de· marcate our relations with America." It said the conference and the "concillatory attitude" of the Foreign Mlnlstr)' toward the United St.tea need explanation. Why, it asked. WU Clark aJ. lowed to participate when the polnt of the conference wu to In· vestl9ate the acUona of present and former U.S. ofllclala and wben a previous mlasion by Clark was "sent back lD dis· grace" by Ayatollah RuhoUah Khomeini . Eisen.bower totaled 2,876.439: with s.oo figb!B planes; 3,467 h.eavy bombers: 1,645 Ugbt and medium bomben and otben. A total of 39 Allied d1 VJ.Sions fiercely fought the forces marshaled by Germany. &5 . dlri&iaat ..... Ii... reRn• ... t.bef' ........... Opea1ns up other fronta. Gm. Georce S. Patton aad bl• hellfire·aad·brimstone Third Anny hit St. Lo. and oo Aug. 14, Allies invaded France south of the Rhooe with 1.000 more ships. The first terrible crack was heard on D·Oay , June 6, 1944. but it wa s m onths until Germany·s bac k was finally broken. OCC Paper Prank Angers Air Officials Orange Coast College aviation students and faculty members. grieving over the death ot a pilot they believe attends their school, a.re steaming today over a whimsical and false campus newspaper report. Howard Everhart. chief pUot for the college's Air Transporta· tlon Department. said it ts believed the small plane that disintegrated over the ocean off Newport Beach Thursday wu piloted by one of his students. That crash closely followed circulation of the college's "Coast Report" newapaper, publlsbed by student ~rnallsta. The iaaue C(lalaloed IA aerial photo of the campus and a toneue-tn-c:beek caption which claimed tbat momenta after tbe photo was taken by • wiD1· waltlnc editor. he waa de· capltated by a telepbooe wtre. "With aU the good th1np we do for avlatioo 00 um C*IQINS, we don't DMd thls stun.•• Mid Everhart. He aaid students from bis de- partmtnt are circW.UD1 pell. tlou Htk\"8 an apio&ou from the joumalilU lnvOIYeCI · to the ltudentl ol Air TrGl9ponlltlan Depa.rtm8at. ··weccaidel'U..WDll,.._ b' Mriout --ot t.bole out. there lut DiCbt (ln tbe ....._ 1rattq alm'aftl ... ._... n dent, .. ~ &ahl ...... .... lnto Oylq; Uaait'• t.be .._.. t1te1 toik .... •t tla1a ......... Everhmi Mid be buW 80 calla at tdlODl mu bGllDe floe ,..., •• ....,.......,.. u......,.. captka •• true. He IUI ._, IOU# dltalJI oldie lr.tt11t coar•Cle*M• ..... •* ····c·.wr ..... ....... blerGr .... ...,. Or. a.it 11....._ Or-.. Cout ,.. ....... Hid .......... uuc tba c•lt• tW it abirt b , ... ~ .... At) Aircraft Explodes ·Offshore By ARTlllJR R. VINSEL Of .. DMlrPt ... llaft Searchers continued combing chilly seas off the Orange Coast today for wreckage of a smaJJ plane that disintegrated in mid· air Thursday night. presumably killing an Irvine pilot and his passenger from Costa Mesa. The appjlrent explosion was witnessed at 5:30 p.m . by a Hughes Airwest jetliner captain who radioed that what he believed to be a Cessna twin engine plane was involved. Investigators said today. however, that it was a PA-18 Piper super Cub leased by a rent· al firm and nown by James Samuel Cardeluccl. 20. of Irvine. Hts apparent passenger was identified aa James Allen Philp, about the same age, of Costa Mesa. Cardelucci's partner in Aircraft Services, a small firm that wuhed and waxed planes. National Transportation Safe· ty Board Air Safety Investigator Doo Uorent. in charge of the ac· cldent invesUgation, said be un· deratood both youths are or had been Orange Coast College stu- dents. Shreds of wreck&Re included what Uorent identlfied as the right wing flap of the blue-and· white aircraft r ented out by Dick's Imperial Aviation al John Wayne Airport. No trace or any bodies had been turned up by DOOll in the ••arch lftYolvlnf tbe Coast Oaatd ~ ltvans out of Lcq Beaeb and a Coast Guard bellcopter. Jn addition to an Oran«e County Sberiff's Harbor Patrol boal. Jim Pars ons . gene ral manager of the aircraft rental a ge ncy, s aid to da y he is mystified by what must have oc· curred over the water about rive miles out and five miles south of Newport Beach Thursday. ··in all my years in aviation I've never heard or a plane ex· ploding like they say it did Wl· l ess it was being shot at." Parsons said. He said the Piper Super Cub was equipped with a radio and all other navigational gear. but no contact .was monitored pre· ceding the 5:30 p.m. report of an exploding plane offshore. Cardelucci was issued a stu- dent pUot's license in 1975, NTSB investigators said. and rerords showed he received his com· mer clal license in April of this year. Llorent said he bad been in contact with the victim's parents. identlfied as Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cardelucci, or Newport Beach. 'ie said it is not 100 percent certain that Philp was aboard with Cardeluccl. but the youth is missing and his car was found parked at the airport. Llorent said this morning, weary after being out all night (See PLANE, Pase AZ> Coast Weadaer Fair tbroulb &aturday excel)t foc late Dllbt and mof'lllnl &ow cloudineu. Lowa tmlcbt ln the 50I, Hi&bl Saturday mid to up.. per eoa Ill the beaebee, 70 to 75 LnlaDd. IN8ID8Te•&W ~· ,,_. 01 ,_ to be Mtuid Gii COiia ., .... ..,. ......., ,,. "-... aanteal ..... ........ loi•rdof'• pcaradl .. J11•""1rtd °" '-Cl. , . . Rft Da.111. IMl&a CAP> -Al_. NWa '"" ,......W ...,. .. ~ .......... """tit ......... tloN u lJ •ihii -~._.a tra.-. antvt.c i.. aald ScM.t mUttary UDita .............. to cW9d tM e-.a. O&a.alr .......... tMCb' ..... from~ ..... \mable \0 OCllllftrm tM .............. llcwl••er, a MPUate nport fro11a a K.-a ~ Mlieftll NllabM ooaftrm..t t.bat ww1.nta 1•UMNd LI U.. Paclunu MoeWfatM ... t ot tbe capital &n what wa1 dMcribed u pnparaUoa \o .U.Ck a Sovi« troop bue. '11111 Vrtvtq tra..W, u Ataaa wt.o ,..._ue1*9 that be not be nAJMd, •tJm•ted that •.006 inlurteeu from Damian and Wa......, e.ual provtne. nctblq wttb l\Ml'ftUa activity, were CGMW..., aear U. ~· ."9 .l11•• ..... .._,111A...-rc._ LA8 VSOAS CAP> -ft9 Clan eo.ty dlltrlct attor'Dl1'• olfire ~ today tt wtU not appeal t.be dl1miua1 by a di.a· trict cowt Juda• ol the murder lndictment a1atnat nune Jeni Ada mt la the alle1ed "Death Anael" murder cue. Dnwllftl r ..... r IAftlu ~···~ GARLAND, Teu1 <AP> -TwoderaUtld tank cart from aSU- \a Fe frdlht train be1ao leaklDt toxic cbemicala today. prompUnc . autbortdel to e¥aeuate mon ti.an 1.000 from tbelr bom• ln WI Oalfuauburb. ,....,".,..., •• , ... , ••• r ...... • SOl1J1I BEND. lftd. CAP> -,._.,..\Welled dowu ln two 1nct1ana ~ toc1a1. ud t1te pt1ot o1. •mall dane ... 1rauec1 AU Al IJoard tor Fu• ,,.,, att.empdna to land at Soutb Bend, ataW poUee aald. ~ No laJurMs ~ reported from lwbt4n near SberidaD ln .r Rides like t.h1s one and some for more Hall'U..C. c.ouaty or at BwTowa ln Carroll County. Umld souls go lnto operation today aa 35th · · .. 1 • • Annual Coeta Mesa-Newport Harbor Uons Odle-. S.rt.c I.Jiii•• ~ .. ..-.w Club Fish Fry beglns in Lions Park. includes flab dinners. parade at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, eot.eruinment and beauty con· teata for girla and babies. For details. see Page Cl tOday. P£KING <AP> -Cb1lla and tbe Sovtet Untoa. b&tter downtown Costa Mesa. Benefit celebration political .em.lee, 1tped a new trede ...-meat for ll80 today _=.:.:..:.:.:.:.:..:.:.....:...:..:...:.=.....:....::..:..:..:..._ ________________________ _ after moft than a moatb ol necotlation, Cb1neM and Sov1et IOUttel Niel. ~ 1bief Grabs :Handbag in C.OSta Mesa A gentlemanly purse snatcher grabbed an Irvine woman's handbag Thursday momtng and fled from a Bank of Amerlca parking Jot in Costa Mesa with about Sl.tnl ln cash and Jewelry. Phyllis Pruvines, 62. told of. ficers the man opened the door for her u ahe left the banlt branch at 3300 Brlttol St. about 10: 20 a .m. after cashlng a S200 check. He followed her out.aide, police aald. and grabbed the bas u lbe unlockect the door of her car. The woman aaid her pune contamed szzs lQ, cub and more than tt.a ID jeWeJI'>'. lnel~ six rtn••· a · nec,lacf• and a diamond-faced wrUtwateh. Electric Car .. Gets Boost : NEW YORK <AP> -A new :battery.motor ayatem developed by Gulf & Western Industrtes lnc. could put peppier, laex· i>enalve electric can -capatble bf 150 miles at 55 mph on one charge for about $3.45 -ID American garages by 1985. The battery 1yllem would peed rechar,m, for six to eiahl houri after every 150 miles. &kW otftctall say 150,000 four· paaaqer can powered by tbe HW ayatem coWd be produced bY 1985 at a coet, ln 1980 dollan, Of M.SOO each or leas {]Jildren's Fihm Shown at Library ,..,.._P~AI PLANE ••• on the crub invesUgaUon, that he' wu hoping to lntervlew the Alrwesl pilot -identifed as an eyewitness to the mishap. He said he did not know al what estimated a ltitude the plane was flying when 1t sud- denly exploded in a puff of smoke and name and splintering bits ol debril. Hopes for p<>6Sible surv1vors were .v1rtually nonexistent, ac- cording lo authorities ·'TM hope that anyone ls still ahve grows dimmer and dim- mer with each passing bout," USCG U. (j.g.) Mark Jones said early 1n the growiJlg search. He 1ald water temperature tn the region being combed by the culler Evana and the helicopter out of the Cout Guard's Los Ansel• at.r staUoo ta eo desrea No ooe even u.n11Uure6 eould survive afloat more than four or five hours without a wetsuit in temper a tu re that low. in· veaUgat.ora said. Location where the plane went down ls about five miles south ol Newport Beach. placing It roughly off Laguna Beach, a uthorities said This morniJ11 they were at· tempting to establish the parameters of a aearch area ol several hundred square mlles to be combed for wreckage or body fragments. based on tides and currents. One Orange County resident Jiving along the coast reported a blue and while plane flew low over hi• bome Thursday eve ning, bacJdlring. A search and rescue boat from the Oran1e . County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol alt0 Joined the off. shore search today Inveatt1atora 0 did not im mediately aay at what aJUtude the plane aeen lo dillnlel!'ate about 5:30 p.m . Tbursoay wu Oylng when it was reported to the John Wayne· Au'port control tower. Youth Held In Alleged Burglary Try A 17-year-old Santa Ana youth was arrested on suspicion of burglary in Cost.a M esa early Thursday by a Newport Beach polk~man whose patrol car was parked behind a Mesa doughnut shop C<.ala Mes a po lice said Newport officer F loyd Smith was writing a report in his cruiser betund lhe Mr. Donut shop at 4: l!i a m. when be heard noises coming from a storage s hed. Police said he walked over to the c haln·llnk fence aurrounding Award Motor s, 1880 Newport Blvd. ln Ume to see the suspect exit from the motorcycle parts storage facility. otncen ~ Smltb called the youth over to the fence and clamped bandcurfa over bl• wrtat, securing tbe other end to the fence. Smith told Costa Mesa officers that he rou.ld see the storage shed's door had been forced open before he handcuffed the youth. Smith called Coet.a Mesa of. fi cera who reported finding a motorcycle mirror apparently owned by the Ward firm In a knapsack carried by the youth. Other cycle part5 allegedly were found in hls pockets. Police said Newport Beacll of· ficen often stop at the all-nlght doutr;hnul s hop on East 17th Street near ~ Wfft end ol their patrol bea t• because coffee shops are closed in the beach community early ln the mon:i- ing. Burglan Rifle School in Mesa v p,....pageA! KILLER ••. bltchbUter belnl kidnapped tn tbe city on the m&bt of May 21. Garden Grove Police Sat. Bruce Beauchamp aald tbe van appeared to be brand oew. cuatomiied with a very ablny black paint job The vetuC'le had no chrome ex ('t>pt for the nam~ Dodge pnnted 1n block letters at the r•ght rear ovt"rs1zed door On the left rear door the word "shafted" had either been pnnt L'<i or taped. There also was a teardrop window near the left rear of the van. Beauchamp said two wit· nes ses reported they saw a youth forcibly abducted when they were waiting lo make a left turn al Hazard A venue and Brookhurst Strfft near the San Diego f'rffway ·'The wt~ses said the youth approached the paaaeo1er aide when be wu ~ wttb a aublt.ance 9'd ll"lbbed· · "We are aure there were more than one penon in the veblcle. "w c were conndent th.at the report was true from the begin ning." Beaucha mp said .. But when a second w1tnen came forward a wttll later with t.M same details . It made u.s ev'1'1 more sure. "We have no way of itnowt.n& If it was the Freeway KJUer but 1t la the best lead we have." Wells . the vlctlm wbo was found m Hwttingtocl Beach. ls not the pen<>n who was rorttd into the van. police saad Garden Grove police are ask· lng anyone with LO!ormation to r al I them at 638-64i67 or~. Hunungton Beach U . Bruce younc said tw department la very tnterested in the van. although other types of vehicles used by the killer haven't been ruled out. Younc sald that Wells wu lul s een leavtn1 bl• place of employment al a Lo9 A.al._ prtot lhop at 3:30 p.m. Tbe Ume of h1I death bu beeft placed at about 8 p.m. --- Heliport Plan Thwarted at oc Airport Negotiation• by Huntington Beach officials t o lease a hangar. executive office build· ins and an airplane tie-down area at John Wayne Airport ap-. parently have hit a snag. Officials had viewed the possi· ble lease as an answer lo their loog aearch for a heliport base and pertlap!S the estabUahmftlt of a )Oint powers agreement that would anclude police department helicopters from Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Anaheim. HunUngt.On ~ach's three Bell helicopters occupy a portion of the hangar while the aircraft belonging to the three other cit.Jes att located LO a.aotber part of the airport Officiat.5 bad hoped that t.be cl· ty would Alttoeed lD secuna, U- lnae on the t.o-acre site and that reveouu from rentals would~ COila of helicopter operations. Hunungtoo Beach currently pays $1,.SO monthly rent at the &lrport. However, Lt. Robert Mor· rtt00. HunUngtoo Buch bureau commander. said that turrent lease ~ders are reconsidering thelr opdons. ··I don 'l believe tbe door bu been cfOMd completely but I wa1 very diuPPointed ln the re· s ulll of WedDe1day 's talk.a." nfortilcla l&id. f'r .. P.,,.AI PRANK ••• wa1 tnteaded t.obeh~ "I don't tbink the)' made It. but I'm not aware of any cam· PUI uproar." He added, "Actually the pubUcatloa did very well th.ls year -up Wl now." W AllllN01'0ll (AP) -,,._ S-ate. lollowtlll tllS lied ot Cbe Houae. overrode Prealcleat Cart«'• Wto today and~ hit dtJD9.a.plloD,....... •· The vote•• •to, well al»o\'e the two-tbtrdl m~ Meded to bnllh ulde Carier'• ·veto d a con1re116oul measure repeal· ia1 tbef•. H WH tb• ftut Ume a DemocraUe~Ued Coqrell falW t.o 1USta1a a Oemoaaitic preeklent•a veto alnce Hany S Truman wu overridden lo ta. Carter vetoed the blU Thun· day ta.yin& the fee WU needed to help conserve imported petroleum. But two boun later and witb no debate, the Houle voted 335·35 to override the veto. Today's Senate vote ad· mlnlat.ered tbe final death blow. Whil e eltber chamber or Con~ress can sustain a veto. twO·thirds vote In both houses are needed to override one. Arguin& unsucceaafuJly for the veto to be sustained, Seti. Gary Hart, O.Colo., told the Smale that failure to reduce tJ .S. de· pendence on foreign oU ooly makes military action In the Persian Gu1I region that much more likely. "We need to take some strong medicine aDd unfortunately this body la unwilling to do that," Hart said. But Sen. Bob Dole, ft·Kan., de· nounced the fee as "bad economic policy and bad energy policy." A• ln the House, a lar1e number of Demdcrab joined with Republican& to override the veto. Carter cast 21 veioe.. all of which were sustained. Alt.hough no De mocratic president had been overridden since 1952, Republlcan PTesldents Dwight O Eisenhower . Richard M. Nhc· on and Gi?rald R. fo~ord bad a total of 19 vetoes overridden. Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress for the better part of the last 50 years. In tus veto message Thu~)'. the president told Congress that while be knew the fee was politically unpopular, members should ruse above politics and let him Jmpoee it. He called the levy an important step in oil conservation. "good policy and good common sense." His veto took two hours to re.acb the Houle and two minutes todt.acua. Caner wanted the fee to betp the natloo begin wltbdrawlnc from It.a eight-millJoo-banel·a· day COOllumpUon or foreign oil. But opponenu -Democrat.a as well u Republicans -called t he fee a $10.3 bUUoo tu on drivers that would serve UWe p..irpose but to help balance tbe budget. SumnwrRec OmJses Set Gourmet c::ookloi. dilco dw· ing, and akido are some of the 40 dasses offered UU5 1ummer by &heCltyofCostaM••· Reclstratlon for summer leisure services classes will be held June 18 al the Downtown CommlU!Jty Center. 584 Center Street, 'rom6 p.m . to JOp.m. AddlUonal information re1atd· tng cluaes, feet, and 1cbedulee ta available by calllni the Depart. meat of Lel1ure Servtcea al 754·5300. The Newport Beach PubUc l.Jbrary wW conclude Ila Mrlea of 11Sprln1 Flint Fllm1" for children wtlh the 1creenlq ol .. Tbe Bolton Tea Party" and '1Tbe cat in the Hat" June 12 at 4 p.m. The ftlma will be shown at the Newport Center Braocb, 151 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach Admtaaioa la rree. Nor could the)' acc0unt for the jetliner captain 'a apparently mittaklna it for a lwln engine Ce11na alrcraft capable of car· ryins silt . The 1earcb fOf' a mluln& plane was awlftly narrowed lo the Piper Super Cub owned by Dlct•a Imperial AviatlOCl thrOUlll a new computer procedure employed by FAA lnveeU•aton. BureJa.rs apparently broke iJ>. to Rea Intermediate School of· rice in Cotta Mesa sometlme between Wednesday nlsht and Thunday momlna. steallnc two calculators worth 185 apiece, ac· cordlne to pc>iice. The burflars broke lo by throwiai a beer bottle t.hroulb a window, police said. A p&lr of bolt C\Aten were a1ao mtaatac from tbe tcbool olfice. 811~· an,· S11it or S11ort Coat In Our Stork ••• ~or Onl~· ••• DAI LY PILOT ' Music, Money Mix In Sunday's PiIOt ll---· -wl ( 0 ] ::;i;;:,~-IDS--SUNDAY'S BEST CSllTAIN IOUND -Wbf 11a•t &Mr-. a .. ument to au .K•••• dlleiDcUft mua&e Clft UM ..... PIAIEH ........ It au ... , lllft wrtt.iW A1111ar ll. Vllilll ·.jnftl4ilj ....... of ...... ~.:-... ... neall '*9 ~'-' .., wtlll u.. .. _...,.,..... 08 Cranston Says U.S .• 'Strongest' BJ &ICllAJU) G8EEN OI .. ....., ........... Tbe UnJted States suffers from aa1gin1 product& vity. energy prot>lems and a huge trade def· ktt but is stm the strongest na· tion in lhe world, Sen. Alan Cr.anston said Thursday in Newport Beach. Cranston, D·Callr., told 3SO people at a Greater Irvine In· du1triaJ League luncheon at the Balboa Bay Club lhat the United States must re-industrialize. He said this could be ac· compliahed by a reduction in business taxes. regulation and red tape -a view that drew ap- pl a use from tbe commerce· : orleot.ed audience. .. I support the National Police Act (now before the Senate>," Cranston said. "It stresses the importance of the partnership among business, labor and gov· emmeot to solve trade prob- lems. TJte 65-year-<>ld seuator wbo 'Tiraf took offlce In tMI said Ameriea•1 ener1y problems . mat be ~ed tbroulh solar · • eeert)'. nuclear fuaicn and •YD· tbetlc fuels. He said •=--ftrr ...., ..-0 plant.a • be . •tnamlined. Cnmton aaid, bowever. that U.S. problemt 1n Its economy and mero haven't "made this nation a seeond·rate military power. ••Are we °" the .,.._ of war wtU. tbe SOYt• ia ~. ot OW" • defeue poltUre uc$ UM B'*1ao thaskla of Af_.,anlatan? .. he Mted. ''No, tbe Soviet.a may be adventurlat and opportunlat1e. but they are u1uaJJy quite cauUous. They make military moves when they peTcelve thee will be no U .S . military response. In Afghanistan, they were right." He -said the Urut.ed St.at.es is stronger than the Soviet Union becauae this oatioo's borders are more secure. "Look at the long Russian border with China oo one side, Muslim naU005 also near the Soviets, Russian satellite coun· tries under tbe heel or the So- viets. West Europe and the U.S. "The United Stetes. OD the other band, bu Mexico. Canada, the Pacific, the Atlantic on its borders; it has strong allies In NATO and J apan and South Korea." Cranston finiabed bis speech on an optimistic note, saying the U.S. baa overoome depresaioas, major wars and poliUcal up- beavals, and the nation can cer· tainly overcome its current problems. • Cranston also spoke Tburaday ln a Dtaoeyland Hotel speech to the atate convention of Dl1abled ~merican Veterans. The senator gave brief remark.I to an An... CJO United Automobile Workers :union convention in the Anabeim <onvenUoo center. He returns to Waablnston .Moo4-Y;n :Talks Break Off : STATELINE <AP) -Neeotta· 'lloo1 between •trtkllll uDlou ·ad Sabal"• Tahoe manatement :broke off Wedneaday wttbout ••reement to eod the three-week :old walkout at the Lake Tahoe .re.on. • 8•9erhlke lAJgrma Cycle Cop Errriom B18TEVB MrrceEU. °' .. DMfy ........... Mark MHler la a Laguna Beach motorcycle cop. The man U ves and breathes motorcycles. He'd much rather be patrolling Laguna ·s streets astride his lOOOcc Kawasaki motor unit than be sitting behind the wheel of a squad car. So you can imagine his deliaht when former neighbor Bill Gray showed up al Miller's Laguna Niguel home this week towing an $80,000 Kawasaki behind his car . Gray, a soft-spoken Rocky Mountain distributor fOT the motorcycle corporation, was re· turning t.o Southern California arter a seven-state Midwest tour with the 16-foot-loog bike. the rastest moto~ycle ln t.lie world. Gray stopped orf to visit wtth Miller e.nd his family fqr a few days, giving the motorcycle of. ficer a chance to sit in the tight canopy and dream of patrolling Laguna Canyon Road in the twin-engine motorcycle. He was ID bog heaven. ''God. can you lmaa.tne pulllng someone over ln tbt. thing," Miller laqbed as he fondled the handlebars. Then, grabblng tbe throtUe Teen Draws 19 Year for • Sex A.ttacb A Santa Ana man who police ooee viewed u a possible sus- pect lo the btudaeoninl dea&hs of Orange Coast women last year has been eeotenced to 19 years in at.ate priaon for a aeries ol rape attacb. Jon Richard Rowland, 18, was sentenced 'Ibursday by Orange County Superior Court Judge James Pera. Rowland pleaded gullly to nine charges in connection with a series of rapes that occurred in apartment complexes in south Santa Ana in the vicinity of Sunnower A venue. MacArthur Boulevards and Bristol Street. He wu arrested last October as' a prowler and originally charged with 20 counts related to elibt breaJc·in and sexual as· saults. He a1ao resembled the susped police were seeking in the Orange Coas t bludgeonings case, but be was lat.er ruled out as a au1pect by police in· vestlgators. Perei gave Rowland the max· imum sentence possible. He bad uked for leniency in sentencing because be was a bom·acaln Christian. Burglars Take Jacuzzi Gear Burglars stole the bubbles from a Jacuni under construe· lion ID Laguna Beach Wednea· day n1ibt or Tbunday mornlnl and left tbe new owners in the cold, too. Po)lee aaSd aomeoae stole a 'pump and beater. from the yard of a bcMIM in the 700 block of Galasborouah Drive aometJme duriq tbe hours of darkneu. Tbe equipment was valued at $400, pc)lice aaid . and scowlln«. Mlller shout.a out the canopy to an imaginary motorist. .. Pull to the aide, sucker. You're speeding.·• More laughter. "Think 1 can talk the chief ln· to ordering a rew or these for the department?" To be sure, the blue and silver cycle looks more Uke a giant aluminum cigar than a motorcy· cle that set the world s~ rec· ord at Bonne.vilje ~It Flats in 1978. Don Vesco. a Laguna Hills engineer. designed and built the 5SO horsepower motorcycle, and was behind the handlebars when the sleek machine reached 318.598 miles per hour two sum· mers ago. ··He's a speed merchant," Gray savsof the owner. 0( the motorcycle, Gray b.u all the statlstics. Two KZ 1000 cc engines push tbe 1,050 pound machine, averagirul Jeu than two pounds per bonepowtt. The cockptt 11 a combinatlon of motorcvcle and Jnd1anapolis race car. with the shltt oo the left, the brake oo the rtaht. and the clutch and front brake oa the handlebars. "Tbe driver wean this bike like a tipt pair of pant.a,'• Gray said as Miller twlated and sroaned to get out of the canopy. •'Once the drtvert• helmet ls in place and the canopy is lowered, be can't move bis bead.''t.Nld. " .... ._ .... ..,.,...., In· COD ..... ~ tbe eyele ls Jood oal,J for ltnlpt nma . L9q .tralsbt nm.a. .. It takea four miles Just to stop after the too &Deed la re- atop after the toj) JX,~d is reached," Gray said, two etsht·foot paracbutel are at· tacbedtotbe back of the machine. Standlnt sWJ, the cyllodrtcal cycle ls about as stable as a cicar with two wbeeb. So two hydraulic stl'uta are posiUooed on either side of the cycle body ror stability. "They keep the cycle level on the salt flats at speeds below 100 miles per hour," Gray ex· pl ained. •·Afte r that. the machine ts stable enouch for the driver to bring them up." Unlike Miller's police cycle. you can't just Jump ln and drive off In the us.root venlon. It bas to be towed on the des· ert noor to a speed of 50 miles per hour before it kicks ln. Then it's of( like a blue and silver streak. Llke Miller said, all 1t needs ts red Ugbts and a siren. Stu/ Comest Set in Niguel The third annual Summer Surfln1 Contest, pltUna IOUtb coast surfers acamat each other at Salt creek in i.auna Nif\lel, will be held Saturday and Sun· day beCIM'"I at e a.m. both days The C!ODtelt ls spomored by Saddleback CoUece. the eouDty of Oraa1e and the National Scholutk Surf1na Auoclation. Surfen wU1 compete lo four aae·IJ'OUP dlvtaiona -bo11 1' and under; Juniors 15 to 17, men's 18 and older and woaND'1 open cUvtlioa. ~Ms c ... i ae.tdeld• f Grand J1lcy Selected . , Judie Beacom'• court were Char• c. BenQ9tt, eo, NU.red, Of H~acb; Jeamlne Mar)' G , 80 real ..Ut. bl'ok•..c..·"':"' Valler; Jolm J. llc:uama, _.. teedlll', Hunt. &a•toa leaeb; Joan C. Fin· .,..., .. ome. •n•Tlncseo.ta 11-.. md Carol K. , 4li reJuteer 1'0fktr, Corona de ••• 0tMn 1111$11 ...,. Walter D. Dm, •· :r.dNd, of a.ta Aaa : Lio l . ONllM, et, of Loi AlamU01; loe Mtrlo, eo, of YorDa ~lnda ; .ICUt1n u . • Podatu. 48, tacbtr and wriw. Orant•; Leo Tamamlaa, 11, contultant. F\alltrton: Joen c. Walton, 54, frtt laaee ·ad· vertller, La Habra; &lu1Que H. ZUDll•. 40, eoaa ... C!OUDll&ot. Yorlaa Llada; B•••rl1 A. Al••4•, R•Htrlfe, BuHa Park: ~ L. O. C~ maaa••JD~•Dl tODIUl\aal.J or~; ,.. Him Kamnat-. Htl1*t A••"'Wa' ltoMmaiil Slate. • lloaMmake1', 0r_,.: Ruth M. Saadl, 11, retired, IAtuna HWI, '8(1 Tborwant A: lll.lt&cl ... ndnd, luta Au .. Juvealle court Judcea and uaetr appointed uailtanta often ann't up to dat. on Juveoile pro- •raaia ..S snlltaten.ly believe Ulat Jail can rebabilltate deUn· qu•nta. tbe Oran1e County Grand JUf'J dw'led Tbund.ay. In a ~. the 1rand Jury criUciud the Juvenile court's traditional bent towanl lockinc up raw-breaktn& children and urred a move toward coumellnc and other rehabllltaUon pro· crams. The Juey, in it.a nine-page cri· tlque or the county's Juveoile ju1llce system, s peclrically recommended that: -Judges and tbelr apPOinted ualataatl make a point OI study- ing all juvenile probation add detention programs through aeml·annual reporta. -1be number of rehabWta· tion programs be lncreaaed u a mean1 both of stemming over· crowding at Juvenile Hall and of steering more children toward acceptable bebav)or . -County oCflc'tals take steps to solve stair-management con· nlct at Juvenile Hal' and the Probation Department. Grand jurors saved tbeir sharpest words for Juverule Hall and the Probation Department. Although the hall is primanly meant as a seeure lockup for young lawbreakers, the jury said, "Juvenile Hall should pro- vide a program that enhances a child's future adju.slment. "Ir detainment Is all that ls accomplished, the detention home becomes mer~ly a children's Jall." The grand jury report cited lack ol training for staff mem· bera and employee dissatisfac· Uon as two of a "number or prob- lems" that have long piqued Juvenile Hall. Al10 targeted for written barbs was the county Probation Department, which provides superviaion and treatment pro-gram.a for youths oo probatiCJD. Tbe department's manace· ment should recognize that there are "serioul morale problems" within the department and t.lle steps to resolve the conflict, jurors wrote. JOHNNIE WALKER RS> LABEL 16" uw (~kplL~J A Loud Message From the Voters BJ DAVID lrol'ZllANN ~ Of ... _........... • ln Auemblyman Bruce Ne.tande's Ylew, voten In Oranae } County's 3rd SUpervtaorlal Dist.rid were HDd.lna. a menace to ' Sacramento when they dumped Edboo Miller from office in a • landslide vote Tuesday. : NESTANDE, OF coune. WU the beneflcla.ry of tbat aentl·: ment, winninl euy electloo t.o Orange County's five-member t Board or SUpervilora. ~ MWer bad been appointed to the 3rd Dtatrlct seat b)' Gov. ' Edmund G. Brown Jr. lut July when former supervlaor Ralph Diedrich wa.1 forced to resign following a : bribery conviction. JllAINLINE DEMOCRATS were angry because they bad a11umtd the governor would put ronner assemblyman Ron Cordova ln Died.rich'• leather chair in Santa Ana's Hall of AdmJnlstration. But Brown instead lnatalled a man in a 1 conservative district who had served on a steering committee for Tom Hayden's and •UTZ11UM• Jane Foada's left-leaning Campatgn for Economic Democracy. MWer also had been censured -unjustifiably, he claimed -< by Navy Sttretary John Warner alter his repatriation from a • North Vietnamese prison camp, where he had been in captivity ror more than fi ve years. Miller had been a critic or U.S. Involvement in the war. BROWN MUST have known these were less than lmpecca-; ble credentials ror a conservative Southern California county. 1 Perhaps realizing this. the governor sidestepped endors· ! ing bis own appointee, keeping clear or a campaign which soon ' became a bruising rhet.oricaJ sluJdest. Nestande s.ud the voters were telling Brown they resented the nine months of turmoil bis appolntment ,or Miller caused. HIS DEFEAT, he said, was a minor disappointment com· pared to the other hardships he had endured. Indeed. the rormer Marine Corps fiight officer, who bristles at suggestions his military record was tarnished in any way, suffered greatly during the Vietnam war years. Among injuries be sustained were a broten back, broken · legs and loss or hearing from beatincs by the North Vietnamese.' Though it appeared bis phll060Pftl~ were Incompatible wJth those persons who lived ln his di.strict, Muter maintained that wasn't tbe cue. even after the votes were counted. , llD..LE& MID BE tried to fight city hall and Its power brokers , and they responded in kind. The Mari.H officer turned Jawyer-poUUclan said be would " now go back to bis private law practl~ when hia term expires in January. A SPOKESMAN for the eovemor said from Sacramento Thunday that Brown is aware of Millet's downfall but has said little of I.be situation. "He ha not made any statement.a on It," the spokesman said, adding, "He stuck by his appointment." PNCU EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY. JUNE 15 F1RESTOH£ 1179 JOHAN· NtSBEAO RIESLINO Dellclouaty fruity with • touch of spritz. = 379 u .oo RED TAO ev 1177 RUTHERFORD CABERNET SAUV1GNON A fine example or BV'a clasalc, uncomp«>ml1ing atyle. =:. 4ss 11.00 CALLAWAY 1tn CHENIM ILANC The Southland'• belt; delleatefy dty. 19IML. RIG. 379 11.00 :~u. ..................................... -....... 10" ~~~~ Uw .................. -.................... 81' FATHER'S DAV SPECIALSI ~?IOMl. ............................................. 11• ~~L,.._, ............................................ 11• ~:~~.~:~·~:~: .................... --... 1&• QAUO CHAll.,AONI <>ur VOlulM purolleM ,,,..,,, e11t" MV1ng1 fot rou. 2MRIV Rtlut.., 11 •• ,.... ••••• .,................... TAG HARM 3• 1201.lottlte 12 Pick TAYLOR MAGNUMS Chllblla, Vin RoN Burgundy, end Ah\ne. Buy nowand .. ve. ~ UU• ,-~ fUCttAllD CMIY CHININ IL.AMC a OAIUNST IAUVIGNOH TM .,,..., f0t the •lttal wine ~~=.~-~.~.~.~~: ..................... 311 ~= •HAITIANI tl'10 "tOPRllTO"•I 1111119'YI ' IU .. OUNDY The Ktno of tht llwgunc:H .. r-~"*9 end mttlOw. •RIO 111 llU...., M-• 7allli. .............. •••••••••••• TAG Munr• ...,.. ......... " ....................................... . ~ ........ . 496 E. 17th ST. • COS?A MESA eHONE (7141 ~9314 VISITING PlaSMSN DSPT. -California Dem~rauc Senator Alu Crautoa. Ute eottd track . ,,,...._ t. _.....,.. ~ltlw, bntMCI tDto our l"ffion ~ lift..-ftl .-. t.o u ... >' vietary lea:t Illa r9Ce Mrll• lhll week wun't on a clnderpalh. He •ulb eeptund notniaat.iae of hll party lD Hftina re· •lectk. to tbe U .8. Senate. In Orau• County alone, be 1at.bered la,Mt votes lhat we know ot. Otber balk>ta may befo.indl ...... Cram&on •N tn our ftlion to ad· dre11 the Greater Irvine Industrial Lea1ue at what turned out to be a fu.11 houae at lbe Balboa Bay Club in Newp«t Beach. Altemately witty and lnformative, the letdor U.S. aeoator from Calltomia oeppered away oo everythlq from na· Uoaal def eue to taxes to energy proB- lems ln about21mlnutea. -..er.... ON nm UGRl'Ea SIDE, Cranston related that one fourth grade teacher ln California had her entire class write him letters on way the United States mi1bt aolve the enef'IY lhortqe. Cranston recalled that one fourth arader 1u11eatec1. "Every ram.Uy should &et a doc. Tbe dot abould be trained to ride in the car and hart every time it goes over 5S miles an hour ... " Another student offered. "Instead of payln1 farmers not to grow food, we ousht to pay people not to eat it." ON THE OIL FaONT, one fourth 1rader W!'Ote: ·'When Americans visit forelp countries lhat have oil. they should be ~ulred to bring back two botUes . . . " Finally, one of the tbou&htful girl students suggested. "We should find out if oU goes by any other name. Theo we should go look for It under lhat name . . . " Cranston also drew a large measure of agreement from the gathered coastal industrial executives when he suggested federal paperwork is plaguing the citizenry and costing perhaps $100 billion a year. "This is catastrophic," be declared. The senator said he knows a Texas congresaman who swears he got a complaint from one businessman in his district who simply didn't know bow to fill out a form from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. better known as OSHA. "ON TIIE FORM, the businessman was asked. 'List all of your employees broken down by sex' ... Cranston relat· ed. "The businessman finally replied. 'I'm the only one working here who has been broken down by sex· ... ·· The senator added. "We are working to overcome the over-harassment of businesses by OSHA. Perhaps 't'hat we really need is a reverse Xerox machine. "You put a federal form in it and the form simply dis-appears ..... ON THE VERY SERIOUS side. Cranston said the question he is most often asked is if we are on the brink oC war with the Soviet Union? ' Kll amwer ll that we are not because. despite some adventures and opportunism, the Russians are cautious about provoking a confrontation wilh the United States. Both powers, he suggested, retain retaliatory ability against a first-strike nuclear attack. Conventional fortts. too. are about at a standoff. On balance, Cranston sees our edge in vastly superior technology and agriculture. In lhis arena, you certainly hope that Senator Cranston IS right. Buffalo Herd. Attacks Man THERMOPOLIS. Wyo. <AP> · A 37-year-old man who ig· nored wamlng 1i1n1 was in critical condition after he was gored at leut eight times by a herd ol buffalo, authorities said. Sheriff Walter Harvey said Tbunday that Reuben Jeatins apparently got out ol a car on a trip th.rough Hot Springs State Park and attempted to pet a buf. falo calf. He was att:tcked by a herd of about 20 buffalo In the in- cident Tuesday, olftclal1 said. Signs throughout the park warn that the buffalo, wblcb are allowed to roam, are d'°gerous and that visitors should remain in their cars. ) . Iran Mi&sion Critics Rapped \ WASHINGTON <AP> -The Pwac1~ bu crlUelMd a cloeumeat h'o1n 1 Smate atalf t.IMlt NAlled tM ~fated JDINioa to rescue. the Amerkan bcetq11 ln I.ran u belaa PoGf'l1 pnpaNd and poorly led. / The document ta ''halJ ot tnaccurate atatemeeta and JudaaMatl" and ll a "diltorUOD of tbe t.eltimoG1 of tbcee who particlpeted In lhe nsls1lon," Tbomu RoM, a Pen· taaoo 1pokesmu, 1Ud Tbun· day. The document ll reportedly a staff report of tbe Senate Armed Services Committee, but com- mittee CJftlcJall denied that any official report on the panel's in· veaUgatkln of lhe raid bas been completed. Pentagon sources who declined to be named said the report was prepared for an un- named Republican aenator. SEN. JOHN Warner. R-Va .. said Thursday that since the $99PWs You in Big Apple NEW YORK <AP> -A rught between New York and CaUf omla cceta u liWe u $99 be1inninc tonl1bt 11 major aarUna step up the baWe for budget~ious travelers. The one-way nlshtUme fare - which will last only through June -goes into effect tooi&ht on Eastern Airlines and American AirUnea. Two other transcontinental carriers will adopt the fare Saturday night. "The fortunes of several ma- jor trunk airlines to an impor- tant degree wiU be influenced by the outcome of the transcon· tinental struggle." said a recent study by analyst Julius Maldutis of the Wall Street brokerage house of Salomon Brothers. THE AIRLINES are hurting as the recession deepens. Many consumers and businesse$ re· consider travel plans because of the economy's downturn. The resistance of potential passengers comes as rapidly ris· in~ jet fuel rrices squeeze the airlines' pro(l maqim. Tbe DeW fares carry no ad· va.nce-purch11e or mlnimum- st,aay requlreme.nts. EASTERN was the first car, tier to announce the low~ rare Thursday. Jt covers flights between New York and Los Angeles or San Francisco. Spokesman Jim Ashlock at- tributed the airline's price cut to "the competitive situation we have on that route." American Airlines also an- nounced a S99 New York· California fare startiftg tonight. while United Airlines and Trana World A1rUnes poeted identical fares on tbo6e fUghta beiinninl Saturday ntsht. THE TBaEE ot.ber tranaeoo· tlnen&al carrlera -Pan American, World AJrwaJS and Capitol International Airways - did not immediately matc:b the S99 fare. panel b.un't completed IU in· ve1U1ation ot the raid and bM iaaued no report1 ... the memorandum in question ear· rlea no official standln1 wbataoe'Ver. It merely reflectl the views ol only one of four staff members assigned to the investigation.·· The raid was called off April 25 when three of the eigbt helicopters broke down before the commandos could leave • sta1in1 area lD the Iranian ..._ ert. Al the aervicemeo retreat· ed. a C·l30 cargo plane and a helicopter collided, klUinJ eight men. THE DOCUMENT criticized the commander of the mission and the bellcopter•traioing and maintenance. ............. . The Armed Services Commit· tee is one of several con- gressional panels investigating the failure of the raid. The document 1ald Army Maj . Seat Talk Geo. James Vau1bt was a poor choice lO be the overaU com· mander of the mluion. But Ross said Vauaht was picked because be ii an expert "in the highly specialized techniques or special operaUons." Jerry Oiavkin stands before photographs of fatal jeUiner crashes as he testifies before a House subcommittee in Washington, D.C . on structural designs of aircraft passenger seats . Cbavkin is head of the Aircraft Engineering Division of the Federal Aviation Administra- tion. Re~gari, Ford Make Up Kennedy Refwes to Bow to Presidem By Tbe A111Mlated Pttss A tale of two meetings. one might call 1t. The Republicans met and a~reed lO forget old squab· bles. The Democrats met and agreed on very little beyond continuing their present squabble The meetinfl at the White House on Thursday between President Carter and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy ended with Kennedy vowing to press his challenge to the president for the Democratic pres- idenUalnominaUon. Across the continent. R"n a ld Reagan met with former President Gerald Ford. the man who beat Reagan for the 1976 Republican nomina· lion, and Ford said he would "'campaign wholeheartedly" for his former opponent an Uus fall'• election. ••J have every intenUoo of continui.nll in this campaign," Kennedy said after be talked wath Carter for about an hour m the Oval Office · · 1 am convinced Gov Reagan can be elected. and I certainly hope he 1s elected." said Ford after a meeting a t his Palm Springs home with Reagan ··1 look forward .. to campaigning for ham :· F'ord and Reagan waged a knockdown battle in 1976 and arter Ford narrowly won the nomina· t1on . Reagan gave him very little help in the elec· lion that Ford lost to Carter. Ford thought of jump- ing into this year's battle. at one point saying Reagan was too cooservat1ve. "Yes. J thought there was a problem of Gov. Reagan betnc elected... he sa1d Thursday wben askeclabout his put cntici.am. "But." he added. "I can just as truly say· to- day that It.bulk Ron Reagan can be elected preai- dent ·· JUNE 15th FOR DAD 'the contemporary man" Storms Slug Midsection High W-uula, Hail Hammer Minnesota "'°"". " " Pitt~ '1 Sf .. "''-·~ u " •• Ill-6S 11 Sl LOVIS 'Cl 14 St p.f..,._ ti n S.lt ...... 10 • s...o-.. n '' S... ,,,.,. Ml SI s .. 11.. u • .. T11IM t2 pt W•"'lftoM IO U CAUNlltllA a............ " " .... " -••vtlW " n Menttffy •t SI ........ .._ ()all-6J u ... S.Cr.,_.... 7J 4' ~..... ". ,___ ,. IO Tllerm.i tS 61 Am1 .ii:&. ... ,....._. 0. ..... 94•• ---···· e.niow • 11 iiiiliii------------------------Woiioiiiiil ... iliiiiiioili".c.c...... -~ EIOtMro tS 64 Te..,wra••~• ~... !! ~ ... Le ~. °"4art9 ,. .. .. .. ............. .. ., .. t4 ........... IO •1 " 11 SM JoMt .. ti 11 ff ._.AM Pl N " .. ._..(nit .... .. • ......-.w ., " t.1 M .. T .... V.... .. • .. " NllAMllltCM ,. .. ~ "" ti ...... .,...... •• 111'0 ~ ,._ ,.,,........ ·-., rs c:w-• • " JS ,,...., .. - " 14 18 st 62 .. • tJ •1 71 :: s...tlleperf • Wf1.-.. ............. ftltll. lmlHft lleltflf lfl fffl, "'IH Ill ., .. . ,. .. ,. :t t; ,, .. .. n .. ,, .. ,, .. . ,,,, ...... .. .,. .. " 11 .. .. ,. tac ...... t-. ...... ~ llc~l:•s ... Clillil¥ , . 1 ' I I • • lwtlll ._... .............. -...................... ,_. ' a .... .... ,.... 1 • .. .... ,.,... .... ,.... . .... Mii Dteec CNltJ I : ~ • 01111 ... fer ••••tUt'I i.tttt• ,, • c: ...... ONE OF THE MANY ATTITUDES Of, ·This is one Gt OUf~­fqr tht very ~ man·. fashion I dllll that's him lilcb. 1M blazer in SK dK/pOlj I • 45% wool. wheat, It gr•. camel Aavy • powder blue & brow• 11& CAUFOANIA IAllf ~ CAP> -''Let me tell JOU = .,=-~·~ tocom. en. )'OU -... _.,. -.......... ,... Di-. P' d ..... ftmla7 ·to,._.._,... .. ··1:;·" ......... tM eldlrt1 Md ...... tr ._..a-~ bla8CI womu and pUtol ~ •nti,11...,-... .. ,... aana At.-..w tbat a. ww1c1 .u tM 8elnl el 8.Je uttlci1 for 110.000 In reward ~-..,..........._.to tbe eoamu. of tM .. ,....._ ~aw Oiinelh• llurpllJ 1ald ......... woWd be .. id UaJoclulh tbe de- putml& .... wUl eot ....,.ai. thll kind of aet1vk1 In ~db.•· Ila. htMtelft said before vt11t1q ,...,. dnta fJl tile~ R.UCS-Ual Care ffolae. ••f th1U \bat hoods wllO would f'Ome. ln and do what they dJd to tbele peor>-le deeern to be drtven from tbls toW1l and I inteod to do Just tbal '' . DUSDfG TBS INCU>ENT, &he five men clacribed u belnc black and lh their 209 entered &M Mine, JUtol·•bipped several residents, raped Cite bUDd woman and fled kbout ao minutes tater. A. CDtal of SSO In cNb wu takea tn>m the 18 helpless nll4iea&a. police Wei. .. ft wu lnb\UD&n," the mayor sald. "I've bad .-UP of th1a kind ol W>hace and I don't care llow maqy pol.ice It takes." Tbe llrutalitr ol the crime even start.Jed some teuooed veteram ol the police department. .. EVOY 'IUIE YOU THINK you've seen it an, something like this happens," police Capt. Joseph Lord.an said earlier. Chief ¥urpby said at the news conference that investigators have "several, good solid leads," but declined to comment further oo possible suspects. The police chief said his department would get $3,000 of the reward money from a Chamber of Commerce crime prevention program and $1,000 each from two residents. Agent Slain ·Task Force Set To Hunt Killer LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tbe Secret Service, offering a '35.000 reward bu Mt up a special task force to find two men wam.ed for the slaying of .Julie Y. er.a, tbe ftrst woman Secret Service ~ent kiIJed In the line of duty. lls. erou. 26, wbo joined the Secret Servi~ tea than~ qo, waa lbot to deatb ~ two wouJd.IJe robber8 u the sat In a unmarti:ed ear on a atakeout ol a counterfeltiag operation near Los AqeJes lmernaUoDal Airport Wednesday night. UilC ... rd Oaal,...a• ~-JIN LOS ANGELES (AP> -Tbe chairman of the board' of SecurU,y Pacific Nailaoal Bank baa beea elected ebairmu ol ~ Ualvmait) ot S-U... Calllonlla Board ot Trust.ea Carl E. Bartnaet ( ) was elected by tbe ~~TE lnlltees Wednesday to ~•A succeed Oranae Count1 --------businessman J . Robert Fluor, who was chairman for the Ia.st elgbt yea.rs. C'Grsoft·• T..ats Cortlirttwd LOS ANGELES (AP) -.. Tonight Show" host Johnny Carson, hoepltallzed for a leg aallmeat, waa undergoing additional tests today to determine if SW'gery is necessary, a hospital spokesman said. Doctors attempted a special noo-surgical pro- cedure to dilate the main artery in his left leg and were evaluating the results of that effort. lf no sur· cerr la necessary, NBC said, Carson could go bome tbla weekend. Side Biii S.111 lo Bro111n SACRAMENTO <AP> -The Sido bill, to save the life of the San Francisco dog condemned to death in the will of he r late mistress, i5 on the gov· ernor•s desk. Tbe Assembly and Senate approved the bill Thursday on votes of 75-0 and 28-0. which would overturn the portion of Mary Murphy's will that required that her pet be killed. • • ""-" Cltl•I'• Oul•r l 'rfl"f SACRAMENTO (A.P) -A. rroup of black and lewl.ab leaden la ur&IDI the Democratic Party to ;epudiate Tbomu Metzger, a Ku Klux Klan leader wbo won the nomlnaUon lD the 43rd Coagraaiooal J>latrict. ' Aasembly ~peaker Leo McCarthy. D·San l'rancllco, joined their news ooo.ferenee TbUJ'ld.ay ~ taid be would do all be could to prevent lletaaer from bavina any lnfluence ill Democratic -'fain. .. Salinas Ingh School senior Michele Baltezar. 17, tosses her final ex- amination papers to the wind while doing a cartwheel across the lawn after being issued her graduation cap and gown. Michele will ~ . gi:aduated today an~ obviously is very elated about finally f1mshing 12 years of public school. Now she will have all summer to decide if she will pursue her studies in the realm of higher educa· tion. ,.. ........ 1., SAN rBANCISCO <AP> -Fonner Mayor JOlellb L. Alioto and bia IOIJ have bftn ordered to pay '3.55 mllllon to a Wyomtnc ranchef who 1ued them for lela1 malpractiee. A Jury of MVen women and ftve Mistreatment Of Students ~edbyNun INDIO <AP> -=IJ.ne at a Ca~c grammar criUcized by parents for alleaed child abuse ls 1trin1ent but not estreme. according to the 41-year-o&d nun who beads the acbool. Admitting that the nine teachers at Our Lad.Y of Perpetual ~ School employ both "pbyslcaJ written punllhmeot/~.~t.er Ann Maureen Sellmeyer oeruea charges tbat some puplla were mistreated. Several parents have C'OIQpl•lned about discipline that purportedly in· eludes tying unruly youngsters to their delb. stand.log them outside in 100 degree beat for lengthy penods and coaOning them to an empty sup- ply room known u the ··hole." But the root of the classroom prob- lem. Sliter Sellmeyer said Thu.rs· day. ls tbe parents tbems~lves. ••'Jbese are the very parents who don't want to take any responsibility for their child." she said. "They feel it ls the teacher's responsibility to make the child learn." men fouad 1bunda were guilty of ... .,, .. _ llDd 1ni:-~ .. repr .... taUoa when tbeJ ex· e l u d • d Cour\eD•>' Da•I• from a tHI aoU·tru1t suit ~the nattoos l.arceet food ebalns. Tbe IUlt b..s been filed by the Aliotol oe behalf of aht cattlemen wbo MJO'l'D accused A&P, Safeway and Kroger Co. of fts1Dg the price of beef. DA VIS, WHO WAS tnstrumeata.I in having the ault flied, claimed that the Allotos had not Included him among the plaiDtlffs but promised that after t.bey won, be could be included to col· lect damages. Safeway and Kroger settled out of court but a federal jury returned a $32.7 mlllloD verdict against A&P. That was later reduced to $10 million upon appeal, wtt.b the Al.iotas and San Jose att.on>ey James Boccardo due $5.26millionforlawyers' fees. BOCCA.llDO, WHO received $1.7 million in fees, settled with Davis out of court. but the trial of the suit against Alioto lasted 11 weeks, with Lawrence Alioto representing his father and brother. James Penrod, who represented Davis, told the jury that the Aliotos "sold Davia down the river, without· notice and became independently wealthy in the process." More for YolwManl • TM °'ilrJaCcwtr 111•• awed lU eUlllWty .or lamd t a1111.-iD = cillke·ln· CUIDIMllt Ja(' wlllO faeed Ill... , primarily l hmdlJJb~~-Va:.!:1 .. · 11-..... • Uriit Udl year I a JeUem •tabM'b 111 ID 1171 ......... ..,.)' cllltrlet atlOnleya eb11Jene1d -Md ., ...... -F .,._ lneumbmlt Judi• ln I CJD•~ eomt andtw~ court~. f But dU ,_.. ~=-Uy ........ IWQed by I the .. law and Cder .. pl~Prlltnted by the deputy • dl1trlct attona•JS. ti•• moat vocal faction of tbe • chall.,..._ Anabsla ol tbe el4ctlan Nlulta indlea&el that voters • pa.Id more atUGUan &o ...,. broadb bued railnll pre. pa red by attorneys• orfanbaUOU -iDehadlnl the Orange County Bar ~atian -U.at lncUcated the In· cumbent Juda• were caw.lifted for re-election. It was .mfortunate tllili poU1lct were IO ~ Inter- jected Into tbil year"• J¥c•blp campalp. But h's en- couraging the eleetorate was wary of cheap abota and narrowly based campal1119. .. Another Vote Delay . Orange Co~y Just aeema to be unlucky when it. comes totbe counUng of the ballots. : If election officials are correct and the new $1.5 ~ million Martel Vote Counti.og System isn't the culprit in ~the latest failure, one must wonder what needs to be done • to remove Orange County's ignominious reputation for ballot counting. • Observers and Registrar of Voter officials said com· i puter foul-ups and ballot ~-ups were the principal rea· sons election returns were still incomplete by Thursday, two days following the election. The county's main computer, which spits out print· outs of election retUl'DS, ref used to process vote tallies : from 38 precincts throughout the county. . It is still unknown why the machinery balked. ~ In t.he case of the ballot mix-up. a precinct in Anaheim was sent the wrong voting cards, also apparent· ly due to computer error, resulting in 237 voters puzzling over ballots which listed candidates from the wrong as- sembly, congressional and state senate districts. Before Tuesday's election, Registrar of Voters Al Olson had assured the people that all election returns would be processed and available before sun-up Wednes- . day. Though it is still too early to fix blame in the latest snafu. one can only hope Olson's optimism is validated in November's election. Will Haydens Help? Election night found Tom Hayden add.ressinlZ an en· thusiastic victory celebration at the NO on 10 head· quarters. He congratulated members of renters' organizations for defeating the P"fi'91Hon that W attempted to lay down statewide guiellnee for local rent CGGfrol or· dinances. Hayden's Campaign for Economic Democracy had played a major role in stirring up opposition to the pro- posal whose proponents feared that the proliferation of ill· considered local ordinances eventually would wipe out development of rental properties. Prooosition 10 may not have been the perfect answer to the rental housing crisis. But now that Hayden has led his followers to "victory' it W0\41d be interesting to know where and how be figures renters will live when apart· ment avallabillty dries up. 'There i.B no doubt defeat of the proposal will spur ef- forts to convert apartment.a to condominiums as ownen of eXlStina rental properti~ de~de it's not worth improv- ing them ao long as tbe threat of haphazard rent control laws hangs over them However, since Haar:n seems so convinced of the rightness of the camp , perhaps he and Jane Fonda will see fit to invest some of her considerable wealth ln suitable, reasonably priced accommodations for their renter following. . . . Opinions expressed tn the apace above are those of the Dally Plk>r. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader coml'M(lt 11 Invited. Address The Daily Piiot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321 Boyd/Escape By L.M. BOYD Almost all Jail breakers are caught sooner or later • .Question ls wby. Becauae they persist lo bantlng around CODJpicuou.a places, say the lawmen. It's not enough just to be out.·'l'boM escapees feel compeUe4 to • show their compatriota that • they're out. A aeaaoned ' warden obNr'ved:. Tbey de- vote yean to tbe cwmlng • plans for lnaenloul eseape, then spend prietically oo Ume at all In fipriq out bow to Ila)' free. Q. What'• tbe difference In food proceaaln1 ·between "enrichment" and "fort11lca· tion"? A. Enrlcbmeot 11 putting back some nutrient.I Uken out by tbe proce11io1 . ,. Dear GJoomy Gm Fortification ts adding some nulrleota not in the original. Q. I've read that Austin. Texas, Is the U.S. city with the lowest cost or llvlne. What town has the second loweat? A,. Ort.ando, f1 a., say the statisticians. Claim tbat the label.a lo clotbln1 made by tbe In· ternaUoa.al Ladies Garment Worken Unioo are made lo Japan 11 Wl"Ong. Unloo execs aay such labell never have been made out.aide tbil COUD· try. Were you aware that whlte flowen usually a.re more fra. aunt that colored flowers? Tnt. tlMI to Jet pilot.a r. vealed t.belt reaction Ume . ~ ueded to be •t ita Ql1iell..t .,..,.. a ud • ,.m. ao4 at tta 1lowt1t .,_,,_ t ID4 • Lm. • Rowland Evam / Robert Novak Reagan Needs Better AdV:iseN LOS ANGELES -Ronald Rea.an t'OOCluded tM tint day that tbe a.publlcu prealcs.tlal nomlu&iiae "u uodea.lably bll wltb • 1ln1ulerl1 unla1plred r.rformaoce polnt101 to tbia anb reaW.y: He la far from: ,. .. cty to take on Jimmy Cart.m' and b11 reaourceful Georala pollUciam. Tbe event beN WU. 8500-a· plate fund·raller betore aleepy- e ye d Re · publtcan1, includin1 a 1oodly number of Sacramento tobb1l1t1, at the palatial Beverly Hilla Hotel. Only tbe day before , George Bush finally quJt. Yet, not one word came from Reagan about rucbin& tu. once impoe,ai· ble dream of 12 yean standing. Aa be bad in two earlier epeec hes that day, Reagan dispensed the usual homilies; the Beverly Hills faithful sti.Oed yawns. THEY WOULD have ap· preclated bearing the hopes and fears Reagan felt at this mo. ment of triumph (which he con- Earl Waters flded only &o fNndl at tbe beed table). Bui no ataff aJde IO ad· vised tbe candid•, lDdeed. ao 1ucb advice w11 expected. aeapa thlt ~ wu a lone eqle nytq riat be felt like HJlnS. JUlt -be bad been the last tbree IDOD&bl. Tbe lmqe ol Rea1an 81 tbe marlooette manipulated by cleYer aaala· t.ant.s could not be fUrtber from the truth. From tbe moment the a utocratic John Seara was sacked u campalp manaaer Feb. 28. Reqao bu functioned on bis own u ~-party eao- dldates aeldom do. Whl1e that dJd not dllnrpt bl.a marcb toward tbe ~can nomlnaUoa. it could prove fatal a&alnlt Preli· · dentc.tUr. Important queatJom have not been answered: Wbo will tell Reaeao not to alienate-the blue- collar vote by semeleaa .uakJD. ballln£...1:0 will tell .bim that procl bll UQ.reQWted love atfair with corporate boa•neu. particularly big oil. can onl)' hurt blm? Who will coovtnce hlm to turn the other cheek to Carter campai1n attach on Reagan'• ~ u governor ol Callromla, making aure the spotlight. stays on Carter's re.cord aa president! Nobody bu replac.cl Sean ln fuUWment ol tMM funeUoaa. Local polltkiam wbo vt.alt t"'8 Reapo ~ampaJan plue eo11M1 away worded tbat b11 akla seem afraid of him. What frlptem them ll not lheb' "en· tempered chief bul tbe b1*"1 ol bloody st.If purpa the last two years. unprecedeated in a 1uc· ceuful presidenUal eampa&cn. NEW YOU lawrer WWlam Cuey, Searl' nominal 1ucceseor a• campa.lan manaaer. lt fu re- moved from the candidate. At RH1an'1 aide la P.Ahvard Meese, a sleet San Dte10 lawyer MIO WU b1s cblef ol stall u IOV· emor ad wboM opt.n.ioo Reagan values moat, Wben Sean de· manded la February that Meese must eo. be took on one old sur· vtvM too many; Sean WU ftred instead. But Meese's valued opinions are seldom volun· leered. "I would say Ed ~ not squander bis tnnuence," one Reapn lmlder noted. When Rea&an rurted with dis· a1ter by 1eemin& to come out a1alilat the mldimum waee. Meese did not contradict him: otben bad to pull him ~ack from the brink. M. t.n SaCramento. Meese on the cam&:~an plane Menu more buffer adviser. Hls capacious briefcase is beco~alMCI., U.. rnttoc for mntM • •• a nd POI tloD papetl ••llt Reaaa. .. WHAT a&AGAN .-...ta flt trial·b1-«>mbel ualnlt ~ la an ..._ wbO Iii •s-1 ••• in natJQul pollUca, laM ....._, poUUcal 1kUl1 aad ta··~ familiar wtth aod ... .._ "f Reagan. Tbe exact flt for• description 11 vetera• ~ Anaelea political operatlH Stuart Speoce:r. wbo ma...,. Reagan's first campalp fef governor tn 1966 but was OeraW R. Ford's chlef tactJclaa ._. Reagan in 1976. Spencer wu more than wUllu to come aboard tbe Reaaai plane u traveling adviler. But a rancorous debate wltbl11 Reagan'• inner circle LDcl.sed attacks on Spencer tbat, IA Ule tight JittJe world of PGlttl~ iD- evitably got back to 6im. 8y tbe Ume word floally was at.en Spencer that Ron and Nane1 would be th.rilled to have bim back after alt these years, It wu too late. Spencer bad sloed Oft for an independent anti-Caner operation this fall. Two longtime Reaganltes purged last year by sears are bact. Mike Deaver lut week began traveling wtth Reagan fa. the first time in nearly a yeu. Lyn Nofziger is silDinl on • press chief, the job be first held tn tbe l.966 campaign. lloth bear the scars of rejection by ~ chief, but that may reduce retuc· lance to offer Reagan aa· congenial advtce. REAGAN OFTEN t.h1s year haa rt.sen above his available ad· vice. Instinctively realir.ing the pohtkaJ potential of tax reduc· t1on, Reagan has rejected pleu by establishment econom.lats that he modily his proposala. He understands that h is attack again.'4t using unemployment to fight Lnflalton. while abrasive to country club Republicans, is cat- nip for Democrats. But Reagan may be enticed in- to the poHticaJ abyss If be lets Carter's experts at negaUft politics change the campalca's frame ol reference to tbe 1l80I 1 n Sac ramento . Reagan'• a utomatic response will be to de- fend his own record. rather th.- attacking Carter's. Wbetber ~ f sldUed. unafraid ad.uer la at II!' slde t.o pre"Yent him from dom8 so m ay determine the lm· mediate course of American his· tory. When Courts Assume Lawmaking Role Republicans beaded by Senator H.L. "BW .. Richardson and Aaaemblyma.n Phil Wyman amone othen. bedatnl their bet on measures the7 han authored to make Judea more accounta· ble to the people, have launched an la.iU.Uve drtft iD •the event the Leg1alature doesn~ approve their plan t.o subject. all judges to Senate cooflrma&o and pennJl contested elections of juaticea aeeklng re-election. ln the doing tbey have been attacked by tbe liberala, the Judees and the Judges 1~cophant1 , alleting in the faahioo of the late dis· cr edited Senator Joseph McCarthy. "a ri g ht-wine conspiracy" aeeklng "to politlclze the courta." " Now comet AHemblyman Aliater McAlllter full Ult in sup- port of the court refQrm pro- posals. His emeraence ai an all out booster of the plan ls tncked Sydney Harris a setback for the opponect.a. For In no aeose can McAllster be considered a ritht·wi.ncer. He ia one of the moat retpee\.ed DemOCf'at.a in the ~ Respected both for hia penonal lntegrity and a.a an outstaodina Corutitutiooal lawyer. Scathingly he reject.a the con· tentions the plan ta a form of "da ng erous populist radicalism." "Who." he de· mands. "has the ultimate law making authority in a de- moctacy. the people and t.belr elected legislators or a handful of elitist, unelected Judtes!" FOLLOWING THAT queMioo up be a.ska some more pertinmt ones. "Why ls so mucb law made by the cou.ru and not by the Legislature!" And, "To whom are the courts account.a· ble for their exer~lae or vaat oowers?" McAllster then recites lbe re•· aons he believes the courts should be made more account.a· ble. "Our courts,'• be Hid. "operate 11.ke a continual coo- atltutlonal conventlon. They have required usel.... and a - desired acbool bu•la,. They have as.le all m.Jor dHtAom on abonioa.s. Tbey •eem de· urmiDed to tbwart tbe people's will on capital puni•bment, adopted by two iDitiaUves and an override ol the 1overnor's veto. They nclude cooleaioos because the defeodaat wasn't al· lowed to talk to hia mother and even when he t.a1U after beini adviled be need not talk. They allow the defense ol insanity on the dubioul coocept the defend· ant cannot control his actiom, aUow aome killers &o escape con· vtc tlon on tbe theory of diminished capacity and dis· regard the safety of tbe public in tbe erUJlinB of baU. "TREY BA VE unilaterally rewritten our entire tort law, adopting stnct roducts UabUi· ty. replacine contributory negligence with compataUve ne1U1eoce and expanded IOV· ernmmt tort liability. They have allowed city r.onlng to destroy most ol the value of unimproved land through down-1radtn1 wblle deQylDa ~any eftec. Uve remedy. Coals~ tbe Callton.da court.a' MoeOm1c de- clltoa.s search for the = pe>ckets from which to d.latrl ~weaitb.'' Declaring that, "Modeg courts frequently base tb•K brand ol social engineering upalf their po Ii ti ca I v la tone ot equalltarianism under tbe equal prote<:tion c lause." llcAUster suma up bis support stat.la&: .. WHEN A court bebawea politically oo nearly every COii· trovenlal case it bas no •aUd con)paaint against bein& beld poUtiqlb accountable. J.._. who 111.te' more landmark raw U.,n the Leatalature abould M aceoUDtable to the people lot th'lr lawmakine." And, tn a part1n1 sbot at tlle liberal opponents ol tbe ntora plan. McAlialer says tt••t c lassical liberal value. af~ 'tolerance and rational I•· qulry ,"pointing out that, "Ottal llberala like Tbomaa JeffertQll. Andrew Jacbon, Abraham IJn.t 1 coin, Franklin D. ~elt ad Felix Frankfurter, have vlaoroualy denied &bat J..._ have any mandate from beatw to eitber remake or .,... lfW · society In their own tmaae. ~ ' Little-known Facts About Ships ~and~the Sea " . . ' DAILY PILOT .4 7 Study Queries Value Of Cancer Insurance i WAIHIMO'l'ON <AP> -CUew ln· ,.,....,. ~1 la lokt to people who do DOt ,....,. that tM DOUckt doa '\ eover •••Y medloal CiMll ea .... tlf the clile .... a .. ~ ltMJIQI. Th ...... for UM N1tiaeaJ er.dtt UUID Ad.......,traUoa lk>atd, jotaa OdMn lD ertUel1Jar cancer Mlle* Md tM way tiw)' an IOld. ,,.. boerd IUJ UN it U JWltiftc1Uon fw I cneUowft 08 federal Cftdit UD· loeS tlYil eeeour .. • tbelr' memben to buy the potict9. ........... "WS DIUIATS, ON the btaala of S e a . 8 a r r y CS cue hlltorlet. that cancer In· Goldwater. R·Arla., auranee wW pay at mo.ta percent aaya tbe govern· of the cost ol 1 cancer for the lint ·meat's refuaal to three yean ol the disease," the re· pel"mlt the import of ~=~~mplicat.ed clauses IC)Qdl ~ariol_ the that limit what canc'r policies cover. worda 'RepubUc of th• report said. "Eacept ror tbo6e Cblna" ia one of a wbo are expert& on cancer. literacy • • 1 o n g 1 i n e o l ls probably not enough to underatand h u m i l i a t l o n s • • these llmitatiom." threatening the iden· The report by Abt Associates, Inc., tity· and lndepen· of Cambrid1e. Mass .. said some deuce of Taiwan. policies are written to cover ooly --------cancer confirmed through Gets Degree Robert Waaber of Corona del Mar baa re· celved a bacbelor's de1ree in social work from Chapman Colle1e. microscopic examination of tissue or blood ceUa. However, it said., "Some 10 percent of cancus are not so diagnoeed, even by autopsy. and are thus uncovered. . . . THE &EPORT SAID the policies also can cover only treatment, In person Don Baylor thereby exchldlna coatly medical t11t1 and rehabllltaUon after IW'· 1ery. Clautee UmlUnf cover .. • to ~ • ~ '°' t.o.&>lta 1taya do not come cloM to meetlnl the cbars• at many bolpttai., It aaJd. Jim Barr. vice pre1lclent al tbe N•· tlonal Credit Unloa Admlnllt.ratklll, aald, "We don't endone ctDCet" ln· surance. but some of our atate leaaues do. We are lookina at the queatklo." If You Drive, Don't Snwke? LONDON (AP) -An anti·1moldn1 group wants 1~ in~ banned oo lrounda that Ill.ID)' aed· dents are caused by diatracted driven fumblinlr for eipnUes. The Natiooa1 Society for Noe- Smoken abo malat•lnt tball puft1ne drivers are dan,.rous becauae smoke gets in their eyes. Said IOdety chairman Tom Hunt: "There is no question that 1moldn1 and driving doo't go toeetber." The biQaest SMlP meet on the Orange Coast is found ~ day in the classified ads in the DAILY PILOT 642-5678 MVP Will be at JCPenney Fashion Island Store this Sat., June 7th from 12 to 2 p.m. Have your picture taken free with Don ... compliments of Polareid. Sat. June7 12 tO 2P.M. IN ~NG GOODS LOWER LEVEL Have your picture taken free with Don Baylor. Polaroid's SX-70 Sonar • The wortd's finest instant camera • Automatic focusing. SLR viewilg. • ·Pictuf'es from 10.4·, every 1.5 seconds. • Folds to just 1 x 4 x 9"' and never needs batteries. S 18999 ~you pay -2000Poeoid Cash-Back Bonus -------S169t!~~BcnJs • The Texas Instruments Language Translator That Speaks. ReoK~ ~ MocA1'e and • M b«tena (not tne*X1e0) The world's first handheld electronic translator to pronounce and display words, phrases and sentences. Solid State Speech,'"' a technological breakthrough by Texas Instruments. OpbOnal Language Modufe6 help you speak the language of your choice. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Texas Instruments 1159 Programmable Tl Programmable 59-The super-powerful card programmable with TI's revolutionary plug· lft Solid-State Softwarer .. modules. • Up to 960 J>(ogram steps or up to 100 memones. When integrated with the Master library Modu'8 defivers up to 5000 steps. • Master Library Module-25 different programs are available at the touch of a key. Gives professionals an instant "tool kit" in key areas. Math. Statistics Finance. General Interest. • Opttonal library module-.» available in applied statistics. real estate investment. aviation. marine navigation and sur1ey1ng. • Bnght 12-character LED dtsplay shows 10 d1g1ts plus sign m standard forma 8-d191t man- tissa. 2-digtt exponent and 2 signs In scientific notation. Also wall di~y tn eng1neenng notation. Fixed or floattng decimal point. • Membership Department Stores nDCO LA C811SQA/3535 S. La Cieneae Blvd. L09 .,,._... 90018 PIDCOUM ~70 S. Mt. Vernon Awt .. Sen Bemardil., 92410 ........ ~ & ~. ~ '*&092108 ...oo •MT09l11eas 8out;h Street. C..-wttoa 9010t · nDOOCOS1a MDAl3030 ~ 8'Yd .. eo.-a-.. eaae .... NUIM'"A/3111 E. COloredo etvca .......... "" ., 101 I ' NDOO _,. NUft/14820 AeytMr atreet. Ven~ 9t«>!S · MONDAYS. TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS. FRtDAYS . SATURDAYS Al..,..tO:tl..,..to•.OOpm SUNDAYS caMm>t. cOsTA MIU, MIADtNA ANO YAN MU'n ITOMS Alt ..... ,.. e.•. lo l .00 p.m tl:OD noon to t:tl p.M. At.L ITCMllU Ct.OMO WlC*£SOA'fS Ahllreyl ~ 'fbut' ~ CMd With ¥oU ~ 'bl SMp At l'Hco Dozens(# colotsand pattemsto dloose from.All ro-wax .. all ArmStrongl &~ W@lY1[( ~@[(\Y/11®@ ............... .ae. s.1., ... DEAit PAT: I ordered w bOmery from tbe Hoet.n ~ ol America and paid by cbeek last Dec. It. Tbe eompM1 a.,. emcttn1 me tkeat.en-... bWllla DCltk98 ...e UloaO I bHe written to U..m ~. I enetoeed a copy of my caaeeled ~ ~beck. I am annoyed, Tbe)' an 1poriq my lett.en ud I am tired ol 1eWna tbele deroptory credit DOUc.. J .P ., Costa Mesa 2 • ..,. c.p. ol A.merta ., ....... &o ,.. _. &e P.F., B ....... lleada. ... e.MaeW ~YI wit.la a llaUar .................... fte ftnl'a C le•er .............. NJ8 el'• reaeMI M.lllap '"" •UW &o a .. ber ef _..._.. ._ &o .,..,._ enw. fte ,....... -•• .._....,.,•ell-*.,. ud '*la attOUC. tlavebeaaell'l'eC..._ .~'"'9'sTepP..-.e11af AlrU•~ DEAR PAT: 1'hanb for pabUahln1 lbe name and address ol the "top" complaint penoo at General Motors. Now I would like to contact the penoa at United Air Lines who bolds lbe ume chlef complaint office posJtJon. United Airlines tore up my favorite garment baa on one of their conve)'Of belts, and I want to see wbat can be done about thi.a. C.D.H., San Clemente U ,.,_. tauaae arrtns 1mulaed or ton, the alrllDe will uaally pay for repairs. U U ua't be fbed, &-, wlll ne1ot1aee a .eu&emetlt to pay yea Its depleda&ed valae. Tbe aame MWa tne for , .... , .. packed la.aide. llepefwdlJ, ,_ flied • clal• wltll Ute a1JtlH at tM airport wt.en the a----------------1 clamace wu .UCOvered. Y• HD MIMI you writ· Levolor Riviera: The onty blind that carries the Good Housekeeping Seal of QO/ . Approval 3 /0 OFF ~ complalat to Illa. lbJ IADd, Dlftdor ot Cobuaer Alfalrs, UnJCe4 Air Llaee lac., P .0. Bu Milt, Odcaao, W. _.. (pboae: (312) 152·5341>. KfttwSltould •~on tit~ M'ay DEAR PAT: I wanted to tell L.B .. Laguna Beacb, that the copper kettle orfer was made by Nestle's Taster's Choice corree. I ordered one of these kettles in December and didn't get It unUI March. A.H., San Juan Capistrano Thanks ror wriUng. The Nestle Co. wtJJ Stt that LB. gm bl.s copper keUles ii be mails a copy m----------------. of bl.I c:aaeekd eheck &o Marjorie~ at N~ WOVENWOODS DECORATOR SHADE STOUHOUISTUIS.-fll. IN SAT.10.S RR ISTIMATIS tie Co., Cclftee Division, 3ZSt WUMlre Blvd., Sa.lie lttl, Los Angeles tMlt. Tbe order will be flDed from Nestle's New York bHclQu.a1en. always a iBvori-W:. for we rm '\lR..e'tbrz.r weer. colorful hmxi ~ madre&s~rlJ coat>s; ~ dN.etW!th poplin tirmieere. available. in blue, brown end red tc:ne. . • CONSUMER 0 II Chains .. . chain bracelets .. . charms .. . charm holders .. . rings .. . earrings .. . pendants .. . all in 14k gold Fine Jewelry and Costume Jewelry Departments Shop Saturday, June 7, 9 a.m. to I p.m. AUl•t~ ........... IOON. &ddSt.-111.W COM*A 720N. ,_,St. In~ Steg1t6quM-714a10 C'fl! Ill 1CllD1VlllfVIMlt.-•.al f!UWllnOlllC.--~~.3204£.tltYO!tleUNta--)) """""°"* llACH ..,, M1rNA...,.--..m1 "*"" matMM tMt.-~ ...... ..._. _ .. _.,,_ ... Ub.,_.ArlloM. Caltac1lle. ,_,..endNewMuloo .t ;\ ' .... .~ . •" ~ ... -~ . ·-· ... ' . .. ... .~ ... • • .. ' . .. - .- • , Ftfder.Junee. 1980 S ONE-DAY SUPER~ALE HAPPENS THIS SATURDAY, JUNE 7 ~ DOOrs open early, at 9 a.m., with a special night ~Ing 'til 9 p.m. Here are some of our most popular Selections offered at exeeptlonally low prices, Saturday only! f · .........,___----1] 11.99 7.99 9.99 each 50o/o off 9.99 3.99 pkg. 4.99 pk . 1/3 off 19-_99 9.99 set Levi'•• ahrtnk.to-ttt Jeana mold themselves to you. Cotton denim In Indigo blue. Walsts 28-42. S.01 off Hagga,. alacks in todav·s texturlzed Dacron• po Ivester. Pick versatile solids. Reo. 17.00 5.01 off short sleeve shirts for men and young men. Cool stvles in sizes S-M-L-XL. Reo. 13.00. Famous maker actlvewear. V- neck tops. S-M-L-XL. Reo. 14.00. Nylon shorts, S-M-l. Reo. 13.00 Levi's• Movln' On .. Jeana In blue denim. Cotton/polyester. Nlttv pockets. Reg. 24.00-25.00 Men's short aleeve 1hlrt1 In silky smooth polyester. Neat travelers! S-M-L-XL. Reg. 13.00. Nie 6.49 Short aleeve knit shirt• for men In comfortable polyester. Sizes S- M-L-XL. Reg. 14.00. Mervyn'• underwe•r. Tapered boxers In S-M-L. A-shirts. tees. briefs, S-M-L-XL. Reg. 5.50 pkg. 6 pair of aport aocka with sporty striped tops. Fits sizes 10 to 13. Save 2.01 on pkg. of 6. ReQ. 7.00. Qiana• nylon dreaa shirts In sofid colors. Short and Iona sleeves. Reg. 12.00-14.00, .... 7.99-9.33. 10.00 off electronic football by Mattel"'. Computerized fun. (Not in Fremont, Santa Rosa.) Reg. 29.99. 1/3 off Sunstar joggers 1n royal blue nylon and suede. Cushioned running sole. Reg. 15.00. Men'• leather sandals in latlgo tan. Adjustable strap and padded insole. Reg. 25.00. 14.99. 3.01 off cotton shirts for lumors In cool gauze. madras and voile. Ftnd them tn S-M-l. Reg. 8.00. 4.01 off tailored shirts in crisp. polyester/cotton blends. Misses' and junior sizes. Reg. 12.00 Short 1et1 to go In warm weather styles. Tank tops, pull on pants In polyester/cotton knit. S-M-L. 40% off jr. tee• and tank• In cotton, cotton/polyester rib knit or terry. S-M-L. Reg. 5.00. 2.01 off mlHea' teH. tsnk1 In potyetter, potyester/cdtton rib knit or terry. S-M·L. Reg. 6.00. Junior pelnter1' p•nta In good IOOklng cotton drlll Natural '8nd fashion COiors. 3-13. Reg. 15.00. Teny ahorta for Junior• In white and brights. Polyester/cotton. S- M·L. Reg. 6.00. t.nt'a• mlH••' denim Jeana In cotton, polyester/cotton. 8-16. Reg. 26.00-30.00. 20.tt-2.4.tl Lftl't• Bend~ jHM In PotYeli.r ..,_. ~bar'dlne. 1-11. Reg. 28.00, ... 3.01 off fun figure tops In easy care fabrics. Sefect from favorite stvles In 38-44. Reg. 10.00 . Entfre stock panllutta. Misses' 8-18. half sizes 14 'h-22'h. Reg. 14.99-20.99. 10.49-14.69 Save on women's panties in bikini. French cut. hlphugger styles. &-7. Reg. 1.50. N ie 1.09 Short terries In dress looks and rompers. Cotton/polyester In S- M-L. Loungewear. Reg. 12.00. 7.99. 7.01 off fashion handbags in vinyl. canvas, straw. quilting. poplin. Pockets. zippers. Reg. 16.00. 1.01 off tube topa In one slze to flt all. SoOds, stripes, stuny finishes. Accessories. Reg. 3.00. . Ghia' ..-x lhott Hts In soft polyester/cotton terry. Reg. 8.00. Sina 7-14, reg. 10.00, ..... Al. Entire .tock! Gitt•' 0.r•nlmal .. 4-6X, reg. 4.50-7.00, 3.37-5.25 7-14, reg. 5.00-1 1.00. 3.75-8.25. Ditto•• 8nd Wiggle•• jeans for girts In 4-eX and 7-14. Reg. 14.00-18.00, Mle 10.50-13.50 Toddlers' aundre .... In prints and sollds, some panties. 2-3-4. Reg. 6.00-7.00. 3.99-4.99 Merwyn's diapoaabfe diapers in 4 sizes. Stock up for baby. Reg. 4.89-5.59 pkg .• 3.91-4.47 pkg. Boys' t•nks and 1hort1 in a sporty vanety of styles, colors. S- M-L flt sizes 8-18. Reg. 3.50, 2.69. 2.00 off boys' fashion jeans m a special selection of styles. 8-12 reg .. 8-1 4 slim. Reg. 7.99. Levt'a• student denim jeana In durable cotton/potyester. A g reat fitting favorite In waists 26-30. Mlnkug kit• for J>'llows, rugs. wall hangings. 12x12", 13x1 3 ... Reg. 5.00. sale 2 for 5.00. Junior hangers, hghtwe1ght. colorlul. rustproof. Use for drip drying. Reg. 2.40 dozen. Open weave dnlperiea, fully lined. 5 slzea on sale. Reg. 36.00-108.00. 11.00-54.00. SlighttJ lnegular bath towel• In cotton/polyester terry. Pretty pattern chok:e. Quitted bedaprellda In decorator cofOt's. Twtn, full. queen. king. Reg. 40.oo-65.00. 20.00-U.IO. Spring Melldow twin altMta 1n cotton/Pot;•• mutttn. Other atzes on aaJe. Reg. 5.00 twtn. 6~99 30o/o off 5 for 5.00 <)_ ...... 1/3 off 8.99 1.99 (·.": 4.99 25%off 25%off 2.01 off 20%off 5.99 11.49 50o/o off 3 for5.99 50%off l A •• IWt.. v "°T Orange £o••tr Marigold ·Yenatile Bloomer Rose Society Meeting Set ...... in Y'O'll ....... ., ""' .... , ..... --a..~ ........ 18. .. ............ lM IOftlr mu19a11l lie bfD ......... ol tbll ................. Mell to Spalla ...... &My ..... . ravor11e now. to be plated et the altar of the Vlrala Mary. Beca..-ol tlda, tlMI'/ ,..... cmc.. tnowa • llary'a Gold ud U. Utter tan» tbe modem n&IM, ID~ TM no.en of lbe marttoldl naae fl'Om pate yellow t.hrouCh •old to onn1• aad brown maroon which are fW'ther ae- tented by the fern·llh leaves of thll planl You can arow tbe tall (lo 3 rt.) larae flowerln1 bloomen or the low 1rowtn1 border types (to 6 in.> •A&IGOL08 WILL bloom from early summer untiJ frost if you keep the old f19wen ptcked off tbe planta. But why let the flowers a1e on the plant? Marl1old1 are excellent cul nowen I« home bouquet.a so you can keep the outdoors and the lndoon alive wilb color from lbelr brlpt, perky blooms. The marigold also does well as an Indoor plant. Plant seeds in a 3·4 Inch clay pot that has a drainage hole at the bottom. A window facing eut or, even bet- ter, south is great. This is one plant, whether indoors or out, that likes full sun and ample water AS A SUMMER annual, lbe marigold does an excellent job as a border plant edging your garden with their golden loveli- ness. Grow the taJler varieties in masses not only for effect but for cutting. You can pot them up for color on patios, terraces or balconies. And you have the choice of many nowerln" types as some resemble chrysan- themums and other carnations but most modem strains have fully double flowers. Dan Martinez, Yakima, Wash .. farmer, inspects one of hls corn plants in the crop retarded by volcanic ash fallout from Mount St. Helens. The plants are Just now beginning to recover from the May 18 eruptions. Hazards of Mowers Told WASHINGTON (AP> -R1ding mowers and garden tractors are becoming more and more popular and most people are likely aware of the potential danger in them. but a few timely reminders may be in order. The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 6.000 persons are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year for injuries associated with these machines. Because these items are more complicated than the basic walk-behind mower, the operator l)eeds more inst;uction practice. the commission says. IT SUGGESTS THAT special attention needs to be paid to yard hazards such as s teep banks, dJtches, boles, low.hanging trees and other obstructions Besides the basic dangers of a mower. such as cuts or amputa- tions from the blades. wounds from hurled objects and burns from exhaust or spilled gasoline. the ridmg mowers also pose the possibility of overturning, loss of control and runrung over people or pets. Oraqe County Rose Society will meet 'nlun· day at 7 :30 p.m . at Westmlnater Clvlc Center Recreation Bids .• l200 Westmlnlter Ave., one block east of Beach Boulevard. Speaker ol lbe eventn1 will be Cathy Carothers of Moyer CbemJcaJ Co. Ma. Carolheu wlll deacrlbe the research and development or featlcldea and lnaec · lcldea and why chemical.a are Important to the growth and seneraJ beaJtb of roses. She will lllwstrate her talk wttb alldea. L A quesUon and answer SIOllnstnfiil session will follow . -e-----Guests and Interested .To Meet rose growers are welcome. Dessert will be sened and a number Laruna Beach Garden of door prizes presented. Ol'IOW*'M Oft ... !Ult .......... ..... UM c:Hordane. New o.o«b now hClnClml 1w...,. _.. -.-~""' ..... clWICll bl'9' cind GfOMflapo ..... to,,....~­ tlc*.• and more. llod90r0dabeit o..o«aor ii o QUlcll ... ~""' OOOd ~ oct!On. 111 toct. ra enec~upsoe...-.1 1o • ltand V04ll grCUld oOC*ltf dCJmOGl"O ...... Get..., O.JH>4Ctor IOdoY al l9cJdll'9 garCl9ft <*"91• Giid nur--. O.llO«aor nw Ideal c:lllOldan• ~ .......... -............ ..._. Club wW bold lta final There will be no meet- meettnc before adjourn. Inc or tbe society in lng for tbe aeuoa, °"-~J~ul~y·~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~iiiiiiii~ June 13 at nooo at the Woman's Club. 2M St. 8loOml Of~ Ann's Drive. Lagun~ llkeperfectlonl Beach. Board members will be in charge of the Pot luck l\mCbeon. The next resular meeting will be held Oct. 10, 1980 at Neighborhood Con1rega. tional Church, 340 St. Ann 's Drive. La1una Beach. Mrs . Jerry Gach , 497-1344, will accept all inquiries. Weekend Gan!ening Checkl,ist HAH8IN8 REDWOOD BASKETS OF LUSH BLOOMING RJCHSIAS REG. t7.98 14.97 UPRIGHT & BASKET ~~-... ,~.> .. , ... Jobe)· HOUSEPLANT SPIKES JUST PUSH INTO THE SOIL FOR UP TO 60 DAYS OF PRE-MEASURED FERTILIZER. 9kg. 20 spikes ~ •• , FOR AU. Reg .. 99 = I :: -HOUSEfllAHTS I Florut Special I BOSTON FERN Splendid Summers Begin at Rogers ••• Fuchsias Featured • Rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias a re s hallow rooted plants and do not41ke to be cultivated Use a n attract.Jve mulch ava1la· ble at nurs.enes to con- serve soil moisture and prevent rapid tem - perature changes. • Tall growing peren· nials will require stak· Ing . Single stakes are The National Fuchsia ideal for plants such as Society wtll conduct its delphiniums. Three or a nnual show and sale. four stakes per clump June lJ, 14 and 15, at arranged in a tnangle or Los Cerritos Center. 605 square around the outer Freeway a t Sou t h edge ot the clump are BIG, LUSH 6 .. Pot ~~~~~~-Reg. 8.95 \ E&·•·I HYDRANGEAS 5 Gallon NOW $9.98 regularly $12.50 On sale \OlhiJe they wt thn.i 6111/80 Street, Cerritos. suitable for camaUons. The three-day show will feature varieties of • It's not too late to blossoms on display as p I a n t a veg e t ab I e wellasadVlcetofuchsia garden Your local growers nursery has the started Hours for the event p I an t s ready to be are 10 a m. to 9 p m . picked up and planted Friday; 10 am. to 6 1 m mediately 1n the Smee 1946 Ha) lisles Nursery -Florist 2e'O Harbor l lvd .. Cotto M11a • · These shade loving plants are ftJled ·with large cluaten of long lasting cool pastel flowers. Hydran- geas grow fast and easy in this area, ~ing their colorful addition to your garden a successful one. p .m .. Saturday ; a nd home garden. Sunday. noon to 5 p.m . __ _::__ _____ ~==========:::;:::::======= Admission is free, with ample parking. The sun is out and the chain are inf MINI-SUN CHAISES Perfect for Sun-bathing. Constructed with a sturdy light weight aluminum frame with reinforced front~l=eg=brac~~~e:s·~lllllP and finished hardwood arms, seat and backing are made of Acrilan, for comfort. CANOPIES Adjustable canopy attach· ments are also available in Multi Colored Stripes for enjoyment outdoors, in the shade. s. Comt Meet Set South Coast Garden Club will meet at noon. Wednesday, at Three Arch Bay Clubhouse. 5 Bay Driv e. South Laguna. The program will be a fashion show fro m Laguna Beach's "Lois Paul Originals." Models will be members of the garden club, featuring fashions ror the beach area. Luncheon w ill be potluck -bring your specialty and your own service Installation of officers will follow the program. * Peppers are well suit· ed to growing in con- tainers and other limited space areas and can be used for decorative as well as food purposes. Bell peppers can be harvested when green or ri red. EXPERIENCED STAFF ADVISES AT SUPERB DECOR NURSERIES ontt11LL 6:30 , ..... DAILY ~ ~-· ... ~ -wa.-· ·--.. ~ T ......... ••M. ... M. ·-... .,. 11•n .. tt16M ..... -~7.tl4.91 ................. .... .... J/I a .... 1.4t/W ,,...._.7 • ..... - e,__,_ -fll21 WANC,_ AYL '°"""''" Y"LLIY __.,..... ,...,..~ 1 Bfodl WMt of Hllrbor on w..,... l•r &•rdellen CMta ..... Bay Qt.lei Brandt of the NaUooal Fucbala Society will meet Moaday at 7:30 p.m. at Columbia Sa•· ln•• and Loan Alloela· __________ .. tJOn. 2271 Harbor Blvd .• . : PALO ALTO <AP> -!Retired Anny Maj. Gen. 'ftomu Beara, 89, the ief ot st.all to Gen. aeph "Vinegar Joe" lwell ln Asia during orld War ii. died :lV~esday. $ ~ BONN. West Germany :JAP> -La•rlta ·J.a•rtun, 70, a West "erman POliticlan who Jieaded three different .ministries between 1966 $nd 1974, died Thursday. nJNS AUIO • • 1ood moath to plant aub-. tropical trees. An exeellent variety ta the anowflak• tnle. Snowflake• do belt lD loole. fut· draining IOU hl1h in or1an.Jc material. and also re- quire ftltered sun or afternooa abade. They should be watered and fed liberally for opUmum growth. Snowflakes are available at mos\ ouneries ln both one· and five-1alloa cans. To keep subtropicals lush, they abould be fed a complete fertilizer with a hllh proportion of nitrogen ii they provide shade. If they provide flower color. they need a high potuabam fertilizer. All subtrcpicals should be watered a day or two before ferWiJation to prevait root ~k. Sub- tropicals lDclude bougaitavillea. fuchsia. 1ardeoias and hibi.la&s. As a substitute for costly spbqnwn mou used for lining banging planter baakees, use the brown fibrous webbing that forms between palm fronds. The palm webblng ls stronger and lasts looger TO DEP GilDENL\8 thrh1q, feed them everv tbree to four weeks duriq IJ"OWinc aeucma. with add plant food. baood meal or flab emulaioft. U plants are a bit yellow, they abouJd be fed troa chelate or troa 1ullate. Gardeal.u should be planted durlnc June In full sun In coutal valleys and filtered shade 1D hot inland areas. Plants should be set In fut dtalnln& sou conaatnlng ample peat moss or IJ'(>UDd bark. Soil must be kept molal and mukbed. Periwinkles att •deal plants for sunny loca· Uona and make excellent ground covers, says SUnaet. Plants should be located 1n brlebt sun or indirect tight and watered wbeo the top Inch of aoU dries out. A monthly feeding wttb a compl~ comer ol WUaoo street. CoctaMaa. Paul Craft of North Long Beach Branch will speak on .. Summer Care of Fucbalaa ... Heat and aun ·tolerant varieties will be di•· cussed. Mary Warwick. refreshment chairwoman will be in charge of cookies and cofftt. Marcella Van Riper. aluminum chairwoman. will collect aluml.num broulbt to tbe mfftinJt. Fred Woods. plant la· ble chairman. will sell plants. Money collected from aluminum and · phJnl sales ls sent to Orange Coast College to support a student of horticulture for one than sphagnum moss. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'»CINCINNATI <AP) - , ary Dabney •mpsoa. 93, former resident of lVe stern liege, which merged !"1th Miami University. •nd widow of the former fertillz.et" ls recommended. semeattt. ~esident of the Cham· on Paper Co.. died <t ednesday. ,_,Aa&Y Ca.oMAL N•AL NOMI 7801 Bolsa AWi We&trntnstef 893-3525 --... rM:MCYWW ......otllAL PMll Ceml"'V Momaery ~ 3500 PKitic Vlew Drive Hi9wPOn BHCh 844-2700 ..c.OIMICX NOITV.UJIS UIQUNS.ach '94-9415 ~Hiiis 768-0933 Sen......,, Capistrano 496-1771 l\Tever Not with this merchandise. Not at these prices. 1/4to 1/a Brass Items. 'lkbles ... Basksts ... Can1stsrs .•. Books ... Mugs ... Bowls ... Pitchers ..... B11nds .......... Plan.tars. Carved Boxes Fans ... Headboal'ds ..... Asllt1'8'YS .. Stuff'ed Animals Pr!nts ... Plaques ... Wall Hangings .. . Kirrors ... V&-?ee .. Bb.1p MOdels .• Shelves ... Chairs ... .. Was48.00 NOW24.00 -SHIRT DRESSING. tt's casuaJ , smart and simple. With front pod<ets, roll cap sleeves and a contrasting elastic belt. Light as a breeze. In red cotton-and-potyester. 6 to 16 sizes. Gal~ria Set of 2, was 20.00 . NOW 10.00 CLEARLY LOVELY. Our glass pitchers from Italy. In a npplino Optic pattern . Doubly refreshing WOfS to serve iced tea , fruit punches and other Summer coolers. In 5-cup and 7-QJp capacity. The Galleries Were 3.50 to 29.00 NOW 1.75 TO 14.50 SOAK UP THESE 50% SAVlNGSI From Martex, carnation pink Patrician towets. Thiel<, thirsty pure cotton terry. Perfect for at hOme or around the pool pleasure. In face. hand. bath and bath sheet sizes. l11e Bath Shop ·N•i- No mal CK •phonl Ofdlrl, plml. ~Blld't Victim's Family Rebels· Bell Rate StMy Profit PoaibUUy nmu. Suit ,, Up 1'oday CHICAGO (AP) -TM ID7 ...... be taW. .., ... to do aa IM&der'I ... to e1'8Wl aroand By 5.1 c;() Wt• ...... •• l•WJW .....W pnftt ,..._ tt.e Jobn o.c,•1 bead. to walk tM •tnetl be walked.•• 1HC*9 .... fl ................ ,,... w.,_ Geer .. It la...._.-.. to be• won of lbe cau11t1 ot Jr •• ..,. .................. fl ...... GI GM1'1 aa ... Oald Blood' °" '1'bt Exeeutlooer'• ao.a· or lt w ABBINGTON <AP) ,_ .... ~. wUl Dit be at a11:• Mid Goldfarb. "It'• tot to be an -It co.ta you more, ·' ....... ..._. tlaat ........ ,_ ... to I lmportaa&wodl.'• •tart11ta todat. to make ... '\ ._. .._ '°,. i tliaeUJ,,... _.,, c-*• X-*b PNlt. reterrtq to Norman llalllr'1 a lo n I . d l 1 tan c e ....., ...... = ... ,.-.... ~ Pull'-' Prt»wlnn.lDC book •• .,,,. £xecutioDer"1 telepbane call . ....._ a .. ,... eM mz • t a' Soq'' -a "true llfe novel" about ccmvteted killer American Telephone Gary OU.more'• 1m e.ecutloo by a Vt.ah ttrtq as TeJecrapb Co. ralMd llQUad -Mid: "We doo't fear the aerlous kind of lona-dlltance rates by Tm neaT or d•D'I .-HlOftoul ~ llQer .. pot•iallr wortmUUou la book U4 ...., -... rtalllla. fte ..._GI •t ......... ,... ..... ,,..,. lel .ltaaM~Gl•AlllbJ Haroad ....... ,....., ol \M .. u.,.aMllld Robtrt Pleet. la a Wepboee latentew In• bla pareatt• suburban MaM Ila Del PlaiMs. JU., "-· ~ • ~ Pleil said 08l1 lbe public 11i1011lcl protlt from arU1tlc -..cv ~ aplortq Gacy•a pathoaollcal mind. Qaey, .. 110W Oil Deatb Row, WU HDteeced to die ID the elec:tric chair after ......, eonvlded Mattb 12 in tbe sex-related ala.y1ap ol 31 )'OUDI men Md boys. Most ol tbe bodlea we.. u.bumed fl'Om ahallow araves ln a crawl spa« under Gacfa home near Des Plaines. THE 8tJIT WAS PILED AGAINST Gaey. bl.a two Cbicqo defense lawyers, a Houston writer. UM writer's Califon.la literary aaent ud the aceo· CJ. It ub a Cook County Judie to p1-ce into a covt-nm escrow aceount praftta der1Yed from qy escJUlive media rlgbta to the story. • On May 27, Circuit Court .Judie Georae Hit· thlaa OD tt but that takes Ume." 5.1 percent. tbe f1nt ID-• creue llnee im . GOLDFAU MID BE 1'110l1GHI' the Pleat •ult wu IJOUDClleu. He laid: "No money bas cbaneed banda. No money hu been pleqed. •• Tbe awt ori&inally lncluded Amtrante and Motta. But IBaim eacuaed tbem. and tbey aareed to place tbelr profits under court control. But Amirante aaid: •·1 tb1nk it's abArd. Wb7 10 after the lawyen! Why not the prwecutor. or some reponen?'• DaYicl GoJdberaer. of the American Ci'fll Libertlel Union, who represented .\minllte and Motta -at the 11_, 27 bearinl, arKUed that tbe suit conatltuted a vlolaUoa of the Flnt Amendment aafel\W'Cl qalnat prior restraint of publication. IC.eDDetb Plest said bis father's suit la not aimed at prevenUn1 pubUcatioo, but only at poui· ble eross commercial expJoltaUon. TllE DACI' amount of lncreue •a.lies de- pendlaa OD tbe lrequen. cy and timia1 of customers• calla. For example. aceorcUq to Bell. a uar ... mJnute, direct dial ..et.day call from w........-to Los AD1e1-will ecJ9t $1.'7, seven cmt:I more Uaan DOW. A peraon·to·peraon. operator-a11l1ted call Waabln1toa to Loa An1eles will 10 from $3.55 to s:s. 75. THE INCSEASE wu THE ILUNOIS LAW BA&&ING Gacy from approved by tbe Federal gaininl financially from his crimes -dubbed the CommunlcaUom Com· "Son ol Sam" bill for the Ne.w York marden com· miaaion. a week after milted by former postal clerk Davkl Berltowtta -the FCC turned down u took effect Sept. 22. lta sponsor, state Seo. Lynn larger than warranted a Martin, said she introduced it to block book profits 10.5 percent rate in· to a Rockford man convicted ol murdedq bis six creaae 90Ulbt by Bell. sleeping children in 1978. --------- "!Just couldn't believe it," Mrs. Martin said. C.11142-1171. •1:1 er• • .,...._ '4SMIOW 9CIUAM ~·1 atO llfO -sniflf lo\tlfTA ~CA. ,. ' ALBINO COCKATIELS "''"·" NOW$59.95 AFRiCAN GREY PARROTS .... Mtt. NOW$349.00 Orange c.ountv's Finest and Most Comptete Pet Stores. We Have Everything! PllTOl. ~I COUNTRY *"'"' 37lol to M8TOl ST &uffA-.CA Ona granted a second lo.day ft!Stralnlna order, 61octing Gacy, the writer, tbe a1ent and bis literary agency from ualng any profits derived from the case. A hearing on the matter ls set lo· day. A new Illinois law already ban Gacy from making money by selling his story. The law orders that profits from sales of a convicted felon 's story be held in a state escrow account to pay cwpis awarded to relatives of the victims. ·'The thought that he might profit financially by Put • ,.,. word• killina bis kids made me s~lc="-"-------~==to=wo=rk=fo::':::::::_ __ _.-;,. ______________________ _ Btrl' .JAllES COUIGAN, THE Plest lawyer, gajd tbe famUy tbinU the law should cover more than just Gacy's profits. "'lbeir point is that if a book ls published, Gacy and bis lawyers and others sbould not be UD· duly enriched." Corrigan said. • Gacy has signed a contract assi,rung ex· elusive rights to his story to Houston writer Clyde Burleson and Burleson's West 'Coast literary agent, Robert Goldfarb, according· to Goldfarb. Gacy also has released his defense lawyers, Sam L Amirante and Robert Motta, so they can freely • discuss their involvement in the case. Burleeon and Goldfarb said they plan to in· terview Gacy and retrace his life to delve into the psychological forces that drove the man. ur11 .JUST NOT A SENSATIONALIST guy,' • said Burleeoa. 46, whose fll'St book, "The Jennifer Project." was about the recovery by the CIA of a nnken Soviet submarine from the Pacific Oeean. "I think the driving question in tb1s Gacy thing la: 'Why, why did the man do tt?• "BurlelOD said. 13 Y ... of Comm...tty s.vtce C1127-1llO) · 1HE COSl'A MESA -NEWPORT HARBOR LIONS CLUB r I ** ,..... ...... *-~ 1U3MkA...t ~ FISH FRY &CARNIVAL * FRIDAY, SA1URDAY AND SUNDAY * JUNE 8-7-8, 1980 * * * UONSPARK 18th and Newport Blwd GIANT PARADE SA'IURDAY, 10:30 A.M. PARADE ROUTE -on Harbor Boulewerd -From Wilson, south to 19th Street. West to Anaheim South. south to Lions '-It. SCHEDULE Of EVENTS FRIDAY, JUNE I &·JO PM • • • • • • Fish D-. -Ile;:;-Mf'Y1t19 1:00 PM • • . .• CMnow8' Rldea lo O."* apen 7 :30 PM ••. Entene.,_t "The Beltwethets" 8 ;00 PM •.•••••••.• Of_,,,. fot Pri•ft Cwtnnt"I tidtett "'"'' be p-tl *** SATURDAY.JUNE 1 10:00 AM , ••• C.rninl "Idea lo 0-....,. 10:30AM •• , .••..•• l0-0.-P•_,. 1~:00 _.. ••.•. Fis" DiflNf'i • "•~ Mr¥iftt ~:00 PM , ••• Plltede Awll«k Cat st• wt Pnl 3:00 PM • • . . • • • • . • Dnwtnt for Pn.te1 Cwlnnlftt tidl•• mwt be P-0 •:11 PM . • . . . • • . . Dorothv Jo 0--. 1:00 PM ••••.•. , ••• Of~ for Pttaet Cw.,.,.. aldleu ''"* "9 ...-cl 7:IOPM , • • •• , •• "1NaRhy-...9Md e :OO PM • , .,......._for Cotor TV Md odwrPri.lm .............. _. ... _,_., *** IUNDAV, AIM I • ,,........ • c..M ........ o......._...• 12:•--. . . , .. o.-.-.... ..,,,.... ..... . ... o.. .. , .... , ,, ·~ L.._.._yC..-. .. -... ' .... ~c--·-,.. ............ ....... ..•..• Dr-'"t••M... ............................ , '""" ·1.· •...................... .; ...... ,.,......,o ............ ............................ ........ ., ............. 1 .. , PRIZES •••PRIZES • •• PR IZES GRAND PRIZE 1• OLDSMOBILE OMEGA with eutornatic trMSmitalon · he1ter OMX-body Presented in coot)efatlon with Uniwer11tv Oldsmobile of Cost1 Mesa CwinMf need not be Pf•"9t I *** MANY OTHER PRIZES tnchont • COLOR TV h1rlnning tlcttet1 must be PftHnt for all Pfiz" txciept the Otd• mobile> * * * OUTSTANDING STAGE ATTRACTIONS ***** BABY CONTEST A• COft"'*Mtl ..._ -=. ...._,. f PM Of\ "-I : ,..._....._ Oft ....., 11. CS. ................. .., ........ ***** OOfll"T .... -.... .,.. 9" ._..... fef a...,. _ _..._ ..... __....._~~ w. t.M.._.ty .. er-......,.., ••••• II SURI TO ,~Aft, .. OU" •AMOUS•l94 DINNIM • ....._ .. 11.11 ........ ~ ... . .__ .. ""-........................ . ••••• OU1tT ..... .-VA&. AIDll a 0-.IDOTMI **••• A&.L PROCllDe _.. ._ VOUnt ACTI· Y"IU. ltOHT a HIMWIG ._RYA· :nON, ANO °'"'" coca•""" ACTt· Yl'flU O~I\. Y Pl\.OT Out of the Spa ljnto -he :Bay • ' . •t!!>.!!;~ See~ Pri.Ddlewol'k.. See GeaftreJ at the beach. lid· lQJC a surfboard. See blm aaili.Dg catamarans. 1 See the Dana Point resident at the helm of a radio.control model sailboat. Thia is a sample of Prindle'a life-long working routine, although it might seem like a vacation te most. BUT THE YUK· YUIS tossed at Prindle's "line of work" fiule out when the :JS.year-old self. described beach buQ) sbows the emerging full-scale version of bis model bOilL . The upside down hull of Prind.le's 39-foot "life's dream" practically baa swallowed up h.l.s already cram~ backyard The polyurethane foam- t:OVend wooden. frame is almost ready to 'be covered with ~&!Na. ~loth and resin. the f,rst major step on the way to its • pfanneCtl983 christetling. But even before the band· designed and hand-built sailboat b~ its maiden voyate. it will - lnCliJlectly -have experienced a bajler.y ol seaW'orthy tests via its scale--model sister. •'JF :rms TBING worts." Prtbdle says, gtanch'.'lg at the mo4el, '"then the big thing 'will Ytott. tt I ~ rz.-mbdel bu 1een a varjety Ot·seafarlnl conctitloas: fl'om Mftrit voya1e ln PriDdW'a J a~illl to Ge taore stormy and • = CWhilD ot Daoa Point u • I -tie mpdel ll built Jo PNi ctae ... .-le aad 1"ieht cllmtbu-' Uta. Pri9dle bas been •bl, w lton • problem• 1btfore lb ·=relative twna into a com· · ...,,..a1veuet. 1 It'• t.be ··~ ~··l~ technique that PODdle bu med sinee be etarted making fiber&lau aurfboanb at a1e 10. flE WOVLO ft.op the model boards ln his bathtub. putting various desiana through tbe rigors of major splashes and gently rolling surf. He made a lucrative living selD.ng the surf· boards to friends and surfboard shops. About seven years ago. Prindle parlayed his nautical expertise into Santa Ana·based Surfglas Inc., maker of lS· to 18-foot catamarans that bear his name. But Prindle no longer worts for the company. The boat· building trade. he say·s. tdOk him away from bfs two most treasured pleasures: bis family and the ocean. . Royalties from Prindle catamaran sales support the family. and a good chunk of royalty money ii pumped into the sailboat project. · .. I've wanted a boat like this ever since t f ,tt in love with boats," says P.rtndle. a fourth . generation seaman. &ETAIL. 1'lti BOAT could capture'• $140.oopPl'ke taa. but tl)e ae!f ·bUllt YeaMI will cut tbat fi1ure in half. ••tt'a' not even WOl1la ttytnc to eaUmate tbe eo1t, tbo~ beeauee lnflatiGD ....,. P"ll' u., tMe0et.•' be ..... Priadle· wUI ...... outaide help eomplettna ... ftbersbu. resla hull. Otbet ........... lauUd· tn1 tbe bollt bl'Nltlf wl&b .... .. DOrt ............. lll'OddiDI ol ldswtte. Dee. Tiie ~~-to ... ,..... down on wbere Jbe1'Q·p on tMlr flrat VO)'qe. B\ll· daeJ apect to make lbort .trips w C•ell•a md I sJll the Soutbem California cout. A world v~ge. however, ls definitely in the offin&. MRS. PRINDLE IS completing a special education teaching pro- gram at Cal State Fullerton so their children. Nathan, 7. and Jared, 6, will not miss schooUng during the round·the·world t.rlp. But the couple are not even re- •• Geoffrey Pnndle s boat started with scale model (left being eyed by Dan Budd and John -· Freeman) and evolved into full-size boat (above and top, being built by Prindle next to his Dana Pomt home. ... • ,. .· • OAA.YPILOT ''•O•y, June I . ttlO Block 6u.t the 'B;' Let the 'A' Shine In 111VNSl'Ol'8 DONtT mean mucb to tbe bllc~:,elllDDn -.. But be eddl tbat follow· ol 80laf aetJYtt;r, U ii oceunlq DOW, DDdce an lnereued number ol paUenta _,,.,...., • ...,.... •• atatalfGrmolumcaneer. · Westmore :..= aua1pog can double the . :t::mll ol ultra "B" (for bunalnl> ncllaUon rwllel the eartb. AllGtber lJP9 ol radlaUoa, ultraftolet .. A", ls lea daqeroua and more useful fortam1..,. Tbe purpme of a IUDICl"een ii to bloclt out the "B" 8Dd let the .. ,. .. sb1ne in, be adds. ' WUIJIOaE SAYS lndlscrtmlnate tanning, as practiced by thousands of sun-crazed Callfornlans. ii unbealt!ay rcw aeveral reuoos. .. nnt. be notes that tann•ne, c.used by an ln· ~reue in the ptament melanln in the atln, ia ac· ,.&QaUy the akln's response to daqer posed by the ·.~··rays. The melanin proted.s the akin from suf. ~ ferin1 bum damage. Unless the melanin is there, the skin will eel zapped. . That not only poses the threat of eventual skin cancer, says Westmore, but it causes the skin lo '"_· )Qle ita elutidty an<J, after years of cumulative II Ill IV v VI cnued tlml pertoda, nartlal wb u ..._ u u ... .._ --rlt•I cm Ilda .ude. Dutt Iba. wtUa a = mef•tn factor, em ...... IDGN ul· tn ,..,. tlaa fair Ilda IO~ PIO" pie e• tab_... Um• in 1be IUD. la eddttlm1 .~nnen sbould me eome wt ol ·~be cwma. DecMtnc "'11cb, <M of the bewUcWtDI .,.., offered tn IDOllt 1tons, Is now a little Miter, thnkl to a iovemment ratinl luide tGlantarU1 adopted by most 1un product eompanlH. <Welt.more apecta tbe system to become mm· datory wttbln a year but doea't ~the ln· duatrJ will pniUst became ·•tt•1 a snat way to bne )'OW' product.··> TllB IY8Tl!M a.A.TBS the IC>e&lled ••nn pn>- tedive factor" of each pmdud.. revea1IDI what per~e of ultraviolet burnlD& rays are pre. vented from reacblq the lldD. Ratinll vary from SUN PROTECTION GUIDE Rec:oaantnded Sun . Sunbuinud Prota:tion Reen • • met Prodact T uninJ History" fKtor(SPFl u~ Onipadon Always bums Hsily; MWr tans 8ormore Ultra or Mu1atum Protttti<lfl - (sensitiw) SPF of 8 or mott Always bums easily: tins b-7 Extra Protection -SPF of 6-7 minlmally (sensitive) Bums moderately; tans ~ually 4.5 Moderate Prottetion -SPF of 4-S (light brown l (normal) Bums minimally: always tans wtll (moderate brown) (nomwll 2-3 Minimal Protection -SPF of 2-J R.lrety bums; W\s ~Y 2 Minim&J ProtectJon -SPF of 2,.3 (dark brown) (insensitive) Newt' bums: dttply pigmented N0nt-N<>M Jnd1cal~ (irumsitin) Ind te.1 tf'd • S.sed on first 30-45 minut~ of sun "posure after winter. RUffBL'S UPMOLSTaY .... .,.w.. .... ltll ...... ... c.... ..... _ ... ,, .. 10 States Recognize 'Right to Die' I • t •. DEAR ANN LANDERS: In t.be last eight • months I have lost my father and sister to ~acer. Sbe was the beauty of the family and only 42 years old. It wu lung cancer. She bad .. ,been lrmklnc e1nce blah school. Dad bad cancer of the eoloo. He was ooe of ~ bale and hearty types, never alcll a day in .. Jlla life. So why go to a doctor for a cheek-up? He died on h1a 88tb birthday. 1'be reason I am writ.ma ta to ask if it ia f109ifllle. abaald I 1et a tenDlDal illDea, to pre-.-t ... diet a,._ UcdM me dft-., artllldal meamf I NW •1 ...... and dad linaer f« weeks wbea there waa no ctumce few sur-vival. It was obscene the way they kept Dad "alive" by ualng a kidney macblne and a respirator -with tubes inserted in every ,. orifice. Dad pleaded with us to iDltnact hls physician to let him dle in peace, but neither I nor my mother could brinl ourselves to do it . . We both feared guilt feelings might haunt us later, and of course, we wer-e C'ClDltaDUy praying forthatone-in·•·mlllion mlracle. Can a person make legal UTU11ements, In ,. pue of a terminal illness, to guarantee that be wW not be kept alive on macbines! Slo me -THANKS. BU'l' NO THANKS IN ILLINOJS : ~ DEA.a TBANU: Yea, ,_ aa .. ft ,_.. wa1 If ,... lhe ..................... &lie ........... (= '" .. -......... ) '11111 ii .• -mt, ..... "' , ........ .......... ... ~ ....... '"" ...... ,... .. ...... ............... w.eu &laa& ,.. ..,....... ......... brewenlMe. ne ....... ra ..... rela&lft9 .......... of die Hlfl ....... J ef ••• 11 ...... -.. .. . A.,... ...................... a ,,..~ ........ .w ........ .,, ...... .. , a. ci. e en fer "1•'1 • Wflll,,. I(., New Y.n,N.Y.1•1t.nt. .. w .... ._ .... .. ....... ~ .......................... . ... , ....................... 1111• ..... JI t .. HH ...................... ,,..,,HIU, ... ~....., ...... --.. f£8'Jut,.., •lttltes, .... , ...... .,. ,,, ..... , .. , wltltetae. DEAR i:" LAND=! Why all tha hultebeJClO a the Wllfl ...,..,.. In U.. el«Mt? .... •t nt .... eL&PT ln t.IMft. I beltffe tt •• •t<J6t "flf rou to·~ Ulat l.M Get Into 1hape. Ann Landen woman need.a lo revise her atUtude about nucllt.y • he deserves to be left alOfK> The IN'Oman who tnes to st.rouse a husband who 1s dog bred after a hard day's work 1s JUSt plam incooslderate. She could also make him feel inadequate and perhaps create impotence. I wouldn't dream of undressing in lbt> closet. I ~o into the bath.room -NO SEDUCTRESS. JUST NORMAL J;o.; CHATTANOOGA DEAR NOOGA : If yoa haven't hied It, boaey, doe't k.nock It. * * w...._~cwu""'-=•...,,..• Staldafl m U. Dmll# PUoc. "°""'are~• aa DaU11 AJoC offkn or bit oaUMo Uw ,.«llww Deparl-mnt. sa.cl. 8 LESSONS $15.00 COSTA MESA TENNIS CLUB 557-G211 You are amuiqly ~ to .._.i that a wt!e put oa a Dlsb.UY ltrtlMMle act f« her h•INmd. Do you boDelltl1 bellne a man would not think about sex unless be was apoMd to some visual stimulation? U ao. you are badly mistaken. Any man wbo wants a llWe loving will let his woman know. If be is not interested. E~ ~mat br ~•oedbr I t M ~eatllr'e Dtpcirtment al least au IDftb btfo're tM weddmgdaU ' • • .Boat (·From Pase Bl> ady to name their sailboat. "It's like havtag a kid," PriDdle says. ··You eo through a lot of names before you get It." They have sett.led on cabin ac- commod•kJns. There wUl be 1leeptq bunb for four or five penoas. Wat« wUI be heated by aolar beaten end Prtnd1e expects IOIDe of the elfflrtcal power to come from photovottalc solar celll. He desiped the bull structure wltb a 8qUU'9 item and a flared cUpper.taape bow. ••1 'l'iUEO TO llAKE a boat that waa Umeleu.'' be says. "Somet.bln1 that couldn't be called a moder1I deslp or a tradttional des1p from 100 years a10." Meaawblle, you'll fiDd Prtnd.le sa1llq Illa model lD Dana PotJJt harb«W,=-• 8Dd plottlnide-1lp ...C.adebaQ• forthe 1-,erNIJboet. Sometimes be hides ln t.be bushes from tbe curious beactJ&oers wbo apot the a.loot· tuebmodel. ••f've been called a pied pt per," he aa1s. amll1D1. ••vou 1et people from aae2to10foOow· Inc me aatln1 qaeaUoas and stuff. ''They tblnk it'a 90me toy for my kM» tbat I'm t.estiq cu or oae olt!loae tq-boy toys. ••But It do* everytblng tbe lq boatwtlldo." 111fE1)0F DOCIGRS' ..,._. C*' I WIVICll ca S TO YOU M HOURS A DAY. 7DAYSAU ••.-PGRllODIRA CllHOP Pan..aer ancs Illness cao ftaf'e te> anytJrne a the m., OI night '8aw'1Q you With a PlotEfn ID the rnddle a "'8 RQfW OI l'e weefletld Where can you find a doetOt and ~can you see r.tn? The answer as Doctors Houle Cal SeMce. tc'sa new mobile medlc8I S9fVCe Chai bnnos a lioel ll8d M. 0. righC IO yaJt dOOi 6l8P to treal fOIAin8 and norMm8f'Ql8flCV cmas. . ' 'i • • , .. .. ~ J FEATURING No Fur For Coon-skinner 'The s8Cl8t is a gpod knife,' says a 67-year-old Kansas ~n abOUt her success as a coon-skinner. ' ., TU MllftllUll a,.._,.J,·Saa. CAI'> -hr wrb' •,.an, 11...-.. ~ U. ._.a a:m·lk._.,, .. bUt I've MVff owMd a fW CO.l bet .... I .,..., bad U1 ............ A" 1w ... .,...., Mn. RUDfu Ml bMa ln u..,., _, ...._ ..._ ne-v au w t.dWl life. ..,. • .._., Ila" 111t1 plana to twt1J't ( BoroseOJte MnJSDA Y, SUN!! T a, SYDNEY Ollila ) AUE& Olar. 21-Apr. 19): Piece tocetber bit.a of infonnaUcn -you can come 'oil with "complete story.'~ Moon ln your •iln colncl• with added drive, poww, lndependeaee. O.mlni. Virlo. Salit· tartua P911C1D1 play ti•nlllcant rolel. Cbanie of plan• ~ btlietlcial. T4VaUS (A.pr. 20-Ma, 20): Hold conference wltb cloee tamlly members. You get money oecelMI')' toe-remodel.lac or special pun:hue. Cy· cle la blp; circumatances will favor your efforts. Another Taunas, a Libra and Scorpio figure pro-minently. GEllJNI Olay 21-June 20>: Emphuls on be- lng realiatic in ~t.lon with illusion, delusion, wishes a romance. You gain unusual inalgbl into motives. design4, ultimate goals. Pisces. Virgo natives play sjgnificanl roles. One who seemed "out.U·this-world" could come crashing down to earth. CANCER (June 21 -July 22>: Accept responsibility for business enterprises -and a re- latioosbip. Pressure is present, but cycle is such that you can emerge victorious. Capricorn, lhe number 8 and another Cancer figure in scenario. Older individual wm lend benefit of experience. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Love dominates your penooal scenario. Let go of "security blanket." Stop ponde~Jt~wbal might. have been." Take in· iUatJve in g future a Ume of fulfillment as contrasted to fruatraUon. Aries, Libra penons play prom1neot roles. VIRGO <Aug . 23-Sept. 22): Study Leo message. Refuse to be "tied up" in emotional knots. Get facts concerning money. partnership, public relations and marriage. You can make marvelous new cont.ct -and a fresh start. Lawsuit boomerup in your favor. ~ (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Permit thole close to you tO take bdtlaUve. Wait. omerve, listen, eet fad.I CODl'elaiq C'CJPniPU, spectaJ pennlaalon.s, ioaDS, liem md paymeat.a. Build f« ~urity - eouult okler friend or family member who baa track reeard for loyalty. SCOSPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Dtaplay op- timism, humor. versatility and intellectual curiosi· \1. GemiDI. SqitSarlua ~ llpre promtnenl· ty. Aeeent cm wom medioda, ~. peta. c»-finlDI aenieea aDCt am..._ ll a final price for needed material. Aqurlan 1t In ptfture. BAGn'l'AaJUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21>: Emotional respoo1e9 dominate -speculation. creative urees and romantic int.entlons ar~ all part of your personal scenario. 5co1"J)io, Taurus, Leo natives figure prominently. Chance of plans wtll prove beneficial. Know it, act as ii aware of it. CAPRICORN(~. 22-Jan.19): Delve beneath surface -check fme print, toss aside superficial explanations. Accent security, building oo solid base, makine changes which please special member of opposite sex. New approach brings de· sired results. Gemini, Virgo persons figure pro· minenUy. AQUA&WS (Jan~ 20-Feb. 18): Family: cl06e neighbors. vi.sit.ors command time and attention. Stick to baste issues, procedures. TaLLrUS, Libra. Scorpio natives figure prominently. If humor is combined with diplomacy, you make significant gains. Money picture ls brighter than ortginaJly anticipated. PJ.SCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Accent on invesl· menta, acquisitions. transfonnlng apparent loss rnto profit. Another Pisces, a Virgo and an Aquarian figure in scenario. OuWne objectives. define terms. be realistic in protection of assets, possessions. ONLY IN 'ttlE PAIT ftve or 1lx yean b.u the tur martet rebounded wtt.b a boom. Prtca now .,. blah. partly because of t.be denuand for "(un run·· 1\dl u raccoon and eoyote, and more al· n&.tenl CUlto«Mrl an buY'inl floe furs .. an invest.' meat end hedie qalnlt ~. ''l k• the buslneu lcUa beeauM Clarence asked me t.o," aald the wblte-balred ll'anclmother. "If he hadn't, I probably wouldn't have continued. ll'a Just too bad Clarence l.sn't with u.a. He worked so hard for so little, and wtth the price of fun to· day he could bave done so well." Ourl.ftl the Depresaion, coyotes were so plen· liful aome Kansas counties paid a $1 bounty for a coyote•s ean. Twenty years aao. coyote pelts brouahl $10 to S20 eaeb. Lut year a good coyote bide brought Mrs. Hupler S70 With 1pring. Mn. Hupfer's attnntng seuoa is finished. But the November-throu1b·February peak period f9r pelts was a poor one this year. "THEaE WESICN'T •ANY mloh or muskrats, and the coyote& wwen'l any &ood at all," said the veteran who Judget quality wtth her eyes, tmgertips and years al inatlnct. '1'bey were lbe worst ooes I've ever seen. It wun't cold enough for good pelts, ud lut vear's bard wtnter decreased the population." Kansas Fish and Game Commiaaion biolo~t Nell Johnson agreed with Mrs. Hupfer's assess· ment. He said initial stat.ist.ics indJcate the state's coyote population hasn't been so low since 1972. He estimated about 20,000 people in Kansas hunt and trap fur-bearing animals, and in 1978 Kansas pelts were worth $8.9 million to the people who sold them Among trappers and bunters wtl.hln a 100.mile radius of lhis central Kansas town, Mrs. Hupfer is considered one of the most knowledgeable buyers 1n the business . "I GET MORE than I can handle." said the mother of five children. "lt used to be they'd come to the farm wtlh the carcasses. but since we moved to town in 1960, the trappers just come riaht up to the door here, sometimes in the middle of the night. I pay them and since it's real cold I put the animals in the gara1e until the next day. I do all my skinning and atretcbiD1t out at the farm. though." Mn. Hup(er said she isn't as acUve as she used to be. She remembers one season 40 years ago when abe and her husband skinned thousaods of jackrabbits. She's also, in ooe season. skinned a tbouaand raccooas and nearly as many coyotes, as well u hundreds of beaver. muskrat. mink. bobcat and lynx. "Tbe sec~ is a &ood tnlfe." said the little lady with 22 g.randcbUdren. "It takes me 20 minutes to skin a raccooo, and l can do even the biggest beaver in tbe aame time. Theo I take out the burn, wub them up, MW the boles with reg· ular thre9d and comb them with a stffl comb f got from the lady al the beautv shop." 8BE 9EU.8 'IO bunn iJl Mtsaourt. Colondo. Iowa and Ohio. who (n llll"D Mil to. Ne11r York dealers. Tbe flDe9t run wind up In Europe. said Mn. Kupfer, wblle the nawect pelt.a are made lnl.o "fun furs" popular in the United SUtes. "To keep on top of the market I mate a lot of long-distaoce calls, and t.broug.b the year I keep track. of fur prices in Europe, Venezuela and Japan. I also watch the Paris fashlons lo see i/ they're using fur," she said. Her small home in Russell is ftlled with huge color blow-ups of elk. m005e, rabbits. deer. wolves and foxes. Her coffee table Is littered with con- servation magazines and one of her favorite pastimes is to watch nature programs on lelevisloo. She said she loves animals and is concerned about their conservation and preservation. She rinds no conlllct with her con.science about s~nd· ing nearly 50 years skinning dead animals OF THE BLOODY, tiring and pr~lse pro- fession. she said: "When you have lo make your own way there's a lot of lhlngs you can do If you have to." She said fur·sltlnnin.-c was the only way she knew how to make a living. "I haven'\ had a dull Ufe and J've learned something every day," she said. "Every year \he fur is different than the year before. "I've also learned so much about nature. More and more l'm finding that people's word isn't as good as it used to be. When a man's word is no good, he's no good." .,. ........... ......... ,, Master Sgt. Samuel Doe. Liberia's new leader. has told members of his rul· ing Redemption Council that any of them committing corrupt. discourteous or undisciplined acts wi Ll be shot. Students .Get Grams Scholarships w e r e presente d to rour Cypress College s tu· dents from the Orange Coast area at all awards ceremony. Linda Good of Sunset Beach and Ronnie Ham· mond of Huntingto n Be ach both received awards from Cerritos Gardens Hospital Aux· 1Liary . Hammond received a scholars hip from Fullerton Community Auxihary. and Carol Kingan of Seal Beach won a piano Kholarsh1p. college officlaJs said Leisner Keeps Hospital P08t James W. Leisner of Irvine bas been re· el ect.ed lo lbe board of directors of the Hospital Council or Southern California. Lei.aott. chairman of the boa.rd of Cbild~os Hospital of Los Angeles. previously served oo th~ Hoapital Council five years. PVBUC NOTICE "ICT'l'Oout 94'M••M ....... ITA.,...llfT "-............. --It ~-f"lil"\' •• ., . \ • Real E tate 61oomy Jobs fOr Recession . ·j Dear l01ee: I Ilk• MIUal real mateWtM•~'t•Wl'ff cot .. -. .. _.etWlll ... Wiii a ................ lltel.r,. ... wlaat ~ are poet a. a recc1,._, -1.a .. Sprtacfteld. w. Some analyst.I fear l~ national jobless rate could rotket t.o l2 per· cent -a level last reached in UMO - aaya Seymour Zucker. Buaineaa Week's ecooomlca editor. Other experts are leu pessimht.ic Research economist Patricia Mosser of Data Resources Inc .• pro- jects a b.igb or 9 percent. or 10 per· cent 10 a worat-caae scenario Lawrence Chlmerine, chief economist for Chase Econometrics. anticipates a rise to between 8 and 9 percent by lhe end of tbe year. Alan Greeospan o( Townsend·Gn:lm.5pan lnc .. expect.a a year-end rate of ap- proxJIJl.8tely 8.S percent. noC;ine that 12 percent is unlikely but. a poasibih· ty ff the economy caves in. TUE <X>NVENTIONAL wisdom is lba\ another lift~ff of the unemptoy. ment rate -like the Jump to 7 per· ceol in April from 6.2 percent in March -would Ugbt lhe panic but· ton ln Wasbingt.oo and cause actions designed to put the breaks on furth~r increases in unemployment. Even in hard times . some in· dustnes buck the trend and do well Those with a s1lver-Uning track re· cord in past rettSsiotu Include en· lerprises th.al help customers "make do" with what tbey have. Examples of recession winners home and auto-repair comparues and the flnm that serve them. When peo· pie can't buy a new bowie or car. lbey fill up the old one. [)o..1t-yournlf projects for clothes and home furnlSblnp prosper too. Other busin.eues that thnve seU tb1ngs that help people forget econonuc troubles or cheer up. such as movies. cosmetics and beer. LOSEU IN e lude bouae carpetlni. other nored until ~~pen~te ( C4REERS )~ ' . One developrnaat that could~l opporttm.lty (cw epartment d concema rnobW~y. Inflated prices ud mort••1e rata bav• te· 1u1Led 1n • dramatic drop -eo per- cent aceordlnS t.o one study -ill the number of eucvtlvee wUUn.6 to r.. locate to other parts of tbe couatlf', U you can move, you've got a blPr than usual advanta1e over your _.. petition. ~ 2More Years Of Hard Times For Auto Makers WASHINGTON CAP ) -U.S automakers and their workers can expect al leas\ two more years of hard times as they try to adjust to the dramatic shift in con.sumer de· mand toward small, fueJ -eCficlent cars. a congressional study says. Tbe 103-paae report, entitled ·•Auto SituaUon: 1980," paints a bleak p1c· ture of the domestic industry's short· term prospects in the face of soaring gasoline prices and concern about fuel lbortagee. "THE DOMESTIC industry and its worlten bave been devastated b)' ~e suddea a.hi.ft in C'OOSumer demand c:awsecl by the um fuel coat incruses and eas Uoes." said tbe report. pre-pared by the Houte Ways and Ileana trade subcommittee and rete~ Tbunday._ "'The major problem facing U,. domestic auto lndu.stry today b ; How can tt satisfy the U.S. auto eon. :sumers' demand for small fuel· CHICAGO <AP> -efficient autos when over bait of its warning lba\ a new and production facilities are geared to type ~ Mroi.n from lhe produce large, less fuel-efficient of southwes t Asia 1s ecom1ng cars?" the rei>c>rt said. plenllfuJ in the stl'ft-ls of Chicago. To meet that problem. U.S. Authonl.les ~ed thal mtllion.s of automakers plan to spend SIK> billion dollars worth o( higb-grade whJte over the next three to five years to beroio from Iran, Paktstan and redes~ and dowuise their auto Af1bNri"..a bu been eoinlhnled at fleeta to impn)Ye mileqe and qa.U. O'Hatt lntena.aUonal AUport.. lY, ta. ftl*t noted. --~~~~~~~~~ PVllUC H0nCa PV'8LIC NOftCE Pte:TIT\OUI euM•t:ll 9IAMI! STATSM911fT ., ... ,.._.... --.. ~ ........ ... u .. (ALIFOAHIA CfHTf A FOA &OULEV••O Cl[AHfltS. 40t4 C 1111.T. lEA$tHG COM .. fll'I Y. 1101 0o ... s. ......... .,_.. ..... , ... CA11tor-nwo TMf PSY(HOLOOlc.Al •ltTS -1 E .. _.. "--v.c .. .,, c.Mtfontt• "•'•"• •• P .. ur . Sull• c. LO!"'°' ... ,.,..,IO\,c.4 ......... •'0770 O PllOI w (l\p~"·'· H )1 O•vtO E Mttc,....t 111 ,,., D '~ (•"4••..eoo L•'-••OOd C.•htoou• Cor•• OrlW. ~ ..._,. c.e11too ... • ~"' .,.~, lt\•\ -",_,.., "' ...... Ttu\. bu\.,_" ;\ <ONJIW( 1ed OY .., '" dtw~i OovlOv•I OH>t<W ~ ()eVldE M•l<,_.l llt T"" ti.~t •#\ ,,._, ••~Ow """ ,..,._ ... , flled '"'''" , ... '°""" Cltt• .. Or-'"""'' Ot'I -· (-ly (W-Of ()ti ... C-Y ... JI l'IQ ,.,.,,.,,,,., lllAAM>Me !tUIH..O.TN . ._., ...... ,. ... -y.,S.O• »SClty,._w•y-t ~ ..... c.i ........ .-••11•• PuC>ll~ ()r-~ C:O.•I 0.tlY Polo! -· ,. 1l lO J-. ,.., Slel•1tO J . Totrt, .. ., Vt>h C.tucl•I. *-' &.«!'> C.tlilor111• ,,... Tl\h -\I\ .-Mod lly.,, In dh UISv.Al Sfpt-J lottr f lll\ •l.tt-WH lol.0 WI"' Ill<• (ount 1 (19'11 d ()o'-c-ly on M•Y 11. '"° PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINESS l'IAME STATIU11e1n 1,_. IOlloMfl9 -'°" t\ Oolf't 1>11'• ~, .... CUS T O llA A UTO qf~uq111 SHf"ll~ 1101 Munl.,.9'on Sif,-""'· H""''"9t°" 8e~tt. C.,lfOf'n•tt -)~ 1"""-~. \101 Munl •"tt'Df't S'",...'· ~u"ttf\Oto" ~•<" C••tt-•.,.,_ Tiii\ llU\WU I• <-.Clf'<I ti'• •n 1n df•Nlu•• Jllff Hoff....,. ,,,,, \'91-...... llled ...,, \~ c:-~ Cl«ll °' 0t""'1Jll c;.our.ty Cll' ~ 14. "'° ,,~. -PUBLIC NOTIC£ PICTITIOUS MlllM•M .. _.STAT•M•MT ·, The fol_,.~ Is dltlnt IW~ .-u u THE GR(AT WA\.l CAM· TOHE~E RESTAURANT. 7J.tt (II lllQ•t A~e .. w , Hullll"OIOOI 9••<1\, C•llfof'nl•~1 Ptt• C-. nn E~r A-. Hwtlf'Olon 9"<1\, GMl!otftl• •JMr Thi\ -U IS <ondiKl.td llY .tn In .......... ...... ~ Tiiis sl.tttfNnl ..,.. "'" tritll ,,.. c-1., Off'\ ot Otenoe eo..otv 011 M.ty 2'. '"° Buslaess Nation Caught in Reces$ion· Tra!~· • ., ... C'UNNIR NSW YOU CAP> -It's.._ coavtaela1l1 d•••••trate4 11alti lMt tM M•lalat.ratlwe ...... tW ... to ~ ta. ee......, _..MU.er at JACtlu tt up Uaao titer •r• at leally racMtlltc lt down. .. tan°tlll attlYi'!L lt aeema. cu be pna., llmp17 addiewd by any.,,.... dtDt w{lllnl to •!"4 up ., ........ no adrnln-11 tr at Ion b a 1 y • t leueed how toreYWM..- pro c e 11 wltboat dl•· trtt1lq ~· sequences. cu"'"" Presldetit Carter. who bad been foncast.lq or boplnf for a receuloD abort and brie , now coneedes alter a plun1e In ecOSM>mlc lnd.lcatora that it "bu come quieter and steeper than wetlw..,.." . What the admlolatratlon tbouabt wu not what aome aov· emrnent and many private see· tor fonicutera had been 1~1. For __. U., lled ..... .,.,,,. Ina tllat ••cetHI IDHllabJJ wwkl ._. to 1 ...-. earne· Uoa. SAtl.ID t.hla mootb the Na- Uonal AlloataUon ol PurcbM!ne 11an.,1ment. made up ol the 9e0nocnlcjlly wlM men wbo con· trol lodm&rlaJ invent.on ... N1d "the economy dropped Uke a rock in lllQ." It.a pim report revealed tbat "th• numb9r ot memben re-porlin~ower production wu at the level 1lnce before World ar ho," a period that Include• several severe re· ceH IOOI, t.ncludlq that ot 1974 and 1m, tbe worst since the Great Dlpreealon ot tbe 1930s. With lndultrtaJ activity allp. pln1. and wtlb conaumer actlvt· ty 1lowtn1. it may be many months before the downturn can be turned around. And when the tumarauMt comes, the problem migbt still remain. That problem la now re· cognired as poor produc:tJvtty. and tbe awarenen of It trantcends polllloal parties. Economic m inds of every persuasion accept tbe neceaalty • Economic Wakla• of tbat son. however. can be trampled by pollUcal oecea11t.J. It bu happened oftett. aatber tban cornet the lll"oduetlcm problem. WubJQCtoo bu clMIMn to make olt It doelll't nbt. And IO t.be eeoDOID)' la Jacked up a1aJ.D wttb t.be belp ot fO"l'D· ment apenclt.M. Production re- sumes and coosumer demand atreastbem. But ootbiDI aub- sta.nual bu beeo done to up- &rade ptOducUoG faclhUes. Sooa, the coatla\led Wle ol lnef • flctent production laclltlies means more mtlaUoa. Old &Ont and equipment. obloletecl by technoloty and perbapa by m · vtronmental laws too, force up tbe prices of Jood.s. THE SCENE is set for another blowolf. another descent into purgatorv. RffOgnlz:inJI that the current descent will be aevere, J>resi. dent Carter aeella to usu.re Americans b• 11ytn1 ''COl'ree· Uve foreea" are at work. But be avoided aaytng two Important tbln1s about those forces. Court Ruling Raps Utilities SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The state supreme Court bas ruled that Callfomta•a three big public utilltlee took the wrong legal route In trying to get aaaeuments ot all their properl1es rolled back on grounds ot Proposition 13. The Supreme Court on Tbunday ordered San Francisco Superior court to dismlas the action. The high court voted unanimously that Pacific COUECTORS CORNER ·Rare Coins & Stamps GOLD & SIL VER Prtcff for 1-5-80 Gokl CIOW '5a. Sliver Cl. S1U2 ...... -. "''· ... . ,.. $510. $.JIS. .,,.. '"'· '"" ,~ c.llllrc:wNM ....... (714)Mt•O South co.et Plue Vlllege ............. .----0... ...... PVBUC NOTICE ·. Deale~ Close SAN DIEGO (AP> - Three new-car dealers have gone out of bual· ness in San Diego Coun· ty i n t he last four months . Call 142-5178. Put a,.,. worda to work for ou. PVBUC NOTICE Gaa and Electric, San Dieeo Ou and Electric Co. and Southern California Ed1aoa should have sued for tax retunda rather than attack a slate Board ol Equalbation ruling through the court action. The combined taxable property of all the utiUUeeinl978wasS12billioo. The board refused uUlJUes' claim to roll back 1978 aaaeeament.a to the 1975-76 level. It ruled that the rollback provision does not apply to slate-assessed property. The tn al court agreed with lbe board, but the Supreme Court said the lower court should not have even heard the case on the basis sought. The utilities were turned down In their claim that the tax payment and refWld route printed out by the high cowt forced them to file claims in as many as 50 counties The Supreme Court dlaa«ireed. saying the utilities could choose a "target" county lor an ac· lion, sue for a tax refund, then. If succesaful, 1et refunds from the other counties administratively . PtJBLIC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE f'tCTtn~ MMMM ..... ITATUllllWY TN~.--............ ""' ... ALI MATWE" (OATll\IC:.!>. _, PtOOv<llOfl ~-·· ... _, k «ll. C•"'°'"'•'Ml A_, r. Me~lf. I.SI Aeoell• Ao.cl.~&.«!\, C...Horfto• •1-)t ""' -.. ~·eel .. , ... '" dlvkjv.-t A-.t C. Me!Ull Tlh\ -,.., flied wtlfl 1tw Cou"IY r....,. Of 0renQit c-ty Oft M•y 21.tW . 111 .. JI P\oOtl.,_., 0rMQlt GOH I Oe<ly P110t0 Mn >O. J.,,. •. ll. 10. ,_, U7t-«I PVBUC NOTICE Pint. ••lon-eetJve ltWcet." are do much few Amertcao ~ the reca•loD. Md daft~ atwa:./rdftt. tbou1h otteo Uvlty. wblcb currevtly ta delcJ1b. ev.n i.. eftldent thU IMICri. ~:· hl.,h ups::,c:.pte°'c~~~ ln1. No, not Just rrowlnt •lowtf IT MEANS, •moai otber pur~. U aupply exceeds de· but actually •hrin.k.lna. thin... that llvtDI •ta_,. maod you can expect unem..i-.. nen t UkelJ to caatJnc\e ......,.. ment to rile. n.o.. two ~-True. automotive compan1es It m .. m the COUDtr7 ..,. ,.. U .. e 1--are a• wor .. in .... _ . are retooU.nc for more efficient main taught tn the lnfiatioll· • -~ • .. u..:i production and to better autt receHlon c ere ecooomy.TbeyareautomaUc. tbelr markets. But for many Y • Setond. the COITecUVf fottes ln thil lmtaDce aren't likely to other companies lt is ao old And It probably meau ... well story: the factories wlll simply tbat UlioM tqMSown movement.I be abut down for lbe duration ol will be more Janine each time. New Bank O~tagonal A lone construction worker ts dwarfed by the framework of the two-stoey octagonal structure of what will be the new home of South Coast Banlc. The lS,070-aquare·foot complex at 890 Baker St .. Costa Mesa, i.s . . . .• '.'•I' • ..... ' . . ·' ' ! ' expected to open Aug. l . The five-ye.u-old banking institution with total assets of S38 million. is presentf y headquartered at 849 Sunflower St.. Costa Mesa, and baa a branch in Fountain Valley. Over Tiu· Countt·r MASO Uit*Js t. t • - t 'p• a•d Doamu u..s ... ~)fit . ... ~ ~ m • .._ • 116o Vo H t .,_•II" Up U7 ' ... Up ,., 2 • \It Up l•.J 1 •• ,. • .. Up ,. .. '"" • -._ UP u .. l \lt • I VP 1U JO • 3"' Up 112 ti,_, + 10"> Up IU ~ • "' VP 11.S t • I UP 12.t t .. • .. Ull It t ,... • ... U9 12' 1"-• loo Up 12 t 11\lt • 1'4 U9 111 1 + '-Up It.# ''-• "' Up IU 14,_, + l\lt Up 11.l P'{t. fU :t: 11 I f ,. 1 TI '·' 1 I ... tt '-• u H ti $..J JS ) ' I t I : I .. •'' ••I ... .. , ' • t ~ : , : I , .. . ·:. •I . ' TRANSACTIONS • J\.119 e. 1 aeo OAIL Y f>1LO r 8 $ ClltlHlela Burt Big Stores Need .Credit Customer y lly •ILTON MOMOWJTZ Vlrtually everJone •areea tbat tM way to JJct lnll•· ~ • ., tJon Al to 1et people to curt> Ulelr bu1'DC ud IMrt more mooey l.nto aavtnp accounta. Tbe troubJe if. when those brakes are applied, someone ts tolna to 1et bu.rt -and tbere'a aot.na to be a lot of equeaU.nc. WoOlwoit.b just barely made a pl'Oftt on lta U.S. store operaUms. Sean, biHeat retailer ol them all, actually l<Mlt money on at.ore operatlOM in the United fftatel. ' I ,.. . '·' 1'BE BEADS OP these bi1 companies, who 1et a chance to aee what's happening all onr the country as re· ports flow into them on computer pnntoute. bave noticed that comumers are U.tenlng t.o the warninp comtns out of Waablngton, D.C. Either that or tbey•re running out of money. ID any case, they're not buyinl so freely -and they are not ao quiet about pu1.Unt credit carda out of their wallet.I. Thb la why Sears, for one, has been running full.page advertisements in newspapers advising people that it's re· ally okay for them to use their Sears credit cards. The big stores depend on people buy1n1 1oods and charging them. When people start to operate on a pay-as- you.go basis, using cash <whats that?>. then these at.ores are in trou· ble. At the J.C. Penney annual meeting in San Money Tree Francisco, Chairman Donald Seibert said be could tell from the react.ion of Penney customers to the anU-inflation messages from Washington that a lot of people had gotten it into their beads that wsing a credit card was "either illegal or unpatriotic, or both.·· Last year PeMey did 43 percent or its $11 billion in sales on credit. This year that percentage dipped below 40 percent. HUGE OUTFITS LIKE Sears a nd Penney get squeezed from many directions. To finance the credit buy- ing done by their customers, they have to borrow big bucks them.selves -and the high interest rates have been klHing them. If you think the finance charges you see on your bank credit cards are heavy, you should see what these retailers are paying. lo the fir.st quarter of this year Sears had interest charges of $29'l million, up from $191 million ln the same quart.er last year. In 1979 Penney had interest charges of ~ millioo, double what it bad two years ago. It helps, of course, to be bi& because that often means you have other thln&s •oi.ng fOI' you. Sears may have lost money on tts U.S. store operation.a in the first quarter, but it-wu still able to post a profit of S59 million. Allstate Insurance. started by Seara in tbe mid.at of the Depression, has turned out to be a Ufesaver. Last year Allstate accounted for nearly 60 percent of the prollt.s registered by mighty Sean.Roebuck. l .C. PENNEY KNOWS bow t.o play ''follow the leader." lt bas 1ott.eo into tbe lnaurance bualness itself and it's looking good. Penney already sells more life in· surance through the mail Lban any other company-and it•s now moving more strongly into the casualty lield, copying the game plan used by Sears: it's putting in· aurancedesb into J .C.Penney st.ores. Liit year Penney coUecied insurance premiums of nearlY $200 millloa. lo the first quarter of this year, when Wt.al pnifita of the company skidded for $3S million to $1'.5 mmton t11e prom coatrtbutkla from UM tmu.r&Dff troat J1UD.Md tftlm ....... to S'1 millloa. -, •wwwtb may be baring a bard time in the U.S. mutet but It mua11Y manages to recoup throush its S3 peteeat ownership of the Woolworth store operations in BrftaJn -the variety store concept seems to be alive and well there. ID the flnt quarter of this year, Woolworth got an ex- tra kicker a S20 million tax refund from the British gov- ernmenL Tbat enabled at to mate more money that J .C. Penney Three llaU of Amerfca branches in Costa Mesa re· cently received an con cern award from Southern California Gas Co. for reducing natural gas consumption 30 ~tor more. The branches are at 2701A Harbor Blvd .. South Coast Town Center and 548 W. 19th St. WDliam F. GllDey. Emu J. Parente and 0 . W. StanJey have been promoted to senior vice president at Fluor Eniineers and Constructors, Inc., a subsidiary of FIHr Corp., Irvine. Claarte. lledetalaJble ts assistant manager at the Hun· UDgton Beach branch of Pacific City Banlt, Magnolia Street and Adams Avenue. Gold, Metal Quotations By fte A.uodated PrHs Selected world 10Id prices today: I rtr : mominC flxing $598.00, up, $16.25; afternoon flxinC $S17.75. up $L5.2S. Parts: afternoon fixln1 $:595..38. Up 112.08. li"nlMl.n: flxina $600.00. up $31.28 from Wedneeday. emtda: *5eS.OO bid. up $16.00; .,,00 ulred. New Yan: Handy & Harman mld·momina $597.oo. "I> $1.SA New Yortt: Engelhard M1Un1 price mid'-mornins SS9'7 .00, uP $1$.25. N .. Yert: Engelh•rd fabricated gold mld·momina 9811.IO, uPJl~.97. * * * NEW YORK (AP) -Hudy I& Harman silver $18.7:SO, up St.GO. Encelbard etlver $18.100, up $1.00, fabricated sliver $17.$58. up $U>6. .... * * * NEW YORi("(AP) -Spot nonterroua mel&l prices to- day: c..er ~.9'\4 a pound. U.S.. dMUnatlou. IMi IMS aata a pound • .. "" cmta.a pound, dellvwtd. 'l'llT ama • powct. · ..... , ·~t Oak. 1''ft • trpy oa. N.Y • •'I .· "' • r , ' .. ... .. .. " " .. ' l l • ' i • • .. -DAil Y PtLOT 87 llOWAaD L. QNDY .. ...., ......... M arvln Camel ll • no-nou.oae ri1hter who owu the Wortd Boalaa Councll'a ¥WHl crown -&he cru~' dlvlalOft UU. -and he Ian 't aoln.I. to &et lbe cbampi~lp &et awa, from bhn without • batUe. Carnet wtU meet lwo-tlme former U1ht·be1vywelaht tlUe holder: Vlctot Oallndea in defeoae of his crui1erwel1ht crown at &he Dia· neyland Hotel exhibit hall Saturday. June 14. THE nGtrr WILL take place at l o 'clock with a delayed national television showtn1 on CBS (Channel 2) at 3:30 lbat same afternoon. Camel won the title for the 17fH90-pound weight class in March with a U.round decision over Mate Parlov. He bas a record o( 36·2·2 compared to Gallndez's 49-7-4. The championship fight is the first staged by the WBC In Orange County. CameJ is a refreshing newcomer to the throne In boxing 's newest division. "Winning the title hasn't changed me a bit." Camel says "Until I re· tire and relax a bit, I won't be going around talking about it. But it does put a gleam in the eyes or the people back home. I don't have enough energy to go around spouting orr. · · While he is strictly business in and out of the rir)g these days, he is also proud of his championship and wears the WBC title belt whenever he goes out in public. ••t WORKED IS YEARS to become a champion and everywhere I go, t>eople will know who the cruiserweight champion of the world, IS." And he is confident about retaining tus title "I came down here to give you a show," Camel says. "Victor can't take it back to Argentina because he lives in Miami now. But I intend to Kison Faces MCG~or At Big A Wasn't it JUSt a mere eight months ago that the Angels and Baltimore Orioles were playing for the American League cham- pionship? Sure it was. And it was an ex· citing four-game series at that, even though the Angels lost. perform like you have never seen a lttht..-pttform before. "I train the year around and run every day. eve.n when it is 40 decrees below Mf'O ln Montana." the native of lb• at.ate who lives on an Indian ~S· ervalionne.ar Missoula. says. HE IS A MEMBEa of the Flathead tribe and la proud of the fact he was r aiaed In that state. He was destined lo become a boxer on the day be was born. His father. a semi·pro fighter, 'ave him the mid- dle name of Louis. "I was named after Joe Louis who was beavywelgbl champion al that time." Camel says proudly. Galindez. speaking through WBC president Jose Sulaaman as in- lt'i1111i11g tlar iiil .. laun·i rhan~ ... a bit. l 'ttdl I retirt-a11d rela.r ' a bit. I K"OH •1 bf-9oi11g «N•A11d I alkheg about if. terpreter. hopes to win hi s third championship m an illustrious boxing career. He 1s 31 compared to Camel's 28, and hopcs to enter the ring weighing 182. Camel says he is aim· ing at 185 which means he must pack up three pounds from his present weight. "I appreciate this opportunity to fight for the championship of the cruiserweight division." Galindez s avs. "I should be much stronger because I don't have to worry about the weight, it ·s my natural division." HE HAD TROUBLE meeting the 175·pound weight maximum for the light heavyweight division and was too light for the heavyweight div1s1on. In reference to Cam el and the up co min~ ri g ht. Galindez says . ··Nobody 1s 1nnnc1ble . You have to have ambition and faith to remain in your prime and I feel I stJll have r o.ity ..... SUft,.... CAUISERWEIOHT CHAMPION MARVIN CAMEL HITS TIE HEAYYBAO HELD BY HIS WIFE, SHERRY. both. This is my natural division and I reel stronger than ever." When the two were presented and asked to shake hands for photog· raphers. Camel declined with a wave of his hand. He doesn't feel that too much camaraderie should pre vail Camel has a slight cut on his left check he says was given to him b) his brother in a sparring session He says 1t will heal by the time or the fight but adds : "IT WON•T MAKE any difference He's not going to get to it to open it up." When Camel goes mto the nng. one of his seconds is tus wife. Sherry, wbo ui.ually handles the water bottle "She understands what she has to do and I know what I have to do and '4<' don't have any problems We have been marned for s ix years and ~he has worked 1n my corner ror a bout 15 fighU. ··When you 've had as rough a lime commg up as I had. vou can ao- .John Sevano preciate what it means to be on ~ and she understands this, too." It wiU be Camel's first title defense and the 15th time Galindez has fought ror a champion.~hip, either in defense of a tiUe already won or in winning It The fight will be preeeded by a pre- h minary middleweight bout bet.ween Orange County's Bert Lee and Steve Moyer. Tickets for the card are scaled at S25 and SSO and are avalla· ble through Ticketron. Unknown HeroeS A ~ with any champ1onsh1p . there ar.e numerous behind·thc·~cene contnbut.ors that don't get their due For Orange Coast College. wtucb captured its first state baseball championship in two dttades last weekend, those that should be duly recognized for the1r unheralded efforts are C<H."aptain Donny Perry. p1tdung coach Tim Kelly and tuttine in· structor Jon Hockenberry. " v ... • ' .. UNFORTUNATELY. WHEN the two teams meet for the first time this season, the im- pact won•t quite be the same. As a matter of fact. it's hard to fathom it will have any impact at au .. or the three. maybe Perry was the most in· spiraUooal. And, to Just iUustrate bow his team- mates felt about him. they were almost unanimous in awarding their r eserve infielder a co· captainsbip with Randy Day. care of lbe bench and Randy <Day> took care of ' the field." • Both teams are currently floundering in next to last place On T\.: Tonight {1Jan11el .'i al 1::10 m their respective divisions as they open the first of a three- game series tonight (7:30) at Anaheim Stadium with Bruce Ki son (3 4 > opposing Scott McGregor (4·2). The Angels find themselves a di stant 8 1"2 games behind Kansas City in the West. while BalUmore is 7"'2 behind New York in the East. CLEARLY, mESE ARE two different clubs than the ones that met in October. The. Angels. as has been the use for most or the season. will open the aeries sorely crippled. Hitting stars like Don Baylor. Brian Downing and Dan Ford are on the sidelines. while pitchers Chris Knapp, Frank Tanana and Dave Frost are still trying to find their pitching grooves. The Orioles, too, come into the contest riddled with injuries. Pitching star Dennis Martinez is on th~ 21-day disabled list with tendinitis and Jim Palmer has been bothered by back prob- lems. Take Out ACTUALLY. Pt:RRV ~tomized lbe 1979-80 Pirates. He was their heart and soul. The one that made them drive. The one that gave them a rea- son for winning. "In all my coaching experience. I've never had a non-player mean as much to a ball club as Donny Perry," praised his coach Mike Mayne. "His Importance as a leader and many other in· tangible ways was a key to our success. ··He is a wonderful young man with a heart as big as his body. He cares about people and their welfare, and his attitude rubs off oo ()(hers. "If you could take all the good qualities you know and put them in one kid. it would be Donny Perry .. PERRY MANAGED ONLY 10 at bats during the season. getting three hits and scoring nine times, many of those-coming in a pmcb-run role. Hampered by injuries throughout bis career at Coast, he bad remained injury Cree this season un- ll l a collision at home plate. prior to the state playorfs left him with a separated shoulder. Still. however. his attitude, &eal and zest were unfazed "Perhaps on any other ball club but ours, Doo· : ny Perry could have started and been a star.'' • added Mayne. "But be choee to stay here ud : become an integral part of our procram. : "He was ooe ol the biggest things to happen to ~ us this season. He was totally involved and con-t sta.otly gave 100 percent without walk.ing on tbe r field. It's kids like that that make co::i(acbin1 • worlbwbile. ··When I think about tb1s team down .. t the years bis face will be one of the ftnt on my mind. He was our personality -touab aod sacrificing." • •• FOR PITCHING COACH Tim Kelly. taie Pirate season was viewed with mixed emotions.~-...,, A pitcher in the Baltimore and San Dtego OF-..• ganit.atims, only a pair of political mcnes left ~f as Mayne's coach for a second season. ~.~~ Young enoueh <2S> to still be playing, KellW had to content blmsell with watching from ~ sidelines. , .. ...,.! "I fmally learned to el\)oy seeing eomeone:i have a good season:• admitted Kelly, whose pitchina corps fashioned a sparkling 2.92 re season ERA (2.63 in confetmce). ~ -~ . ~· Arizona i,econd baseman Ron Quirk gets upended by Cal's Greg Zunino during their ellrnination game in the NCAA Collelle World Series Thursday. Arizona bounced back Crom an 8-3 deficit to win 11·10. See story, page 89. "BEING NAMED CAPl'A.IN by my team- mates made my whole season," said lbe s-6 sparkplug. "I have more respect for those CUYS than anybody in the world. ' "I think having a team captain lbat played and a team captain that didn't was good. I toot "It wu run for me to watch Larry <Wets. s.o» 14 saves, 1.02 ERA> and Doo <Smith. 11·1. l.l1J ERA> have eood years." # t Although a special nod sllou1d be given to IQll. <See SEVANO. Pa1e 87) • 1' Gerulaitis Ousts Connors in Five Sets PARIS (APl -Bjorn Borg and Vltu Gerulatt:la woa different kind.a of vic· toriee today to reach the final of the French Open tennis champiooabipe. Bors. the defending champion. celebrated bis 24th birthday by batter· inl Harold Solomon, 6-2, 6·2, &-0. It took him one hour and 40 mlnuta. semlflnals oo the center C9Url of Roland Oarroe Stedlum. BOKG 8TOKMED to the final without dropplnc a set in bis best-of-five stt matchea. Hls first round opponent, Alvaro FUlol of Chile. waa the only mu to ulle as many u four pmea rrom him ln one set ln the whole tournament. SOiomon bJattled bravely from bi• baaeline but n"1er came cloee to Mak· tn1 the Swede's semce. 8orl punched • hll tGP'Pln forth&nd.t away with Heh power on both wlnp of the cowt that Sok>moo often J•t ltood and watched ., the Mil wblaed by. Tbla wu en antJ-ellmu after the ez. dUn1. nlPoUd·tua 0..:Ulaltil-Con:Dorl Altair. Rliht up to tM end Oonnol'I kept ftl)tdac Ind a~ eappae of•· ..... Coa.non loet b.ll aervlce twice at tbe start of the rmal set but came bac.t from 0.3 to •-5. Then, as Oerulaltla served for Ute match, Connors escaped from four matda points. Fln~ GerulalUs aea'ved an ace - his 13th ot the match on tbe slow clay surf ace -and ft.Dlabed off bla scrappy opponent. BOTll'llEN RAD a bl' mc.uve to I win, beca~ no Americu bu woo the men•a Utle hen sine. Tooy Trabert lo 11$5. COMOn did mc.at of 1M attacldn1 while Oenalaitis bad tlM ~and tbe attsacy, cllPIUI UM U.... wttb cunntnab plllted MIOti~ Tiie lOni matcllt swayed Mck ad fortla. ID the u.ird iet, 0a HI 10t M ..,., ................. £ ... . I 4 ' • ' • ' • .. • • • I • ~ • • > _____ ._, .. , ·-···----- ....., Valeeu.e, former m.tor leaguer and now a eommmtat« for NBC, after watch.lnc the Cube' atoeb 8a"1 l'M&e ln the battlnl caae: '"There's one IUY who spends all bis meal money. None of il 1et.a mailed home." ...__,.., ll11rb S•ttfold •• Trzflll De9all 1.-.ard pitched a three·bltter and • Frau WllMe led • Kansas City power barace wtth a three-run homer Tburdaay night u the lloya1' recorded an 8-0 rout or Texaa in American Leaeue action. Tbe Rancen, who have three ata.rtina pitchers on the aidellnes witb In.Juries, save ll• Ken bis ffrit •tart in four yHn. But Kern save up Wblte'a bomer lo the third, and thl'ff other ralieven couldn't stem the Ude as Kansas City collected 14 bits. . • . The game between Toronto and Minnesota wu poetpooed because of rain . . . In tbe NaUonaJ League, ltowlud Oflke hit a two-run homer and 8eoU Sudenaa pitched a six· hitter • llODtreal .blanked tbe Chlcaio Cabe, z.o ... Geers• 8-lrtck slapped hll llth homer of the year in tbe MCGlld" in· nllll to llve 8t. Louts a 1.0 lead, but the New York Ila rallled for two rum, in· clud!al the winner ID the nintb, to take a 2·1 victory. llllke lor&euea'a bales-loaded LI• • 1ln1le delivered tbe winning run . • . Dodaer rtpt·bander 9ut BMt•. auffertq from bunlda ID 1111 rilbt lboulder, 1118¥ ml.la oae more turn in tbe ltltchlna routton. Hooton, 5"' wttb a 4.15 ERA th1I aeuon. burt bis lbou1der warm.Ins up Wedwday Di&bt . . . Texas rilbt-bander Dua7 Darwla will not pltcb for five weff.s became ol a fractured buckle suatalned in a poet-pme filbt. tbe club am10unced. Darwin fractured bls knuckle in a fracu followtq a double-be.., ID .Cblcq.o WedMlday. Ran1en Odtfte1der MlekeJ atweh waa Jumped by a fan aa lie emersed from Comiskey Pm to board the team bus. Several -~ Rusen came to Riven' necue and Darwin was lltjured in -~di• ~neulaa-melee. ~ \. . . SU.. Crfllc!lsn .S.11ln a.,...,. ~ ~ SEATrLE -Paul SlJu, formerly of the Seat· m ' tie SuperSoolcs, bu criUcbed bia old boa, Sonic•' ~ owner Sam Schulman, for bl.a comment.a about the Dennis Jobnaon·Paul Westpbal trade. .. I don't Ute koocktng a guy to JuaWy a trade," said Sllu, named the new player-coach of the San Diego Clippen. ID explainini the trade of bis All·at.ar guard. Schulman &aid Johnson was moody and called him a disruptive in· nuence. -The Sonka swapped Jobnaoa to the Pboeo.ix Suns Tuee· ... day for Westphal. Sllu, oldest player in the National Buketball Auocla· lion last season at 36, disagreed with Schulman that Jobnsoo wu a disruptive factor durin& the put aeuoo. "D.J . and 1 always could iron out our differenCH," SUu saJd Oll..r S.N'S ~·.s. Fro• 0.lftd CHEPSTOW, Walee -Judy Oliver saved tbe United States from a 1boekin1 defeat in the !I founomes a1ainat Great Bnta1D and Ireland today when tbe 21.lt Curtis Cup match be1an at St. Pitrre IOlf club. • The 32-year-old eoller holed 12·foot btrdle putta on the 18tb and 18th greeo.a to halve the thl.rd of the momlng fOUJ"IOIDeS qatnst British champion Maureen Madill and Carole Caldwell. Grn:ltfl WIJU Taro ,.BL A1e1ard. Center Wa)'lMl Gre&&ky of Edmonton bas won the Hart Memorial Trophy and Lady Bing. Memorial Trophy for 1979·80, becoming the younfest player ever· to win any lndlvld&&al Na· tiona Hockey Leacue· award ... New Zealand'• aqu.ld for the Moscow otymptcs. reacting to political preaaare and lou or spomor support, shrank from 98 to 10 today when tbe n•· Uonal cycling, rowi1!J, fencing and athletic auociaUom withdrew thelr competitors from the Games. The only at.hletes remaining were in Judo, canoetni. •bootinc and modern pentathlon, and there was speculatloo they would withdraw. too ..• Gymnut.a Kart TMmaa and Maftia Frederick claimed fint place among 12 male and female athletes Thursday as they teamed up on the first stop oC a five·city tour that will determine the National Milled Pairs cbampfoaabip . . . Mad a.. and ManllaU Belmu. bidding for a third UUe ln the PBA Doubles Claaaic. WOO the top. seeded poeitioo for tbe flna1a wilh 15,494 poinll for 36 games • . . The San Franciaco Olanta have put lint bueman Mille Im 00 the 15-day diaabJed lial. sayinC be WU ••tufferina from mental exhauatton" ... USC middle diatance ataodout Duld Omwuaa bu been declared ineligible to compete ln the *h NCAA track and field champloaahips bttause be ~· ceived credit for a clua be did not atteod ..• The mana1er of heavyweight Baraardo •tnado said be signed a St mtlUoo contract for bis flpter to meet retired champion Mlllaammad AU oo Aug. 11. . .Allanta Braves owner Ted Tanaer has reached a tentaUve agn,ement that ~ allow bla }()cal televilloo station to broadcast almoet ail of lhe National League club's 81 sames . . . The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have hired CraJ1 Ferd1, former Oreeon Stale bead football coach, to scout West Coaat schools ... Deu '"'TM Drum" Memt.er, who led the New York Stars to the Woaieo'1 Profw1coal Baaketball Leaiue tlU• .. Im nnt year .. coach, wu named tbe lea.-•a 19"19-IO Coadt ol UM YeU'. . . Major Leap bueball ownen have voted ta.a1ree to 1 baak ~layers ,CQOl(act ageed upoa in prtnct~ lut montb l&Dder • strike threat . . . 8eoU7 ~former uslstant coach at Houston, wu named to coach tbe Detroit Pistons. ~ ...... FoUowtno ere tM tOP sports events on TV todav Ratl"9S ant: " " " " excellent, " " .t worth watching; .-.. fair ; "toroet at. II 7:30 p .m., Chan Ml 5 ./ I I I ANGELS BASEBALL: Baltimore at Angels An~ers : Bob Starr, Steve Shannon and Ron Fairly Two teams struogllng for survival oPef'I a three.qame set at Anaheim Stadium tonight. It will be southpaw Scott McG,.9(>r (4·21 going few the Orioles aQalnst the Anoe ls' Brue• I< Ison !3-41 . Baltimore trails the YankttS by 1111 oames In the AL East while the Angels are 81/1 games back in the West D ivision. RADIO ~rs at Atlanta. 4· 30 p.m .. I< ABC OQOl: 8eltl~ at Angels, 1:25 p.m., KMPC <710). AUSTJN_. Teue CAP>-~ en MJb RoberUoa ot Florida Stlte ad lamet Sanlord ot USC bad tbe NIM feellnp, the MIM re1ulta. tbe aame amowat ol wiad ud t.be ....,. dlaa..,.... ment Tbanclay nlsbt at UM NCAA tract ud field Cbam· plooabl119. "l WH ntDDlDI reall)' re· I axed,'' Rob9raoa aald after blltterinl the UmvenJty ot Ta· u' fut Memorial St.ad.ham track witb a clc>cklna ot 11.95 seconds ln a trial beat of the 200-meter dash. .. oua COACBES &EAU y try to set ua to nm nlued In tbe tqrln\f." Saqford said after a brilliant time ot 10.00 aeccoda in a trial cl the 100.meter event. "I WU feeling just like that today ... relaxed.'' Unfortunately for both run- ners, the wind la each race wu 3.39 meters per second. For a sprint race to be eligible for rec· ord consideration, lhe prevail· In& wind must be no more tban two meters per second, If Roberson's record bad been acceptable, It easily would have smashed the collegiate mart of 20.83 by Clancy Edwards of Southern Cal in 1978 and It would have approached the best time by an American. Tommie Smith's 19.83 in the 1968 Olymptc Games at Mexico City. The rut.est clocking in the world i5 19. 72 by ft.aly's Pietro Manne• last year. a1ao in Mexico City. HAD SANFO&D'S TIME DOt .. OAllV "'LOT bNa -" ~ M Weald bave: ~ tbe ........ recard of : 10.02 be Ht litaJ 11 at Lot: Ansel•. And be would bave · eome clole to the American ad: world marb ot t• ,...llllllMd : . :rc:.lm Helu ....... Oltm-' Sufcft. beat. ..... for tbe ftnt Ume U.19ar tn tbe JGO by ......._., Carl IMrlt, ao ............... Tbunday mct>t ID b19 .trW beat lo UM 100 aad on SOut.bern Cal'• 400 meter relay team. In tbe 200. Sanford won his beat tu ao.n. beating defendlng champion Greg Foeter of UCLA. The race waa marred by a wtnd of 2.'71 meten per aeeond. And In the relay. Sanford helped UM Trojans set a stadium record ol 31.12 in the trials. "I FELT A Ll'ITLE sluQish last week," confessed the bard worklnl Sanford, a 22-year-c>Jd junior 1rom Pasadena, wbo ls ranked No. 1 in tbe world in the 100 aad No. 6 in the 200 ... But J felt grat today." Among thoee joining Santoni and Robenoo In tonight's 100 semifinals were defending champion' Jerome Duel of Tex· as-El Paso and Curtis Dickey, the three·tlme NCAA indoor 60-yard champion from Texas A&M. Dickey ls running wlUf a heavily taped right thlgb becauae of an lnjury suffered while practicing wltb the Baltimore Colts. F,..,.Pap88 SEV ANO'S COLUMN. • • Jy for the Pirates' succea.s. he ls careful about taking any credit. "l'VE LEARNED that playen resent coaches who lake ttedit for them," says Kelly, who hopet to flod wort next year as a 1raduate uslltant at a m.QJr university. ''That happens a lot in pro ball. I don't want to put my mark on anybody. I'm just satisfied to help them any way I can.'' Kelly's pbiloaophy as a pitcbiQa coach is simple: "Don't 11ve the batter more erecW ua.." deuna," be .., •. ._.,, ... ball .. tut, ..... tbaa Uhq it'• SOllll to be caQ'bl. '!'be lat two years have bonlelhalout. • • .. Kell7 la the beat 1o•n1 pltchlq ~ la bueball ill my eatlmatloll," compliments Mayne. "I bope I can keep him. He made all the piUbirur. de· clalona tbla year. The ·unal moves rested with him and be knew it." ••• ••JON BOCk.ENBE&ltY bas done u mud> OT more than I have tog« tJlls program where 1l Is," says Mayne of his hilling instructor. '"Without him. I wouldn't have gotlen started " Alter 1l aeaaoos m the Detroit Ttaer cluain. Hockenberry joined Mayne's atalf three yean aao. Thia season he •uided the Pirates to a healthy .320 baWnc average and watched in joy as the 8uca' lwnber produced 42 rum and 49 bit.a during their four games of tbe state cbam· plooablpe. · · unm ta one ot the createst things to ever happen to us," says Hodtenben'y. ·'To see the kid a• improvement day after day WU amulng. It WU very rewarding to work with them and see them accompUab what they did. "This was a talented team but not tbe best one I've worked wtth. They just worked harder. That was the key." ••• BOW POWD"1L aod Im·· preaj99 were lite Plrat•! Well. here'• a Uat where aome or MaJM'• athletes abouJd be next seascm: Dave GUct -UC lrvtne or tt.·u 1to1; 0oa mu -Artll0ft8 SUtelsicn with San Francisco; Kevin Romine -s ign with PbUadelpbia'return to Orange Coast; Chris Johnstone - Arizona Stale /sign 'with Oakland; Mllte Vanderburg - return to Orange Coast; Randy Day -Texas; John Melbon - Return to Orange Coast: Mark Marches -UC Riverside; Mike Empting -BYUtUtah : Larry Hicks -USC IPepperdine!Long Beach Stale ; Don Smith - Retum to Orange Coast 'sign: M lke Hogan -Return to Orange Couttslgn with Atlanla; Gary Brahs -La Verne ; Dale Boucher -So Cal College; Joe Mutt -Long Beach Stale: Wayne Jus ll -Return t o Orange Coast. Red Shift First Yacht to Finish· 'ed SMft, CO·lldppered by •• GoeU and Jim Kahle, Los el• Yacht Club, wu the t yacht to flalab Balboa acbt Club'• eoo-mHe Performance Handicap Racing Fleet to finish wu John Wieble's Runaway II, Voyaaen Yacht Club. Sbe alao saved her Ume to take the Daily PUot Trophy for the fint PHRF yacht on correct· ed time. Club, finl1bloc at 9:2'9 p.m . Wednesday. Baseball Standings upe bland Race Wednel- 1al l :S> p.ltl. for aa elapaed ol four days, three boww mirwtet. SbUl'• line booon llYel tbe Zndymlon Trophy for to ftmlh. Sbe al.o aaved ber PGJIC8P dme to pick &IP tM OOucla 1'roDllY for tbe ftnt national Oflabore Rule cm eorneted time. Wl•n•r of tbe l'ounder'I ropb1 for tbe 1Jr1t It waa a Udtt·weather race from start to f6iiab with the only appreciable breeze durin1 tbe day Tbunday. Secmd to flniah . about four bo11n beblnd Red Shift, waa Plttol Pete, Lee Coit, Daaa Potnt Yacbt Club, aad third WU Hu~bl• BM. aaUed by Bob Lord. Pedflc Corintblma Yacbt Runaway 11 finJ.abed at 12:07 a.m. Thursday. Rama Plan Clinic Four members or the Los Angeles Rama football team will 1ta1e a free dinlc at Laf&,ma Beacb High School Saturday from 10 to 1 o'clock wblC!b la apouond by tbe Al1·1port1 Ccm· ditlonlng Club. 1'be event Is free t.o alJ area bl1b scbool coach~• aod athletes. DEMO&COMPANYCARSALE AMERICAN LEAGUE WeMIM...._ W L Pct. GB Kansas City 30 20 .600 Cblcago 2'7 24 .m 3,,., Oakland 25 25 .500 5 Seattle 34 21 .'80 g Teiraa 24 28 .'80 f MSell 20 2'7 .'28 81io\ Mlnneeota 19 30 .388 lO Eu&DIYWM New Yortt 30 18 .m MUwaultee 28 21 .55.1 ,,,., Toronto ~ Z3 .511 5 Cleveland 2' M .500 8 Botton 21 25 .419 7 BalUmore ZS 28 .8 7~ Detroll 21 25 .45'7 8 NATIONAL LEAGUE WeMOlvbloe W L Pd. GB Dod•en ao 20 .eoo Rouaton 2'7 21 . .-, 2 ClnclnnaU 28 22 .S60 2 San oteao 34 21 .c11 s~ Atlanta 20 27 .421 8Yt Saa Ftanciaco 21 21 .ao t Eut DtYllloll Pittsburlb 28 19 ·* Mootreef 25 20 .458 a Philadelphia 24 21 .m 3 Cblcaao 21 at .m 1 New Yon 20 28 .'IS '7,,., St. Louil 18 30 .375 10\.t ft ,__ .... ~ ............. ~ . .._v-2.• L.-1 °"''...-~ ,....,..._.. .......,., ......... , .......... ," ....... "' Sot ........... l'ol:ldt~I • ,_..... l~MI. 5111' Olllt Co.tu Ml M Clll<IMMI ,,,._.. .. tl,ft l"'lttfhf'Wfl fllyleftft 1·41 et New Ywti lfl~M>.ft CM< ... Cll:Mlow a.s1 ~ ""41.-lpllla l'W• ... , ... IH flr-.;lt« 111:..,....,. •<41 •t ....,., .. c•1CMnt•1f,ft .t- Seeks State Donors Corona del Mar High's Jaio Tsai will com- pete in the girls' long jump today and Saturday at the state track and field meet at Berkeley. A Non-funny Joke(rst) Forrrwr Goaltender Takes NewJobSeriously By CURT SEEDEN 0t•0•1y~M.rt Dave Jokerst is something of a pheoommon. He's spent nine seasons tend.mg goal in the North American Socrer League -all with the aame club. . Cbect out IOIDe ot tM ..,,rues ol todaJ'• pro- feulonal IOC!eel' pla.yen aDd J'OU'll find they've • &eeD much cl the lJnftod StalfJI. bouncing from one club to another. During bis first geven years in the NASL, Jolcerst divided his time between playing goal for the St. Louis Stars and aiding youngsters in the St. Louis area as part of the club's youth development program WHEN 111£ 8TAll8 MOVED west t.o Anaheim and ltecame the California SUrf, Jobnt picked up where be left off, conUnuin& in the role of a youth soccer development coordinator. And this year, a'ter retiring as a player, Jokent bu ~me the executive director of the Orange County Professional Soccer Foundation. "1b11 ii somethlnt that ii really needed. It's an advanced way to help not only younpten - but people of all ate levels learn more about the game," says Jokent from h1a Anaheim Stadium office. '"'l'here are more than 120,000 kids ln or· 1anbed youth aoccer (A YSO> in Oran1e County." he contlnues. "And there are 10 adult leaeues. With thil many people involved ln the game, there's a need for more coaching and referees n 18 IOKEasT'S GOAL t.o educate the en- tire country on the subject of soccer. ''Here with the Surf, we get a lot of phone calls from people wliM> bave jmt moved to Orange County wbo want to 1et more involved with soccer," Jokerat ex· plains. "We also get a lot of request.a for films, boob Motorcycles Race Tbe domtnalioo of Alan Christian In the 'cratcb main event at the weekly speedway motorcycle races at the Orange County Fai.r· grounds tn Coeta Mesa could come to an end lGa.l~ Slgalol will return from Eniland for the pl'GIJ'am and ~d bit tbe flnilb line tint. He ii die oi:a1)' rider to defeat Cbrtltia.D this aeuon at the tnet but not tn the acrateb main event where the Huatlqt.oo Beacb rider bu won all etcbt pre· v~rac.. SJcaio. llu an lmpreealve record on tbe Br1tllb Le...-drcu.l.t. But CbrUUan ha.a the tn-teu~1 ~ u undefeated aeUCJD. Tbe M-event protram set.a under ••1 at 8 o'clock wttb Ptee openina at 8:30. A full alate of llandtaip aDCf IC.rateb neata wUJ be nm tn addi· • .-UOD to a MeGDd ad third diviliGD feature. and speakers on the game," he adds . When the program matures and receives more financial backang, Jokent envisions a soccer library. readt· ly available t.o the public. However. right now. Jokerst IS the Orange County ProfeuiooaJ Soccer Jo~oundauon. "We P.lan .. bave NYeD tull-Ume people aooa. Plua we wtll fonn an esecutlve coaimlhee made up ol na· tioaally-recoplzed sports figures. local bu11- ne11men and .people from local soccer organiza-tions," he predict.a. LONG-RANGE GOALS INCLUDE college scholarships for area high school graduates, several leagues 10 vanous age categories and reg- ularly scheduled clinics throughout Orange County. "But right now. we're still in the development stage:s," Joltent says. "We do have an advt.ory SOCCER committee which meet.a once a month to diacuas the foundation and plan ahead." F1nrt on the foundation's agenda la a weekly series ol goalkeeping clinJca scheduled for each Sunday ln October and held m vanou.s part.a of the county. It's juat one of many aa~ts of the 1ame to be tackled by Jokent and company. ••r DON'T THINX A LOT of people realize that t.o play soccer, it takes a great deal of mental con- centration. When a younpter ls only ei&ht, wlna and loues don't matter. "But when they 1et t.o age of 16, it's time for them t.o find out what It takes t.o be a winner and what lt takes t.o be a loser.'' be addl. . A non-profit organization, the roundatlon will be underwritten by the Surf ror $50.000 ln lt.a early suges but will eventually be seU-aupporting with the help of corporate and individual donations. SO<X'E& SOUNDS -AYSO Region 57, which Includes Eaat Newport Beach. Balboa IJlland and Corona del Mar, re1tatered more than 1. I 00 play en receoUy, but aome openln1s still exllt in moat age aroups. The boys' 9-10 bracket and Jlrls' 7·8 a1e group have a number of opeolngs. Youn1at.en who would like to participate can phone league reelatrar Clair Weuer at 760-0947 . . . The Newport Beach Breakers of the American Speecboccer Alloclatlon open the aeuon ton11ht with an 8 o'clock same a1a1.nat Irvine. The ~es are played at Los Caballel'OI Racquet ud rt.a Club in Fountain Valley. A apokeamu for the Breaken said A YSO founpten can attend the eame free or cbar1e when accompanied by an adult P&O<FILE8) -The Call!on:Lla SamlhlM plays ill loot-awaited double-header t.onllbt with the Golden Gate Galea at 7:30 1t Santa Ana Stadium. OUNctE COUNTY COLLBOIOBAllA GUN SHOW ...•.•..• ,.......,.. .-"' ••.1• IUY • S&L • TIADI ND TAaE8 OH 8ALE ,....,..,. Gcn-AnlQue a Modern AlfWf'to -: WW,..... I lurllM tndlen Mt*«I-Auge I~ -COli'W I flOClll !JlNbtt Tidlt ll0.00 Par.._ .,_. . ;: -..- SP0RIS ON 'lJ' . -1~ pointa around the track. The stewards, in conatant communication to the productioo truck, can 1et ..tape niplayed from the camera with the beat view •'tif any incident. --"Once the ..stewards release lbe tape to the ~blic, we can feed t.bem right on the air," said earl. Even If CBS' cameras had a better view of y possible foul, ll 's good that TV viewers can see nactJy what the stewar(is saw ln reaching a de-clslon. ~-··· .. "· ...... ftLaY18»1 U LID. (I) -ftNNll -.Jlmmy eo.c.. VI. Sd& IMbbl lD a WCT IA~ttdoit.i mattb taped tn SallllMarYJ Md. . ll:t• a.m. C4>-aAISMLL-Tbe Pttta- bvlm. Pintea mMt tlMt lleta ID New Yortl'I &bu ........ Noon (5) -aACSU -eov ..... ol tb• Cbamp6ao Spark PJu, RS dMlleqe tD W.01, Fla. I p.m, Cl) -asi.llONt ftAKD -Geeulne Rllk wW tr)' to 1et back at Coda tn tbe third and ftbaJ race ol ractna'• Triple crpwn. the 1l2tb ... mont ...... Genuine Rilk loClpd a foul daSm U..t *•denied wbea OOdes WOD the Preabeu &Pd the l(emucky Derby wtml1aa nu, bad to settle for HCCIDd place. <4) -WO~ GOLi' -Tbird round DU>' in the LPGA dl.amp6anahip. (1) - GaEA1'1r:9T SPOaTS LEGBND8 -A tribute to Wlllb Reed, who as team captain beJped pide the New York Knick.a to a pair of NBA champioaahip$ In the early 19708. 3 p.m. (2) -GOLF -1bird round play in the Atlant. Classic. · ' p.m. (2) -TENNIS -Action lD tbe French Open, via satellite from Pana. (51) -80DNG. 5 p.m. <7>, -WIDE WOJlLD 01' 8PORT8 - Jim Watt (36-7) rtab bis WBC lllhtwetabt crown against Howard Davia < J.3.0) ln a Kheduled 15- round bout from Glu1ow, Scotland. <2.8) -PRO SOCCER. RADIO Auto Racing -Hodgson 200. 2 p.m., KLAC (570). Horse Racing -Belmont Stakes. 2:2S p.m . KNX (1070). Baseball -Dodgers at Atlanta, 4:30 p.m .• KABC <m>; Baltimore at An2els, 7 p.m .. KM PC (710). • "· WITH POST TIME SCHEDULED for S:38 Sundq's TV. Radio -~.m. EDT, this could mean an extension beyond ,..-..lhe 6 p.m. scheduled aignoff. Pearl doesn't have TELEVISION ~ f~~ ~lsloo on a runover, but he says: "IC 11 a.m. <2> -TENNIS -The men's singles , ,"Ol.ere ts an inquiry, the stewards' tapes would be final in the French Open via satellite from Paris. ~"~bown on CBS. I would ask to stay on the air until 11:30 a.m. (4) -WOMEN'S GOLF -Final ·~ ~e fullatory is explained." round play in the LPGA championsblp from the .,.. · Peart also said a shot of a possible photo Jack Nicklaus sports center in Mason, Ohio. : ':Ahlsh, like the one in last month's Metropolitan 1 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Final round play in the .... ~.Handicap at Belmoot, could be shown aa soon as Atlanta Classic from Marietta, Ga. (7) -NA.SL ;:..,it;a_releaaed bytbe stewards. SOCCE& -Tampa Bay Rowdies vs. Strikers lo .. .,.. -The tapes used by the Pimllco stewards 1.n rul-Fort Lauderdale, Fla. !!.:».JB on the May 17 Preakness foul claim were not 1:30 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -The PBA f".,,.l,aUable to ABC rlaht after the race but were doubles bowltng championship, taped In Las ~ oa "Wide World of Sports" one week Jater. Vegas. Also: The English Derby and Japanese .., •• ABC'a own cameras al tbe PreakneQ showed Sumo WT"eStlina. Codek rad.ng wide and mov)IC 1Dto Genuioe Biat 3:30p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLDOFSPOaTS - -t that was only a slde angle. A bead..., camera, Members ol the U.S. Olympic team compete in the .. , ~Ida would bav• provided the best view of any national mixed pairs gymnastics championships. .... ~~'!e-_~ ppt ~bJe since U. bones were ap-Also: A preview of the U.S. Open and a preview ol ~ the turn for the bomeatretcb and were the WBC welterwetcht UUe bout betwem defend-....iAPt In tbeatretcb ltHll. log champ Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran. ,,.. "WllEN I MW IT HAPPENING, J said I 4 p.m. <4> -SUNDAY -The Costa Mesa 11m1~m~ LCT~ &rYELOP 7HE f)J/JN-1/E·l/NE lrJ>SPIN 9KJTJ • Amona Ootslugs Cal; HaWaii Next OMAHA. Neb. <AP> -Hawali'• young, sur· prising Rainbows, the talk ol the Islands and lhf darlinp ol the Colle1e World Series, take on tou1h. battle-scarred Ariiooa toni1bt for tbe NCAA bueball UUe. Tbe Wlldcata have earned the final the bard way. They were upset by St. John'&, &-1, in their opener, but battfed back through the losers' bracket to reach the title game. AalZONA OUTLASTED PAC It r ival California, ll-10, Thursday night in an error.filled slugCest to determine which club would meet Hawaii. The Rainbows had been beaten M Wed· ne&day night by the WUdcata. ''Not in our wildest dream dJd we tb.in.t we'd be be playtn1 tor the UUe In the ColJese World Series," Hawali Coacb Les M11rakamt said late Thursday after Jeamin1 t.bat Anzooa would be his RainboM' oppooenL Dozens of telegrams and telepholM! calls from Hawaii Thursday nilbt wiabed the Rainbows well, team spokesman Ed Ioouye said. While HawaU received a bye into the championabip game because the Rainbows stayed undefeated In the tournament loncer than any other team, CaUfomla and Arizona staged a typical Pac 10 donnybrook to earn the rieht to the finals. f-ftuJdd't be .urprised lf the stewanta fiuhed the Bl cycle Grand Prix. live. c 11) -DODGEBS ~~ llO," aald Bob Fi.ab.man, who wW be BASEBALL -The Dodgers meet the Braves in '::..,~= i die 12 cameru for CBS' Belmoat broad-Atlanta. RADIO s. l" "•' ..... ..But wbeo I watched the atrai&bt replay, I Auto Racing -warner HodJrdoo 400, 9 a .m., ~.!:":::.-::..-.:= ,.. tt was no worse~ aometblng I've seen KLAC (S10). eo•me.141·1281 ,."'.!. Belmoator Aqueduct many times. I qreed with Baseball -Baltimore at Angels, 1 p.m., , • ..._. .... .. ,... e steward.I tbat the hone's nwnbe.r abouldn'l ---• 0401 .-l)#ve~daWD." ~.,;r (110); Dod&en at Atlanta. 4:30p.m., KA.BC --=._,..:--,_.,. ~~iiiliim~iiiiii~~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~' :.-. Bill PEARL'S "FITNESS PLUS" GYMS BIRTHDAY CELEBRAllM W-. Ute &o.db <>r-.. Ca 181 '1rla lallb ~ ~ team '•ii• Wiiia .... North ln UN UDUa1 all-ttar ,._. .a On-. Ceut Co&Jeae SaturdQ, Jun. 14, DllM Clf'tbe 'D SoQth playen wW .,. trom the Oranc• c..--. Nbrma telblreld ol Ocea V... Hf-', a 5-10 forward no pl.U to attend UC lnine lD tM fall. will IMd tM &utb auact UDdel' -.S coaeb Joe WoJlol l'.lt.anda lap. • Letbtreld wu mott valuable player la tbe Em- pire Leacue lut seasoo wiUt .a lt.1 1corln1 averqe and u..i rebouncb per .,..,.. Sbe wu an All-CIP lelec:tloa. TaACY uacuuo. a s.e center. Joins Lelb- rreld from the Oeean View team that ha.a two repreeeatatlves ln the euie aJoac with Estancia and ,..,..,ID Valley. Wolf will have Kri.Jteo Prantaen (J-10) and LI.la McNamee <M> from bis CIF 3-A runner-up team with him fOf' the •a.me. Prantlen acored an averace ol 16.2 points a 1ame and bad 9.$ re- bounda while McNamee.averaged 10.3 points and e.1 rebounds. Fomtam Valley will allo be represented by two players inctudina Cbril Bolin c~to> and Lee Ann Margerum <~ 7). Bolin avera1ed 13.3 polnta a pme with 8.4 ~· bounds while Margerum bad a 17.3 scoring average. O'l'BER AREA PLA YEaS include Huntington Beach's Cindy Clinkenbeard (S-7>. the Sunset League's MVP with a 12.0 S<:Ol"IDi average and 7.2 aaaista ptt game: Tracy Hanlon ol Edison who had a 13.3 average with 10.3 a.sai.st.s: and Sea View Leaeue MVP Karen YeUck ol Co6ta Mesa with a 21.3 average and 17 S rebQunds. Hanlon Is S-8 wh~le Yeltck is 6-0•,2. Completing the roster for the South are Mary Hagarty ol Tustin who wlll a~tend UCLA in the rail: Thyra Ladyman or Capistrano Valley and Susan Bechtol of Foothill. .c;~0 ·~.. ITS HAPPElllll II • MISSIOI VILIO ~""· SUPU SAVllll llWI ··~jp Ml88ION VIEJO IMPORTS 111t1•••ftllr. 1m1-.na.1m1a1-11• COMPLETE HOT TUBS $595 Today & Saturday June 6-7 * Help celebrate Bill Pearl's birthday and rereive a free 1 week membership in either dub. Thars nght1 Today's best five-foot tub, three feet deep. with seats. 1100< supports and all hardware' l 1m1ted offe~ * Also win a free 1 year membership * No obligation to ioin & no contracts. * Ouolify for a free drawing_ by dipping coupon beloo ana returning to box at club * Winner will also receive 1 months' supply of Bill Pearl's Instant Protein-free. * Visit the friendliest clubs in Southern :lif~io COUPOn>QOj~ ~ ..... •.ff• o '"41 •• • 41. o • IJ o o. I•• f t o. f • •• Oty ........................... Zip ....... . Phone .............. .. Deposit at your local club TRADITIONAL $888 .FIBERGLASS SP"S This includes an elegant, traditional 5Yrfoot round spa, comptete with jet massage fittings installed, ready for Immediate hookup. We have over 50 tubs and spas of different sizes and shapes on display! Tops, accessories. chemteals -they're all in s tock! ROLL· TOPS 20% OFF Here's the world's greatest hot tub and spa cover -at substantial savings! This energy- aavtng cover dramatically reduces heat loss by combining solid redwood ala ts with an Insulating foam base. LOOks super, saves money! C.OMPLETE HOT TUB SYSTEMS 20% OFF California Cooperage hot tub ayetems are the best you can buy -and now you can save 20 peroentt Complete syatema -including tub, seats, pump, filter, jets, heater, automatic time clock. remote control air ewttch. plumbing and aocessorlea -atart at S1 ,39e ... for limited time ontyt ,. " .. I ~ I e t t1 II IS 22 11 " . ,. . " IJ JP ~~" TWMNY't....,._TS .................. VldW Am..-..._ ~ ..... -.C. .,_. "I 11 '•• T-.y. •t ..... ~ ~J. .,~ oc•••• .._. •-•,., .... "'• ~ .............. M,W. Slaoets 87 ........ ~ CO-........ '-MatOCC) T_._.., ,_.....,,...,F_.... FM Ow~~~ l/e!My C ).IO CINYC....._.-. lle«lt (; S-1 llC,.,_..,_,E._.. C ).IO MMy ~. T-"' G s.t T"Yr•~~-v.n.y re '-'' --~.au-v..... F ).IO LM.,.,....,....__~v-.,G s.r LIM---· E-la F ~ T•••~.ac..v...., c ~ llC ..... Yelkll..~-C ~ HeMc:-io;.-Wdf,E~ • .............. Wt la,,..., ~"'-···-..._ .......... "°'" -~ -~ -·· ---.---~- Lopez Finds The Groove Marathon On Tap Blasts from two five- inc b naval guns will send an estimated l, Marines and civilians running through the streets of Southern Orange County Saturday mol'1l1Dg for El Toro's third aanua watberneck Marat.boo. MASON, Ohio <AP> -Perfection lakes no holiday for Nancy Lopez-Melton, the fint round leader in the Ladles Prolessiooal Golf Asaoclalioo Cb'inobaab•p. ~ ~·1 sensation ol the last three years bad just one-putted eight times ln a 21--putt round in the first major women's toumament ot 1•. It was goocf'lor a five-under-par ~ and a two-stroke lead. TM ratt, starting at the El Toro Marine Base at 1 a.m., wW proceed through l.n1.ae. Lapna Btrl' THERE SHE WAS. paUmt.ly stroking ~tin.':: =of~ putt after putt on the Nicklaus Golf ester's prac· course is 216 miles, Misc . LEASE BMW ~~ • 1• 320i . Cypress green. 5 speed. stereo easaene. fog l.npl.._ air cond.. alloy rims_ ptnstnpes. {7150391) $253~· ...... _.... ...... _ ---o.-•M. ...... ,__,... MIAM C.,. ~ t1sot T---Stias.te. ........, _ _.,_ ...... _ 1980 528i' Ascot QfflY. full~ and air cond .. e«c. (678087) Uce .,..._. under the watchful eyes of ber caddy, rds ---ya . --Roscoe Jones. · • • ... --- - $336~: fi --.a -~ . famll ---o.-•-.nr• "I want to step up to a JYe-foottt .-.. m-e 1t An eight-mile y .,._ ,,....,. c. --automatic. I don't want to think about it so much. · fit.Dess run and walk will auoo T-..,_ 117.n 4a aft ....... -----S29MI Lopez-Meltoa had said earlier Thursday er abo be held at the bale --. big challenge for ber secood LPGA Saturday moroin1 at Ll.AfBA•HA•t • p in the last dane years. 7: 30. OM HlS & 7lJS! to wort oo my puttiq. I doo't •'OITY ...... 11..11..U Inc. about my swing. J feel I can play well with what Entry fee is $8 for -llllllliUllll.n I'm doinl with it right now, .. abe said. those who desire a T· $ BMW ,.,,. shirt commemorating BY wn:z.•ELTON STANDilDS. this bas the event, and SS for 522-5333 ~ not heel) an ncepticmal year. But abe's won one those who just wish to 151 M. .___._a.• -.......i..__ tounwnent and .-.nore than m.ooo -flC\lf'a 101De run. There ls no fee for wt::;-~'"'!!""'"W or her LPGA rivals drool over. ltihieiriaimiiilyl.walk.iaadiiiiiirunii.iiiiii .. i.,_,iii .. i~•ifii•i"-iiioi=i•ii The suspicioa she's neartni her peak again strikes rear ln her opponents . ... bate ur be behind Nancy. For her to han onSTA-llYS that kind ol start ls scary " aaid Salb Little, oae ol three players shari.og stt<Jad place at •· Tbe Of Ill E ~1-1 others were CUJ'ralt U.S. Open tit.lebolder Jerilyn W Iii a Britz and 41-year-old veteran Clifford Ann Creed. BIUTZ, WHOSE CONFIDENCE soared with a course record 64 in this tournament lut year, was unruffled by Lope1-Melton. "It doesn't bot.her me," said Brlta. the nm· nerup to Doona Caponi Young iD the 1m LPGA Championship. "I found out she was human thla year.' Young. seeking her 'ourtb major title ol a long career, took three bogeys lD the fa.st five boles ln stride. Sbe was five shots otr the pace at 72. Shearer Eats Up Course for a 63 week befpre • major event -UM U.S. Open beslnnln~°:: Tbun-day. He boc•Jed three times and bad three JJUIU du'M otMI' Uma (n ret-outilic a fat 7'. bis wont t«ort tlala aeuon. .. It bun't llleppened very often, 1"lt l cot down on IDJMlt," said !OcklaUI wbo flleie an upbW ..._...;today to t\anlft tile .....,.,., cut. "(Jail dklD'\ plQ well at all." Sbearer, wbo IW1ed *********************** ! 1977 BUICK : • &ICTIA S.AM • • Automatic transmission. air cond .• • • power steering & brakes. spilt pawer : •seat. power windows & door locks. •AM/FM stereo w/tape. c:rui9e control.; : vinyl top & moref ceo.svo). • : $"'' : • • : 1977 OLDSMOBILE : it CUR.ASS SUNll • T·lOP • • Crutee control. split power eaet. tilt •. Jt wheet. power windows & door IOCkl • and r8'tye wheels with bealty rims. : :(086RTR). .• ·: 5•195 ; f~~~·~··~************•~ MCm••o•a -- • 't 1811 Them lt'S Educational I Send youngsters t~ sports f and family summer camps I I r I ( • ' ' t t p -, , ; , ' ~ ' ~ ... . ! • ·c ~ t I • BymOMLECOQ Of ... o.+ty ~ SUtt The arrival of summer vacation doesn't mean educational experiences s lop for youngsters. A wide variety of programs in and near Orange County offer children a chance to eltjoy learning about nature. sports and science. FOR SPORTS-MINDED youngsters, UC Irvine offers day and s tay-0ver camps ln 10 sports beginning July 7 and ending in mid· August. Day camps cover baseball, basketball, sail· lng, tennis, track, softball and volleyball. Golden West College also uses the UCI cam· pus for a July 20 through Aug. 15 series of SOC· cer camps and there are two football camps set for the same period, one for development of basic skills. the other for contact practice. Informal.ion on times and fees for the series available at 833-6985. SUMMER'S A GOOD time to have children learn to swim in city-run and youth-group pools . Orange Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. has classes planne0 for ages rang· ing from a few months to senior clt.Uens. The idea ls to drown-prool toddlers in case of pool accidents when an adult isn't present. Classes go up from there to beginning, in· termediate and advanced sessions that pollsh basic swim strokes. Call 556-58> for times and prices ANOTHER OCC WATER-oriented acUvlty Is a sailiog program with 11 different classes planned at this time. Registration Saturday June 1 and June 14 for sessions offered those age 12 and up. Jim Jorgensen, coach of the scbapl's sailing team, teaches all aroups. Call the swim claaa o~ above for Umes and locations of the day and eveaiq setaiom. And the college will al9o offer an Olympic development camp for tbe United States Field Hockey Association rrom June 29 to July 4. A preliminary for further camps, the best two performers will attend the next-level·up camp on scholarship. The J>l'Oll'Am is credited with boosting the U.S. Olympic team from 11th to third ln 18 m onths. Details offered by Barbara Bond at 5S6·S899. IF YOU'D LIKE something outdoors for the family, the Sea and Sage chapter of the Audubon Society plans a San Bernardino Moun. lain lrip June 14 that will introduce novices to s kills of bird and wildlife identification and ob- servation. Call Jane Berry at 646-1488 for details on meeting place and starling time. Youngsters with an interest in science may attend classes at the Dana Point Marine Lab on "Jaws and Jellyfish" and "Talking Rocks." ... .. ONLY PILOT 'l11e two classes are for chUdren qed ~to 12. with an additional dozen cl uses oo 'eology. solar energy and pJant science at Goldeo Hill School, Fullerton. The bands-on science sessions start June 23 with two-class-per·day schedules and end Aug. 15. Arrangements handled through t.be Museum of Science and Industry. Los Angeles, at (213> 749-0101. extension 231. <Call colled). ECOLOGY CLASSES att also slated from June 16 in marine biology for yoW\gsters at Sea World in San Diego. The classes expanded from last year's popular course introducing voungsters to marine animals. Call 222-6363 for details. A six-day cruise sets off to the islands orr Baja on June 20 to give a naturalist-led group a chance to look over the flora and fauna of Isla . Guadalupe, Isla San Martin and Islas Todo San· toe. Tbe remote and unspoiled U"eas provide a glimpse of the rare Guadalupe fur seal, sea liona and northern elephant seals. .. 7he challenge of sports or wonders cl the wilderness are available at sunmer camps. The row of sketchers Spece is limited. Call Pacific Sea Fan Tours at 2216-8224 in San Dieco for reservations Cf are is $400). f1NAU.\', IF THE whole family needs a little time together away from the city. four weekly camps offer ju.st tbe ticket: a lighUy scheduled period of family-involved activities designed to bnng members ck>ser. is perched on a lookout point at Mingus, Ariz., The Family Camp Association of Anaheim will provide details or trips to Cisquito, Wright wood. Mingus I Arizona> and Virginia (near Ju.lJen. Calif.> starting June lJ and ending Aug 16. part of a Family GarTfJ Association itinetary. Registration lS about $SS for families with food extra. Call Don or Roses May, directors or the 20-year-old camping senes. at 'nf>.7976. Trio's Talented NY Honors, Sif(RS OC Actors An actor. an actress and a bass soloist familiar to Orange C.ount.y alt· dlences have gained recent recopi· tion in New York. Here's a brief upaate oo their careers: ••• . llOB GVNTON, a former le8d in ama productions at UC Irvine. was nominated for a Tony award last oath fOI' bis performance u Juan eroo in tbe Broadway versJoa ol ''Evita." . His honor ~ted a kind ol fulfillment of tbe direction Robert Cohen, be..s ol drama at UCI, bu alwaya had in mind for bis comw. .. We plan our whole procnm to train people to be profeaioaa11," Cohen uid.. .. We admire t.be beat pro- fesslonal tbeater and atrive to 1tt OW' ttvdeatl ID a poslticJG when tbey CIA 1wlD1 lDliD tbat. "There area 't Ill)' c:Wf.-.eat Stan· dard.I. A8 far u rm ~iDed. tbere'1 CJDb CJDe tbeatel' and tllllt ti tbe tbeMer ol the blelt-t poalble 1tandanll. Tbat'• What .. trained for from tbe hell0 n•n1 " Tyrannos. •• as the Marquis de Sade lo "MarattSade '' with Cohen in the Marat role. the father in "Six Cbarac- ten in Seatth of an Author" and tbe U- lle role of Cohen's original drama. "The Death of Morris Biedermann." DAaaENKELLEY, who graduated in urn. played the YOUD& lead In "Deathtrap" on Broadway .eibla sea.son. Nicholas Walker, IJ'aduated juat lut summer, recently completed his nm u Stephen Undersbaft lD Ute Broadway revival of .. Major Barbara." Tbe Alhland Shakespeare Feetival ln Ore100, one ot the moat pr-. 1tlg1ou.a West Coast Sbakelpean fealivala, has featured ua alUIDlll Stuart Duckworth and Joaa ~ Morris as '11tania and Oberclla lD "A Midsummer Nllbt'• Dream.•• Tbe drama J)l'Otl'am at UCI Miil been CCJnlidlred. comwt=~ Its lnc.'elldoft ID llS5. Tbe ti mOl'e on perfonnuee tban • 1cbolanbip. o.at) about 30 people .., admltiedeaebyear. : . ''101y,J~el .... at8 Set Tea~ for Weekend •DYNAMIC .......... TIUO IMll'farm on 12 lft~ ~llMI .,, wm .,. Of' tt. °".,... ll:~COHege AudltOrfum ._. M J p.m. ... With Wont Jan ... s.tuns.y wNn9 E"'9mble frotf' occ. Admluton $2 Or $1 for chUclN" w tlftlcn. • ONHl-POUR RaCOIUMNO ' ts from the Lina Ronsadt·W•rnn ¥On beck.up axis -wtll 11PPMr et the Iden Bear Jn Hunting'°" Bffctl Saturday. • •ENEFIT SNEAK PREVtaw 01' the &Aguna Beach High School Auditorium, 625 P•"' Ave., befoN leaving for Spain to 1tudy _.,"' Jote Tomas. Tkkets s.t. TH8 SADDLEUCK CONCERT CHORALE wm entertain at 2 p.m. SUnday In the Turtle Rock Community C.enter, 1 Sunnyhlll Drive, trvlne. Adml~on $3 and $2. A PREE SPRING CONCERT WILL be presented at 4:30 p.m. 5undaV In the Fountain Valley High School choral room, 17816 Bushard St., by the Coastline Com~unlty College Community Chorale. NOSTALGIA WILL 81! IN A hold Ing pattern during "Destination Barbershop" to be staged at 8:02 p.m . Saturday fn Unity Church, 710 S. cam. bridge~ ~ange, by the Santa Ana Chapter of the ::ioclety for the P~atlon and Encouraoemettt of Barbershop Quartet Singing In America. Tickets $Sand 5'. • anley Kubrick's "The Shining," starring !~J.ck Nicholson, wm start ate p.m . ~Thursday In the Plitt City Center Theeter f'IRa SIGN IN OCC JAZZ CONCERT TAKE A TROLLEY RIDE to the past from 10 a .m . to ':30 p.m . Sunday as the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County presents Its free Heritage Day. Visitors may see expert craftspeople demonstrating their arts or listen to gypsy music or take a discovery tour to see fossils and exotic mammals. The museum Is at 900 Exposition Blvd., and parking Is available in state lots : Ln Orange. Proceeds from the $12.SO '; ttc:kets wlll help suooort GAenpeace and the Wiii Rogers lnstltute. For Infor- mation, ~ 960-2398. "GERMAN REQUIEM/' ONE OF BRAHMS' most eoheslve and structured works, will "Posltlvely ~,.to be sung by the Orange County Master OM>rate at' p.m. Sunday In Irvine Bowl on the Festival of Arts grounds, 605 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach. Tickets $.5. be presented Saturday In the Orange Coast ~Coflege Auditorium by the OCC ChorcJle and Alumnf Choir directed by Richard Raub. "Tragk OYerture, Opus 81" will e>pen the LISTENERS WHO APPRECIATE classical guitar music have two concert possibilities. UC Irvine Instructor Richard Glenn wlll perform free with on Mento Avenue. TRY YOUR LUCK PANNING l p.m. concert for which tickets are $3 and $2 at the door. POPULAR SHOW TUNES, SPIRITUALS 'nd barbershop quartet melodies make up soprano Nancy Threthaway at 8 p.m. Saturday In the Concert Hall on campus. Gregory Coleman, who teaches at Saddlet>ack for gold this weekend at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds In Pomona where admission to an exposition of prospecting and mining equipment, films and treasures Is $3 from 10 a .m. to 7 p.m. both days. College, will perform at 4 p.m. SUnday in ,...._P,,.CJ TRIO OF STARS GAINS RECOGNITION IN EAST. so PEACHES, PWMS, SEEDlESS GRAPES, CANTALOUPES, WATERMELONS, HONEY 0£W8, CAEN8HAW8 AND MUCH MORE. COME SEE THESE DELICIOUS THINGS THAT ARE "TREE RIPENED" HERE! THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE IN FLAVOR! FROM THE FlOWER OAADl!NS OF "THE Y09"10KA8" IN PALOS VERDES WORLD FAMOUI PRIZE WINNING MAROOERITE DAISIES. WAIT 'TIL YOU SEE THEIRS. M!DIUMSIZE NECTARINES 39c POUND llmtt. Lbs. ~ J I wo-.LO FAMOUS ' Yl8"t8MS" MAAOUIR"I f I DAISIES I -~~~~--_J ALWAYS LUI ~E -----l(tllJ:l•J --- NiW Cfloft Aftt!OHA •aw! Ll!TTUC 4 '°" 1.00 .Jr!~_.__ I ........... ~~--------!'..ft;tW-'-- CILMY. go there knowing absolutely no one .·· • • • When Darren Nimnicbt is featured during Brahms· "A German Re· quiem" at Orange Coast College Auditorium Saturday. it will be one of his last appearances here for a year A frequent soloist in Southern Cahforrua for several seasons. he has won a contract with the Metropolitan Opera of New York. Hf> will sing with the company during 1981. actm~ as a ··cover" for several international stars and will have roles of his own lo perform at Lincoln Center and d uring the "Opera in Central Park .. series. He will sinj? at 8 p.m . Saturday at OCC with soprano Gloria Prosper and the OCC Chorale and Alumni I CIUO BAGI • OPEN SUMOAY "TILi • • Choir directed bv Richard Raub Ad· misslo01sS3 • • • A Hunungtoo Harbour actress has landed a role in David Memck's new Broadway musical. "42nd Strttt." whi c h ope ns n ex t month 1n Washmgton. D C N1klu Sahagan. 23, will be 1n the chorus or the sho..., and 'A Ill un· der~t udy th<· leading role:<. She·s the daughter of Joyce Sahagan of 16757 Bolero Lane. Huntington Beach Miss Sahagan has appeared m a number or local sho~s. 10clud1n~ "She Loves Me." "Play It Again. Sam" and "Anything Goes" at t.be Harlequin Dinner Playhouse and "WestSideStory'· at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. B1 DONALD llOmoN ... . .,...., .... Newsweek bu caJJed It the greatest or· cbettn in the world. Dewt.ees ol tbe or- cheat.ru of Berlin, Bost.on, Cblcaao aad Cle..a.ad miCbJ, dlaaaree. '1\me maautne in an article some yean aao called lt rocoeeo. a rather om.ate style that developed ln art and music aftlUDd the middle of tJae Jab cmtury. But ror thoee of us wbo have seen and beard tlaia sreat orchestra, what attr•cta ua la caUed tbe "PbJJadelpbJa Sound": what one critic bas defined as reson8"1ce. EUGENE Oa•ANDY bas led the Philadelphia orchestra for an mcredll>k 4C years. Carrytna on where hla. reoowned pre- Touch of Classical deeesaor, Leopold Stotowski, left off, Orman- dy bas creat.ed a tonal sheen and satin-like, sonority that is truly unique in the muaic world. At the heart of the orchestra are the strings with their dexterity, lushness and re- markable unity . This i& balanced by the mellowness of the brass and the transparent clarity of the woodwinds. These qualities were much in evidence recently when the Philadelphia gave four concerts in the Southland. In retrospect, it seems like a musical .. pincer movement." directed at that formidable citadel, the Los Angeles Philharmonic which was on tour. FOR THERE WAS the Philadelphia playing not at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. but iost.ead at the sumptuous new Terrace Theater in Long Beach, the refurbished ··t>eau.x ans·• theater, the Brooks, In Clare- mont and the redoubtable Civic Auditorium at Pasadena. If Ormandy was well known with music lovers m these parts before these concerts, it •~ certain that now he has be<:ome a lovable, gracious. and cherubic legend At Long Beach, on two succes!live nights, this wnter was pnvileged to hear him con- duct Wagner 's overture to ··The Meisters- inger.'' Beethoven's "Eighth Symphony" and Mahler's "First Symphony." Onnandy brought flair and panache to the Wagner, a fresh fl owing and sprightly tempo to the Beethoven and a reading to the Mahler that was utterly romantic. The play. mg of the brass..,, wi~ its golden tones was particularty~g in the MabJer. As ncore on the Sunday paformance. anc1y led bis justJ.J famowJ strinp in Bacb's Air oo t.be G atrtng. The beauty. hasbnesa and unity of these strings brought the audience to its feet tn rapturous applause. TWO DAYS LATER at Claremont, the centerptece was Brahm ·s '"Symphony No. 4." Allbougb at was skillfully and beaulJJuJly de· hvered. Uus writtt realued that be prefern!d Carlo Karia Glulini's interpretation made famous wtth the Chicago Syma*Jay and the Los AngeJes Pb.iJharmonic. The clo.in1 wort was Muuor1Sk7's "Pictures at an Ez.hibition" wbk:b save lbe Pbiladeipbla full amplitude to display its many vtrtuoatic abilities. Tbe Ottlaestra eap- tured the many moods o( the 10 diwne paint- i.qa that umpriM this unusual wort 5COl"ed by Ravel foe orchestra. • Out 'N A80U1'. Monona 's Mexiean Food in · a 1 Class by ltselt I TAKIMO 11P la tbe Cout Ju,Jaway pcwnlHI moat ~ ocnpNd b1 Qui Cba'• lllHI befon &aaet Ametl•'•· MHua repr••"• the flnt ~call cl• U.kt-named •pot la Puedeu. Ttda MW aDd aavvy oper•Uom lho\a)d euUy 1uc- eeed where \he earlier Mexican restaurant •la•b&ed aDd fell. Immediately after entering the decorative wooden doors there's a feeling ol having walked 111to a poeb place on Mexico City's Paseo De La Reforma. Ornamentation, lighting. iron grillwork, wooden paneling, beams and oc- caaional splashes of bright color complete the warm and inviting Latin American atmosphere Romantic andior outdoors types will also find the spectacular patio an agreeable place to eat any hour of the day or night. So attractive is thia garden setting, in fact, one hopes it might prompt other restaurateurs ftereabouts to add similar facmtles. With Manana's inspiration, you see. we might at long la.st have the catalyst to help this area Tealize its full potential for alfresco dining That's never happened -despite the vast number of people who favor it -because too much space bas been enclosed when it should have been left open. But no matter where you take a table at Manana, once you're seated the tantalizing pro- cess of entree selection gets under way with what seems to be an alm06t unlimited range of possibilities. And some very unusual prospects at tbat -dishes and features I've never encoun- tere d before at any Mexican restaurant anywber- l'O&DAMPLE.lntbedepartmentol ap- petizers (most ol which constitute a full meal in themselves), there's an extraordinary Item called "potato skins." Make no compartaoo with a nything that 1oea by tbat name WMOLI NAM LOllTll Cl•M9•D ...... Wla.OMLY . .,. I .... -..~ .... ......,c..., .......... ...._. • Ull&.CJI• ............. .._ .. ....., ......... ..._... .. I -------------- AVERY SPECIAL D'NING EXPERIENCE ~ . elH*htft• bowever, Jutt Of'der the "•ktaa" for on• of U.. tuU•t t.reata rou•re apt to ftDd oe the Sout.bOout lhla 1ummn. ID tlUa lmalinaUve Sl.91$ dllb, a baked ootato la eut lo ball ud all but a tbln 1.,_ nut tot.be lldn ll acoooed out~ tbe abell. A 11Ull portloll ol wbat'• 'been removed II tbe. rom· blned wtth ot\iona, ehiles. tomatoes and Mex- ican teuonlnp and stufted back into the abeU. TbJ1, In w.m, la~ with a eomblnatlon ot rntlted cbeetes, popped back lnto t.be oven brieny and ftna1b' topped with sour cream dip. TBB UNU8VAL is present. t.oo. in tbe "rUI your own queso." Here you spooo up hot melted Monterey jack cheese laced lightly with jaJapeno and roll lt in bot ate,tmed tortillas. Messy, but well worth t.beeffort, S2~ J>o.lt-yoursell devotees will probably fiip out over the taco tray, $4.95, each extra person $3.75 (two person minimum). Something of a free-for-all. on this you're brought a tray of beef, chicken. beans, guacamole. cheeses, let- tuce and onions, plus as many steaming hot com tortillas you need to roU it all up. One tray is unquestionablv sufficient for three people but. surprisinglv. refills are of· rered at no extra charge. Seafood s pecialties lead off with crab enchilada. SS.95. Order this and vou·u receive a nour tortilla filled with crab meat and topped by Casa Manana seafood sauce. It's further ac· companied by Mexican rice and aarnished with sour cream and avocado slices GERMAN LOCOMOTION MAKING U.S. DEBUT IN HUNTINGTON BEACH'S OLD WORLD Kurt Sllelzer, HcHet Toen'"9, Ertch Grtu, H•n• Str .. b end O.Org Ceullt• Perfonn ·. . ' For the ~afood quesadilla a flour tortilla as filled with cheese. seafood and chiles. It's grilled to your liking and served with guacamole and sour cream. $4.95. Chlmicbanga, among the house specialties. nets a large flour tortilla filled with shredded beef and beans, then fried crisp. It 's further covered with verde sauce and shredded cheese. garnished with sour cream, fresh greeo onion and tomato. served with Mexican rice, $3.95. In the spinach enchilada leaves of spinach blended with cheese and verde sauce are served between two com tortUlas and covered with more melted cheese and sauce. Mexican rice on the side, avocado slices on the top, $4.25. COMBINATION PLATES priced small, $3.50 ; happy medium, $4.50 and grande. $5..25 are served with freshly made Mexican rice and refried beans. Veggies con queso, S3.50. is a dish that truly conquered us. This large assortment of fresh s eason al vegetables (zuccb lnl. broccoli. cauliflower. mushrooms and carrots during our visit> comes batter fried for dipping in a crock or hot and tangy Mexican cheese sauce. Aside from the margantas c three sues: St 60. $1.90, $2.25>. anyone would have to be a spoll·sport to pass up a special bar offering, the tequila starter tut. Jn this it's poU1ted out that since drinking tequila straight as a ntual that requires precise timing, to get you an practice the hrst shot goes for 99 cents. All others $1.SO. Sunday champagne brunch also looks like · another prom.Wag affair at M•nana. A tab of S4.95 for adults 1$1.95 for ctuldren under 12) in- cl udes champagne. fresh seasonal fruits. huevos con cborazo, machaca, c h1laqu1les, huevos rancheros, hot t.orttUas, beans, n ee and Crui t burrito. Located at 3300 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach <next to the Arches>. Manana is open seven days a week from 11 : 30 a. m. to m1drught. Reservations: 646-ot893. ••• YOU MIGHT CONSIDER commandeering a train if there·s no other way to &et to Hunt· iogtoa Beach's Old World by Sunday, J~ 22. That date will mark the final appearances by Loco~on. the terrific musical group oow on stage at Festival Hall in Oki World Villale. Appearing for the first time in the U.S .• the rive young and talented fellows in this aurega- taon came directly from Germany to Orange County. AB the feature attraction at Old World's current Volksfest, Locomotion is proving their folksongs, evergreens, German and ioterna-• honal tuts go down here with oo less enthusiasm than at home. KURT SAELZER, Horst Toenies, Erich Grill, Hans Streib and Georg Csulita who make up the five-piece band are ·keeping nigbUy au· daences. Wednesday through $(mday (as well as the Sunday maunee crowd> begging for more. Which repeats the success they've been enjoying • for several years at numerous resort hotels anct clubs in Germany. Dme at the Old World res'..aurant Friday cw . Saturday night and Festival Hall admission l!t;· free. as it is without dinner OD Wednesday and j. Thursday evenings. Otherwise -including both• shows on Sunday -there's a $2 entrance fee. ~ Old Wortd Village is located at 7561 Center,· Ave. between Huntington CeoteT and the San• Diego Freeway at the Beach Boulevard eztt.!: Huntington Beach. Telepbooes: 897...QIS aat•, 89'7-1470. ! -~ -·- VALUABLE COUPON GUADAWARA RESTAU South Orange County'• Larged Selection · of Fresh S«Jtood DailN (A MJnfrm#n of Ekiwf lt.fns Fre5fi Dally) Bu1ln •••••ft'•~'"' ep.ct1ll flOM 13.21 eomp191a Dinner~ trom •·• FNturtne our Famoua Comblr'9lloft lellfood Kabobe ( (Se• a.-. Jumbo Sbf.mp, lc1lasi-end 8wonHlah) a,... Ber he• So. Cet1r1 Mo9t Vert.ct Sel•clton-8Nfooda • 11 ...... '°1:30 ....... SUNDAY B RUNCH 10 A .M . to 3 P .M . Fresh Fruit Buffet & CompHment•ry Champagne 34150 PAC1FIC COAST HIGHWAY DANA POINT ,.....,._ PtlftlMg> Rea. 493-2903 Yoes Brlee "'AJ Le Blanitz we pay port>cular anenoon to you. In fact. when you dine with us. a total c:J eight peope ore prepored to be of 5Cf'llce for vour table ... ChrlstlM Brlee -YCMT WDltress IS spedallv tnttned to mitke sure your meal Is j)f"fft"ctJv timed ond to your order. She k as.sl~ by a table attendant who sets vour toble and helps complete the seMrla requirements." HOMEMADE STYLE MDJCAM FOOD 20°/o OFF• ENTIRE DINNER MENU <Valid fM Dinn« 0n1v. w ith this couPon. Offer Good thru June 21, 1980) I ()per\ Mon.·Frl. 11 a .m. to to p.m . •Sat. 2 to 10 p.m . •SW\. S to 10 p.m. I I u1P•••r1cai re.-.. .._. COST'• ....,._.... 1r~• ·~ I I ., .. ._c. ' c....t...._ ,.. ~ ~••a,,.1 ~---------------------· Morning: noon or night our chill cheese omeJette Is ready to please even the hearties't of appetites. FISH ••• I --..... IWall!•,,;. a.u.._n ., t :M 0 'I'' .. Dlii ,. .... , .... ""'··· : ............ : ..... ".. .. .. ~ D~11111t ~ ... tile UUe of Miit :&r .... -c.ta .... ............ !9111. -. ....... ,., . .......... u. .... m,re· "1111 ... MllMl•W =:=. .. -:~ ....... ta to .. moatu -for JuDlor ....... ~ "'tMtr ........ ,....u .... • wll ..... at 1:41 p.m. t •arla .. Veterw M•IBGIW llall, au W. Ullaa • ....-ttoua. ...... II ore hn wlll be a•ailable Sund.Q ...... national dwnptom and local challeqerw com- pete in amateur bicycle race1 on Placentia A venue near Elt.ancia BJ.a.Scbool Eveata at varloua d.b- t&Dcea will start at 1 a.m. with a cblldren's Bii Wheel conteat at 1:30 a.m. • ,., fffl tt1B AN INTBaPaETATIVB eboke, and a valid oae alven tbe tbeme of the piece. However, tbe Newpon DrOdudiaD often ov~­ playa lta band, 1Upp~s hlto 1elf ·Plt.eou.a melodrama and band-~ amdet,y vtrtuany for ita own uke. Further bamstrinainl tbe abow 11 ita laek of cobealon, 1peclfically continual lutances of ~ on cues by nearly all coacemed. There are 1ome exceJlent ladlYldual performancea, but tbe cleartb of ememble coordJutlca man tbetr effed. Local merchants and bu s inessme n h ave --~------------------------------------Nwl~~~-*..;;.;...---J Paula Ertl ln. the Utle role creates a beautifully aympatbeUc ebarader wbo conveys 1poataetty 9Dd beu..abluty. lroakallJ Ill IQCb a heavy brterpntatlon. •bat .. mlpla• .. the nervous detperaUoa tbat oae apeeta lo a dried~ drunk ctipplq ber toe blict in tbe real world. Still her iateractJGG wltb the other performers la 1pleadld, aave for momentary timing lapses and a aUde oil the wqon that never rllel above the atereotyped luab. OP 'l'llE TllSEE CltiiEll major cbarac· ten, Karlene Bndley'1 Toby ts deflnltely the moat memorable. Miss Bradley enaeta tbe patheticaUy vain wos:np wb9 aees bene1f u a sex 1oddell with pa1DfUI predaioD. donated more than $'1,000inprilea. CHOOSE YOUR SPOT 10 WATCH FISH FRY PAP.ADE SATURDAY a.nde. Floata. Marc:Mn Wll Follow T"'9 Rouee In COlta ..... Keep•you on top of the entertainment scene,Frldey• In the DAILY PILOT NOW! Every Sunday BLUE GRASS AND COUNTRY &WESTERN Sunday, May 18 FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ... , .... 80881 a CL YOE AND1"1 • SEAWEED . COWBOYS 7:00 P.M. SLIM PICKENS I, .. ,,.._,...n.c,.,tter .. cs .,.,, •.• , OlllP11'1•rdl•lt-S•twlc:•u SJ.ts • 110 •• allll ala• Obapat..,. • .,_ .... SAMTAAMA 149-1112 lal Clltla Fiii . ............. teb....,_ STAG CllllSE CASllJ. Ala Cooper does a eornpetent Job rib Illa part•• bomOMnal act.Gr wbaee caner ts 1e>-ln1 uowbtre. tbouab bil Britllb eeeeat takes aome settial med to and be tmda to plaJ more for efteet tbu for reallty. ADotbel' uneven petfonnaee ta deli•ered by Kathleen Anne Peck as Klu P.rts' .._..,e daughter. She completely cnerpl.,.. tbe eeene wherein sbe is d.latraugbt at her mother'• late arrtvaJ, then ab.lfts out ol eartcatu.re and into beutfeltcoovtetlonJnherftDal~ TllE ll08'I' lllP&EBVE portrayal of the nllbt la Ken Smolka'a brief sUnt as Mils Ertl' 01a boJfriend, bitting reallty on all cylinders deapite a Simmiclcy entrance. Lowell Fraweek Jr. 11 ftDe in a tut-minute cameo u the de· livery boy. Tbe setting and Ugbtlq by Joe and C.thy Swift 1mdencores the somber mood of the show at the 'lbeater Art.I Center, 2501 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach, where "The Gln1erbread Lady" will play for tbree more weekends. Tbundaya through Saturdays al 8:30. If you have a drinklng problem, th.La abow ml&bt cure it. * CA.LI.BOARD -The Huntingtoo Beach Playhouse will bold auditions for N"eil Simon's "California Su.Ile" Sunday at 2:30 and Mooday at 7:30 at the playhouse, in the Seaclilf Village Center, Main Street al Yorktown Avenue, Hunt· ingt.on Beach. . . .John Wll1lams is directing the comedy, which opens July 2S for aix weekends .... Et Votla -We an now oPei ror unique Sunday brunch, t&5ty tunches and gourmet dinners. From the Breast ol Olidten "En Croute .. to the fresh salmoa· .. Paul Bocuse'', from the delicate sauces of pure white veal "Nouvelle cuia1De" to ti.e Down to Earth Lamb ShaDt De Toulouae. Chez Lautrec brings you • the art ol new ~ery at reuonable price., IJ1 the coneat French atmosphere. A lbentat . ....,.,.,"'""' Luncfl 11 '2 • Tun. 1twv Se1 , De!WICattDI •FR. &SM.. to 10 a..ctM11111., 3421 Via Udo, Newport Bwlt R••rwellona 9'15-tlM J J ., I.AA aolNNION ·~ la a tic.e o0er&Uoll.'' laid Grace Slick. ••tt•a ~idend a faml.11 ln t.M SU l'ra.n· cl.co billPM ..... aod no cme aeta ftnd. "I ..,.have.,._ fl.redfw lllY bebavior; lfl worted in a baU I wou)d bave bees\ ftred. but ln rod 'a' 1'0IJ, If you act like a aap, IO what, lt'I Sood publldty. ·•n WAS BAaD for me to work within um loose framework. I bave to know wb.at time tlile plane aeave1, I have to know a tOUpJe ol months ln advance what traln l'rq aotna to be oa." Grace wu tn New York City. en · thu.siastk ally promotln1 her bk>craphy. "Grace Slick, Tbe Bjo1raphy," written by Barbara Rowes, and first solo album. "Dreams," which. [ ROCK TALK ] not s urprisingly, entered tbe charts with a bullet and leapt into the Top 30. The album was produced by Ron Frangipane and took three months to record. Since Grace recorded it in New York. where studio costs are higher, "Dreams" cost more than it would have had she recorded it on the West Coast, but money Isn't everything. "CAUFORNIA STUDIOS have saunas in them and girls in them waiting for the sessions to be over ," laughed Grace. "In New York, the studios are just that; ther e are microphones and a recording studio. You're lucky if you can gel a cup of coffee out of the machine. You go in there and make musjc, and I like that." After fronting a band for 15 years, Grace enjoyed working with some of New York's top s tudio musicians, including Scott Zito, Neil Jason. AJlen Schwa rtzberg, J im Malin, Sal Ditroia, Ed Walsh, George Widenlus and Joe D'Elia. "It was really fun, because you've got the whole roster of New York studio musicians to choose from," she saJd. .. THERE'S A CLIQUISll. fraternity thmg about a band -if it's not a band it stinb -but I thoulht wocking with studio musicians was neat, because everyone contributes and you get a new input on every aong. And it was so or· 1anb:td" Grace calls her musical style "aggressive <See.OCSTALK. .... CI) I BAUADEEA'S FORTUNES •eo11tNG UP' Paul McCartney In~ of Album PUSHES FOLKISH VOCALS ADMIRABLY Robin Lane ......... ~ JACK PRATHER TRIO GARRISON & BAKER Tues., tbi-u Sat. KELLY LEMAIRE Vocals & Piano Tues. thru Sat. Tues., thru Sat DANCING NIOHTW'INDS Sun. and Mon. 38' FOREST AV£. LAGUNA BEACH 1•·n..~1 DANCING NIGfITL Y Owrloobng &avhflll ~ Forelt SANDY SANDERS Vocals & Piano Sun. and Mon. 32902 COAST HWY: 2»11 llUIRLANDS AT RIDGE ROUTE lAGUNA NIGU£l (At C,._ Y.-.yft.._e,; Ample Free Part11n9 494-9491 752-8558 EL TOAO no.m2 499·2626 496-5773 ''IT TOPS 'STAR WARS'! .. :The Empire Strikes Back' joins 'The Godfather. Part II' as one of the rarest of films-a sequel that lives up to and expands upon its original." CHICAGO TRIBUNE "'The Empire Strikes Back' has arrived. And it's wonderful ... the audience is on its feet cheering." ROLLING STONE "Dazzling I Even more spectacular than ·star Wars.' ... Kershner managed this perilous narrative assign- ment while sustaining the action at breathless pace and gripping Intensity." WASHINGTON POST "It is a dazzling feast for the eye, the sortof ftlm with so much going on in each frame you ..;;,;~ .... "'~';~• want to see tt again Immediately." PHii.ADELPHiA \NOORER ' --l :·-_:_-r...: .. ***'k" NEW YORK DAI LY NEWS "A better film than 'Star Wars' ... " TIME MAGAZINE f'f'ldly, June t . 1880 OAILY PILOT C:J ti ~F :Pau4· Clip . F>in.gs · 'McCartney II,' Newcomers orth Hearing~ By atCBAl!L PA.8&£VlCB Of ....... ,. ... PauJ McCartney, Japan'• mott famous Jailbird, bu been imprilooed ln more ways than one the put few years . The cooflnes of bis crummy band. Wtnas. and a penonaJ move toward.a sappy scbloek pop that aaya nothing, have punlabed bla atatua a.a his tory's bjggest aellina aooawriter. HIS CUR&ENT ESCAPE attempt ia a tun· nelJob back to 1974. when, workinJ alone ln the atu lo and handling all Loatrument.al chores, he recorded "McCartney" -a critical and com. mercial success ~t sWl bolds up. "McCariney II," just rdeued on MPL <dis· tribut.ed by Columbia>. doesn't benefit by the surprise impact of the first solo. Everybody knows by now that~ 37·year-old bautst alao ls an adept guitarist, passable perc\&Uiooist and improving keyboanfust. Thus. the focus turns to content, and com· pared to utter banality of recent Wings' m a terial, "McCartney JI" is a pleasant diversion worthy of a potential bearing before a parole boa.rd. "COMING VP.'' the disco-pop hit single. is a sprightly enough lntroductJon and features a strong effort by one of rock's most recognizable vocalists. However, problems arise right after with •'Temporary Secretary,•• a glib, repetitious and totally pointless throwaway track. Bui at lea.st it's l.natnuneotally simple, and the general lack of production dross throughout the album ia perhaps its greatest virtue. McCartney has always been an evocative balladeer. and here he serves up a tndof gentle ones that float nicely over acoustic gwtar.; and crafty arrangements. SPOUSE LINDA contributes back·up harmonies. espe<.'ially effective on the album's closmg and best track, "One of These Days ... The uptempo numbers are a· mixture of dif· ferent styles -A Berryesque shuffle on "Bogey Music." a lazy echo-blues on "On Thi? Way Home" -and three instrumentals in succession that open side two. Tbe latter cuts are playful enough, based heavily on jumpy layers of keyboard effects. but al.lo possess a somewhat ltftile feel due to OON~ ·llG&lf ao .......... ~.u .. ftl.US ••fl• .. THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" lilcCartlllt'I OV~ p(l.ape-looped &*C 'ic= . eUecu. AND f. QVESl'ION of taste la ralMd • tM best of the inltnamentall, t1Ued "Froeee J..,... · Equally tacky la an lnaide ptdo Of blm lm- penooatln• the Orienta.I we came to bow 8Dd hate ln World War IJ prison camp movlea. Juet not fUMy, even with the on.nae aUllC) ..... I guess nine days In the can plus lOlt tour re- venues can do that to a bualnesaman. But thia lapse doesn't override the fact that "McCartney 11" ls an improvement, a IDOft personal effort that contains a aemblaoee of heart and commitment. If he'd only clip Wlnga <except as a tourt.nc band> and continue to take recordlnc matters into bis own bands, there's sWl hope. ••• YOUNG NEW BANDS on the rise are among the most exciting aapec:ta of rock from a writer's standpoint. The Pretenders ls the year's freshest sue· cess to date. and the exciting ska of The Select.er . featuring Pauline Black bas found its way onto the Top 100. Two bands that have yet to make a similar dent. but are worthy of attention, are Tommy T utone and Robin Lane and the Chartbusters. BOSTON-BASED Lane and Company specialize in mainstream rock with a decided 60s flavor . Lyrics are commonplace, the arrangements spare and unspectacular, and Lane's folkish vocals 'wruch she pushes admirably> don't pack the sensual punch of the Pretender's Chrissy Hynde. But Uus self-titled de but <on Warner Bros.) 1s a perfect example of a rerord exceeding the !>Um oC its parts, resulting in a fr.sh and invit- ing product that brightens with each listening. TOMMY TtJTONE, a quartet working out of the San Francisco Bay Area, takes a more COO· tem porary approach on lbe s trength of lead vocah.st Tommy Heath's stylistic similarity to both Bruce Springsteen and Van Morrison. Not that this self-titled debut <on Columbia> as derlvallve. Upper register harmonies, catchy rhythms and a wry lyrical approach <"Cheap Date," "Girl in the Back Seal") help the band establish a distinct identity, something of a rari- ty for newcomers these days. _,,,·~··-l<Qf~ 6~ A"b_ PLUI ··~·s "THE IMAGE OF BAUCE LEE"'"' llLW "'THE DAY TIME .. TIE IMAGE OF BAUCE LEE" PLUS(R) ''THE DAY TIME ENDED" ( J ( ( i .. . ....._11ee Re1'1'f'!d llp Tony Danza, star ortelevision's "Taxi," makes his movie debut in ''The Hollywood Knights" as a hot rod mechanic who finds it's a lot easier to keep bis super-charged Chevy together than bis romance with Michelle Pfeiffer. a carhop who dreams of dumping her burger line for an acting career. 'lbe comedy film is showing at local theaters. "TM• ...... .., ••••• , uc••· ._,..,. thl .. ,,,. SOM· IM l"*lfNtlon that Mac» "Ster Wart"• fllmfNlll"O Clnsle: Mott «Nr .-. rnovtes'"'" clunky.,.. ~nd Jn com- SMrtson. The Mme crowd I' Melt: Luk• SkYw•Uuw C Mart< Hemlll) Han Soto <H•n"lson ,Of'd), Princess LAI• <C.rrl•- 1'1,Mr>, pl\a C.:SPO, R2·02, CMWl»GC•, Darth V.cter and Ben ICenobl <Al« GUtnness> In• brl•f spectral •ppear•nc•. The dl•looue ts tllp, the actlon 1wltt, speclal efftcts super1or. • Despite all this, the fllm Is something of a letdoWn. as Is Inevitable with• sequel. The thrill of dlSCOYef"V Is always more Int~ than the sense of r.coonmon. Funtiennore, the ''Empire" endlncJ seems unsatl,. tying. as thOuQh the filmmakers were saying "-To be cOf'ltlnuec:t" Which, of course, It wlll be. Rated PG. only because of tM lnteftse «tlon. "BAL TIMOAE BULLET" Is a moderately entertaining, up- beat version Of "The Hustler." The world of tht pool shark Is portrayed, mostly on the llOht side, by JamH Cobum and Bruce BoxleltnerashUstllngpartners and Omar Sharif es the relgnlno champfon. Between matcheSdr- rectOf' Robert Ellis Moore throws In chases, brawls, poker games and • $OnO or two by Ronee Blakley. The bellevablllty factor Is zero, bUt the actors 4re likable and the action Is fast. Rated PG. "TOM HORN" starts promisingly, with Steve McQueen as the famed bounty hunter hired to combat cattle rustlers. The rest is a downhill trail. The perlOd (1903 Wyomlng) Is captured photographically, but dialogue rings false ("This may sound off-center to you," says the gunflghtef'.) The ptot expires from uildie.'deveklpment; ROCK TALK. • • ~Pf-T l \I \( HIF\ L\lL'.\T \\'.\HI > ~ound blitrn~ -\I.\" :--;1•1 I I <From Page CS> and loud." "1bere'a more self-assurance there. tban anything else, If you're talking about live performance. All I do la assume 1 belong there and that's what getting on a stage is. "Spencer Tracy once said, 'Study your lines and don't bump into the furniture,' and that's about what It u. I practice songs, and I don't have any furniture " Despite ber commitment to a solo career, Grace bad second thought.a about leaving Starship . ''It hid really become a mess. 'l'b.lqgs were --pUiq out of hand," abe Mid. "I Just eoaJdD°t Me a.)' WU beside9 remotlng mJMlf, bee• .. JOU can't ehange 50 people, you can on· 1Y change younelf." ••• THE FEARLESS FOURSOME are a three80Ule now, since Peter Criss, drummer and cat-man of Kia, left the group to pursue a solo career. And Kiss, wbo recently moved up their up- coming tour to spend more time in the studio finlabiq tbeir laU!st album, have .treacly ~ tbe aean:h for a replacement drummer. TelepboaJ.na from Lu Vqu, Klas basabt Gene Simmma aald · "You create aometbing toaetber and at a certain point in your llle you arow and you make a decl.aion to contlnue ln a different dlredioa. upET£a IV8T GOT married (to Debbie Svenak, tbe '1rl fn the Coppertooe ada>. and they're happy, be want.a kidl, and ba wlAtl to cbanae bll llle mode. . "We're 1olna to find the next IU1 who wW make tbil exdtlq, and ortlinallY be'll come in u a paid drummer, and then After be proves blmaelf, he'll be a put of tbe pa.rtnenblp. ll 's "' tnrrMl.,,,_.nnport1mtt~ '"""'""......, .. •• =---=--=- T,,_..._ 0 ---NOW eHOWINCI.--- uu UA Movies ( 714) 990·4022 •enNIT IUCI Cinema 6'"-0760 ........ Wooctbrntae Cinema YlftO 551·0655 830·6990 ..._ IUWlD Cinedome UA Twin 634·2553 893·1 l>Ot&E~HERO Stew McGueen In •ttom• even the kWe story <with a fetching Linda Evans) is frAg- mentarv and lnc:oncl'4&ve. The basic fault lies with McQueen's lnterpt'eta1kln of Hom, who loses sympathy when he empties his shOtgun Into dead end dying outlaws. When Hom hlmseJt Is executed, the audience feels no sorrow, only relief. Rated R. "THE NUDE BOMB" ls.an uneven spy spoof that combines cleverdlalogue with unfunny chases and pof ntless fistfights. The retum of Don Adams as Ma•· well Smart, Aget'lt 86, Is welc~. but his talents as a tarceur were bettef' served In half-hour TV comedies than a CU.minute feature. ~plot : a dlabOllcal mastermind <Vittorio GassrNn> threatens to rid the world's population of cloChes by means of a secret bomb: the U.S. '"It.ACK STAWOtiMGJ • •• APOCALYPSE I MO~lRJ -I ''THE EMPIRE cMt ~~~~K". I "HOLLYWOOD KNIGHTS~· CIJ ''THE EMPIRE ,.. STRJKES IACK" -llO Nlllell- asslgne Aelltt •. as~lsted by • crewf/l,...tefemales, to pre¥ft ... ce&estros>N. A•tedPG. '~He TJN HUM" Is• m-o-nlfkent ... Of l'Mlm~ fotly, seen thrOUgtl tN eves of • a..,..r~ ~ refUWJ to grow up. Thebo¥ fl born Into the chaos of Pf'9-HaZl Dani lg end deellnes..tm .. •lon to theadutt workl1 Pt•fln"tno to observe tts ven•h=le btatlng • tov drum. NOWet$ Of the ebsurd often defy conwnlon to the screett <witness "c.tch 22">, but Gunter Grass's nlOdtm ctassk has found• SUiPlft> lftterot"eter In VOlkerSCNolMIDtff. The cast Is perf~ ..-Clelly 12-vear-old David DetWMtnt as the too-wise boy. A supenetlve setectlon for this YMl"s Oscar es best forelon I Um. Rated R. 11SITTING DUCKS" Is a delightfully eccentric c.omedV· adventw. about a COUPie of crooks who bumbfe their way through a S750,000 ripoff of the ~la. Mkhaef Ernll and Zac Norman are the impoverished man's Paul Newman and Robert Medford, pulling off their sting ~Inst Of"Nt odds and their own lftCIDn •oeteoc.e. They flee from New \'on to Miami, picking up • pillr fll seemlng1y Innocent females (Patrice Townsend, Irene Forrest> ..s a chauffeur whO alms to be a recording star <Richard RelmM\US). Rated R. "FfOLICES'' tries to portray Roger Moore as a cat· loving misogynist, but don't be fooled. The role Is a sliohtly more eccentric James Bonet a death-defying aus>erman whO takes on a band of Olt rig hijackers In the Nol'th Sea in ~ Majesty's ~Ice. Director Andrew Mclaglen knows his way around an adwnture movie, and he k~ the action rnov1no and the char~ taro« than life, but falrty plausU>le. Moore ptays the ttue roce. J.mes ~ . . ' ;-· ptays his retuctant ~rtnff wfth • customary solidity, and Antttonv , ~IN .net Mkhael P•lttl.... · tM bad siuv-. A atandout lh ' the ~lent cast ,, l'•lttt • Brook as the British prfme ~ minister. Rated PG. "SIRIAL" 11 e deUctous social comedy that Is toeded wltl'I wfsdOm and betlylaugtts about cMllnd madness In Marin County. n. ptot contains the baslc1 of your nof'mel, daytime TV drame: t«hery, wlfe-sw_,,, seduction and other suburban sports. The fllm Is really a series of blackouts, oft.., as obscene as they are unexpected. Comlcal Martin Mun and Tuesday Weld are fine as the mefn mhced~P couple. The rating Is R. "COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER" boasts two power:ful performances: Sissy Sc>acek as the ravs-to-rlches country singer Loretta Lynn, and Tommy Lee Jones as her headstrono but perseverlno husband. Spacek Is totally convincing as the 1.._year~ld bride and mother, Interpreting the L vm songs herself -· no lip sync here. Jones brings a v lq_orous presence to the st reen. demonstrating once more that he Is capable of Important stardom. • Rated PG, but the film contains little to prevent tamlly viewing. "THE CHANGELING" Is a scare movie with a touch of ctass: the strong presence of George C. Scott. He ptays a composer bereaved by accidental deaths of his wife and daughter. He Illogically rents an at>an-- doned mansion that resembles a demented Buckingham Palace. Things oo bump In the night. a ftermath Of a lonQ-aoo r'r'urder. Scott lendS credibility to the far-fetched haooenlnqs. Melvyn OouQlas contrib-utes another of his strong performances In the title rote. The rating Is R. ITUD911ft Wt&..L M •NCOUllAOID ......... _..,... ..... .,. .. '1tnllnu ...... ecc....,.. artist ~---lelift lftltructs en IMovattve. .. _.. tummer count In olla or ecrytks =-~=~ ... , ..._'"June" tft tM mul--~ raom of Manners Llbrery. Dowr Ortw Md trvlne A~. PMfMt 6612'7' to N9lPlr for the SIS COUf"SI. ,. A MIXaD MaDtA B)JHtltTION, Juried by Florene• Arhofd end sponsored by the Tor-. Art LN9ue wttl open tn tM Miiis tbm Visual Arts Complex et' p.m. Sunday with en .wards pretentatlan, The ahOw continues through JUiy 13 at 12732 Mein st. Gardtft Grove, from noon to 4 p .m. W.C.. .. .s.ys through ~ys. Admls· &Ion Is free and dount tours mey be erranged by phonlng 638-6707. av POPULAR D•MAND, THE FILM ''Georoa. O'Kteffe, Portrait of an Artist," wUI be screened at I p.m. Wednesday In the Ne.,dp(Wt Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Admission ts free and no reservations are required although seating Is on a first come. first served basis. The 92-year-otd artist was filmed mostly In New Mexico where she fives and derives most of her starkly df'amatlc Images. • NEW WATERCOLORS BY Lyn Ann Emerson, a distinctive Santa Barbara artist with celebrity following, may be seen at the Miidred Seamster Fine Art Gallery, ~1 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach through June 20. .. ....U LANOtHG' BY OM.I! PECM! .,.... ol GlouJ, Golwcbe Palatlng DORY fllSMeRMEN, FRY COOKS and bar patrons are p ictured In som~r tones In the watercolors of Salty Storch, now stMMlng at Challls Galleries, 1390 s. Coast Highway, Laguna BMch. Her every- day Kene5 contrast with the Sharp focus • realism of Dale Peche whose waterfront scenes alio are exhibited throUgh June. A reception at 3 p.m. Saturday will honor the artl5:ine regular viewing hours are 11 to 5 W sdays through Saturdays. REALISM BLENDS WITH A TOUCH of the romantic In watercolors by Tom Wooldridge In his one-man shOw at Designs Recycted Gallery, 619 N. Harbot" Blvd., Fullerton through June 28. The cal State, Fullerton Instructor will be honored at a 1 p.m. reception Saturday. Expertise In rendering text\fre and attention to the minutest detail give his work a three-dimensional quatlty. The .gallery Is open Mondays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. DISTINCTIVE DRAWINGS AND paintings by Mark Leysen, fnstructor at ca1 State Fullerton and Seddleback College NOrth In lrvfne, are being featured this month at West Coast Gallery, . 2700W. Colilt Hleftway, """Pott 8Heh. He wltl nplaln ttl•Ol'•k~durtne • rec:~from7to9t lnh o•llery. Vf•Wf"I hours•,.. e.m. to 5 ... m . Tueldayl through saturdays . TWO Ofl CALll'OltNIA'S MOST cwomtstng Western anfsts wtlt st.rt an tx"lbtt6on of~ at tM Seddlebeck Inn's gallery In Santa Arwt wlttt a reception on S.turday. John O.Mott'I .,,.cletty Is wlldllfe scenes whlle WllUam Rushing's paintings~ to reflect the rugged beck (ountry of the Hlah Slerres Where he hes spent most of hl1 life. THE POSSlatLtTIESOfl DECORATING with pho~raphy, particularly your own amateur c:tures, are evident In a large dlsplay color prints at the Orange Mall In Orange through SUnday. All enlargements and murals In the Kodak· sponsored exhibit have been printed and donated by participating erea color labs. RARE IMAGES BY MANNOS wlll be dlsptayed Sunday and June 15 and 22 at the South Coast Actors' Studio, 3723 Birch St .. Bulldlno 10, Newport Beach, wher. proceeds wilt benefit the EVERY THURSDAY • FRIDAY· SATURDAY M•y 29 -June 21 Neil Simon's .•. "THE GINGERBREAD LADY" Directed by Louise van Vlanen • Tickets: .... 50 Stucknta & Sr. CltlHna 13.00 CURTAIN -8:30 P.M. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER 2501 Cliff Drive Group S•lea & lnlormetlon -1175-3143 MOW PLAYING ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Beat Foreign Language Fiim 1979 Roger Corman Praatcs 'Ii1'f>r111n ...... Tli.n.-7-....Jt Pri..W-7tto.t:41 s •• ., J::004:J0-7:00.t:JO · Ff1dlV . .uw e. ,., DAILVPILOT f'LETCHER BENTON, BEST KNOWN as a sculptor taking part In tnternatloMI exhibitions of kinetic art In the '60s and early '70s, started his career as a painter. But since his successes on tour, tJe has "pushed for thrwe-ctlmen- slonal excellence." About 30 of his bronze, steel and aluminum artworks plus his watercolors may be seen at Newport Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach through July 6. PAINTERLY STROKES MERGE WITH reallstfc photcoraphlc strlPS In the collaged canvases of Vladlmlr Solcolov featured through July 10 at Collector's Choice Gallery, 666 N. Coast Hlghwar., Laguna Beach. Sokolov, whose paint nos. rad late color and movement In an unusual stylistic concern, will be honored at a 6 p.m . reception Saturday. Viewing Gallery hours are 11 to 5 Wednesdays-Sundays. --·-·c.--~. ... ,......-.~.-..o . ~·. NOW PLAYING ..... a.A rtAZA ...... e.T1I CIASt .... , ...... 8' .. !J29 ~ Colla -.. !146·2111 ~ ~ &?12 AMC C1UM1E MAU O<ang1 637-0340 ''First rate! lt'sthc best Western to coi:nc along in 1 long. long time.'' COLLAGED ACRYLIC-'BEQlJtNIN~' Aeprnenta Vf•dlmlr Sokolov'a Work c941•1 --~~1 NORCnDtm-.._,mlTI -------•r ......... ..w-..--~ . ....... ..._.,_ ----·--- ----·~ma.. •MT-... .-. --=-... . "\ .- -~-u.&~ : ~ .. . --._. _ .... .......... .., ... --·---f:'!3'.uo ~ ......... ............... ............. ..,.,.,.. ,,._,..._ AlrlOI MM OU! .... Clld ..... M)M,_ .... I &IPTflO OOl IP#ft MCf4 ... 1TO ... .. ~ HOet: ......... ~ Ul1:;~ • TMl~IUNOH ~--·•tOOwhlle ;r~ANDION Fred 11 9Qtl .. I wheft ~CS....IMllilterol ,,_ ~ ...... '*Gl'- bor. • DD<CAvnT 0.-t JoMpfl Wamti.ugt'I. jP1112 of 2)(R) • CW8'0IY Gu1a1: 1ctor M8rlln IBalMm~OC:~. 1:0i0 <:ea NEWI NICNEW8 """""~Ya AGAIN Aetph deMttl hll dr .... of ~•oomlewtlef'lhe dlaelMlrS thll t\e CIO m11c1 bigger money u a I'-:?~ w·A·a·H HIWll• and 8.J. dlllCOV9t CMrtee llvlflg lhe lite of Alley due to the 1ttentlona °' '* "8lillly paid l<Of9WI l«V8tlt. • THE 1ENN't' HLL = ollers hie own --1 alon OI .Md! Ind Jll star· l1"g I< Ojllk. • OVU.ENJ'f Oueal: I CIOr M1111n 8llNm. {CC) (R) • MACHEL I LDMER AEPORT 7:30 9 WOALD ~ 8UfMVAL -0n The °'Y Side-Hos! John For8ythe ,, ...... 10 the wMtelend8 of Ille wot1d 10 lnveltlgll• end Frleltd la Need Boomer comes to the aid of 6-year-old Natasha Ryan, a girl thought to be re- tarded but who has actually suffered a hearing loss, on "Here's Boomer" tonight at 8 on NBC, Channel 4. axplOre 11"9 animal Ille of ,,_region .. I FNM!.Y FEUD llA8HAU Bellinlor• ~ VI. Cell· fomMI~ 8 HOUVWOOO 80UAAE.8 II nte ISUUNAN8 An explc>llon -* -V· one acwrttng tor their gee mlllla. Hint end -· otllert -in)l.nd. ..tt Flecher ~ Chnstlnll of 1JeinO I proeUtute end Tom 11 lhenered. • AU. .. THE FAMll. Y ··Prtaoner In The~·· • OOOOTMES Aor1dl .... ,.... wont .... • cMnge In IChOol ()8UHS • Ching• In Mic:heel • MACNEJl. / l.EHAER REPORT ., VOTEM' PftUNE "Couftty Beet'. Holt: Jim Cooper. l!I F~THE M\'8tC 8:00 8 (I) THE 1HCflEDl8l£ HUJ( While W()f1(1ng 11 • IOdeo. OtMd rune IC:rOM 1 Nth- -. gang of arttle ~ (Al • HEN'S IOC>timt Boomer .-::u.. ~ lmpllr9d glt1 wtlO --...-Med "°"' .. ~ mltle cM1"g 811 Ollllno-(A) ea MOVll •• ~ "The .,.,., Ool1er Thf'MIM I 1979) Dela ~ nette, P9lridt ~ A ' r~ ~ eeem t~ 10 11op • ll19dmer\ planning to aim nudMr ,,,...... .. metor atiel If • ~ raneom 11 not paid. (R) II MOVIE a* a "Penny Serenade" I 11M 11 Clry anr.t. "- Dunne Aeoenl e0optl¥e paranll INtT' 1"94 h~· ness cen soon turn 10 trag- «ty. (2 ln.l I p ...... MAO.AZJNf. MOYIE I •• ·~ "Arlutlert>-( 1951) Rey Miiiand. Jen Sterling. A beeet>ell tNITI WW\I the penn¥1I under the owner- ship of • Cit (2 hrS ) • 2tTONIQKT HOltSuaen~ 119 WASHtNOTOH WEE>< INREVIEW 8:30 D ME AHO MA)()( When Honnen learnl of the dNtt1 of i... •• ,,.,., -..;--w....~ ~ ........ Illa. w~~01 .. Ind ~ .. W('Oft(/tf eccllMdot ....... .,....... .. -~ --~ • ..oc»c'ON> ... . ...... ......., two ..... ~ --... lloNM'9ft"9 ..... tobe • prow tor • frtlfld • • lfftlll tC*\ OOWICI ,_... i :.w ..... WALL~WllK '•Aaqul9m For Auto ISIOCQ" <Mel; Maryann N IC.-. Im W:. ~ dent. p .. W9bber Mttc:a- ... HutcNM. Incl. • MMIWECE neATM ''Olaf 11111: Dlr.rf° EllCOUr· aged b'I .... ~In --bel daOlle9 wlttl .,.... °' Enaland'• lftOlt P10i•w1e111 pollllcleftl . Olar a au daddel IO et9fld tor PwM- ment. (Part 1of4)(CC)(A) t:30. 1IACllWmfTO WIB( lfM'VIEW Hoet: """"'F~. 10:0011(1) ~ LUCY deddel ttwll Alelt 9-n la IN men lot her after Mll_.IQ a •lagad flgM ~ !lint and J R (R) • N9C lllEPORTI: 18 THERE A IETT'fR WAY'? COl•elOOllOeill M Aoger'I HllftlitMI lhe prlm1ry ay9Mm.~._ lnQ lfld 1119 -.ct Of die IMdle Oft """'8rY ,_ e 9 TINll IED AND IROWNIMOE l.lonel'• lmwtioltlon Into en unaoMld mwdlW IMda ttle~duolntoen r=~ "Oellow9 In The Wind" A ~ Olf1 and her l>Oy- lriend 1t11 IMl!lng In an Ol»ltlfronl town ""*" She bec*l9 to hew strange -• THE COl.UMll&A. VOtCE8 ~THE RIVER Mullc.. po«yy end ~· Utlon -UMd to ceoture the spttt of the COlumbil ~ G MOYIE TUBE TOPPERS KTLA • 1:30 -A.Dlell Bueball. The ~ HalolJ return bome to take on the American Lea~e champion Baltimcn Orioles at the A. NBC 8 10:00 -NBC Reports: Is There a ~tter Way! Tbe political primary system comes under aerutlny as Bl,U Bogen examlnel the metboda of selecting presidential candidates. KOCE 8 10 :00 -'•The Time Machine.•• Rod Raylor and Yvette Mimieux star lo this movie version of the H.G. Wells novel about an inventor who goes back into prehistoric time • 11•1••C1>•--NeWL'YWIDGMm ~ Ide'• lnnooent but -· aebl9 ... to b9clotM • gr•IC9nl00. ,_.,"' lier ~ yet _,..., rocll·bOtlom d•t• for Bnlnd&. .TM!OOOCOUPU Oec:ar .... ~the •l<WY oC .tty Feb hM .,._ banned lfom Midtown Memortlll Ho9pllll • THE l!HHY HU SHOW • Benny tr11e hil ti.I Nnd M w.Mrn St)4a hurnOr: no.a~~. 11:30 8 ()) THE AVS«IEAS The A~ ..-en lot iio•nl• u11ng c au1ar pigaOn9 With ~-to tllk• pt1oto. of • IOP ..,.... IMlllfYbMe G TONIOKT ~· ho9t: Joan ~. c;o.11: e.ro.r1 wan.,.. Metty~. I MTINGOAME 9 F'NOAY8 OUMta. Tom Petty encl 1he ~ 0 ~~AU.fHAT lAl'OE Tonight 0.... la Ot!lelk>. Becket. me pape. enc1 IOnQ Arttu . • HOCWt'8 HEN)E;8 Hc>Qln'• platl9 to etlmonate • delMclor run lnlO 1>1ot>- 1ema.. ., OET SMART When • ..,,.. welPO" " st<>len t.om C~TROL fleldqull1en. Smairt end JOHN DARLING tt:OiO. 1WUIHT m..I An Alrtc:tfl OOftjUrW --1111 NMt~~ ;-:;:: A"1cen IOI!. .... ,,.. .,...,......,. ~~ (1913) K-' ~. Oft1a~ ~.A ~ man, ~ wlttt ,_, .. ., ,,.,. 1111 fllfher'• dMlll ..... ~ .... off on 1 ,.,.,._,,, 01 .-. puttiued by .............. COC> (2'" I • llll1leQt -..011•1 Jin\ PNlpa Md OnNwnon -"'91~ UC> -... get• tor 1111 unden•0•1d ~ll-lotll• ••rono·enn~ • WHAr& OH HECT Tl"9 c.t doe9 • IOool on COWlt\'y ,,.,., 12:30. MCMf. * * "'E-V Men A KJnO- f 19701 P9 """811. w-ee.v-. A ~,,._, c:epturw .,,. mood encl -·· ~ ltMt S.a..O.., Ww In lwaef_ ( \ tw. 50mon) • MOYIE * * "A Bell f tOlft Hell" 119701 Vn.eu Undlots. AeNud V~ A dMClty __,,.. 't'OU"O man -• ,._. eo--• .. - end lfWee GOU.ins .... he C'Jla•IWI l.btbegs 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles ""'°'" he 1118"'1 -In ,,_... he k>fgoa • ba&- blll ~ to attend a scttOOI function of Man's. • CAROL 8URNETT AHO FAllEHD8 •• • "The Time M1c hlne" ( 19&01 Rod T~. Y...ne Ml!Neux BaMld on "'* nlM9I by H G We41S The ~Of of • 11me rnea-II'...._ to rM d1S11nt future end become9 lf1'YOM9d In the rebelllon of 1 cNldlike peo.. pte -' !hell aul>lfll • ·-''tlnnefs. •• (1 "' • 30 min) 10:30 ·~ TB..EVIStQH D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles 111 KTlA (Ind) Los Angeles fl KABC-TV(ABC) Los Angeles ()) KFMB (C85) San Diego D KHJ-TV (Ind) Los Angeles 9 KCST (ABC) San Otego I KTTV(lnd.) Los Angeles KCOP·TV (Ind) Los Angeles ID KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angele& 6D KOCE-TV (PBS) Huntington Beach Sk111 "Good-bye C'*1ie." "SOio Opera. .. • WASttHCJTON WEEK INAIVIEW G;) WALL STMETWEE< "Requiem For Auto Sloc:ll•'• au.t: MetyaM N. Keller, ..., vloe ~ Dena Schutnt's fllm "Set· -ftllr..ce" ooncem1 an~~wno enll911 '" ttle Army Reeerve end Ste¥en Marti's "a.tan Of WMll" .. the .. ol • wt..t ..,_ "°"' w~ ina1on wflO QOee II-om revs IO,_,__ A Working Honeymoon· for Actress By JERRY BUCK LOS ANGELES <AP> -The part wasn't that big, but it offered a si.Jt·week booey· moon in Europe. ·'I'd never been to Europe before and I "t-tt1•~~·"'· ,,_._..,...,.,." was dying to go," said Laurette Spang- McCook. After ahe was offered a small part in "Towi.st." she and John McCook -be bas a starring role -moved up their wedding date to accept the roles. TREY PIA Y TOUR g\ddes escorting an all-star cut from London to Amsterdam to Rome to Paris in "Tourist," an Operatioo Prime Time offering to be broadcast on many stations in June. It's sort of a landlocked "Love Boat" lo format. themselves before production of ''Tourist'' began. "The reason we went to Venice.'' Miss Spang recalled. "was because we'd seen the movie 'A Uttle Romance.' On our third day we took a gondola and ltWed un· der t.be Bridge or Sims at sunset." She'd recently completed a starring role in the ABC aeries ''Battlestar Galactica," and McCook had left the soap opera "The Young and tbe Restless" after five years. Th«:y met while she was co-host of a local televiakJo talk s how, and had never acted together before ''Tourist." ••1 WAS 80llT OF traumatized about our first time oo camera together," she said. • ·1 waao't prepared for it. You have two dlfferent personalities -one on the set and another at home. Obviously, It didn't require any deep acUna and we'd like to do a movie lolether." THE SHOW. WBJCB some stations will run as a two. hour movie and which othcn will nm in half·bour episodes over five days. is a pilot for a series for Operat.ioo Primenme. Miss Spang sald her major interest was in seeing that ber husband got a good role "beca~ tt's bard to make the transition from soaps to prime time." Miss Spang bu made numerous ap- pearances on television shows and bas made several pilots. Sbe wu Cbarhe <Mason Adams> Hume's daugbler ln early episodes of CB.5' ··Lou Grant." She bas • also been on "Happy Days" five times. ••1 WAS IN • Al&POST "W :• lbe said. "I was the out~-focus stewardess. I worked six weeks on tbe movie, and Sharon Glas and I tried so bard to be seen. We were treated like caWe. We'd sit on t.be back ol tbe a.et and talk like acboollirla and we'd get yelled at." TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS .. 00 ., ....... to • INl'll.ll ........... (2 ... , 12*. (I) ""°'* 01 THI ..,.. tlmorl ~ thll • ~..,... ... ... Of•~ ..... .... wNcft~-....., .,..,_, eMCMI *** ... ~IM OIHI MeC1lft'' t1t101 J«lftn C1111 ... lftlt BljMd. A perolld OOfMll .. IO rob • ...,.._.,olled C.-0 br bofNllrlO .... °' IAI Yeo-(2 In.) I THlflNCe•NOHT t4> timtlQHTINCIAL tutCM! •••• .....,,,On The Bovniy·• ( ll:HI Cl1111 Geble. aw-L8ugbton. The ~ af the H.M.S. 8ol.w'lly. ~ ...,.. IN CIN9I .,...... o.lt OVI by llleif c:eptelft. decide to lllUllny. 12 ....... 15 lllln.) 1:10111 1100.000 HAI« THAT TUNE 1:801 NIW8 2:00 MOYm ••• "The Second Ol'MI- ... Sea" (!lee) ...._ C1eln, O~ge Nadet. Women ~ then!- ~ "' .,, old tor1 "'*' "*' luC>ende -CM-SI lr'llly ~ frttng 10 Ml· ne • county diepute. 12 lnl 12>e NEWI 2:21 e tutCM! * * e * "The Wlntlow Bo('" ( llMll! Aober1 Donel. a.two-.. lAlghlon • MOV1I * *'~ ••A 8ddi9r Named Joa'' ( 1970) Ling Jef!Tlea. Luclanna P•lunl An AIMncM\ tOIOlef 0-.t• ,,.. comc>eny in Vlee ... ..,.. end ~ inYOIYed ,,., cMI 11Qhf• I 1 IW . 25 mon I "°I: • • 'h "TeHOt In The Jun91e·· ( 19MI Fewn S1lvet. Rot>ett Burn1. ~AO. HEWS 3:tS MOVIE • ··~ • .,,. ~Mora­ (1$441 Hidy ~. PaA Henreod In tlM-4. the Nam cr..ee c:t*>9 in lAbon 12 In.. 15min I 4:000 MCME * * °" •·Joe 8Ulterfly" (1967} AWtll Ml.rphy, Sur· 0-...,.,.l ... 410·= 4:11·~ • "' "Kii Or .. Kllld" '19!0) u-.. Tl9rnly, o.o<ee ~ ... snMllDWAW "John and I were planning to get mar· rled on March 1, so we moved the wedding up to Feb. 16.'' she said. "We had a houseful of relatives, we were both dead tired -and that was tbe night of the big rain. Mias ~·a role as Rofle Ann ls the comic relief, althoul(b It ·wasn't writ.ten that way. She's also t.ryiq her band at writ.lng. _ •'The streets were flooded and wubed out. We nnally got to tbe cburcb 45 . minutes late. I bad to wear blue jeans in the car to keep my gown clean." RUSH WEDDING Uluretl9 ap.ng THE NEXT DAY they new to Rome, _________ then took the train to Venice for a week by "I looted at tbe script and knew I bad to do aomeOdn1.'' she 1aid. "I wun't a big part for me. but it was good for me. It was good and bed. It could have been frustral- lnl but it helped me direct my energy toward maldna the part better." 'I wrote a 'Movie or t.be Week'," she ,. . said. "l haven't shown lt to aQ)'body yet. ~ It was a therapy session for me to see ii I .. · • · could do it." Miss Spana also wrote a show abe hopes Dotdtle TretdJle to sell foe" an epilode or "'Hut to Hart. .. She aiUd she wrote that one so that her Patrtct llac:nee has bis bands full with Beth husband could aet t.be guest star role. and Kann Specht (or Karen and Beth: only the£r motber mows for sure> in '"!be Billion ABC Tops Daytime Emmys; Donahue Cited Dollar Tbrea~ •• a TV movie airing tonlaht at 800 ABC,Qwmel7. NEW YORK <AP>-ABC walked olf with 10 a•ardl and CBS' "Guidlng utbt" was booored u the eUIOD'I outalanclinl IOaP opera durin& the seventh annual Emmy Awards show for da)'tlme pl'Olrammtnc. Phil DMah• wu cited durfnl the live bro6d· cast Wednelday u outatandinl bolt of a talk, serVlce or variety aeries. and hll 1yndlcated "Doaaliue" prG1ram won an Emmy u the best sbow in tbe Catetor'Y. ABC bad tbe moet nomlneel. II, whlle NBC bad 11. CBS tJltlhl and the Public Bro9dcutint Service tbr& ID llddltioD to Ule 10 aw.,. woo by ABC. NBC toOIE ft¥t, CBS four Mid PBS aee . .... ....... -Mid .... Ccf1 in NBC'• .. ,.....,. World .. -wu aamed the ......... , .,....,L....,,.· llDd hdilb u.trt . ...., piaJ1 'flil'9 !!!! ·~ Ufe to Uft0 ' OD ABC, the outata...ttn1 act.reu. ~for best same abow boaora ended in a ue NBC'1 "Hollywood SQuarea .. and ABC's "'lbe $30,000 Pyramid.'' Peter llanball or "Hollywood Squares" wu clt.ed u ouutudtn1 gamelbow.._ 1 Awardl 1Dteclmlcal and IOIDe other catefodee were p1 ufnted in earlier ceremcmles. • LOCAL JALEMT WANTED AUDITIONS MONDAY, JUNE 9 r j. C' SHOE ••t just l8ld I W81 behind IChedule. .• I didn't say I would~'t waJtl" f MISS PEACH THE FAMILY CIRCUS "t don't care for airy of that ptchup iub·" D!NNIS THE MENACE -~TH~LA5T ITEM IS "LOVE ANI> f(tSSES> SWl:ETJE." UEIL I ELL HE~ JIM MAR~reD. TUMILEWEIDS !. . - by Jeff MacNetty by Miii uurius ORA88LE by CMrttt M. ScMll1 nf SW ""1IE. >aJIJIPI 15 ~~TUlS lJME ~'(WI. ... by Tom Bltiuk FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE ~N,l'VE~ Tu~~ lHE tooS AHO I COOU> USf A Cl\ANOE.~ OR. SMOCK 1i''s 1"'He -rRo e t..1 F E: S'T'ORY OFA FORAAeR e>R..oi.. IN SURC:SeO N by Gus Arriola • OM.Yl'ILOT Q "OtcHve. ahllke hands wtth our new bouncer." by Kevin Faga Ell'( .. ARE '/OU LOOKI~ R>f1. A 01AHGE-OR Pl'4 0RDmL - '? • by George Lemant TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE I 58 Pur1oln 59 can prO'/. 1 Al right· V•. 80 Gad.t>out s Birds 62 Nevll '70UQ 10 MafN"I rNt9 65 ~Slal <X 14 EJUSt M*ltll 15 a.ant hunt« 67 Wat•~M 16 S.:r9d bul 89 lnOMduals t7 ··5t11M1 -70 Hence -r·.Hurry 71 was1eeway ta Allan ft. n Wyoming s INI neoghl>Of '9~ 73~ 20 Srruggie 74 Lords' - 22 Q\lllclOony 75 Wtthertld 24 -age 2S Conter 27 Hecll1ecl 29 Mad 32 PlltnoclC gp. 33 Pnor10 34 F'9ndl upoer ~ 36 Gollattfs toe .tO Iowa c:ity 42 ~ " ...... •s ~ 4 7 Of bfist1el 49Progeny 50 Mont 8'1nc, ~ 52~ 54 Dllor1'I .} \ ' c I I •••••• r..-; t • • 0 I I • c 0 c .. ' ol• A . " & I , 1 .. . ' Ir•• ' .. .. o I • • I ( ·'' 1 •• '• • 0 I 0 I • u . ' I o I I I GI •• • I I l I l • I\ 0 • 'I . " • l 1 I • ol• . ' \ I 0 A . ' •• ' . a I• C A 0 . , ' . I a• ',, .. ' -· I A c • •• I • r. ' A ! •• \ . f I I I • 0 ., . • • a r I • • • •• o l• .. f I . \ 0 • •• I I t • I • •ii i I •fl . \ •• I I C I •• 0 • I o • • •• • • I I r1 ON THE SPOT .. FINANCING WTTH APPAOVED ~EDIT RAY FLADEBOE SPRING INTO A RABB11 auyor L,easeNowat SALE ELOW INDOW !Jl,2!1! Plus • • • A Blltaft Charges! • • • No Dealer r•~,... rst • • • WE.IE OYEISTOCIED. SO DON-Y WAIT FOi END·OF-SUMMEI CLEAIAMCI SAUS! AT tiEWPOn' DATSUN. YOU CAN IUY YOUR NEW DA TSUM NOW. ENJOY IT THIS SUMMa A SAVI NOW! IRAND NIW 1910 JI 0 2 DI. DB.UXE ~ ... ••call•• NO! .... 1.~••11 llAND MEW 1910 200SX HATCHIACK 5 Spd. lllAMD MIW I 9IO 4x4 PICIW 4 Spd. IRAND NEW 1980 PICICUP S Spd. D11.UX1 s51n • • • BY POPULAR DEMAND WE ARE REPEATING OUR SALE .1 OF LAST WEEKEND WITH ANOTHER ROUND OF HUGE DISCOUNTS AN.D FACTORY REBATES IP 10 S FROM s I 0000 ON REST AS TO $1 50000 ON BRONCOS ANYTHING GOES IN OUR CELEBRATION OF ·ao BRONCO 4x4 WILL Y'S RETURN TO FLIGHT UST.PllCI: ml1 .SUMSl'J DISCOUMT: 1147. FACTort lmATI: 1000. SUMSITlmATI: IOO. • , . . • • • WIU.Y'SPRICE $72361 · USE YOllR REBAR AS DOWN PAYMENT, TAKE IT IN CA5", RUSE n TO UASE. •• • • . e PLUS WE'RE REDUGB OUR s300,000 USED CAR lllYBITORY e • WITH A 72 HOUR SALE ENDING SUNDAY MIDNIGHT w~~:!~~:!,~':LE ,! NOTICE '71 MOMTECAllLO '72CHEYROLETMOYA '72TORIMOWAGOH • J. V8. power st eering. AM/FM taoe and more. 6 cylinder. 3 S()eed. great on gas. 1606EAAI l ow m1ies. good clean transportadon. (190FNGJ SUMSl'r JOllD, IMC. HAS PUaCHASm THI Bmll (952BUJ1 • INYIMTOIY OF CLASSIC MUSTAN•S FIOM s995 -y s1295 s1299 :~~~~0.~c~~ C>M.Y ~ OHLY+ • '76 PINTO WAGON • VS, power steering. AM /FM tape, It. blue w/rect<. C47tPCYJ. OMLY 51795 • '76 FORD BITE Luxury group, Wtyt "f'OOf. wire CIO'll9r5, sollt cloth seats 9ld kits more. (389RKN) 77 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 speed tranemlsak>n and more. (910SOG) : OMLY s2995 ONLY s4174 •74 FORD MA vatCIC Makes a good second car. ( 798KFLl 77 FORD MA YEllCIC e cyHndef. powec' steering, low miAee. ( 409TLPJ '76 FOllD T...., TW<Hone gold, luxury group, full pawer. (806PR0) OMLY 52995 '75 FORD LTD Good transportation and Clean. ("95MKKJ '71 IUICIC CEMTURY ve. power steering. air oondrtioning. !096V8Vl OMLY 52895 '67 MUSTANG COMVB'laLE ve. powel' steering and more. Great Investment"' CVUX436l '71 CHlftOLET MOYA '71 MUST ANG FASTIACI e cylinder. pow9t" ateerino. air conditioning. real 'cylinder. rally wheels. tow mites. (118UKSJ CIHn. (825VWN) ONLY s3795 OMLY ·-s3995 '75 DOD&I CORONET IROUGH.AM ve. p()W9f' steering. •Ir conditioning. Yinyt roof. • 1472TKF) OMLY 52295 •n LTD II SQUIRE WA&OM • V8. power steenno. air condftl0f'l1ng, lite blue. (926SAI) _ == -'71::..:~~ • ve. O<)Wef' steering • .tr conditioning. low milee. investment car. (313XKEJ OMLY . .· •• :.: . '71 MAUIU CLASSIC WAGON -:. ve. power steering. air conditioning. F'lldc. AM/FM ·-= tape, pawer windows and locQ. low mli.t and men. (~VUA) ~ sa,5 §.~ .. '71 TOYOTA CB.ICAS 2 to chooee froMI Both loaded with goodies a bottl are super ae.n1 (900VOS) a (867VWO). ct=. 55900 DAILY PllOT I j I I •I I ' DNLVPtLOT Many Curious A.bout Other Person's Wage ND' \'ORK (AP) -8taa1ial ...... for baDk tel*" averq• ... eoo.1n • eood year. a buly aoaa 8'aR HD e)eu tns,ooo. A 1~ aal•clerk at~•'• mu• around •.uo a Y•ar. The 1vera1• abopU.fter can "tam" ass.ooo. The b.ad nun o ln an avera1e American hOlpitaJ was paid 11~. 700 ln um Olreeton of publlc rflaUooa at bolplta11 averaaed a..1.1.--..u.u.mam.a.1a1111111.....J more than 123,000. I~:~ade ·!· ::Eyed on ~:·Bails SAN FRANCI SCO t AP > Th e annua l stateWlde pr1onty hst of bl1bway raJlroad cross- • . Ines deemed moat in . . . Geed o r improve ment bas been laaued by the stale Public Utilitlea • Com mission. The list comlsta of 67 ••• crossings for Ul80-81, but :--. :only "six or seven" pro- : :Jects will be touched • because only $15 million • ·is set aside annually by .Caltrans and the state ·• Trans por ta tion Com· ···mission. the PUC an· . · nouncement said. · · PUC establishes the · fi st ever y year after public hearings in San Franc isco and Los • • -• ~geles al which cities, counties and other agen· cies nominate projects. The top 10 projects a nd their loc ations which are scheduled for improvement, separa· -t1on or alteration are, io -their order on the list : El Monti" P•c• A•mon•. S•n M •teo P<>t>l•r AYf'l'l\W Al•m•O• • -County, NllH Pten•nlOf'I, Fr•~no • -'°"nty, -·-· Ale....cle Covntv, ll..,.rtnO<"e·Attemont. S.n Melf'O, TiltOO\ A""nue, S0..111 S.n ,:,•nc l~to Gr•nd A v ~nvf Ot ••"''a.. ComO•MO low•rino. Fr~,no. ~-A~w. C•llran._ n•-~n a.m.ro1no Mesan's Oasswork TllEH! AND Ol'BSa MLA&Y ODDITIBS and outra1es are Included ln "America'• PaychMU," '°"which author D,vW Har· rop pa1~ IOOM tbe best·kept financial aec:reta ol everyone from docton to plumben, co~rate executives to call 1lrla. In the 1ummer1 of IO and '31 , the New York Yankees paid Babe Ruth sao.ooo to play ball. That wu more than President Hoover eamed either year. If Ruth were playing in the aummer ol 'IO, takinc into account ~ years ol lnflatioo. be would likely be paid $800,000. not mucb less than the $1 mjllion Nolan Ryan ii eam.tnc to pitch wt\b the Hous10o Astros. And that's sill way beyond the $200,000 salary pa.id President Carter. IN IDS BOOK, llA880P DETAll3 salaries in sucb ~ fessionals as law, medicine, educalioo, covernment, sports, enter- tainment. banking, publishing, industry and crime. And ol such notables as former secretary of state Henry Kiss- inger -more than $500,000 a year from lectures, c:omultlnt and writing : singer Diana Rosa -sz.sz million for 12 •intlnl performances at AUantic City cul.noe in 1980-82; Chase Manhattan Bank chairman David Rockefeller -$373,000; and Playboy magazine publlaber Hugh Heiner -$302,000. ''Most people are secretive about their salaries," Harrop said. "Salaries~ personal and very mucb Ued up in the American con- cept about what you're worth .... I expected to be resented for dolog this book, but I wasn't. Most people are very curious about what other people make, but they're secretive about tbelr salaries ." HARROP SAID HE GATBE8ED DATA from public records and by .. just talking to people." The people most consumed with salary matters. Harrop said, are blue collar workers and the very, very rich. An associate editor in publiabing earns $15,500 a year. A teacher in Montgomery. Ala .. earns $13,038 a year. An el~cian averages $21,400; a plumber. $19,100 ··'lbe thing that surprised me the most lo researching this boot was that because or this age of inflation. in certain fields -prin- cipally entertainment-people are making Just as much now as they did in the old days.'' Harrop said. "Entert81Dmeot as tne ~l paid field, decade lo decade." IN 1916, HE SAJD, CHARLIE Chaplin received $670,000 for making comedies for one year. A year later , he received $1 million for directing and starring in eight two-reel comedies, plus $15.000 for each reel over two and 50 percent of the profit.s oo all over five reels. Today, with the dollar worth barely one-sixth as much. movie act.or Burt Reynolds receives $3 million per film plus 10 percent of the gross profits. One area where s alaries have increased substantially over the decades is medicine. "Doctors' incomes have gone up two or four Umes more than lawyers or educators," Harrop said. "At one time during our his- tory, the three professions were fairly equal.'' RADIOLOGISTS, lNTEllNISTS AND pathologists are the R • d highest paid specialists, averaging SlOS,000, $102,600 and $98. 700 ecogn•ze reapectjvely. Elsewhere in -the bo6pital, a licensed practical nurse earns Wiiiiam Merlino of $9,800; the laundry man.ager, about 116,700. Costa Mesa baa been cit· Tbe average income for all lawyen in the ll8Uoa in 1950 wu ed for academic ex· $8,500. Last year it waa $32..500, but start1na salaries this year at cellence at Troy State some Wall Street ftnns hit a record S37 ,000 Uoiventty Ala At the New York law ftrm ol staddeo, Arpe, Slate. Meagher ' · and F1om, six or the 49 partners made between $600.000 and Merlino was presenteo $800,000 in 1978. Harrop said. the aerospace studies In the four years before be became president, Richard Nixon general military course earned about $150,000 a year as a lawyer. In 1976, then-lawyer academic a ward for pro-Cyrus Vance earned $280,000. Attorney Lows Niur charges $350 an fessionalism, leadership hour; Melvin Belli $250. a nd acade m ic grade point average, accord· .. ·.ing t o a c ollege · spokesman. The award recognizes top Air Force Reserve Officer Train· 1ng Corps student at the \ID.iversity. . ·• Merlino ls a graduate • . of Estancia High School. r ····-Tear Gm -·class Set At Sears . Sears Roebuck & Co., ·C osta Mes a, ba s scheduled a two-hour · •. tear gas weaponry class lrom 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 • • p.m . June 12, a Sears · ~pokesman said. • lb e c la ss will b e ••• awarded a certificate ~ . needed t o obtain a . seven· year permit to carry a t ear gas · we apon, a spokesman • ..said. ;~:: Tbe coet is $30, and :":-l9nrollment may be •>~"Jnade in advance or on • • • the day of the claaa. For Information, 6754211. 7Honored ·""· .... Irvin ~ :l'U. e Seven Oraqe Cout :.. 1tudenta attendln1 ;. Cbrlat COlle1e lnln• w.i.)Ma .. be.a umed to tbe ki • ~·1111t ud honor roll .r• ror academic acelleoeo ·• \turln1 the winter •r ~ademlc quarter. •'• Tbe 1tudentt are --Yiebael Bel.rd, Irvine; Robin Ertmao and Krl• Walcott, both of ~aa Clemente ; Kare • Sandburg, ffuUnstoa : ; Beach; .Jennifer ltell· "''· Coeta Mesa, aQd .St•••D Lelnbo1 and R*rt ........... ,_c....iMar. , GOVERNMENT SA.LAIUES, PAID FROM taxes, wander all over the place: -Cabinet secretaries, $619,630; assistant aecretarlee, $52,700. -Members of Congress, $60,663 per year, plus $111.500 ex· penses. -California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., $49,100 -New York Gov. Hugh Carey, SSS,000. -Texas Gov. William Clements. $'11.400 . A civll engineer in Connecticut earns $13,815 a year. A person doing the same tob in Alaska makes $22,.392. A firefighter lo Los Angeles makes $20,358. The Job pays $14.266 in Boston. Police officers in those clues annually earn $20,045 and $13,900 respectively. Bau>ES SHOPLlnEas AND LOAN shark.I, Harrop·· BeC• tloo on crime listed call girls, about ~.000 a year. and heroin pushers, who can clear $300,000 profit for each kilogram they sell. "Money ls more important to most people than interesting wort," Hanop said. City Hall System Air Conditioning Foul-up Expensive A foul·up between two San Clemente city departments bu foreed the City Council to allocate an additional 112,100 to complete the lnatallaUoo of air conditioning in City Hall. In what City Manager George Caravalho called "a cluslc cue or boondoggling,'' air cooditloning equipment wu purebued thatcou.ldn 't be u.sed wil.b the present City Hall electrical system. IN O&DE& TO mate the system wort, the city bu to in- stall a new tranarormer, a new service panel and additlooal wirinl and cable at a cOlt ~ $12,100. City Engineer Ed Puta nkl It ••• bl• underatandio1 clt7 maintenance penoanel weren't comubd befon UM air eondl· tlo= equlpmeiat WH pur· cb ..TBE EQUIPMSNT waa bud1et.ct hv uotber department. of tbe t11ti.f· Puta 1atd, '"not the people who were to mat.all UM unJt.." , ------------------------ $1. 7 4 Million On21cBet WIGAN, EnlJud CAP> -An out-of.wort dnftamaa ud a re- tired dert, friendl for 40 ,..,. in tbia DOrUaem Ea1land tn. du1trial town, todQ abared a $1.'1' mW6oD w1.D Oil Brltal.n'1 soccer PoOll. Tbey bad bet oaJ¥ 21 ceata. TIM lucky pair, wbo·bave bMD caaually ftWaa tD PoOll CCNPOM every weet over a Sunday clrtnt for yean ''Just to PH• tb• u~--z ..... banded • cbeek at a Loaama ......... ..,. "Thete'I DO point~ .aclt-s at my •I• •• qlll IT·J...-. Tom Mc a , ....... Wllo reuted t1'0 JuntllD.; -• NOLAN RYAN MonlM Ballplayer DIANA ROSS Singing Profitable HUGH HEFNER Wealthy Playboy CHARLIE CHAPLIN $870,000 In 1918 LOCAL I .,,.. -... .. _.._. .. llWI 0r....,. ~ DAILY PILOT CLASStflED ADI .. .. c.a..ll.• ... -. Ml•.... ~~---,_ ......... M ,_._ .. Coastal Students Honored The American Chemical Society of Oranee County bu re· cotnlzed the top uni· ve rait y, college and high school chemistry students of the Orange Coaat. The honored unlveni· ty and college atudenta were B. Kay Brightman of Irvine. Saddleback College; Larry Kralss of Costa Mesa. Southern California College: Edward Mc New o f Irvine, Saddlebac k College; Scott A. Mur· ray of Seal Beach. UC Irvine ; and Neal A. Nalto ol Costa Mesa, Orange Coast College. Outstanding high school students included Wayne Alkin. Marina High , Huntington Beach; Vabe Aloian, Westminster High : Larry Doan. Huntinctoo Beach HIP; J . Curtis Edmonason , San Clemente High; Joanna Jen. Univers itr High, Irvine; Joan Undgren. Laguna Hills High: Jahyun Parle, Fountain V a lley Hi gh ; Kev in Smlth, Dana Hills High, Dana Point : and Dhai T ram , Estancia High . Costa Mesa. UCI Hails Work of Quartet A student and three faculty members from the Orange Coast area have been honored at UC Irvtne ror work m the School of Physical Sciences. wuversity of· fic1als said. Perry Dav1d Lobel of Newpo rt Beac h was n a m e d outs tandin g graduating senior in mathe m a t ics. Lo be l plans to attend the UC Sa n Diego Me dical School. The faculty winners are Kenneth J . Sbea of Irvine. assistant ·pro- feuor of chemistry: Jona s Schult& of Newport Beach. p ro· fessor ol pbys1C'S; and Howard G. Tucker or Irvi ne. professor or m athematics. Skaters Oass Set Roller skating classes s p o ns ore d by Sad- dleback College in Mis· sion Viejo will be held Frida~ between June Z1 and Aug. 8 from 7 to 8 p.m . Roller s kating fun damentals as well a s disco techniques will be taught. The class will m e et at Outer Skate Arena. 320 Ave. Ptco in San Clemente. The $2'4 fee for the class includes state ren· tat. To regis ter ca ll 831--4M6. Trmning Room Open The weight training room at Saddleback College in Mission Vlejo will be open to the public this summer at a C08t of 50 cent.I a vtait. Hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p. m . to 9 p.m . and Satu~ys from 9 a.m. unUl noon. ()pin recreatloa Canis must be purcbued in adn.nee at tbe campus Community Seulces Reltstratlon ontce. For inlormaUoa call 131-41M. StudentYma Grand Prize Gene Arm1tron1 of Westminster WH tbe 1rand priae winner of Golden West Collese's fourth annual sraphina COD~ CoU.,. olftclala tald eatrt• in the eoaa.i. ......... bymlA .la· itnacton. .... J ..... a c c o r d I D I ~',l o matbemaUcaJ correct- D e 11, 1Raut7, and ......... EQUAL HOUSaNB . OPPOltTUNITY 'lft~·=~~ in U. newspaper la aub- jed to tbe Federal Fair Houlnl Act of IHI wbieb maba tt UJep1 to advertlH "an1 pre· ferenee. UmitaU.. or dilcrimination b....t on nee, color. reli11Go. ~•. ar oaUooal origin, or u intention to make any 5udl preference. bmila· tion. or diacrl m.i.oallOD.. •' 1lnl newspaper will not knowingly a ccept any a dve rt111ng for real .... AS .. M+M•&M M09UM»ILll UIM~o.& wtiUt...., ept'I ud I _, brick ff1>1c ID WI lllll'acllve a bdrm. 2 ba ..... LI• ...... b .. ._,wtthnoq~• a low down. OnlY •·•· Ad now, call t79-5S70 to- day. ALLSTATE REALTORS estate wtlich i. m viola· --------• baa al the law aaolS: AclYerliMn ..... dlecll ....... .., -,..,... ... ... . . ...... ,.. DAI.TN.OT-• WALK m--ADcLlYI" $18*,000 AJ1.1st dream! Ownen 3 Bdrm + two 2 Bdtma. Beam-like ceilings, wood y atmosphere. Owner-will carry. Beat Eastside IDYHl- meot Ii*., far ....... .. -·od ... -...,. 400lll" tl!l!!': £\ HwsfarW. C.Mit'~ ·--;· •• • • • • •• ·ioc;2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!l!!!!!!!l!I••-....................... uc:a IA Y vt'!l:tui Former niOdel, · ly decorated. Owner will carry large 2nd. Call 646-TITI OPfl, t, i • ,, \ 'Uf>.I fOfV '1"11(1 • [®:lfllll YGll'IWlllta-"t ftb tbia bea re- deeorat.ed 4 Bdrm poof home wrt.b new carpets, wallpaper and fresh paint Presente d at Sll.S,000 Call Bonnie Barnngton. a gt 675-6000 BEST BUY $U4.,900 buys thas lovely h o m e f o r t h e d is· crimioallDI fa mily. 4 ~ bdnns would aoHaodale your faauJy. Coartyard and IJ'OUDd.s are ideal for "green Unuab" faoc1en . VA ..,... s,ed&l bom9 for a~fa.mlq. M5G3 FORESTE OLSON -........ ,Qlllll. w,..,,_..._ S BR, 4 Ba , caatom wat e r f r on t home w/l7x38' p vt dock. P r t ced SJ ,295,000. Builde r w /trade for Palm Spnngs Estate. For detaila on tlUs bome and appt lo see, call Carol Half, •et. 631-0094. Pnnc. Only. MEWPOaT DUPLEX One ~5+9t~~helor! 111700 gross. 1 block to water. Owner financing 12%-3 years! Call fa.st, 7SZ-1700 0>t>1 !11 9 •II\ I VN 10., '°"'I' 1WOFOROMI Tbla la a ballder•a dream. Two llomell CID a hlll!e l1al3' lat JIOOed R1. Midway Citt la under COWJty .aning and they allow ane urut per 1000 sq ft Po6sibWlles are Wl· hmtted Move quic k ! Ask.Ing only Sl.25. 000 BAL BOA I SLA N D REALTY I Pride 1 ~~~rs h 1p 1 ______ S73-87 ___ oo ____ _ apartments' 1...., year; okL Enclmed earqes. 111111 MY comb 2 BR tt l BR. On Ul'I ••• si&e llllP'· Low maant. lo· what a iorgeous 4 bdrm come $14,200 a ye ar home and In such a super acbed. Xlnt terms and k>cadoa (Newport Beacb ricbt olf! Call for pn>-Dover Shores area> with fcnmDOW.7SZ·l700 U~floorplu~ O"'t"' "' o. ", 11J/'1 •• • .., -..i 1 vtding livability al it's ! ~·IU!ltl ~!.~:~S terest loan and seller will UTil£ llAllSlll C:~~os.m,ooo ALLSTATE Tree tined street ae.cts to Um mapaflceat 3 Bdrm naadence. Enter llle coertyard with f~al · REALTORS pomt foantam Sttunt.y .... ---_-_-_-_-_-_ --------------. sate UllU"eS C'Omplete W .. W.\i.UWWWWWJ..Z.LWLJ s-incJ. Gardea aettiq a ~11:':d1~. 1'·-Cab.fornia liVlJll at ita -¥9"Y best! UnbebevabJe! aa.oao. &4583 FOREST E OLSON ................ ~·--~ RED CARPET'9 'Ns SiCJ11 Dia ach Y•tott. .... lNFORllATION ON PROPERTY YOUCAMIUY ~.Jr ... .,mm a Bdrm ocmdo EutaJde. CALL o.aa ...... Calt146-nn 7~4 in Ol'f"' iifO.tt S fl.IN ION NICI• ~-. f·'fl NII ~ ........... : .-.-•••-=~ )our own! You'll find many homes advertised flnd. what you want ln ror sale m <;lasslfled • Oa.aly PUal Cluaifleds. evet') da!:_ __ _ . . . . . CiJ ColdweU Banker . --.... , OCMMMe-...SWIW Treat yourself to a auperb llfeltYJe In this 8 bedroom, fa~ room home In Jaamtne Creek. l:nJoY tennls t'OW'ts, p00l A tJie eeelllity ot a auarded communtt)'. -.-. t I sount COAST cot.a ..... Here•1 a deU1htful 1 bedroom townbome near South eo..t Plau and Town Center with J(u1rded 1ate entry. beautJ.fW pool. exercise room and meanderlna atreama amid lush Jandscapln1. Perfect for vtattlng buaioe11men ! Cheerful. sparkling clean and only 173.900. A clean deal ! U~HJIJI: l-IUMl:i REALTORS. 675~ l44.1 Ea.t c .... H""w•w. COl'oaa clel MM WI! HAW: J 3'0f ntE BEST LISTINGS IN TOWN NHIMSULA '°'"' Newly dec·oratc d 4 bdrm. fa mil.' home. Ocean view! $325.000. IAYF«OMT We ha\e se\er al fine homes \\1th p1('r & !)ltp EL TORO HORSE COUNTRY 4 Bdrms .. 3 ha th!-.: ranC'h j;t v i e. mini-est<il<' in or anJw J!r'OH'S. $249.SOO. BILL GRUNDY, REALlOR 341 Boy\1dt• Drove. N 8 675 · 6161 TOWNHOUSE WITH BOAT SUP Yo• It••• tlte best of boU. wortdL . _.,., .. ,'I cmd watwi lmtic & •-nt.olor pin foewal Wulor 3 bed. 24ory wfflt loods of lpKe. Ur.- ....... _.. wfflt VIEW. Y• owt1 ... Mat tip! C:O.•aNe.+ Newport loc...__ $275,000. 673-6900 ON WATER-fRONT 10W VIEW W... IAY p••-c VU. 2 t.d. 21.. CO .. , I• HC•rlty bldg. $275.000. 631-1400. f ABULOUS HOME-VIEW ProfeMIH•J decorated 11w .... , .. wftll prf..cy md •terlw CIA ty•tl ....., to,.... & ... 0,..... .., lf•cl_ .,....._. wltlt 5 ••••• , ,_, ..................... ..., ...... ,.., w., ..,me--"• mh•1 3 flunl11~ ... --~ ............. ..clt--. S7ts.OOO. 63I·1400 WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL EST ATE s.... iw ...... Proc>rrt11 w._ ..... 1436 W Co.I Hwy JIS M.ww ~ Newpon ~-h B.tl>CM lsi.nd 6Jl-1400 67U900 JUST USTED--DUPLEX Do1t't ..... tt.11 ltlglt fwc._ pro11K ... ..._a.c ...... Marl 0--wll c...., • ..,. 2•d. A detace.ed fro•t 2 ' ledrONI •It e.as • fortMI ............. ,. ...... c ....... ..... roaa 'Tlten'• a sp •cl-2 ••a•..., tlbo•• ... ,.... ..... wfflt ...... ..... ,.eto. e.st '° lw• _...to ............. DflfW........,.11111 .............. ,...... ....... o,..... c_..,. l••Ht .ow! $279,500 TIMMIS IOUT19UE ................. ._,.... ~ ••· . .••••Y pede1trl•• trefflc. T••I• cloth• -4 OCCHIOf'IH -•• recllet1. lltllil•••d ........ fw ... ,..... SU.000 + ... ....,,. 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH 4tt-41S I 495-1720 s-111 Lag aa La!Jln• Migll.e 497-3331 49Wll2 L1;a .... c1. · o-row REALTORS '71-9111 llADY, WIWM• & AILI , .................. .. M~llACH 0. A .... C e•• -. __ ..................... . c ................... ,..... ... .... + ..,..,._SJto.000 COi.i Of MIWPOn' llALTOIS Ulll.c:...tHwy .• C.-.. Mer 675-5511 • I ---- - - REAL fSTATI EXCELLINCE SIHCI 1949 COSTA MESA ... Adult secured gated condo. 2 Bedrooms . dining room. Assumable 81h"lr VA loan. $109.500. NEWPORT HACH 631·7300 MESA YBDI Gooff C..... View MODOWMt 0Wming3Bdrm2bath, A BEST BUY! Deluu family room. bri cit home 00 Sant. Ana C.C. f. 1 2 Bdnns. 2 baths. raouty 1rep ace, tree lined rm. J•cuui. Best of all street. VA-terms, no owner wall carry with dawn. Sli9~. Call now. ......, ..._ 1170 000 54&2313 CJ'/f1 uuwu. • . ~ .. I I 0 •Ii\ l t,t• i(I hj '• t Boyd ReaJtonl, f7$-51:JO [911111 '::!:.~::m:~:n~ Nol Cla.sai.fied Ads. Under New Ownership • GREEN VALLEY REAL TORS "Professional Cou rteous Service " 2to5BdnM WtthSpedal Featuf'ff Uke ..... fBME MANY llw llllnlt All 01111 ..... Don't W•lt CHOOSE UM Your fnmllr GI Cialt...., 1oocr:...:.,:o"' .. 8111 NOW! YA HMS fREE ....... Buyer . ..,_ Pr1tection ........ lnSlnnee ·--·-----· Clll TIIJAY , . ., . .,. ,., . , . ., f'MI mac nab I Irvine r.ealty A SUBSIDIARY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY TUl'TU ROCK NISIDENT HOMES FOaMB MODB. 4BR w /outstanding view! Both formal & informal living areas & maste r suite open off lg entry hall . Extensive walls of glass w/sliding doors provide patio access from Jiving, d ining & fa mily rooms . Air-conditioned. $310,000. Lorraine 'Reid 5.51-8700. <S· 11 > CUl. .... SAC LOCATIOH 4BR. famil y rm family home perfect for the young executive. Open. airy feeling & lg woodsy back yard. Close to schools . S209,SOO. Jim O'Connor 551·8700. <S·12> 7SZ.T 4f4 C~ Voftey Cen1er 642-1235 llOI Dov• Or"'e 551.a Woc:d>idqe Cel'ler 644-6200 Harbot v-c.,..., SPECTACULAR OllEMT AL HOME Located on the front row Jn ~b Irvine Terrace with an action view that is unsurpassed. Shoji panels open onto the beautifully manicured garden & swimming pool - sheltered & secluded. 'lbrou&bout the home you wi 11 flnd many interesting features such as the translucent ceiling ln the f amlly room, the Japanese tub in the muter IUite, a formal dinlna area with twlnldlnl U1bt1 view • 10 much more. OD4t of area's m01( spectacular homes. 11 • .-.000 with attractlve terms. OLD WOILD a.-AMCI Antiqm ~rved hand-rubbed wood & 11us e!fttr)' doon lead you Into Ulil outstanding bol'Jle In Old Corona del Mar. Total use of copper ceilings, heavy IOlLd oak cabinets, brick floors in & out. gourmet kittben, stained & etched glasa thruout. Lavish use of onyx & marble. French windows, spa with TV. Living room up with ocean view. Quallty, taste Is style for the discriminating. $625,000. Owner will help finance. Call now 644-4910. WISLIY M. TAYLOI CO.. llALTOU 2111 S..Ja t I ....... ~ ... WPOlt ... ,.... ... ,. CIN1'9. M.a. 6~t10 QiM C0Mt8'CIAL J 9UAIL PLACE NOPMTIIS• 10,. Tl .. .JO , ..... U"IL r l-'iLV I 03 OP! N HOU ',l Rf Al TY /. 1024 .-------1 Cout ffICbway, OWKr 111.uloa Hilla Couley will carry financia1. --mi!M(lll!ll!!9-• ·-••••••••••-•••-••• aab. 3br, .... •snded-S.CD.>eq.ft. Call tr7S.as50 bOO ii1ND lstlllAn. lJamld. Laury coodo. Cl"fh 1•1 9 • '' ~ '~ 10 ht"T.c1 4 Br,) be. 2 (tplca., den, ~:.:~~~ [8111115~~ OWIBW/tf&I Lawat~tn FlllM lllO Price, tenm • lDcome mab u.e 2 Bdrm a1U today's tat blYatJDeD\ value. Central location ar bus. acbooll. • st,op. ping. Xlnt well main· t.ained bulldioa. otr erect at Sl.25.000. C•ll now ms:n1. Bcb. bome w / v lew 6 -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ yard. Dou1lu Holl11. l--------1·-------Mesa Verde. It feature.: 3 Bdrms, 2 bath•; bemltiful atone fireplace and is near all sc~. Owner will also CODllder selhn& VA. Hurry. woo't last! Priced at only "'1 ,500. CaJI 540-lUl ALLSTATE .; REALTORS USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIRECTORY For Result Service Call 642-5671 lbt.122 m.m.un (owner) T,.. .. « t ~ sharp ~bedroom. family room. atrium. secluded locataoo . Custom bwlt ('()fl· temporary home de"i!lned by lead· lnl! ar<'hitt-rt 5 Bdrm 41' ba. din· init room. pu.•r & 'hp for lite boat Sl.250.000 szm.ooo ~--.... IACXIAY 3 Bdrm, shake roof, hardwood floors. re· modded kitcb. Just • bea&mful bome-ready to move ioto. Priced at SU0.000. FULLB llALTY LC )OU0rt' tn tilt! markt>l 54M114 for a bt:tt.er l u ht· '>Urt' to r heck the m.1n) JUll•:. ~ 3 Bdrm aea:Oed LD advertised for :.alt' 10 1et'luded Coll• Mes• ~ried aegbbortlood. euy ac· -----• ----ce11 to everylbaog. .. --------------· Priced lo move al Sl07.000.~ CE 111111 1L11n ca. SPY MASS NICIUDUCID ~, .... n-.n.Ternid owner will carry lat T.D. al only lZ'lfo. GorPoUS ellecuti ve -~>HERITAGE. • • REALTORS h o m e ( e a t u r 1 n g 4 ""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!!! bedrooms. 2~ baths, and :::: a kit mott. Comer k>c• lion. room ror a pool. A steal at 13119 ,500. RCTaylorCo 64 0 C)C)()() Divorce/Mesa Verde. SZS.000 down, assume l~ VA $870 mo Pnnr only SU-0&25 ............ 1006 ....................... ~t!i~~ afferiq 2 + den ownen \mil w tlarle sunde<:k " ~ 3 Bdrm rental unit. 0-.-°Terah 3 Bdrm E.s1 e Costa Mesa condo. former rmdel. Owner will a.rry financing at 12% with low down. Agt. Call !166-2lll60 MODOWHYA This 3 Bdrm 2 bath home features : hardwood noon. shake roof and lqe yard. Owners &DX· QB Priced to sell at C» ly •• '™>. Call 540-1151 ~.:-HERITAGE REALTO RS Pnced at -.000 For more Info call C•rol --------OAKGl.84 Hon. •It· Paceseuer Bedy.Gl-4CIM 2Silmy 2 Bdrm.·~ balbl. OVER 65 YEARS OF SERVICE --------Pldo. + prqe &pl. +2 Dhllnclhe new Z bedroom, 2~ b• COD· doml.ntwm. '105,990. MAllO' V1IW t&LS Sensationally Exc1linJ[ New LlatinJ On The Market. An EleJ!,ant Broadmon-Home In • One Of Corona del Mar's Loveliest Art'as Four Bedrooms Plus A Spat'1ous Family • Room. A Great Fttllnir Of Qu~ Settmty • Sec I usion. Offered At S330.000. ~llACH..a.AJM Four Years Youn-.. Two La~ Bf'drooms . Tastefully Decorated With Earthtone Carpd.5. Neutral Dttor & Wall~pmt Frnh It Clean & Ready For A Nt-w ~r F.nn An Ort'an View From Onf' Rt'droom Commwuty Pool. Sau.na. Spa & MHdow For Jojll{injl & 81r)'rhnJ1 ASSU MABLE Fl RST TRUST DEED Only Sll9.900. ® --_.._ ...... 759-9100 #2C.,. ........ ... .,....c...... It'• new. wming]une8 Ekt/ or sell your Interest in a condominium. own-your-own .-tment or recreational pro· perty In the Daily Pilot's new aaflcation: TDIESBAIUNG/INTERVAL OWNEllSBIP 2450 Tlrre ~ng Interval ownership is a rapidly growing portion of California's booming leisure real estate economy. Find the latest offerings In classlflcatlon 2450. or c all 642-5678 to place an ad for your time share property. DAILY PILOT 6'2-5618 .... HUil PIXEll UPPER ZBr home CID 50a140' R·2 kit ill H•mttno-Bcb . S1'f...5GO. < bt TD .-S.000 at IO'I. >. m .-.T OCIAM 11/J .. s Delu:r.e dapAa. 36:2 bdrm lmlta. P'lttplac-e H Cb WI· It + EXTRA PARKING! Reduced to 12T5.000 ! ...,. .., Prop. ...... •675-7060• OCIAMY11W COROlff't1tt0 MAR Olarm.Lag3bd:.rm.3batb l'iomr. rourtyard eot.ry, l•rge famaly rm " rarma.1 di.amt rm. Lovely ~. DltW decor. Won't 1-t! OCUMPACIRC l.ed&t ... 759-1616 TMSISm 4 Bdrm. 2 lMa. coantry ldt.cbm. Newer bome la prime H.B. location Walk to everything. •.JDO. V.A. le.mu too. IVry. call 9G 7mO sm .......... USE THE DAILY PILOT ..,AST · llSULT11 SRVICI DlllCTOIY For Result Service Call rooms • bath 1ueat quarters. S425,000. ~ <XTTSTANDING HOME Z5l8 Elden Ave, C.ll . M2-e'D4 NR.SO. BAY BEACH WAHJCMAltM? Buub.fully ttmodeled " ltHD COWOltT7 neo.a&ed 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. You ve found It ill this Lge airy rooms + 2 beautifully upgraded BdrmApl.tm,000. ll•a Verde bome. It &. .. dll I& AMoc.. ,___: 4 Bctnm, new 675-.JJ I ~ ad wall COYW· __ ....=;..::=...:=~-_.... .._ ceramic tile floon c.-...... I 022 IDd" locaa.d OD • b.ap c:ul de UC lot. For U1 a~ point.meat to see, call 540-Wl REALTORS ~MIMICHH 3 : (am rm. 2"2 b• Tri-level Central air Highly upgraded Alt\ 213 1 4 30 7525 or TI-4(700.9321 onMSUM 1·5 2115 RIST A VI. In Old CdM where can >'O'I set new. privacy• P&l'tlnl! Come see!! 'rwl>2 Br homes CID l.u'le R·Zlat. $:5415,000. SO.OFMWY Cu1lom 5 a·r -liome w1famll1 room. spa • wine ceUar. etc. etc. + 1 Brept.S.W.500. llAURYSTAUFP'ER DAUC... REALTY 67J.IJl4 4974311 --:~• HERITAGE . . R EALTORS SYCAMORE (iLEM lllAMDMEW Fabulous. large 3 bd. 2~ ba. Quality lo1Jt1home condos. Only 4 avaUable, from Sl14,990. 2430 San&.a Ana Ave. 642-6734. LUTSIDIM'UX $340,000 SIM.800 ln au.amable 1oens. rans1n1 from ,.., to 11%. 1215,340 ........ nual Income. Well· hpt aial.le 1C«y unita Willa • 1ar•1a + olf •lteel putdq CID IOdOO' lot. CAU.644-7111 Tl"lde your old stuff ror 642-1671 new goodiea with a O.W.C. ll*'JoT.D. '100 mo.. .,.,-meDla. g. llde s br. z be, h'plr, fam rm.~--lat. JU Claulft«I ad. 642-5678 ------- , .................... ... ..., ........... ... ..................... I· t 1 • r i A, I I MOGNE I I' I ., I I CAPHG I I' I r ..... Quiet Eulaicle I ... ~ be, a ear 1ar. Prime fluaclDC ... n. Opea -..s.t•s-daru.a ltM'l E. .... mm! ..... c.... ..... OD..,~ .. ,..,~~ WU..)."~·~··-: ...... bln7 P*W .... ............ ~ taq, 11/0old C.Ht ··-.... ,,. ......... ~ tiaa•••• •• t1ar.~.:-• .,., ._..,. t,1 •• ,. ., ... ~~· --·•1 ..... ~-­...... IWA~lilil -~n:_~,a;;;· l'f.-....~l:i ftll-., --~ ~-·- ONMHOUSI Driff TJStl.l 2$1ola C!ndla (off Talbert. Wiit ol llaoolla>. Tb.la 1411arY, 4 Bdrm, 3 car .......... abest~al ~-.r'°°· Century 21, UOtG Coaat Realtor• •J;lll I' 7 ......... IMO ....................... m ·Ollloe1: Ur+, A/C. ,__ •• 000.10 .... ~ • ..... :.,.... . don osen f' ' t•.r• ...... .................. . Call or lend for~ Map• Brochure 1be Real !!Mate Store Box 1831, Bil Bear Lab caut.82315 OAYSl-811&-5726 EVESl..ae&-3863 llwll~n .._.. ... ,.nhll1• H1•11Uaha J1lld J&al 1 ,,,_ .... _. tlil\l:s 1141 ....................................... -.... ~-. ................. . ....................... ak .. 1...-.. · IJtt :!;!! U• ,......_. l7"IAl•••ts ...,.. ... •••• •· ......................-am ...................... . 1t.1-. 1 ... = aw •• ,.,. MO rJ:.' ~ • Oliilt• ............. *OCKAMFaOJIT. ••all CllllilMIMI lll4 12 ·.,. .._.. ........................ . • Ill .... "-"' .......... • .. , .•• , ........... ~.·..!. .... • ... .:.~~·."r.·" ..... .....,,....,,..s,.c .. _. .......................... : .......... -.. "••I ·~· . aaa...._.,..,... • Drtw • .,_, .,. ... _...... ··--· ..... • : l.IClllli'.t.w.m«Tar. .. _.. •••• 1 •• ..-.& 1k '' a.mw •-.: n ••• ....,__ *' •· ..a°:t. ·~':..u.. IUIOl&aamAU Jll//l~a t.C-fTfi .;.AL New w ..,_ Dilila. Ga ... _... 0-/All • .'111/ ... llU, -.ion llJ .. ~ s J .. ~ •II p. ... ITplt .. ,.. " .... .,U ta M ~ ... ..,.,.._ ..... na.-_. lenrOJ, prt•U••· · ..._ ... ~ • W..ua.,.._.-..; ....._ • .;r 1111.,.; fro•'llH.1 ••r• .....,..,...., ........ (lriwKJ I .. ,.. IM ... , 1 J-,_. 7' ......... lllftl 'ddldNa 0& ....... fnla -+. ~~~.::""'.,': :"J:'""..?::ii:"'".:= a::.:•::.:.:,.::,•1-:. ,..._-..,~. · --M..-.................. 11.ur l•r•I• .. , 111.--_3..,...,.,.,,; §.E,;,.~ ._ • 1....a . .,..;... W1U111, A•l S ., ... JM ........ .....,==1Nral y=~r:~.~ ~:t.:!~uCll .. ~·:· ... w..._ __,, peld. ,.._IM = fl'111Mll1 -~=;..'Jl'.::0. •M ,..,_.,, ~ •· .,_ locllllloo. lt~IO/•O~ Cliiii.-.-:11"1; Oo. i:=-..:=::..: ~to~~ ). ONWATllR ~a.&. •m1. Ho k*/,.U. _,... 1'.\..... ...... ~ ... ·--JlcP' .... ..,.... .,_ 124 ~~1bu8f'*,. ... ~ WI! I I Ifft Call.i.nm-ml • no peta. Ht5 •o. to S.awlod VUl•lt~ . ·-W•n• ...--.. ••••••••••• ~ ,... s.eu;;\ --••••-•••••••• -~liU~· ~ mHP (TM.Hiii . ............... ,_... UNIV"''*· .... teo hi --~~_,....,:._. -:.. llOll&t'OARl!NT -~~-~~ llU\'HOl'IDAT ~ ~;.l:t•!91 mo. Z.;:i!.~t"' • ...:WP.~ •Br-. l'DC'cl yud 6 a•••· WAJUUll/ALOO.NQUIN .._ 4IOI "'-...,a..,.• ... ,. .. all~ ... , --_,. -...... FulUb f!: !WU' 2Bll. lea. DlD. o.,.,., ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• ,,_· •~ ..... g "',. ... db& ,.,.ep, a .-., 2 ear 1.,., -ror10·-10· boat. =-•peg •. CO:: 21r.1t...u.-.mz. bek:oDJ,....,.lebUd =.~.-e:0::\~1w · vr ilAfftt~ft.-.i =•111 hire.. No JIN. -U• Part m . Qa.11..._._ or m.an. • & Aft C..Z. ... ..,. OK, llO .... $'31 + -' . ........ l •o. 1o41·1115 •It ... : ... ~ ... ,~::s:N WATERFROH'I.' ~.nof-. Ml~ ~Call~ OI' LqmaBe•eh.487--1· ·:cs-.== W. ,.u Deerfield-. HOM£S c = .a., m.an,q&..nor... Slp'1 only, no coot'1, tor : ........ ~ UIM"l.HLYUPO .... D.-. ..;.Mam,Q, Ml UM REAL ESTATE . v .;.d 3400 ~-flUM1 lAfleJ br, z ba. carport. older em pl 'd DOR• """' DI' s.u · ' 831 14'00 ~ • - ' • 6oc111 .AcltV•uet Ot-_. OCC. No peg. "'50. ad. 11*· pr• paUo, DO drink 'r /amltr. 175/ mo. _____ .....;... __ -.J &p.ciollt IW. tn-level W 0 0 D 8 RID G • --••••-•••••••••• r~•FrMSundey m.-. pet.a. Sl50 mo. +clepoait. lit" 1Ml IMS Oranle towiahouH nr . Cit ci:.. ' Newport Beaeb, lBr, Brune" • eeo·1 • Warner/Bsach • .... P\ua. ._ bar <qcaa»n, • br, 2~ ha.I aeeurtty, oear beuh. P8f1llt • Ptu1 mOt• 2 Bdnm. l bath. Gar. ...,..,. _CM_. _____ __....,... ::==-;_=•:;,••;• .. ••• trpl.MP>dWoa~f•..; lrpk,den.paUo.Acroaa;SEAVlEWbJO'WflU'.aror 1"w'Diabed. tyr.1eue. OREATRECMAno..: hol. Adult.I oaly, no 1Bdnn+ba,pool,Jac.N• .._"" • • • nu. P•tlo w /flow1.n1 h'OCD pool, t.mnla. Av au., .air. hl8 rm. Beat oceu .. ,.,. m.ora. ,.,,,. •Free~ pets. tm. ~ Walk to bcb. lbdnD apt, Fuh We. S2:00 mo + aee ~ ...... 1/-. n.a..1 8 .. J\me~fr95.M0-•1. 'view.a-lllo.Sl·llZZ (pto £pro1hopl •2 a>/mo Sec dep 1225 ~ uu ·-..,... ... ----~--~---• C1 O '' HMIU\Club&•seun. ZBr. lBe, ~ lDdry rm Ref~ble. No pell: depa9.MOC34. • · ....................... II,,_.._., ... ........................ ~ rr'° mo. 55&-aoG3 ~liWlLLO!~· •bdrm,. On tbe •ater, UD· u .. , .,.. MU •SHydromHHOo•,·, SD>mo. Call-..01. tbll Bcb .. 75 mo ~ .._ ~ v nn ....... rm. enc hlndlbed. ~re---·•••••••••••• w1mm1n11 • o ~aft IPll. -~-· ~ -1 · . paUo. I• )'I'd. 1575/mo.I modeled 2 bdrm. 2 be. 3 Br, 2 be. d /w&lb. pool, Dnvono Ranc>1 NICE l bdrm., paUo, pool, ... ..,....... • ·-ereoces re-. 3bdrm. crpg ~ 1111 IM-leo.ao.5050. utto. Beamoellias-. ~ clll pr. Nr S. Cat Ptau IUoUTW'UL Al'TW· lllr. lBL lnb 6 Newport. 1ara1e, frple, trees. qwred. H3-460l aft-1 • ..... 2 be.1 mllpa fl'OID oeeu. Sum ... r 0011. f115mo -.n• ~r~:;-t;Yd:~ 1 bdrm. Condo: RefriS. . ..-., BBQ. Avail July 1. 6ftwys,-.ii0.SIG-.-s ~=~·~1F~~,:.:!; SDt. $3051mo. 142-5251 Is epm.. -· ~ .... , ........ ?!!~ lllO!m>.Stl-7Gltolpm. pool k>e., tennla. ~-llOO/m>. yearlv. Boat Orla&e-Bra.ad oew ZBr £~•w 131-llll ecz.as. ' rant• 4200 ........... -·--a. ..... ftau 7"" ..... cc: Ev-dock av.U. m-cm7. 11.1.n -. "---~ ..... --...: L•••no • NO Pete • --2 br, 2 be. Adult Condo oe --• _,_ ....-._.., 01e1J ,_ •-. -num ...,__. _., _ Model1 Open 0•1ly 1 Br lower, by pool. SIZS. Clean 2 bdrm u .. t.airl •••-••••••••••• .. • .................... •le, l.llr .... y.... .......... ......... JO' ... lolip. -· 3Br, lb<0u&boul. L'I . .... _ .................. opt.Clooeto ....... 1•':.":•.!.:':•ct:-',; dfice.tliliOMo.ss.?•s.40 ok..'M25/a».SeeatZJ9E. nJRTLEROCK GLEN.! zea.aioomo. ~ardpa&.io.SlllO/mo. OakWood W.BayStl-95ta traaa. 1315. Manager tmaia.Act.17~11 -· .- ..._.... 3148 ZlndSt.C.M. Beaut 5 BR. Tennis. M0-4919 2:911. o.rdeftApertnteota SPAC. 2 bdrm. 1~ be .• ~~~A;:10wner ~Be h c:a..-•n -·--•••••••••••••• ~-408-988·1234 exll"",__ Ho -'th all ~ -...__... BMdt.. '• L.R r-.&c La·--'-' or · ,_..,..... ac · ~.., New super s harp 214 • ....., .... veo mew• •05¥\&INt _.. "' -·• •r • ~T • ocean.3Br,2Ba,wllly .OI' ~~\f:11!~~=· towahome 2bd, den, · the utru. Magnificent lklawl t ul 3525 8f,11!7:_.e5~hl ::·e':.'" ~ .. 6~5.7· o~. LllX .. Y .APTS.. trade for condo i n av -"·ble· ..,.;.._"!.'.!:·. 11000' 2u.),.a 1-• dbl I r .......i ........ ,~k GI 4 b VM!W. near hip school. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-___ ..... 9 . -IWe-cobdl. aUM'tf %100 Hawall.---35CM. . .._ ·--......., ....,... • .,., a • ...,.... ..... ~"" en r, ex· ideal i olcle hiJdreo Newport Bcb Towohome ....... _.. _, Btwn 10-l.,Sat65un. ,., .... mo. tf4.2841. j.c, .. una. No dop. 1125 ec. home. Prof. decoral· Sl060 ~ a".n. c UM . 2 br 2 be 00 golf coune' 1700 161h St c0oo .. et tet111 ;~. ~:;,kJt~·2~t: LAG U N A B E A Cle Wayne,agt. ed Ir landscaped. View .• .-. · · or pooi. tai crt. S850tmo.' <71Al 642-ss7o Brand new Triplex. 3 z marble frplc.s. sunken OCE'ANFRONT. Pv'-~~~!!9! ... ?!~ 645-91&1 1 MOmo. 152-0187 aft lpm. !151·3150,851-1111 wkdya bdrm., 2 be .• frpk .. p.t. liv rm. wet bar, intercom sechaded. Furn. Mu: Venailles new Condo SISISO: 3bdnn. 2 ba .. ellClsd llHTALS 3i!R~Rvn:e~~::: yard. 1 chUd OK. sns. bur&1arY ayatem, Roman lmwD 2 persons. J~ .. Sltultio. many amenities.. praae. yard, waab/dry 2BR.2bia ..........• ~75 r.£i mo Pool ... •--·· .. ... ... ,_ ..... d 4'tf. ...... , =-~· Nl-tl16 tub. tile bath Ir kll, July, Aug. JSOO/mo. Sec:urily.645-7220 hook up, all blt·IDI. 2BR +d,2ba ....... S750 1 1 1 ·_ .. 2717 • -........................ u.ksm1t11I nhr/dyr1pace.alaolu.x 48l-4364or&U-8389. -· Versallles. on the bluff. 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. Ocean view, full ape, pool. jac, club privileges. Avail Ju.oe 16th to Sept 1. &l2·546$ 1mmecl. oc<:upaocy. TSL 2BR.2'>'J ba ........ S750 a av ....... CaetwW... 37%4 ·-•••••••••••••••••••• E/Ude 22ld. pool. adlts. 2Br, 2Ba • studio apt. Mpt.642-160.1 3BR.2ba ........... STI5 EXECUTIVE HOME ••••••••••••••••••••••• ............ 3106 i• E. Bey. newly dec'd. macro•mri1.Seetoap-60' to bch. Lg 7 rm· 3BR.2~ba ... S75'>/UOO S.Ckbay, 3 br. 3~ '--, ~~DI~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJ75 6'5--1Zm prec.50'1\Dunbar. boule+yard. Sleeps il;"t ... llNTTO IUY' "BR 3ba ..... c,....... ... T p Watttfrool deluxe 3Br ' . ramiliea only. Weeki": 2bcfriD. iba. PeU:Kids JBR'.2ba ......... -..m atrium.llevrd.Gd.loca· AID 2Ba upper. Garage: tbdrm..GudeoApt.atove ~ 3144 June $500, July $500, OK.MOO +. AnahelmHU.Ls lion. $1,000 per mo. Compare before you refrig, frplc . Yrly . 6nlrlg.Adults aopet5 -a;••••••••••••••••••• Augu al $640. 7101 CAlls:5e-4518 ~ rent. Custom deal&a Adults . no petl . S215.Call$48-l377. · 2nn=~~~~~ Sashore.NBMS-:8410 ....___tL..f -1 1 NEWPORT CREST Lrg3 features: Pool, BBQ, S1 lOO /mo. '46·7213 . ..-.-•••d jl.GE2Brbome, cpta, slv. Br ........... Vl·-. p--'ally cov'rd garage. new ~138 3 BR 2 Ba. fpk. pauo. 2 ~2970afta4. PalmDaertTenn.lsCqurl ..... •••••••••••••••••• rern1. facd yd, •ar, .,........ ..,_ .,.... d It .,._ Dtate summer ... 200 ...._..._.. lZ06 ad.Its . ...__,.. ...... ....:... r aJI 673-8 furniture, s urrounded Bayfranl Lillie lsl. Boat car aar., a " s . _..... 2 Br. 2ba. ~ched condo · ... _..................... urn .. av no•. 139 with plush l.andacat:«· IJ bd Opms.&..~.Ul Ptum· w /2 ,. a r & a r 'a mo; Gardener, wkly .. ••••••••••••••••••••• a p 2 r·m 3 ci•-r"V ... ......,, .... ....., .,., 4 ~ .. ...... 2 Br, $150 /mo. 118 Ckeaa view deck, dlJt 2 NW PT C RE S T · Adult living at its t . rareP&ace S2200imo"'.v'rl; mer Oran1etree. Full rec ........ _,._, ................ • Em• r a 1 d A v e . bdrm. 1 ~ ba., frplc., ~~ otom view. 2 ~pets·, .. _,_ .. __....,..,,. lease 67~ ~. Elimlde 13BS. 2 BR., Ice faciJ mclud pool, ten crt. UDOISLI 213/S7-IS8S. 438-2388 Aft pr .• Adulta. Prvt. $475. BR. ucu, + c. 21,;s Ba. bdnn .uua•""" _... patio. newly deco. weitbl rm. sau.o.a. Ava.11 3 Br, 2l>i. AvUl:June-&r SPll.. AA.. 5 ~ 844..f'l22. secluded. fplc. bar. S850. 3S5W.Wllaoa,64Hlm 3bd. 2ba. Ptninsu.la Pt. Adulta.DOpeb.~. July 1. 611110 leas.. ssoo July. Also yearly. Call 1# d1x 3Br Zba dowoatr maPadlic. 1f523C'MtM~:hlVhlt TemU. pool.et.c. 671-2181 SUS 4 AS AS $700mo.ff'IS-9'748or pa-a» Retllat/lut phas V 1r1I111 a o · B rieit 1=7:"-:---:--:----t...:..::.::...:::::.:.:~~~=~· 2 bdrm. Spadoua Coodo l'Uniibl"C•pt~• up. ff'IS.2306 Lar&e 1 br wtpalio • SlSOttt.depos.Seetoap-m.1'00. . duplex. PaUo. aar, bltm, E'Ade 2Br 1 batll, encl Rancho Sao Joaquin on up,_.. N_...,,rt Bay. ""-l 1ar •d··u-pnce. Adufta. DO pets. fftC,Call~711Meves. o:w>re.AvallT·lS'150/mo. 1 yrd+pvt paUo. Ganie. .-~--..... c · · ~ .u-., 00 ...._P11t 11h 3107 --~~ OdM4breuebomeanU yrly lee. Refs. req. lat/laat+aec. $650. No Townbome. 2bd, den. 1~ b•tha. fireplace. pets. 2110 Newport BL ••••-••••••••••••••••• · · ~.._. J141 July •tor Aug. Fullv 213-:M&-9511 • pet..a.3'104 pool. Adult.I 161:S mo. view, 2 car garaae. 1 548-4911 betwo 8 :30 • 4Br,2Be.veryla.allool MESA VERDE z br -·-·-·-••••••••• equlp.Calll75-3ZIO. :· ---------.----------• ~ year lease. Sl50 per mo. 5pm. floor, buutllul new db lower, aar .. close to Oceaofroot 2 bdrm. --=~-..;;,__.;__.;__ __ 4 Bdnm, Z baths, lOS BEAUl1FUL3 B lstlrlut + $200 cleaolng , .... ~ ...... __.. 37.,.0 decor, frplc, pvt, nr tbolls. bus, etc. Adult.a. fireplace. 2 Story . Newpal\. ~ blk to beaeb, Opal.$800. YEARLY! f t•V..., 3234 tDd r. 2 ba fee. Call Ill'. Fuentes at ..... ~ ••• :== ... ;:. beach 4' bay. Aull now. noplU.137$.~5448. '560/mo.CA1lt7$-a1 love!)' 2 BR. P7Slweek: NwpttBcb Rlt)tl7$.l64Z ... •••-•••••-•••••••• or townbmpool t.:. a/c, 1ar1 .. ot.op-m-ocm>. Children OK. 1825 mo. June.tz:IO/wk . ...., Beautiful 2 br townbouse • • ~0• wa • H.1•1.flMHT 1012 West Balboa. Jeff 2bd.. &side off ot 17th. ...... ....., JISZ ...... P111t 1~1 J207 w/crptl, drpa, frplc, pert.SllOOmoinchJd as-411HM.HOMI Span.lsbEitatef.ivin1! m~. Frpl, pr, patio. Cats-•••••• .. •• ........ v • .,,_ ..... 4250 ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• AJC, 2 car 1ara1e. : IOC. dues. MZ·5083eves. 1 bloc& l o ·0c:ean. pool. BeauUful part.like 1ur· OK. Adults. $400. Call oo-Qmdo East Ni.De, front ••••••••••••••••••••••• S. to bdl. CUte l br, betbs. pcd. M50 mo. lat Woodbrid C d tamia buUtins unfW11 roundio1a. Terraced 2 Br 1 Ba, l ~ fn>m lY 1.-Pll. 511~ row fOlf counie lbt', 2ba, llAUl KA PALU A w/yard. Util pd. Ml5 yr. • i.t. Call Diana days ae 00 o, 3 ll50 ' ~ 8 t.O poo&. Sunken 1•• bbq, ocean $415 mo ind. U111. pool.157$..-.15.11. RESORT ty. ~. ITS-'195t 155-1.550· ev• ~"M bdrm., lV. ba. MOO/mo "' -~-~--"'·Sat,;,.·-. s park Una fountains . maBO 507 E Balboa \IJ mo free rea&.. 2br, Iba 2br 2ba Jae 111 _ .. _ ' --· lle.552·3339Agent. ...~-"'·" '~ Spac ious rooms . apt. N ice, qui et .... ,....._.. 18" 'na'.-410.32~· c.e.e.W..._,. 3212 HOllEFORllENT Turtleroclt Brdmr. 4 ~WT Separate danlnc area. C.-.. ..._. Jl22 oelgbborbood.elect. • --·••••••••••••• ·-•-••••••••••••••• 3 Br '5'1J. Pned yard ll bdrm. 2 be Lease ~ ..,-, bdral. Walll·in c&o.eta. home-••••••••••••••••••••••• wat.fll' pcl.137$/mo. 1st " .. •••If ....... SIMwe 4100 481'.aBa.qua\DtcapeCod ,.,...._ FamilJ pMw. , · or 4 belhbeaehfl'ODlbome. like ldtcheo A cabiod.a. 2bd. lba. baJccay, vfllrY IMl + .ee ctep. Quiet ........... -• .. ••••••• Stya., l'Atblb to bcb. Kida 6 pell •elcome. ease-option. 1715/mo. Wet bar, coovenaUoo Walt to Hunllnatoo c.'-lsaun.a.Y. S500mo. wortu.. ach&.lw. l am INlfllll1S Morille! Aft6d depoaita ll Frplc. peUo, deck area. Call -.2511 • en.an Age11UU·503Z. p 1 t. 2 r Ire p I ace 1 • Cea&er ~ .......... ~ No p cut llYlnl espeoHs l 1lill09Clft.5ynold. f 1 Bed~ fW"D from ....__.. Br th a.... va. eta or ProftHiooallv alnce mo. *'°31 7 All.DO ee 'J\ll'Ulrock Campua View drama Uc entrance. M30 DnlUU new 2 • z be ......... Open Home 1171. 1 --------l-' -·• Gcrpoa1 •bdrm lltfl ba Home. 2 bdrm. den, 2 forever view, yearly 2 Bedroom furn S500 duplex. Flaeal ID old s.t ,,_ 7, lt.am-3pm al ~Y CLUI z Br 1 beth dup\a. No Hoa1e. Lars .. yard: ba..dbl prage. central lealle.~,ff'l3.'13C¥>. AduJu.oopeta. Cdll.~.Phl73-4m ZM2 Eldea AP' BIO fUl UftlA IN "°'A.,.1Mi.JTIS sm>ker. peta. Pvt bcb, Gardener. sa:zs. Alent air, community pool. Harbor View 4 Br. family Utilitlea Free! out appUcatioa or call • gardener. avail im~d. 912-lS& Gardener. duea. water• rm. dlolDI rm. fully WANTED. l BR or duplex -..SC. ~ thna Sept. l5lb. SS.ZS/mo. water CGDd. provided. laodac:aped, vtew, xlnl LA QUINTA HERMOSA = ~e:;!~ ':,:: 3 Bdrm. z ba. bllins. IEACH ~ IHdt 3Z40 ~mo~ ~,U Lew 1100 locaUm:l MO. 213-190-5125 WU5Zlotl ~~i.de3 b~~ Sl b. oflk ~$400 ranae. Ad S.uu Gar!laund. $!500/mo. 112 El h ....................... r---1.-.. l:JIC-....D ..... Bi "' aftt-.-An lldult comJDunJt eaaot town ouse oa Harbor View home. JBr. Edinaes'· 2. caU ~ hn. 64%"4300 · ... ._.... 548-5186 Y cm GmblL ~to.,,.. pool FOR l8fT BeautHul Rancho San ram. rm. SllOO/mo. Avail. 847-S441 the Back Bay. Spec· lrtemia.Sec comm. 3Br, 4 bedroom. Z batll home Joaquin twohae, on 1•1 Gardener incl Ba~. walk lo beach. ~llOUS 2 bdrm. I~ be., t.aoa1ar Spe, 11wimmmc ~°!;...,!'m . $1500/mo. ~--ftrep=rlaceL, newC'~! ~ .. ~courBse, fantaatic 844-5'1115. . &...,.mleedt 3741 and s&orel. UUl pd. QIO. ffl)k. lndry., '525. lat.• poob, 8 ll&bted teanill ,_ • --...., .., .. ..,.... 3 r 2Ya Ba 1 yr ••••••••••••••••••••••• 497,aa last + dep. Call bt'lnl eourta, btke traila, put· . beach; w to acboolt. '--~ A .:1711 HarborRi..tn 4 BRK LAGUNA BEACH MTR 10·6, Sal /Sun only. tmc creen. Bacbek>n, 1 •c95/mo. Includes a me . ......,pr mo. Vtu • ....e; elll· 2 Br 1•~ ba 2 r ·-8lxi 2 .._..~-apart • ---------~·121 , ..... ,_ Mod I · INN. Maid &erv .• color ~ · stry, '1>"'· 161lal, 22112 11.iDer St. ---. """"'anctVUIUD townbousell •• ---..r .. wa•-.Call ......, ..._. e · raet'\IOtl' pool .. ~k ..... l ' ......... CAMEO 41r --• ""'" I d d \ 1V. heated pool. Util. • '""-. ud01 C'el I. Apt A. SpaciOUa family home. 962-9124 ~.._.. l241j ~-; ~~rsuenn/1<>:~ <114>494·5294. 985 No. bltns.SSJS.673-0473 --'--------• from~~f::e.°Ttth Pvt. courtyard" beach. --··••••••••••••••• Real.., aak for EUeo Coaat Hwy. 2 BR 2 Ba. So -• Hwy. t.arge2bdrm, 1 ""ba. tta.r. APPl.YMOCHAaM ••HOWll•• Reatal Sbartnt 1;enice · Has Roommate For Yoa · m.4579 7 days 953-0396 • Waated. Female Cbria- Uan nc•1-1moker roorp.- Olll te for lovely lrvane l"Ondo. 644-2420 . M/F:S BR. z BA. house. nr·. fwy. Ir So. Cs\ Plaza. 35-50/spa. SZ25 + utU. Ask for Walt. 641-.4913 N I • t !lqant2bdrm,famrm• Yanieuelge34br,2ba v • · ..,. U SO t mo. 919·2190, SanJo.quinHillsRoad ~r~. urpe · den. ($725 mo>. Plub hilltop hom e. All. 561.w7or75.2·51ll ... .,...._.. 376' ~-to Fpbc1h. ~c. CdM ~211115. nt4)644-1900 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f crpll. 2~ ba, cedar • garage. SIOO mo. 49'7·~ Walk to bc:h, 3Br, 2Ba, 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.-"'· c. ••-mo. 4Br Ynt Fem. to stir house to ltlaaa-5 blk.I to ocean. MoatbruSat. fp&cs,useotpool•t.ennif lllll!l!!!!!l~f!l!l!!!~~~~·I Mr.Dui1an.7SHlll Spec'lclUI 3 bdrm. 2 ba. rbir~~=~~·~o:;~ CM near OCC. $2$-0. 2 bdrm., crpta, drapn, Dbl car pvt gar, 1 •• u.. ClOW1S. avail now. S800 WEHAVESUllllER S175 P8-11round •pool. {rplc. 1ar., front bae. mal.oL yd. Adulta "":, "-lull... 3Z50 mo yrl lie. ss.2-~ AM RENTALS 1 bdrm. Walk to beach• ~1416 decor, frplc. pvt, nr _5*-8S30 ___ all __ &P_M_. __ _ SSIS. Call 4S40· 1831, pet.a. '-uin al 5.21 'lll.b •-••••••••••••••••• only.. WEEK OR MONTH sbcJp8 S37S. No pet.a. Call beKb • bay· Av&ll now. Relpomible DOD·•__. ..... 59-l'J'&S ....,. %bdrm. 1 ba oa 1tream ~TIN D50. Qwet tarp, 2 bdrm. OWdren OK. S8Z5 mo. ~ ---------'St. nt-96CM331. with dbl,.;. Pool. t.en: New Twobae 2 bdrm z~ l ba. Adults, patio. 1012 West Balboa. Jeff fem to shr 2 Bdrm. 2 INl 3Br. 2Be dpt.... frpk, au. HOllES FOR RENT Ilia. Jacmzi avail. June ba., s•-r loc. seotiimo. c:.t...... 3124 1ara1e. No pets. 2128 .,.71T7. apt in Lag\lna Hill•. bltm, oo Narcluua.1750 3 Br. Priced from ll. UIO. $500. per mo. 1213~ ..... •••••••••••••••••• Thur1a SL. Apt 8 . IZ2$/mo+\li utll. CaU mo.IG-C'lOI --.,._..., ard .... Gardener Incl. 2295% · I Bdrm apt m$T12.. Venain.2br.2ba.bll.Ds, Ad-5iUer f'18.642-4300M --· .. ~" y -caminitoLm Dadpnae.1upaid. all &mellllla. 4S7$-4112 hn CalNMtM 3224 1au1ea. Famlllea AL m <m~ S.0111 .. • 3276 -142-~ ·V.TFtif f• eroter -------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• plea1e. Kida • pets (U (ZJ.3)171_.lll ::_:~2··+·~~··+••2•,~·.::•: ~ °!?!tio2 .~ i~· ~ 1 bdnn~ Oean. Wall ahr Ir& LUJl bome. _,,Br,.__..,_ So ,._. wekome.Call ...... Z5Cllor .a_., U<:'U. nuez• · ·· ·-·-"J· 3Bdnn1Pt.saapaid &rautiful "" c.•..-•-. Lrl Ur dplx. W/1ar. AU Frplc., Micr o. niuly ... Pt.a.";,i'•~P.. S5GQ: m.2'11.Alt.nofee. '-lee...... 1252 c ar at t • c be a . A&l.87U080 Dlcl1ar.adlt.s drz•· Fresh -p;;;t. uut pd. 3 blktl bch. f\rcLH.B.Rtta~· N t 751 .l.. -. wuber/dryer. rfg,. Incl. IC-,,_. w ._ ,,1_ ... Pn •-~rly .,._....,.., .-.. .,,!,!. 7 • •· · ; 2Br, notauitable for kids. zer =;,:;.;·=·.;.; ree. ceater. 2 blocks On the bea<'b. Bach botd -·· ... ~.....,.. va.., -· · ,_.._.._. W/M abr 2bd, 2ba. ~ ·-· Vic 8eacb • Voridown. '~. %1111.n. to beach. beacb. $575 mo. S.C. apt. 23111 w. Oceanfront. 2Bdrma. l bath apt. fi 0 r c b · Lau 0 d r 'I Nr Bch lBr. n.a Pt. SZ25 mo. ~: .. 38r,2 baCondonr S. PrelmarrtedaUddleap ii'iO~o. Hl·lOIO or 'l10·HU . LaCure a>mo+S:SOs.ec6de-Adull.a.Gupald.. adliUM.NOPETS.Gu ~LMM2Smo. lat.•vallS.15.1'1Mi2St:·- OltPtua. Pool.spa. Gu woftbalcpl,oopeta.NOO •15311. Reatty. poait.17MJ.54. ~507S. ' ~ ~~5°::'::. $ST.-.S Refiaed kl 1y ·-• pd. UH. '15l·llH; mo...... Spu1dlqnewoceain1ew llZ5m>velD.145 E. lll.b. • er woagap '111MZ1T OMTNIFAlltWAY 1BR1 Ba. •tefll t.obucb. llDA VERDE home at-I S\. \Btwn Oraaae • 2 Br 2 &I waterfraat coo-....a. aeotlemu oYllf, ~/Nl'SOll ~·.::~d.=: =~T~eit ~.:: ::::.::.:i:..:;o:t :: . .::n:-· _, ='==~~~~41• Plowpod).-~~ ... llr, :::..."'.:.~·~ ..._-.--.pr.• -i ,. .... ,._,.. For lu•• ..... C•ll •tr u, Cho I c • NEARWES'ICUf'l' ,-. paUo. P'enud 14 • ...., a.ta. net&htabood . .-rt/mo. Whdher)'OU'rebuylngor SMOtoSlllO.lbr,tbe.,t. 28r lBa laoal c~ Promontory Point. Boommat. to ebr 28r ea.Zl.Oor•• ••· .. -• .,.._ "'----. • _ .,-_.. •t112.4fl8..3'172. selllng. Cluslfied ad· near...,, frpk:, laUDlll'7 eocl 1ar~1e st'ove ,; Fabuloua Oeean •l••· dpb. Cclm, fun, m'7.5b -----· .. -''8°tWn8 wlll get your rm.aDbbm.adllltaoa.t.y. prbdiap,Oftrlooapool lBr •/loft. $800/mo. mo.56151Sdn.~. EASl'SD>B 8&00/mo loci ........... 4 Oaulfied Ada. yOUJ' one-meaaage to Uw right peo-1SL ..,_ tGNlJ ....... wtUt other' UDk. 'llNIU. "'--•• • • 3 Br, 2 be, family rm. _..or..,...,. ....,. Ede. 4 br. 2 be. stopahoppin$Ccenter. pte.ca11Today~~~8 . .-. CGDdo. ar lo.,Clt Adlta. DO peg. MIS mo. V...W. 1 Br beauUflal Shan bome • meu·'ta:: 1'1Np1ace.ccmnd,.UO. 'Bdrm. tam na. Walk to New cupeta 6 d,;.,_, Am. poo1 • apa. '45Q. uW IDd'd. bt • lMt + 1ardH apt •/patlo • .,... .... for 1ov ~ bar·b·q, 2 ur 1ar. act.la. parh. etc . .....,. :Jard, attached z J'fo pet1. TU·tlH; ..-tt1.mG9 BBQ.hU~PoOl. lal.-.1511 •• ~~n.SO'~. Cblldrn welcome. ~~. ,./!!!·~~ --1 ape.om 11100 ....._ --"-• ._ ~ ..,_u ..-•--.a ' _...., JIU ' · ...... tolbrn.leebomebr~' -....ortal·lm. -/mo.~ 81LNooeUD5.8T01Aoa so CST PLAZA -·-•••••••-••••Lara• bachelor f/p So.. Oat Plaza. »a yn.· LOYD.Y BOUR. Jbd, NewhOlm farreat. View lllltaLue.Aaa.. ar.ae~ ... lbf. lbd. f"· ato .. 6 clla· pado. ._to bcb . ..S 'IWta.llOll b, W l:loel • ba 1.M. al OCIM. ... to .-.l. •.o701 _,__ Iba Oaodo .-S. No pe&a. IN 'CleU. IMO yrly ...... 1111 WHt --------; -. ... 11& •mo. (JJJ)Jill •t1 lll·MSZ; SM·Hl'7 or mG-1.D'7 11111.boa. 114""7W187 or Fem rmmate want.a. m..-r I' • , • .._. JUI m• ea roam ton~ -: , , -ftlbrlbe2fpk:a ""111•-• ........... • Br, oceaD •l••· oa~ ....... A&..,'f.=::::--=.':= Stul••· 1Hrd 1•t• ...,.....uw~!. •••MO•• -.... ---.-. wtoomm.pool.apa,._, ~~~........__~, -· ·-· •a..Aal.,..lllf, ~ - -.. ~ I f Ct• U4 st I ....................... 0..-.U •carpentry• am Jabt • ,..,.in. hee ... ..... WE STCLIFF BLDG ~41 Wl'(JH I Bl 111.H lw• ' II " '•I • ,,. .... v'. All Cs #llCtd i ;/~,..-111 .;,: ..... ~v..- ./ __ _ ../---~-...~ .... Call M1. Howard 645· 6101 . ._a~mort. oo -a ft otc aw. • olca, d, rec:ept1 ~ at01a1e. :wly nmoaeled. Ex· naive wladowa. 901 we8t.N.B.-.- MedtcaJ &dt•/Offleea: Dowatowa L• tu•• ~ .... .., ... ft. ADlll*Dlt•.W ..... Low reet. Mutt .... Owatr. 71C/4t7·1•11 Bwel. DAILY PILOT I {NEED I MONEY • ~aKAPPYAD Ill um column r or oo.ly S3 .25 C&UMZ-~ ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Repair It Reroof. All typH·ahlnglH·tOClf · ahakell~po.lar: Pree est. 5tl·li830 Vin. Avall. 5300 L.t& ..... 5300~ S350 ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• r..o.t: male. am lone· LOST: s.,,t.Dger SpanJet llll*'ed bill doc. No collar. <Z >. 5121. U> Blk It wbte; aoa to Henry. Vic <U Uwr fr whte. Mesa Wal,.ce It lttb Sl. Verde area. 549·°"1; -.-. ~., ·---~~---~ POUMD: Cat. M. \n· ....... I tftl c!Db-. P'tleD collar. Ed· '1WUmU I .J iQltr' Ir M apolia. YV !,:~t.:':Odi~ alto .., AllSfiiS --. : v Maliee -Geome - "1UND: Lee beige & blk Poech -Vermin -l 'MHAVJNO Sb«pberd 2500 blk or Yu. he's 1tuck on PCH.. N"B. Colo. Rabies bumelf, La.It Weft, he tac . 0114. loq. Tony lookedouta\l.heramand Roma'1 Relt IU-90'70 said. "My what bad • •••••••••••••••••••••• 972-1345 •FOXY LADY• OUTCALLONLY •972-1131• •IMn. MASSAGE• JacUUi • ·sauna ~~h~~s 11·2am across Sheraton ...u.er1·111 HAVING." Fomd: 59rtarer Spamel, , _________ --ESC-ORTS vie. Bola• Chica Ir f:d. ~: Beautiful krtten Infer, on June lat. CaU White w/bUt spots. Log •953-4473• (2U~LIM4orl31·3ZIM. hair. Vic: Orange & AJwa)'lopeo·NowHiring Fomd: Fem lriah Sett.et'. VlC. BAkerJKarbor, CM ~ 54Q.-O!ie3 Flower, CM If not clauned, frtt lo you. 541-1& ------ Are you a bWllMS8 exec. Uoyd: Hope lh1a fioda you feelln& m1.1cb bel· t.er .. take it euy • loUow doc's orders! The 1an1 Lost: Abyssinian Cat. '9: .. ab 5350 It l.heolfice 6 Mort. loo! Fem Vic Dao.a Pt. 3/31 ·--•••••••••••••••••• ICillllli on • trt p needing aec's to aa111l you w/buslness arrange· ment.a while traveling CaJl714/894·9908 I esi~1 COVH GIRL .._..,__. SlOO •t5l-OJ7t • S h y, good lookl~~ -••• .. •••••••••••••••• Loll Doc. Yount fefnale MHrOulcaUSiervice I caucaal&n man, 45. S 6 CoWe. SabM! and Wlute 160 lbl non·1mkr, non· Reward. 642.QllO PRE LAW 1tudeot needs dmJcr seeks attrad1ve Lost : 2 yr old altered male yellow cat, ~ rn.dy. But Bl11ff att•. .... l.151 IZS.000 WUJ do 1nytJung petite lady 32-45 for dat- Le&al. Confidential Ina. d1nlo1. dancing. DVM. 0 . Box 3242. trawl tr compaoKlnahlp. H B. ..SS. No object.kJa to 1mollln1 •• SPIR.In.JAL READlNOS lGam·lOpm. Fully Llc'd . 492· 729S or 492 9034 181 s S Dimmo Real, San c.~ or IOd&I drinklo1. Photo Ir ph. no. a m~l. All will ~ amwered Reply boJt 651. Daily Pilot, PO Box 1580. Costa Me'.'la. Ca CAHO Y'S llMDIZVOUS For ·swffCls Pleaaanl t.lul' Dial M3-1S8 l 1 l I ' I , . I I I I . ......... NI ..... O.. lfiliire---. IO _ ......... ..,....,-. .. ...., ~T~'·· •u: •· or•1ifC~lr~r11r. .. a............... .. ...... Jail&. --::b o.aa -·· 7100 ~.Jµntl. t• OAJLVPt&.bT •• ~?~ ...... ?! ••• ~~?~~ ..... ?!~ ~~;,~ ..... ?it: ,_. eeeaaa .... Hll· .., trvt' a Call ..., • ... .,. •• "'*" .... ..._Ml rs'b Da1: eu.w.. or H•~ per •~.••P'•••Oou PEOPLE .... .....,-......... ..-.,.... ..... , .. .... IMiMIW ••• ,.,1-~-----_ ....... __ --.-...--..-. .... llftJWtdoa. lH£ --"::"' .. --_., ·~ ..... ~ OcMdJ ., .......... ...., .. NI• •¢1.ftl..-T 11100 411of.a.t ,..... H••PNt ac-. •awr Nan IM.Y fl• •MtHtf•l ...... " ....... WfS,'vC"I ... ~ '-WI VI .,_._ ....... ,.. ... ..., UMj.-uw _. ... , ....... .., ....,, • ...iii.a. o cntRJJJl•11112,. ,.., ...... eo..--.. WME• _,. w..-. ... • • .,12 ......_ u ... aa. ••· ••tL&u. • datu. T .a-ii and ..,. "• ....,. .._. fti. llia.t ........ a.a ICJ·M& o urnver to news raclm stores in 4s1....., .... ._ ..u PHI•. taa ,,. d11 Hunttnctcn Beach " FountaiD Valley llW 11•~ -.....,., --.. Llti!S.JAMI area saturday and Swlday mornln1. ._. .-• ... ...._ • 'liilii HWtiMtl.w• Muat have dependable car and Sood ..,., .-. ea to: PO " P\.rm.Eaaluy, ,. al l d G •-._ l''. ...-port lldlll, Id= r v1ii1• rec8or . Conctact eorge -..... "' ... lfa..,•~wdad. m up. ardln1, ln1le opy Sale1 .___CA-. NI I.Um. Top~1 6 .._.. 6 alfain D -......... ~ -·d •-·-•·• •/•"en•· ,;_ epartment. 642-4321. -~11per/Ae~taat --· -• AP-....... ~ ~u. .. • c ..... --... ------•B!I mlllynaesp,hall~ • Ill .... S.Spm. -h rt -~ Call -... __. Alas&.. rrt~.._dw, ~ .. ,,.,, .. , ror e.a .. u:Jwy, 1..q. 8dL Tli6o&-MM.. -. llOI U1"HO ~AITM9CT --pr? --. ....... P\llliUc Aecomtbal rtnn. Eaperlenced T•lu At least 2 years experience preferred. ~ tor l•· rt•a bn, peraa po•. ~foruporUnd· Excellent company beneflta. Salary ----~•'-,_--. _______ _, ~~ toe llrm I• N•wport commensurate with experience. .... ARlibta...-oo.ty, uo BNch a.ao. Put U-. ~pply in persoo to Paul Ward or Seth dSllT Aft crtK:l :Pl~ ... 5pm, Tw tbro S.in i :30·5 :30 lloa-rrr. -.:>benton. CO.jTe-:"-Wne,,,,,~. 11w1 • Jambane Rd., SebuUu's WHt. 140 <Slqut&HM311> CUSS..• AD~ ltnlblDCl/malataeuee. lnlM. 'J'D.QZ'74. Aft. Pklo.SuClemente. Free HawaliaD Vac for TIAIHll •u.aa:· Qc.e~.~ aw•....,., 4.,s bn dally. COOlllm.l.Aa.JAST eovemeu for 2 motbet· T h e CI ass if i e d Ad v er t i s l n g r::::rsa.::._ Rion Hardware. 1024 Vol\lm'e--buiTnua . .._ pnteeat. June thnl Department of the Daily Pilot has an lrvine,Westdiff Plaza, Grinder Restaurant. Auaust. H1·199Z Aft immediate opening for a trainee in all MloamtictnmreWJder _NB. ________ 1 ~oaziaNPCH. Hunt. Sch. s:~ phases. DuUes include typing (45wpm • "-RU man. Call F u R N 1 T u R E electric>. filing, copy control, general farappt.59-18 · CUJU~~.r~L. OJsmeticlanforfacialsla SALESPE R SON / clerical, and handling phones . Au.to Mech. Efrlclent. only. N.B. Cat1Mt-4t80. exclusive •kfb care INTERIOR DESIGN for Advertising experience desirable but New abop Opportunity. ---------•salon. Prefer mature bilh quality major stott t O · ~m.zsu CAllWASHHILP penon.&U-4911 la Ooal.a Mesa. Mill. SYT no necessary. pportunity for -11\all• l'-&rt Tl retail furniture up. advancement t.o telephone advertising AUroaoun ia•over me ~ Hetp, dry dean-s.t0-31122. Aak tor Chet sales. Excellent company benefits 11IE IIEGlSftR: l:arty ~BlWCASH ~~~7E~~~~ ...::St::ftmm=~n:_ ____ 1 include medical. dental. credit union, ::i-s ~~: ! ~x'r: ~ ----~-----·-·_M_. _ Dr.N.& M4-G832. GAS srAnON A'ITEN· etc. For interview, please call: mooallgbt. Wives. re· CASHIB DAN'TS for self-service 642-4321, ext. ZT7 tired, dlsabtUty, stu· Do YoU eoJoy mualc! Do COUNTB PHSON ststions, c .M. Honest & PART TIME EVB41MGS denU. Need &d wbeela. you like worklna with for party rental •tore. reliability • muat, Frr. Become a tra1·ned sales counselor S56-SC2S. people! Costa Mesa Part or full tune. Must Ptr S.9681 University Stereo nds wan Saturdays. Apply <over 21) with the Jim Long & BABY Sl'ITING: for in· f/time cashier. No expr. :ms Newport Blvd. Costa General Associates Agency to supen;se and rant la my home. Moo nee. Aak for Lisa . Mesa. The Balboa Bay Club is chaparone DAILY PILOT carrier thru Friday 7:30 am to _&e-_9531 _______ Creative Jewelry design nowturlng boys and girls on a one-0n-0ne basis, ': 30 pm . s 7 s '" k ..... A.... co has 0 Din r h rd FOOD CASHJER. Part . 6 t 9 p M w d Northwest HunL Bcb. """"'"er-s w~t.ed. FuU & pe 1 or 8 timl!. Must be avail. eves even Ing s O · e n 4: e M&-'190 part Cashiers wanted. worluog gem cutter. &wknd.s. concerned innovative persons who ---------• Full • P /t. Tustin & pnmartlY inlay type JOb. PSe&secallforappt. are looking for a lucrative part-time BABYSl'lTING 2 toSPM. Laguna Beach area. work with all types or 64S-73S8 position. $4 hour to start·. $100. week Mon thru Friday la my LdJda· 644~ gem rougha. Exp pref. --------Mesa Verde area bome.1 ___ . ---·---· will trn right person. Sal GENERAL OFFICE potential. Call 642-4321. ext. 25C cblld.2Dmoa.549-1582. depending oo exp. Call Oppt'y for new grada bet~·ecn 2 ar.d 6PM . .\sk for Lori. Clt'llflS 49'7·2US betwn 10 & noon. Wort for Homeowner's DRIVER 11.l Mon thru Fri for in· Manaaement co in S Wedlt'lbun,4-8PM. My t.erview. Irvine. Should type SATURDAY & SUNDAY _CM_bome __ .m_-SCMS ___ U TDTE M CUSTODIAN '5wpm. have cood pbooe Deliver Daily Pilot bundles to car- Saddlebaclc-College. skills a.od knowledge ol riers. Requires van or large wagon e.nttna l0:30pm to 7am M-F. Sal all geoenJ office dirties. and a good driving record. Phone d'&~ MARKETS raaee S864 to S12ts plus S'lOO/mo + co. benefiLa. 642·4321 Ext. 211 , ask for Harry. ""-...__.. .__3rd .,._, • • "'· h · f Call J a.nn SS7.az20, ext co .. ___ ax..... • .... s I l d1rrerentlal. %18. Seeley, Equal Opportunity Employer. AD tn"lereode.11 bank We promote to manai• _831_-411SO __ bet_wn_a.s ___ , MOTOR ROUTE . MtSlmOower,C.M. meat•nperrisioafrom ~M ~ Immediate opportunity for part-time 'ro~i~ ~ANT A CAREER? ~ -:e= ~la• n/:. M~ earnings. Motor route available in the Call(n.')-.. -t s b 1 D' 1 have pbooe exper. Laguna area. Delivery afternoons • .._ --Y c oo istr ct. mGSJ. Monday through Friday. Morni n~s C ,r'ad• ... f.!!!!!!!!!-1!!!!1!!!!!1!!!1!!!!!~ -.SUIM/mo depend·--------S turd d S d N -'' illl cm aper. Apply 735 -;1Mi;A'L~i:fi1C'i~I a ay an un ay. o monthly ~!_:e:a.eace ~smBIJS wth.H.&SIMl51 GBlr~OlllC·I door collections. Earnings about $450 --.. per month gross . Reliable Girt P?Way, IOOd tnm. transportation required. Call 642-4321 ....... __.,,_...._._ .. __ ~ llllW'rlMIES ..P.!!'Kr.."Staidr s11:111. • t elephone ..,.._.-.......-...... llU9Al F ~~;:t aldfL-Wed penanatitJ. llast ea.joy Foster Ouelletf or details. :a.:.:: ~:~_f!-t ~~ .... Foodpartaa _:ru_r_,:a_St_.c_:'_be_ia._415_1 =:::~:_tact. Top ORI.-£ COAST DAILY PILOT ..... .._.._ ... -B.O.E. Ume belp (lam -lpm, Dlli¥W 6 won foll Cll' ~:mP. JJOW .. ..,St..C.-..... C& --------• MoD.·Fri.) ror aew plthm bl f1ariat abop. ril--642-4321 Phi sandwlcb delivery WllltndD.556-17'5 1UW.-.. St.· M~O If lf'h BabJstU.er, 14 or older, .... "Cl "rr-1, llow1•, lllit PLAITICI. un•ir TIC&llMut • t'"alloe C..... 11 ........ npv ,.....,,_ lalel -tifft'ee, --.r.-,ort 81111111 0oMt .,.., Call eatww.IG •IO =~'"s=..nc: .......... ma. PWllBER -...,.&r 6 sar• c ..... :J;! ----· -... -. &.O.&. lln. Ult ........ -U'kl. I ID aps. JWt. Nqwt. ,...,.. ..._ " w. wD ear. eel. O..rs Phuablna. • .., •waa lu•raH• laeretar1. ---------.._.. ...._ IOIDI •· llllllc:lll fl'atFl oftk:ie few Pool Llfl1uards, to Pll'dllind. 8alarJ opea. ...._. •llb spedaliat tur/br. lwtm lmenac· QDl.t'rNmO •/office prac:tlce. &a· kn, &o tt.IO/llr. 8u&a Plltwed oal1 DMd.... AM. a.ta .... aoc. I N T E a I 0 R I y . 8 • l • r 7 c 0 m . dim. -.om.. LANDSCAPING CO mannrate w/ablllt7.1--------- .... ,_, penoa for u-a...nta. RB. IQ.ml NBSl.UN tiatmce lD all a.reH. A.8. Ofcali)+"Jlt Mi.lat ..._ Medical AHl1taat. I Platea. 2 yrs. mla QJ>t- pe reon ore, C .11 . mmtlmoweolorlrbea ~le Apparel HI• 08/GYN. 11cm • 1'aes quality cooacto.is in· ...a, mature. .O/br cm17. -.aM1 dMdual. Top pay for weell:. No Sun. Call rt• .. t 5'G-13"'"' IC?rlll'1. MEDICAL/FRONT or. J~ person. -ncz ~ olftce, typ---------~oas bac. sitaoa-. Ute bkkl. Ptr ar P' tr. Phone ex per. P /ttme evH. Eap'r e.Pltbm....... nee. Salary + beaut. couple• pref. Irvine m-. T.S.I. .,..., Call l1am to 12 11.EDICAL, Part-tlme. --------- aaaa. 56~ ft'Glll 6 Baek typbac re-RMI ~tale U~ req1 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR qulnd. 3' bn per wll:, Jaad aalel, caah comm. 3 Jlrm..11lur. 541-mt dinoer parties, Oranj~ totndDGOCRTforpow-Medical back office. in& electraDea ftnn. Xlnt Ne" port are a . Part opportunjty 6 benefttt. ll me. Ea per. Gastro c.atJ E1aa at S5&-.JllO SciecullY. Apply : 17822 Beacb Blvd. Ste. 1t2G. K E Y P U N C H H.8.M2-Cm3 County, SG Valley. SF Valley. pd each wk, plen· ty ol inventory. call cot· lect or direct 213-~7. ask for Len· nyGale. OPERATOR. Growlnc compaQy needs fut • ~operator. Ell· peritDce required.. Call MiH lloore . "1·9000 Ed.17. Moped Mechanic, middle RealEatat.eSales .,. to retired wtth out· People needed in Su.naet side lacome. part-Ume Beacb olfice, top com· a1ao some salea. a1 .z:so. a:DMiom. IOkbln help wanted to ~ ~ M!! 11!.1. IMrn food Pftl*fttion. ae91foryounelf. Male pref. Worlt1n1 Beauty~&or baun Sam to lpm. Lori's ~or 9&4-6456 KitdleD, 31177 So. Harbor -------- Blvd. SA CaU f79.0747 for NURSES AIDES : All shifts. expenent~ or appt. TraU>eeS. Mesa Verde C.U Bud Hyams C7I41146-5502 ~ -Kitchen betp wanted, trn on a.aao slicer 6 ponion Coriv. Hosp. 661 Center, ~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Costa .Mesa. S48·SS85 REAL ESTATE SALES colUol Male prefund, -------- $4 .00/br to st.art Lon's Nursmg eBft 0/0 e Ki1chm., 31177 S. Harbor. LR.l.....tODI • Y ~ /C SA.c:alli7Mn47forapp ~ ,..L SIS NODE.5KFEE! FULL/P A.R1TI ME Lab Pblebotomist wanted IH /LYM FULL SERVICE OFC. full time. exp oo.ty. REAL TY NETWORK. 541-8147 "957-8400- QiticaJ Care Exp. pre. ~ape IDaLDt.enance rerred. W1U lra.in for thlS Real FAt.at.e Foreman Deeded Vaned ScieaaJty. F\IU ume. In • •.-o,,_TEN_,m .. AL cMim. FUU tunr perma-MlUIOO Vie10 UNLIMITED oeaL Good co. beoefita Have opening for U · A P P I Y a t A & H sertlve sales agent wtUI Land1cape. 23811 Vta 714-831-1100 great opportunlliea in re- Fabrtcame, 11.luioD Vie-.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I al estate with the• 1 com· Jo. 'J'a.t7Sl. pany. cau CCII' interview. --------~ ~ LEAD1EACIBS C..tHWAWM l&aicm Vjo/Lq. Hills ".OOllr:,~-Slilfl~--~ Walker & Lee ..... Im.med openiDP Xlnt WC>ftinC coads. 8 Amerlca.n Pre:SCa.O(;G: Paid bolldays. EOE. RealF.atate Tl'0-19Cll''TJ0.1Jll IG35ll5 --------- Ba)"riew CoaY. Hospital ..., ..... s-. ~ 3155TbclriaAve.C.ll. Op9ailli1 for hcen1ed Esentlve-Sie/Aut. 2 salespeople; locally Senior Part.Den, Law '!'!11--------r owned. wtth naUonal re· nrm,_ top salary. ad l\Our:.ing fenal system. Esoellent likills. llltllll. ad~. work In& conditions. 1C11De '9c&l a,p. Manaae F..arn l~ commiaalon. aec.ai ........... affairs. DDAUl'H For confidential app'L ill&efac9 W/dieM,a 6: .. UIUlftll c:aJl ~....._ ... C rdllT ..... .me. to b•tn.a ol-•---------1 .,_ ....-rS .;a fie.. bl the airport area. _....LA n-. Bkls. P'1l. c.ta Mesa U..AL KC'Y Caablertn1 eaperleoce Be your own boss 6 to liiiiiiea m -C:ll~ -.U:B. {'114) Ml-U'Ol HOStlSS w PIWlllom Newport law ~.:..:...·. • ca I I ... _ .. IJ'fR ~·Sl'S'TDIS" ""nna \. ..... _ J would be dealrable. makeSZS.l50 a day fCll' U AIL SJ75 to $CZ5/mo+ l:.IJ.A DD$ r-. firm Medt secttt.ary JNts.OFWOltKI baaus. Dependable car Foll~-piitt.Tn All ..WHOMESAl.IS with m la . I yr. H · UnttedCallforniaBaDt Muit-have saiea type needed. sU-4481 or ~DFCll' areas. uoar:~ma Woodbridcearei:set-6 perimeemswraJlaw. UIN5Beaeb Blvd. penonality & wiUiag to 9"412 "-,..._ 0 harnlsbed A 2 Sunday and varied ~I u......_ __ Beacb wan eneqetkally. Call • --Ill'· ~ ae ol lO · 1" 1 or weetdays. 10 to 6. For•---------._........._. Dental .... l. rtho ' d 1111)' 6 lite typiq req'd. '7Vtt. Retired welcome. 1· f r -·• c:---f U 960-6515 Teny, Roger, J en or ,.... o • ys Latsolbeneflta.Salcom· Noexperiencenec.App-more no. c all Sue __ ._._,. or sma E.O.E. Cathy bhm. 1 & Spm: prwk.exper. ln RDA re-menaurate w/a billty. ly Univenal Protection Bernard 71'f'TT9..7251 or general pract1~ firm. ---------• 8:J3.3'7L quired. Npt Beach. Non smo ... •-a of"'. C·" Ser vice. 1226 W. Sth 213/51.0.01 or Iv mac at E&pertecce preferred. Benktrig &C2.2DI IUll .. ... Street. San 714~ Good pbaoe manner es.-TB.lSl TIAJNEE CJDLD CARE. F/llme, RustyPeticaaCorporate ta Ana. lo· sential. Competitive We~ ooeniq an addi· boDal office in our highly sUttt!5SfuJ Orange Coun· tyarea. l~OMISJ FUii tame entry lnel Mulfnave &ood math permaoent for s mos old Dental Aas't, full time dfice en•> 5'9-9322, 2812 terview hours 9-12 & l..C HCMTHSVCAS..._ salary. Newpoct BeaC'h. backaround • typing girl. Live in/out. s.lary, cba.inide, RDA" X-ray lkGaw,ln1.oe. MoothruFH. ~o Clay -w-ori. Call L ynne Hay es IJOllJboa with good worll- i n g cond. ne11r O.C Airpo rt. M ust be i>'easant & dependable. Apply in person to Mr. Fueotes at Robert Bem. William Frost & Asaoc: • 1401 Quail St.. N.B. ability. Xlnt working nn. board. etc. negolla-li e. r equir ed. Full GmeraJ Ole recreaUoa GUY/fMIL Kon·Ftl Apply daily 752-l'nJ oonds 6 full co. benefita. hie. Lag. Sch. Call Katie beoefit.s. Open salary. de. 11ature''penon pre-u.m. M1 Cua Mu.IC'an Please caU and da.scuss th.ls <JPPOf1 UDJly With US. Ca II for a pp t. Mr. 49M429 eves or 6"~l!i6 Newport Beach. 6'2-6880 rd. Call 53M900 1ma!Jr.~tl =. in Reslalraat. 298 E. 17th LIGAl Ye. Mungoo, Western Thrift days. De al A b C.M. Accurate typist, 1..-St._C_M_. ______ , Npt 8Ch.~faw l1rm seeks & Loan, Costa Mesa. --------nt s5L1tant. usy ,.. __ ... 1 ,__,.1 ~t :::: mA"""'r. l«'fttary for faauJy law fl4S.3lS3 CH I R 0 P R A C T I C Newprt kb restorative ---~ ~ HOSnSS Mtonlie)' Ex 'd 6 SoOd /bk S1000 ___,,.,ce----"·s .. --•n To-so e boo teeptoa. co. Da""'. IO:J0..4 .30 Mon· _._,._eau· per secy pr. • mo· .,....... ~ ..... .,. "' · 0-... b •~ .. -n•flts. S8"'0 start. 'w _........ ~5400 17141547..0311 PART TIME m•a ~ ia available i.o our New C.oroaa Del Mar bnach. M days a week inchadlng Saturdays. Previous Savlnes 6 Loan , banking or caalliering experience desUwl We are a powlac Sa•· lnp It LoaD and are ol· ferinl unlimited op- portwlltles. Excellent _.., salaf'1. Pleaae calJ llrs. Morris al (71' > f15.M1 to ananp ror an ...... lllM1'WOOD s...-s& LOAM mJ Dulto.tBW1. Coroaa J>el Mar, CA - Newport kb. Previous thusiasUc, exp. ind. 1 aey Y touch. Ac· ""' ... " ™·Mature person Pl?--------- chiroprat . t" ctic exper & at· _631_._·3t92. _______ , =~a.ii~: Varied _1e2-_35Z2 __ . -----~·~~::rsoR::1a;~:~~ w=G~~~enda !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ~~~lr de - F.qual Opp Emplyr M/F rac 1ve appearance DENTALHYGIENIST . HAlaCUTTBS 2SJ32 M In St , H Offlc.Posffio. a--absolutely required. to~•--·-....... _..of. r--raJ Offt""'. ,..at··-~STS c tyn • .._ ror ium~r months. I bl ve..,,,...,ot company Ln .......... _....,~ UCUllC '""" -...... Hills78&-0662(WiJdWeat llustbawW Sl •f'inl sva1a e F /tlme. Newport Beach. Full 97S-ll8l fic:e near Soulb Coast woma.n : c~reer op· ! e ~ tum.la& l'tazal EOE AJde. a .u ·Pe~ hour Oast.omer ~lions & bk-time. Geoerd ore O · Plaza. partuaity la mvestment ftlr/otbultcglDesstuU~~!! Huot Bcb. q,·g belpful but not nee. peneoce. Good telephone Busy~~s H · 1l1tance. Diversified duties, good benerils. EOE. Call Diane Bullock, mu 833-9550. ~ aanaaemeot office deal· need ....,. "''""" ..-111111!1------ml Lge company w /good skills, ac:curate typmg. ---------• ina in mulli·mllllon styllat. uaraoteed Hotel _Ruby ______ S3&-aoe __ I benefits. CaU Mt-1575 for Mature 6 dependable. Dental dollar project&. Require. aalary. Paid vacaUoa.s, llillJ llJDIT Uquor Store. Nltht.s 6 loterVlew. J . Herben Salary rroo mo. call for FrmtofficereceptioniaL mem are good &kills ta bonus program • a weekenda. Must have HalJJewellen appt.stl-7971. Exper . nee. Xlnt. typlllg, book.k'pg and or· marveloua opport. for Cl.Ell c a s h realster es· - sabry/beoeflts. Com-palliftl Salary ranae ~nt. Join our perience. 18 Placentia, ~!HIELP ~ptlonlat/Secretary . a.tc.l MMll puter knowledae helpful. tllOO moathlJ or up de-prosresstve atalf and Wearueetina a reliable C.ll. Apply in person. F\ill Clerical. light Raptdly growing Irvine Growtna progresaTve co. 811~. pmdina 00 skills "ex-learn the lat.est styles penoo wrtb an apt.duck --------typing & good phone co. seetiq experieo(ed tw .....-1ft f f/i perleoce Call J fromournatlooally forflcuns•calculat.orMACHINIST A S· penonahtyM2·22:16 perscJDtobandle~ _...,.g or t me DENTAL ASSISTANT· 8C7·"'_.. ' o knowo 1tyle directors. .u....n-.._ front off~--eeneral ofc penon to do -. call skills to work N11ht SEMBLER -Npt. Sch. OIPRCJE .,.n1 .... • ac ... mYOicin&. payables. re-Front dea. exper'd « --------Pleue 71'/~. Audit. Enjoy 1lnt co manfdr ol food pn>eeU· NoO·Proll~"m~~ty tndric. Good typlq re- ceivables. Bk.kpag exper trained. F . V. area, General office, fabric Hair dreuer w/c~ bmef'&&a lac:ludina a free lac«PP needs qualified Mealal Health Center quired. Salary com · ..-.Hoepitalizatioo6 S.l.HI prlol mr1. needs a fora..utiticatklaCentn meal per sllift. Apply person w /all around needspenonwithst.roog meosurate w /e&· dental plan. Xlnt DENTAL HYGIENIST clerical aper'd. penon inSoutbCoutarea. Call 9am·noon Mon -I' rl maclline abop exper. dmcal, bookkHpins. perlence. CaU Cbarleoe-: bmeftta. Sal open. The 1 tbatbaodleschanaeeaai· • ...... .,.._ Ptnan.oel .... t bave own tools. supervisory 6 com -_s.sn ___ . -----Batb llart 2111·8 E .• or Lqwa Bcb leneral 11 6 eQ)oya variety ol •"'•PP·-·--· ~~ Please ca I I JI m mlmication skills. Call Coaat Hwy, C dM ~c:e.~.•Wooted.~· work . Call Helen, Hair Stylist Aaslataot. IOOJ\lewpol Cents 7J4.IG...,.. Dr.Sdler,&U-037'7. ,_ ..... IJSCft~-•-m.-> Mr Pet.en _..._. uuu "'""'· TJ0.2112'.2 Oood WQltinl con. Uc. N.wport Beacb ----..-----1---------,.,. -l'iVtiie Rw ·Ea ... ..., ........ _,' · · ~Call=~--='SW~7:-:"-:--:---::-I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; l"tlqllin4MMllZJ.2. Bqua10pp£mMrll/P MAlll6 Waaled, 1m s. Pachaers. female. ftrm.Gen'lolcall:Uls. lite .....-.'CAI ~ 1--------•!!!l!!!•••••mf ~ ..-.. '·---n.h. SS.15/br to s•· .... u-nt tninl. some bkkPI e&· ~a~~=:: ~~~~·~ =~~~ fWt 9tJ1tt w/foUowtna Ila•• '111•1 ....... to ~Ot.ll~~ .. ~ ... ~...,-~1• -=-----~-railea. WT ii~-;'la, ..... pr_._a. __ 1000 _____ _ Ooiwtn'•' alliee. ptpre word word-proceaslaa. education ol waot*9 for eachaalve Wl:d for Julee's Rae· ll1W•s,,,,. man. part 1-N_._B. _______ 1~ aptitme. Type 50wpm. an.topportan.Jt.)'. Good larlecomPQ1.SebedW· ulon In Bullocks llllbA.-,pnt.a.4~ time, teUred . Costa Part time Income. Gtvwtnc medical oMee 3dnlwk. E.O.E. 11/F. benertts. Call Diane me 8PPta for Mm1Dan Wlhblre, Newport wt.l'JWIM. ..._ana,aetyciurown Unlimited potential ..-.nc:.-.lst.Somf ~llbmltT/P 752-5111 • .Uk ror lls. Roberaon: IH·IHO. ete. SOme l.yptnf, Call Blach. C.ootac:t Dllloa Cll' bout. Appl~ at sozo wttu sbelten. Lv mtS. IDaunace bWlnc aper, . .....,_ Hart. E.O.E. Rita, MMQ55, Coutal JapH: 751·1111 Ht. ==~;iv.!:':.. WI Ave, OatewQ, 8'1USU 'rJ1llDI a mmt. Se1ary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j nDftl'C'D "'--..w.&A-.1 Ptl-.1 A&encY. 2'7IO ---•1• Sdlltd6e ~m.1511. wna ......... : ~ Ill' .. , .. -. Hartlarlll.CM ---· ticw. LAO& houleke9111Dc ' Part-tJme G~l Friday. .. C1. Gp am.. at --------1 Prtl ........ wflic. I« NEVE.RARE PriY na 6 board. Nt AmlttoU-.directorof WWn iw.r·· Plt••a.• QESAI. ..!Ll~w~,~·~-~m.-~~~---J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!! but.a • school. Nwpt •lllAIR'&&&im llDIU publiahln1 flnn. P /flme:-l1re-"lyphai N~i.Sort . au am a ....._ IOd.97 far local DRIVER, for Harbor Wl.c..ell 8eb. p.,fect fCll'at""-'-IOROOUNTRYa.va. Varied dutiea, caaua.J at. m.-.m.5125 ...... -,. ........., -dPIMDU. .,...A Lll• deliHl't•s .... ~iriln-~ .......... ....... ~ Nlpel. 11..... mo.pbere, DOft•lmoker Clilllel. C.U 'hae tbnl N t -·U ~, _... u"1tnced ID elec· .,._, Aat far WWlam .............. ftt ... a:--. 551w~ ff .,,. .... rv or ....... .,.......... lrital. Pl••blaa .• s.ll:l:m.cmt. 10.l~Ca I ... :"WN Ptr. Gel clrtwt.a reeard. awttdboard r•ll•f • ca'"*'1. hU time. S.ftlaS-.• .... 81-pdat. ZN ..Wdl?li9LOoodeom-Bruata C.U-.sNTfor ~ U~ ~~al for t11t-•-• ..... Cll ... •a. ..,blDIGta.,1 ..... ·----------· .... ~ .... , % ·---· -worklDI CODdUlo••· ..rrwa. ·---...... __ .._---= .1111!11~===----t ·--------i AfplQa. J.S bn ..... ()c. -----·~ Pl•aa• eall Laua. *MrNl lllil.lp..,.• CMJoul Satutday n -......_ ._. to ......._. ..__.l•l------·-·-·------llANMJDAll,. _..... U...... ••·All, -_.___ ..... =--.-.1 ... •· P/llml,40..I Otf.Good Cllliset....._ ... __ --. =·~-,,--....... a.. .._ CIOlll& wwki•I cOIUl• JOS. mr ._ Plt•ale ~ - -,.., Call dllll.Ml&_a __ OI' .., .. 0..Hoap.-•••It.,, Da•a Pt. l'U~ ..... Am. .............. 11U ·: l!!••••••l!!l!!!I -"' Oraa,• Coaat Tlaarla An. C.11 . ._ eapar alao Operator... -. lleC wi Y..._ Clb. ,_ ML I ~-~-~~-----f .,..;.nltoq .... #'. (\1 1 -...;t_ mt Ben ..... rou&••• •· ...... ...._.__, c.11-. =.a:-v.u.,. '"° of ••t. ORAVSTUDmn ._.....,. -ba&w• N•wlao•• 6 PBOPDAn>a peno11. All,_, ....., Alo ..... ~ ........ -*•11..i.c.11.--. -----------....- ..... • Oran1af'4 ... u. For .. ,.. HU •am I I I I • I I I I ' I I t • r " • t ' • frldsy, J~M I , \MO ~ ............. ~ !':.~!.~ ......... ~!~ ~:'!'.~ .... --. _ ... lllllu. ~uattfal win CH&AP·llVIT IKLLI a........._..t, ......._ O..U••t..,..,r-. Compl. 11•1•1 rm : ~ .... <.._.._ ••MY lllmaDOPL .,,_._.., 1t111.l•ct ....... ~.21"TV,...,. 11•>· *· tTll ..... a ...rau. · ,_ UalMd. AKC re1. U ..... -:--•c::;r,· N1•••1t .. A~e, ft8 ~· ju~a 11111 •--·llll· ~,,....,-..... •y ..__.__,,~ KllllB Ml( ), \'tr . ..,..N • -' 5 · .......... U1iii:i~~"-•1090.W ~ t.abM/4 thn. aft 1WLlldt.clGQill.boob. .....,,Girt ...... , ~· a...cn.. ...... a..ti-.,..,,. J.OWb A.UIMCJl ... 'W ,.. ..... ., '°" ··o.. Cl8\ee ..n. S..: ..... ...,.~ .. ....._.. ~ 11 bed, top qual. ,..._ICB.WSM. ~u 6 l•l, ...... • alll. ~ ......... ~..., SlOO. I.lb LOTIOPIOIC,11 ~:..:· Aleua•er. fledrtc Ou1tar w/caM. ~='" a.-. w .. ._._ tall ,_._ .. , .... H• la .. mower SU. aw e.utn Pt..... Dhmn:lo PSck as-ud W. ... Ce•I•~ Nsw;at--. ,... ... ._.....,.._ .ef.w • _ ... :' ............ _..,. V ... latc.11.ll'M111 amp. Bnnd_..C.alltcw :: .• ~ ......... --= ;;-.: ~~ c~ ~·~~:= NmQUJ:SW~ .. ~ =~~r = ~/·OpeBO•~:..~~ Tbe.....,•Ciftlemrd ~. =-.~ ..... m..-Ro • n..... -r ...._Clll_ · ,_.. ........ a m.t M 1 .. 1 11 ~,. --· --Sele. Otf Hpt 81. Boob, -........... S ece aer 1 anum • 1 t • t ~ f • • • r ...... · l at. J.au tlh. t ·3, ,.:.::,; .. · •• or rocker, 8•ccar uw tilles. nam. f.079 • t.odlit. Set: ZUdlan Cymbal&, e If& • • -=alrTAAY to I J..-<lC.&.A.= lot.• 1111ddM........ s.&/81a'DM. v.,.. patbllal equip, Uk• new. Beat offer . .......... at .._, N 8 . lmaU, faat·1rowh»1 N,-. ADA. Cell llllit IAb/.Retritttl' ~ fftlaat' 8 1400. Rack for LUV ISWTll ........... t comipu,y. ~ ..... co.kJok· O&w:a-1:111 PIH. IHat w/kld• ~==-lAr'le pnp tale. Fri/ l*:bP.tuO. lkpdb&U, -Of-.. --.. -.-.. -.-.-.. --~LIM.... .._M .... lllUltnletlff UllbUPft'.tMlPbsln· •T2"1hfts5Pm ........ ' 81111811D.BPlw.ldloDr. ao.SN-1112 IAI 1., aOll I 5 ... ·.!!'t! .. !!!.~ ~ ~ !.~.o!! ~!!~: •;<•EH .... -~-~ 1~-"co ......... _ a.ta..... J.V..US....... . ·-·················· •:••r Tee1tley· . ' .,, ... ........ ........ -.... ._ _.,.... ......,..., -· r---.. ·-h-tt••··········· .. .----. "9U ' -·-Sale: Klnt·•lze G&a 1araae aaJe Sat • van ..... ... Uted atnce chain ~ daSUOT • 1eo. oper•Uou. W•'nOf u aetri" Ulonta,1Wh11e. bed, boa aprtni• 6 Sia am Calle Jard.lo, OOOOEATlNGTlllE ,,,. cablnell i.ii-S?o: ..._. WW.., iteuft. 142-Tm r *75 I) to 8wdi9b Lodi• Paeab Priced to sell qulekl)'. -=al'TMT aoo.111..tna rarm: · uo,. ' S.J...,c.apilttaao. ._.,-. Sae. June a N•w=t St•tlonera. Bro~•UI• cfTrca ln StaUoaer1 S \ort In ftee m... I blaek, 2 IOfaMCUonal : '150. Dln· y--' --•~ .... ,... .._ 8-L2 -Held ·• -.. -NB ,...... Jala.nd hail lm· O...cW Maraeedau· Refnt/Frv. 11 elf. Ad· pey Ubby, weaoed • ~ &ab'e • 4 chn· •· _.., --apo • ._. &da. H:l:a.t M, ~ -· .. ~. · · m•d. openlDI for pr'd uln lad1. Full minL Not...i. wblte, l bcaa:ru.4.'1Ml1'7. 165 ..j.~~~.ltema :~~~~'. Fedco. CJI. A.cilia $2.50, Cffkle furn. deab, cbn, Hcretary/back·UP Ume, s.a-~. Xlnt work· )T'I old. WUT. L1ke new ----•• "' ........ .....__ _ __._ u ... -fi' .............. __. .._ m---PP -Uon B·-pre , .... ___.--:;=_.,, "" n _,./flrm ....... 1111 .... llaAe black kittea to 1ood urea. eratta. 4IO Ford ~ .,..._.. • •~·-· .., ... ~ • ....... · .......... -. .._ •. eoo." -..__ r._,.aoy .~ -an boml. DWnl -O..k. dniaaer maOlfoM. Holley Cub, Enter ta l nm e D l • tsz.Tl'b., a.2M5 =~M~!°ie,. f~ e.lieDLIM. '1H010 -54$-35lS Medit. 1tyle table w/oval l2 oo Xl6 5 tires, muth Maypo&e. All Welcome. SAVIN 2U copier. Xlnt . ~~rm. Sludelll to read ror a v~ Relriierat«. '30. Pecan top &S" " 44" + in>re. Sat/Sun t-3pm. 411 HOUSE SOLD cond. Extra paper. Ex· r.at°'PllOft\IDity __;;.----------• •taopal.redyounamao Worli:sf\ne. ._. • 1050 18" leaf II e cane badi OaataMesaSt. NOWSEU.JNG tra electromix fh.ud . .. •• ~--•"•'•'•-SecTe&ary, busy Latuu.a from a.tpm. M .00/hr Call$$1.-zl •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• chain. All us perfrtt Sofa "-__ , ... , ... cba'r. CONTENTS IZI0.845-3632. Beac h mf&r needs lSO·OfU. Call btwn **r I •UY** cood Comparab~ rrta.11 • .... ""...... • penantoamwerphooes, 4-tpm. Rftrl&erator Wblrlpool, Good UMd""l"v.mlt It twatm above IJJO() Aalt mac tum. Sal/Sun.~ f\amill&fe, Lampe, Ap· ,... IOl7 ·m--------·I typdrnte.497-IW. nan.t~. l.2.3eu. ft, ~Rlw':iildl Ina 1700 or b11 ofr VallieyRd.W·Slde.C.11. plia.oces, Plana.. Tooi. •••••••••••••••••••••••• TIAC... !!t!...delrotl. SlOO. or for You 1Dclul11Jl& cuatom pacb ,.. R G S L.. MIK .• many ADUques. SHERRY'S PET CME SEC R ET A R y T 0 --u .. ..., ••-Dark -·bo1a d k v A A E A ... . 1lt11 P'rand.1 Laoe, C.JI. Bo rdin •-o . '•.illlllldlel 0,11ih 11 LEAmNG DIRBCl'OR. 6iito"a1:·~~-acu ' MA$1'9SAUCTIOM el"a.30'\°iood ~ ::S 8fORAGE tnmb .• ura Call lor dir ection.a . a I • ,.roomioe RN"a Part Ume. Relief Cbar1• Nur ae . ll·T:aAM. Mesa Verde Olav. Hoap. Ml Center, a.ta Mesa. 5a·S58S Saa. • mana1emenl IMl9 avaU, i mme d OP· pamailiee foe C&Rel'· minded ind at Smarty Pmts Faabloa oriented cWhinl atore. 2W1 S. BrtAcl. 557-3131. SALES, Cmt.om Tee Shi.rt aolidlon. No ap neceaa. F /Ptime. &U.o742 SALES CLERK. retail. phone 6 counter of Graphic Art.a Supply. Neat appear. Full or Ptr. Muter Blueprint, 234 Fl1c h er, C M . Rea! Eatate Developer. Waabs It IU cl?'•'· lOp 6461616 AIJJ.9621 SoUd oak dreuer 38 .. " BR 60-13 radla, 1porta 546--22Zhmtilsold. ~lo~f';ep~~:~ N. O.C. Airport bu Im· Swttebbond o"rator, lhape. tao ~ °" 18" x:M", ......... coDd a.so eqUlpment, 1ame1. VW Kitl.enl for sale. Tea Cup med openlni for part thm. wllt 'traln. •lST•v••wknda. 561 ... -bllte rack cnaay more LOVES EAT -tan. atud1, 2s yra exp. penonable,aelfmoth·at· Mutt ti.available varied Azz•• IOll U.V•ASlusp · isema.109-ieo .JDaLw, oe!~e~. ~!\·n~'n~!~t s.6-3M8. ed Gd t ·-................ ~ ---• .__. ...... , ..,_ ..... to fu ... ••h. ho-'. Coatallesa " --------pswcn. YPwl • ..... " .. ....,. · •ff••••••••••••••••••••as ca asp ,__, _.... ..._ · stand. 2 drawer:i, S25. secretarial s kills a 0 ., ........... Furniture from a 2nd Garage "'·'-: •-tiq• ...... , Phone 168·6003 after I ~Sheepdog & ~Afghan. muat.FamlUarity with T=Eb;di An ;t:ia· PUBLIC l'\JRNlTURE ,_, .. .., home betnt made avail•· oolJectlb~ m;; Sa;-"a:"7 p.m. ~.~~:"!,~~:i:;e 1~· ~ ~=!~i~I~ & ~ ~ .. ~ry pa~~ ·•TllMI* ~-JA'v'f.M :..~:.:-.1-;~!,~°:.::: 9am.100Sborttlltr.CdM u .5cuflmrigStOO. B/W cockatoos w /cage S75. resume to p . 0 . Bo" l' me • f u l I . t I ~ I IUft JRVINE, ORG COUNTY lam$Ja, " smaller i~ms. Harwt 1060 'IV 145. apt sa stove 135. 497·3206. Cl96i25,lrv.Ca.92'7l3. lucrative opptya ror T<~I:JOPM p ... ...,..1 ... , LI.-.. K•fta, Mu ch, mueh m o r•. Metalkit cablnetw/alnk ------. , __ ..._ dwi ... _ L """• ~ 0 • "'" "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 55 gallon all g•n-s tank ..,...,.""rs ng u""sum· ove y rm ••ts , Q F 11 ._ T l Dovtt Shores 1512 Anll ..,_., ci-•-v w-t aad -125. Hdbrd, dresser & 2 . ......,. • e-A I t -r w .. -. p--·Lime J-.... armolret, bun.. .......... ueen. u • w n ,_... • ... .., -ch-ts, ... "'. Br•akfaat filter. fi s h and wood ~cretary. as a ant to ._ ..., ., • uuoo • ~ bedroom set.a. Dlnetle, qua Way, N 8 Sat..SUo. dle. S3SO 0 80 . Cnamp "'" _.., ... financial genius. Soft· avail ammed. For In· )'OUlh group, dlnina rm patio & Lavlnl room l~~ Engl. saddle, perfect aet. table & 2 chn $45. stand, Sl.25. 646-6098 spoken. gentle. joyful, lervtew appt. only call t.blaAchrs.t'hlnu. livlng f\lmiture Color Ir MsW cood w /h\tln&s. 1250. All good cond . Call • _ petf ecllonist . Prepare 'Tum ~laney 76<MllOl. rm t.bla. solu. loveseata. 'IV's, Stereos, Spoken. kwp 5* 1051 Sll-0208 540-S149 "-C>nJ-1 lv7v oUlrlUous meals. Va ned rockers • Spanlah tile Hlde-a·beda. Refngera· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ork "'travel. sl~(J:No•~us51::~ ~VESAYESAYI ~~~.0 ir:S~~: Lot1 !Cff'~fy rs or ~~ •• ~!~.!.~~~.!~!~ Lots! %g~isyn of CUT11M&IUgMESS ----------1 st.st. exper necess. We honor BofA, MC. Dryers , S t oves. aasc:' lOMI El MotroClr Oilfeetab&e. corner table. m.sc • l0&46 El MorTO Cr. .<U:l>IANOSBIOSI'G-0 SECaETAIY No aelliq. Acroq from caabaer'scbecks •Cash. Vacuums. 40 Antique FV Jun7Jl bru.kiaal set. rttliner, FV May31,June6.7,8. Manyuprilhts. lncl Xlnl oppty for sharp gal OC Airport. 2-9pm call NO p ER SON AL t yepwr1ter1. Chan-li nens, appliances 6 Omateoab-sharp wtxlnt typ1111 skilla to Taa:u,8'1.0.. CHECKS PLEASE ! detia's. Roc:kers. Chest F.atate Saleteverytbuic mac C.11536-1.196 Krulszbed.frame&head· Stmeway uprigbt wort ui fast paced, t'On· Telephone Operator Food aval&.ble. Items or drawers Deska IQel. bousehokl 1ds. a~ brdS70. m1ae baby items. BabyGrand$1'195. gen.a&I Newport Beach of. subjert to prmaJe Bieydea. Pld.W'ea Mir pbancea, • much more Cokispot refng, old but ~ Pfll!I "-S5l•IOl- race. Call Ula al 833-2900 ll·Tam abaft. Mature · rors. HONDA lillNl 519 S&&JW Rd. NB. Sal itood. S80 obo Brown CaUf!rava115'.48-am --------~ penon only. 228 Forest ~SAMff,YJOH Bl KE . Rug 5 . onlyM hadea·bed.dbl, SJOOobo NEW CARPET Lt aoft SECRETARY <rur>LaiwaaBeeeb 21117S\.AJ ewport v .CM PERSONAL EFFECTS 67S·J.4H or Ad-Siller goAd. approx 145 sq yck CJtACLl:NC:-1 NG m:J..9125 ........ 6419686 UlO's OF BARRELS & Cance Sale Sal & Sun •l90.642430CUAhn S3 sqyd 54-992'7.10-4or PLAYERPIANOW/MTR P 0 S I T J 0 N I N TELEPHONE WORK CA RT O N S W l T 11 1l 3 pm 2S cubic rd. ~.. Sol&-5646 Owoer Mu.st sell PRESTIGIOUS NPT Drr811iN518L£? llcydft 1020 CONTENTS. TV C"OMOle. hv1ng rm ......., 1070 Sl~. 775·:!0:& BCH OFFICE. SSWPM ~U • ••••••••••••••••••••••• TERMS..CA..<;H rum, planlll, ntlllC items ••••••••••••••••••••••• Du.mood nng, appraused F\JU.TIMEOR8:30TCJ EARNUPTO G\rtaandboys b1lr.esanda ORCA.SHIERSCHECICS 3417 Santa Clara Cir •IMWEDlATECA.SH• at $600, sell for S400 K.awau Grand S'9", black lacquer. Gorgeous . 55700.675~ 1:30 OR 12 TO s. MAY m Ge PEI HR. BICYCLE-BLT for 2. WAREf!~!= ... !1" (714) CM . 7Sl 7~ l''o r Gol d . S1 Ive r . Borelli n al back saddle INCREASE. MUsr BE ~ 20a6Harbot, Cosla Mesa, -~ Platinum Any kind, includes irons $1 60 t • L E X 1 B L E . Xln1 working cood. Part· Apt IJl SAT JUNE 7. 8 30 am lood . amount. Damei Seuv1ew Garaae Door =~G-. ART t CUL AT F.. umeevening.7:-.1-5'.28 . E.~~'lm.'\{HS 6'>m Louvre ..-ood froal 548-SQSJ ~rSlOO Calls.521230 FREEPIANOSfORAGE N _. VA.RIED DUTIES & W"'..-.... door dr 1od coodl Store your piano m our es 1r. mm p LE As ANT AT . Travel Aieat, with e.lp ..,...,_, (2131789-4688 ' apes, " · ......._tC• Potter's wheel. Robert home. Mus1c1ans will S yn management e.:&· Mos p ff E R E . TH E needed for Corona del DBlCY~E & ~P'~~e~.a~~~';!; .. ...,..... Bn!sJt I.hp. c lean. $400. pt"OVlde good care nod ~3. per., pref ID athletics or H EA DQ UART E R S Mar Travel Agency, UNICYCl.~675-6144 Natural white, lmPorted ~-" Gokl. ~l'~ver • 6'6-8679 treat.ement for your m· sport.a lleld. Must be C 0 Mp AN 1 ES . J··•··-..·-. 19862 De ep Harbor ..._11 __ ,.._11 ---------1 A.dS' 08 ~al recndtinl pbooe _ .... _ .. _v_•-------ScbWlDD SpitrJJ't! Cruiser rottonsofa "k>ve. Pecan Onve, Huollngton lkh SI.Iver ............ .._. Plano. Knabe Ant. Cher stnunenl. . alter Ill • Mies and be a Strool TI4-961~56. (3 w)la old ), Lady's + Wlclr.er coffee table \off Beacbwalk • ____ 9154_.em ____ rywood <>raa n . (;onn 642-43002.chn.. ~.Great oppty ol· SECRETARY·EXEC. TIAYB.AwENT Cruiser . Sc hwinn set. s· btde·a·bed, uo-Goldeawestl 1 rt. Diamond Solllare ~2 1pkel"S. Dresser fend. Call Mr Slanley, 1 Glrlolc. young growing Ettabliabed commercial Tandem.~~ used. Highbaclr. brown (;---~--E-__..-.. -._-~LI color, stroo1 blue dt>6e wa.J.nut. Accorc1Jan, •••-•••••••••••••••••• _•_n_.,_m_.cnt __ .;...N_B_. __ 1 N . 8 . Real E s \ ale =.d ~Y1 bu Im· lNI Jt" Sebwbm wllaDk cbair.89l.8059. =IO '1'llZl .. ~~~ fluoruceoce USOS dqlpn&blk640-LZ7S Steal a I J,000 Singer SALES6JIARXEnNG Develo pment Firm aa1es qeot. ~=r •Ip-a. Call Ad Sitt.er New Herculon sofa 6 St . H.B . Sat .f Suo . Cert1fleated VahH Touch-tronic 2001 SmmariDefirmaeeld:n& needa sha.rll. compet.ent traialn& euea&1a1. Xlat. -.eG-41DOJtboun. matcbiaclovueaL ll.50. ll·5pn..M'1·TllSl sw.m. llounied ta dtl Bldrtc~•d memory aewa nc entry level aalea • secretary. uper'd • .._____ 131-3S17 yello• 1old+wedd1n1 --<ti4'>•ZMI macb.me.teS0.8'$-Trlt. rmrbtlnl person. Must good sk1lla req uired . ._...u..l5l..Q833. SdnriM lkpd Yantty. ---------2 f"am Garate~ 6th· mod. Sale pnce M'7S • have martetln• degree 7»1560 TYPl.SI'-GENERAL OF· 11". idnl cooditlOCl $110. M\JSTSEE' 7lh-8lb, 907 Alabama , Pvt app l. Call eve V~amH~I~ lsoftluWMven•~!. Sf1a"1trqGooda 1094 e G"M •caa ~ l B t f .,., ~ ,.;.:..-. ·~·., ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• le boltiq aper. Duties ---------r f1CE. high school grad. _.._ ......,....... r ap um · K. B (olf lncbanapohs > 6C2-6D6 '4.50 per tori\alntt Send include: Jn11de sales, 1&ws.r no exper necessar y . 1V's, llnag rm. dirunc ---------ct11mooe1ordertoS•H. teiepbooe sales aollcala-F~~~'e';l.;ent Good benefits• promo-Man's ~r::!ctV~1ty nn. bed.room. pabo set. Sat & SUD. June 7 •8th. )tan's Diamond ring U2l2 •t. l.22 St Eut. Uoo. Eaal Coast Boal firm for educators lion.al oppty. Farmen plants, painting s, 8-3 Cutdua•anuques. ~ VVS2, w 14 st.ooes PuyalJ Waab 911:111 abow, " out.aide aalea. Personnel Commuruca· Ins. 540-4100 E.0 E. TI~ r r y s t a I • I a m p s . table cloths. l.tnnis. IUI( A ppr. SS. 000. Se 11 . up, · 'h'avel 25%. Good com· llOOI Dept. Secretary. . BMX Bike. SR frame. re· glassware. All l )r okt git&e. lamps & knick Sl.OOOrOBO SSl~. Moc baby Items. wtcker pany benehts, com· Xlllt typmg. Sh req'd. Typist. dictapbooe. ac· edy pedal.a. redllJle v Pd $15,000, sacriflct-knacli:s • d11hes l22l 1 rt + duunood. C1lltom chaD11ng table, 110. mia9100 + bue, profit Ex.ec. 1eereuanal exper. rurate,&Owpm,wllltra&A bara, tourney alloy $8000. Leaving cit) McConnaclr. Lo, Cost.a nng. i., oa yelklwttokl walker. S3. wtnd·up aw· Junt>7&8.19WI s barlnt and pension arnust.Non amokerpre· word·procesalog. Oreat craabaroydalloysl200. Balboa Ba y Clu b . Meaa 000 pp 799 1ne. SS. nu wooden H1 ~1>!t•r&Bctter plan. Work with.an tight f'd.1Dquire (714J640-0123 opportunity, ~ood M().0408 ~'1610 ---------s:z. · ·642· 1 playpen. uo. baby Uuy ·Scll -Trade d the ocn. lmmed open-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I benefits, call Diane Movinl sn~. F\.lm, s1l • An aoWlltment\A ~I· clothes, ~.S:J. Alter s. FEATURING in&. Send resume to: PO Roberson : 833·9550. c-..-• School surplus runuture & qn naltnua. me>ft SOl5 ble 30 yr old diamond M2-.11111. WF.APONS & B 1306 N t --------· EOE '; 'p .t 1030 equipment . Chair s , Man&old.CdJl6'4·2S99 ring. $1.500 C&.U Vlclue -----------1• ACCffi<;OHlfo;.~ ox • ewpor ••SICllTAllES•• · · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• c hrome fir e ex t · 12 8'2Zns fl.nst.olw121 Steel·belted •L .. th.rGoo•h BNcb,Ca.92683. Typi.st70.Lag8chl12.000 Waitn.UeSParttlmeday. Kowa Super" 2v.x2v4 inguiahers. old maps , Aotq, 1ofa. baby c ar --Spin-'----·--·----• radial. Ne ve r uaed ., .. ,.,.d•ni'iuPtJl•n Salea/needed 5 top finil call cloaera. FuU oc part ttme.llG-5001. SALESPERSON · TELEPHONE for ad· vertislnl company based in Huntlnston Beach. Gaaraoteed bue salary plua commission and tiom.e.. Send resume: As:teaUon Sales M ngr. ln· duatry File Company. 1'1301 Beach Blvd., H.B. or call for an appl. Ml-74'1'1. Great summer job ror teachers. Sa!el, retail men's wear. FUll time, aome salet ex· perlen ce r equire d . Permanent po1lt1 on. Harbor center. Cotta Ilea. Type60/ah80/RE$14,400 Over 18. Gaslight SLR with asmm len1, drafting lables. etc Sat. aeall c h angt-r el c. U~ 1075 W /080. SS2·5$44 Iv. •f",,...,llll .... RE/Sh80/le $13200 8rofkr o.-7tb 9-12 N rt washer. table 6 (hN .• ..-•t:.ta...i•..,.,. am . . l.2J0/220 rna1ulne back """"' . • ewpo bur-ea 557 0338 20331 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llJSI. '• 111-Sh80/st.atisUcaJSJ4,000 W'illll'aill. 548·'7948 and three lens tUtera. Harbor Hi1h School rv.-..!: ~ ..... ; · T 8 . Geldm& 7 yrs. II ::i:;:::;:-..iw Sh90/REMklog$l.5,600 ---------New, paclr.ed in original IOkS bus gara1e area I ..,,..,,._,->nn. bands.N'ltt.buat.er. s:MOweddmlsown•veil, •• ,.., • .., .. b.,~ ~~SaJ'}!/Consbnghutl.~t.s.200•~ lf.~55 box wlth ln1tructions. tm Irvine Ave. Newport BIG GARAGE SALE SJl..9'48 SJ.50 _,bird ca1e. S2S. '"''"''"1~.'DIA~.· • • ..., ...... • $C75. QaJ.I 642"'321 Ext Be ch. M11c. It itch. • decor •••OurOffite••• Ni • r t)Ouae 3tS • · • M.apk! lovaeal $7S, chr Mitt' rir I07I it.eml MMm ARTIFACTS Appt0nly/Free/EC>E experience only. Apply 2 ead tables. 8 sided. ma · • oew wet bar. mu:u ••••-••••••••••••••••• · :~~~-Ila LliRemdersAgency ~:~~~ c.h 1035 pie flniah. MS both. Mu.l clothes dryr, Hoover TRUC K S p ra1 booth 'r.o Mopeds, x1llt CODd. •Md•uDollo 4020Blrch,Ealab'64 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell oval dinlnlC 1et vae\IWD cJeaoer. mlse OeVillbil. I yr. oM. JO' 12'1Sellda.Naturalwoven .p .. ANTIQl'ES& Newport Beach, 833-8190 Plaa Mall. Pure Bred Siamese Kit· Vi.rWe. 4 i wwel chairs S.877,.!~UD St., C M loGg x 11' bagh "%2' Wide. uu MC SlOO. Oki oak COLLECTABLES !!111!!!!!!1!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l'WAREHCJUSE MATER· t.tm.S50 like new. p&J<I 1378. sell ti....... OHt"r. Rebuill Steam tacb.-'1deak SlOO.SkUa ... et...,RMino&-An _.....,...""'lllii_,,.~_...~...._.-.i IAL JINGR Expenence 988-95'10. 1175. Alao. 2 Ratta n lntne PAW 'S <Promouoa cleaner. Eltttromatac 8mm proJ 1993 Pon •«i..11 .... .,,., ..... wUJ qu.a.Jily you for good "--l" .. O chain. l lamp table 3 pc. AmmaJ Well Bdn&> btl 9!0.00.ZU.TTl-21070 Se8bcu11e. NBl40-..-:~,:·:::i•.,_,_ S.UelcwMs $1000 --•·-pJ lat ...,. -.. c 5M-SJ1..S ftf GOVERNMF.;\'T Poe1lloiu avail. in the ...,.., uax company ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,. .a annual 2Dd time around 10'' craftaman RIA aHr. DR A p E R J E S : SURPLUS Newport area olfenng beadltl with a fut grow· JeEEgiOND Pupa. A.KC. c sale. Ail proeeecla 10 to Near oew. Inds. staDd • Silwrcrest MobUe Home • Untr..,... ~growth potenlfor in· Ina e~fi ~i>utor Ownp tin. 11/F. PeUt ;~~10fr~!~~~ ~f a~d help homeless animals 4 bbdea. SZ3>. M547IS or dnperies f« s ale. a.nU · : ~!~~= ... dlvtdua.la w/in1elhgeoce in ltvlne. racy •how . P v l Pt Y • llertulao cover 1250 Bar I a In 1 I a Io re ! 642·TI44. que wbate with white . .,. .. "' .. 11oo lo b4!come manager's 8-5, Mon·Pri. ~. 2U/97-13'5a1Upm. 9lllMl920 ' CUJverdale Clubhouse l"•O i heera. 4 years old, ·El• n&hl arm. Good pbooe W tmall of"••l•as· ""'"'""RPUPS ... .,C 3154 Hamilton, Sat l4lc1I••--deaed ooce. Jdnt eondJ. ~';~~'i'#= penooality. earea 11-.. .....,~ 1'n Arm aota w/3 cuabloos IMPM •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• f u dJn. MOSIE.LLt:~TAat.D 100%Freetoapplicaat ln1 company located CllAMPIONSIREDS200 lk'own/wh1t.e SlOO P•R· LUGiGA&ITACiS :::"or vm1room. •~"iw..£ ITWiePersonnelAgency near Orange County Al\erepm:S.52-0108 lnlllA!reOtFMradlowalh L&rtendecGaracesa.Je. fromycur.,.tneucard. ,00:,-'!·0~b~~= l.O~J'~~~:;rs~0 488E1'1tb,CmtaMesa Ail1>0rt-We are &ookmg Cid EDI Sheepdog pu~ 8·trac k player SU. 13IO WestcWI Dr. N.B. Send one card ror eacb Raaaaable.Callt124M31 a.ltour1'«""'1 Sll.Uezz.t 642·1'70 ror a full time recep· .._ A.KV. C _.11 deli ssr-t:BJ S.t.-.ZM1 ta& ph• one spa.re. We OP«N~t'i!u11uc ~~~~~~~~~ Uon1at who would enJoY _...., • wtu vet. I efter4:10p.m. •11toPMllathl>a1" ---•m•·•&•.---.;:; ~wttluvanetyof SJZ.MM03S,192-'1214 DhanAUendinlnttable. 3 hm.Sa1e.Crib,Youth ~n.::_~:en~1 Eartb-toae tweed aofa ~t':':U.:~~ ..... -H ~~ C:~~3 ~ tenant1. Nobtytplna Kerry Blue Terr, AKC aoUd Birch drop-leaf , ~u::,~d:~•P•.;:~· at.rap. meelinl air oe aleeplr,q'*ltalae.$125. OAAN02COUNTV -·-nece11ary " e>c.· pupptee. Kennel bred, 72x36.twoU"ext.,$19S. • 39' • l.D. requmnnenta. Pre-151-o:M'7 FAIRGAOU .. 09 .... a., ...... ,,. N.B. area. Full" p/l, AU perlenu with heavy ~Jlt>' can. '151-3'1'73 MS-1790 tt.w. •l1han.a, plata, veot DI• tbeft! For a ,_, IMldlnc Mtl fw .. 1 11hUta. MaleHemale. phooet Important. Send dotb9, mlae. am appl 6 pencm.aliJed ta1 endoM ttu 9 ·-ltill•r"""'--~ ,,...., .. ,. SHUO plua per br. Auto resume to Airport Ex· Mmt ..U cllDette aet. • ~Sa\. onb l~~-274 wallpaper , fabric or w.... IOlt n .... >-A,CGM•lln•.Ca Mewpert Co...,..,. 6 phone req'd. No eaper «Ullve SUJte, Suite 100, OLD chn, 2 m.p&e end tblee, 2 ~ Greeo. Fal.rvw/ "De.)' Gk>" paper A we ·-•-•••n••• ........ lht ~•••'flh . neceu.&udeot,mwtary 1100 Quell, Newport ENGUSH raltafl ebtt fl tbl. Prlnccto to Vale or -'ll t.ck 6 trtm your TOPCASHPAlD 114/MMI I I Jt1f IChedWiea welcome. Call Beach. SHEEP :llM43U. HlaonrSta CM tap. Or try two cardl Pbl' UleCI tunUture It·~ _ for aPl)l. m.1* 1--------back to back. pliancea, worki.nl or not ---'-'-------'welder /Produ ctloQ DOGS PRICES: 15741.D Woa on 1am. abow • IMBWOMAtt/ $«:aAIJ OHie.. work.el' aouiht by •mall sa.aor31• PlneeeUr coif cbaba • P·Tlllt Alta~lllt. oru-1e-Co. co..c>hr'I., M.50/hl'1talt. 9AKC R£GISTERED 4/StapU.«tea. Wanted: baby crib 6 btC ·all teboulld. woods llatun. Cs;Htable, locMim(n4)97'8-'1"3 Lqtm.a Etcbbal/PrHI PlfflES tlltacall.50ea. o t b e r r •I at • d .-.1nm macle t.o yow 'db lmow to wort SECY ()).-.aot 8()ftN5/1' 1ocwmore11 . .oea. hlmilbblp. Pleaae ea!J 1peetncaUon. Abo, 3 lo r ep•tabl• Antique /BKPR, part/fuUJ...;;._.;....______ Bochf4och«end SaleaTuJocluded W41Jl. Kennell over•lhed lbap.C.Uda7a,MJ.1945 tJme, R.E. Co. CdM. WOROPROCESSOR FmhrnreP..,.nd. NOCARD! ani*le t..wa uebQ. 8al.uJoea.l'B4Mll Experteoeedfscapeble, , __ .:._.;.__ _____ 1 Dnw10Gl' own« Mod a'81'1.. Blaclt Aee. Q•al\ty ~f!.YllDCm~. ,.,6 SEC'Y/RECEPT. Far1rvilNt•wfinD. S..Prlcr.1250.00 woe • ....._ pboee 6 0 f _ .. , l•l merd>ndiee ... JUI --Miii-mii .,,. CallJl'ranm.lllZ. •11 make Cl9ll ca.rd per _ .... •••••••••••••••• eoa-_...,co. ut Npt1t.a....a.~ol·1--------• Call(714)551·119l 14AddJ9re:acb. Coeplett drum ,., • P ool table. I foot .._.. mt ~ 11d.ua, nee loGtbll ,_hill tlme ~::!~!!:==:~I SIDd cbeck or....,_.. f.elliD cyasbola. 1tudl, ........ ..,. 1" aide•. SB••..-. oa a~ derto: ..-. peida!t, E~otlllnt Yoa -•· .......... l G:lll?~ ~1 8:: "#.lJ:etlJ• coodtlloa. Sacrifice. -•-'*------- eall 111. ~at a.a-..ea.-._ 1eatTw1Dat11111:awtda ~ -au. ruder Teleuuer llll ,....._ ..a t11 _ .... cr.l'V, 1-------• w/cue. Xlat. ll•pl• u.k wtdul IMlee ,... 1 ;2-'lll'i!!! 1 IMt. 'Nat. ft•. Offer ........ 8llldl NedJ to •iV ...._..iibt;'i;.u ..... we.;lllb«*.•• •• •·nun• 1 1 .,,.. • lla-H OraH, Bl, ......... , .... 111 •• _...,.,_...__, W·lll. ........ L•Ue. Aml6a. tlll. t• t• flD ............. 11'11 -11116 la ....... Maintenance. deli very, USCG licensed Intrepid manner 497 .2SJ4 TIHOOOR E ROBINS FO RD 1'• ' •1 '\W•' li.J I w ,, (fJ'\1/i. ~I ,• : • •l ------- MMllt . talces ,,,ur ,,,.,.., 2' hourp a day,-7 dap a weeltl OflllY PllOT I 19 DATSUN 811 COUPE II cylinder. auto .. air cond .. pwr. steenng, dasc brakes. Nice Car. Must see to appreciate. only 9,448m1. (l!n'WZOI $&850 SANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street Sanu Ana 558-7811 7711191 FlllAal 4 eyllader, ' •pd .. All/Fii ndio W /autreo tape, whitewall tirH, front wheel drt ve. Sbal'p car, pa saver (75Sl'PJ> $3495 SANTA ANA DATSUN 2001E.17th Street Santa Ana 558-7811 17 DATSUN 280ZCOUPE 4 spd .• a1r cond .. stereo. st.eel radial tires. new paint. new tires. low a:uleage. Low down Pay- ment. (~El S6552 SANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street Sanu Ana 558-7811 Tnldtl 9560 Tndcs 9560 .............................................. ...... , ..... ...... ••• ..w ••••rW .......... rW ~ .... .... ·········'············· ....................... . ....... , .......................................................... . ._....... ,.............. .... .... t120 t7JI .......... '741 Mlrc.dttlttll t140 Mlii•••llls 9140 ,;;:::::::::::::::::::::::1::::::~:::::::::::::::::&:::::::.:.::·::··:.:··:::··:::··:::··::··::··::.·1::······················· .................................................................................................................. . HUIE SAYl•S eRX7s eGLCs WE In MIRE BECAUSE WE SELL M•EI "'.,.... ~ c.-... ···--u••s ... .,,.aa.•.s. o.. "Im MO. Elte ..,.,. oou.acroa r-~:_!•1W'11-~;. ~..a ow1tr. lmpecublJ AIU. air. CIC, U 1.-Y OOlfVD'IDLS --... -,_, -~:=~ mW llf 11 XJll emd. W/llMlllQo UMftor. AiJ °Tl llB•IS 1.J dwk ...._ IN at '" lat. J~Dellv_,f maf7Mlll reda-orts· OWHt. ltl ...... ,_ .W. --:. ... -:!~:ix:: 111TDllYIOMI .. .._mlef..c&.ara sw.100 ...... •tmor ••.-.••rr .... ...,,.._ -!II --............. :.ir.a ..... , ..... 'llllZ __ , .... -........ • - + $JMO. D.D. *• low ml. lib .... --..... ae,51pd, ~ m.aa -•UMdaa. IOOd N.llV.•-...t:M.Ta *· ..-. u.eoo .U., CCIDd. 11.711 or otter. flt:TM~ lltl .... IDmpt. taOO. _......,. "11-ctdll MOD. Beta-. Dave, t42·20U daJt, • •• Good eood. M.m ml. m.sa.....map. "11..0 llB. ·~demi M t7J5 -HartMlr Blvd. $t,000 or beet offer. Is lo ml. ms Ml.I by ....................... OOSTAllJ:SA --7·1S-•. 81t ofr over ·~!.~,~~.~!!~· 979.250• "10 2l(Q.. wbt. bUt lnL '7USELC.•U••.blkbrt.., s n ,tot tat.a. ('114 ) _ ... - -_. 1-....1-t..a-~-~------... ~---1 111,000. Lie. HlllXT'. Sll.OQO.oft•. TSa-llOI _-._om. ____ _ =--==·~Tt~~-'71 X .. U J wlth moblle '&7IOS "Jlllscedes,aoo&El.,U, ·• 200, 4 cir. :a1at oriC ------pboM. Leath, atareo. lnlf.' xJnt cood, DU pa1at. eand.-. P.P. ,. la lpyder': Wbll.e wttb Loab ...... ,,.. put. aa.ilied Ada MZ-5178 880<5850 lcz.1'55 • .... ... • epd. .... Call .... 166111 ......,,. ... "* '74 XJIL, ~••ncy red, ...... t7Z7 IOOd CCIDd. moo. ....................... "5-ll70 .....,. ,~.. .• a.av. Bdstr, Id CODCl Tl.WI vva N•• top/tires. snoo OIAt•I COAST ._.,..or1s.SM1 HONDA .... t1J1 TODAY!!! """8SITY SALIS6SERVJCE Ol.OSNOIU HOM>A ....................... m iracle mazda •, ....... . .... ~a~l C.-MIM '4'-1700 COSTA llP.SA Hf.!Mt Dya?7m~tvcc Hatchback! 4 apeed, nctio • beater. Sharp! Sharp! (?IGllQ) $3.291 IOIWITHAM ,_:~~e. 1.nWestmlnster •m1 831-7880 77 lbada Civic, white, ~=~==::::!.... brown plaid int. auto, air, overhead console, 1"14 lluda RX4 Good 32111, H8labw. $3,950. cond. Make o ffer. TJ0.1130. 536-55'1 or bome : ~------~ MMDI ·------'19 •IA UnJIW.neweq,clllkh. batt, w lrlne . more. l:COID u SllOO/bestofttt. --- Make Great All-Occasion Greetings! PLACE A HAPPY AD FOR $3.25 Lo•l•e -Happy Dear kid• -Con. Dear Ma~. Try to flrat a••lv•rury. 1 gNlaladam oa p~ kttp yoar lilead dur· darll•I· ADd th•y d•~ln& m y O n t IDI the ntats Lov• ukf It...,...., lut! g ra•d~blld . M y Louis. · ' Love, a&tte. babysit&Jal ralft are very low. -Mom. GET A "DO IT DAILY" T-SHIRT FOR ONLY $3.25 For $6.50 You Can Send A 3 Line Greeting To Specla I Folks And Get A 'Do it . 'Dail~ ~-------------4 cyhnder', s apd .. air "79 RX7 GS. Loaded, 5 eood.. power ateenng, apd. air aUDl'OOI at.ereo "Do It Daily .. T-shirt Too! WHEEL AND DEAL RIGHT HERE You can find just the car you're looking for In the Automotive Claeslfleda of the Dally Piiot. Sell your old wheels , toot Just call 642·5678M1!ijiji(•ll ~b~.si'h15M~~~ SiJ~.sGoolbat.°17MS6i L X. Model, clean as a '79 GU:: 9'd, Hatcbbeck, pm. ( C!1l!f1) ~ mi, $3900. A.Jl)'timr $1211 641>~. 673-3350 eves. ~ lllTA IM I '72 Mad.a RX2, new llns, .JRllll ft1U1 AM/FM caaa, A1C. $1250. m.18216 OATSIJll )lake ~our i.hopp1n 1: 2001E.17th Street easier b~ using the Dail~ Smu Ana 558-7811 Plk.t Oas.s1r1ed Ad!. ---·-·-- Come In To Any Daily Pilot Office And Place Your HAPPY AO And Pick Up Your T-Shirt. "°° Alltos. Mew 9100 Aafhn. Mew 9100 .A.ldo5.. M•w tlOO....,.. Mew 9100 .......................................................................................... •··············•······· ........................................................................................... . • NO ADDITIONAL DEALER PREP CHARGES • NO BLOWN-UP PRICE STICKERS • NO OVER STICKER PRICES •E KCLUOIN(; DEALER ADDEO ACCES.SOIUES ON ALL TOYOTA CELICAS, COROLLAS,* CORONAS & SUPRAS •e XCLUOIN(; TERCEL'~ DUE TO AVAIUIBILITY . * MORE REASMS 10 BUY AT BILL MAXEY * INQ.UDED ON ALL USED CARS NO GIMMICKS -NO HASSLE , 60 CAR INVENTORY ALL SAFETY CHECKED -IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -UP TO 48 MOS. FINANCING -----.X...PLIS ----- '72VW SQUAREBACK • • mpeed. .-..o. ~~(772Gm 11995 '78DODGE SURFER VAN WO..Pll..~ ............... •35_95 . '75AMC RUNABOUT I~. auto.. PIS._, oond.. ..... OW. ~ Low, low mlee. COl3NOY) *2495 '77DATSUN 2008X COUPE . a...., .......... sr . .-..~ '74DATSUN B·210COUPE 4 tpeed, nice trlfllPC)l1aUon. • (156LGO, . '2495 '77PINTO WAGON AA*>.. PIS. r--. economy, loW, loW prtoe; (81•RXD) *2795 . I I D9COUNT 4DOOR 5871 891534 '1141 'lm•570 4DOOR sm 914144 1470 IOM '376 2DOOR 5817 893407 8195 1423 •72 4DOOR 5758 880l28 1137 1212 •25 4DOOR 5753 111085 ll02 ..., . as 2DOOA 5870 ,,,_ 8010 710I 967 .2DOOR 5113 l7I070 IOU 7408 636 4DOOA 5757 831785 em 1441 352 2DOOR 5111 '858726 7352 .. 513 4DOOR 5759 858'90 863'7 1222 C15 4DOOR 5895 853331 ,7027 ... 391 4DOOR 5869 892914 7295 -•10 4DOOR 5967 881192 8337 7U1 656 4DOOR 5997 881821 79ffl 478 4DOOR 8100 608 2DOOR 8720 438 2DOOR 7195 WAGON 5941 134234 4DOOR 5894 093745 859 4DOOR 5752 092459 783 4DOOR 5937 115758 849 4DOOR 5931 102780 2DOOA 5891 040000 .. 851 2DOOA 5923 Ol22IO 9371 860 2DOOR 5806 043250 9070 1102 968 2DOOR 5807 042ll7 9010 1102 968 2DOOR 5804 043IOI 9010 7tSO . 1080 2DOOR 5893 0471SS 9421 1331 1087 2DOOR 5718 048847 IOJO 7234 856 .. 835 2DOOR 5801 CMll11 ... 7900 2DOOR 5803 044100 1411 7142 853 2DOOR 5112 040441 IUD 885 2DOOR 5172 001"7 1712 886 2DOOA 041441 1471 814 ' 872 2DOOA 040MO .. DIESELS RAl8IT 4-0r. NII AA881T 5899 DASHERWAGON 5MI DAllERWAOON 69'4 DASHERWAOON 5147 DA9BWAGON .... DMHIRWAGON IMS DUIBWAGCJlllM3 4DOORDMMER 5939 DMHERWAGON 5942 4DOORDASHER 5938 DASHERWAQON 59" DASHER 4 DOOR 8018 112914 903811 128778 121123 128331 121172 121521 102711 128146 115115 114344 111989 140520 ~7215 7570 10,525 . 10,525 10,585 10,615 10,820 10,llO 10,340 10,045 9870 10,880 10,305 CONVERTIBLES . . BUG '5980 043977 RABBIT 5916 110022 RABBIT 5924 80ll84 RABBIT 5881 IOM15 RABBIT 5933 807485 1 7145 •150 7405 165 '1115 530 9195 530 1995 590 .. 5 10,0ll 552 10,110 570 '17%7 613 llOI 437 1187 484 10,110 570 9656 649 '8425 10,141 10.oeo 10,098 10.Gll VANAGONS . VANAGON VANAGON VAHAOON VANAGON VANAGON CAMPER- CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER CAMPER 5921 092511 111,320 5931 095121 10,735 5929 093808 10,310 5927 Ol22a 10,115 5587 05ll27 10,272 10;480 1112 9419 978 .. 830 773 891 936 908 VANAGON CAMPERS 5934 083118 58'4 052383 5113 052495 5722 052488 5131 ot2ll5 5128 013011 5733 052783 5783 OICMl1 5731 019070 5711 042991 5114 083511 . 1121 OlllOI 13,115 12,475 12,475 12,471 12.126 12- 12,471 12,307 12,412 12,412 13,300 11.m 12,752 1163 11,202 1273 11,204 1271 11,204 1271 11.1101315 11,201 1186 11,204 1271 11,1421165 11,2511206 11,2041258 12,131 1169 11,8101315 7 1YWUlllT c.tcm 2 doclt' •Ulo«Mlk with aJr coadltloola&. Very low m i le•. Dynamite! (41!11VQJ) $4,695 IOIWITMAM YOUSWAaat 7800 ffeiiimlmter Ave. ut Walmimter -7561 638-7880 BRAND NEW 1979 BRAND NEW 1979 280ZX CPE. 510 2 DR. SED. 59495 5529t Auto. trans .. fact. air. A M-FM ster .. tint. glass. cust. stripes and much m o re . Stk . #1878-9 r1e9759) 8 cylinder 5 tod . au condl· 11on1no window shade. Cabriolet package. Brown Low Miles.18t8UJWl 57884 'I010YOTA C&ICA • cylinder. automatic transmission air condit10n1no. pcwer ltMrinQ, AM/A.4 redlO w/tape. megs. rear shade kif 1 ll'd I ng roof tan 2 4 Mo /24.000 Ml Service Con· tract .....,1able. IT99ZERI 7180 Miies FACTORY AIR Economy 4 speed with 2000 cc OHC engine. Stk. # 1225-9 (064008) .,, Mmem>IS 2400 Diesel , Autom atic transmlMl<>n. 11r oond1t1on1no. PQwer steering. pewer dOOf' locks. e>ower (d1tcl brakH. AM /FM radio. steer.,rad111 1ire11 "Like Brand ~ew" . f793WRNI s 16,900 '73 SCOUT II 010 4 .meet dnve with rocklo9 hubs. Great •or •ooks and drives great• !5-'f'V-tC • 53291 77 YOl.YO Z•4 8 Cytlnder. 1utom1t10 tr•ntml9alon. air condlt1on1ne. pow., etHrlng. power dlto bra~••· power wrndo•I. AM1'M stereo radio ~/t- 1lldtn9 roof. 1 ownei-. t 9ftilee. 24 Mo.124.000 I I ) I ' 1 · f . I 'ACCORDS *PRELUDES '70 VW Bu1. New E•erytbta1. SJOO am/fm/eau. stereo, mq wbls, 6 Goodyear ndlala. super clean. 3Z mp1, Bat ta Orao1e vw 'Cl. .,.. tood. body a.mt.11 ·t *':! ~1'°08•01>-'"xlat. "'New paint 6 ~.e. -·-. ndlalil. ll.500. '7M-1$GI ·13 vw Bua, rum eooct. 75 YW7 IUS DJnamite paueqer Needs bocf7 wont, SI• W lt b b U d • t O • fl D d orbmtolferl'D-tGO aa&omlt.lc. Xtra clean. "'U But. reblt mtr, new brh, All/Fii. very demi $95/alr. NO-Sm tcmNDI) Q,ttl IOIWl'TMAM WJUISWAMM This is the symbol of.AUTOCAP. The Automotive Consumer Action Program. AUTOCAP is an independent panel made up of concerned citizens. Some are consumers. Some are automol>ile dealers. The job of the AUTOCAP panel is to help solve complaints you have about your car. AUTOCAP is someone to turn to. llTtltll' The number to ntmember •.. (1) 800-252-9488 Thia message pre.ented as a Public Service by the MOTOR CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION of Southern California and the Daily Pilot U.VWSqaarebadr. ,_ ar-l. b*a IOOd. IDOY· illlEut.$1250. ... tCIZ Wffelliin.tmter Ave. LmelCJIOdhinl valuable! In Wwm•mt.er A-. m ad in our i.c.t V ou r friends and neghbors use Class1f1ed wh e n l he \ ha v e 1ome011ng lO sell The) ·11 tell ~ ou how we ll ll ~fort.hem' Just moved into t.own? ~51 Gl-791 aad Found columna. "7S La Gt'mde: Complete-'51 v w 8 u. . fu 11 y n.t's ~ peopAe look ly aeniced~ Sunroof, rwtGred. daalc. ~ wbm tbe7 ~ found a:: IWeO. Cal.I 131·3'111 7lM le04l5Z ii.em al value. "°° AlltDI..... "°° .......... Then get acqwlillted With the Classified Ads. They're the easiest way to rtnd J~ the items and ""'1ces YoU need ! 9100 1980TOYOTA 1980TOYOTA 1980TOYOTA HI-LUX PICKUP CEIJCA ST COUPE COROLLA 2 Dlt SEDAN 5 spefd transmission, AM/FM multiplex stereo radio. deluxe pin stripes. 4' speed transmission. bucket seats, deluxe pen stripes, protective body side moulding & wheel well lip moulding. • speed tnnmiaston. bench aeet end this one is fully flctOtY equipped. (51391). protedfw body stde moulding & wheef well Up moulding. (79681 ). 55723 (57199). 5G93 1978 DATSUN KINCi CAI PICKUP 4 cyl. engine. 4 epeed trans .. ce .. ette. waw tires. metal shell, pinttripfl. ,.... bump«, dual exterior . m1rror1. .,.... IPOke Wheels. wide "'-I buckMtellb. (1M42470). s5199 1978HOMDA STATION WAGON SRS UFTIACK ACCORD LX CB.ICA •T 8210 SEDAN 4 cyl. engine. automatic 1ran1.. ' cyt, engine. 5 speed transmilliOn. 4 cyl. engine. automatic trans.. fftbec:k. 4 cyt. engtne. & IOMd 4 oYf. engtne. automatic .,..,_, redio factory air cond.. pOWer steering, tinted QI-. tt«eo C91Ntte. ...., factOtY air cond.. pqwer ateenng. tnint.. * concl.. AM/FM -.o 9nd & .._ titea. White wfth blue dOth POW« ditc brek•. atereo 8 trade. belted rad lat tlrH and morel ttnted ~ c:ruiM oontrot1 ·,'*ereo IOw ml6e& (280 UBT). Loeb & dtw. Interior. fUll carpeting & body aide tinted Q1e:19. lugoege rack & '8dtlll (001ULO). Priced to ..,ltaaut ontv cau ette. pin strip ng rear llM newt moldings. C940WECI • ttres. (oeeMPA). ...,.,......,_. C879UL8). s4499 53599 55899 --• .....,, fl W A111M.Ute4 .... UM4 ...... UM4 OAtLYHfl •ti ....................... ..................... . ......................................................................................... . !e!::::z ........ !?~ ! .. r. ........... .!?!! ~e ........ .!!I! !!.£ ............ !!!~ ~" ........... !!!! ~=t ......... !!~! ....... '!::! ... _._ e.-.~ .... ··-· -~:::·: ?!i 'ft ........ • -. .. Cte• w • 11• ii.a ~...,.. 'II Co•1•r·, food ~llOID ·11 Comet. 4dr. 1c11. tWW "'a ,.. "'' ..._ ....... ,_....._a• .... le Ill. • ...._ .VSA 111 J rt.u.. . .-. MITA cl•••· lo• •ll••I•· -.-... ........ ••••••• ............. -..... e.r-11ietn•1tt11 ..... _ _., .. ,.,.._. ............. .....--.of-~ ........ t0W Aup 1· iiii, t..... .......... 'Tl Orude, PIS. P/I , "'71 Pllllo. filffMt.,..... "" ...... ..,..._GS "D W .. ..... .... .... ..,._... _,_ 8"17 . ottMe oaceft .,., D8 0... • bnba, _.. .-'Olllll. o,..udet Mll'C '71 llourcll O.._ J AIC ..... c.,.. am. ball1 llOt pafod.· ... 11111....a.en. _.._ ... _... _ ,_ ~· tit, .... -..... v_, ..... ......._,, • re1 .... <IWVM> cir I AK/PJI '-• ~ -.-161• • .._ ... ft,_..... •.. ~) .,_.,..uuoo...., P.Jtl ..;,:.:;._ 111-m.a..-e:°' i.. Jll.ult•I eoa.. • "11 Ptato llllllee, loedld "M FCll'lllllla. 41& .a.• .......... ,.. .. ....._ ._. ~ --=... w D1 .,.,._ XIII&. =...wn:. V·I ac. aato. rm.am, •l ea.traa, 1ood cond. oa1. 1tor•o eaH, ...._ 9771 Dia ..... WC-'-• lNU. lav. l •o. olid W1JiiilillililliA'9 •• 11we.::, llomte:; .............. -.sn1. 1111la8er.•a11 AMll'll.dw&c..&.A& .... ., .... , .. "·-··-• • tnn. _......_ ~ btooH palnl. 111•1•· •••ah$• · 1WY.=r..~u..· "11 RmatlJllt .mo rebJt m.w.m .... YOLYO -.--....-. ••-n>m ft. All/Nau. YiQltae .• .,. ... .,.. C..OMtlnl-~ ·•..,. •• ,,I eyl, Id-.. smtew Ni olr. 1t • tllr4 tnt .,. ..... m .... --.. wtlla •mi ... .,. ~/aal&.e olr. Day or -..£.. --CIGlld. a.. llut eeU. llml..U.at-cm __.._ ----.... Mt "12 LTD ...... Sll2S -w.t". ·--· -..mt IQ.e7I --···••HllUI _.,_at 0.lJ ... --· • · 'T7 T·Blnt ....... ... ...... Jul u.-............ ,...a.ua. ... ,.. FuU Power. A.lr, ... ....... ttll ... ll\&llaD VI '12ftltoW ... Alt.•spd .......... ,JT_... tll '" or ltat eft. ~ .... ,,. eialY .. m. .... ttll GM,QdOoad.-.JOea. ·•-.. ••••••••••••••" __ ................ • ... -. . eood c*, tl200/best. SMl5. 88'7 GrMt • lM!i. ..Uont.••• •-•................. "TZConwrt. New tGp. W -"""e-,_._. C&UIG-laM W.17tb8l.C.ll.•91 till "no.t.111 .... •wlia.pb ....... , ,,.. 351. Real ab.up..,.._., en.om ,. IU ..,. ll.• _. c-t tt17 pa, ac, cc. radw. al~ ._ ............ _ ..... saoo.canm . .a · ,... '' 1 "1• rt.&o Htchblt, aUct i. Town ••ado - ..... .. Sii I t I I ,,. -••••u••••••••"•• Ila. -aa1. XJM eond.. ORANGBCOU'NT1"S -• •11 I 1Nft. Jlllllleaad. am/bit mi. tab ~ ....._ No YGLYO ..,. ..,. • ' ...... "'H o.n.c.. falr CCJlldM"OM IMa IG •• ..wllT 1'14 lill.lstmc D. PS. PB. ~.................. atr•im CMb ~ 091r ...S J9lllliinlrla!..S. _.._... -. UNC«.ll·llDCVBY IC au&o traas atma.t n Olde Sterflre, V·f . credit aa.-a ODITAIRSA IRla..edeVUle m.un ~~-VI. au&o. pod DEA'AllllP ~ drea. Yin~. ralb' ~-a:cr.'1~/0BO. ft; YI 0 "'° --·-----..... HIHf:!4'7 ~emcltUon ~ -. IAY-t.4enOI wlleetl. n .ooo ml. l2300 -· r-· ....................... awielll56..,...n11Gr· -DICI0 ·17i-Ul'f c. .... "3J ~l-9' I ...-..~ .. ~my or but offer. Xlnt DIESEL Delta 88 Im· 73 ptym Sta Wa1-Top in&--or bell on •. "II VolYO ··--Nblt ·-····· ............... '71 °' ,~ II tell ~ _ .. ..,"'.. mechamca1 ccnd Needs . C!ODd. ll50 or best olr. 851.e.17 ... 9pd/od, ..;, &lal "12 0..,. DeVW.. cood SW'lllUYI .... ·O:~oa~ioa. 16-IJAaloCentel'Dr. miDar body wort. Call 'f:.~=~~Yol· Call~l..-C. -------~Hd. A•kl•I Att• co••· RUH 1ood. lt71CMlft~ .,..pW.LowMllnp SDP'w71:~Folwta.At MZ-8UI --"'' .... "1• aJCTI _,,_.afrllf... · "lt Toroaado die1el ~ ·--••••-•••--•• '70 Vol.o HIS. tftJ n~!1t1a~17~'t<.?for. l'D-UllhA.IPll 130-7000 aeu Cluaic Car. •gs every xtra. '1tK ml: .;-A;;;;•c:;: .. ;:;; ~ca:.==:; Wlbelt.:=4 :,;o..;,;·;;i~·:;.;. =r.-~ut!:!.• 8.\~ ~~t~U:~~~ ":t~:''.~~1 :::=.=~:!>1e. =~ l4NM2 « :::c::~;= _.i. . All/Fii a&efeo, air. loJl.(91"£1). radiala, All/.Pll. air. pwT. ~•brat-• .....,.,, rutt.d Z89. '71 ()Ida Toroaado Dll. moldl.na. •port m.lm>n, "n Vep Wagaa. 4 spd • ...._... nU.lftnialt•rustproof. $92tl new batl«1. ~t atreand.,All/Flht.ereo .mo. PIS. rum~ loob 13K ma . 110.000. Lie PW,50mi.S.00.S»-3lOO treat cu Xlnt cood. Lo m l, H .575. P .P . IOYCAa'YlalMW llZ5jbelt orr. • cwette,wtrewheelco.· -..11 Q.950.197-4012 --YUO'f'.n2·7'll03 .aftSPM/wbda. '1200.m-5eatts.pm. -•••H•••........ - -tllMlll3. UtOJaUDboft.e a.oad . ad-eitte1' #Kl.~ hn. en new tires &: I r --.aAn• Pa:ll LeM I I • .. ttOI -NEWPORT BEACH '74.-... ... -.. ..... H .. •--. ~' Pri .,.y .: ·ss llu1tao1 Conv. PWD tt57 67_.___.. .. _~:.11 ,!!.· ~ep '74d Elt.ate Waioa. -·••••••-••••••• "12 ao, 4 apd, '1500. I.at. ._. .. --..... ... -· · ~ · · .. _.... • f ._ ... t f 1 ...... .,.,..... ...... --· .. -spee stereo. new MAJ444 6 cyl, manual. $1415. Call S.9100 (weelldays num:;nca • ... .,., e am · .... ••••••••••••••••••• .... -. .;,. _ __..__. ......._.., MOn•l&OYB o-t. bocly Deeda won. --I fun ca R tored a.u ,_ mone ~~ ,.._... Rum IQOd. 780-02:99 'TST TOP 4112..-Meves. wkendS. durtn& day) ff 951-t078 ~ c.llr.N e~ M · '78 Llflbac k. 2SK mi. lion sla pp ~ $4995 71 Camero, RSpki.'auto. Wbt/marO:On lat. All WANT ACTION~ <eveaincllweekft>dal. sell Loctay. ~;~17 a: ~i.Dli$ a:;;.~: ·~;~~:!1 ~·,:~i;: <in:icvE> . ar,PS.,PB,ll&ereO.upe, power. %7,000 m l. Im· ~~aredAdslH2 5678 Selladleitems st2·S678 891.-,. ~82 S12J)O.C&Udl-7530 WantAdHetp~ &4Z S67R maevlate. 7SaH'llO or Ad· ------rdals, sport wbla, 6611. Sitter t 143. 642-.UOO . a. AMtos. H•w 9100 AMtos. How tlOO A11tos. M•w tlOO Alltot, H•w 9IOO .Mew 9100 A9tol. Mew 9100 ~'• ,.-.on.al a~ial ~ day • ••. • • • • • • • • ••• •••••••• •••• ••• •••••••••••••••• ••••• •••• •••••••••••••• ••• •••••• •. • ••••••••• •• •• •• •••• • • ••••••••••• • • • • ••••• • • • • • ••••••••••• order car in aceptioo&J __ •_;......· ____ ,--------~llllllll!~llillal!l~~~!!!lill~l!iii!l!!iilil~iiliniil!li~~-~ii!!!iilaliiiiiiiii~~liillia.-.~-.-..--.------.. 2 oril cood. 14Hcllf, sz.sc;o. 1'10-7'730. 9910 Clx:n•t 9920 ....................... ....................... 73 Buick Century Luxm waaoo. all power, air, AM/fl'll, $191115. 546-1"31. 96&8'3Seves. "79 Black Regal. Black, fully loaded w /aunrooi. 14,500 mi. Aaaume be+S500. 551-9728 COMMRL CHEVROLET '19C.VEllE 17,000 miles, T·roof. lather, air cooditiOOUJg, , loaded. (891 WKM > 136.31 HAll)Ut fltw> O.tctien G10¥f' •h 6J&.Dl:J .')\.,. It .i r I• •r Hh d ' 'i:-.. I \ \f Fs \ 546-1200 1bt Id this '66 Riviera, 197' CORVETTE great cood.. co ror far 11Tn Moma2+2. auto, aar. Wbttwbt. Ev·e,y option. ..._than it's worth. Till 33.000 mi. S2900. ~18 LC. spoiler&, &las& top, wheel, pwr. windows, aftfPll de. Ooocoun cood. Uat more.CallDaveS»-41195 •-------~ owsr Sl.5,000 Must sell. --------•J987 Moma Corva1r, good bmtotler. 557--4250. 1977 FAt. W1n. 9-pus. body, good eng, needs '71 Corvette clean m Goodcoad. S2850Firm work. Must sell. Malle storage last 03 yrs, ~ust ~9501 ofr.Sat/Sunevs.661-3916 eeU ~/ofr. 646-6* "13 Buick Centurion COD· 73Mont.eCarlo, immac .. NB v'\. Xln.t. cood. A/C, full $1195. • '&QJnv .• 2 tops. lmmac pwr. AM /FM stereo. 551-41110 *"'rm cood. Blk w/all ::.._--:.re· S3,250/0BO. '6' CarnJr. Runs gd. xlD1 int. Auto. 327. isaoo • • body. _. or trade for MO-Ol80or'S5'1·5550 C = c "IS mo&cftYde. 5'5-2088 . . -·-• .. ••••••••••••• Placing a Class1f1ed ad 1s 'T7 SerilJe, white, veey '71 2 dr Cbevette, 18.000 as ea:.y as d1ahng ~our dlm.'71111. mi, factory AC, AT, phone. Gwe us a call NOBI Dr15.111.-:M We'Udotheresl.M2·S678 ....._UMCI ....._Uted ....._Used ....................... . ........................................... . ************************ *********************** .Jl.ST .\FEW EX.\llPLES: ONL y•2995 ONL Y'3995 '78 .... ·r.-1aJNNT ...,, .. = '3995 1•at H • t 'PTl a\ = '2995 .,. P91ft1AC US llA• =N4 '3995 ..,.~.....,.•AUIMJ =· '3885 EN11RE INVENTORY REDUCED! 1980 CHEVROLET 2 WHEEL DRIVE 4 WHEEL DRIVE PICKUPS ~ FACTORY REBATES OF UP TO 1900 ••. llSCOUNTS UP TO s2000 TOTAL DISCOUNT Willi REBATE-12900 E-.mc>14 -TOft4JIA ll~lrft 89 TO CHOOSE FROM SEE US NOW!!! IO WARlll LISTS- ONE OF CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST INVENTORIES! WE SELL MORE IECAISE WE 111 11111 111 MIRACLE MAZDA ·.' H/.~f\1•5'fii 645 5700 ~v~r:, Y! :. - s500 REBATE Oii ClllYSLEI COIDOBAS & 5300 IEl&IE • Pl.YMllUllt YOUlf.S ' CllYSlEI Le llJlllS. W SEl£C1tl CAB KY! GREAT SAVINGS HURRY MOW M-,To Chaae1 "'- RANGE COUNTY'S WGEST CADILLAC DEALER HAS DIESELS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! P\MIS- • BffiER PRICES • BmER SERVICE • BffiER SElECTION SB.S'ftUEl8 •lllB&t MAIBS AUTO Cami 142$ eME11 $TAUT 11111& s.ar NABERS~ I ONll?Q"I • ._ ...... CllTlmA MO-t100 EARLE"IKE'S ECONOMY CAR ·CENTER COMPLETE SELECTION ·OF IOYOIA1 TO CHOOSE FROM .•• AND WE'RE lllANGE COUNTY' '1 VOLVO DEALERSHIP! : "n '-" ............. •VI •..-.C ,,_ ·-.. -·-• IOO .,_,. __ • ~e"ec-1•F•/.j••,s\: .... '"' • • '2288 '2288 •--:-r.i;,.......-,--.-----~ • I 1971,_,. • TI :6 W.d ..... ........ , (.OftG ~ • , ....... ••""00 •\ • ttwt .. COf'llfOI t 11t • _.._. _,.., -.... & • Vf\o.f 10000 ~·· • p t,S#ll'fl IS•• . ~ ·~Tri'3r7=8~8--+--rnrr:r~-· : I 1fFW . ~ ... , ...... ,., • •eo••te••' t .....,.o . ,,.,.._ -.,..._ ..., •••••o G••• .-....... ... ..,. jSa 0011 • '5411 ···~ . ,. -0190 -• :i:::o.=:-:.a:.· -··--· --·-· I 3 t I tit • • • An.AS CHIYKll· 0 PLYMOUTM OIA~YICI 0 COMM&&. CHMOUT •••MC.10 tJ••• O.,.cc:z~o ,...,,. . ----------·~ ! TRIPLE ! IREBATESI. $300 I TO s3000 CASH REBA TES OH EVERY HEW LINCOLN AND MERCURY IN OUR STOCK! THIS '9 ae OM.Y AT MDIE c·a.ioa1-1 ... 1i~r HONDA 11EA•AR11RS -~ CHECK US THIS WEEKEND!!! .41 Bauer Baic~ ~e Counly'• # l Buick Deal.erJlaip, •2000 ~IJNT• ON AU BRAND NEW 1980 BUIC~ lllVIE•~.m I 1 lt73FOID LlD lmOU4tHAM Automat)C trans.. air conditioning. power steennq & windows and SCJper low miles' (472GWX). f$tk . .C320) '1988 caan111 2 door mode l with automatic transmlaalon end bucket seats Chevy's best economy earl f280RZK).1Stk. .:324\. '2288 t 976 POM11AC .. llllD Formula model.· MHuooer Orange· exterior. automatic trans . pwr steering & elr cond. f009PRH) IStk. P4060). '3988 lt71TOYOTA ftalW 4 speed transmission. radio and heater. A "euper clean" pickup truck with very low miles! 11N4'4HIO) IStk 4084TI., .... tt7'AAT STRADA NEW! Never registered! 6 Soeed trans.. air oond. and stereo. Gets unbelievable mileage! t 41631 I Stk. 4307). -·- 1972 FOID MUSTANG CHAMDI VB. automatic trans .. pwr steerlnq & vinyl too Yellow with blacil buci<et seats 1682FYYl IStk. P4 t t t l '2288 lt74llOB PlllftCl(UP Small VB. autOfNtlc trans.. camper shell with cari>eted Interior & low. low miles. Oeenesf one on the' IOtf 1012635) IStk. 2635A) '2 1979 CHlftOLIT &CAMIMO Royal l<~ht model with automatic trans.. 111r oond.. tilt wheel. ~ seats. ratlye wtleels & LESS than 5.000 miles! I 442091) IStk. P4228l '6488 \ BRAND NEW I 980's w-.ow meal THUteElllRD LANDAU Automatic trans.. full pwr. air. keytess entrv. spd. cont .. radio with pwr '11,731 00 antenna I elec. instrument cluster. Full IUKurv1 Slk. 2599t183375) 41 ....... T ...... c I ' ...... f'ric-4 LTD CROWH VICTORIA Automatic trans.. air. pwr brakes and stePrino. hlllf Vtnyt root. elec. Clodc. '911()00 tlntfld olass. radial wtw tires and many othPr luxui OPfiOns. tk. 2289 (1121801 JO ....... LTDt C ., .. ,.., P'ricH GRANADA 2 DR. SED. Auto trans .. rNtr ateenno & front d•1CS. radlal wlw ftreS. <>c>era windows. tinted '671500 glass. dlx wheel covers. seat·fl•oht bench and more! Stk 2136'114812! 10 ....... • • •u C1 f .. ,.., f'rice4 FAIRMONT 2 DR. SED. Econ. 6-<:yt. engine. automatic trans.. pwr stee<ing & brakes. vinyl t>udtet S657100 seats steel belted radials. tinted Qlass etr etc Stk. 2392t 1529741 J I Mon F-...ttC1 ••lh ... f'riced MUSTANG 2..0R. SED. Gas Saver 4-cyl engine. pwr. steenng & 5649400 brAkPs. AM·FM stereo. steel belted radials. dlx wheel covers & tinted glass Stk. 2392 l 138294 l 12 ..... 1•1 111 C1 '1th ... Pric.e4 5567()00 BRAND NEW RANCH•OS UNDER FACTORY INVOICE flNQ.UOING FACTORY REBATE) tAST OF THE BREED! TAKE vou·R PICK OF THESE FUTURE CLASSICS Stk. 1013 f9H48H1'°777l Stk. 1332 ~51fle5l Stk. 10.-7 (9H48M1407781 Stk. ,.10 f9H47H154049l Slk. 110019H48H140779) Sttl. 1587 (9t-MaH1870'ltl Stk. 1810 (9H47Ht58591) AllY MIMUSfA~Y CASHmATI 517700o ssoooo '172281 ssoooo '117239 s30000 S981 95 s20000 589833 s20000 S9()622 s20000 OVER 100 MEW 1979 AND 1980 PICKUPS AT SUPER DISCOUNTS +PLUS+ '1000 FACTORY CASH IACIC ON 4 WHEB.EAS --FACTORY CASH IACIC ON v.a ·s 1200 FACTOIY CASH IACK ON 6 CYL MODas WE LEASE ANYTHING ON WHEELS. CARS•TRUCKS( --AL_so_D_AIL_Y~I OPEN OR CLOSED END _ llM1'ALS . COMPARE OUR COMPE I ITIVE RATES ' . W AIHlNOTON CAP) -Tile .. ~ ..... tMt.114oltM Hou1e. •••rrocte PrHldent c.n.'1 ,-0 todaJ ud UQIMd la1I ............. lualiae f ... TIM .ale wu •10, well aboYe tM two-ddl'CM a.pity needed co ...._.. aide Carttt'l veto o1 a f'Oll,..........I meuure repeal. latMfee. lt WH the first Ume a Democratic-eanlrolled eoq:reu fat.led to sustain a Dem0tratic pN1W.•1 ..a.a atnce Harry S Trumaa •• ovvrtdclen ID 1951. Can.t velOM UM bW Tllun· day IQ'lftl the fee wu n--.. to help conHrvt Imported petroleum, But two boun later and wtth no 'deb.te, tbe Home voted 33S·35 to o•erride the veto. Today•a Senate vote ad- ministered the final deatb blow. Wbile either chamber of Contreas can s ustain a veto. two-tblrdl vat. ln both bcMllel ,,.. Deeded to override one. Ar1u1ftl umucceutully for the veto to be sustained. Sen. Gary Hart, 0-Colo .• told the Senate tlaat failure to reduce U.S. de- pendence on for~i10 oU only make1 military action lo the J>enlu Gulf recion that mucb more Ubly. ·~we oeed to take some strong medicine and unfortunately this body is unwilling to do J.hat," Hartuid. But Sen. Bob Dole, R·Kan.. de- no unced tbe fee aa "hd eeoaomlc policy and b-S eoero policy." As in the House. a lar1e number of Democrats Joined witb Republicans to override the veto. Carter cut 21 vetoes, an ot wbicb were auataioed. Altbou&b no Democratic president bad been overridden since 1952, Republican President.a Dwtaht D. Ellenbower, RJcbard M. Nlx· on and Gerald R. Ford bad a total ol 19 vetoes overridden. Democrats have controlled both houses or Congress for the better part of the last SO years. In hia veto message TbWlday tbe president told Congress that while he knew the fee was politically unpopular, members should rise above politics and let TW~NTY·FIVE CENTS him lmpote it. He called the levy an important step in oil conservation, "Jood policy and 1ood common sense.'' Hla veto took two hours to reach the House and two minutes toducuss. "We've talked the matter to death," said Rep. Al Ullman, D· Ore., chairman or the Ways and Meana Committee, as the roll call wu ordered. -..rashes _.._oast VanSoaght Freeway Kilkr Search Mounts By ROBERT BARKEll OI -Deify ...... ICMf Police agencies have in· tensified their search throughout Southern California for a mysterious black van that they believe may be linked to the so- called Freeway Killer who may have murdered more than 40 boys slnce um. The full deseriptioo of the van wts relea~ed Thursday. the FVSchool ~ lid Nixed ·~ PlllL 81BJD'BaMAN ----"9111 ..... A campaign to recall three Fountain Valley School District trustees hu been terminated because ol time restraints and difficulty in collecting the re- quired 6,000 signatures. William Mane s, vice chairman of the Concerned Citizens for Quality Education, said the group decided to halt its effort to oust trustees Betty Mignanelli, Shella Meyers and Roger Belgen when it became clear the group's self-imposed mld·JWle deadllne for collecting signatures could not be met. Manes said the group contact- ed some s.ooo local voters and obtained 2,000 signatures before &topping the campaign. Although the group's legal deadline is more than a month away. a mid.June deadllne was chosen because it would coincide lfltb the end ol the school term. Also. Manes said, if the 91gnatures were turned in later there would be little chance ol placing the recall on the N~ vember 1980, election ballot. The Concerned Citizens spokesman said the group will remain active and take poaitiana oo local acbool l..saues. Manes noted that the three targeted trustees face re· elect.ion in November 1911 and tald the Concerned Cltliens ~oup will support other can· didates in an attempt to oust the three lncumbenta at that time. c&ee aECA.U.., Pase AZ> same day that lbe latest murder victim was identified as 18--year· old Steven J . Wells of Downey. The boy's nude and strangled body was found behind a service station in Huntington Beach early Tuesday. The body of another youngster which was left at lbe rear ol a Westminster service station two weeks earlier, remains uniden· tified. Garden Grove police issued an all·points bulletin for the van after two witnesses reported they saw a young male hitchhiker being kidnapped in the ei'1 Oil tbe .night of .Ma1 27. Garden Gro-.e Polle-e Sgt Bruce Beauchamp said the van appeared to be br aad new, em..,.,.._, with a "f7 Min)' blackpmlltjob. The wbiele bad no ehrome ex cept for the name Dodge printed in block letters at tJie right rear oversized door On the left rear door the word "shafted" had either been print· ed or taped. There also was a teardrop window bear the left rear of the van. Beauchamp said two wit- nesses reported they saw a youth forcibly abducted when they were waiting lo make a left turn at Hazard Avenue and Brookburat Street near the San Diego Freeway. "The witnesses said the youth approached the passenger side where be was squirted with a substance and grabbed. "We are sure there were more than ooe person in the vehicle. "We were confident that the report was true from the begin· ning," Beauchamp said. "But when a second witness came forward a week later with the same details, it made us even more sure. "We have no way of knowing if it was the Freeway Killer but it Is lbe best lead we have." Wells, the victim who was found in Huntipston Beach, is not the person IWho was forced Into the van, police said. Garden Grove poliee are aak· tn1 anyone with information to call them at 638.a7 or 638-6783. Uuntingtoo Beach Lt. Bruce young said his department Is very interested in the van, <Bee sµ1.Ea, Pa1e AZ> i Iron Call,s CUU-k ~:'Vilest' American . ., ...... - AMERICAN TROOfliS WADE> ASMOR!TOA NORMANDYRACtf '8 YEARSAGOTOOAY D-Oar•nweeton ................ HtlngolllteEndfor...,.•TIWclRetdt D·Day Honored TQday Allied Forces Landed in France 36 Yean Ago Today marked the 36th an· niversary of D·Day, when Allied fo r ces invaded France a t Normandy, doomed Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and marked the beginning of the end or World War II. The combined Allied forces the mightiest sea and ai~ a rm ada in histo ry. hit the Normandy coast on June 6. 1944. at S a.m., London time. Time, tide, wind and rain have washed away the stains or blood and iron on that picturesque 6().mile solar plexus where th~ Allied punch landed 36 years ago today. Steaming out of a dark. misty morning, the monumental task force s lammed into lightly manned Nazi German shore de-fenses. Bombs, naval bombardment and replying coastal fire com· bined in a thunder and at 6 :30 a.m .. the ground forces hit the beaches. Main Breaks; Huntington Water Cut Inching, crawling. falling, the first assault troops drove forward, pounding at the line or iron to take Carentan, Bayeaux. Caen in a day, a week. two weeks. three . . The 60 b:v lO·mile beachhead widened bit by bit as American. British. Canadian, French and Polish forces began the final . crushing push against Germany. Logistics for D-Day were titanic : 1.000 planes and gliders dropped paratroopers on the Carentan Penmsula Man power marshaled under Supreme Allied Forces Com · mander Gen . Dwight D . Eisenhower totaled 2.876,439. with S.049 fighter planes. 3.467 heavy bombers: 1.645 light and medium bombers and others. A total of 39 Allied divisions fie r cely fought the forces marshaled by Germany, SS divisions including reserves in t.be Fatherland. Opening up other fronts. Gen. l.Aut to llglort George S Patton and his he llfi re·and·bri ms tone Third Army hit St Lo, and on Aug. 14, Allies invaded France south of the Rhone with 1.000 more ships. The first terrible crac~ was heard on D·Day. June 6, 1944. but it w as months until Germany's back was finally broken. More Banks Drop Prime Loan Rate NEW YORK <AP) -Some ol the nation's bigest banks have trimmed their prime lending rates to 13 percent as the cost ol acquiring fwlds and the demand by businesses for loans continue to ease. Late Thursda;, First National Bank ol Chicago announced it would take a percentage point otf its prime, beginning today. County Still Drags On Ballot Counting A Re1iatrar of Voters spokesman 1ald reaulta from two precinct.a lo Anaheim and Fullerton were expected to be added Into the overall Tote re- turn• aoafelime today, &lvinl the COUDtJ ltl f1aal but wdftdal resulta for Tueld1y'1 electloo. The comity has 2.081 preclodl. . Blamed for the de't:f!tnc whlcb lDWaUy lnvolftd raulta from• pnd.nctl -were comPQter problem. ud a b91lot mlllup In a West lt.DabelJD pre. clnet. A 1poketwoman for Ua• Secretaf)' of State'• olflee lD Sacramento 1ald flllal retumt from Oraue Countr ,.,,.. Id lo- eklded llliO.. ··booklet U.U.. .... •ultll ~ 'h11M1'1 primU)' eltC· Uon .. CllllMWa. Sbe iald °'::sf II the onlJ .. WI ID la wllllca. baa DI& eo••l •• tta flaal ta'NI-el-... LOI ... . Oilllltr,... ........... .. •••,...~•ut oftldal• u.n cboli lo tubmJt tlll&r .....-. • nn.-1 'M MW. Oraaie County election of. rtclal1 ban maintained their new Sl.5 .won vote ('CMWlftl system was not at fault in Lbe vote tabulatiGD breakdown. Tbey ialtead cited problems wblcb ~e when results on mapetlc tape frocn 31 predDc:ta wowd aot '° c.auvu.cb t.be coun-ty'• computer Wbleh ..... pri.nt· ou11o1 .... ut.s. For IDOlt di tboR preclncta, tbe lotormatlon had to be trauf~ to DeW tapes wbktl were ,..,Id •uceeeafUUJ .tllroaO th• comput.-.. ht OllMI' pratiMmj illiO • cul'NCI, ........, tbOM Iii • AnalMlm ~ •Mn Ill Y0tert .... 'f11l ... tile ..... ballot eaH1lldal.,.U.. .- for MIMI' dlltrieta. 2 Aboard As Craft Explodes BULLETIN l•vHtigators identified the pilot la&e dU.I moralDg as James Samllel Cardel11«l. zt, of lnme aJMI Illa prsamed Palaetllf!I' H la•es Allee PMlp. aboat the same age, oleo.ta Mesa. Tbepair operated a small b•sineu, Aircraft Senltts. waalllq ud ...... plaaes. PldJp ........ ,. alltMrttles ..W. aJHI Ilia car was feud at J-.. Wayae Airport. TIMy were believed lo be Oruge Coastc.tle«eacadellU. By AllTRUa R. VINSEL Ot • Oelfy " ... _ ~archers rontined combing ch.illy seas olf the Orange Coaet today for wreckage and bodies arter a small plane disintegrated 1 n Ill.id-air Tbunday evening. ......... 4lletlri8 .. ol the .-a. n .. ...._ a«aban. De appaaat explosion WU wttDelMd by a HudJes Airwest jet.Uner captain who radioed at S:30 p.m. that it appeared to be a twin-engine Cessna aircraft. Spokesmen for the Federal A via lion Administration said to- day. however. that it was a Piper Super Cub single engine plane out of John Wayne Airport, piloted by an Orange County man He r eporte d l y had one passenger aboard at th<' tame the a ircraft literall y exploded. according to U.S. Coast Guard officials in charge of the off· shore search. Jim Pa r s on s . ~eneral manager or Dack 's Imperial Aviation at John Waynt• Airport today confirmed their leased blue·and·white Paper Super Cub rental plane was apparently in- volved. .. All evidence indicates that at was our plane." said Parsons. adding that his firm bad been in contact with the plane's pilot but be declined to identify him. "He got his pilot's license in 1977 and he's a local boy," said Parsons, adding that be is mystified by circumstances sur- rounding the apparent midair disintegration of the plane. "In all my years in aviation I've never beard or a plane ex· ploding like they say it did un· leas it wu being sliot at,·· said Parsons. who explained be bas <See PLANE. Pa1e AZ> Coast Weather Fair t.brou1h Saturday except fOI' late rugbt and morning low cloudlnesa. Lowa tonflht ln the 50s. Hiaha Saturday mid to up. per 80I at the beaches, 70 to 75 lnland. INSl•ETO•A" TMN't plMtv of /Va CO k utt«I « c.ro lleeo'• SSCll- OftMICll ,,,,. "'11 ..t Co,.,..., tltlt """*'· Soh&rd4•'• pllf'Cllk .. r auw ... oa ,. Cl. 'I ' I I I I ..._llftl T•..Wr Lftlb~ GARLAND. Texu (AP>-TwodttaUedtanttanfromaSan· ta Fe frdght train becao leati.natoxic chemicals today. prompting authorities to evacuate more than 8,000 from their homes in t.bis Dallas suburb. ru.c '"'lftf 111 ......... Tene•• SOUTH BEND, Ind. <AP> -Tomadoel touched down ln two Indiana C!OUDtlet today, and the pilot of a small plane wu kiUed attemPtina to land at South Bend. state police said. No injuries were reported from twisters near Sheridan in Hamilton County or at Burrows in Carroll County. Otfna. Sorl~i IJ11io11 .Sfga P~I PEKING <AP> -Cb!na and the Soviet Union, bitter political enemies. signed a new trade agreement tor 19IO today after more than a month of negotiation, Cb1neae and Soviet sources said. ' . ' Modified SChool Day Plan Backed A committee formed to study t.be Fountain Valley School Dis· trict's controversial modified day prognm has recommended that the policy of dismissing stu- dents early one day each week to provide faculty planning time be cootmued next term. with some modifications. A report by the rommittee, made up of 12 teachers, parents and administrators, was re· ceived by the district's trustees • Thursday night. : The trustees took no im- 4 mediate lldloe oa the reeom- .. mendatJon, however. Instead. they asked to l!lfft with the • committee during the next two weeks to obtain further inlonna- tion on how group reached its conclusions. ·'The board had some ques- ;tions, and we thought it would be ·better to have them answered by '.the committee aa a whole," ex- :plained board president Betty ·MignaneW. ~ The early dismissals have :been criticized by some district . parents, while teachers have ·fought to retain the shortened day, saying it is needed f« staff meetings and educaUonal plan· ning. The modified day waa a source of bitter dispute during U.S. F1rm8 Role In Persian GuH WASJilNGTON <AP) -ln a bid lo protect Penian Gulf oil supplies in the face of what of· flciala call Soviet military ex· pansionilm, the UnUed States is taldna steps toward lncreaaing its access to air and seaport· facilities in Om-.ri, located at the cateway to the gulf. American officials said U.S. deliveries will itlclude anti-tank and antt-alrcratt weaponry and rpilitary transport planes. U.S.· financed military credit saJe1 to .Oman will totaJ $25 million f« ·the remainder of fiscal 1980 with a similar amount for the next filcal year. the coatract negotiations that re· s11lted iD a lo.day teachers strike earlier th1s year. The committee's report lists some criticism of the current program and augge&ts changes to eUminat.e these problems. According to an agreement they signed after the teachers strike, tbe trustees have until July 11 lo determine the fat.e of modified day for the coming school year. l",....P.,,eAl • • although other types or vehicles used by t.be killer haven't been ruled out. Young said that Wells was last seen leaving hi s place or employment at a Los Angeles print shop at 3:30 p.m. The time of his death has been placed at about 8 p.m. Young said Wells usually rode buses to and from his apartment in Downey but that he was known to hitchhike and may ban Monday. The body was idenllfied positively by his rather late Wednesday. Young said mveatigaton went to the youth's apartment Tbun- day afternoon and tumed up in· formatioa that wUI lhd them to acquaintances and frienda who may be able to shed more liabt oa bis activities prior to his death. Meanwhile, contributions to a reward fund for informatJon about the killer have swelled. accordini to Huntington Beach City Comlcilman Roa Pattinson and his wife, Penney. who launched the drive. The total climbed to $8,000 Thursday. Pattinson said it would go much higher. He said he will solicit funds lt-om service clubs and civic or· ganizations. He also plans to turn over any surphu money from bis recent City CdQneU campaip to tbe reward fund. BIDDING FAREWELL -Members of United Auto Workers Local 3 from the Dodae main plant in Hamtramck, Mich., display the banner they brought to the national con- .. ~-....... vention in Anaheim. The workers were laid off and the local went out of existence with the cl06ure of the plant. Strongarm Robbery Huntington Police Seek Two Suspects Huntingtoo Beach police are seekinl two men who robbed a local apartment complex manager of $1,300 in rent re- ceipts Thursday afternoon. Police said t.be strongarm rob- bery occ~ at 12:30 p.m. out· side a Hess Clrcle apartment complex managed by the 24· year-old victim and h er husband. The two saspects reportedly visited the complex several weeb ago and left applications to rent an apartment, police said. Some of the information on the forms was illegible. however. and when the pair could not be reached again, the apartment. was rented lo someone else, police said. The woman manager was con- fronted by the two original appli- caafs Thursday afternoon as she" was leaving to make a deposit at the bank. The two expreued anger that t.be apartment had been rented to another party, Pyramids Hit In Michigan WARREN. Mich. <AP> -A get·rich·qu1ck scheme that police say has been operating in Califonua met with a different kind of success in Michigan - six arrests As a crowd of 80, "alJ ready, willing and able lo give up their $1,000," looked on. officers ar- r eat e d three men from California. one from Arizona a nd two from Michigan oa charges of operating an illegal pyramid investment scheme. A total of $12.000 ln cash waa con- fiscated. The arrest& came Tuesday aft.er undercover offlcen fat m the audience of an "fnve3bDent club" meetin& at the Amber HoU1ehaU. f',....P.,,eAI RECALL ••. and one of the men grabbed the woman's arm and took tbe money, police saJd. The two fled on foot from the scene. The robbery vicUm was not mJured io tbe Incident. police said. Jt' alley Teen Injured in Fatal Cra8h A Garden Grove man was killed and four others were in· jured early Thursday when a car struck a metal guardrail oo a freeway onramp near Anaheim, t h e Cal&fornia Highway Patrol said. Killed in the accident was Tracy Alan Ste in . 20 , a passenger ln the vehicle dnven by James McClalbck. 20. also of Garden Grove. M cClallick, who aultered mjnor ~et. was arrested by officers aod charged wtth felony drunk driving and manslaughter Al so injured in the accadept were Charlene Schubert. 17, or Fountain Valley. Susan Black. 18 . or Garden Grove. and Michelle Slagle, 18, of Gardt'n Grove. All were taken to Anaheim Memorial Hospital for treat- ment of injuries. A CHP spokeiman said the rar was enterm1 the Kramer A venue onramp to the west· bound Riverside Freeway at about 2 a.m. when the vehicle struck t.be guardrail. No Iranian ATLANTIC CITY, N.J . <AP> -Tina Bahadori was suppc»ed to give a valedictory address at Atlantic City High School's graduation next week. But abe withdrew when more than half the school's teachers sisned a petition oppoemc her. Miss Bahadori. a straiiht·A UAW Alters Strike Fund Availability A time-hoaored principle of the United Auto Wotken -the untoucbabillty of the strike fund for anything but strike benefits and expenses -was overturned Thursday at the UAW conven- tion in Anaheim. By an overwbelmln& show ol hands. delegates approved an amendment to the UAW con· slitutton to permit the execut.ave board to use up to half the in· vestment income of the lund for ..orgu1utioo. educatton aod com mwucatioo." The fund. which is financed by 30 percent of each member's dues. now contains $271 million Over the last three years, at earned $46 million on its invest· ments. It currently C06ts $10 s million a month to run the union. at a time when the UAW is raced with a substantial drop in dues income this summer as benefits for 237,000 laid off memben an the auto industry start drying up Use al mooey from the ltrlke fund could tusbion layoffs amone the UAW starr con· sidered almost t.MvitabJe with.an a few mooths. In other action. the 216 mem- bers of the executive board were voted 3 percent pay increases to take effect.ave now. in June 1981 and 1n June 1982. with continua· lion of quarterly cost-of-living raises sirnJJar to those an effect an t.be auto industry. That brought union president Douglas A. Fraser's annual aalary to $66,807. According to a 1979 U.S. Labor Department sur· vey, Fraser ranked 22nd In salary hut ytar among 33 presi· dent.a ol mll,jor unions. Jt' aledi.ctorian studeat and rtft.b in her class. is Iranian. And students supporting their classmate sav tbe teachers' behavior runs counter to every. thine they've been taught to value about America's pnn· clples. f 'r .. P,...AI PLANE ••• 27 years' Oying time. Coast Guard Chief Leonard Frost. of the Search and Rescue Center in Long Beach, said to- day a second person was report· t>d aboard the missing plane. pieces of wruch were recovered Thursday everung. No trace was found o( e1ny bodies. investigators said. Chier Fr~t said the Coast Guard has the names ol the two 1ndiv1duals presumed aboard . but the farm that leased lbe plane aqd renl4d it ~l coWd llOt confirm th.It. Hopes for possible ~urvivors were ,,rtually nonexistent, ac· cordinll to authorities. "The hope that anyone is still alive grows dimmer and dim-mer with each passing hour," USCG U Mark Jones said. He srud wat.er temperature ln the region bemg combed by the cutter U.S.S. Hobart out of Long Beach ~ 60 decrees and no oAe could survive more than four t>r ' five hours without a wetsuit . Location of the area where t.be disintegrating plane went down is about five miles south ol Newport Beaclt, pJacing it roughly olf Laguna Beach, in· vestigat.ors said. A helicopter out of the USCG Atr Stalion, Los Angeles. was also comblng the seas offsbott today for any trace or furtMr wreckage or bodies. One Orange County resident reported seeioi a blue and wbiSe plane fitting the missing Supel- Cub's description fly low ov• his home late .Thursday after- ooon. apparently backfiring. . The recall campaign was ID· itiated several months ago m the wake of a 10-day strike by Foun· lain Valley elementary teachers The campalan was supported largely by parents who were dis· satisfied with the trustees· con· duct during t.be contract negotla. -tions and the strike. 811~-a11~· S11it or S1tort Coat In 011r · SftM-k ••• For Onl,· .•• ' .. .. • .. : DAILY PILOT ~ic, Money Mix In Sunday's Pilot • . • l r .. Music and money, now and then, will be examl.Qed itl Sun· day'1 Dilly Pilot. C&aTAIN SOUND -Why lla't tblre • moaumnt to Stan Kenton'• clUtlnctJv• mmlc ~ the Balboa Pelllnlula when It all blpa? a.a writer AIUwr a. VbiMI prcftl• memberl o1 u.. Jus l!'Ml'• mi Bud no r.eall tile heJ~•t• a.ad ,,... there WU IOlllt IMtlq IJIDbit: • aAllll'Y VAUJSD -lllQa-. tlotG W drhm dll~ ol ran ..... _....... . .. . "~ ...... -... ...... ........ Al :=!r .,.H of. la· t.9lt .., ..tenaluN eart...._ fw cU•ta. ID Y•7Y ... llme7. (SUND A rs BEST) Newport Beacb bU1lne11man wbo WU boftored u tb• Welt Cout'• top father tn the fleJd "' C!OlbBN!l'ee. PutUnc f amU, ftrlt b•lped hlf ehtldren trow ln· 41t'9Dclant. la &lmday'a bull.Deis ..... TllNACl'l'Y •AlaSD -Ted • T-.rner. tile mlllloQelre JHbtamm ud bueball .iub owner. la Mldom out ot tile umelllllt. 1'bil ..,.., eo eon· Alder•lM faafue, M 1._c_. hi• new cable w&nAa• new Mtwort. 8eAUad that~ •• 1D8D1 Ted ......... _. • MloelatM rr.. , .... ..... Yidtt • pclftnit. • .. J . I • I ' ORANGE COUNTY, CAL:tFORNIA • TWENTY·FIVE CENTS ~·hr 1'ote 'l'allt1 Boars in Last Again ~ou.tJ ....... Ne· .. ol ,.. ....... ta ~--... lwulla la Callfona.la. a ............ ,.. ... Seentary 01-...·.cme. Aid toda~. C area D a a tell . pu11 Me~ tor U.. a1eney, 1ald Oraqe County ta tbe ooty one ln tbe at.ate which ia atUl trytni to eomplle tta flnal but u.noMclal nturm from 'l\teed~'s ballot· ..... At the moment, only in· 11Mt70anee com,._ OrMP County re1ulta bne ..._ u.t.iil lD a 1tatewtde . aeml~ eaavuatn1 ol votea put oui by the 1ecretary of 1t•t.-'I aft\ee, TM olfktlal atatemeot ol vote retultl lD CalJrornla wlll prob- ably contain the Oran1e County ret\llta, Mrs. Daniela said. The previous record fw late reportJna was set In 1968 by Fresno County which didn't start "'porting its fmal elec~ e Gold Prices Spiral Anew . LONDON <AP> -The price of ec>ld soared as much as $24 an oµnce to break the $600-an-ounce level for the first time in three months in Europe today. -Silver also rose $1.02 an ounce in London to a two-month high of • f17.02. It traded in New York at . JJ6.80. The value of the dollar was r mostly lower in quiet trading. ~ Dealers said demand for gold t today continued a recent strong I ~ surge that began Monday amid rumws -later officially denied -that three to five American Oark Said 'Vdest By nae Auoclated Presa Tehran radio condemned c Ramsey Clark today as "the lvilest American agenl" and asked Sadegh Ghotbzadeh's I Foreign Ministry to explain why the former U.S. attorney general was allowed to participate in the {'"•C rimes of America" con- ference. The radio said the aim or the 1 fou r -day conference, which ended Thursday with a resolu· lion condemnjng U.S. treatment of Iran without mentioning lhe 53 American hostages seized , more than seven months ago, sbould have been not only to in· vestigate past U.S. activities but also to prevent future plots. The government-owned radio. l wbose actions and commen- . hp'iea occasionally anger some Iranian officials, sald the air of the conference should have been I not only to investigate past U.S. ntivitles but also to prevent what it said could be plots in the future. It said Iran's continued depen- ' dence on imperialiam and the "o_pen and hidden conSpiraclea'' of the United States leave no I doubt that Iran must draw up as ·, soon as possible a "com- pJ'ebensive program" to counter u.ia and to "se_parate and de- <See a.A.U. Pa1e AZ> Coast Weadler Falr tbroulb Saturday escept fOI' late nllht and • mornlq low cloudiDeas. • Lowa ~ lD the 50s. . lfilba SllQardQ mid to up-. ~ .. at the beaches, '10 to 7$ Inland. . ::1N819B'N•AW -:-. r,..,... ,..,.,, ot ,... to ,,. • .. .,..... oa COiia Alna'• Mia ....... ,.... "' .... Corwiool · •M• ... .....,. Bot•rdor'• · ....... ptwMnd •Poof "tJ .. ....... hostages had been shot in Iran . In Zurich. the price of gold had risen t.o $605.50 an ounce by mid-day, highest since March 7, after clo,,ing at $587.50 Thurs-'J day. ~ In London, the metal was quoted at $602.50 a troy ounce in mid-afternoon, up from a morn- ing fixjng of $598 and a Thursday closing of $587. It closed at $600. Gold closed at $587 a troy ounce in New York on Thursday. It had been priced in the range or $500 to $530 for several weeks prior to its newest sur"e. It traded today in New York at $601. Fresh buying of gold this week sparked a chain reaction or price mark-ups around the world that CCJDtlnued today. Gold prices are stlll well belgw the record $875 an ounce reaCbed during tJ'adifte oo the Ne• York Commodltlea Ex change on Jan. 21. Silver •as up lo Loodoo from Tbursday'a close of $16, The mid-afte rnoon price was the highest s~ April 9. U.S. Jobless Rate Soars; Prices Level WASlllNGTON d AP> -The nation's unemployment rate shot up to 7.8 percent in May. the highest in 31h years. while inflation at the wholesale price level continued to cool significantly. the government reported today. Since March, a rapidly de· veloping recession has swelled unemployment by 1.6 percen· 1 tage points -the largest two- month climb since World War II, the Labor Department said. Some 1.7 million Americans were added to jobless rolls in April and 7.8 percent in May. It was the highest rate since No- vem ber 1975. But the rate in California remained unchanged at 7.1 percenL At the same time, the Labor Department said wholesale INR..ATION.ftECE8810N ENOU88 CYCLE?-84 retuma unW two days after the eledJan. A1 of thJ1 morntn1, results fn)m two precincta tn Anaheim and Fullerton were expected to be added into the overall vote re- turn• aometJme today, giving the county its final but unofficial result.I. Blamed for the delays-which initially involved missing results from 38 precincts-were com- puter problems and a ballot mix· up in a west Anaheim orecinct. Orange County election of· ficials bave maintained their new $1.5 mlllloo vote counijng system wa.c: not at fault in the vote tabulation breakdown. They instead cited problems which arose when result.a on magnet.le tape from 38 precincts would not go through the COUil· ty's computer wrucb issues print- outs of results. For most of those pr«incts, the information bad to be \ transferred to new tapes which were re-fed successfully through the computen. But other problems also OC· curred. including those iD an Anaheim precinct where 237 voters were given the wrong ballot card listing partisan races for other districts. This mixup resulted in elec· lion officials having to transfer non-partisan vote results from the old ballots to oew ones. Votes caal in the partisan races were thrown out and elec- tion officla.ls have said the resi- dents would not get an op- portunity to recast ballots in those races. Officials said apparenUy no one noticed, not even the voters, they were casting ballots for candidates in the wrong districts ror assembly, state senate and Congress. Air • • 1ct1m an TRUCK DRIVER LOSES LOAD OF DIRT ON MacARTHUR BOULEVARD NEAR FREEWAY Th• Afternoon Accident Wal One of 12Thu'9dav tn trvlne Irvine Crashes lnjttre ·4 . One Car Fall.s Imo San Diego Creek Channel Four persons were injured in separate Irvine traffic accidents Thursday. a day in which there were 12 traffic s mashups in the city, according to police Sgt. Robert Kredel. Most seriously injured oC the rour accident victims 1s a woman who was thrown from her car al 11:35 p.m. when it struck an abutment on the east side Jeffrey Road bridge over the San Diego Creek. The car caught fire and ended up on a bike trail in the creek channel. The woman. 30-year-old Kitty D. Banks of Orange, is hospltaJized in satisfactory condition. Ray Charles Williamson, ZS, of Gardena, was treated and re· l eased fr o m Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital after his truck loaded with dirt over- turned on MacArthur Boulevard near the San Diego Freeway at 2:15 p.m. Kevin P. Roach, 16, of 15412 Eiffel Circle, lrvine, was treated and released from Tustin Com· munity Hospital after the car in which he was riding flipped over in the city at 9: 10 p . m . Police had few accident details this morning. Edsel E'ckgren, SS, of Laguna Hills suffered a broken arm in a two-car accident occurring at 7:05 p.m. near the intersection of Barranca Drive and Jeffrey Road. The driver of the other vehicle wasn't inJured. Sergeant Kredel said this morning reports had not yet been written on the other eight accidenta. He said more •ccidenta oc:· curred In Irvine Thursday than any other day in recent memOI')'. WOMAN 1NJURmASCAALANDStNCAEEKCHANNEL cerHurttMOftJ.,,,., MM Late Tituredar Night CofC t·o Flex Political Arm Offtclall ~ the Oran1e County Chamber of Commerce 1ald Thul'lday the buatnea oraan.Lu· Uon wllJ break '70 yeara of 1Uence tn partlaan poUtlcal ra~ m form a committee to Nil .._,.... and llldutrJ• ......... , ....... ••we aa't • ,._ .. Uda .,.. ........................ nra. IHtl tllal'• part Of , ... pme1" -=:r TftbW• IX· MllUft Of tU l,M• memw~. Dould Clola. chairman of the chamber'• bMrd of dlreetort, 1ald there ls a oeed for a return to a l!hlloaopb.y oriented to busl.Deas anct industry. , In the pHt, he aald. the chamber baa been "1iU1n1 pret· ty quJetlY In tbe wlftaa." Ttuhlll aald Ule chamber's . Death Enda Party PORTERVILLE (AP> -OM maa WM tbot t.d deatb and two oUaen lQj\11·~ eat\y toclay when • a p'arty turned lftto a brawl. police reported. ·•poUtlcaf action comnUttee" . will be cqanlsed within 30 days. It wUl be covemed by a ft1ne. member board of dtreeton, be said. lnvolvemeat by cbambet memberl lD the commltter• ac· tlvitles'Wtll be voluntary,~ 11ld . Realtor ~us• v, tc_.., ~ chalred the 1Uad1 l"CNP. llllcl eeveral of Oran••"-'Coat1•1 lar1e1t buainMHl 1'aw ._... to provide ~ to \be eOriamtt- tff. Hta •Uned to HIM tlM bualnflld. 2 Killed As Plane Explodes By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 11>9 D•lly Piiot St•tt Searchers contined combing chilly seas orr the Orange Coast today for wreckage and bodies after a small plane disintegrated in mid-air Thursday evening. showering debris out of the skies five miles ofrshore. BULLETIN lnvesU11tors identified the pilot late th.ls morning as James Samael Cardelaccl, zt, of lrvble aad Illa PftAmed paUet11er as James Allen Pbilp; alMNt u.e same age, of Costa Mesa. The pair operated a s mall baslness. A1ttraft Sttvkes, washlnl and wnbtg pines. Philp Is mlahag, aaU.Orttles aakl, a1ld his car was ftMUHI at Jelm Wayne Airport. Tltey were betined to be Orange Coast Cellege stadell&s. The apppent explosion was witneaed by a Hughes Airwest Jetli9er captain who radioed at 5:38 p.m. Utat 4t •ppeared to be a twin-«igine Cessna aircraft. Spokesmen for the Federal Aviation Administration said to· day, however. that it was a Piper Super Cub single engine plane o ut o r John Wayne Airport. piloted by an Orange County man He r e porte dl y had one passenger aboard al the time the aircraft literally exploded, according to U S. Coast Guard officials in charge of the off shore search. Jim Parsons. ge nera l m a na~er of Di ck '!> Imperial Aviation at John Wayne Airport today confirmed their leased blue-and-white Piper Super Cub rental plane was apparently in volved. "All evidence indicates that it was our plane," said Parsons. adding that his firm had been m contact with the plane's pilot but he declined to identify him. "He got his pilot's license in 1977 and he's a local boy," said Parsons. adding tha t he is mystified by cir cumstances sur- rounding the apparent midair disintegration of the plane. "In all my years in aviation I've never heard or a plane ex- ploding like they say it did un- less it was being shot at," said (See PIANE, P11e M) Funds Sought For Irvine Boys Club James P. Warmington, preai· dent ot Warmin~"ton Develop· ment Co., and Jobn Hollenbeck, partner in the Coopers ft Lybrand accounting firm, have joined a commtt\ee soliclUnl funds for a proposed Boys Club in Irvine . T he BusineH·J>rofessional Committee la seektna $1.35 mllllon in contrlbutlona to finance tbe building of an Jrvine brancb cl the Harbor Are• Boys Cliab. Club oftlct.all have won ten- tative lrv1lle City Council ap- proval to buU4 a ~teeo.equn· foot clu~ near me lDtenec· tlon ot Barnnea Parkway and E•at Yale Loot> • 'rbt club WO.Id be opeb to baya IDll Iida from 1 to 11 years oll. ftaimaftd C. Wataon, partnw lD ta.. Jil..,.-t 0.ve)opmet ~· and lr'lbll OoaDdlman Alt AA.· tbOGJ an eo-ebalrmen for tbe tundraltinl .rrort. I • J ~ I I I I • ' • . . NIEW O&LRJ, lodJa (AP) -Alr,)M ..... ..,. ...,orwi _..., ...... • 11• a =foree ID~ 11 eloee MP •Del• lteW ..... tn ..,. ...... Qid 8D¥1« milkal"J unlt• .,.. ~ t.o .,_. tM capital. Otlw .., c·"'" aeacbd ..... tram Allh..u.taft were unable"~ tM 1llf r .... Howe¥W, 1 ...., ... npolt from a K*' .... • • ....... , .... contl,_.. tMt ........ .. 1albencl '9 tM hOa• ........ Wl ol the e•pltal In what wa1 dlllc:t1W .. pre,par.U. t.o auack a Sovt.t troop bate. Tbt arrMaa tr•"'•'. an Aloan who NCtueti.d lbat be not be named, ..Uiaated t.laat ll.006 tM-.rtentt flom lemlu aad w ardbM. cen&nl prov\nce9 ...odllC with 1uentU1 actMty. wen fOllYffl)a& near t.M eapl\al. .\19 .1 ................. , ...... c ... LAI VEGAS <APt -Tbl Clark Count)' dlatrtct awirn7~• office announced lod•.Y tt wt11 not appeal tbe dl1rnlual by • · trlct eou.n jud&• ol the murder lndtttmeot 11alnat nurM Ja11' Adam• tn the aUea.S .. Death An&el .. murder caM. 8erwt'-4 r • .-r Lnilul ON••w••• OAJU..AND Te:au t AP)-TwoderalledtankeantromaSan· la Fe freight train began lealliqtoxlc chemicals today. promJ~ authoriUes to evacuate mon than 8,000 from t.be1r homes Dallas suburb rtlo11'1Uefl I• llNll••• T.,...•d• SOtn'H SDID, Ind. <AP> -Tornadoet touched down ln two lndlana counU. loda)', ud tilt pilot of a 1mall pJane wu killed attemptlns to land at South Bend. state police said. . . No injuries were reported from twlaters near Shendan tn Hamilton County or al Burrows ln Carroll County. Otl11a. Sert~• 111110" .Si .. P~C PEKING <AP> -China and the Soviet Union, bitter political enemies. signed a new trade aereement for 1980 today after more than a monlh or necoUatJon, Chinese and Soviet sources said. Blaek V •• Sougllt Freeway Killer's Vehicle Spotted? By ROBERT BAaKEa Oll•DMl"f .......... Police agencles have in· tensified their aearch throughout Southern California for a · mysterious black van that they belleve may be linked to lhe ao- c aUed Freeway KUler who may have murdered more than 40 boys since 1972. The full descriptlon of the van ~aa released Thursday, the same day that tbe latest murder victim wu identified u 18-year· The vehicle bad no chrome ex· cept fOI' the name Dodge printed in block letten at the right rear ovenlzed door. On the left rear door the word "abaft.eel" had either been print· ed or taped. There also was a teardrop window near the left rear of the van. .~ .......... AMERICAN TROOPS WADED MHOR!TOANORMANDYHACHMY!AftlAGOTOOAY CM>ay fftVnton MatQd the Begtnnlng of the~ for Hltlef'I Third Relch D·Day Honored Today ~lied Forces Landed in France 36 Y ean Ago Today m arked the 36th an- niversary of 0 -Day, when AJUed forces Invaded France at Normandy . doo med Adotr Hitler's Nazi Germany and marked the beiinnina oft.Mend of World War II. The combined AJUed rorces. the mightiest sea and air armada in his to ry . hit the Normandy cout on June 6, 1944, at~ a .m .. London time. Time. Ude, wlnd and rain have washed away the stains or blood and Iron on that picturesque, 60·mUe solar plexus where the Allied punch landed 36 yean ago today. Steamina out or a dark, misty morning, the monumental task force slammed Into lightly manned Naz.I German shore de· fens es. Fr ... PageAf PLANE •.• Parsons. who explained he has 27 yean1' nying time. Bombs. na\lal bombardment and replylJ)g coastal fire com· blned In a thunder and at &:30 a. m .. the ground forces hlt the beaches. lnchins. crawlln1. falllnJ, tbe first auault troops drove forward, poundjns at tbe llne ol Iron to take Carentan, BQeawc. Caen In a day, a week. two weeks, three ... The 80 by 10.mJle bU~hbeao wldened bit by bit u American. BrlUsh, Canadian. French and Poltah forces began the final, cruahlng puah aealnst Germany. Logl1t.lc1 ror D-Day were titanic. l ,000 planes and Cliderl dropped paratroopen oo the Carentan Penlnaula. Manpower marshaled under Supreme Allied Forctt Com· m a n d e.r G en D w l ll h l D . OPEC Trying Again to Hit Price Unity · Eisenhower totaled 2,876,439: with S.G49 fighter planes. 3,467 heavy bombers; 1.645 light and medium bombers and others A total or 39 Allied dh1slons fie r cely fouabt the forces m ars haled by Germany. 6& d1v1sions including reserves in the Fatherland Operuns up other fronts. Gen Geo r ge S . Patton a nd hi• hellftre ·a nd·brimaton e Third Army hit St Lo, and on Aug 14, Allies invaded France !louth of the Rhone wtth 1.000 more ships The nnrt terrible crack was heard on D· Da y, June e. 1944. but it wa s months u ntil Germany's back was finally broken. IJoat,s Up For Grabs W AIHINOl'ON CAP)"" -Tbe ........ followtlts ........ of the ff ouH, ov•rrod• PtHtdent CJlllUr'• veto today ... ~ llllldin»• .. ~··· ... The vote... 11. ftlJ move tile two-thlrdl majority Deeded to brush ulde Carter'• veto ol a cOQfreuklllal meuu.r• r..,eal· ina UM fee. lt wH tbe first tlme a Democratle-controlled Conlrell falled to •\lllaln a Democratic preaident'1 veto slnce Harry S Truman waa overridden ln 1952. Carter vetoed the bill Tb&ara· day saym, the fee wu needed to help conserve imported petroleum. But two boutt later and with no debate, the House voted 335·35 to override tbe veto. Today 's Senate vote ad· ministered the final death blow. Whi le e ither c hambe r nf Conarua can eu.laln a veto. two-thirdl vote ln both h()t.&kS are needed to override one. Argulng unsuccessfully for the veto to be sustained, Sen. Gary Hart, 0 -Colo., told the Senate that failure to reduce U.S. de· pendence on foreign oil only makes mllltary action ln \he Persian Gulf region that much more likely. "We need to take some strong medicine and unfortunately this body is wtwtlling to do that," Hart said. But Sen. Bob Dole. R-Kan., de· nounce d the fee as "bad economic policy and bad energy poUcy." A1 ln the House, a large number of Democrats joined with Republicans to override the veto. Carter cast 21 vetoe&. all of which were sustained. Although no Democratic president bad been overridden since 1952, Republican Preaidenta Dwilht D. Eisenhower, Richard M. J'ol}x. on and Gerald R. Ford had a total or 19 vetoes overridden. Democrats have controlled t>oth bousea of Con.creaa for the better part of the last 50 years. In bis veto mesaage Thursday, the president told Congreaa th.at while he knew the ree was politically unpopula.r, members should rise above politics and let htm impose il. lie called the l~"Y an important step in oil conservaUon. "goocl policy and good common sense." -old Steven J . Wells of Downey. The boy'• nude and strangled body was found behind a service s tation in Hunlin&lon Beach early 1\aeeclay. Beauchamp said two wll· neuea reported they saw a youth forcibly abducted when they were waiting to make a left turn at Haaard Avenue and Brookhurst Street near the San Diego Freeway. Coast Guard Chief Leonard Frost or lhe Search and Rescue Center In Long Beach. said to· day a second person was report· cd aboard the m1:.sing plant". pieces o( wllich were reco"ered Thursday e\leolng. ROME <AP> -The Or&a.ni:ta· tion of Pf'troleum Exportlnl? Co unlnel> 1s trying for the fourth time ln 15 month• to rl' unify its oil prices Industry :.ources say tha t con!>umer:. could pay more ai. a r~ult. You too can Joan t he boaUng C'rowd Saturday If ~ou ~rab your yachting cap and checkbook and set saJJ for the Newport Beach City Yard and the annual police uacJaimed veasel auction. If 1 s veto took two hours to reach the House and two minutes todascuss TIM body al uother YOUillltM · wblcb wu left ai the rear ol a Westminl1Alr 1ervtce 1taUon two week• earlier. nimalna unlden· Ufied. Garden Grove police issued an aU-polnU bullet.In for the van after two wltneuea reported they aaw a youna male hilebhllter being kidnapped in the city on the night of May 27. Garden Grove Pollce sat. Bruce Beauchamp aald the van appeared to be brand new. customized with a very ehlny black pmnt job. Fr••P.,,.Al CLARK ••• marcate our relatlona with America." It said the conference and the ·•conciliatory attitude" of the Foreliti Mlnl1lry toward the United Stat.es~eed explanaUoo. Why, It aned1 was Clark al· lowed to participate when the point ol the conference wu to in· ve1t11ate the actiolu of preeent and former U.S. ofttclall and when a previous ml11lon by Clark waa "sent back lo di.I· 1 ·ace" by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. "We hope tbl• clear departure from the Imam'• 1uldeUnes which rHulted ln the partlclpa. Uon or the vll•t American agent . . . wilJ be explained to the peo- ple by the om cl ala,·' the radio said. • OAANOl COAST DAILY PILOT Tll , ... RI (11•) .... D••••••,,_......,.....,. """""*~ ..... ·~ ''The witnesses said tbe youth approached the passen~ side where be waa aqulrted With a aubltance and arabbed. "We are sure there were more than one person in the vehicle. "We were confident that the rep0rt was true from the belln· ning," Beauchamp said. "But when a aecond wltneaa came forward a week later wltb the same detalla, lt made ua even mllre sure. "We have no way or knowinl if lt wu the Freeway Killer but it la the be9t lead we have." Wells, the victim wbo wu found ln Huntilll\00 Beach, la not the peraoo who wu forced lnto the van, poUce 1a1d. Garden Grove pollce are uk lnl anyone with lnformatloa t.o call them at...-r oraal-eTa. Hunttniton Beach Lt. Bruce youn1 Hid hll department la very interested lo tbe van. ahhou&b other typet of vehlclM used by the klller haven't been ruled out. Yc>unt said that Wells wu lut uen leavlna his place of employment at a Loi Anaela prtnt tbop at3:30 p.m. Tbe time ol biJ death bu been placed at about 8 p.m. Youna 1aid Well• uaually rode bUlet to and from hJ1 apartment In Downey but that he wH known t.o hitchhike and may have Monday The body wu ldentlfled potltlvely by bl• rather late W.clDeldat . No trace was found of any bodies. mvestigators said. Chief Frost said the Coast Guard bu the names of the tllO lndivlduals presumed aboard. but the firm that leased the plane and rented it out could not confirm that. Hopes for possible sumvo" were virtually nonexistent. ac· cordln1 to authorities ·'The hope that anyone is sllU alive grows dimmer and dim· mer with each paulns hour," USCG Lt. Mark Jones said. He 1ald water temperature ln the reldon belnl combed by the cutter 11.S.S. Hobart out of Loni Beach la 80 decrees and no one could 1urvtve more than four or flve hou.n wttbout a wetaull. LocaUon of the area where the dlllnte1ratln1 plane went down l• about fl ve ml let south of Newport &each. placlne lt rouahly off Laaun• Beach. in· veatlaaton 1a1d. A helicopter out of the USCG Alr StaUon. Loi An&elea..l waa also combln& the 1eH on1bott today for any trace of fu.rtMr wreckage or bodies. One Or~ County realdent reported a blue and while plane ntiln& e mla1lna SUper Cub'• delcrlptlon fiy low over hit home late Thursday after· noon, apparently backttrtn1. The NaUonal TranaportaUoa Safety Board joined the ln· veat11aUon today due to the fact preaumad fatalltlea are ln· volved. Music, Money Mix In Sunday's Pilot Mmlc and money, now and tben, will be n.amlned 1D Sun· day'• Dally POot. cEaTAIN SOUND -Why Lan 't there a monument to Stan Kenton'• diaUDctlve muelo oa the Balboa PeaiMula wben ll all ~? Staff writer Arthur R. Viale& ~ memben ol UM iaa snat'• BlJ Band .t.o reeall the be14a11 aod wlab t.Mr• WM Mlllt l11Uq 11mW. 8.\anY V ALUllJ> -Jilllt· tSoft .._ dnv• tJMtr.!!! ol tan r.::t=.:4c1e-:r.7ti. :rw: clollan .. m .... ., .. ....... , ...... ... ••rt ..... ,. ou.... la YoulYos....,. (SUNDAY'S BEST) Ntwport S.eeh bu1loe11man wbo Wll honored 11 the WM& Co11t'1 top tather In the field ol commerce. PuUinJ famil)' Ont helped hit cblldren crow In· dependent. In Sund•)''I bull.MN pa1e1. T•NACITY AlalD -Ted TufDtr, th• mUllonalre y aehtaman and baHball c:Jub owntr, ia ••ldom out of th• Umeu.dl&. Tb.el IMOtb, to_. . 1ldera'ble fanlare, be t.-..ebed .... ......... WerilioD .... IMtfrOft. _..,..um...,._ .,. ..., Tell 1'lr'Hn .... -Alloelaa.d Pnll feature ..-. vJdu • portrait. 0 Oil minisle" or \he U·oaUon 1roup wUl meet ln Alslert. Algeria on Monday to t ry t.o put their prices back in hne The mimsters may alM> put final touchet. on a Iona ran$lc plan th at would call fo r a uto matic 011 price ancreaSt>!> linked to world lnnatlon. growth rates and currency OU<!tuatJons But the ministers would have to agree on a unified price struc· ture to serve as a 1lartln1 point before their long·term prl<'e plan could take effect. OPEC'• crude prkes have been In dlaarray 11tnce early 1979, when mllltant members began to add "1urchar1e." t.o previously.agtffd prlcea. Al • result. some memben are ask· Ing as much u S'1 a barrel more than othen for virtually Iden· tical grades of on. 1ran. for instance. hat fixed a price or ma barrel for Ill Upt· quality crude. Saudi Arabla, however. charaes only 128 a bar· rel ror 1ta Arab Haht oll. which is practically the same as Iran's. A ban-el cont.aln.8 42 1aJlons ' I Do&ena ol boats lnclud· ins a 16-100( Hobie Cal go oa the block at 9 a .m. In lhe municipal atoraa• yard at 5112 Superior Ave. Police say all purchues are on an u -u; basil wlth no ~uarantee of ~Ilion and sales wall be frnal P.iymt-nt must ~ m cash or che<-k drawn oo a local bank. All boats must also bt.> hauled away immediately after ~ Saturday mom- lllg audJon More 8anb Drop Prime Loan Rate NEW YORX <AP> -Some al the nation's bleaest banlta have trimmed their prtme leodlna ratn to lJ pettenl at the cost of acquiri.n& funds and tbe demand by businesses for loans cooUnue to ease. Late Thursday. F1rst NaUonal BanJt ol Cbica10 announced It would take a per<"enlage point off It.a prime, begiMln& today. Carter wanted the ree to help the nation begin wilhdrawiilg from ttl el~mllllaft·banel•· day consumptl<Jb of foreign oil. But opponents -Democrats ~ well a.s Republicans -called the fee a $10.3 bilUoo tax on drivers that would serve UtUe p..arpo6e but to help balance the budget. . The. president announced the fee March u and it was to have gone mto effect May is. But a federal Judge blocked it, aayiag Carter oventepped bis authority in tr)1na t.o place the levy on all gasoline instead of llmltlnf lt to oil lmP9fU. • The adminl1tralion ii lJ>PeaJ· In& that order, However, tbe override or Carter's veto could make the outcome of that ~ moot It wu not lmmecllateb' known II govemment lawyeis planned to punue tlle appeal. Carter relteraied bl• claim Thursday that be moved to if!>· po.e lhe fee ln part becaUM coO· gre11lonal leaders ur1ed blm Co do ao laat winter. '· .. 811,· an,· S11it or • • .. S11ort Coat 111 011r .. Stt,..k ••• For OnJ,· ••• • ·~ 08 ' ,7 ..... ..._ -. ---~ ---•f ..... - -• ............ -- 5 041LV PILOT • 8 C'tltlHle .. ••rt B~ Stores Need Credit ~ostomer By lllL'l:ON MOMOWl'n Vlmaally Mtl70M acreea that tM way to Uct lnfla Uoft ts to .-people to curb tbell bu,., and put mon mOMy into aavtnp accounts. The trouble ii. when t.bOM brakes are applied, someone 11 CoiDC to cet burt -and there's 8Jtq to be a lot ot ~. ~ ,. •• > Wocilwvilh Just barely mllde • prol1t on It.a U.S. at.ore oper.UOU. Sean • .,.,.. retailer ol them au. actually IA»t mooey oa It.ore operationl la the United Stat.ea. TD HEADS OP these bi8 eompules, who 1el a chance to tee what'• happenlq all over the count.ry aa re· porta flow into them on computes-printouts, have noticed that CIOdlW'Ders are UatenlnC to the wamina• comJne out or Wublnaton. D.C. Ellhu that or they're run.nln1 out of money. In any uae, they're not bu)'fne so freely -and they are not ao quick about pulllnt credit earda out of Uflr wallet.. Thia ls why Sears~for one, hu been running full.page advertllements in newspapers advt.log people that it's re· ally okay for them to uae their Sean credit card.a. The big stores depend on people buyiD1 goods and charging them. Wbm people start to operate on a pay.as- YOU·IO basis using Ca15h <wbst's that?l. then these stores are in trou- ble. At the J .C. Penney annuaJ meeting in San Money Tree Franci.aco. Chairman Donald Seibert said he could tell from lbe reaction of Penney cu.st.omen to the antl·lnflalion mes&ages from Washington that a lot of people had gotten it mto their beads that using a credit card was· 'either illegal or unpatriot.ic. or both.'· Last year Penney did 43 percent of its Sl l billion in sales on credit. This year that percentage dipped below.fOpercent. HUGE OUTFITS LIKE Sear s and Penney get squee%ed from many directions. To finance the credit buy- ing done by their customers. they have lo borrow big bucks themselves -and the high interest rates have been killing them. If you think the hnance charges you see on your bank credit cards are heavy, you should see what these retaJlers are paying. In the first quarter of this year Sears had interest charges of $292 million. up from SP97 million in the same quarter last year In 1979 Penney had interest charges of $254 million. double what 1t had two year; ago. It helps. of rour.;e, to be big bttause that often means you have other things 6 oing for you. Sears may have losl money on its U.S. store operations in lbe first quarter. but it was still able to ~t a profit of S59 million. Allstate Insurance. started by Sears m the midst of the Depression. has turned out to be a lifesaver. Last year Allstate accounted for nearly 60 percent of the profits registered by mighty Sears. Roebuck J .C. PENNEY KNOWS how to play "follow the leader... It has gotten into tbe tnaurance business itself and it's k>ok.ing good. Penney already sells more ure in- surance tbrou&h the mail than any other company-and it's now moving more strongly tnto the casualty field. copying tbta game plan used by Sears: it's putting in· SW'ance delta into J .C.Penney stores. Last year Penney coUeded insurance premiums of nearly S2lOO mlllioo. In the first quarter of this year. when total profits ol the company skidded for S3S million to $14.5 million. the profit contribution from the insurance front Jumped from _. million to $'1 million. Woolworth may be having a hard time in the U .s. marttt but it usually manages to rttOUP through its S3 percent ownership o f the Woolworth store operations ir1 Britain -t.be varlett store coocept seem.a to be alive and •ell tbere. lat.be ftnt quarter of tbis year. Woolworth got an ex· tr• ticker: a S20 million tu refund from tbe British gov- ernment. 'Dial enabled it to make mott money that J .C. Penney. PENNEY IS MOVING a.Mad in Europe too. It owns a 77-store Belgian chain calleo Sarma. And in March. using it.a Belgian foothold. it opene<> a Wendy's hamburger stand in BrusaelJ. Penney has the Wendy's franchise for all of Bel(ium. the Netherlandc; LUXembourg and France. Getting Amt'ricans to use their credit cards again may be easter than selling ha mburgers to the French. Three 8aM of Amertu br...ncbes in Costa Mesa re- cently received an concern award from Southern CalJtomia Gas Co. for reducing natural gas coMurnptJon 30 percent or more. Tbe branches are at 2'101A Harbor Blvd., South Coast Town Center and 548 W. 19th St. WJDlam F. Gtllley, Ed I . Paftllte and 0 . W. S&aaley have been promoted to senior vtce president at Fluor Encmeen and Coostructon, Inc., a subsidiary of Flaer ' C.rp •• lrvt.De. o.ute. lleckealalble ls asalat.ant manager at the Hun· Unttoa Beach branch of Pacific City Bank, Magnolia Street and Adams Avenue. ., ' t I " Gold, Metal Quotations .. By 11te ~ Prffl Selected world gold prices today: I n••: morntna fi1lnl $.W.00, up. $16.25; afternoon Oxlu "'7.15. up SlS.25. hrtl: afternoon fhr:ina $SIC5.3S, up S14.08. Fr11Mf11n: f~ seoo.oo. up "11.28 from Wednesday. hrldt: S1515.00 l>•d. l.lP 119.00; '900.00 uked. New Ya: Handy & Human mld·momlnl "7 .oo. up $15.25. New Vorl: En1ethard selling price mld·momlns · SS9'7 .00. up SlS.25. Netr \'ork: Engelhard fabricated sold mld·morntn1 $617.90, up $15.97. * * * NEW YORJC <AP> -Handy. Harman •llvw Sll 750, up s1.oo. Eaeelhtrd ..Uver tte.100. up tt.oo. rabrtcated 1U• SIT .... upSI.05. . .. .. f ., • And When He Meets Galindez His Cruiserweight Crown Will Be at St,ake By HOWA•D L a.ANDY ·-............. llarvtn CaaMl b a no-nouen" '"hter wt.o ow. tM Wedd Boidaa Councll'a n weat crown -the erutaerwetPt cUrilk>G OU. -and be Ian 'l '°'"' to a.t the tbampiouhip set awll)' from him without a battle Camel wtJI ~ two tlm former ll1ht·bMvy~~l1ht liUo holder Vlctor Gallndea In defettu of hu crul1erwel1ht crown at the Dl• neyland tlotel exhibit hall Salurday, June 14 THE nGtrr WILL lake place at 1 o'clock with a delayed naUon¥1 televlaion sbowmg on CBS <Channel 2> at 3 30 that same afternoon Camel won the title tor the 176· 190-pound weight class 1n March with a ts.round decision over Mate Parlov. He hu a record or 36·2·2 compared to Gallnde&'a 4&-7-4. The championship fight Is the first staged by the WBC In Orange County. Camel is a refreabln1 newcomer to t he throne Jn boxing's newest division. "Winolng the title hasn't changed me a bit." Camel says. "Until I re- tire and relax a bit, I won't be going around talking about 1t. But it does put a gleam in the eyes of the people back home. J don't have enough energy to go around spouting off." While he is strictly business in and out or lhe ril)g lhese days, he is also proud of his cham p1onsh1p and wears the WBC title belt whenever he goes out in pubUc. "I WORKED 15 YEARS t.o become a champion and everywhere l go. people will know who the rruiserwclght champion of lhe world IS." And he is confident about retaining ti1s title "I c·amc down hcrl' to give you a :-.ho"'," Camel !>ays. "Victor can't take it back lo Argentina because he lives in M1am1 n<>w. But I intend to Ki.son Faces :McGregor At Big A · Wasn't 1t JUSl a mere e1gbt months a~o that the Angels and Baltimore Orioles were playing for the American League cham· ptonstup? Sure 1l was. And 1t was an ex· C'1ling four.game series al that. even though the Angels lost. perfotm like you have otver lffD a flJbter perlocm before. "I tn.ln tbe year around and run evtry de)', even when lt I• 40 de&ren below it1ro ln Montana," the naUve of the state who Uvea on an lndlanret· erv aUoo near Mluoula. says HE QI A N£MB£a of tbe natbead tribe and aa proud or the fact he wu r aiaed ln lhal alale Hfl waa destined to become a boxer on the day be was born. His father, a 11eml-pro fighter, gave him the mid · di., name or Louis . "I was named ufler Joe Louis who was heavyweight champion al that time," Camel says proudly. Galindez, speaking through WBC president Jose Sula1man as in· Winning th .. titlt- laa.n"I el1ang~d ••-a hit. IJ1ull I rt-llrt-a11d ~•ax a hit. I ICOH't ff flOblfl •11v1u11d r alkh19 a1H1ut it. tcrpreter. hopes to win his third championship m an illustrious boxing career . Ile 1s 31 compared to Gamers 28. and hop<•s to e nter the ring weighmj? 182 Camel says he is aim· mg ut 185 which m<.'ans he must pick up three pounds from his present weight. "I appreciate this opportunity lo fight for the championship of the cruiscrwe1ght division." Galindez savs "I should be much stronger because I don't have lo worry about the weight, it's my natural division." HE HAD TROUBLE meeting the t75·pound weight maximum for the Jlght heavyweight division and was too light for the heavyweight division In refer<.'nct• to Camel and the up. <'om1ng faRht . Galindez says . "Nobody 1s 1nvanc1ble You have to have amb1t1on and Caath to remaan an vour prime and I feel I still have I CRUISERWEIGtfT CHAMPK>N MARVIN CAMEL HITS THE HEAVYBAO HELO BY HIS WIFE, SHERRY. both. This is my natural division and l feel stronger than ever .. When the two were presented and asked to shake hands for photog· raphers. Camel declined with a ·wave of tus band. He doesn't feel that too much camaraderie s hould pre· vail Camel has a slight cut on his left cheek he says was given to him by his brother in a sparring session He ... ays ll will heal by the lame or tht hghl but odds "IT WON'T MAKE any d1ffercnrc u e·s not going to get to it t.o open il up." When Camel goes tnt.o the nng. one or his seconds I& hls wife. Sherry. who usually handles the water botUe. ·'She understands what she has to do and I know what I have to do and we don't have any problems . We have been married for six years and !->he has worked in my comer for about 15 f1Rhts "When you've had a ... rough a tame <'ommg up al'> I had. vou can ao John Sevano preclate what It means to be on top and she Wlderstands th1s. too." It will be Camel's first title defense and the L5t.h ume Galindez has fought for a championship, either m defense of a title already won or in winning It. The fight wall be prtteded by a pre- liminary middleweight bout between Orangl' County's Bert Lee and Steve Moyer. Tarkt•li. for the rard are ... c·aled at $25 and $50 and are avaala· ble through Tacketron Unknown Heroes Aa with any champiooablp, there are numerous behind·the·scene contributon that don't get their due. For Orange Coast College. which captured Its first stale basebaJI championship in two d«ades last weekend, lbose that should be duJy recognued for tht•1r ~ralded l'Horts are co captalll Donny Perry, patchmg coach Tim Kelly and h1ttmg m structor Jon Hockenl:x•rry . • \ ' 'I. \ ~ . , , I I ( I , . I . • -' • ' . • ' .. ~ ) , UNFORTUNATELY, WHEN the lwo teams meet for the first time this season. lhe im· pact won't quile be lhe same. As a matter of fact. it's hard lo fathom il will have any impact at all. Of th<-thr~. maybe Perry was the most Ln spirational. And. lo just 11luslrate how hlS team mates Celt about him. they were almost unanimous in a warding their reserve infielder a co captainshJp wtlh Randy Day care of the bench and Randy <Day> took care of : the field.·· ; Both teams are currently floundering in nexl to last place On Tl-' Tnnigh• Oaan11 .. 1 ;> nf 1::10 an their respective divisions as they open the first of a lhrec· game series lonighl (7:301 al Anaheim Stadium with Bruce Klson <3 4) opposing Scotl McGregor (4·2). T he Angels find themselves a distant 81h games behind Kansas City in the West. while Baltimore is 71-7 behind New York in lhe East CLEARLY, THESE ARE two different clubs than the ones that met in October. The. Angels, as has been the case for rrl06t of the season. will open the series sorely crippled. Hilling stars like Don Baylor, Brian Downing and Dan Ford are on the sidelines, while pitchers Chris Knapp, Frank Tanana and Dave Frolt are stlll trying t.o find their pitching grooves. The OJ1oles, too, come lnto the contest riddled with injuries. Pltchlng star Dennis Martinez is on the 21 ·day disabled list with tendinitis and Jim Palmer has been bothered by back prob· lema. SHORTSTOP KIXO GARCIA and outlieldec. John Lowenstein are also on the pine nuraln1 In· Juries Laat seaaon, lncludia1 pl•Yoff action, tbe Ortoles captured 12 ot the ts 1amoa played between the two aides. And the Ansell, who could uae a break (not Uterally), won't 1et one durtn1 tbh lO·fame hom eataDd u the Eastern Dtvlalon lHdlna JIHw York Y ankeea com• lnto town for three 1•rne. followed by • four· ex~· "" With u.. ao.'°" a.c1 Saturday nl1ht'1 pltotaua1 ,matchupa wUJ have Palmer fat· lnl Frolt ln a NttJ• of .._. handen ..tth ldenttcal .C4 ,.. ~rd•. ~· Take Out AcrtJAJ.LY, PERRY ep1lom1zed the 1979-80 Pirates. He was their heart and souJ. 1be one that made them drive The one that gave them a rea- son for winning. "In all my coaching experience. I've never had a non-player mean as much t.o a ball club as Donny Perry," praised his coach Mike Mayne. "His Importance as a leader and many other in· tangible ways was a key to our success. .. He ls a wonderful young man with a heart as big as his body. He cares about peQRle and their welfare. and his attitude rubs ocr on otHers. "If you could take all the good qualities you know and put them in one kid, 1t wouJd be Donny Perry:· PERRY MANAGED ONLY 10 at bats during the season. gelUng three hits and scoring nine times. many or those coming in a plnch·run role. Hampered by injuries throughout his career at Coast. he had remained injury free this season un· t1l a colli5ion at home plate. prior t.o the slate playoffs left him with a separated shoulder Still. however. has altitude, 1eal and iest were unfazed. "Perhaps on any other ball club but ours. Don·: ny Perry couJd have started and been • star," : added Mayne. "But he chose t.o stay here and : become an inteeral part of our program. • "He was one of the biggest things to happen to . us this se&IOO. He was totally involved and coa· ; slantly gave 100 percent without waJklnl on the : field. It's kids like tbat that mate coachinr • worthwhile. ,,~ "When I think about this team down t.hroutlr• lhe years bis face will be ooe 0( the first on DlY mind. He was our personality -tough and sacrificing · • · ••• FOil PITCHING COACH Tim Kelly. YJe1 Pirate season was viewed wtth mixed emotions; '1. A pitcher tn the Baltimore and San Dieeo~ ganbalions. only a pair of political moves left I ' as Mayne's coach for a second season. • •• Young enough (25) t.o still be playtn1. Kl! had to content himself with watchina from sidelines. ;1 ' "I ftnally learned to enjoy seeing aomeocM\~ have a good season," adm itted Kelly, wbo&e pitching corps fasbJoned a sparkling 2.92 re1'4 i season ERA (2.63 in C()Oference>. • ... ~; Arizona t>econd baseman Ron Quirk gets upended by Cal's Greg Zunino during their ellmination game in the NCAA ColleJte World Series Thursdv. Arizona bounced back Crom an 8-3 deficit to win 11·10. See atory. page 89. "BEING NAMED CAPTAIN by my lHm· mates made my whole season." said the W sparkplug. "f have more respect for those 1uy1 than anybody ln the world. ·'I th1nk havlng a team captain that played and a team capU!n that didn't wu 8ood. J took ''It was fun for me t.o watch Larry CHlclt~ ~ 14 saves, 1.02 ERA> and Don <Smllh, 11·1, a.if. ERA> have Sood years." 1f #fl:ll Altbou&h a apedal nod abould be glvea to fril. <See _SEVANO, Page 87) T Gerulaitis Ousts Connors • ID Borg Also Gaim Firuih With Easy Vic~ Over Sol.omon PARIS <AP> -BJorn Borg and Vitaa Gerula1Ua 'fGn different kinda of vlC· tortes today• to reach the rtnal o( the French ()peo tamla championllllps. Borg, the defendlnc champion. celtbHted h.ll ~th blrtbday by baUer· ln1 Harold Solomon, 6·2, 6·2. 6-0. It took him one hour and'° minute.. GE&t1LAITl8 FOUGHT for four hours before overcomtn1 JiDUI))' Coll· nor•, &-1. M. 6-7, 6·2, t-4 ln a ftne\Y balanced match that m11ht bav• coa• either wav. • Bora IDd O.rulaltla _ ~Ul play for a nm pn.. at saa,ooo oa SUnctey. 9oi'a~la IObla for hit Mb P'reacb Open UU.;&n .. ven years. ~ r• •cbed CM ftul for the nm ume. A cro•d or 18.000 watcbtd tbt .. semlflnala on the center c'>W'l of Roland Garrot Stadium. BORG STOaMED t.o the 11.nal wl\bout drj>pplnt a set ln hi• bett-of·five let matc!he,a. Hl• tlnt ro~d opponent, Alvaro Fillo& ol Chllt, wu tbe onl)' mu t.o take aa mllA)' u four 11me1 from him \D OMeet.ln \he whole tournament. Solomon battled bravely fro1n bil buellne but M¥er came tloM to break· tn1 the &wede'• tenlce. Bcwa DUntMd hi• taplpUt ,~ •••1 With luth power on both wtn11 of the court that Solomon often Jmt ttood and wattbed u the be.II~ by. Thll WM an antJ·dimax after th• U · ctttn1, mp.and-wet O•rulalU..connon alfalf. aleb& up to the tad Connon k~pt fl1bt1ftl Ud appear.cl capeble of wln· ner. 'I Connon lOlt hi.I aervtce twice at tbe start of the final set but came back from 0-3 lo 4·~. Tben. u GerulaWI aervecl'for the ,natch, Connon escaped from four matcb DOlnt.a. Flnally Gerulaltll served an ace - hll 131.b of the match on t.be •low clay surf ace -and nolahed off bil scrappy oP~l. 80'nl MEN HAD a bll Jnceatlve to wJn, lMtcame no Americ• baa won tbe meo•a lllle here since Tony Trabert ln 1955. Connon clld moet of tM 1ttackln1 wblle Gerulaitll bad th• pat.Ienco and the amar1t1' cUnt•• tbe llMI wtu. cunnlnlly plac.d alaOta. • The lon1 m.atclt ew~ct ud fortb. Ill UM tblnl Mt. la& an •air aervtce bNlk ud led t.1, belt • GerJlaJtia woo four eames in a led 5·3. Dur Vate 'l.Ullg Roars in LaSt. AgaiR , ·or .... oo.e:y " ~-• ti• nar l• C•Uf01'9la • wot. ..... ...,u,...,.. .... IUll~taeo.~u ., Wit ..... offtdall aid. A lh1t1trar of Votera •pok••u aald reaolta from WO pndDdl ln Aaabetm and hllenaD wen apeded to be eclded Into t.be onraU vow ,.... turn• aomeUme today, alvlnt tM ~ ltl ftaa.I but unometu ............ ~,·· .1~. TM ..tr.._. I.Oil pr-.elacta. llamed tor th• ••••!• -wld~ll 1Dttlal11 lllvolw.4t mllllq reaulta from• pr.elncU -were com,._ lll'illlema ud a balk>l mtxup ia a ... , Aubelm pre- clnct. A 1polle1woman ror tbe Secretary of State'• office ln Sacramento aaJd final retuma from Orant• County were not lD· eluded ln tbe booklet ll•Un& re- tU.lta ol Tuesday's primUJ elee· Uon ln Calllornla . Sbe said Oranie County la the only one left ln Cali.Iona.la wblcb baa not completed lts final tabuJatloa ol votes. Los Aqeles County vote totals also a.re ln· complete ~ut offtclals there cboae to auDmit tbelr reaulta as flna1 for now. Oranse County election of • ficials have malotalned their new $1.$ mlllloo vote cOUDtiDt syatem wu not at fault in tbe vote tabulation bttakdown. They lnlte8d cited problems which arose when results on ma1net.1c tape from 38 preclncta would not 10 throul(h the COUD· ty'1 computer wbicb laauea print· outs of results. For most of those preclncta, the information had to be transferred to new tapes which were re-fed successfully throueb the computers. But other problems a1.o OC· curred. lncluding those in an Anaheim precinct where 237 voter& were given the wrong ballot card ll1tln1 partJsan races for o1her diltrlcta. Votes cut in the partisan races were thrown oul and elec- tion officials have said the rest· dents would not get an op· portunJty to recast ballots in those races. Official• said apparently no one noticed. ___ ras es ___ oast "°70anee Gold Prices Spiral Anew LONDON IAP> -The price of gold soared as much as $24 an ounce to break the $600-an-ounce level for the first time in three 11tonths in Europe today. Silver also rose $1.02 an ounce lJ"I London to a two-month h.igh of •11-02. It traded in New York at ,6.80. The value of the dollar was UY lower in quiet trading. • Dealers said demand for gold ay continued a recent strcng • 1e that began Mo!_'~ay _ a,mct. •mon -later officlady denied I° tbat tbree to five American f . • ee Bilces The San Clemente City Coun· bu delayed until it.a next eeting a decision on-whether to earlier council action to in· weekday afternoon golf stand. be increase is under fire IJ) San Clemente resident orge Fox. who says be .... ll'e!'811ll 50 senior citizens that the city's municipal golf rse after 2 p.m . when they n play at a discount rate. La,t November the Qty Coun· increased the rate for res· ents playing after 2 p .m. St.SO to $2. The increase •ame effective Jan. t . -.fQx claims the higher rate JD•lles it difficult for senior dttuns to afford to u.ae the golf bellity. He wants the city to 41Jtarae penon5 from outside the ~mmunlty a higher rate to raise the ad4Jtional money the dty# says it needs to maintain tl9 aolf course. • Council action on rate adjust· menta lil November also in· dluded the lowering of tbe rate tl>r ~ from out of town Eytng aft.er 2 p.m. from M to so encourage greater use of facility. .. This i1 a municipal lolf ~" Fox sald. "It la pal for MMt supported by the citizens of ..... Clemente. If more money ts -..\ded to run \be faclll~y it come. from hlgher rates outaiderl, not senior cltilens elr twillsbt years." • (8eel"EES,Pa•eA2> f . That __ __,, Again English? hostages had ~n shot in Iran. In ZUrich, the price of gold had risen to $605.50 an ounce by mid-day, highest since March 7, after closing at $587 .SO Thurs· day. In London. the metal was quoted at $602.50 a troy ounce In mid-afternoon. up from a mom-, Ing fixing ol $598 and a Thursday closing of $587. It closed at $800. Gold closed at $587 a troy ounce in New York on Tbunday. It had been priced in tbe ranee of $500 to S530 for aeveraJ weeks prior to its neweat surie. It tr-4ed toda)' ln New York at fe07. , ,...... ~of Sold tb11""'" spark.. e • clletn · reaeUoo of price mark-ups around the world~ continued today. Gold prices. are sUU well below the reeord *'7J aa MmCe reaeW dtJrinl .trlldins on the New York CommodlUet Ex· chan1e on Jan. 21. Silver was up 1n London from Thur&da)''a close of $16. The mld·afternoon price waa the highest since April 9, 'IDree Seized On Weapons Raps in LB Three men have been taken ln· to custody on concealed weapons charges ln two separate lnci- denta in Laguna Beach. Officers said Fernando Hope. 29, of Santa Ana was arrested early tb1s morning on charges of possession of a concealed firearm and possession of mari· juana for sale. They said a 9 mm Luger pistol and a substance appearins to be haahlah were found in an automobtle in which he sat near Heisler Park. In another incident. Mlchael Peterson, 20. and Josh Bush. 18. both ol l.AQ& Beach, were arrest· eel on charges of carryini a con· cealed weapon in a vehicle aft.er offlcen beard sOot.a and found the men with a .22 rifle ln the Sycamore Flats area at about 5 p.m . 'l'bur:ada)'. Ge~Booty S'l.4 MilUon lfARSIMJ,1!8, France <AP> -ou11ten extorted $2.4 ml1Uoa la 1em1 from a .. ......_ dl111W>Dd dealw dur· illl U. nlOt. by threatealdC to kUI _. ol bis cblldren, police ..... sue 0'1&llil toad police four ............. ~bl.I ..... • ·• ... ••liq dinnel' Wlda 1111 Wtfe md four cblldnn. . . AMEMCAN TROOP8 WADED AIMORl!TOANORMANDY8UCM3'YIAMAOOTOOAY ~ lrw•atoft M8't&.edthe e.gtnn&no of the Eftdtcw Hitter'• Third Reich D -•Dl:IY Honored Tad.By Al.lied Forces Landed in France 36 Yean Ago Today marked the 36th an· niversary of D-Day, when Allied forces invaded France at Normandy. doo m ed Adolf Hitle r 's Nazi Germany and marked the beginning or the end of WorJd War If. The combined Allied forces. the mightiest sea a nd air armada In history, hit the Normandy coast on June 6. 1944 . at 5 a.m .. London tlme. Time. Ude, wind and rarn have washed away the staJns or blood and iron on that picturesque. 60-mUe solar plexus where the Allied punch landed 36 years ago today. Steaming out of a dark. misty morning, the monumental task force slammed into lightly manned Nazi German shore de· fens es. U.S. Aets Cited Bombs. naval bombardment and replying coastal fire com· blned in a thunder and at 6 30 a .m . the ground rorces rut the beaches Inching. crawUng. falling. the first assault troops drove rorw ard, pounding a t the line of iron to taJte Carentan. Bayeaux. Caen in a day, a week, two weeks. three . . . The 60 by lO·mile beact\nea<1 widened bit by bit as American. British, Canadian. French and Polish forces began the fmal. crushing push against Germany. Logistics for D-Day were titanic: 1,000 planes and gliders dropped paratroopers on the Carentan Peninsula. Manpower marshaled under Supreme Allied Forces Com· mander Gen . Dwlaht D . Iran Calls Clark 'Vilest' American BJ 1'be Alaocla&ed Preu Tehran radio condemned Ra,m1ey Clark today as "the vilest American aaent" and asked Sade1h Obotbudeh's Foreisn Minlltry to explain why the former U.S. attorney 1eoeral waa allowed to partlclpate ln iM "Crimea of America" con· fereoce. The radk> said the alm or the four.day conference, whlcb ended Tbunda)' wtt.h • relOlu· Uon coademnlna U .s. treatment of Iran without menUon1n1 the sa American bo1ta1•• ael1ed more tbu eeven moatbt qo, aboald bave been not only to in· vest11ate put U .s. aeUvttlel but alto to~ f\alun pk>tl. Tbe ~t-GWMd r-410. wbote action• and commen· tan. oce.-.au, anier ~ lraolaft ClftWAll iald tbe air ol tbe eoa1 .... ,bOUld ............ · not oa11 to IM..U.•te pa1t U.S. actlvitl• but alto' to prevent ........ OcNld be plob tn the Mure. It said lr~n·a contlnued depen· dence on Imperialism and the "open and hidden con.spiracles" of the United States leave no doubt that Iran must draw up u soon as po11tble a "com· prehenalve prosram" to counter tbia and to "separate and de- mar c at e Q.Ur relations with America." 1t said UMt conf ereoce and tbe "conclllatorY attitude" of the ForellJl Mlnl1tr1 toward the United Stat• need explanation. Wb)', lt uked, waa Clark al· towed to partlclp&te when UM point ol the ooaterace wu to ID· veatJcate the acUou ot p,....t and former U.S. oft'loiala and wben a prevJou& mwloa by Clark wu ••MDt Hck iD dis· ll'.•ce" by Ayatollah RabaUab Kbomelnl. "We hope Ual.a clear ~ from the Imam'• 1uta•llna which Nluh.ed in the perddpa· Uon oldie .u .. t Amerteu ..-m . . . 1'ill be nDlalned to tbe peo. pl• by the olftdall," Uae rldlo ••ld. . Clan WM dlnled entry to tru ha Noftlilblr wtMn he waa Milt bJ PfM&dlDt earter to t.ry,to dil· cua1 tM tialtaC• laue. lib letaat trip to tru. wtlb nlae o&Mr Alfttriellll. WM u a ·:Drtvate ctUaen Ind In 'Ytolatlon fl·a ·U.a. travel bM Eisenhower totaled 2.876.439; with 5,049 fighter planes; 3.467 heavy bombers. 1,645 light and medtum bombeTS and others. A total of 39 Allied d1v1S1ons r1 e r cely rought the forces mars haled by Germany, 65 divisions including reserves in the Fatherland. Opening up other fronts. Gen George S . Patton and his he llftre -and-brimstone Third Army hit St. Lo. and on Aug 14. Allies invaded France south of the Rhone with 1.000 more ships. The n rst terrible crack was heard on D·Day, June 6. UH4 . but it was months until Germany's back was finally broken. Trustees OK New Contract With Teachers Caplltrano Unified School Dis· tricl trustees voted unanimously Thunda)' to approve a lfll.80 contract wtth teachers in the di• trict, but now must focus alt.en· Uon on lfl80.81 ne10UaUons. Teacher• ratified the pact earUer tbll week. Tbe 'lbunday contract, for which tfustees voted, Includes an 8.418 percent salary and frinse benefit packa1e and the teacben' Nhl to 10 to court lf they don't flke the bo.,.d's de- cllion on anevance mauen. Teachers bad ortslnally aoqht, and a fact ft.ndlnl panel had recommended, blndln1 arbitration. but compromlae lanaua1e on 1rlevaaee1 waa wor"ked out I• eleventb0 boUr Mtod•kll• . Tb• diatrlct and CapiM.ruo Uatfted. Schlcattee AllOdatlcln repr•sitatlwa .,. .......... &o to baek to Ule ............. table , ..... to talk about Miit ~· pact. 2 Aboard As Craft Explodes By AltTHUR R. VINSEL Of .. Dally P6MI IUff Searchers conttned combing chilly seas off the Orange Coast today for wreckage and bodies after a small plane disintegrated In mid.air Thursday evening. showering debris out of the skies five miles offshore. BULLETIN lavea&lgators ldeaelfled Ute plW a.&e &IUa ......_., H lemes Sa•MI Cardel11eel, ZI, of 1n1M ... Ms preqmed paueager as la•es AJlell Pld.lp, aa.o.t Ute •••e•ce,olc.o.ta Mesa. Tllepalr operete.4 a email baalaeaa. Alttl'aft Senkes, •alldllc .... ...... pl-. Pldlp .. •imllac. a.....,.. Aid., atMI Ills ear was f...._ al ...._ Wayne Airport. Tt.ey wett llelleved to be Oraage C.u&College ShidelltS. 1'lae appanmt eJLplosioo was wflll•ed b1 a Hupe. A.lnrest jetllaer captain who radioed at 5:30 p .m . that it appeared to be a twin-engine Cessna aircraft. Spokesmen for the Federal A vlaUoO Administration said to- day. however. that It was a Piper Super Cub s ingle engine plane out or J ohn Wayne Airport, piloted by an Orange County man. He report e dly h ad on e passenger aboard at the time the aircraft literally exploded. according to U .S Coast Guard officials in charge or the oH· shore search. Jim Pars ons. general man ager of Di ck's Imperial Aviation at John Wayne Airport today confirmed their leased blue ·and-white Piper Super Cub rental plane was apparently in- volved. "All evidence indicates that 1t was OW' plane," said Parsons. <See PLANE, Page AZl Oemente Delays Hurlbut Decision The San Clemente City Coun- cil will wait until its next meet· ing to decide how to fill the coun-cil seat left vacant when Roy Hurlbut resigned May22. Council members ordered the delay so Councilman Tom O'Keefe could be present when the dedalon is made. O'Keefe ls out of town. Coast Weather Fair tbroulh Saturday except for late nljht and mornina low cloudlne11. Lows tonlaht ln th"e 50s. Ht1ht Saturday mid to UP· per 80I at tbe beaches, 70 to 75 inland. IMl8' TODA l" f'Mrf'• ,._, of ftlll to t. Mftld cd Coleo Af"o't ISCA CMaal,,...,.,.,, ... ~ '"'' ••u.d. Sot•rdow'• ,..,... .. "'"••••d Oii ,,.. Cl. ; I . ' I ~ . I • .. I c l ~ ' t J . # , Oirrwfll!ff 1'•.,..r Lftlla ~ GAR.LAND, TeHa (AP>-TwoderailedtankeanfromaSan- ta Fe fretlht train bee an leU:inl toxMtbetaieala today. promptlQ& authoriUes to evacuate more than 1.000 ftom their boaa• ln UUa DaUauubu.rb. ,,.,., 1'.lllefl ........ _ ,. ......... 80U111 BICND, Ind. (AP) -Tonaadoee touched down lD two Indiana countiM today, ud tbe pilot of a amall plane was killed attempt.Loi to land at South Bencl. 1tate police aald. No ~url• were repoc1ed from twiaten near Sheridan ln Ham llton Count,y or at Burrows 1n Canoll County. aw.-. S.rid' IJ11le11 .SI .. Pflft PEKING (AP> -China and tbe Sovt.t UaloG. bltter poUUcaJ enemies, sl1ned a new trade qnemeat for·1• toda)' after tDore than a month of necoUaUon. CbineM and Soviet sources said. fJoemaP.,,.AJ PLANE EXPLOD~. • • adding that bis firm hid been 1n contact wtth the pl&M'S pilot but be declined to Identify him. "He got his pilot's license ln tm ana he's a local boy ... said Parsons. adding tbat be is mystified by clrcumstan~ sur· rounding the apparent midair disintegraUon of the plane. "In all my years ln avtaUon I've never heard of a plane ex-ploding like they say tt did un· · leas it was being shot at." said Parsons, who explained he bu 27 years' ftylng time. Coast Guard Chlef Leonard Frolt, of the Search and Reecue Center ln Long Beach, uJd to- day a ~ penon wa1 report· ed aboard the mlulnt plane, pieces of which wen l'ffO'-ered Thursday evftllna. No trac. wu found of any b0die1. lnftlti1aton sakl. Cblel Frost said the Coast Testing Set . For Glaucoma Free eye tests and 1laucoma screenine wtll be conducted ln San Juan Capiatrano Tueeday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. al the Hot Sprtn11 Dance Hall, 32506 Paaeo Adelanto. Tbe service ts beiU ap()O.IQl'e!d by the Prevent Blfncfnesa or· a•.nhatlon and la be\n1 coordinated throu1h the San Juan Caplatraoo City RecrnUon Department. DonaUom wW be accepted to help pay for the pro- gram. lt wu stated. Anyone interested 1n arrang- ln1 appolntmenta may call 493-1171, ext. 245. ERA Bribe Charged SPRINGFIELD. W. (AP> -A N allonal Oraantaatlon for Women YOlunteer bu been tn- dlci.d oa cbarc• abe offered a $1,000 bribe for a lawmU.'a vote for the Equal R~a Amendment. A tdfcamoa • l)' 1rand JW'Y ~ Wanda BrandA«ter, a Cbica10 buai· aeaawoman, oo chars• of otter· l.nt a '1,000 bribe to freebman Rep. Nord L. Swanstrom to vca for the cooaUtuUonal amend· meql. Guard bu tbe names ol the two indlviduala presumed aboard. but lbe firm that leaaed the plane and rented It out could not coatlnn that. Hopes for pc>Alble survivors were vlrtually nooexlstent. ac· cordm, to authorities. "The hope that anyone la still altve IJ"OWS dimmer and dim· mer with each pualng bou.r,'' USCG Lt. Man Jonet1 aald. He laid water temperature ln the r-. betDa combed bf the cutter 11.S.S. Hobart out of Lone Beach II eo deareet and no oae tWld Aniw more than four oc ftve boun without a wetsuit. Locatkm of t.be area where the dislntegratla1 plaae went down is about five miles south ~ Newport Beach, placing it roup!y oil Laauna Beach. ln- ve1tJ1aton said. A ~ out of the USCG Air Station, Loe An&eles, wu also combing the seu offabore today for any trace of further wreckqe or bodies. One Orange County resident reported aeeina •blue and white plane frttinl the miaatnc SUpei-Cub ·a description fly low over his home late Tbund1y after· noon, apparently backfinng The National Tl'an.portaUon Safety Board Jolned the ln· veatic.UOO today due to the fact preaumecl fataUttea are ln· volved. A search and rescue boat from the Oranee County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol a1ao jolned tbeolf· abore search today. lnveau1aton did not lm· mediately say at wbat alt.itude the plane seen to dialntecrate about 5:30 p.m . Thursday was nytna when lt WU reported to tbe John Wayne Airport control tower Nor could they account I« UM jetliner captain's apparently mis taking It for a twin engine Ceaana als-traft capable ol car• ryinl alx. The search for a mlasing plane was swiftly narrowed to lb• Piper Super Cub owned by Dick's Imperial Aviation through a new computer procedure em.Ployed by F AAinvest11aton. 1'be firm's eeneral manager said today the plane wu fully equipped wttb navigaUOllal sear including radk> but that no May· day &neeH•• or trouble report WU ever received. BIDDING FAREWEU -Members ol United Auto Workers Local 3 from the Dodce main plant ln Hamtramck, Mich., display the banner they brought to the national COD· ·~ ........... vention ln Anaheim. The workers were laid Carter's Gas Tax Buried By Senate WASHINGTON <AP> -The Senate, followtng the lead~ the House, overrode President Carter's veto toda,y and cruabed )ala dlme-a·1allon 1uollne fee. Tbe YOte wu -..10. well above the two-tblrdl m~ty needed to bnaab ulde Carter's veto of a concreuJonal meuure repeal- ing the fee. It was the first time a DemocraUc-cootrolled Congress faJled to suat&ln a DemocraUc president's veto since Harry S Truman waa overridden in 1952. Carter vetoed the bill Thurs- day. saying the fee was needed to belp conserve Imported petroleum. But two boun later and wtth no debate, the House voted 335·35 to override the veto. Todaf 'a Senate vote ad· mlnlatered the final death blow. While either chamber of Conaresa can sustain a veto. two-thirds vote In both houses are needed to override one. Arguing unauccessfully foe the veto to be sustained, Sen. Gary Hart, D-COlo., told the Senate that fallutt to reduce U.S. de- pendence on forei1n oil on1)' makes military action in the Penlan GWI reglon that much more Wtely. "We need to take some strong medicine and unlortunately t.bi5 body is unwilling to do that," Hart said But Sen. Bob Dole, R-KaD., de- nounced the fee as "bad economic policy and bad energy policy." As in the House, a large number of Democrats Joined with Republicans to override the veto. Carter cast 21 vetoes, all ol which were sustained. Although no Democratic president had been overridden since 1952, Republican fresldenu Dwight D. Ebenbowlr, Richard M. Nix· on and ~rald R. Ford had a total of 19 vetoes overridden. life Support Cltus Slated A class in basic cardiac fife support -resuscitation -will be held at Crown Valley Com· munlty Park next week. otr and the local went out of existence with the cbure ol the plant. f'r._ Pa,,e A J FEES .•• Councilman Robert Umberc aa Id the matter had been carefully reviewed durln& a three-month study by the city Golf Course Committee and the 1olf COUrM director before any decistom were made. "Thia entire matter wu re-v le wed ln depth lut No· vember," Umber1 Mid. "f'nnlr· ly I think all we•re dolnl bere la gotna back ovw the same pounct agaJn." • "Do y0ur homework:' Fox shouted ln response to Um· berg·a st.atementa. Fox acalMd Limberg of not belng tam.War with the backll'OUDd of the study that led to the rate lncreue. Councilman WUllam Keclum also disagreed with Umbers. ··1 believe we should mum to the previous fee and keep It u &ow as poaaible in tbe future." Mecham said. "U there •re 1otn1 to be l.n· creases they should be puled on to penons ualq the 10U eourae that come from out.alde the com· munlty first, ratbet' than ba~ San Clemente realdeot.s pay the bigher cost.'· Bud Goodwin, city golf course director, termed the previous fee structure •·unworkable." "We wen faclDI an lac:ome problnn_" Goodwl.a sald. "We try to give people the use of the course at the lowest pogst- bl e cost \Mt we can. We try to do what Is best for the entire comumunaty, not Just a t>aadful." Check Bounce Fee Planned The San Clemente City Coun- cil has 11uthortied a $5 ree for each check returned lo the city for insufficient funds. City Manaaer Cieorce CaravalltO said the return of bad checks demanded too much time for city personnel to contact the cltbens responslNe. Caravalho saJd the city re- ceives an averaae or two bad check.a 1 day. He estimated the revenue from the fff would be about S2.000 a year. enou1h t.ootf. set some of the 1dmlnutraUve burdens resulting from the re· turn of bad checks. I UAW Alters Strike Fund Availability A time-honored principle of the United Auto Worken -the unt.oucbability ol the strike fund for 111ythlng but strike benefits and expenses -was overturned Thursday at the UAW conven- tion ln Anaheim. By an overwbelmibf ~of hands. delegate8 approved an amendment to the UAW con- stitutJon to pertnlt t.M executive board to \.-e up to half the in· vestment income of the fund for "or1wut1on, education and communication.·· The fund, which is financed by 30 percent of each member's duH. now cootaint S271 cnUbon. Over the last three yean. It earned $46 million on lta lnvest· meota. It currently costs 110 .5 million a month to nan ~ union, at a time Wbeft the UAW la faced with a aub9tantiaJ drop tn duee income Uda swnm~r u benefits for 231.000 laJd off memberl tn the auto industry start drytnc up. -Ute of mcmey from the ltrill~ fund could cushion layotrs among tbe UAW staff con- sidered almo6t inevitable wtthln a few months. In other ac:tiOft. U.. a mem· ben of tbt aecutive board were voled 3 percent pay lncre&&e1 to take dfecttw ~. ln June 1181 and in Jww 1982, with coatlnua· ttoo of quarterly coet-of-Uving raises similar to those 1D effect lo the -auto l.ndustl")'. That brought union presMient Dou1lu A. Fraser's annual salary t.o '86.807. AcCOl'"dlnl to a 1979 U.S. Labor Department sur· vey, Fraser ranked 22nd in s alary lul year amon1 a,, pnai- denls ol ma.jot unions. More Banb Drop Prime Loan Rate NEW YORK (API -Some of the naUoo'a bluest banks bave trimmed their prime leodlne rates to 13 perceat aa the coet ol acq""1riq funds and the demand by bl.asin.•• foe k>.ans coatlnue to ease. L.ate Thunday, Fmt NaUonal Bank ol Cbicaco UDOUDCed It would take • crcenlqe poiDl off ita prime,IJnnlna t.oclQ. "" 9j WDf ei.Mjra ............. roue._~_ ~ .... i.. ..., tn· .... ,...~~·r.Mat loutb•r• CalU•rt1 a or a •raterioul llbd na tM&· u.r beUeve may be linked to die .. called Freeway Killer wt. may have ............ more &llM 40 bor~.me.im. TMfull~ofU.w• w H rtlHtH tburtday, tM 1ame de; t1:W U.. lMeA iiMlrdw victim wu kSeotlfted u 11-yur· old Steven J. We.111 of DowDeJ~ Tbe boy .. Dude and atrancJecl body ... f"'IDCI beb1nd • NrVke station in ffunthiaton Beaeb early Tuelday. The body of another yowipter whlch wu left at the rear ol .a Westminster service ataUoa two weeks earlier, remalu uNdeo· Wied. Garden Grove Police laued .a all-pGUda bulletin ffn the VD after two wltneaaes report.eel they aaw a youn g male hitchhiker belna kidnapped 1D the city oo the nJ&ht of May rJ. Garden Grove Police Sgt. Bruce Beauchamp aald the van appeared to be brand new • customized with a very shiny black paint job. The vehic\e had no chrome ex· cept for the name Dodie printed ln block letters at the rt&bl rear oveMJtied door. On the left rear door the word "shafted" bad elther been print- ed or taped. There also was a teardrop windOlfl 'beat the left rear GI u.e van. Be auchamp said two wtt- neasea reported they aaw a youth forcibly abducted when they were wait!ns to make a left turn at Hazard Ave~ue and Brookhurst Street near the Sao 01~10 1-"'reeway. "The wttnesaes aaid the J'OUlb approached the puaen1er aide where he was squirted with a subs\Al\ce and srabbed. ··We are sure there were more than one penoo in tbe vebide. .. We were confident that the report wu true from the be&b>- nlag," Beauchamp said ... But Nben a second wjt.oeas came forward a week lalft' wlUI ~ same detaila. lt ma 111 ..,. more sure. '"We have DO way of bowiaC if it WU tbe Freeway ICil)er but. it la the best lead we have:• ' Capo Studies· Overnight Parking Law · San Juan Caplatnno Ctty CcQs. ell members are studying the permit proceea u a way to t.'Clall:ol pa rid DC of ovenlzed vehJclts ovenlllhtoncltyatnets. , The council Uda ~It nvtewed a draft ordinance wbicb wo.ljd prohibit night parttlna on city stre& of any vehicle more than 84 incbn lo width wilboul a permit. Council memben wlU receive the Un.al ordinance format at their June 18 meet.lnC and referred ft· amlnaUCJn of the permit ~ lo the cit)' traffic and tranapon.a. llOD (OIDll]iaaloa. • Tbe ordlnance would TeQ111ft. a permit fOf' parkiDI the wt• vehicles on the streets bet .... n p.m.and7a.m . • The class will meet from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, Wednes· day andThW"lday. 811,· a11,· S11it or • • Taught under the auspices of the American Heart Association, the class will include film strips, practJc. and teatina on lntant and adult manikens, lecture and diacuaalon. Further lnformatlon may be obtai.ned b)' caW.nc 131·7275. ~ \ -. -. ~~,' S11ort Coat In 011r Sto«-k ••• For Onl' ••• • DAILY PILOT ·Music, Money Mix In Sunday's Pilot 00 ( (SUND A Y'S BEST) N••port Beach bu1tneum1n wbo WM baDond aa UM WM Cout•a top faU. in tM fteld ot eom~. PulUial famll7 ftnl btlped hl1 children ll'OW ln· .dlpftdml.ln8'M11'1tw'M11 ,. .... TaNACITY Al8SD -T.ct tarntr. tbt mlllloaatre Jtellt.naaa and baMball ctull ow•er, 11 1tlcl0• out or IM lleelllllt. ,.... ...... to .. ........ ,.., ............ 111 ......................... DltWcft.llllllld ... ...,.... IN --Ted 'IVWI ...a • ~ ,.._. teatan Jll'Oo YtdilajiGI~ •