HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0006MPPPF_ IDat, Yarch 22 . 195 AMENDMENT NO. 6 AMENDMM UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 635 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF T,,ip, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA APPLICATION NO. 6 NAMF, OF APPLICANT The Irvine .2pn an (property (hmer) DATED ADDRESSL- lff HMING HELDE2LZuar4, 188 1954 2ND HEARING HELD `._ar(_,h__1_,1:___1954 cITrTt-.stJn Calif. PH0NE_1-,Tz2J. 55 In accordance with Section f Ordinanceflo. 635 an amndmant is hereby GRANT'&D - DEN.IED for the following: 'raol aU" District trict to an A-1 Districon On ano a portion of A BWCK Lc)Tj -.1 TRACT o r, o se d 8 incl Ls._SECTION _:Ir and f.-,thz1.r des d an acres. by metes and, bounds and located on Linda isle. Located at (atreet aaddseas In the City of Newport Beach; subjgat, however to -all of the conditions bAreinafter set out, The Awndment hereby Granted in subject to the following cOnditiOnst The Amendment hereby granted shall boacme effective upon compliance with the f03-10vIng guarantees and/or evidence that the foregoing conditions are briing or will be complied with, and until such time as the said guarantees an4w1or evidence requirements am m9ts this Amendment shall be of no force or offset whatsoevers This Amendment extends and applies to only such buildings and/or lands, or portions thereof as specifically described in that application for Amendment No, and all attacbments thereto and limited by the provisions as met forth in this Amen ant. The undersigned hereby certifieu that he has read and has fu? 1 knowledge of all of the conditions set forth herein. Permittee Findings of Planning Commissions The R-1 District is highest restricted District with the reslIs-" Te;71—opnent - - s n d in the Citv and is in keepi-Tig, c_k�nt planned on said propo �' '�n CI Lots 1-1)' to7—ther �.?Ith the neceosarY access strcaets® No objections have been- -Council r i the Planning Commission recommend recel el ed . Therefore, ore s that the Fonorable City ,nrr-" with ilts findings and -wrant the Ya- as stated hereon- ------- - Granted by the City Coqncil oV the day of C. K. Priest, City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California. P.P. Form 1 -A Granted by the City Planning Commission on the__.18th _day ofJhzgh.19_,- .. Ray Y Copelins Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission Allk No. 6 FMTION F CRD` THE w` G ORDURNCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT NAME O: APPLICANT, This application must be i. •m(property panted • y payment Only check or money orddr will be .. r If subbittedby mail.DATE January 26, 1954 PHONE (Read Instwuctions Carefully) To the City Planning Commission The undersigned he"by petItIons to amend the provisions of Ordinance No. 635 and submits the following for your consideration: `^.� COMPANY- ' Located real property •f._.a a+r. mar 3 r!I moreparVioularly• sY • cY as follows, to Q said property is in area described by nietes and bounds description STREET ADDRESS �dg, Isle E. That :moi property iW located • 3. That petitioner {1` '-w k i.amend Motion ♦ . Of Newport Beach `. • 7'. City ZonIng Ordinance .i•. 635, i +` ♦' cause • • • io fall within district,an R-1 or >> t. That the reasons for theflUng of this Petition are as roliows: STATE O: CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE thl• , Y •' My Cominission Expires Fab. 12,1955 INSTRTJCI,ION§. rill out patltl= oompletely. This petitione made Wone or more owmrs of property affected by the proposod amendment and must be accompanied by a map showing the location of property, of the etgners of the pet1tiono the use of suob. property and the use ot all property adjacent there - The q o. - shall also submit any other data or Information requested Q WISE -and ASSOCIA'T'ES Planning Consultants _ --- -- CITY & COUNTY PLAN N 5 NG L A N D �P L A N N I N G I N D U S T R I A L S U R V E y$ S T A T I S T I C AL ANALYSIS R 0 0 M 2 1 4- 2 1 5 -- HOLMQUIST BUILDING 8 7 3 MAIN STREET REDWOOD CITY. CALIFORNIA PHONE EMERSON 6_0514 January 29, 1954 L. M. Holbrook:, Administrative Assistant lannin�; Commission nity of Newport reach, California Dear IL—. Holbrook: The pian of Linda Isle seems fairy. �ooa with ' iti e1 C �tiOp2 Of notations as shcmn On map. 1 7�O:11i eCOi:L'_'Pn1 that the Planning '.'mu-- sslon not--ez0ne the iiii5... diva...' Sed area tot � t �- a�1.n�r it o rerlai_r. in "U" .._i$t.R` Ct ii.Y'1t11 develoned. ,.. 11V yOurs 9 1___. NMCH OF PUBLIC HE".71r, NMCE 18 F&RIBY GIM THAT THE PLANNING OMMSSION OF THE CITY OF XWON9 WAM WILL HOLD TWO PUBLIC HEARIMS ON THE AppLICATION Op ANY AND ALL PEFMNS INT-MMESTT) MAY APPEAR AND SEE HEARD THMIWN. RAY Y. CCPM.IN, SECRETARY N-blTk'MT BEACH CITY PLAN1,41ING COW SSION -1-1 11—.1-- '1104tyma ft.r Pw% .�- Win& parallel td, and thiestesh Of the ce`iter 11ne of `m—se TNToo 3 an she Spot w..:., t I pro* f Bayside : iye, as-5--i Course Is cdescri ed e-ed jilAe 11, 1936 & Eno 830, Page 7 Off ficialor� ' of Sai Orange r y; thence North IS 611 Live al said e t t 71- to the & v v tr lcX , having a radius of 165!00!; thence stop tear ly along said curve tkr oiighn an, le 20, a dilstance of 124.711' We targent, said hznee -North 25o 142 est F-1=8 said U e tange W 171.24 t; then—Ce Hort S-4 461 e, � t aam,.F a line me7asuTcd at : `i gint angles to the last " e tioned ICourse--315,,,001 to F. point, said point being 3^;+�.?,001 SoulU esterl y of the c e a t r line of said flynny M. i of D ys t'i D themce South 2V 14,� ;- a �5 b along a line ,pay-rali :l to WOOD Southwesterly of said oura�'se rn,a..s.m of 80Oer' T 8 then, nmo$.ttR.P.e ter y and 50-utherly 'a xi 31 ',301, � distance off, a�,*0 io as line � t t, I � ',:'�`��: _' °:a: _h=��.s... �.. �c'tt; � � �� ew "�c_�at,C.i'i: � si.�:'s. a a ....�.s,. � .�.... ...,. r .._Si, ,.., x_r'.... ,l €o_:s and [` oi-th sl'"•arl y o-f tar: ' r. nt e,r 7Jit. nC--' Gil Tc-:.�� .w1.;+ .b bC, ".!1 Z y ¢ 710 ' .M� d i.t "�c' f��" n��: 541 Nest Mcmt; said Mwam High Mde, 1..?'1.e d i 1,1a n to a a Point i' begirming. tL •'ro /, I I S �N✓6TM X • C�.rb b B.+/Nr I ./"RCt. SwLrw+/k / I sn 56%y s,is �fSr�wr SECTION THRC/ STREL:'T /N GOT A - 60'R/W uu s' ---ss'• —. s•-- � TEN TA Ti VE MA o rRA c r tvp zog 6 LINDA ISLE ®Bin9 o Subdivision of portions ref SrCtion 26; Srction 27, Section Seeetibn 9Si in 7iwvn h!p 6 Se�rth A'onge /O H$at in /he Ci/y of Newpmrt Oe®eh, �an91@ County, Co/i�tarnlo, V�•Ga•nb:nriisn [:a. i 6 Be.rre y I �/ 7--=rt/iPhonf S&Cr/ON THRf/ STREET /N LOT A - SO' R/rl/✓ijG^atI vF N w Rf O�aRMi LI Na • � bb � 5• SS' b� OVVNE.PS ? bi�� THG� /IQV/NE COMPANY I, �_ 00 b �• �0 Tustira� Co/.forniss I t LESSEE ANO SVBO/V/OER 1, = OA'• F17RBES FARMS, /NC. � t �*' �� Sao /•drat 6'AY Strret 1 ' Los Anvt/rr � !o/ifirn♦o 26.5 Aartr rA/rprsr.) ` 4 �'�� a PFEPA.G'EO L!Y THE OFFICE Off' O T 479 JACK S. oVAVA I /Ji' AWO~c,#er Serwt i / Coets AMsv, Cr/itirnis p b3� _ 4r ✓wnursry, /,JCR w 4 h /weri.lC 4/riL./7-/4Fs 1 �� Goa A•/i®ins, N/eAsr A•Ifeirss .%wer � ♦' 9� Mo♦i►s`, E/ech-ie w'r+d f'iljdPherir L/nra wi// Lys ins/®I/ed L+na4c.�raLi+sd &^W whWA^ tet A. wwme "Arhv wi// 60 6'Trasnsil4s ' J*&w Aotw;,v wi%/ 6e S"✓i/. C/"y p;p&. a ,}1pp�•� T. 10.00 • C y ((/�iV`M's•Moo• N.)/•Sf'W 42f./0''. M•JIMO•R.ss w'1.. h"L[•I es' .p' ND Sf w. .M7.27,L.e2K'r.,,.frf T. � � ILO N6 ET CK L/N S I� t♦r 20 0 0 ?? o Qi �O+ ox6rJ G O 6 T GK 2,/NL 42 2 'p ! � I .` i � i1. e' fGoo' moa• fano• faaa M°o` faaoi0' �.ao^ �o,00' 41eb• /oo