HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0007APPLICATION NO. 7 NAME OF APPLICART David. I. Nielsen M. D. DATED July 1954 (Properly .Or) .ADDR.W 400 Wistminster Ave. 1ST REEKING HE= July 15, 1954 CITr_ Ne-,aport 13ea,ch,_ Ca2pApNT I,aE.ber b 8-5556: 2ND HEARING HELD August 19, 1954 In accordance with Section 9103.1 of Ordinance No, 635 an amendment is hereby GRAWM - DENIED for the followings to ch .we zoLJma from an R-1 District to a C -1-H District an ?property described as TRACT „. ido. U36- - -- BI:Od ,1 LAT - 19 , SECTIOA Located, at (street address) 406 Westminster Ave. Newport Bach California In the City of Newport Beach, subjeot-hor�ver #,o all of the oonditions hereinafter set out. The Amendment hereby► granted is 4tubjeat to the following conditicnat Plans of any building to be constructed ' on said Lot 19, in Tract kb. 3.3.36 shall be approved by the Planning Commission before a building permit Is issued, The Amendment hereby granted shall booms effective upon compliance with the following guarantees and/or evidence that the foregoing conditions are ging or will be complied with, and until such time is the said gwtrantees and/or evidence rsguirements am mats this Amendment shall be of no force or effect`vhatsoevors This Amendment extends and applies to only such buildings and/or lands., or portions thereof as specifically described in that application for'Amendment No, i and all attachments thereto and limited by the provisions as set forth in this Amendment* The undersigned hereby certifies that he has read and has full knowledge of aLU of the conditions set forth herein, Permittee David I. Pli.elsen M. D,.. A 0-1-H District as applied for herein allows the Findings of Planning Commission:,_ a o1 i cant a better p..ro ert dev nt Idth k&t control of parking requirewnta byte City than is possible vdth an adjacent R..l District` PaEkIM Lot use aermi.t recent ranted : l) . the P1 o Commission, -recently annexed Lot 26 Block �?, Tract No. 27, directly across ??estminster Ave. from said Lot 19 is be adversly af�ected by the 0-1—H Zone PlarUiixvg Commission recommends that th and grant the change in zoni -as reau, Granted by the City Council on -the .7 clay of _ C. K. Priest, City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California no objections were received, Granted by the City Planning Commission on the 3.4th day of- - Auatiast .... 19. 4 Ray Y• pelin, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission C. K. PRI"LST City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach Publish August - 25th dc Sept. ist' 1954 in the Newport harbor Ensign fall within an 8-1 district. Very truly yours, TEE IRVINE COMPANY Y Chas. M. Pl i m, Secretary CMP: mm Enclosure PLANNING CO SSIQ CITY (")FT KWORT BEACH Her: Assistant Secreti:wy gJ :gas Eno. I ARRY 9AN9 REEL. -n,,i jDLWzZ't "af &niaftant MEMBER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PLANKERS 14866 Euclid Ave. -ir Phone 5441 GARDEN GROVE, CALIFORNEA June 30, 1953 To The Planning Commission of Ne rt Beach, City 1. 3 rt Blvd., Newport Beach, lalmiornia. Gentlemen: The Irvine Company herewithtition our honorable body for a change in the present Zning Ordinance 635 as it applies to newly annexed lard. It is understood that land annexed to your city came in under an unclassified or -U -District, Section 9103.9. We therefore -request that the land described by the accompanyinf maps, Tract 1700 and 1701 be placed in q, siWle fami y or R-1 District as se forth in Section 9103.1 of the zoning law, which we believe to be a more appropriate zone for a fine residential development. Inclosed is a check in the sum of $25.00 to cover application fee as per Section 9106.51. Respectfully submitted, HkUrf-VANS TERRELL Planno for The Irvine Company HET:mj i x 10, PETITION FCR AMODMENT Nf 7 or ORDINANCE 6�5 THE ZONING MDI NCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. FAME 0F APPLICANT % Z , / � &eQ6 S` A This application must be accom- (property owner) I periled by payment of $25.00. ADDRESS V00 XAYZWIAsT& � ,�,�ij•f /� .i� Only clheck or woney order will bs/ accepted if subhitted by mail. DATE �../(,G,4 l /1J PHOAdE�iff (Read Instructions Carefully) o the City Planning Commission Newport Beach. California The undersigned heroby petitions to amend the provisions of Ordinance No. 535 and submits the following for your consideration: 1. That JW)1 _. /iii-�G.�.ra.tJ , Is the owner of certain real property located in the City or ewpor eao , and more particularly described�a's f all awe : TRACT r/ BLOCK LOT STREET ADDRESS -406 g/4r//tiPtJ 2. That said real property to now located in an district. 3. That petitioner desires to amend Section /443. / of the Newport Beach City Zoning Ordinance Nos 635, so as Co tains property T6 fall within an c -1_N district, or-tw. 4. That the reasons for thefiling of this Petition are as followsd a F� 7- A90-11U A90-1ti d 4W57-/o/AV-169 c -115-/ ice eZ�i/�. -" d � STATE OF' CALIFORNIA ) as COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 1, the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am the petitioner of this petition and tftZ the foregoing petition and all data, Information, and evidence herewith submitted are In all respects to a beet o" knowledge and belief, true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before we thic�..J ---day of, G ( seal) u f 19 Li INSTRUCTIONS: Fjl out this petition oomplAely. This petition rust be made Y one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment and must be accompanied by a map showing the location of property of the signers of the petition, the use of suoh property and 'the use of all property adjaoent there- to. The petitioner shall also submit any other data or information requested by the Planning Commission. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, 1311: R's: DDI CK of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT he is and at all times here montioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years; and that .............._.. he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter, that ............. he is the *....... __.... .. prin>er of the Newport -Balboa I News -Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adiudged a newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County cf Orange, State of California, under date of July 7, 1952, Case Number A 21702, that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire i l�SUG of said newspaper and not in any Supple- ment thereof on the following dates, to -wit: ........................................ all In the year I9 54 . � )............... •.... .................. 1 Printer, Forema the Printer or Principal Clerk of the Printer. SubscribeC and Sworn to before me this ....... ........ b—WI day of _ J`1 L.Y............... 19.5.4..... f �l—7- (SF/6,L) (SFAL) Notary PUhlic in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires Wpv.eM1)e.r..1(....... ._ 19.55........ This space i,a for the Cou;ty Clerk"s Filing Stamp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEART'rs NICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMLESSION OF THE CITY OF NEWOK BEACH WILL HOLD TWD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE APPLICATION OF NICD IS HMM FUMHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUELIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD ON THE DAY OF MY YEAR M AND THE 191h DAY OF ' YEAR'"" ; AT THE HOUR OF ftoo P. M. IN THE COUNCIL CHA953ER,; OF THE NFMPORT BEACH CITY HALLp AT WFICH TIM AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS IWERESTED KAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THEREON. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEPJPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMISSION Publication Date Julv 6 1 54 Received for Pub. Date Reeeived Gki 15--s -r—m t M S r C- I -t-4 I 104 ...� 7 � ! J4. .P a0 ox rz •--i Sr-leccT .� a Pose 4�ad ,4 -1 -LI;- t4 ca a 0 �oa got a A p' 4 via *e rl d 93 to 0 !! +�4i.0 r4 4v4 v 0 v4 ri .+ 1 isr wop s 2 93 r0,02 f{fi a" 7 � ! J4. .P a0 ox rz •--i Sr-leccT .� a Pose 4�ad ,4 -1 -LI;- t4 ca a 0 �oa got a A p' 4 via