HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0019u i ' ZONING WITION NO. AMEND-: M. ILO . W5. -- ------ � 4 r, 7 rr CITY Z-N&WPORI' 1 DITE, E 55 ` do APPLZCATI 359.29 APPLICANT'S DiAME: AE1ST IN D. STt1RTEVAN OME ADD: 57f� DEBORAH PAOINE' COSTA ESA, A!. i F. PROPERTY ADDREss:A PORT IOW or LOTS 164 & 165 BL. 53 ZONE: IRVINE'S WB - [VISION. LEGAL DESc;Tp.ACT 1 A11A2iED- SECT: 13 GAL MCK nr!jcR IAIsiD III<STRUCTIONS (READ CAREFULLY): Fill out this petition carefully. This Petition muct be made by one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment and :gust be accompanied by a map abowing the location'.of property of the signers of the Petition, the use of such property uA the use of 43.1 property'.adjacent thereto, The Petitioner h shall also subW t any other data or information requested by the Planning Commission. The Petitioner desires to amend section 9103.8 _of Ord. No. 635 sn as to cause this property to fall within an district, or to: The reasons for the fling of this Petition are as .fonows:- N PREPARATION FOR FUTURE SUB -D I V i S I oU I N-roR-1 LOTS _ r STATE OF CALIFORNIA) SS COUNTY OF 01100 ) I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Petitioner, and that foregoing Petition and all data, "infoxwticav and evidence he vith subEai. d are in all respects to the best of my age and beliefs true and r ct es . VIA Si ofti gnat Petioner The above AusT I N D. STURTEVANT Subscribed and sworn to before me on the day of 19 (SFAL) _ NO. I9... let HEARING: 1-19-56. tad REARING: 2"1.656. DATE. 2-16-56. 77 In accordance with Section 9106 51i J)_the.a&=KJment as petitioned for above i.a hereby GRUIM, subject to all the conditions hereinafter set forth, and ehall:be of no force or effect whatsoever until such conditions are met,.'or until satisfactory guarantees and/or evidence requirements are presented and accepted. ----- The undersigned hereby certifies that he hae read, has full knowledge of, and agrees to all of the conditions set forth herein. , D. Stutevent. Suture ofrmitee• FOtt D?PAL IIS$ ONLY FINDINGS aF FLING C FISSI : The Commission feels the. re- zoning of the land in question shalT be in the BOR 1nt*1&6sZ3 5Te and recd ends the Honareble elity Council. GRANT this application. GRANTED by Planning CommissionGRANTED by City ouncil Cn the 16th day of Pebr. lg SBS... the day of 19�.::' SBcretarY PLmming s issioa a� ops in) city Clerk' 1 a Aft P. C. 7 Now / . f A, 41NIKA& CONTRACTORS A z, y ' Phone Kimberly 5 -1 175 19752 ACACIA STREET SANTA ANA, CALIF, FEBRUARY 22 19 55 CITY COUNCIL NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA GENTLEMEN WE HEREBY REQUEST THAT OUR APPLICATION FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN IRVINE'S SUB— DIVlSION 'WHICH HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO YOU FOR AC— T i ON BE RETURNED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Vl I TH— OUT ACTION SO THAT THE APPLICATION MAY BE AMENDED TO REQUEST R-1--13 ZONING INSTEAD OF R-1. . YOURS VERY TRULY, AUST IN ST LJF�T EVANT BY �e'too ARINCR a AlS : A.M1R, PLANN I N C;OMM1 55 I ON NLWPORI REACH, CALIFORNIA �C y Y• � f J,L s til FEBRUARY 22 19 56 PLANNING COMMISSION NEWPORT BEACH CAL.I FORN I A GENTLEMEN: WE HAVE: REQUESTED THAT OUR APPLICATION FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN IRVINE'S ,UB -DIVISION WHICH YOU HAVE APPROVED FOR ACTION BY THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL BE RETURNED TO YOU FOR AMENDMENT Y: I THOUT ACTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL, WE HEREBY REQUEST THAT OUR APPLICATION BE AMENDED SO THAT THE PROPERTIES MAY BE ZONED R -1-B INSTEAD Or R-1. YOURS VERY TRULY, RUST I N S"i Y' 7T EVAN 1,CO VY T4'kEN ADS:AMW CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ATTENTION: PLANNING COMMISSION GENTLEMEN: WE PRESENT HEREWITH A PETjTION FOR RE -ZONING OF CERTAIN PRO- PERTY, TOGETHER WITH OUR CHECK FOP $50.00 TO COVER THE APPLICATION FEE. (1 THE PROPERTY IS BRIEFLY DESCRiVED AS "A PORTION OF LOTS IA AND 165, BLO;,-K 53, IRVINE'S SUB -DIVISION AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECORr D IN BOOK 1, PAGE 88 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY". (2) THE PROPERTY IS A'_L WITHIN THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. AEJS7 iN D. STURTEVANT IS THE SOLE OWNED OF THE PIROPER f l' HAVIN1. RF.;CLIVETI 111LF BY DEED RE(A)RDEII ON 00,TOBER 251H, 195` ). AS T?(-' tUIIMCNT 132015 IN B0, K 3251, PA,,E. 5%.7, RECORD'; O' ORAN(,F `,,'SUN TY . (4) 1HE FJLI l FSC' AL DESCRI PT ION Oi i HE PROPER f Y I S AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED PHOTOStAl OF A PCRTION OF THAT CRAN'T Dl -.FD AND AS SHCAVN ON THE AT I A`�HED PH010SIAT OF I HE PLAT MAP WHICH IS Ai TACHED 10 AND IS PART OF iHAT GRANT DEED. (5) ALISTL.N D. STURTEVANT HAS RECEIVED TITLE TO THE PROPERTY UNDER THE FOLl.O'N[NG COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS WHICH ARE RECITLD IN THAT GRANT DEED; 1. THAT THE REAL PROPERTY FIRST HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED SHALL, BE USED AND OCCUPIED FOR SINGLE-rAMILY DWELIIING PURPOSES, WITH INCIDENTAL STREETS, UTFLITIES AND OTHER k OTHER'. USE 99: PURPOSE, FOR TIDE 'EARS" FROM AND AFTER-, JHE LATE C� WE ARE NOW PREPARING SUB -DIVISION MAPS WHkCH WILL SUB -DIVIDE THE PROPERTY INTO R-1 LOTS HAVING A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 66 FEET,, MINIMUM DEPTH OF 110 FEET AND HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 7200 SQUARE FEET. STREET RIGHTS OF WAY WILL BE SO AND GO FEET WIDE AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED PLAT MAP. YOURS VERY TRULY, AUSTIN PARTNER.; 0 °.SAjD;'PRfJP,.F.RTY. B STREETS SHALL BE LAID ,AUT . ANIS CONSTRUCTED.: ON.. :...; , A1D PKOP. 3N CUNF'ORMANICE WJIH THE PLAT. THEREOF AT ,A l ERETO AN MADE;°A PART HEF�iE aFP AND THE SAFE SHALL '1 iiED1CATED P�JBL]<G .,. USE. (C) L tNES FOR WAT E.R, SEWER r . GAS r ` EL ECTR I C'I TY AIVD ' OTHER- ':UTILITIES SHALL.,B.E CONSTRUCTED IN AND ON SAID 'pRIOP:ERTYr TOGETHER WITH SUCH OTHER IM- PROVf;MENTS AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY LAVA FOR THG PURPOSES HEREIN SPECIFIED. (D) SAID PROPERTY SHALL BE SUB -DIVIDED INTO RE- SIDENTIAL LOTS, NONE OF WHICH SHALL HAVE AN AREA OF LESS THAN SEVENTY-TWO HUNDRED (7200) SQUARE FEET. (E) A FINAL SUB-DIVtSION MAP OF SAID PROPERTY SHALL BE FILED FOR RECORD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THF FORE GO I N[= AND IN CONFORMANCE TO ALL PUBLIC LAWS AND ORDINANCES AT THAT TIME APPLICABLE THERETO. C� WE ARE NOW PREPARING SUB -DIVISION MAPS WHkCH WILL SUB -DIVIDE THE PROPERTY INTO R-1 LOTS HAVING A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 66 FEET,, MINIMUM DEPTH OF 110 FEET AND HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 7200 SQUARE FEET. STREET RIGHTS OF WAY WILL BE SO AND GO FEET WIDE AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED PLAT MAP. YOURS VERY TRULY, AUSTIN PARTNER.; 0 Zoning ObangenMAmendment # 19 2 hearinge NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARING Amendment #--.19L— Resolution # ..... . 1* at the radius on 17th street .,. NOTICE IS FAY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARINGS tii'ILL BE MW ON THE 9th DAY OF Jan Yw 56 _ Atm THE loth DAY OF F YFJIR 56 AT THE HOUR OF JJ LO_ ._ P. U. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEMPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TnM AND PLACE ANY AND AU PERSONS INTERSSTMP MAY APPEAR AND aE HEARD 'PMEIDN. P. O. Form 3 RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NMVIPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING C(U.iISSION Publication Date / S� Received for Pub. "'�• Date -Received +may _V Zoning Change Amendment 2 hearfgg"9 •' • NOTICE OF FUBLIC HEARING Amendment Zoning ObWe mXAmudwnt 2 bearinga NOTICE OF PUBLIC HURIND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIM THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TIM CITY OF XMpW MCH WILL H= TWO PLMLIC HEARINGS ON THE AppLICATI(W OF Austin D, STURMANT gas. 70 AM Ord* #635 tiff 1 ..1411 zon 09 LOTS port Of A". X= Blk 53 Or . :;that Irvine,Subdivision. TRACT LOCATED AT 575 feet Xasttrly from tbo point with a right sag'le oirthe radius of 17th St..,.* NOTICE IS KMW FUMM GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC REARMS WILL BE KW 05 THE 16th DAY OF Febr. YEAR 56. =THE MVP "M , AT THE HOUR OF 7130 P. me IN THE OMCM OWMERS OF THE NERPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH ME AM PLACE ANY AND ALL PERMNS INTMMTED MY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THERMN. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NS PORT BEACH CITY PLANNING CMDAISSION Publioation Date Received for Pub. JA;' Date Receivee, conditions hereinI'ter :.abet`or, TRYINi :QPA�iY, �► thsr ine B. Ztuts�r corporation, hereby"grant married man whose wite,'"s the following de s cribe;ci re�3 Orange, State of California'; 5TU, +RR wr r xt V l GR, ND, FOR A VALYJAAL� Govg1I�'�i,eaeipt FOR A VA� of xhich is hereby xicknorrled$ed� and eb jeot to die oovenanta►ind conditions hereinI'ter :.abet`or, TRYINi :QPA�iY, �► thsr ine B. Ztuts�r corporation, hereby"grant married man whose wite,'"s the following de s cribe;ci re�3 Orange, State of California'; Bit 325' PAU 558 P,.. atm,i:A rani'n i ri- pa�'int tears '_ ply rdiue i Ct'ioi�al :Records tri said earth Oo i0' 3p"` W4st ��i�h fie, said So�thwestor . `: id rale lxrti,� Veins sa3 d, bt}, OQ foot wide tt e `caths: �ter`i l' lie kL�� ' 4�f8st e 31n of i►ot ],b4,.Oo SUBJECT std",,t RE3%F� Z PSG, un assigns, sase�ents in' he re ref ter may be laid hereinabove destr, I.I.- repair, maintenarice:°an electricity an.her: anto� ales covenants and 'corditi-;a parcel of land".eai Olty described, .for.I.r .qtr r F � ti P,.. atm,i:A rani'n i ri- pa�'int tears '_ ply rdiue i Ct'ioi�al :Records tri said earth Oo i0' 3p"` W4st ��i�h fie, said So�thwestor . `: id rale lxrti,� Veins sa3 d, bt}, OQ foot wide tt e `caths: �ter`i l' lie kL�� ' 4�f8st e 31n of i►ot ],b4,.Oo SUBJECT std",,t RE3%F� Z PSG, un assigns, sase�ents in' he re ref ter may be laid hereinabove destr, I.I.- repair, maintenarice:°an electricity an.her: anto� ales covenants and 'corditi-;a parcel of land".eai Olty described, .for.I.r .qtr opts -.._ o+arnnrcwucae cuww�e� i NOW No. 107 "-Pre" I Marry Schrouder, Olty Clork of the City of Newort Roach, 0418 forn is ` I y