HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0032� r c Resolution No. 607__ r;m�1���useI .t CITY PLANNING COMMISSION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: BY: Planc,i.ng Commission TO: City Co.ncil ON: Rezoning of the arae known as "The 16th Street Annexation" s PROCEDURE FOLLOWED BY-- jig CO ON: � Property was posted in accordance with Ordinance #635 can J a nfz _::ry 1C1 7 1957 FINDINGS OF PLANNING COMMISSION: RECOM,YiENDATIONS OF PLANNING G S91ON: The Plant -drip! Commission recommends to the City Council th:.t t --_e area known as "The 16th Street Annexation" be rezoned from an unclassified district to a M -1-A district. RESULTS OF ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: All H y E: s NOES: none ABSENT: Lonorloor NOT VOTING: By order of the Chairman W. LonEmoor I hereby certify t'iat the above is a true and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted, , Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission' P. C. Form 1 Approved by the City Council on the -dajy of 19 City Clerk City of Newport Boach, California R- h a� 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22. 22 26 24 i :w C 26 Ij 11 28 29 30 31 32 line f Oarnar 4 Isma or A CITY OF NEUFORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER July 16, 1956 NO. 56-57-1 TOa ALL DEPARTman MEADS FRC a Robert Sh=lton, City Manager SUBJECT- .:'"16th STREET AINNF X'°'ANNEXAT'ION The above subject annexation was certified by the California Secretary of State June 29th, 1956, and the area is now officially a part of the City of Newport Beach. Departments which have not done so, should obtain from the City Engineer Information to correct City boundary maps to reflc-ct the annexation. The area, of course, is entitled to a3i city ser4iet�s and Your cooperation in rendering them Promptly and courteously will help to make the property owneTs in the new area fvel welc=, . PORE IT SHELTON 1 herein and designated as "16th Street Annex" Annexation; and I FURTHER CERTIFY that Ordinance No. 7$0 was published in the Newport Harbor pews -Press, a daily newspaper printed, published, and circulated in the City of Newport Beach., on the 4th day of June, 1956. I FURTHER. CERTIFY that the Secretary of the State of Califor- nia issued Certification of Annexation of said territory on the 29th day of ,Tune, 1956. IN WITNESS YrUMOF, I have hereunto set my nand and affixed the Seal of the City of Newport Beach, this 12th day of July, 1956. ORDINANCE NO. 780 AN ORIIIRANCE OF THE CITY Oil FORT B 9 APPROVING THE AVVEXA-TION TO THE CITY OY NEWPORT BEACH OF CERTAIN UNINHABITE1? TERRI- TORY CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT MCH Alii} KNOWN A.,S 16TH STREET -ANNEX. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provision of an act of the Legislature of tho State of California, known as the "Annexation of Unintabited Territory Act of 19391x, the City of Newport Beach instituted proceedings for the annexation of certain uninhabited territory contiguous to the Ciby of Newport Beach and designated as "16th Street Annex' and which is hereinafter more particularly described; and f= WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach by Resolution No. 4474 set Monday, the 14th day of May, 1956, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, as the time and place that said City Council would hear protests to the proposed annexation of said territory to the City of Newport Beach by any person owning real property within the said territory; and Ac WHEREAS; at the time set for the hearing of the protests as set forth by said resolution, no written or oral protests were made by the owners of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as prescribed 'in the annexation of Uninhabited Territory nct of 1939; and WHERVAS, it appears that the necessary proceedings relating to annexa- tion have been conducted strictly in accordance with th(� law. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION It That the annexation to the City of Newport Beach, Oaliforni of that certain uninhabited territory contiguous to said city, ]mown as "16th Street Annex•' is hereby approved. and that the same is hereby ordained to be annexed to and made a part of the City of Newport Beach. California. That said territory is particularly described as set forth in the deecription thereof marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. SECTION 2: That the boundaries of the City of Newport Beach, California, be, and the same are hereby altered to include the territory described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, the annexation of which is approved and ordained herein, and incorporated in the City of Newport Beach, California. SUCTION 31. That the proceedings and anne4ation herein ordained are had and taken under and pursuant to the provisions of can act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated and referred to as the 'Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 19391t. sEcuon 4-. The above and foregoing ordinance shall be published once in the Newport Balboa News Pressi a newspapar of general cirdulation, printed and published and circulated in the City of Newport Beachi and the same 6611 be in full force and effect 30 days after this passage. The above and foregoiUg ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport beach hold on the 14th day of May, 1956 and was finally passed and adopted on the 28th day of May, 1956, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COT3 OILMEN1. NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN:Wilder Dora 0. Hill Mayor ATTEST: Margery Schroj&er City Clark Beginning at a point in the bomdary ]tine the City df report Beadhi said point being the aouthwest cornu et Lot IIIgh : k 168a xfct, as mown upon a nV recorded in Book Z, Page 1.0 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California) thence easterly along the southerly line of said Lot 1112 and alang the southerly line of Lot 1012 of said NowWrt: Mesa pct to the southeast corner of said Lot 10121 thence northerly along the easterly line of said Lot 1012 to the northeast corner thereof 1 thence easterZy d1ong the westerly pr6lorgation of the northerly line of Lot 912 of said Newport Meso Tract and 4ang the northerly Line of said Lot 91.2, to the northeast corner thomfl thence southerly along the east- erly line of said Lot 912 to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the southerly line of Lot 812 of said Namport Mesa Tract to -the southeast corner thereof; said point being in the westerly line of Placentia Avenue, as said Placentia Avenue is shown upon a map,bf said Newport Mews Tmot and also shown upon a reap of the First Addition to Neeport Mesa Traot, , recorrded in Book g, Page 61, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County, California, and said point also being in the boundary line of the City of Costa bs'a; thence south- erly along the westerly line of said Placentia Avenue and along said bomdary line of the City of Costa Mesa to the southeast corner of Lot $12 1./2 as shown upon a map of said let Addition to Newport Masa Traetl• said corner being in the bott4ary line of the City of Newport Beach) thence westerly and northerly along said boon - Bary line of the City of Ne ort Beach to they point of beginning, 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Newport Harbor ENSIGN In the Matter of: Ai zien dmen t Ordin-ance No. 635 STA'T'E OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange ARVO E. HAAPA I.......................................................................... being first duly nworn, and on oath depose and say that I am the printer and publisher of the Newport Harbor Ensign, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, and that the.... ti0-�'� G�� OF YUiiLSC H1�'ARING .............. .................. ........... ..................... ....................... of which copy attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was printed and publishe,: In the regular Issue(s) of said newspaper, and not In a supplement, ................ consecu- tive times, to -wit the Issuo[a) of Jon, 10, 1057 ...... .. .. .... .. ..... ........ ................ ............... c j t --- Subscribed and sworn to beforemethis.. ?....day of :Notary i 011c in and for the:: County of Orange, State of California. ce,''MI) ArjCu 8 16, I; El • Zoning Change or Amend=nt 2 hearings NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING C012:ISSION nn. NJ / % 200' NEWPORT j MESA T A C T /01111 � 91/ 8// Q W 0 /0/2 912 . • .. 8l2 0 . a ti �opcsed 9curdw� Ci of /S4sw Jr%�'T77F Vmv-77 I. �.� _ Q 1213 �� EX/sY. RQUNOq/PY G/NE C/TY OF N �� 4wAORT EACH -- 4 Tei h y 1014 9/4 V \ FIRST .4vo/71'/ TO NEVvGOR7 NESA Te.4C7- B. 8., Pa. 6/ j/LM ary OF NEWPORT BEACH 9/5 ANNEXA T/OM pWEsr S/XrEENrH ST. Lots 9117 112/3, 110/-g, 9/9, 55- 8/2i Df Firsf 400'1 //,0,7 /o Ncwpor/ Mesa Tmrt A/owpoi-f "es -7 Tiocl .�iREA TO eE ANNEXED SHOWN THUS — Ja ZrAcres OATS .cloi /4 /96G O,PwG. No. /3 - 23rB6 APnRDVQO - �p _ ip C� EMGiHEE2