HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0057s zN �ETIT4bTO2 °=' u .N0.b SEC Ci ri �r r v ra "``PPrxxiA 10 __0 0 Balboa I APPLICANT'S AME. 'fes N�'� H(aME ADD�Os� 2 NO. 57 �* d,Ck.if@ PROPERTY ADDRE _ City of Newport . B h . ZONE ��l�asifl LEGAL DESC:-TRACT 3337 SECT: ATQCK�LOT��,. INSTRUCTIONS (READ CAREFULLY): Fill out this petition carefully. This Petition must be made by one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment and must be accompanied by a map showing the location. of }property of the signers of the Petition' the use of such property and the use of'all property adjacent:'thereto. The Petitions .shall also submit any other data or infazmation requested by the Planning Commission. The Petitioner desires to amend Section of Ord. No. 635 so as to cause this property to fall within an 11" districts or to: Re -zone pMeMfry unciAwified to FLL-B The reasons for the filing of this Petition are as follows:-, STATE OF CALIFORNIA) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that i am the Petitioner, and that thea'. x"oregoing Petition and all data, information,.and evidence 14re th s 'tted are irx all respects to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and c r t. ature ff Petr over The above Subscribed and sworn to before me on the day of 19 - (SEAL) ZONING AMENDMENT NO. HEARING:_ A,ugias I 4_..19158 BATE. 8-22-58 In accordance Witt, Section the amendment as petitioned for above is hereby GRANTED, subject to all the conditions hereinafter set forth, and shall be of no force or..l;. effect whatsoever until such conditions are met, or until satisfactory guarantees and/or F "once requirements are presented and accepted. The undersigned hereby certifies t;at he has read, has full knowledge of, and agrees to of the conditions set forth herein. Signature of Perini tee : FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY FINMIGS OF PLANNING CQ1%R4JSSION AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Newport.Rarbbr ENSIGN STATE OF CAT WOM';U CaUnty of Orange I _...ARVO E of ................... . . .............. .... . ... being fist duly sworn. and on oath ftoao: and say that I am the printer and publisher of ;the . Newport Harbor Ensign, a -eekly newspaper Printed and.published In the City of Newport Beach. County.of Oriange, State of California, and that -the ... NPA0.0 .. gK.rubliq Hearing ................. Nearing.. .. ....... .......................... . ........ - ----------- . ................ ........ ........................ __ .............. of which -Py attached hereto Isar true and complete copy, was printed and published. in the regula: Issue(s) of said ne-spr.per, and not in.'a..suppj�nient, consecu- tive times: to -wit the Issue(g). of .......... . . ...... ............................ .... . ....... ­­­ ................ ....................... ..... ..... . ............. (Signed), SubscHbed and sworn to be_.&re `mm this ... 2amday of Nata.ryty �u L far thoJ Or" Wo 11�hv a Zoning Change or Amendment I hearing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment # 57 Resolution # NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT —LHE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WILL HOLD ONE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPLICATION OF CAM Unn Co. TO ANZIO FROM V=awalofied District TO R -1-B 0-15triat ON LOTS BLOCK TR -Ar -s^ LOCATED AT 335 1 921y of 4md NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC REARING U'ILT, BE HELD ON THE 21ut DAY OF August YEAR 1955 AT THE HOUR OF a P. M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TM AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THEREON. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEWPORT REACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION