HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0072Resolution No. 638 Jude 24 19 59 Amendment No. 72 CITY PLANNING C0101ISSION . NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: Planning Coumission BY: Planning Department TO: Cit} Council ON: Planning Commission Amendment No. 72 to rezone a portion of Lot 2, Tract 3232 from an R-3 to a C -1-H District and a portion of Lot 4, Tract 3232 from a C -1--H to an Rw3 District. PROCEDURE FOLLOWED BY PLANNING COMlMISSION: Notice of one public hearing was dolly published in the Ensign on June 4, 1959, twenty-eight property owners within three hundred feet of subject property were notified by tuaail of proposed zoning, the property was posted on June 8, 1959 and one public hearing conducted on June 18, 1959. FINDINGS OF PLANNING COMMISSION; The Planning Commission recovzaended that this property be rezoned for the reason that the existing C -1-H property is being developed for residential purposes and the existing R-3 property is being proposed for commercial development. (See map attached) RECOMMENDATIONS OE' PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Cission racommends tlmt this atmendment be approved and that the necessary action be taken to amend 'ti.^iricw !I --p a No. i5 and 16 to effect the rezoning. RESULTS OF ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Ciem.ance, Copelin, Haaytou, Keene, Lind, Lorigmoor, Rudd NOES: None ABSENT: Smith NOT VOTING: By order of the Ch -.airman Walter Ho Lougmoor I hereby certify that the above is as ti:ue and correct report of the proceedings ::nd action of the Piaanning Colnmission, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted Secretary Newport Beach ity Plan ling Commission P. C_ Form 1 City of Newport Beach, Ca3liforaaia FIN to r�2 pop 9109 or t y f x ' W .,, I W 4: vow boa dot �; AW _- -; �fi ¢ 83 y `' id S- S@ PA,pyp pg¢� a g gry , � .'gy��. p � t. 0 C.'aWggpm �`gV' N �uyp� Fi��irQuro"� � $.¢iYyy f T p}glf' ryg.Ayp�- ..:4 ft ra hamops ot FOP city ''pqN'��, §d. & Tedi i a t T .. _. cc WWC:mec' 6/25/59 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMMDING DISTRICT MhP N0. 15 ADOPTED BY SECTION 9102.2 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNJ- CIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING The City Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of. Orange, State of California, to wit: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Lot i, Tract 3232, as per map recorded in Book 99, Pages 49 and 50, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence southex,ly .along the easterly line and the southerly prolongation of said easterly line of said Lot l to the south line or Lot 2 of said Tract No. 3232; thence due east along said south line of said Lot 2 to a point in said south line 24.43 feet west of the southeasterly corner of said Lot 2; thence due north to a point in the northeasterly line of said Lot 2; thence generally northwesterly along said north- easterly line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning, as shown on District Map No. 15 attached to Ordinance No. 635 and as referred to in Section 9102.2 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and made a part of Article IX of said Code, be, and the same is, hereby rezoned from an R-3 to a C -1-H District and said Map No. 15 is hereby amended to show this zoning change. SECTION 2: The following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, to wit. Beginning at the scutherly earner of Lot 4, Tract 3232, as per map recorded in Book 99,.Pages 49 and 50, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records ofOrangeCounty, Califor- nia; thence north 30 degrees west along the southwest- erly line of said Lot 4 a distance of 155,00 feet; thence north 55 degrees west, along the eouthwesterly line of said Lot 4, a distance of 234,72 feet; thence north 88 degrees 29 minutes, 10 seconds ca€ist, to an intersection with the northeasterly line of said Lot 4; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said Lot 4, to the easterly corner of said Lot 4; thence south SO degrees west along the southeasterly line of said Lot 4 a distance of 116.24 feet to the point of beginning, as shown on District Map No. 15 attached to Ordinance No. 635 and as referred to in Section 9102.2 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and made a par', of Articles IX of said Code, be, and the same Ash is, hereby rezoned from a C -.1-H to an R-3 District and cald Map No. 15 is hereby attended to show this zoning change SECTION 3: The City:.Engineer of the City of Newport Beach is hereby instructed and directed to change District Map No. 15 so as to show the zoning changes described in Sections I and 2 hereof, and, as said District'Map'.shall have been so amended, the same shall remain in gull force and effect and be a part of Ordi- nance No. 635 of the City of Newport Beach :and Article IX of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published once in the Newport Harbor News press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Reach, and the same sh€1l be effective 30 days after the date of its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the day of July, 1959, and was adapted on the day of , 1959, by the following vote, to wit: .AXES, COUNCILICN: ATTEST: City- C er NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: 2. yor June 1, 1959 Mr. Jerny Drawdy Newport Beach Planning Conunission City ' of Neport Beach 3340 W. Newport Beach Boulevard Newport Beach, California Dear Jerry: Attached is a plat showing t7ie partition of Lot 2 of Tract 3232 for your rezoning problem. As I understand it, after your action, this small part of Lot 2, plus Lot 3 and Lot 4,, will be R-3. The big chunk of Lot 2 will be C1 -H for the landing. Trust this is what you require. Best regards, THE IRVINE COMPANY --d--o W. H. Spurgeon, III Assi&cant Vice President WH S/mr Encl. (1) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment '# Resolution # NOTICE IS HLREBY FURTHCR GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE _ 1 . bDAY OF YEAR AT THE HOUR OF P.M. IN TPX COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TLME AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THEREON. STATE OF. CALIFORNIA County of Oranges ARVO E. HA A.Rk I. ..........:.»...................... being first duly sworn, and owoath. depose .and say that I am the printer and publisher of the Neviqrlrt Harbor. Ensign,..a ; weekly newspaper.printed..And'published in the.City of Newport Beach, County, of Arrange, State of California, ?V 0) t� 1 C el .0 7[}. 1 � 1 C II.e.ar i and that the.................................................................................. ......... _....... _................ .............:...,........... of which . cOPY attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was printed and Published in the.. regular lsye(s). of said newspaper, and not to a supplement . ..... consecu- tive times: to -wit the i$aue(s) of June 4', a19�5 . �:............. s, s ............................... ... ...... ................. Y i v (Signed)... Subscribed and sworn to Lief me this—H".... jU I1G' » ...................... .��- ...�.... tf... '...... ...... Notary rui c In and for tlir t5iat # County of : Orange, State of California. u g� � „o oRo C -1 -H ` SAL 80A PR�VR'•.� WAY , $ ( 1 g_ I Y.ACH7- 6As7/V I R�2 I I FRS yRTE WAY i 2, s I � 4` J 0- PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF J. B. WEBB CM FMCINEER HARRY 84WIXETT ATrome, Ii A H N, CAMPBELL B ASSOC. CORSULTAn SCALE 200 OF 600 0 ET 40 PlERNEAQ LINE S E "A n NO. 14 • o -la- m R-3 F�lE4HE.•1/J L •Vf ISL A/VD m C -1-H {{ —50 T�,Ac 'tib. FF � tip ce•,Q� .a,z Tc'i _ 1,0 R-3 WI 3 7 0 ----• \ \ �• o �Fis\ i \ \\ \ C 1-H VEE MA P R/0, /4 DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH -- CALIFORNIA R—A R 1 R --Z IR—3 AGRICULTURAL RMD6 Tii SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL D-UPLEX RESIDENTIAL RESTb. MULTIPLE F7dTdILY RESIDENTIAL R_q C"'1 C-2 I M-1 1utULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL LIGHT COMERCIAL GENERAL COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING _ B COMBINING DISTRICTS U Front Yard Ile fh in Feet Shown Thus !-IO- UNCLASSIFIED I 0 MAP N0. �''