HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0076ZONING PETITIOM NO. EILY OF Nn,�dS� LIT BEACH 4DAR,6 )C:.; APPLaCATIO FM b50.00 J ck H. 13onnott )el i ii�c'k ,221 i . Gorst rAzC�;ht;�y APPLICANT'S ADD: PROPERTY ADDRESS: LEGAL DESC TRACT_,._s':,:a.s: ti„U SECT._ BLOCK- LOT !MT -RUCTIONS (READ CAREFULLY): Fill out this petition carefully. This Petition must be made by one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment and must be accompanied by a map showing the location of property of the signers of the Petition, >. the use of such property and the use of all property adjacent thereto. The Petitioner' shall also submit ,any other data or information requested by the Planning Commission. The Petitioner desires to amend Section9 .02.2 ___of Ord, No. 635 so as to cause this property to fall wi'thir: an__—��®� -- district, or to:— --„ -- - — The reasons for the filing of this Petition are as fol.lows:w STATE OF CALIFOFii1IA) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Petitioner, and that the foregoing Petition and all data, information, and evidence here -with submitted are in all respects to for best of my knowledge and boli,ef, true and -,correct. Sigfiature df Petitioner. The 0-�ove d Sisbscrihed and sworn to before me on the 2 La r day of October 19 59 (SEAL) _•Haler -a Chaswaod Notary Public in and for. he County of Rliversi de, State of Calif �j }, �{ [ \••r •r t h ',1yxV tr �v'1r�s 1 gto��e V �r� s� r J� �rs�,r�� r;�� r� ������� #�'i��l"i`;s ii7i� �i:Y:7i tT■�'..t�tiil:I:li7'L�l�fiA�:Jl"��7�'�`�!G'1�"fT�7i'�����,. �11':X���"�i"i11t�iS'�f6�-, a, i ■ if r' ■ 1 >, i t ZONL YNG AMENDNO. HEARING: _ f DAiE. In accordance with Section the amendment as petitioned for above is hereby GRANTED, subject to all the c.;nditions hereinafter eget forth, and shall be of no force or effect whatso-sver int .l such conditions are met, or until satisfactory guarantees and/or evidence regvi.rements are presented and accepted. .,_.. undersigned hereby certifier t' at he has read, has f J_:L kc owl.edge of, and agree: to of the conditions set forth herein. Signature of Permi.too : FOR DBPAR.TMENT.AL USE ONLY FINDINGS OF PLANNING C011414IS5ION: GRANTED by f leenning Cofidnai, s:ion �-----------GRA11TE by City Council On the day of on the day of Secrctzry, F'.l �r�ni-ng .,c:nr��:L:.>;tlot� _ (,i.ty C�lerlc ,..-.s ! f ` � ,gym r- 1 i �}4 �,.•. r � J' .,t-3 r.:A:m in-.,act, hof ,7713 . _ 7In yap :1_... 'of 7. ACL, r. `. ?. .._ r5 c :. r3 _y, KAMM ea follows: -r W W A Lo-c'- NAT ;-� r1,�i� k Cir i__�.J.. t 94.0)favt 02 ,T� 'YEA t e _.•1 S J- .�J til �� v _ n Irl 1 L -a tit in I in e af�said MA WO OWL -.. M yr r� _ r -t-. .��.. ._i I I tii4r Emma, W i c i - - ,� 1 9-.a..., a'"A, moi,.. - - --_ To: Newport Beach City .planning., Compn�ss�an We, property owners in Gasta. Mesa' aha Will be affeetegd by the zoning of thero ert ed.;I3.t�rth ai : a btii . st.. and ry no. Avenue, Newport Beate P P y � 1ac€�„ do hereby oppose rescinding Amendment °No- 76, filed day, 3aek ;Ii, . Bennett, -_____ --- Dell M. Malick, and Kenneth Ca ,Albri aatp adoptee 'by the Planning Commission o.a November 5, whid'hproposed to rezone this property from an unclassified to A3, D1s'-tric#g _ - 6fVa rdc�uas _ iz�._ oxi# _baa rr talned ifi reop r��ier ded' to the City C ounc i OR IF 1UTY C GE 1S XAM THAT 1T� ' BE ZONED To R1 MUM ADD: - _ --------------- FP-, l , eA - U � r c cr `, wT' 1F jl � � !' NU 'f �� ... ..�� 4.r}_.. 1�•�f:'•i,`_-+4. !'Cl..._..__Y `^'4�r✓ �� A����C+�Cl�''k - � 77. 1 -�'�' I-r,-� G�� jf��-r_-- r -•vim-_ _ _ _....._ _. . _ ��`� r`� -.. ,. � }may"' �. �* .`� s t, C �� ( /',. �-k �f i - _ M i ' i5 r6 { Planning Commission City' of Newport Beach cru} ject S Lt . 3 Tract1125 . Ri gh ,Sol. `'Property Honorable a Commissione ss Weg'the undersigned., as owners of subject land, made application to the. Planning Commission of the City of wport Beach for R-3- zoning. At the regular meeting of the commission, held on November 5, 1959, this application was denied. Therefore, having received a refusal of our application, we request that the subject land remain as "unclassified" until further stsdins can be developed. Very tx-uly your.--, A � i j Jack H. Bennett i Dell M. Ma..lick Kenneth C. Albright dfh kti 4, )f •• i fie. i tl f !�� L � ��ub.�tlz, t ��, � 3� �a !�✓� ✓ �H � � � � f `� t al'l � � b i.0 ��Jyyy,,�,1;.'�' ��"'' "- bio l r s i f r �r"".,'� � Planning Commission City' of Newport Beach cru} ject S Lt . 3 Tract1125 . Ri gh ,Sol. `'Property Honorable a Commissione ss Weg'the undersigned., as owners of subject land, made application to the. Planning Commission of the City of wport Beach for R-3- zoning. At the regular meeting of the commission, held on November 5, 1959, this application was denied. Therefore, having received a refusal of our application, we request that the subject land remain as "unclassified" until further stsdins can be developed. Very tx-uly your.--, A � i j Jack H. Bennett i Dell M. Ma..lick Kenneth C. Albright dfh kti 4, )f •• i fie. i tl HArry Ashltou 2200 Lnurell Newport Beach, Calif. The Irvine coo'- w. Box 3? Tustin, C-111 f% S-w—ort Iftech, 1" lif or! Do LB3 gar S. Smith 47 439- C I I, costae -mesa, ralig. es, H. Elkoe Isla G. R How-po-C Reach, Calik. Newport Beach, Ca I i ff jpzaph. 'S., guan i. ..2212-2 Laurel ewport Ca U f law Be ach Calif RoS.7 — 16 th St;caat et HArry Ashltou 2200 Lnurell Newport Beach, Calif. The Irvine coo'- w. Box 3? Tustin, C-111 f% 5 M.a.,,vo✓sh:},sa�� hmla Pr�F, t 0 76 MAW= ON MM WAM R WI����.` AM,, Z Hoo 7 rim, watim xo Bamv, fir& -m, m -Aum' � m own - C. ALUM"T Awl zo T9 '. F- cISSM t n a' A71 -FE'S A LISM �' `c 1.10 Te X 3 x Paz FaTt 3 l � 1'PH: MAT A MITI K lmxc I'�.=mUUMZE� mmr3.?- DAYS' S � a AT M HIM OF M CEO MZ ffrOPORT, ZULU CIT' U Tq AT FZ,-1 TES AED PtAL3Z ANY Alm ALL Mason MATURRSUD my Antnm AM) m 22:11URD sdI, 011 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, ............... .......BE.N... REDD1.QX.........-. ....... of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT he is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and that ............... he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter, that he is the *.................. printer of the Newport Harbor News Press, a newspaper of general circulation, I printed and pub#fished in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24631; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof -)n the following dates, fr)-wif: FG._,re.mbEr....3..a.....` ..................... all in the year 1959._..... ............................. ........................... i *.D inter Foreman of the Printer or Principal Clerk of the Printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ............... 2.3r.d. day of.......... iov ...... e °.................... 19.x ..... Rebert F, Willme - (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires ............................. ............I�c.v P.cnb ex....16..., 19.....6.3- 1 979 This space is for tho County Clerk's t=iling Stamp Affidavit of Publication of Paste clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space STATE OF CAL!1 ORN!A, County of Orange, flzX .l.x.!aL.�.ld:.... ...................................... of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT . . he is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of th United States, over the age of eighteen years, and that ............... he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that _ ....... _ . he is the *.................. .............................. printer of the Newport Harbor' News !Tess, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831 A& the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and ontire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: all in the year 19...59-.. _. ........... l ...> 'Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal Clerk of the Printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 26�day of . G^ C .kx'.......,....., f 9-..... (S4AL) Notary Public in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires N 969 This space is for the Co-;nty Clerks Filing Stamp Affidavif of Nblikafion of Zoning Change or Ari-andment I nearing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEr?RI.NG Amendment # 76 Resolution # NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVT<N THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEMPORT BEACH WILL HOLD ONE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPLICATION OF Vim, pg 41m� TO AMND ,ftp;vrepwky to bo "="d TRACT 1125 LOCATED AT The lbrth"Ve Corn or of 16th sty is =d Irtim Am= NOTICE IS FXREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEA -RING WILL BE HELD ON THE _ DAY OF Mama YEAR AT THE HOUR OF -3300P. M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CIr HALL, AT WHICH TVIIE AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD 'THEREON. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Pu'blication Date ` Received for Pub Date Reoei.vad w4E5 rez I.Wir 0- w • IV ffdl /0'947"W A/ erO' 'a* FO- W 0,46 Al 5l //' W ,.T 0 R. "Tee 0,- Ir P3119".e a /oz. 0 /7 . NN S'A ti "A bi11 t f� 1 ��; � alb r� 40 40 ja 44 VN w4E5 rez I.Wir 0- w • IV ffdl /0'947"W A/ erO' 'a* FO- W 0,46 Al 5l //' W ,.T 0 R. "Tee 0,- Ir P3119".e a /oz. 0 /7 ffrOq,46 OF;, -5A'E 7-e-41 FAIVW,,Mg oe;',Plq ?'Z~ O� LOTS X � -9 , 7-07.4-C 7- ".9 -"W,5 . NN S'A ffrOq,46 OF;, -5A'E 7-e-41 FAIVW,,Mg oe;',Plq ?'Z~ O� LOTS X � -9 , 7-07.4-C 7- ".9 -"W,5 . NN t f� 1 ��; � alb r� 40 40 ja 44 VN ,e 04 r4 j t"404 7-- ,dg000 7� ` - i el- H