HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0088Resolution No. Y,,Ari1 19 60 Amendment No. 88 CITY PLAIMING COMISSION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: Planning Commission BY: Planning Department TO: City council ON: Amendment cine. Sg initiated by the Planning Comission in order to amend certain sections of the Swimming Pool Ordinance. PROCL+L;M FOLLOWED BY PIAMING COMISSION' Notice of public hearing was duly published in the Newport Harbor maws Press on Larch 25, 1960. one public hearing was conducted on April 7, 1960. FINDINGS OF PLANNING CO ISSTON: The Ca i®aton hus recognized r, -Oat the swiming pool ordinance has created a hardship by requiring that the puaeep, filter and heater installation be encloned ;n a vault of masonry, construction. The intended purpose of this requirement was to eliminate any noise which could be a nuisance to adjacent property owacrs. Swimming pool builders contend that heaters da not create a noise and should not be required to be enclosed with filter and pump. The Commission, upon a review of the swi ing pool 'Jor'di roue agrees with the contentions act forth by the swimming pool builders and reg endo that the ordinance be amended. RECOMMENDATIC , OF PLANNING CCMISSION: The Planning Commiablon =Ccmmuds that the City Council concur with its findings and adopt the ordinance as prepared by the City Attorney's office. RESULTS OF ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Clemente, Capelin, Ficker, Hudson, Lind, Marshall, Skinner and Steelman NOES: None ABSENT: Rudd NOT VOTING- gone By order of the Chairman I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Coission, City of Beach. ~-- Respectfully submitted r. Bratady, — Secretary Newport '1�h City Planning Ztn=ission P. C. Form 1 Aproved by the fCity Council on the otday of 19 x 1. City Clerk Cicy of Newport Beach, California m60" E ORDIHANCE NO. 923 )TY) NXII-4114a KOWSW �R-W The City 'Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 8150 is added to the Newport Beach Municipal Code to read: The Director of Building and Safety may permit other protective devIces or structures to be 'used so long as the degree of protection afforded by the substitute devices or structures is not leas than the protection afforded by the fence as required herein." SECTION 2. Section 8151 is added to the Newport Beach Municipal Code to read: garage, and any such heater shall be adequately guarded against contact with combustible materials." SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and the same shah be effect- ive 30 days after the date of its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held ore the 13th day of June, 1960, and was adopted on the __Z day of July, 1960, by the following vote, to wit: ATTEST AYES, COUNCILMEN: NUBS, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN. City Clerk 2. yor C , mec 7%5/60 ORDINANCE NO. 924 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING SECTION 9105.4(h) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING SECTION 9105.41 TO SAID CODE RELATING TO SWIMINC POOLS The City Council of the City of Newport Beech does ordain as follows SECTION 1. Section 9105.4(h) of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Cede is repealed. SECTION 2. Section 9105.41 is added to the Newport Beach Municival Code to read: "SECTION 9105.41. Yards Swimming Pools. (a) Any swimming p-ool, fish pend, or cat er body of wader which cout&ins Faster eighteen (18) inches or more in depth for use in connection with any single family, duplex, multiple or apartment dwelling, shall be at least five (5) feet from any side or rear yard property lime and ten (10) feet from any front yard property line. No such body of w. -ter shall be permitted in any required yard space unless the enclosing fence required in Section 8150 of this Code is permitted under the provisions sof Section 9105.2(b). (b) Any pump, filter, or heater installed to serve such body of watt:r shall be located not less than five (5) feet from any side or rear yard property line and in no Event nearer than tbn.(10) feet to any dwelling on '$ adjoining properties. Any such pump, filter, or heater shall not be considered an accessory building so to as any required housing therefor does not exceed six (65 feet in height.Pump 7 be operated only between the hours cif. 8 A. M. and S F. N. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and the same shall be effect=- ive 30 days after the date of its adoption,, This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 13th day of June, 1960, and was adapted on the day '�of July, 1960, by the following vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILEEN o ._ ks r F CITY ;NEWPORT.� E . AA - ; rank ;1021 1960. A.y e Y. Twit of rm* v w tm ct-, � 3 as - - Ma bum ref"kd 46 e vv RS cm City ser CC: City 4"Ier rimming �a. -Jerry Councilmen h&ve suggested that noise control is an impo! tant cousider:ation in enclosing P0,01 '��uipmant. RS Y.; A,& ALAA-- T --'1 U— Thanking �..e. _.....�a� ®. �..a......�..,aa, ..,. you In advance for your consideration and attention In thit mattere x Ecal y' UGL3 r Lv). HEM b 4' Ch) gm ;>. S' "n unmW live Pa. 111owl, Ath",!,Ww IMA hm,,-Awr ar the Imyls M; Anntma howv%g YuKh guy NMA 0,11 be PV o, -,P&A, (59 ftao""'7'arr nmlv! ISDIII21, ONA i"'I nw wmc wwwwav U-i-i"a's, Wfii,, ,.'gip. 'a to ,;�qy slope may kwu f"w'-s"r "a"'n'17 (21 Awn Owny �-..en. -,-mom LwO Mt ,E, t -q, I.v V1104" AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION This space is far tie County Clam`s Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA, -ouni-f of Orange, of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT-- he is anal at all Vrnes here mentioned was a citizen of the Un ted Stafes; over the age of eighteen year.., and that -„-, ..1 he is not a party to, nor inferesfed in the above entitled matter, that he - the *....._..._._. .......... printer of the Newport Harbor, News Press, a newspaper of geeneral c€mu afion' printed and published in the City of Nbtarp'orf Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general 6r- culafion by ff,e Superior COUH of flee Coun$y. of Orange. Sfate of California, under date of October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24$31; That -the notice, of which fhe annexed Fs a pran+6d copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and r,of in any supplement thereof on the follow ng cafes, fo-wit: €�►#iG�3t�i[ .QT x�P-r { all in the year 19-...6.0.. .............--------- *Printer Foreman of the Printer or P€inripal " Clem of the Printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me fhis .................. 2 5:.4 day of... - !Aar c�a.._ ,... r. _----. - ,_ (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said Cour fy and State. My Commission Exp- es 20 2 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION This space is far tie County Clam`s Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA, -ouni-f of Orange, of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT-- he is anal at all Vrnes here mentioned was a citizen of the Un ted Stafes; over the age of eighteen year.., and that -„-, ..1 he is not a party to, nor inferesfed in the above entitled matter, that he - the *....._..._._. .......... printer of the Newport Harbor, News Press, a newspaper of geeneral c€mu afion' printed and published in the City of Nbtarp'orf Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general 6r- culafion by ff,e Superior COUH of flee Coun$y. of Orange. Sfate of California, under date of October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24$31; That -the notice, of which fhe annexed Fs a pran+6d copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and r,of in any supplement thereof on the follow ng cafes, fo-wit: €�►#iG�3t�i[ .QT x�P-r { all in the year 19-...6.0.. .............--------- *Printer Foreman of the Printer or P€inripal " Clem of the Printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me fhis .................. 2 5:.4 day of... - !Aar c�a.._ ,... r. _----. - ,_ (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said Cour fy and State. My Commission Exp- es